msgid "" msgstr "" "PO-Revision-Date: 2024-10-21 18:26:56+0000\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n" "X-Generator: GlotPress/2.4.0-alpha\n" "Language: id\n" "Project-Id-Version:\n" msgid "" "You are about to change your username, {{strong}}%(username)s{{/strong}}. " "Once changed, you will not be able to revert it." msgstr "" "Anda akan mengubah nama pengguna Anda, {{strong}}%(username)s{{/strong}}. " "Setelah diubah, Anda tidak akan dapat mengembalikannya." msgid "Confirm username change" msgstr "Konfirmasi perubahan nama pengguna" msgid "Change username" msgstr "Ubah nama pengguna" msgid "Nice username!" msgstr "Nama pengguna yang bagus!" msgid "Username changed successfully!" msgstr "Nama pengguna berhasil diubah!" msgid "" "Your account is now activated or fully connected to on your " "site %2$s. You can now start generating revenue!" msgstr "" "Akun Anda sudah teraktivasi atau terkoneksi sepenuhnya ke " "melalui situs %2$s. Siap-siap raih keuntungan!" msgid "" "Visit payments dashboard to connect Stripe to your site." msgstr "" "Buka dasbor pembayaran untuk menyambungkan Stripe ke " "situs Anda." msgid "Your mailbox %(mailbox)s has been created." msgstr "Mailbox %(mailbox)s Anda sudah dibuat." msgctxt "refundText is of the form \"[currency-symbol][amount]\" i.e. \"$20\"" msgid "" "If you confirm this cancellation, you will receive a {{span}}refund of " "%(refundText)s{{/span}}, and your subscription will be removed immediately." msgstr "" "Jika Anda mengonfirmasi pembatalan ini, Anda akan menerima {{span}}" "pengembalian dana sebesar %(refundText)s{{/span}}, dan langganan Anda akan " "segera dihapus." msgid "{{contactLink}}Ask a Happiness Engineer{{/contactLink}}." msgstr "{{contactLink}}Tanya Happiness Engineer{{/contactLink}}." msgid "Need help with your purchase?" msgstr "Perlu bantuan dengan pembelian Anda?" msgid "Have a question or seeking a refund?" msgstr "Punya pertanyaan atau mau minta pengembalian dana?" msgid "" "If you complete this cancellation, your subscription will be removed on " "{{span}}%(expirationDate)s{{/span}}." msgstr "" "Jika Anda menyelesaikan pembatalan ini, langganan Anda akan dihapus pada " "tanggal {{span}}%(expirationDate)s{{/span}}." msgid "" "These features will no longer be available on your site when your " "%(productName)s plan expires:" msgstr "" "Fitur-fitur berikut tidak akan lagi tersedia di situs Anda ketika paket " "%(productName)s Anda kedaluwarsa:" msgid "" "By canceling the %(productName)s plan, these features will no longer be " "available on your site:" msgstr "" "Dengan membatalkan paket %(productName)s, fitur-fitur berikut tidak akan " "lagi tersedia di situs Anda:" msgid "" "Your plan includes the custom domain {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}. What " "would you like to do with the domain?" msgstr "" "Paket Anda memiliki domain khusus {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}. Apa yang " "Anda akan lakukan dengan domain tersebut?" msgid "" "This plan includes the custom domain mapping for %(mappedDomain)s. The " "domain will not be removed along with the plan, to avoid any interruptions " "for your visitors." msgstr "" "Paket ini mencakup pemetaan domain kustom untuk %(mappedDomain)s. Domain " "tidak akan dihapus bersama paket, untuk menghindari segala gangguan bagi " "pengunjung Anda. " msgid "The %(themeName)s theme is activated successfully!" msgstr "Tema %(themeName)s berhasil diaktifkan!" msgid "" "Sign up for a free account to start building your new website. " "Get access to powerful tools and customizable designs to bring your ideas to " "life." msgstr "" "Daftar akun gratis untuk mulai membangun situs web baru Anda. " "Dapatkan akses ke perangkat canggih dan desain yang dapat disesuaikan untuk " "mewujudkan ide-ide Anda." msgid "" "Add, organize, and display {{link}}portfolio projects{{/link}}. If your " "theme doesn’t support portfolio projects yet, you can display them using the " "shortcode [portfolio]. If your theme does support portfolio projects, these " "will remain active regardless of toggle state." msgstr "" "Tambah, atur, dan tampilkan {{link}}proyek portofolio{{/link}}. Jika tema " "Anda belum mendukung proyek portofolio, Anda dapat menampilkannya dengan " "menggunakan shortcode [portfolio]. Jika tema Anda mendukung proyek " "portofolio, maka proyek ini akan tetap aktif terlepas dari status " "pengaturannya aktif atau tidak." msgid "" "Verifying your email helps you secure your account and enables " "key features." msgstr "" "Memverifikasi e-mail membantu Anda mengamankan akun dan " "mengaktifkan fitur-fitur utama." msgid "" "We sent an email to %(email)s. Please check your inbox to verify your email." msgstr "" "Kami telah mengirimkan e-mail ke %(email)s. Mohon periksa inbox Anda untuk " "memverifikasi e-mail Anda." msgid "" "Settings saved successfully!{{br/}}We sent an email to %(email)s. Please " "check your inbox to verify your email." msgstr "" "Pengaturan berhasil disimpan!{{br/}}Kami telah mengirim e-mail ke %(email)s. " "Mohon periksa inbox Anda untuk memverifikasi e-mail Anda." msgid "" "Your email has not been verified yet. {{cancelWrapper}}Cancel the pending " "email change{{/cancelWrapper}}." msgstr "" "E-mail Anda belum diverifikasi. {{cancelWrapper}}Batalkan perubahan e-mail " "yang tertunda{{/cancelWrapper}}." msgid "" "Add the {{link}}Latest Instagram Posts block{{/link}} to display your latest " "photos." msgstr "" "Tambahkan {{link}}blok Pos Instagram Terbaru{{/link}} untuk menampilkan foto " "terbaru Anda." msgid "Add the Latest Instagram Posts block" msgstr "Tambahkan blok Pos Instagram Terbaru" msgid "Connect to use the Latest Instagram Posts block." msgstr "Hubungkan untuk menggunakan blok Pos Instagram Terbaru." msgid "toggle page selector" msgstr "beralih pemilih halaman" msgid "Fediverse settings now live in {{link}}Marketing Connections{{/link}}." msgstr "" "Pengaturan Fediverse sekarang ada di {{link}}Koneksi Pemasaran{{/link}}." msgid "" "If you have any problem or question contact Support." msgstr "" "Jika Anda punya pertanyaan atau mengalami masalah, hubungi Dukungan." msgid "" "Find more details on our support " "page." msgstr "" "Baca detail selengkapnya di halaman " "dukungan kami." msgid "" "Manage your subscription on your purchases page." msgstr "" "Kelola langganan di halaman " "pembelian." msgid "" "More details can be found on our " "support page." msgstr "" "Detail selengkapnya dapat ditemukan di halaman dukungan kami." msgid "" "To manage your purchases or view your billing history, visit Me > Manage Purchases in your " "WordPress.​com account." msgstr "" "Untuk mengelola pembelian atau melihat riwayat tagihan, buka Saya > Kelola Pembelian di akun " "WordPress.​com Anda." msgid "" "If you have any problems or questions, please do not hesitate to contact support." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memiliki masalah atau pertanyaan, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi dukungan." msgid "Check your inbox and confirm your email to subscribe to %s." msgstr "Periksa inbox dan konfirmasi email Anda untuk berlangganan %s." msgid "We sent a confirmation link to %s." msgstr "Kami telah mengirimkan tautan konfirmasi ke %s." msgid "" "Log in to your account to manage your website, publish " "content, and access all your tools securely and easily." msgstr "" "Login ke akun Anda untuk mengelola situs web, mempublikasikan " "konten, dan mengakses semua perangkat dengan aman dan mudah." msgid "Share a preview link with clients" msgstr "Bagikan tautan pratinjau dengan klien" msgid "Performance statistics are only available for public sites." msgstr "Statistik performa hanya tersedia untuk situs publik." msgid "Launch your site to start measuring performance" msgstr "Luncurkan situs Anda untuk mulai mengukur performa" msgid "" "An error occurred while testing your site. Try running the test again or " "contact support if the error persists." msgstr "" "Terjadi eror saat menguji situs Anda. Coba jalankan pengujian lagi atau " "hubungi layanan bantuan jika eror ini tetap muncul." msgid "Limited site activity log" msgstr "Log aktivitas situs terbatas" msgid "" "Link your accounts to gain more valuable insights in seconds. No coding " "required." msgstr "" "Tautkan akun-akun Anda untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak wawasan berharga hanya " "dalam beberapa detik. Tidak perlu coding." msgid "Connect Google Analytics and Cloudflare Web Analytics" msgstr "Hubungkan Google Analytics dan Cloudflare Web Analytics" msgid "" "Create free listings and ads to showcase your products to shoppers across " "Google." msgstr "" "Buatlah listing dan iklan gratis untuk memamerkan produk Anda ke pembeli di " "Google." msgid "" "Create a near-endless range of automated workflows to help you grow your " "store, including different combinations of triggers, rules, and actions." msgstr "" "Buatlah alur kerja otomatis hampir tanpa batas untuk membantu pengembangan " "toko Anda, termasuk berbagai kombinasi pemicu, aturan, dan tindakan." msgid "" "Assign your products to brands and make it easier for your customers to " "browse your catalog by brand." msgstr "" "Berilah produk Anda merek supaya memudahkan pelanggan menelusuri katalog." msgid "Automate your tax calculations." msgstr "Otomatiskan penghitungan pajak Anda." msgid "Tax solutions - Avalara & EU VAT" msgstr "Solusi pajak - Avalara & PPN UE" msgid "" "Accept online payments, track revenue, and handle all payment activity from " "your store’s dashboard." msgstr "" "Terima pembayaran secara online, pantau pendapatan, dan kelola semua " "transaksi langsung dari dasbor toko." msgid "" "Be visible and let your customers connect with your brand on social media " "channels." msgstr "" "Tunjukkan eksistensi dan hubungkan pelanggan dengan merek Anda di saluran " "media sosial." msgid "Social media integrations" msgstr "Integrasi media sosial" msgid "3 bundled premium WooCommerce themes" msgstr "3 paket tema premium WooCommerce" msgid "" "Offer smart upsells, cross-sells, and “frequently bought together” " "recommendations and measure their impact with in-depth analytics." msgstr "" "Tawarkan rekomendasi cerdas berupa upsell, cross-sell, dan \"sering dibeli " "bersamaan\", lalu perhitungkan pengaruhnya dengan analitik mendalam." msgid "" "Combine products in bundles. Offer discount packages and create product kits " "and curated lists of products that are bought together often." msgstr "" "Gabungkan produk ke dalam bundel. Tawarkan paket diskon serta susunlah kit " "produk dan daftar produk pilihan yang sering dibeli bersamaan." msgid "Offer multi-purpose gift cards that customers can redeem online." msgstr "Tawarkan kartu hadiah serbaguna yang dapat ditukarkan secara online." msgid "" "Offer extra products and services, such as gift wrapping, a special message, " "extended warranty, insurance, customizations, and more." msgstr "" "Tawarkan produk dan layanan ekstra seperti bungkus kado, pesan khusus, " "perpanjangan garansi, asuransi, kustomisasi, dan lain-lain." msgid "eCommerce tools and optimized WooCommerce hosting" msgstr "Alat eCommerce dan hosting WooCommerce dengan performa optimal" msgid "Optimized WooCommerce experience" msgstr "Pengalaman WooCommerce yang optimal" msgid "Collect payments or donations securely through your site via PayPal." msgstr "" "Kumpulkan pembayaran atau donasi secara aman melalui situs Anda via PayPal." msgid "Unlimited site activity log" msgstr "Log aktivitas tanpa batas" msgid "Bundled plugin auto-updates" msgstr "Pembaruan otomatis paket plugin" msgid "Unlimited VideoPress videos" msgstr "Video VideoPress tanpa batas" msgid "Seamless syncing between staging and production" msgstr "Sinkronisasi staging dan produksi lancar tanpa gangguan" msgid "Customize fonts and colors sitewide" msgstr "Sesuaikan font dan warna di situs" msgid "Ad-free browsing experience for your visitors" msgstr "Pengalaman penelusuran bebas iklan bagi pengunjung Anda" msgid "FedRAMP certification" msgstr "Sertifikasi FedRAMP" msgid "" "Optimize your site for lightning-fast performance. {{link}}Learn more.{{/" "link}}" msgstr "" "Optimalkan situs Anda untuk performa secepat kilat. {{link}}Pelajari lebih " "lanjut.{{/link}}" msgid "" "You can customize the date format in your site’s {{link}}general settings{{/" "link}}" msgstr "" "Anda dapat menyesuaikan format tanggal di {{link}}pengaturan umum{{/link}} " "situs Anda" msgid "By {{Author/}}" msgstr "Oleh {{Author/}}" msgid "By {{Author/}} on {{Date/}}" msgstr "Oleh {{Author/}} pada {{Date/}}" msgid "{{Preview}}Preview:{{/Preview}} {{Empty}}Byline will be empty{{/Empty}}" msgstr "" "{{Preview}}Pratinjau:{{/Preview}} {{Empty}}Byline akan tetap kosong{{/Empty}}" msgid "" "Unable to cancel your purchase. Please try again later or {{a}}contact " "support{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat membatalkan pembelian Anda. Mohon coba lagi nanti atau {{a}}" "hubungi layanan bantuan{{/a}}." msgid "Unlimited pages, posts, users, and visitors" msgstr "Halaman, pos, pengguna, dan pengunjung tanpa batas" msgid "SFTP/SSH, WP-CLI, Git commands, and GitHub Deployments" msgstr "SFTP/SSH, WP-CLI, Git commands, dan GitHub Deployments" msgid "Switch between all of our themes." msgstr "Ganti tema mana pun yang kami sediakan." msgid "All premium and store themes" msgstr "Semua tema premium dan toko" msgid "" "Syncing staging database to production overwrites posts, pages, products and " "orders. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Menyinkronkan database staging ke produksi akan menimpa pos, halaman, " "produk, dan pesanan. {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}}." msgid "" "You can now set the color scheme on your individual site by visiting Users → " "Profile from your site dashboard." msgstr "" "Sekarang Anda dapat mengatur skema warna pada masing-masing situs Anda " "dengan mengunjungi menu Pengguna → Profil dari dasbor situs Anda." msgid "Your earnings are being deposited to the `%1$s` Stripe account." msgstr "Penghasilan Anda akan masuk ke akun Stripe `%1$s`" msgid "Save %(percentSavings)d%% by paying annually" msgstr "Hemat %(percentSavings)d%% dengan pembayaran tahunan" msgid "%(visitCount)s this month" msgstr "%(visitCount)s bulan ini" msgid "No visits so far this month" msgstr "Tidak ada kunjungan sejauh ini di bulan ini" msgid "Upgrade to monitor site" msgstr "Upgrade agar dapat memantau situs" msgid "Activate hosting features" msgstr "Aktifkan fitur hosting" msgid "Monitor site performance" msgstr "Pantau performa situs" msgid "%(value)s %(measure)s used" msgstr "%(value)s %(measure)s digunakan" msgid "The hosting features will appear here automatically when they're ready!" msgstr "Fitur-fitur hosting akan otomatis muncul di sini jika sudah siap!" msgid "Save %(percentSavings)d%% by paying for three years" msgstr "" "Hemat %(percentSavings)d%% jika membayar selama tiga tahun" msgid "" "Modify the layout, colors, typography, and content to fit your unique style " "and needs. Plus, use any pattern from our pattern library to " "enhance and tailor your site ensuring it truly stands out." msgstr "" "Ubah tata letak, warna, tipografi, dan konten agar sesuai dengan gaya dan " "kebutuhan unik Anda. Selain itu, gunakan pola apa pun dari pustaka " "pola kami untuk menyempurnakan dan menyesuaikan situs Anda sehingga " "benar-benar menonjol." msgid "" "{{p}}The avatar you upload here is synced with {{ExternalLink}}Gravatar{{/" "ExternalLink}}. If you do not have a Gravatar account, one will be created " "for you when you upload your first image.{{/p}}" msgstr "" "{{p}}Avatar yang Anda unggah di sini disinkronkan dengan {{ExternalLink}}" "Gravatar{{/ExternalLink}}. Jika Anda tidak memiliki akun Gravatar, akun " "tersebut akan dibuatkan untuk Anda saat Anda mengunggah gambar pertama Anda." "{{/p}}" msgid "" "{{p}}To ensure uninterrupted access to core Stats features, please upgrade " "to a Jetpack Stats Commercial license using the button below by " "{{b}}%(date)s{{/b}}. {{/p}}{{p}}{{jetpackStatsProductLink}}Upgrade my " "Stats{{/jetpackStatsProductLink}}{{commercialUpgradeLink}}" "{{commercialUpgradeLinkText}}Learn more{{/commercialUpgradeLinkText}}" "{{externalIcon /}}{{/commercialUpgradeLink}}{{/p}}" msgstr "" "{{p}}Untuk memastikan akses tanpa gangguan ke fitur-fitur inti Stats, " "silakan upgrade ke lisensi Jetpack Stats Commercial menggunakan tombol di " "bawah ini sebelum {{b}}%(date)s{{/b}}. {{/p}}{{p}}{{jetpackStatsProductLink}}" "Upgrade Stats saya{{/jetpackStatsProductLink}} {{commercialUpgradeLink}}" "{{commercialUpgradeLinkText}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/" "commercialUpgradeLinkText}}{{externalIcon /}}{{/commercialUpgradeLink}}{{/p}}" msgid "" "{{p}}To ensure uninterrupted access to core Stats features, please upgrade " "to a Jetpack Stats Commercial license using the button below. {{/p}}{{p}}" "{{jetpackStatsProductLink}}Upgrade my Stats{{/jetpackStatsProductLink}} " "{{commercialUpgradeLink}}{{commercialUpgradeLinkText}}Learn more{{/" "commercialUpgradeLinkText}}{{externalIcon /}}{{/commercialUpgradeLink}}{{/p}}" msgstr "" "{{p}}Untuk memastikan akses tanpa gangguan ke fitur-fitur inti Stats, " "silakan upgrade ke lisensi Jetpack Stats Commercial menggunakan tombol di " "bawah ini. {{/p}}{{p}}{{jetpackStatsProductLink}}Upgrade Stats saya{{/" "jetpackStatsProductLink}} {{commercialUpgradeLink}}" "{{commercialUpgradeLinkText}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/" "commercialUpgradeLinkText}}{{externalIcon /}}{{/commercialUpgradeLink}}{{/p}}" msgid "{{b}}Unmetered{{/b}} bandwidth" msgstr "{{b}}Bandwidth{{/b}} tanpa batas" msgid "" "X (Twitter) is {{a}}no longer supported{{/a}}. You can still use our quick " "{{a2}}manual sharing{{/a2}} feature from the post editor to share to it!" msgstr "" "X (Twitter) {{a}}tidak lagi didukung{{/a}}. Anda masih dapat menggunakan " "fitur {{a2}}berbagi secara manual {{/a2}} secara cepat kami dari editor pos " "untuk berbagi ke sana!" msgid "" "The current primary address set for this site is: " "{{strong}}%(selectedDomain)s{{/strong}}. You can change it by selecting a " "different address from the list below. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/" "learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Alamat utama saat ini yang ditetapkan untuk situs ini adalah: " "{{strong}}%(selectedDomain)s{{/strong}}. Anda dapat mengubahnya dengan " "memilih alamat yang berbeda dari daftar di bawah ini. {{learnMoreLink}}" "Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "" "Before changing your primary site address you must {{domainSearchLink}}" "register{{/domainSearchLink}} or {{mapDomainLink}}connect{{/mapDomainLink}} " "a new custom domain. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Sebelum mengubah alamat situs utama, Anda harus {{domainSearchLink}}" "mendaftarkan{{/domainSearchLink}} atau {{mapDomainLink}}menghubungkan{{/" "mapDomainLink}} domain khusus baru. {{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/" "learnMoreLink}}." msgid "" "Your site plan doesn't allow to set a custom domain as a primary site " "address. {{planUpgradeLink}}Upgrade your plan{{/planUpgradeLink}} and get a " "free one-year domain registration or transfer with any annual paid plan. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Paket situs Anda tidak memungkinkan untuk menetapkan domain khusus sebagai " "alamat situs utama. {{planUpgradeLink}}Upgrade paket Anda{{/" "planUpgradeLink}} dan dapatkan registrasi atau transfer domain gratis selama " "satu tahun dengan paket berbayar tahunan. {{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih " "lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "" "Automatically generate custom images for posts using a template or a custom " "text." msgstr "" "Otomatis buat gambar khusus untuk pos menggunakan template atau teks khusus." msgid "Upload custom images or videos with your posts." msgstr "Unggah gambar atau video khusus dengan pos Anda" msgid "Share an unlimited number of posts." msgstr "Bagikan pos dalam jumlah tak terbatas." msgid "Share an unlimited number of posts" msgstr "Bagikan pos dalam jumlah tak terbatas" msgid "" "Automatically share to Facebook, Instagram, Threads, LinkedIn, Mastodon, " "Tumblr, and Nextdoor." msgstr "" "Otomatis bagikan ke Facebook, Instagram, Threads, LinkedIn, Mastodon, " "Tumblr, dan Nextdoor." msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Comments module is empty" msgid "" "Learn about the {{link}}comments{{/link}} your site receives by authors, " "posts, and pages." msgstr "" "Pelajari tentang {{link}}komentar {{/link}} yang diterima situs Anda dari " "penulis, pos, dan halaman." msgctxt "" "Stats: Header popover with information when the Videos module has data." msgid "" "Most {{link}}popular videos{{/link}} uploaded to your site. Learn more about " "their performance." msgstr "" "{{link}}Video paling populer{{/link}} yang diunggah ke situs Anda. Pelajari " "lebih lanjut tentang performanya." msgctxt "Stats: Popover information when the UTM module has data" msgid "" "Track your campaign {{link}}UTM performance data{{/link}}. Generate URL " "codes with our builder." msgstr "" "Lacak {{link}}data performa kampanye UTM{{/link}} Anda. Buat kode URL dengan " "builder kami." msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Tags & Categories module has data" msgid "" "Most visited {{link}}tags & categories{{/link}}. Learn about the most " "engaging topics. " msgstr "" "{{link}}Tag & kategori {{/link}}yang paling banyak dikunjungi. Pelajari " "tentang topik yang paling menarik." msgctxt "Stats: Link in a popover for the Referrers when the module has data" msgid "" "Websites {{link}}referring visitors{{/link}} sorted by most clicked. Learn " "about where your audience comes from." msgstr "" "Situs web {{link}}yang mendatangkan pengunjung{{/link}} diurutkan " "berdasarkan yang paling banyak diklik. Pelajari dari mana audiens Anda " "berasal." msgctxt "Stats: Header popower information when the Emails module has data." msgid "{{link}}Latest emails sent{{/link}} and their performance." msgstr "{{link}}E-mail terbaru yang dikirim{{/link}} dan kinerjanya." msgctxt "Stats: Info popover content when the file downloads module has data." msgid "Most {{link}}downloaded files{{/link}} from your site." msgstr "{{link}}File yang paling banyak diunduh{{/link}} dari situs Anda." msgctxt "Stats: Info popover content when the Devices module has data." msgid "" "The {{link}}devices and browsers{{/link}} your visitors use to access your " "website." msgstr "" "{{link}}Perangkat dan browser{{/link}} yang digunakan pengunjung untuk " "mengakses situs Anda." msgctxt "" "Stats: Link in a popover for Countries module when the module has data" msgid "Stats on visitors and their {{link}}viewing location{{/link}}." msgstr "Statistik pengunjung dan {{link}}lokasi berkunjung{{/link}} mereka." msgctxt "Stats: Link in a popover for the Clicks module when it has data" msgid "Most {{link}}clicked external links{{/link}} to track engaging content." msgstr "" "{{link}}Tautan eksternal yang paling banyak diklik{{/link}} untuk melacak " "konten yang menarik." msgctxt "" "Stats: Link in a popover for the Posts & Pages when the module has data" msgid "" "{{link}}Posts and pages{{/link}} sorted by most visited. Learn about what " "content resonates the most." msgstr "" "{{link}}Pos dan halaman{{/link}} diurutkan berdasarkan yang paling banyak " "dikunjungi. Pelajari tentang konten apa yang paling banyak dikunjungi." msgctxt "" "Stats: Link in a popover for the Posts & Pages when the module has data" msgid "" "Learn about your most {{link}}popular authors{{/link}} to better understand " "how they contribute to grow your site." msgstr "" "Pelajari tentang {{link}}penulis Anda yang paling populer{{/link}} untuk " "lebih memahami bagaimana mereka berkontribusi dalam mengembangkan situs Anda." msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Tags & Categories module is empty" msgid "" "Learn about your most visited {{link}}tags & categories{{/link}} to track " "engaging topics. " msgstr "" "Pelajari tentang {{link}}tag & kategori{{/link}} yang paling sering " "dikunjungi untuk melacak topik yang menarik." msgid "Building sites for customers? Here's how to earn more." msgstr "" "Membuat situs untuk pelanggan? Inilah cara untuk menghasilkan lebih banyak." msgid "Integrated APM" msgstr "APM Terintegrasi" msgid "Integrated enterprise search" msgstr "Pencarian perusahaan terintegrasi" msgid "Automated plugin upgrade" msgstr "Upgrade plugin otomatis" msgid "Plugin and theme vulnerability scanning" msgstr "Pemindaian kerentanan plugin dan tema" msgid "Single sign-on (SSO)" msgstr "Single sign-on (SSO)" msgid "Advanced access controls" msgstr "Kontrol akses lanjutan" msgid "Efficient multi-site management" msgstr "Manajemen multisitus yang efisien" msgid "Command line interface (CLI)" msgstr "Antarmuka baris perintah (CLI)" msgid "Management dashboard" msgstr "Dasbor manajemen" msgid "Staging environments" msgstr "Lingkungan staging" msgid "Integrated code repository" msgstr "Repositori kode terintegrasi" msgid "Integrated CDN" msgstr "CDN terintegrasi" msgid "Dynamic autoscaling" msgstr "Pengaturan skala otomatis yang dinamis" msgid "Global infrastructure" msgstr "Infrastruktur global" msgid "Containerized environment" msgstr "Lingkungan dalam kontainer" msgid "API mesh and node hosting" msgstr "Hosting mesh dan node API" msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the UTM module is empty" msgid "" "Your {{link}}campaign UTM performance data{{/link}} will display here once " "readers click on your URLs with UTM codes. Get started!" msgstr "" "{{link}}Data kinerja kampanye UTM{{/link}} Anda akan tampil di sini setelah " "pembaca mengklik URL Anda dengan kode UTM. Ayo mulai!" msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Referrers module is empty" msgid "" "We'll show you which websites are {{link}}referring visitors{{/link}} to " "your site so you can discover where your audience comes from. Start sharing!" msgstr "" "Kami akan menunjukkan kepada Anda situs web mana yang {{link}}mendatangkan " "pengunjung{{/link}} ke situs Anda sehingga Anda dapat mengetahui dari mana " "audiens Anda berasal. Mulai berbagi!" msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Devices module is empty" msgid "" "The {{link}}devices and browsers{{/link}} your visitors use to access your " "site will display here." msgstr "" "{{link}}Perangkat dan browser{{/link}} yang digunakan pengunjung untuk " "mengakses situs Anda akan tampil di sini." msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Videos module is empty" msgid "" "Your {{link}}most popular videos{{/link}} will display here to better " "understand how they performed. Start uploading!" msgstr "" "{{link}}Video Anda yang paling populer{{/link}} akan tampil di sini agar " "Anda dapat lebih memahami bagaimana kinerjanya. Mulailah mengunggah!" msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Search module is empty" msgid "" "Learn about {{link}}popular terms{{/link}} visitors use to find your site " "content on search engines." msgstr "" "Pelajari tentang {{link}}istilah pencarian populer{{/link}} yang digunakan " "pengunjung untuk menemukan konten situs Anda di mesin pencari." msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the file downloads module is empty" msgid "Your most {{link}}downloaded files{{/link}} will display here." msgstr "" "{{link}}File Anda{{/link}} yang paling banyak diunduh akan tampil di sini." msgid "Track the most viewed {{link}}tags & categories{{/link}}." msgstr "Lacak {{link}}tag & kategori{{/link}} yang paling banyak dilihat." msgid "All-time {{link}}website insights{{/link}}." msgstr "{{link}}Wawasan situs web{{/link}} sepanjang masa." msgid "Engagement information on your most viewed {{link}}videos{{/link}}." msgstr "" "Informasi keterlibatan pengunjung (engagement) pada {{link}}video{{/link}} " "Anda yang paling banyak dilihat." msgid "See {{link}}terms that visitors search{{/link}} to find your site." msgstr "" "Lihat {{link}}istilah yang dicari pengunjung{{/link}} untuk menemukan situs " "Anda." msgid "" "View information about {{link}}emails{{/link}} sent to your subscribers." msgstr "" "Lihat informasi tentang {{link}}e-mail{{/link}} yang dikirim ke pelanggan " "Anda." msgid "See how much traffic each {{link}}author{{/link}} has generated." msgstr "" "Lihat berapa banyak traffic yang dihasilkan oleh setiap {{link}}penulis{{/" "link}}." msgid "View the most clicked {{link}}external links{{/link}} on your site." msgstr "" "Lihat {{link}}tautan eksternal{{/link}} yang paling banyak diklik di situs " "Anda." msgid "Upgrade to track visitors by {{link}}location{{/link}}." msgstr "Upgrade untuk melacak pengunjung berdasarkan {{link}}lokasi{{/link}}." msgid "" "Discover which websites are {{link}}referring visitors{{/link}} to your site." msgstr "" "Temukan situs web mana saja yang {{link}}mengarahkan pengunjung{{/link}} ke " "situs Anda." msgid "Track which {{link}}Posts and Pages{{/link}} receive the most views." msgstr "" "Lacak {{link}}Pos dan Halaman{{/link}} mana yang paling banyak dilihat." msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Emails module is empty" msgid "" "Your {{link}}latest emails sent{{/link}} will display here to better " "understand how they performed. Start sending!" msgstr "" "{{link}}E-mail terbaru yang Anda kirimkan{{/link}} akan tampil di sini untuk " "lebih memahami kinerjanya. Mulai mengirim!" msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Authors module is empty" msgid "" "Learn about your most {{link}}popular authors{{/link}} to better understand " "how they contribute to grow your site." msgstr "" "Pelajari tentang {{link}}penulis Anda yang paling populer{{/link}} untuk " "lebih memahami bagaimana mereka berkontribusi dalam mengembangkan situs Anda." msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Clicks module is empty" msgid "" "Your most {{link}}clicked external links{{/link}} will display here to track " "engaging content." msgstr "" "{{link}}Tautan eksternal paling sering diklik{{/link}} akan ditampilkan di " "sini untuk melacak konten yang menarik perhatian." msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Countries module is empty" msgid "" "Stats on visitors and their {{link}}viewing location{{/link}} will appear " "here to learn from where you are getting visits." msgstr "" "Statistik pengunjung dan {{link}}lokasi berkunjung{{/link}} mereka akan " "muncul di sini untuk mengetahui dari mana saja Anda mendapatkan kunjungan." msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Posts & Pages module is empty" msgid "" "Your top {{link}}posts and pages{{/link}} will display here to learn what " "content resonates the most. Start creating and sharing!" msgstr "" "{{link}}Pos dan halaman{{/link}} teratas Anda akan ditampilkan di sini untuk " "mengetahui konten yang paling sering diakses. Mulai buat dan berbagi!" msgid "" "%(boostPercentage)d%% more sites have good Core Web Vitals " "when compared to any other WordPress host [Source: Google data]." msgstr "" "%(boostPercentage)d%% lebih situs yang memiliki Core Web " "Vitals yang baik jika dibandingkan dengan host WordPress lainnya [Sumber: " "data Google]." msgctxt "Expired domain notice" msgid "" "The domain {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} expired %(timeSince)s. It's " "no longer available to manage or renew. We may be able to restore it after " "{{strong}}%(aftermarketAuctionEnd)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Domain {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} telah kedaluwarsa %(timeSince)s. " "Domain tersebut tidak lagi tersedia untuk dikelola atau diperpanjang. Kami " "mungkin dapat memulihkannya setelah {{strong}}%(aftermarketAuctionEnd)s{{/" "strong}}." msgid "This site is managed through {{a}}Automattic for Agencies{{/a}}." msgstr "Situs ini dikelola melalui {{a}}Automattic for Agencies{{/a}}." msgid "" "Just a little reminder that by continuing with any of the options below, you " "agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and have read our " "{{privacyLink}}Privacy Policy{{/privacyLink}}." msgstr "" "Sekadar pengingat bahwa dengan melanjutkan salah satu opsi di bawah ini, " "Anda menyetujui {{tosLink}}Ketentuan Layanan {{/tosLink}} dan sudah membaca " "{{privacyLink}}Kebijakan Privasi {{/privacyLink}} kami." msgid "" "Preview and troubleshoot changes before updating your production site. {{a}}" "Learn more{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Pratinjau dan perbaiki kendala perubahan sebelum memperbarui situs produksi " "Anda. {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}}." msgid "Plugins {{wbr}}{{/wbr}}marketplace" msgstr "Marketplace {{wbr}}{{/wbr}}plugin" msgid "" "We’d love to talk with you! All paid plans include access to support from " "our team of WordPress experts (we call them Happiness Engineers).{{br /}}" "{{br /}}And if you have pre-purchase questions, we can talk at the checkout " "page. Select the plan that looks like the best fit for you and click the " "“Questions? Ask a Happiness Engineer” link on the next page." msgstr "" "Kami ingin sekali berbicara dengan Anda! Semua paket berbayar sudah termasuk " "akses ke layanan bantuan dari tim ahli WordPress kami (kami menyebutnya " "Happiness Engineer).{{br /}}{{br /}}Dan jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan " "sebelum membeli, kita dapat berdiskusi di halaman checkout. Pilih paket yang " "paling cocok untuk Anda dan klik tautan \"Pertanyaan? Tanya Happiness " "Engineer\" di halaman berikutnya." msgid "" "No it won’t! You’re welcome to create your new site with us before pointing " "the domain here. That way your current site can stay “live” until your new " "one is ready.{{br /}}{{br /}}We recommend getting a plan now because they " "have other features you might find useful, including expert support from our " "team. Just avoid using the domain options until you’re ready, and then you " "can connect or transfer the domain.{{br /}}{{br /}}Our Happiness Engineers " "can also do the migration for you. {{ExternalLink}}Request a Happiness " "Engineer{{/ExternalLink}} to migrate your site for free!" msgstr "" "Tidak bisa! Anda bisa membuat situs baru bersama kami sebelum mengarahkan " "domain ke sini. Dengan demikian, situs Anda saat ini bisa tetap \"hidup\" " "hingga situs baru Anda siap.{{br /}}{{br /}}Kami menyarankan untuk membeli " "paket sekarang, karena paket ini memiliki fitur-fitur lain yang mungkin " "berguna bagi Anda, termasuk bantuan ahli dari tim kami. Lewati saja fitur " "penggunaan domain hingga Anda siap, lalu Anda dapat menghubungkan atau " "mentransfer domain.{{br /}}{{br /}}Tim Happiness Engineer kami juga dapat " "melakukan migrasi untuk Anda. {{ExternalLink}}Minta Happiness Engineer{{/" "ExternalLink}}untuk memigrasi situs Anda secara gratis!" msgid "" "{{br /}}{{br /}}Want a Happiness Engineer to do a free migration of your " "WordPress site to {{ExternalLink}}Request a Happiness " "Engineer{{/ExternalLink}} to handle your migration for free!" msgstr "" "{{br /}}{{br /}}Ingin Happiness Engineer melakukan migrasi situs WordPress " "Anda ke secara gratis? {{ExternalLink}}Minta Happiness " "Engineer{{/ExternalLink}}untuk menangani proses migrasi Anda secara gratis!" msgid "" "Need some help? Let us help you find the perfect plan for your site. {{a}}" "Contact our support now{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Butuh bantuan? Biarkan kami membantu Anda menemukan rancangan yang sempurna " "untuk situs Anda. {{a}}Hubungi layanan bantuan kami sekarang{{/a}}." msgid "" "{{strong}}Need premium themes, fast support, and advanced design tools?{{/" "strong}}{{break}}{{/break}}Go with our %(planTitle)s plan, starting at just " "%(planPrice)s/month. All annual plans come with a 14-day money-back " "guarantee." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Butuh tema premium, layanan bantuan cepat, dan alat desain canggih?" "{{/strong}}{{break}}{{/break}}Pilihlah paket %(planTitle)s kami, harga mulai " "dari %(planPrice)s/bulan. Semua paket tahunan dilengkapi dengan jaminan uang " "kembali 14 hari." msgid "" "If you have any questions at all about what happens when you close an " "account, please {{a}}contact someone from our support team{{/a}} first. " "They'll explain the ramifications and help you explore alternatives. " msgstr "" "Jika ada pertanyaan terkait apa yang terjadi saat menutup akun, silakan {{a}}" "hubungi salah satu anggota dari tim dukungan kami{{/a}} dahulu. Mereka akan " "menjelaskan konsekuensinya dan membantu Anda mempelajari langkah-langkah " "alternatif. " msgid "Example: %(value)s <%(email)s>" msgstr "Contoh: %(value)s <%(email)s>" msgctxt "Stats: Descriptive text in the commercial purchase flow" msgid "" "To continue using Stats and access its newest premium features you need to " "get a commercial license. {{link}}Learn more about this update{{/link}}." msgstr "" "Untuk terus menggunakan Stats dan mengakses fitur-fitur premium terbarunya, " "Anda perlu lisensi komersial. {{link}}Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang " "pembaruan ini{{/link}}." msgid "{{strong}}Commercial use{{/strong}}" msgstr "{{strong}}Penggunaan komersial{{/strong}}" msgid "Learn more {{icon/}}" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut {{icon/}}" msgid "" "Call {{b}}%(phone)s{{/b}} and enter the posting code {{b}}%(code)s{{/b}}." msgstr "" "Hubungi {{b}}%(phone)s{{/b}} dan masukkan kode pengiriman {{b}}%(code)s{{/" "b}}." msgid "" "Your plan currently has a legacy feature that provides 200GB of space. You " "are currently using {{b}}%(usedGigabytes)s{{/b}} of space. Switching to a " "different plan or billing interval will lower the amount of available " "storage to 50GB. Please keep in mind that the change will be irreversible." msgstr "" "Paket Anda saat ini memiliki fitur lama yang menyediakan ruang penyimpanan " "sebesar 200GB. Saat ini Anda menggunakan ruang penyimpanan " "{{b}}%(usedGigabytes)s{{/b}}. Beralih ke paket atau interval penagihan yang " "berbeda akan menurunkan jumlah penyimpanan yang tersedia menjadi 50GB. Harap " "diingat bahwa perubahan ini tidak dapat dibatalkan." msgid "" "Call %1$s and enter the posting code %2$d." msgstr "" "Hubungi %1$s dan masukan kode pos %2$d." msgid "View and download various server logs. {{link}}Learn more.{{/link}}" msgstr "" "Lihat dan unduh berbagai log server. {{link}}Baca selengkapnya.{{/link}}" msgid "Monitor your site’s performance. {{link}}Learn more.{{/link}}" msgstr "Pantau kinerja situs Anda. {{link}}Pelajari lebih lanjut.{{/link}}" msgid "" "Automate updates from GitHub to streamline workflows. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn " "more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Otomatisasikan pembaruan dari GitHub untuk menyederhanakan alur kerja. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "" "Simply click below to upgrade. You’ll only have to pay the difference to the " "%(planName)s Plan {{PriceWrapper}}({{del}}%(fullPrice)s{{/del}} " "%(discountPrice)s).{{/PriceWrapper}}" msgstr "" "Klik tombol di bawah untuk melakukan upgrade. Anda hanya akan membayar " "selisih Paket %(planName)s sebesar {{PriceWrapper}}({{del}}%(fullPrice)s{{/" "del}} %(discountPrice)s).{{/PriceWrapper}}" msgid "{{supportLink}}Learn more{{/supportLink}}" msgstr "{{supportLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/supportLink}}" msgid "This setting has now moved to {{a}}Settings → General{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Pengaturan ini sekarang telah dipindahkan ke {{a}}Pengaturan → Umum{{/a}}." msgid "" "Overwrite the database, including any posts, pages, products, or orders. " "{{a}}Learn more{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Menimpa database, termasuk semua pos, halaman, produk, atau pesanan. {{a}}" "Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}}." msgid "" "{{Checkmark}}{{/Checkmark}}Website Building{{Checkmark}}{{/Checkmark}}" "Hosting{{Checkmark}}{{/Checkmark}}eCommerce" msgstr "" "{{Checkmark}}{{/Checkmark}}Pembuatan Situs Web{{Checkmark}}{{/Checkmark}}" "Hosting{{Checkmark}}{{/Checkmark}}E-Commerce" msgid "" "You can either {{a}}buy additional storage{{/a}} or {{b}}delete media " "files{{/b}} until you have less than 95% space usage." msgstr "" "Anda dapat {{a}}membeli penyimpanan tambahan{{/a}} atau {{b}}menghapus file " "media{{/b}} hingga penggunaan ruang kurang dari 95%." msgid "" "{{SupportLink}}Contact support{{/SupportLink}} if you have any questions." msgstr "" "{{SupportLink}}Hubungi dukungan{{/SupportLink}} jika Anda punya pertanyaan." msgid "View your website {{externalIcon/}}" msgstr "Lihat situs web Anda {{externalIcon/}}" msgid "Selected restore point: {{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/strong}}" msgstr "" "Titik pemulihan yang dipilih: {{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/strong}}" msgid "Or " msgstr "Atau " msgid "" "If auto-renew is enabled, we will attempt to automatically renew your domain " "using the payment method on file. Please make sure your payment method is up-" "to-date by following these instructions. If your " "payment method is up-to-date, no further action is required." msgstr "" "Jika perpanjangan otomatis diaktifkan, kami akan mencoba memperpanjang " "domain Anda secara otomatis menggunakan metode pembayaran yang tercatat " "dalam berkas. Harap pastikan metode pembayaran Anda sudah yang terbaru " "dengan mengikuti instruksi-instruksi ini. Jika metode " "pembayaran sudah yang terbaru, Anda tidak perlu melakukan tindakan lebih " "lanjut. " msgid "" "Deletion is {{strong}}irreversible and will permanently remove all site " "content{{/strong}} — posts, pages, media, users, authors, domains, purchased " "upgrades, and premium themes." msgstr "" "Penghapusan {{strong}}tidak dabat dibatalkan dan akan menghapus semua konten " "situs secara permanen{{/strong}} — pos, halaman, media, pengguna, penulis, " "domain, pembaruan berbayar, dan tema premium." msgid "" "Permanently delete your site and all of its content. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn " "more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Hapus situs dan semua konten Anda secara permanen. {{learnMoreLink}}Baca " "selengkapnya{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "" "Once deleted, your domain {{strong}}%(siteDomain)s{{/strong}} will also " "become unavailable." msgstr "" "Setelah dihapus, domain {{strong}}%(siteDomain)s{{/strong}} Anda akan " "menjadi tidak tersedia." msgid "" "Type {{strong}}%(siteDomain)s{{/strong}} below to confirm you want to delete " "the site:" msgstr "" "Ketik {{strong}}%(siteDomain)s{{/strong}} berikut untuk mengonfirmasi " "penghapusan situs:" msgid "" "You can start with our basic workflow file and extend it. Looking for " "inspiration? Check out our workflow recipes." msgstr "" "Anda dapat memulai dengan file workflow dasar kami dan mengembangkannya. " "Butuh inspirasi? Periksa resep workflow kami." msgid "SFTP/SSH, WP-CLI, Git commands and GitHub Deployments" msgstr "SFTP/SSH, WP-CLI, Git commands, dan GitHub Deployments" msgid "We were unable to restore the site." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat memulihkan situs." msgid "The site has been restored." msgstr "Situs telah dipulihkan." msgid "Set {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} as primary" msgstr "Tetapkan {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} sebagai domain utama" msgid "" "%(serviceName)s is powered by If you don’t already have a " " account, checking out below will create one for you with this " "email address. Accounts are subject to the {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/" "tosLink}} and {{ppLink}}Privacy Policy{{/ppLink}}." msgstr "" "%(serviceName)s didukung oleh Jika Anda belum memiliki akun " ", checkout di bawah ini akan membuatkan akun untuk Anda dengan " "alamat e-mail ini. Akun terikat pada {{tosLink}}Ketentuan Layanan{{/" "tosLink}} dan {{ppLink}}Kebijakan Privasi{{/ppLink}}." msgid "The workflow file is invalid. {{a}}Take action{{/a}}" msgstr "File workflow tidak valid. {{a}}Mohon perbaiki{{/a}}" msgid "" "Admin interface style {{infoPopover}} Set the admin interface style for all " "users. {{supportLink}}Learn more{{/supportLink}}. {{/infoPopover}}" msgstr "" "Gaya antarmuka admin {{infoPopover}} Mengatur gaya antarmuka admin untuk " "semua pengguna. {{supportLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/supportLink}}. {{/" "infoPopover}}" msgid "Pick an existing repository or create a new one." msgstr "" "Pilih repositori yang sudah ada atau buat repositori baru." msgid "" "%(commission)d%% transaction fee for payments {{br}}{{/br}}(+ standard " "processing fee)" msgstr "" "%(commission)d%% biaya transaksi untuk pembayaran{{br}}{{/br}} (+ biaya " "pemrosesan standar)" msgid "" "%(commission)d%% transaction fee for standard payments {{br}}{{/br}}(+ " "standard processing fee)" msgstr "" "%(commission)d%% Biaya transaksi untuk pembayaran standar {{br}}{{/br}} (+ " "biaya pemrosesan standar)" msgid "" "%(commission)d%% transaction fee for all payment features {{br}}{{/br}}(+ " "standard processing fee)" msgstr "" "%(commission)d%% biaya transaksi untuk semua fitur pembayaran{{br}}{{/br}} " "(+ biaya pemrosesanstandar)" msgid "" "%(commission)d%% transaction fee for standard WooCommerce payments {{br}}{{/" "br}}(+ standard processing fee)" msgstr "" "%(commission)d%% Biaya transaksi untuk fitur pembayaran WooCommerce standar " "{{br}}{{/br}}(+ biaya pemrosesan standar)" msgid "%d%% transaction fee for payments (+ standard processing fee)" msgstr "%d%% biaya transaksi untuk pembayaran (+ biaya pemrosesan standar)" msgid "" "Coupon code \"%(code)s\" has been applied for the next renewal for a " "%(discount)d%% discount." msgstr "" "Kode kupon \"%(code)s\" telah diterapkan untuk pembaruan berikutnya dengan " "diskon %(discount)d%%." msgid "" "Make sure there is a successful run for ‘%(workflowName)s’, then trigger a deployment from the ellipsis menu." msgstr "" "Pastikan ada proses yang berhasil untuk ‘%(workflowName)s’, lalu picu deployment dari menu elipsis." msgid "" "This option will prevent this site’s content from being shared with our " "licensed network of content and research partners, including those that " "train AI models. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Opsi ini akan mencegah konten situs ini dibagikan dengan jaringan konten " "berlisensi dan mitra riset kami, termasuk yang melatih model AI. {{a}}" "Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}}." msgid "" "Choose a plan today and unlock a powerful bundle of features. Or start with our free plan." msgstr "" "Pilih paket hari ini dan akses fitur-fitur canggih. Atau mulai dengan paket gratis kami." msgid "Your workflow is good to go!" msgstr "Workflow Anda siap digunakan!" msgid "You have selected the site {{strong}}%(siteTitle)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "Anda telah memilih situs {{strong}}%(siteTitle)s{{/strong}}." msgid "" "Please create an account to continue. Already registered? {{a}}Log in{{/a}}" msgstr "Silakan buat akun untuk melanjutkan. Sudah terdaftar? {{a}}Login{{/a}}" msgid "You are about to disconnect your repository %(repositoryName)s" msgstr "" "Anda akan memutuskan sambungan repositori %(repositoryName)s Anda" msgid "Please edit and fix the problems we found." msgstr "Sunting dan perbaiki masalah yang kami temukan." msgid "" "Transfer this site to a new or existing site member with just a few clicks. " "{{a}}Learn more.{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Transfer situs ini ke anggota baru atau yang sudah ada hanya dengan beberapa " "klik. {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut.{{/a}}" msgid "" "Ready to transfer {{strong}}%(siteSlug)s{{/strong}} and its associated " "purchases? Simply enter the new owner's email or username " "below, or choose an existing user to start the transfer process." msgstr "" "Siap mentransfer {{strong}}%(siteSlug)s{{/strong}} dan pembelian di " "dalamnya? Cukup masukkan e-mail atau nama pengguna dari " "pemilik baru di bawah ini, atau pilih pengguna yang sudah ada untuk memulai " "proses transfer." msgid "" "You have {{b}}%(amountInCurrency)s{{/b}} in {{a}}upgrade credits{{/a}} " "available from your current plan. This credit will be applied to the pricing " "below at checkout if you upgrade today!" msgstr "" "Anda memiliki {{b}}%(amountInCurrency)s{{/b}} dalam {{a}}kredit upgrade{{/" "a}} yang tersedia dari paket Anda saat ini. Kredit ini akan diterapkan pada " "harga berikut saat pembayaran jika Anda melakukan upgrade hari ini!" msgid "" "We found a account with the email \"%(email)s\". {{a}}Log in " "to connect it{{/a}}, or use a different email to sign up." msgstr "" "Kami menemukan akun dengan e-mail \"%(email)s\". {{a}}Login " "untuk menghubungkannya{{/a}}, atau gunakan e-mail yang berbeda untuk " "mendaftar." msgid "" "There was a problem while updating your subscription, please {{a}}{{strong}}" "contact support{{/strong}}{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Ditemukan kendala saat memperbarui langganan Anda, mohon {{a}}{{strong}}" "hubungi tim bantuan{{/strong}}{{/a}}." msgid "" "{{FormLink}}Submit content{{/FormLink}} for your website build or " "{{BBESupportLink}}contact us{{/BBESupportLink}} with any questions about " "your project." msgstr "" "{{FormLink}}Kirim konten{{/FormLink}} yang diperlukan untuk pembuatan situs " "Anda atau {{BBESupportLink}}hubungi kami{{/BBESupportLink}} jika ada " "pertanyaan tentang proyek Anda." msgid "" "{{BBESupportLink}}Contact us{{/BBESupportLink}} with any questions or " "inquiries about your project." msgstr "" "{{BBESupportLink}}Hubungi kami{{/BBESupportLink}} jika ada pertanyaan atau " "permintaan bantuan mengenai proyek Anda." msgid "" "Renews at %(amount)s {{abbr}}%(excludeTaxStringAbbreviation)s{{/abbr}} on " "{{span}}%(date)s{{/span}}" msgstr "" "Perpanjang dengan harga %(amount)s " "{{abbr}}%(excludeTaxStringAbbreviation)s{{/abbr}} pada {{span}}%(date)s{{/" "span}}" msgid "" "Renews every three years at %(amount)s " "{{abbr}}%(excludeTaxStringAbbreviation)s{{/abbr}} on {{span}}%(date)s{{/" "span}}" msgstr "" "Perpanjang setiap tiga tahun dengan harga %(amount)s " "{{abbr}}%(excludeTaxStringAbbreviation)s{{/abbr}} pada {{span}}%(date)s{{/" "span}}" msgid "" "Renews every two years at %(amount)s " "{{abbr}}%(excludeTaxStringAbbreviation)s{{/abbr}} on {{span}}%(date)s{{/" "span}}" msgstr "" "Perpanjang setiap dua tahun dengan harga %(amount)s " "{{abbr}}%(excludeTaxStringAbbreviation)s{{/abbr}} pada {{span}}%(date)s{{/" "span}}" msgid "" "Renews yearly at %(amount)s {{abbr}}%(excludeTaxStringAbbreviation)s{{/" "abbr}} on {{span}}%(date)s{{/span}}" msgstr "" "Perpanjang setiap tahun dengan harga %(amount)s " "{{abbr}}%(excludeTaxStringAbbreviation)s{{/abbr}} pada {{span}}%(date)s{{/" "span}}" msgid "" "Renews monthly at %(amount)s {{abbr}}%(excludeTaxStringAbbreviation)s{{/" "abbr}} on {{span}}%(date)s{{/span}}" msgstr "" "Perpanjang setiap bulan dengan harga %(amount)s " "{{abbr}}%(excludeTaxStringAbbreviation)s{{/abbr}} pada {{span}}%(date)s{{/" "span}}" msgid "" "Free trial ends on {{span}}%(date)s{{/span}}, renews automatically at " "%(amount)s {{abbr}}%(excludeTaxStringAbbreviation)s{{/abbr}}" msgstr "" "Uji coba gratis berakhir pada {{span}}%(date)s{{/span}}, diperpanjang secara " "otomatis pada %(amount)s {{abbr}}%(excludeTaxStringAbbreviation)s{{/abbr}}" msgid "" "The cards stored here are used for purchases made via If you " "intend to update your card to make purchases in Jetpack Manage, then do so " "{{a}}here{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Kartu yang disimpan di sini digunakan untuk pembelian yang dilakukan melalui " " Jika Anda berniat memperbarui kartu Anda untuk melakukan " "pembelian di Jetpack Manage, maka lakukan {{a}}di sini{{/a}}." msgid "" "There are some issues with your domain's email DNS settings. " "{{diagnosticLink}}Click here{{/diagnosticLink}} to see the full diagnostic " "for your domain. {{supportLink}}Learn more{{/supportLink}}." msgstr "" "Ada beberapa masalah pada pengaturan DNS e-mail domain Anda. " "{{diagnosticLink}}Klik di sini{{/diagnosticLink}} untuk melihat diagnostik " "lengkap untuk domain Anda. {{supportLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/" "supportLink}}." msgid "" "If you use this domain name to send email from your website, " "the following email records are required. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Jika Anda menggunakan nama domain ini untuk mengirim e-mail dari situs web " ", e-mail record berikut berikut diperlukan. {{a}}Pelajari lebih " "lanjut{{/a}}." msgid "" "Set the admin interface style for all users. {{supportLink}}Learn more{{/" "supportLink}}." msgstr "" "Atur gaya antarmuka admin untuk semua pengguna. {{supportLink}}Pelajari " "lebih lanjut{{/supportLink}}." msgid "" "Privacy {{infoPopover}} Control who can view your site. {{a}}Learn more{{/" "a}}. {{/infoPopover}}" msgstr "" "Privasi {{infoPopover}} Atur siapa yang dapat melihat situs Anda. {{a}}" "Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}}. {{/infoPopover}}" msgid "" "You understand that {{refundsSupportPage}}domain name transfers are non-" "refundable{{/refundsSupportPage}} unless the process is canceled before the " "transfer is completed." msgstr "" "Anda memahami bahwa {{refundsSupportPage}}transfer nama domain tidak dapat " "dikembalikan{{/refundsSupportPage}} kecuali jika prosesnya dibatalkan " "sebelum transfer selesai." msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Countries module is empty" msgid "" "Stats on visitors and {{link}}their viewing location{{/link}} will appear " "here." msgstr "" "Statistik pengunjung dan {{link}}lokasi mereka berkunjung{{/link}} akan " "ditampilkan di sini." msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Posts & Pages module is empty" msgid "" "Your most popular {{link}}posts and pages{{/link}} will display here once " "readers visit your site." msgstr "" "{{link}}Pos dan halaman{{/link}} Anda yang paling populer akan ditampilkan " "di sini setelah pembaca mangunjungi situs Anda." msgid "" "{{strong}}Need premium themes, live chat support, and advanced design tools?" "{{/strong}}{{break}}{{/break}}Go with our %(planTitle)s plan, starting at " "just %(planPrice)s/month. All annual plans come with a 14-day money-back " "guarantee." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Butuh tema premium, dukungan obrolan langsung, dan alat desain " "canggih?{{/strong}}{{break}}{{/break}}Pilihlah paket %(planTitle)s kami, " "harga mulai dari %(planPrice)s/bulan. Semua paket tahunan dilengkapi dengan " "jaminan uang kembali 14 hari." msgid "" "No free custom domain: Your site will be shown to visitors as {{subdomain}}" "{{/subdomain}}" msgstr "" "Tidak ada domain khusus gratis. Situs Anda akan ditampilkan kepada " "pengunjung sebagai {{subdomain}}{{/subdomain}}" msgid "This theme comes bundled with the {{link}}WooCommerce{{/link}} plugin." msgstr "Tema ini dibundel dengan plugin {{link}}WooCommerce{{/link}}." msgid "" "{{priceSpan}}+{{nbsp/}}%(price)s{{/priceSpan}}{{perMonthSpan}}/month{{/" "perMonthSpan}}" msgstr "" "{{priceSpan}}+{{nbsp/}}%(price)s{{/priceSpan}}{{perMonthSpan}}/bulan{{/" "perMonthSpan}}" msgid "" "Cancelling this payment means that the user {{strong}}%(subscriber_email)s{{/" "strong}} will no longer have access to any service granted by the " "{{strong}}%(plan_name)s{{/strong}} plan." msgstr "" "Membatalkan pembayaran ini berarti pengguna {{strong}}%(subscriber_email)s{{/" "strong}} tidak lagi memiliki akses ke layanan apa pun yang diberikan oleh " "paket {{strong}}%(plan_name)s{{/strong}}." msgid "" "Removing this payment means that the user {{strong}}%(subscriber_email)s{{/" "strong}} will no longer have access to any service granted by the " "{{strong}}%(plan_name)s{{/strong}} plan." msgstr "" "Menghapus pembayaran ini berarti pengguna {{strong}}%(subscriber_email)s{{/" "strong}} tidak lagi memiliki akses ke layanan apa pun yang diberikan oleh " "paket {{strong}}%(plan_name)s{{/strong}}." msgid "" "You haven't added any customers. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/" "learnMoreLink}} about payments." msgstr "" "Anda belum menambahkan pelanggan. {{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/" "learnMoreLink}} tentang pembayaran." msgid "" "%s has been successfully reset and its content removed. " "Head to My Home to start building your new site." msgstr "" "%s telah berhasil diatur ulang dan kontennya dihapus. Buka " "Beranda Saya untuk mulai membangun situs baru Anda." msgid "" "We support: WordPress export files in XML & ZIP and Playground ZIP files. " "{{supportLinkAlt/}}" msgstr "" "Kami mendukung: file ekspor WordPress dalam format XML & ZIP dan file ZIP " "Playground. {{supportLinkAlt/}}" msgid "Includes %s features:" msgstr "Termasuk %s fitur:" msgid "" "{{strong}}Quick Start Sessions will be closed from %(closesAt)s – " "%(reopensAt)s for the New Year’s holiday.{{/strong}}{{br/}}If you need to " "get in touch with us, please submit a {{link}}support request from this " "page{{/link}} and we will get to it as fast as we can. Quick Start Sessions " "will re-open at %(reopensAt)s. Thank you for your understanding!" msgstr "" "{{strong}}Sesi Mulai Cepat akan tutup tanggal %(closesAt)s – %(reopensAt)s " "untuk libur Tahun Baru.{{/strong}}{{br/}}Jika Anda ingin menghubungi kami, " "silakan kirim {{link}}permintaan dukungan dari halaman ini{{/link}} dan kami " "akan menanggapinya sesegera mungkin. Sesi Mulai Cepat akan dibuka kembali " "pada %(reopensAt)s. Terima kasih atas pengertiannya!" msgid "By {{span}}%(author)s{{/span}}" msgstr "Oleh {{span}}%(author)s{{/span}}" msgid "" "By upgrading to the %(premiumPlanName)s plan, you'll be able to monetize " "your site through the WordAds program." msgstr "" "Dengan upgrade ke paket %(premiumPlanName)s, Anda akan dapat memonetisasi " "situs melalui program WordAds." msgid "" "Type %s below to confirm you're ready to reset the site:" msgstr "" "Ketik %s di bawah untuk mengonfirmasi bahwa Anda siap untuk " "mengatur ulang situs:" msgid "" "Remove all posts, pages, and media to start fresh while keeping your site's " "address. {{a}}Learn more.{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Hapus semua pos, halaman, dan media untuk mulai dari awal selagi tetap " "menggunakan alamat situs Anda. {{a}}Baca selengkapnya.{{/a}}" msgid "" "By clicking “confirm email,” you agree to the Terms of " "Service and have read the Privacy Policy." msgstr "" "Dengan mengeklik \"konfirmasi email\", Anda menyetujui Ketentuan Layanan dan telah membaca Kebijakan " "Privasi. " msgid "" "We’d love to chat with you! All paid plans include access to one-on-one " "support from our team of WordPress experts (we call them Happiness " "Engineers). The %(personalPlanName)s plan includes email support while the " "%(premiumPlanName)s plan and above all include live chat support.{{br /}}" "{{br /}}If you have pre-purchase questions, we offer live chat on the " "checkout page. Select the plan that looks like the best fit for you and " "click the “Questions? Ask a Happiness Engineer” link on the next page." msgstr "" "Kami siap berkomunikasi dengan Anda. Semua paket berbayar menyertakan akses " "dukungan langsung dari tim ahli WordPress kami (kami menyebutnya Happiness " "Engineer). Paket %(personalPlanName)s mencakup dukungan email, sedangkan " "paket %(premiumPlanName)s dan paket-paket di atasnya mencakup dukungan " "obrolan langsung.{{br /}}{{br /}}Jika Anda ingin bertanya sebelum membeli, " "kami menawarkan obrolan langsung di halaman checkout. Pilih paket yang " "paling cocok untuk Anda dan klik tautan \"Punya Pertanyaan? Tanyakan " "Happiness Engineer\" di halaman selanjutnya." msgid "" "To keep a copy of your current site, head to the Export page before " "starting the reset." msgstr "" "Buka halaman Ekspor sebelum mengatur ulang situs untuk menyimpan " "salinan situs Anda saat ini." msgid "" "Resetting %s will remove all of its content but keep the " "site and its URL up and running. Keep in mind you'll also lose any " "modifications you've made to your current theme." msgstr "" "Mengatur ulang %s akan menghapus semua kontennya. Namun, " "situs dan URL akan tetap beroperasi. Perlu diperhatikan juga bahwa Anda akan " "kehilangan modifikasi yang telah dibuat untuk tema Anda saat ini." msgid "Get this theme on" msgstr "Dapatkan tema ini di" msgid "Drag a file here, or {{span}}click to upload a file{{/span}}" msgstr "Seret file ke sini, atau {{span}}klik untuk mengunggah file{{/span}}" msgid "" "{{p}}{{jetpackStatsProductLink}}Upgrade now{{/jetpackStatsProductLink}}{{/p}}" msgstr "" "{{p}}{{jetpackStatsProductLink}}Upgrade sekarang{{/jetpackStatsProductLink}}" "{{/p}}" msgid "" "Your subscription is paid through {{dateSpan}}%(expireDate)s{{/dateSpan}}, " "but will be renewed prior to that date. {{inlineSupportLink}}Learn more{{/" "inlineSupportLink}}" msgstr "" "Langganan Anda dibayar pada {{dateSpan}}%(expireDate)s{{/dateSpan}}, namun " "akan diperpanjang sebelum tanggal tersebut. {{inlineSupportLink}}Pelajari " "lebih lanjut{{/inlineSupportLink}}" msgid "" "By placing this order, you agree to our [terms] and understand our " "[privacy_policy]." msgstr "" "Dengan mengajukan pesanan ini, Anda telah menyetujui [terms] kami dan " "memahami [privacy_policy] kami." msgid "Did you mean {{emailSuggestion/}}?" msgstr "Apakah yang Anda maksud {{emailSuggestion/}}?" msgid "" "Add an SSH key and attach it to your site to enable passwordless " "login." msgstr "" "Tambah SSH key dan sambungkan ke situs Anda untuk mengaktifkan login " "tanpa kata sandi." msgid "" "Don’t lose all that hard work! Upgrade to a paid plan or {{a}}create a new " "site{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Jangan sampai semua kerja keras Anda sia-sia! Tingkatkan ke paket berbayar " "atau {{a}}buat situs baru{{/a}}. " msgid "" "Don’t lose all that hard work! Upgrade to a paid plan to launch your " "migrated website, or {{a}}create a new site{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Jangan sampai semua kerja keras Anda sia-sia! Tingkatkan ke paket berbayar " "untuk meluncurkan situs web Anda dari hasil migrasi, atau {{a}}buat situs " "baru{{/a}}." msgid "" "Your domain is using external name servers so the Domain Forwarding records " "you're editing won't be in effect until you switch to use name " "servers. {{a}}Update your name servers now{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Domain Anda menggunakan name server eksternal, sehingga Domain Forwarding " "records yang Anda edit tidak akan berlaku hingga Anda beralih menggunakan " "name server {{a}}Perbarui name server Anda sekarang{{/a}}." msgid "" "You can only forward subdomains. To forward a domain please \"restore " "default A records.\" {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Anda hanya dapat meneruskan subdomain. Untuk meneruskan domain, mohon " "\"kembalikan default A records.\" {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}}." msgid "{{i}}Regions:{{/i}} %(regionsList)s" msgstr "{{i}}Wilayah:{{/i}} %(regionsList)s" msgid "{{i}}Countries:{{/i}} %(countriesList)s" msgstr "{{i}}Negara:{{/i}} %(countriesList)s" msgid "{{i}}States:{{/i}} %(statesList)s" msgstr "{{i}}Negara bagian:{{/i}} %(statesList)s" msgid "{{i}}Cities:{{/i}} %(citiesList)s" msgstr "{{i}}Kota:{{/i}} %(citiesList)s" msgid "We couldn’t connect to the %(siteType)s site: {{br/}} %(siteUrl)s" msgstr "Kami tidak dapat terhubung ke situs %(siteType)s: {{br/}} %(siteUrl)s" msgid "" "You’re about to change your active theme from " "{{strong}}%(activeThemeName)s{{/strong}} to {{strong}}%(newThemeName)s{{/" "strong}}.{{br}}{{/br}}{{br}}{{/br}}This will replace your homepage, but your " "content will remain accessible. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Tema aktif akan diubah dari {{strong}}%(activeThemeName)s{{/strong}} menjadi " "{{strong}}%(newThemeName)s{{/strong}}.{{br}}{{/br}}{{br}}{{/br}}Beranda akan " "digantikan, tetapi konten situs akan tetap dapat diakses. {{a}}Baca " "selengkapnya{{/a}}." msgid "" "You’ve added a domain, but it’s not primary. To make it primary, {{link}}" "manage your domains{{/link}}." msgstr "" "Domain baru telah ditambahkan, tetapi tidak jadi yang utama. Untuk " "menjadikannya yang utama, {{link}}kelola domain Anda{{/link}}." msgid "" "We'll automatically back up your site before synchronization starts. Need to " "restore a backup? Head to the {{link}}Activity Log{{/link}}." msgstr "" "Kami akan mencadangkan situs Anda secara otomatis sebelum sinkronisasi " "dimulai. Perlu memulihkan cadangan? Buka {{link}}Log Aktivitas.{{/link}}" msgid "Enter your site's name {{span}}%(siteSlug)s{{/span}} to confirm." msgstr "" "Masukkan nama situs Anda {{span}}%(siteSlug)s{{/span}} untuk mengonfirmasi." msgid "Get %(plan)s {{span}}%(priceString)s{{/span}}" msgstr "Dapatkan %(plan)s {{span}}%(priceString)s{{/span}}" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domainSuggestion)s{{/strong}} is the perfect site address. It's " "available and easy to find and follow. And .com, .net, and .org domains " "start at just %(domainPrice)s—Get it now and claim a corner of the web." msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(domainSuggestion)s{{/strong}} adalah alamat situs yang sempurna. " "Alamat ini tersedia, mudah ditemukan, dan diikuti. Domain .com, .net, dan ." "org mulai dari harga %(domainPrice)s — Dapatkan sekarang dan ruang Anda di " "web." msgid "" "By entering your email address, you agree to our Terms of Service and have read our Privacy Policy." msgstr "" "Dengan memasukkan alamat e-mail, Anda menyetujui Ketentuan Layanan kami dan telah membaca Kebijakan Privasi " "kami." msgid "By continuing, you agree to our Terms of Service." msgstr "" "Dengan melanjutkan, Anda menyetujui Ketentuan Layanan " "kami." msgid "for the first month, then %1$s /month, billed yearly" msgstr "untuk bulan pertama, lalu %1$s /bulan, dengan penagihan tahunan" msgid "for the first month, then %1$s /month" msgstr "untuk bulan pertama, lalu %1$s /bulan" msgid "Privacy: I want to opt my email address out of all long term tracking." msgstr "" "Privasi: Saya ingin menghapus alamat email saya dari semua pelacakan jangka " "panjang." msgid "" "This theme is available for download to be used on your {{a}}WordPress self-" "hosted{{icon/}}{{/a}} installation." msgstr "" "Tema ini dapat diundah dan digunakan pada instalasi {{a}}WordPress yang di-" "hosting sendiri{{icon/}}{{/a}}." msgid "{{strong}}Detach %(domain)s{{/strong}}" msgstr "{{strong}}Lepaskan %(domain)s{{/strong}}" msgid "" "An error occurred when disconnecting the domain from the site. Please try " "again or {{contactSupportLink}}contact support{{/contactSupportLink}}." msgstr "" "Terjadi kendala saat memutus sambungan domain dari situs. Mohon coba lagi " "atau {{contactSupportLink}}hubungi bantuan{{/contactSupportLink}}." msgid "Select a site to open {{strong}}My Mailboxes{{/strong}}" msgstr "Pilih situs untuk membuka {{strong}}Mailbox Saya{{/strong}}" msgid "" "Publish a podcast feed to Apple Podcasts and other podcasting services. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Publikasikan feed podcast ke Apple Podcasts dan layanan podcasting lainnya. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "You have no account yet? {{signupLink}}Create one{{/signupLink}}." msgstr "Anda belum punya akun? {{signupLink}}Buat akun{{/signupLink}}." msgid "You agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}}." msgstr "Anda menyetujui {{tosLink}}Ketentuan Layanan{{/tosLink}} kami." msgid "Any question? {{a}}Check our help docs{{/a}}." msgstr "Ada pertanyaan? {{a}}Periksa dokumen bantuan kami{{/a}}." msgid "" "By entering your email address, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of " "Service{{/tosLink}} and have read our {{privacyLink}}Privacy Policy{{/" "privacyLink}}." msgstr "" "Dengan memasukkan alamat e-mail, Anda setuju dengan {{tosLink}}Ketentuan " "Layanan{{/tosLink}} kami, dan telah membaca {{privacyLink}}Kebijakan " "Privasi{{/privacyLink}} kami." msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Email Open module is empty" msgid "Stats from {{link}}your emails{{/link}} will display here." msgstr "Statistik dari {{link}}e-mail Anda{{/link}} akan ditampilkan di sini." msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the file downloads module is empty" msgid "Stats from any {{link}}downloaded files{{/link}} will display here." msgstr "" "Statistik dari file {{link}}yang diunduh{{/link}} akan ditampilkan di sini." msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Clicks module is empty" msgid "Your most {{link}}clicked external links{{/link}} will display here." msgstr "" "{{link}}Tautan eksternal Anda yang paling banyak diklik{{/link}} akan " "ditampilkan di sini." msgid "Cancel Domain and Refund? Please {{a}}click here.{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Batalkan Domain dan Minta Pengembalian Dana? Mohon {{a}}klik di sini.{{/a}}" msgid "Need help? {{a}}Get in touch with one of our Happiness Engineers{{/a}}." msgstr "Butuh bantuan? {{a}}Hubungi salah satu Happiness Engineer kami{{/a}}." msgid "" "Every site runs the latest WordPress version. For testing " "purposes, you can switch to the beta version of the next WordPress release " "on {{a}}your staging site{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Setiap situs menjalankan versi WordPress terbaru. Untuk tujuan " "pengujian, Anda dapat beralih ke versi beta dari rilis WordPress berikutnya " "di {{a}}situs staging Anda{{/a}}." msgid "" "Your custom domain can only be used as the primary domain with a paid plan " "and is free for the first year with an annual paid plan. For more details, " "please read {{a}}our support document{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Domain khusus Anda hanya dapat digunakan sebagai domain utama dengan paket " "berbayar dan gratis untuk tahun pertama dengan paket berbayar tahunan. Untuk " "lebih jelasnya, silakan baca {{a}}dokumen bantuan{{/a}}." msgid "" "Absolutely! We offer a few different options to meet your needs. For most " "customers, our Professional Email service is the smart choice. This robust " "hosted email solution is available for any domain hosted with" "{{br /}}{{br /}}We also offer a Google Workspace integration, and for users " "who need something simpler, you can set up email forwarding for free." msgstr "" "Tentu! Kami menawarkan beragam opsi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Anda. Bagi " "sebagian besar pelanggan, layanan E-mail Profesional kami adalah pilihan " "cerdas. Solusi e-mail yang dihosting yang andal ini tersedia untuk domain " "apa pun yang dihosting dengan{{br /}}{{br /}}Kami juga " "menawarkan integrasi Google Workspace, dan untuk pengguna yang membutuhkan " "sesuatu yang lebih sederhana, Anda dapat menggunakan penerusan e-mail secara " "gratis." msgid "%(formattedCost)s/month, billed monthly" msgstr "%(formattedCost)s/bulan, ditagih setiap bulan" msgid "" "For more information about taxes, {{learnMoreLink}}click here{{/" "learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai pajak, {{learnMoreLink}}klik di sini{{/" "learnMoreLink}}." msgid "" "If you:{{ul}}{{li}}Need to update existing %(taxName)s details{{/li}}{{li}}" "Have been charged taxes as a business subject to reverse charges{{/li}}{{li}}" "Do not see your country listed in this form{{/li}}{{/ul}}" "{{contactSupportLink}}Contact our Happiness Engineers{{/" "contactSupportLink}}. Include your %(taxName)s number and country code when " "you contact us." msgstr "" "Jika Anda:{{ul}}{{li}}Perlu memperbarui detail %(taxName)s yang ada{{/li}}" "{{li}}Telah dikenakan pajak sebagai bisnis yang terkena biaya balik{{/li}}" "{{li}}Tidak melihat negara Anda tercantum dalam formulir ini{{/li}}{{/ul}}" "{{contactSupportLink}}Hubungi Happiness Engineer kami{{/" "contactSupportLink}}. Cantumkan nomor %(taxName) dan kode negara Anda saat " "menghubungi kami." msgid "Enable customers to pick their own amount (“Pay what you want”)" msgstr "" "Izinkan klien memilih jumlahnya sendiri (\"Bayar yang Anda inginkan\")." msgid "" "Invite team members to your site and manage their access settings. " "{{learnMore}}Learn more{{/learnMore}}." msgstr "" "Undang anggota tim ke situs Anda dan kelola pengaturan akses mereka. " "{{learnMore}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMore}}." msgid "" "All set! Start exploring the features included with your " "{{strong}}%(productName)s{{/strong}} plan" msgstr "" "Semua siap! Mulai jelajahi fitur-fitur yang disertakan dalam paket " "{{strong}}%(productName)s{{/strong}} Anda" msgid "" "Global edge cache can only be enabled for public sites. {{a}}Review privacy " "settings.{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Edge caching global hanya dapat diaktifkan untuk situs publik. {{a}}Tinjau " "pengaturan privasi.{{/a}}" msgid "Manage your site’s server-side caching. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Kelola cache di sisi server situs Anda. {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}}." msgid "%(commission)d%% transaction fee for payments" msgstr "Biaya transaksi %(commission)d%% untuk pembayaran" msgid "" "Add subscribers to your site and send them a free or paid {{link}}" "newsletter{{/link}}." msgstr "" "Tambah pelanggan ke situs Anda dan kirim {{link}}buletin{{/link}} berbayar " "atau gratis kepada mereka." msgid "" "Add subscribers to your site and send them a free or {{link}}paid " "newsletter{{/link}}." msgstr "" "Tambah pelanggan ke situs Anda dan kirim {{link}}buletin berbayar{{/link}} " "atau gratis kepada mereka." msgid "" "With your current plan, the transaction fee for payments is %(commissionFee)d" "% (+ {{link}}Stripe fees{{/link}})." msgstr "" "Dengan paket Anda saat ini, biaya transaksi untuk pembayaran adalah " "%(commissionFee)d% (+ {{link}}Biaya Stripe{{/link}})." msgid "" "Take your site to the next level. Store all your media in one place without " "worrying about running out of space." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan situs Anda ke level yang lebih tinggi. Simpan semua media Anda di " "satu tempat tanpa khawatir kehabisan ruang." msgid "Make more space for high-quality photos, videos, and other media. " msgstr "" "Dapatkan lebih banyak ruang untuk foto, video, dan media lainnya yang " "berkualitas tinggi." msgid "%(monthlyCost)s/month, billed yearly" msgstr "%(monthlyCost)s/bulan, penagihan tahunan" msgid " privacy policy" msgstr "kebijakan privasi" msgid "New site %(siteURL)s created." msgstr "Situs baru %(siteURL)s telah dibuat." msgid "" "This staging site lets you preview and troubleshoot changes before updating " "the production site. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Situs staging ini memungkinkan Anda untuk mempratinjau dan memecahkan " "masalah perubahan sebelum memperbarui situs produksi. {{a}}Pelajari lebih " "lanjut{{/a}}." msgid "" "Your staging site lets you preview and troubleshoot changes before updating " "the production site. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Situs staging memungkinkan Anda untuk mempratinjau dan memecahkan masalah " "perubahan sebelum memperbarui situs produksi. {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/" "a}}." msgid "" "Unlock a powerful bundle of features. Or {{link}}start with a free plan{{/" "link}}." msgstr "" "Buka kunci bundel fitur yang andal. Atau {{link}}mulai dengan paket gratis{{/" "link}}." msgid "Pay Annually {{span}}(Save %(percentageSavings)s%%){{/span}}" msgstr "Bayar Tahunan {{span}}(Hemat %(percentageSavings)s%%){{/span}}" msgid "Continue with Free plan" msgstr "Lanjutkan dengan paket Gratis" msgid "Get %(planTitle)s - %(planPrice)s/month" msgstr "Dapatkan %(planTitle)s - %(planPrice)s/bulan" msgid "A paid plan is required for your domain." msgstr "Paket berbayar diperlukan untuk domain Anda." msgid "{{span}}Free for the first year with annual paid plans{{/span}}" msgstr "" "{{span}}Gratis untuk satu tahun pertama dengan paket berbayar tahunan{{/" "span}}" msgid "" "Your paid plan includes a domain name {{strong}}free for one year{{/" "strong}}. Choose one that’s easy to remember and even easier to share." msgstr "" "Paket berbayar Anda termasuk nama domain {{strong}}gratis selama satu " "tahun{{/strong}}. Pilih domain Anda yang mudah diingat dan paling mudah " "dibagikan." msgid "" "Supercharge your website with a {{strong}}custom address{{/strong}} that " "matches your blog, brand, or business." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan situs web Anda dengan {{strong}}alamat khusus{{/strong}} yang " "sesuai dengan blog, brand, dan bisnis Anda." msgid "" "Or upload a CSV file of up to 100 emails from your " "existing list. ." msgstr "" "Atau unggah file CSV hingga 100 e-mail dari daftar " "yang sudah Anda punya. " msgid "" "Unable to access the staging site {{a}}%(stagingSiteName)s{{/a}}. Please " "contact the site owner." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat mengakses situs staging {{a}}%(stagingSiteName)s{{/a}}. Silakan " "hubungi pemilik situs." msgid "" "To change your %(taxName)s ID, {{contactSupportLink}}please contact " "support{{/contactSupportLink}}." msgstr "" "Untuk mengubah ID %(taxName)s Anda, {{contactSupportLink}}silakan hubungi " "tim bantuan{{/contactSupportLink}}." msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domainSuggestion)s{{/strong}} is included free for one year with " "any paid plan. Claim it and start building a site that's easy to find, share " "and follow." msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(domainSuggestion)s{{/strong}} tersedia gratis selama satu tahun " "di paket berbayar mana pun. Dapatkan segera dan mulai buat situs yang mudah " "ditemukan, dibagikan, dan diingat." msgid "for the first month, then %s /month" msgstr "untuk bulan pertama, lalu %s /bulan" msgid "Or Save %s/month when you pay for 1 year upfront" msgstr "Atau Hemat %s/bulan jika Anda membayar 1 tahun di muka" msgid "" "With your annual plan, you’ll get %(domainName)s {{strong}}free for the " "first year{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Dengan paket tahunan, Anda akan mendapatkan %(domainName)s{{strong}}gratis " "selama tahun pertama Anda{{/strong}}." msgid "%(percentage)s%% since %(date)s" msgstr "%(percentage)s%% sejak %(date)s" msgid "" "Upgrade to a yearly plan and claim {{strong}}%(domainName)s for free{{/" "strong}}." msgstr "" "Upgrade ke paket tahunan dan dapatkan {{strong}}%(domainName)s (gratis){{/" "strong}}" msgid "Or save %d%% when you pay for 2 years upfront" msgstr "Atau hemat %d%% jika Anda membayar 2 tahun di muka" msgid "" "By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. " "That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from " "paying less!" msgstr "" "Dengan paket tahunan, Anda hanya perlu membayar %1$s per bulan. %2$s%% lebih " "murah daripada paket bulanan. Selangkah lagi Anda akan mendapatkan diskon!" msgid "" "Get the best value for money by paying for two years in advance, taking down " "the cost of your %1$s plan to just %2$s per year. This way you’ll " "also ensure uninterrupted service as you won’t have to worry about renewing " "your plan." msgstr "" "Dapatkan manfaat maksimal dengan membayar dua tahun sekaligus. Dengan " "begini, biaya paket %1$s Anda hanya %2$s per tahun. Ini juga menjamin " "layanan yang digunakan bebas gangguan karena Anda tak perlu repot " "memperpanjang paket." msgid "Save %s/month when you pay for 1 year upfront" msgstr "Hemat %s/bulan jika Anda membayar 1 tahun di muka" msgid "Or save %1$s when you pay for %2$s years upfront" msgstr "Atau hemat %1$s jika Anda membayar %2$s tahun sekaligus di muka" msgid "" "Whatever you’re struggling with - from customizing your design to sorting " "out your domain - our expert Happiness Engineers are always ready to chat." msgstr "" "Apa pun kesulitan yang Anda alami - mulai dari menyesuaikan desain hingga " "mengurutkan domain - tim Happiness Engineers ahli kami selalu siap membantu " "Anda." msgid "Find more details on our support page." msgstr "Baca detail selengkapnya di halaman dukungan kami." msgid "Manage your subscription on your purchases page." msgstr "Kelola langganan di halaman pembelian." msgid "" "Price does not include any applicable taxes based on your billing address." msgstr "" "Harga belum termasuk pajak yang berlaku berdasarkan alamat penagihan Anda." msgid "%1$s Renew your plan %2$s now" msgstr "%1$s Perpanjang paket Anda %2$s sekarang" msgid "%1$s Renew %2$s your %3$s plan" msgstr "%1$s Perpanjang %2$s paket %3$s Anda" msgid "" "Renew your %1$s plan for %2$s to keep your features and ensure your " "site keeps looking its best." msgstr "" "Perpanjang paket %1$s Anda seharga %2$s agar tetap dapat menggunakan " "fitur dan memastikan situs tetap tampil optimal." msgid "" "Renew your %1$s plan for %2$s for a month to keep your features and " "ensure your site keeps looking its best." msgstr "" "Perpanjang paket %1$s Anda seharga %2$s untuk sebulan agar tetap " "dapat menggunakan fitur dan memastikan situs tetap tampil optimal." msgid "" "Renew your %1$s plan for %2$s for 3 years to keep your features and " "ensure your site keeps looking its best." msgstr "" "Perpanjang paket %1$s Anda seharga %2$s untuk 3 tahun agar tetap " "dapat menggunakan fitur dan memastikan situs tetap tampil optimal." msgid "" "Renew your %1$s plan for %2$s for 2 years to keep your features and " "ensure your site keeps looking its best." msgstr "" "Perpanjang paket %1$s Anda seharga %2$s untuk 2 tahun agar tetap " "dapat menggunakan fitur dan memastikan situs tetap tampil optimal." msgid "" "Renew your %1$s plan for %2$s for a year to keep your features and " "ensure your site keeps looking its best." msgstr "" "Perpanjang paket %1$s Anda seharga %2$s untuk setahun agar tetap " "dapat menggunakan fitur dan memastikan situs tetap tampil optimal." msgid "" "If you let your plan expire, your site may appear broken, the content may " "not look as you intended, and you won’t be able to use the following " "features:" msgstr "" "Jika paket Anda kedaluwarsa, situs mungkin tampak rusak, konten yang " "ditampilkan tidak sesuai keinginan, dan Anda tidak akan bisa menggunakan " "fitur-fitur berikut:" msgid "Your %1$s plan for %2$s will expire in %3$d days." msgstr "Paket %1$s Anda untuk %2$s akan kedaluwarsa dalam %3$d hari." msgid "If your plan expires, your site may appear broken, and you will lose:" msgstr "" "Jika paket Anda kedaluwarsa, situs mungkin tampak rusak, dan Anda akan " "kehilangan:" msgid "" "If your plan expires, all of the %s plan features will be removed and your " "site may appear broken." msgstr "" "Jika paket Anda kedaluwarsa, semua fitur paket %s akan dihapus, dan situs " "Anda mungkin tampak rusak." msgid "Your %1$s plan for %2$s is about to expire." msgstr "Paket %1$s Anda untuk %2$s hampir kedaluwarsa." msgid "Renew your plan now" msgstr "Perpanjang paket Anda sekarang" msgid "Renew now your %s plan" msgstr "Perpanjang sekarang paket %s Anda" msgid "Renew your %s plan" msgstr "Perpanjang paket %s Anda" msgid "%1$s plan will expire in %2$d day" msgid_plural "%1$s plan will expire in %2$d days" msgstr[0] "Paket %1$s akan kedaluwarsa dalam %2$d hari" msgstr[1] "Paket %1$s akan kedaluwarsa dalam %2$d hari" msgid "Your WordPress plan %1$swill expire soon%2$s" msgstr "Paket WordPress Anda %1$sakan segera kedaluwarsa%2$s" msgid "Your WordPress plan will expire soon" msgstr "Paket WordPress Anda akan segera kedaluwarsa" msgid "%s plan will expire soon" msgstr "Paket %s akan segera kedaluwarsa" msgid "High-quality videos" msgstr "Video berkualitas tinggi" msgid "And more ..." msgstr "Dan lainnya ..." msgid "Renew your domain" msgstr "Perpanjang domain Anda" msgid "" "A staging site is a test version of your website you can use to preview and " "troubleshoot changes before applying them to your production site. {{a}}" "Learn more{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Situs staging merupkan versi uji coba situs yang bisa digunakan untuk " "mempratinjau perubahan dan memecahkan masalah terkait sebelum perubahan " "diterapkan di situs utama. {{a}}Baca selengkapnya{{/a}}." msgid "Open the {{a}}site editor{{/a}} to change your site’s style." msgstr "Buka {{a}}editor situs{{/a}} untuk mengubah gaya situs Anda." msgid "" "You will also be ineligible for the WordAds program. Visit {{a}}our FAQ{{/" "a}} to learn more." msgstr "" "Anda juga memenuhi syarat untuk program WordAds. Kunjungi {{a}}halaman Tanya " "Jawab Umum kami{{/a}} untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut." msgid "" "When you downgrade your plan, you will become ineligible for the WordAds " "program. Visit {{a}}our FAQ{{/a}} to learn more." msgstr "" "Saat mendowngrade versi paket, Anda tidak akan memenuhi syarat untuk program " "WordAds. Kunjungi {{a}}halaman Tanya Jawab Umum kami{{/a}} untuk mempelajari " "lebih lanjut." msgid "" "{{strong}}%(newDomain)s{{/strong}} will be the address that people see when " "they visit your site." msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(newDomain)s{{/strong}} akan menjadi alamat yang dilihat orang " "saat mereka mengunjungi situs Anda." msgid "" "{{monthlyPriceWrapper}}%(monthlyPrice)s{{/monthlyPriceWrapper}} " "{{priceDescription}}per month{{/priceDescription}}" msgstr "" "{{monthlyPriceWrapper}}%(monthlyPrice)s{{/monthlyPriceWrapper}} " "{{priceDescription}}per bulan{{/priceDescription}}" msgid "" "{{monthlyPriceWrapper}}%(monthlyPrice)s{{/monthlyPriceWrapper}} " "{{priceDescription}}per month, %(annualPrice)s billed annually{{/" "priceDescription}}" msgstr "" "{{monthlyPriceWrapper}}%(monthlyPrice)s{{/monthlyPriceWrapper}} " "{{priceDescription}}per bulan, %(annualPrice)s penagihan per tahun{{/" "priceDescription}}" msgid "" "Get a custom domain – like {{i}}{{/i}} – free for the " "first year." msgstr "" "Dapatkan domain khusus – seperti {{i}}{{/i}} – gratis " "untuk tahun pertama." msgid "" "If you have a %4$s number, you can enter it for your account on the " "following page: " "%3$s. For security reasons, you will only be able to enter a %4$s number " "once. If you already have valid %4$s details stored for your account, you " "won’t see an additional charge, and there’s no action you need to take at " "this time." msgstr "" "Jika memiliki nomor %4$s, harap masukkan nomor tersebut untuk akun Anda di " "halaman berikut: " "%3$s. Demi keamanan, Anda hanya dapat memasukkan nomor %4$s sekali saja. " "Jika data terkait %4$s yang dimasukkan sudah valid, tidak ada biaya tambahan " "yang akan dibebankan dan untuk saat ini, tidak ada langkah yang perlu " "diambil." msgid "" "We are writing to inform you that we will start to charge %1$s on %2$s, in " "accordance with the tax rules of the country you entered with your payment " "method. This update will take place the next time you renew your " "subscription." msgstr "" "Kami informasikan bahwa %1$s akan mulai dikenakan pada %2$s, sesuai dengan " "peraturan pajak yang berlaku di negara yang Anda masukkan bersama data " "metode pembayaran Anda. Ketentuan baru ini akan mulai berlaku pada " "perpanjangan langganan berikutnya." msgid "An update to your account starting %s" msgstr "Ketentuan baru untuk akun yang berlaku dari %s" msgid "{{a}}Learn more.{{/a}}" msgstr "{{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut...{{/a}}" msgid "Automatic datacenter failover" msgstr "Pengalihan ke pusat data Automattic" msgid "" "Default homepage and posts page content and layout are determined by your " "active theme. {{aboutTemplatesLink}}Learn more{{/aboutTemplatesLink}}." msgstr "" "Konten dan tata letak default halaman pos dan beranda ditentukan oleh tema " "aktif Anda. {{aboutTemplatesLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/" "aboutTemplatesLink}}." msgid "" "Sets whether RSS subscribers can read full posts in their RSS reader, or " "just an excerpt and link to the full version on your site. {{link}}Learn " "more about feeds{{/link}}." msgstr "" "Tentukan apakah pelanggan RSS dapat membaca pos lengkap di RSS reader " "mereka, atau hanya kutipan dan tautan ke versi lengkap di situs Anda. " "{{link}}Pelajari feed lebih lanjut{{/link}}." msgid "Member since" msgstr "Anggota sejak" msgid "" "You understand that {{refundsSupportPage}}domain name refunds{{/" "refundsSupportPage}} are limited to 96 hours after registration and " "{{refundsSupportPage}}three year plan refunds{{/refundsSupportPage}} are " "limited to 14 days after purchase. Refunds of paid plans will deduct the " "standard cost of any domain name registered within a plan." msgstr "" "Anda memahami bahwa {{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana nama domain{{/" "refundsSupportPage}} terbatas dalam 96 jam setelah pendaftaran dan " "{{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana paket tiga tahun{{/" "refundsSupportPage}} terbatas dalam 14 hari setelah pembelian. Pengembalian " "dana paket berbayar akan mengurangi biaya standar nama domain apa pun yang " "terdaftar dalam paket." msgid "" "You understand that {{refundsSupportPage}}refunds{{/refundsSupportPage}} are " "limited to 14 days after purchase or renewal for non-domain products with " "three year subscriptions." msgstr "" "Anda memahami bahwa {{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana{{/" "refundsSupportPage}} terbatas dalam 14 hari setelah pembelian atau pembaruan " "hanya untuk produk non-domain dengan durasi langganan tiga tahun." msgid "" "Sets whether email subscribers can read full posts in emails or just an " "excerpt and link to the full version of the post. {{link}}Learn more about " "sending emails{{/link}}." msgstr "" "Tentukan apakah pelanggan e-mail dapat membaca pos lengkap di e-mail atau " "hanya ringkasan dan tautan ke versi lengkap pos. {{link}}Pelajari lebih " "lanjut tentang pengiriman e-mail{{/link}}." msgid "" "Sets the number of your most recent posts that will be sent out at once to " "RSS feed subscribers. (Located at {{siteFeedLink /}})." msgstr "" "Tetapkan jumlah pos terbaru Anda yang akan dikirim sekaligus ke pelanggan " "feed RSS. (Terletak di {{siteFeedLink /}})." msgid "Show the most recent {{field /}} items" msgstr "Tampilkan {{field /}} item terbaru" msgid "" "Includes your post's featured image in the email sent out to your readers. " "{{link}}Learn more about the featured image{{/link}}." msgstr "" "Sertakan gambar andalan pos Anda di e-mail yang dikirimkan ke pembaca Anda. " "{{link}}Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang gambar andalan{{/link}}." msgid "Keep subscription" msgstr "Perpanjang Langganan" msgid "Cancel the plan {{strong}}and{{/strong}} the domain \"%(domain)s\"" msgstr "Batalkan paket {{strong}}dan{{/strong}} domain \"%(domain)s\"." msgid "Cancel the plan, but keep \"%(domain)s\"" msgstr "Batalkan paket, namun pertahankan %(domain)s." msgid "Show at most {{field /}} posts" msgstr "Tampilkan paling banyak {{field /}} pos" msgid "{{autoRenewToggle}}Re-activate subscription{{/autoRenewToggle}}" msgstr "{{autoRenewToggle}}Aktifkan kembali langganan{{/autoRenewToggle}}" msgid "{{amount/}}/mo" msgstr "{{amount/}}/bln" msgid "Save {{amount/}}/mo vs buying individually" msgstr "Hemat {{amount/}}/bln vs beli satuan" msgid "" "You understand that {{refundsSupportPage}}refunds{{/refundsSupportPage}} for " "a domain gift are limited to 96 hours after purchase." msgstr "" "Anda mengerti bahwa {{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana{{/" "refundsSupportPage}} untuk menghadiahkan domain terbatas dalam 96 jam " "setelah pembelian." msgid "" "You understand that gift {{refundsSupportPage}}refunds{{/" "refundsSupportPage}} are limited to 14 days after purchase for non-domain " "products with yearly subscriptions." msgstr "" "Anda mengerti bahwa {{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana{{/" "refundsSupportPage}} terbatas untuk 14 hari setelah pembelian produk non-" "domain dengan durasi langganan tahunan." msgid "" "You understand that gift {{refundsSupportPage}}refunds{{/" "refundsSupportPage}} are limited to 7 days after purchase for non-domain " "products with monthly subscriptions." msgstr "" "Anda mengerti bahwa {{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana{{/" "refundsSupportPage}} terbatas dalam 7 hari setelah pembelian produk non-" "domain dengan durasi langganan bulanan." msgid "" "You understand that gift {{refundsSupportPage}}refunds{{/" "refundsSupportPage}} are limited to 14 days after purchase for non-domain " "products with two year subscriptions." msgstr "" "Anda mengerti bahwa {{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana{{/" "refundsSupportPage}} terbatas dalam 14 hari setelah pembelian produk non-" "domain dengan durasi langganan dua tahun." msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} is still activating, so you can't set it " "as primary just yet." msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} sedang dalam proses pengaktifan, jadi " "Anda tidak dapat menggunakannya sebagai domain utama." msgid "" "Your site is already live. You can change your site visibility in {{link}}" "privacy options{{/link}} at any time." msgstr "" "Situs Anda telah aktif. Anda dapat mengubah visibilitas situs di {{link}}" "pilihan privasi{{/link}} kapan saja." msgid "" "Visit {{a}}{{/a}} or scan the QR code to download the Jetpack " "mobile app." msgstr "" "Kunjungi {{a}}{{/a}} atau pindai kode QR untuk mengunduh aplikasi " "seluler Jetpack." msgid "Your {{b}}WordPress subscription payment{{/b}} has been successful." msgstr "{{b}}Pembayaran langganan WordPress{{/b}} Anda berhasil." msgid "" "Your plan expired and your site reverted to the Free plan. {{supportLink}}" "Follow these steps to continue using your previous features{{/supportLink}}, " "beginning with purchasing an eligible plan.{{lineBreak/}}No further action " "is needed if you wish to continue with the Free plan." msgstr "" "Paket Anda kedaluwarsa dan situs Anda dikembalikan ke paket Gratis. " "{{supportLink}}Ikuti langkah-langkah berikut untuk terus menggunakan fitur " "Anda sebelumnya{{/supportLink}}, terlebih dahulu beli paket yang memenuhi " "syarat.{{lineBreak/}}Tidak diperlukan tindakan lebih lanjut jika Anda ingin " "tetap menggunakan paket Gratis." msgid "Save %(percentSavings)d%% by paying for two years" msgstr "" "Hemat %(percentSavings)d%% jika membayar selama 2 tahun" msgid "" "If the SSH key is removed from your account, it will also be " "removed from all attached sites. Read more." msgstr "" "Jika kunci SSH dihapus dari akun Anda, kunci tersebut juga " "akan dihapus dari semua situs yang terhubung. Baca lebih lanjut." msgid "" "We sure can! If you need a hand launching your website, take a look at our " "express site setup service. Our in-house experts will create your site, and " "you’ll be ready to go live in four business days or less. To learn more, " "{{ExternalLinkWithTracking}}click here{{/ExternalLinkWithTracking}}." msgstr "" "Tentu bisa! Jika memerlukan bantuan untuk meluncurkan situs Anda, lihat " "layanan penyiapan situs kilat kami. Tim ahli internal kami akan membuatkan " "situs, dan Anda akan siap meluncurkannya dalam empat hari kerja atau kurang. " "Untuk mempelajari selengkapnya, {{ExternalLinkWithTracking}}klik di sini{{/" "ExternalLinkWithTracking}}." msgid "" "Absolutely! We offer a few different options to meet your needs. For most " "customers, our Professional Email service is the smart choice. This robust " "hosted email solution is available for any domain hosted with " "and starts at just %(titanMonthlyRenewalCost)s/mo per mailbox.{{br /}}" "{{br /}}We also offer a Google Workspace integration, and for users who need " "something simpler, you can set up email forwarding for free." msgstr "" "Tentu! Kami menawarkan beragam opsi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Anda. Bagi " "sebagian besar pelanggan, layanan E-mail Profesional kami adalah pilihan " "cerdas. Solusi e-mail yang dihosting yang andal ini tersedia untuk domain " "apa pun yang dihosting dengan dan harganya mulai dari " "%(titanMonthlyRenewalCost)s/bln per mailbox.{{br /}}{{br /}}Kami juga " "menawarkan integrasi Google Workspace, dan untuk pengguna yang membutuhkan " "sesuatu yang lebih sederhana, Anda dapat menggunakan penerusan e-mail secara " "gratis." msgid "" "No it won’t! You’re welcome to create your new site with us before pointing " "the domain here. That way your current site can stay “live” until your new " "one is ready.{{br /}}{{br /}}We recommend getting a plan now because they " "have other features you might find useful, including direct live chat and " "email support. Just avoid using the domain options until you’re ready, and " "then you can connect or transfer the domain." msgstr "" "Tidak! Anda dapat membuat situs baru Anda di sebelum " "mengarahkan domain ke sini. Dengan begitu, situs Anda tetap berjalan normal " "hingga situs yang baru siap.{{br /}}{{br /}}Kami menyarankan Anda membeli " "paket sekarang karena terdapat fitur-fitur yang berguna untuk Anda, mencakup " "bantuan langsung via live chat dan e-mail. Jangan gunakan dulu pengaturan " "domain hingga Anda siap. Jika sudah, Anda dapat menghubungkan atau " "mentransfer domain." msgid "" "If you aren't satisfied with our product, you can cancel anytime within the " "refund period for a prompt and courteous refund, no questions asked. The " "refund timeframes are:{{br /}}{{ul}}{{li}}14 days for annual " "plans{{/li}}{{li}}7 days for monthly plans{{/li}}{{li}}96 " "hours for new domain registrations{{/li}}{{/ul}}" msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak puas dengan produk kami, Anda dapat membatalkan kapan saja " "selama masa refund dan meminta secara sopan pengembalian dana secepatnya. " "Jangka refund:{{br /}}{{ul}}{{li}} 14 hari untuk paket " "tahunan{{/li}}{{li}}7 hari untuk paket{{/li}}{{li}}96 jam " "untuk pendaftaran domain baru{{/li}}{{/ul}}" msgid "" "Yes, you can host as many sites as you like, but they each need a separate " "plan. You can choose the appropriate plan for each site individually so " "you’ll pay for only the features you need.{{br /}}{{br /}}We have a " "dashboard that helps you manage all your and Jetpack-connected " "websites, all from one simple and centralized admin tool." msgstr "" "Ya, Anda dapat menghosting berapa pun situs yang Anda inginkan, namun " "diperlukan paket terpisah. Anda dapat memilih paket yang sesuai untuk setiap " "situs satu per satu sehingga Anda hanya membayar fitur yang Anda butuhkan." "{{br /}}{{br /}}Kami memiliki dasbor yang membantu Anda mengelola semua " " dan situs web yang terhubung dengan Jetpack, semuanya dari " "satu alat admin sederhana dan terpusat." msgid " Back" msgstr " Kembali" msgid "This email address is not valid. It must include a single @" msgstr "Alamat e-mail berikut tidak valid. Seharunya terdapat simbol @ tunggal" msgid "Save %s/month by going annual" msgstr "Hemat %s/bulan dengan paket tahunan" msgid "" "You understand that {{refundsSupportPage}}theme refunds{{/" "refundsSupportPage}} are limited to 14 days after purchase." msgstr "" "Anda memahami bahwa {{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana tema{{/" "refundsSupportPage}} terbatas dalam 14 hari setelah pembelian." msgid "" "You understand that {{refundsSupportPage}}domain name refunds{{/" "refundsSupportPage}} are limited to 96 hours after registration and " "{{refundsSupportPage}}yearly plan refunds{{/refundsSupportPage}} are limited " "to 14 days after purchase. Refunds of paid plans will deduct the standard " "cost of any domain name registered within a plan." msgstr "" "Anda memahami bahwa {{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian nama domain{{/" "refundsSupportPage}} terbatas dalam 96 jam setelah pendaftaran dan " "{{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana paket tahunan{{/refundsSupportPage}} " "terbatas dalam 14 hari setelah pembelian. Pengembalian dana paket berbayar " "akan mengurangi biaya standar nama domain apa pun yang terdaftar dalam paket." msgid "" "You understand that {{refundsSupportPage}}domain name refunds{{/" "refundsSupportPage}} are limited to 96 hours after registration and " "{{refundsSupportPage}}monthly plan refunds{{/refundsSupportPage}} are " "limited to 7 days after purchase." msgstr "" "Anda memahami bahwa {{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana nama domain{{/" "refundsSupportPage}} terbatas dalam 96 jam setelah pendaftaran dan " "{{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana paket bulanan{{/refundsSupportPage}} " "terbatas dalam 7 hari setelah pembelian." msgid "" "You understand that {{refundsSupportPage}}domain name refunds{{/" "refundsSupportPage}} are limited to 96 hours after registration and " "{{refundsSupportPage}}two year plan refunds{{/refundsSupportPage}} are " "limited to 14 days after purchase. Refunds of paid plans will deduct the " "standard cost of any domain name registered within a plan." msgstr "" "Anda memahami bahwa {{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana nama domain{{/" "refundsSupportPage}} terbatas dalam 96 jam setelah pendaftaran dan " "{{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana paket dua tahun{{/" "refundsSupportPage}} terbatas dalam 14 hari setelah pembelian. Pengembalian " "dana paket berbayar akan mengurangi biaya standar nama domain apa pun yang " "terdaftar dalam paket." msgid "" "You understand that {{refundsSupportPage}}refunds{{/refundsSupportPage}} are " "limited to 14 days after purchase or renewal for non-domain products with " "yearly subscriptions." msgstr "" "Anda memahami bahwa {{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana{{/" "refundsSupportPage}} terbatas untuk 14 hari setelah pembelian atau pembaruan " "hanya untuk produk non-domain dengan durasi langganan tahunan." msgid "" "You understand that {{refundsSupportPage}}refunds{{/refundsSupportPage}} are " "limited to 7 days after purchase or renewal for non-domain products with " "monthly subscriptions." msgstr "" "Anda memahami bahwa {{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana{{/" "refundsSupportPage}} terbatas dalam 7 hari setelah pembelian atau pembaruan " "hanya untuk produk non-domain dengan durasi langganan bulanan." msgid "" "You understand that {{refundsSupportPage}}refunds{{/refundsSupportPage}} are " "limited to 14 days after purchase or renewal for non-domain products with " "two year subscriptions." msgstr "" "Anda memahami bahwa {{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana{{/" "refundsSupportPage}} terbatas dalam 14 hari setelah pembelian atau pembaruan " "hanya untuk produk non-domain dengan durasi langganan dua tahun." msgid "" "Try for 14 days and if you are not 100% satisfied, get your " "money back." msgstr "" "Coba selama 14 hari dan dapatkan uang Anda kembali 100% jika " "tidak puas." msgid "Auto-renew is {{autoRenewToggle}}OFF{{/autoRenewToggle}}" msgstr "Perpanjang otomatis {{autoRenewToggle}}NONAKTIF{{/autoRenewToggle}}" msgid "Auto-renew is {{autoRenewToggle}}ON{{/autoRenewToggle}}" msgstr "Perpanjang otomatis {{autoRenewToggle}}AKTIF{{/autoRenewToggle}}" msgid "" "Not sure where to start? Head on over to Learn Wordpress." msgstr "" "Tidak tahu harus mulai dari mana? Lanjutkan untuk Mempelajari Wordpress." msgid "Cancel and refund" msgstr "Batalkan dan kembalikan dana" msgid "Cancel domain and refund" msgstr "Batalkan domain dan kembalikan dana" msgid "" "Not sure where to start? Head on over to Learn WordPress." msgstr "" "Tidak tahu harus mulai dari mana? Lanjutkan untuk Mempelajari " "WordPress." msgid "" "Enable SSH access for this site. {{supportLink}}Learn more{{/supportLink}}." msgstr "" "Aktifkan akses SSH untuk situs ini. {{supportLink}}Baca selengkapnya{{/" "supportLink}}." msgid "" "Schedule your {{supportLink}}Quick Start support session{{/supportLink}} and " "get one-on-one guidance from our expert Happiness Engineers to kickstart " "your site." msgstr "" "Jadwalkan {{supportLink}}sesi dukungan Mulai Cepat{{/supportLink}} Anda dan " "dapatkan panduan langsung dari Happiness Engineer ahli kami untuk memulai " "situs Anda." msgid "" "Your {{supportLink}}Quick Start support session{{/supportLink}} is " "approaching. Get ready for your one-to-one with our Happiness Engineer." msgstr "" "{{supportLink}}Sesi dukungan Mulai Cepat{{/supportLink}} Anda semakin dekat. " "Bersiaplah untuk sesi khusus dengan Happines Engineer kami." msgid "%(number)d {{span}}Selected{{/span}}" msgstr "%(number)d {{span}}Dipilih{{/span}}" msgid "Share posts with Jetpack Social {{learnMoreLink/}}" msgstr "Berbagi pos dengan Jetpack Social {{learnMoreLink/}}" msgid "" "SSH stands for Secure Shell. It’s a way to perform advanced operations on " "your site using the command line. For more information see {{supportLink}}" "Connect to SSH on{{/supportLink}}." msgstr "" "SSH adalah singkatan dari Secure Shell. SSH adalah cara untuk menjalankan " "operasi tingkat lanjut di situs Anda menggunakan baris perintah. Untuk " "informasi selengkapnya, baca {{supportLink}}Menghubungkan ke SSH di " "{{/supportLink}}." msgid "" "Your monthly subscription will renew at {{strong}}%(renewalPrice)s/month{{/" "strong}} for the next month. It will then renew at {{strong}}%(fullPrice)s/" "month{{/strong}} each following month." msgstr "" "Biaya perpanjangan langganan bulan Anda sebesar {{strong}}%(renewalPrice)s/" "bulan{{/strong}} untuk bulan berikutnya. Kemudian akan dikenakan " "{{strong}}%(fullPrice)s/bulan{{/strong}} setiap bulan berikutnya." msgid "" "Your monthly subscription will renew at {{strong}}%(renewalPrice)s/month{{/" "strong}} for the next %(periods)d months. It will then renew at " "{{strong}}%(fullPrice)s/month{{/strong}} each following month." msgstr "" "Biaya perpanjangan langganan bulanan Anda sebesar {{strong}}%(renewalPrice)s/" "bulan{{/strong}} untuk %(periods)d bulan berikutnya. Kemudian akan dikenakan " "{{strong}}%(fullPrice)s/bulan{{/strong}} pada setiap bulan berikutnya." msgid "" "When used with a paid plan, your custom domain can replace your site's free " "address, {{strong}}%(wpcom_url)s{{/strong}}, with {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/" "strong}}, making it easier to remember and easier to share." msgstr "" "Saat digunakan dengan paket berbayar, domain khusus Anda dapat menggantikan " "alamat gratis situs Anda, {{strong}}%(wpcom_url)s{{/strong}}, dengan " "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}, sehingga lebih mudah diingat dan dibagikan." msgid "" "By creating an account, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/" "tosLink}} and acknowledge you have read our {{privacyLink}}Privacy Policy{{/" "privacyLink}}." msgstr "" "Dengan membuat akun, Anda menyetujui {{tosLink}}Ketentuan Layanan{{/" "tosLink}} kami dan manyatakan telah membaca {{privacyLink}}Kebijakan " "Privasi{{/privacyLink}} kami." msgid "" "Modify your email notification settings." msgstr "" "Ubah pengaturan pemberitahuan email Anda." msgid "" "Success! You renewed %(productName)s. {{a}}Learn more about renewals{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Sukses! Anda memperbarui %(productName)s. {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang " "pembaruan{{/a}}" msgid "" "{{p}}The avatar you use on comes from {{ExternalLink}}" "Gravatar{{/ExternalLink}}, a universal avatar service (it stands for " "\"Globally Recognized Avatar,\" get it?).{{/p}}{{p}}However, your photo and " "Gravatar profile are hidden, preventing them from appearing on any site.{{/" "p}}" msgstr "" "{{p}}Avatar yang Anda gunakan di berasal dari {{ExternalLink}}" "Gravatar{{/ExternalLink}}, layanan avatar universal (singkatan dari " "\"Globally Recognized Avatar\", sudah tahu?).{{/p}}{{p}}Namun, foto dan " "profil Gravatar Anda disembunyikan, agar tidak tampil di situs mana pun.{{/" "p}}" msgid " Go back" msgstr " Kembali" msgid "{{displayPrice/}} {{period}}/ %(period)s{{/period}}" msgstr "{{displayPrice/}} {{period}}/ %(period)s{{/period}}" msgid "{{displayPrice/}} {{period}}(one-time){{/period}}" msgstr "{{displayPrice/}} {{period}}(satu kali){{/period}}" msgid "" "Not sure how to reconnect? {{supportPageLink}}Here are the instructions{{/" "supportPageLink}}." msgstr "" "Tidak tahu bagaimana menyambungkan kembali? {{supportPageLink}}Berikut " "petunjuknya{{/supportPageLink}}." msgid "" "There was a problem while removing your product, please {{a}}{{strong}}" "contact support{{/strong}}{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Ditemukan kendala saat menghapus produk Anda, mohon {{a}}{{strong}}hubungi " "tim bantuan{{/strong}}{{/a}}." msgid "" "Create, edit, and manage the %(taxonomy)s on your site. {{learnMoreLink/}}" msgstr "Buat, edit, dan kelola %(taxonomy)s situs Anda. {{learnMoreLink/}}" msgid "" "Restore or download a backup of your site from a specific moment in time. " "{{learnMoreLink/}}" msgstr "" "Pulihkan atau unduh cadangan situs Anda dari waktu tertentu. " "{{learnMoreLink/}}" msgid "" "Create, edit, and manage the reusable blocks on your site. {{learnMoreLink}}" "Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Buat, edit, dan kelola blok pakai ulang di situs Anda. {{learnMoreLink}}" "Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "" "Your password reset email is {{strong}}%(userEmail)s{{/strong}}. {{a}}Change " "it{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Email untuk reset kata sandi Anda adalah {{strong}}%(userEmail)s{{/strong}}. " "{{a}}Ubah{{/a}}." msgid "{{span}}%(standardPrice)s{{/span}} /month /mailbox" msgstr "{{span}}%(standardPrice)s{{/span}} /bulan /mailbox" msgid "{{span}}%(standardPrice)s{{/span}} /year /mailbox" msgstr "{{span}}%(standardPrice)s{{/span}} /tahun /mailbox" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is in redemption so it's not possible to " "transfer it." msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} sedang dalam pengaktifan, sehingga tidak " "dapat ditransfer." msgid "{{span}}Testimonials{{/span}}" msgstr "{{span}}Testimoni{{/span}}" msgid "{{span}}Portfolio projects{{/span}}" msgstr "{{span}}Proyek portofolio{{/span}}" msgid "" "You are in the process of changing your account email address to " "{{strong}}%(newEmailAddress)s{{/strong}}, but you still need to confirm the " "change." msgstr "" "Anda sedang dalam proses mengubah alamat email akun Anda menjadi " "{{strong}}%(newEmailAddress)s{{/strong}}, namun Anda masih perlu " "mengonfirmasi perubahan tersebut." msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} expired over 30 days ago and has been " "offered for sale at auction. Currently it is not possible to renew it. {{a}}" "Learn more{{/a}}" msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} kedaluarsa 30 hari yang lalu dan telah " "diproses untuk dijual secara lelang. Saat ini domain tidak dapat " "diperpanjang. {{a}}Pelajari selengkapnya{{/a}}" msgid "" "This product is an in-app purchase. You can manage it from within " "{{managePurchase}}the app store{{/managePurchase}}." msgstr "" "Produk ini merupakan pembelian dalam aplikasi. Anda dapat mengelolanya di " "dalam {{managePurchase}}app store{{/managePurchase}}." msgid "" "We’re filtering spam comments, but had some trouble getting recent stats. Check your " "site dashboard for the latest info." msgstr "" "Kami menyaring komentar spam, tetapi mengalami masalah saat mendapatkan " "statistik terkini. Periksa dasbor situs Anda untuk mendapatkan informasi terbaru." msgid "" "Here is how %2$s performed in the " "last 30 days." msgstr "" "Berikut performa %2$s dalam 30 hari " "terakhir." msgid "" "Your domain has recently expired at your external provider. Consider {{a}}" "transferring it{{/a}} to to manage your site and domains all " "from one place." msgstr "" "Domain di provider eksternal Anda baru saja kedaluwarsa. Pertimbangkan {{a}}" "mentransfernya{{/a}} ke untuk mengelola semua situs dan domain " "Anda dari satu tempat. " msgid "" "Your domain is expiring soon at your external provider. Consider {{a}}" "transferring it{{/a}} to to manage your site and domains all " "from one place." msgstr "" "Domain di provider eksternal Anda akan segera kedaluwasa. Pertimbangkan {{a}}" "mentransfernya{{/a}} ke untuk mengelola semua situs dan domain " "Anda dari satu tempat." msgid "" "You can purchase new mailboxes at the regular price of {{strong}}%(price)s{{/" "strong}} per mailbox per year." msgstr "" "Anda dapat membeli kotak surat baru dengan harga normal " "{{strong}}%(price)s{{/strong}} per kotak surat per tahun." msgid "Not sure where to start? {{a}}See how they compare{{/a}}." msgstr "Tidak tahu harus mulai dari mana? {{a}}Lihat perbandingannya{{/a}}." msgid "" "Documentation on Privacy Settings" msgstr "" "Dokumentasi Pengaturan Privasi" msgid "Send and receive emails from youremail@%(domainName)s" msgstr "Kirim dan terima email dari emailanda@%(domainName)s" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} will be deleted. Any services related to it " "will stop working. Are you sure you want to proceed?" msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} akan dihapus. Layanan apa pun yang terhubung " "akan berhenti berfungsi. Apakah Anda ingin melanjutkan?" msgid "{{strong}}Delete %(domain)s{{/strong}}" msgstr "{{strong}}Hapus %(domain)s{{/strong}}" msgid "" "If you want to use {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} with another provider you " "can {{moveAnchor}}move it to another service{{/moveAnchor}} or " "{{transferAnchor}}transfer it to another provider{{/transferAnchor}}." msgstr "" "Jika Anda ingin menggunakan {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} dengan penyedia " "lain, Anda dapat {{moveAnchor}}memindahkannya ke layanan lain{{/moveAnchor}} " "atau {{transferAnchor}}mentransfernya ke penyedia lain{{/transferAnchor}}." msgid "" "You're not authorized to import content.{{br/}}Please check with your site " "admin." msgstr "" "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengimpor konten.{{br/}}Harap hubungi admin situs " "Anda." msgid "" "{{priceSpan}}%(standardPrice)s{{/priceSpan}} {{saleSpan}}%(salePrice)s{{/" "saleSpan}} /month /mailbox" msgstr "" "{{priceSpan}}%(standardPrice)s{{/priceSpan}} {{saleSpan}}%(salePrice)s{{/" "saleSpan}} /bulan /kotak surat" msgid "" "{{priceSpan}}%(standardPrice)s{{/priceSpan}} {{saleSpan}}%(salePrice)s{{/" "saleSpan}} /year /mailbox" msgstr "" "{{priceSpan}}%(standardPrice)s{{/priceSpan}} {{saleSpan}}%(salePrice)s{{/" "saleSpan}} /tahun /kotak surat" msgid "Use as backup.{{supportLink /}}" msgstr "Gunakan sebagai cadangan.{{supportLink /}}" msgid "" "If the renewal fails, a {{link}}backup payment method{{/link}} may be used." msgstr "" "Jika perpanjangan gagal, {{link}}metode pembayaran cadangan{{/link}} dapat " "digunakan." msgid "" "Domain privacy service is included for free on applicable domains. " "{{supportLinkComponent}}Learn more{{/supportLinkComponent}}." msgstr "" "Layanan privasi domain disertakan secara gratis pada domain yang berlaku. " "{{supportLinkComponent}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/supportLinkComponent}}." msgid "" "Not you?{{br/}} Sign out or log in with {{link}}another account{{/link}}" msgstr "" "Bukan Anda?{{br/}} Keluar atau login dengan {{link}}akun lainnya{{/link}}" msgid "Need help? Contact support" msgstr "Butuh bantuan? Hubungi tim bantuan" msgid "Nice job! Now it’s{{br}}{{/br}} time to get creative." msgstr "Hebat! Sekarang saatnya untuk berkreasi." msgid "" "Scan this QR code with the authenticator app on your mobile. " "{{toggleMethodLink}}Can't scan the code?{{/toggleMethodLink}}" msgstr "" "Pindai kode QR berikut dengan aplikasi autentikator di ponsel Anda. " "{{toggleMethodLink}}Tidak dapat memindai kode?{{/toggleMethodLink}}" msgid "" "There was a problem while stopping your subscription, please {{a}}{{strong}}" "contact support{{/strong}}{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Ditemukan kendala saat menghentikan langganan Anda, {{a}}{{strong}}hubungi " "tim bantuan{{/strong}}{{/a}}." msgid "" "This domain isn't registered. Did you mean to search for a domain " "instead?" msgstr "" "Domain berikut tidak terdaftar. Apakah Anda ingin mencari domain?" msgid "" "Create, edit, and manage the portfolio projects on your site. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Buat, edit, dan kelola proyek portofolio di situs Anda. {{learnMoreLink}}" "Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "" "Gain insights into the activity and behavior of your site's visitors. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}" msgstr "" "Gali informasi tentang aktivitas dan perilaku pengunjung situs Anda. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Baca selengkapnya{{/learnMoreLink}}" msgid "Cancel your %(purchaseName)s subscription" msgstr "Batalkan Langganan %(purchaseName)s Anda" msgid "" "All paid plans purchased for an annual term include one year " "of free domain registration. Domains registered through this promotion will " "renew at our {{a}}standard rate{{/a}}, plus applicable taxes, after the " "first year.{{br /}}{{br /}}This offer is redeemable one time only, and does " "not apply to plan upgrades, renewals, or premium domains." msgstr "" "Semua paket berbayar yang dibeli untuk jangka waktu tahunan " "mendapatkan satu tahun pendaftaran domain gratis. Domain yang terdaftar " "melalui promosi berikut akan diperpanjang dengan {{a}}tarif standar{{/a}}, " "ditambah pajak yang berlaku, setelah tahun pertama.{{br /}}{{br /}}Penawaran " "berikut hanya dapat diklaim satu kali, dan tidak berlaku untuk upgrade " "paket, pembaruan, atau domain premium." msgid "Opt-out of the 60-day transfer lock. {{link}}What's this?{{/link}}." msgstr "" "Tidak menyetujui pilihan kunci transfer 60 hari. {{link}}Apa artinya?{{/" "link}}." msgid "{{strong}}Confirm your decision{{/strong}}" msgstr "{{strong}}Berikan konfirmasi untuk keputusan Anda{{/strong}}" msgid "" "You must visit your {{a}}Account Settings{{/a}} to update your email address " "before proceeding." msgstr "" "Anda harus mengunjungi {{a}}Pengaturan Akun{{/a}} untuk memperbarui alamat " "email Anda sebelum melanjutkan." msgid "{{strong}}Update your email address{{/strong}}" msgstr "{{strong}}Perbarui alamat email Anda{{/strong}}" msgid "VAT #: %(vatCountry)s %(vatId)s" msgstr "PPN #: %(vatCountry)s %(vatId)s" msgid "" "{{noPrint}}You can edit your VAT details {{vatDetailsLink}}on this page{{/" "vatDetailsLink}}. {{/noPrint}}This is not an official VAT receipt. For an " "official VAT receipt, {{emailReceiptLink}}email yourself a copy{{/" "emailReceiptLink}}." msgstr "" "{{noPrint}}Anda dapat mengedit detail PPN Anda {{vatDetailsLink}}di halaman " "berikut{{/vatDetailsLink}}. {{/noPrint}}Ini bukan tanda terima PPN resmi. " "Untuk tanda terima PPN resmi, {{emailReceiptLink}}kirim salinan ke alamat " "email Anda{{/emailReceiptLink}}." msgid "" "Build your brand with a custom @%(domain)s email address. Professional Email " "helps promote your site with every email you send." msgstr "" "Bangun branding Anda dengan alamat email khusus %(domain)s. Professional " "Email membantu mempromosikan situs Anda melalui setiap email yang Anda kirim." msgid "" "You understand that your %(productName)s service will be powered by Titan " "and is subject to Titan's {{titanCustomerTos}}Customer Terms of Service{{/" "titanCustomerTos}}, {{titanAup}}Acceptable Use Policy{{/titanAup}}, and " "{{titanPrivacy}}Privacy Policy{{/titanPrivacy}}." msgstr "" "Anda memahami bahwa layanan %(productName)s Anda akan didukung oleh Titan " "dan mematuhi {{titanCustomerTos}}Persyaratan Layanan Pelanggan{{/" "titanCustomerTos}}, {{titanAup}}Kebijakan Penggunaan yang Diizinkan{{/" "titanAup}}, dan {{titanPrivacy}}Kebijakan Privasi{{/titanPrivacy}} Titan." msgid "Free trial ends on {{span}}%(date)s{{/span}}" msgstr "Percobaan gratis berakhir pada {{span}}%(date)s{{/span}}" msgid "" "If you are dissatisfied for any reason, we offer full refunds within " "%(annualDays)d days for yearly plans, and within %(monthlyDays)d days for " "monthly plans. If you have a question about our paid plans, {{helpLink}}" "please let us know{{/helpLink}}!" msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak puas karena alasan apa pun, kami menawarkan pengembalian " "dana penuh dalam %(annualDays)d hari untuk paket tahunan, dan dalam " "%(monthlyDays)d hari untuk paket bulanan. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan " "tentang paket berbayar kami, {{helpLink}}hubungi kami{{/helpLink}}! " msgid "" "The to-do list to organize work & life. ✅ Trusted by over 20 million people, " "Todoist is an incredibly powerful and flexible task management app that can " "turn your to-do list into a got-it-done list." msgstr "" "Daftar tugas untuk mengatur pekerjaan & kehidupan pribadi. ✅ Dipercaya lebih " "dari 20 juta orang, Todoist adalah aplikasi manajemen tugas yang andal dan " "fleksibel, sehingga daftar yang belum dilakukan menjadi daftar yang telah " "dilakukan." msgid "" "Create and track invoices, track expenses, generate profit & loss " "statements, and make tax time for your business a breeze with the world's #1 " "accounting software for small businesses!" msgstr "" "Buat dan lacak faktur, pantau pengeluaran, buat laporan laba & rugi, dan " "kelola pajak bisnis Anda dengan mudah dengan perangkat lunak akuntansi #1 " "kelas dunia untuk usaha kecil!" msgid "" "%(purchaseName)s will expire and be removed from your site %(expiry)s – " "update your payment information so you don't lose out on your paid features! " "You also have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that are " "scheduled to renew soon." msgstr "" "%(purchaseName)s akan kedaluarsa dan dihapus dari situs Anda %(expiry)s – " "perbarui informasi pembayaran, jadi Anda tetap dapat menggunakan fitur " "berbayar! Anda juga memiliki {{link}}upgrade lain{{/link}} di situs ini yang " "akan diperpanjang sesuai jadwal." msgid "" "You purchased %(purchaseName)s with credits – please update your payment " "information before your plan expires %(expiry)s so that you don't lose out " "on your paid features! You also have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this " "site that are scheduled to renew soon." msgstr "" "Anda membeli %(purchaseName)s menggunakan kredit – silakan memperbarui " "informasi pembayaran sebelum paket kedaluarsa %(expiry)s jadi Anda tetap " "dapat menggunakan fitur berbayar! Anda juga memiliki {{link}}upgrade lain{{/" "link}} di situs ini yang akan diperpanjang sesuai jadwal." msgid "Scan (real-time, automated)" msgstr "Pemindaian (real time, otomatis)" msgid "Scan (daily, automated)" msgstr "Pemindaian (harian, otomatis)" msgid "All Security Daily features" msgstr "Semua fitur Security Harian" msgid "" "Credit card expires before your next renewal on {{span}}%(date)s{{/span}}" msgstr "" "Kartu kredit kedaluwarsa sebelum perpanjangan selanjutnya pada tanggal " "{{span}}%(date)s{{/span}}" msgid "" "In the meantime, consider attending one of our expert webinars on a wide " "variety of topics designed to help you build and grow your site. {{u}}" "{{externalLink}}View webinars{{/externalLink}}{{/u}}." msgstr "" "Sementara itu, Anda dapat mencoba menghadiri salah satu webinar khusus kami " "yang membahas berbagai topik yang dirancang untuk membantu Anda membuat dan " "mengembangkan situs Anda. {{u}}{{externalLink}}Lihat webinar{{/externalLink}}" "{{/u}}." msgid "for {{button}}%(site)s{{/button}}" msgstr "untuk {{button}}%(site)s{{/button}}" msgid "" "You no longer have access to this site and its purchases. {{button}}Contact " "support{{/button}}" msgstr "" "Anda tidak lagi punya akses ke situs ini beserta pembeliannya. {{button}}" "Hubungi dukungan{{/button}}" msgid "{{strong}}13GB{{/strong}} storage space" msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan {{strong}}13 GB{{/strong}}" msgid "{{strong}}3GB{{/strong}} storage space" msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan {{strong}}3 GB{{/strong}}" msgid "Expires %(timeUntilExpiry)s on {{span}}%(date)s{{/span}}" msgstr "Kedaluwarsa %(timeUntilExpiry)s pada {{span}}%(date)s{{/span}}" msgid "%(purchaseType)s for {{button}}%(site)s{{/button}}" msgstr "%(purchaseType)s untuk {{button}}%(site)s{{/button}}" msgid "Expires on {{span}}%s{{/span}}" msgstr "Kedaluwarsa pada {{span}}%s{{/span}}" msgid "Subscription to {{site}}{{/site}}" msgstr "Langganan ke {{site}}{{/site}}" msgid "Purchased from {{site}}{{/site}}" msgstr "Dibeli dari {{site}}{{/site}}" msgid "" "Your %1$s plan expires on %2$s. Renew now to continue " "enjoying features such as increased storage space, access to expert support, " "and automatic removal of ads." msgstr "" "Paket %1$s Anda berakhir pada %2$s. Perpanjang sekarang " "agar bisa terus menikmati fitur-fitur seperti ruang penyimpanan yang " "ditingkatkan, akses ke dukungan ahli, dan penghapusan otomatis iklan " "" msgid "" "This page reflects the time zone set on your site. It looks like that does " "not match your current time zone. {{SiteSettings}}You can update your site " "time zone here{{/SiteSettings}}." msgstr "" "Halaman berikut mencerminkan zona waktu di situs Anda. Sepertinya zona waktu " "saat ini tidak sesuai dengan zona waktu Anda. {{SiteSettings}} Anda dapat " "memperbarui zona waktu situs Anda di sini {{/SiteSettings}}." msgid "" "Automated daily scanning for security vulnerabilities or threats on your " "site. Includes instant notifications and automatic security fixes. {{link}}" "Learn more{{/link}}." msgstr "" "Pemindaian harian otomatis untuk mengidentifikasi kerentanan atau ancaman " "keamanan di situs Anda. Termasuk notifikasi instan dan perbaikan keamanan " "otomatis. {{link}}Pelajari selengkapnya{{/link}}." msgid "" "Automatic daily backups of your entire site, with unlimited, WordPress-" "optimized secure storage. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}." msgstr "" "Pencadangan harian otomatis untuk seluruh situs, dengan penyimpanan aman, " "tanpa batas, dan dioptimalkan untuk WordPress. {{link}}Pelajari " "selengkapnya{{/link}}." msgid "" "Accept payments from credit or debit cards via Stripe. Sell products, " "collect donations, and set up recurring payments for subscriptions or " "memberships. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}." msgstr "" "Terima pembayaran dari kartu kredit atau debit melalui Stripe. Jual produk, " "kumpulkan donasi, dan atur pembayaran berulang untuk langganan atau " "keanggotaan. {{link}}Pelajari selengkapnya{{/link}}." msgid "" "The most simple and powerful WordPress CRM. Improve customer relationships " "and increase profits. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}." msgstr "" "CRM WordPress paling mudah dan andal. Tingkatkan hubungan dengan pelanggan " "dan keuntungan. {{link}}Pelajari selengkapnya{{/link}}." msgid "" "Easy video uploads through an unbranded, customizable video player, enhanced " "with rich stats and unlimited storage space. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}." msgstr "" "Pengunggahan video yang mudah dengan pemutar video tanpa merek dan dapat " "disesuaikan, yang disempurnakan dengan statistik komprehensif dan ruang " "penyimpanan tanpa batas. {{link}}Pelajari selengkapnya{{/link}}." msgid "" "Help your site visitors find answers instantly so they keep reading and " "buying. Powerful filtering and customization options. {{link}}Learn more.{{/" "link}}" msgstr "" "Bantu pengunjung situs agar untuk langsung menemukan jawaban sehingga mereka " "tetap membaca dan membeli. Pilihan filter dan kustomisasi yang hebat. " "{{link}}Pelajari lebih lanjut.{{/link}}" msgid "" "View every change to your site in the last year. Pairs with VaultPress " "Backup to restore your site to any earlier version. {{link}}Learn more.{{/" "link}}" msgstr "" "Lihat semua perubahan situs Anda dalam setahun terakhir. Pasang dengan " "VaultPress Backup untuk memulihkan situs Anda ke versi terdahulu mana pun. " "{{link}}Baca selengkapnya.{{/link}}" msgid "" "Automated real-time scanning for security vulnerabilities or threats on your " "site. Includes instant notifications and automatic security fixes. {{link}}" "Learn more{{/link}}." msgstr "" "Pemindaian real time otomatis untuk mengidentifikasi kerentanan atau ancaman " "keamanan di situs Anda. Termasuk notifikasi instan dan perbaikan keamanan " "otomatis. {{link}}Pelajari selengkapnya{{/link}}." msgid "" "Real-time backups of your entire site and database with unlimited secure " "storage. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}." msgstr "" "Pencadangan real time untuk seluruh situs dan basis data Anda dengan ruang " "penyimpanan aman tanpa batas. {{link}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/link}}." msgid "Portfolio projects (for those who have them active)" msgstr "Proyek portofolio (untuk mereka yang mengaktifkannya)" msgid "Change my account privacy settings" msgstr "Ubah pengaturan privasi akun saya" msgid "Change my site's privacy settings" msgstr "Ubah pengaturan privasi situs saya" msgid "Remove all posts, pages, and media, or delete a site completely." msgstr "Hapus seluruh pos, halaman, dan media, atau hapus seluruh situs." msgid "" "We add new sessions daily, so please check back soon for more options. In " "the meantime, consider attending one of our expert webinars on a wide " "variety of topics designed to help you build and grow your site. " "{{externalLink1}}View webinars{{/externalLink1}} or {{externalLink2}}contact " "us in Live Chat{{/externalLink2}}." msgstr "" "Kami menambahkan sesi baru setiap hari, jadi silakan kunjungi kami lagi " "untuk melihat pilihan lainnya. Sementara itu, Anda dapat mencoba menghadiri " "salah satu webinar khusus kami yang membahas berbagai topik yang dirancang " "untuk membantu Anda membuat dan mengembangkan situs Anda. {{externalLink1}}" "Lihat webinar{{/externalLink1}} atau {{externalLink2}}hubungi kami di in " "Obrolan Langsung{{/externalLink2}}." msgid "" "We add new sessions daily, so please check back soon for more options. In " "the meantime, consider attending one of our expert webinars on a wide " "variety of topics designed to help you build and grow your site. " "{{externalLink1}}View webinars{{/externalLink1}}." msgstr "" "Kami menambahkan sesi baru tiap hari, karenanya silakan kunjungi kami lagi " "untuk melihat pilihan lainnya. Sementara itu, Anda dapat mencoba menghadiri " "salah satu webinar khusus kami yang membahas berbagai topik yang dirancang " "untuk membantu Anda membuat dan mengembangkan situs Anda. {{externalLink1}}" "Lihat webinar{{/externalLink1}}." msgid "" "You still need to verify your recovery SMS number: " "{{strong}}%(recoveryPhoneNumber)s{{/strong}}" msgstr "" "Anda masih harus melakukan verifikasi nomor SMS pemulihan Anda: " "{{strong}}%(recoveryPhoneNumber)s{{/strong}}" msgid "" "You still need to verify your recovery email address: " "{{strong}}%(recoveryEmailAddress)s{{/strong}}" msgstr "" "Anda masih harus memverifikasi alamat email pemulihan Anda: " "{{strong}}%(recoveryEmailAddress)s{{/strong}}" msgid "Please, verify your email address." msgstr "Verifikasikan alamat email Anda." msgid "" "Your {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s plan{{/managePurchase}} (which " "includes your %(includedPurchaseName)s subscription) has expired and is no " "longer in use." msgstr "" "Paket {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s Anda{{/managePurchase}} (yang " "menyertakan langganan %(includedPurchaseName)s) telah kedaluwarsa dan tidak " "dapat digunakan lagi." msgid "" "You have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will expire " "%(earliestOtherExpiry)s unless you take action." msgstr "" "Anda memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini yang akan " "kedaluwarsa pada %(earliestOtherExpiry)s, kecuali Anda mengambil tindakan." msgid "" "You have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that expired " "%(earliestOtherExpiry)s and will be removed soon unless you take action." msgstr "" "Anda memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini yang kedaluwarsa " "pada %(earliestOtherExpiry)s dan akan segera dihapus, kecuali Anda mengambil " "tindakan." msgid "" "Your %(cardType)s ending in %(cardNumber)d expires %(cardExpiry)s – before " "the next renewal. You have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that " "are scheduled to renew soon and may also be affected. Please update the " "payment information for all your subscriptions." msgstr "" "%(cardType)s Anda yang berakhir pada %(cardNumber)d akan kedaluwarsa pada " "%(cardExpiry)s – sebelum perpanjangan berikutnya. Anda memiliki {{link}}" "upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini yang dijadwalkan untuk segera " "diperpanjang dan mungkin juga terpengaruh. Harap perbarui informasi " "pembaruan untuk semua langganan Anda." msgid "" "You have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that are scheduled to " "renew soon." msgstr "" "Anda memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini yang dijadwalkan " "untuk segera diperpanjang." msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s subscription is scheduled to renew, but you have " "{{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will expire " "%(earliestOtherExpiry)s unless you take action." msgstr "" "Langganan %(purchaseName)s Anda dijadwalkan untuk diperpanjang, tetapi Anda " "memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini yang akan kedaluwarsa " "pada %(earliestOtherExpiry)s, kecuali Anda mengambil tindakan." msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s plan is scheduled to renew, but you have {{link}}other " "upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will expire %(earliestOtherExpiry)s " "unless you take action." msgstr "" "Paket %(purchaseName)s Anda dijadwalkan untuk diperpanjang, tetapi Anda " "memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini yang akan kedaluwarsa " "pada %(earliestOtherExpiry)s, kecuali Anda mengambil tindakan." msgid "" "Your {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s plan{{/managePurchase}} (which " "includes your %(includedPurchaseName)s subscription) is scheduled to renew, " "but you have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will expire " "%(earliestOtherExpiry)s unless you take action." msgstr "" "Paket {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s Anda{{/managePurchase}} (yang " "menyertakan langganan %(includedPurchaseName)s Anda) dijadwalkan untuk " "diperpanjang, tetapi Anda memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs " "ini yang akan kedaluwarsa pada %(earliestOtherExpiry)s, kecuali Anda " "mengambil tindakan." msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s domain is scheduled to renew, but you have {{link}}" "other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will expire " "%(earliestOtherExpiry)s unless you take action." msgstr "" "Domain %(purchaseName)s Anda dijadwalkan untuk diperpanjang, tetapi Anda " "memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini yang akan kedaluwarsa " "pada %(earliestOtherExpiry)s, kecuali Anda mengambil tindakan." msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s subscription is scheduled to renew, but you have " "{{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that expired " "%(earliestOtherExpiry)s and will be removed soon unless you take action." msgstr "" "Langganan %(purchaseName)s Anda dijadwalkan untuk diperpanjang, tetapi Anda " "memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini yang kedaluwarsa pada " "%(earliestOtherExpiry)s dan akan segera dihapus kecuali Anda mengambil " "tindakan." msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s plan is scheduled to renew, but you have {{link}}other " "upgrades{{/link}} on this site that expired %(earliestOtherExpiry)s and will " "be removed soon unless you take action." msgstr "" "Paket %(purchaseName)s Anda dijadwalkan untuk diperpanjang, tetapi Anda " "memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini yang kedaluwarsa pada " "%(earliestOtherExpiry)s dan akan segera dihapus kecuali Anda mengambil " "tindakan." msgid "" "Your {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s plan{{/managePurchase}} (which " "includes your %(includedPurchaseName)s subscription) is scheduled to renew, " "but you have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that expired " "%(earliestOtherExpiry)s and will be removed soon unless you take action." msgstr "" "Paket {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s Anda{{/managePurchase}} (yang " "menyertakan langganan %(includedPurchaseName)s Anda) dijadwalkan untuk " "diperpanjang, tetapi Anda memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs " "ini yang kedaluwarsa pada %(earliestOtherExpiry)s dan akan segera dihapus " "kecuali Anda mengambil tindakan." msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s domain is scheduled to renew, but you have {{link}}" "other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that expired %(earliestOtherExpiry)s " "and will be removed soon unless you take action." msgstr "" "Domain %(purchaseName)s Anda dijadwalkan untuk diperpanjang, tetapi Anda " "memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini yang kedaluwarsa pada " "%(earliestOtherExpiry)s dan akan segera dihapus kecuali Anda mengambil " "tindakan." msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s subscription will expire %(expiry)s unless you take " "action. You also have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that are " "scheduled to renew soon." msgstr "" "Langganan %(purchaseName)s Anda akan kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s kecuali " "Anda mengambil tindakan. Anda juga memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} " "di situs ini yang dijadwalkan untuk segera diperpanjang." msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s plan will expire %(expiry)s unless you take action. " "You also have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that are " "scheduled to renew soon." msgstr "" "Paket %(purchaseName)s Anda akan kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s kecuali Anda " "mengambil tindakan. Anda juga memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di " "situs ini yang dijadwalkan untuk segera diperpanjang." msgid "" "Your {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s plan{{/managePurchase}} (which " "includes your %(includedPurchaseName)s subscription) will expire %(expiry)s " "unless you take action. You also have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on " "this site that are scheduled to renew soon." msgstr "" "Paket {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s Anda{{/managePurchase}} (yang " "menyertakan langganan %(includedPurchaseName)s Anda) akan kedaluwarsa pada " "%(expiry)s, kecuali Anda mengambil tindakan. Anda juga memiliki {{link}}" "upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini yang dijadwalkan untuk segera " "diperpanjang." msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s domain will expire %(expiry)s unless you take action. " "You also have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that are " "scheduled to renew soon." msgstr "" "Domain %(purchaseName)s Anda akan kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s kecuali Anda " "mengambil tindakan. Anda juga memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di " "situs ini yang dijadwalkan untuk segera diperpanjang." msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s subscription expired %(expiry)s and will be removed " "soon unless you take action. You also have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} " "on this site that are scheduled to renew soon." msgstr "" "Langganan %(purchaseName)s Anda kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s dan akan segera " "dihapus kecuali Anda mengambil tindakan. Anda juga memiliki {{link}}upgrade " "lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini yang dijadwalkan untuk segera diperpanjang." msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s plan expired %(expiry)s and will be removed soon " "unless you take action. You also have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on " "this site that are scheduled to renew soon." msgstr "" "Paket %(purchaseName)s Anda kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s dan akan segera " "dihapus kecuali Anda mengambil tindakan. Anda juga memiliki {{link}}upgrade " "lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini yang dijadwalkan untuk segera diperpanjang." msgid "" "Your {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s plan{{/managePurchase}} (which " "includes your %(includedPurchaseName)s subscription) expired %(expiry)s and " "will be removed soon unless you take action. You also have {{link}}other " "upgrades{{/link}} on this site that are scheduled to renew soon." msgstr "" "Paket {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s Anda{{/managePurchase}} (yang " "menyertakan langganan %(includedPurchaseName)s Anda) kedaluwarsa pada " "%(expiry)s dan akan segera dihapus kecuali Anda mengambil tindakan. Anda " "juga memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini yang dijadwalkan " "untuk segera diperpanjang." msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s domain expired %(expiry)s and will be removed soon " "unless you take action. You also have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on " "this site that are scheduled to renew soon." msgstr "" "Domain %(purchaseName)s Anda kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s dan akan segera " "dihapus kecuali Anda mengambil tindakan. Anda juga memiliki {{link}}upgrade " "lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini yang dijadwalkan untuk segera diperpanjang." msgid "" "Your {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s plan{{/managePurchase}} (which " "includes your %(includedPurchaseName)s subscription) will expire %(expiry)s, " "and you have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be " "removed unless you take action." msgstr "" "Paket {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s Anda{{/managePurchase}} (yang " "menyertakan langganan %(includedPurchaseName)s Anda) akan kedaluwarsa pada " "%(expiry)s, dan Anda memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini " "yang juga akan dihapus kecuali Anda mengambil tindakan." msgid "" "Your {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s plan{{/managePurchase}} (which " "includes your %(includedPurchaseName)s subscription) will expire %(expiry)s, " "and you have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be " "removed soon unless you take action." msgstr "" "Paket {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s Anda{{/managePurchase}} (yang " "menyertakan langganan %(includedPurchaseName)s Anda) akan kedaluwarsa pada " "%(expiry)s, dan Anda memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini " "yang juga akan segera dihapus kecuali Anda mengambil tindakan." msgid "" "Your {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s plan{{/managePurchase}} (which " "includes your %(includedPurchaseName)s subscription) expired %(expiry)s, and " "you have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be " "removed soon unless you take action." msgstr "" "Paket {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s Anda{{/managePurchase}} (yang " "menyertakan langganan %(includedPurchaseName)s Anda) kedaluwarsa pada " "%(expiry)s, dan Anda memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini " "yang juga akan segera dihapus kecuali Anda mengambil tindakan." msgid "" "Your {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s plan{{/managePurchase}} (which " "includes your %(includedPurchaseName)s subscription) will expire and be " "removed from your site %(expiry)s." msgstr "" "Paket {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s Anda{{/managePurchase}} (yang " "menyertakan langganan %(includedPurchaseName)s Anda) akan kedaluwarsa dan " "dihapus dari situs Anda pada %(expiry)s." msgid "" "%(purchaseName)s will expire and be removed from your site %(expiry)s – " "please renew before expiry so you don't lose out on your paid features! You " "also have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that are scheduled to " "renew soon." msgstr "" "%(purchaseName)s akan kedaluwarsa dan dihapus dari situs Anda pada " "%(expiry)s – harap perpanjang sebelum masa kedaluwarsa sehingga Anda tidak " "kehilangan fitur berbayar! Anda juga memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/" "link}} di situs ini yang dijadwalkan untuk segera diperpanjang." msgid "" "%(purchaseName)s will expire and be removed from your site %(expiry)s – " "please enable auto-renewal so you don't lose out on your paid features! You " "also have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that are scheduled to " "renew soon." msgstr "" "%(purchaseName)s akan kedaluwarsa dan dihapus dari situs Anda pada " "%(expiry)s – harap aktifkan fitur perpanjangan otomatis sehingga Anda tidak " "kehilangan fitur berbayar! Anda juga memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/" "link}} di situs ini yang dijadwalkan untuk segera diperpanjang." msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s subscription will expire %(expiry)s, and you have " "{{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be removed " "unless you take action." msgstr "" "Langganan %(purchaseName)s Anda akan kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s, dan " "{{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} pada situs ini juga akan dihapus kecuali " "Anda mengambil tindakan." msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s plan will expire %(expiry)s, and you have {{link}}" "other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be removed unless you " "take action." msgstr "" "Paket %(purchaseName)s Anda akan kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s, dan {{link}}" "upgrade lainnya{{/link}} pada situs ini juga akan dihapus kecuali Anda " "mengambil tindakan." msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s domain will expire %(expiry)s, and you have {{link}}" "other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be removed unless you " "take action." msgstr "" "Domain %(purchaseName)s Anda akan kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s, dan {{link}}" "upgrade lainnya{{/link}} pada situs ini juga akan dihapus kecuali Anda " "mengambil tindakan." msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s subscription will expire %(expiry)s, and you have " "{{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be removed soon " "unless you take action." msgstr "" "Langganan %(purchaseName)s Anda akan kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s, dan " "{{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} pada situs ini juga akan segera dihapus " "kecuali Anda mengambil tindakan." msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s plan will expire %(expiry)s, and you have {{link}}" "other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be removed soon unless " "you take action." msgstr "" "Paket %(purchaseName)s Anda akan kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s, dan {{link}}" "upgrade lainnya{{/link}} pada situs ini juga akan segera dihapus kecuali " "Anda mengambil tindakan." msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s domain will expire %(expiry)s, and you have {{link}}" "other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be removed soon unless " "you take action." msgstr "" "Domain %(purchaseName)s Anda akan kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s, dan {{link}}" "upgrade lainnya{{/link}} pada situs ini juga akan segera dihapus kecuali " "Anda mengambil tindakan." msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s subscription expired %(expiry)s, and you have {{link}}" "other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be removed soon unless " "you take action." msgstr "" "Langganan %(purchaseName)s Anda kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s, dan {{link}}" "upgrade lainnya{{/link}} pada situs ini juga akan segera dihapus kecuali " "Anda mengambil tindakan." msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s plan expired %(expiry)s, and you have {{link}}other " "upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be removed soon unless you " "take action." msgstr "" "Paket %(purchaseName)s Anda kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s, dan {{link}}upgrade " "lainnya{{/link}} pada situs ini juga akan segera dihapus kecuali Anda " "mengambil tindakan." msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s domain expired %(expiry)s, and you have {{link}}other " "upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be removed soon unless you " "take action." msgstr "" "Domain %(purchaseName)s Anda kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s, dan {{link}}" "upgrade lainnya{{/link}} pada situs ini juga akan segera dihapus kecuali " "Anda mengambil tindakan." msgid "" "Please click the link in the email we sent to %(email)s. Typo in your email " "address? {{changeButton}}Change it here{{/changeButton}}." msgstr "" "Silakan klik tautan di dalam email yang kami kirimkan ke %(email)s. Jika " "terjadi kesalahan pengetikan, silakan{{changeButton}}ubah di sini{{/" "changeButton}}." msgid "" "The payment method {{paymentMethodSummary/}} will be removed from your " "account and from all the associated subscriptions." msgstr "" "Metode pembayaran {{paymentMethodSummary/}} akan dihapus dari akun Anda dan " "dari semua langganan terkait." msgid "" "To manage your plan, please {{supportPageLink}}reconnect{{/supportPageLink}} " "your site." msgstr "" "Untuk mengelola paket Anda, harap {{supportPageLink}}hubungkan kembali{{/" "supportPageLink}} situs Anda." msgid "" "A %(importerName)s export file is an XML file containing your page and post " "content. {{supportLink/}}" msgstr "" "Berkas ekspor %(importerName)s adalah berkas XML yang berisi konten halaman " "dan pos Anda. {{supportLink/}}" msgid "" "When you downgrade your plan, {{strong}}%(oldDomain)s{{/strong}} will " "immediately start forwarding to {{strong}}%(newDomain)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Jika Anda melakukan downgrade paket, {{strong}}%(oldDomain)s{{/strong}} akan " "segera meneruskan ke {{strong}}%(newDomain)s{{/strong}}." msgid "" "Upgrade to a paid plan to make {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} the primary " "address that your visitors see when they visit your site. {{a}}Learn more{{/" "a}}" msgstr "" "Upgrade ke paket berbayar untuk menjadikan {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} " "alamat utama yang dilihat orang saat mereka mengunjungi situs Anda. {{a}}" "Pelajari selengkapnya{{/a}}" msgid "" "We sent you an email at {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}} to verify your " "contact information. Please complete the verification or your domain will " "stop working in {{strong}}10 days{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Kami mengirimkan Anda email ke {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}} untuk Anda " "melakukan verifikasi informasi kontak. Mohon segera verifikasi atau domain " "Anda tidak dapat digunakan dalam {{strong}}10 hari{{/strong}}." msgid "WooCommerce Payments" msgstr "Pembayaran WooCommerce" msgid "" "SFTP stands for Secure File Transfer Protocol (or SSH File Transfer " "Protocol). It’s a secure way for you to access your website files on your " "local computer via a client program such as {{a}}Filezilla{{/a}}. For more " "information see {{supportLink}}SFTP on{{/supportLink}}." msgstr "" "SFTP singkatan dari Secure File Transfer Protocol (atau SSH File Transfer " "Protocol). Protokol ini adalah cara aman untuk Anda dalam mengakses file " "situs web di komputer lokal melalui program klien seperti {{a}}Filezilla{{/" "a}}. Untuk informasi selengkapnya, lihat {{supportLink}}SFTP di WordPress." "com{{/supportLink}}." msgid "" "Use the credentials below to access and edit your website files using an " "SFTP client. {{a}}Learn more about SFTP on{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Gunakan kredensial di bawah untuk mengakses dan mengedit berkas situs web " "Anda menggunakan SFTP client. {{a}}Pelajari selengkapnya tentang SFTP di " "{{/a}}." msgid "" "It is a free open source software tool that allows you to administer your " "site's MySQL database over the Web. For more information see {{a}}phpMyAdmin " "and MySQL{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Ini adalah alat perangkat lunak sumber terbuka yang memungkinkan Anda " "mengelola database MySQL situs Anda melalui Web. Untuk informasi " "selengkapnya lihat {{a}}phpMyAdmin dan MySQL{{/a}}" msgid "" "{{strong}}Ready to access your website files?{{/strong}} Keep in mind, if " "mistakes happen you can restore your last backup, but will lose changes made " "after the backup date." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Siap mengakses file situs web Anda?{{/strong}} Jika terjadi " "kesalahan, Anda dapat memulihkan pencadangan terakhir. Akan tetapi perubahan " "yang dibuat setelah tanggal pencadangan tersebut akan hilang." msgid "Having problems with access? Try {{a}}resetting the password{{/a}}." msgstr "Mengalami masalah saat mengakses? Coba {{a}}reset kata sandi{{/a}}." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to view that resource." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk melihat materi tersebut." msgid "" "Want more help? We have a full guide to resetting your " "password." msgstr "" "Perlu bantuan lebih lanjut? Kami memiliki panduan lengkap " "untuk mengatur ulang kata sandi." msgid "" "Import posts, pages, comments, tags, and images from a %(importerName)s " "export file to {{b}}%(siteTitle)s{{/b}}." msgstr "" "Impor pos, halaman, komentar, tag, dan gambar dari berkas ekspor " "%(importerName)s ke {{b}}%(siteTitle)s{{/b}}." msgid "" "If you're not automatically redirected within a few seconds click here to open phpMyAdmin." msgstr "" "Jika dalam beberapa detik Anda tidak dialihkan secara otomatis, klik di sini untuk membuka phpMyAdmin." msgid "Opening phpMyAdmin…" msgstr "Membuka phpMyAdmin..." msgid "{{strong}}Use your security key to finish logging in.{{/strong}}" msgstr "" "{{strong}}Gunakan kunci keamanan Anda untuk menyelesaikan login.{{/strong}}" msgid "" "{{strong}}Note:{{/strong}} Support sessions are not available before " "%(reopensAt)s." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Catatan:{{/strong}} Sesi dukungan tidak tersedia sebelum " "%(reopensAt)s." msgid "" "{{strong}}Note:{{/strong}} Support sessions will not be available between " "%(closesAt)s and %(reopensAt)s." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Catatan:{{/strong}} Sesi dukungan tidak akan tersedia mulai " "tanggal %(closesAt)s sampai %(reopensAt)s." msgid "" "Why? Once a year, the Happiness Engineers and the rest of the " " family get together to work on improving our services, " "building new features, and learning how to better serve our customers like " "you. But never fear! If you need help in the meantime, you can submit an " "email ticket through the contact form: {{contactLink}}" "help/contact{{/contactLink}}" msgstr "" "Mengapa? Setahun sekali, Happiness Engineer dan keluarga " " selengkapnya berkumpul untuk berupaya meningkatkan layanan, " "membuat fitur-fitur baru, dan mencari cara untuk melayani para pelanggan " "seperti Anda dengan lebih baik lagi. Tetapi jangan takut! Jika butuh bantuan " "dalam waktu tersebut, Anda dapat mengirimkan tiket email melalui formulir " "kontak: {{contactLink}}{{/contactLink}}" msgid "By continuing, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}}" msgstr "" "Dengan melanjutkan, Anda menyetujui {{tosLink}}Ketentuan Layanan{{/tosLink}} " "kami" msgid "%1$s - expires on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s - akan berakhir pada %2$s" msgid "" "By upgrading to the %s plan, you'll be able to monetize your site through " "the WordAds program." msgstr "" "Dengan meng-upgrade ke paket %s, Anda akan dapat memonetisasi situs melalui " "program WordAds." msgid "Expires on {{dateSpan}}%(expireDate)s{{/dateSpan}}" msgstr "Berakhir pada {{dateSpan}}%(expireDate)s{{/dateSpan}}" msgid "You will be billed on {{dateSpan}}%(renewDate)s{{/dateSpan}}" msgstr "Anda akan ditagih pada {{dateSpan}}%(renewDate)s{{/dateSpan}}" msgid "" "Speed up your site’s performance and protect it from spammers. Access " "detailed records of all activity on your site and restore your site to a " "previous point in time with just a click! While you’re at it, improve your " "SEO with our Advanced SEO tools and automate social media sharing." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan kecepatan performa situs Anda dan lindungi dari serangan spammer. " "Akses laporan mendetail terkait semua aktivitas di situs Anda dan pulihkan " "situs ke kondisi sebelumnya hanya dengan satu klik! Selagi melakukannya, " "tingkatkan SEO Anda dengan alat SEO Tingkat Lanjut dan otomatiskan berbagi " "di media sosial." msgid "{{strong}}Automatic{{/strong}} security fixes" msgstr "Perbaikan Keamanan {{strong}}Otomatis{{/strong}}" msgid "{{strong}}Daily{{/strong}} malware scanning" msgstr "Pemindaian Malware {{strong}}Harian{{/strong}}" msgid "{{strong}}Real-time{{/strong}} backups" msgstr "Pencadangan {{strong}}Real time{{/strong}}" msgid "{{strong}}Daily{{/strong}} backups" msgstr "Pencadangan {{strong}}Harian{{/strong}}" msgctxt "Domain is already added to shopping cart" msgid "{{checkmark/}} Selected" msgstr "{{checkmark/}} Dipilih" msgid "Free SSL Certificate & Domain Privacy" msgstr "Sertifikat SSL Gratis & Privasi Domain" msgid "" "The fastest way.{{br/}}Use one of your existing accounts{{br/}}to sign up " "for Crowdsignal:" msgstr "" "Cara tercepat.{{br/}}Gunakan salah satu akun Anda yang sudah ada{{br/}}untuk " "mendaftar ke Crowdsignal:" msgid "Why {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}." msgstr "Mengapa {{a}}Pelajari selengkapnya{{/a}}." msgid "" "You understand that {{refundsSupportPage}}domain name refunds{{/" "refundsSupportPage}} are limited to 96 hours after registration. Refunds of " "paid plans will deduct the standard cost of any domain name registered " "within a plan." msgstr "" "Anda memahami bahwa {{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana nama domain{{/" "refundsSupportPage}} hanya dapat dilakukan hingga 96 jam setelah registrasi. " "Pengembalian dana untuk paket berbayar akan dikurangi harga standar dari " "nama domain apa pun yang terdaftar dalam paket." msgid "" "You understand that {{refundsSupportPage}}domain name refunds{{/" "refundsSupportPage}} are limited to 96 hours after registration." msgstr "" "Perlu dipahami bahwa {{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana nama domain{{/" "refundsSupportPage}} terbatas untuk 96 jam setelah pendaftaran." msgid "Select a site for your {{strong}}Quick Start Session{{/strong}}" msgstr "Pilih situs untuk {{strong}}Sesi Mulai Cepat{{/strong}}" msgid "LL [at] LT" msgstr "LL [at] LT" msgid "" "{{strong}}Notice:{{/strong}} Quick Start sessions will be closed from " "%(closesAt)s until %(reopensAt)s. If you need to get in touch with us, " "you’ll be able to {{link}}submit a support request{{/link}} and we’ll get to " "it as fast as we can. Thank you!" msgstr "" "{{strong}}Perhatian:{{/strong}} Sesi Mulai Cepat akan ditutup dari " "%(closesAt)s sampai %(reopensAt)s. Jika Anda perlu menghubungi kami, Anda " "dapat {{link}}mengirimkan permintaan dukungan{{/link}} dan kami akan " "menanggapi secepatnya. Terima kasih!" msgid "[%1$s] Export completed" msgstr "Ekspor %1$s selesai" msgid "Change Your Privacy Settings" msgstr "Mengubah Pengaturan Privasi Anda" msgid "Display Your Instagram Feed on Your Website" msgstr "Menampilkan Feed Instagram di Situs Web Anda" msgid "" "Action Required: Your domain " "expires on %1$s." msgstr "" "Tindakan Diperlukan: Domain " "Anda kedaluwarsa pada %1$s." msgid "" "Action Required: Your %1$d purchase expires on %2$s." msgid_plural "" "Action Required: Your %1$d purchases expire on %2$s." msgstr[0] "" "Tindakan Diperlukan: %1$d pembelian Anda kedaluwarsa pada %2$s." msgstr[1] "" "Tindakan Diperlukan: %1$d pembelian Anda kedaluwarsa pada %2$s." msgid "" "Action Required: Your %1$s purchase " "expires on %2$s." msgstr "" "Tindakan Diperlukan: %1$s pembelian Anda " "kedaluwarsa pada %2$s." msgid "" "Action Required: Your plan " "expires on %1$s." msgstr "" "Tindakan Diperlukan: Paket " "Anda kedaluwarsa pada %1$s." msgid "" "Action Required: Your %1$s upgrade expires " "on %2$s." msgstr "" "Tindakan Diperlukan: %1$s upgrade Anda " "kedaluwarsa pada %2$s." msgid "To close this account now, {{a}}contact our support team{{/a}}." msgstr "Untuk menutup akun ini sekarang, {{a}}hubungi tim dukungan kami{{/a}}." msgid "" "To delete your account, you'll need to cancel any active purchases in {{a}}" "Manage Purchases{{/a}} before proceeding." msgstr "" "Untuk menghapus akun Anda, Anda perlu membatalkan semua pembelian yang aktif " "di {{a}}Kelola Pembelian{{/a}} sebelum melanjutkan." msgid "" "Please type {{warn}}%(currentUsername)s{{/warn}} in the field below to " "confirm. Your account will then be gone forever." msgstr "" "Ketikkan {{warn}}%(currentUsername)s{{/warn}} pada bidang di bawah untuk " "mengonfirmasi. Akun Anda akan dihapus selamanya." msgid "{{planName/}} plan features" msgstr "Fitur paket {{planName/}}" msgid "" "To make {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} work with your site, " "you need to update the nameservers." msgstr "" "Agar {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} dapat digunakan dengan situs WordPress." "com, Anda perlu memperbarui nameserver." msgid "Issues with {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}" msgstr "Masalah pada {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}" msgid "" "{{strong}}Need help?{{/strong}} A Happiness Engineer can answer questions " "about your site and your account." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Butuh bantuan?{{/strong}} Happiness Engineer dapat membantu " "menjawab pertanyaan tentang situs dan akun Anda." msgid "{{a}}All free features{{/a}}" msgstr "{{a}}Semua fitur gratis{{/a}}" msgid "{{a}}All Premium features{{/a}}" msgstr "{{a}}Semua fitur Premium{{/a}}" msgid "{{strong}}Unlimited{{/strong}} Video hosting" msgstr "Hosting Video {{strong}}Tanpa Batas{{/strong}}" msgid "" "Switching to a new device? {{changephonelink}}Follow these steps{{/" "changephonelink}} to avoid losing access to your account." msgstr "" "Beralih ke perangkat baru? {{changephonelink}}Ikuti langkah berikut{{/" "changephonelink}} untuk mempertahankan akses ke akun Anda." msgctxt "%1$s = shipping service name, %2$d = order id" msgid "Shipping Label: %1$s for Order #%2$d" msgstr "Label Pengiriman: %1$s untuk Pesanan #%2$d" msgid "" "When you cancel a domain, it becomes unavailable for a while. Anyone may " "register it once it's available again, so it's possible you won't have " "another chance to register it in the future. If you'd like to use your " "domain on a site hosted elsewhere, consider {{a}}updating your name " "servers{{/a}} instead." msgstr "" "Saat dibatalkan, domain akan menjadi tidak aktif untuk sementara. Semua " "orang dapat mendaftar untuk mendapatkannya setelah domain aktif kembali, " "jadi, ada kemungkinan Anda tidak dapat mendaftarkannya lagi di masa depan. " "Jika Anda ingin menggunakan domain pada hosting situs yang lain, " "pertimbangkan untuk {{a}}memperbarui server nama{{/a}} saja." msgid "" "I understand that canceling my domain means I might {{strong}}never be able " "to register it again{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Saya mengerti bahwa membatalkan domain berarti saya mungkin {{strong}}tidak " "akan bisa mendaftarkannya lagi{{/strong}}." msgid "{{a}}Log in now{{/a}} to finish signing up." msgstr "{{a}}Login sekarang{{/a}} untuk menyelesaikan proses pendaftaran." msgid "" "Canceling a domain name may cause the domain to become unavailable for a " "long time before it can be purchased again, and someone may purchase it " "before you get a chance. Instead, please {{a}}use our transfer out feature{{/" "a}} if you want to use this domain again in the future." msgstr "" "Membatalkan nama domain dapat menyebabkan domain tidak tersedia untuk waktu " "yang lama sebelum dapat dibeli lagi, dan seseorang dapat membelinya sebelum " "Anda sempat melakukannya. Sebagai gantinya, {{a}}gunakan fitur transfer " "kami{{/a}} jika Anda ingin menggunakan domain ini lagi di waktu mendatang." msgid "" "We need to check your contact information to make sure you can be reached. " "Please verify your details using the email we sent you, or your domain will " "stop working. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn more.{{/learnMoreLink}}" msgstr "" "Kami perlu memeriksa informasi kontak Anda untuk memastikan Anda bisa " "dihubungi. Harap verifikasi rincian Anda menggunakan email yang kami " "kirimkan, jika tidak, domain Anda akan berhenti bekerja. {{learnMoreLink}}" "Pelajari selengkapnya.{{/learnMoreLink}}" msgid "" "Howdy! It looks like you want to make your domain work with the {{strong}}" "Google Workspace email service{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Apa kabar! Sepertinya Anda ingin menggunakan domain dengan {{strong}}layanan " "email dari Google Workspace{{/strong}}." msgid "" "Howdy! It looks like you want to set up your domain to work with the " "{{strong}}Microsoft Office 365 service{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Apa kabar! Tampaknya Anda ingin menyiapkan domain Anda untuk digunakan " "dengan {{strong}}layanan Microsoft Office 365{{/strong}}." msgid "" "Your site is not currently accessible to search engines. You must set your " "{{a}}privacy settings{{/a}} to \"public\"." msgstr "" "Situs Anda saat ini tidak dapat diakses oleh mesin pencari. Anda harus " "mengubah {{a}}pengaturan privasi{{/a}} menjadi \"publik\"." msgid "%1$s Receipt #%2$d" msgstr "Tanda Terima %1$s No. %2$d" msgid "{{icon/}} Jetpack Stats, related content, and sharing tools" msgstr "{{icon/}} Statistik Jetpack, konten terkait, dan alat berbagi." msgid "{{icon/}} Brute force attack protection and downtime monitoring" msgstr "{{icon/}} Perlindungan serangan kasar dan pemantauan downtime" msgid "{{icon/}} Unlimited, high-speed image hosting" msgstr "{{icon/}} Hosting gambar dengan kecepatan tinggi dan tanpa batas" msgid "{{icon/}} Spam filtering" msgstr "{{icon/}} Filter spam" msgid "{{icon/}} Daily automated backups (unlimited storage)" msgstr "{{icon/}} Pencadangan otomatis setiap hari (penyimpanan tanpa batas)" msgid "{{icon/}} Priority WordPress and security support" msgstr "{{icon/}} Prioritas WordPress dan dukungan keamanan" msgid "{{icon/}} Unlimited high-speed video hosting" msgstr "{{icon/}} Hosting video dengan kecepatan tinggi dan tanpa batas" msgid "{{icon/}} SEO preview tools" msgstr "{{icon/}} Alat pratinjau SEO" msgid "" "Are you sure you want to cancel %(purchaseName)s for {{em}}%(domain)s{{/" "em}}? " msgstr "" "Anda yakin ingin membatalkan %(purchaseName)s untuk {{em}}%(domain)s{{/em}}? " msgid "Please verify {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "Harap verifikasi {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}." msgid "" "By clicking {{strong}}%(saveButtonLabel)s{{/strong}}, you agree to the " "applicable {{draLink}}Domain Registration Agreement{{/draLink}} and confirm " "that the Transferee has agreed in writing to be bound by the same agreement. " "You authorize the respective registrar to act as your {{supportLink}}" "Designated Agent{{/supportLink}}." msgstr "" "Dengan menekan tombol {{strong}}%(saveButtonLabel)s{{/strong}}, Anda " "menyetujui {{draLink}}Perjanjian Registrasi Domain{{/draLink}} yang berlaku " "dan menyatakan bahwa pihak Penerima Transfer secara tertulis telah sepakat " "untuk terikat dalam perjanjian yang sama. Anda memberikan kuasa kepada " "registrar yang bersangkutan untuk menjadi {{supportLink}}Agen yang Dipilih{{/" "supportLink}}." msgid "" "These settings can be changed by the user {{strong}}%(owner)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Pengaturan ini dapat diubah oleh pengguna {{strong}}%(owner)s{{/strong}}." msgid "Issues with {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "Masalah pada {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}." msgid "" "This plan includes the custom domain, %(domain)s, normally a %(domainCost)s " "purchase. The domain will not be removed along with the plan, to avoid any " "interruptions for your visitors." msgstr "" "Paket ini mencakup domain khusus, %(domain)s, biasanya seharga " "%(domainCost)s. Domain tidak akan dihapus bersama paket, untuk menghindari " "segala gangguan bagi pengunjung Anda." msgid "" "You are the owner of %(purchaseName)s but because you are no longer a user " "on %(siteSlug)s, renewing it will require staff assistance. Please " "{{contactSupportLink}}contact support{{/contactSupportLink}}, and consider " "transferring this purchase to another active user on %(siteSlug)s to avoid " "this issue in the future." msgstr "" "Anda adalah pemilik %(purchaseName)s tetapi karena Anda sudah bukan pengguna " "di %(siteSlug)s, pembaruannya akan memerlukan bantuan staf. Silakan " "{{contactSupportLink}}hubungi bagian dukungan{{/contactSupportLink}}, dan " "pertimbangkan mentransfer pembelian ini ke pengguna lain yang aktif di " "%(siteSlug)s untuk menghindari masalah ini di waktu mendatang." msgid "" "No problem! Feel free to {{helpLink}}get in touch{{/helpLink}} with our " "Happiness Engineers." msgstr "" "Jangan khawatir! Silakan {{helpLink}}hubungi{{/helpLink}} Happiness Engineer " "kami." msgid "" "Click {{strong}}Notifications{{/strong}} and choose {{em}}Always allow{{/" "em}}." msgstr "" "Klik {{strong}}Notifikasi{{/strong}} dan pilih {{em}}Selalu izinkan{{/em}}." msgid "" "Are you sure you want to cancel and remove %(purchaseName)s from " "{{em}}%(domain)s{{/em}}? " msgstr "" "Apakah Anda yakin ingin membatalkan dan menghapus %(purchaseName)s dari " "{{em}}%(domain)s{{/em}}? " msgid "" "{{b}} has great SEO{{/b}} out of the box. All of our themes are " "optimized for search engines, so you don't have to do anything extra. " "However, you can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. " "Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}." msgstr "" "{{b}} memiliki SEO{{/b}} yang mudah digunakan. Semua tema " "dioptimalkan untuk mesin pencari, jadi Anda tidak harus melakukan langkah " "tambahan. Namun demikian, Anda dapat mengubah pengaturan tersebut jika Anda " "menginginkan kontrol tingkat lanjut. Baca selengkapnya tentang cara {{a}}" "mengoptimalkan SEO situs Anda{{/a}}." msgid "" "Renew now for one more year" msgstr "" "Perpanjang sekarang untuk satu " "tahun ke depan" msgid "%(productName)s was removed from {{siteName/}}." msgstr "%(productName)s dihapus dari {{siteName/}}." msgid "The domain {{domain/}} was removed from your account." msgstr "Domain {{domain/}} dihapus dari akun Anda." msgid "Click the {{icon/}} to continue." msgstr "Klik {{icon/}} untuk melanjutkan." msgid "" "I understand that canceling means that I may {{strong}}lose this domain " "forever{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Saya mengerti bahwa membatalkan berarti saya dapat {{strong}}kehilangan " "domain ini selamanya{{/strong}}." msgid "" "Canceling a domain name causes the domain to become unavailable for a brief " "period. Afterward, anyone can repurchase. If you wish to use the domain with " "another service, you’ll want to {{a}}update your name servers{{/a}} instead." msgstr "" "Membatalkan nama domain menyebabkan domain menjadi tidak tersedia selama " "beberapa saat. Setelah itu, siapa pun dapat kembali membeli. Jika Anda ingin " "menggunakan domain dengan layanan lainnya, Anda sebaiknya {{a}}memperbarui " "server nama{{/a}} Anda." msgid "" "We were unable to lock your domain. Please try again or {{contactLink}}" "Contact Support{{/contactLink}} if you continue to have trouble." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat mengunci domain Anda. Coba lagi atau {{contactLink}}Hubungi " "Dukungan{{/contactLink}} jika Anda terus mengalami kesulitan." msgid "" "We were unable to stop the transfer for your domain. Please try again or " "{{contactLink}}Contact Support{{/contactLink}} if you continue to have " "trouble." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat menghentikan transfer untuk domain Anda. Coba lagi atau " "{{contactLink}}Hubungi Dukungan{{/contactLink}} jika Anda terus mengalami " "kesulitan." msgid "" "We were unable to enable Privacy Protection for your domain. Please try " "again or {{contactLink}}Contact Support{{/contactLink}} if you continue to " "have trouble." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat mengaktifkan Perlindungan Privasi untuk domain Anda. Coba " "lagi atau {{contactLink}}Hubungi Dukungan{{/contactLink}} jika Anda terus " "mengalami kesulitan." msgid "" "It is only possible to transfer a domain after 60 days after the " "registration date. This 60 day lock is required by the Internet Corporation " "for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and cannot be waived. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Learn more.{{/learnMoreLink}}" msgstr "" "Transfer domain hanya bisa dilakukan setelah 60 hari setelah tanggal " "pendaftaran. Penguncian 60 hari ini diwajibkan oleh Internet Corporation for " "Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) dan tidak dapat dibatalkan. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari selengkapnya.{{/learnMoreLink}}" msgid "" "You must verify your email address before you can transfer this domain. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Learn more.{{/learnMoreLink}}" msgstr "" "Anda harus memverifikasi alamat email Anda sebelum Anda dapat mentransfer " "domain ini. {{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari selengkapnya.{{/learnMoreLink}}" msgid "" "You do not currently have any upgrades. To see what upgrades we offer visit " "our {{link}}Plans page{{/link}}." msgstr "" "Anda saat ini tidak memiliki upgrade apa pun. Untuk melihat upgrade apa yang " "kami tawarkan, kunjungi {{link}}Halaman paket{{/link}} kami." msgid "" "Enter this time code into your mobile app. {{toggleMethodLink}}Prefer to " "scan the code?{{/toggleMethodLink}}" msgstr "" "Masukkan kode waktu ini ke dalam aplikasi seluler. {{toggleMethodLink}}Lebih " "suka memindai kode?{{/toggleMethodLink}}" msgid "" "There was an error retrieving back up codes. Please {{supportLink}}contact " "support{{/supportLink}}" msgstr "" "Terjadi kesalahan saat mengambil kode cadangan Harap {{supportLink}}hubungi " "dukungan{{/supportLink}}" msgid "" "Your %(cardType)s ending in %(cardNumber)d expires %(cardExpiry)s – before " "the next renewal. Please {{a}}update your payment information{{/a}}." msgstr "" "%(cardType)s Anda yang berakhiran %(cardNumber)d akan kedaluwarsa pada " "%(cardExpiry)s – sebelum perpanjangan berikutnya. Harap {{a}}perbarui " "informasi pembayaran Anda{{/a}}." msgid "Sort by" msgstr "Disortir berdasarkan" msgid "{{link}}%(service)s{{/link}} {{small}}by %(organization)s{{/small}}" msgstr "{{link}}%(service)s{{/link}} {{small}}oleh %(organization)s{{/small}}" msgid "Peace Of Mind" msgstr "Ketenangan Pikiran" msgid "" "Is this your username? {{a}}Log in now to claim this site address{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Ini nama pengguna Anda? {{a}}Masuk sekarang untuk mengklaim alamat situs " "ini{{/a}}." msgid "" "This connection is only allowed to access {{siteLink}}%(siteName)s{{/" "siteLink}}" msgstr "" "Koneksi ini hanya diizinkan untuk mengakses {{siteLink}}%(siteName)s{{/" "siteLink}}" msgid "" "Please type in {{warn}}%(siteAddress)s{{/warn}} in the field below to " "confirm. Your site will then be gone forever." msgstr "" "Harap ketikkan {{warn}}%(siteAddress)s{{/warn}} di bawah ini untuk " "memberikan konfirmasi. Situs Anda akan dihapus selamanya." msgid "and more..." msgstr "dan lainnya..." msgid "" "You have no public sites on yet, but if you like you can " "create one now. You may also add self-hosted WordPress sites here after " "installing {{jetpackLink}}Jetpack{{/jetpackLink}} on them." msgstr "" "Anda belum memiliki situs publik di, tetapi jika menghendaki, " "Anda dapat membuatnya sekarang. Anda juga dapat menambahkan situs WordPress " "hosting sendiri di sini setelah menginstal {{jetpackLink}}Jetpack{{/" "jetpackLink}} di situs tersebut." msgid "" "Not sure what this screen means? You may need to download {{authyLink}}" "Authy{{/authyLink}} or {{googleAuthenticatorLink}}Google Authenticator{{/" "googleAuthenticatorLink}} for your phone." msgstr "" "Tidak yakin apa maksud layar ini? Anda perlu mengunduh {{authyLink}}Authy{{/" "authyLink}} atau {{googleAuthenticatorLink}}Google Authenticator{{/" "googleAuthenticatorLink}} untuk ponsel Anda." msgid "" "Use this password to log in to {{strong}}%(appName)s{{/strong}}. Note: " "spaces are ignored." msgstr "" "Gunakan kata sandi ini untuk masuk ke {{strong}}%(appName)s{{/strong}}. " "Catatan: spasi diabaikan." msgid "" "Welcome to your new site! You can edit this page by clicking on the Edit " "link. For more information about customizing your site check out" msgstr "" "Selamat datang di situs baru Anda! Anda dapat mengedit halaman berikut " "dengan menekan tautan Sunting. Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang " "pengaturan situs, lihat http://learn." "" msgid "" "You are about to disable two-step authentication. This means we will no " "longer ask for your authentication code when you sign into your " "{{strong}}%(userlogin)s{{/strong}} account." msgstr "" "Anda akan menonaktifkan Autentikasi Dua-Langkah. Ini artinya Anda tidak akan " "meminta lagi kode autentikasi Anda saat masuk ke akun " "{{strong}}%(userlogin)s{{/strong}} Anda." msgid "All premium themes" msgstr "Semua tema premium" msgid "Customize fonts and colors" msgstr "Menyesuaikan font dan warna" msgid "No reviews yet" msgstr "Belum ada ulasan" msgid "All your sites" msgstr "Semua Situs Anda" msgid "Sharing buttons block" msgstr "Blok tombol berbagi" msgid "Passwords may not contain the character \"\\\"." msgstr "Kata sandi tidak boleh berisi karakter \"\\\"." msgid "By posts & pages" msgstr "Berdasarkan Pos & Halaman" msgid "By authors" msgstr "Berdasarkan Penulis" msgid "[%1$s] %2$s mentioned you in a comment on \"%3$s\"" msgstr "[%1$s] %2$s menyebutkan Anda dalam komentar pada \"%3$s\"" msgid "[%1$s] %2$s mentioned you in \"%3$s\"" msgstr "[%1$s] %2$s menyebutkan Anda di \"%3$s\"" msgid "M d, Y @ g:ia" msgstr "M d, Y @ g:ia" msgid "Thanks for flying with
%s" msgstr "Terima Kasih Anda telah terbang bersama
%s" msgid "1 Subscription" msgid_plural "%s Subscriptions" msgstr[0] "Berlangganan 1" msgstr[1] "Berlangganan %s" msgid "Receipt #%s" msgstr "Tanda Terima #%s" msgid "Add Testimonials" msgstr "Tambahkan Testimoni" msgid "Invalid feed URLs: %s" msgstr "URL feed tidak valid: %s" msgid "" "This password is too easy to guess: you can improve it by including special " "characters such as !#=?*&." msgstr "" "Kata sandi terlalu mudah ditebak: Anda dapat memperkuatnya dengan memberi " "tambahan karakter spesial seperti !#=?*&." msgid "Looking for inspiration?" msgstr "Mencari inspirasi?" msgid "" "Follow instructions and be re-united with your account" msgstr "" "Ikuti petunjuknya dan aktifkan kembali akun " "Anda" msgid "Enter your username or email address" msgstr "" "Masukkan nama pengguna atau alamat email Anda" msgid "Find out how to add and manage applications." msgstr "" "Temukan cara untuk menambah dan mengelola aplikasi." msgid "City (optional)" msgstr "Kota (opsional)" msgid "VideoPress" msgstr "VideoPress" msgid "Blog title" msgstr "Judul blog" msgid "You do not have permission to manage log files." msgstr "Anda tidak punya izin untuk mengelola berkas log." msgid "discount banner" msgstr "Spanduk Diskon" msgid "Screenshot preview" msgstr "Pratinjau screenshot" msgid "Looks like there's been a mix-up" msgstr "Sepertinya telah terjadi kendala" msgid "" "Our migration service is for WordPress sites. We don’t currently support " "importing from this platform." msgstr "" "Layanan migrasi kami adalah untuk situs WordPress. Saat ini kami tidak " "mendukung pengimporan dari platform ini." msgid "" "Our migration service is for WordPress sites. But don’t worry — our " "{{strong}}%(platform)s{{/strong}} import tool is ready to bring your content " "to" msgstr "" "Layanan migrasi kami adalah untuk situs WordPress. Tapi jangan khawatir - " "alat impor {{strong}}%(platform)s{{/strong}} kami siap membawa konten Anda " "ke" msgid "I need help, please guide me" msgstr "Saya butuh bantuan, tolong pandu saya" msgid "There is already a ping from that URL for this post." msgstr "Sudah ada ping dari URL tersebut untuk pos ini." msgctxt "verb" msgid "Upgrade (%(priceString)s)" msgstr "Upgrade (%(priceString)s)" msgid "Special Offer" msgstr "Penawaran Khusus" msgid "Issue #2 | %s" msgstr "Terbitan #1 | %s" msgid "%(plan_name)s plan" msgstr "Paket %(plan_name)s" msgid "You own the" msgstr "Anda memiliki" msgid "%(visits_count)s visits this month" msgstr "%(visits_count)s kunjungan bulan ini" msgid "%(max_visits)s per month" msgstr "%(max_visits)s per bulan" msgid "%(total_sites)s installed sites" msgstr "%(total_sites)s situs yang diinstal" msgid "up to %(max_sites)s sites" msgstr "hingga %(max_sites)s situs" msgid "Using %(used_storage)s of %(max_storage)s GB" msgstr "Menggunakan %(used_storage)s dari %(max_storage)s GB" msgid "View your usage data here when it's available." msgstr "Lihat data penggunaan Anda di sini ketika tersedia." msgid "Start your migration" msgstr "Mulai migrasi Anda" msgid "" "Start your migration today and get ready for unmatched WordPress hosting." msgstr "" "Mulai migrasi Anda hari ini dan bersiaplah untuk mendapatkan hosting " "WordPress yang tak tertandingi." msgid "Your WordPress site is ready to be migrated" msgstr "Situs WordPress Anda siap untuk dimigrasi" msgid "" "Whenever you’re stuck, whatever you’re trying to make happen – our Happiness " "Engineers have the answers." msgstr "" "Kapan pun Anda mengalami kebuntuan, apa pun yang ingin Anda wujudkan - " "Happiness Engineer kami punya jawabannya." msgid "" "Build anything with full support and automatic updates for 50,000+ plugins " "and themes. Or start from scratch with your own custom code." msgstr "" "Buat apa pun dengan dukungan penuh dan pembaruan otomatis untuk 50.000+ " "plugin dan tema. Atau mulai dari awal dengan kode kustom Anda sendiri." msgid "Plugins, themes, and custom code" msgstr "Plugin, tema, dan kode khusus" msgid "" "Our custom 28+ location CDN and 99.999% uptime ensure your site is always " "fast and always available from anywhere in the world." msgstr "" "CDN khusus kami yang berada di 28+ lokasi dan uptime 99,999% memastikan " "situs Anda selalu cepat dan selalu tersedia dari mana saja di seluruh dunia." msgid "" "With 99.999% uptime and entirely unmetered bandwidth and traffic on every " "plan, you’ll never need to worry about being too successful." msgstr "" "Dengan uptime 99,999% dan bandwidth serta trafik yang sepenuhnya tak terukur " "pada setiap paket, Anda tidak perlu khawatir untuk menjadi terlalu sukses." msgid "" "Firewalls, encryption, brute force, and DDoS protection. Your security’s all " "taken care of so you can stay one step ahead of any threats." msgstr "" "Firewall, enkripsi, brute force, dan perlindungan DDoS. Keamanan Anda semua " "diurus sehingga Anda dapat tetap selangkah lebih maju dari ancaman apa pun." msgid "" "By clicking Connect your account, you agree to our {{termsOfServiceLink}}" "Terms of Service{{/termsOfServiceLink}} and to {{syncDataLink}}sync your " "site’s data{{/syncDataLink}} with us." msgstr "" "Dengan mengeklik Hubungkan akun Anda, Anda menyetujui {{termsOfServiceLink}}" "Ketentuan Layanan{{/termsOfServiceLink}} dan {{syncDataLink}}akan " "menyinkronkan data situs Anda{{/syncDataLink}} dengan kami." msgid "Daily backup time schedule" msgstr "Jadwal waktu pencadangan harian" msgid "Time set by %(scheduledBy)s" msgstr "Waktu yang ditetapkan oleh %(scheduledBy)s" msgid "Update daily backup time failed. Please, try again." msgstr "Pembaruan waktu pencadangan harian gagal. Mohon coba lagi." msgid "Daily backup time successfully changed." msgstr "Waktu pencadangan harian berhasil diubah." msgid "Explore tiers and benefits" msgstr "Jelajahi tingkatan dan keuntungannya" msgid "" "You're the best of the best when it comes to agencies for WordPress! Enjoy " "your premium benefits!" msgstr "" "Anda adalah yang terbaik dari yang terbaik dalam hal agensi untuk WordPress! " "Nikmati keuntungan dari status premium Anda!" msgid "" "You're well on your way to becoming a Pro Agency Partner and unlocking even " "more premium benefits!" msgstr "" "Anda sudah berada di jalur yang tepat untuk menjadi Pro Agency Partner dan " "membuka lebih banyak lagi manfaat premium!" msgid "" "Make your first purchase to get started as an {{b}}Emerging Partner!{{/b}}" msgstr "" "Lakukan pembelian pertama Anda untuk memulai sebagai {{b}}Emerging Partner!" "{{/b}}" msgid "" "Continue moving towards the next tier to unlock benefits by making more " "purchases and referrals." msgstr "" "Lanjutkan ke tingkat berikutnya untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dengan " "melakukan lebih banyak pembelian dan membawa referral ke sini." msgid "Only .com, .net and .org domains can be registered for 100 years." msgstr "" "Hanya domain .com, .net, dan .org yang dapat didaftarkan selama 100 tahun." msgid "100-Year Domain" msgstr "Domain 100 Tahun" msgid "We’ll take it from here!" msgstr "Kami akan mengerjakannya dari sini!" msgid "" "Thanks for sharing your goals. Our Happiness Engineers will reach out to you " "shortly at {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}} to help you figure out your next " "steps together." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah membagikan tujuan Anda. Happiness Engineer kami akan " "segera menghubungi Anda di {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}} untuk membantu " "Anda menentukan langkah selanjutnya." msgid "" "We apologize for the problems you’re running into. Our Happiness Engineers " "will reach out to you shortly at {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}} to help you " "figure out your next steps together." msgstr "" "Kami mohon maaf atas masalah yang Anda alami. Happiness Engineer kami akan " "segera menghubungi Anda di {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}} untuk membantu " "Anda menentukan langkah selanjutnya bersama-sama." msgid "Discover the features available on" msgstr "Temukan fitur-fitur yang ada di" msgid "Performance testing is available for the 20 most popular pages." msgstr "Pengujian performa tersedia untuk 20 halaman paling populer." msgid "Level up with Automattic!" msgstr "Naik level dengan Automattic!" msgid "{{a}}Learn more{{/a}} ↗" msgstr "{{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}} ↗" msgid "You've reached the highest tier!" msgstr "Anda telah mencapai tingkat tertinggi!" msgid "" "{{label}}You're currently a{{/label}} {{title}}Pro Agency Partner{{/title}}" msgstr "" "{{label}}Anda saat ini adalah seorang{{/label}} {{title}}Pro Agency " "Partner{{/title}}" msgid "Pro Agency Partner" msgstr "Pro Agency Partner" msgid "" "{{label}}You're currently an{{/label}} {{title}}Agency Partner{{/title}}" msgstr "" "{{label}}Anda saat ini adalah seorang{{/label}} {{title}}Agency Partner{{/" "title}}" msgid "Agency Partner" msgstr "Agency Partner" msgid "" "Your next tier milestone is when your influenced revenue exceeds %(amount)s" msgstr "" "Pencapaian tingkat berikutnya adalah ketika pendapatan Anda yang dipengaruhi " "melebihi %(amount)s" msgid "" "{{label}}You're currently an{{/label}} {{title}}Emerging Partner{{/title}}" msgstr "" "{{label}}Anda saat ini adalah seorang{{/label}} {{title}}Emerging Partner{{/" "title}}" msgid "Emerging Partner" msgstr "Emerging Partner" msgid "Select a blog to preview its posts" msgstr "Pilih blog untuk melihat pratinjau postingannya" msgctxt "Placeholder text for the message input field (chat)" msgid "Type a message…" msgstr "Ketik pesan…" msgctxt "html alt tag" msgid "AI profile picture" msgstr "Foto profil AI" msgid "Total people reached" msgstr "Jumlah orang yang dijangkau" msgid "Explore the benefits of the tiers" msgstr "Jelajahi keuntungan dari semua tingkatan" msgid "Take a closer look" msgstr "Lihat lebih dekat" msgid "Experience the rewards of selling Automattic products and hosting." msgstr "Dapatkan keuntungan dari menjual produk dan hosting Automattic." msgid "Your Agency Tier" msgstr "Tingkat Agensi Anda" msgid "Early access to new Automattic Products and features." msgstr "Akses lebih awal ke produk dan fitur Automattic yang baru." msgid "Special Features" msgstr "Fitur Khusus" msgid "Pro partners eligible for co-marketing opportunities." msgstr "" "Mitra Pro memenuhi syarat untuk mendapatkan peluang kolaborasi pemasaran " "bersama kami." msgid "Inclusion in agency directories and co-marketing opportunities*." msgstr "" "Pencantuman dalam direktori keagenan dan peluang kolaborasi pemasaran " "bersama kami*." msgid "Visibility & Marketing" msgstr "Visibilitas & Pemasaran" msgid "Pro partners receive a free and a Pressable site." msgstr "Mitra pro medapatkan situs dan Pressable gratis." msgid "Agency partners receive a free and a Pressable site." msgstr "Mitra agensi medapatkan situs dan Pressable gratis." msgid "" "Agency dash for streamlined client billing, program and product management, " "and free agency site on or Pressable*." msgstr "" "Dasbor agensi untuk penagihan klien yang efisien, manajemen program dan " "produk, dan situs agensi gratis di atau Pressable*." msgid "Tools & Platforms" msgstr "Perangkat & Platform" msgid "" "Pro partners eligible to receive invitation to join Automattic Advisory " "Board." msgstr "" "Mitra Pro berhak menerima undangan untuk bergabung dengan Dewan Penasihat " "Automattic." msgid "" "Access to Automattic community platforms and advisory board* for strategic " "insights." msgstr "" "Akses ke platform komunitas Automattic dan dewan penasihat* untuk " "mendapatkan wawasan strategis." msgid "Networking & Community" msgstr "Jaringan & Komunitas" msgid "" "Pro Partners eligible to receive pre-qualified leads from Automattic sales " "teams when opportunities arise as well as leads generated through agency " "directory listings." msgstr "" "Mitra Pro berhak menerima prospek pra-kualifikasi dari tim penjualan " "Automattic ketika ada peluang serta prospek yang dihasilkan melalui daftar " "direktori agensi." msgid "" "Agency Partners eligible to receive leads generated through agency directory " "listings." msgstr "" "Mitra Agensi berhak menerima prospek yang dihasilkan melalui daftar " "direktori agensi." msgid "" "Reseller and referral earning opportunities, access to leads generated " "through agency directory listing(s)*, and pre-qualified leads from " "Automattic sales teams*." msgstr "" "Peluang penghasilan reseller dan referral, akses ke prospek yang dihasilkan " "melalui daftar direktori agensi*, dan prospek yang telah memenuhi syarat " "dari tim penjualan Automattic*." msgid "Earning & Growth Opportunities" msgstr "Peluang Penghasilan & Pertumbuhan" msgid "" "Pro partners receive access to assigned partner manager & priority support " "across Automattic products." msgstr "" "Mitra Pro mendapatkan akses ke manajer mitra yang ditugaskan & dukungan " "prioritas di seluruh produk Automattic." msgid "" "Program support, priority product support*, and dedicated partner managers*." msgstr "" "Dukungan program, dukungan produk prioritas*, dan manajer mitra yang " "berdedikasi*." msgid "Pro partners eligible to receive advanced sales training upon request." msgstr "" "Mitra Pro berhak menerima pelatihan penjualan tingkat lanjut jika ada " "permintaan." msgid "" "Foundational product training, marketing materials, and advanced sales " "training." msgstr "" "Pelatihan produk dasar, materi pemasaran, dan pelatihan penjualan tingkat " "lanjut." msgid "Sales Training & Resources" msgstr "Pelatihan & Sumber Daya Penjualan" msgid "Please {{link}}connect your user account{{/link}} to upgrade Stats." msgstr "" "Silakan {{link}}hubungkan akun pengguna Anda{{/link}} untuk melakukan " "upgrade Statistik." msgid "Load more recommendations" msgstr "Muat lebih banyak rekomendasi" msgid "No recommendations available at the moment." msgstr "Tidak ada rekomendasi yang tersedia saat ini." msgid "" "Preview sites by clicking below, then subscribe to any site that inspires " "you." msgstr "" "Pratinjau situs dengan mengeklik di bawah ini, lalu berlangganan ke situs " "mana pun yang menginspirasi Anda." msgid "Discover sites that you'll love" msgstr "Temukan situs-situs yang akan Anda sukai" msgid "Agency Tier" msgstr "Tingkat Agensi" msgid "Getting your report" msgstr "Mengumpulkan laporan Anda" msgid "" "You are all set! We've sent a calendar invite to {{strong}}%(email)s{{/" "strong}}. To warm up for our discussion, we recommend reading our guide on " "the {{em}}100-Year Plan{{/em}}." msgstr "" "Anda sudah siap! Kami telah mengirimkan undangan kalender ke " "{{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}}. Sebagai pemanasan untuk diskusi kita, kami " "sarankan untuk membaca panduan kami tentang {{em}}Paket 100 Tahun{{/em}}." msgid "Your next century awaits" msgstr "Abad berikutnya menanti Anda" msgid "" "To access all of the features and functionality in %(pluginName)s, you’ll " "first need to connect your store to a account. For more " "information, please {{doc}}review our documentation{{/doc}}." msgstr "" "Untuk mengakses semua fitur dan fungsi pada %(pluginName)s, Anda harus " "terlebih dahulu menghubungkan toko dengan akun {{doc}}Baca " "dokumentasi kami{{/doc}} untuk informasi selengkapnya." msgid "" "To access all of the features and functionality in %(pluginName)s, you’ll " "first need to connect your store to a account. Please create " "one now, or {{a}}log in{{/a}}. {{br}}{{/br}}For more information, please " "{{doc}}review our documentation{{/doc}}." msgstr "" "Untuk mengakses semua fitur dan fungsionalitas di %(pluginName)s, Anda harus " "terlebih dahulu menghubungkan toko Anda ke akun Silakan buat " "akun sekarang, atau {{a}}log in{{/a}}. {{br}}{{/br}}Untuk informasi lebih " "lanjut, mohon {{doc}}baca dokumentasi kami{{/doc}}." msgid "" "To access all of the features and functionality in %(pluginName)s, you’ll " "first need to connect your store to a account. Log in now, or " "{{signupLink}}create a new account{{/signupLink}}. {{br}}{{/br}}For more " "information, please {{doc}}review our documentation{{/doc}}." msgstr "" "Untuk mengakses semua fitur dan fungsionalitas di %(pluginName)s, Anda harus " "terlebih dahulu menghubungkan toko Anda ke akun Login " "sekarang, atau {{signupLink}}buat akun baru{{/signupLink}}. {{br}}{{/br}}" "Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, mohon {{doc}}baca dokumentasi kami{{/doc}}." msgid "" "It looks like the Stripe Account (%s) does not have any active plans. Are " "you sure you connected the same Stripe account that you use on Substack?" msgstr "" "Sepertinya Akun Stripe (%s) tidak memiliki paket yang aktif. Apakah Anda " "yakin telah menghubungkan akun Stripe yang sama dengan yang Anda gunakan di " "Substack?" msgid "" "A subscriber import has already started. Please wait till that one finished " "before starting a new one." msgstr "" "Impor pelanggan telah dimulai. Mohon tunggu hingga proses tersebut selesai " "sebelum memulai yang baru." msgid "" "In WP-Admin, go to Jetpack > My Jetpack and click the " "“Activate a license” link at the bottom of the page." msgstr "" "Di WP-Admin, buka Jetpack > Jetpack Saya lalu klik tautan " "“Aktifkan lisensi” di bagian bawah halaman." msgid "Tailor your feed, connect with your favorite topics." msgstr "Sesuaikan feed Anda, terhubung dengan topik favorit Anda." msgid "Your personal reading adventure" msgstr "Petualangan membaca hanya untuk Anda" msgid "Discover and subscribe to sites you'll love" msgstr "Temukan dan berlangganan situs yang akan Anda sukai" msgid "Select some of your interests" msgstr "Pilih beberapa minat Anda" msgid "Test a site" msgstr "Uji situs" msgid "" "You’ll no longer receive performance reports for {{strong}}%s{{/strong}}" "{{br}}{{/br}}{{br}}{{/br}}{{subtitle}}If you ever change your mind, you can " "subscribe for {{br}}{{/br}}performance reports again from the results page." "{{/subtitle}}" msgstr "" "Laporan performa untuk {{strong}}%s{{/strong}}{{br}}{{/br}}{{br}}{{/br}}" "{{subtitle}} akan berhenti dikirimkan Jika berubah pikiran, Anda dapat " "kembali berlangganan {{br}}{{/br}}laporan performa melalui halaman hasil.{{/" "subtitle}}" msgid "Farewell, friend" msgstr "Selamat tinggal, teman" msgid "" "This may take a few minutes. Feel free to leave this window – we'll let you " "know when it's done." msgstr "" "Ini mungkin memerlukan waktu beberapa menit. Jangan ragu untuk meninggalkan " "jendela ini – kami akan memberi tahu Anda jika sudah selesai." msgid "Check subscribers" msgstr "Periksa pelanggan" msgid "View content" msgstr "Lihat konten" msgid "Customize your newsletter" msgstr "Sesuaikan buletin Anda" msgid "" "To prevent any charges from Substack, go to your " "Substack Payments Settings, select \"Pause billing\" and click " "\"Pause indefinitely\"." msgstr "" "Untuk mencegah penagihan dari Substack, buka " "Pengaturan Pembayaran Substack Anda, pilih \"Hentikan penagihan\" dan " "klik\"Hentikan tanpa batas waktu\"." msgid "We're importing your subscribers." msgstr "Kami sedang mengimpor pelanggan Anda." msgid "We're importing your content." msgstr "Kami sedang mengimpor konten Anda." msgid "You skipped content importing." msgstr "Anda melewatkan pengimporan konten." msgid "" "To replace this %s drag a file, or click to upload " "different one." msgstr "" "Untuk mengganti %s ini, letakkan file di sini, atau " "klik untuk mengunggah file lainnya." msgid "" "Sorry, you can only upload CSV files. Please try again with a valid file." msgstr "" "Maaf, Anda hanya dapat mengunggah file CSV. Mohon coba lagi dengan file yang " "valid." msgid "Step 2: Import your subscribers to" msgstr "Langkah 2: Impor pelanggan Anda ke" msgid "Open Substack subscribers" msgstr "Buka pelanggan Substack" msgid "Export Substack subscribers" msgstr "Ekspor pelanggan Substack" msgid "" "Generate a CSV file of all your Substack subscribers. On Substack, go to the " "Subscribers tab and click the Export " "button you’ll find on top of the table. Then, upload the downloaded CSV in " "the next step." msgstr "" "Buat file CSV dari semua pelanggan Substack Anda. Di Substack, buka tab " "Pelanggan dan klik tombol Ekspor yang " "dapat Anda temukan di bagian atas tabel. Kemudian, unggah CSV yang telah " "diunduh pada langkah berikutnya." msgid "Step 1: Export your subscribers from Substack" msgstr "Langkah 1: Ekspor pelanggan Anda dari Substack" msgid "We're importing your subscribers" msgstr "Kami sedang mengimpor pelanggan Anda" msgid "View Summary" msgstr "Lihat Ringkasan" msgid "Import your subscribers to" msgstr "Impor pelanggan Anda ke" msgid "Stripe account connection cancelled" msgstr "Penghubungan akun Stripe dibatalkan" msgid "Stripe account connected successfully" msgstr "Akun Stripe berhasil terhubung" msgid "Only import free subscribers" msgstr "Impor hanya pelanggan gratis" msgid "Try a different Stripe account" msgstr "Coba akun Stripe yang berbeda" msgid "We couldn't find any plans in your connected Stripe account." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat menemukan paket apa pun di akun Stripe Anda yang terhubung." msgid "Existing Stripe plans" msgstr "Paket Stripe yang ada saat ini" msgid "" "Review the plans retrieved from Stripe and create equivalents in " " to prevent disruptions for your current paid " "subscribers." msgstr "" "Tinjau paket yang diambil dari Stripe dan buat paket yang setara di " " untuk mencegah gangguan pada pelanggan berbayar Anda " "saat ini." msgid "Choose a newsletter tier" msgstr "Pilih tingkatan buletin" msgid "Add newsletter tier" msgstr "Tambah tingkatan buletin" msgid "Select a newsletter tier" msgstr "Pilih tingkatan buletin" msgid "I have only free subscribers" msgstr "Saya hanya memiliki pelanggan gratis" msgid "Connect " msgstr "Hubungkan " msgid "" "To migrate your paid subscribers to, make " "sure you're connecting the same Stripe account you use with " "Substack." msgstr "" "Untuk melakukan migrasi pelanggan berbayar Anda ke " ", pastikan Anda menghubungkan akun Stripe yang sama dengan yang Anda gunakan dengan Substack." msgid "Do you have paid subscribers?" msgstr "Apakah Anda memiliki pelanggan berbayar?" msgid "Please double check your CSV file to make sure that it contains emails." msgstr "" "Mohon periksa kembali file CSV Anda untuk memastikan bahwa file tersebut " "berisi email." msgid "" "We couldn’t import your subscriber list as you’ve hit the 100 email limit " "for our free plan. The good news? You can upload a list of any size after " "upgrading to any paid plan." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat mengimpor daftar pelanggan Anda karena Anda telah mencapai " "batas 100 email untuk paket gratis kami. Kabar baiknya? Anda bisa mengunggah " "daftar dengan ukuran berapapun setelah melakukan upgrade ke paket berbayar." msgid "Enter the URL of the Substack newsletter that you wish to import." msgstr "Masukkan URL buletin Substack yang ingin Anda impor." msgid "Please enter a valid Substack URL." msgstr "Mohon URL Substack yang valid." msgid "Import your newsletter" msgstr "Impor buletin Anda" msgid "Import %s" msgstr "Impor %s" msgid "Step 2: Import your content to" msgstr "Langkah 2: Impor konten Anda ke" msgid "Open Substack settings" msgstr "Buka pengaturan Substack" msgid "Export Substack data" msgstr "Ekspor data Substack" msgid "" "Generate a ZIP file of all your Substack posts. On Substack, go to Settings " "> Exports, click New export, and upload the downloaded ZIP " "file in the next step." msgstr "" "Buatlah file ZIP dari semua pos Substack Anda. Di Substack, buka Pengaturan " "> Ekspor, klik Ekspor baru, dan unggah file ZIP yang telah " "diunduh di langkah berikutnya." msgid "Step 1: Export your content from Substack" msgstr "Langkah 1: Ekspor konten Anda dari Substack" msgid "Success! Your content has been imported!" msgstr "Berhasil! Konten Anda telah diimpor." msgid "Please, wait while we import your content…" msgstr "Mohon tunggu saat kami mengimpor konten Anda..." msgid "Import your content to" msgstr "Impor konten Anda ke" msgid "We’re importing your content" msgstr "Kami sedang mengimpor konten Anda" msgid "Failed to convert HEIC/HEIF image to JPEG." msgstr "Gagal mengonversi gambar HEIC/HEIF ke JPEG." msgid "Your %s widget requires JavaScript to function properly." msgstr "" "Widget %s Anda memerlukan JavaScript agar dapat berfungsi dengan semestinya." msgid "Stuck on your migration?" msgstr "Terhenti di proses migrasi Anda?" msgid "" "Let's solve it together. Reach out to our support team to get your migration " "started." msgstr "" "Mari kita selesaikan bersama. Hubungi tim bantuan kami untuk memulai migrasi " "Anda." msgid "" "If you believe your site should not be classified as commercial, please get in touch." msgstr "" "Jika Anda yakin situs Anda bukan untuk kepentingan komersial, silakan hubungi kami." msgid "" "Your current subscription is for personal, non-commercial " "use. Please upgrade your plan to continue using Akismet." msgstr "" "Saat ini Anda berlangganan paket personal non-komersial. " "Upgrade paket Anda agar bisa terus menggunakan Akismet." msgid "We detected commercial activity on your site" msgstr "Kami mendeteksi kegiatan komersial di situs Anda" msgid "Follow at least 3 topics to personalize your Reader feed." msgstr "Ikuti setidaknya 3 topik untuk mempersonalisasi feed Pembaca Anda." msgid "What topics interest you?" msgstr "Topik apa yang menarik bagi Anda?" msgid "Creator Economy" msgstr "Ekonomi Kreator" msgid "SaaS" msgstr "SaaS" msgid "Remote Work" msgstr "Kerja Remote" msgid "Society" msgstr "Masyarakat" msgid "Climate" msgstr "Iklim" msgid "Society & Culture" msgstr "Sosial & Budaya" msgid "DIY Projects" msgstr "Proyek Swakarya" msgid "Theatre & Performance" msgstr "Teater & Pertunjukan" msgid "Creative Arts & Entertainment" msgstr "Seni Kreatif & Hiburan" msgid "Crypto" msgstr "Kripto" msgid "Tech News" msgstr "Berita Teknologi" msgid "Technology & Innovation" msgstr "Teknologi & Inovasi" msgid "Sleep" msgstr "Tidur" msgid "Life Hacks" msgstr "Life Hacks" msgid "Lifestyle & Personal Development" msgstr "Gaya Hidup & Pengembangan Diri" msgid "Explore marketplace plugins" msgstr "Cari plugin marketplace" msgid "" "Discover a curated selection of free and premium plugins designed to enhance " "your site's functionality and features." msgstr "" "Temukan beragam plugin gratis dan premium hasil kurasi yang dirancang untuk " "meningkatkan fungsi dan fitur situs Anda. " msgid "Unlock more with premium and free plugins" msgstr "Akses lebih banyak dengan plugin premium dan gratis" msgid "Review the migrated plugins" msgstr "Tinjau plugin yang dimigrasikan" msgctxt "site" msgid "Migration started" msgstr "Migrasi dimulai" msgctxt "site" msgid "Migration pending" msgstr "Migrasi tertunda" msgid "Incoming Migration" msgstr "Migrasi Masuk" msgid "LinkedIn:" msgstr "LinkedIn:" msgid "I'm not interested" msgstr "Aku tidak tertarik" msgid "" "Schedule a call with the Automattic for Agencies team to help us understand " "your business better and help you find and retain more clients." msgstr "" "Jadwalkan panggilan dengan tim Automattic for Agencies untuk membantu kami " "memahami bisnis Anda dengan lebih baik dan membantu Anda menemukan dan " "mempertahankan lebih banyak klien." msgid "Accelerate your agency’s growth" msgstr "Percepat pertumbuhan agensi kamu" msgid "" "By clicking \"Continue,\" you represent that you've obtained the appropriate " "consent to email each person. Learn more." msgstr "" "Dengan mengeklik \"Lanjutkan\", Anda menyatakan bahwa Anda telah memperoleh " "izin untuk mengirim e-mail ke setiap orang. Pelajari lebih " "lanjut." msgid "Subscribing" msgstr "Berlangganan" msgid "" "Be sure to log into your account that you used to purchase the " "product!" msgstr "" "Pastikan Anda login ke akun yang digunakan untuk membeli " "produk." msgid "Have a paid product and seeing this message?" msgstr "Melihat pesan ini meski punya produk berbayar?" msgid "Upgrade now to access personalized support from our team." msgstr "Segera upgrade untuk menikmati dukungan khusus dari tim kami." msgid "" "Search our extensive support forums or start a new topic to get help with " "our free plugins." msgstr "" "Telusuri forum dukungan kami yang lengkap atau ajukan topik baru untuk " "mendapatkan bantuan seputar plugin gratis kami. " msgid "Plugin forums" msgstr "Forum plugin" msgid "Try our AI Assistant" msgstr "Coba gunakan Asisten AI kami" msgid "" "Get quicker responses with our AI Assistant which has access to all our " "support documentation." msgstr "" "Dapatkan balasan lebih cepat dengan Asisten AI kami yang dapat mengakses " "semua dokumentasi dukungan kami." msgid "Don't want to wait?" msgstr "Buru-buru?" msgid "" "If you need more personalized support, our Happiness Engineers will be glad " "to help." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memerlukan dukungan yang lebih khusus, Happiness Engineer kami " "akan siap membantu." msgid "Log in with your account to access personalized support." msgstr "Login dengan akun Anda untuk mengakses dukungan khusus." msgid "Jetpack Customer?" msgstr "Pelanggan Jetpack?" msgid "" "Chat with our AI Support Assistant or browser in our documentation and forum " "topics." msgstr "" "Ajukan pertanyaan kepada Asisten Dukungan AI kami atau telusuri topik-topik " "dalam dokumentasi dan forum kami." msgid "How can we help you?" msgstr "Apa yang bisa kami bantu?" msgid "" "Hi there 👋 Im Jett, Jetpack Support AI assistant! Having an issue with your " "site or account? Tell me about it and Ill be happy for to help!" msgstr "" "Halo 👋 Saya Jett, asisten AI Dukungan Jetpack. Situs atau akun Anda " "bermasalah? Ceritakan saja masalahnya, saya siap membantu." msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Block editor patterns" msgstr "Pola editor blok" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is already connected to your site %(site)s. " "{{a}}Register it to the connected site.{{/a}}" msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} sudah tersambung ke situs %(site)s Anda. " "{{a}}Daftarkan ke situs yang terhubung.{{/a}}" msgid "" "If you just want to change your display name, {{strong}}%(displayName)s{{/" "strong}}, you can do so under {{myProfileLink}}My Profile{{/myProfileLink}}." msgstr "" "Jika Anda hanya ingin mengubah nama tampilan, {{strong}}%(displayName)s{{/" "strong}}, Anda dapat melakukannya di dalam menu {{myProfileLink}}Profil " "Saya{{/myProfileLink}}." msgid "" "Join {{a}}our new blog{{/a}} to share your feedback and help us improve your " "reading experience." msgstr "" "Bergabunglah dengan {{a}}blog baru kami{{/a}} untuk berbagi feedback dan " "membantu kami meningkatkan pengalaman membaca Anda." msgid "Want to shape the future of the Reader?" msgstr "Ingin membentuk masa depan Pembaca" msgctxt "refers to the time since the post was published, e.g. \"1h\"" msgid "1h" msgstr "1j" msgid "" "This is what it will look like when someone shares the link to your " "WordPress post on Bluesky." msgstr "" "Inilah tampilan ketika seseorang membagikan tautan ke pos WordPress Anda di " "Bluesky." msgid "This is what your social post will look like on Bluesky:" msgstr "Inilah tampilan pos media sosial Anda di Bluesky:" msgid "" "per month, %(introOfferFormattedPrice)s for your first " "%(introOfferIntervalCount)s years,{{br/}}then %(rawPrice)s billed annually, " "excl. taxes" msgstr "" "per bulan, %(introOfferFormattedPrice)s untuk " "%(introOfferIntervalCount)stahun pertama Anda, {{br/}}kemudian %(rawPrice)s " "ditagih setiap tahun, tidak termasuk pajak" msgid "" "per month, %(introOfferFormattedPrice)s for your first year,{{br/}}then " "%(rawPrice)s billed annually, excl. taxes" msgstr "" "per bulan, %(introOfferFormattedPrice)s untuk tahun pertama Anda,{{br/}} " "kemudian %(rawPrice)s ditagih setiap tahun, tidak termasuk pajak" msgid "High Impact" msgstr "Dampak Tinggi" msgid "" "We found %(numRecommendations)d thing you can do for improving your page." msgid_plural "" "We found %(numRecommendations)d things you can do for improving your page." msgstr[0] "" "Kami menemukan %(numRecommendations)d hal yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk " "meningkatkan halaman Anda." msgstr[1] "" "Kami menemukan %(numRecommendations)d hal yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk " "meningkatkan halaman Anda." msgid "We'll email you when the process is finished." msgstr "Kami akan mengirim email kepada Anda ketika prosesnya selesai." msgid "Your site is already on" msgstr "Situs Anda sudah ada di" msgid "" "Let's figure out your next steps for {{strong}}%(from)s{{/strong}} together. " "Please complete the form below." msgstr "" "Mari kita cari tahu langkah selanjutnya untuk {{strong}}%(from)s{{/strong}} " "bersama-sama. Mohon lengkapi formulir di bawah ini." msgid "Your site is already on {{break}}{{/break}}" msgstr "Situs Anda sudah ada di {{break}}{{/break}}" msgid "Join us for an exclusive strategy session where we'll:" msgstr "" "Bergabunglah dengan kami dalam sesi strategi eksklusif yang akan kami lakukan" msgid "Let's craft your next century" msgstr "Mari kita rancang abad Anda berikutnya" msgid "I'll create my site on my own" msgstr "Saya akan membuat situs saya sendiri" msgid "Schedule your free call" msgstr "Jadwalkan konsultasi lewat telepon Anda (gratis)" msgid "Chart a course for the production of your new site" msgstr "Memetakan arah untuk produksi situs baru Anda" msgid "Answer all your questions about long-term success" msgstr "Menjawab semua pertanyaan Anda tentang kesuksesan jangka panjang" msgid "Showcase our comprehensive legacy-building tools" msgstr "Etalase perangkat pembangunan situs dari kami yang lengkap" msgid "Conduct a comprehensive digital longevity assessment" msgstr "Memberikan jaminan keberlangsungan digital secara menyeluruh" msgid "Default time" msgstr "Waktu default" msgid "" "Pick a timeframe for your backup to run. Some site owners prefer scheduling " "backups at specific times for better control." msgstr "" "Pilih jangka waktu untuk menjalankan pencadangan Anda. Beberapa pemilik " "situs lebih suka menjadwalkan pencadangan pada waktu tertentu untuk kontrol " "yang lebih baik." msgid "" "For redundancy, your site will be replicated in real-time to another region. " "{{supportLink}}Learn more{{/supportLink}}." msgstr "" "Sebagai cadangan, situs Anda akan direplikasi secara real-time ke wilayah " "lain. {{supportLink}}Baca selengkapnya{{/supportLink}}." msgid "" "Please verify your {{a}}account's email{{/a}} in order to begin referring " "products to clients." msgstr "" "Mohon verifikasi {{a}}email akun{{/a}} Anda untuk mulai mereferensikan " "produk ke klien." msgid "" "Your Pressable plan is close to exceeding its allocated limits. Consider " "upgrading your plan to avoid additional fees." msgstr "" "Paket Pressable Anda hampir melampaui batas yang dialokasikan. Pertimbangkan " "untuk meningkatkan paket Anda untuk menghindari biaya tambahan." msgid "" "Your Pressable plan has exceeded its allocated limits. Consider upgrading " "your plan to avoid additional fees." msgstr "" "Paket Pressable Anda telah melampaui batas yang dialokasikan. Pertimbangkan " "untuk meningkatkan paket Anda untuk menghindari biaya tambahan." msgid "Upgrade Pressable" msgstr "Upgrade Pressable" msgid "Intro" msgstr "Pengantar" msgid "" "Explore our exclusive collection of sunglasses, crafted to elevate your look " "and safeguard your eyes. Find your perfect pair and see the world through a " "new lens." msgstr "" "Jelajahi koleksi eksklusif kacamata hitam kami, dirancang untuk meningkatkan " "penampilanmu dan melindungi matamu. Temukan pasangan yang sempurna dan lihat " "dunia melalui lensa baru." msgid "Find your shade" msgstr "Temukan warna yang cocok untukmu" msgid "Our services" msgstr "Layanan Kami" msgid "" "Navigating life's intricate fabric, choices unfold paths to the " "extraordinary, demanding creativity, curiosity, and courage for a truly " "fulfilling journey." msgstr "" "Menavigasi kain kehidupan yang rumit, pilihan-pilihan membuka jalan menuju " "hal-hal luar biasa, menuntut kreativitas, rasa ingin tahu, dan keberanian " "untuk perjalanan yang benar-benar memuaskan." msgid "" "Our passion is crafting mindful moments with locally sourced, organic, and " "sustainable products. We're more than a store; we're your path to a " "community-driven, eco-friendly lifestyle that embraces premium quality." msgstr "" "Passion kami adalah menciptakan momen yang penuh perhatian dengan produk " "yang bersumber secara lokal, organik, dan berkelanjutan. Kami lebih dari " "sekadar toko; kami adalah jalanmu menuju gaya hidup yang ramah lingkungan " "dan didorong oleh komunitas yang mengedepankan kualitas premium." msgid "Order sort items ascending or descending." msgstr "Urutkan atribut penyortiran naik atau menurun." msgid "" "Subscription already scheduled for expiration by a previous Apple IAP " "notification. There's no need to add a failed order in this case." msgstr "" "Langganan hampir berakhir sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam pemberitahuan Apple " "IAP sebelumnya. Dalam hal ini, Anda tidak perlu menambahkan pesanan yang " "gagal." msgid "Events & Conferences" msgstr "Acara & Konferensi" msgid "Logistics & Supply Chain" msgstr "Logistik & Rantai Pasok" msgid "Environmental & Sustainability" msgstr "Lingkungan & Keberlanjutan" msgid "Arts & Culture" msgstr "Seni & Budaya" msgid "Agriculture & Farming" msgstr "Pertanian & Peternakan" msgid "Manufacturing & Industry" msgstr "Manufaktur & Industri" msgid "Food & Beverage" msgstr "Makanan & Minuman" msgid "Marketing & Advertising" msgstr "Pemasaran & Periklanan" msgid "Government & Public Services" msgstr "Pemerintah & Layanan Publik" msgid "Automotive & Transportation" msgstr "Otomotif & Transportasi" msgid "Construction & Engineering" msgstr "Konstruksi & Rekayasa" msgid "Entertainment & Media" msgstr "Hiburan & Media" msgid "Legal & Professional Services" msgstr "Layanan Hukum & Profesional" msgid "Nonprofits & NGOs" msgstr "Lembaga Nirlaba & LSM" msgid "Travel & Hospitality" msgstr "Travel & Perhotelan" msgid "Education & E-Learning" msgstr "Pendidikan & Pembelajaran Online" msgid "Healthcare & Medical" msgstr "Kesehatan & Medis" msgid "Finance & Insurance" msgstr "Keuangan & Asuransi" msgid "E-commerce & Retail" msgstr "E-commerce & Ritel" msgid "Technology & IT Services" msgstr "Teknologi & Layanan TI" msgid "" "Boost your website performance by merging and compressing JavaScript and CSS " "files, reducing site loading time and number of requests." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan performa situs Anda dengan menggabungkan dan mengompresi file " "JavaScript dan CSS, sehingga mengurangi waktu muat situs dan jumlah " "permintaan." msgid "" "Optimizes lazy-loaded images by dynamically serving perfectly sized images " "for each device." msgstr "" "Mengoptimalkan gambar lazy-load dengan penyajian dinamis gambar dengan " "ukuran yang tepat untuk tiap perangkat." msgid "Image CDN Auto-Resize Lazy Images" msgstr "CDN Gambar dengan Penyesuaian Ukuran Otomatis dan Lazy Image" msgid "Fine-tune image quality settings to your liking." msgstr "Sesuaikan pengaturan kualitas gambar sesuka hati." msgid "Image CDN Quality Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Kualitas CDN Gambar" msgid "" "Page caching speeds up load times by storing a copy of each web page on the " "first visit, allowing subsequent visits to be served instantly. This reduces " "server load and improves user experience by delivering content faster, " "without waiting for the page to be generated again." msgstr "" "Penyimpanan cache halaman mempercepat waktu muat dengan menyimpan salinan " "tiap halaman web pada kunjungan pertama sehingga kunjungan berikutnya dapat " "dilayani secara instan. Cara tersebut mengurangi beban server dan " "meningkatkan pengalaman pengguna dengan mengirimkan konten secara lebih " "cepat tanpa harus menunggu halaman dibuat kembali." msgid "Page Cache" msgstr "Cache Halaman" msgid "" "Get access to your historical performance scores and see advanced Core Web " "Vitals data." msgstr "" "Dapatkan akses ke skor performa historis Anda dan lihat informasi Data Web " "Inti tingkat lanjut." msgid "Historical performance scores" msgstr "Skor performa historis" msgid "" "Scan your site for images that aren’t properly sized for the device they’re " "being viewed on." msgstr "" "Deteksi gambar-gambar di situs yang ukurannya kurang ideal untuk perangkat " "yang dipakai mengakses situs." msgid "Automatic image size analysis" msgstr "Analisis ukuran gambar otomatis" msgid "Auto CSS Optimization" msgstr "Optimasi CSS Otomatis" msgid "Review the site's content" msgstr "Tinjau konten situs ini" msgid "" "We are writing to inform you that your site, %1$s, has " "met our criteria for an upgrade based on its classification " "as a commercial site and its recent usage levels." msgstr "" "Kami menginformasikan bahwa situs Anda, %1$s, telah " "memenuhi kriteria untuk upgrade berdasarkan klasifikasinya " "sebagai situs komersial dan tingkat penggunaan terkini." msgid "Upgrade your Pressable plan" msgstr "Upgrade paket Pressable Anda" msgid "Traffic:" msgstr "Lalu Lintas:" msgid "Storage:" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan:" msgid "Here are the plan overage fees for your reference:" msgstr "Untuk referensi, berikut adalah biaya kelebihan alokasi batas:" msgid "Traffic: %s/%s K visits" msgstr "Lalu Lintas: %s/%s ribu kunjungan" msgid "Storage usage:" msgstr "Penggunaan ruang penyimpanan:" msgid "Your sites:" msgstr "Situs Anda:" msgid "" "Your Pressable plan in Automattic for Agencies is approaching its " "allocated limits. We recommend upgrading your plan to get the best price " "possible and avoid additional fees." msgstr "" "Paket Pressable Anda di Automattic for Agencies hampir mendekati alokasi " "batasnya. Kami sarankan untuk melakukan upgrade paket agar mendapatkan " "harga terbaik dan terhindar dari biaya tambahan." msgid "" "Your Pressable plan in Automattic for Agencies has exceeded its allocated " "limits. We recommend upgrading your plan to get the best price possible " "and avoid additional fees." msgstr "" "Paket Pressable Anda di Automattic for Agencies telah melampaui alokasi " "batasnya. Kami sarankan untuk melakukan upgrade paket agar mendapatkan " "harga terbaik dan terhindar dari biaya tambahan." msgid "Upgrade Your Pressable Plan" msgstr "Upgrade Paket Pressable Anda" msgid "Your Pressable plan is close to exceeding its allocated limits" msgstr "Paket Pressable Anda hampir melampaui alokasi batasnya" msgid "Your Pressable plan has exceeded its allocated limit." msgstr "Paket Pressable Anda telah melampaui alokasi batasnya." msgid "first page" msgstr "Halaman pertama" msgid "last page" msgstr "Halaman terakhir" msgid "" "Referring products to your own company is not allowed and against our {{a}}" "terms of service{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Mereferensikan produk ke perusahaan Anda sendiri tidak diperbolehkan dan " "bertentangan dengan {{a}}ketentuan layanan{{/a}} kami." msgid "Manage your password ↗" msgstr "Kelola kata sandi Anda ↗" msgid "Manage your account email ↗" msgstr "Kelola email akun Anda ↗" msgid "Manage your profile bio ↗" msgstr "Kelola bio profil Anda ↗" msgid "Manage your profile website ↗" msgstr "Kelola situs Anda ↗" msgid "Manage your profile ↗" msgstr "Kelola profil ↗" msgid "Manage your account language ↗" msgstr "Kelola bahasa akun Anda ↗" msgid "With a wide range of designer chairs to elevate your living space." msgstr "Dengan berbagai kursi desainer untuk meningkatkan ruang tamu kamu." msgid "Sit back and relax" msgstr "Duduk santai dan bersantai" msgid "Meet us" msgstr "Temui kami" msgid "Committed to a greener lifestyle" msgstr "Berkomitmen untuk gaya hidup yang lebih ramah lingkungan" msgid "Our products" msgstr "Produk kami" msgid "" "Get ready to start the season right. All the fan favorites in one place at " "the best price." msgstr "" "Siap-siap untuk memulai musim dengan baik. Semua favorit penggemar ada di " "satu tempat dengan harga terbaik." msgid "Fan favorites" msgstr "Favorit Penggemar" msgid "Bestsellers" msgstr "Terlaris" msgid "Shop games" msgstr "Halaman toko" msgid "Shop tech" msgstr "Belanja teknologi" msgid "For the gamers" msgstr "Untuk para gamer" msgid "Tech gifts under $100" msgstr "Hadiah teknologi di bawah $100" msgid "" "Check out our brand new collection of holiday products and find the right " "gift for anyone." msgstr "" "Cek koleksi produk liburan terbaru kami dan temukan hadiah yang tepat untuk " "siapa saja." msgid "Brand New for the Holidays" msgstr "Baru untuk Liburan" msgid "" "Experience your music like never before with our latest generation of hi-" "fidelity headphones." msgstr "" "Rasakan musikmu seperti belum pernah sebelumnya dengan generasi terbaru " "headphone hi-fidelity kami." msgid "Shop prints" msgstr "Cetak toko" msgid "Black and white high-quality prints" msgstr "Cetak hitam putih berkualitas tinggi." msgid "Select products" msgstr "Cari produk" msgid "Shop vinyl records" msgstr "Belanja rekaman vinyl" msgid "Stock Keeping Unit." msgstr "Unit Penyimpanan Stok" msgid "The element can only be read during directive processing." msgstr "Konteks hanya dapat dibaca selama proses directive." msgid "Other details" msgstr "Detail lainnya" msgid "Get access to my old site on" msgstr "Dapatkan akses ke situs lama saya di" msgid "Copy one of my existing sites on" msgstr "Salin salah satu situs yang sudah ada di" msgid "What brought you here today?" msgstr "Apa yang membawa Anda hari ini?" msgid "" "Share any other details that will help us figure out what we need to do next." msgstr "" "Bagikan detail lainnya yang akan membantu kami mengetahui apa yang perlu " "kami lakukan selanjutnya." msgid "Please, provide more details." msgstr "Mohon cantumkan detail lainnya." msgid "" "If you keep your plan, you will be able to continue using your %(planName)s " "plan features until {{strong}}%(purchaseRenewalDate)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Jika Anda mempertahankan paket Anda, Anda akan dapat terus menggunakan fitur-" "fitur paket %(planName)s hingga {{strong}}%(purchaseRenewalDate)s{{/" "strong}}." msgid "" "If you remove your plan, you will lose access to the features of the " "%(planName)s plan." msgstr "" "Jika Anda menghapus paket Anda, Anda akan kehilangan akses ke fitur-fitur " "paket %(planName)s." msgid "Scope" msgstr "Cakupan" msgid "The Friends plugin is installed." msgstr "Plugin Friends terinstal." msgid "" "Combined with ActivityPub plugin you can also follow and interact with " "people over the ActivityPub protocol, for example on Mastodon." msgstr "" "Jika dikombinasikan dengan plugin ActivityPub, Anda juga dapat mengikuti dan " "berinteraksi dengan orang lain melalui protokol ActivityPub, seperti pada " "Mastodon." msgid "" "This will give you a feed of your friends' posts which will also be " "displayed in the Enable Mastodon Apps plugin." msgstr "" "Hasilnya, Anda akan mendapatkan feed pos teman Anda yang juga akan " "ditampilkan di plugin Aktifkan Aplikasi Mastodon." msgid "" "The Friends plugin allows you to follow others from within your own " "WordPress." msgstr "" "Dengan plugin Friends, Anda dapat mengikuti orang lain dari dalam WordPress " "Anda sendiri." msgid "Install the Activitypub Plugin" msgstr "Instal plugin ActivityPub" msgid "The Activitypub plugin is installed." msgstr "Plugin ActivityPub terinstal." msgid "" "With this plugin installed, for example, you can search for Mastodon users " "and view their posts." msgstr "" "Setelah plugin ini terinstal, misalnya, Anda dapat mencari pengguna Mastodon " "dan melihat pos mereka." msgid "" "The Activitypub plugin allows you interact with the Fediverse, for example " "Mastodon." msgstr "" "Dengan plugin ActivityPub, Anda dapat berinteraksi dengan Fediverse, " "misalnya Mastodon." msgid "Interact with the Fediverse" msgstr "Interaksi dengan Fediverse" msgid "In particular this is the case for the following plugins:" msgstr "Secara spesifik, fungsi ini tersedia pada berbagai plugin berikut:" msgid "" "That said, it was designed so that it can be meaningfully extended by other " "plugins." msgstr "" "Meskipun demikian, sistem ini didesain agar dapat dikembangkan lebih lanjut " "oleh plugin lainnya." msgid "" "This can already be very useful on a blog where multiple people interact." msgstr "" "Manfaatnya akan sangat terasa pada blog yang mewadahi interaksi banyak orang." msgid "" "The Enable Mastodon Apps plugin works well on its own: it allows you to " "publish posts and show your all blog posts in the apps' timelines." msgstr "" "Meski digunakan secara mandiri, plugin Aktifkan Aplikasi Mastodon dapat " "berfungsi dengan baik sehingga Anda dapat memublikasikan pos dan menampilkan " "semua pos blog di linimasa aplikasi." msgid "" "Please reach out in a Github issue or the plugin support forum." msgstr "" "Mohon hubungi kami dengan membuat Github issue atau posting " "di forum dukungan plugin" msgid "" "Since the task of this plugin to achieve Mastodon API compatibility is " "complex, it is possible that you encounter issues." msgstr "" "Karena plugin melakukan tugas yang berat untuk mencapai kompatibilitas API " "Mastodon, Anda mungkin akan mengalami masalah." msgid "" "Depending on the plugins you use (see below), you'll then see posts in the " "timeline and can start interacting with them." msgstr "" "Sesuai plugin yang Anda gunakan (lihat di bawah), Anda akan melihat pos di " "linimasa dan dapat mulai berinteraksi." msgid "You'll need to log in there and then authorize the app." msgstr "Anda perlu login, lalu melakukan otorisasi aplikasi." msgid "" "Double-check the URL of the login form so that you don't enter your details " "on another site." msgstr "" "Periksa kembali URL formulir login Anda agar Anda tidak memasukkan rincian " "di situs lain." msgid "" "The Mastodon app will then redirect you to the login page of your own " "WordPress site." msgstr "" "Aplikasi Mastodon akan mengalihkan Anda ke halaman login situs WordPress " "Anda." msgid "" "When you first start a Mastodon app, it will ask you for your instance URL:" msgstr "" "Ketika Anda memulai aplikasi Mastodon untuk pertama kalinya, Anda akan " "dimintai URL instance:" msgid "" "Make sure you scroll down to the \"Browse third-party apps\" section for " "more choice." msgstr "" "Pastikan Anda menggulir ke bawah hingga menemukan bagian \"Cari aplikasi " "pihak ketiga\" untuk menampilkan lebih banyak pilihan." msgid "" "Check the Mastodon app directory to find one that you like." msgstr "" "Periksa direktori aplikasi Mastodon untuk menemukan aplikasi " "yang Anda inginkan." msgid "This plugin enables you to access your WordPress with Mastodon clients." msgstr "" "Plugin ini memungkinkan Anda untuk mengakses WordPress dengan klien Mastodon." msgid "" "This tester will use the same API endpoints that Mastodon Apps will use to " "interact with your site." msgstr "" "Penguji ini akan menggunakan endpoint API yang sama seperti Aplikasi " "Mastodon untuk berinteraksi dengan situs Anda." msgid "" "To test whether the Mastodon API is working correctly, we've bundled an API " "tester." msgstr "" "Untuk menguji apakah API Mastodon berfungsi optimal, kami membuat paket " "penguji API." msgid "" "This will enable the Tester and Debug tab, and add more information about " "registered apps." msgstr "" "Paket ini akan mengaktifkan tab Penguji dan Debug serta menambahkan lebih " "banyak informasi tentang aplikasi yang terdaftar." msgid "Enable debugging settings" msgstr "Aktifkan pengaturan debugging" msgid "Debugging" msgstr "Debugging" msgid "" "New apps can register on their own, so the list might grow if you keep this " "enabled." msgstr "" "Aplikasi baru dapat didaftarkan sendiri sehingga isian daftar akan terus " "bertambah jika Anda tetap mengaktifkannya." msgid "Allow new and existing apps to sign in" msgstr "Izinkan aplikasi baru dan lama untuk login" msgid "Enable Logins" msgstr "Aktifkan Login" msgid "Associated with an app that no longer exists." msgstr "Terkait dengan aplikasi yang sudah tidak tersedia." msgid "Outdated" msgstr "Usang" msgid "Never Used" msgstr "Tidak Pernah Digunakan" msgid "No tokens or authorization codes associated with this app." msgstr "Token atau kode otorisasi tidak terkait dengan aplikasi ini." msgid "" "Since debug mode is activated, you'll also be able to see and manage access " "tokens on the details page." msgstr "" "Karena mode debug diaktifkan, Anda dapat melihat dan mengelola token akses " "di halaman rincian." msgid "" "You can customize the apps post types, or delete it by click on the Details " "link." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menyesuaikan tipe pos aplikasi atau menghapusnya dengan mengklik " "tautan Rincian." msgid "" "These are the Mastodon apps that have been used with this WordPress site." msgstr "" "Berbagai aplikasi Mastodon ini telah digunakan dengan situs WordPress ini." msgid "Clear all logs" msgstr "Hapus semua log" msgid "Delete apps without tokens" msgstr "Hapus aplikasi tanpa token" msgid "Delete never used apps and tokens" msgstr "Hapus aplikasi dan token yang tidak pernah digunakan" msgid "Delete outdated apps and tokens" msgstr "Hapus aplikasi dan token yang usang" msgid "Cleanup" msgstr "Hapus" msgid "Clear logs" msgstr "Hapus log" msgid "%d apps" msgid_plural "%d apps" msgstr[0] "%d aplikasi" msgstr[1] "%d aplikasi" msgid "Unknown App: %s" msgstr "Aplikasi Tidak Dikenal: %s" msgid "%d authorization code" msgid_plural "%d authorization codes" msgstr[0] "%d kode otorisasi" msgstr[1] "%d kode otorisasi" msgid "Authorization Codes" msgstr "Kode Otorisasi" msgid "No requests logged in the last hour." msgstr "Tidak ada permintaan yang masuk dalam satu jam terakhir." msgid "Recently Logged Requests" msgstr "Permintaan yang Baru Masuk" msgid "Enable this to activate logging of requests." msgstr "Aktifkan ini untuk mengaktifkan pencatatan permintaan." msgid "Debug mode is active for %1$s (until %2$s)." msgstr "Mode debug aktif selama %1$s (hingga %2$s)." msgid "Log requests to the plugin and expose more information." msgstr "Masukkan permintaan ke plugin dan dapatkan informasi selengkapnya." msgid "Debug Mode" msgstr "Mode debug" msgid "This setting will turn itself off again as soon as an app has done so." msgstr "" "Pengaturan ini akan kembali nonaktif dengan sendirinya setelah aplikasi " "nonaktif." msgid "" "When you (accidentally) delete an app, this allows to use the app when it " "tries to authorize again." msgstr "" "Jika Anda (tidak sengaja) menghapus aplikasi, aplikasi dapat digunakan " "ketika otorisasi dicoba lagi." msgid "Implicitly re-register the next unknown client." msgstr "Daftarkan ulang klien anonim berikutnya secara tersembuyi." msgid "Login Fix" msgstr "Penyelesaian Login" msgid "Do you really want to delete this access token?" msgstr "Apakah Anda ingin menghapus token akses ini?" msgid "%d token" msgid_plural "%d tokens" msgstr[0] "%d token" msgstr[1] "%d token" msgid "Access Tokens" msgstr "Token Akses" msgctxt "app" msgid "Delete %s" msgstr "Hapus %s" msgid "If checked, post content will not be converted to blocks." msgstr "Jika dicentang, konten pos tidak akan diubah menjadi blok." msgid "Disable automatic conversion to blocks" msgstr "Nonaktifkan konversi otomatis ke blok" msgid "These post types will be displayed in the app." msgstr "Berbagai tipe pos ini akan ditampilkan di aplikasi." msgid "Show these post types" msgstr "Tampilkan berbagai tipe pos ini" msgid "When posting through the app, this post type will be created." msgstr "Jika Anda mempos melalui aplikasi, tipe pos ini akan dibuat." msgctxt "select post type" msgid "Create new posts as" msgstr "Buat pos baru sebagai" msgid "Toggle all" msgstr "Alihkan semua" msgid "The post formats that will be used for this app." msgstr "Format pos yang akan digunakan untuk aplikasi ini." msgid "" "This is part of the OAuth standard and only useful in " "debugging scenarios." msgstr "" "Bagian ini termasuk dalam standar OAuth dan hanya " "digunakan untuk tujuan debugging." msgid "The URI to redirect to after the user authorizes the app." msgstr "URI yang akan dialihkan setelah pengguna mengotorisasi aplikasi." msgid "No website provided by the app." msgstr "Situs tidak disediakan oleh aplikasi." msgid "%d logged request" msgid_plural "%d logged requests" msgstr[0] "%d permintaan masuk" msgstr[1] "%d permintaan masuk" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all logs for %s?" msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus semua log untuk %s?" msgid "Tester" msgstr "Penguji" msgid "Registered Apps" msgstr "Aplikasi Terdaftar" msgid "Enable Mastodon Apps" msgstr "Aktifkan Aplikasi Mastodon" msgctxt "Code was never used" msgid "Never" msgstr "Tidak pernah" msgid "Only the following sub-permissions:" msgstr "Hanya sub-izin berikut:" msgid "Requested permissions:" msgstr "Izin yang diminta:" msgid "" "Do you want to log in to %1$s with your %2$s account?" msgstr "" "Anda ingin login ke %1$s dengan akun %2$s?" msgid "Subscribe to push events for your account." msgstr "" "Berlangganan agar dapat menggunakan pemberitahuan push acara untuk akun Anda." msgid "Follow other accounts using your account." msgstr "Ikuti akun lain menggunakan akun Anda." msgid "" "Write information to your account, for example post a status on your behalf, " "or edit your profile." msgstr "" "Tulis informasi pada akun Anda, misalnya poskan status atas nama Anda " "sendiri, atau edit profil Anda." msgid "Read information from your account, for example read your statuses." msgstr "Baca informasi dari akun Anda, misalnya baca status Anda." msgid "Contact your administrator for more details." msgstr "Hubungi administrator Anda untuk informasi selengkapnya." msgid "You don't have permission to use Mastodon Apps." msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk menggunakan Aplikasi Mastodon." msgid "Notification not found." msgstr "Pemberitahuan tidak ditemukan." msgid "Mastodon App" msgstr "Aplikasi Mastodon" msgid "" "Because a new post is not created in the standard post format, it will be " "published without title. To change this, select the standard post format in the Enable Mastodon Apps settings." msgstr "" "Karena tidak dibuat dalam format pos standar, pos baru akan dipublikasikan " "tanpa judul. Untuk mengubahnya, pilih format pos standar di " "pengaturan Aktifkan Aplikasi Mastodon." msgid "" "If you want to create a post in WordPress with a title, add a new line after " "the title. The first line will then appear as the title of the post." msgstr "" "Jika ingin membuat pos di WordPress dengan judul, tambahkan baris baru " "setelah judul. Baris pertama akan muncul sebagai judul pos." msgid "" "If you create a new note in this app, it will be created with the " "%s post format." msgstr "" "Jika Anda membuat catatan baru dalam aplikasi ini, catatan tersebut akan " "dibuat dengan format pos %s." msgid "Posts with the post format %s will appear in this app." msgid_plural "" "Posts with the post formats %s will appear in this app." msgstr[0] "" "Pos dengan format pos %s akan muncul di aplikasi ini." msgstr[1] "" "Pos dengan format pos %s akan muncul di aplikasi ini." msgid "" "Using this Mastodon app is made possible by the Enable Mastodon " "Apps WordPress plugin on %2$s." msgstr "" "Aplikasi Mastodon ini dapat digunakan berkat plugin WordPress " "Aktifkan Aplikasi Mastodon pada %2$s." msgid "App registration has been disabled." msgstr "Pendaftaran aplikasi dinonaktifkan." msgid "unknown_error" msgstr "error_tidak diketahui" msgid "Could not delete app." msgstr "Tidak dapat menghapus aplikasi." msgid "Deleted app \"%s\"." msgstr "Menghapus aplikasi \"%s\"." msgid "Deleted %d token." msgid_plural "Deleted %d tokens." msgstr[0] "Menghapus %d token." msgstr[1] "Menghapus %d token." msgid "%d app logs were cleared." msgid_plural "%d app logs were cleared." msgstr[0] "%d log aplikasi dihapus." msgstr[1] "%d log aplikasi dihapus." msgid "App logs could not be cleared." msgstr "Log aplikasi tidak dapat dihapus." msgid "App logs were cleared." msgstr "Log aplikasi dihapus." msgid "Deleted %d app." msgid_plural "Deleted %d apps." msgstr[0] "Menghapus %d aplikasi." msgstr[1] "Menghapus %d aplikasi." msgid "Deleted %d access token." msgid_plural "Deleted %d access tokens." msgstr[0] "Menghapus %d token akses." msgstr[1] "Menghapus %d token akses." msgid "Deleted %d authorization code." msgid_plural "Deleted %d authorization codes." msgstr[0] "Menghapus %d kode otorisasi." msgstr[1] "Menghapus %d kode otorisasi." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to change the settings." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak boleh mengubah pengaturan." msgid "Mastodon Apps" msgstr "Aplikasi Mastodon" msgid "WooCommerce Analytics" msgstr "WooCommerce Analytics" msgid "Migrating the site" msgstr "Migrasi situs" msgid "Almost done! Configure Akismet and say goodbye to spam" msgstr "" "Hampir selesai! Konfigurasikan Akismet dan bebaskan diri Anda dari spam" msgid "" "{{span}}This site has WooCommerce installed.{{/span}} We do not recommend " "syncing or pushing data from a staging site to live production news sites or " "sites that use eCommerce plugins, such as WooCommerce, without proper " "planning and testing. Keep in mind that data on the destination site could " "have newer transactions, such as customers and orders, and would be lost " "when overwritten by the staging site’s data." msgstr "" "{{span}}Situs ini telah diinstal WooCommerce.{{/span}} Kami tidak " "menyarankan untuk menyinkronkan atau mengirimkan data dari situs staging ke " "situs berita produksi yang aktif atau situs yang menggunakan plugin " "eCommerce, seperti WooCommerce, tanpa perencanaan dan pengujian yang tepat. " "Perlu diingat bahwa data di situs tujuan mungkin memiliki transaksi yang " "lebih baru, seperti pelanggan dan pesanan, dan akan hilang ketika ditimpa " "oleh data situs staging." msgid "Cancel anyway" msgstr "Batalkan saja" msgid "Cancelling domain…" msgstr "Membatalkan domain…" msgid "" "After you confirm this change, the subscription will be removed on " "%(expirationDate)s." msgstr "" "Setelah mengonfirmasi perubahan ini, langganan akan dihapus pada tanggal " "%(expirationDate)s" msgid "" "After you confirm this change, the domain will be removed on " "%(expirationDate)s." msgstr "" "Setelah mengonfirmasi perubahan ini, domain akan dihapus pada tanggal " "%(expirationDate)s" msgid "After you confirm this change, the domain will be removed immediately." msgstr "Setelah Anda mengonfirmasi perubahan ini, domain akan segera dihapus" msgid "" "Unable to apply introductory offer to %1$s for %2$s because this Gravatar " "domain was registered less than three months ago." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat menerapkan promo awal pada %1$s untuk %2$s karena domain " "Gravatar ini didaftarkan kurang dari tiga bulan yang lalu." msgid "Spend" msgstr "Belanja" msgid "%s spend" msgstr "Belanja %s" msgid "Hosting features activated successfully!" msgstr "Fitur hosting berhasil diaktifkan!" msgid "Comments pagination" msgstr "Navigasi komentar" msgid "Posts pagination" msgstr "Navigasi pos" msgid "" "Tested on {{span}}%(testedDate)s{{/span}}. {{button}}Test again{{/button}}" msgstr "" "Diuji pada {{span}}%(testedDate)s{{/span}}. {{button}}Uji lagi{{/button}}" msgid "Publish your posts to Bluesky." msgstr "Publikasikan pos Anda ke Bluesky." msgid "" "*If you exceed your plan's storage or traffic limits, you will be charged " "{{b}}$0.50{{/b}} per GB and {{b}}$8{{/b}} per 10K visits per month." msgstr "" "*Jika Anda melebihi batas penyimpanan atau lalu lintas paket Anda, Anda akan " "dikenakan biaya {{b}}$0,50{{/b}} per GB dan {{b}}$8{{/b}} per 10 ribu " "kunjungan per bulan." msgid "Finding the best solution for your page" msgstr "Menemukan solusi terbaik untuk halaman Anda..." msgid "How do I create a WooCommerce store?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara membuat toko WooCommerce?" msgid "Limit result set to items assigned one or more given formats." msgstr "Batasi hasil pada item dengan satu atau lebih format yang ditetapkan." msgid "Share posts to your Bluesky profile." msgstr "Bagikan pos ke profil Bluesky Anda." msgid "Sharing posts to your Bluesky profile." msgstr "Membagikan pos ke profil Bluesky Anda." msgid "" "App password is needed to safely connect your account. App password is " "different from your account password. You can {{link}}generate it in " "Bluesky{{/link}}." msgstr "" "Kata sandi aplikasi diperlukan untuk menghubungkan akun Anda secara aman. " "Kata sandi aplikasi berbeda dengan kata sandi akun Anda. Anda dapat {{link}}" "membuatnya di Bluesky{{/link}}." msgid "App password" msgstr "Kata sandi aplikasi" msgid "You can find the handle in your Bluesky profile." msgstr "Anda dapat menemukan handle di profil Bluesky." msgid "Handle" msgstr "Handle" msgid "Please enter a valid handle." msgstr "Harap masukkan handle yang valid." msgid "" "Please {{a}}contact support{{/a}} if you need to disable defensive mode." msgstr "" "Mohon {{a}}hubungi layanan bantuan{{/a}} jika Anda perlu menonaktifkan mode " "pertahanan." msgid "Defensive mode was enabled on your behalf to protect your site." msgstr "Mode pertahanan berhasil diaktifkan untuk melindungi situs Anda." msgid "" "Automattic for Agencies is a program designed for agencies, developers, and " "freelancers who work with and provide services to their clients. Depending " "on what you are looking for, you may want to check out one of our individual " "products, like {{wp}}{{/wp}}, {{pressable}}{{/" "pressable}}, {{woo}}{{/woo}}, {{jetpack}}{{/jetpack}}. If " "you really aren't sure where to go, feel free to contact us at {{email}}" "{{/email}} and we'll point you in the right " "direction." msgstr "" "Automattic for Agencies adalah program yang dirancang untuk agensi, " "developer, dan freelancer yang bekerja untuk memberikan layanan kepada klien " "mereka. Tergantung pada apa yang Anda cari, Anda mungkin ingin melihat salah " "satu produk individual kami, seperti {{wp}}{{/wp}}, " "{{pressable}}{{/pressable}}, {{woo}}{{/woo}}, {{jetpack}}" "{{/jetpack}}. Jika Anda benar-benar tidak yakin ke mana harus " "pergi, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami di {{email}}" "{{/email}} dan kami akan menunjukkan Anda ke arah " "yang benar." msgid "It seems like we might not be the perfect match right now." msgstr "Sepertinya saat ini kita mungkin belum berjodoh." msgid "" "For Woo stores, keep your orders and products current even if you need to " "restore a prior backup." msgstr "" "Untuk toko Woo, data pesanan dan produk selalu terbarui meski dilakukan " "pemulihan dengan cadangan sebelumnya." msgid "Quality you can trust with more than 1.2 billion completed backups." msgstr "" "Kualitas tepercaya dengan pengalaman lebih dari 1,2 miliar pencadangan " "sukses." msgid "" "Even if your server goes down, you’re still covered with our 24/7 cloud " "backups." msgstr "" "Meski server Anda mengalami gangguan, data Anda tetap aman dengan " "pencadangan cloud 24 jam kami." msgid "It’s simply the best WordPress backup solution." msgstr "Inilah solusi pencadangan WordPress paling mantap." msgid "Why VaultPress Backup?" msgstr "Kenapa pilih VaultPress Backup?" msgid "Get 50% off backups" msgstr "Dapatkan diskon 50% untuk pencadangan" msgid "" "Do you have a backup plan? Let us take care of it for you and get 50% off " "the full price for the first year." msgstr "" "Belum punya paket pencadangan? Biar kami yang urus, dan dapatkan diskon 50% " "dari harga normal untuk tahun pertama." msgid "Save every change and get back online quickly" msgstr "Simpan semua perubahan dan segera kembali online" msgid "Get 50% off Jetpack VaultPress Backup" msgstr "Dapatkan diskon 50% untuk Jetpack VaultPress Backup" msgctxt "Module Tag" msgid "blocks" msgstr "blok" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "Add additional blocks to your site and post editors." msgstr "Tambahkan blok lain ke situs dan editor pos. " msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Blocks" msgstr "Blok" msgid "" "* The migration limit is $10,000 for WP Engine and $3,000 for other hosts." msgstr "" "* Batas migrasi adalah $10.000 untuk WP Engine dan $3.000 untuk hosting " "lainnya." msgid "" "Jetpack indexes the content of your site with Elasticsearch. {{a}}Learn " "more{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Jetpack mengindeks konten situs Anda dengan Elasticsearch. {{a}}Pelajari " "lebih lanjut{{/a}}." msgid "" "You cleared the edge cache recently. Please wait a minute and try again." msgstr "" "Anda baru saja membersihkan edge cache. Harap tunggu sebentar dan coba lagi." msgid "You cleared all caches recently. Please wait a minute and try again." msgstr "" "Anda baru saja membersihkan semua cache. Mohon tunggu sebentar dan coba lagi." msgid "" "Explore millions of blogs on Discover posts, from food and " "art to travel and photography, and find popular sites that inspire and " "inform." msgstr "" "Jelajahi jutaan blog di Temukan pos, mulai dari makanan dan " "seni hingga perjalanan dan fotografi, serta temukan situs populer yang " "inspiratif dan informatif." msgid "Failed to clear object cache." msgstr "Gagal membersihkan object cache." msgid "Enable defensive mode" msgstr "Aktifkan mode pertahanan" msgid "Disable defensive mode" msgstr "Nonaktifkan mode pertahanan" msgid "{{b}}Defensive mode is enabled{{/b}} until %(date)s." msgstr "{{b}}Mode pertahanan diaktifkan{{/b}} hingga %(date)s." msgid "" "Extra protection against spam bots and attacks. Visitors will see a quick " "loading page while we run additional security checks. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Perlindungan ekstra terhadap bot spam dan serangan. Pengunjung akan melihat " "halaman yang dimuat dengan cepat sementara kami menjalankan pemeriksaan " "keamanan tambahan. {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}}" msgid "Defensive mode" msgstr "Mode pertahanan" msgid "2 days" msgstr "2 hari" msgid "Clear object cache" msgstr "Bersihkan object cache" msgid "" "Data is cached using Memcached to reduce database lookups. {{a}}Learn more{{/" "a}}." msgstr "" "Data di-cache menggunakan Memcached untuk mengurangi proses pencarian di " "database. {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}}." msgid "Clear edge cache" msgstr "Bersihkan edge cache" msgid "Clearing the cache may temporarily make your site less responsive." msgstr "" "Membersihkan cache dapat membuat situs Anda menjadi kurang responsif untuk " "sementara waktu." msgid "Clear all caches" msgstr "Bersihkan semua cache" msgid "Failed to disable defensive mode." msgstr "Gagal menonaktifkan mode pertahanan." msgid "Failed to enable defensive mode." msgstr "Gagal mengaktifkan mode pertahanan." msgid "Successfully disabled defensive mode." msgstr "Berhasil menonaktifkan mode pertahanan." msgid "Successfully enabled defensive mode." msgstr "Berhasil mengaktifkan mode pertahanan." msgid "Failed to clear edge cache." msgstr "Gagal membersihkan edge cache." msgid "" "From now until the end of 2024, you’ll receive $100 for each site you " "migrate to Pressable or, up to $10,000.* If you’re a WP Engine " "customer, we’ll also credit the costs to set you free. {{a}}Full Terms ↗{{/" "a}}" msgstr "" "Mulai sekarang hingga akhir tahun 2024, Anda akan menerima $100 untuk setiap " "situs yang Anda migrasikan ke Pressable atau, hingga $10.000.* " "Jika Anda adalah pelanggan WP Engine, kami juga akan mengkreditkan biaya " "tersebut agar Anda bisa mendapatkannya secara gratis. {{a}}Persyaratan " "Lengkap ↗{{/a}}" msgid "" "Limited time offer: Migrate your sites to Pressable or and " "earn up to $10,000!" msgstr "" "Penawaran dalam waktu terbatas: Migrasi situs Anda ke Pressable atau " " dan dapatkan penghasilan hingga $10.000!" msgid "" "Sorry, you seem to be requesting too many links sent to you at the same time." msgstr "" "Maaf, sepertinya Anda meminta terlalu banyak kiriman tautan sekaligus. " msgid "Legacy widget" msgstr "Widget Lama" msgid "Toggle Zoom Out" msgstr "Berganti Perkecil" msgid "Approval step" msgstr "Langkah persetujuan" msgid "Require approval step when optimizing existing media." msgstr "" "Mewajibkan langkah persetujuan saat mengoptimalkan media yang sudah ada." msgid "Pre-upload compression" msgstr "Kompresi sebelum mengunggah" msgid "Compress media items before uploading to the server." msgstr "Mengompresi item media sebelum mengunggahnya ke server." msgid "Customize options related to the media upload flow." msgstr "Sesuaikan pilihan terkait alur pengunggahan media." msgid "Show starter patterns" msgstr "Tampilkan pola awal" msgid "Shows starter patterns when creating a new page." msgstr "Menampilkan pola awal saat membuat halaman baru." msgid "Set styles for the site’s background." msgstr "Mengatur gaya untuk latar belakang situs." msgid "Use up and down arrow keys to resize the metabox panel." msgstr "" "Gunakan tombol panah atas dan panah bawah untuk mengatur ukuran panel kotak " "meta." msgid "Reload full page" msgstr "Muat ulang seluruh halaman" msgid "" "Enhancement disabled because there are non-compatible blocks inside the " "Query block." msgstr "" "Peningkatan dinonaktifkan karena ada blok yang tidak kompatibel di dalam " "blok Permintaan Informasi." msgid "" "Reload the full page—instead of just the posts list—when visitors navigate " "between pages." msgstr "" "Muat ulang seluruh halaman, bukan hanya daftar pos, saat pengunjung melihat-" "lihat halaman." msgid "Query block: Reload full page enabled" msgstr "Blok Permintaan Informasi: Muat ulang seluruh halaman diaktifkan" msgid "Categories List" msgstr "Daftar Kategori" msgid "Terms List" msgstr "Daftar Istilah" msgid "Show empty terms" msgstr "Tampilkan istilah kosong" msgid "Show only top level terms" msgstr "Tampilkan hanya istilah level teratas" msgid "Link %1$s" msgstr "Tautkan %1$s" msgid "Unlink %1$s" msgstr "Hapus tautan %1$s" msgid "Upload or drag a video file here, or pick one from your library." msgstr "" "Unggah atau seret file video ke sini, atau pilih salah satu dari pustaka " "media Anda." msgid "Upload or drag an image file here, or pick one from your library." msgstr "" "Unggah atau seret file gambar ke sini, atau pilih salah satu dari pustaka " "media Anda." msgid "Upload or drag an audio file here, or pick one from your library." msgstr "" "Unggah atau seret file audio ke sini, atau pilih salah satu dari pustaka " "media Anda." msgid "Drag and drop patterns into the canvas." msgstr "Seret dan lepas pola ke kanvas." msgid "Migrate your WP Engine site to for free." msgstr "Migrasikan situs WP Engine Anda ke, gratis." msgid "Migrate from WP Engine to" msgstr "Migrasi dari WP Engine ke" msgid "Texture" msgstr "Tekstur" msgid "Origami" msgstr "Origami" msgid "Sell courses" msgstr "Jual kursus" msgid "" "We could not verify your credentials. Can you double check your account " "information and try again?" msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat memverifikasi kredensial Anda. Dapatkah Anda memeriksa " "ulang informasi akun Anda dan mencoba lagi?" msgid "Check your password." msgstr "Periksa kata sandi Anda." msgid "Check your username." msgstr "Periksa nama pengguna Anda." msgid "Check your site address." msgstr "Periksa alamat situs Anda." msgid "Verifying credentials" msgstr "Memverifikasi kredensial" msgid "Anyone with the link can view your site" msgstr "Siapa pun yang memiliki tautan tersebut dapat melihat situs Anda" msgid "" "With our program, you can earn partner badges and align your agency with " "Woo, Jetpack,, and Pressable, enabling you to secure placement " "in multiple partner directory listings. All you need to do is demonstrate " "your expertise in supporting clients for each brand to get listed on their " "directory page." msgstr "" "Dengan program kami, Anda bisa mendapatkan lencana mitra dan menyelaraskan " "agensi Anda dengan Woo, Jetpack,, dan Pressable, sehingga Anda " "bisa mendapatkan penempatan di beberapa daftar direktori mitra. Yang perlu " "Anda lakukan adalah menunjukkan keahlian Anda dalam mendukung klien untuk " "setiap brand agar terdaftar di halaman direktori mereka." msgid "Grow your business by getting listed on our partner directories" msgstr "Kembangkan bisnis Anda dengan mendaftarkannya di direktori mitra kami" msgid "" "You can also earn a five basis points commission on WooPayments TPV (Total " "Payments Volume) by referring new clients to WooPayments." msgstr "" "Anda juga bisa mendapatkan komisi lima basis poin dari TVP (Total Volume " "Pembayaran) WooPayments dengan mereferensikan klien baru ke WooPayments." msgid "" "With our novel create-a-cart feature, you can add any product in our " "marketplace to a cart for your client to purchase in just a few clicks. Once " "your client makes the purchase, you will receive a quarterly recurring " "commission (up to 50%)." msgstr "" "Dengan fitur baru 'buat keranjang', Anda bisa menambahkan produk apa pun di " "marketplace kami ke keranjang untuk dibeli oleh klien Anda hanya dengan " "beberapa klik. Setelah klien Anda melakukan pembelian, Anda akan menerima " "komisi berulang setiap tiga bulan (hingga 50%)." msgid "Earn recurring commissions on referrals" msgstr "Dapatkan komisi berulang dari referral" msgid "" "We will bill you at the start of each month for any hosting or products used " "in the previous month. These are charged on a per-day basis." msgstr "" "Kami akan menagih Anda di awal setiap bulan untuk hosting atau produk apa " "pun yang digunakan di bulan sebelumnya. Tagihan ini ditagih per hari." msgid "" "We aim to ensure your business grows with as little upfront cost as " "possible. That's why we've adopted a pay-for-what-you-use model across all " "our products, including hosting. This allows you to add and remove products " "as needed without paying for a whole year upfront to get the best prices." msgstr "" "Kami bertujuan untuk memastikan bisnis Anda berkembang dengan biaya di muka " "sesedikit mungkin. Itulah mengapa kami mengadopsi model bayar sesuai " "penggunaan di semua produk kami, termasuk hosting. Hal ini memungkinkan Anda " "untuk menambah dan menghapus produk sesuai kebutuhan tanpa membayar satu " "tahun penuh di muka untuk mendapatkan harga terbaik." msgid "Only pay for what you use" msgstr "Bayar hanya untuk apa yang Anda gunakan" msgid "" "This is just the beginning. We look forward to partnering with you and " "seeing what the next chapter brings." msgstr "" "Ini baru permulaan. Kami berharap dapat bermitra dengan Anda dan melihat apa " "yang akan terjadi di masa mendatang." msgid "Tooling to help you be more efficient" msgstr "Perangkat untuk membantu Anda menjadi lebih efisien" msgid "Recurring commissions on product referrals – including WooPayments" msgstr "Komisi berulang untuk produk referral - termasuk WooPayments" msgid "Earn partner badges to align your agency with Automattic brands" msgstr "" "Dapatkan lencana mitra untuk menyelaraskan agensi Anda dengan brand " "Automattic" msgid "Significant discounts on our products and services" msgstr "Diskon besar untuk produk dan layanan kami" msgid "" "Automattic for Agencies is a new agency program that combines the best of " "Automattic's offerings all in one place. By partnering with us, you will " "have opportunities to grow your business with:" msgstr "" "Automattic for Agencies adalah program baru untuk agensi yang menggabungkan " "penawaran terbaik Automattic di satu tempat. Dengan bermitra bersama kami, " "Anda akan memiliki peluang untuk mengembangkan bisnis Anda:" msgid "Manage all of your client sites in a single place" msgstr "Kelola semua situs klien Anda di satu tempat" msgid "Boost your agency's visibilty across our partner directories" msgstr "Tingkatkan visibilitas agensi Anda di seluruh direktori mitra kami" msgid "Start earning commission on referrals" msgstr "Mulai dapatkan komisi dari referral" msgid "Explore our best-in-class hosting and plugins" msgstr "Jelajahi hosting dan plugin kami yang terbaik di kelasnya" msgid "Add your first site" msgstr "Tambahkan situs pertama Anda" msgid "Error unignoring threat. Please contact support." msgstr "Terjadi eror saat berhenti mengabaikan ancaman. Mohon hubungi bantuan." msgid "Threat unignored." msgstr "Ancaman tidak diabaikan." msgid "Unignoring threat…" msgstr "Berhenti mengabaikan ancaman..." msgid "Jetpack will unignore the threat." msgstr "Jetpack akan berhenti mengabaikan ancaman." msgid "" "By unignoring this threat you confirm that you have reviewed the detected " "code and assume the risks of keeping a potentially malicious file on your " "site. If you are unsure please request an estimate with Codeable." msgstr "" "Dengan berhenti mengabaikan ancaman ini berarti Anda mengonfirmasi bahwa " "Anda telah meninjau kode yang terdeteksi dan menanggung risiko menyimpan " "file berbahaya di situs Anda. Jika Anda tidak yakin, silakan meminta " "diagnosis dari Codeable." msgid "Jetpack will unignore the threat:" msgstr "Jetpack akan berhenti mengabaikan ancaman:" msgid "Do you really want to unignore this threat?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin berhenti mengabaikan ancaman ini?" msgid "Unignore threat" msgstr "Berhenti mengabaikan ancaman" msgid "Facebook Logo" msgstr "Logo Facebook" msgid "" "Include only your company name; save any descriptors for the Company bio " "section." msgstr "" "Cantumkan hanya nama perusahaan Anda; simpan deskriptor apa pun untuk bagian " "biografi Perusahaan." msgid "" "WooPayments: Earn a recurring 5bps commission on Total Payment Volume (TPV) " "for any new clients referred. {{a}}Learn{{nbsp/}}more ↗{{/a}}" msgstr "" "WooPayments: Dapatkan komisi berulang sebesar 5bps dari Total Volume " "Pembayaran (TPV) untuk setiap klien baru yang direferensikan. {{a}}Pelajari " "{{nbsp/}}lebih lanjut ↗{{/a}}" msgid "I do not work at an agency. I'm a site owner." msgstr "Saya tidak bekerja di sebuah agensi. Saya adalah pemilik situs." msgid "I'm a freelancer" msgstr "Saya seorang pekerja lepas" msgid "I'm in sales, marketing, or operations at an agency" msgstr "" "Saya bekerja di bagian penjualan, pemasaran, atau operasional di sebuah " "agensi" msgid "I'm a developer at an agency" msgstr "Saya seorang developer di sebuah agensi" msgid "I'm an agency owner" msgstr "Saya seorang pemilik agensi" msgid "How would you describe yourself?" msgstr "Bagaimana Anda menggambarkan diri Anda?" msgid "Update information" msgstr "Perbarui informasi" msgid "Email confirmed! Update domains' contact information if necessary." msgstr "Email telah dikonfirmasi! Perbarui informasi kontak domain jika perlu." msgid "Expires in %(days)d day" msgid_plural "Expires in %(days)d days" msgstr[0] "Berakhir dalam %(days)d hari" msgstr[1] "Berakhir dalam %(days)d hari" msgid "Expires in %(durationString)s" msgstr "Berakhir dalam %(durationString)s" msgid "Expired." msgstr "Kedaluwarsa." msgid "50% off your first year" msgstr "Diskon 50% untuk tahun pertama Anda" msgid "Campaign objective" msgstr "Tujuan kampanye" msgid "" "This theme costs %(annualPrice)s per year or %(monthlyPrice)s per month, and " "can't be purchased on a trial site. Please upgrade to the " "%(ecommercePlanName)s plan to install this theme." msgstr "" "Tema ini harganya %(annualPrice)s per tahun atau %(monthlyPrice)s per bulan, " "dan tidak dapat dibeli di situs uji coba. Mohon upgrade ke paket " "%(ecommercePlanName)s untuk menginstal tema ini." msgid "" "You have a subscription for this theme, but it isn't usable on a trial plan " "site. Please upgrade to the %(ecommercePlanName)s plan to " "install this theme." msgstr "" "Anda telah berlangganan tema ini, tetapi tema ini tidak dapat digunakan pada " "situs di paket uji coba. Mohon upgrade ke paket %(ecommercePlanName)s untuk menginstal tema ini." msgid "" "This theme can't be installed on a trial site. Please upgrade to the " "%(ecommercePlanName)s plan to install this theme." msgstr "" "Tema ini tidak dapat diinstal di situs percobaan. Mohon upgrade ke " "paket %(ecommercePlanName)s untuk menginstal tema ini." msgid "" "You do not have the correct user permissions to perform this action. Please " "contact your site admin if you think this is a mistake." msgstr "" "Anda tidak memiliki izin pengguna yang tepat untuk melakukan tindakan ini. " "Hubungi admin situs jika Anda yakin ini adalah sebuah kesalahan." msgid "" "Contact us at any time if you need assistance with Jetpack: https://jetpack." "com/contact-support/" msgstr "" "Hubungi kami kapan pun Anda butuh bantuan terkait Jetpack: https://jetpack." "com/contact-support/" msgid "" "To fix your broken connection, please reconnect it on the Connection " "Management page: %s" msgid_plural "" "To fix your broken connections, please reconnect them on the Connection " "Management page: %s" msgstr[0] "" "Untuk memperbaiki koneksi yang putus, sambungkan kembali di halaman " "Pengelolaan Koneksi: %s" msgstr[1] "" "Untuk memperbaiki koneksi yang putus, sambungkan kembali di halaman " "Pengelolaan Koneksi: %s" msgid "" "Contact us at any time " "if you need assistance with Jetpack." msgstr "" "Hubungi kami kapan pun " "Anda butuh bantuan terkait Jetpack." msgid "" "To fix your broken connection, please reconnect it on the Connection Management page." msgid_plural "" "To fix your broken connections, please reconnect them on the Connection Management page." msgstr[0] "" "Untuk memperbaiki koneksi yang putus, sambungkan kembali di halaman Pengelolaan Koneksi." msgstr[1] "" "Untuk memperbaiki koneksi yang putus, sambungkan kembali di halaman Pengelolaan Koneksi." msgid "" "The following connections are broken on your site and need to be fixed to " "continue auto-sharing to them:" msgstr "" "Koneksi berikut di situs Anda putus dan harus diperbaiki agar berbagi " "otomatis ke koneksi tersebut dapat berlanjut:" msgid "Your site has %d broken connection" msgid_plural "Your site has %d broken connections" msgstr[0] "Ada %d koneksi yang putus di situs Anda" msgstr[1] "Ada %d koneksi yang putus di situs Anda" msgid "You have a broken connection" msgid_plural "You have broken connections" msgstr[0] "Ada koneksi yang putus" msgstr[1] "Ada koneksi yang putus" msgid "Fix your broken social connection" msgid_plural "Fix your broken social connections" msgstr[0] "Perbaiki koneksi sosial yang putus " msgstr[1] "Perbaiki koneksi sosial yang putus " msgid "Thanks for the feedback! Tell us more about your experience" msgstr "" "Terima kasih atas feedbacknya! Ceritakan lebih lanjut tentang pengalaman Anda" msgid "An error occurred while moving the items to the trash." msgstr "Terjadi error saat memindahkan item ke tempat sampah." msgid "An error occurred while moving the item to the trash." msgstr "Terjadi error saat memindahkan item ke tempat sampah." msgid "Are you sure you want to move \"%s\" to the trash?" msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin memindahkan \"%s\" ke tempat sampah?" msgid "There was an error updating the font family. %s" msgstr "Terjadi error saat memperbarui kelompok font. %s" msgid "An error occurred while creating the item." msgstr "Terjadi error saat membuat item." msgctxt "Adjective: e.g. \"Comments are open\"" msgid "Open" msgstr "Buka" msgctxt "font source" msgid "Custom" msgstr "Kustom" msgctxt "font source" msgid "Theme" msgstr "Tema" msgctxt "date order" msgid "dmy" msgstr "dmy" msgctxt "font weight" msgid "Extra Black" msgstr "Lebih Hitam" msgctxt "font style" msgid "Oblique" msgstr "Oblique" msgctxt "Unlock content locked blocks" msgid "Unlock" msgstr "Buka kunci" msgctxt "Unlock content locked blocks" msgid "Modify" msgstr "Modifikasi" msgctxt "Block with fixed width in flex layout" msgid "Fixed" msgstr "Tetap" msgctxt "Block with expanding width in flex layout" msgid "Grow" msgstr "Tumbuh" msgctxt "Intrinsic block width in flex layout" msgid "Fit" msgstr "Pas" msgid "Determines the order of pages." msgstr "Menentukan urutan halaman." msgid "" "Determines the order of pages. Pages with the same order value are sorted " "alphabetically. Negative order values are supported." msgstr "" "Menentukan urutan halaman. Halaman yang nilai urutannya sama diurutkan " "menurut abjad. Nilai urutan negatif didukung." msgid "Customize the last part of the URL. Learn more." msgstr "Sesuaikan bagian terakhir URL. Baca selengkapnya." msgid "Change status: %s" msgstr "Ubah status: %s" msgid "Upload failed, try again." msgstr "Gagal mengunggah, coba lagi." msgid "Edit or replace the featured image" msgstr "Edit atau ganti gambar andalan" msgid "" "They also show up as sub-items in the default navigation menu. Learn more." "" msgstr "" "Ini juga muncul sebagai subitem di menu navigasi default. Baca " "selengkapnya." msgid "Go to Site Editor" msgstr "Buka Editor Situs" msgid "All items" msgstr "Semua item" msgid "Toggle details panel" msgstr "Alihkan panel rincian" msgid "" "Visitors cannot add new comments or replies. Existing comments remain " "visible." msgstr "" "Pengunjung tidak dapat menambahkan komentar atau balasan baru. Komentar yang " "sudah ada tetap dapat dilihat." msgid "Author avatar" msgstr "Avatar penulis" msgid "Select a page to edit" msgstr "Pilih halaman untuk diedit" msgid "Post Edit" msgstr "Edit Pos" msgid "Typeset" msgstr "Tata cetak" msgid "All headings" msgstr "Semua judul" msgid "Fonts and typographic styling applied across the site." msgstr "Font dan gaya tipografi diterapkan di keseluruhan situs." msgid "Typesets" msgstr "Menata cetak" msgid "Font size preset name" msgstr "Nama preset ukuran font" msgid "Create and edit the presets used for font sizes across the site." msgstr "" "Buat dan edit preset yang digunakan untuk ukuran font di keseluruhan situs." msgid "New Font Size %d" msgstr "Ukuran Font Baru %d" msgid "Reset font size presets" msgstr "Reset preset ukuran font" msgid "Remove font size presets" msgstr "Hapus preset ukuran font" msgid "Font size presets options" msgstr "Pilihan preset ukuran font" msgid "Add font size" msgstr "Tambahkan ukuran font" msgid "" "Are you sure you want to reset all font size presets to their default values?" msgstr "" "Apakah Anda yakin ingin mereset semua preset ukuran font ke nilai default?" msgid "Are you sure you want to remove all custom font size presets?" msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus semua ukuran font khusus?" msgid "Font size presets" msgstr "Preset ukuran font" msgid "Edit font size presets" msgstr "Edit preset ukuran font" msgid "Maximum" msgstr "Maximum" msgid "Minimum" msgstr "Minimum" msgid "Set custom min and max values for the fluid font size." msgstr "Atur nilai minimum dan maksimum kustom untuk ukuran font fleksibel." msgid "Custom fluid values" msgstr "Nilai fleksibel kustom" msgid "Scale the font size dynamically to fit the screen or viewport." msgstr "" "Ubah ukuran font secara dinamis agar sesuai dengan layar atau area tampilan." msgid "Fluid typography" msgstr "Tipografi fleksibel" msgid "Font size options" msgstr "Pilihan ukuran font" msgid "Manage the font size %s." msgstr "Kelola ukuran font %s." msgid "Are you sure you want to delete \"%s\" font size preset?" msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus preset ukuran font \"%s\"?" msgid "Font family updated successfully." msgstr "Kelompok font berhasil diperbarui." msgid "No fonts activated." msgstr "Tidak ada font yang diaktifkan." msgid "Draft new: %s" msgstr "Buat draf baru: %s" msgid "" "New to the block editor? Want to learn more about using it? Here's a " "detailed guide." msgstr "" "Baru mengenal editor blok? Ingin mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang " "penggunaannya? Berikut panduan terperincinya." msgid "Hide %s" msgstr "Sembunyikan %s" msgid "Move %s down" msgstr "Pindahkan %s ke bawah" msgid "Move %s up" msgstr "Pindahkan %s ke atas" msgid "%d Item" msgid_plural "%d Items" msgstr[0] "%d Item" msgstr[1] "%d Item" msgid "Select AM or PM" msgstr "Pilih AM atau PM" msgid "Custom Template Part" msgstr "Bagian Templat Kustom" msgid "Create new %s" msgstr "Buat %s baru" msgid "Choose an existing %s." msgstr "Pilih %s yang sudah ada." msgid "Edit social link" msgstr "Edit tautan media sosial" msgid "Sticky posts always appear first, regardless of their publish date." msgstr "Pos lekat selalu ditampilkan pertama, kapan pun tanggal publikasinya." msgid "Max pages" msgstr "Batas maksimum halaman" msgid "" "Display a list of posts or custom post types based on specific criteria." msgstr "" "Tampilkan daftar pos atau tipe pos khusus berdasarkan kriteria spesifik." msgid "" "Display a list of posts or custom post types based on the current template." msgstr "" "Tampilkan daftar pos atau tipe pos khusus berdasarkan templat saat ini." msgid "" "Select the type of content to display: posts, pages, or custom post types." msgstr "Pilih tipe konten untuk ditampilkan: pos, halaman, tipe pos khusus." msgid "" "Your site doesn’t include support for the \"%s\" block. You can leave it as-" "is or remove it." msgstr "" "Situs Anda tidak mendukung blok \"%s\". Anda dapat membiarkannya seperti ini " "atau menghapusnya." msgid "" "Your site doesn’t include support for the \"%s\" block. You can leave it as-" "is, convert it to custom HTML, or remove it." msgstr "" "Situs Anda tidak mendukung blok \"%s\". Anda dapat membiarkannya seperti " "ini, mengubahnya menjadi HTML kustom, atau menghapusnya." msgid "La Mancha" msgstr "La Mancha" msgid "Media Files" msgstr "Berkas Media" msgid "Link images to media files" msgstr "Tautkan gambar ke berkas media" msgid "Link images to attachment pages" msgstr "Tautkan gambar ke halaman lampiran" msgid "%s Embed" msgstr "Sematan %s" msgid "Embed caption text" msgstr "Sematkan teks keterangan" msgid "Attributes connected to custom fields or other dynamic data." msgstr "Atribut yang terhubung ke kolom kustom atau data dinamis lainnya." msgid "Invalid source" msgstr "Sumber tidak valid" msgid "Only one image can be used as a background image." msgstr "Hanya satu gambar yang dapat digunakan sebagai gambar latar belakang." msgid "Background size, position and repeat options." msgstr "Pilihan ukuran, posisi, dan pengulangan latar belakang." msgid "{{a}}View all recommendations{{/a}}" msgstr "{{a}}Lihat semua rekomendasi{{/a}}" msgid "" "Invalid `file`. Must be a string <= 255 bytes and contain only alphanumeric " "characters, spaces, dots, forward slashes, backslashes, hyphens, " "underscores, colons, and parentheses." msgstr "" "`Berkas` tidak sah. Harus berupa string <= 255 byte dan hanya berisi " "karakter alfanumerik, spasi, titik, garis miring, garis miring terbalik, " "tanda hubung, garis bawah, titik dua, dan tanda kurung." msgid "Getting your site pages" msgstr "Mengakses halaman situs Anda" msgid "" "Please share the following details to access your site and start your " "migration to" msgstr "" "Mohon bagikan detail berikut untuk mengakses situs Anda dan memulai migrasi " "Anda ke" msgid "Tell us about your WordPress site" msgstr "Beritahu kami tentang situs WordPress Anda" msgid "Current site address" msgstr "Alamat situs saat ini" msgid "I need help, please contact me" msgstr "Saya butuh bantuan, mohon hubungi saya" msgid "" "Your account is blocked from creating new developer sites. Please get in " "touch with our support team for assistance." msgstr "" "Akun Anda diblokir untuk membuat situs developer baru. Silakan hubungi tim " "layanan bantuan kami untuk mendapatkan bantuan." msgid "" "We’ve detected activity on your %1$s that requires an upgrade to maintain " "Akismet protection." msgid_plural "" "We’ve detected activities on your %1$s that require an upgrade to maintain " "Akismet protection." msgstr[0] "" "Kami menemukan adanya aktivitas di %1$s Anda yang mengharuskan upgrade " "Akismet agar situs tetap terlindungi." msgstr[1] "" "Kami menemukan adanya aktivitas di %1$s Anda yang mengharuskan upgrade " "Akismet agar situs tetap terlindungi." msgid "" "If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us at: %1$s." msgstr "Jika Anda punya pertanyaan atau butuh bantuan, hubungi kami di: %1$s" msgid "" "Your current Akismet Personal plan does not support (%1$s) %2$s. We are able " "to support personal blogs for free by asking sites with commercial " "activities to upgrade to a paid plan. This allows us to work together to " "protect the web from spam." msgstr "" "Paket Personal Akismet Anda saat ini tidak mendukung (%1$s) %2$s. Kami mampu " "mendukung blog personal secara gratis dengan meminta situs yang terlibat " "dalam aktivitas komersial untuk melakukan upgrade ke paket berbayar. Dengan " "demikian, kita dapat saling membantu untuk melindungi web dari spam." msgid "" "We reviewed your %1$s on %2$s and found some commercial activities or " "integrations (%3$s):" msgstr "" "Kami telah meninjau %1$s Anda pada %2$s dan menemukan sejumlah aktivias atau " "integrasi komersial (%3$s):" msgid "" "Please upgrade your %1$s (%2$s) by %3$s to keep your %4$s protected from " "spam." msgstr "" "Silakan upgrade %1$s Anda (%2$s) paling lambat %3$s untuk melindungi %4$s " "Anda dari spam." msgid "" "Your current Akismet Personal plan does not support (%1$s) these activities. " "We are able to support personal blogs for free by asking sites with " "commercial activities to upgrade to a paid plan. This allows us to work " "together to protect the web from spam. We also offer free Akismet licenses " "for qualified nonprofit organizations (%2$s)." msgstr "" "Paket Personal Akismet Anda saat ini tidak mendukung (%1$s) aktivitas ini. " "Kami mampu mendukung blog personal secara gratis dengan meminta situs yang " "terlibat dalam aktivitas komersial untuk melakukan upgrade ke paket " "berbayar. Dengan demikian, kita dapat saling membantu untuk melindungi web " "dari spam. Kami juga menawarkan lisensi Akismet gratis untuk organisasi " "nirlaba yang memenuhi syarat (%2$s)." msgid "" "We recently reviewed your %1$s on %2$s and found some commercial activities " "or integrations (%3$s):" msgstr "" "Kami baru-baru ini meninjau %1$s Anda pada %2$s dan menemukan sejumlah " "aktivias atau integrasi komersial (%3$s):" msgid "" "If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us." msgstr "" "Jika Anda punya pertanyaan atau butuh bantuan, hubungi kami." msgid "site’s" msgid_plural "sites’" msgstr[0] "situs" msgstr[1] "situs" msgid "site is" msgid_plural "sites are" msgstr[0] "situs adalah" msgstr[1] "situs adalah" msgid "" "Your current Akismet Personal plan does not support %2$s. We are able to support personal " "blogs for free by asking sites with commercial activities to upgrade to a " "paid plan. This allows us to work together to protect the web from spam." msgstr "" "Paket Personal Akismet Anda saat ini tidak mendukung %2$s. Kami mampu mendukung blog " "personal secara gratis dengan meminta situs yang terlibat dalam aktivitas " "komersial untuk melakukan upgrade ke paket berbayar. Dengan demikian, kita " "dapat saling membantu untuk melindungi web dari spam." msgid "" "We reviewed your %1$s on %2$s and found some commercial activities or integrations:" msgstr "" "Kami telah meninjau %1$s Anda pada %2$s dan menemukan sejumlah aktivitas atau integrasi komersial:" msgid "site:" msgid_plural "sites:" msgstr[0] "situs:" msgstr[1] "situs:" msgid "We previously emailed you about your use of Akismet on your %1$s" msgstr "" "Kami sebelumnya telah mengirimkan email kepada Anda perihal penggunaan " "Akismet di %1$s Anda." msgid "" "If you have any questions or believe you have received this email in error, " "please get in touch by replying to this email." msgstr "" "Jika ada pertanyaan atau yakin bahwa Anda seharusnya tidak menerima email " "ini, hubungi kami dengan cara membalas email ini." msgid "" "Please upgrade your " "%2$s by %3$s to keep your %4$s protected from spam." msgstr "" "Silakan upgrade " "%2$s Anda paling lambat %3$s untuk melindungi %4$s Anda dari spam." msgid "this activity" msgid_plural "these activities" msgstr[0] "aktivitas ini" msgstr[1] "aktivitas ini" msgid "" "Your current Akismet Personal plan does not support %2$s. We are able to support personal " "blogs for free by asking sites with commercial activities to upgrade to a " "paid plan. This allows us to work together to protect the web from spam. We " "also offer free Akismet licenses for qualified nonprofit organizations." msgstr "" "Paket Personal Akismet Anda saat ini tidak mendukung %2$s. Kami mampu mendukung blog " "personal secara gratis dengan meminta situs yang terlibat dalam aktivitas " "komersial untuk melakukan upgrade ke paket berbayar. Dengan demikian, kita " "dapat saling membantu untuk melindungi web dari spam. Kami juga menawarkan " "lisensi Akismet gratis untuk organisasi nirlaba yang memenuhi syarat." msgid "" "We recently reviewed your %1$s on %2$s and found some commercial activities or integrations:" msgstr "" "Kami baru-baru ini meninjau %1$s Anda pada %2$s dan menemukan sejumlah aktivitas atau integrasi " "komersial:" msgid "" "Akismet has %1$s comment and form spam submissions on your site, keeping " "your site annoyance-free." msgid_plural "" "Akismet has %1$s comment and form spam submissions across your sites, " "keeping them annoyance-free." msgstr[0] "" "Akismet telah %1$s pengiriman komentar atau formulir yang bersifat spam ke " "situs Anda, sehingga situs Anda bebas gangguan." msgstr[1] "" "Akismet telah %1$s pengiriman komentar atau formulir yang bersifat spam ke " "seluruh situs Anda, sehingga situs Anda bebas gangguan." msgid "been blocking" msgstr "memblokir" msgid "blocked over %s" msgstr "memblokir lebih dari %s" msgid "blocked thousands of" msgstr "memblokir ribuan" msgid "blocked over a thousand" msgstr "memblokir lebih dari seribu" msgid "blocked hundreds of" msgstr "memblokir ratusan" msgid "blocked over a hundred" msgstr "memblokir lebih dari seratus" msgid "blocked dozens of" msgstr "memblokir lusinan" msgid "blocked over a dozen" msgstr "memblokir lebih dari selusin" msgid "Thank you for using Akismet on %s." msgstr "Terima kasih telah menggunakan Akismet di %s." msgid "Thank you for using Akismet on your sites:" msgstr "Terima kasih telah menggunakan Akismet di situs Anda:" msgid "You've got mail!" msgstr "Anda dapat email baru!" msgid "" "{{b}}%(productName)s{{/b}} will be canceled, and you will no longer have " "access to it. Are you sure you want to cancel?" msgstr "" "{{b}}%(productName)s{{/b}} akan dibatalkan, dan Anda tidak akan bisa lagi " "mengaksesnya. Anda yakin ingin membatalkan?" msgid "Get Security now" msgstr "Dapatkan Security sekarang" msgid "Get Search now" msgstr "Dapatkan Search sekarang" msgid "Get VideoPress now" msgstr "Dapatkan VideoPress sekarang" msgid "Stunning-quality, ad-free video in the WordPress Editor." msgstr "Video berkualitas dan bebas iklan di Editor WordPress." msgid "Get Stats now" msgstr "Dapatkan Stats sekarang" msgid "Understand your visitors and grow your site." msgstr "Pahami pengunjung Anda untuk pengembangan situs." msgid "" "You don't need to be a data scientist to see how your site is performing." msgstr "" "Anda tak perlu jadi analis data profesional untuk memantau performa situs." msgid "Get Social now" msgstr "Dapatkan Media Sosial sekarang" msgid "" "Great for: bloggers, news organizations, membership sites, online forums, " "WooCommerce stores." msgstr "" "Cocok untuk: blogger, kantor berita, situs keanggotaan, forum online, toko " "WooCommerce." msgid "" "Discover the most popular tags on Whatever your interests, " "find a tag and dive into posts that inspire and inform." msgstr "" "Temukan tag paling populer di Apa pun minat Anda, temukan tag " "dan jelajahi pos yang inspiratif dan informatif." msgid "" "Jetpack Boost automatically optimizes images and delivers them using a " "Global CDN to ensure they load lightning fast." msgstr "" "Jetpack Boost secara otomatis mengoptimalkan gambar dan mengirimkannya " "menggunakan CDN Global untuk memastikan gambar dimuat dengan cepat." msgid "Install the %(pluginName)s plugin" msgstr "Instal plugin %(pluginName)s" msgid "" "For redundancy, your site will replicate in real-time to a second data " "center in a different region. {{supportLink}}Learn more{{/supportLink}}." msgstr "" "Situs Anda akan direplikasi secara real-time ke pusat data kedua di wilayah " "yang berbeda. {{supportLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/supportLink}}." msgid "" "Your site will be placed in the optimal data center, but you can " "{{customizeLink}}customize it{{/customizeLink}}." msgstr "" "Situs Anda akan ditempatkan di pusat data yang optimal, tetapi Anda bisa " "{{customizeLink}}menyesuaikannya{{/customizeLink}}." msgid "" "{{strong}}You won't be billed today.{{/strong}} Invoices are sent on the " "first of every month and are based on the number of days your product " "licenses were active in the previous month. Your first invoice will be " "prorated." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Anda tidak akan ditagih hari ini.{{/strong}} Tagihan dikirimkan " "pada tanggal 1 setiap bulan dan didasarkan pada jumlah hari lisensi produk " "Anda aktif pada bulan sebelumnya. Tagihan pertama Anda akan diprorata." msgid "" "The performance score is a combined representation of your site‘s individual " "speed metrics." msgstr "" "Skor performa merupakan representasi gabungan dari kecepatan masing-masing " "metrik di situs Anda." msgid "(PS)" msgstr "(SP)" msgid "What is Performance Score?" msgstr "Apa itu Skor Performa?" msgid "Your site‘s Performance Score needs improvement" msgstr "Skor Performa situs Anda perlu ditingkatkan" msgid "Your site‘s Performance Score is excellent" msgstr "Skor Performa situs Anda sangat bagus" msgid "Your site‘s Performance Score is poor" msgstr "Skor Performa situs Anda buruk" msgid "(%(from)s-%(to)s) " msgstr "(%(from)s-%(to)s)" msgid "(%(from)s–%(to)s)" msgstr "(%(from)s–%(to)s)" msgid "(90–%(to)s)" msgstr "(90–%(to)s)" msgid "See calculator ↗" msgstr "Lihat kalkulator ↗" msgid "This offer is limited to one per customer." msgstr "Penawaran ini dibatasi satu per pelanggan." msgid "You've earned a free %1$s %2$s plan for a year, worth %3$s." msgstr "" "Anda telah memperoleh paket %2$s %1$s gratis selama setahun, senilai %3$s." msgid "Email report example" msgstr "Contoh laporan e-mail" msgid "Your link becomes your custom domain." msgstr "Tautan Anda menjadi domain khusus Anda." msgid "" "We were unable to reliably load the page you requested. Make sure you are " "testing the correct URL and that the server is properly responding to all " "requests. " msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat memuat halaman yang Anda minta dengan baik. Pastikan Anda " "menguji URL yang benar dan server merespons semua permintaan dengan benar. " msgid "" "Check your inbox at {{wrapper}}%(email)s{{/wrapper}} for the confirmation " "email, or click 'Resend Email' to get a new one." msgstr "" "Periksa inbox Anda di {{wrapper}}%(email)s{{/wrapper}} untuk e-mail " "konfirmasi, atau klik 'Kirim Ulang E-mail' untuk mendapatkan e-mail yang " "baru." msgid "" "{{a}}%(siteURL)s{{/a}} is now ready. It may take a few minutes for it to " "show up in the site list below." msgstr "" "{{a}}%(siteURL)s{{/a}} sekarang sudah siap. Mungkin diperlukan beberapa " "menit untuk menampilkannya di daftar situs di bawah ini." msgid "" "{{a}}%(siteURL)s{{/a}} is now ready. It may take a few minutes for it to " "show up in the site list below. Before the site launches, you will be able " "to find it under {{developmentTabLink}}Development{{/developmentTabLink}}." msgstr "" "{{a}}%(siteURL)s{{/a}} sekarang sudah siap. Mungkin perlu beberapa menit " "untuk memunculkannya di daftar situs di bawah ini. Sebelum situs ini " "diluncurkan, Anda akan dapat menemukannya di bagian {{developmentTabLink}}" "Development{{/developmentTabLink}}." msgid "" "Can't access that email? {{emailPreferences}}Click here to update it{{/" "emailPreferences}}." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat mengakses e-mail tersebut? {{emailPreferences}}Klik di sini " "untuk memperbaruinya{{/emailPreferences}}." msgid "Verify your email to secure your account and access more features." msgstr "" "Verifikasi e-mail Anda untuk mengamankan akun Anda dan mengakses lebih " "banyak fitur." msgid "" "Your plan is now with Automattic for Agencies. You won't be billed until " "{{bold}}%(date)s{{/bold}}.{{br/}}{{a}}Learn about billing for transferred " "sites{{icon/}}{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Paket Anda sekarang menggunakan Automattic for Agencies. Anda tidak akan " "ditagih hingga {{bold}}%(date)s{{/bold}}.{{br/}}{{a}}Pelajari tentang " "penagihan untuk situs yang ditransfer{{icon/}}{{/a}}" msgid "Transferred" msgstr "Ditransfer" msgid "Re-run test" msgstr "Jalankan ulang pengujian" msgid "Results not available" msgstr "Hasil tidak tersedia" msgid "You have a new order! %1$s" msgstr "Ada pesanan baru! %1$s" msgid "" "The %1$s Plan unlocks powerful hosting and opens up access to " "all your favorite plugins and themes, custom code, WP-CLI, GitHub " "deployments, and staging sites." msgstr "" "Paket %1$s menghadirkan hosting yang andal dan membuka akses " "ke semua plugin dan tema favorit, kode kustom, WP-CLI, deployment GitHub, " "dan situs staging." msgid "" "The %1$s Plan unlocks powerful %2$s hosting and opens up access to all your " "favorite plugins and themes, custom code, WP-CLI, GitHub deployments, and " "staging sites." msgstr "" "Paket %1$s menghadirkan hosting %2$s yang andal dan membuka akses ke semua " "plugin dan tema favorit, kode kustom, WP-CLI, deployment GitHub, dan situs " "staging." msgid "Now’s the time—your discount will expire soon." msgstr "Gerak cepat! Diskon akan segera berakhir." msgid "Claim your gift" msgstr "Ambil hadiah Anda" msgid "You've earned a free %1$s plan for a year, worth %2$s." msgstr "" "Anda telah memperoleh paket %1$s gratis selama setahun, " "senilai %2$s." msgid "A year of free hosting is just a few clicks away..." msgstr "Hosting gratis selama setahun, tinggal beberapa klik lagi ..." msgid "Yep, 100% free." msgstr "Ya, 100% gratis." msgid "Get your free year of hosting" msgstr "Dapatkan hosting gratis selama setahun" msgid "" "This Pressable account is managed by the Agency Owner user on your account. " "If you'd like access to this Pressable account, request that they add you as " "a user in Pressable." msgstr "" "Akun Pressable ini dikelola oleh pengguna Pemilik Agensi di akun Anda. Jika " "Anda ingin mengakses akun Pressable ini, mintalah mereka menambahkan Anda " "sebagai pengguna di Pressable." msgid "Managed by agency owner" msgstr "Dikelola oleh pemilik agensi" msgid "DNSSEC is only available for domains using nameservers" msgstr "" "DNSSEC hanya tersedia untuk domain yang menggunakan nameserver" msgid "" "Let us build your store in %(days)d days for " "{{PriceWrapper}}%(displayCost)s{{/PriceWrapper}}{{sup}}*{{/sup}}" msgstr "" "Biar kami saja yang membuatkan toko Anda dalam %(days)d hari seharga " "{{PriceWrapper}}%(displayCost)s{{/PriceWrapper}}{{sup}}*{{/sup}}" msgid "" "We ran into a problem submitting your details. Please try again shortly." msgstr "" "Kami mengalami kendala saat mengirimkan detail Anda. Mohon coba lagi segera." msgid "" "Congratulations, %1$s, you’ve been accepted into the WP " "Cloud program!" msgstr "Selamat, %1$s, Anda diterima di program WP Cloud!" msgid "Integrations with top shipping carriers." msgstr "Integrasi dengan jasa ekspedisi terkemuka" msgid "Shipping & tracking" msgstr "Pengiriman & pelacakan" msgid "Product Add-Ons" msgstr "Add-on produk" msgid "Breeze past DDoS attacks thanks to real-time monitoring and mitigation." msgstr "" "Atasi serangan DDoS dengan mudah lewat pemantauan dan mitigasi real-time." msgid "" "We have a dedicated team identifying potential vulnerabilities for WordPress " "and plugins, ensuring early detection and preventing future attacks." msgstr "" "Ada tim khusus yang mampu mengidentifikasi kerentanan WordPress dan plugin " "sehingga risiko dapat dideteksi lebih dini dan masalah di kemudian hari bisa " "dicegah. " msgid "" "We value your interest and hope to have the opportunity to review a new " "application from you in the future. If you have any questions or would like " "further feedback, feel free to reach out to us at %1$s." msgstr "" "Kami mengapresiasi minat Anda dan berharap bisa meninjau permohonan baru " "Anda di kesempatan yang akan datang. Jika ada pertanyaan atau ingin umpan " "balik lebih lanjut, hubungi kami di %1$s." msgid "Manage Account: %s" msgstr "Kelola Akun: %s" msgid "Need help? Contact support: %s" msgstr "Perlu bantuan? Hubungi dukungan: %s" msgid "Thanks for being a part of" msgstr "Terima kasih sudah menggunakan" msgid "" "If automatic renewal is disabled and you didn’t receive the renewal email " "reminder yet, you can still renew your domain(s) at the current lower price " "until %s:" msgstr "" "Jika perpanjangan otomatis dinonaktifkan dan Anda tidak menerima email " "pengingat perpanjangan, Anda masih dapat memperpanjang domain(-domain) Anda " "dengan harga saat ini yang lebih rendah hingga %s:" msgid "- .%1$s: %2$s%3$s/year\n" msgstr "- .%1$s: %2$s%3$s/tahun\n" msgid "" "Here is the new pricing for your domain(s) (see full updated price list)" msgstr "" "Berikut adalah harga baru untuk domain(-domain) Anda (lihat daftar semua " "harga yang telah diperbarui)" msgid "You can verify your domain(s) expiration/renewal dates here" msgstr "" "Anda dapat memverifikasi tanggal kedaluwarsa/perpanjangan domain(-domain) " "Anda di sini" msgid "Domain Pricing and Available TLDs" msgstr "Harga Domain dan TLD yang Tersedia" msgid "" "We are writing to inform you that due to a recent price increase at our " "registry partners, we will need to adjust our pricing for domain " "registrations, transfers, and renewals. The new pricing takes effect " "immediately for any domains registered or transferred after today. For " "domains you registered or transferred after %s, you’ll be automatically " "charged these new prices at your next domain renewal, unless you already " "received the automatic renewal email reminder with the old price." msgstr "" "Karena kenaikan harga yang baru diberlakukan di mitra registri kami, kami " "perlu menyesuaikan harga registrasi domain, transfer, dan perpanjangan. " "Harga baru segera berlaku untuk semua domain yang didaftarkan atau " "ditransfer setelah hari ini. Untuk domain yang Anda daftarkan atau transfer " "setelah %s, harga baru ini akan dikenakan secara otomatis untuk perpanjangan " "domain berikutnya, kecuali jika Anda menerima email pengingat perpanjangan " "otomatis dengan harga lama." msgid "Your Friends at WordPress.​com" msgstr "Teman Anda di WordPress.​com" msgid "Thanks for being a part of WordPress.​com." msgstr "Terima kasih sudah menggunakan WordPress.​com." msgid "" "We understand that price changes can be inconvenient and we want to assure " "you that we have made every effort to keep these adjustments as minimal as " "possible. Our goal is always to provide you with the best service at " "competitive rates and to continue offering industry-leading DNS services, " "free registrant identity protection, and world class support." msgstr "" "Kami memahami bahwa perubahan harga dapat menimbulkan ketidaknyamanan dan " "kami ingin memastikan bahwa kami telah berupaya meminimalkan berbagai " "penyesuaian ini. Tujuan kami adalah memberikan layanan terbaik dengan tarif " "kompetitif dan terus menawarkan layanan DNS terkemuka dalam industri, " "perlindungan identitas pendaftar secara gratis, dan dukungan kelas dunia." msgid "" "If automatic renewal is disabled and you didn’t receive the renewal email " "reminder yet, you can still renew your domain(s) at the current lower price " "until %s:" msgstr "" "Jika perpanjangan otomatis dinonaktifkan dan Anda tidak menerima email " "pengingat perpanjangan, Anda masih dapat memperpanjang domain(-domain) Anda " "dengan harga saat ini yang lebih rendah hingga %s:" msgid "" "Here is the new pricing for your domain(s) (see full updated price " "list here):" msgstr "" "Berikut adalah harga baru untuk domain(-domain) Anda (lihat daftar semua " "harga yang telah diperbarui):" msgid "" "We are writing to inform you that due to a recent price increase at our " "registry partners, we will need to adjust our pricing for domain " "registrations, transfers, and renewals. The new pricing " "takes effect immediately for any domains registered or transferred after " "today. For domains you registered or transferred after %2$s, you’ll be automatically charged these new prices at your next " "domain renewal, unless you already received the automatic renewal email " "reminder with the old price. You can verify your domain(s) expiration/" "renewal dates here." msgstr "" "Karena kenaikan harga yang baru diberlakukan di mitra registri kami, kami " "perlu menyesuaikan harga registrasi domain, transfer, dan perpanjangan. Harga baru segera berlaku untuk semua domain yang " "didaftarkan atau ditransfer setelah hari ini. Untuk domain yang Anda " "daftarkan atau transfer setelah %2$s, harga baru ini akan " "dikenakan secara otomatis untuk perpanjangan domain berikutnya, kecuali jika " "Anda menerima email pengingat perpanjangan otomatis dengan harga lama. Anda " "dapat memverifikasi tanggal kedaluwarsa/perpanjangan domain(-domain) Anda di sini." msgid "View the new pricing details for your domain." msgstr "Lihat perincian harga baru untuk domain Anda." msgid "Finish sign up using your account" msgstr "Selesaikan pendaftaran menggunakan akun Anda" msgid "Continue to Automattic for Agencies" msgstr "Lanjutkan ke Automattic for Agencies" msgid "" "Share any other details that will help us access your site for the migration" msgstr "" "Bagikan detail lainnya yang akan membantu kami dalam mengakses situs Anda " "untuk migrasi." msgid "Enter your WordPress site address" msgstr "Masukkan alamat situs WordPress Anda." msgid "Loading: %(pageTitle)s" msgstr "Memuat: %(pageTitle)s" msgid "Testing your site may take around 30 seconds." msgstr "Menguji situs Anda mungkin membutuhkan waktu sekitar 30 detik." msgid "Failed to unsubscribe from email alerts for %s" msgstr "Gagal berhenti berlangganan peringatan e-mail untuk %s" msgid "Unsubscribing email alerts for %s" msgstr "Berhenti berlangganan peringatan e-mail untuk %s" msgid "{{a}}View %(quantity)d recommendation{{/a}}" msgid_plural "{{a}}View %(quantity)d recommendations{{/a}}" msgstr[0] "{{a}}Lihat %(quantity)d rekomendasi{{/a}}" msgstr[1] "{{a}}Lihat %(quantity)d rekomendasi{{/a}}" msgid "(Over %(from)s%(unit)s) " msgstr "(Lebih %(from)s%(unit)s) " msgid "(%(from)s–%(to)s%(unit)s)" msgstr "(%(from)s–%(to)s%(unit)s)" msgid "(0–%(to)s%(unit)s)" msgstr "(0–%(to)s%(unit)s)" msgid "The site has been successfully deleted." msgstr "Situs telah berhasil dihapus." msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the site {{b}}%(siteDomain)s{{/b}}?" msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus situs {{b}}%(siteDomain)s{{/b}}?" msgid "An error occurred while deleting the site." msgstr "Terjadi eror saat menghapus situs." msgid "" "To learn more about the program, visit the official website at %1$s or read " "our announcement post at %2$s." msgstr "" "Untuk membaca selengkapnya tentang program ini, buka situs resmi di %1$s " "atau baca pos pengumuman kami %2$s." msgid "Apply now at %s." msgstr "Ajukan sekarang di %s." msgid "" "Did you know that you can cash in on all that traffic with the Automattic " "Affiliate Program?" msgstr "" "Apakah Anda mengetahui bahwa Anda dapat memperoleh keuntungan dari semua " "lalu lintas tersebut dengan Program Afiliasi Automattic?" msgid "" "To learn more about the program, visit the official website or read our announcement post." msgstr "" "Untuk membaca selengkapnya tentang program ini, buka situs resmi atau baca pos pengumuman kami." msgid "" "If our products feel like a good fit for your audience, apply for the " "program today. If you’re approved, you’ll be all set to start earning one-" "time, lump sum commission payments for each and every referral." msgstr "" "Jika produk kami cocok dengan audiens Anda, daftarkan diri Anda ke program " "ini sekarang. Jika pendaftaran Anda disetujui, Anda akan menerima pembayaran " "komisi satu kali untuk tiap referensi." msgid "" "Exclusively offered to owners of high-traffic sites like yours, the program " "provides an opportunity for creators to earn extra income by promoting the " "full suite of trusted Automattic products, including, " "WooCommerce Marketplace, Jetpack, and more." msgstr "" "Ditawarkan secara eksklusif kepada pemilik situs dengan lalu lintas tinggi " "seperti Anda, program ini memberikan kesempatan kepada kreator untuk " "memperoleh penghasilan tambahan dengan mempromosikan paket lengkap produk " "Automattic yang tepercaya, seperti, WooCommerce Marketplace, " "Jetpack, dan lain-lain." msgid "" "Did you know that you can cash in on all that traffic with the Automattic Affiliate " "Program?" msgstr "" "Apakah Anda mengetahui bahwa Anda dapat memperoleh keuntungan dari semua " "lalu lintas tersebut dengan Program Afiliasi Automattic?" msgid "" "We’re thrilled to see %s getting lots of visits — keep up the awesome work!" msgstr "Kami senang melihat %s mendapatkan banyak kunjungan — lanjutkan!" msgid "A new income opportunity is here." msgstr "Ada kesempatan baru untuk memperoleh penghasilan." msgid "" "Promote some of the web’s most popular products and services, and boost your " "income." msgstr "" "Promosikan beberapa produk dan layanan terpopuler di web, lalu tingkatkan " "penghasilan Anda." msgid "" "By proceeding, you'll lose management access of all sites that belong to " "this agency and you will be removed from this dashboard. {{br/}}The agency " "owner will need to re-invite you if you wish to gain access again." msgstr "" "Dengan melanjutkan, Anda akan kehilangan akses pengelolaan semua situs milik " "agensi ini dan Anda akan dihapus dari dasbor ini. {{br/}}Pemilik agensi " "perlu mengundang Anda kembali jika Anda ingin mendapatkan akses lagi." msgid "Are you sure you want to leave %(agencyName)s?" msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin meninggalkan %(agencyName)s?" msgid "Remove team member" msgstr "Hapus anggota tim" msgid "Leave agency" msgstr "Tinggalkan agensi" msgid "" "Please do not set name servers manually, toggle that on with " "the switch above. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}" msgstr "" "Jangan mengatur name server secara manual, aktifkan dengan " "tombol di atas. {{link}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/link}}" msgid "resend the email" msgstr "kirim ulang e-mail" msgid "resend the email (%(countdown)d)" msgstr "kirimi ulang e-mail (%(countdown)d)" msgid "" "Didn't receive the email? You might want to double check your spam folder, " "or " msgstr "" "Tidak menerima email? Anda mungkin ingin memeriksa ulang folder spam Anda, " "atau " msgid "We've sent a login link to {{strong}}%(emailAddress)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Kami telah mengirimkan tautan login ke {{strong}}%(emailAddress)s{{/strong}}." msgid "Jetpack and Order Attribution" msgstr "Jetpack dan Order Attribution" msgid "Jetpack and WooPayments" msgstr "Jetpack dan WooPayments" msgid "You've got mail" msgstr "Anda telah menerima e-mail" msgid "After installing the plugin:" msgstr "Setelah menginstal plugin:" msgid "Use your license key below to activate your product." msgstr "Gunakan kunci lisensi di bawah ini untuk mengaktifkan produk Anda." msgid "" "Click the {{strong}}Activate a license{{/strong}} link at the bottom of the " "page." msgstr "" "Klik tautan {{strong}}Aktifkan lisensi{{/strong}} di bagian bawah halaman." msgid "From WP Admin, go to {{strong}}Jetpack > My Jetpack{{/strong}}." msgstr "Dari WP Admin, buka {{strong}}Jetpack > My Jetpack{{/strong}}." msgid "" "Alternatively, you can find the %1$s plugin in the plugins directory." msgstr "" "Anda juga dapat menemukan %1$s plugin di direktori plugin" msgid "" "Go to Plugins > Add New Plugin, then search for %1$s, install, and activate." msgstr "" "Buka Plugin > Tambahkan Plugin Baru, lalu cari %1$s, " "instal, dan aktifkan." msgid "Activate your license key to begin." msgstr "Aktifkan kunci lisensi Anda untuk memulai." msgid "Manage your profile" msgstr "Kelola profil Anda" msgid "" "Our global team of Happiness Engineers are here to answer your questions " "24/7." msgstr "" "Tim global Happiness Engineers kami siap menjawab pertanyaan Anda kapan saja." msgid "Dedicated support:" msgstr "Dukungan khusus:" msgid "Put your questions to rest" msgstr "Pertanyaan Anda akan terjawab" msgid "" "Explore our comprehensive documentation to get the most out of Automattic " "for Agencies." msgstr "" "Jelajahi dokumentasi lengkap untuk memaksimalkan Automattic for Agencies." msgid "Knowledge base:" msgstr "Basis pengetahuan:" msgid "Learn about the program" msgstr "Baca tentang program ini" msgid "" "Get listed in our exclusive partner directories and utilize Automattic’s " "powerful network to get more client leads." msgstr "" "Daftarkan diri Anda ke direktori mitra eksklusif kami dan gunakan jaringan " "Automattic yang kuat untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak calon klien." msgid "Partner directories:" msgstr "Direktori mitra:" msgid "View centralized billing details" msgstr "Lihat perincian penagihan terpusat" msgid "" "Manage billing and licenses for all of your Automattic products from a " "single location." msgstr "" "Kelola penagihan dan lisensi untuk semua produk Automattic dari satu lokasi." msgid "Centralized billing:" msgstr "Penagihan terpusat:" msgid "Learn more about referrals" msgstr "Baca selengkapnya tentang rujukan" msgid "" "Earn recurring commissions of up to 50% when you refer products and hosting " "to your clients." msgstr "" "Dapatkan komisi berulang sampai 50% jika Anda memberikan rujukan produk dan " "hosting kepada klien." msgid "Referrals:" msgstr "Rujukan:" msgid "Dive into the marketplace" msgstr "Jelajahi marketplace" msgid "Enjoy volume discounts on over 60 Woo extensions and Jetpack products." msgstr "" "Dapatkan diskon volume untuk lebih dari 60 ekstensi Woo dan produk Jetpack." msgid "See what agencies are saying" msgstr "Simak pernyataan agensi" msgid "" "Explore world-class scalable hosting solutions, developed exclusively for " "WordPress. Want to host with us? We’ll migrate your sites hassle-free!" msgstr "" "Jelajahi solusi kelas dunia yang dapat ditingkatkan, yang dikembangkan " "secara eksklusif untuk WordPress. Ingin menggunakan layanan hosting kami? " "Kami akan memigrasikan situs-situs Anda secara mudah!" msgid "Hosting & migrations:" msgstr "Hosting & migrasi:" msgid "Explore the site management tool" msgstr "Jelajahi alat pengelolaan situs" msgid "" "Add all of your sites to manage from a centralized location, regardless of " "host." msgstr "" "Tambahkan semua situs Anda untuk dikelola dari lokasi terpusat, apa pun " "hostingnya." msgid "" "We’re on a mission to help your agency prosper and thrive with the best of " "what Automattic has to offer. Here are some resources to get you started:" msgstr "" "Misi kami adalah membantu agensi Anda tumbuh dan berkembang dengan semua " "dukungan terbaik dari Automattic. Berikut beberapa materi untuk membantu " "Anda memulai:" msgid "Automattic for Agencies Platform Agreement" msgstr "Perjanjian Penggunaan Platform Automattic for Agencies" msgid "and agree to the" msgstr "dan menyetujui" msgid "have read our" msgstr "telah membaca" msgid "" "By clicking “Finish signing up” you’ll be creating a account, " "or approving a pre-existing account if you have one. You agree " "to our" msgstr "" "Dengan mengklik “Selesaikan pendaftaran”, Anda akan membuat akun WordPress." "com atau menerima akun lama jika Anda sudah mempunyai satu " "akun. Anda menyetujui" msgid "" "Automattic for Agencies will help to streamline your agency’s operations and " "amplify your business with our suite of best-in-class products." msgstr "" "Automattic for Agencies membantu mengefisienkan operasi agensi dan " "memperluas bisnis bersama produk-produk terbaik kami." msgid "Get started with Automattic for Agencies!" msgstr "Mulai dengan Automattic for Agencies!" msgid "Staging sites are only available to sites launched in production." msgstr "" "Situs staging hanya tersedia untuk situs yang diluncurkan dalam produksi." msgid "Ready to launch?" msgstr "Siap untuk diluncurkan?" msgid "You're about to launch this website" msgstr "Kamu akan meluncurkan situs ini" msgid "" "Please provide the team with a detailed explanation of the issue you’re " "facing, including steps to reproduce the issue on our end and/or URLs. " "Providing these details will greatly help us with your support request." msgstr "" "Berikan penjelasan detail kepada tim kami mengenai kendala yang Anda hadapi, " "termasuk langkah-langkah untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut di pihak kami dan/" "atau URL. Detail informasi yang diberikan akan sangat membantu kami dalam " "menangani permintaan bantuan Anda." msgid "" "Your request will be routed directly to a Pressable support specialist to " "chat about your needs." msgstr "" "Permintaan Anda akan diarahkan langsung ke layanan khusus bantuan Pressable " "untuk mendiskusikan tentang kebutuhan Anda." msgid "Would you like help with Pressable sales or support?" msgstr "" "Apakah Anda memerlukan bantuan dengan layanan penjualan atau bantuan " "Pressable?" msgid "What plugins and themes are installed on this site?" msgstr "Apa plugin dan tema yang terinstal di situs ini?" msgid "Can I change a PHP version for my site in Studio?" msgstr "Dapatkah saya mengubah versi PHP untuk situs saya di Studio?" msgid "Where can I find the database of this site?" msgstr "Di mana saya dapat menemukan basis data situs ini?" msgid "Device" msgstr "Perangkat" msgid "Agencies open to remote work" msgstr "Agensi yang terbuka untuk kerja jarak jauh" msgid "Accepts remote work" msgstr "Menerima kerja jarak jauh" msgid "The WP Cloud Team" msgstr "Tim WP Cloud" msgid "" "Thank you for applying to WP Cloud. After careful consideration, we're sorry " "to inform you that we cannot proceed with your application." msgstr "" "Terima kasih sudah mendaftar di WP Cloud. Setelah mempertimbangkan secara " "cermat, dengan menyesal kami informasikan bahwa kami tidak dapat memproses " "permohonan pendaftaran Anda." msgid "" "We’ve received your application and will be in touch with a decision via " "email in a few business days. In some cases, we may reach out to ask for " "additional information which could delay the decision process slightly. " "Either way, we will keep you posted on the status of your application." msgstr "" "Kami telah menerima permohonan Anda dan keputusan akan segera kami sampaikan " "melalui email dalam beberapa hari kerja. Dalam beberapa situasi, kami " "mungkin menghubungi Anda untuk meminta informasi tambahan yang dapat sedikit " "menunda pengambilan keputusan. Apa pun situasinya, kami akan " "menginformasikan status permohonan Anda." msgid "Thank you for applying to WP Cloud!" msgstr "Terima kasih sudah mendaftar di WP Cloud!" msgid "" "Thanks again for taking the time to apply to join WP Cloud, we’re looking " "forward to seeing the incredible experiences you’ll host." msgstr "" "Terima kasih karena Anda telah mengajukan permohonan untuk bergabung dengan " "WP Cloud. Kami ingin memberi Anda pengalaman hosting yang mengesankan." msgid "Update on your WP Cloud Application" msgstr "Pembaruan Pendaftaran WP Cloud Anda" msgid "We’ve received your WP Cloud application" msgstr "Kami telah menerima pendaftaran WP Cloud Anda" msgid "" "We’ve reviewed your application and are pleased to inform you that it has " "been accepted." msgstr "Setelah meninjau, kami menerima pendaftaran Anda." msgid "Your WP Cloud application has been accepted!" msgstr "Pendaftaran WP Cloud Anda diterima!" msgid "" "To restore your site’s spam protection, please upgrade your plan at: %1$s." msgstr "" "Pulihkan perlindungan situs dari spam dengan melakukan upgrade paket di: " "%1$s." msgid "" "As a result of %1$s, your Akismet protection has been paused. Your %2$s " "currently not protected from spam." msgstr "" "%1$s mengakibatkan perlindungan Akismet Anda dihentikan sementara. %2$s Anda " "saat ini tidak terlindungi dari spam." msgid "Download full-size image" msgstr "Unduh gambar ukuran penuh" msgid "Sorry, the page you were looking for doesn‘t exist or has been moved." msgstr "Maaf, halaman yang Anda cari tidak ada atau telah dipindahkan." msgid "All recommendations" msgstr "Semua rekomendasi" msgid "Great job! We didn't find any recommendations for improving %(metric)s." msgstr "Bagus sekali! Kami tidak menemukan rekomendasi peningkatan %(metric)s." msgid "" "We found %(numRecommendations)d thing you can do for improving %(metric)s." msgid_plural "" "We found %(numRecommendations)d things you can do for improving %(metric)s." msgstr[0] "" "Kami menemukan %(numRecommendations)d hal yang dapat ditingkatkan %(metric)s." msgstr[1] "" "Kami menemukan %(numRecommendations)d hal yang dapat ditingkatkan %(metric)s." msgid "Learn about restores" msgstr "Pelajari tentang pemulihan" msgid "Learn about the file browser" msgstr "Pelajari tentang pencarian file" msgid "" "We encountered some issues with the latest backup, but don't worry! We're " "using the most recent backup available. {{ExternalLink}}Learn more.{{/" "ExternalLink}}" msgstr "" "Kami mengalami beberapa kendala dengan cadangan terbaru, tetapi jangan " "khawatir! Kami menggunakan cadangan terbaru yang tersedia. {{ExternalLink}}" "Pelajari lebih lanjut.{{/ExternalLink}}" msgid "" "Clients can't access the {{HcLink}} Help Center{{/HcLink}} or " "{{HfLink}}hosting features{{/HfLink}} on development sites. You may " "configure access after the site is launched." msgstr "" "Klien tidak dapat mengakses {{HcLink}}Pusat Bantuan{{/HcLink}} " "atau {{HfLink}}fitur hosting{{/HfLink}} di situs pengembangan. Anda dapat " "mengonfigurasikan akses setelah situs diluncurkan." msgid "Agency settings" msgstr "Pengaturan agensi" msgid "Headless WordPress & Woo" msgstr "Headless WordPress & Woo" msgid "AI-powered Web Applications" msgstr "Aplikasi Web yang Didukung AI" msgid "%(pendingSites)d of 5 free licenses available" msgstr "Tersedia %(pendingSites)d dari 5 lisensi gratis" msgid "" "Develop up to 5 sites at{{nbsp/}}once with free development " "licenses.{{br/}}Only pay when you launch!" msgstr "" "Kembangkan hingga lima situs secara{{nbsp/}}bersamaan dengan " "lisensi pengembangan gratis.{{br/}}Bayar setelah peluncuran." msgid "Start Building for Free" msgstr "Mulai Membuat secara Gratis" msgid "" "The Chrome User Experience Report collects speed data from real site visits. " "Sites with low-traffic don‘t provide enough data to generate historical " "trends." msgstr "" "Laporan Pengalaman Pengguna Chrome mengumpulkan data kecepatan dari " "kunjungan situs nyata. Situs dengan lalu lintas yang rendah tidak memberikan " "data yang cukup untuk menunjukkan tren riwayat." msgid "No history available" msgstr "Tidak ada riwayat yang tersedia" msgid "" "After launch, we'll bill {{strong}}%(agencyName)s{{/strong}} in the next " "billing cycle. With %(licenseCount)s production hosting license, you will be " "charged %(price)s / license / month. {{a}}Learn more.{{/a}}" msgid_plural "" "After launch, we'll bill {{strong}}%(agencyName)s{{/strong}} in the next " "billing cycle. With %(licenseCount)s production hosting licenses, you will " "be charged %(price)s / license / month. {{a}}Learn more.{{/a}}" msgstr[0] "" "Setelah peluncuran, kami akan menagih {{strong}}%(agencyName)s{{/strong}} " "pada siklus penagihan berikutnya. Dengan lisensi hosting produksi " "%(licenseCount)s, Anda akan dikenakan biaya %(price)s / lisensi / bulan. " "{{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut.{{/a}}" msgstr[1] "" "Setelah peluncuran, kami akan menagih {{strong}}%(agencyName)s{{/strong}} " "pada siklus penagihan berikutnya. Dengan lisensi hosting produksi " "%(licenseCount)s, Anda akan dikenakan biaya %(price)s / lisensi / bulan. " "{{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut.{{/a}}" msgid "This may take around 30 seconds." msgstr "Ini mungkin memerlukan waktu sekitar 30 detik." msgid "Daily average spend" msgstr "Pengeluaran rata-rata harian" msgid "" "You will be taken to the Automattic for Agencies portal." msgstr "" "Anda akan diarahkan ke portal Automattic for Agencies." msgid "" "You will create a account to join the agency, if you already " "have one, you'll be asked to confirm." msgstr "" "Anda akan membuat akun untuk bergabung dengan agensi. Jika " "sudah mempunyai akun, Anda akan dimintai konfirmasi." msgid "By clicking \"Accept invite\":" msgstr "Dengan mengklik \"Terima undangan\":" msgid "" "Your payment for the latest invoice is now overdue. To continue purchasing " "products and maintain uninterrupted services,{{br/}}please make your payment " "as soon as{{nbsp/}}possible." msgstr "" "Pembayaran Anda untuk faktur terakhir telah jatuh tempo. Untuk melanjutkan " "pembelian produk dan menjaga layanan agar tidak ada gangguan,{{br/}}lakukan " "pembayaran sesegera{{nbsp/}}mungkin." msgid "Continue to write your first post" msgstr "Teruskan menulis pos pertama" msgid "Reposts" msgstr "Repost" msgid "" "Clients can’t access the {{HcLink}} Help Center{{/HcLink}} or " "{{HfLink}}hosting features{{/HfLink}} on development sites. Once the site is " "launched, enable access in Site Settings." msgstr "" "Klien tidak dapat mengakses {{HcLink}}Pusat Bantuan{{/HcLink}} " "atau {{HfLink}}fitur hosting{{/HfLink}} pada situs pengembangan. Setelah " "situs diluncurkan, aktifkan akses di Pengaturan Situs." msgid "" "We are using a full backup from yesterday (%(baseBackupDate)s) with " "%(eventsCount)d change you have made since then until now." msgid_plural "" "We are using a full backup from yesterday (%(baseBackupDate)s) with " "%(eventsCount)d changes you have made since then until now." msgstr[0] "" "Kami menggunakan cadangan penuh mulai kemarin (%(baseBackupDate)s) dengan " "perubahan %(eventsCount)d yang Anda telah buat sejak saat itu hingga " "sekarang." msgstr[1] "" "Kami menggunakan cadangan penuh mulai kemarin (%(baseBackupDate)s) dengan " "perubahan %(eventsCount)d yang Anda telah buat sejak saat itu hingga " "sekarang." msgid "" "We are using a full backup from today (%(baseBackupDate)s) with " "%(eventsCount)d change you have made since then until now." msgid_plural "" "We are using a full backup from today (%(baseBackupDate)s) with " "%(eventsCount)d changes you have made since then until now." msgstr[0] "" "Kami menggunakan cadangan penuh mulai hari ini (%(baseBackupDate)s) dengan " "perubahan %(eventsCount)d yang Anda telah buat sejak saat itu hingga " "sekarang." msgstr[1] "" "Kami menggunakan cadangan penuh mulai hari ini (%(baseBackupDate)s) dengan " "perubahan %(eventsCount)d yang Anda telah buat sejak saat itu hingga " "sekarang." msgid "Feedback submission is currently limited to one per 5 minutes." msgstr "Hanya satu umpan balik yang dapat dikirim tiap 5 menit." msgid "" "Great news! We’ve just kicked off the migration for your site. Get " "ready for better speed, security, and support." msgstr "" "Kabar gembira! Kami baru saja memulai migrasi situs Anda. Sambutlah layanan " "yang lebih cepat dan aman dengan dukungan yang lebih baik." msgid "Invited" msgstr "Diundang" msgid "Active Members" msgstr "Anggota Aktif" msgid "" "Great job! We didn't find any recommendations for improving the speed of " "your page." msgstr "" "Bagus sekali! Kami tidak menemukan rekomendasi untuk meningkatkan kecepatan " "halaman Anda." msgid "The invitation has been resent." msgstr "Undangan telah dikirim ulang." msgid "Accept invite" msgstr "Terima Undangan" msgid "Pay invoice" msgstr "Bayar invoice" msgid "Payment reminder" msgstr "Pengingat pembayaran" msgid "Custom Range" msgstr "Rentang Khusus" msgid "Failed to finalize onboarding session." msgstr "Gagal merampungkan sesi penyiapan." msgid "Click to copy the test number to clipboard" msgstr "Klik untuk menyalin nomor pengujian ke clipboard" msgid "Please complete your %1$s setup to continue using it." msgstr "Selesaikan %1$spenyiapan untuk melanjutkan penggunaan." msgid "Continue onboarding" msgstr "Lanjutkan penyiapan" msgid "" "Organization name must be the legal name of the company, entity or " "organization that owns the domain. If you are registering the domain for an " "individual, please leave this field blank." msgstr "" "Nama organisasi harus berupa nama resmi perusahaan, entitas, atau organisasi " "yang memiliki domain. Biarkan kosong jika Anda mendaftarkan domain untuk " "perorangan." msgid "We couldn‘t test the performance of %s" msgstr "Kami tidak dapat menguji performa %s" msgid "" "To restore your %1$s spam protection, please upgrade your plan." msgstr "" "Pulihkan perlindungan %1$s Anda dari spam dengan melakukan upgrade paket." msgid "" "As a result of %1$s, your Akismet protection has been paused. Your %2$s currently not protected from spam." msgstr "" "%1$s mengakibatkan perlindungan Akismet Anda dihentikan sementara. %2$s Anda saat ini tidak terlindungi dari spam." msgid "Upgrade Akismet for Continued Protection" msgstr "Upgrade Akismet agar Situs Tetap Terlindungi" msgid "Your Akismet Protection is Paused – Action Required" msgstr "Perlindungan Akismet Anda Dijeda – Tindakan Diperlukan" msgid "" "Quickly integrate Google Analytics (%1$s) and PayPal (available on Premium " "plans and above) — %2$s." msgstr "" "Segera integrasikan Google Analytics (%1$s) dan PayPal (tersedia di paket " "Premium dan paket yang lebih tinggi) — %2$s." msgid "" "Measure engagement with Jetpack Stats (available on Free plan and above)" msgstr "" "Ukur interaksi dengan Jetpack Stats (tersedia di Paket Gratis dan paket yang " "lebih tinggi)" msgid "Deliver posts via email with Jetpack-powered Newsletter" msgstr "Kirimkan pos melalui email dengan Buletin yang didukung Jetpack" msgid "Automatically share updates to social media with Jetpack Social" msgstr "" "Bagikan pembaruan media sosial Anda secara otomatis menggunakan Jetpack " "Social" msgid "" "Grow your brand with the built-in Mailchimp " "block (available on Business plans and above)." msgstr "" "Kembangkan merek Anda dengan blok Mailchimp " "bawaan (tersedia di paket Bisnis dan paket yang lebih tinggi)." msgid "" "Quickly integrate Google Analytics and PayPal (available on Premium plans and above)." msgstr "" "Segera integrasikan Google Analytics dan PayPal (tersedia di paket Premium dan paket yang lebih tinggi)." msgid "" "Automatically share updates to social media with Jetpack Social, deliver posts via email with Jetpack-powered Newsletter, and measure engagement with Jetpack Stats (available on Free plan and above)." msgstr "" "Bagikan pembaruan media sosial Anda secara otomatis menggunakan Jetpack Social, kirimkan pos melalui email dengan Buletin yang didukung Jetpack, dan ukur interaksi " "dengan Jetpack Stats (tersedia di Paket " "Gratis dan paket yang lebih tinggi)." msgid "" "Go to the {{a}}%(pluginName)s page on the new site{{/a}} and " "copy the migration key. Then paste it on the " "{{strong}}%(migrationKeyLabel)s{{/strong}} field of your existing site and " "click {{strong}}%(migrateLabel)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Buka {{a}}halaman %(pluginName)s di situs yang baru{{/a}}, " "lalu salin kunci migrasi. Selanjutnya, tempelkan di " "{{strong}}%(migrationKeyLabel)s{{/strong}} kolom pada situs yang sudah ada " "dan klik {{strong}}%(migrateLabel)s{{/strong}}." msgid "" "How to Find and Choose the Best WordPress Plugins (Useful for All Sites)" msgstr "" "Cara Menemukan dan Memilih Plugin WordPress Terbaik (Berguna untuk Semua " "Situs)" msgid "" "How to Install Plugins on Your site: The Complete Beginner's " "Guide" msgstr "" "Cara Menginstal Plugin di situs Anda: Panduan Lengkap untuk " "Pemula" msgid "What Are WordPress Plugins? Everything You Need to Know as a Beginner" msgstr "Apa Itu Plugin WordPress? Semua yang Perlu Anda Ketahui sebagai Pemula" msgid "(TBT)" msgstr "(TBT)" msgid "What is Total Blocking Time?" msgstr "Apa itu Total Blocking Time?" msgid "Your site‘s Total Blocking Time needs improvement" msgstr "Total Blocking Time situs Anda perlu ditingkatkan" msgid "Your site‘s Total Blocking Time is excellent" msgstr "Total Waktu Pengeblokan situs Anda sangat baik" msgid "Your site‘s Total Blocking Time is poor" msgstr "Total Waktu Pengeblokan situs Anda buruk" msgid "(TTFB)" msgstr "(TTFB)" msgid "What is Time to First Byte?" msgstr "Apa itu Time to First Byte?" msgid "Your site‘s Time to First Byte needs improvement" msgstr "Time to First Byte situs Anda perlu ditingkatkan" msgid "Your site‘s Time to First Byte is excellent" msgstr "Time to First Byte situs Anda sangat baik" msgid "Your site‘s Time to First Byte is poor" msgstr "Time to First Byte situs Anda buruk" msgid "(INP)" msgstr "(INP)" msgid "What is Interaction to Next Paint?" msgstr "Apa itu Interaction to Next Paint?" msgid "Your site‘s Interaction to Next Paint needs improvement" msgstr "Interaction to Next Paint situs Anda perlu ditingkatkan" msgid "Your site‘s Interaction to Next Paint is excellent" msgstr "Interaction to Next Paint situs Anda sangat baik" msgid "Your site‘s Interaction to Next Paint is poor" msgstr "Interaction to Next Paint situs Anda buruk" msgid "(CLS)" msgstr "(CLS)" msgid "What is Cumulative Layout Shift?" msgstr "Apa itu Cumulative Layout Shift?" msgid "Your site‘s Cumulative Layout Shift needs improvement" msgstr "Cumulative Layout Shift situs Anda perlu ditingkatkan" msgid "Your site‘s Cumulative Layout Shift is excellent" msgstr "Cumulative Layout Shift situs Anda sangat baik" msgid "Your site‘s Cumulative Layout Shift is poor" msgstr "Cumulative Layout Shift situs Anda buruk" msgid "(LCP)" msgstr "(LCP)" msgid "What is Largest Contentful Paint?" msgstr "Apa itu Largest Contentful Paint?" msgid "Your site‘s Largest Contentful Paint is poor" msgstr "Largest Contentful Paint situs Anda buruk" msgid "(FCP)" msgstr "(FCP)" msgid "What is First Contentful Paint?" msgstr "Apa itu First Contentful Paint?" msgid "Your site‘s First Contentful Paint needs improvement" msgstr "First Contentful Paint situs Anda perlu ditingkatkan" msgid "Your site‘s First Contentful Paint is excellent" msgstr "First Contentful Paint situs Anda sangat baik" msgid "Your site‘s First Contentful Paint is poor" msgstr "First Contentful Paint situs Anda buruk" msgid "Needs Improvement" msgstr "Perlu Peningkatan" msgid "" "Enable zoom out experiments; shows zoom out in the device preview and other " "zoom out experiments." msgstr "" "Aktifkan eksperimen zoom out; menampilkan zoom out di pratinjau perangkat " "dan eksperimen zoom out lainnya." msgid "Zoom out experiments" msgstr "Eksperimen zoom out" msgid "Enable client-side media processing." msgstr "Aktifkan pemrosesan media klien." msgid "Client-side media processing" msgstr "Pemrosesan media klien" msgid "Attachment file size" msgstr "Ukuran berkas lampiran" msgid "Original attachment file name" msgstr "Nama berkas lampiran asli" msgid "Invalid post ID, only images and PDFs can be sideloaded." msgstr "" "ID pos tidak valid, hanya gambar dan PDF yang dapat ditambahkan melalui " "sideload." msgid "Whether to convert image formats." msgstr "Apakah Anda ingin mengonversi format gambar." msgid "Whether to generate image sub sizes." msgstr "Apakah Anda ingin membuat ukuran sub gambar." msgid "Image size." msgstr "Ukuran gambar." msgid "" "We didn‘t find any recommendations for improving the speed of your site." msgstr "" "Kami tidak menemukan rekomendasi apapun untuk meningkatkan kecepatan situs " "Anda." msgid "" "We found %(quantity)d way to improve your site‘s performance. {{a}}View your " "personalized recommendation{{/a}}" msgid_plural "" "We found %(quantity)d ways to improve your site‘s performance. {{a}}View " "your personalized recommendations{{/a}}" msgstr[0] "" "Kami menemukan %(quantity)d cara untuk meningkatkan performa situs Anda. " "{{a}}Lihat rekomendasi khusus untuk Anda{{/a}}" msgstr[1] "" "Kami menemukan %(quantity)d cara untuk meningkatkan performa situs Anda. " "{{a}}Lihat rekomendasi khusus untuk Anda{{/a}}" msgid "Excellent" msgstr "Sangat Baik" msgid "Previously used" msgstr "Digunakan sebelumnya" msgid "" "P.S. This is a limited-time offer, so claim your domain soon if you’re " "interested." msgstr "" "N.B. Jika tertarik, segera klaim domain Anda karena periode penawaran ini " "terbatas." msgid "" "If you have any questions, just reply to this email. We’re here to help." msgstr "Jika ada pertanyaan, cukup balas email ini. Kami siap membantu Anda." msgid "Follow the prompts to set up your new URL" msgstr "Ikuti prompt untuk menyiapkan URL baru Anda" msgid "Look for the \"Claim domain\" option" msgstr "Cari pilihan \"Klaim domain\"" msgid "Log in to" msgstr "Login ke" msgid "Interested? Here’s what to do:" msgstr "Tertarik? Berikut hal-hal yang perlu Anda lakukan:" msgid "" "Setting it up is straightforward and won’t cost you anything for 12 months." msgstr "Pembuatan domain khusus ini praktis dan gratis selama 12 bulan." msgid "It adds a professional touch to your online presence" msgstr "Gravatar menjadikan eksistensi online Anda tampak makin profesional" msgid "Custom domains typically see 30% higher traffic" msgstr "Domain khusus biasanya mendapatkan kunjungan 30% lebih banyak" msgid ".link domain" msgstr "Domain .link" msgid "And it is free for the first year." msgstr "Dan gratis untuk tahun pertama." msgid "Did you know that your Gravatar profile can have its own custom domain?" msgstr "" "Tahukah Anda bahwa profil Gravatar Anda dapat memiliki domain khususnya " "sendiri?" msgid "Own Your Name" msgstr "Miliki Nama Domain Anda Sendiri" msgid "Own your name with a free domain" msgstr "Miliki nama domain Anda sendiri secara cuma-cuma " msgid "Are you sure you want to remove {{b}}%(memberName)s{{/b}}?" msgstr "Yakin ingin menghapus {{b}}%(memberName)s{{/b}}?" msgid "" "Are you sure you want to cancel the invitation for {{b}}%(memberName)s{{/b}}?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin membatalkan undangan untuk {{b}}%(memberName)s{{/b}}?" msgid "Cancel invitation" msgstr "Batalkan undangan" msgid "Revoke Pressable plan license" msgstr "Cabut lisensi paket Pressable" msgid "Not helpful" msgstr "Tidak bermanfaat" msgid "Good, it‘s helpful" msgstr "Bagus, ini sangat bermanfaat" msgid "Thanks for the feedback!" msgstr "Terima kasih atas feedback Anda!" msgid "Generated with AI" msgstr "Dibuat dengan AI" msgid "AI generated content icon" msgstr "Ikon konten yang dihasilkan AI" msgctxt "Stats: Percentage of views" msgid "%(percent)s of views" msgstr "%(percent)s tampilan" msgid "Promoting a business or service" msgstr "Mempromosikan bisnis atau layanan" msgid "Accepting donations or using donation plugins" msgstr "Menerima donasi atau menggunakan plugin donasi" msgid "Using e-commerce plugins or platforms" msgstr "Menggunakan plugin atau platform e-commerce" msgid "Listing business contact details on the homepage" msgstr "Mencantumkan detail kontak bisnis di beranda" msgid "Using a domain recognized as commercial" msgstr "Menggunakan domain dengan status komersial" msgid "Using live chat plugins or services" msgstr "Menggunakan plugin atau layanan obrolan langsung" msgid "Loading code on your site for ExoClick ad services" msgstr "Memuat kode di situs Anda untuk layanan iklan ExoClick" msgid "Loading code on your site for Infolinks ad services" msgstr "Memuat kode di situs Anda untuk layanan iklan Infolinks" msgid "Loading code on your site for Taboola ad services" msgstr "Memuat kode di situs Anda untuk layanan iklan Taboola" msgid "Loading code on your site for AdSense ad services" msgstr "Memuat kode di situs Anda untuk layanan iklan AdSense" msgid "Displaying advertisements" msgstr "Menampilkan iklan" msgid "" "Please don't share any passwords or secure information in this field. We'll " "reach out to collect that information if you have any additional credentials " "to access your site." msgstr "" "Mohon untuk tidak membagikan kata sandi apapun ataupun informasi keamanan di " "kolom ini. Kami akan menghubungi Anda untuk mengumpulkan informasi tersebut " "jika Anda memiliki kredensial tambahan apa pun untuk mengakses situs Anda." msgid "Special instructions" msgstr "Petunjuk khusus" msgid "Enter your Admin password" msgstr "Masukkan kata sandi Admin Anda" msgid "Enter your Admin username" msgstr "Masukkan nama pengguna Admin Anda" msgid "" "We are using a %(daysAgo)d-day old full backup (%(baseBackupDate)s) with " "%(eventsCount)d change you have made since then until now." msgid_plural "" "We are using a %(daysAgo)d-day old full backup (%(baseBackupDate)s) with " "%(eventsCount)d changes you have made since then until now." msgstr[0] "" "Kami menggunakan pencadangan penuh %(daysAgo)d hari yang lalu pada " "%(baseBackupDate)s dengan perubahan %(eventsCount)d yang telah Anda buat " "sejak saat itu hingga sekarang." msgstr[1] "" "Kami menggunakan pencadangan penuh %(daysAgo)d hari yang lalu pada " "%(baseBackupDate)s dengan perubahan %(eventsCount)d yang telah Anda buat " "sejak saat itu hingga sekarang." msgid "" "We are using a full backup from the previous day (%(baseBackupDate)s) with " "%(eventsCount)d change you have made since then until now." msgid_plural "" "We are using a full backup from the previous day (%(baseBackupDate)s) with " "%(eventsCount)d changes you have made since then until now." msgstr[0] "" "Kami menggunakan cadangan penuh mulai hari sebelumnya (%(baseBackupDate)s) " "dengan perubahan %(eventsCount)d yang Anda telah buat sejak saat itu hingga " "sekarang." msgstr[1] "" "Kami menggunakan cadangan penuh mulai hari sebelumnya (%(baseBackupDate)s) " "dengan perubahan %(eventsCount)d yang Anda telah buat sejak saat itu hingga " "sekarang." msgid "" "We are using a full backup from this day (%(baseBackupDate)s) with " "%(eventsCount)d change you have made since then until now." msgid_plural "" "We are using a full backup from this day (%(baseBackupDate)s) with " "%(eventsCount)d changes you have made since then until now." msgstr[0] "" "Kami menggunakan cadangan penuh mulai hari ini (%(baseBackupDate)s) dengan " "perubahan %(eventsCount)d yang Anda telah buat sejak saat itu hingga " "sekarang." msgstr[1] "" "Kami menggunakan cadangan penuh mulai hari ini (%(baseBackupDate)s) dengan " "perubahan %(eventsCount)d yang Anda telah buat sejak saat itu hingga " "sekarang." msgid "Updates every 30 minutes" msgstr "Pembaruan setiap 30 menit" msgid "We hope to see your site on soon!" msgstr "Kami tidak sabar ingin melihat situs Anda di!" msgid "" "If you need any assistance or have questions, we’re here to help. Just " "reply to this email and we’ll get back to you." msgstr "" "Jika Anda membutuhkan bantuan atau memiliki pertanyaan, kami siap membantu. " "Cukup balas email ini dan kami akan menghubungi Anda." msgid "Restart migration" msgstr "Mulai ulang migrasi" msgid "" "We noticed that you’ve canceled your migration to No " "worries! Whenever you’re ready, you can easily restart the process at " "any time." msgstr "" "Tampaknya Anda telah membatalkan migrasi ke Jangan khawatir! " "Jika sudah siap, Anda dapat memulai prosesnya kembali kapan saja." msgid "We noticed that you’ve canceled your migration." msgstr "Tampaknya Anda telah membatalkan migrasi." msgid "You canceled your migration to" msgstr "Anda telah membatalkan migrasi ke" msgid "Add the post date" msgstr "Tambahkan tanggal pos" msgid "Show author display name" msgstr "Tampilkan nama tampilan penulis" msgid "Update your Gravatar" msgstr "Perbarui Gravatar Anda" msgid "" "We use Gravatar, a service that associates an avatar image with your primary " "email address." msgstr "" "Kami menggunakan Gravatar, layanan yang mengaitkan gambar avatar dengan " "alamat email utama Anda." msgid "Show author avatar on your emails" msgstr "Tampilkan avatar penulis di e-mail Anda" msgid "Need help? {{a}}View our logo guidelines.{{/a}}" msgstr "Butuh bantuan? {{a}}Lihat pedoman logo kami.{{/a}}" msgid "High request capacity *" msgstr "Kapasitas permintaan tinggi *" msgid "" "Limits apply for high request capacity. {{link}}Learn more about it here.{{/" "link}}" msgstr "" "Batas yang berlaku untuk kapasitas permintaan yang tinggi. {{link}}Pelajari " "lebih lanjut di sini.{{/link}}" msgid "High request capacity **" msgstr "Kapasitas permintaan tinggi **" msgctxt "View is used as a noun" msgid "View options" msgstr "Lihat pilihan" msgctxt "paging" msgid "
of %2$s
" msgstr "
dari %2$s
" msgid "Enable email alerts" msgstr "Aktifkan peringatan e-mail" msgid "Get notified about changes to your site’s performance—it’s free!" msgstr "Dapatkan pemberitahuan tentang perubahan performa situs Anda—gratis!" msgid "Hide column" msgstr "Sembunyikan kolom" msgid "Preview size" msgstr "Pratinjau ukuran" msgid "Select item" msgstr "Pilih item" msgid "Is not all" msgstr "Bukan semua" msgid "Is all" msgstr "Adalah semua" msgid "Is none" msgstr "Tidak ada" msgid "Is any" msgstr "Ada" msgid "Properties" msgstr "Properti" msgid "Search items" msgstr "Cari item" msgid "List of: %1$s" msgstr "Daftar dari: %1$s" msgid "Toggle filter display" msgstr "Alihkan tampilan filter" msgid "Filter by: %1$s" msgstr "Filter berdasarkan: %1$s" msgid "%1$s is not: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s bukan: %2$s" msgid "%1$s is: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s adalah: %2$s" msgid "%1$s is not all: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s bukan semua: %2$s" msgid "%1$s is all: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s adalah semua: %2$s" msgid "%1$s is none: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s bukan termasuk: %2$s" msgid "%1$s is any: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s merupakan salah satu dari: %2$s" msgid "%d Item selected" msgid_plural "%d Items selected" msgstr[0] "%d Item dipilih" msgstr[1] "%d Item dipilih" msgid "" "If you decide to commit (or re-commit) to contributing to the WordPress " "project after reading this, we’d love to hear from you. Either hit reply or " "send us a message on social media (we’re @wordpressdotcom)." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memutuskan berkomitmen (atau kembali berkomitmen) untuk " "berkontribusi dalam proyek WordPress setelah membaca ini, kami akan sangat " "senang mendengar pendapat Anda. Tekan balas atau kirimi kami pesan di media " "sosial (nama pengguna kami @wordpressdotcom)." msgid "" "Loving Get world-class hosting infrastructure, development " "tools, security features, and unlimited bandwidth and traffic for any site " "you want to move to…and we’ll migrate your sites for free." msgstr "" "Suka Dapatkan infrastruktur hosting kelas dunia, alat " "pengembangan, fitur keamanan, serta bandwidth dan lalu lintas tanpa batas " "untuk situs mana pun yang ingin dipindahkan ke kami akan " "memindahkannya gratis untuk Anda." msgid "" "Pro tip: Be sure to log into your account (free or paid) " "within Studio to unlock powerful features like Demo Sites." msgstr "" "Tips pro: Pastikan untuk login ke akun Anda (gratis atau " "berbayar) di Studio untuk mendapatkan fitur andal seperti Situs Demo." msgid "" "We launched a big new feature on Studio, our free local development app: " "import/export. You can now more easily upload a local site from Studio to " "your hosting platform of choice (including" msgstr "" "Kami meluncurkan fitur keren baru di Studio, aplikasi pengembangan lokal " "gratis: impor/ekspor. Sekarang Anda dapat mengunggah situs lokal dari Studio " "dengan mudah ke platform hosting pilihan Anda (termasuk " msgid "" "Our Write Brief with AI tool, now available for free for all " "plans and users, measures writing readability, highlights long-winded " "sentences, and simplifies vocabulary usage, all within the WordPress editor." msgstr "" "Alat kami, Write Brief with AI, kini tersedia secara gratis untuk semua " "pengguna dan paket Alat ini dapat digunakan untuk mengukur " "keterbacaan tulisan, menyorot kalimat panjang, dan menyederhanakan " "penggunaan kosakata, semuanya dalam editor WordPress." msgid "" "For those of you who host your sites on, here are a few new " "and notable features you won’t want to miss:" msgstr "" "Bagi Anda yang menghosting situs di, berikut beberapa fitur " "baru dan penting yang sayang untuk Anda lewatkan:" msgid "" "Meet Studio by—a fast, free way to develop locally with " "WordPress. Share your local sites with clients or colleagues and keep your " "local development process smooth and simple—with unbreakable infrastructure " "behind the scenes." msgstr "" "Kami persembahkan Studio dari—cara cepat dan gratis untuk " "mengembangkan situs secara lokal dengan WordPress. Bagikan situs lokal Anda " "dengan klien atau kolega dan kembangkan situs lokal dengan mudah dan mulus, " "dilengkapi infrastruktur yang kokoh di balik layar." msgid "P.S. If you run your own meetup, get a free site on us." msgstr "" "N.B. Jika Anda menjalankan meetup pribadi, dapatkan situs " "gratis." msgid "[In Person] Boston WordPress Meetup" msgstr "[Tatap Muka] Meetup Boston WordPress" msgid "[In Person] WordPress Meetup Berlin" msgstr "[Tatap Muka] WordPress Meetup Berlin" msgid "[In Person] WordPress SG September Meetup" msgstr "[Tatap Muka] Meetup September WordPress SG" msgid "[In Person] WordCamp US in Portland, Oregon" msgstr "[Tatap Muka] WordCamp US di Portland, Oregon" msgid "" "[Online] Optimize & Lock Down WooCommerce Sites: Practical Tips for Improved " "Performance" msgstr "" "[Online] Optimalkan & Amankan Situs WooCommerce: Tips Praktis untuk " "Peningkatan Performa" msgid "" "Attending local, regional, and international WordPress events is a great way " "to network, get involved, and meet other WordPress professionals. Here are a " "few upcoming events, and you can find a whole list of meetups happening " "across the globe here." msgstr "" "Menghadiri acara WordPress lokal, regional, dan internasional adalah cara " "yang tepat untuk berjejaring, terlibat, dan bertemu dengan profesional " "WordPress lainnya. Berikut beberapa acara mendatang, dan Anda dapat melihat " "daftar meetup lengkap yang diadakan di seluruh dunia di sini." msgid "" "5. Did you catch the WooCommerce roadmap update? Lots of good stuff in the " "pipeline!" msgstr "" "5. Apakah Anda sudah mengetahui pembaruan peta jalan WooCommerce? Banyak hal " "keren yang sedang dipersiapkan!" msgid "4. Be a part of the project migrating Tumblr over to WordPress." msgstr "4. Menjadi bagian proyek migrasi Tumblr ke WordPress." msgid "" "3. The State of the Word 2024 landing page is now live; check it out to " "request an in-person ticket or get details about joining or hosting a watch " "party." msgstr "" "3. Halaman landing State of the Word 2024 sekarang aktif; buka untuk meminta " "tiket acara tatap muka atau mendapatkan rincian tentang cara mendaftar atau " "mengadakan acara nonton bersama." msgid "" "2. The August Hallway Hangout (a Zoom call covering what’s being worked on " "in the Gutenberg plugin) recording was posted––topics include the new tabs " "and accordion blocks, the image gallery lightbox, custom fields UI, and " "various status updates on grid layouts and data views." msgstr "" "2. Rekaman Hallway Hangout Agustus (pertemuan Zoom yang membahas " "pengembangan plugin Gutenberg terkini) telah dipos––topik ini meliputi tab " "baru, blok akordeon, kotak lampu galeri gambar, UI kolom khusus, serta " "berbagai pembaruan status tentang tata letak kisi dan penayangan data." msgid "Build Fast, Ship Faster with Studio" msgstr "Kembangkan dan Bagikan Situs Secepat Kilat dengan Studio" msgid "" "1. We got a sneak peek into the new default WordPress theme, Twenty Twenty-" "Five." msgstr "" "1. Kami punya bocoran terkait tema WordPress default yang baru, Twenty " "Twenty-Five." msgid "" "Finally, bookmark the Core Handbook as your cheat sheet for all-things core " "WordPress." msgstr "" "Terakhir, beri bookmark pada Buku Panduan Inti sebagai lembar contekan untuk " "semua aspek penting WordPress." msgid "" "Pick a 6.7 ticket to contribute to for the next major WordPress release." msgstr "" "Pilih tiket 6.7 untuk dapat berkontribusi dalam rilis besar WordPress " "selanjutnya." msgid "Join a bug scrub." msgstr "Bergabung dalam proyek bug scrub." msgid "Work on “good first bugs” for beginner contributors." msgstr "Pekerjaan terkait “good first bugs” untuk kontributor pemula." msgid "Create tickets for bugs." msgstr "Buat permintaan untuk bug." msgid "" "If you’re interested in contributing code to the core software, here are a " "few quick, easy, and impactful ways to get involved:" msgstr "" "Jika Anda tertarik berkontribusi kode untuk perangkat lunak inti, berikut " "beberapa cara cepat, mudah, dan efektif untuk dapat terlibat:" msgid "" "If you’re unsure which team is right for you, feel free to use the " "contributor wizard to help you identify which teams could benefit from your " "skillset. You can also review this free course from the team " "to give you a better idea of how decisions are actually made to drive the " "WordPress project forward." msgstr "" "Jika bingung memilih tim yang tepat, silakan gunakan panduan kontributor " "untuk membantu mengidentifikasi tim yang paling sesuai dengan keahlian Anda. " "Anda juga dapat meninjau kursus gratis dari tim ini untuk " "memberikan gambaran yang lebih baik tentang bagaimana keputusan dibuat untuk " "mengembangkan proyek WordPress." msgid "" "There are currently 23 groups that focus on supporting different areas of " "the WordPress project, from core and design to support and marketing. Each " "of the links will take you to the individual blogs for each team. Be sure to " "check out the sidebar for each team for important information about meeting " "dates, agendas, and priorities." msgstr "" "Saat ini ada 23 grup yang berfokus mendukung berbagai bidang proyek " "WordPress, mulai dari area inti dan desain hingga dukungan dan pemasaran. " "Tiap tautan akan membawa Anda ke blog khusus milik tiap tim. Pastikan untuk " "memeriksa bilah sisi dari tiap tim guna mengetahui informasi penting seperti " "tanggal pertemuan, agenda, dan prioritas." msgid "Step 2: Find a MakeWP team to work with" msgstr "Langkah 2: Temukan dan bergabung dalam tim MakeWP" msgid "Step 1: Join the Making WordPress Slack community" msgstr "Langkah 1: Bergabung dalam komunitas Making WordPress Slack" msgid "" "Since WordPress is an open source publishing platform, anyone and everyone " "that uses WordPress in some way has a unique opportunity: the ability to " "contribute to and shape the future of the project. Plus: WordPress runs over " "a third of the entire internet (including huge brands like TechCrunch, Time " "Magazine, Rolling Stone, and even Taylor Swift), so contributions back to " "the project are crucial to the ongoing success of the project and WordPress " "community as a whole." msgstr "" "Karena WordPress adalah platform penerbitan open source, semua pengguna " "WordPress memiliki peluang istimewa: kesempatan untuk berkontribusi dan " "menentukan arah perkembangan proyek. Selain itu: WordPress menguasai " "sepertiga bagian dari internet (termasuk merek terkemuka seperti TechCrunch, " "Time Magazine, Rolling Stone, dan bahkan Taylor Swift), sehingga kontribusi " "terhadap sebuah proyek sangat penting bagi keberhasilan proyek dan komunitas " "WordPress secara keseluruhan." msgid "" "If you’ve never contributed to the WordPress project before (or if you have " "in the past but haven’t in a while), this is your sign to get started (or " "started again) today." msgstr "" "Jika belum pernah berkontribusi dalam proyek WordPress (atau jika sudah lama " "tidak berkontribusi), sekaranglah waktunya untuk memulai (atau memulai " "kembali)." msgid "Contributing to WordPress core" msgstr "Berkontribusi dalam inti WordPress" msgid "" "We’ll send you just one of these newsletters each month, and in each " "edition, you can count on helpful links, actionable tips, and updates from " "the WordPress community. Each newsletter will focus on a specific topic, and " "this month’s newsletter is all about contributing to the WordPress project." msgstr "" "Kami akan mengirimkan salah satu dari buletin ini tiap bulan, dan di tiap " "edisi, Anda dapat menemukan tautan bermanfaat, tips yang dapat " "ditindaklanjuti, serta pembaruan dari komunitas WordPress. Tiap buletin akan " "berfokus pada topik tertentu, dan buletin bulan ini tentang berkontribusi " "dalam proyek WordPress." msgid "" "Welcome to Dev & Deploy from, a newsletter for WordPress " "developers." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di Dev & Deploy dari, buletin untuk pengembang " "WordPress." msgid "A monthly newsletter for developers, from the folks at" msgstr "Buletin bulanan untuk pengembang, dari kami di" msgid "Issue #1 | %s" msgstr "Terbitan #1 | %s" msgid " Developers logo" msgstr "Logo Pengembang" msgid "" "Thanks for tuning into this first edition of Dev & Deploy––we’ll see ya in " "the next one!" msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah membaca edisi pertama Dev & Deploy––sampai jumpa di edisi " "berikutnya!" msgid "" "If you decide to commit (or re-commit) to contributing to the " "WordPress project after reading this, we’d love to hear from you. Either hit " "reply or send us a message on social media (we’re @wordpressdotcom)." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memutuskan berkomitmen (atau kembali berkomitmen) untuk " "berkontribusi dalam proyek WordPress setelah membaca ini, kami akan sangat " "senang mendengar pendapat Anda. Tekan balas atau kirimi kami pesan di media " "sosial (nama pengguna kami @wordpressdotcom)." msgid "See ya next time" msgstr "Sampai jumpa lagi" msgid "" "Loving %1$s? Get world-class hosting infrastructure, development tools, " "security features, and unlimited bandwidth and traffic for any site you want " "to move to %1$s…and we’ll migrate your sites for free." msgstr "" "Suka %1$s? Dapatkan infrastruktur hosting kelas dunia, alat pengembangan, " "fitur keamanan, serta bandwidth dan lalu lintas tanpa batas untuk situs mana " "pun yang ingin dipindahkan ke %1$s...dan kami akan " "memindahkannya gratis untuk Anda." msgid "Migrate More Sites for Free" msgstr "Migrasikan Lebih Banyak Situs secara Gratis" msgid "WordPress Migrate Site image" msgstr "Gambar Situs Migrasi WordPress" msgid "" "Our Write Brief with AI tool, now available for free " "for all %3$s plans and users, measures writing readability, highlights long-" "winded sentences, and simplifies vocabulary usage, all within the WordPress " "editor." msgstr "" "Alat kami, Write Brief with AI, tersedia secara gratis " "untuk semua pengguna dan paket %3$s. Alat ini dapat digunakan untuk mengukur " "keterbacaan tulisan, menyorot kalimat panjang, dan menyederhanakan " "penggunaan kosakata, semuanya dalam editor WordPress." msgid "Write Brief with AI" msgstr "Write Brief with AI" msgid "WordPress tool Write Brief with AI" msgstr "Alat WordPress Write Brief with AI" msgid "" "Pro tip: Be sure to log into your account (free or paid) " "within Studio to unlock powerful features like Demo " "Sites." msgstr "" "Tips pro: Pastikan untuk login ke akun Anda (gratis atau " "berbayar) di Studio untuk mendapatkan fitur andal seperti Situs Demo." msgid "" "We launched a big new feature on Studio, our free " "local development app: import/export. You can now " "more easily upload a local site from Studio to your hosting platform of " "choice (including %4$s)." msgstr "" "Kami meluncurkan fitur keren baru di Studio, aplikasi " "pengembangan lokal gratis: impor/ekspor. Sekarang " "Anda dapat mengunggah situs lokal dari Studio dengan mudah ke platform " "hosting pilihan Anda (termasuk %4$s)." msgid "Studio Updates" msgstr "Pembaruan Studio" msgid "" "For those of you who host your sites on WordPress." "com, here are a few new and notable features you won’t want to miss:" msgstr "" "Bagi Anda yang menghosting situs di, berikut beberapa fitur baru dan penting yang sayang untuk Anda lewatkan:" msgid "New on
%s" msgstr "Yang Baru dari
%s" msgid "New on %s" msgstr "Yang Baru di %s" msgid "" "Meet Studio by %s—a fast, free way to develop locally with WordPress. Share " "your local sites with clients or colleagues and keep your local development " "process smooth and simple—with unbreakable infrastructure behind the scenes." msgstr "" "Kami persembahkan Studio dari %s—cara cepat dan gratis untuk mengembangkan " "situs secara lokal dengan WordPress. Bagikan situs lokal Anda dengan klien " "atau kolega dan kembangkan situs lokal dengan mudah dan mulus, dilengkapi " "infrastruktur yang kokoh di balik layar." msgid "WordPress Studio image" msgstr "Gambar Studio WordPress" msgid "Build Fast, Ship
Faster with Studio" msgstr "Kembangkan dan Bagikan Situs
Secepat Kilat dengan Studio" msgid "Hosted by Boston WordPress" msgstr "Diadakan oleh Boston WordPress" msgid "" "[In Person]
Boston WordPress Meetup" msgstr "" "[Tatap Muka] Meetup Boston WordPress" msgid "Hosted by WordPress Meetup Berlin" msgstr "Diadakan oleh WordPress Meetup Berlin" msgid "" "[In Person] WordPress Meetup Berlin" msgstr "" "[Tatap Muka] WordPress Meetup Berlin" msgid "Hosted by WordPress Singapore" msgstr "Diadakan oleh WordPress Singapore" msgid "" "[In Person] WordPress SG September Meetup" msgstr "" "[Tatap Muka] Meetup September WordPress SG" msgid "%1$s %2$s-%3$s, %4$s" msgstr "%1$s %2$s-%3$s, %4$s" msgid "" "[In Person] WordCamp US in Portland, Oregon" msgstr "" "[Tatap Muka] WordCamp US di Portland, Oregon" msgid "Hosted by Kampala WordPress Meetup" msgstr "Diadakan oleh Kampala WordPress Meetup" msgid "%1$s @ %2$s UTC" msgstr "%1$s @ %2$s UTC" msgid "" "[Online] Optimize & Lock Down WooCommerce Sites: " "Practical Tips for Improved Performance" msgstr "" "[Online] Optimalkan & Amankan Situs WooCommerce: " "Tips Praktis untuk Peningkatan Performa" msgid "" "P.S. If you run your own meetup, get a free " " site on us." msgstr "" "N.B. Jika Anda mengadakan meetup pribadi, dapatkan " "situs gratis." msgid "" "Attending local, regional, and international WordPress events is a great way " "to network, get involved, and meet other WordPress professionals. Here are a " "few upcoming events, and you can find a whole list " "of meetups happening across the globe here." msgstr "" "Menghadiri acara WordPress lokal, regional, dan internasional adalah cara " "yang tepat untuk berjejaring, terlibat, dan bertemu dengan profesional " "WordPress lainnya. Berikut beberapa acara mendatang, dan Anda dapat melihat daftar meetup lengkap yang diadakan di seluruh " "dunia di sini." msgid "WordPress Events" msgstr "Acara WordPress" msgid "" "Did you catch the WooCommerce roadmap update? " "Lots of good stuff in the pipeline!" msgstr "" "Apakah Anda sudah mengetahui pembaruan " "peta jalan WooCommerce? Banyak hal keren yang sedang dipersiapkan!" msgid "" "Be a part of the project migrating Tumblr over " "to WordPress." msgstr "" "Menjadi bagian proyek migrasi Tumblr ke " "WordPress." msgid "" "The State of the Word 2024 landing page is now live; " "check it out to request an in-person ticket or get details about joining or " "hosting a watch party." msgstr "" "Halaman landing State of the Word 2024 sekarang aktif; " "buka untuk meminta tiket acara tatap muka atau mendapatkan rincian tentang " "cara mendaftar atau mengadakan acara nonton bersama." msgid "" "The August Hallway Hangout (a Zoom call " "covering what’s being worked on in the Gutenberg plugin) recording was " "posted––topics include the new tabs and " "accordion blocks, the image gallery lightbox, custom fields UI, and various " "status updates on grid layouts and data views." msgstr "" "Rekaman Hallway Hangout Agustus (pertemuan Zoom " "yang membahas pengembangan plugin Gutenberg terkini) telah dipos––topik ini meliputi tab baru, blok akordeon, " "kotak lampu galeri gambar, UI kolom khusus, serta berbagai pembaruan status " "tentang tata letak kisi dan penayangan data." msgid "" "We got a sneak peek into the new default WordPress theme, Twenty Twenty-Five." msgstr "" "Kami punya bocoran terkait tema WordPress default yang baru, Twenty Twenty-Five." msgid "Here are five headlines from the past few weeks for you to catch up on:" msgstr "" "Berikut lima judul yang dapat Anda baca dari beberapa minggu yang lalu:" msgid "The Href" msgstr "Href" msgid "" "Finally, bookmark the Core Handbook as your " "cheat sheet for all-things core WordPress." msgstr "" "Terakhir, beri bookmark pada Buku Panduan Inti " "sebagai lembar contekan untuk semua aspek penting WordPress." msgid "" "Pick a 6.7 ticket to contribute to for the next major " "WordPress release.." msgstr "" "Pilih tiket 6.7 untuk dapat berkontribusi dalam rilis " "besar WordPress selanjutnya." msgid "" "Join a bug scrub." msgstr "" "Bergabung dalam proyek bug scrub." msgid "" "Work on “good first bugs” for beginner contributors." msgstr "" "Pekerjaan terkait “good first bugs” untuk kontributor " "pemula." msgid "" "Create tickets for bugs." msgstr "" "Buat permintaan untuk bug." msgid "" "If you’re interested in contributing " "code to the core software, here are a few quick, easy, and impactful " "ways to get involved:" msgstr "" "Jika Anda tertarik berkontribusi kode untuk " "perangkat lunak inti, berikut beberapa cara cepat, mudah, dan efektif " "untuk dapat terlibat:" msgid "Step 3: Contribute and stay informed" msgstr "Langkah 3: Beri kontribusi dan dapatkan kabar terkini" msgid "" "If you’re unsure which team is right for you, feel free to use the contributor wizard to help you identify which " "teams could benefit from your skillset. You can also review this free course from the team to give you a " "better idea of how decisions are actually made to drive the WordPress " "project forward." msgstr "" "Jika bingung memilih tim yang tepat, silakan gunakan panduan kontributor untuk membantu mengidentifikasi tim yang " "paling sesuai dengan keahlian Anda. Anda juga dapat meninjau kursus gratis dari tim ini untuk memberikan " "gambaran yang lebih baik tentang bagaimana keputusan dibuat untuk " "mengembangkan proyek WordPress." msgid "" "There are currently 23 groups that focus on supporting different areas of " "the WordPress project, from core and design to support and marketing. " "Each of the links will take you to the individual blogs for each team. Be " "sure to check out the sidebar for each team for important information about " "meeting dates, agendas, and priorities." msgstr "" "Saat ini ada 23 grup yang berfokus mendukung berbagai bidang proyek " "WordPress, mulai dari area inti dan desain hingga dukungan dan pemasaran. " "Tiap tautan akan membawa Anda ke blog khusus milik tiap tim. Pastikan untuk " "memeriksa bilah sisi dari tiap tim guna mengetahui informasi penting seperti " "tanggal pertemuan, agenda, dan prioritas." msgid "" "Step 2: Find a MakeWP team to work with" msgstr "" "Langkah 2: Temukan dan bergabung dalam tim MakeWP" msgid "" "This is where over 48,000 contributors chat, share updates, and connect " "while working on the WordPress project." msgstr "" "Dalam tim ini, lebih dari 48.000 kontributor saling berbincang, berbagi " "pembaruan, dan saling terhubung saat mengerjakan proyek WordPress." msgid "" "Step 1: Join the Making WordPress Slack " "community" msgstr "" "Langkah 1: Bergabung dalam komunitas Making " "WordPress Slack" msgid "" "If you’ve never contributed to the WordPress project before (or if you need " "a quick reminder), you’ll want to connect with the Making WordPress " "community and find a team to join before you start:" msgstr "" "Jika belum pernah berkontribusi dalam proyek WordPress (atau perlu " "pengingat), Anda dapat terhubung dengan komunitas Kontributor WordPress dan " "bergabung dalam tim sebelum memulai:" msgid "How and where to contribute" msgstr "Cara dan tempat berkontribusi" msgid "" "Since WordPress is an open source publishing platform, anyone and everyone " "that uses WordPress in some way has a unique opportunity: the " "ability to contribute to and shape the future of the project. Plus: " "WordPress runs over a third of the entire internet (including huge brands " "like TechCrunch, Time Magazine, Rolling Stone, and even Taylor Swift), " "so contributions back to the project are crucial to the ongoing " "success of the project and WordPress community as a whole." msgstr "" "Karena WordPress adalah platform penerbitan open source, semua pengguna " "WordPress memiliki peluang istimewa: kesempatan untuk berkontribusi " "dan menentukan arah perkembangan proyek. Selain itu: WordPress " "menguasai sepertiga bagian dari internet (termasuk merek terkemuka seperti " "TechCrunch, Time Magazine, Rolling Stone, dan bahkan Taylor Swift), " "sehingga kontribusi terhadap sebuah proyek sangat penting bagi " "keberhasilan proyek dan komunitas WordPress secara keseluruhan." msgid "" "Regardless of how you use WordPress in your day-to-day, the commonality that " "ties all of WordPress development together is the reliance on a stable, " "functional, easy-to-use WordPress software." msgstr "" "Terlepas dari cara Anda menggunakan WordPress setiap hari, kesamaan yang " "menyatukan semua pengembangan WordPress adalah ketergantungan pada perangkat " "lunak WordPress yang stabil, fungsional, dan mudah digunakan." msgid "Why is it important?" msgstr "Mengapa ini penting?" msgid "" "If you’ve never contributed to the WordPress project before (or if you have " "in the past but haven’t in a while), this is your sign to get started (or " "started again) today." msgstr "" "Jika belum pernah berkontribusi dalam proyek WordPress (atau jika sudah lama " "tidak berkontribusi), sekaranglah waktunya untuk memulai (atau memulai " "kembali)." msgid "Contributing to
WordPress core" msgstr "Berkontribusi dalam
inti WordPress" msgid "Ready to dive in? Let’s do it:" msgstr "Siap belajar? Mari mulai:" msgid "" "We’ll send you just one of these newsletters each month, and in each " "edition, you can count on helpful links, actionable tips, and updates from " "the WordPress community. Each newsletter will focus on a specific topic, and " "this month’s newsletter is all about contributing to the WordPress " "project." msgstr "" "Kami akan mengirimkan salah satu dari buletin ini tiap bulan, dan di tiap " "edisi, Anda dapat menemukan tautan bermanfaat, tips yang dapat " "ditindaklanjuti, serta pembaruan dari komunitas WordPress. Tiap buletin akan " "berfokus pada topik tertentu, dan buletin bulan ini tentang " "berkontribusi dalam proyek WordPress." msgid "" "Welcome to Dev & Deploy from %s, a newsletter for WordPress " "developers." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di Dev & Deploy dari %s, buletin untuk " "pengembang WordPress." msgid "Hey [%s]!" msgstr "Hai [%s]!" msgid "Issue #1" msgstr "Terbitan #1" msgid "Three steps to becoming a WordPress core contributor…" msgstr "Tiga langkah untuk menjadi kontributor inti WordPress..." msgid "Contributing to WordPress Core [Dev & Deploy from]" msgstr "Berkontribusi dalam Inti WordPress [Dev & Deploy dari]" msgid "Learn more about Agency membership" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang keanggotaan Agensi" msgid "Click the invite link in your email again to join %(targetAgencyName)s." msgstr "" "Klik tautan undangan di e-mail Anda sekali lagi untuk bergabung dengan " "%(targetAgencyName)s." msgid "Join the %(targetAgencyName)s Dashboard" msgstr "Bergabung dengan Dasbor %(targetAgencyName)s" msgid "" "Visit the {{a}}%(currentAgencyName)s{{/a}} dashboard and remove yourself in " "the Team section." msgstr "" "Kunjungi dasbor {{a}}%(currentAgencyName)s{{/a}} dan hapus diri Anda di " "bagian Tim." msgid "Leave the %(currentAgencyName)s Dashboard" msgstr "Tinggalkan Dasbor %(currentAgencyName)s" msgid "How to fix this:" msgstr "Cara memperbaiki:" msgid "" "To join %(targetAgencyName)s, first leave the %(currentAgencyName)s " "dashboard." msgstr "" "Untuk bergabung dengan %(targetAgencyName)s, langkah pertama tinggalkan dulu " "dasbor %(currentAgencyName)s." msgid "You can only join one agency dashboard at a time." msgstr "Anda hanya dapat bergabung dengan satu dasbor agensi dalam satu waktu." msgid "Match me to an agency" msgstr "Temukan agensi yang tepat untuk saya" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "zap" msgstr "zap" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "zeitgeist" msgstr "zeitgeist" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "zen" msgstr "zen" msgctxt "topic of 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msgid "computer" msgstr "komputer" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "clothes" msgstr "pakaian" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "cinema" msgstr "sinema" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "car" msgstr "mobil" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "cheesecake" msgstr "kue keju" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "caribbean" msgstr "karibia" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "college" msgstr "kampus" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "community" msgstr "komunitas" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "cricket" msgstr "kriket" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "cars" msgstr "mobil" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "cat" msgstr "kucing" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "ballet" msgstr "balet" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "beatles" msgstr "beatles" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "branding" msgstr "branding" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "baking" msgstr "tata boga" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "babies" msgstr "bayi" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "biology" msgstr "biologi" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "birds" msgstr "burung" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "blogging" msgstr "blogging" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "beer" msgstr "bir" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "bike" msgstr "sepeda" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "books" msgstr "buku" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "business" msgstr "bisnis" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "budget" msgstr "anggaran" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "baseball" msgstr "bisbol" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "breakfast" msgstr "sarapan" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "basketball" msgstr "bola basket" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "autumn" msgstr "musim gugur" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "astronomy" msgstr "astronomi" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "animal" msgstr "hewan" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "album" msgstr "album" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "advocacy" msgstr "advokasi" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "actor" msgstr "aktor" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "author" msgstr "penulis" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "advertising" msgstr "periklanan" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "advice" msgstr "nasihat" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "architecture" msgstr "arsitektur" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "agriculture" msgstr "pertanian" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "asia" msgstr "asia" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "america" msgstr "amerika" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "africa" msgstr "afrika" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "art" msgstr "seni" msgctxt "topic of interest" msgid "anime" msgstr "anime" msgid "" "Start from scratch, designing your site with patterns, pages, and styles." msgstr "Mulailah dari awal, rancang situs Anda dengan pola, halaman, dan gaya." msgid "Thanks for choosing and welcome to your new home!" msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah memilih dan selamat datang di rumah baru " "Anda!" msgid "" "If you need any help with next steps, like connecting your domain or exploring new features, just let us " "know by replying to this email. We’re here to support you every step " "of the way." msgstr "" "Jika Anda membutuhkan bantuan untuk langkah berikutnya, seperti menghubungkan domain Anda " "atau menjelajahi fitur-fitur " "baru, beri tahu kami dengan membalas email ini. Kami siap " "mendukung setiap langkah Anda." msgid "" "Your site has been moved to and is ready to enjoy all the " "benefits of our platform. You can view your site or manage it directly through your dashboard." msgstr "" "Situs Anda telah dipindahkan ke dan siap menikmati semua " "manfaat platform kami. Anda dapat melihat situs atau mengelolanya secara " "langsung melalui dasbor" msgid "Fantastic news — your site migration is all done!" msgstr "Kabar gembira! Migrasi situs Anda sudah selesai!" msgid "Your site has been moved to" msgstr "Situs Anda telah berpindah ke" msgid "Your migration to is complete!" msgstr "Migrasi Anda ke sudah selesai!" msgid "" "Thanks for choosing We’re excited to have you on board!" msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah memilih Kami senang Anda telah bergabung." msgid "" "If you have any questions or need assistance, just hit reply—we’re " "here to help!" msgstr "" "Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan atau membutuhkan bantuan, kami siap membantu." msgid "View migration status" msgstr "Lihat status migrasi" msgid "" "Our team is working behind the scenes to transfer your site to WordPress." "com. We’ll keep you updated on the progress. During this time, your " "site will remain live and accessible to your visitors. You can check the " "real-time status of your migration at any point by visiting your migration " "dashboard." msgstr "" "Tim kami bekerja di balik layar untuk memindahkan situs Anda ke WordPress." "com. Kami akan terus memperbarui progresnya untuk Anda. Selama migrasi, " "situs Anda akan tetap aktif dan dapat diakses pengunjung. Anda dapat " "memeriksa status real-time migrasi setiap waktu dengan mengunjungi dasbor " "migrasi." msgid "" "Great news! We’ve just kicked off the migration for your site " "%1$s. Get ready for better " "speed, security, and support." msgstr "" "Kabar gembira! Kami baru saja memulai migrasi situs Anda %1$s. Sambutlah layanan yang lebih cepat dan " "aman dengan dukungan yang lebih baik." msgid "We’ve just kicked off the migration for your site." msgstr "Kami baru saja memulai migrasi situs Anda." msgid "Your migration to is underway!" msgstr "Migrasi Anda ke sedang berlangsung!" msgid "" "Thank you for your patience, and we’ll update you as soon as we have " "more information." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah bersabar menanti. Kami akan segera memberi tahu Anda " "setelah kami memiliki informasi terbaru." msgid "" "Don’t worry — we’re on it! Our team is investigating the issue " "and will get things back on track as soon as possible. In the meantime, you " "can reply to this email if you have any questions or need more details." msgstr "" "Tenang saja, kami sedang menanganinya! Tim kami sedang menyelidiki " "masalahnya dan akan memperbaikinya sesegera mungkin. Sementara itu, Anda " "dapat membalas email ini untuk mengajukan pertanyaan atau menanyakan " "informasi lebih lanjut." msgid "It looks like we hit a snag migrating your site to" msgstr "Sepertinya terjadi kendala dalam migrasi situs Anda ke" msgid "There was a problem with your migration to" msgstr "Terjadi masalah dalam migrasi Anda ke" msgid "" "The payment in question is for %1$s. There are no additional fees associated " "with this inquiry, and your WooPayments account will not be affected during " "this process." msgstr "" "Pembayaran yang dimaksud adalah senilai %1$s. Tidak ada biaya tambahan untuk " "permintaan ini, dan akun WooPayments Anda tidak akan terganggu selama proses " "berlangsung." msgid "" "The disputed charge is for %1$s. This amount will be deducted from your " "WooPayments account within a day." msgstr "" "Biaya yang dilaporkan adalah senilai %1$s. Dana dengan nilai tersebut akan " "dipotong dari akun WooPayments Anda dalam waktu satu hari." msgid "← Back to speed test" msgstr "← Kembali ke pengujian kecepatan" msgid "" "We‘ll send you a weekly performance report for {{strong}}%s{{/strong}} so " "you can keep an eye on your site‘s speed. The first email is on it‘s way now." msgstr "" "Kami akan mengirimkan laporan performa mingguan untuk {{strong}}%s{{/" "strong}} agar Anda dapat memantau kecepatan situs Anda. E-mail pertama " "sedang dalam perjalanan sekarang." msgid "You’re all set!" msgstr "Anda sudah siap!" msgid "Enable email reports" msgstr "Aktifkan laporan e-mail" msgid "" "Please try again or contact support if you continue to experience problems." msgstr "" "Mohon coba lagi atau hubungi bantuan jika Anda terus mengalami kendala." msgid "Email reports could not be enabled for %s" msgstr "Laporan e-mail tidak dapat diaktifkan untuk %s" msgid "Enabling email reports for %s" msgstr "Mengaktifkan laporan e-mail untuk %s" msgid "Speed Test weekly reports" msgstr "Laporan mingguan Uji Kecepatan" msgid "" "You can stop receiving performance reports at any time by clicking the " "Unsubscribe link in the email footer." msgstr "" "Anda dapat berhenti menerima laporan performa kapan saja dengan mengeklik " "tautan Berhenti Berlangganan di bagian footer e-mail." msgid "The member has been successfully removed." msgstr "Anggota telah berhasil dihapus." msgid "The invitation has been successfully cancelled." msgstr "Undangan telah berhasil dibatalkan." msgid "Learn more about team member permissions" msgstr "Ketahui lebih lanjut tentang izin anggota tim" msgid "" "Ask the Agency owner to provide you WP-Admin access to this site in order to " "manage its plugins and features." msgstr "" "Mintalah pemilik Agensi untuk memberikan Anda akses WP-Admin ke situs ini " "untuk mengelola plugin dan fitur-fiturnya." msgid "Request WP-Admin access" msgstr "Minta akses WP-Admin" msgid "Browse all agencies" msgstr "Telusuri semua agensi" msgid "Jetpack contains the most recent version of the old “%1$s” plugin." msgstr "Jetpack berisi versi terbaru dari plugin “%1$s” lama." msgid "How your site appears to users while loading." msgstr "Bagaimana situs Anda terlihat oleh pengguna saat dimuat." msgid "Not a fan? Help us improve" msgstr "Tidak suka? Bantu kami meningkatkannya" msgid "Love it? Leave a review ↗" msgstr "Suka? Berikan ulasan ↗" msgid "How do you rate your overall experience with Jetpack Stats?" msgstr "" "Bagaimana Anda menilai keseluruhan pengalaman Anda dengan Jetpack Stats?" msgid "Reminder: Join the %s dashboard" msgstr "Pengingat: Bergabunglah dengan dasbor %s" msgid "" "%1$s is now part of your team on the %2$s Dashboard. You can start managing " "your team members and collaborate on projects." msgstr "" "Kini, %1$s adalah bagian dari tim Anda di Dasbor %2$s. Anda dapat mulai " "mengelola anggota tim Anda dan berkolaborasi dalam berbagai proyek." msgid "%1$s has accepted your invite to the %2$s dashboard" msgstr "%1$s telah menerima undangan Anda ke dasbor %2$s" msgid "%s has accepted your invite" msgstr "%s telah menerima undangan Anda" msgid "WPCOM\\Jetpack_AI\\Feature_Control class not found." msgstr "Kelas WPCOM\\Jetpack_AI\\Feature_Control tidak ditemukan." msgid "Go launch the site" msgstr "Luncurkan situs" msgid "" "They can't access the %s dashboard anymore. Their account is " "still active, but they can't access Automattic for Agencies under this " "agency's account." msgstr "" "Mereka tidak lagi dapat mengakses dasbor %s. Meskipun akun " "masih aktif, mereka tidak dapat mengakses Automattic for Agencies " "menggunakan akun agensi ini." msgid "%1$s has been removed from the %2$s dashboard" msgstr "Akses %1$s ke dasbor %2$s telah dicabut" msgid "Desktop (50%)" msgstr "Desktop (50%)" msgid "" "We do not recommend syncing or pushing data from a staging site to live " "production news sites or sites that use eCommerce plugins, such as " "WooCommerce, without proper planning and testing. Keep in mind that data on " "the destination site could have newer transactions, such as customers and " "orders, and would be lost when overwritten by the staging site’s data." msgstr "" "Kami tidak menyarankan untuk menyinkronkan atau memindahkan data dari situs " "staging ke situs berita produksi aktif atau situs yang menggunakan plugin " "eCommerce, seperti WooCommerce, tanpa perencanaan dan pengujian yang sesuai. " "Harap ingat bahwa data di situs tujuan mungkin memiliki transaksi baru, " "misalnya pelanggan dan pesanan, yang akan hilang jika ditimpa data dari " "situs staging." msgid "WooCommerce Site" msgstr "Situs WooCommerce" msgid "After launch, we'll bill your agency in the next billing cycle." msgstr "" "Setelah peluncuran, kami akan menagih agensi Anda pada siklus penagihan " "berikutnya." msgid "" "Your campaigns are suspended due to exceeding the credit limit. Please " "complete the payments using the provided links to resume your campaigns." msgstr "" "Kampanye Anda ditangguhkan karena melebihi batas kredit. Mohon selesaikan " "pembayaran menggunakan tautan yang disediakan untuk melanjutkan kampanye " "Anda." msgid "" "You can't access the %1$s dashboard anymore. Your account is " "still active, but you can't access Automattic for Agencies under this " "agency's account. If you think this is a mistake, please contact %2$s." msgstr "" "Anda tidak lagi dapat mengakses dasbor %1$s. Meskipun akun " "masih aktif, Anda tidak dapat mengakses Automattic for Agencies menggunakan " "akun agensi ini. Hubungi %2$s jika Anda yakin ini adalah sebuah kesalahan." msgid "You've been removed from the %s dashboard" msgstr "Akses Anda ke dasbor %s telah dicabut" msgid "Add your feedback here" msgstr "Tambahkan feedback Anda di sini" msgid "" "We value your opinion and would love to hear more about your experience. " "Please share any specific thoughts or suggestions you have to improve " "Jetpack Stats." msgstr "" "Kami menghargai pendapat Anda dan ingin mendengar lebih banyak tentang " "pengalaman Anda. Silakan bagikan pemikiran atau saran spesifik yang Anda " "miliki untuk meningkatkan Jetpack Stats." msgid "Help us make Jetpack Stats better" msgstr "Bantu kami membuat Jetpack Stats lebih baik" msgid "Offer Applied" msgstr "Penawaran Diterapkan" msgid "" "Total Blocking Time measures the total amount of time that a page is blocked " "from responding to user input, such as mouse clicks, screen taps, or " "keyboard presses. The best sites have a wait time of less than 200 " "milliseconds." msgstr "" "Total Waktu Pemblokiran adalah total waktu ketika halaman diblok sehingga " "tidak dapat merespons input pengguna, seperti klik mouse, ketuk layar, atau " "tekan keyboard. Waktu tunggu situs-situs terbaik kurang dari 200 milidetik." msgid "Total Blocking Time" msgstr "Total Waktu Pemblokiran" msgid "Redirecting" msgstr "Mengalihkan" msgctxt "site URLs in the plan description" msgid "Site: %(sitesList)s" msgid_plural "Sites: %(sitesList)s" msgstr[0] "Situs: %(sitesList)s" msgstr[1] "Situs: %(sitesList)s" msgid "" "Your two-factor code via SMS can only be requested once per minute. Please " "wait, then request a new code via email to proceed." msgstr "" "Kode dua faktor Anda melalui SMS hanya dapat diminta satu kali per menit. " "Mohon tunggu, lalu minta kode baru melalui e-mail untuk melanjutkan." msgid "Connected subdomain" msgstr "Subdomain yang terhubung" msgid "Your site is not connected to Mailchimp yet." msgstr "Situs Anda belum terhubung ke Mailchimp." msgid "" "We're excited to have you on board. Click the button below to access the " "dashboard and start managing client sites and referrals." msgstr "" "Kami senang Anda mau bergabung. Klik tombol berikut untuk mengakses ke " "dasbor dan mulai mengelola situs klien dan referensi." msgid "You’re invited to join the %s dashboard" msgstr "Anda diundang untuk bergabung ke dasbor %s" msgid "" "We’ve detected activities on your %s that require an upgrade to maintain " "Akismet protection." msgstr "" "Kami menemukan adanya aktivitas di %s Anda yang mengharuskan upgrade Akismet " "agar situs tetap terlindungi." msgid "Action Required: Upgrade Akismet for Continued Protection" msgstr "Tindakan Diperlukan: Upgrade Akismet agar Situs Tetap Terlindungi." msgid "Join our free live webinars." msgstr "Ikuti webinar langsung gratis kami." msgid "Cancel invite" msgstr "Batalkan undangan" msgid "Invalid invite link" msgstr "Tautan undangan tidak valid" msgid "Accepting team invite" msgstr "Menerima undangan tim" msgid "Poor" msgstr "Buruk" msgid "Needs improvement" msgstr "Perlu ditingkatkan" msgid "Optimize your titles for better performance" msgstr "Optimalkan judul Anda untuk performa yang lebih baik" msgid "Generate images with one-click" msgstr "Buat gambar dengan sekali klik" msgid "Make your content easier to read" msgstr "Buat konten Anda lebih mudah dibaca" msgid "Easily refine content to your liking" msgstr "Sempurnakan konten sesuai keinginan Anda dengan lebih mudah" msgid "" "Test mode: use the test account number " "AT611904300234573201. Other payment methods may redirect to " "a Stripe test page to authorize payment. More test card numbers are listed " "here." msgstr "" "Mode pengujian: gunakan nomor akun pengujian " "AT611904300234573201. Metode pembayaran lain mungkin akan " "mengalihkan Anda ke halaman pengujian Stripe untuk mengotorisasi pembayaran. " "Nomor kartu pengujian lainnya tercantum di sini." msgid "" "Test mode: use test card 4242 4242 4242 4242 or refer to our testing guide." msgstr "" "Mode pengujian: gunakan kartu pengujian 4242 4242 " "4242 4242 atau baca panduan pengujian kami." msgid "" "Test mode: use the test account number 000123456. Other payment methods may redirect to a Stripe test page to " "authorize payment. More test card numbers are listed here." msgstr "" "Mode pengujian: gunakan nomor akun pengujian " "000123456. Metode pembayaran lain mungkin akan mengalihkan " "Anda ke halaman pengujian Stripe untuk mengotorisasi pembayaran. Nomor kartu " "pengujian lainnya tercantum di sini." msgid "Your site‘s results are ready" msgstr "Hasil situs Anda sudah siap" msgctxt "Modal title" msgid "Add a New Subscription" msgstr "Tambah Langganan Baru" msgid "Migration" msgstr "Migrasi" msgid "No ads with %(upsellPlanName)s" msgstr "Tidak ada iklan di %(upsellPlanName)s" msgid "A once-monthly roundup of notable news for WordPress developers." msgstr "" "Rangkuman berita penting untuk developer WordPress yang dirilis sebulan " "sekali." msgid "Developer Newsletter" msgstr "Buletin Developer" msgid "" "Success! We’ve imported %1$d out of %2$d of the subscribers you added " "to %3$s. They’ll receive " "an email every time you publish a post." msgstr "" "Berhasil! Kami telah mengimpor %1$d dari %2$d pelanggan yang Anda tambahkan " "ke %3$s. Pelanggan akan menerima " "email tiap kali Anda menerbitkan pos." msgid "" "Once you have fixed all the issues, you can request a new certificate by " "clicking the button below." msgstr "" "Setelah Anda memperbaiki semua masalah, Anda dapat meminta sertifikat baru " "dengan mengeklik tombol di bawah ini." msgid "" "There are one or more problems with your DNS configuration that prevent an " "SSL certificate from being issued:" msgstr "" "Ada satu atau beberapa masalah pada konfigurasi DNS Anda yang mencegah " "penerbitan sertifikat SSL:" msgid "" "Your domain has expired. Renew your domain to issue a new SSL certificate." msgstr "" "Domain Anda telah kedaluwarsa. Perpanjang domain Anda untuk menerbitkan " "sertifikat SSL baru." msgid "" "Your newly registered domain is almost ready! It can take up to 30 minutes " "for the domain to start resolving to your site so we can issue a " "certificate. Please check back soon." msgstr "" "Domain yang baru Anda daftarkan hampir siap! Diperlukan waktu hingga 30 " "menit agar domain dapat mulai tersambung ke situs Anda sehingga kami dapat " "menerbitkan sertifikat. Mohon periksa kembali segera." msgid "An error occurred while fetching SSL certificate details." msgstr "Terjadi eror saat mengambil detail sertifikat SSL." msgid "New certificate requested" msgstr "Sertifikat baru diminta" msgid "Cartes Bancaires" msgstr "Cartes Bancaires" msgid "Form and input blocks" msgstr "Blok formulir dan input" msgid "Live Collaboration and offline persistence" msgstr "Kolaborasi Langsung dan keberlanjutan offline" msgid "Plugin that registered the template." msgstr "Plugin yang mendaftarkan templat." msgid "Template \"%s\" is not registered." msgstr "Templat \"%s\" belum terdaftar." msgid "Template \"%s\" is already registered." msgstr "Templat \"%s\" telah terdaftar." msgid "" "Template names must contain a namespace prefix. Example: my-plugin//my-" "custom-template" msgstr "" "Nama templat harus mengandung awalan namespace. Contoh: my-plugin//my-custom-" "template" msgid "Template names must not contain uppercase characters." msgstr "Nama templat tidak boleh mengandung huruf kapital." msgid "Template names must be strings." msgstr "Nama templat harus berupa string." msgid "Next partner →" msgstr "Mitra berikutnya →" msgid "Zhuang" msgstr "Zhuang" msgid "Walloon" msgstr "Walonia" msgid "Venetian" msgstr "Venesia" msgid "Udmurt" msgstr "Udmurt" msgid "Traditional Chinese" msgstr "Aksara Han Tradisional" msgid "Tigrinya" msgstr "Tigrinya" msgid "Tibetan" msgstr "Tibet" msgid "Tahitian" msgstr "Tahiti" msgid "Swiss High German" msgstr "Jerman Tinggi Swiss" msgid "Singaporean Chinese" msgstr "Mandarin Singapura" msgid "Simplified Chinese" msgstr "Aksara Han Sederhana" msgid "Sichuan Yi" msgstr "Sichuan Yi" msgid "Serbian (Latin script)" msgstr "Serbia (aksara Latin)" msgid "Sardinian" msgstr "Sardinia" msgid "Saraiki" msgstr "Saraiki" msgid "Quechua" msgstr "Quechua" msgid "Polytonic Greek" msgstr "Yunani Politonik" msgid "Ossetian" msgstr "Ossetia" msgid "Old Norse" msgstr "Nordik Kuno" msgid "Occitan" msgstr "Oksitan" msgid "Neapolitan" msgstr "Neapolitan" msgid "Navajo" msgstr "Navajo" msgid "Nahuatl" msgstr "Nahuatl" msgid "Mirandese" msgstr "Miranda" msgid "Mexican Spanish" msgstr "Spanyol Meksiko" msgid "Low German" msgstr "Jerman Rendah" msgid "Limburgish" msgstr "Limburg" msgid "Komi" msgstr "Komi" msgid "Kashubian" msgstr "Kasubia" msgid "Kashmiri" msgstr "Kashmir" msgid "Kalmyk" msgstr "Kalmyk" msgid "Kabyle" msgstr "Kabyle" msgid "Iloko" msgstr "Iloko" msgid "Interlingua" msgstr "Interlingua" msgid "Hong Kong Chinese" msgstr "Mandarin Hong Kong" msgid "Guarani" msgstr "Guarani" msgid "Friulian" msgstr "Friuli" msgid "French (Switzerland)" msgstr "Prancis (Swiss)" msgid "French (Belgium)" msgstr "Prancis (Belgia)" msgid "Formal German" msgstr "Jerman Formal" msgid "Formal Dutch" msgstr "Belanda Formal" msgid "Faroese" msgstr "Faroe" msgid "Dzongkha" msgstr "Dzongkha" msgid "Dhivehi" msgstr "Divehi" msgid "Chuvash" msgstr "Chuvash" msgid "Chilean Spanish" msgstr "Spanyol Chile" msgid "Chechen" msgstr "Chechnya" msgid "Central Kurdish" msgstr "Kurdi Tengah" msgid "Breton" msgstr "Breton" msgid "Bambara" msgstr "Bambara" msgid "Bashkir" msgstr "Bashkir" msgid "Aymara" msgstr "Aymara" msgid "Avaric" msgstr "Avar" msgid "Asturian" msgstr "Asturia" msgid "Assamese" msgstr "Assam" msgid "Aromanian" msgstr "Aromania" msgid "Aramaic" msgstr "Aram" msgid "Aragonese" msgstr "Aragon" msgid "Alemannic" msgstr "Alemannik" msgid "São Tomé and Príncipe" msgstr "São Tomé dan Príncipe" msgid "Invite pending" msgstr "Undangan tertunda" msgid "Invite expired" msgstr "Undangan kedaluwarsa" msgid "Team member" msgstr "Anggota tim" msgid "Agency owner" msgstr "Pemilik agensi" msgid "" "This will allow %s to view your user information data such as username, " "name, email, blog, and avatar." msgstr "" "Hal ini akan memungkinkan %s untuk melihat data informasi pengguna Anda, " "seperti nama pengguna, nama, email, blog, dan avatar." msgid "" "Basic Markdown syntax is supported. {{a}}Learn more about Markdown.{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Sintaks Markdown dasar didukung. {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang Markdown." "{{/a}}" msgid "last %1$d %2$s" msgid_plural "last %1$d %2$ss" msgstr[0] "%1$d %2$s terakhir" msgstr[1] "%1$d %2$s terakhir" msgid "Invalid input, please check again" msgstr "Input tidak valid, mohon periksa lagi" msgid "An error occurred while saving credentials." msgstr "Terjadi eror saat menyimpan kredensial." msgid "Enter a valid password." msgstr "Masukkan kata sandi yang valid." msgid "Enter a valid username." msgstr "Masukkan nama pengguna yang valid." msgid "Enter a valid URL." msgstr "Masukkan URL yang valid." msgid "advertising" msgstr "periklanan" msgid "business tools" msgstr "perangkat bisnis" msgid "social share" msgstr "berbagi di media sosial" msgid "manage sites" msgstr "kelola situs" msgid "tags" msgstr "tag" msgid "discover blogs" msgstr "jelajahi blog" msgid "reader list" msgstr "daftar pembaca" msgid "manage subscriptions" msgstr "kelola langganan" msgid "conversations" msgstr "percakapan" msgid "my sites" msgstr "situs saya" msgid "debug bar extender" msgstr "debug bar extender" msgid "crowdsignal" msgstr "crowdsignal" msgid "site spam" msgstr "spam situs" msgid "feedback form" msgstr "formulir feedback" msgid "testimonials" msgstr "testimoni" msgid "media settings" msgstr "pengaturan media" msgid "hosting configuration" msgstr "konfigurasi hosting" msgid "podcasting" msgstr "podcasting" msgid "post tag" msgstr "tag pos" msgid "site categories" msgstr "kategori situs" msgid "performance settings" msgstr "pengaturan performa" msgid "wordpress apps" msgstr "aplikasi wordpress" msgid "privacy" msgstr "privasi" msgid "manage emails" msgstr "kelola e-mail" msgid "upgrade plan" msgstr "tingkatkan paket" msgid "plugins" msgstr "plugin" msgid "manage plugins" msgstr "kelola plugin" msgid "add-ons" msgstr "add-on" msgid "" "On %(purchaseRenewalDate)s, your site will return to its original settings " "and theme right before the first plugin or custom theme was installed." msgstr "" "Pada %(purchaseRenewalDate)s, situs Anda akan kembali ke pengaturan dan tema " "standar sebelum plugin atau tema khusus Anda pertama diinstal." msgid "" "Any themes/plugins you have installed on the site will be removed on " "%(purchaseRenewalDate)s, along with their data." msgstr "" "Tema/plugin apa pun yang Anda instal di situs Anda akan dihapus pada " "%(purchaseRenewalDate)s, beserta datanya." msgid "" "If you cancel your plan, when your plan expires on " "{{strong}}%(purchaseRenewalDate)s{{/strong}}, we will set your site to " "private and revert it to the point when you installed your first plugin or " "custom theme, or activated hosting features on " "{{strong}}%(atomicTransferDate)s{{/strong}}. All of your posts, pages, and " "media will be preserved, except for content generated by plugins or custom " "themes. {{moreInfoTooltip/}}" msgstr "" "Jika Anda membatalkan paket Anda, saat berakhir pada " "{{strong}}%(purchaseRenewalDate)s{{/strong}}, kami akan mengubah situs Anda " "menjadi personal dan mengembalikannya ke kondisi saat Anda memasang plugin " "atau tema khusus pertama Anda, atau mengaktifkan fitur hosting pada " "{{strong}}%(atomicTransferDate)s{{/strong}}. Semua pos, halaman, dan media " "Anda akan tetap ada, kecuali konten yang dibuat dengan plugin atau tema " "khusus. {{moreInfoTooltip/}}" msgid "Hosted on" msgstr "Dihosting di" msgid "I want to migrate my entire site" msgstr "Saya ingin memigrasikan seluruh situs saya" msgid "Create a site now →" msgstr "Buat situs sekarang →" msgid "Manage which sites appear when people visit your Gravatar profile." msgstr "" "Kelola situs mana yang muncul saat orang mengunjungi profil Gravatar Anda." msgid "* Indicates a required field" msgstr "* Menunjukkan kolom yang wajib diisi" msgid "" "Optional: Include a custom message to provide more context to your team " "member." msgstr "" "Opsional: Cantumkan pesan khusus untuk memberikan lebih banyak konteks " "kepada anggota tim Anda." msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Email or Username" msgstr "E-mail atau Nama Pengguna" msgid "Team member information" msgstr "Informasi anggota tim" msgid "Invite team members to manage client sites and purchases." msgstr "Undang anggota tim untuk mengelola situs dan pembelian klien" msgid "Invite a team member." msgstr "Undang anggota tim." msgid "Please enter a valid email or username." msgstr "Mohon masukkan e-mail yang valid atau nama pengguna" msgid "Team members Knowledge Base article" msgstr "Artikel Basis Pengetahuan untuk anggota tim?" msgid "Learn more about team members" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang anggota tim" msgid "Remove other users." msgstr "Hapus pengguna lainnya." msgid "Cancel or revoke licenses and plans." msgstr "Batalkan atau cabut lisensi dan paket." msgid "Remove payment methods." msgstr "Hapus metode pembayaran." msgid "Delete sites from the dashboard." msgstr "Hapus situs dari dasbor." msgid "" "Team members get almost the same permissions as admins, but they can't do " "things like:" msgstr "" "Anggota tim mendapatkan izin yang hampir sama dengan admin, namun mereka " "tidak dapat melakukan hal-hal seperti:" msgid "" "You can invite team members to manage sites and referrals for your clients." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengundang anggota tim untuk mengelola situs dan referral untuk " "klien Anda." msgid "Invite team members to help manage your clients' sites." msgstr "Undang anggota tim untuk membantu mengelola situs klien Anda." msgid "Invite a team member" msgstr "Undang anggota tim" msgid "Learn about" msgstr "Pelajari tentang" msgid "Discover the features available on" msgstr "Temukan fitur-fitur yang ada di" msgid "Explore features" msgstr "Jelajahi fitur" msgid "" "You'll get an update on the progress of your migration within 2–3 business " "days." msgstr "" "Anda akan mendapatkan informasi terbaru mengenai progres migrasi Anda dalam " "2-3 hari kerja." msgid "" "We'll bring over a copy of your site, without affecting the current live " "version." msgstr "" "Kami akan mengambil salinan situs Anda, tanpa memengaruhi versi live saat " "ini." msgid "Sign up for email reports" msgstr "Daftar untuk mengakses laporan e-mail" msgid "All you need is a free account to get started." msgstr "Yang Anda perlukan hanyalah akun gratis untuk memulai." msgid "" "Monitor your site‘s key performance metrics with a free report delivered to " "your inbox each week." msgstr "" "Pantau metrik kinerja utama situs Anda dengan laporan gratis yang dikirimkan " "ke inbox Anda setiap minggu." msgid "Refer to client" msgstr "Arahkan ke klien" msgid "Error with theme {{strong}}%(themeName)s{{/strong}}: %(themeError)s" msgstr "Eror pada tema {{strong}}%(themeName)s{{/strong}}: %(themeError)s" msgid "We'll take it from here!" msgstr "Kami akan mengerjakannya dari sini!" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to view your user profile on this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan melihat profil pengguna di situs ini." msgid "Failed to create a test-drive account." msgstr "Gagal membuat akun uji coba" msgid "Account onboarding failure." msgstr "Kegagalan penyiapan akun." msgid "" "{{b}}Important:{{/b}} Your referral order link is only valid for {{u}}12 " "hours{{/u}}. Please notify your client to complete the payment within this " "timeframe to avoid expiration." msgstr "" "{{b}}Penting:{{/b}} Tautan pesanan referral Anda hanya berlaku selama {{u}}" "12 jam{{/u}}. Mohon beri tahu klien Anda untuk menyelesaikan pembayaran " "dalam jangka waktu ini untuk menghindari kedaluwarsa." msgid "" "People on the Fediverse (such as on Mastodon) can follow your site using " "this identifier:" msgstr "" "Orang-orang di Fediverse (seperti di Mastodon) dapat mengikuti situs Anda " "dengan menggunakan tanda pengenal ini:" msgid "" " automatically optimizes images and delivers them using a " "Global CDN to ensure they load lightning fast." msgstr "" " secara otomatis mengoptimalkan gambar dan mengirimkannya " "menggunakan CDN Global untuk memastikan gambar dimuat dengan cepat." msgid "ms" msgstr "md" msgid "SSL" msgstr "SSL" msgid "Image showing connecting sections of the web world" msgstr "" "Gambar yang menunjukkan menghubungkan bagian-bagian dunia web" msgid "Unlimited bandwidth, visitors, and traffic" msgstr "Bandwidth, pengunjung, dan traffic tanpa batas" msgid "" "Get {{span}}50% off our Business plan{{/span}} for an entire year when you " "migrate your site." msgstr "" "Dapatkan {{span}}diskon 50% dari paket Bisnis kami{{/span}} selama satu " "tahun penuh saat Anda memigrasikan situs Anda." msgid "" "Managed WordPress hosting designed for scalable, lightning-fast speed " "anywhere in the world, whatever you throw at it." msgstr "" "Hosting WordPress terkelola yang dirancang untuk kecepatan yang dapat " "ditingkatkan skalanya dan diakses secepat kilat di mana pun di seluruh " "dunia, apa pun yang Anda lakukan." msgid "Scale without Limits, Perform without Compromise" msgstr "Skala tanpa Batas, Performa tanpa Kompromi" msgid " Hosting" msgstr " Hosting" msgid "Tested on %(date)s" msgstr "Diuji pada %(date)s" msgid "Learn more about the Chrome UX Report ↗" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang Chrome UX Report ↗" msgid "" "The historical performance data and metrics presented in this site are " "sourced from the Google Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX) dataset, which " "reflects real-world user experiences and interactions with your site. " "Realtime data is provided by PageSpeed Insights. This data helps us provide " "actionable recommendations to improve your site‘s performance.{{br}}{{/br}}" "{{br}}{{/br}}While we strive to provide accurate and helpful insights, " "please note that performance improvements are dependent on various factors, " "including your current setup and specific use case. Our recommendations aim " "to guide you towards potential enhancements, but results may vary." msgstr "" "Data dan metrik performa historis yang disajikan di situs ini bersumber dari " "kumpulan data Google Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX), yang mencerminkan " "pengalaman dan interaksi pengguna yang sebenarnya dengan situs Anda. Data " "realtime disediakan oleh PageSpeed Insights. Data ini membantu kami " "memberikan rekomendasi yang dapat ditindaklanjuti untuk meningkatkan " "performa situs Anda.{{br}}{{/br}}{{br}}{{/br}} Meskipun kami berusaha untuk " "memberikan wawasan yang akurat dan bermanfaat, harap diperhatikan bahwa " "peningkatan performa bergantung pada berbagai faktor, termasuk pengaturan " "saat ini dan cara penggunaan tertentu. Rekomendasi kami bertujuan untuk " "memandu Anda memperoleh peningkatan yang potensial, tetapi hasilnya dapat " "bervariasi." msgid "Please enter your WordPress admin password." msgstr "Mohon masukkan kata sandi admin WordPress Anda." msgid "Please enter your WordPress admin username." msgstr "Mohon masukkan nama pengguna admin WordPress Anda." msgid "Please enter your WordPress site address." msgstr "Mohon masukkan alamat situs WordPress Anda." msgid "Welcome to Blaze Ads" msgstr "Selamat datang di Blaze Ads" msgid "Screenshot unavailable" msgstr "Screenshot tidak tersedia" msgid "Website thumbnail" msgstr "Thumbnail situs web" msgid "Blaze Ads" msgstr "Blaze Ads" msgid "Upgrade your plan to migrate your site" msgstr "Upgrade paket Anda untuk memindahkan situs Anda" msgid "I want to import my content only" msgstr "Saya ingin mengimpor konten saja" msgid "Here’s the plan you need" msgstr "Inilah paket yang Anda butuhkan" msgid "Testing your site‘s speed" msgstr "Menguji kecepatan situs Anda..." msgid "" "Tap into our lightning-fast infrastructure—from a 28+ location global CDN to " "hundreds of WordPress optimizations, your site will be faster, smoother, and " "ready to take on anything." msgstr "" "Manfaatkan infrastruktur secepat kilat kami—dari 28+ lokasi CDN global " "hingga ratusan metode pengoptimalan WordPress, situs Anda akan lebih cepat, " "lancar, dan siap menghadapi apa pun." msgid "—Feel the Difference" msgstr "—Rasakan Perbedaannya" msgid "" "Bring your site to for free in minutes, not hours, with our " "intuitive migration tools—backed by 24/7 support from our WordPress experts." msgstr "" "Bawa situs Anda ke secara gratis dalam hitungan menit, bukan " "jam, dengan alat bantu migrasi intuitif kami-didukung oleh layanan bantuan " "setiap saat (24/7) dari tim pakar WordPress kami." msgid "Fast, Free, Unlimited Migrations" msgstr "Migrasi Cepat, Gratis, dan Tanpa Batas" msgid "" "British food brand COOK increased conversions by 7% after reducing page load " "time by 0.85 seconds." msgstr "" "COOK (brand makanan Inggris) meningkatkan konversi sebesar 7% setelah " "mengurangi waktu muat halaman sebesar 0,85 detik." msgid "" " hosting comes with unlimited bandwidth, visitors, and traffic " "so you‘ll never be surprised by extra fees." msgstr "" "Hosting menyediakan bandwidth, pengunjung, dan traffic tak " "terbatas, sehingga Anda tidak akan kaget dengan biaya tambahan." msgid "" "Walmart found that for every one second improvement in page load time they " "achieved, conversions increased by 2%." msgstr "" "Walmart menemukan bahwa untuk setiap peningkatan satu detik dalam waktu muat " "halaman yang mereka capai, konversi meningkat sebesar 2%." msgid "Performance Matters" msgstr "Performa Itu Penting" msgid "Finalizing your results" msgstr "Menyelesaikan hasil untuk Anda" msgid "Identifying performance improvements" msgstr "Mengidentifikasi peningkatan performa" msgid "Fetching historic data" msgstr "Mengambil data historis" msgid "Taking screenshots" msgstr "Mengambil screenshot" msgid "Measuring Core Web Vitals" msgstr "Mengukur Core Web Vitals" msgid "Loading your site" msgstr "Memuat situs Anda" msgid "Manage all Pressable sites" msgstr "Kelola semua situs Pressable" msgid "" "If you continue to revoke, you will lose access to all of your Pressable " "sites. Are you sure you want to proceed?" msgstr "" "Jika Anda terus mencabut, Anda akan kehilangan akses ke semua situs " "Pressable Anda. Apakah Anda yakin ingin melanjutkan?" msgid "Are you sure you want to revoke your Pressable plan?" msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin membatalkan paket Pressable Anda?" msgid "" "Importing your existing WordPress site couldn’t be simpler, thanks to our " "free migrations tool. Ready to make the switch? Start your free migration: " msgstr "" "Mengimpor situs WordPress Anda yang sudah ada tidak bisa lebih mudah, " "kecuali dengan bantuan alat migrasi gratis kami. Siap untuk pindah ke sini? " "Mulai migrasi gratis Anda:" msgid "" "Importing your existing WordPress site couldn’t be simpler, thanks to our " "free migrations tool. Ready to make the switch? Start your free migration." msgstr "" "Mengimpor situs WordPress Anda yang sudah ada tidak bisa lebih mudah, " "kecuali dengan bantuan alat migrasi gratis kami. Siap untuk pindah ke sini? " "Mulai migrasi gratis Anda." msgid "Already have a site? Bring it over to, free of charge." msgstr "Udah punya situs? Bawa ke, gratis." msgid "Take the %s plan to check out." msgstr "Bawa paket %s sampai ke checkout" msgid "Lower transaction fees" msgstr "Biaya transaksi yang lebih rendah" msgid "Access all premium themes" msgstr "Akses semua tema premium" msgid "Fast expert support" msgstr "Bantuan ahli yang cepat" msgid "Lower transaction fees when you sell from your site" msgstr "Biaya transaksi yang lebih rendah saat Anda berjualan dari situs Anda" msgid "Beautiful premium themes" msgstr "Tema premium yang menawan" msgid "100% ad-free experience" msgstr "Pengalaman bebas iklan 100%" msgid "Custom web address (free for a year)" msgstr "Alamat web khusus (gratis selama setahun)" msgid "Integration with shipping carriers" msgstr "Integrasi dengan penyedia jasa pengiriman" msgid "Store design tools" msgstr "Alat desain toko" msgid "GitHub integration" msgstr "Integrasi GitHub" msgid "Realtime backups with 1-click restores" msgstr "Pencadangan real-time dengan pemulihan 1 kali klik" msgid "0-2% transaction fees" msgstr "Biaya transaksi 0-2%" msgid "Unlimited bandwidth and visitors" msgstr "Bandwidth dan pengunjung tak terbatas" msgid "24/7 Priority Support" msgstr "Dukungan Prioritas 24/7" msgid "Complete your purchase of the %s plan." msgstr "Selesaikan pembelian paket %s" msgid "Easy-to-remember URL" msgstr "URL yang mudah diingat" msgid "Ability to add a matching email address" msgstr "Kemampuan untuk menambahkan alamat e-mail yang sesuai" msgid "Trust-building SSL certificate" msgstr "Sertifikat SSL untuk membangun kepercayaan" msgid "Without a custom domain" msgstr "Tanpa domain khusus" msgid "%1$s (instead of %2$s)" msgstr "%1$s (bukan %2$s)" msgid "Ready in 4 business days" msgstr "Siap dalam 4 hari kerja" msgid "5 custom pages" msgstr "5 halaman khusus" msgid "Ready to go from day one" msgstr "Siap digunakan di hari pertama" msgid "We do it for you" msgstr "Kami mengerjakannya untuk Anda" msgid "Do it yourself" msgstr "Kerjakan sendiri" msgid "Finish checking out and make that site idea a reality" msgstr "Selesaikan proses checkout dan wujudkan situs impian menjadi kenyataan" msgid "You’re this close to a site unlike any other" msgstr "Anda akan segera memiliki situs yang tidak seperti yang lain" msgid "Everything you’ll get to take your site further" msgstr "Semua yang Anda akan dapatkan untuk menjadikan situs Anda makin hebat" msgid "Here’s what makes the %s plan so different" msgstr "Berikut hal-hal yang membuat paket %s sangat berbeda" msgid "You’re a few clicks away from an unforgettable website" msgstr "" "Cuma tinggal beberapa kali klik untuk mewujudkan situs yang selalu diingat" msgid "This is how you set your site apart from the rest" msgstr "Inilah cara situs Anda tampil beda dari situs yang lainnya" msgid "You could be the proud owner of a unique site by now" msgstr "Anda bisa menjadi pemilik situs unik yang membanggakan sekarang" msgid "You’re a few clicks away from launching an unmistakable website" msgstr "" "Anda hanya perlu beberapa klik saja untuk meluncurkan situs web yang sempurna" msgid "Now’s the time to make your new site happen" msgstr "Sekarang saatnya mewujudkan situs baru Anda" msgid "%1$s and %2$s plans" msgstr "Paket %1$s dan %2$s" msgid "You’re almost there—we saved your cart" msgstr "Anda hampir selesai—kami sudah menyimpan keranjang Anda" msgid "Don’t miss out on everything the %s plan offers!" msgstr "Jangan lewatkan semua yang ditawarkan paket %s!" msgid "That custom domain’s yours—claim it" msgstr "Domain khusus milik Anda—klaim sekarang" msgid "Free plan" msgstr "Paket gratis" msgid "We saved your cart to get you started faster" msgstr "Kami menyimpan keranjang Anda agar Anda dapat memulai lebih cepat" msgid "You’re so close to launching that website!" msgstr "Anda sudah hampir siap meluncurkan situs!" msgid "Lower tier plans" msgstr "Paket tingkat yang lebih rendah" msgid "There are two ways to get your site migrated." msgstr "Ada dua cara untuk memigrasikan situs Anda." msgid "" "Just drop your site's URL below and our team will review and start your " "migration." msgstr "" "Cukup masukkan URL situs Anda di bawah ini dan tim kami akan meninjau dan " "memulai mengerjakan migrasi situs Anda." msgid "" "Time to First Byte reflects the time taken for a user‘s browser to receive " "the first byte of data from the server after making a request. The best " "sites load around 800 milliseconds or less." msgstr "" "Time to First Byte menunjukkan waktu yang diperlukan browser pengguna untuk " "menerima byte pertama data dari server setelah mengajukan permintaan. Situs-" "situs terbaik memuat dalam waktu sekitar 800 milidetik atau lebih cepat." msgid "" "Interaction to Next Paint measures the overall responsiveness of a webpage " "by evaluating how quickly it reacts to user interactions. A good score is " "200 milliseconds or less, indicating that the page responds swiftly to user " "inputs." msgstr "" "Interaction to Next Paint adalah ukuran responsivitas halaman web secara " "keseluruhan yang diperoleh dengan menilai seberapa cepat reaksinya terhadap " "interaksi pengguna. Nilai yang baik adalah 200 milidetik atau lebih cepat. " "Artinya, halaman merespons input pengguna secara cepat." msgid "" "Cumulative Layout Shift is assessed by measuring how often content moves " "unexpectedly during loading. The best sites have a score of 0.1 or lower." msgstr "" "Cumulative Layout Shift dinilai dengan mengukur seberapa sering konten " "beralih tiba-tiba selama pemuatan. Situs-situs terbaik memiliki skor 0,1 " "atau lebih rendah." msgid "" "Largest Contentful Paint measures the time it takes for the largest visible " "element (like an image or text block) on a page to load. The best sites load " "in under 2.5 seconds." msgstr "" "Largest Contentful Paint mengukur waktu yang diperlukan untuk memuat elemen " "terbesar yang dapat dilihat (seperti blok teks atau gambar) di halaman. " "Situs-situs terbaik memuat dalam waktu kurang dari 2,5 detik." msgid "Your site‘s Largest Contentful Paint needs improvement" msgstr "Largest Contentful Paint situs Anda perlu ditingkatkan" msgid "Your site‘s Largest Contentful Paint is excellent" msgstr "Largest Contentful Paint situs Anda sangat baik" msgid "" "First Contentful Paint reflects the time it takes to display the first text " "or image to visitors. The best sites load in under 1.8 seconds." msgstr "" "First Contentful Paint menunjukkan waktu yang diperlukan untuk menampilkan " "teks atau gambar pertama di hadapan pengunjung. Situs-situs terbaik memuat " "dalam waktu kurang dari 1,8 detik." msgid "" "The performance score is a combined representation of your site‘s individual " "speed metrics. {{link}}See calculator ↗{{/link}}" msgstr "" "Skor kinerja adalah representasi gabungan dari metrik kecepatan tiap situs " "Anda. {{link}}Lihat kalkulator ↗{{/link}}" msgid "Performance Score" msgstr "Skor Performa" msgid "Test another site" msgstr "Uji situs lainnya" msgid "" "Please share the following details to access your site and start your " "migration." msgstr "" "Mohon bagikan detail berikut untuk mengakses situs Anda dan memulai migrasi " "Anda." msgid "Skip, I need help providing access" msgstr "Lewati, saya butuh bantuan untuk memberikan akses" msgid "" "Share any other details that will help us access your site for the migration." msgstr "" "Bagikan detail lainnya yang akan membantu kami dalam mengakses situs Anda " "untuk migrasi." msgid "" "Upload your file to a service like Dropbox or Google Drive to get a link. " "Don't forget to make sure that anyone with the link can access it." msgstr "" "Unggah file Anda ke layanan seperti Dropbox atau Google Drive untuk " "mendapatkan tautan. Jangan lupa untuk memastikan bahwa siapa pun yang " "memiliki tautan tersebut dapat mengaksesnya." msgid "Enter your backup file location" msgstr "Masukkan lokasi file cadangan Anda" msgid "Backup file location" msgstr "Lokasi file cadangan" msgid "WordPress admin username" msgstr "Nama pengguna admin WordPress" msgid "Enter your WordPress site address." msgstr "Masukkan alamat situs WordPress Anda." msgid "Backup file" msgstr "File cadangan" msgid "WordPress credentials" msgstr "Kredensial WordPress" msgid "How can we access your site?" msgstr "Bagaimana kami dapat mengakses situs Anda?" msgid "Prepare for launch" msgstr "Siapkan untuk peluncuran" msgid "" "Thanks for your purchase! Below you can view and manage your new " "{{strong}}%(productName)s{{/strong}}" msgstr "" "Terima kasih atas pembelian Anda! Di bawah ini Anda dapat melihat dan " "mengelola {{strong}}%(productName)s{{/strong}} baru Anda" msgid "Add UI to create and update block bindings in block inspector controls." msgstr "" "Tambahkan UI untuk membuat dan memperbarui penyambung blok di kontrol " "pemeriksa blok." msgid "UI to create block bindings" msgstr "UI untuk membuat penyambung blok" msgid "" "Enable experimental blocks.

(Warning: these blocks " "may have significant changes during development that cause validation errors " "and display issues.)

" msgstr "" "Aktifkan blok eksperimental.

(Peringatan: semua blok " "ini bisa berdampak signifikan selama pengembangan yang menyebabkan error " "validasi dan masalah tampilan.)

" msgid "Experimental blocks" msgstr "Blok eksperimental" msgid "" "You'll be charged on the first of every month, starting on %s, until you " "cancel your subscription. %sLearn more about billing and payments here%s." msgstr "" "Biaya akan ditagihkan pada tanggal 1 setiap bulan, mulai dari %s, hingga " "Anda membatalkan langganan. %sPelajari selengkapnya tentang penagihan dan " "pembayaran di sini%s." msgid "You're all set! Enjoy your new subscriptions:" msgstr "Semuanya telah siap! Nikmati langganan baru:" msgid "Learn more about referrals and commission payouts" msgstr "Pelajari selengkapnya tentang bagi hasil referensi dan komisi" msgid "Manage your client's licenses" msgstr "Kelola lisensi klien Anda" msgid "" "Manage and assign your client's licenses in the Automattic for Agencies " "dashboard." msgstr "" "Kelola dan berikan lisensi klien Anda di dasbor Automattic for Agencies." msgid "Next steps for you" msgstr "Langkah Anda selanjutnya" msgid "Your estimated commission" msgstr "Estimasi komisi Anda" msgid "They now have these subscriptions active:" msgstr "Kini, klien memiliki langganan aktif:" msgid "Your client (%s) is all set!" msgstr "Semua pengaturan (%s) klien telah selesai!" msgid "Thanks for your purchase" msgstr "Terima kasih atas pembelian Anda" msgid "Your client made a purchase" msgstr "Klien Anda melakukan pembelian" msgid "Your Automattic for Agencies licenses have been revoked" msgstr "Lisensi Automattic for Agencies Anda telah dicabut" msgid "Day 14 reminder: Your Automattic for Agencies invoice is overdue" msgstr "" "Pengingat hari ke-14: Faktur Automattic for Agencies Anda telah lewat jatuh " "tempo" msgid "%s made a purchase" msgstr "%s melakukan pembelian" msgid "{{link}}Launch your site{{/link}} to enter the fediverse!" msgstr "{{link}}Luncurkan situs Anda{{/link}} untuk masuk ke fediverse!" msgctxt "custom addon price in order" msgid " (%1$s)" msgstr " (%1$s)" msgctxt "addon price in order" msgid " (%1$s)" msgstr " (%1$s)" msgctxt "flat fee addon price in order" msgid " (+ %1$s)" msgstr " (+ %1$s)" msgctxt "percentage based addon price in cart" msgid " (%1$s)" msgstr " (%1$s)" msgctxt "quantity based addon price in cart" msgid " (%1$s)" msgstr " (%1$s)" msgctxt "flat fee addon price in cart" msgid " (+ %1$s)" msgstr " (+ %1$s)" msgctxt "custom price addon price in cart" msgid " (%1$s)" msgstr " (%1$s)" msgid "Invalid token: cookie and session customer mismatch" msgstr "Token tidak valid: cookie dan sesi pelanggan tidak cocok" msgid "" "Another account setup session is already in progress. Please finish it or " "%1$sclick here to start again%2$s." msgstr "" "Sesi penyiapan akun lain sedang berjalan. Harap selesaikan dahulu atau " "%1$sklik di sini untuk mulai baru%2$s." msgid "There was a problem connecting your store to \"%s\"" msgstr "Terjadi masalah saat menghubungkan toko Anda ke \"%s\"" msgid "Please complete your %1$s setup to process transactions." msgstr "Harap selesaikan penyiapan %1$s Anda untuk memproses transaksi." msgid "Product icon" msgstr "Ikon produk" msgid "One-year cost" msgstr "Biaya satu tahun" msgctxt "project duration" msgid "Timeline" msgstr "Linimasa" msgid "" "Please note that your custom domain is connected to this plan but it renews " "separately. If the domain renewal fails, you will receive a separate email " "with instructions to manage the renewal." msgstr "" "Ingat bahwa domain kustom Anda terhubung dengan paket ini, tetapi " "diperpanjang secara terpisah. Jika perpanjangan domain gagal, Anda akan " "menerima email terpisah yang berisi petunjuk untuk mengurus perpanjangan." msgid "" "Update your payment information to renew your plan and keep your site " "running without issues." msgstr "" "Perbarui informasi pembayaran untuk memperpanjang paket dan jalankan " "situs Anda tanpa masalah." msgid "" "When a plan expires, the site’s content may not appear as intended, and you " "won’t be able to use the following features:" msgstr "" "Jika paket kedaluwarsa, konten situs mungkin tidak akan ditampilkan dengan " "semestinya dan fitur-fitur berikut tidak dapat digunakan:" msgid "We have attempted to renew your %1$s plan one last time." msgstr "" "Kami telah berupaya memperpanjang paket %1$s Anda untuk terakhir kalinya." msgid "" "We have attempted to renew your %1$s plan and your domain %2$s one last time." msgstr "" "Kami telah berupaya memperpanjang paket %1$s dan domain %2$s Anda untuk " "terakhir kalinya." msgid "" "We have attempted to renew your %1$s plan and your domain %2$s for %3$s one " "last time." msgstr "" "Kami telah berupaya memperpanjang paket %1$s dan domain %2$s Anda untuk " "terakhir kalinya%3$s." msgid "" "A problem with the renewal of your %1$s plan for %2$s still needs to be " "resolved." msgstr "" "Masalah perpanjangan paket %1$s Anda untuk %2$s masih perlu diselesaikan." msgid "" "A problem with the renewal of your %1$s plan and your domain %2$s still " "needs to be resolved." msgstr "" "Masalah perpanjangan paket %1$s dan domain %2$s Anda masih perlu " "diselesaikan." msgid "" "A problem with the renewal of your %1$s plan and your domain %2$s for %3$s " "still needs to be resolved." msgstr "" "Masalah perpanjangan paket %1$s dan domain %2$s Anda untuk %3$s masih perlu " "diselesaikan." msgid "" "The %1$s plan will expire if this is not resolved and the renewal processed." msgstr "" "Paket %1$s akan kedaluwarsa jika masalah tidak diselesaikan dan perpanjangan " "tidak diproses." msgid "" "We have been attempting to renew your %1$s plan for %2$s, but there is a " "problem processing your payment method." msgstr "" "Kami telah berupaya memperpanjang paket %1$s Anda untuk %2$s, tetapi " "terjadi masalah pemrosesan metode pembayaran." msgid "" "We have been attempting to renew your %1$s plan and your domain %2$s, but " "there is a problem processing your payment method." msgstr "" "Kami telah berupaya memperpanjang paket %1$s dan domain %2$s Anda, tetapi " "terjadi masalah pemrosesan metode pembayaran." msgid "" "We have been attempting to renew your %1$s plan and your domain %2$s for " "%3$s, but there is a problem processing your payment method." msgstr "" "Kami telah berupaya memperpanjang paket %1$s dan domain %2$s Anda untuk " "%3$s, tetapi terjadi masalah pemrosesan metode pembayaran." msgid "" "We wanted to give you a quick heads-up so you can update your payment " "information and keep your website running smoothly." msgstr "" "Kami memberi pengingat singkat agar Anda memperbarui data pembayaran dan " "situs dapat terus beroperasi dengan lancar." msgid "" "We are attempting to renew your %1$s plan for %2$s, but the renewal " "cannot be completed." msgstr "" "Kami sedang berupaya memperpanjang paket %1$s Anda untuk %2$s, tetapi " "perpanjangan tidak dapat diselesaikan." msgid "" "We are attempting to renew your %1$s plan and your domain %2$s, but the " "renewal cannot be completed." msgstr "" "Kami sedang berupaya memperpanjang paket %1$s dan domain %2$s Anda, " "tetapi perpanjangan tidak dapat diselesaikan." msgid "" "We are attempting to renew your %1$s plan and your domain %2$s for %3$s, " "but the renewal cannot be completed." msgstr "" "Kami sedang berupaya memperpanjang paket %1$s dan domain %2$s Anda untuk " "%3$s, tetapi perpanjangan tidak dapat diselesaikan." msgid "" "Unfortunately, an issue with your payment information prevented the renewal " "and your plan expired %d day ago. Please update your payment information and " "manually renew your plan and domain to avoid losing them." msgid_plural "" "Unfortunately, an issue with your payment information prevented the renewal " "and your plan expired %d days ago. Please update your payment information " "and manually renew your plan and domain to avoid losing them." msgstr[0] "" "Namun, masalah informasi pembayaran menyebabkan perpanjangan tidak dapat " "diselesaikan dan paket Anda kedaluwarsa %d hari yang lalu. Perbarui " "informasi pembayaran Anda dan perpanjang paket serta domain secara manual " "jika tidak ingin kehilangan." msgstr[1] "" "Namun, masalah informasi pembayaran menyebabkan perpanjangan tidak dapat " "diselesaikan dan paket Anda kedaluwarsa %d hari yang lalu. Perbarui " "informasi pembayaran Anda dan perpanjang paket serta domain secara manual " "jika tidak ingin kehilangan." msgid "" "Unfortunately, an issue with your payment information prevented the renewal, " "and your plan and domain expired %d day ago. Please update your payment " "information and manually renew your plan and domain to avoid losing them." msgid_plural "" "Unfortunately, an issue with your payment information prevented the renewal, " "and your plan and domain expired %d days ago. Please update your payment " "information and manually renew your plan and domain to avoid losing them." msgstr[0] "" "Namun, masalah informasi pembayaran menyebabkan perpanjangan tidak dapat " "diselesaikan dan paket Anda kedaluwarsa %d hari yang lalu. Perbarui " "informasi pembayaran Anda dan perpanjang paket serta domain secara manual " "jika tidak ingin kehilangan." msgstr[1] "" "Namun, masalah informasi pembayaran menyebabkan perpanjangan tidak dapat " "diselesaikan dan paket Anda kedaluwarsa %d hari yang lalu. Perbarui " "informasi pembayaran Anda dan perpanjang paket serta domain secara manual " "jika tidak ingin kehilangan." msgid "" "Unfortunately, an issue with your payment information has prevented the " "renewal. Your plan will expire today." msgstr "" "Namun, masalah informasi pembayaran menyebabkan perpanjangan tidak dapat " "diselesaikan. Paket Anda akan kedaluwarsa hari ini." msgid "" "Unfortunately, an issue with your payment information has prevented the " "renewal. Your plan and domain will expire today." msgstr "" "Namun, masalah informasi pembayaran menyebabkan perpanjangan tidak dapat " "diselesaikan. Paket dan domain Anda akan kedaluwarsa hari ini." msgid "" "Unfortunately, a problem with your payment information has prevented the " "renewal. Your plan will expire in %d day unless you renew it manually." msgid_plural "" "Unfortunately, a problem with your payment information has prevented the " "renewal. Your plan will expire in %d days unless you renew it manually." msgstr[0] "" "Namun, masalah informasi pembayaran menyebabkan perpanjangan tidak dapat " "diselesaikan. Paket Anda akan kedaluwarsa dalam %d hari jika tidak " "diperpanjang secara manual." msgstr[1] "" "Namun, masalah informasi pembayaran menyebabkan perpanjangan tidak dapat " "diselesaikan. Paket Anda akan kedaluwarsa dalam %d hari jika tidak " "diperpanjang secara manual." msgid "" "Unfortunately, a problem with your payment information has prevented the " "renewal. Your plan and domain will expire in %d day unless you renew them " "manually." msgid_plural "" "Unfortunately, a problem with your payment information has prevented the " "renewal. Your plan and domain will expire in %d days unless you renew them " "manually." msgstr[0] "" "Namun, masalah informasi pembayaran menyebabkan perpanjangan tidak dapat " "diselesaikan. Paket dan domain Anda akan kedaluwarsa dalam %d hari jika " "tidak diperpanjang secara manual." msgstr[1] "" "Namun, masalah informasi pembayaran menyebabkan perpanjangan tidak dapat " "diselesaikan. Paket dan domain Anda akan kedaluwarsa dalam %d hari jika " "tidak diperpanjang secara manual." msgid "" "Update your payment information, otherwise your plan will expire in %d day " "and your site’s content may not appear as intended." msgid_plural "" "Update your payment information, otherwise your plan will expire in %d days " "and your site’s content may not appear as intended." msgstr[0] "" "Perbarui data pembayaran. Jika tidak, paket akan kedaluwarsa dalam %d hari " "dan konten situs mungkin tidak akan ditampilkan dengan semestinya." msgstr[1] "" "Perbarui data pembayaran. Jika tidak, paket akan kedaluwarsa dalam %d hari " "dan konten situs mungkin tidak akan ditampilkan dengan semestinya." msgid "" "Update your payment information, otherwise your plan and domain will expire " "in %d day and your site’s content may not appear as intended." msgid_plural "" "Update your payment information, otherwise your plan and domain will expire " "in %d days and your site’s content may not appear as intended." msgstr[0] "" "Perbarui data pembayaran. Jika tidak, paket serta domain akan kedaluwarsa " "dalam %d hari dan konten situs mungkin tidak akan ditampilkan dengan " "semestinya." msgstr[1] "" "Perbarui data pembayaran. Jika tidak, paket serta domain akan kedaluwarsa " "dalam %d hari dan konten situs mungkin tidak akan ditampilkan dengan " "semestinya." msgid "Talk to an SEO expert today" msgstr "Hubungi pakar SEO hari ini" msgid "" "In today’s digital age, visibility is key. Hire an SEO expert to boost your " "online presence and capture valuable opportunities." msgstr "" "Di era digital saat ini, visibilitas adalah kuncinya. Gunakan jasa SEO " "profesional untuk meningkatkan kehadiran online Anda dan menangkap peluang " "berharga." msgid "Hire an SEO expert" msgstr "Gunakan jasa SEO profesional" msgid "Make your brand" msgstr "Buat brand Anda" msgid "" "Create a standout brand with a custom logo. Our partner makes it easy and " "quick to design a professional logo that leaves a lasting impression." msgstr "" "Ciptakan merek yang menonjol dengan logo khusus. Mitra kami membuatnya mudah " "dan cepat untuk mendesain logo profesional yang meninggalkan kesan mendalam." msgid "Fiverr logo maker" msgstr "Pembuat logo Fiverr" msgid "The %s plan unlocks features designed to set your site instantly apart." msgstr "" "Dengan paket %s, Anda dapat menggunakan berbagai fitur yang didesain untuk " "membuat situs Anda menonjol seketika." msgid "The %s plan unlocks features designed to set your site instantly apart:" msgstr "" "Dengan paket %s, Anda dapat menggunakan berbagai fitur yang didesain untuk " "membuat situs Anda menonjol seketika." msgid "Why miss out when you can stand out?" msgstr "Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk membuat situs istimewa." msgid "Stunning-quality, ad-free video in the WordPress Editor" msgstr "Video berkualitas dan bebas iklan di Editor WordPress" msgid "" "Please check our restore troubleshooting guide for " "detailed steps on how to resolve common issues." msgstr "" "Baca panduan pemecahan masalah pemulihan untuk " "mengetahui langkah-langkah pemecahan masalah umumnya." msgid "" "We also have some information on how to manually restore " "your site if needed in the meantime." msgstr "" "Kami juga memiliki informasi cara memulihkan situs secara " "manual jika diperlukan." msgid "" "If your restore still doesn’t work, please reply back to us and we’ll " "provide the next steps to get your restore working." msgstr "" "Jika pemulihan masih belum berhasil, kirimkan balasan kepada kami dan kami " "akan memberitahukan langkah berikutnya yang diperlukan agar pemulihan " "berhasil." msgid "" "Adding your server credentials may help. You can follow " "the steps in our guide to add SSH, SFTP, or FTP " "credentials, and then try the restore again." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menambahkan kredensial server. Anda dapat " "mengikuti langkah-langkah dalam panduan kami untuk " "menambahkan kredensial SSH, SFTP, atau FTP, kemudian mencoba memulihkannya " "lagi." msgid "%1$s wants to access data from your %2$s profile" msgstr "%1$s ingin mengakses data dari profil %2$s Anda" msgid "View your contact information, like secondary emails." msgstr "" "Melihat informasi kontak Anda, misalnya email sekunder." msgid "Gravatar Emails Read" msgstr "Email Gravatar Baca" msgid "" "Manage user information data such as username, name, main " "email, blog, and avatar." msgstr "" "Kelola data informasi pengguna seperti nama pengguna, nama, " "email utama, blog, dan avatar." msgid "Gravatar Avatar Manage" msgstr "Avatar Gravatar Kelola" msgid "" "View user information data such as username, name, main " "email, blog, and avatar." msgstr "" "Lihat data informasi pengguna seperti nama pengguna, nama, " "email utama, blog, dan avatar." msgid "Gravatar Authentication" msgstr "Autentikasi Gravatar" msgid "Speed Test" msgstr "Tes Kecepatan" msgid "Enter your verification code" msgstr "Masukkan kode verifikasi Anda" msgid "Enter your backup code" msgstr "Masukkan kode backup Anda" msgid "Is there anything else you would like to share?" msgstr "Apakah ada hal lain yang Anda ingin bagikan?" msgid "Don't know" msgstr "Tidak tahu" msgid "What Automattic hosting product are you considering?" msgstr "Produk hosting Automattic apa yang Anda sedang pertimbangkan?" msgid "Number of sites" msgstr "Jumlah situs" msgid "Thanks! Our migration team will get back to you shortly!" msgstr "Terima kasih! Tim migrasi kami akan segera menghubungi Anda!" msgid "Would you still like to remove them?" msgstr "Apakah Anda masih ingin menghapusnya?" msgid "If you remove this viewer, they will not be able to visit this site." msgstr "" "Jika Anda menghapus pengunjung ini, dia tidak akan dapat mengunjungi situs " "ini." msgid "" "Sorry, we couldn't load that article. Click here to open it in a " "new tab" msgstr "" "Maaf, kami tidak dapat memuat artikel tersebut. Klik di sini " "untuk membukanya di tab baru" msgid "Access level." msgstr "Tingkat akses." msgid "Tell us which platform your site is built with so we can get started." msgstr "" "Beritahu kami platform mana yang digunakan untuk membangun situs Anda supaya " "kita bisa mulai." msgid "Move your site to" msgstr "Pindahkan situs Anda ke" msgid "Large organizations" msgstr "Organisasi besar" msgid "Personal use" msgstr "Penggunaan pribadi" msgid "Custom spam check allowance" msgstr "Jatah pemeriksaan spam kustom" msgid "5000 monthly spam checks" msgstr "5.000 pemeriksaan spam bulanan" msgid "Priority email support" msgstr "Dukungan email prioritas" msgid "500 monthly spam checks" msgstr "500 pemeriksaan spam bulanan" msgid "Email support" msgstr "Dukungan email" msgid "For commercial sites" msgstr "Untuk situs komersial" msgid "For personal sites" msgstr "Untuk situs personal" msgid " Get a quote →" msgstr " Dapatkan penawaran →" msgid "Not sure which plan fits your needs?" msgstr "Belum yakin paket mana yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda?" msgid "Automattic Partner Portal" msgstr "Portal Mitra Automattic" msgid "Tailored spam protection solutions for large businesses." msgstr "Solusi perlindungan spam khusus untuk bisnis besar." msgid "For large networks and multisite installations." msgstr "Untuk instalasi jaringan besar dan multisitus. " msgid "Single-site use for professional or commercial sites and blogs." msgstr "" "Penggunaan situs tunggal untuk situs dan blog profesional serta komersial." msgid "" "Take your subscriptions on the go with the {{a}}Jetpack mobile app{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Nikmati langganan Anda di mana saja dengan {{a}}aplikasi seluler Jetpack{{/" "a}}." msgid "Receive web and mobile notifications" msgstr "Terima pemberitahuan web dan seluler" msgid "Receive emails" msgstr "Terima e-mail" msgid "Receive new comment emails" msgstr "Terima e-mail komentar baru" msgid "Receive emails and notifications for new posts" msgstr "Terima e-mail dan pemberitahuan untuk pos baru" msgid "Choose how you'd like to receive new posts from this site" msgstr "Tentukan cara pengiriman pos baru dari situs ini kepada Anda" msgid "Free subscriber" msgstr "Pelanggan gratis" msgid "I understand that my question and subsequent replies will be public" msgstr "Saya paham bahwa pertanyaan saya dan tanggapannya terbuka untuk umum" msgid "" "High Performance, Highly Secure{{br/}}Managed WordPress Hosting for Agencies" msgstr "" "Managed WordPress Hosting{{br/}}untuk Agensi dengan Performa Tinggi dan " "Sangat Aman" msgid "Saving, please wait" msgstr "Menyimpan, mohon tunggu" msgid "Generating content" msgstr "Membuat konten" msgid "" "It sounds like you want to talk to a human. We’re here to help! Use the " "option below to message our Happiness Engineers." msgstr "" "Sepertinya Anda ingin berbicara dengan manusia. Kami di sini siap membantu! " "Gunakan opsi di bawah ini untuk mengirim pesan kepada Happiness Engineer " "kami." msgid "" "If you want even more control, our powerful site editing tools are always at " "your disposal, allowing you to customize every single detail of this " "beautiful layout." msgstr "" "Jika Anda menginginkan kontrol yang lebih lengkap, alat pengeditan situs " "kami yang canggih selalu siap membantu Anda, memungkinkan Anda untuk " "menyesuaikan setiap detail tata letak yang indah ini." msgid "Need full control?" msgstr "Perlu kontrol penuh?" msgid "" "Just describe your site in a few sentences, and our AI tool will customize " "the content for you." msgstr "" "Cukup cantumkan deskripsi situs Anda dalam beberapa kalimat, dan alat AI " "kami akan melakukan penyesuaian kontennya untuk Anda." msgid "" "Start with this layout and use our AI assistant to create the website of " "your dreams without breaking a sweat." msgstr "" "Mulailah dengan tata letak ini dan gunakan asisten AI kami untuk membuat " "situs web impian Anda tanpa perlu bersusah payah." msgid "Customize it with AI" msgstr "Sesuaikan dengan AI" msgid "Public web address" msgstr "Alamat web publik" msgid "Site migration" msgstr "Migrasi Situs" msgid "Select this plan" msgstr "Pilih paket ini" msgid "" "Pressable hosting will be included in the referral program in the future." msgstr "" "Hosting Pressable akan diikutkan dalam program referral di masa mendatang." msgid "" "Every site built on Pressable comes with Jetpack Complete for free - a $599/" "year/site value." msgstr "" "Setiap situs yang dibuat di Pressable sudah disertai Jetpack Complete " "senilai $599/tahun/situs secara cuma-cuma." msgid "How Automattic can help" msgstr "Cara Automattic membantu Anda" msgid "" "My former host caused operational problems, so I needed more stability. " "Everything’s been running smoothly since I switched to " "Customer support was responsive and included helpful images and a short " "video demo when I needed help." msgstr "" "Ada masalah operasional gara-gara penyedia hosting saya sebelumnya, jadi " "saya butuh yang lebih stabil. Semua berjalan lancar sejak saya beralih ke " " Saat saya perlu bantuan, dukungan pelanggannya responsif dan " "disertai gambar-gambar yang menolong serta demo video singkat." msgid "" " has enabled me to post over 7,000 articles, poems, and videos " "for my online magazine, Vox Populi. I’m not a techie, so I’m grateful that " "the platform is easy to use on a daily basis and the help desk staff is " "friendly and supportive." msgstr "" "Berkat, saya bisa mengunggah lebih dari 7.000 artikel, puisi, " "dan video untuk majalah online saya, Vox Populi. Saya bukan ahli teknologi, " "jadi saya bersyukur platform ini mudah digunakan sehari-hari. Staf help desk-" "nya juga sangat ramah dan suportif." msgid "—trust Michael" msgstr "—percayalah kepada Michael" msgid "" "{{b}}You own this plan.{{/b}} Manage your hosting seamlessly by accessing " "the Pressable dashboard" msgstr "" "{{b}}Anda memiliki paket ini.{{/b}} Kelola hosting Anda dengan lancar dengan " "mengakses dasbor Pressable" msgid "" "With Gutenberg, we were able to publish a breaking news story in two minutes " "versus five minutes in Classic [WordPress]. The main reason for this is the " "reusable blocks which have been renamed 'The Game Changer.'" msgstr "" "Dengan Gutenberg, kami dapat menerbitkan liputan berita terhangat dalam dua " "menit saja, sedangkan di [WordPress] Klasik perlu lima menit. Semua ini " "terutama berkat blok pakai ulang, yang telah berganti nama jadi \"The Game " "Changer\"." msgid "Head of Editorial Operations, %(companyName)s" msgstr "Head of Editorial Operations, %(companyName)s" msgid "" "In the past, the staff didn't touch the CMS. They wrote things in Word, sent " "it to the production team, and they put it online. With WordPress, that " "workflow is changing slowly and dramatically. We've trained many of our " "content creators in the CMS. And, the closer the content creators are to it, " "the more creatively they are able to think about it." msgstr "" "Dulunya, staf tidak menyentuh CMS. Staf hanya menulis di Word, lalu " "tulisannya dikirim ke tim produksi, dan merekalah yang menjadikannya online. " "Dengan WordPress, alur kerja ini lambat laun berubah drastis. Banyak pembuat " "konten yang kami latih untuk menggunakan CMS. Selain itu, makin dekat " "pembuat konten dengan hasil akhirnya, makin kreatif mereka dapat " "merancangnya." msgid "Vice President, %(companyName)s" msgstr "Wakil Presiden, %(companyName)s" msgid "" "Prevent and block unwanted login attempts from bots and hackers attempting " "to log in to your website with common username and password combinations." msgstr "" "Cegah dan blokir upaya login yang tidak diinginkan dari bot dan peretas yang " "mencoba login ke situs web Anda dengan kombinasi nama pengguna dan kata " "sandi yang umum." msgid "Enable brute force login protection" msgstr "Aktifkan perlindungan brute force login" msgid "" "IP addresses added to this list will be blocked from accessing your site." msgstr "" "Alamat IP yang ditambahkan ke daftar ini akan diblokir untuk mengakses situs " "Anda." msgid "Block specific IP addresses" msgstr "Blokir alamat IP tertentu" msgid "Upgrade to enable automatic firewall protection." msgstr "Upgrade untuk mengaktifkan perlindungan firewall otomatis." msgid "Upgrade to keep your site secure with up-to-date firewall rules" msgstr "" "Upgrade untuk menjaga situs Anda tetap aman dengan aturan firewall terbaru" msgid "Set up automatic rules with one click" msgstr "Siapkan aturan otomatis dengan satu klik" msgid "Your site is not receiving the latest updates to automatic rules" msgstr "Situs Anda tidak menerima pembaruan aturan otomatis." msgid "" "Block untrusted traffic sources by scanning every request made to your site. " "Jetpack’s advanced security rules are automatically kept up-to-date to " "protect your site from the latest threats." msgstr "" "Blokir sumber traffic yang tidak tepercaya dengan memindai setiap permintaan " "yang masuk ke situs Anda. Aturan keamanan canggih Jetpack secara otomatis " "selalu diperbarui untuk melindungi situs Anda dari ancaman terbaru." msgid "Automatic security rules installed. Last updated on %(date)s." msgstr "Aturan keamanan otomatis diinstal. Terakhir diperbarui pada %(date)s." msgid "Enable automatic firewall protection" msgstr "Aktifkan perlindungan firewall otomatis" msgid "Web Application Firewall (WAF)" msgstr "Web Application Firewall (WAF)" msgid "" "IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. To specify a range, enter the low value and " "high value separated by a dash. Example:" msgstr "" "IPv4 dan IPv6 dapat diterima. Untuk menentukan rentang, masukkan nilai " "rendah dan nilai tinggi yang dipisahkan oleh tanda hubung. Misalnya: " "" msgid "" "IP addresses added to this list will never be blocked by Jetpack's security " "features." msgstr "" "Alamat IP yang ditambahkan ke daftar ini tidak akan pernah diblokir oleh " "fitur keamanan Jetpack." msgid "Always allow specific IP addresses" msgstr "Selalu izinkan alamat IP tertentu" msgid "Switch to a three-year plan" msgstr "Beralih ke paket tiga tahun" msgid "Three-year cost" msgstr "Biaya tiga tahun" msgid "Learn more about how the site editor works." msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang cara kerja editor situs." msgid "Profiles and avatars are powered by Gravatar." msgstr "Profil dan avatar didukung oleh Gravatar." msgid "%(clientTitle)s profiles are powered by Gravatar." msgstr "Profil %(clientTitle)s didukung oleh Gravatar." msgid "Generate content" msgstr "Buat konten" msgid "" "Write an amazing description of your site, like: The Beachcomber Bistro is a " "cafe offering amazing food, delicious coffee and local beers. It's located " "next to the beach at Harlyn Bay, offering a stunning view from our deck." msgstr "" "Tuliskan deskripsi yang mengagumkan tentang situs Anda, seperti: Beachcomber " "Bistro adalah kafe yang menawarkan makanan yang luar biasa, kopi yang lezat, " "dan bir lokal. Terletak di sebelah pantai di Harlyn Bay, menawarkan " "pemandangan yang menakjubkan dari dek kami." msgid "" "Describe your site in a few sentences. The more details you give us the " "better results you'll get." msgstr "" "Jelaskan situs Anda dalam beberapa kalimat. Semakin banyak detail yang Anda " "berikan kepada kami, semakin baik hasil yang akan Anda dapatkan." msgid "Describe your site" msgstr "Deskripsikan situs Anda" msgid "Customize Content With AI" msgstr "Sesuaikan Konten dengan AI" msgid "Great job! You are all set." msgstr "Bagus! Anda sudah siap." msgid "Not bad! You are almost there. Keep going." msgstr "Lumayan! Anda hampir sampai. Teruskan." msgid "Please provide more details to get better results." msgstr "" "Mohon berikan rincian lebih lanjut untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik." msgid "Generating content for your site." msgstr "Membuat konten untuk situs Anda." msgid "is required to create an WooPay account." msgstr "diperlukan untuk membuat akun WooPay." msgid "Mobile Number" msgstr "Nomor Ponsel" msgid "Failed to update the post meta" msgstr "Gagal memperbarui meta pos" msgid "" "With Jetpack Stats, you don’t need to be a data scientist to see how your " "site is performing, understand your visitors, and grow your site." msgstr "" "Dengan Jetpack Stats, Anda tak perlu jadi analis data profesional untuk " "memantau performa, memahami pengunjung, dan mengembangkan situs." msgid "" "The simplest way to track visitor insights and unlock your site’s growth" msgstr "" "Cara paling gampang untuk memantau wawasan pengunjung dan mendorong " "perkembangan situs" msgid "" "Grow your following by sharing your content across social media " "automatically." msgstr "" "Perbanyak audiens dengan membagikan konten di berbagai media sosial secara " "otomatis." msgid "" "Effortlessly share content across social media. Right from within WordPress" msgstr "" "Bagikan konten di berbagai media sosial dengan mudah. Langsung dari halaman " "WordPress" msgid "" "Help your visitors find what they are looking for with instant search results" msgstr "Bantu pengunjung menemukan yang dicari dengan hasil pencarian instan" msgid "" "Protect your site from bad actors and malware 24/7. Clean up security " "vulnerabilities with one click." msgstr "" "Lindungi situs dari perusak dan malware, setiap saat. Atasi celah keamanan " "dengan sekali klik." msgid "Guard against malware and bad actors 24/7" msgstr "Amankan dari malware dan perusak, setiap saat" msgid "Enhance your writing and productivity with our AI suite" msgstr "Tingkatkan tulisan dan produktivitas dengan kumpulan alat AI kami" msgid "Strengthen customer relationships and grow your business" msgstr "Pererat hubungan pelanggan dan kembangkan bisnis" msgid "" "Craft stunning content, boost your subscriber base, and monetize your " "audience with subscriptions." msgstr "" "Buat konten menarik, kembangkan basis pelanggan, dan hasilkan uang dari " "audiens lewat langganan." msgid "Get more subscribers and keep them engaged with our creator tools" msgstr "Tambah dan buat pelanggan betah dengan peralatan kreator dari kami " msgid "" "Fast sites get more page visits, more conversions, and better SEO rankings. " "Boost speeds up your site in seconds." msgstr "" "Makin cepat situs, makin banyak kunjungan, makin banyak konversi, dan makin " "tinggi peringkat SEO. Tingkatkan kecepatan situs dalam hitungan detik." msgid "Speed up your site and improve SEO in seconds" msgstr "Tingkatkan kecepatan dan SEO situs dalam hitungan detik" msgid "Secure your site with automatic backups and one-click restores" msgstr "Amankan situs dengan pencadangan otomatis dan pemulihan sekali klik" msgid "Keep your site free from spam and bots" msgstr "Jaga situs bebas spam dan bot" msgid "Get help." msgstr "Minta bantuan." msgid "" " has been crucial to my agency's growth. Its intuitive UI " "allows me to quickly create sleek, functional websites for my clients, and " "their reliable hosting and support enable me to rest easy, knowing my sites " "are in good hands." msgstr "" " jadi faktor krusial dalam perkembangan agensi saya. Karena UI-" "nya intuitif, saya bisa cepat membuat situs yang berfungsi penuh dan menawan " "untuk para klien. Hosting dan dukungannya juga bisa diandalkan, jadi saya " "tenang karena tahu situs-situs saya terurus dengan baik." msgid "President, %(companyName)s" msgstr "Presiden, %(companyName)s" msgid "Director of Technology, %(companyName)s" msgstr "Director of Technology, %(companyName)s" msgid "Founder, %(companyName)s" msgstr "Founder, %(companyName)s" msgid "" "The descriptor you entered isn’t allowed. Please choose a different one." msgstr "" "Deskriptor yang dimasukkan tidak dapat digunakan. Masukkan deskriptor " "lainnya." msgid "Discover your most popular videos and find out how they performed." msgstr "" "Temukan video Anda yang paling populer dan cari tahu bagaimana kinerjanya." msgid "" "If you have another site hosted elsewhere, now?~@~Ys the time to move it to " "WordPress.​com. Ready to make the move and get 50%% off your first " "year of the %1$s plan?" msgstr "" "Jika ada situs Anda yang dihosting penyedia lain, sekarang saatnya pindah ke " "WordPress.​com. Siap pindah dan mendapat diskon 50%% untuk tahun pertama " "paket %1$s Anda?" msgid "" "If you have another site hosted elsewhere, now?~@~Ys the time to move it to " "WordPress.​com. Ready to make the move and get 50%% off your first " "year of the Creator plan?" msgstr "" "Jika ada situs Anda yang dihosting penyedia lain, sekarang saatnya pindah ke " "WordPress.​com. Siap pindah dan mendapat diskon 50%% untuk tahun pertama " "paket Creator Anda?" msgid "" "Making the switch doesn?~@~Yt need to be daunting. At WordPress.​com " "there are two ways to make it happen, faster. And with a 50%% discount on " "the first year of the %1$s plan, it?~@~Ys a great time to make the move." msgstr "" "Pindah secara mudah. Dengan WordPress.​com, ada dua cara untuk pindah secara " "lebih cepat. Dengan diskon 50%% untuk tahun pertama paket %1$s Anda, " "sekaranglah saat yang tepat untuk pindah." msgid "" "Making the switch doesn?~@~Yt need to be daunting. At WordPress.​com " "there are two ways to make it happen, faster. And with a 50%% discount on " "the first year of the Creator plan, it?~@~Ys a great time to make the move." msgstr "" "Pindah secara mudah. Dengan WordPress.​com, ada dua cara untuk pindah secara " "lebih cepat. Dengan diskon 50%% untuk tahun pertama paket Creator Anda, " "sekaranglah saat yang tepat untuk pindah." msgid "Unlock customization options with the %s plan." msgstr "Nikmati berbagai pilihan penyesuaian dengan paket %s." msgid "" "If you have another site hosted elsewhere, now’s the time to move it to " "WordPress.​com. Ready to make the move and get 50%% off your first " "year of the %1$s plan?" msgstr "" "Jika ada situs Anda yang dihosting penyedia lain, sekarang saatnya pindah ke " "WordPress.​com. Siap pindah dan mendapat diskon 50%% untuk tahun pertama " "paket %1$s Anda?" msgid "" "If you have another site hosted elsewhere, now’s the time to move it to " "WordPress.​com. Ready to make the move and get 50%% off your first " "year of the Creator plan?" msgstr "" "Jika ada situs Anda yang dihosting penyedia lain, sekarang saatnya pindah ke " "WordPress.​com. Siap pindah dan mendapat diskon 50%% untuk tahun pertama " "paket Creator Anda?" msgid "" "Making the switch doesn’t need to be daunting. At WordPress.​com there " "are two ways to make it happen, faster. And with a 50%% discount on the " "first year of the %1$s plan, it’s a great time to make the move." msgstr "" "Pindah secara mudah. Dengan WordPress.​com, ada dua cara untuk pindah secara " "lebih cepat. Dengan diskon 50%% untuk tahun pertama paket %1$s Anda, " "sekaranglah saat yang tepat untuk pindah." msgid "" "Making the switch doesn’t need to be daunting. At WordPress.​com there " "are two ways to make it happen, faster. And with a 50%% discount on the " "first year of the Creator plan, it’s a great time to make the move." msgstr "" "Pindah secara mudah. Dengan WordPress.​com, ada dua cara untuk pindah secara " "lebih cepat. Dengan diskon 50%% untuk tahun pertama paket Creator Anda, " "sekaranglah saat yang tepat untuk pindah." msgid "" "Start your free trial of our %1$s plan and check out the Build + Beyond with " "Jamie Marsland series." msgstr "" "Mulai uji coba gratis paket %1$s kami dan simak seri video Build + Beyond " "bersama Jamie Marsland." msgid "" "Start your free trial of our Creator plan and check out the Build + Beyond " "with Jamie Marsland series." msgstr "" "Mulai uji coba gratis paket Creator kami dan simak seri video Build + Beyond " "bersama Jamie Marsland." msgid "Add the Subscribe Block at the end of each post." msgstr "Tambahkan Block Langganan di akhir setiap pos." msgid "Subscription overlay on homepage." msgstr "Overlay langganan di beranda." msgid "Show subscription pop-up when scrolling a post." msgstr "Tunjukkan pop-up langganan ketika menggulir sebuah pos." msgid "" "It sounds like you want to talk to a human. Human support is only available " "for our [paid plans]( For community support, " "visit our forums:" msgstr "" "Sepertinya Anda ingin berbicara dengan manusia. Layanan bantuan dari manusia " "hanya tersedia untuk [paket berbayar]( kami. " "Untuk bantuan komunitas, kunjungi forum kami:" msgid "Ask in our forums." msgstr "Tanyakan di forum kami." msgid "Translate" msgstr "Terjemahkan" msgid "" "%(languageName)s is only %(percentTranslated)d%% translated. Help translate " "WordPress into your language." msgstr "" "Terjemahan %(languageName)s hanya %(percentTranslated)d%%. Bantu " "menerjemahkan WordPress ke bahasa Anda." msgid "Jetpack Complete included" msgstr "Termasuk Jetpack Complete" msgid "Development" msgstr "Development" msgid "" "Is there anything else I can help you with regarding your account? Please " "get in touch with our support team." msgstr "" "Apakah ada hal lain yang bisa saya bantu terkait akun Anda? Silakan hubungi " "tim layanan bantuan kami." msgid "" "If you need to downgrade, please reach out to %(name)s at %(email)s for " "help. They have the necessary permissions to make plan changes." msgstr "" "Jika Anda ingin melakukan downgrade, silakan hubungi %(name)s melalui " "%(email)s untuk mendapatkan bantuan. Mereka memiliki izin yang diperlukan " "untuk melakukan perubahan paket." msgid "" "If you need to upgrade, please reach out to %(name)s at %(email)s for help. " "They have the necessary permissions to make plan changes." msgstr "" "Jika Anda ingin melakukan upgrade, silakan hubungi %(name)s melalui " "%(email)s untuk mendapatkan bantuan. Mereka memiliki izin yang diperlukan " "untuk melakukan perubahan paket." msgid "" "I noticed you're trying to downgrade your plan, but only the plan owner can " "make these changes. The owner of this plan is %(name)s (%(niceName)s)." msgstr "" "Saya penemukan Anda mencoba melakukan downgrade paket Anda, tetapi hanya " "pemilik paket yang dapat melakukan perubahan ini. Pemilik paket ini adalah " "%(name)s (%(niceName)s)." msgid "" "I noticed you're trying to upgrade your plan, but only the plan owner can " "make these changes. The owner of this plan is %(name)s (%(niceName)s)." msgstr "" "Saya penemukan Anda mencoba melakukan upgrade paket Anda, tetapi hanya " "pemilik paket yang dapat melakukan perubahan ini. Pemilik paket ini adalah " "%(name)s (%(niceName)s)." msgid "Hello, I am Wapuu,'s AI assistant!" msgstr "Halo, saya Wapuu, asisten AI untuk!" msgid "Activating hosting features" msgstr "Mengaktifkan semua fitur hosting" msgid "" "The block editor includes experimental features that are usable while " "they're in development. Select the ones you'd like to enable. These features " "are likely to change, so avoid using them in production." msgstr "" "Editor blok menyertakan fitur percobaan yang dapat digunakan saat masih " "dalam pengembangan. Pilih fitur yang ingin Anda aktifkan. FItur-fitur ini " "masih dapat berubah. Hindari penggunaan fitur ini di situs produksi." msgid "Allow access to a quick edit panel in the pages data views." msgstr "Izinkan akses ke panel edit cepat di tampilan data halaman." msgid "Quick Edit in DataViews" msgstr "Edit Cepat di Tampilan Data" msgid "" "Please note that you have a %s plan connected to this domain, but it renews " "separately. If the renewal for the plan fails, you will receive a separate " "email with instructions on how to manage the plan renewal." msgstr "" "Harap ingat bahwa Anda punya paket %s yang terhubung dengan domain ini, " "tetapi diperpanjang secara terpisah. Jika perpanjangan paket tidak berhasil, " "Anda akan menerima email terpisah yang berisi petunjuk untuk memperpanjang " "paket." msgid "" "Update your payment information and manually renew your domain to " "keep the site running without issues." msgstr "" "Perbarui informasi pembayaran dan perpanjang domain Anda secara manual agar situs dapat berfungsi tanpa masalah." msgid "" "Please update your payment information and manually renew your domain " "or risk losing %s permanently. Failure to do so could result in difficulties " "for visitors accessing your site." msgstr "" "Perbarui informasi pembayaran Anda dan perpanjang domain Anda secara " "manual jika tidak ingin kehilangan %s secara permanen. Jika Anda tidak " "melakukannya, pengunjung akan kesulitan mengakses situs Anda." msgid "" "We have attempted to renew your domain registration for %s. Unfortunately, " "we cannot complete the renewal with your current payment information." msgstr "" "Kami telah berupaya memperpanjang registrasi domain Anda untuk %s. " "Sayangnya, kami tidak dapat memproses perpanjangan tersebut dengan " "menggunakan informasi pembayaran yang ada saat ini." msgid "" "There is still an unresolved issue regarding the renewal of your WordPress." "com domain registration for %s." msgstr "" "Masalah terkait perpanjangan registrasi domain untuk %s masih " "belum terselesaikan." msgid "" "We are attempting to renew your domain registration for %s, but we cannot " "complete the renewal with your current payment method." msgstr "" "Kami mencoba memperpanjang registrasi domain untuk %s, tetapi tidak dapat " "memproses perpanjangan dengan metode pembayaran yang digunakan saat ini." msgid "" "Recommended: Include the Substack URL to import comments and author " "information." msgstr "" "Rekomendasi: URL Buletin Substack untuk mengimpor komentar dan informasi " "penulis." msgid "Substack URL" msgstr "URL Substack" msgid "" "To generate a ZIP file of all your Substack posts, go to your Substack {{b}}" "Settings > Exports{{/b}} and click 'Create a new export.' Once the ZIP file " "is downloaded, upload it below." msgstr "" "Untuk membuat file ZIP dari semua pos Substack Anda, buka Substack {{b}}" "Pengaturan > Ekspor{{/b}} dan klik 'Buat ekspor baru'. Setelah file ZIP " "diunduh, unggah berkas tersebut di bawah ini." msgid "" "Import posts and images, podcasts and public comments from Substack to " "{{b}}%(siteTitle)s{{/b}}." msgstr "" "Impor pos dan gambar, serta podcast dan komentar publik dari Substack ke " "{{b}}%(siteTitle)s{{/b}}." msgid " per " msgstr " per " msgid "per %s" msgstr "per %s" msgid "Jetpack donations is disabled in favour of Newspack donations." msgstr "Donasi Jetpack dinonaktifkan untuk mendukung donasi Newspack." msgid "" "Unable to load plan tiers. Please make sure you have an active network " "connection and try reloading the page." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat memuat tingkatan paket. Pastikan Anda memiliki koneksi jaringan " "yang aktif dan coba muat ulang halaman." msgid "News Corp" msgstr "News Corp" msgid "Vox Media" msgstr "Vox Media" msgid "USA Today" msgstr "USA Today" msgid "TechCrunch" msgstr "TechCrunch" msgid "" "Earn up to 50% revenue share and get volume discounts on " "hosting when you migrate sites to our platform and promote Automattic’s " "products to clients." msgstr "" "Dapatkan bagi hasil hingga 50% dan diskon partai besar untuk hosting " " saat Anda melakukan migrasi situs ke platform kami dan " "mempromosikan produk Automattic kepada klien." msgid "Building sites for customers? Here’s how to earn more" msgstr "" "Buat situs untuk pelanggan? Berikut cara untuk mendapatkan hasil lebih " "optimal" msgid "" "Your profile is connected to Gravatar. Your Gravatar is public " "by default and may appear on any site using Gravatar when you’re logged in " "with {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}}. To manage your Gravatar profile and " "visibility settings, {{a}}visit your Gravatar profile{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Profil Anda terhubung ke Gravatar. Gravatar Anda bersifat " "publik secara default dan dapat muncul di situs mana pun yang menggunakan " "Gravatar saat Anda login dengan {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}}. Untuk " "mengelola profil Gravatar dan pengaturan visibilitas Anda, {{a}}kunjungi " "profil Gravatar Anda{{/a}}." msgid "" "If the issue persists, contact our support team to help you resolve the " "issue." msgstr "" "Jika kendala ini terus berlanjut, hubungi tim layanan bantuan kami untuk " "membantu Anda memecahkan kendala ini." msgid "" "An error occurred while restoring your site. You may need to " "{{linkCredentials}}add your server credentials{{/linkCredentials}}. You can " "follow the steps in {{linkGuide}}our guide{{/linkGuide}} to add SSH, SFTP, " "or FTP credentials, and then try to restore again." msgstr "" "Terjadi eror saat memulihkan situs Anda. Anda mungkin perlu " "{{linkCredentials}}menambahkan kredensial server Anda{{/linkCredentials}}. " "Anda dapat mengikuti langkah-langkah dalam {{linkGuide}}panduan kami{{/" "linkGuide}} untuk menambahkan kredensial SSH, SFTP, atau FTP, lalu coba " "pulihkan lagi." msgid "" "Access a variety of free and paid plugins that can enhance your site's " "functionality and features." msgstr "" "Akses berbagai plugin gratis dan berbayar yang dapat meningkatkan " "fungsionalitas dan fitur situs Anda." msgid "Flex your site's features with plugins" msgstr "Tunjukkan kehebatan fitur situs Anda dengan plugin" msgid "The platform the biggest{{br/}}brands trust." msgstr "Platform yang dipercaya oleh{{br/}}brand-brand terbesar." msgid "Expected: %(pendingCommission)s" msgstr "Diharapkan: %(pendingCommission)s" msgid "All time: %(allTimeCommissions)s" msgstr "Sepanjang waktu: %(allTimeCommissions)s" msgid "" "When your client buys products or hosting from Automattic for Agencies, they " "are billed on the first of every month rather than immediately. We estimate " "the commission based on the active use for the current month. {{a}}Learn " "more about payouts and commissions{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Ketika klien Anda membeli produk atau hosting dari Automattic for Agencies, " "mereka akan ditagih pada tanggal 1 setiap bulannya, bukan langsung saat " "pembelian. Kami memperkirakan komisi berdasarkan penggunaan aktif untuk " "bulan ini. {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang pembayaran dan komisi{{/a}}." msgid "" "Every 60 days, we pay out commissions. {{a}}Learn more about payouts and " "commissions{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Setiap 60 hari, kami membayarkan komisi. {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang " "pembayaran dan komisi{{/a}}." msgid "How many sites would you like to buy?" msgstr "Berapa banyak situs yang Anda ingin beli?" msgid "You own %(count)s site" msgid_plural "You own %(count)s sites" msgstr[0] "Anda punya %(count)s situs" msgstr[1] "Anda punya %(count)s situs" msgid "Add %(quantity)s site to cart" msgid_plural "Add %(quantity)s sites to cart" msgstr[0] "Tambah %(quantity)s situs ke keranjang" msgstr[1] "Tambah %(quantity)s situs ke keranjang" msgid "" "{{promotionalPricingPolicyLink}}Restrictions apply{{/" "promotionalPricingPolicyLink}}." msgstr "" "{{promotionalPricingPolicyLink}}Berlaku pembatasan{{/" "promotionalPricingPolicyLink}}." msgid "WooPay blog_token is currently misconfigured." msgstr "Saat ini blog_token WooPay salah konfigurasi." msgid "" "You need to upgrade to a commercial license to continue using Jetpack Stats" msgstr "" "Anda perlu melakukan upgrade ke lisensi komersial untuk terus menggunakan " "Jetpack Stats" msgid "" "Let's get your migration started. Please share your site address so we can " "review your site and begin your migration." msgstr "" "Mari kita mulai migrasi Anda. Silakan bagikan alamat situs Anda agar kami " "dapat meninjau situs Anda dan memulai migrasi." msgid "Enjoy priority customer support for any inquiries or issues." msgstr "" "Dapatkan dukungan pelanggan prioritas untuk setiap pertanyaan atau masalah." msgid "Priority Support:" msgstr "Dukungan Prioritas:" msgid "" "Access to advanced features, including UTM stats, Device stats, full date " "range support and more." msgstr "" "Dapatkan akses ke fitur tingkat lanjut, termasuk statistik UTM, statistik " "Perangkat, dukungan rentang tanggal lengkap, dan lainnya." msgid "Advanced Features:" msgstr "Fitur Tingkat Lanjut:" msgid "Commercial Use:" msgstr "Penggunaan Komersial:" msgid "What’s Included in the Upgrade:" msgstr "Fitur Eksklusif dalam Paket Upgrade:" msgid "" " to continue using the service uninterrupted. Contact us any time if you " "need assistance. We appreciate your understanding as we work to improve " "Jetpack Stats." msgstr "" " agar dapat terus menggunakan layanan tanpa gangguan. Hubungi kami kapan pun " "jika Anda butuh bantuan. Terima kasih atas pengertian Anda sementara kami " "berupaya menyempurnakan Jetpack Stats." msgid "Please upgrade to a commercial plan before " msgstr "Lakukan upgrade ke paket komersial sebelum " msgid "" "We are writing to inform you that your site, %1$s, has met our criteria for " "an upgrade based on its classification as a commercial site and its recent " "usage levels." msgstr "" "Kami menginformasikan bahwa situs Anda, %1$s, telah memenuhi kriteria untuk " "upgrade berdasarkan klasifikasinya sebagai situs komersial dan tingkat " "penggunaan terkini." msgid "Jetpack Stats: Upgrade Required for %1$s" msgstr "Jetpack Stats: Upgrade Diperlukan untuk %1$s" msgid "Schedule a Demo" msgstr "Jadwalkan Demo" msgid "The free perks that come with Pressable" msgstr "Fasilitas gratis yang tersedia di Pressable" msgid "How to launch and manage WordPress sites" msgstr "Cara meluncurkan dan mengelola situs WordPress" msgid "The best hosting plan for your needs" msgstr "Paket hosting terbaik untuk kebutuhan Anda" msgid "Our support, service, and pricing flexibility" msgstr "Dukungan, layanan, dan harga kami yang fleksibel" msgid "" "One of our friendly experts would be happy to give you a one-on-one tour of " "our platform and discuss:" msgstr "" "Salah satu tim ahli kami yang ramah akan dengan senang hati memberi Anda " "sesi pengenalan dan berdiskusi langsung dengan Anda:" msgid "Schedule a demo and personal consultation" msgstr "Jadwalkan demo dan konsultasi pribadi" msgid "" "Premier Agency hosting best for large-scale businesses and major eCommerce " "sites." msgstr "" "Premier Agency Hosting cocok untuk bisnis berskala besar dan situs eCommerce " "besar." msgid "" "Copy and paste the migration key below in the " "{{strong}}%(migrationKeyLabel)s{{/strong}} field, customize any of the " "following migration options, and click {{strong}}%(migrateLabel)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Salin dan tempel kode migrasi di bawah ini di kolom " "{{strong}}%(migrationKeyLabel)s{{/strong}}, sesuaikan opsi migrasi berikut " "ini, dan klik {{strong}}%(migrateLabel)s{{/strong}}." msgid "Condé Nast" msgstr "Condé Nast" msgid "Capgemini" msgstr "Capgemini" msgid "Abercrombie & Fitch" msgstr "Abercrombie & Fitch" msgid "SiriusXM" msgstr "SiriusXM" msgid "Chevron" msgstr "Chevron" msgid "Al Jazeera" msgstr "Al Jazeera" msgid "Salesforce" msgstr "Salesforce" msgid "Intuit" msgstr "Intuit" msgid "Samsung" msgstr "Samsung" msgid "Slack" msgstr "Slack" msgid "%(count)d Update" msgid_plural "%(count)d Updates" msgstr[0] "%(count)d Pembaruan" msgstr[1] "%(count)d Pembaruan" msgid "Customize content with AI" msgstr "Sesuaikan konten dengan AI" msgid "Manage all my P2 sites" msgstr "Kelola semua situs P2 saya" msgid "Read the case study" msgstr "Baca studi kasus" msgid "Love for VIP hosting" msgstr "Cinta untuk Hosting VIP" msgid "Integrated commerce" msgstr "Integrasi e-commerce" msgid "Website management" msgstr "Manajemen situs web" msgid "Enterprise-grade security" msgstr "Keamanan kelas perusahaan" msgid "Scalable platform" msgstr "Platform yang dapat ditingkatkan" msgid "Development tools" msgstr "Alat pengembangan" msgid "Headless CMS" msgstr "Headless CMS" msgid "Content guidance" msgstr "Panduan konten" msgid "Experience creation" msgstr "Pengalaman menciptakan" msgid "Rapid content authoring" msgstr "Pembuatan konten cepat" msgid "" "Combine the ease of WordPress with enterprise-grade security and scalability." msgstr "" "Kombinasikan kemudahan WordPress dengan keamanan dan skalabilitas kelas " "enterprise." msgid "The leading content platform" msgstr "Platform konten ternama" msgid "VIP Capabilities " msgstr "Fitur VIP" msgid "Love for Pressable hosting" msgstr "Cinta untuk Hosting Pressable" msgid "" "We're so sure you'll be satisfied with Pressable that we offer you the " "world's best WordPress hosting with no-strings-attached." msgstr "" "Kami sangat yakin Anda akan puas dengan Pressable yang kami tawarkan sebagai " "hosting WordPress terbaik di dunia tanpa syarat apa pun." msgid "" "When you win, we win. That's why our team of WordPress professionals is " "always available to help." msgstr "" "Saat Anda puas, kami puas. Itulah mengapa tim profesional WordPress kami " "selalu siap membantu." msgid "Trouble free growth" msgstr "Pertumbuhan bebas masalah" msgid "Flexible plans designed to grow with your business" msgstr "Paket fleksibel yang dirancang untuk tumbuh bersama bisnis Anda" msgid "Security authentication" msgstr "Autentikasi keamanan" msgid "Spam protection (comments and forms)" msgstr "Perlindungan spam (komentar dan formulir)" msgid "Real-time malware scans" msgstr "Pemindaian malware real time" msgid "Supercharge your clients' sites" msgstr "Tingkatkan situs klien Anda" msgid "" "Learn about views patterns by analysing total and average daily views to " "your site." msgstr "" "Pelajari tentang pola penayangan dengan menganalisis total dan rata-rata " "penayangan harian ke situs Anda." msgid "Incredibly low page speed index" msgstr "Indeks kecepatan halaman yang sangat rendah" msgid "" "We're the only cloud platform team fully dedicated to optimizing WordPress. " "Your customers will feel the difference." msgstr "" "Kami adalah satu-satunya tim platform cloud yang berdedikasi penuh untuk " "mengoptimalkan WordPress. Pelanggan Anda akan merasakan perbedaannya." msgid "" "Automattic hosting plans offer exceptional security from day one, with the " "option to include or sell additional client-facing security features like " "real-time backups, anti-spam, and malware scanning." msgstr "" "Paket hosting Automattic menawarkan keamanan yang luar biasa sejak hari " "pertama, dengan opsi untuk menyertakan atau menjual fitur keamanan tambahan " "yang berhadapan dengan klien seperti pencadangan realtime, anti-spam, dan " "pemindaian malware." msgid "Minimize risk" msgstr "Minim risiko" msgid "High availability with automated scaling" msgstr "Ketersediaan tinggi dengan skalabilitas otomatis" msgid "99.999% Uptime" msgstr "Uptime 99.999%" msgid "" "With over 15 years of experience running hundreds of millions of sites on " ", including the highest-trafficked sites globally, we've " "developed a platform we confidently put up against any cloud service." msgstr "" "Dengan pengalaman lebih dari 15 tahun menjalankan ratusan juta situs di " ", termasuk situs dengan traffic tertinggi di seluruh dunia, " "kami telah mengembangkan platform yang kami yakin dapat bersaing dengan " "layanan cloud mana pun." msgid "Create trust" msgstr "Ciptakan kepercayaan" msgid "Improve your client relationships with our hosting" msgstr "Tingkatkan hubungan dengan klien Anda dengan hosting kami" msgid "" "We aimed to provide clients with a reliable hosting service we could endorse " "without hesitation, ultimately resulting in satisfied clients. We found that " "service with" msgstr "" "Kami bertujuan untuk menyediakan layanan hosting yang dapat diandalkan " "kepada para klien yang dapat kami dukung tanpa ragu-ragu, yang pada akhirnya " "menghasilkan klien yang puas. Kami menemukan layanan tersebut di WordPress." "com." msgid "Love for hosting" msgstr "Cinta untuk Hosting" msgid "What agencies say" msgstr "Testimoni agensi" msgid "Specialized workflows" msgstr "Alur kerja khusus" msgid "Automated malware scanning via Jetpack" msgstr "Pemindaian malware otomatis via Jetpack" msgid "Included with all plans and sites" msgstr "Termasuk di semua paket dan situs" msgid "Just for Agencies" msgstr "Hanya untuk Agensi" msgid "Form and comment spam protection" msgstr "Perlindungan spam untuk komentar dan formulir" msgid "Donation / tip buttons" msgstr "Tombol donasi / tip" msgid "Paid subscriptions to site content" msgstr "Langganan berbayar untuk konten situs" msgid "Advanced site stats" msgstr "Statistik situs tingkat lanjut" msgid "Unlimited auto-shares to social networks" msgstr "Berbagi otomatis tanpa batas ke jejaring sosial" msgid "4K, unbranded VideoPress player" msgstr "4K, pemutar VideoPress tanpa merek" msgid "Optional plugin auto-updates" msgstr "Pembaruan plugin otomatis (opsional)" msgid "Elastic-powered search" msgstr "Pencarian dengan fitur Elastic" msgid "Site downtime monitoring" msgstr "Pemantauan downtime situs" msgid "Supercharge your clients’ sites" msgstr "Optimalkan situs klien Anda" msgid "Professional Email settings guide" msgstr "Panduan pengaturan Professional Email" msgid "" "Explore our comprehensive support guides and learn all about managing your " "mailboxes." msgstr "" "Jelajahi panduan dukungan kami yang komprehensif dan pelajari semua hal " "tentang mengelola mailbox Anda." msgid "Learn the basics of domains" msgstr "Pelajari dasar-dasar domain" msgid "" "The Toolbar is always visible on Atomic sites while connected to the " "Automattic proxy." msgstr "" "Bilah peralatan selalu dapat dilihat di situs Atomic saat terhubung ke proxy " "Automattic." msgid "" "Upgrade your plan to remove the banner and unlock more features, from " "%(monthlyCost)s/month" msgstr "" "Upgrade paket Anda untuk menghapus banner dan mengakses fitur-fitur lainnya, " "mulai %(monthlyCost)s/bulan" msgid "Remove the banner displayed to your visitors with any paid plan" msgstr "" "Hapus banner yang ditampilkan kepada pengunjung Anda dengan paket berbayar " "mana pun" msgid "Marketing banner" msgstr "Banner pemasaran" msgid "View order number %s" msgstr "Lihat nomor pesanan %s" msgid "A link to a product form." msgstr "Tautan ke tag produk." msgid "Uploaded to this product form" msgstr "Diunggah ke produk ini" msgid "No product forms found in trash" msgstr "Tidak ada produk di tempat sampah" msgctxt "Admin menu name" msgid "Product Forms" msgstr "Produk" msgid "Use code %1$s during checkout to get the %2$s%% savings." msgstr "Gunakan kode %1$s saat checkout untuk menghemat %2$s%%." msgid "" "Thanks for trusting with your website. To show our " "appreciation, we’re offering you a %s%% discount when you extend your " " hosting plan." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah memercayakan situs Anda kepada Sebagai " "bentuk apresiasi, kami menawarkan diskon %s%% jika Anda memperpanjang paket " "hosting" msgid "Extend your plan and save" msgstr "Perpanjang paket dan dapatkan diskon" msgid "" "Choose a two or three-year subscription and save up to %s%% on the best-" "managed hosting deal." msgstr "" "Pilih langganan dua atau tiga tahun dan dapatkan diskon hingga %s%% untuk " "paket hosting dengan pengelolaan terbaik." msgid "" "Thanks for trusting with your site! Upgrade to any annual plan " "and receive a %1$s%% discount. Use code %2$s during checkout to get the %1$s%" "% savings." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah memercayakan situs Anda kepada! Lakukan " "upgrade ke paket tahunan apa pun dan dapatkan diskon %1$s%%. Gunakan kode " "%2$s saat checkout untuk menghemat %1$s%%." msgid "" "Use code %1$s during checkout to get the %2$s%% " "savings." msgstr "" "Gunakan kode %1$s saat checkout untuk menghemat %2$s" "%%." msgid "" "Thanks for trusting %1$s with your website. To show our appreciation, we’re " "offering you a %2$s%% discount when you extend your %1$s " "hosting plan." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah memercayakan situs Anda kepada %1$s. Sebagai bentuk " "apresiasi, kami menawarkan diskon %2$s%% jika Anda " "memperpanjang paket hosting %1$s." msgid "Extend your %s plan and save" msgstr "Perpanjang paket %s dan dapatkan diskon" msgid "Extend my plan" msgstr "Perpanjang paket saya" msgid "" "Choose a two or three-year subscription and save up to %1$s%% on the best-" "managed %2$s hosting deal." msgstr "" "Pilih langganan dua atau tiga tahun dan dapatkan diskon hingga %1$s%% untuk " "paket hosting %2$s dengan pengelolaan terbaik." msgid "Explore your upgrade" msgstr "Jelajahi upgrade Anda" msgid "" "Thanks for trusting %1$s with your site! Upgrade to any annual plan and " "receive a %2$s%% discount. Use code %3$s " "during checkout to get the %2$s%% savings." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah memercayakan situs Anda kepada %1$s! Lakukan upgrade ke " "paket tahunan apa pun dan dapatkan diskon %2$s%%. Gunakan " "kode %3$s saat checkout untuk menghemat %2$s%%." msgid "Upgrade your site" msgstr "Upgrade situs Anda" msgid "" "A unique domain improves your site’s visibility and search engine " "performance. Annual plan subscribers receive complimentary domain " "registration for the first year." msgstr "" "Domain yang unik meningkatkan visibilitas situs Anda dan performa mesin " "pencari. Pelanggan paket tahunan mendapatkan registrasi domain gratis untuk " "tahun pertama." msgid "" "Claim your own corner of the web with a custom domain name. Upgrade to a " "paid plan and select from over 350 domain extensions to match your brand " "identity." msgstr "" "Hadirkan situs unik Anda dengan nama domain khusus. Lakukan upgrade ke paket " "berbayar dan pilih di antara 350 lebih ekstensi domain agar sesuai identitas " "merek Anda." msgid "Upgrade and get a free domain" msgstr "Lakukan upgrade dan dapatkan domain gratis" msgid "" "Harness the power of Blaze’s advertising tools and watch your audience boom." msgstr "Manfaatkan potensi alat iklan Blaze dan saksikan audiens Anda meroket." msgid "" "Get ready to reach more people with Blaze! Advertise to a global audience or " "your local community in minutes with our streamlined targeting options and " "simple campaign management." msgstr "" "Bersiaplah untuk menjangkau lebih banyak orang dengan Blaze! Iklankan ke " "audiens global atau ke komunitas lokal Anda dalam hitungan menit menggunakan " "pilihan penargetan efisien dan pengelolaan kampanye sederhana dari kami." msgid "WordPress for enterprise-level demands" msgstr "WordPress untuk kebutuhan kelangan enterprise" msgid "Best for large-scale businesses" msgstr "Cocok untuk bisnis berskala besar" msgid "Premier" msgstr "Premier" msgid "Premier Agency Hosting" msgstr "Premier Agency Hosting" msgid "Optimized and hassle-free hosting" msgstr "Hosting yang dioptimalkan dan bebas gangguan" msgid "Transfer your Squarespace domains" msgstr "Transfer domain Squarespace Anda" msgid "Enter your domain names and transfer codes below." msgstr "Cantumkan nama domain dan kode transfer Anda di bawah ini." msgid "Transfer code" msgstr "Kode transfer" msgid "" "Request your transfer code. You'll find this at the bottom of your domain's " "settings page. Squarespace will email you the code (may take several hours) " "for you to copy to your clipboard." msgstr "" "Minta kode transfer Anda. Anda akan menemukannya di bawah halaman pengaturan " "domain Anda. Squarespace akan mengirimkan kode tersebut melalui e-mail " "(mungkin membutuhkan beberapa jam) agar Anda dapat menyalinnya ke clipboard " "Anda." msgid "" "Once you've opened your domain's settings, ensure that your domain is " "unlocked." msgstr "" "Setelah Anda membuka pengaturan domain, pastikan domain Anda tidak terkunci." msgid "Terminate subscriptions here" msgstr "Akhiri langganan di sini" msgid "20 free requests" msgstr "20 permintaan gratis" msgid "Some plugins are managed by the host and cannot be autoupdated" msgstr "" "Beberapa plugin dikelola oleh hosting dan tidak dapat diperbarui secara " "otomatis" msgid "It's time to consider site security." msgstr "Sekarang waktunya mempertimbangkan keamanan situs." msgid "Get Boost now" msgstr "Dapatkan Boost sekarang" msgid "Remove this site from the dashboard." msgstr "Hapus situs ini dari dasbor." msgid "" "If you're no longer using Jetpack and/or WordPress for your site, or you've " "taken your site down, it's time to disconnect Jetpack." msgstr "" "Apabila Anda tidak menggunakan Jetpack dan/atau WordPress lagi untuk situs " "Anda atau Anda menonaktifkan situs Anda, kini saatnya memutuskan sambungan " "Jetpack." msgid "" "If you're no longer using Automattic for Agencies and/or WordPress for your " "site, or you've taken your site down, it's time to disconnect Automattic for " "Agencies." msgstr "" "Apabila Anda tidak menggunakan Automattic for Agencies dan/atau WordPress " "lagi untuk situs Anda atau Anda menonaktifkan situs Anda, kini saatnya " "memutuskan sambungan Automattic for Agencies." msgid "Disconnect Automattic for Agencies" msgstr "Putuskan Sambungan Automattic for Agencies" msgid "" "If your site is loading but you're still seeing this error, this guide will " "help you troubleshoot the Jetpack connection." msgstr "" "Apabila situs Anda sedang dimuat, tetapi Anda masih melihat pesan eror ini, " "panduan ini akan membantu Anda menyelesaikan masalah koneksi Jetpack." msgid "" "If your site is loading but you're still seeing this error, this guide will " "help you troubleshoot the Automattic for Agencies connection." msgstr "" "Apabila situs Anda sedang dimuat, tetapi Anda masih melihat pesan error ini, " "panduan ini akan membantu Anda menyelesaikan masalah koneksi Automattic for " "Agencies." msgid "Troubleshoot Automattic for Agencies" msgstr "Mengatasi Masalah Automattic for Agencies" msgid "" "Visit your site to make sure it loads properly. If there's an issue, fix " "your site before worrying about Jetpack! That may resolve this error." msgstr "" "Kunjungi situs Anda untuk memastikan situs tersebut dimuat dengan benar. " "Apabila terdapat masalah, perbaiki situs Anda terlebih dahulu sebelum " "memperhatikan Jetpack! Hal ini mungkin dapat mengatasi eror." msgid "" "Visit your site to make sure it loads properly. If there's an issue, fix " "your site before worrying about Automattic for Agencies! That may resolve " "this error." msgstr "" "Kunjungi situs Anda untuk memastikan situs tersebut dimuat dengan benar. " "Apabila terdapat masalah, perbaiki situs Anda terlebih dahulu sebelum " "memperhatikan Automattic for Agencies! Hal ini mungkin dapat mengatasi eror." msgid "Try the following steps to fix your site's connection:" msgstr "" "Cobalah langkah-langkah berikut ini untuk memperbaiki koneksi situs Anda:" msgid "Site connectivity issue: {{button}}Fix now{{/button}}" msgstr "Kendala konektivitas situs: {{button}}Perbaiki sekarang{{/button}}" msgid "Automattic for Agencies can't connect to this site." msgstr "Automattic for Agencies tidak dapat terhubung ke situs ini." msgid "Customer ID not found in order." msgstr "ID Pelanggan tidak ditemukan di pesanan." msgid "Welcome to %s!" msgstr "Selamat datang di %s!" msgid "" "Hi there! You've hit your AI usage limit. Upgrade your plan for unlimited " "Wapuu support! You can still get user support using the buttons below." msgstr "" "Hai! Anda telah mencapai batas penggunaan AI Anda. Tingkatkan paket Anda " "untuk mendapatkan layanan bantuan dari Wapuu tanpa batas! Anda masih bisa " "mendapatkan bantuan untuk pengguna dengan menggunakan tombol di bawah ini." msgid "Our AI assistant can help, or connect you to our support team." msgstr "" "Asisten AI kami dapat membantu, atau menghubungkan Anda ke tim layanan " "bantuan kami." msgid "Haven't found your answer?" msgstr "Belum menemukan jawaban Anda?" msgid "These partner directories are launching soon." msgstr "Direktori mitra ini akan segera diluncurkan." msgid "This partner directory is launching soon." msgstr "Direktori mitra ini akan segera diluncurkan." msgid "Your profile has been saved!" msgstr "Profil Anda sudah disimpan!" msgid "Another Gravatar domain registration is already in progress." msgstr "Registrasi domain Gravatar lainnya sedang dalam proses." msgid "Error updating account settings. Please upload logo again." msgstr "" "Terjadi error saat memperbarui pengaturan akun. Silakan unggah ulang logo." msgid "" "Sorry, you cannot access this resource. This is usually due to a problem " "with your Jetpack connection. For more information, please see: https://" "" "issues/#check-xmlrpc-php" msgstr "" "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat mengakses sumber daya ini. Hal ini biasanya " "disebabkan oleh masalah koneksi Jetpack Anda. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, " "baca:" "jetpack-connection-issues/#check-xmlrpc-php" msgid "" "Learn where your content has been shared the most. Start creating and " "sharing!" msgstr "" "Pelajari di mana konten Anda paling banyak dibagikan. Mulai membuat dan " "berbagi!" msgid "Learn where your content has been shared the most." msgstr "Pelajari di mana konten Anda paling banyak dibagikan." msgid "Show auto fixers" msgstr "Tampilkan perbaikan otomatis" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "" "Prevent bots and hackers from attempting to log in to your website with " "common username and password combinations." msgstr "" "Mencegah bot dan peretas mencoba login ke situs Anda menggunakan kombinasi " "nama pengguna dan kata sandi yang umum." msgid "Block list - Block a specific request IP." msgstr "Daftar blokir - Blokir IP permintaan khusus." msgid "Allow list - Allow a specific request IP." msgstr "Daftar izinkan - Izinkan IP permintaan khusus." msgid "" "Suspicious code was found on your site. We recommend you review it and take " "proper action." msgstr "" "Kode mencurigakan ditemukan di situs Anda. Kami menyarankan Anda meninjaunya " "dan melakukan penanganan yang tepat." msgid "" "A file loading a malicious ad was found on your site. Please take immediate " "action." msgstr "" "File yang memuat iklan berbahaya ditemukan di situs Anda. Mohon segera " "lakukan penanganan." msgid "Malware was found on your site. Please take immediate action." msgstr "" "Sebuah malware ditemukan di situs Anda. Mohon segera lakukan penanganan." msgid "" "Malicious code known to upload malware to servers was found on your site. " "Please take immediate action." msgstr "" "Kode berbahaya yang diketahui dapat mengunggah perangkat lunak malware ke " "server ditemukan di situs Anda. Mohon segera lakukan penanganan." msgid "Vulnerability found in a theme" msgstr "Kerentanan ditemukan di sebuah tema" msgid "Vulnerability found in a plugin" msgstr "Kerentanan ditemukan di sebuah plugin" msgid "Thank you once again for your submission." msgstr "Sekali lagi, terima kasih atas kiriman Anda." msgid "" "We value your interest and hope to have the opportunity to review a new " "application from you in the future." msgstr "" "Kami menghargai minat Anda dan berharap punya peluang untuk meninjau " "permohonan baru Anda di masa depan." msgid "" "We are unable to provide specific feedback at this time but want to " "encourage you to reapply in 90 days." msgstr "" "Saat ini kami tidak dapat memberikan feedback spesifik, tetapi kami sarankan " "Anda mengirimkan permohonan ulang dalam 90 hari." msgid "" "Thank you for applying to the Automattic for Agencies directory. After " "careful consideration, we're sorry to inform you that we cannot proceed with " "your application to be listed as an agency in the following directory:" msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah mengirimkan permohonan ke direktori Automattic for " "Agencies. Setelah dipertimbangkan secara cermat, dengan menyesal kami " "informasikan bahwa kami tidak dapat memproses permohonan pendaftaran Anda " "sebagai agensi di direktori berikut:" msgid "Thanks again for taking the time to apply!" msgstr "" "Sekali lagi, terima kasih telah meluangkan waktu untuk mengirimkan " "permohonan." msgid "" "We’ve received your application and will be in touch with a decision via " "email in 5 business days. In some cases, we may reach out to ask for " "additional information which could delay the decision process slightly. " "Either way, we will keep you posted on the status of your application." msgstr "" "Kami telah menerima permohonan Anda dan keputusan akan segera kami sampaikan " "melalui email dalam 5 hari kerja. Dalam beberapa situasi, kami mungkin " "menghubungi Anda untuk meminta informasi tambahan yang dapat sedikit menunda " "pengambilan keputusan. Terlepas dari situasinya, kami akan menginformasikan " "status permohonan Anda." msgid "Error: You have not applied to any directory" msgstr "Error: Anda belum mengirimkan permohonan ke direktori apa pun" msgid "" "Thank you for applying to be featured in the following partner directories:" msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah mengirimkan permohonan untuk ditampilkan di direktori " "mitra berikut:" msgid "Hi %s," msgstr "Hai %s," msgid "" "Thanks again for taking the time to apply to join our agency directory, we " "can’t wait to see what you create." msgstr "" "Sekali lagi, terima kasih telah meluangkan waktu untuk mendaftar ke " "direktori agensi, kami tidak sabar ingin melihat karya Anda." msgid "Follow the link(s) below to see your live listing(s):" msgstr "Ikuti tautan di bawah untuk melihat listing aktif Anda:" msgid "" "Error: You have not applied to any directory. Please contact with the " "support team." msgstr "" "Error: Anda belum mengirimkan permohonan ke direktori apa pun. Silakan " "hubungi tim dukungan." msgid "" "Congratulations, %s, you’ve been accepted into the following partner " "directory:" msgstr "" "Selamat, %s, Anda akan ditampilkan dalam direktori mitra berikut:" msgid "The Automattic for Agencies Team" msgstr "Tim Automattic for Agencies" msgid "Update on Your Automattic for Agencies Directory Application" msgstr "Pembaruan pada Permohonan Direktori Automattic for Agencies Anda" msgid "We’ve received your Automattic for Agencies directory application" msgstr "Kami telah menerima permohonan direktori Automattic for Agencies Anda" msgid "We’ve reviewed your application and have published your listing." msgstr "Kami telah meninjau permohonan Anda dan mengeposkan listing Anda." msgid "Your Automattic for Agencies directory listing is live!" msgstr "Listing direktori Automattic for Agencies Anda telah aktif!" msgctxt "font weight" msgid "Extra Bold" msgstr "Ekstra Tebal" msgctxt "font weight" msgid "Semi Bold" msgstr "Agak Tebal" msgctxt "font weight" msgid "Extra Light" msgstr "Ekstra Ringan" msgctxt "Scale option for dimensions control" msgid "Cover" msgstr "Tidak ada" msgctxt "Scale option for dimensions control" msgid "Contain" msgstr "Tidak ada" msgctxt "Scale option for dimensions control" msgid "Fill" msgstr "Tidak ada" msgctxt "Placeholder text for the message input field (chat)" msgid "Please wait…" msgstr "Mohon tunggu..." msgctxt "header landmark area" msgid "Header" msgstr "Header" msgctxt "post schedule date format without year" msgid "F j g:i a" msgstr "F j g:i a" msgctxt "post schedule time format" msgid "g:i a" msgstr "g:i a" msgctxt "post schedule full date format" msgid "F j, Y g:i a" msgstr "F j, Y g:i a" msgctxt "action label" msgid "Duplicate template part" msgstr "Duplikasi komponen template" msgctxt "action label" msgid "Duplicate pattern" msgstr "Duplikasi pola" msgctxt "action label" msgid "Duplicate" msgstr "Duplikasi" msgctxt "caption" msgid "Work/ %2$s" msgstr "Karya/ %2$s" msgctxt "caption" msgid "\"%1$s\"/ %2$s" msgstr "\"%1$s\"/ %2$s" msgctxt "caption" msgid "Work by %2$s/ %3$s" msgstr "Karya oleh %2$s/ %3$s" msgctxt "caption" msgid "\"%1$s\" by %2$s/ %3$s" msgstr "\"%1$s\" oleh %2$s/ %3$s" msgctxt "Post overview" msgid "Outline" msgstr "Ikhtisar" msgctxt "Post overview" msgid "List View" msgstr "Tampilan Daftar" msgctxt "site exporter menu item" msgid "Export" msgstr "Ekspor" msgctxt "Lowercase letter A" msgid "a" msgstr "a" msgctxt "Uppercase letter A" msgid "A" msgstr "A" msgctxt "heading levels" msgid "All" msgstr "Semua" msgctxt "Font library" msgid "Library" msgstr "Pustaka" msgctxt "font categories" msgid "All" msgstr "Semua" msgctxt "pattern (singular)" msgid "Not synced" msgstr "Belum tersinkronisasi" msgctxt "pattern (singular)" msgid "Synced" msgstr "Tersinkronisasi" msgctxt "authors" msgid "All" msgstr "Semua" msgctxt "categories" msgid "All" msgstr "Semua" msgctxt "Size of a UI element" msgid "Extra Large" msgstr "Ekstra Besar" msgctxt "Size of a UI element" msgid "Large" msgstr "Besar" msgctxt "Size of a UI element" msgid "Medium" msgstr "Sedang" msgctxt "Size of a UI element" msgid "Small" msgstr "Kecil" msgctxt "Size of a UI element" msgid "None" msgstr "Nihil" msgctxt "RSS block display setting" msgid "Grid view" msgstr "Tampilan Kisi" msgctxt "RSS block display setting" msgid "List view" msgstr "Tampilan Daftar" msgctxt "Arrow option for Query Pagination Next/Previous blocks" msgid "Chevron" msgstr "Chevron" msgctxt "Arrow option for Query Pagination Next/Previous blocks" msgid "Arrow" msgstr "Panah" msgctxt "Arrow option for Query Pagination Next/Previous blocks" msgid "None" msgstr "Tidak ada" msgctxt "Post template block display setting" msgid "Grid view" msgstr "Tampilan Kisi" msgctxt "Post template block display setting" msgid "List view" msgstr "Tampilan Daftar" msgctxt "Arrow option for Next/Previous link" msgid "Chevron" msgstr "Chevron" msgctxt "Arrow option for Next/Previous link" msgid "Arrow" msgstr "Panah" msgctxt "Arrow option for Next/Previous link" msgid "None" msgstr "TIdak ada" msgctxt "Image scaling options" msgid "Scale" msgstr "Skala" msgctxt "action that affects the current post" msgid "Enable comments" msgstr "Aktifkan komentar" msgctxt "navigation link preview example" msgid "Example Link" msgstr "Contoh Tautan" msgctxt "content placeholder" msgid "Content…" msgstr "Konten..." msgctxt "Latest posts block display setting" msgid "Grid view" msgstr "Tampilan Kisi" msgctxt "Latest posts block display setting" msgid "List view" msgstr "Tampilan Daftar" msgctxt "block example" msgid "Home Link" msgstr "Tautan Beranda" msgctxt "Media item link option" msgid "None" msgstr "Tidak ada" msgctxt "Name of the file" msgid "Armstrong_Small_Step" msgstr "Armstrong_Small_Step" msgctxt "Arrow option for Comments Pagination Next/Previous blocks" msgid "Chevron" msgstr "Chevron" msgctxt "Arrow option for Comments Pagination Next/Previous blocks" msgid "Arrow" msgstr "Anak panah" msgctxt "Arrow option for Comments Pagination Next/Previous blocks" msgid "None" msgstr "Tidak ada" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Post Comment" msgstr "Komentar Artikel" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Comment Date" msgstr "Tanggal Komentar" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Comment Content" msgstr "Konten Komentar" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Comment Author" msgstr "Penulis Komentar" msgctxt "Preload value" msgid "None" msgstr "Tidak ada" msgctxt "noun; Audio block parameter" msgid "Preload" msgstr "Pramuat" msgctxt "" "Text labelling a interface as controlling a given layout property (eg: " "margin) for a given screen size." msgid "Controls the %1$s property for %2$s viewports." msgstr "Mengontrol properti %1$s untuk viewport %2$s." msgctxt "screen sizes" msgid "All" msgstr "Semua" msgctxt "Size option for background image control" msgid "Tile" msgstr "Ubin" msgctxt "Size option for background image control" msgid "Contain" msgstr "Berisi" msgctxt "Size option for background image control" msgid "Cover" msgstr "Sampul" msgctxt "font weight" msgid "Normal" msgstr "Normal" msgctxt "font style" msgid "Normal" msgstr "Normal" msgctxt "short date format without the year" msgid "M j" msgstr "j M" msgctxt "long date format" msgid "F j, Y" msgstr "j F Y" msgctxt "medium date format with time" msgid "M j, Y g:i A" msgstr "j M Y G:i" msgctxt "medium date format" msgid "M j, Y" msgstr "j M Y" msgctxt "short date format with time" msgid "n/j/Y g:i A" msgstr "j/n/Y G:i" msgctxt "short date format" msgid "n/j/Y" msgstr "j/n/Y" msgctxt "Generic label for block inserter button" msgid "Toggle block inserter" msgstr "Beralih ke inserter blok" msgctxt "block toolbar button label and description" msgid "These blocks are connected." msgstr "Blok ini terhubung." msgctxt "block toolbar button label and description" msgid "This block is connected." msgstr "Blok ini terhubung." msgctxt "paging" msgid "Page of %s" msgstr "Halaman dari %s" msgctxt "noun" msgid "Document" msgstr "Dokumen" msgid "Move to widget area" msgstr "Pindah ke area widget" msgid "" "Create a classic widget layout with a title that’s styled by your theme for " "your widget areas." msgstr "" "Buat tata letak widget klasik pada area widget dengan judul yang diatur oleh " "tema Anda." msgctxt "switch control" msgid "%1$s, %2$s. Off" msgstr "%1$s, %2$s. Nonaktif" msgctxt "switch control" msgid "%1$s, %2$s. On" msgstr "%1$s, %2$s. Aktif" msgctxt "switch control" msgid "%s. Off" msgstr "%s. Nonaktif" msgctxt "switch control" msgid "%s. On" msgstr "%s. Aktif" msgctxt "inline textinput cell" msgid "%1$s, %2$s, %3$s" msgstr "%1$s, %2$s, %3$s" msgctxt "inline textinput cell" msgid "%1$s, %2$s" msgstr "%1$s, %2$s" msgctxt "inline textinput cell" msgid "%1$s, %2$s. Empty" msgstr "%1$s, %2$s. Kosong" msgctxt "inline textinput cell" msgid "%s. Empty" msgstr "%s. Kosong" msgctxt "Link rel attribute value placeholder" msgid "None" msgstr "Tidak ada" msgctxt "\"Preload\" value" msgid "None" msgstr "Tidak ada" msgid "Widget Group" msgstr "Grup Widget" msgid "Select widget" msgstr "Pilih widget" msgid "There are no widgets available." msgstr "Widget tidak tersedia." msgid "Legacy Widget Preview" msgstr "Pratinjau Widget Lama" msgid "Widget is missing." msgstr "Widget tidak ditemukan." msgid "Legacy Widget" msgstr "Widget Lama" msgid "" "The \"%s\" block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check " "the developer tools for more details." msgstr "" "Blok \"%s\" terdampak eror dan mungkin tidak berfungsi normal. Cek perangkat " "developer untuk lebih jelasnya." msgid "Block rendered as empty." msgstr "Blok terender kosong. " msgid "Untitled pattern block" msgstr "Blok Pola Tanpa Judul" msgid "Preference activated - %s" msgstr "Preferensi diaktifkan - %s" msgid "Preference deactivated - %s" msgstr "Preferensi dinonaktifkan - %s" msgid "An error occurred while renaming the pattern." msgstr "Terjadi eror saat mengganti nama pola." msgid "Pattern renamed" msgstr "Nama pola diganti." msgid "Pattern category renamed." msgstr "Nama kategori pola diganti." msgid "This category already exists. Please use a different name." msgstr "Kategori ini sudah ada. Mohon gunakan nama lain." msgid "Please enter a new name for this category." msgstr "Mohon masukkan nama baru untuk kategori ini." msgid "Allow changes to this block throughout instances of this pattern." msgstr "Izinkan perubahan terhadap blok ini pada instance pola terkait." msgid "" "Overrides currently don't support image captions or links. Remove the " "caption or link first before enabling overrides." msgstr "" "Saat ini, penimpaan tidak mendukung keterangan atau tautan gambar. Hapus " "keterangan atau tautan terlebih dahulu sebelum mengaktifkan penimpaan." msgid "These blocks are editable using overrides." msgstr "Blok ini dapat diedit menggunakan penimpaan." msgid "This %1$s is editable using the \"%2$s\" override." msgstr "%1$s ini dapat diedit menggunakan penimpaan \"%2$s\"." msgid "Synced pattern created: %s" msgstr "Pola yang Tersinkronisasi dibuat: %s" msgid "Unsynced pattern created: %s" msgstr "Pola yang belum disinkronisasi: %s" msgid "" "Are you sure you want to disable overrides? Disabling overrides will revert " "all applied overrides for this block throughout instances of this pattern." msgstr "" "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menonaktifkan penimpaan? Menonaktifkan penimpaan " "akan membatalkan semua penimpaan yang telah diterapkan terhadap blok ini " "pada instance pola terkait." msgid "Disable overrides" msgstr "Nonaktifkan penimpaan" msgid "" "For example, if you are creating a recipe pattern, you use \"Recipe Title\", " "\"Recipe Description\", etc." msgstr "" "Misalnya, jika membuat pola resep, Anda menggunakan \"Judul Resep\", " "\"Deskripsi Resep\", dsb." msgid "" "Overrides are changes you make to a block within a synced pattern instance. " "Use overrides to customize a synced pattern instance to suit its new " "context. Name this block to specify an override." msgstr "" "Penimpaan adalah perubahaan yang Anda buat terhadap sebuah blok di dalam " "instance pola tersinkron. Gunakan penimpaan untuk menyesuaikan instance pola " "tersinkron agar sesuai konteks barunya. Beri nama blok ini untuk membedakan " "sebuah penimpaan." msgid "Enable overrides" msgstr "Aktifkan penimpaan" msgid "%s: This file is empty." msgstr "%s: Berkas ini kosong." msgid "%s: Sorry, you are not allowed to upload this file type." msgstr "%s: Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk menunggah jenis berkas ini." msgid "Non breaking space" msgstr "Spasi tanpa pemisah" msgid "Create page: %s" msgstr "Buat halaman: %s" msgid "Some errors occurred while deleting the items: %s" msgstr "Terjadi eror saat menghapus item: %s" msgid "Some errors occurred while reverting the items: %s" msgstr "Beberapa error terjadi saat mengembalikan item: %s" msgid "An error occurred while deleting the items: %s" msgstr "Terjadi eror saat menghapus item: %s" msgid "An error occurred while reverting the items: %s" msgstr "Terjadi eror saat memulihkan item: %s" msgid "An error occurred while deleting the items." msgstr "Terjadi eror saat menghapus item." msgid "An error occurred while deleting the item." msgstr "Terjadi error saat menghapus item." msgid "An error occurred while reverting the item." msgstr "Terjadi error saat mengembalikan item." msgid "Items reset." msgstr "Item direset." msgid "Template revert failed. Please reload." msgstr "Gagal memulihkan template. Mohon muat ulang." msgid "Template reset." msgstr "Templat direset." msgid "The editor has encountered an unexpected error. Please reload." msgstr "Editor mengalami eror yang tidak terduga. Mohon muat ulang." msgid "This template is not revertable." msgstr "Template ini tidak dapat dipulihkan." msgid "Site updated." msgstr "Situs diperbarui." msgid "Saving failed." msgstr "Penyimpanan gagal." msgid "Custom template created. You're in template mode now." msgstr "Templat khusus dibuat. Anda berada dalam mode templat sekarang." msgid "Distraction free on." msgstr "Bebas gangguan aktif." msgid "Distraction free off." msgstr "Bebas gangguan tidak aktif." msgid "" "You’ve tried to select a block that is part of a template, which may be used " "on other posts and pages. Would you like to edit the template?" msgstr "" "Anda telah mencoba memilih blok yang merupakan bagian dari sebuah templat, " "yang mungkin digunakan di pos atau halaman lain. Apakah Anda ingin mengedit " "templat?" msgid "Add link text" msgstr "Tambahkan teks tautan" msgid "Add new term" msgstr "Tambah istilah baru" msgid "Access all block and document tools in a single place" msgstr "Akses semua peralatan blok dan dokumen di satu tempat" msgid "Characters:" msgstr "Karakter" msgid "Copy Post Text" msgstr "Salin Teks Pos" msgid "Disable pre-publish checks" msgstr "Nonaktifkan pemeriksaan pra-publikasi" msgid "No blocks found." msgstr "Blok tidak ditemukan." msgid "Search for a block" msgstr "Cari blok" msgid "All Template Parts" msgstr "Semua Komponen Template" msgid "The editor has encountered an unexpected error." msgstr "Penyunting mengalami error tidak terduga." msgid "Fullscreen on." msgstr "Layar penuh nonaktif." msgid "Template parts" msgstr "Komponen Template" msgid "%1$s (%2$s of %3$s)" msgstr "%1$s (%2$s dari %3$s)" msgid "Remove caption" msgstr "Hapus keterangan" msgid "Template Part" msgstr "Komponen Template" msgid "Add button text…" msgstr "Tambahkan teks tombol..." msgid "%s block selected." msgid_plural "%s blocks selected." msgstr[0] "%s blok dipilih." msgstr[1] "" msgid "Link settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Tautan" msgid "Set custom size" msgstr "Atur ukuran khusus" msgid "Select the size of the source image." msgstr "Pilih ukuran gambar sumber." msgid "Upload a media file or pick one from your media library." msgstr "Unggah berkas media atau pilih dari pustaka media Anda." msgid "No preview available." msgstr "Pratinjau Tidak Tersedia." msgid "My patterns" msgstr "Pola saya" msgid "Unset" msgstr "Belum dipilih" msgid "Color %s styles" msgstr "Gaya warna %s" msgid "" "This color combination may be hard for people to read. Try using a brighter " "background color and/or a darker %s." msgstr "" "Kombinasi warna ini mungkin sulit dibaca. Coba gunakan warna latar belakang " "yang lebih terang dan/atau %s yang lebih gelap." msgid "" "This color combination may be hard for people to read. Try using a darker " "background color and/or a brighter %s." msgstr "" "Kombinasi warna ini mungkin sulit dibaca. Coba gunakan warna latar belakang " "lebih gelap dan/atau %s yang lebih terang." msgid "Border radius" msgstr "Radius garis" msgid "%d block" msgid_plural "%d blocks" msgstr[0] "%d blok" msgstr[1] "%d blok" msgid "Change alignment" msgstr "Ubah perataan" msgid "%d minute" msgid_plural "%d minutes" msgstr[0] "%d menit" msgstr[1] "%d menit" msgid "< 1 minute" msgstr "< 1 menit" msgid "Create template part" msgstr "Buat komponen Template" msgid "Template part created." msgstr "Bagian template telah dibuat." msgid "Time to read" msgstr "Waktu untuk membaca" msgid "Fallback content" msgstr "Konten cadangan" msgid "" "Changes will apply to new posts only. Individual posts may override these " "settings." msgstr "" "Perubahan hanya akan berlaku untuk artikel baru. Artikel individu mungkin " "mengesampingkan pengaturan ini." msgid "Comments open" msgstr "Komentar dibuka" msgid "Change discussion settings" msgstr "Ubah pengaturan diskusi" msgid "Use left and right arrow keys to resize the canvas." msgstr "Gunakan tombol panah kiri dan kanan untuk mengubah ukuran kanvas." msgid "Preview in new tab" msgstr "Pratinjau di tab baru" msgid "" "Disable blocks that you don't want to appear in the inserter. They can " "always be toggled back on later." msgstr "" "Nonaktifkan blok supaya tidak tampil di penyisip. Blok tersebut dapat " "diaktifkan kembali kemudian." msgid "Manage block visibility" msgstr "Atur visibilitas blok" msgid "Show most used blocks" msgstr "Tampilkan blok yang paling sering digunakan" msgid "Adds a category with the most frequently used blocks in the inserter." msgstr "" "Tambahkan kategori dengan blok yang paling sering digunakan di penyisip." msgid "Inserter" msgstr "penyisip" msgid "Show text instead of icons on buttons across the interface." msgstr "Tampilkan teks daripada ikon pada tombol di seluruh antarmuka." msgid "Show button text labels" msgstr "Tampilkan label teks tombol" msgid "Contain text cursor inside block" msgstr "Berisi kursor teks di dalam blok" msgid "" "Keeps the text cursor within the block boundaries, aiding users with screen " "readers by preventing unintentional cursor movement outside the block." msgstr "" "Menahan kursor teks dalam batas blok, membantu pengguna dengan pembaca layar " "dengan mencegah pergerakan kursor yang tidak disengaja di luar blok." msgid "Optimize the editing experience for enhanced control." msgstr "Mengoptimalkan pengalaman pengeditan untuk kontrol yang lebih baik." msgid "Highlights the current block and fades other content." msgstr "Soroti blok saat ini dan pudarkan konten lainnya." msgid "" "Reduce visual distractions by hiding the toolbar and other elements to focus " "on writing." msgstr "" "Kurangi gangguan visual dengan menyembunyikan toolbar dan elemen-elemen " "lainnya agar fokus menulis." msgid "Customize the editor interface to suit your needs." msgstr "Menyesuaikan antarmuka editor sesuai kebutuhan Anda." msgid "Review settings, such as visibility and tags." msgstr "Tinjau pengaturan, seperti visibilitas dan tag." msgid "Page attributes" msgstr "Atribut laman" msgid "Select what settings are shown in the document panel." msgstr "Pilih pengaturan yang akan ditampilkan di panel dokumen." msgid "Allow right-click contextual menus" msgstr "Izinkan menu kontekstual klik-kanan" msgid "" "Allows contextual List View menus via right-click, overriding browser " "defaults." msgstr "" "Izinkan menu tampilan daftar kontekstual melalui klik kanan, menggantikan " "pengaturan default browser." msgid "Display the block hierarchy trail at the bottom of the editor." msgstr "Tampilkan jalur hirarki blok di bagian bawah editor." msgid "Always open List View" msgstr "Selalu buka tampilan daftar" msgid "Opens the List View sidebar by default." msgstr "Buka bilah sisi Tampilan Daftar secara default." msgid "Interface" msgstr "Antarmuka" msgid "" "Set the default number of posts to display on blog pages, including " "categories and tags. Some templates may override this setting." msgstr "" "Atur jumlah pos default untuk ditampilkan di halaman pos, termasuk kategori " "dan tag. Beberapa template mungkin akan mengabaikan pengaturan ini." msgid "Change posts per page" msgstr "Ubah pos per halaman" msgid "Only those with the password can view this post." msgstr "Hanya yang mengetahui kata sandi yang dapat melihat pos ini." msgid "Control how this post is viewed." msgstr "Atur bagaimana pos ini dilihat." msgid "Change link: %s" msgstr "Ubah tautan: %s" msgid "" "" "#permalink" msgstr "" "" "#permalink" msgid "Swap template" msgstr "Tukar templat" msgid "Use default template" msgstr "Gunakan templat standar" msgid "Create new template" msgstr "Buat template baru" msgid "The posts page template cannot be changed." msgstr "Template halaman pos tidak dapat diubah." msgid "Templates define the way content is displayed when viewing your site." msgstr "" "Template menentukan bagaimana konten ditampilkan saat melihat situs Anda." msgid "Show template" msgstr "Tampilkan templat" msgid "" "Editing template. Changes made here affect all posts and pages that use the " "template." msgstr "" "Mengedit template. Perubahan yang dilakukan di sini mempengaruhi semua " "artikel dan halaman yang menggunakan template ini." msgid "Unschedule" msgstr "Batalkan jadwal" msgid "Unpublish" msgstr "Batalkan pengeposan" msgid "Pin this post to the top of the blog" msgstr "Sematkan pos ini di bagian atas blog" msgid "Only visible to those who know the password" msgstr "Hanya dapat dilihat orang yang mengetahui kata sandi" msgid "Publish automatically on a chosen date." msgstr "Publikasikan secara otomatis pada tanggal yang sudah dipilih." msgid "Waiting for review before publishing." msgstr "Menunggu peninjauan sebelum dipublikasikan." msgid "Not ready to publish." msgstr "Belum siap untuk dipublikasikan." msgid "Change date: %s" msgstr "Ubah tanggal: %s" msgid "Change publish date" msgstr "Ubah tanggal publikasi" msgid "Tomorrow at %s" msgstr "Besok pada %s" msgid "Save as pending" msgstr "Simpan sebagai Ditangguhkan" msgid "" "Upload external images to the Media Library. Images from different domains " "may load slowly, display incorrectly, or be removed unexpectedly." msgstr "" "Unggah gambar eksternal ke Pustaka Media. Gambar dari domain berbeda mungkin " "memuat dengan lambat, tampil secara tidak benar, atau dihapus secara tidak " "terduga." msgid "External media" msgstr "Media eksternal" msgid "Select image block." msgstr "Pilih blok gambar." msgid "" "Categories provide a helpful way to group related posts together and to " "quickly tell readers what a post is about." msgstr "" "Kategori menyediakan cara yang berguna untuk mengelompokkan pos terkait dan " "dengan cepat memberi tahu pembaca tentang artikel tersebut." msgid "Assign a category" msgstr "Tetapkan kategori" msgid "Learn more about pingbacks & trackbacks" msgstr "Pelajari selengkapnya tentang pingback & trackback" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Enable pingbacks & trackbacks" msgstr "Aktifkan pingback & trackback" msgid "" "If you take over, the other user will lose editing control to the post, but " "their changes will be saved." msgstr "" "Jika Anda mengambil alih, pengguna lain akan kehilangan kontrol pengeditan " "pos, namun perubahan mereka akan disimpan." msgid "" "%s is currently working on this post (), " "which means you cannot make changes, unless you take over." msgstr "" "%s sedang mengerjakan pos ini (), maka Anda " "tidak dapat membuat perubahan, kecuali Anda ambil alih." msgid "preview" msgstr "Pratinjau" msgid "" "%s now has editing control of this post (). " "Don’t worry, your changes up to this moment have been saved." msgstr "" "%s sekarang memiliki kontrol pengeditan pos ini " "(). Jangan khawatir, perubahan Anda hingga saat ini telah " "disimpan." msgid "Exit editor" msgstr "Tutup editor" msgid "Last edited %s." msgstr "Terakhir diubah %s" msgid "Change format: %s" msgstr "Ubah format: %s" msgid "Apply suggested format: %s" msgstr "Terapkan format yang disarankan: %s" msgid "Edit excerpt" msgstr "Sunting kutipan" msgid "Edit description" msgstr "Sunting deskripsi" msgid "Add an excerpt…" msgstr "Tambah kutipan …" msgid "" "" "#excerpt" msgstr "" "" "#excerpt" msgid "Write a description (optional)" msgstr "Tulis deskripsi (opsional)" msgid "Change discussion options" msgstr "Ubah pilihan diskusi" msgid "Pings enabled" msgstr "Ping diaktifkan" msgid "Pings only" msgstr "Hanya ping" msgid "%1$s, %2$s read time." msgstr "%1$s, durasi membaca %2$s." msgid "Existing comments remain visible." msgstr "Komentar yang sudah ada tetap dapat dilihat." msgid "Visitors cannot add new comments or replies." msgstr "Pengunjung tidak dapat menambahkan komentar atau balasan baru." msgid "Visitors can add new comments and replies." msgstr "Pengunjung dapat menambahkan komentar dan balasan baru." msgid "Change author: %s" msgstr "Ubah penyusun: %s" msgid "patterns-export" msgstr "ekspor-pola" msgid "\"%s\" duplicated." msgstr "\"%s\" digandakan." msgid "Reset to default and clear all customizations?" msgstr "Reset ke default dan hapus semua kustomisasi?" msgid "An error occurred while reverting the template parts." msgstr "Terjadi eror saat memulihkan komponen template." msgid "An error occurred while reverting the template part." msgstr "Terjadi eror saat mengembalikan komponen template." msgid "An error occurred while reverting the templates." msgstr "Terjadi eror saat memulihkan templat." msgid "An error occurred while reverting the template." msgstr "Terjadi eror saat memulihkan templat." msgid "\"%s\" reset." msgstr "\"%s\" direset." msgid "%s items reset." msgstr "%s item direset." msgid "An error occurred while duplicating the page." msgstr "Terjadi error saat duplikasi halaman." msgid "Name updated" msgstr "Nama diperbarui" msgid "View revisions (%s)" msgstr "Lihat revisi (%s)" msgid "Some errors occurred while restoring the posts: %s" msgstr "Beberapa error terjadi saat memulihkan pos: %s" msgid "An error occurred while restoring the posts: %s" msgstr "Terjadi error saat memulihkan pos: %s" msgid "%d posts have been restored." msgstr "%d pos telah dikembalikan." msgid "%d pages have been restored." msgstr "%d halaman telah dipulihkan." msgid "\"%s\" has been restored." msgstr "\"%s\" telah dikembalikan." msgid "Some errors occurred while permanently deleting the items: %s" msgstr "Terjadi beberapa error saat menghapus permanen item: %s" msgid "An error occurred while permanently deleting the items: %s" msgstr "Terjadi error saat menghapus permanen item: %s" msgid "An error occurred while permanently deleting the items." msgstr "Terjadi error saat menghapus permanen item." msgid "An error occurred while permanently deleting the item." msgstr "Terjadi error saat menghapus permanen item." msgid "The items were permanently deleted." msgstr "Item dihapus permanen." msgid "Permanently delete" msgstr "Hapus secara permanen" msgid "Some errors occurred while moving the items to the trash: %s" msgstr "Terjadi beberapa error saat memindahkan item ke tempat sampah: %s" msgid "Delete %d item?" msgid_plural "Delete %d items?" msgstr[0] "Hapus %d item?" msgstr[1] "Hapus %d item?" msgid "" "" "attributes" msgstr "" "" "attributes" msgid "" "Child pages inherit characteristics from their parent, such as URL " "structure. For instance, if \"Pricing\" is a child of \"Services\", its URL " "would be %1$s/services/pricing." msgstr "" "Halaman turunan mewarisi karakteristik halaman induk, seperti struktur URL. " "Misalnya, jika \"Harga\" adalah turunan dari \"Layanan\", URL-nya akan " "menjadi %1$s/layanan/harga." msgid "Change parent: %s" msgstr "Ubah induk: %s" msgid "Set the page order." msgstr "Tetapkan urutan halaman." msgid "Spotlight mode deactivated" msgstr "Mode spotlight dinonaktifkan" msgid "Spotlight mode activated" msgstr "Mode spotlight diaktifkan" msgid "Distraction free mode deactivated" msgstr "Mode bebas gangguan dinonaktifkan" msgid "Distraction free mode activated" msgstr "Mode bebas gangguan diaktifkan" msgid "Write with calmness" msgstr "Menulis dengan ketenangan" msgid "Distraction free" msgstr "Bebas gangguan" msgid "Top toolbar deactivated" msgstr "Bilah peralatan atas dinonaktifkan" msgid "Top toolbar activated" msgstr "Bilah peralatan atas diaktifkan" msgid "Copy all blocks" msgstr "Salin semua blok" msgid "All content copied." msgstr "Semua konten disalin." msgid "You can enable the visual editor in your profile settings." msgstr "Anda dapat mengaktifkan editor visual di pengaturan profil Anda." msgid "Visual editor" msgstr "Penyunting visual" msgid "Search Openverse" msgstr "Cari Openverse" msgid "Search audio" msgstr "Cari audio" msgid "Search videos" msgstr "Cari video" msgid "Time to read:" msgstr "Waktu untuk membaca" msgid "List View shortcuts" msgstr "Pintasan Tampilan Daftar" msgid "Add non breaking space." msgstr "Tambahkan spasi tanpa pemisah." msgid "Convert the current paragraph or heading to a heading of level 1 to 6." msgstr "Ubah paragraf ini atau ubah judul menjadi level 1 hingga 6." msgid "Convert the current heading to a paragraph." msgstr "Ubah judul ini menjadi sebuah paragraf." msgid "Make the selected text inline code." msgstr "Buat teks yang dipilih dalam sebaris." msgid "Strikethrough the selected text." msgstr "Tambahkan garis coret ke teks terpilih." msgid "Insert a link to a post or page." msgstr "Tambahkan tautan ke pos atau halaman" msgid "Display these keyboard shortcuts." msgstr "Tampilkan pintasan keyboard." msgid "Toggle distraction free mode." msgstr "Alihkan mode bebas gangguan." msgid "Open the List View." msgstr "Buka Tampilan Daftar." msgid "Select the items you want to save." msgstr "Pilih item yang ingin Anda simpan." msgid "There is %d site change waiting to be saved." msgid_plural "There are %d site changes waiting to be saved." msgstr[0] "Ada %d perubahan situs menunggu untuk disimpan." msgstr[1] "Ada %d perubahan situs menunggu untuk disimpan." msgid "Are you ready to save?" msgstr "Apakah Anda siap untuk menyimpan?" msgid "The following has been modified." msgstr "Berikut telah diubah." msgid "This change will affect pages and posts that use this template." msgstr "" "Perubahan ini akan berpengaruh pada halaman dan artikel yang menggunakan " "template ini." msgid "These changes will affect your whole site." msgstr "Perubahan ini akan memengaruhi seluruh situs Anda." msgid "This change will affect your whole site." msgstr "Perubahan ini akan mempengaruhi seluruh situs Anda." msgid "Block Library" msgstr "Pustaka blok" msgid "Editor footer" msgstr "Penyunting footer" msgid "Editor content" msgstr "Konten penyunting" msgid "Document Overview" msgstr "Tinjauan Dokumen" msgid "" "Navigate the structure of your document and address issues like empty or " "incorrect heading levels." msgstr "" "Jelajahi struktur dokumen Anda dan atasi masalah-masalah seperti level judul " "yang kosong atau salah." msgid "Document not found" msgstr "Dokumen tidak ditemukan" msgid "An error occurred while creating the template part." msgstr "Terjadi eror saat membuat komponen template." msgid "Duplicate pattern" msgstr "Duplikasi pola" msgid "Preview in a new tab" msgstr "Pratinjau di tab baru" msgid "Pre-publish checks enabled." msgstr "Pemeriksaan pra-publikasi diaktifkan." msgid "Pre-publish checks disabled." msgstr "Pemeriksaan pra-publikasi dinonaktifkan." msgid "Toggle block inspector" msgstr "Alihkan inspektur blok" msgid "Toggle settings sidebar" msgstr "Beralih sidebar pengaturan" msgid "Breadcrumbs visible." msgstr "Breadcrumbs terlihat." msgid "Breadcrumbs hidden." msgstr "Breadcrumbs disembunyikan." msgid "Show block breadcrumbs" msgstr "Tampilkan blok breadcrumb" msgid "Hide block breadcrumbs" msgstr "Sembunyikan blok breadcrumb" msgid "Open code editor" msgstr "Buka editor kode" msgid "Top toolbar on." msgstr "Bilah perkakas atas aktif." msgid "Top toolbar off." msgstr "Bilah perkakas atas nonaktif." msgid "Toggle top toolbar" msgstr "Alihkan bilah perkakas atas" msgid "List View on." msgstr "Tampilan Daftar aktif." msgid "List View off." msgstr "Tampilan Daftar nonaktif." msgid "Open List View" msgstr "Buka tampilan daftar" msgid "Close List View" msgstr "Tutup Tampilan Daftar" msgid "Spotlight on." msgstr "Sorotan aktif." msgid "Spotlight off." msgstr "Sorotan nonaktif." msgid "Toggle spotlight" msgstr "Alihkan sorotan" msgid "Editor preferences" msgstr "Preferensi editor" msgid "Enter Distraction Free" msgstr "Masuk ke Mode Tanpa Gangguan " msgid "Exit Distraction Free" msgstr "Keluar Mode Tanpa Gangguan" msgid "Keyboard shortcuts" msgstr "Pintasan keyboard" msgid "Hide block tools" msgstr "Sembunyikan alat blok" msgid "Show block tools" msgstr "Tampilkan alat blok" msgid "" "Set the Posts Page title. Appears in search results, and when the page is " "shared on social media." msgstr "" "Atur judul Halaman Pos. Judul akan muncul pada hasil pencarian, dan ketika " "halaman dibagikan ke media sosial." msgid "Change blog title: %s" msgstr "Ubah judul blog: %s" msgid "" "Temporarily unlock the parent block to edit, delete or make further changes " "to this block." msgstr "" "Membuka kunci blok induk sementara untuk mengedit, menghapus, atau mengubah " "lebih lanjut blok tersebut." msgid "Edit template" msgstr "Edit template" msgid "" "Only users with permissions to edit the template can move or delete this " "block" msgstr "" "Hanya pengguna dengan izin mengedit templat yang dapat memindahkan atau " "menghapus blok ini" msgid "" "Edit the template to move, delete, or make further changes to this block." msgstr "" "Edit templat untuk memindahkan, menghapus, atau mengubah lebih lanjut blok " "tersebut." msgid "" "Edit the pattern to move, delete, or make further changes to this block." msgstr "" "Edit pola untuk memindahkan, menghapus, atau mengubah lebih lanjut blok " "tersebut." msgid "" "The deleted block allows instance overrides. Removing it may result in " "content not displaying where this pattern is used. Are you sure you want to " "proceed?" msgid_plural "" "Some of the deleted blocks allow instance overrides. Removing them may " "result in content not displaying where this pattern is used. Are you sure " "you want to proceed?" msgstr[0] "" "Blok yang dihapus mengizinkan penimpaan instance. Penghapusan dapat " "menyebabkan konten tidak ditampilkan saat penggunaan pola terkait. Apakah " "Anda yakin ingin melanjutkan?" msgstr[1] "" "Beberapa blok yang dihapus mengizinkan penimpaan instance. Penghapusan dapat " "menyebabkan konten tidak ditampilkan saat penggunaan pola terkait. Apakah " "Anda yakin ingin melanjutkan?" msgid "%d block is hidden." msgid_plural "%d blocks are hidden." msgstr[0] "%d blok disembunyikan." msgstr[1] "%d blok disembunyikan." msgid "Apply globally" msgstr "Terapkan secara global" msgid "" "Apply this block’s typography, spacing, dimensions, and color styles to all " "%s blocks." msgstr "" "Terapkan tipografi, spasi, dimensi, dan pengaturan warna blok ini ke semua " "blok %s." msgid "%s styles applied." msgstr "Styles %s diaplikasikan." msgid "Delete template part: %s" msgstr "Hapus komponen template: %s" msgid "Delete template: %s" msgstr "Hapus templat: %s" msgid "Reset template part: %s" msgstr "Atur ulang komponen template: %s" msgid "Reset template: %s" msgstr "Atur ulang templat: %s" msgid "Edit template: %s" msgstr "Edit template: %s" msgid "Style revisions" msgstr "Revisi gaya" msgid "Customize CSS" msgstr "Sesuaikan CSS" msgid "Learn about styles" msgstr "Pelajari tentang style" msgid "Open styles" msgstr "Buka gaya" msgid "" "Note that the same template can be used by multiple pages, so any changes " "made here may affect other pages on the site. To switch back to editing the " "page content click the ‘Back’ button in the toolbar." msgstr "" "Perhatikan bahwa template yang sama dapat digunakan oleh beberapa halaman, " "jadi perubahan apa pun yang dilakukan di sini dapat memengaruhi halaman lain " "di situs. Untuk beralih kembali ke pengeditan konten halaman, klik tombol " "'Kembali' di toolbar." msgid "Editing a template" msgstr "Menyunting templat" msgid "Here’s a detailed guide to learn how to make the most of it." msgstr "Berikut panduan mendetail cara memanfaatkannya semaksimal mungkin." msgid "New to block themes and styling your site?" msgstr "Awam dengan tema blok dan mendesain situs Anda?" msgid "" "You can adjust your blocks to ensure a cohesive experience across your site " "— add your unique colors to a branded Button block, or adjust the Heading " "block to your preferred size." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengatur blok Anda untuk memastikan pengalaman yang konsisten di " "seluruh situs Anda — tambahkan warna khusus untuk blok Tombol, atau pilih " "ukuran yang sesuai untuk blok Judul." msgid "Personalize blocks" msgstr "Ubah blok" msgid "" "You can customize your site as much as you like with different colors, " "typography, and layouts. Or if you prefer, just leave it up to your theme to " "handle!" msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengatur warna, tipografi, dan tata letak situs Anda sesuai " "keinginan. Atau biarkan saja sesuai tema Anda, jika suka!" msgid "Set the design" msgstr "Atur desain" msgid "" "Tweak your site, or give it a whole new look! Get creative — how about a new " "color palette for your buttons, or choosing a new font? Take a look at what " "you can do here." msgstr "" "Sesuaikan situs Anda, atau buat tampilan baru! Kreatiflah — bagaimana dengan " "palet warna untuk tombol Anda, atau pilih jenis huruf baru? Lihat apa yang " "dapat Anda kerjakan di sini." msgid "Welcome to Styles" msgstr "Selamat Datang di Style" msgid "" "It’s now possible to edit page content in the site editor. To customise " "other parts of the page like the header and footer switch to editing the " "template using the settings sidebar." msgstr "" "Sekarang pengeditan konten halaman dapat dilakukan di editor situs. Untuk " "menyesuaikan bagian halaman lainnya seperti header dan footer, beralihlah ke " "pengeditan template menggunakan sidebar pengaturan." msgid "Editing a page" msgstr "Menyunting halaman" msgid "" "Click to start designing your blocks, and choose your " "typography, layout, and colors." msgstr "" "Klik untuk memulai mendesain blok, dan pilih tipografi, " "tata letak, dan warna Anda." msgid "Welcome to the site editor" msgstr "Selamat datang di editor situs" msgid "Open %s styles in Styles panel" msgstr "Buka style %s di panel Styles" msgid "Examples of blocks" msgstr "Contoh blok" msgid "Examples of blocks in the %s category" msgstr "Contoh blok dalam kategori %s" msgid "Open command palette" msgstr "Buka palet perintah" msgid "View site (opens in a new tab)" msgstr "Lihat situs (buka di tab baru)" msgid "All templates" msgstr "Semua Template" msgid "" "Create new templates, or reset any customizations made to the templates " "supplied by your theme." msgstr "" "Buat template baru, atau atur ulang setiap penyesuaian yang dilakukan pada " "template yang disediakan oleh tema Anda." msgid "A list of all patterns from all sources." msgstr "Daftar semua pola dari semua sumber" msgid "All patterns" msgstr "Semua pola" msgid "Loading items…" msgstr "Memuat item ..." msgid "Manage what patterns are available when editing the site." msgstr "Kelola pola mana yang tersedia saat mengedit situs." msgid "Manage your Navigation Menus." msgstr "Kelola menu navigasi Anda." msgid "No Navigation Menus found." msgstr "Tidak ada Menu Navigasi yang ditemukan." msgid "Unable to duplicate Navigation Menu (%s)." msgstr "Tidak dapat menggandakan menu navigasi (%s)." msgid "Duplicated Navigation Menu" msgstr "Menu Navigasi yang Digandakan" msgid "Unable to rename Navigation Menu (%s)." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengganti nama menu Navigasi (%s)." msgid "Renamed Navigation Menu" msgstr "Menu Navigasi yang telah dinamai ulang" msgid "Unable to delete Navigation Menu (%s)." msgstr "Tidak dapat menghapus menu Navigasi (%s)." msgid "Navigation title" msgstr "Judul Navigasi" msgid "Navigation Menu missing." msgstr "Menu Navigasi Hilang." msgid "" "Navigation Menus are a curated collection of blocks that allow visitors to " "get around your site." msgstr "" "Menu navigasi adalah kumpulan blok yang telah dikurasi yang memungkinkan " "pengunjung untuk berkeliling situs Anda." msgid "Customize the appearance of your website using the block editor." msgstr "Sesuaikan tampilan situs web Anda menggunakan editor blok." msgid "Go to the Dashboard" msgstr "Kunjungi dasbor" msgid "Choose a different style combination for the theme styles." msgstr "Pilih kombinasi style yang berbeda untuk gaya tema" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Last modified" msgstr "Terakhir Dimodifikasi" msgid "Custom Views" msgstr "Tampilan Kustom" msgid "New view" msgstr "Tampilan baru" msgid "My view" msgstr "Tampilan saya" msgid "Open save panel" msgstr "Buka panel penyimpanan" msgid "Save panel" msgstr "Simpan panel" msgid "Save site, content, and template changes" msgstr "Simpan perubahan situs, konten, dan templat" msgid "Saving your changes will change your active theme from %1$s to %2$s." msgstr "" "Menyimpan perubahan Anda akan mengubah tema aktif Anda dari %1$s ke %2$s." msgid "Review %d change…" msgid_plural "Review %d changes…" msgstr[0] "Tinjau %d perubahan..." msgstr[1] "Tinjau %d perubahan..." msgid "Activate %s & Save" msgstr "Aktifkan %s & Simpan" msgid "Activating %s" msgstr "Mengaktifkan %s" msgid "%1$s ‹ %2$s ‹ Editor — WordPress" msgstr "%1$s ‹ %2$s ‹ Editor — WordPress" msgid "" "Use left and right arrow keys to resize the canvas. Hold shift to resize in " "larger increments." msgstr "" "Gunakan tombol panah kiri dan kanan untuk mengatur ukuran kanvas. Tekan " "shift untuk mengubah menjadi lebih besar." msgid "Drag to resize" msgstr "Seret untuk mengubah ukuran" msgid "Pagination Navigation" msgstr "Navigasi Paginasi" msgid "Patterns content" msgstr "Konten pola" msgid "Sync status" msgstr "Status Sinkronisasi" msgid "This pattern cannot be edited." msgstr "Pola ini tidak dapat diedit." msgid "Empty pattern" msgstr "Pola kosong" msgid "Empty template part" msgstr "Bagian template kosong" msgid "Patterns that can be changed freely without affecting the site." msgstr "Pola yang dapat diubah secara bebas tanpa memengaruhi situs." msgid "Patterns that are kept in sync across the site." msgstr "Pola yang selalu sinkron di seluruh situs." msgid "Action menu for %s pattern category" msgstr "Menu aksi untuk kategori pola %s" msgid "Includes every template part defined for any area." msgstr "Termasuk semua bagian templat yang ditentukan untuk area mana pun." msgid "" "Are you sure you want to delete the category \"%s\"? The patterns will not " "be deleted." msgstr "" "Anda yakin ingin menghapus kategori \"%s\"? Polanya tidak akan dihapus." msgid "Delete \"%s\"?" msgstr "Hapus \"%s\"?" msgid "An error occurred while deleting the pattern category." msgstr "Terjadi eror saat menghapus kategori pola." msgid "\"%s\" deleted." msgstr "\"%s\" dihapus." msgid "Published: " msgstr "Dipublikasikan: " msgid "Scheduled: " msgstr "Dijadwalkan: " msgid "Modified: " msgstr "Dimodifikasi: " msgid "Download your theme with updated templates and styles." msgstr "Unduh tema Anda dengan template dan gaya yang diperbarui." msgid "An error occurred while creating the site export." msgstr "Terjadi eror saat membuat data ekspor situs." msgid "Reset styles" msgstr "Atur ulang style" msgid "Aa" msgstr "Aa" msgid "Typography %s styles" msgstr "Gaya %s tipografi" msgid "Close Styles" msgstr "Tutup Gaya" msgid "Shadow %s" msgstr "Bayangan %s" msgid "Manage and create shadow styles for use across the site." msgstr "Kelola dan buat gaya bayangan untuk digunakan di seluruh situs." msgid "Spread" msgstr "Menyebar" msgid "Blur" msgstr "Mengabur" msgid "Y Position" msgstr "Posisi Y" msgid "X Position" msgstr "Posisi X" msgid "Outset" msgstr "Awalan" msgid "Inner shadow" msgstr "Bayangan dalam" msgid "Remove shadow" msgstr "Hapus bayangan" msgid "Add shadow" msgstr "Tambah bayangan" msgid "Shadow name" msgstr "Nama bayangan" msgid "Typography styles and the application of those styles on site elements." msgstr "Gaya tipografi serta penerapan gaya tersebut di elemen situs." msgid "Select heading level" msgstr "Pilih level judul" msgid "Manage the fonts and typography used on buttons." msgstr "Kelola jenis huruf dan tipografi yang digunakan untuk tombol." msgid "Manage the fonts and typography used on captions." msgstr "Kelola font dan tipografi yang digunakan pada keterangan." msgid "Manage the fonts and typography used on headings." msgstr "Kelola jenis huruf dan tipografi yang digunakan untuk judul." msgid "Manage the fonts and typography used on the links." msgstr "Kelola jenis huruf dan tipografi untuk tautan." msgid "Manage the fonts used on the site." msgstr "Kelola jenis huruf yang digunakan pada situs." msgid "Customize the appearance of specific blocks for the whole site." msgstr "Sesuaikan tampilan blok untuk keseluruhan situs." msgid "These styles are already applied to your site." msgstr "Sudah ada style yang diterapkan ke situs Anda." msgid "(Unsaved)" msgstr "(Belum disimpan)" msgid "Default styles" msgstr "Gaya standar" msgid "Global styles revisions list" msgstr "Daftar revisi gaya global" msgid "Changes saved by %1$s on %2$s" msgstr "Perubahan disimpan oleh %1$s pada %2$s" msgid "" "Changes saved by %1$s on %2$s. This revision matches current editor styles." msgstr "" "Perubahan disimpan oleh %1$s pada %2$s. Revisi ini sesuai dengan style " "editor saat ini." msgid "Unsaved changes by %s" msgstr "Perubahan belum disimpan oleh %s" msgid "Reset the styles to the theme defaults" msgstr "Setel ulang gaya ke default tema" msgid "" "Are you sure you want to apply this revision? Any unsaved changes will be " "lost." msgstr "" "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menerapkan revisi ini? Perubahan apa pun yang belum " "disimpan akan hilang." msgid "Global Styles pagination navigation" msgstr "Navigasi paginasi Style Global" msgid "Close revisions" msgstr "Tutup revisi" msgid "" "Click on previously saved styles to preview them. To restore a selected " "version to the editor, hit \"Apply.\" When you're ready, use the Save button " "to save your changes." msgstr "" "Klik pada style yang disimpan sebelumnya untuk melakukan pratinjau. Untuk " "mengembalikan versi yang dipilih ke editor, klik \"Terapkan.\" Saat Anda " "siap, gunakan tombol Simpan untuk menyimpan perubahan Anda." msgid "Revisions (%s)" msgstr "Revisi (%s)" msgid "Add your own CSS to customize the appearance and layout of your site." msgstr "" "Tambahkan CSS Anda sendiri untuk menyesuaikan tampilan dan tata letak situs " "Anda." msgid "Palette colors and the application of those colors on site elements." msgstr "Warna palet dan penerapan warna tersebut di elemen situs." msgid "The combination of colors used across the site and in color pickers." msgstr "Kombinasi warna yang digunakan di seluruh situs dan pemilih warna." msgid "" "Add your own CSS to customize the appearance of the %s block. You do not " "need to include a CSS selector, just add the property and value." msgstr "" "Tambahkan CSS Anda sendiri untuk menyesuaikan tampilan blok %s. Anda tidak " "perlu menyertakan selektor CSS, cukup tambahkan properti dan nilainya." msgid "Customize the appearance of specific blocks and for the whole site." msgstr "Sesuaikan tampilan blok tertentu dan keseluruhan situs." msgid "%s block styles" msgstr "Pengaturan blok %s" msgid "Shadow styles" msgstr "Gaya bayangan" msgid "Typography styles" msgstr "Gaya tipografi" msgid "Randomize colors" msgstr "Acak warna" msgid "Palette" msgstr "Palettes" msgid "Add colors" msgstr "Tambahkan warna" msgid "Edit palette" msgstr "Edit palet" msgid "" "Uploaded fonts appear in your library and can be used in your theme. " "Supported formats: .ttf, .otf, .woff, and .woff2." msgstr "" "Font yang diunggah muncul di pustaka Anda dan dapat digunakan di tema Anda. " "Format yang didukung: .ttf, .otf, .woff, and .woff2." msgid "Upload font" msgstr "Unggah font" msgid "No fonts found to install." msgstr "Tidak ada font untuk diinstal." msgid "" "Are you sure you want to delete \"%s\" font and all its variants and assets?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin menghapus font \"%s\" dan semua varian dan asetnya?" msgid "There was an error uninstalling the font family." msgstr "Terjadi error saat menghapus penginstalan kelompok font." msgid "" "Choose font variants. Keep in mind that too many variants could make your " "site slower." msgstr "" "Pilih varian font. Perlu diingat bahwa terlalu banyak varian dapat membuat " "situs Anda lebih lambat." msgid "%1$s/%2$s variants active" msgstr "%1$s/%2$s varian aktif" msgid "Install Fonts" msgstr "Instal Font" msgid "Allow access to Google Fonts" msgstr "Izinkan akses ke Google Font" msgid "You can alternatively upload files directly on the Upload tab." msgstr "Sebagai alternatif, Anda dapat mengunggah file langsung di tab Unggah." msgid "" "To install fonts from Google you must give permission to connect directly to " "Google servers. The fonts you install will be downloaded from Google and " "stored on your site. Your site will then use these locally-hosted fonts." msgstr "" "Untuk memasang font dari Google Anda harus memberikan izin untuk terhubung " "langsung ke server Google. Font yang Anda pasang akan diunduh dari Google " "dan disimpan di situs Anda. Situs Anda kemudian akan menggunakan font yang " "dihosting secara lokal ini." msgid "Connect to Google Fonts" msgstr "Hubungkan ke Google Fonts" msgid "Select font variants to install." msgstr "Pilih varian font yang akan diinstal." msgid "No fonts found. Try with a different search term" msgstr "Font tidak ditemukan. Coba cari istilah pencarian lainnya" msgid "Font name…" msgstr "Nama font…" msgid "Revoke access to Google Fonts" msgstr "Cabut akses ke Google Fonts" msgid "Fonts were installed successfully." msgstr "Font berhasil diinstal." msgid "Error installing the fonts, could not be downloaded." msgstr "Eror saat menginstal font, tidak dapat diunduh." msgid "There was an error installing fonts." msgstr "Terjadi eror saat menginstal font." msgid "%d variant" msgid_plural "%d variants" msgstr[0] "%d varian" msgstr[1] "%d varian" msgid "Add fonts" msgstr "Tambahkan font" msgid "No fonts installed." msgstr "Tidak ada font yang terinstal." msgid "Manage fonts" msgstr "Kelola font" msgid "%1$s ‹ %2$s" msgstr "%1$s pukul %2$s" msgid "Style Revisions" msgstr "Revisi gaya" msgid "Style Book" msgstr "Buku Style" msgid "No authors found." msgstr "Penyusun tidak ditemukan." msgid "Search Authors" msgstr "Cari Penyusun" msgid "Displays taxonomy: %s." msgstr "Menampilkan taksonomi: %s." msgid "Displays a single item: %s." msgstr "Menampilkan item satuan: %s." msgid "Single item: %1$s (%2$s)" msgstr "Satuan item : %1$s (%2$s)" msgid "Displays an archive with the latest posts of type: %s." msgstr "Menampilkan arsip dengan jenis pos terbaru: %s." msgid "Archive: %1$s (%2$s)" msgstr "Arsip: %1$s (%2$s)" msgid "A custom template can be manually applied to any post or page." msgstr "" "Templat khusus dapat diterapkan secara manual ke pos atau laman apa pun." msgid "Custom template" msgstr "Template Khusus" msgid "Select what the new template should apply to:" msgstr "Pilih di mana template baru akan digunakan:" msgid "Create custom template" msgstr "Buat template khusus" msgid "Add template: %s" msgstr "Tambah template: %s" msgid "Add template" msgstr "Tambahkan Template" msgid "E.g. %s" msgstr "Misalnya %s" msgid "This template will be used only for the specific item chosen." msgstr "Templat ini hanya akan digunakan untuk item tertentu yang dipilih." msgid "For a specific item" msgstr "Untuk item tertentu" msgid "For all items" msgstr "Untuk Semua Item" msgid "" "Select whether to create a single template for all items or a specific one." msgstr "" "Pilih apakah akan membuat satu template untuk semua item atau yang spesifik." msgid "Suggestions list" msgstr "Daftar saran" msgid "" "Describe the template, e.g. \"Post with sidebar\". A custom template can be " "manually applied to any post or page." msgstr "" "Jelaskan templat, mis. \"Pos dengan bilah sisi\". Templat khusus dapat " "diterapkan secara manual pada artikel atau laman mana pun." msgid "Custom Template" msgstr "Template Khusus" msgid "Imported \"%s\" from JSON." msgstr "\"%s\" diimpor dari JSON." msgid "Import pattern from JSON" msgstr "Impor pola dari JSON" msgid "Create draft" msgstr "Buat konsep" msgid "No title" msgstr "Tanpa Judul" msgid "" "Templates help define the layout of the site. You can customize all aspects " "of your posts and pages using blocks and patterns in this editor." msgstr "" "Template membantu menyusun tata letak situs. Anda dapat menyesuaikan semua " "aspek artikel dan halaman Anda menggunakan blok dan pola di editor ini." msgid "Welcome to the template editor" msgstr "Selamat datang di editor template" msgid "Learn how to use the block editor" msgstr "Pelajari cara menggunakan editor blok" msgid "" "All of the blocks available to you live in the block library. You’ll find it " "wherever you see the icon." msgstr "" "Semua blok yang tersedia untuk Anda berada di pustaka blok. Anda akan " "menemukannya di mana pun Anda melihat ikon ." msgid "Get to know the block library" msgstr "Kenali pustaka blok" msgid "" "Each block comes with its own set of controls for changing things like " "color, width, and alignment. These will show and hide automatically when you " "have a block selected." msgstr "" "Setiap blok dilengkapi dengan kumpulan pengaturan masing-masing untuk " "mengubah seperti warna, lebar, dan perataan. Pengaturan tersebut akan tampak " "dan tidak tampak secara otomatis ketika sudah ada blok yang Anda pilih." msgid "Make each block your own" msgstr "Jadikan setiap blok sesuai keinginan Anda" msgid "" "In the WordPress editor, each paragraph, image, or video is presented as a " "distinct “block” of content." msgstr "" "Di editor WordPress, setiap paragraf, gambar, atau video ditampilkan sebagai " "konten “blok” ." msgid "Welcome to the block editor" msgstr "Selamat Datang di Editor Blok" msgid "Use theme styles" msgstr "Gunakan style tema" msgid "Make the editor look like your theme." msgstr "Buat editor terlihat seperti tema Anda." msgid "Hide & Reload Page" msgstr "Sembunyikan & Muat Ulang Halaman" msgid "Show & Reload Page" msgstr "Tampilkan & Muat Ulang Halaman" msgid "" "A page reload is required for this change. Make sure your content is saved " "before reloading." msgstr "" "Muat ulang untuk melihat perubahan ini. Pastikan konten Anda telah disimpan " "sebelumnya." msgid "Welcome Guide" msgstr "Panduan Selamat Datang" msgid "Manage patterns" msgstr "Kelola pola" msgid "Fullscreen mode deactivated" msgstr "Mode layar penuh dinonaktifkan" msgid "Fullscreen mode activated" msgstr "Mode layar penuh diaktifkan" msgid "Show and hide the admin user interface" msgstr "Tampilkan atau sembunyikan antarmuka pengguna administrator" msgid "The \"%s\" plugin has encountered an error and cannot be rendered." msgstr "Plugin \"%s\" mengalami eror dan tidak dapat dirender." msgid "Sync this pattern across multiple locations." msgstr "Sinkronkan pola ini di beberapa lokasi." msgid "Create pattern" msgstr "Buat pola" msgid "Fullscreen off." msgstr "Layar penuh nonaktif." msgid "Deselect item" msgstr "Batalkan pilihan item" msgid "Select a new item" msgstr "Pilih item baru" msgid "Select item: %s" msgstr "Pilih item: %s" msgid "Deselect item: %s" msgstr "Batalkan pilihan item: %s" msgid "View options" msgstr "Lihat opsi" msgid "Unknown status for %1$s" msgstr "Status tidak diketahui untuk %1$s" msgid "Sort descending" msgstr "Urutkan turun" msgid "Sort ascending" msgstr "Urutkan naik" msgid "Is not" msgstr "Tidak" msgid "Is" msgstr "Ya" msgid "Reset colors" msgstr "Atur ulang warna" msgid "Reset gradient" msgstr "Atur ulang gradien" msgid "Remove all colors" msgstr "Hapus semua warna" msgid "Remove all gradients" msgstr "Hapus semua gradien" msgid "Gradient options" msgstr "Pilihan gradien" msgid "Add color" msgstr "Tambahkan warna" msgid "Add gradient" msgstr "Tambahkan gradien" msgid "Remove color: %s" msgstr "Hapus warna: %s" msgid "Gradient name" msgstr "Nama gradien" msgid "Color %s" msgstr "Warna: %s" msgid "Search in %s" msgstr "Cari di %s" msgid "Separate with commas, spaces, or the Enter key." msgstr "Pisahkan dengan koma, spasi, atau tekan tombol Enter." msgid "Invalid item" msgstr "Item tidak valid" msgid "Coordinated Universal Time" msgstr "Coordinated Universal Time" msgid "%1$s. There is %2$d event" msgid_plural "%1$s. There are %2$d events" msgstr[0] "%1$s. Ada %2$d acara." msgstr[1] "%1$s. Ada %2$d acara." msgid "%1$s. Selected" msgstr "%1$s. Yang Dipilih" msgid "%1$s. Selected. There is %2$d event" msgid_plural "%1$s. Selected. There are %2$d events" msgstr[0] "%1$s. Dipilih. Ada %2$d Kegiatan" msgstr[1] "%1$s. Dipilih. Ada %2$d Kegiatan" msgid "View next month" msgstr "Lihat bulan berikutnya" msgid "View previous month" msgstr "Lihat bulan sebelumnya" msgid "%s items selected" msgstr "%s item dipilih" msgid "Select an item" msgstr "Pilih item" msgid "Bottom Center" msgstr "Tengah Bawah" msgid "Center Right" msgstr "Kanan Tengah" msgid "Center Left" msgstr "Kiri Tengah" msgid "Top Center" msgstr "Tengah Atas" msgid "Alignment Matrix Control" msgstr "Kontrol Perataan Matriks" msgid "Command suggestions" msgstr "Saran perintah" msgid "Open the command palette." msgstr "Buka palet perintah" msgid "Search commands and settings" msgstr "Perintah dan pengaturan pencarian" msgid "Add tracks" msgstr "Tambahkan trek" msgid "Remove track" msgstr "Hapus trek" msgid "Language tag (en, fr, etc.)" msgstr "Tag bahasa (en, fr, dll.)" msgid "Source language" msgstr "Bahasa sumber" msgid "Title of track" msgstr "Judul trek" msgid "Edit track" msgstr "Edit trek" msgid "Text tracks" msgstr "Teks trek" msgid "" "Tracks can be subtitles, captions, chapters, or descriptions. They help make " "your content more accessible to a wider range of users." msgstr "" "Trek dapat berupa subtitle, keterangan, bab, atau deskripsi. Mereka membantu " "membuat konten Anda lebih mudah diakses oleh lebih banyak pengguna." msgid "Wood thrush singing in Central Park, NYC." msgstr "Kayu thrush bernyanyi di Central Park, NYC." msgid "Video caption text" msgstr "Teks keterangan video" msgid "There is no poster image currently selected" msgstr "Saat ini tidak ada gambar poster terpilih" msgid "The current poster image url is %s" msgstr "URL gambar poster saat ini %s" msgid "Poster image" msgstr "Gambar poster" msgid "" "When enabled, videos will play directly within the webpage on mobile " "browsers, instead of opening in a fullscreen player." msgstr "" "Jika diaktifkan, video akan diputar langsung di situs pada browser ponsel, " "dan tidak membuka pemutar berlayar penuh." msgid "Play inline" msgstr "Putar di sini" msgid "" "WHAT was he doing, the great god Pan,\n" "\tDown in the reeds by the river?\n" "Spreading ruin and scattering ban,\n" "Splashing and paddling with hoofs of a goat,\n" "And breaking the golden lilies afloat\n" " With the dragon-fly on the river." msgstr "" "APA yang dia lakukan, dewa besar Pan,\n" "\tTurun di alang-alang di tepi sungai?\n" "Menyebarkan kehancuran dan hamburan larangan,\n" "Memercik dan mendayung dengan kuku kambing,\n" "Dan memecahkan bunga lili emas mengapung\n" " Dengan capung di atas sungai." msgid "Write verse…" msgstr "Tulis puisi..." msgid "Verse text" msgstr "Teks puisi" msgid "Column %d text" msgstr "Teks kolom %d" msgid "Untitled Template Part" msgstr "Komponen Template Tanpa Judul" msgid "Existing template parts" msgstr "Bagian template yang ada" msgid "Search for replacements" msgstr "Mencari pengganti" msgid "Template Part \"%s\" inserted." msgstr "Komponen Template \"%s\" dimasukkan." msgid "Choose an existing %s or create a new one." msgstr "Pilih %s yang sudah ada atau buat baru." msgid "Choose a %s" msgstr "Pilih %s" msgid "Template Part \"%s\" updated." msgstr "Bagian Templat \"%s\" diperbarui." msgid "Import widget area" msgstr "Impor area widget" msgid "Unable to import the following widgets: %s." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengimpor widget berikut: %s." msgid "Widget area: %s" msgstr "Area widget: %s" msgid "Select widget area" msgstr "Pilih area widget" msgid "Default based on area (%s)" msgstr "Standar berdasarkan area (%s)" msgid "Largest size" msgstr "Ukuran paling besar" msgid "Smallest size" msgstr "Ukuran paling kecil" msgid "" "Start adding Heading blocks to create a table of contents. Headings with " "HTML anchors will be linked here." msgstr "" "Mulai tambahkan blok Judul untuk membuat tabel konten. Judul dengan anchor " "HTML akan ditautkan di sini." msgid "" "Toggle to only include headings from the current page (if the post is " "paginated)." msgstr "" "Alihkan hanya untuk menyertakan judul dari halaman ini (jika pos dipaginasi)." msgid "" "Only including headings from the current page (if the post is paginated)." msgstr "Hanya menyertakan Judul dari halaman saat ini (jika pos dipaginasi)." msgid "Only include current page" msgstr "Hanya sertakan halaman saat ini" msgid "Convert to static list" msgstr "Ubah menjadi daftar statis" msgid "December 6, 2018" msgstr "6 Desember 2018" msgid "February 21, 2019" msgstr "21 Februari 2019" msgid "May 7, 2019" msgstr "7 Mei 2019" msgid "Release Date" msgstr "Tanggal Rilis" msgid "Jazz Musician" msgstr "Musisi Jazz" msgid "Create Table" msgstr "Buat tabel" msgid "Insert a table for sharing data." msgstr "Sisipkan tabel untuk membagikan data." msgid "Table" msgstr "Tablet" msgid "Table caption text" msgstr "Teks keterangan tabel" msgid "Header section" msgstr "Bagian header" msgid "Change column alignment" msgstr "Ganti perataan kolom" msgid "Footer label" msgstr "Label footer" msgid "Header label" msgstr "Label header" msgid "Footer cell text" msgstr "Teks sel footer" msgid "Body cell text" msgstr "Teks sel badan" msgid "Header cell text" msgstr "Teks sel header" msgid "Align column right" msgstr "Atur kolom rata kanan" msgid "Align column center" msgstr "Atur kolom rata tengah" msgid "Align column left" msgstr "Atur kolom rata kiri" msgid "Open links in new tab" msgstr "Buka tautan di jendela baru" msgid "Icon background" msgstr "Latar belakang ikon" msgid "The text is visible when enabled from the parent Social Icons block." msgstr "Teks dapat dilihat jika diaktifkan dari blok Ikon Sosial induk." msgid "Enter social link" msgstr "Masukkan tautan medsos" msgid "Make title link to home" msgstr "Buat judul terhubung ke halaman depan" msgid "Site Title placeholder" msgstr "Placeholder Judul Situs" msgid "Write site title…" msgstr "Tulis judul situs…" msgid "Site title text" msgstr "Teks judul situs" msgid "Site Tagline placeholder" msgstr "Placeholder Tagline Situs" msgid "Write site tagline…" msgstr "Tulis tagline situs..." msgid "Site tagline text" msgstr "Teks tagline situs" msgid "Use as Site Icon" msgstr "Gunakan sebagai ikon situs" msgid "Link image to home" msgstr "Tautkan gambar ke beranda." msgid "" "Site Icons are what you see in browser tabs, bookmark bars, and within the " "WordPress mobile apps. To use a custom icon that is different from your site " "logo, use the Site Icon settings." msgstr "" "Ikon Situs adalah apa yang Anda lihat di tab browser, bar bookmark, dan " "aplikasi ponsel WordPress. Untuk menggunakan ikon khusus yang berbeda dari " "logo situs Anda, gunakan pengaturan Ikon Situs." msgid "Shortcode text" msgstr "Teks shortcode" msgid "Label text" msgstr "Teks label" msgid "Percentage Width" msgstr "Persentase lebar" msgid "Use button with icon" msgstr "Gunakan tombol dengan ikon" msgid "Change button position" msgstr "Ubah posisi tombol" msgid "Toggle search label" msgstr "Alihkan label pencarian" msgid "Button only" msgstr "Hanya tombol" msgid "No button" msgstr "Tanpa Tombol" msgid "Button inside" msgstr "Tombol Di Dalam" msgid "Button outside" msgstr "Tombol Di Luar" msgid "Max number of words in excerpt" msgstr "Jumlah maksimum kata dalam ringkasan" msgid "Edit RSS URL" msgstr "Edit URL RSS" msgid "Display entries from any RSS or Atom feed." msgstr "Tampilkan entri dari RSS atau feed Atom." msgid "Image, Date, & Title" msgstr "Gambar, Tanggal, & Judul" msgid "Title, Date, & Excerpt" msgstr "Judul, Tanggal, & Kutipan" msgid "Title & Excerpt" msgstr "Judul & Kutipan" msgid "Display the search results title based on the queried object." msgstr "Tampilkan judul hasil pencarian berdasarkan objek yang diminta." msgid "Search Results Title" msgstr "Judul Hasil Pencarian" msgid "Display the archive title based on the queried object." msgstr "Menampilkan judul arsip sesuai objek yang dikueri." msgid "Search results for: “search term”" msgstr "Hasil pencarian untuk: \"istilah pencarian\"" msgid "Show search term in title" msgstr "Tampilkan kata kunci pencarian di judul" msgid "Show archive type in title" msgstr "Tampilkan tipe arsip dalam judul" msgid "Archive title" msgstr "Judul Arsip" msgid "Archive type: Name" msgstr "Tipe Arsip: Nama" msgid "%s name" msgstr "Nama %s" msgid "%s: Name" msgstr "%s: Nama" msgid "Provided type is not supported." msgstr "Tipe yang tersedia tidak didukung." msgid "Toggle off to hide the label text, e.g. \"Next Page\"." msgstr "" "Nonaktifkan untuk menyembunyikan teks label, mis. \"Halaman selanjutnya\"." msgid "Show label text" msgstr "Tampilkan teks label" msgid "A decorative arrow appended to the next and previous page link." msgstr "" "Simbol panah ditambahkan pada tautan halaman selanjutnya dan sebelumnya." msgid "Previous page link" msgstr "Tautan halaman sebelumnya" msgid "" "Specify how many links can appear before and after the current page number. " "Links to the first, current and last page are always visible." msgstr "" "Tentukan berapa banyak link yang dapat muncul sebelum dan sesudah nomor " "halaman saat ini. Tautan ke halaman pertama, sekarang, dan terakhir selalu " "terlihat." msgid "Number of links" msgstr "Jumlah tautan" msgid "Next page link" msgstr "Tautan halaman berikutnya" msgid "Add text or blocks that will display when a query returns no results." msgstr "" "Tambahkan teks atau blok yang akan ditampilkan jika tidak ada hasil dari " "kueri. " msgid "Max Pages to Show" msgstr "Batas Maksimum Halaman untuk Ditampilkan" msgid "" "Limit the pages you want to show, even if the query has more results. To " "show all pages use 0 (zero)." msgstr "" "Batasi halaman yang ingin Anda tampilkan, meskipun query memiliki hasil " "lebih banyak. Untuk menampilkan semua halaman gunakan 0 (nol)." msgid "Start blank" msgstr "Mulai dari nol" msgid "Choose a pattern for the query loop or start blank." msgstr "Pilih pola untuk query loop atau mulai dari awal." msgid "Choose a pattern" msgstr "Pilih pola" msgid "Only" msgstr "Hanya" msgid "Include" msgstr "Mencakup" msgid "Post type" msgstr "Tipe Pos" msgid "Experimental full-page client-side navigation setting enabled." msgstr "Pengaturan navigasi sisi klien halaman penuh eksperimental diaktifkan." msgid "Browsing between pages requires a full page reload." msgstr "" "Menjelajah antar halaman tidak memerlukan pemuatan ulang satu halaman penuh." msgid "" "Currently, avoiding full page reloads is not possible when a Content block " "is present inside the Query block." msgstr "" "Saat ini, tidak mungkin menghindari pemuatan ulang halaman ketika blok " "konten berada didalam blok kueri." msgid "" "Currently, avoiding full page reloads is not possible when non-interactive " "or non-client Navigation compatible blocks from plugins are present inside " "the Query block." msgstr "" "Saat ini, tidak mungkin menghindari pemuatan ulang halaman penuh ketika blok-" "blok non-interaktif atau tidak kompatibel dengan clientNavigation dari " "plugin ada di dalam blok Query." msgid "" "If you still want to prevent full page reloads, remove that block, then " "disable \"Reload full page\" again in the Query Block settings." msgstr "" "Jika tetap ingin menghindari pemuatan ulang seluruh halaman, hapus blok " "tersebut, lalu nonaktifkan lagi \"Muat ulang seluruh halaman\" di pengaturan " "Blok Permintaan Informasi." msgid "One of the hardest things to do in technology is disrupt yourself." msgstr "" "Salah satu hal paling sulit dilakukan dalam teknologi adalah mengalahkan " "diri sendiri." msgid "Pullquote citation text" msgstr "Teks kutipan pullquote" msgid "Add quote" msgstr "Tambahkan kutipan" msgid "Pullquote text" msgstr "Teks pullquote" msgid "" "EXT. XANADU - FAINT DAWN - 1940 (MINIATURE)\n" "Window, very small in the distance, illuminated.\n" "All around this is an almost totally black screen. Now, as the camera moves " "slowly towards the window which is almost a postage stamp in the frame, " "other forms appear;" msgstr "" "EXT. XANADU - FAINT DAWN - 1940 (MINIATUR)\n" "Jendela, sangat kecil di kejauhan, diterangi.\n" "Semua di sekitarnya adalah layar yang hampir sepenuhnya hitam. Sekarang, " "ketika kamera bergerak perlahan ke arah jendela yang hampir seperti perangko " "di bingkai, bentuk lain muncul;" msgid "Preformatted text" msgstr "Teks praformat" msgid "Make title a link" msgstr "Jadikan judul sebagai tautan" msgid "Suffix" msgstr "Akhiran" msgid "Term items not found." msgstr "Item istilah tidak ditemukan." msgid "Enter character(s) used to separate terms." msgstr "Masukkan tanda pemisah term." msgid "Displays the post link that precedes the current post." msgstr "Menampilkan tautan artikel sebelum artikel berikut." msgid "Displays the post link that follows the current post." msgstr "Menampilkan tautan artikel setelah artikel berikut." msgid "An example title" msgstr "Judul contoh" msgid "" "Only link to posts that have the same taxonomy terms as the current post. " "For example the same tags or categories." msgstr "" "Hanya tautkan ke pos yang memiliki istilah taksonomi yang sama dengan pos " "saat ini. Misalnya, tag atau kategori yang sama." msgid "Filter by taxonomy" msgstr "Filter berdasarkan taksonomi" msgid "A decorative arrow for the next and previous link." msgstr "Simbol Panah untuk tautan selanjutnya dan sebelumnya." msgid "Include the label as part of the link" msgstr "Sertakan label sebagai bagian dari tautan" msgid "" "If you have entered a custom label, it will be prepended before the title." msgstr "" "Jika Anda telah memasukkan label khusus, maka akan ditambahkan sebelum judul." msgid "Display the title as a link" msgstr "Tampilkan judul sebagai tautan" msgid "Featured image: %s" msgstr "Gambar andalan: %s" msgid "Add a featured image" msgstr "Tambah gambar unggulan" msgid "Image will be stretched and distorted to completely fill the space." msgstr "" "Gambar akan diregangkan dan terdistorsi untuk mengisi ruang secara penuh." msgid "Image is scaled to fill the space without clipping nor distorting." msgstr "" "Gambar diskalakan untuk mengisi ruang tanpa terpotong atau terdistorsi." msgid "" "Image is scaled and cropped to fill the entire space without being distorted." msgstr "" "Gambar diskalakan dan dipotong untuk memenuhi seluruh ruang tanpa " "terdistorsi." msgid "Show link on new line" msgstr "Tampilkan tautan pada baris baru" msgid "No excerpt found" msgstr "Tidak ada ringkasan ditemukan" msgid "Excerpt text" msgstr "Teks ringkasan" msgid "Add \"read more\" link text" msgstr "Tambahkan teks tautan \"baca selengkapnya\"" msgid "" "The content is currently protected and does not have the available excerpt." msgstr "Konten saat ini dilindungi dan tidak memiliki ringkasan yang tersedia." msgid "This block will display the excerpt." msgstr "Blok ini akan menampilkan ringkasan." msgid "Display a post's last updated date." msgstr "Tampilkan tanggal terakhir pos diperbarui." msgid "Modified Date" msgstr "Tanggal Diubah" msgid "Only shows if the post has been modified" msgstr "Hanya tampilkan jika artikel telah dimodifikasi" msgid "Display last modified date" msgstr "Tampilkan tanggal perubahan terakhir" msgid "Link to post" msgstr "Tautkan ke pos" msgid "Change Date" msgstr "Ubah Tanggal" msgid "Post Modified Date" msgstr "Tanggal Pembaruan Pos" msgid "" "If there are any Custom Post Types registered at your site, the Content " "block can display the contents of those entries as well." msgstr "" "Jika ada Tipe Pos Khusus yang terdaftar di situs Anda, blok Konten juga " "dapat menampilkan konten dari entri tersebut." msgid "" "That might be a simple arrangement like consecutive paragraphs in a blog " "post, or a more elaborate composition that includes image galleries, videos, " "tables, columns, and any other block types." msgstr "" "Itu dapat berupa konten sederhana seperti susunan paragraf dalam artikel " "blog, atau komposisi yang lebih lengkap yang mencakup galeri gambar, video, " "tabel, kolom, dan tipe blok lainnya." msgid "" "This is the Content block, it will display all the blocks in any single post " "or page." msgstr "" "Ini adalah blok Konten, yang akan menampilkan semua blok dalam pos tunggal " "atau laman." msgid "Post Comments Link block: post not found." msgstr "Blok Tautan Komentar Pos: post tidak ditemukan." msgid "Post Comments Form block: Comments are not enabled." msgstr "Blok Formulir Komentar Pos: Komentar tidak diaktifkan." msgid "" "Post Comments Form block: Comments are not enabled for this post type (%s)." msgstr "" "Blok Formulir Komentar Artikel: Komentar tidak diaktifkan untuk tipe konten " "berikut (%s)." msgid "Post Comments Form block: Comments are not enabled for this item." msgstr "" "Blok Formulir Komentar Pos: Komentar tidak diaktifkan untuk jenis item ini." msgid "Comments form disabled in editor." msgstr "Formulir komentar dinonaktifkan di editor." msgid "Post Comments Count block: post not found." msgstr "Blok Jumlah Komentar Artikel: artikel tidak ditemukan." msgid "To show a comment, input the comment ID." msgstr "Untuk menampilkan komentar, masukkan ID komentar." msgid "Link to author archive" msgstr "Tautan ke arsip penulis" msgid "Author Name" msgstr "Nama Penulis" msgid "Write byline…" msgstr "Tulis menurut baris…" msgid "Post author byline text" msgstr "Teks pada baris penulis artikel" msgid "Link author name to author page" msgstr "Tautkan nama penulis ke laman penulis" msgid "Show bio" msgstr "Tampilkan biografi" msgid "Avatar size" msgstr "Ukuran avatar" msgid "Author Biography" msgstr "Biografi Penulis" msgid "Pattern \"%s\" cannot be rendered inside itself." msgstr "Pola \"%s\" tidak dapat dirender di dalam dirinya sendiri." msgid "Edit this menu" msgstr "Edit menu ini" msgid "Choose a page to show only its subpages." msgstr "Pilih laman untuk hanya menampilkan sublamannya." msgid "Page List: \"%s\" page has no children." msgstr "Daftar Laman: laman \"%s\" tidak memiliki turunan." msgid "Page List: Cannot retrieve Pages." msgstr "Daftar Halaman: Tidak dapat mengakses Halaman." msgid "Edit Page List" msgstr "Edit Daftar Halaman" msgid "" "This Navigation Menu displays your website's pages. Editing it will enable " "you to add, delete, or reorder pages. However, new pages will no longer be " "added automatically." msgstr "" "Menu navigasi ini menampilkan halaman situs web Anda. Mengeditnya akan " "memungkinkan Anda untuk menambahkan, menghapus, atau mengurutkan halaman-" "halaman. Namun, halaman baru tidak akan ditambahkan secara otomatis lagi." msgid "Convert to Link" msgstr "Ubah jadi Tautan" msgid "Create draft post: %s" msgstr "Tulis draf artikel: %s" msgid "Search for and add a link to your Navigation." msgstr "Cari dan tambahkan tautan ke Navigasi Anda." msgid "Choose a block to add to your Navigation." msgstr "Pilih blok dan tambahkan ke Navigasi Anda." msgid "Navigation link text" msgstr "Teks tautan navigasi" msgid "Add submenu" msgstr "Tambahkan submenu" msgid "This item is missing a link" msgstr "Item berikut tidak memiliki tautan" msgid "This item has been deleted, or is a draft" msgstr "Item ini telah dihapus, atau merupakan konsep" msgid "The relationship of the linked URL as space-separated link types." msgstr "Hubungan URL tertaut sebagai jenis tautan yang dipisahkan oleh spasi." msgid "Rel attribute" msgstr "Atribut rel" msgid "Additional information to help clarify the purpose of the link." msgstr "Informasi tambahan untuk membantu memperjelas tujuan tautan." msgid "Select tag" msgstr "Pilih tag" msgid "Select post" msgstr "Pilih Pos" msgid "%s navigation" msgstr "Navigasi %s" msgid "Unable to create Navigation Menu \"%s\"." msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat Menu Navigasi \"%s\"." msgid "Unable to fetch classic menu \"%s\" from API." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengambil menu klasik \"%s\" dari API." msgid "Start empty" msgstr "Buat baru" msgid "Navigation block setup options ready." msgstr "Opsi penyiapan blok navigasi siap." msgid "Loading navigation block setup options…" msgstr "Memuat opsi pengaturan blok navigasi..." msgid "menu" msgstr "Menu" msgid "handle" msgstr "Penangan" msgid "" "Configure the visual appearance of the button that toggles the overlay menu." msgstr "Konfigurasikan tampilan visual tombol yang mengaktifkan menu overlay." msgid "Show icon button" msgstr "Tampilkan tombol ikon" msgid "Create new Menu" msgstr "Buat menu baru" msgid "Import Classic Menus" msgstr "Impor Menu Klasik" msgid "Choose or create a Navigation Menu" msgstr "Pilih atau buat menu Navigasi" msgid "Create from '%s'" msgstr "Buat dari '%s'" msgid "(no title %s)" msgstr "(tanpa judul %s)" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this Navigation Menu?" msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus menu navigasi ini?" msgid "This Navigation Menu is empty." msgstr "Menu Navigasi ini kosong." msgid "You have not yet created any menus. Displaying a list of your Pages" msgstr "Anda belum membuat menu apapun. Menampilkan daftar laman Anda." msgid "Untitled menu" msgstr "Menu tanpa judul" msgid "Structure for Navigation Menu: %s" msgstr "Struktur untuk menu navigasi: %s" msgid "Switch to '%s'" msgstr "Beralih ke '%s'" msgid "Remove %s" msgstr "Buang %s" msgid "Add submenu link" msgstr "Tambahkan tautan submenu" msgid "Navigation Menu successfully deleted." msgstr "Menu Navigasi berhasil dihapus." msgid "Unsaved Navigation Menu." msgstr "Menu Navigasi Tidak Tersimpan." msgid "Show arrow" msgstr "Tampilkan panah" msgid "Open on click" msgstr "Buka saat klik" msgid "Submenus" msgstr "Submenu" msgid "Collapses the navigation options in a menu icon opening an overlay." msgstr "Tutup pilihan navigasi di ikon menu yang membuka lapisan atas." msgid "Configure overlay menu" msgstr "Konfigurasi menu overlay" msgid "Overlay Menu" msgstr "Menu Overlay" msgid "Overlay menu controls" msgstr "Kontrol menu overlay" msgid "" "The current menu options offer reduced accessibility for users and are not " "recommended. Enabling either \"Open on Click\" or \"Show arrow\" offers " "enhanced accessibility by allowing keyboard users to browse submenus " "selectively." msgstr "" "Opsi menu saat ini mengurangi aksesibilitas bagi pengguna dan tidak " "disarankan. Mengaktifkan \"Buka saat Klik\" atau \"Tampilkan panah\" " "menawarkan peningkatan aksesibilitas dengan memungkinkan pengguna keyboard " "menjelajahi submenu secara selektif." msgid "You do not have permission to create Navigation Menus." msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk membuat Menu Navigasi." msgid "" "You do not have permission to edit this Menu. Any changes made will not be " "saved." msgstr "" "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk mengedit Menu berikut. Setiap perubahan yang " "dibuat tidak akan disimpan." msgid "Classic menu import failed." msgstr "Impor menu klasik gagal." msgid "Classic menu imported successfully." msgstr "Menu klasik berhasil diimpor." msgid "Classic menu importing." msgstr "Mengimpor menu klasik." msgid "Failed to create Navigation Menu." msgstr "Gagal membuat Menu Navigasi." msgid "Navigation Menu successfully created." msgstr "Menu Navigasi berhasil dibuat." msgid "Creating Navigation Menu." msgstr "Membuat Menu Navigasi." msgid "Submenu & overlay background" msgstr "Latar belakang submenu & overlay" msgid "Submenu & overlay text" msgstr "Teks submenu & overlay" msgid "" "Navigation Menu has been deleted or is unavailable. " msgstr "" "Menu navigasi telah dihapus atau tidak tersedia. " msgstr "Atau " msgid "Enter the URL of the site:" msgstr "Masukkan URL situs:" msgid "" "Hi there,\n" "Thanks for subscribing to %1$s!" msgstr "" "Halo \n" "!Terima kasih telah berlangganan %1$s!" msgid "Subscribe for free!" msgstr "Mulai berlangganan gratis!" msgid "" "This domain is currently in auction, the contact information cannot be " "updated." msgstr "Domain ini sedang dilelang, informasi kontak tidak dapat diperbarui." msgid "This domain does not allow updating the contact information." msgstr "Domain ini tidak memperbolehkan informasi kontak diperbarui." msgid "" "Save this configuration so you can easily access it the next time you copy a " "site to staging." msgstr "" "Simpan konfigurasi ini supaya Anda mudah mengaksesnya saat Anda menyalin " "situs ke staging." msgid "You can edit your content later in the Site Editor" msgstr "Anda dapat mengedit konten Anda nanti di Editor Situs" msgid "" "You will be billed at the end of every month. Your first month may be less " "than the above amount. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Anda akan ditagih tiap akhir bulan. Tagihan bulan pertama Anda mungkin lebih " "sedikit dari jumlah di atas. {{a}}Baca selengkapnya{{/a}}" msgid "%3$s likes" msgstr "%3$s suka" msgid "" "Got questions about your current plan and options? We’ve got answers! Get in " "touch, and our team of Happiness Engineers will help you" msgstr "" "Punya pertanyaan seputar paket dan pilihan Anda saat ini? Kami punya " "jawabannya! Hubungi kami, dan tim Happiness Engineer kami akan membantu Anda" msgid "" "P.S. Any time left in your current billing cycle will be applied as a credit " "toward your upgrade. You’ll see this amount listed as an Upgrade Credit when " "you check out. Transitioning from a monthly to an annual plan is smooth and " "hassle-free. Learn how." msgstr "" "N.B. Sisa waktu dalam siklus penagihan Anda saat ini akan diterapkan sebagai " "kredit untuk upgrade. Jumlah ini akan dicantumkan sebagai Kredit Upgrade " "saat Anda check out. Beralih dari paket bulanan ke tahunan terasa mudah dan " "tanpa repot. Pelajari caranya." msgid "" "Peace of mind: with an annual commitment, you can focus on what truly matters" "—creating and managing your content. Say goodbye to monthly reminders and " "hello to uninterrupted service." msgstr "" "Ketenangan pikiran: Komitmen tahunan akan membuat Anda fokus pada hal " "penting saja—membuat dan mengelola konten Anda. Tidak ada lagi pengingat " "bulanan dan sambutlah layanan tanpa gangguan." msgid "" "Save more in the long run: by opting for our annual plan, you’ll enjoy a " "discount up to 55% compared to the monthly rate. Over the course of a year, " "this can add up to substantial savings!" msgstr "" "Lebih hemat untuk jangka panjang: Dengan memilih paket tahunan daripada " "tarif bulanan, dapatkan diskon hingga 55%. Anda bisa berhemat banyak selama " "setahun!" msgid "" "We hope you’ve been enjoying your monthly plan with As you " "continue to grow and shape your online presence, we wanted to introduce you " "to an opportunity that can amplify your experience and offer even more value" msgstr "" "Semoga Anda menikmati paket bulanan di Seiring berkembangnya " "situs dan kehadiran online Anda terbentuk, kami ingin memperkenalkan peluang " "untuk memperkuat kehadiran Anda dan menawarkan manfaat yang makin besar" msgid "" "Ready to see what your site’s data will tell you? Take a look at your Stats " "tab" msgstr "Siap mengetahui makna data situs Anda? Lihat tab Statistik Anda" msgid "" "Understand the impact of SEO: search engine traffic is vital for many " "websites. What keywords or search terms are bringing visitors to your posts? " "Based on this information, you can create a plan for optimizing your content " "so that your website ranks even higher in search results." msgstr "" "Memahami dampak SEO: Lalu lintas mesin pencari sangat penting bagi banyak " "situs. Kata kunci atau istilah pencarian apa yang menarik pengunjung ke pos " "Anda? Anda dapat membuat rencana berdasarkan informasi ini untuk " "mengoptimalkan konten sehingga peringkat situs Anda naik di hasil pencarian." msgid "" "Observe visitor behavior: which posts and pages do your visitors spend the " "most time on? Where do they drop off? These insights can guide your content " "design decisions." msgstr "" "Amati perilaku pengunjung: Di pos dan halaman yang mana pengunjung " "menghabiskan banyak waktu mereka? Di pos dan halaman mana perhatian mereka " "teralihkan? Wawasan ini dapat memandu Anda memutuskan desain konten." msgid "" "Look for trends: is a particular blog post or topic driving a lot of " "traffic? You may want to consider creating a more in-depth series focused on " "that subject!" msgstr "" "Mencari tren: Apakah pos atau topik blog tertentu menarik banyak pengunjung? " "Anda mungkin tertarik membuat ulasan mendalam tentang tema tersebut!" msgid "" "Google Analytics integration: if you’re looking for even deeper insights, " "connect your site with Google Analytics and access advanced reporting " "features. *Available on the Premium plan and above" msgstr "" "Integrasi Google Analytics: Untuk mendapatkan wawasan yang lebih dalam, " "hubungkan situs Anda dengan Google Analytics dan akses fitur pelaporan " "lanjutan. *Tersedia pada paket Premium dan yang lebih tinggi." msgid "" "Jetpack stats: get a quick overview of your site’s performance— from daily " "views to referral sources, Jetpack offers real-time insights at a glance" msgstr "" "Statistik Jetpack: Dapatkan ikhtisar tentang performa situs Anda — mulai " "dari kunjungan harian hingga sumber referensi, Jetpack menawarkan kilasan " "wawasan real-time." msgid " offers built-in analytics options tailored to your needs:" msgstr "" " menawarkan pilihan analitik bawaan yang disesuaikan dengan " "kebutuhan Anda:" msgid "How to use’s analytics tools" msgstr "Cara menggunakan alat analitik" msgid "" "Engagement is about more than numbers. It’s about building genuine " "relationships, understanding your audience’s needs, and delivering content " "that resonates. You’ve chosen as your platform, and we’re here " "to ensure your voice is not just heard but also echoed by your growing " "community." msgstr "" "Interaksi bukan hanya tentang angka. Interaksi juga tentang membangun " "hubungan yang tulus, memahami kebutuhan audiens Anda, dan menghadirkan " "konten yang menarik bagi mereka. Sebagai platform pilihan Anda, WordPress." "com akan memastikan suara Anda tidak hanya didengar tetapi juga " "disebarluaskan oleh komunitas yang terus berkembang. " msgid "" "Adding a newsletter signup form can do wonders. It’s not just about sending " "news or promotions—it’s about providing exclusive content, updates, or " "insights directly to those who want to be more closely connected with you" msgstr "" "Tambahkan formulir pendaftaran buletin agar makin menarik. Tidak hanya " "mengirim berita atau promosi, buletin juga menghadirkan konten eksklusif, " "pembaruan, atau wawasan secara langsung bagi mereka yang ingin mengenal Anda " "lebih jauh" msgid "" "Make sure you’ve set up a contact form. This allows readers, potential " "clients, or partners to reach out for various reasons, whether it’s " "inquiries, feedback, or collaborations" msgstr "" "Pastikan Anda telah menyiapkan formulir kontak. Dengan formulir ini, " "pembaca, calon klien, atau mitra dapat menghubungi Anda untuk berbagai " "tujuan seperti mengajukan pertanyaan, feedback, atau kerja sama" msgid "" " comes equipped with powerful tools to help you moderate " "comments, preventing spam or inappropriate content" msgstr "" " disertai alat yang andal untuk membantu Anda memoderasi " "komentar serta mencegah spam atau konten yang tidak pantas" msgid "" "Opt to allow readers to leave comments on your posts. From a reader’s " "perspective, this is often the most direct and accessible way of connecting " "to your content. With comments, visitors can ask questions and even praise " "or critique your posts. Responding to comments can help put a human face to " "your work, fostering loyalty and making readers feel valued. In turn, that " "increases the likelihood of them becoming repeat visitors and subscribers." msgstr "" "Pilih agar pembaca dapat mengomentari pos Anda. Dari perspektif pembaca, " "cara ini sering kali menjadi yang paling cepat dan mudah untuk berinteraksi " "dengan konten Anda. Komentar memungkinkan pengunjung untuk bertanya dan " "bahkan memuji atau mengkritik pos Anda. Jawablah komentar tersebut karena " "dapat membantu karya Anda tampak lebih akrab, meningkatkan loyalitas, dan " "membuat pembaca merasa dihargai. Komentar yang dijawab juga akan " "meningkatkan kemungkinan mereka menjadi pengunjung berulang dan pelanggan." msgid "" "Embedded content: Embed X posts, Instagram photos, YouTube videos, and more " "directly into your posts and pages. When editing a post or page, use the " "Embed block to insert your social media content and manage appearance " "options like block width" msgstr "" "Konten sematan: Sematkan pos X, foto Instagram, video YouTube, dan lainnya " "secara langsung ke pos dan halaman Anda. Saat menyunting pos atau halaman, " "gunakan Blok sematan untuk menyisipkan konten media sosial Anda dan " "mengelola pilihan tampilan seperti lebar blok." msgid "" "Auto-sharing with Jetpack Social: Automatically share new posts to your " "social media accounts without lifting a finger! Link your accounts now" msgstr "" "Berbagi otomatis dengan Jetpack Social: Bagikan pos baru secara otomatis ke " "akun media sosial Anda tanpa repot! Tautkan akun Anda sekarang" msgid "" "Sharing buttons: enable your visitors to share a post on their favorite " "social media platforms with just one click. Customize which platforms to " "display in the Sharing Buttons tab" msgstr "" "Tombol berbagi: Izinkan pengunjung Anda berbagi pos di platform media sosial " "favorit mereka hanya dengan sekali klik. Sesuaikan platform yang akan " "ditampilkan di tab Tombol Berbagi" msgid "" "Social icons: easily display icons in your menu that link directly to your " "profiles with the Social Icons block" msgstr "" "Ikon media sosial: Tampilkan ikon dengan mudah di menu yang menghubungkan " "langsung profil Anda dengan blok Ikon Sosial" msgid "" "By leveraging your existing network and being an active participant in the " " community, you can amplify your own site’s visibility so that " "your message reaches your audience on the web no matter where they are in " "the world." msgstr "" "Dengan memanfaatkan jaringan Anda yang sudah ada dan menjadi peserta aktif " "dalam komunitas, visibilitas situs dapat meningkat sehingga " "pesan Anda dapat menjangkau audiens di web, di mana pun lokasi fisik mereka." msgid "Follow new favorites: keep tabs on the sites that inspire you most." msgstr "Ikuti situs favorit baru: Pantau selalu situs yang menginspirasi Anda." msgid "" "Engage: comment, like, and build meaningful connections with other creators " "like you." msgstr "" "Berinteraksi: Beri komentar, sukai, dan ciptakan hubungan yang bermanfaat " "dengan kreator lain seperti Anda." msgid "" "Discover fresh content: stumble upon new gems and intriguing posts from " "across the community." msgstr "" "Temukan konten baru: Temukan 'harta karun' baru dan pos yang impresif dari " "kreator lain." msgid "" "Discover interesting posts and find new communities with the " "Reader. Dive into the Reader to:" msgstr "" "Temukan pos yang menarik dan komunitas baru dengan Pembaca " "Jelajahi Pembaca untuk:" msgid "Engage with the community" msgstr "Berinteraksi dengan komunitas" msgid "" "Word of mouth: Sometimes, the simplest way is the best way. Talk to your " "friends, family, and acquaintances about your new website." msgstr "" "Dari mulut ke mulut: Terkadang, cara termudah justru menjadi cara yang " "terbaik. Promosikan situs baru Anda kepada teman, anggota keluarga, dan " "kenalan." msgid "" "Social sharing: Share new posts on your favorite social platforms, which is " "a breeze with Jetpack Social, included with your plan. If you haven’t " "already, set up auto-sharing for your site." msgstr "" "Berbagi di media sosial: Bagikan pos baru di platform media sosial favorit " "Anda dengan mudah menggunakan Jetpack Social yang disertakan dalam paket " "Anda. Jika belum memilikinya, instal fitur berbagi otomatis untuk situs Anda." msgid "" "Send a newsletter: The loyal readers on your email list are eager to see " "what you’ve published. Get started today" msgstr "" "Kirim buletin: Pembaca setia milis Anda selalu penasaran dengan publikasi " "Anda. Mulailah hari ini" msgid "Ready to promote your content? Boost a post now" msgstr "Siap mempromosikan konten Anda? Maksimalkan pos sekarang" msgid "" "Self-serve ads are a great way to get your work in front of a wider audience " "from day one. Starting at as little as $5, you can promote your posts and " "introduce your content to new readers from across the combined WordPress. " "com and Tumblr ecosystem. Just like that." msgstr "" "Iklan swalayan adalah cara tepat agar pembaca yang lebih beragam mengetahui " "karya Anda sejak awal. Dimulai dari $5, Anda dapat mempromosikan pos dan " "memperkenalkan konten ke pembaca baru dari gabungan ekosistem " "dan Tumblr. Mudah, bukan?" msgid "" "If you’re still stuck about what to write about, check out this list of 130 " "blog post ideas for inspiration" msgstr "" "Jika belum mendapatkan ide tulisan, simak daftar berisi 130 ide pos blog ini " "untuk menginspirasi Anda." msgid "" "Repeat engagement since your visitors will want to keep coming back for more." msgstr "" "Interaksi berulang karena pengunjung Anda akan terus kembali untuk membaca " "pos lainnya." msgid "" "Increased industry authority as you continue to share your knowledge and " "showcase your expertise." msgstr "" "Makin percaya diri dalam industri karena Anda terus berbagi pengetahuan dan " "menunjukkan keahlian Anda." msgid "" "Boosted SEO, because search engines love interesting, high-quality posts and " "articles, and they’ll prioritize websites that regularly publish new posts." msgstr "" "Penguatan SEO, karena mesin pencari menyukai pos dan artikel yang menarik " "dan unggul serta akan memprioritaskan situs yang rutin memublikasikan pos " "baru." msgid "" "Right out of the box, your site has core SEO covered (which " "stands for Search Engine Optimization, by the way). These built-in tools are " "super simple to use and will give your website’s visibility a nice boost in " "search engines so that your audience can easily find your posts." msgstr "" "Situs Anda memiliki SEO (Optimisasi Mesin Pencari) inti yang " "siap pakai. Alat bawaan ini sangat mudah digunakan dan akan meningkatkan " "visibilitas situs Anda dalam mesin pencari sehingga audiens dapat menemukan " "pos Anda tanpa masalah." msgid "" "With everything you need to get started at your fingertips, we think you’ll " "enjoy planning and writing your posts even more than ever." msgstr "" "Karena semua yang diperlukan untuk memulai sudah tersedia, Anda tentu akan " "lebih senang merencanakan dan menulis pos Anda." msgid "" "But what if you’re not sure what to write, or you’re dealing with writer’s " "block? No worries! Your plan gives you access to Jetpack AI " "Assistant, which will help you create engaging posts in a jiffy" msgstr "" "Tapi bagaimana jika Anda tidak yakin mau menulis apa, atau kehabisan ide? " "Jangan khawatir! Paket Anda memungkinkan Anda mengakses " "Jetpack AI Assistant yang akan membantu membuat pos menarik dalam sekejap." msgid " is built for writers." msgstr " dibuat untuk penulis." msgid "" "Want access to even more design features? Upgrade to the %s plan to unlock " "custom CSS and the ability to upload your own themes" msgstr "" "Ingin mengakses fitur desain lainnya? Upgrade ke paket %s agar dapat " "mengakses CSS kustom dan mengunggah tema Anda sendiri" msgid "" "Just head to your site’s home, and dig in to one of the helpful guides " "you’ll find there. Among other things, you’ll learn how to design and blog " "like an expert, master the site editor, and create professional-looking " "layouts easily with pre-built patterns" msgstr "" "Buka beranda situs Anda, dan pelajari salah satu panduan penting yang " "tersedia. Salah satunya adalah tentang cara mendesain dan menulis blog " "seperti ahli, menguasai editor situs, dan membuat dengan mudah tata letak " "yang tampak profesional dengan pola bawaan" msgid "" "Now that you’ve set up your account, we bet you’re excited to learn how to " "create a beautiful and engaging website. The good news is that with " ", you’ve got instant access to all the resources you need to do " "just that." msgstr "" "Setelah akun siap, Anda tentu tertarik mempelajari cara membuat situs yang " "estetik dan menarik. Kabar baiknya adalah dengan, Anda akan " "mendapatkan akses langsung ke semua sumber daya yang diperlukan untuk " "melakukannya." msgid "" "Got questions? Check out our support resources, or send us a message. Our " "global team of Happiness Engineers is here to help" msgstr "" "Ada pertanyaan? Kunjungi sumber daya dukungan kami, atau kirim pesan untuk " "kami. Tim Happiness Engineer global kami siap membantu" msgid "Thanks for choosing" msgstr "Terima kasih telah memilih" msgid "" "Driving traffic - Discover ways to attract visitors to your site, boosting " "visibility and making an impact" msgstr "" "Tingkatkan kunjungan - Temukan cara untuk menarik pengunjung ke situs Anda, " "meningkatkan visibilitas, dan membawa dampak" msgid "" "Content creation - Learn how to write engaging posts and reach a loyal " "audience, sooner" msgstr "" "Pembuatan konten - Pelajari cara menulis pos yang menarik dan menjangkau " "audiens setia, lebih cepat" msgid "" "Mastering the basics - Understand how to give your website a unique touch " "using a range of professionally-made themes and customization tools" msgstr "" "Menguasai dasar-dasarnya - Pahami cara memberikan sentuhan unik bagi situs " "Anda dengan beragam tema dan alat penyesuaian yang dibuat secara profesional" msgid "Five-step website building guide" msgstr "Lima langkah untuk membuat situs" msgid "" "You now have access to and all the powerful features, stunning " "themes, and top-notch support you need to create your website. Get started " "with our five-step guide, then jump right in and publish your first post!" msgstr "" "Anda kini dapat mengakses dan semua fitur unggulan, tema " "impresif, dan dukungan andal yang diperlukan untuk membuat situs. Mulailah " "dengan panduan kami yang berisi lima langkah lalu langsung mulai dan " "publikasikan pos pertama Anda!" msgid "" "Got questions about your current plan and options? We’ve got answers! Get in touch, and our " "team of Happiness Engineers will help you." msgstr "" "Ada pertanyaan tentang paket dan pilihan terkini Anda? Kami punya " "jawabannya! Hubungi kami, dan tim Happiness Engineer kami akan membantu Anda." msgid "" "P.S. Any time left in your current billing cycle will be applied as a credit " "toward your upgrade. You’ll see this amount listed as an Upgrade Credit when " "you check out. Transitioning from a monthly to an annual plan is smooth and " "hassle-free. Learn how." msgstr "" "N.B. Sisa waktu dalam siklus penagihan Anda saat ini akan diterapkan sebagai " "kredit untuk upgrade. Jumlah ini akan dicantumkan sebagai Kredit Upgrade " "saat Anda check out. Beralih dari paket bulanan ke tahunan terasa mudah dan " "tanpa repot. Pelajari " "caranya." msgid "Ready to level up?" msgstr "Siap naik level?" msgid "" "Peace of mind: with an annual commitment, you can focus on " "what truly matters—creating and managing your content. Say goodbye to " "monthly reminders and hello to uninterrupted service." msgstr "" "Ketenangan pikiran: Komitmen tahunan akan membuat Anda " "fokus pada hal penting saja—membuat dan mengelola konten Anda. Tidak ada " "lagi pengingat bulanan dan sambutlah layanan tanpa gangguan." msgid "" "Save more in the long run: by opting for our annual plan, you’ll enjoy a " "discount up to %2$s%% compared to the monthly rate. Over the course of a " "year, this can add up to substantial savings!" msgstr "" "Lebih hemat untuk jangka panjang: Dengan memilih paket tahunan daripada " "tarif bulanan, dapatkan diskon hingga %2$s%%. Anda bisa berhemat banyak " "selama setahun!" msgid "Why switch to an annual plan?" msgstr "Mengapa beralih ke paket tahunan?" msgid "" "We hope you’ve been enjoying your monthly plan with %1$s. As you continue to " "grow and shape your online presence, we wanted to introduce you to an " "opportunity that can amplify your experience and offer even more value." msgstr "" "Semoga Anda menikmati paket bulanan di %1$s. Seiring berkembangnya situs dan " "kehadiran online Anda terbentuk, kami ingin memperkenalkan peluang untuk " "memperkuat kehadiran Anda dan menawarkan manfaat yang makin besar." msgid "Switch to an annual plan to save money." msgstr "Beralih ke paket tahunan agar lebih hemat." msgid "Why pay more monthly? Unlock annual savings today." msgstr "" "Mengapa harus membayar mahal tiap bulan? Dapatkan penghematan tahunan hari " "ini." msgid "Unlock Bigger Savings: Switch to Our Annual Plan Today" msgstr "Hemat Lebih Banyak: Beralih ke Paket Tahunan Kami Hari Ini" msgid "" "Ready to see what your site’s data will tell you? Take a look at your Stats tab." msgstr "" "Siap mengetahui makna data situs Anda? Lihat tab Statistik Anda." msgid "" "As you identify patterns, take steps to refine your content, improve user " "experience, and adjust your marketing strategies." msgstr "" "Dengan pola yang teridentifikasi, perbaiki konten Anda secara bertahap, " "tingkatkan pengalaman pengguna, dan sesuaikan strategi pemasaran Anda." msgid "" "Understand the impact of SEO: search engine traffic is " "vital for many websites. What keywords or search terms are bringing visitors " "to your posts? Based on this information, you can create a plan for " "optimizing your content so that your website ranks even higher in search " "results." msgstr "" "Memahami dampak SEO: Lalu lintas mesin pencari sangat " "penting bagi banyak situs. Kata kunci atau istilah pencarian apa yang " "menarik pengunjung ke pos Anda? Anda dapat membuat rencana berdasarkan " "informasi ini untuk mengoptimalkan konten sehingga peringkat situs Anda naik " "di hasil pencarian." msgid "" "Observe visitor behavior: which posts and pages do your " "visitors spend the most time on? Where do they drop off? These insights can " "guide your content design decisions." msgstr "" "Amati perilaku pengunjung: Di pos dan halaman yang mana " "pengunjung menghabiskan banyak waktu mereka? Di pos dan halaman mana " "perhatian mereka teralihkan? Wawasan ini dapat memandu Anda memutuskan " "desain konten." msgid "" "Look for trends: is a particular blog post or topic driving " "a lot of traffic? You may want to consider creating a more in-depth series " "focused on that subject!" msgstr "" "Mencari tren: Apakah pos atau topik blog tertentu menarik " "banyak pengunjung? Anda mungkin tertarik membuat ulasan mendalam tentang " "tema tersebut!" msgid "How to take action based on insights" msgstr "Cara bertindak berdasarkan wawasan" msgid "" "Google " "Analytics integration: if you’re looking for even deeper " "insights, connect your site with Google Analytics and access advanced " "reporting features. *Available on the Premium plan and above." msgstr "" "Integrasi " "Google Analytics: Untuk mendapatkan wawasan yang lebih dalam, " "hubungkan situs Anda dengan Google Analytics dan akses fitur pelaporan " "lanjutan. *Tersedia pada paket Premium dan yang lebih tinggi." msgid "" "Jetpack stats: get a quick overview of your site’s " "performance — from daily views to referral sources, Jetpack offers real-time insights at " "a glance." msgstr "" "Statistik Jetpack: Dapatkan ikhtisar tentang performa situs " "Anda — mulai dari kunjungan harian hingga sumber referensi, Jetpack menawarkan kilasan " "wawasan real-time." msgid "%s offers built-in analytics options tailored to your needs:" msgstr "" "%s menawarkan pilihan analitik bawaan yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda:" msgid "" "By tapping into insights from your website analytics data, you’ll be able to " "better understand your visitors, which will help you reach your goals faster." msgstr "" "Dengan memanfaatkan wawasan dari data analitik situs, Anda akan makin " "memahami pengunjung, sehingga Anda dapat mencapai tujuan dengan lebih cepat." msgid "How to use %s’s analytics tools" msgstr "Cara menggunakan alat analitik %s" msgid "Data is power." msgstr "Data adalah senjata." msgid "" "Understand your visitors, spot trends, and refine your content strategy." msgstr "Pahami pengunjung, kenali tren, dan sempurnakan strategi konten Anda." msgid "How well do you know your website visitors?" msgstr "Sejauh apa Anda mengetahui pengunjung situs Anda?" msgid "" "Engagement is about more than numbers. It’s about building genuine " "relationships, understanding your audience’s needs, and delivering content " "that resonates. You’ve chosen %s as your platform, and we’re here to ensure " "your voice is not just heard but also echoed by your growing community." msgstr "" "Interaksi bukan hanya tentang angka. Interaksi juga tentang membangun " "hubungan yang tulus, memahami kebutuhan audiens Anda, dan menghadirkan " "konten yang menarik bagi mereka. Sebagai platform pilihan Anda, %s akan " "memastikan suara Anda tidak hanya didengar tetapi juga disebarluaskan oleh " "komunitas yang terus berkembang. " msgid "Image of newsletter block" msgstr "Gambar blok buletin" msgid "" "Adding a newsletter " "signup form can do wonders. It’s not just about sending news or promotions—" "it’s about providing exclusive content, updates, or insights directly to " "those who want to be more closely connected with you." msgstr "" "Tambahkan formulir pendaftaran buletin agar makin menarik. Tidak hanya mengirim berita atau " "promosi, buletin juga menghadirkan konten eksklusif, pembaruan, atau wawasan " "secara langsung bagi mereka yang ingin mengenal Anda lebih jauh." msgid "Image of contact form block" msgstr "Gambar blok formulir kontak" msgid "" "Make sure you’ve set " "up a contact form. This allows readers, potential clients, or partners " "to reach out for various reasons, whether it’s inquiries, feedback, or " "collaborations." msgstr "" "Pastikan Anda telah menyiapkan formulir kontak. Dengan formulir ini, pembaca, calon " "klien, atau mitra dapat menghubungi Anda untuk berbagai tujuan seperti " "mengajukan pertanyaan, feedback, atau kerja sama." msgid "" "%1$s comes equipped with powerful tools to help you moderate comments, preventing spam " "or inappropriate content." msgstr "" "%1$s disertai alat yang andal untuk membantu Anda memoderasi komentar serta mencegah " "spam atau konten yang tidak pantas." msgid "Comment moderation" msgstr "Moderasi komentar" msgid "" "Opt to allow readers to leave comments on your posts. From " "a reader’s perspective, this is often the most direct and accessible way of " "connecting to your content. With comments, visitors can ask questions and " "even praise or critique your posts. Responding to comments can help put a " "human face to your work, fostering loyalty and making readers feel valued. " "In turn, that increases the likelihood of them becoming repeat visitors and " "subscribers." msgstr "" "Pilih agar pembaca dapat mengomentari pos Anda. Dari " "perspektif pembaca, cara ini sering kali menjadi yang paling cepat dan mudah " "untuk berinteraksi dengan konten Anda. Komentar memungkinkan pengunjung " "untuk bertanya dan bahkan memuji atau mengkritik pos Anda. Jawablah komentar " "tersebut karena dapat membantu karya Anda tampak lebih akrab, meningkatkan " "loyalitas, dan membuat pembaca merasa dihargai. Komentar yang dijawab juga " "akan meningkatkan kemungkinan mereka menjadi pengunjung berulang dan " "pelanggan." msgid "" "Here’s a primer on how to use the built-in features of WordPress to " "effectively communicate with your audience:" msgstr "" "Berikut adalah pengantar tentang cara menggunakan fitur bawaan WordPress " "untuk berkomunikasi secara efektif dengan audiens Anda:" msgid "" "Whether you’re here to share your personal journey, promote a business, or " "spread the word about a cause you’re passionate about, engaging your readers " "isn’t just about posting content and hoping they’ll see it. It’s about " "cultivating an environment that encourages active participation and two-way " "communication." msgstr "" "Apa pun tujuan Anda, entah itu untuk berbagi perjalanan pribadi, " "mempromosikan bisnis, atau menceritakan gerakan yang Anda gemari, " "berinteraksi dengan pembaca Anda tidak sekadar memublikasikan konten dan " "berharap mereka melihatnya. Interaksi adalah tentang membangun lingkungan " "yang mendorong partisipasi aktif dan komunikasi dua arah." msgid "Your audience is the key to your success." msgstr "Audiens adalah kunci sukses Anda." msgid "Master the tools of two-way communication and grow your audience." msgstr "Kuasai cara komunikasi dua arah dan kembangkan basis audiens Anda." msgid "Build a community of readers" msgstr "Bangun komunitas pembaca" msgid "" "By integrating your website with your social media accounts, you build a " "bridge that makes it easy for your audience to connect, share, and interact " "with you and your content." msgstr "" "Integrasi antara situs dan akun media sosial adalah jembatan yang " "mempermudah audiens terkoneksi, berbagi, dan berinteraksi dengan Anda dan " "konten Anda." msgid "Every great online journey thrives on connection" msgstr "Tiap perjalanan online yang hebat berkembang pesat berkat koneksi" msgid "Image of embedded content animation" msgstr "Gambar animasi konten sematan" msgid "" "Embedded content: Embed X posts, Instagram photos, YouTube " "videos, and more directly into your posts and pages. When editing a post or " "page, use the Embed " "block to insert your social media content and manage appearance options " "like block width." msgstr "" "Konten sematan: Sematkan pos X, foto Instagram, video " "YouTube, dan lainnya secara langsung ke pos dan halaman Anda. Saat " "menyunting pos atau halaman, gunakan Blok sematan untuk menyisipkan konten media sosial Anda " "dan mengelola pilihan tampilan seperti lebar blok." msgid "" "Auto-sharing with Jetpack Social: Automatically share new " "posts to your social media accounts without lifting a finger! Link your accounts now." msgstr "" "Berbagi otomatis dengan Jetpack Social: Bagikan pos baru " "secara otomatis ke akun media sosial Anda tanpa repot! Tautkan akun Anda sekarang." msgid "Image of social sharing buttons" msgstr "Gambar tombol berbagi ke media sosial" msgid "" "Sharing buttons: enable your visitors to share a post on " "their favorite social media platforms with just one click. Customize which platforms to " "display in the Sharing Buttons tab." msgstr "" "Tombol berbagi: Izinkan pengunjung Anda berbagi pos di " "platform media sosial favorit mereka hanya dengan sekali klik. Sesuaikan platform yang " "akan ditampilkan di tab Tombol Berbagi." msgid "" "Social icons: easily display icons in your menu that link " "directly to your profiles with the Social Icons block." msgstr "" "Ikon media sosial: Tampilkan ikon dengan mudah di menu yang " "menghubungkan langsung profil Anda dengan blok Ikon Sosial." msgid "Set up your website for social media success" msgstr "Siapkan situs Anda untuk sukses di media sosial" msgid "" "The power of social media reach is pretty amazing, and every new share, " "tweet, or pin can bring new visitors to your website, boosting your audience " "and potential customer base." msgstr "" "Dengan jangkauan media sosial yang mengagumkan, tiap pos, tweet, atau pin " "baru yang dibagikan dapat menarik pengunjung baru ke situs Anda serta " "memperkuat basis audiens dan calon pelanggan Anda." msgid "" "Want to reach your audience? The first step is meeting them where they are. " "And, as that’s probably on social, you definitely want to be there, too!" msgstr "" "Ingin menjangkau audiens Anda? Langkah pertamanya adalah menemui mereka di " "tempat mereka beraktivitas. Karena tempat itu adalah media sosial, Anda " "tentu ingin berada di sana juga!" msgid "" "Connecting your website with your social media accounts extends your reach " "and makes it easier for your followers to find (and share) your content." msgstr "" "Menghubungkan situs dengan akun media sosial akan memperluas jangkauan Anda " "dan memudahkan pengikut untuk menemukan (dan membagikan) konten Anda." msgid "Why integrate social media with your website?" msgstr "Mengapa mengintegrasikan media sosial dengan situs Anda?" msgid "Make the most of social media." msgstr "Maksimalkan media sosial Anda." msgid "Learn how to leverage social media for your website." msgstr "Pelajari cara memanfaatkan media sosial untuk situs Anda." msgid "Social media + = a recipe for success" msgstr "Media sosial + = resep antigagal" msgid "" "By leveraging your existing network and being an active participant in the " "%s community, you can amplify your own site’s visibility so that your " "message reaches your audience on the web no matter where they are in the " "world." msgstr "" "Dengan memanfaatkan jaringan Anda yang sudah ada dan menjadi peserta aktif " "dalam komunitas %s, visibilitas situs dapat meningkat sehingga pesan Anda " "dapat menjangkau audiens di web, di mana pun lokasi fisik mereka." msgid "" "Follow new favorites: keep tabs on the sites that inspire " "you most." msgstr "" "Ikuti situs favorit baru: Pantau selalu situs yang " "menginspirasi Anda." msgid "" "Engage: comment, like, and build meaningful connections " "with other creators like you." msgstr "" "Berinteraksi: Beri komentar, sukai, dan ciptakan hubungan " "yang bermanfaat dengan kreator lain seperti Anda." msgid "" "Discover fresh content: stumble upon new gems and " "intriguing posts from across the community." msgstr "" "Temukan konten baru: Temukan 'harta karun' baru dan pos " "yang impresif dari kreator lain." msgid "" "Discover interesting posts and find new communities with the %1$s Reader. Dive into the Reader " "to:" msgstr "" "Temukan pos yang menarik dan komunitas baru dengan Pembaca %1$s. Jelajahi Pembaca untuk:" msgid "Engage with the %s community" msgstr "Berinteraksi dengan komunitas %s" msgid "" "Word of mouth: Sometimes, the simplest way is the best way. " "Talk to your friends, family, and acquaintances about your new website." msgstr "" "Dari mulut ke mulut: Terkadang, cara termudah justru " "menjadi cara yang terbaik. Promosikan situs baru Anda kepada teman, anggota " "keluarga, dan kenalan." msgid "" "Social sharing: Share new posts on your favorite social " "platforms, which is a breeze with Jetpack Social, included with your plan. " "If you haven’t already, set up auto-sharing for your site." msgstr "" "Berbagi di media sosial: Bagikan pos baru di platform media " "sosial favorit Anda dengan mudah menggunakan Jetpack Social yang disertakan " "dalam paket Anda. Jika belum memilikinya, instal fitur berbagi otomatis untuk situs Anda." msgid "" "Send a newsletter: The loyal readers on your email list are " "eager to see what you’ve published. Get started today." msgstr "" "Kirim buletin: Pembaca setia milis Anda selalu penasaran " "dengan publikasi Anda. Mulailah hari ini." msgid "" "Don’t forget to announce your latest updates to the audiences you’re already " "connected to:" msgstr "" "Jangan lupa umumkan pembaruan terkini kepada audiens yang sudah terhubung " "dengan Anda:" msgid "Shout it from the rooftops" msgstr "Sebarluaskan!" msgid "" "Ready to promote your content? Boost a post now." msgstr "" "Siap mempromosikan konten Anda? Maksimalkan pos sekarang." msgid "" "Self-serve ads are a great way to get your work in front of a wider audience " "from day one. Starting at as little as $5, you can promote your posts and " "introduce your content to new readers from across the combined %s and Tumblr " "ecosystem. Just like that." msgstr "" "Iklan swalayan adalah cara tepat agar pembaca yang lebih beragam mengetahui " "karya Anda sejak awal. Dimulai dari $5, Anda dapat mempromosikan pos dan " "memperkenalkan konten ke pembaca baru dari gabungan ekosistem %s dan Tumblr. " "Mudah, bukan?" msgid "Spotlight your best content with self-serve ads" msgstr "Soroti konten terbaik Anda dengan iklan swalayan" msgid "" "In a previous email, you learned about how just a little attention to SEO " "can help prime your site for organic traffic directly from search engines. " "Today, we’ll uncover other ways to get more visitors to your website." msgstr "" "Email sebelumnya menjelaskan bahwa dengan sedikit saja menerapkan SEO, situs " "Anda akan siap menghadapi lalu lintas organik secara langsung dari mesin " "pencari. Hari ini, kami akan membahas cara lain untuk menarik lebih banyak " "pengunjung ke situs Anda." msgid "Be heard. Be seen." msgstr "Suarakan pikiran Anda. Tunjukkan karya Anda." msgid "Try these simple steps to maximize your reach and engagement." msgstr "" "Cobalah langkah-langkah sederhana ini untuk memaksimalkan jangkauan dan " "interaksi Anda." msgid "Ready for more site visitors?" msgstr "Siap menyambut lebih banyak pengunjung di situs Anda?" msgid "" "If you’re still stuck about what to write about, check out this list of 130 blog post ideas " "for inspiration." msgstr "" "Jika belum mendapatkan ide tulisan, simak daftar berisi 130 ide pos blog ini untuk menginspirasi " "Anda." msgid "" "Let’s start with a blog post. What’s on your mind? Do you have a personal " "story, a recent experience, tips, tricks, or perhaps a recipe to share? " "Whatever it is, write it down and publish it. The world is eager to hear " "from you." msgstr "" "Mari mulai dengan pos blog. Apa yang Anda pikirkan? Apakah Anda memiliki " "kisah menarik, pengalaman terbaru, tips, trik, atau mungkin resep yang bisa " "dibagikan? Apa pun itu, tulislah dan publikasikan. Dunia ingin mendengar " "suara Anda." msgid "Not sure what type of content to tackle first?" msgstr "Tidak yakin mau menulis konten apa sebagai awalan?" msgid "" "Repeat engagement since your visitors will want to keep " "coming back for more." msgstr "" "Interaksi berulang karena pengunjung Anda akan terus " "kembali untuk membaca pos lainnya." msgid "" "Increased industry authority as you continue to share your " "knowledge and showcase your expertise." msgstr "" "Makin percaya diri dalam industri karena Anda terus berbagi " "pengetahuan dan menunjukkan keahlian Anda." msgid "" "Boosted SEO, because search engines love interesting, high-" "quality posts and articles, and they’ll prioritize websites that regularly " "publish new posts." msgstr "" "Penguatan SEO, karena mesin pencari menyukai pos dan " "artikel yang menarik dan unggul serta akan memprioritaskan situs yang rutin " "memublikasikan pos baru." msgid "" "When you focus on routinely creating quality content for your audience, " "you’ll benefit through:" msgstr "" "Ketika berfokus untuk membuat konten berkualitas secara rutin bagi audiens, " "Anda akan diuntungkan melalui:" msgid "" "Content is what brings your website to life, allowing your story to take " "root so that you can build enduring relationships with your readers, " "subscribers, and customers. It’s what sets you apart from the rest." msgstr "" "Di situs, konten adalah nyawa yang membuat kisah Anda berkesan agar " "terbangun hubungan yang berkelanjutan antara pembaca, pelanggan, dan " "konsumen Anda. Konten membedakan Anda dari yang lain." msgid "Expand your content and grow your audience." msgstr "Perluas konten dan kembangkan audiens Anda." msgid "Here’s how to connect with your audience through the magic of content." msgstr "" "Berikut ini adalah cara berinteraksi dengan audiens Anda melalui keajaiban " "konten." msgid "Create powerful content to unlock your site’s potential" msgstr "Buatlah konten yang mengesankan untuk mengungkap potensi situs Anda" msgid "" "Right out of the box, your %1$s site has core SEO covered (which stands for " "Search Engine " "Optimization, by the way). These built-in tools are super simple to use " "and will give your website’s visibility a nice boost in search engines so " "that your audience can easily find your posts." msgstr "" "Situs %1$s Anda memiliki SEO (Optimisasi Mesin Pencari) inti yang siap pakai. Alat bawaan ini " "sangat mudah digunakan dan akan meningkatkan visibilitas situs Anda dalam " "mesin pencari sehingga audiens dapat menemukan pos Anda tanpa masalah." msgid "Take advantage of our built-in SEO tools" msgstr "Manfaatkan alat SEO bawaan kami" msgid "" "A little SEO can go a long way, and WordPress makes it easy to check if your " "content is search-engine friendly." msgstr "" "SEO sederhana saja besar manfaatnya, dan memudahkan memeriksa " "apakah konten Anda ramah mesin pencari." msgid "" "By now you might already be up and running with your website. As a next " "step, take a look at how to amplify your reach and connect with a broader " "audience so you can drive more traffic to your site." msgstr "" "Saat ini situs Anda mungkin sudah bisa diakses. Selanjutnya, temukan cara " "memaksimalkan jangkauan Anda dan jalin relasi dengan audiens yang lebih luas " "untuk menarik lebih banyak pengunjung ke situs Anda." msgid "Get found. Here’s how." msgstr "Mudah ditemukan. Begini caranya." msgid "How to optimize your site for search engines." msgstr "Cara mengoptimalkan situs Anda di mesin pencari." msgid "Ready to boost your visitor count? SEO is the first step." msgstr "" "Siap meningkatkan jumlah pengunjung Anda? SEO adalah langkah pertamanya." msgid "" "With everything you need to get started at your fingertips, we think you’ll " "enjoy planning and writing your posts even more than ever." msgstr "" "Karena semua yang diperlukan untuk memulai sudah tersedia, Anda tentu akan " "lebih senang merencanakan dan menulis pos Anda." msgid "" "But what if you’re not sure what to write, or you’re dealing with writer’s " "block? No worries! Your %1$s plan gives you access to Jetpack AI Assistant, " "which will help you create engaging posts in a jiffy." msgstr "" "Tapi bagaimana jika Anda tidak yakin mau menulis apa, atau kehabisan ide? " "Jangan khawatir! Paket %1$s Anda memungkinkan Anda mengakses Jetpack AI Assistant yang akan membantu membuat pos menarik dalam sekejap." msgid "" "One of the key elements of an effective website is its content. And because " "high-quality writing differentiates your website from others, it’s the " "primary reason visitors return and is instrumental in attracting new traffic." msgstr "" "Salah satu elemen penting dalam situs yang efektif adalah konten. Tulisan " "yang unggul membedakan situs Anda dari situs lain, dan itulah alasan utama " "pengunjung kembali dan pengunjung baru berdatangan." msgid "%s is built for writers." msgstr "%s dibuat untuk penulis." msgid "Captivate visitors with engaging content that keeps them coming back." msgstr "" "Pukau pengunjung dengan konten menarik yang terus membuat mereka kembali." msgid "Writer’s block? No worries!" msgstr "Kehabisan ide? Jangan khawatir!" msgid "Start a draft" msgstr "Mulailah mengonsep" msgid "" "Want access to even more design features? Upgrade to the %2$s plan to " "unlock custom CSS and the ability to upload your own themes." msgstr "" "Ingin mengakses fitur desain lainnya? Upgrade ke paket %2$s agar dapat mengakses " "CSS kustom dan mengunggah tema Anda sendiri." msgid "Block editing" msgstr "Penyuntingan blok" msgid "Block editing animation" msgstr "Animasi penyuntingan blok" msgid "" "Just head to your site’s " "home, and dig in to one of the helpful guides you’ll find there. Among " "other things, you’ll learn how to design and blog like an expert, master the " "site editor, and create professional-looking layouts easily with pre-built " "patterns." msgstr "" "Buka beranda situs Anda, dan pelajari salah satu panduan penting yang akan Anda temukan di sana. " "Salah satunya adalah tentang cara mendesain dan menulis blog seperti ahli, " "menguasai editor situs, dan membuat dengan mudah tata letak yang tampak " "profesional dengan pola bawaan." msgid "" "Now that you’ve set up your account, we bet you’re excited to learn how to " "create a beautiful and engaging website. The good news is that with %s, " "you’ve got instant access to all the resources you need to do just that." msgstr "" "Setelah akun siap, Anda tentu tertarik mempelajari cara membuat situs yang " "estetik dan menarik. Kabar gembiranya adalah dengan %s, Anda akan " "mendapatkan akses langsung ke semua sumber daya yang diperlukan untuk " "melakukannya." msgid "Master the basics." msgstr "Kuasai dasar-dasarnya." msgid "Learn more about’s site-building essentials." msgstr "" "Baca selengkapnya tentang kebutuhan utama dalam membuat situs" msgid "Build and design your website" msgstr "Buat dan desain situs Anda" msgid "" "Got questions? Check out our support resources, or send us a message. Our global team of " "Happiness Engineers is here to help!" msgstr "" "Ada pertanyaan? Kunjungi sumber daya dukungan kami, atau kirim pesan untuk kami. Tim " "Happiness Engineer global kami siap membantu!" msgid "Thanks for choosing %s" msgstr "Terima kasih sudah memilih %s" msgid "" "Driving " "traffic - Discover ways to attract visitors to your site, " "boosting visibility and making an impact." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan " "kunjungan - Temukan cara untuk menarik pengunjung ke situs " "Anda, meningkatkan visibilitas, dan membawa dampak." msgid "" "Content " "creation - Learn how to write engaging posts and reach a loyal " "audience, sooner." msgstr "" "Pembuatan " "konten - Pelajari cara menulis pos yang menarik dan menjangkau " "audiens setia, lebih cepat." msgid "" "Mastering " "the basics - Understand how to give your website a unique touch " "using a range of professionally-made themes and customization tools." msgstr "" "Menguasai " "dasar-dasarnya - Pahami cara memberikan sentuhan unik bagi " "situs Anda dengan beragam tema dan alat penyesuaian yang dibuat secara " "profesional." msgid "Take a look at some of the most popular topics:" msgstr "Simak beberapa topik terpopuler berikut:" msgid "More tips and insights coming your way" msgstr "Tips dan wawasan lainnya akan segera hadir untuk Anda" msgid "Image of post published" msgstr "Gambar publikasi pos" msgid "" "You now have access to %1$s and all the powerful features, stunning themes, " "and top-notch support you need to create your website. Get started with our " "five-step guide " "then jump right in and publish your first post!" msgstr "" "Anda kini dapat mengakses %1$s dan semua fitur unggulan, tema impresif, dan " "dukungan andal yang diperlukan untuk membuat situs. Mulailah dengan panduan kami yang berisi lima " "langkah lalu langsung mulai dan publikasikan pos pertama Anda!" msgid "Let’s get started! Your site is waiting." msgstr "Mari mulai sekarang! Situs Anda telah menunggu." msgid "Please reload the page to see your stats..." msgstr "Muat ulang halaman untuk melihat statistik Anda..." msgid "Comment sent successfully" msgstr "Komentar berhasil dikirim" msgid "License bundles" msgstr "Bundel lisensi" msgid "(part of a bundle)" msgstr "(bagian dari bundel)" msgid "X (formerly known as Twitter)" msgstr "X (sebelumnya disebut Twitter)" msgid "Jetpack X account (formerly known as Twitter)" msgstr "Akun Jetpack di X (sebelumnya disebut Twitter)" msgid "Open in %(mailProviderName)s" msgstr "Buka di %(mailProviderName)s" msgid "" "Didn't get the email? You might want to double check if the email address is " "associated with your account,{{a}}or reset your password.{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Tidak menerima e-mail? Anda mungkin ingin memeriksa ulang apakah alamat e-" "mail tersebut terhubung dengan akun Anda, {{a}}atau mengatur ulang kata " "sandi Anda.{{/a}}" msgid "We've sent a login link to {{strong}}%(emailAddress)s{{/strong}}" msgstr "" "Kami telah mengirimkan tautan login ke {{strong}}%(emailAddress)s{{/strong}}" msgid "Review selections" msgstr "Tinjau pilihan" msgid "{{b}}Products{{/b}}: %(productFilter)s" msgstr "{{b}}Produk{{/b}}: %(productFilter)s" msgid "Get up to %d%% off" msgstr "Dapatkan diskon hingga %d%%" msgctxt "button label" msgid "%(numLicenses)d license" msgid_plural "%(numLicenses)d licenses" msgstr[0] "%(numLicenses)d lisensi" msgstr[1] "%(numLicenses)d lisensi" msgid "Change admin interface style" msgstr "Ubah penataan antarmuka admin" msgid "Manage cache settings" msgstr "Kelola pengaturan cache" msgid "Change PHP version" msgstr "Ubah versi PHP" msgid "Manage staging site: %s" msgstr "Kelola situs staging: %s" msgid "Manage staging sites" msgstr "Kelola situs staging" msgid "Open database in phpMyAdmin" msgstr "Buka basis data di phpMyAdmin" msgid "Open web server logs" msgstr "Buka log server web" msgid "Open PHP logs" msgstr "Buka log PHP" msgid "Open site dashboard" msgstr "Buka dasbor situs" msgid "Open SFTP/SSH credentials" msgstr "Buka kredensial SFTP/SSH" msgid "After trial, plans start as low as %s per month, %s billed annually" msgstr "" "Setelah uji coba, harga paket mulai dari %s per bulan, %s (penagihan setiap " "tahun)" msgid "" "On %1$s, we tried to charge your payment method for your %2$s invoice " "totaling %3$s, but the payment didn't go through successfully." msgstr "" "Pada %1$s, kami mencoba menagih metode pembayaran Anda untuk faktur %2$s " "sejumlah %3$s, tapi pembayaran tersebut belum berhasil." msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Home and Furniture" msgstr "Rumah dan Furnitur" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Electronics and Software" msgstr "Elektronik dan Perangkat Lunak" msgid "" "Thanks for your purchase! Below you can view and assign your new Jetpack " "product licenses to your websites." msgstr "" "Terima kasih atas pembelian Anda! Di bawah ini Anda dapat melihat dan " "menetapkan lisensi produk Jetpack Anda yang baru ke situs web Anda." msgid "" "Thanks for your purchase! Below you can view and assign your new " "{{strong}}%(productName)s{{/strong}} license to a website." msgid_plural "" "Thanks for your purchase! Below you can view and assign your new " "{{strong}}%(productName)s{{/strong}} licenses to a website." msgstr[0] "" "Terima kasih atas pembelian Anda! Di bawah ini Anda dapat melihat dan " "menetapkan lisensi {{strong}}%(productName)s{{/strong}} Anda yang baru ke " "sebuah situs web." msgstr[1] "" msgid "" "Not ready to choose domain yet? Get your plan now and claim your domain " "later!" msgstr "" "Belum siap memilih domain? Dapatkan paket Anda sekarang dan klaim domain " "Anda nanti!" msgid "Get a free domain with select paid plans" msgstr "Dapatkan domain gratis dengan memilih paket berbayar" msgid "Check paid plans »" msgstr "Cek paket berbayar »" msgid "You can claim your custom domain name later when you’re ready." msgstr "Anda dapat mengklaim nama domain khusus Anda nanti saat sudah siap." msgid "" "Select any annual paid plan and we’ll pay the first year’s domain " "registration fees for you." msgstr "" "Pilih paket berbayar tahunan apa pun dan kami akan membayarkan biaya " "pendaftaran domain tahun pertama untuk Anda." msgid "Not ready to choose a domain just yet?" msgstr "Belum siap memilih domain?" msgid "Give feedback now" msgstr "Beri masukan sekarang" msgid "" "Give us your feedback and get a full year of any Jetpack product for free." msgstr "" "Berikan masukan Anda dan dapatkan produk Jetpack apa pun gratis selama satu " "tahun." msgid "Got 5 minutes to help test a new Jetpack feature?" msgstr "Anda punya waktu 5 menit untuk membantu menguji fitur Jetpack baru?" msgctxt "button label" msgid "Review %(numLicenses)d license" msgid_plural "Review %(numLicenses)d licenses" msgstr[0] "Tinjau %(numLicenses)d lisensi" msgstr[1] "Tinjau %(numLicenses)d lisensi" msgid "You’re about to issue the following licenses:" msgstr "Anda akan menerbitkan lisensi berikut ini:" msgid "Review license selection" msgstr "Tinjau pemilihan lisensi" msgid "Add additional storage to your current VaultPress Backup plans." msgstr "Tambah penyimpanan tambahan ke paket VaultPress Backup Anda saat ini." msgid "VaultPress Backup Add-ons" msgstr "Add-on VaultPress Backup" msgid "You must have WooCommerce installed to utilize these paid extensions." msgstr "" "Kamu harus memiliki WooCommerce yang terinstal untuk menggunakan ekstensi " "berbayar ini." msgid "" "Mix and match powerful security, performance, and growth tools for your " "sites." msgstr "" "Padu padankan alat keamanan, performa, dan pertumbuhan yang tangguh untuk " "situs Anda." msgid "" "Save big with comprehensive bundles of Jetpack security, performance, and " "growth tools." msgstr "" "Hemat banyak dengan paket komprehensif untuk alat keamanan, performa, dan " "pertumbuhan Jetpack." msgid "Monthly (%(amount)s)" msgstr "Bulanan (%(amount)s)" msgid "Yearly (%(amount)s)" msgstr "Tahunan (%(amount)s)" msgid "One Time (%(amount)s)" msgstr "Satu Kali (%(amount)s)" msgid "Offer Type" msgstr "Jenis Penawaran" msgid "Try 7 days for free" msgstr "Coba gratis selama 7 hari" msgid "" "To just migrate the content, use the {{link}}free content-only import " "option{{/link}}." msgstr "" "Untuk memindahkan konten saja, gunakan opsi {{link}}impor konten saja {{/" "link}}." msgid "Refundable within 14 days. No questions asked." msgstr "Dapat direfund dalam 14 hari. Tanpa syarat." msgid "Enhanced Cloudflare Turnstile" msgstr "Peningkatan Cloudflare Turnstile" msgid "Tags to save." msgstr "Tag untuk menyimpan." msgid "" "The most reliable WordPress platform awaits you. Have an account? {{a}}Log " "in{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Platform WordPress yang paling andal menanti Anda. Punya akun? {{a}}Login{{/" "a}}" msgid "Domain transfer" msgstr "Transfer Domain" msgid "Default site domain" msgstr "Domain situs sumber" msgid "Site redirect" msgstr "Pengalihan Situs" msgid "Registered domain" msgstr "Domain Terdaftar" msgid "Connected domain" msgstr "Domain yang Terhubung" msgid "Spam in the %1$s older than %2$d day is deleted automatically." msgid_plural "Spam in the %1$s older than %2$d days is deleted automatically." msgstr[0] "" "Spam di %1$s yang sudah lebih dari %2$d hari akan dihapus secara otomatis." msgstr[1] "" "Spam di %1$s yang sudah lebih dari %2$d hari akan dihapus secara otomatis." msgid "spam folder" msgstr "folder spam" msgid "" "A beautifully designed blog theme displaying large typography and " "customizable color palettes. With a clean and modern design, Blogorama " "offers a unique and engaging way to showcase your blog content." msgstr "" "Tema blog yang dirancang dengan indah menampilkan tipografi besar dan palet " "warna yang dapat disesuaikan. Dengan desain yang bersih dan modern, " "Blogorama menawarkan cara yang unik dan menarik untuk menampilkan konten " "blog Anda." msgid "Order amount too small" msgstr "Jumlah pesanan terlalu kecil" msgid "%(size)d licenses" msgstr "%(size)d lisensi" msgid "Single license" msgstr "Lisensi tunggal" msgid "Select single product licenses or save when you issue in bulk" msgstr "" "Pilih lisensi produk tunggal atau simpan saat Anda menerbitkan banyak " "lisensi sekaligus." msgid "Get 60% off Akismet" msgstr "Dapatkan diskon 60% untuk Akismet" msgid "" "Thoughtfully commenting on other sites is a great way to grow your audience." msgstr "" "Mengomentari situs lain dengan bijak adalah cara yang bagus untuk " "mengembangkan audiens Anda." msgctxt "product name shown in menu" msgid "Activity Log" msgstr "Log Aktivitas" msgid "" "Ends in: --d --h --m --s" msgstr "" "Berakhir pada: --hri --jam --mnt " "--dtk" msgid "" "The password could not be validated. Please check your network connection " "and try again." msgstr "" "Kata sandi tidak dapat divalidasi. Mohon periksa koneksi jaringan Anda dan " "coba lagi." msgid "Increase views by engaging with others" msgstr "Tingkatkan kunjungan dengan berinteraksi dengan situs orang lain" msgid "" "If we don't receive payment within 2 days, we will revoke all your existing " "licenses issued via Jetpack Manage, resulting in the paid Jetpack products " "not working on your sites." msgstr "" "Jika kami tidak menerima pembayaran dalam waktu 2 hari, kami akan mencabut " "semua lisensi Anda yang diterbitkan melalui Jetpack Manage, sehingga produk " "Jetpack berbayar di situs Anda tidak akan berfungsi." msgid "Last chance: Your %s Jetpack Manage invoice is overdue" msgstr "" "Kesempatan terakhir: Faktur Jetpack Manage %s Anda telah lewat jatuh tempo" msgid "View Invoice" msgstr "Lihat Invoice" msgid "" "The payment for your %s invoice didn't go through. Please take a moment to " "complete payment." msgstr "" "Pembayaran Anda untuk invoice %s tidak berhasil. Mohon luangkan waktu " "sejenak untuk menyelesaikan pembayaran." msgid "per month, {{span}}%(rawPrice)s{{/span}} billed annually, excl. taxes" msgstr "" "per bulan, {{span}}%(rawPrice)s{{/span}} ditagihkan setiap tahun (tidak " "termasuk pajak)" msgid "Unique identifier for the global styles revision." msgstr "Pengenal unik untuk revisi gaya global." msgid "The ID for the parent of the global styles revision." msgstr "ID untuk induk revisi gaya global." msgid "Included with the plan:" msgstr "Termasuk dalam paket:" msgid "%(planTitle)s plan" msgstr "Paket %(planTitle)s" msgid "Get %(planTitle)s plan" msgstr "Dapatkan paket %(planTitle)s" msgid "A prompt for you from Jetpack AI" msgstr "Prompt untuk Anda dari Jetpack AI" msgid "" "Signing in will also create a account to manage subscriptions. " "By clicking, you agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy." msgstr "" "Dengan login, akun untuk mengelola langganan juga akan dibuat. " "Dengan mengeklik, Anda telah menyetujui Ketentuan Layanan dan Kebijakan Privasi" msgid "Create account for %s" msgstr "Buat akun untuk %s" msgid "Loading your comment..." msgstr "Memuat komentar Anda..." msgid "" "{{strong}}Hey there!{{/strong}}{{br}}{{/br}} Did you know sites with more " "posts get more traffic?" msgstr "" "{{strong}}Hai!{{/strong}}{{br}}{{/br}} Tahukah Anda bahwa situs dengan lebih " "banyak pos mendapatkan lebih banyak traffic?" msgid "An unknown error has occurred. Please try again in a second." msgstr "Terjadi kendala tidak dikenal. Mohon coba lagi nanti segera." msgid "Confirm subscriber move" msgstr "Konfirmasi perpindahan pelanggan" msgid "" "This will {{strong}}move{{/strong}} all of the subscribers from " "{{strong}}%(selectedSourceSiteName)s{{/strong}} to " "{{strong}}%(targetSiteName)s{{/strong}}. Are you sure?" msgstr "" "Ini akan {{strong}}memindahkan{{/strong}} semua pelanggan dari " "{{strong}}%(selectedSourceSiteName)s{{/strong}} ke " "{{strong}}%(targetSiteName)s{{/strong}}. Apakah Anda yakin?" msgid "Migrate subscribers" msgstr "Migrasi pelanggan" msgid "For more details, take a look at our ." msgstr "" "Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, lihat kami." msgid "Migrate from" msgstr "Pindahkan dari" msgid "" "This will migrate all of the subscribers from the site you select below to " "the current site \"{{strong}}%(targetSiteName)s{{/strong}}\"." msgstr "" "Proses ini akan memindahkan semua pelanggan dari situs yang Anda pilih di " "bawah ke situs saat ini \"{{strong}}%(targetSiteName)s{{/strong}}\"." msgid "Migrate subscribers to {{strong}}%(targetSiteName)s{{/strong}}" msgstr "Pindahkan pelanggan ke {{strong}}%(targetSiteName)s{{/strong}}" msgid "Remove coupon" msgstr "Hapus kupon" msgid "" "If you would like to issue licenses via Jetpack Manage in the future, you " "must pay your overdue invoice totaling %s. You can do this by logging into " "your account:" msgstr "" "Jika di masa mendatang Anda ingin menerbitkan lisensi melalui Jetpack " "Manage, Anda harus membayar faktur yang telah lewat jatuh tempo senilai %s. " "Anda dapat melakukannya dengan login ke akun Anda:" msgid "" "If you would like to issue licenses via Jetpack Manage in the future, you " "must pay your overdue invoice totaling %1$s. You can do this by logging into your account." msgstr "" "Jika di masa mendatang Anda ingin menerbitkan lisensi melalui Jetpack " "Manage, Anda harus membayar faktur yang telah lewat jatuh tempo senilai " "%1$s. Anda dapat melakukannya dengan login ke akun." msgid "The following Jetpack licenses have now been revoked:" msgstr "Saat ini lisensi Jetpack berikut telah dicabut:" msgid "" "As a result of non-payment, we have revoked your licenses issued via Jetpack " "Manage. Any licenses purchased outside Jetpack Manage are unaffected." msgstr "" "Karena Anda tidak melakukan pembayaran, kami telah mencabut lisensi yang " "diterbitkan melalui Jetpack Manage. Lisensi apa pun yang dibeli dari luar " "Jetpack Manage tidak akan terpengaruh." msgid "You have no currently active licenses." msgstr "Saat ini Anda tidak memiliki lisensi aktif." msgid "" "If we don't receive payment within 7 days, we will revoke all your existing " "licenses issued via Jetpack Manage, resulting in the paid Jetpack products " "not working on your sites." msgstr "" "Jika kami tidak menerima pembayaran dalam waktu 7 hari, kami akan mencabut " "semua lisensi Anda yang diterbitkan melalui Jetpack Manage, sehingga produk " "Jetpack berbayar di situs Anda tidak akan berfungsi." msgid "" "On %1$s, we tried to charge your payment method for your %2$s Jetpack Manage " "invoice totaling %3$s, but the payment didn't go through successfully." msgstr "" "Pada %1$s, kami mencoba menagih metode pembayaran Anda untuk faktur Jetpack " "Manage %2$s sejumlah %3$s, tapi pembayaran tersebut belum berhasil." msgid "Day 21 reminder: Your %s Jetpack Manage invoice is overdue" msgstr "" "Pengingat 21 hari: Faktur Jetpack Manage %s Anda telah lewat jatuh tempo" msgid "Your Jetpack licenses have been revoked" msgstr "Lisensi Jetpack Anda telah dicabut" msgid "Error fetching stream." msgstr "Terjadi error saat mengambil stream." msgid "" "Hello! Here's the link you requested from It will let you " "create your account and login instantly. Enjoy!" msgstr "" "Halo! Berikut adalah tautan yang Anda minta dari Dengan " "tautan ini, Anda bisa membuat akun dan login dalam sekejap. Selamat mencoba!" msgid "Local Pickup" msgstr "Pengambilan lokal" msgid "Thank you. Your order has been fulfilled." msgstr "Terima kasih. Pesanan Anda telah diterima." msgid "Thanks for being an Akismet customer." msgstr "Terima kasih telah menjadi pelanggan Akismet." msgid "An update to your Akismet account" msgstr "Pembaruan di akun Akismet Anda" msgid "Hide mid-post advertisement" msgstr "Sembunyikan iklan di tengah pos" msgctxt "Jetpack product name" msgid "Jetpack VideoPress" msgstr "Jetpack VideoPress" msgctxt "Jetpack product name" msgid "Jetpack VaultPress Backup" msgstr "Jetpack VaultPress Backup" msgctxt "Jetpack product name" msgid "Jetpack Stats" msgstr "Jetpack Stats" msgctxt "Jetpack product name" msgid "Jetpack Social" msgstr "Jetpack Social" msgctxt "Jetpack plan name" msgid "Jetpack Security" msgstr "Jetpack Security" msgctxt "Jetpack product name" msgid "Jetpack Search" msgstr "Jetpack Search" msgctxt "Jetpack product name" msgid "Jetpack Scan" msgstr "Jetpack Scan" msgctxt "Jetpack product name" msgid "Jetpack Protect" msgstr "Jetpack Protect" msgctxt "Jetpack product name" msgid "Jetpack Newsletter" msgstr "Jetpack Newsletter" msgctxt "Jetpack product name" msgid "Jetpack Manage" msgstr "Jetpack Manage" msgctxt "Jetpack product name" msgid "Jetpack Forms" msgstr "Jetpack Forms" msgctxt "Jetpack product name" msgid "Jetpack CRM" msgstr "Jetpack CRM" msgctxt "Jetpack plan name" msgid "Jetpack Creator" msgstr "Jetpack Creator" msgctxt "Jetpack plan name" msgid "Jetpack Complete" msgstr "Jetpack Complete" msgctxt "Jetpack product name" msgid "Jetpack Boost" msgstr "Jetpack Boost" msgctxt "Jetpack product name" msgid "Jetpack Blaze" msgstr "Jetpack Blaze" msgctxt "Jetpack product name" msgid "Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam" msgstr "Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam" msgctxt "Jetpack product name" msgid "Jetpack AI" msgstr "Jetpack AI" msgctxt "Jetpack plan name" msgid "Jetpack" msgstr "Jetpack" msgid "" "Instantly deliver the most relevant results to your visitors with Jetpack " "Search. No coding required, no ads, and no tracking." msgstr "" "Kirimkan hasil paling relevan bagi pengunjung Anda secepat kilat dengan " "Jetpack Search. Tanpa perlu pengodean, tanpa iklan, dan tanpa pelacakan." msgid "" "Jetpack CRM has all of the tools you need to grow your business. It’s also " "modular, so you can customize it to suit your needs." msgstr "" "Jetpack CRM mencakup semua alat yang dibutuhkan untuk mengembangkan bisnis " "Anda. Plugin ini juga bersifat modular sehingga dapat diatur sesuai " "kebutuhan." msgid "Nurture Contacts. Grow your Business." msgstr "Pertahankan Kontak. Kembangkan bisnis Anda." msgid "" "We have now stopped you from being able to issue new licenses for your " "sites. If we don't receive payment within 14 days, we will revoke all your " "existing licenses issued via Jetpack Manage, resulting in the paid Jetpack " "products not working on your sites." msgstr "" "Saat ini kami mencegah Anda menerbitkan lisensi baru untuk situs. Jika kami " "tidak menerima pembayaran dalam waktu 14 hari, kami akan mencabut semua " "lisensi Anda yang diterbitkan melalui Jetpack Manage, sehingga produk " "Jetpack berbayar di situs Anda tidak akan berfungsi." msgid "You have %s currently active license:" msgid_plural "You have %s currently active licenses:" msgstr[0] "Saat ini Anda memiliki %s lisensi aktif:" msgstr[1] "Saat ini Anda memiliki %s lisensi aktif:" msgid "" "If we don't receive payment within 14 days, we will revoke all your existing " "licenses issued via Jetpack Manage, resulting in the paid Jetpack products " "not working on your sites." msgstr "" "Jika kami tidak menerima pembayaran dalam waktu 14 hari, kami akan mencabut " "semua lisensi Anda yang diterbitkan melalui Jetpack Manage, sehingga produk " "Jetpack berbayar di situs Anda tidak akan berfungsi." msgid "" "We have now stopped you from being able to issue new licenses for your sites." msgstr "Saat ini kami mencegah Anda menerbitkan lisensi baru untuk situs." msgid "Licensing disabled" msgstr "Penerbitan lisensi dinonaktifkan" msgid "Day 14 reminder: Your %s Jetpack Manage invoice is overdue" msgstr "" "Pengingat 14 hari: Faktur Jetpack Manage %s Anda telah lewat jatuh tempo" msgid "Day 14 reminder: Your Jetpack Manage invoice is overdue" msgstr "Pengingat 14 hari: Faktur Jetpack Manage Anda telah lewat jatuh tempo" msgid "" "To keep your account secure, this request can only be used once, and will " "expire in one hour. If you didn't request this link, you can safely ignore " "this email." msgstr "" "Agar akun Anda tetap aman, permintaan ini hanya dapat digunakan sekali, dan " "akan berakhir dalam satu jam. Jika Anda tidak meminta tautan ini, silakan " "abaikan email ini." msgid "" "To keep your account secure, this link can only be used one time and expires " "in one hour." msgstr "" "Agar akun tetap aman, tautan ini hanya dapat digunakan sekali dan akan " "kedaluwarsa dalam satu jam." msgid "Here's the link you requested to sign in to %s." msgstr "Berikut adalah tautan yang Anda minta untuk login ke %s." msgid "" "Your browser doesn't support the FIDO2 security key standard yet. To use a " "second factor security key to sign in please try a supported browser like " "Chrome, Safari, or Firefox." msgstr "" "Browser Anda belum mendukung standar kunci keamanan FIDO2. Agar dapat " "menggunakan kunci keamanan faktor kedua untuk login, coba gunakan browser " "yang didukung seperti Chrome atau Firefox." msgid "" "Security keys offer a more robust form of two-step authentication. Your " "security key may be a physical device, or you can use passkey support built " "into your browser." msgstr "" "Kunci keamanan menawarkan bentuk autentikasi dua langkah yang lebih kuat. " "Kunci keamanan Anda dapat berupa perangkat fisik, atau Anda dapat " "menggunakan dukungan kunci sandi yang ada pada browser Anda." msgid "Tax Invoice" msgstr "Faktur Pajak" msgid "" "Upgrade and increase the amount of your available monthly requests to " "continue using the most advanced AI technology Jetpack has to offer." msgstr "" "Upgrade dan tingkatkan jumlah permintaan bulanan Anda agar dapat tetap " "menggunakan teknologi AI paling canggih dari Jetpack." msgid "The most advanced AI technology Jetpack has to offer." msgstr "Teknologi AI tercanggih dari Jetpack." msgid "Create, grow, and monetize your audience." msgstr "Bangun, kembangkan, dan ubah audiens jadi sumber pendapatan" msgid "Latest Scan:" msgstr "Pemindaian Terakhir:" msgid "Apple subscription is not active" msgstr "Langganan Apple tidak aktif" msgid "Apple transaction ID is already tied to a purchase" msgstr "ID transaksi Apple telah tertaut ke sebuah pembelian" msgid "Apple transaction product ID differs from the expected product ID" msgstr "ID produk transaksi Apple berbeda dari ID produk yang diharapkan" msgid "" "In 7 days, if we haven't received payment, we will disable your account from " "issuing new licenses for your sites." msgstr "" "Jika dalam 7 hari kami belum menerima pembayaran, kami akan memblokir akun " "Anda agar tidak dapat mengajukan permintaan lisensi baru untuk situs Anda." msgid "" "Day 7 Reminder: The payment for your %s Jetpack Manage invoice didn't go " "through" msgstr "" "Pengingat Hari Ke-7: Pembayaran untuk faktur Jetpack Manage %s Anda belum " "berhasil" msgid "Explore plans" msgstr "Pelajari paket" msgid "Copy SSH connection string" msgstr "Salin string koneksi SSH" msgid "Copied SSH connection string." msgstr "String koneksi SSH yang disalin." msgid "Copied username." msgstr "Nama pengguna yang disalin" msgid "" "Hevor is the block remake of classic theme Hever. It is a fully responsive " "theme, ideal for creating a strong, beautiful, online presence for your " "business." msgstr "" "Hevor adalah versi ulang dari tema klasik Hever. Ini adalah tema yang " "responsif sepenuhnya, ideal untuk menciptakan kehadiran online yang kuat dan " "indah untuk bisnis Anda." msgid "" "If you have issues logging in or have any other questions regarding this, " "please contact our support team." msgstr "" "Jika Anda mengalami masalah login atau punya pertanyaan lain terkait hal " "ini, silakan hubungi tim dukungan kami." msgid "" "Please log in to your account and " "make payment to ensure your service continues without interruption." msgstr "" "Harap login ke akun Anda dan lakukan " "pembayaran untuk menjamin layanan Anda tetap aktif tanpa gangguan." msgid "" "We tried to charge your payment method for your %1$s invoice totaling %2$s, " "but the payment didn't go through successfully." msgstr "" "Kami mencoba menagih metode pembayaran Anda untuk faktur %1$s sejumlah %2$s, " "tapi pembayaran tersebut belum berhasil." msgid "Reminder: Your %s Jetpack Manage invoice is overdue" msgstr "Pengingat: Faktur Jetpack Manage %s Anda telah lewat jatuh tempo" msgid "" "Interested in getting blog post updates? Simply click the button below to " "stay in the loop!" msgstr "" "Ingin mendapatkan pembaruan pos blog? Cukup klik tombol di bawah untuk terus " "mendapat pembaruan!" msgid "Never miss a beat!" msgstr "Jangan sampai kelewatan!" msgid "We'll keep you in the loop!" msgstr "Kami akan terus mengirimkan pembaruan!" msgid "Percentage of traffic per HTTP request method" msgstr "Persentase traffic per metode permintaan HTTP" msgid "HTTP request methods" msgstr "Metode permintaan HTTP" msgid "Last 90 Days" msgstr "90 Hari Terakhir" msgid "" "Messagerie is a theme that brings the mobile messaging experience to your " "WordPress site." msgstr "" "Messagerie adalah tema yang membawa pengalaman pesan seluler ke situs " "WordPress Anda." msgid "Id used by the bloganuary promotion" msgstr "Id digunakan untuk promosi bloganuary" msgid "Cyber Monday week sale - up to %s off all bundles and products" msgstr "" "Pekan promo Cyber Monday - diskon hingga %s untuk semua bundel dan produk" msgid "Indiviual Jetpack plugins, up to %s off this Cyber Monday week" msgstr "" "Plugin Jetpack satuan, diskon hingga %s selama pekan Cyber Monday kali ini" msgid "Jetpack VaultPress Backup, %s off this Cyber Monday week" msgstr "" "Jetpack VaultPress Backup, diskon %s selama pekan Cyber Monday kali ini" msgid "Jetpack Cyber Monday sale - up to %s off" msgstr "Promo Cyber Monday Jetpack - diskon hingga %s" msgid "Last chance to get up to 70% off." msgstr "Kesempatan terakhir untuk mendapatkan diskon hingga 70%." msgid "Jetpack Cyber Monday week: up to %s off all products and bundles!" msgstr "" "Pekan Cyber Monday Jetpack: diskon hingga %s untuk semua produk dan bundel!" msgid "Valentine’s week sale - up to %s off all bundles and products" msgstr "Pekan promo Valentine - diskon hingga %s untuk semua bundel dan produk" msgid "Get up to %s off individual products" msgstr "Dapatkan diskon hingga %s untuk produk satuan" msgid "Get %s off VaultPress Backup" msgstr "Dapatkan diskon %s untuk VaultPress Backup" msgid "" "With one-click restores and cloud backups that save every change, Jetpack " "VaultPress Backup is the best backup solution for WordPress sites." msgstr "" "Dengan pemulihan sekali klik dan pencadangan cloud yang menyimpan setiap " "perubahan, Jetpack VaultPress Backup adalah solusi pencadangan terbaik untuk " "situs WordPress." msgid "Get %s off Jetpack AI Assistant" msgstr "Dapatkan diskon %s untuk Jetpack AI Assistant" msgid "Boost your productivity with the #1 WordPress AI tool" msgstr "Tingkatkan produktivitas Anda dengan alat WordPress AI #1" msgid "" "Jetpack Manage gives you the tools you need to create, maintain, and update " "your sites all from a single place. Increase your efficiency with immediate " "critical security and performance information, automatic plugin updates, and " "more." msgstr "" "Jetpack Manage memberikan alat yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat, mengelola, dan " "memperbarui situs Anda, semua dari satu tempat. Tingkatkan efisiensi Anda " "dengan informasi keamanan dan performa penting, pembaruan plugin otomatis, " "dan banyak lagi." msgid "Own or manage multiple sites? Check out Jetpack Manage!" msgstr "Mempunyai atau mengelola banyak situs? Pelajari Jetpack Manage!" msgid "Last chance to get this incredible discount. Sale ends 3rd Dec." msgstr "" "Kesempatan terakhir untuk mendapatkan diskon luar biasa ini. Promo berakhir " "3 Desember." msgid "Get up to %1$d%% off" msgstr "Dapatkan diskon hingga %1$d%%" msgid "AI Features" msgstr "Fitur AI" msgid "" "Effortlessly create top-quality content by utilizing features such as spell " "check, grammar correction, auto-translation, and tone adjustment." msgstr "" "Buat konten berkualitas tanpa repot dengan memanfaatkan fitur seperti " "pemeriksa ejaan, perbaikan tata bahasa, penerjemahan otomatis, dan " "penyesuaian gaya bahasa." msgid "" "Receive intelligent feedback on your drafts, ensuring every post is polished " "and powerful before going live." msgstr "" "Dapatkan masukan cerdas atas konsep Anda untuk memastikan setiap pos " "sempurna dan menarik sebelum ditayangkan." msgid "" "Simplify the creation and customization of text, forms, tables, and lists " "for your pages and posts, making routine tasks more efficient." msgstr "" "Permudah pembuatan dan penyesuaian teks, formulir, tabel, dan daftar untuk " "halaman dan pos Anda. Tugas rutin menjadi lebih efisien." msgid "" "Boost your productivity with the AI Assistant that fits " "right into your WordPress Editor." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan produktivitas Anda dengan AI Assistant yang " "dapat Anda manfaatkan di Editor WordPress." msgid "" "With Jetpack's AI features, turn your ideas into ready-to-publish content at " "light speed." msgstr "" "Dengan fitur AI Jetpack, ubah ide Anda menjadi konten siap terbit dalam " "sekejap." msgid "The most powerful AI for WordPress" msgstr "AI paling andal untuk WordPress" msgid "" "Hello! Here's the link you requested from %s. It will let you create your " "account and login instantly. Enjoy!" msgstr "" "Halo! Berikut adalah tautan yang Anda minta dari %s. Dengan tautan ini, Anda " "bisa membuat akun dan login dalam sekejap. Selamat mencoba!" msgid "Hello! Here's the link you requested from %s." msgstr "Halo! Berikut adalah tautan yang Anda minta dari %s." msgid "" "Tronar is a simple blog theme. It works best with featured images. The " "latest sticky post appears at the top with a large featured image." msgstr "" "Tronar adalah tema blog sederhana. Ia bekerja dengan baik dengan gambar " "andalan. Pos lekat terbaru muncul di bagian atas dengan gambar andalan yang " "besar." msgid "An error occurred while deleting the invite for %s…." msgstr "Terjadi error saat menghapus undangan untuk %s." msgid "" "Twenty Twenty-Four is designed to be flexible, versatile and applicable to " "any website. Its collection of templates and patterns tailor to different " "needs, such as presenting a business, blogging and writing or showcasing " "work. A multitude of possibilities open up with just a few adjustments to " "color and typography. Twenty Twenty-Four comes with style variations and " "full page designs to help speed up the site building process, is fully " "compatible with the site editor, and takes advantage of new design tools " "introduced in WordPress 6.4." msgstr "" "Twenty Twenty-Four dirancang agar fleksibel, serbaguna, dan dapat diterapkan " "pada setiap situs. Koleksi template dan polanya disesuaikan dengan berbagai " "kebutuhan, seperti mempresentasikan bisnis, blogging dan menulis, atau " "memamerkan karya. Banyak kemungkinan terbuka dengan hanya beberapa " "penyesuaian warna dan tipografi. Twenty Twenty-Four dilengkapi dengan " "variasi gaya dan desain halaman penuh untuk membantu mempercepat proses " "pembangunan situs, sepenuhnya kompatibel dengan penyunting situs, dan " "memanfaatkan alat desain baru yang diperkenalkan di WordPress 6.4." msgctxt "Message displayed when the user dislikes a message from the bot" msgid "" "I’m sorry my last response didn’t meet your expectations! Here’s some other " "ways to get more in-depth help:" msgstr "" "Maaf, respons terakhir saya tidak sesuai dengan harapan Anda! Berikut " "beberapa cara lain untuk mendapatkan bantuan yang lebih lengkap:" msgid "Add powerful pages to fill out your site." msgstr "Tambah halaman yang menarik untuk melengkapi situs Anda." msgid "" "We’ll send you an email with a login link that will log you in right away to " "%(siteName)s." msgstr "" "Kami akan mengirimkan e-mail dengan tautan login, sehingga Anda dapat " "langsung masuk ke %(siteName)s." msgid "Amount Due " msgstr "Jumlah yang Harus Dibayar " msgid "Current tier" msgstr "Tingkatan saat ini" msgid "Upgrade your tier to get access" msgstr "Upgrade tingkatan Anda untuk mendapatkan akses" msgid "Thanks for considering us either way!" msgstr "Terima kasih sudah mampir!" msgid "" "Could you maybe spare a moment to answer a quick one-question survey? Honest " "feedback has a huge impact on improvements and priorities for our hosting " "plans, and it’d be great to hear your thoughts." msgstr "" "Bisakah Anda meluangkan waktu untuk menjawab survei singkat satu pertanyaan? " "Feedback yang jujur sangat memengaruhi peningkatan dan prioritas paket " "hosting kami. Pendapat Anda sangat berharga bagi kami." msgid "" "It looks like you recently set up a account but decided to not " "purchase a plan. We’d love to hear why." msgstr "" "Sepertinya Anda baru saja membuat akun tanpa membeli paket. " "Boleh kami tahu alasannya?" msgid "While it’s still fresh in your mind" msgstr "Selagi ingatan Anda masih segar" msgid "Quick question about your new account" msgstr "Pertanyaan singkat tentang akun baru Anda" msgid "Add tiers" msgstr "Tambah tingkatan" msgid "Purchase with peace of mind with a 14-day money-back guarantee." msgstr "Lakukan pembelian tanpa khawatir dengan garansi uang kembali 14 hari." msgid "Quick delivery in 4 business days or less." msgstr "Pengerjaan cepat dalam 4 hari kerja atau kurang." msgid "Follow these steps to get started." msgstr "Ikuti langkah-langkah berikut untuk memulai." msgid "No subscribers yet?" msgstr "Belum ada pelanggan?" msgid "Nelio A/B Testing" msgstr "Nelio A/B Testing" msgid "" "Besides an appreciable headshot, the theme offers large titles, " "descriptions, and links right away. There is also a grid of posts, and no " "Post Feature Images are used anytime." msgstr "" "Selain foto profil yang menarik, tema ini menawarkan judul-judul besar, " "deskripsi, dan tautan yang langsung terlihat. Ada juga kisi-kisi pos-pos, " "dan tidak ada Gambar Fitur Pos yang digunakan kapan pun." msgid "Recent Prompts" msgstr "Prompt Terbaru" msgid "Answered" msgstr "Terjawab" msgid "" "As of the time this email was sent, your %1$s account and the associated " "Stripe Express account have been permanently closed due to activity in " "violation of the %2$sStripe Connected Account Agreement%3$s and/or our own " "%4$sTerms of Service%5$s." msgstr "" "Terhitung sejak email ini dikirimkan, akun %1$s Anda dan akun Stripe Express " "yang terhubung telah ditutup secara permanen karena aktivitas yang melanggar " "%2$sPerjanjian Akun Stripe Terhubung%3$s dan/atau %4$sKetentuan Layanan%5$s " "kami." msgid "" "Any available positive balance not required to cover payment disputes or " "refunds will be paid to a valid connected bank account before account " "closure." msgstr "" "Jika setelah digunakan untuk membayar biaya sengketa atau pengembalian dana " "saldo positif masih tersisa, sisa saldo tersebut akan dibayarkan ke rekening " "bank yang terhubung dan valid sebelum penutupan akun." msgid "" "We’re sorry that we cannot continue supporting your business. However, " "requirements put in place by our financial partners dictate that we must " "exercise caution about the types of businesses we can work with. For that " "reason, we have no choice but to discontinue servicing your account." msgstr "" "Maaf, kami tidak dapat terus mendukung bisnis Anda. Namun, persyaratan yang " "ditetapkan oleh mitra finansial kami mengharuskan kami untuk berhati-hati " "dalam memilih jenis bisnis yang dapat kami tangani. Demi alasan tersebut, " "kami tidak punya pilihan selain menghentikan layanan akun Anda." msgid "" "During a recent analysis of your account, we’ve concluded that we are unable " "to continue supporting your business on our %1$s service. As such, we are " "closing your %1$s account and the associated Stripe Express account as of " "now." msgstr "" "Melalui analisis akun terakhir, disimpulkan bahwa kami tidak dapat mendukung " "bisnis Anda dengan layanan %1$s kami. Oleh karena itu, kami menutup akun " "%1$s dan akun Stripe Express yang terhubung terhitung sejak saat ini." msgid "" "We’re sorry that we cannot continue supporting your business. However, " "requirements put in place by our financial partners dictate that we must " "exercise caution about the risk levels of businesses we work with. For that " "reason, we have no choice but to discontinue servicing your account." msgstr "" "Maaf, kami tidak dapat terus mendukung bisnis Anda. Namun, persyaratan yang " "ditetapkan oleh mitra finansial kami mengharuskan kami untuk berhati-hati " "soal tingkat risiko bisnis yang menjadi mitra kami. Demi alasan tersebut, " "kami tidak punya pilihan selain menghentikan layanan akun Anda." msgid "" "Due to the elevated risk of disputes in your business, if there is a " "remaining balance on the account, we will need to place this balance in " "reserve for the next 120 days. This is the industry-standard period in which " "most payments are disputed, after which any remaining positive balance may " "be released." msgstr "" "Karena adanya peningkatan risiko sengketa dalam bisnis Anda, jika ada saldo " "tersisa pada rekening, kami perlu menahan saldo ini selama 120 hari ke " "depan. Periode ini adalah saat sebagian besar pembayaran disengketakan dan " "merupakan periode standar industri. Lepas periode tersebut, sisa saldo " "positif dapat dikembalikan." msgid "" "As of the time this email was sent, your %1$s account and the associated " "Stripe Express account have been permanently closed." msgstr "" "Terhitung sejak email ini dikirimkan, akun %1$s Anda dan akun Stripe Express " "yang terhubung telah ditutup secara permanen." msgid "" "apple_receipt or apple_original_transaction_id parameter must be provided" msgstr "" "Parameter apple_receipt atau apple_original_transaction_id harus disertakan" msgid "An Apple subscription could not be found for this transaction ID" msgstr "Langganan Apple untuk ID transaksi ini tidak dapat ditemukan" msgid "An Apple transaction could not be found for this transaction ID" msgstr "Transaksi Apple untuk ID transaksi ini tidak dapat ditemukan" msgid "Add the Subscribe Block to your site" msgstr "Tambahkan Blok Langganan ke situs Anda" msgid "Add customers to newsletter mailing list" msgstr "Menambahkan pelanggan ke milis buletin" msgid "Annalee is a theme perfect for a personal coach." msgstr "Annalee adalah tema yang sempurna untuk seorang pelatih pribadi." msgid "" "As its name states Eventual is a theme designed for events and ceremonies. " "It is simple, and direct allowing users to display the essence of their " "subject with a large artwork on the Homepage." msgstr "" "Seperti namanya, Eventual adalah tema yang dirancang untuk acara dan " "upacara. Tema ini sederhana dan langsung, memungkinkan pengguna untuk " "menampilkan inti dari subjek mereka dengan karya seni besar di Beranda." msgid "" "Expected string to start with script tag (without attributes) and end with " "script tag, with optional whitespace." msgstr "" "String yang diharapkan dimulai dengan tag script (tanpa atribut) dan " "diakhiri dengan tag script, dengan spasi opsional." msgid "Account closure cannot be undone." msgstr "Penutupan akun tidak dapat diurungkan." msgid "" "Strand is a simple blogging and newsletter theme. The main feature is its " "split layout, with a full height column containing a sticky header and " "subscription form and scrollable content on the other column." msgstr "" "Strand adalah tema blog dan langganan yang sederhana. Fitur utamanya adalah " "tata letak terbagi, dengan kolom tinggi penuh yang berisi header yang " "melekat dan formulir langganan, serta konten yang dapat di-scroll pada kolom " "lainnya." msgid "Manage DNS records" msgstr "Kelola DNS records" msgid "View my purchases" msgstr "Lihat pembelian saya" msgid "Open account settings" msgstr "Buka pengaturan akun" msgid "Open my profile" msgstr "Buka profil saya" msgid "Command palette" msgstr "Palet perintah" msgid "Search for commands" msgstr "Cari perintah" msgid "60 29th Street #343" msgstr "Jalan 29 Nomor 60 #343" msgid "" "If you have issues logging in or have any other questions regarding this, " "please contact our support team:" msgstr "" "Jika Anda mengalami masalah login atau punya pertanyaan lain terkait hal " "ini, silakan hubungi tim dukungan kami:" msgid "" "Please log in to your account and make payment to ensure your service " "continues without interruption:" msgstr "" "Harap login ke akun Anda dan lakukan pembayaran untuk menjamin layanan Anda " "tetap aktif tanpa gangguan:" msgid "" "If you have issues logging in or have any other questions regarding this, " "please contact our support team." msgstr "" "Jika Anda mengalami masalah login atau punya pertanyaan lain terkait hal " "ini, silakan hubungi tim dukungan kami." msgid "" "Please log in to your account and make payment to " "ensure your service continues without interruption." msgstr "" "Silakan login ke akun Anda dan lakukan pembayaran " "untuk menjamin layanan Anda tetap aktif tanpa gangguan." msgid "" "We tried to charge your payment method for your %1$s Jetpack Manage invoice " "totaling %2$s, but the payment didn't go through successfully." msgstr "" "Kami mencoba menagih metode pembayaran Anda untuk faktur Jetpack Manage %1$s " "sejumlah %2$s, tapi pembayaran tersebut belum berhasil." msgid "Unpaid invoice reminder" msgstr "Pengingat ada faktur belum dibayar" msgid "The payment for your %s Jetpack Manage invoice didn't go through" msgstr "Pembayaran atas faktur Jetpack Manage %s Anda belum berhasil" msgid "You have tools to create, grow, and monetize your audience." msgstr "" "Anda punya alat untuk berkarya, berkembang, dan menghasilkan uang dari " "ausiens Anda." msgid "I don't solicit donations or sponsorships on my site" msgstr "Saya tidak meminta donasi atau sponsor di situs saya" msgid "Hey %1$s," msgstr "Hai %1$s," msgid "The feedback rating value." msgstr "Nilai rating umpan balik" msgid "The message id for the existing message." msgstr "ID pesan untuk pesan yang ada." msgid "" "If true, include the feedback rating value for each message in the response." msgstr "" "Jika true, sertakan nilai rating umpan balik untuk setiap pesan pada respons." msgid "You need to be subscribed to view this video" msgstr "Anda perlu berlangganan untuk melihat video ini" msgid "This video is subscriber-only" msgstr "Video ini khusus pelanggan" msgid "" "It gets even better: to add a sprinkle of excitement to your domain shopping " "experience, we now have a whopping 165 Top-Level Domains (TLDs) on sale! 🎉 " "Now you can find that perfect domain name and snag it at a fantastic price." msgstr "" "Tidak hanya itu: nikmati diskon untuk 165 Domain Unggulan (TLD) agar " "pengalaman membeli domain Anda makin seru! 🎉 Anda bisa temukan nama domain " "ideal dan mendapatkannya dengan harga fantastis sekarang." msgid "Get 10% Off Upgrade" msgstr "Dapatkan Diskon 10% untuk Upgrade" msgid "Promotional image" msgstr "Gambar promosi" msgid "Likes icon" msgstr "Ikon suka" msgid "Comments icon" msgstr "Ikon komentar" msgid "Visitors icon" msgstr "Ikon pengunjung" msgid "Views icon" msgstr "Ikon tampilan" msgid "" "The creator network is the network of websites either hosted with WordPress." "com or self-hosted and connected with Jetpack. Sites that are part of the " "creator network can gain exposure to new readers. Sites on the Creator plan " "have enhanced distribution to more areas of the %1$s." msgstr "" "Jaringan kreator mencakup jaringan situs yang di-host dengan " "atau di-host sendiri dan terhubung dengan Jetpack. Situs yang tergabung " "dalam jaringan kreator dapat memperluas jangkauannya ke pembaca baru. Situs " "dengan paket Creator memperoleh perluasan distribusi ke lebih banyak area di " "%1$s." msgid "Buy now" msgstr "Beli sekarang" msgid "" "free blaze advertising credits with the purchase of an annual Creator " "plan." msgstr "kredit iklan blaze gratis dengan pembelian paket Creator tahunan." msgid "Launch offer" msgstr "Penawaran peluncuran" msgid "Easily accept tips and donations" msgstr "Terima tip dan donasi dengan mudah" msgid "Sell access to premium content" msgstr "Jual akses ke konten premium" msgid "Create content for paid subscribers" msgstr "Buat konten untuk pelanggan berbayar" msgid "Grow your subscribers with simple subscribe forms" msgstr "Kembangkan pelanggan Anda dengan formulir berlangganan sederhana" msgid "Quickly create content that stands out" msgstr "Buat konten yang unik dengan cepat" msgid "" "Craft stunning content, boost your subscriber base, and monetize your online " "presence." msgstr "" "Buatlah konten yang menarik, perluas basis pengikut Anda, dan jadikan " "kehadiran Anda bernilai." msgid "Available with Jetpack Creator, or a bundled plan." msgstr "Tersedia di Jetpack Creator, atau paket bundel." msgid "" "You must respond to the ICANN email to verify your domain email address or " "your domain will stop working. Please check your inbox and respond to the " "email." msgstr "" "Anda harus merespons e-mail ICANN untuk memverifikasi alamat e-mail domain " "Anda atau domain Anda akan berhenti berfungsi. Silakan periksa kotak masuk " "Anda dan balas e-mail tersebut." msgid "{{strong}}$%(credits)s free Blaze advertising credits{{/strong}}" msgstr "{{strong}}Gratis kredit iklan Blaze %(credits)s{{/strong}}" msgid "2% transaction fees" msgstr "Biaya transaksi 2%" msgid "" "Error: The payment could not be captured because the requested capture " "amount is greater than the amount you can capture for this charge." msgstr "" "Error: Dana dari pembayaran tidak dapat diambil karena jumlah pengambilan " "yang diminta lebih besar dari jumlah dana yang dapat diambil untuk penagihan " "ini." msgid "" "You must respond to the ICANN email to verify your domain email address or " "your domain will stop working. Check your contact information is correct " "below. " msgstr "" "Anda harus merespons e-mail ICANN untuk memverifikasi alamat e-mail domain " "Anda atau domain Anda akan berhenti berfungsi. Periksa di bawah ini apakah " "informasi kontak Anda sudah benar." msgid "" "Blockstar is a trendy one-page parallax theme designed with startups and " "small-business ventures in mind." msgstr "" "Blockstar adalah tema parallax satu halaman yang trendi yang dirancang " "dengan mempertimbangkan startup dan usaha bisnis kecil." msgid "Dataview type" msgstr "Jenis tampilan data" msgid "Dataview types" msgstr "Jenis tampilan data" msgid "Post which stores the different data views configurations" msgstr "Pos yang menyimpan konfigurasi tampilan data yang berbeda" msgid "Bloganuary writing prompt" msgstr "Prompt tulisan Bloganuary" msgid "This site’s video trial has expired." msgstr "Uji coba video situs ini telah berakhir." msgid "There’s been an error" msgstr "Terdapat error." msgid "What is spam protection worth to you?" msgstr "Berapa nilai perlindungan spam bagi Anda?" msgid "The number of items per page." msgstr "Jumlah item per halaman." msgid "The number of the page to retrieve, limited to 100" msgstr "Jumlah halaman yang ingin diambil maksimal dibatasi hingga 100" msgid "" "Could not register file \"%s\" as a block pattern as the file does not exist." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat mendaftarkan file \"%s\" sebagai pola blok karena file tidak ada." msgid "Professional themes designed and developed by our partners." msgstr "Tema profesional yang didesain dan dikembangkan oleh partner kami." msgid "" "Foam is a simple theme that supports full-site editing. It comes with a set " "of minimal templates and design settings that can be manipulated through " "Global Styles. Use it to build something beautiful." msgstr "" "Foam adalah tema sederhana yang mendukung pengeditan situs secara penuh. " "Tema ini dilengkapi dengan sejumlah template minimalis dan pengaturan desain " "yang dapat dimanipulasi melalui Gaya Global. Gunakan tema ini untuk membuat " "sesuatu yang indah." msgid "" "Site database synchronization is disabled because WooCommerce sites are not " "supported." msgstr "" "Sinkronisasi basis data dinonaktifkan karena situs WooCommerce tidak " "didukung." msgid "Site database synchronization is not supported for Woo Commerce." msgstr "Sinkronisasi basis data situs tidak didukung untuk WooCommerce." msgid "Stay logged in with the Jetpack Mobile App" msgstr "Tetap login dengan Jetpack Mobile App" msgid "" "Fees are only collected when you accept payments. Fees are based on the " "Jetpack plan you have and are calculated as a percentage of your revenue " "from 10%% on the Free plan to 2%% on the Creator plan (plus Stripe fees). " "You can read more about fees by plan %1$s." msgstr "" "Biaya hanya akan ditarik jika Anda menerima pembayaran. Biaya didasarkan " "pada paket Jetpack yang Anda miliki dan dihitung sekian persen dari " "pendapatan Anda, mulai dari 10%% untuk paket Gratis, hingga 2%% untuk paket " "Creator (ditambah biaya Stripe). Anda dapat membaca selengkapnya tentang " "biaya berdasarkan paket %1$s." msgid "What are transaction fees?" msgstr "Apa itu biaya transaksi?" msgid "" "Jetpack has over 40 Gutenberg blocks to help you with your content creation, " "such as displaying your podcasts, showing different content to repeat " "visitors, creating contact forms and many more." msgstr "" "Jetpack menyediakan lebih dari 40 blok Gutenberg untuk membantu Anda dalam " "pembuatan konten, seperti menampilkan podcast, menunjukkan konten berbeda " "kepada pengunjung berulang, membuat formulir kontak, dan banyak lagi." msgid "What are Jetpack Blocks?" msgstr "Apa itu Blok Jetpack?" msgid "" "Paid content and paid subscribers are provided through Stripe and you’ll be " "prompted to connect your Stripe account via You can also " "accept payments using Pay with Paypal (also known as simple payments) if on " "the Creator plan." msgstr "" "Layanan konten berbayar dan langganan berbayar difasilitasi oleh Stripe. " "Anda akan diminta untuk menghubungkan akun Stripe Anda melalui WordPress." "com. Jika berlangganan paket Creator, Anda juga bisa menerima pembayaran " "melalui Bayar dengan PayPal (atau yang dikenal sebagai pembayaran simpel)." msgid "What ways can I get paid?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara saya menerima pendapatan?" msgid "What is the creator network?" msgstr "Apa itu jaringan kreator?" msgid "Writer - WP Tavern" msgstr "Penulis - WP Tavern" msgid "Display ads with WordAds" msgstr "Pemasangan iklan dengan WordAds" msgid "Everything in Jetpack Free" msgstr "Semua Fitur Jetpack Gratis" msgid "2% transaction fees" msgstr "Biaya transaksi 2%" msgid "Import unlimited subscribers" msgstr "Impor pelanggan tanpa batas" msgid "Get Creator" msgstr "Dapatkan Creator" msgid "" "Enhanced creator network, lower fees, display ads, and extra payment options." msgstr "" "Jaringan kreator lebih luas, biaya lebih rendah, pemasangan iklan, dan opsi " "pembayaran tambahan." msgid "Paywall access" msgstr "Akses Paywall" msgid "40+ Jetpack blocks" msgstr "Lebih dari 40 blok Jetpack" msgid "10% transaction fees" msgstr "Biaya transaksi 10%" msgid "Import 100 subscribers" msgstr "Impor 100 pelanggan" msgid "" "Create, grow and monetize your content with powerful tools from Jetpack." msgstr "" "Buat, kembangkan, dan monetisasi konten Anda dengan beragam fitur canggih " "dari Jetpack." msgid "Monthly savings" msgstr "Penghematan bulanan" msgid "Monthly revenue" msgstr "Pendapatan bulanan" msgid "Jetpack Free / Substack / Gumroad" msgstr "Jetpack Gratis / Substack / Gumroad" msgid "Find out what fees you can save with Jetpack Creator" msgstr "Cari tahu berapa banyak biaya yang bisa dihemat dengan Jetpack Creator" msgid "Increase earnings with WordAds" msgstr "Tingkatkan pendapatan dengan WordAds" msgid "Generate paid subscribers" msgstr "Dapatkan pelanggan berbayar" msgid "Create premium content" msgstr "Buat konten premium" msgid "Monetize your online presence and earn from your website" msgstr "" "Raih keuntungan dari dunia maya dan dapatkan penghasilan melalui situs Anda" msgid "" "Reach more people, earn from your visitors through display ads, and pay less " "in fees." msgstr "Perluas jangkauan, hasilkan pendapatan dari iklan, dan hemat biaya." msgid "Unlock the full power of Jetpack Creator." msgstr "Jelajahi semua fitur canggih yang tersedia di Jetpack Creator." msgid "Author recommendations" msgstr "Rekomendasi penulis" msgid "Grow your subscriber count" msgstr "Tingkatkan jumlah pelanggan Anda" msgid "" "Being part of our creator network amplifies your content, reaching a broader " "audience through a vast network of sites." msgstr "" "Jadilah bagian dari jaringan kreator kami. Biarkan konten bergaung dan " "menjangkau lebih banyak audiens di jaringan situs yang masif. " msgid "Join our vast creator network" msgstr "Gabung di jaringan besar kreator kami" msgid "Blaze your content across our network" msgstr "Sebar konten di seluruh jaringan kami dengan Blaze" msgid "Grow your subscribers through our creator network and tools" msgstr "" "Tingkatkan jumlah pelanggan Anda melalui jaringan kreator dan beragam fitur " "yang kami berikan" msgid "" "Segment your content with categories and send captivating emails that bring " "visitors back time and time again." msgstr "" "Sesuaikan konten Anda dengan minat pengunjung dan kirimkan email yang " "menarik untuk mendorong kunjungan berulang." msgid "" "Harness the capabilities of artificial intelligence to take your content " "creation to the next level." msgstr "" "Manfaatkan kecerdasan buatan untuk meningkatkan proses pembuatan konten Anda " "agar menghasilkan konten yang berkualitas." msgid "Create faster with AI" msgstr "Buat konten lebih cepat dengan AI" msgid "" "Jetpack provides over 40 different blocks tailored to enhance your content " "and captivate your audience." msgstr "" "Jetpack menawarkan lebih dari 40 blok yang dapat disesuaikan untuk " "menyempurnakan konten dan menarik perhatian audiens." msgid "" "Whether it’s starting a Newsletter or creating an e-book or course, Jetpack " "Creator will have you producing compelling content for your website in no " "time." msgstr "" "Dalam sekejap, Jetpack Creator siap membantu Anda menghasilkan konten yang " "menarik untuk situs Anda dengan beragam format, mulai dari Buletin, buku " "elektronik, hingga kursus." msgid "Creating beautiful content has never been easier" msgstr "Konten yang menarik kini dapat Anda buat dengan mudah" msgid "Billed every month" msgstr "Penagihan setiap bulan" msgid "%(selectedCount)s selected" msgstr "%(selectedCount)s dipilih" msgid "" "An ALIAS record is a non-standard DNS record that is used to direct your " "domain to the target domain. The IP address of the target is resolved on the " "DNS server." msgstr "" "ALIAS record adalah DNS record non-standar yang digunakan untuk mengarahkan " "domain Anda ke domain target. Alamat IP target ditentukan di DNS server." msgid "" "ps: If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to " "reach out in our Education Community Forum at %s." msgstr "" "nb: Jika punya pertanyaan atau butuh bantuan lebih lanjut, silakan akses " "Forum Komunitas Edukasi kami di %s." msgid "" "Ready to unleash your website’s potential but not sure where to begin? Dive " "into our Quick Start Guide now to fast-track your success and pinpoint your " "next steps: %s" msgstr "" "Ingin memaksimalkan potensi situs tapi tak tahu harus mulai dari mana? Simak " "Panduan Mulai Cepat kami agar cepat meraih sukses dan tepat menyusun " "strategi: %s" msgid "" "ps: If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to " "reach out in our Education Community Forum." msgstr "" "nb: Jika punya pertanyaan atau butuh bantuan lebih lanjut, silakan akses Forum Komunitas " "Edukasi kami." msgid "Your Learn coordinators" msgstr "Koordinator Belajar Anda" msgid "Happy learning!" msgstr "Selamat belajar!" msgid "" "Ready to unleash your website’s potential but not sure where to begin? Dive " "into our Quick " "Start Guide now to fast-track your success and pinpoint your next steps." msgstr "" "Ingin memaksimalkan potensi situs tapi tak tahu harus mulai dari mana? Simak " "Panduan Mulai " "Cepat kami agar cepat meraih sukses dan tepat menyusun strategi." msgid "" "Thank you for choosing as your partner for this exciting " "journey." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah memilih sebagai partner dalam perjalanan " "luar biasa ini." msgid "" "You can look forward to receiving regular email updates on new webinar dates " "and topics, fresh courses, and significant enhancements to our existing " "resources, that will ignite your passion and accelerate your goals." msgstr "" "Seterusnya, Anda akan rutin menerima kabar terbaru lewat email tentang topik " "dan tanggal webinar yang akan datang, kelas-kelas menarik, dan penyempurnaan " "signifikan terhadap materi belajar, yang akan memotivasi dan membantu Anda " "meraih target." msgid "" "With, you have the tools to create, the platform to grow, and " "a community that has your back. And, we’re dedicated to providing you with " "transformative learning resources that resonate with your unique ambitions." msgstr "" "Dengan, Anda bisa memiliki alat untuk berkreasi, platform " "untuk tumbuh, dan komunitas yang senantiasa hadir membantu. Kami juga siap " "menyediakan materi belajar yang besar manfaatnya dan selaras dengan ambisi " "unik Anda." msgid "" "We’re thrilled you’ve joined the Learn community. By " "subscribing to our education email list, you’ve taken a big step towards " "embracing your website dreams." msgstr "" "Kami senang Anda bisa bergabung ke komunitas Belajar " "Berlangganan milis edukasi kami berarti satu langkah jauh ke depan untuk " "mewujudkan situs impian Anda." msgid "Be empowered." msgstr "Maksimalkan potensi." msgid "Be empowered. Create without limits." msgstr "Maksimalkan potensi. Berkreasi tanpa batas." msgid "Welcome to the learning hub" msgstr "Selamat datang di portal belajar" msgid "" "Stage is the perfect theme for our users engaged in artistic activities. Its " "concise and straightforward introduction enables users to select topics for " "their blog posts or content pages promptly." msgstr "" "Stage adalah tema yang sempurna untuk pengguna kami yang terlibat dalam " "kegiatan seni. Pengantar yang singkat dan langsung memungkinkan pengguna " "untuk memilih topik untuk pos blog atau halaman konten mereka dengan cepat." msgid "Invalid template parent ID." msgstr "ID induk template tidak valid." msgid "There is no autosave revision for this template." msgstr "Tidak ada revisi disimpan otomatis untuk template ini." msgid "" "This is what it will look like when someone shares the link to your " "WordPress post on Nextdoor." msgstr "" "Inilah tampilan ketika seseorang membagikan tautan ke pos WordPress Anda di " "Nextdoor." msgid "This is what your social post will look like on Nextdoor:" msgstr "Inilah tampilan pos media sosial Anda di Nextdoor:" msgid "Neighborhood" msgstr "Sekitaran" msgid "" "Connect with friends, neighbors, and local businesses by automatically " "sharing your posts to Nextdoor." msgstr "" "Terhubung dengan teman, tetangga, dan bisnis lokal dengan membagikan pos " "Anda secara otomatis ke Nextdoor." msgid "Share posts with your local community on Nextdoor." msgstr "Bagikan pos dengan komunitas lokal Anda di Nextdoor." msgid "" "We will create a home page template for you based on best practices for " "sites like yours." msgstr "" "Kami akan membuat template halaman utama untuk Anda berdasarkan praktik " "terbaik untuk situs seperti milik Anda." msgid "Tell us a bit about your web site or business." msgstr "Ceritakan sedikit tentang situs web atau bisnis Anda." msgid "Checking sites" msgstr "Memeriksa situs" msgid "New or existing site" msgstr "Situs baru atau yang sudah ada" msgid "Use an existing site" msgstr "Gunakan situs yang sudah ada" msgid "" "Meta keys cannot enable revisions support unless the object subtype supports " "revisions." msgstr "" "Meta key tidak dapat mengaktifkan dukungan revisi kecuali subtipe objek " "mendukung revisi." msgid "" "Meta keys cannot enable revisions support unless the object type supports " "revisions." msgstr "" "Meta key tidak dapat mengaktifkan dukungan revisi kecuali jenis objek " "mendukung revisi." msgid "" "StartAce is your ultimate business theme design. It is pretty valuable in " "assisting users in building their corporate websites, being established " "companies, or budding startups." msgstr "" "StartAce adalah desain tema bisnis yang paling lengkap. Sangat berharga " "dalam membantu pengguna dalam membangun situs bisnis mereka, baik itu " "perusahaan yang sudah mapan maupun startup yang baru berkembang." msgid "" "Display ads on your content and earn from people visiting your website and " "viewing your ads." msgstr "" "Selingi konten dengan iklan dan raih pendapatan dari pengunjung situs yang " "melihat iklan." msgid "" "Transform your regular content into a source of income. With paid " "newsletters, your subscribers pay a fee to read premium content." msgstr "" "Ubah konten biasa jadi sumber pemasukan. Dengan buletin berbayar, pelanggan " "buletin perlu membayar untuk mengakses konten premium." msgid "" "With the Blogroll block, you can display sites your readers would enjoy and " "have other sites recommend your content to their audience." msgstr "" "Dengan blok Blogroll, Anda bisa merekomendasikan situs untuk pembaca dan " "situs lain juga bisa merekomendasikan konten Anda untuk audiensnya." msgid "Create content that stands out" msgstr "Ciptakan konten yang unik" msgid "" "Jetpack has powered WP Tavern’s newsletter for years with flawless " "deliverability for thousands of subscribers." msgstr "" "Jetpack bertahun-tahun menjadi pilar buletin WP Tavern karena keampuhannya " "menyampaikan buletin sampai ke kotak masuk ribuan pelanggan." msgid "" "Create exclusive content, such as e-books or courses, that your audience can " "access only after making a payment." msgstr "" "Buat konten eksklusif, seperti buku elektronik atau materi belajar, yang " "dapat diakses audiens dengan membayar terlebih dahulu." msgid "" "Easily integrate subscribe forms, modals, and a paywall divider block to " "keep your audience engaged and growing." msgstr "" "Integrasikan dengan mudah formulir langganan, jendela modal, dan blok " "paywall pembatas konten berbayar agar jumlah dan minat audiens terus tumbuh." msgid "" "Jetpack Creator helps you craft stunning content, boost your subscriber " "base, and monetize your online presence." msgstr "" "Dengan Jetpack Creator, Anda bisa lebih mudah membuat konten keren, " "meningkatkan jumlah pelanggan, dan meraih pendapatan dari situs." msgid "Create, grow, and monetize your audience" msgstr "Bangun, kembangkan, dan ubah audiens jadi sumber pendapatan" msgid "" "A beautifully designed blog theme displaying large typography and " "customizable color palettes. With a clean and modern design, Magalog offers " "a unique and engaging way to showcase your blog content." msgstr "" "Tema blog yang dirancang dengan indah menampilkan tipografi besar dan palet " "warna yang dapat disesuaikan. Dengan desain yang bersih dan modern, Magalog " "menawarkan cara yang unik dan menarik untuk menampilkan konten blog Anda." msgid "" "Alter is a lean theme for bloggers that goes directly to the point, showing " "text-only posts right above the fold ornamented by a single image to " "compound the style." msgstr "" "Alter adalah tema yang sederhana untuk blogger yang langsung menuju intinya, " "menampilkan pos-pos hanya teks tepat di atas lipatan yang dihiasi oleh satu " "gambar untuk memperkuat gayanya." msgid "Saving your selections" msgstr "Menyimpan pilihan Anda" msgid "Paid Subscribers (all plans)" msgstr "Pelanggan Berbayar (semua paket)" msgid "Nextdoor embed" msgstr "Sematan Nextdoor" msgid "View site metrics" msgstr "Lihat metrik situs " msgid "Set up ssh" msgstr "Siapkan SSH" msgid "Google Workspace extra license cost" msgstr "Biaya lisensi tambahan Google Workspace" msgid "Free domain connection with plan" msgstr "Koneksi domain gratis dengan paket" msgid "Domain transfer cost" msgstr "Biaya transfer domain" msgid "Free .blog domain for first year" msgstr "Domain .blog gratis untuk tahun pertama" msgid "Discount for multiple domains" msgstr "Diskon untuk beberapa domain" msgid "Small price rounded to zero" msgstr "Harga rendah tidak dikenai biaya" msgid "Renewal price" msgstr "Harga perpanjangan" msgid "Credits applied" msgstr "Kredit digunakan" msgid "Free domain connection" msgstr "Koneksi domain gratis" msgid "Prorated balance from previous Marketplace product" msgstr "Saldo prorata dari produk Marketplace sebelumnya" msgid "Prorated balance from previous add-on" msgstr "Saldo prorata dari add-on sebelumnya" msgid "Prorated balance from previous plan" msgstr "Saldo prorata dari paket sebelumnya" msgid "Prorated balance from previous number of items" msgstr "Saldo prorata dari jumlah item sebelumnya" msgid "Prorated balance from previous Google Workspace licenses" msgstr "Saldo prorata dari lisensi Google Workspace sebelumnya" msgid "First-year promotional discount" msgstr "Diskon promo untuk tahun pertama" msgid "Prorated balance from previous Jetpack Social subscription" msgstr "Saldo prorata dari langganan Jetpack Social sebelumnya" msgid "Item on sale" msgstr "Barang obral" msgid "" "Sometimes your podcast episode cover arts deserve more attention than " "regular thumbnails offer. If you think so, then Podcasty is the theme design " "for your podcast site." msgstr "" "Kadang-kadang seni sampul episode podcast Anda pantas mendapatkan perhatian " "lebih dari yang ditawarkan oleh miniatur biasa. Jika Anda berpikir begitu, " "maka Podcasty adalah desain tema untuk situs podcast Anda." msgctxt "Stats ARIA label: Unsubscribe action" msgid "Unsubscribe" msgstr "Berhenti berlangganan" msgctxt "Stats ARIA label: Subscribe/Unsubscribe action" msgid "Subscribe or unsubscribe to user's site" msgstr "Berlangganan atau berhenti berlangganan ke situs pengguna" msgctxt "Stats: Subscribe action / Subscription status" msgid "Subscribe" msgstr "Berlangganan" msgctxt "Stats: Subscribe action / Subscription status" msgid "Subscribed" msgstr "Langganan" msgctxt "verb: imperative" msgid "Subscribe" msgstr "Berlangganan" msgctxt "you are subscribing" msgid "Subscribed" msgstr "Langganan" msgid "Subscribing to %s" msgstr "Berlangganan ke %s" msgid "Subscribed to %(siteName)s" msgstr "Langganan ke %(siteName)s" msgid "Subscribe to %(siteName)s" msgstr "Berlangganan ke %(siteName)s" msgid "Sign in to like, comment, reblog, and subscribe to your favorite blogs." msgstr "" "Login untuk menyukai, mengomentari, me-reblog, dan berlangganan blog favorit " "Anda." msgid "%(followCount)s subscriber" msgid_plural "%(followCount)s subscribers" msgstr[0] "%(followCount)s pelanggan" msgstr[1] "%(followCount)s pelanggan" msgid "No new subscribers to report yet." msgstr "Tidak ada pelanggan baru untuk dilaporkan." msgid "" "Can be registered and connected, " "but not transferred in" msgstr "" "Bisa daftarkan dan dihubungkan, " "tetapi tidak ditransfer masuk" msgid "Publish your posts to Nextdoor." msgstr "Publikasikan pos Anda ke Nextdoor." msgid "25K API calls per month" msgstr "Pemrosesan API 25K per bulan" msgid "15K API calls per month" msgstr "Pemrosesan API 15K per bulan" msgid "5K API calls per month" msgstr "Pemrosesan API 5K per bulan" msgid "500 API calls per month" msgstr "Pemrosesan API 500 per bulan" msgid "" "Hi there 👋 I’m Wapuu,’s AI assistant! Having an issue with " "your site or account? Tell me all about it and I’ll be happy to help." msgstr "" "Halo 👋 Saya Wapuu, asisten AI! Ada masalah dengan situs atau " "akun Anda? Ceritakan semuanya kepada saya dan saya akan dengan senang hati " "membantu." msgid "The chat id for the existing chat." msgstr "ID obrolan untuk obrolan yang ada." msgid "wp-content" msgstr "wp-content" msgid "Site database" msgstr "Database situs" msgid "Synchronized from production to staging" msgstr "Disinkronkan dari produksi ke staging" msgid "Synchronized from staging to production" msgstr "Disinkronkan dari staging ke produksi" msgid "Add your own content in the Editor." msgstr "Tambahkan konten Anda sendiri di Editor." msgid "Pick additional site pages." msgstr "Pilih halaman situs tambahan." msgid "Choose your colors and fonts." msgstr "Pilih warna dan font Anda." msgid "Managed sites" msgstr "Situs yang dikelola" msgid "500+" msgstr "500+" msgid "101–500" msgstr "101-500" msgid "51–100" msgstr "51-100" msgid "21–50" msgstr "21-50" msgid "6-20" msgstr "6-20" msgid "1-5" msgstr "1-5" msgid "How many sites do you manage?" msgstr "Berapa banyak situs yang Anda kelola?" msgid "More about the program" msgstr "Lebih lanjut tentang program ini" msgid "" "Our program is more than tooling. We'll provide resources to help you sell " "Jetpack, onboarding & training, marketing opportunities, access to our " "vibrant community, and more!" msgstr "" "Program kami bukan sekadar fitur. Kami akan menyediakan sumber daya untuk " "membantu Anda menjual Jetpack, orientasi & pelatihan, peluang pemasaran, " "akses ke komunitas kami yang dinamis, dan lainnya!" msgid "Agency & Pro program benefits" msgstr "Manfaat program Agency & Pro" msgid "Please enter a valid phone number, whose length is less than 20." msgstr "" "Harap masukkan nomor telepon yang valid, dengan panjang kurang dari 20 angka." msgid "A valid shipping address is required for Afterpay payments." msgstr "" "Alamat pengiriman yang valid diperlukan untuk pembayaran dengan Afterpay." msgid "WooPay button locations" msgstr "Lokasi tombol WooPay" msgid "The date when the payment intent was created." msgstr "Tanggal saat tujuan pembayaran dibuat." msgid "" "It seems you entered an incorrect password. Want to get a {{magicLoginLink}}" "login link{{/magicLoginLink}} via email?" msgstr "" "Tampaknya Anda memasukkan kata sandi yang salah. Ingin mendapatkan " "{{magicLoginLink}}tautan login{{/magicLoginLink}} melalui email?" msgid "Invalid data provided." msgstr "Data yang diberikan tidak sah." msgid "Advanced design tools" msgstr "Alat Desain Tingkat Lanjut" msgid "Free domain for one year with annual billing" msgstr "Domain gratis untuk satu tahun dengan penagihan tahunan" msgid "" "There was a problem getting the necessary information to create your " "campaign. Please try again soon or {{a}}contact our support team{{/a}} for " "help." msgstr "" "Ada masalah dalam mendapatkan informasi yang diperlukan untuk membuat " "kampanye Anda. Mohon coba lagi segera atau {{a}}hubungi tim bantuan kami{{/" "a}} untuk mendapatkan bantuan." msgid "Upload an image file, or pick one from your media library." msgstr "Unggah file gambar, atau pilih satu dari pustaka media Anda." msgid "Openverse" msgstr "Openverse" msgid "Search images" msgstr "Cari gambar" msgid "Showing %(found)s of %(found)s media item" msgid_plural "Showing %(found)s of %(found)s media items" msgstr[0] "Menampilkan %(found)s dari %(found)s item media" msgstr[1] "Menampilkan %(found)s dari %(found)s item media" msgid "Use selected" msgstr "Gunakan yang dipilih" msgid "Select or drop image to upload" msgstr "Pilih atau letakkan gambar untuk mengunggah" msgid "Select a free photo from Openverse" msgstr "Pilih foto gratis dari Openverse" msgid "Upload new image" msgstr "Unggah gambar baru" msgid "Your search did not match any images. Please try a different term." msgstr "" "Pencarian Anda tidak cocok dengan gambar apapun. Coba kata kunci lainnya." msgid "Something went wrong. Please try again later." msgstr "Terjadi kendala. Mohon coba lagi nanti." msgid "Whether to mark this as a test chat (a11n-only)." msgstr "Apabila ingin menandai ini sebagai obrolan percobaan (khusus a11n)." msgid "Akismet Enterprise (25K requests/month)" msgstr "Akismet Enterprise (25k permintaan/bulan)" msgid "Akismet Enterprise (15K requests/month)" msgstr "Akismet Enterprise (15k permintaan/bulan)" msgid "Akismet Business (5K requests/month)" msgstr "Akismet Business (5k permintaan/bulan)" msgid "Akismet Pro (500 requests/month)" msgstr "Akismet Plus (500 permintaan/bulan)" msgid "Daily prompts" msgstr "Prompt harian" msgid "" "One of the parameters is missing. Please check your inbox for a more recent " "email." msgstr "" "Salah satu parameter hilang. Mohon periksa inbox Anda dan buka e-mail " "terbaru." msgid "" "One of the parameters is not valid. Please check your inbox for a more " "recent email." msgstr "Salah satu parameter tidak valid. Periksa email terbaru di inbox Anda." msgid "The token is not valid for the provided email address." msgstr "Token tidak berlaku untuk alamat e-mail yang diberikan." msgid "There is no subscription with this email address." msgstr "Tidak ada langganan dengan alamat e-mail ini." msgid "There is no subscriber with this email address." msgstr "Tidak ada pelanggan dengan alamat e-mail ini." msgid "Click on this button and we will send you a new link" msgstr "Klik tombol ini dan kami akan mengirimkan Anda tautan baru" msgid "Your Subscription Management link is expired or invalid" msgstr "Tautan Pengelolaan Langganan Anda kedaluwarsa atau tidak valid" msgid "Your Subscription Confirmation link is expired or invalid" msgstr "Tautan Konfirmasi Langganan Anda kedaluwarsa atau tidak valid" msgid "Jetpack Agency & Pro Partner program" msgstr "Program Jetpack Agency & Pro Partner" msgid "Choose which of the below options best describes your company:" msgstr "Pilih opsi di bawah ini yang paling menggambarkan perusahaan Anda:" msgid "Send link" msgstr "Kirim tautan" msgctxt "Indicates if a messaged provided by a chatbot was helpful or not" msgid "Was this helpful?" msgstr "Apakah ini bermanfaat?" msgid "" "Until then you can log in any time using your username or email address, " "%2$s, and we’ll email you a secure login link." msgstr "" "Hingga saat itu, Anda dapat login kapan pun menggunakan nama pengguna atau " "alamat email, %2$s, dan kami akan mengirimkan tautan login " "aman ke email Anda." msgid "" "We also recommend that you set up an account password. You can do that in " "your Account Security " "settings." msgstr "" "Kami juga menyarankan Anda untuk menyiapkan kata sandi akun. Anda dapat " "menyiapkannya di pengaturan Keamanan " "Akun." msgid "" "Once you’ve activated your account, you can change your username any time in " "your Account Settings." msgstr "" "Setelah mengaktifkan akun, Anda dapat mengubah nama pengguna kapan saja di " "Pengaturan Akun." msgid "" "This email address is already associated with an account. Please consider " "{{returnToSignup}}using another one{{/returnToSignup}} or log in." msgstr "" "Alamat e-mail ini sudah terhubung dengan akun yang ada. Mohon " "{{returnToSignup}}gunakan alamat e-mail lainnya{{/returnToSignup}} atau " "login." msgid "Log in to your existing account" msgstr "Login ke akun Anda yang sudah ada" msgid "" "We’ll send you an email with a login link that will log you in right away." msgstr "" "Kami akan mengirimkan e-mail dengan tautan login, sehingga Anda dapat " "langsung masuk ke akun Anda." msgid "WPCOM\\Jetpack_AI\\Usage\\Helper class not found." msgstr "Kelas WPCOM\\Jetpack_AI\\Usage\\Helper tidak ditemukan." msgid "Let us build your dream website" msgstr "Biar kami yang membangun situs impian Anda" msgid "Back to Sites" msgstr "Kembali ke Situs" msgid "We're updating your subscription. It should be ready shortly." msgstr "Kami sedang memperbarui langganan Anda. Sebentar lagi siap." msgid "Site database (SQL)" msgstr "Database situs (SQL)" msgid "Synchronize this data:" msgstr "Sinkronkan data berikut:" msgid "Additional web root files and directories" msgstr "File dan direktori root web tambahan" msgid "Apart from themes, plugins, and uploads." msgstr "Kecuali themes, plugins, dan uploads." msgid "wp-content files and directories" msgstr "File dan direktori wp-content" msgid "" "You must also select ‘Site database’ for the files to appear in the Media " "Library." msgstr "" "Anda juga harus memilih 'Database situs' agar file muncul dalam Pustaka " "Media." msgid "Media uploads" msgstr "Unggahan media" msgid "Plugin files and directories" msgstr "File dan direktori plugin" msgid "Theme files and directories" msgstr "File dan direktori tema" msgid "" "Test ticket response failed to transform to stdClass via wp_encode and " "json_decode." msgstr "" "Respons tiket tes gagal diubah menjadi stdClass via wp_encode and " "json_decode." msgctxt "Jetpack Creator Plan" msgid "Creator" msgstr "Creator" msgid "Jetpack Creator" msgstr "Jetpack Creator" msgid "Show the Reader's 'Join Conversation' dialog" msgstr "Tampilkan dialog Gabung Percakapan Pembaca" msgid "Monetize" msgstr "Monetisasi" msgid "" "This page includes a contact form. You may also include other contact " "methods as well." msgstr "" "Halaman ini mencakup formulir kontak. Anda juga dapat menggunakan metode " "kontak lainnya." msgid "" "Describe the type of blog posts you'll feature, and we'll set up the page " "with this description. If there are no existing posts, we'll create three to " "get you started." msgstr "" "Jelaskan jenis pos blog yang Anda akan angkat, kemudian kami akan menyiapkan " "halaman dengan penjelasan Anda. Jika belum ada, kami akan membuatkan tiga " "pos untuk Anda memulai." msgid "" "Profile your team members with pictures, names, and roles or job titles. " "Introduce the people behind your business." msgstr "" "Daftar anggota tim Anda dengan gambar, nama, dan peran atau jabatan. " "Kenalkan orang-orang dibalik bisnis Anda." msgid "" "Build trust with reviews or quotes about your work or business. Share " "success stories." msgstr "" "Bangun kepercayaan dengan ulasan atau kutipan tentang karya atau bisnis " "Anda. Bagikan kisah sukses." msgid "" "Answer common questions from customers or readers. Offer quick information " "access." msgstr "" "Jawab pertanyaan umum dari pelanggan atau pembaca. Berikan akses informasi " "cepat." msgid "" "Display your completed projects, photos, artwork, or articles. Let your work " "shine." msgstr "" "Tampilkan proyek, foto, karya seni, atau artikel Anda yang telah selesai. " "Biarkan karya Anda bersinar." msgid "" "List what you sell: food, services, books, etc. Highlight pricing details." msgstr "" "Daftar produk yang Anda jual: makanan, layanan, buku, dll. Cantumkan detail " "harganya." msgid "" "Show videos of your work or business. Include a description to guide your " "visitors." msgstr "" "Tampilkan video karya atau bisnis Anda. Beri penjelasan agar mudah dipahami " "pengunjung Anda." msgid "" "Describe your skills and services to potential clients, highlighting what " "sets you apart." msgstr "" "Jelaskan keahlian dan layanan Anda kepada calon klien. Suguhkan hal unik " "yang Anda punya." msgid "" "Showcase creative work or memories. Perfect for photographers, artists, or " "for visual storytelling." msgstr "" "Tampilkan karya kreatif atau kenangan. Cocok untuk fotografer, seniman, atau " "untuk penceritaan visual." msgid "" "Share news, journal entries, or recipes! We'll set up three posts to get you " "started." msgstr "" "Bagikan berita, catatan harian, atau resep! Kami akan menyiapkan tiga pos " "untuk membantu Anda memulai." msgid "" "Provide ways for visitors to contact you. Highlight your preferred contact " "methods: telephone, email, etc" msgstr "" "Cantumkan cara bagi pengunjung agar dapat menghubungi Anda. Tampilkan metode " "kontak yang Anda suka: telepon, e-mail, dll." msgid "" "Share your story or business background. Explain why you created this " "website." msgstr "" "Bagikan kisah atau latar belakang bisnis Anda. Jelaskan kenapa Anda membuat " "situs ini." msgid "" "Introduce your business, writing, or yourself. Highlight what visitors can " "expect on your site." msgstr "" "Kenalkan bisnis, tulisan, atau diri Anda. Soroti apa yang dapat diharapkan " "pengunjung di situs Anda." msgid "Add more pages" msgstr "Tambah halaman lainnya" msgid "Here you can navigate between your different sites." msgstr "Di sini Anda dapat beralih ke berbagai situs Anda." msgid "Click here when you want to return to managing all of your sites." msgstr "Klik di sini jika Anda ingin kembali mengelola semua situs Anda." msgid "" "Here you can view your billing info, payment methods, invoices and more." msgstr "" "Di sini Anda dapat melihat informasi tagihan, metode pembayaran, faktur, dan " "lainnya." msgid "Here you can log out from your account or view our help documentation." msgstr "" "Di sini Anda dapat keluar dari akun Anda atau melihat dokumentasi bantuan " "kami." msgid "Access Profile & Help Docs" msgstr "Akses Profil & Dokumen Bantuan" msgid "You can navigate through your individual site views from here." msgstr "Anda dapat beralih tampilan situs individual dari sini." msgid "Switch Sites Easily" msgstr "Alih Situs Tanpa Ribet" msgid "Try for free" msgstr "Coba gratis" msgid "Explore your stats" msgstr "Jelajahi statistik Anda" msgid "" "Take a look at your stats and refine your content strategy for better " "engagement." msgstr "" "Lihat statistik dan sempurnakan strategi konten Anda untuk engagement yang " "lebih baik." msgid "" " offers a massive selection of supported Top-Level Domains " "(TLDs) — more than 300 to choose from — so you can find your perfect name." msgstr "" " menawarkan beragam pilihan Domain Tingkat Atas (TLD) — lebih " "dari 300 domain tersedia — agar Anda bisa memilih nama yang ideal." msgid "" "A streamlined experience. Effortless management. With all your domains " "registered at, convenience isn’t something you wish for — it’s " "something you have." msgstr "" "Pengalaman yang efisien. Kemudahan manajemen. Setelah domain Anda terdaftar " "di, kenyamanan kini ada di tangan Anda dan bukan khayalan " "semata." msgid "Give your website a cool new address with domains!" msgstr "" "Berikan alamat baru yang keren untuk situs web Anda dengan domain WordPress." "com!" msgid "" "At, we’ve got your ideal domain name for brand protection and " "beyond, all at competitive prices. We offer over 300 Top-Level Domains " "(TLDs) to choose from, including 165 on sale, so you can secure your brand " "with an additional domain and get a great deal. Don’t miss out — find your " "dream domain today!" msgstr "" "Di, kami menyediakan nama domain ideal tidak hanya untuk " "perlindungan brand, semua dengan harga kompetitif! Kami menawarkan lebih " "dari 300 Domain Unggulan (TLD), termasuk 165 domain yang sedang diskon. Anda " "bisa memberikan domain tambahan untuk brand Anda dan mendapat penawaran " "terbaik. Jangan lewatkan — temukan domain impian Anda hari ini!" msgid "" "For step-by-step instructions on how to transfer your domain, take a look at " "our support page: %s. You can transfer domains that are older than 60 days " "old and registered before July 1, 2023." msgstr "" "Untuk instruksi terperinci tentang cara mentransfer domain Anda, buka " "halaman dukungan kami: %s Anda dapat mentransfer domain berusia lebih dari " "60 hari dan terdaftar sebelum 1 Juli, 2023." msgid "" "Ever thought of giving your blog, e-shop, or virtual empire a cool new " "address? Say hello to domains!" msgstr "" "Ingin memberikan alamat baru yang keren untuk blog, toko online, atau " "kerajaan virtual Anda? Mari sambut domain!" msgid "" "When you upgrade to any annual plan, your first domain is on " "us – absolutely free. Use the code %1$s at checkout for a %2$s%% discount on " "an annual plan." msgstr "" "Saat Anda upgrade ke paket tahunan, kami akan mengurus domain " "pertama Anda – gratis sepenuhnya. Gunakan kode %1$s saat checkout dan " "dapatkan diskon %2$s%% untuk paket tahunan apa pun." msgid "" "Did you know now offers seriously competitive pricing on " "popular domain extensions like .com, .net, .org, and many more?" msgstr "" "Tahukah Anda bahwa kini menawarkan harga yang sangat " "kompetitif untuk ekstensi domain populer seperti .com, .net, .org, dan " "lainnya?" msgid "" "The world awaits your next move — and we’re right here, cheering for you. " "Boost your site’s potential with a annual plan. Use the code " "%1$s at checkout for a %2$s%% discount." msgstr "" "Dunia menantikan langkah Anda selanjutnya — dan kami di sini, mendukung " "Anda. Tingkatkan potensi situs Anda dengan paket tahunan " "Gunakan kode %1$s saat checkout untuk mendapatkan diskon %2$s%%." msgid "Get %s%% Off Upgrade" msgstr "Dapatkan Diskon %s%% untuk Upgrade" msgid "" "Upgrade now and harness the full breadth of WordPress’ capabilities. Use the " "code %1$s at checkout and enjoy a %2$s%% discount on any annual plan." msgstr "" "Upgrade sekarang dan nikmati kapabilitas WordPress yang kaya. Gunakan kode " "%1$s saat checkout dan nikmati diskon %2$s%% untuk paket tahunan apa pun." msgid "" "With, you’re not just using any platform — you’re choosing the " "technology that powers over %s%% of all websites on the internet." msgstr "" "Dengan, Anda menggunakan platform juara: teknologi kami telah " "mendukung lebih dari %s%% situs web di internet." msgid "" "Ready to take your website to the next level? Unlock more features with a " " annual plan; enter the code %1$s at checkout for a %2$s%% " "discount. Your perfect site is just a click away — seize this opportunity " "and let your creativity soar! ✨🚀" msgstr "" "Siap memaksimalkan situs web Anda? Dapatkan fitur selengkapnya dengan paket " "tahunan, masukkan kode %1$s saat checkout untuk mendapatkan " "diskon %2$s%%. Membangun situs sempurna kini lebih mudah — manfaatkan " "kesempatan ini untuk menumbuhkan kreativitas Anda! ✨🚀" msgid "Launch your domain search" msgstr "Mulailah pencarian domain Anda" msgid "" "%s offers a massive selection of supported Top-Level Domains (TLDs) — more " "than 300 to choose from — so you can find your perfect name." msgstr "" "%s menawarkan beragam pilihan Domain Unggulan (TLD) — dengan lebih dari 300 " "domain — agar Anda bisa memilih nama yang ideal." msgid "and so many more!" msgstr "dan masih banyak lagi!" msgid ".guru for the experts 🤓" msgstr ".guru untuk para ahli 🤓" msgid ".tech for the forward thinkers 💻" msgstr ".tech untuk para visioner 💻" msgid ".blog for the storytellers 🖋️" msgstr ".blog untuk para pendongeng 🖋️" msgid ".design for the innovators 🎨" msgstr ".design untuk para inovator 🎨" msgid "" "Ever felt the thrill of exploring uncharted galaxies? Navigating the vast " "universe of .com, .net, or .org domains can be like seeking stars in the " "infinite cosmos. But here’s a cosmic revelation: there’s an entire galaxy " "beyond these well-known classics waiting for you to discover!" msgstr "" "Pernahkah Anda merasakan serunya menjelajahi galaksi yang belum tersentuh? " "Menavigasi alam semesta yang luas dari domain .com, .net, atau .org bagaikan " "mencari bintang di jagat raya yang tak terbatas. Inilah pencerahan kosmik " "yang perlu Anda tahu: ada galaksi yang lebih luas dari aneka pilihan klasik " "dan ternama ini yang sedang menunggu Anda!" msgid "🌍 Explore Beyond .COM" msgstr "🌍 Temukan Lebih Dari .COM" msgid "" "Whether you’re thinking of expanding your digital footprint with an " "additional domain, need some inspiration with tailor-made domain " "suggestions, or simply want the ease of consolidating all your domains in " "one place, we’ve got you covered." msgstr "" "Kami siap membantu Anda memperluas jejak digital dengan domain tambahan, " "mencari inspirasi dengan saran domain yang disesuaikan, atau menggabungkan " "semua domain Anda di satu tempat dengan mudah." msgid "" "A streamlined experience. Effortless management. With all your domains " "registered at %s, convenience isn’t something you wish for — it’s something " "you have." msgstr "" "Pengalaman yang efisien. Kemudahan manajemen. Setelah domain Anda terdaftar " "di %s, kenyamanan kini ada di tangan Anda dan bukan khayalan semata." msgid "Effortlessly Manage Your Domains" msgstr "Kelola Domain Anda dengan Mudah" msgid "Give your website a cool new address with %s domains!" msgstr "Berikan alamat baru yang keren untuk situs web Anda dengan domain %s!" msgid "" "At %s, we’ve got your ideal domain name for brand protection and beyond, all " "at competitive prices. We offer over 300 Top-Level Domains (TLDs) to choose " "from, including 165 on sale, so you can secure your brand with an additional " "domain and get a great deal. Don’t miss out — find your dream domain today!" msgstr "" "Di %s, kami menyediakan nama domain ideal tidak hanya untuk perlindungan " "brand, semua dengan harga kompetitif! Kami menawarkan lebih dari 300 Domain " "Unggulan (TLD), termasuk 165 domain yang sedang diskon. Anda bisa memberikan " "domain tambahan untuk brand Anda dan mendapat penawaran terbaik. Jangan " "lewatkan — temukan domain impian Anda hari ini!" msgid "Get Your Perfect Domain" msgstr "Dapatkan Domain Ideal Anda" msgid "" "For step-by-step instructions on how to transfer your domain, take a look at " "our support page. You can transfer domains that are older than 60 " "days old and registered before July 1, 2023." msgstr "" "Untuk instruksi terperinci tentang cara mentransfer domain Anda, buka halaman dukungan kami. Anda dapat mentransfer domain berusia lebih " "dari 60 hari dan terdaftar sebelum 1 Juli, 2023." msgid "Let’s Do This!" msgstr "Ayo Mulai!" msgid "" "Already got a domain with Google or Squarespace? No stress! 😎 Slide it over " "to us, and we’ll make the switcheroo smooth as butter and cover the transfer " "fees to boot — AND give your domain an extra year to shine, all on us!" msgstr "" "Sudah memiliki domain dengan Google atau Squarespace? Tenang saja! 😎 " "Serahkan pada kami! Kami akan pastikan proses perpindahan domain berjalan " "lancar dan biaya transfer dan persiapannya gratis. Domain Anda juga akan " "dapatkan tambahan satu tahun gratis. Kami siap membantu Anda!" msgid "" "Why join our cyber block party? 🎉 Because not only are we the world’s go-to " "website builder, we’ve also been in the domain game long enough to remember " "when cat videos first broke the internet! 😸" msgstr "" "Alasan bergabung dengan pesta blok siber kami? 🎉 Kami bukan sekadar pembuat " "situs web andalan dunia; kami sudah cukup lama berada di pasar domain sejak " "video kucing pertama kali muncul di internet! 😸" msgid "" "Ever thought of giving your blog, e-shop, or virtual empire a cool new " "address? Say hello to %s domains!" msgstr "" "Ingin memberikan alamat baru yang keren untuk blog, toko online, atau " "kerajaan virtual Anda? Mari sambut domain %s!" msgid "🚀 Elevate Your Domain Game 🚀" msgstr "🚀 Tingkatkan Kualitas Domain Anda 🚀" msgid "" "If you’re ready to explore more with domains, we have 165 Top-Level Domains " "(TLDs) listed on sale so you can find the perfect match at a great price." msgstr "" "Jika Anda sudah siap menjelajahi domain lebih lanjut, kami menawarkan 165 " "Domain Unggulan (TLD) yang sedang diskon. Anda dapat memilih domain ideal " "dengan harga terjangkau." msgid "" "A domain name is one of the best SEO tools you have in your inventory. A " "focused, trustworthy, and simple domain name will get you more traffic from " "people and search engines — and a local or unique extension might help you " "stand out from the competition." msgstr "" "Nama domain adalah alat SEO terbaik dalam inventaris Anda. Nama domain yang " "singkat, tepercaya, dan sederhana akan mengundang lebih banyak orang dan " "mesin pencari untuk berkunjung — ekstensi lokal atau unik dapat membantu " "domain Anda lebih menonjol dari yang lain." msgid "Invest in Your Domain SEO Game" msgstr "Ayo Berinvestasi untuk Kualitas SEO Domain Anda" msgid "Grab your domain deal" msgstr "Dapatkan penawaran domain terbaik" msgid "" "When you upgrade to any WordPress.​com annual plan, your first " "domain is on us – absolutely free. Use the code %3$s at " "checkout for a %4$s%% discount on an annual plan." msgstr "" "Saat Anda upgrade ke paket tahunan WordPress.​com, kami akan " "mengurus domain pertama Anda – gratis sepenuhnya. Gunakan kode %3$s saat checkout untuk mendapatkan diskon %4$s%%." msgid "" "It gets even better: to add a sprinkle of excitement to your domain shopping " "experience, we now have a whopping 165 Top-Level Domains (TLDs) on sale! 🎉 " "Now you can find that perfect domain name and snag it at a " "fantastic price." msgstr "" "Tidak hanya itu: nikmati diskon untuk 165 Domain Unggulan (TLD) agar " "pengalaman membeli domain Anda makin seru! 🎉 Anda bisa temukan nama domain " "ideal dan mendapatkannya dengan harga fantastis sekarang." msgid "" "Did you know %s now offers seriously competitive pricing on popular domain " "extensions like .com, .net, .org, and many more?" msgstr "" "Tahukah Anda bahwa %s kini menawarkan harga yang sangat kompetitif untuk " "ekstensi domain populer seperti .com, .net, .org, dan lainnya?" msgid "A Domain Name for Every Idea" msgstr "Nama Domain untuk Tiap Ide" msgid "Unleash your vision" msgstr "Bebaskan visi Anda" msgid "" "The world awaits your next move — and we’re right here, cheering for you. " "Boost your site’s potential with a %1$s annual plan. Use the code " "%2$s at checkout for a %3$s%% discount." msgstr "" "Dunia menantikan langkah Anda selanjutnya — dan kami di sini, mendukung " "Anda. Tingkatkan potensi situs Anda dengan paket tahunan %1$s. Gunakan kode " "%2$s saat checkout untuk mendapatkan diskon %3$s%%." msgid "" "Your vision deserves to shine. Every post and page you create tells a story, " "makes an impact, and inspires others." msgstr "" "Saatnya visi Anda bersinar. Ada kisah, impresi, dan inspirasi bagi " "pengunjung dari tiap pos dan halaman Anda." msgid "Get %1$s%% Off %2$s Upgrade" msgstr "Dapatkan diskon %1$s%% untuk Upgrade %2$s" msgid "" "Upgrade now and harness the full breadth of WordPress’ capabilities. Use the " "code %1$s at checkout and enjoy a %2$s%% discount on any annual plan." msgstr "" "Upgrade sekarang dan nikmati kapabilitas WordPress yang kaya. Gunakan kode " "%1$s saat checkout dan nikmati diskon %2$s%% untuk paket tahunan apa pun." msgid "" "With %1$s, you’re not just using any platform — you’re choosing the " "technology that powers over %2$s%% of all websites on the internet." msgstr "" "Dengan %1$s, Anda menggunakan platform juara: teknologi kami telah mendukung " "lebih dari %2$s%% situs web di internet." msgid "" "Ready to take your website to the next level? Unlock more features with a %3$s annual plan; enter the code %4$s at " "checkout for a %5$s%% discount. Your perfect site is just a " "click away — seize this opportunity and let your creativity soar! ✨🚀" msgstr "" "Siap memaksimalkan situs web Anda? Dapatkan fitur selengkapnya dengan paket " "tahunan%3$s; masukkan kode %4$s saat " "checkout untuk mendapatkan diskon %5$s%%. Membangun situs " "sempurna kini lebih mudah — manfaatkan kesempatan ini untuk menumbuhkan " "kreativitas Anda! ✨🚀" msgid "🎉 Special Offer Just For You! 🎉" msgstr "🎉 Penawaran Spesial Hanya untuk Anda! 🎉" msgid "Here’s how %s performed in the last 30 days." msgstr "Inilah performa %s dalam 30 hari terakhir." msgid "Here’s how %s performed in the last 30 days." msgstr "Inilah performa %s dalam 30 hari terakhir." msgid "Remember credentials" msgstr "Ingat kredensial" msgid "Switch accounts" msgstr "Ganti akun" msgctxt "Placeholder text for the message input field (chat)" msgid "Ask your question" msgstr "Ajukan pertanyaan Anda" msgctxt "" "A dynamic button that appears on a chatbox, when the last message is not " "vissible" msgid "Jump to recent" msgstr "Beralih ke yang terbaru" msgctxt "" "Below this text are links to sources for the current message received from " "the bot." msgid "Related Guides" msgstr "Panduan Terkait" msgctxt "html alt tag" msgid "Arrow icon" msgstr "Ikon panah" msgctxt "html alt tag" msgid "User profile display picture" msgstr "Gambar tampilan profil pengguna" msgid "" "We’re sorry, something went wrong. Please try again in a few minutes or " "contact our support channel" msgstr "" "Mohon maaf, terjadi kendala. Mohon coba lagi dalam beberapa menit atau " "hubungi kanal bantuan kami!" msgid "Sign up for the Jetpack Agency & Pro Partner program" msgstr "Daftar di Program Mitra Jetpack Agency & Pro" msgid "Sign up for Jetpack Manage" msgstr "Daftar ke Jetpack Manage" msgid "Free domain" msgstr "Domain gratis" msgid "" "85% of consumers trust an email address with a custom domain over a generic " "one." msgstr "" "85% konsumen lebih percaya pada alamat e-mail berdomain kustom dibandingkan " "dengan domain umum." msgid "Build trust" msgstr "Bangun kepercayaan" msgid "Nothing says you’re serious about your brand like a custom domain name." msgstr "Nama domain kustom sangat menunjukkan keseriusan Anda tentang merek." msgid "Look professional" msgstr "Tampil profesional" msgid "" "Our prices are now some of the lowest in the business. Feel safe knowing " "we’re committed to offering competitive domain pricing for the long haul." msgstr "" "Harga dari kami kini menjadi salah satu yang terendah di antara penyedia " "nama domain lainnya. Tenang saja, kami berkomitmen menawarkan harga domain " "yang kompetitif untuk jangka panjang." msgid "" "Grab your personalized address now so you don’t have to compromise later." msgstr "" "Dapatkan alamat personal Anda sekarang juga agar tak perlu repot di kemudian " "hari." msgid "Here’s what you’ll get ➡️" msgstr "Inilah manfaat yang akan Anda dapatkan ➡️" msgid "Your %s plan is waiting for you!" msgstr "Paket %s masih menunggu Anda!" msgid "Try AI Assistant" msgstr "Tanyakan Asisten AI" msgid "" "Blogging is about bringing your voice to the web - Let the Jetpack AI " "Assistant help." msgstr "" "Blogging adalah wadah bagi ide Anda di dunia maya. Jadikan Asisten AI " "Jetpack sebagai sahabat Anda." msgid "" "If you’re at a total roadblock, let the Jetpack AI Assistant create a first " "draft or an outline. Research interesting angles, fill in the details " "yourself, or put your spin on the content." msgstr "" "Jika Anda kehabisan ide, biarkan Asisten AI Jetpack membuat draf awal atau " "kerangka. Cari sudut pandang yang menarik, lengkapi detailnya sesuka Anda, " "atau berikan sentuhan khas pada konten." msgid "Content creation:" msgstr "Pembuatan konten:" msgid "" "A GPT 3.5 Turbo powered model at your fingertips. We’ve heard writing in " "your non-native language is challenging and slower. Now you can write in " "your native language and seamlessly translate to another to publish." msgstr "" "Model GPT 3.5 Turbo hadir untuk Anda. Kami menyadari bahwa menulis dalam " "bahasa yang bukan bahasa asli Anda adalah tantangan yang memakan waktu. Kini " "Anda dapat menulis dalam bahasa asli Anda dan dengan mudah menerjemahkannya " "ke bahasa lain untuk dipublikasikan." msgid "Effortless translations:" msgstr "Terjemahan yang praktis:" msgid "" "Avoid those embarrassing mistakes with a quick, final pass through Jetpack " "AI Assistant." msgstr "" "Perbaiki potensi kesalahan dengan cek akhir yang cepat melalui Asisten AI " "Jetpack." msgid "Spelling and grammar check:" msgstr "Pemeriksaan ejaan dan tata bahasa:" msgid "" " Looking for some ideas for an attention grabbing title? Don’t want to " "painstakingly reduce what you just wrote into a concise summary? Let Jetpack " "AI Assistant do it for you based on your own content." msgstr "" " Mencari inspirasi judul yang menarik perhatian? Ingin meringkas tulisan " "Anda tanpa repot? Biarkan Asisten AI Jetpack yang mengelolanya sesuai konten " "Anda." msgid "Title and summary generation:" msgstr "Pembuatan judul & ringkasan:" msgid "" "The Jetpack AI Assistant effortlessly integrates with the WordPress Editor, " "offering an intuitive interface to interact with AI." msgstr "" "Asisten AI Jetpack mudah diintegrasikan dengan editor WordPress, menawarkan " "antarmuka yang intuitif untuk berinteraksi dengan AI." msgid "" "The Jetpack AI Assistant will help make your content clear and compelling " "while maintaining your unique voice. A sampling of its compelling features:" msgstr "" "Dengan Asisten AI Jetpack, konten Anda akan menjadi lebih jelas dan menarik " "perhatian, tanpa kehilangan karakter unik Anda. Beberapa fitur menarik yang " "ditawarkan:" msgid "" "We’re excited to introduce the Jetpack AI Assistant — an all-new tool to " "help you polish, proof, and prepare content for publishing. This versatile " "writing aide is found right inside the editor, readily " "available at all times to make your creative process smoother and more " "efficient." msgstr "" "Inilah Asisten AI Jetpack — alat terbaru untuk membantu Anda menyempurnakan, " "memeriksa, dan menyiapkan konten sebelum dipublikasikan. Alat bantu menulis " "serbaguna ini ada di dalam editor, sehingga selalu tersedia " "untuk membuat proses kreatif Anda lebih lancar dan efisien." msgid "Say hello to your new writing assistant" msgstr "Sambutlah asisten baru untuk penulisan Anda" msgid "AI has arrived at" msgstr "AI telah tiba di" msgid "Classic style" msgstr "Gaya klasik" msgid "Default style" msgstr "Gaya default" msgid "Admin interface style" msgstr "Gaya antarmuka admin" msgid "Failed to change admin interface style." msgstr "Gagal mengubah gaya antarmuka admin." msgid "Admin interface style changed." msgstr "Gaya antarmuka admin diubah." msgid "Partner" msgstr "Partner" msgid "" "Your free trial will end in %(daysLeft)d day. Upgrade to a plan by " "%(expirationdate)s to continue using advanced features." msgid_plural "" "Your free trial will end in %(daysLeft)d days. Upgrade to a plan by " "%(expirationdate)s to continue using advanced features." msgstr[0] "" "Percobaan gratis Anda akan berakhir dalam %(daysLeft)d hari. Upgrade ke " "salah satu paket sebelum %(expirationdate)s agar tetap bisa menggunakan " "fitur-fitur lanjutan." msgstr[1] "" "Percobaan gratis Anda akan berakhir dalam %(daysLeft)d hari. Upgrade ke " "salah satu paket sebelum %(expirationdate)s agar tetap bisa menggunakan " "fitur-fitur lanjutan." msgid "" "Your free trial has expired. Upgrade to a plan to continue using advanced " "features." msgstr "" "Percobaan gratis Anda telah kedaluwarsa. Upgrade ke salah satu paket agar " "tetap bisa menggunakan fitur-fitur lanjutan." msgid "" "Turn each of your posts and comments into professional-looking emails that " "will help you reach and grow your audience." msgstr "" "Ubah tiap postingan dan komentar Anda menjadi email bergaya profesional " "untuk membantu menjangkau dan memperluas audiens Anda." msgid "Send out newsletters to your readers" msgstr "Bagikan buletin kepada pembaca Anda" msgid "" "One last step! To keep your account secure, we've sent a new login link to " "%1$s." msgstr "" "Satu langkah lagi! Untuk menjaga keamanan akun Anda, kami telah mengirimkan " "tautan login baru ke %1$s." msgid "Wrong email? Not an issue—request a new link." msgstr "" "Alamat email salah? Tidak masalah—minta tautan baru." msgid "Contact your email provider, in case the email was blocked" msgstr "Hubungi penyedia email, jika email Anda diblokir" msgid "Check your spam folder" msgstr "Periksa folder email spam" msgid "See if you've made a typo with your email address" msgstr "Periksa kemungkinan Anda telah salah mengetik alamat email Anda" msgid "If you didn't receive the email, you could:" msgstr "Jika tidak menerima email, Anda bisa:" msgid "We've just emailed you a link to access your subscriptions." msgstr "" "Kami baru saja mengirimkan tautan ke email Anda untuk mengakses langganan " "Anda." msgid "Get access to manage your subscriptions" msgstr "Dapatkan akses untuk mengelola langganan Anda" msgid "" "Manage your email settings or unsubscribe." msgstr "" "Kelola pengaturan email Anda atau berhenti berlangganan." msgid "You are already logged in. Please click \"Continue\"." msgstr "Anda sudah login. Klik \"Lanjutkan\"." msgid "The email sent out when someone confirms their subscription." msgstr "E-mail akan dikirimkan saat langganan dikonfirmasi." msgid "Welcome email message" msgstr "Pesan e-mail selamat datang" msgid "Start a free trial" msgstr "Mulai percobaan gratis" msgid "Leave a reply. (log in optional)" msgstr "Kirim balasan. (login opsional)" msgid "Log in or provide your name and email to leave a reply." msgstr "Login atau masukkan nama dan email untuk membalas." msgid "" "You are currently on a legacy plan, which provides unlimited storage. " "Proceeding will allow you to have plugins, themes, and hosting features, but " "you’ll no longer have unlimited storage." msgstr "" "Saat ini, Anda memiliki paket lawas sehingga bisa mendapatkan penyimpanan " "tanpa batas. Dengan melanjutkan, Anda jadi bisa mengakses plugin, tema, dan " "berbagai fitur hosting, tetapi penyimpanan tanpa batas tidak lagi tersedia." msgid "Storage Alert" msgstr "Peringatan Penyimpanan" msgid "" "Discover great reads and stay up-to-date on your comments, replies, and the " "sites you follow, all from the Reader." msgstr "" "Temukan bacaan yang berkualitas serta pantau informasi terbaru pada " "komentar, balasan, dan situs yang Anda ikuti, semuanya dari Pembaca " "" msgid "Explore, search, find—all from one place" msgstr "Jelajahi, cari, temukan—semua dari satu tempat" msgid "If you didn't request for this link, you can safely ignore this email." msgstr "Jika Anda tidak meminta tautan ini, silakan abaikan email ini." msgid "" "To keep your account secure, this request can only be used once, and will " "expire in an hour." msgstr "" "Agar akun Anda tetap aman, permintaan ini hanya dapat digunakan sekali, dan " "akan berakhir dalam satu jam." msgid "" "Looks like you're trying to access your subscriptions. Here's " "a link:" msgstr "" "Sepertinya Anda ingin mencoba mengakses langganan Buka tautan " "ini:" msgid "Email welcome message changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Pesan email selamat datang diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Email welcome message set to \"%s\"" msgstr "Pesan email selamat datang disetel menjadi \"%s\"" msgid "" "You currently have access to the 20 most recent events. Upgrade to Jetpack " "VaultPress Backup or Jetpack Security to unlock more powerful features. You " "can access all site activity for the last 30 days and filter events by type " "and date range to quickly find the information you need." msgstr "" "Saat ini, Anda hanya dapat mengakses 20 aktivitas terbaru. Upgrade ke " "Jetpack VaultPress Backup atau Jetpack Security untuk mengakses fitur-fitur " "canggih lainnya. Anda bisa mengakses semua aktivitas situs selama 30 hari " "terakhir dan menyaringnya menurut jenis dan rentang tanggal sehingga bisa " "langsung mendapatkan data yang diperlukan." msgid "" "You currently have access to the 20 most recent events on your site. Upgrade " "to Jetpack VaultPress Backup or Jetpack Security to unlock powerful features:" msgstr "" "Saat ini, Anda hanya dapat mengakses 20 aktivitas terbaru di situs. Upgrade " "ke Jetpack VaultPress Backup atau Jetpack Security untuk mengakses fitur-" "fitur canggih lainnya:" msgid "" "Upgrade to Jetpack VaultPress Backup or Jetpack Security to unlock powerful " "features:" msgstr "" "Upgrade ke Jetpack VaultPress Backup atau Jetpack Security untuk mengakses " "fitur-fitur canggih lainnya:" msgid "You currently have access to the 20 most recent events on your site." msgstr "Saat ini, Anda hanya dapat mengakses 20 aktivitas terbaru di situs." msgid "" "This page includes a Newsletter Subscription block, enabling visitors to " "subscribe via email. Provide details about the kind of updates they can " "expect to receive by subscribing." msgstr "" "Halaman ini akan menyertakan blok Langganan Buletin, sehingga pengunjung " "bisa berlangganan via email. Cantumkan informasi tentang kabar apa saja yang " "akan diterimanya setelah berlangganan." msgid "" "This page includes a Donations Form block, which you can connect to your " "bank account later using the editor. Provide details about your cause, which " "we'll include on the page." msgstr "" "Halaman ini akan menyertakan blok Formulir Donasi, yang nanti bisa Anda " "hubungkan ke rekening bank lewat editor. Masukkan informasi tentang kampanye " "isunya. Kami akan mencamtukannya di halaman nanti." msgid "" "Demonstrate your expertise with real-world examples. Show your methods and " "results." msgstr "" "Tunjukkan gagasan Anda dengan contoh-contoh nyata. Sertakan metode yang " "dipakai dan hasilnya." msgid "" "Connect with your community through regular updates. Let visitors subscribe " "to stay in touch with news and events." msgstr "" "Jalin interaksi dengan komunitas dengan rutin mengirim kabar. Ajak " "pengunjung berlangganan agar tidak melewatkan perkembangan dan info terbaru." msgid "" "Simplify the donation process for supporters. Help them easily contribute to " "your mission." msgstr "" "Sederhanakan proses berdonasi untuk para pendukung. Hadirkan cara yang mudah " "untuk turut berkontribusi." msgid "" "Show your upcoming events or gatherings. Keep visitors updated on what's " "happening." msgstr "" "Tampilkan acara atau pertemuan yang akan datang. Pastikan pengunjung tidak " "ketinggalan info terbaru." msgid "" "Attract top talent with a page dedicated to job opportunities. Showcase your " "team's culture." msgstr "" "Jaring talenta unggul dengan halaman khusus peluang karier. Tunjukkan kultur " "kerja perusahaan." msgid "Case Studies" msgstr "Studi Kasus" msgid "Sharing posts to Nextdoor." msgstr "Berbagi pos ke Nextdoor." msgid "Take the survey" msgstr "Ikuti survei" msgid "" "Upload up to %(noOfImages)d images or videos. You can find stock images {{a}}" "here{{/a}}, or we’ll select some during the build." msgstr "" "Unggah hingga %(noOfImages)d gambar atau video. Anda bisa memilih gambar " "stok yang ada {{a}}di sini{{/a}}. Jika tidak, akan kami pilihkan beberapa " "saat proses pembuatan." msgid "Please enter a title for this page." msgstr "Masukkan judul untuk halaman ini." msgid "Please enter content for this page." msgstr "Masukkan isi untuk halaman ini." msgid "" "Provide the title and content for this page, and we'll create a custom " "layout." msgstr "" "Masukkan judul dan isi untuk halaman ini. Kami akan buatkan tata letak " "khusus untuk halaman ini." msgid "" "Craft a page that's perfect for anything you have in mind. You decide the " "title and content, and we'll create a custom layout." msgstr "" "Buat halaman yang ciamik, apa pun konsepnya. Tinggal tentukan judul dan " "isinya. Biar kami yang urus tata letak kustomnya." msgid "Custom Page" msgstr "Halaman Kustom" msgid "The user is blocked from creating a new site" msgstr "Pengguna tidak diperbolehkan membuat situs baru" msgid "Lower priority email sending" msgstr "Mengirim email berprioritas rendah" msgctxt "Block pattern category" msgid "Videos" msgstr "Video" msgid "" "Test new blocks to allow building forms (Warning: The new feature is not " "ready. You may experience UX issues that are being addressed)" msgstr "" "Uji cobakan blok baru dalam pembuatan formulir (Peringatan: Fitur baru ini " "belum sepenuhnya siap. Masalah UX yang solusinya sedang dicari bisa saja " "terjadi)" msgid "Form and input blocks " msgstr "Blok formulir dan input " msgid "Different layouts containing audio." msgstr "Tata letak beragam berisi audio." msgid "Different layouts containing videos." msgstr "Tata letak berisi video." msgid "" "… Read more: %2$s" msgstr "" "… Baca Selengkapnya: %2$s" msgid "Form submission" msgstr "Kiriman formulir" msgid "Form submission from %1$s" msgstr "Kiriman formulir dari %1$s" msgid "Getting the theme ready" msgstr "Menyiapkan tema" msgid "The context to continue the chat with." msgstr "Konteks untuk melanjutkan obrolan." msgid "The message to add to the chat" msgstr "Pesan untuk ditambahkan ke obrolan." msgid "The bot id to get the chat for." msgstr "ID bot untuk mendapatkan obrolan." msgid "The bot id to chat with." msgstr "ID bot untuk mengobrol." msgid "" "When real people show up, approve the comment and reply to them! Engage " "them, this is your community." msgstr "" "Jika dari orang sungguhan, loloskan komentarnya dan balas! Jangan sungkan " "berinteraksi, karena ini komunitas Anda." msgid "" "Spammers and odd folks will want to be on your post so look at their links " "and if it seems scammy, don’t hesitate to delete or spam the comment." msgstr "" "Mungkin ada spammer dan orang iseng yang ingin mendapat tempat di pos Anda. " "Cek tautan yang dikirim. Jika mencurigakan, jangan ragu untuk menghapus atau " "menandai komentarnya sebagai spam." msgid "" "Comments are the best part of blogging, but you decide which comments get " "published." msgstr "" "Serunya blog memang ada di komentarnya, tetapi Anda juga berhak memilih " "komentar mana yang boleh muncul." msgid "A few helpful tips" msgstr "Sedikit tips bermanfaat" msgid "Dismiss tips" msgstr "Tutup tips" msgid "Take a look" msgstr "Intip yuk" msgid "See what other brand new sites are writing about." msgstr "Cek konten dari situs-situs baru lainnya." msgid "" "The block widgets require JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript in your " "browser settings, or activate the Classic Widgets plugin." msgstr "" "Widget blok memerlukan JavaScript. Harap aktifkan JavaScript di pengaturan " "browser Anda, atau aktifkan plugin Classic Widgets." msgid "" "The block editor requires JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript in your " "browser settings, or install the Classic Editor plugin." msgstr "" "Editor blok memerlukan JavaScript. Harap aktifkan JavaScript di setelan " "browser Anda, atau instal plugin Editor Klasik." msgid "" "The block editor requires JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript in your " "browser settings, or activate the Classic Editor plugin." msgstr "" "Editor blok memerlukan JavaScript. Mohon aktifkan JavaScript di pengaturan " "browser Anda, atau aktifkan plugin Editor Klasik." msgid "We’ve finished synchronizing your staging site to production" msgstr "Sinkronisasi situs staging ke tahap produksi selesai" msgid "We’ve finished synchronizing your production site to staging" msgstr "Sinkronisasi situs produksi ke tahap staging selesai" msgid "%1$s (%2$s connection)" msgid_plural "%1$s (%2$s connections)" msgstr[0] "%1$s (%2$s koneksi)" msgstr[1] "%1$s (%2$s koneksi)" msgid "" "You may want to take a look at your site to make sure everything’s in order. " "If you notice any issues you can always roll back to an earlier version from " "your Activity Log." msgstr "" "Saatnya memeriksa situs Anda untuk memastikan semuanya teratur. Jika menemui " "kendala, Anda selalu dapat memulihkan ke versi sebelumnya dari Log AktivitasAnda." msgid "All set! Your production site has been successfully synchronized" msgstr "Semua sudah siap! Situs produksi Anda telah berhasil disinkronisasi" msgid "All set! Your staging site has been successfully synchronized" msgstr "Semua sudah siap! Situs staging Anda telah berhasil disinkronisasi" msgid "Everything’s been synchronized. Ready to take a look?" msgstr "Semua telah tersinkronisasi. Siap untuk melihat-lihat?" msgid "Sorry, your site cannot be synchronized at this time." msgstr "Maaf, situs Anda tidak dapat disinkronkan untuk saat ini." msgid "Last Year" msgstr "Tahun Lalu" msgid "Additional image quality control options" msgstr "Opsi kualitas gambar yang lebih lengkap" msgid "Historical site performance chart" msgstr "Grafik riwayat performa situs" msgid "Reduce image sizes with Image Guide" msgstr "Pangkas ukuran gambar dengan Image Guide" msgid "Select your first pattern to get started." msgstr "Pilih pola pertama Anda terlebih dahulu." msgid "You’ve selected {{strong}}%(count)s{{/strong}} pattern." msgid_plural "You’ve selected {{strong}}%(count)s{{/strong}} patterns." msgstr[0] "Anda memilih {{strong}}%(count)s{{/strong}} pola." msgstr[1] "Anda memilih {{strong}}%(count)s{{/strong}} pola." msgid "Custom plugin and themes" msgstr "Plugin dan tema kustom" msgid "Manage all your billing related settings from one place." msgstr "Sesuaikan semua pengaturan penagihan Anda dari satu tempat." msgid "Transaction finalized – we're now connecting Jetpack." msgstr "Transaksi berhasil difinalisasi – Jetpack segera tersambung." msgid "" "You purchased {{strong}}%(productName)s{{/strong}}. Once connected, you can " "activate it on website {{strong}}%(siteName)s{{/strong}}" msgstr "" "Anda membeli {{strong}}%(productName)s{{/strong}}. Setelah tersambung, Anda " "bisa mengaktifkannya di situs {{strong}}%(siteName)s{{/strong}}" msgid "" "You purchased {{strong}}%(productName)s{{/strong}}. Now you can activate it " "on website {{strong}}%(siteName)s{{/strong}}" msgstr "" "Anda membeli {{strong}}%(productName)s{{/strong}}. Anda sekarang bisa " "mengaktifkannya di situs {{strong}}%(siteName)s{{/strong}}" msgid "Rotate 180°" msgstr "Putar 180°" msgid "Rotate 90° right" msgstr "Putar kanan 90°" msgid "Rotate 90° left" msgstr "Putar kiri 90°" msgid "This is not a trial! Start a free website now." msgstr "Ini bukan uji coba! Buat situs gratis sekarang juga." msgid "Free, Simple, and Ready to Grow" msgstr "Simpel, Gratis, dan Siap Dikembangkan" msgid "WordPress, Your Way" msgstr "WordPress, Semua Semau Anda" msgid "Site synchronization completed successfully." msgstr "Sinkronisasi situs berhasil." msgid "Synchronization complete" msgstr "Sinkronisasi selesai." msgid "Site synchronization failed." msgstr "Sinkronisasi situs gagal." msgid "Synchronization failed" msgstr "Sinkronisasi gagal" msgid "Let your fans support your art, writing, or project directly." msgstr "" "Galang langsung dukungan dari penggemar untuk karya, tulisan, atau proyek " "Anda." msgid "Create your paid offering in two steps." msgstr "Buat akses berbayar cukup dengan dua langkah." msgid "" "Automatically add a subscribe form pop-up to every post and turn visitors " "into subscribers. It will appear as readers scroll through your posts." msgstr "" "Otomatis tambahkan popup formulir langganan ke setiap pos dan konversi " "pengunjung jadi pelanggan buletin. Popup akan muncul saat pembaca menggulir " "pos." msgid "" "Peirao is a theme inspired by the pervasive use of a deep green colour " "painting on restaurant doors in Galicia, Spain. It's perfect for a " "restaurant whose authenticity and history are their brand." msgstr "" "Peirao adalah tema yang terinspirasi oleh penggunaan luas cat warna hijau " "tua pada pintu-pintu restoran di Galicia, Spanyol. Tema ini sempurna untuk " "restoran yang otentik dan memiliki sejarah sebagai merek mereka." msgid "The requested order (ID %d) was not found." msgstr "Pesanan yang diminta (ID %d) tidak ditemukan." msgid "The class %1$s is not a subclass of %2$s" msgstr "Kelas %1$s bukan subkelas dari %2$s" msgid "The %1$s method is not available in the current payment state (%2$s)." msgstr "Metode %1$s tidak tersedia dalam status pembayaran saat ini (%2$s)." msgid "" "Your store has subscriptions using %6$s Stripe Billing functionality for " "payment processing. Due to the %1$soff-site billing engine%3$s these " "subscriptions use,%4$s they will continue to renew even after you deactivate " "%6$s%5$s." msgstr "" "Toko Anda memiliki langganan yang menggunakan fungsionalitas %6$s Stripe " "Billing untuk memproses pembayaran. %1$sMesin penagihan off-site%3$s " "digunakan oleh langganan ini,%4$s sehingga langganan akan terus diperpanjang " "meski Anda telah menonaktifkannya %6$s%5$s." msgid "" "If you do not want these subscriptions to continue to be billed, you should " "%1$scancel these subscriptions%2$s prior to deactivating %3$s." msgstr "" "Jika tidak ingin langganan ini untuk terus ditagihkan, Anda harus " "%1$smembatalkannya%2$s sebelum menonaktifkannya %3$s." msgid "" "Your store has subscriptions using %5$s Stripe Billing functionality for " "payment processing. Due to the %1$soff-site billing engine%2$s these " "subscriptions use,%3$s they will continue to renew even after you deactivate " "%6$s%4$s." msgstr "" "Toko Anda memiliki langganan yang menggunakan fungsionalitas %5$s Stripe " "Billing untuk memproses pembayaran. %1$sMesin penagihan off-site%2$s " "digunakan oleh langganan ini,%3$s sehingga langganan akan terus diperpanjang " "meski Anda telah menonaktifkannya %6$s%4$s." msgid "Klarna" msgstr "Klarna" msgid "The payment process could not be completed." msgstr "Proses pembayaran tidak dapat diselesaikan." msgid "Charge object associated with this payment intention." msgstr "Objek tagihan yang terkait dengan tujuan pembayaran ini." msgid "The status of the payment intent." msgstr "Status tujuan pembayaran." msgid "The customer id of the intent" msgstr "ID pelanggan dari tujuan" msgid "ID for the payment intent." msgstr "ID untuk tujuan pembayaran." msgid "Email associated with the link." msgstr "Email yang terkait dengan tautan." msgid "Link details for the payment method." msgstr "Detail tautan untuk metode pembayaran." msgid "Last 4 digits of the SEPA Debit." msgstr "4 digit terakhir dari Debit SEPA." msgid "SEPA Debit details for the payment method." msgstr "Detail Debit SEPA untuk metode pembayaran." msgid "Expiration year of the card." msgstr "Tahun kedaluwarsa kartu." msgid "Expiration month of the card." msgstr "Bulan kedaluwarsa kartu." msgid "Last 4 digits of the card." msgstr "4 digit terakhir kartu." msgid "Brand of the card." msgstr "Merek kartu." msgid "Card details for the payment method." msgstr "Detail kartu untuk metode pembayaran." msgid "Phone number associated with the billing details." msgstr "Nomor telepon yang terkait dengan detail penagihan." msgid "Name associated with the billing details." msgstr "Nama yang terkait dengan detail penagihan." msgid "Email associated with the billing details." msgstr "Email yang terkait dengan detail penagihan." msgid "State of the billing address." msgstr "Negara bagian alamat penagihan." msgid "Line 2 of the billing address." msgstr "Baris 2 alamat penagihan." msgid "Line 1 of the billing address." msgstr "Baris 1 alamat penagihan." msgid "Country of the billing address." msgstr "Negara alamat penagihan." msgid "City of the billing address." msgstr "Kota alamat penagihan." msgid "Address associated with the billing details." msgstr "Alamat yang terkait dengan detail penagihan." msgid "Billing details for the payment method." msgstr "Detail penagihan untuk metode pembayaran." msgid "Type of the payment method." msgstr "Tipe metode pembayaran." msgid "ID for the payment method." msgstr "ID untuk metode pembayaran." msgid "Please connect to to start using %s." msgstr "Hubungkan ke untuk mulai menggunakan %s." msgid "there was a problem fetching the subscription for this order" msgstr "terjadi masalah saat memproses langganan untuk pesanan ini" msgid "Choose theme" msgstr "Pilih tema" msgid "" "Choose a theme that best fits your brand's look and feel, then make it your " "own. Change the colors, add your logo, and create pages." msgstr "" "Pilih tema yang paling cocok dengan tampilan dan kesan merek Anda, lalu " "kreasikan sesuai keinginan. Ganti warna, tambahkan logo, dan buat halaman." msgid "" "{{div}}{{strong}}Priority support{{/strong}} {{badge}}PREMIUM{{/badge}}{{/" "div}}" msgstr "" "{{div}}{{strong}}Dukungan prioritas{{/strong}} {{badge}}PREMIUM{{/badge}}{{/" "div}}" msgid "" "{{div}}{{strong}}Additional image quality control options{{/strong}} " "{{badge}}PREMIUM{{/badge}}{{/div}}" msgstr "" "{{div}}{{strong}}Pilihan kontrol kualitas gambar tambahan{{/strong}} " "{{badge}}PREMIUM{{/badge}}{{/div}}" msgid "" "{{div}}{{strong}}Historical site performance chart{{/strong}} {{badge}}" "PREMIUM{{/badge}}{{/div}}" msgstr "" "{{div}}{{strong}}Grafik riwayat performa situs{{/strong}} {{badge}}PREMIUM{{/" "badge}}{{/div}}" msgid "" "{{div}}{{strong}}Reduce image sizes with Image Guide{{/strong}} {{badge}}" "PREMIUM{{/badge}}{{/div}}" msgstr "" "{{div}}{{strong}}Kurangi ukuran gambar dengan panduan gambar{{/strong}} " "{{badge}}PREMIUM{{/badge}}{{/div}}" msgid "" "{{div}}{{strong}}Automated critical CSS generation{{/strong}} {{badge}}" "PREMIUM{{/badge}}{{/div}}" msgstr "" "{{div}}{{strong}}Otomatisasi pembuatan CSS utama{{/strong}} {{badge}}" "PREMIUM{{/badge}}{{/div}}" msgid "" "Commission fee for standard payment features (plus standard processing " "fee)" msgstr "" "Biaya komisi untuk fitur pembayaran standar (ditambah biaya " "pemrosesan standar)" msgid "" "Commission fee for standard payment features (plus standard processing fee)" msgstr "" "Biaya komisi untuk fitur pembayaran standar (ditambah biaya pemrosesan " "standar)" msgid "Show the Contact Form right away (Disabled)" msgstr "Segera tampilkan Formulir Kontak (Dinonaktifkan)" msgid "Use Docsbot input before Contact Form (Enabled)" msgstr "Gunakan input Docsbot sebelum Formulir Kontak (Diaktifkan)" msgid "Is Docsbot enabled for the Contact Form?" msgstr "Apakah Docsbot diaktifkan untuk Formulir Kontak?" msgid "" "Use the domain with a site you already started.{{br/}}{{strong}}Free domain " "for the first year on annual plans.{{/strong}}" msgstr "" "Gunakan domain dengan situs yang sudah Anda buat.{{br/}}{{strong}}Gratis " "domain selama tahun pertama untuk paket tahunan.{{/strong}}" msgid "" "Customize and launch your site.{{br/}}{{strong}}Free domain for the first " "year on annual plans.{{/strong}}" msgstr "" "Sesuaikan dan terbitkan situs Anda.{{br/}}{{strong}}Gratis domain selama " "tahun pertama untuk paket tahunan.{{/strong}}" msgid "Don’t worry, you can easily change it later." msgstr "Jangan khawatir, Anda dapat mengubahnya nanti dengan mudah." msgid "" "Commission fee for standard WooCommerce payment features (plus standard " "processing fee)" msgstr "" "Biaya komisi untuk fitur pembayaran WooCommerce standar (ditambah biaya " "pemrosesan standar)" msgid "" "Commission fee for standard WooCommerce payment features (plus standard " "processing fee)" msgstr "" "Biaya komisi untuk fitur pembayaran WooCommerce standar (ditambah biaya " "pemrosesan standar)" msgid "Set up an offer for your supporters" msgstr "Siapkan penawaran untuk pendukung Anda" msgid "Connect a Stripe account to collect payments" msgstr "Hubungkan akun Stripe untuk menerima pembayaran" msgid "Staging to production" msgstr "Staging ke produksi" msgid "Production to staging" msgstr "Produksi ke staging" msgid "Production into staging" msgstr "Produksi menjadi staging" msgid "Staging into production" msgstr "Staging ke produksi" msgid "" "Refresh your staging site with the latest from production, or push changes " "in your staging site to production." msgstr "" "Refresh situs staging Anda dengan yang terbaru dari produksi, atau kirim " "perubahan di situs staging Anda ke produksi." msgid "" "Pull changes from your staging site into production, or refresh staging with " "the current production data." msgstr "" "Tarik perubahan dari situs staging Anda ke produksi, atau segarkan staging " "dengan data produksi saat ini." msgid "" "Add features to WordPress.​com" msgstr "" "Tambahkan fitur ke WordPress.​com" msgid "Questions? Contact our support team." msgstr "Ada pertanyaan? Hubungi tim dukungan kami." msgid "" "Your production site, %1$s, has been successfully updated with content from " "the staging site:" msgstr "" "Situs produksi Anda, %1$s, telah berhasil diperbarui dengan konten dari " "situs staging:" msgid "" "Your staging site, %1$s, has been successfully updated with content from the " "production site:" msgstr "" "Situs staging Anda, %1$s, telah berhasil diperbarui dengan konten dari situs " "produksi:" msgid "" "Questions? Contact our support team." msgstr "" "Ada pertanyaan? Hubungi tim dukungan kami." msgid "" "Your production site, %1$s, has been successfully updated " "with content from the staging site: " msgstr "" "Situs produksi Anda, %1$s, telah berhasil diperbarui dengan " "konten dari situs staging: " msgid "" "Your staging site, %1$s, has been successfully updated with " "content from the production site:" msgstr "" "Situs staging Anda, %1$s, telah berhasil diperbarui dengan " "konten dari situs produksi:" msgid "" "Use ChatGPT to create posts on your Jetpack and blogs and " "sites." msgstr "" "Gunakan ChatGPT untuk membuat pos di blog dan situs Jetpack dan WordPress." "com." msgctxt "A permission an app can have" msgid "View posts on your sites and draft new posts." msgstr "Lihat pos di situs dan buat konsep pos baru." msgctxt "A permission an app can have" msgid "View a list of your sites." msgstr "Lihat daftar situs Anda." msgid "" "Unmatched stability. Never worry about a sudden surge in traffic taking you " "down. With 99.999% uptime, your site will always be online." msgstr "" "Stabilitas tanpa tanding. Tak perlu khawatir akan lonjakan lalu lintas yang " "tiba-tiba mengganggu situs Anda. Dengan uptime 99,9999%, situs Anda akan " "selalu online." msgid "" "Unmetered hosting. Whether you’re reaching 10 or 10 million visitors, we’ll " "never limit how much traffic you can receive, no matter which plan you " "choose. That includes free websites." msgstr "" "Hosting tanpa batas. Jangkau 10 atau 10 juta pengunjung tanpa ada batasan " "jumlah lalu lintas yang Anda terima, apa pun paket yang Anda pilih. Sudah " "termasuk situs gratis." msgid "" "Free domain for a year. Choose any annual paid plan and get any domain name " "free for the first 12 months." msgstr "" "Domain gratis selama satu tahun. Pilih paket berbayar tahunan dan dapatkan " "nama domain gratis untuk 12 bulan pertama." msgid "" "Plans to fit your budget. Start for free. Then, upgrade to unlock powerful " "new features." msgstr "" "Paket sesuai kantong Anda. Mulai gratis. Lalu, upgrade untuk mengakses fitur " "baru yang canggih." msgid "" "One platform for every site. From blogs to newsletters to online stores, you " "can do it all with" msgstr "" "Satu platform untuk setiap situs. Mulai dari blog hingga buletin dan toko " "online, semuanya dapat dilakukan dengan" msgid "" "Help when you need it. From our community forums to top-tier customer " "support agents, it’s easy to get assistance with your site." msgstr "" "Bantuan tersedia saat dibutuhkan. Anda dapat dengan mudah mendapatkan " "bantuan terkait situs Anda, dari forum komunitas hingga agen dukungan " "pelanggan terbaik kami." msgid "" "Zero maintenance. We manage all the technical details of hosting your " "website, so you can focus on content and design." msgstr "" "Tanpa pemeliharaan. Kami mengelola semua detail teknis hosting situs Anda, " "sehingga Anda dapat berfokus pada konten dan desain." msgid "" "Super simple setup. Choose your domain name, pick a plan, and start " "building. No coding required." msgstr "" "Penyiapannya sangat sederhana. Pilih nama domain, pilih paket, dan mulai " "buat. Pengodean tidak diperlukan." msgid "" "Build your website on a platform without limits. Finish setting up your site " "now." msgstr "" "Buat situs Anda di platform tanpa batas. Selesaikan penyiapan situs Anda " "sekarang." msgid "" "Unmatched stability. Never worry about a sudden surge in " "traffic taking you down. With 99.999% uptime, your site will always be " "online." msgstr "" "Stabilitas tanpa tanding. Tak perlu khawatir akan lonjakan " "lalu lintas yang tiba-tiba mengganggu situs Anda. Dengan uptime 99,9999%, " "situs Anda akan selalu online." msgid "" "Unmetered hosting. Whether you’re reaching 10 or 10 million " "visitors, we’ll never limit how much traffic you can receive, no matter " "which plan you choose. That includes free websites." msgstr "" "Hosting tanpa batas. Jangkau 10 atau 10 juta pengunjung " "tanpa ada batasan jumlah lalu lintas, apa pun paket yang Anda pilih. Sudah " "termasuk situs gratis." msgid "" "No managed hosting platform or website builder offers more for your money " "than You’re just a few clicks away from getting:" msgstr "" "Dalam hal memberikan keuntungan lebih banyak, mengungguli " "platform hosting terkelola atau pembuat situs lainnya. Tinggal beberapa klik " "saja untuk mendapatkan:" msgid "" " offers an unbeatable combination of pricing, power, and " "performance. Finish signing up and start building now:" msgstr "" " menawarkan kombinasi harga, kecanggihan, dan performa yang tak " "tertandingi. Selesaikan pendaftaran dan mulai buat sekarang:" msgid "Build without limits." msgstr "Buat tanpa batas." msgid "Finish signing up with now." msgstr "Selesaikan pendaftaran dengan sekarang." msgid "Build a WordPress website without limits." msgstr "Buat situs tanpa batas." msgid "" "Millions of websites rely on to make an impact on the world. " "Ready to join them?" msgstr "" "Jutaan situs mengandalkan untuk memberikan dampak berarti pada " "dunia. Siap bergabung dengan mereka?" msgid "" "Free domain for a year. Choose any annual paid plan and get " "any domain name free for the first 12 months." msgstr "" "Domain gratis selama satu tahun. Pilih paket berbayar " "tahunan dan dapatkan nama domain gratis untuk 12 bulan pertama." msgid "" "Plans to fit your budget. Start for free. Then, upgrade to " "unlock powerful new features." msgstr "" "Paket sesuai kantong Anda. Mulai gratis. Lalu, upgrade " "untuk mengakses fitur baru yang canggih." msgid "" "One platform for every site. From blogs to newsletters to " "online stores, you can do it all with" msgstr "" "Satu platform untuk setiap situs. Mulai dari blog hingga " "buletin dan toko online, semuanya dapat dilakukan dengan" msgid "" "Still not sure if you’re ready? Here are a handful of reasons why content " "creators, businesses, and publishers of all sizes choose" msgstr "" "Masih merasa ragu? Inilah alasan mengapa pembuat konten, perusahaan, dan " "penerbit dari berbagai tingkatan memilih" msgid "" "Whether you want to tell your story or grow your business, you’re just a few " "minutes away from setting up your website:" msgstr "" "Apa pun yang Anda inginkan, baik untuk berbagi cerita maupun mengembangkan " "bisnis, Anda hanya perlu beberapa menit saja untuk menyiapkan situs " "" msgid "One platform. For every site." msgstr "Satu platform. Untuk setiap situs." msgid "Build with" msgstr "Buat dengan" msgid "Build it with now." msgstr "Buat situs Anda dengan sekarang." msgid "Ready to finish your website?" msgstr "Siap menyelesaikan situs Anda?" msgid "All this (and more) is just a few clicks away. Ready to keep going?" msgstr "" "Semuanya ini (dan banyak lagi) tersedia hanya dengan beberapa klik saja. " "Siap untuk melanjutkan?" msgid "" "Help when you need it. From our community forums to top-" "tier customer support agents, it’s easy to get assistance with your site." msgstr "" "Bantuan tersedia saat dibutuhkan. Anda dapat dengan mudah " "mendapatkan bantuan terkait situs Anda, dari forum komunitas hingga agen " "dukungan pelanggan terbaik kami." msgid "" "Zero maintenance. We manage all the technical details of " "hosting your website, so you can focus on content and design." msgstr "" "Tanpa pemeliharaan. Kami mengelola semua detail teknis " "hosting situs Anda, sehingga Anda dapat berfokus pada konten dan desain." msgid "" "Super simple setup. Choose your domain name, pick a plan, " "and start building. No coding required." msgstr "" "Penyiapannya sangat sederhana. Pilih nama domain, pilih " "paket, dan mulai buat. Pengodean tidak diperlukan." msgid "" "Not sure if you’re ready to build a website? Here’s how makes " "it easy:" msgstr "" "Masih ragu untuk membuat situs? Begini cara memudahkan " "prosesnya:" msgid "" "You’re a few steps away from building an amazing website with " "Let’s finish getting your site online:" msgstr "" "Tinggal beberapa langkah lagi untuk membuat situs yang menakjubkan dengan " " Mari selesaikan situs Anda agar segera online:" msgid "With" msgstr "Dengan" msgid "Build your site." msgstr "Buat situs Anda." msgid "Get online in just a few more steps." msgstr "Mulai online hanya dalam beberapa langkah." msgid "Let’s set up your website." msgstr "Mari siapkan situs Anda." msgid "" "Your site contains premium styles. Upgrade now to publish them and unlock " "tons of other features." msgstr "" "Situs Anda memuat gaya premium. Upgrade sekarang untuk memublikasikannya dan " "membuka banyak fitur lainnya." msgid "" "%(headline)s Your %(percentDiscount)d%% discount for %(productName)s will be " "applied next time you are billed." msgstr "" "%(headline)s Diskon %(percentDiscount)d%% Anda untuk %(productName)s akan " "berlaku pada tagihan berikutnya." msgid "Thanks for sticking with %(brand)s!" msgstr "Terima kasih sudah memilih %(brand)s!" msgid "We’re happy you’ve chosen Jetpack to level-up your site." msgstr "" "Kami senang Anda telah memilih Jetpack untuk meningkatkan level situs Anda." msgid "We’re happy you’ve chosen Akismet to protect your site against spam." msgstr "" "Kami senang Anda telah memilih Akismet untuk melindungi situs Anda dari spam." msgid "Choose my domain" msgstr "Pilih domain saya" msgid "Newsletter categories" msgstr "Kategori Buletin" msgid "Site synchronized successfully." msgstr "Situs berhasil disinkronkan." msgid "Support page right sidebar" msgstr "Bilah sisi kanan di halaman dukungan" msgid "Email verification sent!" msgstr "E-mail verifikasi telah dikirim!" msgid "" "To start your %(planName)s plan 7-day trial, verify your email address by " "clicking the link we sent to %(email)s." msgstr "" "Untuk memulai uji coba 7 hari paket %(planName)s, verifikasi alamat email " "Anda dengan mengeklik tautan yang kami kirimkan ke %(email)s." msgid "" "Give the %(planName)s plan a try with the 7-day free trial, and create your " "site without costs" msgstr "" "Coba paket %(planName)s dengan periode percobaan gratis 7 hari, dan buat " "situs Anda tanpa biaya" msgid "" "Broadcast your blog into the fediverse! Attract followers, deliver updates, " "and receive comments from a diverse user base of ActivityPub-compliant " "platforms like {{b}}Mastodon{{/b}}." msgstr "" "Sebarkan blog Anda ke seluruh dunia! Pikat pengikut, sampaikan pembaruan, " "dan terima komentar dari beragam basis pengguna platform yang kompatibel " "dengan ActivityPub seperti {{b}}Mastodon{{/b}}." msgid "" "Take your fediverse presence to the next level! The %(planName)s plan " "unlocks per-author profiles, fine-grained controls, and more, with the " "ActivityPub plugin." msgstr "" "Perkuat eksistensi Anda di fediverse! Paket %(planName)s menghadirkan profil " "per penulis, kontrol lebih baik, dan banyak lagi, lengkap dengan plugin " "ActivityPub." msgid "Install ActivityPub plugin" msgstr "Instal plugin ActivityPub" msgid "" "Install the ActivityPub plugin to unlock per-author profiles, fine-grained " "controls, and more." msgstr "" "Instal plugin Activity Pub untuk membuka kunci profil tiap penulis, " "pengaturan yang lebih baik, dan banyak lagi." msgid "" "Wait until your new domain activates before sharing your profile. {{link}}" "Check your domain’s status{{/link}}." msgstr "" "Tunggu hingga domain baru Anda aktif sebelum membagikan profil Anda. {{link}}" "Periksa status domain Anda{{/link}}." msgid "" "for your first month,{{br/}}then %(rawPrice)s billed annually, excl. taxes" msgstr "" "untuk bulan pertama,{{br/}}lalu %(rawPrice)s ditagih per tahun, tidak " "termasuk pajak" msgid "" "for your first year,{{br/}}then %(rawPrice)s billed monthly, excl. taxes" msgstr "" "untuk tahun pertama,{{br/}}lalu %(rawPrice)s ditagih per bulan, tidak " "termasuk pajak" msgid "" "for your first month,{{br/}}then %(rawPrice)s billed monthly, excl. taxes" msgstr "" "untuk bulan pertama,{{br/}}lalu %(rawPrice)s ditagih per bulan, tidak " "termasuk pajak" msgid "Confirm your subscription" msgstr "Konfirmasi langganan Anda" msgid "Test the new views for different entities like pages." msgstr "Coba tampilan baru untuk berbagai entitas seperti halaman." msgid "New admin views" msgstr "Tampilan admin baru" msgid "Jump to footnote reference %1$d" msgstr "Lompat ke referensi catatan kaki %1$d" msgid "" "Upgrade to get access to the rest of this post and other exclusive content." msgstr "" "Upgrade untuk mendapatkan akses ke lanjutan pos ini dan konten eksklusif " "lainnya." msgid "Upgrade to continue reading" msgstr "Upgrade untuk lanjut membaca" msgid "Search for locations" msgstr "Cari lokasi" msgctxt "amount of money" msgid "%(creditUsed)s (%(remainingCredit)s remain)" msgstr "%(creditUsed)s (tersisa %(remainingCredit)s)" msgid "Suggested by AI" msgstr "Disarankan oleh AI" msgid "Suggested using AI" msgstr "Disarankan menggunakan AI" msgid "Depending on the platform, the ad may look different from the preview." msgstr "" "Bergantung pada masing-masing platform, iklan mungkin akan tampak berbeda " "dari pratinjau." msgid "Creating campaign" msgstr "Membuat kampanye" msgid "" "By clicking \"Submit campaign\" you agree to the {{linkTos}}Terms of " "Service{{externalLinkIcon/}}{{/linkTos}} and {{linkAdvertisingPolicy}}" "Advertising Policy{{externalLinkIcon/}}{{/linkAdvertisingPolicy}}, and " "authorize your payment method to be charged for the budget and duration you " "chose. {{linkMoreAboutAds}}Learn more{{externalLinkIcon/}}{{/" "linkMoreAboutAds}} about how budgets and payments for Promoted Posts work." msgstr "" "Dengan mengeklik \"Kirim kampanye\", Anda menyetujui {{linkTos}}Ketentuan " "Layanan{{externalLinkIcon/}}{{/linkTos}} dan {{linkAdvertisingPolicy}}" "Kebijakan Periklanan{{externalLinkIcon/}}{{/linkAdvertisingPolicy}}, serta " "menyepakati metode pembayaran untuk penagihan sesuai anggaran dan durasi " "yang dipilih. {{linkMoreAboutAds}}Baca lebih lanjut{{externalLinkIcon/}}{{/" "linkMoreAboutAds}} tentang cara kerja anggaran dan pembayaran untuk Pos yang " "Diiklankan." msgid "Start typing country, state or city to see available options" msgstr "" "Ketik nama negara, negara bagian, atau kota untuk melihat pilihan yang " "tersedia" msgid "" "Not enough reach to create a campaign with the current audience " "configuration. Please, expand your reach by changing or removing some of the " "audience settings" msgstr "" "Jangkauan tidak cukup untuk membuat kampanye dengan konfigurasi audiens saat " "ini. Perluas jangkauan Anda dengan mengubah atau menghapus beberapa " "pengaturan audiens" msgid "Ad text" msgstr "Teks iklan" msgid "URL parameters are invalid" msgstr "Parameter URL tidak valid" msgid "key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3" msgstr "key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3" msgid "URL parameters" msgstr "Parameter URL" msgid "Sorry, we don't support some higher tier premium domain transfers." msgstr "" "Maaf, kami tidak mendukung transfer domain premium tingkat yang lebih tinggi." msgid "%s will renew the domain for an additional year" msgstr "%s akan memperpanjang domain untuk satu tahun tambahan" msgid "" "We're sorry but we can't transfer your domain as it is a high tier premium " "name that we don't support." msgstr "" "Mohon maaf, kami tidak dapat mentransfer domain Anda karena domain tersebut " "merupakan nama premium tingkat tinggi yang tidak kami dukung." msgid "" "Sorry, an error occurred and we can't determine the price of the domain " "you're trying to transfer. Please try again in a few minutes." msgstr "" "Maaf, terjadi error dan kami tidak dapat menentukan harga domain yang ingin " "Anda transfer. Coba kembali beberapa menit lagi." msgid "" "Sorry, the domain you are trying to transfer cannot be bought on WordPress." "com at this time." msgstr "" "Maaf, saat ini domain yang ingin Anda transfer tidak dapat dibeli di " "" msgid " on X (Twitter)" msgstr " di X (Twitter)" msgid "X (Twitter)" msgstr "X (Twitter)" msgid "Language picker" msgstr "Pemilih bahasa" msgid "Congrats! Your site is now connected to Stripe." msgstr "Selamat! Situs Anda kini terhubung ke Stripe." msgid "Newsletter tier" msgstr "Tingkatan buletin" msgid "%s/month" msgstr "%s/bulan" msgid "Please enter a annual price higher than the monthly price" msgstr "Harap masukkan harga tahunan yang lebih tinggi dari harga bulanan" msgid "Paid newsletter tier" msgstr "Tingkatan buletin berbayar" msgid "Describe the plan" msgstr "Deskripsikan paket" msgid "Describe the tier name" msgstr "Deskripsikan nama tingkatan" msgid "Edit plan options" msgstr "Sunting pilihan paket" msgid "Set up plan options" msgstr "Siapkan pilihan paket" msgid "Updated \"%s\" tier payment plan." msgstr "Paket pembayaran tingkat \"%s\" diperbarui." msgid "Added \"%s\" tier payment plan." msgstr "Paket pembayaran tingkat \"%s\" ditambahkan." msgid "(yearly)" msgstr "(tahunan)" msgid "Newsletter Tier" msgstr "Tingkatan Buletin" msgid "Renews at" msgstr "Diperpanjang seharga" msgid "Paid through " msgstr "Dibayarkan melalui " msgid "Continuing..." msgstr "Melanjutkan..." msgid "Stored card does not match user." msgstr "Kartu yang disimpan tidak cocok dengan pengguna." msgid "No such card." msgstr "Tidak ada kartu seperti itu." msgctxt "Domain is already added to shopping cart" msgid "{{checkmark/}} In Cart" msgstr "{{checkmark/}} Di Keranjang" msgid "" "Review your payment and contact details. If you're transferring a domain " "from Squarespace, we'll pay for an additional year of registration if your " "domain was registered before July 1, 2023." msgstr "" "Tinjau detail kontak dan pembayaran Anda. Jika Anda mentransfer domain dari " "Squarespace, kami akan membayar untuk satu tahun pendaftaran tambahan " "apabila domain Anda terdaftar sebelum 1 Juli 2023." msgid "Danger zone" msgstr "Zona bahaya" msgid "Choose synchronization direction:" msgstr "Pilih arah sinkronisasi" msgid "We couldn’t synchronize the %s environment." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat menyinkronkan lingkungan %s." msgid "Database and file synchronization" msgstr "Sinkronisasi basis data dan berkas" msgid "" "Synchronizing your staging site will replace the contents of the staging " "site with those of your production site." msgstr "" "Menyinkronkan situs staging Anda akan menggantikan konten situs staging " "dengan konten situs produksi Anda." msgid "You are about to update your staging site" msgstr "Anda akan memperbarui situs staging Anda" msgid "Synchronize" msgstr "Sinkronkan" msgid "" "Synchronizing your production site will overwrite the following items with " "their equivalents from the staging site:" msgstr "" "Menyinkronkan situs produksi Anda akan menimpa item-item berikut dengan " "versi yang setara dari situs staging:" msgid "You’re about to update your production site" msgstr "Anda akan memperbarui situs produksi Anda" msgid "Web root" msgstr "Web Root" msgid "Jetpack AI Usage over 1000" msgstr "Penggunaan AI Jetpack lebih dari 1000" msgid "Jetpack Search requests over plan limit" msgstr "Permintaan Jetpack Search melebihi batas paket" msgid "Instant search is not enabled on this blog" msgstr "Pencarian instan tidak diaktifkan pada blog ini" msgid "Partner Themes" msgstr "Tema Partner" msgid "%s pattern moved to the Trash." msgid_plural "%s patterns moved to the Trash." msgstr[0] "%s laman dipindahkan ke Tong Sampah." msgstr[1] "%s laman dipindahkan ke Tong Sampah." msgid "%s pattern permanently deleted." msgid_plural "%s patterns permanently deleted." msgstr[0] "%s laman dihapus permanen." msgstr[1] "%s laman dihapus permanen." msgid "%s pattern updated." msgid_plural "%s patterns updated." msgstr[0] "%s pola diperbarui." msgstr[1] "%s pola diperbarui." msgid "" "You are previewing the %s theme. You can try out your own style " "customizations, which will only be saved if you activate this theme." msgstr "" "Anda sedang mempratinjau tema %s. Anda dapat mencoba kustomisasi gaya Anda " "sendiri, yang hanya akan disimpan jika Anda mengaktifkan tema ini." msgid "" "Programme is a blog theme that reverences the legendary designer Massimo " "Vignelli and his playbills for the Piccolo Teatro in Milan. This design is " "suitable for programs, calendars, and announcements." msgstr "" "Programme adalah tema blog yang menghormati desainer legendaris Massimo " "Vignelli dan pamfletnya untuk Piccolo Teatro di Milan. Desain ini cocok " "untuk program, kalender, dan pengumuman." msgid "" "When creating a Google Merchant Center account and setting up product data, " "it's compulsory for at least one (1) conventional payment method to be " "available to users during checkout. Additionally, users should be able to " "add products to their cart and check out on Woo Express. See Merchant Center " "guidelines at %s." msgstr "" "Saat membuat akun Google Merchant Center dan menyiapkan data produk, Anda " "wajib menyediakan setidaknya satu (1) metode pembayaran konvensional bagi " "pengguna Anda pada proses checkout. Selain itu, pengguna harus diperbolehkan " "untuk menambahkan produk ke keranjang dan melakukan checkout di Woo Express. " "Lihat panduan Merchant Center di %s." msgid "" "If you haven't done so, first choose a payment solution in accordance with " "Google Merchant Center* guidelines: %s" msgstr "" "Jika Anda belum melakukannya, terlebih dahulu pilih solusi pembayaran sesuai " "dengan panduan Google Merchant Center*: %s" msgid "" "If you haven't done so, first set up WooPayments in accordance with Google " "Merchant Center* guidelines: %s." msgstr "" "Jika Anda belum melakukannya, terlebih dahulu siapkan WooPayments sesuai " "dengan panduan Google Merchant Center*: %s." msgid "" "When creating a Google Merchant Center account and setting up product data, " "it's compulsory for at least one (1) conventional payment method to be available to users during checkout. Additionally, users should " "be able to add products to their cart and check out on Woo Express. See " "Merchant Center guidelines." msgstr "" "Saat membuat akun Google Merchant Center dan menyiapkan data produk, Anda " "wajib menyediakan setidaknya satu (1) metode pembayaran " "konvensional bagi pengguna Anda pada proses checkout. Selain itu, " "pengguna harus diperbolehkan untuk menambahkan produk ke keranjang dan " "melakukan checkout di Woo Express. Lihat panduan Merchant Center." msgid "" "Got questions or need a hand? Our friendly support team is available via email." msgstr "" "Punya pertanyaan atau butuh bantuan? Tim dukungan kami yang ramah bisa " "dihubungi melalui email." msgid "" "If you haven't done so, first choose a payment solution in accordance with " "Google Merchant Center* guidelines." msgstr "" "Jika Anda belum melakukannya, terlebih dahulu pilih solusi pembayaran " "sesuai dengan panduan Google Merchant Center*." msgid "" "If you haven't done so, first set up WooPayments in accordance with Google " "Merchant Center* guidelines." msgstr "" "Jika Anda belum melakukannya, terlebih dahulu siapkan WooPayments sesuai " "dengan panduan Google Merchant Center*." msgid "Upgrade my plan: %s" msgstr "Upgrade paket saya: %s" msgid "" "Plus, you can unlock more customization options, access awesome customer " "support, secure a custom domain name, and more with a paid plan. Use coupon " "code %1$s and get %2$s%% off any annual paid plan now. But hurry, because " "this offer expires on %3$s." msgstr "" "Ditambah lagi, Anda dapat membuka lebih banyak pilihan penyesuaian, " "mengakses dukungan pelanggan yang memuaskan, memperoleh nama domain kustom, " "dan masih banyak lainnya dengan paket berbayar. Gunakan kode kupon %1$s dan " "dapatkan diskon %2$s%% untuk paket berbayar tahunan mana pun sekarang juga. " "Ayo cepat, karena penawaran eksklusif ini berakhir pada %3$s!" msgid "" "Whatever you’re creating, you can build it with Get started " "at %s." msgstr "" "Apa pun situs webnya, Anda dapat membuatnya dengan Memulai di " "%s." msgid "" "You’ve joined millions of bloggers, creators, and site owners who use " " to build their home on the Web and make their mark on the " "world." msgstr "" "Anda sudah bergabung dengan jutaan bloger, kreator, dan pemilik situs yang " "menggunakan untuk membangun rumah mereka di dunia maya dan " "dikenal dunia." msgid "Start free. Grow forever." msgstr "Mulai gratis. Tumbuh selamanya." msgid "" "Want %1$s%% off your annual paid plan? Use %2$s before %3$s and make better " "site design even more affordable." msgstr "" "Ingin diskon %1$s%% untuk paket berbayar tahunan? Gunakan %2$s sebelum %3$s " "untuk meningkatkan desain situs dengan harga terjangkau." msgid "" "When you choose a Premium theme, you’re getting the best that WordPress has " "to offer. Take a moment and browse before you buy at %1$s. Then, when you’re " "ready, upgrade your plan and choose the one that’s right for your site: %2$s." msgstr "" "Dengan memilih tema Premium, Anda akan menikmati segala hal terbaik yang " "ditawarkan oleh WordPress. Luangkan waktu untuk melihat-lihat sebelum Anda " "membeli di %1$s. Kemudian, setelah Anda siap, upgrade paket Anda dan pilih " "yang cocok untuk situs Anda: %2$s." msgid "" "Seamless switching. Want to try a different theme? Change things up as often " "as you like, in just a few clicks." msgstr "" "Gonta-ganti dengan mudah. Ingin coba tema lain? Ubah-ubah sesering yang Anda " "mau, hanya dengan beberapa klik." msgid "" "Cutting-edge features. Pick from themes with the latest and greatest " "functionality that WordPress has to offer." msgstr "" "Fitur canggih. Pilih tema yang sudah dilengkapi dengan fungsionalitas " "terbaru dan terbaik dari WordPress." msgid "Eye-catching designs. Build a site that looks professional." msgstr "Desain yang enak dipandang. Buat situs yang terlihat profesional." msgid "" "No matter what you’re building with, there’s a theme for you." msgstr "" "Apa pun situs yang Anda buat dengan, pasti ada tema yang cocok " "untuk Anda." msgid "For Premium users." msgstr "Untuk pengguna Premium." msgid "Exclusive themes." msgstr "Tema eksklusif." msgid "" "If you’re not ready to upgrade yet, visit the forums at %s, " "and get assistance from an incredible community of helpful WordPress experts." msgstr "" "Jika Anda belum siap untuk melakukan upgrade, kunjungi forum " "di %s, dan dapatkan dukungan dari komunitas ahli WordPress yang luar biasa " "dan siap membantu." msgid "" "For your security, we sent you a new login link to your email inbox to " "manage your subscriptions." msgstr "" "Demi keamanan Anda, kami telah mengirimkan tautan login baru ke inbox email " "Anda untuk mengelola langganan Anda." msgid "" "Use coupon code %1$s at checkout before %2$s to get %3$s%% off your annual " "paid plan." msgstr "" "Gunakan kode kupon %1$s pada proses checkout sebelum %2$s dan dapatkan " "diskon %3$s%% untuk paket berbayar tahunan Anda." msgid "" "Or choose the Premium plan (or higher), and add responsive live chat " "assistance." msgstr "" "Atau, pilih paket Premium (atau lebih tinggi), dan tambahkan dukungan " "obrolan langsung yang responsif." msgid "Choose the Personal plan for excellent email customer support." msgstr "" "Pilih paket Personal untuk dukungan pelanggan via email yang memuaskan." msgid "" "Need help setting up your website? Upgrade your plan via %s and access two " "top-tier support options from our world-class Happiness Engineers:" msgstr "" "Butuh bantuan menyiapkan situs Anda? Upgrade paket Anda via %s dan dapatkan " "akses ke dua pilihan dukungan top dari Happiness Engineers kelas dunia:" msgid "The help you need. When you need it." msgstr "Bantuan yang Anda butuhkan. Saat Anda membutuhkannya." msgid "World-class support." msgstr "Dukungan kelas dunia." msgid "" "When you upgrade your site to a paid plan, you’ll never worry about storage " "again. Plus, if you choose an annual plan and use code %1$s before %2$s, " "we’ll give you %3$s%% off for the first year." msgstr "" "Setelah meng-upgrade situs menjadi paket berbayar, Anda tidak perlu lagi " "mengkhawatirkan ruang penyimpanan. Ditambah lagi, jika Anda memilih paket " "tahunan dan menggunakan kode %1$s sebelum %2$s, kami akan memberi Anda " "diskon %3$s%% untuk tahun pertama." msgid "" "Visual content is everywhere. Whether we’re talking about photos, videos, " "graphics, or other multimedia, great visuals enhance your site and help tell " "the story you want to share with the world." msgstr "" "Konten visual ada di mana-mana. Foto, video, grafis—apa pun jenis " "multimedianya, visual yang apik akan menyempurnakan situs Anda dan membantu " "membangun cerita yang ingin Anda sampaikan kepada dunia." msgid "For photos, videos, & more." msgstr "Untuk foto, video, dan lainnya" msgid "" "We’ll even sweeten the deal with %1$s%% off any annual paid plan (including " "Business) when you upgrade before %2$s. Use the code %3$s at checkout to " "lock in your savings." msgstr "" "Bahkan, kami akan tambah keuntungan bagi Anda dengan memberikan diskon %1$s%" "% untuk paket berbayar tahunan mana pun (termasuk Bisnis) jika Anda " "melakukan upgrade sebelum %2$s. Gunakan kode %3$s pada proses checkout agar " "hemat biaya." msgid "" "Those are just a few ideas. Wish your website could do " "something a little extra? Upgrade your site and start browsing plugins now " "at %s." msgstr "" "Itu tadi hanyalah sedikit gambaran saja. Berharap situs Anda " "punya kemampuan ekstra? Upgrade situs Anda dan mulai jelajahi plugin " "sekarang juga di %s." msgid "Easily build amazing contact forms with advanced features: %s." msgstr "" "Buat formulir kontak menawan tanpa perlu repot dengan fitur canggih: %s." msgid "Turn your website into the next online retail success story: %s." msgstr "" "Jadikan situs Anda sebagai kisah sukses retail online di masa mendatang: %s." msgid "Go beyond the basics and take control of your SEO: %s." msgstr "" "Jangan berpuas diri dengan fungsionalitas dasar dan kendalikan sendiri SEO " "Anda: %s." msgid "" "That’s why we offer access to 50,000+ plugins on Business plans and " "higher. Think of plugins like tools that integrate seamlessly with your " "site, so you can add functionality and features. Here’s a short list of " "popular options:" msgstr "" "Itulah sebabnya kami menawarakan akses ke 50.000+ plugin pada paket " "Bisnis dan yang lebih tinggi. Anggap plugin sebagai alat yang berintegrasi " "mulus dengan situs Anda, sehingga Anda dapat menambahkan fungsionalitas dan " "fitur. Berikut adalah daftar singkat yang berisi pilihan populer:" msgid "" "Best of all, it’s easy to join and use, right inside your site’s dashboard. " "Ready to turn your website into a money making machine? Use the coupon code " "%1$s before %2$s and get %3$s%% off your annual Premium plan (or higher)." msgstr "" "Hebatnya lagi, Anda bisa bergabung dan menggunakannya langsung dari dasbor " "situs Anda. Siap menjadikan situs Anda sebagai mesin pencetak uang? Gunakan " "kode kupon %1$s sebelum %2$s dan dapatkan diskon %3$s%% untuk paket Premium " "tahunan (atau lebih tinggi)." msgid "" "With WordAds, you can display ads from premium networks, and monetize your " "content. It’s the official advertising program for site owners on WordPress." "com, where the internet’s top ad suppliers bid to deliver ads on your site. " "Here’s how it works:" msgstr "" "Dengan WordAds, Anda dapat menampilkan iklan dari jaringan premium dan " "memonetisasi konten Anda. WordAds adalah program periklanan resmi bagi " "pemilik situs di, tempatnya perusahaan periklanan terkemuka di " "internet bersaing untuk bisa menampilkan iklan di situs Anda. Begini cara " "kerjanya:" msgid "In just a few clicks." msgstr "Hanya dengan beberapa klik." msgid "Turn passion into profit." msgstr "Ubah minat menjadi profit." msgid "" "When you upgrade to an annual paid plan, we’ll even make your custom domain " "name free for the first year. For additional savings, use coupon code %1$s " "before %2$s to get %3$s%% off any annual paid plan now." msgstr "" "Jika Anda melakukan upgrade ke paket tahunan berbayar, kami bahkan akan " "menggratiskan nama domain kustom Anda untuk tahun pertama. Agar lebih hemat, " "gunakan kode kupon %1$s sebelum %2$s dan dapatkan diskon %3$s%% untuk paket " "berbayar tahunan sekarang juga." msgid "" "Professional Image: Establish credibility and make a powerful first " "impression with a domain tailored to your site." msgstr "" "Gambar Profesional: Bangun kredibilitas dan ciptakan kesan pertama yang " "terbaik dengan menggunakan domain yang disesuaikan untuk situs Anda." msgid "" "Boosted SEO: When your site is easier for search engines to find too, " "they’ll drive more organic traffic your way." msgstr "" "CEO Optimal: Jika situs lebih mudah ditemukan oleh mesin pencari, makin " "banyak lalu lintas organik akan menghampiri." msgid "" "Effortless Sharing: A custom domain is memorable and simple to share with " "friends, family, and followers." msgstr "" "Mudah Berbagi: Domain kustom mudah diingat dan mudah dibagikan kepada teman, " "keluarga, dan pengikut." msgid "Claim your custom domain." msgstr "Klaim domain kustom Anda." msgid "Get found. Be seen." msgstr "Mudah ditemukan. Gampang terlihat." msgid "" "Even better, you can unlock these options for less by using coupon code %1$s " "before %2$s to get %3$s%% off any annual paid plan (including Premium)." msgstr "" "Terlebih lagi, pilihan ini dapat Anda peroleh dengan harga miring. Gunakan " "kode kupon %1$s sebelum %2$s dan dapatkan diskon %3$s%% untuk paket berbayar " "tahunan mana pun (termasuk Premium)." msgid "" "When you choose a Premium plan or higher, you can expand your customization " "options. Upgrade your plan to access Styles, which lets you:" msgstr "" "Dengan memilih paket Premium atau lebih tinggi, Anda dapat menambah pilihan " "penyesuaian. Upgrade paket Anda untuk mengakses Gaya, agar Anda dapat:" msgid "Customized with Styles." msgstr "Disesuaikan dengan Gaya." msgid "Your site. Your look." msgstr "Situs Anda. Tampilan Anda." msgid "" "Plus, you can unlock more customization options, access awesome customer " "support, secure a custom domain name, and more with a paid plan. Use coupon " "code %1$s and get %2$s%% off any annual paid plan " "now. But hurry, because this offer expires on %3$s." msgstr "" "Ditambah lagi, Anda dapat membuka lebih banyak pilihan penyesuaian, " "mengakses dukungan pelanggan yang memuaskan, memperoleh nama domain kustom, " "dan masih banyak lainnya dengan paket berbayar. Gunakan kode kupon " "%1$s dan dapatkan diskon %2$s%% untuk paket berbayar " "tahunan mana pun sekarang juga. Ayo cepat, karena penawaran " "eksklusif ini berakhir pada %3$s!" msgid "" "Whatever you’re creating, you can build it with Get started here." msgstr "" "Apa pun situs webnya, Anda dapat membuatnya dengan Mulailah dari sini." msgid "" "You’ve joined millions of bloggers, creators, and site owners who use " " to build their home on the Web and make their mark on " "the world." msgstr "" "Anda sudah bergabung dengan jutaan bloger, kreator, dan pemilik situs yang " "menggunakan untuk membangun rumah mereka di dunia maya dan " "dikenal dunia." msgid "Welcome!
Start free. Grow forever." msgstr "Selamat datang!
Mulai gratis. Tumbuh selamanya." msgid "Start building your website now." msgstr "Mulai buat situs Anda sekarang juga." msgid "" "Want %1$s%% off your annual paid plan? Use %2$s before %3$s and make better site design even more " "affordable." msgstr "" "Ingin diskon %1$s%% untuk paket berbayar tahunan? Gunakan " "%2$s sebelum %3$s untuk meningkatkan " "desain situs dengan harga terjangkau." msgid "" "When you choose a Premium theme, you’re getting the best that WordPress has " "to offer. Take a moment and browse before you buy. Then, when " "you’re ready, upgrade your plan and choose the one that’s right for " "your site." msgstr "" "Dengan memilih tema Premium, Anda akan menikmati segala hal terbaik yang " "ditawarkan oleh WordPress. Luangkan waktu untuk melihat-lihat sebelum " "Anda membeli. Kemudian, setelah Anda siap, upgrade paket Anda " "dan pilih yang cocok untuk situs Anda." msgid "" "Seamless switching. Want to try a different theme? Change " "things up as often as you like, in just a few clicks." msgstr "" "Gonta-ganti dengan mudah. Ingin coba tema lain? Ubah-ubah " "sesering yang Anda mau, hanya dengan beberapa klik." msgid "" "Cutting-edge features. Pick from themes with the latest and " "greatest functionality that WordPress has to offer." msgstr "" "Fitur canggih. Pilih tema yang sudah dilengkapi dengan " "fungsionalitas terbaru dan terbaik dari WordPress." msgid "" "Eye-catching designs. Build a site that looks professional." msgstr "" "Desain yang enak dipandang. Buat situs yang terlihat " "profesional." msgid "" "Upgrade to a Premium plan (or higher) and gain access to exclusive themes " "that offer:" msgstr "" "Upgrade ke paket Premium (atau lebih tinggi) dan dapatkan akses ke tema " "eksklusif yang menawarkan:" msgid "" "No matter what you’re building with, there’s a theme for " "you." msgstr "" "Apa pun situs yang Anda buat dengan, pasti ada tema yang " "cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Exclusive themes.
For Premium users." msgstr "Tema eksklusif.
Untuk pengguna Premium." msgid "Unlock exclusive themes by upgrading to Premium." msgstr "Dapatkan tema eksklusif dengan melakukan uprgade ke Premium." msgid "Take your design to the next level." msgstr "Jadikan desain Anda lebih baik." msgid "" "When there’s a problem you can’t solve, you can count on us to be there." msgstr "" "Saat punya masalah yang tak dapat dipecahkan, Anda dapat mengandalkan kami." msgid "" "If you’re not ready to upgrade yet, visit the forums, and get assistance from an incredible community of helpful WordPress " "experts." msgstr "" "Jika Anda belum siap untuk melakukan upgrade, kunjungi forum WordPress." "com, dan dapatkan dukungan dari komunitas ahli WordPress yang luar biasa " "dan siap membantu." msgid "" "Use coupon code %1$s at checkout before %2$s to get %3$s%% off your annual paid plan." msgstr "" "Gunakan kode kupon %1$s pada proses checkout sebelum " "%2$s dan dapatkan diskon %3$s%% untuk " "paket berbayar tahunan Anda." msgid "" "Or choose the Premium plan (or higher), and add responsive " "live chat assistance." msgstr "" "Atau, pilih paket Premium (atau lebih tinggi), dan " "tambahkan dukungan obrolan langsung yang responsif." msgid "" "Choose the Personal plan for excellent email customer " "support." msgstr "" "Pilih paket Personal untuk dukungan pelanggan via email " "yang memuaskan." msgid "" "Need help setting up your website? Upgrade your plan and access two top-" "tier support options from our world-class Happiness Engineers:" msgstr "" "Butuh bantuan menyiapkan situs Anda? Upgrade paket Anda dan " "dapatkan akses ke dua pilihan dukungan top dari Happiness Engineers kelas " "dunia:" msgid "" "World-class support.
The help you need.
When you need " "it." msgstr "" "Dukungan kelas dunia.
Bantuan yang Anda butuhkan." "
Saat Anda membutuhkannya." msgid "Upgrade your plan for email and live chat support." msgstr "" "Upgrade paket Anda untuk mendapatkan dukungan via email dan obrolan langsung." msgid "Need help building your WordPress website?" msgstr "Butuh bantuan membuat situs WordPress Anda?" msgid "" "When you upgrade your site to a paid plan, you’ll never worry about storage " "again. Plus, if you choose an annual plan and use code %1$s " "before %2$s, we’ll give you %3$s%% off for the " "first year." msgstr "" "Setelah meng-upgrade situs menjadi paket berbayar, Anda tidak perlu lagi " "mengkhawatirkan ruang penyimpanan. Ditambah lagi, jika Anda memilih paket " "tahunan dan menggunakan kode %1$s sebelum %2$s, kami akan memberi Anda diskon %3$s%% untuk tahun pertama." msgid "Business and Commerce" msgstr "Bisnis dan Commerce" msgid "Free sites (no plan)" msgstr "Situs gratis (tanpa paket)" msgid "" "You’re in luck. With our paid plans, you can expand your storage, and make " "sure your media is always available for your audience:" msgstr "" "Anda beruntung! Dengan paket berbayar dari kami, Anda dapat memperbesar " "ruang penyimpanan dan memastikan bahwa media selalu tersedia bagi audiens " "Anda." msgid "" "Fortunately, your free plan comes with a generous 1GB storage limit. That’s " "plenty of room for a simple site for all your images. But what if you need " "more space for your latest video masterpiece? Or that photo shoot you can’t " "wait to share?" msgstr "" "Untungnya, paket gratis Anda sudah dilengkapi dengan batas ruang penyimpanan " "yang memadai, yaitu 1 GB. Untuk situs sederhana, ruang sebesar ini lebih " "dari cukup untuk menyimpan semua gambar Anda. Bagaimana seandainya Anda " "membutuhkan ruang yang lebih besar untuk mahakarya video terbaru Anda? Atau " "koleksi foto yang sudah tak sabar untuk Anda bagikan?" msgid "But all those files need storage space." msgstr "Semua berkas ini butuh ruang penyimpanan, bukan?" msgid "" "Visual content is everywhere. Whether we’re talking about " "photos, videos, graphics, or other multimedia, great visuals enhance your " "site and help tell the story you want to share with the world." msgstr "" "Konten visual ada di mana-mana. Foto, video, grafis—apa pun " "jenis multimedianya, visual yang apik akan menyempurnakan situs Anda dan " "membantu membangun cerita yang ingin Anda sampaikan kepada dunia." msgid "Upgrade your storage.
For photos, videos, & more." msgstr "" "Upgrade ruang penyimpanan Anda.
Untuk foto, video, dan " "lainnya." msgid "Upgrade your plan for expanded media storage." msgstr "Upgrade paket untuk memperluas ruang penyimpanan media." msgid "Give yourself some space." msgstr "Bebaskan diri dengan ruang yang lega." msgid "" "We’ll even sweeten the deal with %1$s%% off any annual paid " "plan (including Business) when you upgrade before %2$s. Use " "the code %3$s at checkout to lock in your savings." msgstr "" "Bahkan, kami akan tambah keuntungan bagi Anda dengan memberikan diskon " "%1$s%% untuk paket berbayar tahunan mana pun (termasuk " "Bisnis) jika Anda melakukan upgrade sebelum %2$s. Gunakan " "kode %3$s pada proses checkout agar hemat biaya." msgid "" "Those are just a few ideas. Wish your website could do " "something a little extra? Upgrade your site and start browsing plugins now." msgstr "" "Itu tadi hanyalah sedikit gambaran saja. Berharap situs Anda " "punya kemampuan ekstra? Upgrade situs Anda dan mulai jelajahi plugin sekarang juga." msgid "" "Easily build amazing contact forms with advanced features." msgstr "" "Buat formulir kontak menawan tanpa perlu repot dengan fitur canggih." msgid "" "Turn your website into the next online retail success story." msgstr "" "Jadikan situs Anda sebagai kisah sukses retail online di masa mendatang." msgid "" "Go beyond the basics and take control of your SEO." msgstr "" "Jangan berpuas diri dengan fungsionalitas dasar dan kendalikan sendiri SEO " "Anda." msgid "" "That’s why we offer access to 50,000+ plugins on Business plans " "and higher. Think of plugins like tools that integrate seamlessly with your " "site, so you can add functionality and features. Here’s a short list of " "popular options:" msgstr "" "Itulah sebabnya kami menawarkan akses ke 50.000+ plugin pada paket " "Bisnis dan yang lebih tinggi. Anggap plugin sebagai alat yang berintegrasi " "mulus dengan situs Anda, sehingga Anda dapat menambahkan fungsionalitas dan " "fitur. Berikut adalah daftar singkat yang berisi pilihan populer:" msgid "" " offers tons of flexibility to make your website work just the " "way you want." msgstr "" " menawarkan fleksibilitas tanpa batas agar situs Anda " "beroperasi sesuai keinginan Anda." msgid "50,000+ plugins. For every task." msgstr "50,000+ plugin. Untuk segala kebutuhan." msgid "Add features to" msgstr "Tambahkan fitur ke" msgid "Upgrade to Business and start using plugins." msgstr "Upgrade ke paket Bisnis dan mulai gunakan plugin." msgid "Here’s 50,000 ways to expand your website." msgstr "Inilah 50.000 cara untuk mengembangkan situs Anda." msgid "" "Best of all, it’s easy to join and use, right inside your site’s dashboard. " "Ready to turn your website into a money making machine? Use the coupon code " "%1$s before %2$s and get %3$s%% " "off your annual Premium plan (or higher)." msgstr "" "Hebatnya lagi, Anda bisa bergabung dan menggunakannya langsung dari dasbor " "situs Anda. Sangat mudah! Siap menjadikan situs Anda sebagai mesin pencetak " "uang? Gunakan kode kupon %1$s sebelum %2$s " "dan dapatkan diskon %3$s%% untuk paket Premium tahunan (atau lebih " "tinggi)." msgid " WordAds" msgstr "WordAds" msgid "" "With WordAds, you can display ads from premium networks, and monetize " "your content. It’s the official advertising program for site owners on " ", where the internet’s top ad suppliers bid to deliver ads on " "your site. Here’s how it works:" msgstr "" "Dengan WordAds, Anda dapat menampilkan iklan dari jaringan premium dan " "memonetisasi konten Anda. WordAds adalah program periklanan resmi bagi " "pemilik situs di, tempatnya perusahaan periklanan terkemuka " "di internet bersaing untuk bisa menampilkan iklan di situs Anda. Begini " "caranya:" msgid "" "The hard work you invest in building your site, creating content, and making " "an impact on the world should be rewarded." msgstr "" "Kerja keras yang Anda curahkan untuk membuat situs, menciptakan konten, dan " "memberikan dampak positif pada dunia sudah semestinya diberi ganjaran." msgid "Turn passion into profit.
In just a few clicks." msgstr "" "Ubah minat menjadi profit.
Hanya dengan beberapa klik." msgid "Earn with WordAds when you upgrade to Premium." msgstr "Raup penghasilan dengan WordAds setelah melakukan upgrade ke Premium." msgid "Generate income with WordAds." msgstr "Hasilkan pendapatan dengan WordAds." msgid "" "When you upgrade to an annual paid plan, we’ll even make your " "custom domain name free for the first year. For additional savings, use " "coupon code %4$s before %5$s to get " "%6$s%% off any annual paid plan now." msgstr "" "Jika Anda melakukan upgrade ke paket tahunan berbayar, kami bahkan akan " "menggratiskan nama domain kustom Anda untuk tahun pertama. Agar lebih hemat, " "gunakan kode kupon %4$s sebelum %5$s dan " "dapatkan diskon %6$s%% untuk paket berbayar tahunan sekarang juga." msgid "" "Plus, with more than 350 domain extensions to choose from, you can select an " "ending that fits your brand. Here are a few suggestions:" msgstr "" "Selain itu, dengan lebih dari 350 pilihan ekstensi domain, Anda dapat " "menentukan pilihan yang tepat untuk merek Anda. Berikut adalah beberapa " "usulan:" msgid "" "Professional Image: Establish credibility and make a " "powerful first impression with a domain tailored to your site." msgstr "" "Gambar Profesional: Bangun kredibilitas dan ciptakan kesan " "pertama yang terbaik dengan menggunakan domain yang disesuaikan untuk situs " "Anda." msgid "" "Boosted SEO: When your site is easier for search engines to " "find too, they’ll drive more organic traffic your way." msgstr "" "CEO Optimal: Jika situs lebih mudah ditemukan oleh mesin " "pencari, makin banyak lalu lintas organik akan menghampiri." msgid "" "Effortless Sharing: A custom domain is memorable and simple " "to share with friends, family, and followers." msgstr "" "Mudah Berbagi: Domain kustom mudah diingat dan mudah " "dibagikan kepada teman, keluarga, dan pengikut." msgid "" "Your website is your home on the web. Like every home, it needs an address " "that makes you easy to find. Here’s what you get when you upgrade your " " plan and choose a custom domain name:" msgstr "" "Situs Anda adalah rumah Anda di dunia maya. Layaknya semua rumah, situs " "memerlukan alamat supaya mudah ditemukan. Berikut adalah keuntungan yang " "Anda dapatkan setelah meng-upgrade paket WordPress dan memilih nama domain " "kustom:" msgid "Get found. Be seen.
Claim your custom domain." msgstr "" "Mudah ditemukan. Gampang terlihat.
Klaim domain kustom " "Anda." msgid "Free for 12 months with any annual paid plan." msgstr "Gratis selama 12 bulan dengan paket berbayar tahunan mana pun." msgid "" "Even better, you can unlock these options for less by using coupon code " "%1$s before %2$s to get %3$s%% off " "any annual paid plan (including Premium)." msgstr "" "Terlebih lagi, pilihan ini dapat Anda peroleh dengan harga miring. Gunakan " "kode kupon %1$s sebelum %2$s dan dapatkan " "diskon %3$s%% untuk paket berbayar tahunan mana pun (termasuk " "Premium)." msgid "Customize your CSS (if you’re feeling fancy)." msgstr "Mengustomisasi CSS (kalau Anda mau)." msgid "Modify Blocks so they look just the way you want." msgstr "Memodifikasi Blok hingga terlihat persis seperti yang Anda mau." msgid "Get granular control over content width, padding, and more." msgstr "" "Memegang kendali yang lebih detail atas lebar konten, padding, dan " "sebagainya." msgid "Manage color palettes and get the exact shades you want." msgstr "Mengelola palet warna dan mendapatkan nuansa warna yang Anda inginkan." msgid "Choose from different fonts and edit your site’s typography." msgstr "" "Memilih dari berbagai jenis font yang ditawarkan dan mengubah tipografi " "situs." msgid "" "When you choose a Premium plan or higher, you can expand your customization " "options. Upgrade your plan to access Styles, which lets you:" msgstr "" "Dengan memilih paket Premium atau lebih tinggi, Anda dapat menambah pilihan " "penyesuaian. Upgrade paket Anda untuk mengakses Gaya, agar Anda dapat:" msgid "" " puts you in control of your website. We believe in providing " "the tools and flexibility you need to make your site look just the way you " "need." msgstr "" "WordPress memberi Anda kendali atas situs Anda. Kami percaya bahwa dengan " "menyediakan alat dan fleksibilitas yang dibutuhkan, Anda dapat membuat situs " "terlihat tepat sesuai kebutuhan Anda." msgid "Your site. Your look.
Customized with Styles." msgstr "" "Situs Anda. Tampilan Anda.
Disesuaikan dengan Gaya." msgid "Unlock customization options with a Premium plan." msgstr "Nikmati pilihan penyesuaian dengan paket Premium." msgid "Give your website some style." msgstr "Jadikan situs Anda penuh gaya." msgid "Save 35%" msgstr "Hemat 35%" msgid "" "Start selling in person with a WooPayments card reader. Hurry — offer ends " "29 October, 2023!" msgstr "" "Mulai berjualan secara langsung dengan pembaca kartu WooPayments. Cepat, " "penawaran berakhir pada 29 Oktober 2023!" msgid "Save 35% on a card reader" msgstr "Hemat 35% dengan pembaca kartu" msgid "" "StartFitter is a business theme perfect for a personal fitness training " "service." msgstr "" "StartFitter adalah tema bisnis yang sempurna untuk layanan pelatihan " "kebugaran pribadi." msgid "" "The recently updated Greenstead is an earthy, friendly theme made with " "farming and agriculture businesses in mind — but versatile enough for a " "personal site, too." msgstr "" "Greenstead yang baru diperbarui adalah tema yang ramah dan alami yang dibuat " "dengan bisnis pertanian dan pertanian dalam pikiran — tetapi cukup serbaguna " "untuk situs personal juga." msgid "" "Gourmetto is a blog theme perfect for blogs whose posts are categorised, for " "example food recipe blogs." msgstr "" "Gourmetto adalah tema blog yang sempurna untuk blog yang posnya " "dikategorikan, misalnya blog resep makanan." msgid "Enroute is a business theme" msgstr "Enroute adalah tema bisnis." msgid "The %s key must be a string without spaces." msgstr "Kunci %s harus berupa string tanpa spasi." msgid "Invalid URL format." msgstr "Format URL tidak valid." msgid "Discover your ideal color blend, from free to premium styles." msgstr "Temukan perpaduan warna yang ideal, dari gaya gratis hingga premium." msgid "Try it for 3 days" msgstr "Cobalah selama 3 hari" msgid "Try all the features of our Business plan." msgstr "Cobalah semua fitur paket Bisnis kami." msgid "Premium styles" msgstr "Gaya premium" msgid "" "Currently, it's not possible to subscribe to this site. Please try again " "later." msgstr "" "Saat ini, Anda tidak dapat berlangganan situs ini. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "Subscription Unavailable" msgstr "Langganan Tidak Tersedia" msgid "" "Find your perfect color style. Change the look and feel of your site in one " "click with our premium colors." msgstr "" "Temukan gaya warna yang sempurna bagi Anda. Ubah tampilan dan nuansa situs " "Anda dengan sekali klik menggunakan warna premium kami." msgid "Or, {{a}}remove your premium styles{{/a}}." msgstr "Atau, {{a}}hapus gaya premium Anda{{/a}}." msgid "" "Upgrade now to unlock your premium style and get access to tons of other " "features. Or you can decide later and try it out first." msgid_plural "" "Upgrade now to unlock your premium styles and get access to tons of other " "features. Or you can decide later and try them out first." msgstr[0] "" "Upgrade sekarang untuk mendapatkan gaya premium Anda dan mengakses banyak " "fitur lainnya. Atau, Anda bisa tentukan nanti dan mencobanya terlebih dahulu." msgstr[1] "" "Upgrade sekarang untuk mendapatkan gaya premium Anda dan mengakses banyak " "fitur lainnya. Atau, Anda bisa tentukan nanti dan mencobanya terlebih dahulu." msgid "Unlock premium styles" msgstr "Dapatkan gaya premium" msgid "Remove premium styles" msgstr "Hapus gaya premium" msgid "Find and claim one or more domain names" msgstr "Temukan dan klaim satu atau lebih nama domain" msgid "%d domain" msgid_plural "%d domains" msgstr[0] "%d domain" msgstr[1] "%d domain" msgid "Preview & Customize" msgstr "Pratinjau & Sesuaikan" msgid "Click to share on X" msgstr "Klik untuk berbagi di X" msgctxt "share to" msgid "X" msgstr "X" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "" "Add sharing buttons at the bottom of each post, making it easy for visitors " "to share your content." msgstr "" "Tambahkan tombol berbagi di bawah setiap pos agar pengunjung lebih mudah " "membagikan konten Anda." msgid "This site is proudly hosted on" msgstr "Situs ini dengan bangga dihosting di" msgid "A On my Tumblr? What? PS: It may contain crabs." msgstr " Di Tumblr-ku? Apa? NB: Mungkin berisi kepiting." msgid "" "Profiling the profiler? Nice try! Believe it or not, it’s hosted on " "" msgstr "" "Memprofilkan profiler? Usaha yang bagus! Percaya atau tidak, ini dihosting " "di" msgid "" "Home is where localhost is, right? Just so you know, we have no idea where " "that is." msgstr "" "Rumah adalah tempat di mana localhost berada, bukan? Asal tahu saja, kami " "tidak tahu di mana letaknya." msgid "It’s all the way down!" msgstr "Ini semua!" msgid "" "This amazing community have great taste–this site runs on self-hosted " "WordPress!" msgstr "" "Komunitas luar biasa ini benar-benar keren–situs ini dijalankan di WordPress " "yang di-host sendiri!" msgid "Well yes, runs on!" msgstr "Ya, berjalan di!" msgid "" "If you own a site, consider hosting it with {{strong}}{{/" "strong}} and benefiting from one of the best platforms in the world." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memiliki situs, pertimbangkan untuk menghosting situs tersebut di " "{{strong}}{{/strong}} dan menikmati berbagai keunggulan dari " "salah satu platform terbaik di dunia." msgid "" "Akismet’s advanced AI filters out comment, form, and text spam with 99.99% " "accuracy, so you never have to worry about it again." msgstr "" "Penyaring AI canggih Akismet menyaring komentar, formulir, dan spam teks " "dengan akurasi 99,99%, jadi Anda tidak perlu khawatir lagi." msgid "Global avatar —“Gravatar” get it? One pic for all your profiles." msgstr "" "Global avatar—\"Gravatar\", paham? Satu gambar untuk semua profil Anda." msgid "" "It’s time to try {{strong}}Tumblr{{/strong}}. You’ll never be bored again." msgstr "" "Sekarang saatnya mencoba {{strong}}Tumblr{{/strong}}. Anda tidak akan pernah " "bosan lagi." msgid "" "At {{strong}}Automattic{{/strong}}, we’re passionate about making the web a " "better place." msgstr "" "Di {{strong}}Automattic{{/strong}}, kami sangat antusias untuk membuat web " "menjadi tempat yang lebih baik." msgid "" "Create a place for your business, your interests, or anything else—with the " "open source platform that powers the web." msgstr "" "Ciptakan tempat untuk bisnis Anda, minat Anda, atau apa pun—dengan platform " "open source yang memberdayakan web." msgid "" "Host your site with {{strong}}{{/strong}} and benefit from one " "of the best platforms in the world." msgstr "" "Host situs Anda dengan {{strong}}{{/strong}} dan nikmati salah " "satu platform terbaik di dunia." msgid "Get started with Akismet" msgstr "Mulai dengan Akismet" msgid "Join Tumblr" msgstr "Gabung di Tumblr" msgid "Get WordPress" msgstr "Dapatkan WordPress" msgid "" "This block is automatically inserted near any occurrence of the block types " "used as keys of this map, into a relative position given by the " "corresponding value." msgstr "" "Blok ini secara otomatis disisipkan di dekat tampilnya jenis blok apa pun " "yang digunakan sebagai kunci peta ini, ke dalam posisi relatif yang " "diberikan oleh nilai yang sesuai." msgid "" "The PHP version on your server is %1$s, however the new plugin version " "requires %2$s." msgstr "" "Versi PHP di server Anda adalah %1$s, namun plugin yang diunggah membutuhkan " "%2$s." msgid "" "Your WordPress version is %1$s, however the new plugin version requires %2$s." msgstr "" "Versi WordPress Anda adalah %1$s, namun plugin yang diunggah membutuhkan " "%2$s." msgid "" "Don’t worry about expensive domain renewals—.com, .net, and .org start at " "just %(domainPrice)s." msgstr "" "Jangan khawatir tentang perpanjangan domain yang mahal — .com, .net, dan ." "org dimulai dari hanya %(domainPrice)s." msgid "Customize your subscription by choosing your preferred categories:" msgstr "Sesuaikan langganan dengan memilih kategori pilihan Anda:" msgid "Get a taste of unlimited performance and unbeatable uptime" msgstr "Rasakan performa tak terbatas dan uptime yang tak tertandingi" msgid "Hosting free trial" msgstr "Uji coba gratis hosting" msgid "No staging sites found for this site." msgstr "Tidak ada situs staging untuk situs ini." msgid "" "Welcome to WordPress! This is a sample post. Edit or delete it to take the " "first step in your blogging journey. To add more content here, click the " "small plus icon at the top left corner. There, you will find an existing " "selection of WordPress blocks and patterns, something to suit your every " "need for content creation. And don’t forget to check out the List View: " "click the icon a few spots to the right of the plus icon and you’ll get a " "tidy, easy-to-view list of the blocks and patterns in your post." msgstr "" "Selamat Datang di WordPress! Ini adalah pos contoh. Sunting atau hapus pos " "tersebut sebagai langkah pertama dalam perjalanan blogging Anda. Untuk " "menambahkan lebih banyak konten di sini, klik ikon plus kecil di sudut kiri " "atas. Di sana, Anda akan melihat aneka pilihan blok dan pola WordPress—" "selalu ada yang sesuai untuk tiap kebutuhan pembuatan konten Anda. Dan, " "jangan lupa untuk melihat Tampilan Daftar: klik ikon di ujung sebelah kanan " "ikon plus, dan Anda akan melihat daftar rapi berisi semua blok dan pola yang " "ada dalam pos secara terstruktur." msgid "" "In an ever-shifting business landscape, adaptability isn’t just a trait—it’s " "a competitive advantage. Companies that embrace change, learn from " "challenges, and pivot when necessary are the ones that not only survive but " "also thrive in uncertain environments." msgstr "" "Dalam lanskap bisnis yang terus berubah, kemampuan adaptasi bukan sekadar " "suatu sifat, melainkan sebuah keuntungan dalam persaingan. Perusahaan yang " "menerima perubahan, belajar dari kerumitan, dan melakukan pivot bila " "diperlukan adalah perusahaan yang tidak hanya mampu bertahan tetapi juga " "berkembang di lingkungan yang penuh ketidakpastian. " msgid "Adaptive Advantage" msgstr "Keunggulan Adaptif" msgid "" "What fosters effective teamwork? It’s not just about grouping individuals " "together and hoping for the best. It’s about cultivating an environment " "where trust, open communication, mutual respect, and a shared vision " "converge." msgstr "" "Apa yang mendorong kerja sama tim yang efektif? Mendorong kerja sama tim " "bukanlah sekadar mengelompokkan individu lalu berharap yang terbaik. " "Mendorong kerja sama tim adalah membangun lingkungan yang memadukan " "kepercayaan, komunikasi terbuka, saling menghormati, dan visi bersama." msgid "Teamwork Triumphs" msgstr "Kejayaan Kerja Sama Tim" msgid "" "The magic that emerges from effective collaboration is undeniable. When " "diverse minds converge with a shared purpose, the results can be " "transformative." msgstr "" "Tak bisa dimungkiri bahwa kolaborasi efektif mampu memunculkan keajaiban. " "Ketika pola pikir yang beragam berpadu dengan tujuan bersama, hasilnya dapat " "bersifat transformatif." msgid "Collaboration Magic" msgstr "Keajaiban Kolaborasi" msgid "" "Every business has a unique potential waiting to be tapped. Recognizing the " "keys to unlock this growth can set an enterprise on the path to " "unprecedented success." msgstr "" "Setiap bisnis memiliki potensi unik yang siap dikembangkan. Mengenali kunci " "untuk mencapai pertumbuhan ini dapat mengarahkan perusahaan menuju " "kesuksesan yang tak terkira." msgid "Growth Unlocked" msgstr "Mencapai Pertumbuhan" msgid "" "Challenges in business are a given, but it’s our response to them that " "defines our trajectory. Looking beyond the immediate obstacle, there lies a " "realm of opportunity and learning." msgstr "" "Tantangan selalu ada di dunia bisnis, tetapi respons kita terhadapnyalah " "yang menentukan arah perjalanan kita. Dengan melihat ada apa di balik " "hambatan, akan kita temukan peluang dan pembelajaran." msgid "Beyond the Obstacle" msgstr "Melampaui Hambatan" msgid "" "In the ever-evolving world, the art of forging genuine connections remains " "timeless. Whether it’s with colleagues, clients, or partners, establishing a " "genuine rapport paves the way for collaborative success." msgstr "" "Di dunia yang terus berkembang, seni menjalin hubungan yang tulus tidak " "lekang oleh waktu. Baik dengan kolega, klien, atau mitra, membangun hubungan " "yang tulus membuka jalan bagi kesuksesan kolaboratif." msgid "The Art of Connection" msgstr "Seni Menjalin Hubungan" msgid "Choose your domains" msgstr "Pilih domain Anda" msgid "New sites" msgstr "Situs baru" msgid "" "Class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s with no " "alternative available." msgstr "" "Berkas %1$s tidak digunakan lagi sejak versi %2$s dan tidak " "tersedia penggantinya." msgid "" "Class %1$s is deprecated since version %2$s! Use %3$s " "instead." msgstr "" "Berkas %1$s tidak digunakan lagi sejak versi %2$s! Gunakan " "%3$s sebagai penggantinya" msgid "Invalid TTL value - Use a value between 300 and 86400" msgstr "Nilai TTL tidak valid - Gunakan nilai antara 300 dan 86400" msgid "" "The owner of this site has great taste—this site runs on self-hosted " "WordPress!" msgstr "" "Pemilik situs ini punya selera yang bagus—situs ini menggunakan WordPress " "yang di-host sendiri!" msgid "I need to download my receipts." msgstr "Saya perlu mengunduh tanda terima." msgid "You already have a license for Jetpack Stats." msgstr "Anda telah memiliki lisensi untuk Jetpack Stats." msgid "You already have a commercial license for Jetpack Stats." msgstr "Anda telah memiliki lisensi komersial untuk Jetpack Stats." msgid "Security, performance, and growth tools—powered by Jetpack." msgstr "Alat keamanan, performa, dan pengembangan—didukung oleh Jetpack." msgid "Explore AvaTax" msgstr "Telusuri AvaTax" msgid "Upgrade your sales tax calculation" msgstr "Upgrade metode penghitungan pajak penjualan Anda" msgid "" "Selling within Europe or across borders, or offering various product types? " "Avalara AvaTax uses automation to make VAT and sales tax calculation faster, " "easier, and more accurate for businesses. Simply connect with an Avalara " "account to get up and running." msgstr "" "Anda berjualan di Eropa atau lintas negara, atau menawarkan berbagai jenis " "produk? Avalara AvaTax memanfaatkan otomatisasi guna mempercepat, " "mempermudah, dan menjadikan penghitungan PPN serta pajak penjualan lebih " "akurat untuk bisnis. Cukup hubungkan dengan akun Avalara untuk memulai dan " "menjalankannya." msgid "" "Selling within the UK or across borders, or offering various product types? " "Avalara AvaTax uses automation to make VAT and sales tax calculation faster, " "easier, and more accurate for businesses. Simply connect with an Avalara " "account to get up and running." msgstr "" "Anda berjualan di Inggris atau lintas negara, atau menawarkan berbagai jenis " "produk? Avalara AvaTax memanfaatkan otomatisasi guna mempercepat, " "mempermudah, dan menjadikan penghitungan PPN serta pajak penjualan lebih " "akurat untuk bisnis. Cukup hubungkan dengan akun Avalara untuk memulai dan " "menjalankannya." msgid "" "Selling in multiple states or countries, or offering various product types? " "Avalara AvaTax uses automation to make sales tax calculation faster, easier, " "and more accurate for businesses. Simply connect with an Avalara account to " "get up and running." msgstr "" "Anda berjualan di banyak negara atau negara bagian, atau menawarkan berbagai " "jenis produk? Avalara AvaTax memanfaatkan otomatisasi guna mempercepat, " "mempermudah, dan menjadikan penghitungan pajak penjualan lebih akurat untuk " "bisnis. Cukup hubungkan dengan akun Avalara untuk memulai dan menjalankannya." msgid "Fresh voices, fresh views. Explore first-time posts from new bloggers." msgstr "Cerita segar, gagasan baru. Jelajahi pos perdana dari bloger baru." msgid "" "If you continue with Google, Apple or GitHub, you agree to our " "Terms of Service and have read our Privacy " "Policy." msgstr "" "Jika melanjutkan dengan Google, Apple, atau GitHub, Anda menyetujui " "Ketentuan Layanan dan telah membaca " "Kebijakan Privasi kami." msgid "" "Tenku is a classic \"magazine\" theme with a rich, dense homepage perfect " "for pro-bloggers." msgstr "" "Tenku adalah tema \"majalah\" klasik dengan beranda yang kaya dan padat, " "sempurna untuk pro-blogger." msgid "Confirm selection" msgstr "Konfirmasi pilihan" msgid "Select styles" msgstr "Pilih gaya" msgid "Select patterns" msgstr "Pilih pola" msgid "" "Just a reminder, when you complete your upgrade, you’ll have access to all " "the benefits of managed hosting with" msgstr "" "Sekadar mengingatkan bahwa setelah menyelesaikan pembelian, Anda dapat " "menikmati semua keunggulan hosting terkelola dengan" msgid "" "You took that crucial first step toward upgrading your website, but you " "didn’t check out." msgstr "" "Anda sudah mengambil langkah pertama yang sangat diperlukan untuk meng-" "upgrade situs, tetapi belum melakukan pembayaran." msgid "" "Your cart is waiting for you, but if you don’t complete the purchase now, " "here’s what you’ll lose:" msgstr "" "Keranjang Anda sudah menunggu, tetapi jika Anda tidak menyelesaikan " "pembelian sekarang juga, Anda akan melewatkan hal-hal berikut:" msgid "Post author image" msgstr "Foto penulis pos" msgid "Case Study: " msgstr "Studi Kasus: " msgid "%s%% off" msgstr "Diskon %s%%" msgid "Upgrade to Enterprise" msgstr "Upgrade ke Enterprise" msgid "" "Over the past month, your account made %1$s requests out of a limit of %2$s." msgstr "" "Selama satu bulan terakhir, akun Anda telah membuat %1$s permintaan lebih " "dari batas sebesar %2$s." msgid "Account over subscription limit" msgstr "Akun melebihi batas langganan" msgid "%d subscription" msgid_plural "%d subscriptions" msgstr[0] "%d langganan" msgstr[1] "%d langganan" msgid "" "The subscriptions listed here are in the process of being migrated to the " "new website. Akismet spam protection will continue to work on " "your sites as normal during this time. To manage these subscriptions, please " "contact support or check back here in a few days. Thank you!" msgstr "" "Langganan yang tercantum di sini sedang dalam proses migrasi ke situs " " yang baru. Saat proses berlangsung, perlindungan spam Akismet " "akan tetap aktif di situs Anda seperti biasa. Untuk mengelola langganan ini, " "hubungi dukungan atau coba kembali lagi setelah beberapa hari. Terima kasih!" msgid "No legacy subscriptions" msgstr "Tidak ada langganan lawas" msgid "%d legacy subscription" msgid_plural "%d legacy subscriptions" msgstr[0] "%d langganan lawas" msgstr[1] "%d langganan lawas" msgid "Access Revoked" msgstr "Akses Dicabut" msgid "" "Your sites are ordered by the number of API calls for the selected month." msgstr "" "Situs Anda diurutkan berdasarkan jumlah panggilan API untuk bulan yang " "dipilih." msgid "False positives" msgstr "Positif palsu" msgid "Missed spam" msgstr "Spam terlewatkan" msgid "Ham" msgstr "Ham" msgid "(scroll to see more)" msgstr "(gulir untuk melihat lebih banyak)" msgid "%1$s active site for %2$s" msgid_plural "%1$s active sites for %2$s" msgstr[0] "%1$s situs aktif untuk %2$s" msgstr[1] "%1$s situs aktif untuk %2$s" msgid "Active sites" msgstr "Situs aktif" msgid "Plan details" msgstr "Detail paket" msgid "The average person pays %s per year" msgstr "Rata-rata orang membayar %s per tahun" msgid "What is Akismet worth to you?" msgstr "Seberapa penting Akismet bagi Anda?" msgid "Akismet is the most trusted solution for spam protection" msgstr "Akismet adalah solusi paling tepercaya untuk perlindungan spam" msgid "Search documentation" msgstr "Cari dokumentasi" msgid "" "Try to search through our comprehensive support " "documentation using the search box below or contact our " "Happiness Engineers." msgstr "" "Coba cari di dokumentasi dukungan komprehensif kami " "menggunakan kotak pencarian di bawah atau hubungi tim " "Happiness Engineer kami." msgid "Still need help with your account?" msgstr "Masih butuh bantuan terkait akun Anda?" msgid "What can we help you with?" msgstr "Apa yang bisa kami bantu?" msgid "Are you sure you want to cancel your subscription?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin membatalkan langganan?" msgid "Copy API key" msgstr "Salin kunci API" msgid "Your Akismet API key" msgstr "Kunci API Akismet Anda" msgid "" "You will get a copy of your receipt via email soon. In the meantime, you can " "get started right away by copying your API key below and adding it to the " "Akismet plugin." msgstr "" "Anda akan segera mendapatkan salinan tanda terima melalui email. Sementara " "itu, Anda dapat langsung memulai dengan menyalin kunci API di bawah ini dan " "menambahkannya ke plugin Akismet." msgid "Account overview" msgstr "Ikhtisar akun" msgid "I need to cancel my subscription." msgstr "Saya perlu membatalkan langganan." msgid "I need to reset my password." msgstr "Saya perlu mereset kata sandi." msgid "I forgot my API key." msgstr "Saya lupa kunci API." msgid "I need to activate the plugin." msgstr "Saya perlu mengaktifkan plugin." msgid "Akismet Theme" msgstr "Tema Akismet" msgctxt "copyright date format" msgid "Y" msgstr "Y" msgid "© %1$s %2$s by %3$s" msgstr "© %1$s %2$s oleh %3$s" msgid "Updated on %4$s" msgstr "Diperbarui pada %4$s" msgid "VIP Subscription" msgstr "Langganan VIP" msgid "Akismet High Volume Monthly" msgstr "Akismet Volume Tinggi Bulanan" msgid "Akismet Access API Yearly" msgstr "Akismet Akses API Tahunan" msgid "Akismet Access API Monthly" msgstr "Akismet Akses API Bulanan" msgid "Jetpack Partner Plan" msgstr "Paket Jetpack Partner" msgid "Jetpack Professional Monthly" msgstr "Jetpack Profesional Bulanan" msgid "Jetpack Premium Monthly" msgstr "Jetpack Premium Bulanan" msgid "Akismet/VaultPress Premium Bundle Yearly" msgstr "Bundel Akismet/VaultPress Premium Tahunan" msgid "Jetpack Professional Yearly" msgstr "Jetpack Profesional Tahunan" msgid "Jetpack Premium Yearly" msgstr "Jetpack Premium Tahunan" msgid "Akismet/VaultPress Premium Bundle" msgstr "Bundel Akismet/VaultPress Premium" msgid "Akismet/VaultPress Lite Bundle" msgstr "Bundel Akismet/VaultPress Lite" msgid "Akismet Enterprise >2M/mo Yearly" msgstr "Akismet Enterprise >2JT/bln Tahunan" msgid "Akismet Enterprise >2M/mo Monthly" msgstr "Akismet Enterprise >2JT/bln Bulanan" msgid "Akismet Enterprise 2M/mo Yearly" msgstr "Akismet Enterprise 2JT/bln Tahunan" msgid "Akismet Enterprise 2M/mo Monthly" msgstr "Akismet Enterprise 2JT/bln Bulanan" msgid "Akismet Enterprise 350K/mo Yearly" msgstr "Akismet Enterprise 350RB/bln Tahunan" msgid "Akismet Enterprise 350K/mo Monthly" msgstr "Akismet Enterprise 350RB/bln Bulanan" msgid "Akismet Business Yearly" msgstr "Akismet Bisnis Tahunan" msgid "Akismet Business Monthly" msgstr "Akismet Bisnis Bulanan" msgid "Akismet Enterprise Yearly" msgstr "Akismet Enterprise Tahunan" msgid "Akismet Enterprise Monthly" msgstr "Akismet Enterprise Bulanan" msgid "Akismet Pro Yearly" msgstr "Akismet Pro Tahunan" msgid "Akismet Pro Monthly" msgstr "Akismet Pro Bulanan" msgid "Akismet Plus Yearly" msgstr "Akismet Plus Tahunan" msgid "Akismet Plus Monthly" msgstr "Akismet Plus Bulanan" msgid "Schedule a call" msgstr "Jadwalkan panggilan" msgid "Contact us" msgstr "Hubungi kami" msgid "Let’s create your tailored plan together" msgstr "Mari buat paket sesuai kebutuhan Anda bersama-sama" msgid "" "We’ll discuss pricing based on your needs and follow-up with a custom " "proposal for your organization" msgstr "" "Kami akan mendiskusikan harga berdasarkan kebutuhan dan menindaklanjutinya " "dengan proposal khusus untuk organisasi Anda" msgid "We’ll answer any questions you have" msgstr "Kami akan menjawab semua pertanyaan Anda" msgid "We’ll learn more about your business" msgstr "Kami akan mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang bisnis Anda" msgid "What can you expect on the call?" msgstr "Apa yang bisa Anda harapkan dari panggilan tersebut?" msgid "" "Equivalent to 25k monthly spam checks (i.e. comments or form submissions)." msgstr "" "Setara dengan pemeriksaan spam 25rb kali per bulan (komentar atau pengiriman " "formulir)." msgid "Up to 25k API calls/mo" msgstr "Hingga 25rb panggilan API/bln" msgid "Unlimited sites, Dedicated support" msgstr "Situs tanpa batas, Dukungan khusus" msgid "%s / per month, billed yearly" msgstr "%s / per bulan, penagihan tahunan" msgid "Monthly spam checks" msgstr "Pemeriksaan spam bulanan" msgid "" "Equivalent to 15k monthly spam checks (i.e. comments or form submissions)." msgstr "" "Setara dengan pemeriksaan spam 15rb kali per bulan (komentar atau pengiriman " "formulir)." msgid "Up to 15k API calls/mo" msgstr "Hingga 15rb panggilan API/bln" msgid "Dedicated support" msgstr "Dukungan khusus" msgid "Unlimited sites" msgstr "Situs tanpa batas" msgid "One site" msgstr "Satu situs" msgid "Customize Enterprise" msgstr "Sesuaikan Enterprise" msgid "I don’t promote a business on my site" msgstr "Saya tidak mempromosikan bisnis di situs saya" msgid "I don’t sell products/services on my site" msgstr "Saya tidak menjual produk/layanan di situs saya" msgid "I don’t have ads on my site" msgstr "Saya tidak memasang iklan di situs saya" msgid "Akismet %1$s" msgstr "Akismet %1$s" msgid "%1$s / YEAR" msgstr "%1$s / TAHUN" msgid "Download CSV file" msgstr "Unduh file CSV" msgid "Check out account-wide stats" msgstr "Lihat statistik akun secara menyeluruh" msgctxt "akismet-theme" msgid "Use as Documentation image" msgstr "Gunakan sebagai gambar Dokumentasi" msgctxt "akismet-theme" msgid "Remove Documentation image" msgstr "Hapus gambar Dokumentasi" msgid "Set Documentation image" msgstr "Tetapkan gambar Dokumentasi" msgid "Documentation image" msgstr "Gambar Dokumentasi" msgid "No Documentation found in Trash." msgstr "Dokumentasi tidak ditemukan di Tempat Sampah." msgid "No Documentation found." msgstr "Dokumentasi tidak ditemukan." msgid "Parent Documentation:" msgstr "Dokumentasi Induk:" msgid "Search Documentation" msgstr "Cari Dokumentasi" msgid "All Documentation" msgstr "Semua Dokumentasi" msgid "Edit Documentation" msgstr "Edit Dokumentasi" msgid "New Documentation" msgstr "Dokumentasi Baru" msgid "Add New Documentation" msgstr "Tambah Dokumentasi Baru" msgctxt "add new on admin bar" msgid "Support Documentation" msgstr "Dokumentasi Pendukung" msgctxt "admin menu" msgid "Support Documentation" msgstr "Dokumentasi Pendukung" msgctxt "Post Type Singular Name" msgid "Support Documentation" msgstr "Dokumentasi Pendukung" msgctxt "Post Type General Name" msgid "Support Documentation" msgstr "Dokumentasi Pendukung" msgid "Documentation post type" msgstr "Tipe pos Dokumentasi" msgctxt "akismet-theme" msgid "Use as Developer Doc image" msgstr "Gunakan sebagai gambar Dokumen Pengembang" msgctxt "akismet-theme" msgid "Remove Developer Doc image" msgstr "Hapus gambar Dokumen Pengembang" msgid "Set Developer Doc image" msgstr "Tetapkan gambar Dokumen Pengembang" msgid "Developer Doc image" msgstr "Gambar Dokumen Pengembang" msgid "No Developer Doc found in Trash." msgstr "Dokumen Pengembang tidak ditemukan di Tempat sampah." msgid "No Developer Doc found." msgstr "Dokumen Pengembang tidak ditemukan." msgid "Parent Developer Docs:" msgstr "Dokumen Pengembang Induk:" msgid "Search Developer Docs" msgstr "Cari Dokumen Pengembang" msgid "All Developer Documentation" msgstr "Semua Dokumentasi Pengembang" msgid "View Developer Doc" msgstr "Lihat Dokumen Pengembang" msgid "Edit Developer Doc" msgstr "Edit Dokumen Pengembang" msgid "New Developer Doc" msgstr "Dokumen Pengembang Baru" msgid "Add New Developer Doc" msgstr "Tambah Dokumen Pengembang Baru" msgctxt "add new on admin bar" msgid "Developer Doc" msgstr "Dokumen Pengembang" msgctxt "admin menu" msgid "Developer Docs" msgstr "Dokumen Pengembang" msgctxt "Post Type Singular Name" msgid "Developer Documentation" msgstr "Dokumentasi Pengembang" msgctxt "Post Type General Name" msgid "Developer Documentation" msgstr "Dokumentasi Pengembang" msgid "Developer Documentation post type" msgstr "Tipe pos Dokumentasi Pengembang" msgid "Developer Documentation" msgstr "Dokumentasi Pengembang" msgctxt "akismet-theme" msgid "No Topic found." msgstr "Topik tidak ditemukan." msgctxt "akismet-theme" msgid "Choose from the most used Topic on Page" msgstr "Pilih dari Topik yang paling sering diakses di Halaman " msgctxt "akismet-theme" msgid "Add or remove Topic on Page" msgstr "Tambah atau hapus Topik di Halaman" msgctxt "akismet-theme" msgid "Separate Topic on Page with commas" msgstr "Pisahkan Topik di Halaman dengan koma" msgctxt "akismet-theme" msgid "Popular Topic on Page" msgstr "Topik Populer di Halaman" msgctxt "akismet-theme" msgid "Search Topics" msgstr "Cari Topik" msgctxt "akismet-theme" msgid "Parent Topics:" msgstr "Topik Induk:" msgctxt "akismet-theme" msgid "Parent Topic" msgstr "Topik Induk" msgctxt "akismet-theme" msgid "New Topic on Page" msgstr "Topik Baru di Halaman" msgctxt "akismet-theme" msgid "Add New Topic" msgstr "Tambah Topik Baru" msgctxt "akismet-theme" msgid "Update Topic on Page" msgstr "Perbarui Topik di Halaman" msgctxt "akismet-theme" msgid "View Topic" msgstr "Lihat Topik" msgctxt "akismet-theme" msgid "Edit Topic" msgstr "Edit Topik" msgctxt "akismet-theme" msgid "All Topics" msgstr "Semua Topik" msgctxt "admin menu" msgid "Topic" msgstr "Topik" msgctxt "Taxonomy Singular Name" msgid "Topic" msgstr "Topik" msgctxt "Taxonomy General Name" msgid "Topic" msgstr "Topik" msgid "Doc page left sidebar" msgstr "Bilah sisi kiri halaman Dokumen" msgid "Footer widget 4" msgstr "Widget footer 4" msgid "Footer widget 3" msgstr "Widget footer 3" msgid "Footer widget 2" msgstr "Widget footer 2" msgid "Footer widget 1" msgstr "Widget footer 1" msgid "Bottom footer right text" msgstr "Teks kanan footer bawah" msgid "" "You understand how your subscription works and how to " "cancel." msgstr "" "Anda memahami cara kerja langganan Anda dan cara membatalkannya." msgid "" "By clicking Continue, you agree to our Terms of Service " "and authorize us to charge you on a recurring basis until you cancel, which " "you can do at any time." msgstr "" "Dengan mengeklik Lanjutkan, Anda menyetujui Ketentuan " "Layanan kami dan mengizinkan kami menagih Anda secara berulang hingga " "Anda membatalkannya, yang dapat dilakukan kapan saja." msgid "" "By clicking Continue, you agree to our Terms of Service." msgstr "" "Dengan mengeklik Lanjutkan, Anda menyetujui Ketentuan " "Layanan kami." msgid "Please verify non-commercial usage by checking each box:" msgstr "Harap verifikasi penggunaan nonkomersial dengan mencentang tiap kotak:" msgid "You must verify and confirm all the conditions for non-commercial use." msgstr "" "Anda harus memverifikasi dan mengonfirmasi semua kondisi untuk penggunaan " "nonkomersial." msgid "%1$s active site for %2$s" msgid_plural "%1$s active sites for %2$s" msgstr[0] "%1$s situs aktif selama %2$s" msgstr[1] "%1$s situs aktif selama %2$s" msgid "%1$s active site" msgid_plural "%1$s active sites" msgstr[0] "%1$s situs aktif" msgstr[1] "%1$s situs aktif" msgid "Continue and pay %1$s" msgstr "Lanjutkan dan bayar %1$s" msgid "" "When you cancel your subscription, you’ll be able to use %s until your " "subscription expires." msgstr "" "Jika Anda membatalkan langganan, Anda tetap dapat menggunakan %s hingga " "langganan Anda kedaluwarsa." msgid "I’ll keep it" msgstr "Saya akan mempertahankannya" msgid "Continue with personal subscription" msgstr "Lanjutkan dengan langganan personal" msgid "View site actions" msgstr "Lihat tindakan di situs" msgid "Unrevoke site access" msgstr "Batalkan pencabutan akses situs" msgid "Revoke site access" msgstr "Cabut akses situs" msgid "No older posts found" msgstr "Pos sebelumnya tidak ditemukan" msgid "Please fix the errors!" msgstr "Harap perbaiki error tersebut!" msgid "Please provide correct answer of 14+7" msgstr "Harap sertakan jawaban yang benar atas 14+7" msgid "Invalid %1$s." msgstr "%1$s tidak valid." msgid "%1$s cannot be more than %2$d characters." msgstr "%1$s tidak boleh lebih dari %2$d karakter." msgid "%1$s is required." msgstr "%1$s wajib diisi." msgid "" "There was an error processing your submission. Try refreshing the page or " "using a different browser." msgstr "" "Terjadi error saat memproses pengiriman Anda. Coba segarkan halaman atau " "gunakan browser lain." msgid "Display at Blog" msgstr "Tampilan di Blog" msgid "" "We were unable to locate an API key for your email address. Please contact " "support for further details." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat menemukan kunci API untuk alamat email Anda. Hubungi " "dukungan untuk mengetahui detail selengkapnya." msgid "Post fetched successfully." msgstr "Pos berhasil diambil." msgid "Landing Menu" msgstr "Menu Landing" msgid "Documentation Menu" msgstr "Menu Dokumentasi" msgid "Developer Menu" msgstr "Menu Pengembang" msgid "Could not cancel ownership." msgstr "Tidak dapat membatalkan kepemilikan." msgid "Ownership canceled." msgstr "Kepemilikan dibatalkan." msgid "Invalid API key!" msgstr "Kunci API tidak valid!" msgid "Are you cheating?" msgstr "Apakah Anda curang?" msgid "" "No problem! Just enter your email address below, and we’ll email it to you." msgstr "" "Tidak masalah! Cukup tuliskan alamat email Anda di sini, dan kami akan " "mengirimkannya melalui email." msgid "Forgot your API key?" msgstr "Lupa kunci API?" msgid "Talk to an expert" msgstr "Diskusikan dengan ahli" msgid "Please tell us more:" msgstr "Tolong beri tahu kami lebih lengkap:" msgid "That’s over 500 Billion. Yes, Billion with a B." msgstr "Itu lebih dari 500 Miliar. Ya, Miliar dengan M." msgid "Spam comments caught to date" msgstr "Komentar spam yang terdeteksi hingga saat ini" msgid "Akismet spam counter" msgstr "Penghitung spam Akismet" msgid "Return to Akismet Support" msgstr "Kembali ke Dukungan Akismet" msgid "Account email" msgstr "Email akun" msgid "Your account email" msgstr "Email akun Anda" msgid "Talk to sales" msgstr "Diskusikan dengan bagian penjualan" msgid "Need more information?" msgstr "Perlu informasi lebih lanjut?" msgid "Schedule call" msgstr "Jadwalkan panggilan" msgid "Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required." msgstr "Kolom yang ditandai dengan tanda bintang (*) wajib diisi." msgid "What is 14+7?" msgstr "Berapa hasil dari 14+7?" msgid "Your answer" msgstr "Jawaban Anda" msgid "What is 14+7? *" msgstr "Berapa hasil dari 14+7? *" msgid " (required only for paid priority support)" msgstr " (wajib hanya untuk dukungan prioritas berbayar)" msgid " (optional if you enter your API key below)" msgstr " (opsional jika memasukkan kunci API Anda di bawah ini) " msgid "Your Company" msgstr "Perusahaan Anda" msgid "I have a press/interview request." msgstr "Saya memiliki permintaan pers/wawancara." msgid "You all are great!" msgstr "Anda semua hebat!" msgid "I have a question about nonprofit accounts." msgstr "Saya memiliki pertanyaan tentang akun nirlaba." msgid "I have an enterprise or large-scale question." msgstr "" "Saya memiliki pertanyaan terkait perusahaan atau pertanyaan berskala besar." msgid "I think Akismet is catching my comments by mistake." msgstr "Saya rasa Akismet salah mendeteksi komentar saya." msgid "I have a technical support question." msgstr "Saya memiliki pertanyaan terkait dukungan teknis." msgid "I have a billing question." msgstr "Saya memiliki pertanyaan terkait penagihan." msgid "I have a question about signing up or subscribing." msgstr "" "Saya memiliki pertanyaan tentang pendaftaran atau layanan berlangganan." msgid "Blocked pieces of spam" msgstr "Bagian spam yang diblokir" msgid "The official Akismet blog" msgstr "Blog resmi Akismet" msgid "Moderation Queue · " msgstr "Antrean Moderasi · " msgid "We've been testing this for %d days." msgstr "Kami telah mengujinya selama %d hari." msgid "This text is used to test translations." msgstr "Teks ini digunakan untuk menguji terjemahan." msgid "" "There’s still time to get %1$s%% off that custom website you’ve been " "thinking about. We are ready whenever you are! Complete your checkout for " "our website building service today, and your new site will be ready by this " "time next week." msgstr "" "Masih ada waktu untuk mendapatkan diskon %1$s%% untuk situs kustom yang " "telah Anda rencanakan. Kami siap kapan pun Anda siap! Selesaikan checkout " "untuk layanan pembuatan situs kami sekarang, dan situs Anda akan siap dalam " "waktu satu minggu." msgid "Got questions? Find the answers to our most common FAQs here" msgstr "" "Ada pertanyaan? Temukan jawabannya di Tanya Jawab Umum yang paling banyak " "ditanyakan di sini" msgid "Use the code %1$s at checkout to get a %2$s%% discount." msgstr "Gunakan kode %1$s saat checkout untuk mendapatkan diskon %2$s%%." msgid "" "It looks like you were interested in our website building service, but " "didn’t complete your order. If you’d like to pick up where you left off, " "your selection is still in your cart." msgstr "" "Sepertinya Anda tertarik dengan layanan pembuatan situs kami, tetapi belum " "menyelesaikan pesanan Anda. Jika ingin melanjutkan, layanan pilihan Anda " "sudah ada dalam keranjang." msgid "" "There’s still time to get %1$s%% off that custom website you’ve been " "thinking about. We are ready whenever you are! Complete your checkout for our " "website building service today, and your new site will be ready by this time " "next week." msgstr "" "Masih ada waktu untuk mendapatkan diskon %1$s%% untuk situs kustom yang " "telah Anda rencanakan. Kami siap kapan pun Anda siap! Selesaikan checkout untuk layanan " "pembuatan situs kami sekarang, dan situs Anda akan siap dalam waktu satu " "minggu." msgid "You’re this close to a beautiful, custom website." msgstr "Selangkah lagi, Anda bisa memperoleh situs kustom nan apik." msgid "" "Got questions? Find the answers to our most common FAQs here." msgstr "" "Ada pertanyaan? Temukan jawabannya di Tanya Jawab Umum yang paling banyak " "ditanyakan di sini." msgid "" "Use the code %1$s at checkout to get a %2$s%% " "discount." msgstr "" "Gunakan kode %1$s saat checkout untuk mendapatkan " "diskon %2$s%%." msgid "" "You’ll get a professionally designed and mobile-optimized website built just " "for you by us. The best part? Your new site will be designed and ready in " "less than a week." msgstr "" "Anda akan mendapatkan situs yang dirancang secara profesional dan " "disesuaikan untuk ponsel yang kami buat khusus untuk Anda. Dan inilah bagian " "terbaiknya! Situs baru Anda akan dirancang dan siap dalam waktu kurang dari " "satu minggu." msgid "" "It looks like you were interested in our website building service, but didn’t complete your order. If you’d like to pick up where you " "left off, your selection is still in your cart." msgstr "" "Sepertinya Anda tertarik dengan layanan pembuatan situs " "kami, tetapi belum menyelesaikan pesanan Anda. Jika ingin melanjutkan, " "layanan pilihan Anda sudah ada dalam keranjang." msgid "Get %1$s%% off for a limited time." msgstr "Dapatkan diskon %1$s%% untuk periode waktu terbatas." msgid "Still interested? Your website is waiting." msgstr "Masih tertarik? Situs Anda sedang menunggu." msgid "" "We're setting up your new site and will notify you once it's " "ready, which should only take a few minutes." msgstr "" "Kami sedang menyiapkan situs baru Anda dan akan memberi tahu " "Anda setelah siap, prosesnya hanya membutuhkan waktu beberapa menit." msgid "WordPress AI Plugin" msgstr "Plugin WordPress AI" msgid "" "Need a fitting title or concise summary? Create them on request with the " "most powerful WordPress AI plugin." msgstr "" "Butuh judul yang pas atau ringkasan yang padat? Buat judul sesuai permintaan " "dengan plugin WordPress AI yang paling andal." msgid "Create titles & summaries with ease" msgstr "Buat judul & ringkasan dengan mudah" msgid "" "Introducing a feature for your product? Jetpack’s AI WordPress plugin will " "ensure your announcement is persuasive and error‑free." msgstr "" "Sedang mengenalkan fitur produk Anda? Plugin WordPress AI Jetpack akan " "memastikan semua yang Anda sampaikan bersifat persuasif dan bebas‑kesalahan." msgid "Boost Productivity with the #1 WordPress AI tool" msgstr "Tingkatkan Produktivitas dengan alat WordPress AI #1" msgid "The most powerful AI tool for WordPress" msgstr "Alat AI paling andal untuk WordPress" msgid "Contact modifications are disabled while domain transfers are pending." msgstr "Modifikasi kontak dinonaktifkan saat transfer domain belum selesai." msgid "Search posts by ID, title or author" msgstr "Cari pos berdasarkan ID, judul, atau penulis" msgid "Upgrade to auto-optimize" msgstr "Upgrade ke Optimasi Otomatis" msgid "Optimize performance" msgstr "Optimalkan performa" msgid "" "You can disable it on your site, and you will immediately begin benefiting " "from the native lazy loading feature offered by WordPress itself." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menonaktifkannya dari situs, dan Anda akan segera merasakan " "manfaat fitur lazy loading bawaan yang ditawarkan WordPress. " msgid "" "Jetpack’s Lazy Images feature is no longer necessary, and will be removed in " "November." msgstr "" "Fitur Lazy Images Jetpack tidak lagi diperlukan, dan akan dihapus pada bulan " "November." msgid "" "Smithland is the ideal choice for creating an online presence for your " "business. As a block theme, Smithland allows you to choose any of the " "available blocks to create a wide range of content for your site. It comes " "with a set of color and style variations and templates to choose from." msgstr "" "Smithland adalah pilihan yang ideal untuk menciptakan kehadiran online untuk " "bisnis Anda. Sebagai tema blok, Smithland memungkinkan Anda memilih salah " "satu blok yang tersedia untuk membuat berbagai konten untuk situs Anda. Ia " "dilengkapi dengan sejumlah variasi warna dan gaya serta template yang dapat " "dipilih." msgid "" "Looks like the owner of this site has great taste. The site and domain are " "both hosted on {{strong}}{{/strong}}!" msgstr "" "Sepertinya pemilik situs ini punya selera yang bagus. Situs dan domainnya " "dihosting di {{strong}}{{/strong}}!" msgid "What a great domain! This site is available and could be yours today!" msgstr "Domain yang keren! Situs ini tersedia dan bisa menjadi milik Anda!" msgid "" "Modern browsers now support lazy loading, and WordPress itself bundles lazy " "loading features for images and videos. This feature will consequently be " "removed from Jetpack in November." msgstr "" "Browser modern sekarang mendukung lazy loading, dan WordPress sendiri " "menyertakan fitur lazy loading untuk gambar dan video. Fitur ini akan " "dihapus dari Jetpack pada bulan November." msgid "" "It is now disabled on your website. You now benefit from the native lazy " "loading feature offered by WordPress itself." msgstr "" "Fitur ini sekarang dinonaktifkan di situs web Anda. Anda sekarang dapat " "menikmati fitur lazy loading bawaan yang sudah tersedia di WordPress." msgid "" "You have the option to disable it on your website, and you will immediately " "begin benefiting from the native lazy loading feature offered by WordPress " "itself." msgstr "" "Anda memiliki opsi untuk menonaktifkannya di situs web Anda, dan Anda akan " "segera mulai menikmati fitur lazy loading bawaan yang sudah tersedia di " "WordPress." msgid "Jetpack’s Lazy Loading feature is no longer necessary." msgstr "Fitur Lazy Loading Jetpack tidak lagi diperlukan." msgid "" "Experience the difference with Jetpack Boost's advanced optimization " "features." msgstr "" "Rasakan perbedaannya dengan fitur pengoptimalan lanjutan Jetpack Boost." msgid "Get started with Boost" msgstr "Mulai menggunakan Boost" msgid "" "Find out more about Jetpack Boost's advanced optimization features." msgstr "Baca selengkapnya tentang fitur pengoptimalan lanjutan Jetpack Boost." msgid "Keep your website superchared" msgstr "Pertahankan agar situs Anda tetap tangguh" msgid "" "Jetpack Boost has transformed my online experience! Blown away by the speed " "and efficiency it adds to my website. This tool is an absolute must-have for " "anyone looking to enhance their site’s performance. The user-friendly " "interface makes optimization a breeze, even for non-techies. Kudos to the " "team for creating such a game-changer! Jetpack Boost is my secret weapon for " "online success." msgstr "" "Jetpack Boost telah mengubah pengalaman online saya! Saya terkesiap dengan " "kecepatan dan efisiensi yang dihadirkan pada situs saya. Alat ini wajib " "dimiliki siapa pun yang hendak meningkatkan performa situsnya. Berkat " "antarmuka ramah pengguna, pengoptimalan jadi mudah, bahkan bagi orang yang " "bukan ahli teknologi. Selamat kepada seluruh tim karena berhasil menciptakan " "inovasi transformatif ini! Jetpack Boost adalah senjata rahasia saya untuk " "meraih kesuksesan di dunia online." msgid "A great performance optimizer" msgstr "Alat pengoptimalan performa yang hebat" msgid "" "This plugin serves all of my sites. It is powerful for boosting performance " "and keeping SEO scores high." msgstr "" "Plugin ini dijalankan di semua situs saya. Sangat andal untuk meningkatkan " "performa dan menjaga agar skor SEO tetap tinggi." msgid "Love it" msgstr "Sangat suka" msgid "" "Large or unoptimized images can consume more bandwidth, leading to higher " "costs and slower websites." msgstr "" "Gambar yang besar atau tidak dioptimalkan dapat menghabiskan bandwidth yang " "lebih besar, sehingga menambah biaya dan memperlambat situs." msgid "" "Optimal image sizes ensure faster page loads, improving user experience and " "search engine rankings." msgstr "" "Ukuran gambar yang optimal menjamin waktu muat lebih cepat, sehingga " "meningkatkan pengalaman pengguna dan peringkat situs di mesin pencari." msgid "Why performance matters" msgstr "Alasan pentingnya performa" msgid "" "By serving your images from our globally distributed servers, they're " "downloaded faster, providing a better experience for your users." msgstr "" "Jika gambar Anda ditampilkan menggunakan server kami yang tersebar di " "seluruh dunia, gambar tersebut akan lebih cepat diunduh, sehingga memberikan " "pengalaman yang lebih baik bagi pengguna Anda." msgid "" "Our image analyzer checks your site and highlights which images are in need " "of attention. View a report on your website images." msgstr "" "Penganalisis gambar kami memeriksa situs Anda dan menyoroti gambar yang " "memerlukan perhatian. Lihat laporan tentang gambar situs Anda." msgid "Image analyzer" msgstr "Penganalisis gambar" msgid "Image Analyser" msgstr "Penganalisis Gambar" msgid "" "View historical performance for both mobile and desktop. See your " "performance scores as well as core web vitals for each day." msgstr "" "Lihat riwayat performa untuk perangkat seluler dan desktop. Lihat skor " "performa serta data web inti Anda setiap hari." msgid "Performance history showing speed score" msgstr "Riwayat performa yang menampilkan skor kecepatan" msgid "New features" msgstr "Fitur baru" msgid "" "Jetpack Boost - our leading performance plugin is now better than ever with " "lots of great new features to help you with your website’s performance." msgstr "" "Jetpack Boost - plugin performa terkemuka dari kami kini makin hebat, " "dilengkapi dengan banyak fitur baru yang andal untuk membantu meningkatkan " "performa situs Anda." msgid "Jetpack Boost what is new" msgstr "Yang baru dari Jetpack Boost" msgid "Image analyzer, Performance history, Image quality control and more" msgstr "" "Penganalisis gambar, Riwayat performa, Kendali mutu gambar, dan masih banyak " "lainnya" msgid "What’s new with Jetpack Boost" msgstr "Yang baru dari Jetpack Boost" msgid "Continue anyways" msgstr "Tetap lanjutkan" msgid "Proceeding installs {{jetpackBoostLink/}} on your website." msgstr "Melanjutkan instalasi {{jetpackBoostLink/}} di situs web Anda." msgid "Purchase Boost License" msgstr "Beli Lisensi Boost" msgid "Something went wrong while installing Boost. Please try again." msgstr "Terjadi kendala saat menginstal Boost. Mohon coba lagi." msgid "" "Jetpack Boost was successfully added to {{em}}%(siteUrl)s{{/em}}. Please " "allow a few minutes for performance score calculation." msgstr "" "Jetpack Boost berhasil ditambahkan ke {{em}}%(siteUrl)s{{/em}}. Mohon tunggu " "beberapa menit untuk perhitungan skor performa." msgid "Confirm email address" msgstr "Konfirmasi alamat e-mail" msgid "We couldn't find valid DNS records in the selected BIND file." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat menemukan record DNS yang valid dalam file BIND yang " "dipilih." msgid "Import DNS records" msgstr "Impor DNS record" msgid "Import records" msgstr "Impor data" msgid "Import BIND file" msgstr "Impor file BIND" msgid "BIND file imported succesfully!" msgstr "File BIND berhasil diimpor!" msgid "Monetization Options" msgstr "Pilihan Monetisasi" msgid "Supporters" msgstr "Pendukung" msgid "" "Our goal today is to tour the Jetpack Manage dashboard, which serves as the " "central hub for our partners. The dashboard is where you’ll spend most of " "your time managing your clients’ website’s downtime monitoring settings, " "reviewing activity logs, checking for plugin vulnerabilities and updating " "needs, and more" msgstr "" "Tujuan kita hari ini adalah tur dasbor Jetpack Manage, yang sangat penting " "untuk mitra kami. Anda akan menghabiskan sebagian besar waktu di dasbor " "untuk mengelola pengaturan pemantauan downtime situs web klien Anda, " "meninjau log aktivitas, memeriksa kerentanan plugin dan kebutuhan pembaruan, " "dan lain-lain" msgid "Jetpack Manage - Licensing tab" msgstr "Jetpack Manage - Tab Lisensi" msgid "Jetpack Manage - Manage Sites tab" msgstr "Jetpack Manage - Tab Kelola Situs" msgid "Jetpack Manage dashboard" msgstr "Dasbor Jetpack Manage" msgid "" "Our goal today is to tour the Jetpack Manage " "dashboard, which serves as the central hub for our partners. " "The dashboard is where you’ll spend most of your time managing your clients’ " "website’s downtime monitoring settings, reviewing activity logs, checking " "for plugin vulnerabilities and updating needs, and more." msgstr "" "Tujuan kita hari ini adalah tur dasbor Jetpack " "Manage, yang sangat penting untuk mitra kami. Anda akan " "menghabiskan sebagian besar waktu di dasbor untuk mengelola pengaturan " "pemantauan downtime situs web klien Anda, meninjau log aktivitas, memeriksa " "kerentanan plugin dan kebutuhan pembaruan, dan lain-lain." msgid "Jetpack Manage Tour" msgstr "Tur Jetpack Manage" msgid "Get familiar with Jetpack Manage" msgstr "Akrabkan diri Anda dengan Jetpack Manage" msgid "" "Sorry, it seems that there are no available payment methods. Please contact " "us if you require assistance or wish to make alternate arrangements." msgstr "" "Maaf, kelihatannya tidak ada metode pembayaran yang tersedia. Hubungi kami " "jika perlu bantuan atau ingin menggunakan cara lainnya." msgid "Get paid with WooPayments" msgstr "Terima pembayaran dengan WooPayments" msgid "Product catalog" msgstr "Katalog Produk" msgid "Total tax on items in the order." msgstr "Total pajak dari item di keranjang." msgid "Total price of items in the order." msgstr "Total harga dari item di keranjang." msgid "Unique identifier for the fee within the cart" msgstr "Pengenal unik untuk biaya dalam keranjang." msgid "The item product or variation ID." msgstr "ID variasi atau produk item keranjang." msgid "Unique identifier for the item." msgstr "Pengidentifikasi unik untuk object." msgid "Shop Now" msgstr "Belanja sekarang" msgid "Could not retrieve. Please try with a different time range." msgstr "Tidak dapat mendapatkan. Mohon coba dalam rentang waktu yang berbeda." msgid "Could not retrieve logs. Please try again in a few minutes." msgstr "Tidak dapat mendapatkan log. Mohon coba lagi dalam beberapa menit." msgid "Migrate subscribers from another site" msgstr "Migrasikan pelanggan dari situs lainnya" msgid "View or add subscribers" msgstr "Lihat atau tambah pelanggan" msgid "" "If you need to find the host for DMCA, {{a}}contact " "%(hostingProviderName)s{{/a}}, who will provide you with the contact " "information." msgstr "" "Jika Anda ingin mencari host untuk DMCA, {{a}}hubungi " "%(hostingProviderName)s{{/a}}, yang akan memberi Anda informasi kontak." msgid "" "There is a chance that this website masks its IP address using " "%(hostingProviderName)s, a popular CDN. That means we can’t know the exact " "host." msgstr "" "Ada kemungkinan situs web ini menyembunyikan alamat IP-nya menggunakan " "%(hostingProviderName)s, sebuah CDN yang populer. Itu berarti kita tidak " "dapat mengetahui host secara tepat." msgid "Hosting information" msgstr "Informasi hosting" msgid "The staging site you provided doesn't belong to this production site" msgstr "Situs staging yang dimasukkan bukan milik situs produksi ini" msgid "No staging site is provided." msgstr "Tidak ada situs staging yang dimasukkan." msgid "No production site is provided." msgstr "Tidak ada situs produksi yang dimasukkan." msgid "" "By clicking \"Accept domain transfer\", you agree to the {{agreementlink}}" "Domain Registration Agreement{{/agreementlink}} for %(domainName)s. You " "authorize the respective registrar to act as your {{agentlink}}Designated " "Agent{{/agentlink}}." msgstr "" "Dengan mengeklik \"Terima transfer domain\", Anda menyetujui " "{{agreementlink}}Perjanjian Registrasi Domain{{/agreementlink}} untuk " "%(domainName)s. Anda memberikan kuasa kepada registrar yang terkait untuk " "menjadi {{agentlink}}Agen yang Dipilih{{/agentlink}}." msgid "You don't have any sites yet." msgstr "Anda belum memiliki situs." msgid "Remember to confirm your email address" msgstr "Jangan lupa konfirmasi alamat e-mail Anda." msgid "Still checking…" msgstr "Masih memeriksa..." msgid "" "You already have a forwarding for this source, please edit or delete that " "forwarding to proceed." msgstr "" "Anda telah memiliki pengalihan untuk sumber ini. Harap edit atau hapus " "pengalihan tersebut untuk melanjutkan." msgid "The DNS record for the subdomain could not be updated." msgstr "DNS record untuk subdomain tidak dapat diperbarui." msgid "This site has been suspended and cannot save forwarding rules." msgstr "" "Situs ini telah ditangguhkan dan tidak dapat menyimpan aturan pengalihan." msgid "" "This subdomain & domain combination belongs to an already connected domain." msgstr "" "Kombinasi subdomain & domain ini telah ditetapkan untuk domain yang sudah " "terhubung." msgid "Forwarding the primary domain is not allowed." msgstr "Pengalihan domain utama tidak diizinkan." msgid "Domain is not a valid domain." msgstr "Domain bukanlah domain yang valid." msgid "Destination URL must be a valid domain." msgstr "URL Tujuan harus berupa domain yang valid." msgid "Forwarding to a further nested level is not allowed." msgstr "Pengalihan ke tingkat bertumpuk lanjutan tidak diizinkan." msgid "View feed" msgstr "Lihat feed" msgid "Subscription not found" msgstr "Langganan tidak ditemukan" msgid "Skip backward {1} seconds" msgstr "Mundur {1} detik" msgid "Playing in Picture-in-Picture" msgstr "Memutar Gambar-dalam-Gambar" msgid "Opacity" msgstr "Opasitas" msgid "" "When using Bulk Edit, you can change the metadata (categories, author, etc.) " "for all selected posts at once. To remove a post from the grouping, just " "click the %sremove button next to " "its name in the Bulk Edit area that appears." msgstr "" "Saat menggunakan Pengeditan Massal, Anda dapat mengubah metadata (kategori, " "penulis, dll.) untuk semua pos yang dipilih sekaligus. Untuk menghapus pos " "dari grup, cukup klik tombol %shapus di samping namanya pada area Edit Massal yang muncul." msgid "Get a complimentary MailPoet Business Subscription" msgstr "Dapatkan Langganan MailPoet Business gratis" msgid "* Some fields have been redacted for privacy" msgstr "* Beberapa informasi disembunyikan untuk keamanan privasi" msgid "Add New Pattern" msgstr "Tambah Pola baru" msgid "Add New Media File" msgstr "Tambah File Media Baru" msgid "Please enter a valid website address" msgstr "Mohon masukkan alamat situs web yang valid" msgid "AI-assisted product descriptions" msgstr "Deskripsi produk yang dibantu oleh AI" msgid "" "%d%% commission fee (plus standard processing fee) for standard payment " "features" msgstr "" "Biaya komisi %d%% (ditambah biaya pemrosesan standar) untuk fitur pembayaran " "standar" msgid "" "%d%% commission fee (plus standard processing fee) for all payment features" msgstr "" "Biaya komisi %d%% (ditambah biaya pemrosesan standar) untuk semua fitur " "pembayaran" msgid "" "%d%% commission fee (plus standard processing fee) for standard WooCommerce " "payment features" msgstr "" "Biaya komisi %d%% (ditambah biaya pemrosesan standar) untuk fitur pembayaran " "WooCommerce standar" msgid "%d%% commission fee (plus standard processing fee) for payments" msgstr "Biaya komisi %d%% (ditambah biaya pemrosesan standar) untuk pembayaran" msgid "" "You already have a license for this product and it has been successfully " "activated. You currently have access to:" msgstr "" "Anda telah memiliki lisensi untuk produk ini, dan telah berhasil " "mengaktifkannya. Saat ini Anda dapat mengakses:" msgid "You already have a free license for Jetpack Stats." msgstr "Anda telah memiliki lisensi gratis untuk Jetpack Stats." msgid "%(wordads)s Payments" msgstr "Pembayaran %(wordads)s" msgid "Enter a site URL" msgstr "Masukkan URL situs" msgid "" "Please accept the transfer within %1$s hours or the " "transfer request will expire." msgstr "" "Mohon terima transfer dalam waktu %1$s jam sebelum " "permintaan transfer kedaluwarsa." msgid "No I´m ok" msgstr "Tidak, belum perlu" msgid "Know more about {{a/}}" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang {{a/}}" msgid "" "MailPoet Business is added to your site. MailPoet plugin will be installed " "and activated shortly." msgstr "" "MailPoet Business ditambahkan ke situs Anda. Plugin MailPoet akan segera " "diinstal dan diaktifkan." msgid "" "This plugin is {{org_link}}available for download{{/org_link}} to be used on " "your {{wpcom_vs_wporg_link}}WordPress self-hosted{{/wpcom_vs_wporg_link}} " "installation." msgstr "" "Plugin ini {{org_link}}tersedia untuk diunduh{{/org_link}} dan digunakan " "pada instalasi di {{wpcom_vs_wporg_link}}WordPress yang dihosting sendiri{{/" "wpcom_vs_wporg_link}}." msgid "Valid until" msgstr "Valid hingga" msgid "Transfer recipient" msgstr "Penerima transfer" msgid "Domain transfer pending" msgstr "Transfer domain tertunda" msgid "" "You can transfer the domain to any user. If the user does not " "have a account, they will be prompted to create one." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mentransfer domain ke pengguna mana pun. Jika " "pengguna tidak memiliki akun, mereka akan dialihkan untuk " "membuat akun." msgid "The domain transfer cannot be cancelled at this time." msgstr "Transfer domain tidak dapat dibatalkan saat ini." msgid "Your domain transfer has been cancelled." msgstr "Transfer domain Anda telah dibatalkan." msgid "Sharing more detail here will help AI understand your intent better." msgstr "" "Berbagi informasi yang rinci di sini akan membantu AI memahami maksud Anda " "dengan lebih baik." msgid "Wapuu" msgstr "Wapuu" msgid "%s ‹ Site Profiler" msgstr "%s ‹ Profiler Situs" msgid "Site Profiler" msgstr "Profiler Situs" msgid "A new site is on the way!" msgstr "Situs yang baru sedang dalam proses!" msgid "" "We are creating a site in the background. It will appear on " "your dashboard shortly." msgstr "" "Kami sedang membuat situs di latar belakang. Situs tersebut " "akan segera muncul di dasbor Anda." msgid "Show fewer comments" msgstr "Tampilkan lebih sedikit komentar" msgid "Whether debug logging is enabled and working or not." msgstr "Apakah pencatatan debug diaktifkan dan berfungsi atau tidak." msgid "Whether the tax documents section is enabled or not." msgstr "Apakah bagian dokumen pajak diaktifkan atau tidak." msgid "Whether the store has the Auth & Capture feature enabled or not." msgstr "Apakah toko mengaktifkan fitur Otorisasi & Tangkap atau tidak." msgid "Auth and Capture" msgstr "Otorisasi dan Tangkap" msgid "Whether the store has the Multi-currency feature enabled or not." msgstr "Apakah toko mengaktifkan fitur Multi-mata uang atau tidak." msgid "Multi-currency" msgstr "Multi-mata uang" msgid "The advanced fraud protection filters currently enabled." msgstr "Penyaring perlindungan penipuan tingkat lanjut saat ini diaktifkan." msgid "Enabled Fraud Filters" msgstr "Penyaring Penipuan Diaktifkan" msgid "The current fraud protection level the payment gateway is using." msgstr "" "Tingkat perlindungan penipuan saat ini yang digunakan gateway pembayaran." msgid "Fraud Protection Level" msgstr "Tingkat Perlindungan Penipuan" msgid "Whether the store has Payment Request enabled or not." msgstr "Apakah toko mengaktifkan Permintaan Pembayaran atau tidak." msgid "Apple Pay / Google Pay Express Checkout" msgstr "Express Checkout Apple Pay / Google Pay" msgid "" "Whether there are extensions active that are have known incompatibilities " "with the functioning of the new WooPay Express Checkout." msgstr "" "Apakah ada ekstensi aktif yang diketahui memiliki inkompatibilitas dengan " "fungsi WooPay Express Checkout yang baru." msgid "WooPay Incompatible Extensions" msgstr "Ekstensi yang Tidak Kompatibel dengan WooPay" msgid "Whether the new WooPay Express Checkout is enabled or not." msgstr "" "Apakah fungsi WooPay Express Checkout yang baru telah diaktifkan atau belum." msgid "Not active" msgstr "Tidak aktif" msgid "Not eligible" msgstr "Tidak memenuhi syarat" msgid "" "WooPay is not available, as a %s feature, or the store is not yet eligible." msgstr "" "WooPay tidak tersedia, sebagai fitur %s, atau toko belum memenuhi syarat." msgid "WooPay Express Checkout" msgstr "WooPay Express Checkout" msgid "What payment methods are enabled for the store." msgstr "Apa saja metode pembayaran yang diaktifkan untuk toko." msgid "Whether the payment gateway has test payments enabled or not." msgstr "Apakah gateway pembayaran mengaktifkan uji pembayaran atau tidak." msgid "Needs setup" msgstr "Butuh penyiapan" msgid "Is the payment gateway ready and enabled for use on your store?" msgstr "" "Apakah gateway pembayaran telah diaktifkan dan siap untuk digunakan di toko " "Anda?" msgid "Payment Gateway" msgstr "Gateway Pembayaran" msgid "" "The merchant account ID you are currently using to process payments with." msgstr "ID akun penjual yang saat ini Anda gunakan untuk memproses pembayaran." msgid "The corresponding blog ID for this store." msgstr "ID blog yang sesuai untuk toko ini." msgid "WPCOM Blog ID" msgstr "ID Blog WPCOM" msgid "" "Can your store connect securely to Without a proper WPCOM " "connection %s can't function!" msgstr "" "Bisakah toko Anda terhubung dengan aman ke Tanpa koneksi " "WPCOM yang tepat, %s tidak dapat berfungsi!" msgid "The current version of the %s extension." msgstr "Versi ekstensi %s saat ini." msgid "The payment cannot be captured for completed or processed orders." msgstr "" "Pembayaran untuk pesanan yang telah diproses atau selesai tidak dapat " "diambil." msgid "Boost score" msgstr "Skor Boost" msgid "Manage notification settings" msgstr "Kelola pengaturan notifikasi" msgid "Fetching Scores" msgstr "Mengambil Skor" msgid "" "Creatio 2 is a simple, minimal theme that supports full-site editing and " "global styles. Use it to create something beautiful." msgstr "" "Creatio 2 adalah tema sederhana dan minimalis yang mendukung pengeditan " "situs lengkap dan gaya global. Gunakan tema ini untuk membuat sesuatu yang " "indah." msgid "" "IP address `%1$s` just failed is_usable_domain check as it is in the private " "network." msgstr "" "Alamat IP `%1$s` tidak lulus pemeriksaan is_usable_domain karena berada " "dalam jaringan pribadi." msgid "" "Your credit card expires before the next renewal. Please update your payment " "information." msgstr "" "Kartu kredit Anda akan kedaluwarsa sebelum perpanjangan berikutnya. Harap " "perbarui informasi pembayaran Anda." msgid "Bring your WordPress site to and get it all." msgstr "Pindahkan situs WordPress Anda ke sepenuhnya." msgid "" "Whatever you’re building, has everything you need: unmetered " "bandwidth, unmatched speed, unstoppable security, and intuitive multi-site " "management." msgstr "" "Apa pun yang Anda buat, memiliki semua yang Anda butuhkan: " "bandwidth tak terbatas, kecepatan tak tertandingi, keamanan yang ampuh, dan " "manajemen multi-situs yang intuitif." msgid "The best WordPress hosting on the planet" msgstr "Paket WordPress Hosting terbaik di dunia" msgid "A Records" msgstr "A Records" msgid "Provider" msgstr "Penyedia" msgid "" "The hosting and domain of this site are not on {{strong}}{{/" "strong}}, but they could be!" msgstr "" "Hosting dan domain situs ini tidak berada di {{strong}}{{/" "strong}}, tetapi dapat ditransfer ke sini." msgid "" "This site is using {{strong}}{{/strong}} to manage the domain, " "but it’s hosted elsewhere" msgstr "" "Pengelolaan domain situs ini disediakan {{strong}}{{/strong}}, " "tetapi hosting-nya tidak." msgid "" "This site is hosted on {{strong}}%s{{/strong}} but the domain is registered " "elsewhere." msgstr "" "Hosting situs ini disediakan {{strong}}%s{{/strong}}, tetapi domainnya tidak." msgid "" "If you are the owner, bring your site and domain to {{strong}}WordPress." "com{{/strong}} and benefit from one of the best hosting platforms in the " "world." msgstr "" "Jika Anda pemilik situs ini, bawa situs dan domain Anda ke {{strong}}" "{{/strong}} dan nikmati keandalan salah satu platform hosting " "terbaik di dunia." msgid "" "If you own this site, consider hosting it with {{strong}}{{/" "strong}} and benefiting from one of the best platforms in the world." msgstr "" "Jika memilikinya, pertimbangkan untuk menghosting situs ini di {{strong}}" "{{/strong}} dan nikmati berbagai keunggulan dari salah satu " "platform terbaik di dunia." msgid "" "If you own this domain, consider transferring it to {{strong}}WordPress." "com{{/strong}} to benefit from the best-performing, most reliable registrar " "in the business. And—because it’s registered with Google Domains—{{strong}}" "you’ll get an extra year of registration on us!{{/strong}}" msgstr "" "Jika memilikinya, pertimbangkan untuk mentransfer domain tersebut ke " "{{strong}}{{/strong}} guna menikmati berbagai keunggulan dari " "registrar paling andal dengan performa juara ini. Dan, karena domain " "terdaftar di Google Domains, {{strong}}kami yang akan bayar biaya registrasi " "selama setahun ke depan.{{/strong}}" msgid "" "If you own this domain, consider transferring it to {{strong}}WordPress." "com{{/strong}} and benefiting from the best-performing, most reliable " "registrar in business." msgstr "" "Jika memilikinya, pertimbangkan untuk mentransfer domain tersebut ke " "{{strong}}{{/strong}} dan nikmati berbagai keunggulan dari " "registrar paling andal dengan performa juara ini." msgid "" "Register your domain with {{strong}}{{/strong}} and benefit " "from one of the best platforms in the world." msgstr "" "Daftarkan domain Anda di {{strong}}{{/strong}} dan nikmati " "berbagai keunggulan dari salah satu platform terbaik di dunia." msgid "Check another site" msgstr "Periksa situs lainnya" msgid "Migrate site" msgstr "Memigrasi situs" msgid "Transfer domain for free" msgstr "Transfer domain gratis" msgid "" "This WHOIS data is provided for information purposes for domains registered " "through We do not guarantee its accuracy. This information is " "shown for the sole purpose of assisting you in obtaining information about " "domain name registration records; any use of this data for any other purpose " "is expressly forbidden." msgstr "" "Data WHOIS ini disediakan untuk tujuan informasi domain yang didaftarkan " "melalui Kami tidak menjamin keakuratannya. Informasi ini " "ditampilkan hanya untuk membantu Anda memperoleh informasi tentang catatan " "pendaftaran nama domain; penggunaan data untuk tujuan apa pun lainnya secara " "tegas dilarang." msgid "Error fetching WHOIS data; please try again later." msgstr "" "Maaf, terjadi kendala saat mengambil data WHOIS; silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "Display raw WHOIS output" msgstr "Tampilkan data WHOIS apa adanya" msgid "Technical contact" msgstr "Kontak teknis" msgid "{{strong}}Phone:{{/strong}} %s" msgstr "{{strong}}Telepon:{{/strong}} %s" msgid "{{strong}}Country:{{/strong}} %s" msgstr "{{strong}}Negara:{{/strong}} %s" msgid "{{strong}}Postal Code:{{/strong}} %s" msgstr "{{strong}}Kode Pos:{{/strong}} %s" msgid "{{strong}}State:{{/strong}} %s" msgstr "{{strong}}Negara Bagian:{{/strong}} %s" msgid "{{strong}}City:{{/strong}} %s" msgstr "{{strong}}Kota:{{/strong}} %s" msgid "{{strong}}Street:{{/strong}} %s" msgstr "{{strong}}Jalan:{{/strong}} %s" msgid "{{strong}}Organization:{{/strong}} %s" msgstr "{{strong}}Organisasi:{{/strong}} %s" msgid "{{strong}}Name:{{/strong}} %s" msgstr "{{strong}}Nama:{{/strong}} %s" msgid "Registrant contact" msgstr "Kontak pendaftar" msgid "Updated on" msgstr "Diperbarui pada" msgid "Registrar" msgstr "Registrar" msgid "Domain information" msgstr "Informasi domain" msgid "" "We are writing to inform you that the transfer process for your domain " "%1$s to %2$s has completed." msgstr "" "Kami beri tahukan bahwa proses transfer domain Anda %1$s ke " "%2$s sudah selesai." msgid "Domain Transfer Notification: The transfer of %1$s has completed!" msgstr "Pemberitahuan Transfer Domain: Proses transfer %1$s selesai!" msgid "" "When enabled, only posts published under the categories selected below will " "be emailed to your subscribers." msgstr "" "Jika diaktifkan, hanya pos yang diterbitkan di bawah kategori yang dipilih " "di bawah ini yang akan dikirimkan ke e-mail pelanggan Anda." msgid "" "Newsletter categories allow visitors to subscribe only to specific topics." msgstr "" "Kategori buletin memungkinkan pengunjung untuk berlangganan hanya pada topik-" "topik tertentu." msgid "" "When you add a new category, your existing subscribers will be automatically " "subscribed to it." msgstr "" "Ketika Anda menambahkan kategori baru, pelanggan Anda yang sudah ada akan " "secara otomatis berlangganan ke kategori tersebut." msgid "" "The %(planTitle)s for %(domain)s is active. Our Premier Support team will be " "in touch by email shortly to schedule a welcome session and walk you through " "your exclusive benefits. We’re looking forward to supporting you every step " "of the way." msgstr "" "%(planTitle)s untuk %(domain)s sudah aktif. Tim Dukungan Terbaik kami akan " "segera menghubungi Anda melalui e-mail untuk menjadwalkan sesi pengenalan " "dan memandu Anda tentang manfaat eksklusif Anda. Kami menantikan kesempatan " "untuk membantu Anda di setiap langkah." msgid "Your century-long legacy begins now" msgstr "Legasi selama satu abad dimulai sekarang." msgid "Manage pending subscriptions" msgstr "Kelola langganan yang tertunda" msgid "Confirmation is needed for the following domains:" msgstr "Konfirmasi diperlukan untuk domain berikut:" msgid "" "Unlock the full power of the fediverse with a memorable custom domain. Your " "domain also means that you can take your followers with you, using self-" "hosted WordPress with the ActivityPub plugin, or any other ActivityPub " "software." msgstr "" "Buka kekuatan penuh fediverse dengan domain khusus yang mudah diingat. " "Domain Anda juga berarti bahwa Anda dapat membawa pengikut Anda bersama " "Anda, menggunakan WordPress yang dihosting sendiri dengan plugin " "ActivityPub, atau perangkat lunak ActivityPub lainnya." msgid "" "Broadcast your blog into the fediverse! Attract followers, deliver updates, " "and receive comments from a diverse user base of ActivityPub-compliant " "platforms." msgstr "" "Sebarkan blog Anda ke seluruh dunia! Tarik pengikut, sampaikan pembaruan, " "dan terima komentar dari beragam basis pengguna platform yang kompatibel " "dengan ActivityPub." msgid "Invalid array" msgstr "Array tidak valid" msgid "Site Recommendations" msgstr "Rekomendasi Situs" msgid "Manage subscribed posts" msgstr "Kelola pos langganan" msgid "Mailboxes are not supported on P2 sites" msgstr "Mailbox tidak didukung di situs P2." msgid "Finalizing purchase…" msgstr "Menyelesaikan Pembelian..." msgid "" "The domain transfer invitation is no longer valid, please ask the domain " "owner to request a new transfer." msgstr "" "Undangan transfer domain sudah tidak valid, silakan minta pemilik domain " "untuk meminta transfer baru." msgid "" "The receiving user’s email address must match the email address of the " "domain recipient." msgstr "" "Alamat e-mail pengguna penerima harus sesuai dengan alamat e-mail penerima " "domain." msgid "Domain transfers are currently unavailable, please try again later." msgstr "Transfer domain saat ini tidak tersedia, silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "" "To accept a domain transfer we are required to collect your contact " "information." msgstr "" "Untuk menerima transfer domain, kami perlu mengumpulkan informasi kontak " "Anda." msgid "" "Domain transfers can take a few minutes, we’ll email you once it’s set up." msgstr "" "Transfer domain memerlukan waktu beberapa menit, kami akan mengirim e-mail " "kepada Anda setelah selesai." msgid "Your contact details are needed" msgstr "Detail kontak Anda diperlukan" msgid "Your domain transfer is underway" msgstr "Transfer domain Anda sedang berlangsung" msgid "" "We are delighted to inform you that the domain %1$s has " "been successfully transferred to your account." msgstr "" "Kami bangga memberitahukan bahwa domain %1$s sudah berhasil " "ditransfer ke akun Anda." msgid "🎉 Domain Transfer Successful: %1$s is now yours!" msgstr "🎉 Transfer Domain Berhasil: %1$s kini jadi milik Anda!" msgid "" "Contact information will be verified after your domain has been transferred. " "Failure to verify your contact information will result in domain suspension." msgstr "" "Informasi kontak akan diverifikasi setelah domain Anda ditransfer. Kegagalan " "memverifikasi informasi kontak Anda akan mengakibatkan penangguhan domain." msgid "" "{{icannLinkComponent}}ICANN{{/icannLinkComponent}} requires accurate contact " "information for registrants." msgstr "" "{{icannLinkComponent}}ICANN{{/icannLinkComponent}} mewajibkan informasi " "kontak yang akurat untuk pendaftar." msgid "" "The email of the current user must be same as the receiving user’s email." msgstr "Email pengguna saat ini harus sama dengan email pengguna penerima." msgid "Image quality control" msgstr "Kontrol kualitas gambar" msgid "Performance history" msgstr "Riwayat performa" msgid "Optionally bypass compression for lossless images." msgstr "Jangan kompres gambar untuk gambar lossless." msgid "Adjust image quality per image format." msgstr "Sesuaikan kualitas gambar untuk tiap format gambar." msgid "Reduce site size by adjusting image quality." msgstr "Perkecil ukuran situs dengan menyesuaikan kualitas gambar." msgid "Have total control over the quality of your images served by the CDN." msgstr "Sesuaikan semua pengaturan kualitas untuk gambar dari CDN." msgid "Adjust image quality" msgstr "Sesuaikan kualitas gambar" msgid "Analyze what may have caused your scores to drop." msgstr "Periksa kemungkinan penyebab skor turun." msgid "View historial core web vitals." msgstr "Lihat riwayat data web core." msgid "Historical performance chart for mobile and desktop." msgstr "Grafik riwayat performa untuk perangkat seluler dan desktop." msgid "" "Keep on top of your site performance by seeing when speed increases or " "decreases." msgstr "Pantau performa situs dengan melihat waktu naik turunnya kecepatan." msgid "Track your site performance history" msgstr "Lihat riwayat performa situs" msgid "%1$s and %2$s others will see updates." msgstr "%1$s dan %2$s lainnya akan melihat postingan situs terbaru." msgid "" "👀 The fediverse is watching %1$s!. %2$s and %3$s others will see updates." msgstr "" "👀 Fediverse siap menyimak kabar dari %1$s! %2$s dan %3$s lainnya akan " "melihat postingan situs terbaru." msgid "%1$s and %2$s will see updates." msgstr "%1$s dan %2$s akan melihat postingan situs terbaru." msgid "👀 The fediverse is watching %1$s!. %2$s and %3$s will see updates." msgstr "" "👀 Fediverse siap menyimak kabar dari %1$s! %2$s dan %3$s akan melihat " "postingan situs terbaru." msgid "👀 The fediverse is watching %1$s!. %2$s will see updates." msgstr "" "👀 Fediverse siap menyimak kabar dari %1$s! %2$s akan melihat postingan situs " "terbaru." msgid "%s Fediverse Follower" msgid_plural "%s Fediverse Followers" msgstr[0] "%s Pengikut Fediverse" msgstr[1] "%s Pengikut Fediverse" msgid "Recent Fediverse Followers" msgstr "Pengikut Fediverse Terbaru" msgid "Go back to the theme showcase" msgstr "Kembali ke galeri tema" msgid "Font font-weight must be a properly formatted string or integer." msgstr "" "Ketebalan font harus berupa string atau bilangan bulat dalam format yang " "sesuai." msgid "Each font src must be a non-empty string." msgstr "Tiap font-src harus berupa string tak kosong." msgid "Font src must be a non-empty string or an array of strings." msgstr "Font-src harus berupa string tak kosong atau array string." msgid "Font font-family must be a non-empty string." msgstr "Kelompok font harus berupa string tak kosong." msgid "Display a list of assigned terms from the taxonomy: %s" msgstr "Tampilkan daftar istilah yang telah ditentukan dari taksonomi: %s" msgid "" "We are writing to inform you that the transfer process for your domain " "%1$s to %2$s has been initiated." msgstr "" "Kami beri tahukan bahwa proses transfer domain Anda %1$s ke " "%2$s sudah dimulai." msgid "Domain Transfer Notification: The transfer of %1$s has been initiated!" msgstr "Pemberitahuan Transfer Domain: Proses transfer %1$s telah dimulai!" msgid "" "CDN is available for free. Select a plan from our pricing page to get " "started." msgstr "" "CDN tersedia secara gratis. Untuk memulai, pilih salah satu paket di halaman " "harga kami." msgid "" "Jetpack VideoPress, Jetpack Search, and the CDN are available through the " "Jetpack plugin." msgstr "" "Jetpack VideoPress, Jetpack Search, dan CDN hadir melalui plugin Jetpack." msgid "" "Performance boosting options such as non-essential JavaScript deferring and " "automated critical CSS generation." msgstr "" "Opsi peningkat performa seperti penundaan pemuatan JavaScript non-esensial " "dan pembuatan CSS utama otomatis." msgid "{{a}}Grow your brand{{/a}} with Jetpack Social." msgstr "{{a}}Kembangkan brand Anda{{/a}} dengan Jetpack Social." msgid "" "{{downloadLink}}Download Jetpack{{/downloadLink}} or install it directly " "from your site by following the {{a}}instructions we put together here{{/a}}." msgstr "" "{{downloadLink}}Unduh Jetpack{{/downloadLink}} atau instal langsung dari " "situs Anda dengan mengikuti {{a}}petunjuk yang kami rangkum di sini{{/a}}." msgid "" "Transferring a domain to another user will give all the rights of this " "domain to that user. You will no longer be able to manage the domain." msgstr "" "Mentransfer domain ke pengguna lain akan memberikan semua hak domain kepada " "pengguna tersebut. Anda tidak akan bisa lagi mengelola domain tersebut." msgid "Enter domain recipient’s email for transfer" msgstr "Masukkan e-mail penerima domain yang akan ditransfer" msgid "" "The recipient will need to provide updated contact information and accept " "the request before the domain transfer can be completed." msgstr "" "Penerima harus memberikan informasi kontak yang diperbarui dan menerima " "permintaan sebelum transfer domain dapat diselesaikan." msgid "A domain transfer request has been emailed to the recipient’s address." msgstr "Permintaan transfer domain telah diemail ke alamat penerima." msgid "Non-profit organization" msgstr "Organisasi nirlaba" msgid "Registered charity" msgstr "Badan amal terdaftar" msgid "Configure Boost" msgstr "Atur Boost" msgid "Akismet is now protecting your site from spam." msgstr "Akismet sekarang aktif melindungi situs dari spam." msgid "This transfer is no longer valid." msgstr "Proses transfer ini tidak lagi valid." msgid "The domain specified is not hosted with us." msgstr "Hosting untuk domain tersebut tidak disediakan oleh kami." msgid "Spelling and grammar correction" msgstr "Koreksi ejaan dan tata bahasa" msgid "Translate content to multiple languages" msgstr "Terjemahkan konten ke berbagai bahasa" msgid "Prompt based AI assistant" msgstr "Asisten AI berbasis prompt" msgid "Speed up content creation" msgstr "Percepat pembuatan konten" msgid "Improve SEO" msgstr "Tingkatkan SEO" msgid "Speed up your store" msgstr "Tingkatkan kecepatan toko Anda" msgid "" "Prevents new post and page from being created as well as existing posts and " "pages from being edited, and closes comments site wide." msgstr "" "Mencegah pembuatan pos dan halaman baru, mencegah pengeditan pos dan halaman " "yang sudah ada, serta menutup kolom komentar di seluruh situs." msgid "" "To take ownership of the site, we ask that the person you designate contacts " "us at %s with a copy of the death certificate." msgstr "" "Untuk mengalihkan kepemilikan situs, kami meminta orang yang Anda tunjuk " "untuk menghubungi kami melalui %s dan menunjukkan salinan akta kematian." msgid "Legacy Contact" msgstr "Kontak Pewaris" msgid "Enhanced Ownership" msgstr "Kepemilikan Menyeluruh" msgid "" "This domain is your site's main address. You can forward subdomains or {{a}}" "set a new primary site address{{/a}} to forward the root domain." msgstr "" "Domain ini adalah alamat utama situs Anda. Anda dapat meneruskan subdomain " "atau {{a}}menentukan alamat situs utama baru{{/a}} untuk meneruskan domain " "root." msgid "If you need any further help, please contact %2$s." msgstr "Jika butuh hubungan lebih lanjut, hubungi %2$s." msgid "Build a site, sell online, earn with your content, and more" msgstr "" "Buat website atau blog dengan, jual produk online, dan " "monetisasi kontenmu – mulai gratis dan kembangkan bisnismu dengan alat yang " "mudah digunakan." msgid "Customer support from WordPress experts" msgstr "Dukungan pelanggan dari tim ahli WordPress" msgid "WordPress Support | Official Customer Support" msgstr "Dukungan WordPress | Dukungan Pelanggan Resmi" msgid "The context of the completion request is too long." msgstr "Konteks permintaan penyelesaian terlalu panjang." msgid "Set domain as the primary site address" msgstr "Tetapkan domain sebagai alamat situs utama" msgid "Start your legacy" msgstr "Mulai legasi Anda" msgid "" "Craft your legacy from the ground up. We'll be by your side every step of " "the way." msgstr "" "Bangun legasi Anda sejak dini. Kami akan berada di sisi Anda di setiap " "langkah." msgid "Upgrade an existing site to the %(planTitle)s." msgstr "Upgrade situs yang sudah ada ke %(planTitle)s." msgid "Start crafting your 100-Year legacy by appointing one of your sites." msgstr "" "Mulailah membuat legasi 100 Tahun Anda dengan memilih salah satu situs Anda." msgid "Need help? {{ChatLink}}Chat with us{{/ChatLink}}" msgstr "Butuh bantuan? {{ChatLink}}Chat dengan kami{{/ChatLink}}" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(siteTitle)s (%(siteDomain)s){{/strong}} will be upgraded to the " "%(planTitle)s, and will benefit from these exclusive features:" msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(siteTitle)s (%(siteDomain)s){{/strong}} akan diupgrade ke " "%(planTitle)s dan akan mendapatkan fitur-fitur eksklusif berikut:" msgid "Confirm your site selection" msgstr "Konfirmasikan situs pilihan Anda" msgid "You can not analyze site that is not a staging site." msgstr "Situs yang bukan situs staging tidak dapat dianalisis." msgid "Accept domain transfer" msgstr "Terima transfer domain" msgid "An error occurred while transferring the domain." msgstr "Terjadi kendala saat mentransfer domain." msgid "You need to start the domain transfer for your domain." msgstr "Anda perlu memulai transfer domain untuk domain Anda." msgid "Retry transfer" msgstr "Coba transfer lagi" msgid "Point to" msgstr "Arahkan ke" msgid "This domain will expire on {{strong}}%(expiryDate)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "Domain ini akan kedaluwarsa pada {{strong}}%(expiryDate)s{{/strong}}. " msgid "" "You can still renew the domain until {{strong}}%(redeemableUntil)s{{/" "strong}} by paying an additional redemption fee." msgstr "" "Anda masih dapat memperpanjang domain hingga {{strong}}%(redeemableUntil)s{{/" "strong}} dengan membayar biaya penebusan tambahan." msgid "" "You can renew the domain at the regular rate until " "{{strong}}%(renewableUntil)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Anda dapat memperpanjang domain dengan harga reguler hingga " "{{strong}}%(renewableUntil)s{{/strong}}." msgid "This domain expired on {{strong}}%(expiryDate)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "Domain ini kedaluwarsa pada {{strong}}%(expiryDate)s{{/strong}}. " msgid "" "We sent you an email to verify your contact information. Please complete the " "verification or your domain will stop working." msgstr "" "Kami telah mengirimkan e-mail untuk memverifikasi informasi kontak Anda. " "Selesaikan verifikasi atau domain Anda akan tidak berfungsi." msgid "We noticed that something wasn't updated correctly." msgstr "Kami menemukan ada sesuatu yang tidak diperbarui dengan benar." msgid "Unknown status" msgstr "Status tidak diketahui" msgid "Peace of mind" msgstr "Garansi kepuasan" msgid "24/7 Premier Support" msgstr "Dukungan Premium 24 Jam" msgid "Top-tier managed WordPress hosting" msgstr "Hosting WordPress terkelola tingkat atas" msgid "Enhanced ownership protocols" msgstr "Enhanced ownership protocols" msgid "Century-long domain registration" msgstr "Registrasi domain selama satu abad" msgid "Ads Dashboard" msgstr "Dasbor Iklan" msgid "Domain is under maintenance" msgstr "Domain sedang dalam perbaikan" msgid "" "There was a problem updating your account email: %(error)s" msgstr "" "Terjadi kendala saat memperbarui e-mail akun Anda: %(error)s" msgid "Onboarding field data could not be retrieved" msgstr "Data dari kolom onboarding tidak dapat diambil" msgid "" "When you created your new site, %1$s, you purchased a domain transfer " "upgrade. We need you to complete a few preliminary steps to initiate and " "authorize the transfer." msgstr "" "Ketika Anda membuat situs baru, %1$s, Anda membeli upgrade transfer domain. " "Harap selesaikan langkah-langkah awal untuk memulai dan mengizinkan transfer." msgid "Start your Domain Transfer by accessing the following link: %1$s" msgstr "Mulai Transfer Domain Anda dengan mengakses tautan berikut: %1$s" msgid "" "This is just a friendly reminder you still need to start your domain " "transfer for %1$s." msgstr "Sekadar mengingatkan bahwa Anda belum memulai transfer domain %1$s." msgid "" "Prevents new posts and pages from being created as well as existing posts " "and pages from being edited, and closes comments site wide." msgstr "" "Cegah pos dan halaman baru dibuat, cegah pos dan halaman yang sudah ada agar " "dapat diedit, dan tutup komentar di seluruh situs." msgid "Enable Locked Mode" msgstr "Aktifkan Mode Terkunci" msgid "Locked Mode" msgstr "Mode Terkunci" msgid "" "To take ownership of the site, we ask that the person you designate contacts " "us at {{a}}{{/a}} with a copy of the death certificate." msgstr "" "Untuk mengambil kepemilikan situs, kami meminta orang yang Anda tunjuk untuk " "menghubungi kami di {{a}}{{/a}} dan mengirimkan salinan " "surat kematian." msgid "Choose someone to look after your site when you pass away." msgstr "Tentukan seseorang untuk menjaga situs Anda jika Anda meninggal dunia." msgid "Legacy contact" msgstr "Kontak legasi" msgid "Control your legacy" msgstr "Atur legasi Anda" msgid "Are you sure? This will detach the domain from its current site." msgstr "" "Anda yakin? Tindakan ini akan melepaskan domain dari situsnya saat ini." msgid "The domain will be detached from this site in a few minutes." msgstr "Domain tersebut akan dilepaskan dari situs ini dalam beberapa menit." msgid "" "This domain is being disconnected. It should be updated within a few " "minutes. Once the disconnect is complete, you'll be able to manage it {{a}}" "here{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Domain ini sedang diputus sambungannya. Domain ini akan diperbarui dalam " "beberapa menit. Setelah pemutusan selesai, Anda akan dapat mengelolanya di " "sini {{a}}di sini{{/a}}." msgid "Example(s) of how this purpose might be used:" msgstr "Contoh penggunaan dengan tujuan tersebut:" msgid "{{a}}Sign in another way{{/a}}" msgstr "{{a}}Masuk dengan cara lainnya{{/a}}" msgid "Sign in with your email" msgstr "Masuk dengan e-mail Anda" msgid "" "By clicking “Send me sign in link“, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of " "Service{{/tosLink}}, have read our {{privacyLink}}Privacy Policy{{/" "privacyLink}}, and understand that you're creating a Gravatar account if you " "don't already have one." msgstr "" "Dengan mengeklik \"Kirimkan tautan login\", Anda menyetujui {{tosLink}}" "Ketentuan Layanan{{/tosLink}} kami, telah membaca {{privacyLink}}Kebijakan " "Privasi{{/privacyLink}} kami, dan memahami bahwa Anda akan membuat akun " "Gravatar jika belum memilikinya." msgid "" "{{showMagicLoginButton}}Use a different email address{{/" "showMagicLoginButton}}." msgstr "" "{{showMagicLoginButton}}Gunakan alamat e-mail lainnya{{/" "showMagicLoginButton}}." msgid "Ask a question about this site." msgstr "Tanya sesuatu tentang situs." msgid "" "We permit mature content, but it must be marked as such in our system. This " "includes text, images, and video that contain nudity, offensive language, or " "subject matter intended for adult audiences. Please note that sexually " "explicit material is not permitted and should be reported " "here." msgstr "" "Kami mengizinkan adanya konten dewasa, tetapi harus diberi label demikian " "dalam sistem kami. Konten tersebut mencakup teks, gambar, dan video yang " "mengandung ketelanjangan, bahasa kasar, atau topik yang diperuntukkan bagi " "pemirsa dewasa. Harap perhatikan bahwa konten seksual yang eksplisit " "dilarang dan harus dilaporkan lewat halaman ini." msgid "%(count)d domain selected" msgid_plural "%(count)d domains selected" msgstr[0] "%(count)d domain terpilih" msgstr[1] "%(count)d domain terpilih" msgid "Accept the transfer" msgstr "Terima transfer" msgid "" "Great news! The domain %1$s is being transferred to your " " account." msgstr "" "Berita bagus! Domain %1$s sedang ditransfer ke akun " " Anda." msgid "Domain Transfer Notification: %1$s is on its way to you!" msgstr "Notifikasi Transfer Domain: Proses transfer %1$s hampir selesai!" msgid "The following domain fields will not be updated:" msgstr "Informasi domain berikut ini tidak akan diperbarui:" msgid "+ Add email" msgstr "+ Tambah e-mail" msgid "%(count)d forward" msgid_plural "%(count)d forwards" msgstr[0] "%(count)d penerusan" msgstr[1] "%(count)d penerusan" msgctxt "short date with year format" msgid "MMM DD, YYYY" msgstr "DD MMM YYYY" msgctxt "short date format" msgid "MMM DD" msgstr "D MMM" msgctxt "shorter date format" msgid "MMM D" msgstr "D MMM" msgid "Back to %(pageTitle)s" msgstr "Kembali ke %(pageTitle)s" msgid "styles" msgstr "gaya" msgid "" "Add style to your page with our expertly curated color palettes and font " "pairings." msgstr "" "Modifikasi halaman Anda dengan palet warna dan kombinasi font yang dirancang " "khusus oleh ahlinya." msgid "patterns" msgstr "pola" msgid "Pick your styles" msgstr "Pilih gaya Anda" msgid "Create your homepage from our library of patterns." msgstr "Buat beranda Anda dari pustaka pola kami." msgid "Select your patterns" msgstr "Pilih pola Anda" msgid "Check site" msgstr "Cek situs" msgid "" "Access the essential information about any site, including hosting provider, " "domain details, and contact information." msgstr "" "Akses informasi penting semua situs, termasuk penyedia hosting, detail " "domain, dan informasi kontak." msgid "My Mailboxes" msgstr "Mailbox Saya" msgid "Setting up your legacy…" msgstr "Menyiapkan legasi Anda..." msgid "" "The very best managed WordPress experience with unmetered bandwidth, best-in-" "class speed, and unstoppable security bundled in one convenient package." msgstr "" "Pengalaman WordPress terkelola terbaik dengan bandwidth tanpa batas, " "kecepatan terbaik di kelasnya, dan keamanan tak tertandingi yang dibundel " "dalam satu paket yang nyaman." msgid "Top-Tier Managed WordPress Hosting" msgstr "Managed WordPress Hosting Kelas Atas" msgid "" "Navigate life’s milestones with ease. Whether you’re gifting a site to a " "newborn or facilitating a smooth transfer of ownership, we’re here to assist " "every step of the way." msgstr "" "Menelusuri tonggak sejarah kehidupan dengan mudah. Baik Anda menghadiahkan " "situs kepada bayi yang baru lahir atau memfasilitasi pengalihan kepemilikan " "yang mudah, kami siap membantu setiap langkahnya." msgid "Enhanced Ownership Protocols" msgstr "Enhanced Ownership Protocols" msgid "" "As guardians of your life’s work, we take our duty seriously. At the " "platform level, we maintain multiple backups of your content across " "geographically distributed data centers, automatically submit your site to " "the Internet Archive if it’s public, and will provide an optional locked " "mode." msgstr "" "Sebagai penjaga karya sepanjang hayat Anda, kami menjalankan tugas kami " "dengan serius. Di tingkat platform, kami menyimpan beberapa cadangan konten " "Anda di pusat data yang tersebar di berbagai tempat, secara otomatis " "mengirimkan situs Anda ke Internet Archive jika situs tersebut bersifat " "publik, dan akan menyediakan mode terkunci yang dapat Anda atur." msgid "" "A domain is your most valuable digital asset. While standard domain " "registrations last a decade, our 100-Year Plan gives you an opportunity to " "secure your domain for a full century." msgstr "" "Domain adalah aset digital Anda yang paling berharga. Jika pendaftaran " "domain umumnya hanya berlaku selama satu dekade, sedangkan Paket 100 Tahun " "kami memberi Anda kesempatan untuk mengamankan domain Anda selama satu abad " "penuh." msgid "Century-Long Domain Registration" msgstr "Pendaftaran Domain untuk Satu Abad" msgid "Read the announcement post" msgstr "Baca pos pengumuman" msgid "" "Your stories, achievements, and memories preserved for generations to come." msgstr "" "Kisah, pencapaian, dan kenangan Anda akan tetap terjaga untuk generasi yang " "akan datang." msgid "One payment. One hundred years of legacy." msgstr "Sekali bayar. Legasi awet seratus tahun." msgid "" "Your stories, achievements, and memories{{br}}{{/br}}preserved for " "generations to come." msgstr "" "Kisah, pencapaian, dan kenangan Anda{{br}}{{/br}}diabadikan untuk generasi " "yang akan datang." msgid "" "Give your site a fitting name and description — you can always change it " "later." msgstr "" "Berikan nama dan deskripsi yang sesuai untuk situs Anda — Anda dapat " "mengubahnya nanti kapan pun." msgid "Every legacy begins with a name" msgstr "Setiap legasi dimulai dengan sebuah nama" msgid "Secure your 100-Year domain and start building your legacy." msgstr "Amankan domain 100 Tahun Anda dan mulailah membangun legasi Anda." msgid "Bulk actions " msgstr "Tindakan massal" msgid "Select %(count)d domain" msgid_plural "Select all %(count)d domains" msgstr[0] "Pilih %(count)d domain" msgstr[1] "Pilih %(count)d domain" msgid "Have questions? Please see Gravatar's {{a}}documentation here{{/a}}." msgstr "Ada pertanyaan? Silakan lihat {{a}}dokumentasi Gravatar di sini{{/a}}." msgid "Control what information is shared on your public profile." msgstr "Atur informasi yang dibagikan di profil publik Anda." msgid "" "Gravatar accounts and profiles are free. You can log in to thousands of " "sites across the web with one Gravatar account." msgstr "" "Akun dan profil Gravatar bersifat gratis. Anda bisa login ke ribuan situs di " "seluruh web dengan satu akun Gravatar." msgid "You will be logging in via Gravatar" msgstr "Anda akan login via Gravatar" msgid "Welcome to %(clientTitle)s" msgstr "Selamat datang di %(clientTitle)s" msgid "Login to %(clientTitle)s" msgstr "Login ke %(clientTitle)s" msgid "Expires / renews on" msgstr "Kedaluarsa / diperpanjang pada" msgid "%(count)d domain" msgid_plural "%(count)d domains" msgstr[0] "%(count)d domain" msgstr[1] "%(count)d domain" msgid "My tasks" msgstr "Tugas saya" msgid "Warren smiling." msgstr "Warren tersenyum." msgid "Forwarding to a further nested domain is not allowed." msgstr "Meneruskan ke domain bertingkat tidak diperbolehkan." msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "TV Reviews" msgstr "Ulasan TV" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Film Reviews" msgstr "Ulasan Film" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Film Interviews" msgstr "Wawancara Film" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Film History" msgstr "Sejarah Film" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "After Shows" msgstr "After Shows" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "TV & Film" msgstr "TV & Film" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "True Crime" msgstr "Kejahatan Nyata" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Technology" msgstr "Teknologi" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Wrestling" msgstr "Gulat" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Wilderness" msgstr "Alam Liar" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Volleyball" msgstr "Bola Voli" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Tennis" msgstr "Tenis" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Swimming" msgstr "Renang" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Soccer" msgstr "Soccer" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Running" msgstr "Lari" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Rugby" msgstr "Rugby" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Hockey" msgstr "Hoki" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Golf" msgstr "Golf" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Football" msgstr "Sepak Bola" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Fantasy Sports" msgstr "Olahraga Fantasi" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Cricket" msgstr "Kriket" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Basketball" msgstr "Bola Basket" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Baseball" msgstr "Bisbol" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Sports" msgstr "Olahraga" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Relationships" msgstr "Relationship" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Places & Travel" msgstr "Tempat & Perjalanan" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Philosophy" msgstr "Filosofi" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Personal Journals" msgstr "Jurnal Pribadi" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Documentary" msgstr "Dokumenter" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Society & Culture" msgstr "Sosial & Budaya" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Social Sciences" msgstr "Ilmu Sosial" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Physics" msgstr "Fisika" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Nature" msgstr "Alam" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Natural Sciences" msgstr "Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Mathematics" msgstr "Matematika" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Life Sciences" msgstr "Ilmu Pengetahuan Hayati" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Earth Sciences" msgstr "Ilmu Bumi" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Chemistry" msgstr "Kimia" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Astronomy" msgstr "Astronomi" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Science" msgstr "Sains" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Spirituality" msgstr "Spiritualitas" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Religion" msgstr "Agama" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Judaism" msgstr "Yahudi" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Islam" msgstr "Islam" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Hinduism" msgstr "Hindu" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Christianity" msgstr "Kristen" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Buddhism" msgstr "Buda" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Religion & Spirituality" msgstr "Agama & Spiritualitas" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Tech News" msgstr "Berita Teknologi" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Sports News" msgstr "Berita Olahraga" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Politics" msgstr "Politik" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "News Commentary" msgstr "Komentar Berita" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Entertainment News" msgstr "Berita Hiburan" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Daily News" msgstr "Berita Harian" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Business News" msgstr "Berita Bisnis" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "News" msgstr "Berita" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Music Interviews" msgstr "Wawancara Musik" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Music History" msgstr "Sejarah Musik" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Music Commentary" msgstr "Komentar Musik" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Music" msgstr "Musik" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Video Games" msgstr "Video Game" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Home & Garden" msgstr "Rumah & Taman" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Hobbies" msgstr "Hobi" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Games" msgstr "Permainan" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Crafts" msgstr "Kerajinan" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Aviation" msgstr "Penerbangan" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Automotive" msgstr "Otomotif" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Animation & Manga" msgstr "Animasi & Manga" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Leisure" msgstr "Hiburan" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Stories for Kids" msgstr "Cerita untuk Anak" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Pets & Animals" msgstr "Peliharaan & Hewan" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Parenting" msgstr "Parenting" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Education for Kids" msgstr "Pendidikan untuk Anak" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Kids & Family" msgstr "Anak & Keluarga" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Sexuality" msgstr "Seksualitas" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Nutrition" msgstr "Nutrisi" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Mental Health" msgstr "Kesehatan Mental" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Medicine" msgstr "Obat" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Fitness" msgstr "Kebugaran" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Alternative Health" msgstr "Kesehatan Alternatif" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Health & Fitness" msgstr "Kesehatan & Kebugaran" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "History" msgstr "Sejarah" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Government" msgstr "Pemerintah" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Science Fiction" msgstr "Fiksi Ilmiah" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Drama" msgstr "Drama" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Comedy Fiction" msgstr "Fiksi Komedi" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Fiction" msgstr "Fiksi" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Self-Improvement" msgstr "Pengembangan Diri" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Language Learning" msgstr "Pembelajaran Bahasa" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "How To" msgstr "Tip & Trik" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Courses" msgstr "Kursus" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Education" msgstr "Pendidikan" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Stand-Up" msgstr "Stand-Up" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Improv" msgstr "Improv" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Comedy Interviews" msgstr "Wawancara Komedi" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Comedy" msgstr "Komedi" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Non-Profit" msgstr "Nirlaba" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Marketing" msgstr "Pemasaran" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Management" msgstr "Manajemen" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Investing" msgstr "Investasi" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Entrepreneurship" msgstr "Kewirausahaan" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Careers" msgstr "Karir" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Business" msgstr "Bisnis" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Visual Arts" msgstr "Seni Visual" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Performing Arts" msgstr "Seni Pertunjukan" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Food" msgstr "Makanan" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Fashion & Beauty" msgstr "Fesyen & Kecantikan" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Design" msgstr "Desain" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Books" msgstr "Buku" msgctxt "podcasting category" msgid "Arts" msgstr "Seni" msgid "Image size analyzer" msgstr "Penganalisis ukuran gambar" msgid "" "Automatically regenerate critical CSS and hunt down image issues with " "ease." msgstr "" "Buat ulang CSS utama secara otomatis dan deteksi masalah terkait gambar " "dengan mudah." msgid "Concatenate JS and CSS" msgstr "Gabungkan JS dan CSS" msgid "" "Essential tools to improve your site performance with no developers " "required." msgstr "" "Peralatan esensial untuk meningkatkan performa situs Anda tanpa " "perlu pengembang." msgid "Shows the bandwidth savings if problems are fixed." msgstr "Menampilkan penghematan bandwidth jika masalah diperbaiki." msgid "Presents a report detailing where problem images are." msgstr "Menyajikan laporan yang memerinci letak masalah terkait gambar." msgid "Automatically scans your site for image size issues." msgstr "Memindai secara otomatis masalah terkait ukuran gambar di situs." msgid "" "Our image analyzer checks your site and highlights which images are in need " "of attention." msgstr "" "Penganalisis gambar kami memeriksa situs Anda dan menyoroti gambar yang " "memerlukan perhatian." msgid "Image Analyzer" msgstr "Penganalisis Gambar" msgid "Keep your site performance optimized." msgstr "Jaga optimisasi performa situs Anda." msgid "Regenerate critical CSS when your site changes." msgstr "Buat ulang CSS utama saat situs Anda berubah." msgid "" "Automatically organize, compress and combine JS & CSS code for faster " "loading." msgstr "" "Kelola, kompresi, dan gabungkan kode JS & CSS secara otomatis agar pemuatan " "lebih cepat." msgid "Concatenate JS & CSS" msgstr "Gabungkan JS & CSS" msgid "See at a glance which images are the incorrect size." msgstr "Lihat sekilas gambar mana yang ukurannya salah." msgid "Inspect images size and resolution directly on the browser." msgstr "Periksa ukuran dan resolusi gambar secara langsung di browser." msgid "" "Discover and fix images with a suboptimal resolution, aspect ratio, or size " "and improve user experience and page speed." msgstr "" "Jelajahi dan perbaiki gambar yang resolusi, rasio aspek, atau ukurannya " "kurang optimal, serta tingkatkan pengalaman pengguna dan kecepatan waktu " "muat halaman." msgid "Serve images from a worldwide network of servers." msgstr "Sajikan gambar dari jaringan server seluruh dunia." msgid "Convert images to modern efficient formats like WebP." msgstr "Konversi gambar ke format modern yang efisien seperti WebP." msgid "Automatically resize your images to an appropriate size." msgstr "Atur ulang ukuran gambar Anda secara otomatis ke ukuran yang sesuai." msgid "" "Enjoy lightning-fast image loading and optimized performance with our Image " "CDN." msgstr "" "Nikmati pemuatan gambar secepat kilat dan performa optimal dengan CDN Gambar " "kami." msgid "See which images on your site need attention." msgstr "Lihat gambar-gambar di situs Anda yang memerlukan perhatian." msgid "Defer Javascript so your page loads quicker." msgstr "Tangguhkan Javascript agar halaman Anda dimuat lebih cepat." msgid "Generate Critical CSS for above the fold content." msgstr "" "Buat CSS Utama untuk konten yang langsung terlihat tanpa menggulir halaman." msgid "Reduce bounce rate by having faster pages." msgstr "Kurangi tingkat bounce dengan halaman yang dimuat lebih cepat." msgid "Page speed is a direct search ranking factor." msgstr "" "Kecepatan pemuatan halaman adalah faktor yang berpengaruh langsung terhadap " "peringkat pencarian." msgid "Easily see performance impact of changes." msgstr "Lihat efek perubahan terhadap performa dengan mudah." msgid "Desktop performance score." msgstr "Skor performa desktop." msgid "Mobile performance score." msgstr "Skor performa seluler." msgid "The easiest speed optimization plugin for WordPress" msgstr "Plugin optimisasi kecepatan termudah untuk WordPress" msgid "" "There is a pending domain move for this domain. Please wait for it to " "complete before disconnecting the domain from the site." msgstr "" "Ada pemindahan domain tertunda untuk domain ini. Mohon tunggu hingga selesai " "sebelum memutuskan koneksi domain dari situs." msgid "" "Jetpack can’t communicate with your site because XML-RPC is not responding " "correctly." msgstr "" "Jetpack tidak dapat berkomunikasi dengan situs Anda karena XML-RPC tidak " "merespons dengan benar." msgid "" "Jetpack can’t communicate with your site because the REST API is not " "responding correctly." msgstr "" "Jetpack tidak dapat berkomunikasi dengan situs Anda karena REST API tidak " "merespons dengan benar." msgid "Sources:" msgstr "Sumber:" msgid "Invalid cached context for the answer feedback." msgstr "Konteks cache untuk feedback jawaban tidak valid." msgid "Invalid response from the server." msgstr "Respons dari server tidak valid." msgid "Access to Jetpack Manage – manage all of your sites in one place." msgstr "Akses ke Jetpack Manage – kelola semua situs Anda di satu tempat." msgid "Let's get started with Jetpack Manage" msgstr "Ayo mulai dengan Jetpack Manage" msgid "" "Manage features and monitor your clients’ sites by adding them to Jetpack " "Manage. To do so, connect the sites to Jetpack using your " "{{strong}}%(userEmail)s{{/strong}} user account." msgstr "" "Kelola fitur dan pantau situs klien Anda dengan menambahkannya ke Jetpack " "Manage. Untuk melakukannya, hubungkan situs ke Jetpack menggunakan akun " "Anda: {{strong}}%(userEmail)s{{/strong}}." msgid "Editing contact info for %(count)d domain:" msgid_plural "Editing contact info for %(count)d domains:" msgstr[0] "Mengedit info kontak untuk %(count)d domain:" msgstr[1] "Mengedit info kontak untuk %(count)d domain:" msgid "Continue to WP Job Manager" msgstr "Lanjutkan ke WP Job Manager" msgid "Your password-free link" msgstr "Tautan bebas kata sandi untuk Anda" msgid "Welcome to WP Job Manager - Confirm Signup" msgstr "Selamat datang di WP Job Manager - Konfirmasi Pendaftaran" msgid "" "Your free trial will end in %(daysLeft)d day. Upgrade by %(expirationdate)s " "to start selling and take advantage of our limited time offer — any Woo " "Express plan for just %(introOfferFormattedPrice)s for your first " "%(introOfferIntervalCount)d months." msgid_plural "" "Your free trial will end in %(daysLeft)d days. Upgrade by %(expirationdate)s " "to start selling and take advantage of our limited time offer — any Woo " "Express plan for just %(introOfferFormattedPrice)s for your first " "%(introOfferIntervalCount)d months." msgstr[0] "" "Uji coba gratis Anda akan berakhir dalam %(daysLeft)d hari. Upgrade sebelum " "%(expirationdate)s untuk mulai menjual dan dapatkan manfaat penawaran dalam " "waktu terbatas kami — paket Woo Express apa pun cuma " "%(introOfferFormattedPrice)s untuk %(introOfferIntervalCount)d bulan pertama " "Anda." msgstr[1] "" "Uji coba gratis Anda akan berakhir dalam %(daysLeft)d hari. Upgrade sebelum " "%(expirationdate)s untuk mulai menjual dan dapatkan manfaat penawaran dalam " "waktu terbatas kami — paket Woo Express apa pun cuma " "%(introOfferFormattedPrice)s untuk %(introOfferIntervalCount)d bulan pertama " "Anda." msgid "An error occurred while initiating the domain transfer." msgstr "Terjadi kendala saat memulai transfer domain." msgid "Transfer this domain to another user" msgstr "Transfer domain ini ke pengguna lain" msgid "To another user" msgstr "Ke pengguna lain" msgid "Purpose" msgstr "Tujuan" msgid "Data Retention Period" msgstr "Masa Retensi Data" msgid "Types of Data Collected" msgstr "Jenis Data yang Dikumpulkan" msgid "%1$s of them rely on legitimate interest." msgstr "%1$s di antaranya berlaku atas dasar kepentingan yang sah." msgid "%1$s of our partners use your data for this purpose." msgstr "%1$s mitra kami menggunakan data Anda untuk tujuan ini." msgid "" "We,, and our advertising partners store and/or access " "information on your device and also process personal data, like unique " "identifiers, browsing activity, and other standard information sent by your " "device including your IP address. This information is collected over time " "and used for personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and " "product development specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, " "select \"I Agree!\" below. Otherwise, you can get more information, " "customize your consent preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or " "decline consent by selecting \"Learn More\". Note that your preferences " "apply to all websites in the network, and if you change " "your mind in the future you can update your preferences anytime by visiting " "the Privacy link displayed under each ad or by using the \"Privacy\" option " "in the Action Bar located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. One last " "thing, our partners may process some of your data based on legitimate " "interests instead of consent but you can object to that by choosing \"Learn " "More\" and then disabling the Legitimate Interests toggle under any listed " "Purpose or Partner." msgstr "" "Kami,, dan mitra iklan kami menyimpan dan/atau mengakses " "informasi di perangkat Anda sekaligus memproses data pribadi, seperti " "pengenal unik, aktivitas penelusuran, dan informasi standar lainnya yang " "dikirim perangkat Anda termasuk alamat IP. Informasi tersebut dikumpulkan " "dari waktu ke waktu dan digunakan untuk iklan yang dipersonalisasi, " "pengukuran kinerja iklan, wawasan tentang pengunjung, dan pengembangan " "produk khusus untuk program iklan kami. Jika Anda sepakat, pilih \"Saya " "Setuju!\" di bawah ini. Jika tidak, Anda dapat membaca informasi lainnya, " "menyesuaikan preferensi persetujuan untuk lebih dari %1$s vendor iklan yang " "berbeda, atau menolaknya dengan memilih \"Baca Selengkapnya\". Harap " "diperhatikan bahwa preferensi Anda berlaku di semua situs dalam jaringan dan jika ke depannya Anda berubah pikiran, " "Anda dapat memperbarui preferensi kapan pun dengan membuka tautan Privasi " "yang ditampilkan di bawah tiap iklan atau dengan menggunakan pilihan " "\"Privasi\" pada Bilah Tindakan yang ada di pojok kanan bawah layar. " "Terakhir, mitra kami mungkin akan memproses sebagian data Anda menurut " "kepentingan yang sah alih-alih berdasarkan persetujuan, tetapi tindakan ini " "dapat ditolak dengan memilih \"Baca Selengkapnya\", kemudian menonaktifkan " "tombol Kepentingan yang Sah di tiap Tujuan atau Mitra yang ditampilkan." msgid "" "We and our advertising partners store and/or access information on your " "device and also process personal data, like unique identifiers, browsing " "activity, and other standard information sent by your device including your " "IP address. This information is collected over time and used for " "personalised ads, ad measurement, audience insights, and product development " "specific to our ads program. If this sounds good to you, select \"I Agree!\" " "below. Otherwise, you can get more information, customize your consent " "preferences for over %1$s different ad vendors, or decline consent by " "selecting \"Learn More\". Note that your preferences apply only to this " "website. If you change your mind in the future you can update your " "preferences anytime by visiting the Privacy link displayed under each ad or " "by using the \"Privacy\" option in the Action Bar located at the bottom-" "right corner of the screen. One last thing, our partners may process some of " "your data based on legitimate interests instead of consent but you can " "object to that by choosing \"Learn More\" and then disabling the Legitimate " "Interests toggle under any listed Purpose or Partner." msgstr "" "Kami dan mitra iklan kami menyimpan dan/atau mengakses informasi di " "perangkat Anda sekaligus memproses data pribadi, seperti pengenal unik, " "aktivitas penelusuran, dan informasi standar lainnya yang dikirim perangkat " "Anda termasuk alamat IP. Informasi tersebut dikumpulkan dari waktu ke waktu " "dan digunakan untuk iklan yang dipersonalisasi, pengukuran kinerja iklan, " "wawasan tentang pengunjung, dan pengembangan produk khusus untuk program " "iklan kami. Jika Anda sepakat, pilih \"Saya Setuju!\" di bawah ini. Jika " "tidak, Anda dapat membaca informasi lainnya, menyesuaikan preferensi " "persetujuan untuk lebih dari %1$s vendor iklan yang berbeda, atau menolaknya " "dengan memilih \"Baca Selengkapnya\". Harap diperhatikan bahwa preferensi " "Anda hanya berlaku untuk situs ini. Jika ke depannya Anda berubah pikiran, " "Anda dapat memperbarui preferensi kapan pun dengan mengunjungi tautan " "Privasi yang ditampilkan di bawah tiap iklan atau dengan menggunakan pilihan " "\"Privasi\" pada Bilah Tindakan yang ada di pojok bawah kanan layar. " "Terakhir, mitra kami mungkin akan memproses sebagian data Anda menurut " "kepentingan yang sah alih-alih berdasarkan persetujuan, tetapi tindakan ini " "dapat ditolak dengan memilih \"Baca Selengkapnya\", kemudian menonaktifkan " "tombol Kepentingan yang Sah di tiap Tujuan atau Mitra yang ditampilkan." msgid "Create subscription product" msgstr "Buat produk langganan" msgid "" "This is where you'll see and manage all subscriptions in your store. Create " "a subscription product to turn one-time purchases into a steady income." msgstr "" "Inilah tempat melihat dan mengelola semua langganan di toko Anda. Buat " "produk langganan untuk mengubah pembelian satu kali menjadi penghasilan " "tetap." msgid "No subscriptions found." msgstr "Langganan tidak ditemukan." msgid "" "The number of subscriptions migrated from Stripe Billing to on-site billing." msgstr "" "Jumlah langganan yang dimigrasikan dari Stripe Billing ke penagihan on-site." msgid "The number of subscriptions using Stripe Billing" msgstr "Jumlah langganan yang menggunakan Stripe Billing" msgid "" "Whether there is a Stripe Billing off-site to on-site billing migration in " "progress." msgstr "" "Apakah ada migrasi penagihan Stripe Billing off-site ke on-site yang sedang " "berlangsung." msgid "If Stripe Billing is enabled." msgstr "Jika Stripe Billing diaktifkan." msgid "Save %s% by paying annually" msgstr "Hemat %s% dengan pembayaran tahunan" msgid "" "{{p}}Upgrade to get priority support and access to upcoming advanced " "features. You’ll need to purchase a commercial license based on your site " "type. {{/p}}{{p}}{{jetpackStatsProductLink}}Upgrade my Stats{{/" "jetpackStatsProductLink}} {{commercialUpgradeLink}}" "{{commercialUpgradeLinkText}}Learn more{{/commercialUpgradeLinkText}}" "{{externalIcon /}}{{/commercialUpgradeLink}}{{/p}}" msgstr "" "{{p}}Upgrade untuk mendapatkan dukungan prioritas dan akses ke fitur canggih " "mendatang. Anda perlu membeli lisensi komersial sesuai dengan jenis situs " "Anda. {{/p}}{{p}}{{jetpackStatsProductLink}}Upgrade Statistik saya{{/" "jetpackStatsProductLink}} {{commercialUpgradeLink}}" "{{commercialUpgradeLinkText}}Baca selengkapnya{{/commercialUpgradeLinkText}}" "{{externalIcon /}}{{/commercialUpgradeLink}}{{/p}}" msgid "Upgrade to Stats Commercial" msgstr "Upgrade ke Stats Commercial" msgid "Restore selected files" msgstr "Pulihkan file yang dipilih" msgid "Download selected files" msgstr "Unduh file yang dipilih" msgid "Ask" msgstr "Tanyakan" msgid "E.g.:" msgstr "Misalnya:" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domainSuggestion)s{{/strong}} is included free with your plan. " "Claim it and start building a site that's easy to find, share and follow." msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(domainSuggestion)s{{/strong}} tersedia gratis di paket Anda. " "Dapatkan segera dan mulai buat situs yang mudah ditemukan, dibagikan, dan " "diingat." msgid "Or enter your website address:" msgstr "Atau, masukkan alamat situs web Anda:" msgid "" "Our system is generating a possible solution for you, which typically takes " "about 30 seconds." msgstr "" "Sistem kami sedang menyiapkan solusi yang sesuai untuk Anda. Proses ini " "memerlukan waktu sekitar 30 detik." msgid "Using %1$s of %1$s email forwards" msgstr "Menggunakan %1$s dari %1$s penerusan e-mail" msgid "%(numberOfFiles)d more file or directory selected" msgid_plural "%(numberOfFiles)d more files or directories selected" msgstr[0] "Lebih dari %(numberOfFiles)d file atau direktori dipilih" msgstr[1] "Lebih dari %(numberOfFiles)d file atau direktori dipilih" msgid "Site Databases" msgstr "Database situs" msgid "All site database tables will be restored" msgstr "Semua tabel database situs akan dipulihkan" msgid "All site plugins will be restored" msgstr "Semua plugin situs akan dipulihkan" msgid "All site themes will be restored" msgstr "Semua tema situs akan dipulihkan" msgid "I have read and agree to all of the above." msgstr "Saya telah membaca dan menyetujui semua hal di atas." msgid "" "Click the button below to submit a support request to our Happiness " "Engineers." msgstr "" "Klik tombol di bawah untuk mengirimkan permintaan bantuan kepada Happiness " "Engineer." msgid "Generated by's Support AI" msgstr "Dibuat oleh AI Dukungan" msgid "E.g.: How do I install Jetpack?" msgstr "Misalnya: Bagaimana cara menginstal Jetpack?" msgid "Emails sent" msgstr "E-mail terkirim" msgid "" "{{sendEmailButton}}Resend the verification email{{/sendEmailButton}} or " "{{showMagicLoginButton}}use a different email address{{/" "showMagicLoginButton}}." msgstr "" "{{sendEmailButton}}Kirim ulang e-mail verifikasi{{/sendEmailButton}} atau " "{{showMagicLoginButton}}gunakan alamat e-mail lainnya{{/" "showMagicLoginButton}}." msgid "" "We just emailed you a link. Please check your inbox and click the link to " "log in." msgstr "" "Kami baru saja mengirimi Anda e-mail tautan. Silakan periksa inbox Anda dan " "klik tautan untuk login." msgid "" "We've sent an email with a verification link to {{strong}}%(emailAddress)s{{/" "strong}}" msgstr "" "Kami telah mengirimkan e-mail dengan tautan verifikasi ke " "{{strong}}%(emailAddress)s{{/strong}}" msgid "" "If you prefer logging in with a password, or a social media account, choose " "below:" msgstr "" "Jika Anda lebih suka login dengan kata sandi, atau akun media sosial, pilih " "di bawah ini:" msgid "Overall score: %1$s, mobile %2$s / 100, desktop %3$s / 100" msgstr "Skor keseluruhan: %1$s, seluler %2$s / 100, desktop %3$s / 100" msgid "Site performance score recorded" msgstr "Skor performa situs dicatat" msgid "Not subscribed to any newsletter categories" msgstr "Tidak berlangganan kategori buletin mana pun" msgid "Receives emails for" msgstr "Terima e-mail untuk" msgid "Edit site in WP Admin" msgstr "Edit situs di WP Admin" msgid "" "This block is automatically inserted near any occurence of the block types " "used as keys of this map, into a relative position given by the " "corresponding value." msgstr "" "Blok ini secara otomatis disisipkan di sekitar kemunculan jenis blok yang " "digunakan sebagai kunci dari peta ini, ke posisi yang berdekatan berdasarkan " "nilai yang berkaitan." msgid "Cannot hook block to itself." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengaitkan blok dengan blok itu sendiri." msgid "+ Add forward" msgstr "+ Tambah terusan" msgid "Domain forwarding" msgstr "Domain forwarding" msgid "Subdomain forwarding" msgstr "Subdomain forwarding" msgid "Before you go, help us improve Akismet" msgstr "Sebelum Anda beranjak, bantu kami meningkatkan Akismet" msgid "" "Once you remove your subscription, Akismet will no longer be blocking spam " "from your sites' comments and forms." msgstr "" "Setelah Anda menghapus langganan Anda, Akismet tidak akan lagi memblokir " "spam dari komentar dan formulir situs Anda." msgid "Already a subscriber?" msgstr "Sudah menjadi pelanggan?" msgid "Already a paid subscriber?" msgstr "Sudah menjadi pelanggan berbayar?" msgid "" "Paste the verification code provided by %(serviceName)s for the {{strong}}" "CNAME{{/strong}} record:" msgstr "" "Paste kode verifikasi yang disediakan oleh %(serviceName)s untuk {{strong}}" "CNAME{{/strong}} record:" msgid "" "Paste the verification token provided by %(serviceName)s for the {{strong}}" "TXT{{/strong}} record:" msgstr "" "Paste token verifikasi yang disediakan oleh %(serviceName)s untuk {{strong}}" "TXT{{/strong}} record:" msgid "Pending updates" msgstr "Pembaruan tertunda" msgid "Update contact details" msgstr "Perbarui detail kontak" msgid "Change auto-renew mode" msgstr "Ubah mode perpanjang otomatis" msgid "Bulk domain updates finished successfully " msgstr "Pembaruan domain massal berhasil diselesaikan" msgid "See failures" msgstr "Lihat mana yang gagal" msgid "Some domain updates were not successful " msgstr "Beberapa pembaruan domain tidak berhasil" msgid "" "You will be charged %(cost)s and understand that {{refundsSupportPage}}" "refunds{{/refundsSupportPage}} are limited to %(refundPeriodDays)d days " "after purchase." msgstr "" "Anda akan dikenai biaya %(cost)s dan telah memahami bahwa " "{{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana{{/refundsSupportPage}} hanya berlaku " "selama %(refundPeriodDays)d hari setelah pembelian dilakukan." msgid "" "You acknowledge that you have read and understand the details about the " "%(planName)s listed {{supportLink}}here{{/supportLink}}, including feature " "changes that could occur during the life of your plan." msgstr "" "Anda mengakui bahwa Anda telah membaca dan memahami detail tentang " "%(planName)s yang tercantum {{supportLink}}di sini{{/supportLink}}, termasuk " "perubahan fitur yang mungkin terjadi selama masa berlaku paket Anda." msgid "" "Power your payments with a simple, all-in-one option and save %1$s on " "payment processing costs in your first three months. See Terms and Conditions for details." msgstr "" "Manfaatkan pilihan metode pembayaran terpadu yang sederhana, dan hemat " "%1$s untuk biaya proses pembayaran selama tiga bulan pertama. Baca Ketentuan Layanan untuk detail " "selengkapnya." msgid "" "Start by setting up or freely switch your temporary domain to your preferred " "one. It's time to create your masterpiece!" msgstr "" "Mulailah dengan menyiapkan atau mengganti sendiri domain sementara Anda ke " "domain pilihan Anda. Saatnya membuat karya terbaik Anda!" msgid "" "Congratulations! You've successfully purchased the %(licenseItem)s License." msgstr "Selamat! Anda telah berhasil membeli Lisensi %(licenseItem)s." msgid "Change domain" msgstr "Ubah domain" msgid "Set up site in wp-admin" msgstr "Siapkan situs di wp-admin" msgid "Found a security issue?" msgstr "Ada masalah keamanan?" msgid "" "Full description of your problem. Include any error messages and links to " "screenshots:" msgstr "" "Keterangan lengkap tentang masalah. Sertakan pesan error dan tautan ke " "tangkapan layar:" msgid "Enter your website address:" msgstr "Masukkan alamat situs Anda:" msgid "Jetpack Manage" msgstr "Jetpack Manage" msgid "" "Updating plugins for each site is cumbersome and time-consuming. Update them " "across each site in one click, or update specific plugins within Jetpack " "Manage." msgstr "" "Proses memperbarui plugin untuk tiap situs sangatlah rumit dan memakan " "waktu. Lakukan pembaruan di tiap situs dengan sekali klik, atau perbarui " "plugin tertentu dari Jetpack Manage." msgid "" "Jetpack Manage is mobile‑optimized, so you can monitor and take action on " "your client’s sites on your smartphone or tablet" msgstr "" "Jetpack Manage dioptimalkan untuk perangkat seluler agar Anda dapat memantau " "dan mengambil tindakan pada situs klien melalui ponsel cerdas atau tablet " "Anda." msgid "" "Jetpack Manage was created to give you a bird’s eye view of your clients’ " "site security and performance. Get alerts immediately if a client site needs " "attention. Save time and keep your clients happy." msgstr "" "Jetpack Manage dibuat untuk memberikan gambaran lengkap tentang keamanan dan " "performa situs klien Anda. Dapatkan peringatan langsung jika situs klien " "perlu diperiksa. Hemat waktu dan buat klien tetap puas." msgid "Take a walkthrough of Jetpack Manage" msgstr "Pelajari Jetpack Manage" msgid "" "Whether you manage a few sites or upwards of 1,000 sites, Jetpack Manage " "will help automate your client site management." msgstr "" "Saat Anda mengelola beberapa situs atau lebih dari 1.000 situs, Jetpack " "Manage akan membantu mengautomasi pengelolaan situs klien Anda." msgid "Learn more about managed hosting: %s" msgstr "Baca selengkapnya tentang hosting terkelola %s" msgctxt "Total number of subscribers" msgid "Total" msgstr "Total" msgid "" "You can now create a site directly from Jetpack Manage. Give " "it a try!" msgstr "" "Anda sekarang dapat membuat situs langsung dari Jetpack " "Manage. Cobalah!" msgid "New Feature!" msgstr "Fitur Baru!" msgid "Tiago smiling." msgstr "Tiago tersenyum." msgid "STORAGE" msgstr "PENYIMPANAN" msgid "Get %(title)s" msgstr "Dapatkan %(title)s" msgid "Please confirm your email address to log in" msgstr "Harap konfirmasi alamat email Anda untuk login" msgid "Welcome to Gravatar - Confirm Login" msgstr "Selamat datang di Gravatar - Konfirmasi Login" msgid "No valid payment method was selected." msgstr "Metode pembayaran yang valid belum dipilih." msgid "Invalid saved payment method (token) ID." msgstr "ID (token) metode pembayaran yang disimpan tidak valid." msgid "WooPayments is not used during checkout." msgstr "WooPayments tidak digunakan saat checkout." msgid "" "This tool will migrate all Stripe Billing subscriptions to tokenized " "subscriptions with WooPayments.%1$sNumber of Stripe Billing subscriptions " "found: %2$d" msgstr "" "Alat ini akan memindahkan semua langganan Stripe Billing ke langganan yang " "menggunakan token dengan WooPayments.%1$sJumlah langganan Stripe Billing " "yang ditemukan: %2$d" msgid "Migration in progress" msgstr "Migrasi sedang berlangsung" msgid "Migrate Stripe Billing subscriptions" msgstr "Migrasikan langganan Stripe Billing" msgctxt "taxonomy singular name" msgid "Pattern Category" msgstr "Kategori Pola" msgid "Page Loaded." msgstr "Halaman Dimuat." msgid "Loading page, please wait." msgstr "Memuat halaman, mohon tunggu." msgid "Go further, faster with a plan upgrade" msgstr "Upgrade paket untuk melangkah lebih jauh dan lebih cepat" msgid "Save up to 15% with 2-year billing" msgstr "Hemat hingga 15% dengan penagihan setiap 2 tahun" msgid "Remove forward" msgstr "Hapus pengalihan" msgid "Upgrade my Stats" msgstr "Upgrade Stats saya" msgid "Show more patterns" msgstr "Tampilkan lebih banyak pola" msgid "No commercial use" msgstr "Tidak untuk penggunaan komersial" msgid "Included with your plan" msgstr "Disertakan dalam paket Anda" msgid "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} included with your plan" msgstr "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} disertakan dalam paket Anda" msgid "Enter subdomain" msgstr "Masukkan subdomain" msgid "Source URL" msgstr "URL Sumber" msgid "Please enter a valid subdomain name." msgstr "Harap masukkan nama subdomain yang valid." msgid "To activate this theme you need:" msgstr "Untuk mengaktifkan tema ini, Anda perlu:" msgid "Unlock this theme" msgstr "Dapatkan tema ini" msgid "Unlock this partner theme" msgstr "Dapatkan tema mitra ini" msgid "%(cost)s per month" msgstr "%(cost)s per bulan" msgid "Optimismo is a blog theme with a big bold message at the front." msgstr "Optimismo adalah tema blog dengan pesan besar dan berani di depannya." msgid "← Back to Modules" msgstr "← Kembali ke Modul" msgid "No modules found." msgstr "Modul tidak ditemukan." msgid "New Module Name" msgstr "Nama Modul Baru" msgid "Add New Module" msgstr "Tambahkan Modul Baru" msgid "Update Module" msgstr "Perbarui Modul" msgid "Edit Module" msgstr "Edit Modul" msgid "View Module" msgstr "Lihat Modul" msgid "Parent Module:" msgstr "Modul Induk:" msgid "Parent Module" msgstr "Modul Induk" msgid "All Modules" msgstr "Semua Modul" msgid "Module" msgstr "Modul" msgid "Modules" msgstr "Modul" msgid "" "This plugin {{strong}}hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of " "WordPress{{/strong}}. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may " "have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress. " "Try {{a}}searching{{/a}} for a similar plugin." msgstr "" "Plugin ini {{strong}}belum diuji pada 3 rilis utama terbaru dari WordPress{{/" "strong}}. Plugin mungkin sudah tidak dikelola atau didukung dan mungkin " "mengalami masalah kompatibilitas saat digunakan dengan versi WordPress yang " "lebih baru. Coba {{a}}cari{{/a}} plugin serupa." msgid "" "Upgrade now and we’ll automatically apply the remaining credit from your " "current plan. Remember, upgrade credit can only be used toward plan upgrades " "for the same website." msgstr "" "Upgrade sekarang dan kami akan menerapkan sisa kredit dari paket Anda saat " "ini secara otomatis. Ingat, kredit upgrade hanya dapat digunakan untuk " "upgrade paket di situs yang sama." msgid "Connect a site to Jetpack" msgstr "Hubungkan situs ke Jetpack" msgid "Now it’s time to edit your content" msgstr "Sekarang saatnya menyunting konten Anda" msgid "Your site’s ready!" msgstr "Situs Anda telah siap!" msgid "Go to dashboard" msgstr "Buka dasbor" msgid "Domain actions" msgstr "Tindakan domain" msgid "Can not send SMS to unsubscribed phone number." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengirimkan SMS ke nomor telepon yang tidak berlangganan." msgid "Subscribe now to keep reading and get access to the full archive." msgstr "" "Langganan sekarang agar bisa terus membaca dan mendapatkan akses ke semua " "arsip." msgid "Sort results by popularity or latest." msgstr "Urutkan hasil berdasarkan popularitas atau terbaru." msgid "Cursor to fetch next page of results." msgstr "Kursor untuk membuka halaman hasil selanjutnya." msgid "" "%1$s is included in your %2$s subscription, so it was removed from the cart." msgstr "" "%1$s telah disertakan dalam langganan %2$s Anda, sehingga dihapus dari " "keranjang." msgid "Number of cards to return." msgstr "Jumlah kartu yang akan dikembalikan." msgid "Jetpack on GitHub" msgstr "Jetpack di GitHub" msgid "Jetpack can’t establish a connection to your site’s database." msgstr "Jetpack tidak dapat membuat koneksi ke basis data situs Anda." msgid "" "Jetpack cannot establish a database connection with your site. Please make " "sure that your database is not corrupted and try again." msgstr "" "Jetpack tidak dapat terhubung ke basis data situs Anda. Pastikan basis data " "tidak rusak, lalu coba lagi." msgid "{{div}}Host{{/div}} Site" msgstr "{{div}}Hosting{{/div}} Situs" msgid "Line" msgstr "Garis" msgid "Kind" msgstr "Jenis" msgid "Cached" msgstr "Caching" msgid "HTTP host" msgstr "Host HTTP" msgid "Body bytes sent" msgstr "Byte isi terkirim" msgid "Request URL" msgstr "URL permintaan" msgid "Request type" msgstr "Jenis pengajuan" msgid "" "Awburn is the ideal choice for creating an online presence for your " "business. As a block theme, Awburn allows you to choose any of the available " "blocks to create a wide range of content for your site. It comes with a set " "of color and style variations and templates to choose from." msgstr "" "Awburn adalah pilihan yang ideal untuk menciptakan kehadiran online untuk " "bisnis Anda. Sebagai tema blok, Awburn memungkinkan Anda memilih salah satu " "blok yang tersedia untuk membuat berbagai konten untuk situs Anda. Ini " "dilengkapi dengan serangkaian variasi warna dan gaya serta template yang " "dapat dipilih." msgid "See all" msgstr "Lihat semua" msgid "Related plugins" msgstr "Plugin terkait" msgid "Here’s how to save up to %1$s%% on your plan" msgstr "Ini cara menghemat hingga %1$s%% dari paket Anda" msgid "" "Upgrade %1$s today and unlock a set of amazing features that will help you " "take things further. With a switch to a 2-year subscription, you’ll not only " "have everything you need to make your mark on the web, you’ll also save up " "to %2$s%% on what’s already the best deal in managed WordPress hosting." msgstr "" "Lakukan upgrade %1$s sekarang dan nikmati serangkaian fitur menakjubkan yang " "membantu Anda melangkah lebih jauh. Dengan beralih ke langganan 2 tahunan, " "Anda punya segalanya yang dibutuhkan untuk mempromosikan diri di web dan " "bisa berhemat hingga %2$s%% untuk harga hosting WordPress terkelola yang " "sudah merupakan harga terbaik di pasar." msgid "%(price)s per three years" msgstr "%(price)s per tiga tahun" msgid "%(price)s per two years" msgstr "%(price)s per dua tahun" msgid "%(price)s per month" msgstr "%(price)s per bulan" msgid "" "We’re sorry to see you go. Click \"Remove subscription\" to confirm and " "remove %(productName)s from your account." msgstr "" "Kami sedih melihat Anda pergi. Klik \"Hapus langganan\" untuk mengonfirmasi " "dan menghapus %(productName)s dari akun Anda." msgid "Confirm removal" msgstr "Konfirmasi penghapusan" msgid "Site monitoring" msgstr "Pemantauan Situs" msgid "" "Transfer your domains to now—we’ll lower our prices to match, " "and pay for an extra year" msgstr "" "Transfer domain Anda ke sekarang. Kami akan turunkan harga " "hingga sama dan berikan gratis tambahan satu tahun." msgid "Coming soon" msgstr "Segera Hadir" msgid "" "We can help you reach your launch day faster, no matter the scope of your " "project." msgstr "" "Kami dapat membantu penyiapan situs Anda lebih cepat, seberapa pun lingkup " "proyek Anda." msgid "Let us build your dream website!" msgstr "Biar kami yang membangun situs impian Anda!" msgid "Link type is required" msgstr "Jenis tautan wajib diisi" msgid "Articles & Posts About %s ‹ Reader" msgstr "Artikel & Pos Tentang %s ‹ Pembaca" msgid "Browse %s blogs & read articles ‹ Reader" msgstr "Jelajahi %s Blog & Baca Artikel ‹ Pembaca" msgid "Back to Learn" msgstr "Kembali ke Belajar" msgid "Tags to fetch stream for." msgstr "Tag stream yang ingin diambil." msgid "" "Allow visitors to use their or Facebook accounts when " "commenting on\n" "\t\tyour site. Jetpack will match your site's color scheme automatically " "(but you can adjust that)." msgstr "" "Izinkan pengunjung menggunakan akun atau Facebook saat " "berkomentar di\n" "\t\tsitus Anda. Jetpack akan mencocokkan skema warna situs Anda secara " "otomatis (tetapi Anda dapat menyesuaikannya)." msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "Let visitors use a or Facebook account to comment" msgstr "" "Izinkan pengunjung menggunakan akun atau Facebook untuk " "memberikan komentar" msgid "" "Upgrade %s today and unlock a set of amazing features that will help you " "take things further. With a switch to a 2-year subscription, you’ll not only " "have everything you need to make your mark on the web, you’ll also save up " "to 15%% on what’s already the best deal in managed WordPress hosting." msgstr "" "Lakukan upgrade %s sekarang dan nikmati serangkaian fitur menakjubkan yang " "membantu Anda melangkah lebih jauh. Dengan beralih ke langganan 2 tahunan, " "Anda punya segalanya yang dibutuhkan untuk mempromosikan diri di web dan " "bisa berhemat hingga 15%% untuk harga hosting WordPress terkelola yang sudah " "merupakan harga terbaik di pasar." msgid "" "The ability to extend your site with over 50,000 powerful plugins — " "automatic updates included." msgstr "" "Kemampuan untuk mengembangkan situs Anda dengan lebih dari 50.000 plugin " "canggih, termasuk pembaruan otomatis." msgid "" "Did you know our 2-year plans come with a built-in discount of up to 15%? " "Upgrade now and claim big savings on what’s already the best value in " "WordPress hosting." msgstr "" "Tahukah Anda? Paket 2 tahunan kami memiliki diskon bawaan hingga 15%. " "Lakukan upgrade sekarang dan raih harga superhemat untuk harga hosting " "WordPress yang merupakan harga terbaik di pasar." msgid "Savings await" msgstr "Mulai berhemat sekarang" msgid "" "And for even more savings, enter the coupon %1$s at " "checkout to snag an additional %2$s%% off your first " "payment on a 2 or 3-year hosting plan." msgstr "" "Ingin lebih hemat lagi? Masukkan kupon %1$s saat " "checkout untuk mendapat potongan tambahan %2$s%% untuk " "pembayaran paket hosting 2 atau 3 tahunan pertama Anda." msgid "Less hassle, more savings, and a special discount just for you." msgstr "Proses praktis, harga lebih hemat, dan diskon spesial menanti Anda." msgid "Ready to upgrade and start saving?" msgstr "Siap untuk melakukan upgrade dan mulai berhemat?" msgid "" "Upgrade %1$s today and unlock a set of amazing features that will help you " "take things further. With a switch to a 2-year subscription, you’ll not only " "have everything you need to make your mark on the web, you’ll also save up " "to 15%% on what’s already the best deal in managed WordPress hosting." msgstr "" "Lakukan upgrade %1$s sekarang dan nikmati serangkaian fitur menakjubkan yang " "membantu Anda melangkah lebih jauh. Dengan beralih ke langganan 2 tahunan, " "Anda punya segalanya yang dibutuhkan untuk mempromosikan diri di web dan " "bisa berhemat hingga 15%% untuk harga hosting WordPress terkelola yang " "merupakan harga terbaik di pasar." msgid "" "The ability to extend your site with over 50,000 powerful plugins— automatic " "updates included." msgstr "" "Perluas situs Anda dengan lebih dari 50.000 plugin yang canggih — termasuk " "pembaruan otomatis." msgid "With the %s plan, you’ll get:" msgstr "Dengan paket %s, Anda akan mendapatkan:" msgid "" "Upgrade your plan for %1$s and unlock a set of amazing features that will " "help you take things further." msgstr "" "Upgrade paket Anda untuk %1$s dan nikmati serangkaian fitur menakjubkan yang " "membantu Anda melangkah lebih jauh." msgid "Give your site a boost" msgstr "Tingkatkan situs Anda" msgid "Things are about to get even better for your site." msgstr "Situs Anda akan jadi kian optimal." msgid "Grow your site faster with %1$s" msgstr "Percepat pertumbuhan situs Anda dengan %1$s" msgid "Ready to start saving?" msgstr "Ingin mulai berhemat?" msgid "" "That means you’ll pay just %1$s for two years of the %2$s plan. That’s only " "%3$s a month when you pay upfront!" msgstr "" "Artinya, Anda cukup membayar %1$s untuk paket %2$s dengan masa aktif 2 " "tahun. Anda hanya perlu mengeluarkan sebesar %3$s per bulan jika membayar di " "muka!" msgid "" "Did you know our 2-year plans come with a built-in discount of up to %s%%? " "Upgrade now and claim big savings on what’s already the best value in " "WordPress hosting." msgstr "" "Tahukah Anda? Paket 2 tahunan kami disertai diskon bawaan hingga %s%%. " "Lakukan upgrade sekarang dan raih harga superhemat untuk harga hosting " "WordPress yang sudah merupakan harga terbaik di pasar." msgid "Savings Await" msgstr "Mulai Berhemat Sekarang" msgid "Switch to 2-year billing for less hassle and more savings." msgstr "Beralih ke penagihan 2 tahunan agar lebih praktis dan lebih hemat." msgid "Here’s how to save up to 15% on your plan" msgstr "Berikut cara berhemat hingga 15% untuk paket Anda" msgid "Let visitors use a or Facebook account to comment." msgstr "" "Izinkan pengunjung menggunakan akun atau Facebook untuk " "memberikan komentar" msgid "" "Enable post sharing to automatically share your new posts to Facebook, " "LinkedIn, Instagram, Tumblr, or Mastodon to ensure your audience will never " "miss an update." msgstr "" "Aktifkan berbagi pos agar secara otomatis membagikan pos baru ke Facebook, " "LinkedIn, Instagram, Tumblr, atau Mastodon untuk memastikan audiens Anda " "tidak akan pernah melewatkan info terbaru." msgid "" "Enable post sharing to automatically share your new blog posts to Facebook, " "LinkedIn, Instagram, Tumblr, or Mastodon to ensure your audience will never " "miss an update." msgstr "" "Aktifkan berbagi pos agar secara otomatis membagikan pos blog baru ke " "Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Tumblr, atau Mastodon untuk memastikan " "audiens Anda tidak akan pernah melewatkan info terbaru." msgid "Analyze your images with Jetpack Boost" msgstr "Analisis gambar Anda dengan Jetpack Boost" msgid "" "After the analysis, you’ll receive a detailed report which lets you easily " "identify and address the most impactful problems first." msgstr "" "Setelah analisis, Anda akan menerima laporan mendetail yang membantu Anda " "mengidentifikasi dan langsung mengatasi masalah yang mendesak." msgid "" "We’re pleased to introduce the Image Analyzer, a new feature of Jetpack " "Boost. The Image Analyzer automatically checks images on your site, ensuring " "they’re sized correctly." msgstr "" "Kami perkenalkan Penganalisis Gambar, fitur baru Jetpack Boost. Penganalisis " "Gambar memeriksa kumpulan gambar di situs Anda secara otomatis untuk " "memastikan ukuran semua gambar tepat." msgid "" "Are you aware that the size of your website’s images can significantly " "impact your site’s speed and performance?" msgstr "" "Tahukah Anda? Ukuran gambar di situs dapat sangat memengaruhi kecepatan dan " "performa situs Anda." msgid "Analyze your images with Jetpack Boost" msgstr "Analisis gambar situs Anda dengan Jetpack Boost" msgid "Jetpack Boost Image Analyzer" msgstr "Penganalisis Gambar Jetpack Boost" msgid "Jetpack Boost New Feature: Image Analyzer" msgstr "Fitur Baru Jetpack Boost: Penganalisis Gambar" msgid "Enhance Your Website’s Performance with Our New Image Analyzer" msgstr "Tingkatkan Performa Situs Anda dengan Penganalisis Gambar Baru Kami" msgid "" "Howdy! Here is the link you requested from the %s mobile app. It will let " "you sign in to your account with just one tap. Enjoy!" msgstr "" "Halo! Berikut tautan yang Anda minta dari aplikasi seluler %s. Anda dapat " "login ke akun Anda hanya dengan sekali ketuk. Selamat mencoba!" msgid "What would you like to do?" msgstr "Apa yang ingin Anda lakukan?" msgid "Welcome to Gravatar - Confirm Signup" msgstr "Selamat datang di Gravatar - Konfirmasi Pendaftaran" msgid "You want the website of your dreams.

We can create it for you." msgstr "" "Anda pasti ingin mewujudkan situs impian.

Kami dapat membuatnya untuk " "Anda." msgid "Your site. Built by us.
Built for you." msgstr "Situs Anda. Dibuat oleh kami.
Dibuat untuk Anda." msgid "" "Leave the heavy lifting to us and let our professional builders craft your " "website." msgstr "" "Serahkan tugas beratnya kepada kami dan biarkan pembuat situs profesional " "menciptakan situs Anda." msgid "" "Give the %(planName)s plan a try with the 7-day free trial, and migrate your " "site without costs" msgstr "" "Coba paket %(planName)s dengan periode percobaan gratis 7 hari, dan " "pindahkan situs Anda tanpa biaya" msgid "Blog Search" msgstr "Pencarian Blog" msgid "Discover New Posts" msgstr "Temukan Pos Baru" msgid "See your stats" msgstr "Lihat statistik Anda" msgid "Activate & Save" msgstr "Aktifkan & Simpan" msgid "Choose a tier to subscribe" msgstr "Pilih tingkat untuk berlangganan" msgid "Get Commercial Stats" msgstr "Dapatkan Statistik Komersial" msgid "" "If you already have a site on, you can connect it to your new " "domain here (click the three dots under Actions and select Attach to an " "existing site): %s" msgstr "" "Jika sudah memiliki situs di, Anda bisa menghubungkannya ke " "domain baru Anda di sini (klik titik tiga di bawah Tindakan, lalu pilih " "Lampirkan ke situs yang sudah ada): %s" msgid "" "Support you’ll love. Our Happiness Engineers are here to help. We promise " "they live up to their title!" msgstr "" "Dukungan yang pasti Anda suka. Tim dukungan kami, Happiness Engineers, siap " "membantu. Sesuai namanya, target mereka adalah keceriaan Anda!" msgid "" "No ads, just your content. Provide your audience with an ad-free experience " "focused solely on your brand." msgstr "" "Tidak ada iklan, hanya ada konten Anda. Beri para audiens pengalaman bebas " "iklan dengan fokus hanya pada brand Anda." msgid "" "Rock-solid security. With DDoS and WAF protection, malware scanning and " "removal, and a free SSL certificate, your website is guarded with serious " "security designed to provide you with serious peace of mind." msgstr "" "Keamanan kuat. Dengan perlindungan DDoS dan WAF, pemindaian dan penghapusan " "malware, serta sertifikat SSL gratis, situs terlindung oleh pengamanan kokoh " "yang dirancang untuk memberikan ketenangan pikiran bagi Anda." msgid "" "Top performance. You can expect a lightning-fast website experience. Our " "hosting is renowned for its speed, even under heavy traffic." msgstr "" "Performa terbaik. Anda bisa menikmati pengalaman situs secepat kilat. " "Hosting kami dikenal akan kecepatannya, sekalipun saat lalu lintas padat." msgid "" "Your new domain deserves a website to call home, and the best place to build " "that website is You can attach your domain name to any of " "’s paid plans. All paid plans include:" msgstr "" "Domain baru sudah di tangan, tinggal membangun situs untuk jadi rumahnya. " "Tempat terbaik untuk membangun situs? Anda bisa menyematkan " "nama domain Anda dengan paket berbayar mana pun. Semua paket " "berbayar menyertakan:" msgid "Congratulations on securing your domain with!" msgstr "Selamat, Anda telah mengamankan domain Anda dengan!" msgid "" "Diversify, secure, and manage – all in one place with Start " "at %s to explore additional TLDs (click Add a Domain, then select Register a " "new domain to browse options)." msgstr "" "Diversifikasikan, amankan, dan kelola – semuanya di satu tempat dengan " " Mulai dari %s untuk menjelajahi TLD tambahan (klik Tambahkan " "Domain, lalu pilih Daftarkan domain baru untuk menelusuri pilihan)." msgid "" "One-stop management. Handle all your domains effortlessly in one dashboard." msgstr "" "Pengelolaan satu pintu. Kendalikan semua domain Anda dengan mudah di satu " "dasbor." msgid "" "Protect your brand. Owning important domain variations ensures others don’t " "purchase them in an attempt to take advantage of your brand’s reputation." msgstr "" "Perlidungan bagi brand Anda. Kepemilikan atas variasi domain penting akan " "menjamin orang lain tidak membelinya dan seenaknya memanfaatkan reputasi " "brand Anda." msgid "Expand your reach. Domain variations cater to diverse audiences." msgstr "" "Kemudahan memperluas jangkauan Anda. Variasi domain memenuhi kebutuhan " "beragam audiens." msgid "" "Did you know you can obtain variations of your domain name? " "offers over 350 top-level domain extensions (TLDs) including .store, ." "online, and .art (just to name a few)." msgstr "" "Tahukah Anda bahwa Anda bisa memperoleh variasi nama domain? " "menawarkan lebih dari 350 ekstensi domain terbaik (TLD) termasuk di " "antaranya .store, .online, dan .art." msgid "" "Strengthen your brand. Each email sent helps recipients associate your name " "with the product, service, or message you are promoting." msgstr "" "Memperkuat brand Anda. Tiap email yang dikirim akan membantu penerimanya " "mengasosiasikan nama Anda dengan produk, layanan, atau pesan yang Anda " "promosikan." msgid "" "Build trust. Go beyond generic email addresses and show your audience you’re " "serious." msgstr "" "Membangun kepercayaan. Jangan hanya mengandalkan alamat email yang umum. " "Tunjukkan kesungguhan Anda pada audiens." msgid "" "Look the part. Establish credibility with an email like" msgstr "" "Tampil profesional. Bangun kredibilitas dengan email seperti halo@domainanda." "com." msgid "" "An email address is more than just a unique identifier; it’s an extension of " "your brand and a signal of legitimacy to your audience. With a tailored " "email address, every communication is a chance to show your commitment. " "Professional Email from helps you or your business:" msgstr "" "Alamat email bukanlah sekadar pengidentifikasi yang unik; email ialah " "ekstensi brand Anda dan tanda kredibilitas bagi audiens. Dengan alamat email " "khusus, setiap komunikasi menjadi kesempatan untuk menunjukkan komitmen " "Anda. Professional Email dari membantu Anda atau bisnis Anda:" msgid "" "Move your other domains and websites to and simplify your " "online presence." msgstr "" "Pindahkan domain dan situs lainnya ke dan sederhanakan " "pengelolaan persona online Anda." msgid "" "4. More money in your pocket. Compared to other popular managed hosting " "services, gives you more for less. More traffic and bandwidth, " "more space, more speed, and more power." msgstr "" "4. Lebih hemat. Dibandingkan layanan hosting terkelola populer lainnya, " " memberikan keunggulan lebih dengan harga lebih murah. Lalu " "lintas lebih ramai, bandwidth lebih longgar, kapasitas lebih besar, " "kecepatan lebih tinggi, dan kecanggihan lebih hebat." msgid "" "3. Security first. Enjoy peace of mind with our robust protection measures. " "We take security seriously." msgstr "" "3. Keamanan paling utama. Nikmati pikiran yang tenang dengan protokol " "perlindungan kuat kami. Keamanan adalah prioritas kami." msgid "" "2. Unrivaled performance.’s managed hosting is highly-rated in " "third-party tests. Review Signal remarked that \"had perfect " "100% uptime on both monitors, zero errors across both load tests and the " "fastest WP bench of any company in any price tier this year. An overall " "flawless performance.\"" msgstr "" "2. Performa tiada tanding. Hosting terkelola memperoleh rating " "tinggi dari para penguji pihak ketiga. Review Signal menyatakan WordPress." "com \"memiliki uptime 100% sempurna di kedua monitor, tidak ada satu error " "pun di kedua uji pemuatan, dan WP bench tercepat di antara semua penyedia di " "semua kelas harga tahun ini. Performa sempurna secara keseluruhan.\"" msgid "" "1. Simple domain and site migration. We make moving to easy. " "Migrate domains now in just a few clicks (%1$s) or use our easy plugin to " "move your website (%2$s)." msgstr "" "1. Migrasi domain dan situs yang mudah. Kami mempermudah perpindahan situs " "ke Lakukan migrasi domain sekarang hanya dengan beberapa klik " "(%1$s) atau gunakan plugin praktis kami untuk memindahkan situs Anda (%2$s)." msgid "" "Managing multiple domains and websites with other registrars and hosts? " "Unify them all under’s trusted roof. Here’s what you get with " " as your domain registrar and managed hosting provider:" msgstr "" "Mengelola banyak domain dan situs dengan registrar dan host lain? Gabungkan " "semuanya di bawah naungan yang tepercaya. Inilah yang akan " "Anda peroleh dari sebagai registrar domain dan penyedia " "hosting terkelola:" msgid "" "Round-the-clock support. Our Happiness Engineers are available 24/7 by email." msgstr "" "Dukungan setiap saat. Happiness Engineer kami siap melayani setiap saat " "melalui email." msgid "" "Mobile-optimized design. Ensures your visitors get the best experience on " "any device." msgstr "" "Desain optimal untuk perangkat seluler. Memastikan pengunjung Anda " "mendapatkan pengalaman terbaik di perangkat apa pun." msgid "" "World-class hosting. Experience the best hosting on the " "platform." msgstr "" "Hosting berkelas dunia. Nikmati pengalaman hosting terbaik di platform " "" msgid "" "Got the perfect vision for your website but unsure how to bring it to life? " "Let our Built By website design service team do some design " "magic." msgstr "" "Punya bayangan sempurna untuk situs Anda tetapi tidak tahu cara " "mewujudkannya? Percayakan semua pada tim layanan desain situs Built By " "" msgid "" "If you already have a site on %1$s, you can connect it to your new domain here (click the three " "dots under Actions and select Attach to an existing " "site)." msgstr "" "Jika sudah memiliki situs di %1$s, Anda bisa menghubungkannya ke domain baru " "Anda di sini " "(klik titik tiga di bawah Tindakan, lalu pilih " "Lampirkan ke situs yang sudah ada)." msgid "" "You’ve chosen an awesome domain name. Now choose a plan and build the " "website your domain deserves." msgstr "" "Anda telah memilih nama domain yang bagus. Sekarang, pilih paket dan buat " "situs yang pantas untuk domain Anda." msgid "" "Our Happiness Engineers are here to help. We promise they live up to their " "title!" msgstr "" "Tim dukungan kami, Happiness Engineers, siap membantu. Sesuai namanya, " "target mereka adalah keceriaan Anda!" msgid "Support you’ll love." msgstr "Dukungan yang pasti Anda suka." msgid "" "Provide your audience with an ad-free experience focused solely on your " "brand." msgstr "" "Beri para audiens pengalaman bebas iklan dengan fokus hanya pada brand Anda." msgid "No ads, just your content." msgstr "Tidak ada iklan, hanya ada konten Anda." msgid "" "With DDoS and WAF protection, malware scanning and removal, and a free SSL " "certificate, your website is guarded with serious security designed to " "provide you with serious peace of mind." msgstr "" "Dengan perlindungan DDoS dan WAF, pemindaian dan penghapusan malware, serta " "sertifikat SSL gratis, situs terlindung oleh pengamanan kokoh yang dirancang " "untuk memberikan ketenangan pikiran bagi Anda." msgid "Rock-solid security." msgstr "Keamanan kuat." msgid "" "You can expect a lightning-fast website experience. Our hosting is renowned " "for its speed, even under heavy traffic." msgstr "" "Anda bisa menikmati pengalaman situs secepat kilat. Hosting kami dikenal " "akan kecepatannya, sekalipun saat lalu lintas padat." msgid "Top performance." msgstr "Performa terbaik." msgid "" "Your new domain deserves a website to call home, and the best place to build " "that website is %s. You can attach your domain name to any of %s’s paid " "plans. All paid plans include:" msgstr "" "Domain baru sudah di tangan, tinggal membangun situs untuk jadi rumahnya. " "Tempat terbaik untuk membangun situs? %s. Anda bisa menyematkan nama domain " "Anda dengan paket berbayar %s mana pun. Semua paket berbayar menyertakan:" msgid "Congratulations on securing your domain with %s!" msgstr "Selamat, Anda telah mengamankan domain Anda dengan %s!" msgid "Put that domain to good use" msgstr "Gunakan domain secara efektif" msgid "What’s your next step?" msgstr "Apa langkah Anda selanjutnya?" msgid "Bravo on your new domain!" msgstr "Selamat atas domain baru Anda!" msgid "" "Diversify, secure, and manage – all in one place with %1$s. Start here to explore additional TLDs " "(click Add a Domain, then select Register a new domain to " "browse options)." msgstr "" "Diversifikasikan, amankan, dan kelola – semuanya di satu tempat dengan %1$s. " "Mulai dari sini untuk " "menjelajahi TLD tambahan (klik Tambahkan Domain, lalu pilih " "Daftarkan domain baru untuk menelusuri pilihan)." msgid "Handle all your domains effortlessly in one dashboard." msgstr "Kendalikan semua domain Anda dengan mudah di satu dasbor." msgid "One-stop management." msgstr "Pengelolaan satu pintu." msgid "" "Owning important domain variations ensures others don’t purchase them in an " "attempt to take advantage of your brand’s reputation." msgstr "" "Kepemilikan atas variasi domain penting akan menjamin orang lain tidak " "membelinya dan seenaknya memanfaatkan reputasi brand Anda." msgid "Protect your brand." msgstr "Perlidungan bagi brand Anda." msgid "Domain variations cater to diverse audiences." msgstr "Variasi domain memenuhi kebutuhan beragam audiens." msgid "Some advantages of having multiple related domains include:" msgstr "Beberapa keuntungan memiliki banyak domain terkait meliputi:" msgid "" "Did you know you can obtain variations of your domain name? %s offers over " "350 top-level domain extensions (TLDs) including .store, .online, and .art " "(just to name a few)." msgstr "" "Tahukah Anda bahwa Anda bisa memperoleh variasi nama domain? %s menawarkan " "lebih dari 350 ekstensi domain terbaik (TLD) termasuk di antaranya .store, ." "online, dan .art." msgid "" "Now that you’ve secured your domain name, it’s the perfect time to broaden " "your online footprint." msgstr "Nama domain sudah di tangan. Saatnya memperluas jejak online Anda." msgid "Protect your brand with additional TLDs" msgstr "Lindungi brand Anda dengan TLD tambahan." msgid "Choose from over 350 TLDs" msgstr "Pilih di antara lebih dari 350 TLD." msgid "Your domain name in different flavors" msgstr "Nama domain Anda dalam beragam kesan" msgid "Get Professional Email now" msgstr "Dapatkan Professional Email sekarang" msgid "Upgrade to Professional Email and make every message count." msgstr "Upgrade ke Professional Email dan buat tiap pesan berharga." msgid "" "Each email sent helps recipients associate your name with the product, " "service, or message you are promoting." msgstr "" "Tiap email yang dikirim akan membantu penerimanya mengasosiasikan nama Anda " "dengan produk, layanan, atau pesan yang Anda promosikan." msgid "Strengthen your brand." msgstr "Memperkuat brand Anda." msgid "" "Go beyond generic email addresses and show your audience you’re serious." msgstr "" "Jangan hanya mengandalkan alamat email yang umum. Tunjukkan kesungguhan Anda " "pada audiens." msgid "Establish credibility with an email like hello@yourdomain.​com." msgstr "Bangun kredibilitas dengan email seperti halo@domainanda.​com." msgid "Look the part." msgstr "Tampil profesional." msgid "" "An email address is more than just a unique identifier; it’s an extension of " "your brand and a signal of legitimacy to your audience. With a tailored " "email address, every communication is a chance to show your commitment. " "Professional Email from %s helps you or your business:" msgstr "" "Alamat email bukanlah sekadar pengidentifikasi yang unik; email ialah " "ekstensi brand Anda dan tanda kredibilitas bagi audiens. Dengan alamat email " "khusus, setiap komunikasi menjadi kesempatan untuk menunjukkan komitmen " "Anda. Professional Email dari %s membantu Anda atau bisnis Anda:" msgid "A professional domain deserves a professional email address." msgstr "Domain profesional pantas mendapatkan alamat email yang profesional." msgid "Stand out with Professional Email" msgstr "Tampil beda dengan Professional Email" msgid "Boost credibility with Professional Email" msgstr "Tingkatkan kredibilitas dengan Professional Email" msgid "Get an email address that matches your domain" msgstr "Dapatkan alamat email yang cocok dengan domain Anda" msgid "Move now" msgstr "Pindah sekarang" msgid "" "Move your other domains and websites to %s and simplify your online presence." msgstr "" "Pindahkan domain dan situs lainnya ke %s dan sederhanakan pengelolaan " "persona online Anda." msgid "" "Compared to other popular managed hosting services, %s gives you more for " "less. More traffic and bandwidth, more space, more speed, and more power." msgstr "" "Dibandingkan layanan hosting terkelola populer lainnya, %s memberikan " "keunggulan lebih dengan harga lebih murah. Lalu lintas lebih ramai, " "bandwidth lebih longgar, kapasitas lebih besar, kecepatan lebih tinggi, dan " "kecanggihan lebih hebat." msgid "More money in your pocket." msgstr "Lebih hemat." msgid "" "Enjoy peace of mind with our robust protection measures. We take security " "seriously." msgstr "" "Nikmati pikiran yang tenang dengan protokol perlindungan kuat kami. Keamanan " "adalah prioritas kami." msgid "Security first." msgstr "Keamanan adalah prioritas." msgid "" "%s’s managed hosting is highly-rated in third-party tests. Review Signal " "remarked that %s \"had perfect 100%% uptime on both monitors, zero errors " "across both load tests and the fastest WP bench of any company in any price " "tier this year. An overall flawless performance.\"" msgstr "" "Hosting terkelola %s memperoleh rating tinggi dari para penguji pihak " "ketiga. Review Signal menyatakan %s \"memiliki uptime 100%% pas di kedua " "monitor, tidak memiliki satu error pun di kedua uji pemuatan, dan merupakan " "WP bench tercepat di antara semua penyedia di semua kelas harga tahun ini. " "Performa sempurna secara umum.\"" msgid "Unrivaled performance." msgstr "Performa tiada tanding." msgid "" "We make moving to %1$s easy. Migrate domains now in just a few clicks or use our easy plugin to move your " "website." msgstr "" "Kami mempermudah perpindahan ke %1$s. Migrasikan domain sekarang juga dengan beberapa klik saja " "atau gunakan plugin " "praktis kami untuk memindahkan situs Anda." msgid "Simple domain and site migration." msgstr "Migrasi domain dan situs yang mudah." msgid "" "Managing multiple domains and websites with other registrars and hosts? " "Unify them all under %s’s trusted roof. Here’s what you get with %s as your " "domain registrar and managed hosting provider:" msgstr "" "Mengelola banyak domain dan situs dengan registrar dan host lain? Gabungkan " "semuanya di bawah naungan %s yang tepercaya. Inilah yang akan Anda peroleh " "dari %s sebagai registrar domain dan penyedia hosting terkelola:" msgid "Unify and simplify" msgstr "Gabungkan dan sederhanakan" msgid "Manage everything in one place" msgstr "Kelola semuanya di satu tempat" msgid "Migrate domains and websites to" msgstr "Migrasikan domain dan situs ke" msgid "Ready to turn your dream website into reality?" msgstr "Siap untuk mewujudkan situs impian Anda?" msgid "Round-the-clock support." msgstr "Dukungan setiap saat." msgid "Ensures your visitors get the best experience on any device." msgstr "" "Memastikan pengunjung Anda mendapatkan pengalaman terbaik di perangkat apa " "pun." msgid "Mobile-optimized design." msgstr "Desain optimal untuk perangkat seluler." msgid "Experience the best hosting on the %s platform." msgstr "Nikmati pengalaman hosting terbaik di platform %s." msgid "World-class hosting." msgstr "Hosting berkelas dunia." msgid "" "Not only will our experienced WordPress designers and developers create the " "site of your dreams, but you’ll also get:" msgstr "" "Selain situs impian dari tangan para desainer dan pengembang WordPress kami " "yang berpengalaman, Anda juga akan mendapatkan:" msgid "" "Got the perfect vision for your website but unsure how to bring it to life? " "Let our Built By %s website design service team do some design magic." msgstr "" "Punya bayangan sempurna untuk situs Anda tetapi tidak tahu cara " "mewujudkannya? Percayakan semua pada tim layanan desain situs Built By %s." msgid "DIY isn’t for you? We got you" msgstr "Tidak suka utak-atik sendiri? Percayakan pada kami" msgid "Website design services from" msgstr "Layanan desain situs dari" msgid "Dreaming of a website? We can build it for you." msgstr "Punya situs impian? Kami bisa buatkan." msgid "" "Introductory offers are only available to sites with an existing Woo Express " "trial" msgstr "" "Penawaran awal hanya tersedia pada situs dengan percobaan Woo Express yang " "sudah ada" msgid "Start adding content" msgstr "Mulai menambahkan konten" msgid "Time to add some content and bring your site to life!" msgstr "Saatnya menambahkan beberapa konten dan menghidupkan situs Anda!" msgid "Make your site even more unique." msgstr "Jadikan situs Anda lebih unik." msgid "Customize every detail" msgstr "Sesuaikan setiap detail" msgid "Get things going and share your insights." msgstr "Wujudkan mimpi dan bagikan gagasan Anda." msgid "Showcase your photos in their best light." msgstr "Tampilkan foto terbaik Anda." msgctxt "button label" msgid "Cancel trial" msgstr "Membatalkan uji coba" msgid "" "You have an active or expired free trial on your site. Please cancel this " "plan prior to deleting your site." msgstr "" "Anda memiliki uji coba gratis yang masih aktif atau sudah habis masa " "berlakunya di situs Anda. Harap batalkan paket ini sebelum menghapus situs " "Anda." msgid "Bring your site to life with your own content." msgstr " Hidupkan situs Anda dengan konten Anda." msgid "Select patterns to create your homepage layout." msgstr "Pilih pola untuk membuat tata letak beranda Anda." msgid "Included with your %(planTitle)s plan" msgstr "Termasuk dalam paket %(planTitle)s Anda" msgid "Join %sK other subscribers" msgstr "Bergabung dengan %s ribu pelanggan lain" msgid "Join %sM other subscribers" msgstr "Bergabung dengan %s juta pelanggan lain" msgid "You will receive email notifications for new comments on this site." msgstr "" "Anda akan menerima e-mail pemberitahuan untuk komentar baru di situs ini." msgid "" "All our previous sessions are archived here so you can access them anytime." msgstr "" "Semua sesi kami sebelumnya telah diarsipkan di sini supaya Anda bisa " "mengaksesnya kapan pun." msgid "Webinar Replays" msgstr "Pemutaran Ulang Webinar" msgid "A plan to leave a lasting mark on the web." msgstr "Paket untuk meninggalkan jejak abadi di web." msgid "" "You have a free domain registration or transfer included with your plan." msgstr "" "Anda dapat melakukan registrasi domain gratis atau domain transfer dengan " "paket Anda." msgid "100-Year Plan" msgstr "Paket 100 Tahun" msgid " 100-Year Plan" msgstr "Paket 100 tahun" msgid "Turn off auto-renew for %(domainCount)d domain" msgid_plural "Turn off auto-renew for %(domainCount)d domains" msgstr[0] "" "Nonaktifkan perpanjangan otomatis untuk %(domainCount)d domain" msgstr[1] "" "Nonaktifkan perpanjangan otomatis untuk %(domainCount)d domain" msgid "Turn on auto-renew for %(domainCount)d domain" msgid_plural "Turn on auto-renew for %(domainCount)d domains" msgstr[0] "Aktifkan perpanjangan otomatis untuk %(domainCount)d domain" msgstr[1] "Aktifkan perpanjangan otomatis untuk %(domainCount)d domain" msgid "" "Your purchase is complete, and you're now on the " "{{strong}}%(businessPlanName)s plan{{/strong}}. It's time to take your " "website to the next level—here are some options." msgstr "" "Pembelian berhasil dan Anda sekarang menggunakan {{strong}}paket " "%(businessPlanName)s{{/strong}}. Ini saatnya situs Anda naik kelas. Coba " "pilihan berikut." msgid "3 minutes" msgstr "3 menit" msgid "Monitor my site every:" msgstr "Pantau situs saya setiap:" msgid "" "If you have more specific questions about Jetpack and Forms feel free to reach out to us and we’ll be happy to help." msgstr "" "Jika Anda punya pertanyaan lebih spesifik tentang Jetpack dan Formulir, " "jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami. Kami akan membantu dengan senang hati." msgid "What if I would need some help?" msgstr "Bagaimana jika saya memerlukan bantuan?" msgid "No." msgstr "Tidak." msgid "Is there a form responses limit?" msgstr "Apakah ada batas respons formulir?" msgid "" "Jetpack and its parent company Automattic take data privacy and the GDPR " "very seriously. We respect the GDPR’s principles of minimizing the amount of " "data we collect, being transparent about what data we collect and how we use " "it, complying with EU law in regards to any data that is transferred to non-" "EU countries, and not keeping data longer than we need it for the purpose it " "was collected. You can read more about the data we collect, how data is used " "and shared, and how long data is retained in our Privacy Policy." msgstr "" "Jetpack dan perusahaan induknya, Automattic, sangat serius dalam hal privasi " "data dan GDPR. Kami menghormati prinsip GDPR untuk meminimalkan jumlah data " "yang kami kumpulkan, bersikap transparan terkait data yang kami kumpulkan, " "dan cara kami menggunakannya, sesuai dengan Undang-Undang UE terkait data " "yang ditransfer ke negara non-UE, dan tidak menyimpan data lebih dari yang " "dibutuhkan atas dasar tujuan pengumpulannya. Anda dapat mempelajari lebih " "lanjut tentang data yang kami kumpulkan, bagaimana data digunakan dan " "dibagikan, serta rentang waktu penyimpanan data dalam Kebijakan Privasi kami." msgid "Is Jetpack Forms GDPR compliant?" msgstr "Apakah Formulir Jetpack sesuai aturan GDPR?" msgid "" "Jetpack Forms is currently free and comes by default with your Jetpack " "plugin." msgstr "" "Formulir Jetpack saat ini gratis dan disertakan bersama plugin Jetpack Anda " "secara default." msgid "How much does Jetpack Forms cost?" msgstr "Berapa harga Formulir Jetpack?" msgid "" "Jetpack Forms is activated by default, so it’s already fully functional. To " "get started, simply open the WordPress editor and search for the \"Form\" " "block in the block library. You can then add the form block and its " "corresponding child blocks, such as the text input field or multiple choice " "block, to your website. You can easily manage incoming form responses within " "the WP-Admin area." msgstr "" "Formulir Jetpack diaktifkan secara default, yang berarti telah berfungsi " "sepenuhnya. Untuk memulai, cukup buka editor WordPress lalu cari blok " "\"Formulir\" pada pustaka blok. Dari bagian tersebut, Anda dapat menambahkan " "blok formulir beserta blok turunannya, seperti kolom input teks atau blok " "pilihan ganda, ke situs Anda. Anda dapat dengan mudah mengelola respons " "formulir yang masuk pada area WP-Admin." msgid "What do I need to use Jetpack Forms?" msgstr "Apa yang saya butuhkan untuk dapat menggunakan Formulir Jetpack?" msgid "Get started with Jetpack Forms" msgstr "Mulai menggunakan Formulir Jetpack" msgid "Trusted by more than 5 million WordPress sites." msgstr "Dipercaya oleh lebih dari 5 juta situs WordPress." msgid "You are in good company." msgstr "Kami selalu ada untuk Anda." msgid "Auto field validation" msgstr "Validasi kolom otomatis" msgid "Close icon" msgstr "Tutup ikon" msgid "Check icon" msgstr "Periksa ikon" msgid "No additional plugins required" msgstr "Tanpa perlu plugin tambahan" msgid "Ziltch" msgstr "Ziltch" msgid "Nada" msgstr "Nada" msgid "Real-time notifications via email" msgstr "Pemberitahuan real-time melalui email" msgid "Notifications icon" msgstr "Ikon pemberitahuan" msgid "Export your data anytime" msgstr "Ekspor data Anda kapan saja" msgid "Export icon" msgstr "Ikon ekspor" msgid "No spam with Akismet" msgstr "Bebas spam dengan Akismet" msgid "WordPress icon" msgstr "Ikon WordPress" msgid "Manage your data in wp-admin" msgstr "Kelola data Anda di wp-admin" msgid "Connect with apps you already work with" msgstr "Hubungkan dengan aplikasi yang sudah Anda gunakan" msgid "Salesforce icon" msgstr "Ikon Salesforce" msgid "Empower your workflow." msgstr "Tingkatkan alur kerja Anda." msgid "You’re in full control of the data." msgstr "Anda memiliki kendali penuh atas data." msgid "Explore more patterns" msgstr "Jelajahi lebih banyak pola" msgid "Feedback form" msgstr "Formulir Masukan" msgid "Registration and login forms" msgstr "Formulir login dan pendaftaran" msgid "Customize to your needs." msgstr "Sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda." msgid "Start with one of many patterns." msgstr "Mulailah dengan salah satu dari berbagai pola." msgid "Explore Jetpack AI" msgstr "Jelajahi Jetpack AI" msgid "" "Need an RSVP form for your event site? Simply ask AI Assistant to prepare a " "form that includes options for meal preferences, attendance status, or plus-" "ones." msgstr "" "Butuh formulir RSVP untuk situs acara Anda? Cukup minta Asisten AI untuk " "menyiapkan formulir yang berisi opsi pilihan makanan, status kedatangan, " "atau pendamping tamu." msgid "" "Creating a registration form for a global event? Automatically populate a " "country dropdown list with the AI Assistant." msgstr "" "Sedang membuat formulir pendaftaran untuk acara global? Gunakan Asisten AI " "untuk mengisi secara otomatis daftar tarik turun berisi nama-nama negara." msgid "" "Jetpack AI Assistant enhances the Forms Block with AI-powered features for " "effortless form creation:" msgstr "" "Asisten AI Jetpack menyempurnakan Blok Formulir dengan fitur berbasis AI " "untuk kemudahan pembuatan formulir:" msgid "Jetpack AI Assistant makes creating forms a breeze." msgstr "Dengan Asisten AI Jetpack, bebas repot buat formulir." msgid "Create your first form" msgstr "Buat formulir pertama Anda" msgid "Free, flexible, fast, and it works out of the box." msgstr "Gratis, fleksibel, cepat, dan langsung dapat digunakan." msgid "Building forms made easy" msgstr "Pembuatan formulir jadi mudah" msgid "" "To get started, follow the URL below, and enter the code %1$s during " "checkout to receive a %2$s%% discount on any new annual plan subscription. " "But hurry, this exclusive offer expires on %3$s." msgstr "" "Untuk memulai, ikuti URL di bawah ini dan masukkan kode %1$s saat checkout " "untuk mendapatkan diskon %2$s%% untuk langganan paket tahunan baru mana pun. " "Ayo cepat, penawaran eksklusif ini berakhir pada %3$s!" msgid "" "To get started, click the button below, and enter the code %1$s during checkout to receive a %2$s%% discount on any new annual plan " "subscription. But hurry, this exclusive offer expires on %3$s." msgstr "" "Untuk memulai, klik tombol di bawah ini dan masukkan kode %1$s saat checkout untuk mendapatkan diskon %2$s%% untuk langganan paket " "tahunan baru mana pun. Ayo cepat, penawaran eksklusif ini berakhir pada %3$s!" msgid "Blocked login attempts" msgstr "Upaya login yang diblokir" msgid "Blocked spam comments" msgstr "Komentar spam yang diblokir" msgid "" "AI‑powered translations across numerous languages at your fingertips, " "breaking down language barriers." msgstr "" "Penerjemahan berteknologi AI lintas bahasa di ujung jari Anda, mendobrak " "hambatan bahasa." msgid "Reach new audiences through auto-translation" msgstr "Jangkau audiens baru dengan penerjemahan otomatis" msgid "Create titles & summaries" msgstr "Buat judul & ringkasan" msgid "Maintain professional standards effortlessly" msgstr "Pertahankan standar profesional dengan mudah." msgid "" "You might be drafting a clear, professional Terms of Service page one moment " "and a casual community update the next. With AI Assistant, you can easily " "switch between various tones, including but not limited to Formal, " "Optimistic, Emphatic, Passionate, or Humorous." msgstr "" "Anda mungkin membuat konsep halaman Ketentuan Layanan yang konkret dan " "profesional terlebih dahulu, lalu pembaruan komunitas yang santai " "setelahnya. Dengan Asisten AI, Anda dapat beralih ke berbagai nada, termasuk " "tetapi tidak terbatas pada Formal, Optimistis, Tegas, Penuh Semangat, atau " "Humoristis." msgid "Adapt your tone to match the situation" msgstr "Ubah nada Anda agar sesuai dengan situasi" msgid "" "Introducing a feature for your product? It will ensure your announcement is " "persuasive and error-free." msgstr "" "Sedang mengenalkan fitur produk Anda? Asisten AI akan memastikan semua yang " "Anda sampaikan bersifat persuasif dan bebas kesalahan." msgid "" "Detailing your adventures from a recent trip? Get suggestions on clarity, " "ensuring all the beautiful spots and experiences stand out for readers." msgstr "" "Sedang menceritakan petualangan dari perjalanan terakhir Anda? Dapatkan " "saran tentang keterbacaan guna memastikan semua tempat menawan dan " "pengalaman Anda menonjol di mata pembaca." msgid "" "Posting a guide on creating handmade jewelry? The AI Assistant can help " "refine your tutorial steps for readability and user engagement." msgstr "" "Sedang memposting panduan untuk menciptakan perhiasan buatan tangan? Asisten " "AI akan menyempurnakan langkah tutorial Anda dari segi keterbacaan dan " "interaksi pengguna." msgid "" "Receive intelligent feedback on your drafts, ensuring every post is polished " "and powerful before going live:" msgstr "" "Dapatkan masukan cerdas tentang konsep Anda yang memastikan setiap pos " "sempurna dan menarik sebelum ditayangkan:" msgid "Enhance your content through actionable insights" msgstr "Tingkatkan konten Anda dengan wawasan yang dapat ditindaklanjuti" msgid "" "Setting up a list for your monthly newsletter contents? Describe the " "sections or topics you'd like to cover, and Jetpack AI Assistant can assist " "in generating a structured bullet or numbered list." msgstr "" "Sedang mengatur daftar konten buletin bulanan Anda? Jelaskan bagian atau " "topik yang ingin Anda bahas, dan Asisten AI Jetpack akan membuat poin " "terstruktur atau daftar nomor." msgid "" "Making a comparison table for different subscription plans? Tell the AI " "Assistant the key features of each plan, and it will recommend an organized " "table layout." msgstr "" "Sedang membuat tabel perbandingan untuk aneka paket langganan? Ungkapkan " "fitur utama dari tiap paket, dan Asisten AI akan merekomendasikan tata letak " "tabel yang terorganisir." msgid "" "Creating a registration form for a global event? When you need a dropdown " "list with countries, Jetpack AI Assistant can populate all countries " "automatically for you." msgstr "" "Sedang membuat formulir pendaftaran untuk acara global? Jika Anda " "membutuhkan daftar tarik turun berisi beberapa nama negara, Asisten AI " "Jetpack akan mengisinya dengan semua nama negara secara otomatis untuk Anda." msgid "" "Jetpack AI Assistant simplifies the creation and customization of sleek " "forms, tables, and lists for your pages and posts, making routine tasks more " "efficient:" msgstr "" "Asisten AI Jetpack memudahkan pembuatan dan penyesuaian formulir, tabel, dan " "daftar yang rapi untuk halaman dan pos Anda. Tugas rutin menjadi lebih " "efisien:" msgid "Quickly turn thoughts into live pages with Block extensions" msgstr "Dengan ekstensi blok, ubah ide menjadi halaman langsung" msgid "" "Jetpack AI Assistant fits right into your WordPress Editor. Its intuitive " "interface lets you engage with AI as if you were chatting with a colleague, " "reducing the time and effort you spend on content creation. Create, revise, " "and optimize content without leaving your WordPress Editor." msgstr "" "Asisten AI Jetpack ideal untuk Editor WordPress Anda. Lewat antarmuka " "intuitifnya, Anda dapat berinteraksi dengan AI seolah-olah sedang berbincang " "dengan kolega. Waktu dan upaya yang Anda habiskan untuk pembuatan konten pun " "jadi efisien. Buat, revisi, dan optimasi konten tanpa perlu keluar dari " "Editor WordPress." msgid "Boost Productivity in the WordPress Editor with AI" msgstr "Tingkatkan produktivitas Editor WordPress dengan AI" msgid "" "Unleash your full potential with the Jetpack AI Assistant and make yourself " "irreplaceable." msgstr "" "Maksimalkan potensi dan tonjolkan keunikan Anda dengan Asisten AI Jetpack." msgid "Turn your ideas into ready-to-publish content at lightspeed." msgstr "Ubah ide Anda menjadi konten siap terbit dalam sekejap." msgid "Content creation, accelerated" msgstr "Pembuatan konten, ditingkatkan" msgid "Best for long-term thinkers" msgstr "Cocok untuk pemikir jangka panjang" msgid "Hundred year subscription" msgstr "Langganan seratus tahun" msgid "Features included in your 100-Year Plan" msgstr "Fitur yang disertakan dalam Paket 100 Tahun Anda" msgid "All with %s." msgstr "Semua dengan %s." msgid "2%" msgstr "2%" msgid "4%" msgstr "4%" msgid "10%" msgstr "10%" msgid "Transaction fees" msgstr "Biaya transaksi" msgid "" "Texty is a text-only blog theme that trusts Post excerpts rather than Post " "titles and Post Feature Images. It is a remix of another theme called " "'Issue' and has got a lot of variations." msgstr "" "Texty adalah tema blog hanya teks yang mengandalkan kutipan pos daripada " "judul pos dan gambar fitur pos. Ini adalah remix dari tema lain yang disebut " "'Issue' dan memiliki banyak variasi." msgid "" "Looking for an effortless way to create forms on your website? Jetpack AI " "Assistant is here to make form creation easy and fast, whether you're a " "seasoned WordPress user or just getting started." msgstr "" "Cari cara mudah untuk membuat formulir di situs Anda? Asisten AI Jetpack " "hadir untuk membantu pembuatan formulir dengan mudah dan cepat, baik bagi " "pengguna WordPress berpengalaman maupun pemula." msgid "" "Create beautiful forms and enhance your content quality in WordPress with " "ease." msgstr "" "Buat formulir yang menarik dan tingkatkan kualitas konten Anda di WordPress " "dengan mudah." msgid "Effortless Forms and Smart Content Feedback with Jetpack AI Assistant" msgstr "Formulir Praktis dan Feedback Konten Cerdas dengan Asisten AI Jetpack" msgid "" "We've noticed that you've been using Jetpack Forms Block. Now, we're " "introducing new features to enhance your form creation experience." msgstr "" "Kami perhatikan Anda adalah pengguna Blok Formulir Jetpack. Kini, kami " "memperkenalkan fitur-fitur baru untuk meningkatkan pengalaman pembuatan " "formulir Anda." msgid "" "Create and customize forms effortlessly and get intelligent feedback for " "your posts" msgstr "" "Buat dan sesuaikan formulir dengan mudah dan dapatkan feedback cerdas untuk " "pos Anda" msgid "Enhance Your Forms with New Jetpack AI Features" msgstr "Tingkatkan Formulir Anda dengan Fitur-Fitur Baru AI Jetpack" msgid "" "Jetpack AI Assistant doesn't stop at forms. Now you can analyze your entire " "post before publishing it, offering insights and suggestions tailored to " "your content." msgstr "" "Asisten AI Jetpack tidak hanya menangani formulir. Kini, Anda bisa " "menganalisis seluruh pos sebelum menerbitkannya dan mendapat wawasan dan " "saran yang sesuai dengan konten Anda." msgid "Introducing Smart Feedback for Your Posts" msgstr "Memperkenalkan Feedback Cerdas untuk Pos Anda" msgid "" "Update your Jetpack plugin, add a Jetpack Form block in your post, and " "prompt the AI Assistant to create any type of form you like." msgstr "" "Perbarui plugin Jetpack Anda, tambahkan blok Formulir Jetpack dalam pos, dan " "minta Asisten AI untuk membuatkan segala jenis formulir yang Anda mau." msgid "" "The sleek form you want is now just a prompt away. Jetpack AI Assistant's " "new feature empowers you to effortlessly create and customize forms." msgstr "" "Formulir menawan yang Anda inginkan dengan satu perintah saja. Fitur baru " "Asisten AI Jetpack membantu membuat dan menyesuaikan formulir dengan mudah." msgid "" "Looking for an easier and faster way to create forms on your website? " "Jetpack AI Assistant is here to make form creation effortless, whether " "you're a seasoned WordPress user or just getting started." msgstr "" "Cari cara lebih mudah dan cepat untuk membuat formulir di situs Anda? " "Asisten AI Jetpack hadir untuk membantu pembuatan formulir dengan mudah, " "baik bagi pengguna WordPress berpengalaman maupun pemula." msgid "Get Jetpack AI" msgstr "Dapatkan AI Jetpack" msgid "Smart Feedback for Your Posts" msgstr "Feedback Cerdas untuk Pos Anda" msgid "Create and Customize Forms with Ease" msgstr "Buat dan Sesuaikan Formulir dengan Mudah" msgid "" "Switch to Jetpack Forms for seamless form creation and smart content " "feedback. See the difference." msgstr "" "Beralih ke Formulir Jetpack untuk pembuatan formulir yang mudah dan feedback " "konten yang cerdas. Lihat sendiri bedanya." msgid "An easier way to create and customize forms" msgstr "Cara lebih mudah untuk membuat dan menyesuaikan formulir" msgid "" "Google Domains has been sold to Squarespace and, while they promise steady " "first-year prices, future increases can’t be ruled out.{{br}}{{/br}}Transfer " "your domains to now—we’ll lower our prices to match, and pay " "for an extra year" msgstr "" "Google Domains telah dijual ke Squarespace dan, meskipun mereka menjanjikan " "harga tahun pertama yang stabil, kenaikan harga di masa mendatang tidak " "dapat dihindari.{{br}}{{/br}}Transfer domain Anda ke sekarang. " "Kami akan menurunkan harga agar sesuai, dan membayarkan untuk satu tahun " "tambahan" msgid "Reclaim your Google domains" msgstr "Klaim Kembali Google Domains Anda" msgid "somepage.html" msgstr "suatuhalaman.html" msgid "%(purchaseName)s will expire and be removed %(expiry)s." msgstr "%(purchaseName)s akan kedaluwarsa dan dihapus %(expiry)s." msgid "%(purchaseName)s will expire and be removed in %(daysToExpiry)d days." msgstr "" "%(purchaseName)s akan kedaluwarsa dan dihapus dalam %(daysToExpiry)d hari." msgid "Powerful analytics to help you understand your audience." msgstr "Analisis yang lengkap untuk membantu Anda memahami audiens Anda." msgid "Kigen is a simple one page portfolio theme." msgstr "Kigen adalah tema portofolio satu halaman yang sederhana." msgid "View more comments on the full post" msgstr "Lihat lebih banyak komentar di pos lengkap" msgid "Permanent redirect (301)" msgstr "Alihkan permanen (301)" msgid "Temporary redirect (307)" msgstr "Alihkan sementara (307)" msgid "Forward path" msgstr "Teruskan path" msgid "Do not forward" msgstr "Jangan teruskan" msgid "" "Redirects the path after the domain name to the corresponding path at the " "new address." msgstr "" "Mengalihkan path setelah nama domain ke path yang sesuai di alamat baru." msgid "Path forwarding" msgstr "Penerusan path" msgid "" "Enables browser caching of the forwarding address for quicker resolution. " "Note that changes might take longer to fully propagate." msgstr "" "Mengaktifkan cache browser dari alamat penerusan untuk resolusi yang lebih " "cepat. Perhatikan bahwa perubahan mungkin memerlukan waktu lebih lama untuk " "disebarkan sepenuhnya." msgid "Enables quick propagation of changes to your forwarding address." msgstr "" "Mengaktifkan propagasi perubahan secara cepat pada alamat penerusan Anda." msgid "Select the HTTP redirect type" msgstr "Pilih tipe HTTP redirect" msgid "Redirect type" msgstr "Tipe pengalihan" msgid "Find the perfect theme for your music website." msgstr "Temukan tema yang sempurna untuk situs web musik Anda." msgid "" "Improve your art and design website with the perfect partner theme. Browse " "high-quality, professionally-designed options. Then, purchase the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan situs web seni dan desain Anda dengan tema partner yang sempurna. " "Jelajahi fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. " "Kemudian, beli salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Select partner themes for your art and design website." msgstr "Pilih tema partner untuk situs web seni dan desain Anda." msgid "Partner Art and Design WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Seni dan Desain Partner" msgid "Choose premium themes for your art and design website." msgstr "Pilih tema premium untuk situs web seni dan desain Anda." msgid "Premium Art and Design WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Seni dan Desain Premium" msgid "" "Launch your art and design website with the perfect free theme. Browse high-" "quality, professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Luncurkan situs web seni dan desain Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. Jelajahi " "fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, " "aktifkan salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Discover the perfect free theme for your art and design website." msgstr "" "Jelajahi tema gratis yang sempurna untuk situs web seni dan desain Anda." msgid "Free Art and Design WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Seni dan Desain Gratis" msgid "" "Start your art and design website with the perfect theme. Browse high-" "quality, professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Mulai situs web seni dan desain Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. Jelajahi " "fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, " "aktifkan salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Find the perfect theme for your art and design website." msgstr "Temukan tema yang semurna untuk situs web seni dan desain Anda." msgid "Art and Design WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Seni dan Desain" msgid "" "Improve your video website with the perfect partner theme. Browse high-" "quality, professionally-designed options. Then, purchase the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan situs web video Anda dengan tema partner yang sempurna. Jelajahi " "fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, " "beli salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Select partner themes for your video website." msgstr "Pilih tema partner untuk situs web video Anda." msgid "Partner Video WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Video Partner" msgid "Choose premium themes for your video website." msgstr "Pilih tema premium untuk situs web video Anda." msgid "Premium Video WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Video Premium" msgid "" "Launch your video website with the perfect free theme. Browse high-quality, " "professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's right for you." msgstr "" "Luncurkan situs web video Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. Jelajahi fitur-" "fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, " "aktifkan salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Discover the perfect free theme for your video website." msgstr "Jelajahi tema gratis yang sempurna untuk situs web video Anda." msgid "Free Video WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Video Gratis" msgid "" "Start your video website with the perfect theme. Browse high-quality, " "professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's right for you." msgstr "" "Mulai situs web video Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. Jelajahi fitur-fitur " "berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, aktifkan " "salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Video WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Video" msgid "" "Improve your real estate website with the perfect partner theme. Browse high-" "quality, professionally-designed options. Then, purchase the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan situs web real estate Anda dengan tema partner yang sempurna. " "Jelajahi fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. " "Kemudian, beli salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Select partner themes for your real estate website." msgstr "Pilih tema partner untuk situs web real estate Anda." msgid "Partner Real Estate WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Real Estate Partner" msgid "Choose premium themes for your real estate website." msgstr "Pilih tema premium untuk situs web real estate Anda." msgid "Premium Real Estate WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Real Estate Premium" msgid "" "Launch your real estate website with the perfect free theme. Browse high-" "quality, professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Luncurkan situs web real estate Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. Jelajahi " "fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, " "aktifkan salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Discover the perfect free theme for your real estate website." msgstr "Jelajahi tema gratis yang sempurna untuk situs web real estate Anda." msgid "Free Real Estate WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Real Estate Gratis" msgid "" "Start your real estate website with the perfect theme. Browse high-quality, " "professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's right for you." msgstr "" "Mulai situs web real estate Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. Jelajahi fitur-" "fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, " "aktifkan salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Find the perfect theme for your real estate website." msgstr "Temukan tema yang sempurna untuk situs web real estate Anda." msgid "Real Estate WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Real Estate" msgid "" "Improve your health and wellness website with the perfect partner theme. " "Browse high-quality, professionally-designed options. Then, purchase the one " "that's right for you." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan situs web kesehatan dan kebugaran Anda dengan tema partner yang " "sempurna. Jelajahi fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara " "profesional. Kemudian, beli salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Select partner themes for your health and wellness website." msgstr "Pilih tema partner untuk situs web kesehatan dan kebugaran Anda." msgid "Partner Health & Wellness WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Kesehatan & Kebugaran Partner" msgid "Choose premium themes for your health and wellness website." msgstr "Pilih tema premium untuk situs web kesehatan dan kebugaran Anda." msgid "Premium Health & Wellness WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Kesehatan & Kebugaran Premium" msgid "" "Launch your health and wellness website with the perfect free theme. Browse " "high-quality, professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Luncurkan situs web kesehatan dan kebugaran Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. " "Jelajahi fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. " "Kemudian, aktifkan salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Discover the perfect free theme for your health and wellness website." msgstr "" "Temukan tema gratis yang sempurna untuk situs web kesehatan dan kebugaran " "Anda." msgid "Free Health & Wellness WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Kesehatan & Kebugaran Gratis" msgid "" "Start your health and wellness website with the perfect theme. Browse high-" "quality, professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Mulai situs web kesehatan dan kebugaran Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. " "Jelajahi fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. " "Kemudian, aktifkan salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Find the perfect theme for your health and wellness website." msgstr "" "Temukan tema yang sempurna untuk situs web kesehatan dan kebugaran Anda." msgid "Health & Wellness WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Kesehatan & Kebugaran" msgid "" "Improve your author or writer website with the perfect partner theme. Browse " "high-quality, professionally-designed options. Then, purchase the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan situs web pengarang atau penulis Anda dengan tema partner yang " "sempurna. Jelajahi fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara " "profesional. Kemudian, beli salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Select partner themes for your author or writer website." msgstr "Pilih tema partner untuk situs web pengarang atau penulis Anda." msgid "Partner Author & Writer WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Pengarang & Penulis Partner" msgid "Choose premium themes for your author or writer website." msgstr "Pilih tema premium untuk situs web pengarang atau penulis Anda." msgid "Premium Author & Writer WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Pengarang & Penulis Premium" msgid "" "Launch your author or writer website with the perfect free theme. Browse " "high-quality, professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Luncurkan situs web pengarang atau penulis Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. " "Jelajahi fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. " "Kemudian, aktifkan salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Discover the perfect free theme for your author or writer website." msgstr "" "Jelajahi tema gratis yang sempurna untuk situs web pengarang atau penulis " "Anda." msgid "Free Author & Writer WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Pengarang & Penulis Gratis" msgid "" "Start your author or writer website with the perfect theme. Browse high-" "quality, professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Mulai situs web pengarang atau penulis Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. " "Jelajahi fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. " "Kemudian, aktifkan salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Find the perfect theme for your author or writer website." msgstr "" "Temukan tema yang sempurna untuk situs web pengarang atau penulis Anda." msgid "Author & Writer WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Pengarang & Penulis" msgid "" "Improve your education website with the perfect partner theme. Browse high-" "quality, professionally-designed options. Then, purchase the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan situs web pendidikan Anda dengan tema partner yang sempurna. " "Jelajahi fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. " "Kemudian, beli salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Select partner themes for your education website." msgstr "Pilih tema partner untuk situs web pendidikan Anda." msgid "Partner Education WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Pendidikan Partner" msgid "Choose premium themes for your education website." msgstr "Pilih tema premium untuk situs web pendidikan Anda." msgid "Premium Education WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Pendidikan Premium" msgid "" "Launch your education website with the perfect free theme. Browse high-" "quality, professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Luncurkan situs web pendidikan Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. Jelajahi " "fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, " "aktifkan salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Discover the perfect free theme for your education website." msgstr "Jelajahi tema gratis yang sempurna untuk situs web pendidikan Anda." msgid "Free Education WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Pendidikan Gratis" msgid "" "Start your education website with the perfect theme. Browse high-quality, " "professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's right for you." msgstr "" "Mulai situs web pendidikan Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. Jelajahi fitur-" "fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, " "aktifkan salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Find the perfect theme for your education website." msgstr "Temukan tema yang sempurna untuk situs web pendidikan Anda." msgid "Education WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Pendidikan" msgid "" "Improve your magazine website with the perfect partner theme. Browse high-" "quality, professionally-designed options. Then, purchase the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan situs web majalah Anda dengan tema partner yang sempurna. " "Jelajahi fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. " "Kemudian, beli salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Select partner themes for your magazine website." msgstr "Pilih tema partner untuk situs web majalah Anda." msgid "Partner Magazine WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Majalah Partner" msgid "Choose premium themes for your magazine website." msgstr "Pilih tema premium untuk situs web majalah Anda." msgid "Premium Magazine WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Majalah Premium" msgid "" "Launch your magazine website with the perfect free theme. Browse high-" "quality, professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Luncurkan situs web majalah Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. Jelajahi fitur-" "fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, " "aktifkan salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Discover the perfect free theme for your magazine website." msgstr "Jelajahi tema gratis yang sempurna untuk situs web majalah Anda." msgid "Free Magazine WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Majalah Gratis" msgid "" "Start your magazine website with the perfect theme. Browse high-quality, " "professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's right for you." msgstr "" "Mulai situs web majalah Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. Jelajahi fitur-fitur " "berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, aktifkan " "salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Find the perfect theme for your magazine website." msgstr "Temukan tema yang sempurna untuk situs web majalah Anda." msgid "Magazine WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Majalah" msgid "" "Improve your music website with the perfect partner theme. Browse high-" "quality, professionally-designed options. Then, purchase the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan situs web musik Anda dengan tema partner yang sempurna. Jelajahi " "fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, " "beli salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Select partner themes for your music website." msgstr "Pilih tema partner untuk situs web musik Anda." msgid "Partner Music WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Musik Partner" msgid "Choose premium themes for your music website." msgstr "Pilih tema premium untuk situs web musik Anda." msgid "Premium Music WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Musik Premium" msgid "" "Launch your music website with the perfect free theme. Browse high-quality, " "professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's right for you." msgstr "" "Luncurkan situs web musik Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. Jelajahi fitur-" "fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, " "aktifkan salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Discover the perfect free theme for your music website." msgstr "Jelajahi tema gratis yang sempurna untuk situs web musik Anda." msgid "Free Music WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Musik Gratis" msgid "" "Start your music website with the perfect theme. Browse high-quality, " "professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's right for you." msgstr "" "Mulai situs web musik Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. Jelajahi fitur-fitur " "berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, aktifkan " "salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Music WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Musik" msgid "" "Improve your restaurant website with the perfect partner theme. Browse high-" "quality, professionally-designed options. Then, purchase the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan situs web restoran Anda dengan tema partner yang sempurna. " "Jelajahi fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. " "Kemudian, beli salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Select partner themes for your restaurant website." msgstr "Pilih tema partner untuk situs web restoran Anda." msgid "Partner Restaurant WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Restoran Partner" msgid "Choose premium themes for your restaurant website." msgstr "Pilih tema premium untuk situs web restoran Anda." msgid "Premium Restaurant WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Restoran Premium" msgid "" "Launch your restaurant website with the perfect free theme. Browse high-" "quality, professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Luncurkan situs web restoran Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. Jelajahi fitur-" "fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, " "aktifkan salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Discover the perfect free theme for your restaurant website." msgstr "Jelajahi tema gratis yang sempurna untuk situs web restoran Anda." msgid "Free Restaurant WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Restoran Gratis" msgid "" "Start your restaurant website with the perfect theme. Browse high-quality, " "professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's right for you." msgstr "" "Mulai situs web restoran Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. Jelajahi fitur-" "fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, " "aktifkan salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Find the perfect theme for your restaurant website." msgstr "Temukan tema yang sempurna untuk situs web restoran Anda." msgid "Restaurant WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Restoran" msgid "" "Improve your travel and lifestyle website with the perfect partner theme. " "Browse high-quality, professionally-designed options. Then, purchase the one " "that's right for you." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan situs web perjalanan dan gaya hidup Anda dengan tema partner yang " "sempurna. Jelajahi fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara " "profesional. Kemudian, beli salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Select partner themes for your travel and lifestyle website." msgstr "Pilih tema partner untuk situs web perjalanan dan gaya hidup Anda." msgid "Partner Travel & Lifestyle WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Perjalanan & Gaya Hidup Partner" msgid "Choose premium themes for your travel and lifestyle website." msgstr "Pilih tema premium untuk situs web perjalanan dan gaya hidup Anda." msgid "Premium Travel & Lifestyle WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Perjalanan & Gaya Hidup Premium" msgid "" "Launch your travel and lifestyle website with the perfect free theme. Browse " "high-quality, professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Luncurkan situs web perjalanan dan gaya hidup Anda dengan tema yang " "sempurna. Jelajahi fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara " "profesional. Kemudian, aktifkan salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Discover the perfect free theme for your travel and lifestyle website." msgstr "" "Temukan tema gratis yang sempurna untuk situs web perjalanan dan gaya hidup " "Anda." msgid "Free Travel & Lifestyle WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Perjalanan & Gaya Hidup Gratis" msgid "" "Start your travel and lifestyle website with the perfect theme. Browse high-" "quality, professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Mulai situs web perjalanan dan gaya hidup Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. " "Jelajahi fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. " "Kemudian, aktifkan salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Find the perfect theme for your travel and lifestyle website." msgstr "" "Temukan tema yang sempurna untuk situs web perjalanan dan gaya hidup Anda." msgid "Travel & Lifestyle WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Perjalanan & Gaya Hidup" msgid "" "Improve your fashion and beauty website with the perfect partner theme. " "Browse high-quality, professionally-designed options. Then, purchase the one " "that's right for you." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan situs web fesyen dan kecantikan Anda dengan tema partner yang " "sempurna. Jelajahi fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara " "profesional. Kemudian, beli salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Select partner themes for your fashion and beauty website." msgstr "Pilih tema partner untuk situs web fesyen dan kecantikan Anda." msgid "Partner Fashion & Beauty WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Fesyen dan Kecantikan Partner" msgid "Choose premium themes for your fashion and beauty website." msgstr "Pilih tema premium untuk situs web fesyen dan kecantikan Anda." msgid "Premium Fashion & Beauty WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Fesyen & Kecantikan Premium" msgid "" "Launch your fashion and beauty website with the perfect free theme. Browse " "high-quality, professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Luncurkan situs web fesyen dan kecantikan Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. " "Jelajahi fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. " "Kemudian, aktifkan salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Discover the perfect free theme for your fashion and beauty website." msgstr "" "Jelajahi tema gratis yang sempurna untuk situs web fesyen dan kecantikan." msgid "Free Fashion & Beauty WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Fesyen dan Kecantikan Gratis" msgid "" "Start your fashion and beauty website with the perfect theme. Browse high-" "quality, professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Mulai situs web fesyen dan kecantikan Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. " "Jelajahi fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. " "Kemudian, aktifkan salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Find the perfect theme for your fashion and beauty website." msgstr "Temukan tema yang sempurna untuk situs web fesyen dan kecantikan Anda." msgid "Fashion & Beauty WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Fesyen dan Kecantikan" msgid "" "Improve your non-profit or community organization's website with the perfect " "partner theme. Browse high-quality, professionally-designed options. Then, " "purchase the one that's right for you." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan situs web organisasi nirlaba atau komunitas Anda dengan tema " "partner yang sempurna. Jelajahi fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang " "secara profesional. Kemudian, beli salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "" "Select partner themes for your non-profit or community organization's " "website." msgstr "" "Pilih tema partner untuk situs web organisasi nirlaba atau komunitas Anda." msgid "Partner Community & Non-profit WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress untuk Komunitas & Organisasi Nirlaba Partner" msgid "" "Choose premium themes for your non-profit or community organization's " "website." msgstr "Pilih tema premium untuk situs organisasi nirlaba atau komunitas Anda." msgid "Premium Community & Non-profit WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Komunitas & Nirlaba Premium" msgid "" "Launch your non-profit or community organization's website with the perfect " "free theme. Browse high-quality, professionally-designed options. Then, " "activate the one that's right for you." msgstr "" "Luncurkan situs web organisasi nirlaba atau komunitas Anda dengan tema " "gratis yang sempurna. Jelajahi fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang " "secara profesional. Kemudian, aktifkan salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "" "Discover the perfect free theme for your non-profit or community " "organization's website." msgstr "" "Temukan tema gratis yang sempurna untuk situs web organisasi nirlaba atau " "komunitas Anda." msgid "Free Community & Non-profit WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Komunitas & Nirlaba Gratis" msgid "" "Start your non-profit or community organization's website with the perfect " "theme. Browse high-quality, professionally-designed options. Then, activate " "the one that's right for you." msgstr "" "Mulai situs web organisasi nirlaba & komunitas Anda dengan tema yang " "sempurna. Jelajahi fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara " "profesional. Kemudian, aktifkan salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "" "Find the perfect theme for your non-profit or community organization's " "website." msgstr "" "Temukan tema yang sempurna untuk situs web organisasi nirlaba atau komunitas " "Anda." msgid "Community & Non-profit WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Komunitas & Nirlaba" msgid "" "Improve your podcast website with the perfect partner theme. Browse high-" "quality, professionally-designed options. Then, purchase the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan situs web podcast Anda dengan tema partner yang sempurna. " "Jelajahi fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. " "Kemudian, beli salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Select partner themes for your podcast website." msgstr "Pilih tema partner untuk situs web podcast Anda." msgid "Partner Podcast WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Podcast Partner" msgid "Choose premium themes for your podcast website." msgstr "Pilih tema premium untuk situs web podcast Anda." msgid "Premium Podcast WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Podcast Premium" msgid "" "Launch your podcast website with the perfect free theme. Browse high-" "quality, professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Luncurkan situs web podcast Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. Jelajahi fitur-" "fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, " "aktifkan salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Discover the perfect free theme for your podcast website." msgstr "Jelajahi tema gratis yang sempurna untuk situs web podcast Anda." msgid "Free Podcast WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Podcast Gratis" msgid "" "Start your podcast website with the perfect theme. Browse high-quality, " "professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's right for you." msgstr "" "Mulai situs web podcast Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. Jelajahi fitur-fitur " "berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, aktifkan " "salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Find the perfect theme for your podcast website." msgstr "Temukan tema yang sempurna untuk situs web podcast Anda." msgid "Podcast WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Podcast" msgid "" "Improve your website with the perfect partner coming soon theme. Browse high-" "quality, professionally-designed options. Then, purchase the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan situs web Anda dengan tema segera hadir partner yang sempurna. " "Jelajahi fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. " "Kemudian, beli salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Select partner coming soon themes for your website." msgstr "Pilih tema segera hadir partner untuk situs web Anda." msgid "Partner Coming Soon WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Segera Hadir Partner" msgid "Choose premium coming soon themes for your website." msgstr "Pilih tema segera hadir premium untuk situs web Anda." msgid "Premium Coming Soon WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Segera Hadir Premium" msgid "" "Launch your website with the perfect free coming soon theme. Browse high-" "quality, professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Luncurkan situs web Anda dengan tema segera hadir gratis yang sempurna. " "Jelajahi pilihan berkualitas tinggi yang dirancang secara profesional. " "Kemudian, aktifkan salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Discover the perfect free coming soon theme for your website." msgstr "Temukan tema segera hadir gratis yang sempurna untuk situs web Anda." msgid "Free Coming Soon WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Segera Hadir Gratis" msgid "" "Start your website with the perfect coming soon theme. Browse high-quality, " "professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's right for you." msgstr "" "Mulai situs web Anda dengan tema segera hadir yang sempurna. Jelajahi " "pilihan berkualitas tinggi yang dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, " "aktifkan salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Find the perfect coming soon theme for your website." msgstr "Temukan tema segera hadir yang sempurna untuk situs web Anda." msgid "Coming Soon WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Segera Hadir" msgid "" "Improve your entertainment website with the perfect partner theme. Browse " "high-quality, professionally-designed options. Then, purchase the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan situs web hiburan Anda dengan tema partner yang sempurna. " "Jelajahi fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. " "Kemudian, beli salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Select partner themes for your entertainment website." msgstr "Pilih tema partner untuk situs web hiburan Anda." msgid "Partner Entertainment WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Hiburan Partner" msgid "Choose premium themes for your entertainment website." msgstr "Pilih tema premium untuk situs web hiburan Anda." msgid "Premium Entertainment WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Hiburan Premium" msgid "" "Launch your entertainment website with the perfect free theme. Browse high-" "quality, professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Luncurkan situs web hiburan Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. Jelajahi fitur-" "fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, " "aktifkan salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Discover the perfect free theme for your entertainment website." msgstr "Jelajahi tema gratis yang sempurna untuk situs web hiburan Anda." msgid "Free Entertainment WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Hiburan Gratis" msgid "" "Start your entertainment website with the perfect theme. Browse high-" "quality, professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Mulai situs web hiburan Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. Jelajahi fitur-fitur " "berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, aktifkan " "salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Find the perfect theme for your entertainment website." msgstr "Temukan tema yang sempurna untuk situs web hiburan Anda." msgid "Entertainment WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Hiburan" msgid "" "Your domain is using external name servers so the DNS records you're editing " "won't be in effect until you switch to use name servers. {{a}}" "Update your name servers now{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Domain Anda menggunakan name server eksternal, sehingga DNS record yang Anda " "edit tidak akan berlaku hingga Anda beralih menggunakan name server " " {{a}}Perbarui name server Anda sekarang{{/a}}." msgid "" "Your free trial will end in %(daysLeft)d day. Upgrade to a plan by " "%(expirationdate)s to unlock new features and launch your migrated website." msgid_plural "" "Your free trial will end in %(daysLeft)d days. Upgrade to a plan by " "%(expirationdate)s to unlock new features and launch your migrated website." msgstr[0] "" "Uji coba gratis Anda akan berakhir dalam %(daysLeft)d hari. Upgrade ke salah " "satu paket sebelum %(expirationdate)s untuk mengakses fitur-fitur baru dan " "luncurkan situs web hasil migrasi Anda." msgstr[1] "" "Uji coba gratis Anda akan berakhir dalam %(daysLeft)d hari. Upgrade ke salah " "satu paket sebelum %(expirationdate)s untuk mengakses fitur-fitur baru dan " "luncurkan situs web hasil migrasi Anda." msgid "" "Your free trial has expired. Upgrade to a plan to unlock new features and " "launch your migrated website." msgstr "" "Uji coba gratis Anda telah berakhir. Tingkatkan paket untuk mengakses fitur-" "fitur baru dan luncurkan situs web hasil migrasi Anda." msgid "In case a www CNAME record already exists, it will be deleted." msgstr "Seandainya catatan CNAME www sudah ada, catatan tersebut akan dihapus." msgid "" "Restoring the record will create a www CNAME record pointing to your " " site." msgstr "" "Memulihkan catatan akan membuat catatan CNAME www yang mengarah ke situs " " Anda." msgid "Restore default CNAME record" msgstr "Pulihkan CNAME record default" msgid "Failed to restore the default CNAME record" msgstr "Gagal memulihkan CNAME default" msgid "Default CNAME record restored" msgstr "CNAME default dipulihkan" msgid "" "Your free trial has expired. Upgrade your plan to keep your %(productType)s " "features." msgstr "" "Uji coba gratis Anda telah berakhir. Tingkatkan paket Anda untuk " "mempertahankan fitur %(productType)s Anda." msgid "every hundred years" msgstr "tiap seratus tahun" msgid "hundred years" msgstr "ratusan tahun" msgid "Subscribe to this theme and unlock all its features." msgstr "Berlangganan tema ini dan akses semua fiturnya." msgid "Select all tick boxes for domains in table" msgstr "Pilih semua kotak centang untuk domain dalam tabel" msgid "Tick box for %(domain)s" msgstr "Kontak centang untuk %(domain)s" msgid "Enable the live collaboration and offline persistence between peers" msgstr "Aktifkan kolaborasi langsung dan keberlanjutan offline antar kolega" msgid "Live Collaboration and offline persistence " msgstr "Kolaborasi Langsung dan keberlanjutan offline " msgid "Font family uninstalled successfully." msgstr "Berhasil menghapus instalan kelompok font." msgid "Cannot visit tag closers in HTML Processor." msgstr "Tidak dapat membuka penutup tag di HTML Processor." msgid "Please pass a query array to this function." msgstr "Harap pindahkan array kueri ke fungsi ini." msgid "" "Call %s to create an HTML Processor instead of calling the constructor " "directly." msgstr "" "Hubungi %s untuk membuat HTML Processor alih-alih langsung menghubungi " "konstruktor." msgid "" "This will allow your visitors to specifically subscribe to the selected " "categories. When this is enabled, only posts published under the created " "newsletter categories will be sent out to your subscribers." msgstr "" "Pengaturan ini akan memungkinkan pengunjung Anda untuk secara khusus " "berlangganan kategori yang dipilih. Saat ini diaktifkan, hanya postingan " "yang diterbitkan di bawah kategori buletin yang dibuat yang akan dikirim ke " "pelanggan Anda." msgid "Enable newsletter categories" msgstr "Aktifkan kategori buletin" msgid "You won't be able to publish your site" msgstr "Anda tidak akan bisa menerbitkan situs Anda" msgid "The status of the deposit" msgstr "Status deposit" msgid "A unique identifier for the deposit." msgstr "Pengidentifikasi unik untuk deposit." msgid "Deposit date of transaction" msgstr "Tanggal transaksi deposit" msgid "Fraud risk level." msgstr "Tingkat risiko penipuan." msgid "" "The identifier of the WooCommerce order associated with this transaction." msgstr "" "Pengidentifikasi pesanan WooCommerce yang terkait dengan transaksi ini." msgid "Net amount." msgstr "Jumlah bersih." msgid "Customer country." msgstr "Negara pelanggan." msgid "Customer email." msgstr "Email pelanggan." msgid "Customer name." msgstr "Nama pelanggan." msgid "Customer details." msgstr "Detail pelanggan." msgid "Transaction fees." msgstr "Biaya transaksi." msgid "The currency of the store." msgstr "Mata uang toko." msgid "The exchange rate of the transaction." msgstr "Nilai tukar transaksi." msgid "The amount of the transaction." msgstr "Jumlah transaksi." msgid "The currency of the transaction." msgstr "Mata uang transaksi." msgid "The type of the transaction." msgstr "Tipe transaksi." msgid "The payment method ID used to create the transaction type." msgstr "ID metode pembayaran yang digunakan untuk membuat tipe transaksi." msgid "" "Specifies whether the payment method used was a card (Visa, Mastercard, " "etc.) or an Alternative Payment Method (APM) or Local Payment Method (LPM) " "(iDEAL, Apple Pay, Google Pay, etc.)." msgstr "" "Menentukan apakah metode pembayaran yang digunakan berupa kartu (Visa, " "Mastercard, dll.) atau Metode Pembayaran Alternatif (APM/Alternative Payment " "Method) atau Metode Pembayaran Lokal (LPM/Local Payment Method) (iDEAL, " "Apple Pay, Google Pay, dll.). " msgid "Indicates whether the transaction was made online or offline." msgstr "Menunjukkan apakah transaksi dilakukan secara online atau offline." msgid "A unique source id for each transaction." msgstr "Id sumber unik untuk tiap transaksi." msgid "A unique identifier for each transaction based on its transaction type." msgstr "" "Pengidentifikasi unik untuk tiap transaksi berdasarkan tipe transaksinya." msgid "The date and time when the transaction was created." msgstr "Tanggal dan waktu saat transaksi dibuat." msgid "Direction on which to sort." msgstr "Arah penyortiran." msgid "Field on which to sort." msgstr "Kolom yang ingin disortir." msgid "Page size." msgstr "Ukuran halaman." msgid "Page number." msgstr "Nomor halaman." msgid "Include timezone into date filtering." msgstr "Sertakan zona waktu ke penyaringan tanggal." msgid "Match filter for the transactions." msgstr "Penyaring kecocokan untuk transaksi." msgid "Filter transactions where type is a specific value." msgstr "Saring transaksi dengan tipe berupa nilai spesifik." msgid "Filter transactions based on the payment method used." msgstr "Saring transaksi berdasarkan metode pembayaran yang digunakan." msgid "Filter transactions based on the customer email." msgstr "Saring transaksi berdasarkan email pelanggan." msgid "Filter transactions based on the associated deposit ID." msgstr "Saring transaksi berdasarkan ID deposit terkait." msgid "Filter transactions based on the associated order ID." msgstr "Saring transaksi berdasarkan ID pesanan terkait." msgid "Filter transactions between these dates." msgstr "Saring transaksi antara tanggal berikut." msgid "Filter transactions after this date." msgstr "Saring transaksi setelah tanggal ini." msgid "Filter transactions before this date." msgstr "Saring transaksi sebelum tanggal ini." msgid "Stripe Link email ending in %s" msgstr "Email Link Stripe berakhir pada %s" msgid "Stripe Link email" msgstr "Email Link Stripe" msgid "" "Multi-channel alerts: Get notified immediately when a site that you manage " "is down via SMS and email (multiple recipients)." msgstr "" "Peringatan multisaluran: Dapatkan pemberitahuan secepatnya melalui SMS dan " "email (banyak penerima) ketika situs yang Anda kelola mengalami gangguan." msgid "" "Upgrade Monitor with swift 1-minute monitoring alert intervals, SMS " "notifications, and multiple email recipients." msgstr "" "Lakukan upgrade Pemantauan dengan interval peringatan pemantauan kilat 1 " "menit, pemberitahuan SMS, dan banyak penerima email." msgid "Requests per minute completed without errors by the server" msgstr "Permintaan per menit selesai tanpa kendala oleh server." msgid "Data available since August 17th, 2023" msgstr "Data tersedia sejak 17 Agustus 2023" msgid "Simple resume and blog theme with bright personality." msgstr "Tema blog dan resume sederhana dengan kepribadian yang cerah." msgid "Style it up with premium colors and font pairings." msgstr "Tingkatkan gaya Anda dengan warna dan pasangan font premium." msgid "Select patterns for your homepage." msgstr "Pilih pola untuk halaman situs Anda." msgid "" "

" msgstr "" "
  • Mungkin Anda ingin mengamankan nama domain yang " "cocok atau alamat unik untuk situs web Anda.
  • Jika Anda membutuhkan " "situs web, Anda bisa membuatnya di dan menghubungkannya ke " "domain Anda dengan paket berbayar mana pun.
  • Klaim nama Anda di media sosial dan buat akun-akunnya, sehingga " "pelanggan bisa menemukan Anda di mana saja.
" msgid "" "
  • You could consider contacting the current owner to see if you can " "buy the domain name from them.
  • Choose another name that’s more " "unique, so people don’t confuse your business with one that already exists.
" msgstr "" "
  • Anda bisa mempertimbangkan untuk menghubungi pemilik domain saat ini " "untuk mengecek apakah Anda bisa membeli nama domain tersebut dari mereka.
  • Pilih nama lain yang lebih unik, supaya orang lain tidak salah sangka " "saat membedakan bisnis Anda dengan bisnis lain yang sudah ada.
" msgid "What if a business name I like is already taken?" msgstr "Bagaimana jika nama bisnis yang saya sukai sudah diambil orang lain?" msgid "" "
  1. First up, jot down some rough ideas and drop them into the business " "name generator.
  2. Next, score each idea with a 3, 2, or 1—3 being the " "highest and 1 the weakest.
  3. To wrap things up, take a look at your " "shortlist of 3’s until you settle on the name that’s best for you.
" msgstr "" "
  1. Pertama, catat beberapa ide awal dan masukkan ke generator nama " "bisnis.
  2. Selanjutnya, beri skor 1–3 pada tiap ide, dengan 3 sebagai " "skor tertinggi dan 1 sebagai skor terendah.
  3. Terakhir, cermati daftar " "berisi 3 ide nama tersebut sampai Anda bisa menetapkan nama yang terbaik " "bagi Anda.
" msgid "How can I come up with a good name?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara mendapatkan ide nama yang bagus?" msgid "" "Build your online presence with a custom domain and personalized email." msgstr "" "Bangun kehadiran online Anda dengan domain khusus dan email " "yang terpersonalisasi." msgid "Professional email" msgstr "Email profesional" msgid "" "Creating a personal logo for your business has never been " "easier." msgstr "" "Membuat logo pribadi untuk bisnis Anda kini sangat mudah." msgid "Logo maker" msgstr "Pembuat logo" msgid "" "There’s a domain name for every idea. Choose from 400+ " "extensions, including .com, .biz, and more." msgstr "" "Ada nama domain yang pas untuk tiap ide. Pilih dari 400 " "lebih ekstensi, termasuk .com, .biz, dan lain-lain." msgid "" "A name’s just the start. Take it further with a custom domain name, logo, or " "professional email address." msgstr "" "Nama hanyalah permulaan. Kembangkan lebih jauh dengan nama domain khusus, " "logo, atau alamat email profesional." msgid "Take things further" msgstr "Kembangkan lebih jauh" msgid "Pick a name that you love and is unique in your field." msgstr "Pilih nama yang Anda sukai dan unik di bidang Anda." msgid "" "Research your favorite names to see if they might already be in use by any " "other similar businesses." msgstr "" "Lakukan riset nama-nama favorit Anda untuk memeriksa apakah sudah dipakai " "oleh bisnis serupa." msgid "" "Narrow down your favorites, and choose the ones that speak to you the most." msgstr "" "Seleksi nama-nama favorit Anda, lalu pilih yang paling berkesan bagi Anda." msgid "Narrow down" msgstr "Seleksi" msgid "" "Type them into the tool’s search bar to generate a list of business name " "suggestions." msgstr "Ketik di bilah pencarian alat untuk membuat daftar saran nama bisnis." msgid "" "Think of a few words commonly associated with your industry and your " "business’ values." msgstr "" "Pikirkan kata-kata yang secara umum berkaitan dengan industri Anda dan nilai-" "nilai bisnis Anda." msgid "" "Need some inspiration? Follow these simple guidelines to pick a company name " "that’s memorable, easy to find, and helps you build your brand." msgstr "" "Butuh inspirasi? Ikuti panduan sederhana berikut ini untuk memilih nama " "perusahaan yang mudah diingat, mudah ditemukan, dan membantu membangun brand " "Anda." msgid "How to find the perfect name" msgstr "Cara untuk menemukan nama yang sempurna" msgid "You can even host and build your own website here as well!" msgstr "" "Anda bahkan juga bisa meng-hosting dan membangun situs web Anda sendiri di " "sini!" msgid "" "Register a domain, a unique address for your website, with" msgstr "" "Daftarkan domain atau alamat unik untuk situs web Anda dengan" msgid "Choose the perfect name." msgstr "Pilih nama yang sempurna." msgid "Enter a few keywords in the search bar." msgstr "Masukkan beberapa kata kunci di bilah pencarian." msgid "Brainstorm" msgstr "Olah gagasan" msgid "It’s simple like that" msgstr "Semudah itu" msgid "" "Great business names should be catchy, easy to remember, and say something " "about your company. Drop in a couple of keywords about your business, let " "the generator give you some company name options, and get things rolling " "with a custom website address." msgstr "" "Nama bisnis yang bagus harus menarik, mudah diingat, dan menggambarkan " "perusahaan Anda. Ketik beberapa kata kunci tentang bisnis Anda. Generator " "akan memberikan pilihan nama perusahaan untuk Anda, lalu terapkan sebagai " "alamat situs web khusus." msgid "Instant Business Name Generator" msgstr "Generator Nama Bisnis Instan" msgid "Forward your domain to another" msgstr "Teruskan domain Anda ke domain lain" msgid "Domain Forwarding" msgstr "Domain Forwarding" msgid "Feedback Form" msgstr "Formulir Masukan" msgid "Appointment Form" msgstr "Formulir Janji Temu" msgid "RSVP Form" msgstr "Formulir RSVP" msgid "Lead Capture Form" msgstr "Formulir Pengumpul Data Prospek" msgid "Upgrade subscription" msgstr "Lakukan upgrade paket langganan" msgid "" "You're currently a free subscriber. Upgrade your subscription to get access " "to the rest of this post and other paid-subscriber only content." msgstr "" "Saat ini Anda berlangganan secara gratis. Lakukan upgrade paket langganan " "untuk mendapatkan akses ke lanjutan pos ini dan konten berbayar lainnya." msgid "%(totalRequests)s requests" msgstr "%(totalRequests)s permintaan" msgid "Average response time" msgstr "Waktu respons rata-rata" msgid "Forwarding to the same domain is not allowed." msgstr "Meneruskan ke domain yang sama tidak diperbolehkan." msgid "An error occurred while fetching your domain forwarding." msgstr "Terjadi kendala saat mengambil data penerusan domain Anda." msgid "An error occurred while deleting the domain forward." msgstr "Terjadi kendala saat menghapus penerusan domain." msgid "Domain forward deleted successfully." msgstr "Penerusan domain berhasil dihapus." msgid "Domain forward updated and enabled." msgstr "Penerusan domain diperbarui dan diaktifkan." msgid "Four years" msgstr "Empat tahun" msgid "Five years" msgstr "Lima tahun" msgid "Six years" msgstr "Enam tahun" msgid "Seven years" msgstr "Tujuh tahun" msgid "Eight years" msgstr "Delapan tahun" msgid "Nine years" msgstr "Sembilan tahun" msgid "Ten years" msgstr "Sepuluh tahun" msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Tags module is empty" msgid "Most viewed {{link}}tags & categories{{/link}} will be listed here." msgstr "" "{{link}}Tag & kategori{{/link}} yang paling banyak dilihat akan ditampilkan " "di sini." msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Subscribers module is empty" msgid "Once you get a few, {{link}}your subscribers{{/link}} will appear here." msgstr "" "Setelah Anda mendapatkan pelanggan, {{link}}pelanggan Anda{{/link}} akan " "muncul di sini." msgid "Your other domains will redirect to this domain." msgstr "Domain Anda lainnya akan dialihkan ke domain ini." msgid "View weekly and yearly trends with 7-day Highlights and Year in Review" msgstr "" "Lihat tren mingguan dan tahunan dengan Sorotan 7-hari dan Tinjauan Setahun" msgid "" "Find who is creating the most popular content on your team with our author " "metrics" msgstr "" "Temukan siapa yang membuat konten paling populer di tim Anda dengan metrik " "penulis kami" msgid "" "Get detailed insights on the referrers that bring traffic from your site" msgstr "" "Dapatkan wawasan mendetail tentang perujuk yang mendatangkan traffic dari " "situs Anda" msgid "Discover your top performing posts & pages" msgstr "Temukan pos & halaman yang berkinerja terbaik Anda" msgid "Better understand your audience" msgstr "Memahami audiens Anda dengan lebih baik" msgid "Access to upcoming advanced features" msgstr "Akses ke fitur-fitur canggih yang akan datang" msgid "Detailed statistics about links leading to your site" msgstr "Statistik terperinci tentang tautan yang mengarah ke situs Anda" msgid "Traffic stats and trends for posts and pages" msgstr "Tren dan statistik lalu lintas untuk pos dan halaman " msgid "" "Jetpack Social is available to start for free with the Jetpack Social plugin." msgstr "" "Jetpack Social tersedia gratis dengan plugin Jetpack Social." msgid "" "Jetpack CRM is available to start for free with the Jetpack " "CRM plugin." msgstr "" "Jetpack CRM tersedia gratis dengan plugin Jetpack CRM." msgid "" "Jetpack Stats is free for personal sites. Commercial sites require a paid " "subscription. Learn more on our support page." msgstr "" "Statistik Jetpack dapat digunakan secara gratis untuk situs-situs pribadi. " "Situs komersial memerlukan langganan berbayar. Baca selengkapnya di halaman dukungan kami." msgid "" "Access to Payment solutions, the Blaze ad network, and related posts are " "available for free through the Jetpack plugin. Payment solutions and Blaze " "may have fees based on usage." msgstr "" "Akses ke solusi Pembayaran, jaringan iklan Blaze, dan pos-pos terkait " "tersedia secara gratis melalui plugin Jetpack. Solusi Pembayaran dan Blaze " "mungkin mengenakan biaya berdasarkan penggunaan." msgid "{{link}}Manage ActivityPub settings{{/link}}" msgstr "{{link}}Kelola pengaturan ActivityPub{{/link}}" msgid "Percentage of dynamic versus static responses" msgstr "Persentase respons dinamis versus respons statis" msgid "For security reasons this link will only be active for 30 minutes." msgstr "Demi alasan keamanan, tautan ini hanya akan aktif selama 30 menit." msgid "Continue to Gravatar" msgstr "Lanjutkan ke Gravatar" msgid "If you didn't request this email, please ignore it." msgstr "Jika Anda tidak meminta email ini, abaikan saja." msgid "" "Thank you for joining %s. We need to confirm your email address. Please " "click the link below." msgstr "" "Terima kasih sudah bergabung di %s. Kami perlu mengonfirmasi alamat email " "Anda. Silakan klik tautan di bawah ini." msgid "Please confirm your email address to signup" msgstr "Silakan konfirmasi alamat email Anda untuk mendaftar" msgid "Welcome to Gravatar" msgstr "Selamat datang di Gravatar" msgid "Do you have already an account? {{a}}Log in{{/a}}." msgstr "Sudah memiliki akun? {{a}}Login{{/a}}." msgid "Provide your email address and we will send you a magic link to log in." msgstr "" "Sediakan alamat e-mail Anda dan kami akan mengirimkan tautan ajaib untuk " "login." msgid "" "Jetpack can’t communicate with your site because it hasn't seen your site " "for 7 days." msgstr "" "Jetpack tidak dapat berkomunikasi dengan situs Anda karena tidak menemukan " "situs Anda selama 7 hari." msgid "Newsletter Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan buletin" msgid "An error occurred while deleting the glue record." msgstr "Terjadi error saat menghapus glue record." msgid "Free subscribers" msgstr "Pelanggan gratis" msgid "Requests per minute that encountered errors or issues during processing" msgstr "" "Permintaan per menit yang mengalami kendala atau masalah selama pemrosesan" msgid "Unsuccessful HTTP responses" msgstr "Respons HTTP tidak berhasil" msgid "Response types" msgstr "Jenis respons" msgid "Requests per minute and average server response time" msgstr "Permintaan per menit dan waktu respons server rata-rata" msgid "Server performance" msgstr "Performa server" msgid "400: Bad Request" msgstr "400: Permintaan Buruk" msgid "302: Moved Temporarily" msgstr "302: Dipindah Sementara" msgid "301: Moved Permanently" msgstr "301: Dipindah Permanen" msgid "200: OK Response" msgstr "200: Respons OK" msgid "Trial limitations" msgstr "Batasan uji coba" msgid "Product Bundles" msgstr "Bundel Produk" msgid "Take a survey" msgstr "Ikuti survei" msgid "Help us improve VaultPress Backup." msgstr "Bantu kami meningkatkan VaultPress Backup." msgid "Close lesson navigation" msgstr "Tutup navigasi pelajaran" msgid "Open lesson navigation" msgstr "Buka navigasi pelajaran" msgid "files selected" msgstr "file yang dipilih" msgid "50 GB file and video storage" msgstr "Penyimpanan file dan video 50 GB" msgid "Jetpack can’t communicate with your site." msgstr "Jetpack tidak dapat berkomunikasi dengan situs Anda." msgid "" "Jetpack can’t communicate with your site. Please contact site administrator." msgstr "" "Jetpack tidak dapat berkomunikasi dengan situs Anda. Silakan hubungi " "administrator situs." msgid "Learn how to reactivate Jetpack" msgstr "Pelajari cara mengaktifkan kembali Jetpack" msgid "" "We can’t communicate with your site because the Jetpack plugin is " "deactivated." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat berkomunikasi dengan situs Anda karena plugin Jetpack " "dinonaktifkan." msgid "" "Jetpack can’t communicate with your site because your site isn’t responding " "to requests." msgstr "" "Jetpack tidak dapat berkomunikasi dengan situs Anda karena situs Anda tidak " "merespons permintaan." msgid "Learn how to reconnect Jetpack" msgstr "Pelajari cara menghubungkan kembali Jetpack" msgid "" "Jetpack can’t communicate with your site because your site isn’t connected." msgstr "" "Jetpack tidak dapat berkomunikasi dengan situs Anda karena situs Anda tidak " "terhubung." msgid "" "Jetpack can’t communicate with your site due to a critical error on the site." msgstr "" "Jetpack tidak dapat berkomunikasi dengan situs Anda karena ada eror kritis " "pada situs." msgid "" "Jetpack is unable to connect to your domain because your domain’s DNS " "records aren’t pointing to your site." msgstr "" "Jetpack tidak dapat terhubung ke domain Anda karena DNS record domain Anda " "tidak mengarah ke situs Anda." msgid "QST" msgstr "QST" msgid "HST" msgstr "HST" msgid "PST" msgstr "PST" msgid "To import your subscribers, go to {{a}}subscribers page{{/a}}." msgstr "Untuk mengimpor pelanggan Anda, buka {{a}}halaman pelanggan{{/a}}." msgid "" "If the exchange rate meta data is missing, update the order with the " "suggested exchange rate. Once the rate is updated, you can then use the " "Import historical data tool under Analytics > Settings to correct analytical " "data." msgstr "" "Jika data meta nilai tukar kosong, perbarui pesanan dengan nilai tukar yang " "disarankan. Setelah nilai diperbarui, Anda dapat menggunakan alat Impor " "riwayat data dalam Analytics > Pengaturan untuk memperbaiki data analitik." msgid "Purchase and migrate" msgstr "Beli dan migrasi" msgid "You already have an active free trial" msgstr "Anda sudah memiliki uji coba gratis yang aktif" msgid "" "Free trials are a one-time offer and you’ve already enrolled in one in the " "past." msgstr "" "Uji coba gratis adalah penawaran satu kali dan Anda sudah pernah mendaftar " "sebelumnya." msgid "View imported content" msgstr "Lihat konten yang diimpor" msgid "Import Substack subscribers" msgstr "Impor pelanggan Substack" msgid "Community Forum" msgstr "Forum Komunitas" msgid "Learn" msgstr "Pelajari" msgid "" "This subscription has been successfully migrated to a WooPayments tokenized " "subscription." msgstr "" "Langganan ini telah berhasil dimigrasikan ke langganan menggunakan token " "WooPayments." msgid "" "We're not able to process this payment due to the order ID mismatch. Please " "try again later." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat memproses pembayaran ini karena ID pesanan tidak cocok. " "Coba lagi nanti." msgid "Error: Invalid Japanese phone number: " msgstr "Error: Nomor telepon Jepang tidak valid: " msgctxt "The button to open the demo site of individual theme" msgid "Demo site" msgstr "Situs demo" msgid "Demo site" msgstr "Situs demo" msgid "Preview demo site" msgstr "Pratinjau situs demo" msgid "" "We're confident this new plan will boost your control over your site's " "uptime." msgstr "" "Kami yakin paket baru ini akan memberikan kontrol lebih atas uptime situs " "Anda." msgid "" "Multiple Recipients: Keep your entire team in the loop via email and " "SMS notifications to ensure swift resolution of any problems." msgstr "" "Banyak Penerima: Berikan informasi terbaru kepada tim Anda melalui " "pemberitahuan email dan SMS untuk menjamin penyelesaian masalah berjalan " "lancar." msgid "" "SMS Notifications: Receive alerts directly to your mobile device. " "This extra communication layer alerts you promptly about issues, wherever " "you are." msgstr "" "Pemberitahuan SMS: Terima pengingat langsung di perangkat seluler " "Anda. Lapisan komunikasi ekstra ini menginformasikan masalah secara " "langsung, di mana pun Anda berada." msgid "" "1-Minute Monitoring Interval: Rapid checks for any downtime. The " "quick interval enables instant issue detection and alerts, reducing service " "disruptions." msgstr "" "Interval Pemantauan 1 Menit: Pemeriksaan cepat untuk segala jenis " "downtime. Interval yang singkat memungkinkan deteksi dan pemberitahuan " "masalah secara instan sehingga dapat mengurangi waktu gangguan layanan." msgid "" "We're excited to launch our new Downtime Monitoring Plan with powerful " "features designed for swift issue identification and resolution:" msgstr "" "Kami persembahkan Paket Pemantauan Downtime baru dengan fitur-fitur andal " "yang dirancang untuk identifikasi dan resolusi masalah dengan cepat:" msgid "New Downtime Monitoring Plan with Advanced Features!" msgstr "Paket Pemantauan Downtime Baru dengan Fitur-Fitur Tingkat Lanjut!" msgid "" "Jetpack will check your site for downtime every minute. Have notifications " "sent to multiple recipients via SMS and email." msgstr "" "Jetpack akan memeriksa downtime situs Anda tiap menit. Aktifkan pengiriman " "pemberitahuan ke banyak penerima melalui SMS dan email." msgid "Keep a closer eye on your sites with Monitor Premium" msgstr "Pantau situs Anda lebih ketat dengan Monitor Premium" msgid "You are already subscribed to %s." msgstr "Anda sudah berlangganan %s." msgid "Can I download my site stats?" msgstr "Bisakah saya mengunduh statistik situs saya?" msgid "" "If you get value from Jetpack Stats, feel free to pay any amount to unlock " "upcoming advanced features and priority support. We’ve used this pricing " "structure with Akismet, and based on our experience, we believe this is the " "fairest way to provide our products to the world while limiting paid plans " "to those with more ability to pay." msgstr "" "Jika Anda merasakan manfaat dari Statistik Jetpack, jangan ragu untuk " "membayar berapa pun guna mendapatkan fitur tingkat lanjut dan dukungan " "prioritas berikutnya. Kami telah menggunakan struktur harga ini untuk " "Akismet. Berdasarkan pengalaman, kami yakin ini cara paling adil untuk " "menyediakan produk bagi konsumen di seluruh dunia sekaligus mengkhususkan " "paket berbayar bagi mereka yang memiliki kemampuan lebih untuk membayar. " msgid "" "Automattic’s (Jetpack’s parent company) mission is to make the web a better " "place. This includes making some features widely available, even if you " "don’t make money from your site." msgstr "" "Misi Automattic (perusahaan induk Jetpack) adalah menjadikan web lebih baik. " "Ini termasuk menyediakan beberapa fitur secara luas, meskipun Anda tidak " "memperoleh penghasilan dari situs Anda." msgid "Why can personal sites use Stats for free?" msgstr "Mengapa situs personal dapat menggunakan Statistik secara gratis?" msgid "" "Free access to Jetpack Stats is for personal, non-commercial sites only. " "Commercial sites require a paid subscription. For more details, check out our support page." msgstr "" "Akses gratis ke Statistik Jetpack hanya untuk situs personal nonkomersial. " "Situs komersial memerlukan langganan berbayar. Untuk detail selengkapnya, " "lihat halaman dukungan kami." msgid "Should I choose a free or paid Jetpack Stats plan?" msgstr "" "Paket Statistik Jetpack gratis atau berbayar, mana yang harus saya pilih?" msgid "How do I configure Jetpack Stats?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara mengonfigurasi Statistik Jetpack?" msgid "Migrate content" msgstr "Migrasikan konten" msgid "You are about to update %(pluginCount)d plugin." msgid_plural "You are about to update %(pluginCount)d plugins." msgstr[0] "Anda akan memperbarui %(pluginCount)d plugin." msgstr[1] "Anda akan memperbarui %(pluginCount)d plugin." msgid "You are about to update %(pluginCount)d plugin installed on %(site)s." msgid_plural "" "You are about to update %(pluginCount)d plugins installed on %(site)s." msgstr[0] "" "Anda akan memperbarui %(pluginCount)d plugin yang terinstal di %(site)s." msgstr[1] "" "Anda akan memperbarui %(pluginCount)d plugin yang terinstal di %(site)s." msgid "" "You are about to update the %(plugin)s plugin installed on %(siteCount)d " "site." msgid_plural "" "You are about to update the %(plugin)s plugin installed on %(siteCount)d " "sites." msgstr[0] "" "Anda akan memperbarui plugin %(plugin)s yang terinstal di %(siteCount)d " "situs." msgstr[1] "" "Anda akan memperbarui plugin %(plugin)s yang terinstal di %(siteCount)d " "situs." msgid "You are about to affect %(pluginCount)d plugin." msgid_plural "You are about to affect %(pluginCount)d plugins." msgstr[0] "Anda akan mempengaruhi %(pluginCount)d plugin." msgstr[1] "Anda akan mempengaruhi %(pluginCount)d plugin." msgid "You are about to affect %(pluginCount)d plugin installed on %(site)s." msgid_plural "" "You are about to affect %(pluginCount)d plugins installed on %(site)s." msgstr[0] "" "Anda akan mempengaruhi %(pluginCount)d plugin yang terinstal di %(site)s." msgstr[1] "" "Anda akan mempengaruhi %(pluginCount)d plugin yang terinstal di %(site)s." msgid "" "You are about to affect the %(plugin)s plugin installed on %(siteCount)d " "site." msgid_plural "" "You are about to affect the %(plugin)s plugin installed on %(siteCount)d " "sites." msgstr[0] "" "Anda akan mempengaruhi plugin %(plugin)s yang terinstal di %(siteCount)d " "situs." msgstr[1] "" "Anda akan mempengaruhi plugin %(plugin)s yang terinstal di %(siteCount)d " "situs." msgid "Affect %(pluginCount)d plugin" msgid_plural "Affect %(pluginCount)d plugins" msgstr[0] "Mempengaruhi %(pluginCount)d plugin" msgstr[1] "Mempengaruhi %(pluginCount)d plugin" msgid "You are about to deactivate and remove %(pluginCount)d plugin." msgid_plural "You are about to deactivate and remove %(pluginCount)d plugins." msgstr[0] "Anda akan menonaktifkan dan menghapus %(pluginCount)d plugin." msgstr[1] "Anda akan menonaktifkan dan menghapus %(pluginCount)d plugin." msgid "" "You are about to deactivate and remove %(pluginCount)d plugin installed on " "%(site)s." msgid_plural "" "You are about to deactivate and remove %(pluginCount)d plugins installed on " "%(site)s." msgstr[0] "" "Anda akan menonaktifkan dan menghapus %(pluginCount)d plugin yang terinstal " "di %(site)s." msgstr[1] "" "Anda akan menonaktifkan dan menghapus %(pluginCount)d plugin yang terinstal " "di %(site)s." msgid "" "You are about to deactivate and remove the %(plugin)s plugin installed on " "%(siteCount)d site." msgid_plural "" "You are about to deactivate and remove the %(plugin)s plugin installed on " "%(siteCount)d sites." msgstr[0] "" "Anda akan menonaktifkan dan menghapus plugin %(plugin)s yang terinstal di " "%(siteCount)d situs." msgstr[1] "" "Anda akan menonaktifkan dan menghapus plugin %(plugin)s yang terinstal di " "%(siteCount)d situs." msgid "Deactivate and remove %(pluginCount)d plugin" msgid_plural "Deactivate and remove %(pluginCount)d plugins" msgstr[0] "Nonaktifkan dan hapus %(pluginCount)d plugin" msgstr[1] "Nonaktifkan dan hapus %(pluginCount)d plugin" msgid "You are about to enable auto-updates for %(pluginCount)d plugin." msgid_plural "" "You are about to enable auto-updates for %(pluginCount)d plugins." msgstr[0] "" "Anda akan mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(pluginCount)d plugin." msgstr[1] "" "Anda akan mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(pluginCount)d plugin." msgid "" "You are about to enable auto-updates for %(pluginCount)d plugin installed on " "%(site)s." msgid_plural "" "You are about to enable auto-updates for %(pluginCount)d plugins installed " "on %(site)s." msgstr[0] "" "Anda akan mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(pluginCount)d plugin yang " "terinstal di %(site)s." msgstr[1] "" "Anda akan mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(pluginCount)d plugin yang " "terinstal di %(site)s." msgid "" "You are about to enable auto-updates for the %(plugin)s plugin installed on " "%(siteCount)d site." msgid_plural "" "You are about to enable auto-updates for the %(plugin)s plugin installed on " "%(siteCount)d sites." msgstr[0] "" "Anda akan mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk plugin %(plugin)s yang " "terinstal di %(siteCount)d situs." msgstr[1] "" "Anda akan mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk plugin %(plugin)s yang " "terinstal di %(siteCount)d situs." msgid "You are about to disable auto-updates for %(pluginCount)d plugin." msgid_plural "" "You are about to disable auto-updates for %(pluginCount)d plugins." msgstr[0] "" "Anda akan menonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(pluginCount)d plugin." msgstr[1] "" "Anda akan menonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(pluginCount)d plugin." msgid "" "You are about to disable auto-updates for %(pluginCount)d plugin installed " "on %(site)s." msgid_plural "" "You are about to disable auto-updates for %(pluginCount)d plugins installed " "on %(site)s." msgstr[0] "" "Anda akan menonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(pluginCount)d plugin yang " "terinstal di %(site)s." msgstr[1] "" "Anda akan menonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(pluginCount)d plugin yang " "terinstal di %(site)s." msgid "" "You are about to disable auto-updates for the %(plugin)s plugin installed on " "%(siteCount)d site." msgid_plural "" "You are about to disable auto-updates for the %(plugin)s plugin installed on " "%(siteCount)d sites." msgstr[0] "" "Anda akan menonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk plugin %(plugin)s yang " "terinstal di %(siteCount)d situs." msgstr[1] "" "Anda akan menonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk plugin %(plugin)s yang " "terinstal di %(siteCount)d situs." msgid "You are about to deactivate %(pluginCount)d plugin." msgid_plural "You are about to deactivate %(pluginCount)d plugins." msgstr[0] "Anda akan menonaktifkan %(pluginCount)d plugin." msgstr[1] "Anda akan menonaktifkan %(pluginCount)d plugin." msgid "" "You are about to deactivate %(pluginCount)d plugin installed on %(site)s." msgid_plural "" "You are about to deactivate %(pluginCount)d plugins installed on %(site)s." msgstr[0] "" "Anda akan menonaktifkan plugin %(pluginCount)d yang terinstal di %(site)s." msgstr[1] "" "Anda akan menonaktifkan plugin %(pluginCount)d yang terinstal di %(site)s." msgid "" "You are about to deactivate the %(plugin)s plugin installed on %(siteCount)d " "site." msgid_plural "" "You are about to deactivate the %(plugin)s plugin installed on %(siteCount)d " "sites." msgstr[0] "" "Anda akan menonaktifkan plugin %(plugin)s yang terinstal di %(siteCount)d " "situs." msgstr[1] "" "Anda akan menonaktifkan plugin %(plugin)s yang terinstal di %(siteCount)d " "situs." msgid "This will impact %(siteCount)d site." msgid_plural "This will impact %(siteCount)d sites." msgstr[0] "Ini akan berdampak pada %(siteCount)d situs." msgstr[1] "Ini akan berdampak pada %(siteCount)d situs." msgid "You are about to activate %(pluginCount)d plugin." msgid_plural "You are about to activate %(pluginCount)d plugins." msgstr[0] "Anda akan mengaktifkan %(pluginCount)d plugin." msgstr[1] "Anda akan mengaktifkan %(pluginCount)d plugin." msgid "You are about to activate %(pluginCount)d plugin installed on %(site)s." msgid_plural "" "You are about to activate %(pluginCount)d plugins installed on %(site)s." msgstr[0] "" "Anda akan mengaktifkan %(pluginCount)d plugin yang terinstal di %(site)s." msgstr[1] "" "Anda akan mengaktifkan %(pluginCount)d plugin yang terinstal di %(site)s" msgid "" "You are about to activate the %(plugin)s plugin installed on %(siteCount)d " "site." msgid_plural "" "You are about to activate the %(plugin)s plugin installed on %(siteCount)d " "sites." msgstr[0] "" "Anda akan mengaktifkan plugin %(plugin)s yang terinstal di %(siteCount)d " "situs." msgstr[1] "" "Anda akan mengaktifkan plugin %(plugin)s yang terinstal di %(siteCount)d " "situs." msgid "Successful HTTP responses" msgstr "Respons HTTP berhasil" msgid "Average response time (ms)" msgstr "Waktu respons rata-rata (ms)" msgid "Requests per minute" msgstr "Permintaan per menit" msgid "500: Internal Server Error" msgstr "500: Eror Server Internal" msgid "Generate text, tables, lists, and forms" msgstr "Buat teks, tabel, daftar, dan formulir" msgid "VideoPress TV" msgstr "VideoPress TV" msgid "You already have a trial VideoPress TV site" msgstr "Anda telah memiliki situs uji coba VideoPress TV" msgid "Redirecting to your VideoPress TV video site" msgstr "Mengarahkan ke situs video VideoPress TV Anda" msgid "Let’s head to the checkout" msgstr "Mari menuju checkout" msgid "Starting up your channel" msgstr "Memulai saluran Anda" msgid "An ad-free, home for all your videos.
Play. Roll. Share." msgstr "" "Rumah untuk semua video Anda, tanpa iklan.
Mainkan. Nikmati. Bagikan." msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Videos module is empty" msgid "Your most viewed {{link}}video stats{{/link}} will show up here." msgstr "" "{{link}}Statistik video{{/link}} Anda yang paling banyak dilihat akan " "ditampilkan di sini." msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Authors module is empty" msgid "{{link}}Traffic that authors have generated{{/link}} will show here." msgstr "" "{{link}}Traffic yang telah dihasilkan penulis{{/link}} akan ditampilkan di " "sini." msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Search Terms module is empty" msgid "" "See {{link}}terms that visitors search{{/link}} to find your site, here. " msgstr "" "Lihat {{link}}istilah yang dicari pengunjung {{/link}} untuk menemukan situs " "Anda, di sini." msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Devices module is empty" msgid "" "Stats on visitors and {{link}}their viewing device{{/link}} will appear here." msgstr "" "Statistik pengunjung dan {{link}}perangkat yang digunakan{{/link}} akan " "ditampilkan di sini." msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Referrers module is empty" msgid "" "We'll show you which websites are {{link}}referring visitors{{/link}} to " "your site." msgstr "" "Kami akan menunjukkan kepada Anda situs web mana saja yang {{link}}" "mengarahkan pengunjung{{/link}} ke situs Anda." msgid "Name your price" msgstr "Tentukan harga Anda" msgid "Commercial use" msgstr "Penggunaan komersial" msgid "The most advanced stats Jetpack has to offer." msgstr "Statistik tercanggih yang ditawarkan Jetpack." msgid "For use with personal sites only" msgstr "Hanya untuk digunakan di situs personal" msgid "Access to upcoming advanced features" msgstr "Akses ke fitur tingkat lanjut berikutnya" msgid "All basic features" msgstr "Semua fitur dasar" msgid "Get Personal Stats" msgstr "Dapatkan Statistik Personal" msgid "Simple, yet powerful stats for your personal site." msgstr "Statistik sederhana dan andal untuk situs personal Anda." msgid "GDPR compliant" msgstr "Kepatuhan pada GDPR" msgid "Detailed insights on the referrers that bring traffic" msgstr "Informasi detail tentang pengarah yang menghasilkan aktivitas situs" msgid "Discover your top performing post & pages" msgstr "Temukan pos & halaman mana saja yang paling menarik" msgid "Real-time data on visitors" msgstr "Data real-time tentang pengunjung" msgid "Get started with our basic features." msgstr "Mari mulai dengan fitur dasar kami." msgid "Basic stats" msgstr "Statistik Dasar" msgid "Verify email address" msgstr "Verifikasi alamat email" msgid "Dismiss guide" msgstr "Tutup panduan" msgid "Subscribe to sites, newsletters, and RSS feeds." msgstr "Berlangganan ke situs, buletin, dan feed RSS." msgid "There was an error when trying to subscribe to %s." msgstr "Terjadi kendala saat mencoba berlangganan %s." msgid "You have successfully subscribed to %s." msgstr "Anda berhasil berlangganan %s." msgid "" "The eCommerce plan subscription provides a complimentary MailPoet Business " "Subscription, allowing you to send visually appealing emails that " "consistently land in inboxes and cultivate a loyal subscriber base." msgstr "" "Langganan paket eCommerce termasuk Langganan MailPoet Business gratis agar " "Anda dapat mengirimkan email dengan tampilan menarik yang masuk ke inbox " "secara konsisten serta mengembangkan basis pelanggan setia. " msgid "Get MailPoet Business for Free" msgstr "Dapatkan MailPoet Business Gratis" msgid "Get it now" msgstr "Dapatkan sekarang" msgid "Add members" msgstr "Tambah anggota" msgid "" "Invite people to the P2 to create a fully interactive work environment and " "start getting better results." msgstr "" "Undang orang ke P2 untuk menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang sepenuhnya " "interaktif dan mulailah mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik." msgid "Go further, together" msgstr "Gapai cita-cita, bersama" msgid "Ready to take your site further, faster? " msgstr "Siap meningkatkan dan mempercepat situs Anda? " msgid "" "Upgrade to the Business plan any time before your trial ends to unlock all " "its features" msgstr "" "Upgrade ke paket Bisnis sebelum masa percobaan Anda berakhir untuk " "mendapatkan semua fiturnya" msgid "You won’t have SSH/SFTP access" msgstr "Anda tidak akan punya akses SSH/SFTP" msgid "" "Over the next 7 days, you’ll be able to test every feature on the Business " "Plan, with only a few caveats:" msgstr "" "Selama 7 hari ke depan, Anda dapat menguji coba semua fitur di Paket Bisnis, " "hanya dengan beberapa batasan:" msgid "" "Still need a bit more time to think it over? We’ve got you! You have 30 days " "to change your mind, upgrade your plan, and recover your customized site." msgstr "" "Masih butuh waktu untuk memikirkannya? Tenang saja! Anda punya waktu 30 hari " "untuk membulatkan tekat, mengupgrade paket, dan memulihkan situs kustom Anda." msgid "Ready to take your site further, faster?" msgstr "Siap meningkatkan dan mempercepat situs Anda?" msgid "" "Upgrade to the Business plan any time before your trial " "ends to unlock all its features." msgstr "" "Upgrade ke paket Bisnis sebelum masa percobaan Anda " "berakhir untuk mendapatkan semua fiturnya." msgid "" "Over the next 7 days, you'll be able to test every feature on the Business plan, with only a few caveats:" msgstr "" "Selama 7 hari ke depan, Anda dapat menguji coba semua fitur di Paket Bisnis, hanya dengan beberapa " "prasyarat:" msgid "Your free trial begins here." msgstr "Percobaan gratis Anda dimulai di sini." msgid "Your free trial starts now" msgstr "Percobaan gratis Anda dimulai sekarang" msgid "Get the best out of your free trial" msgstr "Maksimalkan masa percobaan gratis Anda" msgid "Explore the Business plan" msgstr "Jelajahi paket Bisnis" msgid "You won't have SSH/SFTP access" msgstr "Anda tidak akan punya akses SSH/SFTP" msgid "" "Remember that if you choose not to purchase a plan once your trial ends, all " "your customizations will be removed. But don’t fret—we'll automatically back " "it up, so if you change your mind within 30 days, you can pick up right " "where you left off." msgstr "" "Harap diingat bahwa jika memilih untuk tidak membeli paket setelah periode " "percobaan berakhir, semua penyesuaian Anda akan dihapus. Jangan khawatir, " "kami akan mencadangkannya secara otomatis. Jadi, jika Anda berubah pikiran " "dalam waktu 30 hari, Anda dapat langsung melanjutkan yang terlewat." msgid "Time's almost out!" msgstr "Waktu Anda hampir habis!" msgid "Upgrade now and unlock amazing features." msgstr "Upgrade sekarang dan dapatkan fitur-fitur luar biasa." msgid "Free trial ending soon" msgstr "Percobaan gratis akan segera berakhir" msgid "An array of plugins and themes" msgstr "Kumpulan plugin dan tema" msgid "" "Still need a bit more time to think it over? We’ve got you! You have " "30 days to change your mind, upgrade your plan, and recover " "your customized site." msgstr "" "Masih butuh waktu untuk memikirkannya? Tenang saja! Anda punya waktu " "30 hari untuk membulatkan tekat, mengupgrade paket, dan " "memulihkan situs kustom Anda." msgid "Time flies!" msgstr "Waktu cepat berlalu!" msgid "Don't miss your customizations" msgstr "Jangan lewatkan uji coba penyesuaian Anda" msgid "Lightning-fast hosting" msgstr "Hosting secepat kilat" msgid "SEO tools, and Google Analytics" msgstr "Alat SEO dan Google Analytics" msgid "Access to beautiful themes and advanced design tools" msgstr "Akses ke tema menawan dan alat desain tingkat lanjut" msgid "Have a nice first day!" msgstr "Semoga hari pertama Anda menyenangkan!" msgid "One last step for your migration!" msgstr "Satu langkah terakhir untuk migrasi Anda!" msgid "Your migration is almost ready" msgstr "Migrasi Anda hampir siap" msgid "" "We recently attempted to migrate your content from %1$s to " "%2$s. Unfortunately, the migration failed." msgstr "" "Kami baru saja mencoba memindahkan konten Anda dari %1$s " "ke %2$s. Sayangnya, migrasi gagal dilakukan." msgid "Something went wrong while migrating your site." msgstr "Terjadi masalah saat melakukan migrasi situs Anda." msgid "Oops! we hit a snag with your site migration" msgstr "Waduh! Kami mengalami hambatan saat memproses migrasi situs Anda" msgid "Set up a staging site: %s" msgstr "Siapkan situs staging: %s" msgid "" "With the staging environment included in your %s plan, it’s a lot easier to " "explore new ideas, collaborate with multiple stakeholders, and troubleshoot " "issues without affecting your live site." msgstr "" "Dengan lingkungan staging yang disertakan dalam paket %s, kini lebih mudah " "bagi Anda untuk menjelajahi gagasan-gagasan baru, berkolaborasi dengan " "sejumlah pemangku kepentingan, dan memecahkan masalah tanpa memengaruhi " "situs aktif." msgid "Secure and reliable testing at your fingertips" msgstr "Pengujian yang aman, andal, dan praktis" msgid "Start set up: %s" msgstr "Mulai menyiapkan: %s" msgid "- Manage your database with phpMyAdmin" msgstr "- Pengelolaan basis data Anda dengan phpMyAdmin" msgid "- Automate repetitive tasks right from the command line with WP-CLI" msgstr "" "- Otomatisasi tugas berulang langsung dari baris perintah menggunakan WP-CLI" msgid "- Edit your website's files directly with SFTP and SSH access" msgstr "- Edit file situs Anda secara langsung dengan akses SFTP dan SSH" msgid "- Fine-tune the server behind your website with different PHP versions" msgstr "- Optimalkan server untuk situs Anda dengan versi PHP yang berbeda" msgid "- Test changes and troubleshoot issues with staging sites" msgstr "- Uji coba perubahan dan pecahkan masalah dengan situs staging" msgid "" "Your %s plan includes advanced features that will help you build your next " "project in no time. You're all set to:" msgstr "" "Paket %s Anda menyertakan fitur tingkat lanjut yang dapat membantu pembuatan " "proyek selanjutnya dalam waktu singkat. Anda telah siap untuk:" msgid "Start building your website: %s" msgstr "Mulai membuat situs Anda: %s" msgid "Welcome, builder!" msgstr "Selamat datang, pembuat situs!" msgid "Ready to set up your staging site?" msgstr "Siap untuk menyiapkan situs staging Anda?" msgid "" "Pair it up with other developer-focused features, like SSH access and Git " "syncing, and you have an adaptable environment for testing and tweaking your " "site to perfection. All with zero downtime and no risk to your live site." msgstr "" "Pasangkan dengan fitur lain yang berfokus pada pengembang, seperti akses SSH " "dan sinkronisasi Git, agar Anda memiliki lingkungan yang dapat disesuaikan " "untuk menguji dan mengubah situs sesuai keinginan. Semua tanpa downtime dan " "risiko terhadap situs aktif Anda." msgid "" "With the staging environment included in your %1$s plan, it’s a lot easier " "to explore new ideas, collaborate with multiple stakeholders, and " "troubleshoot issues without affecting your live site." msgstr "" "Dengan lingkungan staging yang disertakan dalam paket %1$s, kini lebih mudah " "bagi Anda untuk menjelajahi gagasan-gagasan baru, berkolaborasi dengan " "sejumlah pemangku kepentingan, dan memecahkan masalah tanpa memengaruhi " "situs aktif." msgid "Secure and reliable testing at your fingertips" msgstr "Pengujian yang aman, andal, dan praktis" msgid "Test before going live" msgstr "Lakukan pengujian sebelum meluncurkan" msgid "Site staging for better results" msgstr "Buat situs staging untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik" msgid "Set up a staging site" msgstr "Siapkan situs staging" msgid "" "Learn more " "about managed hosting." msgstr "" "Baca selengkapnya tentang hosting terkelola" msgid "Ready to start setting things up?" msgstr "Siap untuk memulai?" msgid "" "With lightning-fast servers, built-in Jetpack features, and real support, " "you’ve got everything you need to take your next project further." msgstr "" "Dengan server secepat kilat, fitur Jetpack bawaan, dan dukungan profesional, " "semua yang Anda butuhkan sudah lengkap untuk mengembangkan proyek Anda." msgid "Manage your database with phpMyAdmin" msgstr "Mengelola basis data Anda dengan phpMyAdmin" msgid "Automate repetitive tasks right from the command line with WP-CLI" msgstr "" "Mengotomatiskan tugas berulang langsung dari baris perintah menggunakan WP-" "CLI" msgid "Edit your website's files directly with SFTP and SSH access" msgstr "Mengedit file situs Anda secara langsung dengan akses SFTP dan SSH" msgid "Fine-tune the server behind your website with different PHP versions" msgstr "Mengoptimalkan server untuk situs Anda dengan versi PHP yang berbeda" msgid "Test changes and troubleshoot issues with staging sites" msgstr "Menguji coba perubahan dan memecahkan masalah dengan situs staging" msgid "" "Your %1$s plan includes advanced features that will help you build your next " "project in no time. You're all set to:" msgstr "" "Paket %1$s Anda dipenuhi fitur tingkat lanjut yang dapat membantu pembuatan " "proyek selanjutnya dalam waktu singkat. Anda sudah siap untuk:" msgid "Build on solid ground" msgstr "Buat situs dengan fondasi yang kokoh" msgid "Everything you need to build a site" msgstr "Semua yang Anda perlukan untuk membuat situs" msgid "You’ve unlocked amazing features" msgstr "Anda telah mendapatkan aneka fitur luar biasa" msgid "" "Now you’re up and running, the next step is to get started. Whether you’re " "ready to jump straight in, or want to dig a little deeper first, we’ve got " "you covered." msgstr "" "Sekarang Anda telah siap, langkah selanjutnya adalah memulai. Anda ingin " "mencoba langsung atau mempelajarinya terlebih dahulu? Kami siap membantu " "Anda." msgid "" "Thanks for being here! You’re all set to start creating, optimizing, and " "deploying fast, secure, scalable websites." msgstr "" "Terima kasih sudah ada di sini! Anda telah siap untuk membuat, " "mengoptimalkan, dan meluncurkan situs yang cepat, aman, dan adaptif." msgid "Welcome, builder!" msgstr "Selamat datang, pembuat situs!" msgid "Built for builders, by builders" msgstr "Dari dan untuk pembuat situs" msgid "Let’s get started with" msgstr "Mari memulai dengan" msgid "Start building your website" msgstr "Mulai buat situs Anda" msgid " Commerce" msgstr " Commerce" msgid "Company type" msgstr "Jenis perusahaan" msgid "Domain transfers can take anywhere from five to seven days to complete." msgstr "" "Transfer domain dapat memakan waktu antara lima hingga tujuh hari untuk " "menyelesaikannya." msgid "Add a new site" msgstr "Tambah situs baru" msgid "" "This domain is not associated to any site. Would you like to create one?" msgstr "" "Domain ini tidak digunakan di situs mana pun. Apakah Anda ingin membuatnya?" msgid "" "Create your homepage by first adding patterns and then choosing a color " "palette and font style." msgstr "" "Buat beranda Anda dengan menambahkan pola terlebih dahulu, lalu pilih palet " "warna dan gaya font." msgid "" "The header pattern sits at the top of your site and typically shows your " "site logo, title, and navigation." msgstr "" "Di bagian atas situs, Anda akan menemukan pola header yang biasanya " "menampilkan logo, judul, dan navigasi." msgid "" "The footer pattern sits at the bottom of your site and typically shows " "useful links and contact information." msgstr "" "Di bagian bawah situs, Anda akan menemukan pola footer yang biasanya " "menampilkan tautan dan kontak informasi yang berguna." msgid "Business trial can only be added one time per user." msgstr "" "Uji coba paket Bisnis hanya dapat ditambahkan satu kali untuk tiap pengguna." msgid "A business with multiple sites" msgstr "Satu bisnis dengan banyak situs" msgid "Freelancer/Pro" msgstr "Freelancer/Pro" msgid "Agency" msgstr "Agensi" msgid "Add a site later." msgstr "Tambah situs nanti." msgid "Add your About page" msgstr "Tambahkan halaman Tentang Anda" msgid "" "In the meantime, you might want to take a look at our support page for some extra help." msgstr "" "Sementara itu, Anda dapat membaca halaman " "dukungan kami untuk mendapatkan bantuan lain." msgid "Log in to leave a reply." msgstr "Login untuk meninggalkan balasan." msgid "" "If you quit, all of the work that has been done during this session will be " "lost." msgstr "" "Jika Anda keluar, semua yang telah Anda kerjakan selama sesi ini akan hilang." msgid "Questions? Contact our support team: %s" msgstr "Ada pertanyaan? Hubungi tim dukungan: %s" msgid "Unlimited number of subscribers" msgstr "Jumlah pelanggan tanpa batas" msgid "" "Questions? Contact our support team." msgstr "" "Ada pertanyaan? Hubungi tim dukungan kami." msgid "Upgrade to Business plan" msgstr "Upgrade ke paket Bisnis" msgid "Your trial has ended" msgstr "Masa percobaan Anda telah berakhir" msgid "" "The file you are importing is too large. {{cs}}Please contact support to " "continue{{/cs}}." msgstr "" "File yang Anda impor terlalu besar. {{cs}}Silakan hubungi bantuan untuk " "melanjutkan{{/cs}}." msgid "" "Organizer has a simple structure and displays only the necessary information " "a real portfolio can benefit from. It's ready to be used by designers, " "artists, architects, and creators." msgstr "" "Organizer memiliki struktur yang sederhana dan hanya menampilkan informasi " "yang diperlukan yang dapat bermanfaat bagi portofolio yang sebenarnya. Siap " "digunakan oleh desainer, seniman, arsitek, dan kreator." msgid "Jetpack Header Menu" msgstr "Menu Header Jetpack" msgid "Untitled post with ID %s" msgstr "Pos tanpa judul dengan ID %s" msgid "6 hours" msgstr "6 jam" msgid "" "We think VideoPress is the best video solution for WordPress. Why? It offers " "both a seamless experience for you and a beautiful, ad-free video player for " "your visitors. We’re excited to share some new features that will help " "convince you." msgstr "" "Kami yakin VideoPress adalah solusi video terbaik untuk WordPress. Mengapa? " "VideoPress menawarkan kemudahan pengalaman bagi Anda, serta pemutar video " "yang menawan dan bebas iklan bagi pengunjung. Kami tidak sabar ingin " "membagikan sejumlah fitur baru yang dapat membantu meyakinkan Anda." msgid "" "All of this new functionality is now available as its own plugin. Utilize " "the benefits of VideoPress without the rest of Jetpack." msgstr "" "Semua fungsi baru ini kini tersedia sebagai pluginnya sendiri. Maksimalkan " "fungsi VideoPress tanpa fitur Jetpack lainnya." msgid "" "A centralized space to upload and manage your video library. Filter your " "library by rating or privacy setting and upload local videos to your cloud " "library." msgstr "" "Ruang terpusat untuk mengunggah dan mengelola pustaka video Anda. Saring " "pustaka Anda berdasarkan pengaturan rating atau privasi, lalu unggah video " "lokal ke pustaka awan Anda." msgid "" "A complete video experience from the WordPress Editor with a new block " "offering subtitles, captions, and chapters." msgstr "" "Pengalaman edit video lengkap dari Editor WordPress dengan sebuah blok baru " "yang menawarkan subtitel, keterangan, dan bab." msgid "VideoPress Plugin" msgstr "Plugin VideoPress" msgid "VideoPress Block" msgstr "Blok VideoPress" msgid "Meet the Jetpack VideoPress Dashboard, Block, and Plugin" msgstr "Inilah Dasbor, Blok, dan Plugin Jetpack VideoPress" msgid "Up next" msgstr "Selanjutnya" msgid "" "Overlaid displays large titles and excerpts that scroll over an image on the " "Homepage and neat single pages for the users that want their blogging to be " "simple." msgstr "" "Tampilan yang tumpang tindih menampilkan judul-judul besar dan kutipan yang " "bergulir di atas gambar di Beranda dan halaman tunggal yang rapi untuk " "pengguna yang ingin blog mereka sederhana." msgid "Object ID must be an integer, %s given." msgstr "ID objek harus integer, %s diberikan." msgid "Apple transaction ID" msgstr "ID transaksi Apple" msgid "Access in-depth data on how and why people come to your site." msgstr "" "Akses data mendalam tentang bagaimana dan mengapa orang mengunjungi situs " "Anda." msgid "Boost traffic by making your content more findable on search engines." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan traffic dengan membuat konten Anda lebih mudah ditemukan di mesin " "pencari." msgid "Keep your site safe" msgstr "Amankan situs Anda" msgid "" "Keep your site free of unwelcome comment, form, and text spam with Akismet." msgstr "" "Jaga situs Anda bebas dari spam komentar, formulir, dan teks yang tidak " "diinginkan dengan Akismet." msgid "" "Easily restore or download a backup of your site from any moment in time." msgstr "Pulihkan atau unduh cadangan situs Anda dengan mudah kapan saja." msgid "Jetpack backups and restores" msgstr "Pencadangan dan pemulihan Jetpack" msgid "Setup a newsletter" msgstr "Siapkan buletin" msgid "" "Send your new posts directly to your subscriber’s inbox, add monetization " "options, and create a community." msgstr "" "Kirimkan pos baru Anda langsung ke e-mail pelanggan Anda, aktifkan opsi " "monetisasi, dan buat komunitas." msgid "Newsletters" msgstr "Buletin" msgid "Design your blog" msgstr "Desain blog Anda" msgid "" "Make your site even more unique with extended color schemes, typography, and " "control over your site’s CSS." msgstr "" "Jadikan situs Anda semakin unik dengan skema warna, tipografi, dan kelola " "CSS situs Anda." msgid "Advanced Design Tools" msgstr "Alat Desain Tingkat Lanjut" msgid "Set your site apart with professionally designed themes and layouts." msgstr "" "Buat situs Anda tampak unik dengan tema dan tata letak yang dirancang secara " "profesional." msgid "Beautiful themes" msgstr "Tema menawan" msgid "" "DOS is a blog theme designed for the nostalgic ones, a tribute to the folks " "that invented computing as we know it today. Let us blog as if we were back " "to green (or amber) phosphor back again." msgstr "" "DOS adalah tema blog yang dirancang untuk mereka yang bernostalgia, sebagai " "penghormatan kepada orang-orang yang menciptakan komputasi seperti yang kita " "kenal saat ini. Mari kita berblog seolah-olah kita kembali ke layar fosfor " "hijau (atau kuning)." msgid "" "We’re paying to extend your registration for an additional year. We’ll use " "the payment information below to renew your domain before it expires." msgstr "" "Kami membayar untuk memperpanjang pendaftaran Anda selama satu tahun " "tambahan. Kami akan menggunakan informasi pembayaran di bawah ini untuk " "memperpanjang domain Anda sebelum masa berlakunya habis." msgid "Error message: " msgstr "Pesan eror:" msgid "The provided postal code / ZIP is not valid" msgstr "Kode pos yang dimasukkan tidak valid" msgid "Download and install your product" msgid_plural "Download and install your products" msgstr[0] "Unduh dan instal produk Anda" msgstr[1] "Unduh dan instal produk Anda" msgid "Download and Install your product" msgid_plural "Download and Install your products" msgstr[0] "Unduh dan instal produk Anda" msgstr[1] "Unduh dan instal produk Anda" msgid "These extensions need to be downloaded and installed:" msgstr "Ekstensi berikut perlu diunduh dan diinstal:" msgid "No more action is required for these products:" msgstr "Tidak ada lagi tindakan yang diperlukan untuk produk ini:" msgid "" "Your license has been applied to {{strong}}%(siteUrl)s{{/strong}}, but more " "action is required." msgid_plural "" "Your licenses have been applied to {{strong}}%(siteUrl)s{{/strong}}, but " "more action is required." msgstr[0] "" "Lisensi Anda telah diterapkan pada {{strong}}%(siteUrl)s{{/strong}}, tetapi " "diperlukan tindakan lebih lanjut." msgstr[1] "" "Lisensi Anda telah diterapkan pada {{strong}}%(siteUrl)s{{/strong}}, tetapi " "diperlukan tindakan lebih lanjut." msgid "Download product" msgstr "Unduh produk" msgid "WooPayments" msgstr "WooPayments" msgid "Shipping method could not be removed. Please retry." msgstr "Metode pengiriman tidak dapat ditambahkan. Coba lagi." msgid "Print shipping labels with WooCommerce Shipping" msgstr "Cetak label pengiriman dengan WooCommerce Shipping" msgid "WooCommerce Tax" msgstr "Pajak WooCommerce" msgid "%1$d of %2$d lessons complete (%3$d%%)" msgstr "%1$d dari %2$d pembelajaran selesai (%3$d%%)" msgid "See more stats" msgstr "Lihat statistik lebih lengkap" msgid "" "Subscribe to get access to the rest of this post and other subscriber-only " "content." msgstr "" "Mari berlangganan untuk mendapatkan akses ke lanjutan pos ini dan konten " "khusus pelanggan lainnya. " msgid "" "Become a paid subscriber to get access to the rest of this post and other " "exclusive content." msgstr "" "Jadilah pelanggan berbayar dan dapatkan akses ke lanjutan pos ini dan konten " "eksklusif lainnya." msgid "Subscribe to continue reading" msgstr "Mari berlangganan untuk melanjutkan membaca" msgid "Manage your paid Newsletter plan" msgstr "Kelola paket Buletin berbayar Anda" msgid "Connect your social media accounts" msgstr "Sambungkan akun media sosial Anda" msgid "Get your first 10 subscribers" msgstr "Dapatkan 10 pelanggan pertama Anda" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Community & Non-Profit" msgstr "Komunitas & Non-Profit" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Travel & Lifestyle" msgstr "Perjalanan & Gaya Hidup" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Health & Wellness" msgstr "Kesehatan & Kebugaran" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Fashion & Beauty" msgstr "Fesyen & Kecantikan" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Authors & Writers" msgstr "Penyusun & Penulis" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Art & Design" msgstr "Seni & Desain" msgid "" "Get the advanced features you need without ever thinking about overages." msgstr "" "Dapatkan fitur-fitur canggih yang Anda butuhkan tanpa perlu memikirkan biaya " "tambahan." msgid "The right plan for the right project" msgstr "Paket yang tepat untuk proyek yang tepat" msgid "Learn how to fix" msgstr "Pelajari cara memperbaiki" msgid "Want to get the most out of Jetpack Stats?" msgstr "Mau mendapatkan manfaat maksimal dari Jetpack Stats?" msgid "Try it for only %1$s%2$s per month" msgstr "Cobalah hanya dengan %1$s%2$s per bulan" msgid "Limited offer: Try it for only %1$s%2$s for the first month" msgstr "" "Penawaran terbatas: Cobalah hanya dengan %1$s%2$s untuk satu bulan " "pertama" msgid "Get Jetpack Stats" msgstr "Dapatkan Statistik Jetpack" msgid "Start the trial and migrate" msgstr "Mulai uji coba dan migrasi" msgid "" "The 7-day trial includes every feature in the %(planName)s plan with a few " "exceptions. To enjoy all the features without limits, upgrade to the paid " "plan at any time before your trial ends." msgstr "" "Masa uji coba 7 hari mencakup setiap fitur di paket %(planName)s dengan " "beberapa pengecualian. Untuk menikmati semua fitur tanpa batasan, upgrade ke " "paket berbayar sebelum masa uji coba Anda berakhir." msgid "no SSH or SFTP access" msgstr "Tidak ada akses SSH atau SFTP" msgid "Your site will be unpublished" msgstr "Situs Anda tidak akan dipublikasikan" msgid "Submit Search" msgstr "Kirim Pencarian" msgid "" "You are about to disable auto-updates for the %(plugin)s plugin installed on " "%(site)s." msgstr "" "Anda akan menonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk plugin %(plugin)s yang " "diinstal di %(site)s." msgid "" "You are about to enable auto-updates for the %(plugin)s plugin installed on " "%(site)s." msgstr "" "Anda akan mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk plugin %(plugin)s yang " "diinstal di %(site)s." msgid "You are about to update the %(plugin)s plugin installed on %(site)s." msgstr "Anda akan memperbarui plugin %(plugin)s yang diinstal di %(site)s." msgid "Update %(plugin)s" msgstr "Perbarui %(plugin)s" msgid "" "You are about to deactivate and remove the %(plugin)s plugin installed on " "%(site)s." msgstr "" "Anda akan menonaktifkan dan menghapus plugin %(plugin)s yang diinstal di " "%(site)s." msgid "Deactivate and remove %(plugin)s" msgstr "Nonaktifkan dan hapus %(plugin)s" msgid "" "You are about to deactivate the %(plugin)s plugin installed on %(site)s." msgstr "Anda akan menonaktifkan plugin %(plugin)s yang diinstal di %(site)s." msgid "You are about to activate the %(plugin)s plugin installed on %(site)s." msgstr "Anda akan mengaktifkan plugin %(plugin)s yang terinstal di %(site)s." msgid "You are about to affect the %(plugin)s plugin installed on %(site)s." msgstr "Anda akan mempengaruhi plugin %(plugin)s yang diinstal di %(site)s." msgid "Affect %(plugin)s" msgstr "Mempengaruhi %(plugin)s" msgctxt "Jetpack Monitor" msgid "Monitor" msgstr "Pantau" msgid "- The authorization code provided is invalid." msgstr "- Kode otorisasi yang diberikan tidak valid." msgid "" "- The domain was registered or previously transferred less than 60 days ago " "and is ineligible for transfer." msgstr "" "- Domain telah didaftarkan atau ditransfer sebelumnya kurang dari 60 hari " "yang lalu dan tidak memenuhi syarat untuk transfer." msgid "" "- The domain transfer was rejected by the current domain owner or the " "current registrar." msgstr "" "- Transfer domain ditolak oleh pemilik domain saat ini atau registrar saat " "ini." msgid "Transfer request for %1$s failed" msgstr "Permintaan transfer untuk %1$s gagal" msgid "Create my site" msgstr "Buat Situs saya" msgid "Footnotes" msgstr "Catatan kaki" msgid "Could not access filesystem" msgstr "Tidak dapat mengakses sistem berkas" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "" "Click on the name of the domain that you'd like to transfer in the \"Domains" "\" section." msgstr "Klik pada nama domain yang ingin Anda transfer di bagian \"Domain\"." msgid "Continue with Free" msgstr "Lanjutkan dengan Gratis" msgid "Don't miss out" msgstr "Jangan lewatkan" msgid "Find your next webinar" msgstr "Temukan webinar Anda berikutnya" msgid "Find your next course" msgstr "Temukan kursus Anda berikutnya" msgid "Contact our Happiness Engineers" msgstr "Hubungi happiness engineer kami" msgid "Course Details" msgstr "Informasi Detail Kursus" msgid "Course Features" msgstr "Fitur-Fitur Kursus" msgid "Start course now" msgstr "Mulai kursus sekarang" msgid "Self-guided content" msgstr "Konten panduan mandiri" msgid "Free Course" msgstr "Kursus gratis" msgid "350K API calls per month" msgstr "Pemrosesan API 350K per bulan" msgid "We’ll pay for an extra year" msgstr "Kami akan bayarkan untuk satu tahun tambahan" msgid "Manage your subscribers" msgstr "Kelola pelanggan Anda" msgid "Write 3 posts" msgstr "Tulis 3 pos" msgid "%(yearlySavingsPercentage)s%% price reduction for yearly term" msgstr "" "%(yearlySavingsPercentage)s%% penurunan harga untuk jangka waktu tahunan" msgid "The function signatures for the Function Calling OpenAI feature." msgstr "Function signature untuk fitur Function Calling dari OpenAI." msgid "Failed to set WordPress version." msgstr "Gagal mengaktifkan versi WordPress." msgid "WordPress version successfully set to %(version)s." msgstr "Berhasil mengaktifkan WordPress versi %(version)s." msgid "Update WordPress version" msgstr "Perbarui versi WordPress" msgid "" "Cannot supply a strategy `%1$s` for script `%2$s` because it is an alias (it " "lacks a `src` value)." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat menyediakan strategi `%1$s` untuk script `%2$s` karena merupakan " "alias (tidak memiliki nilai `src`)." msgid "Invalid strategy `%1$s` defined for `%2$s` during script registration." msgstr "" "Strategi `%1$s` tidak valid yang ditentukan untuk `%2$s` selama pendaftaran " "script." msgid "Invalid `tags`. Must be an array of strings <= 255 bytes each." msgstr "" "`Tag` tidak valid. Harus berupa array string <= masing-masing 255 byte." msgid "ecommerce" msgstr "ecommerce" msgid "Upgrade (%(price)s/m)" msgstr "Upgrade (%(price)s/bln)" msgid "" "If the transfer is not completed by %1$s, we’ll automatically remove the " "domain transfer and give you a refund." msgstr "" "Jika transfer tidak dilengkapi %1$s, kami akan secara otomatis menghapus " "transfer domain tersebut dan mengembalikan dana Anda." msgid "Manage Domain Transfer" msgstr "Kelola Transfer Domain" msgid "" "Once the issue has been corrected, you can restart the transfer from your " " dashboard. If you prefer, you can cancel it and get a refund " "instead." msgstr "" "Setelah masalah diselesaikan, Anda bisa memulai kembali transfer dari dasbor " " Anda. Anda juga bisa membatalkannya dan mendapatkan " "pengembalian dana sebagai gantinya." msgid "" "Please contact your current domain registrar for more information and " "assistance with resolving the problem." msgstr "" "Hubungi registrar domain Anda saat ini untuk informasi dan bantuan lebih " "lanjut dengan pemecahan masalah tersebut." msgid "The error we received is:" msgstr "Error yang kami terima adalah:" msgid "The authorization code provided is invalid." msgstr "Kode otorisasi yang diberikan tidak valid." msgid "" "The domain was registered or previously transferred less than 60 days ago " "and is ineligible for transfer." msgstr "" "Domain telah didaftarkan atau ditransfer sebelumnya kurang dari 60 hari yang " "lalu dan tidak memenuhi syarat untuk transfer." msgid "" "The domain transfer was rejected by the current domain owner or the current " "registrar." msgstr "" "Transfer domain ditolak oleh pemilik domain saat ini atau registrar saat ini." msgid "Some of the most common reasons for transfer failure are:" msgstr "Beberapa alasan paling umum kegagalan transfer adalah:" msgid "" "You recently requested to transfer the domain %1$s to " ", but there was a problem during the process and the domain " "transfer failed to complete." msgstr "" "Anda baru saja meminta untuk mentransfer domain %1$s ke " ", tetapi terjadi masalah selama prosesnya dan transfer domain " "gagal terselesaikan." msgid "AutomateWoo integrates with your favorite plugins and services" msgstr "AutomateWoo terintegrasi dengan plugin dan layanan favorit Anda" msgid "" "Multilingual support. AutomateWoo has support for the popular WPML plugin" msgstr "" "Dukungan multibahasa. AutomateWoo memiliki dukungan untuk plugin WPML yang " "populer" msgid "AutomateWoo is 100% extendable" msgstr "AutomateWoo 100% dapat disesuaikan" msgid "Unlimited email sends" msgstr "Kirim e-mail tanpa batas" msgid "Measure the success of your campaigns" msgstr "Ukur keberhasilan kampanye Anda" msgid "Send targeted, multi-step campaigns and offer customer incentives" msgstr "" "Kirimkan kampanye bertarget, multi-langkah, dan tawarkan insentif kepada " "pelanggan" msgid "Effortless setup and management right from your WordPress backend" msgstr "" "Penyiapan dan pengelolaan yang mudah langsung dari backend WordPress Anda" msgid "" "Prevent overstocking or stockouts, maintain optimal inventory levels, and " "reduce storage costs." msgstr "" "Cegah kelebihan stok atau kehabisan stok, mempertahankan tingkat inventaris " "yang optimal, dan mengurangi biaya penyimpanan." msgid "" "Require specific products, or product categories, to be purchased in " "predefined quantity multiples." msgstr "" "Memerlukan produk tertentu, atau kategori produk, untuk dibeli dalam " "kelipatan jumlah yang telah ditentukan." msgid "" "Specify minimum and maximum quantity limits per product/variation or order." msgstr "" "Tentukan batas jumlah minimum dan maksimum per produk/variasi atau pesanan." msgid "" "Enable your customers to personalize products while they are shopping on " "your online store" msgstr "" "Memungkinkan pelanggan Anda untuk mempersonalisasi produk saat mereka " "belanja di toko online Anda" msgid "You can offer special options to your customers." msgstr "Anda dapat menawarkan pilihan khusus kepada pelanggan Anda." msgid "" "Boost your average order value by adding recommendations to popular " "products, and use discounts to maximize their impact." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan nilai pesanan rata-rata Anda dengan menambahkan rekomendasi ke " "produk populer, dan gunakan diskon untuk memaksimalkan penjualan." msgid "Create product offerings made from multiple inventory-managed parts." msgstr "" "Buat penawaran produk yang dibuat dari beberapa bagian yang dikelola dalam " "inventaris." msgid "Sell more by creating discounted bundles or personalized boxes" msgstr "" "Jual lebih banyak dengan membuat bundel diskon atau paket yang " "dipersonalisasi" msgid "" "Detailed reports allow you to keep track of recurring revenue, the number of " "active subscribers, and more" msgstr "" "Laporan terperinci memungkinkan Anda untuk melacak pendapatan berulang, " "jumlah pelanggan aktif, dan banyak lagi" msgid "Built-in renewal notifications and automatic emails" msgstr "Pemberitahuan perpanjangan bawaan dan e-mail otomatis" msgid "Give subscribers the ability to manage their own plan" msgstr "Izinkan pelanggan untuk mengelola paket mereka sendiri" msgid "Supports automatic rebilling on failed subscription payments" msgstr "" "Mendukung penagihan ulang otomatis untuk pembayaran langganan yang gagal" msgid "" "Supports manual renewal payments through any WooCommerce payment gateway, " "along with automatic email invoices and receipts" msgstr "" "Mendukung pembayaran perpanjangan manual melalui payment gateway WooCommerce " "apa pun, serta mendukung e-mail faktur dan tanda terima otomatis" msgid "" "Integration with over 25 payment gateways for automatic recurring payments" msgstr "" "Integrasi dengan lebih dari 25 payment gateway untuk pembayaran berulang " "otomatis" msgid "Multiple billing schedules available to suit your store’s needs" msgstr "" "Tersedia beberapa jadwal penagihan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan toko Anda" msgid "Boost your bookings with a range of add-ons" msgstr "Tingkatkan pemesanan Anda dengan berbagai add-on" msgid "An intelligent booking system to avoid double-bookings" msgstr "Sistem pemesanan pintar untuk menghindari pemesanan ganda" msgid "Reduce no-shows with reminder notifications" msgstr "Kurangi ketidakhadiran dengan mengirimkan pemberitahuan." msgid "Your customers see availability in their time zone" msgstr "Pelanggan Anda melihat ketersediaan di zona waktu mereka" msgid "" "Offer discounts for groups or people booking multiple slots, show lower " "prices for early birds, higher prices on weekends, or special prices for " "kids." msgstr "" "Tawarkan diskon untuk kategori tertentu atau orang yang memesan beberapa " "slot, tunjukkan harga yang lebih rendah untuk pengunjung yang datang lebih " "awal, harga yang lebih tinggi pada akhir pekan, atau harga khusus untuk anak-" "anak." msgid "" "Let your customers book reservations, appointments, or rentals independently " "- no phone calls are required." msgstr "" "Izinkan pelanggan Anda melakukan reservasi, memesan janji temu, menyewa " "produl/layanan secara mandiri – tanpa perlu melakukan panggilan telepon." msgid "" "Automatic VIP - Reward your best customers with VIP status based on " "different spending requirements." msgstr "" "Automatic VIP – Beri penghargaan kepada pelanggan terbaik Anda dengan status " "VIP berdasarkan kriteria khusus atas jumlah belanja." msgid "" "Bookings Automations - Send emails on WooCommerce Bookings events such as " "booking confirmation or completion." msgstr "" "Bookings Automations – Kirim e-mail pada fungsi WooCommerce Bookings, " "seperti konfirmasi atau penyelesaian pemesanan." msgid "" "Subscriptions Automation - Action WooCommerce Subscription events such as " "status changes, failed payments, and renewal reminders." msgstr "" "Subscriptions Automation – Fungsi Action WooCommerce Subscription pada " "proses tertentu, misalnya perubahan status, pembayaran gagal, dan pengingat " "perpanjangan." msgid "" "Personalized Coupons - Generate dynamically customized coupons for customers " "to raise purchase rates." msgstr "" "Personalized Coupons – Buat kupon khusus yang dinamis untuk pelanggan untuk " "meningkatkan rasio pembelian." msgid "" "Card Expiry Notifications - Notify customers before a saved credit or debit " "card expires. This can reduce failed payments and churn when selling " "subscriptions." msgstr "" "Card Expiry Notifications – Beri tahu pelanggan sebelum kartu kredit atau " "debit yang disimpan kedaluwarsa. Hal ini dapat mengurangi kegagalan " "pembayaran dan churn saat menjual produk berlangganan." msgid "" "Wishlist Marketing - Send timed wishlist reminder emails and notify when a " "wished product goes on sale. Integrates with WooCommerce Wishlists or YITH " "Wishlists." msgstr "" "Wishlist Marketing – Kirim e-mail pengingat daftar keinginan dalam jangka " "waktu tertentu dan kirim pemberitahuan saat produk yang diinginkan sedang " "diskon. Terintegrasi dengan WooCommerce Wishlists atau YITH Wishlists." msgid "" "Review Rewards - Encourage more product reviews by offering discounts. Limit " "the discount based on number of reviews posted and the rating given." msgstr "" "Reward Ulasan – Dorong lebih banyak ulasan produk dengan menawarkan diskon. " "Batasi diskon berdasarkan jumlah ulasan yang diposting dan rating yang " "diberikan." msgid "" "SMS Notifications - Send SMS notifications to customers or admins for any of " "AutomateWoo’s wide range of triggers." msgstr "" "Pemberitahuan SMS – Kirim SMS pemberitahuan kepada pelanggan atau admin " "untuk semua faktor pemicu AutomateWoo yang lengkap." msgid "" "Win Back Inactive Customers - Target inactive customers with email marketing " "campaigns. Include special offers and recommendations." msgstr "" "Win Back Inactive Customers – Kirim kampanye marketing e-mail khusus untuk " "pelanggan yang tidak aktif. Sertakan penawaran dan rekomendasi khusus." msgid "" "Abandoned Cart - Remind customers who left items in their cart using emails " "at set intervals." msgstr "" "Abandoned Cart – Ingatkan pelanggan yang meninggalkan barang di keranjang " "mereka menggunakan e-mail pada interval yang ditentukan." msgid "" "Follow-up Emails - Automatically email customers who buy specific products, " "ask for a review, or suggest other products they might like." msgstr "" "E-mail follow-up - Kirim e-mail otomatis ke pelanggan yang membeli produk " "tertentu, minta ulasan, atau sarankan produk lain yang mungkin mereka suka." msgid "The ability to set quantity rules for products, orders, and categories." msgstr "Kemampuan untuk menentukan jumlah produk, pesanan, dan kategori. " msgid "" "Custom price - let your customers name their price, perfect for tips, " "donations, and gratuity." msgstr "" "Harga khusus - izinkan pelanggan menentukan sendiri harga (cocok untuk tip, " "donasi, dan hadiah)." msgid "" "Checkboxes - make customization as easy and satisfying as checking a " "checkbox." msgstr "" "Checkbox - buat penyesuaian semudah dan semenyenangkan mencentang checkbox." msgid "" "Dropdown - customers can choose between a few pre-defined options with a " "drop-down field for your add-on." msgstr "" "Dropdown - pelanggan dapat memilih antara beberapa pilihan yang telah " "ditentukan sebelumnya dengan ruas isian drop-down untuk add-on Anda." msgid "" "Text input - Let your customers enter custom text to create a custom t-" "shirt, add a monogram or personalize a card." msgstr "" "Input teks - izinkan pelanggan Anda memasukkan teks khusus untuk membuat t-" "shirt kustom, menambahkan monogram atau mempersonalisasi kartu." msgid "" "Percentage fees - charge a fee for the add-on based on a percent of the " "total price." msgstr "" "Biaya persentase - kenakan biaya untuk add-on berdasarkan persentase dari " "harga total." msgid "" "Flat fees - charge customers a flat fee regardless of how many products they " "ordered." msgstr "" "Biaya tetap - kenakan biaya tetap kepada pelanggan untuk berapa pun produk " "yang mereka pesan." msgid "" "Image-based selections - customers can see what they’re getting before they " "buy." msgstr "" "Pilihan berbasis gambar - pelanggan dapat melihat apa yang mereka dapatkan " "sebelum membeli." msgid "Offer more engaging upsells" msgstr "Tawarkan upsell yang lebih menarik" msgid "Recommend add-ons and essentials" msgstr "Rekomendasi add-on dan fitur-fitur penting" msgid "Create assembled products" msgstr "Membuat produk rakitan" msgid "Offer personalized boxes" msgstr "Tawarkan kotak personalisasi" msgid "Create bulk discount packages" msgstr "Buat paket diskon massal" msgid "Customer Emails" msgstr "E-mail Pelanggan" msgid "Subscription Coupons" msgstr "Kupon Berlangganan" msgid "Flexible Product Options" msgstr "Pilihan Produk yang Fleksibel" msgid "Upgrades/Downgrades" msgstr "Upgrade/Downgrade" msgid "Synchronized Payments" msgstr "Pembayaran Tersinkronisasi" msgid "Subscriber Account Management" msgstr "Manajemen Akun Pelanggan" msgid "Free Trials & Sign-Up Fees" msgstr "Uji Coba Gratis & Biaya Pendaftaran" msgid "Support for add-ons to customize the experience" msgstr "Dukungan add-on untuk menyesuaikan pengalaman" msgid "Sync with Google Calendar" msgstr "Sinkronisasi dengan Kalender Google Kalender" msgid "Reminder notifications" msgstr "Pemberitahuan pengingat" msgid "The ability to require confirmations or offer free cancellations" msgstr "Kemampuan untuk meminta konfirmasi atau menawarkan pembatalan gratis" msgid "Support for all timezones" msgstr "Mendukung semua zona waktu" msgid "The ability to offer special pricing for groups, days, or individuals" msgstr "" "Kemampuan untuk menawarkan harga khusus untuk kelompok tertentu, hari, atau " "individu" msgid "Support for one-on-one appointments or multi-person events" msgstr "" "Dukungan untuk janji temu empat mata (perorangan) atau acara banyak orang" msgid "" "Flexible online booking system - book classes, schedule appointments, or " "reserve items" msgstr "" "Sistem pemesanan online yang fleksibel - pesan kelas, jadwalkan janji temu, " "atau pesan barang" msgid "" "Powerful marketing automation for WooCommerce - grow your store and make " "more money." msgstr "" "Otomatisasi pemasaran yang kuat untuk WooCommerce - kembangkan toko Anda dan " "hasilkan lebih banyak uang." msgid "" "Minimum and maximum quantity rules for products, orders, and categories." msgstr "" "Pengaturan jumlah minimum dan maksimum untuk produk, pesanan, dan kategori." msgid "" "Offer add-ons like gift wrapping, special messages, or other special options " "for your products." msgstr "" "Tawarkan add-on seperti hadiah langsung, pesan khusus, atau pilihan khusus " "untuk produk Anda." msgid "" "Offer personalized product bundles, bulk discount packages, and assembled " "products." msgstr "Tawarkan bundel produk, paket diskon massal, dan produk rakitan." msgid "" "StartFit is a business theme perfect for a personal fitness training service." msgstr "" "StartFit adalah tema bisnis yang sempurna untuk layanan pelatihan kebugaran " "pribadi." msgid "" "We'll automatically import any MX, TXT, and A records for your domain, so " "your email will transfer seamlessly." msgstr "" "Kami akan mengimpor MX record, TXT record, dan A record yang ada ke domain " "Anda agar email tetap dapat ditransfer dengan lancar." msgid "Will my email continue to work?" msgstr "Apakah e-mail saya akan terus berfungsi?" msgid "We'll send an email when your domain is ready to use." msgid_plural "We'll send an email when your domains are ready to use." msgstr[0] "Kami akan mengirimkan e-mail saat domain Anda siap digunakan." msgstr[1] "Kami akan mengirimkan e-mail saat domain Anda siap digunakan." msgid "" "We've got it from here. Your domain is being transferred with no downtime." msgid_plural "" "We've got it from here! Your domains are being transferred with no downtime." msgstr[0] "" "Kami siap membantu Anda. Domain Anda sedang ditransfer tanpa downtime." msgstr[1] "" "Kami siap membantu Anda. Domain Anda sedang ditransfer tanpa downtime." msgid "We pay the first year for Google domains" msgstr "Kami bayarkan tahun pertama untuk domain Google" msgid "We’ve paid for an extra year" msgstr "Kami sudah bayarkan untuk satu tahun tambahan" msgid "A minimal newsletter theme." msgstr "Sebuah tema newsletter minimalis." msgid "" "Dawson is a WordPress portfolio theme specifically tailored for photography. " "With a two column layout, the theme is ideal for those looking to build a " "portfolio website. Additionally, Dawson offers five distinct style " "variations, providing a wide range of aesthetic options to choose from." msgstr "" "Dawson adalah tema portofolio WordPress yang dirancang khusus untuk " "fotografi. Dengan tata letak dua kolom, tema ini ideal bagi mereka yang " "ingin membangun situs portofolio. Selain itu, Dawson menawarkan lima variasi " "gaya yang berbeda, memberikan beragam pilihan estetika untuk dipilih." msgid "Post type: %(filterOption)s" msgstr "Tipe pos: %(filterOption)s" msgid "Sort: %(sortOption)s" msgstr "Urutkan: %(sortOption)s" msgid "Transfer is free and we'll pay for an extra year of registration." msgstr "" "Transfer gratis dan kami akan membayar untuk satu tahun pendaftaran tambahan." msgid "How to unlock" msgstr "Cara membuka kunci" msgid "" "Improve your newsletter with the perfect partner theme. Browse high-quality, " "professionally-designed options. Then, purchase the one that's right for you." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan buletin Anda dengan tema partner yang sempurna. Jelajahi fitur-" "fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, beli " "salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Select partner themes for your site-hosted newsletter." msgstr "Pilih tema partner untuk buletin yang dihosting di situs Anda." msgid "Partner Newsletter WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Buletin Partner" msgid "" "Enhance your newsletter with the perfect premium theme. Available on all " "%(planName1)s, %(planName2)s, and %(planName3)s plans. Activate the one " "that's right for you." msgstr "" "Maksimalkan buletin Anda dengan tema premium yang sempurna. Tersedia di " "semua paket %(planName1)s, %(planName2)s, %(planName3)s. Aktifkan paket yang " "paling cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Choose premium themes for your site-hosted newsletter." msgstr "Pilih tema premium untuk buletin yang dihosting di situs Anda." msgid "Premium Newsletter WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Buletin Premium" msgid "" "Launch your newsletter with the perfect free theme. Browse high-quality, " "professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's right for you." msgstr "" "Luncurkan buletin Anda dengan tema gratis yang sempurna. Jelajahi pilihan " "berkualitas tinggi yang dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, aktifkan " "salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Discover the perfect free theme for your site-hosted newsletter." msgstr "" "Jelajahi tema yang sempurna untuk buletin yang dihosting di situs Anda." msgid "Free Newsletter WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Buletin Gratis" msgid "" "Start your newsletter with the perfect theme. Browse high-quality, " "professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's right for you." msgstr "" "Mulai buletin Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. Jelajahi pilihan berkualitas " "tinggi yang dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, aktifkan salah satu yang " "cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Find the perfect theme for your site-hosted newsletter." msgstr "Temukan tema yang sempurna untuk buletin yang dihosting di situs Anda." msgid "Newsletter WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Buletin" msgid "" "Improve your link in bio website with the perfect partner theme. Browse high-" "quality, professionally-designed options. Then, purchase the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan situs web tautan di biografi Anda dengan tema partner yang " "sempurna. Jelajahi fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara " "profesional. Kemudian, beli salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Select partner themes for your link in bio website." msgstr "Pilih tema partner untuk situs web tautan di biografi Anda." msgid "Partner Link in Bio WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Tautan di Bio Partner" msgid "" "Enhance your link in bio website with the perfect premium theme. Available " "on all %(planName1)s, %(planName2)s, and %(planName3)s plans. Activate the " "one that's right for you." msgstr "" "Maksimalkan tautan situs di bio Anda dengan tema premium yang sempurna. " "Tersedia di semua paket %(planName1)s, %(planName2)s, %(planName3)s. " "Aktifkan paket yang paling cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Choose premium themes for your link in bio website." msgstr "Pilih tema premium untuk situs web tautan di biografi Anda." msgid "Premium Link in Bio WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Tautan di Bio Premium" msgid "" "Launch your link in bio website with the perfect free theme. Browse high-" "quality, professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Luncurkan situs web tautan di biografi Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. " "Jelajahi fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. " "Kemudian, aktifkan salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Discover the perfect free theme for your link in bio website." msgstr "Jelajahi tema gratis yang sempurna untuk situs web tautan di biografi." msgid "Free Link in Bio WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Tautan di Bio Gratis" msgid "" "Start your link in bio website with the perfect theme. Browse high-quality, " "professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's right for you." msgstr "" "Mulai situs web tautan di biografi Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. Jelajahi " "fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, " "aktifkan salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Find the perfect theme for your link in bio website." msgstr "Temukan tema yang semurna untuk situs web tautan di biografi." msgid "Link in Bio WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Tautan di Bio" msgid "" "Improve your About Me website with the perfect partner theme. Browse high-" "quality, professionally-designed options. Then, purchase the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan situs web \"Tentang Saya\" Anda dengan tema partner yang " "sempurna. Jelajahi fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara " "profesional. Kemudian, beli salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Select partner themes for your About Me website." msgstr "Pilih tema partner untuk situs web \"Tentang Saya\"." msgid "Partner About Me WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress \"Tentang Saya\" Partner" msgid "" "Enhance your About Me website with the perfect premium theme. Available on " "all %(planName1)s, %(planName2)s, and %(planName3)s plans. Activate the one " "that's right for you." msgstr "" "Maksimalkan situs Tentang Saya dengan tema premium yang sempurna. Tersedia " "di semua paket %(planName1)s, %(planName2)s, %(planName3)s. Aktifkan paket " "yang paling cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Choose premium themes for your About Me website." msgstr "Pilih tema premium untuk situs web \"Tentang Saya\"." msgid "Premium About Me WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress \"Tentang Saya\" Premium" msgid "" "Launch your About Me website with the perfect free theme. Browse high-" "quality, professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Luncurkan situs web \"Tentang Saya\" dengan tema yang sempurna. Jelajahi " "fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, " "aktifkan salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Discover the perfect free theme for your About Me website." msgstr "Jelajahi tema gratis yang sempurna untuk situs web \"Tentang Saya\"." msgid "Free About Me WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress \"Tentang Saya\" Gratis" msgid "" "Start your About Me website with the perfect theme. Browse high-quality, " "professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's right for you." msgstr "" "Mulai situs web \"Tentang Saya\" dengan tema yang sempurna. Jelajahi fitur-" "fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, " "aktifkan salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Find the perfect theme for your About Me website." msgstr "Temukan tema yang sempurna untuk situs web \"Tentang Saya\"." msgid "About Me WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Tentang Kami" msgid "" "Improve your online store with the perfect partner theme. Browse high-" "quality, professionally-designed options. Then, purchase the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan toko online Anda dengan tema partner yang sempurna. Jelajahi " "fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, " "beli salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Select partner themes for your online store." msgstr "Pilih tema partner untuk toko online Anda." msgid "Partner Store WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Toko Partner" msgid "" "Enhance your online store with the perfect premium theme. Available on all " "%(planName1)s, %(planName2)s, and %(planName3)s plans. Activate the one " "that's right for you." msgstr "" "Maksimalkan toko online Anda dengan tema premium yang sempurna. Tersedia di " "semua paket %(planName1)s, %(planName2)s, %(planName3)s. Aktifkan paket yang " "paling cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Choose premium themes for your online store." msgstr "Pilih tema premium untuk toko online Anda." msgid "Premium Store WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Toko Premium" msgid "" "Launch your online store with the perfect free theme. Browse high-quality, " "professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's right for you." msgstr "" "Luncurkan toko online Anda dengan tema gratis yang sempurna. Jelajahi " "pilihan berkualitas tinggi yang dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, " "aktifkan salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Discover the perfect free theme for your online store." msgstr "Jelajahi tema gratis yang sempurna untuk toko online Anda." msgid "Free Store WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Toko Gratis" msgid "" "Start your online store with the perfect theme. Choose from options for " "WordPress and WooCommerce sites. Then, activate the one that's right for you." msgstr "" "Mulai toko online Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. Pilih beragam fitur untuk " "situs WordPress dan WooCommerce. Kemudian, aktifkan salah satu yang tepat " "untuk Anda." msgid "Find the perfect theme for your online store." msgstr "Temukan tema yang sempurna untuk toko online Anda." msgid "Store WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Toko" msgid "" "Improve your portfolio website with the perfect partner theme. Browse high-" "quality, professionally-designed options. Then, purchase the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan situs web portofolio Anda dengan tema partner yang sempurna. " "Jelajahi fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. " "Kemudian, beli salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Select partner themes for your portfolio." msgstr "Pilih tema partner untuk portofolio Anda." msgid "Partner Portfolio WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Portofolio Partner" msgid "" "Enhance your portfolio website with the perfect premium theme. Available on " "all %(planName1)s, %(planName2)s, and %(planName3)s plans. Activate the one " "that's right for you." msgstr "" "Maksimalkan situs portofolio Anda dengan tema premium yang sempurna. " "Tersedia di semua paket %(planName1)s, %(planName2)s, %(planName3)s. " "Aktifkan paket yang paling cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Choose premium themes for your portfolio." msgstr "Pilih tema premium untuk portofolio Anda." msgid "Premium Portfolio WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Portofolio Premium" msgid "" "Launch your portfolio website with the perfect free theme. Browse high-" "quality, professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Luncurkan situs web portofolio Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. Jelajahi " "fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, " "aktifkan salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Discover the perfect free theme for your portfolio." msgstr "Jelajahi tema yang sempurna untuk portofolio Anda." msgid "Free Portfolio WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Portofolio Gratis" msgid "" "Start your portfolio with the perfect theme. Browse high-quality, " "professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's right for you." msgstr "" "Mulai portofolio Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. Jelajahi pilihan " "berkualitas tinggi yang dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, aktifkan " "salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Find the perfect theme for your portfolio." msgstr "Temukan tema yang sempurna untuk portofolio Anda." msgid "Portfolio WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Portofolio" msgid "" "Improve your business website with the perfect partner theme. Browse high-" "quality, professionally-designed options. Then, purchase the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan situs web bisnis Anda dengan tema partner yang sempurna. Jelajahi " "fitur-fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, " "beli salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Select partner themes for your business website." msgstr "Pilih tema partner untuk situs web bisnis Anda." msgid "Partner Business WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Bisnis Partner" msgid "" "Enhance your business website with the perfect premium theme. Available on " "all %(planName1)s, %(planName2)s, and %(planName3)s plans. Activate the one " "that's right for you." msgstr "" "Maksimalkan situs bisnis Anda dengan tema premium yang sempurna. Tersedia di " "semua paket %(planName1)s, %(planName2)s, %(planName3)s. Aktifkan paket yang " "paling cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Choose premium themes for your business website." msgstr "Pilih tema premium untuk situs web bisnis Anda." msgid "Premium Business WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Bisnis Premium" msgid "" "Launch your business website with the perfect free theme. Browse high-" "quality, professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Luncurkan situs web bisnis Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. Jelajahi fitur-" "fitur berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, " "aktifkan salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Discover the perfect free theme for your business website." msgstr "Jelajahi tema gratis yang sempurna untuk situs web bisnis Anda." msgid "Free Business WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Bisnis Gratis" msgid "" "Start your business website with the perfect theme. Browse high-quality, " "professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's right for you." msgstr "" "Mulai situs web bisnis Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. Jelajahi fitur-fitur " "berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, aktifkan " "salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Find the perfect theme for your business website." msgstr "Temukan tema yang sempurna untuk situs web bisnis Anda." msgid "Business WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Bisnis" msgid "" "Improve your blog with the perfect partner theme. Browse high-quality, " "professionally-designed options. Then, purchase the one that's right for you." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan blog Anda dengan tema partner yang sempurna. Jelajahi fitur-fitur " "berkualitas tinggi dan dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, beli salah " "satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Select partner themes for your blog." msgstr "Pilih tema partner untuk blog Anda." msgid "Partner Blog WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Blog Partner" msgid "" "Enhance your blog with the perfect premium theme. Available on all " "%(planName1)s, %(planName2)s, and %(planName3)s plans. Activate the one " "that's right for you." msgstr "" "Maksimalkan blog Anda dengan tema premium yang sempurna. Tersedia di semua " "paket %(planName1)s, %(planName2)s, %(planName3)s. Aktifkan paket yang " "paling cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Choose premium themes for your blog." msgstr "Pilih tema premium untuk blog Anda." msgid "Premium Blog WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Blog Premium" msgid "" "Launch your blog with the perfect free theme. Browse high-quality, " "professionally-designed options. Then, activate the one that's right for you." msgstr "" "Luncurkan blog Anda dengan tema gratis yang sempurna. Jelajahi pilihan " "berkualitas tinggi yang dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, aktifkan " "salah satu yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Discover the perfect free theme for your blog." msgstr "Jelajahi tema yang sempurna untuk blog Anda." msgid "Free Blog WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Blog Gratis" msgid "" "Start your blog with the perfect theme. Browse high-quality, professionally-" "designed options. Then, activate the one that's right for you." msgstr "" "Mulai blog Anda dengan tema yang sempurna. Jelajahi pilihan berkualitas " "tinggi yang dirancang secara profesional. Kemudian, aktifkan salah satu yang " "cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Find the perfect theme for your blog." msgstr "Temukan tema yang sempurna untuk blog Anda." msgid "Blog WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Blog" msgid "" "Browse all partner themes for Activate the one that's right " "for you, risk-free for 14 days." msgstr "" "Jelajahi semua tema partner untuk Aktifkan tema yang paling " "cocok untuk Anda, bebas risiko selama 14 hari." msgid "Find the perfect partner WordPress theme for your blog or website." msgstr "" "Temukan tema WordPress dari partner yang sempurna untuk blog atau situs web " "Anda." msgid "Partner WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Partner" msgid "Find the perfect premium WordPress theme for your blog or website." msgstr "" "Temukan tema WordPress premium yang sempurna untuk blog atau situs web Anda." msgid "" "Browse all free themes for Try one or try them all. Risk-free." msgstr "" "Jelajahi semua tema gratis untuk Coba satu atau coba " "semuanya. Bebas risiko." msgid "Find the perfect free WordPress theme for your blog or website." msgstr "" "Temukan tema WordPress gratis yang sempurna untuk blog atau situs web Anda." msgid "Find the perfect theme for your site" msgstr "Temukan tema ideal untuk situs Anda." msgid "All set! Time to put your new plugin to work." msgid_plural "All set! Time to put your new plugins to work." msgstr[0] "Semua siap! Waktunya untuk menggunakan plugin baru Anda." msgstr[1] "Semua siap! Waktunya untuk menggunakan plugin baru Anda." msgid "" "To start your %(planName)s plan 7-day trial, verify your email address by " "clicking the link we sent you to %(email)s." msgstr "" "Untuk memulai uji coba 7 hari paket %(planName)s Anda, verifikasi alamat e-" "mail Anda dengan mengeklik tautan yang kami kirimkan ke %(email)s." msgctxt "Hosting page main action" msgid "Create a site" msgstr "Buat situs" msgid "You have reached the SMS limit" msgstr "Anda telah mencapai batas SMS" msgid "%(monthlyUsedCount)d/%(monthlyLimit)d SMS used this month on this site" msgstr "" "%(monthlyUsedCount)d/%(monthlyLimit)d SMS telah dikirimkan dalam bulan ini " "di situs ini" msgid "Add Jetpack VaultPress Backup to your site" msgstr "Tambahkan Jetpack VaultPress Backup ke situs Anda" msgid "Show me how" msgstr "Tunjukkan caranya" msgid "" "Follow these three simple steps to transfer your Squarespace domains to " "" msgstr "" "Ikuti tiga langkah mudah berikut untuk mentransfer domain Squarespace Anda " "ke" msgid "Step 4: Get auth code" msgstr "Langkah 4: Dapatkan kode autentikasi" msgid "Step 3: Unlock domain" msgstr "Langkah 3: Buka kunci domain" msgid "Step 2: Select your domain" msgstr "Langkah 2: Pilih domain Anda" msgid "" "Log in to your Squarespace domains dashboard to see a list of all of your " "registered domains." msgstr "" "Login ke dasbor domain Squarespace untuk melihat semua domain Anda yang " "terdaftar." msgid "Step 1: Visit your Squarespace domains dashboard" msgstr "Langkah 1: Buka dasbor domain Squarespace Anda" msgid "" "Follow these steps to transfer your domain from Squarespace to" msgstr "" "Ikuti langkah-langkah ini untuk mentransfer domain Anda dari Squarespace ke " "" msgid "Upgrade today to claim your free domain name." msgstr "Upgrade hari ini untuk mengeklaim nama domain gratis!" msgid "" "Upgrade today to claim your free domain name." msgstr "" "Upgrade hari ini untuk mengeklaim nama domain gratis!" msgid "Your free domain name is waiting for you" msgstr "Nama domain gratis Anda masih menunggu!" msgid "Build your brand." msgstr "Bangun merek Anda." msgid "Showcase your work." msgstr "Tampilkan karya Anda." msgid "Speed + Reliability" msgstr "Kecepatan + Keandalan." msgid "" "Your transfer has been started and is waiting for authorization from your " "current domain provider. Your current domain provider should allow you to " "speed this process up, either through their website or an email they've " "already sent you." msgstr "" "Transfer Anda telah dimulai dan menunggu otorisasi dari penyedia domain saat " "ini. Penyedia domain Anda saat ini seharusnya mengizinkan Anda mempercepat " "proses ini, baik melalui situs web atau e-mail yang telah mereka kirimkan " "kepada Anda." msgid "We pay the first year" msgstr "Kami yang bayar untuk tahun pertama" msgid "" "Check your inbox for an email from your current domain provider for " "instructions on how to speed up the transfer process." msgstr "" "Periksa email dari penyedia domain Anda saat ini di inbox untuk membaca " "instruksi mengenai cara mempercepat proses transfer." msgid "Want to speed this up?" msgstr "Ingin mempercepat proses transfer?" msgid "Stats (Personal)" msgstr "Statistik (Personal)" msgctxt " Commerce plan purchased through Jetpack" msgid "Commerce" msgstr "Commerce" msgctxt " Business plan purchased through Jetpack" msgid "Business" msgstr "Bisnis" msgctxt "button label" msgid "Add New Site" msgstr "Tambah Situs Baru" msgctxt "button label" msgid "Issue License" msgstr "Terbitkan Lisensi" msgid "%(paidDomainName)s redirects to %(wpcomFreeDomain)s" msgstr "%(paidDomainName)s dialihkan ke %(wpcomFreeDomain)s" msgid "A paid plan is required for a custom primary domain." msgstr "Paket berbayar diperlukan untuk domain utama khusus." msgid "%s will be a redirect" msgstr "%s akan menjadi pengalihan" msgid "" "Displays a custom taxonomy archive. Like categories and tags, taxonomies " "have terms which you use to classify things. For example: a taxonomy named " "\"Art\" can have multiple terms, such as \"Modern\" and \"18th Century.\" " "This template will serve as a fallback when a more specific template (e.g. " "Taxonomy: Art) cannot be found." msgstr "" "Tampilan arsip taksonomi khusus. Seperti kategori dan tag, taksonomi " "memiliki istilah yang Anda gunakan untuk mengklasifikasikan sesuatu. " "Misalnya: taksonomi bernama \"Seni\" dapat memiliki beberapa istilah, " "seperti \"Modern\" dan \"Abad ke-18\". Templat ini akan berfungsi sebagai " "pengganti jika templat yang lebih spesifik (misalnya, Taksonomi: Seni) tidak " "dapat ditemukan." msgid "" "Displays any archive, including posts by a single author, category, tag, " "taxonomy, custom post type, and date. This template will serve as a fallback " "when more specific templates (e.g. Category or Tag) cannot be found." msgstr "" "Tampilan arsip apa pun, termasuk posting oleh satu Penulis, Kategori, Tag, " "Taksonomi, Tipe Artikel Khusus, dan Tanggal. Template ini akan berfungsi " "sebagai fallback jika template yang lebih spesifik (mis., Kategori atau Tag) " "tidak dapat ditemukan." msgid "" "Displays any single entry, such as a post or a page. This template will " "serve as a fallback when a more specific template (e.g. Single Post, Page, " "or Attachment) cannot be found." msgstr "" "Tampilan setiap entri tunggal, seperti posting atau laman. Templat ini akan " "berfungsi sebagai fallback ketika template yang lebih spesifik (mis., " "Artikel Tunggal, Laman, atau Lampiran) tidak dapat ditemukan." msgid "Explore Newsletter" msgstr "Telusuri Buletin" msgid "" "With Jetpack Newsletter, your content is instantly delivered to your " "subscribers' inboxes and the WordPress Reader, opening up a world of " "potential subscribers." msgstr "" "Dengan Buletin Jetpack, konten Anda akan langsung dikirimkan ke inbox " "pelanggan dan Pembaca WordPress sehingga dapat menarik calon pelanggan baru." msgid "Explore Jetpack Newsletter" msgstr "Telusuri Buletin Jetpack" msgid "" "With Jetpack Newsletter, your content is instantly delivered to your " "subscribers’ inboxes and the WordPress Reader, opening up a world of " "potential subscribers." msgstr "" "Dengan Buletin Jetpack, konten Anda akan langsung dikirimkan ke inbox " "pelanggan dan Pembaca WordPress sehingga dapat menarik calon pelanggan baru." msgid "" "We are thrilled to announce the launch of Jetpack Newsletter — your personal " "growth engine designed to seamlessly transform your blog posts into " "newsletters. Say goodbye to multiple content tools and start watching your " "subscriber list grow." msgstr "" "Dengan senang hati, kami umumkan peluncuran Buletin Jetpack — mesin " "pertumbuhan personal yang dirancang untuk mengubah pos blog Anda menjadi " "buletin dengan mudah. Ucapkan selamat tinggal pada sejumlah alat konten dan " "mulai saksikan daftar pelanggan Anda bertambah. " msgid "Introducing Jetpack Newsletter" msgstr "Mempersembahkan Buletin Jetpack" msgid "Jetpack Newsletter Video" msgstr "Video Buletin Jetpack" msgid "Newsletter allows you to easily reach your subscribers in their inbox" msgstr "Buletin dapat digunakan untuk menjangkau inbox pelanggan dengan mudah" msgid "Transform your site content into a newsletter with Jetpack" msgstr "Ubah konten situs Anda menjadi buletin menggunakan Jetpack" msgid "" "As an introductory offer, we do not limit you or charge you based on your " "email list size. This may change in the future. Fair usage policy applies." msgstr "" "Sebagai penawaran pertama, kami tidak membatasi atau membebankan biaya " "berdasarkan ukuran daftar email Anda. Penawaran ini bisa berubah di masa " "mendatang. Kami memberlakukan kebijakan penggunaan yang adil." msgid "Is there a limit to how many emails I can send?" msgstr "Adakah batasan jumlah email yang bisa saya kirimkan?" msgid "" "The Reader brings together all sites and those " "connected through Jetpack — in one central location. Published content can " "be displayed on the Reader allowing you to gain exposure from " "millions of people." msgstr "" "Pembaca menyatukan semua situs dan situs-situs " "yang terhubung melalui Jetpack — di satu lokasi terpusat. Konten yang telah " "diterbitkan dapat ditampilkan di Pembaca agar menarik " "perhatian jutaan orang." msgid "What is the Reader?" msgstr "Apa itu Pembaca" msgid "" "Yes. You can import your existing email subscribers into Jetpack Newsletter. " "You can either import via CSV or manually enter emails one by one." msgstr "" "Ya. Anda bisa mengimpor pengikut langganan email yang sudah ada ke Buletin " "Jetpack. Anda bisa mengimpor melalui CSV atau memasukkan email satu per satu " "secara manual." msgid "My email list is elsewhere, can I import it?" msgstr "Daftar email saya berada di tempat lain, bisakah saya mengimpornya?" msgid "" "Yes, you can create content for paying subscribers. That means you can " "choose whether each post goes out to everyone or just your paid subscribers. " "Payments are processed through Stripe and are limited to the countries where " "Stripe is currently supported." msgstr "" "Ya, Anda bisa membuat konten untuk pelanggan berbayar. Artinya, Anda dapat " "menentukan apakah suatu artikel ditujukan untuk semua orang atau hanya " "pelanggan berbayar Anda. Pembayaran diproses melalui Stripe dan terbatas " "untuk negara yang mendukung layanan Stripe." msgid "Can I earn money with my Newsletter?" msgstr "Bisakah saya mendapat penghasilan melalui Buletin saya?" msgid "" "Fees are only collected when you accept payments. Fees are based on the " "Jetpack plan you have and are calculated as a percentage of your revenue " "from 10%% on the Free plan to 2%% on the Complete plan (plus Stripe fees). " "You can read more about fees by plan %1$s." msgstr "" "Anda hanya harus membayar biaya jika Anda menerima pembayaran. Biaya " "didasarkan pada paket Jetpack yang Anda miliki dan dihitung sekian persen " "dari pendapatan Anda, mulai dari 10%% untuk paket Gratis, hingga 2%% untuk " "paket Lengkap (ditambah biaya Stripe). Anda dapat membaca selengkapnya " "tentang biaya sesuai paket %1$s." msgid "What are the fees for Paid Newsletter?" msgstr "Apa saja biaya untuk Buletin Berbayar?" msgid "" "Jetpack Newsletter is free to use and is automatically included with every " "Jetpack install via the Subscriptions module." msgstr "" "Buletin Jetpack digunakan secara gratis dan secara otomatis disertakan dalam " "tiap instalasi Jetpack melalui modul Langganan." msgid "Is Jetpack Newsletter Free?" msgstr "Apakah Buletin Jetpack Gratis?" msgid "Deliver your content with ease." msgstr "Kirim konten Anda tanpa ribet." msgid "" "Newsletters can be shared on the Reader and attract new " "subscribers." msgstr "" "Buletin bisa dibagikan di Pembaca untuk menarik perhatian " "pelanggan baru." msgid "Find new Subscribers" msgstr "Temukan Pelanggan baru" msgid "" "Migrate your existing subscribers to your blog and run it all from WordPress." msgstr "" "Pindahkan pelanggan lama ke blog Anda dan jalankan semuanya dari WordPress." msgid "Easy subscriber import" msgstr "Mudah mengimpor pelanggan" msgid "" "Write and publish without constraints with unlimited sends and subscribers." msgstr "" "Tulis dan poskan tanpa hambatan, dengan jumlah pengiriman dan pengikut tak " "terbatas." msgid "Unlimited everything" msgstr "Tanpa batasan" msgid "Earn money through your Newsletter." msgstr "Raih keuntungan lewat Buletin Anda." msgid "Show appreciation to loyal followers with premium content." msgstr "Berikan apresiasi kepada pengikut setia dengan konten premium." msgid "Set up paid subscriptions for exclusive content." msgstr "Atur langganan berbayar untuk konten eksklusif." msgid "" "Reward your most loyal followers with premium content and foster a community " "of enthusiastic fans." msgstr "" "Beri hadiah kepada pengikut paling setia dengan konten premium dan buat " "komunitas penggemar yang antusias." msgid "Create exclusive content for paid subscribers" msgstr "Buat konten eksklusif untuk pelanggan berbayar" msgid "Subscribers can pause content or fully unsubscribe." msgstr "Pelanggan bisa menjeda konten atau berhenti berlangganan sepenuhnya." msgid "Control what day and time you receive daily or weekly digests." msgstr "Tentukan hari dan waktu untuk menerima intisari harian atau mingguan." msgid "Choose between instant, daily, or weekly digest." msgstr "Pilih antara rangkuman instan, harian, atau mingguan." msgid "" "Empower subscribers with customizable email delivery options for a " "personalized reading experience." msgstr "" "Dukung pelanggan dengan pilihan pengiriman email yang dapat disesuaikan " "untuk pengalaman membaca yang spesial." msgid "Let your subscribers choose when to receive emails" msgstr "Biarkan pelanggan Anda memilih kapan mereka menerima email" msgid "Choose who receives the Newsletter email." msgstr "Tentukan siapa saja penerima email Buletin." msgid "Effortlessly reach your subscribers with fresh content." msgstr "Pikat pelanggan Anda tanpa ribet dengan konten baru." msgid "Instant blog-to-newsletter delivery." msgstr "Pengiriman langsung dari blog ke buletin." msgid "" "Fully integrated into the post‑publish process, simply publish and your fans " "will receive your content." msgstr "" "Terintegrasi sepenuhnya ke dalam proses penerbitan‑pos, cukup terbitkan dan " "penggemar Anda akan menerima konten Anda." msgid "Publish your content and automatically send your Newsletter" msgstr "Terbitkan konten dan kirim Buletin Anda secara otomatis" msgid "Keep track of subscriber growth with the stats dashboard." msgstr "Pantau perkembangan pelanggan Anda dengan dasbor statistik." msgid "" "Your content is shown to millions of people with the Reader." msgstr "Konten Anda ditampilkan ke jutaan orang dengan Pembaca" msgid "Add the Newsletter signup form anywhere on your site." msgstr "Tambahkan formulir pendaftaran Buletin di mana pun pada situs Anda." msgid "" "Grow your subscriber list with our easy‑to‑use signup form and the power of " "the Reader." msgstr "" "Perluas daftar pelanggan Anda dengan formulir pendaftaran kami‑yang‑mudah " "digunakan dan keunggulan Pembaca" msgid "Attract and grow your subscriber list" msgstr "Pikat dan perluas daftar pelanggan Anda" msgid "" "Grow your subscriber list and deliver your content directly to their email " "inbox." msgstr "" "Perluas daftar pelanggan Anda dan kirim konten Anda secara langsung ke inbox " "email mereka." msgid "" "Transform your blog posts into newsletters to easily reach your subscribers." msgstr "" "Ubah pos blog Anda menjadi buletin agar mudah menjangkau pelanggan Anda." msgid "Write once,
reach all" msgstr "Tulis satu kali,
jangkau semuanya" msgid "Ready to launch your site? {{a}}Upgrade to a paid plan{{/a}}." msgstr "Siap meluncurkan situs Anda? {{a}}Upgrade ke paket berbayar{{/a}}." msgid "" "Review your payment and contact details. If you're transferring a domain " "from Google, we'll pay for an additional year of registration." msgstr "" "Tinjau pembayaran dan detail kontak Anda. Jika Anda mentransfer domain dari " "Google, kami akan membayar biaya tambahan untuk satu tahun pendaftaran." msgid "50 GB Storage Space" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan 50 GB" msgid "" "We tried to start a transfer for the domain {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} " "but an error occurred. Please contact the domain owner, " "{{strong}}%(owner)s{{/strong}}, for more details." msgstr "" "Kami mencoba memulai transfer untuk domain {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} " "namun terjadi kendala. Silakan hubungi pemilik domain, {{strong}}%(owner)s{{/" "strong}}, untuk informasi lebih lanjut." msgid "" "We tried to start a transfer for your domain {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} " "but we got the following error: {{br/}}{{br/}}{{p}}" "{{code}}%(lastTransferError)s{{/code}}{{/p}}Please restart the transfer or " "contact your current domain provider for more details." msgstr "" "Kami mencoba memulai transfer untuk domain Anda {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/" "strong}}, namun kami mendapatkan kendala berikut: {{br/}}{{br/}}{{p}}" "{{code}}%(lastTransferError)s{{/code}}{{/p}}Silakan mulai ulang transfer " "atau hubungi penyedia domain Anda saat ini untuk informasi lebih lanjut." msgid "Restart transfer" msgstr "Mulai ulang transfer" msgid "" "There was an error when initiating your domain transfer. Please {{a}}see the " "details or retry{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Terjadi kendala saat memulai transfer domain Anda. Silakan {{a}}lihat " "detailnya atau coba lagi{{/a}}." msgid "" "{{strong}}Transfer successful!{{/strong}} To make this domain work with your " " site you need to {{a}}point it to name servers." "{{/a}}" msgstr "" "{{strong}}Transfer berhasil!{{/strong}} Agar domain ini berfungsi dengan " "situs Anda, Anda perlu {{a}}mengarahkannya ke server nama " "{{/a}}" msgid "1-year extension on your domain" msgstr "Perpanjangan 1 tahun untuk domain Anda" msgid "You don’t have to do anything — this is just a reminder." msgstr "Anda tidak perlu melakukan apa pun — ini hanya pengingat." msgid "manage your subscription" msgstr "kelola langganan anda" msgid "If you want to make any changes to your renewal settings, you can " msgstr "Jika ingin mengubah pengaturan perpanjangan, Anda dapat melakukannya " msgid "" "You will be charged %1$s for this renewal on %2$s." msgstr "" "Anda akan dikenai biaya sebesar %1$s untuk perpanjangan ini pada " "%2$s." msgid "Your %1$s purchase renews soon" msgstr "Pembelian %1$s Anda akan diperpanjang dalam waktu dekat" msgid "Enable subscribers modal" msgstr "Aktifkan pop-up pelanggan" msgid "More details." msgstr "Detail lebih lanjut." msgid "" "The site editor requires JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript in your " "browser settings." msgstr "" "Editor situs memerlukan JavaScript. Aktifkan JavaScript di pengaturan " "browser Anda." msgid "Available with paid plugins" msgstr "Tersedia untuk plugin berbayar" msgid "Search webinars, courses, topics" msgstr "Cari webinar, kursus, topik" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Upgrade – %(priceString)s" msgstr "Upgrade – %(priceString)s" msgid "Select %(plan)s – %(priceString)s" msgstr "Pilih %(plan)s – %(priceString)s" msgid "Get %(plan)s – %(priceString)s" msgstr "Dapatkan %(plan)s – %(priceString)s" msgid "SMS Notification" msgstr "Pemberitahuan SMS" msgid "One of the selected sites does not have a Basic plan." msgstr "Salah satu situs yang dipilih tidak memiliki paket Dasar." msgid "Not Available" msgstr "Tidak Tersedia" msgid "Multiple email recipients is part of the Basic plan." msgstr "Penerima e-mail yang banyak hanya tersedia di paket Dasar." msgid "You cannot add %s when a trial is already underway" msgstr "Anda tidak dapat menambahkan %s saat uji coba sudah berlangsung" msgid "Find your team →" msgstr "Temukan tim Anda →" msgid "" "Finding the area that aligns with your skills and interests is the first " "step toward meaningful contribution. With more than 20 Make WordPress teams " "working on different parts of the open source WordPress project, there’" "s a place for everyone, no matter what your skill set is." msgstr "" "Menemukan bidang yang sesuai dengan keahlian dan minat Anda adalah langkah " "awal menuju kontribusi yang berarti. Dengan lebih dari 20 tim Make WordPress " "yang mengerjakan berbagai bagian berbeda pada proyek open source WordPress, " "terbuka kesempatan bagi siapa pun dan apa pun keahlian Anda." msgid "Shape the future of the web with WordPress" msgstr "Bentuk masa depan web dengan WordPress" msgid "" "WordPress app: Kotlin, Java, Swift, Objective-C, Vue, Python, and TypeScript." msgstr "" "Aplikasi WordPress: Kotlin, Java, Swift, Objective-C, Vue, Python, dan " "TypeScript" msgid "" "WordPress Core and Block Editor: HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL, JavaScript, and React." msgstr "Editor Inti dan Blok: HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL, JavaScript, dan React" msgid "" "WordPress embraces new technologies, while being committed to backward " "compatibility. The WordPress project uses the following languages and " "libraries:" msgstr "" "WordPress menerapkan teknologi baru, sekaligus berkomitmen terhadap " "kompatibilitas ke belakang. Proyek WordPress menggunakan bahasa dan pustaka " "berikut:" msgid "" "Contribute to the code, improve the UX, and test the " "WordPress app." msgstr "" "Berkontribusi pada kode, tingkatkan UX, dan uji aplikasi " "WordPress." msgid "" "Write and submit patches to fix bugs or help build new " "features." msgstr "" "Tulis dan kirimkan perbaikan untuk memperbaiki gangguan " "atau membantu membangun fitur baru." msgid "" "Test new releases and proposed features for the Block " "Editor." msgstr "" "Uji rilis baru dan fitur yang diusulkan untuk editor blok." msgid "Find and report bugs in the WordPress core software." msgstr "" "Temukan dan laporkan gangguan pada perangkat lunak " "WordPress core." msgid "" "If you do code, or want to learn how, you can contribute technically in " "numerous ways:" msgstr "" "Jika Anda membuat kode, atau ingin mempelajari caranya, Anda dapat " "berkontribusi secara teknis dengan berbagai cara:" msgid "Code-based contribution" msgstr "Kontribusi berbasis kode" msgid "" "Explore ways to reduce the environmental impact of websites." msgstr "" "Jelajahi cara untuk mengurangi dampak lingkungan dari " "jutaan situs web." msgid "Edit videos and add captions to" msgstr "Edit video dan tambahkan keterangan ke" msgid "" "Lend your creative imagination to the WordPress UI design." msgstr "" "Pinjamkan imajinasi kreatif Anda ke desain UI WordPress." msgid "" "Organize or participate in local Meetups and WordCamps." msgstr "" "Menyelenggarakan atau berpartisipasi dalam WordPress Meetup " "dan WordCamp lokal." msgid "" "Curate submissions or take photos for the Photo Directory." msgstr "" "Kurasi kiriman atau ambil foto untuk Direktori Foto " "WordPress." msgid "Promote the WordPress project to your community." msgstr "Mempromosikan proyek WordPress ke komunitas Anda." msgid "Create and improve WordPress educational materials." msgstr "Buat dan tingkatkan materi pelajaran WordPress." msgid "Translate WordPress into your local language." msgstr "Terjemahkan WordPress ke bahasa lokal Anda." msgid "Write or improve documentation for WordPress." msgstr "Tulis dan tingkatkan dokumentasi untuk WordPress." msgid "Share your knowledge in the WordPress support forums." msgstr "Bagikan pengetahuan Anda di forum bantuan WordPress." msgid "" "WordPress may thrive on technical contributions, but you don’t have to " "code to contribute. Here are some of the ways you can make an impact without " "writing a single line of code:" msgstr "" "WordPress mungkin berkembang dalam hal kontribusi teknis, tetapi Anda tidak " "perlu membuat kode untuk berkontribusi. Berikut adalah beberapa cara Anda " "dapat membuat dampak tanpa menulis satu baris kode pun:" msgid "No-code contribution" msgstr "Kontribusi tanpa kode" msgid "Grow your network and make friends." msgstr "Kembangkan jaringan Anda dan dapatkan teman." msgid "Apply your skills or learn new ones." msgstr "Terapkan keahlian Anda atau pelajari keahlian baru." msgid "Be part of a global open source community." msgstr "Jadilah bagian dari komunitas open source global." msgid "" "Join the diverse WordPress contributor community and connect with other " "people who are passionate about maintaining a free and open web." msgstr "" "Bergabunglah dengan komunitas kontributor WordPress yang beragam dan " "terhubung dengan orang lain yang bersemangat memelihara web yang bebas dan " "terbuka." msgid "" "Do you use WordPress for work, for personal projects, or even just for fun? " "You can help shape the long-term success of the open source project that " "powers millions of websites around the world." msgstr "" "Apakah Anda menggunakan WordPress untuk bekerja, untuk proyek pribadi, atau " "sekadar bersenang-senang ? Anda dapat membantu terwujudnya kesuksesan jangka " "panjang dari proyek open source yang membantu jutaan situs web di seluruh " "dunia." msgid "Be the future of WordPress" msgstr "Jadilah masa depan WordPress" msgid "Get Involved" msgstr "Turut Terlibat" msgid "Time when the notice should reappear" msgstr "Waktu ketika pemberitahuan harus muncul kembali" msgid "Unable to save new URL secret" msgstr "Tidak dapat menyimpan rahasia URL yang baru" msgid "You do not have the correct user permissions to perform this action." msgstr "" "Anda tidak memiliki izin pengguna yang tepat untuk melakukan tindakan ini." msgid "URL secret does not exist." msgstr "Rahasia URL tidak ada." msgid "Back to Courses" msgstr "Kembali ke Kursus" msgid "Back to Webinars" msgstr "Kembali ke Webinar" msgid "Manage nameservers for %1$s: %2$s" msgstr "Kelola nameserver untuk %1$s: %2$s" msgid "Manage nameservers for %1$s" msgstr "Kelola nameserver untuk %1$s" msgid "" "If your domain is currently pointing to a website, we recommend that you " "update it to use's nameservers. This will ensure your site is " "always reachable." msgstr "" "Jika domain Anda saat ini mengarah ke sebuah situs, kami sarankan Anda " "memperbaruinya untuk menggunakan nameserver Cara ini akan " "memastikan situs Anda akan selalu dapat dijangkau." msgid "" "Great news! Your domain, %1$s, has successfully made its " "new home at We're thrilled to have you on board!" msgstr "" "Berita bagus! Domain Anda, %1$s, telah berhasil pindah ke " " Kami senang Anda mau bergabung!" msgctxt "This theme is developed and supported by a theme partner" msgid "Partner" msgstr "Partner" msgid "Subscribe to this theme on your production site." msgstr "Berlangganan tema ini di situs produksi Anda." msgid "Partner themes cannot be purchased on staging sites" msgstr "Tema partner tidak dapat dibeli di staging situs" msgid "" "Screenplay is a simple blog theme that suits perfectly writers or the " "general public that would like to have their sites formatted as movie " "scripts." msgstr "" "Screenplay adalah tema blog sederhana yang cocok untuk penulis atau " "masyarakat umum yang ingin memiliki situs mereka diformat seperti skrip film." msgid "Re: Claim your %1$s%% discount today" msgstr "Bc: Klaim diskon %1$s%% Anda sekarang." msgid "Webinar Details" msgstr "Detail Webinar" msgid "Webinar Features" msgstr "Fitur Webinar" msgid "Free Webinar" msgstr "Webinar Gratis" msgid "Learn at your own pace with our step-by-step courses." msgstr "" "Belajar sesuai ritme Anda dengan kursus langkah demi langkah dari kami." msgid "Error: please try commenting again." msgstr "Error: silakan coba berkomentar lagi." msgid "Email (address never made public)" msgstr "Email (alamat tidak akan pernah dipublikasikan)" msgid "%(filterName)s WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress %(filterName)s" msgid "%(verticalName)s WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress %(verticalName)s" msgid "" "Discover WordPress Themes supporting %(filter)s on the " "Showcase. Here you can browse and find the best WordPress designs available " "on to discover the one that is just right for you." msgstr "" "Jelajahi Tema WordPress yang cocok untuk %(filter)s di Etalase WordPress." "com. Di sini Anda dapat menelusuri dan menemukan desain WordPress terbaik " "yang tersedia di untuk menemukan desain yang tepat untuk Anda." msgid "" "Discover %(vertical)s WordPress Themes on the Showcase. Here " "you can browse and find the best WordPress designs available on WordPress." "com to discover the one that is just right for you." msgstr "" "Jelajahi Tema WordPress %(vertical)s di Etalase Di sini Anda " "dapat menelusuri dan menemukan desain WordPress terbaik yang tersedia di " " untuk menemukan desain yang tepat untuk Anda." msgid "Unable to locate WordPress content directory (%s)." msgstr "Tidak dapat menemukan direktori konten WordPress (%s)." msgid "Available disk space" msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan yang tersedia" msgid "Plugin and theme temporary backup directory access" msgstr "Akses direktori cadangan sementara plugin dan tema" msgid "" "The %1$s directory does not exist, and the server does not have write " "permissions in %2$s to create it. This directory is used for plugin and " "theme updates. Please make sure the server has write permissions in %2$s." msgstr "" "Direktori %1$s tidak ditemukan, dan server tidak memiliki izin menulis di " "%2$s untuk membuatnya. Direktori ini digunakan untuk plugin dan pembaruan " "tema. Mohon pastikan server memiliki izin menulis di %2$s." msgid "The upgrade directory cannot be created" msgstr "Direktori peningkatan tidak dapat dibuat" msgid "" "The %s directory exists but is not writable. This directory is used for " "plugin and theme updates. Please make sure the server has write permissions " "to this directory." msgstr "" "Direktori %s ada tetapi tidak dapat ditulisi. Direktori tersebut digunakan " "untuk pembaruan plugin dan tema. Harap pastikan server memiliki izin menulis " "pada direktori." msgid "The upgrade directory exists but is not writable" msgstr "Direktori peningkatan ada tetapi tidak dapat ditulis" msgid "" "The %s directory exists but is not writable. This directory is used to " "improve the stability of plugin and theme updates. Please make sure the " "server has write permissions to this directory." msgstr "" "Direktori %s ada tetapi tidak dapat ditulisi. Direktori ini digunakan untuk " "meningkatkan stabilitas pembaruan plugin dan tema. Harap pastikan server " "memiliki izin menulis ke direktori ini." msgid "The temporary backup directory exists but is not writable" msgstr "Direktori cadangan sementara ada tetapi tidak dapat ditulisi" msgid "" "The %s directory exists but is not writable. This directory is used to " "improve the stability of theme updates. Please make sure the server has " "write permissions to this directory." msgstr "" "Direktori %s ada tetapi tidak dapat ditulisi. Direktori ini digunakan untuk " "meningkatkan stabilitas pembaruan tema. Harap pastikan server memiliki izin " "menulis ke direktori ini." msgid "Theme temporary backup directory exists but is not writable" msgstr "Direktori cadangan sementara tema ada tetapi tidak dapat ditulis" msgid "" "The %s directory exists but is not writable. This directory is used to " "improve the stability of plugin updates. Please make sure the server has " "write permissions to this directory." msgstr "" "Direktori %s ada tetapi tidak dapat ditulisi. Direktori ini digunakan untuk " "meningkatkan stabilitas pembaruan plugin. Harap pastikan server memiliki " "izin menulis ke direktori ini." msgid "Plugin temporary backup directory exists but is not writable" msgstr "Direktori cadangan sementara plugin ada tetapi tidak dapat ditulisi" msgid "" "The %1$s and %2$s directories exist but are not writable. These directories " "are used to improve the stability of plugin updates. Please make sure the " "server has write permissions to these directories." msgstr "" "Direktori %1$s dan %2$s ada tetapi tidak dapat ditulisi. Direktori-direktori " "tersebut digunakan untuk meningkatkan stabilitas pembaruan plugin. Pastikan " "server memiliki izin menulis pada kedua direktori." msgid "" "Plugin and theme temporary backup directories exist but are not writable" msgstr "" "Direktori cadangan sementara plugin dan tema ada tetapi tidak dapat ditulisi" msgid "The %s directory cannot be located." msgstr "Direktori %s tidak dapat ditemukan." msgid "Unable to locate WordPress content directory" msgstr "Tidak dapat menemukan direktori konten WordPress" msgid "" "The %s directory used to improve the stability of plugin and theme updates " "is writable." msgstr "" "Direktori %s yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan stabilitas pembaruan plugin " "dan tema dapat ditulisi." msgid "Plugin and theme temporary backup directory is writable" msgstr "Direktori cadangan sementara plugin dan tema dapat ditulisi" msgid "Could not determine available disk space for updates." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat menentukan ruang penyimpanan yang tersedia untuk pembaruan." msgid "" "Available disk space is critically low, less than %s available. Proceed with " "caution, updates may fail." msgstr "" "Ruang penyimpanan yang tersedia sangat sedikit, tersedia kurang dari %s. " "Lanjutkan dengan hati-hati, pembaruan mungkin gagal." msgid "Available disk space is low, less than %s available." msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan yang tersedia rendah, tersedia kurang dari %s." msgid "" "%s available disk space was detected, update routines can be performed " "safely." msgstr "" "%s ruang penyimpanan yang tersedia terdeteksi, rutinitas pembaruan dapat " "dijalankan dengan aman." msgid "Disk space available to safely perform updates" msgstr "Ruang disk tersedia untuk melakukan pembaruan dengan aman" msgid "Attempting to restore the previous version." msgstr "Mencoba untuk mengembalikan ke versi sebelumnya." msgid "" "Lativ is a WordPress block theme specifically designed for businesses and " "startups. It offers fresh, vibrant color palettes and sleek, modern " "templates that are perfect for companies looking to establish a bold and " "innovative online presence." msgstr "" "Lativ adalah tema blok WordPress yang dirancang khusus untuk bisnis dan " "startup. Tema ini menawarkan palet warna segar dan cerah serta template yang " "modern dan elegan yang sempurna untuk perusahaan yang ingin menciptakan " "kehadiran online yang berani dan inovatif." msgid "SMS Notifications" msgstr "Pemberitahuan SMS" msgid "1 minute monitoring interval" msgstr "Interval pemantauan 1 menit" msgid "Maximize uptime" msgstr "Maksimalkan uptime" msgid "" "{{p}}You'll now get instant access to upcoming features and priority support." "{{/p}}" msgstr "" "{{p}}Sekarang Anda bisa dengan cepat mengakses fitur-fitur mendatang dan " "dukungan prioritas.{{/p}}" msgid "Reduce potential revenue losses because your site went down." msgstr "Kurangi potensi kehilangan pendapatan karena situs Anda down." msgid "" "Enhanced uptime: Experience less downtime and increased service reliability " "through prompt response and resolution." msgstr "" "Uptime yang Ditingkatkan: Rasakan downtime yang lebih sedikit dan keandalan " "layanan yang meningkat melalui penanganan dini dan penyelesaian yang cepat." msgid "" "Rapid detection: With our 1-minute interval monitoring, we detect potential " "issues faster than ever before." msgstr "" "Deteksi cepat: Dengan pemantauan berinterval 1 menit, kami mendeteksi " "potensi masalah lebih cepat dari sebelumnya." msgid "SMS notifications*" msgstr "Pemberitahuan SMS*" msgid "Multiple email recipients" msgstr "Banyak penerima e-mail" msgid "1-minute monitoring interval" msgstr "Interval pemantauan 1 menit" msgid "Limit of 20 SMS per site, each month." msgstr "Maksimal 20 SMS per situs, tiap bulan." msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is already registered. Do you own this " "domain? {{a}}Transfer it to{{/a}} now, or try another search." msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} sudah terdaftar. Apakah Anda pemilik domain " "ini? {{a}}Transfer ke{{/a}} sekarang, atau coba pencarian lain." msgid "Install the Friends Plugin" msgstr "Instal Plugin Friends" msgid "Following Others" msgstr "Mengikuti Orang Lain" msgid "Fediverse" msgstr "Fediverse" msgid "Required class not found or not readable: %s" msgstr "Kelas yang diperlukan tidak ditemukan atau tidak terbaca: %s" msgid "Customize welcome message" msgstr "Sesuaikan pesan sambutan" msgid "Collect payments with PayPal." msgstr "Terima pembayaran melalui PayPal." msgid "Filter patterns list" msgstr "Saring daftar pola" msgid "No patterns found in Trash." msgstr "Tidak ditemukan pola di Tempat Sampah." msgid "No patterns found." msgstr "Tidak ada pola yang ditemukan." msgctxt "block category" msgid "Patterns" msgstr "Pola" msgid "Table ordered by Links." msgstr "Tabel diurutkan berdasarkan Tautan." msgid "Table ordered by Posts Count." msgstr "Tabel disusun berdasarkan Jumlah Postingan." msgid "Table ordered by Slug." msgstr "Tabel disusun berdasarkan Slug." msgid "Table ordered by Description." msgstr "Tabel disusun berdasarkan Deskripsi." msgid "Table ordered hierarchically." msgstr "Tabel disusun secara hierarkis." msgid "Table ordered by Hierarchical Menu Order and Title." msgstr "Tabel disusun berdasarkan Urutan Menu Hirarki dan Judul." msgid "Table ordered by Title." msgstr "Tabel diurutkan berdasarkan Judul." msgid "Table ordered by User Registered Date." msgstr "Tabel disusun berdasarkan Tanggal Daftar Pengguna." msgid "Table ordered by E-mail." msgstr "Tabel diurutkan berdasarkan E-mail." msgid "Table ordered by Username." msgstr "Tabel diurutkan berdasarkan Nama Pengguna." msgid "Table ordered by Theme Name." msgstr "Tabel disusun berdasarkan Nama Tema." msgid "Table ordered by Site Registered Date." msgstr "Tabel disusun berdasarkan Tanggal Daftar Situs." msgid "Table ordered by Last Updated." msgstr "Tabel disusun berdasarkan Terakhir Diperbarui." msgid "Table ordered by Site Path." msgstr "Tabel disusun berdasarkan Jalur Situs." msgid "Table ordered by Site Domain Name." msgstr "Tabel disusun berdasarkan Nama Domain Situs." msgid "Table ordered by Date." msgstr "Tabel disusun berdasarkan Tanggal." msgid "Table ordered by Comments." msgstr "Tabel diurutkan berdasarkan Komentar." msgid "Table ordered by Uploaded To." msgstr "Tabel disusun berdasarkan Diunggah Ke." msgid "Table ordered by Author." msgstr "Tabel disusun berdasarkan Penulis." msgid "Table ordered by File Name." msgstr "Tabel diurutkan berdasarkan Nama File." msgid "Sort descending." msgstr "Urutkan turun." msgid "Sort ascending." msgstr "Urutkan naik." msgid "Table ordered by Rating." msgstr "Tabel diurutkan berdasarkan Peringkat." msgid "Table ordered by Visibility." msgstr "Tabel diurutkan berdasarkan Visibilitas." msgid "Table ordered by URL." msgstr "Tabel diurutkan berdasarkan URL." msgid "Table ordered by Name." msgstr "Tabel disusun berdasarkan Nama." msgid "Ordered by Comment Date, descending." msgstr "Disusun berdasarkan Tanggal Komentar, menurun." msgid "Table ordered by Post Replied To." msgstr "Tabel disusun berdasarkan Artikel Dibalas Ke." msgid "Table ordered by Comment Author." msgstr "Tabel disusun berdasarkan Penulis Komentar." msgid "Descending." msgstr "Menurun" msgid "Ascending." msgstr "Meningkat" msgid "New custom field name" msgstr "Nama bidang khusus baru" msgid "You can not launch your site without a paid Business plan." msgstr "Anda tidak dapat meluncurkan situs tanpa paket Bisnis berbayar." msgctxt "amount of money" msgid "Credits" msgstr "Kredit" msgid "Fetching subscriptions…" msgstr "Memuat data langganan…" msgid "Preparing the wizard…" msgstr "Menyiapkan wizard…" msgid "Loading site…" msgstr "Memuat situs…" msgid "" "There was an error with the address. Please, check that the Zip code exists, " "is valid for the country, and corresponds for the given address" msgstr "" "Ditemukan error pada alamat tersebut. Pastikan Kode pos tersebut memang ada " "dan sesuai untuk negara serta alamat yang dituju" msgid "Credits: %(creditsUsed)s (%(remainingCredit)s remain)" msgstr "Kredit: %(creditsUsed)s (tersisa %(remainingCredit)s)" msgid "Click or drag an image here to upload." msgstr "Klik atau seret ke sini gambar yang ingin diunggah." msgid "Drop an image here to upload." msgstr "Taruh gambar yang ingin diunggah di sini." msgid "Fetching more posts…" msgstr "Memuat pos lainnya…" msgid "Fetching more pages…" msgstr "Memuat halaman lainnya…" msgid "Fetching pages…" msgstr "Memuat laman…" msgid "" "Learn more about the {{linkAdvertisingPolicy}}Advertising Policy{{/" "linkAdvertisingPolicy}}." msgstr "" "Baca selengkapnya info tentang {{linkAdvertisingPolicy}}Kebijakan Iklan{{/" "linkAdvertisingPolicy}}." msgid "Redirecting to my campaigns…" msgstr "Mengalihkan ke halaman kampanye saya…" msgid "Transfer %1$s domains for %2$s" msgstr "Transfer domain %1$s seharga %2$s" msgid "Varies" msgstr "Bervariasi" msgid "" "Cortado is a simple and elegant theme. Its colors and typography work " "together perfectly to deliver a subtle style, perfect for restaurants and " "coffee shops." msgstr "" "Cortado adalah tema yang sederhana dan elegan. Warna dan tipografinya " "bekerja dengan sempurna untuk memberikan gaya yang halus, cocok untuk " "restoran dan kedai kopi." msgid "" "In, under My Subscriptions> Jetpack VaultPress Backup,” " "click “Add to store”." msgstr "" "Di, di bagian \"Langganan Saya> Jetpack VaultPress Backup,\" " "klik \"Tambahkan ke toko\"." msgid "" "You recently signed-up for a 14-day free trial of VaultPress Backup, the " "best WordPress backup solution for WooCommerce." msgstr "" "Saat ini Anda telah mendaftar percobaan gratis 14 hari VaultPress Backup, " "solusi pencadangan WordPress terbaik untuk WooCommerce." msgid "" "Contact us at any time if you " "need assistance with Jetpack." msgstr "" "Hubungi kami kapan pun Anda " "butuh bantuan tentang Jetpack." msgid "Custom WooCommerce table backups." msgstr "Pencadangan untuk tabel WooCommerce khusus." msgid "Protect your customer data and stay GDPR compliant." msgstr "Lindungi data pelanggan, penuhi persyaratan GDPR." msgid "" "VaultPress Backup saves every change in real-time, including your store " "orders, so you’ll never lose a thing." msgstr "" "VaultPress Backup menyimpan setiap perubahan secara real-time, termasuk " "pesanan toko Anda, sehingga Anda tidak akan kehilangan apa pun." msgid "How VaultPress Backup secures your store:" msgstr "Cara VaultPress Backup mengamankan toko Anda:" msgid "Add VaultPress Backup" msgstr "Tambahkan VaultPress Backup" msgid "" "After installing the plugin, in WP-Admin, go to “Jetpack > My Jetpack” " "and click the “Activate a license” link at the bottom of the page." msgstr "" "Setelah menginstal plugin, buka \"Jetpack > Jetpack Saya\" pada WP-Admin, " "lalu klik tautan “Aktifkan lisensi” di bagian bawah halaman." msgid "Choose the store you would like to add Jetpack VaultPress Backup to." msgstr "Pilih toko yang ingin Anda tambahkan dengan Jetpack VaultPress Backup." msgid "" "In, under “My " "Subscriptions > Jetpack VaultPress Backup,” click “Add to store”." msgstr "" "Di, di bagian \"Langganan Saya > Jetpack VaultPress Backup,\" klik \"Tambahkan ke toko" "\"." msgid "Here’s how to add VaultPress Backup to your site:" msgstr "Berikut cara menambahkan VaultPress Backup ke situs Anda:" msgid "" "You recently signed-up for a 14-day free trial of VaultPress Backup, the best WordPress backup " "solution for WooCommerce." msgstr "" "Saat ini Anda telah mendaftar percobaan gratis 14 hari VaultPress Backup, solusi pencadangan " "WordPress terbaik untuk WooCommerce." msgid "Don’t forget to add Jetpack VaultPress Backup to your site" msgstr "Jangan lupa untuk menambahkan Jetpack VaultPress Backup ke situs Anda" msgid "VideoPress w/ 1TB storage" msgstr "VideoPress dgn penyimpanan 1TB" msgid "VaultPress Backup w/ 1TB storage" msgstr "VaultPress Backup dgn penyimpanan 1TB" msgid "Search for specific topics, authors, or blogs." msgstr "Cari topik, penulis, atau blog tertentu." msgid "Rediscover content that you liked." msgstr "Temukan kembali konten yang Anda suka." msgid "Stay current with the blogs you've subscribed to." msgstr "Jangan lewatkan blog langganan Anda." msgid "Explore %s blogs that inspire, educate, and entertain." msgstr "Jelajahi blog %s yang menginspirasi, mengedukasi, dan menghibur." msgid "Monitor all of your ongoing discussions." msgstr "Pantau semua diskusi Anda yang sedang berlangsung." msgid "Earn money with your newsletter" msgstr "Raih keuntungan lewat buletin Anda" msgid "" "An alternative to Jetpack Site Accelerator, with security-focused plans " "available for sites with a custom domain enabled." msgstr "" "Sebuah alternatif untuk Jetpack Site Accelerator, dengan paket yang berfokus " "pada keamanan tersedia untuk situs dengan domain khusus yang diaktifkan." msgid "" "A WordPress theme for travel-related websites and blogs designed to showcase " "stunning destinations around the world." msgstr "" "Sebuah tema WordPress untuk situs dan blog yang berhubungan dengan " "perjalanan yang dirancang untuk menampilkan destinasi menakjubkan di seluruh " "dunia." msgid "Business Trial" msgstr "Uji Coba Bisnis" msgid "Search by license code" msgstr "Cari dari kode lisensi" msgid "Billing cycle" msgstr "Siklus penagihan" msgid "Get Stats" msgstr "Dapatkan Stats" msgid "Simple, yet powerful stats to grow your site." msgstr "Statistik yang sederhana, namun andal untuk mengembangkan situs Anda." msgid "Clear domain" msgstr "Hapus domain" msgid "" "Unlock all the benefits of managed hosting, including unmetered bandwidth, " "multisite management, and realtime backups." msgstr "" "Dapatkan semua manfaat dari hosting yang dikelola, termasuk bandwidth tanpa " "batas, pengelolaan multisitus, dan pencadangan realtime." msgid "You need to {{a}}start the domain transfer{{/a}} for your domain." msgstr "Anda perlu {{a}}memulai transfer domain{{/a}} untuk domain Anda." msgid "" "Ron is a minimalist blogging theme designed with a focus on delivering an " "exceptional reading experience. Its unique offset post layout and sticky " "post navigation make it stand out. By intentionally omitting a header, it " "includes only a footer, Ron allows readers to dive straight into the content " "without distractions." msgstr "" "Ron adalah tema blog minimalis yang dirancang dengan fokus pada memberikan " "pengalaman membaca yang luar biasa. Tata letak pos yang unik dan navigasi " "pos lekat membuatnya menonjol. Dengan sengaja menghilangkan header, Ron " "hanya menyertakan footer, sehingga memungkinkan pembaca langsung terjun ke " "konten tanpa gangguan." msgid "Edit Block Pattern" msgstr "Edit Pola Blok" msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Newsletter" msgstr "Buletin" msgctxt "Search terms" msgid "earn, paypal, stripe, payments, pay" msgstr "monetisasi, paypal, stripe, metode pembayaran, pembayaran" msgid "Get the latest learning in your inbox:" msgstr "Dapatkan pelajaran terbaru di inbox Anda::" msgid "Manage your domain" msgid_plural "Manage your domains" msgstr[0] "Kelola domain Anda" msgstr[1] "Kelola domain Anda" msgid "Register to watch" msgstr "Daftar untuk menyaksikan" msgid "Learn the basics or dive deeper with live expert sessions." msgstr "" "Pelajari hal mendasar atau selami lebih dalam dengan sesi langsung bersama " "ahli." msgid "Browse the latest guides and articles." msgstr "Jelajahi panduan dan artikel terbaru." msgid "Go through our tutorials" msgstr "Kunjungi tutorial kami" msgid "Share your progress and get help in the community forum." msgstr "Bagikan progres Anda dan dapatkan bantuan di forum komunitas." msgid "Join the community forum" msgstr "Bergabunglah ke forum komunitas" msgid "Clear Crop" msgstr "Bersihkan Potongan." msgid "Apply Crop" msgstr "Terapkan Potongan" msgid "vertical start position" msgstr "posisi awal vertikal" msgid "horizontal start position" msgstr "posisi awal horizontal" msgid "Starting Coordinates:" msgstr "Koordinat Awal:" msgid "Save Edits" msgstr "Simpan Editan" msgid "Cancel Editing" msgstr "Batal Mengedit" msgid "Image Rotation" msgstr "Rotasi Gambar" msgid "Distributing your site worldwide" msgstr "Menyebarkan situs Anda ke seluruh dunia" msgid "Installing WordPress" msgstr "Mengintal WordPress" msgid "Warming up CPUs" msgstr "Memanaskan CPU" msgid "Transfer for %s" msgstr "Transfer seharga %s" msgid "Enable SMS notifications" msgstr "Aktifkan pemberitahuan SMS" msgid "Disable SMS notifications" msgstr "Nonaktifkan pemberitahuan SMS" msgid "Enable mobile notifications" msgstr "Aktifkan pemberitahuan ponsel" msgid "Disable mobile notifications" msgstr "Nonaktifkan pemberitahuan ponsel" msgid "Disable email notifications" msgstr "Nonaktifkan pemberitahuan email" msgid "Thank you for supporting Jetpack Stats!" msgstr "Terima kasih telah mendukung Jetpack Stats!" msgid "Visit support guides" msgstr "Kunjungi panduan dukungan" msgid "Find and follow step-by-step guides for every question." msgstr "" "Temukan dan ikuti panduan langkah demi langkah untuk setiap pertanyaan " "" msgid "Check our guides" msgstr "Lihat panduan kami" msgid "Join the Community" msgstr "Bergabunglah ke dalam Komunitas" msgid "Connect and learn with the community." msgstr "Libatkan diri dan belajar bersama komunitas" msgid "Join the forum" msgstr "Bergabunglah ke forum" msgid "Upgrade and unlock features, tools, and expert help with a paid plan." msgstr "" "Lakukan upgrade serta buka fitur, peralatan, dan bantuan ahli dengan paket " "berbayar." msgid "Go further" msgstr "Melangkah lebih jauh" msgid "Limited offer: Try it for only %1$s%2$0.2f for the first month" msgstr "" "Penawaran terbatas: Cobalah hanya dengan %1$s%2$0.2f untuk satu bulan " "pertama" msgid "Try it for only %1$s%2$0.2f per month" msgstr "Cobalah hanya dengan %1$s%2$0.2f per bulan" msgid "" "Tap to Pay on Android is quick, secure and simple to set up - no extra " "terminals or card readers needed." msgstr "" "Cepat dan aman, fitur Ketuk untuk Bayar di Android juga mudah disiapkan, " "tanpa mesin EDC atau pembaca kartu tambahan." msgid "Transfer Your Domains" msgstr "Transfer Domain Anda" msgid "A new Stripe account was connected." msgstr "Ada akun Stripe lain yang baru saja dihubungkan." msgid "A Stripe account was connected to your site" msgstr "Ada akun Stripe yang baru saja dihubungkan ke situs Anda" msgid "Account Connected" msgstr "Akun Terhubung" msgid "Enjoy bulk discounts when purchasing multiple licenses." msgstr "" "Dapatkan diskon lebih besar untuk pembelian beberapa lisensi sekaligus." msgid "Get a recurring discount on Jetpack plans" msgstr "Dapatkan diskon rutin untuk paket-paket Jetpack" msgid "" "RAW is a theme design inspired by the Brutalist concepts from the homonymous " "Architectural movement. It aims to be harsh, honest, utilitarian, and " "useful. And it is a good portfolio pick for architects, design studios, and " "creative organizations." msgstr "" "RAW adalah desain tema yang terinspirasi oleh konsep Brutalist dari gerakan " "Arsitektur yang sama. Tujuannya adalah menjadi kasar, jujur, utilitarian, " "dan berguna. Dan ini adalah pilihan portofolio yang bagus untuk arsitek, " "studio desain, dan organisasi kreatif." msgctxt "Toolbar" msgid "Discover" msgstr "Jelajahi" msgid "" "To receive your deposits, you need to share your bank account information " "with us." msgstr "" "Untuk menerima deposit Anda, silakan bagikan informasi rekening bank Anda " "kepada kami." msgid "You recently started signing up for %s but haven't finished yet. " msgstr "Baru-baru ini Anda mendaftar %s, tetapi prosesnya belum selesai. " msgid "Thanks for setting up your %1$s store with %2$s!" msgstr "Terima kasih sudah menyambungkan toko %1$s Anda ke %2$s!" msgid "Thanks for setting up your account with %1$s and %2$s!" msgstr "Terima kasih sudah memasang %1$s dan %2$s untuk akun Anda!" msgid "You started setting up your store with %1$s and %2$s a few weeks ago." msgstr "" "Beberapa minggu lalu Anda mulai memasang %1$s dan %2$s untuk toko Anda." msgid "" "Reminder: Make sure you get your deposits — verify your information with %s" msgstr "" "Pengingat: Pastikan Anda bisa menerima deposit. Verifikasi data %s Anda" msgid "Verify your information to receive deposits from %s" msgstr "Verifikasi data agar bisa menerima deposit dari %s" msgid "To enable deposits from %s, you need to verify your business." msgstr "Agar bisa menerima deposit dari %s, silakan verifikasikan bisnis Anda." msgid "Please verify your information to enable deposits from %s" msgstr "Verifikasi data Anda agar bisa menerima deposit dari %s" msgid "Your %s account has been reset. Let's get it up and running again!" msgstr "Akun %s Anda berhasil direset. Ayo aktifkan kembali!" msgid "To process deposits from %s, you need to verify your business with us." msgstr "" "Agar bisa memproses deposit dari %s, silakan verifikasikan bisnis Anda " "kepada kami." msgid "Your %s account has been reset!" msgstr "Akun %s Anda berhasil direset!" msgid "Your %s account is scheduled to be reset" msgstr "Reset akun %s Anda berhasil dijadwalkan" msgid "Finish signing up for %s" msgstr "Selesaikan pendaftaran %s" msgid "— The %s team" msgstr "— Tim %s" msgid "" "We apologize for the disruption, but your transactions with %s have been " "paused." msgstr "" "Maaf atas ketidaknyamanannya. Transaksi Anda menggunakan %s diberhentikan " "sementara." msgid "You began setting up your store with %1$s and %2$s a few weeks ago." msgstr "" "Beberapa minggu lalu Anda mulai menyetel %1$s dan %2$s untuk toko Anda." msgid "Thanks for getting started with %1$s and %2$s!" msgstr "Terima kasih sudah mulai menyiapkan %1$s dan %2$s!" msgid "Welcome to %1$s and %2$s!" msgstr "Selamat datang di %1$s dan %2$s!" msgid "You're so close - complete your sign up to start selling with %s" msgstr "" "Sedikit lagi. Selesaikan pendaftaran agar bisa mulai berjualan dengan %s" msgid "You're nearly there! Get paid with %s" msgstr "Hampir selesai! Terima pembayaran dengan %s" msgid "Don't miss out on getting paid with %s 💸 — verify your identity" msgstr "" "Rasakan berbagai kemudahan transaksi dengan %s 💸 — verifikasi identitas Anda" msgid "You recently requested a %1$s export for your %2$s store." msgstr "" "Baru-baru ini Anda meminta hasil ekspor data %1$s untuk toko %2$s Anda." msgid "You recently requested a %1$s export for your %2$s store" msgstr "Baru-baru ini Anda meminta hasil ekspor data %1$s untuk toko %2$s Anda" msgid "Your %s Export" msgstr "Hasil Ekspor Data %s Anda" msgid "You need to have %s 4.1.0 or greater installed to view your reports." msgstr "Untuk melihat laporan, versi %s 4.1.0 atau di atasnya harus terinstal." msgid "" "Congratulations - you’re now eligible to receive %1$sInstant Deposits%2$s " "with %3$s." msgstr "" "Selamat! Anda sekarang memenuhi syarat untuk menerima %1$sDeposit Langsung" "%2$s dengan %3$s." msgid "You're now eligible to receive Instant Deposits with %s" msgstr "" "Anda sekarang memenuhi syarat untuk menerima Deposit Langsung dengan %s" msgid "You need to have %s 3.8.0 or greater installed to view your loan offer." msgstr "" "Untuk melihat tawaran pinjaman, versi %s 3.8.0 atau di atasnya harus " "terinstal." msgid "You're eligible for a new loan offer through %s" msgstr "Anda memenuhi syarat untuk menerima tawaran pinjaman baru lewat %s" msgid "You're eligible: Fast financing with %s" msgstr "Anda memenuhi syarat: Pembiayaan cepat lewat %s" msgid "%s Account Unsubscribed from Capital" msgstr "Langganan Capital untuk Akun %s Terhenti" msgid "Alternatively, you can update this information from your %s dashboard:" msgstr "Selain itu, Anda bisa memperbarui data tersebut dari dasbor %s Anda:" msgid "" "We’re reaching out to inform you of an upcoming pricing change for %1$s%2$s." "%3$s" msgstr "Kami beri tahukan bahwa ke depannya harga %1$s%2$s akan berubah.%3$s" msgid "Thanks for choosing %s. Your account is currently being reviewed." msgstr "" "Terima kasih sudah memilih %s! Akun Anda sedang dalam proses peninjauan." msgid "" "Your %1$s account has been approved following a review. You are now able to " "continue using %1$s." msgstr "" "Akun %1$s Anda telah lolos proses peninjauan. Anda sekarang sudah bisa " "menggunakan %1$s kembali." msgid "%s Account Requires Additional Information" msgstr "Akun %s Membutuhkan Data Tambahan" msgid "" "Your %s account and its associated Stripe account were permanently suspended" msgstr "Akun %s Anda dan akun Stripe yang terhubung dibekukan secara permanen." msgid "%s Account Suspended" msgstr "Akun %s Dibekukan" msgid "Your %s account is currently being reviewed" msgstr "Akun %s Anda sedang dalam proses peninjauan" msgid "%s Account Under Review" msgstr "Akun %s Sedang Dalam Peninjauan" msgid "Your %s account has been approved following a review" msgstr "Akun %s Anda telah lolos proses peninjauan" msgid "%s Account Approved" msgstr "Akun %s Lolos Peninjauan" msgid "" "Your new Link-in-Bio site, BoxedBio, offers a simple organization of blocks " "to display contact information and links on an exciting landing page." msgstr "" "Situs Link-in-Bio baru Anda, BoxedBio, menawarkan organisasi blok yang " "sederhana untuk menampilkan informasi kontak dan tautan di halaman landing " "yang menarik." msgid "" "Automattic is the parent company of Akismet,, WooCommerce, and more. " "We're %5$s people working from %6$s countries and we're always hiring." msgstr "" "Automattic adalah perusahaan induk dari Akismet,, WooCommerce, dan " "sebagainya. Kami terdiri dari %5$s orang yang bekerja dari %6$s negara dan " "kami selalu membuka lowongan " "kerja." msgid "" "To keep your subscription, please click the button below to renew it now. " "You can also turn on automatic renewal from your subscription management page." msgstr "" "Untuk memperpanjang langganan, klik tombol di bawah ini untuk " "memperpanjangnya sekarang juga. Anda juga bisa mengaktifkan perpanjangan " "otomatis dari halaman pengelolaan langganan Anda." msgid "" "Once your subscription is expired, you will lose access to paid Akismet " "features." msgstr "" "Saat langganan Anda kedaluwarsa, Anda akan kehilangan akses ke fitur Akismet " "berbayar." msgid "Start the trial" msgstr "Mulai uji coba" msgid "" "Elevate your brand’s online presence by sending emails from your own domain. " "As a user, you get a 3-month trial to our Professional " "Email service completely free." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan kehadiran online brand Anda dengan mengirim email dari domain " "Anda sendiri. Sebagai pengguna, Anda mendapatkan uji coba 3 " "bulan untuk layanan Professional Email secara gratis." msgid "" "You already have %2$s set as your primary domain, so " "you’re all set! Your visitors can now access your site just by going " "directly to your domain name." msgstr "" "Anda sudah memiliki %2$s sebagai domain utama, jadi " "Anda sudah siap! Pengunjung kini dapat langsung mengakses situs Anda hanya " "dengan mengunjungi nama domain Anda." msgid "Congratulations! Your domain name is ready." msgstr "Selamat! Nama domain Anda sudah siap." msgid "" "We offer a free first year for all domains being transferred in from Google " "Domains, but some domain extensions may not automatically show up. Please " "{{ExternalLinkWithTracking}}contact our support team{{/" "ExternalLinkWithTracking}} for assistance." msgstr "" "Kami menawarkan tahun pertama gratis untuk semua domain yang ditransfer dari " "Google Domains, namun beberapa ekstensi domain mungkin tidak muncul secara " "otomatis. Silakan {{ExternalLinkWithTracking}}menghubungi tim layanan " "bantuan kami {{/ExternalLinkWithTracking}} untuk mendapatkan bantuan." msgid "It looks like I am being charged, I thought the first year was free?" msgstr "Sepertinya saya dikenakan biaya, saya pikir tahun pertama gratis?" msgid "" "Yes. Privacy protection is turned on by default for all domains transferred " "to" msgstr "" "Ya. Perlindungan privasi diaktifkan secara default untuk semua domain yang " "ditransfer ke" msgid "Will privacy protection be turned on by default?" msgstr "Apakah perlindungan privasi akan diaktifkan secara default?" msgid "" "If your domain transfer fails, your domain will remain with your current " "registrar. You will need to resolve any issues that caused the transfer " "failure before attempting to transfer again." msgstr "" "Jika transfer domain Anda gagal, domain Anda akan tetap berada di registrar " "saat ini. Anda harus menyelesaikan kendala apa pun yang menyebabkan " "kegagalan transfer sebelum mencoba mentransfer lagi." msgid "What happens if my domain transfer fails?" msgstr "Apa yang terjadi jika transfer domain saya gagal?" msgid "" "The entire process generally takes a couple of days. The time it takes " "varies depending on the registrar you are transferring the domain from, and " "the time it takes your current registrar to complete the process. You can " "check the progress of your transfer in the Domain Management section of your " " dashboard." msgstr "" "Keseluruhan proses umumnya membutuhkan waktu beberapa hari. Waktu yang " "diperlukan bervariasi, tergantung pada registrar tempat Anda mentransfer " "domain, dan waktu yang diperlukan registrar Anda saat ini untuk " "menyelesaikan prosesnya. Anda dapat memeriksa perkembangan transfer Anda di " "bagian Manajemen Domain pada dasbor" msgid "How long does it take to transfer a domain name?" msgstr "Berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mentransfer nama domain?" msgid "" "When you transfer a domain name to, we ensure that the " "associated name servers remain unchanged. This means your DNS records and " "associated services like email will continue to work as they did before the " "transfer." msgstr "" "Saat Anda mentransfer nama domain ke, kami memastikan bahwa " "server nama yang terkait tidak berubah. Ini berarti data DNS Anda dan " "layanan terkait seperti email akan terus berfungsi seperti sebelum transfer." msgid "" "Will my custom name server DNS settings automatically be transferred over?" msgstr "" "Apakah pengaturan nama khusus server DNS saya akan secara otomatis " "ditransfer?" msgid "" "No, the remaining time you have with your current registrar will be " "transferred over when you move your domain. Furthermore, you will receive an " "additional year's registration free of charge when transferring any domain " "to" msgstr "" "Tidak, sisa waktu yang Anda miliki dengan registrar saat ini akan ditransfer " "ketika Anda memindahkan domain Anda. Selain itu, Anda akan menerima " "pendaftaran satu tahun tambahan secara gratis saat mentransfer domain apa " "pun ke" msgid "Do I lose the time left with my current registrar when I transfer?" msgstr "" "Apakah saya kehilangan waktu yang tersisa dengan registrar saya saat ini " "ketika saya mentransfer?" msgid "" "If your website and email settings were correctly configured before the " "transfer, there should be no downtime." msgstr "" "Jika pengaturan situs web dan email Anda telah dikonfigurasi dengan benar " "sebelum transfer, seharusnya tidak terjadi downtime." msgid "Will my website or email service be down during the transfer?" msgstr "" "Apakah situs web atau layanan email saya akan terhenti selama proses " "transfer?" msgid "" "Take your site to new heights with expert webinars, courses, " "and community forums." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan situs Anda dengan webinar bersama para ahli, " "kursus, dan forum komunitas." msgid "Learn Faster to Grow Faster" msgstr "Belajar Lebih Cepat untuk Berkembang Lebih Cepat" msgid "Unable to buy %1$s, this site has %2$s purchased by different user." msgstr "Pembelian %1$s gagal karena %2$s situs telah dibeli pengguna lain." msgid "" "{{p}}We appreciate your continued support. If you want to access upcoming " "features, {{jetpackStatsProductLink}} please consider upgrading{{/" "jetpackStatsProductLink}}.{{/p}}" msgstr "" "{{p}}Kami menghargai dukungan Anda yang berkelanjutan. Jika Anda ingin " "mengakses fitur-fitur baru yang akan datang, {{jetpackStatsProductLink}}, " "harap pertimbangkan untuk melakukan upgrade{{/jetpackStatsProductLink}}.{{/" "p}}" msgid "Thank you for using Jetpack Stats!" msgstr "Terima kasih telah menggunakan Jetpack Stats!" msgid "There was an error processing your download. Please, try again." msgstr "Terjadi eror saat memproses unduhan Anda. Silakan coba lagi." msgid "There was an error retrieving your file information. Please, try again." msgstr "Terjadi eror saat mengambil informasi file Anda. Mohon coba lagi." msgid "Reverie is a blogging theme inspired by the work of Mark Rothko." msgstr "Reverie adalah tema blog yang terinspirasi oleh karya Mark Rothko." msgid "Custom CSS selectors." msgstr "Pemilih CSS khusus." msgid "" "The Edit Media screen is deprecated as of WordPress 6.3. Please use the " "Media Library instead." msgstr "" "Layar Edit Media sudah tidak digunakan lagi pada WordPress 6.3. Sebagai " "gantinya, silakan gunakanlah Pustaka Media." msgid "" "Create a new connection to %3$s for %1$s. You’ll have " "to re-verify your business details to begin accepting payments. Your " "%2$s connection will remain as is." msgstr "" "Buat koneksi baru ke %3$s untuk %1$s. Anda perlu " "memverifikasi ulang detail bisnis untuk mulai menerima pembayaran. Koneksi " "%2$s Anda akan tetap seperti apa adanya." msgid "" "Transfer your %3$s connection from %2$s to this site " "%1$s. %2$s will be disconnected " "from %3$s." msgstr "" "Transfer koneksi %3$s Anda dari %2$s ke situs " "%1$s. %2$s akan terputus dari %3$s." msgid "" "Notice: It appears that your 'wp-config.php' file might be " "using dynamic site URL values. Dynamic site URLs could cause %s to enter " "Safe Mode. Learn how to set a static site URL." msgstr "" "Pemberitahuan: Sepertinya file 'wp-config.php' Anda " "menggunakan nilai URL situs dinamis. URL situs dinamis dapat menyebabkan %s " "masuk ke Mode Aman. Pelajari cara menetapkan URL " "situs statis." msgid "%s Safe Mode" msgstr "%s Mode Aman" msgid "" "We’ve detected that you have duplicate sites connected to %s. When Safe Mode " "is active, payments will not be interrupted. However, some features may not " "be available until you’ve resolved this issue below. Safe Mode is most " "frequently activated when you’re transferring your site from one domain to " "another, or creating a staging site for testing. A site adminstrator can " "resolve this issue. Learn more" msgstr "" "Kami mendeteksi Anda mempunyai situs ganda yang terhubung ke %s. Ketika Mode " "Aman aktif, pembayaran tidak akan terganggu. Namun, beberapa fitur mungkin " "tidak tersedia sebelum Anda menyelesaikan masalah berikut ini. Mode Aman " "paling sering diaktifkan ketika Anda mentransfer situs Anda dari satu domain " "ke domain lainnya, atau membuat situs uji coba untuk pengujian. " "Administrator situs dapat mengatasi masalah ini. Baca " "selengkapnya" msgid "Safe Mode has been deactivated and %s is fully functional." msgstr "Mode Aman telah dinonaktifkan dan %s telah berfungsi secara normal." msgid "%s connection successfully transferred" msgstr "Koneksi %s berhasil ditransfer" msgid "" "We’ve detected that you have duplicate sites connected to %s. When Safe Mode " "is active, payments will not be interrupted. However, some features may not " "be available until you’ve resolved this issue below. Safe Mode is most " "frequently activated when you’re transferring your site from one domain to " "another, or creating a staging site for testing. Learn more" msgstr "" "Kami mendeteksi Anda mempunyai situs ganda yang terhubung ke %s. Ketika Mode " "Aman aktif, pembayaran tidak akan terganggu. Namun, beberapa fitur mungkin " "tidak tersedia sebelum Anda menyelesaikan masalah berikut ini. Mode Aman " "paling sering diaktifkan ketika Anda mentransfer situs Anda dari satu domain " "ke domain lainnya, atau membuat situs uji coba untuk pengujian. " "Baca selengkapnya" msgid "" "The version of Jetpack installed is too old to be used with %1$s. %1$s has " "been disabled. Please deactivate or update Jetpack." msgstr "" "Versi Jetpack yang terinstal terlalu usang untuk digunakan dengan %1$s. %1$s " "telah dinonaktifkan. Harap nonaktifkan atau perbarui Jetpack." msgid "Yes, deactivate %s" msgstr "Ya, nonaktifkan %s" msgid "Are you sure you want to deactivate %s?" msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menonaktifkan %s?" msgid "" "If you do not want these subscriptions to continue to be billed, you should " "%1$scancel all subscriptions%2$s prior to deactivating %3$s. " msgstr "" "Jika tidak ingin langganan ini untuk terus ditagihkan, Anda harus " "%1$smembatalkan semua langganan%2$s sebelum menonaktifkannya %3$s. " msgid "" "Your store has active subscriptions using the built-in %6$s functionality. " "Due to the %1$soff-site billing engine%3$s these subscriptions use, %4$sthey " "will continue to renew even after you deactivate %6$s%5$s. %2$sLearn more" "%3$s." msgstr "" "Toko Anda memiliki langganan yang menggunakan fungsionalitas %6$s bawaan. " "%1$sMesin penagihan off-site%3$s digunakan oleh langganan ini,%4$s sehingga " "langganan akan terus diperpanjang meski Anda telah menonaktifkannya %6$s" "%5$s. %2$sBaca selengkapnya%3$s." msgctxt "" "used in admin pointer script params in javascript as type pointer content" msgid "" "%1$sChoose Subscription%2$s%3$s%4$s adds two new subscription product types " "- %5$sSimple subscription%6$s and %7$sVariable subscription%8$s.%9$s" msgstr "" "%1$sPilih Langganan%2$s%3$s%4$s akan menambahkan dua jenis produk langganan " "baru - %5$sLangganan sederhana%6$s dan %7$sLangganan variabel%8$s.%9$s" msgid "Help us make improvements to %s" msgstr "Bantu kami meningkatkan %s" msgid "" "Congratulations! Your capital loan has been approved and %1$s was deposited " "into the bank account linked to %2$s. You'll automatically repay the loan, " "plus a flat fee, through a fixed percentage of each %2$s transaction." msgstr "" "Selamat! Pinjaman modal Anda telah disetujui dan %1$s disetorkan ke rekening " "bank yang terhubung dengan %2$s. Anda akan membayar kembali pinjaman " "tersebut secara otomatis, ditambah biaya tetap, melalui persentase tetap " "dari tiap transaksi %2$s." msgid "" "Get immediate access to your funds when you need them – including nights, " "weekends, and holidays. With %s' Instant Deposits feature, you're " "able to transfer your earnings to a debit card within minutes." msgstr "" "Segera akses dana Anda kapan pun dibutuhkan: malam hari, akhir pekan, dan " "hari libur. Dengan fitur Deposit Langsung %s, Anda dapat mentransfer " "pendapatan ke kartu debit dalam hitungan menit." msgid "You’re now eligible to receive Instant Deposits with %s" msgstr "" "Anda sekarang memenuhi syarat untuk menerima Deposit Langsung dengan %s" msgid "To add new currencies to your store, please finish setting up %s." msgstr "" "Untuk menambahkan mata uang baru ke toko Anda, selesaikan penyiapan %s." msgid "" "Risk filtering through %s was not found on this order, it may have been " "created while filtering was not enabled." msgstr "" "Penyaringan risiko melalui %s tidak ditemukan di pesanan ini, yang mungkin " "telah dibuat saat penyaringan tidak diaktifkan." msgid "" "Risk filtering is only available for orders processed using credit cards " "with %s." msgstr "" "Penyaringan risiko hanya tesedia untuk pesanan yang diproses dengan kartu " "kredit menggunakan %s." msgid "" "Risk filtering is only available for orders processed using credit cards " "with %1$s. This order was processed with %2$s." msgstr "" "Penyaringan risiko hanya tesedia untuk pesanan yang diproses dengan kartu " "kredit menggunakan %1$s. Pesanan ini diproses menggunakan %2$s." msgid "" "A refund of %1$s was unsuccessful using %2$s (%3$s)." msgstr "" "Pengembalian dana senilai %1$s gagal dilakukan melalui %2$s " "(%3$s)." msgid "This tool will clear the account cached values used in %s." msgstr "Alat ini akan menghapus nilai cache akun yang digunakan di %s." msgid "Clear %s account cache" msgstr "Hapus cache akun %s" msgid "" "The %1$s version you have installed is not compatible with %2$s for a " "Norwegian business. Please update %1$s to version 7.5 or above. You can do " "that via the the plugins page." msgstr "" "Versi %1$s yang Anda instal tidak kompatibel dengan %2$s untuk bisnis di " "Norwegia. Harap perbarui %1$s ke versi 7.5 atau di atasnya. Anda dapat " "melakukannya melalui pada halaman plugin." msgid "" "A capture of %1$s failed to complete using %2$s (%3$s)." msgstr "" "Transaksi senilai %1$s gagal terekam menggunakan %2$s (" "%3$s)." msgid "" "A payment of %1$s was successfully captured using %2$s (" "%3$s)." msgstr "" "Pembayaran senilai %1$s berhasil terekam menggunakan %2$s " "(%3$s)." msgid "" "A payment of %1$s was started using %2$s (%3$s)." msgstr "" "Pembayaran senilai %1$s telah dimulai menggunakan %2$s " "(%3$s)." msgid "" "A payment of %1$s was authorized using %2$s (%3$s)." msgstr "" "Pembayaran senilai %1$s diizinkan menggunakan %2$s (" "%3$s)." msgid "A payment of %1$s failed using %2$s (%3$s)." msgstr "" "Pembayaran senilai %1$s gagal dilakukan menggunakan %2$s " "(%3$s)." msgid "" "A payment of %1$s was successfully charged using %2$s (" "%3$s)." msgstr "" "Dana senilai %1$s berhasil terpotong menggunakan %2$s (" "%3$s)." msgid "" "You have installed a development version of %s which requires files to be " "built. From the plugin directory, run npm run build:client to " "build and minify assets. Alternatively, you can download a pre-built version " "of the plugin from the repository or by visiting the " "releases page in the GitHub repository." msgstr "" "Anda telah menginstal versi pengembangan %s yang mengharuskan pembuatan " "berkas. Dari direktori plugin, jalankan npm run build:client " "untuk membuat dan meringkas aset. Atau, Anda dapat mengunduh versi pra-" "pasang plugin dari repositori atau dengan mengunjungi " "halaman rilis di repositori GitHub." msgid "" "%1$s requires WordPress %2$s or greater (you are using " "%3$s)." msgstr "" "%1$s memerlukan WordPress versi %2$s atau lebih tinggi " "(saat ini Anda menggunakan versi %3$s)." msgid "" "%1$s requires %2$s %3$s or greater to be installed (you are " "using %4$s)." msgstr "" "%1$s memerlukan instalasi versi %2$s %3$s atau lebih tinggi " "(saat ini Anda menggunakan versi %4$s)." msgid "" "%1$s requires %2$s to be enabled. Please remove the " "woocommerce_admin_disabled filter to use %1$s." msgstr "" "%1$s memerlukan %2$s untuk diaktifkan. Hapus penyaring " "woocommerce_admin_disabled untuk dapat menggunakan %1$s." msgid "" "Update %1$s (recommended) or manually re-install " "a previous version of %2$s." msgstr "" "Perbarui %1$s (direkomendasikan) atau instal ulang " "secara manual %2$s versi sebelumnya." msgid "" "%1$s %2$s requires %3$s %4$s or greater to be installed " "(you are using %5$s). " msgstr "" "%1$s %2$s memerlukan instalasi versi %3$s %4$s atau lebih " "tinggi (saat ini Anda menggunakan versi %5$s). " msgid "%1$s requires %2$s to be installed and active." msgstr "%1$s memerlukan penginstalan dan pengaktifan %2$s." msgid "" "Connection to failed. Please connect to to start " "using %s." msgstr "" "Koneksi ke gagal. Hubungkan ke untuk mulai " "menggunakan %s." msgid "A %s payment method was not provided" msgstr "Metode pembayaran %s tidak disediakan" msgid "" "A refund of %1$s was successfully processed using %2$s. Reason: %3$s. (" "%4$s)" msgstr "" "Pengembalian dana sebesar %1$s berhasil diproses menggunakan %2$s. Alasan: " "%3$s. (%4$s)" msgid "" "A refund of %1$s was successfully processed using %2$s (%3$s)." msgstr "" "Pengembalian dana sebesar %1$s berhasil diproses menggunakan %2$s (" "%3$s)." msgid "Respond to %d active disputes" msgstr "Beri tanggapan untuk %d laporan aktif" msgid "If %s express checkouts should be enabled." msgstr "Jika %s express checkout harus diaktifkan." msgid "%s bank account descriptor to be displayed in customers' bank accounts." msgstr "" "Deskriptor rekening bank %s yang akan ditampilkan di rekening bank pelanggan." msgid "%s Subscriptions feature flag setting." msgstr "Pengaturan tanda fitur Langganan %s." msgid "%s Multi-Currency feature flag setting." msgstr "Pengaturan tanda fitur Multi-Mata uang %s." msgid "%s test mode setting." msgstr "Pengaturan mode pengujian %s." msgid "If %s \"Saved cards\" should be enabled." msgstr "Jika \"Kartu tersimpan\" %s harus diaktifkan." msgid "If %s manual capture of charges should be enabled." msgstr "Jika pengambilan tagihan manual %s harus diaktifkan." msgid "If %s should be enabled." msgstr "Jika %s harus diaktifkan." msgid "" "All transactions are simulated. Customers can't make real purchases through " "%s." msgstr "" "Semua transaksi disimulasikan. Pelanggan tidak dapat melakukan pembelian " "aktual melalui %s." msgid "This represents the fee %s collects for the transaction." msgstr "Ini mewakili biaya yang dikumpulkan %s untuk transaksi tersebut." msgid "" "The selected currency is not available for the country set in your %s " "account." msgstr "" "Mata uang yang dipilih tidak tersedia untuk negara yang ditetapkan di akun " "%s Anda." msgid "%(paidDomainName)s is included" msgstr "Termasuk %(paidDomainName)s" msgid "" "You’ve selected a premium style that will only be visible to visitors after " "upgrading to the %(planTitle)s plan or higher." msgid_plural "" "You’ve selected premium styles that will only be visible to visitors after " "upgrading to the %(planTitle)s plan or higher." msgstr[0] "" "Anda memilih gaya premium yang hanya akan ditampilkan ke pengunjung setelah " "upgrade ke paket %(planTitle)s atau yang lebih tinggi." msgstr[1] "" "Anda memilih beberapa gaya premium yang hanya akan ditampilkan ke pengunjung " "setelah upgrade ke paket %(planTitle)s atau yang lebih tinggi." msgid "Assign a payment method later" msgstr "Tetapkan Metode Pembayaran Nanti" msgctxt "Toolbar" msgid "Search" msgstr "Cari" msgctxt "Toolbar" msgid "Popular Tags" msgstr "Tag Populer" msgid "Manage your site, RSS, and newsletter subscriptions." msgstr "Kelola situs, RSS, dan langganan buletin Anda." msgid "" "Elevate your content with Jetpack AI, your AI assistant in the WordPress " "Editor. Save time writing with effortless content crafting, tone adjustment, " "title generation, grammar checks, translation, and more." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan konten Anda dengan Jetpack AI, asisten AI di Editor WordPress. " "Hemat waktu menulis dengan pembuatan konten yang mudah, penyesuaian gaya, " "pembuatan judul, pemeriksaan tata bahasa, penerjemahan, dan banyak lagi." msgid "Manage your site and newsletter subscriptions." msgstr "Kelola situs dan langganan buletin Anda." msgid "" "Manage sites and newsletters you’ve subscribed to with " "{{span}}%(emailAddress)s{{/span}}." msgstr "" "Kelola langganan situs dan buletin Anda dengan " "{{span}}%(emailAddress)s{{/span}}." msgid "Enter your domain names and authorization codes below." msgstr "Ketik nama domain dan kode otorisasi Anda di bawah ini." msgid "Your domain transfer has started" msgid_plural "Your domain transfers have started" msgstr[0] "Transfer domain Anda sudah dimulai" msgstr[1] "Transfer domain Anda sudah dimulai" msgid "Export OPML" msgstr "Ekspor OPML" msgid "Jetpack Subscribe modal" msgstr "Modal Berlangganan Jetpack" msgid "VideoPress Dashboard" msgstr "Dasbor VideoPress" msgid "" "We think VideoPress is the best video solution for WordPress. Why? It offers " "both a seamless experience for you and a beautiful, ad-free video player for " "your visitors. We are excited to share some new features that will help " "convince you." msgstr "" "Kami yakin VideoPress adalah solusi video terbaik untuk WordPress. Mengapa? " "VideoPress menawarkan kemudahan pengalaman bagi Anda, serta pemutar video " "yang menawan dan bebas iklan bagi pengunjung. Kami tidak sabar ingin " "membagikan sejumlah fitur baru yang dapat membantu meyakinkan Anda." msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Please enter a valid URL" msgstr "Masukkan URL yang valid" msgid "" "Save %s/mo vs buying individually" msgstr "Hemat %s/bln vs beli satuan" msgid "Text, table, and list generation" msgstr "Pembuatan teks, tabel, dan daftar" msgid "Title and summary generation" msgstr "Pembuatan judul dan ringkasan" msgid "Superior spelling and grammar correction" msgstr "Koreksi Ejaan dan Tata Bahasa yang Canggih" msgid "Add your domains" msgstr "Tambah domain Anda" msgid "" "Unique code proving ownership, needed for secure domain transfer between " "registrars." msgstr "" "Kode unik yang membuktikan kepemilikan, diperlukan untuk transfer domain " "yang aman antarpendaftar." msgid "More options for site %s" msgstr "Opsi lainnya untuk situs %s" msgid "" "Just to remind you that your plan purchase is just click away. When you " "build your website with a hosting plan you get:" msgstr "" "Hanya mengingatkan bahwa pembelian paket Anda cukup dengan sekali klik. Jika " "membuat situs dengan paket hosting, Anda mendapatkan:" msgid "" "- Extensibility: 50,000+ plugins and themes at your disposal, custom code " "access, and fast, flexible multi-site management." msgstr "" "- Pengembangan: Akses ke lebih dari 50.000 plugin dan tema, akses kode " "khusus, serta pengelolaan banyak situs yang cepat dan fleksibel." msgid "" "- Reliability and security: WordPress-optimized hosting with realtime " "backups, DDOS/WAF protection, high-frequency CPUs, 28+ location global CDN, " "automated burst scaling, global edge caching, and more." msgstr "" "- Keandalan dan keamanan: Hosting yang dioptimalkan untuk WordPress dengan " "pencadangan real-time, perlindungan DDOS/WAF, CPU berfrekuensi tinggi, CDN " "global di lebih dari 28 lokasi, peningkatan skala otomatis, edge caching " "global, dan banyak lagi." msgid "" "- Advanced developer control: SSH access, WP-CLI, Git syncing, custom code, " "and site staging." msgstr "" "- Kontrol pengembang lanjutan: Akses SSH, WP-CLI, sinkronisasi Git, kode " "khusus, dan staging situs." msgid "" "- Clear, simple pricing: completely unmetered bandwidth, no surprise " "overages." msgstr "" "- Harga yang jelas dan sederhana: bandwidth tanpa batas sepenuhnya, tanpa " "biaya berlebih tak terduga." msgid "" "Looks like you didn't finish checking out with your %1$s plan. Just a " "reminder that by completing your purchase you’ll have access to all the " "benefits of managed hosting with WordPress.​com, including:" msgstr "" "Sepertinya Anda belum selesai checkout paket %1$s. Sekadar mengingatkan " "bahwa dengan menyelesaikan pembelian, Anda akan memiliki akses ke semua " "manfaat hosting terkelola dengan WordPress.​com, yang mencakup:" msgid "" "Just to remind you that your plan purchase is just click away. When you build your " "website with a hosting plan you get:" msgstr "" "Hanya mengingatkan bahwa pembelian paket Anda cukup dengan sekali klik. Jika membuat situs " "dengan paket hosting, Anda mendapatkan:" msgid "Secure your upgrade and don’t miss a thing" msgstr "Dapatkan upgrade Anda dan jangan lewatkan" msgid "Ready to take your site further?" msgstr "Siap meningkatkan situs Anda lebih jauh?" msgid "" "Support: exclusive access to our expert Happiness Engineers" msgstr "" "Dukungan: Akses eksklusif ke Happiness Engineer ahli kami" msgid "" "Extensibility: 50,000+ plugins and themes at your disposal, " "custom code access, and fast, flexible multi-site management" msgstr "" "Pengembangan: Akses ke lebih dari 50.000 plugin dan tema, " "akses kode khusus, serta pengelolaan banyak situs yang cepat dan fleksibel" msgid "" "Reliability and security: WordPress-optimized hosting with " "realtime backups, DDOS/WAF protection, high-frequency CPUs, 28+ location " "global CDN, automated burst scaling, global edge caching, and more" msgstr "" "Keandalan dan keamanan: Hosting yang dioptimalkan untuk " "WordPress dengan pencadangan real-time, perlindungan DDOS/WAF, CPU " "berfrekuensi tinggi, CDN global di lebih dari 28 lokasi, peningkatan skala " "otomatis, edge caching global, dan banyak lagi" msgid "" "Advanced developer control: SSH access, WP-CLI, Git " "syncing, custom code, and site staging" msgstr "" "Kontrol pengembang lanjutan: Akses SSH, WP-CLI, " "sinkronisasi Git, kode khusus, dan staging situs" msgid "" "Clear, simple pricing: completely unmetered bandwidth, no " "surprise overages" msgstr "" "Harga yang jelas dan sederhana: bandwidth tanpa batas " "sepenuhnya, tanpa biaya berlebih tak terduga" msgid "" "Looks like you didn't finish checking out with your %1$s plan. Just a " "reminder that by completing your purchase you’ll have access to all the benefits of " "managed hosting with WordPress.​com, including:" msgstr "" "Sepertinya Anda belum selesai checkout paket %1$s. Sekadar mengingatkan " "bahwa dengan menyelesaikan pembelian, Anda akan memiliki akses ke semua manfaat " "hosting terkelola dengan WordPress.​com, yang mencakup:" msgid "Ready to unlock your new plan’s features?" msgstr "Siap menggunakan fitur-fitur paket baru Anda?" msgid "Ready to finish checking out?" msgstr "Siap menyelesaikan checkout?" msgid "There’s a plan upgrade waiting for you in your cart" msgstr "Ada upgrade paket yang menunggu tindakan Anda di keranjang" msgid "The plan you selected is waiting in your cart" msgstr "Paket yang Anda pilih sudah ada di keranjang" msgid "Get started with the world’s best managed hosting" msgstr "Memulai dengan hosting terkelola terbaik di dunia" msgid "A catchy name and description can set a newsletter apart." msgstr "Nama dan deskripsi yang menarik dapat menjadikan buletin potensial." msgid "" "Didone draws inspiration from a genre of serif typeface that originated in " "the 18th century and became the standard style for general-purpose printing. " "It is bold, straightforward and timeless, designed to bring attention to the " "content and ideal to those looking to showcase written content elegantly." msgstr "" "Didone mengambil inspirasi dari genre jenis huruf serif yang berasal dari " "abad ke-18 dan menjadi gaya standar untuk pencetakan umum. Didone tegas, " "langsung, dan abadi, dirancang untuk menarik perhatian pada konten dan ideal " "bagi mereka yang ingin menampilkan konten tulisan dengan elegan." msgid "Discover more from %s" msgstr "Jelajahi %s lebih lanjut" msgid "Show popup Subscribe modal to readers." msgstr "Tampilkan modal Langganan popup kepada pembaca." msgid "Subscribers: %s" msgstr "Pelanggan: %s" msgid "Via Email" msgstr "Via E-mail" msgid "" "Collect payments from credit/debit cards securely from anywhere with Stripe." msgstr "" "Terima pembayaran dari kartu kredit/debit dengan aman dari mana saja dengan " "Stripe." msgid "Payment buttons" msgstr "Tombol pembayaran" msgid "Collect payments with PayPal" msgstr "Terima pembayaran dengan PayPal." msgid "Download subscribers as CSV" msgstr "Unduh pelanggan dalam format CSV" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Restaurant" msgstr "Restoran" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Style variations" msgstr "Variasi gaya" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Custom logo" msgstr "Logo khusus" msgid "There was an error preparing your download. Please, try again." msgstr "Terjadi eror saat menyiapkan unduhan Anda. Silakan coba lagi." msgid "Prepare and download" msgstr "Siapkan dan unduh" msgid "Preparing" msgstr "Menyiapkan" msgid "Reset filter" msgstr "Reset penyaring" msgid "" "Mpho is a minimalist single column theme that draws inspiration from short-" "sized posts and social networks. It prioritizes the post content and author, " "featuring a header with the author's bio and profile picture. With its " "simplicity, Mpho offers four style variations to suit different preferences." msgstr "" "Mpho adalah tema kolom tunggal yang minimalis yang terinspirasi dari pos-pos " "berukuran pendek dan jaringan sosial. Tema ini memberikan prioritas pada " "konten pos dan penulis, dengan menampilkan header yang berisi biografi " "penulis dan foto profil. Dengan kesederhanaannya, Mpho menawarkan empat " "variasi gaya untuk memenuhi berbagai preferensi." msgid "" "Nested is a blog design that displays posts overlapping featured images as a " "Matryoshka effect." msgstr "" "Nested adalah desain blog yang menampilkan pos-pos yang tumpang tindih " "dengan gambar andalan sebagai efek Matryoshka." msgid "Here are some other sites that match your search." msgstr "Berikut adalah beberapa situs lain yang cocok dengan pencarian Anda." msgid "Success! You are now subscribed to %s." msgstr "Selamat! Anda sekarang telah berlangganan %s." msgid "" "Sorry, {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is a premium domain. We don't support " "purchasing this premium domain on" msgstr "" "Maaf, {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} adalah domain premium. Kami tidak " "dapat memproses pembelian domain premium ini di" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is already registered on another site you " "own." msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} sudah terdaftar di situs lain milik Anda." msgid "Elevate your design with expertly curated font pairings." msgstr "" "Percantik desain Anda dengan pasangan font yang telah dikurasi dengan baik." msgid "" "Maximize uptime with our swift 1-minute interval alerts, now supporting " "multi-emails and SMS notifications." msgstr "" "Maksimalkan uptime dengan peringatan interval 1 menit yang cepat dari kami. " "Kini mendukung pemberitahuan multi-email dan SMS." msgid "Your uptime, our priority: enhanced Downtime Monitoring" msgstr "" "Waktu aktif Anda, prioritas kami: Pemantauan Downtime yang ditingkatkan" msgid " Migration Trial" msgstr "Uji Coba Migrasi" msgid "Show preview" msgstr "Tampilkan pratinjau" msgid "This preview is hidden because it contains sensitive information." msgstr "Pratinjau ini disembunyikan karena mengandung informasi sensitif." msgid "Sorry, you can't purchase two Stats products" msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat membeli dua produk Statistik" msgid "Your site already has %s, so it was removed from your cart." msgstr "Situs Anda memiliki %s, yang telah dihapus dari keranjang Anda." msgid "" "Luminance is a bold blogging theme with opinionated typography and unique " "aesthetics that sets your blog apart from the crowd." msgstr "" "Luminance adalah tema blog yang berani dengan tipografi yang memiliki " "pendapat dan estetika yang unik yang membedakan blog Anda dari yang lain." msgid "" "The %(taxName)s details saved on this page will be applied to all receipts " "in your account." msgstr "" "Data %(taxName)s yang disimpan di halaman ini akan diterapkan ke semua tanda " "terima di akun Anda." msgid "VAT, GST, and other taxes" msgstr "VAT, GST, dan pajak lainnya" msgid "Contact Happiness Engineers" msgstr "Hubungi Happiness Engineer" msgid "Enable customers to make the same purchase multiple times" msgstr "" "Memungkinkan pelanggan untuk melakukan pembelian yang sama berulang kali" msgid "The welcome message sent when your customer completes their order." msgstr "" "Pesan selamat datang dikirimkan setelah pelanggan menyelesaikan pesanannya." msgid "Renewal frequency" msgstr "Frekuensi perpanjangan" msgid "Let your audience know what they'll get when they subscribe." msgstr "" "Biarkan audiens Anda tahu apa yang akan mereka dapatkan saat berlangganan." msgid "Edit newsletter tier options" msgstr "Sunting pilihan tingkatan buletin" msgid "Set up newsletter tier options" msgstr "Siapkan pilihan tingkatan buletin" msgid "Duplicate request rejected" msgstr "Permintaan yang sama telah ditolak" msgid "Edit a page" msgstr "Sunting halaman" msgid "" "With Jetpack Social you can automatically post to Facebook, Instagram, " "LinkedIn, Mastodon & Tumblr." msgstr "" "Dengan Jetpack Social, Anda dapat secara otomatis membagikan pos ke " "Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Mastodon dan Tumblr." msgid "" "Post to Facebook, Instagram, Threads, LinkedIn, Mastodon, Nextdoor & Tumblr" msgstr "" "Unggah pos ke Facebook, Instagram, Threads, LinkedIn, Mastodon, Nextdoor, & " "Tumblr" msgid "%d%%" msgstr "%d%%" msgid "Paid content gating" msgstr "Konten premium berbayar" msgid "Transfer more domains" msgstr "Transfer domain lainnya" msgid "" "Add all domain names (along with their authorization codes) to start the " "transfer." msgstr "" "Tambahkan semua nama domain (dengan kode otorisasinya) untuk memulai " "transfer." msgid "" "Your current registrar's domain management interface should have an option " "for you to remove the lock." msgstr "" "Antarmuka pengelolaan domain dari registrar Anda saat ini harus memiliki " "pilihan untuk membuka kunci ini." msgid "Unlock your domains" msgstr "Membuka domain Anda" msgid "" "Follow these three simple steps to transfer your domains to" msgstr "" "Ikuti tiga langkah mudah berikut untuk mentransfer domain ke" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Five Columns" msgstr "Lima Kolom" msgid "" "Bring your subscribers along from another platform to your free or paid " "newsletter." msgstr "" "Bawa pelanggan Anda dari platform lain ke buletin gratis atau berbayar Anda." msgid "Import an existing newsletter" msgstr "Impor buletin yang sudah ada" msgid "" "Add paid subscriptions and gated content to allow your readers to support " "your work." msgstr "" "Tambahkan langganan berbayar dan konten premium agar pembaca Anda dapat " "mendukung karya Anda." msgid "Paid newsletter" msgstr "Buletin berbayar" msgid "" "Start a newsletter with free content and grow your audience. You can always " "monetize it later." msgstr "" "Mulai buletin dengan konten gratis dan kembangkan audiens Anda. Anda selalu " "dapat memonetisasinya nanti." msgid "Free newsletter" msgstr "Buletin gratis" msgid "Choose a way to get started" msgstr "Pilih cara untuk memulai" msgid "Charge items" msgstr "Item tagihan" msgid "Order meta items" msgstr "Item meta pesanan" msgid "Store items" msgstr "Item toko" msgid "New exchange rate:" msgstr "Nilai tukar baru:" msgid "Suggested exchange rate: " msgstr "Nilai tukar yang disarankan: " msgid "Charge Currency" msgstr "Mata Uang Tagihan" msgid "Charge Exchange Rate" msgstr "Nilai Tukar Tagihan" msgid "Stripe Exchange Rate" msgstr "Nilai Tukar Stripe" msgid "Multi-Currency Exchange Rate" msgstr "Nilai Tukar Multi-Mata Uang" msgid "Intent Currency" msgstr "Mata Uang Tujuan" msgid "Intent ID" msgstr "ID Tujuan" msgid "Payment Method Title" msgstr "Judul Metode Pembayaran" msgid "Payment Method ID" msgstr "ID Metode Pembayaran" msgid "Order Default Currency" msgstr "Mata Uang Default Pesanan" msgid "Order Currency" msgstr "Mata Uang Pesanan" msgid "Multi-Currency Meta Helper" msgstr "Bantuan Meta Multi-Mata Uang" msgid "The exchange rate has been updated:
From: %1$s
To: %2$s" msgstr "Nilai tukar telah diperbarui:
Dari: %1$s
Menjadi: %2$s" msgid "Unknown or unavailable fee structure: \"%1$s\"" msgstr "Struktur biaya tidak diketahui atau tidak tersedia: \"%1$s\"" msgid "Install %s for free" msgstr "Instal %s gratis" msgid "You’ve saved on fees with %s!" msgstr "Anda sudah berhemat dengan %s!" msgid "" "Congratulations! Your %1$s fees have now been reduced by %2$s until %3$s. " "That’s only %4$s per card transaction!" msgstr "" "Selamat! Kini biaya %1$s Anda telah didiskon sebesar %2$s hingga %3$s. " "Nilainya cuma %4$s per transaksi kartu!" msgid "You’re in – welcome to %s" msgstr "Anda berhasil – selamat datang di %s" msgid "Uploading CSV file…" msgstr "Mengunggah file CSV..." msgid "Add subscribers to %s" msgstr "Tambah pelanggan ke %s" msgid "Continue with purchase here" msgstr "Lanjutkan dengan pembelian di sini" msgid "Unlock savings now" msgstr "Pilih berhemat sekarang" msgid "" "As a Jetpack partner, by purchasing products through our Agency & Pro tools, " "you get:" msgstr "" "Sebagai mitra Jetpack, dengan membeli produk melalui alat Agency & Pro kami, " "Anda akan mendapatkan:" msgid "Get a recurring discount and more flexible billing" msgstr "Dapatkan diskon berulang dan penagihan yang lebih fleksibel" msgid "For Agencies & Pros" msgstr "Untuk Agensi & Pro" msgid "More flexible billing (only pay per day of use, billed monthly)." msgstr "" "Penagihan yang lebih fleksibel (hanya membayar per hari penggunaan, ditagih " "setiap bulan)." msgid "A recurring discount (not just for the first year)." msgstr "Diskon berulang (tidak hanya untuk tahun pertama)." msgid "Up to 60% off our products and bundles." msgstr "Diskon hingga 60% untuk produk dan bundel kami." msgid "" "Pieria is a theme focused on typography — essentially following a low-level " "styling approach. Its headings, paragraphs, links, and navigation have the " "same appearance, with everything sitting quietly into simple columns that " "split navigation, blog posts, and a content block. A soft design to make " "your content sparkle." msgstr "" "Pieria adalah tema yang berfokus pada tipografi - pada dasarnya mengikuti " "pendekatan gaya tingkat rendah. Judul, paragraf, tautan, dan navigasinya " "memiliki tampilan yang sama, dengan semuanya ditempatkan dengan tenang dalam " "kolom sederhana yang memisahkan navigasi, pos blog, dan blok konten. Desain " "yang lembut untuk membuat konten Anda bersinar." msgid "%1$s is no longer supported" msgstr "%1$s tidak lagi didukung" msgid "" "The %1$s sharing service has shut down or discontinued support for sharing " "buttons. This sharing button is not displayed to your visitors and should be " "removed." msgstr "" "Layanan berbagi %1$s telah menonaktifkan atau menghentikan dukungan untuk " "tombol berbagi. Tombol berbagi ini tidak ditampilkan kepada pengunjung dan " "akan dihapus." msgid "" "Poesis pays homage to the literary figures represented in the painting “Six " "Tuscan Poets” by the Italian Renaissance painter, architect, and art " "historian Giorgio Vasari and is ideal for poetry or short stories. The theme" "\\'s main feature is its split layout, with a full height column containing " "a sticky header and footer and scrollable content on the other column." msgstr "" "Poesis menghormati tokoh-tokoh sastra yang diwakili dalam lukisan \"Enam " "Penyair Tuscany\" oleh pelukis Renaisans Italia, arsitek, dan sejarawan seni " "Giorgio Vasari dan sangat cocok untuk puisi atau cerita pendek. Fitur utama " "tema ini adalah tata letak terbaginya, dengan kolom tinggi penuh yang berisi " "header dan footer yang melekat, serta konten yang dapat di-scroll pada kolom " "lainnya." msgid "" "Issue is a magazine theme focused on sizable typography and imagery to grow " "your blog posts, reviews, artwork, and news." msgstr "" "Issue adalah tema majalah yang berfokus pada tipografi dan gambar yang besar " "untuk memperluas pos blog, ulasan, karya seni, dan berita Anda." msgid "" "Artly is a WordPress theme designed for blogs and magazines. Its modern, " "offset layout for posts and pages comes in three style variations, allowing " "you to showcase your content in a visually stunning and functional way. With " "Artly, you can display your content beautifully and efficiently, all in a " "package that is easy to use and customize." msgstr "" "Artly adalah tema WordPress yang dirancang untuk blog dan majalah. Tampilan " "modern dan terpisah untuk pos dan halaman hadir dalam tiga variasi gaya, " "memungkinkan Anda untuk menampilkan konten Anda dengan cara yang menarik " "secara visual dan fungsional. Dengan Artly, Anda dapat menampilkan konten " "Anda dengan indah dan efisien, semua dalam paket yang mudah digunakan dan " "disesuaikan." msgid "" "Fotograma is a portfolio theme for photographers seeking to showcase " "powerful photography in large sizes." msgstr "" "Fotograma adalah tema portofolio untuk fotografer yang ingin menampilkan " "fotografi yang kuat dalam ukuran besar." msgid "" "Covr is a simple and straightforward theme designed for a sleek presentation " "of images. With its full width images home template, Covr makes any " "photography blog, portfolio or blog beautiful and enjoyable to browse " "through. Contrasting with the immersiveness is its highly functional single " "post template. Use Covr to present your work, display your photos or tell " "your stories." msgstr "" "Covr adalah tema yang sederhana dan langsung untuk presentasi gambar yang " "elegan. Dengan template rumah gambar penuh lebar, Covr membuat blog " "fotografi, portofolio, atau blog apapun menjadi indah dan menyenangkan untuk " "dinavigasi. Berbeda dengan kesan yang mendalam, template pos tunggalnya " "sangat fungsional. Gunakan Covr untuk mempresentasikan karya Anda, " "menampilkan foto-foto Anda, atau menceritakan cerita Anda." msgid "" "Common\\'s style is anything but ordinary and it speaks for itself. The " "unique combination of an uppercase monospaced font and aesthetically " "pleasing demo content creates an excellent foundation for any website. " "Common is perfect for showcasing photos, articles, or collections of " "content. With its ever-present sidebar menu, browsing through content is " "both effortless and enjoyable." msgstr "" "Gaya Common tidak biasa dan berbicara sendiri. Kombinasi unik antara font " "monospasi huruf kapital dan konten demo yang estetis menciptakan dasar yang " "sangat baik untuk setiap situs. Common sempurna untuk memamerkan foto, " "artikel, atau koleksi konten. Dengan menu bilah sisi yang selalu ada, " "menjelajahi konten menjadi mudah dan menyenangkan." msgid "" "Learn how Woo can support the unique needs of high-volume stores through " "dedicated support, discounts, and more." msgstr "" "Pelajari cara Woo memenuhi kebutuhan yang unik akan penyimpanan bervolume " "besar melalui dukungan, diskon, dan layanan khusus lainnya." msgid "Enterprise ecommerce" msgstr "Enterprise ecommerce" msgid "Confirm Connection" msgstr "Konfirmasi Koneksi" msgid "" "Attach {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} to a site you're an administrator " "of:" msgstr "" "Lampirkan {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} ke situs tempat Anda berperan " "sebagai administrator:" msgid "" "Do you want to attach {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} to site " "{{strong}}%(targetSiteTitle)s{{/strong}}?" msgstr "" "Apakah Anda ingin melampirkan {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} ke situs " "{{strong}}%(targetSiteTitle)s{{/strong}}?" msgid "Attach to an existing site" msgstr "Lampirkan ke situs yang sudah ada" msgid "" "With %d GB storage, and the ability to upgrade as you grow, you can upload " "image galleries, videos, presentations, important documents, and anything " "else your business website needs." msgstr "" "Dengan ruang penyimpanan sebesar %d GB yang dapat diupgrade seiring " "perkembangan situs, Anda dapat mengunggah galeri gambar, video, presentasi, " "dokumen penting, dan apa pun yang diperlukan untuk situs web bisnis Anda." msgid "%d GB storage" msgstr "Penyimpanan %d GB" msgid "%d GB" msgstr "%d GB" msgid "Something went wrong while trying to load Google sign-in." msgstr "Ada yang salah saat mencoba memuat Google sign-in." msgid "%(productName)s plan" msgstr "Paket %(productName)s" msgid "Find your new theme" msgstr "Temukan tema baru Anda" msgid "" "Get access to this theme, and a ton of other features, with a subscription " "to the %(planName)s plan. It’s {{strong}}%(planPrice)s{{/strong}} per month, " "risk-free with a 7-day money-back guarantee." msgstr "" "Akses tema ini dan aneka fitur lainnya dengan berlangganan paket " "%(planName)s. {{strong}}%(planPrice)s{{/strong}} per bulan, bebas risiko " "dengan jaminan 7 hari uang kembali." msgid "Compare Jetpack bundles" msgstr "Bandingkan paket Jetpack" msgid "" "PS: Want even more themes? Upgrade your plan and access additional high-" "quality premium themes: %s" msgstr "" "NB: Ingin lebih banyak tema? Upgrade paket Anda agar dapat mengakses tema " "premium tambahan berkualitas: %s" msgid "Continue setting up your site: %s" msgstr "Lanjutkan penyiapan situs Anda: %s" msgid "Welcome! Let’s set up your new website." msgstr "Selamat datang! Ayo siapkan situs web baru Anda." msgid "" "Upgrade your site today, and you’ll unlock monetization features like " "WordAds, Pay with PayPal, the ability to solicit tips and donations, and " "more!" msgstr "" "Upgrade situs Anda hari ini dan dapatkan fitur monetisasi seperti WordAds, " "Bayar dengan PayPal, kemampuan mengumpulkan tips dan donasi, dan banyak lagi!" msgid "" "Plus, paid plan users enjoy even more benefits, with lightning-fast servers, " "Jetpack security features built in, and round-the-clock support." msgstr "" "Selain itu, pengguna paket berbayar dapat menikmati lebih banyak keuntungan, " "dengan server secepat kilat, fitur keamanan bawaan Jetpack, dan dukungan " "setiap saat." msgid "" "Launching your website with us means you’ve got all the flexibility of the " "world’s most popular website builder paired with the speed and reliability " "of hosting with It’s the best choice for managed hosting. " "Period." msgstr "" "Peluncuran situs menggunakan layanan kami akan memberi Anda semua " "fleksibilitas pembuat situs terpopuler di dunia, serta kecepatan dan " "keandalan hosting menggunakan Pilihan hosting terkelola yang " "terbaik. Tak perlu ragu." msgid "Jetpack-powered speed and reliability." msgstr "Kecepatan dan keandalan yang didukung Jetpack." msgid "" "Plus, with the advanced customizability and functionality available with our " "paid plans, you can do even more with your website." msgstr "" "Anda juga bisa lebih memaksimalkan situs dengan kemampuan penyesuaian dan " "fungsionalitas tingkat lanjut dalam paket berbayar kami." msgid "" "Ready to supercharge your website? Integrate your favorite services now or " "upgrade your plan to add even more functionality — %s." msgstr "" "Siap untuk meningkatkan keandalan situs Anda? Integrasikan layanan favorit " "Anda sekarang atau upgrade paket untuk menambahkan lebih banyak " "fungsionalitas — %s." msgid "Unlock your website’s potential." msgstr "Maksimalkan potensi situs Anda." msgid "Your first year of domain name registration is on the house." msgstr "Tahun pertama registrasi nama domain Anda, kami yang tanggung." msgid "" "Plus, with more than 350 domain extensions to choose from, you can select an " "ending that fits your brand. Upgrade to a paid plan and grab your custom " "address today: %s" msgstr "" "Selain itu, dengan lebih dari 350 pilihan ekstensi domain, Anda dapat " "menentukan pilihan yang tepat untuk merek Anda. Upgrade ke paket berbayar " "dan dapatkan alamat kustom Anda hari ini: %s" msgid "Supercharge your brand." msgstr "Jadikan brand Anda lebih andal." msgid "" "PS: Want even more themes? Upgrade your plan and access additional high-" "quality premium themes." msgstr "" "NB: Ingin lebih banyak tema? Upgrade paket Anda agar dapat mengakses " "tema premium tambahan berkualitas:" msgid "" "Upgrade your site today and you’ll unlock monetization features like WordAds, Pay with PayPal, the " "ability to solicit tips and donations, and more!" msgstr "" "Upgrade situs " "Anda hari ini dan dapatkan fitur monetisasi seperti WordAds, Bayar dengan PayPal, " "kemampuan mengumpulkan tips dan donasi, dan banyak lagi!" msgid "" "Plus paid plan users enjoy even more benefits, with lightning-fast " "servers, Jetpack security features built in, and round-the-clock support." msgstr "" "Selain itu, pengguna paket berbayar dapat menikmati lebih banyak " "keuntungan, dengan server secepat kilat, fitur keamanan bawaan Jetpack, dan " "dukungan setiap saat." msgid "" "Launching your website with us means you’ve got all the flexibility of " "the world’s most popular website builder paired with the speed and " "reliability of hosting with It’s the best choice for managed " "hosting. Period." msgstr "" "Peluncuran situs menggunakan layanan kami akan memberi Anda semua " "fleksibilitas pembuat situs terpopuler di dunia, serta kecepatan " "dan keandalan hosting menggunakan Pilihan hosting terkelola " "yang terbaik. Tak perlu ragu." msgid "" "Plus, with the advanced customizability and functionality available with our " "paid plans, you can do even more with your website." msgstr "" "Anda juga bisa lebih memaksimalkan situs dengan kemampuan penyesuaian dan " "fungsionalitas tingkat lanjut dalam paket berbayar kami." msgid "" "Ready to supercharge your website? Integrate your favorite services now " "or upgrade your plan to add even more functionality." msgstr "" "Siap untuk meningkatkan keandalan situs Anda? Integrasikan layanan " "favorit Anda sekarang atau upgrade paket untuk menambahkan " "lebih banyak fungsionalitas." msgid "" "Plus, with more than 350 domain extensions to choose from, you can select an " "ending that fits your brand. Upgrade to a paid plan and grab your " "custom address today." msgstr "" "Selain itu, dengan lebih dari 350 pilihan ekstensi domain, Anda dapat " "menentukan pilihan yang tepat untuk brand Anda. Upgrade ke paket " "berbayar dan dapatkan alamat Anda kustom hari ini." msgid "Upgrade your site with a custom domain" msgstr "Upgrade situs Anda dengan domain kustom" msgid "" "With, creating a beautiful website is easy. " "Featuring countless theme options and advanced customization " "capabilities, we’ve got you covered!" msgstr "" "Dengan, pembuatan situs yang estetik jadi mudah. Dengan pilihan tema melimpah, serta kemampuan penyesuaian " "lanjutan, kami siap membantu Anda!" msgid "Ready for the website of your dreams?" msgstr "Siap untuk situs impian Anda?" msgid "" "Our professional website-building experts can create the site of your " "dreams, no matter the scope of your project – from small websites and " "personal blogs to large-scale custom development and migrations." msgstr "" "Para ahli pembuatan situs profesional kami dapat menciptakan situs impian, " "apa pun lingkup proyek Anda – mulai dari situs kecil dan blog pribadi hingga " "pengembangan kustom dan migrasi situs berskala besar." msgid "Get website building services" msgstr "Dapatkan layanan pembuatan situs" msgid "" "- Have a feature you would like to see on the dashboard? Reach out to us at " "" msgstr "" "- Ada fitur yang ingin Anda lihat di dasbor? Hubungi kami di " "" msgid "- Reports to showcase the value you provide to your clients." msgstr "- Laporan untuk menampilkan manfaat yang Anda berikan kepada klien." msgid "" "- The ability to purchase and manage Jetpack VaultPress Backup upgrades." msgstr "- Kemampuan membeli dan mengelola upgrade Jetpack VaultPress Backup." msgid "- Additional Downtime Monitor functionality." msgstr "- Fungsionalitas Pemantauan Downtime tambahan." msgid "" "It’s time to take your clients’ social media game to the next level! " "Mastodon has now been added as a social channel you can post to in Jetpack " "Social" msgstr "" "Sekarang saatnya mengembangkan media sosial klien Anda! Kini Mastodon telah " "ditambahkan sebagai saluran sosial untuk menambahkan pos Anda di Jetpack " "Social" msgid "Take our 2 minute survey" msgstr "Isi survei 2 menit kami" msgid "- Priority support" msgstr "- Dukungan prioritas" msgid "- High-volume request access" msgstr "- Akses permintaan bervolume besar" msgid "- Title & summary generation" msgstr "- Pembuatan judul & ringkasan" msgid "- Superior Spelling and Grammar Correction" msgstr "- Perbaikan Ejaan dan Tata Bahasa yang Canggih" msgid "- Adaptive Tone Adjustment" msgstr "- Pengaturan Gaya Bahasa yang Adaptif" msgid "- Generate text, tables, and lists" msgstr "- Buat teks, tabel, dan daftar" msgid "- Prompt-based content generation" msgstr "- Pembuatan konten berbasis prompt" msgid "July Jetpack Agency & Pro Partner Program Newsletter" msgstr "Buletin Juli Mitra Jetpack Agency & Pro" msgid "" "Have a feature you would like to see on the dashboard? Reach out to us at" msgstr "" "Ada fitur yang ingin Anda lihat di dasbor? Hubungi kami di" msgid "Reports to showcase the value you provide to your clients" msgstr "Laporan untuk menampilkan manfaat yang Anda berikan kepada klien." msgid "The ability to purchase and manage Jetpack VaultPress Backup upgrades" msgstr "Kemampuan membeli dan mengelola upgrade Jetpack VaultPress Backup." msgid "Additional Downtime Monitor functionality" msgstr "Fungsionalitas Pemantauan Downtime tambahan" msgid "" "Our upcoming roadmap includes several new features that still need to be " "released. They include:" msgstr "" "Rencana kerja kami selanjutnya menyertakan beberapa fitur baru yang masih " "perlu dirilis. Ini meliputi:" msgid "" "In the Jetpack Pro Dashboard, under the \"Dashboard Tab\", you can see more " "detailed info related to Stats, Backup and Downtime Monitor for a site by " "clicking on the chevron icon on the very right of a site listing." msgstr "" "Di Dasbor Jetpack Pro, di bawah tab \"Dasbor\", Anda dapat melihat info " "terperinci tentang Statistik, Pencadangan, dan Pemantauan Downtime untuk " "situs dengan mengeklik ikon chevron (panah bawah) di ujung kanan daftar " "situs." msgid "Tip of the Month" msgstr "Tip Bulan Ini" msgid "" "It’s time to take your clients’ social media game to the next level! " "Mastodon has now been added as a social channel you can post to in Jetpack " "Social." msgstr "" "Sekarang saatnya mengembangkan media sosial klien Anda! Kini Mastodon telah " "ditambahkan sebagai saluran sosial untuk menambahkan pos Anda di Jetpack " "Social." msgid "Social Sharing Made Effortless: Mastodon Integration" msgstr "Mudah Berbagi ke Media Sosial: Integrasi Mastodon" msgid "" "Monetizing your passion has never been easier. Whether accepting donations, " "selling exclusive content, or offering products or services, Jetpack " "provides the tools you need to effortlessly integrate these features into " "your website." msgstr "" "Monetisasi hobi Anda kini makin mudah. Untuk menerima donasi, menjual konten " "eksklusif, dan menawarkan produk atau layanan, Jetpack menyediakan alat yang " "dibutuhkan untuk mengintegrasikan fitur-fitur ini ke situs Anda dengan mudah." msgid "" "We believe that your valuable content deserves recognition and rewards. " "That’s why we’re excited to announce that Donations, Paid Content, and " "Payment Buttons blocks are now available to all." msgstr "" "Kami yakin bahwa konten Anda penting serta layak untuk diakui dan dihargai. " "Kami pun tidak sabar untuk memberitaukan bahwa blok Tombol Donasi, Konten " "Berbayar, dan Pembayaran kini tersedia untuk semua." msgid "" "Monetize Your Content with Donations, Paid Content, and Payment Buttons!" msgstr "" "Monetisasi Konten Anda dengan Tombol Donasi, Konten Berbayar, dan " "Pembayaran! " msgid "Take our short survey" msgstr "Isi survei singkat kami" msgid "" "If you could take 2 minutes to fill out our short survey, you will have the " "opportunity to inform our roadmap. Thank you." msgstr "" "Anda bisa mengetahui rencana kerja kami dengan meluangkan 2 menit untuk " "mengisi survei singkat kami. Terima kasih." msgid "" "We would love to understand more about your needs, so Jetpack can build " "tools that help you deliver more value to your clients." msgstr "" "Kami ingin makin memahami kebutuhan Anda agar Jetpack dapat membuat alat " "untuk membantu memberikan nilai lebih bagi klien Anda." msgid "Help us make you more efficient and deliver more value to your clients" msgstr "" "Bantu kami agar Anda bisa menjadi lebih efisien dan memberikan nilai lebih " "bagi klien Anda" msgid "High-volume request access" msgstr "Akses permintaan bervolume besar" msgid "Prompt-based content generation" msgstr "Pembuatan konten berbasis prompt" msgid "Cost: $9.73/month" msgstr "Biaya: $9,73/bulan" msgid "" "This powerful WordPress AI tool lets you generate compelling blog posts, " "detailed pages, structured lists, and comprehensive tables, reducing your " "time and effort on content creation." msgstr "" "Alat WordPress AI yang andal ini memungkinkan Anda membuat pos blog yang " "menarik, halaman terperinci, daftar terstruktur, dan tabel yang " "komprehensif, agar waktu dan upaya Anda lebih efisien dalam membuat konten." msgid "" "Jetpack AI Assistant fits right into your WordPress Editor. Its intuitive " "interface lets you engage with AI, like chatting with a colleague." msgstr "" "Jetpack AI Assistant ideal untuk Editor WordPress Anda. Lewat antarmuka " "intuitifnya, Anda dapat berinteraksi dengan AI seperti sedang berbincang " "dengan kolega." msgid "Jetpack AI announcement image" msgstr "Gambar pengumuman Jetpack AI" msgid "On the Roadmap" msgstr "Dalam Rencana Kerja" msgid "New in the Jetpack" msgstr "Baru di Jetpack " msgid "" "This month we’ve added Jetpack AI, social posting to Mastodon, and the " "ability to monetize your content!" msgstr "" "Bulan ini kami telah menambahkan Jetpack AI, posting media sosial ke " "Mastodon, dan kemampuan untuk monetisasi konten Anda!" msgid "What’s new, partner" msgstr "Ada yang baru, sobat" msgid "You monthly Jetpack roundup" msgstr "Ringkasan Jetpack bulanan Anda" msgid "July Jetpack Agency and Pro Partner Newsletter" msgstr "Buletin Juli Mitra Jetpack Agency and Pro" msgid "Write a reply..." msgstr "Tulis balasan..." msgid "Continue with Jetpack Stats for free" msgstr "Lanjutkan dengan Jetpack Stats (gratis)" msgid "24/7 priority support" msgstr "Dukungan prioritas setiap saat (24/7)" msgid "The chat id to get the chat for." msgstr "ID obrolan untuk mendapatkan obrolan." msgctxt "Template name" msgid "All Archives" msgstr "Semua Arsip" msgid "Disable TinyMCE and Classic block" msgstr "Nonaktifkan TinyMCE dan blok Klasik" msgid "Cannot find user global styles revisions." msgstr "Tidak dapat menemukan revisi gaya global pengguna." msgctxt "Template name" msgid "Page: 404" msgstr "Halaman: 404" msgctxt "Template name" msgid "Pages" msgstr "Halaman" msgctxt "Template name" msgid "Single Posts" msgstr "Pos Tunggal" msgctxt "Template name" msgid "Single Entries" msgstr "Entri Tunggal" msgid "" "Displays your site's homepage, whether it is set to display latest posts or " "a static page. The Front Page template takes precedence over all templates." msgstr "" "Menampilkan beranda situs Anda yang ditetapkan untuk menampilkan pos terbaru " "atau halaman statis. Templat Halaman Depan akan lebih diprioritaskan " "daripada semua templat lainnya." msgid "" "Displays the latest posts as either the site homepage or as the \"Posts page" "\" as defined under reading settings. If it exists, the Front Page template " "overrides this template when posts are shown on the homepage." msgstr "" "Menampilkan pos terbaru sebagai beranda situs atau \"Halaman pos\" " "sebagaimana ditentukan dalam pengaturan membaca. Jika ada, templat Halaman " "Depan menimpa templat ini saat pos ditampilkan di beranda." msgctxt "Template name" msgid "Blog Home" msgstr "Beranda Blog" msgid "" "`experimental-link-color` is no longer supported. Use `link-color` instead." msgstr "" "`experimental-link-color` tidak lagi didukung. Sebagai gantinya, gunakan " "`link-color`." msgid "Global edge cache" msgstr "Edge cache global" msgid "" "Entry is a uniquely styled WordPress block theme designed for journaling. It " "features a grid layout and blocky layout for posts, with every element " "contained in squared or rectangular shapes. Its impactful design is sure to " "make a statement, while its customizable templates offer a range of options " "for creating a truly unique journaling experience." msgstr "" "Entry adalah tema blok WordPress dengan gaya unik yang dirancang untuk " "jurnal. Tema ini memiliki tata letak grid dan tata letak blok untuk pos, " "dengan setiap elemen terdapat dalam bentuk persegi atau persegi panjang. " "Desainnya yang berdampak kuat pasti akan membuat pernyataan, sementara " "template yang dapat disesuaikan menawarkan berbagai pilihan untuk " "menciptakan pengalaman jurnal yang benar-benar unik." msgid "Current Server time" msgstr "Waktu Server saat ini" msgid "Current UTC time" msgstr "Waktu UTC saat ini" msgid "Current time" msgstr "Waktu saat ini" msgid "" "Overlay custom text onto your images and choose from a variety of styles to " "increase engagement on your social posts. Most importantly, you`ll save time " "by doing it all within the WordPress editor." msgstr "" "Tempelkan teks kustom pada gambar Anda dan pilih salah satu dari berbagai " "gaya untuk meningkatkan interaksi di pos sosial Anda. Yang terpenting, Anda " "dapat menghemat waktu dengan melakukan semuanya dari editor WordPress." msgid "Create a unique style for your social media images" msgstr "Buat gaya yang unik untuk gambar media sosial Anda" msgid "Customize your images with our Social Image Generator" msgstr "Sesuaikan gambar Anda dengan Social Image Generator kami" msgid "" "With Jetpack Social you can schedule your posts so you`re not chained to " "your devices. Share any day and time your fans are most engaged." msgstr "" "Dengan Jetpack Social, Anda dapat menjadwalkan pos agar Anda tidak perlu " "terpaku pada perangkat. Bagikan pada hari dan waktu yang memicu interaksi " "terbanyak dari penggemar Anda." msgid "Schedule your social sharing" msgstr "Jadwalkan berbagi sosial Anda" msgid "Save time by managing your social platforms from a single hub" msgstr "Hemat waktu Anda dengan mengelola platform sosial dari satu hub" msgid "Over 1 million posts are shared with Jetpack Social, every day." msgstr "" "Setiap hari lebih dari 1 juta pos dibagikan menggunakan Jetpack Social." msgid "" "Automatically share your website content to your favorite social media " "platforms, from one place." msgstr "" "Secara otomatis membagikan konten situs ke platform media sosial favorit " "Anda, dari satu tempat." msgid "Publish once.
Share everywhere." msgstr "Publikasikan sekali.
Bagikan ke semua." msgid "" "Your site includes premium styles " "that are only visible to visitors after upgrading to the %2$s plan or higher." msgstr "" "Situs Anda dilengkapi gaya premium " "yang hanya dapat dilihat pengunjung setelah upgrade ke paket %2$s atau yang " "lebih tinggi." msgid "PS: Need a hand? We’re here to help: %s." msgstr "NB: Butuh bantuan? Kami siap membantu Anda: %s." msgid "Website design and migration services via Built By %s." msgstr "Desain situs dan layanan migrasi via Built By %s." msgid "Professional Email (which would go great with your domains): %s." msgstr "Professional Email (yang cocok dengan domain Anda): %s." msgid "" "By the way, offers way more than domain registrations and " "website hosting. You might also be interested in:" msgstr "" " menawarkan lebih dari sekadar registrasi domain dan hosting " "situs. Anda mungkin juga tertarik pada:" msgid "" "Now that your domain transfers are complete, you can manage all of them from " "a single dashboard: %s." msgstr "" "Setelah transfer domain Anda selesai, Anda dapat mengelola semua domain dari " "satu dasbor: %s." msgid "" "When it comes to building trust and strengthening your brand, pairing your " "domain with Professional Email from (%s) could help you:" msgstr "" "Untuk membangun kepercayaan dan memperkuat merek, Anda dapat menghubungkan " "domain dengan Professional Email dari (%s):" msgid "" "Rock-solid infrastructure featuring unmetered bandwidth and traffic, " "automated data center failover, and a track record of 99.9% uptime." msgstr "" "Infrastruktur tangguh yang menampilkan bandwidth dan lalu lintas tanpa " "batas, failover pusat data otomatis, dan rekam jejak uptime 99,9%." msgid "" "Seriously secure hosting with DDOS and WAF protection, malware scanning, " "real-time activity logs, and a free SSL certificate." msgstr "" "Hosting yang sangat aman dengan perlindungan DDOS dan WAF, pemindaian " "malware, log aktivitas real-time, dan sertifikat SSL gratis." msgid "" "Lightning-fast performance with high-frequency CPUs, automated burst " "scaling, and 25+ data centers across six continents." msgstr "" "Performa secepat kilat dengan CPU berfrekuensi tinggi, peningkatan skala " "otomatis saat lonjakan, dan lebih dari 25 pusat data yang tersebar di enam " "benua." msgid "When you host your site with, you’ll get:" msgstr "Dengan hosting situs di, Anda akan mendapatkan:" msgid "" "Now that you’ve transferred your domains to, let’s talk about " "taking things further with hosting for your next website: %s." msgstr "" "Setelah Anda mentransfer domain ke, kini saatnya " "meningkatkannya dengan membuat hosting untuk situs Anda berikutnya: %s." msgid "" "Whatever you’re building, deploy your sites on a platform that loves " "developers. With managed hosting from (%s), you’ll get:" msgstr "" "Apa pun yang dibuat, luncurkan situs Anda di platform favorit para " "pengembang. Dengan hosting terkelola dari (%s), Anda akan " "mendapatkan:" msgid "" "PS: Need a hand? We’re here to " "help." msgstr "" "NB: Butuh bantuan? Kami siap " "membantu Anda." msgid "" "Whether you’re creating a website, building a new brand, or just want a " "place to park your domain, we’ve got you covered." msgstr "" "Untuk membuat situs, merintis brand baru, atau memparkir domain Anda, kami " "punya solusinya." msgid "" "Website design and migration services via Built By" msgstr "" "Desain situs dan layanan migrasi via Built By" msgid "" "Professional " "Email (which would go great with your domains)." msgstr "" "Professional " "Email (yang cocok dengan domain Anda)." msgid "" "By the way, offers way more than domain registrations " "and website hosting. You might also be interested in:" msgstr "" " menawarkan lebih dari sekadar registrasi domain dan " "hosting situs. Anda mungkin juga tertarik pada:" msgid "" "Now that your domain transfers are complete, you can manage all of them from " "a single dashboard." msgstr "" "Setelah transfer domain Anda selesai, Anda dapat mengelola semua domain dari " "satu dasbor." msgid "All your domains in one place" msgstr "Semua domain Anda di satu tempat" msgid "Your domains are in good hands!" msgstr "Domain Anda berada di tangan yang tepat!" msgid "Ready to add Professional Email to your domain?" msgstr "Siap menambahkan Professional Email ke domain Anda?" msgid "" "Boost your inbox with 30 GB of storage, advanced security features, and " "intuitive email client configuration." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan inbox Anda dengan ruang penyimpanan 30 GB, fitur keamanan tingkat " "lanjut, dan konfigurasi klien email yang intuitif." msgid "" "Gain exclusive access to early beta features, like Bookings, with more to " "come." msgstr "" "Dapatkan akses eksklusif untuk fitur beta awal, seperti Pemesanan, dan masih " "banyak lagi yang akan datang." msgid "" "Get more done in less time with reusable templates, automatic scheduling, " "and reminders." msgstr "" "Selesaikan lebih banyak tugas dalam waktu lebih singkat menggunakan template " "pakai ulang, penjadwalan otomatis, dan pengingat." msgid "" "Stay on top of your schedule with Professional Email, Calendar, and Contacts." msgstr "" "Jangan lewatkan jadwal Anda dengan Professional Email, Kalender, dan Kontak." msgid "" "When it comes to building trust and strengthening your brand, pairing your " "domain with Professional Email from could help you:" msgstr "" "Untuk membangun kepercayaan dan memperkuat brand, Anda dapat menghubungkan " "domain dengan Professional Email dari" msgid "And a whole lot more." msgstr "Dan masih banyak lagi." msgid "Personalized email." msgstr "Email yang dipersonalisasi." msgid "Build your brand with a little help from" msgstr "Bangun merek Anda dengan sedikit bantuan dari" msgid "Get more out of your domain with Professional Email" msgstr "Maksimalkan domain Anda dengan Professional Email" msgid "Ready to do more with your domains?" msgstr "Siap memaksimalkan domain Anda?" msgid "" "Rock-solid infrastructure featuring unmetered bandwidth and " "traffic, automated data center failover, and a track record of 99.9% uptime." msgstr "" "Infrastruktur tangguh yang menampilkan bandwidth dan " "traffic tanpa batas, failover pusat data otomatis, dan rekam jejak uptime " "99,9%." msgid "" "Seriously secure hosting with DDOS and WAF protection, " "malware scanning, real-time activity logs, and a free SSL certificate." msgstr "" "Hosting yang sangat aman dengan perlindungan DDOS dan WAF, " "pemindaian malware, log aktivitas real-time, dan sertifikat SSL gratis." msgid "" "Lightning-fast performance with high-frequency CPUs, " "automated burst scaling, and 25+ data centers across six continents." msgstr "" "Performa secepat kilat dengan CPU berfrekuensi tinggi, " "peningkatan skala otomatis saat lonjakan, dan lebih dari 25 pusat data " "tersebar di enam benua." msgid "" "When you host your site with WordPress." "com, you’ll get:" msgstr "" "Dengan hosting situs di, Anda akan mendapatkan:" msgid "" "Now that you’ve transferred your domains to, let’s talk about taking things further with hosting for your next website." msgstr "" "Setelah Anda mentransfer domain ke, kini saatnya meningkatkannya dengan membuat hosting untuk situs Anda " "berikutnya." msgid "What’s next for your domains?" msgstr "Apa langkah selanjutnya untuk domain Anda?" msgid "Get started with the best managed WordPress hosting." msgstr "Memulai dengan hosting terbaik WordPress terkelola." msgid "Speed, security, and room to grow" msgstr "Kecepatan, keamanan, dan ruang untuk berkembang" msgid "Ready to explore your options?" msgstr "Siap menjelajahi apa saja yang Anda akan dapatkan?" msgid "" "Sit back as our expert team builds a site you’ll fall in love with. From a " "simple design refresh to an online store built from scratch, we’ll help you " "make it happen." msgstr "" "Anda bisa bersantai selagi tim ahli kami membuatkan situs idaman. Mulai dari " "pembaruan desain sederhana hingga pembuatan toko online dari nol, kami akan " "membantu mewujudkannya. " msgid "" "The hardest part of launching a new website is getting started. You’ve got " "the domain already. Do you need a hand bringing the rest of your vision to " "life?" msgstr "" "Bagian tersulit dari meluncurkan situs baru adalah memulainya. Anda sudah " "punya domain. Apakah Anda memerlukan bantuan untuk mewujudkan visi menjadi " "nyata?" msgid "Website design services for every project." msgstr "Layanan desain situs untuk segala proyek." msgid "Built By Your website. Built by us. Built for you." msgstr "" "Built By Situs Anda. Dibuat oleh kami. Dibuat untuk Anda." msgid "— Chris Coyier, Codepen" msgstr "— Chris Coyier, Codepen" msgid "“When it comes to the difficult stuff — it’s all taken care of.”" msgstr "\"Jika ada yang rumit, kami siap menyederhanakannya.\"" msgid "Ready to take a look?" msgstr "Siap untuk melihat-lihat?" msgid "" "With every line of code and piece of hardware in the stack integrated and " "optimized for WordPress, you can count on unmatched performance for every " "site you ship." msgstr "" "Dengan setiap baris kode dan perangkat keras dalam susunan yang terintegrasi " "dan dioptimalkan untuk WordPress, Anda dapat mengandalkan performa tak " "tertandingi untuk setiap situs yang Anda luncurkan." msgid "Staging sites" msgstr "Situs staging" msgid "Seamless multi-site management" msgstr "Pengelolaan multisitus tanpa ribet" msgid "SSH, WP-CLI, and Git" msgstr "SSH, WP-CLI, dan Git" msgid "Full support for 50,000+ plugins and themes" msgstr "Dukungan penuh untuk lebih dari 50.000 plugin dan tema" msgid "" "Whatever you’re building, deploy your sites on a platform that loves " "developers. With managed " "hosting from, you’ll get:" msgstr "" "Apa pun yang dibuat, luncurkan situs Anda di platform favorit para " "pengembang. Dengan hosting terkelola dari, Anda akan mendapatkan:" msgid "Built by developers, for developers." msgstr "Dibuat oleh pengembang, untuk pengembang." msgid "Fast, scalable hosting for one site or 100." msgstr "Hosting yang cepat dan dapat ditingkatkan untuk satu atau 100 situs." msgid "See what makes the best managed host" msgstr "" "Pelajari hal yang menjadikan hosting terbaik situs terkelola" msgid "" "* Jetpack-powered speed and security, including automatic daily backups so " "you never have to worry about downtime or losing your data." msgstr "" "* Kecepatan dan keamanan yang didukung Jetpack, termasuk pencadangan harian " "otomatis sehingga Anda tidak perlu mengkhawatirkan downtime atau kehilangan " "data." msgid "* Access to built-in SEO tools for the ultimate in discoverability." msgstr "* Akses ke alat SEO bawaan agar situs Anda sangat mudah ditemukan." msgid "* Unlimited automatic shares to your social accounts." msgstr "* Berbagi otomatis dan tanpa batas ke akun media sosial Anda." msgid "" "* More monetization options, with the ability to enroll your site in the " "WordAds program." msgstr "" "* Pilihan monetisasi lebih banyak dengan kemampuan untuk mendaftarkan situs " "Anda di program WordAds." msgid "* Access to an exclusive selection of premium design themes." msgstr "* Akses ke pilihan tema desain premium eksklusif." msgid "" "P.S. – When you upgrade, we’ll apply the time you already paid for on your " "current plan as a credit toward your upgrade. You’ll be able to see exactly " "how much this credit is at checkout." msgstr "" "N.B. – Saat melakukan upgrade, kami akan menerapkan sisa waktu paket saat " "ini sebagai kredit untuk upgrade Anda. Anda akan melihat nilai total kredit " "ini saat checkout." msgid "" "Jetpack-powered speed and security, including automatic daily backups so you " "never have to worry about downtime or losing your data." msgstr "" "Kecepatan dan keamanan yang didukung Jetpack, termasuk pencadangan harian " "otomatis sehingga Anda tidak perlu mengkhawatirkan downtime atau kehilangan " "data." msgid "Access to built-in SEO tools for the ultimate in discoverability." msgstr "Akses ke alat SEO bawaan agar situs Anda sangat mudah ditemukan." msgid "Unlimited automatic shares to your social accounts." msgstr "Berbagi otomatis dan tanpa batas ke akun media sosial Anda." msgid "" "More monetization options, with the ability to enroll your site in the " "WordAds program." msgstr "" "Pilihan monetisasi lebih banyak dengan kemampuan untuk mendaftarkan situs " "Anda di program WordAds." msgid "Access to an exclusive selection of premium design themes." msgstr "Akses ke pilihan tema desain premium eksklusif." msgid "With the %s plan, you’ll gain:" msgstr "Dengan paket %s, Anda akan mendapatkan:" msgid "" "P.S. – Switching to a 2-year subscription will reset your billing date, and " "we’ll apply the time you already paid for on your current plan as a credit " "toward your upgrade. You’ll be able to see exactly how much this credit is " "at checkout." msgstr "" "N.B. – Beralih ke langganan 2 tahunan akan mereset tanggal penagihan Anda, " "dan kami akan menerapkan sisa waktu paket saat ini sebagai kredit untuk " "upgrade Anda. Anda akan melihat nilai total kredit ini saat checkout." msgid "Choose a 2–year plan" msgstr "Pilih paket 2 tahunan" msgid "" "That means you’ll pay just %1$s for two years of the %2$s plan. That’s only " "%3$s a month when paid up front!" msgstr "" "Artinya, Anda cukup membayar %1$s untuk paket %2$s dengan masa aktif 2 " "tahun. Hanya %3$s per bulan jika dibayar di muka!" msgid "" " Resend in %(time)s if you didn’t receive it. If you still experience " "issues, please reach out to our support." msgstr "" " Kirim ulang dalam %(time)s jika Anda tidak menerimanya. Jika Anda masih " "mengalami kendala, mohon hubungi tim bantuan kami." msgid "" "You have reached the maximum number of resend attempts. Please contact our " "support team if you still experience issues." msgstr "" "Anda telah mencapai batas maksimum upaya pengiriman ulang. Mohon hubungi tim " "bantuan kami jika Anda masih mengalami kendala." msgid "Save styles" msgstr "Simpan gaya" msgid "Do you love Jetpack Stats?" msgstr "Apakah Anda suka Jetpack Stats?" msgid "This domain isn't registered. Please try again." msgstr "Domain ini tidak terdaftar. Mohon coba lagi." msgid "" "This domain cannot be transferred to but it can be connected " "instead. {{a}}Learn more.{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Domain tidak dapat ditransfer ke, tetapi dapat dihubungkan. " "{{a}}Pelajari Lebih Lanjut.{{/a}}" msgid "A currently pending transfer cannot be canceled." msgstr "Transfer yang saat ini tertunda tidak dapat dibatalkan." msgid "" "The recently updated Barnsbury is an earthy, friendly theme made with " "farming and agriculture businesses in mind — but versatile enough for a " "personal site, too." msgstr "" "Tema Barnsbury yang baru diperbarui adalah tema yang ramah dan alami yang " "dibuat dengan bisnis pertanian dan pertanian dalam pikiran — tetapi cukup " "serbaguna untuk situs personal juga." msgid "" "Unlock this style, and tons of other features, by upgrading to a " "%(premiumPlanName)s plan." msgstr "" "Dapatkan gaya ini serta berbagai fitur lainnya dengan upgrade ke paket " "%(premiumPlanName)s." msgid "You can easily {{button}}import existing subscribers{{/button}}." msgstr "" "Anda dapat dengan mudah {{button}}menginpor pelanggan yang sudah ada{{/" "button}}." msgid "Do you want to invite someone to join %(siteTitle)s?" msgstr "" "Apakah Anda ingin mengundang seseorang untuk bergabung dengan %(siteTitle)s?" msgid "“%(searchTerm)s” did not match any current subscribers." msgstr "%(searchTerm)s tidak cocok dengan pelanggan yang sudah ada." msgid "0 subscribers found" msgstr "0 pelanggan ditemukan" msgid "" "Fewer is perfect for showcasing portfolios and blogs. With a clean and " "opinionated design, it offers excellent typography and style variations that " "make it easy to present your work or business. The theme is highly " "versatile, making it ideal for bloggers and businesses alike, and it offers " "a range of customizable options that allow you to tailor your site to your " "specific needs." msgstr "" "Fewer cocok untuk memamerkan portofolio dan blog. Dengan desain yang bersih " "dan berpendapat, tema ini menawarkan tipografi yang sangat baik dan variasi " "gaya yang membuatnya mudah untuk menyajikan karya atau bisnis Anda. Tema ini " "sangat fleksibel, sehingga cocok untuk blogger dan bisnis, dan menawarkan " "berbagai pilihan yang dapat disesuaikan yang memungkinkan Anda menyesuaikan " "situs Anda sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda." msgid "" "Erma is a WordPress portfolio block theme that features gorgeous imagery and " "modern layouts. With three unique style variations and elegant templates, " "Erma is the perfect choice for artists, designers, and other creative " "professionals looking to showcase their work in an eye-catching way. The " "theme's design is clean and sophisticated, allowing your portfolio pieces to " "take center stage." msgstr "" "Erma adalah tema blok portofolio WordPress yang menampilkan gambar yang " "indah dan tata letak modern. Dengan tiga variasi gaya yang unik dan template " "yang elegan, Erma adalah pilihan yang sempurna bagi seniman, desainer, dan " "profesional kreatif lainnya yang ingin menampilkan karya mereka dengan cara " "yang menarik perhatian. Desain tema ini bersih dan canggih, memungkinkan " "potongan portofolio Anda menjadi pusat perhatian." msgid "Restore a backup" msgstr "Pulihkan cadangan" msgid "Popular Tags and Posts ‹ Reader" msgstr "Tag dan Pos Populer ‹ Pembaca" msgid "Join the community" msgstr "Bergabunglah dengan komunitas" msgid "Stats (Free)" msgstr "Statistik (Gratis)" msgid "Stats (Personal use)" msgstr "Statistik (penggunaan Pribadi)" msgid "Stats (Commercial use)" msgstr "Statistik (penggunaan Komersial)" msgid "Instant access to upcoming features" msgstr "Akses langsung ke fitur baru yang akan datang" msgid "View weekly and yearly trends" msgstr "Lihat tren mingguan dan tahunan" msgid "Real-time data on visitors, likes, and comments" msgstr "Data real-time tentang pengunjung, suka, dan komentar" msgid "Custom forms" msgstr "Formulir kustom" msgid "Transfer domains" msgstr "Transfer domain" msgid "Authorization code" msgstr "Kode otorisasi" msgid "" "Al Dente is a blog theme perfect for blogs whose posts are categorised, for " "example food recipe blogs." msgstr "" "Al Dente adalah tema blog yang sempurna untuk blog yang memposkan pos-pos " "yang dikategorikan, misalnya blog resep makanan." msgid "" "Curriculum is a blog theme that echoes the structure of a professional " "profile with original visuals and interesting navigation. It\\\\\\'s " "suitable for the general public displaying information, experiences, and " "education. And it\\\\\\'s super easy to be customized." msgstr "" "Curriculum adalah tema blog yang mencerminkan struktur profil profesional " "dengan visual asli dan navigasi menarik. Cocok untuk masyarakat umum yang " "menampilkan informasi, pengalaman, dan pendidikan. Dan sangat mudah untuk " "disesuaikan." msgid "Let’s add a site" msgstr "Ayo tambahkan situs" msgid "Exmoor is a business theme" msgstr "Exmoor adalah tema bisnis." msgid "Bute is a blog theme that has a full-screen front page" msgstr "Bute adalah tema blog yang memiliki halaman depan layar penuh." msgid "Set the rating, G, PG-13, R" msgstr "Tetapkan rating, Semua Umur (G), PG-13, Terbatas (R)" msgid "Choose whether to display embed links" msgstr "Pilih apakah ingin menampilkan sematan tautan" msgid "Easily eddit the title and description" msgstr "Edit judul dan deskripsi dengan mudah" msgid "Search and filter through your entire video library" msgstr "Cari dan saring di seluruh pustaka video Anda" msgid "" "The VideoPress Dashboard is a centralized space to upload and manage your " "video library. Filter your library by rating or privacy setting, view your " "library in multiple ways, and upload local videos to your Jetpack cloud " "library." msgstr "" "Dasbor VideoPress adalah ruang terpusat untuk mengunggah dan mengelola " "pustaka video Anda. Saring pustaka Anda berdasarkan pengaturan rating atau " "privasi, lihat pustaka dengan beberapa pilihan tampilan, dan unggah video " "lokal ke pustaka awan Jetpack Anda." msgid "Manage all your videos from one place" msgstr "Kelola semua video Anda dari satu tempat" msgid "Set videos as private" msgstr "Tetapkan sebagai video pribadi" msgid "Customize your poster images" msgstr "Sesuaikan gambar poster Anda" msgid "Supports subtitles, captions, and chapters" msgstr "Mendukung subtitel, keterangan, dan bab" msgid "" "VideoPress offers a fully-featured video player designed to transform your " "visitors’ web video experience. With a range of powerful features packed " "into one seamless solution, VideoPress puts you in control." msgstr "" "VideoPress menawarkan pemutar video berfitur lengkap yang didesain untuk " "mentransformasi pengalaman video web pengunjung Anda. Dengan berbagai fitur " "andal yang dikemas menjadi satu solusi tanpa cela, VideoPress memberikan " "kendali penuh kepada Anda." msgid "Powerful and flexible video player" msgstr "Pemutar video yang andal dan fleksibel" msgid "" "This theme is only available while your current plan is active and costs " "%(annualPrice)s per year or %(monthlyPrice)s per month." msgstr "" "Harga tema ini %(annualPrice)s per tahun atau %(monthlyPrice)s per bulan dan " "hanya tersedia jika paket Anda saat ini aktif." msgid "View Patterns" msgstr "Lihat Pola" msgid "Plugin setup guide" msgstr "Panduan pengaturan plugin" msgid "" "Check out our support documentation for step-by-step instructions and expert " "guidance on your plugin setup." msgstr "" "Cek dokumentasi bantuan kami untuk instruksi langkah demi langkah dan " "panduan ahli tentang pengaturan plugin Anda." msgid "Setup the plugins" msgstr "Atur plugin" msgid "" "Unlimited subscribers. Everything you need to grow your audience. And the " "permanence of" msgstr "" "Pelanggan tak terbatas. Semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk mengembangkan audiens " "Anda. Dan keandalan" msgid "Write. Grow. Earn. This is Newsletter." msgstr "Tulis. Tumbuh. Untung. Inilah Buletin." msgid "Sorry, does not support the %(tld)s TLD." msgstr "Maaf, tidak mendukung TLD %(tld)s." msgid "" "Bibliophile was designed to provide an impeccable reading experience. Its " "header on the left sidebar adds context, while its posts and content are " "elegantly displayed on the right. Inspired by printed books and with " "carefully chosen font sizes, Bibliophile offers a great solution for " "websites across devices. The layout is user-friendly and allows for seamless " "navigation, making it an ideal choice for those who enjoy reading on-the-go." msgstr "" "Bibliophile dirancang untuk memberikan pengalaman membaca yang sempurna. " "Header-nya di bilah sisi kiri menambah konteks, sementara pos-pos dan " "kontennya ditampilkan dengan elegan di sebelah kanan. Terinspirasi oleh buku " "cetak dan dengan ukuran font yang dipilih dengan hati-hati, Bibliophile " "menawarkan solusi yang bagus untuk situs web di berbagai perangkat. Tata " "letaknya ramah pengguna dan memungkinkan navigasi yang lancar, menjadikannya " "pilihan yang ideal bagi mereka yang menikmati membaca saat bepergian." msgid "Manage all domains" msgstr "Kelola semua domain" msgid "" "In a few words, explain what this site is about. Example: “%s.”" msgstr "" "Jelaskan secara singkat tentang apa situs ini. Contoh: “%s.”" msgctxt "" "For free subscriptions the plan description is displayed as N/A (not " "applicable)" msgid "N/A" msgstr "Tidak tersedia" msgid "Paid upgrade" msgstr "Upgrade berbayar" msgid "Newsletter subscription details" msgstr "Detail langganan buletin" msgid "" "Negai is a bold blogging theme with large post titles and interesting colour " "schemes" msgstr "" "Negai adalah tema blog yang berani dengan judul pos yang besar dan skema " "warna yang menarik." msgid "" "There are more than 150 WooCommerce meetups held all over the world! A great " "way to meet fellow store owners." msgstr "" "Ada lebih dari 150 pertemuan WooCommerce yang diadakan di seluruh dunia! " "Inilah cara yang tepat untuk bertemu dengan sesama pemilik toko." msgid "Connecting your account" msgstr "Menghubungkan akun Anda" msgid "Hash:" msgstr "Hash:" msgid "Modified:" msgstr "Diubah:" msgid "I don't promote a business on my site" msgstr "Saya tidak mempromosikan bisnis di situs saya" msgid "I don't sell products/services on my site" msgstr "Saya tidak menjual produk/layanan di situs saya" msgid "I don't have ads on my site" msgstr "Saya tidak memiliki iklan di situs saya" msgid "Please confirm non-commercial usage by checking each box:" msgstr "" "Mohon konfirmasikan penggunaan non-komersial dengan mencentang setiap kotak:" msgid "Commercial" msgstr "Komersial" msgid "Subscriptions: %s" msgstr "Langganan: %s" msgid "%sGo to your badges%s" msgstr "%sLihat daftar lencana Anda%s" msgid "Check your email for a copy of this receipt." msgstr "Periksa email Anda untuk melihat salinan tanda terima ini." msgid "" "Your badge is now available for activating. You can manage your badges at " "%syour blog settings%s." msgstr "" "Sekarang lencana Anda siap diaktifkan. Anda dapat mengelola lencana di " "%spengaturan blog%s." msgid "Thank you for purchasing %s!" msgstr "Terima kasih telah membeli %s!" msgid "" "Stay tuned, and remember - we’re here to help you level up and create an " "amazing website." msgstr "" "Terus ikuti kabar terbaru dan ingatlah bahwa kami siap membantu Anda naik " "level dan membuat situs web yang keren." msgid "" "%s Reach Level 4: \"Site Launcher and Traffic Magnetizer\" - We’ll help you " "learn the secrets to driving traffic to your site, increasing visibility, " "and making an impact." msgstr "" "%s Capai Level 4: \"Peluncur Situs dan Magnet Lalu Lintas\" - Kami akan " "membantu Anda mempelajari rahasia untuk menambah lalu lintas situs, " "meningkatkan visibilitas, dan menghadirkan dampak." msgid "" "%s Reach Level 3: \"Content Wizard\" - We’ll show you how to fill your site " "with engaging and valuable content that’ll captivate your audience." msgstr "" "%s Capai Level 3: \"Panduan Konten\" - Kami akan menunjukkan cara mengisi " "situs Anda dengan konten yang menarik dan berbobot untuk memikat audiens." msgid "" "%s Reach Level 2: \"Site Building Basics\" - We’ll show you how to easily " "craft your website’s unique look and feel with our awesome themes and " "customization tools." msgstr "" "%s Capai Level 2: \"Dasar-Dasar Pembuatan Situs\" - Kami akan menunjukkan " "cara menghadirkan situs web dengan tampilan dan kesan unik dengan mudah " "menggunakan tema yang keren dan alat kustomisasi kami." msgid "" "We’ve built our user-friendly platform with powerful features, stunning " "themes, and top-notch support to help you create a game-changing website. " "Start your journey with this five-step website building process." msgstr "" "Kami telah membuat platform ramah pengguna dengan fitur andal, tema memukau, " "dan dukungan unggul untuk membantu Anda membuat situs web yang inovatif. " "Mulai perjalanan pembuatan situs web Anda dalam lima langkah ini." msgid "" "Hey there! You did it! %s Welcome to You’ve joined millions " "of people who call “home”. You’ve just unlocked Level 1: " "\"Sign-Up Success\" in your website-building adventure. We’re thrilled to " "help guide you as you level up and conquer the world of website creation." msgstr "" "Halo! Anda berhasil mendaftar! %s Selamat datang di Anda " "telah bergabung dengan jutaan orang yang menjadikan sebagai " "rumah mereka. Anda baru saja mencapai Level 1: \"Pendaftaran Berhasil\" " "dalam petualangan pembuatan situs web. Kami senang bisa membantu Anda naik " "level dan menaklukkan dunia pembuatan situs web." msgid "Welcome to! Your adventure starts here." msgstr "Selamat datang di Di sini petualangan Anda dimulai." msgid "" "2. Promote your best work with self-serve ads. For as little as $5, you can " "create effective ads that are seen across the and Tumblr " "ecosystem of sites and blogs. Learn more about our Blaze platform." msgstr "" "2. Promosikan karya terbaik Anda dengan sistem iklan swalayan. Hanya dengan " "$5, Anda dapat membuat iklan jitu yang akan tampil di seluruh ekosistem " "situs dan blog dan Tumblr. Baca selengkapnya tentang platform " "Blaze kami." msgid "" "1. Take advantage of our built-in SEO tools. Search engine optimization " "(SEO) is how your site gets listed and discovered on Google and other search " "engines. Learn more about our world-class, no-add-ons-needed SEO features." msgstr "" "1. Manfaatkan alat SEO bawaan kami. Dengan optimisasi mesin pencari (SEO), " "situs Anda akan terdaftar dan dapat ditemukan di Google dan mesin pencari " "lain. Baca selengkapnya tentang fitur SEO kelas dunia tanpa add-on kami." msgid "" "Intro to Blogging is a great place to start, whether you’re a blogger or not." msgstr "" "Pengantar Blogging adalah langkah awal yang tepat bagi semua orang, blogger " "atau bukan." msgid "" "At, we offer a variety of tools and resources to help you " "create great content. Here are a few to check out:" msgstr "" "Di, kami menawarkan berbagai alat dan sumber daya untuk " "membantu Anda membuat konten keren. Berikut beberapa hal yang perlu Anda " "simak:" msgid "" "Your goal today is to create an about page and at least one blog post. If " "you don’t know what to write about, here are 130 ideas: %s" msgstr "" "Yang akan Anda lakukan sekarang adalah membuat satu halaman tentang dan " "setidaknya satu pos blog. Jika tidak memiliki topik tulisan, Anda dapat " "memilih dari 130 ide ini: %s" msgid "" "We hope you’re as excited as we are about your new website. " "Your success is our greatest reward, and we’re here to support you every " "step of the way." msgstr "" "Apakah Anda juga tak sabar melihat situs web Anda yang baru? " "Keberhasilan Anda adalah pencapaian berharga bagi kami. Kami siap mendukung " "selama Anda berproses." msgid "" "%s Discover Block Patterns: Save time and effort by exploring our library of " "pre-designed block patterns. Mix and match to create stunning layouts " "without any hassle." msgstr "" "%s Temukan Pola Blok: Hemat waktu dan tenaga dengan menjelajahi pustaka pola " "blok siap pakai kami. Padu padankan untuk membuat tata letak yang memukau " "dengan mudah." msgid "" "%s Your Own Newsletter: Establish a powerful connection with your audience " "by creating your own newsletter. Share exclusive content, updates, and news " "directly to their inboxes." msgstr "" "%s Buletin Anda: Jalin hubungan erat dengan audiens Anda menggunakan " "buletin. Bagikan konten eksklusif, kabar terbaru, dan berita langsung ke " "email mereka." msgid "" "%s Informative Webinars: Join our weekly webinars to acquire new skills, " "learn from experts, and embark on new quests with your fellow adventurers." msgstr "" "%s Webinar Informatif: Ikuti webinar mingguan kami untuk mendapatkan " "keterampilan baru, belajar dari pakar, dan memulai perjalanan baru dengan " "sesama petualang." msgid "" "%s Block Themes & Site Editor: Unleash your creative potential with our " "latest block themes and the revolutionary site editor. Customize your site’s " "design, layout, and overall look with just a few clicks." msgstr "" "%s Tema Blok & Editor Situs: Tunjukkan potensi kreatif Anda dengan tema blok " "terbaru kami dan editor situs yang revolusioner. Sesuaikan desain, tata " "letak, dan seluruh tampilan situs Anda hanya dengan beberapa kali klik." msgid "" "%s Blaze Promotion: Ready to send your posts into the stratosphere? Let our " "Blaze promotion tool amplify your content’s reach and bring in new audiences " "like never before." msgstr "" "%s Promosi Blaze: Siap mengirimkan pos Anda ke lebih banyak audiens? Alat " "promosi Blaze kami ampuh meluaskan jangkauan konten Anda dan menarik audiens " "baru." msgid "" "We want to make sure you’re equipped with the best tools to level up your " " experience. Explore these to take your site to the next level." msgstr "" "Kami memastikan Anda mempunyai alat terbaik untuk meningkatkan pengalaman di " " Jelajahi alat-alat kami untuk mengoptimalkan situs Anda." msgid "" "%s Congratulations on creating another site with! We’re " "thrilled to see you continue your adventure with us. As a seasoned site " "owner, you’re ready to discover new features and expand your knowledge." msgstr "" "%s Selamat. Anda sudah membuat situs lain dengan Kami senang " "Anda melanjutkan petualangan bersama kami. Kami menyiapkan berbagai fitur " "baru dan akan membantu meluaskan pengetahuan Anda sebagai pemilik situs yang " "berpengalaman." msgid "" "4. Discover and build community. Use the Reader to follow your favorite " "sites, find new great content, and interact with the community." msgstr "" "4. Temukan dan bangun komunitas. Gunakan Pembaca untuk mengikuti situs " "favorit Anda, menemukan konten baru yang menarik, serta berinteraksi dengan " "komunitas" msgid "" "3. Announce what you’ve created! Don’t forget to email your list, share on " "social media, and tell everyone you know about your new website. (It might " "help to set-up autosharing for new blog posts.)" msgstr "" "3. Tunjukkan karya terbaru Anda! Kirimkan email ke anggota milis Anda, " "bagikan di media sosial, dan beri tahu semua kenalan tentang situs baru " "Anda. (Agar lebih mudah, atur fitur berbagi otomatis untuk pos blog baru.)" msgid "Learn more about our Blaze platform: %s" msgstr "Baca selengkapnya tentang platform Blaze kami: %s" msgid "" "2. Promote your best work with self-serve ads. For as little as $5, you can " "create effective ads that are seen across the and Tumblr " "ecosystem of sites and blogs." msgstr "" "2. Promosikan karya terbaik Anda dengan sistem iklan swalayan. Hanya dengan " "$5, Anda dapat membuat iklan jitu yang akan tampil di seluruh ekosistem " "situs dan blog dan Tumblr." msgid "Learn more about our world-class, no-add-ons-needed SEO features: %s" msgstr "" "Ketahui selengkapnya tentang fitur SEO kelas dunia tanpa add-on kami: %s" msgid "" "1. Take advantage of our built-in SEO tools. Search engine optimization " "(SEO) is how your site gets listed and discovered on Google and other search " "engines." msgstr "" "1. Manfaatkan alat SEO bawaan kami. Dengan optimisasi mesin pencari (SEO), " "situs Anda akan terdaftar dan dapat ditemukan di Google dan mesin pencari " "lain." msgid "Be heard. Be seen. Here’s how." msgstr "Suarakan pikiran Anda. Tunjukkan karya Anda. Begini caranya." msgid "" "Free software like ChatGPT can help you get started if you’re feeling stuck." msgstr "" "Jika kesulitan, perangkat lunak gratis seperti ChatGPT dapat membantu Anda " "mulai menulis." msgid "Use AI to help you write:" msgstr "Gunakan AI untuk membantu Anda menulis:" msgid "The Simple Content Strategy Framework and Template That Anyone Can Use" msgstr "" "Artikel \"The Simple Content Strategy Framework and Template That Anyone Can " "Use\"" msgid "Read this article:" msgstr "Baca artikel ini:" msgid "Learn more: %s" msgstr "Baca selengkapnya: %s" msgid "" "Intro to Blogging is a great place to start. Not sure if blogging is right " "for you? This course may help you decide that as well." msgstr "" "Pengantar Blogging adalah langkah awal yang tepat. Tidak yakin apakah " "blogging tepat untuk Anda? Kursus ini bisa membantu Anda mengambil keputusan." msgid "Take a free course:" msgstr "Ikuti kursus gratis:" msgid "" "Stay tuned, and remember – we’re here to help you level up and create an " "amazing website." msgstr "" "Terus ikuti kabar terbaru dan ingatlah bahwa kami siap membantu Anda naik " "level dan membuat situs web yang keren." msgid "" "Celebrate your first achievement and get ready to embark on your exciting " "new website quest!" msgstr "" "Rayakan pencapaian pertama Anda dan bersiaplah memulai perjalanan pembuatan " "situs web baru Anda yang menyenangkan." msgid "" "%s Reach Level 4: \"Site Launcher and Traffic Magnetizer\" " "- We’ll help you learn the secrets to driving traffic to your site, " "increasing visibility, and making an impact." msgstr "" "%s Capai Level 4: \"Peluncur Situs dan Magnet Lalu Lintas\" " "- Kami akan membantu Anda mempelajari rahasia untuk menambah lalu lintas " "situs, meningkatkan visibilitas, dan menghadirkan dampak." msgid "" "%s Reach Level 3: \"Content Wizard\" - We’ll show you how " "to fill your site with engaging and valuable content that’ll captivate your " "audience." msgstr "" "%s Capai Level 3: \"Panduan Konten\" - Kami akan " "menunjukkan cara mengisi situs Anda dengan konten yang menarik dan berbobot " "untuk memikat audiens." msgid "" "%s Reach Level 2: \"Site Building Basics\" - We’ll show you " "how to easily craft your website’s unique look and feel with our awesome " "themes and customization tools." msgstr "" "%s Capai Level 2: \"Dasar-Dasar Pembuatan Situs\" - Kami " "akan menunjukkan cara menghadirkan situs web dengan tampilan dan kesan unik " "dengan mudah menggunakan tema yang keren dan alat kustomisasi kami." msgid "" "Then, keep an eye on your inbox, because we’ll be sending even more helpful " "tutorials. Here’s a sneak peek at the journey ahead:" msgstr "" "Lalu, pantau kotak masuk Anda karena kami akan mengirimkan lebih banyak " "tutorial yang bermanfaat. Berikut gambaran proses berikutnya:" msgid "Build your website in five easy steps" msgstr "Buat situs web Anda dalam lima langkah mudah" msgid "" "We’ve built our user-friendly platform with powerful features, stunning " "themes, and top-notch support to help you create a game-changing website. " "Start your journey with this five-step website building process:" msgstr "" "Kami telah membuat platform ramah pengguna dengan fitur andal, tema memukau, " "dan dukungan unggul untuk membantu Anda membuat situs web yang inovatif. " "Mulai perjalanan pembuatan situs web Anda dalam lima langkah ini:" msgid "" "Hey there! You did it! %1$s Welcome to %2$s. You’ve joined millions of " "people who call %2$s “home”. You’ve just unlocked Level 1: \"Sign-Up Success" "\" in your website-building adventure. We’re thrilled to help guide you as " "you level up and conquer the world of website creation." msgstr "" "Halo! Anda berhasil mendaftar! %1$s Selamat datang di %2$s. Anda telah " "bergabung dengan jutaan orang yang menjadikan %2$s sebagai “rumah” mereka. " "Anda baru saja mencapai Level 1: \"Pendaftaran Berhasil\" dalam petualangan " "pembuatan situs web. Kami senang bisa membantu Anda naik level dan " "menaklukkan dunia pembuatan situs web." msgid "Welcome to %s! Your adventure starts here." msgstr "Selamat datang di %s. Di sini petualangan Anda dimulai." msgid "" "Hey there! You did it! %s Welcome to Ready to see what’s next?" msgstr "" "Halo! Anda berhasil mendaftar! %s Selamat datang di Siap " "melihat yang akan datang?" msgid "%s Yay! You’ve unlocked level 1" msgstr "%s Hore! Anda telah mencapai level 1" msgid "Level 4: %s Skyrocket traffic to your site" msgstr "Tingkat 4: %s Dongkrak lalu lintas situs Anda" msgid "" "Use AI to help you write: Free software like ChatGPT can help you get started if you’re feeling stuck." msgstr "" "Gunakan AI untuk membantu Anda menulis: Jika kesulitan, " "perangkat lunak gratis seperti ChatGPT dapat membantu Anda mulai menulis." msgid "" "Read this article: The Simple Content Strategy Framework and " "Template That Anyone Can Use." msgstr "" "Baca artikel ini : \"The Simple Content Strategy Framework " "and Template That Anyone Can Use\"." msgid "" "Take a free course: Intro to Blogging is a " "great place to start, whether you’re a blogger or not." msgstr "" "Ikuti kelas gratis: Pengantar Blogging adalah " "langkah awal yang tepat bagi semua orang, blogger atau bukan." msgid "" "At %s, we offer a variety of tools and resources to help you create great " "content. Here are a few to check out:" msgstr "" "Di %s, kami menawarkan berbagai alat dan sumber daya untuk membantu Anda " "membuat konten keren. Berikut beberapa hal yang perlu Anda simak:" msgid "" "Your goal today is to create an about page and at least one blog post. (If " "you don’t know what to write about, here are 130 ideas.)" msgstr "" "Tujuan Anda saat ini adalah membuat satu halaman tentang dan setidaknya satu " "pos blog. (Jika tidak memiliki topik tulisan, Anda dapat memilih dari 130 " "ide ini.)" msgid "" "Why is content so important? It’s simple: great content sets your website " "apart from the pack. It’s what keeps your visitors coming back for more, and " "it’s what drives new traffic to your site." msgstr "" "Mengapa konten penting? Sederhana saja: konten keren membedakan situs web " "Anda dari situs web lain. Konten keren membuat pengunjung datang kembali dan " "meningkatkan lalu lintas baru di situs Anda." msgid "" "We hope you’re as excited as we are about your new %s website. Your success " "is our greatest reward, and we’re here to support you every step of the way." msgstr "" "Apakah Anda juga tak sabar melihat situs %s Anda yang baru? Keberhasilan " "Anda adalah pencapaian berharga bagi kami. Kami siap mendukung selama Anda " "berproses." msgid "" "%1$s Discover Block Patterns: Save time and effort by exploring " "our library of pre-designed block patterns. Mix and match to create stunning " "layouts without any hassle." msgstr "" "%1$s Temukan Pola Blok: Hemat waktu dan tenaga dengan " "menjelajahi pustaka pola blok siap pakai kami. Padu padankan untuk membuat " "tata letak yang memukau dengan mudah." msgid "" "%1$s Your Own Newsletter: Establish a powerful connection with your " "audience by creating your own newsletter. Share exclusive content, updates, " "and news directly to their inboxes." msgstr "" "%1$s Buletin Anda: Jalin hubungan erat dengan audiens Anda " "menggunakan buletin. Bagikan konten eksklusif, kabar terbaru, dan berita " "langsung ke email mereka." msgid "" "%1$s Informative Webinars: Join our weekly webinars to acquire new " "skills, learn from experts, and embark on new quests with your fellow " "adventurers." msgstr "" "%1$s Webinar Informatif: Ikuti webinar mingguan kami untuk " "mendapatkan keterampilan baru, belajar dari pakar, dan memulai perjalanan " "baru dengan sesama petualang." msgid "" "%1$s Block Themes & Site Editor: Unleash your creative potential " "with our latest block themes and the revolutionary site editor. Customize " "your site’s design, layout, and overall look with just a few clicks." msgstr "" "%1$s Tema Blok & Editor Situs: Tunjukkan potensi kreatif Anda dengan " "tema blok terbaru kami dan editor situs yang revolusioner. Sesuaikan desain, " "tata letak, dan seluruh tampilan situs Anda hanya dengan beberapa kali klik." msgid "" "%1$s Blaze Promotion: Ready to send your posts into the stratosphere? Let " "our Blaze promotion tool amplify your content’s reach and bring in new " "audiences like never before." msgstr "" "%1$s Promosi Blaze: Siap mengirimkan pos Anda ke lebih banyak audiens? " "Alat promosi Blaze kami ampuh meluaskan jangkauan konten Anda dan menarik " "audiens baru." msgid "" "We want to make sure you’re equipped with the best tools to level up your %s " "experience. Explore these to take your site to the next level." msgstr "" "Kami memastikan Anda mempunyai alat terbaik untuk meningkatkan pengalaman di " "%s. Jelajahi alat-alat kami untuk mengoptimalkan situs Anda." msgid "" "%1$s Congratulations on creating another site with %2$s! We’re thrilled to " "see you continue your adventure with us. As a seasoned site owner, you’re " "ready to discover new features and expand your knowledge." msgstr "" "%1$s Selamat. Anda sudah membuat situs lain dengan %2$s. Kami senang Anda " "melanjutkan petualangan bersama kami. Kami menyiapkan berbagai fitur baru " "dan akan membantu meluaskan pengetahuan Anda sebagai pemilik situs yang " "berpengalaman." msgid "You’ve chosen the best host. Now, let’s help you make the best website." msgstr "" "Anda telah memilih host terbaik. Kami akan membantu Anda membuat situs web " "terbaik." msgid "Congrats on your new site! Here’s what’s new in" msgstr "Selamat atas situs baru Anda. Ini yang baru di" msgid "%s Level up your experience with exclusive features" msgstr "%s Tingkatkan pengalaman Anda dengan fitur eksklusif" msgid "" "Discover and build community. Use the Reader to follow " "your favorite sites, find new great content, and interact with the WordPress." "com community." msgstr "" "Temukan dan bangun komunitas. Gunakan Pembaca untuk " "mengikuti situs favorit Anda, menemukan konten baru yang menarik, serta " "berinteraksi dengan komunitas" msgid "" "Announce what you’ve created! Don’t forget to email your " "list, share on social media, and tell everyone you know about your new " "website. (It might help to set-up autosharing for new blog posts.)" msgstr "" "Tunjukkan karya terbaru Anda! Jangan lupa kirimkan email ke " "anggota milis Anda, bagikan ke media sosial, dan beri tahu semua kenalan " "tentang situs baru Anda. (Agar lebih mudah, atur berbagi otomatis untuk " "pos blog baru.)" msgid "" "Promote your best work with self-serve ads. For as little " "as $5, you can create effective ads that are seen across the " "and Tumblr ecosystem of sites and blogs. Click here to learn more about our " "Blaze platform." msgstr "" "Promosikan karya terbaik Anda dengan sistem iklan swalayan. " "Hanya dengan $5, Anda dapat membuat iklan jitu yang akan tampil di seluruh " "ekosistem situs dan blog dan Tumblr. Klik di sini untuk membaca " "selengkapnya tentang platform Blaze kami." msgid "" "Take advantage of our built-in SEO tools. Search engine " "optimization (SEO) is how your site gets listed and discovered on Google and " "other search engines. Click here to learn more about our world-class, no-" "add-ons-needed SEO features." msgstr "" "Manfaatkan alat SEO bawaan kami. Dengan optimisasi mesin " "pencari (SEO), situs Anda akan terdaftar dan dapat ditemukan di Google dan " "mesin pencari lain. Klik di sini untuk membaca selengkapnya tentang " "fitur SEO kelas dunia tanpa add-on kami." msgid "" "You’re doing great with your website-building journey on %s! You’ve picked a " "design, written some content, and now it’s time to spread the word. Today, " "we’ll show you how to promote what you’re doing and drive traffic to your " "site." msgstr "" "Sejauh ini, progres Anda dalam membangun situs di %s sudah bagus. Anda sudah " "memilih desain dan menulis konten. Kini saatnya mengenalkan situs Anda ke " "orang-orang. Sekarang, kami akan menunjukkan cara mempromosikan karya Anda " "dan meningkatkan lalu lintas situs." msgid "SEO, ads, and everything you need to attract visitors to your site." msgstr "" "SEO, iklan, dan semua yang diperlukan untuk menarik pengunjung di situs Anda." msgid "%s Drive Traffic to Your Site" msgstr "%s Tingkatkan Lalu Lintas Situs Anda" msgid "" "Remember, great content is the foundation of a great website. Stay tuned: " "tomorrow we’ll show you how to drive traffic to your site and make an impact!" msgstr "" "Ingat, konten yang keren adalah fondasi situs web yang keren. Terus ikuti " "kabar terbaru: kami akan menunjukkan cara meningkatkan lalu lintas situs " "Anda dan menghadirkan dampak." msgid "" "Use AI to help you write: Free software like ChatGPT can help you get started if you’re feeling stuck." msgstr "" "Gunakan AI untuk membantu Anda menulis: Jika kesulitan, " "perangkat lunak gratis seperti ChatGPT dapat membantu Anda mulai menulis." msgid "" "Read this article: The Simple Content Strategy Framework and " "Template That Anyone Can Use." msgstr "" "Baca artikel ini: \"The Simple Content Strategy Framework " "and Template That Anyone Can Use\"." msgid "" "Take a free course: Intro to Blogging is a " "great place to start. Not sure if blogging is right for you? This course may " "help you decide that as well." msgstr "" "Ikuti kelas gratis: Pengantar Blogging adalah " "langkah awal yang tepat. Tidak yakin apakah blogging tepat untuk Anda? " "Kursus ini bisa membantu Anda mengambil keputusan." msgid "" "We hope you’re having fun leveling up your website with %s. The next step in " "your journey is to create engaging and valuable content." msgstr "" "Semoga Anda senang dengan upgrade situs bersama %s. Langkah selanjutnya " "adalah membuat konten yang menarik dan berbobot." msgid "" "Captivate your visitors with posts and pages that keep them on your site." msgstr "" "Pikat pengunjung dengan pos dan halaman yang membuat mereka betah di situs " "Anda." msgid "Level 3: %s Craft valuable content" msgstr "Level 3: %s Buat konten berbobot" msgid "— The %s Team" msgstr "— Tim %s" msgid "See you then," msgstr "Sampai jumpa," msgid "Video thumbnail: Create your own newsletter" msgstr "Gambar thumbnail video: Buat buletin Anda" msgid "" "Were you intrigued when you heard about our newsletter feature? Satisfy your " "curiosity and see how to spin up a newsletter site in just a few minutes. " "It’s pretty rad!" msgstr "" "Kami memiliki fitur buletin. Tertarik mempelajarinya? Puaskan keingintahuan " "Anda dan lihat cara memprogram situs buletin hanya dalam beberapa menit. " "Fiturnya keren lho!" msgid "" "Video thumbnail: Using patterns to create subscription forms that get more " "signups" msgstr "" "Gambar thumbnail video: Menggunakan pola untuk membuat formulir langganan " "yang mampu menggaet lebih banyak pelanggan" msgid "Using patterns to create subscription forms that get more signups" msgstr "" "Menggunakan pola untuk membuat formulir langganan yang mampu menggaet lebih " "banyak pelanggan" msgid "Video thumbnail: Build your website in five easy steps" msgstr "" "Gambar thumbnail video: Buat situs web Anda dalam lima langkah " "mudah" msgid "" "Watch this tutorial to learn how to insert patterns and instantly transform " "your site with pre-designed layouts." msgstr "" "Lihat tutorial ini untuk mempelajari cara menyisipkan pola dan mengubah " "situs Anda secara instan dengan tata letak siap pakai." msgid "Inserting patterns" msgstr "Menyisipkan pola" msgid "" "By following these tips, you’ll progress with each step toward a site that " "has the potential to really stand out and attract a larger audience. Wait " "till you see how easy it is to do with these new features." msgstr "" "Dengan mengikuti berbagai tip ini, Anda dipandu langkah demi langkah untuk " "menjadikan situs Anda menjadi menonjol dan menarik lebih banyak audiens. " "Buktikan sendiri betapa mudahnya mewujudkan situs semacam itu dengan fitur-" "fitur baru ini." msgid "" "Congratulations! You checked out the features and webinars we mentioned " "yesterday, and you’re ready to move on to expand your knowledge." msgstr "" "Selamat! Anda sudah melihat berbagai fitur dan webinar yang kami sebutkan " "kemarin. Kini Anda siap memperluas pengetahuan." msgid "Get more followers." msgstr "Dapatkan lebih banyak pengikut." msgid "Improve your design." msgstr "Sempurnakan desain Anda." msgid "Ready to level up? features help your site get noticed." msgstr "" "Siap naik level? Dengan berbagai fitur, situs Anda akan jadi " "lebih populer." msgid "Level 2: Crafting your site’s unique character - ready?" msgstr "Level 2: Membuat karakter situs yang unik. Siap?" msgid "Nicola looking at the camera." msgstr "Nicola melihat ke kamera." msgid "" "This email was sent to %4$s. You're receiving it because you signed up for a 14-" "day free trial of Woo Express.

Unsubscribe from all marketing emails. You may still receive transactional " "and/or account-related emails from Woo and" msgstr "" "Email ini dikirim ke %4$s. Anda menerima email ini karena mendaftar periode " "percobaan gratis Woo Express 14 hari.

Berhenti berlangganan semua email pemasaran. Anda masih dapat " "menerima email terkait transaksi dan/atau akun dari Woo dan" msgid "" "This email was sent to %4$s. You're receiving it because you signed up for Woo " "Express.

Unsubscribe from all " "marketing emails. You may still receive transactional and/or account-" "related emails from Woo and" msgstr "" "Email ini dikirim ke %4$s. Anda menerima email ini karena mendaftar Woo Express." "

Berhenti berlangganan semua email " "pemasaran. Anda masih dapat menerima email terkait transaksi dan/atau " "akun dari Woo dan" msgid "%(productName)s %(quantity)s GB" msgstr "%(productName)s %(quantity)s GB" msgid "" "Trellick is a raw, brutalist blog theme that strips away the polished veneer " "of the samey web design to show the untamed essence of the digital realm." msgstr "" "Trellick adalah tema blog yang kasar dan brutalis yang menghilangkan lapisan " "halus dari desain web yang sama untuk menunjukkan inti yang liar dari dunia " "digital." msgid "" "Freddie is a theme using a full-screen background image to captivate the " "viewer with a brief, immersive moment." msgstr "" "Freddie adalah sebuah tema yang menggunakan gambar latar belakang layar " "penuh untuk memikat pemirsa dengan momen singkat yang mendalam." msgid "Post trashed." msgstr "Pos dibuang." msgid "" "Tomoni is a theme that displays a use case of multilingual content with " "Japanese." msgstr "" "Tomoni adalah tema yang menampilkan contoh penggunaan konten multibahasa " "dengan bahasa Jepang." msgid "You won't receive email notifications for new comments on this site." msgstr "" "Anda tidak akan menerima e-mail pemberitahuan untuk komentar baru di situs " "ini." msgid "Images cannot be scaled to a size larger than the original." msgstr "Gambar tidak bisa diperbesar melebihi ukuran asli." msgid "Any questions? Check our support documentation for more details: %s" msgstr "" "Ada pertanyaan? Lihat dokumen dukungan kami untuk mendapatkan informasi " "selengkapnya: %s" msgid "" "Please click the link below to authorize the transfer of %1$s to %2$s, " "including any associated paid upgrades, and the following domains:" msgstr "" "Klik tautan berikut untuk mengizinkan transfer %1$s ke %2$s, termasuk " "upgrade berbayarnya yang terkait, dan domain-domain berikut:" msgctxt "template part area" msgid "Footer" msgstr "Footer" msgctxt "template part area" msgid "Header" msgstr "Header" msgctxt "template part area" msgid "General" msgstr "Umum" msgctxt "custom image header" msgid "Header" msgstr "Header" msgctxt "custom background" msgid "Background" msgstr "Latar Belakang" msgid "Please enter a valid authentication code." msgstr "Mohon masukkan kode otentikasi yang valid." msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "" "Grow your audience by promoting your content across Tumblr and" msgstr "" "Tingkatkan jumlah audiens Anda dengan mempromosikan konten melalui Tumblr " "dan" msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Blaze" msgstr "Blaze" msgid "An authorization code is required to transfer this domain." msgstr "Kode otorisasi diperlukan untuk mentransfer domain ini." msgid "" "Tenaz is a classic \"magazine\" theme with a rich, dense homepage perfect " "for pro-bloggers." msgstr "" "Tenaz adalah tema \"majalah\" klasik dengan beranda yang kaya dan padat, " "sempurna untuk pro-blogger." msgid "JinJang is a blog theme with a split, 50:50 layout like Yan Yang." msgstr "" "JinJang adalah tema blog dengan tata letak terbagi, 50:50 seperti Yan Yang." msgid "Start a newsletter (in English)" msgstr "Mulai buat buletin (dalam bahasa Inggris)" msgid "Add a newsletter (in English)" msgstr "Tambahkan buletin (dalam bahasa Inggris)" msgid "Insert patterns on (in English)" msgstr "Masukkan pola di (dalam bahasa Inggris)" msgid "" "Sten is a simple blogging theme with a functional design. It is ideal for " "taking notes, writing short or long text, and includes a post sidebar and " "comment section." msgstr "" "Sten adalah tema blog sederhana dengan desain yang fungsional. Cocok untuk " "mencatat, menulis teks pendek atau panjang, dan termasuk bilah sisi pos dan " "bagian komentar." msgid "" "Otis is a WordPress block theme that is well-suited for personal blogging. " "It is designed to provide a polished, modern user experience. Its default " "templates include an opinionated header template with large type, and " "straightforward single and page templates, which are particularly useful for " "users who do not want to include images on their site. Otis\\' strong design " "point of view encourages users to follow its design principles. It is " "focused on simplicity and readability, with a clean and uncluttered layout " "that allows readers to easily navigate content." msgstr "" "Otis adalah tema blok WordPress yang cocok untuk blog pribadi. Dirancang " "untuk memberikan pengalaman pengguna yang modern dan terlihat rapi. Template " "default-nya termasuk template header yang memiliki jenis huruf besar dan " "template halaman tunggal yang sederhana, yang sangat berguna bagi pengguna " "yang tidak ingin menyertakan gambar di situs mereka. Pandangan desain Otis " "yang kuat mendorong pengguna untuk mengikuti prinsip desainnya. Fokusnya " "adalah kesederhanaan dan kemudahan dibaca, dengan tata letak yang bersih dan " "tidak berantakan yang memungkinkan pembaca untuk dengan mudah menavigasi " "konten." msgid "You have successfully removed %s from your list." msgstr "Anda telah berhasil menghapus %s dari daftar Anda." msgid "" "Once you click the link, you will confirm the transfer and no longer have " "any control over %s, its associated upgrades, or the " "domains listed above. Nevertheless, you’ll keep your admin access unless its " "new owner removes you." msgstr "" "Setelah mengeklik tautan, Anda berarti menyetujui transfer dan melepaskan " "kontrol atas %s, upgrade-nya yang terkait, atau domain-" "domain di atas. Meski demikian, Anda masih memiliki akses sebagai admin jika " "pemilik baru tidak menghapus Anda." msgid "" "Keep in mind that you will not be asked to confirm again, and that " "this change can't be undone." msgstr "" "Harap ingat bahwa Anda tidak akan dimintai konfirmasi lagi dan " "perubahan ini tidak dapat dibatalkan." msgid "" "Before doing so, please make sure you no longer wish to have control over " "%s and its associated upgrades. Quick reminder that you’ll " "keep your admin access unless the new owner removes you." msgstr "" "Sebelum melakukan perubahan, pastikan bahwa Anda benar-benar tidak lagi " "ingin mengontrol %s dan upgrade-nya yang terkait. Ingat " "bahwa Anda masih dapat mengakses sebagai admin jika pemilik baru tidak " "menghapus Anda." msgid "Subscription canceled" msgstr "Langganan dibatalkan" msgid "Transaction unauthorized" msgstr "Transaksi tidak terotorisasi" msgid "Bank cannot process" msgstr "Bank tidak dapat memproses" msgid "" "The %1$s version you have installed is not compatible with %2$s for a Czech " "Republic business. Please update %1$s to version 7.8 or above (you are using " "%3$s). You can do that via the the plugins page." msgstr "" "Versi %1$s yang Anda instal tidak kompatibel dengan %2$s untuk bisnis di " "Republik Ceko. Perbarui %1$s ke versi 7.8 atau yang lebih tinggi (saat ini " "Anda menggunakan versi %3$s). Anda dapat melakukannya melalui pada " "halaman plugin." msgid "" "The %1$s version you have installed is not compatible with %2$s for a " "Swedish business. Please update %1$s to version 7.8 or above (you are using " "%3$s). You can do that via the the plugins page." msgstr "" "Versi %1$s yang Anda instal tidak kompatibel dengan %2$s untuk bisnis di " "Swedia. Perbarui %1$s ke versi 7.8 atau yang lebih tinggi (saat ini Anda " "menggunakan versi %3$s). Anda dapat melakukannya melalui pada halaman " "plugin." msgid "" "The %1$s version you have installed is not compatible with %2$s for a " "Hungarian business. Please update %1$s to version 7.8 or above (you are " "using %3$s). You can do that via the the plugins page." msgstr "" "Versi %1$s yang Anda instal tidak kompatibel dengan %2$s untuk bisnis di " "Hungaria. Perbarui %1$s ke versi 7.8 atau yang lebih tinggi (saat ini Anda " "menggunakan versi %3$s). Anda dapat melakukannya melalui pada halaman " "plugin." msgid "Last week to respond to %d of the disputes" msgstr "Satu minggu terakhir untuk merespons %d sengketa" msgid "Final day to respond to %d of the disputes" msgstr "Satu hari terakhir untuk merespons %d sengketa" msgid "By %1$s – %2$s left to respond" msgstr "Sebelum %1$s – tersisa %2$s untuk merespons" msgid "Respond today by %s" msgstr "Berikan respons hari ini sebelum %s" msgid "Respond to %1$d active disputes for a total of %2$s" msgstr "Berikan respons terhadap %1$d sengketa aktif senilai %2$s" msgid "Respond to a dispute for %s" msgstr "Berikan respons terhadap sengketa senilai %s" msgid "Respond to a dispute for %s – Last day" msgstr "Berikan respons terhadap sengketa senilai %s – Hari terakhir" msgid "Get set up support" msgstr "Dapatkan bantuan" msgid "The date the template was last modified, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal templat terakhir kali diubah, dalam zona waktu situs." msgid "The menu provided is not a valid menu." msgstr "Menu yang disediakan bukan menu yang valid." msgid "Where the pattern comes from e.g. core" msgstr "Asal dari pola tersebut, mis. inti" msgid "Pattern updated." msgstr "Pola diperbarui." msgid "Pattern scheduled." msgstr "Pola dijadwalkan." msgid "Pattern reverted to draft." msgstr "Pola dikembalikan ke konsep." msgid "Pattern published privately." msgstr "Pola dipublikasikan secara privat." msgid "Pattern published." msgstr "Pola dipublikasikan." msgid "Patterns list navigation" msgstr "Navigasi daftar pola" msgid "Search Patterns" msgstr "Cari Pola" msgid "All Patterns" msgstr "Semua Pola" msgctxt "post type general name" msgid "Patterns" msgstr "Pola" msgid "\"%s\" in theme.json settings.color.duotone is not a hex or rgb string." msgstr "" "\"%s\" pada theme.json settings.color.duotone bukan merupakan string hex " "atau rgb." msgid "Test Mode" msgstr "Mode Pengujian" msgid "A simple blogging theme ideal for writers." msgstr "Tema blogging sederhana yang ideal untuk penulis." msgid "Transfer my domain to" msgstr "Transfer domain saya ke" msgid "" "An unknown error occurred while checking the domain transferability. Please " "try again or contact support" msgstr "" "Terjadi kendala yang tidak diketahui saat memeriksa kemampuan transfer " "domain. Silakan coba lagi atau hubungi bantuan" msgid "This domain is unlocked but the authorization code seems incorrect." msgstr "Domain ini sudah terbuka tetapi kode autentikasinya salah." msgid "Please enter a valid domain name." msgstr "Mohon masukkan nama domain yang valid." msgid "Domain name" msgstr "Nama domain" msgid "Bulk domain transfer" msgstr "Transfer domain massal" msgid "" "Lineup is a fanzine inspired theme lists entries with a bold typography and " "colour." msgstr "" "Lineup adalah tema fanzine yang terinspirasi dari daftar entri dengan " "tipografi tebal dan warna yang mencolok." msgid "A WordPress block theme made for blogging." msgstr "Sebuah tema blok WordPress yang dibuat untuk blogging." msgid "" "BSoJ (Blue Screen of Joy) is a blog theme inspired by the infamous Blue " "Screen of Death." msgstr "" "BSoJ (Blue Screen of Joy) adalah tema blog yang terinspirasi dari Blue " "Screen of Death yang terkenal." msgid "Search Media:" msgstr "Cari Media" msgid "Manage your blog and newsletter subscriptions." msgstr "Kelola blog dan langganan buletin Anda." msgid "Please add at least one phone number." msgstr "Mohon tambahkan sedikitnya satu nomor telepon." msgid "Jump right into the editor to design your homepage from scratch." msgstr "Gunakan editor untuk mendesain beranda Anda dari awal." msgid "Patterns" msgstr "Pola" msgid "" "Pick the header that appears at the top of every page and shows your site " "logo, title and navigation." msgstr "" "Pilih header yang terletak di bagian atas setiap halaman dan menampilkan " "logo, judul, dan navigasi situs Anda." msgid "" "Pick the footer that appears at the bottom of every page and shows useful " "links and contact information." msgstr "" "Pilih footer terletak di bawah setiap halaman dan menampilkan tautan penting " "dan informasi kontak." msgid "Welcome to your homepage." msgstr "Selamat datang di beranda Anda." msgid "" "Experience the ease of crafting professional content with an intuitive and " "powerful WordPress AI assistant." msgstr "" "Nikmati kemudahan membuat konten profesional dengan asisten AI WordPress " "yang intuitif dan canggih." msgid "Directing to checkout" msgstr "Mengarahkan ke checkout" msgid "Click to share on Nextdoor" msgstr "Klik untuk berbagi di Nextdoor" msgctxt "share to" msgid "Nextdoor" msgstr "Nextdoor" msgid "Nextdoor" msgstr "Nextdoor" msgid "Your Jetpack Blaze dashboard requires JavaScript to function properly." msgstr "" "Dasbor Jetpack Blaze Anda memerlukan JavaScript agar dapat berfungsi optimal." msgid "" "This block is no longer supported. Its contents will no longer be displayed " "to your visitors and as such this block should be removed." msgstr "" "Blok ini tidak lagi didukung. Kontennya tidak akan lagi ditampilkan kepada " "pengunjung Anda dan karenanya, blok ini harus dihapus." msgid "" "They will remain as site administrator unless you remove them from the site." msgstr "" "Jika tidak dihapus dari situs, mereka akan tetap menjadi administrator situs." msgid "Powered by Sensei" msgstr "Didukung oleh Sensei" msgid "Enable global edge caching for faster content delivery." msgstr "Aktifkan global edge caching untuk pengiriman konten lebih cepat." msgid "" "You are minutes away from
being ready to launch your
first course." msgstr "" "Tinggal beberapa menit lagi
Anda akan siap meluncurkan
kursus " "pertama Anda." msgctxt "Jetpack WooCommerce AutomateWoo Extension" msgid "AutomateWoo" msgstr "AutomateWoo" msgctxt "Jetpack WooCommerce Min/Max Quantities Extension" msgid "Min/Max Quantities" msgstr "Jumlah Min/Maks" msgid "WooCommerce Min/Max Quantities" msgstr "Jumlah Min/Maks WooCommerce" msgctxt "Jetpack WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Extension" msgid "Product Add-Ons" msgstr "Add-on Produk" msgctxt "Jetpack WooCommerce Product Bundles Extension" msgid "Product Bundles" msgstr "Bundel Produk" msgctxt "Jetpack WooCommerce Subscriptions Extension" msgid "Subscriptions" msgstr "Langganan" msgid "" "If your site %(siteSlug)s has a staging site, it will be " "transferred to %(siteOwner)s." msgstr "" "Jika situs %(siteSlug)s memiliki situs staging, situs akan " "dialihkan ke %(siteOwner)s." msgid "" "Your posts on %(siteSlug)s will remain authored by your " "account." msgstr "" "Pos Anda di %(siteSlug)s akan tetap ditulis oleh akun Anda." msgid "" "You will keep your admin access unless %(siteOwner)s " "removes you." msgstr "" "Anda akan tetap memiliki akses admin, kecuali %(siteOwner)s " "menghapus Anda." msgid " Link in Bio & Digital Business Card Tool –" msgstr " Tautan di Bio & Alat Kartu Nama Digital –" msgid "Pay %s now" msgstr "Bayar %s sekarang" msgid "Credits will be automatically applied to your order when available." msgstr "Kredit akan otomatis diterapkan pada pesanan Anda jika tersedia." msgid "Submit campaign" msgstr "Kirim kampanye" msgid "Error submitting payment. Please check payment information." msgstr "" "Terjadi kendala saat mengirim pembayaran. Mohon periksa informasi pembayaran." msgid "Could not retrieve countries. Please try again later." msgstr "Tidak dapat menampilkan negara. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "" "Based on the language of your site we suggest targeting %(lang)s speaking " "users to ensure the ad is seen by the right audience and to increase its " "effectiveness." msgstr "" "Berdasarkan bahasa situs Anda, kami menyarankan untuk menargetkan pengguna " "yang berbicara dalam bahasa %(lang)s untuk memastikan iklan dilihat oleh " "audiens yang tepat dan meningkatkan efektivitasnya." msgid "The post URL" msgstr "URL pos" msgid "The page URL" msgstr "URL halaman" msgid "Fetching posts…" msgstr "Mengambil pos…" msgid "" "In order to take advantage of the benefits offered by Jetpack, please log in " "to your account below. Don't have an account? {{signupLink}}" "Sign up{{/signupLink}}" msgstr "" "Untuk mendapatkan manfaat yang ditawarkan oleh Jetpack, silakan login ke " "akun Anda di bawah ini. Belum punya akun? {{signupLink}}" "Daftar{{/signupLink}}." msgid "Rows:" msgstr "Baris:" msgid "Blaze - Powered by Jetpack" msgstr "Blaze - Didukung oleh Jetpack" msgid "View site uptime stats for the past 20 days" msgstr "Lihat statistik uptime situs dalam 20 hari terakhir" msgid "View quick traffic insights for the past 7 days" msgstr "Lihat informasi lalu lintas cepat dalam 7 hari terakhir" msgid "View details about the latest site backup" msgstr "Lihat detail tentang pencadangan situs terakhir" msgid "" "The expanded information view gives you more data for each site at a glance, " "and you can take action immediately with one click." msgstr "" "Tampilan informasi yang diperluas memberikan data tiap situs secara lebih " "lengkap dalam satu layar sehingga Anda dapat segera mengambil tindakan " "dengan sekali klik." msgid "See more detail without leaving the dashboard" msgstr "Lihat detail lebih lengkap tanpa perlu meninggalkan dasbor" msgid "Ensure your clients’ sites are open for business" msgstr "Pastikan situs klien Anda siap menjalankan bisnis" msgid "Easy to understand traffic light issue warning system" msgstr "Sistem peringatan masalah lampu lalu lintas yang mudah dipahami" msgid "Instant notifications when a site needs attention" msgstr "Pemberitahuan instan jika situs perlu diperiksa" msgid "Manage Jetpack across your client sites in a single place" msgstr "Kelola Jetpack di seluruh situs klien Anda dari satu tempat " msgid "Save time managing client security & performance in one place" msgstr "" "Hemat waktu Anda dengan mengelola keamanan & performa klien di satu tempat" msgid "" "Whether you manage a few sites or upwards of 1,000 sites, the Jetpack Pro " "Dashboard will help automate your client site management." msgstr "" "Saat Anda mengelola beberapa situs atau lebih dari 1.000 situs, Jetpack Pro " "Dashboard akan membantu mengotomatiskan pengelolaan situs klien Anda." msgid "" "Creatio is a simple, minimal theme that supports full-site editing and " "global styles. Use it to build something beautiful." msgstr "" "Creatio adalah tema sederhana dan minimalis yang mendukung pengeditan situs " "penuh dan gaya global. Gunakan tema ini untuk membuat sesuatu yang indah." msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this phone number?" msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus nomor telepon berikut?" msgid "" "Your subscriber list is being processed. We'll send you an email when it's " "finished importing." msgstr "" "Daftar pelanggan Anda sedang diproses. Kami akan mengirimkan e-mail kepada " "Anda ketika proses impor selesai." msgid "Success! You're now subscribed to %s." msgstr "Berhasil! Anda sekarang sudah berlangganan %s." msgid "Take survey" msgstr "Isi survei" msgid "" "Take this 2 minute survey to help us understand your needs & build products " "that deliver more value to your clients." msgstr "" "Isi survei 2 menit berikut untuk membantu kami memahami kebutuhan Anda & " "membangun produk yang memberikan nilai tambah lebih banyak kepada klien Anda." msgid "Help Jetpack build better products for you" msgstr "Bantu Jetpack membangun produk yang lebih baik untuk Anda" msgid "this site" msgstr "situs ini" msgid "this website" msgstr "situs web ini" msgid "Let's start your blog!" msgstr "Ayo, mulai blog Anda!" msgid "The installed version of WordPress has a known vulnerability." msgstr "Versi WordPress yang diinstal diketahui memiliki kerentanan." msgid "Vulnerable WordPress version." msgstr "Versi WordPress yang rentan." msgid "" "Please note: You have a %s plan connected to this domain that renews " "separately. If the renewal for the plan doesn’t go through, you will get a " "separate email to manage the plan renewal." msgstr "" "Harap ingat bahwa: Anda punya paket %s yang terhubung dengan domain ini dan " "diperpanjang secara terpisah. Jika perpanjangan paket tersebut tidak " "berhasil, Anda akan mendapatkan email tersendiri untuk mengelola " "perpanjangan paket." msgid "Manage my domain renewal" msgstr "Mengelola perpanjangan domain" msgid "" "Manage your payment information and manually renew your domain to " "keep the site running without issues." msgstr "" "Kelola informasi pembayaran dan perpanjang domain Anda secara manual " "agar situs dapat berfungsi tanpa masalah." msgid "" "Update your payment information and renew your domain to keep the " "site running without issues." msgstr "" "Perbarui informasi pembayaran dan perpanjang domain Anda agar situs " "dapat berfungsi tanpa masalah." msgid "" "Update your payment information and renew your domain manually or you " "risk losing %s forever, and visitors to your site may experience " "difficulties accessing it." msgstr "" "Perbarui informasi pembayaran dan perpanjang domain Anda secara manual atau %s akan hilang selamanya dan pengunjung akan kesulitan mengakses " "situs Anda." msgid "" "We have attempted to renew your domain registration for %s. Unfortunately, " "the problem preventing the renewal is still persistent." msgstr "" "Kami telah berupaya memperpanjang registrasi domain Anda untuk %s. Sayang " "sekali, masalah yang menghambat perpanjangan masih berlanjut." msgid "" "Review and update your payment information; otherwise, your domain will " "expire and you risk losing it forever." msgstr "" "Tinjau dan perbarui informasi pembayaran agar domain Anda tidak kedaluwarsa " "dan tidak hilang." msgid "" "A problem with your domain registration for %s renewal still " "needs to be resolved." msgstr "" "Masih ada masalah registrasi domain yang perlu Anda selesaikan " "untuk keperluan perpanjangan %s." msgid "" "We wanted to give you a quick heads up so you can change your payment " "information and continue running your website without a hitch. That way, " "your fans won’t miss a beat!" msgstr "" "Ini adalah pemberitahuan awal agar Anda dapat mengubah informasi pembayaran " "Anda dan terus menjalankan situs Anda tanpa hambatan. Dengan demikian, " "penggemar situs Anda tidak akan ketinggalan kabar apa pun!" msgid "" "We are attempting to renew your domain registration for %s, and it is not " "going through." msgstr "" "Kami sedang berupaya memperpanjang registrasi domain Anda untuk %s, " "tetapi tidak berhasil." msgid "You are about to lose your domain" msgstr "Anda akan kehilangan domain" msgid "Your domain will expire soon" msgstr "Domain Anda akan segera kedaluwarsa" msgid "Renew your domain" msgstr "Perpanjang domain Anda" msgid "Login to leave a reply." msgstr "Login untuk meninggalkan balasan." msgid "" "Leave the heavy lifting to us and let our professional builders craft your " "compelling website." msgstr "" "Serahkan pekerjaan yang rumit kepada kami dan biarkan tim profesional kami " "membuat situs web Anda yang menawan." msgid "We’ll build your site for you" msgstr "Biarkan kami membuatkan situs Anda" msgid "Premium fonts" msgstr "Font premium" msgid "Free font" msgstr "Font gratis" msgid "Free style" msgstr "Gaya gratis" msgid "" "Use the Reader to follow your favorite sites, find new great content, and " "interact with the community: %s." msgstr "" "Gunakan Pembaca untuk mengikuti situs favorit Anda, menemukan konten baru " "yang menarik, serta berinteraksi dengan komunitas %s." msgid "" "Don’t forget to email your list, share on social media, and tell everyone " "you know about your new website. (It might help to set-up autosharing for " "new blog posts: %s.)" msgstr "" "Jangan lupa kirimkan email ke anggota milis Anda, bagikan ke media sosial, " "dan beri tahu semua kenalan tentang situs baru Anda. (Agar lebih mudah, coba " "atur berbagi otomatis untuk pos blog baru: %s.)" msgid "" "For as little as $5, you can create effective ads that are seen across the " " and Tumblr ecosystem of sites and blogs. Click here to learn " "more about our Blaze platform: %s." msgstr "" "Hanya dengan $5, Anda dapat membuat iklan jitu yang akan tampil di seluruh " "ekosistem situs dan blog dan Tumblr. Klik di sini untuk " "mengetahui selengkapnya tentang platform Blaze kami: %s." msgid "" "Search engine optimization (SEO) is how your site gets listed and discovered " "on Google and other search engines. Click here to learn more about our world-" "class, no-add-ons-needed SEO features: %s." msgstr "" "Dengan optimisasi mesin pencari (SEO), situs Anda akan terdaftar dan dapat " "ditemukan di Google dan mesin pencari lain. Klik di sini untuk membaca " "selengkapnya tentang fitur SEO kami yang berkelas dunia dan tidak memerlukan " "add-on: %s." msgid "" "You’re doing great with your website-building journey on! " "You’ve picked a design, written some content, and now it’s time to spread " "the word. Today, we’ll show you how to promote what you’re doing and drive " "traffic to your site." msgstr "" "Sejauh ini, langkah Anda dalam membangun situs di sudah bagus. " "Anda sudah memilih desain dan menulis konten. Sekarang adalah saatnya orang-" "orang tahu tentang situs Anda! Hari ini, kami akan tunjukkan cara " "mempromosikan karya Anda dan meningkatkan traffic ke situs." msgid "Discover Block Patterns: %s." msgstr "Temukan Pola Blok: %s." msgid "Informative Webinars: %s." msgstr "Webinar Informatif: %s." msgid "Block Themes & Site Editor: %s." msgstr "Tema Blok & Editor Situs: %s." msgid "Your Own Newsletter: %s." msgstr "Buletin Anda: %s." msgid "Offer Premium Content & Paid Subscriptions: %s." msgstr "Tawarkan Konten Premium & Langganan Berbayar: %s" msgid "" "🎉 Congratulations! You’ve upgraded your site’s plan on! We’re " "thrilled to see you’ve chosen to unlock more power and features. You’re " "ready to discover new features and do more with" msgstr "" "🎉 Selamat! Anda telah mengupgrade paket situs Anda di! Kami " "senang Anda telah membuka akses ke fungsi dan fitur yang lebih lengkap. Anda " "kini siap menemukan fitur-fitur baru dan lebih maksimal memanfaatkan " "" msgid "Get started write now" msgstr "Mulai tulis sekarang" msgid "" "Free software like ChatGPT: %s can help you get started if you’re feeling " "stuck." msgstr "" "Perangkat lunak gratis seperti ChatGPT: %s dapat membantu Anda memulai jika " "merasa buntu." msgid "" "The Simple Content Strategy Framework and Template That Anyone Can Use: %s" msgstr "" "Artikel \"The Simple Content Strategy Framework and Template That Anyone Can " "Use\": %s" msgid "" "Intro to Blogging: %s is a great place to start. Not sure if blogging is " "right for you? This course may help you decide that as well." msgstr "" "Pengantar Blogging: %s adalah langkah awal yang tepat. Tidak yakin apakah " "blogging tepat untuk Anda? Dengan mengikuti kelas ini, Anda bisa mencari " "tahu." msgid "" "We hope you’re having fun leveling up your website with The " "next step in your journey is to create engaging and valuable content." msgstr "" "Semoga Anda senang atas meningkatnya situs web Anda bersama " "Langkah selanjutnya, buatlah konten yang menarik dan bermakna." msgid "Happy building!" msgstr "Selamat mengembangkan situs!" msgid "" "Remember, driving traffic to your site is just the beginning. The ultimate " "goal is to make an impact on your audience and achieve your goals, however " "large or small they may be." msgstr "" "Ingat, meningkatkan traffic hanyalah langkah awal. Tujuan akhirnya adalah " "membawa dampak kepada audiens dan mencapai tujuan Anda, sebesar atau sekecil " "apa pun itu." msgid "" "Use the Reader to " "follow your favorite sites, find new great content, and interact with the " " community." msgstr "" "Gunakan Pembaca " "untuk mengikuti situs favorit Anda, menemukan konten baru yang menarik, " "serta berinteraksi dengan komunitas" msgid "Discover and build community." msgstr "Temukan dan bangun komunitas." msgid "" "Don’t forget to email your list, share on social media, and tell everyone " "you know about your new website. (It might help to set-up autosharing for new blog posts.)" msgstr "" "Jangan lupa kirimkan email ke anggota milis Anda, bagikan ke media sosial, " "dan beri tahu semua kenalan tentang situs baru Anda. (Agar lebih mudah, coba atur berbagi otomatis " "untuk pos blog baru.)" msgid "Announce what you’ve created!" msgstr "Tunjukkan karya Anda!" msgid "" "For as little as $5, you can create effective ads that are seen across the " " and Tumblr ecosystem of sites and blogs. Click here to learn more about our " "Blaze platform." msgstr "" "Hanya dengan $5, Anda dapat membuat iklan jitu yang akan tampil di seluruh " "ekosistem situs dan blog dan Tumblr. Klik di sini untuk mengetahui selengkapnya " "tentang platform Blaze kami." msgid "Promote your best work with self-serve ads." msgstr "Promosikan karya terbaik Anda dengan sistem iklan swalayan." msgid "" "Search engine optimization (SEO) is how your site gets listed and discovered " "on Google and other search engines. Click here to learn more about our world-class, no-add-ons-" "needed SEO features." msgstr "" "Dengan optimisasi mesin pencari (SEO), situs Anda akan terdaftar dan dapat " "ditemukan di Google dan mesin pencari lain. Klik di sini untuk membaca selengkapnya tentang fitur SEO " "kami yang berkelas dunia dan tidak memerlukan add-on." msgid "Take advantage of our built-in SEO tools." msgstr "Manfaatkan alat SEO bawaan kami." msgid "Once your website is launched, here are four things to do right away:" msgstr "Setelah peluncuran situs Anda, segera lakukan empat langkah berikut:" msgid "" "You’re doing great with your website-building journey on! You’ve picked a design, written some " "content, and now it’s time to spread the word. Today, we’ll show you how to " "promote what you’re doing and drive traffic to your site." msgstr "" "Sejauh ini, langkah Anda dalam membangun situs di sudah bagus. Anda sudah memilih desain dan " "menulis konten. Sekarang adalah saatnya orang-orang tahu tentang situs Anda! " "Hari ini, kami akan tunjukkan cara mempromosikan karya Anda dan meningkatkan " "lalu lintas ke situs." msgid "Hello again intrepid website builder," msgstr "Halo, pembuat situs web yang suka tantangan." msgid "Here’s how." msgstr "Begini caranya." msgid "Be seen." msgstr "Tunjukkan." msgid "Be heard." msgstr "Suarakan." msgid "" "SEO, ads, and everything else you need to make an impact with your site." msgstr "" "SEO, iklan, dan semua yang Anda perlukan untuk memberikan dampak yang " "berarti dengan situs Anda." msgid "🚀 Skyrocket traffic to your site" msgstr "🚀 Tingkatkan lalu lintas ke situs Anda" msgid "More tips coming your way soon." msgstr "Tip-tip lainnya akan segera hadir!" msgid "" "Were you intrigued when you heard about our newsletter feature? If so, " "satisfy that curiosity and watch one of our Happiness Engineers spin up a " "newsletter site in just a few minutes. It’s pretty rad!" msgstr "" "Anda penasaran dengan fitur buletin kami? Kalau penasaran, langsung saja " "lihat salah satu Happiness Engineer kami membuat situs buletin hanya dalam " "beberapa menit. Keren lho!" msgid "Tip #3" msgstr "Tip #3" msgid "" "Combine your pattern skills with the Site Editor to create subscription " "forms that catch your visitors’ attention." msgstr "" "Kombinasikan keterampilan Anda membuat pola dengan Editor Situs untuk " "menyusun formulir langganan yang menarik pengunjung." msgid "Use patterns to create subscription forms that attract more subscribers" msgstr "" "Gunakan pola untuk membuat formulir langganan yang mampu menggaet lebih " "banyak pelanggan" msgid "Tip #2" msgstr "Tip #2" msgid "" "Watch this tutorial to learn how to insert patterns and give your site a " "unique touch." msgstr "" "Simak tutorial ini untuk belajar cara menyisipkan pola dan memberikan " "sentuhan unik pada situs Anda." msgid "Easily customize your site’s design with pre-designed patterns" msgstr "Sesuaikan desain situs dengan pola siap pakai secara mudah." msgid "Tip #1" msgstr "Tip #1" msgid "" "By following these tips, you’ll progress with each step toward a site that " "has the potential to really stand out and attract a larger audience." msgstr "" "Dengan mengikuti tip-tip ini, tiap langkah Anda akan jadi progres bermakna " "menuju situs yang mampu menjadi unggulan dan memikat lebih banyak audiens." msgid "" "Congratulations! You checked out the features and webinars we mentioned " "yesterday, and you’re ready to expand your knowledge even further." msgstr "" "Selamat! Anda sudah lihat berbagai fitur dan webinar yang kami sebutkan " "kemarin dan siap memperluas pengetahuan." msgid "Hi again!" msgstr "Halo, kita ketemu lagi!" msgid "Grow your followers." msgstr "Perbanyak pengikut Anda." msgid "Customize your website." msgstr "Sesuaikan situs Anda." msgid " features help your site get noticed." msgstr "" "Dengan fitur-fitur, situs Anda makin mudah diketahui orang." msgid "Customize your website and grow your audience." msgstr "Sesuaikan situs web dan perbanyak audiens Anda." msgid "" "We hope you’re as excited as we are for you to embark on this next chapter " "of your journey. Remember, your success is our greatest " "reward, and we’re here to support you every step of the way." msgstr "" "Kami harap Anda seantusias kami dalam memulai babak berikutnya dalam " "perjalanan Anda. Ketahuilah, keberhasilan Anda adalah imbalan " "paling berharga bagi kami. Kami selalu hadir dan siap membantu Anda di " "sepanjang proses." msgid "" "Save time and effort by exploring our library of pre-designed block " "patterns. Mix and match to create stunning layouts without any hassle." msgstr "" "Hemat waktu dan tenaga dengan menjelajahi pustaka pola blok siap pakai kami. " "Padu padankan untuk membuat tata letak yang memukau secara mudah." msgid "" "Discover " "Block Patterns" msgstr "" "Temukan Pola " "Blok" msgid "" "Join our weekly webinars to acquire new skills, learn from experts, and " "embark on new quests with your fellow adventurers." msgstr "" "Ikuti webinar mingguan kami untuk mendapatkan keterampilan baru, belajar " "dari para pakar, dan memulai perjalanan baru dengan sesama petualang." msgid "" "Informative " "Webinars" msgstr "" "Webinar " "Informatif" msgid "" "Unleash your creative potential with our latest block themes and the " "revolutionary site editor. Customize your site’s design, layout, and overall " "look with just a few clicks." msgstr "" "Tunjukkan potensi kreatif Anda dengan tema blok terbaru dan editor situs " "kami yang revolusioner. Sesuaikan desain, tata letak, dan seluruh tampilan " "situs Anda hanya dengan beberapa kali klik." msgid "" "Block Themes and Site " "Editor" msgstr "" "Tema Blok dan Editor " "Situs" msgid "" "Establish a powerful connection with your audience by creating your own " "newsletter. Share exclusive content, updates, and news directly to their " "inboxes. And yes, you can now offer paid newsletters as well." msgstr "" "Jalin hubungan erat dengan audiens Anda melalui pembuatan buletin. Bagikan " "konten eksklusif, pembaruan, dan berita secara langsung ke email mereka. " "Anda juga dapat menawarkan buletin berbayar." msgid "" "Your Own " "Newsletter" msgstr "" "Buletin Anda" msgid "" "Ready to earn some coins with your content? You’ve leveled up to the plan " "that allows you to provide premium content to your readers in exchange for " "the sweet sound of cha-ching!" msgstr "" "Siap mendapat penghasilan dengan konten Anda? Anda telah upgrade ke paket " "yang dapat digunakan untuk menghadirkan konten premium berbayar kepada " "pembaca. Penghasilan pun siap mengalir masuk! " msgid "" "Offer Premium Content " "& Paid Subscriptions" msgstr "" "Tawarkan Konten " "Premium & Langganan Berbayar" msgid "Level up your experience with these tools and resources." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan pengalaman Anda dengan berbagai alat dan sumber " "daya ini." msgid "" "🎉 Congratulations! You’ve upgraded your site’s plan on! We’re thrilled to see you’ve chosen " "to unlock more power and features. You’re ready to discover new features and " "do more with" msgstr "" "🎉 Selamat! Anda telah mengupgrade paket situs Anda di! Kami senang Anda telah membuka akses " "ke fungsi dan fitur yang lebih lengkap. Anda kini siap menemukan fitur-fitur " "baru dan lebih maksimal memanfaatkan" msgid "Hey there!" msgstr "Halo!" msgid "Your website just got an upgrade." msgstr "Situs Anda telah diupgrade." msgid "Congrats on your new site! Here’s what’s new in" msgstr "Selamat atas situs baru Anda! Inilah yang baru di" msgid "🏆 Level Up Your Experience with Exclusive Features!" msgstr "🏆 Tingkatkan Pengalaman Anda dengan Fitur Eksklusif!" msgid "— The Team" msgstr "— Tim" msgid "Happy creating!" msgstr "Selamat berkarya!" msgid "" "Remember, great content is the foundation of a great website. Stay tuned: " "tomorrow we’ll show you how to drive traffic to your site and make an impact." msgstr "" "Ingat, konten yang keren adalah fondasi situs web yang keren. Terus ikuti " "kami karena besok kami akan tunjukkan cara meningkatkan lalu lintas situs " "Anda dan membawa dampak yang bermakna." msgid "" "Free software like ChatGPT can help you get started if you’re feeling stuck." msgstr "" "Perangkat lunak gratis seperti ChatGPT dapat membantu Anda memulai jika merasa buntu." msgid "Use AI to help you write" msgstr "Gunakan AI untuk membantu Anda menulis" msgid "" "The Simple Content " "Strategy Framework and Template That Anyone Can Use." msgstr "" "Artikel \"The Simple " "Content Strategy Framework and Template That Anyone Can Use\"" msgid "Read this article" msgstr "Baca artikel ini" msgid "" "Intro to Blogging " "is a great place to start. Not sure if blogging is right for you? This " "course may help you decide that as well." msgstr "" "Pengantar Blogging " "adalah langkah awal yang tepat. Tidak yakin apakah blogging tepat untuk " "Anda? Dengan mengikuti kelas ini, Anda bisa mencari tahu." msgid "Take a free course" msgstr "Ikuti kelas gratis" msgid "" "Every new site needs fresh content. We offer a variety of tools and " "resources to help you create great content. Here are a few to check out:" msgstr "" "Setiap situs baru membutuhkan konten segar. Kami menawarkan berbagai alat " "dan sumber daya untuk membantu Anda membuat konten keren. Inilah beberapa " "yang perlu Anda simak:" msgid "" "Great content sets your website apart from the competition. It’s what drives " "new traffic to your site and turns visitors into loyal fans, subscribers, " "and customers." msgstr "" "Konten keren membedakan situs web Anda dari para pesaing. Konten keren " "adalah yang mendatangkan traffic ke situs Anda dan mengubah pangunjung jadi " "penggemar, pelanggan, dan pembeli yang setia." msgid "" "We hope you’re having fun leveling up your website with The next step in your journey is to " "create engaging and valuable content." msgstr "" "Semoga Anda senang atas meningkatnya situs web Anda bersama Langkah selanjutnya, buatlah " "konten yang menarik dan bermakna." msgid "Hello again!" msgstr "Halo, kita ketemu lagi!" msgid "Craft great content that your visitors love." msgstr "Buat konten keren yang disukai pengunjung Anda." msgid "Get started write now" msgstr "Mulai tulis sekarang" msgid "Keep visitors on your site with great posts and pages." msgstr "Pertahankan pengunjung Anda dengan pos dan halaman yang keren." msgid "📝 Craft valuable content" msgstr "📝 Buat konten bermakna" msgid "Receive web and mobile notifications for posts on this site." msgstr "Terima pemberitahuan web dan seluler untuk pos di situs ini." msgid "Logged in via %s" msgstr "Login melalui %s" msgid "" "Save %1$s on payment processing costs in your first three months when you sign up for %2$s today." msgstr "" "Hemat biaya pemrosesan pembayaran sebesar %1$s untuk tiga bulan " "pertama jika Anda mendaftar %2$s sekarang." msgid "The transfer will be completed on %1$s." msgstr "Transfer akan selesai pada %1$s." msgid "" "We received notification on %1$s that you have requested a transfer of %2$s " "to another domain name registrar." msgstr "" "Kami menerima pemberitahuan pada %1$s bahwa Anda meminta transfer %2$s ke " "registrar nama domain lain." msgid "" "The domain was added as part of the %s plan on your blog. Renewing the plan " "will also renew the domain." msgstr "" "Domain ini ditambahkan sebagai bagian dari paket %s di blog Anda. " "Perpanjangan paket tersebut akan memperpanjang pula domainnya." msgid "" "Heads up, your visitors can still find your website at %1$s, but you’ll need " "to renew soon to reconnect %2$s to your account." msgstr "" "Perhatikan: Pengunjung masih dapat menemukan situs Anda di %1$s, tetapi Anda " "harus segera mengurus perpanjangan untuk menghubungkan kembali %2$s dengan " "akun Anda." msgid "Renew your registration today to keep %s up and running." msgstr "" "Perpanjang registrasi Anda hari ini agar %s tetap berjalan dengan baik." msgid "" "The domain name for your site expired on %1$s and is no longer accessible " "at %2$s. Your domain name can still be recovered at your renewal price of " "%3$s per year. This price does not include any applicable taxes, which will " "vary based on your billing address." msgstr "" "Nama domain situs Anda sudah kedaluwarsa pada %1$s dan tidak dapat lagi " "diakses di %2$s. Nama domain Anda masih dapat dipulihkan dengan harga " "perpanjangan %3$s per tahun. Harga di atas belum termasuk pajak yang " "berlaku, yang besarnya bervariasi berdasarkan alamat penagihan Anda." msgid "Your domain registration expired yesterday." msgstr "Registrasi domain Anda kedaluwarsa kemarin." msgid "Generate" msgstr "Buat" msgid "If you update your number, you’ll need to verify it." msgstr "Jika Anda mengubah nomor Anda, Anda harus memverifikasinya." msgid "Edit your phone number" msgstr "Ubah nomor telepon Anda" msgid "Please use phone number that is accessible. Only alerts will be sent." msgstr "" "Mohon gunakan nomor telepon yang dapat dijangkau. Kami hanya mengirim pesan " "pemberitahuan." msgid "" "Please use an email address that is accessible. Only alerts will be sent." msgstr "" "Mohon gunakan alamat e-mail yang dapat dijangkau. Kami hanya mengirim pesan " "pemberitahuan. " msgid "" "If you haven’t come up with the perfect .com yet, don’t fret. We have a " "bunch of popular custom domains that will help you put your fingerprint on " "your new blog – and they’re free for one year with any paid plan. Or you " "could start with a subdomain, and decide later. It’s all good." msgstr "" "Jika belum menemukan domain .com yang pas, tak perlu khawatir. Kami punya " "bermacam domain kustom populer yang bisa Anda pakai untuk membuat blog baru " "yang unik dan pastinya domain ini gratis selama setahun dengan pembelian " "paket berbayar mana pun. Anda juga bisa membuat blog dengan domain yang " "berakhiran lalu memilih domain sendiri nanti. Santai." msgid "Manage team members" msgstr "Kelola anggota tim" msgid "All set! Ready to take your site even further?" msgstr "Semua siap! Siap untuk membawa situs Anda lebih jauh lagi?" msgid "Great Choice!" msgstr "Pilihan Bagus!" msgid "" "Explore our comprehensive support guides and find solutions to all your " "email inquiries." msgstr "" "Jelajahi panduan dukungan komprehensif kami dan temukan solusi untuk semua " "pertanyaan Anda seputar email." msgid "Email questions? We have the answers" msgstr "Kirim pertanyaan melalui e-mail? Kami punya jawabannya" msgid "" "The Jetpack mobile app for iOS and Android makes managing your email, " "domain, and website even simpler." msgstr "" "Aplikasi ponsel Jetpack untuk iOS dan Android menjadikan pengelolaan e-mail, " "domain, dan situs web Anda menjadi lebih sederhana." msgid "Manage your email and site from anywhere" msgstr "Kelola e-mail dan situs Anda dari mana saja." msgid "Go to inbox" msgstr "Buka inbox" msgid "All set! Now it's time to update your contact details." msgstr "Semua siap! Sekarang saatnya memperbarui detail kontak Anda." msgid "Say hello to your new email address" msgstr "Sambutlah alamat e-mail baru Anda" msgid "" "Dive into our comprehensive support documentation to learn the basics of " "email, from setup to management." msgstr "" "Pahami dokumentasi dukungan komprehensif kami untuk mempelajari hal-hal " "dasar terkait email, dari penyiapan hingga pengelolaan." msgid "Your go-to email resource" msgstr "Sumber daya rujukan email Anda" msgid "" "Check out our support documentation for step-by-step instructions and expert " "guidance on your domain set up." msgstr "" "Cek dokumentasi bantuan kami untuk petunjuk langkah demi langkah dan panduan " "ahli tentang pengaturan domain Anda." msgid "Dive into domain essentials" msgstr "Pahami hal-hal penting tentang domain" msgid "" "All set! We’re just setting up your new domain so you can start spreading " "the word." msgid_plural "" "All set! We’re just setting up your new domains so you can start spreading " "the word." msgstr[0] "" "Semua siap! Kami baru saja menyiapkan domain baru Anda agar Anda dapat mulai " "memublikasikannya." msgstr[1] "" msgid "Your own corner of the web" msgstr "Web dalam kendali Anda" msgid "" "A new look and feel can help you stand out from the crowd. Get a new theme " "and make an impression." msgstr "" "Tampilan dan suasana baru membuat Anda tampil beda. Dapatkan tema baru dan " "ciptakan kesan menarik." msgid "A site refresh" msgstr "Segarkan situs" msgid "Everything you need to know" msgstr "Semua yang perlu Anda ketahui" msgid "Let’s work on the site" msgstr "Ayo kerjakan situs" msgid "Get the best out of your site" msgstr "Maksimalkan situs Anda" msgid "Plugin documentation" msgstr "Dokumentasi plugin" msgid "" "Unlock your plugin's potential with our comprehensive support documentation." msgstr "" "Buka kunci potensi plugin Anda dengan dokumentasi bantuan kami yang lengkap." msgid "All-in-one plugin documentation" msgstr "Dokumentasi plugin lengkap" msgid "Need help setting your plugin up?" msgstr "Perlu bantuan untuk menyiapkan plugin Anda?" msgid "Your site, more powerful than ever" msgstr "Situs Anda, lebih andal dari sebelumnya" msgid "" "Take a look at our comprehensive support documentation and learn more about " "themes." msgstr "" "Kunjungi dokumentasi bantuan lengkap kami dan pelajari lebih lanjut tentang " "tema." msgid "Your go-to theme resource" msgstr "Sumber daya tema pilihan Anda" msgid "" "Check out our support documentation for step-by-step instructions and expert " "guidance on your theme set up." msgstr "" "Cek dokumentasi bantuan kami untuk instruksi langkah demi langkah dan " "panduan ahli tentang pengaturan tema Anda." msgid "" "%1$s will remain as site administrator unless you remove them from the site." msgstr "" "Jika tidak dihapus dari situs, %1$s akan tetap menjadi administrator situs." msgid "" "%1$s will remain as site administrator unless you remove " "them from the site." msgstr "" "Jika tidak dihapus dari situs, %1$s akan tetap menjadi " "administrator situs." msgid "Manage paid subscribers" msgstr "Kelola pelanggan berbayar" msgid "Cancel paid subscription" msgstr "Batalkan langganan berbayar" msgid "" "Looks like you’re trying to cancel a paid subscription. To do so, you’ll " "need to cancel the subscription plan first." msgstr "" "Tampaknya Anda mencoba membatalkan langganan berbayar. Untuk melakukannya, " "Anda harus membatalkan paket langganan terlebih dahulu." msgid "Writer’s block?" msgstr "Kehabisan ide?" msgid "Please provide a valid URL for content hosted by Automattic" msgstr "Sertakan URL yang valid untuk konten yang dihosting Automattic" msgid "" "Are you sure you want to remove %s from your list? They will no longer " "receive new notifications from your site." msgstr "" "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus %s dari daftar Anda? Mereka tidak akan " "lagi menerima pemberitahuan baru dari situs Anda." msgid "" "To remove %s from your list, you’ll need to cancel their paid subscription " "first." msgstr "" "Untuk menghapus %s dari daftar, terlebih dahulu Anda harus membatalkan " "langganan berbayar pengguna tersebut." msgid "Remove free subscriber" msgstr "Hapus pelanggan gratis" msgid "Remove paid subscriber" msgstr "Hapus pelanggan berbayar" msgid "" "Limit result set to products with specific slug(s). Use commas to separate." msgstr "" "Membatasi rangkaian hasil ke produk dengan SKU tertentu. Gunakan koma untuk " "memisahkan." msgid "Restrictions" msgstr "Batasan" msgid "Payfast" msgstr "PayFast" msgid "Limit response to objects excluding specific countries." msgstr "Membatasi respons ke objek kecuali negara tertentu." msgid "Limit response to objects with specific countries." msgstr "Membatasi respons ke objek dengan negara tertentu." msgid "Limit response to objects excluding specific usernames." msgstr "Membatasi respons ke objek kecuali nama pengguna tertentu." msgid "Limit response to objects with specific usernames." msgstr "Membatasi respons ke objek dengan nama pengguna tertentu." msgid "Limit response to objects excluding specific names." msgstr "Membatasi respons ke objek kecuali nama tertentu." msgid "Limit response to objects with specific names." msgstr "Membatasi respons ke objek dengan nama tertentu." msgid "Is store connected to" msgstr "Apakah situs Anda terhubung dengan" msgid "1 variation added" msgstr "variasi ditambahkan" msgid "" "Do you want to generate all variations? This will create a new variation for " "each and every possible combination of variation attributes (max %d per run)." msgstr "" "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghubungkan semua variasi? Ini akan membuat " "variasi baru untuk setiap kemungkinan kombinasi atribut variasi (maksimal %d " "setiap kali jalan)." msgid "For more details, check out support documentation: %1$s." msgstr "Untuk informasi selengkapnya, lihat halaman dukungan: %1$s." msgid "" "Your new site also includes paid upgrades. Make sure to update your payment " "information, so you don’t lose any features! %1$s" msgstr "" "Situs baru Anda juga telah di-upgrade ke paket berbayar. Pastikan data " "pembayaran Anda adalah yang terbaru agar tetap bisa menggunakan semua " "fiturnya! %1$s" msgid "" "Please check that the contact information for this domain is up-to-date. %1$s" msgid_plural "" "Please check that the contact information for these domains is up-to-date. " "%1$s" msgstr[0] "" "Harap pastikan bahwa informasi kontak untuk domain ini adalah yang terbaru. " "%1$s" msgstr[1] "" "Harap pastikan bahwa informasi kontak untuk domain-domain ini adalah yang " "terbaru. %1$s" msgid "%1$s made you the owner of %2$s and the following domain:" msgid_plural "%1$s made you the owner of %2$s and the following domains:" msgstr[0] "%1$s menjadikan Anda sebagai pemilik %2$s dan domain berikut:" msgstr[1] "" "%1$s menjadikan Anda sebagai pemilik %2$s dan domain-domain berikut:" msgid "%1$s made you the owner of %2$s." msgstr "%1$s menjadikan Anda sebagai pemilik %2$s." msgid "Congratulations %s," msgstr "Selamat %s," msgid "" "Check out our support " "documentation for more details." msgstr "" "Silakan lihat halaman " "dukungan kami untuk informasi selengkapnya." msgid "" "Your new site also includes paid upgrades. Make sure to update your payment information, so you don’t lose any " "features!" msgstr "" "Situs baru Anda juga telah di-upgrade ke paket berbayar. Pastikan data pembayaran Anda adalah yang terbaru agar " "tetap bisa menggunakan semua fiturnya!" msgid "" "Please check that the contact information " "for this domain is up-to-date." msgid_plural "" "Please check that the contact information " "for these domains is up-to-date." msgstr[0] "" "Harap pastikan bahwa informasi kontak untuk " "domain ini adalah yang terbaru." msgstr[1] "" "Harap pastikan bahwa informasi kontak untuk " "domain-domain ini adalah yang terbaru." msgid "" "%1$s made you the owner of %2$s and the " "following domain:" msgid_plural "" "%1$s made you the owner of %2$s and the " "following domains:" msgstr[0] "" "%1$s menjadikan Anda sebagai pemilik %2$s " "dan domain berikut:" msgstr[1] "" "%1$s menjadikan Anda sebagai pemilik %2$s " "dan domain-domain berikut:" msgid "%1$s made you the owner of %2$s." msgstr "" "%1$s menjadikan Anda sebagai pemilik %2$s." msgid "Congratulations %s," msgstr "Selamat %s," msgid "A site was transferred to you." msgstr "Ada situs yang ditransfer ke Anda." msgid "You got this!" msgstr "Anda pasti bisa!" msgid "Verify your phone number" msgstr "Verifikasi nomor telepon Anda" msgid "" "Please click the link below to authorize the transfer of %1$s and any associated paid upgrades to %2$s." msgstr "" "Silakan klik tautan berikut untuk mengizinkan transfer %1$s " "dan semua paket upgrade berbayarnya ke %2$s." msgid "" "Check our support documentation for more details." msgstr "" "Lihat dokumen dukungan kami untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya." msgid "" "Once you click the link, you will confirm the transfer and no longer have " "any control over %s, its associated upgrades, or the domains listed above. " "Keep in mind that you will not be asked to confirm again, and that this " "change can't be undone." msgstr "" "Setelah mengeklik tautan, Anda berarti menyetujui transfer dan melepaskan " "kontrol atas %s, upgradenya yang terkait, atau domain-domain di atas. Harap " "ingat bahwa Anda tidak akan dimintai konfirmasi lagi dan perubahan ini tidak " "dapat dibatalkan." msgid "" "Please click the link below to authorize the transfer of %1$s to %2$s, including any associated paid upgrades, " "and the following %3$s:" msgstr "" "Silakan klik tautan berikut untuk mengizinkan transfer %1$s " "ke %2$s, termasuk semua paket upgrade berbayarnya, dan %3$s:" msgid "domains" msgstr "domain" msgid "" "Before doing so, please make sure you no longer wish to have control over %s " "and its associated upgrades. Keep in mind that you will not be asked to " "confirm again, and that this change can't be undone." msgstr "" "Sebelum melakukan perubahan, pastikan bahwa Anda benar-benar tidak lagi " "ingin mengontrol %s dan upgrade-nya yang terkait. Harap ingat bahwa Anda " "tidak akan dimintai konfirmasi lagi dan perubahan ini tidak dapat dibatalkan." msgid "" "Please click the link below to authorize the transfer of %1$s and any " "associated paid upgrades to %2$s." msgstr "" "Silakan klik tautan berikut untuk mengizinkan transfer %1$s dan semua paket " "upgrade berbayarnya ke %2$s." msgid "Hi there %s," msgstr "Hai %s," msgid "Authorize site transfer." msgstr "Izinkan transfer situs." msgid "Authorize transfer" msgstr "Izinikan transfer" msgid "" "Congratulations! Your %1$s fees have now been reduced by %2$s for your first " "six months. That’s only %3$s per card transaction!" msgstr "" "Selamat! Kini biaya %1$s Anda telah didiskon sebesar %2$s untuk enam bulan " "pertama. Nilainya cuma %3$s per transaksi kartu!" msgid "" "The reduced fee promotion for %1$s has ended. Your fees have been adjusted " "to match %2$sour normal low-cost rates%3$s." msgstr "" "Promosi diskon %1$s telah berakhir. Biaya Anda sudah disesuaikan dengan " "%2$starif normal kami yang terjangkau%3$s." msgid "Keep track of your progress under Payments > Transactions." msgstr "Lacak progres Anda di Pembayaran > Transaksi." msgid "" "Congratulations! Your %1$s fees have now been reduced by %2$s for your first " "three months. That’s only %3$s per card transaction!" msgstr "" "Selamat! Kini biaya %1$s Anda telah didiskon sebesar %2$s untuk tiga bulan " "pertama. Nilainya cuma %3$s per transaksi kartu!" msgid "Extensions successfully installed!" msgstr "Ekstensi berhasil diinstal!" msgid "" "We'll make it quick – promise. In order to take advantage of the benefits " "offered by %(pluginName)s, you'll need to connect your store to your " " account." msgstr "" "Ini hanya sekejap saja, sungguh. Agar bisa menikmati fitur yang ditawarkan " "%(pluginName)s, Anda harus menghubungkan toko ke akun Anda." msgid "" "We'll make it quick – promise. In order to take advantage of the benefits " "offered by %(pluginName)s, you'll need to connect your store to your " " account. {{br/}} Already have one? {{a}}Log in{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Ini hanya sekejap saja, sungguh. Agar bisa menikmati fitur yang ditawarkan " "%(pluginName)s, Anda harus menghubungkan toko ke akun Anda. " "{{br/}} Sudah punya? {{a}}Login{{/a}}" msgid "Please contact your site's administrator for access." msgstr "Silakan hubungi administrator situs Anda untuk mendapatkan akses." msgid "We're sorry, but you do not have permission to access this page." msgstr "Mohon maaf, Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk mengakses halaman ini." msgid "A network error occurred, check your connection and try again." msgstr "Terjadi error jaringan. Periksa koneksi Anda dan coba lagi." msgid "" "Connect to your site via SSH to run commands and manage files on your server." msgstr "" "Sambungkan ke situs Anda melalui SSH untuk menjalankan perintah dan " "mengelola file di server Anda." msgid "" "Add new features to your site with plugins. Choose from thousands of free " "and premium plugins or upload your own to make your site stand out." msgstr "" "Tambah fitur baru ke situs Anda dengan plugin. Pilih dari ribuan plugin " "gratis dan premium atau unggah plugin Anda sendiri untuk membuat situs Anda " "makin andal." msgid "Install a custom plugin" msgstr "Instal plugin khusus" msgid "Explore themes" msgstr "Jelajahi tema" msgid "Create staging site" msgstr "Buat situs staging" msgid "Set up SSH" msgstr "Siapkan SSH" msgid "" "The block will not be shown to your site visitors until a Tock business name " "is set." msgstr "" "Blok tidak akan ditampilkan ke pengunjung situs Anda sebelum nama bisnis " "Tock ditentukan." msgid "Claim your free one-year domain" msgstr "Klaim domain gratis Anda untuk satu tahun" msgid "" "Yes, our support team will help you connect your existing domain name to " "your site after the build is complete." msgstr "" "Ya, tim bantuan kami akan membantu Anda menghubungkan nama domain yang sudah " "ada ke situs Anda setelah proses pembuatan selesai." msgid "Can I use my existing domain name?" msgstr "Dapatkah saya menggunakan nama domain saya yang sudah ada?" msgid "" "If you choose to use your current site, your existing content " "will remain untouched. We'll create new pages with your provided content " "while applying a new, customized theme. However, we won't edit any existing " "content on your site's pages." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memilih untuk menggunakan situs Anda saat ini, " "konten yang sudah ada tidak akan tersentuh. Kami akan membuat halaman baru " "dengan konten yang Anda sediakan sambil menerapkan tema baru yang " "disesuaikan. Namun, kami tidak akan mengedit konten yang sudah ada di " "halaman situs Anda." msgid "What happens to my existing content?" msgstr "Apa yang terjadi pada konten saya yang sudah ada?" msgid "" "While this service does not include revisions, once you’ve received your " "completed site, you can modify everything using the WordPress editor – " "colors, text, images, adding new pages, and anything else you’d like to " "tweak. Furthermore, our %s plan offers live chat and priority email support " "if you need assistance." msgstr "" "Meski layanan ini tidak termasuk revisi, setelah Anda menerima situs yang " "sudah jadi, Anda dapat memodifikasi sendiri semua aspek menggunakan editor " "WordPress, termasuk warna, teks, gambar, menambahkan halaman baru, dan " "segala hal yang ingin disesuaikan. Selain itu, paket %s kami menawarkan " "dukungan obrolan langsung dan email prioritas jika Anda butuh bantuan." msgid "How many revisions are included?" msgstr "Berapa banyak revisi yang diizinkan?" msgid "" "Each website is unique, mobile-friendly, and customized to your brand and " "content. With a 97% satisfaction rate, we are confident that you will love " "your new site, just like hundreds of customers before you. Additionally, we " "offer a 14-day refund window, giving you peace of mind." msgstr "" "Setiap situs web desainnya unik, mobile-friendly, dan disesuaikan dengan " "brand dan konten Anda. Dengan tingkat kepuasan 97%, kami yakin bahwa Anda " "akan menyukai situs baru Anda, sama seperti ratusan pelanggan sebelum Anda. " "Selain itu, kami menawarkan masa pengembalian dana selama 14 hari, sehingga " "Anda tidak perlu khawatir." msgid "What will my completed website look like?" msgstr "Seperti apa tampilan situs web saya nanti jika sudah selesai?" msgid "" "After you check out, you’ll fill out a content upload form that includes any " "design preferences and reference sites. While we can't guarantee an exact " "match, we'll consider all your feedback during site construction, and you'll " "receive an email when your new site is ready — always within four business " "days." msgstr "" "Setelah checkout, Anda akan mengisi formulir pengunggahan konten yang " "meliputi pilihan desain apa pun dan situs rujukan. Jika kami tidak dapat " "menemukan pilihan yang cocok, kami akan menggunakan semua data Anda selama " "pembuatan situs, dan Anda akan menerima e-mail saat situs baru Anda siap — " "tetap dalam empat hari kerja." msgid "When will you contact me?" msgstr "Kapan Anda akan menghubungi saya?" msgid "" "Don't worry if you don't have images or content for every page. After " "checkout, you'll have an option to opt into AI text creation. Our design " "team can select images and use AI to create your site content, all of which " "you can edit later using the editor. If you select the blog page during sign " "up, we'll even create three blog posts for you to get you started!" msgstr "" "Jangan khawatir jika Anda tidak memiliki gambar atau konten di setiap " "halaman. Setelah checkout, Anda memiliki pilihan untuk mengaktifkan " "pembuatan konten teks dengan AI. Tim desain kami dapat memilihkan gambar dan " "menggunakan AI untuk membuat konten situs Anda, yang dapat Anda edit " "setelahnya menggunakan editor. Jika Anda memilih halaman blog saat " "mendaftar, kami akan membuatkan tiga pos blog sebagai acuan Anda untuk " "memulai!" msgid "What if I don't have enough images or content?" msgstr "Bagaimana jika saya tidak memiliki gambar atau konten yang cukup?" msgid "Yes, extra pages can be purchased for %(extraPageDisplayCost)s each." msgstr "" "Ya, halaman tambahan dapat dibeli seharga %(extraPageDisplayCost)s per " "halaman." msgid "Can I purchase additional pages if I need more than five?" msgstr "" "Dapatkah saya membeli halaman tambahan jika saya membutuhkan lebih dari lima " "halaman?" msgid "" "The service costs %(displayCost)s, plus an additional %(planCost)s for the " "%(planTitle)s plan, which offers fast, secure hosting, video embedding, " "%(storage)s of storage, a free domain for one year, and live chat support." msgstr "" "Layanan ini memerlukan biaya %(displayCost)s, serta tambahan %(planCost)s " "untuk paket %(planTitle)s, yang menawarkan hosting yang cepat dan aman, " "penyematan video, %(storage)s ruang penyimpanan, domain gratis selama " "setahun, dan layanan bantuan profesional." msgid "How much does it cost?" msgstr "Berapa harganya?" msgid "" "Our website-building service is for anyone who wants a polished website " "fast: small businesses, personal websites, bloggers, clubs or organizations, " "and more. Just answer a few questions, submit your content, and we'll handle " "the rest. Click the button above to start, and you'll receive your " "customized 5-page site within 4 business days!" msgstr "" "Layanan pembuatan situs web kami diperuntukkan bagi siapa saja yang " "menginginkan situs web yang dipoles dengan cepat: bisnis kecil, situs web " "pribadi, bloger, klub atau organisasi, dan banyak lagi. Cukup jawab beberapa " "pertanyaan, kirimkan konten Anda, dan kami akan menangani sisanya. Klik " "tombol di atas untuk memulai, dan Anda akan menerima situs 5 halaman yang " "disesuaikan dalam waktu 4 hari kerja!" msgid "We are transferring your site." msgstr "Kami sedang mentransfer situs Anda." msgid "" "There was an error confirming the site transfer. Please {{link}}contact our " "support team{{/link}} for help." msgstr "" "Terjadi kesalahan saat mengonfirmasi pemindahan situs. Mohon {{link}}hubungi " "tim bantuan kami{{/link}}untuk mendapatkan bantuan." msgid "" "Sign up today for %1$s and get %2$s off your payment processing costs " "for the first six months." msgstr "" "Daftar ke %1$s sekarang juga dan dapatkan diskon %2$s atas biaya " "pemrosesan pembayaran Anda untuk enam bulan pertama." msgid "Invalid context." msgstr "Konteks tidak valid." msgid "" "Allow your readers to support your work with paid subscriptions, gated " "content, or tips." msgstr "" "Izinkan pembaca Anda untuk mendukung karya Anda dengan langganan berbayar, " "konten premium, atau tip." msgid "Keep your readers engaged" msgstr "Pertahankan agar pembaca Anda tetap terlibat" msgid "" "Create fresh content, publish regularly, and understand your audience with " "site stats." msgstr "" "Buat konten baru, terbitkan secara teratur, dan pahami audiens Anda dengan " "statistik situs." msgid "Every visitor is a potential subscriber" msgstr "Setiap pengunjung adalah pelanggan potensial" msgid "Using a subscriber block is the first step to growing your audience." msgstr "" "Menggunakan blok pelanggan adalah langkah pertama untuk mengembangkan " "audiens Anda." msgid "No, Thanks" msgstr "Tidak, Terima Kasih" msgid "One last step" msgstr "Satu langkah terakhir" msgid "Pick your primary data center" msgstr "Pilih pusat data utama Anda" msgid "Jetpack Stats (Paid)" msgstr "Statistik Jetpack (Berbayar)" msgid "Jetpack Stats (Commercial license)" msgstr "Statistik Jetpack (Lisensi komersial)" msgctxt "Jetpack Stats" msgid "Stats" msgstr "Statistik" msgid "Jetpack Stats (Free non-commercial license)" msgstr "Statistik Jetpack (Lisensi non-komersial gratis)" msgid "" "Get the best value for your money by paying for two years in advance, " "bringing down the cost of your %1$s plan to just %2$s per year. This " "way you’ll also ensure uninterrupted service as you won’t have to worry " "about renewing your plan." msgstr "" "Dapatkan manfaat maksimal dengan membayar dua tahun sekaligus. Dengan cara " "ini, biaya paket %1$s Anda hanya %2$s per tahun. Ini juga menjamin " "layanan yang digunakan bebas gangguan karena Anda tak perlu repot " "memperpanjang paket." msgid "Ends" msgstr "Berakhir" msgid "Campaign" msgstr "Kampanye" msgid "%s click" msgid_plural "%s clicks" msgstr[0] "%s klik" msgstr[1] "%s klik" msgid "" "Credit card fees are applied in addition to commission fees for payments." msgstr "" "Biaya kartu kredit berlaku sebagai tambahan atas biaya komisi untuk " "pembayaran." msgid "WCPay woopay order status sync" msgstr "Sinkronisasi status pesanan woopay WCPay" msgid "" "Cannot find subscription for the incoming \"invoice.payment_failed\" event." msgstr "" "Langganan untuk peristiwa masuk \"invoice.payment_failed\" tidak dapat " "ditemukan." msgid "" "The payment for this order was held for review by your risk filtering and " "manually approved." msgstr "" "Pembayaran untuk pesanan ini ditahan untuk ditinjau oleh penyaringan risiko " "Anda dan disetujui secara manual." msgid "" "Payment has been disputed for %1$s with reason \"%2$s\". Response due by " "%3$s." msgstr "" "Pembayaran telah disengketakan sebesar %1$s dengan alasan \"%2$s\". Batas " "waktu tanggapan %3$s." msgid "" "Icelandic Króna does not accept decimals. Please update your currency number " "of decimals to 0 or select a different currency. %1$sVisit settings%2$s" msgstr "" "Mata uang Króna Islandia tidak meliputi desimal. Harap perbarui jumlah " "desimal mata uang menjadi 0 atau pilih mata uang yang lain. %1$sBuka " "pengaturan%2$s" msgid "" "Allow your audience to support your work easily with donations and tips." msgstr "" "Izinkan audiens Anda untuk mendukung pekerjaan Anda dengan mudah melalui " "donasi dan tip." msgid "Donations and tips" msgstr "Donasi dan tip" msgid "An {{Automattic/}} opus" msgstr "Karya {{Automattic/}}" msgid "Advertising - Campaign details" msgstr "Iklan - Detail kampanye" msgid "" "There was a problem obtaining the campaign. Please try again or " "{{contactSupportLink}}contact support{{/contactSupportLink}}." msgstr "" "Terjadi kendala saat mengakses kampanye. Mohon coba lagi atau " "{{contactSupportLink}}hubungi bantuan{{/contactSupportLink}}." msgid "Promote Again" msgstr "Promosikan lagi" msgid "Created:" msgstr "Dibuat:" msgid "Please enter the code you received via SMS" msgstr "Mohon masukkan kode yang Anda terima di SMS" msgid "This phone number is already in use." msgstr "Nomor telepon ini sudah digunakan." msgid "A home for all of your videos." msgstr "Ruang untuk semua video Anda." msgid "" "The Phone field must contain at least 7 digits including the country code." msgstr "Kolom Telepon harus berisi minimal 7 digit, termasuk kode negara." msgid "Included with your %(plan)s plan" msgstr "Disertakan dalam paket %(plan)s Anda" msgid "We’ll send a code to verify your phone number." msgstr "Kami akan mengirimkan kode untuk memverifikasi nomor telepon Anda." msgid "Give this number a nickname for your personal reference." msgstr "Berikan nama panggilan untuk nomor ini sebagai referensi pribadi Anda." msgid "Transaction fees for payments" msgstr "Biaya transaksi untuk pembayaran" msgid "Unleash the power of AI to boost your content creation." msgstr "Manfaatkan kecanggihan AI untuk meningkatkan pembuatan konten Anda." msgid "No, Jetpack Security does not currently support WordPress multisite." msgstr "Belum, Jetpack Security saat ini belum mendukung multisitus WordPress." msgid "Does Jetpack Security support WordPress multisite?" msgstr "Apakah Jetpack Security mendukung multisitus WordPress?" msgid "An {{Automattic/}} thingamajig" msgstr "Sesuatu tentang {{Automattic/}}" msgid "An {{Automattic/}} ruckus" msgstr "Kehebohan {{Automattic/}}" msgid "An {{Automattic/}} production" msgstr "Produksi {{Automattic/}}" msgid "An {{Automattic/}} medley" msgstr "Rampai {{Automattic/}}" msgid "An {{Automattic/}} joint" msgstr "Kolaborasi {{Automattic/}}" msgid "An {{Automattic/}} invention" msgstr "Penemuan {{Automattic/}}" msgid "An {{Automattic/}} experiment" msgstr "Eksperimen {{Automattic/}}" msgid "An {{Automattic/}} creation" msgstr "Ciptaan {{Automattic/}}" msgid "An {{Automattic/}} contraption" msgstr "Barang janggal {{Automattic/}}" msgid "An {{Automattic/}} brainchild" msgstr "Gagasan {{Automattic/}}" msgid "Next steps for your site" msgstr "Langkah selanjutnya untuk situs Anda" msgid "Premium Style" msgid_plural "Premium Styles" msgstr[0] "Gaya Premium" msgstr[1] "Gaya Premium" msgid "Open Rate" msgstr "Rasio Terbuka" msgid "Share photos from your site to your Instagram Business account." msgstr "Bagikan foto dari situs ke akun Instagram Bisnis Anda." msgid "Sharing photos to your Instagram account." msgid_plural "Sharing photos to your Instagram accounts." msgstr[0] "Membagikan foto ke akun Instagram Anda." msgstr[1] "Membagikan foto ke akun Instagram Anda." msgid "You need a valid image in your post to share to Instagram." msgstr "" "Anda memerlukan objek gambar dalam pos Anda agar dapat dibagikan ke " "Instagram." msgid "Paid plugins are not yet available for Jetpack Sites." msgstr "Plugin berbayar belum tersedia untuk Situs Jetpack." msgid "Upgrade disabled" msgstr "Upgrade dinonaktifkan" msgid "Purchase disabled" msgstr "Pembelian dinonaktifkan" msgid "Expand search field" msgstr "Perluas kolom pencarian" msgid "Add your phone number" msgstr "Tambah nomor telepon Anda" msgid "Add phone number" msgstr "Tambah nomor telepon" msgid "You need at least one phone number" msgstr "Anda memerlukan setidaknya satu nomor telepon" msgid "Set up text messages to send to one or more people." msgstr "Atur pesan teks untuk dikirim ke satu orang atau lebih" msgid "Push" msgstr "Kirim" msgid "CDN for images" msgstr "CDN untuk gambar" msgid "What makes you laugh?" msgstr "Apa yang membuat Anda tertawa?" msgid "What’s something most people don’t understand?" msgstr "Apa sesuatu yang sebagian besar orang tidak paham?" msgid "If you could have something named after you, what would it be?" msgstr "Seandainya Anda bisa menamai sesuatu dengan nama Anda, apakah itu?" msgid "" "Still feeling blocked? Here are a few writing prompts that could help you " "get inspired!" msgstr "" "Kehabisan ide saat menulis? Berikut beberapa prompt tulisan untuk membantu " "menemukan inspirasi!" msgid "" "Having trouble finding something to write about? It happens to the best of " "us! Sometimes, all you need is a brief welcome post – a fast, simple way to " "introduce yourself and your blog to your readers." msgstr "" "Kesulitan mencari inspirasi tulisan? Sebagian besar dari kita pasti pernah " "mengalaminya! Terkadang, Anda hanya butuh pos sambutan singkat untuk " "memperkenalkan diri beserta blog Anda secara cepat dan mudah kepada pembaca." msgid "" "With, you can do it your way. Start directly by writing your " "first post, or customize your design first to make your blog even more " "unique. Either way works." msgstr "" "Dengan, Anda bisa melakukan apa saja. Mulai langsung dengan " "menulis pos pertama, atau sesuaikan desain terlebih dahulu untuk membuat " "blog Anda lebih unik. Apa pun caranya tidak masalah." msgid "Let’s get you started." msgstr "Ayo mulai!" msgid "Let your blog’s journey begin." msgstr "Awali perjalanan blog Anda." msgid "" "Nice choices so far! Now it’s time to launch your blog and show it to the " "world. Don’t worry about getting everything just right – you can always " "tweak or fix it later." msgstr "" "Sejauh ini, pilihan Anda keren! Sekarang waktunya meluncurkan blog Anda dan " "menunjukkannya pada dunia. Kesempurnaan bukan yang utama – Anda selalu dapat " "mengubah atau memperbaikinya nanti." msgid "Let’s launch your blog." msgstr "Mari luncurkan blog Anda." msgid "" "Pick a theme, customize anything, and really set it apart. Or start simply " "and change it up as you go." msgstr "" "Pilih tema, sesuaikan semua, dan beri tampilan yang berbeda. Atau mulai " "sederhana, lalu ubah sembari berproses." msgid "" "A good design makes your blog stand out, helps to engage your audience, and " "brings your content to life." msgstr "" "Desain yang apik membuat blog Anda tampil menonjol, menarik interaksi " "audiens, dan menghidupkan konten Anda." msgid "Your blog, custom-made." msgstr "Buat blog spesial Anda." msgid "Ready to customize your blog?" msgstr "Siap menyesuaikan blog Anda?" msgid "" "If you’re not sure which plan’s the best fit for you, it might " "help to know that most of our customers pick the Premium plan. It’s got " "everything you need to launch, run, and grow your blog, baked right in." msgstr "" "Tidak yakin paket mana yang tepat bagi Anda? Sebagai " "informasi, sebagian besar pelanggan kami memilih paket Premium. Paket ini " "punya semua yang Anda perlukan untuk meluncurkan, menjalankan, dan " "mengembangkan blog Anda." msgid "Find your perfect plan." msgstr "Temukan paket yang ideal bagi Anda." msgid "Ready to pick a plan?" msgstr "Siap memilih paket?" msgid "Get you a domain" msgstr "Memberikan domain untuk Anda" msgid "" "Any questions? Check our Help docs." msgstr "" "Ada pertanyaan? Baca dokumen Bantuan " "kami." msgid "" "If you already own a domain, you can link it to your blog, instead." msgstr "" "Jika sudah memiliki nama domain, Anda dapat menautkannya ke blog." msgid "" "It’s about time to take another step and choose your domain name for your " "blog. Whether it’s sharing your passion for travel or showcasing your " "creativity, your dream blog is waiting. Let’s make it a reality!" msgstr "" "Sekarang saatnya memilih nama domain untuk blog Anda. Blog impian Anda siap " "diluncurkan untuk berbagi minat berwisata atau memamerkan kreativitas Anda. " "Ayo wujudkan!" msgid "" "If you haven’t come up with the perfect .com yet, don’t fret. We have a " "bunch of popular custom domains that will help you put your fingerprint on " "your new blog – and they’re free for one year with any paid plan. Or you " "could start with a subdomain, " "and decide later. It’s all good." msgstr "" "Jika Anda belum menemukan .com yang tepat, jangan khawatir. Kami menyediakan " "berbagai domain kustom populer untuk membuat blog baru Anda menonjol – dan " "semuanya gratis selama 1 tahun dengan pembelian setiap paket berbayar. Atau " "Anda dapat memulai dengan subdomain " ", dan menentukan domainnya lain waktu. Semuanya pasti " "memuaskan." msgid "Get set up with a domain." msgstr "Siapkan domain." msgid "Ready to choose a domain?" msgstr "Siap memilih domain?" msgid "" "A memorable name can go a long way to helping your blog stand out, while " "leaving a lasting impression on your audience. Take it a step further by " "adding a catchy description and you’ll make your blog even easier to find." msgstr "" "Nama yang mudah diingat dapat membantu blog tampil menonjol, sekaligus " "memberikan kesan yang melekat bagi audiens Anda. Maksimalkan dengan " "menambahkan deskripsi yang menarik, dan blog Anda akan semakin mudah " "ditemukan." msgid "Ready to name your blog?" msgstr "Siap memberi nama blog Anda?" msgid "Finish post" msgstr "Selesaikan pos" msgid "" "Ready to take a last look and polish that first post? Wrap it up, publish " "it, and get it in front of your readers." msgstr "" "Siap melakukan pemeriksaan akhir dan menyempurnakan pos pertama? " "Selesaikan, publikasikan, dan tampilkan untuk para pembaca Anda." msgid "Your first post’s waiting for you." msgstr "Pos pertama sudah menunggu Anda!" msgid "Here’s where you can find all your Jetpack Stats settings." msgstr "Di sini Anda dapat menemukan semua pengaturan Statistik Jetpack Anda." msgid "" "Before continuing, be aware that any current content on " "{{strong}}%(destinationUrl)s{{/strong}} will be overriden based on what you " "configured to copy." msgstr "" "Sebelum melanjutkan, harap berhati-hati bahwa semua konten yang ada saat ini " "di {{strong}}%(destinationUrl)s{{/strong}} akan akan diganti berdasarkan apa " "yang Anda tentukan untuk disalin." msgid "SSL Secure checkout" msgstr "Checkout Aman SSL" msgid "Upgrade to lower it." msgstr "Upgrade untuk menurunkannya." msgid "" "We need to verify you are the owner of %s before connecting " "it, but we're not able to do that without a plan.

Please " "purchase a plan first in order to connect your domain." msgstr "" "Kami perlu memverifikasi bahwa Anda adalah pemilik dari %s " "sebelum menghubungkannya, namun kami tidak dapat melakukannya tanpa paket." "

Silakan beli paket terlebih dahulu untuk menghubungkan " "domain Anda." msgid "Email sent successfully" msgstr "E-mail berhasil dikirim" msgid "Could not delete payment token. " msgstr "Tidak dapat menghapus token pembayaran." msgid "No name for product given" msgstr "Tidak ada nama untuk produk yang dimaksud" msgid "No id for product given" msgstr "Tidak ada id untuk produk yang dimaksud" msgid "No billing cycles for given plan" msgstr "Tidak ada siklus penagihan untuk paket yang dimaksud" msgid "No product id for given plan" msgstr "Tidak ada id untuk paket yang dimaksud" msgid "No name for plan given" msgstr "Tidak ada nama untuk paket yang dimaksud" msgid "No id for given plan" msgstr "Tidak ada id untuk paket yang dimaksud" msgid "Subscriber information" msgstr "Informasi pelanggan" msgid "Subscription details" msgstr "Informasi langganan" msgid "" "Publishing & sharing content can help bring traffic to your site. Let’s help " "you get started." msgstr "" "Menerbitkan & membagikan konten dapat membantu meningkatkan traffic ke situs " "Anda. Ayo, kami bantu Anda memulai." msgid "Import existing subscribers" msgstr "Impor pelanggan yang Anda punya" msgid "Grow your subscribers" msgstr "Tingkatkan langganan Anda" msgid "Subscription date" msgstr "Tanggal berlangganan" msgid "Search by name, username or email…" msgstr "Cari berdasarkan nama, nama pengguna, atau e-mail..." msgid "100 subscribers" msgstr "100 pelanggan" msgid "per month, %(rawPrice)s billed every three years, excl. taxes" msgstr "" "per bulan, %(rawPrice)s ditagih setiap tiga tahun (Tidak Termasuk Pajak)" msgid "" "per month, %(fullTermDiscountedPriceText)s for the first two years, excl. " "taxes" msgstr "" "per bulan, %(fullTermDiscountedPriceText)s untuk dua tahun pertama, Tidak " "Termasuk Pajak" msgid "Let's start your blog, %(username)s!" msgstr "Ayo mulai blog Anda, %(username)s!" msgid "Course Maker" msgstr "Course Maker" msgid "Enter the fediverse" msgstr "Masuk ke fediverse" msgid "%(site_title)s has exited the fediverse." msgstr "%(site_title)s telah keluar dari fediverse." msgid "%(site_title)s has entered the fediverse!" msgstr "%(site_title)s telah bergabung di fediverse!" msgid "Install ActivityPub" msgstr "Instal ActivityPub" msgid "ActivityPub is already enabled for your site!" msgstr "ActivityPub sudah diaktifkan untuk situs Anda!" msgid "Fediverse settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Fediverse" msgid "Upgrade Credit: %(discount)s applied in first term only" msgstr "Upgrade Kredit: %(discount)s hanya berlaku pada termin pertama saja" msgid "Upgrade Credit: %(upgradeCredit)s applied in first year only" msgstr "Upgrade Kredit: %(upgradeCredit)s hanya berlaku pada tahun pertama" msgid "Upgrade Credit: %(upgradeCredit)s applied in first month only" msgstr "" "Upgrade Kredit: %(upgradeCredit)s hanya berlaku pada bulan pertama saja" msgid "Optional inquiry question (leave empty not to show the field)" msgstr "" "Pertanyaan permintaan opsional (biarkan kosong untuk tidak menampilkan kolom)" msgid "Write smarter, not harder" msgstr "Tulis secara cerdas, bukan dengan kerja keras" msgid "Harness AI power directly from your editor" msgstr "Manfaatkan kecanggihan AI secara langsung dari editor Anda" msgid "Write smarter, not harder." msgstr "Tulis secara cerdas, bukan dengan kerja keras" msgid "" "Utilizing the potential of artificial intelligence, Jetpack AI brings a " "supportive layer to your content creation process." msgstr "" "Manfaatkan potensi artificial intelligence, Jetpack AI menghadirkan fitur " "yang mendukung proses pembuatan konten Anda." msgid "Your site is equipped with our intuitive and powerful AI." msgstr "Situs Anda dilengkapi dengan AI kami yang intuitif dan andal." msgid "Experience the ease of crafting content with intuitive and powerful AI." msgstr "Nikmati kemudahan membuat konten dengan AI yang intuitif dan andal." msgid "Course creation and LMS tools powered by {{a}}{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Alat pembuat kursus dan LMS yang didukung oleh {{a}}{{/a}}" msgid "Hosting by {{a}}{{/a}}" msgstr "Hosting oleh {{a}}{{/a}}" msgid "Sensei Bundle" msgstr "Bundel Sensei" msgid "Save %s by paying annually" msgstr "Hemat %s dengan pembayaran tahunan" msgid "" "We are excited to present the Jetpack AI Assistant, our new AI tool that " "brings a supportive layer to your content creation process." msgstr "" "Dengan gembira kami persembahkan Jetpack AI Assistant, alat AI baru yang " "selangkah lebih maju dalam mendukung proses pembuatan konten Anda." msgid "Meet Your New Creative Writing Partner — The Jetpack AI Assistant" msgstr "" "Kenali Mitra baru Baru Anda dalam Penulisan Kreatif — Jetpack AI Assistant" msgid "Sending code" msgstr "Mengirim kode" msgid "Something went wrong. Please try again by clicking the resend button." msgstr "Terjadi kendala. Mohon coba lagi dengan mengeklik tombol kirim." msgid "" "Click to {{button}}resend{{/button}} if you didn’t receive it. If you still " "experience issues, please reach out to our support." msgstr "" "Klik {{button}}kirim ulang{{/button}} jika Anda tidak menerimanya. Jika Anda " "masih mengalami kendala, silakan hubungi tim bantuan kami." msgid "We just sent you a new code. Please wait for a minute." msgstr "" "Kami baru saja mengirimkan kode baru untuk Anda. Mohon tunggu sebentar." msgid "Modules visibility" msgstr "Visibilitas modul" msgid "Backup contents from:" msgstr "Cadangkan konten dari:" msgid "Backup contents" msgstr "Cadangkan konten" msgid "It appears that you have already subscribed!" msgstr "Sepertinya Anda telah berlangganan!" msgid "More about Jetpack Social" msgstr "Selengkapnya tentang Jetpack Social" msgid "You can now tailor your site highlights by adjusting the time range." msgstr "" "Anda sekarang dapat menyesuaikan sorotan situs Anda dengan menyesuaikan " "rentang waktu." msgid "" "We had a small hiccup loading your subscriptions. Please try refreshing the " "page." msgstr "" "Kami mengalami sedikit masalah saat memuat langganan Anda. Mohon coba " "segarkan halaman." msgid "Type to find country" msgstr "Ketik dan temukan negara" msgid "I couldn’t get the support I needed." msgstr "Saya tidak mendapatkan bantuan yang saya butuhkan." msgid "I’d like to downgrade to another plan." msgstr "Saya ingin melakukan downgrade ke paket lain." msgid "Does the AI Assistant’s paid plan have a request limit?" msgstr "Apakah paket berbayar Asisten AI memiliki batas permintaan?" msgid "" "Yes, the Jetpack AI Assistant block is currently available for free up to 20 " "requests. We encourage you to try it out and share your feedback. You can " "upgrade your plan to continue using the AI Assistant after the initial 20 " "requests." msgstr "" "Ya, blok Jetpack AI Assistant saat ini tersedia secara gratis hingga 20 " "permintaan. Kami ajak Anda untuk mencobanya dan berikan feedback Anda. Anda " "dapat meng-upgrade paket Anda untuk terus menggunakan Asisten AI setelah 20 " "permintaan pertama." msgid "Is the Jetpack AI Assistant available for free?" msgstr "Apakah Jetpack AI Assistant tersedia secara gratis?" msgid "" "Jetpack AI Assistant evaluates the content of your text and generates " "appropriate titles and summaries based on its understanding." msgstr "" "Asisten AI Jetpack mengevaluasi konten teks Anda dan membuat judul dan " "ringkasan yang sesuai berdasarkan pemahamannya." msgid "How does the title and summary generation work?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara kerja pembuatan judul dan ringkasan?" msgid "" "Absolutely. You can specify whether you want the text to have a formal or " "conversational tone, and Jetpack AI Assistant will adjust accordingly." msgstr "" "Tentu saja. Anda bisa memilih untuk menerapkan gaya bahasa formal atau " "percakapan pada teks, dan Asisten AI Jetpack pun akan menyesuaikannya." msgid "Can I control the tone of the generated content?" msgstr "Apakah saya bisa menyesuaikan gaya bahasa konten yang sudah dibuat?" msgid "" "Jetpack AI Assistant analyzes your text and identifies potential errors in " "spelling and grammar. It then suggests corrections that you can accept or " "ignore." msgstr "" "Jetpack AI Assistant menganalisis teks Anda dan mengidentifikasi potensi " "kesalahan dalam ejaan dan tata bahasa. Lalu ia akan menyarankan koreksi yang " "bisa Anda terima atau abaikan." msgid "How do the spelling and grammar correction features work?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara kerja fitur perbaikan ejaan dan tata bahasa?" msgid "" "Jetpack AI Assistant is capable of generating blog posts, detailed pages, " "structured lists, and comprehensive tables." msgstr "" "Jetpack AI Assistant mampu membuat pos blog, halaman terperinci, daftar " "terstruktur, dan tabel komprehensif." msgid "What types of content can the Jetpack AI Assistant generate?" msgstr "Apa saja jenis konten yang bisa dibuat oleh Jetpack AI Assistant?" msgid "Jetpack AI Assistant" msgstr "Jetpack AI Assistant" msgid "Priority support" msgstr "Dukungan prioritas" msgid "Superior Spelling and Grammar Correction" msgstr "Perbaikan Ejaan dan Tata Bahasa yang Canggih" msgid "Adaptive Tone Adjustment" msgstr "Pengaturan Gaya Bahasa yang Adaptif" msgid "Prompt based content generation" msgstr "Pembuatan konten berbasis prompt" msgid "Quota of 20 requests" msgstr "Kuota 20 permintaan" msgid "Try our AI Assistant for free to boost your content creation." msgstr "" "Coba Asisten AI kami secara gratis untuk menyempurnakan pembuatan konten " "Anda." msgid "" "AI-powered translations across numerous languages at your fingertips, " "breaking down language barriers" msgstr "" "Penerjemahan berteknologi AI lintas bahasa di ujung jari Anda, mendobrak " "hambatan bahasa." msgid "Translate Effortlessly" msgstr "Terjemahkan dengan Mudah" msgid "" "Need a fitting title or concise summary? Jetpack AI Assistant can create " "them for your content on request." msgstr "" "Butuh judul yang pas atau ringkasan yang padat? Jetpack AI Assistant bisa " "membuatnya untuk konten Anda berdasarkan permintaan." msgid "Title & summary generation" msgstr "Pembuatan judul & ringkasan" msgid "" "Ensure high‑standard content with Jetpack AI Assistant's advanced spelling " "and grammar tools." msgstr "" "Pastikan konten berstandar tinggi dengan alat ejaan dan tata bahasa canggih " "dari Asisten AI Jetpack." msgid "Maintain professional standards with ease" msgstr "Pertahankan standar profesional dengan mudah" msgid "" "Tailor the tone of your text to perfectly match your desired style. Whether " "you aim for a formal tone or a conversational one, Jetpack AI Assistant " "adjusts to your needs." msgstr "" "Sesuaikan gaya bahasa teks Anda dengan gaya yang Anda inginkan. Apa pun gaya " "bahasa yang Anda inginkan – formal atau percakapan – Jetpack AI Assistant " "menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda." msgid "Adaptive tone adjustment" msgstr "Pengaturan gaya bahasa yang adaptif" msgid "Unlock high-quality, tailored content at your command" msgstr "Ciptakan konten khusus berkualitas dengan perintah Anda" msgid "" "Jetpack AI Assistant fits right into your WordPress Editor. Its intuitive " "interface lets you engage with AI as if you were chatting with a colleague. " "This powerful WordPress AI tool lets you generate diverse content on " "command, reducing the time and effort you spend on content creation." msgstr "" "Asisten AI Jetpack ideal untuk Editor WordPress Anda. Lewat antarmuka " "intuitifnya, Anda dapat berinteraksi dengan AI seolah-olah sedang berbincang " "dengan kolega. Alat AI WordPress yang canggih ini membantu Anda menciptakan " "beragam konten sesuai perintah, sehingga menghemat waktu dan tenaga untuk " "membuat konten." msgid "Harness AI power directly from the WordPress Editor" msgstr "Optimalkan kecanggihan AI langsung dari Editor WordPress" msgid "Unleash the power of AI in WordPress to boost your content creation." msgstr "" "Manfaatkan kecanggihan AI di WordPress untuk menyempurnakan pembuatan konten " "Anda." msgid "Elevate your content" msgstr "Tingkatkan kualitas konten Anda" msgid "" "Experience the ease of crafting professional content with intuitive and " "powerful AI." msgstr "" "Nikmati kemudahan membuat konten profesional dengan AI yang intuitif dan " "canggih." msgid "Write smarter,
not harder" msgstr "Tulis dengan cerdas,
bukan dengan keras" msgid "The Jetpack AI service is temporarily unavailable." msgstr "Layanan Jetpack AI sementara ini tidak tersedia." msgid "The feature to use for logging completions." msgstr "Fitur yang akan digunakan untuk penyelesaian pencatatan." msgid "%s — Two-year plan" msgstr "%s — Paket dua tahunan" msgid "Publish your media to your Instagram Business account" msgstr "Publikasikan media Anda ke akun Instagram Bisnis Anda." msgid "Could not create subscriber." msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat pelanggan." msgid "Two-year cost" msgstr "Biaya dua tahun" msgid "Your site transfer succeeded!" msgstr "Transfer situs Anda berhasil!" msgid "Account Name" msgstr "Nama Akun" msgid "premium styles" msgstr "Gaya premium" msgid "Code Expired" msgstr "Kode Kedaluwarsa" msgid "Invalid Code" msgstr "Kode Tidak Valid" msgid "Please try again or we can {{button}}resend a new code{{/button}}." msgstr "Mohon coba lagi atau kami {{button}}kirim ulang kode baru{{/button}}." msgid "" "Keep your site or store ahead of security threats with our WAF and automated " "malware scanning, including one-click fixes." msgstr "" "Jaga situs atau toko Anda dari ancaman keamanan dengan WAF dan pemindaian " "malware otomatis kami, termasuk perbaikan sekali klik." msgid "24/7 protection: WAF and automatic malware scanning." msgstr "Perlindungan setiap saat (24/7): WAF dan pemindaian malware otomatis." msgid "Settings for selected sites will be overwritten." msgstr "Pengaturan untuk situs yang dipilih akan digantikan." msgid "Your %s subscription is expiring soon if you don’t take action." msgstr "" "Langganan paket %s Anda akan segera berakhir jika Anda tidak mengambil " "tindakan." msgid "" "Please read the following actions that will take place when you transfer " "this site" msgstr "Mohon baca hal-hal yang akan terjadi jika Anda mentransfer situs ini" msgid "I understand that transferring a site cannot be undone." msgstr "Saya mengerti bahwa mentransfer situs tidak dapat dibatalkan." msgid "I want to transfer the ownership of the site." msgstr "Saya ingin mentransfer kepemilikan situs." msgid "" "I understand the changes that will be made once I authorize this transfer." msgstr "" "Saya memahami perubahan yang akan diberlakukan setelah saya mengotorisasi " "transfer ini" msgid "To transfer your site, review and accept the following statements:" msgstr "Untuk mentransfer situs Anda, tinjau dan terima pernyataan berikut:" msgid "" "You’ll be removed as owner of %(siteSlug)s and " "%(siteOwner)s will be the new owner from now on." msgstr "" "Anda akan dihapus sebagai pemilik %(siteSlug)s dan " "%(siteOwner)s akan menjadi pemilik baru terhitung dari sekarang." msgid "Content and ownership" msgstr "Konten dan kepemilikan" msgid "" "Your paid upgrades on %(siteSlug)s will be transferred to " "%(siteOwner)s and will remain with the site." msgstr "" "Upgrade berbayar Anda pada %(siteSlug)s akan dialihkan ke " "%(siteOwner)s, dan akan tetap aktif untuk situs terkait." msgid "" "The following domains will be transferred to %(siteOwner)s " "and will remain working on the site:" msgstr "" "Domain berikut akan dialihkan ke %(siteOwner)s dan akan " "tetap berfungsi untuk situs tersebut:" msgid "" "The domain name %(siteSlug)s will be transferred to " "%(siteOwner)s and will remain working on the site." msgstr "" "Nama domain %(siteSlug)s akan dialihkan ke " "%(siteOwner)s dan akan tetap berfungsi untuk situs tersebut." msgid "" "By verifying your onboarding information, you can get your money, have " "stronger protection from fraud, and help us stay current with Know Your " "Customer (KYC) regulations. See how KYC safeguards your account %1$shere%2$s." msgstr "" "Dengan memverifikasi informasi penyiapan, Anda dapat mengambil uang Anda, " "mendapatkan perlindungan lebih baik dari penipuan, dan membantu kami tetap " "mengikuti peraturan Know Your Customer (KYC). Lihat bagaimana KYC melindungi " "akun Anda %1$sdi sini%2$s." msgid "" "Note: If it’s not updated, or your total payment value hits $5,000 before " "it’s verified, we’ll have to pause transaction processing until " "verification is complete." msgstr "" "Ingat: Jika tidak diperbarui, atau nilai total pembayaran Anda mencapai " "5.000 dolar sebelum diverifikasi, kami harus menjeda proses transaksi " "hingga verifikasi selesai." msgid "" "You need to update your information and enable deposits to your bank " "account." msgstr "" "Anda perlu memperbarui informasi Anda dan mengizinkan masuknya " "deposit ke rekening bank Anda." msgid "" "Note: If it’s not updated by this date, or your total payment value hits " "$5,000 before it’s verified, we’ll have to pause transaction processing until verification is complete." msgstr "" "Ingat: Jika tidak diperbarui paling lambat pada tanggal ini, atau nilai " "total pembayaran Anda mencapai 5.000 dolar sebelum diverifikasi, kami harus " "menjeda proses transaksi hingga verifikasi selesai." msgid "" "You have until %s to update your information and enable deposits to " "your bank account." msgstr "" "Anda memiliki waktu hingga %s untuk memperbarui informasi Anda dan " "mengizinkan masuknya deposit ke rekening bank Anda." msgid "" "We want to make sure you get paid! To receive your earnings from %s, you " "need to verify your business information." msgstr "" "Kami usahakan Anda bisa menerima pembayaran. Untuk menerima dana dari %s, " "silakan verifikasikan data bisnis Anda." msgid "" "If your information isn’t updated, or your total payment value hits " "$5,000 before it gets verified, we’ll have to pause transaction " "processing until verification is complete. Learn more about the " "importance of KYC %1$shere%2$s." msgstr "" "Jika informasi Anda tidak diperbarui, atau nilai total pembayaran " "Anda mencapai 5.000 dolar sebelum diverifikasi, kami harus menjeda proses " "transaksi hingga verifikasi selesai. Baca selengkapnya tentang " "pentingnya KYC %1$sdi sini%2$s." msgid "" "If your information isn’t updated by this date, or your total payment " "value hits $5,000 before it gets verified, we’ll have to pause " "transaction processing until verification is complete. Learn more about " "the importance of KYC %1$shere%2$s." msgstr "" "Jika informasi Anda tidak diperbarui paling lambat pada tanggal ini, " "atau nilai total pembayaran Anda mencapai 5.000 dolar sebelum diverifikasi, " "kami harus menjeda proses transaksi hingga verifikasi selesai. Baca " "selengkapnya tentang pentingnya KYC %1$sdi sini%2$s." msgid "" "By verifying your onboarding information, you enable deposits to be " "sent to your bank account, help us protect you against fraud, and " "help our team stay current with Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations." msgstr "" "Dengan memverifikasi informasi penyiapan, Anda mengizinkan masuknya " "deposit untuk dikirimkan ke rekening bank Anda, membantu kami " "melindungi Anda dari penipuan, dan membantu tim kami tetap mematuhi " "peraturan Know Your Customer (KYC)." msgid "" "Please take a moment to review your information and verify your " "details with %s." msgstr "" "Silakan sempatkan untuk meninjau data Anda lalu memverifikasikannya " "dengan %s." msgid "" "Please take a moment to review your information by %1$s and verify " "your details with %2$s." msgstr "" "Silakan sempatkan untuk meninjau data Anda paling lambat pada tanggal " "%1$s lalu memverifikasikannya dengan %2$s." msgid "" "You’re working hard for your business — don’t miss out on receiving your " "earnings!" msgstr "" "Anda bekerja keras untuk bisnis Anda — jangan lewatkan pendapatan Anda!" msgid "" "If your information isn’t updated by this date, or your total payment " "value hits $5,000 before it can be verified, we’ll have to pause " "transaction processing until verification is complete. You can learn " "more about KYC protections %1$shere%2$s." msgstr "" "Jika informasi Anda tidak diperbarui pada tanggal ini, atau nilai " "total pembayaran Anda mencapai 5.000 dolar sebelum bisa diverifikasi, " "kami harus menjeda proses transaksi hingga verifikasi selesai. Anda " "bisa membaca selengkapnya tentang perlindungan KYC %1$sdi sini%2$s." msgid "" "Please take a moment to update your information to enable deposits to " "your bank account and help us keep you protected against fraud. Verification " "also ensures we stay current with Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations." msgstr "" "Luangkan waktu sejenak untuk memperbarui informasi Anda untuk " "mengizinkan masuknya deposit ke rekening bank Anda dan membantu kami " "melindungi Anda dari penipuan. Verifikasi juga memastikan bahwa kami " "mematuhi peraturan Know Your Customer (KYC)." msgid "" "Please take a moment to update your information by %s to enable " "deposits to your bank account and help us keep you protected against fraud. " "Verification also ensures we stay current with Know Your Customer (KYC) " "regulations." msgstr "" "Luangkan waktu sejenak untuk memperbarui informasi Anda paling lambat pada" "%s untuk mengizinkan masuknya deposit ke rekening bank Anda dan membantu " "kami melindungi Anda dari penipuan. Verifikasi juga memastikan bahwa kami " "mematuhi peraturan Know Your Customer (KYC)." msgid "" "Welcome to %s — you’re almost ready to get paid! There’s one more " "step before you can start receiving deposits: you’ll need to verify your " "business." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di %s — siap menerima dana sebentar lagi! Satu langkah " "lagi sebelum bisa mulai menerima deposit: verifikasikan bisnis Anda." msgid "Please take a minute to update your information:" msgstr "Luangkan waktu sejenak untuk memperbarui informasi Anda:" msgid "" "If it’s not updated, or your total payment value hits $5,000 before " "it’s verified, we’ll have to pause %s until verification is complete." msgstr "" "Jika data bisnis tidak diperbarui, atau nilai total transaksi " "mencapai $5.000 sebelum bisnis lolos verifikasi, transaksi akan " "diberhentikan sementara %s sampai verifikasi selesai." msgid "" "The deadline is nearly here: you need to verify your account information " "until %1$s if you want to keep processing transactions with %2$s." msgstr "" "Tenggat semakin dekat: Anda harus memverifikasi data akun Anda paling " "lambat pada tanggal %1$s jika ingin tetap bisa bertransaksi lewat %2$s." msgid "" "If it’s not updated by then, or your total payment value hits $5,000 " "before it’s verified, we’ll have to pause %s until verification is " "complete." msgstr "" "Jika data bisnis belum diperbarui sampai batas tersebut, atau nilai " "total transaksi mencapai $5.000 sebelum bisnis lolos verifikasi, " "transaksi akan diberhentikan sementara %s hingga verifikasi selesai." msgid "" "The deadline is nearly here: you have until %1$s to verify your account " "information if you want to keep processing transactions with %2$s." msgstr "" "Tenggat semakin dekat: Anda punya waktu sampai %1$s untuk memverifikasi " "data akun Anda jika ingin tetap bertransaksi menggunakan %2$s." msgid "" "Make sure to update your information — if it isn’t updated by then, " "or your total payment value hits $5,000 before it can be verified, we’ll " "have to pause transaction processing until verification is complete." msgstr "" "Pastikan untuk memperbarui informasi Anda — jika tidak diperbarui " "sebelum waktu tersebut, atau nilai total pembayaran Anda mencapai 5.000 " "dolar sebelum bisa diverifikasi, kami harus menjeda proses transaksi hingga " "verifikasi selesai." msgid "" "Make sure to update your information by %s — if it isn’t updated by " "then, or your total payment value hits $5,000 before it can be verified, " "we’ll have to pause transaction processing until verification is complete." msgstr "" "Pastikan untuk memperbarui informasi Anda paling lambat pada%s — jika " "tidak diperbarui sebelum waktu tersebut, atau nilai total pembayaran Anda " "mencapai 5.000 dolar sebelum bisa diverifikasi, kami harus menjeda proses " "transaksi hingga verifikasi selesai." msgid "" "You’re so close to getting deposits from %s! All that’s left is to verify " "your business." msgstr "" "Selangkah lagi untuk bisa menerima deposit lewat %s! Cukup verifikasikan " "bisnis Anda." msgid "" "If you need any help updating your information, reply to this email " "or %1$sopen a support request%2$s with us — we’re standing by!" msgstr "" "Jika memerlukan bantuan untuk memperbarui informasi Anda, balas email " "ini atau %1$smintalah dukungan%2$s. Kami siap membantu." msgid "" "We regularly review accounts to keep them safe. Verifying your onboarding " "information enables us to send deposits to your bank account, helps " "protect you from fraud, and keeps our team current with %1$sKnow Your " "Customer%2$s (KYC) regulations." msgstr "" "Kami meninjau akun secara berkala untuk memastikannya tetap aman. Dengan " "memverifikasi informasi penyiapan, Anda mengizinkan kami mengirimkan deposit " "ke rekening bank Anda, membantu melindungi Anda dari penipuan, dan " "membantu tim kami mematuhi peraturan %1$sKnow Your Customer (KYC)%2$s." msgid "" "Please verify your information today to resume processing payments:" msgstr "" "Mohon verifikasi informasi Anda sekarang juga untuk melanjutkan " "proses pembayaran:" msgid "" "We apologize for the disruption, but your transactions with %s have been " "paused." msgstr "" "Mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanannya. Transaksi Anda menggunakan %s " "diberhentikan sementara." msgid "" "The deadline is nearly here: you need to verify your account information if " "you want to keep processing transactions with %s." msgstr "" "Tenggat semakin dekat: Anda harus memverifikasi data akun Anda jika ingin " "tetap bisa bertransaksi lewat %s." msgid "" "We want to make sure you get paid! To receive your earnings from %s, you " "need to verify your business information." msgstr "" "Kami pastikan Anda bisa menerima pembayaran. Untuk menerima dana dari %s, " "silakan verifikasikan data bisnis Anda." msgid "" "You’re working hard for your business — don’t miss out on receiving your " "earnings!" msgstr "" "Anda bekerja keras untuk bisnis Anda — jangan lewatkan pendapatan Anda!" msgid "" "You’re so close to getting deposits from %s! All that’s left is to verify " "your business." msgstr "" "Selangkah lagi untuk bisa menerima deposit lewat %s! Cukup verifikasikan " "bisnis Anda." msgid "URGENT: 🚩Verify your information by to keep processing payments" msgstr "" "PENTING: 🚩Verifikasi informasi Anda paling lambat pada untuk tetap memproses " "pembayaran" msgid "URGENT: 🚩Verify your information by %s to keep processing payments" msgstr "" "PENTING: 🚩Verifikasi informasi Anda paling lambat pada %s untuk tetap " "memproses pembayaran" msgid "" "URGENT: Your transactions have been paused — please verify your information " "now" msgstr "" "PENTING: Transaksi Anda telah dijeda — silakan verifikasi informasi Anda " "sekarang" msgid "No Instagram business accounts linked to your Facebook pages found." msgstr "" "Tidak ditemukan akun bisnis Instagram yang terhubung ke halaman Facebook " "Anda." msgid "See all tags" msgstr "Lihat semua tag" msgid "Suggestions: {{suggestions /}}, {{tagsLink /}}" msgstr "Saran: {{suggestions /}}, {{tagsLink /}}" msgid "" "Please enable and ensure compatibility of the site you're migrating from " "with the 'Move to' plugin." msgstr "" "Aktifkan dan pastikan kompatibilitas situs sumber pemindahan data Anda " "dengan plugin 'Move to'." msgid "Update plugin" msgstr "Perbarui plugin" msgid "You need to inform a question or a list of messages." msgstr "Anda perlu memberikan pertanyaan atau daftar pesan." msgid "You need to inform a list of messages." msgstr "Anda perlu memberikan daftar pesan." msgid "" "The JSON-encoded list of messages to be completed by the OpenAI service." msgstr "Daftar pesan dengan kode JSON yang harus diselesaikan layanan OpenAI." msgid "A prompt to be completed by the OpenAI service." msgstr "Prompt yang akan diselesaikan layanan OpenAI." msgid "Share site" msgstr "Bagikan situs" msgid "" "Enable \"Share site\" to let collaborators without an account view your site." msgstr "" "Aktifkan \"Bagikan situs\" agar kolaborator yang tidak memiliki akun dapat " "melihat situs Anda." msgid "" "\"Coming soon\" sites are only visible to you and invited users. Enable " "\"Share site\" to let collaborators without an account view your site." msgstr "" "Situs \"Segera hadir\" hanya dapat dilihat oleh Anda dan pengguna yang " "diundang. Aktifkan \"Bagikan situs\" agar kolaborator yang tidak memiliki " "akun dapat melihat situs Anda." msgid "Compared to previous 7 days" msgstr "Perbandingan dengan 7 hari sebelumnya" msgctxt "Label for a paid subscription plan" msgid "Paid" msgstr "Dibayar" msgid "" "This video belongs to a site in trial mode. Only the site owner is able to " "view it at this time." msgstr "" "Video ini milik situs yang sedang dalam mode uji coba. Hanya pemilik situs " "yang bisa melihatnya untuk saat ini." msgid "This video isn’t available." msgstr "Video ini tidak tersedia." msgid "The duotone id \"%s\" is not registered in theme.json settings" msgstr "ID gaya bahasa ganda \"%s\" tidak terdaftar di pengaturan theme.json" msgid "Enlarge image: %s" msgstr "Perbesar gambar: %s" msgid "Enlarge image" msgstr "Perbesar gambar" msgid "Generate text, tables, and lists" msgstr "Buat teks, tabel, dan daftar" msgid "" "Jetpack AI Assistant brings the power of AI right into your WordPress " "editor, letting your content creation soar to new heights." msgstr "" "Asisten AI Jetpack menghadirkan kecanggihan AI untuk editor WordPress Anda, " "yang menyempurnakan pembuatan konten Anda." msgid "HTTP %d while communicating with" msgstr "HTTP %d saat berkomunikasi dengan" msgid "Invalid response from WPCOM API while polling for speed scores" msgstr "" "Respons tidak valid dari WPCOM API saat melakukan polling skor kecepatan" msgid "Display name of the connected account" msgstr "Nama tampilan akun yang terhubung" msgid "Show post views in the Reader." msgstr "Tampilkan jumlah tampilan pos di Pembaca" msgid "Manage domain transfers" msgstr "Kelola transfer domain" msgid "" "There are pending domain transfers for %s. Please complete " "them before transferring the site." msgstr "" "Ada transfer domain tertunda untuk %s. Silakan selesaikan " "transfer tersebut sebelum mentransfer situs." msgid "" "Your site %(sourceSite)s will be migrated to %(targetSite)s, overriding all " "the content in your destination site. " msgstr "" "Situs Anda %(sourceSite)s akan dipindah ke %(targetSite)s, dan akan " "menggantikan semua konten di situs tujuan Anda." msgid "Confirm your choice" msgstr "Konfirmasi pilihan Anda" msgid "Manage Domains" msgstr "Kelola Domain" msgid "Our team is here to answer your questions & help you setup your domain." msgstr "" "Tim kami hadir untuk menjawab pertanyaan Anda & membantu menyiapkan domain " "Anda." msgid "" "Upload up to %(noOfImages)d images. You can find stock images {{a}}here{{/" "a}}, or we’ll select some during the build." msgstr "" "Unggah hingga %(noOfImages)d gambar. Anda dapat menemukan stok gambar {{a}}" "di sini{{/a}}, atau kami akan memilihkan secara acak saat proses pembuatan." msgid "" "Your site contains custom styles. Upgrade now to publish them and unlock " "tons of other features." msgstr "" "Situs Anda berisi gaya kustom. Upgrade sekarang untuk memublikasikannya dan " "membuka banyak fitur lainnya." msgid "Site Transfer" msgstr "Transfer Situs" msgid "Decide later" msgstr "Lakukan nanti" msgid "30-day highlights" msgstr "Sorotan 30-hari" msgid "" "This free plugin offers a simple way to migrate any site to " "managed hosting." msgstr "" "Plugin gratis ini menyediakan cara sederhana untuk memigrasikan situs ke " "hosting yang dikelola" msgid "Move to" msgstr "Pindah ke" msgid "" "Jetpack will allow to communicate with your self-hosted " "WordPress site. " msgstr "" "Jetpack akan memungkinkan untuk berkomunikasi dengan situs " "WordPress Anda yang dihosting sendiri." msgid "Jetpack is required to migrate all the content" msgstr "Diperlukan Jetpack untuk memindahkan semua konten." msgid "The latest version of the plugin is required to migrate all the content" msgstr "Plugin versi terbaru diperlukan untuk memigrasi semua konten" msgid "Update ‘Move to’" msgstr "Perbarui 'Pindah ke'" msgid "Please try again soon or {{a}}contact support{{/a}} for help." msgstr "" "Silakan coba kembali atau {{a}}hubungi tim bantuan{{/a}} untuk mendapatkan " "bantuan." msgid "Oops, something went wrong" msgstr "Maaf, terjadi kendala" msgid "" "As always, if you have any questions or run into any issues, check out " " for additional information or direct support." msgstr "" "Seperti biasa, jika ada pertanyaan atau masalah, kunjungi https://wordpress." "com/help untuk mendapatkan informasi tambahan atau dukungan langsung." msgid "" "As always, if you have any questions or run into any issues, check out https://" " for additional information or direct support." msgstr "" "Seperti biasa, jika ada pertanyaan atau masalah, kunjungi" "help untuk mendapatkan informasi tambahan atau dukungan langsung." msgid "" "We highly recommend that you check out the documentation we linked above to " "get the full picture of what features are now available to you — and to " "understand how you can use each of them to grow your store." msgstr "" "Kami sangat menyarankan Anda untuk membaca dokumentasi yang ditautkan di " "atas agar memahami sepenuhnya fitur-fitur yang tersedia dan cara penggunaan " "setiap fitur untuk mengembangkan toko Anda." msgid "" "Some site owners like to be extra cautious and test their site after each " "plugin is activated; other users like to activate the plugins they want to " "use and test them all at once. With staging sites, you can work in whatever " "order you want without having to worry about causing any issues for your " "site’s active users." msgstr "" "Beberapa pemilik situs sangat berhati-hati dan ingin menguji situs mereka " "setelah setiap plugin diaktifkan. Sementara itu, pengguna lain ingin " "mengaktifkan plugin yang ingin mereka gunakan dan uji sekaligus. Dengan " "situs staging, Anda memiliki urutan bekerja yang bebas tanpa mengkhawatirkan " "timbulnya masalah bagi pengguna aktif situs Anda." msgid "" "Click on “Activate” for the first plugin you want to test. The page should " "refresh and show you a notice that the plugin was successfully activated." msgstr "" "Klik “Aktifkan” untuk plugin pertama yang Anda ingin uji. Halaman akan " "disegarkan dan menunjukkan pemberitahuan bahwa plugin berhasil diaktifkan." msgid "" "Scroll down to find the plugins you want to test. They should have an " "“Activate” text link." msgstr "" "Gulir ke bawah untuk menemukan plugin yang ingin Anda uji. Tautan teks " "“Aktifkan” akan muncul pada plugin." msgid "Click on “Installed Plugins” at the top of the page." msgstr "Klik “Plugin Terinstal” di bagian atas halaman." msgid "Navigate to" msgstr "Kunjungi" msgid "" "Navigate to" msgstr "" "Kunjungi" msgid "" "Once you’ve decided which plugins you want to use, you can navigate to the " "plugins section of your site and activate them." msgstr "" "Setelah memutuskan plugin yang akan digunakan, Anda dapat mengunjungi bagian " "plugin situs dan mengaktifkannya." msgid "Step 2: Activate your plugins" msgstr "Langkah 2: Aktifkan plugin Anda" msgid "Click the Add staging site button." msgstr "Klik tombol Tambah situs staging." msgid "Scroll down to the Staging site section." msgstr "Gulir turun ke bagian Situs staging." msgid "" "Starting in your dashboard: %1$s, go to Settings → Hosting Configuration: " "%2$s." msgstr "Dari dasbor: %1$s, buka Pengaturan → Konfigurasi Hosting: %2$s." msgid "" "Starting in your dashboard, go to SettingsHosting " "Configuration." msgstr "" "Dari dasbor, buka Pengaturan Konfigurasi Hosting." msgid "Step 1: Activate your staging site" msgstr "Langkah 1: Aktifkan situs staging Anda" msgid "" "No work necessary: These new plugins have already been installed for you. " "While we’ve tested them extensively to ensure they work well together, it’s " "always best to test new features with your specific site. For this, we " "recommend leveraging our new staging sites feature. If you haven’t used it " "yet, your staging site is a copy of your live site that allows you to " "experiment and test changes, new plugins, updates, and more, without any of " "your current users being impacted." msgstr "" "Tidak perlu repot: Berbagai plugin baru ini telah diinstal untuk Anda. " "Meskipun kami telah menguji plugin secara menyeluruh untuk memastikan " "semuanya dapat bekerja dengan baik, sebaiknya Anda menguji fitur-fitur baru " "dengan situs Anda. Oleh karena itu, kami merekomendasikan Anda untuk " "menggunakan fitur situs staging baru. Jika belum menggunakannya, situs " "staging adalah salinan situs aktif Anda yang memungkinkan Anda untuk " "bereksperimen dan menguji perubahan, plugin baru, pembaruan, dan lainnya, " "tanpa memengaruhi pengguna Anda saat ini." msgid "How to access these features:" msgstr "Cara mengakses fitur-fitur ini:" msgid "" "Increase customer loyalty and drive repeat purchases by offering multi-" "purpose gift cards. More information on WooCommerce Gift Cards: %s." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan loyalitas pelanggan dan dorong pembelian berulang dengan " "menawarkan kartu hadiah serbaguna. Informasi selengkapnya tentang Kartu " "Hadiah WooCommerce: %s." msgid "" "Increase customer loyalty and drive repeat purchases by offering multi-" "purpose gift cards. More information on WooCommerce Gift Cards." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan loyalitas pelanggan dan dorong pembelian berulang dengan " "menawarkan kartu hadiah serbaguna. Informasi selengkapnya tentang Kartu Hadiah " "WooCommerce." msgid "" "Make it easier for customers to browse your catalog with WooCommerce Brands. " "Learn more: %s." msgstr "" "Permudah pelanggan untuk menelusuri katalog Anda dengan WooCommerce Brands. " "Baca selengkapnya: %s." msgid "" "Make it easier for customers to browse your catalog with WooCommerce Brands. " "Learn more." msgstr "" "Permudah pelanggan untuk menelusuri katalog Anda dengan WooCommerce Brands. " "Baca selengkapnya." msgid "" "Let your customers know the second popular products are back in stock with " "Back in Stock Notifications. Learn more: %s." msgstr "" "Beri tahu pelanggan Anda ketika produk populer kembali tersedia dengan " "Pemberitahuan Stok Tersedia Kembali. Baca selengkapnya: %s." msgid "" "Let your customers know the second popular products are back in stock with " "Back in Stock Notifications. Learn more." msgstr "" "Beri tahu pelanggan Anda ketika produk populer kembali tersedia dengan " "Pemberitahuan Stok Tersedia Kembali. Baca selengkapnya." msgid "" "Set minimum and maximum quantity limits per product or order with Min/Max " "quantities. Create rules to sell your products in quantity multiples. Learn " "more: %s." msgstr "" "Tetapkan batas jumlah minimum dan maksimum per produk atau pesanan dengan " "jumlah Min/Maks. Buat aturan untuk menjual produk Anda dalam kelipatan " "jumlah. Baca selengkapnya: %s." msgid "" "Set minimum and maximum quantity limits per product or order with Min/Max " "quantities. Create rules to sell your products in quantity multiples. Learn more." msgstr "" "Tetapkan batas jumlah minimum dan maksimum per produk atau pesanan dengan " "jumlah Min/Maks. Buat aturan untuk menjual produk Anda dalam kelipatan " "jumlah. Baca selengkapnya." msgid "A few more things to be excited about:" msgstr "Beberapa hal lain yang menarik:" msgid "" "Check out our Product Recommendations guide to get more ideas for how to " "leverage it to grow your business: %s." msgstr "" "Lihat panduan Rekomendasi Produk kami guna mengetahui ide penggunaan lainnya " "untuk mengembangkan bisnis Anda: %s." msgid "" "Check out our Product Recommendations guide to get more " "ideas for how to leverage it to grow your business." msgstr "" "Lihat panduan Rekomendasi Produk kami guna mengetahui ide " "penggunaan lainnya untuk mengembangkan bisnis Anda." msgid "" "Leverage in-depth analytics to optimize your upsell efforts and grow your " "revenue." msgstr "" "Gunakan analisis mendalam untuk mengoptimalkan upaya upselling dan " "meningkatkan pendapatan Anda." msgid "" "Offer smart upsells, cross-sells, and “frequently bought together” " "recommendations to drive more sales across your store." msgstr "" "Tawarkan rekomendasi smart upsell, cross-sell, dan “sering dibeli bersamaan” " "untuk meningkatkan penjualan di toko Anda." msgid "" "Build your own recommendation engines or leverage proven recommendation " "logic to grow your store." msgstr "" "Buat mesin rekomendasi atau gunakan logika rekomendasi yang telah terbukti " "untuk mengembangkan toko Anda." msgid "Product Recommendations:" msgstr "Rekomendasi Produk:" msgid "Check out our detailed guide: %s." msgstr "Lihat panduan terperinci kami: %s." msgid "" "Check out our detailed guide." msgstr "" "Lihat panduan terperinci kami." msgid "Leverage ready-to-use workflows to grow your business." msgstr "Gunakan alur kerja siap pakai untuk mengembangkan bisnis Anda." msgid "" "Set up personalized promotions to keep your customers engaged or win back " "lost customers." msgstr "" "Siapkan promosi khusus untuk mempertahankan pelanggan Anda atau mendapatkan " "kembali pelanggan yang pergi." msgid "" "Convert and retain customers with marketing workflows that do the hard work " "for you." msgstr "" "Dapatkan dan pertahankan pelanggan dengan alur kerja pemasaran yang bekerja " "keras untuk Anda." msgid "AutomateWoo:" msgstr "AutomateWoo:" msgid "For more, visit this detailed guide on Product Bundles: %s." msgstr "" "Untuk selengkapnya, kunjungi panduan terperinci ini di Bundel Produk: %s." msgid "" "For more, visit this detailed guide on Product Bundles." msgstr "" "Untuk selengkapnya, kunjungi panduan terperinci ini di Bundel Produk." msgid "" "Create product kits that allow customers to build custom products based on " "their unique needs." msgstr "" "Buat paket produk agar pelanggan dapat menentukan produk kustom berdasarkan " "kebutuhan mereka sendiri." msgid "" "Offer discount packages to incentivize and reward your customers to buy more." msgstr "" "Tawarkan paket diskon sebagai insentif dan penghargaan kepada pelanggan agar " "membeli lagi." msgid "" "Sell more products and increase your average order value by bundling " "products together." msgstr "" "Jual lebih banyak produk dan tingkatkan nilai pesanan rata-rata dengan " "bundel produk." msgid "Product Bundles:" msgstr "Bundel Produk:" msgid "" "For more information on Product Add-Ons, visit WooCommerce’s detailed guide: " "%s." msgstr "" "Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang Add-On Produk, kunjungi panduan " "terperinci WooCommerce: %s." msgid "" "For more information on Product Add-Ons, visit WooCommerce’s detailed " "guide." msgstr "" "Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang Add-On Produk, kunjungi panduan " "terperinci WooCommerce." msgid "" "Allow users to upload media files and personalize their orders using " "checkboxes, text input, radio buttons, dropdowns, and more." msgstr "" "Izinkan pengguna untuk mengunggah berkas media dan menyesuaikan pesanan " "dengan kotak centang, input teks, tombol radio, menu tarik turun, dan " "lainnya." msgid "" "Offer extra products and services that complement your products like gift " "wrapping, a special message, extended warranty, insurance, customizations, " "and much more." msgstr "" "Tawarkan produk dan layanan ekstra yang melengkapi produk Anda seperti " "bungkus kado, pesan khusus, perpanjangan garansi, asuransi, kustomisasi, dan " "banyak lainnya." msgid "Product Add-Ons:" msgstr "Add-On Produk:" msgid "" "Read on for an overview of the most exciting new features, as well as how to " "access them. (If you want to dive into more details, we encourage you to " "check out our documentation: %s and save it for future reference)." msgstr "" "Baca ikhtisar fitur baru yang paling menarik dan cara mengaksesnya. (Jika " "Anda ingin mengetahui secara lebih terperinci, baca dokumentasi kami: %s dan " "simpan sebagai rujukan nanti)." msgid "" "Read on for an overview of the most exciting new features, as well as how to " "access them. (If you want to dive into more details, we encourage you to check out our documentation and save it for future reference)." msgstr "" "Baca ikhtisar fitur baru yang paling menarik dan cara mengaksesnya. (Jika " "Anda ingin mengetahui secara lebih terperinci, baca dokumentasi " "kami dan simpan sebagai rujukan nanti)." msgid "" "Before we dive in, it’s important to know that all of the plugins and " "extensions that came with the eCommerce plan you purchased will continue to " "be available to you. Nothing is going away. You’re just getting a whole lot " "more: We’ve bundled hundreds of dollars’ worth of powerful WooCommerce " "extensions into the Commerce Plan." msgstr "" "Sebelum kita memulai, Anda perlu mengetahui bahwa semua plugin dan ekstensi " "dalam paket eCommerce yang Anda beli akan selalu tersedia. Tidak ada yang " "hilang. Anda mendapatkan lebih banyak lagi: Kami telah menyiapkan paket " "ratusan dolar yang senilai dengan ekstensi WooCommerce yang andal ke dalam " "paket Commerce." msgid "" "You may have noticed a few changes and improvements as you managed your " "store over the past few months. Our team has been hard at work adding a new " "set of powerful tools and ensuring that the experience we give our merchants " "is better than any other WooCommerce-powered experience. We even changed the " "name of the plan to “Commerce” as a way to recognize all the different types " "of merchants leveraging the power of WordPress and WooCommerce." msgstr "" "Anda mungkin telah mengetahui beberapa perubahan dan perbaikan ketika " "mengelola toko Anda dalam beberapa bulan terakhir. Tim kami telah bekerja " "keras menambahkan serangkaian alat andal yang baru dan memastikan bahwa " "pengalaman yang diberikan kepada penjual lebih baik daripada pengalaman yang " "didukung WooCommerce. Kami bahkan mengubah nama paket menjadi “Commerce” " "untuk menampung semua jenis penjual yang menggunakan keandalan WordPress dan " "WooCommerce." msgid "Free new features to supercharge your store" msgstr "Fitur gratis baru untuk menyempurnakan toko Anda" msgid "You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan details" msgstr "Anda telah melewati batas kuota saat ini, periksa detail paket Anda." msgid "Jetpack Summer Kickoff sale - %s off " msgstr "Promo Awal Musim Panas Jetpack - diskon %s " msgid "" "Please note that your custom domain is connected to this plan but renews " "separately. If the domain renewal fails, you will receive a separate email " "with instructions to manage the renewal." msgstr "" "Harap perhatikan bahwa domain kustom Anda terhubung dengan paket ini, tetapi " "diperpanjang secara terpisah. Jika perpanjangan domain tidak berhasil, Anda " "akan menerima email terpisah yang berisi petunjuk untuk mengurus " "perpanjangan." msgid "" "Update the payment information to renew the plan and keep the site " "running without issues." msgstr "" "Perbarui informasi pembayaran untuk memperpanjang paket dan menjaga " "situs terus beroperasi tanpa kendala." msgid "" "When the plan expires, the site’s content may not appear as intended, and " "you won’t be able to use the following features:" msgstr "" "Jika paket kedaluwarsa, konten situs yang ditampilkan mungkin tidak sesuai " "keinginan, dan Anda tidak dapat menggunakan fitur-fitur berikut:" msgid "" "Unfortunately, the problem preventing the renewal is still persistent, and " "the plan expired %d days ago. Complete the process right away to avoid " "losing it." msgstr "" "Sayang sekali, masalah yang menghambat perpanjangan masih berlanjut, dan " "paket telah kedaluwarsa %d hari yang lalu. Segera selesaikan prosesnya " "supaya paket tidak hangus." msgid "" "Unfortunately, the problem preventing the renewal is still persistent, and " "the plan expired %d day ago. Complete the process right away to avoid losing " "it." msgid_plural "" "Unfortunately, the problem preventing the renewal is still persistent, and " "the plan expired %d days ago. Complete the process right away to avoid " "losing it." msgstr[0] "" "Sayang sekali, masalah yang menghambat perpanjangan masih berlanjut dan " "paket telah kedaluwarsa %d hari yang lalu. Segera selesaikan prosesnya " "supaya paket tidak hangus." msgstr[1] "" "Sayang sekali, masalah yang menghambat perpanjangan masih berlanjut, dan " "paket telah kedaluwarsa %d hari yang lalu. Segera selesaikan prosesnya " "supaya paket tidak hangus." msgid "" "Unfortunately, the problem preventing the renewal is still persistent, and " "the plan and domain expired %d days ago. Complete the process right away to " "avoid losing them." msgstr "" "Sayang sekali, masalah yang menghambat perpanjangan masih berlanjut, dan " "paket serta domain telah kedaluwarsa %d hari yang lalu. Segera selesaikan " "prosesnya supaya paket dan domain tidak hangus." msgid "" "Unfortunately, the problem preventing the renewal is still persistent, and " "the plan and domain expired %d day ago. Complete the process right away to " "avoid losing them." msgid_plural "" "Unfortunately, the problem preventing the renewal is still persistent, and " "the plan and domain expired %d days ago. Complete the process right away to " "avoid losing them." msgstr[0] "" "Sayang sekali, masalah yang menghambat perpanjangan masih berlanjut dan " "paket serta domain telah kedaluwarsa %d hari yang lalu. Segera selesaikan " "prosesnya supaya paket dan domain tidak hangus." msgstr[1] "" "Sayang sekali, masalah yang menghambat perpanjangan masih berlanjut, dan " "paket serta domain telah kedaluwarsa %d hari yang lalu. Segera selesaikan " "prosesnya supaya paket dan domain tidak hangus." msgid "" "Unfortunately, the problem preventing the renewal is still persistent, and " "the plan will expire today." msgstr "" "Sayang sekali, masalah yang menghambat perpanjangan masih berlanjut, dan " "paket akan kedaluwarsa hari ini." msgid "" "Unfortunately, the problem preventing the renewal is still persistent, and " "the plan and domain will expire today." msgstr "" "Sayang sekali, masalah yang menghambat perpanjangan masih berlanjut, dan " "paket serta domain akan kedaluwarsa hari ini." msgid "" "Unfortunately, the problem preventing the renewal is still persistent, and " "the plan will expire in %d days unless you renew it manually." msgstr "" "Sayang sekali, masalah yang menghambat perpanjangan masih berlanjut, dan " "paket akan kedaluwarsa dalam waktu %d hari jika Anda tidak memperpanjangnya " "secara manual." msgid "" "Unfortunately, the problem preventing the renewal is still persistent, and " "the plan will expire in %d day unless you renew it manually." msgid_plural "" "Unfortunately, the problem preventing the renewal is still persistent, and " "the plan will expire in %d days unless you renew it manually." msgstr[0] "" "Sayang sekali, masalah yang menghambat perpanjangan masih berlanjut dan " "paket akan kedaluwarsa dalam %d hari jika tidak diperpanjang secara manual." msgstr[1] "" "Sayang sekali, masalah yang menghambat perpanjangan masih berlanjut dan " "paket akan kedaluwarsa dalam %d hari jika tidak diperpanjang secara manual." msgid "" "Unfortunately, the problem preventing the renewal is still persistent, and " "the plan and domain will expire in %d days unless you renew it manually." msgstr "" "Sayang sekali, masalah yang menghambat perpanjangan masih berlanjut, dan " "paket serta domain akan kedaluwarsa dalam waktu %d hari jika Anda tidak " "memperpanjangnya secara manual." msgid "" "Unfortunately, the problem preventing the renewal is still persistent, and " "the plan and domain will expire in %d day unless you renew it manually." msgid_plural "" "Unfortunately, the problem preventing the renewal is still persistent, and " "the plan and domain will expire in %d days unless you renew it manually." msgstr[0] "" "Sayang sekali, masalah yang menghambat perpanjangan masih berlanjut dan " "paket serta domain akan kedaluwarsa dalam %d hari jika tidak diperpanjang " "secara manual." msgstr[1] "" "Sayang sekali, masalah yang menghambat perpanjangan masih berlanjut dan " "paket serta domain akan kedaluwarsa dalam %d hari jika tidak diperpanjang " "secara manual." msgid "We have attempted to renew the %s plan one last time" msgstr "Kami telah berupaya memperpanjang paket %s untuk terakhir kalinya" msgid "" "We have attempted to renew the %1$s plan and the domain %2$s one last time" msgstr "" "Kami telah berupaya memperpanjang paket %1$s dan domain %2$s untuk terakhir " "kalinya" msgid "Also, you will lose access to the following features:" msgstr "Selain itu, Anda tidak akan bisa mengakses fitur-fitur berikut:" msgid "" "Update the payment information, otherwise the plan will expire in %d days " "and the site’s content may not appear as intended." msgstr "" "Perbarui informasi pembayaran. Jika tidak, paket akan kedaluwarsa dalam " "waktu %d hari dan konten situs yang ditampilkan mungkin tidak sesuai " "keinginan." msgid "" "Update the payment information, otherwise the plan will expire in %d day and " "the site’s content may not appear as intended." msgid_plural "" "Update the payment information, otherwise the plan will expire in %d days " "and the site’s content may not appear as intended." msgstr[0] "" "Perbarui data pembayaran. Jika tidak, paket akan kedaluwarsa dalam %d hari " "dan situs mungkin akan tampak berbeda." msgstr[1] "" "Perbarui data pembayaran. Jika tidak, paket akan kedaluwarsa dalam %d hari " "dan situs mungkin akan tampak berbeda." msgid "" "Update the payment information, otherwise the plan and domain will expire in " "%d days and the site’s content may not appear as intended." msgstr "" "Perbarui informasi pembayaran. Jika tidak, paket serta domain akan " "kedaluwarsa dalam waktu %d hari dan konten situs yang ditampilkan mungkin " "tidak sesuai keinginan." msgid "" "Update the payment information, otherwise the plan and domain will expire in " "%d day and the site’s content may not appear as intended." msgid_plural "" "Update the payment information, otherwise the plan and domain will expire in " "%d days and the site’s content may not appear as intended." msgstr[0] "" "Perbarui data pembayaran. Jika tidak, paket serta domain akan kedaluwarsa " "dalam %d hari dan situs mungkin akan tampak berbeda." msgstr[1] "" "Perbarui data pembayaran. Jika tidak, paket serta domain akan kedaluwarsa " "dalam %d hari dan situs mungkin akan tampak berbeda." msgid "" "A problem with the %1$s plan renewal for %2$s still needs to be resolved." msgstr "Masalah perpanjangan paket %1$s untuk %2$s masih perlu diselesaikan." msgid "" "A problem with the renewal of %1$s plan and the domain %2$s for %3$s still " "needs to be resolved." msgstr "" "Masalah perpanjangan paket %1$s dan domain %2$s untuk %3$s masih perlu " "diselesaikan." msgid "" "The %1$s plan will expire if the problem is not solved and the renewal " "processed." msgstr "" "Paket %1$s akan kedaluwarsa jika masalah tidak diselesaikan dan perpanjangan " "tidak diproses." msgid "" "We have been attempting to renew the %1$s plan for %2$s but there is a " "persistent problem." msgstr "" "Kami telah berupaya memperpanjang paket %1$s untuk %2$s, tetapi ada " "masalah yang masih berlanjut." msgid "" "We have been attempting to renew the %1$s plan and the domain %2$s for %3$s " "but there is a persistent problem." msgstr "" "Kami telah berupaya memperpanjang paket %1$s dan domain %2$s untuk %3$s, " "tetapi ada masalah yang masih berlanjut." msgid "" "We wanted to give you a quick heads-up so you can update the payment " "information and keep the website running smoothly." msgstr "" "Kami ingin memberikan pengingat singkat agar Anda dapat memperbarui " "informasi pembayaran dan situs terus beroperasi dengan lancar." msgid "" "We are attempting to renew the %1$s plan and the domain %2$s for %2$s, " "and it is not going through." msgstr "" "Kami sedang berupaya memperpanjang paket %1$s dan domain %2$s untuk %2$s, " "tetapi tidak berhasil." msgid "" "We are attempting to renew the %1$s plan and the domain %2$s for %3$s, " "and it is not going through." msgstr "" "Kami sedang berupaya memperpanjang paket %1$s dan domain %2$s untuk %3$s, " "tetapi tidak berhasil." msgid "Your plan has expired" msgstr "Paket Anda telah kedaluwarsa" msgid "Your plan will expire soon" msgstr "Paket Anda akan segera kedaluwarsa" msgid "Renew your %s plan" msgstr "Perpanjang %s paket Anda" msgid "Your plan and domain have expired" msgstr "Paket dan domain Anda telah kedaluwarsa" msgid "Your plan and domain will expire soon" msgstr "Paket dan domain Anda akan segera kedaluwarsa" msgid "Renew your plan and domain now" msgstr "Perpanjang paket dan domain Anda sekarang" msgid "Renew your %s plan and domain" msgstr "Perpanjang %s paket dan domain Anda" msgid "" "Discover new reads and catch up on posts, comments, and replies from the " "sites you subscribe to." msgstr "" "Temukan bacaan baru dan ikuti pos, komentar, dan balasan dari situs yang " "Anda berlangganan." msgid "The Reader" msgstr "Pembaca" msgid "" "This is what it will look like when someone shares the link to your " "WordPress post on Mastodon." msgstr "" "Berikut adalah tampilan saat seseorang membagikan tautan pos WordPress Anda " "di Mastodon." msgid "This is what your social post will look like on Mastodon:" msgstr "Pos sosial Anda akan tampil seperti ini di Mastodon:" msgid "Mastodon preview thumbnail" msgstr "Thumbnail pratinjau Mastodon" msgid "" "%(formattedCurrentPrice)s for first %(introCount)s years then " "%(formattedPriceBeforeDiscounts)s per %(billingTermInYears)s years" msgstr "" "%(formattedCurrentPrice)s untuk %(introCount)s tahun pertama, selanjutnya " "%(formattedPriceBeforeDiscounts)s per %(billingTermInYears)s tahun" msgid "%(formattedCurrentPrice)s first %(introCount)s years" msgstr "%(formattedCurrentPrice)s untuk %(introCount)s tahun pertama" msgid "This is what your social post will look like on Instagram:" msgstr "Pos sosial Anda akan tampil seperti ini di Instagram:" msgid "" "per month, %(fullTermDiscountedPriceText)s for the first year, excl. taxes" msgstr "" "per bulan, %(fullTermDiscountedPriceText)s untuk tahun pertama, Tidak " "Termasuk Pajak" msgid "" "per month, %(fullTermDiscountedPriceText)s for the first three years, excl. " "taxes" msgstr "" "per bulan, %(fullTermDiscountedPriceText)s untuk tiga tahun pertama, Tidak " "Termasuk Pajak" msgid "Activated!" msgstr "Diaktifkan!" msgid "Activating site" msgstr "Mengaktifkan situs" msgid "Migrate a site" msgstr "Migrasi situs" msgid "Build a new site from scratch" msgstr "Bangun situs baru dari awal" msgid "Let’s add your first site" msgstr "Ayo tambahkan situs pertama Anda" msgid "per 2 years" msgstr "per 2 tahun" msgid "Max Budget" msgstr "Anggaran maksimal" msgid "Make changes" msgstr "Buat perubahan" msgid "" "We created this campaign to deliver the most valuable traffic, yet you can " "still make changes before submitting it." msgstr "" "Kami membuat kampanye ini untuk menghasilkan trafik yang paling berharga, " "namun Anda masih dapat membuat perubahan sebelum mengirimkannya." msgid "Review your campaign" msgstr "Tinjau kampanye Anda" msgid "Daily spend for %(durationDays)s-day duration" msgid_plural "Daily spend for %(durationDays)s day duration" msgstr[0] "Pengeluaran harian selama periode %(durationDays)s hari" msgstr[1] "" msgid "Use post's media" msgstr "Gunakan media pos" msgid "Select post to promote" msgstr "Pilih pos untuk dipromosikan" msgid "Creating campaign…" msgstr "Membuat kampanye…" msgid "Skip and go to my campaigns next time." msgstr "Lewati dan buka kampanye saya nanti." msgid "Go to my campaigns" msgstr "Buka kampanye saya" msgid "You’re 3 minutes away from
a launch-ready newsletter. " msgstr "3 menit lagi
Buletin Anda siap diluncurkan." msgid "Launch my newsletter" msgstr "Luncurkan buletin saya" msgid "" "Automatically share and promote newly published posts to Facebook, Tumblr,\n" "\t\tand LinkedIn. You can add connections for yourself or for all users on " "your site." msgstr "" "Bagikan dan promosikan pos yang baru saja dipublikasikan secara otomatis ke " "Facebook, Tumblr,\n" "\t\tdan LinkedIn. Anda bisa menambahkan koneksi untuk diri sendiri atau " "semua pengguna di situs Anda." msgid "Name of the notice to dismiss" msgstr "Nama pemberitahuan yang ingin ditutup" msgid "Your subscription will renew for %1$s on %2$s" msgstr "Langganan Anda akan diperpanjang dengan harga %1$s pada %2$s" msgid "Expand your blog with plugins and powerful tools to help you scale." msgstr "" "Kembangkan blog Anda dengan plugin dan alat yang andal agar Anda ikut " "berkembang." msgid "" "Make it even more memorable with premium designs, 4K video, and style " "customization." msgstr "" "Buat blog Anda tampak unik dan berkesan dengan desain premium dan " "penyesuaian gaya." msgid "" "Take the next step with gated content, paid subscribers, and an ad-free site." msgstr "" "Ambil langkah selanjutnya dengan konten premium, pelanggan berbayar, dan " "situs bebas iklan." msgid "Not a trial – blog free for as long as you like." msgstr "Bukan blog uji coba. Namun, blog gratis selama yang Anda mau." msgid "Best for Blog" msgstr "Cocok untuk Blog" msgid "Add Instagram photo" msgstr "Tambahkan foto Instagram" msgid "" "{{italic}}When you click “connect” you'll be asked to {{strong}}log into " "Facebook{{/strong}}. If your Instagram Business account isn't listed, ensure " "it's linked to a Facebook page.{{/italic}}" msgstr "" "{{italic}}Saat Anda mengeklik \"hubungkan\", Anda akan diminta untuk " "{{strong}}login ke Facebook{{/strong}}. Jika akun Instagram Bisnis Anda " "tidak terdaftar, pastikan akun tersebut terhubung ke halaman Facebook.{{/" "italic}}" msgid "Your Instagram Business account must be linked to a Facebook page." msgstr "Akun Bisnis Instagram Anda harus terhubung ke halaman Facebook." msgid "You must have an Instagram Business account." msgstr "Anda harus memiliki akun Instagram Bisnis." msgid "Requirements for connecting Instagram:" msgstr "Persyaratan untuk menghubungkan Instagram:" msgid "" "Drive engagement and save time by automatically sharing images to Instagram " "when you publish blog posts." msgstr "" "Dorong interaksi dan hemat waktu Anda dengan membagikan gambar ke Instagram " "secara otomatis saat Anda memublikasikan pos blog." msgid "Learn how to convert & link your Instagram account." msgstr "Pelajari cara mengonversi & menautkan akun Instagram Anda." msgid "" "Instagram requires a business account connected to Facebook in order to work " "with third party services." msgstr "" "Instagram memerlukan akun bisnis yang terhubung ke Facebook agar dapat " "bekerja dengan layanan pihak ketiga." msgid "While you're at it, you might check out these sites." msgstr "Selanjutnya, Anda mungkin tertarik dengan situs-situs berikut:" msgid "100 GB Storage" msgstr "Penyimpanan 100 GB" msgid "50 GB Storage" msgstr "Penyimpanan 50 GB" msgid "Now it’s time to start posting." msgstr "Sekarang saatnya untuk mulai memposting." msgid "Transfer your site" msgstr "Transfer situs Anda" msgid "" "You have been sent a transfer confirmation email to {{strong}}%(email)s{{/" "strong}}. Please check your inbox and spam folder. The transfer will not " "proceed unless you authorize it using the link in the email." msgstr "" "Email konfirmasi transfer telah dikirim untuk Anda ke {{strong}}%(email)s{{/" "strong}}. Harap periksa inbox dan folder spam Anda. Transfer tidak akan " "dimulai sebelum Anda melakukan otorisasi menggunakan tautan dalam email " "tersebut." msgid "I want to transfer ownership of the site and all my related upgrades." msgstr "" "Saya ingin mengalihkan kepemilikan situs dan semua upgrade yang terkait" msgid "No posts match your search" msgstr "Tidak pos yang cocok dengan pencarian Anda" msgid "" "There was a problem obtaining the posts list. Please try again or " "{{contactSupportLink}}contact support{{/contactSupportLink}}." msgstr "" "Terjadi kendala saat mengakses daftar pos. Mohon coba lagi atau " "{{contactSupportLink}}hubungi bantuan{{/contactSupportLink}}." msgid "" "You have not published any posts, pages or products yet. Make sure your " "content is published and come back to promote it." msgstr "" "Anda belum mempublikasikan postingan, halaman, atau produk apa pun. Pastikan " "konten Anda sudah diterbitkan agar Anda dapat mempromosikannya." msgid "You have content to promote" msgstr "Anda punya konten untuk dipromosikan" msgid "" "You have not created any campaigns Click {{learnMoreLink}}Promote{{/" "learnMoreLink}} to get started." msgstr "" "Anda belum membuat kampanye apa pun Klik {{learnMoreLink}}Promosikan{{/" "learnMoreLink}} untuk memulai." msgid "You have no campaigns" msgstr "Anda tidak punya kampanye" msgid "No campaigns match your search" msgstr "Tidak ada kampanye yang cocok dengan pencarian Anda" msgid "Testing credentials" msgstr "Menguji kredensial" msgid "Please make sure all fields are filled in correctly before proceeding." msgstr "" "Mohon pastikan semua ruas isian diisi dengan benar sebelum melanjutkan." msgid "We could not store your credentials:" msgstr "Kami tidak dapat menyimpan kredensial Anda:" msgid "Invalid port." msgstr "Port tidak valid." msgid "We can't accept credentials for the root user." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat menerima kredensial untuk pengguna root." msgid "You are ready to migrate" msgstr "Anda siap untuk bermigrasi" msgid "Choose your hosting" msgstr "Pilih hosting Anda" msgid "Select your hosting and we'll help you find your server credentials." msgstr "" "Pilih hosting Anda dan kami akan membantu menemukan kredensial server Anda." msgid "Do you need help locating your credentials?" msgstr "Butuh bantuan untuk menemukan kredensial Anda?" msgid "" "Read through the {{a}}%(hostingProvider)s support site{{/a}} to learn how to " "obtain your credentials." msgstr "" "Baca seluruh {{a}}situs bantuan %(hostingProvider)s{{/a}} untuk mempelajari " "cara mendapatkan kredensial Anda." msgid "Multi-member LLC" msgstr "LLC multi-anggota" msgid "Single-member LLC" msgstr "LLC anggota tunggal" msgid "Free zone LLC" msgstr "LLC zona bebas" msgid "Onboarding unavailable." msgstr "Penyiapan tidak tersedia." msgid "This offer ends on %1$s, so act now: %2$s" msgstr "Penawaran ini berakhir pada %1$s. Ambil sekarang: %2$s" msgid "Summer Kickoff sale - %s off Jetpack Security and Complete" msgstr "" "Promo Awal Musim Panas - diskon %s untuk Jetpack Security dan Jetpack " "Complete" msgid "Get %s Off Jetpack Bundles" msgstr "Dapatkan Diskon %s untuk Bundel Jetpack" msgid "This offer ends on %s, so act now:" msgstr "Penawaran ini berakhir pada %s. Ambil sekarang:" msgid "" "Jetpack provides comprehensive WordPress site security and performance " "tools, including real-time backups, web application firewall, malware " "scanning, spam protection, and video hosting. Focus on running your " "business, while we guard your site." msgstr "" "Jetpack menyediakan alat keamanan dan performa situs WordPress yang " "komprehensif, yang termasuk pencadangan real-time, firewall aplikasi web, " "pemindaian malware, perlindungan dari spam, dan hosting video. Anda cukup " "berfokus menjalankan bisnis karena kami menjaga situs Anda." msgid "" "Take advantage of our limited-time sale and secure your site with Jetpack " "Security or Complete, now at %s off for the first year!" msgstr "" "Manfaatkan promo waktu terbatas dan jaga keamanan situs Anda dengan Jetpack " "Security atau Jetpack Complete, sekarang dengan diskon %s untuk tahun " "pertama." msgid "Limited Time Offer: Get %s Off Jetpack Security and Complete!" msgstr "" "Penawaran Waktu Terbatas: Dapatkan Diskon %s untuk Jetpack Security dan " "Jetpack Complete!" msgid "There has never been a better time to secure your site or store" msgstr "Sekaranglah saat terbaik untuk mengamankan situs atau toko Anda." msgid "%s OFF Jetpack Bundles - Limited Time!" msgstr "DISKON %s untuk Bundel Jetpack - Waktu Terbatas!" msgid "" "Due to the email address %1$s not being verified, the domain %2$s has been " "suspended. Contact our support to request reactivation of your domain." msgstr "" "Karena alamat email %1$s tidak diverifikasi, domain %2$s telah ditangguhkan. " "Hubungi tim dukungan kami untuk meminta aktivasi ulang domain Anda." msgid "" "Due to the email address %1$s not being verified, the " "domain %2$s has been suspended. Contact our support to " "request reactivation of your domain." msgstr "" "Karena alamat email %1$s tidak diverifikasi, domain " "%2$s telah ditangguhkan. Hubungi tim dukungan kami untuk meminta " "aktivasi ulang domain Anda." msgid "Your domain %1$s has been suspended" msgstr "Domain Anda %1$s telah ditangguhkan" msgid "" "The email address %1$s, associated with your domain %2$s, has been " "successfully verified." msgstr "" "Alamat email %1$s, yang terkait dengan domain Anda %2$s, berhasil " "diverifikasi." msgid "" "The email address %1$s, associated with your domain " "%2$s, has been successfully verified." msgstr "" "Alamat email %1$s, yang terkait dengan domain Anda " "%2$s, berhasil diverifikasi." msgid "Your contact information for %1$s has been verified" msgstr "Informasi kontak Anda untuk %1$s telah diverifikasi" msgid "Default account email" msgstr "E-mail akun default" msgid "WordPress Embeds" msgstr "Sematan WordPress" msgid "Embeddable Timelines" msgstr "Linimasa yang Dapat Disematkan" msgid "Stats are disabled on this site." msgstr "Statistik dinonaktifkan di situs ini." msgid "Stats off" msgstr "Statistik off" msgid "%d GB of storage" msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan sebesar %d GB" msgid "Skip and create a new site" msgstr "Lewati dan buat situs baru" msgid "%(quantity)s GB extra space, %(price)s per year" msgstr "Penyimpanan ekstra %(quantity)s GB, %(price)s per tahun" msgid "" "

Paid customers get dedicated email support from our world-class Happiness " "Engineers to help with any issue.

\n" "\t\t\t\t\t\t

All other questions are handled by our team as quickly as we " "are able to go through the WordPress support forum.

" msgstr "" "

Pelanggan berbayar mendapatkan bantuan email khusus dari Happiness " "Engineer kelas dunia kami untuk segala masalah.

Semua pertanyaan " "ditangani oleh tim kami secepat mungkin melalui forum bantuan WordPress.

" msgid "Dedicated email support" msgstr "Dukungan email khusus" msgid "" "Deliver images from Jetpack's Content Delivery Network. Automatically " "resizes your images to an appropriate size, converts them to modern " "efficient formats like WebP, and serves them from a worldwide network of " "servers." msgstr "" "Distribusikan gambar dari Jaringan Pengiriman Konten Jetpack. Secara " "otomatis mengubah ukuran gambar Anda ke ukuran yang sesuai, mengonversi " "gambar ke format modern yang lebih efisien seperti WebP, dan menayangkan " "gambar dari jaringan server di seluruh dunia." msgid "" "Run non-essential JavaScript after the page has loaded so that styles and " "images can load more quickly." msgstr "" "Jalankan JavaScript non-esensial setelah halaman dimuat agar gaya dan gambar " "dapat dimuat lebih cepat." msgid "" "

It’s essential to regenerate Critical CSS to optimize your site speed " "whenever your HTML or CSS structure changes. Being on top of this can be " "tedious and time-consuming.

\n" "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t

Boost’s cloud service can automatically detect when your " "site needs the Critical CSS regenerated, and perform this function behind " "the scenes without requiring you to monitor it manually.

" msgstr "" "

CSS Utama harus dibuat ulang guna mengoptimalkan kecepatan situs saat " "struktur HTML atau CSS Anda berubah. Melakukan semuanya ini bisa jadi " "melelahkan dan menghabiskan waktu.

\n" "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t

Layanan awan Boost dapat secara otomatis mendeteksi " "waktu pembuatan ulang CSS Utama untuk situs, dan menjalankan fungsi ini dari " "balik layar tanpa mengharuskan Anda memantaunya secara manual.

" msgid "Automatic Critical CSS regeneration" msgstr "Pembuatan ulang CSS Utama otomatis" msgid "" "

To enhance the speed of your site, with this plan you will need to " "optimize CSS by using the Manual Critical CSS generation feature whenever " "you:

\n" "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    \n" "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
  • Make theme changes.
  • \n" "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
  • Write a new post/page.
  • \n" "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
  • Edit a post/page.
  • \n" "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
  • Activate, deactivate, or update plugins that impact " "your site layout or HTML structure.
  • \n" "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
  • Change settings of plugins that impact your site " "layout or HTML structure.
  • \n" "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
  • Upgrade your WordPress version if the new release " "includes core CSS changes.
  • \n" "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
" msgstr "" "

Untuk meningkatkan kecepatan situs, dengan paket ini, Anda perlu " "mengoptimalkan CSS dengan menggunakan fitur pembuatan CSS Utama Manual " "setiap kali Anda:

\n" "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    \n" "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
  • Mengubah tema.
  • \n" "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
  • Menulis pos/halaman baru.
  • \n" "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
  • Menyunting pos/halaman.
  • \n" "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
  • Mengaktifkan, menonaktifkan, atau memperbarui plugin " "yang memengaruhi tata letak atau struktur HTML situs Anda.
  • \n" "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
  • Mengubah pengaturan plugin yang memengaruhi tata letak " "atau struktur HTML situs Anda.
  • \n" "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
  • Mengupgrade versi WordPress Anda jika rilis yang baru " "menyertakan perubahan CSS inti.
  • \n" "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
" msgid "Manual Critical CSS regeneration" msgstr "Pembuatan ulang CSS Utama manual" msgid "" "Move important styling information to the start of the page, which helps " "pages display your content sooner, so your users don’t have to wait for the " "entire page to load. Commonly referred to as Critical CSS." msgstr "" "Pindahkan informasi penataan yang penting ke halaman depan, yang membantu " "halaman menampilkan konten Anda lebih cepat sehingga pengguna tidak perlu " "menunggu seluruh halaman dimuat. Umumnya disebut sebagai CSS Utama." msgid "Source URL: %1$s" msgstr "URL Sumber: %1$s" msgid "Centralized site management" msgstr "Pengelolaan situs terpusat" msgid "SFTP/SSH, WP-CLI, Git tools" msgstr "Alat SFTP/SSH, WP-CLI, Git" msgid "" "A simple theme designed to facilitate restaurant owners' experience when " "building their sites. Is clean, direct, and customizable." msgstr "" "Tema sederhana yang dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pemilik restoran saat " "membangun situsnya. Tema yang bersih, lugas, dan dapat disesuaikan." msgid "Subscription type" msgstr "Tipe Langganan" msgid "" "To help your site with transparency under privacy laws like the GDPR, " "Akismet can display a notice to your users under your comment forms." msgstr "" "Untuk melindungi situs Anda dengan transparansi yang tercantum dalam undang-" "undang privasi seperti GDPR, Akismet dapat menampilkan pemberitahuan kepada " "pengguna Anda di bawah formulir komentar Anda." msgid "Akismet stats" msgstr "Statistik Akismet" msgid "" "Real-time cloud backups with one-click restores. Starts with %(amount)s." msgstr "" "Pencadangan cloud real-time dengan pemulihan sekali klik. Mulai dengan " "%(amount)s." msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this email address?" msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus alamat e-mail berikut?" msgid "Remove Email" msgstr "Hapus E-mail" msgid "This email address is already in use." msgstr "Alamat e-mail ini sudah digunakan." msgid "There was an error processing the completion request." msgstr "Terjadi error saat memproses permintaan penyelesaian." msgid "" "Select the site where you’ll move your old site or " "" msgstr "" "Pilih situs tujuan pemindahan situs lama Anda atau " "" msgid "Pick your destination" msgstr "Pilih tujuan Anda" msgid "" "We know your time is valuable. If you prefer not to wait, you can click the " "%(cancelButtonLabel)s button below to go back and submit your " "message right away." msgstr "" "Kami tahu waktu Anda sangat berharga. Jika Anda memilih untuk tidak " "menunggu, Anda dapat mengeklik tombol %(cancelButtonLabel)s di " "bawah ini untuk kembali dan mengirimkan pesan Anda segera." msgid "Your free trial will be ready in just a moment." msgstr "Uji coba gratis Anda akan siap dalam beberapa saat." msgid "Your free trial is currently being set up and may take a few minutes." msgstr "" "Uji coba gratis Anda saat ini sedang disiapkan dan mungkin memerlukan waktu " "beberapa menit." msgid "Hang tight! " msgstr "Sabar!" msgid "" "Did you know that Woo powers almost 4 million stores worldwide? You’re in " "good company." msgstr "" "Tahukah Anda bahwa ada WooCommerce di balik hampir 4 juta toko di seluruh " "dunia? Kami selalu ada untuk Anda." msgid "Documents submitted for verification succcesfully!" msgstr "Dokumen yang dikirimkan untuk verifikasi berhasil!" msgid "You can only upload up to three documents." msgstr "Anda hanya dapat mengunggah hingga tiga dokumen." msgid "Upload & automatically share images and videos to social media" msgstr "Unduh & berbagi gambar dan video secara otomatis ke media sosial" msgid "Share multiple images to social media" msgstr "Bagikan beberapa gambar ke media sosial" msgid "Multi-image sharing" msgstr "Berbagi banyak gambar sekaligus" msgid "Image generator" msgstr "Pembuat gambar" msgid "Uploaded file is larger than 5MB." msgstr "File yang diunggah lebih besar dari 5 MB." msgid "Uploaded file is not a PDF or an image." msgstr "File yang diunggah bukan PDF atau gambar." msgid "Invalid uploaded file" msgstr "File yang diunggah tidak valid" msgid "You can upload at most 3 files for verification." msgstr "Anda dapat mengunggah maksimal 3 file untuk verifikasi." msgid "There was an error when trying to resubscribe to %s." msgstr "Terjadi eror saat mencoba berlangganan kembali ke %s." msgid "Learn more in this support guide." msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut dalam panduan bantuan ini." msgid "" "In order to access the live chat widget, you will need to enable third-party " "cookies for" msgstr "" "Untuk mengakses widget live chat, Anda harus mengaktifkan cookie pihak " "ketiga untuk" msgid "Action needed" msgstr "Perlu tindakan" msgid "Connect your site with your account" msgstr "Hubungkan situs Anda dengan akun Anda" msgid "Hosting configuration changed" msgstr "Konfigurasi hosting diubah" msgid "Please provide a site description" msgstr "Mohon tentukan deskripsi situs" msgid "Please provide a site title" msgstr "Mohon tentukan judul situs" msgid "Optimal data center" msgstr "Pusat data optimal" msgid "Thank you for your feedback! We will use it to improve our AI." msgstr "" "Terima kasih atas feedback Anda! Kami akan menggunakannya untuk meningkatkan " "AI kami." msgid "Set up Tap to Pay" msgstr "Siapkan Ketuk untuk Bayar" msgid "" "Tap to Pay on iPhone is quick, secure and simple to set up - no extra " "terminals or card readers needed." msgstr "" "Ketuk untuk Bayar di iPhone cepat, aman, dan mudah disiapkan - tanpa perlu " "terminal atau pembaca kartu tambahan." msgid "Accept contactless payments with WooCommerce Payments" msgstr "Terima pembayaran nirsentuh dengan WooCommerce Payments" msgid "" "Content that includes, but is not limited to, firearms, fireworks, sexually " "explicit material, adult services and controlled or highly regulated " "substances (e.g. alcohol, tobacco, e-liquids, marijuana, and other cannabis-" "derived products). You can learn more about regulated products in our Store Guidelines." msgstr "" "Konten yang memuat, tapi tidak terbatas pada, senjata api, kembang api, " "materi seksual vulgar, layanan dewasa, dan zat yang dikendalikan atau diatur " "secara ketat (mis. alkohol, tembakau, e-liquid, mariyuana, dan produk " "turunan mariyuana lainnya). Anda dapat mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang " "produk yang diregulasi dalam Panduan Toko kami." msgid "" "This is content or behavior that is sexualizing you in an obvious way " "without your permission." msgstr "" "Ini adalah konten atau perilaku yang secara terang-terangan menjadikan Anda " "sebagai objek seksual tanpa sepengetahuan Anda." msgid "" "How did you determine that the website is not created for the purpose of " "journalism or academic study?" msgstr "" "Bagaimana cara Anda menentukan bahwa situs tersebut tidak dibuat untuk " "tujuan jurnalisme atau studi akademis?" msgid "" "I am the person or someone given express permission to act on behalf of the " "person who the behavior is directed at…" msgstr "" "Saya adalah seseorang yang diberi wewenang untuk bertindak sebagai wakil " "dari orang yang menjadi sasaran perilaku tersebut..." msgid "" "Harassment can only be reported by the person the behavior is directed at or " "by someone given express permission to act on behalf of that person. If the " "person you are contacting us on behalf of is someone you know, please ask " "them to contact us directly." msgstr "" "Pelecehan hanya dapat dilaporkan oleh orang yang mengalami perilaku tersebut " "atau seseorang yang diberi wewenang untuk bertindak sebagai wakil dari orang " "tersebut. Jika Anda menghubungi kami sebagai wakil dari seseorang yang Anda " "kenal, minta mereka untuk menghubungi kami secara " "langsung." msgid "" "I am not the person or someone given express permission to act on behalf of " "the person who the behavior is directed at…" msgstr "" "Saya bukan seseorang yang diberi wewenang untuk bertindak sebagai wakil dari " "orang yang menjadi sasaran perilaku tersebut..." msgid "" "Are you the person or someone given express permission to act on behalf of " "the person that the behavior is directed at?" msgstr "" "Apakah Anda yang diberi wewenang untuk bertindak sebagai wakil dari orang " "yang menjadi sasaran perilaku tersebut?" msgid "The post_id for the post where the completion will be used." msgstr "Id_pos untuk pos di mana penyelesaian akan digunakan." msgid "The JWT token to authenticate the request." msgstr "Token JWT untuk mengautentikasi permintaan." msgid "This account is already connected." msgstr "Akun ini sudah terhubung." msgid "There was an error when trying to unsubscribe from %s." msgstr "Terjadi eror saat mencoba berhenti berlangganan dari %s." msgid "" "You have successfully unsubscribed and will no longer receive emails from %s." msgstr "" "Anda berhasil berhenti berlangganan dan tidak akan lagi menerima e-mail dari " "%s." msgid "Your information will be used in accordance with %s." msgstr "Informasi Anda akan digunakan sesuai dengan %s." msgid "Find your perfect-fit plan here." msgstr "Temukan paket yang pas untuk Anda di sini." msgid "Find support here." msgstr "Temukan dukungan di sini." msgid "Support Guides" msgstr "Panduan Dukungan" msgctxt "Jetpack AI Plan" msgid "AI" msgstr "AI" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Gift" msgstr "Hadiahkan" msgid "CDN (Content Delivery Networks)" msgstr "CDN (Content Delivery Networks)" msgid "VideoPress (free tier)" msgstr "VideoPress (versi gratis)" msgid "Social (free tier)" msgstr "Sosial (versi gratis)" msgid "60k API calls/mo" msgstr "Pemrosesan API 60K/bln" msgid "Entrepreneur plan" msgstr "Paket entrepreneur" msgid "Unlimited shares/mo" msgstr "Berbagi tanpa batas/bulan" msgid "10k API calls/mo" msgstr "Pemrosesan API 10K/bln" msgid "10GB cloud storage" msgstr "Penyimpanan cloud 10TB" msgid "15k API calls/mo" msgstr "15rb panggilan API/bln" msgid "Powerful, instant site search." msgstr "Pencarian situs yang andal dan cepat." msgid "Save time manually reviewing spam. Comment and form spam protection." msgstr "" "Hemat waktu meninjau spam secara manual. Perlindungan spam untuk komentar " "dan formulir." msgid "" "Real-time backups as you edit. {{span}}1-year{{/span}} activity log " "archive*. Unlimited one-click restores." msgstr "" "Pencadangan real-time saat Anda mengedit. Arsip log aktivitas {{span}}1-" "tahun{{/span}}. Pemulihan otomatis tanpa batas." msgid "Also included:" msgstr "Juga termasuk:" msgid "" "If you need more backup days, try {{link}}reducing the backup size{{/link}} " "or adding more storage." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memerlukan periode simpan cadangan lebih panjang, coba {{link}}" "kurangi ukuran cadangan{{/link}} atau tambah ruang penyimpanan." msgid "Choose a plan or {{link}}start with another theme.{{/link}}" msgstr "Pilih paket atau {{link}}mulai dengan tema lainnya{{/link}}." msgid "per month, %(rawPrice)s billed every two years, excl. taxes" msgstr "" "per bulan, %(rawPrice)s ditagih setiap dua tahun (Tidak Termasuk Pajak)" msgid "per month, %(rawPrice)s billed annually, excl. taxes" msgstr "per bulan, %(rawPrice)s ditagihkan setiap tahun (tidak termasuk pajak)" msgid "A rocketship" msgstr "Sebuah roket" msgid "SimpleTexting logo" msgstr "Logo SimpleTexting" msgid "Logos for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Tumblr" msgstr "Logo Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, dan Tumblr" msgid "A stack of coins" msgstr "Tumpukan koin" msgid "Fiverr logo" msgstr "Logo Fiverr" msgid "Learn more about sharing posts with Jetpack Social" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang berbagi pos dengan Jetpack Social" msgid "Dismiss domain name promotion" msgstr "Batalkan promosi nama domain." msgid "25k API calls/mo" msgstr "25rb panggilan API/bln" msgid "If you update your email address, you’ll need to verify it." msgstr "Jika Anda memperbarui alamat e-mail, Anda harus memverifikasinya." msgid "Show next prompt" msgstr "Tampilkan prompt berikutnya" msgid "Show previous prompt" msgstr "Tampilkan prompt sebelumnya" msgid "Start migration" msgstr "Mulai migrasi" msgid "Upgrade and migrate" msgstr "Upgrade dan migrasi" msgid "" "Migrating themes, plugins, users, and settings requires a %(plan)s plan." msgstr "" "Migrasi tema, plugin, pengguna, dan pengaturan memerlukan paket %(plan)s" msgid "Manage Akismet key" msgstr "Kelola Akismet key" msgid "" " gives you all the tools you need to publish content and sell " "products from the same platform. Create a powerful online store and install " "more plugins to help you customize products, attract customers, and increase " "your sales. Test all your product and design changes on a staging site without affecting your live site and " "customers." msgstr "" " menyediakan semua alat yang Anda butuhkan untuk menerbitkan " "konten dan menjual produk dari platform yang sama. Buat toko online yang " "andal dan instal lebih banyak plugin untuk membantu Anda menyesuaikan " "produk, menarik perhatian pelanggan, dan meningkatkan penjualan. Uji semua " "perubahan produk dan desain Anda di situs " "staging tanpa memengaruhi situs aktif dan pelanggan Anda." msgid "Test product and design changes in a staging site." msgstr "Uji perubahan produk dan desain di situs staging." msgid "Free staging site" msgstr "Situs staging gratis" msgid "" "Start with one of hundreds of professional WordPress themes to get started, " "or you can upload your own. Add your logo, colors, media, and more. Your " "visitors will enjoy a fast, seamless experience on any device. Test all your " "business and design changes on a staging " "site without affecting your live site and customers." msgstr "" "Pilih dari ratusan tema WordPress profesional untuk memulai, atau unggah " "tema Anda sendiri. Tambahkan logo, warna, media, dan lain-lain. Pengunjung " "situs Anda akan menikmati pengalaman yang lancar dan cepat di perangkat apa " "pun. Uji semua perubahan bisnis dan desain di situs staging tanpa memengaruhi situs aktif dan pelanggan Anda." msgid "Invalid source blog ID or URL." msgstr "ID atau URL blog sumber tidak valid." msgid "Legal process" msgstr "Proses Hukum" msgid "Plugin install failed because the result was invalid." msgstr "Instalasi plugin gagal karena hasilnya tidak valid." msgid "Open overlay from filter links" msgstr "Buka overlay dari tautan penyaring" msgid "Open overlay when filters are used outside the Jetpack Sidebar" msgstr "Buka overlay jika penyaring digunakan di luar Bilah Sisi Jetpack" msgid "Filtering Search Overlay" msgstr "Menyaring Overlay Pencarian" msgid "Seamless WordPress integration:" msgstr "Integrasi WordPress penuh kemudahan:" msgid "Personalized Recommendations" msgstr "Rekomendasi Khusus" msgid "AI" msgstr "AI" msgid "Your storage usage forecast:" msgstr "Perkiraan pemakaian ruang penyimpanan Anda:" msgid "" "Jetpack VaultPress Backup will keep %1$s of full backups " "for your site. We forecast this based on the size of your site (" "%2$s) and plan storage limit (%4$s)." msgstr "" "Jetpack VaultPress Backup akan menyimpan %1$s cadangan " "penuh untuk situs Anda. Kami memperkirakan periode ini berdasarkan ukuran " "situs (%2$s) dan batas ruang penyimpanan " "paket Anda (%4$s)." msgid "Link in Bio pages" msgstr "Halaman Tautan di Bio" msgid "Select license" msgstr "Pilih Lisensi" msgid "" "Need more help? Click the button below to send your " "message. For reference, here is what you wrote:" msgstr "" "Butuh bantuan lebih lanjut? Klik tombol di bawah ini untuk " "mengirimkan pesan Anda. Sebagai referensi, berikut hasil tulisan Anda:" msgid "" "We know your time is valuable. If you prefer not to wait, you can click the " "Cancel button below and continue submitting your message right away." msgstr "" "Kami tahu waktu Anda sangat berharga. Jika tidak ingin menunggu, Anda dapat " "mengeklik tombol Batalkan di bawah ini dan lanjut mengirimkan pesan Anda " "langsung." msgid "" "Our system is currently generating a possible solution for you, which " "typically takes about 30 seconds." msgstr "" "Sistem kami sedang menyiapkan solusi yang sesuai untuk Anda, kira-kira dalam " "waktu 30 detik." msgid "Quick response:" msgstr "Respons cepat:" msgid "" "All fields marked as required ({{span}}*{{/span}}) must be completed to " "continue" msgstr "" "Semua ruas isian yang ditandai sebagai wajib diisi ({{span}}*{{/span}}) " "harus diisi untuk melanjutkan" msgid "%(field)s is required." msgstr "%(field)s wajib diisi." msgid "Destination" msgstr "Tujuan" msgid "Duration (days)" msgstr "Durasi (hari)" msgid "Estimated people reached per day" msgstr "Perkiraan orang yang dijangkau per hari" msgid "Budget and duration" msgstr "Dana & Durasi" msgid "Ad creative" msgstr "Ad creative" msgid "Targeted Devices" msgstr "Perangkat yang Ditargetkan" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Create a powerful online store with built-in premium extensions." msgstr "Buat toko online yang andal dengan ekstensi premium bawaan." msgid "Photography Class" msgstr "Kelas Fotografi" msgid "" "From your dashboard, expand the Tools section in the menu, then click on the " "Marketing tab, where you can:" msgstr "" "Di dasbor, pilih bagian Alat di menu, lalu klik tab Pemasaran sehingga Anda " "dapat:" msgid "" "Upgrade your plan and get access to another 50,000 WordPress plugins to " "extend functionality for your site." msgstr "" "Upgrade paket Anda dan dapatkan akses ke 50.000 plugin WordPress lainnya " "untuk meningkatkan fungsionalitas situs Anda." msgid "VaultPress Backup 1GB" msgstr "VaultPress Backup 10GB" msgid "Includes VaultPress Backup 1GB and Akismet Anti-spam." msgstr "Termasuk VaultPress Backup 1GB dan Akismet Anti-spam." msgid "\"Great support and easy to follow instructions. Much appreciated.\"" msgstr "" "\"Bantuan yang luar biasa dan panduan yang mudah diikuti. Sangat memuaskan.\"" msgid "\"Awesome, efficient support that solved my issue!\"" msgstr "" "\"Bantuan yang luar biasa dan efisien yang menyelesaikan masalah saya!\"" msgid "\"Professional customer service. Fast and good support.\"" msgstr "" "\"Layanan pelanggan yang profesional. Bantuan yang cepat dan memuaskan.\"" msgid "\"The help I just received from support went above and beyond!\"" msgstr "\"Solusi yang saya terima dari tim bantuan melampaui harapan saya!\"" msgid "" "\"Quick response & great support. Helped resolve my issue very quickly.\"" msgstr "" "\"Respon cepat & bantuan yang luar biasa. Membantu menyelesaikan masalah " "saya dengan sangat cepat.\"" msgid "\"..a great support team. Quick and kind.\"" msgstr "\"...tim bantuan yang hebat. Cepat dan ramah.\"" msgid "\"Support is fast and efficient. Highly recommended.\"" msgstr "\"Bantuan cepat dan efisien. Sangat direkomendasikan.\"" msgid "" "\"Setting up a webshop for the first time and got quick, great responses " "each time I hit a wall. Thanks, support team!\"" msgstr "" "\"Menyiapkan webshop untuk pertama kalinya dan mendapatkan solusi yang cepat " "dan bagus setiap kali saya menemui kendala. Terima kasih, tim bantuan!\"" msgid "Create a powerful online store with built-in premium extensions" msgstr "Buat toko online yang andal dengan ekstensi premium bawaan" msgid "" "Get real-time shipping prices, print labels and give your customers tracking " "codes." msgstr "" "Dapatkan harga pengiriman real-time, cetak label, dan berikan kode pelacakan " "untuk pelanggan Anda." msgid "Grow globally by accepting 135+ currencies." msgstr "Bertumbuhlah secara global dengan menerima 135+ mata uang." msgid "Sell in 60+ countries" msgstr "Hasilkan penjualan di 60+ negara" msgid "" "Remove the friction from checkout by giving your customers multiple ways to " "pay." msgstr "" "Hapus hambatan dari proses checkout dengan memberikan berbagai cara " "pembayaran bagi pelanggan Anda." msgid "Streamlined checkout" msgstr "Proses checkout sederhana" msgid "Keep inventory up-to-date with POS integrations and real-time tracking." msgstr "" "Selalu perbarui inventaris dengan integrasi POS dan pelacakan real-time." msgid "Offer personalized packages and bulk discounts." msgstr "Tawarkan paket khusus dan diskon massal." msgid "" "Advanced email marketing functionality, including subscriber segmentation, " "advanced analytics, and automation." msgstr "" "Fungsionalitas pemasaran email lanjutan, termasuk segmentasi pelanggan, " "analitik lanjutan, dan automasi." msgid "Custom marketing automation" msgstr "Automasi pemasaran kustom" msgid "" "Boost organic sales with a customer referral program and offer free gifts or " "coupons as a reward." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan penjualan organik dengan program referensi pelanggan dan tawarkan " "hadiah atau kupon gratis sebagai imbalan." msgid "Referral and loyalty programs" msgstr "Program referensi dan loyalitas" msgid "Dynamic product upsells" msgstr "Peningkatan penjualan produk yang dinamis" msgid "Automatically notify customers when your products are restocked." msgstr "Beri tahu pelanggan secara otomatis saat produk Anda tersedia kembali." msgid "Specify the minimum and maximum allowed product quantities for orders." msgstr "Tentukan jumlah produk minimal dan maksimal yang dapat dipesan." msgid "Min/max order quantities" msgstr "Jumlah pesanan min/maks" msgid "" "Give customers the freedom to build their own products utilizing your " "existing items." msgstr "" "Bebaskan pelanggan untuk membuat produknya sendiri menggunakan item yang " "Anda sediakan." msgid "" "Increase your revenue with add-ons like gift wrapping or personalizations " "like engraving." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan pendapatan Anda dengan add-on seperti bungkus kado atau " "personalisasi seperti gravir." msgid "Product add-ons" msgstr "Add-on produk" msgid "" "Create, assign and list brands for products, and allow customers to view by " "brand." msgstr "" "Buat, tetapkan, dan susun daftar merek produk, lalu izinkan pelanggan untuk " "melihat produk berdasarkan merek." msgid "Display products by brand" msgstr "Tampilkan produk berdasarkan merek" msgid "" "Grow your store as big as you want with the ability to add unlimited " "products and services." msgstr "" "Kembangkan toko Anda sebesar mungkin dengan kemampuan menambahkan produk dan " "layanan tanpa batas." msgid "" "Fine-tune your store’s design with on-brand styles and drag and drop layout " "editing." msgstr "" "Sempurnakan desain toko Anda dengan gaya sesuai brand, serta pengeditan tata " "letak mode seret-lepas." msgid "Powerful store design tools" msgstr "Alat desain toko yang andal" msgid "Jumpstart your store’s design with a professionally designed theme." msgstr "Mulai desain toko Anda dengan tema yang dirancang secara profesional." msgid "Sorry, added space is not available for your site." msgstr "Maaf, tambahan ruang tidak tersedia untuk situs Anda." msgid "All guides within " msgstr "Semua panduan dalam " msgid "All other guides within " msgstr "Semua panduan lain dalam " msgid "" "Bring your subscribers with you — or add some individually — to start " "spreading the news." msgstr "" "Undang pelanggan Anda (atau tambahkan secara individual) untuk mulai " "menyebarluaskan berita." msgid "%(title)s is powered by" msgstr "%(title)s didukung oleh" msgid "" "Thanks for using %s and for your part in making the web a wonderful place." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah menggunakan %s dan atas peran Anda dalam menyempurnakan " "web ini." msgid "Starts at {{b}}%(price)s{{/b}} yearly" msgstr "Mulai {{b}}%(price)s{{/b}} per tahun." msgid "Set up payment method" msgstr "Siapkan metode pembayaran" msgid "Back to Support" msgstr "Kembali ke Dukungan" msgid "Total cost $%1$s %2$s" msgstr "Biaya total $%1$s %2$s" msgid "Standard licenses" msgstr "Lisensi standar" msgid "Standard license" msgstr "Lisensi standar" msgid "No standard licenses." msgstr "Tidak ada lisensi standar." msgid "Debug site" msgstr "Debug situs" msgid "" "This is what it will look like when someone shares the link to your " "WordPress post on X." msgstr "" "Berikut adalah tampilan saat seseorang membagikan tautan pos WordPress Anda " "di Twitter." msgid "This is what your social post will look like on X:" msgstr "Pos sosial Anda akan tampil seperti ini di Twitter:" msgid "" "This is what it will look like when someone shares the link to your " "WordPress post on Tumblr." msgstr "" "Berikut adalah tampilan saat seseorang membagikan tautan pos WordPress Anda " "di Tumblr." msgid "" "This is what it will look like when someone shares the link to your " "WordPress post on LinkedIn." msgstr "" "Berikut adalah tampilan saat seseorang membagikan tautan pos WordPress Anda " "di LinkedIn." msgid "This is what your social post will look like on LinkedIn:" msgstr "Pos sosial Anda akan tampil seperti ini di LinkedIn:" msgid "" "If you need more backup days, try reducing the backup size or adding more " "storage." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memerlukan periode simpan cadangan lebih panjang, coba kurangi " "ukuran cadangan atau tambah ruang penyimpanan." msgid "" "Based on the current size of your site, Jetpack will save " "{{strong}}%(forecastInDays)d day of full backup{{/strong}}." msgid_plural "" "Based on the current size of your site, Jetpack will save " "{{strong}}%(forecastInDays)d days of full backups{{/strong}}." msgstr[0] "" "Berdasarkan ukuran situs Anda saat ini, Jetpack akan menghemat " "{{strong}}%(forecastInDays)d hari pencadangan penuh{{/strong}}." msgstr[1] "" "Berdasarkan ukuran situs Anda saat ini, Jetpack akan menghemat " "{{strong}}%(forecastInDays)d hari pencadangan penuh{{/strong}}." msgid "Backup archive size" msgstr "Ukuran arsip cadangan" msgid "" "Sorry, we couldn't load the AI-generated response. Please click the button " "below to send your message to our support team." msgstr "" "Maaf, kami tidak daapt memuat respons yang dibuat oleh AI. Silakan klik " "tombol di bawah untuk mengirimkan pesan Anda ke tim dukungan kami." msgid "AI Generated Response:" msgstr "Respons yang dihasilkan AI:" msgid "Really, any minute now…" msgstr "Tinggal sebentar lagi…" msgid "Any minute now…" msgstr "Sebentar lagi..." msgid "I'm still writing, thank you for your patience!" msgstr "Kami masih menulis, terima kasih sudah menunggu." msgid "Processing the information found…" msgstr "Memproses informasi yang ditemukan..." msgid "Thanks for your patience, this might take a bit…" msgstr "" "Terima kasih atas kesabaran Anda, mungkin masih perlu beberapa saat lagi..." msgid "Gathering all the data…" msgstr "Mengumpulkan semua data..." msgid "Finding relevant support documentation…" msgstr "Mencari dokumentasi bantuan yang relevan..." msgid "Gathering quick response." msgstr "Mengumpulkan respons cepat." msgid "Log in with your account." msgstr "Login dengan akun Anda" msgid "\"%1$s\"" msgstr "\"%1$s\"" msgid "Thank you for your submission" msgstr "Terima kasih atas kiriman Anda" msgid "There are errors in your submission" msgstr "Terdapat error dalam kiriman Anda" msgid "There was an error with your request" msgstr "Terjadi error dengan permintaan Anda" msgid "Publish your posts to your Mastodon instance." msgstr "Publikasikan pos ke platform Mastodon Anda." msgid "" "The full Jetpack suite with real-time security tools, improved site " "performance, and tools to grow your business." msgstr "" "Rangkaian Jetpack lengkap dengan alat keamanan real-time, performa situs " "yang lebih baik, dan alat esensial untuk mengembangkan bisnis Anda." msgid "One-click fixes" msgstr "Perbaikan sekali klik" msgid "Starts with 10GB backup storage" msgstr "Mulai dengan ruang penyimpanan 10GB " msgid "" "Easy-to-use, comprehensive site security.

Includes VaultPress " "Backup, Jetpack Scan, and Akismet." msgstr "" "Keamanan situs yang komprehensif dan mudah digunakan.

Sudah " "menyertakan VaultPress Backup, Jetpack Scan, dan Akismet." msgid "Starts with 10GB of backup storage" msgstr "Opsi penyimpanan mulai dari 10GB" msgid "" "Payment will be made as soon as the total outstanding amount has reached " "%(amountThreshold)s." msgstr "" "Pembayaran akan dilakukan segera setelah jumlah yang harus dibayar mencapai " "ambang batas sebesar %(amountThreshold)s." msgid "" "Outstanding amount of %(amountOwed)s does not exceed the minimum " "%(amountThreshold)s needed to make the payment." msgstr "" "Jumlah yang belum dibayar sebesar %(amountOwed)s tidak melebihi " "%(amountThreshold)s (jumlah minimal yang diperlukan untuk melakukan " "pembayaran)." msgid "The status of Move to plugin is inactive" msgstr "Status plugin Move to tidak aktif" msgid "The version of Move to plugin is incompatible" msgstr "Versi plugin Move to tidak kompatibel" msgid "Move to plugin could not be found on this site." msgstr "Plugin Move to tidak ditemukan di situs ini." msgid "" "What types of email messages do you send? Can you provide samples of the " "different types of messages you have sent in the last three months or plan " "to send?" msgstr "" "Pesan email jenis apa yang Anda kirim? Dapatkah Anda memberikan sampel untuk " "berbagai jenis pesan yang sudah Anda kirim dalam waktu tiga bulan terakhir " "atau yang akan Anda kirim?" msgid "Do you engage in affiliate marketing?" msgstr "Apakah Anda melakukan pemasaran afiliasi?" msgid "" "Have you ever purchased a list of subscriber email addresses? Could you " "please share more details about where you received this from and if the " "users agreed to receive emails from third parties when signing up originally." msgstr "" "Pernahkah Anda membeli daftar alamat email pelanggan? Dapatkah Anda " "menginformasikan secara lebih lengkap tentang penyedia daftar tersebut dan " "apakah pengguna setuju untuk menerima email dari pihak ketiga saat mendaftar " "di awal." msgid "" "How did you manage unsubscribe requests? Did you have any email bounce " "management system in place before and can confirm that your import list " "doesn’t include invalid or unsubscribed email addresses." msgstr "" "Bagaimana Anda mengelola permintaan berhenti berlangganan? Apakah Anda telah " "menerapkan sistem manajemen bounce email sebelumnya dan dapat mengonfirmasi " "bahwa daftar impor Anda tidak menyertakan alamat email yang tidak valid atau " "nonpelanggan?" msgid "" "Can you ensure that these subscribers confirmed that they want to receive " "emails from your website/Newsletter?" msgstr "" "Dapatkah Anda memastikan para pelanggan ini mengonfirmasi bahwa mereka ingin " "menerima email dari situs atau Buletin Anda?" msgid "" "How did you collect the email addresses for the subscribers you are " "importing?Could you please share the link to the sign up source, if it’s " "available online?" msgstr "" "Bagaimana Anda mengumpulkan alamat email untuk pelanggan yang Anda impor? " "Dapatkah Anda membagikan tautannya ke sumber pendaftaran jika tersedia " "secara online?" msgid "Could you please reply to this email with the following details?" msgstr "Dapatkah Anda membalas email ini dengan detail berikut?" msgid "" "You recently reached %1$s subscribers on your site through the Import Subscribers feature, and we’d like to request some further " "information to help you get back up and running." msgstr "" "Baru-baru ini Anda menjangkau %1$s pelanggan di situs Anda melalui fitur Impor Pelanggan, dan kami ingin meminta beberapa " "informasi lanjutan untuk membantu Anda kembali aktif." msgid "" "To keep our platform safe and avoid misuse, we sometimes need to verify " "certain actions and temporarily pause functionality for larger imports." msgstr "" "Demi menjaga keamanan platform kami dan menghindari penyalahgunaan, " "terkadang kami perlu memverifikasi tindakan tertentu dan menghentikan " "sementara fungsionalitas untuk impor yang lebih besar." msgid "You exceeded %1$s subscribers for %2$s" msgstr "Jumlah pelanggan Anda %1$s telah melebihi batas yang ditentukan %2$s" msgid "Action Required: you exceeded %1$s subscribers for %2$s" msgstr "" "Diperlukan Tindakan: jumlah pelanggan Anda %1$s telah melebihi batas yang " "ditentukan %2$s" msgid "" "Plugin subscription not found or you have purchased the plugin outside of " " Purchase a subscription if you want to receive " "updates and support." msgstr "" "Langganan plugin tidak ditemukan atau Anda telah membeli plugin di luar " " Beli langganan jika Anda ingin menerima " "pembaruan dan bantuan." msgid "Copyright and Trademark infringement." msgstr "Pelanggaran Hak Cipta dan Merek Dagang" msgid "Regulated Material" msgstr "Materi yang Diregulasi" msgid "Concerns about my private information." msgstr "Kekhawatiran tentang informasi pribadi saya." msgid "Abusive content, harassment, and defamation." msgstr "Konten kekerasan, pelecehan, dan pencemaran nama baik." msgid "" "Report a site for displaying spam or excessive automated actions, such as " "posting a large amount of machine-written content or excessively liking and " "following other blogs in an automated manner." msgstr "" "Laporkan situs karena menampilkan spam atau tindakan otomatis yang " "berlebihan, seperti memposkan konten buatan mesin dalam jumlah besar, atau " "terlalu banyak menyukai dan mengikuti blog lain secara otomatis." msgid "Spam or excessive automated actions" msgstr "Spam atau tindakan otomatis berlebihan" msgid "Sexually Explicit Material" msgstr "Materi Seksual Vulgar" msgid "The Support Team" msgstr "Tim Dukungan" msgid "" "Have you ever purchased a list of subscriber email addresses? Could you " "please share more details about where you received this from and if the " "users agreed to receive emails from third parties when signing up originally." msgstr "" "Pernahkah Anda membeli daftar alamat email pelanggan? Dapatkah Anda " "menginformasikan secara lebih lengkap tentang penyedia daftar tersebut dan " "apakah pengguna setuju untuk menerima email dari pihak ketiga saat mendaftar " "di awal?" msgid "We ran into a problem importing your subscribers" msgstr "Terjadi masalah saat mengimpor pelanggan Anda" msgid "Add email address" msgstr "Tambahkan alamat email" msgid "Later" msgstr "Nanti" msgid "" "Please wait for a minute. If you didn’t receive it, we can {{button}}" "resend{{/button}} it." msgstr "" "Mohon tunggu sebentar. Jika Anda tidak menerimanya, kami bisa {{button}}" "mengirim ulang{{/button}}." msgid "Please enter the code you received via email" msgstr "Mohon masukkan kode yang Anda terima di e-mail" msgid "We’ll send a code to verify your email address." msgstr "Kami akan mengirimkan kode untuk memverifikasi alamat e-mail Anda." msgid "Give this email a nickname for your personal reference." msgstr "Berikan nama panggilan pada e-mail ini untuk referensi pribadi Anda" msgid "Please enter a valid address." msgstr "Masukkan alamat yang valid." msgid "Please enter a path." msgstr "Masukkan path." msgid "" "24/7 protection with our automatic website firewall and malware scanning " "with one-click fixes" msgstr "" "Perlindungan 24/7 dengan firewall situs otomatis kami dan pemindaian malware " "dengan perbaikan sekali klik" msgid "Jetpack Social connection error code" msgstr "Kode error koneksi Jetpack Social" msgid "" "Force the returned prompts to be for a specific year. Returns only one " "prompt for each day." msgstr "" "Paksa arahan yang dikembalikan untuk tahun tertentu. Kembalikan hanya satu " "arahan untuk setiap hari." msgid "tax (VAT/GST/CT)" msgstr "pajak (VAT/GST/CT)" msgid "" "Thanks for your purchase. We have sent you an email with your receipt for " "%s." msgstr "" "Terima kasih atas pembelian Anda. Kami telah mengirimkan Anda e-mail yang " "berisi resi pembayaran untuk %s." msgid "Congrats on your shiny new spam-blocking upgrade." msgstr "Selamat atas pembaruan fitur pemblokiran spam baru yang andal Anda." msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "" "This bundle includes:{{ul}}{{li}}VaultPress Backup (1GB){{/li}}{{li}}Akismet " "Anti-spam (1k API calls/mo){{/li}}{{/ul}}" msgstr "" "Paket ini mencakup:{{ul}}{{li}}VaultPress Backup (1GB){{/li}}{{li}}Akismet " "Anti-spam (1k panggilan API/bln){{/li}}{{/ul}}" msgid "" "This bundle includes:{{ul}}{{li}}VaultPress Backup (10GB){{/li}}{{li}}Scan{{/" "li}}{{li}}Akismet Anti-spam (10k API calls/mo){{/li}}{{/ul}}" msgstr "" "Paket berikut termasuk:{{ul}}{{li}}VaultPress Backup (10 GB){{/li}}{{li}}" "Scan{{/li}}{{li}}Akismet Anti-spam (pemrosesan API 10k/bln){{/li}}{{/ul}}" msgid "" "Your subscription needs your attention. Although it is set to renew on %s, " "it does not have an associated payment method." msgstr "" "Langganan Anda perlu tindakan lanjutan. Meskipun telah diatur untuk " "diperpanjang pada %s, metode pembayaran yang terhubung dengan paket " "langganan Anda tidak tersedia." msgid "Small sites" msgstr "Situs kecil" msgid "2M API calls per month" msgstr "2 JUTA panggilan API per bulan" msgid "Starts with 1GB of storage" msgstr "Mulai dengan penyimpanan 1GB" msgctxt "required field for a form" msgid "Required" msgstr "Wajib" msgid "Please resubmit" msgstr "Harap kirimkan ulang" msgid "Invalid email provided" msgstr "Email yang disediakan tidak valid" msgid "Your email address in case we need to contact you for more information" msgstr "" "Alamat email diperlukan untuk menghubungi Anda jika kami memerlukan " "informasi lebih lanjut" msgid "Deceased Site Owner" msgstr "Pemilik Situs yang Meninggal Dunia" msgid "Account Recovery Form" msgstr "Formulir Pemulihan Akun" msgid "Close My Account" msgstr "Menutup Akun Saya" msgid "Popular sites" msgstr "Situs Populer" msgid "1GB of cloud storage" msgstr "Penyimpanan cloud 1 GB" msgid "WooPay request is not signed correctly." msgstr "Permintaan WooPay tidak ditandatangani dengan benar." msgid "" "The payment for this order was done in person and has bypassed your risk " "filtering." msgstr "" "Pembayaran untuk pesanan ini dilakukan secara langsung dan telah melewati " "penyaringan risiko Anda." msgid "" "The payment for this order was held for review by your risk filtering. The " "authorization for the charge appears to have failed." msgstr "" "Pembayaran untuk pesanan ini ditahan untuk ditinjau oleh penyaringan risiko " "Anda. Otorisasi untuk tagihan tersebut sepertinya telah gagal." msgid "" "The payment for this order was held for review by your risk filtering. The " "authorization for the charge appears to have expired." msgstr "" "Pembayaran untuk pesanan ini ditahan untuk ditinjau oleh penyaringan risiko " "Anda. Otorisasi untuk tagihan tersebut sepertinya telah kedaluwarsa." msgid "" "This transaction was held for review by your risk filters, and the charge " "was manually blocked after review." msgstr "" "Transaksi ini ditahan untuk ditinjau oleh penyaringan risiko Anda, dan " "tagihan terkait telah diblokir secara manual setelah ditinjau." msgid "" "The payment for this order was held for review by your risk filtering. You " "can review the details and determine whether to approve or block the payment." msgstr "" "Pembayaran untuk pesanan ini ditahan untuk ditinjau oleh penyaringan risiko " "Anda. Anda dapat meninjau detailnya dan menentukan akan menyetujui atau " "memblokir pembayaran." msgid "" "The payment for this order has not yet been passed to the fraud and risk " "filters to determine its outcome status." msgstr "" "Pembayaran untuk pesanan ini belum melewati penyaring penipuan dan risiko " "untuk menentukan status hasilnya." msgid "" "The payment for this order was blocked by your risk filtering. There is no " "pending authorization, and the order can be cancelled to reduce any held " "stock." msgstr "" "Pembayaran untuk pesanan ini diblokir oleh penyaringan risiko Anda. Tidak " "ada otorisasi yang tertunda, dan pesanan dapat dibatalkan untuk mengurangi " "stok yang disimpan." msgid "The payment for this order passed your risk filtering." msgstr "Pembayaran untuk pesanan ini telah melewati penyaringan risiko Anda." msgid "No action taken" msgstr "Belum ada tindakan" msgid "Held for review" msgstr "Ditahan untuk ditinjau" msgid "Red shield outline" msgstr "Outline perisai merah" msgid "Orange shield outline" msgstr "Outline perisai oranye" msgid "Green check mark" msgstr "Tanda centang hijau" msgid "Fraud & Risk" msgstr "Penipuan & Risiko" msgid "Fraud protection" msgstr "Perlindungan penipuan" msgid "No account settings provided" msgstr "Pengaturan akun tidak disediakan" msgid "The search parameter must be a string, or an array of strings." msgstr "Parameter pencarian harus berupa string, atau array string." msgid "Intentions require at least one payment method" msgstr "Permohonan memerlukan setidaknya satu metode pembayaran" msgid "" "%1$s is not a valid redirect URL. Use a URL in the allowed_redirect_hosts " "filter." msgstr "" "%1$s bukan URL pengalihan yang valid. Gunakan URL pada filter " "allowed_redirect_hosts." msgid "%1$s is not a valid date for format %2$s." msgstr "%1$s bukan tanggal yang valid untuk format %2$s." msgid "%s is not a supported currency for payments." msgstr "%s bukan mata uang yang didukung untuk pembayaran." msgid "%s is not a valid Stripe identifier" msgstr "%s bukan pengenal Stripe yang valid" msgid "Empty parameter is not allowed" msgstr "Parameter tidak boleh kosong" msgid "The requested order was not found." msgstr "Pesanan yang diminta tidak ditemukan." msgid "" "🚫 A payment of %1$s was blocked by one or more risk " "filters.

View more details." msgstr "" "🚫 Pembayaran %1$s telah diblokir oleh satu " "penyaring risiko atau lebih.

Lihat detail selengkapnya." msgid "" "⛔ A payment of %1$s was held for review by one or " "more risk filters.

View more details." msgstr "" "⛔ Pembayaran %1$s telah ditangguhkan untuk ditinjau oleh " "satu penyaring risiko atau lebih.

Lihat detail selengkapnya." msgid "Payment cancel failed to complete with the following message: %s" msgstr "Pembatalan pembayaran gagal diselesaikan dengan pesan berikut: %s." msgid "The payment cannot be canceled" msgstr "Pembayaran tidak dapat dibatalkan" msgid "Payment cannot be canceled for partially or fully refunded orders." msgstr "" "Pembayaran tidak dapat dibatalkan untuk pesanan yang dikembalikan sebagian " "atau sepenuhnya." msgid "Transaction Fee:" msgstr "Biaya Transaksi:" msgid "Reduce backup size" msgstr "Perkecil ukuran cadangan" msgid "Add more storage" msgstr "Tambah ruang penyimpanan lebih banyak" msgid "" "If you need more backup days, try reducing the amount of saved data or add " "more storage." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memerlukan waktu penyimpanan cadangan yang lebih lama, coba " "kurangi jumlah data yang disimpan atau tambah ruang penyimpanan lebih banyak." msgid "" "VaultPress Jetpack Backup will keep %1$d days of full " "backups for your site. We forecast this based on the size of your site " "(%2$s) and plan storage limit (" "%4$s)." msgstr "" "VaultPress Jetpack Backup akan menyimpan cadangan lengkap situs Anda selama " "%1$d hari. Kami memperkirakan periode ini berdasarkan " "ukuran situs (%2$s) dan batas ruang " "penyimpanan paket Anda (%4$s)." msgid "How to ensure you have enough space for your backups" msgstr "" "Cara memastikan Anda memiliki ruang penyimpanan yang cukup untuk cadangan" msgid "" "Here are the instructions on how to add your server " "credentials to Jetpack." msgstr "" "Berikut instruksi cara menambahkan kredensial server Anda ke " "Jetpack." msgid "" "Congratulations, your site %1$s is now fully backed up and " "real-time backups of your site are being made as you edit." msgstr "" "Selamat, sekarang situs %1$s Anda dicadangkan sepenuhnya, " "dan pencadangan situs real-time akan dibuat saat Anda mengedit." msgid "" "Use Blaze to grow your audience by promoting your content across Tumblr and " "" msgstr "" "Gunakan Blaze untuk mengembangkan audiens dengan mempromosikan konten Anda " "di Tumblr dan" msgid "" "Grow your audience by promoting your content across Tumblr and" msgstr "" "Kembangkan audiens Anda dengan mempromosikan konten Anda di Tumblr dan " "" msgid "Transform content to an ad with a click." msgstr "Ubah konten jadi iklan dengan sekali klik." msgid "Powered by Blaze" msgstr "Didukung oleh Blaze" msgid "Your blog’s ready!" msgstr "Blog Anda sudah siap!" msgid "" "Poema pays tribute to the revered Portuguese writer and poet Fernando " "Pessoa, and his various pseudonyms. Its minimalist design features a black " "and white color scheme, complemented by an elegant serif font. Poema's " "carefully crafted templates boast a comfortable content width and " "meticulously considered white space that create a calming and immersive " "reading experience, ideal for the appreciation of poetry." msgstr "" "Poema adalah bentuk penghormatan kepada penulis dan penyair termasyhur asal " "Portugal, Fernando Pessoa, dan berbagai nama penanya. Fitur-fiturnya " "berdesain minimalis dengan skema warna hitam dan putih, serta font serif " "yang elegan. Rancangan apik templat Poema menyediakan ruang konten yang lega " "dan ruang kosong yang didesain dengan cermat untuk menciptakan pengalaman " "membaca yang nyaman dan fokus. Desain ini sangat pas untuk mengapresiasi " "puisi." msgid "" "Learn more " "about cleaning your site" msgstr "" "Baca " "selengkapnya tentang membersihkan situs Anda" msgid "" "To clean up your site, we suggest using a malware removal tool, or if " "possible restore from a backup taken before the infection. We recommend " "using Jetpack VaultPress Backup in conjunction with Jetpack Scan to secure " "your website." msgstr "" "Untuk membersihkan situs Anda, kami sarankan menggunakan alat penghapus " "malware. Jika memungkinkan, lakukan juga pemulihan dari cadangan situs " "sebelum terinfeksi. Kami menyarankan penggunaan Jetpack VaultPress Backup " "bersama dengan Jetpack Scan untuk mengamankan situs Anda." msgid "" "Jetpack Protect (Scan) detects and prevents attacks, but is not designed to " "fully clean up sites infected before it was active. If your site has " "malware, take immediate action to clean it up and remove the malicious code." msgstr "" "Jetpack Protect (Scan) mendeteksi dan mencegah serangan, tetapi tidak " "didesain untuk membersihkan sepenuhnya situs yang terinfeksi sebelum Jetpack " "Protect aktif. Jika situs Anda terinfeksi malware, segera bersihkan dan " "hapus kode berbahaya." msgid "Tax exempt government instrumentality" msgstr "Instrumen pemerintah bebas pajak" msgid "Government instrumentality" msgstr "Instrumen pemerintah" msgid "Governmental unit" msgstr "Unit pemerintahan" msgid "Government entity" msgstr "Badan pemerintah" msgid "Public partnership" msgstr "Kemitraan publik" msgid "Unincorporated non-profit" msgstr "Nirlaba tanpa badan hukum" msgid "Incorporated non-profit" msgstr "Nirlaba berbadan hukum" msgid "Private partnership" msgstr "Kemitraan swasta" msgid "Private company" msgstr "Perusahaan swasta" msgid "Sole proprietorship" msgstr "Kepemilikan tunggal" msgid "Unincorporated association" msgstr "Asosiasi tanpa badan hukum" msgid "Sole trader" msgstr "Pebisnis tunggal" msgid "Proprietary company" msgstr "Perusahaan milik pribadi" msgid "Public company" msgstr "Perusahaan publik" msgid "Private corporation" msgstr "Perusahaan swasta" msgid "Public corporation" msgstr "Perusahaan publik" msgid "Unincorporated partnership" msgstr "Kemitraan tanpa badan hukum" msgid "Incorporated partnership" msgstr "Kemitraan berbadan hukum" msgid "Free zone establishment" msgstr "Perusahaan di zona bebas" msgid "Sole establishment" msgstr "Perusahaan perseorangan" msgid "" "Enrich your posts and pages with video or audio. Upload plenty of media, " "directly to your site — the Woo Express: %(planName)s plan has " "%(storageLimit)d GB storage." msgstr "" "Perkaya pos dan halaman Anda dengan video atau audio. Unggah banyak media " "langsung ke situs Anda — Woo Express: Paket %(planName)s mempunyai " "penyimpanan %(storageLimit)d GB." msgid "Save colors" msgstr "Simpan warna" msgid "" "Once stats become available, this chart will show you details about your " "views and visitors. {{a}}Learn more about stats{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Jika data statistik tersedia, bagan ini akan menampilkan data lengkap " "tentang kunjungan dan pengunjung Anda. {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang " "statistik{{/a}}" msgid "" "This renewal is invalid. Please verify that you are logged into the correct " "account for the product you want to renew." msgstr "" "Perpanjangan ini tidak valid. Mohon verifikasi bahwa Anda login ke akun yang " "benar untuk produk yang Anda ingin perpanjang." msgid "I would like to report…" msgstr "Saya ingin membuat laporan..." msgid "" "We strongly believe in freedom of speech. The community is " "spread across many cultures, countries, and backgrounds with varying values, " "and our service is designed to let people publish ideas and opinions without " "us censoring or endorsing them. But if you find a site on that " "you feel violates our User Guidelines or Terms of Service, please let us know." msgstr "" "Kami sangat menghargai kebebasan berpendapat. Komunitas " "tersebar luas di berbagai budaya, negara, dan latar belakang yang menganut " "beragam nilai, dan layanan kami dirancang agar semua orang dapat " "memublikasikan gagasan dan pendapatnya tanpa sensor atau dukungan dari kami. " "Namun, jika Anda menemukan situs di yang dirasa melanggar Panduan Pengguna atau Ketentuan Layanan kami, harap beri tahu kami." msgid "" "Not quite what you are looking for? Go back to all abuse " "options." msgstr "" "Bukan yang Anda cari? Kembali ke semua pilihan " "penyalahgunaan." msgid "All reporting options" msgstr "Semua pilihan pelaporan" msgid "Report Content on" msgstr "Laporkan Konten di" msgid "New comments" msgstr "Komentar baru" msgid "New posts" msgstr "Pos baru" msgid "Site name can not start with staging-." msgstr "Nama situs tidak dapat diawali dengan staging-." msgid "anonymous-user" msgstr "pengguna-anonim" msgid "0 notes" msgstr "0 catatan" msgid "Tumblr preview thumbnail" msgstr "Thumbnail pratinjau Tumblr" msgid "This is what your social post will look like on Tumblr:" msgstr "Pos sosial Anda akan tampil seperti ini di Tumblr:" msgid "%(categoryName)s Plugins" msgstr "Plugin %(categoryName)s" msgid "One time discount" msgstr "Diskon satu kali" msgid "per month, %(planPrice)s billed yearly" msgstr "per bulan, penagihan tahunan %(planPrice)s" msgid "Video player for %s" msgstr "Pemutar video untuk %s" msgid "Paste a VideoPress URL or Video ID" msgstr "Tempelkan URL VideoPress atau ID Video" msgid "URL or Video ID" msgstr "URL atau ID Video" msgctxt "Starter Product Feature" msgid "Comment & form spam protection" msgstr "Perlindungan spam untuk komentar & formulir" msgctxt "Starter Product Feature" msgid "One-click fixes for most threats" msgstr "Perbaikan sekali klik untuk sebagian besar ancaman" msgctxt "Starter Product Feature" msgid "Real-time cloud backups with 1GB storage" msgstr "Pencadangan awan real-time dengan ruang penyimpanan 1GB" msgid "" "Essential security tools: real-time backups and comment spam protection." msgstr "" "Alat keamanan penting: pencadangan real-time dan perlindungan spam komentar." msgctxt "Jetpack product name" msgid "Starter" msgstr "Hidangan Pembuka" msgid "Severity labels" msgstr "Label tingkat keparahan" msgid "One-click auto fixes" msgstr "Perbaikan otomatis sekali klik" msgid "Access to scan on Cloud" msgstr "Akses untuk memindai di Cloud" msgid "Automatic protection and rule updates" msgstr "Pembaruan perlindungan dan peraturan otomatis" msgid "Manual rules only" msgstr "Hanya peraturan manual" msgid "Plus on-demand manual scans" msgstr "Ditambah pemindaian manual sesuai permintaan" msgid "Daily automated scans" msgstr "Pemindaian otomatis harian" msgid "Line by line malware scanning" msgstr "Pemindaian malware baris demi baris" msgid "Check items against database" msgstr "Periksa item dengan basis data" msgid "Scan for threats and vulnerabilities" msgstr "Pindai ancaman dan kerentanan" msgid "" "If you get a 404 message, contact your web host. Their security may block " "the XML-RPC file." msgstr "" "Jika Anda mendapati pesan 404, hubungi web host Anda. Sistem keamanan mereka " "mungkin memblokir file XML-RPC." msgid "" "Load your XML-RPC file. It should say “XML-RPC server " "accepts POST requests only.” on a line by itself." msgstr "" "Muat file XMLRPC Anda. Seharusnya muncul pemberitahuan " "“server XML-RPC hanya menerima pengajuan POST saja.” dengan sendirinya." msgid "A problem with your XML-RPC file." msgstr "Suatu masalah dengan file XMLRPC Anda." msgid "" "Some themes and plugins have known conflicts with Jetpack – check the list. " "(You can also browse the Jetpack support pages or Jetpack support forum to see if others have " "experienced and solved the problem.)" msgstr "" "Beberapa tema dan plugin diketahui mengalami konflik dengan Jetpack – lihat daftar. " "(Anda juga dapat menelusuri halaman dukungan Jetpack atau forum dukungan Jetpack " "untuk mencari tahu jika pengguna lain pernah mengalami dan menyelesaikan " "masalah serupa.)" msgid "Jetpack Logo" msgstr "Logo Jetpack" msgid "" "We strive to live by the Automattic Creed" msgstr "" "Kami selalu berusaha menerapkan Prinsip Automattic" msgid "Learn more about us" msgstr "Ketahui lebih lanjut tentang kami." msgid "Search modules…" msgstr "Cari Modul…" msgid "Search for a destination staging site" msgstr "Cari situs staging tujuan" msgid "Enter credentials for a new destination site" msgstr "Masukkan kredensial situs tujuan" msgid "What do you want to copy to {{strong}}%(destinationUrl)s{{/strong}}?" msgstr "Apa yang Anda ingin salin ke {{strong}}%(destinationUrl)s{{/strong}}?" msgid "Where do you want to copy this site to?" msgstr "Ke mana Anda ingin menyalin situs ini?" msgid "\"Video" msgstr "\"Gambar" msgid "Captcha" msgstr "Captcha" msgid "Accordion" msgstr "Akordeon" msgid "Contest" msgstr "Kontes" msgid "Lead Generation" msgstr "Lead Generation" msgid "Restaurant Menu" msgstr "Menu Restoran" msgid "Calculators" msgstr "Kalkulator" msgid "Popups" msgstr "Popup" msgid "Schema" msgstr "Schema" msgid "Newsfeed" msgstr "Feed Berita" msgid "Job Boards" msgstr "Lowongan Kerja" msgid "Comments & Commenting" msgstr "Komentar & Formulir Komentar" msgid "Tables" msgstr "Tabel" msgid "View likes on your video." msgstr "Lihat suka di video Anda." msgid "Your video on %s" msgstr "Video Anda di %s" msgid "%1$s and %2$s others liked your video %3$s" msgstr "%1$s dan %2$s yang lain menyukai video %3$s Anda" msgid "%1$s and %2$s others liked your video on %3$s" msgstr "%1$s dan %2$s yang lain menyukai video Anda di %3$s" msgid "%1$s and %2$s liked your video %3$s" msgstr "%1$s dan %2$s menyukai video %3$s Anda" msgid "%1$s and %2$s liked your video on %3$s" msgstr "%1$s dan %2$s menyukai video Anda di %3$s" msgid "%1$s liked your video %2$s" msgstr "%1$s menyukai video %2$s Anda" msgid "Shop now" msgstr "Belanja sekarang" msgid "Our early autumn collection is here." msgstr "Koleksi musim gugur kami telah hadir." msgid "Just arrived" msgstr "Koleksi terbaru" msgid "Production URL: %s" msgstr "URL Produksi: %s" msgid "Staging URL: %s" msgstr "URL Staging: %s" msgctxt "shipping packages" msgid "Shipment %d" msgstr "Pengiriman %d" msgid "Add review" msgstr "Tambahkan ulasan" msgid "LEARN MORE" msgstr "BACA SELENGKAPNYA" msgid "" "We specialize in limited collections of handmade tableware. We collaborate " "with restaurants and cafes to create unique items that complement the menu " "perfectly. Please get in touch if you want to know more about our process " "and pricing." msgstr "" "Kami menghadirkan koleksi eksklusif peralatan makan buatan tangan. Kami " "berkolaborasi dengan banyak restoran dan kafe untuk menciptakan item unik " "yang melengkapi menu dengan sempurna. Hubungi kami untuk informasi lebih " "lanjut tentang cara pembuatan dan harga." msgid "Marl is an independent studio and artisanal gallery." msgstr "Marl adalah studio independen dan galeri artisan." msgid "ABOUT US" msgstr "TENTANG KAMI" msgid "Unique, one-of-a-kind pieces." msgstr "Produk unik dan tiada duanya." msgid "Enduring quality." msgstr "Kualitas tahan lama." msgid "Earthy, organic feel." msgstr "Sentuhan alami dan organik." msgid "Timeless style." msgstr "Gaya yang tak lekang oleh waktu." msgid "" "All items are 100% hand-made, using the potter’s wheel or traditional " "techniques." msgstr "" "Semua item 100% buatan tangan, dibuat menggunakan roda tembikar atau teknik " "tradisional." msgid "Created with love and care in Australia." msgstr "Dibuat dengan penuh cinta di Australia." msgid "THE GOODS" msgstr "PRODUK" msgid "42% Cupro 34% Linen 24% Viscose" msgstr "42% Cupro 34% Linen 24% Viscose" msgid "Normal Fit" msgstr "Normal Fit" msgid "Button-down front for any type of mood or look." msgstr "Dengan kancing yang pas untuk semua suasana dan penampilan." msgid "Versatile" msgstr "Serbaguna" msgid "Half tuck into your pants or layer over." msgstr "Masukkan sebagian ke dalam celana atau keluarkan saja." msgid "Fits your wardrobe" msgstr "Sesuai dengan wardrobe Anda" msgid "Reflect your fashionable style." msgstr "Pancarkan gaya modis Anda." msgid "100% Woolen" msgstr "100% Wol" msgid "Perfect for any look featuring a mid-rise, relax fitting silhouette." msgstr "" "Sempurna untuk tampilan apa pun, menonjolkan siluet mid-rise, dengan ukuran " "relax fit." msgid "The Eden Jacket" msgstr "Jaket Eden" msgid "90 days ago" msgstr "90 hari lalu" msgid "60 days ago" msgstr "60 hari lalu" msgid "30 days ago" msgstr "30 hari lalu" msgid "Paid Subscribers" msgstr "Pelanggan Berbayar" msgid "Everybody" msgstr "Semua orang." msgid "" "Get 30 social shares per month to promote your posts on Facebook, Tumblr and " "more." msgstr "" "Dapatkan kesempatan berbagi di media sosial 30 kali per bulan untuk " "mempromosikan pos Anda di Facebook, Tumblr, dan banyak lainnya." msgid "Automatically share your latest post on Facebook, Tumblr, and more." msgstr "" "Bagikan pos terbaru Anda secara otomatis ke Facebook, Tumblr, dan lainnya." msgid "Loading countries list" msgstr "Memuat daftar negara" msgid "Preparing products for cart" msgstr "Menyiapkan produk untuk keranjang" msgid "Initializing payment methods" msgstr "Memuat metode pembayaran" msgid "Loading saved payment methods" msgstr "Memuat metode pembayaran yang disimpan" msgid "Loading cart" msgstr "Memuat keranjang" msgid "" "If this page does not load, {{contactSupportLink}}please contact support{{/" "contactSupportLink}}." msgstr "" "Jika halaman ini tidak dapat dimuat, {{contactSupportLink}}mohon hubungi " "layanan bantuan{{/contactSupportLink}}." msgid "Hm… This is taking a while…" msgstr "Hm... Tunggu beberapa saat..." msgid "Failed to delete staging site: %(reason)s" msgstr "Gagal menghapus situs staging: %(reason)s" msgid "Expand row" msgstr "Besarkan baris" msgid "Connect to social" msgstr "Hubungkan ke media sosial" msgid "Visit your blog" msgstr "Kunjungi blog Anda" msgid "Now it’s time to connect your social accounts." msgstr "Sekarang saatnya untuk menghubungkan akun media sosial Anda." msgid "Help your blog stand out with a custom domain. Not sure yet?" msgstr "Jadikan blog Anda tampil beda dengan domain khusus. Masih ragu?" msgid "Let people know what your blog's about" msgstr "Beritahu orang tentang apa blog Anda" msgid "A catchy name to make your blog memorable" msgstr "Nama yang unik akan menjadikan blog Anda mudah diingat" msgid "Checkout and launch" msgstr "Checkout dan luncurkan" msgid "Pick a design first" msgstr "Pilih desain dulu" msgid "Twitter is not supported anymore" msgstr "Twitter tidak didukung lagi" msgid "Search Reader" msgstr "Cari Pembaca" msgid "Browse styles" msgstr "Jelajahi gaya" msgid "Your blog's almost ready!" msgstr "Blog Anda hampir siap!" msgid "Launching blog" msgstr "Luncurkan blog" msgid "" "Sorry, that plan is not a valid upgrade from one or more of the current " "products on your site: %s" msgstr "" "Maaf, paket tersebut bukan upgrade yang valid dari satu atau beberapa produk " "terkini di situs Anda: %s" msgid "Try searching \"%(searchTermSuggestion)s\"" msgstr "Coba cari \"%(searchTermSuggestion)s\"" msgctxt "Jetpack Starter Plan" msgid "Starter" msgstr "Starter" msgid "Space Add-on" msgstr "Tambahan Ruang" msgid "" "Make a great first impression with premium designs and style customization." msgstr "" "Buat kesan pertama yang menarik dengan desain dan pilihan gaya premium." msgid "" "Take Link In Bio to the next level with gated content, paid subscribers, and " "an ad-free site." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan Tautan di Biografi dengan konten premium, pelanggan berbayar, dan " "situs tanpa iklan." msgid "" "Get started for free with unlimited links and keep track of how many visits " "you get." msgstr "" "Coba gratis dengan tautan tidak terbatas dan lacak jumlah kunjungan yang " "Anda dapatkan." msgid "Charge for premium content" msgstr "Biaya untuk konten premium" msgid "" "Stay one step ahead of security threats with our around‑the‑" "clock web application firewall (WAF), and automated malware scanning with " "one‑click fixes." msgstr "" "Antisipasi ancaman keamanan denganfirewall aplikasi web (WAF)‑kami‑yang " "selalu siaga, serta pemindaian malware otomatis dengan perbaikan sekali klik." msgid "" "Jetpack Security provides easy‑to‑use, comprehensive WordPress " "site security, including real‑time backups, a web application " "firewall, malware scanning, and spam protection." msgstr "" "Jetpack Security menyediakan‑keamanan‑situs WordPress yang mudah digunakan " "dan komprehensif, yang termasuk pencadangan real‑time, firewall aplikasi " "web, pemindaian malware, dan perlindungan dari spam." msgid "" "Our web application firewall (WAF) monitors every request to your site and " "blocks requests from bad actors. Our team of security experts continually " "updates the web application firewall’s rules to ensure you are protected " "against the most up‑to‑date threats." msgstr "" "Firewall aplikasi web (WAF) kami memantau setiap permintaan yang diajukan ke " "situs Anda dan pengajuan blokir dari perusak. Tim ahli keamanan kami terus " "memperbarui aturan firewall aplikasi web untuk memastikan Anda terlindung " "dari‑ancaman‑terkini." msgid "24/7 Site Security" msgstr "Keamanan Situs Setiap Saat" msgid "" "Jetpack Scan protects your site from bad actors around‑the‑clock " "‑ with our web application firewall (WAF) and automated malware " "scanning with one‑click fixes." msgstr "" "Jetpack Scan melindungi situs Anda dari perusak " "setiap‑saat‑menggunakan‑firewall aplikasi web (WAF) kami, dan pemindaian " "malware otomatis menggunakan perbaikan‑sekali klik." msgid "The unique identifier for the Navigation Menu." msgstr "Pengenal unik untuk Menu Navigasi." msgid "No fallback menu found." msgstr "Tidak ada menu sementara yang ditemukan." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit Navigation Menus as this user." msgstr "" "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengedit Menu Navigasi sebagai pengguna ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create Navigation Menus as this user." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan membuat Menu Navigasi sebagai pengguna ini." msgctxt "Title of a Navigation menu" msgid "Navigation" msgstr "Navigasi" msgid "Unable to convert Classic Menu to blocks." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengonversi Menu Klasik ke blok." msgid "No Classic Menus found." msgstr "Tidak ada Menu Klasik yang ditemukan." msgid "Tweets by %s" msgstr "Twit oleh %s" msgid "Oops. Looks like your newsletter doesn't have a name yet." msgstr "Maaf. Sepertinya Buletin Anda belum memiliki nama." msgid "Give your newsletter a name" msgstr "Beri nama untuk buletin Anda" msgid "Subscribe to this plugin on your production site." msgstr "Berlangganan plugin ini di situs produksi Anda." msgid "Plugins cannot be purchased on staging sites" msgstr "Plugin tidak dapat dibeli dari situs staging" msgid "Search by post, site title, or address…" msgstr "Cari dari pos, judul situs, atau alamat..." msgid "" "{{strong}}Set this site as a Staging Site.{{/strong}} You will be able to " "copy any site to this staging site and test your changes safely." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Tetapkan situs ini sebagai Situs Staging.{{/strong}} Anda dapat " "menyalin situs mana pun ke situs staging ini dan menguji perubahan situs " "Anda dengan aman." msgid "Set up as staging site" msgstr "Siapkan situs staging" msgid "" "The mandate used for this renewal payment is invalid. You may need to bring " "the customer back to your store and ask them to resubmit their payment " "information." msgstr "" "Jumlah batas yang digunakan untuk pembayaran perpanjangan ini tidak valid. " "Anda mungkin perlu membawa pelanggan kembali ke toko Anda dan meminta mereka " "mengirimkan kembali informasi pembayarannya." msgid "Could not find any stats from the service" msgstr "Tidak dapat menemukan statistik apa pun dari layanan" msgid "Whether the theme is a block-based theme." msgstr "Jika tema merupakan tema berbasis blok." msgid "" "For even more of our WordPress plugins, please take a look at our profile." msgstr "" "Untuk menemukan lebih banyak plugin WordPress, lihat profil kami." msgid "Jetpack helps to keep you secure from brute-force login attacks." msgstr "" "Jetpack membantu menjaga keamanan Anda dari serangan masuk secara paksa." msgctxt "domain status" msgid "Expired" msgstr "Kedaluwarsa" msgid "Switch to production site" msgstr "Beralih ke situs produksi" msgid "30-day activity log archive *" msgstr "Arsip data aktivitas 30 hari" msgid "" "If your backup storage limit is reached, older backups will be deleted and, " "depending on your site’s size, the backup retention period (archive) might " "be reduced to %(monthlyDays)d days. This will affect how far back you can " "see backups in your activity log. Existing backups can still be restored, " "but new updates won’t be backed up until you upgrade or free up storage." msgstr "" "Jika penyimpanan pencadangan Anda telah mencapai batas maksimal, cadangan " "yang lama akan dihapus dan periode penyimpanan cadangan (arsip) mungkin " "dikurangi menjadi %(monthlyDays)d hari (bergantung pada ukuran situs Anda). " "Hal ini akan memengaruhi seberapa jauh Anda dapat melihat cadangan di log " "aktivitas Anda. Cadangan yang ada masih dapat dipulihkan, tetapi pembaruan " "baru tidak akan dicadangkan hingga Anda meningkatkan atau mengosongkan " "penyimpanan." msgid "" "Jetpack Protect (Scan) detects and prevents attacks, but is not designed to " "fully clean up sites infected before it was active. If your site has " "malware, take immediate action to clean it up and remove the malicious code. " "{{br/}} To clean up your site, we suggest using a malware removal tool, or " "if possible restore from a backup taken before the infection. We recommend " "using Jetpack VaultPress Backup in conjunction with Jetpack Scan to secure " "your website. {{br/}} {{JetpackScanLearnMoreLink}}Learn more about cleaning " "your site{{/JetpackScanLearnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Jetpack Protect (Scan) mendeteksi dan mencegah serangan, tetapi tidak " "dirancang untuk sepenuhnya membersihkan situs yang terinfeksi sebelum " "Jetpack Scan aktif. Jika situs Anda terkena malware, segera ambil tindakan " "untuk membersihkannya dan menghapus kode berbahaya. {{br/}} Untuk " "membersihkan situs Anda, kami sarankan untuk menggunakan alat penghapus " "malware, atau jika memungkinkan, pulihkan pencadangan sebelum terjadi " "infeksi. Kami merekomendasikan untuk menggunakan Jetpack VaultPress Backup " "bersamaan dengan Jetpack Scan untuk mengamankan situs web Anda. {{br/}} " "{{JetpackScanLearnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang cara membersihkan " "situs Anda{{/JetpackScanLearnMoreLink}}." msgid "Can I use Jetpack Scan to fix a site that is already infected?" msgstr "" "Dapatkah saya menggunakan Jetpack Scan untuk memperbaiki situs yang telah " "terinfeksi?" msgid "" "Your site is visible to everyone, but search engines are discouraged from " "indexing staging sites." msgstr "" "Situs Anda dapat diakses siapa pun, namun mesin pencari tidak dapat " "mengindeks situs staging." msgid "Most viewed" msgstr "Paling banyak dilihat" msgid "Most commented" msgstr "Paling banyak dikomentari" msgid "Most liked" msgstr "Paling banyak disuka" msgid "Recently updated" msgstr "Baru saja diperbarui" msgid "By title" msgstr "Dari judul" msgctxt "category name" msgid "Business" msgstr "Bisnis" msgid "Learn more about links" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang tautan" msgid "" "This is what it will look like when someone shares the link to your " "WordPress post on Facebook." msgstr "" "Berikut adalah tampilan saat seseorang membagikan tautan pos WordPress Anda " "di Facebook." msgid "Link preview" msgstr "Pratinjau tautan" msgid "" "Subscribe to your favorite sites, save posts to read later, and get real-" "time notifications for likes and comments." msgstr "" "Silakan berlangganan situs kesukaan Anda, simpan pos untuk dibaca nanti, dan " "dapatkan pemberitahuan suka dan komentar secara real-time." msgid "Unsubscribe comments" msgstr "Berhenti berlangganan komentar" msgid "Pause all email updates from sites you’re subscribing on" msgstr "" "Tunda semua pembaruan e-mail dari situs yang Anda ikuti di" msgid "" "If you wish to use %1$s, you will need to begin the signup process again, " "according to %2$sour Startup Guide%3$s." msgstr "" "Untuk menggunakan %1$s, silakan ulangi proses pendaftaran dengan mengikuti " "%2$sPanduan Penyiapan%3$s." msgid "" "You recently started signing up for %s but did not finish that process " "before our deadline. As a result, your account has now been reset." msgstr "" "Baru-baru ini Anda mulai mendaftar %s, tetapi prosesnya tidak selesai sampai " "batas waktu yang ditentukan. Akibatnya, akun Anda kini direset." msgid "" "If you do not enter the required information by %1$s, your account will " "automatically be reset, and you'll have to start the %2$s signup process " "from the beginning." msgstr "" "Jika data yang wajib disertakan tidak dimasukkan sampai %1$s, akun akan " "direset otomatis dan proses pendaftaran %2$s harus dimulai dari awal lagi." msgid "" "If you need any help signing up, just reply to this email or %1$sopen a " "support request%2$s. Our team will get back to you soon!" msgstr "" "Jika memerlukan bantuan terkait pendaftaran, cukup balas email ini atau " "%1$smintalah dukungan%2$s. Tim kami akan segera menghubungi Anda!" msgid "" "The information you provide while signing up is used to enable deposits, " "help protect you from fraud, and help our team stay current with %1$sKnow " "Your Customer%2$s (KYC) regulations." msgstr "" "Informasi yang Anda sertakan saat pendaftaran digunakan untuk mengaktifkan " "deposit, membantu melindungi Anda dari penipuan, dan membantu tim kami " "mematuhi peraturan %1$sKenali Pelanggan Anda%2$s (KYC/Know Your Customer)." msgid "" "If you want to continue using %1$s on your site, you will need to enter all " "the required information by %2$s. Otherwise, you will lose the progress " "you've made on your account so far!" msgstr "" "Agar bisa terus menggunakan %1$s di situs, masukkan seluruh data yang wajib " "disertakan paling lambat pada tanggal %2$s. Jika tidak, semua tahap " "pendaftaran yang sudah dilakukan akan dibatalkan." msgid "" "Thanks for getting started with %s! However, we wanted to let you know that " "you haven't finished the signup process yet." msgstr "" "Terima kasih sudah mulai mencoba %s! Namun, kami informasikan bahwa Anda " "belum menyelesaikan proses pendaftaran." msgid "" "And just like that, we're done importing %1$s content to %2$s. Head up to your site to see the new content." msgstr "" "Seperti itulah, kami selesai mengimpor konten %1$s ke %2$s. " "Buka situs Anda untuk melihat konten baru." msgid "" "Please contact support mentioning the job ID %1$s, and we'll " "help you out: %3$s" msgstr "" "Hubungi dukungan dengan menyebutkan ID pekerjaan %1$s, dan kami " "akan membantu Anda: %3$s" msgid "" "We are sorry, there was an error while performing your %1$s import to %3$s." msgstr "" "Maaf, terjadi error ketika mengimpor %1$s Anda ke %3$s." msgid "Sort: %(sortingLabel)s" msgstr "Urutkan: %(sortingLabel)s" msgid "Popular products" msgstr "Produk populer" msgid "" "Only available in the U.S. – an additional extension will be required for " "other countries." msgstr "" "Hanya tersedia di Amerika Serikat – Ekstensi tambahan mungkin diperlukan " "untuk negara lainnya." msgid "" "Available as standard in WooCommerce Payments (restrictions apply). " "Additional extensions may be required for other payment providers." msgstr "" "Tersedia di WooCommerce Payment standar (berlaku terbatas). Ekstensi " "tambahan mungkin diperlukan untuk provider pembayaran tertentu." msgid "" "Ueno is a mobile-first theme suitable for any kind of blog or website. It " "has an opinionated default style and two alternative style variations." msgstr "" "Ueno adalah tema khusus perangkat seluler yang cocok untuk segala jenis blog " "atau situs. Tema ini memiliki gaya default khusus serta dua variasi gaya " "alternatif." msgid "" "Iotix provides a great starting point for creating a business or startup " "website." msgstr "" "Iotix menjadi titik awal yang tepat untuk membuat situs bisnis atau usaha " "rintisan." msgid "Recently subscribed" msgstr "Baru saja berlangganan" msgid "No Thanks, I’ll Build It" msgstr "Tidak, terima kasih. Saya yang akan membuatnya." msgid "An error occurred." msgstr "Terjadi eror." msgid "For every one of your interests, there's a tag on" msgstr "Untuk setiap satu minat Anda, terdapat tag di" msgid "All the Tags" msgstr "Semua Tag" msgid "Updating site staging status failed. Please, try again." msgstr "Gagal memperbarui situs staging. Mohon coba lagi." msgid "Site staging status has been successfully updated." msgstr "Status situs staging berhasil diperbarui." msgid "You have to provide a query parameter" msgstr "Anda harus menyediakan parameter permintaan informasi" msgid "Unlimited sites" msgstr "Situs tidak terbatas" msgid "60K API calls per month" msgstr "Pemrosesan API 60K per bulan" msgid "40K API calls per month" msgstr "Pemrosesan API 40K per bulan" msgid "30K API calls per month" msgstr "Pemrosesan API 30K per bulan" msgid "20K API calls per month" msgstr "Pemrosesan API 20K per bulan" msgid "Product support" msgstr "Bantuan produk" msgid "There is no response to rank!" msgstr "Tidak ada respons untuk diberi peringkat!" msgid "Previous response unreadable" msgstr "Respons sebelumnya tidak dapat dibaca" msgid "Previous response not found to be ranked" msgstr "Tidak ditemukan respons sebelumnya untuk diberi peringkat." msgid "" "To have your domain reactivated please go to %1$s and provide an identity " "document where your personal/company name and address are clearly visible. " "Accepted documents would be driving license, passport, national ID card (for " "non-UK citizens), national insurance card (for UK citizens), official " "company letterhead, or company stamp." msgstr "" "Untuk mengaktifkan kembali domain Anda, buka %1$s dan sertakan dokumen " "identitas yang mencantumkan nama dan alamat pribadi/perusahaan dengan jelas. " "Dokumen yang diterima dapat berupa surat izin mengemudi, paspor, kartu " "identitas nasional (untuk warga negara non-Inggris), kartu asuransi nasional " "(untuk warga negara Inggris), kop surat perusahaan, atau stempel perusahaan." msgid "" "The registry that manages the %1$s domains has suspended your domain %2$s " "because the additional information that was requested to validate your " "contact information wasn't provided." msgstr "" "Kantor pendaftaran yang mengelola domain %1$s telah menangguhkan domain %2$s " "Anda karena informasi tambahan yang diminta untuk memvalidasi informasi " "kontak Anda tidak diberikan." msgid "" "To have your domain reactivated please go to %1$s and provide an identity document where your personal/company " "name and address are clearly visible. Accepted documents would be driving " "license, passport, national ID card (for non-UK citizens), national " "insurance card (for UK citizens), official company letterhead, or company " "stamp." msgstr "" "Untuk mengaktifkan kembali domain Anda, buka %1$s dan sertakan dokumen identitas yang mencantumkan nama dan alamat " "pribadi/perusahaan dengan jelas. Dokumen yang diterima dapat berupa surat " "izin mengemudi, paspor, kartu identitas nasional (untuk warga negara non-" "Inggris), kartu asuransi nasional (untuk warga negara Inggris), kop surat " "perusahaan, atau stempel perusahaan." msgid "" "The registry that manages the %1$s domains has suspended your domain " "%2$s because the additional information that was requested to " "validate your contact information wasn't provided." msgstr "" "Kantor pendaftaran yang mengelola domain %1$s telah menangguhkan domain " "%2$s Anda karena informasi tambahan yang diminta untuk " "memvalidasi informasi kontak Anda tidak diberikan." msgid " - Your domain %1$s has been suspended" msgstr " - Domain Anda %1$s telah ditangguhkan" msgid "Related Sites" msgstr "Situs Terkait" msgid "" "Malware, spyware, adware etc. Phishing. Spam or machine-generated content." msgstr "" "Malware, spyware, adware, dll. Pengelabuan. Konten spam yang dibuat oleh " "mesin." msgid "Technological Harm" msgstr "Kerusakan Teknologi" msgid "" "The sale of prohibited or highly regulated items. Gambling and explicit " "material." msgstr "" "Penjualan barang-barang yang dilarang atau diatur secara ketat. Perjudian " "dan materi vulgar." msgid "" "If you believe someone is at imminent risk of death or severe physical harm, " "we strongly recommend that you contact emergency services immediately. You " "can also find a list of help resources on our Self-Harm and " "Online Safety page." msgstr "" "Jika Anda merasa bahwa seseorang sedang dalam risiko kematian atau cedera " "fisik yang parah, Anda sangat disarankan untuk segera menghubungi layanan " "darurat. Anda juga dapat melihat daftar sumber daya bantuan di halaman Menyakiti Diri dan Keamanan Internet kami." msgid "A person at imminent risk of death or severe physical harm." msgstr "Seseorang sedang dalam risiko kematian atau cedera fisik yang parah." msgid "Person at Risk" msgstr "Orang Berisiko" msgid "Abuse" msgstr "Kekerasan" msgid "" "Please keep in mind that as an internet service provider we are not in a " "position to resolve content disputes, evaluate claims that material on a " "site is false or defamatory, or provide contact information about the site " "owner.\n" "\n" "\t\t\t\tAs a first step, we recommend attempting to contact the site owner " "by doing the following:\n" "\n" "\t\t\t\t
    \n" "\t\t\t\t\t
  • Commenting on the specific post or page (if " "the site has comments enabled);
  • \n" "\t\t\t\t\t
  • Checking to see if there is contact information on the site;\n" "\t\t\t\t\t
  • Attempting to contact the site owner through private (available for some websites).
  • \n" "\t\t\t\t
\n" "\n" "\t\t\t\tIf you believe the content meets the U.S. legal standard for " "defamation, or you would like to formally request information about the site " "owner, you can learn more about pursuing the necessary legal process on our " "Legal Guidelines page." msgstr "" "Harap ingat bahwa sebagai penyedia layanan internet, kami tidak berwenang " "untuk menyelesaikan sengketa konten, mengevaluasi klaim bahwa materi di " "sebuah situs bersifat palsu atau mencemarkan nama baik, atau menyediakan " "informasi kontak tentang pemilik situs.\n" "\n" "\t\t\t\tSebagai langkah awal, sebaiknya coba hubungi pemilik situs dengan " "melakukan hal-hal berikut:\n" "\n" "\t\t\t\t
    \n" "\t\t\t\t\t
  • Mengomentari pos atau halaman tertentu (jika " "situs mengaktifkan komentar);
  • \n" "\t\t\t\t\t
  • Memeriksa ketersedian informasi kontak di situs;
  • \n" "\t\t\t\t\t
  • Mencoba menghubungi pemilik situs melalui who." "is pribadi (tersedia untuk sejumlah situs
  • \n" "\t\t\t\t
\n" "\n" "\t\t\t\tJika Anda yakin bahwa konten tersebut memenuhi standar hukum Amerika " "Serikat terkait pencemaran nama baik, atau ingin secara resmi meminta " "informasi tentang pemilik situs, Anda dapat membaca selengkapnya tentang " "menempuh proses hukum yang diperlukan di halaman Panduan " "Hukum kami." msgid "" "Content that is potentially damaging to your reputation, or the reputation " "of your business or organization." msgstr "" "Konten yang berpotensi merusak reputasi Anda, atau reputasi bisnis atau " "organisasi Anda." msgid "Defamation" msgstr "Pencemaran Nama Baik" msgid "Trademark infringement" msgstr "Pelanggaran merek dagang" msgid "Copyright infringement (DMCA)" msgstr "Pelanggaran hak cipta (DMCA)" msgid "" "Sites that are attempting to obtain confidential or sensitive information " "through deceptive practices such as a fake login screen or contact form." msgstr "" "Situs yang mencoba mendapatkan informasi rahasia atau sensitif melalui " "praktik penipuan seperti layar login atau formulir kontak palsu. " msgid "Phishing" msgstr "Pengelabuan" msgid "" "Content that links to or contains uploaded malware, spyware, adware, or " "other malicious or destructive code." msgstr "" "Konten yang ditautkan dengan atau memuat malware, spyware, adware, atau kode " "yang berbahaya atau merusak lainnya." msgid "Malware, Spyware, Adware etc." msgstr "Malware, Spyware, Adware, dll." msgid "" "Content that contains visual depictions of sexually explicit acts. Please " "note that nudity is permitted, as outlined in our Mature " "Content policy." msgstr "" "Konten yang memuat gambaran visual tindakan seksual vulgar. Harap perhatikan " "bahwa ketelanjangan diizinkan, sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam kebijakan Konten Dewasa kami." msgid "" "The operation or promotion of online gambling services. Discussions or " "instructional sites about gambling are permitted." msgstr "" "Operasi atau promosi layanan judi online. Situs diskusi atau instruksi " "tentang judi diizinkan." msgid "Sale of prohibited or highly regulated items" msgstr "Penjualan barang-barang yang dilarang atau diatur secara ketat" msgid "Request your information from" msgstr "Pengajuan informasi Anda dari" msgid "I want to request my information" msgstr "Saya ingin meminta informasi saya" msgid "" "Request access to a site created and owned by someone else who " "is no longer contactable." msgstr "" "Pengajuan akses ke situs yang dibuat dan dimiliki oleh orang " "lain, yang sudah tidak dapat dihubungi." msgid "I have lost access to the person who has created the site" msgstr "Saya kehilangan akses ke orang yang membuat situs tersebut" msgid "" "You are the owner of a site, or have an outdated business site, and are " "unable to login because you have forgotten the login details." msgstr "" "Anda adalah pemilik situs, atau memiliki situs bisnis yang telah usang, dan " "tidak dapat login karena lupa detail loginnya." msgid "I've lost my login information" msgstr "Saya lupa informasi login saya" msgid "" "Request the permanent deletion of your account and site(s)." msgstr "Pengajuan penghapusan akun dan situs secara permanen." msgid "I want to delete my account and information" msgstr "Saya ingin menghapus akun dan informasi saya" msgid "I am being sexualized without my consent" msgstr "Saya dijadikan objek seksual tanpa sepengetahuan saya" msgid "The exact text or private information" msgstr "Teks persis atau informasi pribadi" msgid "" "I am the person (or have legal authority to act on behalf of the person) " "that the private information belongs to…" msgstr "" "Saya adalah orang yang memiliki informasi pribadi (atau memiliki kewenangan " "hukum untuk bertindak sebagai wakil dari orang tersebut)…" msgid "" "Issues regarding private information can only be reported by the person (or " "someone with legal authority to act on behalf of the person) the information " "belongs to or is about. If you are contacting us on behalf of someone you " "know, please ask them to contact us directly." msgstr "" "Masalah terkait informasi pribadi hanya dapat dilaporkan oleh orang (atau " "seseorang dengan kewenangan hukum untuk bertindak sebagai wakil dari orang " "tersebut) yang memiliki informasi tersebut. Jika Anda menghubungi kami " "sebagai wakil dari seseorang yang Anda kenal, minta mereka untuk menghubungi kami secara langsung." msgid "" "I am not the person (or have legal authority to act on behalf of the person) " "that the private information belongs to…" msgstr "" "Saya bukan orang yang memiliki informasi pribadi (atau memiliki kewenangan " "hukum untuk bertindak sebagai wakil dari orang tersebut)…" msgid "" "In the case of a site hosted on, the site " "owners are responsible for the information they collect and publish, " "including handling deletion requests with respect to GDPR and CCPA. We, Automattic, act as a service provider " "to the site owners in connection with that content.\n" "\n" "\t\t\t\tAs a first step, we recommend attempting to contact the site owner " "by doing the following:\n" "\n" "\t\t\t\t
    \n" "\t\t\t\t\t
  • Commenting on the specific post or page (if " "the site has comments enabled);
  • \n" "\t\t\t\t\t
  • Checking to see if there is contact information on the site;\n" "\t\t\t\t\t
  • Attempting to contact the site owner through private (available for some websites).
  • \n" "\t\t\t\t
\n" "\n" "\t\t\t\tIf you would like more information about personal data held with " "Automattic directly, please see the Automattic Privacy " "Policy for further information.\n" "\n" "\t\t\t\tAre you the person (or do you have legal authority to act on behalf " "of the person) whose private information is being shared publicly without " "permission?" msgstr "" "Dalam kasus situs yang dihosting di, " "pemilik situs bertanggung jawab atas informasi yang dikumpulkan dan " "dipublikasikan, termasuk penanganan pengajuan penghapusan sehubungan dengan " "GDPR dan CCPA. Kami, Automattic, " "bertindak sebagai penyedia layanan bagi pemilik situs sehubungan dengan " "konten tersebut.\n" "\n" "\t\t\t\tSebagai langkah awal, sebaiknya coba hubungi pemilik situs dengan " "melakukan hal-hal berikut:\n" "\n" "\t\t\t\t
    \n" "\t\t\t\t\t
  • Mengomentari pos atau halaman tertentu (jika " "situs mengaktifkan komentar);
  • \n" "\t\t\t\t\t
  • Memeriksa ketersedian informasi kontak di situs;
  • \n" "\t\t\t\t\t
  • Mencoba menghubungi pemilik situs melalui who." "is pribadi (tersedia untuk sejumlah situs
  • \n" "\t\t\t\t
\n" "\n" "\t\t\t\tJika Anda ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut terkait data pribadi yang " "ditangani Automattic secara langsung, silakan baca Kebijakan Privasi Automattic untuk informasi selengkapnya.\n" "\n" "\t\t\t\tApakah Anda pemilik informasi pribadi (atau seseorang yang memiliki " "kewenangan hukum untuk bertindak sebagai wakil dari orang tersebut) yang " "dibagikan ke publik tanpa izin?" msgid "" "Publishing certain private or sensitive information–such as someone's " "personally identifying information without their consent–may be a " "violation of our Guidelines" msgstr "" "Memublikasikan informasi yang bersifat pribadi atau sensitif, seperti " "identitas pribadi seseorang, tanpa persetujuan yang bersangkutan dapat " "melanggar Panduan kami" msgid "My private information is being shared" msgstr "Informasi pribadi saya disebarluaskan" msgid "" "Content that features child abuse, the sexualization of minors, or the " "facilitation or promotion of child sexual abuse." msgstr "" "Konten yang menampilkan kekerasan pada anak, pelecehan anak di bawah umur, " "atau memfasilitasi atau mempromosikan kekerasan seksual pada anak." msgid "Harm to Minors" msgstr "Konten Berbahaya bagi Anak di Bawah Umur" msgid "" "For example, is there a marker of a terrorist organization on the site " "(where and which ones)?" msgstr "" "MIsalnya, apakah ada penanda organisasi teroris di situs tersebut (sertakan " "lokasi dan bagian spesifik)?" msgid "" "How did you determine that the organization is affiliated with a terrorist " "organization?" msgstr "" "Bagaimana cara menentukan bahwa organisasi tersebut berafiliasi dengan " "organisasi teroris?" msgid "The name of the terrorist organization this site is affiliated with?" msgstr "Apa nama organisasi teroris yang berafiliasi dengan situs ini?" msgid "" "We don't allow websites of terrorist groups recognized by the United States " "government. Please refer to our Terrorist Activity for " "more information.\n" "\t\t\t\tIf you are reporting on behalf of a government agency or law " "enforcement, please refer to our Legal Guidelines." msgstr "" "Kami tidak mengizinkan situs kelompok teroris yang diakui oleh pemerintah " "Amerika Serikat. Baca halaman Aktivitas Teroris kami " "untuk informasi lebih lanjut.\n" "\t\t\t\tJika Anda melakukan pelaporan sebagai wakil lembaga pemerintah atau " "penegak hukum, lihat Panduan Hukum kami." msgid "Terrorist Activity" msgstr "Aktivitas Teroris" msgid "The language calling to violence" msgstr "Bahasa yang menyerukan kekerasan" msgid "" "We prohibit content that incites, encourages, threatens, or promotes acts of " "violence against individuals or groups of people. We also remove content " "that glorifies acts of violence or its perpetrators. This does not mean that " "we will remove all hyperbolic or generally offensive language.\n" "\t\t\t\tIf you are reporting on behalf of a government agency or law " "enforcement, please refer to our Legal Guidelines." msgstr "" "Kami melarang konten yang menghasut, mendorong, mengancam, atau " "mempromosikan tindakan kekerasan terhadap individu atau kelompok. Kami juga " "menghapus konten yang mengagungkan tindakan kekerasan atau pelakunya. Ini " "bukan berarti kami akan menghapus semua bahasa yang berlebihan atau secara " "umum menyinggung.\n" "\t\t\t\tJika Anda melakukan pelaporan sebagai wakil lembaga pemerintah atau " "penegak hukum, lihat Panduan Hukum kami." msgid "Calls to violence" msgstr "Ajakan untuk melakukan kekerasan" msgid "" "We do not allow content promoting hatred – or dehumanization – " "of other people based on characteristics such as race, ethnicity, national " "origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, " "disability, or serious disease." msgstr "" "Kami tidak mengizinkan konten yang mempromosikan ujaran kebencian – atau " "dehumanisasi – terhadap orang lain berdasarkan karakteristik seperti ras, " "etnis, asal negara, orientasi seksual, identitas gender, afiliasi agama, " "umur, disabilitas, atau penyakit serius." msgid "Hateful Conduct" msgstr "Ujaran Kebencian" msgid "" "We define harassment as systematic or continued actions – either " "through blogging or other social features – that bully or degrade " "someone. This includes interactions with users through features such as " "Likes, following, reblogging, contact forms, or comments in a way intended " "to annoy or intimidate." msgstr "" "Kami mendefinisikan pelecehan sebagai tindakan yang sistematis atau " "berkelanjutan – baik melalui fitur blog atau media sosial lain – yang " "menindas atau merendahkan seseorang. Ini termasuk interaksi dengan pengguna " "melalui fitur seperti Suka, mengikuti, memposkan ulang, formulir kontak, " "atau komentar dengan cara yang dimaksudkan untuk mengganggu atau " "mengintimidasi." msgid "Harassment" msgstr "Pelecehan" msgid "The exact text or specific detail you are reporting" msgstr "Teks persis atau detail spesifik yang Anda laporkan" msgid "" "I am the person or an official representative of the organization being " "impersonated…" msgstr "" "Saya adalah individu atau perwakilan resmi dari organisasi yang ditiru…" msgid "" "Impersonation can only be reported by the person or official representative " "of the organization being impersonated." msgstr "" "Peniruan identitas hanya dapat dilaporkan oleh individu atau perwakilan " "resmi dari organisasi yang ditiru." msgid "" "I am not the person or an official representative of the organization being " "impersonated…" msgstr "Saya bukan individu atau perwakilan resmi dari organisasi yang ditiru…" msgid "" "Are you the person or an official representative of the organization being " "impersonated?" msgstr "" "Apakah Anda individu atau perwakilan resmi dari organisasi yang ditiru?" msgid "" "Impersonation of a person or organization. We define impersonation as " "content or behavior that misleads readers to believe the publisher is " "another person or organization in a confusing or deceptive manner. Satire " "and parody, such as the use of irony and sarcasm, are not considered to be " "impersonation." msgstr "" "Peniruan identitas seseorang atau organisasi. Kami mendefinisikan peniruan " "identitas sebagai konten atau perilaku yang menyesatkan pembaca untuk " "meyakini bahwa penerbit adalah individu atau organisasi lain dengan cara " "yang membingungkan atau menipu. Satir dan parodi, seperti penggunaan ironi " "dan sarkasme, tidak dianggap sebagai peniruan identitas." msgid "Impersonation" msgstr "Peniruan identitas" msgid "" "In order to better address your concerns, could you please provide the " "following information?" msgstr "" "Untuk mengatasi masalah dengan lebih baik, bisakah Anda menyertakan " "informasi berikut?" msgid "The specific URL of the post, page, image, or comment" msgstr "URL spesifik dari pos, halaman, gambar, atau komentar tersebut" msgid "Backups built specifically for WordPress and WooCommerce sites." msgstr "" "Pencadangan yang dibuat khusus untuk situs-situs WordPress dan WooCommerce." msgid "Instant Recovery: Restore your site even when your host is down." msgstr "" "Pemulihan Instan: Pulihkan situs Anda saat host Anda sedang mengalami " "gangguan." msgid "" "Unmatched Security: Safeguard every change in real-time in the ultra-secure " "Jetpack Cloud" msgstr "" "Pengamanan Tak Tertandingi: Lindungi tiap perubahan secara real-time dalam " "Jetpack Cloud yang super aman" msgid "" "Host backups offer some protection but may not be sufficient to fully " "safeguard your valuable data. They often have limitations, such as single " "daily backups only, on-site storage, and clunky interfaces.

Unlock the VaultPress Backup advantage:" msgstr "" "Pencadangan host menawarkan beberapa perlindungan, tetapi mungkin tidak " "cukup untuk melindungi data berharga Anda sepenuhnya. Pencadangan itu " "biasanya memiliki keterbatasan, seperti pencadangan yang hanya sekali per " "hari, penyimpanan di situs, dan antarmuka yang kuno.

Raih " "keuntungan Pencadangan VaultPress:" msgid "If your host’s servers go down, you’re covered." msgstr "Jika server host Anda mengalami gangguan, Anda akan dibantu." msgid "cinema" msgstr "bioskop" msgid "association" msgstr "asosiasi" msgid "Let us build your website" msgstr "Biar kami yang membangun situs Anda" msgid "" "Wholesale Distributors and Manufacturers sell goods and services exclusively " "to other businesses." msgstr "" "Distributor dan Produsen Barang Grosir menjual produk dan layanan secara " "eksklusif kepada bisnis lain." msgid "Wholesale Distributors and Manufacturers" msgstr "Distributor dan Produsen Barang Grosir" msgid "" "Utilities merchants provide public services such as power, water, " "sanitation, telecommunications, telegraph, pay television, computer network, " "and information, and funds transfer services. Sellers of telecommunications " "equipment are also included." msgstr "" "Merchant utilitas menyediakan layanan publik seperti listrik, air, sanitasi, " "telekomunikasi, telegraf, televisi berbayar, jaringan komputer, dan " "informasi, serta layanan transfer dana. Penjual perlengkapan telekomunikasi " "juga masuk dalam kategori merchant ini." msgid "" "Transportation merchants include providers of passenger and freight " "transportation, as well as emergency, courier, storage, travel, and toll " "collection services." msgstr "" "Merchant transportasi meliputi penyedia angkutan penumpang dan barang, serta " "layanan darurat, kurir, penyimpanan, perjalanan, dan pembayaran tol." msgid "" "Service Providers supply non-personal services. Examples include cash " "disbursements by financial institutions, sales of travelers cheques and " "foreign currency by non-financial institutions, insurance sales, timeshare " "sales, and campground operators." msgstr "" "Penyedia Layanan memberikan layanan bersifat non-personal. Contohnya adalah " "pembayaran tunai oleh lembaga keuangan, penjualan cek perjalanan dan mata " "uang asing oleh lembaga non-keuangan, penjualan asuransi, penjualan " "timeshare, dan operator bumi perkemahan." msgid "" "Retail Stores sell a variety of general merchandise. Examples include " "building material, hardware, garden supply, and food stores, and discount " "and department stores. Merchants that primarily sell apparel are classified " "under Clothing Stores. Eating and drinking establishments are classified as " "Miscellaneous Stores." msgstr "" "Toko Ritel menjual berbagai barang dagangan umum. Contohnya adalah bahan " "bangunan, perangkat keras, peralatan berkebun, dan toko bahan makanan, serta " "toko diskon dan toserba. Merchant yang utamanya menjual pakaian jadi " "dikelompokkan sebagai Toko Pakaian. Tempat makan dan minum dikelompokkan " "sebagai Toko Serbaneka." msgid "Retail Stores" msgstr "Toko Ritel" msgid "Repair Services merchants specialize in repair and related services." msgstr "" "Merchant Layanan Perbaikan berfokus pada layanan perbaikan dan layanan " "terkait." msgid "Repair Services" msgstr "Layanan Perbaikan" msgid "" "The Professional Services and Membership Organizations category includes " "professionals with advanced or specialized education or training, schools " "and educational services, and membership associations and organizations." msgstr "" "Kategori Layanan Profesional dan Organisasi Keanggotaan mencakup para " "profesional lulusan pendidikan atau pelatihan tingkat lanjut atau khusus, " "sekolah dan layanan pendidikan, serta asosiasi dan organisasi keanggotaan." msgid "Professional Services and Membership Organizations" msgstr "Layanan Profesional dan Organisasi Keanggotaan" msgid "" "Personal Service Providers supply services of a personal nature such as dry " "cleaning, dating, tax preparation, funeral, clothing rental, and spa " "services." msgstr "" "Penyedia Layanan Personal memberikan layanan bersifat pribadi seperti cuci " "kering, kencan, penyiapan laporan pajak, pemakaman, penyewaan pakaian, dan " "layanan spa." msgid "Personal Service Providers" msgstr "Penyedia Layanan Personal" msgid "" "Miscellaneous Stores sell unique or specialized items and services rather " "than a general line of merchandise. Examples include eating and drinking " "establishments, pharmacies, home furnishing, electronics, and household " "appliance stores." msgstr "" "Toko Serbaneka menjual item dan layanan yang unik atau khusus, bukan barang " "dagangan umum. Misalnya seperti tempat makan dan minum, apotek, perabot " "rumah, elektronik, dan toko peralatan rumah tangga." msgid "Miscellaneous Stores" msgstr "Toko Serbaneka" msgid "" "Mail Order/Telephone Order Providers use direct marketing techniques such as " "mailings, advertising, or other methods to sell products, services, and " "information, or provide access to audiotext or videotext services." msgstr "" "Penyedia Layanan Pemesanan Lewat Pos/Telepon menggunakan teknik pemasaran " "langsung seperti pengiriman surat, iklan, atau metode lain untuk menjual " "produk, layanan, dan informasi, atau menyediakan akses ke layanan teks audio " "atau teks video." msgid "Mail Order/Telephone Order Providers" msgstr "Penyedia Layanan Pemesanan Lewat Pos/Telepon" msgid "" "The Hotels and Motels category includes all lodging establishments, such as " "“bed and breakfast” and other inns, resorts, cabins, and hostels. It does " "not include recreational areas in which patrons provide their own shelter, " "such as campgrounds and trailer parks." msgstr "" "Kategori Hotel dan Motel mencakup semua tempat penginapan, seperti \"tempat " "tidur dan sarapan\" serta losmen, resor, kabin, dan hostel lainnya. Kategori " "ini tidak termasuk area rekreasi yang mengharuskan pelanggan menyediakan " "tempat penginapannya sendiri, seperti kawasan karavan dan bumi perkemahan." msgid "Hotels and Motels" msgstr "Hotel dan Motel" msgid "" "Government Services merchants include local, state, and federal entities " "that provide administration and processing functions, as well as civil " "commissions, government accounting, supply and services offices, and other " "providers of government support services." msgstr "" "Merchant Layanan Pemerintah meliputi entitas lokal, nasional, dan federal " "yang menyediakan fungsi administrasi dan pemrosesan, serta komisi sipil, " "akuntansi pemerintahan, kantor pasokan dan pelayanan, dan penyedia layanan " "dukungan pemerintah lainnya." msgid "Government Services" msgstr "Layanan Pemerintah" msgid "" "Contracted Services merchants are general and specialized contractors that " "provide building, landscape, agricultural, veterinary, and other services." msgstr "" "Merchant Layanan Kontrak adalah kontraktor umum dan khusus yang menyediakan " "layanan terkait gedung, lanskap, pertanian, kedokteran hewan, dan sebagainya." msgid "Contracted Services" msgstr "Layanan Kontrak" msgid "Clothing Stores sell clothing, accessories, and other apparel." msgstr "Toko Pakaian menjual busana, aksesori, dan pakaian jadi lainnya." msgid "" "Business Services merchants are typically engaged in trades and business " "support services, providing specialized goods and services for consumers and " "businesses." msgstr "" "Merchant Layanan Bisnis biasanya terlibat dalam layanan dukungan perdagangan " "dan bisnis. Merchant ini menyediakan produk dan layanan khusus bagi konsumen " "dan bisnis." msgid "" "Automobiles and Vehicles merchants sell new and used vehicles, provide " "vehicle replacement parts and accessories, sell fuel, and also may make " "repairs. Vehicles sold include cars, motorcycles, trucks, recreational " "trailers, motor homes, watercraft, and snowmobiles." msgstr "" "Merchant Mobil dan Kendaraan menjual kendaraan baru dan bekas, menyediakan " "suku cadang dan aksesori kendaraan, menjual bahan bakar, serta menyediakan " "jasa perbaikan. Kendaraan dagangannya mencakup mobil, sepeda motor, truk, " "karavan, mobil rumah, perahu, dan mobil salju." msgid "Automobiles and Vehicles" msgstr "Mobil dan Kendaraan" msgid "" "Automobile/Vehicle Rentals merchants provide short-term or long-term rentals " "of cars, trucks, vans, utility trailers, motor homes, or recreational " "vehicles." msgstr "" "Merchant Rental Mobil/Kendaraan menyediakan penyewaan mobil, truk, van, " "karavan utilitas, mobil rumah, atau kendaraan rekreasi untuk jangka pendek " "ataupun jangka panjang." msgid "Automobile/Vehicle Rentals" msgstr "Rental Mobil/Kendaraan" msgid "" "Amusement and Entertainment merchants provide recreation and entertainment " "services; includes the managers, performers, promoters, organizers, " "operators, renters, and sellers of such services." msgstr "" "Merchant Hiburan dan Pertunjukan menyediakan layanan rekreasi dan hiburan; " "termasuk manajer, penampil, promotor, penyelenggara, operator, penyewa, dan " "penjual layanan tersebut." msgid "Amusement and Entertainment" msgstr "Hiburan dan Pertunjukan" msgid "The Airlines category consists of air carriers and airlines." msgstr "" "Kategori Maskapai Penerbangan terdiri atas perusahaan angkutan udara dan " "maskapai penerbangan." msgid "Airlines" msgstr "Maskapai Penerbangan" msgid "Agricultural Services" msgstr "Layanan Pertanian" msgid "Intra-Company Purchases" msgstr "Pembelian Intra-Perusahaan" msgid "Emergency Services (GCAS)" msgstr "Layanan Darurat (GCAS)" msgid "Government-Owned Lotteries (Non-U.S. region)" msgstr "Lotre Milik Pemerintah (Wilayah di luar AS)" msgid "U.S. Federal Government Agencies or Departments" msgstr "Badan atau Departemen Pemerintah Federal AS" msgid "Postal Services — Government Only" msgstr "Layanan Pos — Khusus Pemerintah" msgid "Police Departments" msgstr "Departemen Kepolisian" msgid "Parks and Recreation" msgstr "Taman dan Rekreasi" msgid "Fire Departments" msgstr "Departemen Pemadam Kebakaran" msgid "Department of Motor Vehicles" msgstr "Departemen Kendaraan Bermotor" msgid "DMV" msgstr "DMV" msgid "Government Services (Not Elsewhere Classified)" msgstr "Layanan Pemerintah (Tidak Diklasifikasikan di Tempat Lain)" msgid "Customs Bureaus" msgstr "Biro Bea Cukai" msgid "Tax Payments" msgstr "Pembayaran Pajak" msgid "Bail and Bond Payments" msgstr "Pembayaran Jaminan dan Obligasi" msgid "Motor Vehicle Violations" msgstr "Pelanggaran Kendaraan Bermotor" msgid "Community Assessed Penalties" msgstr "Hukuman Menurut Penilaian Masyarakat" msgid "Court Costs, Including Alimony and Child Support" msgstr "Biaya Pengadilan, Termasuk Alimentasi dan Tunjangan Anak" msgid "Research Firms" msgstr "Firma Penelitian" msgid "Real Estate Appraisers" msgstr "Penilai Real Estat" msgid "Public Speakers" msgstr "Pembicara Publik" msgid "Property Appraisers" msgstr "Penilai Properti" msgid "Mortgage Brokers" msgstr "Pialang Hipotek" msgid "Market Research Firms" msgstr "Firma Penelitian Pasar" msgid "Lecturers" msgstr "Dosen" msgid "Guest Speakers, Lecturers" msgstr "Pembicara, Dosen Tamu" msgid "Graphic Designers" msgstr "Desainer Grafis" msgid "Financial Planners" msgstr "Perencana Keuangan" msgid "Court Stenographer" msgstr "Stenografer Pengadilan" msgid "Brokers — Mortgage, Loan" msgstr "Pialang — Hipotek, Pinjaman" msgid "Auction Houses" msgstr "Balai Lelang" msgid "Appraisers" msgstr "Penilai" msgid "Professional Services (Not Elsewhere Classified)" msgstr "Layanan Profesional (Tidak Diklasifikasikan di Tempat Lain)" msgid "Accounting, Auditing, and Bookkeeping Services" msgstr "Layanan Akuntansi, Audit, dan Pembukuan" msgid "Architectural, Engineering, and Surveying Services" msgstr "Layanan Arsitektur, Rekayasa Teknik, dan Survei" msgid "Veterinary Testing Laboratories" msgstr "Laboratorium Uji Kedokteran Hewan" msgid "Product Testing Laboratories" msgstr "Laboratorium Uji Produk" msgid "Pollution Testing" msgstr "Uji Polusi" msgid "Forensic Laboratories" msgstr "Laboratorium Forensik" msgid "Food Testing Services" msgstr "Layanan Pengujian Pangan" msgid "Testing Laboratories (Non-Medical Testing)" msgstr "Laboratorium Pengujian (Uji Non-Medis)" msgid "Unions — Labor" msgstr "Serikat — Buruh" msgid "HOAs" msgstr "HOA" msgid "Condominium Associations" msgstr "Asosiasi Kondominium" msgid "Tenant Associations" msgstr "Asosiasi Penyewa" msgid "Professional Organizations" msgstr "Organisasi Profesi" msgid "Poetry Clubs" msgstr "Klub Baca Puisi" msgid "Organizations — Membership Organizations" msgstr "Organisasi — Organisasi Keanggotaan" msgid "Labor Unions" msgstr "Serikat Buruh" msgid "Historical Clubs" msgstr "Klub Sejarah" msgid "Art Clubs" msgstr "Klub Seni" msgid "Membership Organizations (Not Elsewhere Classified)" msgstr "Organisasi Keanggotaan (Tidak Diklasifikasikan di Tempat Lain)" msgid "Automobile Club" msgstr "Klub Otomotif" msgid "Automobile Associations" msgstr "Asosiasi Otomotif" msgid "Temples" msgstr "Kuil" msgid "Synagogues" msgstr "Sinagoge" msgid "Mosques" msgstr "Masjid" msgid "Churches" msgstr "Gereja" msgid "Chapels" msgstr "Kapel" msgid "Religious Organizations" msgstr "Organisasi Keagamaan" msgid "Political Fundraising" msgstr "Penggalangan Dana Politik" msgid "Political Organizations" msgstr "Organisasi Politik" msgid "Veterans' Organizations" msgstr "Organisasi Veteran" msgid "Social Associations, Clubs" msgstr "Asosiasi, Klub Sosial" msgid "Police Athletic Leagues (PAL)" msgstr "Liga Atletik Kepolisian (PAL)" msgid "Fund-Raising — Political" msgstr "Penggalangan Dana — Politik" msgid "Fraternal Associations" msgstr "Asosiasi Persaudaraan" msgid "Associations — Civic, Social, Fraternal Associations" msgstr "Asosiasi — Asosiasi Sipil, Sosial, Persaudaraan" msgid "Associations" msgstr "Asosiasi" msgid "Alumni/Alumnae" msgstr "Alumni/Alumnus" msgid "Civic, Social, and Fraternal Associations" msgstr "Asosiasi Sipil, Sosial, dan Persaudaraan" msgid "Crowd Funding Merchants" msgstr "Merchant Urun Dana" msgid "Public Radio, Television" msgstr "Radio, Televisi Umum" msgid "Organizations — Non- Political" msgstr "Organisasi — Non-Politik" msgid "Fund-Raising Organizations — Non-Political" msgstr "Organisasi Penggalangan Dana — Non-Politik" msgid "Charitable Social Service Organizations" msgstr "Organisasi Layanan Sosial Amal" msgid "Preschool Centers" msgstr "Pusat Pra-sekolah" msgid "Nursery Schools" msgstr "Sekolah Pra-TK" msgid "Nannies" msgstr "Pengasuh Anak" msgid "Day Care Services" msgstr "Layanan Penitipan Anak" msgid "Children — Day Care Services" msgstr "Anak-Anak — Layanan Penitipan Anak" msgid "Babysitting Services" msgstr "Layanan Pengasuhan Anak" msgid "Child Care Services" msgstr "Layanan Pengasuh Anak" msgid "Traffic School" msgstr "Sekolah Berlalu Lintas" msgid "Services — Schools, Educational Services" msgstr "Layanan — Layanan Sekolah, Edukasi" msgid "Services — Job Training" msgstr "Layanan — Pelatihan Kerja" msgid "Schools — Modeling" msgstr "Sekolah — Modeling" msgid "Schools — Karate" msgstr "Sekolah — Karate" msgid "Schools — Flying Instruction" msgstr "Sekolah — Pelatihan Terbang" msgid "Schools — Cooking" msgstr "Sekolah — Memasak" msgid "Schools — Automobile Driving Instruction" msgstr "Sekolah — Pelatihan Mengemudi Mobil" msgid "Schools — Art" msgstr "Sekolah — Seni" msgid "Modeling Schools" msgstr "Sekolah Modeling" msgid "Job Training Services" msgstr "Layanan Pelatihan Kerja" msgid "Flying Instruction" msgstr "Pelatihan Terbang" msgid "Driver Education Class, School" msgstr "Kelas, Sekolah Pendidikan Pengemudi" msgid "Culinary Instruction" msgstr "Pelatihan Kuliner" msgid "Cooking Schools" msgstr "Sekolah Memasak" msgid "Aviation Instruction" msgstr "Pelatihan Penerbangan" msgid "Automobile Driving Instruction" msgstr "Pelatihan Mengemudi Mobil" msgid "Schools and Educational Services (Not Elsewhere Classified)" msgstr "Sekolah dan Layanan Pendidikan (Tidak Diklasifikasikan di Tempat Lain)" msgid "Technical Institutes" msgstr "Institut Bidang Teknis" msgid "Vocational and Trade Schools" msgstr "Sekolah Teknik dan Kejuruan" msgid "Business and Secretarial Schools" msgstr "Sekolah Bisnis dan Sekretaris" msgid "Correspondence Schools" msgstr "Sekolah Korespondensi" msgid "Graduate Schools" msgstr "Sekolah Pascasarjana" msgid "Community Colleges" msgstr "Akademi Komunitas" msgid "Colleges, Universities, Professional Schools, and Junior Colleges" msgstr "Akademi, Universitas, Sekolah Profesi, dan Akademi Komunitas" msgid "Schools — Kindergartens" msgstr "Sekolah — Taman Kanak-Kanak" msgid "Middle Schools" msgstr "Sekolah Menengah" msgid "High Schools" msgstr "Sekolah Tinggi" msgid "Grammar Schools" msgstr "Sekolah Menengah" msgid "Elementary and Secondary Schools" msgstr "Sekolah Dasar dan Menengah Pertama" msgid "Lawyers" msgstr "Penasihat Hukum" msgid "Law Offices" msgstr "Kantor Hukum" msgid "Attorneys" msgstr "Pengacara" msgid "Legal Services and Attorneys" msgstr "Layanan Hukum dan Pengacara" msgid "Therapists" msgstr "Terapis" msgid "Sports Medicine Clinics" msgstr "Klinik Kedokteran Olahraga" msgid "Services — Medical Services, Health Practitioners" msgstr "Layanan — Pelayanan Medis, Praktisi Kesehatan" msgid "Psychologists" msgstr "Psikolog" msgid "Physical Therapists" msgstr "Terapis Fisik" msgid "Mental Health Practitioners" msgstr "Praktisi Kesehatan Mental" msgid "Medical Professionals — Medical Services, Health Practitioners" msgstr "Tenaga Kesehatan — Pelayanan Medis, Praktisi Kesehatan" msgid "Massage — Therapeutic" msgstr "Pijat — Terapeutik" msgid "Hearing Testing Services" msgstr "Layanan Uji Pendengaran" msgid "Health Practitioners, Medical Services" msgstr "Praktisi Kesehatan, Pelayanan Medis" msgid "Hair Replacements — Surgical" msgstr "Penggantian Rambut — Bedah" msgid "Fertility Clinics" msgstr "Klinik Kesuburan" msgid "Chemical Dependency Treatment Centers" msgstr "Pusat Perawatan Ketergantungan Bahan Kimia" msgid "Blood Banks" msgstr "Bank Darah" msgid "Medical Services and Health Practitioners (Not Elsewhere Classified)" msgstr "" "Layanan Medis dan Praktisi Kesehatan (Tidak Diklasifikasikan di Tempat Lain)" msgid "Medical and Dental Laboratories" msgstr "Laboratorium Medis dan Teknik Gigi" msgid "Elder Care" msgstr "Perawatan Lansia" msgid "Rest Homes" msgstr "Panti Wreda" msgid "Nursing Homes" msgstr "Panti Jompo" msgid "Hospice Facilities" msgstr "Fasilitas Rumah Sakit" msgid "Elder Housing" msgstr "Griya Lansia" msgid "Convalescent Homes" msgstr "Rumah Pemulihan" msgid "Nursing and Personal Care Facilities" msgstr "Fasilitas Kesehatan dan Perawatan Pribadi" msgid "Podiatrists" msgstr "Podiatris" msgid "Medical Professionals — Podiatrists" msgstr "Tenaga Kesehatan — Podiatris" msgid "Foot Doctors" msgstr "Dokter Kaki" msgid "Doctors — Chiropodists, Podiatrists" msgstr "Dokter— Chiropodis, Podiatris" msgid "Podiatrists and Chiropodists" msgstr "Podiatris dan Chiropodis" msgid "Eyeglass Stores" msgstr "Toko Kacamata" msgid "Opticians, Optical Goods, and Eyeglasses" msgstr "Ahli Kacamata, Produk Optik, dan Kacamata" msgid "Optometrists and Ophthalmologists" msgstr "Optometris dan Dokter Spesialis Mata" msgid "Dentists and Orthodontists" msgstr "Dokter Gigi dan Ortodontis" msgid "Surgeons" msgstr "Dokter Bedah" msgid "Radiologists" msgstr "Ahli Radiologi" msgid "Psychiatrists" msgstr "Psikiater" msgid "Plastic Surgeons" msgstr "Dokter Bedah Plastik" msgid "Pediatricians" msgstr "Dokter Anak" msgid "Orthopedists" msgstr "Dokter Ortopedi" msgid "Obstetricians" msgstr "Dokter Kandungan" msgid "Neurologists" msgstr "Dokter Saraf" msgid "Medical Professionals — Doctors" msgstr "Tenaga Kesehatan — Dokter" msgid "Gynecologists" msgstr "Ahli Ginekologi" msgid "Dermatologists" msgstr "Dokter Kulit" msgid "Cosmetic Surgeons" msgstr "Dokter Bedah Kosmetik" msgid "Doctors and Physicians (Not Elsewhere Classified)" msgstr "Dokter dan Tenaga Medis (Tidak Diklasifikasikan di Tempat Lain)" msgid "Swimming Pools — Public" msgstr "Kolam Renang — Umum" msgid "Sports Instruction" msgstr "Pelatihan Olahraga" msgid "Sky Diving" msgstr "Terjun Payung" msgid "Ski Slopes" msgstr "Lereng Salju untuk Ski" msgid "Shooting Ranges" msgstr "Lapangan Tembak" msgid "Services — Recreation" msgstr "Layanan — Rekreasi" msgid "Roller Skating Rinks" msgstr "Arena Sepatu Roda" msgid "Resorts — Ski" msgstr "Resor — Ski" msgid "Rentals — Aircraft" msgstr "Rental — Pesawat" msgid "Recreational Services — Sport, Games Instruction" msgstr "Layanan Rekreasi — Pelatihan Olahraga, Permainan" msgid "Recreational Services — Ski Slopes" msgstr "Layanan Rekreasi — Lereng Salju untuk Ski" msgid "Recreational Services — Public Swimming Pools" msgstr "Layanan Rekreasi — Kolam Renang Umum" msgid "Recreational Services — Miniature Golf" msgstr "Layanan Rekreasi — Golf Mini" msgid "Recreational Services — Driving Ranges" msgstr "Layanan Rekreasi — Arena Latihan Golf" msgid "Recreational Services — Aircraft Rentals" msgstr "Layanan Rekreasi — Rental Pesawat" msgid "Pools — Public Swimming" msgstr "Kolam — Renang Umum" msgid "Parachuting" msgstr "Terjun Payung" msgid "Motorcycle Rentals" msgstr "Rental Sepeda Motor" msgid "Miniature Golf" msgstr "Golf Mini" msgid "Instruction — Games" msgstr "Pelatihan — Permainan" msgid "Golf — Driving Ranges" msgstr "Golf — Arena Latihan Golf" msgid "Games Instruction" msgstr "Pelatihan Permainan" msgid "Fishing/Hunting Licenses" msgstr "Lisensi Memancing/Berburu" msgid "Bicycle Rentals including electric scooters" msgstr "Rental Sepeda termasuk skuter listrik" msgid "Batting Cages" msgstr "Arena Latihan Bisbol" msgid "Ballooning" msgstr "Balon Udara" msgid "Aircraft Rentals" msgstr "Rental Pesawat" msgid "Recreation Services (Not Elsewhere Classified)" msgstr "Layanan Rekreasi (Tidak Diklasifikasikan di Tempat Lain)" msgid "Sea Life Parks" msgstr "Taman Bawah Laut" msgid "Aquariums, Seaquariums, Dolphinariums, and Zoos" msgstr "Akuarium, Akuarium Laut, Dolfinarium, dan Kebun Binatang" msgid "Yacht Clubs" msgstr "Klub Yacht" msgid "Tennis Clubs" msgstr "Klub Tenis" msgid "Sports Clubs" msgstr "Klub Olahraga" msgid "Sailing Clubs" msgstr "Klub Kapal Layar" msgid "Racquetball Clubs" msgstr "Klub Racquetball" msgid "Private Golf Courses" msgstr "Lapangan Golf Pribadi" msgid "Health Clubs" msgstr "Klub Kesehatan" msgid "Gun Clubs" msgstr "Klub Senjata Api" msgid "Golf Courses — Private" msgstr "Lapangan Golf — Pribadi" msgid "Fitness Clubs" msgstr "Klub Kebugaran" msgid "Exercise Clubs" msgstr "Klub Olahraga" msgid "Country Clubs" msgstr "Country Club" msgid "Clubs — Yacht" msgstr "Klub — Yacht" msgid "Clubs — Tennis" msgstr "Klub — Tenis" msgid "Clubs — Sports" msgstr "Klub — Olahraga" msgid "Clubs — Sailing" msgstr "Klub — Kapal Layar" msgid "Clubs — Racquetball" msgstr "Klub — Racquetball" msgid "Clubs — Gun" msgstr "Klub — Senjata Api" msgid "Clubs — Boating" msgstr "Klub — Kapal" msgid "Boating Clubs" msgstr "Klub Kapal" msgid "Athletic Clubs — Physical Fitness" msgstr "Klub Atletik — Kebugaran Fisik" msgid "" "Membership Clubs (Sports, Recreation, Athletic), Country Clubs, and Private " "Golf Courses" msgstr "" "Klub Keanggotaan (Olahraga, Rekreasi, Atletik), Country Club, dan Lapangan " "Golf Pribadi" msgid "State Fairs" msgstr "Pekan Raya Negara" msgid "Tarot Readings" msgstr "Baca Tarot" msgid "Mystics" msgstr "Mistik" msgid "Fairs" msgstr "Pekan Raya" msgid "County Fairs" msgstr "Pekan Raya Provinsi" msgid "Amusement Parks, Circuses, Carnivals, and Fortune Tellers" msgstr "Taman Hiburan, Sirkus, Karnaval, dan Peramal" msgid "Sweepstakes" msgstr "Undian" msgid "Unlicensed Foreign Exchange Trading or Binary Options" msgstr "Perdagangan Valuta Asing atau Opsi Biner Tanpa Izin" msgid "Raffle Tickets" msgstr "Tiket Undian" msgid "Bingo Parlors" msgstr "Ruang Bingo" msgid "Betting — Wagers" msgstr "Taruhan — Taruhan" msgid "Betting — Off-Track" msgstr "Taruhan — Off-Track" msgid "Betting — Lottery Tickets" msgstr "Taruhan — Tiket Lotre" msgid "Betting — Casino Gaming Chips" msgstr "Taruhan — Cip Permainan Kasino" msgid "" "Betting, including Lottery Tickets, Casino Gaming Chips, Off-Track Betting, " "and Wagers at Race Tracks" msgstr "" "Taruhan, termasuk Tiket Lotre, Cip Permainan Kasino, Taruhan Off-Track, dan " "Taruhan di Lintasan Balap" msgid "Social casinos not offering any prizes of monetary value" msgstr "Permainan kasino online tidak menawarkan hadiah dalam bentuk uang" msgid "Video Game Arcades/Establishments" msgstr "Arkade/Gedung Video Game" msgid "Video Amusement Game Supplies" msgstr "Perlengkapan Video Game Hiburan" msgid "Public Golf Courses" msgstr "Lapangan Golf Umum" msgid "Wineries" msgstr "Kilang Anggur" msgid "Gardens — Botanical" msgstr "Taman — Botani" msgid "Expositions" msgstr "Eksposisi" msgid "Exhibits" msgstr "Pameran" msgid "Botanical Gardens" msgstr "Taman Botani" msgid "Art Museums" msgstr "Museum Seni" msgid "Arboretums" msgstr "Arboretum" msgid "Tourist Attractions and Exhibits" msgstr "Tempat Wisata dan Pameran" msgid "Stadiums" msgstr "Stadion" msgid "Sports Promoters" msgstr "Promotor Olahraga" msgid "Race Tracks — Entrance Fee, Non-Betting Transactions" msgstr "Lintasan Balap — Biaya Masuk, Transaksi Non-Taruhan" msgid "Promoters — Sporting Events" msgstr "Promotor — Acara Olahraga" msgid "Professional Sports Clubs" msgstr "Klub Olahraga Profesional" msgid "Clubs — Professional Sports" msgstr "Klub — Olahraga Profesional" msgid "Automotive Race Tracks — Non-Participatory" msgstr "Lintasan Balap Otomotif — Non-Partisipatif" msgid "Athletic Fields" msgstr "Lapangan Atletik" msgid "Arenas — Sports" msgstr "Arena — Olahraga" msgid "" "Commercial Sports, Professional Sports Clubs, Athletic Fields, and Sports " "Promoters" msgstr "" "Olahraga Komersial, Klub Olahraga Profesional, Lapangan Atletik, dan " "Promotor Olahraga" msgid "Bowling Alleys" msgstr "Arena Boling" msgid "Snooker Parlors" msgstr "Ruang Snoker" msgid "Billiard Parlors" msgstr "Ruang Biliar" msgid "Billiard and Pool Establishments" msgstr "Tempat Biliar dan Pool" msgid "Musicians" msgstr "Pemusik" msgid "Music Bands" msgstr "Band Musik" msgid "Magicians" msgstr "Pesulap" msgid "Dance Bands" msgstr "Kelompok Tari" msgid "DJs" msgstr "Disjoki" msgid "" "Bands, Orchestras, and Miscellaneous Entertainers (Not Elsewhere Classified)" msgstr "" "Band, Orkestra, dan Aneka Penghibur (Tidak Diklasifikasikan di Tempat Lain)" msgid "Ticket Agencies" msgstr "Agensi Tiket" msgid "Production Agencies — Theatrical" msgstr "Agensi Produksi — Teater" msgid "Producers — Theatrical" msgstr "Produser — Teater" msgid "Performing Arts Companies — Theatrical" msgstr "Perusahaan Seni Pertunjukan — Teater" msgid "Agencies — Ticket, Theatrical Producers" msgstr "Agensi — Tiket, Produser Teater" msgid "Ticket Agencies and Theatrical Producers (Except Motion Pictures)" msgstr "Agensi Tiket dan Produser Teater (Tidak Termasuk Gambar Bergerak)" msgid "Studios — Dance" msgstr "Studio — Tari" msgid "Schools — Ballroom Dance Instruction" msgstr "Sekolah — Pelatihan Dansa Balai Riung" msgid "Dance Schools" msgstr "Sekolah Tari" msgid "Ballroom Dance Instruction" msgstr "Pelatihan Dansa Balai Riung" msgid "Ballet Schools" msgstr "Sekolah Balet" msgid "Dance Halls, Studios and Schools" msgstr "Ruang, Studio, dan Sekolah Tari" msgid "Rentals — DVD/Video Tape Stores" msgstr "Rental — Toko DVD/Kaset Video" msgid "DVD/Video Tape Rental Stores" msgstr "Toko Rental DVD/Kaset Video" msgid "Movie Theaters" msgstr "Bioskop" msgid "Films — Movie Theaters" msgstr "Film — Bioskop" msgid "Entertainment — Movie Theaters" msgstr "Hiburan — Bioskop" msgid "Cinemas" msgstr "Bioskop" msgid "Motion Picture Theaters" msgstr "Teater Gambar Bergerak" msgid "Video Tape, Motion Picture Production, Distribution" msgstr "Produksi, Distribusi Kaset Video, Gambar Bergerak" msgid "Training, Educational Film Production" msgstr "Produksi Film Pelatihan, Edukasi" msgid "TV Commercial Production" msgstr "Produksi Iklan TV" msgid "Motion Picture, Video Tape Production, Distribution" msgstr "Produksi, Distribusi Gambar Bergerak, Kaset Video" msgid "Film Production, Distribution" msgstr "Produksi, Distribusi Film" msgid "Educational, Training Film Production" msgstr "Produksi Film Edukasi, Pelatihan" msgid "Distributor — Motion Picture, Video Tape Production, Distribution" msgstr "Distributor — Produksi, Distribusi Gambar Bergerak, Kaset Video" msgid "Motion Picture and Video Tape Production and Distribution" msgstr "Produksi dan Distribusi Gambar Bergerak dan Kaset Video" msgid "Government-Licensed Horse/Dog Racing (US Region only)" msgstr "Pacuan Kuda/Anjing Berlisensi Pemerintah (khusus Wilayah AS)" msgid "Government Licensed On-Line Casinos (On-Line Gambling) (US Region only)" msgstr "Kasino Online Berlisensi Pemerintah (Judi Online) (khusus Wilayah AS)" msgid "Government-Owned Lotteries (US Region only)" msgstr "Lotre Milik Pemerintah (khusus Wilayah AS)" msgid "Services — Orthopedic Device Repair" msgstr "Layanan — Perbaikan Perangkat Ortopedi" msgid "Services — Bicycle Repair" msgstr "Layanan — Perbaikan Sepeda" msgid "Services — Large Appliance Repair" msgstr "Layanan — Perbaikan Perabot Besar" msgid "Services — Furnace Cleaning" msgstr "Layanan — Pembersihan Tungku" msgid "Services — Chimney Cleaning" msgstr "Layanan — Pembersihan Cerobong Asap" msgid "Machine Shops" msgstr "Toko Mesin" msgid "Furnace Cleaning Service" msgstr "Layanan Pembersihan Tungku" msgid "Chimney Cleaning Service" msgstr "Layanan Pembersihan Cerobong Asap" msgid "Miscellaneous Repair Shops and Related Services" msgstr "Toko Perbaikan Serbaneka dan Layanan Terkait" msgid "Services — Welding Repair" msgstr "Layanan — Perbaikan Pengelasan" msgid "Welding Services" msgstr "Layanan Pengelasan" msgid "Services — Reupholstery, Furniture Repair, Furniture Refinishing" msgstr "" "Layanan — Pelapisan Ulang, Perbaikan Furnitur, Pemolesan Ulang Furnitur" msgid "Repairs — Reupholstery, Furniture Repair, Furniture Refinishing" msgstr "" "Perbaikan — Pelapisan Ulang, Perbaikan Furnitur, Pemolesan Ulang Furnitur" msgid "Refinishing — Furniture Repair, Reupholstery" msgstr "Pemolesan Ulang — Perbaikan Furnitur, Pelapisan Ulang" msgid "Furniture Repair, Reupholstery" msgstr "Perbaikan, Pelapisan Ulang Furnitur" msgid "Furniture — Reupholstery, Repair, and Refinishing" msgstr "Furnitur — Pelapisan Ulang, Perbaikan, dan Pemolesan Ulang" msgid "Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repair" msgstr "Perbaikan Arloji, Jam, dan Perhiasan" msgid "Repairs — Office Machines" msgstr "Perbaikan — Mesin Kantor" msgid "Electrical and Small Appliance Repair Shops" msgstr "Toko Listrik dan Perbaikan Perabot Kecil" msgid "Repairs — Air Conditioning, Refrigeration Repair Shops" msgstr "Perbaikan — Bengkel AC, Kulkas" msgid "Refrigeration Repair Shops" msgstr "Bengkel Kulkas" msgid "Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Repair Shops" msgstr "Bengkel AC dan Kulkas" msgid "Television Repair Shops" msgstr "Bengkel Televisi" msgid "Stereo Repair Shops" msgstr "Bengkel Stereo" msgid "Services — Television, Radio, Stereo, Electronics" msgstr "Layanan — Televisi, Radio, Stereo, Elektronik" msgid "Repairs — Radio, Television, Stereo, Electronics" msgstr "Perbaikan — Radio, Televisi, Stereo, Elektronik" msgid "Radio, Television, Stereo, Electronics Repair Shops" msgstr "Bengkel Radio, Televisi, Stereo, Elektronik" msgid "Electronics Repair Shops" msgstr "Bengkel Elektronik" msgid "Cleaning, Polishing — Automotive" msgstr "Pembersihan, Pemolesan — Otomotif" msgid "Automotive Cleaning, Waxing" msgstr "Pembersihan, Pelilinan Otomotif" msgid "Auto Detailing" msgstr "Perawatan Eksterior dan Interior Mobil" msgid "Car Washes" msgstr "Pencucian Mobil" msgid "Wheel Alignment, Balancing, Repair Service — Automotive" msgstr "Penyelarasan Roda, Penyeimbangan, Layanan Perbaikan — Otomotif" msgid "Tune-Up Shops — Automotive" msgstr "Toko Tune-Up — Otomotif" msgid "Repairs — Automotive Service Shops" msgstr "Perbaikan — Bengkel Otomotif" msgid "Oil Changers — Lube Stations" msgstr "Pengganti Oli — Stasiun Pelumasan" msgid "Muffler Shops" msgstr "Toko Peredam Suara Knalpot" msgid "Lube Stations — Quick Stop" msgstr "Stasiun Pelumasan — Quick Stop" msgid "Car Service Shops" msgstr "Bengkel Mobil" msgid "Automotive Glass Repair/ Replacement" msgstr "Perbaikan/Penggantian Kaca Otomotif" msgid "Automotive Service Shops (Non-Dealer)" msgstr "Bengkel Otomotif (Non-Dealer)" msgid "Car Paint Shops" msgstr "Bengkel Cat Mobil" msgid "Automotive Paint Shops" msgstr "Bengkel Cat Otomotif" msgid "Repairs — Tire Retreading, Repair Shops" msgstr "Perbaikan — Vulkanisasi Ban, Bengkel" msgid "Car Tires — Retreads" msgstr "Ban Mobil — Vulkanisasi" msgid "Tire Retreading and Repair Shops" msgstr "Vulkanisasi Ban dan Bengkel" msgid "Auto Body Shops" msgstr "Toko Bodi Mobil" msgid "Car Body Repair Shops" msgstr "Bengkel Bodi Mobil" msgid "Automotive Body Repair Shops" msgstr "Bengkel Bodi Otomotif" msgid "Parking Lots, Parking Meters and Garages" msgstr "Tempat Parkir, Meteran Parkir, dan Garasi" msgid "Motor Home and Recreational Vehicle Rentals" msgstr "Rental Mobil Rumah dan Kendaraan Rekreasi" msgid "Leasing Services — Trucks, Utility Trailers" msgstr "Layanan Sewa Guna — Truk, Karavan Utilitas" msgid "Truck and Utility Trailer Rentals" msgstr "Rental Truk dan Karavan Utilitas" msgid "Automobile Rental Agency" msgstr "Agen Rental Mobil" msgid "Truck StopIteration" msgstr "StopIteration Truk" msgid "Video-Conferencing Services" msgstr "Layanan Konferensi Video" msgid "Trade Show Arrangement Services" msgstr "Layanan Penataan Pameran Dagang" msgid "Tourist Information Bureaus" msgstr "Biro Informasi Turis" msgid "Telephone Answering Services" msgstr "Layanan Penjawab Telepon" msgid "Services — Translation, Language" msgstr "Layanan — Terjemahan, Bahasa" msgid "Services — Trade Show Arrangement" msgstr "Layanan — Penataan Pameran Dagang" msgid "Services — Telephone Answering" msgstr "Layanan — Penjawab Telepon" msgid "Seminar Planning Services" msgstr "Layanan Perencanaan Seminar" msgid "Publishing Companies" msgstr "Perusahaan Penerbitan" msgid "Postal Services — Non- Government" msgstr "Layanan Pos — Non-Pemerintah" msgid "Paging, Message Service Centers" msgstr "Pusat Layanan Penyeranta, Pesan" msgid "Packing, Mailing Services" msgstr "Layanan Pengemasan, Pengiriman Surat" msgid "Message, Paging Services" msgstr "Layanan Pesan, Penyeranta" msgid "Meeting Planning Services" msgstr "Layanan Perencanaan Rapat" msgid "Mail, Packing Stores, Services" msgstr "Surat, Toko Pengemasan, Layanan" msgid "Language, Translation Services" msgstr "Layanan Bahasa, Terjemahan" msgid "Keys — Locksmith" msgstr "Kunci — Tukang Kunci" msgid "Convention Bureaus" msgstr "Biro Konvensi" msgid "Conference Management Services" msgstr "Layanan Pengelolaan Konferensi" msgid "Answering Services — Telephone" msgstr "Layanan Penjawab — Telepon" msgid "Business Services (Not Elsewhere Classified)" msgstr "Layanan Bisnis (Tidak Diklasifikasikan di Tempat Lain)" msgid "Film Developing" msgstr "Pengembangan Film" msgid "Photofinishing Laboratories and Photo Developing" msgstr "Laboratorium Pencetakan dan Pengembangan Foto" msgid "Services — Equipment Rental, Leasing" msgstr "Layanan — Rental, Sewa Guna Perlengkapan" msgid "Rentals — Tools" msgstr "Rental — Peralatan" msgid "Rentals — Furniture" msgstr "Rental — Furnitur" msgid "Rentals — Equipment" msgstr "Rental — Perlengkapan" msgid "Rentals — Appliance" msgstr "Rental — Perabot" msgid "Leasing Services — Equipment" msgstr "Layanan Sewa Guna — Perlengkapan" msgid "Furniture Rental" msgstr "Rental Furnitur" msgid "Appliance Rental" msgstr "Rental Perabot" msgid "Equipment, Tool, Furniture, and Appliance Rental and Leasing" msgstr "Rental dan Sewa Guna Perlengkapan, Peralatan, Furnitur, dan Perabot" msgid "Surveillance Systems, Services" msgstr "Sistem, Layanan Pengawasan" msgid "Services — Security" msgstr "Layanan — Keamanan" msgid "Services — Protective" msgstr "Layanan — Perlindungan" msgid "Services — Guard Dog" msgstr "Layanan — Anjing Penjaga" msgid "Services — Detective Agencies" msgstr "Layanan — Agensi Detektif" msgid "Services — Armored Car" msgstr "Layanan — Mobil Berlapis Baja" msgid "Security Systems" msgstr "Sistem Keamanan" msgid "Security Services, Protective Services, Detective Agencies" msgstr "Layanan Keamanan, Layanan Perlindungan, Agensi Detektif" msgid "Protective Services" msgstr "Layanan Perlindungan" msgid "Private Investigators" msgstr "Detektif Swasta" msgid "Home Security Systems" msgstr "Sistem Keamanan Rumah" msgid "Fire Alarm Companies — Home/Business Security Guard Dogs" msgstr "Perusahaan Alarm Kebakaran — Anjing Penjaga Keamanan Rumah/Bisnis" msgid "Burglar Alarm Companies — Home/Business Security" msgstr "Perusahaan Alarm Pencurian — Keamanan Rumah/Bisnis" msgid "Armored Cars" msgstr "Mobil Berlapis Baja" msgid "Alarm Systems, Services" msgstr "Sistem, Layanan Alarm" msgid "" "Detective Agencies, Protective Services, and Security Services, including " "Armored Cars, and Guard Dogs" msgstr "" "Agensi Detektif, Layanan Perlindungan, dan Layanan Keamanan, termasuk Mobil " "Berlapis Baja dan Anjing Penjaga" msgid "Services — Management, Consulting, Public Relations" msgstr "Layanan — Manajemen, Konsultasi, Hubungan Masyarakat" msgid "Public Relations Services" msgstr "Layanan Hubungan Masyarakat" msgid "Marketing Consultants" msgstr "Konsultan Pemasaran" msgid "Management Consultants" msgstr "Konsultan Manajemen" msgid "Consulting, Management Services" msgstr "Layanan Konsultasi, Manajemen" msgid "Consultants — Public Relations" msgstr "Konsultan — Hubungan Masyarakat" msgid "Consultants — Marketing" msgstr "Konsultan — Pemasaran" msgid "Consultants — Management" msgstr "Konsultan — Manajemen" msgid "Management, Consulting, and Public Relations Services" msgstr "Layanan Manajemen, Konsultasi, dan Hubungan Masyarakat" msgid "Computer Maintenance, Repair and Services (Not Elsewhere Classified)" msgstr "" "Pemeliharaan, Perbaikan, dan Layanan Komputer (Tidak Diklasifikasikan di " "Tempat Lain)" msgid "Information Retrieval Services" msgstr "Layanan Pencarian Informasi" msgid "Systems Design — Computer" msgstr "Desain Sistem — Komputer" msgid "Computer Software Design" msgstr "Desain Perangkat Lunak Komputer" msgid "" "Computer Programming, Data Processing, and Integrated Systems Design Services" msgstr "" "Layanan Pemrograman Komputer, Pemrosesan Data, dan Desain Sistem Terintegrasi" msgid "Temporary Employment Agencies" msgstr "Agensi Ketenagakerjaan Sementara" msgid "Employment Agencies and Temporary Help Services" msgstr "Agensi Ketenagakerjaan dan Layanan Bantuan Sementara" msgid "Services — Housekeeping" msgstr "Layanan — Perawatan Rumah" msgid "Housekeeping Services" msgstr "Layanan Perawatan Rumah" msgid "House Cleaning Services" msgstr "Jasa Kebersihan Rumah" msgid "Cleaning, Maintenance, and Janitorial Services" msgstr "Layanan Kebersihan, Perawatan, dan Pemeliharaan" msgid "Exterminators" msgstr "Pembasmi Hama" msgid "Exterminating and Disinfecting Services" msgstr "Layanan Pembasmian Hama dan Disinfeksi" msgid "Word Processing Services" msgstr "Layanan Pemrosesan Kata" msgid "Services — Word Processing" msgstr "Layanan— Pemrosesan Kata" msgid "Stenographic and Secretarial Support" msgstr "Dukungan Stenografi dan Kesekretariatan" msgid "Services — Quick Copy, Reproduction" msgstr "Layanan — Salin Cepat, Reproduksi" msgid "Reproduction Services" msgstr "Layanan Reproduksi" msgid "Photocopying Services" msgstr "Layanan Fotokopi" msgid "Quick Copy, Reproduction, and Blueprinting Services" msgstr "Layanan Salin Cepat, Reproduksi, dan Penyusunan Cetak Biru" msgid "Silk Screening" msgstr "Sablon" msgid "Graphics — Commercial" msgstr "Grafis — Iklan" msgid "Commercial Artists" msgstr "Seniman Pembuat Iklan" msgid "Commercial Photography, Art, and Graphics" msgstr "Fotografi, Seni, dan Grafis Iklan" msgid "Debt Collection Agency" msgstr "Agensi Penagihan Utang" msgid "Consumer Credit Reporting Agencies" msgstr "Agensi Pelaporan Kredit Konsumen" msgid "Services — Advertising" msgstr "Layanan — Periklanan" msgid "Classified Ads — Newspaper" msgstr "Iklan Baris — Koran" msgid "Agencies — Advertising" msgstr "Agensi — Periklanan" msgid "Ad Agencies" msgstr "Agensi Periklanan" msgid "Advertising Services" msgstr "Layanan Periklanan" msgid "Wedding Chapels / Planning" msgstr "Kapel / Perencanaan Pernikahan" msgid "Taxidermists" msgstr "Taksidermis" msgid "Tattoo, Body Piercing Parlors" msgstr "Tempat Tato, Tindik Badan" msgid "Stables — Animal" msgstr "Istal — Hewan" msgid "Services — Water Filtration, Purification, Softening Treatments" msgstr "Layanan — Proses Penyaringan, Pemurnian, Pelunakan Air" msgid "Financial services" msgstr "Layanan keuangan" msgid "production" msgstr "produksi" msgid "living" msgstr "penghidupan" msgid "medication" msgstr "pengobatan" msgid "daily" msgstr "harian" msgid "plant" msgstr "tanaman" msgid "photography" msgstr "fotografi" msgid "message" msgstr "pesan" msgid "protection" msgstr "perlindungan" msgid "glass" msgstr "kaca" msgid "reproduction" msgstr "reproduksi" msgid "Caterers" msgstr "Jasa Katering" msgid "table" msgstr "table" msgid "sports" msgstr "olahraga" msgid "Retail" msgstr "Ritel" msgid "" "Services — Miscellaneous Other Services — Miscellaneous Personal Services — " "Pet Grooming" msgstr "" "Layanan — Layanan Lain Serbaneka — Layanan Personal Serbaneka — Perawatan " "Hewan Peliharaan" msgid "Services — Animal Boarding" msgstr "Layanan — Penitipan Hewan" msgid "Pet Grooming Services" msgstr "Layanan Perawatan Hewan Peliharaan" msgid "Kennels — Animal" msgstr "Kandang — Hewan" msgid "Housing — Rental Services" msgstr "Perumahan — Layanan Rental" msgid "Horse Boarding Services" msgstr "Layanan Penitipan Kuda" msgid "Dog Training" msgstr "Pelatihan Anjing" msgid "Dog Grooming Services" msgstr "Layanan Perawatan Anjing" msgid "Breeders — Animals" msgstr "Peternak — Hewan" msgid "Body Piercing, Tattoo Parlors" msgstr "Tempat Tindik Badan, Tato" msgid "Boarding Services — Animal" msgstr "Layanan Penitipan — Hewan" msgid "Apartment Rental Services" msgstr "Layanan Rental Apartemen" msgid "Animal Training" msgstr "Pelatihan Hewan" msgid "Animal Grooming Services" msgstr "Layanan Perawatan Hewan" msgid "Animal Breeders" msgstr "Peternak Hewan" msgid "Animal Boarding Services" msgstr "Layanan Penitipan Hewan" msgid "Miscellaneous Personal Services (Not Elsewhere Classified)" msgstr "Layanan Personal Serbaneka (Belum Diklasifikasikan Sebelumnya)" msgid "Tanning Salons" msgstr "Salon Penggelapan Kulit" msgid "Health and Beauty Spas" msgstr "Spa Kesehatan dan Kecantikan" msgid "Massage Parlors" msgstr "Panti Pijat" msgid "Uniforms Rental" msgstr "Persewaan Seragam" msgid "Tuxedo, Formal Wear Rentals" msgstr "Persewaan Tuksedo, Pakaian Formal" msgid "Rentals — Uniforms" msgstr "Persewaan — Seragam" msgid "Rentals — Tuxedo, Formal Wear" msgstr "Persewaan — Tuksedo, Pakaian Formal" msgid "Rentals — Costume" msgstr "Persewaan — Kostum" msgid "Rentals — Clothing — Costumes, Formal Wear, Uniforms" msgstr "Persewaan — Pakaian — Kostum, Pakaian Formal, Seragam" msgid "Formal Wear Rental" msgstr "Persewaan Pakaian Formal" msgid "Wear, Uniforms" msgstr "Pakaian, Seragam" msgid "Apparel — Clothing Rental — Costumes, Formal" msgstr "Pakaian Jadi — Persewaan Pakaian — Kostum, Pakaian Formal" msgid "Clothing Rental — Costumes, Uniforms, Formal Wear" msgstr "Persewaan Pakaian — Kostum, Seragam, Pakaian Formal" msgid "Shopping Services" msgstr "Layanan Belanja" msgid "Personal Shopper Services — Buying/Shopping Services, Clubs" msgstr "Layanan Pembelanja Pribadi — Layanan Pembelian/Belanja, Klub" msgid "Buying and Shopping Services and Clubs" msgstr "Layanan dan Klub Pembelian dan Belanja" msgid "Services — Financial Counseling" msgstr "Layanan — Konseling Keuangan" msgid "Services — Counseling — Debt, Marriage, Personal" msgstr "Layanan — Konseling — Utang, Pernikahan, Personal" msgid "Personal Counseling" msgstr "Konseling Pribadi" msgid "Financial Counseling Service" msgstr "Layanan Konseling Keuangan" msgid "Family Counseling" msgstr "Konseling Keluarga" msgid "Drug, Alcohol Abuse Counseling" msgstr "Konseling Penyalahgunaan Narkoba, Alkohol" msgid "Debt Counseling" msgstr "Konseling Utang" msgid "Alcohol, Drug Abuse Counseling" msgstr "Konseling Penyalahgunaan Alkohol, Narkoba" msgid "Counseling Services — Debt, Marriage, and Personal" msgstr "Layanan Konseling — Utang, Pernikahan, dan Personal" msgid "Services — Tax Preparation" msgstr "Layanan — Penyiapan Laporan Pajak" msgid "Tax Preparation Services" msgstr "Layanan Penyiapan Laporan Pajak" msgid "Services — Dating, Escort Online Dating Services" msgstr "Layanan — Kencan, Layanan Kencan Online Pendamping" msgid "Escort Services" msgstr "Layanan Pendamping" msgid "Dating Services" msgstr "Layanan Kencan" msgid "Undertakers" msgstr "Pengurus Pemakaman" msgid "Morticians" msgstr "Pemilik Bisnis Pemakaman" msgid "Mortuaries" msgstr "Rumah Mayat" msgid "Funeral Services and Crematories" msgstr "Layanan Pemakaman dan Krematorium" msgid "Repairs — Shoe Repair Shops" msgstr "Perbaikan — Bengkel Sepatu" msgid "Shoe Shine Shops, Stands" msgstr "Toko, Stan Semir Sepatu" msgid "Hat Cleaning Shops" msgstr "Toko Cuci Topi" msgid "Shoe Repair Shops, Shoe Shine Parlors, and Hat Cleaning Shops" msgstr "Bengkel Sepatu, Tempat Semir Sepatu, dan Toko Cuci Topi" msgid "Salons — Nail" msgstr "Salon — Kuku" msgid "Salons — Hair, Beauty" msgstr "Salon — Rambut, Kecantikan" msgid "Nail Salons" msgstr "Salon Kuku" msgid "Manicurists" msgstr "Manikur" msgid "Make-up Studios" msgstr "Studio Rias Wajah" msgid "Hairdressers" msgstr "Penata Rambut" msgid "Hair Styling" msgstr "Penataan Rambut" msgid "Hair Cutting" msgstr "Pemotongan Rambut" msgid "Fingernail Salons" msgstr "Salon Kuku Tangan" msgid "Beauty and Barber Shops" msgstr "Salon Kecantikan dan Pangkas Rambut" msgid "Wedding Photographers" msgstr "Fotografer Pernikahan" msgid "Photographers — Wedding Portrait Studios" msgstr "Fotografer — Studio Potret Pernikahan" msgid "Photographic Studios" msgstr "Studio Fotografi" msgid "Drapery Cleaning" msgstr "Cuci Tirai" msgid "Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning" msgstr "Cuci Karpet dan Kain Pelapis" msgid "Services — Dry Cleaning" msgstr "Layanan — Cuci Kering" msgid "Laundromats" msgstr "Penatu" msgid "Laundries — Family and Commercial" msgstr "Penatu — Keluarga dan Komersial" msgid "Services — Laundry, Cleaning, Garment Services" msgstr "Layanan — Layanan Penatu, Pencucian, Garmen" msgid "Garment Services" msgstr "Layanan Garmen" msgid "Diaper Services" msgstr "Layanan Pencucian Popok" msgid "Laundry, Cleaning, and Garment Services" msgstr "Layanan Penatu, Pencucian, dan Garmen" msgid "Trailer Parks and Campgrounds" msgstr "Kawasan Karavan dan Bumi Perkemahan" msgid "Dude Ranches" msgstr "Peternakan Wisata" msgid "Nudist Camps" msgstr "Kamp Nudis" msgid "Recreational, Sporting Camps" msgstr "Kemah Wisata, Olahraga" msgid "Girls' Camps" msgstr "Perkemahan Putri" msgid "Children's Camps" msgstr "Perkemahan Anak-Anak" msgid "Camps — Sporting, Recreational" msgstr "Kemah — Olahraga, Wisata" msgid "Camps — Boys', Girls'" msgstr "Perkemahan — Putra, Putri" msgid "Boys' Camps" msgstr "Perkemahan Putra" msgid "Sporting and Recreational Camps" msgstr "Kemah Olahraga dan Wisata" msgid "Services — Central Reservation, Lodging" msgstr "Layanan — Reservasi, Penginapan Terpusat" msgid "Resorts (Not Listed in T&E Section)" msgstr "Resor (Tidak Tercantum di Bagian T&E)" msgid "Motels (Not Listed in T&E Section)" msgstr "Motel (Tidak Tercantum di Bagian T&E)" msgid "Lodging Establishments (Not Listed in T&E Section)" msgstr "Tempat Bermalam (Tidak Tercantum di Bagian T&E)" msgid "Inns (Not Listed in T&E Section)" msgstr "Losmen (Tidak Tercantum di Bagian T&E)" msgid "Hotels (Not Listed in T&E Section)" msgstr "Hotel (Tidak Tercantum di Bagian T&E)" msgid "Central Reservation Services" msgstr "Layanan Reservasi Terpusat" msgid "Bed & Breakfast Establishments" msgstr "Fasilitas Tempat Tidur & Sarapan" msgid "" "Lodging — Hotels, Motels, Resorts, Central Reservation Services (Not " "Elsewhere Classified)" msgstr "" "Penginapan — Hotel, Motel, Resor, Layanan Reservasi Terpusat (Tidak " "Diklasifikasikan di Tempat Lain)" msgid "Stored Value Wallet/Load (Non-Financial Institutions)" msgstr "Dompet/Saldo Penyimpanan Dana (Lembaga Non-Keuangan)" msgid "Stored Value Card/Load (Non-Financial Institutions)" msgstr "Kartu/Saldo Penyimpanan Dana (Lembaga Non-Keuangan)" msgid "Account Funding — (Non- Financial Institutions)" msgstr "Pendanaan Akun — (Lembaga Non-Keuangan)" msgid "Non-Financial Institutions — Stored Value Card Purchase/Load" msgstr "Lembaga Non-Keuangan — Pembelian/Pengisian Kartu Penyimpanan Dana" msgid "Funding Transactions for MoneySend" msgstr "Transaksi Pendanaan untuk MoneySend" msgid "MoneySend Intercountry" msgstr "MoneySend ke Luar Negeri" msgid "MoneySend Intracountry" msgstr "MoneySend ke Dalam Negeri" msgid "Payment Transaction; Merchant" msgstr "Transaksi Pembayaran; Merchant" msgid "Payment Transaction; Customer Financial Institution" msgstr "Transaksi Pembayaran; Institusi Keuangan Pelanggan" msgid "Service — Residential and Commercial Properties Rentals" msgstr "Layanan — Persewaan Properti Hunian dan Komersial" msgid "Rental Services — Residential and Commercial Properties" msgstr "Layanan Persewaan — Properti Hunian dan Komersial" msgid "Brokers, Managers — Rentals" msgstr "Broker, Manajer — Persewaan" msgid "Real Estate Agents" msgstr "Agensi Real Estat" msgid "Property Rentals" msgstr "Persewaan Properti" msgid "Housing Rentals" msgstr "Persewaan Rumah" msgid "Homeowner/Condo Association Fees/Dues" msgstr "Biaya/Iuran Asosiasi Pemilik Rumah/Kondominium" msgid "Commercial Property Rentals" msgstr "Persewaan Properti Komersial" msgid "Apartment Rentals" msgstr "Persewaan Apartemen" msgid "Real Estate Agents and Managers" msgstr "Agen dan Manajer Real Estat" msgid "Product Warranties" msgstr "Garansi Produk" msgid "Medical Insurance — Sales" msgstr "Asuransi Medis — Penjualan" msgid "Life Insurance — Sales" msgstr "Asuransi Jiwa — Penjualan" msgid "Homeowners Insurance — Sales" msgstr "Asuransi Pemilik Rumah — Penjualan" msgid "Health Insurance — Sales" msgstr "Asuransi Kesehatan — Penjualan" msgid "Automobile Insurance — Sales (Non-Direct Marketing)" msgstr "Asuransi Mobil — Penjualan (Pemasaran Tidak Langsung)" msgid "Insurance Sales, Underwriting, and Premiums" msgstr "Penjualan, Penjaminan, dan Premi Asuransi" msgid "Stock Brokers" msgstr "Pialang Saham" msgid "Mutual Funds Brokers" msgstr "Pialang Reksa Dana" msgid "Investment Firms — Dealers, Brokers" msgstr "Firma Investasi — Penjual, Pialang" msgid "Binary Options" msgstr "Opsi Biner" msgid "Licensed Foreign Exchange Trading" msgstr "Perdagangan Valuta Asing Berlisensi" msgid "Foreign Currency Purchase" msgstr "Pembelian Valuta Asing" msgid "Dealers — Securities, Mutual Funds, Stocks, Commodities, Bonds" msgstr "Penjual — Sekuritas, Reksa Dana, Saham, Komoditas, Obligasi" msgid "Commodity Dealers" msgstr "Penjual Komoditas" msgid "Brokers — Securities, Mutual Funds, Stocks, Commodities, Bonds" msgstr "Pialang — Sekuritas, Reksa Dana, Saham, Komoditas, Obligasi" msgid "Bond Dealers" msgstr "Penjual Obligasi" msgid "Security Brokers/Dealers" msgstr "Pialang/Penjual Sekuritas" msgid "Travelers Cheques (Non-Financial Institutions)" msgstr "Cek Perjalanan (Lembaga Non-Keuangan)" msgid "Travelers Cheques (Financial Institutions)" msgstr "Cek Perjalanan (Lembaga Keuangan)" msgid "" "Services — Money Order, Travelers Cheques, Foreign Exchange (Non-Financial " "Institutions)" msgstr "Layanan — Wesel, Cek Perjalanan, Valuta Asing (Lembaga Non-Keuangan)" msgid "Mortgage Companies — (Non-Financial Institutions)" msgstr "Perusahaan Hipotek — (Lembaga Non-Keuangan)" msgid "Money Orders — Not Money Transfer (Non-Financial Institutions)" msgstr "Wesel — Bukan Pengiriman Uang (Lembaga Non-Keuangan)" msgid "Money — Foreign Currency (Non-Financial Institutions)" msgstr "Uang — Mata Uang Asing (Lembaga Non-Keuangan)" msgid "Loan Payments" msgstr "Pembayaran Pinjaman" msgid "Lease Payments" msgstr "Pembayaran Sewa Guna" msgid "Foreign Currency (Non- Financial Institutions)" msgstr "Mata Uang Asing (Lembaga Non-Keuangan)" msgid "Exchange — Foreign Currency (Non-Financial Institutions)" msgstr "Pertukaran — Mata Uang Asing (Lembaga Non-Keuangan)" msgid "Currency — Foreign (NonFinancial Institutions)" msgstr "Mata Uang — Asing (Lembaga Non-Keuangan)" msgid "Currency — Non-Fiat (for example: Cryptocurrency)" msgstr "Mata Uang — Non-Fiat (misalnya: Mata Uang Kripto)" msgid "Account Funding — (Non-Financial Institutions)" msgstr "Pendanaan Akun — (Lembaga Non-Keuangan)" msgid "" "Non-Financial Institutions — Foreign Currency, Non-Fiat Currency (for " "example: Cryptocurrency), Money Orders (Not Money)" msgstr "" "Lembaga Non-Keuangan — Mata Uang Asing, Mata Uang Non-Fiat (misalnya: Mata " "Uang Kripto), Wesel (Bukan Uang)" msgid "Quasi Cash: Customer Financial Institution" msgstr "Uang Kuasi: Institusi Keuangan Pelanggan" msgid "Stored Value Card" msgstr "Kartu Penyimpanan Dana" msgid "Services — Banks, Credit Unions, Financial Institutions (Non-Cash)" msgstr "Layanan — Bank, Koperasi Simpan Pinjam, Lembaga Keuangan (Non-Tunai)" msgid "Savings and Loans — Financial Institutions — Merchandise, Services" msgstr "Simpan Pinjam — Lembaga Keuangan — Produk, Layanan" msgid "Loan Payments — Financial Institution" msgstr "Pelunasan Pinjaman — Lembaga Keuangan" msgid "" "Purchase of Foreign currency, non-fiat currency (for example, " "cryptocurrency), money orders (Not Money Transfer) and Travelers Cheques — " "Financial Institution" msgstr "" "Pembelian Mata uang asing, mata uang non-fiat (misalnya, mata uang kripto), " "wesel (Bukan Pengiriman Uang), dan Cek Perjalanan — Lembaga Keuangan" msgid "Mortgage Companies — Financial Institutions" msgstr "Perusahaan Hipotek — Lembaga Keuangan" msgid "Merchandise, Services — Financial Institutions" msgstr "Produk, Layanan — Lembaga Keuangan" msgid "Credit Unions — Financial Institutions — Merchandise, Services" msgstr "Koperasi Simpan Pinjam — Lembaga Keuangan — Produk, Layanan" msgid "Banks — Financial Institutions — Merchandise, Services" msgstr "Bank — Lembaga Keuangan — Produk, Layanan" msgid "Account Funding — Financial Institution" msgstr "Pendanaan Akun — Lembaga Keuangan" msgid "Financial Institutions — Merchandise, Services, and Debt Repayment" msgstr "Lembaga Keuangan — Produk, Layanan, dan Pelunasan Utang" msgid "Cash - ATM" msgstr "Tunai - ATM" msgid "ATM Cash — Disbursements" msgstr "Tunai ATM — Pembayaran" msgid "Financial Institutions — Automated Cash Disbursements" msgstr "Lembaga Keuangan — Pembayaran Tunai Otomatis" msgid "Travelers Cheques (Financial Institutions) Cash" msgstr "Cek Perjalanan (Lembaga Keuangan) Tunai" msgid "Savings and Loans — Financial Institutions — Manual Cash Disbursements" msgstr "Simpan Pinjam — Lembaga Keuangan — Pembayaran Tunai Manual" msgid "Manual Cash Disbursements" msgstr "Pembayaran Tunai Manual" msgid "Deposits — Financial Institutions" msgstr "Deposit — Lembaga Keuangan" msgid "Credit Unions — Financial Institutions — Manual Cash Disbursements" msgstr "Koperasi Simpan Pinjam — Lembaga Keuangan — Pembayaran Tunai Manual" msgid "Cash — Banks, Credit Unions, Financial Institutions" msgstr "Tunai — Bank, Koperasi Simpan Pinjam, Lembaga Keuangan" msgid "Banks — Financial Institutions — Manual Cash Disbursements" msgstr "Bank — Lembaga Keuangan — Pembayaran Tunai Manual" msgid "Financial Institutions — Manual Cash Disbursements" msgstr "Lembaga Keuangan — Pembayaran Tunai Manual" msgid "Trophy Sales" msgstr "Penjualan Tertinggi" msgid "Tombstones — Sales, Installation" msgstr "Batu Nisan — Penjualan, Pemasangan" msgid "Supplies — Party" msgstr "Perlengkapan — Pesta" msgid "Supplies — Beauty Supply Stores" msgstr "Perlengkapan — Toko Perlengkapan Kecantikan" msgid "Sunglasses Stores" msgstr "Toko Kacamata Hitam" msgid "Specialty Retail Stores — Miscellaneous" msgstr "Toko Ritel Khusus — Serbaneka" msgid "Picture Frames, Framing Shops" msgstr "Bingkai Foto, Toko Bingkai" msgid "Party Supply Stores" msgstr "Toko Perlengkapan Pesta" msgid "Monuments, Gravestones — Sales, Installation" msgstr "Monumen, Batu Nisan — Penjualan, Pemasangan" msgid "Map, Atlas Stores" msgstr "Toko Peta, Atlas" msgid "Magic Shops" msgstr "Toko Sulap" msgid "Ice Dealers" msgstr "Penjual Es" msgid "Headstones, Monuments" msgstr "Batu Nisan, Monumen" msgid "Gravestones, Monuments — Sales, Installation" msgstr "Batu Nisan, Monumen — Penjualan, Pemasangan" msgid "Frame Shops — Photograph, Poster" msgstr "Toko Bingkai — Foto, Poster" msgid "Fireworks Stores" msgstr "Toko Kembang Api" msgid "Firearms, Ammunition Stores" msgstr "Toko Senjata api, Amunisi" msgid "Collectibles, Memorabilia Stores- Sports and Hobby Dealers — Ice" msgstr "" "Barang Koleksi, Toko Memorabilia - Penjual Perlengkapan Olahraga dan Hobi — " "Es" msgid "Bottled and Distilled Water Dealers" msgstr "Penjual Air Minum dalam Kemasan dan Air Suling" msgid "Beauty Supply Stores" msgstr "Toko Perlengkapan Kecantikan" msgid "Atlas, Map Stores" msgstr "Toko Atlas, Peta" msgid "Ammunition Stores" msgstr "Toko Amunisi" msgid "Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Shops" msgstr "Toko Serbaneka dan Ritel Khusus" msgid "Awnings — Residential, Commercial" msgstr "Kajang — Hunian, Komersial" msgid "Tent and Awning Shops" msgstr "Toko Tenda dan Kajang" msgid "Electric Razor Stores — Sales and Service" msgstr "Toko Pisau Cukur Listrik — Penjualan dan Layanan" msgid "Supplies — Swimming Pools" msgstr "Persediaan — Kolam Renang" msgid "Supplies — Hot Tubs, Spas" msgstr "Persediaan — Bak Mandi Air Panas, Spa" msgid "Services — Swimming Pools, Sales, Service, Supplies" msgstr "Layanan — Kolam Renang, Penjualan, Pelayanan, Persediaan" msgid "Services — Hot Tubs, Spas, Sales, Service, Supplies" msgstr "Layanan — Bak Mandi Air Panas, Spa, Penjualan, Pelayanan, Persediaan" msgid "Hot Tubs, Spas — Sales, Service, Supplies" msgstr "Bak Mandi Air Panas, Spa — Penjualan, Pelayanan, Persediaan" msgid "Swimming Pools — Sales and Service" msgstr "Kolam Renang — Penjualan dan Pelayanan" msgid "Pet Shops, Pet Foods and Supplies Stores" msgstr "Toko Hewan Peliharaan, Makanan Hewan Peliharaan, dan Toko Persediaan" msgid "Periodicals (Newsstands)" msgstr "Majalah Berkala (Kios Koran)" msgid "Magazines (Newsstands)" msgstr "Majalah (Kios Koran)" msgid "Dealers — Newspapers" msgstr "Penjual — Koran" msgid "News Dealers and Newsstands" msgstr "Agen dan Kios Koran" msgid "Smoke Shops" msgstr "Toko Tembakau" msgid "Pipe Shops" msgstr "Toko Cangklong" msgid "Cigar Stores and Stands" msgstr "Toko dan Stan Cerutu" msgid "Plant Store" msgstr "Toko Tanaman" msgid "Flower Shops" msgstr "Toko Bunga" msgid "Balloon Bouquets" msgstr "Buket Balon" msgid "Florists" msgstr "Perangkai Bunga" msgid "Wood Dealers" msgstr "Dealer Kayu" msgid "Propane Dealers" msgstr "Dealer Propana" msgid "Oil Dealers" msgstr "Dealer Oli" msgid "Liquefied Petroleum Dealers" msgstr "Dealer Minyak Cair" msgid "Home Heating Fuel Dealers" msgstr "Dealer Bahan Bakar Pemanas Rumah" msgid "Dealers — Fuel Dealers, Fuel Oil, Wood, Coal, Liquefied Petroleum" msgstr "" "Dealer — Dealer Bahan Bakar, Bahan Bakar Minyak, Kayu, Batu Bara, Minyak Cair" msgid "Coal Dealers" msgstr "Dealer Batu Bara" msgid "Aviation Fuel" msgstr "Bahan Bakar Pesawat" msgid "Fuel Dealers — Fuel Oil, Wood, Coal, and Liquefied Petroleum" msgstr "" "Dealer Bahan Bakar — Bahan Bakar Minyak, Kayu, Batubara, dan Minyak Cair" msgid "Typewriter Stores — Sales, Rentals, and Service" msgstr "Toko Mesin Ketik — Penjualan, Persewaan, dan Servis" msgid "Make-Up Stores" msgstr "Toko Rias Wajah" msgid "Cosmetic Stores" msgstr "Toko Kosmetik" msgid "Prosthetic Devices" msgstr "Perangkat Prostetik" msgid "Orthotics, Prosthetic, Devices" msgstr "Ortotik, Prostetik, Perangkat" msgid "Orthopedic Goods — Prosthetic Devices" msgstr "Produk Ortopedi — Perangkat Prostetik" msgid "Supplies — Hearing Aids, Service, Supplies" msgstr "Persediaan — Alat Bantu Dengar, Servis, Persediaan" msgid "Service — Hearing Aids, Supplies" msgstr "Servis — Alat Bantu Dengar, Persediaan" msgid "Repairs — Hearing Aids, Sales, Service, Supply Stores" msgstr "Perbaikan — Alat Bantu Dengar, Penjualan, Servis, Toko Persediaan" msgid "Hearing Aids — Sales, Service, and Supply" msgstr "Alat Bantu Dengar — Penjualan, Servis, dan Persediaan" msgid "Religious Goods Stores" msgstr "Toko Barang Keagamaan" msgid "Supplies — Numismatic, Philatelic" msgstr "Perlengkapan — Numismatik, Filateli" msgid "Philatelic Supplies" msgstr "Perlengkapan Filateli" msgid "Numismatic Supplies" msgstr "Perlengkapan Numismatik" msgid "Stamp and Coin Stores" msgstr "Toko Prangko dan Koin" msgid "Art Dealers and Galleries" msgstr "Dealer dan Galeri Seni" msgid "Supplies — Art, Crafts" msgstr "Peralatan — Seni, Kerajinan" msgid "Artist's Supply and Craft Shops" msgstr "Toko Peralatan dan Kerajinan Seniman" msgid "Ticket Agencies — Direct Marketing" msgstr "Agensi Tiket — Pemasaran Langsung" msgid "Classified Ads — Newspaper (Via Direct Marketing)" msgstr "Iklan Baris — Koran (Melalui Pemasaran Langsung)" msgid "Direct Marketing — Other Direct Marketers (Not Elsewhere Classified)" msgstr "" "Pemasaran Langsung — Pemasar Langsung Lainnya (Tidak Diklasifikasikan di " "Tempat Lain)" msgid "Direct Mail Merchants" msgstr "Merchant Surat Langsung" msgid "Magazine Subscription (Direct Mail Only)" msgstr "Langganan Majalah (Khusus Pos Langsung)" msgid "Direct Marketing — Continuity/Subscription Merchant" msgstr "Pemasaran Langsung — Merchant Tetap/Langganan" msgid "Digital Content Merchants" msgstr "Merchant Konten Digital" msgid "Videotext Merchants" msgstr "Merchant Teks Video" msgid "Audiotext Merchants" msgstr "Merchant Teks Audio" msgid "Adult Content" msgstr "Konten Dewasa" msgid "Direct Marketing — Inbound Teleservices Merchant" msgstr "Pemasaran Langsung — Merchant Teleservice Masuk" msgid "Direct Marketing — Outbound Telemarketing Merchant" msgstr "Pemasaran Langsung — Merchant Telemarketing Keluar" msgid "Direct Marketing — Combination Catalog and Retail Merchant" msgstr "Pemasaran Langsung — Merchant Katalog dan Ritel Kombinasi" msgid "Direct Marketing — Catalog Merchant" msgstr "Pemasaran Langsung — Merchant Katalog" msgid "Door-To-Door Sales" msgstr "Penjualan Langsung" msgid "Travel-Related Arrangement Services- Direct Marketing" msgstr "Pemasaran Langsung Layanan Perencanaan Terkait Perjalanan" msgid "Travel Clubs (Direct Marketing)" msgstr "Klub Perjalanan (Pemasaran Langsung)" msgid "" "Telemarketing Travel- Related Arrangement Services (Excluding Travel " "Agencies)" msgstr "" "Telemarketing Layanan Perencanaan Terkait Perjalanan (Tidak Termasuk Agensi " "Perjalanan)" msgid "Services — Direct Marketing Travel- Related Arrangement Services" msgstr "Layanan — Pemasaran Langsung Layanan Perencanaan Terkait Perjalanan" msgid "Direct Marketing — Travel-Related Arrangement Services" msgstr "Pemasaran Langsung — Layanan Perencanaan Terkait Perjalanan" msgid "Services — Insurance, Direct Marketing" msgstr "Layanan — Asuransi, Pemasaran Langsung" msgid "Insurance Services — Direct Marketing" msgstr "Layanan Asuransi — Pemasaran Langsung" msgid "Automobile Insurance — Sales (Direct Marketing)" msgstr "Asuransi Mobil — Penjualan (Pemasaran Langsung)" msgid "Direct Marketing — Insurance Services" msgstr "Pemasaran Langsung — Layanan Asuransi" msgid "Cut Glass, Crystal" msgstr "Gelas Berukir, Kristal" msgid "Crystal Stores" msgstr "Toko Kristal" msgid "China, Crystal Stores" msgstr "Toko Produk Tiongkok, Kristal" msgid "Glassware/Crystal Stores" msgstr "Toko Pecah Belah/Kristal" msgid "Yarn Shops" msgstr "Toko Benang" msgid "Supplies — Sewing, Fabric, Notions, Needlework, Piece Goods" msgstr "Perlengkapan — Jahitan, Kain, Alat Jahit Kecil, Sulaman, Kain Potong" msgid "Needlework Shops" msgstr "Toko Sulaman" msgid "Knitting Shops" msgstr "Toko Rajutan" msgid "Fabric Stores" msgstr "Toko Kain" msgid "Sewing, Needlework, Fabric and Piece Goods Stores" msgstr "Toko Jahitan, Sulaman, Kain, dan Kain Potong" msgid "Luggage and Leather Goods Stores" msgstr "Toko Koper dan Produk Kulit" msgid "Souvenir, Memorabilia Shops" msgstr "Toko Suvenir, Memorabilia" msgid "Novelty Shops" msgstr "Toko Produk Unik" msgid "Memorabilia, Souvenir Shops" msgstr "Toko Memorabilia, Suvenir" msgid "Gift, Card, Novelty and Souvenir Shops" msgstr "Toko Hadiah, Kartu Ucapan, Produk Unik, dan Suvenir" msgid "Video Cameras, Photographic Equipment" msgstr "Perlengkapan Kamera Video, Fotografi" msgid "Supplies — Photographic" msgstr "Persediaan — Fotografi" msgid "Photography Supply Stores" msgstr "Toko Persediaan Fotografi" msgid "Equipment — Photographic Supply Stores" msgstr "Perlengkapan — Toko Persediaan Fotografi" msgid "Camcorders, Photographic Equipment" msgstr "Perlengkapan Kamera Perekam, Fotografi" msgid "Camera and Photographic Supply Stores" msgstr "Toko Persediaan Kamera dan Fotografi" msgid "Toy, Game Shops" msgstr "Toko Mainan, Permainan" msgid "Toy Stores" msgstr "Toko Mainan" msgid "Games Stores" msgstr "Toko Permainan" msgid "Hobby, Toy, and Game Shops" msgstr "Toko Hobi, Mainan, dan Permainan" msgid "Watch Shops" msgstr "Toko Arloji" msgid "Silverware Stores" msgstr "Toko Peralatan Makan dari Perak" msgid "Silversmiths" msgstr "Perajin Perak" msgid "Precious Gems, Metals, Jewelry" msgstr "Permata, Logam, Perhiasan Mulia" msgid "Jewelry — Fine" msgstr "Perhiasan — Mewah" msgid "Gems, Precious Metals, Jewelry" msgstr "Permata, Logam Mulia, Perhiasan" msgid "Diamond Stores" msgstr "Toko Berlian" msgid "Clock Shop" msgstr "Toko Jam" msgid "School Supply Store" msgstr "Toko Perlengkapan Sekolah" msgid "Office Supply Stores" msgstr "Toko Perlengkapan Kantor" msgid "Stationery Stores, Office and School Supply Stores" msgstr "Toko Alat Tulis, Toko Perlengkapan Kantor dan Sekolah" msgid "Textbooks" msgstr "Buku Teks" msgid "Paperbacks — Book Stores" msgstr "Sampul Kertas — Toko Buku" msgid "Book Stores" msgstr "Toko Buku" msgid "Windsurf Boards, Accessories" msgstr "Papan Selancar Angin, Aksesori" msgid "Trekking Equipment" msgstr "Perlengkapan Trekking" msgid "Surfboards, Accessories" msgstr "Papan Selancar, Aksesori" msgid "Skin Diving, Scuba Equipment" msgstr "Selam Permukaan, Perlengkapan Skuba" msgid "Skateboard Shops" msgstr "Toko Papan Seluncur" msgid "Scuba, Skin Diving Equipment" msgstr "Perlengkapan Skuba, Selam Permukaan" msgid "Rollerblade Shops" msgstr "Toko Sepatu Roda" msgid "Pool Tables — Sales" msgstr "Meja Biliar — Penjualan" msgid "In-Line Skates Shops" msgstr "Toko Sepatu Roda Inline" msgid "Hunting Equipment, Supplies" msgstr "Perlengkapan, Persediaan Berburu" msgid "Hiking Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Mendaki" msgid "Gun Shops" msgstr "Toko Senjata Api" msgid "Fishing — Equipment, Bait, Tackle" msgstr "Memancing — Peralatan, Umpan, Alat Pancing" msgid "Exercise Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Olahraga" msgid "Cutlery — Sporting Knives" msgstr "Alat Makan — Pisau Olahraga" msgid "Camping Equipment" msgstr "Perlengkapan Berkemah" msgid "Billiard Tables — Sales" msgstr "Meja Biliar — Penjualan" msgid "Bait, Tackle Stores" msgstr "Toko Umpan, Alat Pancing" msgid "Backpacking Equipment" msgstr "Perlengkapan Wisata Beransel" msgid "Sporting Goods Stores" msgstr "Toko Barang-Barang Olahraga" msgid "Service — Bicycles" msgstr "Servis — Sepeda" msgid "Bicycle Shops — Sales and Service" msgstr "Toko Sepeda — Penjualan dan Servis" msgid "Antique Reproductions" msgstr "Pembuatan Ulang Barang Antik" msgid "Junk Yards" msgstr "Tempat Barang Rongsokan" msgid "Wrecking and Salvage Yards" msgstr "Tempat Penghancuran dan Penyimpanan" msgid "Pawn Shops" msgstr "Pegadaian" msgid "Services — Antique Restoration" msgstr "Layanan — Restorasi Barang Antik" msgid "Antique Shops — Sales, Repairs, and Restoration Services" msgstr "Toko Antik — Penjualan, Perbaikan, dan Layanan Restorasi" msgid "Vintage Clothing" msgstr "Pakaian Vintage" msgid "Thrift Stores" msgstr "Toko Barang Bekas" msgid "Secondhand Stores" msgstr "Toko Barang Bekas" msgid "Consignment Shops" msgstr "Toko Konsinyasi" msgid "Used Merchandise and Secondhand Stores" msgstr "Toko Barang Bekas" msgid "Alcohol — Liquor Stores" msgstr "Alkohol — Toko Minuman Keras" msgid "Package Stores — Beer, Wine, and Liquor" msgstr "Toko Paket — Bir, Anggur, dan Minuman Keras" msgid "Toiletries" msgstr "Perlengkapan Mandi" msgid "Prescription Medication" msgstr "Resep Obat" msgid "Pharmacies" msgstr "Apotek" msgid "Medicine — Prescription, Pharmacies" msgstr "Obat — Resep, Apotek" msgid "Drug Stores and Pharmacies" msgstr "Toko Obat dan Apotek" msgid "Digital Goods — Large Digital Goods Merchant" msgstr "Produk Digital — Merchant Produk Digital Besar" msgid "Digital Goods — Applications (Excludes Games)" msgstr "Produk Digital — Aplikasi (Tidak Termasuk Permainan)" msgid "Fantasy Sports (in jurisdictions where they not considered gambling)" msgstr "" "Olahraga Fantasi (di wilayah hukum yang tidak menganggapnya sebagai " "perjudian)" msgid "Digital Goods — Games" msgstr "Produk Digital — Permainan" msgid "Digital Goods Media — Books, Movies, Music" msgstr "Media Produk Digital — Buku, Film, Musik" msgid "Pretzel Stands" msgstr "Stan Pretzel" msgid "Yogurt Shops" msgstr "Toko Yoghurt" msgid "Ice Cream Shops" msgstr "Toko Es Krim" msgid "Sandwich Shops" msgstr "Toko Sandwich" msgid "Vending Machines — Food" msgstr "Mesin Penjual — Makanan" msgid "Quick Service Restaurants" msgstr "Restoran Cepat Saji" msgid "Fast Food Restaurants" msgstr "Restoran Cepat Saji" msgid "Wine Bars" msgstr "Bar Anggur" msgid "Tap Rooms" msgstr "Kedai Bir" msgid "Saloons" msgstr "Bar" msgid "Pubs" msgstr "Pub" msgid "Micro breweries" msgstr "Tempat pembuatan bir mikro" msgid "Lounges" msgstr "Ruang Santai" msgid "Comedy Clubs" msgstr "Klub Komedi" msgid "Breweries, Bars" msgstr "Tempat Pembuatan Bir, Bar" msgid "Beer Parlors" msgstr "Rumah Bir" msgid "Drinking Establishments" msgstr "Tempat Minum" msgid "" "Drinking Places (Alcoholic Beverages) — Bars, Taverns, Nightclubs, Cocktail " "Lounges, and Discotheques" msgstr "" "Tempat Minum (Minuman Beralkohol) — Bar, Kedai Minum, Kelab Malam, Kelab " "Cocktail, dan Diskotek" msgid "Soda Fountains" msgstr "Air Mancur Soda" msgid "Diners — Eating Establishments" msgstr "Restoran — Tempat Makan" msgid "Cafeterias" msgstr "Kafeteria" msgid "Cafes, Restaurants" msgstr "Kafe, Restoran" msgid "Eating Places and Restaurants" msgstr "Tempat Makan dan Restoran" msgid "Food Preparation — Catering" msgstr "Penyiapan Makanan — Katering" msgid "Used Record/CD Stores" msgstr "Toko Piringan Hitam/CD Bekas" msgid "Record, CD, Cassette Stores" msgstr "Toko Piringan Hitam, CD, Kaset" msgid "Music Stores — Prerecorded Records, CDs, Cassettes" msgstr "Toko Musik — Piringan Hitam, CD, Kaset Prarekam" msgid "Compact Disc, Cassette, Record Stores" msgstr "Toko Piringan Padat, Kaset, Piringan Hitam" msgid "CD, Cassette, Record Stores" msgstr "Toko CD, Kaset, Piringan Hitam" msgid "Record Stores" msgstr "Toko Piringan Hitam" msgid "Computer Software Stores" msgstr "Toko Perangkat Lunak Komputer" msgid "Instruments — Musical Pianos" msgstr "Alat Musik — Piano" msgid "Guitar Stores" msgstr "Toko Gitar" msgid "Music Stores — Musical Instruments, Pianos, and Sheet Music" msgstr "Toko Musik — Alat Musik, Piano, dan Partitur" msgid "Video Cameras (And Other Electronics)" msgstr "Kamera Video (Dan Alat Elektronik Lainnya)" msgid "VCR's" msgstr "VCR" msgid "Television Stores" msgstr "Toko Televisi" msgid "Stereos, Receivers, CD Equipment" msgstr "Perlengkapan Stereo, Penerima, CD" msgid "Radios" msgstr "Radio" msgid "Personal Computers" msgstr "Komputer Pribadi" msgid "High Fidelity Equipment" msgstr "Perlengkapan Hi-Fi" msgid "Electronic Repair Shops" msgstr "Bengkel Elektronik" msgid "Electronic Parts" msgstr "Suku Cadang Elektronik" msgid "Computer Hardware (And Other Electronics)" msgstr "Perangkat Keras Komputer (Dan Elektronik Lainnya)" msgid "Camcorders (And Other Electronics)" msgstr "Kamera Perekam (Dan Elektronik Lainnya)" msgid "Electronics Stores" msgstr "Toko Elektronik" msgid "Vacuum Cleaner Stores" msgstr "Toko Pengisap Debu" msgid "Sewing Machine Stores" msgstr "Toko Mesin Jahit" msgid "Household Appliance Stores" msgstr "Toko Perabot Rumah" msgid "Pottery Stores" msgstr "Toko Tembikar" msgid "Linen Shops" msgstr "Toko Linen" msgid "Lamp, Lighting Shops" msgstr "Toko Lampu, Pencahayaan" msgid "Kitchenware Stores" msgstr "Toko Peralatan Dapur" msgid "Housewares Stores" msgstr "Toko Peralatan Rumah Tangga" msgid "Specialty Stores — Miscellaneous" msgstr "Toko Khusus — Serbaneka" msgid "Home Furnishing" msgstr "Perabot Rumah Tangga" msgid "Cutlery — Kitchen" msgstr "Alat Makan — Dapur" msgid "Cookware Stores" msgstr "Toko Peralatan Masak" msgid "Bed, Bath Shops" msgstr "Toko Tempat Tidur, Alat Mandi" msgid "Accessories — Home Furnishings" msgstr "Aksesori — Perabot Rumah Tangga" msgid "Miscellaneous Home Furnishing Specialty Stores" msgstr "Toko Khusus Perabotan Rumah Tangga Serbaneka" msgid "Woodburning Stoves, Accessories Stores" msgstr "Toko Tungku Kayu Bakar, Aksesori" msgid "Stoves — Fireplaces, Accessories Stores" msgstr "Tungku — Toko Perapian, Aksesori" msgid "Heating — Fireplace, Accessories Stores" msgstr "Pemanas — Toko Perapian, Aksesori" msgid "Hearth, Accessories Stores" msgstr "Toko Perbaraan, Aksesori" msgid "Fireplace, Fireplace Screens and Accessories Stores" msgstr "Toko Perapian, Sekat Perapian, dan Aksesori" msgid "Window-covering Stores" msgstr "Toko Penutup Jendela" msgid "Upholstery Materials Stores" msgstr "Toko Bahan Pelapis" msgid "Curtain Stores" msgstr "Toko Gorden" msgid "Drapery, Window Covering, and Upholstery Stores" msgstr "Toko Tirai, Penutup Jendela, dan Pelapis" msgid "Tile Stores" msgstr "Toko Ubin" msgid "Rug Stores" msgstr "Toko Permadani" msgid "Linoleum Stores" msgstr "Toko Linoleum" msgid "Carpet, Rug Stores" msgstr "Toko Karpet, Permadani" msgid "Floor Covering Stores" msgstr "Toko Penutup Lantai" msgid "Patio, Porch Furnishings Stores" msgstr "Toko Perabot Patio, Serambi" msgid "Outdoor Furnishings" msgstr "Perabot Luar Ruangan" msgid "Mattress Stores" msgstr "Toko Matras" msgid "Made-to-Order Furniture" msgstr "Furnitur Sesuai Pesanan" msgid "Home Furnishings, Furniture" msgstr "Perabot Rumah Tangga, Mebel" msgid "Equipment Stores" msgstr "Toko Perlengkapan" msgid "Custom Made Furniture" msgstr "Furnitur Kustom" msgid "Bedding, Mattress Stores" msgstr "Toko Seprai, Matras" msgid "Furniture, Home Furnishings, and Equipment Stores, Except Appliances" msgstr "" "Toko Furnitur, Perabot Rumah Tangga, dan Perlengkapan, Kecuali Peralatan " "Rumah Tangga" msgid "T-Shirt Stores" msgstr "Toko Kaus" msgid "Swim Wear Shop" msgstr "Toko Pakaian Renang" msgid "Clothing — Miscellaneous Apparel, Accessory Shops" msgstr "Pakaian — Toko Pakaian Jadi, Aksesori Serbaneka" msgid "Clothing — Formal Wear" msgstr "Pakaian — Pakaian Formal" msgid "Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Shops" msgstr "Toko Pakaian Jadi dan Aksesori Serbaneka" msgid "Toupee Stores" msgstr "Toko Rambut Palsu" msgid "Hair Replacement — Non-Surgical" msgstr "Penggantian Rambut — Non-Bedah" msgid "Hair Pieces, Extensions" msgstr "Potongan Rambut, Ekstensi" msgid "Wig and Toupee Stores" msgstr "Toko Wig dan Rambut Palsu" msgid "Sewing Shops — Alterations" msgstr "Toko Jahitan — Modifikasi Pakaian" msgid "Seamstresses Services — Tailors, Seamstresses, Mending, Alterations" msgstr "" "Layanan Penjahit Wanita — Penjahit, Penjahit Wanita, Perbaikan, Modifikasi " "Pakaian" msgid "Repairs — Tailors, Seamstresses, Mending, Alterations" msgstr "Perbaikan — Penjahit, Penjahit Wanita, Perbaikan, Modifikasi Pakaian" msgid "Mending, Alterations" msgstr "Perbaikan, Modifikasi Pakaian" msgid "Made-To-Order Clothing" msgstr "Pakaian Sesuai Pesanan" msgid "Hand Made Clothing" msgstr "Pakaian Hasil Jahitan" msgid "Dressmakers" msgstr "Modiste" msgid "Custom Made Clothing" msgstr "Pakaian Kustom" msgid "Clothing — Tailors, Seamstresses, Mending, Alterations" msgstr "Pakaian — Penjahit, Penjahit Wanita, Perbaikan, Modifikasi Pakaian" msgid "Apparel — Tailors, Seamstresses, Mending, Alterations" msgstr "" "Pakaian Jadi — Penjahit, Penjahit Wanita, Perbaikan, Modifikasi Pakaian" msgid "Alterations" msgstr "Modifikasi Pakaian" msgid "Tailors, Seamstresses, Mending, and Alterations" msgstr "Penjahit, Penjahit Wanita, Perbaikan, dan Modifikasi Pakaian" msgid "Clothing Stores" msgstr "Toko Pakaian" msgid "Clothing — Women's" msgstr "Pakaian — Pakaian Wanita" msgid "Apparel — Men's Clothing Stores" msgstr "Pakaian Jadi — Toko Pakaian Pria" msgid "Men's and Women's Clothing Stores" msgstr "Toko Pakaian Pria dan Wanita" msgid "Coat Stores — Furriers" msgstr "Toko Jas — Pembuat Pakaian Bulu" msgid "Clothing — Furriers, Fur Shops" msgstr "Pakaian — Pembuat Pakaian Bulu, Toko Pakaian Bulu" msgid "Apparel — Furriers, Fur Shops" msgstr "Pakaian Jadi — Pembuat Pakaian Bulu, Toko Pakaian Bulu" msgid "Furriers and Fur Shops" msgstr "Pembuat Pakaian Bulu dan Toko Pakaian Bulu" msgid "Western Boot Shops" msgstr "Toko Bot Barat" msgid "Footwear Stores" msgstr "Toko Alas Kaki" msgid "Boot Shops" msgstr "Toko Bot" msgid "Athletic Shoe Stores" msgstr "Toko Sepatu Atletik" msgid "Shoe Stores" msgstr "Toko Sepatu" msgid "Riding Apparel — Sports Apparel" msgstr "Pakaian Berkendara — Pakaian Olahraga" msgid "Equestrian Apparel" msgstr "Pakaian Berkuda" msgid "Clothing — Sports Apparel, Riding Apparel Stores" msgstr "Pakaian — Toko Pakaian Olahraga, Pakaian Berkendara" msgid "Athletic Apparel Stores" msgstr "Toko Pakaian Olahraga" msgid "Apparel — Sports, Riding Apparel Stores" msgstr "Pakaian Jadi — Toko Pakaian Olahraga, Berkendara" msgid "Active Wear — Sports Apparel" msgstr "Pakaian Olahraga — Pakaian Olahraga" msgid "Sports and Riding Apparel Stores" msgstr "Toko Pakaian Olahraga dan Berkendara" msgid "Jeans, Denim Clothing Stores" msgstr "Toko Jin, Pakaian Denim" msgid "Clothing — Family Clothing Stores" msgstr "Pakaian — Toko Pakaian Keluarga" msgid "Apparel — Family Clothing Stores" msgstr "Pakaian Jadi — Toko Pakaian Keluarga" msgid "Family Clothing Stores" msgstr "Toko Pakaian Keluarga" msgid "Infants' Clothing" msgstr "Pakaian Bayi" msgid "Clothing — Children's, Infants' Wear Stores" msgstr "Pakaian — Toko Pakaian Anak-Anak, Bayi" msgid "Baby Clothing" msgstr "Pakaian Bayi" msgid "Apparel — Children's, Infants' Wear" msgstr "Pakaian Jadi — Pakaian Anak-Anak, Bayi" msgid "Children's and Infants' Wear Stores" msgstr "Toko Pakaian Anak-Anak dan Bayi" msgid "Lingerie Stores" msgstr "Toko Lingeri" msgid "Jewelry — Costume" msgstr "Perhiasan — Kostum" msgid "Hat Shops — Women's" msgstr "Toko Topi — Wanita" msgid "Handbag Stores" msgstr "Toko Tas Tangan" msgid "Costume Jewelry Shops" msgstr "Toko Perhiasan Kostum" msgid "Clothing — Women's Accessory, Specialty Shops" msgstr "Pakaian — Toko Khusus, Aksesori Wanita" msgid "Apparel — Women's Accessory, Specialty Shops" msgstr "Pakaian Jadi — Toko Khusus, Aksesori Wanita" msgid "Accessories — Women's Accessory, Specialty Shops" msgstr "Aksesori — Toko Khusus, Aksesori Wanita" msgid "Women's Accessory and Specialty Shops" msgstr "Toko Khusus dan Aksesori Wanita" msgid "Outerwear Stores — Women's" msgstr "Toko Pakaian Luar Ruangan — Wanita" msgid "Maternity Stores" msgstr "Toko Perlengkapan Ibu Hamil" msgid "Coat Stores — Women's Dress Shops" msgstr "Toko Jas — Toko Gaun Wanita" msgid "Clothing — Women's Ready-To-Wear Stores" msgstr "Pakaian — Toko Pakaian Wanita Siap Pakai" msgid "Bridal Shops" msgstr "Toko Perlengkapan Pengantin" msgid "Apparel — Women's Ready- To-Wear Stores" msgstr "Pakaian Jadi — Toko Pakaian Wanita Siap Pakai" msgid "Women's Ready-To-Wear Stores .." msgstr "Toko Pakaian Wanita Siap Pakai" msgid "Tie Shops — Men's Clothing" msgstr "Toko Dasi — Pakaian Pria" msgid "Hat Shops — Men's Necktie Stores" msgstr "Toko Topi — Toko Dasi Pria" msgid "Clothing — Men's, Boys' Clothing, Accessory Stores" msgstr "Pakaian — Toko Pakaian, Aksesori Pria, Anak Laki-Laki" msgid "Boys' Clothing, Accessories" msgstr "Pakaian, Aksesori Anak Laki-Laki" msgid "Apparel — Men's, Boys' Clothing" msgstr "Pakaian Jadi — Pakaian Pria, Anak Laki-Laki" msgid "Accessories — Men's, Boys' Clothing" msgstr "Aksesori — Pakaian Pria, Anak Laki-Laki" msgid "Men's and Boys' Clothing and Accessories Stores" msgstr "Toko Pakaian dan Aksesori Pria dan Anak Laki-Laki" msgid "Plane Dealers — Aircraft" msgstr "Dealer Pesawat — Pesawat" msgid "Dealers — Miscellaneous Automotive Dealers" msgstr "Dealer — Dealer Otomotif Serbaneka" msgid "Dealers — Golf Carts" msgstr "Dealer — Mobil Golf" msgid "Automotive Dealers — Miscellaneous Dealers — Airplane, Aircraft" msgstr "Dealer Otomotif — Dealer Serbaneka — Pesawat" msgid "All-Terrain Vehicle Dealers" msgstr "Dealer Kendaraan Segala Medan" msgid "Airplane, Aircraft Dealers" msgstr "Dealer Pesawat" msgid "" "Miscellaneous Automotive, Aircraft, and Farm Equipment Dealers (Not " "Elsewhere Classified)" msgstr "" "Dealer Otomotif, Pesawat, dan Peralatan Pertanian Serbaneka (Tidak " "Diklasifikasikan di Tempat Lain)" msgid "Dealers — Snowmobiles" msgstr "Dealer — Mobil Salju" msgid "Snowmobile Dealers" msgstr "Dealer Mobil Salju" msgid "Dealers — Motor Homes" msgstr "Dealer — Mobil Rumah" msgid "Motor Homes Dealers" msgstr "Dealer Mobil Rumah" msgid "Supplies — Motorcycle Parts, Accessories" msgstr "Persediaan — Suku Cadang, Aksesori Sepeda Motor" msgid "Motor Scooter Dealers, Parts, Accessories" msgstr "Dealer, Suku Cadang, Aksesori Skuter Motor" msgid "" "Dealers — Motorcycle, Moped, Motor Scooters Moped Dealers, Parts, Accessories" msgstr "" "Dealer — Dealer, Suku Cadang, Aksesori Sepeda Motor, Moped, Moped Skuter " "Motor" msgid "Motorcycle Shops and Dealers" msgstr "Toko dan Dealer Sepeda Motor" msgid "Trailers — Utility Utility Trailers" msgstr "Karavan — Karavan Utilitas" msgid "Recreational Vehicle Dealers, Parts, Accessories" msgstr "Dealer, Suku Cadang, Aksesori Kendaraan Rekreasi" msgid "RV, Camper Dealers" msgstr "Dealer Kendaraan Rekreasi, Van Kemping" msgid "Parts, Recreational Vehicles" msgstr "Suku Cadang, Kendaraan Rekreasi" msgid "Dealers — Recreational, Utility Trailers, Camper Dealers" msgstr "Dealer — Dealer Van Rekreasi, Karavan Utilitas, Van Kemping" msgid "Camper Dealers" msgstr "Dealer Van Kemping" msgid "Accessories — Recreational Vehicles" msgstr "Aksesori — Kendaraan Rekreasi" msgid "Camper, Recreational and Utility Trailer Dealers" msgstr "Dealer Karavan Kemping, Rekreasi, dan Utilitas" msgid "Electric Vehicle Charging" msgstr "Pengisian Daya Kendaraan Listrik" msgid "Sailboat Dealers" msgstr "Dealer Perahu Layar" msgid "Powerboat Dealers" msgstr "Dealer Perahu Motor" msgid "Outboard Motor Dealers" msgstr "Dealer Perahu Mesin Tempel" msgid "Motorboat Dealers" msgstr "Dealer Perahu Motor" msgid "Dealers — Boat" msgstr "Dealer — Perahu" msgid "Boat Dealers" msgstr "Dealer Perahu" msgid "Self-Service Terminals — Petrol" msgstr "Tempat Pengisian Swalayan — Bensin" msgid "Self-Service Terminals — Fuel" msgstr "Tempat Pengisian Swalayan — Bahan Bakar" msgid "Petrol Dispensers — Automated Petrol — Self-Service Terminals" msgstr "" "Dispenser Bensin — Pengisian Bensin Otomatis — Tempat Pengisian Swalayan" msgid "Fuel — Self-Service Terminals" msgstr "Bahan Bakar — Tempat Pengisian Swalayan" msgid "Gas Pumps (Automated Fuel Dispensers)" msgstr "Dispenser Bensin (Dispenser Bahan Bakar Otomatis)" msgid "Fuel Dispensers — Automated" msgstr "Dispenser Bahan Bakar — Otomatis" msgid "Cardholder-Activated Fuel Dispensers" msgstr "Dispenser Bahan Bakar Khusus Pemegang Kartu" msgid "Automated Fuel Dispensers" msgstr "Dispenser Bahan Bakar Otomatis" msgid "Truck Stops — Gasoline Service" msgstr "Pemberhentian Truk — Layanan Bensin" msgid "Petrol — Service Stations" msgstr "Bensin — Stasiun Layanan" msgid "Marina Service Stations" msgstr "Stasiun Layanan Marina" msgid "Gasoline — Service Stations" msgstr "Bensin — Stasiun Layanan" msgid "Gas Stations (With or Without Ancillary Services)" msgstr "SPBU (Dengan atau Tanpa Layanan Pendukung)" msgid "Filling Stations — Automotive Gasoline" msgstr "Stasiun Pengisian — Bensin Otomotif" msgid "Service Stations (With or without Ancillary Services)" msgstr "Stasiun Layanan (Dengan atau Tanpa Layanan Pendukung)" msgid "Supplies — Automotive Parts, Accessories Stores" msgstr "Persediaan — Toko Suku Cadang, Aksesori Otomotif" msgid "Parts, Automotive" msgstr "Suku Cadang, Otomotif" msgid "Motor Vehicle Supplies, Parts" msgstr "Persediaan, Suku Cadang Kendaraan Bermotor" msgid "Car Parts, Accessories Stores" msgstr "Toko Suku Cadang, Aksesori Mobil" msgid "Automobile — Parts, Accessories Stores" msgstr "Mobil — Toko Suku Cadang, Aksesori" msgid "Accessories — Automotive" msgstr "Aksesori — Otomotif" msgid "Automotive Parts and Accessories Stores" msgstr "Toko Suku Cadang dan Aksesori Otomotif" msgid "Tire Stores" msgstr "Toko Ban" msgid "Services — Repairs/ Automotive Tire Stores" msgstr "Layanan — Bengkel/Toko Ban Otomotif" msgid "Repairs — Automotive Tire Stores" msgstr "Perbaikan — Toko Ban Otomotif" msgid "Car Tires — New Only" msgstr "Ban Mobil — Khusus Baru" msgid "Automotive Tire Stores" msgstr "Toko Ban Otomotif" msgid "Auto Store, Home Supply Stores" msgstr "Toko Otomotif, Toko Perlengkapan Rumah" msgid "Dealers — Automobile/ Truck (Used Only)" msgstr "Dealer — Mobil/Truk (Khusus Bekas)" msgid "Dealers — Antique Automobiles" msgstr "Dealer — Mobil Antik" msgid "Car Dealers (Used Only)" msgstr "Dealer Mobil (Khusus Bekas)" msgid "Automobiles/Trucks (Used Only)" msgstr "Mobil/Truk (Khusus Bekas)" msgid "Antique Automobiles" msgstr "Mobil Antik" msgid "" "Car and Truck Dealers (Used Only) Sales, Service, Repairs, Parts, and Leasing" msgstr "" "Dealer Mobil dan Truk (Khusus Bekas) Penjualan, Servis, Perbaikan, Suku " "Cadang, dan Sewa Guna" msgid "Truck Dealers (New/Used)" msgstr "Dealer Truk (Baru/Bekas)" msgid "" "Repairs — Automobile/ Truck Dealers (New/ Used) Sales, Service, Repairs, " "Parts, Leasing" msgstr "" "Perbaikan — Dealer Mobil/Truk (Baru/Bekas) Penjualan, Servis, Perbaikan, " "Suku Cadang, Sewa Guna" msgid "Motor Vehicle Dealers(New/Used)" msgstr "Dealer Kendaraan Bermotor (Baru/Bekas)" msgid "Leasing — Automobile,Truck" msgstr "Sewa Guna — Mobil, Truk" msgid "" "Dealers — Automobile/ Truck (New/Used), Sales, Service, Repairs, Parts, " "Leasing" msgstr "" "Dealer — Mobil/Truk (Baru/Bekas), Penjualan, Servis, Perbaikan, Suku Cadang, " "Sewa Guna" msgid "Car Dealers (New/Used)" msgstr "Dealer Mobil (Baru/Bekas)" msgid "Sales, Service, Repairs, Parts, Leasing" msgstr "Penjualan, Servis, Perbaikan, Suku Cadang, Sewa Guna" msgid "Automobile/Truck Dealers (New/Used)" msgstr "Dealer Mobil/Truk (Baru/Bekas)" msgid "" "Car and Truck Dealers (New and Used) Sales, Service, Repairs, Parts, and " "Leasing" msgstr "" "Dealer Mobil dan Truk (Baru dan Bekas) Penjualan, Servis, Perbaikan, Suku " "Cadang, dan Sewa Guna" msgid "Meal Preparation Kits" msgstr "Kit Penyiapan Makanan" msgid "Vitamin Stores" msgstr "Toko Vitamin" msgid "Vegetable Markets" msgstr "Toko Sayur" msgid "Specialty Food Markets" msgstr "Pasar Makanan Khusus" msgid "Produce Markets" msgstr "Pasar Hasil Pertanian" msgid "Poultry Shops" msgstr "Toko Unggas" msgid "Mini Markets" msgstr "Minimarket" msgid "Health Food Stores" msgstr "Toko Makanan Sehat" msgid "Gourmet Food Stores" msgstr "Toko Makanan Gourmet" msgid "Fruit Markets" msgstr "Pasar Buah" msgid "Food Stores — Convenience" msgstr "Toko Makanan — Serbaada" msgid "Miscellaneous Food Stores — Convenience Stores and Specialty Markets" msgstr "Toko Makanan Serbaneka — Toko Serbaada dan Pasar Khusus" msgid "Wedding Cakes" msgstr "Kue Pernikahan" msgid "Pie Shops" msgstr "Toko Pai" msgid "Pastry Shops" msgstr "Toko Kue Pastri" msgid "Doughnut Shops" msgstr "Toko Donat" msgid "Cookie Stores" msgstr "Toko Kue Kering" msgid "Cake Shops" msgstr "Toko Kue" msgid "Bagel Shops" msgstr "Toko Bagel" msgid "Cheese Shops" msgstr "Toko Keju" msgid "Dairy Products Stores" msgstr "Toko Produk Susu" msgid "Popcorn Stands" msgstr "Stan Popcorn" msgid "Nut Shops" msgstr "Toko Kacang" msgid "Dried Fruit Shops" msgstr "Toko Buah Kering" msgid "Confectionery Shops" msgstr "Toko Makanan Manis" msgid "Chocolate Shops" msgstr "Toko Cokelat" msgid "Candy, Nut, and Confectionery Stores" msgstr "Toko Permen, Kacang, dan Makanan Manis" msgid "Seafood Markets" msgstr "Pasar Bahan Pangan Laut" msgid "Meat Markets, Meat Lockers" msgstr "Pasar Daging, Ruang Pendingin Daging" msgid "Frozen Meats, Seafood" msgstr "Daging Beku, Makanan Laut" msgid "Fish, Seafood Markets" msgstr "Pasar Ikan, Bahan Pangan Laut" msgid "Butcher Shops" msgstr "Toko Daging" msgid "Freezer and Locker Meat Provisioners" msgstr "Penyedia Daging Beku dan Gantung" msgid "Supermarkets" msgstr "Supermarket" msgid "Food Stores — Grocery Stores, Supermarkets" msgstr "Toko Makanan — Toko Pangan, Supermarket" msgid "Grocery Stores and Supermarkets" msgstr "Toko Pangan dan Supermarket" msgid "General Merchandise — Miscellaneous" msgstr "Produk Umum — Serbaneka" msgid "Miscellaneous General Merchandise" msgstr "Produk Umum Serbaneka" msgid "Variety Stores" msgstr "Toko Variasi" msgid "Department Stores" msgstr "Toko Serbaada" msgid "Discount Stores" msgstr "Toko Diskon" msgid "Duty Free Stores" msgstr "Toko Bebas Bea" msgid "Warehouse Retail — Wholesale Clubs" msgstr "Gudang Ritel — Klub Grosir" msgid "Discount Goods — Wholesale Clubs" msgstr "Barang-Barang Diskon — Klub Grosir" msgid "Club Stores — Wholesale Clubs" msgstr "Toko Klub — Klub Grosir" msgid "Wholesale Clubs" msgstr "Klub Grosir" msgid "Equipment — Mobile Home Parts" msgstr "Perlengkapan — Suku Cadang Rumah Mobil" msgid "Dealers — Mobile Home, Parts, Equipment" msgstr "Dealer — Perlengkapan, Suku Cadang, Rumah Mobil" msgid "Mobile Home Dealers" msgstr "Dealer Rumah Mobil" msgid "Marketplaces" msgstr "Marketplace" msgid "Supplies — Nurseries, Lawn, Garden Supply Stores" msgstr "Persediaan — Toko Perlengkapan Pembibitan, Rumput, Kebun" msgid "Plant Shops" msgstr "Toko Tanaman" msgid "Lawn, Garden Supply" msgstr "Perlengkapan Rumput, Kebun" msgid "Greenhouses" msgstr "Rumah Kaca" msgid "Nurseries and Lawn and Garden Supply Stores" msgstr "Toko Perlengkapan Pembibitan dan Rumput dan Kebun" msgid "Supplies — Hardware Stores" msgstr "Perlengkapan — Toko Alat Teknik dan Bahan Bangunan" msgid "Power Tools" msgstr "Alat Listrik" msgid "Lighting Fixtures, Supplies" msgstr "Alat, Perlengkapan Pencahayaan" msgid "Hardware Stores" msgstr "Toko Alat Teknik dan Bahan Bangunan" msgid "Wallpaper, Wallcovering Supplies Store" msgstr "Toko Perlengkapan Kertas Dinding, Penutup Dinding" msgid "Supplies — Wallpaper, Supplies" msgstr "Persediaan — Kertas Dinding, Perlengkapan" msgid "Supplies — Paint, Painting Supplies" msgstr "Persediaan — Cat, Perlengkapan Mengecat" msgid "Supplies — Glass" msgstr "Persediaan — Kaca" msgid "Paint, Painting Supplies" msgstr "Perlengkapan Cat, Mengecat" msgid "Glass, Paint, and Wallpaper Stores" msgstr "Toko Kaca, Cat, dan Kertas Dinding" msgid "Supplies — Lumber, Building Materials" msgstr "Persediaan — Kayu, Bahan Bangunan" msgid "Roofing Materials" msgstr "Bahan Atap" msgid "Materials — Lumber, Building" msgstr "Bahan — Kayu, Bangunan" msgid "Construction Materials" msgstr "Material Bangunan" msgid "Building Materials" msgstr "Bahan Bangunan" msgid "Lumber and Building Materials Stores" msgstr "Toko Kayu dan Bahan Bangunan" msgid "Warehouse Stores — Home Supply" msgstr "Toko Gudang — Persediaan Rumah" msgid "Home Supply Warehouse Stores" msgstr "Toko Gudang Persediaan Rumah" msgid "Goods — Nondurable" msgstr "Produk — Tidak Tahan Lama" msgid "Non-durable Goods (Not Elsewhere Classified)" msgstr "Produk Tidak Tahan Lama (Tidak Diklasifikasikan di Tempat Lain)" msgid "Varnishes, Paints, Supplies" msgstr "Pernis, Cat, Perlengkapan" msgid "Supplies — Paints, Varnishes, Supplies" msgstr "Persediaan — Cat, Pernis, Perlengkapan" msgid "Paints, Varnishes and Supplies" msgstr "Cat, Pernis, dan Perlengkapan" msgid "Supplies — Florist Supplies, Nursery Stock, Flowers" msgstr "Persediaan — Perlengkapan Toko Bunga, Stok Pembibitan, Bunga" msgid "Nursery Stock" msgstr "Stok Pembibitan" msgid "Gardening Supplies" msgstr "Perlengkapan Berkebun" msgid "Florists Supplies, Nursery Stock and Flowers" msgstr "Perlengkapan Toko Bunga, Stok Pembibitan, dan Bunga" msgid "Periodicals" msgstr "Majalah Berkala" msgid "Newspapers, Newspaper Agencies" msgstr "Koran, Agensi Koran" msgid "Journals" msgstr "Jurnal" msgid "Books, Periodicals and Newspapers" msgstr "Buku, Majalah Berkala, dan Koran" msgid "Services — Fueling" msgstr "Layanan — Pengisian Bahan Bakar" msgid "Fuel Products, Services" msgstr "Produk, Layanan Bahan Bakar" msgid "Petroleum and Petroleum Products" msgstr "Bensin dan Produk Bensin" msgid "Supplies — Chemicals, Allied Products" msgstr "Persediaan — Bahan Kimia, Produk Terkait" msgid "Detergents" msgstr "Detergen" msgid "Chemicals and Allied Products (Not Elsewhere Classified)" msgstr "Bahan Kimia dan Produk Terkait (Tidak Diklasifikasikan di Tempat Lain)" msgid "Shoes, Shoe Accessories — Commercial" msgstr "Sepatu, Aksesori Sepatu — Komersial" msgid "Footwear — Commercial" msgstr "Alas Kaki — Komersial" msgid "Commercial Footwear" msgstr "Alas Kaki Komersial" msgid "Women's Uniforms" msgstr "Seragam Wanita" msgid "Uniforms — Men's, Women's, Children's" msgstr "Seragam — Pria, Wanita, Anak-Anak" msgid "Professional Uniforms" msgstr "Seragam Profesional" msgid "Men's Uniforms" msgstr "Seragam Pria" msgid "Commercial Clothing — Men's, Women's, Children's" msgstr "Pakaian Komersial — Pria, Wanita, Anak-Anak" msgid "Children's Uniforms" msgstr "Seragam Anak-Anak" msgid "Men's, Women's, and Children's Uniforms and Commercial Clothing" msgstr "Seragam dan Pakaian Komersial Pria, Wanita, dan Anak-Anak" msgid "Textiles, Textile Binding" msgstr "Tekstil, Pengikatan Warna Tekstil" msgid "Supplies — Millinery" msgstr "Persediaan — Pembuatan Topi" msgid "Sewing Accessories" msgstr "Aksesori Jahitan" msgid "Notions" msgstr "Alat Jahit Kecil" msgid "Hair Accessories" msgstr "Aksesori Rambut" msgid "Fabric Goods" msgstr "Produk Kain" msgid "Piece Goods, Notions, and Other Dry Goods" msgstr "Kain Potongan, Alat Jahit Kecil, dan Produk Kering Lainnya" msgid "Supplies — Drugs, Drug Proprietaries, Druggist Sundries, Vitamins" msgstr "" "Persediaan — Obat, Bahan Racikan Obat, Aneka Perlengkapan Apoteker, Vitamin" msgid "Pharmaceuticals" msgstr "Farmasi" msgid "Perfume Distributors" msgstr "Distributor Parfum" msgid "Druggist Supplies" msgstr "Perlengkapan Apoteker" msgid "Distributors — Drugs, Druggists' Sundries, Toiletries" msgstr "Distributor — Obat, Aneka Perlengkapan Apoteker, Perlengkapan Mandi" msgid "Cosmetic Distributors" msgstr "Distributor Kosmetik" msgid "Drugs, Drug Proprietaries, and Druggist Sundries" msgstr "Obat, Bahan Racikan Obat, dan Aneka Perlengkapan Apoteker " msgid "Supplies — Stationery, Office Supplies, Printing, and Writing Paper" msgstr "" "Persediaan — Alat Tulis, Perlengkapan Kantor, Pencetakan, dan Kertas Tulis" msgid "Printing Supplies" msgstr "Perlengkapan Pencetakan" msgid "Paper — Writing, Printing, Stationery, Office Supplies" msgstr "Kertas — Penulisan, Pencetakan, Alat Tulis, Perlengkapan Kantor" msgid "Writing Supplies" msgstr "Peralatan Menulis" msgid "Business Supplies — Stationery, Office, Printing" msgstr "Perlengkapan Bisnis — Alat Tulis, Kantor, Pencetakan" msgid "Stationery, Office Supplies, Printing and Writing Paper" msgstr "Alat Tulis, Perlengkapan Kantor, Pencetakan, dan Kertas Tulis" msgid "Signs" msgstr "Rambu" msgid "Rough Timber Products" msgstr "Produk Kayu Kasar" msgid "Monuments" msgstr "Monumen" msgid "Luggage (Business to Business)" msgstr "Bagasi (Bisnis ke Bisnis)" msgid "Grave Stones" msgstr "Batu Nisan" msgid "Goods — Durable" msgstr "Produk — Tahan Lama" msgid "Gas Lighting Fixtures" msgstr "Alat Pencahayaan Gas" msgid "Firearms, Ammunition" msgstr "Senjata Api, Amunisi" msgid "Fire Extinguishers" msgstr "Pemadam Api" msgid "Durable Goods (Not Elsewhere Classified)" msgstr "Produk Tahan Lama (Tidak Diklasifikasikan di Tempat Lain)" msgid "Jewelry — Fine Watches" msgstr "Perhiasan — Arloji Mewah" msgid "Gemstones, Precious Stones, Metals, Watches, Jewelry" msgstr "Batu Permata, Batu Mulia, Logam, Arloji, Perhiasan" msgid "Industrial Supplies (Not Elsewhere Classified)" msgstr "Perlengkapan Industri (Tidak Diklasifikasikan di Tempat Lain)" msgid "Supplies — Plumbing Equipment, Supplies" msgstr "Perlengkapan — Peralatan, Perlengkapan Leding" msgid "Supplies — Heating Equipment, Supplies" msgstr "Perlengkapan — Peralatan, Perlengkapan Pemanas" msgid "Heating Equipment, Supplies" msgstr "Peralatan, Perlengkapan Pemanas" msgid "Equipment — Water Conditioning, Purification, Softening" msgstr "Peralatan — Pengondisian, Pemurnian, Pelunakan Air" msgid "Equipment — Plumbing Equipment, Supplies" msgstr "Peralatan — Peralatan, Perlengkapan Leding" msgid "Equipment — Heating Equipment, Supplies" msgstr "Peralatan — Peralatan, Perlengkapan Pemanas" msgid "Plumbing and Heating Equipment and Supplies" msgstr "Peralatan dan Perlengkapan Leding dan Pemanas" msgid "Supplies Hardware, Equipment, Supplies" msgstr "Perangkat Keras, Peralatan, Perlengkapan Pendukung" msgid "Hand Tools" msgstr "Alat Tangan" msgid "Equipment — Hardware, Equipment, Supplies" msgstr "Peralatan — Perangkat Keras, Peralatan, Perlengkapan" msgid "Hardware, Equipment and Supplies" msgstr "Perangkat Keras, Peralatan, dan Perlengkapan" msgid "Supplies — Electrical Parts, Equipment" msgstr "Perlengkapan — Suku Cadang, Peralatan Listrik" msgid "Parts — Electrical, Equipment" msgstr "Suku Cadang — Listrik, Peralatan" msgid "Equipment — Electrical Parts, Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan — Suku Cadang, Peralatan Listrik" msgid "Electrical Parts and Equipment" msgstr "Suku Cadang dan Peralatan Listrik" msgid "Metal Service Centers and Offices" msgstr "Pusat dan Kantor Servis Logam" msgid "X-Ray Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Sinar-X" msgid "Supplies — Orthopedic" msgstr "Perlengkapan — Ortopedi" msgid "Supplies — Medical" msgstr "Perlengkapan — Medis" msgid "Supplies — Hospital" msgstr "Perlengkapan — Rumah Sakit" msgid "Supplies — Dental" msgstr "Perlengkapan — Dental" msgid "Safety Equipment" msgstr "Perlengkapan Keselamatan" msgid "Orthodontia Supplies" msgstr "Peralatan Ortodonsia" msgid "Hospital Equipment, Supplies" msgstr "Peralatan, Perlengkapan Rumah Sakit" msgid "" "Equipment — Medical, Dental, Ophthalmic, Orthopedic, Hospital Equipment, " "Supplies" msgstr "" "Peralatan — Peralatan, Perlengkapan Medis, Dental, Ofthalmik, Ortopedi Rumah " "Sakit" msgid "Dental Equipment, Supplies" msgstr "Peralatan, Perlengkapan Dental" msgid "Medical, Dental, Ophthalmic and Hospital Equipment and Supplies" msgstr "Peralatan dan Perlengkapan Medis, Dental, Oftalmik, dan Rumah Sakit" msgid "Supplies — Commercial Equipment" msgstr "Persediaan — Perlengkapan Komersial" msgid "Restaurant Equipment — Commercial Cooking, Food Service Equipment" msgstr "Perlengkapan Restoran — Perlengkapan Masakan Komersial, Katering" msgid "" "Commercial Cooking, Food Service Equipment Equipment — Commercial Food " "Service Equipment — Commercial Cooking Equipment" msgstr "" "Perlengkapan Masakan Komersial, Katering — Perlengkapan Katering Komersial — " "Perlengkapan Masakan Komersial" msgid "Appliance Wholesaler" msgstr "Grosir Perabot" msgid "Commercial Equipment (Not Elsewhere Classified)" msgstr "Perlengkapan Komersial (Tidak Diklasifikasikan di Tempat Lain)" msgid "Supplies — Computers, Computer Peripheral Equipment, Software" msgstr "Persediaan — Perangkat Lunak, Perlengkapan Periferal Komputer" msgid "Software — Computer" msgstr "Perangkat Lunak — Komputer" msgid "Hardware — Computer" msgstr "Perangkat Keras — Komputer" msgid "Equipment — Computers, Computer Peripheral Equipment, Software" msgstr "Perlengkapan — Perangkat Lunak, Perlengkapan Periferal Komputer" msgid "Computers and Computer Peripheral Equipment and Software" msgstr "Perangkat Lunak dan Perlengkapan Periferal Komputer" msgid "Supplies — Photographic, Photocopy, Microfilm Equipment, Supplies" msgstr "Persediaan — Peralatan, Perlengkapan Fotografi, Fotokopi, Mikrofilm" msgid "Photocopy Supplies" msgstr "Peralatan Fotokopi" msgid "Microfilm Supplies" msgstr "Peralatan Mikrofilm" msgid "Equipment — Photographic, Photocopy, Microfilm Equipment, Supplies" msgstr "Peralatan — Peralatan, Perlengkapan Fotografi, Fotokopi, Mikrofilm" msgid "Copy Services — Photographic, Photo -copy, Microfilm Supplies" msgstr "Layanan Penyalinan — Perlengkapan Fotografi, Fotokopi, Mikrofilm" msgid "Photographic, Photocopy, Microfilm Equipment and Supplies" msgstr "Peralatan dan Perlengkapan Fotografi, Fotokopi, dan Mikrofilm" msgid "Supplies — Construction Materials" msgstr "Persediaan — Bahan Bangunan" msgid "Materials — Construction" msgstr "Bahan — Bangunan" msgid "Construction Materials (Not Elsewhere Classified )" msgstr "Bahan Bangunan (TIdak Diklasifikasikan di Tempat Lain)" msgid "Furniture — Office, Commercial" msgstr "Furnitur — Kantor, Komersial" msgid "Commercial Furniture" msgstr "Furnitur Komersial" msgid "Office and Commercial Furniture" msgstr "Furnitur Kantor dan Komersial" msgid "Vehicle Supplies, New Parts" msgstr "Suku Cadang Baru, Persediaan Kendaraan" msgid "Supplies — Motor Vehicle Supplies, New Parts" msgstr "Persediaan — Persediaan, Suku Cadang Baru Kendaraan Bermotor" msgid "Parts — Motor Vehicle Supplies, New Parts" msgstr "Suku Cadang — Persediaan, Suku Cadang Baru Kendaraan Bermotor" msgid "Automobile — Motor Vehicle Supplies, New Parts" msgstr "Mobil — Persediaan, Suku Cadang Baru Kendaraan Bermotor" msgid "Motor Vehicle Supplies and New Parts" msgstr "Persediaan dan Suku Cadang Baru Kendaraan Bermotor" msgid "Water Utilities" msgstr "Fasilitas Air" msgid "Services — Water Utilities" msgstr "Layanan — Fasilitas Air" msgid "Services — Waste Management" msgstr "Layanan — Manajemen Limbah" msgid "Services — Sanitary Utilities" msgstr "Layanan — Fasilitas Sanitasi" msgid "Services — Gas Utilities" msgstr "Layanan — Fasilitas Gas" msgid "Services — Electric Utilities" msgstr "Layanan — Fasilitas Listrik" msgid "Sanitary Utilities" msgstr "Fasilitas Sanitasi" msgid "Public Utilities" msgstr "Fasilitas Umum" msgid "Gas Utilities" msgstr "Fasilitas Gas" msgid "Garbage Collectors" msgstr "Pengepul Sampah" msgid "Electric Utilities" msgstr "Fasilitas Listrik" msgid "Utilities — Electric, Gas, Water, and Sanitary" msgstr "Fasilitas — Listrik, Gas, Air, dan Sanitasi" msgid "Services — Pay Radio and Satellite Services" msgstr "Layanan — Layanan Radio dan Satelit Berbayar" msgid "Services — Cable and Other Pay Television Services" msgstr "Layanan — Layanan Televisi Kabel dan Televisi Berbayar Lainnya" msgid "Satellite Services" msgstr "Layanan Satelit" msgid "Pay Television Services Cable" msgstr "Layanan Televisi Kabel Berbayar" msgid "Pay Radio Services" msgstr "Layanan Radio Berbayar" msgid "Cable, Satellite and Other Pay Television/Radio/Streaming Services" msgstr "" "Layanan Televisi/Radio/Streaming, Siaran Kabel, Satelit, dan Layanan " "Berbayar Lainnya" msgid "Wire Transfer" msgstr "Transfer Bank Antarnegara" msgid "Money Transfer" msgstr "Transfer Uang" msgid "Services — Telegraph" msgstr "Layanan — Telegraf" msgid "Services — Cablegrams" msgstr "Layanan — Cablegram" msgid "Cablegrams" msgstr "Cablegram" msgid "Telegraph Services" msgstr "Layanan Telegraf" msgid "Website Management/ Maintenance" msgstr "Pengelolaan/Pemeliharaan Situs" msgid "Internet Payment Facilitators" msgstr "Fasilitator Pembayaran Internet" msgid "Information Services — via Computer Networks" msgstr "Layanan Informasi — melalui Jaringan Komputer" msgid "Electronic Bulletin Board Access" msgstr "Akses Papan Buletin Elektronik" msgid "Computer Network/Information Services" msgstr "Jaringan Komputer/Layanan Informasi" msgid "Prepaid Calling Cards — Telecommunication Service" msgstr "Kartu Panggilan Prabayar — Layanan Telekomunikasi" msgid "Long Distance Telecommunication Service" msgstr "Layanan Telekomunikasi Jarak Jauh" msgid "Local Telecommunication Service" msgstr "Layanan Telekomunikasi Lokal" msgid "Faxing Services" msgstr "Layanan Faks" msgid "Cellular Telephone Service" msgstr "Layanan Telepon Seluler" msgid "" "Telecommunication Services, including Local and Long Distance Calls, Credit " "Card Calls, Calls Through Use of Magnetic-Stripe-Reading Telephones, and Fax " "Services" msgstr "" "Layanan Telekomunikasi, termasuk Layanan Panggilan Lokal dan Jarak Jauh, " "Panggilan Menggunakan Kartu Kredit, Panggilan Melalui Penggunaan Telepon " "Kartu Pita Magnetik, dan Faks" msgid "" "Key-entry Telecom Merchant providing single local and long-distance phone " "calls using a central access number in a non-face-to-face environment using " "key entry" msgstr "" "Merchant Telekomunikasi Key-entry menyediakan panggilan telepon lokal dan " "jarak jauh menggunakan nomor akses pusat pada lingkup non-tatap muka melalui " "key entry" msgid "Telephone Equipment" msgstr "Perlengkapan Telepon" msgid "Pagers, Paging Equipment" msgstr "Perlengkapan Penyeranta" msgid "Equipment — Telecommunications" msgstr "Perlengkapan — Telekomunikasi" msgid "Cellular Telephone Equipment" msgstr "Perlengkapan Telepon Seluler" msgid "Telecommunication Equipment and Telephone Sales" msgstr "Penjualan Perlengkapan Telekomunikasi dan Telepon" msgid "Shuttle Transportation" msgstr "Transportasi Antar Jemput" msgid "Services — Transportation" msgstr "Layanan — Transportasi" msgid "Miscellaneous Transport Services" msgstr "Layanan Transportasi Serbaneka" msgid "Airport Shuttle Transportation" msgstr "Transportasi Antar Jemput Bandara" msgid "Transportation Services (Not Elsewhere Classified)" msgstr "Layanan Transportasi (Tidak Diklasifikasikan di Tempat Lain)" msgid "Tolls and Bridge Fees" msgstr "Biaya Tol dan Jembatan" msgid "Package Tour Operators — Germany Only" msgstr "Paket Operator Tur — Khusus Jerman" msgid "Travel Wholesalers" msgstr "Grosir Perjalanan" msgid "Tour Operators" msgstr "Operator Tur" msgid "Tour Buses" msgstr "Bus Wisata" msgid "Package Tour Operators" msgstr "Operator Tur Paket" msgid "Charter Buses" msgstr "Bus Sewa" msgid "Travel Agencies and Tour Operators" msgstr "Agensi Perjalanan dan Operator Tur" msgid "Terminals — Airports" msgstr "Terminal — Bandara" msgid "Flying Fields" msgstr "Lapangan Penerbangan" msgid "Airports, Flying Fields, and Airport Terminals" msgstr "Bandara, Lapangan Penerbangan, dan Terminal Bandara" msgid "Airlines and Air Carriers (Not Elsewhere Classified)" msgstr "" "Maskapai Penerbangan dan Perusahaan Angkutan Udara (Tidak Diklasifikasikan " "di Tempat Lain)" msgid "Yacht Harbors" msgstr "Pelabuhan Yacht" msgid "Supplies — Marinas, Marine Service, Supplies" msgstr "Perlengkapan — Layanan, Perlengkapan Marina, Kelautan" msgid "Services — Marine, Marina" msgstr "Layanan — Marina, Kelautan" msgid "Harbors" msgstr "Pelabuhan" msgid "Marinas, Marine Service, and Supplies" msgstr "Layanan dan Perlengkapan Marina dan Kelautan" msgid "Yacht Rentals — Non-Crew" msgstr "Rental Yacht — Tanpa Kru" msgid "Sailboats — Rentals, Leases" msgstr "Perahu Layar — Rental, Sewa Guna" msgid "Rentals — Yachts, Non-Crew" msgstr "Rental — Yacht, Tanpa Kru" msgid "Rentals — Jet Skis" msgstr "Rental — Jet Ski" msgid "Rentals — Boats" msgstr "Rental — Perahu" msgid "Powerboats — Rental, Leases" msgstr "Perahu Motor — Rental, Sewa Guna" msgid "Jet Skis — Rental, Leases" msgstr "Jet Ski — Rental, Sewa Guna" msgid "Boat Rentals and Leasing" msgstr "Rental dan Sewa Guna Perahu" msgid "Ships — Cruise Lines" msgstr "Kapal — Maskapai Kapal Pesiar" msgid "Steamship and Cruise Lines" msgstr "Maskapai Kapal Uap dan Kapal Pesiar" msgid "Warehousing, Storage Storage — Public" msgstr "Pergudangan, Gudang Penyimpanan — Umum" msgid "" "Public Warehousing and Storage — Farm Products, Refrigerated Goods, " "Household Goods, and Storage" msgstr "" "Pergudangan dan Penyimpanan Umum — Produk Pertanian, Produk Beku, Barang " "Rumah Tangga, dan Penyimpanan" msgid "Services — Freight Forwarders, Courier Services" msgstr "Layanan — Ekspedisi Muatan, Jasa Kurir" msgid "Services — Courier, Air or Ground" msgstr "Layanan — Kurir, Udara atau Darat" msgid "Ground or Air Courier Services" msgstr "Jasa Kurir Darat atau Udara" msgid "Freight Forwarders, Courier Services" msgstr "Ekspedisi Muatan, Jasa Kurir" msgid "Air or Ground Courier Services" msgstr "Jasa Kurir Udara atau Darat" msgid "Courier Services — Air and Ground, and Freight Forwarders" msgstr "Jasa Kurir— Udara dan Darat, serta Ekspedisi Muatan" msgid "Trucking — Local, Long Distance" msgstr "Angkutan Truk — Lokal, Jarak Jauh" msgid "Storage, Moving Companies — Local, Long Distance" msgstr "Perusahaan Jasa Gudang, Pindahan — Lokal, Jarak Jauh" msgid "Services — Trucking, Local and Long Distance" msgstr "Layanan — Angkutan Truk, Lokal dan Jarak Jauh" msgid "Services — Freight Carriers, Trucking and Storage" msgstr "Layanan — Ekspedisi Muatan, Angkutan Truk, dan Gudang" msgid "Services — Delivery, Local" msgstr "Layanan — Pengiriman, Lokal" msgid "Moving, Storage Companies" msgstr "Perusahaan Jasa Pindahan, Gudang" msgid "Moving Companies" msgstr "Perusahaan Jasa Pindahan" msgid "Motor Freight Carriers — Local, Long Distance Trucking" msgstr "Ekspedisi Muatan Bermotor — Angkutan Truk Lokal, Jarak Jauh" msgid "Long Distance Trucking Services" msgstr "Layanan Angkutan Truk Jarak Jauh" msgid "Local Delivery Service" msgstr "Layanan Pengiriman Lokal" msgid "Freight Carriers, Trucking and Storage" msgstr "Ekspedisi Muatan, Angkutan Truk, dan Gudang" msgid "Delivery Services — Local" msgstr "Layanan Pengiriman — Lokal" msgid "" "Motor Freight Carriers and Trucking — Local and Long Distance, Moving and " "Storage Companies, and Local Delivery" msgstr "" "Ekspedisi Muatan Bermotor dan Angkutan Truk — Lokal dan Jarak Jauh, " "Perusahaan Jasa Pindahan dan Gudang, serta Pengiriman Lokal" msgid "Transportation — Bus Lines" msgstr "Transportasi — Operator Bus" msgid "Coach Lines" msgstr "Operator Bus Besar" msgid "Bus Lines" msgstr "Operator Bus" msgid "Transportation — Taxicabs, Limousines" msgstr "Transportasi — Taksi, Limosin" msgid "Services — Taxicabs, Limousines" msgstr "Layanan — Taksi, Limosin" msgid "Limousines" msgstr "Limosin" msgid "Cabs, Taxicabs, Limousines" msgstr "Taksi, Limosin" msgid "Taxicabs and Limousines" msgstr "Taksi dan Limosin" msgid "Transportation — Ambulance Services" msgstr "Transportasi — Layanan Ambulans" msgid "Services — Emergency Vehicles" msgstr "Layanan — Kendaraan Darurat" msgid "Services — Ambulance" msgstr "Layanan — Ambulans" msgid "Services — Air Ambulance" msgstr "Layanan — Ambulans Udara" msgid "Emergency Vehicle Services" msgstr "Layanan Kendaraan Darurat" msgid "Air Ambulance Services" msgstr "Layanan Ambulans Udara" msgid "Ambulance Services" msgstr "Layanan Ambulans" msgid "Transportation — Passenger Railways" msgstr "Transportasi — Kereta Api Penumpang" msgid "Trains — Passenger" msgstr "Kereta — Penumpang" msgid "Railways — Passenger" msgstr " Kereta Api — Penumpang" msgid "Passenger Railways" msgstr "Kereta Api Penumpang" msgid "Transportation — Ferries" msgstr "Transportasi — Feri" msgid "Transportation — Commuter, Railways" msgstr "Transportasi — Komuter, Kereta Api" msgid "" "Transportation — Commuter, Local, Suburban Commuter Passenger Transportation" msgstr "" "Transportasi — Transportasi Penumpang Komuter, Lokal, Komuter ke Pinggiran " "Kota" msgid "Commuter Transportation — Railways" msgstr "Transportasi Komuter — Kereta Api" msgid "Commuter Transportation — Ferries" msgstr "Transportasi Komuter — Feri" msgid "Local and Suburban Commuter Passenger Transportation, Including Ferries" msgstr "Transportasi Penumpang Komuter Lokal dan Pinggiran Kota, termasuk Feri" msgid "Transportation — Railroads, Freight" msgstr "Transportasi — Kereta Api, Kereta Barang" msgid "Trains — Freight Transportation" msgstr "Kereta — Transportasi Barang" msgid "Freight — Rail, Train Transportation" msgstr "Kereta Barang — Transportasi Rel, Kereta" msgid "Railroads" msgstr "Jalur Kereta Api" msgid "Sanitation Preparations" msgstr "Persiapan Sanitasi" msgid "Polishing Preparations" msgstr "Persiapan Pemolesan" msgid "Materials — Cleaning, Polishing, Sanitation" msgstr "Bahan — Pembersihan, Pemolesan, Sanitasi" msgid "Cleaning Preparations" msgstr "Persiapan Pembersihan" msgid "Specialty Cleaning, Polishing and Sanitation Preparations" msgstr "Persiapan Pembersihan, Pemolesan, dan Sanitasi Khusus" msgid "Services — Typesetting" msgstr "Layanan — Tata Cetak" msgid "Services — Plate Making" msgstr "Layanan — Pembuatan Pelat" msgid "Plate Making Services" msgstr "Layanan Pembuatan Pelat" msgid "Typesetting, Plate Making and Related Services" msgstr "Layanan Tata Cetak, Pembuatan Pelat, dan Layanan Terkait" msgid "Services — Publishing, Printing" msgstr "Layanan — Penerbitan, Pencetakan" msgid "Services — Bookbinding" msgstr "Layanan — Penjilidan" msgid "Publishing Services" msgstr "Layanan Penerbitan" msgid "Printing Services" msgstr "Jasa Cetak" msgid "Bookbinding Services" msgstr "Layanan Penjilidan" msgid "Miscellaneous Publishing and Printing" msgstr "Penerbitan dan Pencetakan Serbaneka" msgid "Well Drilling Contractors" msgstr "Kontraktor Pengeboran Sumur" msgid "Welding Contractors" msgstr "Kontraktor Pengelasan" msgid "Wallpaper Hangers" msgstr "Gantungan Kertas Dinding" msgid "Services — Demolition" msgstr "Layanan — Pembongkaran" msgid "Paper Hanging Contractors" msgstr "Kontraktor Pemasang Kertas Dinding" msgid "Painting Contractors — Home, Building" msgstr "Kontraktor Pengecatan — Rumah, Gedung" msgid "Miscellaneous Special Contractors" msgstr "Kontraktor Khusus Serbaneka" msgid "Window Replacement" msgstr "Penggantian Jendela" msgid "Interior Decorators" msgstr "Dekorator Interior" msgid "Glasswork Contractors" msgstr "Kontraktor Kaca" msgid "Garage Door Installation" msgstr "Pemasangan Pintu Garasi" msgid "Demolition Services" msgstr "Layanan Pembongkaran" msgid "Decorators — Interior" msgstr "Dekorator — Interior" msgid "Decorating Contractors" msgstr "Kontraktor Dekorasi" msgid "Contractors — Well Drilling" msgstr "Kontraktor — Pengeboran Sumur" msgid "Contractors — Welding" msgstr "Kontraktor — Pengelasan" msgid "Contractors — Special Trade Contractors" msgstr "Kontraktor — Kontraktor Perdagangan Khusus" msgid "Contractors — Paper Hanging" msgstr "Kontraktor — Pemasangan Kertas Dinding" msgid "Contractors — Painting, Home and Building" msgstr "Kontraktor — Pengecatan, Rumah dan Gedung" msgid "Contractors — Glasswork" msgstr "Kontraktor — Kaca" msgid "Contractors — Demolition Services" msgstr "Kontraktor — Layanan Pembongkaran" msgid "Contractors — Decorating" msgstr "Kontraktor — Dekorasi" msgid "Special Trade Contractors (Not Elsewhere Classified)" msgstr "Kontraktor Perdagangan Khusus (Tidak Diklasifikasikan di Tempat Lain)" msgid "Contractors — Concrete Work" msgstr "Kontraktor — Pekerjaan Beton" msgid "Cement Contractors" msgstr "Kontraktor Semen" msgid "Asphalt Contractors" msgstr "Kontraktor Aspal" msgid "Concrete Work Contractors" msgstr "Kontraktor Pekerjaan Beton" msgid "Siding Contractors" msgstr "Kontraktor Pengerjaan Dinding" msgid "Sheet Metal Work Contractors" msgstr "Kontraktor Pengolahan Lembaran Logam" msgid "Contractors — Siding" msgstr "Kontraktor — Pengerjaan Dinding" msgid "Contractors — Sheet Metal Work" msgstr "Kontraktor — Pengolahan Lembaran Logam" msgid "Contractors — Roofing" msgstr "Kontraktor — Pengerjaan Atap" msgid "Roofing, Siding, and Sheet Metal Work Contractors" msgstr "Kontraktor Pengerjaan Atap, Dinding, dan Pengolahan Lembaran Logam" msgid "Carpentry Contractors" msgstr "Kontraktor Pertukangan" msgid "Tile Setting Contractors" msgstr "Kontraktor Penyusunan Ubin" msgid "Stonework Contractors" msgstr "Kontraktor Kerajinan Batu" msgid "Plastering Contractors" msgstr "Kontraktor Plesteran" msgid "Insulation Contractors" msgstr "Kontraktor Insulasi" msgid "Contractors — Tile Setting" msgstr "Kontraktor — Penyusunan Ubin" msgid "Contractors — Stonework" msgstr "Kontraktor — Kerajinan Batu" msgid "Contractors — Plastering" msgstr "Kontraktor — Plesteran" msgid "Contractors — Masonry" msgstr "Kontraktor — Pekerjaan Tukang Batu" msgid "Contractors — Insulation" msgstr "Kontraktor — Insulasi" msgid "Masonry, Stonework, Tile Setting, Plastering and Insulation Contractors" msgstr "" "Kontraktor Pekerjaan Tukang Batu, Penyusunan Ubin, Plasteran, dan Insulasi" msgid "Electrical Contractors" msgstr "Kontraktor Listrik" msgid "Plumbing Contractors" msgstr "Kontraktor Leding" msgid "Heating Contractors" msgstr "Kontraktor Pemanas" msgid "Contractors — Plumbing" msgstr "Kontraktor — Leding" msgid "Contractors — Heating" msgstr "Kontraktor — Pemanas" msgid "Contractors — Air Conditioning" msgstr "Kontraktor — AC" msgid "Air Conditioning Contractors" msgstr "Kontraktor AC" msgid "Heating, Plumbing, and Air Conditioning Contractors" msgstr "Kontraktor Pemanas, Leding, dan AC" msgid "Contractors — Residential, Commercial" msgstr "Kontraktor — Hunian, Komersial" msgid "Construction Companies Contractors — General" msgstr "Kontraktor Perusahaan Konstruksi — Umum" msgid "Building Contractors — Residential, Commercial" msgstr "Kontraktor Gedung — Hunian, Komersial" msgid "General Contractors — Residential and Commercial" msgstr "Kontraktor Umum — Hunian dan Komersial" msgid "Services — Landscaping" msgstr "Layanan — Seni Pertamanan" msgid "Services — Horticulture" msgstr "Layanan — Hortikultura" msgid "Services — Gardening" msgstr "Layanan — Pertamanan" msgid "Horticulture Services" msgstr "Layanan Hortikultura" msgid "Gardening Services" msgstr "Layanan Pertamanan" msgid "Landscaping and Horticultural Services" msgstr "Layanan Seni Pertamanan dan Hortikultura" msgid "Vineyards" msgstr "Kebun Anggur" msgid "Orchards" msgstr "Kebun" msgid "Farm Management Services" msgstr "Layanan Pengelolaan Pertanian" msgid "Agricultural Co-operatives" msgstr "Koperasi Pertanian" msgid "Champagne producers" msgstr "Produsen sampanye" msgid "Wine producers" msgstr "Produsen anggur" msgid "Services — Veterinary" msgstr "Layanan — Dokter Hewan" msgid "Pet Clinics" msgstr "Klinik Hewan Peliharaan" msgid "Hospitals — Pet" msgstr "Rumah Sakit — Hewan Peliharaan" msgid "Clinics — Pet" msgstr "Klinik — Hewan Peliharaan" msgid "Animal Doctors, Hospitals" msgstr "Dokter, Rumah Sakit Hewan" msgid "Veterinary Services" msgstr "Layanan Dokter Hewan" msgid "wine" msgstr "anggur" msgid "mixed" msgstr "campuran" msgid "beer" msgstr "bir" msgid "Alcohol" msgstr "Alkohol" msgid "tray" msgstr "baki" msgid "torch" msgstr "obor" msgid "tool" msgstr "alat" msgid "scale" msgstr "timbangan" msgid "rolling" msgstr "rol" msgid "lighter" msgstr "pemantik" msgid "grinder" msgstr "penggiling" msgid "extraction" msgstr "ekstraksi" msgid "carb" msgstr "karbohidrat" msgid "bowl" msgstr "mangkuk" msgid "bong" msgstr "bong" msgid "banger" msgstr "sosis" msgid "attachment" msgstr "alat pelengkap" msgid "Accessories for tobacco and marijuana" msgstr "Aksesori untuk tembakau dan marijuana" msgid "Marijuana-related products" msgstr "Produk terkait marijuana" msgid "weed" msgstr "marijuana" msgid "tinctures" msgstr "tingtur" msgid "thc" msgstr "thc" msgid "terpenes" msgstr "terpena" msgid "strain" msgstr "galur" msgid "marijuana" msgstr "marijuana" msgid "kush" msgstr "ganja" msgid "hemp" msgstr "rami" msgid "hashish" msgstr "hasis" msgid "ganja" msgstr "ganja" msgid "edible" msgstr "bisa dimakan" msgid "dispensary" msgstr "apotek" msgid "cbd" msgstr "cbd" msgid "cannabis" msgstr "kanabis" msgid "Marijuana dispensaries" msgstr "Apotek marijuana" msgid "treat" msgstr "pengobatan" msgid "strength" msgstr "kekuatan" msgid "prevent" msgstr "pencegahan" msgid "nutraceutical" msgstr "nutrasetikal" msgid "needs" msgstr "kebutuhan" msgid "natural" msgstr "alami" msgid "cure" msgstr "obat" msgid "Supplements or nutraceuticals" msgstr "Suplemen atau nutrasetikal" msgid "weapon" msgstr "senjata" msgid "taser" msgstr "senjata kejut" msgid "sword" msgstr "pedang" msgid "suppressor" msgstr "peredam" msgid "stun" msgstr "setrum" msgid "silencer" msgstr "peredam suara" msgid "rifle" msgstr "senapan" msgid "replica" msgstr "replika" msgid "reload" msgstr "muat ulang" msgid "receiver" msgstr "penerima" msgid "pistol" msgstr "pistol" msgid "pepper" msgstr "merica" msgid "munition" msgstr "mesiu" msgid "machete" msgstr "golok" msgid "mace" msgstr "cokmar" msgid "knives" msgstr "pisau" msgid "katana" msgstr "katana" msgid "handgun" msgstr "pistol" msgid "gunpowder" msgstr "bubuk mesiu" msgid "grenade" msgstr "granat" msgid "gravity" msgstr "gravitasi" msgid "flick" msgstr "anggar" msgid "fencing" msgstr "anggar" msgid "ejector" msgstr "ejektor" msgid "casing" msgstr "selubung" msgid "bump" msgstr "bump" msgid "bullet" msgstr "peluru" msgid "barrel" msgstr "laras" msgid "archery" msgstr "panahan" msgid "Weapons or munitions" msgstr "Persenjataan atau mesiu" msgid "vape" msgstr "vape" msgid "eliquid" msgstr "eliquid" msgid "ejuice" msgstr "ejuice" msgid "Vapes, e-cigarettes, e-juice or related products" msgstr "Vape, rokok elektronik, e-juice, atau produk terkait" msgid "topless" msgstr "tanpa penutup dada" msgid "swinger" msgstr "gonta-ganti pasangan" msgid "strip" msgstr "telanjang" msgid "sex" msgstr "sanggama" msgid "porn" msgstr "pornografi" msgid "gentlemen" msgstr "tuan" msgid "fetish" msgstr "fetis" msgid "erotic" msgstr "erotis" msgid "bride" msgstr "pengantin perempuan" msgid "Adult content or services" msgstr "Konten atau layanan dewasa" msgid "smoker" msgstr "perokok" msgid "pipe" msgstr "pipa" msgid "nicotine" msgstr "nikotin" msgid "ecig" msgstr "rokok elektrik" msgid "e-cig" msgstr "rokok elektrik" msgid "cigarette" msgstr "rokok" msgid "cigar" msgstr "cerutu" msgid "Tobacco or cigars" msgstr "Tembakau atau cerutu" msgid "regulated and age-restricted products" msgstr "produk yang diatur hukum dan harus digunakan sesuai usia" msgid "toiletries" msgstr "perlengkapan mandi" msgid "tobacco" msgstr "tembakau" msgid "proprietary" msgstr "khusus" msgid "pad" msgstr "bantalan" msgid "over" msgstr "selesai" msgid "novelty" msgstr "modern" msgid "nonprescription" msgstr "tanpa resep" msgid "Pharmacies or pharmaceuticals" msgstr "Apotek atau farmasi" msgid "Regulated and age-restricted products" msgstr "Produk yang diatur hukum dan harus digunakan sesuai usia" msgid "markets" msgstr "pasar" msgid "Financial information and research" msgstr "Informasi dan penelitian keuangan" msgid "invest" msgstr "berinvestasi" msgid "institution" msgstr "lembaga" msgid "borrow" msgstr "meminjam" msgid "Other financial institutions" msgstr "Lembaga keuangan lainnya" msgid "nft" msgstr "nft" msgid "coin" msgstr "koin" msgid "bitcoin" msgstr "bitcoin" msgid "Cryptocurrencies" msgstr "Mata uang kripto" msgid "Digital Wallets" msgstr "Dompet Digital" msgid "crypto" msgstr "kripto" msgid "Virtual currencies" msgstr "Mata uang virtual" msgid "saving" msgstr "tabungan" msgid "retirement" msgstr "pensiun" msgid "Investment services" msgstr "Layanan investasi" msgid "send" msgstr "kirim" msgid "receive" msgstr "terima" msgid "peer" msgstr "rekan" msgid "Money services or transmission" msgstr "Layanan atau transmisi uang" msgid "invoice" msgstr "faktur" msgid "Collections agencies" msgstr "Jasa penagihan utang" msgid "repayment" msgstr "pengembalian" msgid "pay" msgstr "bayar" msgid "owe" msgstr "berutang" msgid "lend" msgstr "meminjamkan" msgid "Loans or lending" msgstr "Kredit atau pinjaman" msgid "wire" msgstr "antarnegara" msgid "value" msgstr "nilai" msgid "transfer" msgstr "transfer" msgid "telegraph" msgstr "telegraf" msgid "stored" msgstr "disimpan" msgid "remittance" msgstr "pengiriman uang" msgid "funds" msgstr "dana" msgid "eft" msgstr "eft" msgid "Wire transfers" msgstr "Transfer bank antarnegara" msgid "international" msgstr "internasional" msgid "currency" msgstr "mata uang" msgid "Currency exchanges" msgstr "Penukaran mata uang" msgid "check" msgstr "periksa" msgid "atm" msgstr "atm" msgid "Money orders" msgstr "Wesel" msgid "security" msgstr "keamanan" msgid "option" msgstr "opsi" msgid "mutual" msgstr "saling" msgid "manage" msgstr "Kelola" msgid "investment" msgstr "investasi" msgid "forex" msgstr "forex" msgid "foreign" msgstr "asing" msgid "commodities" msgstr "komoditas" msgid "binary" msgstr "biner" msgid "Security brokers or dealers" msgstr "Pialang atau pedagang sekuritas" msgid "toll-free" msgstr "bebas pulsa" msgid "stuffer" msgstr "pengisi" msgid "statement" msgstr "laporan" msgid "insurance" msgstr "Asuransi" msgid "Other building services" msgstr "Layanan pembangunan lainnya" msgid "sprinkler" msgstr "alat penyiram" msgid "solar" msgstr "tenaga surya" msgid "sewer" msgstr "selokan" msgid "refrigerator" msgstr "kulkas" msgid "pump" msgstr "pompa" msgid "irrigation" msgstr "irigasi" msgid "furnace" msgstr "tungku" msgid "freezer" msgstr "lemari pembeku" msgid "drain" msgstr "saluran buang" msgid "condition" msgstr "kondisi" msgid "ac" msgstr "ac" msgid "A/C and heating contractors" msgstr "Kontraktor pendingin dan pemanas ruangan" msgid "pager" msgstr "penyeranta" msgid "machine" msgstr "mesin" msgid "Telecom equipment" msgstr "Peralatan telekomunikasi" msgid "periodic" msgstr "berkala" msgid "cellular" msgstr "seluler" msgid "calling" msgstr "memanggil" msgid "Telecom services" msgstr "Layanan telekomunikasi" msgid "waterproof" msgstr "tahan air" msgid "wallpaper" msgstr "kertas dinding" msgid "swimming" msgstr "berenang" msgid "refinish" msgstr "pemolesan ulang" msgid "paint" msgstr "cat" msgid "interior" msgstr "interior" msgid "house" msgstr "rumah" msgid "glasswork" msgstr "barang pecah belah" msgid "fence" msgstr "pagar" msgid "demolition" msgstr "pembongkaran" msgid "awning" msgstr "kajang" msgid "Special trade contractors" msgstr "Kontraktor perdagangan khusus" msgid "trim" msgstr "potong" msgid "framing" msgstr "pembingkaian" msgid "finish" msgstr "selesai" msgid "door" msgstr "pintu" msgid "cabinet" msgstr "kabinet" msgid "Carpentry contractors" msgstr "Kontraktor pertukangan" msgid "telecom" msgstr "telekomunikasi" msgid "install" msgstr "pasang" msgid "fire" msgstr "api" msgid "alarm" msgstr "alarm" msgid "Electrical contractors" msgstr "Kontraktor listrik" msgid "building services" msgstr "layanan pembangunan" msgid "tile" msgstr "ubin" msgid "subcontractor" msgstr "subkontraktor" msgid "stonework" msgstr "kerajinan batu" msgid "siding" msgstr "pengerjaan dinding" msgid "setting" msgstr "penyusunan" msgid "roofing" msgstr "pengatapan" msgid "remodel" msgstr "merombak" msgid "plumbing" msgstr "leding" msgid "plastering" msgstr "plasteran" msgid "insulation" msgstr "insulasi" msgid "heating" msgstr "pemanas" msgid "contractor" msgstr "kontraktor" msgid "conditioning" msgstr "pengondisian" msgid "concrete" msgstr "beton" msgid "building" msgstr "pembangunan" msgid "alter" msgstr "mengubah" msgid "addition" msgstr "tambahan" msgid "General contractors" msgstr "Kontraktor umum" msgid "Building services" msgstr "Layanan pembangunan" msgid "slope" msgstr "lereng" msgid "sky" msgstr "langit" msgid "ski" msgstr "ski" msgid "skating" msgstr "seluncur" msgid "scooter" msgstr "skuter" msgid "roller" msgstr "sepatu roda" msgid "range" msgstr "lapangan" msgid "pool" msgstr "kolam" msgid "participation" msgstr "partisipasi" msgid "parachuting" msgstr "terjun payung" msgid "motorcycle" msgstr "sepeda motor" msgid "minigolf" msgstr "golf mini" msgid "miniature" msgstr "miniatur" msgid "mini-golf" msgstr "golf mini" msgid "license" msgstr "lisensi" msgid "hunting" msgstr "berburu" msgid "horseback" msgstr "menunggangi kuda" msgid "fishing" msgstr "memancing" msgid "cage" msgstr "kandang" msgid "batting" msgstr "memukul" msgid "balloon" msgstr "balon" msgid "aircraft" msgstr "pesawat" msgid "Other entertainment and recreation" msgstr "Hiburan dan rekreasi lainnya" msgid "poker" msgstr "poker" msgid "blackjack" msgstr "blackjack" msgid "Online gambling" msgstr "Judi online" msgid "research" msgstr "riset" msgid "outcome" msgstr "hasil" msgid "forecasting" msgstr "ramalan" msgid "football" msgstr "sepakbola" msgid "calculation" msgstr "perhitungan" msgid "bet" msgstr "taruhan" msgid "Sports forecasting or prediction services" msgstr "Layanan ramalan atau prediksi pertandingan olahraga" msgid "owned" msgstr "milik" msgid "licensed" msgstr "berlisensi" msgid "Lotteries" msgstr "Lotre" msgid "fantasy" msgstr "fantasi" msgid "betting" msgstr "bertaruh" msgid "Betting or fantasy sports" msgstr "Olahraga taruhan atau fantasi" msgid "refreshment" msgstr "minuman" msgid "motion" msgstr "gerakan" msgid "film" msgstr "film" msgid "Movie theaters" msgstr "Bioskop" msgid "teller" msgstr "teller" msgid "Fortune tellers" msgstr "Peramal" msgid "telling" msgstr "pemberitaan" msgid "tarot" msgstr "tarot" msgid "stand" msgstr "stan" msgid "snack" msgstr "camilan" msgid "psychic" msgstr "cenayang" msgid "mystic" msgstr "mistik" msgid "mechanical" msgstr "mekanis" msgid "fortune" msgstr "peruntungan" msgid "fair" msgstr "festival" msgid "county" msgstr "provinsi" msgid "circus" msgstr "sirkus" msgid "carnival" msgstr "karnaval" msgid "astrology" msgstr "astrologi" msgid "Amusement parks, carnivals, or circuses" msgstr "Taman hiburan, karnaval, atau sirkus" msgid "orchestra" msgstr "orkestra" msgid "musician" msgstr "pemusik" msgid "magician" msgstr "peramal" msgid "entertain" msgstr "hiburan" msgid "dj" msgstr "disjoki" msgid "dance" msgstr "tarian" msgid "comedian" msgstr "komedian" msgid "band" msgstr "grup musik" msgid "Musicians, bands, or orchestras" msgstr "Musisi, band, atau orkestra" msgid "trailer" msgstr "karavan" msgid "sporting" msgstr "olahraga" msgid "recreational" msgstr "rekreasi" msgid "ranch" msgstr "peternakan" msgid "nudist" msgstr "nudis" msgid "girl" msgstr "anak perempuan" msgid "dude" msgstr "pesolek" msgid "campground" msgstr "bumi perkemahan" msgid "camp" msgstr "perkemahan" msgid "boy" msgstr "anak laki-laki" msgid "Recreational camps" msgstr "Kemah wisata" msgid "winery" msgstr "kilang anggur" msgid "museum" msgstr "museum" msgid "exposition" msgstr "eksposisi" msgid "exhibit" msgstr "pameran" msgid "botanical" msgstr "botani" msgid "attraction" msgstr "atraksi" msgid "arboretum" msgstr "arboretum" msgid "aquarium" msgstr "akuarium" msgid "Tourist attractions" msgstr "Tempat wisata" msgid "entertainment and recreation" msgstr "hiburan dan rekreasi" msgid "theatrical" msgstr "teater" msgid "swap" msgstr "tukar" msgid "summer" msgstr "musim panas" msgid "scenery" msgstr "pemandangan" msgid "scalp" msgstr "catut" msgid "road" msgstr "jalan" msgid "performing" msgstr "pertunjukan" msgid "lighting" msgstr "pencahayaan" msgid "group" msgstr "grup" msgid "concert" msgstr "konser" msgid "casting" msgstr "pemilihan peran" msgid "Event ticketing" msgstr "Penjualan tiket acara" msgid "Entertainment and recreation" msgstr "Hiburan dan rekreasi" msgid "model" msgstr "model" msgid "karate" msgstr "karate" msgid "job" msgstr "lowongan kerja" msgid "flying" msgstr "terbang" msgid "culinary" msgstr "kuliner" msgid "cook" msgstr "koki" msgid "aviation" msgstr "penerbangan" msgid "Other educational services" msgstr "Layanan pendidikan lainnya" msgid "secondary" msgstr "sekunder" msgid "middle" msgstr "tengah" msgid "grammar" msgstr "tata bahasa" msgid "grade" msgstr "kelas" msgid "elementary" msgstr "dasar" msgid "Elementary or secondary schools" msgstr "Sekolah dasar atau menengah pertama" msgid "weld" msgstr "las" msgid "vocational" msgstr "vokasi" msgid "mechanics" msgstr "ahli mesin" msgid "instruction" msgstr "pelatihan" msgid "institute" msgstr "lembaga" msgid "driving" msgstr "mengemudi" msgid "carpentry" msgstr "tukang kayu" msgid "Vocational schools or trade schools" msgstr "Sekolah teknik atau kejuruan" msgid "university" msgstr "universitas" msgid "theological" msgstr "teologi" msgid "seminary" msgstr "seminari" msgid "school" msgstr "sekolah" msgid "junior" msgstr "menengah pertama" msgid "graduate" msgstr "lulus" msgid "engineering" msgstr "rekayasa teknik" msgid "degree" msgstr "gelar" msgid "college" msgstr "kampus" msgid "academic" msgstr "akademis" msgid "Colleges or universities" msgstr "Perguruan tinggi atau universitas" msgid "education" msgstr "Pendidikan" msgid "preschool" msgstr "prasekolah" msgid "nanny" msgstr "pengasuh" msgid "nannies" msgstr "pengasuh" msgid "kid" msgstr "anak" msgid "babysitting" msgstr "mengasuh anak" msgid "Child care services" msgstr "Layanan pengasuh anak" msgid "therapist" msgstr "terapis" msgid "surgical" msgstr "bedah" msgid "psychologist" msgstr "psikolog" msgid "practitioner" msgstr "praktisi" msgid "fertility" msgstr "kesuburan" msgid "dependency" msgstr "ketergantungan" msgid "chemical" msgstr "bahan kimia" msgid "blood" msgstr "darah" msgid "bank" msgstr "bank" msgid "Other medical services" msgstr "Layanan medis lainnya" msgid "telemed" msgstr "layanan kesehatan jarak jauh" msgid "telehealth" msgstr "telemedisin" msgid "pill" msgstr "pil" msgid "mill" msgstr "pabrik" msgid "dispense" msgstr "menyalurkan" msgid "consultation" msgstr "konsultasi" msgid "Telemedicine and Telehealth" msgstr "Layanan Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Jarak Jauh" msgid "Medical organizations" msgstr "Organisasi medis" msgid "vet" msgstr "dokter hewan" msgid "livestock" msgstr "ternak" msgid "dog" msgstr "anjing" msgid "cat" msgstr "cat" msgid "Veterinary services" msgstr "Layanan dokter hewan" msgid "senior" msgstr "senior" msgid "nurse" msgstr "perawat" msgid "assisted" msgstr "jompo" msgid "Assisted living" msgstr "Panti jompo" msgid "yoga" msgstr "yoga" msgid "supervision" msgstr "pengawasan" msgid "counsel" msgstr "nasihat" msgid "Mental health services" msgstr "Layanan kesehatan mental" msgid "money" msgstr "uang" msgid "expense" msgstr "pengeluaran" msgid "awareness" msgstr "kesadaran" msgid "Personal fundraising or crowdfunding" msgstr "Penggalangan dana pribadi atau urun dana" msgid "veterinary" msgstr "dokter hewan" msgid "services" msgstr "Layanan" msgid "psychiatric" msgstr "psikiatri" msgid "mental" msgstr "mental" msgid "hospital" msgstr "rumah sakit" msgid "extensive" msgstr "berkepanjangan" msgid "diagnostic" msgstr "diagnostik" msgid "continuous" msgstr "berkelanjutan" msgid "Hospitals" msgstr "Rumah Sakit" msgid "rest" msgstr "istirahat" msgid "nursing" msgstr "perawatan" msgid "inpatient" msgstr "rawat inap" msgid "hospice" msgstr "perawatan akhir" msgid "heal" msgstr "sembuh" msgid "elder" msgstr "lansia" msgid "convalescent" msgstr "pemulihan" msgid "Nursing or personal care facilities" msgstr "Fasilitas kesehatan atau perawatan pribadi" msgid "spinal" msgstr "tulang belakang" msgid "manipulated" msgstr "dimanipulasi" msgid "limbs" msgstr "anggota badan" msgid "column" msgstr "kolom" msgid "chiropractor" msgstr "chiropractor" msgid "adjusted" msgstr "disesuaikan" msgid "Chiropractors" msgstr "Chiropractor" msgid "orthodontist" msgstr "ortodonsia" msgid "dentist" msgstr "dokter gigi" msgid "Dentists and orthodontists" msgstr "Dokter gigi dan ortodonsia" msgid "optician" msgstr "ahli kacamata" msgid "optical" msgstr "optik" msgid "glasses" msgstr "kacamata" msgid "eye" msgstr "mata" msgid "exam" msgstr "pemeriksaan" msgid "Opticians and eyeglasses" msgstr "Ahli kacamata dan kacamata" msgid "surgery" msgstr "bedah" msgid "surgeon" msgstr "dokter bedah" msgid "specialized" msgstr "spesialis" msgid "radiologist" msgstr "ahli radiologi" msgid "psychiatrist" msgstr "psikiater" msgid "plastic" msgstr "plastik" msgid "physician" msgstr "tenaga medis" msgid "pediatrician" msgstr "dokter anak" msgid "orthopedist" msgstr "dokter ortopedi" msgid "obstetrician" msgstr "dokter kandungan" msgid "neurologist" msgstr "dokter saraf" msgid "gynecologist" msgstr "ahli ginekologi" msgid "general" msgstr "umum" msgid "doctor" msgstr "dokter" msgid "dermatologist" msgstr "dokter kulit" msgid "Doctors and physicians" msgstr "Dokter dan tenaga medis" msgid "medical services" msgstr "layanan medis" msgid "syringe" msgstr "jarum suntik" msgid "stimulation" msgstr "stimulasi" msgid "sti" msgstr "sti" msgid "serology" msgstr "serologi" msgid "rheumatoid" msgstr "rematik" msgid "prescription" msgstr "resep obat" msgid "needle" msgstr "jarum" msgid "need" msgstr "kebutuhan" msgid "nebulizer" msgstr "nebulizer" msgid "muscle" msgstr "otot" msgid "lense" msgstr "lensa" msgid "kit" msgstr "kit" msgid "insulin" msgstr "insulin" msgid "inhaler" msgstr "inhaler" msgid "implant" msgstr "implan" msgid "hypodermic" msgstr "hipodermik" msgid "hiv" msgstr "hiv" msgid "hearing" msgstr "pendengaran" msgid "filler" msgstr "filler" msgid "eyeglass" msgstr "lensa" msgid "electrical" msgstr "listrik" msgid "disposable" msgstr "sekali pakai" msgid "diabetes" msgstr "diabetes" msgid "dermal" msgstr "berhubungan dengan kulit" msgid "dental" msgstr "berhubungan dengan gigi" msgid "defibrillator" msgstr "defibrilator" msgid "cpap" msgstr "cpap" msgid "covid" msgstr "covid" msgid "bipap" msgstr "bipap" msgid "arthritis" msgstr "artritis" msgid "alzheimer" msgstr "alzheimer" msgid "als" msgstr "als" msgid "aids" msgstr "aids" msgid "aid" msgstr "aid" msgid "Medical devices" msgstr "Perangkat medis" msgid "Medical services" msgstr "Layanan medis" msgid "Other travel and lodging" msgstr "Perjalanan dan penginapan lainnya" msgid "timeshare" msgstr "timeshare" msgid "rent" msgstr "sewa" msgid "exchange" msgstr "bursa" msgid "condominium" msgstr "kondominium" msgid "arrange" msgstr "rencana" msgid "Timeshares" msgstr "Timeshare" msgid "term" msgstr "istilah" msgid "surf" msgstr "berselancar" msgid "resort" msgstr "resor" msgid "reservation" msgstr "reservasi" msgid "inn" msgstr "penginapan" msgid "homeshare" msgstr "rumah bersama" msgid "couch" msgstr "sofa" msgid "cottage" msgstr "pondok" msgid "central" msgstr "central" msgid "breakfast" msgstr "sarapan" msgid "airbnb" msgstr "airbnb" msgid "Hotels, inns, or motels" msgstr "Hotel, losmen, atau motel" msgid "travel and lodging" msgstr "perjalanan dan penginapan" msgid "residential" msgstr "tempat tinggal" msgid "real" msgstr "riil" msgid "payment" msgstr "pembayaran" msgid "motel" msgstr "motel" msgid "manager" msgstr "manajer" msgid "homeowner" msgstr "pemilik rumah" msgid "estate" msgstr "estat" msgid "commission" msgstr "komisi" msgid "broker" msgstr "pialang" msgid "apartment" msgstr "apartemen" msgid "Property rentals" msgstr "Persewaan properti" msgid "Travel and lodging" msgstr "Perjalanan dan penginapan" msgid "tramway" msgstr "jalur trem" msgid "shuttle" msgstr "antar jemput" msgid "pedicab" msgstr "becak" msgid "drawn" msgstr "ditarik" msgid "carriage" msgstr "kereta kuda" msgid "bicycle" msgstr "sepeda" msgid "airport" msgstr "bandara" msgid "aerial" msgstr "udara" msgid "Other transportation services" msgstr "Layanan transportasi lainnya" msgid "airline" msgstr "maskapai penerbangan" msgid "Airlines and air carriers" msgstr "Maskapai penerbangan dan perusahaan angkutan udara" msgid "vacation" msgstr "liburan" msgid "ship" msgstr "kapal" msgid "pleasure" msgstr "kesenangan" msgid "luxury" msgstr "kemewahan" msgid "line" msgstr "garis" msgid "inland" msgstr "pedalaman" msgid "inclusive" msgstr "lengkap" msgid "cabin" msgstr "kabin" msgid "Cruise lines" msgstr "Maskapai kapal pesiar" msgid "route" msgstr "rute" msgid "mass" msgstr "massa" msgid "ferry" msgstr "feri" msgid "commute" msgstr "perjalanan" msgid "carpool" msgstr "angkutan mobil bersama" msgid "Commuter transportation" msgstr "Transportasi komuter" msgid "usps" msgstr "usps" msgid "ups" msgstr "ups" msgid "supplier" msgstr "pemasok" msgid "consumer" msgstr "konsumen" msgid "consultant" msgstr "konsultan" msgid "cargo" msgstr "kargo" msgid "Shipping or forwarding" msgstr "pengiriman atau pengalihan" msgid "warehousing" msgstr "Pergudangan" msgid "storage" msgstr "ruang penyimpanan" msgid "refrigerated" msgstr "didinginkan" msgid "moving" msgstr "memindahkan" msgid "long" msgstr "panjang" msgid "forwarder" msgstr "ekspeditor" msgid "farm" msgstr "pertanian" msgid "distance" msgstr "jarak" msgid "company" msgstr "perusahaan" msgid "carrier" msgstr "pengangkut" msgid "Freight forwarders" msgstr "Perusahaan ekspedisi" msgid "traveler" msgstr "wisatawan" msgid "tour" msgstr "tur" msgid "ticketing" msgstr "penjualan tiket" msgid "steamship" msgstr "kapal uap" msgid "sea" msgstr "laut" msgid "railway" msgstr "kereta api" msgid "lodging" msgstr "penginapan" msgid "land" msgstr "lahan" msgid "cruise" msgstr "pelayaran" msgid "charter" msgstr "carter" msgid "bus" msgstr "bus" msgid "booking" msgstr "pemesanan" msgid "behalf" msgstr "kepentingan" msgid "agent" msgstr "agen" msgid "accommodation" msgstr "akomodasi" msgid "Travel agencies" msgstr "Agensi perjalanan" msgid "temporary" msgstr "sementara" msgid "parking" msgstr "parkir" msgid "park" msgstr "taman" msgid "hourly" msgstr "per jam" msgid "garage" msgstr "garasi" msgid "fee" msgstr "biaya" msgid "basis" msgstr "dasar" msgid "Parking lots" msgstr "Tempat parkir" msgid "trucking" msgstr "angkutan truk" msgid "parcel" msgstr "parsel" msgid "letter" msgstr "surat" msgid "ground" msgstr "lapangan" msgid "freight" msgstr "kargo" msgid "forward" msgstr "teruskan" msgid "courier" msgstr "kurir" msgid "air" msgstr "udara" msgid "Courier services" msgstr "Layanan kurir" msgid "Taxis and limos" msgstr "Taksi dan limosin" msgid "uber" msgstr "uber" msgid "transportation" msgstr "Transportasi" msgid "taxicab" msgstr "taksi" msgid "taxi" msgstr "taksi" msgid "suburban" msgstr "pinggiran kota" msgid "rideshare" msgstr "berbagi tumpangan" msgid "ride" msgstr "berkendara" msgid "passenger" msgstr "penumpang" msgid "lyft" msgstr "lyft" msgid "local" msgstr "lokal" msgid "limousine" msgstr "limosin" msgid "limo" msgstr "limo" msgid "hail" msgstr "panggilan" msgid "driver" msgstr "sopir" msgid "commuter" msgstr "komuter" msgid "cab" msgstr "taksi" msgid "Ridesharing" msgstr "Ridesharing" msgid "train" msgstr "kereta" msgid "taxidermist" msgstr "taksidermis" msgid "tattoo" msgstr "tato" msgid "stable" msgstr "kandang kuda" msgid "softening" msgstr "pelunakan" msgid "rsvp" msgstr "rsvp" msgid "registry" msgstr "pendaftaran" msgid "purification" msgstr "pemurnian" msgid "piercing" msgstr "tindik" msgid "pet" msgstr "hewan peliharaan" msgid "knot" msgstr "simpul" msgid "kennel" msgstr "kandang" msgid "housing" msgstr "perumahan" msgid "hotel" msgstr "hotel" msgid "horse" msgstr "kuda" msgid "groom" msgstr "perawatan" msgid "gift" msgstr "hadiah" msgid "filtration" msgstr "penyaringan" msgid "crowdfunding" msgstr "urun dana" msgid "cash" msgstr "uang tunai" msgid "breed" msgstr "berkembang biak" msgid "body" msgstr "badan" msgid "boarding" msgstr "asrama" msgid "animal" msgstr "hewan" msgid "Other personal services" msgstr "Layanan personal lainnya" msgid "matchmaker" msgstr "pencocokan" msgid "love" msgstr "cinta" msgid "escort" msgstr "pendamping" msgid "dating" msgstr "kencan" msgid "adult" msgstr "dewasa" msgid "wash" msgstr "cuci" msgid "laundry" msgstr "penatu" msgid "garment" msgstr "garmen" msgid "fold" msgstr "melipat" msgid "diaper" msgstr "popok" msgid "Laundry or cleaning services" msgstr "Layanan penatu atau kebersihan" msgid "wellness" msgstr "kesehatan" msgid "well" msgstr "sehat" msgid "psychology" msgstr "psikologi" msgid "obstacle" msgstr "tantangan" msgid "life" msgstr "kehidupan" msgid "individual" msgstr "perorangan" msgid "habit" msgstr "kebiasaan" msgid "being" msgstr "makhluk" msgid "behavior" msgstr "perilaku" msgid "Health and wellness coaching" msgstr "Bimbingan kesehatan dan kebugaran" msgid "marriage" msgstr "pernikahan" msgid "drug" msgstr "obat" msgid "alcohol" msgstr "alkohol" msgid "Counseling services" msgstr "Layanan konseling" msgid "tub" msgstr "bak mandi" msgid "sauna" msgstr "sauna" msgid "parlor" msgstr "salon" msgid "hot" msgstr "panas" msgid "Massage parlors" msgstr "Panti pijat" msgid "stock" msgstr "stok" msgid "spray" msgstr "semprotan" msgid "sod" msgstr "merumput" msgid "seed" msgstr "benih" msgid "nursery" msgstr "pembibitan" msgid "mulch" msgstr "mulsa" msgid "mow" msgstr "memotong" msgid "lawn" msgstr "halaman rumput" msgid "horticulture" msgstr "hortikultura" msgid "garden" msgstr "taman" msgid "florist" msgstr "perangkai bunga" msgid "fertilize" msgstr "memupuk" msgid "Landscaping services" msgstr "Layanan pertamanan" msgid "pedicure" msgstr "pedikur" msgid "nail" msgstr "kuku" msgid "manicure" msgstr "menikur" msgid "hairdresser" msgstr "penata rambut" msgid "fingernail" msgstr "kuku tangan" msgid "cutting" msgstr "memotong" msgid "coloring" msgstr "mewarnai" msgid "care" msgstr "perawatan" msgid "Salons or barbers" msgstr "Salon atau pangkas rambut" msgid "wrap" msgstr "membungkus" msgid "whirlpool" msgstr "pusaran" msgid "therapeutic" msgstr "terapeutik" msgid "tan" msgstr "sawo matang" msgid "styling" msgstr "desain" msgid "steam" msgstr "uap" msgid "mud" msgstr "lumpur" msgid "instructional" msgstr "pelatihan" msgid "herbal" msgstr "herbal" msgid "hair" msgstr "rambut" msgid "facial" msgstr "wajah" msgid "bed" msgstr "tempat tidur" msgid "bath" msgstr "mandi" msgid "Health and beauty spas" msgstr "Spa kesehatan dan kecantikan" msgid "personal services" msgstr "layanan personal" msgid "wedding" msgstr "pernikahan" msgid "still" msgstr "tetap" msgid "photofinish" msgstr "pencetakan foto" msgid "develop" msgstr "mengembangkan" msgid "Photography studios" msgstr "Studio fotografi" msgid "Personal services" msgstr "Layanan personal" msgid "union" msgstr "serikat" msgid "tenant" msgstr "penyewa" msgid "owner" msgstr "Pemilik" msgid "labor" msgstr "tenaga kerja" msgid "hoa" msgstr "hoa" msgid "historical" msgstr "bersejarah" msgid "condo" msgstr "kondo" msgid "art" msgstr "seni" msgid "Other membership organizations" msgstr "Organisasi keanggotaan lainnya" msgid "raise" msgstr "mengumpulkan" msgid "national" msgstr "nasional" msgid "fund" msgstr "dana" msgid "candidate" msgstr "kandidat" msgid "Political organizations" msgstr "Organisasi politik" msgid "yacht" msgstr "yacht" msgid "tennis" msgstr "tenis" msgid "swim" msgstr "berenang" msgid "spa" msgstr "spa" msgid "shooting" msgstr "pengambilan gambar" msgid "riding" msgstr "berkendara" msgid "recreation" msgstr "rekreasi" msgid "racquetball" msgstr "racquetball" msgid "league" msgstr "liga" msgid "gun" msgstr "senjata api" msgid "golf" msgstr "golf" msgid "facility" msgstr "fasilitas" msgid "exercise" msgstr "olahraga" msgid "entertainment" msgstr "hiburan" msgid "course" msgstr "kursus" msgid "country" msgstr "negara" msgid "club" msgstr "klub" msgid "bowling" msgstr "boling" msgid "boat" msgstr "perahu" msgid "Country clubs" msgstr "Country club" msgid "worship" msgstr "beribadat" msgid "training" msgstr "pelatihan" msgid "temple" msgstr "kuil" msgid "synagogue" msgstr "sinagoge" msgid "study" msgstr "belajar" msgid "religious" msgstr "keagamaan" msgid "religion" msgstr "agama" msgid "mosque" msgstr "masjid" msgid "church" msgstr "gereja" msgid "chapel" msgstr "kapel" msgid "activity" msgstr "aktivitas" msgid "Religious organizations" msgstr "Organisasi keagamaan" msgid "welfare" msgstr "kesejahteraan" msgid "solicit" msgstr "mengumpulkan" msgid "organization" msgstr "organisasi" msgid "nonprofit" msgstr "nirlaba" msgid "non" msgstr "non" msgid "fundraise" msgstr "penggalangan dana" msgid "donation" msgstr "donasi" msgid "contribution" msgstr "kontribusi" msgid "charity" msgstr "amal" msgid "charitable" msgstr "dermawan" msgid "Charities or social service organizations" msgstr "Organisasi amal atau layanan sosial" msgid "membership organizations" msgstr "organisasi keanggotaan" msgid "veteran" msgstr "veteran" msgid "political" msgstr "politik" msgid "police" msgstr "polisi" msgid "membership" msgstr "keanggotaan" msgid "fundraising" msgstr "penggalangan dana" msgid "fraternal" msgstr "persaudaraan" msgid "commerce" msgstr "perdagangan" msgid "civic" msgstr "sipil" msgid "chamber" msgstr "ruangan" msgid "athletic" msgstr "atletis" msgid "alumni" msgstr "alumni" msgid "alumnae" msgstr "alumnus" msgid "Civic, fraternal, or social associations" msgstr "Asosiasi sipil, persaudaraan, atau sosial" msgid "Membership organizations" msgstr "Organisasi keanggotaan" msgid "Other business services" msgstr "Layanan bisnis lainnya" msgid "video-conferencing" msgstr "konferensi-video" msgid "translation" msgstr "terjemahan" msgid "tourist" msgstr "turis" msgid "seminar" msgstr "seminar" msgid "postal" msgstr "pos" msgid "planning" msgstr "perencanaan" msgid "planner" msgstr "perencana" msgid "paging" msgstr "layanan penyeranta" msgid "meeting" msgstr "rapat" msgid "locksmith" msgstr "tukang kunci" msgid "key" msgstr "kunci" msgid "convention" msgstr "konvensi" msgid "bureau" msgstr "biro" msgid "arrangement" msgstr "penataan" msgid "answering" msgstr "penjawab" msgid "advisor" msgstr "penasihat" msgid "Other Marketing Services" msgstr "Layanan Pemasaran Lainnya" msgid "warranty" msgstr "garansi" msgid "return" msgstr "kembali" msgid "refund" msgstr "pengembalian dana" msgid "extended" msgstr "diperpanjang" msgid "device" msgstr "perangkat" msgid "contract" msgstr "kontrak" msgid "agreement" msgstr "perjanjian" msgid "Warranty Services" msgstr "Layanan Garansi" msgid "wipe" msgstr "seka" msgid "settlement" msgstr "hunian" msgid "repossess" msgstr "memiliki kembali" msgid "renegotiate" msgstr "negosiasi kembali" msgid "reduction" msgstr "pengurangan" msgid "levy" msgstr "retribusi" msgid "financial" msgstr "keuangan" msgid "debt" msgstr "utang" msgid "consolidation" msgstr "konsolidasi" msgid "adjusting" msgstr "penyesuaian" msgid "Debt reduction services" msgstr "Layanan pengurangan utang" msgid "relief" msgstr "keringanan" msgid "mortgage" msgstr "hipotek" msgid "modification" msgstr "modifikasi" msgid "loan" msgstr "pinjaman" msgid "foreclosure" msgstr "penyitaan" msgid "Mortgage consulting services" msgstr "Layanan konsultasi hipotek" msgid "score" msgstr "skor" msgid "guarantee" msgstr "jaminan" msgid "Credit counseling or credit repair" msgstr "Konsultasi kredit atau pemulihan kredit" msgid "telemarketing" msgstr "Pemasaran Jarak Jauh" msgid "outbound" msgstr "keluar" msgid "mailing" msgstr "pengiriman pos" msgid "catalog" msgstr "katalog" msgid "government" msgstr "pemerintah" msgid "community" msgstr "komunitas" msgid "agency" msgstr "agensi" msgid "Government services" msgstr "Layanan pemerintah" msgid "waste" msgstr "limbah" msgid "transmission" msgstr "transmisi" msgid "system" msgstr "sistem" msgid "sanitary" msgstr "sanitasi" msgid "refuse" msgstr "menolak" msgid "power" msgstr "daya" msgid "ongoing" msgstr "berlangsung" msgid "management" msgstr "manajemen" msgid "gas" msgstr "gas" msgid "garbage" msgstr "sampah" msgid "electric" msgstr "listrik" msgid "distribution" msgstr "distribusi" msgid "disposal" msgstr "pembuangan" msgid "collector" msgstr "kolektor" msgid "collection" msgstr "koleksi" msgid "number" msgstr "nomor" msgid "fax" msgstr "faks" msgid "direct" msgstr "langsung" msgid "classified" msgstr "iklan baris" msgid "Direct marketing" msgstr "Pemasaran langsung" msgid "seo" msgstr "seo" msgid "optimization" msgstr "optimasi" msgid "lead" msgstr "prospek" msgid "interest" msgstr "bunga" msgid "information" msgstr "informasi" msgid "generation" msgstr "generasi" msgid "form" msgstr "formulir" msgid "engine" msgstr "mesin" msgid "demographic" msgstr "demografi" msgid "customer" msgstr "pelanggan" msgid "convert" msgstr "konversi" msgid "call" msgstr "panggil" msgid "ad" msgstr "iklan" msgid "Lead generation" msgstr "Pencarian prospek" msgid "van" msgstr "van" msgid "used" msgstr "digunakan" msgid "sale" msgstr "obral" msgid "rv" msgstr "rv" msgid "pickup" msgstr "pikap" msgid "dealer" msgstr "dealer" msgid "camper" msgstr "wisatawan" msgid "buy" msgstr "beli" msgid "Car sales" msgstr "Penjualan mobil" msgid "truck" msgstr "truk" msgid "rental" msgstr "rental" msgid "marketplace" msgstr "pasar" msgid "Car rentals" msgstr "Sewa Mobil" msgid "tune-up" msgstr "tune-up" msgid "towing" msgstr "menderek" msgid "replacement" msgstr "pengganti" msgid "oil" msgstr "oli" msgid "muffler" msgstr "peredam suara knalpot" msgid "lube" msgstr "pelumas" msgid "balancing" msgstr "penyeimbangan" msgid "auto" msgstr "otomatis" msgid "alignment" msgstr "penyelarasan" msgid "Auto services" msgstr "Layanan mobil" msgid "xray" msgstr "sinar x" msgid "x-ray" msgstr "sinar-x" msgid "lab" msgstr "laboratorium" msgid "inspection" msgstr "pemeriksaan" msgid "industrial" msgstr "industrial" msgid "forensic" msgstr "forensik" msgid "calibration" msgstr "kalibrasi" msgid "automobile" msgstr "mobil" msgid "Testing laboratories" msgstr "Laboratorium uji" msgid "requirements" msgstr "persyaratan" msgid "database" msgstr "basis data" msgid "conversion" msgstr "konversi" msgid "consulting" msgstr "Konsultasi" msgid "analysis" msgstr "analisis" msgid "tax" msgstr "pajak" msgid "payroll" msgstr "daftar gaji" msgid "income" msgstr "penghasilan" msgid "finance" msgstr "keuangan" msgid "bookkeeping" msgstr "pembukuan" msgid "billing" msgstr "penagihan" msgid "accounting" msgstr "akuntansi" msgid "Accounting, auditing, or tax prep" msgstr "akuntansi, audit, atau penyiapan laporan pajak" msgid "jail" msgstr "penjara" msgid "court" msgstr "pengadilan" msgid "bond" msgstr "obligasi" msgid "bail" msgstr "uang penjamin" msgid "bankruptcy" msgstr "kepailitan" msgid "Bankruptcy services" msgstr "Layanan kepailitan" msgid "legal" msgstr "hukum" msgid "lawyer" msgstr "penasihat hukum" msgid "law" msgstr "hukum" msgid "counseling" msgstr "konseling" msgid "attorney" msgstr "pengacara" msgid "advice" msgstr "anjuran" msgid "Attorneys and lawyers" msgstr "Pengacara dan penasihat hukum" msgid "yearbook" msgstr "buku tahunan" msgid "trade" msgstr "perdagangan" msgid "technical" msgstr "teknis" msgid "sheet" msgstr "lembar" msgid "publishing" msgstr "penerbitan" msgid "publish" msgstr "publikasi" msgid "printing" msgstr "pencetakan" msgid "periodical" msgstr "majalah berkala" msgid "paper" msgstr "kertas" msgid "newspaper" msgstr "koran" msgid "manual" msgstr "manual" msgid "directory" msgstr "direktori" msgid "copy" msgstr "salin" msgid "blueprinting" msgstr "penyusunan cetak biru" msgid "Printing and publishing" msgstr "pencetakan dan penerbitan" msgid "Other food and dining" msgstr "rumah makan dan restoran lainnya" msgid "serving" msgstr "sajian" msgid "serve" msgstr "menyajikan" msgid "prepare" msgstr "menyiapkan" msgid "prep" msgstr "persiapan" msgid "personnel" msgstr "personel" msgid "immediate" msgstr "segera" msgid "decoration" msgstr "dekorasi" msgid "clean" msgstr "bersih" msgid "super" msgstr "super" msgid "shopper" msgstr "pembelanja" msgid "prepackaged" msgstr "prapaket" msgid "polishing" msgstr "pemolesan" msgid "pharmacy" msgstr "farmasi" msgid "perishable" msgstr "mudah rusak" msgid "meat" msgstr "daging" msgid "magazine" msgstr "majalah" msgid "item" msgstr "barang" msgid "hygiene" msgstr "higiene" msgid "houseware" msgstr "peralatan rumah tangga" msgid "greeting" msgstr "sambutan" msgid "frozen" msgstr "beku" msgid "floral" msgstr "bunga" msgid "fish" msgstr "ikan" msgid "dry" msgstr "kering" msgid "department" msgstr "departemen" msgid "deliver" msgstr "mengantarkan" msgid "counter" msgstr "konter" msgid "consumption" msgstr "konsumsi" msgid "cleaning" msgstr "membersihkan" msgid "card" msgstr "kartu" msgid "canned" msgstr "kaleng" msgid "bakery" msgstr "toko roti" msgid "baked" msgstr "dipanggang" msgid "Grocery stores" msgstr "Toko pangan" msgid "food and drink" msgstr "Makanan dan minuman" msgid "tavern" msgstr "kedai" msgid "takeout" msgstr "bawa pulang" msgid "soda" msgstr "soda" msgid "service" msgstr "layanan" msgid "restaurant" msgstr "restoran" msgid "nightclub" msgstr "kelab malam" msgid "lounge" msgstr "ruang santai" msgid "eating" msgstr "makan" msgid "diner" msgstr "restoran" msgid "dessert" msgstr "Hidangan Penutup" msgid "delivery" msgstr "pengiriman" msgid "cocktail" msgstr "koktail" msgid "cake" msgstr "kue" msgid "cafeteria" msgstr "kafeteria" msgid "cafe" msgstr "kafe" msgid "bar" msgstr "bar" msgid "Restaurants and nightlife" msgstr "Restoran dan hiburan malam" msgid "virtual" msgstr "virtual" msgid "stream" msgstr "stream" msgid "intangible" msgstr "tidak berwujud" msgid "ebook" msgstr "ebook" msgid "Other digital goods" msgstr "Barang digital lainnya" msgid "tumblr" msgstr "tumblr" msgid "template" msgstr "templat" msgid "substack" msgstr "substack" msgid "online" msgstr "online" msgid "content" msgstr "konten" msgid "Blogs and written content" msgstr "Blog dan konten tertulis" msgid "race" msgstr "balapan" msgid "lottery" msgstr "lotre" msgid "gambling" msgstr "judi" msgid "establishment" msgstr "tempat" msgid "casino" msgstr "kasino" msgid "arcade" msgstr "arkade" msgid "amusement" msgstr "hiburan" msgid "Music or other media" msgstr "Musik atau media lainnya" msgid "theater" msgstr "teater" msgid "good" msgstr "bagus" msgid "book" msgstr "buku" msgid "game" msgstr "permainan" msgid "digital products" msgstr "produk digital" msgid "Software as a service" msgstr "Perangkat lunak sebagai layanan" msgid "Digital products" msgstr "Produk digital" msgid "trophy" msgstr "trofi" msgid "supply" msgstr "persediaan" msgid "sunglass" msgstr "kacamata hitam" msgid "poster" msgstr "poster" msgid "picture" msgstr "gambar" msgid "party" msgstr "pesta" msgid "monument" msgstr "monumen" msgid "memorabilia" msgstr "memorabilia" msgid "magic" msgstr "sulap" msgid "ice" msgstr "es" msgid "hobby" msgstr "hobi" msgid "headstone" msgstr "batu nisan" msgid "gravestone" msgstr "batu nisan" msgid "frame" msgstr "bingkai" msgid "firework" msgstr "kembang api" msgid "firearm" msgstr "senjata api" msgid "distilled" msgstr "suling" msgid "collectible" msgstr "barang koleksi" msgid "bottled" msgstr "botol" msgid "atlas" msgstr "atlas" msgid "ammunition" msgstr "amunisi" msgid "Other merchandise" msgstr "Barang dagangan lainnya" msgid "wholesale" msgstr "grosir" msgid "stone" msgstr "batu" msgid "silverware" msgstr "perangkat makan dari perak" msgid "repaid" msgstr "dilunasi" msgid "pearl" msgstr "mutiara" msgid "goods" msgstr "produk" msgid "gemstone" msgstr "batu permata" msgid "durable" msgstr "tahan lama" msgid "distributor" msgstr "distributor" msgid "costume" msgstr "kostum" msgid "b2b" msgstr "b2b" msgid "Precious Stones and Metals, Watches and Jewelry" msgstr "Batu dan Logam Mulia, Arloji dan Perhiasan" msgid "watch" msgstr "arloji" msgid "sterling" msgstr "sterling" msgid "stamp" msgstr "stempel" msgid "silversmith" msgstr "perajin perak" msgid "silver-plate" msgstr "piring perak" msgid "silver" msgstr "perak" msgid "pawn" msgstr "gadai" msgid "metal" msgstr "logam" msgid "jewelry" msgstr "perhiasan" msgid "gem" msgstr "permata" msgid "flatware" msgstr "sendok garpu" msgid "fine" msgstr "bagus" msgid "diamond" msgstr "berlian" msgid "clock" msgstr "jam" msgid "antique" msgstr "antik" msgid "Jewelry Stores, Watches, Clocks, and Silverware Stores" msgstr "Toko Perhiasan, Toko Arloji, Jam, dan Perangkat Makan dari Perak" msgid "vehicle" msgstr "kendaraan" msgid "tire" msgstr "ban" msgid "motor" msgstr "motor" msgid "car" msgstr "mobil" msgid "automotive" msgstr "otomotif" msgid "Auto parts and accessories" msgstr "Suku cadang dan aksesori otomotif" msgid "vcr" msgstr "vcr" msgid "tv" msgstr "tv" msgid "television" msgstr "televisi" msgid "tablet" msgstr "tablet" msgid "stereo" msgstr "stereo" msgid "radio" msgstr "radio" msgid "pc" msgstr "pc" msgid "part" msgstr "komponen" msgid "laptop" msgstr "laptop" msgid "dslr" msgstr "dslr" msgid "camera" msgstr "kamera" msgid "camcorder" msgstr "kamera perekam" msgid "assembly" msgstr "perakitan" msgid "Home electronics" msgstr "Barang elektronik rumah" msgid "window" msgstr "jendela" msgid "upholstery" msgstr "pelapis" msgid "porch" msgstr "beranda" msgid "patio" msgstr "patio" msgid "outdoor" msgstr "luar ruangan" msgid "order" msgstr "pesanan" msgid "mattress" msgstr "matras" msgid "made" msgstr "dibuat" msgid "household" msgstr "rumah tangga" msgid "furniture" msgstr "furnitur" msgid "furnishing" msgstr "perabot" msgid "floor" msgstr "lantai" msgid "equipment" msgstr "perlengkapan" msgid "drapery" msgstr "tirai" msgid "covering" msgstr "penutup" msgid "bedding" msgstr "seprai" msgid "appliance" msgstr "perabot" msgid "Home goods and furniture" msgstr "Perabot dan furnitur rumah" msgid "up" msgstr "atas" msgid "treatment" msgstr "perawatan" msgid "skin" msgstr "kulit" msgid "serum" msgstr "serum" msgid "moisturizer" msgstr "pelembap" msgid "moisture" msgstr "kelembapan" msgid "makeup" msgstr "rias wajah" msgid "make-up" msgstr "rias wajah" msgid "make" msgstr "menjadikan" msgid "cosmetic" msgstr "kosmetik" msgid "beauty" msgstr "kecantikan" msgid "Beauty products" msgstr "Produk kecantikan" msgid "vitamin" msgstr "vitamin" msgid "vegetable" msgstr "sayur" msgid "supermarket" msgstr "supermarket" msgid "specialty" msgstr "khusus" msgid "produce" msgstr "menghasilkan" msgid "preparation" msgstr "penyiapan" msgid "poultry" msgstr "unggas" msgid "meal" msgstr "makanan" msgid "market" msgstr "pasar" msgid "health" msgstr "kesehatan" msgid "grocery" msgstr "bahan pangan" msgid "gourmet" msgstr "gourmet" msgid "fruit" msgstr "buah" msgid "fast" msgstr "cepat" msgid "drink" msgstr "minum" msgid "delicatessen" msgstr "makanan ringan" msgid "deli" msgstr "deli" msgid "convenience" msgstr "serbaada" msgid "Convenience stores" msgstr "Toko Serba Ada" msgid "women" msgstr "wanita" msgid "undergarment" msgstr "pakaian dalam" msgid "tee" msgstr "kaus" msgid "t-shirt" msgstr "kaus" msgid "skirt" msgstr "rok" msgid "short" msgstr "singkat" msgid "pant" msgstr "celana" msgid "men" msgstr "pria" msgid "infant" msgstr "bayi" msgid "dress" msgstr "gaun" msgid "children" msgstr "anak-anak" msgid "baby" msgstr "bayi" msgid "apparel" msgstr "pakaian jadi" msgid "software" msgstr "Perangkat lunak" msgid "saas" msgstr "saas" msgid "program" msgstr "program" msgid "product" msgstr "produk" msgid "personal" msgstr "personal" msgid "maintenance" msgstr "pemeliharaan" msgid "lease" msgstr "sewa guna" msgid "hardware" msgstr "perangkat keras" msgid "digital" msgstr "digital" msgid "business" msgstr "bisnis" msgid "app" msgstr "aplikasi" msgid "Clothing and accessories" msgstr "Pakaian dan aksesori" msgid "systems" msgstr "sistem" msgid "integrated" msgstr "terintegrasi" msgid "processing" msgstr "pemrosesan" msgid "data" msgstr "data" msgid "web" msgstr "web" msgid "programming" msgstr "pemrograman" msgid "The number of site recommendations to return in card results" msgstr "Jumlah rekomendasi situs yang akan dikembalikan dalam hasil kartu" msgid "The number of tag recommendations to return in card results" msgstr "Jumlah rekomendasi tag yang akan dikembalikan dalam hasil kartu" msgid "Font pairing variations" msgstr "Variasi kombinasi font" msgid "Font: %s" msgstr "Font: %s" msgid "Color palette variations" msgstr "Variasi palet warna" msgid "Block pattern categories" msgstr "Kategori blok pola" msgid "Block patterns" msgstr "Pola blok" msgid "Unlimited automatic shares in social media" msgstr "Bagikan di media sosial otomatis tenpa batas" msgid "Limited automatic shares in social media" msgstr "Bagikan di media sosial otomatis terbatas" msgid "No data to show" msgstr "Tidak ada data untuk ditampilkan" msgid "View detailed stats for %(title)s" msgstr "Lihat statistik lengkap untuk %(title)s" msgid "" "Save %1$s compared to purchasing VaultPress Backup, Akismet Anti-spam, and " "Jetpack Scan individually." msgstr "" "Hemat %1$s jika dibandingkan dengan membeli VaultPress Backup, Akismet Anti-" "spam, dan Jetpack Scan secara terpisah." msgid "This must have a domain different from your Professional Email." msgstr "Ini harus memiliki domain yang berbeda dari Email Profesional Anda." msgid "See all webinars" msgstr "Lihat semua webinar" msgid "See all courses" msgstr "Lihat semua kursus" msgid "Thin Gray" msgstr "Abu-Abu Muda" msgid "With Arrow Icon" msgstr "Dengan Ikon Panah" msgid "" "There was an error with the address. Please verify that all the required " "data is valid" msgstr "" "Ada yang tidak sesuai dengan alamat. Mohon cek data yang diperlukan sudah " "valid" msgid "Expires on %(month)s/%(year)s" msgstr "Kedaluwarsa pada %(month)s/%(year)s" msgid "(ending %(lastFour)s)" msgstr "(berakhir %(lastFour)s)" msgid "" "Unfortunately we're unable to check the status of {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/" "strong}} at this moment. Please log in first or try again later." msgstr "" "Sayangnya kami tidak dapat memeriksa status {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} " "saat ini. Mohon login terlebih dahulu atau coba lagi nanti." msgid "Get paid the way you (and your customers) prefer" msgstr "Terima pembayaran dengan cara yang Anda (dan pelanggan) suka" msgid "Taking payments needn't be complicated" msgstr "Menerima pembayaran tidaklah rumit" msgid "The simplest way to get paid" msgstr "Cara paling mudah untuk menerima pembayaran" msgid "Congratulations, %s – your Woo Express free trial begins now!" msgstr "" "Selamat, %s – periode percobaan gratis Woo Express Anda dimulai sekarang!" msgid "Marketing & Email" msgstr "Marketing & E-mail" msgid "Your store" msgstr "Toko Anda" msgid "50 GB" msgstr "50 GB" msgid "Discounted shipping" msgstr "Diskon pengiriman" msgid "Custom order emails" msgstr "E-mail pesanan khusus" msgid "Abandoned cart recovery" msgstr "Pemulihan keranjang terabaikan" msgid "Sync with Pinterest" msgstr "Sinkronkan dengan Pinterest" msgid "Promote on TikTok" msgstr "Promosikan di TikTok" msgid "Accept local payments" msgstr "Terima pembayaran lokal" msgid "Automated sales taxes" msgstr "Pajak penjualan otomatis" msgid "International payments" msgstr "Pembayaran internasional" msgid "Integrated payments" msgstr "Integrasi sistem pembayaran" msgid "List products by brand" msgstr "Daftar produk sesuai brand" msgid "Custom product kits" msgstr "Paket produk khusus" msgid "Gift cards" msgstr "Kartu hadiah" msgid "List unlimited products" msgstr "Daftar produk tidak terbatas" msgid "Free SSL certificate" msgstr "Gratis setfikat SSL" msgid "WordPress CMS" msgstr "CMS WordPress" msgid "WooCommerce mobile app" msgstr "Aplikasi ponsel WooCommerce" msgid "WooCommerce store" msgstr "Toko WooCommerce" msgid "Sorry, no posts match {{italic}}%s.{{/italic}}" msgstr "Maaf, tidak ada pos yang cocok dengan {{italic}}%s.{{/italic}}" msgid "1st" msgstr "1st" msgid "Author / Investor / Podcaster" msgstr "" "Penulis/Investor/Penyiar Podcast" msgid "See more stats and insights — %s" msgstr "Statistik dan Data — %s" msgid "" "Likes: No Likes found. Add Likes to your posts and pages to increase " "engagement — %s." msgstr "" "Suka: Tidak ada Suka yang ditemukan. Tambahkan Suka ke pos dan halaman Anda " "untuk meningkatkan interaksi — %s." msgid "See more stats and insights" msgstr "Lihat statistik dan data lengkap" msgid "Top performing pages" msgstr "Halaman dengan performa terbaik" msgid "The numbers are in! Let’s see how your site performed last month." msgstr "" "Laporan sudah siap! Mari lihat performa situs Anda satu bulan yang lalu." msgid "Your %1$s Site Stats for %2$s" msgstr "Statistik bulan %1$s untuk Situs %2$s" msgid "Related Items" msgstr "Item-Item Terkait" msgid "Read this" msgstr "Baca ini" msgid "%d reply" msgid_plural "%d replies" msgstr[0] "%d balasan" msgstr[1] "%d balasan" msgid "%(storageInBytes).2fTB" msgstr "%(storageInBytes).2fTB" msgid "" "Using {{usedStorage}}%(usedGigabytes).1fGB{{/usedStorage}} of " "%(availableUnitAmount).2fTB" msgid_plural "" "Using {{usedStorage}}%(usedGigabytes).1fGB{{/usedStorage}} of " "%(availableUnitAmount).2fTB" msgstr[0] "" "Menggunakan {{usedStorage}}%(usedGigabytes).1fGB{{/usedStorage}} dari " "%(availableUnitAmount).2fTB" msgstr[1] "" "Menggunakan {{usedStorage}}%(usedGigabytes).1fGB{{/usedStorage}} dari " "%(availableUnitAmount).2fTB" msgid "Creating" msgstr "Membuat" msgid "The Akismet team" msgstr "Tim Akismet" msgid "Best regards," msgstr "Salam," msgid "Best regards" msgstr "Salam" msgid "" "Available credits that will be automatically applied toward your next " "campaigns. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn more.{{/learnMoreLink}}" msgstr "" "Total kredit yang akan otomatis digunakan untuk kampanya Anda berikutnya. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "" "For fast-growing businesses that need access to the most powerful tools." msgstr "" "Untuk bisnis yang sedang berkembang pesat dan memerlukan perangkat yang " "andal." msgid "Plus" msgstr "Plus" msgid "Search by site name or address…" msgstr "Cari berdasarkan nama situs atau alamat..." msgid "Version of the import package." msgstr "Versi paket impor." msgid "Last posts autogenerated ID." msgstr "ID buatan otomatis pos terakhir." msgid "Upload accepted mime types." msgstr "Unggah tipe mime yang diterima." msgid "Max execution input time." msgstr "Waktu input eksekusi maks." msgid "Max execution time." msgstr "Waktu eksekusi maks." msgid "Max batch size." msgstr "Ukuran batch maks." msgid "Term meta deleted count." msgstr "Jumlah tag meta terhapus." msgid "Post meta deleted count." msgstr "Jumlah pos meta terhapus." msgid "Comment meta deleted count." msgstr "Jumlah komentar meta terhapus." msgid "Get Social Advanced" msgstr "Dapatkan Fitur Lanjutan Media Sosial" msgid "Get Social Basic" msgstr "Dapatkan Fitur Dasar Media Sosial" msgid "This email has expired." msgstr "E-mail ini telah kedaluwarsa." msgid "You are not subscribed to any comments." msgstr "Anda tidak berlangganan komentar mana pun." msgid "Back in stock emails" msgstr "E-mail produk sudah tersedia" msgid "Automated backup + quick restore" msgstr "Pencadangan otomatis + pemulihan cepat" msgid "Sorry, you can't purchase another Akismet Personal or Free plan." msgstr "" "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat membeli paket Gratis atau Personal Akismet lainnya." msgid "Sorry, you can't purchase another Akismet Free plan." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat membeli paket Gratis Akismet lainnya." msgid "It begins with a name." msgstr "Mulai dengan sebuah nama." msgid "" "Bring up to 100 subscribers for free — or add some individually — to start " "spreading the news." msgstr "" "Undang hingga 100 pelanggan secara gratis — atau tambahkan secara individual " "— untuk mulai menyebarluaskan berita." msgid "Upgrade to Jetpack %(productName)s" msgstr "Upgrade ke Jetpack %(productName)s" msgid "View all %(title)s" msgstr "Lihat semua %(title)s" msgid "" "For total WordPress security, check out our Backup and " "Security plans starting at %2$s per month and protect yourself from more " "than just spam." msgstr "" "Untuk keamanan penuh WordPress, lihat paket Pencadangan dan " "Keamanan kami mulai dari %2$s per bulan dan lindungi situs Anda juga " "dari hal-hal selain spam." msgid "per month for the first year, billed yearly" msgstr "per bulan selama tahun pertama, penagihan tahunan" msgid "Manage subscribed sites" msgstr "Kelola langganan di situs" msgid "Refundable within %(dayCount)s days. No questions asked." msgstr "Dapat direfund dalam %(dayCount)s hari. Tanpa syarat." msgid "" "Find the perfect domain for your exciting new project or {{span}}decide " "later{{/span}}." msgstr "" "Temukan domain terbaik untuk proyek Anda yang luar biasa sekarang atau " "{{span}}nanti saja{{/span}}." msgid "Stand out with a short and memorable domain" msgstr "Tampil beda dengan domain pendek dan mudah diingat" msgid "Enjoy millions of blogs at your fingertips." msgstr "Nikmati jutaan blog di mana pun." msgid "WordPress Reader" msgstr "WordPress Reader" msgid "Don't show me this step again." msgstr "Jangan tampilkan bagian ini lagi." msgid "" "There was an error with the address. The province, state or region should be " "filled" msgstr "" "Ada yang tidak sesuai dengan alamat. Provinsi, negara bagian atau wilayah " "harus diisi" msgid "" "Our friendly support team is available via email if you have questions or " "need a hand." msgstr "" "Tim dukungan kami yang ramah bisa dihubungi melalui email jika Anda punya " "pertanyaan atau butuh bantuan." msgid "" "To ensure you never get that sinking \"what did I forget?\" feeling, take a " "look at our essential pre-launch checklist. Review it (at least twice!) " "before sharing your site with the world." msgstr "" "Agar tak melewatkan satu hal pun, lihat daftar periksa prapeluncuran penting " "kami. Tinjau daftar periksa tersebut (minimal dua kali!) sebelum membagikan " "situs Anda kepada dunia." msgid "" "Whoa there, partner – hang on a minute. With all the work it takes to " "prepare a brand-new site, it can be easy to overlook a crucial detail. You " "may even be missing an important step you didn't realize you needed to do!" msgstr "" "Eh, tunggu sebentar! Mengingat ada banyak hal yang perlu dilakukan untuk " "menyiapkan situs baru, Anda bisa saja melewatkan detail penting. Anda " "mungkin bahkan melewatkan langkah penting yang sebenarnya perlu dilakukan." msgid "" "Next time, we'll share a step-by-step pre-launch checklist to eliminate that " "sinking \"what did I forget?\" feeling. Bye for now." msgstr "" "Kami akan membagikan daftar periksa prapeluncuran langkah demi langkah agar " "Anda tak melewatkan satu hal pun. Sampai jumpa lagi." msgid "" "Keep operations under your thumb no matter where the day takes you with the " "Woo Mobile App." msgstr "" "Tetap pegang kendali atas kegiatan operasional di mana pun Anda berada " "dengan Aplikasi Seluler Woo." msgid "" "Use it to create, edit, and publish products, process orders, and track " "stats at a glance. Never miss a beat by enabling real-time alerts – and " "listen out for the addictive \"cha-ching\" sound that comes with every new " "sale!" msgstr "" "Gunakan aplikasi untuk membuat, mengedit, dan memublikasikan produk, " "memproses pesanan, dan melacak sekilas statistik. Anda takkan melewatkan " "kabar terbaru dengan mengaktifkan peringatan real-time – notifikasi berbunyi " "“cring-cring” akan terdengar tiap kali ada produk terjual!" msgid "" "Our friendly support team is available 24/7 via live chat or email if you " "have questions or need a hand." msgstr "" "Tim bantuan kami yang ramah dapat dihubungi tiap saat melalui live chat atau " "e-mail jika Anda punya pertanyaan atau butuh bantuan." msgid "" "Manage your store on the go with the free Woo Mobile App for iOS and Android." msgstr "" "Kelola toko Anda di mana saja dengan Aplikasi Seluler Woo gratis untuk iOS " "dan Android." msgid "" "Got questions or need a hand? Our friendly support team is available via " "email." msgstr "" "Punya pertanyaan atau butuh bantuan? Tim dukungan kami yang ramah bisa " "dihubungi melalui email." msgid "" "Showcase your products on any budget. Set up your first ad today to expand " "your audience and increase sales." msgstr "" "Berapa pun anggaran Anda, Anda bisa menunjukkan produk pada dunia. Siapkan " "iklan pertama Anda hari ini untuk menjangkau lebih banyak audiens dan " "menggenjot penjualan." msgid "" "Connect to the Merchant Center* to list your products for free across the " "Google network. With up to $500** in free ad credit from Google, up your " "game with paid ad campaigns that use machine learning to promote your most " "effective adverts." msgstr "" "Terhubunglah ke Merchant Center untuk mendaftarkan produk Anda secara gratis " "di seluruh jaringan Google. Dengan kredit iklan gratis hingga $500* dari " "Google, dongkrak penjualan Anda melalui kampanye iklan berbayar yang " "menggunakan machine learning untuk mempromosikan iklan Anda yang paling " "efektif." msgid "" "Google for WooCommerce is built right into your Woo dashboard. With it, you " "can launch and manage ads automatically created from your product catalog – " "no keywords or imagery needed." msgstr "" "Google for WooCommerce tersedia langsung di dasbor Woo Anda. Dengan alat " "ini, Anda dapat meluncurkan dan mengelola iklan yang dibuat secara otomatis " "dari katalog produk – tanpa perlu kata kunci atau gambar." msgid "" "You've designed your site and emails, all your products are ready to go, and " "it's time to launch your new store." msgstr "" "Anda telah mendesain situs dan email dan semua produk siap dijual, kini " "saatnya meluncurkan toko baru Anda." msgid "" "A steady stream of site traffic is vital for sales and growth. So, how can " "you help shoppers searching for products like yours find you?" msgstr "" "Aliran lalu lintas situs yang stabil sangat penting bagi penjualan dan " "pertumbuhan. Bagaimana caranya membantu pembeli menemukan produk seperti " "audiens menemukan Anda?" msgid "" "Not sure where to begin with social media? Try these six proven strategies: " "%s" msgstr "" "Tidak yakin harus memulai dari mana di media sosial? Coba enam strategi yang " "terbukti ampuh ini: %s" msgid "" "You don't need to be a marketing expert to promote your store to a global " "audience. Let's get started!" msgstr "" "Anda tidak perlu menjadi ahli pemasaran untuk mempromosikan toko ke audiens " "global. Mari kita mulai!" msgid "" "Sync your store's catalog to these social platforms to take advantage of " "free listings
and create (and track) product-based ads." msgstr "" "Sinkronisasikan katalog toko Anda ke platform media sosial ini untuk " "memanfaatkan listing gratis
dan membuat (sekaligus melacak) iklan " "berbasis produk." msgid "" "Social media can turn likes into loyal customers and casual followers into " "evangelists. Our official integrations, including TikTok, Facebook, and " "Pinterest, help amplify your store and generate more sales." msgstr "" "Media sosial dapat mengubah suka menjadi pelanggan loyal dan pengikut biasa " "menjadi pendukung setia. Integrasi resmi kami dengan TikTok, Facebook, dan " "Pinterest mengoptimalkan toko dan mendongkrak penjualan Anda." msgid "" "If you have questions or need a hand, our friendly support team is available " "via email." msgstr "" "Jika punya pertanyaan atau butuh bantuan, tim dukungan kami yang ramah bisa " "dihubungi melalui email." msgid "" "Every business wants to sell more products and grow over time. To do this, " "you need to reach more shoppers – but where can you find them?" msgstr "" "Tiap bisnis tentu ingin menjual lebih banyak produk dan terus bertumbuh. " "Untuk mewujudkannya, Anda perlu menjangkau lebih banyak pembeli – tetapi, di " "mana Anda bisa menemukan mereka?" msgid "" "Got questions or need a hand? Our friendly support team is available 24/7 " "via live chat or email." msgstr "" "Punya pertanyaan atau butuh bantuan? Tim dukungan kami yang ramah bisa " "dihubungi tiap saat melalui obrolan langsung atau email." msgid "" "Tour the dashboard now to get familiar with all your options and make your " "data work for you." msgstr "" "Jelajahi dasbor sekarang untuk memahami semua pilihan yang tersedia dan " "gunakan data untuk menghasilkan keuntungan untuk Anda." msgid "" "If you're ready to go deeper by identifying traffic sources, trends, and " "bounce rates, Google Analytics will help you get the most out of your site " "stats – and is already included in your plan." msgstr "" "Jika ingin melangkah lebih jauh, cari tahu sumber traffic, tren, dan bounce " "rate. Google Analytics membantu Anda memanfaatkan statistik situs – dan " "paket Anda sundah mencakup alat ini." msgid "" "With Woo Express's built-in analytics dashboard, you can dig into the " "details or get an overview of essential metrics – such as sales, top " "products, and orders – in a flash. Then, create reports full of valuable " "data and insights you can use to improve your store." msgstr "" "Dengan dasbor analitik bawaan Woo Express, Anda bisa dengan cepat " "mendapatkan perincian atau ikhtisar metrik penting seperti penjualan, produk " "teratas, dan pesanan. Anda lalu bisa membuat laporan lengkap berisi data dan " "wawasan berharga yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan toko Anda." msgid "" "Reach customers with the right message at the right time; send them " "personalized discounts on their birthdays, reward referrals, and more. You " "can also follow up on purchases with coupons to keep them coming back for " "more." msgstr "" "Jangkau pelanggan dengan pesan yang pas di waktu yang tepat; kirimkan diskon " "khusus bagi pelanggan di hari ulang tahun mereka, apresiasi referensi, dan " "lain-lain. Anda juga dapat menyertakan kupon pada pembelian agar pembeli " "datang kembali untuk berbelanja." msgid "" "With AutomateWoo, you can create powerful automated marketing workflows that " "help boost sales – with a fraction of the effort. The best part? It's " "already built into your store." msgstr "" "Dengan AutomateWoo, Anda dapat menciptakan alur kerja pemasaran otomatis " "yang andal untuk meningkatkan penjualan tanpa repot. Sudah begitu... Fitur " "ini sudah ada di toko Anda." msgid "" "Let's start by finding and setting up the perfect domain for your store." msgstr "" "Mari mulai dengan menemukan dan menyiapkan domain yang tepat untuk toko Anda." msgid "" "Many popular addresses use top-level domains (TLDs) such as .com or .net. " "There are plenty of alternative TLDs available (.london or .pizza, anyone?) " "to help you stand out online." msgstr "" "Banyak alamat populer yang menggunakan top-level domain (TLD) seperti .com " "atau .net. Ada banyak pilihan TLD tersedia (.london, .pizza; mau coba?) yang " "memastikan Anda tampil mencolok di ranah online." msgid "" "A short, easy-to-remember domain name is a must-have for your business. It " "makes it simpler for customers to find you online, reinforces your brand " "identity, and helps establish trust." msgstr "" "Nama domain yang ringkas dan mudah diingat adalah kebutuhan primer bisnis. " "Nama domain ini memudahkan pelanggan menemukan Anda secara online, " "memperkuat identitas merek, dan memupuk kepercayaan." msgid "Let's find the perfect theme to show off your business in style." msgstr "Temukan tema yang tepat agar tampilan bisnis Anda terus diingat." msgid "" "Customize any of our professionally designed themes to match the look and " "feel of your brand exactly. They load quickly, are mobile-friendly, and put " "your products first." msgstr "" "Sesuaikan salah satu tema dengan desain profesional dari kami agar cocok " "dengan tampilan dan kesan yang ingin dihadirkan merek Anda. Tema kami ini " "dapat dimuat dengan cepat, praktis diakses di perangkat seluler, dan " "menonjolkan produk Anda. " msgid "Let's take a look at the best solution for you." msgstr "Mari temukan solusi terbaik untuk Anda." msgid "" "For new businesses, manually managing this helps you keep an eye on stock " "levels and get familiar with the fulfillment process. Growing stores often " "benefit from the power of automation to sync inventory, update product info " "in bulk – and even automatically re-order stock." msgstr "" "Untuk bisnis baru, mengelola bagian ini secara manual membantu Anda memantau " "tingkat stok sekaligus memahami proses penyelesaian pesanan. Toko yang " "bertumbuh kerap memanfaatkan automasi untuk menyinkronkan inventaris, " "melakukan pembaruan massal informasi produk, dan bahkan memesan kembali stok " "secara otomatis." msgid "" "It's time to say goodbye to sales tax headaches. Ready to join the 20,000+ " "businesses that have already made their tax compliance simple?" msgstr "" "Anda kini tak perlu lagi pusing memikirkan pajak penjualan. Siap bergabung " "dengan 20.000+ bisnis yang sudah menyederhanakan proses kepatuhan pajaknya?" msgid "" "Sit back and relax with accurate sales tax automation from Avalara built " "right into your store. You always collect the correct tax in real time while " "reducing the risk of errors and missed deadlines." msgstr "" "Dengan menggunakan automasi pajak penjualan dari Avalara yang ada di toko " "Anda, Anda bisa bersantai. Jumlah pajak yang tepat akan selalu diterapkan " "secara real time dan risiko kesalahan serta terlewatkannya waktu bayar pajak " "bisa ditekan. " msgid "" "Keeping track of sales tax is rarely fun, but automating the entire process " "— from calculations and nexus tracking to reporting and filing – helps " "eliminate the stress of compliance." msgstr "" "Melacak pajak penjualan biasanya merupakan tugas yang merepotkan. Namun, " "dengan mengautomasi keseluruhan proses — dari penghitungan dan pelacakan " "nexus hingga pelaporan dan pengarsipan – tingkat stres akibat proses " "kepatuhan pajak bisa diminimalkan." msgid "" "They're seasoned pros at solving complex challenges, advising on best " "practices, and helping you get the most out of your store. Don't just take " "our word for it, though." msgstr "" "Mereka ahli yang berpengalaman dalam memecahkan tantangan rumit, memberi " "nasihat tentang praktik terbaik, dan membantu mengoptimalkan toko Anda. " "Hubungi tim kami dan buktikanlah sendiri." msgid "" "If you have questions about how Woo Express can help you grow (or need a " "hand getting set up), our friendly support team is available now via email." msgstr "" "Jika punya pertanyaan tentang cara Woo Express membantu Anda berkembang " "(atau butuh bantuan penyiapan), tim dukungan kami yang ramah kini bisa " "dihubungi melalui email." msgid "" "No matter what you're selling, you want to get orders into buyers' hands as " "fast as possible – without costly shipping rates eating into your profit " "margin." msgstr "" "Apa pun produk yang Anda jual, Anda tentu ingin pembeli menerima pesanan " "sesegera mungkin – tanpa tarif pengiriman yang mahal yang memangkas margin " "keuntungan." msgid "" "Managing stock accurately and efficiently will save you tons of time. It's " "vital once you decide to scale your store too." msgstr "" "Pengelolaan stok yang akurat dan efisien akan menghemat waktu. Efisiensi " "waktu penting jika Anda juga ingin memperbesar toko." msgid "" "Don't forget: if you have questions or need a hand, our friendly support " "team is available via email." msgstr "" "Ingat: jika Anda punya pertanyaan atau butuh bantuan, tim dukungan kami yang " "ramah bisa dihubungi melalui email." msgid "" "Learn all you need to know about fulfilling orders while keeping customers " "happy – visit our shipping hub." msgstr "" "Pelajari hal-hal yang harus Anda ketahui tentang penyelesaian pesanan " "sembari memastikan kepuasan pelanggan – kunjungi pusat informasi pengiriman " "kami." msgid "" "Save time at the post office and save money on shipping labels – you win " "both ways! Let's get your store ship-shape, shall we?" msgstr "" "Hemat waktu di kantor pos dan hemat uang di biaya pengiriman – Anda bisa " "dapat keduanya! Siap mengoptimalkan toko Anda?" msgid "" "Woo Express has you covered. It includes popular solutions such as FedEx, " "UPS, Canada Post, Royal Mail, and Australia Post, as well as real-time rates " "for selected countries. You can also provide customers with order tracking " "by default. Nice!" msgstr "" "Woo Express selalu punya solusi untuk Anda. Woo Express menghadirkan solusi " "populer seperti FedEx, UPS, Canada Post, Royal Mail, dan Australia Post, " "serta tarif real-time untuk negara-negara tertentu. Anda juga dapat " "memberikan layanan pelacakan pesanan bagi pelanggan secara default. Keren!" msgid "" "Woo Express has you covered. Whether shipping orders within the U.S. or " "internationally, buying and printing deeply discounted USPS and DHL labels " "directly from your store's dashboard is simple and affordable." msgstr "" "Woo Express selalu punya solusi. Baik untuk mengirimkan pesanan di wilayah " "AS atau di luar negeri, Anda bisa langsung membeli dan mencetak label USPS " "dan DHL dengan diskon yang tinggi langsung dengan mudah dan murah dari " "dasbor toko Anda." msgid "" "No matter what you're selling, you want to get orders into customers' hands " "as soon as possible – without costly shipping rates eating into your profit " "margin." msgstr "" "Apa pun produk yang Anda jual, Anda tentu ingin pembeli menerima pesanan " "sesegera mungkin – tanpa tarif pengiriman yang mahal yang memangkas margin " "keuntungan." msgid "" "Don't forget: if you have questions or need a hand, our friendly support " "team is available 24/7 via live chat or email." msgstr "" "Jangan lupa: jika Anda punya pertanyaan atau butuh bantuan, tim dukungan " "kami yang ramah bisa dihubungi setiap saat melalui obrolan langsung atau " "email." msgid "" "Having trouble deciding? Our guide to choosing a payment gateway can help " "you find the right fit for your store." msgstr "" "Sulit memutuskan? Panduan pemilihan gateway pembayaran kami dapat membantu " "Anda menemukan pilihan yang sesuai untuk toko." msgid "" "Getting paid is a crucial part of the ecommerce process, but selecting the " "right payment provider needn't be complicated." msgstr "" "Pembayaran adalah bagian penting dalam proses ecommerce dan pemilihan " "penyedia layanan pembayaran mestinya bukan hal yang rumit." msgid "" "Manage all your store's transactions (including refunds and chargebacks) " "directly from your store with zero monthly fees or hidden costs." msgstr "" "Kelola semua transaksi toko (termasuk pengembalian dana dan chargeback/" "pengembalian dana untuk item yang disengketakan pelanggan) langsung dari " "toko Anda tanpa biaya bulanan atau tarif tersembunyi." msgid "" "If you haven't done so already, set up WooPayments today and simplify your " "entire payments workflow right from the beginning." msgstr "" "Jika belum melakukannya, siapkan WooPayments sekarang dan sederhanakan alur " "kerja seluruh pembayaran sejak awal." msgid "" "Manage all your store's transactions (including refunds and chargebacks) " "directly from your store with zero monthly fees or hidden costs. Your " "account balance can even be paid out within minutes, not days. Now that's " "convenience!" msgstr "" "Kelola semua transaksi toko (termasuk pengembalian dana dan chargeback/" "pengembalian dana untuk item yang disengketakan pelanggan) langsung dari " "toko Anda tanpa biaya bulanan atau tarif tersembunyi. Saldo bahkan bisa " "masuk rekening Anda dalam hitungan menit (bukan berhari-hari). Praktis, 'kan?" msgid "" "WooPayments is the only solution designed for Woo by Woo (that's us!). With " "it, you can securely accept debit and credit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, " "WooCommerce Subscriptions, and more in 135+ currencies." msgstr "" "WooPayments merupakan satu-satunya solusi yang dirancang untuk Woo oleh Woo " "(kami sendiri!). Dengan WooPayments, Anda dapat menerima secara aman " "pembayaran melalui kartu debit dan kredit, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Woo " "Subscriptions, dan lain-lain dalam lebih dari 135 mata uang." msgid "" "Getting paid is a crucial part of the ecommerce process, but setting up a " "payment provider for your business needn't be complicated." msgstr "" "Pembayaran adalah bagian penting dalam proses ecommerce dan pemilihan " "penyedia layanan pembayaran mestinya bukan hal yang rumit." msgid "" "If you've got questions or need a hand, priority support is available via " "email." msgstr "" "Jika Anda punya pertanyaan atau butuh bantuan, dukungan prioritas tersedia " "melalui email." msgid "" "Let's get started on the journey to your first sale by adding your first " "product and creating an enticing product page for customers." msgstr "" "Mari mulai perjalanan bisnis pertama Anda dengan menambahkan produk pertama " "dan membuat halaman produk yang menarik bagi pelanggan." msgid "" "In this email series, we'll show you how simple (and fun!) it can be to " "build, customize, and launch your dream store in days." msgstr "" "Dalam rangkaian e-mail ini, kami akan menunjukkan kepada Anda bahwa " "membangun, menyesuaikan, dan meluncurkan toko impian dalam hitungan hari " "sangatlah mudah (dan menyenangkan!)." msgid "" "Welcome to Woo Express – everything you need to start and grow a successful " "online business, all in one place. You've just taken an important step " "towards owning your future!" msgstr "" "Selamat datang di Woo Express – satu tempat yang memiliki segala yang Anda " "butuhkan untuk memulai dan menumbuhkan bisnis online yang sukses. Anda baru " "saja mengambil langkah penting pertama untuk menggapai impian!" msgid "" "We've paused your store, but you can continue by picking a plan that suits " "you best." msgstr "" "Kami menjeda operasi toko Anda. Anda dapat melanjutkannya dengan memilih " "paket yang paling sesuai untuk Anda." msgid "Time's almost up – your free trial of Woo Express ends tomorrow (%s)." msgstr "" "Periode hampir habis – periode percobaan Woo Express gratis Anda berakhir " "besok (%s)." msgid "" "Time's almost up, %1$s – your free trial of Woo Express ends tomorrow (%2$s)." msgstr "" "Periode hampir habis, %1$s – periode percobaan Woo Express gratis Anda " "berakhir besok (%2$s)." msgid "" "If you've got questions or need a hand, 24/7 priority support is available " "via live chat or email." msgstr "" "Jika Anda punya pertanyaan atau butuh bantuan, bantuan prioritas tersedia " "tiap saat melalui live chat atau e-mail." msgid "" "Woo has everything you need to start and grow an online store, all in one " "place. Our support team can answer any questions you may have along the way. " "When you're ready to sell your idea, pick a plan for only %s for your first " "3 months*." msgstr "" "Woo menyediakan segalanya yang Anda butuhkan untuk memulai dan menumbuhkan " "toko online, semuanya di satu tempat. Tim layanan bantuan kami dapat " "menjawab segala pertanyaan yang mungkin Anda miliki. Jika Anda sudah siap " "untuk menjajakan ide Anda, pilih paket hanya dengan %s untuk 3 bulan " "pertama*." msgid "" "Abandoned cart recovery? Back-in-stock notifications? Referrals and loyalty " "points? Make sure you've ticked all the boxes before unveiling your store to " "the world." msgstr "" "Pemulihan keranjang terbengkalai? Pemberitahuan stok tersedia kembali? Poin " "referensi dan loyalitas? Pastikan Anda telah mencentang semua kotak sebelum " "memperkenalkan toko Anda ke seluruh dunia." msgid "" "Our comprehensive checklist helps ensure your chosen plan has all the " "features your business needs to succeed." msgstr "" "Daftar periksa komprehensif kami membantu memastikan paket yang Anda pilih " "mencakup semua fitur yang dibutuhkan bisnis Anda untuk mencapai kesuksesan." msgid "" "Creating your dream store is exciting, but it can be easy to overlook one or " "two crucial details. You may be missing an essential step without realizing " "it!" msgstr "" "Membangun situs impian adalah hal yang mengasyikkan. Namun, Anda mungkin " "melewatkan satu atau dua detail penting dalam prosesnya. Anda mungkin " "melewatkan langkah penting dan tidak menyadarinya!" msgid "" "In our next email, we'll share a step-by-step pre-launch checklist to " "eliminate that sinking \"what did I forget?\" feeling. Bye for now." msgstr "" "Di email selanjutnya, kami akan membagikan daftar periksa prapeluncuran " "langkah demi langkah agar Anda tak melewatkan satu hal pun. Sampai jumpa " "lagi." msgid "" "You don't need to be a marketing expert to promote your store to a global " "audience. Woo has the tools you need." msgstr "" "Anda tidak perlu menjadi ahli pemasaran untuk mempromosikan toko ke audiens " "global. Woo punya alat yang Anda butuhkan." msgid "" "Then, showcase your business across Google – for free – to shoppers " "searching for products like yours. With up to $500† in free ad credit from " "Google, you can also run paid search ads, display ads, and remarketing " "campaigns from the comfort of your store's dashboard." msgstr "" "Kemudian, pamerkan bisnis Anda di Google – ini gratis – kepada pembeli yang " "mencari produk seperti yang Anda punya. Dengan kredit iklan gratis hingga " "$500† dari Google, Anda juga dapat menjalankan iklan pencarian berbayar, " "menampilkan iklan, dan memasarkan ulang kampanye dari dasbor toko Anda." msgid "" "Get access to everything you need to build a successful business, including " "24/7 priority support, for only %s a month." msgstr "" "Dapatkan akses ke semua yang dibutuhkan untuk membangun bisnis yang sukses, " "termasuk dukungan prioritas setiap saat, hanya dengan %s per bulan." msgid "" "Social media can turn likes into loyal customers and casual followers into " "evangelists. Use our official integrations, including TikTok, Facebook, and " "Pinterest, to amplify your store and get more sales from social." msgstr "" "Media sosial dapat mengubah suka menjadi pelanggan loyal dan pengikut biasa " "menjadi pendukung setia. Gunakan integrasi resmi kami dengan TikTok, " "Facebook, dan Pinterest untuk mengoptimalkan toko Anda dan mendongkrak " "penjualan lewat media sosial." msgid "Read Diane's story" msgstr "Baca kisah Diane" msgid "Read Gardyn's story" msgstr "Baca kisah Gardyn" msgid "" "Featured in Forbes, Good Housekeeping, and Time, Gardyn chose Woo for its " "scalability and customizability. Smart move! It gave them the flexibility to " "adapt as their indoor gardening solution soared in popularity." msgstr "" "Diliput oleh Forbes, Good Housekeeping, dan Time, Gardyn memilih Woo karena " "skalabilitas dan kemampuan penyesuaiannya. Langkah yang cerdas! Woo " "memberikan fleksibilitas untuk beradaptasi seiring kian populernya solusi " "berkebun dalam ruangan mereka." msgid "Read Vahan's story" msgstr "Baca kisah Vahan" msgid "" "Gigja started Root Science to help solve her sister's sensitive skin issues. " "With hard work, they have taken it from a small-scale passion project to a " "global skincare brand available in major retailers (Kourtney Kardashian is a " "fan, too)." msgstr "" "Gigja memulai Root Science untuk membantu memecahkan masalah kulit sensitif " "saudara perempuannya. Dengan kerja keras, mereka berhasil meningkatkan " "bisnis dari proyek berskala kecil menjadi brand perawatan kulit global yang " "tersedia di banyak peritel besar (Kourtney Kardashian juga menyukainya)." msgid "" "Millions of merchants have grown their businesses with Woo, and you can, " "too. Here are some of our recent favorites." msgstr "" "Jutaan penjual telah menumbuhkan bisnisnya dengan Woo. Anda juga bisa. " "Berikut beberapa kisah terbaru favorit kami." msgid "" "Each professionally designed Woo theme allows you to customize it to match " "the look and feel of your brand exactly. They load quickly, are mobile-" "friendly, and put your products first." msgstr "" "Semua tema Woo yang dirancang secara profesional bisa disesuaikan agar cocok " "dengan tampilan dan kesan yang ingin dihadirkan merek Anda. Tema ini dapat " "dimuat dengan cepat, mudah diakses di perangkat seluler, dan menonjolkan " "produk Anda." msgid "" "In the next step on our journey together, we'll break out the paintbrushes " "and explore the many, many ways you can fully customize the look and feel of " "your store. Bellissimo!" msgstr "" "Di tahap selanjutnya dalam proses kita, kita akan mengenali dan menjelajahi " "berbagai cara untuk menyesuaikan tampilan dan kesan yang dihadirkan toko " "Anda. Luar biasa!" msgid "" "Get priority support and make sure you start your store on the right foot." msgstr "" "Dapatkan bantuan prioritas dan pastikan untuk memulai toko Anda dengan " "fondasi yang tepat." msgid "" "They're seasoned pros at helping entrepreneurs like you get the most out of " "their stores – but don't just take our word for it." msgstr "" "Tim terdiri atas ahli yang berpengalaman membantu para wiraswasta seperti " "Anda untuk mengoptimalkan toko – hubungi tim dan buktikan sendiri." msgid "" "If you have questions about what Woo Express can do for your business (or " "need a hand getting set up), our friendly support team is available right " "now via email." msgstr "" "Jika punya pertanyaan tentang apa yang dapat dilakukan Woo Express untuk " "bisnis Anda (atau butuh bantuan penyiapan), tim dukungan kami yang ramah " "saat ini bisa dihubungi melalui email." msgid "Read Gigja's story" msgstr "Baca kisah Gigja" msgid "" "Thanks to Avalara, you can automate and consolidate sales tax and EU VAT to " "keep your shipping experience stress-free." msgstr "" "Berkat Avalara, Anda dapat mengotomatiskan serta mengonsolidasikan pajak " "penjualan dan PPN UE agar pengiriman produk bebas masalah." msgid "" "One of the most exciting parts of creating a new store is picking a " "beautiful theme to define its design and layout." msgstr "" "Salah satu bagian yang paling menarik dari membangun toko baru adalah " "memilih tema yang menarik untuk menentukan desain dan tata letak toko baru." msgid "Get 24/7 support and make sure you start your store on the right foot." msgstr "" "Dapatkan dukungan tiap saat dan mulai toko Anda dengan fondasi yang tepat." msgid "" "Thanks to Avalara, you can automate and consolidate US sales tax and EU VAT " "to keep your shipping experience stress-free." msgstr "" "Berkat Avalara, Anda dapat mengautomasi serta mengonsolidasikan pajak " "penjualan AS dan PPN UE agar pengiriman produk bebas masalah." msgid "" "Whether shipping orders within the US or internationally, buying and " "printing deeply discounted USPS and DHL labels directly from your store's " "dashboard is simple and affordable. Save time at the post office and save " "money on shipping labels – you win both ways!" msgstr "" "Baik mengirimkan pesanan di wilayah AS atau luar negeri, Anda dapat langsung " "membeli dan mencetak label USPS dan DHL dengan diskon yang tinggi dengan " "mudah dan murah langsung dari dasbor toko Anda. Hemat waktu di kantor pos " "dan hemat uang di label pengiriman – Anda bisa dapat keduanya!" msgid "" "Shipping and taxes go hand in hand. No matter what you're selling, you want " "to collect the correct sales tax every time and get orders into customers' " "hands as fast as possible." msgstr "" "Pengiriman dan pajak saling berkaitan. Apa pun produk yang dijual, Anda " "perlu selalu menerapkan pajak penjualan yang sesuai dan memastikan pesanan " "diterima pelanggan sesegera mungkin. " msgid "" "Setting up payments and testing your store's checkout is quick and " "straightforward. Let's start by choosing the payment method that's right for " "you." msgstr "" "Penyiapan pembayaran dan pengujian checkout toko Anda dapat dilakukan dengan " "cepat dan mudah. Mari mulai dengan memilih metode pembayaran yang tepat " "untuk Anda." msgid "" "Two of the most popular options we recommend are Stripe (%1$s) and PayPal " "(%2$s) – but if you're looking for a payment option specific to your " "country, we've got you covered too." msgstr "" "Dua pilihan paling populer yang kami rekomendasikan adalah Stripe (%1$s) dan " "PayPal (%2$s) – tetapi jika mencari pilihan pembayaran khusus untuk negara " "Anda, kami juga punya solusinya." msgid "" "Getting paid is a crucial step in the ecommerce process, but selecting the " "right payment provider needn't be complicated." msgstr "" "Pembayaran adalah bagian penting dalam proses ecommerce dan pemilihan " "penyedia layanan pembayaran mestinya bukan hal yang rumit." msgid "" "Unlike proprietary platforms, Woo Express is open source, meaning you own " "your store and data forever – even if you decide to move. Ready to pick a " "plan?" msgstr "" "Berbeda dari platform milik perorangan, Woo Express adalah sumber terbuka. " "Artinya, Anda adalah pemilik toko dan data selamanya – bahkan jika Anda " "memutuskan untuk pindah platform. Siap memilih paket?" msgid "" "Manage the entire process directly from your store (no logging into multiple " "third-party sites) with zero monthly fees or hidden costs." msgstr "" "Kelola semua proses langsung dari toko Anda (tanpa login ke beberapa situs " "pihak ketiga) tanpa biaya bulanan atau tarif tersembunyi." msgid "" "Meet WooPayments, the only solution designed for Woo by Woo (that's us!). " "With it, you can securely accept debit and credit cards, Apple Pay, Google " "Pay, WooCommerce Subscriptions, and more in 135+ currencies." msgstr "" "Kami persembahkan WooPayments, satu-satunya solusi yang dirancang untuk Woo " "oleh Woo (kami sendiri!). Dengan WooPayments, Anda dapat menerima secara " "aman pembayaran melalui kartu debit dan kredit, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Woo " "Subscriptions, dan lain-lain dalam lebih dari 135 mata uang." msgid "" "Getting paid is a crucial step in the ecommerce process, and selecting the " "right payment provider doesn’t need to be complicated." msgstr "" "Pembayaran adalah bagian penting proses ecommerce dan pemilihan penyedia " "layanan pembayaran mestinya bukan hal yang rumit." msgid "" "That's all for today! Next time, we'll discover how you can get paid by " "customers and take another step toward launching your store." msgstr "" "Itu saja untuk hari ini! Selanjutnya, kita akan menjelajahi cara menerima " "pembayaran dari pelanggan dan melakukan langkah selanjutnya menuju " "peluncuran toko Anda." msgid "" "Welcome to your 14-day free trial of Woo Express – everything you need to " "start and grow a successful online business, all in one place. The journey " "toward your first sale has begun!" msgstr "" "Selamat datang di periode percobaan 14 hari Woo Express – tempat yang " "memiliki segalanya yang Anda butuhkan untuk memulai dan menumbuhkan bisnis " "online yang sukses. Perjalanan menuju penjualan pertama Anda telah dimulai!" msgid "" "Your account balance can be paid out within minutes, not days, with Instant " "Deposits. Now that's convenience!" msgstr "" "Saldo bisa diterima rekening dalam hitungan menit alih-alih hari dengan " "Instant Deposits. Praktis, 'kan?" msgid "Get priority support" msgstr "Dapatkan dukungan prioritas" msgid "" "Our friendly support team is available via email if you " "have questions or need a hand." msgstr "" "Tim dukungan kami yang ramah bisa dihubungi melalui email " "jika Anda punya pertanyaan atau butuh bantuan." msgid "How are you getting on with your store? Can we help with anything?" msgstr "Bagaimana perkembangan toko Anda? Ada yang bisa kami bantu?" msgid "Get priority support from the pros" msgstr "Dapatkan dukungan prioritas dari ahlinya" msgid "Fernando looking at the camera." msgstr "Fernando melihat ke kamera." msgid "Review my pre-launch checklist" msgstr "Tinjau daftar periksa prapeluncuran saya" msgid "" "To ensure you never get that sinking \"what did I forget?\" " "feeling, take a look at our essential pre-launch checklist. " "Review it (at least twice!) before sharing your site with the world." msgstr "" "Untuk memastikan Anda tidak melewatkan satu hal pun, lihat " "daftar periksa prapeluncuran penting kami. Tinjau daftar " "tersebut (minimal dua kali!) sebelum membagikan situs Anda kepada dunia." msgid "" "Whoa there, partner – hang on a minute. With all the work it takes to " "prepare a brand-new site, it can be easy to overlook a crucial " "detail. You may even be missing an important step you didn't " "realize you needed to do!" msgstr "" "Eh, tunggu sebentar. Mengingat ada banyak hal yang perlu disiapkan untuk " "situs baru, detail penting mungkin terlewatkan. Anda " "mungkin bahkan melewatkan langkah penting yang perlu dilakukan!" msgid "" "Our friendly support team is available 24/7 via live chat or email if you have questions or need a hand." msgstr "" "Tim bantuan kami yang ramah bisa dihubungi tiap " "saat melalui live chat atau e-mail jika Anda punya pertanyaan atau " "butuh bantuan." msgid "Get 24/7 priority support from the pros" msgstr "Dapatkan dukungan prioritas tiap saat dari ahlinya" msgid "" "You've designed your site and emails, all your products are ready to go, and " "it's time to launch your new store." msgstr "" "Anda telah mendesain situs dan e-mail, semua produk siap dijual, dan " "sekarang saatnya meluncurkan toko baru Anda." msgid "A step-by-step checklist for a hassle-free launch" msgstr "Daftar periksa langkah demi langkah untuk peluncuran tanpa repot" msgid "Don't launch your store without doing this" msgstr "Jangan luncurkan toko Anda sebelum melakukan hal ini" msgid "Andrei smiling." msgstr "Andrei tersenyum." msgid "" "Next time, we'll share a step-by-step pre-launch checklist to eliminate that " "sinking \"what did I forget?\" feeling. Bye for now." msgstr "" "Selanjutnya, kami akan membagikan daftar periksa prapeluncuran langkah demi " "langkah agar Anda tak melewatkan satu hal pun. Sampai jumpa lagi." msgid "" "Keep operations under your thumb no matter where the day " "takes you with the Woo Mobile App." msgstr "" "Pegang kendali penuh atas operasi toko Anda di mana pun " "berada dengan Aplikasi Seluler Woo." msgid "" "Use it to create, edit, and publish products, process " "orders, and track stats at a glance. Never miss a beat by " "enabling real-time alerts – and listen out for the " "addictive \"cha-ching\" sound that comes with every new sale!" msgstr "" "Gunakan aplikasi untuk membuat, mengedit, dan memublikasikan produk, memproses pesanan, dan melacak sekilas statistik. " "Anda takkan melewatkan kabar terbaru dengan mengaktifkan peringatan " "real-time – notifikasi “cring-cring” akan terdengar tiap " "kali ada produk yang terjual!" msgid "Run my store from anywhere" msgstr "Kelola toko saya dari mana saja" msgid "" "Manage your store on the go with the free Woo Mobile App " "for iOS and Android." msgstr "" "Kelola toko Anda di mana saja dengan Aplikasi Seluler Woo " "gratis untuk iOS dan Android." msgid "Never miss a beat with the Woo Mobile App" msgstr "Tak pernah melewatkan kabar terbaru dengan Aplikasi Seluler Woo" msgid "Run your store from anywhere" msgstr "Kelola toko Anda dari mana saja" msgid "" "That's all for today. Next time, you'll see how you can manage your store on " "the go." msgstr "" "Itu saja untuk hari ini. Selanjutnya, Anda akan mengetahui cara mengelola " "toko dari mana saja." msgid "" "Got questions or need a hand? Our friendly support team is available via " "email." msgstr "" "Punya pertanyaan atau butuh bantuan? Tim dukungan kami yang ramah bisa " "dihubungi melalui email." msgid "Create my first Google ad" msgstr "Buat iklan Google pertama saya" msgid "" "Showcase your products on any budget. Set up your first ad today to " "expand your audience and increase sales." msgstr "" "Berapa pun anggaran Anda, Anda bisa menghadirkan produk ke hadapan dunia. " "Siapkan iklan pertama Anda hari ini untuk menjangkau lebih banyak " "audiens dan menggenjot penjualan." msgid "" "Connect to the Merchant Center* to list your products for free across the Google network. With up to $500** in free ad credit from " "Google, up your game with paid ad campaigns that use " "machine learning to promote your most effective adverts." msgstr "" "Terhubunglah ke Merchant Center untuk mendaftarkan produk Anda " "secara gratis ke seluruh jaringan Google. Dengan kredit iklan " "gratis hingga $500* dari Google, tingkatkan penjualan Anda melalui " "kampanye iklan berbayar yang menggunakan machine learning " "untuk mempromosikan iklan Anda yang paling efektif." msgid "" "Google for WooCommerce is built right into your Woo dashboard. With it, you " "can launch and manage ads automatically created from your product " "catalog – no keywords or imagery needed." msgstr "" "Google for WooCommerce tersedia langsung di dasbor Woo Anda. Dengan alat " "ini, Anda dapat meluncurkan dan mengelola iklan yang dibuat secara " "otomatis dari katalog produk – tanpa perlu kata kunci atau gambar." msgid "" "A steady stream of site traffic is vital for sales and " "growth. So, how can you help shoppers searching for products like yours find " "you?" msgstr "" "Jumlah traffic situs yang stabil penting untuk penjualan " "dan pertumbuhan. Bagaimana cara mempermudah pembeli yang sedang mencari " "produk (seperti milik Anda) dapat menemukan Anda?" msgid "Showcase your products on any budget" msgstr "Tunjukkan produk Anda ke hadapan dunia berapa pun anggaran Anda" msgid "Be discovered by more shoppers on Google" msgstr "Pastikan lebih banyak pembeli menemukan Anda di Google" msgid "Adam looking at the camera." msgstr "Adam melihat ke kamera." msgid "" "Next time, we'll show you how to create an effective advertising campaign on " "any budget." msgstr "" "Selanjutnya, kami akan menunjukkan cara membuat kampanye periklanan yang " "efektif untuk berapa pun anggaran Anda." msgid "" "Not sure where to begin with social media? Try these six proven strategies." msgstr "" "Tidak yakin harus memulai dari mana di media sosial? Coba enam strategi yang " "terbukti ampuh ini." msgid "Promote my store on social" msgstr "Promosikan toko saya di media sosial" msgid "" "You don't need to be a marketing expert to promote your store to a global audience. Let's get started!" msgstr "" "Anda tidak perlu menjadi ahli pemasaran untuk mempromosikan toko ke audiens global. Mari kita mulai!" msgid "" "Sync your store's catalog to these social platforms to take advantage of " "free listings and create (and track) product-based " "ads." msgstr "" "Sinkronisasikan katalog toko Anda ke platform media sosial ini untuk " "memanfaatkan listing gratis dan membuat (sekaligus melacak) " "iklan berbasis produk." msgid "" "Social media can turn likes into loyal customers and casual " "followers into evangelists. Our official integrations, including " "TikTok, Facebook, and Pinterest, help amplify your store and generate more sales." msgstr "" "Media sosial dapat mengubah suka menjadi pelanggan loyal " "dan pengikut biasa menjadi pendukung setia. Integrasi resmi kami dengan " "TikTok, Facebook, dan Pinterest membantu mengoptimalkan toko Anda dan meningkatkan penjualan." msgid "" "Every business wants to sell more products and grow over time. To do this, " "you need to reach more shoppers – but where can you find " "them?" msgstr "" "Tiap bisnis ingin menjual lebih banyak produk dan terus bertumbuh. Untuk " "mewujudkannya, Anda perlu menjangkau lebih banyak pembeli – " "tetapi di mana Anda bisa menemukan mereka?" msgid "Shani looking at the camera." msgstr "Shani melihat ke kamera." msgid "" "Next time, you'll learn how to find your audience and bring them to your " "store. See you soon!" msgstr "" "Selanjutnya, Anda akan mempelajari cara menemukan audiens dan membawa mereka " "ke toko Anda. Sampai jumpa!" msgid "Tour my analytics dashboard" msgstr "Jelajahi dasbor analitik saya" msgid "" "Tour the dashboard now to get familiar with all your options and " "make your data work for you." msgstr "" "Jelajahi dasbor sekarang untuk memahami semua pilihan yang tersedia dan " "gunakan data untuk menghasilkan keuntungan untuk Anda." msgid "" "If you're ready to go deeper by identifying traffic sources, trends, and " "bounce rates, Google Analytics will help you get the most out of " "your site stats – and is already included in your plan." msgstr "" "Jika ingin melangkah lebih jauh, cari tahu sumber traffic, tren, dan bounce " "rate. Google Analytics membantu Anda memanfaatkan statistik " "situs – dan paket Anda sundah mencakup alat ini." msgid "" "With Woo Express's built-in analytics dashboard, you can dig into the " "details or get an overview of essential metrics – such as " "sales, top products, and orders – in a flash. Then, create reports full of " "valuable data and insights you can use to improve " "your store." msgstr "" "Dengan dasbor analitik bawaan Woo Express, Anda bisa dengan cepat " "mendapatkan perincian atau ikhtisar metrik penting seperti " "penjualan, produk teratas, dan pesanan. Anda lalu bisa membuat laporan " "lengkap berisi data dan wawasan berharga yang dapat " "digunakan untuk meningkatkan toko Anda." msgid "" "Understanding your store's performance is vital for success, especially as " "your business grows." msgstr "" "Anda perlu memahami performa toko Anda untuk mencapai kesuksesan, terutama " "selama bisnis Anda berkembang." msgid "Make your data work for you" msgstr "Gunakan data untuk menghasilkan keuntungan untuk Anda." msgid "Using analytics to increase your sales" msgstr "Menggunakan analitik untuk meningkatkan penjualan Anda" msgid "Brent smiling at the camera." msgstr "Brent tersenyum di depan kamera." msgid "" "Next time, we'll show you how to track (and report on) your store's " "performance, traffic, and sales. See you soon!" msgstr "" "Selanjutnya, kami akan menunjukkan cara melacak (dan melaporkan) performa, " "lalu lintas, dan penjualan toko Anda. Sampai jumpa!" msgid "Automate my marketing" msgstr "Automasi pemasaran saya" msgid "" "Sit back, relax, and watch your sales increase. Let's set up your first " "workflow." msgstr "" "Bersantailah dan saksikan penjualan Anda meningkat. Mari siapkan alur kerja " "pertama Anda." msgid "" "Reach customers with the right message at the right time; " "send them personalized discounts on their birthdays, reward referrals, and " "more. You can also follow up on purchases with coupons to " "keep them coming back for more." msgstr "" "Jangkau pelanggan dengan pesan yang pas di waktu yang tepat; kirimkan diskon khusus bagi pelanggan di hari ulang tahun, " "apresiasi referensi, dan lain-lain. Anda juga dapat menyertakan kupon pada pembelian agar pembeli datang kembali untuk berbelanja." msgid "" "With AutomateWoo, you can create powerful automated marketing " "workflows that help boost sales – with a fraction " "of the effort. The best part? It's already built into your store." msgstr "" "Dengan AutomateWoo, Anda dapat menciptakan alur kerja pemasaran " "otomatis yang andal untuk meningkatkan penjualan " "tanpa repot. Sudah begitu... Fitur ini sudah ada di toko Anda." msgid "" "Do you want to convert and retain more customers? Automation can do all the " "hard work for you." msgstr "" "Anda ingin mengonversi dan mempertahankan lebih banyak pelanggan? Automasi " "bisa jadi solusi untuk Anda." msgid "Let AutomateWoo do the hard work for you" msgstr "Biarkan AutomateWoo yang melakukannya untuk Anda." msgid "Powerful automations to make you more $$$" msgstr "Automasi andal untuk menghasilkan lebih banyak $$$" msgid "Marta smiling." msgstr "Marta tersenyum." msgid "" "In our next email, we'll show you how to save time by automating your " "marketing. Bye for now." msgstr "" "Dalam e-mail selanjutnya, kami akan menunjukkan cara menghemat waktu dengan " "mengautomasi pemasaran Anda. Sampai jumpa lagi." msgid "" "If you have questions or need a hand, our friendly support team is available " "via email." msgstr "" "Jika punya pertanyaan atau butuh bantuan, tim dukungan kami yang ramah bisa " "dihubungi melalui email." msgid "" "Many popular addresses use top-level domains (TLDs) such " "as .com or .net. There are plenty of alternative TLDs available (.london or ." "pizza, anyone?) to help you stand out online." msgstr "" "Banyak alamat populer menggunakan top-level domain (TLD) " "seperti .com atau .net. Ada banyak pilihan TLD tersedia (.london, .pizza; " "mau coba?) yang memastikan Anda tampil mencolok di ranah online." msgid "" "A short, easy-to-remember domain name is a must-have for " "your business. It makes it simpler for customers to find you online, reinforces your brand identity, and helps establish trust." msgstr "" "Nama domain yang ringkas dan mudah diingat adalah kebutuhan primer bisnis. Nama domain ini memudahkan pelanggan untuk menemukan " "Anda secara online, memperkuat identitas brand, dan menumbuhkan " "kepercayaan." msgid "Pick a domain for your business" msgstr "Pilih domain untuk bisnis Anda" msgid "What's in a name?" msgstr "Apa arti sebuah nama?" msgid "" "Happy designing! We'll be back soon to help you choose the best domain for " "your new website." msgstr "" "Selamat merancang! Kami akan segera kembali untuk membantu Anda memilih " "domain terbaik untuk situs baru Anda." msgid "" "Let's find the perfect theme to show off your business in style." msgstr "" "Temukan tema yang tepat agar tampilan bisnis Anda terus diingat." msgid "" "Customize any of our professionally designed themes to match the " "look and feel of your brand exactly. They load quickly, are " "mobile-friendly, and put your products first." msgstr "" "Sesuaikan salah satu tema dengan desain profesional dari kami agar cocok " "dengan tampilan dan kesan yang ingin dihadirkan brand Anda. " "Tema tersebut dapat dimuat dengan cepat, mudah diakses di ponsel, dan " "menonjolkan produk Anda." msgid "Yida looking at the camera." msgstr "Yida melihat ke kamera." msgid "Take charge of my inventory" msgstr "Kendalikan inventaris saya" msgid "Let's take a look at the best solution for you." msgstr "Mari jelajahi solusi terbaik untuk Anda." msgid "" "For new businesses, manually managing this helps you keep an eye on stock " "levels and get familiar with the fulfillment process. " "Growing stores often benefit from the power of automation " "to sync inventory, update product info in bulk – and even automatically re-" "order stock." msgstr "" "Untuk bisnis baru, mengelola bagian ini secara manual membantu Anda memantau " "tingkat stok serta memahami proses penyelesaian pesanan. " "Toko yang bertumbuh kerap memanfaatkan automasi untuk " "menyinkronkan inventaris, melakukan pembaruan massal informasi produk, dan " "bahkan memesan kembali stok secara otomatis." msgid "" "Managing stock accurately and efficiently will save you " "tons of time. It's vital once you decide to scale your store too." msgstr "" "Pengelolaan stok yang akurat dan efisien akan menghemat " "banyak waktu. Efisiensi waktu penting jika Anda juga ingin mengembangkan " "toko." msgid "Take charge of your inventory" msgstr "Kendalikan inventaris Anda" msgid "How to manage your stock and orders effectively" msgstr "Cara mengelola stok dan pesanan Anda secara efektif" msgid "" "Next time, we'll show you the best ways to manage your stock without " "breaking a sweat." msgstr "" "Selanjutnya, kami akan menunjukkan cara terbaik untuk mengelola stok Anda " "tanpa repot." msgid "Automate my sales tax" msgstr "Automasi pajak penjualan saya" msgid "" "It's time to say goodbye to sales tax headaches. Ready to " "join the 20,000+ businesses that have already made their tax compliance " "simple?" msgstr "" "Kini Anda tidak perlu lagi pusing memikirkan pajak " "penjualan. Siap bergabung dengan 20.000+ bisnis yang sudah menyederhanakan " "proses kepatuhan pajaknya?" msgid "" "Sit back and relax with accurate sales tax automation from Avalara built right into your store. You always collect the " "correct tax in real time while reducing the risk of errors and " "missed deadlines." msgstr "" "Dengan menggunakan automasi pajak penjualan dari Avalara " "yang ada di toko Anda, Anda bisa bersantai. Jumlah pajak yang tepat " "akan selalu diterapkan secara real time dan risiko " "kesalahan serta terlewatkannya waktu bayar pajak bisa ditekan. " msgid "" "Keeping track of sales tax is rarely fun, but automating " "the entire process — from calculations and nexus tracking to reporting and " "filing – helps eliminate the stress of compliance." msgstr "" "Melacak pajak penjualan biasanya merupakan tugas yang merepotkan. Namun, " "dengan mengautomasi keseluruhan proses — dari penghitungan " "dan pelacakan nexus hingga pelaporan dan pengarsipan – tingkat stres akibat " "proses kepatuhan pajak bisa diminimalkan." msgid "Sit back and relax with built-in sales tax automation" msgstr "Bersantailah dengan menggunakan automasi pajak penjualan bawaan" msgid "No more sales tax headaches" msgstr "Anda tak perlu lagi pusing karena pajak penjualan" msgid "" "We'll be back in a few days with info on automating sales tax collection and " "compliance. See you then!" msgstr "" "Kami akan kembali dalam beberapa hari dengan informasi terkait automasi " "pemungutan dan kepatuhan pajak penjualan. Sampai jumpa!" msgid "Get top-class priority support" msgstr "Dapatkan bantuan prioritas kelas atas" msgid "" "They're seasoned pros at solving complex challenges, advising on best " "practices, and helping you get the most out of your store. " "Don't just take our word for it, though." msgstr "" "Mereka ahli yang berpengalaman dalam memecahkan tantangan rumit, memberi " "nasihat tentang praktik terbaik, dan membantu mengoptimalkan toko Anda. Hubungi tim dan buktikan sendiri." msgid "" "If you have questions about how Woo Express can help you grow (or need a " "hand getting set up), our friendly support team is " "available now via email." msgstr "" "Jika punya pertanyaan tentang cara Woo Express membantu Anda berkembang " "(atau butuh bantuan penyiapan), tim dukungan kami yang ramah kini bisa dihubungi melalui email." msgid "" "Building a successful online business takes time and dedication. The good " "news is that you're not walking this path alone." msgstr "" "Membangun bisnis online yang sukses memerlukan waktu dan dedikasi. Kabar " "baiknya Anda tidak perlu berproses sendirian." msgid "Top-class priority support from the pros" msgstr "Dukungan prioritas kelas atas dari ahlinya" msgid "Select a shipping solution" msgstr "Pilih solusi pengiriman" msgid "" "Woo Express has you covered. It includes popular solutions " "such as FedEx, UPS, Canada Post, Royal Mail, and Australia Post, as well as " "real-time rates for selected countries. You can also " "provide customers with order tracking by default. Nice!" msgstr "" "Woo Express punya solusinya. Woo Express menghadirkan solusi " "populer seperti FedEx, UPS, Canada Post, Royal Mail, dan Australia " "Post, serta tarif real-time untuk negara-negara tertentu. " "Anda juga dapat memberikan layanan pelacakan pesanan bagi pelanggan " "secara default. Keren!" msgid "" "No matter what you're selling, you want to get orders into buyers' hands " "as fast as possible – without costly shipping rates eating " "into your profit margin." msgstr "" "Apa pun produk yang dijual, Anda tentu ingin agar pembeli menerima pesanan " "sesegera mungkin – tanpa tarif pengiriman yang mahal, yang " "memotong margin keuntungan." msgid "Chris smiling at the camera." msgstr "Chris tersenyum di depan kamera." msgid "" "Don't forget: if you have questions or need a hand, our friendly support " "team is available via email." msgstr "" "Ingat: jika Anda punya pertanyaan atau butuh bantuan, tim dukungan kami yang " "ramah bisa dihubungi melalui email." msgid "" "Learn all you need to know about fulfilling orders while keeping customers " "happy – visit our shipping hub." msgstr "" "Pelajari hal-hal yang harus Anda ketahui tentang penyelesaian pesanan " "sembari memastikan kepuasan pelanggan – kunjungi pusat informasi pengiriman " "kami." msgid "" "Save time at the post office and save " "money on shipping labels – you win both ways! Let's get your store " "ship-shape, shall we?" msgstr "" "Hemat waktu di kantor pos dan hemat uang di biaya pengiriman – Anda bisa dapat keduanya! Siap mengoptimalkan " "toko Anda?" msgid "" "Woo Express has you covered. Whether shipping orders within the U.S. or " "internationally, buying and printing deeply discounted USPS " "and DHL labels directly from your store's dashboard is simple and " "affordable." msgstr "" "Woo Express punya solusinya. Baik mengirimkan pesanan dalam AS atau " "internasional, pembelian dan pencetakan label USPS dan DHL dengan " "diskon besar-besaran langsung dari dasbor toko Anda " "mudah dilakukan dan terjangkau." msgid "" "No matter what you're selling, you want to get orders into customers' hands " "as soon as possible – without costly shipping rates eating " "into your profit margin." msgstr "" "Terlepas dari produk yang dijual, Anda ingin pelanggan menerima pesanan " "secepat mungkin – tanpa tarif pengiriman yang mahal dan " "memotong margin keuntungan." msgid "Boost your profit margin with discounted shipping" msgstr "Tingkatkan margin keuangan Anda dengan diskon tarif pengiriman" msgid "" "Having trouble deciding? Our guide to choosing a payment gateway can help " "you find the right fit for your store." msgstr "" "Sulit memutuskan? Panduan pemilihan gateway pembayaran kami dapat membantu " "menemukan pilihan yang sesuai untuk toko Anda." msgid "" "Two of the most popular options we recommend are Stripe and PayPal – " "but if you're looking for a payment option specific to your country, we've " "got you covered too." msgstr "" "Dua pilihan terpopuler yang kami sarankan adalah Stripe dan PayPal. " "Namun, jika Anda mencari pilihan pembayaran khusus untuk di negara Anda, " "kami juga punya solusinya." msgid "" "Getting paid is a crucial part of the ecommerce process, " "but selecting the right payment provider needn't be complicated." msgstr "" "Pembayaran adalah bagian penting dalam proses ecommerce dan " "pemilihan penyedia layanan pembayaran mestinya bukan hal yang rumit." msgid "Choose the right payment solution for your store" msgstr "Pilih solusi pembayaran yang tepat untuk toko Anda" msgid "" "Manage all your store's transactions (including refunds and chargebacks) " "directly from your store with zero monthly fees or hidden costs." msgstr "" "Kelola semua transaksi (termasuk pengembalian dana dan pembebanan balik) " "langsung dari toko Anda tanpa biaya bulanan atau tarif tersembunyi." msgid "" "Next time, we'll share the best way for you to get your products into " "customers' hands." msgstr "" "Selanjutnya, kami akan membagikan cara terbaik untuk mengirimkan produk Anda " "ke pelanggan." msgid "" "If you haven't done so already, set up WooPayments today and " "simplify your entire payments workflow right from the " "beginning." msgstr "" "Jika belum melakukannya, siapkan WooPayments sekarang dan " "sederhanakan alur kerja seluruh pembayaran sejak awal." msgid "" "Manage all your store's transactions (including refunds and chargebacks) " "directly from your store with zero monthly fees or hidden costs. Your account balance can even be paid out " "within minutes, not days. Now that's convenience!" msgstr "" "Kelola semua transaksi (termasuk pengembalian dana dan pembebanan balik) " "langsung dari toko Anda tanpa biaya bulanan atau tarif tersembunyi. Saldo bahkan bisa masuk rekening " "Anda dalam hitungan menit (bukan berhari-hari). Praktis, 'kan?" msgid "" "WooPayments is the only solution designed for Woo by Woo (that's us!). With it, you can securely accept " "debit and credit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, WooCommerce Subscriptions, " "and more in 135+ currencies." msgstr "" "WooPayments merupakan satu-satunya solusi yang dirancang " "untuk Woo oleh Woo (kami sendiri!). Dengan WooPayments, Anda dapat " "menerima secara aman pembayaran melalui kartu debit dan " "kredit, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Woo Subscriptions, dan lain-lain dalam " "lebih dari 135 mata uang." msgid "" "Getting paid is a crucial part of the ecommerce process, " "but setting up a payment provider for your business needn't be complicated." msgstr "" "Pembayaran adalah bagian penting dalam proses ecommerce dan " "pemilihan penyedia layanan pembayaran mestinya bukan hal yang rumit." msgid "" "That's all for now. Next time, we'll see how you can simplify the process of " "getting paid by customers" msgstr "" "Sementara ini selesai. Selanjutnya, kami akan menunjukkan cara " "menyederhanakan proses pembayaran dari pelanggan" msgid "" "If you've got questions or need a hand, priority support is available via " "email." msgstr "" "Jika Anda punya pertanyaan atau butuh bantuan, dukungan prioritas " "tersedia melalui email." msgid "Add a product to my store" msgstr "Tambah produk ke toko saya" msgid "" "Let's get started on the journey to your first sale by adding your " "first product and creating an enticing product page for customers." msgstr "" "Mari mulai perjalanan bisnis pertama Anda dengan menambahkan produk " "pertama dan membuat halaman produk yang menarik bagi pelanggan." msgid "" "In this email series, we'll show you how simple (and fun!) it can be to " "build, customize, and launch your dream store in days." msgstr "" "Dalam rangkaian e-mail ini, kami akan menunjukkan kepada Anda bahwa " "membangun, menyesuaikan, dan meluncurkan toko impian dalam hitungan " "hari sangatlah mudah (dan menyenangkan!)." msgid "" "Welcome to Woo Express – everything you need to start and grow a " "successful online business, all in one place. You've just taken an " "important step towards owning your future!" msgstr "" "Selamat datang di Woo Express – satu tempat yang memiliki segala yang Anda " "butuhkan untuk memulai dan menumbuhkan bisnis online yang sukses. Anda baru saja mengambil langkah penting pertama untuk menggapai " "impian!" msgid "Congratulations – the journey to your first sale begins now!" msgstr "Selamat – perjalanan menuju penjualan pertama Anda dimulai sekarang!" msgid "" "If you choose not to purchase a plan, your site will be downgraded, with all " "extensions and customizations removed. We'll automatically back it up, so if " "you change your mind within 30 days, you can pick up right where you left " "off." msgstr "" "Jika memilih untuk tidak membeli paket, situs Anda akan di-downgrade, dengan " "semua ekstensi dan penyesuaian dihapuskan. Kami akan mencadangkannya secara " "otomatis, sehingga jika Anda berubah pikiran dalam waktu 30 hari, Anda dapat " "langsung melanjutkan pekerjaan." msgid "Laura smiling." msgstr "Laura tersenyum." msgid "" "We've paused your store, but you can continue by picking a plan that " "suits you best." msgstr "" "Kami menjeda operasi toko Anda. Anda dapat melanjutkannya dengan memilih " "paket yang paling sesuai untuk Anda." msgid "Your free trial of Woo Express has ended." msgstr "Periode percobaan gratis Woo Express Anda telah berakhir." msgid "%s, your free trial of Woo Express has ended." msgstr "%s, periode percobaan gratis Woo Express Anda telah berakhir." msgid "Yida smiling." msgstr "Yida tersenyum." msgid "" "If you choose not to purchase a plan once your trial ends, your site will be " "downgraded, with all extensions and customizations removed. We'll " "automatically back it up, so if you change your mind within 30 days, you can " "pick up right where you left off." msgstr "" "Jika memilih untuk tidak membeli paket setelah periode percobaan berakhir, " "situs Anda akan di-downgrade, dengan semua ekstensi dan penyesuaian " "dihapuskan. Kami akan mencadangkannya secara otomatis, sehingga jika Anda " "berubah pikiran dalam waktu 30 hari, Anda dapat langsung melanjutkan " "pekerjaan." msgid "Now's the time to own your future – pick a plan and get ready to grow." msgstr "" "Sekarang saatnya menggapai impian Anda – pilih paket dan bersiaplah untuk " "bertumbuh." msgid "" "Time's almost up – your free trial of Woo Express ends tomorrow (%s)." msgstr "" "Periode hampir habis – periode percobaan Woo Express gratis Anda berakhir " "besok (%s)." msgid "" "Time's almost up, %1$s – your free trial of Woo Express ends " "tomorrow (%2$s)." msgstr "" "Periode hampir habis, %1$s – periode percobaan Woo Express gratis Anda " "berakhir besok (%2$s)." msgid "Your free trial ends tomorrow" msgstr "Periode percobaan gratis Anda berakhir besok" msgid "Damianne smiling." msgstr "Damianne tersenyum." msgid "" "Woo has everything you need to start and grow an online " "store, all in one place. Our support team can answer any questions you may have along the way. When you're ready to sell your idea, pick a " "plan for only %4$s for your first 3 months*." msgstr "" "Woo menyediakan segalanya yang Anda butuhkan untuk memulai " "dan menumbuhkan toko online, semuanya di satu tempat. Tim dukungan kami " "dapat menjawab segala pertanyaan yang mungkin Anda miliki. " "Jika Anda sudah siap untuk menjajakan ide Anda, pilih paket hanya dengan " "%4$s untuk 3 bulan pertama*." msgid "Review my task list" msgstr "Lihat daftar tugas saya" msgid "" "Abandoned cart recovery? Back-in-stock notifications? Referrals and loyalty " "points? Be sure you've ticked all the boxes before " "unveiling your store to the world." msgstr "" "Pemulihan keranjang terbengkalai? Pemberitahuan stok tersedia kembali? Poin " "referensi dan loyalitas? Pastikan Anda telah mencentang semua kotak sebelum memperkenalkan toko Anda ke seluruh dunia." msgid "" "Our comprehensive checklist helps ensure your chosen plan " "has all the features your business needs to succeed." msgstr "" "Daftar periksa komprehensif kami membantu memastikan paket " "yang Anda pilih mencakup semua fitur yang dibutuhkan bisnis Anda untuk " "mencapai kesuksesan." msgid "" "Creating your dream store is exciting, but it can be easy to overlook one or " "two crucial details. You may be missing an essential step " "without realizing it!" msgstr "" "Membangun toko impian adalah hal yang mengasyikkan. Namun, Anda mungkin " "melewatkan satu atau dua detail penting dalam proses pembangunannya. Anda " "mungkin melewatkan langkah penting dan tidak menyadarinya!" msgid "Don't miss out on your \"must-haves\"" msgstr "Jangan lewatkan hal-hal \"wajib\"" msgid "\"What did I forget?\"" msgstr "Apa yang saya lupakan?" msgid "Terms and conditions apply." msgstr "Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku." msgid "Mahrie smiling." msgstr "Mahrie tersenyum." msgid "" "In our next email, we'll share a step-by-step pre-launch checklist to " "eliminate that sinking \"what did I forget?\" feeling. Bye for now." msgstr "" "Dalam email kami selanjutnya, kami akan membagikan daftar periksa pra-" "peluncuran langkah demi langkah agar Anda tak melewatkan satu hal pun. Sampai jumpa lagi." msgid "" "You don't need to be a marketing expert to promote your store to a global audience. Woo has the tools you need." msgstr "" "Anda tidak perlu menjadi ahli pemasaran untuk mempromosikan toko ke audiens global. Woo punya alat yang Anda butuhkan." msgid "" "Then, showcase your business across Google for free to " "shoppers searching for products like yours. With Google, you can also run " "paid search ads, display ads, and remarketing campaigns from the comfort of " "your store’s dashboard." msgstr "" "Pamerkan bisnis Anda di Google secara gratis kepada pembeli " "yang mencari produk seperti punya Anda. Dengan Google, Anda juga dapat " "menjalankan iklan pencarian berbayar, menampilkan iklan, dan memasarkan " "ulang kampanye dari dasbor toko Anda." msgid "" "Social media can turn likes into loyal customers and casual " "followers into evangelists. Use our official integrations, including " "TikTok, Facebook, and Pinterest, to amplify your store and get more sales from social." msgstr "" "Media sosial dapat mengubah suka menjadi pelanggan loyal " "dan pengikut biasa menjadi pendukung setia. Gunakan integrasi resmi kami " "dengan TikTok, Facebook, dan " "Pinterest untuk mengoptimalkan toko Anda dan mendongkrak " "penjualan lewat media sosial." msgid "" "Every business wants to sell more and grow over time. To do this, you need " "to reach more shoppers and keep them coming back — but how?" msgstr "" "Tiap bisnis ingin menjual lebih banyak produk dan terus bertumbuh. Untuk " "mewujudkannya, Anda perlu menjangkau lebih banyak pembeli " "dan mendorong mereka untuk terus berbelanja — tetapi " "bagaimana caranya?" msgid "Get your products in front of shoppers, no matter the budget" msgstr "Sajikan produk Anda untuk pembeli, berapa pun anggarannya" msgid "You don't need to be a marketing expert" msgstr "Anda tidak perlu menjadi ahli marketing" msgid "" "In the next email, we'll show you how (and where) you can find potential " "customers and bring them to your store. See you then!" msgstr "" "Dalam email selanjutnya, kami akan menunjukkan cara (dan lokasi) untuk " "menemukan calon pelanggan serta mengarahkannya ke toko Anda. Sampai jumpa!" msgid "" "\"Grandpa learned how to use Woo to log in, manage the store, and process " "orders himself. It says a lot [about Woo] that somebody who didn't grow up " "with computers could pick it up so quickly and easily.\"" msgstr "" "\"Kakek belajar menggunakan Woo untuk login, mengelola toko, dan memproses " "pesanan sendiri. Orang yang tidak terbiasa menggunakan komputer saja merasa " "mudah dan cepat lancar [menggunakan Woo].\"" msgid "" "Featured in Forbes, Good Housekeeping, and Time, Gardyn " "chose Woo for its scalability and customizability. Smart move! It gave " "them the flexibility to adapt as their indoor gardening solution soared in " "popularity." msgstr "" "Diliput oleh Forbes, Good Housekeeping, dan Time, Gardyn " "memilih Woo karena skalabilitas dan kemampuan penyesuaiannya. Langkah yang " "cerdas! Woo memberikan fleksibilitas untuk beradaptasi seiring kian " "populernya solusi berkebun dalam ruangan mereka." msgid "" "Gigja started Root Science to help solve her sister's " "sensitive skin issues. With hard work, it's grown from a small-scale passion " "project to a global skincare brand available in major retailers (Kourtney " "Kardashian is a fan, too)." msgstr "" "Gigja memulai Root Science untuk membantu memecahkan " "masalah kulit sensitif saudara perempuannya. Dengan kerja keras, bisnis ini " "tumbuh dari proyek berskala kecil menjadi merek perawatan kulit global yang " "tersedia di banyak peritel besar (Kourtney Kardashian juga menyukainya)." msgid "" "Millions of merchants have grown their businesses with Woo, and you " "can, too. Here are some of our recent favorites." msgstr "" "Jutaan penjual telah menumbuhkan bisnisnya dengan Woo. Anda juga " "bisa. Berikut beberapa kisah terbaru favorit kami." msgid "" "You've reached the halfway mark in your free trial of Woo. Looking for some " "real-world inspiration?" msgstr "" "Anda telah mencapai separuh periode percobaan gratis Woo. Mencari inspirasi " "yang nyata?" msgid "Inspiration from successful merchants" msgstr "Inspirasi dari penjual sukses" msgid "Marta laughing." msgstr "Marta tertawa." msgid "" "We'll be back soon to share some examples of folks who all used Woo to help " "make their ecommerce dream a success." msgstr "" "Kami akan segera kembali untuk membagikan beberapa contoh pebisnis yang " "menggunakan Woo untuk mewujudkan kesuksesan ecommerce impiannya." msgid "Design my store" msgstr "Desain toko saya" msgid "Let's start by finding the perfect theme for your needs." msgstr "Mari mulai dengan mencari tema yang tepat sesuai kebutuhan Anda." msgid "" "Each professionally designed Woo theme allows you to customize it to match the look and feel of your brand " "exactly. They load quickly, are mobile-friendly, and put " "your products first." msgstr "" "Semua tema Woo dirancang secara profesional memungkinkan " "penyesuaian agar cocok dengan tampilan dan nuansa brand Anda sepenuhnya. Tema tersebut dapat dimuat dengan " "cepat, mudah diakses di ponsel, dan menonjolkan produk Anda." msgid "" "One of the most exciting parts of creating a new store is picking a " "beautiful theme to define its design and layout." msgstr "" "Salah satu bagian yang paling menarik dari membangun toko baru adalah " "memilih tema yang menawan untuk menentukan desain dan tata " "letaknya." msgid "Make a great first impression with exclusive themes" msgstr "Ciptakan kesan pertama yang tak terlupakan dengan tema eksklusif" msgid "Showcase your brand in style" msgstr "Pamerkan brand Anda dengan penuh gaya" msgid "Niall smiling." msgstr "Niall tersenyum." msgid "" "In the next step on our journey together, we'll break out the paintbrushes " "and explore the many, many ways you can fully customize the " "look and feel of your store. Bellissimo!" msgstr "" "Selanjutnya, kita akan mengenali dan menelusuri aneka cara untuk " "menyesuaikan tampilan dan nuansa toko Anda sepenuhnya. " "Luar biasa!" msgid "Get free support" msgstr "Dapatkan bantuan gratis" msgid "" "Get priority support and make sure you start your store on the right " "foot." msgstr "" "Dapatkan dukungan prioritas dan pastikan untuk memulai toko Anda " "dengan fondasi yang tepat." msgid "" "They're seasoned pros at helping entrepreneurs like you get the " "most out of their stores – but don't just take our word for it." msgstr "" "Tim terdiri atas ahli yang berpengalaman membantu para wiraswasta seperti " "Anda untuk mengoptimalkan toko – hubungi tim dan buktikan " "sendiri." msgid "" "If you have questions about what Woo Express can do for your business (or " "need a hand getting set up), our friendly support team is " "available right now via email." msgstr "" "Jika punya pertanyaan tentang apa yang dapat dilakukan Woo Express untuk " "bisnis Anda (atau butuh bantuan penyiapan), tim dukungan kami yang " "ramah saat ini bisa dihubungi melalui email." msgid "How are you enjoying your Woo free trial so far?" msgstr "" "Bagaimana sejauh ini pengalaman Anda menikmati periode percobaan gratis Woo?" msgid "Free top-class support from the pros" msgstr "Dukungan kelas atas gratis dari ahlinya" msgid "Got questions? We're here to help!" msgstr "Ada pertanyaan? Kami di sini untuk membantu Anda!" msgid "" "Thanks to Avalara, you can automate and consolidate sales tax and EU VAT to keep your shipping experience stress-free." msgstr "" "Berkat Avalara, Anda dapat mengotomatiskan serta mengonsolidasikan " "pajak penjualan dan PPN UE agar pengiriman produk bebas " "masalah." msgid "Shipping? We've sorted it" msgstr "Pengiriman? Biar kami yang urus" msgid "Automate my taxes" msgstr "Automasi pajak saya" msgid "" "Let's start by setting up accurate, automated tax collection for your store." msgstr "" "Mari mulai dengan menyiapkan penarikan pajak otomatis yang akurat untuk toko " "Anda." msgid "" "Thanks to Avalara, you can automate and consolidate US sales tax and EU VAT to keep your shipping experience stress-free." msgstr "" "Berkat Avalara, Anda dapat mengautomasi serta mengonsolidasikan " "pajak penjualan AS dan PPN UE agar pengiriman produk bebas " "masalah." msgid "" "Whether shipping orders within the US or internationally, buying and " "printing deeply discounted USPS and DHL labels directly " "from your store's dashboard is simple and affordable. Save time at the post office and save money on shipping " "labels — you win both ways!" msgstr "" "Baik mengirimkan pesanan dalam AS atau internasional, pembelian dan " "pencetakan label USPS dan DHL dengan diskon besar-besaran " "langsung dari dasbor toko Anda mudah dilakukan dan terjangkau. Hemat " "waktu di kantor pos dan hemat uang di label " "pengiriman – Anda bisa dapat keduanya!" msgid "" "Shipping and taxes go hand in hand. No matter what you're selling, you want " "to collect the correct sales tax every time and get orders " "into customers' hands as fast as possible." msgstr "" "Pengiriman dan pajak sangat berkaitan. Apa pun produk yang dijual, Anda " "perlu untuk selalu menerapkan pajak penjualan yang sesuai " "dan memastikan pesanan diterima pelanggan sesegera mungkin." msgid "Let's get your store ship-shape" msgstr "Mari mengoptimalkan toko Anda" msgid "Your shipping and taxes – streamlined" msgstr "Tarif pengiriman dan pajak Anda – disederhanakan" msgid "Choose a payment solution" msgstr "Pilih solusi pembayaran" msgid "" "Setting up payments and testing your store's checkout is quick and " "straightforward. Let's start by choosing the payment method that's " "right for you." msgstr "" "Penyiapan pembayaran dan pengujian checkout toko Anda dapat dilakukan dengan " "cepat dan mudah. Mari mulai dengan memilih metode " "pembayaran yang tepat untuk Anda." msgid "" "Two of the most popular options we recommend are Stripe and PayPal — but if " "you're looking for a payment option specific to your country, we've got you " "covered, too." msgstr "" "Dua pilihan terpopuler yang kami sarankan adalah Stripe dan PayPal. Namun, " "jika Anda mencari pilihan pembayaran khusus untuk di negara Anda, kami juga " "punya solusinya." msgid "" "Getting paid is a crucial step in the ecommerce process, " "but selecting the right payment provider needn't be complicated." msgstr "" "Pembayaran adalah bagian penting dalam proses ecommerce dan " "pemilihan penyedia layanan pembayaran mestinya bukan hal yang rumit." msgid "Simple and secure payment options for your store" msgstr "Pilihan pembayaran yang sederhana dan mudah untuk toko Anda" msgid "Britni smiling." msgstr "Britni tersenyum." msgid "" "Next time, we'll show you how to get your products into customers' hands " "while making tax compliance straightforward." msgstr "" "Selanjutnya, kami akan menunjukkan cara mengirimkan produk Anda kepada " "pelanggan sembari memastikan kepatuhan pajak dengan mudah." msgid "" "Unlike proprietary platforms, Woo Express is open source, meaning " "you own your store and data forever — even if you decide to " "move. Ready to pick a plan?" msgstr "" "Berbeda dari platform milik perorangan, Woo Express adalah platform open " "source. Artinya, Anda menjadi pemilik toko dan data selamanya – bahkan jika Anda memutuskan untuk pindah platform. Siap memilih " "paket?" msgid "Simplify my payments" msgstr "Sederhanakan pembayaran saya" msgid "" "Let's see how simple it is to set up payments and test your store's checkout." msgstr "" "Mari lihat betapa mudahnya penyiapan pembayaran, lalu coba checkout toko " "Anda." msgid "" "Manage the entire process directly from your store (no " "logging into multiple third-party sites) with zero monthly fees or hidden costs." msgstr "" "Kelola semua proses langsung dari toko Anda (tanpa login ke " "beberapa situs pihak ketiga) tanpa biaya bulanan atau tarif " "tersembunyi." msgid "" "Your account balance can be paid out within minutes, not " "days, with Instant Deposits. Now that's convenience!" msgstr "" "Saldo bisa diterima rekening dalam hitungan menit (tidak " "perlu berhari-hari) dengan Instant Deposits. Praktis, 'kan?" msgid "" "Meet WooPayments, the only solution designed for Woo by Woo " "(that's us!). With it, you can securely accept debit and " "credit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, WooCommerce Subscriptions, and more in " "135+ currencies." msgstr "" "Kami persembahkan WooPayments, satu-satunya solusi yang dirancang untuk " "Woo oleh Woo (kami sendiri!). Dengan WooPayments, Anda dapat " "menerima secara aman pembayaran melalui kartu debit dan " "kredit, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Woo Subscriptions, dan lain-lain dalam " "lebih dari 135 mata uang." msgid "" "Getting paid is a crucial step in the ecommerce process, " "and selecting the right payment provider doesn’t need to be complicated." msgstr "" "Pembayaran adalah bagian penting proses ecommerce dan " "pemilihan penyedia layanan pembayaran mestinya bukan hal yang rumit." msgid "No monthly fees, no hidden costs" msgstr "Tidak ada biaya bulanan, tidak ada tarif tersembunyi" msgid "Let's get you paid" msgstr "Bersiaplah menerima pembayaran!" msgid "Paul smiling." msgstr "Paul tersenyum." msgid "" "That's all for today! Next time, we'll discover how you can get paid " "by customers and take another step toward launching your store." msgstr "" "Itu saja untuk hari ini! Selanjutnya, kita akan menjelajahi cara " "menerima pembayaran dari pelanggan dan melakukan langkah " "selanjutnya menuju peluncuran toko Anda." msgid "" "During this time, we'll show you how simple (and fun!) it can be to build, " "customize, and launch your dream store. Ready to explore?" msgstr "" "Dalam kesempatan ini, kami akan menunjukkan pada Anda bahwa membangun, " "menyesuaikan, dan meluncurkan toko impian sangatlah mudah (dan " "menyenangkan!). Siap menjelajahi?" msgid "" "Welcome to your 14-day free trial of Woo Express — everything you need to " "start and grow a successful online business, all in one " "place. The journey toward your first sale has begun!" msgstr "" "Selamat datang di periode percobaan 14 hari Woo Express – tempat yang " "memiliki segalanya yang Anda butuhkan untuk memulai dan menumbuhkan " "bisnis online yang sukses. Perjalanan menuju penjualan pertama Anda " "telah dimulai!" msgid "Get ready to own your future" msgstr "Bersiaplah mewujudkan impian Anda" msgid "Congratulations – your Woo Express free trial begins now!" msgstr "Selamat – periode percobaan Woo Express gratis Anda dimulai sekarang!" msgid "" "Get priority support " "via email." msgstr "" "Dapatkan dukungan " "prioritas melalui email." msgid "Got questions? Need a hand?" msgstr "Ada pertanyaan? Butuh bantuan?" msgid "Google Play button." msgstr "Tombol Google Play." msgid "iOS App Store button." msgstr "Tombol iOS App Store." msgid "Woo and logos." msgstr "Logo Woo dan" msgid "WooCommerce, Inc. – an Automattic company" msgstr "WooCommerce, Inc. – anak perusahaan Automattic" msgid "Automattic logo." msgstr "Logo Automattic." msgid "" "WooCommerce, Inc. is located at 60 29th St #343, San " "Francisco, CA 94110, U.S.A." msgstr "" "WooCommerce, Inc. berlokasi di 60 29th St #343, San " "Francisco, CA 94110, A.S." msgid "" "This email was sent to %4$s. You're receiving this email because you signed up " "for a 14-day free trial of Woo Express. No longer wish to receive Woo " "Express onboarding emails from us? Update " "your profile or unsubscribe." msgstr "" "E-mail ini dikirim ke %4$s. Anda menerima e-mail ini karena mendaftar periode " "percobaan Woo Express 14 hari. Tidak ingin menerima e-mail orientasi Woo " "Express lagi dari kami? Perbarui profil " "Anda atau berhenti berlangganan." msgid "Send me the next email in this series now" msgstr "Kirimkan email selanjutnya dalam seri ini sekarang" msgid "Choose how to use %s" msgstr "Pilih cara menggunakan %s" msgid "Just buy %s" msgstr "Beli %s sekarang" msgid "Starts at %s per month, %s billed annually" msgstr "Mulai dari %s per bulan, penagihan tahunan %s" msgid "Unable to retrieve the new staging site product purchase." msgstr "Pengambilan data pembelian produk situs staging yang baru gagal." msgid "Adding staging site product purchase was unsuccessful." msgstr "Penambahan data pembelian produk situs staging tidak berhasil." msgid "Staging Site" msgstr "Situs staging" msgid "No Sites" msgstr "Tidak Ada Situs" msgid "No data available for the specified period." msgstr "Tidak ada data untuk periode ini." msgid "View all subscribers" msgstr "Lihat semua pelanggan" msgid "Storage quota is shared between production and staging." msgstr "Kuota penyimpanan dibagi antara produksi dan staging." msgid "Course image" msgstr "Gambar kursus" msgid "Your site has been transferred successfully." msgstr "Situs Anda telah berhasil ditransfer." msgid "Please wait while we transfer your site." msgstr "Mohon tunggu, kami sedang mentransfer situs Anda." msgid "There was an error transferring your site. Please try again." msgstr "Terjadi error saat mentransfer situs Anda. Mohon coba lagi." msgid "" "Unable to load production site detail. Please contact support if you believe " "you are seeing this message in error." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat memuat detail situs produksi. Mohon hubungi bantuan jika Anda " "yakin melihat kesalahan dalam pesan ini." msgid "Click below to add this site to your Reader feed:" msgstr "Klik di bawah untuk menambahkan situs ini ke feed Reader Anda:" msgid "* Subject to your usage and storage limit." msgstr "* Tergantung penggunaan dan batas penyimpanan Anda." msgid "Click here for more info" msgstr "Klik di sini untuk info lebih lanjut" msgid "Click here for more info about your site." msgstr "Klik di sini untuk info lebih lanjut tentang situs Anda." msgid "See more info" msgstr "Lihat info lebih lanjut" msgid "Subscribed post" msgstr "Berlangganan di pos" msgid "Auto sharing posts" msgstr "Berbagi pos secara otomatis" msgid "Install Social as a standalone plugin" msgstr "Instal Social sebagai plugin mandiri" msgid "" "To use this feature, simply upload an image or video and add your custom " "text in the Social section of the sidebar editor. When the post is " "published, you will trigger the automated social media posting." msgstr "" "Untuk menggunakan fitur ini, unggah gambar atau video dan tambahkan teks " "kustom di bagian Social di editor bilah sisi. Saat pos dipublikasikan, pos " "tersebut akan dibagikan secara otomatis di media sosial." msgid "" "When you upgrade to the Advanced plan, you unlock the " "ability to select an image or video and custom text to share your blog post " "as a social post. Rather than appearing as a link preview, your image and " "text will look like you manually published it on the social platform itself, " "saving you time and optimizing engagement. Studies show that manually " "published social posts get 50%% more engagement than sharing links." msgstr "" "Dengan upgrade ke paket Lanjutan, Anda dapat memilih " "gambar atau video dan teks kustom untuk membagikan pos blog Anda sebagai pos " "media sosial. Alih-alih muncul sebagai pratinjau tautan, gambar dan teks " "akan terlihat seperti dipublikasikan di platform media sosial secara manual " "sehingga hemat waktu dan mengoptimalkan interaksi. Penelitian menunjukkan " "bahwa pos media sosial yang dipublikasikan secara manual mendapatkan " "interaksi 50%% lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan tautan yang dibagikan." msgid "How do I share my content as social media posts?" msgstr "Bagaimana saya membagikan konten saya sebagai pos media sosial?" msgid "" "You can also recycle published posts to share on your social media. Go to " "your WordPress Admin → Posts and locate your published post. Edit and click " "on the Social icon (the speaker) at the top right of the editor. You will " "see the sidebar with the \"Share this post\" section, where you can select " "and configure your social publications. Then, click on the \"Share post\" " "action to auto post to social media. This action won’t change the status of " "your post." msgstr "" "Anda juga dapat mendaur ulang pos yang pernah dipublikasikan untuk dibagikan " "di media sosial. Buka Admin WordPress → Pos dan cari pos yang pernah " "dipublikasikan. Sunting dan klik ikon Social (speaker) di kanan atas editor. " "Anda akan melihat bilah sisi dengan bagian \"Bagikan pos ini\", tempat Anda " "dapat memilih dan mengonfigurasikan publikasi media sosial Anda. Lalu, klik " "tindakan \"Bagikan pos\" untuk memposkan secara otomatis ke media sosial. " "Tindakan ini tidak akan mengubah status pos Anda." msgid "How do I share previously published posts?" msgstr "Bagaimana saya membagikan pos yang sudah dipublikasikan sebelumnya?" msgid "" "To share scheduled posts on social media automatically, go to your WordPress " "Admin → Posts and locate the scheduled post to be published. Edit and click " "on the Social icon (the speaker) at the top right of the editor. Then you " "will see the sidebar with the \"Share this post\" section where you can " "select and configure your social publications. When the post is finally " "published, it will auto post to social media." msgstr "" "Untuk membagikan pos terjadwal di media sosial secara otomatis, buka Admin " "WordPress → Pos, dan cari pos terjadwal yang ingin dipublikasikan. Sunting " "dan klik ikon Social (speaker) di kanan atas editor. Anda akan melihat bilah " "sisi dengan bagian \"Bagikan pos ini\", tempat Anda dapat memilih dan " "mengonfigurasikan publikasi sosial Anda. Setelah dipublikasikan di blog atau " "situs, pos akan dipublikasikan secara otomatis ke media sosial. " msgid "How do I auto share scheduled posts?" msgstr "Bagaimana saya membagikan pos terjadwal secara otomatis?" msgid "" "For more details about how to auto share posts to social media, check the full support article." msgstr "" "Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang cara membagikan pos ke media sosial " "secara otomatis, baca artikel dukungan selengkapnya." msgid "" "While writing a post in the editor, find the Jetpack icon at the top right " "of the editor. Click on the icon, and you will see the sidebar showing a " "\"Share this post” section. There you can select the accounts you want to " "auto-share. When publishing, your post will be shared on your social media " "automatically." msgstr "" "Sambil menulis pos di editor, cari ikon Jetpack di kanan atas editor. Klik " "ikon tersebut dan Anda akan melihat bilah sisi yang menunjukkan bagian " "\"Bagikan pos ini”. Anda dapat memilih akun media sosial yang diinginkan " "untuk fitur berbagi otomatis. Setelah dipublikasikan di blog atau situs, pos " "akan dibagikan di media sosial Anda secara otomatis." msgid "How do I auto share new posts?" msgstr "Bagaimana saya membagikan pos baru secara otomatis?" msgid "" "Social media is popular, but not everyone uses it regularly. If you only " "publish on social media, you’re missing up to 60%% of adult " "Americans. It’s important to publish on both your website & social media " "in order to reach your whole audience. Jetpack Social works as a social " "media auto poster and makes it easy to share content." msgstr "" "Meskipun populer, tidak semua orang rutin menggunakan media sosial. Jika " "hanya memublikasikan di media sosial, ada hingga 60%% orang " "dewasa di Amerika yang tak mampu dijangkau oleh konten Anda. Publikasi " "konten di situs web & media sosial dapat menjangkau seluruh audiens. Jetpack " "Social berfungsi sebagai sarana publikasi otomatis di media sosial dan " "mempermudah penyebaran konten." msgid "Why should I publish on my site and social media at the same time?" msgstr "" "Mengapa saya perlu publikasi di situs dan media sosial secara bersamaan?" msgid "" "With the social sharing plugin installed, connecting with your social " "networks takes only a few clicks from the Social admin page, or the Tools " "menu of your site." msgstr "" "Dengan menginstal plugin untuk berbagi di media sosial, Anda hanya perlu " "mengeklik beberapa kali dari halaman admin Social atau menu Alat di situs " "Anda untuk terhubung dengan jejaring sosial." msgid "How do I connect with my social networks?" msgstr "Bagaimana caranya agar terhubung ke jejaring media sosial saya?" msgid "View all referrer stats" msgstr "Lihat statistik semua pengarah" msgid "Top Referrers" msgstr "Pengarah Terbaik" msgid "View all posts & pages stats" msgstr "Lihat statistik semua pos & halaman" msgid "7 Day Highlights" msgstr "Sorotan 7 Hari" msgid "%(views)s Views" msgstr "%(views)s Lihat" msgid "" "A theme in homage to George Lois, visionary American Art Director, and " "author. We will all miss your big ideas. Rest in Peace, George. From the " "Creative People of Automattic." msgstr "" "Tema untuk menghormati George Lois, penulis dan pengarah seni visioner asal " "Amerika. Kami semua akan merindukan ide besarmu. Beristirahatlah dalam " "Damai, George. Dari Orang-Orang Kreatif di Automattic." msgid "" "You can pay for your plan, add-ons, or domains using any major " "credit card, debit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, or PayPal. In addition to " "these, we also support a number of local " "payment methods in select countries." msgstr "" "Anda dapat membayar paket, add-on, atau domain menggunakan " "kartu kredit, kartu debit, Apple Pay, Google Pay, atau PayPal. Kami juga " "mendukung sejumlah metode pembayaran lokal di negara-negara tertentu." msgid "How can I pay for my plan?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara saya membayar paket?" msgid "" "You can cancel anytime within the refund period and get 100% of your money " "back, no questions asked." msgstr "" "Anda dapat membatalkan kapan pun dalam periode pengembalian dana dan " "dapatkan kembali uang Anda 100% tanpa syarat." msgid "" "Yes, offers several email solutions to choose from. Our own " "Professional Email service – for custom domains registered on our platform " "– brings your inbox to your site’s dashboard. You can also set up free email " "forwarding or, alternatively, use our Google Workspace integration to manage " "your emails. For more information about these options, take a look at our " "dedicated support page." msgstr "" "Ya, menawarkan beberapa pilihan solusi e-mail. Layanan " "Professional E-mail kami – untuk domain khusus yang terdaftar di platform " "kami – menyediakan fitur inbox langsung di dasbor situs Anda. Anda juga " "dapat mengaktifkan penerusan e-mail gratis atau menggunakan integrasi Google " "Workspace kami untuk mengelola e-mail Anda. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut " "tentang pilihan ini, lihat halaman bantuan khusus kami." msgid "" "Yes, you can create your site in any language you prefer, as " "supports a wide range of languages. For more information, please visit our " "support page all about setting up multilingual sites." msgstr "" "Ya, Anda dapat menampilkan situs dalam bahasa yang Anda inginkan karena " " mendukung berbagai bahasa. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, " "silakan kunjungi halaman bantuan kami yang memuat semua informasi tentang " "menyiapkan situs multilingual." msgid "Can I create a site in another language?" msgstr "Apakah saya dapat membuat situs dalam bahasa lain?" msgid "" "Yes, there are many ways to monetize your site, such as " "charging for premium content, selling products, creating memberships, and " "more. You can also publish sponsored posts or use affiliate links in your " "content. Additionally, you can apply to join WordAds, our advertising " "program." msgstr "" "Ya, ada banyak cara untuk memonetisasi situs Anda, seperti " "menjual konten premium, menjual produk, membuat keanggotaan, dan lain-lain. " "Anda juga dapat memublikasikan pos bersponsor atau menggunakan tautan " "afiliasi dalam konten. Selain itu, Anda dapat mendaftar untuk bergabung " "dengan WordAds, program periklanan kami." msgid "Can I make money with my site?" msgstr "Apakah situs saya dapat menghasilkan uang?" msgid "" "WordPress plugins are tools that you can add to your site to give it " "additional features and functionalities. With plugins, you can easily add a " "contact form, social media icons, a slideshow, an e-commerce store, and much " "more, without needing to know how to code. You can access over 50,000 " "WordPress plugins, starting with the Business plan." msgstr "" "Plugin WordPress adalah alat yang dapat Anda tambahkan ke situs untuk " "memberikan fitur dan fungsionalitas tambahan. Dengan plugin, Anda dapat " "menambahkan formulir kontak, ikon media sosial, slideshow, toko e-commerce, " "dan banyak lainnya dengan mudah, tanpa perlu tahu cara membuatnya dengan " "koding. Anda dapat mengakses lebih dari 50.000 plugin WordPress dengan " "menggunakan paket Business." msgid "What are WordPress plugins?" msgstr "Apa itu plugin WordPress?" msgid "" "Yes, we provide free hosting for all sites with all plans." msgstr "" "Ya, kami menyediakan hosting gratis untuk semua situs dengan " "segala paket." msgid "Does the website hosting come for free when I create a site?" msgstr "Apakah hosting situs gratis jika saya membuat situs?" msgid "" "We have many domain extensions available, including popular ones like .com, ." "net, and .org. If you sign up for an annual or biannual plan, you'll get a " "free domain included for the first year. You can also use a domain you " "already own by connecting it to your site or transferring it " "to us for easy management." msgstr "" "Kami menyediakan berbagai ekstensi domain, termasuk beberapa yang populer " "seperti .com, .net, dan .org. Jika mendaftar paket tahunan atau dua tahunan, " "Anda akan mendapatkan domain gratis yang disertakan untuk tahun pertama. " "Anda juga dapat menggunakan domain yang sudah dimiliki dengan " "menghubungkannya ke situs Anda atau mentransfernya kepada kami " "agar mudah dikelola." msgid "" "If you have an active subscription on, you have the " "flexibility to switch to a different plan at any time. Any remaining funds " "from your current plan will be applied towards your new plan as a discount." msgstr "" "Jika memiliki langganan aktif di, Anda dapat beralih ke paket " "lain kapan saja dengan mudah. Sisa dana dari paket saat ini akan diterapkan " "pada paket baru Anda sebagai diskon." msgid "Can I switch to a different plan after signing up?" msgstr "Bisakah saya beralih ke paket lain setelah mendaftar?" msgid "" "Yes, you can easily move your content to from other platforms " "such as Blogger, GoDaddy, Wix, Medium, Squarespace, and many more. " "Additionally, our import tool allows you to transfer your content seamlessly " "from a self-hosted WordPress site." msgstr "" "Ya, Anda dapat dengan mudah memindahkan konten ke dari " "platform lain seperti Blogger, GoDaddy, Wix, Medium, Squarespace, dan masih " "banyak lagi. Selain itu, alat impor kami memungkinkan Anda untuk mentransfer " "konten dari situs WordPress yang dihosting sendiri tanpa masalah." msgid "Can I import my content to from another provider?" msgstr "Dapatkah saya mengimpor konten dari platform lain ke" msgid "No worries, we get your questions answered." msgstr "Tenang, kami punya jawaban untuk setiap pertanyaan Anda." msgid "" "RSS makes it simple for your audience to subscribe to your latest updates " "and never miss a beat." msgstr "" "RSS memudahkan audiens Anda untuk berlangganan agar tidak melewatkan " "pembaruan terkini." msgid "Keep them up to date." msgstr "Jangan biarkan mereka ketinggalan informasi." msgid "With the Reader, you can keep up with what's new and find your people." msgstr "" "Dengan Pembaca, Anda dapat mengikuti tren terbaru dan menemukan audiens Anda." msgid "" "Reach more people across your socials and promote your posts with Blaze." msgstr "" "Jangkau lebih banyak orang di seluruh media sosial dan promosikan pos Anda " "dengan Blaze." msgid "" "Write directly to your audience. Every site is a newsletter " "waiting to happen." msgstr "" "Tulis langsung untuk audiens Anda. Setiap situs adalah sebuah " "buletin yang siap dipublikasikan." msgid "Say it with a Newsletter." msgstr "Sampaikan pesan Anda menggunakan Buletin." msgid "" "Your site is the start of something. Connect with your audience and reach " "new people by meeting them where they are." msgstr "" "Situs Anda adalah awal dari hal-hal besar. Terhubung dengan audiens Anda, " "dan jangkau calon audiens dengan menemui mereka secara virtual di tempat " "mereka berada. " msgid "Your audience is out there." msgstr "Audiens Anda tersebar di banyak tempat." msgid "" "Personalize the blank canvas of any page with Patterns – a range of " "flexible, intuitive, instant layouts." msgstr "" "Personalisasikan kanvas kosong halaman mana pun dengan Pola – serangkaian " "tata letak yang fleksibel, intuitif, dan instan." msgid "There’s a pattern for that. " msgstr "Tersedia pola untuk segala kebutuhan Anda." msgid "" "Bring your online store to life with our selection of customizable themes. " "Choose from a variety of designs that match your brand's unique style and " "start selling in no time." msgstr "" "Semarakkan toko online Anda dengan serangkaian tema kami yang dapat " "disesuaikan. Pilih satu dari beragam desain yang cocok dengan gaya unik " "merek Anda, dan segera aktifkan toko Anda!" msgid "Your store. Your way." msgstr "Toko Anda. Cara Anda." msgid "" "Easily create a mobile friendly website, optimized for every device, so your " "visitors can access your content from anywhere." msgstr "" "Buat situs yang ramah perangkat seluler dengan mudah, yang telah " "dioptimalkan untuk segala jenis perangkat agar pengunjung Anda dapat " "mengakses konten dari mana saja." msgid "Design that shines on any screen." msgstr "Desain yang memikat di segala tipe layar." msgid "" "Make your website look stunning with our custom-made patterns and themes. " "Transform your design with a click, then magically drag and drop " "breathtaking layouts." msgstr "" "Tampilkan situs yang menawan dengan pola dan tema spesial dari kami. Ubah " "desain Anda dengan sekali klik, lalu seret dan lepas tata letak yang memukau " "secara ajaib." msgid "There’s beauty in everything." msgstr "Ada keindahan di berbagai hal." msgid "" "Your site runs lightening fast, wherever in the world it’s accessed from. " msgstr "" "Situs Anda berfungsi secepat kilat meski diakses dari mana pun di seluruh " "dunia. " msgid "The speed you need" msgstr "Kecepatan yang Anda butuhkan" msgid "" "Superior security comes with every plan, keeping your site safe and " "protected around the clock." msgstr "" "Keamanan unggulan tersedia di semua paket agar situs tetap aman dan " "terlindungi setiap saat." msgid "End-to-end security" msgstr "Keamanan menyeluruh" msgid "" "Get free, expert help in our community forums, or upgrade to any plan for " "pro support by email and live chat." msgstr "" "Dapatkan bantuan ahli gratis di forum komunitas kami, atau upgrade ke paket " "apa pun untuk mendapatkan bantuan profesional melalui e-mail dan live chat." msgid "Superlative support" msgstr "Bantuan terbaik" msgid "" "If you change your mind, our no-questions-asked refund policy has your back." msgstr "" "Jika Anda berubah pikiran, kebijakan pengembalian dana tanpa syarat kami " "tersedia untuk Anda." msgid "Stress-free refund policy" msgstr "Kebijakan pengembalian dana tanpa repot" msgid "" "From the free plan on up, when you build with you get all of " "the benefits of fast, secure managed WordPress hosting." msgstr "" "Mulai dari paket gratis hingga berbayar, dengan membuat situs di WordPress." "com, Anda akan mendapatkan semua manfaat hosting WordPress terkelola yang " "aman dan cepat." msgid "" "Let our team of experts build your site. Whether you need a " "landing page or a full ecommerce site. We can build it for you." msgstr "" "Percayakan kepada tim ahli kami untuk membuat situs Anda. Apa " "pun kebutuhan Anda: halaman landing atau situs ecommerce lengkap. Kami dapat " "membuatnya untuk Anda." msgid "Your site. Built by us." msgstr "Situs Anda. Dibuat oleh kami." msgid "There is a plan for you." msgstr "Paket terbaik untuk Anda." msgid "%(headerTitle)s: %(productName)s for %(siteSlug)s" msgstr "%(headerTitle)s: %(productName)s untuk %(siteSlug)s" msgid "%(headerTitle)s: %(productName)s to %(purchaseMeta)s" msgstr "%(headerTitle)s: %(productName)s ke %(purchaseMeta)s" msgid "%(headerTitle)s: %(productName)s for %(purchaseMeta)s" msgstr "%(headerTitle)s: %(productName)s untuk %(purchaseMeta)s" msgid "Your Jetpack Stats widget requires JavaScript to function properly." msgstr "" "Widget Jetpack Stats Anda memerlukan JavaScript agar dapat berfungsi dengan " "semestinya." msgid "%d shares per month" msgstr "Dibagikan %d kali per bulan" msgid "Confirm and keep subscription" msgstr "Konfirmasi dan tetap berlangganan" msgid "" "We recommend saving at least the last 7 days of backups. However, you can " "reduce this setting to %(minimumRetention)d days, as a way to stay within " "your storage limits. Learn more about {{ExternalLink}}Backup Storage and " "Retention{{/ExternalLink}}" msgstr "" "Kami menyarankan untuk menyimpan cadangan setidaknya 7 hari terakhir. Namun, " "Anda dapat memilih rentang lebih pendek menjadi %(minimumRetention)d hari, " "agar tidak melampaui batas penyimpanan Anda. Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang " "{{ExternalLink}}Penyimpanan dan Retensi Cadangan{{/ExternalLink}}" msgid "Out of storage space? Store only two days of backups" msgstr "Kehabisan ruang penyimpanan? Simpan cadangan dalam dua hari saja" msgid "Let us build your site" msgstr "Kami buatkan situs Anda" msgid "Get a website built quickly" msgstr "Buat situs web secara cepat" msgid "This site is not able to use the Jetpack AI Search feature" msgstr "Situs ini tidak dapat menggunakan fitur Jetpack AI Search" msgid "Search questions, courses, topics" msgstr "Cari pertanyaan, kursus, atau topik" msgid "Find support resources and documentation for" msgstr "Temukan jawaban dan sumber daya dukungan untuk" msgid "" "Make it even more memorable with premium designs and style customization." msgstr "" "Jadikan lebih tak terlupakan dengan desain premium dan penyesuaikan gaya." msgid "Monetize your writing, go ad-free, and expand your media content." msgstr "" "Monetisasikan tulisan Anda, dan tampilkan tanpa iklan serta perluas konten " "media Anda." msgid "" "Start fresh or make the switch, bringing your first 100 readers with you." msgstr "Buat baru atau ganti, dapatkan 100 pembaca pertama Anda." msgid "Import up to 100 subscribers" msgstr "Impor hingga 100 pelanggan" msgid "Import unlimited subscribers" msgstr "Impor pelanggan tidak terbatas" msgid "Downtime for %(time)s" msgstr "Downtime selama %(time)s" msgid "Downtime" msgstr "Downtime" msgid "Activate {{strong}}Monitor{{/strong}} to see your uptime records" msgstr "" "Aktifkan {{strong}}Monitor{{/strong}} untuk melihat catatan uptime Anda" msgid "Monitor activity" msgstr "Aktivitas Monitor" msgid "20d ago" msgstr "20 hari lalu" msgid "100% uptime" msgstr "100% uptime" msgid "Tags from A — Z" msgstr "Tag dari A — Z" msgid "Activate theme" msgstr "Aktifkan tema" msgid "Go to the theme page" msgstr "Buka halaman tema" msgid "Do you want to activate the theme %(theme)s?" msgstr "Apakah Anda ingin mengaktifkan tema %(theme)s?" msgid "" "An error occurred when trying to submit your data for verification. Please " "try again. If the error persists, please contact our support team." msgstr "" "Terjadi error saat mencoba mengirimkan data Anda untuk verifikasi. Harap " "coba lagi. Jika error berlanjut, hubungi tim dukungan kami." msgid "You need to send at least one document." msgstr "Anda perlu mengirimkan setidaknya satu dokumen." msgid "" "You're currently saving only {{span}}%(currentRetentionPlan)d days{{/span}} " "of backups as a way to stay within your storage limits. You can change this " "by selecting a different setting below. Learn more about {{ExternalLink}}" "Backup Storage and Retention{{/ExternalLink}}" msgstr "" "Anda saat ini hanya menghemat {{span}}%(currentRetentionPlan)d hari{{/span}} " "pencadangan agar tidak melewati batas penyimpanan Anda. Anda dapat " "mengubahnya dengan memilih pengaturan lain berikut. Pelajari lebih lanjut " "tentang {{ExternalLink}}Penyimpanan dan Retensi Cadangan{{/ExternalLink}}" msgid "" "Everything you need to set up your store and start selling your products." msgstr "" "Semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk menyiapkan toko dan mulai menjual produk Anda." msgid "Sell products that are assembled from multiple components." msgstr "Jual produk yang dirakit dari beberapa komponen." msgid "Assembled products and kits" msgstr "Produk rakitan dan kit" msgid "" "Recommend additional products to customers based on their purchase history." msgstr "" "Merekomendasikan produk tambahan kepada pelanggan berdasarkan riwayat " "pembelian mereka." msgid "Recommend add-ons" msgstr "Rekomendasi add-on" msgid "Offer discounts for customers who purchase multiple items at once." msgstr "" "Tawarkan diskon untuk pelanggan yang membeli beberapa barang sekaligus." msgid "Offer bulk discounts" msgstr "Tawarkan diskon massal" msgid "" "Reward customers for repeat purchases or other actions with loyalty points " "that can be redeemed for discounts or other benefits." msgstr "" "Beri pelanggan hadiah untuk repeat order atau aksi lainnya dengan poin " "loyalty yang dapat ditukar dengan diskon atau keuntungan lainnya." msgid "Loyalty points programs" msgstr "Program poin loyalty" msgid "" "Send personalized birthday emails to customers with exclusive discounts or " "promotions." msgstr "" "Kirim e-mail ulang tahun khusus untuk pelanggan dengan diskon atau promosi " "eksklusif." msgid "Customer birthday emails" msgstr "E-mail ulang tahun pelanggan" msgid "" "Encourage existing customers to refer new customers by offering rewards or " "incentives." msgstr "" "Ingatkan pelanggan setia untuk mengundang pelanggan baru dengan menawarkan " "reward dan insentif." msgid "Referral programs" msgstr "Program referal" msgid "" "Send reminder emails to customers who have abandoned items in their cart to " "encourage them to complete their purchase." msgstr "" "Kirim e-mail pemberitahuan ke pelanggan yang mengabaikan produk di keranjang " "untuk mengingatkan mereka agar menyelesaikan pembelian." msgid "Cart abandonment emails" msgstr "Cart abandonment emails" msgid "" "Set up automatic emails triggered by customer behavior, such as abandoned " "carts or completed purchases." msgstr "" "Atur e-mail otomatis yang dipantik oleh perilaku pelanggan, seperti " "keranjang yang ditinggalkan atau setelah pembelian." msgid "Automated email triggers" msgstr "Pemantik e-mail otomatis" msgid "" "Automate marketing campaigns to send targeted and personalized messages to " "customers." msgstr "" "Otomatiskan marketing campaign untuk mengirim pesan tertarget dan khusus " "kepada pelanggan." msgid "Marketing automation" msgstr "Otomatisasi Pemasaran" msgid "Notify customers when an out-of-stock item is back in stock." msgstr "" "Beritahu pelanggan jika produk yang sudah habis terjual kembali tersedia." msgid "Back-in-stock notifications" msgstr "Pemberitahuan back in stock" msgid "Sync your store with marketplaces and social media." msgstr "Sinkronkan toko Anda dengan marketplace dan media sosial." msgid "Marketplace sync and social media integrations" msgstr "Sinkronisasi marketplace dan integrasi media sosial" msgid "Email marketing built-in" msgstr "Built-in e-mail marketing" msgid "Sell and accept e-gift vouchers" msgstr "Jual dan terima voucer e-gift" msgid "Automatic sales tax" msgstr "Pajak penjualan otomatis" msgid "Sell internationally" msgstr "Jual secara internasional" msgid "" "Post directly to your WordPress site with the " "for Google Docs plugin, or embed documents (and Sheets, Presentations, " "and more) into your blog with the embed code." msgstr "" "Poskan langsung ke situs WordPress dengan plugin Wordpress." "com for Google Docs, atau sematkan dokumen (dan Spreadsheet, Presentasi, " "dan lainnya) ke blog Anda dengan kode sematan." msgctxt "Call to action to buy a new plan" msgid "Upgrade" msgstr "Upgrade" msgid "The new Jetpack Forms inbox interface for form responses." msgstr "" "Antarmuka kotak masuk yang baru dari Jetpack Forms untuk tanggapan formulir." msgid "subscribers" msgstr "pelanggan" msgid "Site down" msgstr "Situs down" msgid "GiveWP – Recurring Donations" msgstr "GiveWP – Donasi Berulang" msgid "" "Unable to validate your site quota. Please contact support if you believe " "you are seeing this message in error." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat memvalidasi kuota situs Anda. Hubungi bantuan jika Anda yakin " "melihat kesalahan dalam pesan ini." msgid "Additional contact verification required for your domain" msgstr "Verifikasi kontak tambahan diperlukan untuk domain Anda" msgid "Contact verification" msgstr "Verifikasi kontak" msgid "" "An error occurred when uploading your files. Please try submitting them " "again. If the error persists, please contact our support team." msgstr "" "Terjadi kendala saat mengunggah file Anda. Silakan coba mengirimkannya lagi. " "Jika kendala berlanjut, silakan hubungi tim bantuan kami." msgid "" "Thank you for submitting your documents for contact verification! If your " "domain was suspended, it may take up to a week for it to be unsuspended. Our " "support team will contact you via email if further actions are needed." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah mengirimkan dokumen Anda untuk verifikasi kontak! Jika " "penangguhan domain Anda ditangguhkan, mungkin perlu waktu hingga satu minggu " "untuk membatalkan penangguhannya. Tim bantuan kami akan menghubungi Anda " "melalui e-mail jika diperlukan tindakan lebih lanjut." msgid "Selected files:" msgstr "File terpilih:" msgid "No selected files yet" msgstr "Belum ada file terpilih" msgid "" "Click on the button below to upload up to three documents and then click on " "the \"Submit\" button. You can upload images (JPEG or PNG) and/or PDF files " "up to 5MB each." msgstr "" "Klik tombol di bawah ini untuk mengunggah hingga tiga dokumen, lalu klik " "tombol \"Kirim\". Anda dapat mengunggah gambar (JPEG atau PNG) dan/atau " "berkas PDF, masing-masing hingga 5 MB." msgid "HMRC tax notification (last 3 months)" msgstr "Pemberitahuan pajak HMRC (3 bulan terakhir)" msgid "Bank statement (last 3 months)" msgstr "Rekening koran (3 bulan terakhir)" msgid "Utility bills (last 3 months)" msgstr "Tagihan utilitas (3 bulan terakhir)" msgid "Valid national ID cards (for non-UK residents)" msgstr "Kartu Tanda Penduduk yang valid (khusus non-Britania Raya (UK))" msgid "Valid drivers' license" msgstr "Surat Izin Mengemudi yang valid" msgid "" "Please verify that the above information is correct and either {{a}}update " "it{{/a}} or provide a photo of a document on which the above name and " "address are clearly visible. Some of the accepted documents are:" msgstr "" "Harap verifikasi bahwa informasi di atas sudah benar dan {{a}}perbarui{{/a}} " "atau berikan foto dokumen yang menunjukkan nama dan alamat di atas dengan " "jelas. Beberapa dokumen yang diperlukan adalah:" msgid "This is your current contact information:" msgstr "Berikut adalah informasi kontak Anda saat ini:" msgid "" "Nominet, the organization that manages .uk domains, requires us to verify " "the contact information of your domain." msgstr "" "Nominet, organisasi yang mengelola domain .uk, mengharuskan kami " "memverifikasi informasi kontak domain Anda." msgid "" "By clicking \"%s,\" you represent that you've obtained the appropriate " "consent to email each person. ." msgstr "" "Dengan mengeklik \"%s\", Anda menyatakan bahwa telah memperoleh persetujuan " "yang sesuai untuk mengirim e-mail kepada masing-masing penerima. " "" msgid "Get help!" msgstr "Dapatkan bantuan" msgid "" "To make any changes, log in to update your subscription " "settings." msgstr "" "Untuk membuat perubahan, login terlebih dahulu untuk memperbarui pengaturan langganan Anda." msgid "" "If you have a %1$s number, you can enter it for your account on the " "following page: %2$s. For security reasons, you will only be able to enter a " "%1$s number once. If you already have valid %1$s details stored for your " "account, you won’t see an additional charge, and there’s no action you need " "to take at this time." msgstr "" "Jika memiliki nomor %1$s, silakan masukkan nomor tersebut untuk akun Anda di " "halaman berikut: %2$s. Demi keamanan, Anda hanya dapat memasukkan nomor %1$s " "sekali saja. Jika data %1$s yang valid untuk akun Anda sudah tersimpan, " "tidak ada biaya tambahan yang akan dibebankan, dan untuk saat ini, tidak ada " "langkah yang perlu diambil." msgid "A visual story theme." msgstr "Tema cerita visual." msgid "Already have a account? {{a}}Log in{{/a}}" msgstr "Sudah punya akun {{a}}Login{{/a}}" msgid "Let’s get you signed up." msgstr "Mari mendaftar." msgid "You are not subscribed to any sites." msgstr "Anda tidak berlangganan ke situs mana pun." msgid "Your Akismet API Key is:" msgstr "API Key Akismet Anda:" msgid "" "Heads up — you are currently on a legacy plan that is no longer available " "for new subscribers. Your Pro plan includes access to all the most popular " "features has to offer, including premium themes and access to " "over 50,000 plugins. As an existing Pro plan subscriber, you can keep your " "site on this legacy plan as long as your subscription remains active. If " "canceled, the Pro plan can no longer be added to your account." msgstr "" "Perhatian — Anda saat ini menggunakan paket lawas yang tidak lagi tersedia " "untuk pelanggan baru. Paket Pro Anda mencakup akses ke semua fitur " "terpopuler yang ditawarkan, termasuk tema premium dan akses ke " "lebih dari 50.000 plugin. Sebagai pelanggan paket Pro yang setia, Anda dapat " "mempertahankan situs Anda pada paket lawas ini jika langganan Anda tetap " "aktif. Jika dibatalkan, paket Pro tidak dapat lagi ditambahkan " "ke akun Anda." msgid "" "You’ve got our best deal on hosting! Your Pro plan includes access to all " "the most popular features has to offer, including premium " "themes and access to over 50,000 plugins. As an existing customer, you can " "keep your site on this plan as long as your subscription remains active." msgstr "" "Anda mendapatkan penawaran terbaik hosting kami! Paket Pro Anda mencakup " "akses ke semua fitur terpopuler yang ditawarkan, termasuk tema " "premium dan akses ke lebih dari 50.000 plugin. Sebagai pelanggan setia, Anda " "dapat mempertahankan situs Anda pada paket ini jika langganan Anda tetap " "aktif." msgid "" "This plan gives you access to our most powerful features at an affordable " "price for an unmatched value you won’t get anywhere else. No longer " "available to new users." msgstr "" "Paket ini memberi Anda akses ke fitur kami yang paling canggih dengan harga " "terjangkau dengan nilai tak tertandingi yang tidak akan Anda dapatkan di " "tempat lain. Paket ini tidak lagi tersedia untuk pengguna baru." msgid "Get Essential" msgstr "Dapatkan Essential" msgid "Activating theme" msgstr "Mengaktifkan tema" msgid "Setting up theme installation" msgstr "Menyiapkan instalasi tema" msgid "Activating the theme feature" msgstr "Mengaktifkan fitur tema" msgid "Installing theme" msgstr "Menginstal tema" msgid "" "Verso pays tribute to the revered Portuguese writer and poet Fernando " "Pessoa, and his various pseudonyms. Its minimalist design features a black " "and white color scheme, complemented by an elegant serif font. Verso's " "carefully crafted templates boast a comfortable content width and " "meticulously considered white space that create a calming and immersive " "reading experience, ideal for the appreciation of poetry." msgstr "" "Verso adalah bentuk penghormatan kepada penulis dan penyair termasyhur asal " "Portugal, Fernando Pessoa, dan berbagai nama penanya. Fitur-fiturnya " "berdesain minimalis dengan skema warna hitam dan putih, serta font serif " "yang elegan. Rancangan apik templat Verso menyediakan ruang konten yang lega " "dan ruang kosong yang didesain dengan cermat untuk menciptakan pengalaman " "membaca yang nyaman dan fokus. Desain yang cocok untuk mengapresiasi puisi." msgid "This is not a staging site." msgstr "Situs ini bukan situs staging." msgid "" "The documents you submitted have been successfully reviewed and the contact " "information for domain %1$s has been validated." msgstr "" "Dokumen yang Anda kirimkan sudah berhasil ditinjau dan informasi kontak " "untuk domain %1$s sudah divalidasi." msgid "" "The documents you submitted have been successfully reviewed and the contact " "information for domain %1$s has been validated." msgstr "" "Dokumen yang Anda kirimkan sudah berhasil ditinjau dan informasi kontak " "untuk domain %1$s sudah divalidasi." msgid "" " - Your domain %1$s's contact information has been successfully " "validated" msgstr " - Informasi kontak domain %1$s Anda berhasil divalidasi" msgid "Create paid Newsletter" msgstr "Buat Buletin berbayar" msgid "" "Got questions? We’ve got answers! Get in touch with our support team, and we’ll respond " "ASAP." msgstr "" "Ada pertanyaan? Kami punya jawabannya! Hubungi tim dukungan kami, dan kami akan segera " "menanggapi." msgid "" "Enter %1$s at checkout to save %2$s%% on your first year on " "the Premium plan." msgstr "" "Masukkan %1$s saat checkout untuk menghemat %2$s%% di tahun " "pertama paket Premium Anda." msgid "Switch to Premium and save %s%%." msgstr "Beralih ke Premium dan hemat %s%%." msgid "But hurry! This offer will only be available until %s." msgstr "Segera! Penawaran ini hanya akan tersedia hingga %s." msgid "" "For a limited time, we’re offering you a %1$s%% discount off your first year " "on the Premium plan. To claim your savings, choose Premium here and enter the code " "%4$s at checkout." msgstr "" "Untuk jangka waktu terbatas, kami menawarkan diskon %1$s%% untuk tahun " "pertama paket Premium Anda . Untuk mengklaim diskon Anda, pilih Premium di sini lalu " "masukkan kode %4$s saat checkout." msgid "Ready to choose Premium and level up your website?" msgstr "Siap memilih Premium dan mengoptimalkan situs Anda?" msgid "" "Plus, continued round-the-clock access to fast, expert support from our " "global team of friendly Happiness Engineers." msgstr "" "Dilengkapi akses setiap saat dan tanpa batasan untuk segera memperoleh " "dukungan andal dari tim global Happiness Engineers kami yang ramah." msgid "" "The opportunity to earn money with WordAds,’s exclusive " "advertising network that lets site owners monetize their sites quickly and " "easily." msgstr "" "Peluang untuk memperoleh penghasilan dengan WordAds, jaringan iklan " "eksklusif yang memungkinkan pemilik situs memonetisasikan " "situs mereka secara cepat dan mudah." msgid "" "Advanced design options, like CSS editing and access to a curated selection " "of Premium Themes, so you can give your site a fresh, polished look." msgstr "" "Pilihan desain lanjutan, seperti pengeditan CSS dan akses untuk memperoleh " "pilihan Tema Premium yang dikurasi agar situs Anda tampil baru dan lebih " "baik." msgid "" "A bump up to 13GB of file storage—more than double the amount on your " "current plan! You’ll have more than enough room for all the photos and " "videos you’ll ever want to share." msgstr "" "Peningkatan penyimpanan file hingga 13GB—lebih dari dua kali lipat ukuran " "paket Anda saat ini! Akan ada ruang yang besar untuk semua foto dan video " "yang ingin Anda bagikan." msgid "The Premium plan gives you access to the following benefits:" msgstr "Paket Premium memberikan Anda beberapa keuntungan, seperti:" msgid "" "As a valued part of our community, you’ve earned this limited-time discount " "of %s%% off your first year when you switch to Premium." msgstr "" "Sebagai bagian penting dalam komunitas kami, Anda telah memperoleh diskon " "terbatas %s%% untuk tahun pertama ketika beralih ke Premium." msgid "Get twice the storage for %s%% off" msgstr "Dapatkan ruang penyimpanan dua lebih besar dengan diskon %s%%" msgid "Claim this %s%% discount offer and unlock even more features." msgstr "Klaim tawaran diskon %s%% ini dan akses lebih banyak fitur." msgid "Ends soon: Double your website storage" msgstr "Segera berakhir: Gandakan ruang penyimpanan situs Anda" msgid "Check out Stats in the free Jetpack mobile app" msgstr "Periksa Statistik di aplikasi seluler gratis Jetpack " msgid "" "We hope you enjoy the new Jetpack Stats as much as we liked building it." msgstr "" "Semoga Anda menikmati Statistik Jetpack yang baru, seperti kami yang senang " "membuatnya." msgid "Give it a try" msgstr "Cobalah" msgid "" "Jetpack Stats is now universally available from wp-admin,, and " "the Jetpack mobile app." msgstr "" "Statistik Jetpack kini tersedia secara universal dari wp-admin, WordPress." "com, dan aplikasi seluler Jetpack." msgid "Check stats anywhere" msgstr "Periksa statistik dari mana saja" msgid "" "Easily monitor trends & keep track of cumulative stats, giving you a better " "sense of the long-term evolution of your website or business." msgstr "" "Pantau tren dengan mudah & lacak statistik kumulatif agar semakin memahami " "perkembangan jangka panjang situs atau bisnis Anda." msgid "Monitor site trends" msgstr "Pantau tren situs" msgid "" "Traffic and Insights now have their own separate pages, respectively focused " "on latest and long-term metrics." msgstr "" "Kini Lalu lintas yang berfokus pada metrik terbaru dan Wawasan yang berfokus " "pada metrik jangka panjang berada di halaman terpisah." msgid "Improved user experience" msgstr "Pengalaman pengguna yang disempurnakan" msgid "What’s new in Jetpack Stats?" msgstr "Apa yang baru dari Statistik Jetpack?" msgid "Read all about the new Jetpack Stats" msgstr "Baca lengkap tentang Statistik Jetpack baru" msgid "" "Jetpack Stats are available now in your site’s dashboard! To try it out, update to the latest " "version of Jetpack, or download the Jetpack mobile app." msgstr "" "Statistik Jetpack kini tersedia di dasbor situs Anda! Untuk mencobanya, perbarui ke versi " "terbaru Jetpack, atau unduh aplikasi seluler Jetpack." msgid "" "We are thrilled to announce an entirely new Jetpack Stats experience to give " "you better ways to analyze and understand your content and site’s " "performance, for free." msgstr "" "Dengan senang hati kami mempersembahkan pengalaman Statistik Jetpack yang " "baru untuk membantu Anda menganalisis dan memahami konten dan performa situs " "dengan lebih baik, secara gratis." msgid "Introducing the all-new Jetpack Stats!" msgstr "Memperkenalkan Statistik Jetpack baru!" msgid "" "Your Overall Score is a summary of your website performance across both " "mobile and desktop devices." msgstr "" "Skor Keseluruhan Anda adalah rangkuman performa situs web Anda di semua " "perangkat ponsel dan desktop." msgid "Backup not supported on multisite" msgstr "Pencadangan tidak didukung di multisitus" msgid "" "We also recommend that you set up an account password. You can do that in " "your Account Security " "settings." msgstr "" "Kami juga menyarankan Anda untuk menyiapkan kata sandi akun. Anda dapat " "menyiapkannya di pengaturan Keamanan Akun." msgid "" "Once you’ve activated your account, you can change your username any time in " "your Account Settings." msgstr "" "Setelah mengaktifkan akun, Anda dapat mengubah nama pengguna kapan saja di " "Pengaturan Akun." msgid "%1$s instead of %2$s %3$s" msgstr "%1$s alih-alih %2$s %3$s" msgid "" "Jetpack Boost is a leading performance plugin. Optimize your images, improve " "your page speed score and increase your search engine rankings." msgstr "" "Jetpack Boost adalah plugin kinerja terkemuka. Plugin ini bisa membantu " "mengoptimalkan gambar Anda serta meningkatkan skor kecepatan pemuatan " "halaman dan peringkat Anda di mesin pencari." msgid "Site logo" msgstr "Log situs" msgid "" "Sorry, your available storage space is lower than 50%, which is insufficient " "for creating a staging site." msgstr "" "Maaf, sisa ruang penyimpanan kurang dari 50%, sehingga tidak cukup untuk " "membuat situs staging." msgid "Explore your new powers" msgstr "Jelajahi fitur super andal untuk Anda" msgid "" "Your Jetpack Golden Token provides a lifetime license for this website and " "includes the following products:" msgstr "" "Token Jetpack Golden Anda menyediakan akses lisensi seumur hidup untuk situs " "web ini dan termasuk produk berikut:" msgid "Super powers are ready!" msgstr "Fitur super andal sudah siap!" msgid "Redeem your token" msgstr "Gunakan token Anda" msgid "" "You have been gifted a Jetpack Golden Token. This unlocks a lifetime of " "Jetpack powers for your website." msgstr "" "Anda mendapatkan Token Jetpack Golden. Gunakanlah untuk mengakses fitur " "super andal Jetpack seumur hidup untuk situs web Anda." msgid "Your exclusive Jetpack Experience awaits" msgstr "Jetpack Experience eksklusif hanya untuk Anda" msgid "Hey, %(userName)s" msgstr "Hai, %(userName)s" msgid "No log entries within this time range." msgstr "Tidak ada log data dalam rentang waktu ini." msgid "Now you can head over to your site and share it with the world." msgstr "" "Sekarang Anda dapat mengakses situs Anda dan membagikannya ke seluruh dunia." msgid "" "Interested in a custom domain? It’s free for the first year when you switch " "to annual billing." msgstr "" "Ingin mencoba domain khusus? Dapatkan domain gratis selama satu tahun " "pertama jika Anda beralih ke pembayaran tahunan." msgid "" "Subscription reports are incompatible with the %1$sWooCommerce data storage " "features%3$s enabled on your store. Please enable %2$stable synchronization" "%3$s if you wish to use subscription reports." msgstr "" "Laporan langganan tidak kompatibel dengan %1$sfitur ruang penyimpanan data " "WooCommerce%3$s yang diaktifkan di toko Anda. Aktifkan %2$ssinkronisasi tabel" "%3$s jika Anda ingin menggunakan laporan langganan." msgctxt "heading used in an admin notice" msgid "WooCommerce Subscriptions - Reports Not Available" msgstr "Langganan WooCommerce - Laporan Tidak Tersedia" msgid "%(productName)s was removed from your account." msgstr "%(productName)s telah dihapus dari akun Anda." msgid "%s Team" msgstr "%s Tim" msgid "" "We've loved being your online store partner for the last year. Here's to the " "next one!" msgid_plural "" "We've loved being your online store partner for the last %1$d years. Here's " "to the next %1$d!" msgstr[0] "" "Kami senang menjadi mitra toko online Anda selama satu tahun terakhir. Ini " "untuk satu bulan berikutnya!" msgstr[1] "" "Kami senang menjadi mitra toko online Anda selama %1$d tahun terakhir. Ini " "untuk %1$d bulan berikutnya!" msgid "" "We've loved being your online store partner for the last month. Here's to " "the next one!" msgid_plural "" "We've loved being your online store partner for the last %1$d months. Here's " "to the next %1$d!" msgstr[0] "" "Kami senang menjadi mitra toko online Anda selama satu bulan terakhir. Ini " "untuk satu bulan berikutnya!" msgstr[1] "" "Kami senang menjadi mitra toko online Anda selama %1$d bulan terakhir. Ini " "untuk %1$d bulan berikutnya!" msgid "You're getting closer to your %1$s anniversary — congrats!" msgstr "Hari jadi %1$s Anda semakin dekat. Selamat!" msgid "" "Your %1$s plan subscription for %2$s expired on %3$s. You have a few days to " "renew your subscription and keep your store live. After that, a backup of " "your store will be kept for 30 days. If you renew your subscription within " "that time, you’ll be able to restore from your backup. After 30 days your " "store will be deleted, but you can download your backup within that time. " "Here’s how to download a backup of your site content." msgstr "" "Langganan paket %1$s Anda untuk %2$s akan berakhir pada %3$s. Anda memiliki " "waktu beberapa hari untuk memperpanjang langganan Anda dan menjaga toko " "tetap aktif. Setelahnya, pencadangan toko Anda akan tersimpan selama 30 " "hari. Jika Anda memperpanjang langganan dalam rentang waktu tersebut, Anda " "akan dapat memulihkannya dari pencadangan. Setelah 30 hari, toko Anda akan " "dihapus, tetapi Anda dapat mengunduh pencadangan dalam rentang waktu " "tersebut. Berikut adalah cara mengunduh pencadangan konten " "situs Anda." msgid "" "You've joined millions of merchants who have chosen to grow their businesses." msgstr "" "Anda telah bergabung bersama jutaan pedagang yang telah memilih untuk " "mengembangkan bisnis mereka." msgid "" "This is Anne from %2$s and I was just notified that your subscription " "renewal for %1$s didn’t go through." msgstr "" "Saya Anne dari %2$s dan saya baru saja mengetahui bahwa perpanjangan " "langganan Anda untuk %1$s gagal." msgid "WooCommerce on Instagram" msgstr "WooCommerce di Instagram" msgid "WooCommerce on Facebook" msgstr "WooCommerce di Facebook" msgid "WooCommerce on Twitter" msgstr "WooCommerce di Twitter" msgid "Download WooCommerce on Google Play" msgstr "Unduh WooCommerce dari Google Play" msgid "Download WooCommerce from the App Store" msgstr "Unduh WooCommerce dari App Store" msgid "Manage your store on the go with the Woo mobile app." msgstr "Kelola toko Anda di mana saja dengan aplikasi seluler Woo." msgid "Get the Woo Mobile App" msgstr "Dapatkan Aplikasi Seluler Woo" msgid "" "Your %1$s subscription needs your attention. Although it is set to renew on " "%2$s, it does not have an associated payment method." msgstr "" "Langganan %1$s Anda perlu diperpanjang. Meskipun telah diatur untuk " "diperpanjang pada %2$s, metode pembayaran yang terhubung dengan paket " "langganan Anda tidak tersedia." msgid "Action required: Missing payment information for your %s subscription" msgstr "" "Tindakan diperlukan: Informasi pembayaran tidak tersedia untuk langganan %s " "Anda" msgid "This is a list of your latest generated backups" msgstr "Berikut daftar hasil cadangan situs terbaru Anda" msgid "Latest Backups" msgstr "Cadangan terbaru" msgid "Set destination" msgstr "Tentukan tujuan" msgid "" "An error occurred while restoring your site. Please {{button}}try your copy " "again{{/button}} or contact our support team to resolve the issue." msgstr "" "Terjadi kendala saat memulihkan situs Anda. Mohon {{button}}coba salinan " "Anda kembali{{/button}} atau hubungi tim bantuan kami untuk memecahkan " "masalah." msgid "Copy failed: %s" msgstr "Gagal disalin: %s" msgid "" "All of your selected items are now copied from the " "{{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/strong}} backup." msgstr "" "Semua item terpilih Anda sekarang disalin dari cadangan " "{{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/strong}}." msgid "Your site has been successfully copied." msgstr "Situs Anda berhasil disalin." msgid "Go to Activity Log" msgstr "Buka Log Aktivitas" msgid "" "Jetpack is copying your site. You will be notified when the process is " "finished in the activity log." msgstr "" "Jetpack sedang menyalin situs Anda. Anda akan diberitahu di log aktivitas " "saat prosesnya selesai." msgid "Initializing the copy process" msgstr "Proses menyalin dimulai" msgid "Copying site to %(destinationUrl)s" msgstr "Menyalin situs ke %(destinationUrl)s" msgid "Confirm configuration" msgstr "Konfirmasi pengaturan" msgid "A backup is currently in progress; copying now will stop the backup." msgstr "" "Pencadangan sedang berlangsung; menyalin sekarang akan menghentikan " "pencadangan." msgid "Copying will override and remove all content on the destination site." msgstr "" "Menyalin berarti akan mengganti dan menghapus semua konten di situs tujuan." msgid "" "{{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/strong}} is the selected point to copy." msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/strong}} adalah titik terpilih untuk " "disalin." msgid "" "Select the items you want to copy to {{strong}}%(destinationUrl)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Pilih item yang ingin Anda salin ke {{strong}}%(destinationUrl)s{{/strong}}." msgid "Set a destination site" msgstr "Pilih situs tujuan" msgid "Copy this site" msgstr "Salin situs ini" msgid "" "To test your site changes, migrate or keep your data safe in another site" msgstr "" "Untuk mencoba perubahan situs Anda, pindahkan atau tempatkan data situs di " "situs lain supaya aman." msgid "This is the complete event history for your site" msgstr "Berikut adalah riwayat lengkap aktivitas situs Anda" msgid "Clone from latest point" msgstr "Salin dari titik terbaru" msgid "Confirm credentials" msgstr "Konfirmasi kredensial" msgid "Please enter a valid destination site url." msgstr "Mohon masukkan URL situs tujuan yang valid." msgid "" "Enter the server credentials from your hosting provider. {{a}}Learn how to " "find and enter your credentials{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Masukkan kredensial server dari provider hosting Anda. {{a}}Pelajari cara " "menemukan dan memasukkan kredensial Anda{{/a}}" msgid "Bulletproof spam protection with custom solutions for large businesses." msgstr "" "Perlindungan spam yang tangguh dengan solusi khusus untuk bisnis besar." msgctxt "Akismet Business Plan" msgid "Business" msgstr "Bisnis" msgid "Akismet Business" msgstr "Akismet Bisnis" msgctxt "Akismet Pro Plan" msgid "Pro" msgstr "Pro" msgid "Simple, yet powerful analytics" msgstr "Analitik yang sederhana sekaligus berguna" msgid "" "Jetpack Stats gives you a powerful WordPress analytics tool that respects " "your visitors’ privacy, allowing you to gain valuable insights while " "maintaining GDPR compliance." msgstr "" "Statistik Jetpack menyediakan alat analitik WordPress berguna untuk Anda " "yang menghormati privasi pengunjung situs, menyediakan wawasan penting bagi " "Anda sembari menjaga kepatuhan terhadap GDPR." msgid "Upgrade to Biennial" msgstr "Upgrade ke Dua Tahunan" msgid "Upgrade to Triennial" msgstr "Upgrade ke Tiga Tahunan" msgid "" "Manage the return process, add warranties to products and let customers " "request/manage returns from their account." msgstr "" "Kelola proses retur, tambahkan garansi produk, dan izinkan pelanggan meminta/" "mengelola pengembalian dari akun mereka." msgid "" "Your purchase is complete and you're now on the {{strong}}%(planName)s " "plan{{/strong}}. Now it's time to take your store to the next level. What " "would you like to do next?" msgstr "" "Pembelian selesai dan Anda sekarang menggunakan {{strong}}paket " "%(planName)s{{/strong}}. Sekarang saatnya mengoptimalkan toko Anda. Apa yang " "Anda ingin kerjakan selanjutnya?" msgid "Woo! Welcome to Woo Express" msgstr "Woo! Selamat datang di Woo Express" msgid "Share your store with the world and start accepting orders." msgstr "Bagikan toko Anda ke seluruh dunia dan mulai dapatkan pesanan." msgid "Launch your store" msgstr "Luncurkan toko Anda" msgid "Auto-refresh" msgstr "Perbarui otomatis" msgid "View stats for this post" msgstr "Lihat statistik untuk pos ini" msgid "View detailed stats" msgstr "Lihat statistik terperinci" msgid "Brute Force Protection cannot keep your site secure" msgstr "" "Pencegahan Peretasan Kata Sandi tidak dapat menjaga situs Anda tetap aman" msgid "Only super admins can edit the global allow list" msgstr "Hanya super admin yang dapat menyunting daftar putih global" msgid "The template slug" msgstr "Slug templat" msgid "" "The URL of the background image to use when generating the social image." msgstr "" "URL dari gambar latar belakang yang akan digunakan saat membuat gambar untuk " "media sosial." msgid "The text to be used to generate the image." msgstr "Teks yang akan digunakan untuk membuat gambar." msgid "The default settings for a new generated image." msgstr "Pengaturan default untuk gambar baru yang dibuat." msgid "Whether or not Social Image Generator is enabled." msgstr "Pastikan apakah Social Image Generator sudah diaktifkan. " msgid "Protect global IP allow list" msgstr "Lindungi daftar putih IP global" msgid "Protect IP allow list" msgstr "Lindungi daftar putih IP" msgid "Brute force protection could not be deactivated." msgstr "Pencegahan peretasan kata sandi tidak bisa dinonaktifkan" msgid "Brute force protection could not be activated." msgstr "Pencegahan peretasan kata sandi tidak bisa diaktifkan" msgid "The attachment already exists." msgstr "Lampirannya sudah ada." msgid "Failed to delete post. Post ID: %d." msgstr "Gagal menghapus pos. ID Pos: %d." msgid "Failed to remove post from trash. Post ID: %d." msgstr "Gagal menghapus pos dari Tempat Sampah. ID Pos: %d." msgid "Failed to move post to trash. Post ID: %d." msgstr "Gagal memindahkan pos ke Tempat Sampah. ID Pos: %d." msgid "Failed to mark post as not-spam. Post ID: %d." msgstr "Gagal menandai pos sebagai bukan spam. ID Pos: %d." msgid "Failed to mark post as spam. Post ID: %d." msgstr "Gagal menandai pos sebagai spam. ID Pos: %d." msgid "Bad request" msgstr "Permintaan yang buruk" msgid "Now it’s time to let your readers know." msgstr "Sekarang saatnya memberitahu pembaca Anda." msgid "" "Or upload a CSV file of emails from your existing " "list. ." msgstr "" "Atau unggah file CSV e-mail dari daftar yang sudah " "Anda punya. " msgid "Or upload a CSV file of emails from your existing list. Learn more." msgstr "" "Atau unggah file CSV e-mail dari daftar yang sudah Anda punya. Pelajari " "lebih lanjut." msgid "" "Or upload a CSV file of up to 100 emails from your existing list. Learn more." msgstr "" "Atau unggah file CSV hingga 100 e-mail dari daftar yang sudah Anda punya. " "Pelajari lebih lanjut." msgid "Ready to add your first subscribers?" msgstr "Siap untuk menambahkan pelanggan pertama Anda?" msgid "Add and continue" msgstr "Tambah dan lanjutkan" msgid "Bringing the news to the letter" msgstr "Menulis berita ke dalam surat" msgid "Folding the letters" msgstr "Melipat surat" msgid "Spreading the news" msgstr "Menyebarkan berita" msgid "Make it yours." msgstr "Buat sesuai keinginan Anda." msgid "Save and continue" msgstr "Simpan dan lanjutkan" msgid "Letters from Emily Dickinson's garden" msgstr "Surat dari taman Emily Dickinson" msgid "Add a brief description" msgstr "Keterangan singkat" msgid "Open Me Carefully" msgstr "Bukalah dengan Hati-hati" msgid "Give your blog a name" msgstr "Beri nama untuk blog Anda" msgid "Your domain. Your identity." msgstr "Domain Anda. Identitas Anda." msgid "" "Learn more about everything included with Woo Express Essential and take " "advantage of its powerful marketplace features." msgstr "" "Pelajari selengkapnya tentang semua yang ada dalam Woo Express Essential dan " "manfaatkan fitur marketplace yang andal." msgid "Email frequency" msgstr "Frekuensi e-mail" msgid "Let's get started" msgstr "Ayo kita mulai" msgid "" "We will continue removing backups down to the most recent %d days. If those " "backups are still over the storage limit, we will stop generating " "new backups. You will continue to have access to %d days prior to " "when you hit the limit." msgstr "" "Kami akan terus menghapus cadangan hingga cadangan %d hari terakhir. Jika " "cadangan tersebut masih melebihi batas ruang penyimpanan, kami akan " "berhenti membuat cadangan baru. Anda akan masih memiliki " "akses hingga %d hari sebelum batas waktu Anda tercapai." msgid "" "Your Jetpack VaultPress Backup plan comes with %1$s of storage. Your site " "reached its storage limit, so we removed backups down to the most recent " "%2$d days to try and free up space." msgstr "" "Paket Jetpack VaultPress Backup dilengkapi dengan penyimpanan %1$s. Situs " "Anda mencapai batas penyimpanan, maka kami menghapus cadangan hingga " "cadangan %2$d hari terakhir untuk mencoba mengosongkan ruang." msgid "There was a problem loading your stored payment methods." msgstr "Terjadi kendala saat memuat metode pembayaran Anda yang tersimpan." msgid "Delete the \"%s\" payment method" msgstr "Hapus metode pembayaran \"%s\"" msgctxt "The name of a Jetpack plan awarded to amazing WordPress sites" msgid "Golden Token" msgstr "Golden Token" msgid "A lifetime of Jetpack powers for your website" msgstr "Akses seumur hidup fitur andal Jetpack untuk situs web Anda" msgid "The Golden Token provides a lifetime license for Backup and Scan." msgstr "" "Golden Token memberi akses ke lisensi seumur hidup untuk Backup dan Scan." msgid "" "How has your experience been? Would you mind rating %s so others can learn " "about it too?" msgstr "" "Bagaimana pengalaman Anda selama ini? Apakah Anda bersedia memberi rating %s " "agar orang lain juga mengetahuinya?" msgid "Unlock total site security now" msgstr "Buka keamanan situs total sekarang" msgid "Save %s compared to purchasing the products individually." msgstr "Hemat %s dibandingkan membeli produk secara terpisah." msgid "" "Introducing Jetpack Security, our comprehensive WordPress security bundle " "for valued VaultPress Backup customers." msgstr "" "Memperkenalkan Jetpack Security, bundel keamanan WordPress kami yang " "komprehensif untuk pelanggan VaultPress Backup yang berharga." msgid "" "Akismet Anti-spam, the top spam blocker, uses AI to eliminate spam " "submissions on comments and forms, removing the need for Captchas." msgstr "" "Akismet Anti-spam, pemblokir spam nomor satu, menggunakan AI untuk menghapus " "pengiriman spam pada komentar dan formulir, menggantikan penggunaan Captcha." msgid "" "Jetpack Scan provides 24/7 Web Application Firewall protection, blocking " "malicious requests and daily vulnerability scans, with one-click fixes for " "%s of known issues. Our team of security experts continually updates our " "firewall rules to ensure your site is protected from the most up-to-date " "threats" msgstr "" "Jetpack Scan memberikan perlindungan Firewall Aplikasi Web setiap saat, yang " "memblokir permintaan berbahaya dan pemindaian harian dari kerentanan, dengan " "perbaikan satu kali klik untuk %s masalah yang diketahui. Tim ahli keamanan " "kami terus memperbarui aturan firewall untuk memastikan situs Anda " "terlindung dari ancaman-ancaman terkini" msgid "" "Get VaultPress Backup, Jetpack Scan, and Akismet Anti-spam together for " "ultimate protection." msgstr "" "Dapatkan VaultPress Backup, Jetpack Scan, dan Akismet Anti-spam sekaligus " "untuk perlindungan optimal." msgid "" "Enjoy %s off your first year of Jetpack Security, our all-in-one WordPress " "security bundle for valued VaultPress Backup customers." msgstr "" "Nikmati diskon %s untuk tahun pertama penggunaan Jetpack Security, bundel " "keamanan WordPress yang lengkap untuk pelanggan VaultPress Backup yang " "berharga." msgid "Secure your site now" msgstr "Amankan situs Anda sekarang juga" msgid "" "Save %s compared to purchasing the products individually." msgstr "Hemat %s dibandingkan membeli produk secara terpisah." msgid "" "Introducing Jetpack Security, our comprehensive WordPress " "security bundle for valued VaultPress Backup customers." msgstr "" "Memperkenalkan Jetpack Security, bundel keamanan WordPress " "kami yang komprehensif untuk pelanggan VaultPress Backup yang berharga." msgid "Unlock total WordPress Site Security" msgstr "Buka Keamanan Situs WordPress total" msgid "(* %s discount is for the first year only.)" msgstr "(* Diskon %s hanya berlaku untuk tahun pertama.)" msgid "Get %s off total site security now" msgstr "Dapatkan diskon %s keamanan situs total sekarang" msgid "" "Akismet Anti-spam, the top spam blocker, uses AI to " "eliminate spam submissions on comments and forms, removing the need for " "Captchas." msgstr "" "Akismet Anti-spam, pemblokir spam nomor satu, menggunakan " "AI untuk menghapus pengiriman spam pada komentar dan formulir, menggantikan " "penggunaan Captcha." msgid "" "Jetpack Scan provides 24/7 Web Application Firewall " "protection, blocking malicious requests and daily vulnerability scans, with " "one-click fixes for %s of known issues. Our team of security experts " "continually updates our firewall rules to ensure your site is protected from " "the most up-to-date threats." msgstr "" "Jetpack Scan memberikan perlindungan Firewall Aplikasi Web " "setiap saat, yang memblokir permintaan berbahaya dan pemindaian harian dari " "kerentanan, dengan perbaikan satu kali klik untuk %s masalah yang diketahui. " "Tim ahli keamanan kami terus memperbarui aturan firewall untuk memastikan " "situs Anda terlindung dari ancaman-ancaman terkini." msgid "" "Get VaultPress Backup, Jetpack Scan, and " "Akismet Anti-spam together for ultimate protection." msgstr "" "Dapatkan VaultPress Backup, Jetpack Scan, " "dan Akismet Anti-spam sekaligus untuk perlindungan optimal." msgid "" "Enjoy %s off your first year of Jetpack Security, our all-in-one WordPress security bundle for valued VaultPress " "Backup customers." msgstr "" "Nikmati diskon %s untuk tahun pertama penggunaan " "Keamanan Jetpack, bundel keamanan WordPress yang lengkap " "untuk pelanggan Pencadangan VaultPress yang berharga." msgid "Get %s off total WordPress Site Security" msgstr "Dapatkan diskon %s Keamanan Situs WordPress total" msgctxt "Jetpack WooCommerce Bookings Extension" msgid "Bookings" msgstr "Pemesanan" msgid "Only Akismet products can be purchased or renewed here" msgstr "Anda hanya bisa membeli atau memperbarui produk Akismet di sini " msgid "Edit %s details" msgstr "Edit detail %s" msgid "Discover what's available in your Woo Express plan." msgstr "Jelajahi apa yang tersedia di paket Woo Express Anda." msgid "" "By canceling auto-renewal, your %(productName)s subscription will expire on " "%(expiryDate)s. When it does, you'll lose access to key features you may be " "using on your site. To avoid that, turn auto-renewal back on or manually " "renew your subscription before the expiration date." msgstr "" "Dengan membatalkan perpanjangan otomatis, langganan %(productName)s Anda " "akan berakhir pada %(expiryDate)s. Anda akan kehilangan akses ke berbagai " "fitur penting pada situs Anda. Hindari dengan mengaktifkan kembali " "perpanjangan otomatis atau perpanjang langganan secara manual sebelum " "tanggal berakhirnya." msgid "" "Bring the Social Media experience to your site and transform it into a " "repository for your photos and videos. Get Gramming now." msgstr "" "Hadirkan pengalaman Media Sosial ke situs Anda; jadikan situs sebuah " "direktori untuk foto dan video Anda. Gunakan Gramming sekarang." msgid "" "Please ensure your domain is renewed during the next 30 days. If your domain " "is not renewed on time, sites and emails that use it will stop working - " "which we'd hate to see!" msgstr "" "Pastikan domain Anda diperpanjang dalam 30 hari ke depan. Jika domain tidak " "diperpanjang secara tepat waktu, situs dan email yang menggunakannya akan " "berhenti berfungsi. Tentu kita tidak ingin itu terjadi!" msgid "" "We are required to send this notice to the email address provided in the " "domain’s registrant contact information. This email address may be different " "than the email address associated with the account that " "manages the domain. To log in to and manage this domain, " "please make sure you are using the account email." msgstr "" "Kami harus mengirim pemberitahuan ini ke alamat email yang tersedia pada " "informasi kontak pendaftar domain. Alamat email ini mungkin berbeda dari " "alamat email yang terhubung dengan akun yang mengelola domain. " "Untuk login ke dan mengelola domain ini, pastikan Anda " "menggunakan email akun" msgid "Showing %(start)d–%(end)d of %(total)d" msgstr "Menampilkan %(start)d–%(end)d dari %(total)d" msgid "Backup Selected" msgstr "Pencadangan Dipilih" msgid "Woo Express: Performance" msgstr "Woo Express Performance" msgid "Essential" msgstr "Esensial" msgid "%s shares per month" msgstr "Dibagikan %s kali per bulan" msgid "Shares on social media" msgstr "Bagikan di media sosial" msgid "Continue with Course" msgstr "Lanjutkan Kursus" msgid "Course" msgstr "Kursus" msgid "Vendor %(taxName)s Details" msgstr "Detail %(taxName)s Vendor" msgid "(includes %(taxAmount)s %(taxName)s)" msgstr "(termasuk %(taxName)s %(taxAmount)s)" msgid "WPBakery Page Builder" msgstr "WPBakery Page Builder" msgid "The information requried by this payment method is not valid." msgstr "Informasi yang diperlukan metode pembayaran berikut tidak valid." msgid "This payment method is not currently available." msgstr "Metode pembayaran berikut saat ini tidak tersedia." msgid "Visit Help Center" msgstr "Kunjungi Pusat Bantuan." msgid "" "Manage the newsletter and blogs you've subscribed to with " "{{span}}%(emailAddress)s{{/span}}." msgstr "" "Kelola langganan buletin dan blog Anda dengan " "{{span}}%(emailAddress)s{{/span}}." msgid "" "Your available storage space is lower than 50%, which is insufficient for " "creating a staging site." msgstr "" "Penyimpanan yang tersedia Anda kurang dari 50%, sehingga tidak cukup untuk " "membuat situs staging." msgid "" "This is a staging site that you can use to try out new plugins and themes, " "debug and troubleshoot changes, and fine-tune every aspect of your website " "without worrying about breaking your production site." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menggunakan situs staging ini untuk mencoba plugin dan tema baru, " "melakukan debug dan mengatasi masalah akibat perubahan, dan menyesuaikan " "setiap aspek situs web Anda tanpa khawatir akan merusak situs produksi Anda." msgid "Block pattern \"%(patternName)s\" removed." msgstr "Pola blok %(patternName)s dihapus." msgid "Block pattern \"%(patternName)s\" inserted." msgstr "Pola blok %(patternName)s dimasukkan." msgid "" "Get a free one-year domain registration or transfer with any annual paid " "plan." msgstr "" "Dapatkan registrasi domain gratis selama satu tahun atau ganti dengan paket " "berbayar tahunan mana pun." msgid "PHP Logs" msgstr "Log PHP" msgid "Domain Upsell" msgstr "Domain Upsell" msgctxt "Jetpack Golden Token Plan" msgid "Golden Token" msgstr "Golden Token" msgid "Jetpack Golden Token" msgstr "Jetpack Golden Token" msgid "We are deleting your staging site." msgstr "Kami sedang menghapus situs staging Anda." msgid "Staging site deleted." msgstr "Situs staging dihapus." msgid "Delete staging site" msgstr "Hapus situs staging" msgid "" "Are you sure you want to delete the staging site? This action cannot be " "undone." msgstr "" "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus situs staging Anda? Tindakan ini tidak " "dapat dibatalkan." msgid "Confirm staging site deletion" msgstr "Konfirmasi penghapusan situs staging" msgid "" "CTLG is a free WordPress block theme that is specifically designed for " "creating lists, directories, and catalogs. It comes with a variety of pre-" "designed block templates and style variations." msgstr "" "CTLG adalah tema blok gratis WordPress yang dirancang khusus untuk membuat " "daftar, direktori, dan katalog. Hadir dengan beragam templat blok siap pakai " "dan gaya." msgid "" "Archivo is a blog and portfolio theme that shows your featured image large." msgstr "" "Archivo adalah tema blog dan portofolio yang menampilkan gambar andalan " "dengan ukuran besar." msgid "Back up your site with Jetpack VaultPress Backup." msgstr "Cadangkan situs Anda dengan Jetpack VaultPress Backup." msgid "Protect your WooCommerce Store with Jetpack VaultPress Backup." msgstr "Lindungi Toko WooCommerce Anda dengan Jetpack VaultPress Backup." msgid "Your recent product purchase is deducted from the price (%s)." msgstr "Pembelian paket terbaru Anda dikurangkan dari harga (%s)." msgid "Values for the input array must be either objects or arrays." msgstr "Nilai untuk input array harus berupa objek atau array." msgid "Disabled Downtime monitoring" msgstr "Pemantauan downtime dinonaktifkan" msgid "Enabled Downtime monitoring" msgstr "Pemantauan downtime diaktifkan" msgctxt "Save the subscription management user changes" msgid "Save changes" msgstr "Simpan perubahan" msgctxt "Hide the notice" msgid "Close" msgstr "Tutup" msgctxt "Something went wrong will saving the user settings" msgid "Something went wrong." msgstr "Terjadi kendala." msgid "%(pages)d page" msgid_plural "%(pages)d pages" msgstr[0] "%(pages)d halaman" msgstr[1] "%(pages)d halaman" msgid "Not supported on multisite" msgstr "Tida didukung di multisitus" msgid "Add {{strong}}Backup{{/strong}} to see your backup" msgstr "Tambah {{strong}}Backup{{/strong}} untuk melihat cadangan Anda" msgid "Fix {{strong}}Backup{{/strong}} connection to see your backup storage" msgstr "" "Perbaiki koneksi {{strong}}Backup{{/strong}} untuk melihat penyimpanan " "cadangan Anda" msgid "" "Let us build your site in %(days)d days for " "{{PriceWrapper}}%(displayCost)s{{/PriceWrapper}}{{sup}}*{{/sup}}" msgstr "" "Kami buatkan situs Anda dalam %(days)d hari dengan " "{{PriceWrapper}}%(displayCost)s{{/PriceWrapper}}{{sup}}*{{/sup}}" msgid "Most popular post in the past year" msgstr "Pos paling populer satu tahun terakhir" msgid "" "Discover and fix images with a suboptimal resolution, aspect ratio, or file " "size, improving user experience and page speed." msgstr "" "Jelajahi dan perbaiki gambar yang memiliki resolusi, rasio aspek, atau " "ukuran berkas yang kurang optimal, untuk meningkatkan pengalaman pengguna " "serta kecepatan waktu muat halaman." msgid "Image Guide" msgstr "Panduan Gambar" msgid "" "Your new theme is a reflection of your unique style and personality, and " "we're thrilled to see it come to life." msgstr "" "Tema baru Anda adalah cerminan kepribadian dan gaya yang unik Anda, dan kami " "senang melihatnya langsung." msgid "Congrats on your new theme!" msgstr "Selamat atas tema baru Anda!" msgid "" "We're thrilled to see you invest in your online presence and can't wait to " "see what the future holds for you." msgstr "" "Kami senang melihat Anda berinvestasi untuk online presence Anda. Dan kami " "sangat ingin melihat kesuksesan Anda di masa depan." msgid "Congrats on your investment!" msgstr "Selamat atas investasi Anda!" msgid "This staging site is not included in the production site." msgstr "Situs staging ini tidak disertakan dalam situs produksi." msgid "Sorry, you can revert only staging sites." msgstr "Maaf, Anda hanya dapat mengembalikan situs staging." msgid "The parent menu slug." msgstr "Slug menu induk." msgid "The date for the upload directory of the attachment." msgstr "Tanggal untuk direktori unggahan lampiran." msgid "Text for the link to answers for the prompt." msgstr "Teks tautan untuk menjawab prompt." msgid "Link to answers for the prompt." msgstr "Tautan untuk menjawab prompt." msgid "Label for the prompt." msgstr "Label prompt." msgctxt "" "{#} Spam comments blocked by Akismet -- number is on a prior line, text is a " "caption." msgid "Blocked spam comments" msgstr "Komentar spam yang diblokir." msgid "%(theme)s's icon" msgstr "Ikon %(theme)s" msgid "per month, %s billed every two years" msgstr "per bulan, penagihan sebesar %s setiap dua tahun" msgid "The charge will be made on your %1$s %2$s." msgstr "Tagihan akan dibebankan pada %1$s %2$s Anda." msgid "Hey is a simple personal blog theme." msgstr "Hey adalah tema blog pribadi yang sederhana." msgid "" "Thanks for your purchase. We have sent you an email with your receipt and " "further instructions on how to activate %s." msgstr "" "Terima kasih atas pembelian Anda. Kami telah mengirimkan Anda struk " "pembelian beserta petunjuk cara mengaktifkan %s." msgid "Let the spam-blocking party begin!" msgstr "Mulai rayakan pemblokiran spam!" msgid "Sharing posts to your Mastodon feed." msgid_plural "Sharing posts to your Mastodon feeds." msgstr[0] "Membagikan pos ke feed Mastodon Anda." msgstr[1] "Membagikan pos ke feed Mastodon Anda." msgid "Enter your Mastodon username" msgstr "Masukkan nama pengguna Mastodon Anda" msgid "This username is not valid." msgstr "Nama pengguna ini tidak valid." msgid "" "Paimio is a minimal blogging theme inspired by architects and designers " "Alvar, Aino and Elissa Aalto." msgstr "" "Paimio adalah tema blogging minimalis yang terinspirasi dari arsitek dan " "desainer Alvar, Aino, dan Elissa Aalto." msgid "Get add-on" msgstr "Dapatkan add-on" msgid "" "Extend your backup storage at any time, if you reach your storage limit." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan penyimpanan cadangan Anda kapan pun, jika mencapai batas " "penyimpanan Anda." msgid "Increase Your VaultPress Backup Storage" msgstr "Tingkatkan Penyimpanan VaultPress Backup Anda" msgid "Rename pattern" msgstr "Ubah nama pola" msgid "" "Catalog is a free WordPress block theme that is specifically designed for " "creating lists, directories, and catalogs. It comes with a variety of pre-" "designed block templates and style variations." msgstr "" "Catalog adalah tema blok gratis WordPress yang dirancang khusus untuk " "membuat daftar, direktori, dan katalog. Hadir dengan beragam templat blok " "siap pakai dan gaya." msgid "Sorry, you can't purchase two Akismet plans" msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat membeli dua paket Akismet" msgid "Sorry, you can't directly purchase an Akismet Enterprise Plan" msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat langsung membeli paket Akismet Enterprise" msgid "Akismet plans cannot be purchased for specific domains" msgstr "Paket Akismet tidak dapat dibeli untuk domain tertentu" msgid "" "Your emails will be sent out at this day and time once you choose a daily or " "weekly delivery" msgstr "" "E-mail akan dikirim pada hari dan waktu yang dipilih setelah Anda menentukan " "pengiriman harian atau mingguan" msgid "Daily/weekly delivery window" msgstr "Periode pengiriman harian/mingguan" msgid "" "Displays a post tag archive. This template will serve as a fallback when a " "more specific template (e.g. Tag: Pizza) cannot be found." msgstr "" "Tampilan tag arsip posting. Template ini akan berfungsi sebagai fallback " "jika template yang lebih spesifik (mis., Tag: Rendang) tidak dapat ditemukan." msgid "" "Displays a post category archive. This template will serve as a fallback " "when a more specific template (e.g. Category: Recipes) cannot be found." msgstr "" "Tampilan arsip kategori posting. Templat ini akan berfungsi sebagai " "pengganti jika templat yang lebih spesifik (mis., Kategori: Resep) tidak " "dapat ditemukan." msgid "" "Displays a single author's post archive. This template will serve as a " "fallback when a more specific template (e.g. Author: Admin) cannot be found." msgstr "" "Tampilan arsip posting penulis tunggal. Templat ini akan berfungsi sebagai " "pengganti jika templat yang lebih spesifik (mis., Penulis: Administrator) " "tidak dapat ditemukan." msgid "Pause emails" msgstr "Jeda e-mail" msgid "" "We are setting up the staging site. We’ll email the site owner once it is " "ready." msgstr "" "Kami sedang menyiapkan situs staging Anda. Kami akan mengirimkan e-mail " "kepada pemilik situs saat sudah siap." msgid "Purchases are not supported by staging sites." msgstr "Pembelian tidak didukung oleh situs staging" msgid "Custom domains are not supported by staging sites." msgstr "Domain kustom tidak didukung oleh situs staging" msgid "Could not empty trash." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengosongkan tempat sampah." msgid "Could not empty spam." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengosongkan spam." msgid "Trash emptied." msgstr "Tempat sampah dikosongkan." msgid "Spam emptied." msgstr "Spam dikosongkan." msgid "Trash emptying in progress." msgstr "Pengosongan tempat sampah sedang berlangsung." msgid "Spam emptying in progress." msgstr "Pengosongan spam sedang berlangsung." msgid "Empty trash" msgstr "Kosongkan tempat sampah" msgid "Empty spam" msgstr "Kosongkan spam" msgid "Empty all trash permanently?" msgstr "Kosongkan semua tempat sampah secara permanen?" msgid "Empty all spam permanently?" msgstr "Kosongkan semua spam secara permanen?" msgid "Seamlessly integrated with your plan" msgstr "Mudah diintegrasikan dengan paket Anda" msgid "Available with plugins" msgstr "Tersedia dengan plugin" msgid "Also included in the %(planName)s Plan" msgstr "Termasuk juga ke dalam Paket %(planName)s" msgid "Manage my plan" msgstr "Kelola paket saya" msgid "Automattic 60 29th Street #343 San Francisco, CA" msgstr "Automattic 60 29th Street #343 San Francisco, CA" msgid "Here’s what happens next… " msgstr "Inilah yang akan terjadi selanjutnya ... " msgid "Pause all email updates from sites you’re following on" msgstr "" "Tunda semua pembaruan email dari situs yang Anda ikuti di" msgid "{{strong}}Get Score{{/strong}} to see your site performance scores" msgstr "" "{{strong}}Cari Tahu Skor{{/strong}} untuk melihat skor performa situs Anda" msgid "Boost site performance" msgstr "Tingkatkan performa situs" msgid "Is %s for Northern Ireland?" msgstr "Apakah %s untuk Irlandia Utara?" msgid "" "To ensure uninterrupted, real-time backups of your site, please either " "upgrade your storage or reduce your site size." msgstr "" "Untuk menjamin pencadangan situs real-time tanpa gangguan, silakan upgrade " "ruang penyimpanan atau perkecil ukuran situs Anda." msgid "" "However, your site is still over the limit, so we have stopped " "generating new backups of your site." msgstr "" "Namun, situs Anda masih melebihi batas, jadi kami telah " "menghentikan pembuatan pencadangan situs baru." msgid "" "Your Jetpack VaultPress Backup plan comes with %1$s of storage. Your site " "reached its storage limit, so we removed backups down to the most recent 7 " "days to try and free up space." msgstr "" "Paket Jetpack VaultPress Backup dilengkapi dengan penyimpanan %1$s. Situs " "Anda telah mencapai batas ruang penyimpanan, jadi kami menghapus pencadangan " "hingga 7 hari terakhir untuk mencoba mengosongkan ruang penyimpanan." msgid "" "Displays when a visitor views a non-existent page, such as a dead link or a " "mistyped URL." msgstr "" "Tampilan saat pengunjung melihat laman yang tidak ada, seperti tautan mati " "atau URL yang salah ketik." msgid "Displays your site's Privacy Policy page." msgstr "Tampilkan laman Kebijakan Privasi situs Anda." msgid "Displays when a visitor performs a search on your website." msgstr "Tampilan saat pengunjung menjalankan pencarian di situs web Anda." msgid "" "Displays when a visitor views the dedicated page that exists for any media " "attachment." msgstr "" "Tampilan saat pengunjung melihat laman khusus yang ada untuk setiap lampiran " "media." msgid "" "Displays a post archive when a specific date is visited (e.g., example." "com/2023/)." msgstr "" "Tampilan arsip postingan saat tanggal tertentu dikunjungi (mis., contoh." "com/2023/)." msgid "" "Used as a fallback template for all pages when a more specific template is " "not defined." msgstr "" "Digunakan sebagai template fallback untuk semua laman saat template yang " "lebih spesifik tidak ditentukan." msgid "%1$s will be added to your next renewal." msgstr "%1$s akan ditambahkan ke perpanjangan berikutnya." msgid "SST" msgstr "KE" msgid "Renew your %s plan now" msgstr "Perpanjang paket %s Anda sekarang" msgid "Your plan %1$s will expire soon %2$s" msgstr "Paket Anda %1$s akan segera kedaluwarsa %2$s" msgid "Sorry, replies to unapproved comments are not allowed." msgstr "Maaf, tidak dapat membalas komentar yang tidak disetujui." msgid "Previous unresolved topic" msgstr "Topik yang belum terpecahkan sebelumnya" msgid "Find other domains" msgstr "Temukan domain lainnya" msgid "Get this domain" msgstr "Dapatkan domain ini" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domainSuggestion)s{{/strong}} is a perfect site address. It's " "available and easy to find and follow. Get it now and claim a corner of the " "web." msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(domainSuggestion)s{{/strong}} adalah alamat situs yang sempurna. " "Domain tersedia, mudah ditemukan, dan diingat. Dapatkan sekarang dan jadikan " "hanya milik Anda." msgid "Own a domain. Build a site." msgstr "Miliki domain. Bangun situs." msgid "That perfect domain is waiting" msgstr "Domain yang sempurna sedang menunggu" msgctxt "site editor title tag" msgid "Editor" msgstr "Editor" msgctxt "site editor menu item" msgid "Editor" msgstr "Editor" msgid "Shipping labels, simplified" msgstr "Label pengiriman, dipermudah" msgid "" "Streamline your checkout and boost conversions with simplified editing of " "your shopping cart and checkout pages." msgstr "" "Sederhanakan checkout Anda dan tingkatkan konversi dengan pengeditan yang " "mudah untuk halaman cart dan checkout toko Anda." msgid "Quickly import products" msgstr "Impor produk secara cepat" msgid "Add as many products as you want to your store." msgstr "Tambahkan berapa pun produk yang Anda inginkan ke toko Anda." msgid "Sell in 60+ countries and take payments in more than 100 currencies." msgstr "" "Jual di 60+ negara dan dapatkan pembayaran di lebih dari 100 mata uang." msgid "Go global" msgstr "Siap mendunia" msgid "" "Your site is open source, meaning you’re always in control of your business." msgstr "" "Situs Anda open source, artinya Anda punya kendali penuh atas bisnis Anda." msgid "Own your store forever" msgstr "Miliki toko Anda selamanya" msgid "Simplify shipping" msgstr "Sederhanakan pengiriman" msgid "Get found online" msgstr "Mudah ditemukan di internet" msgid "" "Choose from a selection of beautiful themes, then customize without touching " "a line of code." msgstr "" "Pilih desain dari koleksi tema yang menawan, kemudian sesuaikan tanpa " "mengubah satu baris kode pun." msgid "Customize your look with premium themes and simple editing." msgstr "Desain Anda sendiri dengan tema premium dan penyesuaian yang mudah." msgid "Get unlimited admin accounts" msgstr "Dapatkan akun admin tidak terbatas" msgid "Priority support 24/7" msgstr "Bantuan prioritas setiap saat (24/7)" msgid "" "Purchase a plan to keep building and launch when you’re ready, or publish " "your store immediately. " msgstr "" "Beli paket untuk tetap mengerjakan dan meluncurkan saat Anda siap, atau " "luncurkan toko Anda segera." msgid "Start making sales" msgstr "Mulai berjualan" msgid "All the tools you need to start growing your business are included." msgstr "" "Semua alat yang Anda perlukan untuk mengembangkan bisnis Anda sudah tersedia." msgid "Get everything you need for success" msgstr "Dapatkan segalanya untuk kesuksesan Anda" msgid "Manage your previous purchases" msgstr "Kelola pembelian Anda sebelumnya" msgid "" "Don’t lose all that hard work! Upgrade to a paid plan to continue working on " "your store. Unlock more features, launch and start selling, and make your " "business venture a reality." msgstr "" "Jangan sia-siakan kerja keras Anda! Tingkatkan ke paket berbayar untuk terus " "mengerjakan toko Anda. Akses lebih banyak fitur, luncurkan dan mulailah " "menjual, serta wujudkan rencana bisnis Anda jadi kenyataan." msgid "Your free trial has ended" msgstr "Masa uji coba Anda telah berakhir" msgid "Here's what to do next." msgstr "Inilah langkah selanjutnya." msgid "Let's get ready to launch!" msgstr "Bersiap untuk meluncurkan!" msgid "" "Unable to load staging sites. Please contact support if you believe you are " "seeing this message in error." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat memuat situs staging. Mohon hubungi bantuan jika Anda yakin " "melihat kesalahan dalam pesan ini." msgid "The frequency value provided is invalid." msgstr "Nilai frekuensi yang diberikan tidak valid." msgid "The blocked value provided is invalid." msgstr "Nilai yang diblok dan diberikan tidak valid." msgid "The delivery_hour value provided is invalid." msgstr "Nilai jam_pengiriman yang diberikan tidak valid." msgid "The delivery_day value provided is invalid." msgstr "Nilai hari_pengiriman yang diberikan tidak valid." msgid "The mail_option value provided is invalid." msgstr "Nilai pilihan_surat yang diberikan tidak valid." msgid "" "When building your site, we will use AI to generate copy based on the search " "phrases you have provided. The copy can be edited later with the WordPress " "editor." msgstr "" "Saat membangun situs Anda, kami menggunakan AI untuk membuat teks " "berdasarkan frasa pencarian yang Anda inginkan. Teksnya dapat Anda edit " "nanti dengan editor WordPress." msgid "Build this page with AI-generated text." msgstr "Buat halaman ini dengan AI-generated text." msgid "AI Content 🌟" msgstr "Konten AI 🌟" msgid "Split reply \"%s\"" msgstr "Memisahkan balasan \"%s\"" msgid "Draft post reminders" msgstr "Pengingat pos konsep" msgid "Daily writing prompts" msgstr "Prompt Menulis Harian" msgid "This plugin doesn't expire" msgstr "Plugin ini tidak kedaluwarsa" msgid "Manage DNS" msgstr "Kelola DNS" msgid "Postcode / ZIP:" msgstr "Kode Pos." msgid "State / County:" msgstr "Provinsi" msgid "Country / region:" msgstr "Negara / Wilayah." msgid "%1$s should be called inside the %2$s action." msgstr "%1$s tidak boleh dipicu sebelum tindakan %2$s." msgid "%s review permanently deleted" msgid_plural "%s reviews permanently deleted" msgstr[0] "%s pesanan dihapus secara permanen." msgstr[1] "%s pesanan dihapus secara permanen." msgid "%s review restored from the Trash" msgid_plural "%s reviews restored from the Trash" msgstr[0] "%s pesanan dikembalikan dari Tempat Sampah." msgstr[1] "%s pesanan dikembalikan dari Tempat Sampah." msgid "%s review moved to the Trash." msgid_plural "%s reviews moved to the Trash." msgstr[0] "%s pesanan dipindahkan ke Tempat Sampah" msgstr[1] "%s pesanan dipindahkan ke Tempat Sampah" msgid "No reviews" msgstr "Tidak ada ulasan" msgid "Review" msgstr "Ulasan" msgid "You don't have permission to create a new order" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk membuat pesanan" msgid "Order status changed by bulk edit." msgstr "Status pesanan diubah oleh edit massal:" msgctxt "Admin menu name" msgid "Home" msgstr "Tag" msgid "Limit result to items with specified user ids." msgstr "Membatasi hasil ke item dengan ID pelanggan tertentu." msgid "Force retrieval of fresh data instead of from the cache." msgstr "Ambil data terbaru secara paksa, bukan dari cache." msgid "Registers whether the note is read or not" msgstr "Mendaftar apakah catatan dihapus atau tidak" msgid "Finish set up" msgstr "Selesaikan penyiapan" msgid "Removed personal data from %s order." msgid_plural "Removed personal data from %s orders." msgstr[0] "Data pribadi dihapus dari pesanan %s." msgstr[1] "" msgid "" "Thank you for trusting your websites and emails with If you " "have any questions or need assistance, please contact our Happiness " "Engineers at %1$s." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah memercayakan situs dan email Anda pada " "Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan atau butuh bantuan, hubungi Happiness Engineer " "kami di %1$s." msgid "" "To keep parity on our end with increased partnership costs, the renewal " "price for your Google Workspace subscription will be changed to %2$s per " "month per mailbox. This new price will take into effect on your next " "renewal, which is scheduled for %3$s." msgstr "" "Untuk menjaga keseimbangan kami dengan peningkatan biaya kemitraan, harga " "perpanjangan untuk langganan Google Workspace Anda akan diubah menjadi %2$s " "per bulan per mailbox. Harga ini akan mulai diberlakukan pada perpanjangan " "Anda selanjutnya, yang dijadwalkan untuk tanggal %3$s." msgid "Google is increasing prices of Google Workspace: %1$s." msgstr "Google meningkatkan harga Google Workspace: %1$s." msgid "" "We’re reaching out to inform you of an upcoming price change for Google " "Workspace for your domain %1$s." msgstr "" "Kami ingin memberi tahu Anda terkait perubahan harga yang akan datang untuk " "Google Workspace pada domain %1$s Anda." msgid "" "Thank you for trusting your websites and emails with If you " "have any questions or need assistance, please contact our " "Happiness Engineers." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah memercayakan situs dan email Anda pada " "Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan atau butuh bantuan, hubungi " "Happiness Engineer kami." msgid "" "Google is increasing prices of Google Workspace. To " "keep parity on our end with increased partnership costs, the renewal price " "for your Google Workspace subscription will be changed to %2$s per month per " "mailbox. This new price will take into effect on your next renewal, which is " "scheduled for %3$s." msgstr "" "Google meningkatkan harga Google Workspace. Untuk " "menjaga keseimbangan kami dengan peningkatan biaya kemitraan, harga " "perpanjangan untuk langganan Google Workspace Anda akan diubah menjadi %2$s " "per bulan per mailbox. Harga ini akan mulai diberlakukan pada perpanjangan " "Anda selanjutnya, yang dijadwalkan untuk tanggal %3$s." msgid "" "We’re reaching out to inform you of an upcoming price change for Google " "Workspace for your domain %1$s." msgstr "" "Kami ingin memberi tahu Anda terkait perubahan harga yang akan datang untuk " "Google Workspace pada domain %1$s Anda." msgid "Price increases on next subscription renewal" msgstr "Peningkatan harga untuk perpanjangan langganan selanjutnya" msgid "Important! Google Workspace Upcoming Price Change" msgstr "Penting! Perubahan Harga Google Workspace Mendatang" msgid "Please enter search terms." msgstr "Mohon ketikkan kata kunci." msgid "%(fieldNumber)d. Site Information" msgstr "%(fieldNumber)d. Informasi Situs" msgid "Provide website content" msgstr "Sediakan konten situs" msgid "%.2f%% %s" msgstr "%.2f%% %s" msgid "" "Your plan includes a free domain for the first year. Stake your claim on the " "web with a domain name that boosts your brand." msgstr "" "Paket Anda termasuk domain gratis untuk tahun pertama. Ajukan klaim Anda di " "web dengan nama domain yang mendukung merek Anda." msgid "Make your mark online with a memorable domain name" msgstr "Onlinekan merek Anda dengan nama domain yang mudah diingat" msgid "CT" msgstr "CT" msgid "Your %s details are not valid. Please check each field and try again." msgstr "Data %s Anda tidak valid. Mohon periksa tiap kolom lalu coba lagi." msgid "We do not currently support %s validation in this country." msgstr "Saat ini kami tidak mendukung validasi %s di negara ini." msgid "%s validation failed because no ID was provided." msgstr "Validasi %s gagal karena ID tidak disertakan." msgid "Business Tax ID validation failed because no country code was provided." msgstr "Validasi ID Pajak Bisnis gagal karena kode negara tidak disertakan." msgid "Your %s ID has already been set. Please contact support to change it." msgstr "" "ID %s Anda telah ditetapkan. Silakan hubungi dukungan untuk menggantinya." msgid "Try it for %1$s%2$0.2f for the first month." msgstr "Cobalah dengan harga %1$s%2$0.2f untuk bulan pertama." msgid "" "If you need any help with this or have any questions, please reply to this " "email or %1$sopen a support request%2$s with us — we’ll get back to you soon." msgstr "" "Jika memerlukan bantuan terkait hal ini atau ingin bertanya, balas email ini " "atau %1$smintalah dukungan%2$s. Kami akan segera menghubungi Anda." msgid "" "Need help or have a question? Please reply to this email or %1$sopen " "a support request%2$s — we’ll get back to you soon." msgstr "" "Butuh bantuan atau punya pertanyaan? Silakan balas email ini atau " "%1$smintalah dukungan%2$s. Kami akan segera menghubungi Anda." msgid "Why do you need to verify this information?" msgstr "Mengapa informasi ini perlu diverifikasi?" msgid "Review my information" msgstr "Tinjau informasi saya" msgid "" "Verifying your onboarding information enables deposits to your bank account, " "protects your account from fraud, and helps us stay compliant with %1$sKnow " "Your Customer%2$s (KYC) regulations." msgstr "" "Dengan memverifikasi informasi penyiapan, Anda mengizinkan masuknya deposit " "ke rekening bank Anda, mengamankan akun Anda dari penipuan, dan membantu " "kami tetap mematuhi peraturan %1$sKnow Your Customer (KYC)%2$s." msgid "" "Your onboarding information is verified to enable deposits, give you more " "protection from fraud, and help our team stay current with %1$sKnow Your " "Customer%2$s (KYC) regulations." msgstr "" "Informasi penyiapan Anda diverifikasi untuk mengizinkan masuknya deposit, " "memberikan perlindungan lebih dari penipuan, dan membantu tim kami mematuhi " "peraturan %1$sKnow Your Customer (KYC)%2$s." msgid "Why is it so important to update your information?" msgstr "Mengapa informasi Anda perlu diperbarui?" msgid "" "If you’d rather not receive this kind of email, you can %1$sunsubscribe from " "future progressive onboarding KYC reminder emails%2$s." msgstr "" "Jika tidak ingin menerima email ini, Anda dapat %1$sberhenti berlangganan " "dari email pengingat KYC penyiapan di masa mendatang%2$s." msgid "Verify my information" msgstr "Verifikasi informasi saya" msgid "" "Action Required: Verify your information to continue processing transactions " "through %s" msgstr "" "Tindakan Perlu Dilakukan: Verifikasikan data Anda agar terus bisa " "bertransaksi melalui %s" msgid "Social Advanced w/ unlimited shares" msgstr "Social Advanced yang dapat berbagi tanpa batas" msgid "" "Activate post and comment subscriptions to ensure your site visitors don't " "miss a thing" msgstr "" "Aktifkan langganan pos dan komentar untuk memastikan situs Anda tidak " "kehilangan satu apa pun." msgid "If you have any problem or question contact Support." msgstr "" "Jika Anda punya pertanyaan atau mengalami masalah, hubungi " "Dukungan." msgid "" "Renew your %1$s plan for %2$s for %3$d years to keep your features " "and ensure your site keeps looking its best." msgstr "" "Perpanjang paket %1$s Anda seharga %2$s untuk %3$d tahun agar tetap " "dapat menggunakan fitur dan memastikan situs tetap optimal." msgid "" "Renew your %1$s plan for %2$s per month to keep your features and " "ensure your site keeps looking its best." msgstr "" "Perpanjang paket %1$s Anda seharga %2$s per bulan agar tetap dapat " "menggunakan fitur dan memastikan situs tetap optimal." msgid "" "Renew your %1$s plan for %2$s per year to keep your features and " "ensure your site keeps looking its best." msgstr "" "Perpanjang paket %1$s Anda seharga %2$s per tahun agar tetap dapat " "menggunakan fitur dan memastikan situs tetap optimal." msgid "If your plan expires you will lose:" msgstr "Jika paket kedaluwarsa, Anda akan kehilangan:" msgid "Your %1$s plan for %2$s will expire in %3$d day." msgid_plural "Your %1$s plan for %2$s will expire in %3$d days." msgstr[0] "Paket %1$s Anda untuk %2$s akan kedaluwarsa dalam %3$d hari." msgstr[1] "Paket %1$s Anda untuk %2$s akan kedaluwarsa dalam %3$d hari." msgid "If this upgrade expires, you will lose:" msgstr "Jika upgrade ini kedaluwarsa, Anda akan kehilangan:" msgid "Your %1$s plan for %2$s is about to expire." msgstr "Paket %1$s Anda untuk %2$s hampir kedaluwarsa." msgid "" "Get the best value for money by paying for two years in advance, taking down " "the cost of your %1$s plan to just %2$s per year. This way you’ll " "also ensure uninterrupted service as you won’t have to worry about renewing " "your plan." msgstr "" "Dapatkan manfaat maksimal dengan membayar dua tahun sekaligus. Dengan cara " "ini, biaya paket %1$s Anda hanya %2$s per tahun. Ini juga menjamin " "layanan yang digunakan bebas gangguan karena Anda tak perlu repot " "memperpanjang paket." msgid "" "By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. " "That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click " "away from paying less!" msgstr "" "Dengan paket tahunan, Anda hanya perlu membayar %1$s per bulan. Ini %2$s%" "% lebih murah daripada paket bulanan Anda saat ini. Selangkah lagi Anda " "akan mendapatkan diskon!" msgid "Your %3$s plan %1$s will expire soon %2$s" msgstr "Paket %3$s Anda akan segera kedaluwarsa%1$s%2$s" msgid "Get Link" msgstr "Dapatkan Tautan" msgid "" "Beautiful and responsive WordPress themes. Choose from free and premium " "options for all types of websites. Then, activate the one that's best for " "you." msgstr "" "Tema WordPress yang indah dan responsif. Pilih tema dari pilihan gratis dan " "premium untuk semua jenis situs. Kemudian, aktifkan tema yang paling pas " "untuk Anda." msgid "Find the perfect theme for your video website." msgstr "Temukan tema sempurna untuk situs video Anda." msgid "" "There's a problem with this payment. Please try again or use a different " "payment method." msgstr "" "Terjadi masalah dengan pembayaran ini. Silakan coba lagi atau gunakan metode " "pembayaran yang berbeda." msgid "WordPress and WooCommerce Logos" msgstr "Logo WordPress dan WooCommerce" msgid "Confirm email (check your inbox)" msgstr "Konfirmasi E-mail (Cek Inbox Anda)" msgid "Pay 2 years" msgstr "Bayar 2 tahun" msgid "Pay 1 year" msgstr "Bayar 1 tahun" msgid "" "*We estimate the space you need based on your current site size. If your " "site size increases, you may need to purchase a storage add-on." msgstr "" "*Kami memperkirakan ruang yang dibutuhkan berdasarkan ukuran situs Anda saat " "ini. Jika ukuran situs Anda membesar, Anda mungkin perlu membeli add-on " "penyimpanan." msgid "Manage your newsletter and blog subscriptions." msgstr "Kelola buletin dan langganan blog Anda di" msgid " and WooCommerce Logos" msgstr "Logo dan WooCommerce" msgid "We are setting up your staging site. We’ll email you once it is ready." msgstr "" "Kami sedang menyiapkan situs staging Anda. Kami akan mengirimkan e-mail " "kepada Anda saat sudah siap." msgid "Your staging site \"%s\" is ready!" msgstr "Situs staging Anda \"%s\" sudah siap!" msgid "" "Try out new plugins and themes, debug and troubleshoot changes, and fine-" "tune every aspect of your website without worrying about breaking your " "production site." msgstr "" "Coba plugin dan tema baru, perubahan debug dan pemecahan masalah, serta " "sesuaikan setiap aspek situs tanpa khawatir merusak situs produksi Anda." msgid "We finished setting up the staging environment for your existing site:" msgstr "Kami sudah menyiapkan mesin staging untuk situs Anda yang sudah ada." msgid "We finished setting up the staging environment for %s:" msgstr "Kami sudah menyiapkan lingkungan staging untuk %s." msgid "Start exploring your staging site." msgstr "Mulai jelajahi situs staging Anda." msgid "Entrepreneur & Open Source Evangelist" msgstr "Pengusaha & Pegiat Open Source" msgid "Any questions? Feel free to reach out to us via email at %1$s." msgstr "Anda memiliki pertanyaan? Silakan hubungi kami via email di %1$s." msgid "Read more on how to use the License tab" msgstr "Baca selengkapnya tentang cara menggunakan tab Lisensi" msgid "" "From the License tab, you can issue new licenses, manage payment methods, " "view your monthly invoices, view pricing, add company details, and manage " "all licenses associated with your account from the dashboard’s Licensing " "section." msgstr "" "Dari tab Lisensi, Anda dapat mengeluarkan lisensi baru, mengelola metode " "pembayaran, melihat faktur bulanan, melihat harga, menambahkan detail " "perusahaan, dan mengelola semua lisensi yang terkait dengan akun Anda dari " "bagian Pelisensian dasbor." msgid "Read more on how to use the Manage Sites tab" msgstr "Baca selengkapnya tentang cara menggunakan tab Kelola Situs" msgid "" "From the Manage Sites tab, you can view a specific site’s Activity Log, " "backup history, scan history, manage Jetpack Search, manage the social media " "accounts connected to the site, view the Jetpack plan currently active on " "the site, and manage plugins installed on the site." msgstr "" "Dari tab Kelola Situs, Anda dapat melihat Log Aktivitas situs tertentu, " "mencadangkan riwayat, memindai riwayat, mengelola Jetpack Search, mengelola " "akun media sosial yang terhubung dengan situs, melihat paket Jetpack aktif " "di situs, dan mengelola plugin yang terinstal di situs." msgid "Read more on how to use the dashboard tab" msgstr "Baca selengkapnya tentang cara menggunakan tab Dasbor." msgid "" "You can view all sites connected to your account and enrolled from the " "dashboard tab." msgstr "" "Anda dapat melihat semua situs yang terhubung dengan akun Anda dan terdaftar " "di tab Dasbor." msgid "" "Our goal today is to tour the Jetpack Pro Dashboard, which serves as the " "central hub for our partners. The dashboard is where you’ll spend most of " "your time managing your clients’ website’s downtime monitoring settings, " "reviewing activity logs, checking for plugin vulnerabilities and updating " "needs, and more" msgstr "" "Tujuan kita hari ini adalah tur Jetpack Pro Dashboard, yang sangat penting " "untuk mitra kami. Anda akan menghabiskan sebagian besar waktu di dasbor " "untuk mengelola pengaturan pemantauan downtime situs web klien Anda, " "meninjau log aktivitas, memeriksa kerentanan plugin dan kebutuhan pembaruan, " "dan lain-lain" msgid "" "Any questions? Feel free to reach out to us via email at" msgstr "" "Anda memiliki pertanyaan? Silakan hubungi kami via e-mail di" msgid "Read more on how to use the License tab." msgstr "" "Baca selengkapnya tentang cara menggunakan tab Lisensi." msgid "" "From the License tab, you can issue new licenses, manage " "payment methods, view your monthly invoices, view pricing, add company " "details, and manage all licenses associated with your account from the " "dashboard’s Licensing section." msgstr "" "Dari tab Lisensi, Anda dapat membuat lisensi baru, " "mengelola metode pembayaran, melihat faktur bulanan, melihat harga, " "menambahkan detail perusahaan, dan mengelola semua lisensi yang terkait " "dengan akun Anda dari bagian dasbor Lisensi." msgid "Read more on how to use the Manage Sites tab." msgstr "" "Baca selengkapnya tentang cara menggunakan tab Kelola " "Situs." msgid "" "From the Manage Sites tab, you can view a specific site’s " "Activity Log, backup history, scan history, manage Jetpack Search, manage " "the social media accounts connected to the site, view the Jetpack plan " "currently active on the site, and manage plugins installed on the site." msgstr "" "Dari tab Kelola Situs, Anda dapat melihat Log Aktivitas " "situs tertentu, mencadangkan riwayat, memindai riwayat, mengelola Jetpack " "Search, mengelola akun media sosial yang terhubung dengan situs, melihat " "paket Jetpack aktif di situs, dan mengelola plugin yang terinstal di situs." msgid "Read more on how to use the dashboard tab." msgstr "" "Baca selengkapnya tentang cara menggunakan tab Dasbor." msgid "" "You can view all sites connected to your account and enrolled from the " "dashboard tab." msgstr "" "Anda dapat melihat semua situs yang terhubung dengan akun Anda dan terdaftar " "di tab Dasbor." msgid "" "Our goal today is to tour the Jetpack Pro " "Dashboard, which serves as the central hub for our partners. " "The dashboard is where you’ll spend most of your time managing your clients’ " "website’s downtime monitoring settings, reviewing activity logs, checking " "for plugin vulnerabilities and updating needs, and more." msgstr "" "Tujuan kita hari ini adalah tur Dasbor Jetpack Pro, yang sangat penting untuk mitra kami. Anda akan sering " "menggunakan dasbor untuk mengelola pengaturan pemantauan downtime situs web " "klien Anda, meninjau log aktivitas, memeriksa potensi kerentanan plugin dan " "kebutuhan pembaruan, dan lain-lain." msgid "Hey there, %s!" msgstr "👋 Halo%s." msgid "Jetpack Pro Dashboard Tour" msgstr "Tur Dasbor Jetpack Pro" msgid "Home sweet home." msgstr "Rumahku istanaku." msgid "Get familiar with your Jetpack Pro Dashboard" msgstr "Kenali Dasbor Jetpack Pro Anda" msgid "" "If you are on a shared computer, remember to also log out " "of" msgstr "" "Jika Anda menggunakan komputer bersama, ingat juga untuk keluar dari" msgid "Rules updated succesfully" msgstr "Peraturan berhasil diperbarui" msgid "Your %s purchase" msgstr "Pembelian %s Anda" msgid "Thank you for your %1$s purchase!" msgstr "Terima kasih atas pembelian %1$s Anda!" msgid "%1$s: %2$s purchase." msgstr "%1$s: %2$s pembelian." msgid "" "Learn more about everything included with Woo Express Performance and take " "advantage of its powerful marketplace features." msgstr "" "Pelajari selengkapnya tentang semua yang ada dalam Woo Express Performance " "dan manfaatkan fitur marketplace yang andal." msgid "Sorry, you can not list staging sites for this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat mencantumkan situs staging untuk situs ini." msgid "Staging" msgstr "Staging" msgid "Our favorite color is purple " msgstr "Warna favorit kami adalah ungu" msgid "Opening the doors" msgstr "Membuka pintu" msgid "" "The Woo team is made up of over 350 talented individuals, distributed across " "30+ countries." msgstr "" "Tim WooCommerce terdiri dari 350+ individu berbakat, yang tersebar di " "seluruh 30+ negara." msgid "Are you Team Cat or Team Dog? The Woo team is split 50/50!" msgstr "" "Apakah Anda Tim Kucing atau Tim Anjing? Tim WooCommerce terbagi menjadi " "50/50!" msgid "Organizing the stock room" msgstr "Menata gudang" msgid "" "Did you know that Woo was founded by two South Africans and a Norwegian? " "Here are three alternative ways to say \"store\" in those countries - " "Winkel, ivenkile, and butikk." msgstr "" "Tahukan Anda bahwa WooCommerce didirikan oleh dua orang asal Afrika Selatan " "dan Norwegia? Berikut adalah tiga kata lain untuk menyebutkan \"toko\" di " "negara tersebut: winkel, ivenkile, dan butikk." msgid "Building the foundations" msgstr "Membangun fondasi" msgid "" "Did you know that Woo powers almost 4 million stores worldwide? You're in " "good company." msgstr "" "Tahukah Anda bahwa ada WooCommerce di balik hampir 4 juta toko di seluruh " "dunia? Kami selalu ada untuk Anda." msgid "#FunWooFact: " msgstr "#FunWooFact:" msgid "Choose an eye-catching image for your ad" msgstr "Pilih gambar menarik untuk iklan Anda" msgid "Make the most of your Blaze campaign" msgstr "Maksimalkan kampanye Blaze Anda" msgid "Adjust your title to make it more engaging" msgstr "Sesuaikan judul Anda agar lebih menarik" msgid "Pick the right audience, budget and duration" msgstr "Tentukan jumlah audiens, anggaran, dan durasi yang tepat" msgid "Array of column names to be searched." msgstr "Array pada nama kolom yang akan dicari." msgid "Switch to our simple setup or manual setup." msgstr "" "Beralih ke penyiapan sederhana atau penyiapan tingkat " "lanjut." msgid "Switch to our simple setup or advanced setup." msgstr "" "Beralih ke penyiapan sederhana atau penyiapan tingkat " "lanjut." msgid "Switch to our manual setup or advanced setup." msgstr "" "Beralih ke penyiapan manual atau penyiapan tingkat " "lanjut." msgid "" "We got an error when trying to connect %s to You might try " "again or get in contact with your DNS provider to figure out what went wrong." msgstr "" "Terjadi error saat menyambungkan %s ke Silakan coba kembali " "atau hubungi penyedia DNS Anda untuk mencari tahu akar masalahnya." msgid "There was a problem connecting your domain" msgstr "Terjadi masalah saat menghubungkan domain Anda" msgid "" "You might want to start over or use one of the alternative methods to " "connect %s to" msgstr "" "Silakan coba ulangi dari awal atau gunakan salah satu cara alternatif untuk " "menyambungkan %s ke" msgid "Connecting your domain to was cancelled" msgstr "Penyambungan domain ke dibatalkan" msgid "It takes 2 minutes to set up." msgstr "Penyiapan membutuhkan waktu 2 menit." msgid "" "Good news! Your DNS provider for %s supports a simple click-through way to " "connect your domain to Use the button below and follow the on-" "screen instructions. You might need to log in to your DNS provider account " "so make sure you have your credentials at hand." msgstr "" "Kabar baik! Penyedia DNS untuk %s mendukung metode penyambungan sekali klik " "untuk menghubungkan domain Anda ke Klik tombol berikut lalu " "ikuti instruksi yang muncul. Anda mungkin harus login ke akun dari penyedia " "DNS tersebut, jadi siapkan kredensial login-nya." msgid "Navigate to the previous view" msgstr "Navigasikan ke tampilan sebelumnya" msgid "" "Congrats! Your site is now connected to Stripe. You can now add payments to " "your newsletter." msgstr "" "Selamat! Situs Anda kini terhubung ke Stripe. Skema pembayaran kini bisa " "ditambahkan ke buletin yang Anda terbitkan." msgid "" "Complimentary reports and updates regarding site performance and traffic." msgstr "" "Laporan dan info terbaru tentang performa dan pengunjung situs yang " "disediakan gratis." msgid "Popular content from the blogs you follow." msgstr "Konten populer dari blog yang Anda ikuti." msgid "Search for another domain" msgstr "Cari domain lain" msgid "Get ready to take payments" msgstr "Siapkan sarana pembayaran" msgid "Set up one (or more!) payment methods and test your checkout process." msgstr "" "Siapkan metode pembayaran (bisa lebih dari satu!) lalu uji coba proses " "checkout-nya." msgid "Get ready to be paid" msgstr "Siapkan sarana pembayaran" msgid "Warning: %1$s expects parameter %2$s (%3$s) to be a %4$s, %5$s given." msgstr "" "Peringatan: %1$s ekspektasi parameter %2$s (%3$s) menjadi %4$s, %5$s yang " "ditentukan." msgid "You have %(number)d pending invite" msgid_plural "You have %(number)d pending invites" msgstr[0] "Ada %(number)d undangan belum diterima" msgstr[1] "Ada %(number)d undangan belum diterima" msgid "Oops, the invites list is empty" msgstr "Waduh, daftar undangan kosong" msgid "Pending invites" msgstr "Undangan belum diterima" msgid "Pending Invites" msgstr "Undangan belum diterima" msgid "" "You’ll also unlock advanced features that make it easy to build and grow " "your site." msgstr "" "Anda juga akan membuka kunci fitur tingkat lanjut yang memudahkan pembuatan " "dan pengembangan situs Anda." msgid "Get Performance" msgstr "Dapatkan Performance" msgid "" "The use of .gay domains to host any anti-LGBTQ content is prohibited and can " "result in registration termination. The registry will donate 20% of all " "registration revenue to LGBTQ non-profit organizations." msgstr "" "Penggunaan domain .gay untuk menghosting konten anti-LGBTQ dilarang dan " "dapat mengakibatkan penghentian pendaftaran. Pendaftar domain akan " "menyumbangkan 20% dari semua pendapatan pendaftaran ke organisasi nirlaba " "LGBTQ." msgid "" "Any anti-LGBTQ content is prohibited and can result in registration " "termination. The registry will donate 20% of all registration revenue to " "LGBTQ non-profit organizations." msgstr "" "Setiap konten anti-LGBTQ dilarang dan dapat mengakibatkan penghentian " "pendaftaran. Pendaftar domain akan menyumbangkan 20% dari semua pendapatan " "pendaftaran ke organisasi nirlaba LGBTQ." msgid "Site logo image" msgstr "Gambar logo situs" msgid "Upgrade your plan to access the theme install features" msgstr "Upgrade paket Anda untuk mengaktifkan fitur instal tema" msgid "Upgrade to a plan to upload your own themes!" msgstr "Upgrade paket untuk mengunggah tema Anda sendiri!" msgid "Multi-image sharing (soon!)" msgstr "Berbagi banyak gambar (segera hadir!)" msgid "Video sharing" msgstr "Berbagi video" msgid "Engagement optimization" msgstr "Pengoptimalan interaksi" msgid "All Free and Basic features" msgstr "Semua fitur dari paket Gratis dan Basic" msgid "The most feature-packed plan Social has to offer!" msgstr "Paket Jetpack Social dengan fitur terlengkap!" msgid "Sorry, this purchase is not a valid one." msgstr "Maaf, pembelian ini tidak valid." msgid "Sorry, that product is not a valid upgrade from your current product." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak bisa upgrade ke produk tersebut dari produk saat ini." msgid "All of our annual plans include a free domain name for one year." msgstr "Semua paket tahunan kami mencakup nama domain gratis untuk satu tahun." msgid "Get your domain’s first year for free" msgstr "Dapatkan domain gratis selama tahun pertama Anda" msgid "Or continue with your monthly plan." msgstr "Atau lanjutkan dengan paket bulanan Anda." msgid "Explore more tools by Jetpack" msgstr "Jelajahi alat Jetpack lainnya" msgid "Woo Express: Essential" msgstr "Woo Express Essential" msgid "Your subscriptions for %s have renewed." msgstr "Langganan Anda untuk %s telah diperpanjang." msgid "Fraud outcome requested was not found." msgstr "Kasus penipuan yang diminta tidak dapat ditemukan." msgid "Stored results are not valid." msgstr "Hasil yang disimpan tidak valid." msgid "" "You can set the language, and WordPress will automatically download and " "install the translation files (available if your filesystem is writable)." msgstr "" "Anda bisa mengatur bahasa, dan WordPress akan secara otomatis mengunduh dan " "memasang berkas terjemahan (tersedia bila filesystem Anda writable)." msgid "" "If you want site visitors to be able to register themselves, check the " "membership box. If you want the site administrator to register every new " "user, leave the box unchecked. In either case, you can set a default user " "role for all new users." msgstr "" "Jika ingin pengunjung dapat mendaftarkan diri mereka sendiri di situs Anda, " "centang kotak keanggotaan. Tetapi jika ingin administrator yang mendaftarkan " "semua pengguna baru, biarkan kotak tidak dicentang. Untuk kedua hal " "tersebut, Anda dapat menetapkan peran pengguna standar untuk semua pengguna " "baru." msgid "" "Both WordPress URL and site URL can start with either %1$s or %2$s. A URL " "starting with %2$s requires an SSL certificate, so be sure that you have one " "before changing to %2$s. With %2$s, a padlock will appear next to the " "address in the browser address bar. Both %2$s and the padlock signal that " "your site meets some basic security requirements, which can build trust with " "your visitors and with search engines." msgstr "" "URL WordPress dan URL situs dapat dimulai dengan %1$s atau %2$s. URL yang " "dimulai dengan %2$s memerlukan sertifikat SSL, jadi pastikan Anda " "memilikinya sebelum mengubahnya ke %2$s. Dengan %2$s, gembok akan muncul di " "sebelah alamat di bilah alamat browser. %2$s dan gembok menandakan bahwa " "situs Anda memenuhi beberapa persyaratan keamanan dasar, yang dapat " "membangun kepercayaan pengunjung dan mesin pencarian." msgid "" "Though the terms refer to two different concepts, in practice, they can be " "the same address or different. For example, you can have the core WordPress " "installation files in the root directory (, " "in which case the two URLs would be the same. Or the WordPress files can be in a subdirectory (" "wordpress). In that case, the WordPress URL and the site URL would be " "different." msgstr "" "Meskipun istilah tersebut merujuk pada dua konsep yang berbeda, pada " "prakteknya, keduanya dapat berupa alamat yang sama atau berbeda. Misalnya, " "Anda dapat memiliki berkas instalasi utama WordPress di direktori root " "(, dalam hal ini kedua URL akan sama. Atau " "berkas utama WordPress bisa berada di subdirektori " "( Dalam hal ini, URL WordPress " "dan URL situs akan berbeda." msgid "" "Two terms you will want to know are the WordPress URL and the site URL. The " "WordPress URL is where the core WordPress installation files are, and the " "site URL is the address a visitor uses in the browser to go to your site." msgstr "" "Dua hal yang perlu Anda ketahui adalah URL WordPress dan URL situs. URL " "WordPress adalah lokasi berkas inti instalasi WordPress Anda, sedangkan URL " "situs adalah alamat situs web yang digunakan oleh pengunjung di browser " "untuk mengakses situs Anda." msgid "Fraud ruleset requested was not found." msgstr "Kriteria penipuan yang diminta tidak dapat ditemukan." msgid "Subscription management" msgstr "Pengelolaan Langganan" msgid "Domains and DNS" msgstr "Domain dan DNS" msgid "See full feature list" msgstr "Lihat daftar fitur lengkap" msgid "" "Upgrade to the %s Plan to enable SFTP & SSH, database access, GitHub " "deploys, and more…" msgstr "" "Upgrade ke Paket %s untuk mengaktifkan SFTP & SSH, akses basis data, " "deployment GitHub, dan lain-lain …" msgid "Operating System" msgstr "Sistem Pengoperasian" msgid "Number of Subscribers" msgstr "Jumlah Pelanggan" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "" "Documentation on Widgets" msgstr "" "Dokumentasi tentang Widget" msgid "" "Documentation on date and time formatting." msgstr "" "Dokumentasi format tanggal dan waktu." msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "" "" "editor/" msgstr "" "" "editor/" msgid "" "Documentation on Writing and Editing Posts" msgstr "" "Dokumentasi Menulis dan Mengedit Artikel" msgid "" "Documentation on Comment Spam" msgstr "" "Dokumentasi Komentar Spam" msgid "" "Documentation on Customizer" msgstr "" "Dokumentasi Pengedit Situs" msgid "" "You took that crucial first step toward creating content, but you didn't " "publish your post. No worries! The draft you were working on is safe and " "sound in the editor." msgstr "" "Anda telah mengambil langkah krusial pertama dalam pembuatan konten, tetapi " "belum memublikasikan pos Anda. Jangan khawatir! Draf yang sedang Anda " "kerjakan tersimpan dengan aman di editor." msgid "" "You took that crucial first step toward creating content, but you didn't " "publish your post. No worries! The draft you were working on is safe and " "sound in the " "editor." msgstr "" "Anda telah mengambil langkah krusial pertama dalam pembuatan konten, tetapi " "belum memublikasikan pos Anda. Jangan khawatir! Draf yang sedang Anda " "kerjakan tersimpan dengan aman di editor." msgid "Finish Post" msgstr "Selesaikan Pos" msgid "" "Read posts from all the sites you follow, find great reads, and stay up-to-" "date on comments and replies in one convenient place: the " "Reader." msgstr "" "Baca pos dari semua situs yang Anda ikuti, temukan bacaan yang berkualitas, " "dan pantau komentar serta balasan terbaru dalam satu tempat yang mudah " "diakses: Pembaca" msgid "Your subscription details" msgstr "Detail langganan Anda" msgid "Purchase and update" msgstr "Beli dan perbarui" msgid "" "Stake your claim on your corner of the web with a custom domain name that’s " "easy to find, share, and follow." msgstr "" "Pilih nama domain terbaik untuk situs Anda yang mudah ditemukan, dibagikan, " "dan diingat." msgid "Or continue with the free plan." msgstr "Atau, gunakan paket gratis saja." msgid "See and compare the features available on each plan" msgstr "Lihat dan bandingkan fitur yang tersedia di setiap paket" msgid "Learn about Stats" msgstr "Info lengkap tentang Stats" msgid "Switch to new Stats" msgstr "Ganti ke Stats yang baru" msgid "" "We've added new stats and insights in a more modern and mobile friendly " "experience to help you grow your site." msgstr "" "Kami menghadirkan jenis statistik dan wawasan baru dengan tampilan yang " "lebih modern dan ramah perangkat seluler untuk membantu Anda mengembangkan " "situs." msgid "Explore the new Jetpack Stats" msgstr "Cek Jetpack Stats yang baru selengkapnya" msgid "Click to share on Mastodon" msgstr "Klik untuk berbagi ke Mastodon" msgctxt "share to" msgid "Mastodon" msgstr "Mastodon" msgid "Mastodon" msgstr "Mastodon" msgid "" "Enter the full URL of the Mastodon instance where you’d like to share this " "post." msgstr "" "Masukkan URL lengkap platform Mastodon yang ingin dituju untuk pos ini." msgid "Share to Mastodon" msgstr "Bagikan ke Mastodon" msgctxt "post type name shown in menu" msgid "Feedback" msgstr "Feedback" msgid "The query argument must be an array or a tag name." msgstr "Argumen pertanyaan harus berupa array atau nama tag." msgid "Invalid attribute name." msgstr "Nama atribut tidak valid." msgid "Too many calls to seek() - this can lead to performance issues." msgstr "" "Perintah panggil untuk fungsi seek() terlalu banyak, sehingga dapat " "mengganggu performa." msgid "Unknown bookmark name." msgstr "Nama bookmark tidak diketahui." msgid "untitled post %s" msgstr "pos tanpa judul %s" msgid "" "P.S. Want to know more? Check out this recent post about the differences " "between the Jetpack and WordPress apps." msgstr "" "N.B. Ingin tahu lebih banyak? Lihat pos terkini tentang perbedaan antara " "aplikasi Jetpack dan WordPress." msgid "" "P.S. Want to know more? Check out this recent post about " "the differences between the Jetpack and WordPress apps." msgstr "" "N.B. Ingin tahu lebih banyak? Lihat pos terkini tentang " "perbedaan antara aplikasi Jetpack dan WordPress." msgid "" "Your favorite Jetpack-powered features from the WordPress app - like Stats, " "Notifications, and the Reader - have a new home: the Jetpack app you just " "switched to! These features will soon be removed from the WordPress app. " "With the Jetpack app, you’ll keep the same focus on publishing as the " "WordPress app plus the tools you need to grow your site and " "audience." msgstr "" "Fitur-fitur favorit berbasis Jetpack yang hadir di aplikasi WordPress—" "seperti Statistik, Pemberitahuan, dan Pembaca—sekarang pindah ke tempat " "baru: aplikasi Jetpack yang kini Anda gunakan! Fitur-fitur ini akan segera " "dihapus dari aplikasi WordPress. Di aplikasi Jetpack, Anda tetap dapat " "berfokus pada publikasi—seperti di aplikasi WordPress—dengan " "tambahan alat-alat yang diperlukan untuk mengembangkan " "situs dan audiens Anda." msgid "Curious about the differences between the Jetpack and WordPress apps?" msgstr "Penasaran tentang perbedaan antara aplikasi Jetpack dan WordPress?" msgid "" "If you’d like to learn more about %1$s, browse our FAQ " "page, find information about the program’s benefits, " "and check out our blog." msgstr "" "Jika Anda ingin mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang %1$s, telusuri halaman Tanya Jawab Umum kami, temukan informasi tentang manfaat program, dan kunjungi blog kami." msgid "" "Read the eligibility section of the %2$s FAQ page to " "learn more." msgstr "" "Baca bagian kelayakan di %2$shalaman Tanya Jawab Umum " "untuk informasi selengkapnya." msgid "" "To continue monetizing your site through the %1$s program you need to " "subscribe to a Premium or higher plan. Upon subscribing we " "will automatically re-enroll you into the program. In the meantime you can " "still view your earnings and payment history on your WordAds dashboard." msgstr "" "Untuk terus memonetisasi situs Anda melalui program %1$s, Anda perlu " "berlangganan Premium atau paket yang lebih tinggi. Dengan " "berlangganan, Anda akan terdaftar ulang secara otomatis. Untuk sementara " "ini, Anda masih bisa melihat penghasilan dan riwayat pembayaran Anda di " "dasbor WordAds." msgid "Start Earning Again" msgstr "Mulai Meraih Penghasilan Kembali" msgid "" "We’ve just removed your site, %1$s, from the %2$s program following the " "expiration of your %3$s subscription on %4$s." msgstr "" "Kami baru saja menghapus situs Anda, %1$s, dari program %2$s akibat habisnya " "masa berlaku langganan %3$s Anda pada %4$s." msgid "Removal from %1$s" msgstr "Penghapusan dari %1$s" msgid "Removal from WordAds" msgstr "Penghapusan dari WordAds" msgid "Your site is currently ineligible for WordAds." msgstr "Untuk saat ini, situs tidak memenuhi syarat program WordAds." msgid "" "Want the whole experience? Create an account or login to bring your subscriptions together in the " "Reader." msgstr "" "Ingin menikmati seluruh pengalaman Buat " "akun atau login untuk menggabungkan langganan Anda " "di Pembaca." msgid "" "Drop your email address below and we’ll send you a link to manage the sites " "you follow." msgstr "" "Ketik alamat email Anda di bawah ini, lalu kami akan kirimkan tautan untuk " "mengelola situs yang Anda ikuti." msgid "" "Be the first to know when your favorite sites post. Right in your inbox." msgstr "" "Jadilah orang pertama yang mengetahui pos terbaru situs favorit Anda. " "Langsung di inbox Anda." msgid "To make sure you can import reliably" msgstr "Untuk memastikan Anda dapat mengimpor dengan sempurna" msgid "To make sure it will work with our recommended plans" msgstr "" "Untuk memastikan plugin akan berfungsi dengan paket yang kami rekomendasikan" msgid "" "Your Jetpack plugin is out of date. {{WarningRequirement/}}, " "{{JetpackUpdateLink}}update Jetpack{{/JetpackUpdateLink}}." msgstr "" "Plugin Jetpack Anda kedaluwarsa. {{WarningRequirement/}}, " "{{JetpackUpdateLink}}perbarui Jetpack{{/JetpackUpdateLink}}." msgid "7 days insights stats" msgstr "Statistik wawasan 7 hari" msgid "" ", by Automattic, makes working with data easy for newsrooms and " "marketers, giving them the insights they need to focus their content " "strategy and improve ROI." msgstr "" " dari Automattic menghadirkan kemudahan pengolahan data bagi " "perusahaan media dan jasa pemasaran melalui berbagai wawasan yang berguna " "bagi penyusunan strategi konten dan peningkatan profit." msgid "Need enterprise level stats?" msgstr "Butuh statistik kelas bisnis?" msgid "Explore" msgstr "Cek" msgid "" "Visit or scan the QR code to download for free." msgstr "" "Buka atau pindai kode QR lalu unduh gratis." msgid "Get the Jetpack app and take stats with you" msgstr "Unduh aplikasi Jetpack dan akses statistik situs dari mana saja" msgid "" "A QR code to get the app, scan this code with your device’s camera to " "download the Jetpack mobile app" msgstr "" "Kode QR untuk mendapatkan aplikasi, pindai kode ini dengan kamera perangkat " "Anda untuk mengunduh aplikasi seluler Jetpack" msgid "Monitor ads displayed & keep track of earnings when using Jetpack Ads." msgstr "Untuk Anda pengguna Jetpack Ads, pantau iklan aktif dan pendapatannya." msgid "" "Easily see orders, refunds, shipping, and other product trends as a " "WooCommerce customer." msgstr "" "Cek data pesanan, pengembalian dana, pengiriman, dan statistik tren produk " "lainnya dengan WooCommerce." msgid "" "Promote content to millions of WordPress and Tumblr users directly from " "Stats using Blaze." msgstr "" "Promosikan konten ke jutaan pengguna WordPress dan Tumblr langsung dari " "Stats lewat Blaze." msgid "Third-party integrations to keep you growing" msgstr "Integrasi pihak ketiga untuk membantu Anda makin bertumbuh" msgid "" "See what popular social networks your content is being shared to the most." msgstr "" "Cari tahu media sosial populer mana saja yang jadi tujuan utama untuk konten " "yang dibagikan audiens." msgid "" "Connect Jetpack Social to popular social networks and see your total " "follower counts." msgstr "" "Sambungkan Jetpack Social ke berbagai akun media sosial populer dan cek " "jumlah pengikut total dengan mudah." msgid "" "See your WordPress & Email subscribers, and follow them back to build your " "community." msgstr "" "Lihat pelanggan WordPress & email Anda lalu ciptakan sebuah komunitas dengan " "menyapa mereka." msgid "Engage with your subscribers and view your social reach" msgstr "Bangun interaksi pelanggan dan ukur jangkauan media sosial Anda" msgid "" "Learn more about how Mark-Andrew uses Jetpack & WordPress " "within the skateboarding community." msgstr "" "Simak kisah lengkap Mark-Andrew dalam menggunakan Jetpack " "& WordPress di komunitas skateboard." msgid "" "Jetpack Stats gives you all the information you need to know without Google " "Analytics. This is all I need to know: who’s coming to my site, where on the " "web they’re coming from, and where in the world they’re coming from. That’s " "great for me." msgstr "" "Statistik Jetpack memberikan segala informasi yang Anda butuhkan tanpa " "Google Analytics. Inilah yang ingin saya tahu: siapa saja pengunjung situs " "saya, dan dari mana mereka berasal di dunia maya dan dunia nyata. Itu akan " "berguna bagi saya." msgid "View weekly and yearly trends with 7-day Highlights and Year in Review." msgstr "" "Lihat tren mingguan dan tahunan dengan Rangkuman Sepekan dan Kaleidoskop " "Tahunan." msgid "" "Easily keep track of your content creation habits & trends over the years." msgstr "" "Pantau dengan praktis perilaku & tren produksi konten selama beberapa tahun " "terakhir." msgid "" "See who is creating the most popular content on your team with our author " "metrics." msgstr "" "Cari tahu anggota tim yang kontennya paling populer dengan metrik penulis." msgid "Discover your top performing posts & pages." msgstr "Cek pos & halaman mana saja yang paling menarik." msgid "See what’s working with content performance metrics" msgstr "Kenali strategi terjitu dengan metrik performa konten" msgid "Measure link clicks, video plays, and file downloads within your site." msgstr "Cek berapa kali tautan diklik, video diputar, dan berkas diunduh." msgid "Discover what countries your visitors are coming from." msgstr "Ketahui asal negara pengunjung." msgid "Get detailed insights on the referrers that bring traffic to your site." msgstr "" "Gali informasi detail tentang pengarah yang menyalurkan pengunjung situs." msgid "Explore real-time data on visitors, likes, and comments." msgstr "" "Dapatkan data yang kaya secara real-time tentang pengunjung, suka, dan " "komentar." msgid "Tried and true visitor stats to help you understand your audience" msgstr "Statistik pengunjung yang telah teruji untuk membantu memahami audiens" msgid "Jetpack Stats is trusted by over 14.5 million people around the world." msgstr "Jetpack Stats telah dipercaya oleh 14,5 juta orang di seluruh dunia." msgid "" "With Jetpack Stats, you don’t need to be a data scientist to see how your " "site is performing." msgstr "" "Dengan Jetpack Stats, tak perlu jadi analis data profesional untuk memantau " "performa situs." msgid "Simple, yet powerful stats to grow your site" msgstr "Bangun situs dengan statistik sederhana nan berguna" msgid "Tap to add image" msgstr "Ketuk untuk menambahkan gambar" msgid "Staging site" msgstr "Situs staging" msgid "Manage staging site" msgstr "Kelola situs staging" msgid "Add staging site" msgstr "Tambah situs staging" msgid "Failed to add staging site: %(reason)s" msgstr "Gagal menambahkan situs staging: %(reason)s" msgid "Staging site added." msgstr "Situs staging ditambahkan." msgid "Sorry, you can not create another staging site for this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat membuat situs staging lagi untuk situs ini." msgid "Sorry, you can not create staging site for this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat membuat situs staging untuk situs ini." msgid "Enter the name of your business or project." msgstr "Tulis nama bisnis atau proyek Anda." msgid "What phrases would someone search on Google to find you?" msgstr "Kata kunci apa yang orang akan cari di Google untuk menemukan Anda?" msgid "Enter the name of your business or store." msgstr "Tulis nama bisnis atau toko Anda." msgid "Start a newsletter" msgstr "Mulai buat buletin" msgid "View individual products" msgstr "Lihat tiap produk" msgid "Get Jetpack %(productName)s" msgstr "Pakai Jetpack %(productName)s" msgid "Use + / - or simply drag the image to adjust it" msgstr "Gunakan tombol + / - atau tarik langsung gambar untuk menyesuaikannya" msgid "GST" msgstr "GST" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Keep my plan" msgstr "Pertahankan paket saya" msgid "Failed to install" msgstr "Pemasangan gagal" msgid "Installing" msgstr "Menginstal" msgid "Fast-motion video" msgstr "Video gerak cepat" msgid "Content recycling" msgstr "Daur ulang konten" msgid "Sharing to Facebook, LinkedIn, and Tumblr" msgstr "Berbagi ke Facebook, LinkedIn, dan Tumblr" msgid "Posting to multiple channels at once" msgstr "Mengunggah pos ke beberapa platform sekaligus" msgid "Optimized CSS loading" msgstr "CSS dioptimalkan pemuatannya" msgid "Deferred non-essential JavaScript" msgstr "JavaScript non-esensial ditunda pemuatannya" msgid "Flexible API" msgstr "API fleksibel" msgid "Akismet technology" msgstr "Teknologi Akismet" msgid "Manage your store anywhere with the free WooCommerce Mobile App." msgstr "" "Kelola toko dari mana saja lewat aplikasi seluler WooCommerce yang tersedia " "gratis." msgid "Manage your store on the go" msgstr "Kelola toko dari mana saja" msgid "Keep customizing your store appearance and make it stand out." msgstr "Sesuaikan desain toko semau Anda agar jadi yang paling menarik." msgid "Make your store stand out" msgstr "Buat toko semenarik mungkin" msgid "" "Set up one or more payment methods to make it easy for your customers to pay." msgstr "" "Hadirkan beberapa metode pembayaran agar pelanggan bisa membayar dengan " "lebih praktis." msgid "Provide a way to pay " msgstr "Sediakan metode pembayaran " msgid "Grow your customer base by reaching millions of engaged shoppers." msgstr "" "Jaring makin banyak pelanggan setia dengan menyasar jutaan prospek potensial." msgid "" "Enhance your brand and make your store more professional with a custom " "domain." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan reputasi brand dan hadirkan toko yang lebih profesional dengan " "domain kustom." msgid "Failed to check the theme activation status, please try again." msgstr "Pemeriksaan status aktivasi tema gagal. Harap coba kembali." msgid "The image already has the requested size." msgstr "Gambar telah memiliki ukuran yang ditentukan." msgid "Please check that the %s PHP extension is installed and enabled." msgstr "Mohon cek bahwa ekstensi PHP %s telah diinstal dan diaktifkan." msgid "" "There are more than 150 Woo meetups held all over the world! A great way to " "meet fellow store owners." msgstr "" "Lebih dari 150 pertemuan Woo telah diselenggarakan di seluruh dunia! Momen " "yang pas untuk bertemu sesama pemilik toko." msgid "Applying the finishing touches" msgstr "Memberikan sentuhan akhir" msgid "" "#FunWooFact: Did you know that Woo powers almost 4 million stores worldwide? " "You’re in good company." msgstr "" "#FunWooFact: Tahukah Anda bahwa ada WooCommerce di balik hampir 4 juta toko " "di seluruh dunia? Kami selalu ada untuk Anda." msgid "" "We will continue removing backups down to the most recent 7 days. If those " "backups are still over the storage limit, we will stop generating " "new backups. You will continue to have access to 7 days prior to " "when you hit the limit." msgstr "" "Kami akan terus menghapus cadangan hingga cadangan 7 hari terakhir. Jika " "cadangan tersebut masih melebihi batas ruang penyimpanan, kami akan " "berhenti membuat cadangan baru. Anda akan masih memiliki " "akses hingga 7 hari sebelumnya hingga saat Anda mencapai batas." msgid "" "Now that the limit has been reached, we’ll start removing your oldest " "backups to clear up storage space." msgstr "" "Karena telah mencapai batasnya, kami akan mulai menghapus cadangan terlama " "untuk mengosongkan ruang penyimpanan." msgid "" "When the limit has been reached, we’ll start removing your oldest backups to " "clear up storage space." msgstr "" "Setelah mencapai batasnya, kami akan mulai menghapus cadangan terlama untuk " "mengosongkan ruang penyimpanan." msgid "Add-on Storage (5TB)" msgstr "Add-on Storage (1TB)" msgid "Add-on Storage (3TB)" msgstr "Add-on Storage (1TB)" msgid "Get your logo" msgstr "Pesan logo Anda" msgid "" "A great logo signals competence, professionalism, and quality. For just $55, " "the Fiverr Logo Maker will improve your site’s look and reputation." msgstr "" "Kapabilitas, profesionalitas, dan kualitas dapat tercermin dari suatu logo. " "Hanya dengan $55, Fiverr Logo Maker siap mewujudkan identitas visual dan " "reputasi yang lebih baik bagi situs Anda." msgid "Grab a professionally designed logo in 10 minutes" msgstr "Dapatkan logo berdesain profesional hanya dalam 10 menit" msgctxt "Jetpack Backup Additional Storage" msgid "Backup Storage (5TB)" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan Cadangan (5TB)" msgid "Jetpack VaultPress Backup Add-on Storage (5TB)" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan Add-on Jetpack VaultPress Backup (5TB)" msgctxt "Jetpack Backup Additional Storage" msgid "Backup Storage (3TB)" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan Cadangan (3TB)" msgid "Jetpack VaultPress Backup Add-on Storage (3TB)" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan Add-on Jetpack VaultPress Backup (3TB)" msgid "Peace of mind starting at %1$s%2$0.2f per month" msgstr "Situs aman hanya dengan biaya mulai %1$s%2$0.2f per bulan" msgid "Try VaultPress Backup for %1$s%2$0.2f for the first month" msgstr "Coba VaultPress Backup seharga %1$s%2$0.2f untuk satu bulan pertama" msgid "" "WordAds is disabled for this site because it does not have an eligible plan. " "You are no longer earning ad revenue, but you can view your earning and " "payment history. To restore access to WordAds please upgrade to an eligible " "plan." msgstr "" "WordAds dinonaktifkan di situs ini karena tidak tersedia di paket yang " "digunakan situs. Anda tidak lagi memperoleh pendapatan dari iklan, tetapi " "riwayat pendapatan dan pembayaran masih dapat diakses. Untuk bergabung " "kembali ke WordAds, silakan upgrade ke paket yang sesuai." msgid "RoboHash (Generated)" msgstr "RoboHash (Dihasilkan)" msgid "Download logs" msgstr "Unduh log" msgid "Log type" msgstr "Jenis log:" msgid "Logs downloaded." msgstr "Log terunduh." msgid "Invalid log type specified" msgstr "Jenis log yang dimasukkan tidak valid" msgid "PHP error" msgstr "Eror PHP" msgid "Jetpack is unable to connect to this site" msgstr "Jetpack tidak dapat tersambung ke situs ini" msgid "No data in this period" msgstr "Tidak ada data dalam rentang waktu ini" msgid "" "Speed up your site and improve SEO with automatic critical CSS generation." msgstr "" "Percepat performa situs dan optimalkan SEO-nya dengan fitur pembuatan CSS " "utama secara otomatis." msgid "To install additional plugins, please upgrade to a paid plan." msgstr "Untuk memasang plugin lainnya, silakan upgrade ke paket berbayar." msgid "Connect a repository" msgstr "Hubungkan repositori" msgid "" "It’s easy to share your content with a wider audience by connecting your " "social media accounts to Jetpack Social: " msgstr "" "Anda bisa dengan lebih mudah membagikan konten ke audiens yang lebih luas " "dengan menghubungkan akun-akun media sosial ke Jetpack Social: " msgid "Enable Jetpack Social" msgstr "Aktifkan Jetpack Social" msgid "" "It’s easy to share your content with a wider audience by connecting your " "social media accounts to Jetpack Social. When you " "publish a post, it will automatically appear on all your favorite platforms. " "Best of all, it’s free!
Learn more." msgstr "" "Anda bisa dengan lebih mudah membagikan konten ke lebih banyak audiens " "dengan menghubungkan akun media sosial ke Jetpack Social. Pos yang Anda publikasikan akan muncul secara otomatis di semua platform " "favorit Anda. Yang terpenting, ini gratis.
Baca " "selengkapnya." msgid "Automatically share your site content on social media" msgstr "Bagikan konten situs Anda secara otomatis di media sosial" msgid "Save now" msgstr "Simpan sekarang" msgid "Renew your plan for 2 years and save %1$s%%" msgstr "Perpanjang paket selama 2 tahun dan hemat %1$s%%" msgid "Account not found" msgstr "Akun tidak ditemukan" msgid "Commerce solutions" msgstr "Solusi eCommerce" msgid "Jetpack Import unique identifier for the term." msgstr "ID unik Jetpack Import untuk tag." msgid "The parent category slug." msgstr "Slug kategori induk." msgid "Apple original transaction ID" msgstr "ID transaksi asli Apple" msgid "" "View takes you to a public author archive which lists all " "the posts published by the user." msgstr "" "Lihat membawa Anda ke arsip penulis publik yang " "mencantumkan semua pos yang diterbitkan oleh pengguna." msgid "We saved your post" msgstr "Pos Anda tersimpan" msgid "Oops, did you forget to publish your post?" msgstr "Waduh, lupa memublikasikan pos Anda?" msgid "Additional styles require the %(businessPlanName)s plan or higher." msgstr "" "Anda wajib memiliki paket %(businessPlanName)s atau yang lebih tinggi untuk " "menggunakan gaya tambahan." msgid "Connect repository" msgstr "Hubungkan repositori" msgid "Repository" msgstr "Direktori" msgid "Deploy from GitHub" msgstr "Luncurkan dari Github" msgid "" "Follow your favorite sites, save posts to read later, and get real-time " "notifications for likes and comments." msgstr "" "Ikuti situs kesukaan Anda, simpan pos untuk dibaca nanti, dan dapatkan " "pemberitahuan suka dan komentar secara real-time." msgid "Get the Jetpack app to use Reader anywhere, anytime" msgstr "" "Dapatkan aplikasi Jetpack untuk menggunakan Pembaca di mana saja dan kapan " "saja" msgid "" "Approve and reply to comments with real-time notifications right on your " "device." msgstr "" "Setujui dan balas komentar dengan pemberitahuan real-time di perangkat Anda." msgid "Reply faster with the Jetpack mobile app" msgstr "Balas lebih cepat dengan aplikasi seluler Jetpack" msgid "Bundle and save" msgstr "Paket hemat" msgid "Performance settings" msgstr "Pengaturan performa" msgid "You need additional storage to choose this setting." msgstr "Anda perlu penyimpanan tambahan untuk menggunakan pengaturan ini." msgid "" "Enhance %(siteSlug)s with Jetpack Security, Performance, and Growth tools" msgstr "" "Lengkapi %(siteSlug)s dengan berbagai alat pengaman, peningkat performa, dan " "pengembang situs dari Jetpack" msgid "" "Save time by auto-posting your content to social networks like Facebook, " "LinkedIn, and more." msgstr "" "Hemat waktu Anda dengan memposkan konten ke jejaring sosial seperti " "Facebook, LinkedIn, dan banyak lainnya. " msgid "" "Engage your visitors with high-quality, ad-free videos build specifically " "for WordPress." msgstr "" "Libatkan pengunjung Anda dengan video bebas iklan berkualitas tinggi yang " "dibuat khusus untuk WordPress." msgid "" "Protect your site from hackers and spam with automated backups, malware " "scanning, and spam filtering." msgstr "" "Lindungi situs Anda dari peretas dan spam dengan pencadangan otomatis, " "pemindaian malware, dan pemfilteran spam." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to access blogging prompts on this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan mengakses prompt blogging di situs ini." msgid "Gravatar URL for the user's avatar image." msgstr "URL Gravatar untuk gambar avatar pengguna." msgid "Sample of users who have answered the prompt." msgstr "Sampel pengguna yang telah menjawab prompt." msgid "Number of users who have answered the prompt." msgstr "Jumlah pengguna yang telah menjawab prompt." msgid "Whether the user has answered the prompt." msgstr "Apakah pengguna telah menjawab prompt atau belum." msgid "Source of the prompt, if known." msgstr "Sumber prompt, jika diketahui." msgid "The text of the prompt. May include html tags like ." msgstr "Teks prompt. Dapat memasukkan tag html seperti ." msgid "Show prompts before a given date." msgstr "Tampilkan prompt sebelum tanggal tertentu." msgid "Show prompts following a given date." msgstr "Tampilkan prompt setelah tanggal tertentu." msgid "Unique identifier for the prompt." msgstr "Identifikasi unik untuk prompt." msgid "%1$s is back online" msgstr "%1$s kembali online" msgid "URL available" msgstr "URL tersedia" msgid "%1$s is unresponsive" msgstr "%1$s tidak responsif" msgid "URL unavailable" msgstr "URL tidak tersedia" msgid "Collapse admin tools `P`" msgstr "Tutup alat admin `P`" msgid "Show admin tools `P`" msgstr "Tampilkan alat admin `P`" msgid "" "Download file downloads the original media file to your " "device." msgstr "" "Unduh berkas mengunduh berkas media asli ke perangkat Anda." msgid "Download “%s”" msgstr "Unduh “%s”" msgid "Add featured image" msgstr "Tambah gambar unggulan" msgid "Best for devs" msgstr "Terbaik untuk developer" msgid "Would you still like to downgrade your plan?" msgstr "Apakah Anda masih ingin mendowngrade paket Anda?" msgid "" "You cleared the object cache recently. Please wait a minute and try again." msgstr "" "Baru-baru ini Anda menghapus cache objek. Tunggulah beberapa menit, lalu " "coba lagi." msgid "" "The image CDN is disabled because your site is marked Private. If image " "thumbnails do not display in your Media Library, you can switch to Coming " "Soon mode. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "CDN gambar dinonaktifkan karena situs Anda dalam mode Personal. Jika " "thumbnail gambar tidak ditampilkan di Pustaka Media, Anda dapat beralih ke " "mode Segera Hadir. {{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "" "Cool! You are now subscribed. Now you can check your email for more details " "and how to manage the subscription." msgstr "" "Keren! Anda kini berlangganan. Periksa email untuk informasi selengkapnya " "dan cara mengelola langganan." msgid "" "It seems you already tried to subscribe. We just sent you another email so " "you can confirm the subscription." msgstr "" "Sepertinya Anda telah mencoba untuk berlangganan. Kami baru saja mengirimkan " "email lain agar Anda dapat mengonfirmasi langganan." msgid "Hey! You were already subscribed." msgstr "Hei! Anda sudah berlangganan." msgid "" "Sorry but this email has been blocked. It has too many subscriptions pending " "confirmation. Please confirm or unsubscribe some from the Subscriptions Manager." msgstr "" "Maaf email ini telah diblokir. Email tersebut memiliki terlalu banyak " "langganan yang belum dikonfirmasi. Harap konfirmasi atau hentikan langganan " "dari Pengelola Langganan." msgid "" "Oops! It seems you have several subscriptions pending confirmation. You can " "confirm or unsubscribe some from the Subscriptions Manager before adding more." msgstr "" "Waduh! Sepertinya Anda memiliki sejumlah langganan yang belum dikonfirmasi. " "Anda dapat mengonfirmasi atau menghentikan langganan dari Pengelola Langganan sebelum " "menambahkan langganan lain." msgid "" "Sorry but this email has been blocked for this subscription. Contact us if needed." msgstr "" "Maaf email ini telah diblokir untuk langganan ini. Hubungi kami jika diperlukan." msgid "Thank you! You can now check your email to confirm your subscription." msgstr "Terima kasih! Periksa email untuk mengonfirmasi langganan Anda." msgid "Oops! There was an error when subscribing. Please try again." msgstr "Waduh! Terjadi kesalahan saat berlangganan. Harap coba lagi." msgid "" "It seems you already tried to subscribe with this email, but have not " "confirmed from the email link we sent. Please check your email inbox to " "confirm or you can manage your preferences from the Subscriptions " "Manager." msgstr "" "Sepertinya Anda telah mencoba berlangganan menggunakan email ini tetapi " "konfirmasi belum dilakukan lewat tautan di email yang kami kirimkan. Harap " "periksa inbox email Anda untuk mengonfirmasi langganan, atau kelola " "preferensi dari Pengelola Langganan." msgid "" "Oops! It seems you have several subscriptions pending confirmation. You can " "confirm or unsubscribe some from the Subscriptions Manager before " "adding more." msgstr "" "Waduh! Sepertinya Anda memiliki sejumlah langganan yang belum dikonfirmasi. " "Anda dapat mengonfirmasi atau menghentikan langganan dari Pengelola " "Langganan sebelum menambahkan langganan lain." msgid "" "You have already subscribed to this site. Please check your email inbox. You " "can manage your preferences from the Subscriptions Manager." msgstr "" "Anda sudah berlangganan situs ini. Harap periksa inbox email Anda. Anda " "dapat mengelola preferensi dari Pengelola Langganan." msgid "Subscriptions Manager" msgstr "Pengelola Langganan" msgid "" "Oops! It seems that the email you used has opted out of subscriptions. You " "can manage your preferences from the Subscriptions Manager" msgstr "" "Waduh! Sepertinya Anda telah menghentikan langganan dengan email ini. Anda " "dapat mengelola preferensi dari Pengelola Langganan." msgid "Oops! The email you used is invalid. Please try again." msgstr "Waduh! Email yang Anda gunakan tidak valid. Harap coba lagi." msgid "" "Our support team is here to help you with any questions or concerns you may " "have. If you need assistance with your website, troubleshooting an issue, or " "have any feedback to share, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Thank " "you for choosing as your website platform. We look forward to " "assisting you!" msgstr "" "Tim dukungan kami siap menanggapi pertanyaan atau keluhan Anda. Jangan ragu " "untuk menghubungi kami jika Anda butuh bantuan untuk menangani situs dan " "memecahkan masalah atau ingin memberikan feedback. Terima kasih telah " "memilih sebagai platform situs Anda. Kami siap membantu Anda!" msgid "There are no recent topics." msgstr "Tidak ada topik terkini." msgid "SSH access" msgstr "Akses SSH" msgid "Database access" msgstr "Akses database" msgid "Pay Annually (Save %(percentageSavings)s%%)" msgstr "Bayar Tahunan (Hemat %(percentageSavings)s%%)" msgid "Download for Mac (Apple Silicon)" msgstr "Unduh Aplikasi untuk Mac (Apple Silicon)" msgid "" "Unable to apply introductory offer to %s because the introductory offer was " "used for a lower version of this product." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat menerapkan penawaran perkenalan untuk %s karena penawaran " "perkenalan telah digunakan untuk versi lebih rendah produk ini." msgid "Congrats, your site is live!" msgstr "Selamat, situs Anda sudah aktif!" msgid "Your free domain name is waiting." msgstr "Nama domain gratis menanti Anda." msgid "You have a free, unclaimed domain name!" msgstr "Anda memiliki nama domain gratis yang belum digunakan!" msgid "" "Social: Get unlimited shares and share as a post by attaching images or " "videos." msgstr "" "Sosial: Bagikan ke media sosial kapan pun tanpa batas dan bagikan sebagai " "pos dengan melampirkan gambar atau video." msgid "For each new post email, include" msgstr "Setiap e-mail pos baru, termasuk" msgid "These settings change the emails sent from your site to your readers" msgstr "" "Pengaturan berikut mengubah e-mail yang dikirim dari situs Anda ke pembaca " "Anda" msgid "Add a team member" msgstr "Tambah anggkota tim" msgid "You have %(number)d team member" msgid_plural "You have %(number)d team members" msgstr[0] "Anda memiliki %(number)d anggota tim" msgstr[1] "Anda memiliki %(number)d anggota tim" msgid "%(number)d Person Matching {{em}}\"%(searchTerm)s\"{{/em}}" msgid_plural "%(number)d People Matching {{em}}\"%(searchTerm)s\"{{/em}}" msgstr[0] "%(number)d Orang Cocok {{em}}\"%(searchTerm)s\"{{/em}}" msgstr[1] "%(number)d Orang Cocok {{em}}\"%(searchTerm)s\"{{/em}}" msgid "Send invitation" msgstr "Kirim undangan" msgid "This message will be sent along with invitation emails." msgstr "Pesan ini akan dikirim bersama e-mail undangan." msgid "+ Add a message" msgstr "+ Tambah pesan" msgid "Add another email or username" msgstr "Tambahkan e-mail atau nama pengguna baru" msgid "Add team members to %(sitename)s" msgstr "Tambah anggota tim ke %(sitename)s" msgid "Oops, something went wrong with the form validation." msgstr "Maaf, ada kendala dengan validasi formulir." msgid "" "Invite subscribers and team members to your site and manage their access " "settings. {{learnMore}}Learn more{{/learnMore}}." msgstr "" "Undang pelanggan dan anggota tim ke situs Anda dan kelola pengaturan akses " "mereka. {{learnMore}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMore}}." msgid "Download email subscribers as CSV" msgstr "Unduh pelanggan e-mail dalam CSV" msgid "You have %(number)d subscriber" msgid_plural "You have %(number)d subscribers" msgstr[0] "Anda memiliki %(number)d pelanggan" msgstr[1] "Anda memiliki %(number)d pelanggan" msgid "Subscriber since" msgstr "Berlangganan sejak" msgid "" "Removing email subscribers makes them stop receiving updates from your site." msgstr "" "Menghapus pelanggan e-mail membuat mereka berhenti menerima pembaruan dari " "situs Anda." msgid "Search by email…" msgstr "Cari berdasarkan e-mail..." msgid "" "Test mode: use the test account number " "AT611904300234573201. Other payment methods may redirect to a Stripe test " "page to authorize payment. More test card numbers are listed here." msgstr "" "Mode pengujian: gunakan nomor akun pengujian " "AT611904300234573201. Metode pembayaran lain mungkin akan mengalihkan Anda " "ke halaman pengujian Stripe untuk mengotorisasi pembayaran. Nomor kartu " "pengujian lainnya tercantum di sini." msgid "" "Test mode: use the test account number 000123456. Other " "payment methods may redirect to a Stripe test page to authorize payment. " "More test card numbers are listed here." msgstr "" "Mode pengujian: gunakan nomor akun pengujian 000123456. " "Metode pembayaran lain mungkin akan mengalihkan Anda ke halaman pengujian " "Stripe untuk mengotorisasi pembayaran. Nomor kartu pengujian lainnya " "tercantum di sini." msgid "Unlock access to 50,000+ plugins, design templates, and integrations." msgstr "" "Dapatkan akses ke 50.000+ add-on, template desain, dan integrasi eksternal." msgid "Update settings failed. Please, try again." msgstr "Gagal memperbarui pengaturan. Mohon, coba lagi." msgid "" "You have successfully changed the time period of saved backups to %(days)d " "days" msgstr "" "Anda telah berhasil mengubah jangka waktu cadangan yang disimpan menjadi " "%(days)d hari" msgid "Click here to get started" msgstr "Klik di sini untuk memulai" msgid "Already have an existing plan or license key? " msgstr "Sudah memiliki paket atau kode lisensi yang sudah ada?" msgid "%(storageInBytes)dTB" msgstr "%(storageInBytes)dTB" msgid "%(storageInBytes).1fGB" msgstr "%(storageInBytes).1fGB" msgid "%(storageInBytes)dGB" msgstr "%(storageInBytes)dGB" msgid "Upgrade required" msgstr "Memerlukan upgrade" msgid "Space needed:" msgstr "Ruang dibutuhkan:" msgid "" "You can manage the storage used by changing how many days of backups will be " "saved." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengelola penyimpanan yang digunakan dengan mengubah berapa hari " "cadangan akan disimpan." msgid "" "You are about to reduce the number of days your backups are being saved. " "Backups older than %(retentionDays)s days will be lost." msgstr "" "Anda akan mengurangi jumlah hari penyimpanan cadangan Anda. Cadangan yang " "lebih lama dari %(retentionDays)s hari akan hilang." msgid "Confirm change" msgstr "Konfirmasi perubahan" msgid "Select the number of days you would like your backups to be saved." msgstr "Pilih jumlah hari yang Anda inginkan untuk menyimpan cadangan Anda." msgid "Space included in plan" msgstr "Ruang tercakup dalam paket" msgid "Current site size*" msgstr "Ukuran situs saai ini*" msgid "Days of backups saved" msgstr "Hari cadangan disimpan" msgid "120 days" msgstr "120 hari" msgid "Total subscribers" msgstr "Total pelanggan" msgid "No subscribers recorded" msgstr "Tidak ada pelanggan" msgid " and Jetpack logo" msgstr "Logo dan Jetpack" msgid "" "Manage the RMA process, add warranties to products and let customers request/" "manage returns from their account." msgstr "" "Kelola proses RMA, tambahkan garansi produk, dan izinkan pelanggan meminta/" "mengelola pengembalian dari akun mereka." msgid "Simplify returns and exchanges" msgstr "Sederhanakan pengembalian dan penukaran" msgid "Restrict shipping and payment options using conditional logic." msgstr "Batasi opsi pengiriman dan pembayaran menggunakan logika kondisional." msgid "Set conditional shipping" msgstr "Tetapkan pengiriman bersyarat" msgid "" "Define multiple shipping rates based on location, price, weight, or other " "criteria." msgstr "" "Tentukan ragam tarif pengiriman berdasarkan lokasi, harga, berat, atau " "kriteria lainnya." msgid "Customize shipping rates" msgstr "Sesuaikan tarif pengiriman" msgid "Provide customers with an easy way to track their shipment." msgstr "" "Sediakan cara mudah bagi pelanggan untuk melacak pengiriman pesanan mereka." msgid "Offer shipment tracking" msgstr "Aktifkan pelacakan pengiriman" msgid "Print shipping labels from your store to save time and money." msgstr "Cetak label pengiriman dari toko Anda untuk menghemat waktu dan uang." msgid "Streamline your fulfillment with integrated shipping." msgstr "Hemat waktu Anda dengan fitur pengiriman terintegrasi." msgid "Keep your loyal customers loyal with a rewards program." msgstr "Pertahankan pelanggan setia Anda dengan program hadiah." msgid "Drive loyalty" msgstr "Bangun loyalitas" msgid "" "Automatically email your customers a birthday discount to keep them coming " "back." msgstr "" "Kirim e-mail diskon ulang tahun kepada pelanggan Anda secara otomatis agar " "mereka kembali lagi." msgid "Send birthday coupons" msgstr "Kirim kupon ulang tahun" msgid "Offer free gifts or coupons when your customers refer new shoppers." msgstr "" "Tawarkan hadiah atau kupon gratis saat pelanggan Anda merujuk pembeli baru." msgid "Encourage referrals" msgstr "Pikat referral" msgid "" "Drive more sales by automatically emailing customers who leave your store " "without checking out." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan penjualan dengan mengirim e-mail secara otomatis kepada pelanggan " "yang meninggalkan toko Anda tanpa melakukan checkout." msgid "Recover abandoned carts" msgstr "Pulihkan cart yang ditinggalkan" msgid "Build custom email automations to keep customers and prospects engaged." msgstr "" "Bangun otomatisasi e-mail khusus untuk mempertahankan pelanggan dan menarik " "calon pembeli." msgid "Automate your marketing" msgstr "Otomatiskan pemasaran Anda" msgid "" "Promote and sell your products on popular social media platforms and " "marketplaces." msgstr "" "Promosikan dan jual produk Anda di platform dan marketplace media sosial " "populer." msgid "Sell everywhere" msgstr "Jual di mana pun" msgid "" "Optimize your store for sales by adding in email and social integrations." msgstr "" "Optimalkan toko Anda untuk penjualan dengan menambahkan e-mail dan integrasi " "sosial." msgid "Marketing and growth" msgstr "Pemasaran dan pertumbuhan" msgid "" "Streamline your checkout and boost conversions with the Cart and Checkout " "blocks." msgstr "" "Sederhanakan pembayaran Anda dan tingkatkan konversi dengan blok Keranjang " "dan Checkout." msgid "Cart and checkout optimization" msgstr "Pengoptimalan keranjang dan checkout" msgid "Take control over your store's layout without touching a line of code." msgstr "Kendalikan tata letak toko Anda tanpa menyentuh sebaris kode pun." msgid "Block-based templates" msgstr "Template berbasis blok" msgid "Tap into a diverse selection of beautifully designed premium themes." msgstr "Pilih beragam pilihan tema premium yang dirancang dengan menawan." msgid "Bring your brand to life with a fully customizable storefront." msgstr "Hidupkan merek Anda dengan etalase yang sepenuhnya dapat disesuaikan." msgid "Let customers order products before they’re available." msgstr "Izinkan pelanggan memesan produk sebelum tersedia." msgid "Take pre-orders" msgstr "Terima prepesan" msgid "" "Earn more revenue with automated upsell and cross-sell product " "recommendations." msgstr "" "Dapatkan lebih banyak pendapatan dengan rekomendasi produk upsell dan cross-" "sell otomatis." msgid "Product recommendations" msgstr "Rekomendasi produk" msgid "Add any number of images to your product variations." msgstr "Tambahkan gambar berapa pun ke variasi produk Anda." msgid "Unlimited images" msgstr "Gambar tidak terbatas" msgid "Enable gift wrapping/messages or custom pricing." msgstr "Aktifkan pembungkus kado/pesan atau harga khusus." msgid "Sell product add-ons" msgstr "Jual add-on produk" msgid "Import, merge, and export products using a CSV file." msgstr "Impor, gabungkan, dan ekspor produk menggunakan file CSV." msgid "Import your products via CSV" msgstr "Impor produk Anda via CSV" msgid "" "Use Composite Products to add product kit building functionality with " "inventory management." msgstr "" "Gunakan Produk Komposit untuk menambahkan fungsionalitas pembuatan kit " "produk dengan manajemen inventaris." msgid "Offer customizable product kits" msgstr "Tawarkan kit produk yang dapat disesuaikan" msgid "Offer personalized product packages and bulk discounts." msgstr "Tawarkan paket produk untuk keperluan khusus dan diskon massal." msgid "Sell product bundles" msgstr "Jual bundel produk" msgid "Specify min and max allowed product quantities for orders." msgstr "" "Tentukan jumlah produk minimum dan maksimum yang diizinkan untuk dipesan." msgid "Set order limits" msgstr "Atur batasan pemesanan" msgid "Notify customers when your products are restocked." msgstr "Beritahu pelanggan saat stok produk Anda tersedia kembali." msgid "Send back in stock notifications" msgstr "Kirim ulang pemberitahuan back in stock" msgid "Sell and accept pre-paid, multi-purpose e-gift vouchers." msgstr "Jual dan terima voucher e-gift pra-bayar dan serbaguna." msgid "Offer gift cards" msgstr "Tawarkan gift card" msgid "Add unlimited products to your store." msgstr "Tambahkan produk tidak terbatas di toko Anda." msgid "Simplify the way you manage, sell and promote your products." msgstr "" "Sederhanakan cara Anda mengelola, menjual, dan mempromosikan produk Anda." msgid "Product management" msgstr "Pengelolaan produk" msgid "" "Use a mobile card reader to take payments in a store, at a popup, or " "wherever your business takes you." msgstr "" "Gunakan mobile card reader untuk menerima pembayaran di toko, bazar, atau di " "mana pun bisnis Anda berada." msgid "Sell in person" msgstr "Jual langsung" msgid "" "Automatically calculate how much sales tax should be collected at checkout." msgstr "" "Hitung otomatis berapa banyak pajak penjualan yang harus disetorkan saat " "checkout." msgid "Automate tax collection" msgstr "Setoran pajak otomatis" msgid "" "Add a subscription for any product or service, including the ability to set " "subscription discounts, signup fees, free trials, or expiration periods." msgstr "" "Tambahkan langganan untuk produk atau layanan apa pun, termasuk kemampuan " "untuk menetapkan diskon langganan, biaya pendaftaran, uji coba gratis, atau " "periode kedaluwarsa." msgid "Offer subscriptions" msgstr "Tawarkan langganan" msgid "Get paid in more than 100 currencies from all over the world." msgstr "Terima pembayaran dalam lebih dari 100 mata uang dari seluruh dunia." msgid "Sell in over 60 countries" msgstr "Jual di lebih dari 60 negara" msgid "" "Accept all major credit and debit cards, plus popular options like Apple Pay " "and Google Pay." msgstr "" "Terima semua kartu kredit dan debit utama, plus opsi populer seperti Apple " "Pay dan Google Pay." msgid "Give your customers more ways to pay." msgstr "Sediakan beragam cara pembayaran untuk pelanggan Anda." msgid "Quickly and easily accept payments." msgstr "Terima pembayaran secara cepat dan mudah." msgid "Add as many staff accounts as you need to help run your business." msgstr "" "Buat akun staf sebanyak yang Anda butuhkan untuk membantu menjalankan bisnis " "Anda." msgid "Have unlimited admin accounts" msgstr "Miliki akun admin tidak terbatas" msgid "Get support 24/7" msgstr "Dapatkan bantuan setiap saat (24/7)" msgid "" "Process orders and manage your store anywhere with the WooCommerce Mobile " "App." msgstr "" "Proses pesanan dan kelola toko Anda di mana saja dengan Aplikasi Ponsel " "WooCommerce." msgid "Manage on the go" msgstr "Kelola dari mana saja" msgid "" "Your store includes everything you need to launch quickly and grow over time " "– all in one turnkey package." msgstr "" "Toko Anda mencakup semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk diluncurkan dengan cepat " "dan berkembang seiring waktu – semuanya dalam satu paket siap pakai." msgid "Sell the simple way" msgstr "Berjualan dengan mudah" msgid "Everything you need to grow your business." msgstr "Apa pun yang Anda butuhkan untuk mengembangkan bisnis Anda." msgid "Our flexible LMS to power your online courses" msgstr "LMS kami yang fleksibel untuk mendukung kursus online Anda" msgid "Stats for Emails" msgstr "Statistik untuk E-mail" msgid "Failed to save your content. Please check your internet connection." msgstr "Gagal menyimpan konten Anda. Mohon periksa koneksi internet Anda." msgid "Changes saved successfully!" msgstr "Perubahan berhasil disimpan!" msgid "" "Contact us at any time if you need assistance with Jetpack." msgstr "" "Hubungi kami kapan pun Anda butuh bantuan tentang Jetpack." msgid "" "Contact us at any time if you need assistance with Jetpack." msgstr "" "Hubungi kami kapan pun Anda butuh bantuan tentang Jetpack." msgid "" "If you haven’t done so already, download Jetpack or install it directly from " "your site by following the instructions we put together here." msgstr "" "Jika belum melakukannya, unduh Jetpack atau instal Jetpack langsung dari " "situs Anda dengan mengikuti petunjuk yang kami kumpulkan di sini." msgid "" "Additionally, you can find the %1$s plugin in the plugins directory." msgstr "" "Anda juga dapat menemukan %1$s plugin di direktori plugin" msgid "" "Select “Add new plugin”, then search for %1$s, install, and " "activate." msgstr "" "Pilih “Tambah plugin baru”, cari %1$s, instal, lalu " "aktifkan." msgid "" "Select “Plugins > Add New Plugin”, then search for %1$s, " "install, and activate." msgstr "" "Pilih “Plugin > Tambahkan Plugin Baru”, lalu cari %1$s, " "instal, dan aktifkan." msgid "Thanks for purchasing %1$s %2$s days ago, on %3$s." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah membeli %1$s %2$s hari yang lalu pada " "%3$s." msgid "Accelerate your growth with advanced features." msgstr "Percepat pertumbuhan Anda dengan fitur tingkat lanjut." msgid "" "Please do not reply to this email — it is an unmonitored mailbox. If you " "have any questions, please contact us at" msgstr "" "Jangan balas email ini — mailbox ini di luar pemantauan. Jika ada " "pertanyaan, hubungi kami di" msgctxt "product name shown in menu" msgid "Jetpack Manage" msgstr "Jetpack Manage" msgid "Jetpack Forms" msgstr "Formulir Jetpack" msgid "" "We are writing to inform you that we will start to charge sales tax on %1$s, " "in accordance with the tax rules of the state you entered with your payment " "method. This update will take place the next time you renew your " "subscription." msgstr "" "Kami informasikan bahwa pajak penjualan akan mulai dikenakan pada %1$s, " "sesuai dengan peraturan pajak yang berlaku di negara yang Anda masukkan " "bersama data metode pembayaran Anda. Ketentuan baru ini akan mulai berlaku " "pada perpanjangan langganan berikutnya." msgid "" "You failed to correctly answer the math problem. This is " "used to combat spam when Jetpack’s Brute Force Attack Protection API is " "unavailable. Please use your browser’s back button to return to the login " "form, press the \"refresh\" button to generate a new math problem, and try " "to log in again." msgstr "" "Anda tidak berhasil menjawab dengan benar soal matematika tersebut. Ini digunakan untuk memerangi spam saat API Perlindungan dari " "Serangan Paksa di Jetpack tidak tersedia. Harap gunakan tombol kembali pada " "browser untuk kembali ke formulir masuk, dan tekan tombol \"refresh\" untuk " "membuat soal matematika baru, dan coba masuk lagi." msgid "Response Date" msgstr "Tanggal Respons" msgid "" "Upgrade your free trial to launch your store and get the next-level features " "you need to grow." msgstr "" "Upgrade uji coba gratis Anda untuk meluncurkan toko Anda dan mendapatkan " "fitur-fitur tingkat lanjut yang Anda perlukan untuk berkembang." msgid "Ready to start selling?" msgstr "Siap memulai berjualan?" msgid "" "Your free trial has expired. Upgrade to a plan to unlock new features and " "start selling." msgstr "" "Uji coba gratis Anda telah kedaluwarsa. Upgrade ke salah satu paket untuk " "mengakses fitur-fitur baru dan mulailah berjualan." msgid "" "Customize your shipping rates, print labels right from your store, and more." msgstr "" "Sesuaikan tarif pengiriman Anda, cetak label langsung dari toko Anda, dan " "lainnya." msgid "" "Get access to email features that let you communicate with your customers " "and prospects." msgstr "" "Dapatkan akses ke fitur e-mail yang memungkinkan Anda berkomunikasi dengan " "pelanggan dan calon pembeli." msgid "" "Advertise and sell on popular marketplaces and social media platforms using " "your product catalog." msgstr "" "Iklankan dan jual di platform marketplace dan media sosial paling populer " "menggunakan katalog produk Anda." msgid "Once you upgrade, you can publish your store and start taking orders." msgstr "" "Setelah Anda melakukan upgrade, Anda dapat memublikasikan toko Anda dan " "mulailah menerima pesanan." msgid "We take care of hosting your store so you can focus on selling." msgstr "Kami menjamin hosting toko Anda agar Anda dapat fokus berjualan." msgid "" "Change your store's look and feel, update your cart and checkout pages, and " "more." msgstr "" "Ubah tampilan dan nuansa toko Anda, perbarui halaman keranjang, checkout, " "dan lainnya." msgid "Simple customization" msgstr "Mudah disesuaikan" msgid "Choose from a wide selection of beautifully designed themes." msgstr "Pilih dari beragam koleksi tema yang didesain dengan menawan." msgid "Too many bookmarks: cannot create any more." msgstr "Terlalu banyak bookmark: tidak dapat menambah lagi." msgid "The block types which can use this pattern." msgstr "Jenis blok yang dapat menggunakan pola ini." msgid "Email clicks" msgstr "E-mail diklik" msgid "Email opens" msgstr "E-mail terbuka" msgid "Sensei LMS Certificates will be installed for free." msgstr "Sensei LMS Certificates akan diinstal secara gratis." msgid "Latest Emails" msgstr "E-mail Terbaru" msgid "" "Please note that this will only apply to purchases through or " ", and does not apply to purchases through the Jetpack Pro " "Dashboard." msgstr "" "Perhatikan bahwa hal ini hanya berlaku untuk pembelian melalui " "atau, dan tidak berlaku untuk pembelian melalui Dasbor Jetpack " "Pro." msgid "Latest post" msgstr "Pos terbaru" msgid "%(fourteen)d days {{vs/}} %(seven)d days" msgstr "%(fourteen)d hari {{vs/}} %(seven)d hari" msgid "Trends shown are in comparison to the previous 7 days before that." msgstr "Tren yang ditampilkan dibandingkan dengan 7 hari sebelumnya." msgid "Highlights displayed are for the last 7 days, excluding today." msgstr "" "Sorotan yang ditampilkan adalah untuk 7 hari terakhir, tidak termasuk hari " "ini." msgid "Paid subscribers" msgstr "Pelanggan berbayar" msgid "No subscribers" msgstr "Tidak ada pelanggan" msgid "Comments Subscribers" msgstr "Pelanggan Komentar" msgid "Mobile device screenshot samples of the Videomaker theme." msgstr "Contoh tangkapan layar perangkat seluler dari tema Videomaker." msgid "{{a}}Or learn more about VideoPress.{{/a}}" msgstr "{{a}}Atau pelajari lebih lanjut tentang VideoPress.{{/a}}" msgid "Up to 200GB of storage and your own domain for a year." msgstr "" "Penyimpanan hingga 200GB dan gratis domain Anda sendiri selama setahun." msgid "Upload videos directly to your site using the WordPress editor." msgstr "Unggah video langsung ke situs Anda menggunakan editor WordPress." msgid "Unbranded, ad-free, customizable {{a}}VideoPress{{/a}} player." msgstr "" "Pemutar {{a}}VideoPress{{/a}} yang tanpa menampilkan merek, bebas iklan, dan " "dapat disesuaikan." msgid "{{a}}Videomaker{{/a}}, a premium theme optimized to display videos." msgstr "" "{{a}}Videomaker{{/a}}, tema premium yang dioptimalkan untuk menampilkan " "video." msgid "" "Create a site with everything you need to share your videos " "with the world." msgstr "" "Buat situs dengan semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk berbagi video " "dengan siapa pun di dunia." msgid "Your video site, with no hassle." msgstr "Situs video Anda, tanpa repot." msgid "" "Please do not reply to this email — it is an unmonitored mailbox. If you " "have any questions, you can contact us at: " msgstr "" "Jangan balas email ini — mailbox ini di luar pemantauan. Jika ada " "pertanyaan, hubungi kami di: " msgid "Thanks for being a Jetpack customer." msgstr "Terima kasih sudah menjadi pelanggan Jetpack." msgid "An update to your Jetpack account" msgstr "Pembaruan di akun Jetpack Anda" msgid "Go to Sensei Home" msgstr "Buka Beranda Sensei" msgid "Customize your course templates, create your first course, and more!" msgstr "Sesuaikan template kursus Anda, buat kursus pertama Anda, dan lainnya!" msgid "Finish Sensei setup" msgstr "Selesaikan penyiapan Sensei" msgid "your domain name" msgstr "nama domain Anda" msgid "⚠️ There is no data before 2022-11-24 for the email stats" msgstr "⚠️ Tidak ada data sebelum 24-11-2022 untuk statistik e-mail" msgid "Security, performance and growth tools made by the WordPress experts." msgstr "" "Peralatan keamanan, performa, dan perkembangan buatan dari para pakar " "WordPress." msgid "The trusted choice for enterprise WordPress hosting." msgstr "Pilihan tepercaya untuk hosting WordPress perusahaan." msgid "Make your online store a reality with the power of WooCommerce." msgstr "Buat toko online Anda menjadi nyata dengan tekonologi WooCommerce." msgid "" "WP Cloud gives you the tools you need to add scalable, highly available, " "extremely fast WordPress hosting." msgstr "" "WP Cloud memberi Anda alat yang Anda perlukan untuk meningkatkan hosting " "WordPress yang dapat diskalakan, selalu aktif, dan sangat cepat." msgid "for the first month, then %(original_price)s /month, billed yearly" msgid_plural "" "for the first %(months)d months, then %(original_price)s /month, billed " "yearly" msgstr[0] "" "untuk bulan pertama, kemudian %(original_price)s /bulan, penagihan tahunan" msgstr[1] "" "untuk bulan %(months)d, kemudian %(original_price)s /bulan, penagihan tahunan" msgid "for the first month, then %(original_price)s /month, billed monthly" msgid_plural "" "for the first %(months)d months, then %(original_price)s /month, billed " "monthly" msgstr[0] "" "untuk bulan pertama, kemudian %(original_price)s /bulan, penagihan bulanan" msgstr[1] "" "untuk bulan %(months)d, kemudian %(original_price)s /bulan, penagihan bulanan" msgid "There is no bandwidth limit." msgstr "Tidak ada batasan bandwidth." msgid "Is there a bandwith limit?" msgstr "Apakah ada batasan bandwidth?" msgid "You are now subscribed to %1$s as %2$s" msgstr "Kini Anda berlangganan %1$s sebagai %2$s" msgid "This will be your account." msgstr "Ini akan menjadi akun Anda." msgid "Continue to pay" msgstr "Lanjut untuk membayar" msgid "Tips for getting the most out of WooPay." msgstr "Kiat menggunakan WooPay lebih maksimal." msgid "WooPay Marketing" msgstr "WooPay Marketing" msgid "" "Select your goals for offering courses, and we will help you set everything " "up." msgstr "" "Pilih target Anda untuk menawarkan kursus, dan kami akan membantu Anda " "menyiapkan semuanya." msgid "Choose the purpose of your site" msgstr "Pilih target situs Anda" msgid "Train employees" msgstr "Pelatihan karyawan" msgid "Educate students" msgstr "Edukasi siswa" msgid "Provide certification" msgstr "Sediakan sertifikasi" msgid "Sell courses and generate income" msgstr "Jual kursus dan dapatkan pendapatan" msgid "" "Expects %1$d numbers, no letters or special characters. Please use the %2$s " "format." msgstr "" "Membutuhkan %1$d angka, tanpa huruf atau karakter khusus. Silakan gunakan " "format %2$s." msgid "Finish setting it up" msgstr "Selesaikan penyiapan" msgid "" "Your copied site is almost there. You can finish setting it up any time " "you’re ready." msgstr "" "Salinan situs Anda hampir selesai. Anda dapat menyelesaikan penyiapan kapan " "pun Anda mau." msgid "Ready to finish copying your site?" msgstr "Siap menyelesikan penyalinan situs Anda?" msgid "" "The Jetpack Social Advanced plan is currently in a Beta state and not yet " "fully developed so the current price is half of the regular price. Enjoy " "using the plan at this discounted rate for the next year while we continue " "to develop the features." msgstr "" "Paket Jetpack Social Advanced saat ini dalam status Beta dan belum " "sepenuhnya dikembangkan sehingga harga saat ini setengah dari harga reguler. " "Nikmati penggunaan paket dengan tarif diskon ini untuk tahun depan. " "Sementara kami saat ini terus mengembangkan fitur-fiturnya." msgid "What’s included in your free trial" msgstr "Yang Anda dapatkan selama uji coba gratis" msgid "day left in trial" msgid_plural "days left in trial" msgstr[0] "hari lagi dalam masa percobaan" msgstr[1] "hari lagi dalam masa percobaan" msgid "" "Your free trial will end in %(daysLeft)d day. Upgrade to a plan by " "%(expirationdate)s to unlock new features and start selling." msgid_plural "" "Your free trial will end in %(daysLeft)d days. Upgrade to a plan by " "%(expirationdate)s to unlock new features and start selling." msgstr[0] "" "Uji coba gratis Anda akan berakhir dalam %(daysLeft)d hari. Upgrade ke salah " "satu paket sebelum %(expirationdate)s untuk mengakses fitur-fitur baru dan " "mulailah berjualan." msgstr[1] "" "Uji coba gratis Anda akan berakhir dalam %(daysLeft)d hari. Upgrade ke salah " "satu paket sebelum %(expirationdate)s untuk mengakses fitur-fitur baru dan " "mulailah berjualan." msgid "You’re in a free trial" msgstr "Anda dalam masa uji coba gratis" msgid "Integrate top shipping carriers" msgstr "Integrasikan jasa ekspedisi terkemuka" msgid "Promote your products" msgstr "Promosikan produk Anda" msgid "Connect with your customers" msgstr "Terhubung dengan pelanggan Anda" msgid "Access to all premium themes" msgstr "Akses ke semua tema premium" msgid "Launch your store to the world" msgstr "Luncurkan toko Anda" msgid "Increase visibility" msgstr "Tingkatkan visibilitas" msgid "" "Boost traffic with tools that make your content more findable on search " "engines." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan traffic dengan alat yang menjadikan konten Anda mudah ditemukan " "di mesin pencari." msgid "Get auto real-time backups, malware scans, and spam protection." msgstr "" "Dapatkan pencadangan real-time otomatis, pemindaian malware, dan " "perlindungan terhadap spam." msgid "" "Create as many products or services as you'd like, including subscriptions." msgstr "Buat berapa pun barang atau jasa yang Anda suka, termasuk langganan." msgid "Unlimited products" msgstr "Produk tak terbatas" msgid "Design your store" msgstr "Desain toko Anda" msgid "Need help? Reach out to us anytime, anywhere." msgstr "Butuh bantuan? Hubungi kami kapan pun dan di mana pun." msgid "His Majesty the King" msgstr "Yang Mulia Raja" msgid "Tools for store management and growth" msgstr "Alat untuk manajemen dan pertumbuhan toko" msgid "Included in ecommerce plans:" msgstr "Disertakan dalam paket e-commerce:" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Wide blocks" msgstr "Blok lebar" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Template editing" msgstr "Pengeditan templat" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Editor style" msgstr "Gaya editor" msgid "Your copied site \"%s\" is ready!" msgstr "Situs salinan Anda \"%s\" sudah siap!" msgid "Akismet Enterprise (2M+ requests/month)" msgstr "Akismet Enterprise (lebih dari 2M permintaan/bulan)" msgid "Akismet Enterprise (2M requests/month)" msgstr "Akismet Enterprise (2M permintaan/bulan)" msgid "Akismet Enterprise (350K requests/month)" msgstr "Akismet Enterprise (350K permintaan/bulan)" msgid "" "Bulletproof spam protection for large networks or multisite installations." msgstr "" "Perlindungan ampuh dari spam untuk jaringan besar atau instalasi multisitus." msgctxt "Akismet Enterprise Plan" msgid "Enterprise" msgstr "Perusahaan" msgid "Akismet Pro (40K requests/month)" msgstr "Akismet Plus (40K permintaan/bulan)" msgid "Akismet Pro (30K requests/month)" msgstr "Akismet Plus (30K permintaan/bulan)" msgid "Akismet Pro (20K requests/month)" msgstr "Akismet Plus (20K permintaan/bulan)" msgid "Spam protection for professional or commercial sites and blogs." msgstr "Perlindungan dari spam untuk situs dan blog profesional dan komersial." msgid "Akismet Pro (10K requests/month)" msgstr "Akismet Plus (10K permintaan/bulan)" msgid "Akismet Personal (Paid)" msgstr "Akismet Personal (Berbayar)" msgid "Spam protection for personal sites and blogs." msgstr "Perlindungan dari spam untuk situs dan blog pribadi." msgid "" "Outstanding amount of $%(amountOwed)s will be paid approximately 45 days " "following the end of the month in which it was earned." msgstr "" "Jumlah belum dibayar sebesar $%(amountOwed)s akan dibayarkan sekitar 45 hari " "setelah akhir bulan pendapatan diperoleh." msgid "" "Now it’s time to choose a name and customize a few settings to make it " "unique." msgstr "" "Sekarang saatnya memilih nama dan menyesuaikan beberapa pengaturan agar " "tampak unik." msgid "" "Feel free to close this window. We’ll email you when your new site is ready." msgstr "" "Silakan tutup jendela ini. Kami akan mengirimkan email jika situs baru Anda " "telah siap." msgid "" "Not to brag or anything, but we made an exact copy of your existing " "site." msgstr "" "Untuk berjaga-jaga, kami sudah membuat salinan persis situs Anda " "saat ini." msgid "" "Not to brag or anything, but we made an exact copy of %s." msgstr "" "Untuk berjaga-jaga, kami sudah membuat salinan persis %s." msgid "Start selling in person in under 20 minutes with our card reader." msgstr "" "Mulai berjualan secara langsung dalam waktu kurang dari 20 menit dengan " "pembaca kartu kami." msgid "Selling In-Person?" msgstr "Menjual Secara Langsung?" msgid "Back to home" msgstr "Kembali ke beranda" msgid "Here are a few more options:" msgstr "Berikut beberapa pilihan lainnya:" msgid "" "You can upload and install third-party themes, including your own themes." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengunggah dan menginstal tema pihak ketiga, termasuk tema Anda." msgid "Hire an expert" msgstr "Sewa jasa profesional" msgid "" "A professional will create layouts for up to 5 pages of your " "site." msgstr "" "Tim pofesional akan membuatkan desain tata letak hingga 5 " "halaman di situs Anda." msgid "Hire our team of experts to design one for you" msgstr "Sewa jasa tim ahli kami untuk mendesain tema Anda sendiri" msgid "" "Whoops, we have encountered an error. AI is like really, really hard and " "this is an experimental feature. Please try again later." msgstr "" "Waduh, terjadi error. AI itu amat sangat sulit sekali dan ini baru fitur uji " "coba. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "HE-boost" msgstr "HE-boost" msgid "Was this guide helpful for you?" msgstr "Apakah panduan ini bermanfaat?" msgid "Is this topic relevant to you?" msgstr "Apakah topik ini relevan bagi Anda?" msgid "%1$d days usage at $%2$s/day, total cost $%3$s %4$s" msgstr "%1$d hari penggunaan seharga $%2$s/hari, biaya total $%3$s %4$s" msgid "%1$s issued %2$s and revoked %3$s" msgstr "%1$s diterbitkan %2$s dan dibatalkan %3$s" msgid "%1$s issued %2$s" msgstr "%1$s diterbitkan %2$s" msgid "%1$s ($%2$s)" msgstr "%1$s ($%2$s)" msgid "Total invoice amount: $%s" msgstr "Jumlah total faktur: $%s" msgid "%1$s — %2$s" msgstr "%1$s — %2$s" msgid "Key %s" msgstr "Kunci %s" msgid "Monthly usage report for %s" msgstr "Laporan penggunaan bulanan untuk %s" msgid "Your monthly Jetpack Agency usage report is enclosed" msgstr "Laporan penggunaan Jetpack Agency bulanan Anda terlampir." msgid "Choose the perfect plan" msgstr "Pilih tema yang sempurna" msgid "Complete your purchase" msgstr "Selesaikan pembelian Anda" msgid "" "Get help with, the free blogging platform, and the WordPress." "com apps." msgstr "" "Dapatkan bantuan dengan, platform blogging gratis, dan " "berbagai aplikasi" msgid "Design and customization" msgstr "Desain dan penyesuaian" msgid "Automated datacenter failover" msgstr "Pengalihan otomatis ke pusat data lain" msgid "Rely on ultra-fast site speeds, just about anywhere on Earth." msgstr "Tak perlu meragukan kecepatan situs super cepat, di mana saja." msgid "" "Get a custom domain – like – free for the first " "year." msgstr "" "Dapatkan domain kustom – seperti – gratis untuk " "tahun pertama." msgid "Security, performance, and growth tools made by the WordPress experts." msgstr "" "Peralatan keamanan, performa, dan perkembangan buatan dari para pakar " "WordPress." msgid "" "Easily share your website content on your social media channels from one " "place. Enjoy using the advanced plan for half price over the next year while " "we continue to develop the features." msgstr "" "Bagikan konten situs dengan mudah ke saluran media sosial Anda dari satu " "tempat. Nikmati paket tingkat lanjut dengan setengah harga selama setahun ke " "depan sembari kami terus mengembangkan fitur-fiturnya." msgid "Jetpack Social Advanced (Beta)" msgstr "Jetpack Social Lanjutan (Beta)" msgid "Continue setting up your site with these next steps." msgstr "Lanjutkan penyiapan situs Anda dengan langkah-langkah berikut." msgid "Bitácora is a simple old-school blog theme." msgstr "Bitácora adalah tema blog klasik sederhana" msgid "Untitled post %d" msgstr "Pos tanpa judul %d" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Downgrade" msgstr "Downgrade" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Contact support" msgstr "Dapatkan bantuan" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Manage add-ons" msgstr "Kelola add-on" msgid "Built-in Elasticsearch" msgstr "Built-in Elasticsearch" msgid "Showcase your videos beautifully with the 4K VideoPress player." msgstr "Tampilkan video Anda dengan menawan menggunakan pemutar VideoPress 4K." msgid "4K Videos with VideoPress" msgstr "Video 4K dengan VideoPress" msgid "" "Get 30 social shares per month to promote your posts on Facebook, Tumblr, " "and more." msgstr "" "Dapatkan kesempatan berbagi di media sosial 30 kali per bulan untuk " "mempromosikan pos Anda di Facebook, Tumblr, dan banyak lainnya." msgid "" "Reduce cart abandonment and increase sales with a fast, low-friction " "checkout." msgstr "" "Kurangi jumlah keranjang terbengkalai dan tingkatkan penjualan dengan proses " "checkout yang cepat dan mudah." msgid "" "Offer customers a personalized shopping experience that they cannot find " "anywhere else." msgstr "" "Hadirkan pengalaman belanja yang unik yang tidak tersedia di tempat lain " "untuk pelanggan Anda." msgid "Rely on ultra-fast site speeds, just about anywhere on earth." msgstr "" "Manfaatkan kecepatan situs yang sangat cepat, hampir di mana saja di seluruh " "dunia." msgid "Block out malicious activity like SQL injection and XSS attacks." msgstr "Blokir aktivitas berbahaya seperti injeksi SQL dan serangan XSS." msgid "Switch between a collection of premium design themes." msgstr "Gunakan beragam koleksi tema desain premium." msgid "" "Drag and drop your content and layouts with intuitive blocks and patterns." msgstr "" "Seret dan lepas konten Anda, serta atur tata letak Anda dengan blok dan pola " "yang intuitif." msgid "" "Revert back to a point-in-time in your site’s history, with a single click." msgstr "Kembalikan ke titik mana pun di riwayat situs Anda dengan sekali klik." msgid "" "Ship physical products in a snap and show live rates from shipping carriers " "like UPS and other shipping options." msgstr "" "Kirim produk fisik dalam sekejap dan tampilkan tarif langsung dari jasa " "ekspedisi seperti UPS dan pilihan pengiriman lainnya." msgid "—— None ——" msgstr "—— Tidak ada ——" msgid "User display name changed" msgstr "Nama tampilan pengguna berubah" msgid "" "Hire our dedicated experts to build a handcrafted, personalized website. " "Share some details about what you're looking for, and we'll make it happen." msgstr "" "Gunakan jasa tim ahli yang andal untuk membuat situs web yang unik dan " "profesional. Sebutkan detail situs web yang Anda inginkan, lalu kami akan " "mewujudkannya." msgid "Choose one option" msgstr "Tentukan satu pilihan" msgid "Choose several options" msgstr "Tentukan beberapa pilihan" msgid "Build and count on a site designed to last forever." msgstr "Bangun dan andalkan situs yang dirancang untuk bertahan selamanya." msgid "" "Roll back your posts to an earlier edit with a built-in revision history." msgstr "" "Kembalikan pos Anda ke pengeditan sebelumnya dengan riwayat revisi bawaan." msgid "Provider or service id is not supported" msgstr "Id penyedia atau layanan tidak didukung" msgctxt "Akismet Personal Plan" msgid "Personal" msgstr "Personal" msgid "Akismet Personal" msgstr "Akismet Personal" msgctxt "Akismet Free Plan" msgid "Personal Free" msgstr "Personal Gratis" msgid "Akismet Personal (Free non-commercial license)" msgstr "Akismet Personal (Gratis lisensi nonkomersial)" msgid "Growth and monetization tools" msgstr "Alat optimasi dan monetisasi" msgid "You'll need to add at least one subscriber to continue." msgstr "Anda butuh minimal satu pelanggan untuk melanjutkan." msgid "" "You'll need to add at least one email address or upload a CSV file of " "current subscribers to continue." msgstr "" "Anda harus menambahkan setidaknya satu alamat e-mail atau mengunggah file " "CSV dari pelanggan saat ini untuk melanjutkan." msgid "Add staff note" msgstr "Tambah catatan staf" msgid "Address for %s" msgstr "Alamat %s" msgid "Buy this domain" msgstr "Beli domain ini" msgid "" "Stake your claim on your corner of the web with a site address that's easy " "to find, share, and follow." msgstr "" "Pilih alamat situs terbaik untuk situs Anda yang mudah ditemukan, dibagikan, " "dan diingat." msgid "" "This theme costs %(annualPrice)s per year or %(monthlyPrice)s per month, and " "can only be purchased if you have the %(businessPlanName)s plan " "on your site." msgstr "" "Tema ini harganya %(annualPrice)s per tahun atau %(monthlyPrice)s per bulan, " "dan hanya dapat dibeli jika situs Anda menggunakan paket " "%(businessPlanName)s." msgid "" "After the first renewal, the subscription price will be %(regularPrice)s / " "%(timePeriod)s" msgstr "" "Setelah perpanjangan pertama, harga berlangganan akan menjadi " "%(regularPrice)s / %(timePeriod)s" msgid "" "After the offer ends, the subscription price will be %(regularPrice)s / " "%(timePeriod)s" msgstr "" "Setelah penawaran berakhir, harga berlangganan akan menjadi " "%(regularPrice)s / %(timePeriod)s" msgid "Your trial has expired" msgstr "Masa uji coba Anda telah kedaluwarsa" msgid "Your trial expires today" msgstr "Masa uji coba Anda kedaluwarsa hari ini" msgid "%1$s day left in trial" msgid_plural "%1$s days left in trial" msgstr[0] "Masa uji coba sisa %1$s hari" msgstr[1] "Masa uji coba sisa %1$s hari" msgid "" "This date should be treated as an estimate only. The payment gateway for " "this subscription controls when payments are processed.
" msgstr "" "Tanggal ini harus diperlakukan sebagai perkiraan saja. Gateway pembayaran " "untuk langganan ini mengontrol waktu pembayaran diproses.
" msgid "Subscription payment overdue.
" msgstr "Pembayaran langganan terlambat.
" msgid "" "Suspended WCPay Subscription in invoice.upcoming webhook handler because " "subscription next_payment date is 0." msgstr "" "Langganan WCPay yang ditangguhkan di handler webhook invoice.upcoming karena " "tanggal next_payment langganan adalah 0." msgid "" "Suspended WCPay Subscription because subscription status changed to on-hold." msgstr "" "Langganan WCPay yang ditangguhkan karena status langganan berubah menjadi " "ditahan." msgid "" "You have reached your storage limit with %(daysOfBackupsSaved)d day(s) of " "backups saved. Backups have been stopped. Please upgrade your storage to " "resume backups." msgstr "" "Anda telah mencapai batas penyimpanan dengan %(daysOfBackupsSaved)d hari " "cadangan disimpan. Pencadangan telah dihentikan. Harap tingkatkan " "penyimpanan Anda untuk melanjutkan pencadangan." msgid "For a better experience, log in or get started with" msgstr "" "Untuk pengalaman yang lebih baik, login atau mulailah bergabung dengan " "" msgid "In this guide" msgstr "Dalam panduan ini" msgid "%d other guide" msgid_plural "%d other guides" msgstr[0] "%d panduan lain" msgstr[1] "%d panduan lain" msgid "Couldn’t find what you were looking for?" msgstr "Tidak menemukan yang Anda cari?" msgid "Related Guides" msgstr "Panduan Terkait" msgid "Other languages" msgstr "Bahasa lain" msgid "Read this guide" msgstr "Baca panduan ini" msgid "All Guides" msgstr "Semua Panduan" msgid "Bring your WordPress site with you everywhere you go." msgstr "Bawa situs WordPress ke mana pun Anda pergi." msgid "Sensei Interactive Blocks" msgstr "Blok interaktif Sensei" msgid "" "This request has been flagged by OpenAI moderation system. Please try to " "rephrase your post." msgstr "" "Permintaan ini telah ditandai oleh sistem moderasi OpenAI. Coba bahasakan " "ulang pos Anda." msgid "Domain Contact" msgstr "Kontak Domain" msgid "The domain contact information is not set" msgstr "Informasi kontak domain belum ditetapkan" msgid "Sidebar 2022" msgstr "Bilah sisi 2022" msgid "" "Enable automatic rules - Protect your site against untrusted traffic sources " "with automatic security rules." msgstr "" "Aktifkan aturan otomatis - Lindungi situs Anda dari sumber kunjungan tidak " "tepercaya dengan aturan keamanan otomatis." msgid "Reinstall" msgstr "Instal ulang" msgid "Reinstalling…" msgstr "Menginstal ulang..." msgid "" "Save up to 60% on Jetpack products by adding your first license. You can " "revoke licenses anytime, allowing you to add or remove products as needed, " "so you only pay when using them." msgstr "" "Hemat hingga 60% untuk produk Jetpack dengan menambahkan lisensi pertama " "Anda. Anda dapat mencabut lisensi kapan saja, memungkinkan Anda menambahkan " "atau menghapus produk sesuai kebutuhan, sehingga Anda hanya membayar saat " "menggunakannya." msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Email Click module is empty" msgid "No email clicks" msgstr "Tidak ada e-mail diklik" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for number of email clicks." msgid "Clicks" msgstr "Diklik" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for number of email opens." msgid "Opens" msgstr "Dibuka" msgctxt "Stats: title of module" msgid "Email clicks" msgstr "E-mail diklik" msgid "Issue product licenses" msgstr "Buat lisensi produk" msgid "How to add sites to the dashboard" msgstr "Cara menambahkan situs ke dasbor" msgid "Add your Jetpack sites" msgstr "Tambah situs Jetpack Anda" msgid "Unsubscribed from this topic" msgstr "Berhenti berlangganan dari topik ini" msgid "Unsubscribed from this forum" msgstr "Berhenti berlangganan dari forum ini" msgid "Paid user" msgstr "Pengguna berbayar" msgid "Solved" msgstr "Teratasi" msgid "Not subscribed to any topics" msgstr "Tidak berlangganan topik apa pun" msgid "No topics marked as favorite" msgstr "Tidak ada topik yang ditandai sebagai favorit" msgid "No topics started" msgstr "Tidak ada topik yang dimulai" msgid "No replies created" msgstr "Tidak ada balasan yang diberikan" msgid "Not subscribed to any forums" msgstr "Tidak berlangganan forum apa pun" msgid "" "Before you can share your store with the world, you need to {{a}}pick a " "plan{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Sebelum Anda dapat membagikan toko Anda kepada dunia, Anda harus {{a}}" "memilih paket{{/a}}." msgid "" "The Jetpack App gives you everything you need to create, design, " "manage, and grow your site from anywhere." msgstr "" " Aplikasi Jetpack memberikan segala yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat, " "mendesain, mengelola, dan mengembangkan situs Anda dari mana saja." msgid "Full Jetpack plan listing and price comparison – Jetpack" msgstr "Daftar paket Jetpack dan perbandingan harga lengkap – Jetpack" msgid "Jetpack Products" msgstr "Produk Jetpack" msgid "Customize it with new content" msgstr "Sesuaikan dengan konten baru" msgid "Refresh its design" msgstr "Segarkan desainnya" msgid "Update your site’s name" msgstr "Perbarui nama situs Anda" msgid "Before you launch it to the world, here are some things you could do:" msgstr "" "Sebelum meluncurkannya ke seluruh dunia, berikut beberapa hal yang bisa Anda " "lakukan:" msgid "Finish setting up your new site." msgstr "Selesaikan penyiapan situs baru Anda." msgctxt "Email link type" msgid "Other" msgstr "Lainnya" msgctxt "Email link type" msgid "Unsubscribe" msgstr "Berhenti berlangganan" msgctxt "Email link type" msgid "Comment" msgstr "Komentar" msgctxt "Email link type" msgid "Like" msgstr "Suka" msgctxt "Email link type" msgid "Post URL" msgstr "URL pos" msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Links module is empty" msgid "No links recorded" msgstr "Tidak ada tautan yang dicatat" msgctxt "Stats: title of module" msgid "Links" msgstr "Tautan" msgid "Outstanding amount" msgstr "Jumlah belum dibayar" msgid "Organization for %s" msgstr "Organisasi %s" msgid "Add %s details" msgstr "Tambahkan detail %s" msgctxt "noun" msgid "Consent" msgstr "Persetujuan" msgid "%1$s - Jetpack Form Responses - %2$s" msgstr "%1$s - Tanggapan Formulir Jetpack - %2$s" msgid "%s - Jetpack Form Responses" msgstr "%s - Tanggapan Formulir Jetpack" msgid "The template type %s are not allowed." msgstr "Jenis templat %s tidak diizinkan." msgid "The type of the template." msgstr "Jenis templat." msgid "

View post to subscribe to site newsletter.

" msgstr "

Lihat pos untuk berlangganan buletin situs.

" msgid "" "To load the block, add the constant JETPACK_BLOCKS_VARIATION set to %1$s to " "your wp-config.php file" msgstr "" "Untuk memuat blok, tambahkan konstanta JETPACK_BLOCKS_VARIATION yang diatur " "ke %1$s pada file wp-config.php Anda" msgid "Current" msgstr "Sekarang" msgid "(%(number_of_ratings)s)" msgstr "%(number_of_ratings)s" msgid "" "Millions of people depend on my site, and downtime isn’t an option. Jetpack " "VaultPress Backup handles my site security and backups so I can focus on " "creation." msgstr "" "Jutaan orang bergantung pada situs saya sehingga downtime tidak boleh " "terjadi. Jetpack VaultPress Backup menangani keamanan dan pencadangan situs " "sehingga saya bisa fokus berkarya." msgid "" "VaultPress Backup is the most proven WordPress backup plugin with 269 " "million site backups over the last ten years" msgstr "" "VaultPress Backup adalah plugin pencadangan WordPress paling andal dengan " "269 juta pencadangan situs selama sepuluh tahun terakhir" msgid "" "Free advanced WordPress site stats with Jetpack Stats" msgstr "" "Statistik lanjutan gratis untuk situs WordPress dengan Jetpack Stats" msgid "" "Native WordPress CRM to convert your leads and create repeat customers with " "Jetpack CRM" msgstr "" "CRM WordPress Bawaan untuk mengonversi calon pelanggan dan menghadirkan " "pelanggan berulang dengan Jetpack CRM" msgid "" "Auto-share post and pages to social media on your schedule with Jetpack Social" msgstr "" "Bagikan pos dan halaman ke media sosial sesuai jadwal secara otomatis " "menggunakan Jetpack Social" msgid "" "Free global CDN " "to deliver content instantly" msgstr "" "CDN global gratis " "untuk menyalurkan konten dengan cepat" msgid "" "Free speed enhancements to rank higher on Google with Jetpack Boost" msgstr "" "Fitur peningkatan kecepatan gratis agar peringkat situs lebih tinggi di " "Google menggunakan Jetpack Boost" msgid "" "Instant site search to help your visitors find your content with Jetpack Search" msgstr "" "Pencarian situs instan untuk membantu pengunjung menemukan konten Anda " "menggunakan Jetpack Search" msgid "" "Full HD, ad-free video inside the WordPress editor with VideoPress" msgstr "" "Video Full HD yang bebas iklan pada editor WordPress menggunakan VideoPress" msgid "" "Powerful spam protection for comments and forms with Akismet Anti-spam" msgstr "" "Perlindungan spam canggih untuk komentar dan formulir menggunakan Akismet Anti-spam" msgid "" "WAF, automated malware scanning, and one-click fixes with Jetpack Scan" msgstr "" "WAF, pemindaian malware otomatis, dan perbaikan sekali klik menggunakan Jetpack Scan" msgid "" "Real-time backups and one-click restores with VaultPress Backup" msgstr "" "Pencadangan real-time dan pemulihan sekali klik menggunakan VaultPress Backup" msgid "" "Jetpack Security provides easy‑to‑use, " "comprehensive WordPress site security so you can focus on running your " "business." msgstr "" "Jetpack Security menyediakan pengamanan " "situs WordPress yang komprehensif dan mudah‑digunakan‑sehingga Anda dapat " "lebih fokus menjalankan bisnis Anda." msgid "" "Don’t worry, there’s still time to get amazing video hosting for %s. Just " "teleport back to your cart to complete your purchase. If you’re having " "trouble or have questions, just respond to this email and we’ll help you out." msgstr "" "Tenang, masih ada waktu untuk mendapatkan hosting video luar biasa untuk %s. " "Cukup kembali ke keranjang untuk menyelesaikan pembelian Anda. Jika ada " "masalah atau pertanyaan, balas email ini dan kami akan membantu Anda." msgid "" "We noticed that you’re interested in %s. Smart move—you’ll get stunning-" "quality, ad-free videos and an un-branded, customizable player. Did we " "mention that you can drag and drop videos right into the editor with " "VideoPress?" msgstr "" "Kami lihat Anda tertarik dengan %s. Langkah yang tepat—Anda akan mendapatkan " "video berkualitas luar biasa tanpa iklan, serta pemutar video tanpa merek " "yang dapat disesuaikan. Masih ada lagi: dengan VideoPress, Anda bisa " "menyeret dan melepaskan video langsung ke dalam editor?" msgid "" "VideoPress offers stunning-quality video with none of the hassle. Drag and " "drop videos through the WordPress editor and keep the focus on your content, " "not the ads." msgstr "" "VideoPress menawarkan video berkualitas luar biasa tanpa repot. Seret dan " "lepas video melalui editor WordPress dan jaga fokus pada konten Anda, bukan " "iklan." msgid "A special offer to get high-quality, ad-free videos on %s" msgstr "" "Penawaran spesial untuk mendapatkan video berkualitas tinggi tanpa iklan di " "%s" msgid "Your videos deserve better" msgstr "Video Anda bisa jadi lebih baik" msgid "You’re one step away from high-quality, ad-free videos on %s" msgstr "" "Selangkah lagi Anda akan mendapatkan video berkualitas tanpa iklan di %s" msgid "Make your copied site unique with a custom domain all of its own." msgstr "" "Jadikan salinan situs lebih menarik dengan domain khusus, hanya untuk situs " "Anda." msgid "Pay Annually" msgstr "Bayar tahunan" msgid "Pay Monthly" msgstr "Bayar bulanan" msgid "Turn site visitors into subscribers, with built-in subscription tools." msgstr "" "Ubah pengunjung situs menjadi pelanggan dengan perangkat langganan bawaan." msgid "Take control of every font, color and detail of your site" msgstr "Tentukan semua font, warna, dan detail situs Anda" msgid "" "Stay up-to-date with continuous uptime monitoring, with alerts the minute " "downtime is detected." msgstr "" "Pantau segala aktivitas lewat pemantauan uptime berkelanjutan dengan " "peringatan langsung jika downtime terdeteksi." msgid "Keep an administrative eye on activity across your site." msgstr "Awasi segala aktivitas administrasi di seluruh situs Anda." msgid "Count on automatic redirects when you update your post or page’s URL." msgstr "" "Saat Anda memperbarui URL pos atau halaman, biarkan pengalihan otomatis yang " "bekerja." msgid "" "Ensure your cached content is always served from the data center closest to " "your site visitor." msgstr "" "Pastikan konten Anda yang di-cache selalu disediakan dari pusat data yang " "paling dekat dengan pengunjung situs." msgid "Breeze past DDoS attacks thanks to real time monitoring and mitigation." msgstr "" "Atasi serangan DDoS dengan mudah lewat pemantauan dan mitigasi real-time." msgid "" "Save server resources for a faster site, with malicious login protection " "built in." msgstr "" "Hemat sumber daya server untuk situs yang lebih cepat sekaligus memberi " "perlindungan bawaan terhadap login berbahaya." msgid "" "Rest easy knowing that your site is isolated from others for added security " "and performance. " msgstr "" "Tak perlu khawatir. Situs Anda terpisah dari situs lain demi keamanan dan " "performa yang lebih baik. " msgid "Stay protected from brute-force attacks on your account password." msgstr "" "Tetap terlindungi dari serangan brute-force dengan kata sandi akun Anda." msgid "Space to store your photos, media, and more." msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan untuk foto, media, dan banyak lainnya." msgid "Realtime help and guidance from professional WordPress experts." msgstr "Bantuan dan panduan real-time dari para pakar WordPress profesional." msgid "Unlimited support via emails." msgstr "Dukungan tanpa batas melalui email." msgid "Customer Support" msgstr "Dukungan Pelanggan" msgid "Free domain for one year with annual plans." msgstr "Domain gratis selama setahun dengan paket tahunan." msgid "Invite others to contribute to your site." msgstr "Ajak orang lain untuk berkontribusi di situs Anda." msgid "Add as many pages as you like." msgstr "Tambahkan halaman sebanyak yang Anda inginkan." msgid "" "Don’t worry, there’s still time to speed up %s. Just teleport back to your " "cart to complete your purchase. If you’re having trouble or have questions, " "just respond to this email and we’ll help you out." msgstr "" "Tenang, masih ada waktu untuk mempercepat %s. Cukup kembali ke keranjang " "untuk menyelesaikan pembelian Anda. Jika ada masalah atau pertanyaan, balas " "email ini dan kami akan membantu Anda." msgid "" "We noticed that you’re interested in %s. Smart move—generating your critical " "CSS automatically as your site changes will keep your site speed optimized." msgstr "" "Kami lihat Anda tertarik dengan %s. Langkah yang tepat—pembuatan CSS utama " "secara otomatis setiap kali situs diubah akan menjaga kecepatan situs Anda " "tetap optimal." msgid "" "Jetpack Boost gives your site the same performance advantages as the world’s " "leading websites, no developer required. With a plan for Jetpack Boost, we " "will automatically regenerate your site’s critical CSS and performance " "scores every time you make a change to your site." msgstr "" "Jetpack Boost memberikan manfaat performa situs yang sama dengan situs web " "terkemuka di dunia, tanpa bantuan pengembang. Dengan paket Jetpack Boost, " "kami akan mengotomatiskan pembuatan ulang CSS utama dan skor performa situs " "setiap kali Anda membuat perubahan di situs." msgid "A special offer to speed up %s" msgstr "Penawaran spesial untuk mempercepat %s" msgid "Your site could be on the next level" msgstr "Situs Anda bisa naik level" msgid "You’re one step away from speeding up %s" msgstr "Selangkah lagi Anda akan selesai mempercepat %s" msgid "" "You can view all your site’s activity and manage backups from your activity log." msgstr "" "Anda bisa melihat semua aktivitas situs dan mengelola cadangan dari log aktivitas." msgid "%5$d page" msgid_plural "%5$d pages" msgstr[0] "%5$d halaman" msgstr[1] "%5$d halaman" msgid "%4$d post, " msgid_plural "%4$d posts, " msgstr[0] "%4$d pos, " msgstr[1] "%4$d pos, " msgid "%3$d upload, " msgid_plural "%3$d uploads, " msgstr[0] "%3$d unggahan, " msgstr[1] "%3$d unggahan, " msgid "%2$d plugin, " msgid_plural "%2$d plugins, " msgstr[0] "%2$d plugin, " msgstr[1] "%2$d plugin, " msgid "%1$d theme, " msgid_plural "%1$d themes, " msgstr[0] "%1$d tema, " msgstr[1] "%1$d tema, " msgid "Latest Backup:" msgstr "Cadangan Terbaru:" msgid "" "Your Jetpack VaultPress Backup subscription brings you cloud-based, " "encrypted backups so that you can go back in time with one click. Copies of " "backups are stored across our global server network, so you’ll never lose a " "thing." msgstr "" "Langganan Jetpack VaultPress Backup memberikan pencadangan berbasis awan " "yang terenkripsi sehingga Anda dapat melakukan pemulihan dengan sekali klik. " "Salinan cadangan disimpan di seluruh jaringan server global kami. Oleh " "karena itu, Anda tidak akan pernah kehilangan apa pun." msgid "" "Your Jetpack VaultPress Backup subscription brings you real-time, encrypted " "backups so that you can restore to any point in time with one click. Copies " "of backups are stored across our global server network, so you’ll never lose " "a thing." msgstr "" "Langganan Jetpack VaultPress Backup memberikan pencadangan real-time yang " "terenkripsi sehingga Anda dapat memulihkan ke titik mana pun dengan sekali " "klik. Salinan cadangan disimpan di seluruh jaringan server global kami. Oleh " "karena itu, Anda tidak akan pernah kehilangan apa pun." msgid "We’ve fixed %d threat on your site already!" msgid_plural " So far, we’ve automatically fixed %d threats on your site!" msgstr[0] "Kami telah mengatasi %d ancaman di situs Anda!" msgstr[1] "" " Sejauh ini, kami telah mengatasi %d ancaman di situs Anda secara otomatis!" msgid "" "With your scan subscription, Jetpack is actively scanning your site for " "threats. We’ll have your back and help you fix issues to keep your site " "secure." msgstr "" "Dengan langganan pemindaian Anda, Jetpack secara aktif memindai situs untuk " "mendeteksi ancaman. Kami akan mendukung dan membantu memperbaiki masalah " "untuk menjaga situs Anda tetap aman." msgid "" "Visit " "on your desktop to download." msgstr "" "Kunjungi di desktop untuk mengunduh." msgid "Customize your domain" msgstr "Buat nama domain Anda" msgid "Receive email notifications with your account email address %s." msgstr "Terima pemberitahuan e-mail dengan alamat e-mail akun Anda %s." msgid "Starting at %1$s%2$s per month" msgstr "Mulai dari %1$s%2$s per bulan" msgid "" "You have %(expiry)s day remaining on your free trial. Upgrade your plan to " "keep your %(productType)s features." msgid_plural "" "You have %(expiry)s days remaining on your free trial. Upgrade your plan to " "keep your %(productType)s features." msgstr[0] "" "Anda memiliki sisa %(expiry)s hari untuk percobaan gratis. Upgrade paket " "Anda untuk tetap dapat menggunakan fitur %(productType)s." msgstr[1] "" "Percobaan gratis Anda tersisa %(expiry)s hari. Upgrade paket Anda untuk " "tetap dapat menggunakan fitur %(productType)s." msgid "Reply to this topic" msgstr "Balas topik ini" msgid "Copy this site with all of its data to a new site." msgstr "Salin situs ini bersama semua datanya ke situs baru." msgid "Get a taste of the world’s most popular eCommerce software." msgstr "Cicipi software e-Commerce terpopuler di dunia." msgid "free trial" msgstr "percobaan gratis" msgctxt "noun" msgid "Clicks" msgstr "Klik" msgid "Click rate" msgstr "Rasio klik" msgid "Total clicks" msgstr "Total klik" msgid "Security & Safety" msgstr "Keamanan dan Keselamatan" msgid "" "Something went wrong when trying to restore subscription %d from the trash. " "It could not be restored." msgstr "" "Terjadi kesalahan saat mencoba mengembalikan langganan %d dari tempat " "sampah. Langganan tidak dapat dipulihkan." msgid "" "The previous status of subscription %1$d (\"%2$s\") is invalid. It could not " "be restored." msgstr "" "Status langganan %1$d (\"%2$s\") sebelumnya tidak valid. Langganan tidak " "dapat dipulihkan." msgid "" "The previous status of subscription %1$d (\"%2$s\") is invalid. It has been " "restored to \"pending\" status instead." msgstr "" "Status langganan %1$d (\"%2$s\") sebelumnya tidak valid. Sebagai gantinya, " "langganan telah dipulihkan ke status \"tertunda\"." msgid "" "Subscription %1$d cannot be restored from the trash: it has already been " "restored to status \"%2$s\"." msgstr "" "Langganan %1$d tidak dapat dikembalikan dari tempat sampah: statusnya telah " "dipulihkan menjadi \"%2$s\"." msgid "" "This action cannot be reversed. Are you sure you wish to erase personal data " "from the selected subscriptions?" msgstr "" "Tindakan ini tidak dapat dibatalkan. Yakin ingin menghapus data pribadi dari " "langganan yang dipilih?" msgctxt "" "Subscriptions-core Version, Label on WooCommerce -> System Status page" msgid "Subscriptions-core Library Version" msgstr "Versi Pustaka Inti-Langganan" msgctxt "an action on a subscription" msgid "Delete Permanently" msgstr "Hapus Secara Permanen" msgctxt "an action on a subscription" msgid "Restore" msgstr "Pulihkan" msgctxt "an action on a subscription" msgid "Move to Trash" msgstr "Pindahkan ke Tempat Sampah" msgid "" "Whenever you’re stuck, our Happiness Engineers have the answers on hand." msgstr "" "Saat Anda mengalami kebuntuan, Happiness Engineer kami punya solusinya." msgid "" "Manage your website’s data easily, using phpMyAdmin to inspect tables and " "run queries." msgstr "" "Kelola data situs web Anda dengan mudah, menggunakan phpMyAdmin untuk " "memeriksa tabel dan menjalankan kueri." msgid "" "Choose a primary data center for your site while still enjoying geo-" "redundant architecture." msgstr "" "Pilih pusat data utama untuk situs Anda sambil tetap menikmati arsitektur " "geo-redundan." msgid "Take control of your website’s performance and security using SSH." msgstr "Kendalikan kinerja dan keamanan situs web Anda menggunakan SSH." msgid "" "Use WP-CLI to manage plugins and users, or automate repetitive tasks from " "your terminal." msgstr "" "Gunakan WP-CLI untuk mengelola plugin dan pengguna, atau mengotomatiskan " "tugas repetitif dari terminal Anda." msgid "" "Streamline your workflow and edit your files with precision using an SFTP " "client." msgstr "" "Mempermudah alur kerja Anda dan edit file Anda dengan akurat menggunakan " "SFTP client." msgid "" "Visit from " "your mobile device or scan the code above to download the Jetpack mobile app." msgstr "" "Kunjungi dari " "perangkat ponsel Anda atau pindai kode di atas untuk mengunduh aplikasi " "seluler Jetpack." msgid "" "Catch up with your favorite sites like Toronto street photographer Shane Francescut, who " "follows popular photography tags, browses new blog posts, and leaves likes " "and comments — all on his Android device." msgstr "" "Ketahui kabar terbaru situs favorit Anda seperti situs fotografer jalanan " "asal Toronto, Shane " "Francescut, yang mengikuti tag fotografi populer, menelusuri pos blog " "baru, serta memberikan suka dan komentar, semuanya lewat ponsel Android " "miliknya." msgid "" "Publish blog updates from any corner of the globe, like travel writer Chérie King, who " "explores the world with her iPad and a thirst for adventure. Or draft posts " "from the palm of your hand: you might find writer Dave Graham editing a post on his " "Android phone, in a Yorkshire coffee shop in the United Kingdom." msgstr "" "Publikasikan pembaruan blog dari seluruh penjuru dunia, seperti penulis " "perjalanan, Chérie " "King, yang menjelajahi dunia berbekal iPad dan kecintaan akan " "petualangan. Atau buat draf pos langsung lewat ponsel. Seperti penulis Dave Graham yang " "biasanya mengedit pos lewat ponsel Android miliknya, dari sebuah kedai kopi " "di Inggris." msgid "" "The power of publishing in your " "pocket with Jetpack" msgstr "" "Fitur publikasi praktis dari Jetpack " "di genggaman Anda" msgid "" "Take WordPress
on the go with the " "Jetpack mobile app" msgstr "" "Akses WordPress
di mana saja dengan aplikasi ponsel Jetpack" msgid "Visit %s or scan the code above to download the Jetpack mobile app." msgstr "" "Kunjungi %s atau pindai kode di atas untuk mengunduh aplikasi seluler " "Jetpack." msgid "" "The Jetpack mobile app for iOS and Android gives you everything you need to " "publish, manage, and grow your site anywhere, any time." msgstr "" "Aplikasi seluler Jetpack untuk iOS dan Android memberikan segala yang " "dibutuhkan untuk memublikasikan, mengelola, dan menumbuhkan situs WordPress " "Anda di mana saja, kapan saja." msgid "Take WordPress with you using the Jetpack app" msgstr "Akses WordPress di mana saja menggunakan aplikasi Jetpack" msgid "Show post category or tags" msgstr "Tampilkan kategori atau tag pos" msgid "Show post publish date" msgstr "Tampilkan tanggal penerbitan" msgid "Get your prompts on the go with the Jetpack mobile app" msgstr "Dapatkan petunjuk di mana saja dengan aplikasi seluler Jetpack" msgid "" "Integrate your business with Google and get stats on your locations. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}" msgstr "" "Integrasikan bisnis Anda dengan Google dan dapatkan statistik di lokasi " "Anda. {{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}" msgid "" "Don’t worry, there’s still time to level-up your content’s reach on %s. Just " "teleport back to your cart to complete your purchase. If you’re having " "trouble or have questions, just respond to this email and we’ll help you out." msgstr "" "Jangan khawatir, Anda masih bisa meningkatkan jangkauan konten di %s. Cukup " "kembali ke keranjang untuk menyelesaikan pembelian Anda. Jika ada masalah " "atau pertanyaan, balas email ini dan kami akan membantu Anda." msgid "" "We noticed that you’re interested in %s. Smart move—you’ll be able to " "seamlessly share your content on social media with the click of a button." msgstr "" "Kami lihat Anda tertarik dengan %s. Langkah yang tepat—Anda bisa membagikan " "konten di media sosial dengan mudah hanya dengan mengeklik tombol." msgid "Share an unlimited number of posts on your connected accounts" msgstr "Bagikan sebanyak mungkin pos di akun Anda yang terhubung" msgid "" "Jetpack Social allows you to seamlessly share posts on your social media " "accounts with the click of a button. With Jetpack Social you will be able to:" msgstr "" "Jetpack Social memungkinkan Anda membagikan pos dengan mudah di akun media " "sosial Anda hanya dengan mengeklik tombol. Dengan Jetpack Social, Anda " "mendapatkan:" msgid "A special offer to promote %s" msgstr "Penawaran spesial untuk mempromosikan %s" msgid "You’re one step away from sharing content from %s" msgstr "Selangkah lagi Anda dapat membagikan konten dari %s" msgid "" "An 
Program" msgstr "" "Program 
" msgid " YouTube" msgstr "YouTube" msgid " Instagram" msgstr "Instagram" msgid " Facebook" msgstr "Facebook" msgid " Twitter" msgstr "Twitter" msgid "Mac versions require macOS 10.11+" msgstr "Versi Mac memerlukan macOS 10.11+" msgid "MacOS logo" msgstr "Logo MacOS" msgid "Keep up with your favorite sites and topics" msgstr "Ikuti terus situs dan topik favorit Anda" msgid "" "Reply to comments instantly, see when your traffic is booming, and keep up " "with all your site’s notifications from anywhere." msgstr "" "Balas komentar secara langsung, ketahui kapan traffic situs paling tinggi, " "dan terus dapatkan semua pemberitahuan situs Anda dari mana saja." msgid "Keep up with real-time notifications" msgstr "Ikuti terus pemberitahuan secara real-time" msgid "" "Sneak a peek at your visitors and views on your morning commute. Track your " "most popular stories of the day on your lunch break. Discover where your " "readers come from, all around the world." msgstr "" "Lihat para pengunjung dan jumlah kunjungan selagi Anda di perjalanan menuju " "kantor. Lacak cerita paling populer hari ini di sela istirahat makan siang. " "Cari tahu dari mana asal para pembaca Anda, di seluruh dunia." msgid "Stats and insights always a tap away" msgstr "Dapatkan statistik dan wawasan hanya dengan satu ketukan" msgid "" "The full experience packaged as an app for your laptop or " "desktop computer." msgstr "" "Manfaat lengkap hadir dalam sebuah aplikasi untuk laptop atau " "komputer desktop Anda." msgid "Give WordPress a permanent home in your dock" msgstr "Jadikan WordPress salah satu aplikasi utama di peragkat Anda" msgid "Download the WordPress desktop app" msgstr "Unduh aplikasi desktop WordPress" msgid "View all responses" msgstr "Lihat semua tanggapan" msgid "Be the first to respond" msgstr "Jadilah yang pertama merespons" msgid "Daily writing prompt" msgstr "Prompt menulis harian" msgid "That works for me" msgstr "Sudah cocok untuk saya" msgid "I want my domain as primary" msgstr "Saya ingin domain berikut sebagai yang utama" msgid "" "If you upgrade to a plan, you can use your custom domain name instead of " "having in your URL." msgstr "" "Jika Anda melakukan upgrade paket, Anda dapat menggunakan nama domain khusus " "alih-alih memiliki di URL Anda." msgid "" "Any domain you purchase without a plan will get redirected to %(domainName)s." msgstr "" "Setiap domain yang Anda beli tanpa paket akan dialihkan ke %(domainName)s." msgid "You need a paid plan to have a primary custom domain" msgstr "" "Agar dapat memiliki domain kustom utama, Anda harus berlangganan paket " "berbayar." msgid "Free for the first year" msgstr "Gratis untuk tahun pertama! " msgid "Add your custom domain" msgstr "Tambahkan domain khusus" msgid "Search by domain…" msgstr "Cari berdasarkan domain…" msgid "Own your online identity with a custom domain" msgstr "Dapatkan identitas online Anda dengan domain khusus" msgid "Creating your site" msgstr "Membuat situs Anda" msgid "delete" msgstr "hapus" msgid "Add new staff note" msgstr "Tambah catatan staf baru" msgid "Update topic resolution" msgstr "Perbarui resolusi topik" msgid "Get notifications and reply in seconds right from your phone." msgstr "Terima pemberitahuan dan balasan dengan cepat langsung di ponsel Anda." msgid "Reply faster with our mobile app" msgstr "Balas lebih cepat dengan aplikasi seluler kami" msgid "Split topic" msgstr "Pisahkan topik" msgid "Select topic type" msgstr "Pilih tipe topik" msgid "Publish reply" msgstr "Publikasikan balasan" msgid "My profile" msgstr "Profil saya" msgid "Viewer since" msgstr "Pelihat sejak" msgid "The requested subscriber does not exist." msgstr "Pelanggan yang diminta tidak ada." msgid "" "This may take a few minutes. Feel free to leave this window — we'll let you " "know when it's done." msgstr "" "Prosesnya mungkin perlu waktu beberapa menit. Jendela ini bisa Anda tutup. " "Kami akan memberi tahu Anda jika prosesnya sudah selesai." msgid "We’re copying your site" msgstr "Kami sedang menyalin situs Anda" msgid "You do not have the capability to view WordAds stats for this site." msgstr "" "Anda tidak memiliki kapabilitas untuk melihat statistik WordAds situs ini." msgid "You must be logged-in to view WordAds stats." msgstr "Anda harus login untuk melihat statistik WordAds." msgid "You do not have the capability to view earnings for this site." msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki kapabilitas untuk melihat penghasilan situs ini." msgid "You must be logged-in to view earnings." msgstr "Anda harus login untuk melihat penghasilan." msgid "Basic Jetpack features" msgstr "Fitur dasar Jetpack" msgctxt "Jetpack plan name" msgid "Scan" msgstr "Scan" msgctxt "Jetpack plan name" msgid "Security" msgstr "Security" msgctxt "Jetpack plan name" msgid "VaultPress Backup" msgstr "VaultPress Backup" msgid "Automatically create custom images, saving you hours of tedious work" msgstr "" "Membuat gambar khusus otomatis, sehingga Anda tidak perlu melakukan " "pekerjaan yang menjemukan selama berjam-jam" msgid "Repurpose, reuse or republish already published content" msgstr "" "Ubah target, gunakan kembali, atau publikasikan ulang konten yang sudah " "diterbitkan" msgid "Enhance social media engagement with personalized posts" msgstr "Tingkatkan keterlibatan media sosial dengan pos yang dipersonalisasi" msgid "Recycle content" msgstr "Daur ulang konten" msgid "Engagement Optimizer" msgstr "Engagement Optimizer" msgid "Social Advanced (Beta)" msgstr "Social Advanced Beta" msgid "Select your plan:" msgstr "Pilih paket Anda:" msgid "" "In the domain settings page, click on Transfer button and, in the " "next screen, click on Get authorization code. The code will be sent " "to the contact email address specified for the domain (the option " "Transfer lock on can remain toggled on)." msgstr "" "Di halaman pengaturan domain, klik tombol Transfer dan, di layar " "berikutnya, klik Dapatkan kode otorisasi. Kode akan dikirim ke " "alamat e-mail kontak yang ditentukan untuk domain (opsi Penguncian " "transfer dapat tetap diaktifkan)." msgid "" "Open a new browser tab, switch to the site the domain is added to and go to " "Upgrades → Domains. Then click on the domain name to access the " "domain's settings page (alternatively click on the 3 vertical dots on the " "domain row and select View Settings).

If the domain is " "under another account, use a different browser, log in to that " "account and follow the previous instructions. More info can be found " "here." msgstr "" "Buka tab browser baru, alihkan ke situs tempat domain ditambahkan dan buka " "Upgrade → Domain. Kemudian klik nama domain untuk mengakses halaman " "pengaturan domain (sebagai alternatif, klik 3 titik vertikal pada baris " "domain dan pilih Lihat Pengaturan).

Jika domain berada di " "dalam akun lain, gunakan browser lain, masuk ke akun tersebut " "dan ikuti petunjuk sebelumnya. Info lebih lanjut dapat ditemukan di sini." msgid "" "We removed your oldest backup(s) to make space for new ones. We will " "continue to remove old backups as needed, up to the last " "%(minDaysOfBackupsAllowed)d days." msgstr "" "Kami menghapus cadangan terlama Anda untuk menyisakan ruang baru. Kami akan " "terus menghapus cadangan lama sesuai kebutuhan, hingga " "%(minDaysOfBackupsAllowed)d hari terakhir." msgid "" "You are very close to reaching your storage limit. Once you do, we will " "delete your oldest backups to make space for new ones." msgstr "" "Anda hampir mencapai batas penyimpanan Anda. Setelah mencapai batas, kami " "akan menghapus cadangan terlama Anda untuk menyisakan ruang baru." msgid "" "You are close to reaching your storage limit. Once you do, we will delete " "your oldest backups to make space for new ones." msgstr "" "Anda hampir mencapai batas penyimpanan Anda. Setelah mencapai batas, kami " "akan menghapus cadangan terlama Anda untuk menyisakan ruang baru." msgid "Cloud storage space" msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan cloud" msgid "{{a}}%(daysOfBackupsSaved)d day of backups saved {{icon/}}{{/a}}" msgid_plural "" "{{a}}%(daysOfBackupsSaved)d days of backups saved {{icon/}}{{/a}}" msgstr[0] "cadangan {{a}}%(daysOfBackupsSaved)d hari tersimpan {{icon/}}{{/a}}" msgstr[1] "cadangan {{a}}%(daysOfBackupsSaved)d hari tersimpan {{icon/}}{{/a}}" msgid "" "Using {{usedStorage}}%(usedGigabytes).1fGB{{/usedStorage}} of " "%(availableUnitAmount)dTB" msgid_plural "" "Using {{usedStorage}}%(usedGigabytes).1fGB{{/usedStorage}} of " "%(availableUnitAmount)dTB" msgstr[0] "" "Menggunakan {{usedStorage}}%(usedGigabytes).1fGB{{/usedStorage}} of " "%(availableUnitAmount)dTB" msgstr[1] "" "Menggunakan {{usedStorage}}%(usedGigabytes).1fGB{{/usedStorage}} dari " "%(availableUnitAmount)dTB" msgid "" "Using {{usedStorage}}%(usedGigabytes).1fGB{{/usedStorage}} of " "%(availableUnitAmount)dGB" msgid_plural "" "Using {{usedStorage}}%(usedGigabytes).1fGB{{/usedStorage}} of " "%(availableUnitAmount)dGB" msgstr[0] "" "Menggunakan {{usedStorage}}%(usedGigabytes).1fGB{{/usedStorage}} dari " "%(availableUnitAmount)dGB" msgstr[1] "" "Menggunakan {{usedStorage}}%(usedGigabytes).1fGB{{/usedStorage}} dari " "%(availableUnitAmount)dGB" msgid "{{usedStorage}}%(usedGigabytes).1fGB{{/usedStorage}} used" msgid_plural "{{usedStorage}}%(usedGigabytes).1fGB{{/usedStorage}} used" msgstr[0] "{{usedStorage}}%(usedGigabytes).1fGB{{/usedStorage}} digunakan" msgstr[1] "{{usedStorage}}%(usedGigabytes).1fGB{{/usedStorage}} digunakan" msgid "" "Build your site. Sell your stuff. Start your blog. This and much more with " "unlimited plugins!" msgstr "" "Bangun situs Anda. Jual barang-barang Anda. Mulai blog Anda. Tersedia banyak " "fitur dengan plugin tak terbatas!" msgid "Woo! We're creating your store" msgstr "Yey! Kami sedang membuat toko Anda" msgid "The blog page" msgstr "Halaman blog" msgid "Checking payment information…" msgstr "Memeriksa informasi pembayaran" msgid "Save this card for future payments" msgstr "Simpan kartu ini untuk pembayaran berikutnya" msgid "Use saved card" msgstr "Gunakan kartu yang disimpan" msgid "" "The ad has been submitted for approval. We’ll send you a confirmation email " "once it’s approved and running." msgstr "" "Iklan telah dikirimkan untuk disetujui. Kami akan mengirimkan email " "konfirmasi pada Anda setelah iklan disetujui dan ditayangkan." msgid "Add new card" msgstr "Tambahkan kartu baru" msgid "OS" msgstr "OS" msgid "Log in or get started with to edit this topic" msgstr "Login atau mulai dengan untuk mengedit topik ini" msgid "Merge topics" msgstr "Gabungkan topik" msgid "Merge tags" msgstr "Gabungkan tag" msgid "Merge favoriters" msgstr "Gabungkan favorit" msgid "Merge subscribers" msgstr "Gabungkan pengikut" msgid "Merge options" msgstr "Gabungkan pilihan" msgid "Destination topic" msgstr "Topik tujuan" msgid "Notify the author of follow-up replies via email." msgstr "Sampaikan balasan lainnya ke email penulis" msgid "Jetpack is successfully connected" msgstr "Jetpack berhasil terhubung" msgid "You can not launch your site without a paid eCommerce plan." msgstr "Anda tidak dapat meluncurkan situs tanpa paket eCommerce berbayar." msgid "Compare plans ›" msgstr "Bandingkan paket ›" msgid "Sell access to premium content, right from your site." msgstr "Jual akses konten premium langsung dari situs Anda." msgid "Showcase your video beautifully with the 4K VideoPress player." msgstr "Tampilkan video Anda dengan cantik menggunakan pemutar VideoPress 4K." msgid "Rank well in search with built-in search engine optimization tools." msgstr "" "Dapatkan peringkat yang baik dalam pencarian dengan alat optimisasi mesin " "pencari bawaan." msgid "Share your latest posts to your social channels, without limits." msgstr "Bagikan pos terbaru ke saluran sosial Anda tanpa batas." msgid "Limited shares in social media" msgstr "Batasan untuk berbagi di media sosial" msgid "Unlock a clean, ad-free browsing experience for your visitors." msgstr "" "Hadirkan pengalaman penelusuran bebas iklan dan lancar bagi pengunjung Anda." msgid "" "Let your followers subscribe to your content as a newsletter or via RSS." msgstr "" "Izinkan pengikut berlangganan konten Anda dalam buletin atau melalui RSS." msgid "Find and install powerful add-ons for your site, all in one place." msgstr "" "Temukan dan instal add-on andal untuk situs Anda, semua di satu tempat." msgid "" "Stay up to date on sales and identify trends with intuitive sales reports." msgstr "" "Dapatkan kabar penjualan terbaru dan ketahui tren dengan laporan penjualan " "yang intuitif." msgid "Accept payments for goods and services, just about anywhere." msgstr "Terima pembayaran untuk barang dan jasa dari mana saja." msgid "Stay on top of your stock with inventory management tools." msgstr "Pantau terus stok Anda dengan perangkat pengelolaan inventaris." msgid "Sell and ship out physical goods from your site." msgstr "Jual dan kirimkan barang fisik dari situs Anda." msgid "Switch between a collection of premium design themes, anytime." msgstr "Gunakan berbagai koleksi tema desain premium, kapan saja." msgid "Take control of every font, color, and detail of your site’s design." msgstr "Tentukan semua fon, warna, dan detail desain situs Anda." msgid "Transform your site design with themes and drag-and-drop layouts." msgstr "Ubah desain situs Anda dengan tema, serta tata letak seret-lepas." msgid "Themes and customization" msgstr "Tema dan penyesuaian" msgid "Display ads and earn from premium networks via the WordAds program." msgstr "" "Tampilkan iklan dan dapatkan penghasilan dari jaringan premium melalui " "program WordAds." msgid "Make surfacing your content simple with built-in premium site search." msgstr "Permudah pencarian konten Anda dengan pencari situs premium bawaan." msgid "Global edge caching" msgstr "Edge caching global" msgid "Kill spam comments with fire, without lifting a finger." msgstr "Musnahkan komentar spam dengan cepat secara otomatis." msgid "Security and safety" msgstr "Keamanan dan keselamatan" msgid "Get every WordPress update. And every patch. Automatically." msgstr "" "Dapatkan semua pembaruan WordPress beserta seluruh patch-nya. Semuanya " "secara otomatis." msgid "Seamlessly switch between 2, 20, or 200 sites. All from one place." msgstr "" "Beralih antara 2, 20, atau 200 situs dengan mudah. Semuanya dari satu tempat." msgid "Use familiar developer tools to manage and deploy your site." msgstr "" "Gunakan perangkat pengembang yang sering dipakai untuk mengelola dan " "meluncurkan situs Anda." msgid "Developer tools" msgstr "Alat untuk developer" msgid "Count on multi-redundancy, real-time backups of all your data." msgstr "Manfaatkan cadangan multi-redundancy real-time untuk semua data Anda." msgid "" "Count on your site being replicated in real-time to a second data center." msgstr "" "Tak perlu khawatir karena situs Anda direplikasi secara real-time ke pusat " "data kedua." msgid "High Availability" msgstr "Ketersediaan Tinggi" msgid "Rely on ultra-fast site speeds, from any location on earth." msgstr "Manfaatkan kecepatan situs supercepat dari mana saja di seluruh dunia." msgid "Get the extra site performance of high-frequency CPUs, as standard." msgstr "" "Dapatkan performa situs ekstra dari CPU berfrekuensi tinggi sebagai layanan " "standar." msgid "Lean on integrated resource management and instant scaling." msgstr "" "Manfaatkan pengelolaan sumber daya terintegrasi dan pengembangan instan." msgid "Tap into fast, reliable domain management with secure SSL." msgstr "" "Manfaatkan pengelolaan domain yang cepat dan andal menggunakan SSL yang aman." msgid "Performance boosters" msgstr "Performa ditingkatkan" msgid "Never fret about getting too much traffic or paying overage charges." msgstr "Tak perlu khawatir akan banyaknya traffic atau tagihan berlebih." msgid "Forget about time-consuming plugin updates and update nags." msgstr "Pembaruan plugin bisa dilakukan dengan cepat dan mudah." msgid "Fast, friendly, expert WordPress help, whenever you need it." msgstr "Bantuan WordPress yang unggul, ramah, dan cepat, kapan pun dibutuhkan." msgid "Make it easy for your visitors to get in touch, right from your site." msgstr "" "Permudah pengunjung untuk berkomunikasi dengan Anda, langsung dari situs " "Anda." msgid "Invite others to contribute to your site and assign access permissions." msgstr "" "Undang orang lain untuk berkontribusi di situs Anda dan berikan izin akses." msgid "Add as many pages as you like to your site." msgstr "Tambahkan halaman ke situs sesuai keinginan." msgid "General features" msgstr "Fitur umum" msgid "Hide comparison" msgstr "Sembunyikan perbandingan" msgid "%1$s for %2$s is about to expire." msgstr "%1$s untuk %2$s akan segera berakhir masa berlakunya." msgid "Commerce Trial" msgstr "Uji Coba eCommerce" msgid " Commerce Trial" msgstr "Uji Coba Entrepreneur" msgid "Default posts page" msgstr "Halaman pos default" msgid "—— Default ——" msgstr "—— Default ——" msgid "Renew your domain" msgstr "Perpanjang domain Anda" msgid "" "If you have any problems or questions, please do not hesitate to contact support." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memiliki kendala atau pertanyaan, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi Bantuan." msgid "Renew your domain" msgstr "Perpanjang domain Anda" msgid "" "Documentation on Keyboard " "Shortcuts" msgstr "" "Dokumentasi Pintasan Papan " "Ketik" msgid "Allow trackbacks and pingbacks" msgstr "Izinkan trackback dan pingback" msgid "" "Got questions? Looking for help? Please reply to this email or %1$ssubmit a " "support ticket%2$s with us — we’re here to help." msgstr "" "Ada pertanyaan? Mencari bantuan? Balas email ini atau %1$skirimkan tiket " "dukungan%2$s kepada kami — kami siap membantu Anda." msgid "" "We regularly review accounts to keep them safe. Verifying your identity is " "required to help protect against fraud and stay current with %1$sKnow Your " "Customer (KYC)%2$s regulations." msgstr "" "Kami meninjau akun secara berkala untuk memastikannya tetap aman. Verifikasi " "identitas diperlukan untuk melindungi Anda dari penipuan dan mematuhi " "peraturan %1$sKnow Your Customer (KYC)%2$s." msgid "Why do I need to update my information?" msgstr "Mengapa saya perlu memperbarui informasi saya?" msgid "Keep those deposits coming, Woo" msgstr "Ayo tingkatkan angka deposit Anda, Woo" msgid "" "This should take you less than 5 minutes. If we don’t receive the required " "information, we’ll need to pause deposits to your bank account temporarily." msgstr "" "Proses ini butuh waktu kurang dari 5 menit. Jika tidak menerima informasi " "yang diperlukan, kami akan menjeda sementara pengiriman deposit ke rekening " "Anda. " msgid "" "Please take a moment to update your account information to make sure you get " "paid on time." msgstr "" "Perbarui informasi akun Anda agar dapat menerima pembayaran tepat waktu. " msgid "" "Please take a moment to update your account information by %s to make sure " "you get paid on time." msgstr "" "Perbarui informasi akun Anda sebelum %s agar dapat menerima pembayaran tepat " "waktu." msgid "Verify your identity to keep receiving deposits from us." msgstr "Verifikasi identitas Anda untuk tetap menerima deposit dari kami." msgid "Resume my deposits, Woo" msgstr "Lanjutkan pengiriman deposit saya, Woo" msgid "Speed up your site and improve SEO - no developer required." msgstr "Percepat situs Anda dan tingkatkan SEO - tidak diperlukan pengembang." msgid "Unpin topic" msgstr "Lepas sematan topik" msgid "Log in or get started with to create topics" msgstr "Login atau mulai dengan untuk membuat topik" msgid "Log in or get started with to reply" msgstr "Login atau mulai dengan untuk membalas" msgid "Log in or get started with to edit reply" msgstr "Login atau mulai dengan untuk mengedit balasan" msgid "Reply Status" msgstr "Status Balasan:" msgid "Compare our plans and find yours" msgstr "Bandingkan paket kami dan temukan pilihan Anda" msgid "" "With this gift, you are helping %s provide the content that you and many " "others appreciate and enjoy." msgstr "" "Dengan hadiah ini, Anda membantu %s menyediakan konten bermanfaat untuk Anda " "dan orang lain nikmati." msgid "Spread the love!" msgstr "Bagikan kebahagiaan!" msgid "Support guides" msgstr "Panduan bantuan" msgid "Plugin guide" msgstr "Panduan plugin" msgid "Copy site" msgstr "Salin situs" msgid "Hosted by" msgstr "Dihosting oleh" msgid "Thanks for your payment for %s!" msgstr "Terima kasih atas pembayaran Anda untuk %s!" msgid "Get Yoast" msgstr "Dapatkan Yoast" msgid "Increase your site visitors with Yoast SEO Premium" msgstr "Tingkatkan pengunjung situs Anda dengan Yoast SEO Premium" msgid "" "Grow your audience by promoting your content. Reach millions of users across " "Tumblr and" msgstr "" "Kembangkan audiens Anda dengan mempromosikan konten Anda. Jangkau jutaan " "pengguna di Tumblr dan" msgctxt "Name of credit card" msgid "Diners" msgstr "Temukan" msgid "About this topic." msgstr "Tentang topik ini." msgid "(Support Forums) Topic Tags" msgstr "(Forum Dukungan) Deskripsi Meta Topik" msgid "See and manage topic tags." msgstr "Lihat dan kelola tag topik." msgid "Latest reply from %1$s" msgstr "Balasan terakhir dari %1$s" msgid "(Support Forums) Topic About" msgstr "(Forum Dukungan) Deskripsi Meta Topik" msgid "Download Jetpack from the App Store" msgstr "Unduh Jetpack dari App Store" msgid "Download Jetpack on Google Play" msgstr "Unduh Jetpack di Google Play" msgid "Edit “%s”" msgstr "Sunting \"%s\"" msgid "" "Documentation on Auto-updates" msgstr "" "Dokumentasi Pembaruan Otomatis" msgid "" "You are about to reset the monitor schedule to {{strong}}5 minutes{{/" "strong}} for {{em}}%(siteUrl)s{{/em}}." msgstr "" "Anda akan menyetel ulang jadwal pemantau ke {{strong}}5 menit{{/strong}} " "selama {{em}}%(siteUrl)s{{/em}}." msgid "" "You are about to reset the monitor schedule to {{strong}}5 minutes{{/" "strong}} for %(siteCountText)s." msgstr "" "Anda akan menyetel ulang jadwal pemantau menjadi {{strong}}5 menit{{/" "strong}} selama %(siteCountText)s." msgid "Reset Notification" msgstr "Atur Ulang Notifikasi" msgid "Update domain name" msgstr "Perbarui nama domain" msgid "" "You have a temporary domain name on
We recommend " "updating your domain name." msgstr "" "Anda memiliki nama domain sementara di
Sebaiknya " "perbarui nama domain Anda." msgid "Migration done! You're all set!" msgstr "Migrasi selesai! Anda sudah siap!" msgid "Your temporary site is:" msgstr "Situs sementara Anda adalah:" msgid "Pick Your Data Center" msgstr "Pilih Pusat Data Anda" msgid "CLI Access" msgstr "Akses CLI" msgid "" "You must specify a URL to an iCalendar feed in the shortcode. This notice is " "only displayed to administrators." msgstr "" "Anda harus menyebutkan URL ke feed iCalendar di shortcode. Pemberitahuan ini " "hanya ditampilkan ke administrator." msgid "Download your form response data via CSV file." msgstr "Unduh data tanggapan formulir Anda dalam file CSV." msgid "Waiting for connection..." msgstr "Menunggu koneksi..." msgid "Jetpack AI is not available in offline mode." msgstr "Jetpack AI tidak tersedia dalam mode offline." msgid "" "Jetpack Search Free has been removed because the trial has already been used " "for this site." msgstr "" "Jetpack Search Gratis telah dihapus karena uji cobanya sudah dipakai untuk " "situs ini." msgid "" "With bold featured images and bright, cheerful colors, this WordPress theme " "is ready to get to work for your business, blog, or wedding website." msgstr "" "Dengan gambar andalan yang menonjol dan warna cerah ceria, tema WordPress " "ini cocok untuk bisnis, blog, atau situs pernikahan Anda." msgid "WordPress Theme for Businesses or Wedding Websites | Dara" msgstr "Tema WordPress untuk Situs Bisnis atau Situs Pernikahan | Dara" msgid "" "A fully responsive theme, ideal for creating a strong, yet beautiful, online " "presence for your business, blog, or wedding announcement website." msgstr "" "Tema yang benar-benar responsif, pas untuk menciptakan eksistensi online " "yang mantap lagi memikat bagi bisnis, blog, atau situs undangan pernikahan " "Anda." msgid "WordPress Theme for Wedding & Travel Websites | Hever" msgstr "Tema WordPress untuk Situs Pernikahan & Perjalanan | Hever" msgid "" "Use our wedding website template to plan and organize your big day. Couples " "will love personalizing this free WordPress theme's elegant design. See a " "demo!" msgstr "" "Gunakan templat situs pernikahan kami untuk merencanakan dan " "menyelenggarakan hari besar Anda. Personalisasikan desain elegan tema " "WordPress gratis ini bersama calon pasangan! Lihat demo!" msgid "WordPress Theme for Wedding Websites | Toujours" msgstr "Tema WordPress untuk Situs Pernikahan | Toujours" msgid "" "Start building a restaurant website that impresses guests before they ever " "walk through your doors. Customize menus and more with this free WordPress " "theme." msgstr "" "Mulai bangun situs restoran yang memikat para tamu sejak pandangan pertama. " "Sesuaikan menu dan lainnya dengan tema WordPress gratis ini." msgid "WordPress Theme for Restaurants, Bars, & Coffeehouses | Rockfield" msgstr "Tema WordPress untuk Restoran, Bar, & Kedai Kopi | Rockfield" msgid "" "Perfect for restaurants that feature classy cuisine and an elegant " "atmosphere, this template provides a starting point for a memorable website." msgstr "" "Sangat cocok untuk restoran dengan masakan berkelas dan nuansa elegan, " "templat ini memberikan titik permulaan bagi situs yang berkesan." msgid "WordPress Restaurant Theme for Modern Fine Dining | Canape" msgstr "Tema Restoran WordPress untuk Fine Dining Modern | Canape" msgid "" "Ideal for cafes, craft breweries, coffeehouses, and more, this one-page " "website template lets small restaurants build an eye-catching online " "presence." msgstr "" "Cocok untuk kafe, pabrik bir kecil, kedai kopi, dan lainnya, templat situs " "satu halaman ini membantu restoran-restoran kecil menciptakan eksistensi " "online yang menarik." msgid "WordPress Theme for Restaurants & Coffee Shops | Pique" msgstr "Tema WordPress untuk Restoran & Kedai Kopi | Pique" msgid "" "Whether you're a foodie blogging about the best dishes in town or a " "restaurant serving amazing meals to diners, this website template fills the " "bill." msgstr "" "Untuk blog kuliner tentang masakan setempat paling enak atau blog restoran " "yang menyajikan hidangan menakjubkan serta warung makan murah meriah, " "templat situs ini sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda." msgid "WordPress Theme for Restaurants and Food Blogs | Dyad 2" msgstr "Tema WordPress untuk Blog Restoran dan Makanan | Dyad 2" msgid "" "From fine dining to coffee shops, this website template for restaurants has " "class and versatility. Find out how to customize the theme for your business." msgstr "" "Dari fine dining hingga kedai kopi, templat situs untuk restoran ini " "berkelas dan serbaguna. Cari tahu cara menyesuaikan tema untuk bisnis Anda." msgid "WordPress Theme for Modern Restaurant Websites | Maywood" msgstr "Tema Wordpress untuk Situs Restoran Modern | Maywood" msgid "" "Check out a WordPress theme for restaurants, food blogs, organic farms, " "agriculture businesses and anyone building a website promoting a healthy " "lifestyle." msgstr "" "Lihat tema WordPress untuk restoran, blog makanan, pertanian organik, bisnis " "pertanian, dan situs apa pun yang mempromosikan gaya hidup sehat." msgid "WordPress Theme for Restaurants & Farming Websites | Barnsbury" msgstr "Tema WordPress untuk Situs Restoran & Pertanian | Barnsbury" msgid "" "Get a website template that's ideal for showcasing artwork from " "photographers, designers, and more. Use this mobile-friendly, free WordPress " "theme." msgstr "" "Dapatkan templat situs yang cocok untuk memamerkan karya seni dari " "fotografer, desainer, dan lainnya. Gunakan tema WordPress gratis yang ramah " "seluler ini." msgid "WordPress Theme for Photographer Portfolio Websites | Sidespied" msgstr "Tema WordPress untuk Situs Portofolio Fotografer | Sidespied" msgid "" "Build an eye-catching online portfolio for photographers with this free " "WordPress theme. Showcase and organize your photo projects. Share them with " "clients." msgstr "" "Buat portofolio online yang menarik untuk para fotografer dengan tema " "WordPress gratis ini. Atur proyek foto Anda dan pamerkan. Bagikan dengan " "para klien." msgid "WordPress Theme for Photography & Portfolio Sites | Espied" msgstr "Tema WordPress untuk Situs Fotografi dan Portofolio | Espied" msgid "" "This free WordPress theme is ideal for portrait photographers. Showcase " "smiling faces and more with a website template that has personality and " "versatility." msgstr "" "Tema WordPress gratis ini cocok bagi fotografer potret. Pajang potret " "senyuman dan foto lainnya dengan templat situs yang tegas dan serbaguna." msgid "WordPress Theme for Portrait Photography Portfolios | Snaps" msgstr "Tema WordPress untuk Portofolio Fotografi Potret | Snaps" msgid "" "Get a free WordPress theme designed for photographers and artists that's " "ideal for showcasing your best work online. Build your portfolio using Orvis!" msgstr "" "Dapatkan tema WordPress gratis yang dirancang untuk fotografer dan seniman—" "cocok untuk memamerkan karya terbaik Anda secara online. Buat portofolio " "Anda menggunakan Orvis!" msgid "WordPress Theme for Photography & Art Portfolios | Orvis" msgstr "Tema WordPress untuk Portofolio Fotografi & Seni | Orvis" msgid "" "Check out this free theme that puts the focus on your photos or creative " "portfolio. An ideal website template for photographers and visual artists" msgstr "" "Inilah tema gratis ini yang menonjolkan foto atau portofolio kreatif Anda. " "Templat situs yang cocok bagi fotografer dan pengrajin seni rupa." msgid "WordPress Theme for Photographers & Artists | Blask" msgstr "Tema WordPress untuk Fotografer & Seniman | Blask" msgid "" "This versatile website template for photographers and designers to build a " "professional site. This free WordPress theme showcases images and " "illustrations." msgstr "" "Templat situs serbaguna untuk fotografer dan desainer ini pas untuk membuat " "situs profesional. Tema WordPress gratis ini memamerkan gambar dan ilustrasi." msgid "WordPress Theme for Photography & Design Websites | Illustratr" msgstr "Tema WordPress untuk Situs Fotografi & Desain | Illustratr" msgid "" "Choose an elegant website template for photographers. Showcase your work " "with this elegant, responsive WordPress theme for professionals and " "photobloggers." msgstr "" "Pilih templat situs elegan untuk fotografer. Pamerkan karya Anda dengan tema " "WordPress yang elegan dan responsif bagi para profesional dan blogger foto " "ini." msgid "WordPress Theme for Photographers & Photo Blogs | AltoFocus" msgstr "Tema WordPress untuk Blog Fotografer dan Foto | AltoFocus" msgid "" "Showcase your work with a striking website template for WordPress. This " "free, mobile-friendly theme is ideal for photographers and artists of all " "stripes." msgstr "" "Pamerkan karya Anda dengan templat situs menarik untuk WordPress. Tema yang " "ramah seluler dan gratis ini cocok untuk fotografer dan seniman segala " "bidang." msgid "WordPress Theme for Photography Websites & Portraits | Mayland" msgstr "Tema WordPress untuk Situs Fotografi & Potret | Mayland" msgid "" "The \"Photos\" theme is the perfect backdrop for your professional " "photography portfolio. Use it to showcase your work and connect with clients " "and customers." msgstr "" "Tema \"Foto\" merupakan latar belakang yang sempurna untuk portofolio " "fotografi profesional Anda. Gunakan tema tersebut untuk memamerkan karya " "Anda dan menjalin koneksi dengan para klien dan pelanggan." msgid "WordPress Theme for Photography Websites & Portfolios | Photos" msgstr "Tema WordPress untuk Situs Fotografi dan Portofolio | Espied" msgid "" "From freelancers to full-service agencies, this free WordPress website " "template has the style and functionality you need in a creative online " "portfolio." msgstr "" "Dari pekerja lepas hingga agensi layanan lengkap, templat situs WordPress " "gratis ini memiliki gaya dan fungsi yang Anda butuhkan dalam portofolio " "online kreatif." msgid "WordPress Portfolio Theme for Freelancers & Agencies | Argent" msgstr "Tema Portofolio WordPress untuk Pekerja Lepas dan Agensi | Argent" msgid "" "Check out a free website template for creative portfolios with a simple " "layout that lets your visual projects cut through the clutter using a clean " "design." msgstr "" "Lihat templat situs gratis untuk portofolio kreatif dengan tata letak " "sederhana yang menonjolkan proyek seni rupa Anda dengan desain yang rapi." msgid "WordPress Portfolio Theme for Creative Professionals | Rebalance" msgstr "Tema Portofolio WordPress untuk Para Profesional Kreatif | Rebalance" msgid "" "Creative professionals will love using this website template to build an " "online portfolio with WordPress. Showcase your best design projects and more!" msgstr "" "Portofolio online di WordPress dengan templat situs ini sangat pas bagi para " "profesional kreatif. Pamerkan proyek desain terbaik Anda dan lainnya!" msgid "WordPress Portfolio Theme for Illustration & Design | Sketch" msgstr "Tema Portofolio WordPress untuk Ilustrasi & Desain | Sketch" msgid "" "Get a portfolio theme for WordPress that provides a template for your new " "website. Ideal for designers, illustrators, and other creative professionals." msgstr "" "Dapatkan tema portofolio untuk WordPress sebagai templat untuk situs baru " "Anda. Cocok untuk desainer, ilustrator, dan para profesional kreatif lainnya." msgid "WordPress Portfolio Theme for Design Websites | Dalston" msgstr "Tema Portofolio WordPress untuk Situs Desain | Dalston" msgid "" "Browse our selection of eye-catching website templates for online " "portfolios. Build sites for photographers, artists, designers, " "videographers, and more." msgstr "" "Jelajahi pilihan templat situs kami yang menarik untuk portofolio online " "ini. Buat situs untuk fotografer, seniman, desainer, videografer, dan " "lainnya." msgid "Official WordPress Themes: Portfolios & Photography Websites" msgstr "Tema Resmi WordPress: Situs Portofolio & Fotografi" msgid "" "Customize this versatile website template for your needs. Use it as a theme " "for selling real estate or promoting any type of small business online." msgstr "" "Sesuaikan templat situs serbaguna ini untuk kebutuhan Anda. Gunakan sebagai " "tema untuk menjual real estat atau mempromosikan bisnis kecil apa pun secara " "online." msgid "WordPress Theme for Business & Real Estate | Edin" msgstr "Tema WordPress untuk Bisnis & Real Estat | Edin" msgid "" "Choose this website template and create a professional online presence. This " "WordPress theme is great for realtors, insurance agents, lawyers, and others!" msgstr "" "Pilih templat situs ini dan bangun kehadiran online profesional. Tema " "WordPress ini sangat ideal bagi agen real estat, agen asuransi, pengacara, " "dan lainnya!" msgid "WordPress Theme for Business & Real Estate | Brompton" msgstr "Tema WordPress untuk Bisnis & Real Estat | Brompton" msgid "" "Promote the properties you're selling and connect with new clients with " "support from this versatile website template designed for realtors. Start " "today!" msgstr "" "Promosikan properti yang Anda jual dan jalin koneksi dengan para klien baru " "dengan dukungan dari templat situs serbaguna yang dirancang untuk agen real " "estat. Mulai hari ini!" msgid "WordPress Theme for Real Estate Agents | Rivington" msgstr "Tema WordPress untuk Agen Real Estat | Rivington" msgid "" "Discover our collection of free and premium business themes. Find the right " "website template for realtors, consultants, ad agencies, or any small " "business." msgstr "" "Temukan koleksi tema bisnis gratis dan premium kami. Temukan templat situs " "yang tepat bagi agen real estat, konsultan, agensi iklan, atau bisnis kecil " "apa pun." msgid "WordPress Themes for Business Websites | Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress untuk Situs Bisnis | Tema" msgid "Remove from favorites" msgstr "Hapus dari favorit" msgid "Open rate" msgstr "Rasio terbuka" msgid "Total opens" msgstr "Total terbuka" msgid "" "Expand or collapse the elements by clicking on their headings, and arrange " "them by dragging their headings or by clicking on the up and down arrows." msgstr "" "Perluas atau persempit elemen dengan mengklik judulnya, dan mengaturnya " "dengan menyeret judulnya atau dengan mengklik panah atas dan bawah." msgid "How often will I receive payment for putting ads on my site?" msgstr "" "Seberapa sering saya akan menerima pembayaran dari pemasangan iklan di situs " "saya?" msgid "How much can I earn through putting ads on my site?" msgstr "" "Seberapa banyak yang bisa saya hasilkan dari pemasangan iklan di situs saya?" msgid "" "Choose a minimum of $5 per day, up to a maximum of $50 per day. It will be " "charged in USD. No other currencies are supported at this time." msgstr "" "Pilih minimum 5 dolar per hari hingga maksimum 50 dolar per hari. Akan " "dikenakan dalam USD. Mata uang lain tidak didukung untuk saat ini." msgid "How much do Blaze ads cost?" msgstr "Berapa biaya iklan Blaze?" msgid "" "If your post has been approved, you will receive an email saying that your " "post was approved and will be put online." msgstr "" "Jika pos Anda sudah disetujui, Anda akan menerima email berisi kabar bahwa " "pos sudah disetujui dan akan dipasang secara online." msgid "" "We try to moderate posts as quickly as possible, depending on how much " "content we need to review. Currently, we average around 30 minutes, but " "there’s no guaranteed time." msgstr "" "Kami berusaha memoderasi pos secepat mungkin, tergantung seberapa banyak " "konten yang perlu kami tinjau. Saat ini, rata-rata sekitar 30 menit, tetapi " "tidak ada jaminan waktu." msgid "" "We review all promoted posts and pages for compliance with our Advertising Policy before they are seen by others." msgstr "" "Kami meninjau semua pos dan halaman yang dipromosikan agar mematuhi Kebijakan Pengiklanan kami sebelum dilihat oleh orang lain." msgid "Do my Blaze ads need to be approved?" msgstr "Apakah iklan Blaze saya perlu disetujui?" msgid "" "Your promoted post will appear across the network of Tumblr and free " " sites, with an ‘Advertisement’ label. It’s one of the most " "affordable ways to try Tumblr advertising and advertising" msgstr "" "Pos yang Anda promosikan akan tampil di seluruh jaringan Tumblr dan situs " " yang gratis, dengan label 'Iklan'. Blaze adalah salah satu " "cara paling terjangkau untuk mencoba pengiklanan Tumblr dan pengiklanan " "" msgid "Where will my Blaze ads appear?" msgstr "Di mana iklan Blaze saya akan muncul?" msgid "" "For any additional questions, check out our support post." msgstr "Untuk pertanyaan lain, lihat pos dukungan kami." msgid "" "Alternatively, on your dashboard, navigate to the Posts or " "Pages screen, then scroll to the post or page you’d like to promote. Click " "the three dots icon on the right, then click “Promote post”." msgstr "" "Atau, pada dasbor Anda, arahkan ke layar Pos atau Halaman, " "lalu gulir ke pos atau halaman yang ingin Anda promosikan. Klik ikon tiga " "titik di kanan, lalu klik \"Promosikan pos\"." msgid "" "Log in to your account, and then visit" msgstr "" "Login ke akun, lalu kunjungi" "advertising." msgid "How do I place ads through the Blaze ad network?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara saya memasang iklan melalui jaringan iklan Blaze?" msgid "" "Generate passive income through a high-quality ad program designed " "specifically for WordPress sites." msgstr "" "Dapatkan penghasilan pasif melalui program iklan berkualitas tinggi yang " "dirancang khusus untuk situs WordPress." msgid "Make money with ads" msgstr "Hasilkan uang dengan iklan" msgid "Learn more about Blaze" msgstr "Pelajari selengkapnya tentang Blaze" msgid "Expand your reach for just $5 per day" msgstr "Perluas jangkauan Anda hanya dengan 5 dolar per hari" msgid "" "More than 13.5 billion impressions per month from millions of active daily " "visitors" msgstr "" "Lebih dari 13,5 miliar impresi per bulan dari jutaan pengunjung aktif harian" msgid "Advertise your best content in a few clicks" msgstr "Promosikan konten terbaik Anda dengan beberapa klik saja" msgid "" "Find new fans by promoting your posts and pages across millions of sites " "with the Blaze ad network" msgstr "" "Temukan penggemar baru dengan mempromosikan pos dan halaman Anda ke jutaan " "situs dengan jaringan iklan Blaze" msgid "" "Add a short description to explain what type of products will appear on your " "site. We will set up the page so this description appears above your " "products; you can add the products later with the editor." msgstr "" "Tambahkan keterangan singkat tentang tipe produk apa yang akan ditampilkan " "di situs Anda. Kami akan mengatur halaman sehingga deskripsi tersebut muncul " "di atas produk Anda; Anda dapat menambahkan produk nanti dengan editor." msgid "" "Your shop page will display all the products you have for sale. We will set " "up the shop page and explain how you can add products to your new site." msgstr "" "Halaman toko Anda akan menampilkan semua produk yang Anda miliki untuk " "dijual. Kami akan mengatur halaman toko dan menjelaskan bagaimana Anda dapat " "menambahkan produk ke situs baru Anda." msgid "To view it please enter the password below:" msgstr "Untuk melihatnya, masukkan kata sandi di bawah ini:" msgid "This content is password protected" msgstr "Konten ini dilindungi dengan kata sandi" msgid "" "Your %1$s upgrade for %2$s renewed on %3$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for another three " "years. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgstr "" "%1$sUpgrade Anda untuk %2$s diperpanjang pada %3$s, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua alat dan fitur hebat selama dua " "tahun ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada %4$s." msgid "" "Your %1$d purchase for %2$s renewed on " "%3$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another three years. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgid_plural "" "Your %1$d purchases for %2$s renewed on " "%3$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another three years. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgstr[0] "" "%1$dPembelian Anda untuk %2$s diperpanjang " "pada %3$s, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua alat dan " "fitur hebat selama dua tahun ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada " "%4$s." msgstr[1] "" "%1$dPembelian Anda untuk %2$s diperpanjang " "pada %3$s, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua alat dan " "fitur hebat selama dua tahun ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada " "%4$s." msgid "" "Your G Suite accounts renewed on %1$s, so " "your site has all its great tools and features for another three years. Your " "next renewal will be on %2$s." msgstr "" "Akun G Suite Anda diperpanjang pada %1$s, " "sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua alat dan fitur hebat selama dua tahun ke " "depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada %2$s." msgid "" "Your %1$d G Suite license for %2$s renewed " "on %3$s, so your site has all its great tools and features " "for another three years. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgid_plural "" "Your %1$d G Suite licenses for %2$s " "renewed on %3$s, so your site has all its great tools and " "features for another three years. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgstr[0] "" "%1$dLisensi G Suite Anda untuk %2$s " "diperpanjang pada %3$s, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua " "alat dan fitur hebat selama dua tahun ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada " "%4$s." msgstr[1] "" "%1$dLisensi G Suite Anda untuk %2$s " "diperpanjang pada %3$s, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua " "alat dan fitur hebat selama dua tahun ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada " "%4$s." msgid "" "Your G Suite license for %1$s renewed on " "%2$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another three years. Your next renewal will be on %3$s." msgstr "" "Lisensi G Suite Anda untuk %1$s " "diperpanjang pada %2$s, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua " "alat dan fitur hebat selama dua tahun ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada " "%3$s." msgid "" "Your domain mapping subscriptions for %1$s renewed on " "%2$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another three years. Your next renewal will be on %3$s." msgstr "" "Langganan pemetaan domain Anda untuk %1$s diperpanjang pada " "%2$s, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua alat dan fitur " "hebat selama dua tahun ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada %3$s." msgid "" "Your domain mapping for %1$s renewed on " "%2$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another three years. Your next renewal will be on %3$s." msgstr "" "Pemetaan domain Anda untuk %1$s " "diperpanjang pada %2$s, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua " "alat dan fitur hebat selama dua tahun ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada " "%3$s." msgid "" "Your domain registrations for %1$s renewed on %2$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for another three " "years. Your next renewal will be on %3$s." msgstr "" "Registrasi domain untuk %1$s diperpanjang pada " "%2$s, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua alat dan fitur hebat " "selama dua tahun ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada %3$s." msgid "" "Your domain registration for %1$s renewed " "on %2$s, so your site has all its great tools and features " "for another three years. Your next renewal will be on %3$s." msgstr "" "Registrasi domain untuk %1$s diperpanjang " "pada %2$s, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua alat dan " "fitur hebat selama dua tahun ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada " "%3$s." msgid "" "The renewal for your %1$s plan for %2$s renewed on " "%3$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for another " "three years. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgstr "" "Perpanjangan %1$spaket Anda untuk %2$s diperpanjang pada " "%3$s, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua alat dan fitur " "hebat selama dua tahun ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada %4$s." msgid "" "Your %1$s plan and custom domain for %2$s " "renewed on %3$s, so your site has all its great tools and " "features for another three years. Your next renewal will be on %4$s." msgstr "" "%1$sPaket dan domain khusus Anda untuk " "%2$s diperpanjang pada %3$s, sehingga situs Anda memiliki " "semua perangkat dan fitur hebat selama dua tahun ke depan. Perpanjangan " "berikutnya pada %4$s." msgid "" "Your Jetpack upgrades for %1$s renewed on %2$s, so your site has all its great tools and features for another three " "years. Your next renewal will be on %3$s." msgstr "" "Upgrade Jetpack Anda untuk %1$s diperpanjang pada " "%2$s, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua alat dan fitur hebat " "selama dua tahun ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada %3$s." msgid "Last poster" msgstr "Pengirim pos terakhir" msgid "" "Sorry, something went wrong when trying to %(monitorStatus)s the monitor for " "%(siteCountText)s. Please try again." msgstr "" "Maaf, terjadi kesalahan saat mencoba %(monitorStatus)s monitor untuk " "%(siteCountText)s. Silakan coba lagi." msgid "" "Successfully %(monitorStatus)s the monitor for {{em}}%(siteUrl)s{{/em}}." msgstr "Berhasil %(monitorStatus)s pemantau untuk {{em}}%(siteUrl)s{{/em}}." msgid "Successfully %(monitorStatus)s the monitor for %(siteCountText)s." msgstr "Berhasil %(monitorStatus)s pemantau untuk %(siteCountText)s." msgid "paused" msgstr "dijeda" msgid "resumed" msgstr "dilanjutkan" msgid "" "You are about to %(monitorAction)s the monitor for {{em}}%(siteUrl)s{{/em}}." msgstr "Anda akan %(monitorAction)s pemantau untuk {{em}}%(siteUrl)s{{/em}}." msgid "You are about to %(monitorAction)s the monitor for %(siteCountText)s." msgstr "Anda akan %(monitorAction)s pemantau untuk %(siteCountText)s." msgid "resume" msgstr "lanjutkan" msgid "Pause Monitor" msgstr "Jeda Pemantau" msgid "Resume Monitor" msgstr "Lanjutkan Pemantau" msgid "Sell your online courses using Sensei LMS with WooCommerce." msgstr "Jual kursus online Anda menggunakan Sensei LMS dengan WooCommerce." msgctxt "momentjs format string (hour)" msgid "MMM D HH:mm" msgstr "D MMM HH:mm" msgid "The Email field is not valid." msgstr "Kolom Email tidak valid." msgid "Create campaign" msgstr "Buat kampanye" msgid "" "Grow your audience by promoting your content with Blaze campaigns. Reach " "interested users across millions of sites on Tumblr and" msgstr "" "Kembangkan audiens Anda dengan mempromosikan konten Anda menggunakan " "kampanye Blaze. Jangkau pengguna potensial di jutaan situs di Tumblr dan " "" msgid "Promote your content with Blaze" msgstr "Promosikan konten Anda dengan Blaze" msgid "Promote with Blaze" msgstr "Promosikan dengan Blaze" msgid "Learn more ↗" msgstr "Baca selengkapnya ↗" msgid "" "There was no data recorded during the selected time period. Try selecting a " "different time range." msgstr "" "Tidak ada data yang tercatat selama rentang waktu yang dipilih. Coba pilih " "rentang waktu yang berbeda." msgid "Explore hosting" msgstr "Jelajahi fitur hosting" msgid "" "We prevented multiple payments for the same order. If this was a mistake and " "you wish to try again, please create a new order." msgstr "" "Kami mencegah pembayaran lebih dari sekali untuk pesanan yang sama. Jika " "Anda tidak sengaja melakukannya dan ingin melakukan pembayaran lagi, harap " "buat pesanan baru." msgid "added to cart" msgstr "ditambahkan ke keranjang" msgid "View Cart" msgstr "Lihat Keranjang" msgid "Add one or more products to your cart and checkout in one step." msgstr "" "Tambahkan satu atau lebih produk ke keranjang Anda dan checkout dalam satu " "langkah." msgid "Your cart is empty" msgstr "Keranjang Anda kosong" msgid "" "We removed one or more Jetpack products, because they overlap with other " "product(s) in your cart." msgstr "" "Kami menghapus satu atau lebih produk Jetpack, karena tumpang-tindih dengan " "produk lain di keranjang Anda." msgid "" "Your site already has %s, so we replaced it with our recommended Jetpack " "Backup Add-on Storage (1TB) upgrade." msgstr "" "Situs Anda telah memiliki %s, maka kami menggantinya dengan upgrade " "Penyimpanan Add-on Jetpack Backup (1TB) yang kami rekomendasikan." msgid "Added By" msgstr "Ditambahkan Oleh" msgid "Blaze" msgstr "Blaze" msgid "Blaze a trail" msgstr "Nyalakan dengan Blaze" msgid "Can’t start a fire without a spark" msgstr "Tiap kobaran berawal dari satu pantikan " msgid "" "Questions? Check out our support page." msgstr "" "Ada pertanyaan? Lihat halaman dukungan kami." msgid "" "Once your ad is running, you can see how much engagement you’re getting from " "your new fans." msgstr "" "Setelah iklan mulai dipajang, Anda bisa amati seberapa besar interaksi yang " "didapatkan dari para penggemar baru." msgid "See your reach" msgstr "Amati jangkauan Anda" msgid "" "Get some of the lowest ad prices while protecting your brand with a system " "backed by Verity and Grapeshot. Rest easy that your ads will only show up " "where you’d like them to." msgstr "" "Dapatkan harga iklan terendah sembari menjaga citra merek Anda dengan sistem " "yang disokong oleh Verity dan Grapeshot. Tenang saja, iklan Anda hanya akan " "muncul di tempat yang Anda inginkan." msgid "Publish your ad" msgstr "Publikasikan iklan Anda" msgid "Run an ad for 6 months or just a few days — it’s up to you." msgstr "Pajang iklan selama 6 bulan atau beberapa hari saja — terserah Anda." msgid "Set your dates and budget" msgstr "Atur tanggal dan anggaran Anda" msgid "" "Show off your ad to people in certain areas, or people who are reading about " "topics like movies or sports. You’ll see an estimate of how many people " "you’ll reach." msgstr "" "Tampilkan iklan kepada orang-orang di area tertentu, atau orang-orang yang " "membaca topik tertentu, seperti film atau olahraga. Akan ada estimasi jumlah " "orang yang akan terjangkau." msgid "Select your audience" msgstr "Pilih audiens Anda" msgid "" "Our wizard automatically formats your content into a beautiful ad, but you " "can adjust it however you like." msgstr "" "Panduan kami akan menyusun konten Anda jadi iklan menarik secara otomatis, " "tetapi bebas Anda sesuaikan." msgid "Design your ad" msgstr "Desain iklan Anda" msgid "How it works" msgstr "Ini cara kerjanya" msgid "Amplify your reach for just a few dollars." msgstr "Perluas jangkauan dengan harga miring." msgid "Boost your best content" msgstr "Tingkatkan popularitas konten terbaik Anda" msgid "Our tool presents your content where interested users can find it." msgstr "" "Alat kami membuat konten Anda mudah ditemukan oleh pengguna yang tertarik." msgid "Find the right users" msgstr "Temukan pengguna yang tepat" msgid "Create your ad. Choose your audience. Set your budget. It's that easy." msgstr "Buat iklan. Pilih audiens. Tentukan anggaran. Semudah itu!" msgid "Launch within minutes" msgstr "Luncurkan dalam hitungan menit" msgid "" "Getting eyes on your content can feel like rubbing two sticks together. " "Promoting your site to millions of active daily visitors is the spark you " "need to get noticed." msgstr "" "Mempopulerkan konten tak ubahnya menyalakan obor penerang. Promosi situs di " "hadapan jutaan pengunjung aktif harian adalah pantikan yang Anda perlukan " "untuk mendapat perhatian." msgid "Let’s add some fuel to this fire" msgstr "Ayo kobarkan!" msgid "" "From millions of active daily visitors in your neighborhood and across the " "world" msgstr "" "Dari jutaan pengunjung aktif harian di sekitar Anda dan di seluruh dunia" msgid "More than 13.5 billion impressions per month" msgstr "Lebih dari 13,5 miliar impresi per bulan" msgid "" "Find new fans by promoting your posts and pages across millions of sites in " "the and Tumblr ad network." msgstr "" "Temukan penggemar baru dengan mempromosikan pos dan halaman Anda ke jutaan " "situs dalam jaringan iklan dan Tumblr." msgid "Like lighter fluid for your best content" msgstr "Pemantik untuk kobarkan konten terbaik Anda" msgid "Invite date" msgstr "Tanggal diundang" msgid "People who have subscribed to your site and team members." msgstr "Pengguna yang telah berlangganan ke situs Anda dan anggota tim." msgid "User Details" msgstr "Detil Pengguna" msgid "Setting up SFTP and database credentials." msgstr "Menyiapkan kredensial SFTP dan database." msgid "Uploading any WordPress themes purchased or downloaded elsewhere." msgstr "" "Mengunggah semua tema WordPress yang dibeli atau diunduh di tempat lain." msgid "" "Jetpack Boost improves your site performance and automatically generates " "critical CSS." msgstr "" "Jetpack Boost meningkatkan performa situs Anda dan otomatis membuatkan CSS " "utama." msgid "%s/mo" msgstr "%s/bln" msgid "%s/mo" msgstr "%s/bln" msgid "%1$s%% off" msgstr "Diskon %1$s%%" msgid "Boost w/ Auto CSS Generation" msgstr "Boost dengan Pembuatan CSS Otomatis" msgid "Akismet Anti-spam w/ 60k API calls/mo" msgstr "Akismet Anti-spam dengan 60 ribu panggilan API/bln" msgid "Scan w/ WAF" msgstr "Scan dengan WAF" msgid "Get the most out of Jetpack" msgstr "Dapatkan yang terbaik dari Jetpack." msgctxt "Title of the Jetpack Social connections page" msgid "Social Connections" msgstr "Koneksi Sosial" msgid "" "Sharing posts on your Tumblr blog expands your reach to a diverse younger " "audience in a fun and creative community." msgstr "" "Berbagi pos di blog Tumblr Anda untuk memperluas jangkauan ke audiens muda " "yang beragam dalam komunitas yang menyenangkan dan kreatif." msgid "" "Reach a professional audience and contribute valuable content by sharing " "your posts with the LinkedIn community." msgstr "" "Jangkau audiens profesional dan bagikan konten bermanfaat dengan membagikan " "pos Anda ke komunitas LinkedIn." msgid "" "Keep your followers up to date with your news, events, and other happenings " "by sharing posts on your Twitter feed." msgstr "" "Tetap perbarui berita, kegiatan, dan momen lainnya untuk pengikut Anda " "dengan membagikan pos di feed Twitter Anda." msgid "" "Facebook’s massive active user base makes for a great place to share your " "posts and connect with your followers." msgstr "" "Basis pengguna aktif Facebook yang sangat besar menjadi tempat yang bagus " "untuk membagikan kiriman Anda dan terhubung dengan pengikut Anda." msgid "" "Connect to social media networks to drive more traffic to your site and " "increase your reach, engagement, and visibility." msgstr "" "Terhubung ke jaringan media sosial untuk mendorong lebih banyak traffic ke " "situs Anda dan meningkatkan jangkauan, keterlibatan, dan visibilitas Anda." msgid "Let us build your new site" msgstr "Kami buatkan situs baru Anda" msgid "Get %1$s%% off your website." msgstr "Dapatkan diskon %1$s%% untuk situs Anda." msgid "Finish signing up" msgstr "Selesaikan pendaftaran" msgid "No expiration date" msgstr "Tidak ada tanggal kedaluwarsa" msgid "" "Deliver an unmatched performance with the highest security standards on our " "enterprise content platform." msgstr "" "Dapatkan performa tak tertandingi dengan standar keamanan tertinggi di " "platform konten kelas bisnis kami." msgid "Best for enterprises" msgstr "Terbaik untuk perusahaan" msgid "Unlock the power of WordPress with plugins and cloud tools." msgstr "Buka kunci keandalan fitur WordPress dengan plugin dan alat cloud." msgid "Build a unique website with powerful design tools." msgstr "Bangun situs web unik dengan alat desain yang andal." msgid "Create your home on the web with a custom domain name." msgstr "Buat rumah Anda di web dengan nama domain khusus." msgid "Get a taste of the world’s most popular CMS & blogging software." msgstr "Cicipi software CMS & blogging terpopuler di dunia." msgid "Everything in %(planShortName)s, plus:" msgstr "Semuanya di %(planShortName)s, serta:" msgid "%(domainName)s is included" msgstr "Termasuk %(domainName)s" msgid "Get %(plan)s" msgstr "Dapatkan %(plan)s" msgid "Site activity log" msgstr "Log aktivitas situs" msgid "BruteProtect" msgstr "BruteProtect" msgid "Tools for SEO" msgstr "Alat untuk SEO" msgid "Unlimited shares in social media" msgstr "Berbagi di media sosial tidak terbatas " msgid "Premium content gating" msgstr "Proteksi konten premium" msgid "Paid subscribers" msgstr "Pelanggan berbayar" msgid "Spam protection with Akismet" msgstr "Perlindungan spam dengan Akismet" msgid "Visitor stats" msgstr "Statistik pengunjung" msgid "Extensions marketplace" msgstr "Ekstensi marketplace" msgid "Payments in 60+ countries" msgstr "Pembayaran di 60+ negara" msgid "Easy checkout experience" msgstr "Fitur checkout yang mudah" msgid "Inventory management" msgstr "Manajemen persediaan" msgid "Store customization" msgstr "Pengaturan toko" msgid "Sell and ship products" msgstr "Jual dan kirim produk" msgid "Automated WordPress updates" msgstr "Pembaruan WordPress otomatis" msgid "Isolated site infrastructure" msgstr "Infrastruktur situs yang aman" msgid "Automatic datacenter fail-over" msgstr "Fail-over pusat data otomatis" msgid "Global CDN with 28+ locations" msgstr "CDN global di 28+ lokasi" msgid "Web application firewall (WAF)" msgstr "Web application firewall (WAF)" msgid "High-burst capacity" msgstr "Kapasitas tinggi" msgid "Unrestricted bandwidth" msgstr "Bandwidth tidak terbatas" msgid "Install plugins & themes" msgstr "Instal plugin & tema" msgid "Earn with WordAds" msgstr "Dapatkan penghasilan dengan WordAds" msgid "Avant-garde design tools" msgstr "Alat desain inovatif" msgid "Support via email" msgstr "Bantuan via e-mail" msgid "Style customization" msgstr "Penyesuaian gaya" msgid "Extremely fast DNS with SSL" msgstr "DNS dengan SSL yang sangat cepat" msgid "Online forever" msgstr "Selalu online" msgid "Smart redirects" msgstr "Smart redirect" msgid "Brute-force protection" msgstr "Perlindungan brute-force" msgid "Time machine for post edits" msgstr "Mesin waktu untuk pengeditan pos" msgid "Built-in newsletters & RSS" msgstr "Buletin & RSS terintegrasi" msgid "Unlimited pages" msgstr "Jumlah halaman tidak terbatas" msgid "Beautiful themes and patterns" msgstr "Tema dan pola yang menawan" msgid "See and manage topic workflow status." msgstr "Lihat dan kelola status alur kerja topik." msgid "(Support Forums) Useful Links" msgstr "(Forum Dukungan) Tautan Bermanfaat" msgid "List of useful links to user and blog info." msgstr "Daftar tautan bermanfaat untuk pengguna dan info blog." msgid "Create Zendesk ticket" msgstr "Buat tiket Zendesk" msgid "Support History" msgstr "Riwayat dukungan" msgid "(Support Forums) Support History" msgstr "(Forum Dukungan) Riwayat Dukungan" msgid "List of user support interactions." msgstr "Daftar interaksi dukungan pengguna." msgid "User is not member of the site" msgstr "Pengguna bukan anggota situs" msgid "Site can upload themes & plugins. " msgstr "Situs dapat mengunggah tema & plugin. " msgid "No site provided" msgstr "Tidak ada situs yang disediakan" msgid "Site is not on" msgstr "Situs tidak dihosting di" msgid "(Support Forums) Site Info" msgstr "(Forum Dukungan) Info Situs" msgid "Information about the user selected site." msgstr "Informasi tentang situs yang dipilih pengguna." msgid "(Support Forums) Next Topic Link" msgstr "(Forum Dukungan) Tautan Topik Selanjutnya" msgid "Link to the next unresolved topic" msgstr "Tautan ke topik selanjutnya yang belum terselesaikan" msgid "Screen size not available." msgstr "Ukuran layar tidak tersedia." msgid "Window size not available." msgstr "Ukuran jendela tidak tersedia." msgid "" "You can change the content of this page using the Site Editor. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengubah konten halaman ini menggunakan Editor Situs. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "" "{{strong}}Site preview not available.{{/strong}} Plan upgrade is required." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Pratinjau situs tidak tersedia.{{/strong}} Diperlukan upgrade " "paket." msgid "You cannot add %s when you already have paid upgrades" msgstr "Anda tidak dapat menambahkan %s jika sudah memiliki upgrade berbayar" msgid "We have removed %s as it cannot be renewed" msgstr "Kami telah menghapus %s karena tidak dapat diperpanjang" msgid "This subscription can not be renewed." msgstr "Langganan ini tidak dapat diperpanjang." msgid "Whether or not the post has already been shared." msgstr "Apakah pos sudah dibagikan atau belum." msgid "Blaze “%s” to Tumblr and audiences." msgstr "Blaze “%s” ke audiens Tumblr dan" msgid "Your receipt for your recent Jetpack purchases." msgstr "Tanda terima Anda untuk pembelian terkini produk Jetpack." msgid "Unlimited Videos (Up to 1TB)" msgstr "Video Tidak Terbatas (Hingga 1TB)" msgid "1 video (Up to 1GB)" msgstr "1 video (Hingga 1GB)" msgid "OpenAI features have been disabled" msgstr "Fitur OpenAI telah dinonaktifkan" msgid "" "Add new functionality and integrations to your site with thousands of " "plugins." msgstr "" "Tambahkan fungsionalitas dan integrasi baru ke situs Anda dengan ribuan " "plugin." msgid "No Thanks" msgstr "Tidak, Terima Kasih" msgid "Enjoying automated Jetpack backups & one-click website restores." msgstr "" "Menikmati pencadangan Jetpack otomatis & pemulihan situs web sekali klik." msgid "" "Using any WordPress plugins and extending the functionality of your website." msgstr "" "Menggunakan plugin WordPress apa pun dan meningkatkan fungsionalitas situs " "web Anda." msgid "Upgrade your site to the most powerful plan ever" msgstr "Upgrade situs Anda ke paket yang paling andal" msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Email clients module is empty" msgid "No clients recorded" msgstr "Tidak ada klien yang dicatat" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for views by country." msgid "Client" msgstr "Klien" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for views by country." msgid "Device" msgstr "Perangkat" msgctxt "Stats: title of module" msgid "Devices" msgstr "Perangkat" msgid "" "Sorry, something went wrong when trying to update monitor settings for " "{{em}}%(siteUrl)s{{/em}}. Please try again." msgstr "" "Maaf, terjadi kendala saat mencoba memperbarui pengaturan pemantau untuk " "{{em}}%(siteUrl)s{{/em}}. Mohon coba lagi." msgid "" "Sorry, something went wrong when trying to update monitor settings for " "%(siteCountText)s. Please try again." msgstr "" "Maaf, terjadi kendala saat mencoba memperbarui pengaturan pemantau untuk " "%(siteCountText)s. Mohon coba lagi." msgid "Successfully updated the monitor settings for {{em}}%(siteUrl)s{{/em}}." msgstr "" "Berhasil memperbarui pengaturan pemantau untuk {{em}}%(siteUrl)s{{/em}}." msgid "Successfully updated the monitor settings for %(siteCountText)s." msgstr "Berhasil memperbarui pengaturan pemantau untuk %(siteCountText)s." msgid "Remove from accepted answer" msgstr "Hapus dari jawaban yang diterima" msgid "Pin topic" msgstr "Sematkan topik" msgid "Add topic to favorites" msgstr "Tambahkan topik ke favorit" msgid "Performance Features" msgstr "Fitur Performa" msgid "Growth Features" msgstr "Fitur Pertumbuhan" msgid "%(posts)d post published" msgid_plural "%(posts)d posts published" msgstr[0] "%(posts)d pos dipublikasikan" msgstr[1] "%(posts)d pos dipublikasikan" msgid "A simple and fun restaurant theme." msgstr "Tema restoran yang sederhana dan menyenangkan." msgid "All-time insights" msgstr "Wawasan sepanjang waktu" msgid "An array of template types where the pattern fits." msgstr "Larik jenis templat yang sesuai pola." msgid "Rate Jetpack Protect" msgstr "Beri Nilai Jetpack Protect" msgid "" "How has your experience been? Would you mind rating Protect so others can " "learn about it too?" msgstr "" "Bagaimana pengalaman Anda selama ini? Apakah Anda bersedia memberi nilai " "Protect agar orang lain juga mengetahuinya?" msgid "Thanks for using Jetpack Protect!" msgstr "Terima kasih telah menggunakan Jetpack Protect!" msgid "Please select at least one contact method." msgstr "Silakan pilih setidaknya satu metode kontak." msgid "" "Purchasing a three-year subscription to a plan gives you three " "years of access to your plan’s features and one year of a custom domain name." msgstr "" "Membeli langganan paket selama tiga tahun akan memberi Anda " "akses untuk fitur paket Anda selama tiga tahun dan nama domain khusus selama " "satu tahun." msgid "forums homepage" msgstr "beranda forum" msgid "User our search or go back to the" msgstr "Gunakan pencarian kami atau kembali ke" msgid "The page you've landed on has no content." msgstr "Halaman yang Anda buka tidak berisi konten." msgid "Oh, blimey!" msgstr "Astaga!" msgid "" "Sit back and relax. Your finished website will be ready in 4 business days " "or less!" msgstr "" "Bersantailah. Situs lengkap Anda akan siap dalam 4 hari kerja atau kurang!" msgid "$144 per additional seat" msgstr "$144 per kursi tambahan" msgid "" "Don't pay extra to add team members to manage and upload your videos." msgstr "" "Jangan bayar lebih saat menambahkan anggota tim untuk mengelola dan " "mengunggah video Anda." msgid "" "Upload your videos directly from your WordPress site, and it's as easy as " "drag and drop them on your posts." msgstr "" "Unggah video langsung dari situs WordPress Anda, semudah menyeret dan " "melepaskan video pada pos Anda." msgid "Learn from the experts" msgstr "Belajar dari para ahli." msgid "Activate built-in monetization features" msgstr "Aktifkan fitur monetisasi bawaan" msgid "Built-in speed and reliability ⚡" msgstr "Kecepatan dan keandalan bawaan ⚡" msgid "Build your website. Create without limits. Reach your audience." msgstr "Buat situs Anda. Berkreasilah tanpa batas. Jangkau audiens Anda." msgid "" "Easily promote your content to new audiences with Ads." msgstr "" "Promosikan konten Anda dengan mudah ke audiens baru dengan Iklan" msgid "" "Amplify your new posts with Jetpack Social and automated social sharing." msgstr "" "Perkuat pos baru Anda dengan Jetpack Social dan berbagi ke media sosial " "secara otomatis" msgid "" "Quickly add your tracking code for Google Analytics or Cloudflare Web " "Analytics." msgstr "" "Tambahkan kode pelacakan Anda untuk Google Analytics atau Cloudflare Web " "Analytics dengan cepat" msgid "Your first year of domain name is on the house" msgstr "Nama domain tahun pertama Anda gratis" msgid "" "You can also search our knowledge base to find the answer to the top " "questions immediately" msgstr "" "Anda juga bisa melihat basis pengetahuan kami agar dapat menemukan dengan " "cepat jawaban untuk pertanyaan teratas" msgid "No problem; as a Jetpack customer, you get access to priority support" msgstr "" "Tidak masalah; sebagai pelanggan Jetpack, Anda mendapatkan akses untuk " "dukungan prioritas" msgid "" "Here’s instructions on how to do that. Add your server credentials to Jetpack" msgstr "" "Berikut instruksi cara melakukannya. Tambahkan kredensial server Anda ke " "Jetpack" msgid "- GDPR compliant backups" msgstr "- Pencadangan yang sesuai aturan GDPR" msgid "" "- If you’re a WooCommerce user, we backup your customer and order data too" msgstr "" "- Jika Anda pengguna WooCommerce, kami mencadangkan data pelanggan dan data " "pesanan Anda" msgid "" "- Copies of your backups are stored across our global server network, so " "you’ll never lose a thing" msgstr "" "- Salinan cadangan Anda disimpan di jaringan server global kami, jadi Anda " "tidak akan kehilangan apa pun" msgid "- Encrypted backups so your content is secure" msgstr "- Pencadangan terenkripsi untuk keamanan konten Anda" msgid "" "- Real-time backups, and you can restore your site to any point in one click" msgstr "" "- Pencadangan real-time, dan Anda dapat memulihkan situs ke titik mana pun " "dengan sekali klik" msgid "Your first backup has completed successfully!" msgstr "Pencadangan pertama Anda berhasil diselesaikan!" msgid "" "No problem; as a Jetpack customer, you get access to priority support. You can also search our knowledge " "base to find the answer to the top questions immediately." msgstr "" "Tidak masalah; sebagai pelanggan Jetpack, Anda mendapatkan akses untuk dukungan prioritas. Anda juga bisa melihat basis pengetahuan kami agar dapat menemukan dengan cepat jawaban " "untuk pertanyaan teratas." msgid "" "Here’s instructions on how to do that: Add your server " "credentials to Jetpack" msgstr "" "Berikut instruksi cara melakukannya: Tambahkan kredensial " "server Anda ke Jetpack" msgid "" "If you haven’t already, we recommend adding your server credentials to " "Jetpack now so you can restore your site quickly in one click if there is an " "issue." msgstr "" "Jika belum melakukannya, kami sarankan untuk menambahkan kredensial server " "ke Jetpack sekarang agar Anda dapat memulihkan situs dengan cepat dalam " "sekali klik jika terjadi masalah." msgid "Restoring your site" msgstr "Memulihkan situs Anda" msgid "And lots more!" msgstr "Dan banyak lainnya!" msgid "GDPR compliant backups" msgstr "Pencadangan yang sesuai aturan GDPR" msgid "" "If you’re a WooCommerce user, we backup your customer and order data too" msgstr "" "Jika Anda pengguna WooCommerce, kami mencadangkan data pelanggan dan data " "pesanan Anda" msgid "" "Copies of your backups are stored across our global server network, so " "you’ll never lose a thing" msgstr "" "Salinan cadangan Anda disimpan di jaringan server global kami, jadi Anda " "tidak akan kehilangan apa pun" msgid "Encrypted backups so your content is secure" msgstr "Pencadangan terenkripsi untuk keamanan konten Anda" msgid "" "Real-time backups, and you can restore your site to any point in one click" msgstr "" "Pencadangan real-time, dan Anda dapat memulihkan situs ke titik mana pun " "dengan sekali klik" msgid "As a reminder, here’s what VaultPress Backup brings to your site:" msgstr "" "Sebagai pengingat, berikut fitur yang diberikan VaultPress Backup untuk " "situs Anda:" msgid "" "You’re all set; real-time backups of your site are being made as you edit." msgstr "" "Anda sudah siap; pencadangan situs real-time sedang berjalan saat Anda " "mengedit." msgid "Your first backup has completed successfully 🎉" msgstr "Pencandangan pertama Anda berhasil diselesaikan 🎉" msgid "All changes are now being saved in real time as you edit" msgstr "" "Semua perubahan sedang disimpan sekarang secara real-time saat Anda mengedit" msgid "Congratulations, your first backup has completed successfully 🎉" msgstr "Selamat, pencadangan pertama Anda berhasil diselesaikan 🎉" msgid "Renew %s" msgstr "Perpanjang %s" msgid "This premium feature is currently free to use in beta." msgstr "Fitur premium ini dapat digunakan tanpa biaya dalam fitur beta." msgid "You need to connect to Google Drive." msgstr "Anda perlu menghubungkan ke Google Drive." msgid "Export your data into a Google Sheets file." msgstr "Ekspor data Anda ke file Google Sheet." msgid "Connect Google Drive" msgstr "Hubungkan Google Drive" msgid "connect to Google Drive" msgstr "hubungkan ke Google Drive" msgid "CSV File" msgstr "File CSV" msgid "An Automattic Airline" msgstr "Persembahan dari Automattic" msgctxt "Name of Jetpack’s Contact Form feature" msgid "Jetpack Forms" msgstr "Formulir Jetpack" msgid "Choose your favorite file format or export destination:" msgstr "Tentukan format file atau tujuan ekspor favorit Anda:" msgid "Export your Form Responses" msgstr "Ekspor Formulir Respons Anda" msgid "There was an error exporting your results" msgstr "Terjadi error saat mengekspor hasil Anda" msgid "User avatar for %s" msgstr "Avatar pengguna untuk %s" msgid "A list of people who are subscribed to your blog via email only." msgstr "Daftar orang yang berlangganan ke blog Anda melalui email saja." msgid "A list of people currently following your site." msgstr "Daftar orang yang saat ini mengikuti situs Anda." msgid "" "Your site has exceeded the number of %1$s available for the Jetpack Complete " "plan for three consecutive months." msgstr "" "Situs Anda telah melebihi kuota %1$s yang diberikan untuk paket Jetpack " "Complete selama tiga bulan berturut-turut." msgid "" "Your site has exceeded the number of %1$s available for the Jetpack Complete " "plan for two consecutive months." msgstr "" "Situs Anda telah melebihi kuota %1$s yang diberikan untuk paket Jetpack " "Complete selama dua bulan berturut-turut." msgid "" "Your site has exceeded the number of %1$s available for the Jetpack Complete " "plan." msgstr "" "Situs Anda telah melebihi kuota %1$s yang diberikan untuk paket Jetpack " "Complete." msgid "" "You're close to exceeding the number of %1$s available for the Jetpack " "Complete plan for three consecutive months." msgstr "" "Anda hampir melebihi kuota %1$s yang diberikan untuk paket Jetpack Complete " "selama tiga bulan berturut-turut." msgid "" "%(formattedCurrentPrice)s first %(introCount)s months then " "%(formattedPriceBeforeDiscounts)s per month" msgstr "" "%(introCount)s bulan pertama %(formattedCurrentPrice)s, selanjutnya per " "bulan %(formattedPriceBeforeDiscounts)s" msgid "" "%(formattedCurrentPrice)s first %(introCount)s months then " "%(formattedPriceBeforeDiscounts)s per year" msgstr "" "%(introCount)s bulan pertama %(formattedCurrentPrice)s, selanjutnya per " "tahun %(formattedPriceBeforeDiscounts)s" msgid "" "%(formattedCurrentPrice)s first %(introCount)s months then " "%(formattedPriceBeforeDiscounts)s per %(billingTermInYears)s years" msgstr "" "%(introCount)s bulan pertama %(formattedCurrentPrice)s, selanjutnya per " "%(billingTermInYears)s tahun %(formattedPriceBeforeDiscounts)s" msgid "" "%(formattedCurrentPrice)s first month then %(formattedPriceBeforeDiscounts)s " "per month" msgstr "" "Bulan pertama %(formattedCurrentPrice)s, selanjutnya per bulan " "%(formattedPriceBeforeDiscounts)s" msgid "" "%(formattedCurrentPrice)s first year then %(formattedPriceBeforeDiscounts)s " "per year" msgstr "" "Tahun pertama %(formattedCurrentPrice)s, selanjutnya per tahun " "%(formattedPriceBeforeDiscounts)s" msgid "" "%(formattedCurrentPrice)s first month then %(formattedPriceBeforeDiscounts)s " "per year" msgstr "" "Bulan pertama %(formattedCurrentPrice)s, selanjutnya per tahun " "%(formattedPriceBeforeDiscounts)s" msgid "" "%(formattedCurrentPrice)s first year then %(formattedPriceBeforeDiscounts)s " "per %(billingTermInYears)s years" msgstr "" "Tahun pertama %(formattedCurrentPrice)s, selanjutnya per " "%(billingTermInYears)s tahun %(formattedPriceBeforeDiscounts)s" msgid "" "%(formattedCurrentPrice)s first month then %(formattedPriceBeforeDiscounts)s " "per %(billingTermInYears)s years" msgstr "" "Bulan pertama %(formattedCurrentPrice)s, selanjutnya per " "%(billingTermInYears)s tahun %(formattedPriceBeforeDiscounts)s" msgid "%(formattedCurrentPrice)s first %(introCount)s months" msgstr "%(introCount)s bulan pertama %(formattedCurrentPrice)s" msgid "%(formattedCurrentPrice)s first year" msgstr "Tahun pertama %(formattedCurrentPrice)s" msgid "%(formattedCurrentPrice)s first month" msgstr "Bulan pertama %(formattedCurrentPrice)s" msgid "%(formattedCurrentPrice)s introductory offer" msgstr "Penawaran perkenalan %(formattedCurrentPrice)s" msgctxt "noun" msgid "Opens" msgstr "Buka" msgid "Your email has not received any views yet!" msgstr "Belum ada yang melihat e-mail Anda!" msgid "Unique opens" msgstr "Buka unik" msgid "" "Over 5 million WordPress sites trust Jetpack, and we’re sure you’ll enjoy " "using our plugin." msgstr "" "Lebih dari 5 juta situs WordPress memercayai Jetpack, dan kami yakin Anda " "akan menyukai plugin kami." msgid "" "And just in case, our support team (we call them “Happiness Engineers”) are " "available 24/7 to provide personalized support and assistance, and answer " "any further questions you may have." msgstr "" "Tim dukungan kami (“Happiness Engineers”) tersedia setiap saat (24/7) untuk " "memberikan dukungan dan bantuan terpersonalisasi, serta jawaban atas " "pertanyaan lanjutan yang Anda ajukan." msgid "" "If you don’t already have a account, you’ll be able to create " "one in seconds during the installation process. We’ve made the whole process " "very simple, so you won’t need a developer with you to get started." msgstr "" "Jika belum punya akun, Anda bisa membuat akun dengan cepat " "saat proses instalasi. Seluruh prosesnya telah dirancang agar jadi sangat " "sederhana, sehingga Anda tidak perlu bantuan pengembang untuk memulai." msgid "" "The process should take a few minutes and will simply require you to make a " "payment, install Jetpack, and connect it to your account." msgstr "" "Anda hanya perlu waktu beberapa menit untuk melakukan pembayaran, menginstal " "Jetpack, dan menghubungkannya ke akun" msgid "Click on any of the buttons on this page and follow the prompts." msgstr "Klik tombol mana pun di halaman ini lalu ikuti prompt-nya." msgid "How do I get started with Jetpack Complete?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara mulai menggunakan Jetpack Complete?" msgid "" "Then Jetpack CRM should be of interest to you and is included in Jetpack " "Complete. With Jetpack CRM, elevate your business with automation, lead " "nurturing, sales funnels, and much more!" msgstr "" "Anda mungkin tertarik dengan Jetpack CRM yang sudah disertakan dalam Jetpack " "Complete. Dengan Jetpack CRM, tingkatkan bisnis Anda dengan automasi, " "pemeliharaan prospek, corong penjualan, dan masih banyak lagi!" msgid "" "A CRM that isn’t complicated to use and has been tested against over 50 " "other leading CRMs?" msgstr "" "CRM yang mudah digunakan dan telah diuji terhadap lebih dari 50 CRM " "terkemuka?" msgid "" "Want a CRM that works seamlessly with your WordPress site, and enhances your " "sales and customer support operations?" msgstr "" "Ingin punya CRM yang berfungsi lancar di situs WordPress dan meningkatkan " "penjualan serta operasi dukungan pelanggan Anda?" msgid "" "Automated social media posting directly from your WordPress back end. At the " "time of this writing, Jetpack has helped over 5 million sites share 2.6 " "billion posts on social media." msgstr "" "Pos media sosial otomatis langsung dari back-end WordPress Anda. Pada waktu " "artikel ini diterbitkan, Jetpack telah membantu lebih dari 5 juta situs " "untuk membagikan 2,6 miliar pos di media sosial." msgid "" "Grow and monetize your audience effortlessly with Jetpack’s growth tools. We " "help you automate your growth processes directly from your WordPress backend." msgstr "" "Kembangkan dan monetisasi audiens Anda tanpa repot dengan perangkat " "pengembangan dari Jetpack. Kami membantu mengotomatiskan proses pengembangan " "langsung dari back-end WordPress Anda." msgid "Which growth features does Jetpack Complete include?" msgstr "Apa saja fitur pengembangan yang disertakan dalam Jetpack Complete?" msgid "" "Powerful and incredibly customizable site search to give your visitors the " "best WordPress site search experience, and boost your UX metrics and " "conversion rates." msgstr "" "Pencarian situs andal yang dapat disesuaikan sepenuhnya untuk memberikan " "pengalaman pencarian situs WordPress terbaik bagi pengunjung Anda serta " "meningkatkan metrik UX dan tingkat konversi." msgid "" "Stunning-quality, ad-free video directly in your WordPress editor, hosted on " "external servers to not burden your server and site speeds." msgstr "" "Video berkualitas tinggi dan bebas iklan langsung di editor WordPress Anda, " "yang dihosting di server eksternal agar tidak membebani dan menghambat " "server serta kecepatan situs Anda." msgid "" "Serve your pages, files, and images using Jetpack CDN, the best CDN built " "specifically for WordPress sites." msgstr "" "Penyajian halaman, file, dan gambar menggunakan Jetpack CDN, CDN terbaik " "yang dibuat khusus untuk situs WordPress." msgid "" "One-click speed improvements to enhance your Core Web Vitals, User " "Experience, and SEO." msgstr "" "Peningkatan kecepatan sekali klik untuk meningkatkan Core Web Vitals, " "Pengalaman Pengguna, dan SEO." msgid "Here’s a summary of the growth features included in Jetpack Complete:" msgstr "" "Berikut ringkasan fitur pengembangan yang disertakan dalam Jetpack Complete:" msgid "" "Give your visitors a user experience they won’t forget, thanks to blazing " "site speeds, enterprise-grade video features, and the best site search " "experience they will ever get on a WordPress or WooCommerce site." msgstr "" "Hadirkan pengalaman pengguna tak terlupakan bagi pengunjung dengan situs " "secepat kilat, fitur video kelas bisnis, serta pengalaman pencarian situs " "terbaik di situs WordPress atau WooCommerce." msgid "Which performance features does Jetpack Complete include?" msgstr "Apa saja fitur performa yang disertakan dalam Jetpack Complete?" msgid "" "Comment and form spam protection to automatically get rid of spam without " "affecting user experience (no CAPTCHA is used)." msgstr "" "Perlindungan dari spam komentar dan formulir untuk menghapus spam secara " "otomatis tanpa memengaruhi pengalaman pengguna (tanpa CAPTCHA)." msgid "" "Website firewall (WAF) to protect your site from malicious cyber threats " "such as SQL injections, cross-site scripting (XSS), and brute force attacks." msgstr "" "Firewall situs (WAF) untuk melindungi situs Anda dari ancaman keamanan siber " "seperti serangan SQL, penulisan skrip lintas situs (XSS), dan serangan brute " "force." msgid "" "Real-time malware detection and one-click fixes thanks to decentralized and " "automated “set it and forget it” scanning technology." msgstr "" "Deteksi malware real-time dan perbaikan sekali klik berkat teknologi " "pemindaian otomatis dan terdesentralisasi dengan hanya satu kali pengaturan." msgid "" "One-click backup restores. Restore from anywhere with the Jetpack mobile " "app, even if your site is offline." msgstr "" "Pemulihan cadangan sekali klik. Jalankan pemulihan dari mana saja dengan " "aplikasi seluler Jetpack, bahkan saat situs Anda offline." msgid "" "Real-time backups of your WordPress site, files, and database. No " "development or technical skills required." msgstr "" "Pencadangan real-time untuk basis data, file, dan situs WordPress Anda. " "Tanpa perlu keterampilan teknis atau pengembangan." msgid "Here’s a list of the security features included in Jetpack Complete:" msgstr "Berikut daftar fitur keamanan yang disertakan dalam Jetpack Complete:" msgid "" "Jetpack monitors millions of websites for vulnerabilities, and our team has " "built the ultimate suite of security solutions for WordPress sites." msgstr "" "Jetpack memantau potensi kerentanan jutaan situs, dan tim kami telah " "membangun serangkaian solusi keamanan terbaik untuk situs WordPress." msgid "Which security features does Jetpack Complete include?" msgstr "Apa saja fitur keamanan yang disertakan dalam Jetpack Complete?" msgid "" "CRM Entrepreneur: Enterprise grade CRM built specifically " "for businesses that use WordPress." msgstr "" "CRM Entrepreneur: CRM kelas perusahaan yang dibuat khusus " "untuk bisnis yang menggunakan WordPress." msgid "" "Site Search: Provide your visitors with the best site " "search experience, with instant results and powerful filtering." msgstr "" "Site Search: Berikan pengalaman pencarian situs terbaik " "dengan hasil instan dan penyaringan andal." msgid "" "Social: Auto-post and share on social media, and build a " "powerful social media presence backed by intelligent automation." msgstr "" "Social: Pos dan bagikan di media sosial secara otomatis, " "serta bangun profil media sosial yang andal dengan dukungan automasi cerdas." msgid "" "VideoPress: Full HD, ad-free video features inside the " "WordPress editor, hosted on external, lightning-fast video hosting servers " "to not slow down your site speeds." msgstr "" "VideoPress: Fitur video full HD bebas iklan di editor " "WordPress, yang dihosting di server hosting video eksternal super cepat agar " "kecepatan situs Anda tidak melambat." msgid "" "Boost: Improve your site speed and performance while " "enhancing your SEO and Core Web Vitals, all with just a few clicks." msgstr "" "Boost: Tingkatkan kecepatan dan performa situs Anda " "sembari meningkatkan SEO dan Core Web Vitals hanya dengan beberapa klik." msgid "" "Akismet Anti-spam: Say goodbye to spam in your comments " "and contact forms thanks to automated spam protection." msgstr "" "Akismet Anti-spam: Ucapkan selamat tinggal pada spam di " "formulir komentar dan kontak Anda berkat perlindungan spam otomatis." msgid "" "Scan: Automated malware scan and detection, guarding your " "site 24/7, with one-click fixes." msgstr "" "Scan: Pemindaian dan deteksi malware otomatis yang " "melindungi situs Anda setiap saat (24/7), dengan perbaikan sekali klik." msgid "" "VaultPress Backup: Real-time backups stored on a secure " "external server, with easy one-click restores." msgstr "" "VaultPress Backup: Cadangan real-time yang disimpan di " "server eksternal aman, dengan pemulihan sekali klik yang mudah." msgid "Here’s the full list of tools included in the plugin:" msgstr "Berikut daftar lengkap alat yang disertakan dalam plugin:" msgid "" "If you’re tired of managing numerous plugins on your site, and want one " "secure & easy-to-use plugin that does it all, Jetpack Complete’s full suite " "of tools is for you." msgstr "" "Jika lelah mengelola banyak plugin di situs, dan ingin satu plugin lengkap " "yang aman dan mudah digunakan, rangkaian perangkat lengkap Jetpack Complete " "cocok untuk Anda." msgid "What is the full suite of tools included in the plugin?" msgstr "Apa saja rangkaian perangkat lengkap yang disertakan dalam plugin?" msgid "" "Jetpack Complete includes a full suite of performance tools that will help " "you improve your site’s speed, performance, and Google Core Web Vitals." msgstr "" "Jetpack Complete memuat rangkaian perangkat performa lengkap yang akan " "membantu meningkatkan kecepatan, performa, dan Data Web Inti situs Anda." msgid "" "Quite the opposite. Over 5 million WordPress sites trust Jetpack for their " "website performance, security, and growth" msgstr "" "Justru sebaliknya. Lebih dari 5 juta situs WordPress memercayakan performa, " "keamanan, dan pengembangan situs pada Jetpack" msgid "Will Jetpack Complete slow down my WordPress site?" msgstr "Apakah Jetpack Complete akan memperlambat situs WordPress saya?" msgid "" "A account, which you can create in a matter of seconds during " "the plugin installation process. Having a account will allow " "you to access all of our tools and enable your security and backup tools to " "not depend on your server, especially if your server’s offline due to a " "hosting downtime or site update." msgstr "" "Akun yang bisa Anda buat dalam hitungan detik saat proses " "instalasi plugin. Dengan akun, Anda dapat mengakses semua alat " "kami serta mengaktifkan perangkat keamanan dan pencadangan agar tidak " "bergantung pada server, terutama jika server offline akibat downtime hosting " "atau pembaruan situs." msgid "" "A WordPress site with the latest version of WordPress installed. If your " "version is out of date, you’ll get a prompt during the Jetpack Complete " "installation process, enabling you to easily upgrade your WordPress version " "with a single click." msgstr "" "Situs WordPress menggunakan versi WordPress terbaru. Jika versi yang " "digunakan kedaluwarsa, Anda akan mendapatkan petunjuk saat proses instalasi " "Jetpack Complete untuk mengupgrade versi WordPress dengan sekali klik." msgid "" "To fully benefit from the tools and features included in Jetpack Complete, " "you’ll need:" msgstr "" "Untuk memaksimalkan manfaat alat dan fitur yang disertakan dalam Jetpack " "Complete, Anda akan memerlukan:" msgid "What are the requirements to install and use Jetpack Complete?" msgstr "" "Apa saja persyaratan untuk menginstal dan menggunakan Jetpack Complete?" msgid "" "We offer these tools as individual plugins, but for users who want the " "convenience of securing and growing their business with one single plugin, " "Jetpack Complete is the best choice." msgstr "" "Kami menawarkan alat-alat ini sebagai plugin terpisah. Bagi pengguna yang " "menginginkan kenyamanan dalam pengamanan dan pengembangan bisnis dengan satu " "plugin, Jetpack Complete adalah pilihan terbaik." msgid "" "If you want to enjoy all of Jetpack’s security, performance and growth " "tools, while also saving 43% on their price tag, Jetpack Complete is for you." msgstr "" "Jika ingin menikmati semua perangkat keamanan, performa, dan pengembangan " "Jetpack dengan potongan harga 43%, Jetpack Complete cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Why do I need Jetpack Complete for my site?" msgstr "Mengapa saya membutuhkan Jetpack Complete untuk situs saya?" msgid "Make your site better than your competitors’" msgstr "Buat situs lebih baik dari pesaing Anda" msgid "" "Jetpack’s growth tools help you expand your audience, convert leads into " "customers, and transform customers into advocates." msgstr "" "Perangkat pengembangan dari Jetpack membantu Anda memperluas audiens, " "mengonversi prospek menjadi pelanggan, dan memanjakan pelanggan hingga " "mereka mempromosikan bisnis Anda." msgid "" "Boost your site speeds with Jetpack’s performance features, while also " "enhancing your SEO and user experience metrics." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan kecepatan situs dengan fitur performa Jetpack sembari " "meningkatkan SEO dan metrik pengalaman pengguna Anda." msgid "Blazing Performance" msgstr "Performa Luar Biasa" msgid "" " Jetpack Security provides easy-to-use, comprehensive WordPress site " "security so you can focus on running your business." msgstr "" " Jetpack Security menyediakan pengamanan situs WordPress yang komprehensif " "dan mudah digunakan sehingga Anda dapat fokus menjalankan bisnis." msgid "Complete your site" msgstr "Lengkapi situs Anda" msgid "" "Get the full Jetpack suite with real-time security, top performance, and " "everything you need to grow your business." msgstr "" "Dapatkan rangkaian Jetpack lengkap dengan keamanan real-time, performa " "teratas, dan segala yang Anda butuhkan untuk mengembangkan bisnis." msgid "The ultimate tool kit for best-in-class websites" msgstr "Paket alat paling andal untuk situs terbaik di kelasnya" msgid "Youtube Icon" msgstr "Ikon Youtube" msgid "Instagram icon." msgstr "Ikon Instagram." msgid "Facebook icon." msgstr "Ikon Facebook." msgid "Subscriptions are not active." msgstr "Langganan tidak aktif." msgid "Last activity" msgstr "Aktivitas terakhir" msgid "Replies created" msgstr "Balasan yang Diberikan" msgid "Topics started" msgstr "Topik-Topik Yang Ada" msgid "Do a DuckDuckGo search for content by " msgstr "Lakukan pencarian DuckDuckGo untuk konten berdasarkan " msgid "" "We are still in the process of removing your previous plan. Please check " "back in a few minutes and you'll be able to delete your site." msgstr "" "Kami masih dalam proses menghapus paket Anda sebelumnya. Mohon periksa " "kembali dalam beberapa menit dan Anda akan dapat menghapus situs Anda." msgid "" "We detected and prevented an attempt to pay for a duplicate order. If this " "was a mistake and you wish to try again, please create a new order." msgstr "" "Kami mendeteksi dan mencegah upaya pembayaran untuk pesanan yang terulang. " "Jika Anda tidak sengaja melakukannya dan ingin melakukan pembayaran lagi, " "harap buat pesanan baru." msgid "" "WooCommerce Payments: detected and deleted order ID %d, which has duplicate " "cart content with this order." msgstr "" "WooCommerce Payments: mendeteksi dan menghapus ID pesanan %d, yang memiliki " "isi keranjang yang sama dengan pesanan ini." msgid "License key awaiting activation" msgstr "Kunci lisensi menunggu aktivasi" msgid "{{abbr}}SEO{{/abbr}} tools" msgstr "Alat {{abbr}}SEO{{/abbr}}" msgid "{{abbr}}CRM{{/abbr}}" msgstr "{{abbr}}CRM{{/abbr}}" msgid "{{abbr}}CDN{{/abbr}} (Content Delivery Network)" msgstr "{{abbr}}CDN{{/abbr}} (Jaringan Pendistribusian Konten)" msgid "%(amount)s storage" msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan %(amount)s" msgid "" "Looking for more? Check out {{link}}an exhaustive list of Jetpack features{{/" "link}}." msgstr "Mencari lainnya? Lihat {{link}}daftar lengkap fitur Jetpack{{/link}}." msgid "" "This will only be used to verify that you own this domain, we will " "not transfer it." msgstr "" "Proses berikut hanya digunakan untuk memverifikasi domain milik Anda, " "kami tidak akan mentransfernya." msgid "Highly scalable CPU bursting." msgstr "Burst CPU yang sangat dapat ditingkatkan." msgid "Current Schedule" msgstr "Jadwal Saat Ini" msgid "" "The current notification schedule is set to %(currentSchedule)s. Click here " "to update the settings" msgstr "" "Jadwal pemberitahuan saat ini diatur ke %(currentSchedule)s. Klik di sini " "untuk memperbarui pengaturan." msgid "%(minutes)d minute" msgid_plural "%(minutes)d minutes" msgstr[0] "%(minutes)d menit" msgstr[1] "%(minutes)d menit" msgid "%(hours)d hour" msgid_plural "%(hours)d hours" msgstr[0] "%(hours)d jam" msgstr[1] "%(hours)d jam" msgid "Cancel and close notification settings popup" msgstr "Batalkan dan tutup popup pengaturan pemberitahuan" msgid "Receive email notifications with one or more recipients." msgstr "Terima e-mail pemberitahuan dengan satu atau lebih penerima." msgid "Receive notifications via the {{a}}Jetpack App{{/a}}." msgstr "Terima pemberitahuan melalui {{a}}Aplikasi Jetpack{{/a}}." msgid "Set custom notification" msgstr "Tentukan pemberitahuan khusus" msgid "Separate with commas or the Enter key." msgstr "Pisahkan dengan koma atau tekan tombol Enter." msgctxt "" "Translators: This is the billing agreement for PayPal Express biyearly " "agreement and is limited to 127 single-byte characters" msgid "" "Your subscription will auto-renew every %d years. You may disable auto-renew " "at any time from your dashboard." msgstr "" "Langganan Anda akan diperpanjang otomatis setiap %d tahun. Anda dapat " "menonaktifkan perpanjangan otomatis kapan saja melalui dasbor" msgid "three years" msgstr "tiga tahun" msgid "%(minutes)dm" msgid_plural "%(minutes)dm" msgstr[0] "%(minutes)dm" msgstr[1] "%(minutes)dm" msgid "%(hours)dhr" msgid_plural "%(hours)dhr" msgstr[0] "%(hours)dj" msgstr[1] "%(hours)dj" msgid "Recent weeks" msgstr "Minggu Terakhir" msgid "Billed every three years" msgstr "Penagihan setiap tiga tahun" msgid "/month, billed every three years" msgstr "/bulan, penagihan setiap tiga tahun" msgid "Three years" msgstr "Tiga tahun" msgid "Let’s do it! %s" msgstr "Ayo mulai! %s" msgid "" "When you upgrade your site to Creator: %1$s, you’ll get all " "those things and more, including a free domain name for the first year when " "you choose an annual plan. Don’t forget to use the code %2$s at checkout to " "get %3$s%% off your first payment." msgstr "" "Saat meng-upgrade situs ke Creator: %1$s, Anda akan " "mendapatkan semua fiturnya dan banyak keuntungan lain, termasuk nama domain " "gratis untuk tahun pertama jika memilih paket tahunan. Jangan lupa gunakan " "kode %2$s saat checkout untuk diskon %3$s%% pada pembayaran pertama Anda." msgid "# Round-the-clock support from a global team of WordPress experts?" msgstr "# Dukungan setiap saat dari tim ahli WordPress global?" msgid "# Built-in monetization tools?" msgstr "# Alat monetisasi bawaan?" msgid "# Advanced design customization options?" msgstr "# Pilihan penyesuaian desain lanjutan?" msgid "# Compatibility with 50,000+ plugins?" msgstr "# Kompatibilitas dengan lebih dari 50.000 plugin?" msgid "# Premium themes? " msgstr "# Tema premium? " msgid "Supercharge your site." msgstr "Tingkatkan keandalan situs Anda." msgid "" "Select an annual plan: %1$s and enter the code %2$s at checkout to take %3$s%" "% off your first payment, and you’ll also get your first year of domain name " "registration absolutely free." msgstr "" "Pilih paket tahunan: %1$s dan masukkan kode %2$s saat checkout untuk " "menghemat %3$s%% pada pembayaran pertama Anda, serta mendapatkan registrasi " "nama domain sepenuhnya gratis untuk tahun pertama." msgid "Upgrade my site now! %s" msgstr "Upgrade situs saya sekarang! %s" msgid "" "Upgrading gives you the tools you need to crush your website goals, and when " "you select an annual plan, you can use the code %1$s at checkout to take %2$s" "%% off your first payment and you’ll get your first year of domain name " "registration absolutely free." msgstr "" "Melakukan upgrade akan memberikan alat yang diperlukan untuk mencapai tujuan " "situs Anda. Jika memilih paket tahunan, Anda dapat menggunakan kode %1$s " "saat checkout untuk menghemat %2$s%% pada pembayaran pertama, serta " "mendapatkan registrasi nama domain sepenuhnya gratis untuk tahun pertama." msgid "" "And when you upgrade to a paid plan: %s, you’ll unlock even more to love " "about, such as access to premium themes, advanced design " "options, and Jetpack-powered optimization and amplification features." msgstr "" "Dan jika meng-upgrade ke paket berbayar %s, Anda akan mendapatkan fitur-" "fitur menarik dari, seperti akses ke tema premium, pilihan " "desain tingkat lanjut, serta fitur-fitur optimasi dan amplifikasi yang " "didukung Jetpack." msgid "" "You’re probably already familiar with just how easy it is to create a unique " "and beautiful website with WordPress— no developers needed!" msgstr "" "Anda mungkin tak asing lagi dengan kemudahan membuat situs yang unik dan " "menawan menggunakan WordPress—tanpa perlu pengembang!" msgid "Claim your corner of the web." msgstr "Klaim alamat web Anda." msgid "" "FYI— %1$s%% off any annual hosting plan is still available, but only until " "%2$s. Be sure to enter the code %3$s at checkout." msgstr "" "Sekadar INFO—Diskon %1$s%% untuk semua paket hosting tahunan masih tersedia, " "tetapi hanya sampai %2$s. Pastikan untuk memasukkan kode %3$s saat checkout." msgid "" "Whether you’re interested in making basic changes or you’re looking for more " "advanced, nuanced control, there’s a hosting plan for you. Upgrade today: " "%s, and unlock the polish and power you need (and want!) to achieve your " "brand goals." msgstr "" "Paket hosting tersedia jika Anda ingin menerapkan perubahan dasar atau " "mengendalikan secara lebih lanjut dan bernuansa. Upgrade sekarang: %s, dan " "dapatkan tampilan juga keandalan yang diperlukan (dan diinginkan!) untuk " "mencapai tujuan merek Anda." msgid "# Round-the-clock support?" msgstr "# Dukungan setiap saat?" msgid "# Monetization blocks and plugins?" msgstr "# Blok dan plugin monetisasi?" msgid "# Built-in post amplification?" msgstr "# Amplifikasi pos bawaan?" msgid "# Design customization options?" msgstr "# Pilihan penyesuaian desain?" msgid "Build your best site." msgstr "Buat situs terbaik Anda." msgid "" "Ready to supercharge your website? Choose an annual plan and enter the code " "%1$s at checkout to take %2$s%% off your first payment." msgstr "" "Siap untuk meningkatkan keandalan situs Anda? Pilih paket tahunan dan " "masukkan kode %1$s saat checkout untuk menghemat %2$s%% pada pembayaran " "pertama Anda." msgid "" "WordPress is easy to use and customize, and with premium themes, access to " "over 50,000 plugins, and built-in monetization options, your upgrade: %s " "will make it even easier to build, refine, and maintain your ever-important " "web presence." msgstr "" "WordPress mudah digunakan dan disesuaikan, dan dengan tema premium, akses ke " "lebih dari 50.000 plugin, serta pilihan monetisasi bawaan, upgrade: %s akan " "lebih memudahkan Anda untuk membuat, menyempurnakan, dan menjaga kehadiran " "web yang selalu penting." msgid "" "We get it! You’re out there crushing your #smallbusiness goals, and your " "website needs to keep up without bogging you down." msgstr "" "Kami yang menanganinya! Butuh perjuangan untuk menggapai tujuan #bisniskecil " "Anda, dan situs Anda perlu mengikuti perkembangan tanpa hambatan." msgid "No-code? Low-code? Yes." msgstr "Tanpa kode? Sedikit kode? Ya." msgid "*According to W3Techs, 2022." msgstr "*Berdasarkan W3Techs, 2022." msgid "" "And when you upgrade to a paid plan: %1$s on, you can be " "confident that you’ve got a speedy, secure setup that’s backed by a global " "team of Happiness Engineers ready to help you when you need it. The best " "part? %2$s%% off your new subscription is still available— just select any " "annual hosting plan, and use the code %3$s at checkout." msgstr "" "Dan jika meng-upgrade ke paket berbayar: %1$s pada, Anda tak " "perlu ragu dengan penyiapan cepat dan aman yang didukung oleh tim Happiness " "Engineer global yang siap membantu kapan pun Anda butuhkan. Bagian " "terbaiknya? Diskon %2$s%% untuk langganan baru Anda masih tersedia—cukup " "pilih paket hosting tahunan apa pun, lalu gunakan kode %3$s saat checkout." msgid "" "There’s a reason why over %s%% of the internet is powered by WordPress. " "While other site builders may come and go, WordPress is the CMS of choice " "for creators looking for the best when it comes to flexibility, " "extensibility, and reliability." msgstr "" "Ada alasan mengapa lebih dari %s%% internet didukung oleh WordPress. Meski " "pembuat situs terus datang dan pergi, WordPress adalah CMS pilihan bagi para " "pencipta yang mencari fleksibilitas, kesiapan tumbuh, dan keandalan terbaik." msgid "P.S. — This offer is only valid until %s, so don’t delay!" msgstr "N.B. — Penawaran ini hanya valid sampai %s, jadi tunggu apa lagi!" msgid "Yes, let’s upgrade my site: %s" msgstr "Baik, upgrade situs saya: %s" msgid "" "For a limited time, you can save %1$s%% off your first payment when you " "choose annual billing and enter the code %2$s at checkout." msgstr "" "Dalam waktu terbatas, Anda dapat menghemat %1$s%% untuk pembayaran pertama " "jika memilih penagihan tahunan dan memasukkan kode %2$s saat checkout." msgid "" " offers everything you need to showcase your work and build " "your brand. Upgrade your site today: %s to unlock features that make it " "easier than ever to create a unique and beautiful website. And with Jetpack " "Social (included with your upgrade), you’ll be reaching more people and " "building your audience in no time at all." msgstr "" " menawarkan segala yang Anda perlukan untuk menampilkan karya " "dan membangun merek Anda. Upgrade situs sekarang: %s untuk mendapatkan fitur " "yang memudahkan Anda membuat situs yang unik dan menawan. Dan dengan Jetpack " "Social (termasuk dalam upgrade), Anda dapat menjangkau lebih banyak orang " "dan membangun audiens dalam sekejap." msgid "Showcase your work. Build your brand. Reach your audience." msgstr "Tampilkan karya Anda. Bangun merek Anda. Jangkau audiens Anda." msgid "" "When you upgrade your site to Creator, you’ll get all those " "things and more, including a free domain name for the " "first year when you choose an annual plan. Don’t forget to use the code " "%3$s at checkout to get %4$s%% off your first payment." msgstr "" "Saat meng-" "upgrade situs ke Bisnis, Anda akan mendapatkan semua " "fiturnya dan banyak keuntungan lain, termasuk nama domain " "gratis untuk tahun pertama jika memilih paket tahunan. Jangan lupa " "gunakan kode %3$s saat checkout untuk diskon %4$s%% pada " "pembayaran pertama Anda." msgid "Round-the-clock support from a global team of WordPress experts?" msgstr "Dukungan setiap saat dari tim ahli WordPress global?" msgid "Built-in monetization tools?" msgstr "Alat monetisasi bawaan?" msgid "Advanced design customization options?" msgstr "Pilihan penyesuaian desain tingkat lanjut?" msgid "Compatibility with 50,000+ plugins?" msgstr "Kompatibilitas dengan lebih dari 50.000 plugin?" msgid "Premium themes?" msgstr "Tema premium?" msgid "The best time to upgrade is now." msgstr "Sekarang adalah waktu terbaik untuk melakukan upgrade." msgid "Reminder: %1$s%% off + a free domain name" msgstr "Pengingat: Diskon %1$s%% + nama domain gratis" msgid "Upgrade my site now!" msgstr "Upgrade situs saya sekarang!" msgid "" "Select an " "annual plan and enter the code %3$s at checkout to take " "%4$s%% off your first payment, and you’ll also get your first year of domain " "name registration absolutely free." msgstr "" "Pilih " "paket tahunan dan masukkan kode %3$s saat checkout " "untuk menghemat %4$s%% pada pembayaran pertama, serta mendapatkan registrasi " "nama domain gratis sepenuhnya untuk tahun pertama." msgid "" "And when you upgrade to a paid plan, you’ll unlock even more to love " "about, such as access to premium themes, advanced design " "options, and Jetpack-powered optimization and amplification features." msgstr "" "Dan jika meng-upgrade ke paket berbayar, Anda akan mendapatkan fitur-fitur " "menarik dari, seperti akses ke tema premium, pilihan " "desain tingkat lanjut, serta fitur-fitur optimasi dan amplifikasi yang " "didukung Jetpack." msgid "" "You’re probably already familiar with just how easy it is to create a unique " "and beautiful website with WordPress— no developers needed!" msgstr "" "Anda mungkin tak asing lagi dengan kemudahan membuat situs yang unik dan " "menawan menggunakan WordPress—tanpa perlu pengembang!" msgid "Build a beautiful site and grow your brand with" msgstr "Buat situs menawan dan kembangkan merek Anda dengan" msgid "Limited time offer: %1$s%% off plus a free domain name" msgstr "Penawaran terbatas: Diskon %1$s%% plus nama domain gratis" msgid "" "FYI— %1$s%% off any annual hosting plan is still available, but " "only until %2$s. Be sure to enter the code %3$s at checkout." msgstr "" "Sekadar INFO— Diskon %1$s%% untuk semua paket hosting tahunan masih " "tersedia tetapi hanya sampai %2$s. Pastikan untuk memasukkan kode " "%3$s saat checkout." msgid "" "Whether you’re interested in making basic changes or you’re looking for more " "advanced, nuanced control, there’s a hosting plan for you. Upgrade today, and " "unlock the polish and power you need (and want!) to achieve your brand goals." msgstr "" "Tersedia paket hosting jika Anda ingin menerapkan perubahan dasar atau " "mengendalikan secara lebih lanjut dan bernuansa. Upgrade sekarang, dan " "dapatkan tampilan juga keandalan yang diperlukan (dan diinginkan!) untuk " "mencapai tujuan merek Anda." msgid "Round-the-clock support?" msgstr "Dukungan setiap saat?" msgid "Monetization blocks and plugins?" msgstr "Blok dan plugin monetisasi?" msgid "Built-in post amplification?" msgstr "Amplifikasi pos bawaan?" msgid "Design customization options?" msgstr "Pilihan penyesuaian desain?" msgid "" " features all the tools you need to build your best site— no " "developers needed." msgstr "" " memiliki semua alat yang Anda perlukan untuk membuat situs " "terbaik—tanpa perlu pengembang." msgid "Website hosting that grows with you." msgstr "Hosting situs yang tumbuh bersama Anda." msgid "Reminder: Your %1$s%% discount expires soon" msgstr "Pengingat: Diskon %1$s%% Anda akan segera kedaluwarsa" msgid "" "Ready to supercharge your website? Choose an annual plan " "and enter the code %1$s at checkout to take %2$s%% off your " "first payment." msgstr "" "Siap untuk meningkatkan keandalan situs Anda? Pilih paket " "tahunan dan masukkan kode %1$s saat checkout untuk " "menghemat %2$s%% pada pembayaran pertama Anda." msgid "%1$s%% off your upgrade" msgstr "Diskon %1$s%% untuk upgrade Anda" msgid "" "WordPress is easy to use and customize, and with premium themes, access to " "over 50,000 plugins, and built-in monetization options, your upgrade will make " "it even easier to build, refine, and maintain your ever-important web " "presence." msgstr "" "WordPress mudah digunakan dan disesuaikan, dan dengan tema premium, akses ke " "lebih dari 50.000 plugin, serta pilihan monetisasi bawaan, upgrade akan lebih " "memudahkan Anda untuk membuat, menyempurnakan, dan menjaga kehadiran web " "yang selalu penting." msgid "" "We get it! You’re out there crushing your #smallbusiness " "goals, and your website needs to keep up without bogging you down." msgstr "" "Kami yang menanganinya! Butuh perjuangan untuk menggapai " "tujuan #bisniskecil Anda, dan situs Anda perlu mengikuti perkembangan " "tanpa hambatan." msgid "Supercharge your site and boost your brand." msgstr "Tingkatkan keandalan situs dan kembangkan merek Anda." msgid " *According to W3Techs, 2022. " msgstr " *Berdasarkan W3Techs, 2022. " msgid "" "And when you upgrade to a paid plan on, you can be confident that " "you’ve got a speedy, secure setup that’s backed by a global team of " "Happiness Engineers ready to help you when you need it. The best part? " "%3$s%% off your new subscription is still available— just " "select any annual hosting plan, and use the code %4$s at " "checkout." msgstr "" "Dan jika meng-upgrade ke paket berbayar pada, Anda tak perlu " "ragu dengan penyiapan cepat dan aman yang didukung oleh tim Happiness " "Engineer global yang siap membantu kapan pun Anda butuhkan. Bagian " "terbaiknya? Diskon %3$s%% untuk langganan baru Anda masih tersedia— cukup pilih paket hosting tahunan apa pun, lalu gunakan kode " "%4$s saat checkout." msgid "" "There’s a reason why over %s%% of the internet is powered by WordPress. " "While other site builders may come and go, WordPress is the CMS of choice " "for creators looking for the best when it comes to flexibility, " "extensibility, and reliability." msgstr "" "Ada alasan mengapa lebih dari %s%% internet didukung oleh WordPress. Meski " "pembuat situs terus datang dan pergi, WordPress adalah CMS pilihan bagi para " "pencipta yang mencari fleksibilitas, kesiapan tumbuh, dan keandalan " "terbaik." msgid "Build your brand with" msgstr "Buat situs menawan Anda dengan" msgid "P.S. — This offer is only valid until %1$s, so don’t delay!" msgstr "N.B. — Penawaran ini hanya valid sampai %1$s, jadi tunggu apa lagi!" msgid "Yes, let’s upgrade my site" msgstr "Baik, upgrade situs saya" msgid "" "For a limited time, you can save %1$s%% off your first payment when you " "choose annual billing and enter the code %2$s at checkout." msgstr "" "Dalam waktu terbatas, Anda dapat menghemat %1$s%% untuk pembayaran pertama " "jika memilih penagihan tahunan dan memasukkan kode %2$s " "saat checkout." msgid "" " offers everything you need to showcase your work and build " "your brand. Upgrade your site today to unlock features that make it easier " "than ever to create a unique and beautiful website. And with " "Jetpack Social (included with your upgrade), you’ll be " "reaching more people and building your audience in no time at all." msgstr "" " menawarkan segala yang Anda perlukan untuk menampilkan karya " "dan membangun merek Anda. Upgrade situs sekarang untuk mendapatkan fitur " "yang memudahkan Anda membuat situs yang unik dan menawan. Dan " "dengan Jetpack Social (termasuk dalam upgrade), Anda dapat " "menjangkau banyak orang dan membangun audiens dalam sekejap." msgid "Build your brand." msgstr "Bangun merek Anda." msgid "Showcase your work." msgstr "Tampilkan karya Anda." msgid "Everything you need to build your brand." msgstr "Semua yang diperlukan untuk membangun merek Anda." msgid "%1$s%% off your upgrade" msgstr "Diskon %1$s%% untuk upgrade Anda" msgid "Site Search up to 100k records and 100k requests/mo" msgstr "Pencarian Situs hingga 100 ribu data dan 100 ribu permintaan/bln" msgid "WooCommerce powered" msgstr "Didukung WooCommerce" msgid "" "Magically drag, drop, and draw on a huge collection of design patterns, " "features, and layouts with the intuitive, built-in block editor." msgstr "" "Seret, lepas, dan buat desain kreatif dengan beragam koleksi pola, fitur, " "dan tata letak desain secara ajaib menggunakan editor blok bawaan yang " "intuitif." msgid "Your daily prompt
has arrived" msgstr "Prompt harian Anda
telah tersedia" msgid "Post your answer" msgstr "Poskan jawaban Anda" msgid "Your daily prompt has arrived" msgstr "Prompt harian Anda telah tersedia" msgid "Daily Writing Prompt" msgstr "Prompt Tulisan Harian" msgid "Say hello to integrations 👋" msgstr "Mari sambut integrasi 👋" msgid "" "Promote your content on the and Tumblr ad network using Blaze." msgstr "" "Promosikan konten Anda di jejaring iklan dan Tumblr " "menggunakan Blaze." msgid "Reach more people across millions of sites." msgstr "Jangkau lebih banyak orang dari jutaan situs." msgid "Site Search: Up to 100k records and 100k requests/mo." msgstr "Site Search: Hingga 100 ribu data dan 100 ribu pemrosesan/bln." msgid "Site Search up to 100k records and 100k requests/mo." msgstr "Site Search hingga 100 ribu data dan 100 ribu pemrosesan/bln." msgid "Ban this user from the forums" msgstr "Cabut akses pengguna ini ke forum" msgid "Unban this user from the forums" msgstr "Batalkan pencabutan akses pengguna ini ke forum" msgid "Rate Jetpack Search" msgstr "Beri rating Jetpack Search" msgid "" "How has your experience been? Would you mind rating Search so others can " "learn about it too?" msgstr "" "Bagaimana pengalaman Anda selama ini? Bersediakah Anda memberi rating " "Jetpack Search agar orang lain juga mengetahuinya?" msgid "Thanks for using Jetpack Search!" msgstr "Terima kasih telah menggunakan Jetpack Search!" msgid "Post likes" msgstr "Suka untuk Pos" msgid "%(extraCount)s more" msgstr "%(extraCount)s lainnya" msgid "Course creation and LMS tools powered by SenseiLMS" msgstr "Alat pembuat kursus dan LMS yang didukung oleh SenseiLMS" msgid "Course Creator" msgstr "Kreator Kursus" msgid "" "Choose a different theme style now, or customize colors and fonts later." msgstr "Pilih gaya tema lainnya, atau sesuaikan warna dan font nanti." msgid "Pick a style" msgstr "Pilih gaya" msgid "Set up your course site" msgstr "Siapkan situs kursus Anda" msgid "Get Sensei Pro Bundle" msgstr "Dapatkan Bundel Sensei Pro" msgid "" "Sensei + WooCommerce + Jetpack + in the ultimate Course Bundle" msgstr "" "Sensei + WooCommerce + Jetpack + dalam Bundel Kursus terbaik" msgid "Advanced Jetpack features" msgstr "Fitur Jetpack tingkat lanjut" msgid "Sell courses and subscriptions" msgstr "Jual kursus dan langganan" msgid "Quizzes and certificates" msgstr "Kuis dan sertifikat" msgid "Interactive videos and lessons" msgstr "Video dan pembelajaran interaktif" msgid "Unlimited courses and students" msgstr "Kursus dan siswa tidak terbatas" msgid "Priority live chat support" msgstr "Bantuan live chat prioritas" msgid "Preparing Your Bundle" msgstr "Menyiapkan Bundel Anda" msgid "Laying out the foundations" msgstr "Membangun fondasi" msgid "Setting up your new Sensei Home" msgstr "Menyiapkan Beranda Sensei baru Anda" msgid "Installing Sensei" msgstr "Menginstal Sensei" msgid "Make your course site shine with a custom domain. Not sure yet?" msgstr "" "Jadikan situs kursus Anda lebih menarik dengan domain khusus. Masih ragu?" msgid "The site I need help with is not in the list" msgstr "Situs saya yang memerlukan bantuan tidak ada di dalam daftar" msgctxt "Stats: title of module" msgid "Emails" msgstr "Email" msgid "%s staff note." msgid_plural "%s staff notes." msgstr[0] "%s catatan staf." msgstr[1] "%s catatan staf." msgid "All-time annual insights" msgstr "Semua wawasan tahunan" msgid "Annual insights" msgstr "Wawasan tahunan" msgid "Banner" msgstr "Banner" msgid "Shipment Tracking" msgstr "Pelacakan Pengiriman" msgid "Tracking enabled" msgstr "Pelacakan diaktifkan" msgid "Tracking Information" msgstr "Informasi Pelacakan" msgid "These can help you too:" msgstr "Ini juga dapat membantu Anda:" msgid "" "Our YouTube channel has dozens of educational videos to help get your site " "up and running." msgstr "" "Kanal YouTube kami memiliki puluhan video edukasi yang dapat membantu " "menyiapkan dan menjalankan situs Anda." msgid "YouTube Channel" msgstr "Kanal YouTube" msgid "Join for Free" msgstr "Ikuti Gratis" msgid "" "Come learn a new skill and have your questions answered live by WordPress " "experts." msgstr "" "Ayo pelajari keahlian baru dan dapatkan jawaban untuk pertanyaan Anda secara " "live oleh tim ahli WordPress." msgid "" "The best guides and tutorials for everything are now at your " "fingertips." msgstr "" "Panduan dan tutorial terbaik sekarang ada di ujung jemari Anda." msgid "Support site" msgstr "Situs dukungan" msgid "Enter a valid domain name or leave empty to avoid showing any domain" msgstr "" "Dapatkan nama dokumen yang valid atau biarkan kosong agar tidak menampilkan " "domain acak" msgid "More menu..." msgstr "Menu selengkapnya..." msgid "Window Size:" msgstr "Ukuran Jendela: " msgid "Screen Size:" msgstr "Ukuran Layar: " msgid "Admin Tools" msgstr "Alat Admin" msgid "" "What do Salesforce, Al Jazeera, Capgemini, Facebook, and Merck have in " "common?" msgstr "Apa kesamaan Salesforce, Al Jazeera, Capgemini, Facebook, dan Merck?" msgid "" "Amulet puts the spotlight on your products and your customers. This theme " "leverages WooCommerce to provide you with intuitive product navigation and " "the patterns you need to master digital merchandising." msgstr "" "Amulet menjadikan produk dan pelanggan Anda sebagai fokus utama. Dengan " "WooCommerce di baliknya, tema ini menghadirkan navigasi produk yang intuitif " "sekaligus tata letak yang Anda butuhkan agar dapat menghasilkan promosi " "digital yang memikat." msgctxt "Do It For Me - Store" msgid "These themes are featured in the Do It For Me (BBE) store signup flow." msgstr "" "Tema-tema ini ditawarkan dalam alur pendaftaran toko Do It For Me (BBE)." msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Do It For Me - Store" msgstr "Do It For Me - Toko" msgid "You do not have a SSH key added to your account (optional)." msgstr "Anda belum menambahkan SSH key ke akun Anda (opsional)." msgid "" "Sorry, something went wrong when trying to %(monitorStatus)s the monitor for " "{{em}}%(siteUrl)s{{/em}}. Please try again." msgstr "" "Maaf, terjadi kendala saat mencoba pemantau untuk {{em}}%(siteUrl)s{{/em}}. " "Mohon coba lagi.%(monitorStatus)s" msgid "Currency From parameter is required" msgstr "Parameter Mata Uang Asal wajib diisi" msgid "" "The customer must authorize this payment via a notification sent to them by " "the bank which issued their card. The authorization must be completed before " "%1$s at %2$s, when the charge will be attempted." msgstr "" "Pelanggan harus mengotorisasi pembayaran ini melalui pemberitahuan yang " "dikirimkan oleh bank penerbit kartu mereka. Otorisasi harus diselesaikan " "sebelum %1$s pukul %2$s, saat penagihan dilakukan." msgid "With the following message: %s" msgstr "Dengan pesan berikut: %s" msgid "" "For recurring payment greater than mandate amount or INR 15000, payment was " "not approved by the card holder." msgstr "" "Untuk pembayaran berulang yang melebihi jumlah batas atau 15.000 INR, " "pembayaran tidak disetujui oleh pemegang kartu." msgid "" "The customer's bank could not send pre-debit notification for the payment." msgstr "" "Bank pelanggan tidak dapat mengirimkan pemberitahuan pra-debit untuk " "pembayaran." msgid "The installed version of WordPress (%s) has a known vulnerability." msgstr "Versi WordPress (%s) yang terinstal diketahui memiliki kerentanan." msgid "Vulnerable WordPress version: %s" msgstr "Versi WordPress rentan: %s" msgid "" "Did you know that you can upload videos and embed them directly on your blog " "with VideoPress included in our Premium Plan?" msgstr "" "Tahukah Anda bahwa video dapat diunggah lalu disematkan langsung ke blog " "dengan VideoPress yang termasuk dalam Paket Premium?" msgid "Personalize your Site" msgstr "Sesuaikan Situs Anda" msgid "Describe your website in a line or two" msgstr "Jelaskan situs web Anda dalam satu atau dua baris" msgid "" "Use WordPress Blaze to increase your reach by promoting your work to the " "larger community of blogs and sites. " msgstr "" "Gunakan WordPress Blaze untuk meningkatkan jangkauan Anda dengan " "mempromosikan karya Anda ke komunitas blog dan situs yang " "lebih besar." msgid "Reach new readers and customers" msgstr "Jangkau pembaca dan pelanggan baru" msgid "" "Hey! A heads up that we found your password on a list of leaked passwords. " "To keep your account secure, please choose another, unique " "password using the link below. Thanks!" msgstr "" "Hei! Ada sedikit informasi untuk Anda. Kami menemukan kata sandi Anda di " "daftar kata sandi yang bocor. Agar akun Anda tetap aman, buat " "kata sandi baru yang unik menggunakan tautan di bawah. Terima kasih!" msgid "Block inspector tab display overrides." msgstr "Tampilan tab inspektur blok ditimpa." msgid "Different layouts containing video or audio." msgstr "Beragam tata letak yang memuat video atau audio." msgctxt "Block pattern category" msgid "Media" msgstr "Media" msgid "Different layouts for displaying images." msgstr "Beragam tata letak untuk menampilkan gambar." msgid "Showcase your latest work." msgstr "Pamerkan karya terbaru Anda." msgctxt "Block pattern category" msgid "Portfolio" msgstr "Portofolio" msgid "Introduce yourself." msgstr "Perkenalkan diri Anda." msgctxt "Block pattern category" msgid "About" msgstr "Tentang" msgid "Display your contact information." msgstr "Tampilkan informasi kontak Anda." msgctxt "Block pattern category" msgid "Contact" msgstr "Kontak" msgid "Briefly describe what your business does and how you can help." msgstr "Jelaskan secara singkat terkait bisnis Anda dan layanannya." msgctxt "Block pattern category" msgid "Services" msgstr "Layanan" msgid "Share reviews and feedback about your brand/business." msgstr "Bagikan ulasan dan feedback tentang merek/bisnis Anda." msgid "A variety of designs to display your team members." msgstr "Berbagai desain untuk menampilkan anggota tim Anda." msgctxt "Block pattern category" msgid "Team" msgstr "Tim" msgid "Sections whose purpose is to trigger a specific action." msgstr "Bagian yang bertujuan untuk memicu tindakan tertentu." msgctxt "Block pattern category" msgid "Call to Action" msgstr "Call to Action" msgid "A theme for travelers, writers and photographers." msgstr "Sebuah tema untuk petualang, penulis, dan fotografer." msgid "" "Now that you've got a custom domain name, try a %1$sCustom Theme%2$s to " "really stand out" msgstr "" "Setelah memiliki nama domain kustom, coba %1$sTema Kustom%2$s untuk tampil " "mencolok" msgid "Website design service" msgstr "Layanan desain situs" msgid "Save %d%% per month! Billed annually." msgstr "Hemat %d%% per bulan! Ditagih per tahun." msgid "Unlimited with Brand Account" msgstr "Tidak Terbatas dengan Akun Brand " msgid "Extra seats" msgstr "Kuota ekstra" msgid "Drag and drop" msgstr "Drag and drop" msgid "Direct upload from your site" msgstr "Unggahan langsung dari situs Anda" msgid "$144 per additional seat" msgstr "$144 per kuota tambahan" msgid "Extra unlimited seats with Brand account" msgstr "Kursi ekstra tidak terbatas dengan Akun merek" msgid "No customizable player" msgstr "Tidak ada pemutar yang dapat disesuaikan" msgid "Branded player" msgstr "Pemutar bermerek" msgid "No access to video library" msgstr "Tidak ada akses ke pustaka video" msgid "Only embed" msgstr "Hanya sematan" msgid "No customize in editor" msgstr "Tidak ada penyesuaian di editor" msgid "Don't pay extra to add team members to manage and upload your videos." msgstr "" "Jangan bayar lebih untuk menambahkan anggota tim guna mengelola dan " "mengunggah video Anda." msgid "Extra unlimited seats" msgstr "Kursi ekstra tak terbatas" msgid "Customizable player" msgstr "Pemutar yang dapat disesuaikan" msgid "Unbranded player" msgstr "Pemutar tanpa label brand" msgid "No ads before, after, or during your video." msgstr "Bebas iklan sebelum, setelah, atau selama Video diputar." msgid "" "Get access to your videos stored in your WordPress site media library, " "directly from your editor." msgstr "" "Dapatkan akses ke video yang disimpan di pustaka media situs WordPress, " "langsung dari editor Anda." msgid "Access to video library" msgstr "Akses ke pustaka video" msgid "" "Upload your videos directly from your WordPress site, and it's as easy as " "drag and drop them on your posts." msgstr "" "Unggah video langsung dari situs WordPress Anda, semudah menyeret dan " "melepaskan video pada pos Anda." msgid "Direct upload" msgstr "Unggahan langsung" msgid "" "Edit your content in the same WordPress editor for better convenience." msgstr "" "Edit konten Anda di satu editor WordPress demi kenyamanan yang lebih baik." msgid "Customize in editor" msgstr "Penyesuaian di editor" msgid "Your best WordPress player choice" msgstr "Pilihan pemutar WordPress terbaik Anda" msgid "There’s never been a better time to secure and level up your site" msgstr "Sekarang saatnya upgrade situs dan perketat keamanannya." msgid "" "(Prices for US based customers, to see prices in your local currency visit" msgstr "" "(Harga berlaku untuk pelanggan di AS. Untuk harga dalam mata uang Anda, " "kunjungi" msgid "- Jetpack Boost: $240 per year ($20/mo)" msgstr "- Jetpack Boost: $240 per tahun ($20/bulan)" msgid "" "- Jetpack Scan / VideoPress / Social / Akismet Anti-spam: $120 per year ($10/" "mo)" msgstr "" "- Jetpack Scan / VideoPress / Social / Akismet Anti-spam: $120 per tahun " "($10/bulan)" msgid "- Jetpack Complete: Now $600 per year ($50/mo)" msgstr "- Jetpack Complete: Kini $600 per tahun ($50/bulan)" msgid "- Jetpack Security: Now $240 per year ($20/mo)" msgstr "- Jetpack Security: Kini $240 per tahun ($20/bulan)" msgid "- VaultPress Backup: Now $60 per year ($5/mo)" msgstr "- VaultPress Backup: Kini $60 per tahun ($5/bulan)" msgid "There’s never been a better time to secure and level up your site." msgstr "Sekarang saatnya upgrade situs dan perketat keamanannya." msgid "" "(Prices for US based customers, to see prices in your local currency click " "here)" msgstr "" "(Harga berlaku untuk pelanggan di AS. Untuk harga dalam mata uang Anda, klik " "di sini)" msgid "Jetpack Boost: $240 per year ($20/mo)" msgstr "" "Jetpack Boost: $240 per tahun ($20/bulan)" msgid "" "Jetpack Scan / VideoPress / Social / Akismet Anti-spam: " "$120 per year ($10/mo)" msgstr "" "Jetpack Scan / VideoPress / Social / Akismet Anti-spam: " "$120 per tahun ($10/bulan)" msgid "" "Jetpack Complete: Now $600 per year ($50/mo)" msgstr "" "Jetpack Complete: Kini $600 per tahun ($50/bulan)" msgid "" "Jetpack Security: Now $240 per year ($20/mo)" msgstr "" "Jetpack Security: Kini $240 per tahun ($20/bulan)" msgid "" "VaultPress Backup: Now $60 per year ($5/mo)" msgstr "" "VaultPress Backup: Kini $60 per tahun ($5/bulan)" msgid "" "No, you didn’t read that wrong! While nearly everything is costing more " "these days, Jetpack has your back. Now, you can get the same best-in-class " "security, growth, and performance plugins for less." msgstr "" "Tidak, Anda tidak salah baca kok! Apa pun boleh mahal akhir-akhir ini, " "tetapi Jetpack siap memberikan penawaran terbaik. Sekarang, berbagai plugin " "terbaik untuk keamanan, pengembangan, dan performa situs bisa Anda peroleh " "dengan harga lebih terjangkau." msgid "We’ve reduced our prices by up to 50%" msgstr "Kami beri diskon sampai 50%" msgid "We’re bucking the trend; we’ve reduced our prices by up to 50%." msgstr "Berkebalikan dengan tren, kami hadirkan diskon 50%." msgid "Jetpack: Same best-in-class products, new lower prices." msgstr "" "Jetpack: Tetap yang terbaik di kelasnya, dengan harga lebih terjangkau." msgid "Set up your domain name" msgstr "Siapkan nama domain Anda" msgid "Unmetered bandwidth and pageviews." msgstr "Bandwidth dan pageview tidak terbatas." msgid "DDOS mitigation and firewall protection." msgstr "Pencegahan DDOS dan perlindungan firewall." msgid "The following fields are required and must be valid: %s" msgstr "Data berikut wajib diisi dan harus valid: %s" msgid "Unlock VideoPress and Story blocks" msgstr "Dapatkan VideoPress dan blok Cerita" msgid "View products and bundles" msgstr "LIhat produk dan paket" msgid "Pinned" msgstr "Disematkan" msgid "Check your email for a copy of this receipt" msgstr "Periksa email Anda untuk melihat salinan tanda terima ini" msgid "Log in to add new topics" msgstr "Login untuk menambahkan topik baru" msgid "Add new topic" msgstr "Tambah topik baru" msgid "Search questions, keywords, topics" msgstr "Cari pertanyaan, kata kunci, atau topik" msgid "Thumbnail for a post titled \"%(title)s\"" msgstr "Thumbnail untuk pos berjudul \"%(title)s\"" msgid "Published %(date)s" msgstr "Tanggal terbit: %(date)s" msgid "This site's plan has expired." msgstr "Paket situs ini telah kedaluwarsa." msgid "Gift the author a upgrade." msgstr "Beri hadiah upgrade kepada penulis." msgid "Gift the author a plan before it expires in %d days." msgstr "" "Beri hadiah paket kepada penulis sebelum kedaluwarsa dalam %d " "hari." msgid "Gift the author a plan before it expires in %d day." msgid_plural "" "Gift the author a plan before it expires in %d days." msgstr[0] "" "Beri hadiah paket kepada penulis sebelum kedaluwarsa dalam %d " "hari." msgstr[1] "" "Beri hadiah paket kepada penulis sebelum kedaluwarsa dalam %d " "hari." msgid "Gift the author a plan." msgstr "Beri hadiah paket kepada penulis." msgctxt "Stats: Button label to see the detailed content of a panel" msgid "View details" msgstr "Lihat detail" msgctxt "Stats: Button link to show more detailed stats information" msgid "View all" msgstr "Lihat semua" msgid "View all annual insights" msgstr "Lihat semua wawasan tahunan" msgid "" "Create a preview link that lets you share your Coming Soon site with your " "team or clients." msgstr "" "Buat tautan pratinjau untuk membagikan situs Segera Hadir Anda kepada tim " "atau pelanggan." msgid "Site Preview Links" msgstr "Tautan Pratinjau Situs" msgid "Syndication feeds" msgstr "Feed sindikasi" msgid "Your site is almost ready!" msgstr "Situs Anda hampir siap!" msgid "It looks like you don’t have any connected Jetpack sites to manage." msgstr "" "Sepertinya Anda tidak memiliki situs yang terhubung dengan Jetpack untuk " "dikelola." msgid "" "Sit back as our expert team builds a site you’ll love. From single-page " "sites to full-blown stores, we’ll help you make it happen." msgstr "" "Tenang, tim ahli kami dapat membuatkan situs yang Anda inginkan. Dari situs " "halaman tunggal hinggal toko online berfitur lengkap, kami siap membuatkan " "untuk Anda." msgid "" "Our Happiness Engineers are always ready to help if you get stuck or just " "need a hand getting set up." msgstr "" "Happiness Engineer kami selalu siap membantu jika Anda menemukan kendala " "atau sekadar butuh bantuan untuk menyiapkan situs." msgid "" "From direct support by email and live chat, to done-for-you sites built by " "our expert team, we’ve got your back." msgstr "" "Kami membantu Anda sepenuhnya. Dari bantuan langsung melalui e-mail dan live " "chat, hingga membuatkan Anda situs lengkap yang dikerjakan oleh tim ahli " "kami." msgid "SSH, WP-CLI, and Git tools." msgstr "SSH, WP-CLI, dan alat Git." msgid "Install 50,000+ plugins and themes. Deploy custom code." msgstr "Instal 50.000+ plugin dan tema. Gunakan kode khusus." msgid "Isolated site environment." msgstr "Konfigurasi situs yang aman." msgid "Real-time activity log." msgstr "Pencatat aktivitas real-time." msgid "Lightning-fast high-frequency CPUs." msgstr "Frekuensi CPU super cepat." msgid "Developer and Hosting Features" msgstr "Fitur Pengembang dan Hosting" msgid "" "Deliver unmatched performance with the highest security standards on our " "enterprise content platform." msgstr "" "Dapatkan performa tak tertandingi dengan standar keamanan tertinggi di " "platform konten kelas enterprise kami." msgid "" "Everything in Business, with advanced WooCommerce tools and integrations " "ready to go from minute one." msgstr "" "Semua manfaat dari Paket Bisnis, dengan peralatan dan integrasi WooCommerce " "tingkat lanjut yang siap dipakai sedari awal." msgid "" "Lightning-fast, seriously secure, insanely extensible WordPress managed " "hosting. Without bandwidth overages." msgstr "" "Layanan hosting WordPress terkelola dengan performa secepat kilat, keamanan " "ketat, dan fleksibilitas tanpa batas. Tanpa biaya kelebihan bandwidth." msgid "Team Members" msgstr "Anggota Tim" msgid "Learn how to add a site" msgstr "Pelajari cara menambahkan situs" msgid "Assign license later" msgid_plural "Assign licenses later" msgstr[0] "Terapkan lisensi nanti" msgstr[1] "Terapkan lisensi nanti" msgid "" "It looks like you don’t have any connected Jetpack sites you can apply this " "license to." msgstr "" "Tampaknya Anda tidak mempunyai situs yang terhubung dengan Jetpack di mana " "lisensi berikut dapat Anda terapkan." msgid "" "Your site is backed up as you edit, with multiple copies stored securely in " "the cloud" msgstr "" "Situs Anda dicadangkan saat Anda mengedit. Salinannya digandakan dan " "disimpan dengan aman di cloud." msgid "" "We store your site backups securely in the cloud, with multiple copies saved " "across our global server network, so you'll never lose your content." msgstr "" "Kami menyimpan cadangan situs Anda dengan aman di cloud dan membuat banyak " "salinannya yang disimpan di seluruh jaringan server kami, sehingga Anda " "tidak akan kehilangan konten Anda." msgid "Select your currency: " msgstr "Pilih mata uang Anda: " msgid "" "You may also use this tool to report authors where you've encountered " "content that suggests the author might harm themselves. We will respond to " "these reports as quickly as possible, as we recognize that they are time-" "sensitive." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menggunakan alat ini untuk melaporkan penulis yang mungkin " "melukai diri sendiri setelah melihat konten yang diposkan penulis tersebut. " "Kami akan menanggapi laporan tersebut sesegera mungkin karena kami sadar " "laporan ini perlu respons cepat. " msgid "" "If you're concerned a author might be in crisis, please refer to this page for more information on how you can help." msgstr "" "Jika Anda khawatir penulis sedang dalam situasi darurat, harap baca halaman ini untuk mengetahui informasi tentang apa yang bisa " "Anda lakukan untuk membantu." msgid "" "Use this option to report authors/blogs that call for violence against " "individuals or groups, including those that violate our policy against Terrorist Activity." msgstr "" "Gunakan pilihan ini untuk melaporkan penulis/blog yang memicu kekerasan " "terhadap individu atau kelompok, termasuk yang melanggar kebijakan kami " "tentang Aktivitas Terorisme." msgid "" "Use this option to report authors that clearly violate our Terms of Service or User Guidelines, and should " "be suspended." msgstr "" "Gunakan pilihan ini untuk melaporkan penunlis yang jelas melanggar Ketentuan Layanan atau Pedoman Pengguna " "kami, dan harus ditangguhkan." msgid "Reason for reporting author:" msgstr "Alasan untuk pelaporan penulis:" msgid "" "Use this option to report authors that appear machine-generated or authors " "that generate contain designed to drive traffic to third-party sites. This " "includes sites designed exclusively to improve the search-engine rankings of " "other websites." msgstr "" "Gunakan pilihan ini untuk melaporkan penulis yang tampak seperti mesin atau " "penulis yang membuat konten komersial yang dirancang untuk mengarahkan lalu " "lintas ke situs pihak ketiga. Ini mencakup situs yang dirancang secara " "khusus untuk meningkatkan peringkat situs web lain dalam mesin pencarian." msgid "Author might be at risk of hurting themselves." msgstr "Penulis mungkin dalam bahaya melukai diri sendiri." msgid "Author is posting violent content." msgstr "Penulis memposkan konten kekerasan." msgid "Author is posting abusive content." msgstr "Penulis memposkan konten kekejaman." msgid "This author is creating spam." msgstr "Penulis ini membuat spam." msgid "" "NOTE: You are reporting your user profile. Are you sure you want to do this?" msgstr "" "CATATAN: Anda membuat laporan menggunakan profil pengguna Anda. Yakinkah " "Anda ingin melakukan ini?" msgid "You are reporting the following author:" msgstr "Anda melaporkan penulis berikut:" msgid "Report author to staff" msgstr "Laporkan penulis ke staf" msgid "Add more" msgstr "Tambah lagi" msgid "Keep plan" msgstr "Pertahankan paket" msgid "" "Upsidedown is a blog theme designed in the WordPress Site Editor. With its " "neat visuals, it introduces a direct experience on post reading: noticeable " "post titles listed on a text-only page, with an original swap of header and " "footer blocks." msgstr "" "Upsidedown adalah tema blog yang dirancang di Editor Situs WordPress. Dengan " "tampilan yang menawan, tema ini memberikan pengalaman membaca pos secara " "langsung: judul pos yang mudah dilihat tercantum pada halaman hanya teks, " "dengan penggantian blok header dan footer asli." msgid "" "There are no topics to merge with. The OP does not have any other open " "topics." msgstr "" "Tidak ada tema yang dapat digabungkan. OP tidak memiliki tema terbuka " "lainnya." msgid "" "If you have any questions about this opt out, or how we honor your legal " "rights, you can contact us at {{contactLink /}}" msgstr "" "Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan tentang pengecualian ini, atau bagaimana kami " "menghormati hak-hak legal Anda, Anda dapat menghubungi kami di " "{{contactLink /}}" msgid "" "We never directly sell your personal information in the conventional sense " "(i.e., for money), but in some U.S. states the sharing of your information " "with advertising/analytics vendors can be considered a “sale” of your " "information, which you may have the right to opt out of. To opt out, click " "the link below." msgstr "" "Kami tidak pernah secara langsung menjual data pribadi Anda untuk maksud " "yang remeh (yaitu, untuk uang), tetapi di beberapa negara bagian A.S. " "menerangkan bahwa berbagi data dengan layanan periklan/analitik dapat " "dianggap sebagai “menjual” data Anda, yang mana Anda miliki hak untuk " "menolak. Untuk menolaknya, klik tautan di bawah." msgid "" "Your privacy is critically important to us so we strive to be transparent in " "how we are collecting, using, and sharing your information. We use cookies " "and other technologies to help us identify and track visitors to our sites, " "to store usage and access preferences for our services, to track and " "understand email campaign effectiveness, and to deliver targeted ads. Learn " "more in our {{privacyPolicyLink}}Privacy Policy{{/privacyPolicyLink}} and " "our {{cookiePolicyLink}}Cookie Policy{{/cookiePolicyLink}}." msgstr "" "Privasi Anda sangat penting bagi kami sehingga kami berusaha untuk " "transparan dalam cara kami mengumpulkan, menggunakan, dan membagikan " "informasi Anda. Kami menggunakan cookie dan teknologi lainnya untuk membantu " "kami mengidentifikasi dan melacak pengunjung ke situs kami, menyimpan " "penggunaan dan preferensi akses untuk layanan kami, melacak dan memahami " "keefektifan kampanye e-mail, dan menayangkan iklan bertarget. Pelajari lebih " "lanjut di {{privacyPolicyLink}}Kebijakan Privasi{{/privacyPolicyLink}} dan " "{{cookiePolicyLink}}Kebijakan Cookie{{/cookiePolicyLink}} kami." msgid "More about bundle savings" msgstr "Informasi paket hemat" msgid "If purchased individually, all products would cost {{amount/}}/month." msgstr "Jika dibeli satuan, harga semua produk sebesar {{amount/}}/bulan." msgid "" "P.P.S. If you have extra questions or need help with anything at all, you " "can reach out to support right from the Jetpack app by heading to Me → Help " "& Support and tapping on the Contact Support button." msgstr "" "N.B. Jika mempunyai pertanyaan lebih lanjut atau memerlukan bantuan, Anda " "dapat menghubungi dukungan langsung dari aplikasi Jetpack dengan membuka " "Saya → Bantuan & Dukungan lalu mengetuk tombol Hubungi Dukungan." msgid "" "Your favorite Jetpack-powered features from the WordPress app – like Stats, " "Notifications, and the Reader – have a new home: the Jetpack app you just " "switched to! These features will soon be removed from the WordPress app. " "With the Jetpack app, you’ll keep the same focus on publishing as the " "WordPress app plus the tools you need to grow your site and audience." msgstr "" "Fitur-fitur favorit berbasis Jetpack yang hadir di aplikasi WordPress—" "seperti Statistik, Pemberitahuan, dan Pembaca—sekarang pindah ke tempat " "baru: aplikasi Jetpack yang kini Anda gunakan! Fitur-fitur ini akan segera " "dihapus dari aplikasi WordPress. Di aplikasi Jetpack, Anda tetap dapat " "berfokus pada publikasi—seperti di aplikasi WordPress—dengan tambahan alat-" "alat yang diperlukan untuk mengembangkan situs dan audiens Anda." msgid "The mobile team" msgstr "Tim seluler" msgid "" "We’re constantly working on new ways to improve the Jetpack app and make it " "the best possible way to put your site in your pocket and make updates on " "the go. Inspiration can strike anywhere, after all." msgstr "" "Kami terus mengupayakan cara baru untuk meningkatkan aplikasi Jetpack dan " "menjadikannya platform terbaik untuk membawa situs Anda dalam saku dan " "membuat pembaruan dari mana saja. Bagaimanapun juga, inspirasi bisa muncul " "di mana saja." msgid "" "If you haven’t already, now would be a good time to delete the WordPress " "app. Managing your site or creating content with both apps isn’t currently " "supported, but you’ll find everything you need in the Jetpack app." msgstr "" "Jika belum menghapus aplikasi WordPress, sekarang adalah saat yang tepat. " "Kami tidak mendukung pengelolaan situs atau pembuatan konten jika kedua " "aplikasi tersebut terinstal, dan semua yang Anda perlukan tersedia di " "aplikasi Jetpack." msgid "" "We’re writing to let you know that you’ve successfully switched to the " "Jetpack mobile app. Awesome! As part of the switch, we’ve transferred all of " "your data and settings over from the WordPress app, so you’re all set to " "pick up where you left off." msgstr "" "Kami ingin memberi tahu bahwa Anda telah berhasil beralih ke aplikasi " "seluler Jetpack. Keren! Sebagai bagian dari layanan, kami telah mentransfer " "semua data dan pengaturan Anda pada aplikasi WordPress. Dengan begitu, cukup " "lanjutkan dari titik terakhir Anda tinggalkan." msgid "" "The number of posts displayed on your selected posts page. Displaying 10 or " "less can improve usability, SEO, and page speed. May not apply to themes " "with infinite scrolling." msgstr "" "Jumlah pos yang ditampilkan pada halaman pos yang Anda pilih. Menampilkan 10 " "atau kurang dapat meningkatkan kegunaan, SEO, dan kecepatan halaman. " "Pengaturan berikut mungkin tidak berpengaruh pada tema dengan fitur gulir " "tak terbatas." msgid "By checking out" msgstr "Saat Anda menyelesaikan pembayaran, maka:" msgid "Go to {{strong}}Jetpack > My Jetpack{{/strong}}." msgstr "Buka {{strong}}Jetpack > Jetpack Saya{{/strong}}." msgid "%(finalPrice)s instead of %(originalPrice)s" msgstr "%(finalPrice)s, bukan %(originalPrice)s" msgid "Order ID:" msgstr "ID pesanan:" msgid "OpenAI Token is missing from configuration" msgstr "Token OpenAI hilang dari konfigurasi" msgid "" "After installing the plugin, in WP-Admin, go to Jetpack > My " "Jetpack and click the “Activate a license” link at the bottom of " "the page." msgstr "" "Setelah menginstal plugin, buka Jetpack > Jetpack Saya pada " "WP-Admin lalu klik tautan “Aktifkan lisensi” di bagian bawah halaman." msgid "Add your license key" msgstr "Tambah kunci lisensi Anda" msgid "Go to your WP-Admin dashboard" msgstr "Buka dasbor WP-Admin Anda" msgctxt "VideoPress Product Feature" msgid "Ad-free and customizable player" msgstr "Pemutar bebas iklan dan dapat disesuaikan" msgid "Nice job! Now it’s time to get creative." msgstr "Hebat! Sekarang saatnya untuk berkreasi." msgid "" "Course is a flexible and modern education theme for anyone wanting to share " "their knowledge. The theme is built with integration with Sensei LMS and is " "ideal for Sensei users that are creating or selling courses. Style " "variations with multiple font and color combinations help you craft the " "perfect look and feel to show off courses and content. The theme can be used " "without Sensei too." msgstr "" "Course adalah tema yang fleksibel dan modern bagi siapa saja yang ingin " "berbagi pengetahuan. Tema ini dilengkapi integrasi dengan Sensei LMS dan " "ideal bagi pengguna Sensei yang membuat atau menjual kursus. Variasi gaya " "dengan berbagai kombinasi font dan warna membantu Anda menciptakan tampilan " "yang sempurna, serta keinginan untuk memamerkan kursus dan konten. Tema " "Course juga dapat digunakan tanpa integrasi Sensei." msgid "Untracked Authors" msgstr "Penulis Tidak Terlacak" msgid "" "Notification sent! Confirm in your Jetpack or WordPress " "{{strong}} mobile app{{/strong}} to continue." msgstr "" "Pemberitahuan dikirim! Mohon konfirmasi di {{strong}}aplikasi ponsel{{/" "strong}} Jetpack atau WordPress Anda untuk melanjutkan." msgid "Don't miss another sale when customers run out of cash." msgstr "Jangan lewatkan penjualan lain karena pelanggan kehabisan uang tunai." msgid "Show all topics" msgstr "Tampilkan semua tema" msgid "Create the first topic" msgstr "Buat tema pertama" msgid "Sorry, but there are no topics in this forum." msgstr "Maaf, tidak ada tema dalam forum ini." msgid "Oh, bother!" msgstr "Ah, repot!" msgid "Fictional review and tweets. But you know you thought it." msgstr "Ulasan fiksi dan cuitan. Jujur saja jika Anda memikirkannya." msgid "Tú is a theme about you." msgstr "Tú adalah tema yang berfokus pada Anda." msgid "" "Your site contains premium styles that will only be visible once you upgrade " "to a %(planName)s plan." msgstr "" "Situs Anda memuat gaya premium yang hanya dapat dilihat setelah Anda " "melakukan upgrade ke paket %(planName)s." msgid "Free to start, with {{plans-count/}} ways to grow" msgstr "Gratis untuk memulai, tersedia {{plans-count/}} cara untuk berkembang" msgid "Extensibility" msgstr "Ekstensibilitas" msgid "" "Say hello to the next-level hosting performance made possible when you " "deeply integrate every piece of hardware and line of code to run WordPress " "at speed and scale." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di hosting dengan performa terbaik yang dapat Anda nikmati " "dari integrasi hardware dan software yang menjalankan WordPress sesuai " "kebutuhan Anda." msgid "" "{{line1}}Basically, the best managed{{/line1}}{{line2}}WordPress hosting on " "the planet.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Yang terpenting adalah{{/line1}}{{line2}}hosting WordPress " "terkelola terbaik di dunia.{{/line2}}" msgid "Free Website" msgstr "Situs Web Gratis" msgid "Launching website" msgstr "Meluncurkan Situs Web Anda" msgid "Personalize your site" msgstr "Sesuaikan situs Anda" msgid "You’re 1 minute away from
a beautiful, free website.
Ready? " msgstr "" "1 menit lagi
situs web gratis Anda yang menawan akan selesai.
Siap?" msgid "Personalize your
newsletter" msgstr "Personalisasi buletin
Anda" msgid "Oops. Looks like your website doesn't have a name yet." msgstr "Maaf. Sepertinya situs web Anda belum punya nama." msgid "My Website" msgstr "Situs Saya" msgid "" "Vetro was designed to be a portfolio theme, and is composed by wide width " "layouts with the impact of generous imagery and typography. Its simple pages " "are aligned left with fair right paddings and large content blocks to grant " "viewers focus on visuals and short paragraphs." msgstr "" "Vetro dirancang sebagai tema portofolio, dan disusun dengan tata letak " "tampilan lebar, dengan fokus pada citra dan tipografi. Halaman-halamannya " "sederhana dan rata kiri, dengan padding kanan yang sama rata dan blok konten " "besar untuk mengarahkan fokus pembaca pada visual dan paragraf singkat." msgid "Renew my domain: %1$s" msgstr "Perpanjang domain saya: %1$s" msgid "Domain name due for renewal: %1$s - %2$s" msgstr "Nama domain yang harus diperpanjang: %1$s - %2$s" msgid "Powered by VideoPress" msgstr "Powered by VideoPress" msgid "" "Administrators can change the content of this page using the Site Editor. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Administrator dapat mengubah konten halaman ini menggunakan Editor Situs. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "Your homepage uses the %(templateTitle)s template" msgstr "Halaman beranda Anda menggunakan template %(templateTitle)s" msgid "Purchase a card reader" msgstr "Beli pembaca kartu" msgid "Going to the trade show?" msgstr "Ingin berpartisipasi dalam pameran dagang?" msgid "" "Your privacy is critically important to us. We and our partners use, store, " "and process your personal data to optimize: our {{strong}}website{{/strong}} " "such as by improving security or conducting analytics, {{strong}}marketing " "activities{{/strong}} to help deliver relevant marketing or content, and " "your {{strong}}user experience{{/strong}} such as by remembering your " "account name, language settings, or cart information, where applicable. You " "can customize your cookie settings below. Learn more in our " "{{privacyPolicyLink}}Privacy Policy{{/privacyPolicyLink}} and " "{{cookiePolicyLink}}Cookie Policy{{/cookiePolicyLink}}." msgstr "" "Privasi Anda sangatlah penting bagi kami. Kami beserta mitra menggunakan, " "menyimpan, dan mengolah data pribadi Anda untuk mengoptimalkan: {{strong}}" "situs web{{/strong}} kami, seperti meningkatkan keamanan dan menjalankan " "proses analitik, {{strong}}kegiatan pemasaran{{/strong}} agar dapat " "memberikan materi dan konten pemasaran yang relevan, dan {{strong}}" "pengalaman pengguna{{/strong}} Anda, seperti mengingat nama akun, pengaturan " "bahasa, atau informasi keranjang Anda jika memungkinkan. Anda dapat " "menyesuaikan pengaturan cookie berikut. Baca selengkapnya di halaman " "{{privacyPolicyLink}}Kebijakan Privasi{{/privacyPolicyLink}} dan " "{{cookiePolicyLink}}Kebijakan Cookie{{/cookiePolicyLink}} kami." msgid "" "If you want to keep the subscription until the renewal date, please cancel " "after the refund period has ended." msgstr "" "Jika Anda ingin tetap berlangganan hingga tanggal perpanjangan, harap " "batalkan setelah periode pengembalian dana berakhir." msgid "" "Because you are within the %(refundPeriodInDays)d day refund period, your " "plan will be cancelled and removed from your site immediately and you will " "receive a full refund. " msgstr "" "Karena Anda berada dalam periode pengembalian dana %(refundPeriodInDays)d " "hari, paket Anda akan segera dibatalkan dan dihapus dari situs Anda. " "Kemudian Anda akan menerima pengembalian dana penuh." msgid "Disabling…" msgstr "Menonaktifkan…" msgid "Unable to disable preview link." msgstr "Tidak dapat menonaktifkan tautan pratinjau." msgid "Preview link disabled." msgstr "Tautan pratinjau dinonaktifkan." msgid "Unable to enable preview link." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengaktifkan tautan pratinjau." msgid "Preview link enabled." msgstr "Tautan pratinjau diaktifkan." msgid "Scan Real-time" msgstr "Pemindaian Real-time" msgid "Choose the best Jetpack products for your site" msgstr "Pilih produk Jetpack terbaik untuk situs Anda" msgid "Compare Jetpack products and bundles" msgstr "Bandingkan produk dan bundel Jetpack" msgid "" "Starting as early as January 16th we will begin to automatically update any " "sites that are still on the previous WordPress version. As part of this " "automatic update, we will prioritize keeping your site available for your " "visitors by automatically disabling any plugins or themes that have " "conflicts with the latest version of WordPress and reaching out to you to " "resolve any issues." msgstr "" "Terhitung sejak 16 Januari, kami akan mulai memperbarui situs yang masih " "menggunakan versi WordPress sebelumnya secara otomatis. Sebagai bagian dari " "pembaruan otomatis ini, kami akan memprioritaskan ketersediaan situs bagi " "pengunjung Anda dengan menonaktifkan plugin atau tema yang berkonflik dengan " "versi WordPress terbaru secara otomatis, dan menghubungi Anda saat mengatasi " "semua masalah." msgid "" "Reach out to the support team at so that we " "can get your site on the latest WordPress version." msgstr "" "Hubungi tim dukungan di agar kami dapat " "membantu pembaruan situs Anda ke versi WordPress terbaru." msgid "" "Ensure that all plugins and themes are updated by January 16th, 2023. More " "information about updating plugins and themes can be found in our support " "documentation: %s." msgstr "" "Pastikan semua plugin dan tema telah diperbarui sebelum 16 Januari 2023. " "Informasi lengkap tentang memperbarui plugin dan tema dapat dilihat dalam " "dokumentasi dukungan kami: %s." msgid "" "More information about WordPress versions on can be found in " "our support documentation: %s." msgstr "" "Informasi lengkap tentang versi WordPress pada dapat dilihat " "dalam dokumentasi dukungan kami: %s." msgid "" "As always, we are grateful for the trust you place in us to take care of " "your sites and we thank you for being a user." msgstr "" "Sebagaimana mestinya, kami berterima kasih atas kepercayaan yang telah " "diberikan untuk memelihara situs Anda. Kami juga berterima kasih karena Anda " "mau menjadi pengguna" msgid "" "Starting as early as January 16th we will begin to " "automatically update any sites that are still on the previous WordPress " "version. As part of this automatic update, we will prioritize keeping your " "site available for your visitors by automatically disabling any plugins or " "themes that have conflicts with the latest version of WordPress and reaching " "out to you to resolve any issues." msgstr "" "Terhitung sejak 16 Januari, kami akan mulai memperbarui " "situs yang masih menggunakan versi WordPress sebelumnya secara otomatis. " "Sebagai bagian dari pembaruan otomatis ini, kami akan memprioritaskan " "ketersediaan situs bagi pengunjung Anda dengan menonaktifkan plugin atau " "tema yang berkonflik dengan versi WordPress terbaru secara otomatis, dan " "menghubungi Anda saat mengatasi semua masalah." msgid "" "We believe your website will greatly benefit from this upgrade to the latest " "version of WordPress and we want to ensure that you have the best experience " "possible." msgstr "" "Kami percaya situs Anda akan mendapatkan banyak manfaat dengan melakukan " "upgrade ke versi WordPress terbaru, dan kami ingin memastikan Anda " "mendapatkan pengalaman terbaik." msgid "" "Reach out to the support team at so that we can get " "your site on the latest WordPress version." msgstr "" "Hubungi tim dukungan di agar kami dapat membantu " "pembaruan situs Anda ke versi WordPress terbaru." msgid "" "Ensure that all plugins and themes are updated by January 16th, " "2023. More information about updating plugins and themes can be " "found in our support documentation." msgstr "" "Pastikan semua plugin dan tema telah diperbarui sebelum 16 Januari " "2023. Informasi lengkap tentang memperbarui plugin dan tema dapat " "dilihat dalam dokumentasi dukungan kami." msgid "To update to the latest version of WordPress:" msgstr "Untuk melakukan pembaruan ke versi WordPress terbaru:" msgid "" "More information about WordPress versions on can be found in " "our support " "documentation." msgstr "" "Informasi lengkap tentang versi WordPress pada dapat dilihat " "dalam dokumentasi " "dukungan kami." msgid "" "What this means is that your website is currently on the previous version of " "WordPress and it is running fine at the moment. But, this will require some " "manual intervention to get your site on the latest, most secure version of " "WordPress." msgstr "" "Ini berarti situs Anda saat ini menggunakan versi WordPress sebelumnya dan " "masih berfungsi normal. Namun, Anda perlu melakukan pembaruan manual untuk " "dapat menggunakan versi terbaru, versi WordPress paling aman." msgid "" "We’re contacting you today to inform you that we were not able to " "automatically update your site to the latest version of WordPress. This is " "most likely due to a conflict between the latest version of WordPress and a " "plugin that you are using on your website." msgstr "" "Pada kesempatan ini, ingin kami sampaikan bahwa kami tidak dapat memperbarui " "situs Anda ke versi WordPress terbaru secara otomatis. Kemungkinan besar, " "hal ini terjadi karena adanya konflik antara versi WordPress terbaru dengan " "plugin yang terpasang di situs Anda." msgid "" "While we try to keep the technical aspects out of sight as much as possible " "so that you can focus on building and running your website, occasionally we " "need to let you know about important changes." msgstr "" "Sementara kami berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk menyembunyikan aspek teknis " "agar Anda dapat berfokus membangun dan menjalankan situs, kami perlu memberi " "tahu Anda terkait sejumlah perubahan penting." msgid "" "At, we take pride in delivering a powerful platform where you " "can build the site of your dreams. As one might imagine, this comes with " "some complex maneuvers behind the scenes to keep your website working " "optimally." msgstr "" "Di, kami bangga dapat menyediakan platform andal yang bisa " "digunakan untuk membangun situs impian Anda. Seperti yang bisa dibayangkan, " "upaya ini memerlukan sejumlah proses rumit di balik layar untuk menjaga " "situs Anda berfungsi optimal. " msgid "" "We were not able to automatically update your site to the latest version of " "WordPress." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat memperbarui situs Anda ke versi WordPress terbaru secara " "otomatis." msgid "ACTION REQUIRED: %s requires updates" msgstr "TINDAKAN DIPERLUKAN: %s memerlukan pembaruan" msgid "A set of high quality curated patterns." msgstr "Serangkaian kurasi pola berkualitas tinggi." msgid "Display your latest posts in lists, grids or other layouts." msgstr "" "Tampilkan pos terbaru Anda dalam daftar, kolom, atau tata letak lainnya." msgid "Patterns containing mostly text." msgstr "Pola yang memuat sebagian besar teks." msgid "A variety of header designs displaying your site title and navigation." msgstr "Beragam desain header yang menampilkan judul situs dan navigasi." msgid "A variety of footer designs displaying information and site navigation." msgstr "Beragam desain footer yang menampilkan informasi dan navigasi situs." msgid "Multi-column patterns with more complex layouts." msgstr "Pola multikolom dengan tata letak lebih rumit." msgid "Patterns that contain buttons and call to actions." msgstr "Pola yang memuat tombol dan call to action." msgid "" "As soon as your credentials are added and verified, Jetpack will immediately " "begin securing your site." msgstr "" "Segera setelah kredensial ditambahkan dan diverifikasi, Jetpack akan mulai " "mengamankan situs Anda." msgid "" "These credentials are supplied by your host. If you are unable to locate " "them — or aren't quite sure what we're talking about — your host should be " "able to help. You can also get in touch with our Happiness Engineers for more " "support." msgstr "" "Kredensial ini disediakan oleh host Anda. Jika kesulitan menemukannya — atau " "tidak yakin tentang hal ini — mintalah bantuan host Anda. Anda juga dapat menghubungi Happiness Engineer kami untuk mendapatkan dukungan lebih " "lanjut." msgid "" "Jetpack needs your server credentials before it can start backing up your " "site." msgstr "" "Jetpack memerlukan kredensial server Anda untuk dapat mulai mencadangkan " "situs." msgid "Jetpack needs your help" msgstr "Jetpack membutuhkan bantuan Anda" msgid "Manage your PayPal settings." msgstr "Kelola pengaturan PayPal Anda." msgid "Stream State of the Word LIVE on Dec 11." msgstr "Tonton siaran langsung State of the Word pada 11 Desember." msgid "Hello, WordPress!" msgstr "Halo, WordPress!" msgid "Streaming LIVE online Dec 11, 15:00 UTC." msgstr "Siaran langsung online 11 Desember 15:00 UTC." msgid "" "State of the Word 2023 with Matt Mullenweg" msgstr "" "State of the Word 2023 bersama Matt Mullenweg" msgid "State of the Word 2023!" msgstr "State of the Word 2023!" msgid "Ad-free and customizable player" msgstr "Pemutar bebas iklan dan dapat disesuaikan" msgid "" "Words matter. After all, it’s why you write. Your blog’s domain is no " "exception. Find the perfect .blog domain and tell your story the right way. " "Prices starting as low as $7.70 for Bloganuary." msgstr "" "Kata-kata itu penting. Setidaknya, itulah alasan Anda menulis. Nama domain " "blog Anda termasuk di dalamnya. Temukan domain .blog yang tepat lalu " "ceritakan kisah Anda. Harga mulai dari $7.70 untuk Bloganuary." msgid "%s Subscription ID" msgstr "ID Langganan %s" msgid "Manage your sales funnel. Entrepreneur plan with 30 extensions." msgstr "Kelola sales funnel Anda. Paket Entrepreneur dengan 30 ekstensi." msgid "1TB of ad-free video hosting." msgstr "Hosting video tanpa iklan 1TB." msgid "" "Real-time backups as you edit. {{span}}30-day{{/span}} activity log " "archive*. Unlimited one-click restores." msgstr "" "Pencadangan real-time sembari Anda mengedit. Arsip log aktivitas {{span}}30-" "hari{{/span}}. Pemulihan sekali klik tanpa batas." msgid "Products included:" msgstr "Produk yang disertakan:" msgid "" "Yes. If you are using Jetpack forms, then there is no additional setup " "required. If you are using a different form plugin, please review this " "article from Akismet on how to setup Akismet Anti-spam for " "other form plugins." msgstr "" "Ya. Jika menggunakan formulir Jetpack, Anda tidak memerlukan penyiapan " "tambahan. Jika Anda menggunakan plugin formulir lain, silakan baca artikel " "dari Akismet tentang penyiapan Akismet Anti-spam untuk plugin " "formulir lain." msgid "" "Raise the bar with feature-rich WordPress hosting, VaultPress Backup Daily " "and personalized customer support. Learn more" msgstr "" "Tingkatkan standar dengan hosting WordPress yang kaya akan fitur, VaultPress " "Backup Harian, dan dukungan pelanggan yang dipersonalisasi. Baca selengkapnya" msgid "Jetpack VaultPress Backup — real-time backups" msgstr "Jetpack VaultPress Backup — pencadangan real-time" msgid "Jetpack VaultPress Backup — daily backups" msgstr "Jetpack VaultPress Backup — pencadangan harian" msgid "" "Get back online in one click even if you’re not at your desk with Jetpack " "VaultPress Backup and the WordPress mobile app." msgstr "" "Aktifkan kembali dengan mudah dari mana saja menggunakan Jetpack VaultPress " "Backup dan aplikasi seluler WordPress." msgid "" "It took just one click to restore my WooCommerce store. It was a great " "interface and it did the job. Jetpack VaultPress Backup saved my site really " "quickly.”" msgstr "" "Saya dapat memulihkan toko WooCommerce hanya dengan sekali klik. Antarmuka " "dan hasilnya luar biasa. Jetpack VaultPress Backup menyimpan situs saya " "dengan sangat cepat.”" msgid "" "Protecting customer data is harder than ever with persistent hackers, plugin " "vulnerabilities, and even human error. Jetpack VaultPress Backup saves your " "data in multiple places around the globe to ensure your business is always " "safe." msgstr "" "Melindungi data pelanggan makin sulit seiring makin banyak peretas, dan " "kerentanan plugin serta berbagai kesalahan manusiawi. Jetpack VaultPress " "Backup menyimpan data di beberapa tempat di seluruh dunia untuk memastikan " "bisnis Anda selalu aman." msgid "" "One minute of downtime costs small e-commerce businesses an average of " "almost $9,000*. Jetpack VaultPress Backup gives you the tools to get your " "WooCommerce store back online in minutes." msgstr "" "Satu menit downtime merugikan bisnis e-commerce kecil sekitar hampir " "$9.000*. Jetpack VaultPress Backup memberikan alat untuk mengaktifkan " "kembali toko WooCommerce Anda dalam hitungan menit." msgid "Allow site visitors to gift your plan and domain renewal costs" msgstr "" "Izinkan pengunjung situs Anda membayarkan biaya perpanjangan paket dan " "domain Anda sebagai hadiah" msgctxt "text on button on checkout page" msgid "Update" msgstr "Pembaruan" msgid "Full and differential backups in real-time" msgstr "Pencadangan penuh dan diferensial secara real-time" msgid "Backups are encrypted, keeping your data secure" msgstr "Pencadangan terenkripsi, menjaga data Anda tetap aman" msgid "Redundant copies made globally on multiple servers" msgstr "Salinan pencadangan disimpan di beberapa server di seluruh dunia" msgid "EU West (Amsterdam, Netherlands)" msgstr "UE Barat (Amsterdam, Netherlands)" msgid "US East (Washington, D.C.)" msgstr "AS Timur (Washington, D.C.)" msgid "US Central (Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas)" msgstr "AS Tengah (Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas)" msgid "US West (Burbank, California)" msgstr "AS Barat (Burbank, California)" msgid "EU West" msgstr "UE Barat" msgid "US East" msgstr "AS Timur" msgid "US Central" msgstr "AS Tengah" msgid "US West" msgstr "AS Barat" msgid "Pricing Plan upgrade block" msgstr "Blok upgrade Paket Harga" msgid "Upgrade Pricing Plan" msgstr "Paket Harga Upgrade" msgid "every three years" msgstr "setiap tiga tahun" msgid "Post Answer" msgstr "Kirim Jawaban" msgid "Hide Daily Prompts" msgstr "Sembunyikan Prompt Harian" msgid "Your savings:" msgstr "Anda hemat:" msgid "You pay:" msgstr "Anda bayar:" msgid "Price breakdown:" msgstr "Rincian harga:" msgid "Show me all my sites when logging in to" msgstr "Tampilkan semua situs saya saat login ke" msgid "Admin home" msgstr "Beranda admin" msgid "You are about to remove your gift from the cart" msgstr "Anda akan menghapus hadiah dari keranjang belanja" msgid "" "This site operates an ads program in partnership with third-party vendors " "who help place ads. Advertising cookies enable these ads partners to serve " "ads, to personalize those ads based on information like visits to this site " "and other sites on the internet, and to understand how users engage with " "those ads. Cookies collect certain information as part of the ads program, " "and we provide the following categories of information to third-party " "advertising partners: online identifiers and internet or other network or " "device activity (such as unique identifiers, cookie information, and IP " "address), and geolocation data (approximate location information from your " "IP address). This type of sharing with ads partners may be considered a " "\"sale\" of personal information under your state's privacy laws." msgstr "" "Situs ini mengoperasikan program iklan melalui kerja sama dengan vendor " "pihak ketiga yang membantu penempatan iklan. Cookie iklan memungkinkan para " "mitra pengiklan ini untuk menampilkan iklan, melakukan personalisasi " "terhadap iklan berdasarkan informasi seperti kunjungan ke situs ini dan " "situs lainnya di internet, dan untuk memahami bagaimana pengguna " "berinteraksi dengan iklan tersebut. Cookie mengumpulkan informasi tertentu " "sebagai bagian program iklan dan kami menyediakan kategori informasi berikut " "ini kepada mitra pengiklan pihak ketiga: pengidentifikasi online dan " "aktivitas internet atau jaringan atau perangkat lainnya (seperti " "pengidentifikasi unik, informasi cookie, dan alamat IP), serta data " "geolokasi (perkiraan informasi lokasi dari alamat IP Anda). Pembagian data " "kepada mitra pengiklan seperti ini dapat dianggap sebagai \"penjualan\" " "informasi pribadi berdasarkan undang-undang privasi di negara bagian tempat " "tinggal Anda." msgid "" "If you are a resident of certain US states, you have the right to opt out of " "the \"sale\" of your \"personal information\" under your state's privacy " "laws." msgstr "" "Jika Anda merupakan penduduk negara bagian AS tertentu, Anda memiliki hak " "untuk menolak \"penjualan informasi pribadi\" yang diatur dalam undang-" "undang privasi negara bagian terkait. " msgid "Whether to hide the post from search engines and the Jetpack sitemap." msgstr "Untuk menyembunyikan pos dari mesin pencari dan peta situs Jetpack." msgid "Custom title to be used in HTML tag." msgstr "Judul khusus yang digunakan pada tag <title /> HTML." msgid "Please enter a valid URL -" msgstr "Harap masukkan URL yang valid -" msgid "%s: Please enter a valid URL -" msgstr "%s: Harap masukkan URL yang valid -" msgid "Response Data" msgstr "Data Respons" msgid "Your Jetpack Stats dashboard requires JavaScript to function properly." msgstr "Dasbor Jetpack Stats Anda memerlukan JavaScript agar berfungsi." msgid "" "Comprehensive site security, including VaultPress Backup, Scan, and Akismet " "Anti-spam." msgstr "" "Keamanan situs komprehensif yang mencakup VaultPress Backup, VaultPress " "Scan, dan Akismet Anti-spam." msgctxt "" "The Jetpack VaultPress Backup product name, without the Jetpack prefix" msgid "VaultPress Backup" msgstr "VaultPress Backup" msgid "Preview the new Jetpack Stats experience (Experimental)." msgstr "Pratinjau pengalaman Jetpack Stats baru (Eksperimental)." msgid "Type your email…" msgstr "Ketikkan email Anda..." msgid "" "Need help sourcing images? Built-in integrations with Openverse, Pexels, and " "Giphy are at your disposal." msgstr "" "Perlu bantuan menemukan gambar? Integrasi bawaan dengan Openverse, Pexels, " "dan Giphy siap Anda gunakan." msgid "Unleash your creative side" msgstr "Ekspresikan kreativitas Anda." msgid "You’ll be growing your audience in no time." msgstr "Audiens Anda akan meningkat dalam sekejap." msgid "" "The even better news? makes it super easy for you to create " "and launch the website of your dreams. With the robust feature set offered " "with our free plan and the advanced customizability and functionality " "available with our paid plans, is where anyone can build and " "scale a fast, beautiful, and SEO-friendly website that search engines love." msgstr "" "Mau tahu kabar yang lebih menarik? sangat memudahkan pembuatan " "dan peluncuran situs impian Anda. Serangkaian fitur canggih dalam paket " "gratis, serta kemampuan penyesuaian dan fungsionalitas lanjutan dalam paket " "berbayar menjadikan tempat untuk membuat dan menyesuaikan " "situs dengan cepat, estetik, dan ramah SEO kesukaan mesin pencari." msgid "" "The good news? By signing up for a free website with, you’ve " "taken that crucial first step toward crushing your goals. Congratulations!" msgstr "" "Kabar baiknya? Dengan membuat situs gratis di, Anda telah " "mengambil langkah penting untuk mencapai tujuan Anda. Selamat!" msgid "Create without limits." msgstr "Berkreasilah tanpa batas." msgid "" "Want to unlock even more customization control? Upgrade today, and you’ll " "unlock Premium Themes, Custom CSS, and a whole suite of features designed to " "simplify your site-building experience." msgstr "" "Ingin mendapatkan lebih banyak kontrol penyesuaian? Upgrade sekarang, dan " "dapatkan Tema Premium, CSS Kustom, dan serangkaian fitur yang dirancang " "untuk menyederhanakan pengalaman Anda membuat situs." msgid "" "With, creating a beautiful website is easy. Featuring " "countless theme options and advanced customization capabilities, we’ve got " "you covered!" msgstr "" "Dengan, pembuatan situs yang estetik jadi mudah. Dengan " "pilihan tema melimpah, serta kemampuan penyesuaian lanjutan, kami siap " "membantu Anda!" msgid "Build and customize your site." msgstr "Buat dan sesuaikan situs Anda." msgid "Explore your plan options" msgstr "Jelajahi pilihan paket Anda" msgid "" " has options for every budget, and every plan comes with a " "generous amount of storage space, which means you’ll be able to upload, " "store, and showcase your media to your heart’s content." msgstr "" " tersedia dalam beragam pilihan harga, dan setiap paketnya " "dilengkapi dengan ruang penyimpanan yang besar. Artinya, Anda dapat " "mengunggah, menyimpan, dan menampilkan media sepuasnya." msgid "" "Need help sourcing images? Built-in integrations with <strong>Openverse</" "strong>, <strong>Pexels</strong>, and <strong>Giphy</strong> are at your " "disposal." msgstr "" "Perlu bantuan menemukan gambar? Integrasi bawaan dengan <strong>Openverse</" "strong>, <strong>Pexels</strong>, dan <strong>Giphy</strong> siap Anda " "gunakan." msgid "" "Create beautiful photo galleries, leverage built-in VideoPress support, and " "build media-rich pages in minutes with pre-built layouts and block patterns." msgstr "" "Buat galeri foto yang estetik dengan memanfaatkan dukungan VideoPress " "bawaan, dan buat halaman yang memuat banyak media dalam hitungan menit " "dengan tata letak dan pola blok siap pakai." msgid "<strong>Unleash</strong> your creative side" msgstr "<strong>Ekspresikan</strong> kreativitas Anda." msgid "Designed for sharing your work with the world." msgstr "Dirancang untuk membagikan karya Anda ke seluruh dunia." msgid "Showcase your creativity with" msgstr "Tunjukkan kreativitas Anda dengan" msgid "Continue setting up your site" msgstr "Lanjutkan penyiapan situs Anda" msgid "You’ll be growing your audience in no time. %s" msgstr "Audiens Anda akan meningkat dalam sekejap. %s" msgid "" "<strong>The even better news?</strong> makes it super easy for " "you to create and launch the website of your dreams. With the robust feature " "set offered with our free plan and the advanced customizability and " "functionality available with our paid plans, is where anyone " "can build and scale a fast, beautiful, and SEO-friendly website that search " "engines love." msgstr "" "<strong>Mau tahu kabar yang lebih menarik?</strong> sangat " "memudahkan pembuatan dan peluncuran situs impian Anda. Serangkaian fitur " "canggih dalam paket gratis, serta kemampuan penyesuaian dan fitur-fitur " "tingkat lanjut dalam paket berbayar menjadikan tempat untuk " "membuat dan menyesuaikan situs dengan cepat, estetik, dan ramah SEO kesukaan " "mesin pencari." msgid "" "<strong>The good news?</strong> By signing up for a free website with <span " "style=\"white-space:nowrap;\"></span>, you’ve taken that " "crucial first step toward crushing your goals." msgstr "" "<strong>Ingin tahu kabar baik?</strong> Dengan membuat situs gratis di <span " "style=\"white-space:nowrap;\"></span>, Anda telah mengambil " "langkah penting untuk mencapai tujuan Anda." msgid "<strong>Reach</strong> your audience." msgstr "<strong>Jangkau</strong> audiens Anda." msgid "Continue setting up your site." msgstr "Lanjutkan penyiapan situs Anda." msgid "Ready to start?" msgstr "Siap memulai?" msgid "" "Want to unlock even more customization control? <a target=\"_blank\" style=" "\"color: %1$s; text-decoration: underline;\" href=\"%2$s\">Upgrade today</" "a>, and you’ll unlock Premium Themes, Custom CSS, and a whole suite of " "features designed to simplify your site-building experience." msgstr "" "Ingin mendapatkan akses ke lebih banyak fitur? <a target=\"_blank\" style=" "\"color: %1$s; text-decoration: underline;\" href=\"%2$s\">Upgrade sekarang " "juga</a>, dan Anda akan mendapatkan Tema Premium, CSS Khusus, dan semua " "fitur yang dirancang untuk menyederhanakan pengalaman pembuatan situs Anda." msgid "" "Take advantage of pre-built page layouts and block patterns to simplify your " "site-building experience." msgstr "" "Manfaatkan tata letak halaman siap pakai dan pola blok untuk menyederhanakan " "pengalaman Anda membuat situs." msgid "Choose from a curated selection of color palettes." msgstr "Pilih dari koleksi palet warna terbaik." msgid "Fine-tune your website’s feel with the perfect fonts." msgstr "Sesuaikan nuansa situs Anda dengan font yang tepat." msgid "<strong>Build and customize</strong><br/>your site." msgstr "<strong>Buat dan sesuaikan</strong><br/>situs Anda." msgid "A great-looking site design is just a few clicks away." msgstr "Desain situs estetik hanya dengan beberapa klik." msgid "Let’s customize your website" msgstr "Mari sesuaikan situs Anda" msgid "View our short Getting Started Video" msgstr "Tonton video singkat kami yang berjudul Memulai" msgid "Vaultpress Backup" msgstr "VaultPress Backup" msgid "Activate built-in monetization features." msgstr "Aktifkan fitur monetisasi bawaan." msgid "Jetpack-powered speed and reliability" msgstr "Kecepatan dan keandalan yang didukung Jetpack." msgid "" "Upgrade your site to unlock an entire universe of integrations and add-ons. " "With these resources at your fingertips, you’ll have everything need to " "build an amazing website, reach your audience, and grow your brand: %s" msgstr "" "Upgrade situs Anda untuk mendapatkan segudang integrasi dan add-on. Dengan " "sumber daya yang mudah diakses, Anda memiliki semua yang dibutuhkan untuk " "membangun situs keren, menjangkau audiens, dan mengembangkan merek: %s" msgid "Supercharge your website" msgstr "Jadikan situs Anda lebih andal" msgid "" " works seamlessly with all the services you already know and " "love. So boosting your website’s growth? Simple." msgstr "" " berfungsi tanpa hambatan dengan semua layanan yang Anda " "ketahui dan sukai. Jadi, mau tingkatkan perkembangan situs Anda? Sederhana." msgid "Unlock your website’s potential" msgstr "Maksimalkan potensi situs Anda" msgid "" "Our paid plans offer all the features you need to create a beautiful and " "professional-looking website, and to sweeten the deal, every annual plan " "comes with a free domain name. That’s right—when you sign up for annual " "billing on any plan, you’ll get your first year of domain name " "registration absolutely free." msgstr "" "Paket berbayar kami menawarkan semua fitur yang Anda butuhkan untuk membuat " "situs yang artistik dan profesional, dan yang lebih menarik, semua paket " "tahunan dilengkapi dengan nama domain gratis. Benar sekali—saat mendaftar " "dengan penagihan tahunan pada paket apa pun, tahun pertama " "registrasi nama domain Anda akan sepenuhnya gratis." msgid "Your first year of domain name registration is on the house" msgstr "Tahun pertama registrasi nama domain Anda, kami yang tanggung." msgid "" "P.S. - When you upgrade your site and opt for an annual plan, your first " "year of domain name registration is on us." msgstr "" "N.B. - Saat mengupgrade situs dan memilih paket tahunan, biaya registrasi " "nama domain tahun pertama Anda, kami yang tanggung." msgid "" "Your free site comes with a totally cool * site address, and " "that subdomain is yours to keep — totally free. If you’re ready to upgrade " "to a custom address that’s all your own, grab your domain name today." msgstr "" "Situs gratis Anda dilengkapi dengan alamat situs * yang sangat " "keren, dan subdomain tersebut akan menjadi milik Anda — sepenuhnya gratis. " "Jika siap melakukan upgrade ke alamat kustom yang Anda miliki, dapatkan nama " "domain sekarang juga." msgid "" "One of the simplest ways to level up your website is by setting up a custom " "domain." msgstr "" "Salah satu cara paling sederhana untuk meningkatkan situs Anda adalah dengan " "menyiapkan domain kustom." msgid "Supercharge your brand" msgstr "Jadikan brand Anda lebih andal." msgid "" "Whether you’re hoping to turn your site into a business, taking steps toward " "becoming a full-time blogger, or simply wanting a new way to fund your " "coffee habit, offers the tools you need to turn your website " "into a money-making machine." msgstr "" "Ingin mengubah situs jadi bisnis, menjadi bloger purnawaktu, atau hanya " "mencari uang tambahan untuk hobi minum kopi Anda, menawarkan " "alat yang dibutuhkan agar situs Anda dapat menghasilkan uang. " msgid "Monetizing your site is a breeze." msgstr "Monetisasi situs Anda jadi mudah." msgid "How to make money with your website" msgstr "Cara mendapatkan penghasilan dari situs Anda" msgid " + Jetpack = managed hosting you can trust." msgstr " + Jetpack = hosting terkelola yang bisa Anda percaya." msgid "Unlock access to Plugins" msgstr "Dapatkan akses ke Plugin" msgid "" "<a style=\"color: %1$s; text-decoration: none;\" href=\"%2$s\" target=" "\"_blank\">Upgrade your site</a> to unlock an entire universe of " "integrations and add-ons. With these resources at your fingertips, you’ll " "have everything need to build an amazing website, reach your audience, and " "grow your brand." msgstr "" "<a style=\"color: %1$s; text-decoration: none;\" href=\"%2$s\" target=" "\"_blank\">Upgrade situs Anda</a> untuk mendapatkan segudang integrasi dan " "add-on. Dengan sumber daya yang mudah diakses, Anda memiliki semua yang " "dibutuhkan untuk membangun situs keren, menjangkau audiens, dan " "mengembangkan brand." msgid "Add advanced features to your website." msgstr "Tambahkan fitur tingkat lanjut ke situs Anda." msgid "Unlock unlimited possibilities for your blog, brand, or business" msgstr "Dapatkan kemungkinan tanpa batas untuk blog, brand, dan bisnis Anda" msgid "" "Grow your brand with built-in blocks and widgets for Mailchimp, PayPal, " "Google Calendar, and more!" msgstr "" "Kembangkan merek Anda dengan blok dan widget bawaan untuk Mailchimp, PayPal, " "Google Calendar, dan banyak lainnya!" msgid "Easily promote your content to new audiences with Ads" msgstr "" "Promosikan konten Anda dengan mudah ke audiens baru dengan Iklan WordPress." "com" msgid "Amplify your new posts with Jetpack Social and automated social sharing" msgstr "" "Perkuat pos baru Anda dengan Jetpack Social dan berbagi ke media sosial " "secara otomatis" msgid "" "Quickly add your tracking code for Google Analytics or Cloudflare Web " "Analytics" msgstr "" "Tambahkan kode pelacakan Anda untuk Google Analytics atau Cloudflare Web " "Analytics dengan cepat" msgid "" " works seamlessly with all the services you already know and " "love. So boosting your website’s growth? <strong>Simple.</strong>" msgstr "" " berfungsi tanpa hambatan dengan semua layanan yang Anda " "ketahui dan sukai. Jadi, mau tingkatkan perkembangan situs Anda? " "<strong>Sederhana.</strong>" msgid "<strong>Unlock</strong> your website’s potential" msgstr "<strong>Maksimalkan</strong> potensi situs Anda" msgid "Connect Google, Mailchimp, PayPal, and more." msgstr "Hubungkan Google, Mailchimp, PayPal, dan banyak lainnya." msgid "" "Upgrade your site today and stake your claim on the web with your very own " "custom domain." msgstr "" "Upgrade situs hari ini dan wujudkan keinginan Anda di web dengan domain " "khusus hanya untuk Anda." msgid "" "Our paid plans offer all the features you need to create a beautiful and " "professional-looking website, and to sweeten the deal, every annual plan " "comes with a <strong>free domain name</strong>. That’s right—when you sign " "up for annual billing on any plan, you’ll get your first year " "of domain name registration <em>absolutely</em> free." msgstr "" "Paket berbayar kami menawarkan semua fitur yang Anda butuhkan untuk membuat " "situs yang artistik dan profesional, dan yang lebih menarik, semua paket " "tahunan dilengkapi dengan <strong>nama domain gratis</strong>. Benar sekali—" "saat mendaftar dengan penagihan tahunan pada paket apa pun, " "tahun pertama registrasi nama domain Anda akan <em>sepenuhnya</em> gratis." msgid "All annual plans come with a free domain name credit." msgstr "Semua paket tahunan dilengkapi dengan kredit nama domain gratis." msgid "Don’t forget — you’ve got an offer available." msgstr "Ingat — ada penawaran untuk Anda." msgid "" "P.S. - When you upgrade your site and <a style=\"color: %2$s; text-" "decoration: none;\" href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">opt for an annual plan</" "a>, your first year of domain name registration is on us." msgstr "" "N.B. - Saat Anda melakukan upgrade situs dan <a style=\"color: %2$s; text-" "decoration: none;\" href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">memilih paket tahunan</" "a>, biaya registrasi nama domain tahun pertama Anda gratis." msgid "Search for the perfect domain name" msgstr "Temukan nama domain yang tepat" msgid "" "A thoughtfully selected custom domain makes it super easy to share your site " "address with your friends and followers, and you’ll also gain some sweet, " "sweet SEO benefits, which means more traffic to your website." msgstr "" "Domain khusus yang dipilih dengan cermat memudahkan pembagian alamat situs " "Anda kepada teman dan pengikut, dan Anda akan menerima manfaat SEO yang " "melimpah, artinya lalu lintas ke situs Anda meningkat." msgid "" "One of the simplest ways to level up your website is by setting up a " "<strong>custom domain</strong>." msgstr "" "Salah satu cara termudah untuk meningkatkan situs Anda adalah dengan " "menyiapkan <strong>domain khusus</strong>." msgid "<strong>Supercharge</strong> your brand" msgstr "Jadikan merek Anda <strong>lebih andal</strong> " msgid "Complete your brand with a custom domain name." msgstr "Lengkapi merek Anda dengan nama domain kustom." msgid "Claim your free domain name" msgstr "Klaim nama domain gratis Anda" msgid "Rainfail editorial theme layout" msgstr "Tata letak tema editorial Rainfall" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Need help? Let's chat" msgstr "Butuh bantuan? Mari berbincang" msgid "" "Great for portfolios and showcasing work, Arking is a modern and versatile " "theme. Bundled with various patterns for you to build your elegant portfolio " "website." msgstr "" "Cocok untuk portofolio yang menampilkan karya, Arking adalah tema yang " "serbaguna dan modern. Dilengkapi dengan berbagai pola yang dapat Anda " "gunakan untuk membangun situs portofolio yang elegan." msgid "Primary data center" msgstr "Pusat data utama" msgid "" "If this key was updated in error, you can remove the key and disable access " "in your account settings." msgstr "" "Jika terjadi error saat memperbarui kunci ini, Anda dapat menghapus kunci " "dan menonaktifkan aksesnya di pengaturan akun." msgid "New Key:" msgstr "Kunci Baru:" msgid "Old Key:" msgstr "Kunci Lama:" msgid "The following SSH key was updated on your account:" msgstr "Kunci SSH berikut ini diperbarui di akun Anda:" msgid "SSH Public Key Updated" msgstr "Kunci SSH Publik Diperbarui" msgid "" "If this key was removed in error, you can add a new key in your account " "settings." msgstr "" "Jika terjadi error saat menghapus kunci ini, Anda dapat menambahkan kunci " "baru di pengaturan akun." msgid "The following SSH key was removed from your account:" msgstr "Kunci SSH berikut ini dihapus dari akun Anda:" msgid "SSH Public Key Removed" msgstr "Kunci SSH Publik Dihapus" msgid "" "If this key was added in error, you can remove the key and disable access in " "your account settings." msgstr "" "Jika terjadi error saat menambahkan kunci ini, Anda dapat menghapus kunci " "dan menonaktifkan aksesnya di pengaturan akun." msgid "The following SSH key was added to your account:" msgstr "Kunci SSH berikut ini ditambahkan ke akun Anda:" msgid "SSH Public Key Added" msgstr "Kunci SSH Publik Ditambahkan" msgid "Click here to go to your account" msgstr "Klik di sini untuk membuka akun Anda" msgid "" "For sites with specialized needs, fine-tune how the web server runs your " "website." msgstr "" "Untuk situs dengan keperluan khusus, sesuaikan bagaimana server web " "menjalankan situs Anda." msgid "" "The primary data center is where your site is physically located. For " "redundancy, your site also replicates in real-time to a second data center " "in a different region." msgstr "" "Pusat data utama adalah tempat di mana situs Anda disimpan. Untuk " "redundansi, situs Anda juga direplikasi secara real-time ke pusat data kedua " "di tempat yang berbeda." msgid "" "Muscat is a simple blogging WordPress theme with grid post templates and a " "centered post layout. Its geometric sans-serif typography contributes to a " "delightful, comfortable and modern reading experience. With a light style " "variation, Muscat lets your content shine, whether it is text or media." msgstr "" "Muscat adalah tema WordPress blogging sederhana yang dilengkapi dengan " "templat pos petak dan tata letak pos rata tengah. Tipografi sans-serif " "geometrik memberikan pengalaman membaca yang menyenangkan, nyaman, dan " "modern. Dengan variasi gaya yang sederhana, Muscat memungkinkan konten Anda " "menjadi fokusnya, baik teks maupun media." msgid "Site settings" msgstr "Pengaturan situs" msgid "RSS feed settings" msgstr "Pengaturan feed RSS" msgid "" "P.S. Be sure to take advantage of this offer soon, because this promo code " "expires on %s." msgstr "" "N.B. Pastikan untuk segera memanfaatkan penawaran ini karena kode promo ini " "kedaluwarsa pada %s." msgid "Upgrade today: %s" msgstr "Upgrade sekarang juga: %s" msgid "" "Choose your plan, select annual billing, and don’t forget to enter the code " "%1$1s at checkout to save %2$2s%% off your first year." msgstr "" "Tentukan paket Anda, pilih penagihan tahunan, dan jangan lupa masukkan kode " "%1$1s saat checkout agar hemat %2$2s%% di tahun pertama." msgid "" "You’ll also unlock access to a growing selection of premium themes, remove " " ads, and more." msgstr "" "Anda juga akan mendapatkan akses ke Tema Premium yang terus bertambah, bisa " "menghapus iklan, dan banyak lainnya. " msgid "" "Level up your website with a little help from our easy-to-use customization " "tools, available when you upgrade to a paid plan: " msgstr "" "Tingkatkan situs Anda dengan sentuhan dari alat penyesuaian kami yang mudah " "digunakan, yang tersedia saat melakukan upgrade ke paket berbayar: " msgid "Design and customize with confidence" msgstr "Desain dan sesuaikan dengan percaya diri" msgid "Reminder: Your %s%% offer ends soon" msgstr "Pengingat: Promo %s%% Anda akan segera berakhir" msgid "" "Choose an annual plan and enter the code %1$s at checkout to get %2$s%% off " "your first year." msgstr "" "Pilih paket tahunan dan masukkan kode %1$s saat checkout agar mendapatkan " "diskon %2$s%% untuk tahun pertama Anda." msgid "" "With pre-built page layouts and easy-to-modify block patterns, you’ll have " "all the tools you need to design the website you’ve always wanted." msgstr "" "Dengan tata letak halaman bawaan dan pola blok yang mudah dimodifikasi, Anda " "memiliki semua alat yang diperlukan untuk mendesain situs impian." msgid "" "Upgrade your site today and you’ll unlock access to design customization " "tools, extended color schemes, expanded font options, and more: " msgstr "" "Upgrade situs Anda sekarang dan dapatkan akses ke alat penyesuaian desain, " "aneka skema warna dan pilihan font, serta banyak lainnya: " msgid "Beginner-friendly design tools at your fingertips" msgstr "Alat desain ramah pemula yang mudah Anda akses" msgid "" "3. Jetpack-powered speed, security, and uptime mean that you’ll never have " "to worry about losing data or missing out on visitors." msgstr "" "3. Kecepatan, keamanan, dan uptime yang didukung Jetpack akan melindungi " "Anda dari kehilangan data atau pengunjung." msgid "" "2. Developer tools and exclusive design features give you full control over " "your site’s look, feel, and functionality." msgstr "" "2. Alat pengembang dan fitur desain eksklusif memberi Anda kendali penuh " "atas tampilan, nuansa, dan fungsionalitas situs Anda." msgid "" "1. A suite of built-in integrations paired with access to over 50,000 " "plugins means you can do just about anything with your site." msgstr "" "1. Serangkaian integrasi bawaan beserta akses ke lebih dari 50.000 plugin " "memungkinkan Anda melakukan segalanya di situs Anda." msgid "" "Gift yourself the website upgrade you’ve been waiting for, and save %1$s%% " "when you choose annual billing — just enter the code %2$s at checkout to " "claim your savings: %3$s" msgstr "" "Manjakan diri dengan upgrade situs yang lama Anda impikan, dan menghemat %1$s" "%% saat memilih penagihan tahunan — cukup masukkan kode %2$s saat checkout " "untuk mengklaim diskon Anda: %3$s" msgid "Advanced." msgstr "Tingkat Lanjut" msgid "Upgrade my site: %1$s" msgstr "Upgrade situs saya: %1$s" msgid "" "And while you’re at it, be sure to use the code %1$s at checkout to get %2$s%" "% off your first payment on an annual plan." msgstr "" "Dan saat memprosesnya, pastikan untuk menggunakan kode %1$s saat checkout " "agar mendapatkan diskon %2$s%% untuk pembayaran pertama paket tahunan Anda." msgid "Jetpack-powered managed hosting" msgstr "Hosting terkelola yang didukung Jetpack" msgid "Get started: %1$s" msgstr "Memulai: %1$s" msgid "" " makes it easy for you to build an awesome website that looks " "good and loads fast. That way, you can focus on what matters most, whether " "that’s reaching your audience, building your brand, or growing your small " "business." msgstr "" " memudahkan Anda membuat situs keren yang estetik dan dimuat " "cepat. Dengan begitu, Anda dapat berfokus pada hal yang pokok: menjangkau " "audiens, membangun merek, atau mengembangkan bisnis kecil Anda." msgid "" "Choose your plan, select annual billing, and upgrade your site by %1$s to " "claim this offer: %2$s" msgstr "" "Pilih paket dan penagihan tahunan, dan upgrade situs Anda sebelum %1$s untuk " "mengklaim penawaran ini: %2$s" msgid "%1$s%% off is still within reach" msgstr "Diskon %1$s%% masih bisa diperoleh" msgid "" "P.S. With yearly billing, your first year of domain name registration is " "free." msgstr "" "N.B. Dengan penagihan tahunan, biaya registrasi nama domain Anda untuk tahun " "pertama gratis." msgid "Upgrade today: %1$s" msgstr "Upgrade sekarang juga: %1$s" msgid "" "The best part? You can use the code %1$s to get %2$s%% off your first " "payment on an annual plan." msgstr "" "Dan inilah bagian terbaiknya! Anda dapat menggunakan kode %1$s agar " "mendapatkan diskon %2$s%% untuk pembayaran pertama paket tahunan Anda." msgid "" "With Jetpack-powered speed and reliability, is the best place " "for bloggers, creators, and small businesses to build and grow a brand — " "period." msgstr "" "Dengan kecepatan dan keandalan yang didukung Jetpack, adalah " "tempat terbaik bagi blogger, kreator, dan bisnis kecil untuk membangun dan " "mengembangkan merek — tak perlu ragu." msgid "Unlock unlimited possibilities." msgstr "Dapatkan kemungkinan tanpa batas." msgid "" "P.S. Be sure to take advantage of this offer soon, because this promo code " "expires on %1$s." msgstr "" "N.B. Pastikan untuk segera memanfaatkan penawaran ini karena kode promo ini " "kedaluwarsa pada %1$s." msgid "" "Choose your plan, select annual billing, and don’t forget to enter the code " "<strong>%1$s</strong> at checkout to save %2$s%% off your first year." msgstr "" "Pilih paket Anda dan penagihan tahunan, dan jangan lupa masukkan kode " "<strong>%1$s</strong> saat checkout agar menghemat %2$s%% untuk tahun " "pertama Anda." msgid "" "Level up your website with a little help from our easy-to-use customization " "tools, available when you <a href=\"%1$s\" style=\"text-decoration:" "underline; color:%2$s;\"><strong>upgrade to a paid plan</strong></a>. You’ll " "also unlock access to a growing selection of premium themes, remove " " ads, and more." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan situs Anda dengan sentuhan dari alat penyesuaian kami yang mudah " "digunakan, yang tersedia saat <a href=\"%1$s\" style=\"text-decoration:" "underline; color:%2$s;\"><strong>melakukan upgrade ke paket berbayar</" "strong></a>. Anda juga akan mendapatkan akses ke Tema Premium yang terus " "bertambah, bisa menghapus iklan, dan banyak lainnya." msgid "Upgrade your site and unlock advanced design features." msgstr "Upgrade situs Anda dan dapatkan fitur desain tingkat lanjut." msgid "Reminder: Your %1$s%% offer ends soon" msgstr "Pengingat: Promo %1$s%% Anda akan segera berakhir" msgid "P.S. This offer ends on %1$s, so don’t delay!" msgstr "N.B. Penawaran ini berakhir pada %1$s, jadi jangan tunda lagi!" msgid "" "Choose an annual plan and enter the code <strong>%1$s</strong> at checkout " "to get %2$s%% off your first year." msgstr "" "Pilih paket tahunan dan masukkan kode <strong>%1$s</strong> saat checkout " "untuk mendapatkan diskon %2$s%% pada tahun pertama Anda." msgid "Ready to take the next step?" msgstr "Siap mengambil langkah selanjutnya?" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" style=\"text-decoration:underline; color:%2$s;" "\"><strong>Upgrade your site today</strong></a> and you’ll unlock access to " "design customization tools, extended color schemes, expanded font options, " "<em>and more</em>. With pre-built page layouts and easy-to-modify block " "patterns, you’ll have all the tools you need to design the website you’ve " "always wanted." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" style=\"text-decoration:underline; color:%2$s;" "\"><strong>Upgrade situs Anda sekarang</strong></a> dan dapatkan akses ke " "alat penyesuaian desain, aneka skema warna dan pilihan font, <em>serta " "banyak lainnya</em>. Dengan tata letak halaman bawaan dan pola blok yang " "mudah dimodifikasi, Anda memiliki semua alat yang diperlukan untuk mendesain " "situs impian." msgid "%1$s%% off your upgrade." msgstr "Diskon %1$s%% untuk upgrade Anda." msgid "Design a beautiful website without touching a line of code" msgstr "Desain situs yang estetik tanpa menyentuh baris kode" msgid "" "Jetpack-powered speed, security, and uptime mean that you’ll never have to " "worry about losing data or missing out on visitors." msgstr "" "Kecepatan, keamanan, dan uptime yang didukung Jetpack akan melindungi Anda " "dari kehilangan data atau pengunjung." msgid "" "Developer tools and exclusive design features give you full control over " "your site’s look, feel, and functionality." msgstr "" "Alat pengembang dan fitur desain eksklusif memberikan kendali penuh atas " "tampilan, nuansa, dan fungsionalitas situs Anda." msgid "" "A suite of built-in integrations paired with access to over 50,000 plugins " "means you can do <em>just about anything</em> with your site." msgstr "" "1. Serangkaian integrasi bawaan beserta akses ke lebih dari 50.000 plugin " "memungkinkan Anda melakukan <em>segalanya</em> di situs Anda." msgid "" "We don’t want to take up too much more of your time today, so here’s a list " "of our top three reasons why we think the Creator plan is " "perfect for you." msgstr "" "Agar waktu Anda tidak tambah terbuang, langsung saja kami sodorkan tiga " "alasan utama paket Creator sangat pas untuk Anda." msgid "" "Gift yourself the website upgrade you’ve been waiting for, and <a href=\"%1$s" "\" style=\"text-decoration:underline; color:%2$s;\"><strong>save %3$s%% when " "you choose annual billing</strong></a> — just enter the code <strong>%4$s</" "strong> at checkout to claim your savings." msgstr "" "Manjakan diri dengan upgrade situs yang telah lama Anda impikan, dan <a href=" "\"%1$s\" style=\"text-decoration:underline; color:%2$s;\"><strong>menghemat" "%3$s%% saat memilih penagihan tahunan</strong></a> — cukup masukkan kode " "<strong>%4$s</strong> saat checkout mengklaim diskon Anda." msgid "Secure." msgstr "Amankan" msgid "Extensible." msgstr "Dapat diperluas." msgid "Popping back into your inbox to remind you…" msgstr "Muncul kembali dalam inbox untuk mengingatkan Anda..." msgid "Last chance to save %1$s%% off your upgrade" msgstr "Kesempatan terakhir untuk menghemat %1$s%% dari upgrade Anda" msgid "Ready to upgrade your site building experience?" msgstr "Siap meng-upgrade pengalaman pembuat situs Anda?" msgid "" "Jetpack-powered speed and security, real-time site replication across " "multiple datacenters, and automatic daily backups all come standard with %s." msgstr "" "Kecepatan dan keamanan yang didukung Jetpack, replikasi situs secara real-" "time lintas sejumlah pusat data, dan pencadangan harian otomatis; semuanya " "disertakan dalam %s." msgid "" "With over 50,000 available plugins (and counting), you can unlock the power " "of the full WordPress ecosystem to modify, extend, and enhance your frontend " "and backend experiences." msgstr "" "Dengan lebih dari 50.000 plugin yang tersedia (dan terus bertambah), Anda " "bisa mendapatkan kekuatan ekosistem WordPress penuh untuk memodifikasi, " "memperluas, dan meningkatkan pengalaman frontend dan backend." msgid "Extensible" msgstr "Dapat diperluas" msgid "" "Access to advanced developer tools enables you to have more granular control " "over how your site looks, feels, and behaves. Think SFTP, SSH, and " "phpMyAdmin access — and of course, CSS customization." msgstr "" "Akses ke alat pengembang tingkat lanjut memungkinkan Anda untuk memiliki " "kontrol lebih lengkap atas tampilan, suasana, dan perilaku situs. Misalnya " "akses SFTP, SSH, dan phpMyAdmin — dan tentu saja penyesuaian CSS." msgid "" "And while you’re at it, be sure to use the code <strong>%1$s</strong> at " "checkout to get %2$s%% off your first payment on an annual plan." msgstr "" "Dan saat memprosesnya, pastikan untuk menggunakan kode <strong>%1$s</strong> " "saat checkout agar mendapatkan diskon %2$s%% untuk pembayaran pertama paket " "tahunan Anda." msgid "%1$s%% off the ultimate in extensibility" msgstr "Diskon %1$s%% untuk kemampuan perluasan maksimal" msgid "" " makes it easy for you to build an awesome website that looks " "good and loads <em>fast</em>. That way, you can focus on what matters most, " "whether that’s reaching your audience, building your brand, or growing your " "small business." msgstr "" " memudahkan Anda membuat situs keren yang estetik dan dimuat " "<em>cepat</em>. Dengan begitu, Anda dapat berfokus pada hal yang pokok: " "menjangkau audiens, membangun merek, atau mengembangkan bisnis kecil Anda." msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" style=\"text-decoration:underline; color:%2$s;" "\"><strong>Choose your plan</strong></a>, select annual billing, and upgrade " "your site by %3$s to claim this offer." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" style=\"text-decoration:underline; color:%2$s;" "\"><strong>Pilih paket dan penagihan tahunan</strong></a>, dan upgrade situs " "Anda sebelum %3$s untuk mengklaim penawaran ini." msgid "This deal won’t be here for long." msgstr "Promo ini tidak berlangsung lama." msgid "Re: Claim your %1$s%% discount today." msgstr "Bc: Klaim diskon %1$s%% Anda sekarang." msgid "" "P.S. With yearly billing, your first year of domain name registration is " "free. %1$s" msgstr "" "N.B. Dengan penagihan tahunan, biaya registrasi nama domain Anda untuk tahun " "pertama gratis. %1$s" msgid "Upgrade today" msgstr "Upgrade sekarang juga" msgid "" "The best part? You can use the code <strong>%1$s</strong> to get %2$s%% off " "your first payment on an annual plan." msgstr "" "Dan inilah bagian terbaiknya! Anda dapat menggunakan kode <strong>%1$s</" "strong> agar mendapatkan diskon %2$s%% untuk pembayaran pertama paket " "tahunan Anda." msgid "" "And when you choose one of our paid plans, you’ll unlock powerful features " "designed to help you reach your audience, grow your list, make more sales, " "and reach all the website goals you’re working toward." msgstr "" "Dan saat memilih salah satu paket berbayar kami, Anda akan mendapatkan fitur " "andal yang dirancang untuk membantu Anda menjangkau audiens, memperluas " "daftar, meningkatkan penjualan, dan mencapai seluruh tujuan situs yang Anda " "kerjakan." msgid "" "With Jetpack-powered speed and reliability, <span style=\"white-space:nowrap;" "\"></span> is the best place for bloggers, creators, and small " "businesses to build and grow a brand — <strong><em>period</em></strong>." msgstr "" "Dengan kecepatan dan keandalan yang didukung Jetpack, <span style=\"white-" "space:nowrap;\"></span> adalah tempat terbaik bagi blogger, " "kreator, dan bisnis kecil untuk membangun dan mengembangkan merek — " "<strong><em>tak perlu ragu</em></strong>." msgid "Supercharge your website." msgstr "Jadikan situs Anda lebih andal." msgid "Claim your %1$s%% discount today." msgstr "Klaim diskon %1$s%% Anda sekarang." msgid "" "You can change the content of this page by editing the %(templateTitle)s " "template using the Site Editor. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/" "learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengubah konten halaman berikut dengan mengedit template " "%(templateTitle)s menggunakan Editor Situs. {{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih " "lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "No, thanks" msgstr "Tidak, terima kasih" msgid "Total: {{formattedTotalCost/}}" msgstr "Total: {{formattedTotalCost/}}" msgid "jetpack linkedin page" msgstr "halaman linkedin jetpack" msgid "jetpack facebook page" msgstr "halaman facebook jetpack" msgid "jetpack twitter page" msgstr "halaman twitter jetpack" msgid "" "View site activity and stats, get notifications when your site is down, fix " "malware threats, and restore your site from anywhere." msgstr "" "Lihat aktivitas dan statistik situs, dapatkan pemberitahuan saat situs tidak " "aktif, atasi ancaman malware, dan pulihkan situs dari mana saja." msgid "Primary Data Center" msgstr "Pusat Data Utama" msgid "Annual" msgstr "Tahunan" msgid "One-click restore" msgstr "Pemulihan sekali klik" msgid "Real-time backups." msgstr "Pencadangan real time." msgid "Datacenter fail-over." msgstr "Failover pusat data." msgid "Reliability" msgstr "Keandalan" msgid "Web Application Firewall" msgstr "Firewall Aplikasi Web" msgid "DDOS mitigation" msgstr "Penanganan DDOS" msgid "Managed malware protection" msgstr "Perlindungan malware terkelola" msgid "Global CDN with 28+ locations." msgstr "CDN global di 28+ lokasi." msgid "High-frequency CPUs" msgstr "CPU frekuensi tinggi" msgid "Multi-site management." msgstr "Manajemen multi-situs." msgid "Choose your flavor of WordPress" msgstr "Pilih cita rasa WordPress Anda" msgid "" "Zaino puts the spotlight on your products and your customers. This theme " "leverages WooCommerce to provide you with intuitive product navigation and " "the patterns you need to master digital merchandising." msgstr "" "Zaino menjadikan produk dan pelanggan Anda sebagai fokus utama. Dengan " "WooCommerce di baliknya, tema ini menghadirkan navigasi produk yang intuitif " "sekaligus tata letak yang Anda butuhkan agar dapat menghasilkan promosi " "digital yang memikat." msgid "Calyx is a simple theme that supports full-site editing." msgstr "Calyx adalah tema sederhana yang mendukung pengeditan situs penuh." msgid "Share site for preview" msgstr "Bagikan situs pratinjau" msgid "Thank you so much for your generosity." msgstr "Thank you so much for your generosity." msgid "Your gift was sent! 🎁" msgstr "Your gift was sent! 🎁" msgid "" "Help your site stand out with a custom domain. Not sure yet? <span>Decide " "later</span>." msgstr "" "Jadikan situs Anda unik dengan domain khusus. Belum yakin? <span>Aktifkan " "nanti</span>." msgid "" "Set your Link in Bio apart with a custom domain. Not sure yet? <span>Decide " "later</span>." msgstr "" "Gunakan domain khusus pada Tautan di Biografi Anda. Belum yakin? " "<span>Aktifkan nanti</span>." msgid "Do Not Sell or Share My Data" msgstr "Jangan Jual atau Bagikan Data Saya" msgid "" "If you have any questions about this opt out, or how we honor your legal " "rights, you can contact us at <a href=\"mailto:%1$s\">%1$s</a>" msgstr "" "Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan tentang pilihan untuk menonaktifkan pilihan " "ini, atau cara kami menghormati hak hukum Anda, hubungi kami di <a href=" "\"mailto:%1$s\">%1$s</a>" msgid "" "Our opt-out is managed through cookies, so if you delete cookies, your " "browser is set to delete cookies automatically after a certain length of " "time, or if you visit sites in a different browser, you’ll need to make this " "selection again." msgstr "" "Penonaktifan pilihan ini dikelola melalui cookie. Jadi, jika Anda menghapus " "cookie, browser akan diatur untuk menghapus cookie secara otomatis setelah " "jangka waktu tertentu, atau jika mengunjungi situs di browser yang berbeda, " "Anda harus mengaktifkan pilihan ini lagi." msgid "" "We never directly sell your personal information in the conventional sense " "(i.e., for money), but in some U.S. states the sharing of your information " "with advertising/analytics vendors can be considered a “sale” of your " "information, which you may have the right to opt out of. To opt out, click " "the link below:" msgstr "" "Kami tidak pernah secara langsung menjual informasi pribadi Anda secara " "konvensional (yaitu untuk uang). Namun, di beberapa negara bagian AS, " "membagikan informasi Anda dengan vendor iklan/analitik dapat dianggap " "“menjual” informasi, maka Anda berhak menonaktifkan pilihan ini. Untuk tidak " "ikut serta, klik tautan di bawah:" msgid "" "Like many websites, we share some of the data we collect through cookies " "with certain third party advertising and analytics vendors. The personal " "information we share includes online identifiers; internet or other network " "or device activity (such as cookie information, other device identifiers, " "and IP address); and geolocation data (approximate location information from " "your IP address). We do not share information that identifies you " "personally, like your name or contact information." msgstr "" "Layaknya sebagian besar situs, kami membagikan beberapa data yang kami " "kumpulkan melalui cookie kepada vendor iklan dan analitik pihak ketiga " "tertentu. Informasi pribadi yang kami bagikan berupa pengenal online; " "aktivitas di internet, jaringan lain, atau aktivitas perangkat (seperti " "informasi cookie, pengenal perangkat lain, dan alamat IP); serta data " "geolokasi (informasi perkiraan lokasi berdasarkan alamat IP Anda). Kami " "tidak membagikan informasi yang mengidentifikasi Anda secara pribadi, " "seperti nama atau informasi kontak Anda." msgid "" "Your privacy is critically important to us so we strive to be transparent in " "how we are collecting, using, and sharing your information. We use cookies " "and other technologies to help us identify and track visitors to our sites, " "to store usage and access preferences for our services, to track and " "understand email campaign effectiveness, and to deliver targeted ads. Learn " "more in our <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">Privacy Policy</a> and our <a " "target=\"_blank\" href=\"%2$s\">Cookie Policy</a>." msgstr "" "Privasi Anda sangat penting bagi kami, maka kami berusaha transparan tentang " "cara kami mengumpulkan, menggunakan, dan membagikan informasi Anda. Kami " "menggunakan cookie dan teknologi lain untuk membantu kami mengenali dan " "melacak pengunjung situs kami, menyimpan dan mengakses preferensi untuk " "layanan kami, melacak dan memahami efektivitas kampanye email, serta " "menyampaikan iklan yang disesuaikan. Baca selengkapnya di halaman <a href=" "\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">Kebijakan Privasi</a> dan <a target=\"_blank\" " "href=\"%2$s\">Kebijakan Cookie</a> kami." msgid "Accept selection" msgstr "Setujui yang dipilih" msgid "Accept all" msgstr "Setujui semua" msgid "" "We and our advertising partners set these cookies to provide you with " "relevant content and to understand that content’s effectiveness." msgstr "" "Kami, bersama mitra periklanan, menetapkan cookie ini untuk memberikan " "konten yang relevan bagi Anda, serta memahami efektivitas konten tersebut." msgid "" "These cookies allow us to optimize performance by collecting information on " "how users interact with our websites." msgstr "" "Cookie ini memungkinkan kami untuk mengoptimalkan performa dengan " "mengumpulkan informasi tentang cara pengguna berinteraksi di situs kami." msgid "" "These cookies are essential for our websites and services to perform basic " "functions and are necessary for us to operate certain features, like " "allowing registered users to authenticate and perform account-related " "functions, storing preferences set by users (like account name, language, " "and location), and ensuring our services operate properly." msgstr "" "Cookie ini penting untuk situs web dan layanan kami agar fungsi dasar bisa " "dijalankan dan kami juga memerlukannya untuk mengoperasikan fitur-fitur " "tertentu, seperti memungkinkan pengguna terdaftar untuk mengautentikasi dan " "menjalankan fungsi terkait akun, menyimpan preferensi yang disetel oleh " "pengguna (seperti nama akun, bahasa, dan lokasi), serta memastikan layanan " "kami berfungsi dengan baik." msgid "" "As an open source company, we take your privacy seriously and want to be as " "transparent as possible. So: We use cookies to collect some personal data " "from you (like your browsing data, IP addresses, and other unique " "identifiers). Some of these cookies we absolutely need in order to make " "things work, and others you can choose in order to optimize your experience " "while using our site and services." msgstr "" "Sebagai perusahaan open source, kami sangat mengutamakan privasi Anda, dan " "berupaya memberikan transparansi semaksimal mungkin. Jadi, kami menggunakan " "cookie untuk mengumpulkan beberapa data pribadi Anda (seperti data " "penelusuran, alamat IP, dan pengenal unik Anda lainnya). Beberapa dari " "cookie ini sangat kami butuhkan agar semuanya berfungsi dengan baik, dan " "beberapa yang lain dapat Anda pilih untuk mengoptimalkan pengalaman Anda " "saat mengoperasikan situs dan layanan kami." msgid "" "Get access to this theme, and a ton of other features, with a subscription " "to the %(planName)s plan. It’s {{strong}}%(planPrice)s{{/strong}} per two " "years, risk-free with a 14-day money-back guarantee." msgstr "" "Akses tema ini dan aneka fitur lainnya dengan berlangganan paket " "%(planName)s. {{strong}}%(planPrice)s{{/strong}} per 2 tahun, bebas risiko " "dengan jaminan 14 hari uang kembali." msgid "" "Visit {{a}}{{/a}} or scan the QR code to download the " "WooCommerce mobile app." msgstr "" "Kunjungi {{a}}{{/a}} atau pindai kode QR untuk mengunduh " "aplikasi ponsel WooCommerce." msgid "" "Check your stats on-the-go and get real-time notifications with the Woo " "mobile app." msgstr "" "Cek statistik Anda di mana pun dan dapatkan notifikasi real-time dengan " "aplikasi ponsel Woo." msgid "Bring your Store stats with you using the Woo mobile app" msgstr "Bawa statistik Toko Anda ke mana saja menggunakan aplikasi seluler Woo" msgid "This type of file is not allowed for this section" msgstr "Jenis berkas Anda tidak diizinkan untuk bagian ini" msgid "" "Up to %(purchaseQuantityDividedByThousand)sk records and/or requests per " "month" msgstr "" "Hingga %(purchaseQuantityDividedByThousand)sk record dan/atau permintaan per " "bulan" msgid "" "{{p}}{{strong}}Pay only for what you need.{{/strong}}{{/p}}{{p}}%(price)s " "per every additional %(thousands_of_records)dk records and/or requests per " "month{{/p}}{{Info}}More info{{/Info}}" msgstr "" "{{p}}{{strong}}Bayar yang hanya Anda butuhkan.{{/strong}}{{/p}}" "{{p}}%(price)s per tiap tambahan %(thousands_of_records)dk record dan/atau " "permintaan per bulan{{/p}}{{Info}}Info selanjutnya{{/Info}}" msgid "" "*estimated price based on %(records_and_or_requests)s records and/or monthly " "requests" msgstr "" "*perkiraan harga berdasarkan %(records_and_or_requests)s record dan/atau " "permintaan bulanan" msgid "Add filter" msgstr "Tambahkan filter" msgid "month, billed annually" msgstr "bulan, penagihan tahunan" msgid "" "Master the basics of Site Editing with four short videos. Learn how to edit " "colors, fonts, layouts, and bring your style to your site." msgstr "" "Kuasai dasar-dasar Pengeditan Situs dengan empat video pendek. Pelajari cara " "mengedit warna, font, tata letak, dan mendesain gaya situs Anda." msgid "Design like an expert" msgstr "Buat desain tampak profesional" msgid "Set yourself up for creative success" msgstr "Siapkan diri Anda untuk meraih kesuksesan dengan kreativitas" msgid "Upskill now to save hours later" msgstr "Tingkatkan keahlian sekarang agar dapat menghemat waktu kemudian" msgid "Understand how to add your style to your site" msgstr "Ketahui cara menambahkan gaya Anda ke situs" msgid "Master the building blocks of a WordPress site" msgstr "Pelajari komponen penyusun situs WordPress" msgid "Watch four videos." msgstr "Simak empat video." msgid "Invalid state value. Please try the Stripe onboarding again." msgstr "Nilai status tidak valid. Harap coba lagi penyiapan Stripe." msgid "Check out the premium version" msgstr "Cek versi premium" msgid "This plugin has a premium version that might suit your needs better." msgstr "" "Plugin ini memiliki versi premium yang mungkin lebih sesuai dengan kebutuhan " "Anda." msgid "Premium version available" msgstr "Tersedia versi Premium" msgid "New reply to “%s”" msgstr "New reply to “%s”" msgid "Astra Pro" msgstr "Astra Pro" msgid "There are no available SKUs for the product" msgstr "Tidak tersedia SKU Apple untuk produk tersebut" msgid "Invalid product slug" msgstr "Slug produk tidak valid" msgid "Install new theme" msgstr "Instal tema baru" msgid "This operation is not supported on this site." msgstr "Operasi ini tidak didukung di situs ini." msgid "" "Test the Global Styles color randomizer; a utility that lets you mix the " "current color palette pseudo-randomly." msgstr "" "Coba pengacak warna Gaya Global; utilitas yang memungkinkan Anda " "mencampurkan palet warna saat ini secara semu acak." msgid "Color randomizer " msgstr "Pengacak warna " msgid "Indicates whether the current theme supports block-based templates." msgstr "Menunjukkan apakah tema saat ini mendukung templat berbasis blok." msgid "Enables experimental Site Editor blocks" msgstr "Mengaktifkan blok Editor SItus eksperimental" msgctxt "Block pattern category" msgid "Banners" msgstr "Banner" msgctxt "Jetpack product name" msgid "Social" msgstr "Social" msgid "Anyone with the link can view your site." msgstr "Siapa pun yang memiliki tautan tersebut dapat melihat situs Anda." msgid "forum" msgstr "forum" msgid "The selected plan is not available at this moment" msgstr "Paket yang Anda pilih saat ini tidak tersedia" msgid "<a>Learn more</a>" msgstr "<a>Pelajari lebih lanjut</a>" msgid "for %s" msgstr "untuk %s" msgid "Design your own" msgstr "Desain sendiri" msgid "Gifts are not enabled for this site." msgstr "Hadiah tidak diaktifkan untuk situs ini." msgid "Gifts are not enabled for some of the products in your shopping cart." msgstr "" "Hadiah tidak diaktifkan untuk beberapa produk di keranjang belanja Anda." msgid "" "You cannot gift subscriptions to yourself. Perform a regular renewal instead." msgstr "" "Anda tidak dapat menghadiahkan langganan untuk diri sendiri. Lakukan " "perpanjangan reguler." msgid "The gift does not have a recipient." msgstr "Penerima hadiah belum ditentukan." msgid "The cart item does not have a corresponding subscription." msgstr "Item keranjang tidak memuat langganan yang sesuai." msgid "The cart contains items that are not gifts." msgstr "Keranjang memuat item yang bukan hadiah." msgid "Only siteless checkout is allowed for this purchase." msgstr "Pembelian ini hanya dapat dilakukan dengan checkout di luar situs." msgid "" "Unlock this theme by upgrading to a %(businessPlanName)s plan and " "subscribing to this theme." msgstr "" "Dapatkan tema dengan upgrade ke paket %(businessPlanName)s dan berlangganan " "tema ini." msgid "Subscribe to activate" msgstr "Berlangganan untuk mengaktifkan" msgctxt "date feed was followed" msgid "followed %s" msgstr "Diikuti %s" msgctxt "date feed was last updated" msgid "updated %s" msgstr "Diperbarui %s" msgid "" "A set of developer tools that give you more control over your site, simplify " "debugging, and make it easier to integrate with each step of your workflow." msgstr "" "Kumpulan alat pengembang yang memberikan Anda lebih banyak kendali di situs " "Anda, debugging, dan penerapan alur kerja Anda jadi lebih mudah." msgid "Notify me of new replies on web and WordPress App via notifications." msgstr "" "Beri tahu saya tentang balasan baru di situs dan Aplikasi WordPress via " "pemberitahuan." msgid "Notify me of new replies" msgstr "Beri tahu saya tentang balasan baru" msgid "%1$s replied to %2$s" msgstr "%1$s membalas %2$s" msgctxt "Someone replied to a topic you are following." msgid "a post." msgstr "sebuah pos." msgid "Let’s get you signed up" msgstr "Ayo daftarkan akun Anda" msgid "" "First, you'll need a account. Already have one? {{a}}Log in{{/" "a}}" msgstr "" "Pertama, Anda butuh akun Sudah punya akun? {{a}}Login{{/a}}" msgid "Next unresolved topic" msgstr "Topik selanjutnya yang belum terselesaikan" msgctxt "A type of receipt issued for a user action." msgid "Received Gift Renewal" msgstr "Hadiah Perpanjangan yang Diterima" msgid "You received a gift! 🎁" msgstr "Anda mendapat hadiah! 🎁" msgid "You received a gift!" msgstr "Anda mendapat hadiah!" msgid "" "One of your readers covered your %1$s subscription renewal cost of <strong>" "%2$s</strong>. This will be good until %3$s." msgstr "" "Salah satu pembaca membayar perpanjangan langganan %1$s Anda senilai <strong>" "%2$s</strong>. Perpanjangan ini akan berlaku hingga %3$s." msgid "" "One of your readers covered your %1$s renewal cost of <strong>%2$s</strong>. " "This will be good until %3$s." msgstr "" "Salah satu pembaca membayar perpanjangan %1$s Anda senilai <strong>%2$s</" "strong>. Perpanjangan ini akan berlaku hingga %3$s." msgid "Total gift" msgstr "Total hadiah" msgid "" "<a href=\"%s\">Read more</a> about how FreshySites uses VaultPress Backup to " "protect 1,200 WordPress sites" msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\">Baca selengkapnya</a> tentang cara FreshySites menggunakan " "VaultPress Backup untuk melindungi 1.200 situs WordPress" msgid "" "Jetpack contributes <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">5%% of its resources</" "a> into WordPress development. That means each Jetpack purchase helps " "improve the sustainability of the WordPress community and the future of the " "open web." msgstr "" "Jetpack menyumbangkan <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">5%% sumber dayanya</" "a> untuk pengembangan WordPress. Ini berarti setiap pembelian Jetpack " "membantu meningkatkan keberlanjutan komunitas WordPress dan masa depan web " "terbuka." msgid "" "No. With VaultPress Backup, there is no backup size limit. If a backup takes " "you over the limit for your total storage, we will warn you before making " "any changes to your service." msgstr "" "Tidak ada. Dengan VaultPress Backup, tidak ada batas ukuran untuk cadangan. " "Jika pencadangan melebihi batas ruang penyimpanan Anda, kami akan " "memperingatkan sebelum mengubah layanan Anda." msgid "" "No, VaultPress Backup does not currently support split site or split home " "URLs." msgstr "" "Belum, VaultPress Backup saat ini belum mendukung situs terpecah atau URL " "beranda terpecah." msgid "Does VaultPress Backup support split site or split home URLs?" msgstr "" "Apakah VaultPress Backup mendukung situs terpecah atau URL beranda terpecah?" msgid "No, VaultPress Backup does not currently support WordPress multisite." msgstr "" "Belum, VaultPress Backup saat ini belum mendukung multisitus WordPress." msgid "Does VaultPress Backup support WordPress multisite?" msgstr "Apakah VaultPress Backup mendukung multisitus WordPress?" msgid "" "VaultPress Backup doesn’t support saving files directly onto Google Drive or " "Dropbox. We provide free storage on our servers, saved redundantly in " "multiple locations around the globe. If you’d like to retain a copy, you can " "download your backup and upload to a third-party site." msgstr "" "VaultPress Backup tidak mendukung penyimpanan file langsung ke Google Drive " "atau Dropbox. Kami menyediakan penyimpanan gratis di server kami sekaligus " "di server cadangan di berbagai lokasi di seluruh dunia. Jika ingin memiliki " "salinannya, Anda bisa mengunduh cadangan, lalu mengunggahnya ke situs pihak " "ketiga." msgid "Can VaultPress Backup save files to Google Drive or Dropbox?" msgstr "" "Apakah VaultPress Backup dapat menyimpan berkas ke Google Drive atau Dropbox?" msgid "" "Yes, the VaultPress Backup plugin backs up your WordPress database. This " "includes all files in the <code>plugins</code>, <code>mu-plugins</code>, " "<code>themes</code>, and <code>uploads</code> directories. For more details, " "visit <a href=\"%s\">the support page</a>." msgstr "" "Ya, plugin VaultPress Backup mencadangkan basis data WordPress Anda. " "Pencadangan tersebut mencakup semua file yang ada di dalam direktori " "<code>plugins</code>, <code>mu-plugins</code>, <code>themes</code>, dan " "<code>uploads</code>. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi <a href=\"%s" "\">halaman dukungan</a>." msgid "" "Yes, the VaultPress Backup plugin backs up your WordPress database. " "Specifically, any tables that begin with your WordPress table prefix and " "also have a unique key or primary key. For more details, visit <a href=\"%s" "\">the support page</a>." msgstr "" "Ya, plugin VaultPress Backup mencadangkan basis data WordPress Anda. Lebih " "tepatnya, semua tabel yang berawalan prefiks tabel WordPress Anda yang juga " "memiliki kunci unik atau kunci primer. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, " "kunjungi <a href=\"%s\">halaman dukungan</a>." msgid "" "Yes! VaultPress Backup lets you copy your site to any server. This is " "helpful if you want to create a copy of your site on your current server to " "use for testing and development. For more details, visit <a href=\"%s\">the " "support page</a>." msgstr "" "Ya! Dengan VaultPress Backup, Anda bisa menyalin situs ke server apa saja. " "Fitur ini berguna untuk membuat salinan situs di server Anda saat ini untuk " "keperluan pengujian dan pengembangan. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi " "<a href=\"%s\">halaman dukungan</a>." msgid "Can I clone my website with VaultPress Backup?" msgstr "Dapatkah VaultPress Backup digunakan untuk mengkloning situs saya?" msgid "" "Yes. VaultPress Backup is a WordPress migration plugin, so just enter the " "destination WordPress path. This is the path in which your site’s files are " "stored relative to where the SSH, SFTP or FTP user has access. For more " "details, visit <a href=\"%s\">the support page</a>." msgstr "" "Ya. VaultPress Backup merupakan plugin migrasi WordPress, jadi cukup " "masukkan jalur WordPress tujuan. Jalur ini adalah tempat file situs disimpan " "sesuai dengan direktori yang dapat diakses oleh pengguna SSH, SFTP, atau " "FTP. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi <a href=\"%s\">halaman dukungan</" "a>." msgid "" "Does VaultPress Backup take care of all the path changes with an address " "migration?" msgstr "" "Apakah VaultPress Backup memperhatikan semua perubahan jalur saat migrasi " "alamat dilakukan?" msgid "Can VaultPress Backup be used to migrate to a different address?" msgstr "" "Apakah VaultPress Backup dapat digunakan untuk migrasi ke alamat yang " "berbeda?" msgid "" "Yes! VaultPress Backup is also a WordPress migration plugin, so you can " "migrate your site to a new WordPress install on any server. This is helpful " "if you decide to move to a new host. For more details, visit <a href=\"%s" "\">the support page</a>." msgstr "" "Ya! VaultPress Backup juga merupakan plugin migrasi WordPress, sehingga bisa " "digunakan untuk memigrasikan situs Anda ke penginstalan WordPress yang baru " "di server mana pun. Fitur ini berguna saat Anda ingin pindah ke host baru. " "Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi <a href=\"%s\">halaman dukungan</a>." msgid "Can I use VaultPress Backup to migrate my website to a different host?" msgstr "" "Apakah VaultPress Backup dapat digunakan untuk memigrasikan situs saya ke " "host yang berbeda?" msgid "" "As soon as you purchase VaultPress Backup, it will be activated, and the " "first backup will be completed. There are barely any settings to configure, " "and you don’t need coding experience." msgstr "" "Segera setelah Anda melakukan pembelian, VaultPress Backup akan aktif dan " "menyelesaikan pencadangan pertama. Anda tidak perlu menyetel pengaturan dan " "melakukan pemrograman." msgid "How do I restore my site with VaultPress Backup?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara memulihkan situs saya dengan VaultPress Backup?" msgid "" "Easy-to-use, comprehensive site security with even more storage space for " "larger sites. <br><br> Includes VaultPress Backup, Jetpack Scan, and Akismet " "Anti-spam." msgstr "" "Keamanan situs komprehensif yang mudah digunakan dengan ruang penyimpanan " "lebih untuk situs besar <br><br> Sudah menyertakan VaultPress Backup, " "Jetpack Scan, dan Akismet Anti-spam." msgid "How does Jetpack VaultPress Backup work?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara kerja Jetpack VaultPress Backup?" msgid "" "It took just one click to restore my WooCommerce store. It was a great " "interface and it did the job. Jetpack VaultPress Backup saved my site really " "quickly." msgstr "" "Saya dapat memulihkan toko WooCommerce hanya dengan sekali klik. Antarmuka " "dan hasilnya luar biasa. Jetpack VaultPress Backup menyimpan situs saya " "dengan sangat cepat." msgid "" "More than 5 million WordPress sites trust Jetpack for their website security" msgstr "" "Lebih dari 5 juta situs WordPress memercayakan keamanan situs pada Jetpack" msgid "Get Akismet Anti-spam" msgstr "Dapatkan Akismet Anti-spam" msgid "" "Save hours of time by automatically clearing spam from comments and forms " "with the power of Akismet." msgstr "" "Hemat waktu dengan menghapus spam secara otomatis dari komentar dan formulir " "menggunakan Akismet." msgid "" "Want to buy VaultPress Backup, Scan, or Akismet Anti-spam individually? <a " "href=\"%s\">Check out the pricing page!</a>" msgstr "" "Ingin membeli VaultPress Backup, Scan, atau Akismet Anti-spam secara " "terpisah? <a href=\"%s\">Lihat halaman harganya!</a>" msgid "" "Manual backups take time, and you’ve got more important things to do. " "Jetpack VaultPress Backup works behind the scenes, so you don’t have to." msgstr "" "Pencadangan manual memakan waktu, padahal Anda punya hal yang lebih penting " "untuk dilakukan. Jetpack VaultPress Backup bekerja di latar belakang, " "sehingga Anda tidak perlu melakukannya." msgid "" "Don’t let a bad host keep your site hostage. Jetpack VaultPress Backup is " "also a WordPress migration plugin, so you can transfer your entire database, " "plugins, settings, and themes, as well as all your content and images." msgstr "" "Jangan sampai situs Anda terjebak di penyedia hosting payah. Jetpack " "VaultPress Backup juga merupakan plugin migrasi WordPress, sehingga Anda " "bisa mentransfer semua basis data, plugin, pengaturan, dan tema sekaligus " "konten dan gambar Anda." msgid "" "Our developers use VaultPress Backup all the time. It’s a one-click way to " "return to where we were before things got wonky. It gives us a little " "emergency parachute so if we’re working on a customization that breaks " "everything, we lose minutes, not hours." msgstr "" "Pengembang kami selalu menggunakan VaultPress Backup. Cukup sekali klik " "untuk kembali ke kondisi sebelum terjadi kekacauan. Bisa diibaratkan, fitur " "ini adalah parasut darurat, jadi jika ada penyesuaian yang menghancurkan " "semuanya, kami cuma kehilangan beberapa menit, bukan beberapa jam." msgid "" "Backups are essential for eCommerce stores. New orders come in at any " "moment, so you need a plan to keep your order and customer data safe. That’s " "why we designed the Jetpack VaultPress Backup plugin specifically with " "WooCommerce in mind." msgstr "" "Cadangan sangat penting untuk toko eCommerce Pesanan baru bisa masuk kapan " "saja, jadi Anda perlu menyusun strategi agar data pesanan dan pelanggan " "tetap aman. Inilah alasan kami merancang plugin Jetpack VaultPress Backup " "dengan pertimbangan khusus untuk WooCommerce." msgid "" "Jetpack VaultPress Backup is built on’s world-class " "infrastructure, so you can be sure your site is safe and can be recovered at " "any moment. Host backups are often time-consuming and require technical " "expertise to restore. You’ve got more important things to do." msgstr "" "Jetpack VaultPress Backup berjalan di infrastruktur kelas dunia milik " ", jadi Anda bisa menjamin situs aman dan bisa dipulihkan kapan " "saja. Fitur pencadangan dari penyedia hosting umumnya memakan banyak waktu " "dan perlu keahlian teknis untuk menjalankan pemulihannya. Ada hal lain yang " "lebih penting yang perlu dikerjakan." msgid "" "Millions of people depend on my site, and downtime isn’t an option. Jetpack " "VaultPress handles my site security and backups so I can focus on creation." msgstr "" "Jutaan orang bergantung pada situs saya sehingga downtime tidak boleh " "terjadi. Jetpack VaultPress menangani keamanan dan pencadangan situs " "sehingga saya bisa fokus berkarya." msgid "" "Jetpack VaultPress is the most proven WordPress backup plugin with 269 " "million site backups over the last ten years" msgstr "" "Jetpack VaultPress adalah plugin pencadangan WordPress paling andal dengan " "269 juta pencadangan situs selama sepuluh tahun terakhir" msgid "Take a walkthrough of VaultPress Backup" msgstr "Pelajari VaultPress Backup" msgid "" "Save every change and get back online quickly with one‑click restores " "from VaultPress Backup." msgstr "" "Simpan semua perubahan dan segera kembali online dengan pemulihan " "sekali‑klik dari VaultPress Backup." msgid "Free advanced WordPress site stats with Jetpack Stats" msgstr "Statistik lanjutan gratis untuk situs WordPress dengan Jetpack Stats" msgid "" "Native WordPress CRM to convert your leads and create repeat customers with " "Jetpack CRM" msgstr "" "CRM WordPress Native untuk mengonversi calon pelanggan dan membuat pelanggan " "terus datang kembali menggunakan Jetpack CRM" msgid "" "Auto-share post and pages to social media on your schedule with Jetpack " "Social" msgstr "" "Bagikan pos dan halaman ke media sosial sesuai jadwal secara otomatis " "menggunakan Jetpack Social" msgid "Free speed enhancements to rank higher on Google with Jetpack Boost" msgstr "" "Fitur peningkatan kecepatan gratis agar peringkat situs lebih tinggi di " "Google menggunakan Jetpack Boost" msgid "" "Instant site search to help your visitors find your content with Jetpack " "Search" msgstr "" "Pencarian situs instan untuk membantu pengunjung menemukan konten Anda " "menggunakan Jetpack Search" msgid "Full HD, ad-free video inside the WordPress editor with VideoPress" msgstr "" "Video Full HD yang bebas iklan pada editor WordPress menggunakan VideoPress" msgid "Powerful spam protection for comments and forms with Akismet Anti-spam" msgstr "" "Perlindungan spam canggih untuk komentar dan formulir menggunakan Akismet " "Anti-spam" msgid "WAF, automated malware scanning, and one-click fixes with Jetpack Scan" msgstr "" "WAF, pemindaian malware otomatis, dan perbaikan sekali klik menggunakan " "Jetpack Scan" msgid "Real-time backups and one-click restores with VaultPress Backup" msgstr "" "Pencadangan real-time dan pemulihan sekali klik menggunakan VaultPress Backup" msgid "" "Jetpack contributes {{link}}5% of its resources{{/link}} into WordPress " "development. That means each Jetpack purchase helps improve the " "sustainability of the WordPress community and the future of the open web." msgstr "" "Jetpack berkontribusi {{link}}5% dari sumber dayanya{{/link}} untuk " "pengembangan WordPress. Artinya, tiap pembelian Jetpack membantu " "meningkatkan keberlangsungan komunitas WordPress dan masa depan open web." msgid "Unauthorized ip address" msgstr "Alamat ip tanpa izin" msgid "Social Advanced" msgstr "Social Advanced" msgid "" "A trading name with at least 4 characters is required for this registrant " "type." msgstr "" "Nama dagang yang memuat setidaknya 4 karakter diperlukan untuk tipe " "pendaftar ini." msgid "" "An error occurred and your {{strong}}%(initialLicenseList)s%(conjunction)s" "%(lastLicenseItem)s{{/strong}} weren't assigned to {{em}}%(selectedSite)s{{/" "em}}." msgstr "" "Terjadi eror dan {{strong}}%(initialLicenseList)s%(conjunction)s" "%(lastLicenseItem)s{{/strong}} Anda tidak diterapkan ke " "{{em}}%(selectedSite)s{{/em}}." msgid "" "{{strong}}%(initialLicenseList)s%(conjunction)s%(lastLicenseItem)s{{/" "strong}} were successfully assigned to {{em}}%(selectedSite)s{{/em}}. Please " "allow a few minutes for your features to activate." msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(initialLicenseList)s%(conjunction)s%(lastLicenseItem)s{{/" "strong}} berhasil diterapkan ke {{em}}%(selectedSite)s{{/em}}. Mohon tunggu " "selama fitur-fitur Anda sedang diaktifkan dalam beberapa menit." msgid "A8C Only" msgstr "Untuk A8C" msgid "All that's left is to add some links and launch your site." msgstr "" "Sekarang tinggal menambahkan beberapa tautan dan meluncurkan situs Anda." msgid "You're ready to link and launch" msgstr "Anda siap untuk terhubung dan aktif" msgid "Reminder: Backup your site with Jetpack" msgstr "Pengingat: Cadangkan situs Anda dengan Jetpack" msgid "Email (English)" msgstr "E-mail (Bahasa Inggris)" msgid "Choose your plan" msgstr "Pilih paket Anda" msgid "" "When you select annual billing, you can claim %1$s%% off your first payment " "with the code %2$s at checkout. This offer expires on %3$s, so be sure to " "upgrade soon!" msgstr "" "Jika memilih penagihan tahunan, Anda bisa mendapatkan diskon %1$s%% untuk " "pembayaran pertama dengan memasukkan kode %2$s saat checkout. Penawaran ini " "akan berakhir pada %3$s. Segera lakukan upgrade!" msgid "" "Upgrade today, and you’ll gain access to a suite of features designed to " "help you build a beautiful website quickly and easily: " msgstr "" "Upgrade hari ini, dan dapatkan akses ke serangkaian fitur yang dirancang " "untuk membantu Anda membangun situs menawan dengan cepat dan mudah: " msgid "" "You can use the code %1$s to get %2$s%% off your first payment on an annual " "plan — good until %3$s" msgstr "" "Anda bisa menggunakan kode %1$s untuk mendapatkan diskon pembayaran pertama " "sebesar %2$s%% pada paket tahunan — berlaku hingga %3$s" msgid "" "P.S. Your upgrade comes with a free domain name. Yup — when you upgrade your " "website and choose an annual plan, your first year of domain name " "registration is on us." msgstr "" "N.B. Upgrade Anda dilengkapi dengan nama domain gratis. Ya — jika melakukan " "upgrade situs dan memilih paket tahunan, biaya registrasi nama domain tahun " "pertama Anda, kami yang bayar." msgid "Upgrade my site: %s" msgstr "Upgrade situs saya: %s" msgid "" "You can use the code %1$s to get %2$s%% off your first year when you choose " "annual billing — but don’t wait too long! This offer expires on %3$s" msgstr "" "Anda bisa menggunakan kode %1$s untuk mendapatkan diskon %2$s%% tahun " "pertama jika memilih penagihan tahunan — buruan! Penawaran ini berakhir pada " "%3$s" msgid "" "Unlock access to premium themes, custom CSS, advanced design options, and " "more when you upgrade your site to one of our feature-packed plans: " msgstr "" "Dapatkan akses ke Tema Premium, CSS kustom, pilihan desain lanjutan, dan " "masih banyak lagi dengan melakukan upgrade situs ke salah satu paket " "berfitur lengkap kami: " msgid "Ready to crush your website goals?" msgstr "Siap menggapai target situs Anda?" msgid "Ending soon: %1$s%% off" msgstr "Segera berakhir: Diskon %1$s%%" msgid "" "Use the code %1$s to take %2$s%% off your first year. Hurry — this offer " "ends %3$s" msgstr "" "Gunakan kode %1$s untuk mendapatkan diskon %2$s%% tahun pertama Anda. " "Buruan! Promo ini berakhir pada %3$s" msgid "" "Upgrade to a paid plan today, and you’ll unlock access to a curated " "selection of premium WordPress themes, advanced design features, and " "customization options that make it easier than ever to build a beautiful " "website: " msgstr "" "Lakukan upgrade ke paket berbayar hari ini, dan dapatkan akses ke koleksi " "tema WordPress Premium, fitur desain lanjutan, dan pilihan penyesuaian yang " "lebih memudahkan Anda membangun situs yang menawan: " msgid "Build & design your website with ease." msgstr "Bangun & desain situs Anda dengan mudah." msgid "Open for your %1$s%% discount" msgstr "Dapatkan diskon %1$s%% Anda" msgid "Upgrade my website: %s" msgstr "Upgrade situs saya: %s" msgid "Don’t forget to use the code %1$s at checkout to save %2$s%%." msgstr "Jangan lupa gunakan kode %1$s saat checkout untuk menghemat %2$s%%." msgid "" "We’re reaching out to remind you that your upgrade is just a " "few clicks away. Sign up for an annual plan and you’ll unlock a suite of " "powerful and easy-to-use features designed to help you reach your website " "goals. Plus, you’ll get a free domain name — on us! " msgstr "" "Kami ingatkan bahwa upgrade cukup dengan beberapa klik. Daftar " "paket tahunan dan dapatkan serangkaian fitur yang andal dan mudah digunakan, " "yang dirancang untuk membantu mencapai target situs Anda. Selain itu, Anda " "akan mendapatkan nama domain gratis — kami yang bayar! " msgid "Level up your website" msgstr "Tingkatkan situs Anda" msgid "" "P.S. When you upgrade and choose annual billing, your first year of domain " "name registration is on us." msgstr "" "N.B. Jika melakukan upgrade situs dan memilih penagihan tahunan, biaya " "registrasi nama domain tahun pertama Anda, kami yang bayar." msgid "Upgrade now: %s" msgstr "Upgrade sekarang: %s" msgid "" "Be sure to use the code %1$s at checkout, and you’ll get %2$s%% off your " "first year when you choose annual billing." msgstr "" "Pastikan untuk menggunakan kode %1$s saat checkout, dan Anda akan " "mendapatkan diskon %2$s%% tahun pertama jika memilih penagihan tahunan." msgid "" "Upgrade today to access premium design features. You’ll be one step closer " "to staking your claim on the web with a beautiful website that’s supported " "by a global team of Happiness Engineers and backed by Jetpack-powered speed, " "security, and reliability: " msgstr "" "Upgrade hari ini untuk mengakses fitur desain premium. Anda selangkah lebih " "dekat untuk mendapatkan fitur pembuatan situs menawan yang didukung oleh tim " "Happiness Engineer global, serta kecepatan, keamanan, dan keandalan yang " "ditenagai Jetpack. " msgid "- Fine-tune your style with custom CSS" msgstr "- Sesuaikan gaya Anda dengan CSS kustom" msgid "- Take control of your website’s look with advanced options" msgstr "- Kendalikan tampilan situs Anda dengan pilihan lanjutan" msgid "- Choose from a curated selection of premium themes" msgstr "- Tentukan tema dari koleksi tema premium" msgid "" "When you select annual billing, you can claim %1$s%% off your first payment " "with the code <strong>%2$s</strong> at checkout. This offer expires on %3$s, " "so be sure to upgrade soon!" msgstr "" "Jika memilih penagihan tahunan, Anda bisa mendapatkan diskon %1$s%% untuk " "pembayaran pertama dengan memasukkan kode <strong>%2$s</strong> saat " "checkout. Penawaran ini akan berakhir pada %3$s. Segera lakukan upgrade!" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" style=\"text-decoration:underline; color:%2$s;" "\"><strong>Upgrade today,</strong></a> and you’ll gain access to a suite of " "features designed to help you build a beautiful website quickly and easily." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" style=\"text-decoration:underline; color:%2$s;" "\"><strong>Upgrade hari ini,</strong></a> dan dapatkan akses ke serangkaian " "fitur yang dirancang untuk membantu Anda membangun situs menawan dengan " "cepat dan mudah." msgid "Reminder: %1$s%% off ends soon" msgstr "Pengingat: Diskon %1$s%% akan segera berakhir" msgid "" "Use the code <strong>%1$s</strong> for %2$s%% off your first payment on an " "annual plan — good until %3$s." msgstr "" "Gunakan kode <strong>%1$s</strong> untuk mendapatkan diskon pembayaran " "pertama sebesar %2$s%% pada paket tahunan — berlaku hingga %3$s." msgid "" "Upgrade your site today, and grow your brand with all the features, speed, " "and reliability of With a suite of built-in integrations and " "extensibility to the tune of over 50,000 available plugins*, you’ll be able " "to build a beautiful, functional website with ease." msgstr "" "Upgrade situs sekarang, dan kembangkan merek Anda dengan semua fitur, " "kecepatan, dan keandalan Dengan serangkaian integrasi bawaan " "dan pilihan ekstensi hingga 50.000 lebih plugin*, Anda dapat membangun situs " "yang menawan dan berfungsi penuh dengan mudah." msgid "Jetpack-powered speed and security, always included." msgstr "Kecepatan dan keamanan yang ditenagai Jetpack selalu disertakan." msgid "Flash Sale: %1$s%% off plans" msgstr "Flash Sale: Diskon paket %1$s%%" msgid "" "P.S. Your upgrade comes with a <strong>free</strong> domain name. Yup — when " "you upgrade your website and choose an annual plan, your first year of " "domain name registration is <em>on us</em>. " msgstr "" "N.B. Upgrade Anda dilengkapi dengan nama domain <strong>gratis</strong>. Ya " "— jika melakukan upgrade situs dan memilih paket tahunan, biaya registrasi " "nama domain tahun pertama Anda, <em>kami yang bayar</em>. " msgid "" "You can use the code <strong>%1$s</strong> to get %2$s%% off your first year " "when you choose annual billing — but don’t wait too long! This offer expires " "on %3$s." msgstr "" "Anda bisa menggunakan kode <strong>%1$s</strong> untuk mendapatkan diskon " "%2$s%% tahun pertama jika memilih penagihan tahunan — buruan! Penawaran ini " "berakhir pada %3$s." msgid "" "Unlock access to premium themes, custom CSS, advanced design options, " "<em>and more</em> when you <a href=\"%1$s\" style=\"text-decoration:" "underline; color:%2$s;\"><strong>upgrade your site</strong></a> to one of " "our feature-packed plans." msgstr "" "Dapatkan akses ke Tema Premium, CSS kustom, pilihan desain lanjutan, <em>dan " "masih banyak lagi</em> dengan melakukan <a href=\"%1$s\" style=\"text-" "decoration:underline; color:%2$s;\"><strong>upgrade situs</strong></a> ke " "salah satu paket berfitur lengkap kami." msgid "Unlock unlimited design possibilities with" msgstr "Dapatkan peluang desain tanpa batas dengan" msgid "Ending soon: %d%% off" msgstr "Segera berakhir: Diskon %d%%" msgid "" "Use the code <strong>%1$s</strong> to take %2$s%% off your first year. Hurry " "— this offer ends %3$s." msgstr "" "Gunakan kode <strong>%1$s</strong> untuk mendapatkan diskon %2$s%% tahun " "pertama Anda. Buruan! Promo ini berakhir pada %3$s." msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" style=\"text-decoration:underline; color:%2$s;" "\"><strong>Upgrade to a paid plan today,</strong></a> and you’ll unlock " "access to a curated selection of premium WordPress themes, advanced design " "features, and customization options that make it easier than ever to build a " "beautiful website." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" style=\"text-decoration:underline; color:%2$s;" "\"><strong>Lakukan upgrade ke paket berbayar hari ini,</strong></a> dan " "dapatkan akses ke koleksi tema WordPress Premium, fitur desain lanjutan, dan " "pilihan penyesuaian yang lebih memudahkan Anda membangun situs yang menawan." msgid "" " makes it possible to create and launch your dream website, " "without needing to hire web designers." msgstr "" " memungkinkan Anda untuk membuat dan meluncurkan situs impian, " "tanpa perlu mempekerjakan perancang web." msgid "More than a theme: A beautiful website, powered by YOU." msgstr "Lebih dari sekadar tema: Situs menawan rancangan ANDA." msgid "Open for your %d%% discount" msgstr "Dapatkan diskon %d%% Anda" msgid "Upgrade my website" msgstr "Upgrade situs saya" msgid "This deal is too good to pass up!" msgstr "Penawaran ini terlalu luar biasa untuk dilewatkan!" msgid "Reminder: %d%% off + free domain." msgstr "Pengingat: Diskon %d%% + domain gratis." msgid "" "With, you can claim your domain — literally! Plus, our paid " "plans offer everything you need to easily build a professional-looking " "website that matches your brand:" msgstr "" "Dengan, Anda dapat mengeklaim domain — sungguh! Selain itu, " "paket berbayar kami menawarkan segala yang dibutuhkan untuk membangun situs " "yang tampak profesional dengan mudah, sesuai branding Anda:" msgid "Everything you need to build your website." msgstr "Semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk membangun situs." msgid "%d%% off + free domain." msgstr "Diskon %d%% + domain gratis." msgid "" "Upload up to %(noOfVideos)d videos to be used on your %(pageTitle)s page." msgstr "" "Unggah hingga %(noOfVideos)d video yang akan digunakan pada halaman " "%(pageTitle)s Anda." msgid "Your content submission was successful!" msgstr "Kami telah menerima konten Anda!" msgid "Are you sure you want to mark '%(domain)s' as spam?" msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menandai %(domain)s sebagai spam?" msgid "VideoPress settings updated successfully." msgstr "Pengaturan VideoPress berhasil diperbarui." msgid "If the VideoPress videos should be private by default" msgstr "Menentukan apakah video VideoPress berstatus pribadi secara default" msgid "Post options related to Jetpack Social." msgstr "Pilihan pos terkait Jetpack Social." msgid "Akismet: Comment and form spam protection (10k API calls/mo)" msgstr "" "Akismet: Perlindungan spam untuk komentar dan formulir (10k pemrosesan API/" "bln)" msgid "Additional storage for your Jetpack VaultPress Backup plan." msgstr "Penyimpanan tambahan untuk paket Jetpack VaultPress Backup." msgid "Boost: Automatic CSS generation" msgstr "Boost: Pembuatan CSS Otomatis" msgid "" "Easy-to-use, comprehensive WordPress site security including backups, " "malware scanning, and spam protection.{{br/}}Includes VaultPress Backup, " "Jetpack Scan, and Akismet Anti-spam." msgstr "" "Keamanan situs WordPress yang lengkap dan mudah digunakan meliputi " "pencadangan, pemindaian malware, dan perlindungan spam.{{br/}}Termasuk " "VaultPress Backup, Jetpack Scan, dan Akismet Anti-spam." msgid "" "All of the essential Jetpack Security features in one package including " "VaultPress Backup, Scan, Akismet Anti-spam and more." msgstr "" "Semua fitur penting Jetpack Security dalam satu paket termasuk VaultPress " "Backup, Scan, Akismet anti-spam, dan lainnya." msgid "VaultPress Backup: Real-time backups as you edit" msgstr "VaultPress Backup: Pencadangan real-time saat Anda mengedit" msgid "Five for the Future" msgstr "Five for the Future" msgid "View VaultPress Backup" msgstr "Lihat VaultPress Backup" msgid "View VaultPress Backup & Scan" msgstr "Lihat VaultPress Backup & Scan" msgid "You turned on VaultPress Backup and Scan." msgstr "Anda telah mengaktifkan VaultPress Backup dan Scan." msgid "VaultPress Backup and Scan" msgstr "VaultPress Backup and Scan" msgid "Akismet Anti-spam API key" msgstr "API key Akismet Anti-spam" msgid "All VaultPress Backup & Security features" msgstr "Semua fitur VaultPress Backup & Security" msgid "All VaultPress Backup features" msgstr "Semua fitur VaultPress Backup" msgid "VaultPress Backup Real-time (off-site)" msgstr "VaultPress Backup Real-time (off-site)" msgid "All VaultPress Backup Daily features" msgstr "Semua fitur VaultPress Backup Daily" msgid "VaultPress Backup (real-time, off-site)" msgstr "VaultPress Backup (real-time, off-site)" msgid "VaultPress Backup 1TB" msgstr "VaultPress Backup 1TB" msgid "Includes VaultPress Backup 1TB, Scan Daily and Akismet Anti-spam." msgstr "Termasuk VaultPress Backup 1TB, Scan Daily, dan Akismet Anti-spam." msgid "Akismet Anti-spam*" msgstr "Akismet Anti-spam*" msgid "VaultPress Backup 10GB" msgstr "VaultPress Backup 10GB" msgid "Includes VaultPress Backup 10GB, Scan Daily and Akismet Anti-spam." msgstr "Termasuk VaultPress Backup 10GB, Scan Daily, dan Akismet Anti-spam." msgid "Add Jetpack VaultPress Backup to this site" msgstr "Tambahkan Jetpack VaultPress Backup ke situs ini" msgid "Activating Jetpack VaultPress Backup" msgstr "Mengaktifkan Jetpack VaultPress Backup" msgid "Activate Jetpack VaultPress Backup now" msgstr "Aktifkan Jetpack VaultPress Backup sekarang" msgid "" "VaultPress Backup gives you granular control over your site, with the " "ability to restore it to any previous state, and export it at any time." msgstr "" "VaultPress Backup memberikan Anda kendali lebih detail atas situs Anda, " "dengan kemampuan untuk memulihkan situs Anda ke kondisi sebelumnya dan " "mengekspornya kapan pun." msgid "Get time travel for your site with Jetpack VaultPress Backup" msgstr "" "Dapatkan fitur penjelajah waktu untuk situs Anda dengan Jetpack VaultPress " "Backup" msgid "Jetpack VaultPress Backup" msgstr "Jetpack VaultPress Backup" msgid "Getting started with Jetpack VaultPress Backup" msgstr "Memulai dengan Jetpack VaultPress Backup" msgid "Akismet Anti-spam" msgstr "Akismet Anti-spam" msgid "New SSH Public Key" msgstr "SSH Public Key Baru" msgid "Current SSH Public Key" msgstr "SSH Public Key Saat Ini" msgid "" "Replace your current SSH key with a new SSH key to use the new SSH key with " "all attached sites." msgstr "" "Ganti SSH key Anda saat ini dengan SSH key baru untuk menggunakan SSH key " "baru dengan semua situs yang terhubung." msgid "Update SSH Key" msgstr "Perbarui SSH Key" msgid "Failed to update SSH key: %(reason)s" msgstr "Gagal memperbarui SSH key: %(reason)s" msgid "SSH key updated for account." msgstr "SSH key diperbarui untuk akun." msgid "Update SSH key" msgstr "Perbarui SSH key" msgid "" "Find other tips to optimize your site for search engines {{link}}here{{/" "link}}. If you’re looking for a full introduction to Search Engine " "Optimization, you can join our {{seo}}free SEO course{{/seo}}." msgstr "" "Temukan tips lainnya untuk optimasi situs Anda di mesin pencari {{link}}di " "sini{{/link}}. Jika Anda menginginkan panduan lengkap tentang Optimisasi " "Mesin Pencari, Anda dapat bergabung dengan {{seo}}kelas SEO gratis{{/seo}} " "kami." msgid "" "Verify your site with search engines: Add your site to Google Search Console " "and other search engines to speed up the site indexing process." msgstr "" "Verifikasi situs Anda dengan mesin pencari: Tambahkan situs Anda ke Google " "Search Console dan mesin pencari lainnya untuk mempercepat proses " "pengindeksan situs." msgid "" "Share your site: Automatically share your posts to social media when you " "publish them. The more organic traffic your site gets, the better it looks " "to search engines." msgstr "" "Bagikan situs Anda: Bagikan pos Anda ke media sosial secara otomatis saat " "Anda memublikasikannya. Semakin organik kunjungan ke situs Anda, maka " "semakin mudah ditemukan mesin pencari." msgid "" "Post new content regularly: The more you post, the higher the chance of a " "strong search ranking. Google likes blogs that update frequently." msgstr "" "Publikasikan konten secara reguler: Semakin sering Anda membuat pos, semakin " "besar kesempatan untuk mendapatkan peringkat yang bagus. Google menyukai " "blog yang sering diperbarui." msgid "" "Research your keywords: Figure out which keywords you want your site to rank " "for. Work these specific keywords into your titles, headings, content, and " "URL slugs." msgstr "" "Riset kata kunci Anda: Temukan kata kunci agar situs Anda mendapatkan " "peringkat. Gunakan kata kunci yang spesifik tersebut pada judul, heading, " "konten, dan slug URL Anda." msgid "" "If you want your site to rank higher on Google and other search engines, you " "may want to consider these SEO essentials." msgstr "" "Jika Anda ingin situs Anda mendapatkan peringkat tinggi di Google dan mesin " "pencari lainnya, Anda dapat melakukan dasar-dasar SEO berikut." msgid "Improve your SEO guidelines" msgstr "Panduan meningkatkan SEO Anda" msgid "" "Read more about domain connection {{link}}here{{/link}} or {{chat}}chat with " "a real person{{/chat}} right now." msgstr "" "Baca lebih lanjut tentang menghubungkan domain {{link}}di sini{{/link}} atau " "{{chat}}chat dengan tim ahli{{/chat}} sekarang." msgid "" "Contact your domain registrar to ensure the name servers were correctly " "changed (and the old ones were removed entirely)." msgstr "" "Hubungi registrar domain Anda untuk memastikan name server telah diperbarui " "(dan name server yang lama telah sepenuhnya dihapus)." msgid "" "Try clearing your browser’s cache to ensure your browser is loading the most " "up‑to‑date information." msgstr "" "Coba hapus cache browser Anda untuk memastikan browser memuat informasi " "paling terbaru." msgid "" "If you’ve already gone through the steps to {{link}}connect your domain{{/" "link}} to your website and are still having issues, please keep in mind that " "the DNS changes can take up to 72 hours to fully propagate, during which " "time the domain might not load properly. You can also:" msgstr "" "Jika Anda telah mengerjakan langkah-langkah untuk {{link}}menghubungkan " "domain{{/link}} ke situs web Anda dan masih mengalami kendala, harap diingat " "bahwa perubahan DNS memerlukan waktu hingga 72 jam agar domain aktif " "sepenuhnya. Selama masa tersebut, domain tidak dapat diakses sepenuhnya, dan " "Anda dapat:" msgid "Connect a domain guidelines" msgstr "Panduan menghubungkan domain" msgid "Read more about domains {{link}}here{{/link}}." msgstr "Baca lebih lanjut tentang domain {{link}}di sini{{/link}}" msgid "" "If you have trouble claiming your free domain, contact us and we’ll assist " "you." msgstr "" "Jika Anda mengalami kendala dalam mengklaim domain gratis Anda, hubungi kami " "agar kami dapat membantu Anda." msgid "After the first year, your domain will renew at the regular price." msgstr "" "Setelah satu tahun pertama, domain Anda akan diperpanjang dengan harga " "normal." msgid "Make it your site’s primary domain (no “” in the address!)" msgstr "" "Jadikan ini sebagai domain utama situs Anda (tanpa alamat \"\"!)" msgid "" "Choose from all popular extensions including .com, .org, .net, .shop, and ." "blog." msgstr "" "Pilih dari semua ekstensi populer termasuk .com, .org, .net, .shop, dan ." "blog." msgid "" "Go to Upgrades → Domains and click {{link}}Add a Domain{{/link}} to register " "your plan’s free domain" msgstr "" "Buka Upgrade → Domain dan klik {{link}}Tambah Domain{{/link}} untuk " "mendaftarkan domain gratis untuk paket Anda" msgid "" "You can register a free domain name for one year with the purchase of any " " annual or two-year plan!" msgstr "" "Anda dapat mendaftarkan nama domain gratis selama satu tahun saat melakukan " "pembelian paket tahunan atau dua-tahunan mana pun!" msgid "Step-by-step guide to get a free domain" msgstr "Panduan langkah demi langkah untuk mendapatkan domain gratis" msgid "" "Read more about how to improve your site’s speed and performance {{link}}" "here{{/link}}." msgstr "" "Baca selanjutnya tentang cara meningkatkan kecepatan dan performa situs Anda " "{{link}}di sini{{/link}}." msgid "" "Optimize your images before uploading them. Unnecessarily large image files " "take longer to load." msgstr "" "Optimalkan ukuran gambar Anda sebelum mengunggahnya. Ukuran berkas gambar " "yang terlalu besar butuh waktu lama untuk dimuat. " msgid "" "Make sure you’re using a fast theme. Some themes come packed with extra " "features that can slow down your site." msgstr "" "Pastikan Anda menggunakan tema yang cepat. Beberapa tema memiliki fitur-" "fitur yang tidak diperlukan yang dapat memperlambat situs." msgid "" "Uninstall any unnecessary plugins. Sites with too many third-party plugins " "installed can take longer to load." msgstr "" "Jangan instal plugin yang tidak diperlukan. Situs dengan plugin pihak ketiga " "yang terlalu banyak menyebabkan akses situs makin lambat." msgid "" "A few common factors can slow down your site. You may want to try some of " "these fixes to improve your site’s loading time." msgstr "" "Terdapat hal-hal umum yang dapat memperlambat situs Anda. Anda dapat mencoba " "beberapa solusi berikut untuk meningkatkan kecepatan situs Anda." msgid "Loading times best practices" msgstr "Meningkatkan Kecepatan Situs" msgid "Thanks, but this is not what I need" msgstr "Terimakasih, tetapi hal-hal tersebut tidak saya perlukan" msgid "Let’s try this" msgstr "Cobalah hal-hal berikut" msgid "Upgrade VideoPress" msgstr "Upgrade VideoPress" msgid "VideoPress: Unlock more videos and 1TB of cloud storage" msgstr "VideoPress: Dapatkan lebih banyak video dan penyimpanan cloud 1TB" msgid "Jetpack Boost: Save time by automating critical CSS" msgstr "Jetpack Boost: Hemat waktu dengan mengotomatiskan CSS utama" msgid "Jetpack VaultPress Backup (One-time)" msgstr "Jetpack VaultPress Backup (satu kali)" msgid "Jetpack VaultPress Backup Add-on Storage (1TB)" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan Add-on Jetpack VaultPress Backup (1TB)" msgid "Jetpack VaultPress Backup Add-on Storage (100GB)" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan Add-on Jetpack VaultPress Backup (100GB)" msgid "Jetpack VaultPress Backup Add-on Storage (10GB)" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan Add-on Jetpack VaultPress Backup (10GB)" msgid "Jetpack VaultPress Backup (1TB)" msgstr "Jetpack VaultPress Backup (1TB)" msgid "Jetpack VaultPress Backup (10GB)" msgstr "Jetpack VaultPress Backup (10GB)" msgid "Jetpack VaultPress Backup (1GB)" msgstr "Jetpack VaultPress Backup (1GB)" msgid "Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam" msgstr "Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam" msgid "Already launched" msgstr "Sudah diluncurkan" msgid "Already confirmed" msgstr "Sudah dikonfirmasi" msgid "Take WordPress on the go with the {{span}}Jetpack{{/span}} mobile app" msgstr "" "Kelola WordPress dari mana pun dengan aplikasi ponsel {{span}}Jetpack{{/" "span}}" msgid "" "Visit {{a}}{{/a}} from your mobile device, or scan the code to " "download the Jetpack mobile app." msgstr "" "Kunjungi {{a}}{{/a}} dari perangkat ponsel, atau pindai kode untuk " "mengunduh aplikasi ponsel Jetpack." msgid "" "Everything you need to publish, manage, and grow your site anywhere, any " "time." msgstr "" "Apa pun yang Anda butuhkan untuk memublikasikan, mengelola, dan " "mengembangkan situs Anda dari mana pun, kapan pun." msgid "" "The full experience packaged as an app for your laptop or " "desktop." msgstr "" "Fitur lengkap dikemas dalam sebuah aplikasi untuk laptop atau " "desktop Anda." msgid " desktop app" msgstr "Aplikasi desktop" msgid "Visit {{a}}{{/a}} on your desktop." msgstr "Kunjungi {{a}}{{/a}} di desktop Anda." msgid "Download for Windows" msgstr "Unduh Aplikasi untuk Windows" msgid "Download for Linux" msgstr "Unduh Aplikasi untuk Linux" msgid "Download for Mac (Intel)" msgstr "Unduh Aplikasi untuk Mac (Intel)" msgid "Download the Jetpack Android mobile app." msgstr "Unduh aplikasi ponsel Android Jetpack." msgid "Download the Jetpack iOS mobile app." msgstr "Unduh aplikasi ponsel iOS Jetpack." msgctxt "Jetpack Social Advanced Plan" msgid "Social Advanced" msgstr "Social Lanjutan" msgid "Your copied site is ready!" msgstr "Salinan situs Anda telah siap!" msgid "Visual Composer Premium" msgstr "Visual Composer Premium" msgid "%(commaCharacter)s and " msgstr "%(commaCharacter)s dan" msgctxt "Theme Showcase filter name" msgid "Search by" msgstr "Cari berdasarkan" msgid "View less" msgstr "Lihat lebih sedikit" msgid "Cyber Monday week sale - %s off all bundles and products" msgstr "Pekan Promo Cyber Monday - Diskon %s untuk semua bundel dan produk" msgid "Individual products, %s off this Cyber Monday week" msgstr "Produk tunggal, diskon %s selama pekan Cyber Monday kali ini" msgid "Jetpack Security, %s off this Cyber Monday week" msgstr "Jetpack Security, diskon %s selama pekan Cyber Monday kali ini" msgid "Jetpack Backup, %s off this Cyber Monday week" msgstr "Jetpack Backup, diskon %s selama pekan Cyber Monday kali ini" msgid "Jetpack Cyber Monday sale - %s off" msgstr "Promo Cyber Monday Jetpack - Diskon %s" msgid "Last chance to get %s off all bundles and products!" msgstr "" "Kesempatan terakhir mendapatkan diskon %s untuk semua bundel dan produk!" msgid "Jetpack Cyber Monday week: %s off all products and bundles!" msgstr "Pekan Cyber Monday Jetpack: Diskon %s untuk semua produk dan bundel!" msgid "User queries should not be run before the %s hook." msgstr "Kueri pengguna tidak boleh dijalankan sebelum hook %s." msgid "Jetpack App" msgstr "Aplikasi Jetpack" msgid "" "The <b>WordPress App</b> gives you everything you need to create, design, " "manage, and grow your site from anywhere." msgstr "" " <b>Aplikasi WordPress</b> memberikan segala yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat, " "mendesain, mengelola, dan mengembangkan situs Anda dari mana saja." msgid "Take the best website builder anywhere with you." msgstr "Bawa pembuat situs terbaik ke mana pun Anda pergi." msgid "Get a demo" msgstr "Dapatkan demo" msgid "" "They trust WordPress VIP—the enterprise platform built on WordPress—to " "deliver performance at scale while meeting the highest security standards. " "Starting at US$25,000/year." msgstr "" "Mereka memercayai VIP—platform untuk perusahaan yang dibuat di WordPress—" "untuk memberikan kinerja terbaik sekaligus memenuhi standar keamanan " "tertinggi. Mulai dari US$25.000/tahun." msgid "Think WordPress isn’t for the enterprise? Think again." msgstr "" "Menurut Anda, WordPress tidak cocok untuk perusahaan? Cari tahu lebih dalam." msgid "" "Creating a site or store from scratch can take time. Sit back as our expert " "team builds a site you’ll fall in love with. From single page sites to full-" "blown stores, we’ll help you make it happen, sooner." msgstr "" "Pembuatan situs atau toko dari awal memerlukan waktu. Bersantailah selagi " "tim ahli kami membuatkan situs idaman. Mulai dari situs halaman tunggal " "hingga toko skala besar, kami akan membantu mewujudkannya lebih cepat." msgid "" "Our Happiness Engineers are always on hand to help. From live chat and " "expert email guidance to lively community forums – if you get stuck, or just " "need a hand getting set up, we’re here to make things happen." msgstr "" "Happiness Engineer kami selalu siap membantu. Mulai dari live chat, panduan " "melalui email, hingga forum komunitas yang selalu aktif – jika Anda " "mengalami kebuntuan, atau hanya butuh bantuan saat menyiapkan – kami selalu " "ada untuk Anda." msgid "Real support" msgstr "Bantuan profesional" msgid "" "Wherever you are in your journey, you don’t need to build your site alone. " "From direct support by email and live chat, to done-for-you sites built by " "our expert team, we’ve got your back every step of the way." msgstr "" "Terlepas dari pengalaman yang dimiliki, Anda tidak perlu membangun situs " "sendirian. Mulai dari bantuan langsung melalui e-mail, live chat, hingga " "pembuatan situs khusus untuk Anda oleh tim ahli, kami selalu siap membantu " "Anda." msgid "You’ll never build alone" msgstr "Anda tidak akan pernah membangun situs sendirian" msgid "Seriously secure" msgstr "Sangat aman" msgid "" "Nothing sets your site apart faster than a unique address on the web. From " "<b>.com</b> to <b>.blog</b>, there’s a one-of-a-kind domain with your name " "on it. And your first year is free with any annual paid plan." msgstr "" "Cara paling jitu untuk jadikan situs Anda beda: gunakan alamat unik di web. " "Mulai dari <b>.com</b> hingga <b>.blog</b>, tersedia domain khusus untuk " "disandingkan dengan nama Anda. Selain itu, gratis domain tahun pertama untuk " "paket berbayar apa pun." msgid "Your home on the web" msgstr "Rumah Anda di web" msgid "Start creating" msgstr "Mulai membuat" msgid "Infinitely effortless editing" msgstr "Pengeditan sangat mudah" msgid "Continue with Store" msgstr "Lanjutkan dengan Toko" msgid "Store image" msgstr "Gambar Toko" msgid "Continue with Video" msgstr "Lanjutkan dengan Video" msgid "Continue with Link in Bio" msgstr "Lanjutkan dengan Tautan di Bio" msgid "Link in Bio image" msgstr "Gambar Tautan di Bio" msgid "Continue with Newsletter" msgstr "Lanjutkan dengan Buletin" msgid "Newsletter image" msgstr "Gambar Buletin" msgid "Blog image" msgstr "Gambar Blog" msgid "Whatever you're building, there's a fast, intuitive way to get started." msgstr "Apa pun yang Anda buat, selalu ada cara cepat dan mudah untuk memulai." msgid "Find your theme" msgstr "Temukan tema Anda" msgid "" "Instantly transform the look and feel of your site with beautifully crafted " "themes and one-click layouts." msgstr "" "Mengubah tampilan dan suasana situs Anda dengan tema menawan dan tata letak " "sekali klik" msgid "" "{{line1}}Stand out with stylish{{/line1}}{{line2}}themes and patterns{{/" "line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Tampil beda dengan tema dan pola{{/line1}}{{line2}}yang modis{{/" "line2}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}Welcome to the world’s{{/line1}}{{line2}}most popular website " "builder.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Selamat datang di pembuat situs{{/line1}}{{line2}}terpopuler di " "dunia.{{/line2}}" msgid "Message Submitted" msgstr "Pesan Dikirim" msgid "%d min read" msgstr "Waktu baca: %1$d menit" msgid "support" msgstr "bantuan" msgid "" "You are showing your appreciation for %(siteSlug)s by gifting them their " "next subscription." msgstr "" "Anda memberikan apresiasi kepada %(siteSlug)s dengan menghadiahkan langganan " "untuk periode selanjutnya." msgid " Gift Subscription" msgstr " Gift Subscription" msgid "Get VaultPress Backup" msgstr "Dapatkan VaultPress Backup" msgid "Recommended WordPress Hosts" msgstr "Rekomendasi Penyedia Hosting WordPress" msgid "Enjoy this site?" msgstr "Suka situs ini?" msgid "" "We are writing to inform you that the cost to renew your domain name is " "increasing as of %1$s. To continue offering industry leading DNS services, " "free registrant identity protection, and world class support, we're " "increasing the prices on %2$s domain extensions." msgstr "" "Kami menginformasikan bahwa biaya untuk memperpanjang nama domain Anda akan " "naik mulai tanggal %1$s. Untuk tetap dapat memberikan layanan DNS yang " "terbaik, perlindungan identitas pendaftar secara gratis, dan dukungan kelas " "dunia, kami akan menaikkan harga %2$s ekstensi domain." msgid "" "Check your stats on-the-go and get real-time notifications with the Jetpack " "mobile app." msgstr "" "Cek statistik Anda di mana pun dan dapatkan notifikasi real-time dengan " "aplikasi ponsel Jetpack." msgid "Bring your stats with you using the Jetpack mobile app" msgstr "Bawa statistik Anda ke mana saja menggunakan aplikasi seluler Jetpack" msgid "" "Adds a link to your privacy policy to the notice popup triggered by the do " "not sell link (optional)." msgstr "" "Tambahkan tautan kebijakan privasi Anda ke popup informasi yang muncul " "setelah tautan \"jangan jualan\" diklik (opsional)." msgid "Get Akismet" msgstr "Dapatkan Akismet" msgid "Compared to previous 30 days" msgstr "Perbandingan dengan 30 hari yang lalu" msgid "" "%s has been removed because it cannot be purchased at the same time as other " "products in your cart." msgstr "" "%s telah dihapus karena tidak dapat dibeli pada saat yang sama dengan produk " "lainnya di keranjang Anda." msgid " Apply " msgstr "Terapkan" msgid "" "Activate %1$1s. <a href=\"%2$2s/wp-admin/admin.php?page=my-jetpack#/add-" "license\">Activate it now</a> or <a href=\"" "source=calypso-purchases&site=%3$3s\">view all your purchases</a>." msgstr "" "Aktifkan %1$1s. <a href=\"%2$2s/wp-admin/admin.php?page=my-jetpack#/add-" "license\">Aktifkan sekarang</a> atau <a href=\"" "source=calypso-purchases&site=%3$3s\">lihat semua belanjaan Anda</a>." msgid "Activate your product license now." msgstr "Aktifkan lisensi produk Anda sekarang." msgid "" "You have an available product license key. <a href=\"%1$1s/wp-admin/admin." "php?page=my-jetpack#/add-license\">Activate it now</a> or <a href=\"https://" "$2s\">view all your " "purchases</a>." msgstr "" "Anda mempunyai kode lisensi produk. <a href=\"%1$1s/wp-admin/admin.php?" "page=my-jetpack#/add-license\">Aktifkan sekarang</a> atau <a href=\"https://" "$2s\">lihat semua " "belanjaan Anda</a>." msgid "MailPoet Business" msgstr "MailPoet Business" msgid "This connection is invalid." msgstr "Koneksi ini tidak valid." msgid "All-time stats" msgstr "Statistik sepanjang waktu" msgid "All-time highlights" msgstr "Sorotan sepanjang waktu" msgid "Best hour" msgstr "Jam terbaik" msgid "Best day" msgstr "Hari terbaik" msgid "Most popular time" msgstr "Waktu paling populer" msgid "Forms" msgstr "Formulir" msgid "Thank you for your continued patronage!" msgstr "Terima kasih atas dukungan Anda!" msgid "Black Friday week sale - %s off all bundles and products" msgstr "Pekan Promo Black Friday - Diskon %s untuk semua bundel dan produk" msgid "Jetpack Complete, %s off this Black Friday week" msgstr "Jetpack Lengkap, diskon %s selama pekan Black Friday kali ini" msgid "Jetpack Security, %s off this Black Friday week" msgstr "Jetpack Security, diskon %s selama pekan Black Friday kali ini" msgid "Jetpack Backup, %s off this Black Friday week" msgstr "Jetpack Backup, diskon %s selama pekan Black Friday kali ini" msgid "Jetpack Black Friday sale - %s off" msgstr "Promo Black Friday Jetpack - Diskon %s" msgid "Get %s off individual products" msgstr "Dapatkan diskon %s untuk produk tunggal" msgid "" "Choose the plugins with the features that you need, and none that you dont. " "Individual plugins are now available for: Backup, Boost, CRM, Protect, " "Search, Social, and VideoPress." msgstr "" "Pilih plugin dengan fitur yang Anda butuhkan, dan hapus yang tidak " "diperlukan. Sekarang plugin tunggal tersedia untuk: Backup, Boost, CRM, " "Protect, Search, Social, dan VideoPress." msgid "Build your own Jetpack; now with individual plugins" msgstr "Buat Jetpack Anda sendiri, sekarang dengan plugin terpisah" msgid "Get %s off Jetpack Security" msgstr "Dapatkan diskon %s untuk Jetpack Security" msgid "" "The only WordPress security bundle that includes real-time cloud backups, " "website firewall, malware scanning, and anti-spam protection on comments and " "forms." msgstr "" "Satu-satunya bundel keamanan WordPress yang menyertakan pencadangan cloud " "real-time, firewall situs, pemindaian malware, dan perlindungan anti-spam " "pada komentar dan formulir." msgid "Comprehensive WordPress & WooCommerce security" msgstr "Keamanan WordPress & WooCommerce yang Komprehensif" msgid "Get %s off Jetpack Backup" msgstr "Dapatkan diskon %s untuk Jetpack Backup" msgid "" "With one-click restores and cloud backups that save every change, Jetpack " "Backup is the best backup solution for WordPress sites." msgstr "" "Dengan pemulihan sekali klik dan pencadangan cloud yang menyimpan setiap " "perubahan, Jetpack Backup adalah solusi pencadangan terbaik untuk situs " "WordPress." msgid "Protect your site content and store orders" msgstr "Lindungi konten situs dan pesanan toko Anda" msgid "" "There has never been a better time to secure your site or store; now with " "individual plugins." msgstr "" "Tidak ada kata terlambat untuk mengamankan situs dan toko Anda; sekarang " "dengan plugin tunggal." msgid "Jetpack Black Friday week: %s off all products and bundles!" msgstr "Pekan Black Friday Jetpack: Diskon %s untuk semua produk dan bundel!" msgid "" "There has never been a better time to secure your site. Sale ends 18th Feb." msgstr "" "Sekaranglah saat terbaik untuk mengamankan situs Anda. Promo berakhir pada " "18 Februari." msgid "" "Cyber Monday week sale: Take up to %1$d%% off all annual Jetpack bundles and " "products." msgstr "" "Promo pekan Cyber Monday: Dapatkan diskon hingga %1$d%% untuk semua produk " "dan bundel Jetpack tahunan." msgid "" "There has never been a better time to secure your site. Sale ends 26th Nov." msgstr "" "Sekaranglah saat terbaik untuk mengamankan situs Anda. Promo berakhir 26 " "November." msgid "" "Black Friday week sale: Take up to %1$d%% off all annual Jetpack bundles and " "products." msgstr "" "Promo pekan Black Friday: Dapatkan diskon hingga %1$d%% untuk semua bundel " "dan produk Jetpack tahunan." msgid "Built By Logo and Wordmark" msgstr "Logo dan Wordmark Built By" msgid "Jetpack Logo and Wordmark" msgstr "Logo dan Wordmark Jetpack" msgid "Akismet Logo and Wordmark" msgstr "Logo dan Wordmark Akismet" msgid "Video tutorial" msgstr "Tutorial video" msgid "Upgrade product" msgstr "Upgrade produk" msgid "Stop %s subscription" msgstr "Hentikan langganan %s." msgid "Remove %s product" msgstr "Hapus produk %s." msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "This won’t affect your existing site." msgstr "Domain tidak memengaruhi situs Anda saat ini." msgid "Enter the domain you would like to use:" msgstr "Masukkan domain yang ingin Anda gunakan:" msgid "Fictional review and tweets. But you know you thought it." msgstr "" "Bukan ulasan dan tweet nyata. Tapi, isinya pasti pernah terlintas di benak " "Anda, bukan?" msgid "" "Hi, it's us, Jetpack. Please meet our individual plugins. We think you'll " "be besties." msgstr "" "Hai, ini kami, Jetpack. Perkenalkan, ini adalah berbagai plugin individual " "kami. Kami rasa Anda semua pasti akan cocok." msgid "" "Set your video site apart with a custom domain. Not sure yet? {{span}}Decide " "later{{/span}}." msgstr "" "Gunakan domain khusus pada situs Video Anda. Belum yakin? {{span}}Aktifkan " "nanti{{/span}}." msgid "Back to Hosting Configuration" msgstr "Kembali ke Pengaturan Hosting" msgid "" "This is what your homepage will look like. You’ll be able to customize it " "further at any time." msgstr "" "Beranda Anda akan tampak seperti ini. Anda dapat menyesuaikannya kapan pun " "nanti." msgid "Videomaker white" msgstr "Videomaker terang" msgid "Videomaker dark" msgstr "Videomaker gelap" msgid "My Video Site" msgstr "Situs Video Saya" msgid "Customize some details about your new site." msgstr "Sesuaikan detail situs baru Anda" msgid "Add a short description of your video site here." msgstr "Tambahkan keterangan singkat untuk situs video Anda di sini." msgid "Set up your video site" msgstr "Siapkan situs video Anda" msgid "Kicking off the casting" msgstr "Mulai mencocokkan" msgid "Scouting the locations" msgstr "Mencari lokasi" msgid "Setting up your video site" msgstr "Menyiapkan situs video Anda" msgid "Launching video site" msgstr "Meluncurkan Situs Video" msgid "Upload your first video" msgstr "Unggah video pertama Anda" msgid "A home for all your videos.<br />Play. Roll. Share." msgstr "Rumah untuk semua video Anda.<br />Mainkan. Nikmati. Bagikan." msgid "Best for Video" msgstr "Terbaik untuk Video" msgid "Make your video site shine with a custom domain. Not sure yet?" msgstr "" "Jadikan situs video Anda lebih menarik dengan domain khusus. Masih ragu?" msgid "Get a free one-year domain with any paid plan." msgstr "" "Dapatkan satu domain gratis untuk satu tahun dengan paket berbayar mana pun." msgid "An error happened while verifying the receipt. The receipt is invalid" msgstr "" "Terjadi kesalahan saat memverifikasi tanda terima. Tanda terima tidak valid" msgid "An error happened while verifying the receipt. Verification failed" msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat memverifikasi tanda terima. Verifikasi gagal" msgid "" "An error happened while verifying the receipt. The receipt was already used" msgstr "" "Terjadi kesalahan saat memverifikasi tanda terima. Tanda terima sudah dipakai" msgid "An error happened while verifying the receipt. Invalid URL" msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat memverifikasi tanda terima. URL Tidak Sah." msgid "An error happened while verifying the receipt. Not an iOS receipt" msgstr "" "Terjadi kesalahan saat memverifikasi tanda terima. Bukan tanda terima iOS" msgid "Reseller account is not active" msgstr "Akun penyalur tidak aktif" msgid "Invalid credentials provided" msgstr "Kredensial yang diberikan tidak valid" msgid "Unsupported authentication mode" msgstr "Mode autentikasi tidak didukung." msgid "" "Your enterprise request has been submitted to our Enterprise Sales team. " "Rest assured that your email arrived safely and our enterprise team will be " "in touch as soon as we can." msgstr "" "Permintaan perusahaan Anda telah dikirimkan ke tim Penjualan Perusahaan " "kami. Dijamin email Anda akan sampai dengan aman dan tim perusahaan kami " "akan menghubungi sesegera mungkin." msgid "Submit Sales Request" msgstr "Kirim Permintaan Penjualan" msgid "Tell us a bit about your business needs:" msgstr "Beri tahu kami tentang kebutuhan bisnis Anda:" msgid "Company Name" msgstr "Nama Perusahaan" msgid "Please provide further details about your business needs." msgstr "Silakan masukkan informasi terperinci tentang kebutuhan bisnis Anda." msgid "Please provide your phone number." msgstr "Silakan masukkan nomor telepon Anda." msgid "Please provide the name of your primary website." msgstr "Silakan masukkan nama situs web utama Anda." msgid "Please provide the name of your company." msgstr "Silakan masukkan nama perusahaan Anda." msgid "Please provide last name." msgstr "Silakan masukkan nama belakang Anda." msgid "Please provide first name." msgstr "Silakan masukkan nama depan Anda." msgid "Social Free" msgstr "Gratis Social" msgid "- Select Industry -" msgstr "- Pilih Bidang Usaha -" msgid "" "An error occurred and your {{strong}}%(licenseItem)s{{/strong}} wasn't " "assigned to {{em}}%(selectedSite)s{{/em}}." msgstr "" "Terjadi error dan {{strong}}%(licenseItem)s{{/strong}} Anda belum ditugaskan " "ke {{em}}%(selectedSite)s{{/em}}." msgid "The receipt is in your email inbox." msgstr "Resi sudah dikirimkan ke inbox e-mail Anda." msgid "All done! Thank you for supporting %(siteName)s." msgstr "Selesai! Terima kasih sudah mendukung %(siteName)s" msgid "" "Know someone else who would enjoy the site you just supported? Click the " "button to copy the link and share with friends." msgstr "" "Kenal seseorang yang mungkin menikmati situs yang baru saja Anda dukung? " "Klik tombol untuk menyalin tautan dan membagikannya kepada teman." msgid "" "Go back to the site you just supported to continue enjoying their content." msgstr "" "Kembali ke situs yang baru saja Anda dukung agar kontennya tetap Anda dapat " "nikmati." msgid "Continue Browsing" msgstr "Lanjutkan Menjelajah" msgid "Copy Site URL" msgstr "Salin URL Situs" msgid "" "Reduce cart abandonment and create a frictionless checkout experience with " "Link by Stripe. Link autofills your customer’s payment and shipping details, " "so they can check out in just six seconds with the Link optimized experience." msgstr "" "Kurangi pengabaian keranjang dan buat pengalaman checkout tanpa hambatan " "dengan Link dari Stripe. Link mengisi detail pembayaran dan pengiriman " "pelanggan Anda secara otomatis sehingga pelanggan dapat melakukan checkout " "hanya dalam enam detik menggunakan pengalaman optimal Link." msgid "" "Twenty Twenty-Three is designed to take advantage of the new design tools " "introduced in WordPress 6.1. With a clean, blank base as a starting point, " "this default theme includes ten diverse style variations created by members " "of the WordPress community. Whether you want to build a complex or " "incredibly simple website, you can do it quickly and intuitively through the " "bundled styles or dive into creation and full customization yourself." msgstr "" "Twenty Twenty-Three dirancang untuk memanfaatkan alat desain baru yang " "diperkenalkan dalam versi WordPress 6.1. Dengan titik awal yang bersih dan " "kosong, tema default ini menyertakan sepuluh variasi gaya berbeda dari para " "anggota komunitas WordPress. Baik ingin membangun situs yang rumit atau " "sangat sederhana, Anda dapat membangunnya dengan cepat dan intuitif " "menggunakan bundel gaya, atau buat dan sesuaikan sendiri." msgid "" "Inserts \"Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information\" link required by " "some US states to opt-out of targeted advertising" msgstr "" "Menyisipkan tautan \"Jangan Menjual atau Membagikan Informasi Pribadi Saya\" " "yang diwajibkan oleh beberapa negara bagian AS untuk menolak pengiklanan " "bertarget" msgid "Do Not Sell Link (US Privacy)" msgstr "Tautan Jangan Jual (Privasi AS)" msgid "" "If you'd prefer not to see ads that are personalized based on information " "from your visits to this site, you can opt-out by toggling the \"Do Not Sell " "or Share My Personal Information\" switch below to the On position." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak ingin melihat iklan yang dipersonalisasi berdasarkan " "informasi dari kunjungan Anda di situs ini, Anda dapat menolaknya dengan " "mengatur tombol \"Jangan Jual atau Bagikan Informasi Pribadi Saya\"di bawah " "ini ke posisi On." msgid "" "Failure to add this link will result in non-compliance with privacy laws in " "some US states." msgstr "" "Bila tidak menambahkan tautan ini, artinya Anda tidak mematuhi hukum privasi " "di beberapa negara bagian Amerika Serikat." msgid "" "If you enable targeted advertising in all US states you are required to " "place a \"Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information\" link on every page " "of your site where targeted advertising will appear. You can use the {{a}}Do " "Not Sell Link Widget{{/a}}, or the {{code}}[privacy-do-not-sell-link]{{/" "code}} shortcode to automatically place this link on your site. Note: the " "link will always display to logged in administrators regardless of " "geolocation." msgstr "" "Jika Anda mengaktifkan pengiklanan bertarget di semua negara bagian Amerika " "Serikat, Anda wajib membubuhkan tautan \"Jangan Jual atau Bagikan Informasi " "Pribadi Saya\" pada setiap halaman situs Anda di mana pengiklanan bertarget " "akan muncul. Anda dapat menggunakan{{a}}Widget Tautan Larangan Menjual{{/" "a}}, atau kode singkat {{code}}[privacy-do-not-sell-link]{{/code}}untuk " "menyertakan tautan ini secara otomatis pada situs Anda. Catatan: tautan ini " "akan selalu ditampilkan kepada administrator yang login, terlepas dari " "lokasi mereka." msgid "" "Some US states have laws that require offering site visitors an opt-out from " "having their data used to personalize ads. Targeted advertising is off in " "certain states unless you enable it." msgstr "" "Beberapa negara bagian Amerika Serikat memiliki hukum yang mewajibkan " "ditawarkannya pilihan kepada pengunjung situs untuk menolak digunakannya " "data mereka untuk mempersonalisasi iklan. Pengiklanan bertarget tidak aktif " "di beberapa negara bagian, kecuali Anda mengaktifkannya." msgid "Enable targeted advertising to site visitors in all US states." msgstr "" "Aktifkan periklanan tertarget untuk pengunjung dari semua negara di Amerika " "Serikat." msgid "" "Enables a targeted advertising opt-out link in US states where this is " "legally required." msgstr "" "Aktifkan tautan untuk menolak iklan tertarget (telah menjadi peraturan wajib " "resmi di Amerika Serikat)." msgid "plans" msgstr "paket" msgid "pricing" msgstr "harga" msgid "Cache key must be an integer or a non-empty string, %s given." msgstr "" "Kunci cache harus berupa string bilangan bulat atau tidak kosong, %s " "diberikan." msgid "Cache key must not be an empty string." msgstr "Kunci cache tidak boleh berupa string kosong." msgid "Receive your finished site in %d business days or less!" msgstr "Situs Anda akan selesai dalam %d hari kerja atau kurang!" msgctxt "" "Describes the amount of money it costs to upgrade per month, e.g. \"Fast, " "relevant, customized search starting at $5 per month\"" msgid "" "Fast, relevant, customized search. Start for free. Paid plans starting at " "%1$s per month, with annual billing" msgstr "" "Pencarian kustom yang tepat dan cepat. Mulai gratis. Paket berbayar dimulai " "dari %1$s per bulan, dengan penagihan tahunan" msgid "" "Please contact our <a href=\"/contact-jetpack-search-enterprise-sales" "\">enterprise sales team</a>" msgstr "" "Silakan hubungi <a href=\"/contact-jetpack-search-enterprise-sales\">tim " "penjualan perusahaan</a> kami" msgid "Let’s create a custom solution that fits your business goals." msgstr "Mari buat solusi khusus yang sesuai dengan tujuan bisnis Anda." msgid "Need more options?" msgstr "Perlu pilihan lainnya?" msgid "" "For more details on features and pricing, see the <a href=\"/support/search" "\">support documentation for Jetpack Search</a>" msgstr "" "Untuk detail lebih lanjut tentang fitur dan harga, lihat <a href=\"/support/" "search\">dokumentasi dukungan untuk Jetpack Search</a>" msgctxt "Describes the amount of money for each additional 10K records" msgid "" "An additional %1$s per every additional 10K records and/or requests per month" msgstr "Tambahan %1$s setiap penambahan dan/atau permintaan data 10K per bulan" msgid "Not Included" msgstr "Tidak Termasuk" msgid "%s Requests" msgstr "%s Permintaan" msgid "Branding Removed" msgstr "Brand Dihapus" msgid "%s Requests*" msgstr "%s Permintaan*" msgid "%s Records*" msgstr "%s Data*" msgid "Starting price per month, billed yearly" msgstr "Harga mulai per bulan, ditagih tahunan" msgid "Spelling Correction" msgstr "Pengoreksi Ejaan" msgid "Instant Search and indexing" msgstr "Pencarian Instan dan pengindeksan" msgid "Unbranded Search" msgstr "Pencarian Tanpa Merek" msgid "Monthly Requests" msgstr "Permintaan Bulanan" msgid "Number of Records" msgstr "Jumlah Data" msgid "The best WordPress search experience" msgstr "Pengalaman pencarian WordPress terbaik" msgid "Free to start. Tiered pricing as your site grows." msgstr "Mulai gratis. Harga berjenjang seiring pertumbuhan situs Anda." msgid "Get Jetpack Search for free" msgstr "Dapatkan Jetpack Search Gratis" msgid "Try out Jetpack Search for free" msgstr "Coba Jetpack Search Gratis" msgid "Try out Jetpack Search on %s for free" msgstr "Coba Jetpack Search pada %s gratis" msgctxt "Stats: List item action to view content" msgid "Promote" msgstr "Promosikan" msgid "Views over 48 hours. Click for more Jetpack Stats." msgstr "" "Penayangan dalam 48 jam. Klik untuk melihat Statistik Situs lebih lanjut." msgid "View Jetpack Stats without JavaScript" msgstr "Lihat Statistik Jetpack tanpa JavaScript" msgid "Jetpack Stats work better with JavaScript enabled." msgstr "" "Statistik Jetpack Anda berfungsi dengan lebih baik jika JavaScript " "diaktifkan." msgid "" "Simple and concise statistics about your traffic. Jetpack Stats collects " "data on page views, likes, comments,\n" "\t\tlocations, and top posts. View them in your dashboard or on WordPress." "com." msgstr "" "Statistik sederhana tetapi sarat informasi tentang lalu lintas kunjungan " "Anda. Statistik Jetpack mengumpulkan data tentang penayangan halaman, suka, " "komentar,\n" "\t\tlokasi, dan pos paling populer. Lihat semuanya di dasbor atau di " "" msgctxt "Module Tag" msgid "Jetpack Stats" msgstr "Statistik Jetpack" msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Jetpack Stats" msgstr "Statistik Jetpack" msgctxt "label for filtering posts" msgid "Blogs" msgstr "Blog" msgid "Unlock premium themes and advanced customization options." msgstr "Dapatkan tema premium dan pilihan penyesuaian lanjutan." msgid "Unlock advanced customization options." msgstr "Dapatkan pilihan penyesuaian lanjutan." msgid "Buy a card reader" msgstr "Beli pembaca kartu" msgid "" "Sell anywhere and take card or digital wallet payments using a mobile card " "reader." msgstr "" "Jual dari mana saja dan terima pembayaran kartu atau dompet digital " "menggunakan pembaca kartu seluler." msgid "In-person card payments" msgstr "Pembayaran kartu langsung" msgid "Assign %(numLicenses)d License" msgid_plural "Assign %(numLicenses)d Licenses" msgstr[0] "Terapkan %(numLicenses)d Lisensi" msgstr[1] "Terapkan %(numLicenses)d Lisensi" msgid "Year in review" msgstr "Ulasan tahun" msgid "%(year)s in review" msgstr "Ulasan %(year)s" msgid "" "This theme has been renamed to reflect that support for it is now provided " "directly by The theme will continue to work as before." msgstr "" "Tema berikut telah diganti namanya untuk menunjukkan bahwa dukungannya " "sekarang disediakan langsung oleh Tema akan terus berfungsi " "seperti sebelumnya." msgid "Scan Daily" msgstr "Pindai Setiap Hari" msgid "Full Jetpack package" msgstr "Paket Jetpack lengkap" msgid "1TB cloud storage" msgstr "Penyimpanan cloud 1TB" msgid "All Security products" msgstr "Semua produk Security" msgid "Includes all Security 1TB and full Jetpack package." msgstr "Termasuk semua paket Security 1TB dan Jetpack lengkap." msgctxt "verb" msgid "Subscribe on:" msgstr "Berlangganan pada:" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Subscribe" msgstr "Berlangganan" msgid "Upgrade to subscribe" msgstr "Upgrade untuk berlangganan" msgid "Subscribe to this design" msgstr "Berlangganan desain berikut" msgid "Avg. Order Value" msgstr "Omzet Rata-Rata" msgid "Enable featured image on your new post emails" msgstr "Aktifkan gambar unggulan pada e-mail pos baru Anda" msgid "Your site has additional storage for Jetpack VaultPress Backup." msgstr "" "Situs Anda memiliki penyimpanan tambahan untuk Jetpack VaultPress Backup." msgid "Add-on Storage (1TB)" msgstr "Add-on Storage (1TB)" msgid "Add-on Storage (100GB)" msgstr "Add-on Storage (100GB)" msgid "Add-on Storage (10GB)" msgstr "Add-on Storage (10GB)" msgid "Add %(storage)s additional storage for {{price/}}" msgstr "Dapatkan penyimpanan tambahan %(storage)s seharga {{price/}}" msgid "The category description, in human readable format." msgstr "Deskripsi kategori, dalam format yang mudah dibaca." msgctxt "Block pattern category" msgid "Posts" msgstr "Pos" msgid "Jetpack helps you %1$sstay compliant with %1$sthe GDPR" msgstr "Jetpack membantu Anda %1$stetap taat terhadap %1$sGDPR" msgid "" "Jetpack understands the General Data Protection Regulation. {{link}}Read " "more about how Jetpack is committed to operating in accordance with the GDPR." "{{/link}}" msgstr "" "Jetpack memahami General Data Protection Regulation. {{link}}Baca " "selengkapnya tentang komitmen Jetpack untuk dapat berfungsi sesuai dengan " "GDPR.{{/link}}" msgid "Does Jetpack comply with the GDPR?" msgstr "Apakah Jetpack mematuhi GDPR?" msgid "GDPR" msgstr "GDPR" msgid "" "<p>Please <a href=\"\">let us know</a> " "how we can make this page better.</p>" msgstr "" "<p>Harap <a href=\"\">sampaikan masukan " "Anda</a> untuk membuat halaman ini jadi lebih baik.</p>" msgid "Do you see any information missing on this page?" msgstr "Apakah ada informasi lain yang seharusnya ditampilkan di halaman ini?" msgid "" "<p>If you have more specific questions about Jetpack and the GDPR feel free " "to <a href=\"\">reach out to us</a> and " "we’ll be happy to help.</p>" msgstr "" "<p>Jika Anda punya pertanyaan lebih spesifik tentang Jetpack dan GDPR, " "jangan ragu untuk <a href=\"" "\">menghubungi kami</a>. Kami akan bantu dengan senang hati.</p>" msgid "Who do I contact for more questions about Jetpack and the GDPR?" msgstr "" "Siapa yang perlu saya hubungi jika punya pertanyaan tentang Jetpack dan GFPR?" msgid "" "<p>Check out <a href=\"\">this blog " "post</a> for more detailed information about Jetpack, your site and the GDPR." "</p>" msgstr "" "<p>Baca <a href=\"\">artikel berikut</" "a> untuk informasi lebih detail tentang Jetpack, situs Anda, dan GDPR.</p>" msgid "Where can I learn more about Jetpack and the GDPR?" msgstr "Di mana saya dapat mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang Jetpack dan GDPR?" msgid "" "<p>We publish <a href=\"\">a Privacy " "Notice</a> to provide you with an overview of the data we collect from your " "site visitors when you install and use Jetpack or other services from " "Automattic. You can also find detailed descriptions of the exact data that’s " "collected, and who it’s collected from, for each Jetpack module in <a href=" "\"\">the Jetpack Privacy Center</a>.</p>" msgstr "" "<p>Kami memublikasikan <a href=\"" "\">Pemberitahuan Privasi</a> untuk menyampaikan ikhtisar data yang kami " "kumpulkan dari pengunjung situs saat Anda menginstal dan menggunakan Jetpack " "atau layanan lain dari Automattic. Anda juga dapat membaca detail deskripsi " "data yang dikumpulkan, serta sumber datanya, untuk tiap modul Jetpack di <a " "href=\"\">Pusat Privasi Jetpack</a>.</p>" msgid "" "How do I find out more about what data Jetpack is collecting about my site’s " "visitors?" msgstr "" "Bagaimana saya dapat mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang data yang dikumpulkan " "Jetpack terkait pengunjung situs? " msgid "" "<p>In Schrems II the European Court of Justice found that the Privacy Shield " "was not valid under the GDPR as a means of legally transferring data from " "the EU to the US. In the same ruling the court upheld the SCCs as being " "legal and valid. Jetpack never transferred data under the Privacy Shield, it " "always relied on the SCCs, so the ruling did not affect Jetpack’s data " "transfers.</p>" msgstr "" "<p>Dalam Schrems II, European Court of Justice menyatakan bahwa, menurut " "GDPR, Privacy Shield tidak valid sebagai sarana transfer data dari UE ke AS " "yang legal. Dalam putusan yang sama, pengadilan menguatkan SCCs sebagai " "sarana yang sah dan valid. Jetpack tidak pernah mentransfer data melalui " "Privacy Shield karena selalu mengandalkan SCCs, dan oleh karena itu putusan " "tersebut tidak memengaruhi transfer data Jetpack.</p>" msgid "" "How does the Schrems II Ruling about the Privacy Shield affect my Jetpack " "site?" msgstr "" "Bagaimana pengaruh Putusan Shrems II tentang Privacy Shield pada situs " "Jetpack saya?" msgid "" "<p>You can request a DPA from <a href=\"" "\">your Privacy Settings</a>.</p>" msgstr "" "<p>Anda dapat mengajukan permohonan DPA dari <a href=\"" "me/privacy\">Pengaturan Privasi Anda</a>.</p>" msgid "How can I get a Data Processing Agreement (DPA)?" msgstr "Bagaimana saya bisa mendapatkan Perjanjian Pemrosesan Data (DPA)?" msgid "" "<p>Like many companies we sometimes transfer data out of the EU. In general, " "transfers of personal data out of the EU are covered by the Standard " "Contractual Clauses where there isn‘t already an adequacy agreement in place " "with the receiving country. We also include the Standard Contractual Clauses " "in our Data Processing Agreement, which you can request from <a href=" "\"\">your Privacy Settings</a>.</p></p>" msgstr "" "<p>Seperti perusahaan kebanyakan, terkadang kami mentransfer data keluar " "dari UE. Secara umum, transfer data pribadi keluar dari UE diatur dalam " "Klausul Kontrak Standar yang belum mencakup perjanjian pemenuhan dengan " "negara penerima. Kami juga menyertakan Klausul Kontrak Standar di dalam " "Perjanjian Pemrosesan Data kami, yang permohonannya bisa diajukan dari <a " "href=\"\">Pengaturan Privasi Anda</a>.</p></" "p>" msgid "Does Jetpack transfer data out of the EU?" msgstr "Apakah Jetpack mentransfer data keluar dari UE (Uni Eropa)?" msgid "" "<p>Jetpack and its parent company Automattic take data privacy and the GDPR " "very seriously. We respect the GDPR’s principles of minimizing the amount of " "data we collect, being transparent about what data we collect and how we use " "it, complying with EU law in regards to any data that is transferred to non-" "EU countries, and not keeping data longer than we need it for the purpose it " "was collected. You can read more about the data we collect, how data is used " "and shared, and how long data is retained in <a href=\"https://automattic." "com/privacy/\">our Privacy Policy</a>.</p>" msgstr "" "<p>Jetpack dan perusahaan induknya, Automattic, sangat serius dalam hal " "privasi data dan GDPR. Kami menghormati prinsip GDPR untuk meminimalkan " "jumlah data yang kami kumpulkan, bersikap transparan terkait data yang kami " "kumpulkan, dan cara kami menggunakannya, sesuai dengan Undang-Undang UE (Uni " "Eropa) terkait data yang ditransfer ke negara non-UE, dan tidak menyimpan " "data lebih dari yang dibutuhkan atas dasar tujuan pengumpulannya. Anda dapat " "mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang data yang kami kumpulkan, bagaimana data " "digunakan dan dibagikan, serta rentang waktu penyimpanan data dalam <a href=" "\"\">Kebijakan Privasi kami</a>.</p>" msgid "How does Jetpack comply with the GDPR?" msgstr "Bagaimana Jetpack mematuhi GDPR?" msgid "" "<p>The GDPR is a European law that grants some personal data rights to " "individuals in the European Union. Its requirements apply to many sites and " "online businesses who collect, store, and process personal data about " "individuals in the EU.</p><p>The GDPR, among other things, requires " "companies and site owners to be transparent about how they collect, use and " "share personal data. It also gives individuals more access and more choice " "when it comes to how their own personal data is collected, used, and shared." "</p><p>You can read the full text of the law <a href=\"" "justice/data-protection/reform/files/regulation_oj_en.pdf\">here</a>.</p>" msgstr "" "<p>GDPR adalah Undang-Undang Eropa yang memberikan sejumlah hak data pribadi " "kepada individu di Uni Eropa. Persyaratannya berlaku untuk berbagai situs " "dan bisnis online yang mengumpulkan, menyimpan, dan memproses data pribadi " "tentang individu di UE.</p><p>Salah satu persyaratan GDPR mewajibkan " "perusahaan dan pemilik situs untuk transparan dalam cara mereka " "mengumpulkan, menggunakan, dan membagikan data pribadi. Regulasi ini juga " "memberikan tiap orang lebih banyak akses dan pilihan terkait cara data " "pribadi mereka dikumpulkan, digunakan, dan dibagikan.</p><p>Anda dapat " "membaca teks tentang peraturan selengkapnya <a href=\"" "justice/data-protection/reform/files/regulation_oj_en.pdf\">di sini</a>.</p>" msgid "What is the GDPR?" msgstr "Apa itu GDPR?" msgid "" "We store Jetpack data on servers worldwide so as to ensure Jetpack’s " "stability and speed, while also ensuring that data is transferred out of the " "EU in accordance with the GDPR (more info in our FAQ below)." msgstr "" "Kami menyimpan data Jetpack di server di seluruh dunia untuk menjamin " "stabilitas dan kecepatan Jetpack, serta memastikan bahwa data yang " "ditransfer keluar dari Uni Eropa sesuai dengan GDPR (info lebih lanjut di " "Pertanyaan Umum kami di bawah)." msgid "Keeping personal data secure" msgstr "Menjaga data pribadi tetap aman" msgid "" "We offer multiple tools to help you make your site compliant, such as our <a " "href=\"\">Privacy Policy " "Helper</a> to help you construct a custom policy, as well as features that " "make it easier for users to delete or export their data if they want." msgstr "" "Kami menawarkan beberapa alat untuk membantu kepatuhan situs Anda, seperti " "<a href=\"\">Pembantu " "Kebijakan Privasi</a> untuk membantu Anda menyusun kebijakan khusus, serta " "fitur yang memudahkan pengguna menghapus atau mengekspor data jika " "diinginkan." msgid "Tools for ongoing compliance" msgstr "Alat untuk mematuhi peraturan yang berlaku" msgid "" "From being able to opt-out from our analytics system, to being able to " "request a copy of the data that Jetpack has associated with your account, " "Jetpack designs and develops features with GDPR compliance in mind." msgstr "" "Mulai dari dapat menonaktifkan sistem analitik kami hingga dapat mengajukan " "permohonan salinan data Jetpack yang terhubung dengan akun Anda, Jetpack " "merancang dan mengembangkan fitur yang sesuai dengan peraturan GDPR." msgid "Giving you more control" msgstr "Memberikan kontrol lebih" msgid "" "We are committed to operating in accordance with the GDPR, and to giving you " "tools and resources to help you better understand and comply with the law on " "your own site." msgstr "" "Kami berkomitmen menjalankan layanan sesuai Peraturan Perlindungan Data Umum " "(GDPR) serta menyediakan alat dan sumber daya untuk membantu Anda lebih " "memahami dan mematuhi undang-undang untuk kepentingan situs Anda sendiri." msgid "" "We'll use this information to help you set up payments, shipping, and taxes, " "and recommend you the best theme." msgstr "" "Kami akan menggunakan informasi berikut untuk membantu Anda menyiapkan " "pembayaran, pengiriman, dan pajak, serta merekomendasikan Anda tema terbaik." msgid "Tell us a bit about your store" msgstr "Beri tahu kami tentang toko Anda" msgid "Where will your business be located?" msgstr "Di mana bisnis Anda akan berlokasi?" msgid "In which industry does your store operate?" msgstr "Pada industri apa toko Anda beroperasi?" msgid "Name of your store" msgstr "Nama toko Anda" msgid "Create your store" msgstr "Buat toko Anda" msgid "Set up your online store<br />in minutes" msgstr "Siapkan toko online Anda<br />dalam beberapa menit" msgid "" "Your object cache implementation does not support flushing the in-memory " "runtime cache." msgstr "" "Implementasi cache objek Anda tidak mendukung pembersihan cache runtime " "dalam memori." msgid "" "Your object cache implementation does not support flushing individual groups." msgstr "" "Implementasi cache objek Anda tidak mendukung pembersihan grup individual." msgid "Select the Jetpack products you would like to issue a new license for:" msgstr "Pilih produk Jetpack yang ingin Anda berikan lisensi barunya:" msgid "" "Select the Jetpack products you would like to add to " "{{strong}}%(selectedSiteDomain)s{{/strong}}:" msgstr "" "Pilih produk Jetpack yang ingin Anda tambahkan ke " "{{strong}}%(selectedSiteDomain)s{{/strong}}:" msgid "" "Allow a site visitor to cover the full cost of your site's " "plan." msgstr "" "Izinkan pengunjung situs menanggung semua biaya paket untuk " "situs Anda." msgctxt "Jetpack Backup Additional Storage" msgid "Backup Storage (1TB)" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan Backup (1TB)" msgctxt "Jetpack Backup Additional Storage" msgid "Backup Storage (100GB)" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan Backup (100GB)" msgctxt "Jetpack Backup Additional Storage" msgid "Backup Storage (10GB)" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan Backup (10GB)" msgid "I do not need to restore from a backup" msgstr "Saya tidak perlu memulihkan dari cadangan" msgid "" "When your plan previously expired, your site reverted. {{supportLink}}Follow " "these steps to restore a backup{{/supportLink}}, restoring your site to how " "it looked before the plan expired.{{lineBreak/}}No further action is needed " "if you do not need to restore from a backup." msgstr "" "Ketika paket Anda telah kedaluwarsa, situs Anda dikembalikan. {{supportLink}}" "Ikuti langkah-langkah berikut untuk memulihkan cadangan{{/supportLink}} " "(memulihkan situs Anda ke tampilan sebelum paket kedaluwarsa).{{lineBreak/}}" "Tidak diperlukan tindakan lebih lanjut jika Anda tidak ingin memulihkan dari " "cadangan." msgid "Restore a Backup" msgstr "Pulihkan Cadangan" msgid "I do not need hosting features" msgstr "Saya tidak membutuhkan fitur hosting" msgid "" "When your plan previously expired, your site lost access to hosting " "features, including plugins. {{supportLink}}Follow these steps to continue " "using your previous features{{/supportLink}}, by re-activating hosting " "configuration.{{lineBreak/}}No further action is needed if you do not need " "hosting features." msgstr "" "Ketika paket Anda telah kedaluwarsa, situs Anda kehilangan akses ke fitur " "hosting, termasuk plugin. {{supportLink}}Ikuti langkah-langkah berikut untuk " "terus menggunakan fitur sebelumnya{{/supportLink}}, dengan mengaktifkan " "kembali konfigurasi hosting.{{lineBreak/}}Tidak diperlukan tindakan lebih " "lanjut jika Anda tidak memerlukan fitur hosting." msgid "Rate %1$s" msgstr "Beri rating %1$s" msgid "Nice work using %1$s!" msgstr "Kerja bagus menggunakan %1$s!" msgid "Jetpack has successfully restored your site" msgstr "Jetpack berhasil memulihkan situs Anda" msgid "Was it easy to restore your site?" msgstr "Apakah mudah untuk memulihkan situs Anda?" msgid "Rate %1$s!" msgstr "Beri rating %1$s!" msgid "Please leave a review and help us spread the word." msgstr "Harap beri ulasan dan bantu kami menyebarkan kabar ini." msgid "How has your experience been?" msgstr "Bagaimana pengalaman Anda selama ini?" msgid "Jetpack is protecting your site with real-time backups" msgstr "Jetpack melindungi situs Anda dengan pencadangan real-time" msgid "Do you enjoy the peace of mind of having site backups?" msgstr "Apakah Anda dapat bersantai dengan adanya pencadangan situs?" msgctxt "button label" msgid "Issue %(numLicenses)d license" msgid_plural "Issue %(numLicenses)d licenses" msgstr[0] "Buat %(numLicenses)d lisensi" msgstr[1] "Buat %(numLicenses)d lisensi" msgid "Switch to a two-year plan" msgstr "Beralih ke paket dua tahun" msgid "" "When checking for the %s capability, you must always check it against a " "specific user." msgstr "" "Saat memeriksa kemampuan %s, Anda harus selalu memeriksanya terhadap " "pengguna tertentu." msgid "" "When checking for the %s capability, you must always check it against a " "specific term." msgstr "" "Saat memeriksa kemampuan %s, Anda harus selalu memeriksanya dengan istilah " "tertentu." msgid "" "When checking for the %s capability, you must always check it against a " "specific comment." msgstr "" "Saat memeriksa kemampuan %s, Anda harus selalu memeriksanya dengan komentar " "tertentu." msgid "" "When checking for the %s capability, you must always check it against a " "specific page." msgstr "" "Saat memeriksa kemampuan %s, Anda harus selalu memeriksanya pada halaman " "tertentu." msgid "" "When checking for the %s capability, you must always check it against a " "specific post." msgstr "" "Saat memeriksa kemampuan %s, Anda harus selalu memeriksanya di artikel " "tertentu." msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" type=\"%2$s\" context=\"%3$s\">Reactivate now</a> to " "continue enjoying features such as increased storage space, access to expert " "support, and automatic removal of ads." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" type=\"%2$s\" context=\"%3$s\">Aktifkan kembali</a> " "sekarang agar bisa terus menikmati fitur-fitur seperti ruang penyimpanan " "lebih besar, akses ke dukungan ahli, dan penghapusan otomatis iklan " "" msgid "Your plan for %1$s expired %2$s day ago." msgid_plural "Your plan for %1$s expired %2$s days ago." msgstr[0] "Paket %1$s Anda kedaluwarsa %2$s hari yang lalu." msgstr[1] "Paket %1$s Anda kedaluwarsa %2$s hari yang lalu." msgid "Reactivate your expired plan for %1$s to restore features" msgstr "Aktifkan ulang paket kedaluwarsa %1$s Anda untuk memulihkan fitur" msgid "Reactivate now" msgstr "Aktifkan ulang sekarang" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"post-url\" data-wpcom-track>Read on " "blog</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"post-url\" data-wpcom-track>Baca di " "blog</a>" msgid "7-day highlights" msgstr "Sorotan 7-hari" msgctxt "Order date parsed by DateTime::format" msgid "M d, Y @ h:i A" msgstr "M d, Y @ h:i A" msgid "Subscription – %s" msgstr "Langganan – %s" msgid "Increase conversion at checkout" msgstr "Tingkatkan konversi saat checkout" msgid "Forums topics" msgstr "Topik forum" msgid "Accept a gift subscription" msgstr "Terima langganan gratis" msgid "Save %s%% by paying annually" msgstr "Hemat %s%% dengan pembayaran tahunan" msgid "We get it. Picking a plan is tough." msgstr "Kami paham. Menentukan paket itu sulit." msgid "Get a free one-year domain with any paid plan" msgstr "Dapatkan domain gratis selama satu tahun untuk paket berbayar mana pun" msgid "Let’s get you set up with a custom domain" msgstr "Mari siapkan doman kustom untuk Anda" msgid "Includes:" msgstr "Termasuk" msgid "%1$s per month, billed as %2$s annually" msgstr "Harga %1$s per bulan, ditagihkan per tahun sebesar %2$s" msgid "Here’s how it stacks up against our other recommended plan:" msgstr "Ini perbandingannya dengan paket rekomendasi kami lainnya:" msgid "We get it. <strong>Picking a plan is tough.</strong>" msgstr "Kami paham. <strong>Menentukan paket itu sulit.</strong>" msgid "Best for Newsletter" msgstr "Terbaik untuk Buletin" msgid "We noticed you took some time out on launching your new Newsletter." msgstr "" "Kami lihat Anda memerlukan waktu cukup lama untuk meluncurkan Buletin baru." msgid "Lock in a plan and launch that Newsletter" msgstr "Pilih paket dan luncurkan Buletin Anda" msgid "We noticed you took some time out on launching your new Link in Bio." msgstr "" "Kami lihat Anda memerlukan waktu cukup lama untuk meluncurkan Tautan di Bio " "baru." msgid "Need a little help picking out a plan?" msgstr "Perlu bantuan menentukan paket?" msgid "Lock in a plan and launch that Link in Bio" msgstr "Pilih paket dan luncurkan Tautan di Bio Anda" msgid "Already <strong>own a domain</strong>?" msgstr "Sudah <strong>memiliki domain</strong>?" msgid "View domains" msgstr "Lihat domain" msgid "Get a <strong>free one-year domain</strong> with any paid plan" msgstr "" "Dapatkan <strong>domain gratis selama satu tahun</strong> untuk paket " "berbayar mana pun" msgid "Let’s get you set up with <strong>a custom domain</strong>" msgstr "Mari siapkan <strong>domain khusus</strong> untuk Anda" msgid "" "If you already own a domain name, you can link it up to your Newsletter." msgstr "" "Jika sudah memiliki nama domain, Anda dapat menautkannya ke Buletin Anda." msgid "Ready to finish setting up your Newsletter?" msgstr "Siap menyelesaikan penyiapan Buletin Anda?" msgid "" "We get it. Picking the perfect domain for your Newsletter can be tough. If " "you haven’t quite hit on the perfect .com, don’t fret. We have a bunch of " "popular domains like <strong>.me</strong> and <strong>.blog</strong> that " "will help put your fingerprint on it." msgstr "" "Kami paham. Menentukan domain yang tepat untuk Buletin Anda itu sulit. Jika " "Anda belum menemukan .com yang tepat, jangan khawatir. Kami memiliki " "sejumlah domain populer seperti <strong>.me</strong> dan <strong>.blog</" "strong> yang mungkin menarik perhatian Anda." msgid "Stand out from competition with the perfect domain name." msgstr "Tampil menonjol dalam persaingan dengan nama domain yang tepat." msgid "Get your domain set up to stand out" msgstr "Siapkan domain Anda agar menonjol" msgid "" "If you already own a domain name, you can link it up to your Link in Bio." msgstr "" "Jika sudah memiliki nama domain, Anda dapat menautkannya ke Tautan di Bio " "Anda." msgid "Ready to finish setting up your Link in Bio?" msgstr "Siap menyelesaikan penyiapan Tautan di Bio Anda?" msgid "" "We get it. Picking the perfect domain for your Link in Bio can be tough. If " "you haven’t quite hit on the perfect .com, don’t fret. We have a bunch of " "popular domains like <strong>.me</strong> and <strong>.blog</strong> that " "will help put your fingerprint on it." msgstr "" "Kami paham. Menentukan domain yang tepat untuk Tautan di Bio Anda itu sulit. " "Jika Anda belum menemukan .com yang tepat, jangan khawatir. Kami memiliki " "sejumlah domain populer seperti <strong>.me</strong> dan <strong>.blog</" "strong> yang mungkin menarik perhatian Anda." msgid "A custom domain sets your site apart. Let’s get you set up." msgstr "Domain kustom akan membuat situs Anda menonjol. Mari kita siapkan." msgid "Get a custom domain for your Link in Bio" msgstr "Dapatkan domain kustom untuk Tautan di Bio Anda" msgid "" "If you have any questions, our Happiness Engineers will be happy to assist " "you. Contact support at: %s" msgstr "" "Jika memiliki pertanyaan, tim dukungan kami siap membantu Anda. Hubungi " "dukungan di: %s" msgid "" "For a limited time, you can renew your domain %1$s at the current lower " "rate. After %2$s %3$s domains will renew at %4$s each. You can find our full " "price list here: %5$s" msgid_plural "" "For a limited time, you can renew your domains %1$s at the current lower " "rate. After %2$s %3$s domains will renew at %4$s each. You can find our full " "price list here: %5$s" msgstr[0] "" "Dalam jangka waktu terbatas, Anda dapat memperpanjang domain %1$s dengan " "tarif saat ini. Setelah %2$s %3$s, tiap domain akan diperpanjang dengan " "harga %4$s. Anda dapat membaca daftar harga lengkap kami di sini: %5$s" msgstr[1] "" "Dalam jangka waktu terbatas, Anda dapat memperpanjang domain %1$s dengan " "tarif saat ini. Setelah %2$s %3$s, tiap domain akan diperpanjang dengan " "harga %4$s. Anda dapat membaca daftar harga lengkap kami di sini: %5$s" msgid "Thanks for being a part of through the years." msgstr "Terima kasih sudah menggunakan selama ini." msgid "" "This won't affect any other domains besides %1$s or any other " "subscriptions you own. You can opt in to renew any of your domains early to " "fix your prices for another year." msgstr "" "Kebijakan ini tidak akan memengaruhi domain lain selain %1$s atau langganan " " lain yang Anda miliki. Anda dapat memperpanjang domain lebih " "awal untuk mendapatkan harga perpanjangan tersebut di tahun selanjutnya." msgid "Renew Now!" msgstr "Perpanjang Sekarang!" msgid "" "For a limited time, you can renew your domain <strong>%1$s</strong> at the " "current lower rate. After %2$s %3$s domains will renew at %4$s each. You can " "find our full <a href=\"%5$s\" target=\"_blank\">price list here</a>." msgid_plural "" "For a limited time, you can renew your domains <strong>%1$s</strong> at the " "current lower rate. After %2$s %3$s domains will renew at %4$s each. You can " "find our full <a href=\"%5$s\" target=\"_blank\">price list here</a>." msgstr[0] "" "Dalam jangka waktu terbatas, Anda dapat memperpanjang domain <strong>%1$s</" "strong> dengan tarif saat ini. Setelah %2$s %3$s, tiap domain akan " "diperpanjang dengan harga %4$s. Anda dapat membaca <a href=\"%5$s\" target=" "\"_blank\">daftar harga lengkap kami di sini</a>." msgstr[1] "" "Dalam jangka waktu terbatas, Anda dapat memperpanjang domain <strong>%1$s</" "strong> dengan tarif saat ini. Setelah %2$s %3$s, tiap domain akan " "diperpanjang dengan harga %4$s. Anda dapat membaca <a href=\"%5$s\" target=" "\"_blank\">daftar harga lengkap kami di sini</a>." msgid "Lock in lower pricing for your domain before it increases" msgstr "" "Anda dapat terus menggunakan harga yang lebih rendah untuk domain Anda " "sebelum kenaikan" msgid "Important: Updates to your domain prices" msgstr "Penting: Pembaruan untuk harga domain Anda" msgid "" "Start by updating your site’s design with an eye-catching theme at %1$s, or " "simply begin writing your first post now at %2$s. Either way, you’ll be up " "and changing the world in no time." msgstr "" "Mulai dengan memperbarui desain situs dengan tema menarik di %1$s, atau " "menulis pos pertama Anda di %2$s. Yang mana pun itu, setelahnya Anda siap " "mengubah dunia." msgid "" "You’ve joined millions of bloggers, creators, and independent publishers who " "use to share their stories, grow their audiences, and make " "their mark on the world." msgstr "" "Anda telah bergabung dengan jutaan blogger, kreator, dan penerbit independen " "yang menggunakan untuk berbagi cerita, menambah audiens, dan " "dikenal dunia." msgid "Welcome! Let’s set up your new website" msgstr "Selamat datang! Ayo siapkan situs web baru Anda." msgid "RSVP for an upcoming webinar: %s" msgstr "RSVP untuk webinar mendatang: %s" msgid "Whatever you’re creating, you can build it with" msgstr "Apa pun situs webnya, Anda dapat membuatnya dengan" msgid "Welcome to your website" msgstr "Selamat datang di situs web Anda." msgid "" "Start by updating your site’s design with <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" " "style=\"color: %2$s; font-weight: %3$s;\">an eye-catching theme</a>, or " "simply begin <a href=\"%4$s\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"color: %2$s; font-" "weight: %3$s;\">writing your first post now</a>. Either way, you’ll be up " "and changing the world in no time." msgstr "" "Mulai dengan memperbarui desain situs dengan <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank" "\" style=\"color: %2$s; font-weight: %3$s;\">tema menarik</a>, atau <a href=" "\"%4$s\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"color: %2$s; font-weight: %3$s;\">tulis " "pos pertama Anda</a>. Mana pun yang Anda kerjakan, dengannya Anda siap " "mengubah dunia." msgid "" "You’ve joined millions of bloggers, creators, and independent publishers who " "use to share their stories, grow their audiences, and " "<strong>make their mark on the world</strong>." msgstr "" "Anda sudah bergabung dengan jutaan bloger, kreator, dan penerbit independen " "yang menggunakan untuk berbagi cerita, menambah audiens, dan " "<strong>dikenal dunia</strong>." msgid "Explore everything your new site can do." msgstr "Coba semua manfaat yang ditawarkan situs web baru Anda." msgid "RSVP for an upcoming webinar" msgstr "RSVP untuk webinar mendatang" msgid "Sign up for a course" msgstr "Daftar kursus" msgid "" "Led by our team of Happiness Engineers, these interactive sessions cover a " "variety of topics, including blogging basics, SEO best practices, " "monetization options, advanced customization techniques, and plenty more." msgstr "" "Dipimpin oleh tim Happiness Engineer kami, sesi interaktif ini membahas " "berbagai topik seperti dasar-dasar pengoperasian blog, berbagai pratik " "terbaik SEO, cara monetisasi, berbagai teknik penyesuaian situs tingkat " "lanjut, dan banyak lagi yang lainnya." msgid "WordPress Webinars. Learn from the experts." msgstr "Webinar WordPress. Belajar dari para ahli." msgid "" "Whether you’re starting a personal blog or launching a new online store, our " "webinars and courses are designed to empower you with the tools and " "knowledge you need to reach your website goals." msgstr "" "Baik Anda akan memulai blog personal atau meluncurkan toko online baru, " "webinar dan kursus kami dirancang untuk membekali Anda dengan alat dan " "pengetahuan yang dibutuhkan untuk mencapai tujuan pembuatan situs web Anda." msgid "Learn from the experts." msgstr "Belajar dari para ahli." msgid "Webinars, Workshops, and More" msgstr "Webinar, Lokakarya, dan Lainnya" msgid "Your Site. Built By Us. Built For You." msgstr "Situs Anda. Dibuat oleh Kami. Dibuat untuk Anda." msgid "Your Site. Built by us. <br/><strong>Built for you</strong>." msgstr "Situs Anda. Dibuat oleh kami. <br/><strong>Dibuat untuk Anda</strong>." msgid "" "Launch quickly with professional site setup and design services by WordPress." "com." msgstr "" "Luncurkan cepat situs web dengan penyiapan situs profesional dan layanan " "desain dari" msgid "Need a hand? Our experts can help." msgstr "Butuh bantuan? Tim ahli kami siap membantu." msgid "The %s argument must be a string or a string array." msgstr "Argumen %s harus berupa string atau string array." msgid "" "One of your social connections is broken. Reconnect it on the <a href=\"%s\" " "rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">connection management</a> page." msgid_plural "" "Some of your social connections are broken. Reconnect them on the <a href=" "\"%s\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">connection management</" "a> page." msgstr[0] "" "Salah satu koneksi media sosial Anda tidak berfungsi. Hubungkan kembali di " "halaman <a href=\"%s\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank" "\">pengelolaan koneksi</a>." msgstr[1] "" "Beberapa koneksi media sosial Anda tidak berfungsi. Hubungkan kembali di " "halaman <a href=\"%s\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank" "\">pengelolaan koneksi</a>." msgid "Supports 38 languages" msgstr "Mendukung 38 bahasa" msgctxt "Search Product Feature" msgid "Supports 38 languages" msgstr "Mendukung 38 bahasa" msgid "" "We get it – building a site takes time. But we’d love to see you stick " "around to build on what you started. How about a free month of your " "%(currentPlan)s plan subscription to continue building your site?" msgstr "" "Kami tahu bahwa membuat situs perlu waktu. Namun kami ingin melihat Anda " "berkomitmen untuk membangun apa yang Anda mulai. Bagaimana dengan satu bulan " "gratis langganan paket %(currentPlan)s untuk terus membangun situs Anda?" msgid "Switch to a more affordable plan" msgstr "Beralih ke paket yang lebih murah" msgid "" "You can downgrade immediately and get a partial refund of %(refundAmount)s." msgstr "" "Anda dapat segera melakukan downgrade dan mendapatkan pengembalian dana " "sebagian sebesar %(refundAmount)s." msgid "" "You will lose your free domain registration since that feature is only " "included in annual/biannual plans." msgstr "" "Anda akan kehilangan registrasi domain gratis karena fitur ini hanya " "disertakan dalam paket tahunan/dua tahunan." msgid "" "By switching to monthly payments, you will keep most of the features for " "%(planCost)s per month." msgstr "" "Dengan beralih ke pembayaran bulanan, Anda tetap dapat menggunakan semua " "fitur seharga %(planCost)s per bulan." msgid "Switch to monthly payments" msgstr "Beralih ke pembayaran bulanan" msgid "Switch to flexible monthly payments" msgstr "Beralih ke pembayaran bulanan yang fleksibel" msgid "" "Did you know that you can now use over %(numberOfPluginsThemes)s third-party " "plugins and themes on the %(businessPlanName)s plan? Whatever " "feature or design you want to add to your site, you’ll find a plugin or " "theme to get you there. Claim a %(discountRate)d%% discount when you renew " "your %(businessPlanName)s plan today – {{b}}just enter the code " "%(couponCode)s at checkout.{{/b}}" msgstr "" "Tahukah Anda bahwa sekarang Anda bisa menggunakan %(numberOfPluginsThemes)s " "plugin dan tema pihak ketiga pada paket %(businessPlanName)s? " "Plugin atau tema tersedia untuk membantu menambahkan fitur atau desain apa " "pun ke situs Anda. Klaim diskon %(discountRate)d%% saat memperbarui paket " "%(businessPlanName)s Anda sekarang – {{b}}cukup masukkan kode %(couponCode)s " "saat checkout.{{/b}}" msgid "Go further with %(numberOfPluginsThemes)s plugins and themes" msgstr "Tingkatkan situs dengan %(numberOfPluginsThemes)s plugin dan tema" msgid "" "Building a website from scratch can be a lot of work. Our professional " "website design service can help you skip to a beautiful, finished website " "without all the hassle. No matter what you need - whether it’s a custom " "design or just a redesign - our pro design team can make it happen." msgstr "" "Membuat situs dari nol bisa jadi pekerjaan berat. Layanan desain situs " "profesional kami dapat membantu Anda melewati prosesnya dan mendapatkan " "situs lengkap nan menawan tanpa repot. Apa pun yang Anda butuhkan, baik itu " "desain khusus atau sekadar desain ulang, tim desain profesional kami dapat " "mewujudkannya." msgid "Get help building my site" msgstr "Dapatkan bantuan untuk pembuatan situs saya" msgid "Let us build your site for you" msgstr "Biarkan kami membuatkan situs Anda" msgid "" "If you’re feeling a bit stuck with your site, our expert {{b}}Happiness " "Engineers{{/b}} are always ready to chat. Whatever you’re struggling with - " "from customizing your design to sorting out your domain - they’ll listen, " "guide you, and get you the advice you need to make it happen." msgstr "" "Jika Anda merasa buntu dengan situs Anda, {{b}}Happiness Engineer{{/b}} (tim " "ahli) kami selalu siap untuk dimintai bantuan. Apa pun yang Anda kerjakan " "(mulai dari menyesuaikan desain hingga memilih nama domain), mereka akan " "mendengarkan, memandu, dan memberikan saran yang Anda butuhkan untuk " "menyelesaikan pekerjaan Anda." msgid "Let’s have a chat" msgstr "Ayo chat sekarang" msgid "Chat with a real person right now" msgstr "Live chat dengan staf profesional" msgctxt "verb: imperative" msgid "Post Answer" msgstr "Kirim Jawaban" msgid "Not found: %1$s (%2$s)" msgstr "Tak ditemukan: %1$s (%2$s)" msgid "Daily Prompt" msgstr "Prompt Harian" msgid "" "We have a special introductory offer with a one-month trial for $1. After " "that, it’s $10 per month (billed yearly). If you aren’t ready to upgrade, " "there is still time to decide. We won’t start counting posts until November " "21st." msgstr "" "Kami menghadirkan penawaran khusus di awal yakni tarif percobaan satu bulan " "senilai 1 dolar. Sesudahnya, Anda dikenakan biaya sebesar 10 dolar per " "bulannya (ditagih per tahun). Jika belum siap melakukan upgrade, masih ada " "waktu untuk memutuskan. Pos tidak dihitung sampai tanggal 21 November." msgid "Click Submit when you are finished providing content for all pages." msgstr "" "Klik Kirim setelah Anda selesai menyediakan konten untuk semua halaman." msgid "Are you ready to submit your content?" msgstr "Apakah Anda siap untuk mengirim konten Anda?" msgid "" "We could not retrieve your site information. Please {{SupportLink}}contact " "support{{/SupportLink}}." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat mengambil informasi situs Anda. Mohon {{SupportLink}}" "hubungi bantuan{{/SupportLink}}." msgid "Loading your site information" msgstr "Memuat informasi situs Anda" msgid "" "This site operates an ads program in partnership with third-party vendors " "who help place ads. Advertising cookies enable these ads partners to serve " "ads, to personalize those ads based on information like visits to this site " "and other sites on the internet, and to understand how users engage with " "those ads. Cookies collect certain information as part of the ads program, " "and we provide the following categories of information to third-party " "advertising partners: online identifiers and internet or other network or " "device activity (such as unique identifiers, cookie information, and IP " "address), and geolocation data (approximate location information from your " "IP address). This type of sharing with ads partners may be considered a " "\"sale\" of personal information under your state’s privacy laws." msgstr "" "Situs ini mengoperasikan program iklan dalam kerja sama dengan vendor pihak " "ketiga yang membantu penempatan iklan. Cookie iklan memungkinkan para mitra " "pengiklan ini untuk menampilkan iklan, melakukan personalisasi terhadap " "iklan berdasarkan informasi seperti kunjungan ke situs ini dan situs lainnya " "di internet, dan untuk memahami bagaimana pengguna berhubungan dengan iklan " "tersebut. Cookie mengumpulkan informasi tertentu sebagai bagian program " "iklan dan kami menyediakan kategori informasi berikut ini kepada mitra " "pengiklan pihak ketiga: pengidentifikasi online dan aktivitas internet atau " "jaringan atau perangkat lainnya (seperti pengidentifikasi unik, informasi " "cookie, dan alamat IP), serta data geolokasi (perkiraan informasi lokasi " "dari alamat IP Anda). Pembagian semacam ini dengan mitra pengiklan dapat " "dianggap sebagai \"penjualan\" informasi pribadi berdasarkan undang-undang " "privasi negara bagian Anda." msgid "" "If you are a resident of certain US states, you have the right to opt out of " "the \"sale\" of your \"personal information\" under your state’s privacy " "laws." msgstr "" "Jika Anda warga negara bagian tertentu di Amerika Serikat, Anda berhak " "menghentikan \"penjualan\" \"informasi pribadi\" berdasarkan hukum privasi " "di negara bagian Anda." msgid "Unlock access to our new agency dashboard" msgstr "Buka akses ke dasbor baru agensi kami" msgid "Check out our new Agency & Pro Partner Program." msgstr "Lihat Program Mitra Agensi & Pro kami yang baru" msgid " sites?" msgstr "Sst...Anda akan membuat situs?" msgid "And none that you don't." msgstr "Dan tidak ada yang tidak bisa Anda lakukan." msgid "Add the plugins you need." msgstr "Tambahkan plugin yang Anda butuhkan." msgid "individual plugins" msgstr "plugin individual" msgid "And we split Jetpack up into" msgstr "Dan kita pisahkan Jetpack menjadi" msgid "More about %s" msgstr "Selengkapnya tentang %s" msgid "We hear you." msgstr "Kami mendengar Anda." msgid "Dear WordPress developers," msgstr "Kepada para pengembang WordPress," msgid "A bold opinionated theme for music and learning" msgstr "Tema yang tegas dan berfokus pada opini untuk musik dan pembelajaran." msgid "" "The template prefix for the created template. This is used to extract the " "main template type, e.g. in `taxonomy-books` extracts the `taxonomy`" msgstr "" "Prefiks templat untuk templat yang dibuat. Ini digunakan untuk mengekstrak " "jenis templat utama, mis. pada 'taksonomi-buku' kami mengekstraksi " "'taksonomi'" msgid "The icon for the post type." msgstr "Ikon untuk tipe post." msgid "Raw size value must be a string, integer, or float." msgstr "Nilai ukuran dasar harus berupa string, integer, atau float." msgid "You are already subscribed. Please click \"Continue\"." msgstr "Anda sudah berlangganan. Klik \"Lanjutkan\"." msgid "" "Tazza puts the spotlight on your products and your customers. This theme " "leverages Woo Commerce to provide you with intuitive product navigation and " "the patterns you need to master digital merchandising." msgstr "" "Tazza menjadikan produk dan pelanggan Anda sebagai fokus utama. Tema ini " "memanfaatkan WooCommerce untuk memberikan navigasi produk yang intuitif dan " "pola yang Anda butuhkan untuk membuat promosi digital yang memikat." msgid "" "We are currently setting up your new domain!{{br/}}It may take a few minutes " "before it is ready." msgstr "" "Kami sedang menyiapkan domain baru Anda!{{br/}}Mungkin perlu waktu beberapa " "menit hingga siap dipakai." msgid "" "Blank Canvas is a barebones starter theme, stripped off of content templates " "but only a footer and a header. With its minimal styling, Blank Canvas is a " "great theme starting fresh with your website." msgstr "" "Blank Canvas adalah tema pengantar dasar yang tidak memiliki templat konten " "selain footer dan header. Dengan penataan minimal, Blank Canvas adalah tema " "yang tepat untuk memulai situs dari nol." msgid "Enable Two-Factor Authentication" msgstr "Aktifkan Otentikasi Dua Faktor" msgid "" "You’re using a password that is known to be included in compromised " "password lists!" msgstr "" "Anda sedang menggunakan kata sandi yang biasanya termasuk dalam daftar kata " "sandi yang terancam!" msgid "" "You’re using an application password that is known to be included in " "compromised password lists!" msgstr "" "Anda sedang menggunakan kata sandi aplikasi yang biasanya termasuk dalam " "daftar kata sandi yang terancam!" msgid "Compromised password detected" msgstr "Kata sandi yang terancam telah terdeteksi" msgid "The %1$s argument must be a non-empty string for %2$s." msgstr "Argumen %1$s harus berupa string yang tidak kosong untuk %2$s." msgid "The %s argument must be an array." msgstr "Argumen %s harus dalam bentuk array." msgid "" "NEW! Sharing limit of 30 auto-shares per month. (Note, this only impacts " "when you auto-share your posts. Readers of your posts can continue to share " "your content to social media as much as they’d like.)" msgstr "" "BARU! Batas berbagi otomatis 30 kali per bulan. (Perhatikan bahwa batas ini " "hanya berlaku jika Anda membagikan pos secara otomatis. Pembaca pos tetap " "bisa lanjut membagikan konten Anda ke media sosial sesering yang diinginkan.)" msgid "" "In case you missed it — Jetpack’s social media tools, formerly known as " "Publicize, are now called Jetpack Social. Learn more at %s." msgstr "" "Sudah tahukah Anda? Alat media sosial Jetpack yang dahulu dikenal sebagai " "Publicize kini disebut Jetpack Social. Pelajari selengkapnya di %s." msgid "Still have questions? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions: %s." msgstr "Masih punya pertanyaan? Lihat Pertanyaan Umum kami: %s." msgid "" "NEW! Sharing limit of 30 auto-shares per month: %s. (Note, this only impacts " "when you auto-share your posts. Readers of your posts can continue to share " "your content to social media as much as they’d like.)" msgstr "" "BARU! Batas berbagi 30 pembagian otomatis per bulan: %s. (Perhatikan bahwa " "batas ini hanya berlaku jika Anda membagikan pos secara otomatis. Pembaca " "pos tetap bisa lanjut membagikan konten Anda ke media sosial sesering yang " "diinginkan.)" msgid "" "NEW! Re-sharing (coming in November): %s. Re-send popular content to your " "social media channels again. Another previously paid feature we are making " "free to everyone." msgstr "" "BARU! Membagikan ulang (hadir di bulan November): %s. Kirim ulang konten " "populer ke kanal media sosial Anda lagi. Ini adalah fitur yang sebelumnya " "berbayar yang sekarang kami sediakan gratis." msgid "" "NEW! Social previews: %s. See what your post will look like on social media " "and in Google search before publishing. This was previously limited to paid " "plans and is now free." msgstr "" "BARU! Pratinjau sosial: %s. Lihat tampilan pos Anda di media sosial dan " "pencarian Google sebelum dipublikasikan. Fitur ini sebelumnya hanya tersedia " "untuk paket berbayar dan kini disediakan gratis." msgid "" "In case you missed it — Jetpack’s social media tools, formerly known as " "Publicize, are now called Jetpack Social. We have a new team focusing on how " "to make the product even better so we can help you get your message out and " "grow your business." msgstr "" "Sudah tahukah Anda? Alat media sosial Jetpack yang dahulu dikenal sebagai " "Publicize kini disebut Jetpack Social. Kami kini punya tim baru yang khusus " "menangani peningkatan produk yang dapat membantu Anda dikenal dunia dan " "menumbuhkan bisnis." msgid "" "If you want to auto-share more than 30 social posts per month, you can " "upgrade to the Basic plan. We have a special introductory offer with a one-" "month trial for $1. After that, it’s $10 per month (billed yearly). If you " "aren’t ready to upgrade, there is still time to decide. We won’t start " "counting posts until November 21st." msgstr "" "Jika ingin membagikan otomatis lebih dari 30 pos di media sosial per bulan, " "silakan upgrade ke paket Dasar. Kami menghadirkan penawaran khusus di awal " "yakni tarif percobaan satu bulan senilai 1 dolar. Sesudahnya, Anda " "dikenakan biaya sebesar 10 dolar per bulannya (ditagih per tahun). Jika " "belum siap melakukan upgrade, masih ada waktu untuk memutuskan. Pos tidak " "dihitung sampai tanggal 21 November." msgid "" "Since you’ve used our social media tools in the past, we thought you’d be " "interested in hearing about all the things you have access to:" msgstr "" "Anda sudah pernah menggunakan alat media sosial, jadi kami rasa perlu untuk " "Anda mengetahui semua fitur-fitur yang dapat diakses:" msgid "" "In case you missed it — Jetpack’s social media tools, formerly known as " "Publicize, are now called <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Jetpack Social</" "a>." msgstr "" "Sudah tahukah Anda? Alat media sosial Jetpack yang dahulu dikenal sebagai " "Publicize kini disebut <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Jetpack Social</a>." msgid "Check out what’s new with Jetpack Social." msgstr "Lihat yang terbaru dari Jetpack Social." msgid "You’ve got new social media features!" msgstr "Anda kini punya fitur-fitur baru untuk media sosial!" msgid "" "Still have questions? Check out our <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank" "\">Frequently Asked Questions</a>." msgstr "" "Masih punya pertanyaan? Lihat <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Pertanyaan " "Umum</a> kami." msgid "" "Based on your sharing history, you’ll need to upgrade to the Jetpack Social " "Basic plan to keep auto-sharing more than 30 posts per month." msgstr "" "Berdasarkan riwayat berbagi, Anda perlu upgrade ke paket Jetpack Social " "Basic agar bisa terus membagikan lebih dari 30 pos secara otomatis per bulan." msgid "Need more auto-shares? Get a one-month trial for $1." msgstr "" "Ingin membagikan otomatis lebih banyak pos? Dapatkan percobaan satu bulan " "dengan tarif 1 dolar." msgid "" "<strong>NEW: Sharing limit of 30 auto-shares per month.</strong> (Note, this " "only impacts when you auto-share your posts. Readers of your posts can " "continue to share your content to social media as much as they’d like.)" msgstr "" "<strong>BARU: Batas berbagi otomatis 30 kali per bulan.</strong> (Perhatikan " "bahwa batas ini hanya berlaku jika Anda membagikan pos secara otomatis. " "Pembaca pos tetap bisa lanjut membagikan konten Anda ke media sosial " "sesering yang diinginkan.)" msgid "" "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">NEW: Re-sharing</a> (coming in November). " "Re-send popular content to your social media channels again. Another " "previously paid feature we are making free to everyone." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">BARU: Membagikan ulang</a> (hadir di bulan " "November). Kirim ulang konten populer ke kanal media sosial Anda lagi. Ini " "adalah salah satu fitur yang sebelumnya berbayar yang kini kami sediakan " "gratis." msgid "" "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">NEW: Social previews</a>. See what your " "post will look like on social media and in Google search before publishing. " "This was previously limited to paid plans and is now free." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">BARU: Pratinjau sosial</a>. Lihat seperti " "apa tampilan pos Anda di media sosial dan di pencarian Google sebelum " "penerbitan. Fitur ini sebelumnya hanya ada di paket berbayar yang kini " "tersedia gratis." msgid "" "Since you’re a power user of our social media tools, we wanted to make sure " "you know all the things you have access to:" msgstr "" "Karena Anda adalah pengguna ahli peralatan media sosial kami, kami ingin " "memastikan bahwa Anda mengetahui segala sesuatu yang dapat Anda akses ke:" msgid "" "In case you missed it — Jetpack’s social media tools, formerly known as " "Publicize, are now called <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Jetpack Social</" "a>. We have a new team focusing on how to make the product even better so we " "can help you get your message out and grow your business." msgstr "" "Sudah tahukah Anda? Alat media sosial Jetpack yang dahulu dikenal sebagai " "Publicize kini disebut <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Jetpack Social</a>. " "Kami kini punya tim baru yang khusus menangani peningkatan produk yang dapat " "membantu Anda dikenal dunia dan menumbuhkan bisnis." msgid "Meet the new Jetpack Social" msgstr "Inilah Jetpack Social baru" msgid "You’ve got new features available!" msgstr "Anda memiliki fitur-fitur baru yang siap digunakan!" msgid "Important changes to your Jetpack social media tools" msgstr "Perubahan-perubahan penting untuk peralatan media sosial Jetpack Anda" msgid "" "We currently do not offer multi-year subscriptions or discounts for Jetpack " "products. However if you're an Enterprise, {{helpLink}}contact us{{/" "helpLink}}." msgstr "" "Saat ini kami tidak menawarkan langganan beberapa tahun atau diskon untuk " "produk Jetpack. Namun, jika Anda mencari penawaran khusus untuk Perusahaan, " "{{helpLink}}hubungi kami{{/helpLink}}." msgid "Do you have discounts for multi-year plans?" msgstr "Adakah diskon untuk paket beberapa tahun?" msgid "An Automattic thingamajig" msgstr "Sesuatu tentang Automattic" msgid "An Automattic ruckus" msgstr "Kehebohan Automattic" msgid "An Automattic production" msgstr "Produksi Automattic" msgid "An Automattic opus" msgstr "Karya Automattic" msgid "An Automattic medley" msgstr "Rampai Automattic" msgid "An Automattic joint" msgstr "Kerja sama Automattic" msgid "An Automattic invention" msgstr "Penemuan Automattic" msgid "An Automattic experiment" msgstr "Eksperimen Automattic" msgid "An Automattic creation" msgstr "Kreasi Automattic" msgid "An Automattic contraption" msgstr "Barang janggal Automattic" msgid "An Automattic brainchild" msgstr "Gagasan Automattic" msgid "Enable Jetpack Stats" msgstr "Aktifkan Statistik Jetpack" msgid "View advertising campaigns" msgstr "Lihat kampanye iklan" msgid "Jetpack Backup: automated backups & one-click restores" msgstr "Jetpack Backup: pencadangan otomatis & pemulihan sekali klik" msgid "Akismet spam protection" msgstr "Perlindungan spam Akismet" msgid "Sorry, you can't purchase two Search products" msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat membeli dua produk Pencarian" msgid "%s - Expired" msgstr "%s - Kedaluwarsa" msgid "" "Try using different keywords or check below our must-have premium plugins" msgstr "" "Coba gunakan kata kunci yang berbeda atau periksa plugin premium wajib kami " "di bawah ini" msgid "" "Public facing and editor style handle. DEPRECATED: Use `style_handles` " "instead." msgstr "" "Penangan editor style dan tampak publik. USANG: Gunakan `script_handles` " "sebagai gantinya." msgid "Editor style handle. DEPRECATED: Use `editor_style_handles` instead." msgstr "" "Penangan style editor. USANG: Gunakan `editor_style_handles` sebagai " "gantinya." msgid "" "Public facing script handle. DEPRECATED: Use `view_script_handles` instead." msgstr "" "Penangan script tampak publik. USANG: Gunakan `view_script_handles` sebagai " "gantinya." msgid "" "Public facing and editor script handle. DEPRECATED: Use `script_handles` " "instead." msgstr "" "Penangan editor script tampak publik. USANG: Gunakan `script_handles` " "sebagai gantinya." msgid "Editor script handle. DEPRECATED: Use `editor_script_handles` instead." msgstr "" "Penangan editor script. USANG: Gunakan `editor_script_handles` sebagai " "gantinya." msgid "$store must be an instance of WP_Style_Engine_CSS_Rules_Store" msgstr "$store harus merupakan turunan dari WP_Style_Engine_CSS_Rules_Store" msgid "" "Click “Activate a license” (at the bottom of the page) and enter the key " "below." msgstr "" "Klik “Aktifkan lisensi” (di bagian bawah halaman) lalu masukkan kunci di " "bawah." msgid "Install and activate the plugin." msgstr "Instal dan aktifkan plugin." msgid "{{link}}Download Jetpack %(pluginName)s.{{icon/}}{{/link}}" msgstr "{{link}}Unduh Jetpack %(pluginName)s.{{icon/}}{{/link}}" msgid "Purchase a plan" msgstr "Beli paket" msgid "Template for %s" msgstr "Templat untuk %s" msgid "Raw size value must be a string, integer or a float." msgstr "" "Nilai ukuran raw harus berupa string, bulangan bulat, atau bilangan desimal." msgid "" "REST API %1$s should be an array of arrays. Non-array value detected for " "%2$s." msgstr "" "REST API %1$s harus berupa array. Nilai non-array terdeteksi untuk %2$s." msgid "Unable to pass %s if not using multisite." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengirim %s jika tidak menggunakan multisitus." msgid "Learn more about how to install Jetpack %(pluginName)s" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang cara menginstal Jetpack %(pluginName)s" msgid "" "Search for {{link}}{{strong}}Jetpack{{/strong}}{{/link}}, install and " "activate." msgstr "" "Cari {{link}}{{strong}}Jetpack{{/strong}}{{/link}}, instal dan aktifkan." msgid "" "Since you’ve already paid for one year, you’ll only need to make up the " "difference (%s) to take advantage of the offer." msgstr "" "Karena telah membayar untuk satu tahun, Anda hanya perlu membayar kekurangan " "(%s) untuk menikmati penawaran ini." msgid "" "Get the best value for your money by paying for two years in advance, " "bringing down the cost of your %1$s plan to just %2$s/year." msgstr "" "Hemat uang Anda dengan membayar dua tahun di muka. Biaya paket %1$s Anda " "kini hanya %2$s/tahun." msgid "Save %s%% when you pay for 2 years upfront" msgstr "Hemat %s%% dengan membayar 2 tahun di muka" msgid "- %1$s version %2$s%3$s" msgstr "- %1$s versi %2$s%3$s" msgid "- %1$s (from version %2$s to %3$s)%4$s" msgstr "- %1$s (dari versi %2$s hingga %3$s)%4$s" msgid "Renew plan" msgstr "Perpanjang paket" msgid "" "There doesn't seem to be a %s file. It is needed before the installation can " "continue." msgstr "" "Sepertinya tidak ada berkas %s. Ini diperlukan sebelum instalasi dapat " "dilanjutkan." msgid "" "Unlimited social accounts. There is no limit on the number of social media " "accounts you can connect to your site." msgstr "" "Akun sosial tanpa batas. Tidak ada batasan jumlah akun media sosial yang " "dapat dihubungkan ke situs Anda." msgid "" "Unlimited users. Allow any editor access to share posts or products to your " "social media accounts." msgstr "" "Pengguna tanpa batas. Izinkan akses editor untuk membagikan pos atau produk " "ke akun media sosial Anda." msgid "" "Schedule posts: %s. Schedule your posts in advance, so you’re not chained to " "your desk. Publish at the time of day your followers are most engaged." msgstr "" "Jadwalkan pos: %s. Jadwalkan pos Anda lebih dini agar beban kerja tidak " "menumpuk. Poskan di waktu yang tepat saat pengikut Anda memberikan interaksi " "paling banyak." msgid "" "Auto-share: %s. Automatically share your posts and products on social media " "with just a few clicks." msgstr "" "Berbagi otomatis: %s. Bagikan pos dan produk Anda di media sosial secara " "otomatis hanya dengan beberapa klik." msgid "Write once, post everywhere. Post to multiple channels at once." msgstr "Tulis sekali, poskan ke mana saja. Poskan ke beberapa kanal sekaligus." msgid "" "Because you are a Jetpack Social power user*, we wanted to let you know we " "added features to the free version you’ve been using and added a paid tier " "for auto-sharing more than 30 posts per month. The Free plan includes the " "following:" msgstr "" "Karena Anda seorang pengguna ahli* Jetpack Social, kami ingin memberi tahu " "bahwa kami menambahkan fitur ke versi gratis yang telah Anda gunakan dan " "menambahkan paket berbayar untuk berbagi otomatis lebih dari 30 pos per " "bulan. Paket Gratis menyertakan:" msgid "Upgrade Jetpack Social today" msgstr "Upgrade Jetpack Social sekarang" msgid "" "<strong>Unlimited social accounts.</strong> There is no limit on the number " "of social media accounts you can connect to your site." msgstr "" "<strong>Akun sosial tanpa batas.</strong> Tidak ada batasan jumlah akun " "media sosial yang dapat dihubungkan ke situs Anda." msgid "" "<strong>Unlimited users.</strong> Allow any editor access to share posts or " "products to your social media accounts." msgstr "" "<strong>Pengguna tanpa batas.</strong> Izinkan akses editor untuk membagikan " "pos atau produk ke akun media sosial Anda." msgid "" "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Schedule posts</a>. Schedule your posts in " "advance, so you’re not chained to your desk. Publish at the time of day your " "followers are most engaged." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Jadwalkan pos</a>. Jadwalkan pos Anda lebih " "dini agar beban kerja tidak menumpuk. Publikasikan di waktu yang tepat saat " "pengikut Anda memberikan interaksi paling banyak." msgid "" "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Auto-share</a>. Automatically share your " "posts and products on social media with just a few clicks." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Berbagi otomatis</a>. Bagikan pos dan " "produk Anda di media sosial secara otomatis hanya dengan beberapa klik." msgid "" "<strong>Write once, post everywhere.</strong> Post to multiple channels at " "once." msgstr "" "<strong>Tulis sekali, poskan ke mana saja.</strong> Poskan ke beberapa kanal " "sekaligus." msgid "Another attempt will be made with the next release." msgstr "Upaya lain akan ditambahkan pada rilis berikutnya." msgid "The %1$s constant is defined as %2$s" msgstr "Constant %1$s didefinisikan sebagai %2$s" msgid "" "Reach out to WordPress Core developers to ensure you'll never have this " "problem again." msgstr "" "Hubungi developer WordPress Core untuk memastikan Anda tidak akan pernah " "mendapati kendala ini lagi." msgid "Here is an idea" msgstr "Beginilah idenya" msgid "" "Your %1$s file uses a dynamic value (%2$s) for the path at %3$s. However, " "the value at %3$s is also a dynamic value (pointing to %4$s) and pointing to " "another dynamic value is not supported. Please update %3$s to point directly " "to %4$s." msgstr "" "File %1$s Anda menggunakan nilai dinamis (%2$s) untuk jalur di %3$s. Namun, " "nilai pada %3$s juga merupakan nilai dinamis (merujuk ke %4$s) dan merujuk " "ke nilai dinamis lainnya tidak didukung. Mohon perbarui %3$s untuk menunjuk " "langsung ke %4$s." msgid "" "The theme you are currently using is not compatible with the Site Editor." msgstr "Tema yang Anda gunakan saat ini tidak kompatibel dengan Editor Situs." msgid "Copied to clipboard!" msgstr "Disalin ke clipboard!" msgid "The minimum recommended version of PHP is %s." msgstr "Versi PHP minimal yang direkomendasikan adalah %s." msgid "" "PHP is one of the programming languages used to build WordPress. Newer " "versions of PHP receive regular security updates and may increase your " "site’s performance." msgstr "" "PHP adalah salah satu bahasa pemrograman yang digunakan untuk membangun " "WordPress. Versi lebih baru dari PHP mendapatkan pembaruan keamanan secara " "berkala dan dapat meningkatkan performa situs Anda." msgid "" "Your site is running on an outdated version of PHP (%s), which soon will not " "be supported by WordPress. Ensure that PHP is updated on your server as soon " "as possible. Otherwise you will not be able to upgrade WordPress." msgstr "" "Situs Anda berjalan pada versi PHP (%s) yang kedaluwarsa, yang segera tidak " "akan didukung oleh WordPress. Pastikan versi PHP diperbarui di server Anda " "sesegera mungkin. Jika tidak, Anda tidak akan dapat mengupgrade WordPress." msgid "" "Your site is running on an outdated version of PHP (%s), which does not " "receive security updates and soon will not be supported by WordPress. Ensure " "that PHP is updated on your server as soon as possible. Otherwise you will " "not be able to upgrade WordPress." msgstr "" "Situs Anda berjalan pada versi PHP (%s) yang kedaluwarsa, yang tidak lagi " "menerima pembaruan keamanan dan segera tidak akan didukung oleh WordPress. " "Pastikan versi PHP diperbarui di server Anda sesegera mungkin. Jika tidak, " "Anda tidak akan dapat mengupgrade WordPress." msgid "" "If you are still seeing this warning after having tried the actions below, " "you may need to contact your hosting provider for further assistance." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tetap mendapatkan peringatan ini setelah mencoba langkah-langkah " "di bawah, Anda mungkin perlu menghubungi penyedia hosting Anda untuk " "mendapatkan bantuan." msgid "" "The Authorization header is used by third-party applications you have " "approved for this site. Without this header, those apps cannot connect to " "your site." msgstr "" "Tajuk otorisasi digunakan oleh aplikasi pihak ketiga yang telah Anda setujui " "untuk situs ini. Tanpa tajuk tersebut, aplikasi tersebut tidak dapat " "terhubung ke situs Anda." msgid "When testing the REST API, an unexpected result was returned:" msgstr "" "Saat menguji REST API, terjadi hal-hal yang tidak terduga sebagai berikut:" msgid "REST API Response: (%1$s) %2$s" msgstr "Response REST API: (%1$s) %2$s" msgid "REST API Endpoint: %s" msgstr "Endpoint REST API: %s" msgid "When testing the REST API, an error was encountered:" msgstr "Ketika menguji REST API, error ditemukan:" msgid "" "Your site is running on an outdated version of PHP (%s), which does not " "receive security updates. It should be updated." msgstr "" "Situs Anda menggunakan versi PHP lampau (%s), yang sistem keamanannya tidak " "diperbarui. Segera perbarui versi PHP Anda." msgid "" "Your site is running on an outdated version of PHP (%s), which does not " "receive security updates and soon will not be supported by WordPress." msgstr "" "Situs Anda menggunakan versi PHP lampau (%s), yang tidak menerima pembaruan " "sistem keamanannya dan segera tidak akan didukung oleh WordPress." msgid "" "Your site is running on an outdated version of PHP (%s), which soon will not " "be supported by WordPress." msgstr "" "Situs Anda menggunakan versi lawas dari PHP (%s) yang selanjutnya tidak akan " "didukung oleh WordPress." msgid "" "PHP is one of the programming languages used to build WordPress. Newer " "versions of PHP receive regular security updates and may increase your " "site’s performance. The minimum recommended version of PHP is %s." msgstr "" "PHP adalah salah satu bahasa pemrograman yang digunakan untuk membangun " "WordPress. Versi baru PHP mendapatkan pembaruan keamanan rutin dan bisa " "meningkatkan kinerja situs Anda. Rekomendasi versi minumum PHP adalah %s." msgid "Plans & Pricing" msgstr "Paket dan Harga" msgid "" "Optional: Is there anything else you would like the site builder to know?" msgstr "Opsional: Apakah ada hal lain yang perlu diketahui pembuat situs?" msgid "%(fieldNumber)d. Submit Content" msgstr "%(fieldNumber)d. Kirim Konten" msgid "You can change your style at any time." msgstr "Anda dapat mengubah gaya kapan saja." msgid "Failed to attach SSH key: %(reason)s" msgstr "Gagal menerapkan SSH key: %(reason)s" msgid "SSH key attached to site." msgstr "SSH key diterapkan ke situs." msgid "Failed to detach SSH key: %(reason)s" msgstr "Gagal melepas SSH key: %(reason)s" msgid "SSH key detached from site." msgstr "SSH key dilepas dari situs." msgid "" "Your subscriber list is being processed. Please check your email for status." msgstr "" "Daftar pelanggan Anda sedang diproses. Silakan cek statusnya dari e-mail " "Anda." msgid "Site Health %s" msgstr "Kesehatan Situs %s" msgid "" "Are you sure you want to remove this SSH key? It will be removed from all " "attached sites." msgstr "" "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus SSH key berikut? SSH key akan dihapus dari " "semua situs." msgid "" "Your subscribers will receive an email notification whenever you publish a " "new post." msgstr "" "Pelanggan Anda akan menerima e-mail notifikasi saat Anda mempublikasikan pos " "baru." msgid "Start promoting" msgstr "Mulai mempromosikan" msgid "" "Increase your reach by promoting your work to the larger " "community of blogs and sites." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan jangkauan Anda dengan mempromosikan karya Anda kepada komunitas " "blog dan situs yang luas." msgid "Promote your posts and pages" msgstr "Promosikan pos dan halaman Anda" msgid "WP Job Manager Simple Paid Listings" msgstr "WP Job Manager Simple Paid Listings" msgid "" "We try to offer the best support possible. On many review websites is mijn." "host rated as best hosting provider of The Netherlands." msgstr "" "Kami berusaha memberikan dukungan terbaik. Di berbagai situs ulasan, mijn." "host dinilai sebagai penyedia hosting terbaik di Belanda." msgid "Highly rated hosting provider" msgstr "Penyedia hosting dengan nilai tinggi" msgid "" "Security shouldn’t be optional. Your website is secured and we offer the " "latest techniques like IPv6, DNSSEC, DANE by default." msgstr "" "Keamanan harus diprioritaskan. Situs Anda aman, dan kami menawarkan teknik " "terbaru seperti IPv6, DNSSEC, DANE secara default." msgid "Modern techniques and security by default" msgstr "Teknik modern dan keamanan secara default" msgid "" "We make no compromises in speed and guarantee the fastest web hosting " "available." msgstr "" "Kami selalu mengutamakan kecepatan, dan menjamin hosting web tercepat yang " "tersedia." msgid "Rated as fastest hosting provider" msgstr "Dinilai sebagai penyedia hosting tercepat" msgid "" "Rated as fastest WordPress hosting provider of the Netherlands with modern " "techniques and advanced security." msgstr "" "Dinilai sebagai penyedia hosting WordPress tercepat di Belanda, dengan " "teknik modern dan keamanan tingkat lanjut." msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Start with" msgstr "Mulai dengan" msgid "Starting at $1.99 / mo" msgstr "Mulai dari $1.99/bulan" msgid "" "Blazing fast WordPress web hosting with <a href=\"#\" class=" "\"host-prtnr-show-details\">Learn more</a>" msgstr "" "Hosting web WordPress super cepat dengan <a href=\"#\" class=" "\"host-prtnr-show-details\">Baca selengkapnya</a>" msgid " is based out of Europe" msgstr "Kantor berada di Eropa" msgid " Logo" msgstr "Logo" msgid "Attach SSH key to site" msgstr "Terapkan SSH key ke situs" msgid "SSH keys" msgstr "SSH Key" msgid "Attached on %(attachedOn)s" msgstr "Diterapkan pada %(attachedOn)s" msgid "Your card’s security code is incorrect." msgstr "Kode keamanan kartu Anda salah." msgid "" "You’re one step away from using <strong>%1$s</strong> as your blog " "address. <a href=\"%2$s\">Click here to set %1$s as the primary address</a>." msgstr "" "Anda butuh selangkah lagi untuk dapat menggunakan <strong>%1$s</strong> " "sebagai alamat blog Anda. <a href=\"%2$s\">Klik di sini untuk menetapkan " "%1$s sebagai alamat utama</a>." msgid "Start Booking" msgstr "Start Booking" msgid "Please share any additional details." msgstr "Mohon sampaikan detail alasannya." msgid "Share your experience (required)" msgstr "Bagikan pengalaman Anda (wajib)" msgid "I no longer need a website." msgstr "Saya tidak lagi membutuhkan situs web." msgctxt "Sharing: Jetpack Social connection error" msgid "The Google Drive connection could not be made." msgstr "Google Drive tidak dapat dihubungkan." msgid "{{strong}}Connect{{/strong}} to use Google sheets in Jetpack forms." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Hubungkan{{/strong}} untuk menggunakan Google Sheets dalam " "formulir Jetpack." msgid "Connect to use Google sheets in Jetpack forms." msgstr "Hubungkan untuk menggunakan Google Sheets dalam formulir Jetpack." msgid "Create and access files stored in your Google Drive" msgstr "Buat dan akses file yang disimpan di Google Drive Anda" msgid "Create and access files in your Google Drive" msgstr "Buat dan akses file di Google Drive Anda" msgid "Click or Drag an image here" msgstr "Klik atau seret gambar ke sini" msgid "Drop image here" msgstr "Letakkan gambar di sini" msgid "Destination URL" msgstr "URL tujuan" msgid "You can pause spending at any time." msgstr "Anda dapat menyetop mengeluaran kapan saja." msgid "You won’t be charged until the ad is approved and starts running." msgstr "Anda tidak akan dikenakan tagihan hingga iklan disetujui dan aktif." msgid "" "Cannot create subscription. Please {{supportLink}}contact support{{/" "supportLink}} or try again later." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat berlangganan. Mohon {{supportLink}}hubungi bantuan{{/" "supportLink}} atau coba lagi nanti." msgid "Start date" msgstr "Tanggal mulai" msgid "Daily budget" msgstr "Anggaran harian" msgid "Pick a few categories, like food or movies, to narrow your audience." msgstr "" "Pilih beberapa kategori (seperti makanan atau film) untuk mencocokkan " "audiens." msgid "Everything in %s, plus:" msgstr "Semua dalam %s, serta:" msgid "per month, %s billed annually" msgstr "per bulan, %s penagihan tahunan" msgid "Close language selector" msgstr "Tutup pemilih bahasa" msgid "Go to next date" msgstr "Menuju tanggal berikutnya" msgid "Go to previous date" msgstr "Kembali ke tanggal sebelumnya" msgid "Ok, let's install Jetpack %(pluginName)s" msgstr "Ok, ayo instal Jetpack %(pluginName)s" msgid "Move websites between hosts with ease" msgstr "" "Pindah situs dari satu penyedia host ke penyedia host lain dengan mudah" msgid "All-in-One WP Migration" msgstr "All-in-One WP Migration" msgid "Easily collect and display testimonials" msgstr "Kumpulkan dan tampilkan testimoni dengan praktis" msgid "Strong Testimonials" msgstr "Strong Testimonials" msgid "Lead generation and marketing automation" msgstr "Alat pencari prospek dan automasi pemasaran" msgid "Drag and drop page builder" msgstr "Alat desain situs dengan fitur seret-lepas praktis" msgid "Elementor" msgstr "Elementor" msgid "Create and sell digital products" msgstr "Pasang dan jual produk digital" msgid "Easy Digital Downloads" msgstr "Easy Digital Downloads" msgid "" "To start using Blaze, you must make your site public. You can do that from " "{{sitePrivacySettingsLink}}here{{/sitePrivacySettingsLink}}." msgstr "" "Untuk mulai beriklan, Anda harus membuat situs web Anda menjadi publik. Anda " "dapat mengaktifkannya dari {{sitePrivacySettingsLink}}sini{{/" "sitePrivacySettingsLink}}." msgid "Monetization" msgstr "Monetisasi" msgid "Developer favorites" msgstr "Favorit pengembang" msgid "Premium plugins" msgstr "Plugin premium" msgid "" "P.S. - We’ll automatically redirect traffic from your current site address " "%s to your new domain name, so you won’t lose a single follower!" msgstr "" "N.B. - Kami akan langsung mengalihkan traffic dari alamat situs Anda saat " "ini %s ke nama domain baru Anda, jadi Anda tidak akan kehilangan satu " "pengikut pun!" msgid "Cancel my current plan" msgstr "Batalkan paket saya saat ini" msgid "Remove my current plan" msgstr "Hapus paket saya saat ini" msgid "Could not fetch site information from the service" msgstr "Tidak dapat mengambil informasi situs dari layanan ini" msgid "" "We were unable to process your order. Please go back to the merchant store " "to complete your checkout." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat memproses pesanan Anda. Kembali ke toko penjual dan login " "ke WooPay lagi." msgid "" "We were unable to process your payment. Please go back to the merchant store " "to complete your checkout." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat memproses pembayaran Anda. Kembali ke toko penjual dan " "login ke WooPay lagi." msgid "There’s no content to show here yet." msgstr "Belum ada konten yang bisa ditampilkan." msgid "Accepted answer" msgstr "Jawaban yang diterima" msgctxt "This is the last step before cancelling the plan." msgid "One last thing" msgstr "Satu hal terakhir" msgid "Sorry to see you go" msgstr "Sedih sekali Anda pergi" msgid "Why is that?" msgstr "Apa alasannya?" msgid "Why would you like to cancel?" msgstr "Kenapa Anda ingin membatalkan?" msgid "Submit and cancel product" msgstr "Kirim dan batalkan produk" msgid "Submit and remove product" msgstr "Kirim dan hapus produk" msgid "Submit and cancel plan" msgstr "Kirim dan batalkan paket" msgid "Submit and remove plan" msgstr "Kirim dan hapus paket" msgid "Why do you want to cancel?" msgstr "Kenapa Anda ingin membatalkan?" msgid "Revisions not enabled." msgstr "Revisi tidak diaktifkan." msgid "60 29th St. #343, San Francisco, CA 94110" msgstr "60 29th St. #343, San Francisco, CA 94110" msgid "Facebook:" msgstr "Facebook:" msgid "Upgrade Search" msgstr "Upgrade Fitur Pencarian" msgid "Site records" msgstr "Data situs" msgid "Search requests" msgstr "Permintaan pencarian" msgid "" "Upgrade your plan to increase your monthly %1$s and allow your visitors to " "continue using Jetpack Search." msgstr "" "Upgrade paket Anda untuk menambah kuota %1$s bulanan Anda dan agar " "pengunjung bisa terus menggunakan Jetpack Search." msgid "" "Your site has exceeded the number of %1$s available for the free plan for " "three consecutive months." msgstr "" "Situs Anda telah melebihi kuota %1$s yang diberikan untuk paket gratis " "selama tiga bulan berturut-turut." msgid "" "Your site has exceeded the number of %1$s available for the free plan for " "two consecutive months." msgstr "" "Situs Anda telah melebihi kuota %1$s yang diberikan untuk paket gratis " "selama dua bulan berturut-turut." msgid "" "After exceeding the limit of %1$s for three consecutive months, your " "visitors won't be able to use Jetpack Search. Avoid any interruption and " "upgrade now." msgstr "" "Jika Anda melebihi kuota %1$s selama tiga bulan berturut-turut, pengunjung " "tidak akan lagi bisa menggunakan Jetpack Search. Hindari gangguan dengan " "upgrade sekarang." msgid "Your site has exceeded the number of %1$s available for the free plan." msgstr "" "Situs Anda telah melebihi kuota %1$s yang diberikan untuk paket gratis." msgid "" "If you reach your limit this month, your visitors won't be able to use " "Jetpack Search. We suggest you increase your monthly limit to avoid any " "interruption." msgstr "" "Jika batasan ini telah tercapai di bulan ini, pengunjung tidak akan lagi " "bisa menggunakan Jetpack Search. Kami sarankan untuk meningkatkan kuota " "bulanan Anda agar terbebas dari gangguan." msgid "" "You're close to exceeding the number of %1$s available for the free plan for " "three consecutive months." msgstr "" "Anda hampir melebihi kuota %1$s yang diberikan untuk paket gratis selama " "tiga bulan berturut-turut." msgid "%1$s has exceeded its %2$s." msgstr "%1$s telah melebihi kuota %2$s-nya." msgid "%1$s will reach its %2$s soon." msgstr "%1$s akan segera mencapai batas %2$s-nya." msgid "site records or search requests" msgstr "data situs atau permintaan pencarian" msgid "site records and search requests" msgstr "data situs dan permintaan pencarian" msgid "site records and search request limits" msgstr "kuota data situs dan permintaan pencarian" msgid "site records" msgstr "data situs" msgid "site records limit" msgstr "kuota data situs" msgid "search requests" msgstr "permintaan pencarian" msgid "search request limit" msgstr "kuota permintaan pencarian" msgid "Add a new topic" msgstr "Tambah topik baru" msgid "Can I talk to a live person?" msgstr "Dapatkah saya menghubungi tim bantuan langsung?" msgid "Can you build a site for me?" msgstr "Dapatkah Anda membuatkan situs untuk saya?" msgid "" "I want to transfer an existing site, will purchasing a plan now break it?" msgstr "" "Saya ingin mentransfer situs yang sudah ada, akankah pembelian paket " "sekarang menjadikannya rusak?" msgid "Can I host multiple sites?" msgstr "Dapatkah saya menghosting beberapa situs sekaligus?" msgid "" "Yes! You can connect your domain for free to any paid plan (we " "won’t charge you a separate domain registration fee). You may either keep " "the domain at your current registrar or transfer it to us, whichever you " "prefer." msgstr "" "Ya! Anda dapat menghubungkan domain Anda secara gratis ke paket berbayar " " (kami tidak akan membebankan biaya pendaftaran domain " "terpisah). Anda dapat menyimpan domain di registrar Anda saat ini atau " "mentransfernya kepada kami. Pilih mana pun yang Anda inginkan." msgid "Can I use a domain I already own?" msgstr "Dapatkah saya menggunakan domain yang sudah saya punya?" msgid "" "Absolutely, and you will never be hit with any surprise usage fees. With " ", you’ll be hosted on our infinitely scalable and globally " "distributed server infrastructure, which means your site will always be " "available and load fast, no matter how popular your site becomes." msgstr "" "Tentu saja! Anda tidak akan pernah terkena biaya penggunaan tidak terduga. " "Dengan, Anda akan mendapatkan hosting dengan infrastruktur " "server kami yang dapat dioptimalkan dan didistribusikan secara global, yang " "berarti situs Anda akan selalu tersedia dan dimuat dengan cepat, tidak " "peduli seberapa populer situs Anda nantinya." msgid "Are traffic and bandwidth really unlimited?" msgstr "Apakah traffic dan bandwidth benar-benar tidak terbatas?" msgid "" "It is possible to import your blog content from a variety of other blogging " "platforms, including Blogger, GoDaddy, Wix, Squarespace, and more. You can " "also easily import your content from a self-hosted WordPress site." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengimpor konten blog Anda dari berbagai platform blogging " "lainnya, termasuk Blogger, GoDaddy, Wix, Squarespace, dan banyak lagi. Anda " "juga dapat dengan mudah mengimpor konten Anda dari situs WordPress yang " "dihosting sendiri." msgid "" "Yes! All our plans include fast and reliable hosting that’s optimized for " "creating and scaling a WordPress site." msgstr "" "Ya! Semua paket kami termasuk hosting cepat dan andal yang telah " "ditingkatkan untuk membuat dan memaksimalkan situs WordPress." msgctxt "Block pattern category" msgid "Footers" msgstr "Footer" msgid "%(percentOff)d%% off the first month" msgstr "Diskon %(percentOff)d%% untuk satu bulan pertama" msgid "" "Login via the mobile app is {{strong}}not available{{/strong}} if you've " "enabled two-step authentication on your account." msgstr "" "Login dari aplikasi ponsel {{strong}}tidak tersedia{{/strong}} jika Anda " "telah mengaktifkan autentikasi dua langkah pada akun Anda." msgid "" "Masu is a blog theme inspired by a traditional square wooden box used to " "measure rice in Japan." msgstr "" "Masu adalah tema blog yang terinspirasi dari kotak kayu untuk menakar beras " "di Jepang." msgid "" "If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact our Happiness " "Engineers: %1$s" msgstr "" "Jika Anda punya pertanyaan atau butuh bantuan, silakan hubungi Happiness " "Engineer kami: %1$s" msgid "" "From %1$s, you’ll no longer be able to access any mailboxes associated with " "your subscription, and you will no longer be able to send or receive email. " "If you’d like to renew your subscription after that date, please reach out " "to our Happiness Engineers who will be happy to help: %2$s" msgstr "" "Terhitung sejak tanggal %1$s, Anda tidak lagi dapat mengakses mailbox yang " "terhubung dengan langganan dan tidak lagi dapat mengirim atau menerima " "email. Jika ingin memperpanjang langganan setelah tanggal tersebut, silakan " "hubungi Happiness Engineer kami yang akan siap sedia untuk membantu: %2$s" msgid "" "If you decide not to renew your subscription, your mailboxes will be removed " "on %1$s. You may want to download a backup of your emails ahead of this " "date. You can do that by following these instructions: %2$s" msgstr "" "Jika tidak ingin memperpanjang langganan, mailbox Anda akan dihapus pada " "%1$s. Anda mungkin ingin mengunduh cadangan email sebelum tanggal ini. Anda " "dapat melakukannya dengan mengikuti instruksi berikut: %2$s" msgid "Click here to renew now: %s" msgstr "Klik di sini untuk memperpanjang sekarang juga: %s" msgid "" "If you have any questions or need assistance, please <a href=\"%1$s" "\">contact our Happiness Engineers</a>." msgstr "" "Jika Anda punya pertanyaan atau butuh bantuan, silakan <a href=\"%1$s" "\">hubungi Happiness Engineer kami</a>." msgid "" "Please note that unless your subscription is renewed, your mailboxes and all " "associated email data will be permanently deleted on %1$s." msgstr "" "Harap perhatikan bahwa mailbox Anda beserta seluruh data email yang terkait " "akan dihapus secara permanen pada %1$s, kecuali langganan diperpanjang." msgid "" "From %1$s, you’ll no longer be able to access any mailboxes associated with " "your subscription, and you will no longer be able to send or receive email. " "If you’d like to renew your subscription after that date, please <a href=" "\"%2$s\">reach out to our Happiness Engineers</a> who will be happy to help." msgstr "" "Terhitung sejak tanggal %1$s, Anda tidak lagi dapat mengakses mailbox yang " "terhubung dengan langganan dan tidak lagi dapat mengirim atau menerima " "email. Jika ingin memperpanjang langganan setelah tanggal tersebut, silakan " "<a href=\"%2$s\">hubungi Happiness Engineer</a> kami yang akan siap sedia " "untuk membantu." msgid "What happens next" msgstr "Yang akan terjadi" msgid "" "If you decide not to renew your subscription, your mailboxes will be removed " "on %1$s. You may want to download a backup of your emails ahead of this " "date. You can do that by following <a href=\"%2$s\">these instructions</a>." msgstr "" "Jika tidak ingin memperpanjang langganan, mailbox Anda akan dihapus pada " "%1$s. Anda mungkin ingin mengunduh cadangan email sebelum tanggal ini. Anda " "dapat melakukannya dengan mengikuti <a href=\"%2$s\">instruksi berikut</a>." msgid "" "This means that you will no longer be able to send new emails. However, you " "will still be able to receive and export emails until %1$s." msgstr "" "Artinya, Anda tidak akan lagi bisa mengirim email. Namun, Anda masih tetap " "bisa menerima dan mengekspor email hingga %1$s." msgid "Renew before you lose your email" msgstr "Jangan kehilangan email Anda—perpanjang sekarang" msgid "Monetize your website traffic" msgstr "Monetisasi aktivitas situs web Anda" msgid "OptinMonster" msgstr "OptinMonster" msgid "Get shipping rates from the USPS API" msgstr "Dapatkan hitungan biaya pengiriman dari API USPS" msgid "WooCommerce USPS Shipping" msgstr "WooCommerce USPS Shipping" msgid "Provide shipment tracking information" msgstr "Menyediakan informasi pelacakan pengiriman" msgid "Shipment tracking" msgstr "Pelacakan pengiriman" msgid "Create a range of automated workflows" msgstr "Buat berbagai alur kerja otomatis" msgid "Sync your site with your Xero account" msgstr "Selaraskan situs Anda dengan akun Xero" msgid "Xero" msgstr "Xero" msgid "Let customers subscribe to your service" msgstr "Memungkinkan pembeli berlangganan jasa Anda" msgid "Tools that will set you up to optimize your online business" msgstr "Alat yang dapat digunakan untuk mengoptimalkan bisnis online Anda" msgid "Powering your online store" msgstr "Memberdayakan toko online Anda" msgid "Send emails and create loyal customers" msgstr "Kirim e-mail dan ciptakan pelanggan setia" msgid "Allow customers to book appointments" msgstr "Memungkinkan pelanggan untuk memesan janji temu" msgid "WooCommerce Bookings " msgstr "WooCommerce Bookings " msgid "These plugins are here to keep your business on track" msgstr "Plugin berikut membantu bisnis Anda berjalan lancar" msgid "Setting up your local business" msgstr "Siapkan bisnis lokal Anda" msgid "Manage and sell digital courses" msgstr "Kelola dan jual kursus digital" msgid "Create donation pages and collect more" msgstr "Buat halaman donasi dan galang dana sebanyak-banyaknya" msgid "GiveWP" msgstr "GiveWP" msgid "Optimize your site for search engines" msgstr "Optimalkan situs Anda untuk mesin pencari" msgid "" "Building a money-making blog doesn’t have to be as hard as you might think" msgstr "Membangun blog penghasil uang tidak harus sesulit yang Anda kira" msgid "Supercharging and monetizing your blog" msgstr "Meningkatkan dan memonetisasi blog Anda" msgid "Our Happiness Engineers and volunteers have solved %d issues so far!" msgstr "" "Sejauh ini, sudah %d masalah dipecahkan oleh Happiness Engineer dan " "sukarelawan kami!" msgid "A backup is currently in progress; restoring now will stop the backup." msgstr "" "Pencadangan sedang berlangsung; pemulihan sekarang akan menghentikan " "pencadangan." msgid "" "Add a SSH key to your account to make it available for SFTP " "and SSH authentication." msgstr "" "Tambahkan SSH key ke akun Anda agar dapat diakses oleh " "autentikasi SFTP dan SSH." msgid "Failed to delete SSH key: %(reason)s" msgstr "Gagal menghapus SSH key: %(reason)s" msgid "SSH key removed from account." msgstr "SSH key dihapus dari akun." msgid "Failed to save SSH key: %(reason)s" msgstr "Gagal menyimpan SSH key: %(reason)s" msgid "SSH key added to account." msgstr "SSH key ditambahkan ke akun." msgid "SSH Public Key" msgstr "SSH Public Key" msgid "You have a SSH key added to your account." msgstr "Anda telah menambahkan SSH key ke akun Anda." msgid "Activate your product license key" msgstr "Aktifkan kode lisensi produk Anda" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to view terms for this post." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan untuk melihat term di pos berikut." msgid "Original poster" msgstr "Penulis pertama" msgid "" "Logged in as %1$s. <a href=\"%2$s\">Edit your profile</a>. <a href=\"%3$s" "\">Log out?</a>" msgstr "" "Sudah Login sebagai %1$s. <a href=\"%2$s\">Sunting Profil Anda</a>. <a href=" "\"%3$s\">Logout?</a>" msgctxt "Continue as an existing user" msgid "Continue as" msgstr "Lanjutkan sebagai" msgid "There was an error sending the password reset email. Please try again." msgstr "" "Terjadi kendala saat mengirim e-mail pengaturan ulang kata sandi. Silakan " "coba lagi." msgid "Your password" msgstr "Kata sandi Anda" msgid "Can’t access your phone? {{contactUsLink}}Contact us{{/contactUsLink}}" msgstr "" "Tidak dapat mengakses ponsel Anda? {{contactUsLink}}Hubungi kami{{/" "contactUsLink}}" msgid "Don’t have an account? {{signupLink}}Sign up{{/signupLink}}" msgstr "Tidak punya akun? {{signupLink}}Daftar{{/signupLink}}" msgid "First, select the account you'd like to use." msgstr "Pertama, pilih akun yang ingin Anda gunakan." msgid "Get started in minutes" msgstr "Mulai dalam beberapa menit" msgid "" "Your password reset confirmation is on its way to your email address – " "please check your junk folder if it's not in your inbox! Once you've reset " "your password, head back to this page to log in to your account." msgstr "" "Konfirmasi pengaturan ulang kata sandi Anda sedang dikirim ke alamat e-mail " "Anda – harap periksa folder spam Anda jika tidak ada di inbox Anda! Setelah " "Anda mengatur ulang kata sandi Anda, kembali ke halaman berikut untuk login " "ke akun Anda." msgid "Authenticate your login" msgstr "Autentikasi login Anda" msgid "" "It happens to the best of us. Enter the email address associated with your " " account and we’ll send you a link to reset your password." msgstr "" "Hal tersebut menjadi tanggungjawab kami. Masukkan alamat e-mail yang terkait " "dengan akun Anda dan kami akan mengirimkan tautan untuk " "mengatur ulang kata sandi Anda." msgid "Serve updates to your WordPress site." msgstr "Menjalankan proses pembaruan pada situs WordPress." msgid "View available extensions." msgstr "Melihat ekstensi yang ada." msgid "View your subscription information." msgstr "Melihat informasi langganan." msgid "Welcome to Woo!" msgstr "Selamat datang di Woo!" msgid "No themes match your search" msgstr "Tidak ada tema yang cocok dengan pencarian Anda" msgid "<s>Up to 1000</s> <strong>Unlimited shares</strong>" msgstr "Dapat berbagi <s>sampai 1000 kali</s> <strong>tanpa batas</strong>" msgid "" "Enjoy unlimited shares for a limited time while we work on bringing exciting " "new functionality to Jetpack Social!" msgstr "" "Selama periode promosi, Anda bisa membagikan pos tanpa batas. Nantikan " "berbagai fitur baru yang menarik yang akan kami hadirkan di Jetpack Social!" msgid "Customize publications" msgstr "Sesuaikan pos yang dibagikan" msgid "Schedule posts" msgstr "Jadwalkan pos" msgid "" msgstr "" "" msgid "Network configuration authentication keys" msgstr "Kunci autentikasi konfigurasi jaringan" msgid "Network configuration rules for %s" msgstr "Aturan konfigurasi jaringan untuk %s" msgid "" "<strong>Error:</strong> The email could not be sent. Your site may not be " "correctly configured to send emails. <a href=\"%s\">Get support for " "resetting your password</a>." msgstr "" "<strong>Eror</strong>: Email tidak dapat dikirim. Situs Anda mungkin tidak " "diatur dengan benar supaya dapat mengirim email. <a href=\"%s\">Dapatkan " "bantuan untuk mengatur ulang kata sandi Anda</a>." msgid "" "<strong>Error:</strong> There is no account with that username or email " "address." msgstr "" "<strong>Eror</strong>: Tidak ada akun dengan nama pengguna atau alamat email " "tersebut." msgid "" "<strong>Conflicting values for the constants %1$s and %2$s.</strong> The " "value of %2$s will be assumed to be your subdomain configuration setting." msgstr "" "<strong>Nilai yang bertentangan untuk constant %1$s dan %2$s.</strong> Nilai " "%2$s akan dianggap sebagai pengaturan konfigurasi subdomain Anda." msgid "" "Write posts, view your stats, reply to comments, and upload media anywhere, " "anytime." msgstr "" "Tulis pos, lihat statistik, balas komentar, dan unggah media dari mana pun " "dan kapan pun." msgid "Put your site in your pocket" msgstr "Kelola situs dari saku Anda" msgid "Try the Jetpack app" msgstr "Coba aplikasi Jetpack" msgid "{{span}}Get the Jetpack app{{/span}} to use Reader anywhere, any time." msgstr "" "{{span}}Dapatkah aplikasi Jetpack{{/span}} untuk menggunakan Reader di mana " "pun dan kapan pun." msgid "" " in the palm of your hands — {{span}}download the mobile app{{/" "span}}." msgstr "" " di genggaman Anda — {{span}}unduh aplikasi mobile{{/span}}." msgid "" "Fast, distraction-free — {{span}}download the desktop app{{/" "span}}." msgstr "" " cepat dan tanpa gangguan — {{span}}unduh aplikasi desktop{{/" "span}}." msgid "{{span}} app{{/span}} now available for desktop." msgstr "" "{{span}}Aplikasi{{/span}} sekarang tersedia untuk desktop." msgid "Get the {{span}} app{{/span}} for your desktop." msgstr "Dapatkan {{span}}aplikasi{{/span}} untuk desktop Anda." msgid "" " your way — {{span}}desktop app now available for Mac, Windows, " "and Linux{{/span}}." msgstr "" "Gunakan di mana pun— {{span}}aplikasi desktop sekarang " "tersedia untuk Mac, Windows, dan Linux{{/span}}." msgid "for the first month, billed yearly" msgid_plural "for the first %(months)d months, billed yearly" msgstr[0] "selama satu bulan pertama, penagihan tahunan" msgstr[1] "" msgid "for the first month, billed monthly" msgid_plural "for the first %(months)d months, billed monthly" msgstr[0] "selama satu bulan pertama, penagihan bulanan" msgstr[1] "" msgid "Remove banner" msgstr "Hapus banner" msgid "Design a site like this with" msgstr "Rancang situs seperti ini dengan" msgid "Remove this site banner with a paid plan" msgstr "Hapus banner situs ini dengan paket berbayar" msgid "Check out our <a href=\"%1$s\">help library</a>." msgstr "Lihat <a href=\"%1$s\">pustaka bantuan</a> kami." msgid "Site is private" msgstr "Situs dalam mode personal" msgid "Site is not published" msgstr "Situs tidak dipublikasikan" msgid "" "Note that these are <em>just</em> suggestions, but you can be sure that " "claiming your custom domain is a brand-building <em>must</em>! Not only is " "it more memorable for your customers, fans, and followers, having your own " "unique domain name is a boon for SEO and helps you create brand trust and " "credibility." msgstr "" "Ini <em>hanya</em> saran, tetapi domain kustom <em>sangat membantu</em> " "dalam membangun merek. Selain mudah diingat oleh pelanggan, penggemar, dan " "pengikut, nama domain yang unik dapat memperkuat SEO dan menumbuhkan " "kredibilitas dan kepercayaan terhadap merek." msgid "" "Reminder: Your %s plan comes feature-packed with everything you need to " "build an amazing website, including a custom site address <em>completely " "free for the first year</em>." msgstr "" "Pengingat: Paket %s Anda dilengkapi fitur-fitur untuk membuat situs web yang " "menarik, termasuk alamat situs kustom <em>gratis untuk tahun pertama</em>." msgid "Not sure where to start? Here are some ideas:" msgstr "Tidak tahu harus mulai dari mana? Berikut beberapa ide:" msgid "Your custom domain is waiting." msgstr "Domain khusus Anda telah menunggu." msgid "Switch to annual and save money" msgstr "Beralih ke paket tahunan agar lebih hemat" msgid "" "By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s/month. That’s " "%2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying " "less!" msgstr "" "Dengan paket tahunan, Anda hanya perlu membayar %1$s/bulan. %2$s%% lebih " "murah daripada paket bulanan. Anda bisa berhemat!" msgid "Still email us" msgstr "E-mail kami saja" msgid "" "<strong>Send password reset</strong> sends the user an email with a link to " "set a new password." msgstr "" "<strong>Kirim setel ulang sandi</strong> mengirimkan e-mail kepada pengguna " "dengan tautan untuk menyetel sandi baru." msgid "" "<strong>Copy URL</strong> copies the URL for the media file to your " "clipboard." msgstr "" "<strong>Salin URL ke papan klip</strong> menyalin URL berkas media ke papan " "klip Anda." msgid "" "<strong>View</strong> will take you to a public display page for that file." msgstr "" "<strong>Lihat</strong> akan membawa Anda ke laman tampilan publik untuk " "berkas tersebut." msgid "" "<strong>Delete Permanently</strong> will delete the file from the media " "library (as well as from any posts to which it is currently attached)." msgstr "" "<strong>Hapus Permanen</strong> akan menghapus berkas dari pustaka media " "(dan juga dari berbagai artikel yang sudah terlampirkan di sana)." msgid "" "<strong>Edit</strong> takes you to a simple screen to edit that individual " "file’s metadata. You can also reach that screen by clicking on the " "media file name or thumbnail." msgstr "" "<strong>Edit</strong> membawa Anda ke layar sederhana untuk mengedit " "metadata berkas individu tersebut. Anda juga dapat mencapai layar itu dengan " "klik nama berkas media atau thumbnail." msgid "" "Hovering over a row reveals action links that allow you to manage media " "items. You can perform the following actions:" msgstr "" "Menunjuk di atas baris akan menampilkan tautan tindakan yang memungkinkan " "Anda untuk mengelola item media. Anda bisa melakukan tindakan berikut:" msgid "%(days)d-day full money back guarantee" msgid_plural "%(days)d-day full money back guarantee" msgstr[0] "Garansi %(days)d hari uang kembali" msgstr[1] "Garansi %(days)d hari uang kembali" msgid "Failed to retrieve plugins. Please try again later." msgstr "Gagal mengakses plugin. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "The site has been successfully removed." msgstr "Situs telah berhasil dihapus." msgid "Remove SSH key" msgstr "Hapus SSH key" msgid "Added on %(addedOn)s" msgstr "Ditambahkan pada %(addedOn)s" msgid "Save SSH Key" msgstr "Simpan SSH key" msgid "Invalid SSH public key. It should begin with %(formats)s." msgstr "Kunci SSH publik tidak valid. Kunci ini diawali %(formats)s." msgid "Paste your SSH public key here. It should begin with %(formats)s…" msgstr "" "Tempelkan kunci SSH publik Anda di sini. Kunci ini diawali %(formats)s…" msgid "SSH Key" msgstr "SSH Key" msgid "Before you continue" msgstr "Sebelum Anda melanjutkan" msgid "Professional security and spam protection" msgstr "Keamanan dan perlindungan spam profesional" msgid "Access to managed hosting" msgstr "Akses ke managed hosting" msgid "Describe your issue, you can drop images here if you need" msgstr "Uraikan masalah Anda. Bila perlu, unggah juga gambar ke sini." msgid "Plugin already up to date" msgstr "Versi plugin sudah terbaru" msgid "" "Your issuing bank may choose to charge an international transaction fee or a " "currency exchange fee. Your bank may be able to provide more information as " "to when this is necessary." msgstr "" "Bank penarikan Anda mungkin membebankan biaya transaksi internasional atau " "biaya pertukaran mata uang. Bank Anda dapat memberikan informasi lengkap " "jika dibutuhkan." msgid "Refunded %1$s" msgstr "Dana dikembalikan %1$s" msgid "Oops. Looks like your Link in Bio name is missing." msgstr "Maaf. Sepertinya nama Tautan di Bio Anda belum ada." msgid "Add a short description here" msgstr "Tambahkan keterangan singkat di sini" msgid "Oops. Looks like your site doesn't have a name yet." msgstr "Maaf. Sepertinya situs Anda belum memiliki nama." msgid "My Site Name" msgstr "Nama Situs Saya" msgid "Domain Name Search | Find Your Domain Now" msgstr "Pencarian Nama Domain | Cari Domain Anda Sekarang" msgid "WordPress Website Builder | Get Started for Free in Minutes" msgstr "Pembuat Situs Web WordPress | Mulai Gratis dalam Beberapa Menit" msgid "Business Name Generator | Find Company Name Ideas for Free" msgstr "Pembuat Nama Bisnis | Cari Ide Nama Perusahaan Gratis" msgid "WordPress Hosting | Fast, Secure Managed WordPress Hosting" msgstr " | Hosting WordPress Terkelola yang Cepat dan Aman" msgid " Build a Site, Sell Your Stuff, Start a Blog & More" msgstr "" " Buat Situs, Jual Produk Anda, Mulai Blog & Lebih Banyak Lagi" msgid "" "If you are the owner of this network please check that your host’s " "database server is running properly and all tables are error free." msgstr "" "Jika Anda adalah pemilik jaringan ini, mohon periksa apakah server basis " "data penyedia hosting Anda berjalan dengan benar dan semua tabel bebas dari " "eror." msgid "" "There has been a critical error on this website. Please reach out to your " "site administrator, and inform them of this error for further assistance." msgstr "" "Telah terjadi kesalahan kritis pada situs web ini. Silakan hubungi " "administrator situs Anda, dan informasikan kesalahan ini kepada mereka untuk " "bantuan lebih lanjut." msgid "" "Recommended items are considered beneficial to your site, although not as " "important to prioritize as a critical issue, they may include improvements " "to things such as; Performance, user experience, and more." msgstr "" "Hal-hal yang direkomendasikan dapat memberi manfaat pada situs Anda, meski " "bukan prioritas sebagaimana kendala yang serius, namun ada beberapa hal yang " "dapat ditingkatkan seperti: Performa, pengalaman pengguna, dan lainnya." msgid "" "Critical issues are items that may have a high impact on your sites " "performance or security, and resolving these issues should be prioritized." msgstr "" "Kendala yang serius adalah hal-hal yang berpengaruh besar pada performa dan " "keamanan situs Anda, sehingga harus segera diperbaiki." msgid "Page cache" msgstr "Cache halaman" msgid "You should use a persistent object cache" msgstr "Anda harus menggunakan objek cache persisten" msgid "Your host appears to support the following object caching services: %s." msgstr "Host Anda tampaknya mendukung layanan cache objek berikut: %s." msgid "" "Your hosting provider can tell you if a persistent object cache can be " "enabled on your site." msgstr "" "Penyedia hosting Anda dapat memberi tahu Anda jika objek cache persisten " "dapat diaktifkan di situs Anda." msgid "A persistent object cache is not required" msgstr "Objek cache persisten tidak diperlukan" msgid "Learn more about persistent object caching." msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang objek cache persisten" msgid "" "A persistent object cache makes your site’s database more efficient, " "resulting in faster load times because WordPress can retrieve your " "site’s content and settings much more quickly." msgstr "" "Objek cache persisten membuat basis data situs Anda lebih efisien, " "menghasilkan waktu muat yang lebih cepat karena WordPress dapat mengambil " "konten dan setelan situs Anda jauh lebih cepat." msgid "A persistent object cache is being used" msgstr "Objek cache persisten sedang digunakan" msgid "A page cache plugin was not detected." msgstr "Plugin caching laman tidak terdeteksi." msgid "A page cache plugin was detected." msgstr "Plugin caching laman terdeteksi." msgid "There was %d client caching response header detected:" msgid_plural "There were %d client caching response headers detected:" msgstr[0] "Ada %d header respon cache klien yang terdeteksi:" msgstr[1] "Ada %d header respon cache klien yang terdeteksi:" msgid "No client caching response headers were detected." msgstr "Tidak ada header respon cache klien yang terdeteksi." msgid "" "Median server response time was %1$s milliseconds. It should be less than " "the recommended %2$s milliseconds threshold." msgstr "" "Waktu respon server rata-rata adalah %1$s milidetik. Ini harus kurang dari " "ambang %2$s milidetik yang disarankan." msgid "" "Median server response time was %1$s milliseconds. This is less than the " "recommended %2$s milliseconds threshold." msgstr "" "Waktu respon server rata-rata adalah %1$s milidetik. Ini kurang dari ambang " "batas %2$s milidetik yang disarankan." msgid "" "Server response time could not be determined. Verify that loopback requests " "are working." msgstr "" "Waktu respon server tidak dapat ditentukan. Verifikasi bahwa permintaan " "loopback berfungsi." msgid "Page cache is detected but the server response time is still slow" msgstr "Cache laman terdeteksi, tetapi waktu respon server tetap lambat" msgid "Page cache is not detected and the server response time is slow" msgstr "Page cache tidak terdeteksi dan waktu respons server lambat" msgid "Page cache is detected and the server response time is good" msgstr "Page cache terdeteksi dan waktu respons server baik" msgid "Page cache is not detected but the server response time is OK" msgstr "Page cache tidak terdeteksi, tetapi waktu respons server cukup baik" msgid "" "Unable to detect page cache due to possible loopback request problem. Please " "verify that the loopback request test is passing. Error: %1$s (Code: %2$s)" msgstr "" "Tidak dapat mendeteksi cache laman karena kemungkinan kendala permintaan " "loopback. Mohon verifikasi bahwa tes permintaan loopback berhasil. Eror: " "%1$s (Kode: %2$s)" msgid "Unable to detect the presence of page cache" msgstr "Tidak dapat mendeteksi cache laman" msgid "Learn more about page cache" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang cache halaman" msgid "" "Page cache is detected by looking for an active page cache plugin as well as " "making three requests to the homepage and looking for one or more of the " "following HTTP client caching response headers:" msgstr "" "Caching laman dideteksi dengan mencari plugin caching laman yang aktif serta " "membuat tiga permintaan ke beranda dan mencari satu atau lebih dari header " "respon caching klien HTTP berikut:" msgid "" "Page cache enhances the speed and performance of your site by saving and " "serving static pages instead of calling for a page every time a user visits." msgstr "" "Caching halaman meningkatkan kecepatan dan kinerja situs Anda dengan " "menyimpan dan menyajikan halaman statis alih-alih memanggil halaman setiap " "kali pengguna mengunjungi." msgid "Your site does not have any installed themes." msgstr "Situs Anda tidak memiliki tema yang terpasang" msgid "Your site does not have any active plugins." msgstr "Situs Anda tidak memiliki plugin aktif." msgid "" "There was a problem obtaining the campaign list. Please try again or " "{{contactSupportLink}}contact support{{/contactSupportLink}}." msgstr "" "Terjadi kendala saat mengakses daftar kampanye. Mohon coba lagi atau " "{{contactSupportLink}}hubungi bantuan{{/contactSupportLink}}." msgid "" "Your ad was not approved, please review our {{wpcomTos}} " "Terms{{/wpcomTos}} and {{advertisingTos}}Advertising Policy{{/" "advertisingTos}}." msgstr "" "Iklan Anda tidak disetujui, mohon tinjau {{wpcomTos}}Ketentuan WordPress." "com{{/wpcomTos}} dan {{advertisingTos}}Kebijakan Layanan{{/advertisingTos}} " "kami." msgid "Launch guide" msgstr "Buka penyiapan" msgid "Unlock advanced content planning, publishing, and scheduling features." msgstr "" "Buka kunci fitur perencanaan konten, penerbitan, dan penjadwalan tingkat " "lanjut." msgid "Take widgets to the next level with advanced control and customization." msgstr "" "Gunakan widget secara optimal dengan pengaturan dan penyesuaian tingkat " "lanjut." msgid "Create, run, and manage interactive courses and learning experiences." msgstr "" "Buat, aktifkan, dan kelola pengalaman kursus dan pembelajaran interaktif." msgid "Launch and run crowdfunding campaigns right from your site." msgstr "Luncurkan dan jalankan kampanye crowdfunding langsung dari situs Anda." msgid "Create stand-out customer service experiences for your site visitors." msgstr "" "Buat pengalaman layanan pelanggan profesional untuk pengunjung situs Anda." msgid "" "Create, share, edit, and manage beautiful images and video {with added " "precision and flexibility." msgstr "" "Buat, bagikan, edit, dan kelola gambar dan video yang indah secara presisi " "dan fleksibel." msgid "Finesse your site’s design with advanced customization tools." msgstr "Sempurnakan desain situs Anda dengan alat penyesuaian tingkat lanjut." msgid "" "Bring in new business and shine a spotlight on your projects or products." msgstr "Kenalkan bisnis baru dan tampilkan proyek atau produk Anda." msgid "Go deeper and learn faster with site visitor and performance insights." msgstr "" "Pelajari lebih mendalam dan efisien dengan wawasan pengunjung dan performa " "situs." msgid "" "Create a seamless shipping experience with advanced delivery integrations." msgstr "" "Ciptakan pengalaman pengiriman yang lancar dengan integrasi pengiriman " "tingkat lanjut." msgid "" "Sell products, subscriptions, and services while keeping on top of every " "transaction." msgstr "" "Jual barang, langganan, dan jasa dengan kendali penuh terhadap setiap " "transaksi." msgid "Take advanced control of your site’s security." msgstr "Dapatkan pengaturan tingkat lanjut untuk keamanan situs Anda." msgid "Forge a direct connection with your readers through email." msgstr "Jalin hubungan langsung dengan pembaca Anda melalui e-mail." msgid "Connect to your audience and amplify your content on social." msgstr "Hubungkan ke audiens Anda dan sebarkan konten Anda di media sosial." msgid "Build buzz and set the scene with an on-site events calendar." msgstr "" "Ciptakan buzz dan atur kegiatan dengan fitur kalender kegiatan langsung di " "situs Anda." msgid "Take bookings and manage your availability right from your site." msgstr "" "Gunakan fitur pemesanan dan kelola ketersediaan Anda langsung di situs Anda." msgid "Fine-tune your site’s content and metadata for search engine success." msgstr "" "Perbaiki konten dan metadata situs Anda agar mudah ditemukan oleh mesin " "pencari." msgid "" "Additional mailboxes can only be purchased by the owner of the domain and " "email subscriptions. Please {{contactSupportLink}}contact support{{/" "contactSupportLink}} to make a purchase." msgstr "" "Mailbox tambahan hanya dapat dibeli oleh pemilik domain dan langganan e-" "mail. Silakan {{contactSupportLink}}hubungi bantuan{{/contactSupportLink}} " "untuk melakukan pembelian." msgctxt "theme" msgid "%1$s %2$s" msgstr "%1$s %2$s" msgid "" "We ran into a security issue with your subscriber list. It’s nothing to " "worry about. If you reach out to our support team when you’ve finished " "setting things up, they’ll help resolve this for you." msgstr "" "Kami mengalami kendala keamanan dengan daftar pelanggan Anda. Tidak perlu " "khawatir. Jika Anda menghubungi tim bantuan kami setelah Anda selesai " "melakukan pengaturan, mereka akan membantu Anda memperbaikinya." msgid "" "We couldn’t import your subscriber list as you’ve hit the 100 email limit " "for our free plan. The good news? You can upload a list of any size after " "upgrading to any paid plan. If you’d like to import a smaller list now, you " "can <uploadBtn>upload a different file</uploadBtn>." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat mengimpor daftar pelanggan karena Anda telah melebihi batas " "100 e-mail dalam paket gratis kami. Kabar baiknya? Anda dapat mengunggah " "jumlah berapa pun setelah melakukan upgrade ke paket berbayar mana pun. Jika " "Anda ingin mengimpor daftar yang lebih sedikit sekarang, Anda dapat " "<uploadBtn>mengunggah berkas lainnya</uploadBtn>." msgid "There's a problem getting your Jetpack identity." msgstr "Masalah terjadi selama pengambilan identitas Jetpack Anda." msgid "There's a problem getting your import status." msgstr "Masalah terjadi selama pengambilan status impor situs Anda." msgid "[%1$s] We’ve hit a small snag importing your subscribers" msgstr "[%1$s] Kami mengalami kendala kecil dalam mengimpor pelanggan Anda" msgid "" "Hello! Here’s the link you requested from the WooCommerce mobile app. Tap " "the link to start creating your account. Enjoy!" msgstr "" "Halo! Berikut adalah tautan yang Anda minta dari aplikasi seluler " "WooCommerce. Ketuk tautan untuk mulai membuat akun Selamat " "menikmati!" msgid "%s reply" msgid_plural "%s replies" msgstr[0] "%s balasan" msgstr[1] "%s balasan" msgid "Last activity %s" msgstr "Aktivitas terakhir %s" msgid "" "This forum is marked as closed to new topics, however your posting " "capabilities still allow you to create a topic." msgstr "" "Forum ini tidak lagi menerima topik baru, tetapi karena perizinan postingan " "yang dimiliki, Anda masih bisa membuat topik baru." msgid "" "Replies to both topics are merged chronologically, ordered by the time and " "date they were published. Topics may be updated to a 1 second difference to " "maintain chronological order based on the merge direction." msgstr "" "Balasan untuk kedua tema digabungkan secara kronologis, disusun berdasarkan " "waktu dan tanggal publikasi. Topik " msgid "" "This topic is marked as closed to new replies, however your posting " "capabilities still allow you to reply." msgstr "" "Topik ini tidak bisa lagi menerima balasan baru. Namun, karena perizinan pos " "yang dimiliki, Anda masih bisa memberikan balasan." msgid "New topic in %s titled" msgstr "Topik baru di %s berjudul:" msgid "" "This forum is closed to new content, however your posting capabilities still " "allow you to post." msgstr "" "Forum ini tidak bisa lagi menerima konten baru. Namun, karena perizinan pos " "yang dimiliki, Anda masih bisa mengirim pos." msgid "<strong>Error</strong>: Invalid site ID." msgstr "<strong>Error</strong>: ID situs tidak valid." msgid "Stack" msgstr "Tumpukan" msgid "%s pattern not updated, somebody is editing it." msgid_plural "%s patterns not updated, somebody is editing them." msgstr[0] "%s pola tidak diperbarui, seseorang sedang mengeditnya." msgstr[1] "%s pola tidak diperbarui, seseorang sedang mengeditnya." msgid "1 pattern not updated, somebody is editing it." msgstr "1 blok tidak diperbarui, seseorang sedang mengeditnya." msgctxt "noun" msgid "Reply" msgstr "Balas" msgid "" "This subscription will be cancelled. It will be removed when it expires." msgid_plural "" "These subscriptions will be cancelled. They will be removed when they expire." msgstr[0] "" "Langganan berikut akan dibatalkan dan akan dihapus saat kedaluwarsa." msgstr[1] "" "Langganan berikut akan dibatalkan dan akan dihapus saat kedaluwarsa." msgid "Cancel %(plan)s" msgstr "Batalkan %(plan)s" msgid "Let’s get my new domain" msgstr "Ambil domain baru saya" msgid "Try 3 months free" msgstr "Coba gratis 3 bulan" msgid "Upgrade to Professional Email" msgstr "Upgrade ke Professional Email" msgid "" "Additional mailboxes can only be purchased by the owner of the email " "subscription. If you have access to that account, please log in with the " "account to make a purchase. Otherwise, please {{contactSupportLink}}contact " "support{{/contactSupportLink}}." msgstr "" "Mailbox tambahan hanya dapat dibeli oleh pemilik e-mail langganan. Jika Anda " "dapat mengakses akun tersebut, silakan login dengan akun tersebut untuk " "membuat pembelian. Jika tidak, silakan {{contactSupportLink}}hubungi " "bantuan{{/contactSupportLink}}." msgid "" "Additional mailboxes can only be purchased by {{strong}}%(ownerUserName)s{{/" "strong}}, who is the owner of the email subscription. If you have access to " "that account, please {{loginLink}}log in with the account{{/loginLink}} to " "make a purchase. Otherwise, please reach out to " "{{strong}}%(ownerUserName)s{{/strong}} or {{contactSupportLink}}contact " "support{{/contactSupportLink}}." msgstr "" "Mailbox tambahan hanya dapat dibeli oleh {{strong}}%(ownerUserName)s{{/" "strong}} (pemilik e-mail langganan). Jika Anda dapat mengakses akun " "tersebut, silakan {{loginLink}}login dengan akun tersebut{{/loginLink}} " "untuk membuat pembelian. Jika tidak, silakan hubungi " "{{strong}}%(ownerUserName)s{{/strong}} atau {{contactSupportLink}}hubungi " "bantuan{{/contactSupportLink}}." msgid "" "Email service can only be purchased by the owner of " "{{strong}}%(selectedDomainName)s{{/strong}}. If you have access to that " "account, please log in with the account to make a purchase. Otherwise, " "please {{contactSupportLink}}contact support{{/contactSupportLink}}." msgstr "" "Layanan e-mail hanya dapat dibeli oleh pemilik " "{{strong}}%(selectedDomainName)s{{/strong}}. Jika Anda memiliki akses ke " "akun tersebut, silakan login dengan akun tersebut untuk melakukan pembelian. " "Jika tidak, silakan {{contactSupportLink}}hubungi bantuan{{/" "contactSupportLink}}." msgid "" "Email service can only be purchased by {{strong}}%(ownerUserName)s{{/" "strong}}, who is the owner of {{strong}}%(selectedDomainName)s{{/strong}}. " "If you have access to that account, please {{loginLink}}log in with the " "account{{/loginLink}} to make a purchase. Otherwise, please {{reachOutLink}}" "reach out to %(ownerUserName)s{{/reachOutLink}} or {{contactSupportLink}}" "contact support{{/contactSupportLink}}." msgstr "" "Layanan e-mail hanya dapat dibeli oleh {{strong}}%(ownerUserName)s{{/" "strong}} (pemilik {{strong}}%(selectedDomainName)s{{/strong}}). Jika Anda " "memiliki akses ke akun tersebut, silakan {{loginLink}}login dengan akun " "tersebut{{/loginLink}} untuk melakukan pembelian. Jika tidak, " "{{reachOutLink}}hubungi %(ownerUserName)s{{/reachOutLink}} atau " "{{contactSupportLink}}hubungi bantuan{{/contactSupportLink}}." msgid "Let’s get my new domain!" msgstr "Ambil domain baru saya!" msgid "Ready to do this?" msgstr "Siap?" msgid "" "Note that these are just suggestions, but you can be sure that claiming your " "custom domain is a brand-building must! Not only is it more memorable for " "your customers, fans, and followers, having your own unique domain name is a " "boon for SEO and helps you create brand trust and credibility." msgstr "" "Ini hanya saran, tetapi domain khusus sangat membantu dalam membangun merek. " "Selain mudah diingat oleh pelanggan, penggemar, dan pengikut, nama domain " "yang unik dapat memperkuat SEO dan menumbuhkan kredibilitas dan kepercayaan " "terhadap merek." msgid "" "Right now, your site address is %s, but you can claim your very own .com (or " "choose from any number of TLDs), and your first year’s registration cost is " "on us." msgstr "" "Sekarang, alamat situs Anda adalah %s, tetapi Anda bisa memiliki alamat .com " "(atau TLD lain) pilihan Anda. Kami yang akan menanggung biaya pendaftaran " "tahun pertamanya." msgid "" "Reminder: Your %s plan comes feature-packed with everything you need to " "build an amazing website, including a custom site address completely free " "for the first year." msgstr "" "Pengingat: Paket %s Anda dilengkapi fitur-fitur untuk membuat situs web yang " "menarik, termasuk alamat situs khusus gratis untuk tahun pertama." msgid "" "The email subscription for %(domainName)s will be transferred along with the " "domain." msgstr "Langganan e-mail untuk %(domainName)s akan ditransfer bersama domain." msgid "The caption of the video." msgstr "Keterangan video." msgid "%(siteStatus)s (%(count)d sites)" msgstr "%(siteStatus)s (%(count)d situs)" msgid "Filtering to sites with status \"%(siteStatus)s\"." msgstr "Menyaring situs dengan status \"%(siteStatus)s\"." msgid "Displaying all sites." msgstr "Menampilkan semua situs." msgid "Upgrade your plan to install plugins" msgstr "Tingkatkan paket Anda untuk menginstal plugin" msgid "" "Get hands-on help setting up and customizing your site. Whatever you have in " "mind, we’ll help you get there with live chat, email support, and daily, " "free webinars." msgstr "" "Dapatkan bantuan langsung untuk menyiapkan dan menyesuaikan situs Anda. Apa " "pun yang Anda inginkan, kami akan membantu dengan obrolan langsung, dukungan " "email, dan webinar harian gratis." msgid "" "Got questions? Connect with our expert team of Happiness Engineers, and " "we’ll help you out: %s" msgstr "" "Ada pertanyaan? Kami siap membantu. Hubungi tim ahli kami, Happiness " "Engineer: %s" msgid "" "3. We make this easy-peasy, and we’ll automatically redirect your site " "visitors to your new domain name, so you won’t lose a single follower!" msgstr "" "3. Prosesnya sangat mudah dan kami akan otomatis mengarahkan pengunjung " "situs Anda ke nama domain yang baru sehingga Anda tidak kehilangan pengikut." msgid "" "2. Whether you’re focused on launching a business or growing your following, " "a custom domain name means you’ll have a memorable site address to share " "with your audience—one that reflects your brand and personality." msgstr "" "2. Bagi Anda yang hendak meluncurkan usaha atau menambah pengikut, nama " "domain kustom adalah alamat situs yang mudah diingat audiens serta " "mencerminkan merek dan jati diri Anda." msgid "" "1. Not only are custom domain names easier to share with your followers, " "they stand out way better in search results and across social media." msgstr "" "1. Nama domain kustom lebih mudah dibagikan kepada pengikut Anda dan lebih " "mudah dicari, termasuk di media sosial." msgid "Top 3 reasons to claim your domain name today" msgstr "3 alasan utama untuk mengeklaim nama domain Anda sekarang juga" msgid "Perhaps %s is a better fit." msgstr "Mungkin %s lebih cocok." msgid "Or maybe %s catches your fancy?" msgstr "Atau mungkin Anda suka %s?" msgid "So how does %s sound to you?" msgstr "Bagaimana kalau %s?" msgid "" "That’s right—when you signed up for %s, you unlocked this valuable perk that " "gives you your first year of domain name registration for free." msgstr "" "Iya! Dengan mendaftar %s, Anda mendapatkan registrasi nama domain gratis " "untuk tahun pertama." msgid "" "Just in case you missed it, you have a free domain name credit waiting in " "your account." msgstr "Jika Anda belum tahu, ada kredit nama domain gratis di akun Anda." msgid "Oh hi there." msgstr "Halo!" msgid "" "Got questions? <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"text-decoration: " "none; color: %2$s;\">Connect with our expert team of Happiness Engineers</" "a>, and we’ll help you out." msgstr "" "Ada pertanyaan? Kami siap membantu. <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" style=" "\"text-decoration: none; color: %2$s;\">Hubungi tim ahli kami, Happiness " "Engineer.</a>" msgid "Choose your custom domain name" msgstr "Pilih nama domain khusus Anda." msgid "" "We make this easy-peasy, and we’ll automatically redirect your site visitors " "to your new domain name, so you won’t lose a single follower!" msgstr "" "Prosesnya sangat mudah dan kami akan otomatis mengarahkan pengunjung situs " "Anda ke nama domain yang baru sehingga Anda tidak kehilangan pengikut." msgid "" "Whether you’re focused on launching a business or growing your following, a " "custom domain name means you’ll have a memorable site address to share with " "your audience—one that reflects your brand and personality." msgstr "" "Bagi Anda yang hendak meluncurkan usaha atau menambah pengikut, nama domain " "kustom adalah alamat situs yang mudah diingat audiens serta mencerminkan " "merek dan jati diri Anda." msgid "" "Not only are custom domain names easier to share with your followers, they " "stand out way better in search results and across social media." msgstr "" "Nama domain khusus lebih mudah dibagikan kepada pengikut Anda dan lebih " "mudah dicari, termasuk di media sosial." msgid "Top 3 reasons to claim your domain name today:" msgstr "3 alasan utama untuk mengeklaim nama domain Anda sekarang juga:" msgid "" "Quick disclaimer — these are just suggestions, but whatever name you go " "with, be sure to claim your free domain today to lock down this crucial " "piece of the site creation puzzle." msgstr "" "Penafian: Ini hanyalah saran, tetapi apa pun nama yang Anda pilih, klaim " "domain gratis Anda sekarang juga untuk mengamankan komponen mahapenting " "dalam pembuatan situs." msgid "Claim my free domain name" msgstr "Klaim nama domain gratis saya" msgid "" "Perhaps <a style=\"color: #3858E9; text-decoration: none;\" href=\"%1$s\">" "%2$s</a> is a better fit." msgstr "" "Mungkin <a style=\"color: #3858E9; text-decoration: none;\" href=\"%1$s\">" "%2$s</a> lebih cocok." msgid "" "Or maybe <a style=\"color: #3858E9; text-decoration: none;\" href=\"%1$s\">" "%2$s</a> catches your fancy?" msgstr "" "Atau mungkin Anda suka <a style=\"color: #3858E9; text-decoration: none;\" " "href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a>?" msgid "" "So how does <a style=\"color: #3858E9; text-decoration: none;\" href=\"%1$s" "\">%2$s</a> sound to you?" msgstr "" "Bagaimana kalau <a style=\"color: #3858E9; text-decoration: none;\" href=" "\"%1$s\">%2$s</a>?" msgid "" "Just in case you missed it, you have a <strong>free domain name</strong> " "credit waiting in your account." msgstr "" "Kalau-kalau Anda belum tahu, ada kredit <strong>nama domain gratis</strong> " "di akun Anda." msgid "Great start! You’ll be able to add more subscribers after setup." msgstr "" "Awal yang bagus! Anda dapat menambahkan lebih banyak pelanggan setelah " "penyiapan." msgid "Let’s add your first subscribers" msgstr "Yuk, tambahkan pelanggan pertama Anda" msgid "Everything you need to build and grow your site from any device." msgstr "" "Semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk membangun dan mengembangkan situs Anda dari " "perangkat apa pun." msgid "Get our mobile app" msgstr "Dapatkan aplikasi seluler kami" msgid "Everything you need to write, publish, and manage a world-class site." msgstr "" "Semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk menulis, menerbitkan, dan mengelola situs " "kelas dunia." msgid "Getting started with Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam" msgstr "Memulai dengan Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam" msgid "" "Yes. On the Jetpack Dashboard (WP Admin > Jetpack > Dashboard) there is a " "stats card that shows the number of spam comments and submissions blocked on " "your site from Akismet Anti-spam." msgstr "" "Ya. Di Dasbor Jetpack (WP Admin > Jetpack > Dasbor), ada kartu statistik " "yang menunjukkan jumlah komentar spam dan pengiriman formulir yang diblokir " "di situs Anda oleh Akismet Anti-spam." msgid "Does Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam report the amount of blocked spam?" msgstr "Apakah Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam melaporkan jumlah spam yang diblokir?" msgid "" "Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam works on any WordPress site that <a href=\"%s" "\">uses a compatible form plugin.</a>" msgstr "" "Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam bisa berfungsi di situs WordPress apa pun yang <a " "href=\"%s\">menggunakan plugin formulir yang kompatibel.</a>" msgid "How do I know Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam will work for my site?" msgstr "" "Bagaimana caranya mengetahui apakah Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam bisa berfungsi " "di situs saya?" msgid "" "Yes. If you are using Jetpack forms, then there is no additional setup " "required. If you are using a different form plugin, please review this " "article from Akismet on <a href=\"%s\">how to setup Anti-spam for other form " "plugins.</a>" msgstr "" "Ya. Jika menggunakan formulir Jetpack, Anda tidak memerlukan pengaturan " "tambahan. Jika Anda menggunakan plugin formulir lain, silakan baca artikel " "dari Akismet tentang <a href=\"%s\">penyiapan Anti-spam untuk plugin " "formulir lain.</a>" msgid "" "Does Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam work with Jetpack, Contact Form 7, Gravity " "Forms, Formidable Forms, etc?" msgstr "" "Apakah Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam berfungsi pada Jetpack, Contact Form 7, " "Gravity Form, Formidable Form, dll.?" msgid "" "Akismet Anti-spam comes with 10k API calls per month, which should be more " "than enough for a small business. If you need more API calls, you can " "upgrade to one of <a href=\"%s\">Akismet’s higher tier plans.</a>" msgstr "" "Akismet Anti-spam memuat 10k panggilan API per bulan, yang sudah lebih dari " "cukup bagi bisnis kecil. Jika Anda membutuhkan lebih banyak panggilan API, " "Anda dapat mengupgrade ke salah satu paket <a href=\"%s\">Akismet yang lebih " "tinggi.</a>" msgid "How many API calls do I get per month with Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam?" msgstr "" "Berapa panggilan API yang saya dapatkan per bulan dengan Jetpack Akismet " "Anti-spam?" msgid "" "No. Anything that Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam thinks is spam is automatically " "moved to your site’s spam section. On the off chance that some spam does get " "through, you can mark it as spam which will make Akismet Anti-spam recognize " "submissions like that as spam in the future." msgstr "" "Tidak. Apa pun yang Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam anggap sebagai spam akan " "dipindahkan ke bagian spam situs Anda secara otomatis. Kalaupun ada spam " "yang lolos (meski kemungkinannya sangat kecil), Anda dapat menandainya " "sebagai spam supaya ke depannya Akismet Anti-spam akan mengenali pengiriman " "semacam itu sebagai spam." msgid "" "Do I need to manually review comments and form submissions when using " "Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam?" msgstr "" "Apakah saya perlu meninjau pengiriman formulir dan komentar secara manual " "ketika menggunakan Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam?" msgid "" "No. With Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam enabled, spam submissions are filtered " "automatically, which makes it easier for legitimate visitors on your site to " "engage with your comments section or to submit a form." msgstr "" "Tidak. Dengan mengaktifkan Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam, pengiriman spam " "disaring secara otomatis sehingga mempermudah pengunjung sah di situs Anda " "dalam berinteraksi di kolom komentar atau mengirimkan formulir." msgid "Do I need to use a captcha with Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam?" msgstr "" "Apakah saya perlu menggunakan captcha dengan Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam?" msgid "" "If this doesn't work for you, feel free to reach our to our support team for " "help." msgstr "" "Jika tidak berfungsi, silakan minta bantuan dari tim layanan bantuan kami." msgid "" "Once submitted, you will see this comment has been moved to your spam folder " "automatically by Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam: WP Admin > Comments > Spam" msgstr "" "Setelah dikirimkan, Anda akan melihat komentar ini telah dipindahkan ke " "folder spam secara otomatis dengan Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam: WP Admin > " "Komentar > Spam" msgid "Comment Body: akismet-guaranteed-spam" msgstr "Isi Komentar: akismet-guaranteed-spam" msgid "Email: <a href=\"%s\"></a>" msgstr "E-mail: <a href=\"%s\"></a>" msgid "" "Once you have setup Akismet Anti-spam, you can test that it is working by " "using one of the following keywords in a comment on your site:" msgstr "" "Setelah Anda menyiapkan Akismet Anti-spam, Anda dapat mengujinya dengan " "menggunakan salah satu kata kunci berikut ini di komentar situs Anda:" msgid "How do I confirm if Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam is working?" msgstr "" "Bagaimana saya mengonfirmasi bahwa Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam sudah berfungsi?" msgid "" "Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam uses state of the art algorithms and methods to " "block spam submissions on comments and forms on your site. To date Akismet " "Anti-spam has blocked more than 500 billion pieces of spam off the web, " "averaging about 7.5 million per hour." msgstr "" "Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam menggunakan algoritma dan metode paling mutakhir " "untuk memblokir pengiriman spam pada komentar dan formulir di situs Anda. " "Hingga saat ini, Akismet Anti-spam telah memblokir lebih dari 500 milyar " "spam dari web, dengan rata-rata sekitar 7,5 juta per jam." msgid "" "How does Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam block spam submissions on comments and " "forms?" msgstr "" "Bagaimana cara Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam memblokir pengiriman spam di " "komentar dan formulir?" msgid "" "For information on using Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam with other form plugins, " "please view this support article from Akismet about <a href=\"%s\">how to " "use Akismet with your contact forms.</a>" msgstr "" "Untuk informasi mengenai penggunaan Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam dengan plugin " "formulir lain, silakan lihat artikel pendukung dari Akismet tentang <a href=" "\"%s\">cara menggunakan Akismet dengan formulir kontak Anda.</a>" msgid "" "Yes. If you use Jetpack’s contact form (either the <a href=\"%1$s\">Form " "block</a>, or the <a href=\"%2$s\">classic editor version</a>), your contact " "form submissions will automatically be scanned for spam. You can also " "manually mark comments as spam/not spam via the Feedback section of WP Admin " "to help Akismet Anti-spam learn to flag comments like that in future." msgstr "" "Ya. Jika Anda menggunakan formulir kontak Jetpack (baik <a href=\"%1$s" "\">Blok formulir</a>, maupun <a href=\"%2$s\">versi editor klasik</a>), " "pengiriman formulir kontak Anda akan dipindai secara otomatis dari spam. " "Secara manual, Anda juga dapat menandai komentar sebagai spam/bukan spam " "melalui bagian Feedback WP Admin agar Akismet Anti-spam dapat menandai " "komentar semacam itu di waktu mendatang." msgid "Does Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam work with form submissions?" msgstr "Apakah Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam berfungsi pada pengiriman formulir?" msgid "" "You can <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"%2$s" "\">unsubscribe</a> or modify your <a href=\"%3$s\" target=\"_blank\" data-" "tracks-link-desc=\"%4$s\">subscription options</a>." msgstr "" "Anda dapat <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"%2$s" "\">berhenti berlangganan</a> atau mengubah <a href=\"%3$s\" target=\"_blank" "\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"%4$s\">pilihan berlangganan</a>." msgid "You are receiving this email because you follow this forum topic." msgstr "Anda menerima email ini karena Anda mengikuti topik forum ini." msgid "View reply" msgstr "Lihat balasan" msgid "replied to <a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a>." msgstr "dibalas ke <a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a>." msgid "This theme comes bundled with WooCommerce, the best way to sell online." msgstr "" "Tema ini dibundel dengan WooCommerce, cara terbaik untuk menjual secara " "online." msgid "" "When you install a plugin, theme, or activate hosting features, <strong>your " "domain will change</strong>. We’ll make sure that your site visitors are " "redirected to the new domain." msgstr "" "Setelah menginstal plugin atau tema, atau mengaktifkan fitur hosting," "<strong>domain Anda akan berubah</strong>. Kami pastikan pengunjung situs " "Anda dialihkan ke domain baru." msgid "" "Get your thoughts together because it is time to start writing. After " "publishing, don't forget to share your first post with your networks on " "social media." msgstr "" "Ungkapkan pemikiran Anda karena inilah saatnya untuk mulai menulis. Setelah " "menerbitkan, jangan lupa untuk membagikan artikel pertama Anda ke jaringan " "Anda di media sosial." msgid "Finish your %s" msgstr "Selesaikan %s Anda" msgid "Set up your %s" msgstr "Siapkan %s Anda" msgid "" "Installing plugins is a premium feature. Unlock the ability to install this " "and 50,000 other plugins by upgrading to the %(planName)s plan for " "%(monthlyCost)s/month." msgstr "" "Menginstal plugin merupakan fitur premium. Nikmati kemampuan untuk " "menginstal plugin ini dan 50.000 lainnya dengan melakukan upgrade ke paket " "%(planName)s seharga %(monthlyCost)s/bulan." msgid "" "You currently have %1$d share remaining. <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank" "\">Upgrade</a> to get more." msgid_plural "" "You currently have %1$d shares remaining. <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank" "\">Upgrade</a> to get more." msgstr[0] "" " %1$d share tersisa. <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\">Upgrade</a> untuk " "menambahkan." msgstr[1] "" " %1$d share tersisa. <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\">Upgrade</a> untuk " "menambahkan." msgid "Continue setting up my %s" msgstr "Lanjutkan penyiapan %s saya" msgid "Finish editing my %s" msgstr "Selesaikan penyuntingan %s saya" msgid "" "Congratulations! Your post is on its way to your readers. Now it’s time to " "sit back, savor the moment, and admire your published work — but before you " "do, be sure to share your post with your friends, fans, and followers." msgstr "" "Selamat! Pos Anda akan segera menjangkau para pembaca. Sekarang Anda bisa " "bersantai, menikmati pencapaian ini, dan mengagumi karya yang Anda poskan. " "Namun, pastikan terlebih dahulu untuk membagikan pos kepada teman, " "penggemar, dan pengikut." msgid "" "Congratulations! Your post is on its way to your readers. Now it’s time to " "sit back, savor the moment, and admire your published work — but before you " "do, be sure to <a style=\"font-weight:%1$1s; color:%2$2s;\" href=\"%3$3s" "\">share your post</a> with your friends, fans, and followers." msgstr "" "Selamat! Pos Anda akan segera menjangkau para pembaca. Sekarang Anda bisa " "bersantai, menikmati momen ini, dan mengagumi karya yang Anda poskan. Namun, " "pastikan terlebih dahulu untuk <a style=\"font-weight:%1$1s; color:%2$2s;\" " "href=\"%3$3s\">membagikan pos</a> kepada teman, penggemar, dan pengikut Anda." msgid "Congrats! Your Newsletter is officially live." msgstr "Selamat! Buletin Anda telah diluncurkan." msgid "Jump back in now to finish setting up your new site." msgstr "Lanjutkan penyiapan situs baru Anda." msgid "Upgrade and activate plugin" msgstr "Upgrade dan aktifkan plugin" msgid "Choose a variation to change the look of the site." msgstr "Pilih variasi untuk mengubah tampilan situs." msgid "{{a}}Contact support{{/a}}" msgstr "{{a}}Hubungi layanan bantuan{{/a}}" msgid "" "This message was sent by a <a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=" "\"wordpress-link\">%2$s</a> user who entered your email address or username " "to invite you. You can <a href=\"%3$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"remove-" "subscription\">unsubscribe</a> if you'd prefer not to receive invitation " "emails in future. Please do not reply to this message; it was sent from an " "unmonitored email address. For help with <a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-" "desc=\"wordpress-link\">%2$s</a>, please visit <a href=\"%4$s\" data-tracks-" "link-desc=\"wordpress-support\">%4$s</a>." msgstr "" "Pesan ini dikirimkan oleh pengguna <a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=" "\"wordpress-link\">%2$s</a> yang memasukkan alamat email dan nama pengguna " "Anda untuk mengundang Anda. Anda dapat <a href=\"%3$s\" data-tracks-link-" "desc=\"remove-subscription\">membatalkan langganan</a> jika Anda tidak ingin " "lagi menerima email undangan. Jangan balas pesan ini; ini dikirimkan dari " "alamat email yang tidak terpantau. Jika membutuhkan bantuan terkait <a href=" "\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"wordpress-link\">%2$s</a>, silakan kunjungi " "<a href=\"%4$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"wordpress-support\">%4$s</a>." msgid "" "%1$s has just invited you to follow <a href=\"%2$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=" "\"blog-url\">%3$s</a>." msgstr "" "%1$s mengajak Anda mengikuti <a href=\"%2$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"blog-" "url\">%3$s</a>." msgid "" "This message was sent by a <a href=\"\" data-tracks-" "link-desc=\"wordpress-link\"></a> user who entered your email " "address or username to invite you. You can <a href=\"%s\" data-tracks-link-" "desc=\"remove-subscription\">unsubscribe</a> if you'd prefer not to receive " "invitation emails in future. Please do not reply to this message; it was " "sent from an unmonitored email address. For help with <a href=\"https://" "\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"wordpress-link\"></a>, " "please visit <a href=\"\" data-tracks-link-desc=" "\"wordpress-support\"></a>." msgstr "" "Pesan ini dikirimkan oleh pengguna <a href=\"\" data-" "tracks-link-desc=\"wordpress-link\"></a> yang memasukkan alamat " "email dan nama pengguna Anda untuk mengundang Anda. Anda dapat <a href=\"%s" "\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"remove-subscription\">membatalkan langganan</a> " "jika Anda tidak ingin lagi menerima email undangan. Jangan balas pesan ini; " "ini dikirimkan dari alamat email yang tidak terpantau. Untuk mendapatkan " "bantuan terkait <a href=\"\" data-tracks-link-desc=" "\"wordpress-link\"></a>, silakan kunjungi <a href=\"https://" "\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"wordpress-support\">http://" "</a>." msgid "%1$s has invited you to become an author on %2$s." msgstr "%1$s mengajak Anda menjadi penulis di %2$s" msgid "%1$s has invited you to edit %2$s." msgstr "%1$s mengajak Anda menyunting %2$s." msgid "%1$s has invited you to administer %2$s." msgstr "%1$s mengajak Anda mengelola %2$s" msgid "Personalize Link in Bio" msgstr "Atur Tautan di Bio" msgid "Personalize newsletter" msgstr "Atur Buletin" msgid "" "Only displaying the first %(maxResults)d sites.<br />Use search to refine." msgstr "" "Hanya menampilkan %(maxResults)d situs pertama.<br />Gunakan penelusuran " "untuk menyaring." msgid "" "Enter your SSH, SFTP or FTP credentials to enable one-click site restores " "and faster backups." msgstr "" "Masukkan kredensial SSH, SFTP, atau FTP Anda untuk mengaktifkan pemulihan " "situs sekali klik dan pencadangan yang lebih cepat." msgid "Indicates if a template is custom or part of the template hierarchy" msgstr "" "Menunjukkan jika templat adalah kustom atau bagian dari hierarki templat" msgid "An array of post types that the pattern is restricted to be used with." msgstr "Larik tipe pos yang dapat digunakan dengan pola." msgid "Deleted author: %s" msgstr "Penulis dihapus: %s" msgid "You did it! Your first post is published!" msgstr "Anda berhasil! Pos pertama Anda telah dipublikasikan!" msgid "" "Your Link in Bio %1$1s, %2$2s, is officially live and ready for visitors. " "Take a moment to admire your work, then be sure to share your new Link in " "Bio link with your fans and followers." msgstr "" "Tautan Anda di Bio %1$1s, %2$2s, telah berfungsi dan siap dikunjungi. Kagumi " "karya Anda dan bagikan Tautan baru di Bio Anda kepada penggemar dan pengikut." msgid "Congratulations, your Link in Bio is live!" msgstr "Selamat, Tautan di Bio Anda telah berfungsi!" msgid "You’re so close to taking your %s live!" msgstr "Tinggal sedikit lagi, %s Anda siap diluncurkan." msgid "Let’s finish setting up your %s." msgstr "Selesaikan penyiapan %s Anda." msgid "" "Whether you want to sell your products, promote your services, or amplify " "your message, a Link in Bio hosted on your very own site will " "help you and your brand stand out." msgstr "" "Tautan di Bio dari situs Anda akan membantu Anda dan merek " "Anda menjual produk, mempromosikan jasa, ataupun menyebarkan pesan." msgid "" "You’ve just joined thousands of bloggers, creators, and independent " "publishers who use to reach their followers beyond social " "media." msgstr "" "Anda baru saja bergabung dengan ribuan blogger, kreator, dan penerbit " "independen yang menggunakan untuk lebih lanjut menjangkau " "pengikut dari media sosial." msgid "" "You’ve just joined thousands of bloggers, creators, and independent " "publishers who use to reach their audiences." msgstr "" "Anda baru saja bergabung dengan ribuan blogger, kreator, dan penerbit " "independen yang menggunakan untuk menjangkau audiens." msgid "Let’s get that Newsletter launched" msgstr "Luncurkan Buletin" msgid "You’re a few quick clicks away from done" msgstr "Tinggal sedikit lagi" msgid "You’re all set! Let’s start setting up your %s." msgstr "Selesai! Mulai siapkan %s Anda." msgid "" "The good news? We’re here to make it easy for you. Jump back in now, and " "we’ll guide you through the last few steps to set up your %s in just a few " "minutes flat." msgstr "" "Kabar baiknya? Kami siap membantu Anda. Ayo kembali dan kami akan memandu " "Anda menyelesaikan penyiapan %s secara cepat." msgid "We get it — setting up a %s site can be tough!" msgstr "Kami paham—menyiapkan %s situs kadang tidak mudah." msgid "Let’s get that %s launched." msgstr "Luncurkan %s." msgid "You did it! <strong>Your first post</strong> is published!" msgstr "Anda berhasil! <strong>Pos pertama Anda</strong> telah dipublikasikan!" msgid "Your first post is published — time to celebrate!" msgstr "Pos pertama Anda telah dipublikasikan! Saatnya merayakan!" msgid "Visit your Link in Bio" msgstr "Kunjungi Tautan di Bio Anda" msgid "" "Your Link in Bio <a style=\"font-weight:%1$1s; color:%2$2s;\" href=\"%3$3s\">" "%4$4s</a> is officially live and ready for visitors. Take a moment to admire " "your work, then be sure to share your new Link in Bio link with your fans " "and followers." msgstr "" "Tautan Anda di Bio <a style=\"font-weight:%1$1s; color:%2$2s;\" href=\"%3$3s" "\">%4$4s</a> telah berfungsi dan siap dikunjungi. Kagumi karya Anda dan " "bagikan Tautan baru di Bio Anda kepada penggemar dan pengikut." msgid "Congratulations, <strong>your Link in Bio is live!</strong>" msgstr "Selamat, <strong>Tautan di Bio Anda telah berfungsi!</strong>" msgid "Your Link in Bio is live!" msgstr "Tautan di Bio Anda telah berfungsi!" msgid "Launch my %s" msgstr "Luncurkan %s saya" msgid "You’re so close to taking your <strong>%s live!</strong>" msgstr "Tinggal sedikit lagi, <strong>%s Anda siap diluncurkan.</strong>" msgid "You’re one step away from launching your %s" msgstr "Tinggal selangkah lagi, %s Anda siap diluncurkan." msgid "" "You’ve accomplished a whole lot so far! You’re only one post away from " "publishing your Newsletter. Ready to do this?" msgstr "" "Anda sudah sampai sejauh ini! Tinggal tulis satu pos dan Buletin Anda pun " "akan terbit. Siap?" msgid "" "Writing your first post can be tough, for sure. The good news? When you’re " "first starting out, there are less people watching if something doesn’t go " "to plan. So you can launch it now, and fix it later." msgstr "" "Memang tidak mudah menulis pos pertama. Kabar baiknya? Saat Anda baru mulai, " "jika ada yang tidak beres, tak banyak orang yang akan melihatnya. Anda dapat " "meluncurkannya sekarang lalu memperbaikinya nanti." msgid "Ready to add your links and make it happen?" msgstr "Siap menambahkan tautan dan mewujudkan mimpi Anda?" msgid "" "Launching a new thing can be pretty nerve-wracking. Here’s the good news: " "you’re only a link or two away from being ready to launch your Link in Bio " "to the world." msgstr "" "Peluncuran kadang bisa membuat stres. Kabar baiknya: tinggal sedikit lagi, " "Anda siap meluncurkan Tautan di Bio." msgid "Finish setting up your %s" msgstr "Selesaikan penyiapan %s Anda" msgid "Let’s finish setting up <strong>your %s </strong>" msgstr "Selesaikan penyiapan <strong>%s Anda</strong>" msgid "Just a few final steps to finish setting up." msgstr "Penyiapan hampir selesai." msgid "Your %s is almost ready to launch!" msgstr "%s Anda hampir siap diluncurkan!" msgid "" "You’re just a few minutes away from launching your Newsletter! This next " "part’s easy: give your site a name, grab a domain, and pick a plan that " "works for you." msgstr "" "Tinggal sebentar lagi, Buletin Anda siap diluncurkan! Bagian berikutnya " "mudah: pilih nama situs, domain, dan paket yang sesuai." msgid "" "You’ve just joined thousands of bloggers, creators, and independent " "publishers who use to reach their followers beyond social " "media.<br /><br />Whether you want to sell your products, promote your " "services, or amplify your message, a <strong>Link in Bio</strong> hosted on " "your very own site will help you and your brand stand out." msgstr "" "Anda baru saja bergabung dengan ribuan blogger, kreator, dan penerbit " "independen yang menggunakan untuk lebih lanjut menjangkau " "pengikut dari media sosial.<br /><br /><strong>Tautan di Bio</strong> dari " "situs Anda akan membantu Anda dan merek Anda menjual produk, " "mempromosikan jasa, ataupun menyebarkan pesan." msgid "" "Setting up your Newsletter is simple stuff. Add a logo, choose your colors, " "and you’re nearly there. Add your first subscribers and you’re ready to " "write your first post!" msgstr "" "Buletin dapat disiapkan dengan mudah. Tambahkan logo, pilih warna, dan " "Buletin pun sudah hampir jadi. Tambahkan pelanggan dan Anda pun siap menulis " "pos pertama!" msgid "Continue setting up my Newsletter" msgstr "Lanjutkan penyiapan Buletin saya" msgid "We get it — setting up a Newsletter can be tough!" msgstr "Kami paham—menyiapkan Buletin kadang tidak mudah." msgid "You’re a few quick clicks away from done." msgstr "Tinggal sedikit lagi." msgid "Start setting up your %s" msgstr "Mulai siapkan %s Anda" msgid "" "When your site is live, share it with your social media followers and drive " "traffic to your new Link in Bio hosted on your very own website!" msgstr "" "Jika situs Anda sudah diluncurkan, bagikan kepada pengikut media sosial Anda " "dan tingkatkan lalu lintas Tautan di Bio situs Anda." msgid "" "Setting up your Link in Bio is simple stuff. Add your logo, choose your " "colors, and you’re nearly there." msgstr "" "Tautan di Bio dapat disiapkan dengan mudah. Tambahkan logo, pilih warna, dan " "Tautan di Bio pun sudah hampir jadi." msgid "" "You’ve just joined thousands of bloggers, creators, and independent " "publishers who use to reach their audiences!" msgstr "" "Anda baru saja bergabung dengan ribuan bloger, kreator, dan penerbit " "independen yang menggunakan untuk menjangkau audiens!" msgid "You’re all set! <br><strong>Let’s start setting up</strong> your %s" msgstr "Selesai! <br><strong>Mulai siapkan</strong> %s Anda." msgid "Welcome to! Let’s get started." msgstr "Selamat datang di! Ayo mulai." msgid "Finish editing my Link in Bio" msgstr "Selesaikan pengeditan Tautan di Bio saya" msgid "" "The good news? <strong>We’re here to make it easy for you.</strong> Jump " "back in now, and we’ll guide you through the last few steps to set up your " "%s in just a few minutes flat." msgstr "" "Kabar baiknya? <strong>Kami siap membantu Anda.</strong> Ayo kembali dan " "kami akan memandu Anda menyelesaikan penyiapan %s secara cepat." msgid "We get it — setting up a Link in Bio site can be tough!" msgstr "Kami paham—menyiapkan Tautan di Bio situs kadang tidak mudah." msgid "Let’s get that <strong>%s launched</strong>" msgstr "<strong>Luncurkan %s</strong>" msgid "Let’s get that %s launched" msgstr "Luncurkan %s" msgid "Accept invitation" msgstr "Terima ajakan" msgid "New invite!" msgstr "Ajakan baru!" msgid "" "%1$s has just accepted invitation to be a member of <a href=\"%2$s\" data-" "tracks-link-desc=\"blog-url\">%3$s.</a>" msgstr "" "%1$s telah menerima ajakan untuk menjadi anggota <a href=\"%2$s\" data-" "tracks-link-desc=\"blog-url\">%3$s.</a>" msgid "Invite Accepted!" msgstr "Ajakan Diterima!" msgid "" "You can <a href=\"%1$s\">give %2$s access to your site</a>, or simply ignore " "the notification." msgstr "" "Anda dapat <a href=\"%1$s\">memberikan %2$s akses ke situs Anda</a> atau " "mengabaikan pemberitahuan." msgid "%1$s is requesting access to view %2$s (Private)" msgstr "%1$s meminta akses untuk melihat %2$s (Privat)" msgid "Access request" msgstr "Permintaan akses" msgid "Pay Now" msgstr "Bayar Sekarang" msgid "Get a glimpse of the newsletter" msgstr "Lihat buletin sekilas" msgctxt "Jetpack Search Plan" msgid "Search Free" msgstr "Search Gratis" msgid "Jetpack Search Free" msgstr "Jetpack Search Gratis" msgid "Decide later." msgstr "Tentukan nanti." msgid "Become an agency partner" msgstr "Menjadi mitra agensi" msgid "Or in {{purchases/}}" msgstr "Atau di {{purchases/}}" msgid "The attachment id of the poster image." msgstr "ID lampiran gambar poster." msgid "Whether the time is in milliseconds or seconds." msgstr "Waktu dihitung dalam milidetik atau detik." msgid "The time in the video to use as the poster frame." msgstr "Waktu dalam video yang digunakan sebagai bingkai poster." msgid "Analyzing site…" msgstr "Menganalisis situs..." msgid "Oops, there was an issue! Please try again." msgstr "Maaf, terjadi kendala! Mohon coba lagi." msgid "" "We guarantee site's performance and protect it from spammers detailing all " "activity records." msgstr "" "Kami menjamin kinerja situs dan melindunginya dari spammer yang merinci " "semua catatan aktivitas." msgid "Essential features" msgstr "Fitur utama" msgid "Flex your site with plugins" msgstr "Tingkatkan situs Anda dengan plugin" msgid "" "You took that crucial first step toward creating your %s, but you didn’t " "finish checking out. No worries! The plan you selected (nice choice, by the " "way) is waiting in your cart." msgstr "" "Anda sudah mengambil langkah penting untuk membuat %s, tetapi belum " "menyelesaikan pembayaran. Jangan khawatir! Paket yang Anda pilih (by the " "way, pilihan yang bagus) sedang menunggu di keranjang." msgid "When you upgrade your %1$s with the %2$s plan, you’ll:" msgstr "Ketika meng-upgrade %1$s dengan paket %2$s, Anda akan:" msgid "" "Get expert WordPress support from our global team of Happiness Engineers." msgstr "" "Mendapatkan bantuan WordPress profesional dari tim Happines Engineer global " "kami." msgid "Remove unwanted ads from your website." msgstr "Menghapus iklan yang tidak diinginkan dari situs Anda." msgid "" "Unlock premium themes and advanced customization options, and the ability to " "install plugins." msgstr "" "Dapatkan tema premium, pilihan penyesuaian lanjutan, dan kemampuan untuk " "menginstal plugin." msgid "When you upgrade your website with the %1$s plan, you’ll:" msgstr "Ketika meng-upgrade situs dengan paket %1$s, Anda akan:" msgid "" "Upgrading to the %1$s plan will unlock a suite of powerful features for your " "%2$s. Whether you want to connect with new readers, drive more sales, or " "showcase your work, the %3$s plan will help you get there." msgstr "" "Melakukan upgrade ke paket %1$s akan memberikan sekumpulan fitur andal bagi " "%2$s Anda. Paket %3$s akan membantu Anda untuk terhubung dengan pembaca " "baru, meningkatkan penjualan, atau menampilkan karya Anda." msgid "Finish upgrading" msgstr "Selesaikan upgrade" msgid "" "Just a reminder, when you complete the purchase, you’ll have access to all " "the benefits of managed hosting with That includes expert " "support from our team of Happiness Engineers, built-in monetization options, " "ad-free hosting, lightning-fast site speed, and more!" msgstr "" "Sekadar pengingat, setelah menyelesaikan pembelian, Anda dapat mengakses " "semua manfaat hosting terkelola dengan Manfaatnya mencakup " "dukungan ahli dari tim Happiness Engineer kami, pilihan monetisasi bawaan, " "hosting bebas iklan, kecepatan situs secepat kilat, dan lain-lain!" msgid "" "Just a reminder, when you complete the purchase, you’ll have access to all " "the benefits of managed hosting with That includes analytics, " "expert support from our team of Happiness Engineers, built-in monetization " "options, ad-free hosting, lightning-fast site speed, and more!" msgstr "" "Sekadar pengingat, setelah menyelesaikan pembelian, Anda dapat mengakses " "semua manfaat hosting terkelola dengan Manfaatnya mencakup " "analitik, dukungan ahli dari tim Happiness Engineer kami, pilihan monetisasi " "bawaan, hosting bebas iklan, kecepatan situs secepat kilat, dan lain-lain!" msgid "" "You took that crucial first step toward creating your %1$s, but you didn’t " "finish checking out. No worries! The plan you selected (nice choice, by the " "way) is <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"color: %3$s;\">waiting in " "your cart</a>." msgstr "" "Anda sudah mengambil langkah penting untuk membuat %1$s, tetapi belum " "menyelesaikan pembayaran. Jangan khawatir! Paket yang Anda pilih (pilihan " "yang bagus) sudah <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"color: %3$s;" "\">ada di keranjang</a>." msgid "Complete checkout" msgstr "Selesaikan checkout" msgid "" "You took that crucial first step toward upgrading your website, but you " "didn’t check out. No worries! The plan you selected (nice choice, by the " "way) is waiting <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"color: %2$s;\">in " "your cart</a>." msgstr "" "Anda sudah melakukan langkah penting untuk meng-upgrade situs, tetapi belum " "melakukan pembayaran. Jangan khawatir! Paket yang Anda inginkan (pilihan " "yang bagus) sudah ada <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"color: %2$s;" "\">di keranjang</a>." msgid "You’re so close to upgrading your %s!" msgstr "Anda hampir selesai meng-upgrade %s!" msgid "We can help with that." msgstr "Kami dapat membantu Anda." msgid "Building a %s?" msgstr "Membangun %s?" msgid "Your %s is waiting for you!" msgstr "%s sudah menunggu Anda!" msgid "Open the editor" msgstr "Buka editor" msgid "" "Sorry, {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} can't be transferred due to a " "transfer lock at the registry." msgstr "" "Maaf, {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} tidak dapat ditransfer karena terkunci " "dari sistem pendaftaran." msgid "" "Sorry, {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} can't be transferred because it was " "registered less than 60 days ago." msgstr "" "Maaf, {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} tidak dapat ditransfer karena karena " "baru saja didaftarkan kurang dari 60 hari yang lalu." msgid "" "<strong>%s</strong> can't be transferred due to a transfer lock at the " "registry, but you can connect it instead." msgstr "" "<strong>%s</strong> tidak dapat ditransfer karena terkunci dari sistem " "pendaftaran. Namun Anda masih dapat menghubungkannya." msgid "" "<strong>%s</strong> can't be transferred because it was registered less than " "60 days ago, but you can connect it instead." msgstr "" "<strong>%s</strong> tidak dapat ditransfer karena baru saja didaftarkan " "kurang dari 60 hari yang lalu. Namun Anda masih dapat menghubungkannya." msgid "" "This domain can't be transferred due to a transfer lock at the registry." msgstr "" "Domain berikut tidak dapat ditransfer karena terkunci dari sistem " "pendaftaran." msgid "" "This domain can't be transferred because it was registered less than 60 days " "ago." msgstr "" "Domain berikut tidak dapat ditransfer karena baru saja didaftarkan kurang " "dari 60 hari yang lalu." msgid "Sort: %s" msgstr "Urutkan: %s" msgid "Sorting by %s. Switch sorting mode" msgstr "Diurutkan berdasarkan %s. Ubah mode pengurutan" msgid "Your newsletter's ready!" msgstr "Buletin Anda sudah siap!" msgid "Your website is ready!" msgstr "Situs Anda sudah siap!" msgid "" "Need some help? Let us help you find the perfect plan for your site. {{a}}" "Chat now{{/a}} or {{a}}contact our support{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Butuh bantuan? Biarkan kami membantu Anda menemukan rancangan yang sempurna " "untuk situs Anda. {{a}}Chat sekarang{{/a}} atau {{a}}hubungi layanan bantuan " "kami{{/a}}." msgid "Sort: Last published" msgstr "Urutan: Terakhir diterbitkan" msgid "" "Update the missing information with your account, along with any other " "relevant information." msgstr "" "Perbarui informasi yang hilang pada akun Anda beserta informasi relevan " "lainnya." msgid "Update my tax information" msgstr "Perbarui informasi pajak saya" msgid "You can update this information directly in your Stripe account:" msgstr "Anda dapat memperbarui informasi ini langsung pada akun Stripe:" msgid "These can help our team solve your issue faster" msgstr "Dengan demikian, tim kami dapat memecahkan masalah Anda lebih cepat." msgid "Site you need help with" msgstr "Situs yang perlu diperbaiki" msgid "" "You accepted %1$s's invitation to contribute to their site, <a href=\"%2$s\" " "data-tracks-link-desc=\"blog-url\">%3$s.</a>" msgstr "" "Anda menerima undangan %1$s untuk berkontribusi ke situs mereka, <a href=" "\"%2$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"blog-url\">%3$s.</a>" msgid "" "You have been added to <a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"blog-url-" "title\">%2$s</a>" msgstr "" "Anda telah ditambahkan ke <a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"blog-url-" "title\">%2$s</a>" msgid "Please set a Primary site." msgstr "Silakan tentukan satu situs Utama." msgid "Your Primary site is not a Jetpack site." msgstr "Situs Utama Anda tidak menggunakan Jetpack." msgid "The site was previously deleted" msgstr "Situs ini telah dihapus sebelumnya" msgid "Enable SSH Access and access your site from the command line" msgstr "Aktifkan Akses SSH dan akseslah situs Anda dari baris perintah" msgid "" "Use WP-CLI to install and activate a series of plugins, manage users, or " "handle search-and-replace functions across your site." msgstr "" "Gunakan WP-CLI untuk menginstal dan mengaktifkan sejumlah plugin, mengelola " "pengguna, atau menangani fungsi cari dan ganti di seluruh situs Anda." msgid "WP-CLI" msgstr "WP-CLI" msgid "Enable SSH Access and access your site from the command line." msgstr "Aktifkan Akses SSH dan akseslah situs Anda dari baris perintah." msgid "Developer Tools" msgstr "Alat untuk developer" msgid "SFTP, SSH, WP-CLI, and Database access" msgstr "SFTP, SSH, WP-CLI, dan akses Basis Data" msgid "" "If you’re looking for a hand getting started, take a peek at our New User " "Guides: %s." msgstr "" "Jika Anda mencari bantuan untuk memulai, baca Panduan Pengguna Baru kami: %s." msgid "Log in to %s" msgstr "Login ke %s" msgid "Any questions? Check our support docs: %s" msgstr "Anda memiliki pertanyaan? Rujuk dokumen dukungan kami: %s" msgid "" "Since you’ve signed up using your email address, we’ve created a temporary " "username for you: %s." msgstr "" "Karena Anda mendaftar dengan alamat e-mail, kami membuatkan nama pengguna " "sementara untuk Anda: %s." msgid "" "If you’re looking for a hand getting started, take a peek at our <a href=" "\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"color: %2$s; font-weight: %3$s;\">New " "User Guides</a>." msgstr "" "Jika Anda mencari bantuan untuk memulai, baca <a href=\"%1$s\" target=" "\"_blank\" style=\"color: %2$s; font-weight: %3$s;\">Panduan Pengguna Baru</" "a> kami." msgid "Log in with your %s account to start creating and exploring!" msgstr "Login dengan akun %s Anda untuk mulai membuat dan mengeksplorasi!" msgid "And it wouldn’t be the same without you." msgstr "Tentu tidak akan sama jika tanpa Anda." msgid "" "We’re stoked you joined! You’re now part of an amazing community of " "bloggers, writers, creators, and website wranglers." msgstr "" "Kami senang Anda bergabung! Anda sekarang menjadi bagian dari komunitas " "bloger, penulis, pembuat konten, dan pembuat situs yang luar biasa." msgid "" "Any questions? Check our <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"color: " "#757575; font-weight: 400;\">support docs</a>." msgstr "" "Anda memiliki pertanyaan? Rujuk <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\" style=" "\"color: #757575; font-weight: 400;\">dokumen dukungan</a> kami." msgid "If you didn’t sign up for, please ignore this email." msgstr "Jika Anda tidak mendaftar, abaikan e-mail ini." msgid "" "Thanks for joining! To fully activate your account, we need to " "double check your contact information. Visit the link below to confirm your " "email address." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah bergabung dengan! Untuk mengaktifkan akun " "Anda sepenuhnya, kami perlu melakukan pemeriksaan ganda atas informasi " "kontak Anda. Kunjungi tautan di bawah untuk mengonfirmasi alamat e-mail Anda." msgid "Confirm <strong>your email address</strong>" msgstr "Konfirmasi <strong>alamat email Anda</strong>" msgid "This does not look like a valid subdomain. Please try a different one." msgstr "Subdomain ini tampaknya tidak valid. Harap coba yang lain." msgid "Status: %(siteStatus)s" msgstr "Status: %(siteStatus)s" msgid "" "Pixl is a simple yet opinionated blogging theme inspired by websites of the " "nineties." msgstr "" "Pixl adalah tema blog sederhana yang terinspirasi dari situs di tahun " "sembilan puluhan." msgid "Please try again later or contact support if the problem persists." msgstr "" "Mohon coba lagi nanti atau hubungi layanan bantuan jika masih ada kendala." msgid "Something's gone wrong" msgstr "Terjadi kendala" msgid "" "Enable HTTPS on your checkout pages to display all available payment methods " "and protect your customers data." msgstr "" "Aktifkan HTTPS di halaman checkout Anda untuk menampilkan semua metode " "pembayaran yang tersedia dan melindungi data pelanggan Anda." msgid "Enable secure checkout" msgstr "Aktifkan checkout aman" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"text-decoration: underline; rel=" "\"noopener\"> YouTube channel</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"text-decoration: underline; rel=" "\"noopener\">Kanal YouTube</a>" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"text-decoration: underline; " "color: %2$s;\" rel=\"noopener\">Click here to start watching</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"text-decoration: underline; " "color: %2$s;\" rel=\"noopener\">Klik di sini untuk mulai menonton</a>" msgid " Services" msgstr "Layanan" msgid "Welcome to <strong></strong>" msgstr "Selamat datang di <strong></strong>" msgid "" "Small print: This message was sent by a user who entered your " "email address or username to invite you. You can <a href=\"%s\" data-tracks-" "link-desc=\"remove-subscription\">unsubscribe</a> if you'd prefer not to " "receive invitation emails in future. Please do not reply to this message; it " "was sent from an unmonitored email address. For help with, " "please visit <a href=\"\" data-tracks-link-desc=" "\"wordpress-support\"></a>." msgstr "" "Catatan: Pesan ini dikirimkan oleh pengguna yang memasukkan " "alamat email dan nama pengguna Anda untuk mengundang Anda. Anda dapat <a " "href=\"%s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"remove-subscription\">membatalkan " "langganan</a> jika Anda tidak ingin menerima email undangan di waktu " "mendatang. Jangan balas pesan ini; ini dikirimkan dari alamat email yang " "tidak terpantau. Untuk mendapatkan bantuan terkait, kunjungi " "<a href=\"\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"wordpress-" "support\"></a>." msgid "" "1. Signup for a <a href=\"%s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"account-signup" "\"> account</a>. You can also sign in with your existing " " account if you already have one." msgstr "" "1. Mendaftar <a href=\"%s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"account-signup\">akun " "</a>. Anda juga dapat login dengan akun jika Anda " "sudah memilikinya." msgid "Remove domain" msgstr "Hapus domain" msgid "Import an existing site" msgstr "Impor situs yang sudah ada" msgid "Yes, quit" msgstr "Ya, keluar" msgid "No, let me finish" msgstr "Tidak, biar saya selesaikan" msgid "" "Until then you can log in any time using your username or email address, %s, " "and we’ll email you a secure login link." msgstr "" "Sementara itu, Anda dapat login kapan pun menggunakan nama pengguna atau " "alamat email, %s, dan kami akan mengirimkan tautan login aman kepada Anda " "melalui email." msgid "" "We also recommend that you set up an account password. You can do that in " "your Account Security settings: %s." msgstr "" "Kami juga menyarankan Anda untuk menyiapkan kata sandi akun. Anda dapat " "menyiapkannya di pengaturan Keamanan Akun: %s." msgid "" "Once you’ve activated your account, you can change your username any time in " "your Account Settings: %s." msgstr "" "Setelah mengaktifkan akun, Anda dapat mengubah nama pengguna kapan saja di " "Pengaturan Akun: %s." msgid "" "Since you’ve signed up using your email address, we’ve created a temporary " "username for you: %s" msgstr "" "Karena Anda mendaftar dengan alamat e-mail, kami membuatkan nama pengguna " "sementara untuk Anda: %s" msgid "" "Welcome to Please visit the URL below to confirm your email " "address and activate your account." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di Kunjungi URL di bawah ini untuk " "mengonfirmasi alamat email dan mengaktifkan akun Anda." msgid "" "We also recommend that you set up an account password. You can do that in " "your <a href=\"%s\" style=\"color: #006fad;\" data-tracks-link-desc=" "\"account-security\" data-tracks-not-unsub=\"1\">Account Security</a> " "settings." msgstr "" "Kami juga menyarankan Anda untuk menyiapkan kata sandi akun. Anda dapat " "menyiapkannya di pengaturan <a href=\"%s\" style=\"color: #006fad;\" data-" "tracks-link-desc=\"account-security\" data-tracks-not-unsub=\"1\">Keamanan " "Akun</a>." msgid "" "Once you’ve activated your account, you can change your username any time in " "your <a href=\"%s\" style=\"color: #006fad;\" data-tracks-link-desc=" "\"account-settings\" data-tracks-not-unsub=\"1\">Account Settings</a>." msgstr "" "Setelah mengaktifkan akun, Anda dapat mengubah nama pengguna kapan saja di " "<a href=\"%s\" style=\"color: #006fad;\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"account-" "settings\" data-tracks-not-unsub=\"1\">Pengaturan Akun</a>." msgid "WP Job Manager Embeddable Job Widget" msgstr "WP Job Manager Embeddable Job Widget" msgid "WP Job Manager Application Deadline" msgstr "WP Job Manager Application Deadline" msgid "WP Job Manager Job Alerts" msgstr "WP Job Manager Job Alerts" msgid "WP Job Manager Bookmarks" msgstr "WP Job Manager Bookmarks" msgid "WP Job Manager Job Tags" msgstr "WP Job Manager Job Tags" msgid "WP Job Manager WC Paid Listings" msgstr "WP Job Manager WC Paid Listings" msgid "WP Job Manager Resume Manager" msgstr "WP Job Manager Resume Manager" msgid "This is a JITM" msgstr "Ini adalah JITM" msgid "WP Job Manager Applications" msgstr "WP Job Manager Applications" msgid "One-time fee includes %d page" msgid_plural "One-time fee includes %d pages" msgstr[0] "Biaya satu kali memberikan %d halaman" msgstr[1] "Biaya satu kali memberikan %d halaman" msgid "One-time fee includes %(quantity)d page" msgid_plural "One-time fee includes %(quantity)d pages" msgstr[0] "Pembayaran satu kali termasuk %(quantity)d halaman" msgstr[1] "Pembayaran satu kali termasuk %(quantity)d halaman" msgid "" "Oops! Sorry an error has occurred. Please {{a}}click here{{/a}} to contact " "us so that we can fix it. Please remember that you have to provide the full, " "complete Blog URL, otherwise we can not fix it." msgstr "" "Ups! Maaf, terjadi eror. Harap {{a}}klik di sini{{/a}} untuk menghubungi " "kami agar kami dapat memperbaikinya. Harap diingat bahwa Anda harus " "memberikan URL Blog yang lengkap, jika tidak kami tidak dapat memperbaikinya." msgid "A professionally built single page website in 4 business days or less." msgstr "" "Situs web berhalaman tunggal yang dibuat secara profesional dalam 4 hari " "kerja atau kurang." msgid "Flex your site’s features with plugins" msgstr "Perbanyak fitur situs Anda dengan plugin" msgid "Open topics with no replies" msgstr "Topik terbuka tanpa jawaban" msgid "" "Express checkout does not support products without prices! Please add a " "price to product #%d" msgstr "" "Checkout kilat tidak mendukung produk tanpa harga! Tambahkan harga ke produk " "#%d" msgid "Monthly anchor for deposit scheduling when interval is set to monthly" msgstr "" "Anchor bulanan untuk penjadwalan deposit saat interval diatur menjadi bulanan" msgid "Weekly anchor for deposit scheduling when interval is set to weekly" msgstr "" "Anchor mingguan untuk penjadwalan deposit saat interval diatur menjadi " "mingguan" msgid "An interval for deposit scheduling." msgstr "Interval untuk penjadwalan deposit." msgid "Can’t manage subscription" msgstr "Tidak dapat mengelola langganan" msgid "" "Incredibly powerful and customizable, Jetpack Search helps your visitors " "instantly find the right content - right when they need it." msgstr "" "Sangat andal dan dapat disesuaikan, Jetpack Search membantu pengunjung Anda " "menemukan konten yang mereka butuhkan dengan cepat." msgid "" "Keep your site or store ahead of security threats with automated malware " "scanning; including one-click fixes." msgstr "" "Antisipasi ancaman keamanan pada situs atau toko Anda dengan pemindaian " "malware otomatis dan perbaikan sekali klik." msgid "" "Own your content: High-quality, ad-free video built specifically for " "WordPress." msgstr "" "Konten milik Anda Pemutar video berkualitas tinggi dan bebas iklan yang " "dibuat khusus untuk WordPress." msgid "" "Protect your site or store. Save every change with real-time cloud backups, " "and restore in one click from anywhere." msgstr "" "Lindungi situs atau toko Anda. Simpan setiap perubahan dengan pencadangan " "cloud secara real-time, dan pulihkan dengan cepat dari mana pun." msgid "" "Protect your site or store with automated daily cloud backups, and restore " "in one click from anywhere." msgstr "" "Lindungi situs atau toko Anda dengan pencadangan cloud otomatis, dan " "pulihkan dengan cepat dari mana pun." msgid "" "Full Jetpack suite with real-time security, instant site search, ad-free " "video, all CRM extensions, and extra storage for backups and video." msgstr "" "Fitur Jetpack lengkap dengan keamanan real-time, pencarian situs cepat, " "video tanpa iklan, semua ekstensi CRM, dan penyimpanan ekstra untuk " "pencadangan dan video." msgid "Pick another plan" msgstr "Pilih paket lain" msgid "" "Tsubaki puts the spotlight on your products and your customers. This theme " "leverages WooCommerce to provide you with intuitive product navigation and " "the patterns you need to master digital merchandising." msgstr "" "Tsubaki menjadikan produk dan pelanggan Anda sebagai fokus utama. Dengan " "WooCommerce di baliknya, tema ini menghadirkan navigasi produk yang intuitif " "sekaligus tata letak yang Anda butuhkan agar dapat menghasilkan promosi " "digital yang memikat." msgid "" "%1$s has invited you to follow <a href=\"%2$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"blog-" "url\">%3$s</a>." msgstr "" "%1$s telah mengajak Anda untuk mengikuti <a href=\"%2$s\" data-tracks-link-" "desc=\"blog-url\">%3$s</a>." msgid "" "This email solution was purchased by a different account. To " "manage this email solution, log in to that account or contact the account " "owner." msgstr "" "Solusi email ini dibeli oleh akun yang berbeda. Untuk " "mengelola solusi email ini, login ke akun tersebut atau hubungi pemilik akun." msgid "Website Design Services" msgstr "Layanan Desain Situs" msgid "Update %(pluginCount)d plugin" msgid_plural "Update %(pluginCount)d plugins" msgstr[0] "Perbarui %(pluginCount)d plugin" msgstr[1] "Perbarui %(pluginCount)d plugin" msgid "Disable auto-updates for %(plugin)s" msgid_plural "Disable auto-updates for %(pluginCount)d plugins" msgstr[0] "Nonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(plugin)s" msgstr[1] "Nonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(pluginCount)d plugin" msgid "Enable auto-updates for %(plugin)s" msgid_plural "Enable auto-updates for %(pluginCount)d plugins" msgstr[0] "Aktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(plugin)s" msgstr[1] "Aktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(pluginCount)d plugin" msgid "Deactivate %(plugin)s" msgstr "Nonaktifkan %(plugin)s" msgid "Activate %(plugin)s" msgstr "Aktifkan %(plugin)s" msgid "Whether the post was ever published." msgstr "Apakah pos pernah dipublikasikan atau belum." msgid "" "Test a new zoomed out view on the site editor (Warning: The new feature is " "not ready. You may experience UX issues that are being addressed)" msgstr "" "Uji tampilan baru yang diperkecil di editor situs (Peringatan: Fitur baru " "masih dalam pengembangan. Anda mungkin mengalami masalah UX yang sedang " "diatasi)" msgid "Zoomed out view " msgstr "Tampilan diperkecil " msgid "Whether a theme uses block-based template parts." msgstr "Apakah tema menggunakan komponen templat berbasis blok." msgid "" "If the value is a string, the value will be used as the archive slug. If the " "value is false the post type has no archive." msgstr "" "Jika nilai berupa string, nilai akan digunakan sebagai slug arsip. Jika " "nilai salah, tipe pos tidak memiliki arsip." msgid "$store must be an instance of WP_Style_Engine_CSS_Rules_Store_Gutenberg" msgstr "$toko harus menjadi turunan WP_Style_Engine_CSS_Rules_Store_Gutenberg" msgid "PDF embed" msgstr "Sematan PDF" msgid "Embed of %s." msgstr "Sematan %s." msgid "" "You accepted %1$s's invitation to contribute to their blog, <a href=\"%2$s\" " "data-tracks-link-desc=\"blog-url\">%3$s</a>." msgstr "" "Anda menerima ajakan %1$s untuk memberikan kontribusi ke blognya, <a href=" "\"%2$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"blog-url\">%3$s</a>." msgid "" "You accepted %1$s's invitation to become a member of their private blog, <a " "href=\"%2$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"blog-url\">%3$s</a>." msgstr "" "Anda menerima ajakan %1$s untuk menjadi anggota dari blog pribadinya, <a " "href=\"%2$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"blog-url\">%3$s</a>." msgid "" "%1$s has accepted your invitation to contribute to <a href=\"%2$s\" data-" "tracks-link-desc=\"blog-url\">%3$s</a>." msgstr "" "%1$s telah menerima ajakan Anda untuk memberikan kontribusi ke <a href=\"%2$s" "\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"blog-url\">%3$s</a>." msgid "" "%1$s has accepted your invitation to be a member of <a href=\"%2$s\" data-" "tracks-link-desc=\"blog-url\">%3$s</a>." msgstr "" "%1$s telah menerima ajakan Anda untuk menjadi anggota dari <a href=\"%2$s\" " "data-tracks-link-desc=\"blog-url\">%3$s</a>." msgid "Add Jetpack to a self-hosted site" msgstr "Tambah Jetpack ke situs yang dihosting sendiri" msgid "%(percentOff)d%% off the first year" msgstr "Diskon %(percentOff)d untuk satu tahun pertama" msgid "Payment plan:" msgstr "Paket pembayaran:" msgid "Benefits" msgstr "Keunggulan" msgid "Includes" msgstr "Termasuk" msgid "Great for:" msgstr "Cocok untuk:" msgid "Choose a storage option:" msgstr "Pilih kapasitas penyimpanan" msgid "1TB (1000GB)" msgstr "1TB (1000GB)" msgid "{{strong}}1 year{{/strong}} activity log archive *" msgstr "Arsip log aktivitas {{strong}}1 tahun{{/strong}} *" msgid "Unlimited one-click restores from the last {{strong}}1 year{{/strong}}" msgstr "" "Pemulihan cepat tanpa batas dari {{strong}}satu tahun terakhir{{/strong}}" msgid "{{strong}}1-year{{/strong}} activity log archive" msgstr "Arsip catatan aktivitas {{strong}}1-tahun{{/strong}}" msgid "{{strong}}1TB (1,000GB){{/strong}} of cloud storage" msgstr "Penyimpanan cloud {{strong}}1TB (1.000GB){{/strong}}" msgid "Unlimited one-click restores from the last 1-year" msgstr "Pemulihan cepat tanpa batas dari 1 tahun terakhir" msgid "Plan Subscription: %(planPrice)s per year" msgstr "Langganan Paket: %(planPrice)s per tahun" msgid "Website Design Service" msgstr "Jasa Desain Situs Web" msgid "one-time fee" msgstr "bayar satu kali" msgid "*Final price will be calculated at checkout." msgstr "*Harga keseluruhan akan dihitung saat checkout." msgid "" "Spearhead Blocks is the block based version of the original Spearhead theme." msgstr "Blok Spearhead adalah versi tema Spearhead asli yang berbasis blok." msgid "This upgrade adds beautiful, premium design themes to your site." msgstr "" "Upgrade ini menambahkan tema berdesain premium yang indah ke situs Anda." msgid "Task enabled" msgstr "Perintah diaktifkan" msgid "Videos hosted with VideoPress" msgstr "Video dihosting dengan VideoPress" msgid "Educators" msgstr "Pendidik" msgid "Videographers" msgstr "Videografer" msgid "Easy-to-use interface" msgstr "Antarmuka yang mudah" msgid "Unlock your growth potential by building a following on social media" msgstr "" "Dapatkan potensi pertumbuhan Anda dengan membangun jaringan pengikut di " "media sosial" msgid "Save time by sharing your posts automatically" msgstr "Hemat waktu dengan membagikan pos Anda secara otomatis" msgid "Get faster FCP and LCP" msgstr "Capai FCP dan LCP lebih cepat" msgid "Improve your site's SEO" msgstr "Tingkatkan SEO situs Anda" msgid "Quickly test and improve your site speed" msgstr "Uji dan tingkatkan kecepatan situs Anda dengan cepat" msgid "Tiered pricing - pay for only what you need" msgstr "Harga berjenjang - bayar hanya yang Anda butuhkan" msgid "Increase conversion with accurate search results" msgstr "Tingkatkan konversi dengan hasil pencarian yang akurat" msgid "Customizable to fit your site's design" msgstr "Dapat disesuaikan dengan desain situs Anda" msgid "Remove distracting ads" msgstr "Hapus iklan yang mengganggu" msgid "Drag and drop videos through the WordPress editor" msgstr "Seret dan lepas video melalui editor WordPress" msgid "Increase engagement and get your message across" msgstr "Tingkatkan interaksi dan sampaikan pesan Anda" msgid "Increase engagement by removing CAPTCHAs" msgstr "Tingkatkan interaksi dengan menghapus CAPTCHA" msgid "Set up in minutes without a developer" msgstr "Siapkan dalam hitungan menit tanpa bantuan pengembang" msgid "Fix most issues in one click from desktop or mobile" msgstr "Perbaiki segala kendala dengan sekali klik dari desktop atau ponsel" msgid "Restore or clone offline sites" msgstr "Pulihkan atau gandakan situs offline" msgid "Scheduled posts" msgstr "Pos terjadwal" msgid "Manage all of your channels from a single hub" msgstr "Kelola semua platform Anda di satu tempat" msgid "Post to multiple channels at once" msgstr "Poskan ke beberapa platform sekaligus" msgid "Automatically share your posts and products on social media" msgstr "Bagikan pos dan produk Anda ke media sosial secara otomatis" msgid "One-click optimization" msgstr "Optimisasi sekali klik" msgid "Support for 38 languages" msgstr "Mendukung 38 bahasa" msgid "Highly relevant search results" msgstr "Hasil pencarian yang sangat relevan" msgid "Instant search, filtering, and indexing" msgstr "Pencarian, penyaringan, dan indexing otomatis" msgid "Instant email threat notifications" msgstr "E-mail pemberitahuan ancaman otomatis" msgid "Flexible API that works with any type of site" msgstr "API yang fleksibel yang berfungsi pada semua tipe situs" msgid "Akismet technology - 500B+ spam comments blocked to date" msgstr "Teknologi Akismet - 500B+ komentar spam diblokir hingga saat ini" msgid "10K API calls per month" msgstr "Pemrosesan API 10K per bulan" msgid "Video and story blocks" msgstr "Blok cerita dan video" msgid "Fast-motion video with 60 FPS and 4K resolution" msgstr "Video gerakan cepat dengan 60 FPS dan resolusi 4K" msgid "1TB of cloud-hosted video" msgstr "Hosting cloud 1TB untuk video" msgid "Redundant cloud backups on our global network" msgstr "Pencadangan cloud ekstra di jaringan global kami" msgid "WooCommerce order and table backups" msgstr "Pencadangan pesanan dan tabel WooCommerce " msgid "VideoPress: 1TB of ad-free video hosting" msgstr "VideoPress: 1TB hosting video tanpa iklan" msgid "Akismet: Comment and form spam protection (60k API calls/mo)" msgstr "" "Akismet: Perlindungan spam untuk komentar dan formulir (60k panggilan API/" "bln)" msgid "Unlimited one-click restores from the last 1 year" msgstr "Pemulihan cepat tanpa batas dari 1 tahun terakhir" msgid "1-year activity log archive" msgstr "Arsip data aktivitas 1 tahun" msgid "1TB (1,000GB) of cloud storage" msgstr "Penyimpanan cloud 1TB (1.000GB) " msgid "Grow your business with video, social, and CRM tools" msgstr "Kembangkan bisnis Anda dengan alat video, media sosial, dan CRM" msgid "Best-in-class support from WordPress experts" msgstr "Layanan bantuan yang terbaik dari pakar WordPress" msgid "Save time manually reviewing spam" msgstr "Hemat waktu dalam meninjau spam secara manual" msgid "Protect Woo order and customer data" msgstr "Lindungi data pesanan dan pelanggan WooCommerce" msgid "Fix your site without a developer" msgstr "Perbaiki situs Anda tanpa jasa pengembang" msgid "Restore your site in one click from desktop or mobile" msgstr "Pulihkan situs Anda dengan sekali klik dari desktop atau ponsel" msgid "Learn about issues before your customers are impacted" msgstr "Pelajari kendala yang terjadi sebelum pelanggan Anda terpengaruh" msgid "Protect your revenue stream and content" msgstr "Lindungi sumber penghasilan dan konten Anda" msgid "Online forums" msgstr "Forum online" msgid "Membership sites" msgstr "Situs keanggotaan" msgid "News organizations" msgstr "Kantor berita" msgid "WooCommerce stores" msgstr "Toko WooCommerce" msgid "Plugins > Plan Upgrade" msgstr "Plugin > Upgrade Paket" msgid "Plan Upgrade" msgstr "Upgrade Paket" msgid "Style: %s" msgstr "Gaya: %s" msgid "Preview with this style" msgstr "Pratinjau gaya ini" msgid "Style: %(title)s" msgstr "Gaya: %(title)s" msgid "If you continue, your campaign will immediately stop running." msgstr "Jika Anda melanjutkan, kampanye Anda akan segera berhenti tayang." msgid "Stop the campaign" msgstr "Hentikan kampanye" msgid "Yes, stop" msgstr "Ya, hentikan" msgid "Stop campaign" msgstr "Hentikan kampanye" msgid "/mo, billed yearly" msgstr "/bln, penagihan tahunan" msgid "/mo, billed monthly" msgstr "/bln, penagihan bulanan" msgid "Website firewall (WAF)" msgstr "Firewall situs (WAF)" msgid "Website firewall (WAF beta)" msgstr "Firewall situs (beta WAF)" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"remove-subscription\">Unsubscribe " "from all follow-up comments</a> or modify your <a href=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a>." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"remove-subscription\">Berhenti " "berlangganan dari semua komentar lanjutan</a> atau ubah <a href=\"%2$s\">" "%3$s</a> Anda." msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"remove-subscription\">Unsubscribe</" "a> or modify your <a href=\"%2$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"manage-" "subscriptions\">%3$s</a>." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"remove-subscription\">Berhenti " "berlangganan</a> atau ubah <a href=\"%2$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"manage-" "subscriptions\">%3$s</a> Anda." msgid "" "<strong>%1$s</strong> <a href=\"%2$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"comment-url" "\">commented</a> on <a href=\"%3$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"post-url\">" "%4$s</a>." msgstr "" "<strong>%1$s</strong> <a href=\"%2$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"comment-url" "\">memberikan komentar</a> pada <a href=\"%3$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=" "\"post-url\">%4$s</a>." msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"comment-author\">%2$s</a> commented " "on <a href=\"%3$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"post-url\">%4$s</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"comment-author\">%2$s</a> " "memberikan komentar pada <a href=\"%3$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"post-url\">" "%4$s</a>" msgid "[%1$s] %2$s commented on a post" msgstr "[%1$s] %2$s mengomentari sebuah pos" msgid "The number of users supplied was invalid." msgstr "Jumlah pengguna yang disertakan tidak valid." msgid "The billing plan supplied was invalid." msgstr "Paket penagihan yang disertakan tidak valid." msgid "The domain name supplied was invalid." msgstr "Nama domain yang disertakan tidak valid." msgid "" "The maximum number of mailboxes (%d) allowed for this subscription has been " "exceeded." msgstr "" "Jumlah mailbox (%d) yang diizinkan untuk langganan ini telah melebihi batas " "maksimum." msgid "An error occurred while retrieving the prospective number of mailboxes." msgstr "Terjadi error saat mengambil kemungkinan jumlah mailbox." msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"parent-comment-url\">In response to " "<strong>%2$s</strong>:</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"parent-comment-url\">Sebagai " "tanggapan atas <strong>%2$s</strong>:</a>" msgid "" "Pay yearly and save. Or keep it flexible with monthly premium plugin " "pricing. It’s entirely up to you." msgstr "" "Bayar tahunan lebih hemat. Atau bayar bulanan agar lebih fleksibel. Pilih " "yang sesuai kebutuhan Anda." msgid "" "From premium plugins to thousands more community-authored " "plugins, we’ve got you covered." msgstr "" "Kami sediakan yang Anda butuhkan. Dari plugin premium hingga " "ribuan plugin yang dibuat komunitas." msgid "You pick the plugin. We’ll take care of the rest." msgstr "Anda memilih plugin. Kami akan mengurusnya untuk Anda." msgid "Our favorite how-to guides to get you started with plugins" msgstr "Panduan terbaik dari kami untuk membantu Anda memulai dengan plugin" msgid "Get started with plugins" msgstr "Mulai dengan plugin" msgid "Start fast with these team picks" msgstr "Segera mulai dengan pilihan tim berikut" msgid "Our developers’ favorites" msgstr "Favorit developer kami" msgid "Add the best-loved plugins on" msgstr "Tambahkan plugin terbaik di" msgid "Must-have premium plugins" msgstr "Plugin premium yang wajib dimiliki" msgid "Jetpack Scan will update to a newer version (%s)." msgstr "Jetpack Scan akan memperbarui ke versi yang lebih baru (%s)." msgid "Loading support history..." msgstr "Memuat riwayat dukungan..." msgid "" "<a class=\"subscribe-footer-link\" style=\"color: #555 !important; font-" "size: 14px; text-decoration: none;\" href=\"%s\" data-tracks-link-desc=" "\"footer-wordpress\">Thanks for flying with <img src=\"%s\" alt=\"\" style=" "\"vertical-align: middle;\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" /></a>" msgstr "" "<a class=\"subscribe-footer-link\" style=\"color: #555 !important; font-" "size: 14px; text-decoration: none;\" href=\"%s\" data-tracks-link-desc=" "\"footer-wordpress\">Terima kasih telah menjelajah bersama <img src=\"%s\" " "alt=\"\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" /" "></a>" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"comment-author-url\">%2$s</a> " "commented on <a href=\"%3$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"post-url\">%4$s</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"comment-author-url\">%2$s</a> " "meninggalkan komentar di <a href=\"%3$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"post-url\">" "%4$s</a>" msgid "Exp. Date" msgstr "Tanggal Kedaluarsa" msgid "All services" msgstr "Semua layanan" msgid "%(snippetCharactersLeft)s character remaining" msgid_plural "%(snippetCharactersLeft)s characters remaining" msgstr[0] "%(snippetCharactersLeft)s karakter tersisa" msgstr[1] "" msgid "%(charactersLeft)s character remaining" msgid_plural "%(charactersLeft)s characters remaining" msgstr[0] "%(charactersLeft)s karakter tersisa" msgstr[1] "" msgid "All set!" msgstr "Selesai!" msgid "" "The campaign cannot be created. Please {{a}}contact our support team{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Kampanye tidak dapat dibuat. Silakan {{a}}hubungi tim layanan bantuan kami{{/" "a}}." msgid "Campaign Name" msgstr "Nama kampanye" msgid "Estimated impressions" msgstr "Perkiraan impresi" msgid "Calculating" msgstr "Menghitung" msgid "Cannot calculate" msgstr "Tidak dapat menghitung" msgid "Ad Preview" msgstr "Pratinjau Iklan" msgid "Devices" msgstr "Perangkat" msgid "" "Rainfall is a clean, objective blogging theme strongly inspired by Swiss " "Design. Its minimalist functionality is balanced by a strong accent color, " "beautiful photography and post templates with sidebars." msgstr "" "Rainfall adalah tema blogging bersih dan lugas yang sangat terinspirasi dari " "Desain Swiss. Fungsionalitasnya yang minimalis diimbangi dengan warna aksen " "yang tegas, fotografi yang indah, dan templat pos dengan bilah sisi." msgid "" "That’s right—when you signed up for %s, you unlocked this valuable perk that " "gives you your first year of domain name registration for free. 🎉" msgstr "" "Saat Anda mendaftar %s, Anda mendapatkan bonus pendaftaran nama domain " "gratis untuk tahun pertama. 🎉" msgid "" "Visit <a href=\"%s\"></a> or scan this code with your mobile " "device to download the Jetpack mobile app." msgstr "" "Kunjungi <a href=\"%s\"></a> atau pindai kode ini dengan " "perangkat seluler Anda untuk mengunduh aplikasi seluler Jetpack." msgid "(visible only to logged in users)" msgstr "(hanya ditampilkan ke pengguna yang sudah login)" msgid "Don’t want these emails? Unsubscribe" msgstr "Anda tidak ingin menerima email ini? Berhenti berlangganan" msgid "Learn how to build your website with our video tutorials on YouTube" msgstr "Pelajari cara membangun situs Anda dengan tutorial video di YouTube" msgid "" "Learn how to build your website with our video tutorials on <a href=\"%1$s\" " "target=\"_blank\" style=\"text-decoration: underline; color: %2$s;\" rel=" "\"noopener\">YouTube</a>." msgstr "" "Pelajari cara membangun situs Anda dengan tutorial video di <a href=\"%1$s\" " "target=\"_blank\" style=\"text-decoration: underline; color: %2$s;\" rel=" "\"noopener\">YouTube</a>." msgid "See your likes, comments, and stats anywhere, anytime." msgstr "Lihat suka, komentar, dan statistik Anda di mana saja, kapan saja." msgid "Real-time notifications with the Jetpack mobile app" msgstr "Pemberitahuan real-time dengan aplikasi seluler Jetpack" msgid " and Jetpack Logos" msgstr "Logo dan Jetpack" msgid "" "just commented on <a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a>." msgstr "" "baru saja meninggalkan komentar di <a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=" "\"%2$s\">%3$s</a>." msgid "" "just commented on a <a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"%2$s\">post</a>." msgstr "" "baru saja meninggalkan komentar di sebuah <a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-" "desc=\"%2$s\">pos</a>." msgid "" "just commented on <a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"%2$s\">one of " "your posts</a>." msgstr "" "baru saja meninggalkan komentar di <a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=" "\"%2$s\">salah satu pos Anda</a>." msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"%2$s\">In response to <strong>%3$s</" "strong>:</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"%2$s\">Sebagai tanggapan atas " "<strong>%3$s</strong>:</a>" msgid "Update successful" msgstr "Pembaruan berhasil" msgid "{{span}}Update to {{/span}}%s" msgstr "{{span}}Perbarui ke {{/span}} %s" msgid "{{span}}Updated{{/span}} %(ago)s" msgstr "{{span}}Diperbarui{{/span}} %(ago)s" msgid "Disable auto-updates for %(pluginCount)d plugin" msgid_plural "Disable auto-updates for %(pluginCount)d plugins" msgstr[0] "Nonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(pluginCount)d plugin" msgstr[1] "Nonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(pluginCount)d plugin" msgid "Enable auto-updates for %(pluginCount)d plugin" msgid_plural "Enable auto-updates for %(pluginCount)d plugins" msgstr[0] "Aktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(pluginCount)d plugin" msgstr[1] "Aktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(pluginCount)d plugin" msgid "Deactivate %(pluginCount)d plugin" msgid_plural "Deactivate %(pluginCount)d plugins" msgstr[0] "Nonaktifkan %(pluginCount)d plugin" msgstr[1] "Nonaktifkan %(pluginCount)d plugin" msgid "Activate %(pluginCount)d plugin" msgid_plural "Activate %(pluginCount)d plugins" msgstr[0] "Aktifkan %(pluginCount)d plugin" msgstr[1] "Aktifkan %(pluginCount)d plugin" msgid "More about {{productName/}}" msgstr "Detail tentang {{productName/}}" msgid "{1} is loading." msgstr "{1} sedang dimuat." msgid "subtitles settings" msgstr "pengaturan subtitel" msgid "subtitles off" msgstr "subtitel tidak aktif" msgid "restore all settings to the default values" msgstr "pulihkan semua pengaturan ke nilai asal" msgid "progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}" msgstr "pengaturan waktu bilah progres: currentTime={1} duration={2}" msgid "descriptions off" msgstr "deskripsi tidak aktif" msgid "captions settings" msgstr "pengaturan keterangan" msgid "captions off" msgstr "keterangan tidak aktif" msgid "You aborted the media playback" msgstr "Anda membatalkan pemutaran ulang media" msgid "We are converting this video for optimal playback..." msgstr "Kami mengonversi video ini untuk pemutaran ulang yang optimal..." msgid "Volume Level" msgstr "Level Volume" msgid "Uniform" msgstr "Seragam" msgid "This video may display mature content." msgstr "Video ini mungkin menampilkan konten dewasa." msgid "This video is private" msgstr "Ini adalah video pribadi" msgid "" "This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close " "button." msgstr "" "Modal ini dapat ditutup dengan menekan tombol Escape atau mengaktifkan " "tombol tutup." msgid "This is a modal window" msgstr "Ini adalah jendela modal" msgid "" "The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the " "media used features your browser did not support." msgstr "" "Pemutaran ulang media dibatalkan karena file rusak atau karena media " "menggunakan fitur yang tidak didukung browser Anda." msgid "The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it." msgstr "Media dienkripsi dan kami tidak memiliki kunci untuk mendekripsinya." msgid "" "The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed " "or because the format is not supported." msgstr "" "Media tidak dapat dimuat karena kegagalan server atau jaringan, atau karena " "format tidak didukung. " msgid "Text Edge Style" msgstr "Gaya Tepi Teks" msgid "Stream Type" msgstr "Tipe Siaran" msgid "Start at {1}" msgstr "Mulai pada {1}" msgid "Small Caps" msgstr "Huruf Kecil" msgid "Settings Menu" msgstr "Menu Pengaturan" msgid "Semi-Transparent" msgstr "Semi-Transparan" msgid "Seek to live, currently playing live" msgstr "Meminta live, sedang diputar secara live" msgid "Seek to live, currently behind live" msgstr "Meminta live, sedang dimuat secara live" msgid "Replay" msgstr "Putar Ulang" msgid "Remaining Time" msgstr "Waktu Tersisa" msgid "Raised" msgstr "Diangkat" msgid "Proportional Serif" msgstr "Serif Proporsional" msgid "Proportional Sans-Serif" msgstr "Sans-Serif Proporsional" msgid "Progress Bar" msgstr "Bilah Progres" msgid "Playback Rate" msgstr "Peringkat Pemutaran Ulang" msgid "Picture-in-Picture" msgstr "Gambar-dalam-Gambar" msgid "Opaque" msgstr "Buram" msgid "No compatible source was found for this media." msgstr "Sumber yang kompatibel untuk media ini tidak ditemukan." msgid "Monospace Serif" msgstr "Serif Spasi Tunggal" msgid "Monospace Sans-Serif" msgstr "Sans-Serif Spasi Tunggal" msgid "Modal Window" msgstr "Jendela Modal" msgid "Make sure you are signed in and a member of the site." msgstr "Pastikan Anda telah login dan menjadi anggota situs." msgid "Magenta" msgstr "Magenta" msgid "Loaded" msgstr "Dimuat" msgid "LIVE" msgstr "LIVE" msgid "Exit Picture-in-Picture" msgstr "Tutup Gambar-dalam-Gambar" msgid "Error occurred" msgstr "Terjadi error" msgid "End of dialog window." msgstr "Bagian akhir jendela dialog." msgid "Embed (HTML)" msgstr "Sematan (HTML)" msgid "Drop shadow" msgstr "Bayangan bawah" msgid "Download this video" msgstr "Unduh video ini" msgid "Descriptions" msgstr "Deskripsi:" msgid "Depressed" msgstr "Ditekan" msgid "Cyan" msgstr "Cyan" msgid "Current Time" msgstr "Waktu Saat Ini" msgid "Conversion failed." msgstr "Konversi gagal." msgid "Content Unavailable" msgstr "Konten Tidak Tersedia" msgid "Close Modal Dialog" msgstr "Tutup Dialog Modal" msgid "Casual" msgstr "Kasual" msgid "Captions" msgstr "Keterangan" msgid "Caption Settings Dialog" msgstr "Dialog Pengaturan Keterangan" msgid "Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window." msgstr "" "Bagian awal jendela dialog. Tombol Escape akan membatalkan dan menutup " "jendela." msgid "Audio Track" msgstr "Trek Audio" msgid "A network error caused the media download to fail part-way." msgstr "Error jaringan menyebabkan media gagal diunduh." msgid ", selected" msgstr ", dipilih" msgid ", opens subtitles settings dialog" msgstr ", membuka dialog pengaturan subtitel" msgid ", opens descriptions settings dialog" msgstr ", membuka dialog pengaturan deskripsi" msgid ", opens captions settings dialog" msgstr ", membuka dialog pengaturan keterangan" msgid "View plugins for all sites" msgstr "Lihat plugin semua situs" msgid "View pages for all sites" msgstr "Lihat halaman semua situs" msgid "View posts for all sites" msgstr "Lihat artikel semua situs" msgid "View stats for all sites" msgstr "Lihat statistik semua situs" msgid "" "just commented on <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" data-tracks-link-desc=" "\"%2$s\">%3$s</a>." msgstr "" "baru saja meninggalkan komentar di <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" data-" "tracks-link-desc=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a>." msgid "" "just commented on <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" data-tracks-link-desc=" "\"%2$s\">one of your posts</a>." msgstr "" "baru saja meninggalkan komentar di <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" data-" "tracks-link-desc=\"%2$s\">salah satu pos Anda</a>." msgid "Checkmark" msgstr "Tanda Centang" msgid "" "This is less than the first year discounted price because you are only " "charged for the remainder of the current year." msgstr "" "Harga berikut lebih murah dari harga diskon tahun pertama karena Anda hanya " "ditagih untuk sisa tahun yang sekarang berjalan." msgid "" "This is less than the first year discounted price because you are only " "charged for the remainder of the current month." msgstr "" "Harga berikut lebih murah dari harga diskon tahun pertama karena Anda hanya " "ditagihkan untuk sisa bulan yang sekarang berjalan." msgid "Choose a domain for your Professional Email" msgstr "Pilih domain untuk Professional Email Anda" msgid "" "Add more features to your professional website with a plan. Or {{link}}start " "with email and a free site{{/link}}." msgstr "" "Tambahkan lebih banyak fitur ke situs web profesional Anda dengan paket " "berbayar. Atau {{link}}mulai dengan e-mail dan situs gratis{{/link}}." msgid "Set up site" msgstr "Siapkan situs" msgid "Configure your copy" msgstr "Konfigurasikan salinan Anda" msgid "Integration with top shipping carriers" msgstr "Integrasi dengan jasa ekspedisi terkemuka" msgid "Access to more than 50,000 plugins" msgstr "Akses ke lebih dari 50.000 plugin" msgid "The ability to earn ad revenue" msgstr "Pendapatan dari iklan" msgid "Access to live chat support" msgstr "Akses ke obrolan langsung" msgid "The ability to collect payments" msgstr "Kemampuan untuk menerima pembayaran" msgid "An ad-free site" msgstr "Situs bebas iklan" msgid "Free domain for first year" msgstr "Domain gratis untuk tahun pertama" msgid "Failed to remove plugin from %(count)s site" msgid_plural "Failed to remove plugin from %(count)s sites" msgstr[0] "Gagal menghapus plugin dari %(count)s situs" msgstr[1] "Gagal menghapus plugin dari %(count)s situs" msgid "Failed to remove plugin" msgstr "Gagal menghapus plugin" msgid "Removing plugin from %(count)s site" msgid_plural "Removing plugin from %(count)s sites" msgstr[0] "Menghapus plugin dari %(count)s situs" msgstr[1] "Menghapus plugin dari %(count)s situs" msgid "Removing Plugin" msgstr "Menghapus Plugin" msgid "Failed to disable auto-updates on %(count)s site" msgid_plural "Failed to disable auto-updates on %(count)s sites" msgstr[0] "Gagal menonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis pada %(count)s situs" msgstr[1] "Gagal menonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis pada %(count)s situs" msgid "Failed to disable auto-updates" msgstr "Gagal menonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis" msgid "Auto-update disabled on %(count)s site" msgid_plural "Auto-update disabled on %(count)s sites" msgstr[0] "Pembaruan otomatis dinonaktifkan pada %(count)s situs" msgstr[1] "Pembaruan otomatis dinonaktifkan pada %(count)s situs" msgid "Auto-update disabled" msgstr "Pembaruan otomatis dinonaktifkan" msgid "Disabling auto-updates on %(count)s site" msgid_plural "Disabling auto-updates on %(count)s sites" msgstr[0] "Menonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis pada %(count)s situs" msgstr[1] "Menonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis pada %(count)s situs" msgid "Disabling auto-updates" msgstr "Menonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis" msgid "Failed to enable auto-updates on %(count)s site" msgid_plural "Failed to enable auto-updates on %(count)s sites" msgstr[0] "Gagal mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis pada %(count)s situs" msgstr[1] "Gagal mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis pada %(count)s situs" msgid "Failed to enable auto-updates" msgstr "Gagal mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis" msgid "Auto-update enabled on %(count)s site" msgid_plural "Auto-update enabled on %(count)s sites" msgstr[0] "Pembaruan otomatis diaktifkan pada %(count)s situs" msgstr[1] "Pembaruan otomatis diaktifkan pada %(count)s situs" msgid "Auto-update enabled" msgstr "Pembaruan otomatis diaktifkan" msgid "Enabling auto-updates on %(count)s site" msgid_plural "Enabling auto-updates on %(count)s sites" msgstr[0] "Mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis pada %(count)s situs" msgstr[1] "Mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis pada %(count)s situs" msgid "Enabling auto-updates" msgstr "Mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis" msgid "Failed to deactivate on %(count)s site" msgid_plural "Failed to deactivate on %(count)s sites" msgstr[0] "Gagal menonaktifkan pada %(count)s situs" msgstr[1] "Gagal menonaktifkan pada %(count)s situs" msgid "Failed to deactivate" msgstr "Gagal menonaktifkan" msgid "Deactivated on %(count)s site" msgid_plural "Deactivated on %(count)s sites" msgstr[0] "Dinonaktifkan pada %(count)s situs" msgstr[1] "Dinonaktifkan pada %(count)s situs" msgid "Deactivated" msgstr "Dinonaktifkan" msgid "Failed to activate on %(count)s site" msgid_plural "Failed to activate on %(count)s sites" msgstr[0] "Gagal mengaktifkan pada %(count)s situs" msgstr[1] "Gagal mengaktifkan pada %(count)s situs" msgid "Failed to activate" msgstr "Gagal mengaktifkan" msgid "Activated on %(count)s site" msgid_plural "Activated on %(count)s sites" msgstr[0] "Diaktifkan pada %(count)s situs" msgstr[1] "Diaktifkan pada %(count)s situs" msgid "Failed on %(count)s site" msgid_plural "Failed on %(count)s sites" msgstr[0] "Gagal pada %(count)s situs" msgstr[1] "Gagal pada %(count)s situs" msgid "" "If you’d rather not receive this kind of email, you can %1$sclick here to " "unsubscribe%2$s from future fraud notifications." msgstr "" "Jika tidak ingin menerima email semacam ini, Anda dapat %1$sklik di sini " "untuk berhenti berlangganan%2$s pemberitahuan penipuan lebih lanjut." msgid "" "If you need any help or have any questions, please reply to this email or " "%1$sopen a support request%2$s and our team will get back to you soon." msgstr "" "Jika memerlukan bantuan atau ingin bertanya, silakan balas email ini atau " "%1$sbuat permintaan dukungan%2$s dan tim kami akan segera menghubungi Anda." msgid "%1$sThe added benefit of installing CAPTCHA%2$s" msgstr "%1$sManfaat tambahan memasang CAPTCHA%2$s" msgid "%1$sHow to detect potentially fraudulent transactions%2$s" msgstr "%1$sCara mendeteksi transaksi mencurigakan%2$s" msgid "%1$sCard Testing FAQ%2$s" msgstr "%1$sTanya Jawab Umum Card Testing%2$s" msgid "" "We’ve enabled these measures as a precaution, but the responsibility for " "fraud prevention ultimately belongs to you as the site owner. Here are some " "links you might find useful to learn more about protecting your store and " "finding the prevention methods that work best for you:" msgstr "" "Kami mengaktifkan tindakan-tindakan ini sebagai pencegahan, tetapi Anda " "sebagai pemilik situs bertanggung jawab untuk mencegah penipuan. Berikut " "adalah tautan yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk mempelajari cara melindungi toko " "dan metode yang paling sesuai untuk Anda dalam mencegah penipuan:" msgid "" "Card testing, also known as “carding,” is a type of fraudulent payment in " "which a stolen credit card number is checked to see if it can be used to " "make purchases. It’s common for card testers to attack a site with dozens or " "hundreds of stolen card numbers in a short period of time – %s constantly " "works to mitigate attacks like these and takes quick action to limit their " "impact on merchants." msgstr "" "Card testing, atau biasa disebut \"carding,\" adalah bentuk manipulasi " "pembayaran dengan cara memeriksa nomor kartu kredit curian untuk memastikan " "bisa tidaknya kartu tersebut digunakan untuk bertransaksi. Umumnya, pelaku " "akan membombardir situs dengan memasukkan puluhan atau bahkan ratusan nomor " "kartu kredit dalam waktu singkat. %s terus berupaya mengantisipasi serangan " "seperti ini dan segera menindaklanjutinya guna melindungi penjual dari " "kerugian." msgid "What is card testing?" msgstr "Apa itu card testing?" msgid "" "In the course of our proactive fraud monitoring on %s, we found evidence " "that your website may have been the target of a card testing attack. Your " "security is our priority, so we have automatically enabled card testing " "prevention measures on your account to further protect you from risk. These " "safeguards will remain in place for 48 hours." msgstr "" "Dari pemantauan proaktif %s terhadap tindak kecurangan, situs Anda terbukti " "menjadi sasaran serangan card testing. Karena bagi kami keamanan Anda yang " "utama, kami telah otomatis mengaktifkan metode pencegahan card testing pada " "akun Anda agar lebih terlindungi dari risiko. Metode pengamanan ini akan " "aktif selama 48 jam ke depan." msgid "Here are the measures we’ve taken to protect your store" msgstr "Berikut adalah tindakan yang kami ambil untuk melindungi toko Anda" msgid "Urgent: Card testing prevention activated on %1$s" msgstr "Penting: Pencegahan card testing diaktifkan di %1$s" msgctxt "site" msgid "Redirect" msgstr "Dialihkan" msgctxt "site" msgid "Public" msgstr "Umum" msgctxt "site" msgid "Private" msgstr "Personal" msgctxt "site" msgid "Coming soon" msgstr "Segera hadir" msgid "Pattern actions" msgstr "Aksi pola" msgid "Gravity Forms" msgstr "Gravity Forms" msgid "Style Variations" msgstr "Variasi gaya" msgid "Events Calendar Pro" msgstr "Events Calendar Pro" msgid "Run a fully featured ecommerce store" msgstr "Kelola toko ecommerce dengan fitur lengkap" msgid "Setup paid, subscriber-only content" msgstr "Atur konten berbayar (hanya untuk pelanggan)" msgid "Accept donations or sell services" msgstr "Terima donasi atau jual jasa" msgid "Accept one-time or recurring payments" msgstr "Terima pembayaran satu kali atau berulang" msgid "Watch our tutorial videos to get started." msgstr "Lihat video tutorial kami untuk memulai." msgid "Make money from your website." msgstr "Dapatkan penghasilan dari situs web Anda." msgid "Enjoy first year subscription at the discounted price" msgstr "Dapatkan harga diskon untuk langganan tahun pertama" msgid "Extra %(discount)d%% off" msgstr "Diskon tambahan %(discount)d%%" msgid "%(approximateDiscountForOffer)d%% off" msgstr "Diskon %(approximateDiscountForOffer)d%%" msgid "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} domain registration free for one year" msgstr "" "Gratis pendaftaran domain {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} selama setahun" msgid "" "{{sup}}*{{/sup}}One time fee. A professional will create " "layouts for up to %(freePages)d pages of your site. It only takes 4 simple " "steps:" msgstr "" "{{sup}}*{{/sup}}Biaya sekali. Tim ahli akan membuatkan tata " "letak hingga %(freePages)d halaman untuk situs Anda. Hanya diperlukan 4 " "langkah sederhana:" msgid "Schedule a date" msgstr "Jadwalkan tanggal" msgid "You still have a Quick Start session available" msgstr "Anda masih memiliki sesi Mulai Cepat" msgid "Your Quick Start session is coming up soon" msgstr "Sesi Mulai Cepat Anda akan segera dimulai" msgid "Take a walkthrough of our new agency dashboard" msgstr "Pelajari dasbor agensi baru kami" msgid "Get a dedicated Jetpack partner manager to help you grow your business." msgstr "" "Dapatkan manajer mitra Jetpack yang kami tugaskan khusus untuk membantu " "mengembangkan bisnis Anda." msgid "Dedicated partner manager" msgstr "Manajer mitra khusus" msgid "" "Your one stop solution for managing site security, plugins, and licenses" msgstr "Solusi lengkap untuk mengelola keamanan situs, plugin, dan lisensi" msgid "Presto Player" msgstr "Presto Player" msgid "" "Display extra information alongside each post in your dashboard’s Posts " "screen." msgstr "" "Menampilkan informasi tambahan dengan setiap pos di layar Pos dasbor Anda." msgctxt "Module Tag" msgid "Admin" msgstr "Administrator" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "" "Jetpack Social makes it easy to share your site’s posts on several social " "media networks automatically when you publish a new post." msgstr "" "Fitur Jetpack Social memudahkan berbagi pos di situs Anda ke sejumlah " "jaringan media sosial secara otomatis saat Anda memublikasikan pos baru." msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Jetpack Social" msgstr "Jetpack Social" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "" "Display extra information alongside each post in your dashboard’s Posts " "screen." msgstr "" "Menampilkan informasi tambahan dengan setiap pos di layar Pos dasbor Anda." msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Post List" msgstr "Daftar Pos" msgid "" " The default media width for the <strong>%1$s</strong> theme is %2$d pixel." msgid_plural "" " The default media width for the <strong>%1$s</strong> theme is %2$d pixels." msgstr[0] "" " Lebar media default untuk tema <strong>%1$s</strong> adalah %2$d piksel." msgstr[1] "" " Lebar media default untuk tema <strong>%1$s</strong> adalah %2$d piksel." msgid "Set a different media width for full size images." msgstr "Tentukan lebar media yang berbeda untuk gambar ukuran penuh." msgid "Unable to create resource." msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat sumber daya." msgid "The ID of the attachment you want to upload to VideoPress" msgstr "ID lampiran yang ingin Anda unggah ke VideoPress" msgid "" "You need to connect Jetpack before being able to upload a video to " "VideoPress." msgstr "" "Anda perlu menghubungkan Jetpack agar dapat mengunggah video ke VideoPress." msgid "Mime type not supported" msgstr "Tipe MIME tidak didukung" msgid "Invalid attachment ID" msgstr "ID lampiran tidak valid" msgid "Edit video details" msgstr "Sunting detail video" msgid "" "We've made some updates to Jetpack Social. Please visit the <a href='%s' " "class='jptracks' data-jptracks-name='legacy_publicize_settings'>WordPress." "com sharing page</a> to manage your Jetpack Social connections or use the " "button below." msgstr "" "Kami telah menerapkan sejumlah pembaruan untuk Jetpack Social. Harap " "kunjungi <a href='%s' class='jptracks' data-jptracks-" "name='legacy_publicize_settings'>halaman berbagi</a> untuk " "mengelola koneksi Jetpack Social Anda atau gunakan tombol di bawah ini." msgid "" "There was a problem connecting with Jetpack Social. Please try again in a " "moment." msgstr "" "Terjadi masalah penyambungan ke Jetpack Social. Silakan coba beberapa saat " "lagi." msgid "" "No blog_id was included in your request. Please try disconnecting Jetpack " "from and then reconnecting it. Once you have done that, try " "connecting Jetpack Social again." msgstr "" "Tidak ada blog_id yang disertakan dalam permintaan Anda. Cobalah untuk " "memutuskan sambungan Jetpack dari, lalu sambungkan lagi. " "Setelah melakukannya, coba sambungkan lagi Jetpack Social." msgid "" "To use Jetpack Social, you'll need to link your %s account to your WordPress." "com account using the link below." msgstr "" "Untuk menggunakan Jetpack Social, Anda harus menautkan akun %s Anda ke akun " " menggunakan tautan di bawah." msgid "" "The message to use instead of the title when sharing to Jetpack Social " "services" msgstr "" "Pesan yang akan ditampilkan untuk menggantikan judul saat membagikan ke " "layanan Jetpack Social" msgid "Share “%s” via Jetpack Social" msgstr "Bagikan “%s” melalui Jetpack Social" msgid "Jetpack Social connection %d could not be disconnected." msgstr "Koneksi Jetpack Social %d tidak dapat diputus." msgid "Jetpack Social connection %d has been disconnected." msgstr "Koneksi Jetpack Social %d telah diputus." msgid "All Jetpack Social connections to %s were successfully disconnected." msgstr "Semua koneksi Jetpack Social ke %s berhasil diputus." msgid "All Jetpack Social connections were successfully disconnected." msgstr "Semua koneksi Jetpack Social berhasil diputus." msgid "Jetpack Social connection %d could not be disconnected" msgstr "Koneksi Jetpack Social %d tidak dapat diputus" msgid "You're about to delete all Jetpack Social connections to %s." msgstr "Anda akan menghapus semua koneksi Jetpack Social ke %s." msgid "You're about to delete all Jetpack Social connections." msgstr "Anda akan menghapus semua koneksi Jetpack Social." msgid "The Jetpack Social module is not loaded." msgstr "Modul Jetpack Social tidak dimuat." msgid "" "Jetpack is currently in offline mode, so the Jetpack Social module will not " "load." msgstr "" "Jetpack saat ini dalam mode offline, sehingga modul Jetpack Social tidak " "akan dimuat." msgid "" "Jetpack is current in offline mode because the site url does not contain a " "'.', which often occurs when dynamically setting the WP_SITEURL constant. " "While in offline mode, the Jetpack Social module will not load." msgstr "" "Jetpack saat ini dalam mode offline karena URL situs tidak berisi '.', yang " "sering terjadi saat mengatur konstanta WP_SITEURL secara dinamis. Saat dalam " "mode offline, modul Jetpack Social tidak akan dimuat." msgid "The Jetpack Social module is not active." msgstr "Modul Jetpack Social tidak aktif." msgid "Jetpack Social requires a user-level connection to" msgstr "" "Fitur Jetpack Social memerlukan sambungan di tingkat pengguna ke WordPress." "com" msgctxt "Filter label for people list" msgid "Email Subscribers" msgstr "Pelanggan E-mail" msgctxt "Verb. Button to add more subscribers." msgid "Add Subscribers" msgstr "Tambah Pelanggan" msgctxt "Verb. Button to invite more users." msgid "Add User" msgstr "Tambah Pengguna" msgctxt "Verb. Button to invite more users." msgid "Invite User" msgstr "Undang Pengguna" msgid "" "Write once, post everywhere. Easily share your content on social media from " "WordPress." msgstr "" "Tulis sekali, poskan ke mana pun. Bagikan konten Anda dengan mudah di media " "sosial dari WordPress." msgid "" "Instant speed and SEO boost. Get the same advantages as the top sites, no " "developer required." msgstr "" "Kecepatan instan dan peningkatan SEO. Dapatkan keuntungan yang sama seperti " "situs teratas, tanpa memerlukan tim pengembang." msgid "" "Instant search helps your visitors actually find what they need and improves " "conversion." msgstr "" "Pencarian instan membantu pengunjung Anda benar-benar menemukan apa yang " "mereka butuhkan dan meningkatkan konversi." msgid "" "Stay ahead of security threats. Automatic scanning and one-click fixes give " "you and your customers peace of mind." msgstr "" "Antisipasi ancaman keamanan. Dengan pemindaian otomatis dan perbaikan sekali " "klik, Anda dan pelanggan Anda tidak perlu khawatir." msgid "" "Stop spam in comments and forms. Save time through automation and get rid of " "annoying CAPTCHAs." msgstr "" "Cegah spam di komentar dan formulir. Hemat waktu melalui otomatisasi dan " "hilangkan CAPTCHA yang mengganggu." msgid "" "Own your content. High-quality, ad-free video built specifically for " "WordPress." msgstr "" "Konten milik Anda. Pemutar video berkualitas tinggi dan bebas iklan yang " "dibuat khusus untuk WordPress." msgid "" "Protect your site or store. Save every change with real-time cloud backups, " "and restore in one click." msgstr "" "Lindungi situs atau toko Anda. Simpan setiap perubahan dengan pencadangan " "cloud secara real-time, dan pulihkan dengan cepat." msgid "" "Get the full Jetpack suite with real-time security tools, improved site " "performance, and tools to grow your business." msgstr "" "Dapatkan rangkaian Jetpack lengkap dengan alat keamanan real-time, performa " "situs yang lebih baik, dan alat esensial untuk mengembangkan bisnis Anda." msgid "You have %(number)d subscriber receiving updates by email" msgid_plural "You have %(number)d subscribers receiving updates by email" msgstr[0] "" "Anda memiliki %(number)d pelanggan yang menerima pembaruan melalui e-mail" msgstr[1] "" "Anda memiliki %(number)d pelanggan yang menerima pembaruan melalui e-mail" msgid "No subscribers yet." msgstr "Belum ada pelanggan" msgid "You must verify your email to add subscribers." msgstr "Anda harus memverifikasi e-mail Anda untuk menambahkan pelanggan." msgid "%(extraPageCount)d extra page: %(costOfExtraPages)s (one-time)" msgid_plural "%(extraPageCount)d extra pages: %(costOfExtraPages)s (one-time)" msgstr[0] "" "%(extraPageCount)d halaman tambahan: %(costOfExtraPages)s (sekali bayar)" msgstr[1] "" "%(extraPageCount)d halaman tambahan: %(costOfExtraPages)s (sekali bayar)" msgid "Service: %(oneTimeFee)s (one-time)" msgstr "%(oneTimeFee)s (sekali bayar)" msgid "This purchase includes %(numberOfPages)d extra page." msgid_plural "This purchase includes %(numberOfPages)d extra pages." msgstr[0] "Pembelian berikut termasuk %(numberOfPages)d halaman tambahan." msgstr[1] "Pembelian berikut termasuk %(numberOfPages)d halaman tambahan." msgid "" "A professionally built %(numberOfIncludedPages)s-page website in 4 business " "days or less." msgstr "" "Situs %(numberOfIncludedPages)s halaman yang dibuat secara profesional dalam " "4 hari kerja atau kurang." msgid "" "Modify your <a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"manage-subscriptions\">" "%2$s</a>." msgstr "" "Ubah <a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"manage-subscriptions\">%2$s</" "a> Anda." msgid "Error updating deposit schedule. Invalid schedule." msgstr "Terjadi error saat memperbarui jadwal deposit. Jadwal tidak valid." msgid "Deposit scheduling unavailable." msgstr "Penjadwalan deposit tidak tersedia." msgid "Unable to decode proper response from remote site" msgstr "Tidak dapat mendekode respons dengan tepat dari situs jarak jauh" msgid "" "If you continue with Google, Apple or GitHub, you agree to our {{tosLink}}" "Terms of Service{{/tosLink}}, and have read our {{privacyLink}}Privacy " "Policy{{/privacyLink}}." msgstr "" "Jika melanjutkan dengan Google, Apple, atau GitHub, Anda menyetujui " "{{tosLink}}Ketentuan Layanan{{/tosLink}} dan telah membaca {{privacyLink}}" "Kebijakan Privasi{{/privacyLink}} kami." msgid "" "By continuing with any of the options below, you agree to our {{tosLink}}" "Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and have read our {{privacyLink}}Privacy " "Policy{{/privacyLink}}." msgstr "" "Dengan melanjutkan salah satu opsi berikut, Anda menyetujui {{tosLink}}" "Persyaratan Layanan{{/tosLink}} dan telah membaca {{privacyLink}}Kebijakan " "Privasi{{/privacyLink}} kami." msgid "" "React to security issues with instant notifcations and one-tap fixes " "anywhere, any time." msgstr "" "Atasi masalah keamanan dengan pemberitahuan instan dan perbaikan sekali " "ketuk dari mana saja, kapan saja." msgid "Realtime alerts for security issues with the Jetpack mobile app." msgstr "" "Peringatan real-time untuk masalah keamanan dengan aplikasi seluler Jetpack." msgid "" "Keep an eye on your stats and learn about your audience with insights " "anywhere, any time." msgstr "" "Pantau statistik dan pelajari audiens Anda melalui wawasan dari mana saja, " "kapan saja." msgid "Watch your traffic grow with the Jetpack mobile app." msgstr "" "Perhatikan pertumbuhan lalu lintas Anda dengan aplikasi seluler Jetpack." msgid "" "Keep track of your site’s activity and restore your site anywhere, any " "time." msgstr "" "Lacak aktivitas situs, serta pulihkan situs Anda dari mana saja, kapan saja." msgid "WordPress and Jetpack logos side-by-side" msgstr "Logo WordPress dan Jetpack bersebelahan" msgid "" "Get notifications, watch your stats, restore your site and more with the " "Jetpack mobile apps for iOS and Android." msgstr "" "Dapatkan pemberitahuan, perhatikan statistik, pulihkan situs, dan masih " "banyak lagi dengan aplikasi seluler Jetpack untuk iOS dan Android." msgid "Illustration of the Jetpack app content editor" msgstr "Ilustrasi editor konten aplikasi Jetpack" msgid "" "A QR code to get the app, scan this code with your device's camera to " "download the Jetpack mobile app" msgstr "" "Kode QR untuk mendapatkan aplikasi, pindai kode ini dengan kamera perangkat " "Anda untuk mengunduh aplikasi seluler Jetpack" msgid "" "Send yourself an email with a link to download the Jetpack mobile app on " "your device." msgstr "" "Dapatkan email dengan tautan untuk mengunduh aplikasi seluler Jetpack di " "perangkat Anda." msgid "" "Reader makes it easy to scroll through the latest updates from all your " "favorite sites. Comment, like, or save a post to read it later." msgstr "" "Fitur Reader memudahkan untuk menemukan pembaruan terbaru dari semua situs " "favorit Anda. Komentar, suka, atau simpan pos untuk dibaca nanti." msgid "Follow your favorite blogs" msgstr "Ikuti blog favorit Anda" msgid "" "Easily share your website content on all your social media channels from one " "place. Auto-publish on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Tumblr." msgstr "" "Bagikan konten situs dengan mudah ke semua kanal media sosial Anda dari satu " "tempat. Publikasikan secara otomatis ke Facebook, LinkedIn, dan Tumblr." msgid "" "Watch your traffic grow with industry leading stats and helpful insights. " "Learn more about your visitors and their habits." msgstr "" "Perhatikan pertumbuhan aktivitas situs Anda dengan statistik unggulan dan " "wawasan bermanfaat di industri. Baca selengkapnya tentang pengunjung Anda " "dan kebiasaan mereka." msgid "Increase traffic and learn about your visitors" msgstr "Tingkatkan traffic dan pelajari pengunjung Anda" msgid "" "Get updates when your favorite site publishes a new post, when someone " "comments on your post, or when you get a new subscriber." msgstr "" "Dapatkan pembaruan saat pos baru dipublikasikan di situs favorit Anda, " "komentar baru diberikan di pos Anda, atau adanya pelanggan baru." msgid "Stay up to date with realtime notifications" msgstr "Dapatkan kabar terbaru dengan pemberitahuan real-time" msgid "" "Write, edit, upload, and publish content even when you're away from your " "desk." msgstr "" "Tulis, edit, unggah, dan poskan konten meski sedang jauh dari meja kerja." msgid "Inspiration strikes anywhere" msgstr "Inspirasi datang di mana pun" msgid "" "The Jetpack mobile app gives you everything you need to create, design, " "manage, and grow your WordPress website." msgstr "" "Aplikasi seluler Jetpack memberikan segala yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat, " "mendesain, mengelola, dan menumbuhkan situs WordPress Anda." msgid "CRM: Entrepreneur with 30 extensions" msgstr "CRM: Entrepreneur dengan 30 ekstensi" msgid "Akismet: Comment and form spam protection (1k API calls/mo)" msgstr "" "Akismet: Perlindungan spam untuk komentar dan formulir (1k panggilan API/bln)" msgid "Scan: Real-time malware scanning and one-click fixes" msgstr "Scan: Pemindaian malware real-time dan perbaikan sekali klik" msgid "Unlimited one-click restores from the last 30 days" msgstr "Pemulihan cepat tanpa batas dari 30 hari terakhir" msgid "30-day activity log archive" msgstr "Arsip data aktivitas 30 hari" msgid "10GB of cloud storage" msgstr "Penyimpanan cloud 10 GB" msgid "Real-time backups as you edit" msgstr "Pencadangan real time (ketika Anda mengedit)" msgid "Launching Link in bio" msgstr "Meluncurkan Tautan di Biografi" msgid "Continue in browser" msgstr "Lanjutkan di browser" msgid "Open in the Jetpack app" msgstr "Buka di aplikasi Jetpack" msgid "Manage Domain" msgstr "Kelola Domain" msgid "Site thumbnail" msgstr "Thumbnail situs" msgid "Easily share your website content on your social media channels" msgstr "Bagikan konten situs web Anda dengan mudah ke kanal media sosial Anda" msgid "" "Sorry, you can only upload CSV files right now. Most providers will let you " "export this from your settings. <uploadBtn>Select another file</uploadBtn>" msgstr "" "Maaf, Saat ini Anda hanya dapat mengunggah file CSV. Sebagian besar provider " "mengizinkan Anda mengekspor dari pengaturan Anda. <uploadBtn>Pilih file " "lain</uploadBtn>" msgid "The format of the email is invalid" msgstr "Format e-mail tidak valid" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Write once, post everywhere." msgstr "Tulis sekali, posting di berbagai platform." msgid "Automatically clear spam from your comments and forms." msgstr "Hapus spam secara otomatis dari komentar dan formulir Anda." msgid "Automatic malware scanning with one-click fixes." msgstr "Pemindaian malware otomatis dengan perbaikan cepat." msgid "Help your site visitors find answers instantly." msgstr "Bantu pengunjung situs Anda menemukan jawaban secara cepat." msgid "Essential tools to speed up your site - no developer required." msgstr "" "Alat penting untuk mempercepat situs Anda - tidak perlu tim pengembang." msgid "Real-time cloud backups with one-click restores." msgstr "Pencadangan cloud real-time dengan pemulihan cepat." msgid "Build better relationships with your customers and grow your business." msgstr "" "Bangun hubungan yang lebih baik dengan pelanggan dan kembangkan bisnis Anda." msgid "Learn how to protect your site" msgstr "Pelajari cara melindungi situs Anda" msgid "Learn how to ensure site security as you install more plugins." msgstr "" "Pelajari cara memastikan keamanan situs seiring dengan semakin banyak plugin " "yang Anda instal." msgid "Get Protect for Free" msgstr "Dapatkan Protect Gratis" msgid "" "Focus on running your business while we protect your site with Jetpack " "Protect." msgstr "" "Fokuslah menjalankan bisnis saat kami melindungi situs Anda dengan Jetpack " "Protect." msgid "" "Jetpack Protect is a free security solution for WordPress that runs " "automated scans on your site and warns you about vulnerabilities." msgstr "" "Jetpack Protect adalah solusi keamanan gratis untuk WordPress yang " "menjalankan pemindaian situs otomatis dan memperingatkan Anda jika ada " "kerentanan." msgid "" "As you add plugins to your site, you have to start thinking about " "vulnerabilities." msgstr "" "Ketika menambahkan plugin ke situs, Anda perlu mempertimbangkan kerentanan." msgid "" "Make your newsletter stand out with a custom domain. Not sure yet? " "<span>Decide later</span>." msgstr "" "Buat buletin Anda tampil beda dengan memasukkan domain khusus di dalamnya. " "Belum yakin? <span>Tentukan nanti.</span>" msgid "Save by paying annually" msgstr "Hemat dengan bayar tahunan" msgid "<a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"header-comment\">%2$s</a>" msgstr "<a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"header-comment\">%2$s</a>" msgid "Get" msgstr "Dapatkan" msgid "More about %(productName)s" msgstr "Selengkapnya tentang %(productName)s" msgid "" "This is an international purchase, which is subject to a currency exchange " "operation, to be processed by EBANX, according to these {{tosLink}}terms and " "conditions{{/tosLink}}. By clicking to purchase, you state acknowledgment " "and acceptance of the terms and conditions of this transaction." msgstr "" "Berikut adalah pembelian internasional, yang sesuai dengan prosedur " "pertukaran mata uang agar dapat diproses oleh EBANX, sesuai dengan " "{{tosLink}}persyaratan dan ketentuan{{/tosLink}} berikut. Ketika membeli, " "Anda berarti mengerti dan menerima syarat dan ketentuan transaksi tersebut." msgid "Contact person" msgstr "Narahubung" msgid "Company website" msgstr "Situs web perusahaan" msgid "Contact first and last name" msgstr "Nama lengkap yang dapat dihubungi" msgid "" "Discount applies to the first payment on an annual plan, but does not apply " "to future recurring payments. Discount may not be applied to previous " "purchases, renewals, subscription upgrades, or combined with any other " "offer. Please note that select domain names may be excluded." msgstr "" "Diskon berlaku untuk pembayaran pertama pada paket tahunan, tetapi tidak " "berlaku untuk pembayaran berulang berikutnya. Diskon tidak dapat digunakan " "untuk pembelian sebelumnya, perpanjangan, upgrade langganan, atau " "digabungkan dengan penawaran lainnya. Perhatikan bahwa nama domain tertentu " "mungkin tidak termasuk." msgctxt "Jetpack product name" msgid "Security" msgstr "Security" msgid "" "To claim your free domain name and unlock the advanced features included " "with a paid WordPress.​com plan, visit here %1$s. Be sure to use the code " "%2$s at checkout, and you’ll save %3$s%%." msgstr "" "Untuk mengeklaim nama domain gratis dan mendapatkan fitur tingkat lanjut " "yang disertakan dalam paket WordPress.​com berbayar, kunjungi %1$s di sini. " "Pastikan untuk menggunakan kode %2$s saat checkout, dan Anda akan " "mendapatkan diskon %3$s%%." msgid "" "Just popping in to remind you that your complimentary domain name " "registration is still available when you upgrade your free site to a paid " "plan, but your %1$s%% off deal ends on %2$s." msgstr "" "Pengingat sekilas bahwa pendaftaran nama domain gratis masih tersedia jika " "Anda mengupgrade situs gratis ke paket berbayar. Tetapi, promo diskon %1$s%% " "Anda akan berakhir pada %2$s." msgid "" "Visit %1$s to upgrade your free site today. The code %2$s is valid until " "%3$s, so be sure to take advantage of this offer ASAP." msgstr "" "Kunjungi %1$s untuk mengupgrade situs gratis Anda hari ini. Kode %2$s " "berlaku hingga %3$s, jadi manfaatkan penawaran ini secepatnya." msgid "" "When you upgrade your free website to a paid plan, we include your first " "year of domain name registration — on the house! Plus, with the promo code " "%1$s, you’ll get %2$s%% off your very first payment." msgstr "" "Saat Anda mengupgrade situs gratis ke paket berbayar, kami menyertakan " "pendaftaran nama domain gratis selama satu tahun — gratis! Dengan kode " "promo %1$s, Anda juga akan mendapatkan diskon %2$s%% untuk pembayaran " "pertama." msgid "" "To claim your free domain name and unlock the advanced features included " "with a paid WordPress.​com plan, click <a href=\"%1$s\">here</a> or on " "the button above. Be sure to use the code %2$s at checkout, and you’ll save " "%3$s%%." msgstr "" "Untuk mengeklaim nama domain gratis dan mendapatkan fitur lanjutan yang " "disertakan dalam paket WordPress.​com berbayar, klik <a href=\"%1$s\">di " "sini</a> atau tombol di atas. Pastikan untuk menggunakan kode %2$s saat " "checkout, dan Anda akan mendapatkan diskon %3$s%%." msgid "" "Just popping in to remind you that your complimentary domain name " "registration is still available when <a href=\"%1$s\">you upgrade your free " "site to a paid plan</a>, but your %2$s%% off deal ends on %3$s." msgstr "" "Pengingat sekilas bahwa pendaftaran nama domain gratis masih tersedia jika " "<a href=\"%1$s\">Anda mengupgrade situs gratis ke paket berbayar</a>. " "Tetapi, promo %2$s%%diskon Anda akan berakhir pada %3$s." msgid "" "Click <a href=\"%1$s\">here</a> or on the button below to upgrade your free " "site today. The code %2$s is valid until %3$s, so be sure to take advantage " "of this offer ASAP." msgstr "" "Klik <a href=\"%1$s\">di sini</a> atau tombol di bawah ini untuk mengupgrade " "situs gratis Anda hari ini. Kode %2$s berlaku hingga %3$s, jadi manfaatkan " "penawaran ini secepatnya." msgid "" "When you <a href=\"%1$s\">upgrade your free website</a> to a paid plan, we " "include your first year of domain name registration — on the house! Plus, " "with the promo code, <strong>%2$s</strong>, you’ll get %3$s%% off your very " "first payment." msgstr "" "Saat Anda <a href=\"%1$s\">mengupgrade situs gratis</a> ke paket berbayar, " "kami menyertakan pendaftaran nama domain gratis selama satu tahun — gratis! " "Dengan kode promo, <strong>%2$s</strong>, Anda juga akan mendapatkan diskon " "%3$s%% untuk pembayaran pertama." msgid "Social Basic" msgstr "Social Basic" msgid "Manage Plugin" msgstr "Kelola Plugin" msgid "" "You have uploaded a .wpress file that works with the All-in-One WP Migration " "plugin. You can either {{ip}}install that plugin{{/ip}}, or {{ei}}try out " "Everything Import{{/ei}}. {{cs}}Still need help{{/cs}}?" msgstr "" "Anda telah mengunggah file .wpress yang berfungsi dengan plugin All-in-One " "WP Migration. Anda dapat {{ip}}menginstal plugin itu{{/ip}}, atau {{ei}}" "mencoba Impor Apa Pun{{/ei}}. {{cs}}Masih butuh bantuan{{/cs}}?" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Bundled Fonts" msgstr "Fon dalam pembelian bundel" msgid "Track your view and click stats" msgstr "Lacak statistik penayangan dan klik Anda" msgid "Customizable themes, buttons, colors" msgstr "Sesuaikan tema, tombol, warna" msgid "Add unlimited links to your page" msgstr "Tambahkan tautan tidak terbatas ke halaman Anda" msgid "Go deeper into site stats and insights with Google Analytics" msgstr "Statistik dan wawasan lebih lengkap dengan Google Analytics" msgid "Real-time analytics in your dashboard" msgstr "Analitik real time di dasbor Anda" msgid "Monetize your Newsletter with payments, subscriptions, and donations" msgstr "" "Dapatkan uang dari Buletin Anda dengan pembayaran, langganan, dan donasi" msgid "Ad-free experience" msgstr "Tanpa iklan" msgid "Add multiple pages to your Newsletter's website" msgstr "Tambah beberapa halaman ke situs web Buletin Anda" msgid "Import subscribers" msgstr "Impor pelanggan" msgid "Unlimited subscribers" msgstr "Pelanggan tidak terbatas" msgid "Send unlimited emails" msgstr "Kirim e-mail tidak terbatas" msgid "Add subscribers" msgstr "Tambah pelanggan" msgid "Best for Link in Bio" msgstr "Terbaik untuk Tautan di Biografi" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"header-comment-approval\">%2$s</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"header-comment-approval\">%2$s</a>" msgid "" "<strong>Want less email?</strong> <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" data-" "tracks-link-desc=\"%2$s\">Unsubscribe</a> or modify your <a href=\"%3$s\" " "target=\"_blank\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"%4$s\">Subscription Options</a>." msgstr "" "<strong>Ingin menerima lebih sedikit email?</strong> <a href=\"%1$s\" target=" "\"_blank\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"%2$s\">Berhenti Berlangganan</a> atau " "modifikasi <a href=\"%3$s\" target=\"_blank\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"%4$s" "\">Opsi Berlangganan</a> Anda." msgid "New comment waiting approval!" msgstr "Komentar baru menunggu persetujuan!" msgid "Upload a logo for your website, transparent backgrounds work best." msgstr "" "Unggah logo untuk situs web Anda. Sebaiknya gunakan latar belakang " "transparan." msgid "" "Please {{SupportLink}}contact support{{/SupportLink}} if your existing " " site isn’t listed, or create a {{NewSiteLink}}new site{{/" "NewSiteLink}} instead." msgstr "" "Harap {{SupportLink}}hubungi layanan bantuan{{/SupportLink}} jika situs " " Anda tidak terdaftar, atau buat {{NewSiteLink}}situs baru{{/" "NewSiteLink}} sebagai gantinya." msgid "Personalize your<br />Link in Bio" msgstr "Sesuaikan<br />Tautan di Biografi Anda" msgid "Add a short biography here" msgstr "Tambahkan biografi singkat di sini" msgid "My Link in Bio" msgstr "Tautan di Biografi Saya" msgctxt "Jetpack Social Basic Plan" msgid "Social" msgstr "Social" msgid "Jetpack Social Basic" msgstr "Jetpack Social Dasar" msgid "Jetpack must be removed via wp-admin." msgstr "Jetpack harus dihapus dari wp-admin." msgid "" "Your Jetpack VaultPress Backup plan comes with %1$s of storage. Your site " "has reached its storage limit." msgstr "" "Paket Jetpack VaultPress Backup dilengkapi dengan penyimpanan %1$s. Situs " "Anda telah mencapai batas ruang penyimpanan." msgid "" "Your Jetpack VaultPress Backup plan comes with %1$s of storage. Your site is " "approaching its storage limit." msgstr "" "Paket Jetpack VaultPress Backup dilengkapi dengan penyimpanan %1$s. Situs " "Anda hampir mencapai batas ruang penyimpanan." msgid "%1$s of %2$s of storage used" msgstr "%1$s dari %2$s ruang penyimpanan digunakan" msgid "%1$s is out of storage space" msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan %1$s habis" msgid "Pick a thing. Start a thing. Hit that publish button." msgstr "Tentukan. Mulai. Tekan tombol publikasikan." msgid "Put a dent in the web. In%1$s3%1$sminutes%1$sflat." msgstr "Mulai situs Anda. Hanya%1$sdalam%1$s3%1$smenit." msgid "Launch a Video Site" msgstr "Luncurkan Situs Video" msgid "Launch a Newsletter" msgstr "Luncurkan Buletin" msgid "Launch a Link in Bio" msgstr "Luncurkan Tautan di Bio" msgid "Jetpack powered" msgstr "Didukung Jetpack" msgid "" "<strong>%s</strong> <uploadBtn>Replace</uploadBtn> | <removeBtn>Remove</" "removeBtn>" msgstr "" "<strong>%s</strong> <uploadBtn>Ganti</uploadBtn> | <removeBtn>Hapus</" "removeBtn>" msgctxt "The Jetpack VideoPress product name, without the Jetpack prefix" msgid "VideoPress" msgstr "VideoPress" msgctxt "label for filtering posts" msgid "Authors" msgstr "Penulis" msgid "Cancel campaign" msgstr "Batalkan kampanye" msgid "Budget" msgstr "Anggaran" msgid "Click-through rate" msgstr "Rasio klik-tayang" msgid "Overall spending" msgstr "Total pengeluaran" msgid "" "If you continue, an approval request for your ad will be canceled, and the " "campaign won't start." msgstr "" "Jika Anda melanjutkan, permintaan persetujuan untuk iklan Anda akan " "dibatalkan, dan kampanye tidak akan dimulai" msgid "Cancel the campaign" msgstr "Batalkan kampanye" msgid "Yes, cancel" msgstr "Ya, batalkan" msgid "Disables custom spacing sizes." msgstr "Menonaktifkan ukuran spasi kustom." msgid "Site Actions" msgstr "Tindakan Situs" msgid "Create a new one now to experience multiple mailbox efficiency." msgstr "" "Buat yang baru sekarang untuk mencoba efisiensi mailbox yang tidak terbatas." msgid "" "Create a new one for free during your trial to experience multiple mailbox " "efficiency." msgstr "" "Buat yang baru secara gratis selama uji coba Anda untuk mencoba efisiensi " "mailbox yang tidak terbatas." msgid "Invalid Jetpack Social connection" msgstr "Koneksi Jetpack Social tidak valid" msgid "" "Could not update the Jetpack Social connections on the remote Jetpack site. " "No Jetpack Social connection created." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat memperbarui koneksi Jetpack Social pada situs Jetpack jarak " "jauh. Tidak ada koneksi Jetpack Social yang dibuat." msgid "Could not create this Jetpack Social connection." msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat koneksi Jetpack Social ini." msgid "Jetpack Social shared connection limit." msgstr "Batas koneksi berbagi Jetpack Social." msgid "Jetpack Social connection limit." msgstr "Batas koneksi Jetpack Social." msgid "Disabled Jetpack Social for automatic social sharing" msgstr "Menonaktifkan Jetpack Social untuk berbagi otomatis di media sosial" msgid "Enabled Jetpack Social for automatic social sharing" msgstr "Mengaktifkan Jetpack Social untuk berbagi otomatis di media sosial" msgid "Share to my <strong>Tumblr blog</strong>:" msgstr "Bagikan ke <strong>blog Tumblr</strong> saya:" msgid "Jetpack Social Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Jetpack Social" msgid "Jetpack Social:" msgstr "Jetpack Social" msgid "This user is not authorized to modify this Jetpack Social connection." msgstr "" "Pengguna ini tidak diizinkan untuk memodifikasi koneksi Jetpack Social ini." msgid "Please provide a valid numeric Jetpack Social connection ID" msgstr "Harap cantumkan nomor ID koneksi Jetpack Social yang valid" msgid "No Jetpack Social connection found for this ID" msgstr "Tidak ditemukan koneksi Jetpack Social untuk ID ini" msgid "Jetpack Social is disabled on this blog." msgstr "Di blog ini, Jetpack Social dinonaktifkan." msgid "" "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"text-decoration: underline; rel=" "\"noopener\"> YouTube channel</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"text-decoration: underline; rel=" "\"noopener\">Kanal YouTube</a>" msgid "Visit %s to start watching." msgstr "Kunjungi %s untuk mulai menonton." msgid "Learn how to build your website with our video tutorials." msgstr "Pelajari cara membuat situs Anda dengan tutorial video kami." msgid " YouTube channel!" msgstr "Kanal YouTube!" msgid " on YouTube. Tutorials. How-Tos. Customer Stories." msgstr " di YouTube. Tutorial. Panduan. Cerita Pelanggan." msgid "%(numberOfExtraPages)d Extra Page: %(costOfExtraPages)s one-time fee" msgid_plural "" "%(numberOfExtraPages)d Extra Pages: %(costOfExtraPages)s one-time fee" msgstr[0] "" "%(numberOfExtraPages)d Halaman Tambahan: %(costOfExtraPages)s sekali bayar" msgstr[1] "" "%(numberOfExtraPages)d Halaman Tambahan: %(costOfExtraPages)s sekali bayar" msgid "Service: %(productCost)s one-time fee" msgstr "Jasa: %(productCost)s sekali bayar" msgid "Best-in-class products for your WordPress site" msgstr "Produk terbaik di kelasnya untuk situs WordPress Anda" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to access Jetpack Social data for this post." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan mengakses data Jetpack Social untuk pos ini." msgid "Whether Jetpack Social has already finished sharing for this post" msgstr "Jetpack Social sudah selesai berbagi untuk pos ini atau belum" msgid "The URL used to connect to the Jetpack Social service" msgstr "URL yang digunakan untuk terhubung ke layanan Jetpack Social" msgid "Human readable label for the Jetpack Social service" msgstr "Label yang dapat dibaca manusia untuk layanan Jetpack Social" msgid "URL for refreshing the Connection to the Jetpack Social service" msgstr "URL untuk menyegarkan Koneksi ke layanan Jetpack Social" msgid "" "Message instructing the user to refresh their Connection to the Jetpack " "Social service" msgstr "" "Pesan yang meminta pengguna untuk menyegarkan Koneksi mereka ke layanan " "Jetpack Social" msgid "Can the current user refresh the Jetpack Social connection?" msgstr "Apakah pengguna saat ini dapat menyegarkan koneksi Jetpack Social?" msgid "Jetpack Social connection success or error message" msgstr "Pesan koneksi Jetpack Social berhasil atau error" msgid "Did the Jetpack Social connection test pass?" msgstr "Apakah uji koneksi Jetpack Social berhasil?" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to access Jetpack Social data on this site." msgstr "" "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan mengakses data Jetpack Social pada situs ini." msgid "Sorry, Jetpack Social is not available on your site right now." msgstr "Maaf, saat ini Jetpack Social tidak tersedia di situs Anda." msgid "Alphanumeric identifier for the Jetpack Social service" msgstr "Pengenal alfanumerik untuk layanan Jetpack Social" msgid "Unique identifier for the Jetpack Social connection" msgstr "Pengenal unik untuk koneksi Jetpack Social" msgid "Create newsletter" msgstr "Buat buletin" msgid "" "A theme for anyone who wants to create a collection of links to their online " "profiles. It comes with a selection of patterns ready for customization." msgstr "" "Tema bagi siapa saja yang ingin membuat koleksi tautan ke profil online-nya. " "Dilengkapi dengan sejumlah pilihan pola yang siap disesuaikan." msgid "Keep up the momentum with these final steps." msgstr "Selesaikan langkah-langkah terakhir berikut." msgid "Hello! Tap this link to log into the WooCommerce app on your device." msgstr "" "Halo! Ketuk tautan ini untuk login ke aplikasi WooCommerce di perangkat Anda." msgid "If you didn't request this, you can ignore this email." msgstr "Jika tidak meminta hal ini, Anda dapat mengabaikan e-mail ini." msgid "This can only be used one time and expires in an hour." msgstr "" "Kode ini hanya dapat digunakan sekali dan akan kedaluwarsa dalam waktu satu " "jam." msgid "QR Code" msgstr "Kode QR" msgid "Hello! Tap this button to log into the WooCommerce app on your device." msgstr "" "Halo! Ketuk tombol ini untuk login ke aplikasi WooCommerce di perangkat Anda." msgid "The Stripe Setup Intent id for the payment method." msgstr "Identitas Stripe Setup Intent untuk metode pembayaran." msgid "Let's head to the checkout" msgstr "Mari menuju checkout" msgid "Excellent choices. Nearly there!" msgstr "Fitur-fitur yang sempurna. Sebentar lagi tersedia!" msgid "Mounting it on a marble pedestal" msgstr "Meletakannya di atas tiang marmer" msgid "Shining and polishing your Bio" msgstr "Memperindah dan memoles Biografi Anda" msgid "Great choices. Nearly there!" msgstr "Fitur-fitur yang andal. Sebentar lagi tersedia!" msgid "" "You’re 3 minutes away from<br />a stand-out Link in Bio site.<br />Ready? " msgstr "" "3 menit lagi<br />situs Tautan di Biografi yang unik akan selesai.<br />Siap?" msgid "Upload a profile image" msgstr "Unggah gambar profil" msgid "Add a site icon" msgstr "Tambah ikon situs" msgid "" "<span>reacted to your P2 post</span> <a href=\"%1$s\">\"%2$s\"</a>: %3$s" msgstr "<span>menanggapi pos P2</span> <a href=\"%1$s\">\"%2$s\"</a>Anda: %3$s" msgid "Start with %(productName)s" msgstr "Mulai dengan %(productName)s" msgid "Start with the free version and try out our premium products later." msgstr "Mulai dengan versi gratis dan coba produk premium kami setelahnya." msgid "Still not sure?" msgstr "Masih belum yakin?" msgid "[%1$s] %2$s reacted to your post %3$s" msgstr "[%1$s] %2$s menanggapi pos Anda %3$s" msgid "Oops. Looks like your course site doesn't have a name yet." msgstr "Waduh. Sepertinya situs kursus Anda belum memiliki nama." msgid "Oops. Looks like your Link in Bio doesn't have a name yet." msgstr "Maaf. Sepertinya Tautan di Biografi Anda belum memiliki nama." msgid "" "Keep track of your site’s activity and restore your site anywhere, any time." msgstr "Pantau aktivitas situs dan pulihkan situs dari mana saja, kapan saja." msgid "Restore your site with a tap using the Jetpack mobile app." msgstr "Pulihkan situs dalam sekali ketuk menggunakan aplikasi seluler Jetpack" msgid "I need details on a recent charge from" msgstr "Saya memerlukan detail tagihan terbaru dari" msgid "I want to search a knowledge base for answers" msgstr "Saya ingin mencari basis pengetahuan untuk pertanyaan" msgid "WordPress Support Documents" msgstr "Dokumen Pendukung WordPress" msgid "I need a guide for starting my site or blog at" msgstr "Saya butuh panduan untuk memulai situs atau blog di" msgid "I need help logging into" msgstr "Saya butuh bantuan login ke" msgid " Account Recovery" msgstr "Pemulihan Akun" msgid "I need help with my own WordPress installation at another host" msgstr "Saya butuh bantuan instalasi WordPress di host lain" msgid " Support Forums" msgstr "Forum Dukungan" msgid "I need customer service for a paid site hosted at" msgstr "" "Saya butuh layanan pelanggan untuk situs berbayar yang dihosting di " "" msgid " Customer Support" msgstr "Dukungan Pelanggan" msgid "Connect Your Blog to Facebook Using Jetpack Social" msgstr "Hubungkan Blog Anda ke Facebook Menggunakan Jetpack Social" msgid "" "Use your site's Jetpack Social tools to connect your site and your social " "media accounts, and share your new posts automatically. Connect to Facebook, " "LinkedIn, and more." msgstr "" "Manfaatkan perangkat Jetpack Social pada situs Anda untuk menghubungkan " "situs dan akun media sosial Anda, serta berbagi pos baru secara otomatis. " "Hubungkan ke Facebook, LinkedIn, dan banyak lainnya." msgid "" "Facebook supports Jetpack Social connections to Facebook Pages, but not to " "Facebook Profiles. {{a}}Learn More about Jetpack Social for Facebook{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Facebook mendukung sambungan Jetpack Social ke Halaman Facebook, tetapi " "tidak ke Profil Facebook. {{a}}Baca Selengkapnya tentang Jetpack Social " "untuk Facebook{{/a}}" msgid "" "Time to reauthenticate! Some changes to LinkedIn mean that you need to re-" "enable Jetpack Social by disconnecting and reconnecting your account." msgstr "" "Saatnya autentikasi ulang! Beberapa perubahan pada LinkedIn berarti Anda " "harus mengaktifkan ulang Jetpack Social dengan memutuskan sambungan dan " "menghubungkan kembali akun Anda." msgid "" "Did you know you can decide exactly when Jetpack Social shares your post? " "You can! Click the calendar icon next to \"Share post\" to schedule your " "social shares." msgstr "" "Apakah Anda tahu bahwa Anda dapat menentukan kapan tepatnya Jetpack Social " "membagikan pos Anda? Anda bisa! Klik ikon kalender di sebelah \"Berbagi pos" "\" untuk menjadwalkan berbagi ke media sosial." msgid "" "Share on your connected social media accounts using {{a}}Jetpack Social{{/" "a}}." msgstr "" "Bagikan di akun media sosial Anda yang terhubung menggunakan {{a}}Jetpack " "Social{{/a}}." msgid "Activate now" msgstr "Aktifkan sekarang" msgid "You can find the license keys in your purchase confirmation email." msgstr "Anda dapat menemukan kunci lisensi di e-mail konfirmasi pembelian." msgid "" "You have licenses available for some Jetpack features. You can activate them " "now if you want." msgstr "" "Anda memiliki lisensi yang tesedia untuk sejumlah fitur Jetpack. Anda dapat " "mengaktifkannya sekarang jika mau." msgid "" "You have a %(productName)s license available. You can activate it now if you " "want." msgstr "" "Anda memiliki lisensi %(productName)s tersedia. Anda dapat mengaktifkannya " "sekarang jika mau." msgid "You’ll also get access to support from the WordPress experts." msgstr "Anda juga akan mendapatkan akses ke dukungan dari para ahli WordPress." msgid "" "Any time you update your site or add new content, you won’t have to manually " "regenerate your site’s critical CSS." msgstr "" "Setiap kali memperbarui situs atau menambahkan konten baru, Anda tidak perlu " "membuat ulang CSS utama situs secara manual." msgid "" "For the next 48 hours take an additional %s off your first year of Jetpack " "Boost." msgstr "" "Selama 48 jam ke depan, dapatkan diskon tambahan %s untuk tahun pertama " "Jetpack Boost Anda." msgid "A special offer to automate Jetpack Boost" msgstr "Penawaran khusus untuk otomatisasi Jetpack Boost" msgid "Save time by automating critical CSS." msgstr "Hemat waktu dengan otomatisasi CSS utama." msgid "A special offer to automate Jetpack Boost: Take an additional %s off" msgstr "" "Penawaran khusus untuk otomatisasi Jetpack Boost: Dapatkan diskon tambahan %s" msgid "" "Any time you update your site or add new content, you won’t have to manually " "regenerate your site’s critical CSS in the Boost plugin." msgstr "" "Setiap kali memperbarui situs atau menambahkan konten baru, Anda tidak perlu " "membuat ulang CSS utama situs secara manual pada plugin Boost." msgid "" "Let us do the heavy lifting for you – with automated critical CSS; we " "automatically regenerate your site’s critical CSS and performance scores " "each time you update your site." msgstr "" "Kami yang akan bekerja keras. Dengan fitur otomatisasi CSS utama, kami akan " "membuat ulang CSS utama dan skor performa situs Anda secara otomatis setiap " "kali situs diperbarui." msgid "Save time and keep your site speed fast with automated critical CSS" msgstr "" "Hemat waktu dan pertahankan kecepatan situs Anda dengan otomatisasi CSS " "utama. " msgid "Ensure your site remains fast." msgstr "Pastikan situs Anda tetap cepat." msgid "Learn how to schedule: " msgstr "Pelajari cara menjadwalkan: " msgid "Connect social accounts: " msgstr "Hubungkan akun sosial: " msgid "Learn how to schedule" msgstr "Pelajari cara menjadwalkan" msgid "" "Schedule your posts in advance, so you’re not chained to your desk, and " "publish at the time of day your fans are most engaged on social media." msgstr "" "Jadwalkan pos sebelumnya agar agenda Anda lebih luang, dan publikasikan di " "media sosial pada saat penggemar Anda paling aktif berinteraksi." msgid "Connect social accounts" msgstr "Hubungkan akun sosial" msgid "" "Jetpack Social pushes your site’s posts and products to all your social " "media channels in one place, with just a few clicks." msgstr "" "Jetpack Social memposkan pos dan produk situs Anda ke semua saluran media " "sosial dari satu tempat, hanya dengan beberapa klik. " msgid "Write once, publish everywhere" msgstr "Tulis sekali, poskan di berbagai platform" msgid "Grow your following by sharing your content." msgstr "Perbanyak pengikut dengan membagikan konten Anda." msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Social!" msgstr "Selamat datang di Jetpack Social!" msgid "I'll do it myself" msgstr "Saya akan mengerjakannya sendiri" msgid "" "Redirected sites send a visitor directly to the mapped domain. Read more " "about them <a>here</a>." msgstr "" "Situs yang dialihkan membawa pengunjung langsung ke domain yang dipetakan. " "Baca lebih lanjut tentang situs yang dialihkan <a>di sini</a>." msgid "You have no redirected sites" msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki situs yang dialihkan" msgid "You can change all of this later, too." msgstr "Anda juga dapat mengubah semuanya nanti." msgid "Continue to payment" msgstr "Lanjutkan ke pembayaran" msgid "Questions" msgstr "Pertanyaan" msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Protect!" msgstr "Selamat datang di Jetpack Protect!" msgid "Upgrade Boost: " msgstr "Upgrade Boost: " msgid "" "Let us do the heavy lifting for you with automated critical CSS. Each time " "you update your site we will automatically regenerate your critical CSS and " "update your performance scores. You’ll also have dedicated support so you " "can email us with any questions." msgstr "" "Kami yang akan bekerja keras untuk Anda dengan mengotomatisasi CSS utama. " "Setiap kali Anda membarui situs, kami akan membuat ulang CSS utama dan " "memperbarui skor performa Anda secara otomatis. Anda juga akan mendapatkan " "dukungan khusus. Jadi, Anda dapat mengirimkan email berisi pertanyaan apa " "pun. " msgid "" "Jetpack Protect scans your site every day to warn you about vulnerabilities " "associated with your WordPress installation, and plugins, and themes." msgstr "" "Jetpack Protect memindai situs setiap hari untuk memperingatkan Anda tentang " "kerentanan terkait instalasi WordPress, plugin, dan tema Anda." msgid "Automated Malware Scanning" msgstr "Pemindaian Malware Otomatis" msgid "Stay one step ahead of security threats and malware." msgstr "Antisipasi ancaman keamanan dan malware." msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Protect" msgstr "Selamat datang di Jetpack Protect" msgid "" "Let us do the heavy lifting for you with automated critical CSS. Each time " "you update your site we will automatically regenerate your critical CSS and " "update your performance scores." msgstr "" "Kami yang akan bekerja keras untuk Anda dengan mengotomatisasi CSS utama. " "Setiap kali Anda membarui situs, kami akan membuat ulang CSS utama dan " "memperbarui skor performa Anda secara otomatis." msgid "Upgrade Boost: Automated critical CSS regeneration" msgstr "Upgrade Boost: Pembuatan ulang CSS utama otomatis" msgid "" "Load only the images your site visitor can see, making your site faster and " "saving bandwidth." msgstr "" "Memuat hanya gambar yang dapat dilihat pengunjung situs, agar situs Anda " "lebih cepat dan hemat bandwidth." msgid "Lazy-load images" msgstr "Gambar Lazy-load" msgid "" "Delays some tasks until after the page loads, so the essential stuff " "displays faster." msgstr "" "Menunda beberapa tugas hingga halaman selesai dimuat agar komponen-komponen " "yang utama ditampilkan lebih cepat." msgid "" "Generates optimized styles for every page, significantly increasing speed, " "especially on mobile." msgstr "" "Menghasilkan gaya yang dioptimalkan untuk setiap halaman sehingga kecepatan " "meningkat secara signifikan, terutama pada perangkat seluler." msgid "Critical CSS" msgstr "CSS Utama" msgid "Speed up your website with one-click optimizations." msgstr "Tingkatkan kecepatan situs Anda dengan optimisasi sekali klik." msgid "Payment cancelled for %(subscriber_email)s." msgstr "Pembayaran dibatalkan untuk %(subscriber_email)s." msgid "Do you want to cancel this payment?" msgstr "Apakah Anda ingin membatalkan pembayaran berikut?" msgid "Cancel payment" msgstr "Batalkan pembayaran" msgid "Payment removed for %(subscriber_email)s." msgstr "Pembayaran dihapus untuk %(subscriber_email)s." msgid "Do you want to remove this payment?" msgstr "Apakah Anda ingin menghapus pembayaran berikut?" msgid "Remove payment" msgstr "Hapus pembayaran" msgid "LinkedIn logo" msgstr "Logo LinkedIn" msgid "Facebook logo" msgstr "Logo Facebook" msgid "Android - Get it on Google Play" msgstr "Android - Unduh di Google Play" msgid "Apple iOS - Download on the App Store" msgstr "Apple iOS - Unduh di App Store" msgid "" "Get notifications, watch your stats, restore your site, and more with the " "Jetpack mobile app." msgstr "" "Dapatkan pemberitahuan, perhatikan statistik, pulihkan situs, dan masih " "banyak lagi dengan aplikasi seluler Jetpack." msgid "Put your site in your pocket." msgstr "Kelola situs dari saku Anda." msgid "Jetpack and WordPress logos side by side" msgstr "Logo Jetpack dan WordPress bersebelahan" msgid "Create your Newsletter" msgstr "Buat Buletin Anda" msgid "Hosting configuration" msgstr "Konfigurasi hosting" msgid "Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information" msgstr "Jangan Menjual atau Membagikan Informasi Pribadi Saya" msgid "Choose a design to start" msgstr "Pilih desain untuk memulai" msgid "All Statuses" msgstr "Semua Status" msgid "" "<strong>Want less email?</strong> Modify your <a href=\"%1$s\" target=" "\"_blank\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"%2$s\">email notification settings</a>." msgstr "" "<strong>Ingin menerima lebih sedikit email?</strong>Ubah <a href=\"%1$s\" " "target=\"_blank\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"%2$s\">pengaturan pemberitahuan " "email</a> Anda." msgid "" "You might want to go see what they're up to! Perhaps you will like <a href=" "\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"%2$s\">their blog</a> as much as they liked " "yours." msgstr "" "Anda dapat melihat apa yang mereka lakukan! Mungkin Anda akan suka <a href=" "\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"%2$s\">blog mereka</a> seperti mereka " "menyukai blog Anda." msgid "" "Sorry, we had a problem retrieving your SSH access details. Please refresh " "the page and try again." msgstr "" "Maaf, kami mengalami kendala saat mengambil detail akses SSH Anda. Mohon " "refresh halaman dan coba lagi." msgid "Create credentials" msgstr "Buat kredensial" msgid "What is SSH?" msgstr "Apa itu SSH?" msgid "SFTP/SSH credentials" msgstr "Kredensial SFTP/SSH" msgid "" "Access and edit your website's files directly by creating SFTP credentials " "and using an SFTP client. Optionally, enable SSH to perform advanced site " "operations using the command line." msgstr "" "Akses dan edit file situs web Anda secara langsung dengan membuat kredensial " "SFTP dan menggunakan SFTP client. Jika perlu, Anda dapat mengaktifkan SSH " "untuk menjalankan fungsi-fungsi tingkat lanjut menggunakan command line." msgid "" "Premium Content – Provides paid subscription options to share premium " "content like text, images, video, and any other content on your website. You " "might know this as “gated content.”" msgstr "" "Konten Premium – Menyediakan pilihan langganan berbayar untuk membagikan " "konten premium misalnya teks, gambar, video, dan konten lainnya di situs " "Anda. Anda mungkin mengenalnya sebagai “gated content”." msgid "" "Donation Form – Allows visitors to customize their financial support. More " "options for the user in a compact form." msgstr "" "Formulir Donasi – Memungkinkan pengunjung menyesuaikan dukungan finansial " "mereka. Lebih banyak pilihan bagi pengguna dalam formulir yang ringkas." msgid "" "Payment Button – Lets visitors pay for digital goods and services or make " "quick, pre-set donations. Options available for one-time or recurring " "payments (monthly and annually)." msgstr "" "Tombol Pembayaran – Mengizinkan pengunjung membeli produk dan layanan " "digital, atau memberikan donasi cepat dengan nilai yang telah ditetapkan. " "Pilihan tersedia untuk pembayaran satu kali atau berulang (bulanan dan " "tahunan)." msgid "4. Premium Content" msgstr "4. Konten Premium" msgid "2. Donation Form" msgstr "2. Formulir Donasi" msgid "Learn more about Premium Content on our Support page" msgstr "Baca selengkapnya tentang Konten Premium di halaman Dukungan kami" msgid "" "<strong>Premium Content</strong> – Provides paid subscription options to " "share premium content like text, images, video, and any other content on " "your website. You might know this as “gated content.”" msgstr "" "<strong>Konten Premium</strong> – Menyediakan pilihan langganan berbayar " "untuk membagikan konten premium misalnya teks, gambar, video, dan konten " "lainnya di situs Anda. Anda mungkin mengenalnya sebagai “konten terbatas”." msgid "Learn more about the Donation Form on our Support page" msgstr "Baca selengkapnya tentang Formulir Donasi di halaman Dukungan kami" msgid "" "<strong>Donation Form</strong> – Allows visitors to customize their " "financial support. More options for the user in a compact form." msgstr "" "<strong>Formulir Donasi</strong> – Memungkinkan pengunjung menyesuaikan " "dukungan finansial mereka. Lebih banyak pilihan bagi pengguna dalam formulir " "yang ringkas." msgid "Learn more about the Payment Button on our Support page" msgstr "Baca selengkapnya tentang Tombol Pembayaran di halaman Dukungan kami" msgid "" "<strong>Payment Button</strong> – Lets visitors pay for digital goods and " "services or make quick, pre-set donations. Options available for one-time or " "recurring payments (monthly and annually)." msgstr "" "<strong>Tombol Pembayaran</strong> – Mengizinkan pengunjung membeli produk " "dan layanan digital, atau memberikan donasi cepat dengan nilai yang telah " "ditetapkan. Pilihan tersedia untuk pembayaran satu kali atau berulang " "(bulanan dan tahunan)." msgid "Donation Form" msgstr "Formulir Donasi" msgid "" "This means your customers’ payments through the Payment Blocks will " "automatically flow into your Stripe account." msgstr "" "Artinya, pembayaran pelanggan Anda melalui Blok Pembayaran akan masuk secara " "otomatis ke akun Stripe Anda." msgid "You successfully connected your Stripe account to your website." msgstr "Anda berhasil menghubungkan akun Stripe ke situs." msgid "Nice work." msgstr "Bagus." msgid "You’re now connected!" msgstr "Sekarang Anda terhubung!" msgid "Find out what’s next to do." msgstr "Cari tahu apa yang harus Anda lakukan selanjutnya." msgid "Payment Blocks: Your Stripe account is now connected" msgstr "Blok Pembayaran: Akun Stripe Anda sekarang terhubung" msgid "" "Fast websites mean more page visits and conversions. Even a one-second delay " "in loading times can reduce conversion rates by 20%. (source:" msgstr "" "Situs web yang cepat menghasilkan lebih banyak kunjungan halaman dan " "konversi. Meski hanya satu detik, penundaan waktu pemuatan dapat menurunkan " "tingkat konversi sebesar 20%. (sumber:" msgid "Get Boost for Free" msgstr "Dapatkan Boost secara Gratis" msgid "" "Make your site blazing fast with Jetpack Boost’s simple dashboard and " "acceleration tool:" msgstr "" "Buat situs Anda super cepat dengan dasbor sederhana dan alat percepatan " "Jetpack Boost:" msgid "" "Fast websites mean more page visits and conversions. Even a one-second delay " "in loading times can reduce conversion rates by 20%%. (source: <a href=\"%1$s" "\" class=\"%2$s\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\"></a>)" msgstr "" "Situs web yang cepat menghasilkan lebih banyak kunjungan halaman dan " "konversi. Meski hanya satu detik, penundaan waktu pemuatan dapat menurunkan " "tingkat konversi sebesar 20%%. (sumber: <a href=\"%1$s\" class=\"%2$s\" rel=" "\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\"></a>)" msgid "Learn how to boost your site to get more page views" msgstr "" "Pelajari cara mempercepat situs Anda untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak " "kunjungan halaman" msgid "Get real-time site backups" msgstr "Dapatkan pencadangan situs real-time" msgid "" "Here at Jetpack, we recommend regular backups of your site so you can go " "back in time with the click of a button." msgstr "" "Di Jetpack, kami menyarankan pencadangan situs secara rutin supaya Anda " "dapat melakukan pemulihan dengan sekali klik." msgid "" "Sometimes auto-updating plugins can cause unexpected changes on your site. " "Finding an older version of the plugin or learning how to install it to " "revert the changes can be challenging." msgstr "" "Terkadang, pembaruan plugin otomatis dapat menyebabkan perubahan tak terduga " "pada situs Anda. Mencari versi plugin yang lebih lama atau mempelajari cara " "menginstalnya untuk membatalkan perubahan adalah proses yang lumayan rumit." msgid "" "We noticed that you’ve recently enabled auto-updates for one of your " "plugins. Nice work, keeping plugins updated is vital for a healthy site!" msgstr "" "Tampaknya, belum lama ini Anda mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk salah " "satu plugin. Bagus! Menjaga versi plugin selalu terkini sangatlah penting " "agar situs tetap sehat." msgid "Learn how to secure your site before auto-updating your plugins" msgstr "" "Pelajari cara mengamankan situs sebelum memperbarui plugin Anda secara " "otomatis " msgid "Be prepared for auto-updates" msgstr "Bersiaplah untuk pembaruan otomatis" msgid "" "Fast websites mean more page visits and conversions. Increase your site " "speed now." msgstr "" "Situs web yang cepat menghasilkan lebih banyak kunjungan halaman dan " "konversi. Tingkatkan kecepatan situs Anda sekarang." msgid "Get more views for your new page" msgstr "Dapatkan lebih banyak kunjungan ke halaman baru Anda" msgid "Arrow Icon" msgstr "Ikon Tanda Panah" msgid "" "Learn how to get more page views and conversions by making your site faster." msgstr "" "Pelajari cara mendapatkan lebih banyak kunjungan ke halaman dan konversi " "dengan mempercepat situs Anda." msgid "" "<strong>New Recommendation</strong> from Jetpack for %1$s: <strong>Get more " "views for your new page</strong>" msgstr "" "<strong>Rekomendasi Baru</strong> dari Jetpack untuk %1$s: " "<strong>Mendapatkan lebih banyak kunjungan ke halaman baru Anda</strong>" msgid "- Unlimited users" msgstr "- Pengguna tanpa batas" msgid "- Global CDN" msgstr "- CDN global" msgid "- Fast-motion video with 60 FPS and Full 4K HD" msgstr "- Video gerakan cepat dengan 60 FPS dan Full 4K HD" msgid "- Customizable video player" msgstr "- Pemutar video yang dapat disesuaikan" msgid "- 1TB cloud storage" msgstr "- Penyimpanan cloud 1TB" msgid "- No ads" msgstr "- Bebas iklan" msgid "Take an additional %s off now" msgstr "Dapatkan diskon tambahan %s sekarang" msgid "This special offer expires in 48 hours, don’t miss out!" msgstr "Penawaran khusus ini berakhir dalam 48 jam, jangan lewatkan!" msgid "Special offer to unlock VideoPress: an additional %s off" msgstr "Penawaran khusus untuk mendapatkan VideoPress: diskon tambahan %s" msgid "Special offer to unlock VideoPress: an extra %s off" msgstr "Penawaran khusus untuk mendapatkan VideoPress: diskon ekstra %s" msgid "Fast-motion video with 60 FPS and Full 4K HD" msgstr "Video gerakan cepat dengan 60 FPS dan Full 4K HD" msgid "Customizable video player" msgstr "Pemutar video yang dapat disesuaikan" msgid "Jetpack VideoPress benefits:" msgstr "Manfaat Jetpack VideoPress:" msgid "" "With a paid Jetpack VideoPress plan you get 1TB of cloud storage and can " "post more than 1 video to your site." msgstr "" "Dengan paket Jetpack VideoPress berbayar, Anda mendapatkan penyimpanan cloud " "1 TB dan dapat mengunggah lebih dari 1 video ke situs Anda." msgid "Stunning quality video, with none of the hassle" msgstr "Video berkualitas luar biasa, tanpa repot" msgid "Unable to determine payment success." msgstr "Tidak dapat menentukan keberhasilan pembayaran." msgid "This order does not require payment!" msgstr "Pesanan ini tidak memerlukan pembayaran!" msgid "Invalid order!" msgstr "Pesanan tidak valid!" msgid "Shipping (%s)" msgstr "Pengiriman (%s)" msgid "Upgrade now: " msgstr "Upgrade sekarang: " msgid "" "Upgrade Jetpack VideoPress to post more than 1 video on your site; includes " "1TB of cloud storage." msgstr "" "Upgrade Jetpack VideoPress agar dapat memposkan lebih dari 1 video di situs " "Anda. Sudah termasuk penyimpanan cloud 1TB." msgid "Unlock more videos and 1TB cloud storage" msgstr "Dapatkan lebih banyak video dan penyimpanan cloud 1TB" msgid "" "Jetpack VideoPress comes with all of the customization options you need to " "keep your viewers engaged." msgstr "" "Jetpack VideoPress dilengkapi dengan segala pilihan kustomisasi yang " "diperlukan untuk terus menarik perhatian pembaca Anda. " msgid "Customize the video player" msgstr "Sesuaikan pemutar video" msgid "" "Save time by managing your videos in the same interface as your website. " "Drag & drop videos directly into WordPress, manage videos in the WordPress " "media library, and unlock Video & Story blocks." msgstr "" "Hemat waktu dengan mengelola video Anda di antarmuka yang sama dengan situs " "web Anda. Seret & lepas video langsung ke WordPress, kelola video di pustaka " "media WordPress, dan dapatkan blok Video & Cerita." msgid "Video built specifically for WordPress sites" msgstr "Video dibuat secara khusus untuk situs WordPress" msgid "Create your own newsletter" msgstr "Buat buletin Anda" msgid "Whois:" msgstr "Whois:" msgid "New comment!" msgstr "Komentar baru!" msgid "[%1$s] %2$s commented on one of your posts" msgstr "[%1$s] %2$s meninggalkan komentar di salah satu pos Anda" msgid "[%1$s] %2$s commented on %3$s" msgstr "[%1$s] %2$s meninggalkan komentar di %3$s" msgctxt "Filter label for plugins list" msgid "All Plugins" msgstr "Semua Plugin" msgid "Installed on %(count)d site" msgid_plural "Installed on %(count)d sites" msgstr[0] "Diinstal di %(count)d situs" msgstr[1] "Diinstal di %(count)d situs" msgid "Disables output of layout styles." msgstr "Menonaktifkan output gaya tata letak." msgid "Whether the theme disables generated layout styles." msgstr "Apakah tema menonaktifkan gaya tata letak yang dihasilkan." msgid "The slug of the template to get the fallback for" msgstr "Slug templat yang akan mendapatkan \"fallback\"" msgid "" "Disco is a funky, vibrant, opinionated theme with a monospaced font. Both " "its styles and spacing form an edgy aesthetic perfect for those looking to " "build a quirky website." msgstr "" "Disco adalah tema yang funky, penuh semangat, dan berfokus pada opini dengan " "font monospace. Gaya maupun spasinya membentuk estetika tegas sempurna bagi " "siapa pun yang ingin membuat situs unik." msgid "MailPoet – Send beautiful newsletters from WordPress" msgstr "MailPoet – Kirim buletin terbaik Anda dari WordPress" msgid "" "Collect subscribers, manage your lists and create automatic emails to grow " "your email marketing reach." msgstr "" "Dapatkan pelanggan, kelola daftar pelanggan Anda dan buat e-mail otomatis " "untuk memperluas jangkauan pemasaran e-mail Anda." msgid "" "Yuga is a clean and elegant theme. Its sophisticated typography and clean " "look make it a perfect match for an architecture firm." msgstr "" "Yuga adalah tema yang bersih dan elegan. Tipografinya yang canggih dan " "tampilannya yang bersih menjadikan Yuga tema yang pas untuk firma arsitektur." msgid "" "%1$s liked your post <a href=\"%2$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"%3$s\">%4$s</" "a>." msgstr "" "%1$s menyukai pos <a href=\"%2$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"%3$s\">%4$s</a> " "Anda." msgid "" "%1$s liked <a href=\"%2$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"%3$s\">one of your " "posts</a>." msgstr "" "%1$s menyukai <a href=\"%2$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"%3$s\">salah satu pos " "Anda</a>." msgid "Open when user submits the form (recommended)" msgstr "Buka saat pengguna mengirimkan formulir (disarankan)" msgid "Setting not updated." msgstr "Pengaturan belum diperbarui." msgid "Connect your site to use Jetpack Search." msgstr "Hubungkan situs Anda untuk menggunakan Jetpack Search." msgid "Jetpack Search can not be used in offline mode." msgstr "Jetpack Search tidak dapat digunakan dalam mode offline." msgctxt "Backup Product Disclaimer" msgid "Learn more" msgstr "Baca selengkapnya" msgctxt "Backup Product Disclaimer" msgid "* Subject to your usage and storage limit." msgstr "* Tergantung penggunaan dan batas penyimpanan Anda." msgctxt "Backup Product Feature" msgid "30-day archive & activity log*" msgstr "Arsip 30 hari & log aktivitas" msgid "Ready to promote" msgstr "Siap dipromosikan" msgid "All with" msgstr "Semua dengan" msgid "Managed hosting" msgstr "Managed hosting" msgid "Unmetered bandwidth" msgstr "Bandwidth tidak terbatas" msgid "Unlimited traffic" msgstr "Traffic tidak terbatas" msgid "" "Here’s how to get the most from your Jetpack Search subscription. First, " "finish setting up your site." msgstr "" "Berikut cara memaksimalkan manfaat langganan Jetpack Search Anda. Pertama-" "tama, selesaikan penyiapan situs Anda." msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Search! Check out your new tools." msgstr "Selamat datang di Jetpack Search! Lihat alat baru Anda." msgid "You haven't created any content yet." msgstr "Anda belum membuat konten apa pun." msgid "Almost ready to launch" msgstr "Hampir siap diluncurkan" msgid "Donation" msgstr "Donasi" msgid "Yearly Subscription" msgstr "Langganan Bulanan" msgid "Get discount" msgstr "Dapatkan diskon" msgid "Getting Discount" msgstr "Terima Diskon" msgid "" "Getting this discount means you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/" "tosLink}}. If you currently have automatic renewal enabled, you authorize " "your payment method to be charged on a recurring basis until you cancel, " "which you can do at any time. You understand {{autoRenewalSupportPage}}how " "your subscription works{{/autoRenewalSupportPage}} and " "{{faqCancellingSupportPage}}how to cancel{{/faqCancellingSupportPage}}." msgstr "" "Menerima diskon berikut berarti Anda menyetujui {{tosLink}}Persyaratan " "Layanan{{/tosLink}} kami. Jika saat ini Anda mengaktifkan pembaruan " "otomatis, Anda mengizinkan metode pembayaran Anda untuk ditagih secara " "berulang hingga Anda membatalkannya (yang dapat Anda lakukan kapan saja). " "Anda memahami {{autoRenewalSupportPage}}cara kerja langganan Anda{{/" "autoRenewalSupportPage}} dan {{faqCancellingSupportPage}}cara " "membatalkannya{{/faqCancellingSupportPage}}." msgid "" "{{strong}}%(percentDiscount)d%%{{/strong}} discount will be applied next " "time you are billed. " msgstr "" "Diskon {{strong}}%(percentDiscount)d%%{{/strong}} akan digunakan pada " "penagihan berikutnya." msgid "" "We’d love to help make %(brand)s work for you. Would the special offer below " "interest you?" msgstr "" "Kami ingin membantu membuat %(brand)s cocok untuk Anda. Apakah Anda tertarik " "dengan penawaran spesial ini?" msgid "There was an error getting the discount!" msgstr "Terjadi kendala saat memproses diskon!" msgid "" "This discount appears to be invalid, please try reloading the purchase page." msgstr "Diskon ini tampaknya tidak valid, coba muat ulang halaman pembelian." msgid "Get %(discount)d%% off %(name)s for the next month" msgstr "Dapatkan %(name)s dengan diskon %(discount)d%% untuk bulan berikutnya" msgid "Get %(discount)d%% off %(name)s for the next %(periods)d months" msgstr "" "Dapatkan %(name)s dengan diskon %(discount)d%% untuk %(periods)d bulan " "berikutnya" msgid "" "Your annual subscription will renew at {{strong}}%(renewalPrice)s/year{{/" "strong}} for the next year. It will then renew at {{strong}}%(fullPrice)s/" "year{{/strong}} each following year." msgstr "" "Biaya perpanjangan langganan tahunan Anda sebesar {{strong}}%(renewalPrice)s/" "tahun{{/strong}} untuk tahun berikutnya. Kemudian akan dikenakan " "{{strong}}%(fullPrice)s/tahun{{/strong}} pada setiap tahun berikutnya." msgid "Get %(discount)d%% off %(name)s for the next year" msgstr "Dapatkan %(name)s dengan diskon %(discount)d%% untuk tahun berikutnya" msgid "" "Your annual subscription will renew at {{strong}}%(renewalPrice)s/year{{/" "strong}} for the next %(periods)d years. It will then renew at " "{{strong}}%(fullPrice)s/year{{/strong}} each following year." msgstr "" "Biaya perpanjangan langganan tahunan Anda sebesar {{strong}}%(renewalPrice)s/" "tahun{{/strong}} untuk %(periods)d tahun berikutnya. Kemudian akan dikenakan " "{{strong}}%(fullPrice)s/tahun{{/strong}} pada setiap tahun berikutnya." msgid "Get %(discount)d%% off %(name)s for the next %(periods)d years" msgstr "" "Dapatkan %(name)s dengan diskon %(discount)d%% untuk %(periods)d tahun " "berikutnya." msgid "" "Your biennial subscription renews every two years. It will renew at " "{{strong}}%(renewalPrice)s/biennium{{/strong}} for the next biennium. It " "will then renew at {{strong}}%(fullPrice)s/biennium{{/strong}} each " "following biennium." msgstr "" "Langganan dua tahunan Anda diperbarui setiap dua tahun. Biaya perpanjangan " "{{strong}}%(renewalPrice)s/2 tahun{{/strong}} untuk dua tahun berikutnya. " "Kemudian setiap dua tahun berikutnya dikenakan biaya perpanjangan sebesar " "{{strong}}%(fullPrice)s/2 tahun{{/strong}}." msgid "Get %(discount)d%% off %(name)s for your next two-year renewal" msgstr "" "Dapatkan %(name)s dengan diskon %(discount)d%% untuk perpanjangan dua tahun " "berikutnya" msgid "" "Your biennial subscription renews every two years. It will renew at " "{{strong}}%(renewalPrice)s/biennium{{/strong}} for the next %(periods)d " "bienniums. It will then renew at {{strong}}%(fullPrice)s/biennium{{/strong}} " "each following biennium." msgstr "" "Langganan dua tahunan Anda diperbarui setiap dua tahun. Biaya perpanjangan " "{{strong}}%(renewalPrice)s/2 tahun{{/strong}} untuk %(periods)d 2 tahun " "berikutnya. Kemudian setiap dua tahun berikutnya dikenakan biaya " "perpanjangan sebesar {{strong}}%(fullPrice)s/2 tahun{{/strong}} ." msgid "" "Get %(discount)d%% off %(name)s for your next %(periods)d two-year renewals" msgstr "" "Dapatkan %(name)s dengan diskon %(discount)d%% untuk perpanjangan " "%(periods)d dua tahun berikutnya" msgid "Back to my purchases" msgstr "Kembali ke pembelian" msgid "" "It gives the page a fast loading feel. As a result, a visitor is less likely " "to navigate away from the page." msgstr "" "LCP lebih cepat artinya halaman terasa cepat dimuat. Hasilnya, pengunjung " "cenderung tetap di halaman dan tidak ke mana-mana." msgid "" "Largest contentful paint (LCP) is when the biggest piece of content is " "displayed." msgstr "" "Largest contentful paint (LCP) adalah waktu untuk menampilkan bagian konten " "terbesar." msgid "Quicker LCP" msgstr "LCP Lebih Cepat" msgid "" "Once someone sees content appearing, they are reassured the page is loading " "successfully." msgstr "" "Saat pengunjung melihat konten mulai ditampilkan, mereka akan yakin bahwa " "halaman berhasil dimuat." msgid "" "First contentful paint (FCP) is how quickly the first image or text is " "displayed on screen." msgstr "" "First contentful paint (FCP) adalah waktu untuk menampilkan gambar atau teks " "pertama di layar. " msgid "Faster FCP" msgstr "FCP Lebih Cepat" msgid "Why do FCP and LCP matter?" msgstr "Mengapa FCP dan LCP dianggap penting?" msgid "See the results of the head to head test" msgstr "Lihat hasil uji perbandingannya" msgid "Boost beat the top 5 performance plugins in a head to head test" msgstr "Boost mengalahkan 5 plugin performa teratas dalam uji perbandingan" msgid "Something went wrong. You are not allowed to use this URL." msgstr "Ada yang salah! Anda tidak diizinkan untuk menggunakan URL ini." msgid "You are not allowed to add a redirect to this URL." msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk menambahkan pengalihan ke URL ini." msgid "Manage plugins installed on all sites" msgstr "Kelola plugin yang diinstal di semua situs" msgid "Manage all plugins installed on %(selectedSite)s" msgstr "Kelola semua plugin yang diinstal di %(selectedSite)s" msgid "Hello, %(userDisplayName)s" msgstr "Halo, %(userDisplayName)s" msgid "Automated Critical CSS" msgstr "CSS Utama Otomatis" msgid "Manual Critical CSS" msgstr "CSS Utama Manual" msgid "Learn more about unassigning licenses" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang pembatalan penggunaan lisensi" msgid "" "Unassigning this license means that the site {{bold}}%(siteUrl)s{{/bold}} " "will no longer have access to {{bold}}%(product)s{{/bold}}. Once this action " "is completed, you will be able to assign the license to another site. You " "will continue to be billed." msgstr "" "Membatalkan penggunaan lisensi berikut berarti bahwa situs " "{{bold}}%(siteUrl)s{{/bold}} tidak akan lagi memiliki akses ke " "{{bold}}%(product)s{{/bold}}. Setelah prosesnya selesai, Anda akan dapat " "menggunakan lisensi tersebut ke situs lain. Anda akan terus ditagih." msgid "Are you sure you want to unassign this license?" msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin membatalkan penggunaan lisensi berikut?" msgid "Unassign License" msgstr "Batalkan Penggunaan Lisensi" msgid "You can claim your free custom domain later if you aren’t ready yet." msgstr "Anda dapat mengklaim domain khusus gratis nanti jika Anda belum siap." msgid "" "With your Jetpack Boost subscription, any time you make a change to your " "site we will automatically regenerate your site’s critical CSS." msgstr "" "Jika berlangganan Jetpack Boost, kami akan secara otomatis membuat ulang CSS " "utama setiap kali Anda melakukan perubahan pada situs." msgid "Automated critical CSS generation" msgstr "Otomatisasi pembuatan CSS utama" msgid "Here’s how to get the most from your Jetpack Boost subscription." msgstr "Berikut cara memaksimalkan manfaat langganan Jetpack Boost Anda." msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Boost!" msgstr "Selamat datang di Jetpack Boost!" msgid "" "By creating an account you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/" "tosLink}} and have read our {{privacyLink}}Privacy Policy{{/privacyLink}}." msgstr "" "Dengan membuat akun, Anda setuju dengan {{tosLink}}Ketentuan Layanan{{/" "tosLink}} kami, dan telah membaca {{privacyLink}}Kebijakan Privasi{{/" "privacyLink}} kami." msgid "Purchased on an annual subscription" msgstr "Telah dibeli di langganan tahunan" msgid "Brief description" msgstr "Keterangan singkat" msgid "Varese is a restaurant theme for food and catering business." msgstr "Varese adalah tema restoran untuk bisnis makanan dan katering." msgid "%(price)s {{span}}%(period)s{{/span}}" msgstr "%(price)s {{span}}%(period)s{{/span}}" msgid "{{span}}From{{/span}} %(price)s {{span}}%(period)s{{/span}}" msgstr "{{span}}Mulai{{/span}} %(price)s {{span}}%(period)s{{/span}}" msgid " Currently %(version)s" msgstr "Versi saat ini %(version)s" msgid "Enable autoupdates." msgstr "Aktifkan pembaruan otomatis." msgid "Fast-motion video with 60 FPS and Full 4K resolution" msgstr "Video gerakan cepat dengan 60 FPS dan resolusi Full 4K" msgid "Live" msgstr "Langsung" msgctxt "Stats ARIA label: Opens a pop-out post promotion tool" msgid "Promote your post with our ad delivery system." msgstr "Promosikan pos Anda dengan sistem penayangan iklan kami." msgctxt "Stats action tooltip: Opens a pop-out post promotion tool" msgid "Promote your post with our ad delivery system." msgstr "Promosikan pos Anda dengan sistem penayangan iklan kami." msgid "Reset filters" msgstr "Setel ulang penyaring" msgid "There are no posts matching your filter selection." msgstr "Tidak ada pos yang cocok dengan pilihan penyaring Anda. " msgid "" "Hmm, we can't find a account for that social login. Please " "double check your information and try again. Alternatively, you can {{a}}" "sign up for a new account{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Hmm, kami tidak dapat menemukan akun untuk login sosial " "tersebut. Harap periksa kembali informasi Anda dan coba lagi. Atau, Anda " "dapat {{a}}mendaftarkan akun baru{{/a}}." msgid "You'll also get a free domain for one year, and access email support." msgstr "" "Anda akan mendapatkan domain gratis selama setahun, dan akses bantuan e-" "email." msgid "This is not the right user for this" msgstr "Ini bukan pengguna yang benar untuk ini" msgid "Subject to your usage and storage limit. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}." msgstr "" "Tergantung penggunaan dan batas ruang penyimpanan Anda. {{link}}Baca " "selengkapnya{{/link}}." msgid "How do backup storage limits work?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara kerja pencadangan jika penyimpanan terbatas?" msgid "30-day archive & activity log*" msgstr "Arsip 30 hari & log aktivitas" msgid "* Subject to your usage and storage limit." msgstr "* Tergantung penggunaan dan batas penyimpanan Anda." msgid "30-day activity log*" msgstr "Log aktivitas 30 hari" msgid "Project threads" msgstr "Utas proyek" msgid "Posts with new comments first" msgstr "Pos dengan komentar baru di urutan pertama" msgid "Publication date" msgstr "Tanggal publikasi" msgid "Crossposts" msgstr "Lintas pos" msgid "Backing up your emails if you decide not to renew" msgstr "Mencadangkan e-mail jika Anda tidak ingin memperpanjang" msgid "" "If you’d like to restore your service and continue sending and receiving " "emails, you’ll just need to renew your subscription by %1$s." msgstr "" "Agar bisa kembali mengakses layanan serta mengirimkan dan menerima email, " "cukup perpanjang langganan sebelum %1$s." msgid "Restoring your email service" msgstr "Memulihkan layanan e-mail Anda" msgid "" "We wanted to let you know that your subscription for Professional Email for " "the following mailbox(es) expired on %1$s, and your email service has now " "been suspended:" msgstr "" "Kami ingin memberi tahu bahwa langganan Professional Email Anda untuk " "mailbox berikut akan berakhir pada %1$s dan saat ini layanan email tersebut " "telah ditangguhkan:" msgid "Hi there" msgstr "Halo" msgid "Hi %1$s" msgstr "Hai %1$s" msgid "Your Professional Email has been suspended – act now!" msgstr "Professional Email Anda telah ditangguhkan – perpanjang segera!" msgid "The document is not publicly accessible" msgstr "Dokumen tidak dapat diakses publik" msgid "Tap to open embedded document in %s." msgstr "Ketuk untuk membuka dokumen sematan di %s." msgid "Google Document Embed" msgstr "Sematan Google Document" msgid "" "This document is private. To view the document, login to a Google account " "that the document has been shared with and then refresh this page." msgstr "" "Dokumen ini bersifat pribadi. Untuk melihat dokumen, login ke akun Google " "yang telah diberi akses ke dokumen tersebut lalu muat ulang halaman ini." msgid "" "<strong>Want less email?</strong> Modify your <a href=\"%1$s\" target=" "\"_blank\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"manage-comment-notifications\">email " "notification settings</a>." msgstr "" "<strong>Ingin menerima lebih sedikit email?</strong>Ubah <a href=\"%1$s\" " "target=\"_blank\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"manage-comment-notifications" "\">pengaturan pemberitahuan email</a> Anda." msgid "" "%1$s liked your comment on <a href=\"%2$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"post-url" "\">%3$s</a>." msgstr "" "%1$s menyukai komentar Anda di <a href=\"%2$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"post-" "url\">%3$s</a>." msgid "" "%1$s liked <a href=\"%2$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"post-url\">one of your " "comments</a>." msgstr "" "%1$s menyukai <a href=\"%2$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"post-url\">salah satu " "komentar Anda</a>." msgid "New like!" msgstr "Suka baru!" msgid "Manage subscribers" msgstr "Kelola pelanggan" msgid "" "Designed with portable business in mind, Munchies comes with patterns for " "multiple menus, a schedule for upcoming events, and more. Use this theme to " "share your story with your customers and to make it easier for them to " "connect with you." msgstr "" "Didesain khusus untuk bisnis kecil, Munchies dilengkapi dengan pola untuk " "beberapa menu, jadwal untuk acara mendatang, dan lainnya. Gunakan tema ini " "untuk membagikan cerita Anda kepada pelanggan dan memudahkan pelanggan untuk " "terhubung dengan Anda." msgid "" "Thriving Artist is a theme for creators who use the web to tell their " "stories, share their work, and connect with their fans. It leverages " "WooCommerce to give you the ability to integrate a simple or extensive store." msgstr "" "Thriving Artist adalah tema bagi para kreator yang menggunakan web untuk " "menyampaikan pengalaman, membagikan karya, dan berkomunikasi dengan para " "penggemarnya. Tema ini memanfaatkan WooCommerce untuk memampukan integrasi " "dengan toko sederhana atau rumit." msgid "" "Whether the V2 of the list block that uses inner blocks should be enabled." msgstr "Apakah V2 blok daftar yang menggunakan blok dalam harus diaktifkan." msgid "Link in Bio" msgstr "Tautan di Biografi" msgid "newsletter" msgstr "buletin" msgid "" "You might want to go see what they're up to! Perhaps you will like <a href=" "\"%s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"liker-blog-url\">their blog</a> as much as " "they liked yours." msgstr "" "Anda dapat melihat apa yang mereka lakukan! Mungkin Anda akan suka <a href=" "\"%s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"liker-blog-url\">blog mereka</a> seperti " "mereka menyukai blog Anda." msgid "The user is not subscribed" msgstr "Pengguna ini tidak berlangganan" msgid "You need to upgrade your plan to install plugins." msgstr "Anda perlu mengupgrade paket Anda untuk menginstal plugin." msgid "Manage sites" msgstr "Kelola situs" msgid "Installed on {{span}}%d site{{/span}}" msgid_plural "Installed on {{span}}%d sites{{/span}}" msgstr[0] "Diinstal pada{{span}}%d situs{{/span}}" msgstr[1] "Diinstal pada{{span}}%d situs{{/span}}" msgid "Installed and {{activation /}}" msgstr "Diinstal dan {{activation /}}" msgid "{{span}}deactivated{{/span}}" msgstr "{{span}}dinonaktifkan{{/span}}" msgid "{{span}}active{{/span}}" msgstr "{{span}}aktif{{/span}}" msgid "" "Here’s how to get the most from your Jetpack Anti-spam subscription. First, " "finish setting up your site." msgstr "" "Berikut cara memaksimalkan manfaat langganan Jetpack Anti-spam Anda. Pertama-" "tama, selesaikan penyiapan situs Anda." msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Anti-spam! Check out your new tools." msgstr "Selamat datang di Jetpack Anti-spam! Lihat alat baru Anda." msgid "Product Recommendations" msgstr "Product Recommendations" msgid "" "Rest assured that we got your message and we'll be in touch as soon as we " "can." msgstr "" "Yakinlah bahwa kami menerima pesan Anda dan kami akan menghubungi Anda " "sesegera mungkin." msgid "You submitted a request %s." msgstr "Anda telah mengirim permintaan %s." msgid "" "<a class=\"subscribe-footer-link\" style=\"color: #555 !important; font-" "size: 14px; text-decoration: none;\" href=\"%1$s\">Thanks for flying with " "<img src=\"%2$s\" alt=\"\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\" width=\"16\" " "height=\"16\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"footer-wordpress\"/></a>" msgstr "" "<a class=\"subscribe-footer-link\" style=\"color: #555 !important; font-" "size: 14px; text-decoration: none;\" href=\"%1$s\">Terima kasih telah " "menjelajah bersama <img src=\"%2$s\" alt=\"\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;" "\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"footer-wordpress\"/" "></a>" msgid "Great posts worth seeing from %s:" msgstr "Pos menarik yang patut disimak dari %s:" msgid "The terms above need to be accepted" msgstr "Persyaratan di atas harus disetujui" msgid "" "You agree that an account may be created on a third party developer’s site " "related to the products you have purchased." msgstr "" "Anda setuju bahwa akun akan dibuat di situs pengembang pihak ketiga yang " "terkait dengan produk yang telah Anda beli." msgid "" "Purchase Yoast SEO Premium to ensure that more people find your incredible " "content." msgstr "" "Beli Yoast SEO Premium untuk memudahkan lebih banyak orang menemukan konten " "Anda yang luar biasa." msgid "Increase site visitors with Yoast SEO Premium" msgstr "Tingkatkan pengunjung situs dengan Yoast SEO Premium" msgid "" "We are still in the process of removing one or more of your sites. This " "process normally takes 15-20 minutes. Once removal is completed, you should " "be able to close your account from this page." msgstr "" "Kami masih dalam proses menghapus satu atau beberapa situs Anda. Proses ini " "biasanya memerlukan waktu 15-20 menit. Setelah penghapusan selesai, Anda " "dapat menutup akun Anda dari halaman ini." msgid "There was a problem adding the P2 notifications CLI command" msgstr "Ada masalah saat menambahkan perintah CLI pemberitahuan P2" msgid "Supplied post id is a page, not a post." msgstr "ID pos yang diberikan adalah halaman, bukan pos." msgid "Comment is not a parent one." msgstr "Komentar ini bukan komentar induk. " msgid "You don’t have a payment method to renew this subscription" msgstr "" "Anda tidak memiliki metode pembayaran untuk memperbarui langganan berikut" msgid "Upgrade to the %(planName)s plan to install premium plugins." msgstr "Upgrade ke paket %(planName)s untuk menginstal plugin premium." msgid "Deposits are disabled — update your bank account to enable deposits" msgstr "" "Deposit dinonaktifkan — mutakhirkan data rekening bank Anda untuk " "mengaktifkan deposit" msgid "Let us know if this was not you?" msgstr "Apakah ini benar-benar Anda?" msgid "Success! You renewed %(productName)s." msgstr "Sukses! Anda memperbarui %(productName)s." msgid "Learn how to add videos to your site" msgstr "Pelajari cara menambahkan video ke situs Anda" msgid "" "Jetpack VideoPress is now active. Stunning-quality video with none of the " "hassle. Drag and drop videos through the WordPress editor and keep the focus " "on your content, not the ads." msgstr "" "Jetpack VideoPress kini telah aktif. Video berkualitas luar biasa tanpa " "repot. Seret dan lepas video melalui editor WordPress dan jaga fokus pada " "konten Anda, bukan iklan." msgid "Ad-free, Customizable Video" msgstr "Video Bebas Iklan yang Dapat Disesuaikan" msgid "" "Here’s how to get the most from your Jetpack VideoPress subscription. First, " "finish setting up your site." msgstr "" "Berikut cara memaksimalkan manfaat langganan Jetpack VideoPress Anda. " "Pertama-tama, selesaikan penyiapan situs Anda." msgid "Welcome to Jetpack VideoPress! Check out your new tools." msgstr "Selamat datang di Jetpack VideoPress! Lihat alat baru Anda." msgid "" "Automated malware scanning is live. We’ll notify you if we detect anything " "suspicious, with one-click fixes for most issues." msgstr "" "Pemindaian malware otomatis sedang berlangsung. Kami akan memberi tahu Anda " "jika mendeteksi sesuatu yang mencurigakan, dengan perbaikan sekali klik " "untuk sebagian besar masalah." msgid "Setup One-Click Backup Restores" msgstr "Atur Pemulihan Cadangan Sekali Klik" msgid "" "Real-time cloud-based backups are now active for your site. Save every " "change and get back online in one click from desktop and mobile." msgstr "" "Pencadangan berbasis awan real-time kini telah aktif untuk situs Anda. " "Simpan semua perubahan dan kembali online dengan sekali klik dari desktop " "dan perangkat seluler." msgid "Back In Stock Notifications" msgstr "Back In Stock Notifications" msgid "" "Privacy and data security are a top priority to us. Read up on Stripe’s " "security and privacy policy, and our verification process %1$shere%2$s." msgstr "" "Keamanan privasi dan data adalah prioritas utama kami. Baca kebijakan " "keamanan dan privasi Stripe, serta proses verifikasi kami %1$sdi sini%2$s." msgid "If you did request this change then no further action is required." msgstr "Jika Anda benar mengajukan perubahan ini, abaikan." msgid "Check my account" msgstr "Periksa akun saya" msgid "" "Please log in to your account to view your deposit settings with the link " "below:" msgstr "" "Silakan login ke akun untuk melihat pengaturan deposit Anda menggunakan " "tautan di bawah ini:" msgid "Didn’t request this change?" msgstr "Anda tidak mengajukan perubahan ini?" msgid "Someone updated the account that you receive deposits to" msgstr "Seseorang memperbarui akun yang Anda gunakan untuk menerima deposit" msgid "Learning Management Systems" msgstr "Learning Management System" msgid "Events Calendar" msgstr "Kalender Kegiatan" msgid "CRM & Live Chat" msgstr "CRM & Live Chat" msgid "Hold tight, we're getting your domain ready." msgstr "Mohon ditunggu, kami sedang menyiapkan domain Anda." msgid "1GB Storage Space" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan 1 GB" msgid "" "Embed image galleries, presentations, and spreadsheets. With 1 GB of storage " "space, you’ll be able to upload and share them effortlessly with all your " "friends, followers, and potential customers." msgstr "" "Sematkan gambar, presentasi, dan tabel. Dengan ruang penyimpanan 1 GB, Anda " "dapat mengunggah dan berbagi dengan mudah dengan para pembaca, atau pun " "calon pelanggan." msgid "" "No matter the size of your budget, has a plan that’s right for " "you. Create a free website and get access to professional themes, 1 GB of " "storage space, community support, and more." msgstr "" "Berapa pun anggarannya, menawarkan paket yang sesuai dengan " "kebutuhan Anda. Buat situs web gratis dan dapatkan akses ke berbagai pilihan " "tema, ruang penyimpanan sebesar 1 GB, bantuan dari komunitas, dan lainnya." msgid "1 GB" msgstr "1 GB" msgid "1 GB Storage Space" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan 1 GB" msgctxt "User viewing another users profile" msgid "%s's" msgstr "Milik %s" msgid "%1$s will reach its %2$s storage limit soon" msgstr "%1$s akan segera mencapai batas penyimpanan %2$s" msgid "%1$s will reach its storage limit soon" msgstr "%1$s akan segera mencapai batas penyimpanan" msgid "%1$s is running out of storage space" msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan %1$s hampir habis" msgid "%1$s is running out of space" msgstr "Ruang %1$s hampir habis" msgid "%1$s is out of space" msgstr "Ruang %1$s telah habis" msgid "Jetpack Modules List" msgstr "Daftar Modul Jetpack" msgid "WooCommerce Distance Rate Shipping" msgstr "WooCommerce Distance Rate Shipping" msgid "EU VAT Number" msgstr "EU VAT Number" msgid "The URL you entered does not seem to be a %s site." msgstr "URL yang Anda masukkan tampaknya bukan situs %s." msgid "Share posts that have already been published." msgstr "Bagikan pos yang telah diterbutkan." msgid "" "Learn more about {{a}}adding licenses and billing {{icon}}{{/icon}}{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang {{a}}penambahan lisensi dan penagihan {{icon}}" "{{/icon}}{{/a}}." msgid "WooCommerce API" msgstr "WooCommerce API" msgid "<strong>Fee details:</strong>" msgstr "<strong>Detail biaya:</strong>" msgid "All Products for WooCommerce Subscriptions" msgstr "All Products for WooCommerce Subscriptions" msgid "" "Your current plan is no longer available for new subscriptions. You’re all " "set to continue with the plan for as long as you like. Alternatively, you " "can switch to any of our current plans by selecting it below. Please keep in " "mind that switching plans will be irreversible." msgstr "" "Paket Anda saat ini tidak lagi tersedia untuk langganan baru. Anda dapat " "terus menggunakan paket selama yang diinginkan. Atau, Anda dapat beralih ke " "paket kami yang tersedia dengan memilihnya di bawah ini. Harap ingat bahwa " "beralih paket tidak dapat dibatalkan." msgid "" "Use the search tool on this page to find a domain you love, then select any " "paid annual plan." msgstr "" "Gunakan alat pencari di halaman ini untuk menemukan domain yang Anda suka, " "kemudian pilih paket tahunan berbayar." msgid "No results found. Please try refining your search." msgstr "Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan. Silakan ubah pencarian Anda." msgid "" "Got questions? Looking for help? Reply to this email and we’ll get back to " "you shortly." msgstr "" "Ada pertanyaan? Mencari bantuan? Balas email ini dan kami akan segera " "menghubungi Anda." msgid "" "To protect your money from fraud, you’ll need to share a bit more " "information so we can confirm your identity and protect your earnings. Once " "you verify your business, you’ll start getting your deposits again:" msgstr "" "Demi melindungi uang Anda dari penipuan, Anda perlu membagikan informasi " "lebih supaya kami dapat mengonfirmasi identitas Anda dan melindungi " "pendapatan Anda. Setelah memverifikasi bisnis Anda, Anda akan kembali " "mendapatkan deposit:" msgid "Please verify your account details to keep receiving deposits from us." msgstr "" "Harap verifikasi detail akun Anda untuk tetap menerima deposit dari kami." msgid "Verify your details to receive your deposits 💸" msgstr "Verifikasi perincian Anda untuk menerima deposit 💸" msgid "Search for help" msgstr "Cari bantuan" msgid "" "Vivre is a bold, opinionated blogging theme, heavily inspired by fashion and " "lifestyle magazines and websites." msgstr "" "Vivre adalah tema blogging yang tegas dan berfokus pada opini, yang sangat " "terinspirasi majalah serta situs mode dan gaya hidup." msgid "AutomateWoo – Refer A Friend add-on" msgstr "AutomateWoo – Refer A Friend add-on" msgid "" "It's time to get your ideas online. We'll guide you through the process of " "creating a site that best suits your needs." msgstr "" "Saatnya memublikasikan ide-ide Anda secara online. Kami akan memandu Anda " "melalui proses pembuatan situs yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda." msgid "" "Coming soon sites will display a landing page letting people know that a " "site is being built. Read more about them <a>here</a>." msgstr "" "Situs segera hadir akan menampilkan landing page yang memberi tahu bahwa " "situs sedang dibangun. Baca informasi selengkapnya <a>di sini</a>." msgid "You have no coming soon sites" msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki situs segera hadir" msgid "" "Private sites aren't accessible to the world. Read more about them <a>here</" "a>." msgstr "" "Situs pribadi tidak dapat diakses publik. Baca informasi selengkapnya <a>di " "sini</a>." msgid "You have no private sites" msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki situs pribadi" msgid "" "Our <a>support center</a> and team are here to help you as you work your way " "towards launch." msgstr "" "<a>Pusat layanan bantuan</a> dan tim kami siap membantu saat Anda " "mempersiapkan peluncuran situs." msgid "You haven't launched a site" msgstr "Anda belum meluncurkan situs" msgid "No sites match your search." msgstr "Tidak ada situs yang cocok dengan pencarian Anda" msgid "Search by name or domain…" msgstr "Cari nama atau domain..." msgid "" "You can now extend your site's capabilities with premium plugins. Available " "for purchase on the plugins page." msgstr "" "Anda sekarang dapat meningkatkan kegunaan situs Anda dengan plugin premium. " "Dapat dibeli di halaman plugin." msgid "Install premium plugins on your site" msgstr "Instal plugin premium di situs Anda" msgid "" "We take your privacy and data security seriously. Learn more about Stripe’s " "security and privacy policy, and our verification process %1$shere%2$s." msgstr "" "Kami menangani keamanan privasi dan data Anda dengan serius. Pelajari " "selengkapnya tentang keamanan dan kebijakan privasi Stripe, serta proses " "verifikasi kami %1$sdi sini%2$s." msgid "Review my details" msgstr "Tinjau perincian saya" msgid "" "%1$s was built in partnership with Stripe — to securely update your deposit " "information with %2$s, please head over to the Stripe dashboard:" msgstr "" "%1$s dibuat dari hasil kemitraan dengan Stripe. Untuk memperbarui informasi " "deposit %2$s Anda secara aman, silakan buka dasbor Stripe:" msgid "" "To get paid and make sure you receive future deposits, please %1$sreview " "your account info%2$s." msgstr "" "Untuk mendapatkan pembayaran dan memastikan Anda menerima deposit di masa " "mendatang, harap %1$stinjau informasi akun Anda%2$s." msgid "However, your bank has returned your deposits." msgstr "Namun, bank telah mengembalikan deposit Anda." msgid "" "We’ve tried to deposit your store earnings to your bank account or debit " "card on file." msgstr "" "Kami telah mencoba menyetor pendapatan toko Anda ke rekening bank Anda atau " "ke kartu debit yang terdaftar." msgid "" "Ready to update your details via the Stripe dashboard? Just head here to log " "in:" msgstr "" "Siap untuk memperbarui perincian melalui dasbor Stripe? Klik di sini untuk " "login:" msgid "" "%1$s is built in partnership with Stripe. You can %2$slog in to the Stripe " "dashboard%3$s to securely add your bank details or debit card information to " "start receiving payments." msgstr "" "%1$s dibuat dari hasil kemitraan dengan Stripe. Untuk mulai menerima " "pembayaran, %2$slogin ke dasbor Stripe%3$s untuk menambahkan data rekening " "bank atau informasi kartu debit secara aman." msgid "Don't miss out on getting paid" msgstr "Jangan lewatkan pembayaran" msgid "Please verify your payment details to receive deposits" msgstr "Verifikasi perincian pembayaran Anda untuk menerima deposit" msgid "" "%1$s, your payments haven't been deposited — please verify your information" msgstr "" "%1$s, pembayaran Anda belum dikirimkan — harap verifikasi informasi Anda" msgid "Your payments haven't been deposited — please verify your information" msgstr "Pembayaran Anda belum dikirimkan — harap verifikasi informasi Anda" msgid "Active theme spacing scale." msgstr "Skala spasi tema aktif." msgid "Active theme spacing sizes." msgstr "Ukuran spasi tema aktif." msgid "%sX-Large" msgstr "%sEkstra Besar" msgid "%sX-Small" msgstr "%sEkstra Kecil" msgid "Some of the theme.json settings.spacing.spacingScale values are invalid" msgstr "Beberapa nilai theme.json settings.spacing.spacingScale tidak valid." msgid "Sign up now and start managing your clients’ sites with ease." msgstr "Daftar sekarang dan mulailah mengelola situs klien dengan mudah." msgid "Whether a theme uses block-based templates." msgstr "Jika tema menggunakan template berbasis blok." msgid "" "To restore your site to a previous version, you need to add your server " "credentials. We recommend doing this now so you can restore your site in one-" "click if you encounter issues in the future." msgstr "" "Untuk memulihkan situs Anda ke versi sebelumnya, Anda perlu menambahkan " "kredensial server Anda. Sebaiknya, tambahkan sekarang agar Anda dapat " "memulihkan situs dengan sekali klik jika terjadi masalah di kemudian hari." msgid "Setup one-click restores" msgstr "Atur pemulihan sekali klik" msgid "" "Real-time cloud based backups are now active for your site. Save every " "change and get back online in one click from desktop and mobile." msgstr "" "Pencadangan real-time berbasis cloud telah aktif untuk situs Anda. Simpan " "setiap perubahan dan kembali online dengan sekali klik dari desktop dan " "perangkat seluler." msgid "" "Now you can get the best of Jetpack in individual plugins to suit your " "site’s needs." msgstr "" "Kini, Anda bisa mendapatkan yang terbaik dari Jetpack di plugin individual " "yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan situs Anda." msgid "Build your own Jetpack" msgstr "Buat Jetpack Anda sendiri" msgid "Content can be edited later with the WordPress editor." msgstr "Konten dapat diedit nanti dengan editor WordPress." msgid "Every change you make will be backed up" msgstr "Setiap perubahan yang Anda buat akan dicadangkan" msgid "Get help from the theme author and community" msgstr "Dapatkan bantuan dari pembuat tema dan komunitas" msgid "WooCommerce Per Product Shipping" msgstr "WooCommerce Per Product Shipping" msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Didukung oleh" msgid "How do I get started?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara saya memulai?" msgid "Show Frequently Asked Questions" msgstr "Tampilkan Tanya Jawab Umum" msgid "Hide Frequently Asked Questions" msgstr "Sembunyikan Tanya Jawab Umum" msgid "" "Share your finished site with the world in %(days)d business days or less!" msgstr "" "Bagikan situs Anda yang sudah selesai kepada dunia dalam %(days)d hari kerja " "atau kurang!" msgid "Submit content for your new website" msgstr "Kirim konten untuk situs web baru Anda" msgid "Can’t decide? Let our experts choose the best design!" msgstr "Bingung? Biarkan tim ahli kami memilihkan desain terbaik!" msgid "Select your design and pages" msgstr "Pilih desain dan halaman Anda" msgid "Optionally provide your profiles to be found on social." msgstr "Tulis profil Anda untuk ditemukan di media sosial (opsional)." msgid "Submit your business information" msgstr "Kirim informasi bisnis Anda" msgid "" "{{sup}}*{{/sup}}One time fee, plus an additional purchase of the %(plan)s " "plan. A professional will create layouts for up to " "%(freePages)d pages of your site. It only takes 4 simple steps:" msgstr "" "{{sup}}*{{/sup}}Biaya satu kali, beserta pembelian paket %(plan)s tambahan. " "Tim ahli akan membuatkan tata letak hingga %(freePages)d " "halaman untuk situs Anda. Hanya diperlukan 4 langkah sederhana:" msgid "WooCommerce Additional Variation Images" msgstr "WooCommerce Additional Variation Images" msgid "You're minutes away from earning with Woo (just add your details)" msgstr "" "Sebentar lagi, Anda sudah bisa mendapat penghasilan dengan Woo (tinggal " "tambahkan perincian Anda)" msgid "You're nearly there! Add your details to start earning" msgstr "" "Hampir selesai! Tambahkan perincian Anda untuk mulai mendapat penghasilan" msgid "Start selling with WooCommerce - just complete your sign up" msgstr "Mulai berjualan dengan WooCommerce - selesaikan pendaftaran Anda" msgid "Start accepting store payments in minutes - share your details!" msgstr "" "Dalam beberapa menit saja, Anda bisa mulai menerima pembayaran toko - mohon " "bagikan perincian Anda!" msgid "" "Hello! 👋<br/><b>You shouldn't really be here.</b> This route is used for " "managing the purchase process of Payments. But I see that " "required parameters are missing and we cannot continue. If you were directed " "here by the site owner, please inform them of the situation." msgstr "" "Halo! 👋<br/><b>Seharusnya Anda tidak berada di sini.</b> Rute ini digunakan " "untuk mengelola proses pembelian Payments. Namun, ada " "parameter wajib yang hilang dan kami tidak dapat melanjutkan. Jika Anda " "dialihkan ke sini oleh pemilik situs, harap informasikan situasi ini " "kepadanya." msgid "User internal cache for results." msgstr "Cache internal pengguna untuk hasil." msgid " - Postal code" msgstr " - Kode pos" msgid " - Street type (Street, Court, Boulevard, Circle, etc.)" msgstr "" " - Jenis jalan (Jalan Raya, Bundaran Buntu, Bulevar, Jalan Lingkar, dsb.)" msgid " - Address numbers" msgstr " - Nomor alamat" msgid "" "Please take a moment to log into your account to carefully " "review the registrant contact information you provided. The most common " "errors include issues with:" msgstr "" "Harap luangkan waktu untuk login ke akun Anda dan periksa " "kembali dengan cermat informasi kontak pendaftar yang Anda cantumkan. Error " "yang paling umum terjadi mencakup masalah:" msgid "" "We were unable to validate your contact information for %1$s based on the " "documents you recently submitted. This may be due to a typographical error " "in your registration data." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat memvalidasi informasi kontak untuk %1$s berdasarkan dokumen " "yang telah Anda kirimkan. Hal ini mungkin dikarenakan kesalahan ketik pada " "data pendaftaran Anda." msgid "Thank you again for your prompt attention to this matter." msgstr "" "Sekali lagi terima kasih atas tanggapan cepat Anda terkait masalah ini. " msgid "" "Correct any errors and save your changes. Nominet will queue a new review. " "If they are still unable to validate your contact information we will notify " "you again." msgstr "" "Perbaiki seluruh kesalahan lalu simpan perubahan Anda. Nominet akan " "mengajukan pemeriksaan ulang baru. Jika mereka masih tidak dapat memvalidasi " "informasi kontak, kami akan memberitahu Anda lagi." msgid "Street type (Street, Court, Boulevard, Circle, etc.)" msgstr "Jenis jalan (Jalan Raya, Bundaran Buntu, Bulevar, Jalan Lingkar, dsb.)" msgid "Address numbers" msgstr "Nomor alamat" msgid "" "Please take a moment to log into your account to carefully " "review the <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">registrant contact " "information</a> you provided. The most common errors include issues with:" msgstr "" "Harap luangkan waktu untuk login ke akun Anda dan periksa " "kembali dengan cermat <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">informasi kontak " "pendaftar</a> yang Anda cantumkan. Error yang paling umum terjadi mencakup " "masalah:" msgid "" "We were unable to validate your contact information for <strong>%1$s</" "strong> based on the documents you recently submitted. This may be due to a " "typographical error in your registration data." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat memvalidasi informasi kontak untuk <strong>%1$s</strong> " "berdasarkan dokumen yang telah Anda kirimkan. Hal ini mungkin dikarenakan " "kesalahan ketik pada data pendaftaran Anda." msgid "" "Insert the Payment Button or Donation Form block. In the editor area, look " "for the “Connect” button in the notification banner. Click the button and " "fill-in all the required information." msgstr "" "Sisipkan blok Tombol Pembayaran atau Formulir Donasi. Di area editor, cari " "tombol \"Hubungkan\" pada banner pemberitahuan. Klik tombol tersebut lalu " "lengkapi seluruh informasi wajib." msgid "" "Click the pink “Connect Stripe to Get Started” button and fill-in all the " "required information." msgstr "" "Klik tombol “Hubungkan Stripe untuk Memulai” berwarna merah muda lalu " "lengkapi seluruh informasi wajib." msgid "Visit My Site → Tools → Earn → Payments" msgstr "Buka Situs Saya → Alat → Pendapatan → Pembayaran" msgid "Connect to our payment processor now" msgstr "Hubungkan ke pemroses pembayaran kami sekarang" msgid "" "After you complete all the required information and submit, you’ll be " "automatically redirected back to your site – ready to collect " "payments from your site’s visitors." msgstr "" "Setelah melengkapi seluruh informasi yang wajib disediakan dan " "mengirimkannya, Anda akan dialihkan kembali ke situs secara " "otomatis. Sekarang Anda sudah dapat menerima pembayaran dari pengunjung " "situs." msgid " payment blocks" msgstr "Blok pembayaran" msgid "" "Insert the Payment Button or Donation Form block. In the editor area, look " "for the <strong>Connect</strong> button in the notification banner. Click " "the button and fill-in all the required information." msgstr "" "Sisipkan blok Tombol Pembayaran atau Formulir Donasi. Di area editor, cari " "tombol <strong>Hubungkan</strong> pada banner pemberitahuan. Klik tombol " "tersebut lalu lengkapi seluruh informasi yang wajib disediakan." msgid "Payments blocks" msgstr "Blok Pembayaran" msgid " how to accept payments on your website." msgstr " cara menerima pembayaran di situs Anda." msgid "" "Click the pink <strong>Connect Stripe to Get Started</strong> button and " "fill-in all the required information." msgstr "" "Klik tombol <strong>Hubungkan Stripe untuk Memulai</strong> (berwarna merah " "muda) lalu lengkapi seluruh informasi yang wajib disediakan." msgid "" "Visit My Site → Tools → Earn → <a href=\"%s\" target=" "\"_blank\" style=\"color: #3858E9; text-decoration: underline;\">Payments</" "a>." msgstr "" "Buka Situs Saya → Alat → Pendapatan → <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\" style=" "\"color: #3858E9; text-decoration: underline;\">Pembayaran</a>." msgid "Payments page" msgstr "Halaman Pembayaran" msgid "You can begin the Stripe signup two ways:" msgstr "Ada dua cara untuk mendaftar Stripe:" msgid "" "Stripe securely and seamlessly processes all credit and debit card purchases " "through these blocks." msgstr "" "Stripe memproses seluruh pembelian menggunakan kartu kredit dan debit secara " "aman dan lancar melalui blok ini." msgid "" "To start processing payments with the Payment Button and Donation Form, you " "must first connect your bank account to our payment processor, Stripe, and " "complete all registration information." msgstr "" "Untuk mulai memproses pembayaran dengan Tombol Pembayaran dan Formulir " "Donasi, pertama-tama Anda harus menghubungkan rekening bank ke Stripe " "(pemroses pembayaran) dan melengkapi semua informasi pendaftaran." msgid "Person taking credit card out of their wallet." msgstr "Seseorang mengeluarkan kartu kredit dari dompetnya." msgid "Complete your registration with our payment processor!" msgstr "Lengkapi pendaftaran Anda dengan pemroses pembayaran kami!" msgid "Complete your registration with our payment processor" msgstr "Lengkapi pendaftaran Anda dengan pemroses pembayaran kami" msgid "Connect to our payment processor" msgstr "Hubungkan ke pemroses pembayaran kami" msgid " Payments Blocks" msgstr "Blok Pembayaran" msgid "Start collecting payments from your users now" msgstr "Mulai terima pembayaran dari pengguna Anda sekarang" msgid "Important – Complete the connection to our payment processor" msgstr "Penting – Selesaikan penghubungan ke pemroses pembayaran kami" msgid "" "WP-Cron has been disabled using the DISABLE_WP_CRON constant. Comment " "rechecks may not work properly." msgstr "" "WP-Cron telah dinonaktifkan menggunakan konstanta DISABLE_WP_CRON. " "Pengecekan ulang komentar mungkin tidak akan berfungsi dengan baik." msgid "Toggle favorite site" msgstr "Beralih situs favorit" msgid "%(siteUrl)s has been removed from your favorites." msgstr "%(siteUrl)s telah dihapus dari favorit Anda." msgid "%(siteUrl)s has been added to your favorites." msgstr "%(siteUrl)s telah ditambahkan ke favorit Anda." msgid "" "The provided value is not a valid notification frequency. The available " "options are: %s" msgstr "Bukan frekuensi pemberitahuan yang valid. Pilihan yang tersedia: %s" msgid "" "The provided value is not a valid notification channel. The available " "options are: %s." msgstr "Bukan saluran pemberitahuan yang valid. Pilihan yang tersedia: %s." msgid "Activating the plugin feature" msgstr "Mengaktifkan fitur plugin" msgid "" "A primary payment method is required.{{br/}} {{a}}Try adding a new payment " "method{{/a}} or contact support." msgstr "" "Diperlukan metode pembayaran utama.{{br/}} {{a}}Coba tambahkan metode " "pembayaran baru{{/a}} atau hubungi layanan bantuan." msgid "" "Welcome to <a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"site-url\">%2$s!</a> " msgstr "" "Selamat datang di <a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"site-url\">%2$s!</" "a> " msgid "" "Build an online presence and build your brand with one of these options " "({{a}}see how they compare{{/a}})." msgstr "" "Bangun kehadiran online dan bangun brand Anda dengan salah satu opsi berikut " "({{a}}lihat perbandingannya{{/a}})." msgid "Select all that apply" msgstr "Pilih semua yang sesuai" msgid "" "If you deactivate your product, we will set your site to private and revert " "it to the point when you installed your first plugin or custom theme, or " "activated hosting features on {{strong}}%(atomicTransferDate)s{{/strong}}. " "All of your posts, pages, and media will be preserved, except for content " "generated by plugins or custom themes. {{moreInfoTooltip/}}" msgstr "" "Jika Anda menonaktifkan produk Anda, kami akan mengubah situs Anda menjadi " "personal dan mengembalikannya ke kondisi saat Anda memasang plugin atau tema " "khusus pertama Anda, atau mengaktifkan fitur hosting pada " "{{strong}}%(atomicTransferDate)s{{/strong}} . Semua pos, halaman, dan media " "Anda akan tetap ada, kecuali konten yang dibuat dengan plugin atau tema " "khusus. {{moreInfoTooltip/}}" msgid "Cancel product" msgstr "Batalkan produk" msgid "Remove product" msgstr "Hapus produk" msgid "<a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"header-post-like\">%2$s</a>" msgstr "<a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"header-post-like\">%2$s</a>" msgid "<a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"header-comment-like\">%2$s</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"header-comment-like\">%2$s</a>" msgid "" "New mention on <a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"header-mention\">" "%2$s</a>" msgstr "" "Penyebutan baru di <a href=\"%1$s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"header-mention\">" "%2$s</a>" msgid "" "If you would like to return to the %1$s plan again, <a href=\"%2$s" "\">resubscribe now</a> to restore its functionality." msgstr "" "Jika ingin kembali menggunakan paket %1$s, Anda dapat <a href=\"%2$s\"> " "berlangganan ulang sekarang</a> untuk memulihkan fungsinya." msgid "" "Your posts, pages and media have been preserved. We also made your site " "private so that you can tidy up the theme and appearance before relaunching " "it." msgstr "" "Pos, halaman, dan media Anda dijaga tetap utuh. Kami juga membuat situs Anda " "bersifat pribadi sehingga Anda dapat merapikan tema dan tampilan sebelum " "meluncurkan kembali situs." msgid "" "Your posts, pages and media created after %1$s have <b>not been preserved</" "b>. We also made your site private so that you can tidy up the theme and " "appearance before relaunching it." msgstr "" "Pos, halaman, dan media yang dibuat setelah %1$s tidak <b>disimpan</b>. Kami " "juga membuat situs Anda bersifat pribadi sehingga Anda dapat merapikan tema " "dan tampilan sebelum meluncurkan kembali situs." msgid "" "After the removal of the %1$s plan, we wanted to remind you that some " "features and content are no longer available on your site. Please make sure " "to visit your site so that you understand these changes." msgstr "" "Kami ingatkan bahwa setelah penghapusan paket %1$s, beberapa fitur dan " "konten tidak lagi tersedia di situs Anda. Pastikan untuk mengunjungi situs " "Anda guna memahami perubahan ini." msgid "WooCommerce Product CSV Import Suite" msgstr "WooCommerce Product CSV Import Suite" msgid "Go to checkout" msgstr "Checkout" msgid "Add-ons" msgstr "Add-on" msgid "Manage add-on" msgstr "Kelola add-on" msgid "Buy add-on" msgstr "Beli add-on" msgid "Boost your plan with add-ons" msgstr "Tingkatkan paket Anda dengan add-on" msgid "" "Expand the functionality of your site by enabling any of the " "following features." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan kegunaan situs Anda dengan mengaktifkan salah satu " "fitur berikut." msgid "Add-Ons" msgstr "Add-On" msgid "Select a site to open {{strong}}Add-Ons{{/strong}}" msgstr "Pilih situs untuk membuka {{strong}}Add-On{{/strong}}" msgid "Your profile photo is hidden." msgstr "Foto profil Anda disembunyikan." msgid "Here’s what you’ll need to do when you respond" msgstr "Berikut hal-hal yang perlu Anda lakukan saat merespons" msgid "" "The deadline to respond to your disputed payment is %1$s. We’re here to " "help, so we’ve made %2$sa guide to walk you through the process%3$s. Keep in " "mind that if you don’t respond by the deadline, the dispute will be marked " "Lost after that date." msgstr "" "Tenggat untuk merespons pembayaran Anda yang disengketakan adalah %1$s. Kami " "siap membantu, dan kami telah membuat %2$spanduan untuk membantu Anda " "menyelesaikan proses tersebut%3$s. Harap diperhatikan bahwa jika Anda tidak " "merespons hingga tenggat yang ditentukan, sengketa akan ditandai Kalah " "setelah tanggal dimaksud." msgid "Reminder: Your dispute deadline is approaching" msgstr "Pengingat: Tenggat sengketa Anda semakin dekat" msgid "" "We understand disputes can be frustrating, so if you have questions or " "there’s anything we can guide you through in the process, please feel free " "to %1$scontact us%2$s." msgstr "" "Kami paham bahwa sengketa dapat menimbulkan frustrasi. Oleh karena itu, jika " "Anda punya pertanyaan atau ada yang bisa kami bantu untuk menyelesaikan " "proses, jangan sungkan untuk %1$smenghubungi kami%2$s." msgid "" "If you choose not to respond to this dispute, then it will be marked %1$sLost" "%2$s after the deadline is reached." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memilih untuk tidak merespons sengketa ini, maka sengketa akan " "ditandai %1$sKalah%2$s setelah melewati tenggat." msgid "" "%1$sYou can potentially overturn the dispute%2$s if you can provide evidence " "it’s unwarranted. The necessary evidence and next steps can be found in " "%3$sthis guide%4$s. Please note: even in cases where your customer claims to " "have withdrawn the dispute, you must respond with evidence of the withdrawal " "for the dispute to be closed in your favor and the withheld funds returned " "to you." msgstr "" "%1$sSengketa dapat Anda menangkan%2$s jika terbukti tidak beralasan. Bukti " "yang diperlukan serta langkah-langkah selanjutnya dapat Anda lihat di " "%3$spanduan ini%4$s. Harap perhatikan: meski pada kasus pelanggan Anda " "mengklaim telah menarik sengketa yang diajukan, Anda harus merespons dengan " "bukti penarikan agar sengketa dapat ditutup dengan keputusan yang berpihak " "pada Anda dan dana yang ditahan dikembalikan kepada Anda." msgid "" "We noticed that you have not yet responded to a disputed payment made to " "your business. We highly recommend that you respond to the dispute before " "%1$s UTC %2$s in order to avoid potential fines or other limitations on your " "ability to process payments." msgstr "" "Kami lihat Anda belum merespons pembayaran yang disengketakan terhadap " "bisnis Anda. Sebaiknya Anda menanggapi sengketa sebelum %1$s UTC %2$s guna " "menghindari kemungkinan denda atau pembatasan lain untuk kemampuan Anda " "memproses pembayaran." msgid "Dispute reminder" msgstr "Pengingat sengketa" msgid "Review your <a href=\"%s\">Account Settings</a>" msgstr "Tinjau <a href=\"%s\">Pengaturan Akun</a> Anda" msgid "If this was you, you may safely disregard this message." msgstr "Jika ini Anda, Anda bisa mengabaikan pesan ini." msgid "" "If this was <b>not</b> you please contact support using the button below." msgstr "Jika ini <b>bukan</b> Anda, hubungi dukungan melalui tombol di bawah." msgid "You were logged into your account using a login code from Jetpack app." msgstr "Anda login ke akun menggunakan kode login dari aplikasi Jetpack." msgid "" "Heads up! You were logged into your account using a login code from Jetpack " "app." msgstr "" "Harap diketahui! Anda login ke akun menggunakan kode login dari aplikasi " "Jetpack." msgid "Logged in via the Jetpack app" msgstr "Sudah login melalui aplikasi Jetpack" msgid "" "Once you disconnect Payments from Stripe, new subscribers won’t be able to " "sign up and existing subscriptions will stop working." msgstr "" "Setelah Anda menonaktifkan Pembayaran melalui Stripe, pelanggan baru tidak " "akan dapat mendaftar dan langganan yang ada akan tidak aktif." msgid "In transit" msgstr "Sedang transit" msgid "Highest" msgstr "Tertinggi" msgid "Elevated" msgstr "Ditinggikan" msgid "" "Our Self-Hosted WordPress content importer is the quickest way to move your " "content." msgstr "" "Importer konten WordPress Hosting Sendiri kami adalah cara tercepat untuk " "memindahkan konten Anda." msgid "" "A %(importerName)s export is an XML file with your page and post content, or " "a zip archive containing several XML files. {{supportLink/}}" msgstr "" "File ekspor %(importerName)s berupa XML dengan konten halaman dan pos Anda, " "atau arsip zip yang berisi beberapa file XML. {{supportLink/}}" msgid "You are only allowed to follow/unfollow parent comments." msgstr "Anda hanya bisa mengikuti/berhenti mengikuti komentar induk." msgid "The specified post does not exist." msgstr "Pos yang ditentukan tidak ada." msgid "You are only allowed to follow a P2 site." msgstr "Anda hanya bisa mengikuti situs P2." msgid "" "The provided value is not a valid type of activity. The available options " "are: \"likes\", \"mentions\", \"replies\", \"new_posts\", \"cross_posts\", " "\"new_comments\" or \"all\"." msgstr "" "Bukan jenis kegiatan yang valid. Pilihan yang tersedia: \"suka\", \"sebutan" "\", \"balasan\", \"pos_baru\", \"lintas_pos\"_\"komentar_baru\", atau \"semua" "\"." msgid "The argument must be a string." msgstr "Argumen harus berupa string." msgid "The frequency argument must be a string." msgstr "Argumen frekuensi harus berupa string." msgid "Success. The user was successfully unsubscribed from the specified blog" msgstr "" "Berhasil. Pengguna berhasil berhenti berlangganan dari blog yang ditentukan " msgid "" "Success. The user was successfully subscribed to receive notifications for " "the specified blog" msgstr "" "Berhasil. Pengguna berhasil berlangganan untuk menerima pemberitahuan dari " "blog yang ditentukan" msgid "Success. The user was successfully unsubscribed from the specified post" msgstr "" "Berhasil. Pengguna berhasil berhenti berlangganan dari pos yang ditentukan" msgid "" "Success. The user was successfully subscribed to receive notifications for " "the specified post" msgstr "" "Berhasil. Pengguna berhasil berlangganan untuk menerima pemberitahuan dari " "pos yang ditentukan" msgid "" "Success. The user was successfully unsubscribed from the specified comment" msgstr "" "Berhasil. Pengguna berhasil berhenti berlangganan dari komentar yang " "ditentukan" msgid "" "Success. The user was successfully subscribed to receive notifications for " "the specified comment" msgstr "" "Berhasil. Pengguna berhasil berlangganan untuk menerima pemberitahuan dari " "komentar yang ditentukan" msgid "Success! The notification channel was deactivated for the workspace." msgstr "Berhasil! Saluran pemberitahuan telah dinonaktifkan untuk workspace." msgid "Success! The notification channel was activated for the workspace." msgstr "Berhasil! Saluran pemberitahuan telah diaktifkan untuk workspace." msgid "" "The notification channel to subscribe to. Valid values are \"email\", \"web" "\", \"slack\", \"app\", \"reader\" and \"all\"." msgstr "" "Saluran pemberitahuan untuk berlangganan. Pilihan yang valid: \"email\", " "\"web\", \"slack\", aplikasi\", \"reader\", dan \"semua\"." msgid "" "The type of activity you want to be notified of. Valid values are \"likes\", " "\"mentions\", \"content\", \"new posts\", \"cross-posts\", \"new comments\" " "and \"all\"." msgstr "" "Jenis kegiatan yang ingin Anda terima pemberitahuannya. Kegiatan yang valid: " "\"suka\", \"sebutan\", \"konten\", \"pos baru\", \"lintas pos\", \"komentar " "baru\", dan \"semua\"." msgid "Success. The notification channel was deactivated for the site." msgstr "Berhasil. Saluran pemberitahuan telah dinonaktifkan untuk situs." msgid "Success! The notification setting was activated for the site." msgstr "Berhasil! Pengaturan pemberitahuan telah diaktifkan untuk situs." msgid "" "How often the user wishes to be notified. Valid values are \"immediately\", " "\"daily\", \"weekly\"." msgstr "" "Seberapa sering pengguna ingin diberi tahu. Frekuensi yang valid: \"segera" "\", \"harian\", \"mingguan\"." msgid "" "The type of activity you want to be notified of. Valid values are \"new posts" "\", \"cross-posts\", \"new comments\" and \"all\"." msgstr "" "Jenis kegiatan yang ingin Anda terima pemberitahuannya. Kegiatan yang valid: " "\"pos baru\", \"lintas pos\", \"komentar baru\", dan \"semua\"." msgid "There was an error removing the subscriber" msgstr "Terjadi error saat menghapus pelanggan." msgid "There was an error adding the subscriber." msgstr "Terjadi error saat menambahkan pelanggan." msgid "The user is already subscribed" msgstr "Pengguna ini telah berlangganan" msgid "Subscribers not found." msgstr "Pelanggan tidak ditemukan." msgid "The user is not subscribed to the specified notification channel" msgstr "Pengguna tidak berlangganan ke saluran notifikasi yang ditentukan" msgid "There was an error activating the notifications settings." msgstr "Terjadi error saat mengaktifkan pengaturan pemberitahuan." msgid "You must provide an activity." msgstr "Anda harus memasukkan kegiatan." msgid "Invalid cache key" msgstr "Kunci cache tidak valid" msgid "The notification already exists in the buffer table." msgstr "Pemberitahuan sudah ada di tabel buffer." msgid "Invalid domain or subdomain" msgstr "Domain atau subdomain tidak valid" msgid "" "An error happened while retrieving the product on Tumblrpay. Check the SKU" msgstr "Terjadi error saat mengambil produk di Tumblrpay. Periksa SKU" msgid "" "An error happened while retrieving the subscription. Check your purchase " "token" msgstr "Terjadi error saat mengambil langganan. Periksa token pembelian" msgid "" "An error happened while retrieving the product. Check your purchase token" msgstr "Terjadi error saat mengambil produk. Periksa token pembelian" msgid "" "An error happened while acknowledging the purchase. Check your purchase token" msgstr "Terjadi error saat menyetujui pembelian. Periksa token pembelian" msgid "Purchase now" msgstr "Beli sekarang" msgid "" "A purchase on means no third party sites, no downloads, and no " "complicated install. Click and go." msgstr "" "Pembelian di tidak memerlukan pihak ketiga, pengunduhan, " "maupun instalasi yang rumit. Klik dan selesai." msgid "Easy install" msgstr "Instalasi mudah" msgid "" "Monthly and annual pricing available on all plugins. Unsure about a plugin? " "Try for a month." msgstr "" "Tersedia harga bulanan dan tahunan untuk semua plugin. Ragu menggunakan " "plugin? Coba sebulan." msgid "" "Don’t be left behind. Powerful plugins are one of the top reasons our " "customers choose" msgstr "" "Jangan sampai ketinggalan. Plugin yang andal merupakan salah satu alasan " "pelanggan kami memilih" msgid "Purchase now:" msgstr "Beli sekarang:" msgid "Complete your purchase of the %s plugin" msgstr "Selesaikan pembelian plugin %s Anda" msgid "Complete your purchase and don’t be left behind." msgstr "Selesaikan pembelian dan jangan sampai ketinggalan." msgid "Reminder: Don’t forget the plugin in your cart" msgstr "Pengingat: Jangan lupa plugin di dalam keranjang Anda." msgid "" "If you have any questions, please reply to this email or contact our Support " "Team at" msgstr "" "Jika ada pertanyaan, silakan balas e-mail ini atau hubungi Tim Layanan " "Bantuan kami di" msgid "Purchase Jetpack VideoPress" msgstr "Beli Jetpack VideoPress" msgid "Stunning video quality with up to 60 FPS and 4K HD" msgstr "Kualitas video memukau hingga 60 FPS dan 4k HD" msgid "The ability to customize the video player" msgstr "Pemutar video dapat disesuaikan" msgid "An ad-free video experience" msgstr "Pengalaman video bebas iklan" msgid "1TB of cloud storage" msgstr "Penyimpanan cloud 1TB" msgid "With a Jetpack VideoPress plan you get:" msgstr "Di paket Jetpack VideoPress, Anda mendapatkan:" msgid "" "If you would like these videos to continue to be shown to your site visitors " "without interruption, please purchase a Jetpack VideoPress plan before 1st " "August 2022." msgstr "" "Jika ingin video-video ini tetap ditayangkan untuk pengunjung situs Anda " "tanpa jeda, silakan beli paket Jetpack VideoPress sebelum 1 Agustus 2022." msgid "" "We will be enforcing our single video limit for free VideoPress users from " "1st August 2022 onwards." msgstr "" "Kami akan menerapkan batas satu video untuk pengguna VideoPress gratis mulai " "1 Agustus 2022." msgid "" "Your videos won’t be deleted. Should you wish to, you will still be able to " "export these videos from the Media section of your site." msgstr "" "Video tidak akan dihapus. Anda masih dapat mengekspor video-video tersebut " "dari bagian Media di situs Anda." msgid "" "This means that if you have more than one VideoPress video live on your " "site, all live videos apart from your oldest one will stop being shown to " "site visitors. A “This video is unavailable” notice will be shown instead." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memiliki lebih dari satu video siaran langsung VideoPress di situs " "Anda, semua video siaran langsung selain yang paling lama akan berhenti " "ditayangkan untuk pengunjung situs Anda. Pemberitahuan \"Video ini tidak " "tersedia\" akan muncul." msgid "" "We noticed that you have several videos uploaded on VideoPress that are " "being shown to visitors on your site, even though you no longer have a paid " "plan. We are emailing you to let you know that we will soon be enforcing our " "single-video limit for free VideoPress users." msgstr "" "Kami mendapati bahwa Anda memiliki beberapa video terunggah di VideoPress " "yang masih ditayangkan untuk pengunjung situs Anda, meskipun Anda sudah " "tidak memiliki paket berbayar. Melalui email ini, kami hendak memberitahukan " "bahwa kami akan menerapkan batas satu video untuk pengguna VideoPress gratis." msgid "The VideoPress videos on your site will stop working soon" msgstr "Video VideoPress di situs Anda akan segera berhenti ditayangkan" msgid "" "Act now to ensure your site visitors continue to see your video content from " "1st August 2022" msgstr "" "Bertindaklah sekarang juga agar pengunjung situs Anda tetap dapat melihat " "konten video mulai 1 Agustus 2022" msgid "Heads-up: The VideoPress videos on your site will stop working soon" msgstr "" "Peringatan: Video VideoPress di situs Anda akan segera berhenti ditayangkan" msgid "" "When the malware scanner finds a security threat, you can view the " "recommended actions on the Jetpack Protect dashboard to secure your sites." msgstr "" "Saat pemindai malware menemukan ancaman keamanan, Anda dapat melihat " "rekomendasi tindakan untuk mengamankan situs di dasbor Jetpack Protect." msgid "What do I do if Jetpack Protect finds a security threat?" msgstr "" "Apa yang harus saya lakukan jika Jetpack Protect menemukan ancaman keamanan?" msgid "" "You can visit the Jetpack Protect dashboard in your WordPress admin panel to " "see the security threats and malware found by the integrated malware scanner." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengunjungi dasbor Jetpack Protect di panel admin WordPress untuk " "melihat ancaman keamanan dan malware yang ditemukan oleh pemindai malware " "terintegrasi." msgid "" "How will I know if Jetpack Protect has found WordPress security " "vulnerabilities and malware?" msgstr "" "Bagaimana saya tahu kalau Jetpack Protect telah menemukan risiko keamanan " "serta malware?" msgid "" "Jetpack Protect does not require the Jetpack plugin to run and secure your " "site." msgstr "" "Jetpack Protect tidak memerlukan plugin Jetpack untuk dapat berfungsi dan " "mengamankan situs Anda." msgid "Does this plugin require the Jetpack plugin to work?" msgstr "Apakah plugin ini memerlukan plugin Jetpack untuk dapat berfungsi?" msgid "" "Protect is a free WordPress security and malware scanner plugin that scans " "your site and lets you know possible malware and security threats on your " "installed plugins, themes, and core files." msgstr "" "Protect adalah plugin keamanan dan pemindai malware gratis dari WordPress. " "Protect memindai situs Anda serta melaporkan risiko ancaman keamanan dan " "malware pada file plugin, tema, dan inti WordPress yang terinstal." msgid "How does Jetpack Protect help your WordPress Site security?" msgstr "Bagaimana Jetpack Protect mengamankan Situs WordPress Anda?" msgid "" "A hacked WordPress site can cause severe damage to your business revenue and " "reputation." msgstr "" "Peretasan situs WordPress dapat merusak reputasi bisnis dan sumber " "pendapatan Anda." msgid "Why do I need WordPress security and malware scan?" msgstr "Kenapa saya memerlukan pemindai keamanan dan malware WordPress?" msgid "Stay one step ahead of security threats" msgstr "Antisipasi ancaman keamanan" msgid "" "Take advantage of the <a href=\"\">same vulnerability " "database</a> used by some of the largest companies in the world. Millions of " "security scans are run through our database every month." msgstr "" "Manfaatkan <a href=\"\">basis data kerentanan</a> yang " "sama-sama digunakan oleh beberapa perusahaan terbesar di dunia. Jutaan " "pemindaian keamanan dijalankan menggunakan basis data kami setiap bulan." msgid "Enterprise-strength WordPress protection" msgstr "Perlindungan WordPress skala perusahaan" msgid "" "Protect your site with daily automated scans with our vulnerability database " "that includes more than %s vulnerabilities associated with WordPress core, " "themes, and plugins. Our vulnerability catalog is continuously updated by a " "dedicated team of WordPress security experts and researchers." msgstr "" "Lindungi situs Anda dengan pemindaian otomatis harian yang menggunakan basis " "data kerentanan kami yang meliputi lebih dari %s kerentanan yang terkait " "dengan inti, tema, dan plugin WordPress. Katalog kerentanan kami selalu " "diperbarui oleh tim khusus yang beranggotakan ahli dan peneliti keamanan " "WordPress." msgid "Focus on running your business while we protect your site" msgstr "Silakan fokus menjalankan bisnis sembari kami melindungi situs Anda" msgid "" "Set it and forget it. You can track your automated scan results and " "recommended fixes through your easy-to-read Protect dashboard." msgstr "" "Siapkan dan percayakan pada kami. Anda dapat melacak hasil pemindaian " "otomatis dan rekomendasi perbaikan dari dasbor Protect yang mudah dibaca." msgid "" "Jetpack Protect scans for <strong>more than %s</strong> vulnerabilities " "associated with WordPress Core, Themes, and Plugins." msgstr "" "Jetpack Protect memindai <strong>lebih dari %s</strong> kerentanan terkait " "Inti, Tema, dan Plugin WordPress." msgid "" "Automated malware and security scanning for your WordPress installation, " "plugins, and themes." msgstr "" "Pemindaian malware dan kemanan otomatis untuk instalasi WordPress, plugin, " "dan tema." msgid "AFK for %s" msgstr "AFK selama %s" msgid "" "After a brief scan, we’ll prompt with what we can import from your website." msgstr "" "Setelah pemindaian singkat, kami akan menunjukkan apa yang dapat kami impor " "dari situs web Anda." msgid "Where will you import from?" msgstr "Dari mana Anda akan mengimpor?" msgid "Please enter a valid website address. You can copy and paste." msgstr "" "Masukkan alamat situs web yang valid. Anda dapat menyalin dan menempel." msgid "You must own this website. You can still skip this step to start fresh." msgstr "" "Anda harus memiliki situs web ini. Anda dapat melewati langkah ini untuk " "memulai yang baru." msgid "Don't have a site address?" msgstr "Tidak punya alamat situs?" msgid "Ex. %(exampleSite)s" msgstr "Mis. %(exampleSite)s" msgid "Error updating account. Webhook secret is empty." msgstr "Terjadi error saat memperbarui akun. Webhook secret kosong." msgid "" "Take customization of every design detail on your site to the next level by " "tapping into the power of CSS code." msgstr "" "Sesuaikan setiap detail desain di situs Anda agar lebih memukau dengan " "memanfaatkan kode CSS." msgid "Add beautiful, premium design themes to your site." msgstr "Tambahkan tema desain premium yang indah ke situs Anda." msgid "" "Remove ads for a clean, uncluttered site that puts your content center stage." msgstr "" "Hilangkan iklan agar situs bersih dan rapi serta konten Anda lebih dominan." msgid "" "Add beautiful, premium design themes to your site. Just %1$s per month for " "the full collection." msgstr "" "Tambahkan tema desain premium yang indah ke situs Anda. Hanya %1$s per bulan " "untuk mendapatkan koleksi lengkap." msgid "Planning the next chess move" msgstr "Menyiapkan langkah selanjutnya" msgid "Making you cookies" msgstr "Membuatkan Anda kue" msgid "Included in the %s plan" msgstr "Sudah termasuk dalam paket %s" msgctxt "language parameter" msgid "" "%1$s or %2$s — The language syntax to highlight with. You can " "alternately just use that as the tag, such as <code>[php]code[/php]</code>. " "Available tags: %3$s." msgstr "" "%1$s atau %2$s — Sintaks bahasa untuk menyoroti. Anda dapat menggunakannya " "sebagai tag, seperti <code>[php]code[/php]</code>. Tag yang tersedia: %3$s." msgid "Swift" msgstr "Swift" msgid "Haskell" msgstr "Haskell" msgid "Configuring mailboxes" msgstr "Mengonfigurasi mailbox" msgid "" "We are configuring your mailboxes. You will receive an email shortly when " "they are ready to use." msgstr "" "Kami sedang mengkonfigurasi mailbox Anda. Anda akan segera menerima e-mail " "ketika mailbox siap untuk digunakan." msgid "Use my email" msgstr "Gunakan e-mail saya" msgid "Get WooCommerce tips straight to your inbox (optional)" msgstr "Dapatkan tips WooCommerce di inbox Anda (opsional)" msgid "" "Help visitors quickly find answers with highly relevant instant search " "results and powerful filtering." msgstr "" "Bantu pengunjung agar cepat menemukan jawaban dengan hasil pencarian yang " "sangat relevan dan pemfilteran yang canggih." msgid "Could not accept the Terms of Service. Please try again later." msgstr "Tidak dapat menyetujui Ketentuan Layanan. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "Before we continue, please log in to your Jetpack site." msgstr "Sebelum melanjutkan, harap login ke situs Jetpack Anda." msgid "Error connecting to API." msgstr "Error saat menghubungkan ke API." msgid "Information about this blog is currently being retrieved." msgstr "Informasi tentang blog ini sedang diambil." msgctxt "Noun" msgid "Format:" msgstr "Format:" msgid "50 community members" msgstr "50 anggota komunitas" msgid "10 community members" msgstr "10 anggota komunitas" msgid "Show a maximum of" msgstr "Tampilkan maksimum" msgid "Display members of your site's community." msgstr "Tampilkan anggota komunitas situs Anda." msgid "Code: <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">( ? )</a>" msgstr "Kode: <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">( ? )</a>" msgid "Member of The Internet Defense League" msgstr "Anggota Internet Defense League" msgid "Open images in new tab?" msgstr "Buka gambar di tab baru?" msgid "" "The default policy URL only covers cookies set by Jetpack. If you’re running " "other plugins, custom cookies, or third-party tracking technologies, you " "should create and link to your own cookie statement." msgstr "" "URL kebijakan asal hanya mencakup cookie yang ditetapkan oleh Jetpack. Jika " "Anda menggunakan plugin lain, cookie kustom, atau teknologi pelacakan dari " "pihak ketiga, Anda harus membuat dan menautkan ke pernyataan cookie Anda " "sendiri." msgid "Google Map Embed" msgstr "Google Map Disematkan" msgid "There was an issue retrieving stats. Please try again later." msgstr "Terdapat masalah dalam mengambil statistik. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "There is nothing to display yet" msgstr "Belum ada yang dapat ditampilkan" msgid "Pageview Description:" msgstr "Deskripsi Penayangan Halaman:" msgid "Invalid image URL" msgstr "URL gambar tidak valid" msgid "Use legacy Flash Player (not recommended)" msgstr "Gunakan Flash Player lama (tidak dianjurkan)" msgid "Use only Open Source codecs (may degrade performance)" msgstr "Gunakan hanya codec Sumber Terbuka (dapat mengurangi kinerja)" msgid "Loop video playback" msgstr "Loop pemutaran video" msgid "Autoplay video on page load" msgstr "Putar otomatis video saat pemuatan halaman" msgid "Link the video title to its URL on" msgstr "Tautkan judul video ke URL-nya di" msgid "High definition on by default" msgstr "Definisi tinggi aktif secara default" msgid "Start Video After" msgstr "Mulai Video Setelah" msgid "Video ID" msgstr "ID Video" msgid "VideoPress Shortcode" msgstr "Shortcode VideoPress" msgid "No data found for VideoPress identifier: <strong>%s</strong>." msgstr "" "Tidak ada data yang ditemukan untuk pengenal VideoPress: <strong>%s</strong>." msgid "Publisher limits playback of video embeds." msgstr "Penerbit membatasi pemutaran video embed." msgid "<strong>%s</strong> is not an allowed embed site." msgstr "<strong>%s</strong> adalah bukan situs embed yang diperbolehkan." msgid "" "The VideoPress plugin could not communicate with the VideoPress servers. " "This error is most likely caused by a misconfigured plugin. Please reinstall " "or upgrade." msgstr "" "Plugin VideoPress tidak bisa berkomunikasi dengan server VideoPress. " "Kesalahan ini kemungkinan besar disebabkan oleh sebuah plugin yang " "dikonfigurasikan secara kurang tepat. Silakan instal ulang atau mutakhirkan." msgid "" "This video requires <a rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\" href=\"%s\" " "target=\"_blank\">Adobe Flash</a> for playback." msgstr "" "Pemutaran video ini membutuhkan <a rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\" href=" "\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Adobe Flash</a>." msgctxt "Play as in playback or view a movie" msgid "JavaScript required to play %s." msgstr "JavaScript dibutuhkan untuk memainkan %s." msgid "this video" msgstr "video ini" msgctxt "watch a video title" msgid "Watch: %s" msgstr "Tonton: %s" msgid "" "You do not have sufficient <a rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\" href=\"%s" "\" target=\"_blank\">freedom levels</a> to view this video. Support free " "software and upgrade." msgstr "" "Anda tidak memiliki <a rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\" href=\"%s\" " "target=\"_blank\">tingkat kebebasan</a> yang mencukupi untuk melihat video " "ini. Dukungan perangkat lunak gratis dan upgrade." msgid "%s Error" msgstr "%s Galat" msgctxt "A header for the video privacy setting area." msgid "Privacy Setting" msgstr "Pengaturan Privasi" msgctxt "A header for the video rating area" msgid "Rating" msgstr "Peringkat" msgctxt "A header for the video allow download option area" msgid "Download" msgstr "Unduh" msgctxt "A header for the video sharing options area" msgid "Share" msgstr "Bagikan" msgctxt "A header for the shortcode display" msgid "Shortcode" msgstr "Shortcode" msgctxt "A header for the short description display" msgid "Description" msgstr "Deskripsi" msgid "The media you are trying to update is not processed by VideoPress." msgstr "Media yang ingin Anda perbarui tidak diproses oleh VideoPress." msgid "VideoPress Information" msgstr "Informasi VideoPress" msgid "The cron named `%s` was removed from the schedule." msgstr "Cron bernama `%s` dihapus dari jadwal." msgid "The cron named `%s` was scheduled." msgstr "Cron bernama `%s` telah dijadwalkan." msgid "Cron will run at: %s GMT" msgstr "Cron akan berjalan pada: %s GMT" msgid "The cron is not scheduled to run." msgstr "Cron tidak dijadwalkan untuk berjalan." msgid "There is no cron named %s." msgstr "Tidak ada cron bernama %s." msgid "You need to provide the name of the cronjob to schedule." msgstr "Anda perlu memberikan nama tugas cron untuk menjadwalkan." msgid "Found %d available cron job." msgid_plural "Found %d available cron jobs." msgstr[0] "Ditemukan %d tugas cron yang tersedia." msgstr[1] "" msgid "Found no available cron jobs." msgstr "Tidak ditemukan tugas cron yang tersedia." msgid "Cleaned up %d video." msgid_plural "Cleaned up a total of %d videos." msgstr[0] "Membersihkan %d video." msgstr[1] "Membersihkan total %d video." msgid "An error has been encountered." msgstr "Terjadi error." msgid "The video has been imported as Attachment ID %d" msgstr "Video ini telah diimpor sebagai ID Lampiran %d" msgid "That post does not have a VideoPress video associated to it." msgstr "Pos tersebut tidak memiliki video VideoPress yang dikaitkan." msgid "A valid post_id is required." msgstr "Diperlukan post_id yang valid." msgid "Could not obtain a VideoPress upload token. Please try again later." msgstr "Tak bisa mengambil token unggah VideoPress. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "" "Could not obtain a VideoPress upload JWT. Please try again later. (empty " "upload token)" msgstr "" "Tidak dapat memperoleh JWT unggahan VideoPress. Silakan coba lagi. (token " "unggah kosong)" msgid "You cannot view this video." msgstr "Anda tidak dapat menonton video ini." msgid "" "VideoPress uploads are not supported here. To upload to VideoPress, add your " "videos from the <a href=\"%s\">Media Library</a> or the block editor using " "the Video block." msgstr "" "Menggunggah ke VideoPress tidak didukung di sini. Untuk mengunggah ke " "VideoPress, tambahkan video dari <a href=\"%s\">Pustaka Media</a> atau " "editor blok dengan blok Video." msgid "Notify me of new posts by email." msgstr "Beritahu saya akan tulisan baru melalui surel." msgid "Notify me of follow-up comments by email." msgstr "Beritahu saya akan tindak lanjut komentar melalui surel." msgid "" "Change whether your visitors can subscribe to your posts or comments or both." msgstr "" "Atur apakah pengunjung Anda dapat berlangganan ke pos Anda atau komentar " "Anda ataupun keduanya." msgid "Jetpack Subscriptions Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Langganan Jetpack" msgid "Post published and sending emails to subscribers." msgstr "Pos diterbitkan dan email dikirimkan ke langganan." msgid "Don’t send this to subscribers" msgstr "Jangan kirim ini ke pelanggan" msgid "No stats" msgstr "Tidak ada statistik" msgid "" "We were unable to get your stats just now. Please reload this page to try " "again. If this error persists, please contact %1$s. In your report, please " "include the information below." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat mengambil statistik Anda saat ini. Muat ulang halaman ini " "untuk mencoba lagi. Jika error ini berlanjut, hubungi %1$s. Sertakan " "informasi di bawah ini dalam laporan Anda." msgid "" "We were unable to get your stats just now. Please reload this page to try " "again." msgstr "" "Kami tak bisa menampilkan statistik Anda sekarang. Silakan muat ulang laman " "ini untuk mencobanya lagi." msgid "%1$s %2$s View" msgid_plural "%1$s %2$s Views" msgstr[0] "%1$s %2$s Tayangan" msgstr[1] "%1$s %2$s Tayangan" msgid "Sorry, nothing to report." msgstr "Maaf, tidak ada yang perlu dilaporkan." msgid "" "Sell more and get more leads with the free Jetpack CRM plugin built " "specifically for WordPress." msgstr "" "Jual dan dapatkan lebih banyak prospek dengan plugin Jetpack CRM gratis yang " "dibuat khusus untuk WordPress." msgid "Install CRM" msgstr "Instal CRM" msgid "Activate CRM" msgstr "Aktifkan CRM" msgid "" "Improve your site's performance and SEO in a few clicks with the free " "Jetpack Boost plugin." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan performa dan SEO situs Anda hanya dengan beberapa klik " "menggunakan plugin Jetpack Boost gratis." msgid "Install Boost" msgstr "Instal Boost" msgid "Activate Boost" msgstr "Aktifkan Boost" msgid "" "Engage your visitors with high-quality, ad-free videos built specifically " "for WordPress." msgstr "" "Pikat perhatian pengunjung Anda dengan video bebas iklan berkualitas tinggi, " "dirancang khusus untuk WordPress." msgid "" "Help your site visitors instantly find what they're looking for so they read " "and buy more." msgstr "" "Membantu pengunjung situs Anda menemukan apa yang dicari secara instan " "sehingga mereka dapat membaca dan membeli lebih banyak." msgid "Automatically clear spam from comments and forms." msgstr "Hapus spam secara otomatis dari komentar dan formulir." msgid "" "Comprehensive protection for your site, including Backup, Scan, and Anti-" "spam." msgstr "" "Perlindungan komprehensif untuk situs Anda yang mencakup Pencadangan, " "Pemindaian, dan Anti-spam." msgid "Security, performance, and growth tools for %s" msgstr "Perangkat keamanan, performa, dan pengembangan untuk %s" msgid "Performance and growth tools for %s" msgstr "Perangkat performa dan pengembangan untuk %s" msgid "" "Account not found. If you already have an account, make sure you have " "connected to" msgstr "" "Akun tidak ditemukan. Jika sudah memiliki akun, pastikan Anda telah " "terhubung dengan" msgid "" "Something got a little mixed up and an unexpected user logged " "in." msgstr "" "Ada masalah dan pengguna yang tidak diharapkan sudah login." msgid "" "You must have Two-Step Authentication enabled on your account." msgstr "" "Anda harus mengaktifkan Autentikasi Dua Langkah di akun Anda." msgid "Log in with username and password" msgstr "Login dengan nama pengguna dan kata sandi" msgid "" "You can now save time spent logging in by connecting your " "account to %s." msgstr "" "Anda sekarang dapat menghemat waktu untuk login dengan menyambungkan akun " " Anda ke %s." msgid "Log in as a different user" msgstr "Login sebagai pengguna berbeda" msgid "Log in as <span>%s</span>" msgstr "Login sebagai <span>%s</span>" msgid "Cannot deal with cookie redirects, as headers are already sent." msgstr "" "Tidak bisa terhubung dengan pengalihan kuki, karena header sudah dikirim." msgid "Secure Sign On" msgstr "Secure Sign On" msgid "" "Logging in with is disabled for sites that are in staging mode." msgstr "" "Login dengan dinonaktifkan untuk situs dalam mode staging." msgid "" "We couldn't find your account. If you already have an account, make sure you " "have connected to" msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat menemukan akun Anda. Jika sudah memiliki akun, pastikan " "Anda telah tersambung ke" msgid "" "A account is required to access this site. Click the button " "below to sign in or create a free account." msgstr "" "Akun diperlukan untuk mengakses situs ini. Klik tombol di " "bawah untuk masuk atau membuat akun gratis." msgid "" "There was an error creating a user for you. Please contact the administrator " "of your site." msgstr "" "Ada error saat membuat pengguna untuk Anda. Silakan hubungi administrator " "situs Anda." msgid "" "There was an error logging you in via, please try again or try " "logging in with your username and password." msgstr "" "Ada error saat login melalui, harap coba lagi atau coba login " "dengan nama pengguna dan kata sandi Anda." msgid "" "Logging in with is not currently available because this site " "is experiencing connection problems." msgstr "" "Login dengan saat ini tidak tersedia karena situs ini " "mengalami masalah koneksi." msgid "" "You already have an account on this site. Please <a href=\"%1$s\">sign in</" "a> with your username and password and then connect to" msgstr "" "Anda telah memiliki akun di situs ini. Silakan <a href=\"%1$s\">masuk</a> " "dengan nama pengguna dan kata sandi Anda, lalu sambungkan ke" msgid "" "Two-Step Authentication is required to access this site. Please visit your " "<a href=\"%1$s\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Security " "Settings</a> to configure <a href=\"%2$s\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" " "target=\"_blank\">Two-step Authentication</a> for your account." msgstr "" "Autentikasi Dua Langkah diperlukan untuk mengakses situs ini. Kunjungi <a " "href=\"%1$s\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Pengaturan " "Keamanan</a> untuk mengonfigurasi <a href=\"%2$s\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer" "\" target=\"_blank\">Autentikasi Dua Langkah</a> untuk akun Anda." msgid "The WordAds module is not active" msgstr "Modul WordAds tidak aktif" msgid "" "Advanced. If this option is checked, you must include these files in your " "theme manually for the sharing links to work." msgstr "" "Lanjutan. Jika opsi ini dicentang, Anda harus menyertakan berkas-berkas " "berikut ini dalam tema Anda secara manual agar taut berbagi dapat bekerja." msgid "View security scan details" msgstr "Lihat detail pemindaian keamanan" msgid "%s Threats found" msgstr "%s Ancaman ditemukan" msgid "%s Threat found" msgid_plural "%s Threats found" msgstr[0] "%s Ancaman ditemukan" msgstr[1] "%s Ancaman ditemukan" msgid "" "Please note that the related posts displayed now are only for previewing " "purposes." msgstr "" "Harap diketahui bahwa pos terkait yang ditampilkan saat ini hanya untuk " "tujuan pratinjau." msgid "Please visit a single post view to reveal the customization options." msgstr "Silakan buka tampilan pos tunggal untuk melihat pilihan kustomisasi." msgid "Arrange entries in different layouts." msgstr "Menata entri dalam berbagai tata letak." msgid "Display entry's category or tag." msgstr "Menampilkan kategori atau tag entri." msgid "Display date when entry was published." msgstr "Menampilkan tanggal publikasi entri." msgid "Show a thumbnail image where available." msgstr "Tampilkan gambar thumbnail jika tersedia" msgid "Enter text to use as headline." msgstr "Memasukkan teks yang akan digunakan sebagai tajuk utama." msgid "This helps to clearly separate the related posts from post content." msgstr "Hal ini membantu memisahkan pos terkait dari konten pos dengan jelas." msgid "Show a headline" msgstr "Tampilkan tajuk utama" msgid "Cannot use global flag on non-multisites" msgstr "Tidak dapat menggunakan bendera global di non-multisitus" msgid "Expecting an array" msgstr "Mengharapkan array" msgid "There was an error contacting Jetpack servers." msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat menghubungi server Jetpack." msgid "No API key" msgstr "Tidak ada kunci API" msgid "Your API key is invalid" msgstr "Kunci API Anda tidak valid" msgid "Login Blocked by Jetpack" msgstr "Masuk telah diblokir oleh Jetpack" msgid "Your IP (%1$s) has been flagged for potential security violations." msgstr "IP Anda (%1$s) sudah ditandai karena potensi pelanggaran keamanan." msgid "No reply from Jetpack servers" msgstr "Tidak ada balasan dari server Jetpack" msgid "Error connecting to Code: %1$s, %2$s" msgstr "Kesalahan saat menghubungkan ke Kode: %1$s, %2$s" msgid "" "Your main blog is not connected to Please connect to get an " "API key." msgstr "" "Blog utama Anda tidak terhubung ke Harap hubungkan untuk " "mendapatkan kunci API." msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "View Network Admin" msgstr "Tampilkan Admin Jaringan" msgid "" "Thanks for activating the Brute Force Protection feature! To start " "protecting your whole WordPress Multisite Network, please network activate " "the %1$s plugin. Due to the way logins are handled on WordPress Multisite " "Networks, %1$s must be network activated in order for the Brute Force " "Protection feature to work properly." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah mengaktifkan fitur Pencegahan Peretasan Kata Sandi! Untuk " "mulai melindungi seluruh Jaringan Multisitus WordPress, aktifkan plugin %1$s " "lewat jaringan. Jaringan Multisitus WordPress menangani login dengan cara " "sedemikian rupa sehingga mengharuskan %1$s diaktifkan lewat jaringan agar " "fitur Pencegahan Peretasan Kata Sandi dapat berfungsi dengan benar." msgid "Prove your humanity" msgstr "Buktikan sisi kemanusiaan Anda" msgid "Your answer was incorrect, please try again." msgstr "Jawaban Anda salah, harap coba lagi." msgid "" "Please solve this math problem to prove that you are not a bot. Once you " "solve it, you will need to log in again." msgstr "" "Harap pecahkan soal matematika ini untuk membuktikan bahwa Anda bukan " "mesin. Setelah Anda memecahkannya, Anda harus masuk lagi." msgid "%s Get help unlocking your site" msgstr "%s Dapatkan bantuan membuka situs Anda" msgid "%s Back" msgstr "%s Kembali" msgid "" "<p>Your IP address <code>%2$s</code> has been flagged for potential security " "violations. You can unlock your login by sending yourself a special link via " "email. <a href=\"%3$s\">Learn More</a></p>" msgstr "" "<p>Alamat IP Anda <code>%2$s</code> telah ditandai karena potensi " "pelanggaran keamanan. Anda dapat membuka login dengan mengirimkan tautan " "khusus kepada diri sendiri melalui email. <a href=\"%3$s\">Pelajari " "Selengkapnya</a></p>" msgid "Jetpack has locked your site's login page." msgstr "Jetpack Protect telah mengunci halaman login situs Anda." msgid "Oops, we were unable to send a recovery email. Try again." msgstr "Ups, kami tidak dapat mengirim email pemulihan. Coba lagi." msgid "Recovery instructions were sent to %s. Check your inbox!" msgstr "Petunjuk pemulihan telah dikirim ke %s. Periksa kotak masuk Anda!" msgid "Oops, we couldn't find a user with that email. Please try again!" msgstr "" "Ups, kami tidak dapat menemukan pengguna dengan alamat email tersebut. Coba " "lagi!" msgid "Oops, looks like that's not the right email address. Please try again!" msgstr "Ups, sepertinya alamat emailnya salah. Coba lagi!" msgid "You successfully logged out." msgstr "Anda berhasil logout." msgid "Oops, we couldn't validate the recovery token." msgstr "Ups, kami tidak dapat memvalidasi token pemulihan." msgid "The recovery token is not valid for this user." msgstr "Token pemulihan tidak valid untuk pengguna ini." msgid "Unable to delete the Post by Email address. Please try again later." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat menghapus Pos dengan alamat Email. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "Unable to regenerate the Post by Email address. Please try again later." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat membuat ulang Pos dengan alamat Email. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "Unable to create the Post by Email address. Please try again later." msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat Pos dengan alamat Email. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "" "To use Post By Email, you need to link your %s account to your " "account." msgstr "" "Untuk menggunakan fitur Pos via Email, Anda perlu menautkan akun %s Anda ke " "akun Anda." msgid "Disable Post By Email" msgstr "Nonaktifkan Pos via Email" msgid "Regenerate Address" msgstr "Atur Ulang Alamat" msgid "Enable Post By Email" msgstr "Aktifkan Pos via Email" msgctxt "Jetpack: Module Name" msgid "Jetpack: %s" msgstr "Jetpack: %s" msgid "" "Keep your visitors and search engines happy by stopping comment and contact " "form spam with Akismet." msgstr "" "Pastikan pengunjung dan mesin pencari senang dengan menghentikan spam " "komentar dan formulir kontak menggunakan Akismet." msgid "Hide this suggestion" msgstr "Sembunyikan saran ini" msgid "Learn more about these suggestions." msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang saran ini." msgid "" "This suggestion was made by Jetpack, the security and performance plugin " "already installed on your site." msgstr "" "Saran ini diberikan oleh Jetpack, plugin keamanan dan performa sudah " "diinstal di situs Anda." msgid "Activate Module" msgstr "Aktifkan Modul" msgid "by Jetpack (installed)" msgstr "oleh Jetpack (sudah diinstal)" msgid "The card could not be dismissed" msgstr "Kartu tidak bisa dibuang" msgid "" "The Jetpack Firewall is a web application firewall designed to protect your " "WordPress site from malicious requests." msgstr "" "Jetpack Firewall adalah firewall aplikasi web yang dirancang untuk " "melindungi situs WordPress Anda dari permintaan berbahaya." msgid "" "A selection of Google fonts for block enabled themes. This feature is still " "being developed." msgstr "" "Pilihan font Google untuk tema berbasis blok Fitur ini sedang dalam " "pengembangan." msgid "Create a new post based on an existing post." msgstr "Buat pos baru berdasarkan pos yang sudah ada." msgid "" "Our asset CDN is a site acceleration service.\n" "\t\tThat means that we host static assets like JavaScript and CSS shipped " "with WordPress Core and Jetpack from our servers, alleviating the load on " "your server." msgstr "" "CDN aset kami adalah layanan akselerasi situs.\n" "\t\tItu artinya kami menghosting aset statis seperti JavaScript dan CSS yang " "dikirimkan bersama WordPress Core dan Jetpack dari server kami, sehingga " "meringankan beban di server Anda." msgid "Increase visitor engagement by adding a Like button to comments." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan keterlibatan pengunjung dengan menambahkan tombol Suka untuk " "komentar." msgid "Enhanced analytics for WooCommerce and Jetpack users." msgstr "Meningkatkan analitik untuk pengguna WooCommerce dan Jetpack." msgid "" "By default ads are shown at the end of every page, post, or the first " "article on your front page. You can also add them to the top of your site " "and to any widget area to increase your earnings!" msgstr "" "Sebagai pengaturan asal, iklan ditampilkan di akhir setiap halaman, pos, " "atau artikel pertama di halaman depan Anda. Anda juga bisa menambahkannya di " "atas situs dan ke segala area widget untuk meningkatkan pendapatan!" msgid "" "Automatically create two sitemap files that list the URLs of posts and pages " "in your site.\n" "\t\tThis makes it easier for search engines (like Google) to include your " "site in relevant search results." msgstr "" "Buat dua file peta situs secara otomatis yang mencantumkan URL pos dan " "halaman di situs Anda.\n" "\t\tHal ini memudahkan mesin pencarian (seperti Google) menyertakan situs " "Anda ke dalam hasil pencarian yang relevan." msgid "" "Manage and update this and other WordPress sites from one simple dashboard " "on You can update\n" "\t\tplugins, set them to automatically update, and (de)activate them on a " "per-site basis or in bulk from\n" "\t\ You can also use the brand new and mobile-" "friendly post editor on as well\n" "\t\tas view and activate installed themes and create or edit site menus." msgstr "" "Kelola dan perbarui ini dan situs WordPress lainnya dari satu dasbor " "sederhana di Anda dapat memperbarui\n" "\t\tplugin, mengaturnya agar diperbarui secara otomatis, dan " "me(non)aktifkannya per situs atau secara massal dari\n" "\t\ Anda juga bisa menggunakan penyunting pos yang " "baru dan mobile-friendly di\n" "\t\tserta melihat dan mengaktifkan tema yang diinstal dan membuat atau " "mengedit menu situs." msgid "" "Add and organize content that doesn’t necessarily fit into a post or static " "page such as portfolios\n" "\t\tor testimonials. Custom\tcontent can be visible at specific URLs, or you " "may add them with shortcodes." msgstr "" "Tambahkan dan atur konten yang tidak selalu pas dalam pos atau halaman " "statis seperti portofolio\n" "\t\tatau testimoni. Khusus\tkontent dapat dilihat di URL tertentu, atau Anda " "dapat menambahkannya dengan shortcode." msgid "Better results on search engines and social media." msgstr "Hasil pencarian lebih baik pada mesin pencari dan media sosial." msgid "" "Verify your site ownership with services like Google, Bing, Pinterest, " "Yandex, and Facebook. This gives you access to\n" "\t\tadvanced features on these services and get verification badges." msgstr "" "Verifikasi kepemilikan situs Anda dengan layanan seperti Google, Bing, " "Pinterest, dan Yandex. Hal ini memberi Anda akses ke\n" "\t\tfitur tingkat lanjut di layanan tersebut dan mendapatkan lencana " "verifikasi." msgid "" "Compose posts and comments with links, lists, and other styles using regular " "characters and\n" "\t\tpunctuation marks. A quick and easy way to format text without needing " "any HTML or coding." msgstr "" "Buat pos dan komentar berisi tautan, daftar, dan gaya lainnya menggunakan " "karakter biasa dan\n" "\t\ttanda baca. Cara mudah dan cepat untuk memformat teks tanpa HTML atau " "pengkodean." msgid "" "Show visitors related content from your site at the bottom of your posts. " "This encourages them\n" "\t\tto browse more content, explore your site, and transform them into " "regular readers." msgstr "" "Tunjukkan konten terkait kepada pengunjung dari situs Anda di bawah pos. Hal " "ini akan mendorong mereka\n" "\t\tuntuk merambah konten lainnya, menjelajahi situs, dan mengubah mereka " "menjadi pembaca rutin." msgid "" "Jetpack checks your site every five minutes and if any downtime is detected " "you will receive an email\n" "\t\tnotification alerting you to the issue, so you can act quickly and get " "your site back online." msgstr "" "Jetpack memeriksa situs Anda setiap lima menit dan jika masa tidak aktif " "terdeteksi, Anda akan menerima email\n" "\t\tpemberitahuan mengenai masalah tersebut, sehingga Anda dapat bertindak " "cepat dan membuat situs kembali online." msgid "" "Your users will be able to log in to your site with their " "account.\n" "\t\tThis includes two-factor authentication making it the safest login " "mechanism for your site." msgstr "" "Pengguna akan dapat login ke situs Anda dengan akun\n" "\t\tHal ini mencakup autentikasi dua faktor yang menjadikannya mekanisme " "login paling aman untuk situs Anda." msgid "" "The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get " "stats on video\n" "\t\tplayback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive." msgstr "" "Cara termudah untuk mengunggah video bebas iklan dan tanpa merek ke situs " "Anda. Anda mendapatkan statistik\n" "\t\tpemutaran dan pembagian video, selain itu pemutarnya ringan dan " "responsif." msgid "" "Choose from a set of visibility options for sidebar widgets such as showing " "them only certain categories,\n" "\t\tonly on error pages, or only search results pages. You can also do the " "reverse and choose to hide them on certain pages." msgstr "" "Pilih dari serangkaian pilihan kenampakan untuk widget bilah sisi seperti " "menunjukkan kategori tertentu saja,\n" "\t\thanya pada halaman error, atau hanya halaman hasil pencarian. Anda juga " "dapat melakukan kebalikannya dan memilih untuk menyembunyikannya di halaman " "tertentu." msgid "" "Allow your readers to show their appreciation for your posts and other " "content. Likes show up\n" "\t\tbelow each post and your readers will also be able to review their liked " "posts from" msgstr "" "Biarkan pembaca Anda menunjukkan apresiasi mereka terhadap pos Anda dan " "konten lainnya. Tombol Suka ditampilkan\n" "\t\tdi bawah setiap pos dan pembaca juga akan dapat melihat pos yang mereka " "sukai dari" msgid "" "When adding an image gallery, you will have the option to create elegant " "magazine-style mosaic layouts for your photos,\n" "\t\tincluding mosaic (default), square, and circular layouts." msgstr "" "Saat menambahkan galeri gambar, Anda akan memiliki pilihan untuk membuat " "tata letak mozaik bergaya majalah untuk foto-foto Anda,\n" "\t\ttermasuk tata letak mozaik (asal), persegi, dan lingkaran." msgid "" "Publish posts on your site by writing and sending an email from any email " "client instead of using the post editor." msgstr "" "Publikasikan pos di situs Anda dengan menulis dan mengirim email dari segala " "klien email daripada menggunakan penyunting pos." msgid "" "Infinite scrolling pulls the next set of posts automatically into view when " "the reader approaches\n" "\t\tthe bottom of the page. This helps you reader see more of your content." msgstr "" "Gulir tak terbatas menarik rangkaian pos berikutnya secara otomatis untuk " "ditampilkan saat pembaca mendekati\n" "\t\tbagian bawah halaman. Hal ini membantu pembaca melihat lebih banyak " "konten Anda." msgid "" "With Carousel active, any standard WordPress galleries or single images you " "have embedded in posts or pages will\n" "\t\tlaunch a full-screen photo browsing experience with comments and EXIF " "metadata." msgstr "" "Dengan mengaktifkan Carousel, galeri WordPress standar atau gambar tunggal " "yang Anda sematkan di pos atau halaman akan\n" "\t\tmeluncurkan pengalaman penelusuran foto layar penuh dengan komentar dan " "metadata EXIF." msgid "" "Create simple contact forms without any coding. You can have multiple forms " "and when\n" "\t\ta user submits it, their feedback will be emailed directly to you. If " "Akismet is active, submissions will be\n" "\t\tautomatically filtered for spam." msgstr "" "Buat formulir kontak yang sederhana tanpa pengkodean apa pun. Anda bisa " "memiliki beberapa formulir dan saat\n" "\t\tpengguna mengirimkannya, umpan balik mereka akan dikirim langsung kepada " "Anda melalui email. Jika Akismet aktif, kiriman akan\n" "\t\tdisaring otomatis untuk memisahkan spam." msgid "" "Authorize applications and services to securely connect to your site. " "Developers can use's OAuth2\n" "\t\tauthentication system and REST API to manage and access " "your site's content." msgstr "" "Beri otorisasi ke aplikasi dan layanan agar dapat terhubung secara aman ke " "situs Anda. Pengembang dapat menggunakan sistem autentikasi OAuth2 dari " "\n" "\t\tdan REST API untuk mengelola dan mengakses konten situs " "Anda." msgid "" "Most sites will come under attack from automated bots that attempt to log in " "for malicious purposes.\n" "\t\tWe protect you automatically from unauthorized access by using data from " "millions of sites." msgstr "" "Kebanyakan situs akan diserang dari bot otomatis yang berupaya login dengan " "tujuan berbahaya.\n" "\t\tKami melindungi Anda secara otomatis dari akses tanpa izin menggunakan " "data dari jutaan situs." msgid "" "A widget in your sidebar allows visitors to subscribe to your site so that " "they receive an email\n" "\t\teach time you publish new content. Your visitors can also subscribe to a " "post's comments to keep up with the conversation." msgstr "" "Widget di bilah sisi memungkinkan pengunjung berlangganan situs Anda " "sehingga mereka akan menerima email\n" "\t\tsetiap kali Anda memublikasikan konten baru. Pengunjung Anda juga bisa " "berlangganan ke komentar pos untuk selalu mengikuti percakapan tersebut." msgid "" "Add as many custom widgets as you like by dragging and dropping and " "customize each to fit your needs,\n" "\t\tincluding, Twitter streams, Facebook like boxes, custom images, " "Gravatars, tiled galleries, recent posts,\n" "\t\tor social icons." msgstr "" "Tambahkan widget khusus sebanyak yang Anda mau dengan menyeret dan melepas " "dan menyesuaikan setiap widget agar sesuai dengan kebutuhan,\n" "\t\ttermasuk, aliran Twitter, kotak suka Facebook, gambar khusus, Gravatar, " "galeri berpetak, pos terbaru,\n" "\t\tatau ikon sosial." msgid "" "Visitors can share your posts with Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Digg, " "LinkedIn, print,\n" "\t\tand email. You can configure services to appear as icons, text, or both " "and some services like Twitter\n" "\t\thave additional options." msgstr "" "Pengunjung dapat membagikan pos Anda di Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Digg, " "LinkedIn, dengan mencetak,\n" "\t\tdan melalui email. Anda dapat mengonfigurasi layanan agar ditampilkan " "sebagai ikon, teks, atau keduanya dan beberapa layanan seperti Twitter\n" "\t\tmemiliki pilihan tambahan." msgid "" "LaTeX is a powerful markup language for writing complex mathematical " "equations and formulas.\n" "\t\tJetpack combines the power of LaTeX and the simplicity of WordPress to " "give you the ultimate\n" "\t\tin math blogging platforms. Use $latex your latex code here$ or " "[latex]your latex code here[/latex]\n" "\t\tto include in your posts and comments. Enjoy all sorts of options and " "embrace your inner nerd." msgstr "" "LaTeX adalah bahasa markup yang sangat berguna untuk menulis persamaan dan " "rumus matematika yang kompleks.\n" "\t\tJetpack memadukan kelebihan LaTeX dan kesederhanaan WordPress untuk " "memberikan yang terbaik bagi Anda\n" "\t\tfitur yang paling mantap dalam platform blog matematika. Gunakan $latex " "your latex code here$ atau [latex]your latex code here[/latex]\n" "\t\tuntuk menyertakan ke dalam pos dan komentar. Nikmati semua pilihan dan " "ekspresikan jiwa kutu buku di dalam diri Anda." msgid "" "You will receive instant notifications in your dashboard or your mobile " "device when somebody comments\n" "\t\ton any of your sites. Reply directly wherever you are to keep the " "conversation going." msgstr "" "Anda akan menerima pemberitahuan seketika di dasbor atau perangkat seluler " "saat seseorang menulis komentar\n" "\t\tdi situs Anda. Kirim balasan secara langsung di mana pun Anda berada " "agar percakapan terus berlanjut." msgid "" "Grab short and simple links to your posts and pages using the compact " "domain name. Perfect\n" "\t\tfor use on Twitter, Facebook, and in text messages where every character " "counts." msgstr "" "Dapatkan tautan yang singkat dan sederhana ke pos dan halaman Anda " "menggunakan nama domain yang ringkas. Cocok sekali\n" "\t\tuntuk digunakan pada Twitter, Facebook, dan SMS di mana jumlah karakter " "amat berpengaruh." msgid "" "Easily and safely embed media from YouTube, Facebook, Flickr, Vimeo, " "Instagram,\n" "\t\tGoogle Maps, SlideShare, Vine, SoundCloud, and more. Just enter the " "appropriate shortcode directly into the\n" "\t\teditor and click “Publish.”" msgstr "" "Sematkan media dengan mudah dan aman dari YouTube, Facebook, Flickr, Vimeo, " "Instagram,\n" "\t\tGoogle Maps, SlideShare, Vine, SoundCloud, dan lainnya. Cukup masukkan " "shortcode yang sesuai secara langsung ke\n" "\t\tpenyunting dan klik “Publikasikan”." msgid "" "Enhance plain Gravatar images with information about a person (including a " "name,\n" "\t\tbio, pictures, and contact info) when they leave a comment on one of " "your posts." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan gambar Gravatar polos yang berisi informasi tentang seseorang " "(termasuk nama,\n" "\t\tbiodata, foto, dan info kontak) ketika dia berkomentar di salah satu pos " "Anda." msgid "" "We keep a daily or real-time backup of your site so that when mistakes or " "accidents occur, restoring your\n" "\t\tsite to any location takes a matter of minutes. Your site’s files are " "regularly scanned for unauthorized or\n" "\t\tsuspicious modifications that could compromise your security and data. " "In many cases, we can fix them\n" "\t\tautomatically (and will notify you). When we can’t, we provide you with " "expert support." msgstr "" "Kami menyimpan cadangan harian atau realtime untuk situs Anda sehingga bila " "terjadi kesalahan atau gangguan, pemulihan\n" "\t\tsitus Anda ke segala lokasi hanya memerlukan waktu beberapa menit. File " "situs Anda dipindai secara teratur dari modifikasi tidak resmi\n" "\t\tatau berbahaya yang dapat mengganggu keamanan dan data Anda. Pada banyak " "kasus, kami dapat memperbaikinya\n" "\t\tsecara otomatis (dan akan memberi tahu Anda). Jika tidak bisa " "melakukannya, kami akan menyediakan dukungan ahli." msgctxt "Module Tag" msgid "WAF" msgstr "WAF" msgctxt "Module Tag" msgid "Firewall" msgstr "Firewall" msgctxt "Module Tag" msgid "Site Stats" msgstr "Statistik Situs" msgctxt "Module Tag" msgid "Traffic" msgstr "Lalu lintas" msgctxt "Module Tag" msgid "Developers" msgstr "Pengembang" msgctxt "Module Tag" msgid "Recommended" msgstr "Disarankan" msgctxt "Module Tag" msgid "Fonts" msgstr "Font" msgctxt "Module Tag" msgid "Appearance" msgstr "Tampilan" msgctxt "Module Tag" msgid "Writing" msgstr "Penulisan" msgctxt "Module Tag" msgid "Social" msgstr "Sosial" msgctxt "Module Tag" msgid "Photos and Videos" msgstr "Foto dan Video" msgctxt "Module Tag" msgid "Other" msgstr "Lainnya" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "Earn income by allowing Jetpack to display high quality ads." msgstr "" "Raih pendapatan dengan mengizinkan Jetpack menampilkan iklan berkualitas " "tinggi." msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Ads" msgstr "Iklan" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "Enhanced analytics for WooCommerce and Jetpack users." msgstr "Meningkatkan analitik untuk pengguna WooCommerce dan Jetpack." msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "WooCommerce Analytics" msgstr "WooCommerce Analytics" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "Provides additional widgets for use on your site." msgstr "Menyediakan widget tambahan untuk digunakan di situs Anda." msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Extra Sidebar Widgets" msgstr "Widget Bilah Sisi Ekstra" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "Control where widgets appear on your site." msgstr "Tentukan di mana widget akan ditampilkan di situs." msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Widget Visibility" msgstr "Visibilitas Widget" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "Protect your site with Jetpack's Web Application Firewall" msgstr "Lindungi situs Anda dengan web Application Firewall dari Jetpack" msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Firewall" msgstr "Firewall" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "" "Save on hosting storage and bandwidth costs by streaming fast, ad-free video " "from our global network." msgstr "" "Hemat penyimpanan hosting dan biaya bandwidth dengan streaming video cepat " "dan bebas iklan dari jaringan global kami." msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "VideoPress" msgstr "VideoPress" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "Establish your site's authenticity with external services." msgstr "Buat situs yang lain daripada yang lain dengan layanan eksternal." msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Site verification" msgstr "Verifikasi situs" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "" "Protect your site with daily or real-time backups and automated virus " "scanning and threat detection." msgstr "" "Lindungi situs Anda dengan pencadangan harian atau real-time dan pemindaian " "virus serta deteksi ancaman otomatis." msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Backups and Scanning" msgstr "Pencadangan dan Pemindaian" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "Display image galleries in a variety of elegant arrangements." msgstr "Menampilkan galeri gambar dalam berbagai tatanan yang elegan." msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Tiled Galleries" msgstr "Tiled Gallery" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "Let visitors subscribe to new posts and comments via email" msgstr "" "Izinkan pengunjung berlangganan artikel baru dan komentar melalui email" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "Collect valuable traffic stats and insights." msgstr "Mengumpulkan statistik dan wawasan lalu-lintas yang berharga." msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "Allow users to log in to this site using accounts" msgstr "Izinkan pengguna login ke situs ini menggunakan akun" msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Secure Sign On" msgstr "Secure Sign On" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "Make it easy for search engines to find your site." msgstr "Mesin pencarian bisa menemukan situs Anda lebih mudah." msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Sitemaps" msgstr "Peta situs" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "Generates shorter links using the domain." msgstr "Buat tautan yang lebih pendek menggunakan domain" msgctxt "Module Name" msgid " Shortlinks" msgstr "Tautan Pendek" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "" "Shortcodes are WordPress-specific markup that let you add media from popular " "sites. This feature is no longer necessary as the editor now handles media " "embeds rather gracefully." msgstr "" "Shortcode adalah markup khusus WordPress yang memungkinkan Anda menambahkan " "media dari situs populer. Fitur ini sekarang tidak lagi diperlukan karena " "penyunting menangani penyematan media dengan lancar." msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Shortcode Embeds" msgstr "Sematan Kode Pendek" msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Sharing" msgstr "Berbagi" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "Better results on search engines and social media." msgstr "Hasil pencarian lebih baik pada mesin pencari dan media sosial." msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "SEO Tools" msgstr "Alat SEO" msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Search" msgstr "Cari" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "" "Keep visitors engaged on your blog by highlighting relevant and new content " "at the bottom of each published post." msgstr "" "Pertahankan pengunjung tetap berinteraksi di blog Anda dengan menyoroti " "konten relevan dan terbaru di bagian bawah setiap pos yang diterbitkan." msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Related posts" msgstr "Pos terkait" msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Brute force protection" msgstr "Perlindungan terhadap peretasan kata sandi" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "Publish posts by sending an email" msgstr "Publikasikan pos dengan mengirim email." msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Post by email" msgstr "Kirim pos melalui email" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "" "Mirrors and serves your images from our free and fast image CDN, improving " "your site’s performance with no additional load on your servers." msgstr "" "Mencerminkan dan melayani gambar Anda dari CDN gambar gratis dan cepat kami, " "yang menyempurnakan kinerja situs Anda tanpa pemuatan tambahan ke server " "Anda." msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Image CDN" msgstr "CDN Gambar" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "" "Jetpack’s Site Accelerator loads your site faster by optimizing your images " "and serving your images and static files from our global network of servers." msgstr "" "Akselerator Situs Jetpack memuat situs Anda lebih cepat dengan " "mengoptimalkan gambar serta menyajikan gambar dan file statis Anda dari " "jaringan server global kami." msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Asset CDN" msgstr "CDN Aset" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "Receive instant notifications of site comments and likes." msgstr "Terima pemberitahuan seketika saat ada komentar dan suka di situs." msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Pemberitahuan" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "" "Jetpack’s downtime monitoring will continuously watch your site and alert " "you the moment that downtime is detected." msgstr "" "Pemantauan waktu tidak aktif dari Jetpack akan terus memantau situs Anda, " "dan mengirimkan pemberitahuan saat waktu tidak aktif terdeteksi." msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Monitor" msgstr "Pantau" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "Write posts or pages in plain-text Markdown syntax" msgstr "Tulis pos atau halaman dalam sintaks Markdown teks biasa" msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Markdown" msgstr "Markdown" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "Give visitors an easy way to show they appreciate your content." msgstr "" "Memberikan cara mudah bagi pengunjung untuk menunjukkan apresiasi mereka " "pada konten Anda." msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Likes" msgstr "Suka" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "" "Use the LaTeX markup language to write mathematical equations and formulas" msgstr "" "Gunakan bahasa markup LaTeX untuk menulis persamaan dan rumus matematika" msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Beautiful Math" msgstr "Matematika Indah" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "Allow applications to securely access your content." msgstr "Izinkan aplikasi mengakses konten Anda secara aman." msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "JSON API" msgstr "API JSON" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "Automatically load new content when a visitor scrolls" msgstr "Muat konten baru secara otomatis saat pengunjung menggulir halaman." msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Infinite Scroll" msgstr "Gulir Tanpa Batas" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "Enable pop-up business cards over commenters’ Gravatars." msgstr "Aktifkan kartu nama pop-up pada Gravatar pemberi komentar." msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Gravatar Hovercards" msgstr "Hovercard Gravatar" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "" "A selection of Google fonts for block enabled themes. This feature is still " "being developed." msgstr "" "Pilihan font Google untuk tema berbasis blok Fitur ini sedang dalam " "pengembangan." msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Google Fonts (Beta)" msgstr "Google Fonts (Beta)" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "" "Display different types of content on your site with custom content types." msgstr "" "Menampilkan beragam jenis konten di situs Anda dengan jenis konten kustom." msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Custom content types" msgstr "Jenis konten kustom" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "" "Enable the option to copy entire posts and pages, including tags and settings" msgstr "" "Aktifkan pilihan untuk menyalin seluruh pos dan halaman, termasuk tag dan " "pengaturan" msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Copy Post" msgstr "Salin Pos" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "" "Add a customizable contact form to any post or page using the Jetpack Form " "Block." msgstr "" "Tambahkan formulir kontak yang dapat disesuaikan pada setiap pos atau " "halaman menggunakan Blok Formulir Jetpack." msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Contact Form" msgstr "Formulir Kontak" msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Comments" msgstr "Comments" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "Increase visitor engagement by adding a Like button to comments." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan keterlibatan pengunjung dengan menambahkan tombol Suka untuk " "komentar." msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Comment Likes" msgstr "Suka Komentar" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "" "Display images and galleries in a gorgeous, full-screen browsing experience" msgstr "" "Menampilkan gambar dan galeri dalam pengalaman penelusuran layar penuh dan " "memukau." msgctxt "Module Name" msgid "Carousel" msgstr "Carousel" msgid "%s (Jetpack)" msgstr "%s (Jetpack)" msgid "" "Check the box above to record each new set of posts loaded via Infinite " "Scroll as a page view in Google Analytics." msgstr "" "Centang kotak di atas untuk mencatat setiap rangkaian pos baru yang dimuat " "melalui Gulir Tak Terbatas sebagai sebuah penayangan halaman di Google " "Analytics." msgid "" "Track each scroll load (7 posts by default) as a page view in Google " "Analytics" msgstr "" "Melacak setiap guliran yang dimuat (7 pos sebagai pengaturan asal) sebagai " "tampilan halaman di Google Analytics" msgid "(modified %s ago)" msgstr "(dimodifikasi %s yang lalu)" msgid "Select a theme…" msgstr "Pilih tema…" msgid "Select another theme to view its custom CSS." msgstr "Pilih tema lain untuk melihat CSS kustomnya." msgctxt "Toolbar button to get help with custom CSS" msgid "Help" msgstr "Bantuan" msgctxt "Toolbar button to see full CSS revision history" msgid "See full history" msgstr "Lihat riwayat lengkap" msgid "Custom CSS is now managed in the Customizer." msgstr "CSS kustom sekarang dikelola di Customizer." msgid "Comments are not allowed." msgstr "Komentar tidak diizinkan." msgid "Unknown security token." msgstr "Token keamanan tidak dikenal." msgid "A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment" msgstr "" "Tambahkan sejumlah ucapan menarik untuk memancing komentar pembaca Anda." msgid "Adjust your Comments form with a clever greeting and color-scheme." msgstr "" "Sesuaikan formulir Comments Anda dengan salam dan skema warna yang cerdas." msgid "Automated critical CSS" msgstr "Otomatisasi CSS utama" msgid "Upgrade Boost" msgstr "Upgrade Boost" msgid "Defer non-essential Javascript" msgstr "Menangguhkan Javascript Non-esensial" msgid "Get Boost for free" msgstr "Dapatkan Boost secara gratis" msgid "Save time with automated critical CSS." msgstr "Hemat waktu dengan otomatisasi CSS utama" msgid "Paid feature" msgstr "Fitur berbayar" msgid "Optimize CSS Loading" msgstr "Optimalkan pemuatan CSS" msgid "List of available plans" msgstr "Daftar paket yang tersedia" msgid "Embedded inbox" msgstr "Inbox terintegrasi" msgid "" "Send us document evidence that verifies both your name and address AND " "matches the contact information listed for the domain name. Acceptable " "document types are listed here - %1$s ." msgstr "" "Kirimkan dokumen sah kepada kami sebagai bukti keaslian nama dan alamat " "serta kesesuaian informasi kontak Anda yang terdaftar untuk nama domain. " "Jenis dokumen yang diterima dapat dilihat di sini - %1$s" msgid "" "* Verify the name and address listed for the domain contact is valid. If it " "isn't please update it in your domain settings page at" msgstr "" "* Verifikasi bahwa nama dan alamat yang terdaftar untuk kontak domain valid. " "Jika tidak, silakan perbarui di halaman pengaturan domain Anda di WordPress." "com" msgid "" "We recently requested additional documentation to validate the contact " "information you submitted for the domain %1$s . The information provided " "does not contain suitable evidence to validate the contact name and address." msgstr "" "Belum lama ini, kami meminta dokumen tambahan untuk memvalidasi informasi " "kontak yang Anda berikan untuk domain %1$s . Namun, dokumen yang dikirimkan " "tidak cukup mengandung bukti untuk memvalidasi nama dan alamat kontak." msgid "Use the following link to securely send us document evidence:" msgstr "Gunakan tautan berikut untuk mengirimkan bukti dokumen secara aman:" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">Send us document evidence</a> that " "verifies both your name and address AND matches the contact information " "listed for the domain name. Acceptable document types are <a href=\"%2$s\" " "target=\"_blank\">listed here</a>." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">Kirimkan dokumen sah</a> kepada kami " "sebagai bukti keaslian nama dan alamat serta kesesuaian informasi kontak " "Anda yang terdaftar untuk nama domain. Jenis dokumen yang diterima dapat " "dilihat <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\">di sini</a>" msgid "" "Verify the name and address listed for the domain contact is valid. If it " "isn't please update it in your domain settings page at" msgstr "" "Verifikasi bahwa nama dan alamat yang terdaftar untuk kontak domain valid. " "Jika tidak, silakan perbarui di halaman pengaturan domain Anda di WordPress." "com" msgid "To keep your domain name active please do one of the following:" msgstr "" "Agar nama domain Anda tetap aktif, silakan lakukan salah satu langkah " "berikut:" msgid "" "We recently requested additional documentation to validate the contact " "information you submitted for the domain <strong>%1$s</strong>. The " "information provided does not contain suitable evidence to validate the " "contact name and address." msgstr "" "Belum lama ini, kami meminta dokumen tambahan untuk memvalidasi informasi " "kontak yang Anda berikan untuk domain <strong>%1$s</strong> . Namun, dokumen " "yang dikirimkan tidak cukup mengandung bukti untuk memvalidasi nama dan " "alamat kontak." msgid "You must specify an option_value" msgstr "Anda harus mengisi option_value" msgid "You must specify a whitelisted option_name" msgstr "Anda harus mengisi option_name daftar putih" msgid "You must specify an option_name" msgstr "Anda harus mengisi option_name" msgid "user login is required" msgstr "login pengguna diperlukan" msgid "user email is required" msgstr "email pengguna diperlukan" msgid "user_data is required" msgstr "user_data diperlukan" msgid "user_token is required" msgstr "user_token diperlukan" msgid "The user is already connected" msgstr "Pengguna sudah terhubung" msgid "There was an error updating your theme" msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat memperbarui tema Anda" msgid "This theme does not exist" msgstr "Tema ini tidak ada" msgid "The theme is already installed" msgstr "Tema ini sudah dipasang" msgid "There was an error installing your theme" msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat memasang tema Anda" msgid "Limit must be greater than or equal to 0." msgstr "Batas harus lebih dari atau sama dengan 0." msgid "Offset must be greater than or equal to 0." msgstr "Offset harus lebih dari atau sama dengan 0." msgid "You are required to specify a theme to update." msgstr "Anda harus menentukan tema untuk memperbarui." msgid "You are not allowed to switch to this theme" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk beralih ke tema ini" msgid "The specified theme was not found." msgstr "Tema yang ditentukan tidak ditemukan." msgid "Theme is empty." msgstr "Tema kosong." msgid "You are required to specify a theme to switch to." msgstr "Anda harus menentukan tema untuk beralih." msgid "There was an error updating your plugin" msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat memperbarui plugin Anda" msgid "No update needed" msgstr "Tidak diperlukan pembaruan" msgid "Updates are already in progress." msgstr "Pembaruan sedang dalam progres." msgid "There was an error deactivating your plugin" msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat menonaktifkan plugin Anda" msgid "The Plugin is already deactivated." msgstr "Plugin ini sudah dinonaktifkan." msgid "Plugin can only be Network Activated" msgstr "Plugin hanya dapat berupa Aktivasi Jaringan" msgid "Plugin deactivation is not allowed" msgstr "Penonaktifkan plugin tidak diizinkan" msgid "The plugin is already installed" msgstr "Plugin ini sudah dipasang" msgid "You are required to specify a plugin to activate." msgstr "Anda harus menentukan plugin untuk mengaktifkan." msgid "This user is not authorized to manage plugins network wide." msgstr "" "Pengguna ini tidak berwenang untuk mengelola jaringan plugin yang luas." msgid "You are required to specify a plugin." msgstr "Anda harus menentukan sebuah plugin." msgid "There was an error while deactivating the module." msgstr "Ada kesalahan saat menonaktifkan modul." msgid "The Jetpack Module is already deactivated." msgstr "Modul Jetpack sudah dinonaktifkan." msgid "There was an error while activating the module." msgstr "Ada kesalahan saat mengaktifkan modul." msgid "The Jetpack Module is already activated." msgstr "Modul Jetpack sudah diaktifkan." msgid "Module not found: `%s`." msgstr "Modul tidak ditemukan: `%s`." msgid "You are required to specify a module." msgstr "Anda harus menentukan sebuah modul." msgid "site_id is required" msgstr "site_id diperlukan" msgid "access_token_secret is required" msgstr "access_token_secret diperlukan" msgid "access_token is required" msgstr "access_token diperlukan" msgid "WooCommerce auth data is already set." msgstr "Data autentikasi WooCommerce sudah diatur." msgid "You must specify a helper script body" msgstr "Anda harus menentukan isi skrip pembantu" msgid "You must specify a User ID" msgstr "Anda harus menyebutkan ID Pengguna" msgid "You must specify a Term ID" msgstr "Anda harus menyebutkan ID Istilah" msgid "You must specify a Post ID" msgstr "Anda harus menyebutkan ID Pos." msgid "You must specify an option name" msgstr "Anda harus menyebutkan nama pilihan" msgid "Specified object_type not recognized" msgstr "Jenis_objek yang ditentukan tidak dikenali" msgid "You must specify both an object type and id to fetch" msgstr "Anda harus menentukan jenis objek dan id yang akan ditangani" msgid "You must specify a Comment ID" msgstr "Anda harus menyebutkan ID Komentar" msgid "This user is not authorized to %s on this blog." msgstr "Pengguna ini tidak berwenang untuk %s di blog ini." msgid "Full management mode is off for this site." msgstr "Mode manajemen penuh dinonaktifkan untuk situs ini." msgid "You must specify a valid action" msgstr "Anda harus menentukan tindakan yang valid" msgid "You must specify a helper script path" msgstr "Anda harus menentukan jalur skrip pembantu" msgid "You are required to specify a capability to check." msgstr "Anda harus menentukan kemampuan untuk memeriksa." msgid "Close modal" msgstr "Tutup modal" msgid "Access to premium themes" msgstr "Akses ke tema premium" msgid "Included with %(planName)s" msgstr "Disertakan dengan %(planName)s" msgid "Upgrade plan" msgstr "Upgrade Paket" msgid "Unlock theme" msgstr "Akses tema" msgid "Date range" msgstr "Rentang tanggal" msgid "Select date range" msgstr "Pilih rentang tanggal" msgid "Reset selected dates" msgstr "Batalkan tanggal yang dipilih" msgid "Jetpack Tests" msgstr "Tes Jetpack" msgid "This test successfully passed!" msgstr "Tes ini dilewati dengan baik!" msgid "Jetpack: " msgstr "Jetpack: " msgid "" "Would you like to use Jetpack on your local development site? You can do so " "thanks to <a href=\"%s\">Jetpack's offline mode</a>." msgstr "" "Apakah Anda ingin menggunakan Jetpack pada situs pengembangan lokal? Anda " "dapat melakukannya berkat <a href=\"%s\">mode offline Jetpack</a>." msgid "" "The primary connection is owned by <strong>%s</strong>'s " "account." msgstr "Sambungan utama dimiliki oleh akun <strong>%s</strong>." msgid "More details about your Jetpack settings" msgstr "Detail selengkapnya mengenai pengaturan Jetpack Anda" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Contact our Happiness team</a>. When you do, please include " "the <a href=\"%2$s\">full debug information from your site</a>." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Hubungi tim Happiness kami</a>. Saat melakukannya, harap " "sertakan <a href=\"%2$s\">informasi debug lengkap dari situs Anda</a>." msgid "Ask us for help!" msgstr "Hubungi kami untuk mendapatkan bantuan!" msgid "Still having trouble?" msgstr "Masih mengalami masalah?" msgid "" "Jetpack works by connecting to for a lot of features. " "Sometimes, when the connection gets messed up, you need to disconnect and " "reconnect to get things working properly. <a href=\"%s\">Disconnect from " "</a>" msgstr "" "Jetpack berfungsi dengan menyambung ke untuk mendapatkan " "banyak fitur. Terkadang, ketika sambungan sedang bermasalah, Anda perlu " "memutus sambungan dan menyambung kembali agar segalanya berfungsi dengan " "baik. <a href=\"%s\">Putuskan sambungan dari</a>" msgid "A connection problem with" msgstr "Masalah sambungan dengan" msgid "" "If it's not by itself, a theme or plugin is displaying extra characters. Try " "steps 2 and 3." msgstr "" "Jika tidak dengan sendirinya, suatu tema atau plugin akan menampilkan " "karakter ekstra. Cobalah langkah 2 dan 3." msgid "" "If this solves the problem, something in your theme is probably broken – let " "the theme's author know." msgstr "" "Jika hal ini menyelesaikan masalah, sesuatu di tema Anda mengalami kerusakan " "- beri tahu pembuat tema." msgid "" "If your problem isn't known or caused by a plugin, try activating the " "default WordPress theme." msgstr "" "Jika masalah Anda tidak diketahui atau karena sebuah plugin, coba aktifkan " "tema standar WordPress." msgid "" "If your problem isn't known or caused by a plugin, try activating %s (the " "default WordPress theme)." msgstr "" "Jika masalah Anda tidak diketahui atau karena sebuah plugin, coba aktifkan " "%s(tema standar WordPress)." msgid "A theme conflict." msgstr "Konflik dengan sebuah tema." msgid "" "Find out by disabling all plugins except Jetpack. If the problem persists, " "it's not a plugin issue. If the problem is solved, turn your plugins on one " "by one until the problem pops up again – there's the culprit! Let us know, " "and we'll try to help." msgstr "" "Temukan dengan cara menon-aktifkan semua plugin kecuali Jetpack. Jika " "masalahnya masih ada, maka penyebabnya bukan plugin. Jika masalahnya " "teratasi, aktifkan plugin Anda satu per satu hingga masalahnya terjadi lagi " "– itu dia penyakitnya! Beritahu kami, dan kami akan coba untuk membantu." msgid "A known issue." msgstr "Isu yang dikenal." msgid "" "It may be caused by one of these issues, which you can diagnose yourself:" msgstr "" "Hal itu mungkin disebabkan oleh isu-isu berikut, yang bisa Anda periksa " "sendiri:" msgid "Trouble with Jetpack?" msgstr "Bermasalah dengan Jetpack?" msgid "Your Jetpack setup looks a-okay!" msgstr "Pengaturan Jetpack Anda terlihat bagus!" msgid "Testing your site's compatibility with Jetpack..." msgstr "Menguji kompatibilitas situs Anda dengan Jetpack ..." msgid "Master user no longer exists. Please disconnect and reconnect Jetpack." msgstr "" "Pengguna master tidak ada lagi. Putuskan sambungan Jetpack lalu sambungkan " "lagi." msgid "No master user set." msgstr "Pengguna master belum ditetapkan." msgid "" "Diagnostic information helpful to <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=" "\"noopener noreferrer\">your Jetpack Happiness team<span class=\"screen-" "reader-text\">%2$s</span></a>" msgstr "" "Informasi diagnostik yang membantu <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=" "\"noopener noreferrer\">tim Jetpack Happiness Anda<span class=\"screen-" "reader-text\">%2$s</span></a>" msgid "" " detected an error on the Self Test. Visit the Jetpack " "Debug page for more info: %1$s, or contact support." msgstr "" " mendeteksi error pada Tes Mandiri Kunjungi halaman " "Jetpack Debug untuk info selengkapnya: %1$s, atau hubungi pihak dukungan." msgid "See Github for more on Sync Settings" msgstr "Lihat Github untuk info selengkapnya terkait Pengaturan Sync" msgid "Jetpack Sync has been disabled on your site." msgstr "Jetpack Sync dinonaktifkan di situs Anda." msgid "Contact Jetpack Support" msgstr "Hubungi Pihak Dukungan Jetpack" msgid "" "The server port value is unexpected.\n" "\t\t\t\t\t\tTry adding the following to your wp-config.php file: %1$s" msgstr "" "Nilai port server tidak terduga.\n" "\t\t\t\t\t\tCoba tambahkan yang berikut ke file wp-config.php Anda: %1$s" msgid "" "The server port values are not defined. This is most common when running PHP " "via a CLI." msgstr "" "Nilai port server tidak ditentukan. Ini merupakan hal yang biasa terjadi " "saat menjalankan PHP melalui CLI." msgid "The API returned a 404 error." msgstr "API menghasilkan error 404." msgid "Connection test failed (empty response body)" msgstr "Pengujian koneksi gagal (isi respons kosong)" msgid "Connection test failed (#%1$s: %2$s)" msgstr "Pengujian koneksi gagal (#%1$s: %2$s)" msgid "Invalid Jetpack connection tokens." msgstr "Token koneksi Jetpack tidak valid." msgid "Token health check failed to validate tokens." msgstr "Pemeriksaan kesehatan token gagal memvalidasi token." msgid "Blog token validation failed." msgstr "Validasi token blog gagal." msgid "Missing token for the connection owner." msgstr "Tidak ada token untuk pemilik koneksi." msgid "" "Your url is set as `%1$s`, but your connection lists it as `" "%2$s`!" msgstr "" "URL Anda diatur sebagai `%1$s`, tetapi koneksi Anda " "mencantumkannya sebagai `%2$s`!" msgid "View our server requirements" msgstr "Lihat persyaratan server kami" msgid "" "Please ask your hosting provider to refer to our server requirements and " "enable PHP's XML module." msgstr "" "Harap minta penyedia hosting Anda untuk membaca persyaratan server kami dan " "mengaktifkan modul XML PHP." msgid "PHP XML manipulation libraries are not available." msgstr "Pustaka manipulasi XML PHP tidak tersedia." msgid "We recommend either upgrading the user (%s) or reconnecting Jetpack." msgstr "" "Disarankan untuk melakukan upgrade pengguna (%s) atau menghubungkan kembali " "Jetpack." msgid "The user (%s) who setup the Jetpack connection is not an administrator." msgstr "Pengguna (%s) yang menyiapkan sambungan Jetpack bukan administrator." msgid "Jetpack is not connected." msgstr "Jetpack tidak tersambung." msgid "" "The user who setup the Jetpack connection no longer exists on this site." msgstr "" "Pengguna yang menyiapkan sambungan Jetpack sudah tidak ada di situs ini." msgid "Jetpack is running without a connected user. No master user to check." msgstr "" "Jetpack beroperasi tanpa ada pengguna yang tersambung. Tidak ada pengguna " "master untuk diperiksa." msgid "Jetpack is not connected. No master user to check." msgstr "Jetpack tidak tersambung. Tidak ada pengguna master untuk diperiksa." msgid "Your site is not connected to Jetpack" msgstr "Situs Anda tidak terhubung dengan Jetpack." msgid "Your site is connected to Jetpack" msgstr "Situs Anda terhubung dengan Jetpack" msgid "Blog token is missing." msgstr "Token blog tidak ada." msgid "Jetpack is not connected. No blog token to check." msgstr "Jetpack tidak tersambung. Tidak ada token blog untuk diperiksa." msgid "" "Your server did not successfully connect to the Jetpack server using %1$s\n" "\t\t\t\tPlease ask your hosting provider to confirm your server can make " "outbound requests to" msgstr "" "Server tidak berhasil terhubung ke server Jetpack menggunakan %1$s\n" "\t\t\t\tMintalah penyedia hosting Anda untuk mengonfirmasi bahwa server Anda " "dapat mengirim permintaan keluar ke" msgid "We recommend reconnecting Jetpack." msgstr "Kami sarankan untuk menghubungkan kembali Jetpack." msgid "" "A healthy connection ensures Jetpack essential services are provided to your " "WordPress site, such as Stats and Site Security." msgstr "" "Koneksi yang sehat memastikan layanan penting Jetpack tersedia untuk situs " "WordPress, seperti Statistik dan Keamanan Situs." msgid "" "The test timed out which may sometimes indicate a failure or may be a false " "failure. Please relaunch tests." msgstr "" "Pengujian kehabisan waktu yang terkadang menandakan kegagalan atau mungkin " "kegagalan palsu. Harap ulang pengujian." msgid "Reconnect Jetpack now" msgstr "Hubungkan kembali Jetpack sekarang" msgid "Please contact Jetpack support." msgstr "Hubungi dukungan Jetpack." msgid "There was another problem:" msgstr "Ada masalah lain:" msgid "Jetpack's async local testing suite passed all tests!" msgstr "Rangkaian tes lokal asinkron Jetpack lolos semua tes!" msgid "Jetpack passed all async tests." msgstr "Jetpack lolos semua tes asinkron." msgid "TEST RESULTS:" msgstr "HASIL PENGUJIAN:" msgid "Jetpack is in Offline Mode:" msgstr "Jetpack berada dalam Mode Offline:" msgid "Test failed!" msgstr "Tes gagal!" msgid "Test passed!" msgstr "Lulus pengujian!" msgid "There is no test by that name: " msgstr "Tidak ada tes dengan nama tersebut: " msgid "Tests must be valid PHP callables." msgstr "Tes harus PHP valid yang dapat dipanggil." msgid "Test names must be unique." msgstr "Nama tes harus unik." msgid "" "add_test arguments changed in 7.3.0. Please reference inline documentation." msgstr "" "Argumen add_test berubah di versi 7.3.0. Harap rujuk dokumentasi dalam baris." msgid "The requested widget was not found." msgstr "Widget yang diminta tidak ditemukan." msgid "Site benefits correctly received." msgstr "Manfaat situs diterima dengan benar." msgid "Help your visitors find exactly what they are looking for, fast" msgstr "Bantu pengunjung situs Anda menemukan apa yang dicari dengan cepat" msgid "" "The number of times visitors have shared your posts with the world using " "Jetpack" msgstr "Berapa kali pengunjung telah membagikan pos menggunakan Jetpack" msgid "Live social media site connections, powered by Jetpack" msgstr "Koneksi situs media sosial langsung, yang didukung oleh Jetpack" msgid "Ad-free, lightning-fast videos delivered by Jetpack" msgstr "Video bebas iklan secepat kilat yang dikirim oleh Jetpack" msgid "Super-fast, mobile-ready images served by Jetpack" msgstr "" "Gambar super cepat dan siap pakai di perangkat seluler yang disajikan oleh " "Jetpack" msgid "Image Hosting" msgstr "Hosting Gambar" msgid "Form submissions stored by Jetpack" msgstr "Pengiriman formulir yang disimpan oleh Jetpack" msgid "Contact Form Feedback" msgstr "Umpan Balik Formulir Kontak" msgid "The number of times Jetpack has backed up your site and kept it safe" msgstr "" "Berapa kali Jetpack telah mencadangkan situs Anda dan menjaganya tetap aman" msgid "People subscribed to your updates through Jetpack" msgstr "Orang-orang berlanggganan pembaruan Anda melalui Jetpack" msgid "The number of malicious login attempts blocked by Jetpack" msgstr "Jumlah percobaan login berbahaya yang diblokir oleh Jetpack" msgid "Visitors tracked by Jetpack" msgstr "Pengunjung dilacak oleh Jetpack" msgid "Site products correctly received." msgstr "Produk situs diterima dengan benar." msgid "Site features correctly received." msgstr "Fitur situs diterima dengan benar." msgid "Your site was successfully backed up %s ago." msgstr "Situs Anda berhasil dicadangkan %s yang lalu." msgid "VaultPress is active and will back up your site soon." msgstr "VaultPress sudah aktif dan akan segera mencadangkan situs Anda." msgid "Could not connect to VaultPress." msgstr "Tidak bisa terhubung ke VaultPress." msgid "You need to register for VaultPress." msgstr "Anda harus mendaftar ke VaultPress." msgid "Your site is verified with %1$s and %2$s." msgstr "Situs Anda diverifikasi dengan %1$s dan %2$s." msgid "Your site is verified with %s." msgstr "Situs Anda diverifikasi dengan %s." msgid "Site not verified with any service." msgstr "Situs tidak diverifikasi dengan layanan apa pun." msgid "Invalid Akismet key. Please contact support." msgstr "Kunci Akismet tidak valid. Hubungi dukungan." msgid "The requested Jetpack module is not active." msgstr "Modul Jetpack yang diminta tidak aktif." msgid "Invalid option: %s." msgid_plural "Invalid options: %s." msgstr[0] "Pilihan tidak valid: %s." msgstr[1] "Pilihan tidak valid: %s." msgid "Akismet is not installed or active" msgstr "Akismet belum diinstal atau tidak aktif" msgid "Invalid Akismet key" msgstr "Kunci Akismet tidak valid" msgid "Invalid Akismet user" msgstr "Pengguna Akismet tidak valid" msgid "Akismet user status doesn't allow to update the key" msgstr "Status pengguna Akismet tidak mengizinkan untuk memperbarui kunci" msgid "Please activate Akismet." msgstr "Harap aktifkan Akismet." msgid "Please install Akismet." msgstr "Harap instal Akismet." msgid "The requested Jetpack data updates were successful." msgstr "Pembaruan data Jetpack yang diminta tidak berhasil." msgid "Missing options." msgstr "Pilihan tidak ada." msgid "The requested Jetpack module is inactive." msgstr "Modul Jetpack yang diminta tidak aktif." msgid "The module %s failed to be activated." msgid_plural "The modules %s failed to be activated." msgstr[0] "Modul %s gagal diaktifkan." msgstr[1] "Modul %s gagal diaktifkan." msgid "The module %s was activated." msgid_plural "The modules %s were activated." msgstr[0] "Modul %s telah diaktifkan." msgstr[1] "Modul %s telah diaktifkan." msgid "All modules activated." msgstr "Semua modul diaktifkan." msgid "The requested Jetpack module could not be deactivated." msgstr "Modul Jetpack yang diminta tidak dapat dinonaktifkan." msgid "The requested Jetpack module was deactivated." msgstr "Modul Jetpack yang diminta telah dinonaktifkan." msgid "The requested Jetpack module was already inactive." msgstr "Modul Jetpack yang diminta sudah tidak aktif." msgid "The requested Jetpack module could not be activated." msgstr "Modul Jetpack yang diminta tidak dapat diaktifkan." msgid "The requested Jetpack module was activated." msgstr "Modul Jetpack yang diminta telah diaktifkan." msgid "The requested Jetpack module is not supported by your plan." msgstr "Modul Jetpack yang diminta tidak didukung paket Anda." msgid "The requested Jetpack module was not found." msgstr "Modul Jetpack yang diminta tidak ditemukan." msgid "Could not parse intro offers." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengurai penawaran perkenalan." msgid "Could not retrieve intro offers." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengambil penawaran perkenalan." msgid "Missing or invalid extension parameter." msgstr "Parameter ekstensi tidak ditemukan atau tidak valid." msgid "Plugin found." msgstr "Plugin ditemukan." msgid "Activated %s" msgstr "Diaktifkan %s" msgid "Plugin %s is already active." msgstr "Plugin %s sudah aktif." msgid "Plugin %s is not installed." msgstr "Plugin %s belum diinstal." msgid "You did not specify a plugin." msgstr "Anda tidak menentukan plugin." msgid "Status parameter missing." msgstr "Parameter status tidak ditemukan." msgid "Unable to install %1$s: %2$s " msgstr "Tidak dapat memasang %1$s: %2$s " msgid "Unable to list plugins." msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat daftar plugin." msgid "Could not check updates for plugins on this site." msgstr "Tidak dapat memeriksa pembaruan plugin pada situs ini." msgid "%s plugin needs updating." msgid_plural "%s plugins need updating." msgstr[0] "%s plugin perlu diperbarui." msgstr[1] "%s plugin perlu diperbarui." msgid "All plugins are up-to-date. Keep up the good work!" msgstr "Semua plugin sudah terbaru. Terus berkarya!" msgid "%s must be a Twitter username." msgstr "%s harus berupa nama pengguna Twitter." msgid "%s is not a registered custom sharing service." msgstr "%s bukan layanan berbagi khusus yang terdaftar." msgid "" "%s must be a string prefixed with 'custom-' and followed by a numeric ID." msgstr "" "%s harus berupa string yang diawali dengan 'khusus-' dan diikuti dengan ID " "numerik." msgid "%s needs sharing name, url and icon." msgstr "%s membutuhkan url, ikon, dan nama berbagi." msgid "%s must be an array with sharing name, url and icon." msgstr "%s harus berupa array dengan url, ikon, dan nama berbagi." msgid "%1$s visible and hidden items must be a list of %2$s." msgstr "%1$s item terlihat atau tersembunyi harus berupa daftar %2$s." msgid "Failed loading required dependency Sharing_Service." msgstr "Gagal memuat Sharing_Service dependensi yang diperlukan." msgid "%s must be an array with visible and hidden items." msgstr "%s harus berupa array dengan item terlihat dan tersembunyi." msgid "%s must be an array of post types." msgstr "%s harus berupa array jenis pos." msgid "%1$s must be %2$s." msgstr "%1$s harus berupa %2$s." msgid "%s must be an alphanumeric string or a verification tag." msgstr "%s harus merupakan string alfanumerik atau tag verifikasi." msgid "%s must be an alphanumeric string." msgstr "%s harus berupa string alfanumerik." msgid "%s must be a list of valid modules" msgstr "%s harus berupa daftar modul yang valid" msgid "%s must be an array" msgstr "%s harus berupa array" msgid "%1$s must be one of %2$s" msgstr "%1$s harus berupa salah satu dari %2$s" msgid "%s not recognized" msgstr "%s tidak kenali" msgid "%s must be a positive integer." msgstr "%s harus berupa bilangan bulat positif." msgid "%s must be true, false, 0 or 1." msgstr "%s harus benar, salah, 0, atau 1." msgid "Video Privacy: Restrict views to members of this site" msgstr "Privasi Video: Batasi hanya anggota situs yang dapat melihat" msgid "SEO page title structures." msgstr "Struktur judul halaman SEO." msgid "Front page meta description." msgstr "Deksripsi meta halaman depan." msgid "Primary language for the site." msgstr "Bahasa utama untuk situs ini." msgid "Collapse upgrade nudges" msgstr "Ciutkan nudge upgrade" msgid "Version." msgstr "Versi." msgid "Do not track." msgstr "Jangan lacak." msgid "Blog ID." msgstr "ID Blog." msgid "Count the page views of registered users who are logged in." msgstr "Hitung tampilnya halaman untuk pengguna terdaftar yang log masuk." msgid "Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports." msgstr "Pilih peranan yang dapat melihat laporan statistik." msgid "" "Include a small chart in your admin bar with a 48-hour traffic snapshot." msgstr "" "Sertakan bagan kecil di bilah admin, berisi snapshot lalu lintas selama 48 " "jam." msgid "Enable support for California Consumer Privacy Act" msgstr "Aktifkan dukungan bagi Undang-Undang Privasi Konsumen California" msgid "Custom ads.txt entries" msgstr "Entri ads.txt kustom" msgid "Custom ads.txt" msgstr "Ads.txt kustom" msgid "Display ads on archive pages?" msgstr "Tampilkan iklan di halaman arsip?" msgid "Display ads on pages?" msgstr "Tampilkan iklan di halaman?" msgid "Display ads on posts?" msgstr "Tampilkan iklan di pos?" msgid "Display ads on the front page?" msgstr "Tampilkan iklan di halaman depan?" msgid "Display second ad below post?" msgstr "Tampilkan iklan kedua di bawah pos?" msgid "Is site approved for WordAds?" msgstr "Apakah situs disetujui untuk WordAds?" msgid "Display an ad unit at the top of each page." msgstr "Tampilkan unit iklan di atas setiap halaman." msgid "Facebook Domain Verification" msgstr "Facebook Domain Verification" msgid "Yandex Site Verification" msgstr "Verifikasi Situs Yandex" msgid "Pinterest Site Verification" msgstr "Verifikasi Situs Pinterest" msgid "Bing Webmaster Center" msgstr "Pusat Master Web Bing" msgid "Google Search Console" msgstr "Konsol Pencarian Google" msgid "Trigger an auto config of instant search" msgstr "Picu konfigurasi otomatis dari pencarian instan" msgid "Has an active Jetpack Search product purchase" msgstr "Memiliki pembelian produk Jetpack Search yang aktif" msgid "Enable Instant Search" msgstr "Aktifkan Pencarian Instan" msgid "Match by Email" msgstr "Cocokkan dengan Email" msgid "Require Two-Step Authentication" msgstr "Mengharuskan Autentifikasi Dua Langkah" msgid "Delete custom sharing service." msgstr "Hapus layanan berbagi khusus." msgid "Custom sharing services added by user." msgstr "Layanan berbagi khusus yang ditambahkan oleh pengguna." msgid "Disable CSS and JS" msgstr "Matikan CSS dan JS" msgid "Views where buttons are shown" msgstr "Tampilan tempat tombol ditampilkan" msgid "Sharing Label" msgstr "Label Berbagi" msgid "Button Style" msgstr "Gaya Tombol" msgid "Enabled Services and those hidden behind a button" msgstr "Layanan yang Diaktifkan dan yang tersembunyi di belakang tombol" msgid "Protect API key" msgstr "Lindungi kunci API" msgid "Delete Post by Email address" msgstr "Hapus Pos dengan alamat Email" msgid "Regenerate Post by Email address" msgstr "Atur Ulang Pos dengan alamat Email" msgid "Create Post by Email address" msgstr "Buat Pos dengan alamat Email" msgid "Receive Monitor Email Notifications." msgstr "Terima Email Pemberitahuan Monitor." msgid "Use Markdown for posts." msgstr "Gunakan Markdown untuk pos." msgid "Send email notification when someone likes a post" msgstr "Kirim email pemberitahuan ketika seseorang menyukai pos" msgid "Use Google Analytics with Infinite Scroll" msgstr "Pergunakan Google Analytics dengan Guliran Tak Terbatas" msgid "Always allowed IP addresses" msgstr "Alamat IP yang selalu diizinkan" msgid "Blocked IP addresses" msgstr "Alamat IP yang diblokir" msgid "Number of entries to show at most in Testimonial pages." msgstr "Jumlah entri yang akan ditampilkan paling banyak di halaman Testimoni." msgid "Enable or disable Jetpack testimonial post type." msgstr "Aktifkan atau nonaktifkan tipe pos testimoni Jetpack." msgid "Number of entries to show at most in Portfolio pages." msgstr "" "Jumlah entri yang akan ditampilkan paling banyak di halaman Portofolio." msgid "Enable or disable Jetpack portfolio post type." msgstr "Aktifkan atau nonaktifkan tipe pos portofolio Jetpack." msgid "Greeting Text" msgstr "Teks Sambutan" msgid "" "Show photo metadata (<a href=\"" "Exchangeable_image_file_format\" target=\"_blank\">Exif</a>) in carousel, " "when available." msgstr "" "Tampilkan data meta foto (<a href=\"" "Exchangeable_image_file_format\" target=\"_blank\">Exif</a>) pada carousel, " "jika tersedia." msgid "Jetpack Blocks disabled." msgstr "Blok Jetpack dinonaktifkan." msgid "Missing parameter \"type\"." msgstr "Parameter \"tipe\" tidak ada." msgid "Jetpack options reset." msgstr "Pengaturan ulang pilihan Jetpack." msgid "Could not parse discount" msgstr "Tidak dapat mengurai diskon" msgid "Could not retrieve site discount." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengambil diskon situs." msgid "No activity found" msgstr "Tidak ada aktivitas" msgid "Could not retrieve site activity." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengambil aktivitas situs." msgid "Site ID is missing." msgstr "ID situs tidak ada." msgid "" "Failed fetching site data from (%s). If the problem persists, " "try reconnecting Jetpack." msgstr "" "Gagal mengambil data situs dari (%s). Apabila masalah masih " "berlanjut, cobalah menghubungkan kembali Jetpack." msgid "" "Failed fetching site data from If the problem persists, try " "reconnecting Jetpack." msgstr "" "Gagal mengambil data situs dari Apabila masalah masih " "berlanjut, cobalah menghubungkan kembali Jetpack." msgid "Site data correctly received." msgstr "Data situs diterima dengan benar." msgid "site_id_missing" msgstr "site_id_missing" msgid "Was not able to unlink the user. Please try again." msgstr "Tidak dapat memutus tautan pengguna. Silakan coba lagi." msgid "Unable to build the connect URL. Please reload the page and try again." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat membuat URL penghubung. Muat ulang halaman ini dan coba lagi." msgid "Was not able to disconnect the site. Please try again." msgstr "Tidak dapat memutus koneksi situs. Silakan coba lagi." msgid "Invalid Parameter" msgstr "Parameter tidak valid." msgid "Could not retrieve Scan state." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengambil keadaan Pemindaian." msgid "Scan state correctly received." msgstr "Keadaan Pemindaian diterima dengan benar." msgid "Could not retrieve Backup & Scan data." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengambil data Cadangkan & Pindai." msgid "The ID of this site does not exist." msgstr "ID situs ini tidak ada." msgid "Failed fetching rewind data. Try again later." msgstr "Gagal mengambil data putar balik. Coba lagi nanti." msgid "Backup & Scan data correctly received." msgstr "Data Cadangkan & Pindai diterima dengan benar." msgid "All connection tests passed." msgstr "Semua sambungan lulus pengujian." msgid "Missing parameter \"notice\"." msgstr "Parameter \"pemberitahuan\" tidak ada." msgid "Invalid parameter \"notice\"." msgstr "Parameter \"pemberitahuan\" tidak valid." msgid "Invalid parameter \"dismissed\"." msgstr "Parameter \"dismissed\" tidak valid." msgid "Site is under construction and cannot be verified" msgstr "Situs sedang diperbaiki dan tidak dapat diverifikasi" msgid "%s must be an object." msgstr "%s harus merupakan objek." msgid "Site not registered." msgstr "SItus tidak terdaftar." msgid "Enable WordPress REST API to unlock Jetpack's full potential!" msgstr "" "Aktifkan WordPress REST API untuk mengungkap potensi Jetpack sepenuhnya!" msgid "WordPress REST API is disabled" msgstr "WordPress REST API dinonaktifkan" msgid "Turn on JavaScript to unlock Jetpack's full potential!" msgstr "Aktifkan JavaScript untuk membuka seluruh potensi Jetpack!" msgid "You have JavaScript disabled" msgstr "JavaScript Anda dinonaktifkan" msgctxt "Search terms" msgid "blocks, block, gutenberg" msgstr "blok, blok, gutenberg" msgid "Error fetching static.html. Try running: " msgstr "Error saat mengambil static.html. Coba jalankan: " msgctxt "Navigation item" msgid "Debug" msgstr "Debug" msgid "Test your site's compatibility with Jetpack." msgstr "Uji kompatibilitas situs Anda dengan Jetpack." msgctxt "Navigation item" msgid "Modules" msgstr "Modul" msgid "Access the full list of Jetpack modules available on your site." msgstr "Akses daftar lengkap modul Jetpack yang tersedia pada situs Anda." msgctxt "Navigation item" msgid "Network Sites" msgstr "Situs Jaringan" msgctxt "Navigation item" msgid "Privacy" msgstr "Privasi" msgid "Automattic's Privacy Policy" msgstr "Kebijakan Privasi Automattic" msgctxt "Navigation item" msgid "Terms" msgstr "Ketentuan" msgid " Terms of Service" msgstr "Ketentuan Layanan" msgctxt "Navigation item" msgid "Network Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Jaringan" msgctxt "Navigation item" msgid "Sites" msgstr "Situs" msgid "Manage your network's Jetpack Sites." msgstr "Mengelola Situs Jetpack di jaringan Anda." msgid "%s Active Installations" msgstr "%s Penginstalan Aktif" msgctxt "Active plugin installations" msgid "Less Than 10" msgstr "Kurang Dari 10" msgid "ratings" msgstr "peringkat" msgid "More Details" msgstr "Detail Selengkapnya" msgid "Plugin icon" msgstr "Ikon plugin" msgid "This plugin doesn’t work with your version of PHP." msgstr "Plugin ini tidak dapat digunakan dengan versi PHP Anda." msgid "This plugin doesn’t work with your version of WordPress." msgstr "Plugin ini tidak dapat digunakan dengan versi WordPress Anda." msgid "This plugin doesn’t work with your versions of WordPress and PHP." msgstr "Plugin ini tidak dapat digunakan dengan versi WordPress dan PHP Anda." msgctxt "plugin" msgid "Active" msgstr "Aktif" msgctxt "plugin" msgid "Cannot Install" msgstr "Tidak Dapat Menginstal" msgid "Popular WordPress services by Automattic" msgstr "Layanan WordPress yang populer dari Automattic" msgid "Come work with us" msgstr "Bekerja bersama kami" msgid "" "We believe in Open Source and the vast majority of our work is available " "under the GPL." msgstr "" "Kami meyakini Sumber terbuka dan sebagian besar hasil karya kami tersedia di " "GPL." msgid "" "We’re a distributed company with over %1$s Automatticians in more than %2$s " "countries speaking at least %3$s different languages. Our common goal is to " "democratize publishing so that anyone with a story can tell it, regardless " "of income, gender, politics, language, or where they live in the world." msgstr "" "Kami merupakan perusahaan yang tersebar luas dengan %1$s Automattician di " "lebih dari %2$s negara yang menggunakan %3$s bahasa yang berbeda. Target " "bersama kami adalah mendemokratisasi publikasi sehingga siapa pun yang " "memiliki cerita dapat menyampaikannya, terlepas dari faktor pendapatan, " "gender, politik, bahasa, atau tempat tinggal mereka di dunia." msgid "Learn more about AI" msgstr "Baca selengkapnya tentang AI" msgid "" "We are the people behind, WooCommerce, Jetpack, Simplenote, " "Longreads, VaultPress, Akismet, Gravatar, Crowdsignal, Cloudup, and more. We " "believe in making the web a better place." msgstr "" "Kami adalah orang di balik, WooCommerce, Jetpack, Simplenote, " "Longreads, VaultPress, Akismet, Gravatar, Crowdsignal, Cloudup, dan lainnya. " "Kami memiliki prinsip menjadikan web lebih baik lagi." msgid "Meet the Automattic team" msgstr "Temui tim Automattic" msgid "Back to Jetpack Dashboard" msgstr "Kembali ke Dasbor Jetpack" msgid "Request failed with code %s" msgstr "Permintaan gagal dengan kode %s" msgid "" "Can not provision a plan while in safe mode. See:" "support/safe-mode/" msgstr "" "Tidak dapat menyediakan paket saat dalam mode aman. Lihat: https://jetpack." "com/support/safe-mode/" msgid "What are your goals?" msgstr "Apa tujuan Anda?" msgid "Use QR Code to login" msgstr "Gunakan Kode QR untuk login" msgid "Point your phone to this screen to scan the code." msgstr "Arahkan ponsel Anda ke layar ini untuk memindai kode." msgid "Tap the {{strong}}Scan Login Code{{/strong}} option." msgstr "Klik pilihan {{strong}}Pindai Kode Login{{/strong}}." msgid "Open the {{link}}%(name)s App{{/link}} on your phone." msgstr "Buka {{link}}%(name)s{{/link}} di ponsel Anda." msgid "Back to login" msgstr "Kembali ke login" msgid "Mobile App QR Code login is currently unavailable." msgstr "Login Kode QR dari Aplikasi Ponsel saat ini tidak tersedia." msgid "Including a link in the Site Menu" msgstr "Menyertakan tautan di Menu situs" msgid "" "Once the payment blocks are on your site, there’s more you can do to promote " "usage. We see our customers use four tactics which increase their sites’ " "payment volume." msgstr "" "Setelah blok pembayaran terpasang di situs Anda, ada beberapa cara untuk " "meningkatkan penggunaannya. Yang kami amati, ada empat taktik yang digunakan " "oleh para pelanggan kami untuk meningkatkan volume pembayaran di situs " "mereka." msgid "Experiment with these tips today." msgstr "Cobalah tips ini sekarang juga." msgid "Make donations" msgstr "Buat donasi" msgid "" "Promote the recurring payment option to your visitors. Recurring payments " "are the easiest way to build a regular cadence of payment volume. You choose " "the settings on each Payment Button and can set a fixed amount that’s always " "recurring. Make sure to add a few buttons with varying amounts so there’s an " "appealing level for everyone. Make it clear to users this is a recurring " "payment." msgstr "" "Tawarkan pilihan pembayaran berulang kepada pengunjung Anda. Pembayaran " "berulang adalah cara termudah untuk membangun volume pembayaran yang stabil. " "Anda dapat mengatur jumlah tetap untuk pembayaran berulang dengan memilih " "pengaturan di tiap Tombol Pembayaran. Jangan lupa menambahkan beberapa " "tombol dengan jumlah pembayaran yang berbeda-beda untuk menarik lebih banyak " "orang. Pastikan pengguna mengerti bahwa ini adalah pembayaran berulang." msgid "" "Promote yourself on social media. Share your work and link to your payment " "page. Your YouTube video doesn’t have to be about how to support you, but " "make sure to include a link in the description right to your payments page. " "The more often you link to your page, the easier it is to discover." msgstr "" "Promosikan diri Anda di media sosial. Bagikan karya Anda dan tautkan ke " "halaman pembayaran Anda. Video YouTube apa pun (tidak harus selalu berisi " "cara mendukung Anda) dapat ditambahkan ke halaman pembayaran Anda dalam " "deskripsinya. Makin sering Anda menautkan halaman, makin mudah halaman " "ditemukan." msgid "Your site menu" msgstr "Menu situs Anda" msgid "" "Put payments front-and-center to inform your site visitors that they can " "support you. Acting as a free banner, the Menu is always present and a " "common element of any website. Make it easy for site visitors to discover " "you have a Donations or Support page. Don’t forget to link to this page " "throughout your site whenever appropriate." msgstr "" "Pasang tautan pembayaran di tempat yang langsung terlihat jelas supaya " "pengunjung situs tahu bahwa mereka dapat mendukung Anda. Layaknya seperti " "banner gratis, Menu selalu ada dan menjadi elemen umum di situs mana pun. " "Arahkan pengunjung situs agar mudah menemukan halaman donasi atau halaman " "dukungan Anda. Jangan lupa untuk menautkan halaman tersebut di mana pun di " "situs Anda yang sesuai." msgid "Starting and maintaining an email list" msgstr "Memulai dan mengelola milis" msgid "Promoting recurring payments" msgstr "Menambahkan pembayaran berulang" msgid "Promoting the site on social" msgstr "Mempromosikan situs Anda di media sosial" msgid "" "Accepting donations on your website is easy with both the Payment Button " "(for fixed amounts) and the Donation Form (for flexibility)." msgstr "" "Menerima donasi di situs web Anda jadi makin mudah dengan Tombol Pembayaran " "(untuk jumlah tetap) dan Formulir Donasi (untuk jumlah fleksibel)." msgid "Person in front of a computer" msgstr "Orang di depan komputer" msgid "How do you make donations a success on your website?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara membuat donasi yang efektif di situs web Anda?" msgid " Payment Blocks" msgstr "Blok Pembayaran" msgid "Increased awareness of your payment blocks leads to more usage." msgstr "" "Makin banyak pengunjung sadar akan adanya blok pembayaran di situs Anda, " "makin sering mereka menggunakannya." msgid "Payment Blocks: Four tips to attract more donations on your site" msgstr "" "Blok Pembayaran: Empat tips untuk menarik lebih banyak donasi ke situs Anda" msgid "Please use the %s format." msgstr "Silakan gunakan format %s." msgid "Reminder: Your %d%% discount is waiting ⏱" msgstr "Pengingat: Diskon %d%% Anda masih menunggu ⏱" msgid "" "Please use unique email addresses. {{strong}}%(emailAddress)s{{/strong}} has " "already been specified before." msgstr "" "Harap gunakan alamat e-mail lainnya. {{strong}}%(emailAddress)s{{/strong}} " "sudah digunakan sebelumnya." msgid "A customer has disputed a payment to your business" msgstr "Seorang pelanggan mengajukan sengketa atas pembayaran ke bisnis Anda" msgid "" "We understand disputes can be frustrating, and we’re here to help you " "through the process. If you have questions or there’s anything else we can " "provide, please feel free to %1$scontact us%2$s." msgstr "" "Sengketa memang menyebalkan. Kami ada untuk membantu Anda melalui prosesnya. " "Jika punya pertanyaan atau perlu bantuan, jangan ragu %1$smenghubungi kami" "%2$s." msgid "" "If you choose to challenge this dispute, you’ll need to submit evidence by " "%1$s." msgstr "" "Jika ingin menanggapi sengketa ini, Anda perlu mengirimkan bukti sebelum " "%1$s." msgid "" "The good news: you still have a chance to respond. You can potentially " "overturn the dispute if you can provide evidence it is unwarranted. The " "necessary evidence and next steps can be found in %1$sthis guide%2$s." msgstr "" "Untungnya, masih ada kesempatan untuk menanggapinya. Sengketa dapat Anda " "menangkan jika terbukti tidak beralasan. Bukti yang diperlukan dan langkah " "selanjutnya dapat dilihat di %1$spanduan ini%2$s." msgid "Make a reservation" msgstr "Buat reservasi" msgid "Anti-spam can help to keep your blog safe from spam!" msgstr "Antispam dapat membantu menjaga blog Anda tetap aman dari spam!" msgid "Brute force attack protection is inactive." msgstr "Perlindungan terhadap serangan paksa tidak aktif." msgctxt "" "{#} Blocked malicious login attempts -- number is on a prior line, text is a " "caption." msgid "Blocked malicious login attempts" msgstr "Upaya masuk jahat diblokir" msgctxt "Backup Product Feature" msgid "Unlimited backup storage" msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan pencadangan tanpa batas" msgctxt "Backup Product Feature" msgid "Automated daily backups (off-site)" msgstr "Pencadangan harian otomatis (off site)" msgctxt "Security Daily Plan Feature" msgid "Comment & form spam protection" msgstr "Perlindungan spam untuk komentar & formulir" msgctxt "Security Daily Plan Feature" msgid "One-click fixes for most threats" msgstr "Perbaikan yang mudah untuk sebagian besar ancaman" msgctxt "Security Daily Plan Feature" msgid "Automated real-time malware scan" msgstr "Pemindaian malware real-time otomatis" msgctxt "Security Tier 1 Feature" msgid "Real-time cloud backups with 10GB storage" msgstr "Pencadangan awan real-time dengan ruang penyimpanan 10GB" msgctxt "Search Product Feature" msgid "Spelling correction" msgstr "Pengoreksi ejaan" msgctxt "Search Product Feature" msgid "Powerful filtering" msgstr "Penyaringan yang andal" msgctxt "Search Product Feature" msgid "Instant search and indexing" msgstr "Pencarian dan pengindeksan instan" msgid "%s wants to access your site’s data. Log in to authorize that access." msgstr "" "%s ingin mengakses data situs Anda. Login untuk mengotorisasi akses tersebut." msgid "The authorization process expired. Please go back and try again." msgstr "Proses otorisasi ini kadaluwarsa. Silakan kembali dan coba lagi." msgid "" "Your site is incorrectly double-encoding redirects from http to https. This " "is preventing Jetpack from authenticating your connection. Please visit our " "<a href=\"%s\">support page</a> for details about how to resolve this." msgstr "" "Situs Anda salah mengalihkan enkode ganda dari http ke https. Hal ini " "mencegah Jetpack untuk mengautentikasi koneksi Anda. Harap kunjungi <a href=" "\"%s\">halaman dukungan</a> kami terkait detail mengenai cara menangani " "masalah ini." msgid "" "Someone may be trying to trick you into giving them access to your site. Or " "it could be you just encountered a bug :). Either way, please close this " "window." msgstr "" "Seseorang mungkin sedang mencoba menipu Anda untuk mencuri akses ke situs " "Anda. Atau mungkin Anda sedang menghadapi bug :). Apapun itu, silakan tutup " "jendela ini." msgid "" "You must connect your Jetpack plugin to to use this feature." msgstr "" "Anda harus menyambungkan plugin Jetpack Anda ke untuk " "menggunakan fitur ini." msgid "" "For more help, try our <a href=\"%1$s\">connection debugger</a> or <a href=" "\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\">troubleshooting tips</a>." msgstr "" "Untuk mendapatkan bantuan lainnya, coba <a href=\"%1$s\">debugger koneksi</" "a> atau <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\">kiat pemecahan masalah</a>." msgid "" "Jetpack will re-test for HTTPS support once a day, but you can click here to " "try again immediately: " msgstr "" "Jetpack akan menguji ulang dukungan HTTPS sehari sekali, tetapi Anda dapat " "mengeklik di sini untuk segera mencobanya lagi: " msgid "" "Your site could not connect to via HTTPS. This could be due to " "any number of reasons, including faulty SSL certificates, misconfigured or " "missing SSL libraries, or network issues." msgstr "" "Situs Anda tidak dapat terhubung ke melalui HTTPS. Ini mungkin " "disebabkan oleh sejumlah alasan, termasuk kesalahan sertifikat SSL, salah " "konfigurasi atau hilangnya perpustakaan SSL, atau masalah jaringan." msgid "Outbound HTTPS not working" msgstr "HTTPS Outbound tidak berfungsi" msgid "Response was not OK: " msgstr "Responsnya tidak bagus: " msgid "WordPress reports no SSL support" msgstr "WordPress melaporkan tidak ada dukungan SSL" msgctxt "%l = list of Jetpack module/feature names" msgid "Deactivate %l" msgstr "Non-aktifkan %l" msgctxt "" "%1$s = deactivation URL, %2$s = \"Deactivate {list of Jetpack module/feature " "names}" msgid "" "If your site is not publicly accessible, consider <a href=\"%1$s\" title=" "\"%2$s\">deactivating this feature</a>." msgid_plural "" "If your site is not publicly accessible, consider <a href=\"%1$s\" title=" "\"%2$s\">deactivating these features</a>." msgstr[0] "" "Jika situs Anda tidak bisa diakses oleh publik, pertimbangkan untuk <a href=" "\"%1$s\" title=\"%2$s\">menonaktifkan fitur ini</a>." msgstr[1] "" "Jika situs Anda tidak bisa diakses oleh publik, pertimbangkan untuk <a href=" "\"%1$s\" title=\"%2$s\">menonaktifkan fitur-fitur ini</a>." msgctxt "%l = list of Jetpack module/feature names" msgid "" "Like your site's RSS feeds, %l allows access to your posts and other content " "to third parties." msgid_plural "" "Like your site's RSS feeds, %l allow access to your posts and other content " "to third parties." msgstr[0] "" "Seperti umpan RSS situs Anda, %l menyediakan akses ke tulisan dan konten " "lainnya milik Anda bagi pihak ketiga." msgstr[1] "" "Seperti umpan RSS situs Anda, %l menyediakan akses ke tulisan dan konten " "lainnya milik Anda bagi pihak ketiga." msgid "Is this site private?" msgstr "Apakah situs ini privat?" msgid "The old version has been deactivated and can be removed from your site." msgid_plural "" "The old versions have been deactivated and can be removed from your site." msgstr[0] "" "Versi lamanya telah dinonaktifkan dan dapat disingkirkan dari situs Anda." msgstr[1] "" "Versi lamanya telah dinonaktifkan dan dapat disingkirkan dari situs Anda." msgid "Jetpack contains the most recent version of the old %l plugin." msgid_plural "Jetpack contains the most recent versions of the old %l plugins." msgstr[0] "Jetpack mengandung versi terkini dari plugin lama berikut %l." msgstr[1] "Jetpack mengandung versi terkini dari plugin lama berikut %l." msgid "Manage has been activated for you!" msgstr "Kelola telah diaktifkan dan siap Anda gunakan!" msgid "" "You are all set! Your site can now be managed from <a href=\"%s\" target=" "\"_blank\"></a>." msgstr "" "Anda semua siap! Situs Anda sekarang dikelola dari <a href=\"%s\" target=" "\"_blank\"></a>." msgid "The upload handler cannot upload files" msgstr "Handler pengunggah tidak dapat mengunggah arsip" msgid "" "Jetpack contains the most recent version of the old “%1$s” " "plugin." msgstr "Jetpack berisi versi terbaru dari plugin lama “%1$s”." msgid "Second param must be numeric or empty" msgstr "Param kedua harus angka atau kosong" msgid "First param must be string or empty" msgstr "Param pertama harus string atau kosong" msgid "Jetpack requires WordPress version %s or later." msgstr "Jetpack memerlukan WordPress versi %s atau lebih." msgid "" "You are currently running a development version of Jetpack. <a href=\"%s\" " "target=\"_blank\">Submit your feedback</a>" msgstr "" "Saat ini Anda menjalankan Jetpack versi pengembangan. <a href=\"%s\" target=" "\"_blank\">Kirim umpan balik</a>" msgid "In <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Offline Mode</a>:" msgstr "Dalam <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Mode Offline</a>:" msgid "The jetpack_offline_mode filter is set to true." msgstr "Filter jetpack_offline_mode diatur ke true." msgid "The jetpack_development_mode filter is set to true." msgstr "Penyaring jetpack_development_mode diatur ke true." msgid "" "The site URL is a known local development environment URL (e.g. http://" "localhost)." msgstr "" "URL situs adalah URL lingkungan pengembangan lokal yang dikenal (mis. http://" "localhost)." msgid "The WP_LOCAL_DEV constant is defined in wp-config.php or elsewhere." msgstr "" "Konstanta WP_LOCAL_DEV didefinisikan di wp-config.php atau di tempat lain." msgid "" "The JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant is defined in wp-config.php or elsewhere." msgstr "" "Konstanta JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG didefinisikan di wp-config.php atau di tempat " "lain." msgid "Jetpack is not in Offline Mode." msgstr "Jetpack tidak berada dalam Mode Offline." msgid "Manage Plugins" msgstr "Kelola Plugin" msgid "Jetpack is not active on this site." msgstr "Jetpack tidak aktif di situs ini." msgid "Site connection failed!" msgstr "Koneksi situs gagal!" msgid "Site successfully connected." msgstr "Situs berhasil terhubung." msgid "Site ID must be provided to disconnect a sub-site." msgstr "ID situs harus diberikan untuk memutus koneksi subsitus." msgid "Site ID must be provided to register a sub-site." msgstr "ID situs harus diberikan untuk mendaftarkan subsitus." msgid "Feature Info" msgstr "Info Fitur" msgid "No Modules Found" msgstr "Modul Tidak Ditemukan" msgid "Search Modules" msgstr "Cari Modul…" msgid "No map preview available. Publish and refresh to see this widget." msgstr "" "Pratinjau peta tidak tersedia. Poskan dan segarkan untuk melihat widget ini." msgctxt "\"yes\" is a command - do not translate." msgid "" "Are you sure? Modifying this option may disrupt your Jetpack connection. " "Type \"yes\" to continue." msgstr "" "Apakah Anda yakin? Memodifikasi opsi ini dapat mengacaukan koneksi Jetpack " "Anda. Ketik \"ya\" untuk melanjutkan." msgctxt "\"yes\" is a command - do not translate." msgid "Are you sure? This cannot be undone. Type \"yes\" to continue:" msgstr "" "Apakah Anda yakin? Ini tidak dapat dibatalkan. Ketik \"ya\" untuk " "melanjutkan:" msgid "Action cancelled. Have a question?" msgstr "Tindakan dibatalkan. Punya pertanyaan?" msgid "Read more at %7$s" msgstr "Baca lebih lanjut di %7$s" msgid "The block slug has been added to the %4$s list at %5$s" msgstr "Slug blok telah ditambahkan ke daftar %4$s di %5$s" msgid "" "To start using the block, build the blocks with pnpm run build-extensions" msgstr "" "Untuk mulai menggunakan blok, buat blok dengan \"pnpm run build-extensions\"" msgid "The files were created at %3$s" msgstr "File dibuat di %3$s" msgid "Successfully created block %1$s with slug %2$s" msgstr "Berhasil membuat blok %1$s dengan slug %2$s" msgid "Error writing new %s" msgstr "Terjadi error saat menulis %s baru" msgid "Error fetching contents of %s" msgstr "Terjadi error saat mengambil konten %s" msgid "No files were created" msgstr "Tidak ada file yang dibuat" msgid "Error creating %s" msgstr "Terjadi error saat membuat %s" msgid "Name conflicts with the existing block %s" msgstr "Nama mengalami konflik dengan blok %s yang sudah ada" msgid "Can't write files" msgstr "Tidak dapat menulis file" msgid "" "Invalid block slug. They can contain only lowercase alphanumeric characters " "or dashes, and start with a letter" msgstr "" "Slug blok tidak valid. Hanya boleh terdiri dari karakter alfanumerik huruf " "kecil atau tanda hubung, dan dimulai dengan huruf" msgid "Invalid subcommand %s." msgstr "Sub-perintah %s tidak valid." msgid "Disconnecting all connections to %s." msgstr "Memutuskan semua koneksi ke %s." msgid "A connection ID must be passed in order to disconnect." msgstr "ID koneksi harus diberikan untuk memutus koneksi." msgid "Both `pass` and `kpri` fields cannot be blank." msgstr "Kolom `pass` dan `kpri` tidak boleh kosong." msgid "`%s` cannot be empty." msgstr "`%s` tidak boleh kosong." msgid "Request to %1$s returned a non-200 response code: %2$d." msgstr "Permintaan untuk %1$s menampilkan kode tanggapan non-200: %2$d." msgid "Request to %1$s returned an error: (%2$d) %3$s." msgstr "Permintaan untuk %1$s menampilkan error: (%2$d) %3$s." msgid "Authorized %d." msgstr "Mengotorisasi %d." msgid "Authorized %d and activated default modules." msgstr "Mengotorisasi %d dan mengaktifkan modul asal." msgid "A non-empty token argument must be passed." msgstr "Argumen token tidak kosong harus diberikan." msgid "Please select a user to authorize via the --user global argument." msgstr "Pilih pengguna untuk mengotorisasi melalui --argumen global pengguna." msgid "" "Jetpack Sitemaps module is active, but unavailable. This can happen if your " "site is set to discourage search engine indexing. Please enable search " "engine indexing to allow sitemap generation." msgstr "" "Modul Jetpack Sitemaps aktif, tapi tidak tersedia. Hal ini dapat terjadi " "jika situs Anda diatur untuk menghalangi pengindeksan mesin pencari. " "Aktifkan pengindeksan mesin pencari untuk memungkinkan pembuatan peta situs." msgid "" "Jetpack Sitemaps module is not currently active. Activate it first if you " "want to work with sitemaps." msgstr "" "Modul Jetpack Sitemaps saat ini tidak aktif. Aktifkan terlebih dahulu jika " "Anda ingin bekerja dengan peta situs." msgid "" "Can not cancel a plan while in safe mode. See:" "safe-mode/" msgstr "" "Tidak dapat membatalkan paket saat dalam mode aman. Lihat: https://jetpack." "com/support/safe-mode/" msgid "Missing or invalid access token" msgstr "Token akses tidak ada atau tidak valid" msgid "Invalid token JSON: %s" msgstr "Token JSON tidak valid: %s" msgid "Nothing is in the queue: %s" msgstr "Tidak ada apa pun dalam antrean: %s" msgid "Jetpack sync is not currently allowed for this site." msgstr "Sinkronisasi Jetpack saat ini tidak diizinkan untuk situs ini." msgid "Finished syncing to" msgstr "Selesai menyinkronkan ke" msgid "Sent more data to" msgstr "Mengirim data lainnya ke" msgid "Sent data to" msgstr "Mengirim data ke" msgid "Sync errored with code: %s" msgstr "Error sinkronisasi dengan kode: %s" msgid "Could not start a new full sync" msgstr "Tidak dapat memulai sinkronisasi penuh baru" msgid "Could not start a new full sync with modules: %s" msgstr "Tidak dapat memulai sinkronisasi penuh baru dengan modul: %s" msgid "Initialized a new full sync" msgstr "Memulai sinkronisasi penuh baru" msgid "Initialized a new full sync with modules: %s" msgstr "Memulai sinkronisasi penuh baru dengan modul: %s" msgid "" "Jetpack sync is not currently allowed for this site. The site is in offline " "mode." msgstr "" "Sinkronisasi Jetpack saat ini tidak diizinkan untuk situs ini. Situs berada " "dalam mode offline." msgid "" "Jetpack sync is not currently allowed for this site. Jetpack is not " "connected." msgstr "" "Sinkronisasi Jetpack saat ini tidak diizinkan untuk situs ini. Jetpack tidak " "tersambung." msgid "" "Jetpack sync is not currently allowed for this site. It is currently " "disabled. Run `wp jetpack sync enable` to enable it." msgstr "" "Sinkronisasi Jetpack saat ini tidak diizinkan untuk situs ini. Saat ini " "dinonaktifkan. Jalankan `wp jetpack sync enable` untuk mengaktifkannya." msgid "" "Please specify what type of queue do you want to reset: `full` or `regular`." msgstr "" "Harap sebutkan jenis antrean yang ingin Anda reset: `full` atau `regular`." msgid "Reset Full Sync Queue on %s" msgstr "Reset Antrean Sinkronisasi Penuh pada %s" msgid "Reset Regular Sync Queue on %s" msgstr "Reset Antrean Sinkronisasi Reguler pada %s" msgid "Reset Full Sync and Regular Queues Queue on %s" msgstr "Reset Antrean Sinkronisasi Penuh dan Reguler pada %s" msgid "" "Sync Disabled on %s. Use `wp jetpack sync enable` to enable syncing again." msgstr "" "Sinkronisasi Dinonaktifkan pada %s. Gunakan `wp jetpack sync enable` untuk " "mengaktifkan sinkronisasi kembali." msgid "Sync Enabled on %s" msgstr "Sinkronisasi Diaktifkan pada %s" msgid "Sync Disabled on %s" msgstr "Sinkronisasi Dinonaktifkan pada %s" msgid "Sync Settings:" msgstr "Pengaturan Sinkronisasi:" msgid "Sync Status:" msgstr "Status Sinkronisasi:" msgctxt "'wp jetpack options' is a command - do not translate." msgid "Type 'wp jetpack options' for more info." msgstr "Ketik 'wp jetpack options' untuk info lainnya." msgctxt "'get', 'delete', and 'update' are commands - do not translate." msgid "Above are your options. You may 'get', 'delete', and 'update' them." msgstr "" "Di atas adalah opsi Anda. Anda dapat memilih 'get', 'delete', dan 'update'." msgctxt "the value that they want to update the option to" msgid "value" msgstr "nilai" msgctxt "" "a variable command that a user can write, provided in the printed " "instructions" msgid "option" msgstr "opsi" msgctxt "Updating an option from \"this\" to \"that\"." msgid "Updated option: %1$s to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Pilihan terbaru: %1$s ke \"%2$s\"" msgid "Sorry, no updating arrays at this time" msgstr "Maaf, tidak ada pembaruan array kali ini" msgid "Deleted option: %s" msgstr "Opsi dihapus: %s" msgid "Option not found or is empty. Use \"list\" to list option names" msgstr "" "Opsi tidak ditemukan atau kosong. Gunakan \"list\" untuk mencantumkan nama " "opsi" msgctxt "'list' and 'clear' are commands and should not be translated" msgid "You can also 'list' or 'clear' the always allowed list." msgstr "" "Anda juga dapat 'list' (mendaftarkan) atau 'clear' (menghapus) daftar selalu " "diizinkan." msgctxt "" "Instructions on how to add IP ranges - low_range/high_range should be " "translated." msgid "" "You can save a range of IPs {low_range}-{high_range}. No spaces allowed. " "(example:" msgstr "" "Anda dapat menyimpan rentang IP {low_range}-{high_range}. Spasi tidak " "diizinkan. (contoh:" msgid "Please enter the IP address you want to always allow." msgstr "Silakan masukkan alamat IP yang Anda inginkan untuk selalu diizinkan." msgid "No command found." msgstr "Tidak ditemukan perintah." msgid "%s has been added to the always allowed list." msgstr "%s telah ditambahkan ke daftar selalu diizinkan." msgid "Cleared all IPs from the always allow list." msgstr "Menghapus semua IP dari daftar selalu diizinkan." msgid "Always allow list is empty." msgstr "Daftar selalu diizinkan kosong." msgid "Here are your always allowed IPs:" msgstr "Berikut adalah IP yang selalu diizinkan:" msgid "%s is already on the always allow list." msgstr "%s sudah di daftar selalu diizinkan." msgctxt "\"wp jetpack module activate\" is a command - do not translate" msgid "" "%1$s is not active. You can activate it with \"wp jetpack module activate " "%2$s\"" msgstr "" "%1$s tidak aktif. Anda dapat mengaktifkannya dengan \"pengaktifan modul " "jetpack wp %2$s\"" msgid "All modules deactivated!" msgstr "Semua modul dinonaktifkan!" msgid "%s has been deactivated." msgstr "%s telah dinon-aktifkan." msgid "All modules activated!" msgstr "Semua modul diaktifkan!" msgid "%s could not be activated." msgstr "%s tidak dapat diaktifkan." msgid "%s has been activated." msgstr "%s telah diaktifkan." msgid "%s is not a valid module." msgstr "%s bukanlah sebuah modul yang sah." msgid "Deleted %1$d %2$s options" msgstr "Menghapus %1$d pilihan %2$s" msgid "No options were deleted." msgstr "Tidak ada pilihan yang dihapus." msgid "Successfully reset %1$s on %2$d sites." msgstr "Berhasil mengatur ulang %1$s di %2$d situs." msgid "Deleted %1$d %2$s options from %3$s" msgstr "Menghapus %1$d pilihan %2$s dari %3$s" msgid "" "Please specify if you would like to reset your options, modules or sync-" "checksum" msgstr "" "Harap sebutkan apakah Anda ingin mengatur ulang pilihan, modul, atau sync-" "checksum Anda" msgid "Modules reset to default." msgstr "Modul diatur ulang ke default." msgid "Resetting default modules...\n" msgstr "Mengatur ulang modul default...\n" msgid "Resetting the jetpack options stored in wp_options...\n" msgstr "Mengatur ulang opsi jetpack yang disimpan dalam wp_options...\n" msgid "%s option reset" msgstr "Pengaturan ulang opsi %s" msgid "Resetting Jetpack Options for %s...\n" msgstr "Mengatur Ulang Opsi Jetpack untuk %s...\n" msgid "" "The following messages will give you preview of what will happen when you " "run this command.\n" "\n" msgstr "" "Pesan berikut akan memberikan pratinjau atas hal yang akan terjadi saat Anda " "menjalankan perintah ini.\n" "\n" msgid "No actions will be taken.\n" msgstr "Tidak ada tindakan yang akan dilakukan.\n" msgid "" "\n" "This is a dry run.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Ini adalah operasi latihan.\n" msgid "Please specify if you would like to disconnect a blog or user." msgstr "" "Silakan tentukan apakah Anda hendak memutuskan sambungan sebuah blog atau " "seorang pengguna." msgid "User %s could not be disconnected." msgstr "Sambungan pengguna %s tidak dapat diputus." msgid "" "User %s could not be disconnected because it is the connection owner! If you " "want to disconnect in anyway, use the --force parameter." msgstr "" "Sambungan pengguna %s tidak dapat diputus karena merupakan pemilik koneksi! " "Jika Anda tetap ingin memutus sambungan, gunakan --parameter force. " msgid "User %s could not be disconnected because it is not connected!" msgstr "Pengguna %s tidak dapat memutus sambungan karena tidak tersambung!" msgid "User has been successfully disconnected." msgstr "Pengguna berhasil diputus sambungannya." msgid "Jetpack has been successfully disconnected for %s." msgstr "Jetpack berhasil diputus sambungannya dari %s." msgid "Please specify a user by either ID, username, or email." msgstr "" "Harap tentukan pengguna baik berdasarkan ID, nama pengguna, atau email." msgid "The site is not currently connected, so nothing to do!" msgstr "" "Saat ini situs tidak tersambung, sehingga tidak ada yang perlu dilakukan!" msgid "Failed to test connection (empty response body)" msgstr "Gagal menjalankan tes koneksi (isi respons kosong)" msgid "Failed to test connection (#%1$s: %2$s)" msgstr "Gagal menjalankan tes koneksi (#%1$s: %2$s)" msgid "Jetpack is not currently connected to" msgstr "Jetpack belum tersambung dengan" msgid "Testing connection for %s" msgstr "Menguji koneksi untuk %s" msgctxt "\"wp jetpack status full\" is a command - do not translate" msgid "View full status with 'wp jetpack status full'" msgstr "Tampilkan status penuh dengan 'wp jetpack status full'" msgid "Additional data: " msgstr "Data tambahan: " msgid "The account for the primary connection is %s" msgstr "Akun untuk koneksi utama adalah %s" msgid "The blog_id is %d" msgstr "blog_id ialah %d" msgid "The Jetpack Version is %s" msgstr "Versi Jetpack ialah %s" msgid "One or more tests did not pass. Please investigate!" msgstr "Satu tes atau lebih gagal. Tolong selidiki!" msgid "Jetpack is currently connected to" msgstr "Jetpack telah tersambung dengan" msgid "Checking status for %s" msgstr "Memeriksa status untuk %s" msgid "Debugging Center" msgstr "Pusat Debug" msgid "Not supported by current plan" msgstr "Tidak didukung paket saat ini" msgid "Requires a connected account" msgstr "Memerlukan setidaknya satu akun tersambung" msgid "Offline mode" msgstr "Mode offline" msgid "Requires WooCommerce 3+ plugin" msgstr "Memerlukan plugin WooCommerce 3+" msgid "" "A short video guide covering the basics of backing up your website and " "restoring your website from a previous backup." msgstr "" "Video singkat panduan dasar mencadangkan situs dan memulihkan situs web Anda " "dari cadangan sebelumnya." msgid "Getting started with Jetpack Social" msgstr "Memulai Jetpack Social" msgid "Getting started with Jetpack VaultPress Backup video thumbnail" msgstr "Gambar poster video Memulai dengan Jetpack VaultPress Backup" msgid "" "%1$s applies to the first payment of an annual plan and does not apply to " "future recurring payments. This promo code expires on %2$s and may not be " "applied to previous purchases, renewals, subscription upgrades, or combined " "with any other offer." msgstr "" "%1$s berlaku untuk pembayaran pertama paket tahunan dan tidak berlaku untuk " "pembayaran berulang berikutnya. Kode promo ini kedaluwarsa pada %2$s dan " "tidak berlaku untuk pembelian sebelumnya, pembaruan, upgrade langganan, atau " "digabungkan dengan penawaran lainnya." msgid "All issues" msgstr "Semua kendala" msgid "Search by site title or domain" msgstr "Cari dari judul situs atau domain" msgctxt "Article read time" msgid "Less than a min read" msgstr "waktu baca kurang dari satu menit" msgid "Write & Publish" msgstr "Tulis & Terbitkan" msgid "By {{author/}}" msgstr "Oleh {{author/}}" msgid "Postal code of the billing address." msgstr "Kode pos alamat penagihan." msgid "A community garden theme." msgstr "Tema taman komunitas." msgid "" "On %(atomicTransferDate)s, we automatically moved your site to a platform " "that supports the usage of plugins, custom themes, and hosting features. If " "you deactivate your plan, we will move your site back to its original " "platform." msgstr "" "Pada %(atomicTransferDate)s, kami secara otomatis memindahkan situs Anda ke " "platform yang mendukung penggunaan plugin, tema khusus, dan fitur hosting. " "Jika Anda menonaktifkan paket Anda, kami akan mengembalikan situs Anda ke " "platform aslinya." msgid "" "If you deactivate your plan, we will set your site to private and revert it " "to the point when you installed your first plugin or custom theme, or " "activated hosting features on {{strong}}%(atomicTransferDate)s{{/strong}}. " "All of your posts, pages, and media will be preserved, except for content " "generated by plugins or custom themes. {{moreInfoTooltip/}}" msgstr "" "Jika Anda menonaktifkan paket Anda, kami akan mengubah situs Anda menjadi " "personal dan mengembalikannya ke kondisi saat Anda memasang plugin atau tema " "khusus pertama Anda, atau mengaktifkan fitur hosting pada " "{{strong}}%(atomicTransferDate)s{{/strong}} . Semua post, halaman, dan media " "Anda akan tetap ada, kecuali konten yang dibuat dengan plugin atau tema " "khusus. {{moreInfoTooltip/}}" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(licenseItem)s{{/strong}} was successfully assigned to " "{{em}}%(selectedSite)s{{/em}}. Please allow a few minutes for your features " "to activate." msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(licenseItem)s{{/strong}} berhasil ditugaskan ke " "{{em}}%(selectedSite)s{{/em}}. Tunggu beberapa menit untuk aktivasi fitur-" "fitur Anda." msgid "You just sold a subscription for %1$s." msgstr "Anda baru saja menjual paket langganan seharga %1$s." msgid "You received a donation of %1$s." msgstr "Anda mendapatkan donasi sebesar %1$s." msgid "" "Your first subscriber, <strong>%1$s</strong>, purchased your %2$s at %3$s! " "This subscription was sold for %4$s." msgstr "" "Pelanggan pertama Anda, <strong>%1$s</strong>, membeli %2$s Anda seharga " "%3$s! Paket langganan ini terjual seharga %4$s." msgid "" "Failed to remove email forward for {{strong}}%(emailAddress)s{{/strong}}. " "Please try again or {{contactSupportLink}}contact support{{/" "contactSupportLink}}." msgstr "" "Gagal menghapus penerusan email untuk {{strong}}%(emailAddress)s{{/strong}}. " "Harap coba lagi atau {{contactSupportLink}}hubungi layanan bantuan{{/" "contactSupportLink}}." msgid "" "Failed to add email forward for {{strong}}%(emailAddress)s{{/strong}} with " "message \"%(message)s\". Please try again or {{contactSupportLink}}contact " "support{{/contactSupportLink}}." msgstr "" "Gagal menambahkan penerusan email untuk {{strong}}%(emailAddress)s{{/" "strong}} dengan pesan \"%(message)s\". Harap coba lagi atau " "{{contactSupportLink}}hubungi layanan bantuan{{/contactSupportLink}}." msgid "" "Failed to add email forward for {{strong}}%(emailAddress)s{{/strong}}. " "Please try again or {{contactSupportLink}}contact support{{/" "contactSupportLink}}." msgstr "" "Gagal menambahkan penerusan email untuk {{strong}}%(emailAddress)s{{/" "strong}}. Harap coba lagi atau {{contactSupportLink}}hubungi layanan " "bantuan{{/contactSupportLink}}." msgid "Are you sure you want to remove your subscription?" msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin berhenti berlangganan?" msgid "" "Once you remove your subscription, you will lose access to the following:" msgstr "" "Setelah Anda berhenti berlangganan, Anda akan tidak dapat mengakses fitur-" "fitur berikut:" msgid "" "Once you remove your subscription, you will no longer have Jetpack's " "enhanced search experience." msgstr "" "Setelah Anda berhenti berlangganan, Anda tidak lagi memiliki pengalaman " "pencarian yang andal dari Jetpack." msgid "" "Once you remove your subscription, you will lose access to your site backups." msgstr "" "Setelah Anda berhenti berlangganan, Anda akan tidak dapat mengakses cadangan " "situs Anda." msgid "" "Once you remove your subscription, your site will no longer have automatic " "protection from threats." msgstr "" "Setelah Anda berhenti berlangganan, situs Anda tidak lagi memiliki " "perlindungan otomatis dari ancaman." msgid "Failed to update handling for nonexistent assets." msgstr "Gagal memperbarui penanganan aset yang tidak tersedia." msgid "Successfully updated handling for nonexistent assets." msgstr "Berhasil memperbarui penanganan aset yang tidak tersedia." msgid "Web server settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Server Web" msgid "Update Handling for Nonexistent Assets" msgstr "Perbarui Penanganan Aset yang Tidak Tersedia" msgid "" "Assets are images, fonts, JavaScript, and CSS files that web browsers " "request as part of loading a web page. This setting controls how the web " "server handles requests for missing asset files." msgstr "" "Aset adalah file gambar, font, JavaScript, dan CSS yang diminta browser web " "saat pemuatan halaman web. Pengaturan ini mengatur cara server web menangani " "permintaan untuk file aset yang hilang." msgid "Handling requests for nonexistent assets" msgstr "Penanganan Permintaan Aset yang Tidak Tersedia" msgid "Delegate request to WordPress" msgstr "Tugaskan permintaan ke WordPress" msgid "Send a lightweight File-Not-Found page" msgstr "Tampilkan halaman ringkas: File-Tidak-Ditemukan" msgid "" "We will also update your site's Privacy setting to 'Private' so you can tidy " "up the theme and appearance before relaunching on the Free Plan." msgstr "" "Kami juga akan memperbarui pengaturan privasi situs Anda menjadi 'Pribadi' " "agar Anda dapat merapikan tema dan tampilan sebelum meluncurkan kembali " "situs dengan Paket Gratis." msgid "" "Great, you’re already a vendor! Here is what you can do next while we’re " "still working on building your Product Dashboard." msgstr "" "Besar! Anda sudah menjadi vendor! Berikut yang dapat Anda lakukan " "selanjutnya selama kami dalam proses menyiapkan Dasbor Produk Anda." msgid "Discount is for the first year only, all renewals are at full price." msgstr "" "Diskon hanya berlaku untuk tahun pertama, harga normal berlaku untuk semua " "pembaruan." msgid "No thanks, proceed with %(productName)s" msgstr "Tidak, terima kasih, lanjutkan dengan %(productName)s" msgid "Already in your cart" msgstr "Sudah ada di keranjang Anda" msgid "Best value" msgstr "Penawaran terbaik" msgid "Nice choice, we added %(productName)s to your cart." msgstr "" "Pilihan tepat, kami telah menambahkan %(productName)s ke keranjang Anda." msgid "Block spam in comments and forms" msgstr "Blokir spam di komentar dan formulir" msgid "Real-time cloud backups and one-click restores" msgstr "Pencadangan cloud real-time dan pemulihan cepat" msgid "Upgrade your site security for only an additional{{asterisk/}}:" msgstr "Tingkatkan keamanan situs Anda hanya dengan tambahan{{asterisk/}}:" msgid "Save money with all Jetpack security products in one bundle:" msgstr "Hemat uang dengan semua produk keamanan Jetpack dalam satu bundel:" msgid "Here’s a popular bundle for comprehensive site security:" msgstr "Berikut bundel populer untuk keamanan situs sepenuhnya:" msgid "New resource" msgstr "Sumber daya baru" msgid "Edit resource" msgstr "Edit sumber daya" msgctxt "Admin menu name" msgid "Resources" msgstr "Bahan" msgid "All Resources" msgstr "Semua Sumber Daya" msgid "Resource" msgstr "Sumber daya" msgid "enabled" msgstr "Diaktifkan" msgid "Payment authorization needed for pre-order {order_number}" msgstr "" "Persetujuan pembayaran diperlukan untuk perpanjangan pesanan {order_number}" msgctxt "Article read time, in minutes" msgid "%d min read" msgstr "Waktu baca: %d menit" msgid "Provide Content" msgstr "Sertakan Konten" msgid "" "If you have not already, please provide text and images for the pages of " "your new website using the form linked below.<br/><br/>If you have already " "provided content, you are all set! You will receive your new website within " "4 business days." msgstr "" "Jika belum melakukannya, sertakan teks dan gambar untuk halaman situs baru " "Anda dengan menggunakan formulir yang tertaut di bawah ini.<br/><br/> Jika " "Anda sudah menyertakan konten, semuanya sudah tuntas! Anda akan menerima " "situs baru Anda dalam kurun 4 hari kerja!" msgid "Provide Your Content Now" msgstr "Sertakan Konten Sekarang" msgid "Domain Connection (%s)" msgstr "Koneksi Domain (%s)" msgid "Product Filters for WooCommerce" msgstr "Product Filters for WooCommerce" msgid "Get up to %d%% off your first year." msgstr "Dapatkan diskon sampai %d%% di tahun pertama." msgid "" "Please use unique email addresses. {{strong}}%(emailAddress)s{{/strong}} " "already exists in your account." msgstr "" "Harap gunakan alamat e-mail lainnya. {{strong}}%(emailAddress)s{{/strong}} " "sudah ada di akun Anda." msgid "Gears are turning" msgstr "Menyambungkan program" msgid "Unlocking potential" msgstr "Mengakses potensi" msgid "Flipping the switches" msgstr "Menyalakan sakelar" msgid "Initiating countdown" msgstr "Memulai hitungan mundur" msgid "Getting our ducks in a row" msgstr "Merapikan komponen" msgid "Stacking the building blocks" msgstr "Menyusun komponen utama" msgid "Assembling the parts" msgstr "Menyatukan berbagai komponen" msgid "Putting the pieces together" msgstr "Merangkai komponen menjadi satu" msgid "Request sent!" msgstr "Permintaan terkirim!" msgid "" "Create a powerful business or eCommerce website with Business. " "Install plugins, upload your own themes, start an online store, and fully " "own your customer experience." msgstr "" "Buat situs web bisnis atau eCommerce yang andal dengan " "Business. Instal plugin, unggah tema Anda, mulai toko online, dan " "maksimalkan pengalaman pelanggan Anda." msgid "" "Embed image galleries, video and audio files, documents, and more. With 13 " "GB of storage space, you can upload and instantly share media with followers " "and potential customers." msgstr "" "Sematkan gambar, video, audio, dokumen, dan lainnya. Dengan ruang " "penyimpanan 13 GB, Anda dapat mengunggah dan berbagi dengan mudah dengan " "para pembaca, atau pun calon pelanggan." msgid "" "Includes automated daily backups, daily security scans for malware and " "viruses, spam filtering, and reliable hosting on distributed servers." msgstr "" "Mencakup pencadangan harian otomatis, pemindaian keamanan harian untuk " "mendeteksi malware dan virus, penyaringan spam, dan hosting yang andal di " "server yang terdistribusi." msgid "" "Choosing a plan you can make money with your website using embeddable Simple " "Payment Buttons, or collect passive income with our WordAds advertising " "program." msgstr "" "Pilih paket yang dapat membantu Anda menghasilkan uang lewat situs " "menggunakan tombol Pembayaran Simpel yang dapat disematkan, atau kumpulkan " "pendapatan pasif dengan program pengiklanan WordArds kami." msgid "" "With your Premium plan, you get 13 GB of storage space for all your files. " "Upload photos, videos, documents, and more. Embed them in galleries, pages, " "and posts for easy access by your visitors and customers." msgstr "" "Paket Premium dilengkapi dengan ruang penyimpanan 13 GB. Unggah foto, video, " "dokumen, dan lainnya. Sematkan di galeri, halaman, dan pos Anda, untuk " "dinikmati oleh para pengunjung dan pelanggan." msgid "" "Keeps your business secure with automated real-time backups, security scans, " "spam filtering, and reliable hosting on servers spread across multiple data " "centers." msgstr "" "Amankan bisnis Anda dengan pencadangan real-time yang otomatis, pemindaian " "keamanan, penyaringan spam, dan hosting yang andal di sejumlah server yang " "tersebar di berbagai pusat data." msgid "" " Business has Jetpack essential features built in, including " "powerful site statistics, advanced SEO tools, social media scheduling, and " "enhanced site search." msgstr "" " Business memiliki fitur Jetpack yang terintegrasi, dan " "mencakup statistik yang andal, perangkat SEO tingkat lanjut, penjadwalan " "media sosial, dan pencarian situs yang dioptimalkan." msgid "" "With Business, you can upload WordPress plugins to make your " "site even more powerful. Add a store with WooCommerce, improve the mobile " "experience with AMP, or try advanced SEO strategies with Yoast." msgstr "" "Dengan paket Business, Anda dapat mengunggah plugin WordPress " "untuk menjadikan situs Anda makin andal. Tambahkan toko online dengan " "WooCommerce, sempurnakan pengalaman seluler dengan AMP, atau gunakan " "strategi SEO tingkat lanjut dengan Yoast." msgid "" "Please {{a}}purchase a plan with additional storage{{/a}} or contact our " "support team for help." msgstr "" "Harap {{a}}beli paket dengan penyimpanan tambahan{{/a}} atau hubungi tim " "layanan bantuan kami untuk mendapatkan bantuan." msgid "Your site does not have enough available storage space." msgstr "Situs Anda tidak memiliki cukup ruang penyimpanan yang tersedia." msgid "Expires with your plan" msgstr "Kedaluwarsa bersamaan dengan paket Anda" msgid "Access advanced monetization tools when you upgrade your website!" msgstr "" "Dapatkan akses alat monetisasi tingkat lanjut dengan mengupgrade situs Anda!" msgid "" "Helpful tutorials, forums, and FAQs are just a click away whenever you need " "them. When you upgrade, you’ll enjoy access to expert support from our team " "of Happiness Engineers." msgstr "" "Tutorial, forum, dan Tanya Jawab Umum yang bermanfaat dapat diakses dengan " "mudah setiap saat. Dengan upgrade, Anda akan mendapatkan akses ke dukungan " "ahli dari tim Happiness Engineer kami." msgid "Upgrade your website today" msgstr "Upgrade situs Anda sekarang juga" msgid "" "Upgrading your website will unlock access to even more features, including:" msgstr "" "Dengan upgrade, Anda akan mendapatkan akses ke lebih banyak fitur, termasuk:" msgid "" "To claim your discount, visit %1$s and upgrade your website. Enter the " "coupon code %2$s during checkout, and you’ll get %3$s%% off your first year." msgstr "" "Untuk mengeklaim diskon, kunjungi %1$s dan upgrade situs Anda. Masukkan kode " "kupon %2$s saat checkout, dan Anda akan mendapatkan diskon %3$s%% untuk " "tahun pertama." msgid "" "P.S.: If you’re stuck on anything at all, we’re here to help. " "plans include stellar support from our Happiness Engineers, who are some of " "the world’s most knowledgeable WordPress experts. Upgrade now at %s for " "instant help building your site." msgstr "" "P.S.: Jika Anda menghadapi kendala apa pun, kami siap membantu. Paket " " menyertakan dukungan andal dari Happiness Engineer, sejumlah " "pakar WordPress paling unggul di seluruh dunia. Upgrade sekarang di %s untuk " "mendapatkan bantuan langsung dalam pembuatan situs Anda." msgid "" "Themes are like designs for your site. You can change the theme as often as " "you want, customize it — with your logo, colors, and fonts — and even unlock " "advanced design options with a plan upgrade. For now, we’d suggest finding a " "theme you like from our collection at %s. But don’t overthink this one too " "much. You can always choose a different design later." msgstr "" "Tema itu layaknya desain untuk situs Anda. Anda bisa gonta-ganti tema sesuka " "hati; bisa juga menyesuaikannya dengan menambahkan logo, warna, dan font " "pilihan Anda. Tak hanya itu, Anda juga mendapatkan pilihan desain lanjutan " "dengan mengupgrade paket. Untuk sekarang, kami sarankan untuk memilih satu " "tema yang Anda sukai dari koleksi kami di %s. Tidak usah terlalu pusing mau " "pilih yang mana. Anda dapat memilih desain berbeda sewaktu-waktu di lain " "kesempatan." msgid "You’ll also get:" msgstr "Anda juga akan mendapatkan:" msgid "" "Want more hands-on, customized support for %s than what a quick Google " "search can offer? With your upgrade, you’ll get access to premium support " "from our global team of experts." msgstr "" "Ingin mendapatkan lebih banyak bantuan langsung, khusus untuk %s dan lebih " "cepat daripada mesin pencarian Google? Dengan melakukan upgrade, Anda akan " "mendapatkan akses ke dukungan premium dari tim ahli global " "kami." msgid "" "When you upgrade your website, you’ll gain instant access to a custom " "domain, expertly-designed themes, and best-in-class speed and security." msgstr "" "Setelah melakukan upgrade situs, Anda akan langsung mendapatkan akses untuk " "domain khusus, tema dengan desain profesional, serta kecepatan dan keamanan " "terbaik di kelasnya." msgid "" "If you’re ready to unlock even more features and gain access to 24/7 support " "from our team of experts, upgrade today." msgstr "" "Jika Anda siap untuk mencoba lebih banyak fitur dan mendapatkan akses " "layanan bantuan setiap saat dari tim ahli kami, lakukan upgrade sekarang " "juga." msgid "" "But if your goal is to make money with your site, or to support an " "organization, we highly recommend upgrading." msgstr "" "Namun, jika tujuan Anda adalah menghasilkan uang melalui situs atau " "mendukung suatu organisasi, kami sangat menganjurkan upgrade." msgid "" "Upgrading your website will unlock access to <em>even more</em> features, " "including:" msgstr "" "Dengan melakukan upgrade, Anda akan mendapatkan akses ke <em>lebih banyak</" "em> fitur, termasuk:" msgid "" "P.S.: If you aren’t totally thrilled with everything your upgrade has to " "offer, simply let us know any time within 14 days of your purchase, and " "you’ll receive a full refund." msgstr "" "N.B.: Jika Anda tidak terlalu suka dengan semua yang ditawarkan oleh " "upgrade, cukup hubungi kami kapan saja dalam jangka waktu 14 hari setelah " "pembelian dan uang Anda akan dikembalikan sepenuhnya." msgid "" "Access to our suite of payment tools is only available to sites on an " "upgraded plan." msgstr "" "Akses ke alat-alat pembayaran kami hanya tersedia untuk situs yang telah " "mengupgrade paket." msgid "" "P.S.: If you’re stuck on anything at all, we’re here to help. <span style=" "\"white-space: nowrap;\"></span> plans include stellar support " "from our Happiness Engineers, who are some of the world’s most knowledgeable " "WordPress experts. <a href=\"%s\">Upgrade now</a> for instant help building " "your site." msgstr "" "P.S.: Jika Anda menghadapi kendala apa pun, kami siap membantu. Paket <span " "style=\"white-space: nowrap;\"></span> menyertakan dukungan " "andal dari Happiness Engineer, sejumlah pakar WordPress paling unggul di " "seluruh dunia. <a href=\"%s\">Upgrade sekarang</a> untuk mendapatkan bantuan " "langsung dalam pembuatan situs Anda." msgid "" "Themes are like designs for your site. You can change the theme as often as " "you want, customize it — with your logo, colors, and fonts — and even unlock " "advanced design options with a plan upgrade. For now, we’d suggest finding a " "theme you like from <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">our collection</a>. But " "don’t overthink this one too much. You can always choose a different design " "later." msgstr "" "Tema itu layaknya desain untuk situs Anda. Anda bisa gonta-ganti tema sesuka " "hati; bisa juga menyesuaikannya dengan menambahkan logo, warna, dan font " "pilihan Anda. Tak hanya itu, Anda juga mendapatkan pilihan desain lanjutan " "dengan mengupgrade paket. Untuk sekarang, kami sarankan untuk memilih satu " "tema yang Anda sukai dari <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">koleksi kami</a>. " "Tidak usah terlalu pusing mau pilih yang mana. Anda dapat memilih desain " "berbeda sewaktu-waktu di lain kesempatan." msgid "" "Featuring top-rated security, speed, and functionality, a " "upgrade is one of the best investments you can make for your site." msgstr "" "Dilengkapi dengan keamanan, kecepatan, dan fungsionalitas terbaik, upgrade " " menjadi salah satu investasi terbaik untuk situs Anda. " msgid "That’s why our annual plans include a free domain name for one year." msgstr "" "Itulah mengapa paket tahunan kami menawarkan nama domain gratis untuk satu " "tahun." msgid "" "Ensure your database credentials have {{ExternalLink}}proper access to your " "database{{/ExternalLink}} and your tables are not corrupt. You can wait for " "the new backup to run tomorrow, or trigger a new backup by clicking the " "\"Retry\" button." msgstr "" "Pastikan kredensial database Anda memiliki {{ExternalLink}}akses yang tepat " "ke database Anda{{/ExternalLink}} dan tabel Anda tidak rusak. Anda dapat " "menunggu pencadangan baru diproses besok, atau membuat pencadangan baru " "dengan mengeklik tombol \"Coba lagi\"." msgid "" "You can fix transient file errors by adding a {{ExternalLink}}donotbackup " "folder{{/ExternalLink}} and moving the files listed to it. You can wait for " "the new backup to run tomorrow, or trigger a new backup by clicking the " "\"Retry\" button." msgstr "" "Anda dapat memperbaiki file transien yang eror dengan menambahkan " "{{ExternalLink}}folder donotbackup{{/ExternalLink}} dan memindahkan file " "yang ada ke dalamnya. Anda dapat menunggu pencadangan baru diproses besok, " "atau membuat pencadangan baru dengan mengeklik tombol \"Coba lagi\"." msgid "" "Looks like your connection was interrupted. Ensure your site is accessible " "and the {{ExternalLink}}server credentials{{/ExternalLink}} are correct. You " "can wait for the new backup to run tomorrow, or trigger a new backup by " "clicking the \"Retry\" button." msgstr "" "Sepertinya koneksi Anda terputus. Pastikan situs Anda dapat diakses dan " "{{ExternalLink}}kredensial server{{/ExternalLink}} sudah benar. Anda dapat " "menunggu pencadangan baru diproses besok, atau membuat pencadangan baru " "dengan mengeklik tombol \"Coba lagi\"." msgid "" "Ensure your SFT/SSH/FTP username has {{ExternalLink}}full permissions{{/" "ExternalLink}} to the listed files. You can wait for the new backup to run " "tomorrow, or trigger a new backup by clicking the \"Retry\" button." msgstr "" "Pastikan nama pengguna SFT/SSH/FTP Anda memiliki {{ExternalLink}}izin " "penuh{{/ExternalLink}} ke file yang ada. Anda dapat menunggu pencadangan " "baru berjalan besok, atau memicu pencadangan baru dengan mengeklik tombol " "\"Coba lagi\"." msgid "" "You can wait for the new backup to run tomorrow, or trigger a new backup by " "clicking the \"Retry\" button." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menunggu pencadangan baru diproses besok, atau buat pencadangan " "baru dengan mengeklik tombol \"Coba lagi\"." msgid "%s storage" msgstr "%s ruang penyimpanan" msgid "Action Required: Renew your G Suite and Google Workspace accounts" msgstr "Tindakan Diperlukan: Perpanjang akun G Suite dan Google Workspace Anda" msgid "Action Required: Renew your %1$d %2$s mailbox for %3$s" msgid_plural "Action Required: Renew your %1$d %2$s mailboxes for %3$s" msgstr[0] "Tindakan Diperlukan: Perpanjang %1$d %2$s mailbox untuk %3$s Anda" msgstr[1] "Tindakan Diperlukan: Perpanjang %1$d %2$s mailbox untuk %3$s Anda" msgid "Action Required: Renew your %1$s account for %2$s" msgstr "Tindakan Diperlukan: Perpanjang akun %1$s untuk %2$s Anda" msgid "We were attempting to renew your G Suite and Google Workspace accounts." msgstr "Kami mencoba memperpanjang akun G Suite dan Google Workspace Anda." msgid "We were attempting to renew your %1$d %2$s mailbox for %3$s." msgid_plural "We were attempting to renew your %1$d %2$s mailboxes for %3$s." msgstr[0] "Kami mencoba memperpanjang %1$d %2$s mailbox untuk %3$s Anda." msgstr[1] "Kami mencoba memperpanjang %1$d %2$s mailbox untuk %3$s Anda." msgid "We were attempting to renew your %1$s account for %2$s." msgstr "Kami mencoba memperpanjang akun %1$s untuk %2$s Anda." msgid "Learn more about building a integration." msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang membangun integrasi" msgid "Developer Page" msgstr "Halaman Pengembang" msgid "Search (Jetpack)" msgstr "Pencarian (Jetpack)" msgid "Supports the major social networks" msgstr "Mendukung sebagian besar jejaring sosial" msgid "Schedule publishing" msgstr "Jadwalkan publikasi" msgid "Post to social networks" msgstr "Poskan ke jejaring sosial" msgctxt "Button text" msgid "Resend verification email" msgstr "Mengirim ulang e-mail verifikasi" msgctxt "Header text" msgid "Verify your email address before setting up a store" msgstr "Verifikasi alamat e-mail Anda sebelum menyiapkan toko" msgid "" "A verification email has been sent to %s. Follow the link in the " "verification email to confirm that you can access your email account." msgstr "" "E-mail verifikasi telah dikirim ke %s. Ikuti tautan di e-mail verifikasi " "untuk mengonfirmasi bahwa Anda dapat mengakses akun e-mail Anda." msgid "The verification email has been sent." msgstr "E-mail verifikasi telah dikirim." msgid "%(number)d warning" msgid_plural "%(number)d warnings" msgstr[0] "%(number)d peringatan" msgstr[1] "%(number)d peringatan" msgid "%(number)d {{span}}warning{{/span}}" msgid_plural "%(number)d {{span}}warnings{{/span}}" msgstr[0] "%(number)d {{span}}peringatan{{/span}}" msgstr[1] "%(number)d {{span}}peringatan{{/span}}" msgid "Could not create token." msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat token." msgctxt "Name of credit card" msgid "Discover" msgstr "Temukan" msgid "Mini-Cart" msgstr "Keranjang Mini" msgid "Flex" msgstr "Flex" msgid "Logging" msgstr "Pencatatan" msgid "Landing Page" msgstr "Halaman Landing" msgid "WooCommerce PayPal Payments" msgstr "WooCommerce PayPal Payments" msgid "Return to your shop." msgstr "Kembali ke toko Anda." msgid "No event types for webhook given." msgstr "Tidak ada jenis peristiwa untuk webhook yang diberikan." msgid "No URL for webhook given." msgstr "Tidak ada URL untuk webhook yang diberikan." msgid "No id for webhook given." msgstr "Tidak ada id untuk webhook yang diberikan." msgid "Event type for webhook event not found." msgstr "Jenis peristiwa untuk peristiwa webhook tidak ditemukan." msgid "ID for webhook event not found." msgstr "ID untuk peristiwa webhook tidak ditemukan." msgid "No address was given for shipping." msgstr "Tidak ada alamat yang dicantumkan untuk pengiriman." msgid "No name was given for shipping." msgstr "Tidak ada nama yang dicantumkan untuk pengiriman." msgid "No reference ID given." msgstr "Tidak ada ID referensi yang diberikan." msgid "No id for payment token given" msgstr "Tidak ada id untuk token pembayaran yang diberikan" msgid "Order does not contain intent." msgstr "Pesanan tidak memuat tujuan." msgid "Order does not contain status." msgstr "Pesanan tidak memuat status." msgid "Order does not contain items." msgstr "Pesanan tidak memuat item." msgid "Order does not contain an id." msgstr "Pesanan tidak memuat id." msgid "No money values for item given" msgstr "Tidak ada nilai uang untuk item yang diberikan" msgid "No quantity for item given" msgstr "Tidak ada jumlah untuk item yang diberikan" msgid "No name for item given" msgstr "Tidak ada nama untuk item yang diberikan" msgid "Does not contain status." msgstr "Tidak memuat status." msgid "Does not contain an id." msgstr "TIdak memuat id." msgid "No currency given for breakdown %s" msgstr "Tidak ada mata uang yang diberikan untuk perincian %s" msgid "No value given for breakdown %s" msgstr "Tidak ada nilai yang diberikan untuk perincian %s" msgid "Unknown error while connecting to PayPal. Status code: %1$d." msgstr "" "Terjadi error yang tidak diketahui saat menghubungkan ke PayPal. Kode " "status: %1$d." msgid "Not a valid payment source type." msgstr "Bukan jenis sumber pembayaran yang valid." msgid "%s is not a valid tax type." msgstr "%s bukan jenis pajak yang valid." msgid "The payee's PayPal account is not verified." msgstr "Akun PayPal penerima pembayaran tidak terverifikasi." msgid "The payee does not have a PayPal account." msgstr "Penerima pembayaran tidak memiliki akun PayPal." msgid "" "The payer must send the funds for this captured payment. This code generally " "appears for manual EFTs." msgstr "" "Pembayar harus mengirimkan dana untuk pembayaran terekam ini. Kode ini " "biasanya muncul untuk EFT manual." msgid "The captured funds were refunded." msgstr "Dana terekam dikembalikan." msgid "" "The payee has not yet set up appropriate receiving preferences for their " "account. For more information about how to accept or deny this payment, " "visit your account online. This reason is typically offered in scenarios " "such as when the currency of the captured payment is different from the " "primary holding currency of the payee." msgstr "" "Penerima pembayaran belum menentukan preferensi penerimaan yang sesuai untuk " "akunnya. Untuk informasi lengkap tentang cara menerima atau menolak " "pembayaran ini, kunjungi akun Anda secara online. Alasan ini biasanya " "diberikan ketika, misalnya, mata uang pembayaran terekam tidak sama dengan " "mata uang utama untuk penyimpanan dana penerima pembayaran." msgid "The captured payment is pending manual review." msgstr "Pembayaran terekam sedang menunggu tinjauan manual." msgid "" "No additional specific reason can be provided. For more information about " "this captured payment, visit your account online or contact PayPal." msgstr "" "Tidak ada alasan khusus tambahan yang bisa diberikan. Untuk informasi " "lengkap tentang pembayaran terekam ini, kunjungi akun Anda secara online " "atau hubungi PayPal." msgid "" "Visit your online account. In your Account Overview, accept and deny this " "payment." msgstr "" "Kunjungi akun online Anda. Di Ikhtisar Akun Anda, terima atau tolak " "pembayaran ini." msgid "The payer paid by an eCheck that has not yet cleared." msgstr "Pembayar membayar melalui eCheck yang belum dikosongkan." msgid "" "The captured funds were reversed in response to the payer disputing this " "captured payment with the issuer of the financial instrument used to pay for " "this captured payment." msgstr "" "Dana terekam dikembalikan karena pembayar mempersengketakan pembayaran " "terekam ini dengan penerbit instrumen keuangan yang digunakan untuk membayar " "pembayaran terekam ini." msgid "The payer initiated a dispute for this captured payment with PayPal." msgstr "" "Pembayar mengajukan sengketa atas pembayaran terekam ini dengan PayPal." msgid "%s is not a valid status" msgstr "%s bukan status yang valid" msgid "Authorization is pending manual review." msgstr "Otorisasi sedang menunggu tinjauan manual." msgid "Not a valid webhook event. Header %s is missing" msgstr "Bukan peristiwa webhook yang valid. Header %s tidak ada" msgid "Not a valid webhook to verify." msgstr "Bukan webhook yang valid untuk diverifikasi." msgid "Not able to verify webhook event." msgstr "Tidak dapat memverifikasi peristiwa webhook." msgid "Not able to simulate webhook." msgstr "Tidak dapat melihat simulasi webhook." msgid "Not able to delete the webhook." msgstr "Tidak dapat menghapus webhook." msgid "Not able to load webhooks list." msgstr "Tidak dapat memuat daftar webhook." msgid "Not able to create a webhook." msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat webhook." msgid "Could not delete payment token." msgstr "Tidak dapat menghapus token pembayaran." msgid "Could not fetch payment token." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengambil token pembayaran." msgid "Could not get authorized payment info." msgstr "Tidak dapat memperoleh informasi pembayaran yang diotorisasi." msgid "Could not fetch sellers status." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengambil status penjual." msgid "Action URL not found." msgstr "URL tindakan tidak ditemukan." msgid "Could not create referral." msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat pengarah." msgid "Could not retrieve order." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengambil pesanan." msgid "Could not authorize order." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengotorisasi pesanan." msgid "" "Payment provider declined the payment, please use a different payment method." msgstr "" "Penyedia pembayaran menolak pembayaran, coba gunakan metode pembayaran lain." msgid "Could not capture order." msgstr "Tidak dapat merekam pesanan." msgid "Credentials not found." msgstr "Kredensial tidak ditemukan." msgid "Could not fetch credentials." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengambil kredensial." msgid "Could not create identity token." msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat token identitas." msgid "" "Please go to %1$s to provide an identity document where your personal/" "company name and address are clearly visible. Accepted documents would be " "driving licence, passport, national ID card (for non-UK citizens), national " "insurance card (for UK citizens), official company letterhead, or company " "stamp." msgstr "" "Silakan buka %1$s untuk menyertakan dokumen identitas yang mencantumkan nama " "dan alamat pribadi/perusahaan Anda dengan jelas. Dokumen yang diterima yaitu " "surat izin mengemudi, paspor, kartu tanda penduduk (untuk warga negara non-" "Inggris), kartu asuransi nasional (untuk warga negara Inggris), kop surat " "perusahaan, atau stempel perusahaan." msgid "" "The registry that manages the %1$s domains has requested that we collect " "some additional information from you to verify that the contact information " "for your domain %2$s is valid." msgstr "" "Kantor pendaftaran yang mengelola domain %1$s telah meminta kami untuk " "mengumpulkan sejumlah informasi tambahan dari Anda guna memverifikasi bahwa " "informasi kontak untuk domain %2$s valid." msgid "" "Please go to <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">%1$s</a> to provide an " "identity document where your personal/company name and address are clearly " "visible. Accepted documents would be driving licence, passport, national ID " "card (for non-UK citizens), national insurance card (for UK citizens), " "official company letterhead, or company stamp." msgstr "" "Silakan buka <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">%1$s</a> untuk menyertakan " "dokumen identitas yang mencantumkan nama dan alamat pribadi/perusahaan Anda " "dengan jelas. Dokumen yang diterima yaitu surat izin mengemudi, paspor, " "kartu tanda penduduk (untuk warga negara non-Inggris), kartu asuransi " "nasional (untuk warga negara Inggris), kop surat perusahaan, atau stempel " "perusahaan." msgid "" "The registry that manages the %1$s domains has requested that we collect " "some additional information from you to verify that the contact information " "for your domain <strong>%2$s</strong> is valid." msgstr "" "Kantor pendaftaran yang mengelola domain %1$s telah meminta kami untuk " "mengumpulkan sejumlah informasi tambahan dari Anda guna memverifikasi bahwa " "informasi kontak untuk domain <strong>%2$s</strong> valid." msgid "" " - Your domain %1$s requires additional contact verification" msgstr " - Domain %1$s Anda memerlukan verifikasi kontak tambahan" msgid "No plugin updates found" msgstr "Pembaruan plugin tidak tersedia " msgid "Plugin updates are available" msgstr "Pembaruan plugin tersedia" msgid "Monitor is off" msgstr "Pemantau tidak aktif" msgid "No downtime detected" msgstr "Tidak ada downtime terdeteksi" msgid "Site appears to be offline" msgstr "Situs tampaknya sedang offline" msgid "No threats detected" msgstr "Tidak ada ancaman terdeteksi" msgid "Add Jetpack Scan to this site" msgstr "Tambah Jetpack Scan ke situs ini" msgid "Potential threats found" msgstr "Potensi ancaman ditemukan" msgid "Latest backup completed successfully" msgstr "Cadangan terbaru berhasil dibuat" msgid "Latest backup completed with warnings" msgstr "Cadangan terbaru berhasil dibuat, namun ada catatan peringatan" msgid "Latest backup failed" msgstr "Cadangan terbaru gagal" msgid "Only site administrators can upgrade to Jetpack Search." msgstr "" "Hanya administrator situs yang dapat melakukan upgrade ke Jetpack Search." msgid "Transient" msgstr "Transien" msgid "Connection" msgstr "Koneksi" msgid "Generic" msgstr "Umum" msgid "HTTP 5XX Server Error" msgstr "Eror Server HTTP 5XX" msgid "HTTP 524 Timeout Occurred" msgstr "Terjadi Timeout HTTP 524" msgid "HTTP 520 Empty or Unexpected Error" msgstr "HTTP 520 Kosong atau Error Tidak Terduga" msgid "HTTP 503 Service Unavailable" msgstr "Layanan HTTP 503 Tidak Tersedia" msgid "HTTP 502 Bad Gateway" msgstr "HTTP 502 Bad Gateway" msgid "HTTP 4XX Client Error" msgstr "Eror Klien HTTP 4XX" msgid "HTTP 408 Request Timeout" msgstr "Timeout Permintaan HTTP 408" msgid "HTTP 3XX Redirection" msgstr "Pengalihan HTTP 3XX" msgid "HTTP 302 Redirect" msgstr "Pengalihan HTTP 302" msgid "Transport Server API Timeout" msgstr "Timeout Transport Server API" msgid "SSH Connection Error" msgstr "Eror Koneksi SSH" msgid "Connection refused" msgstr "Koneksi ditolak" msgid "Unable to start subsystem" msgstr "Tidak dapat memulai subsistem" msgid "Unable to connect to server" msgstr "Tidak dapat menghubungkan ke server" msgid "Connection timed out" msgstr "Waktu koneksi berakhir" msgid "Unable to open file(s)" msgstr "Tidak dapat membuka berkas" msgid "No such file(s)" msgstr "Berkas tidak ditemukan" msgid "Permission denied" msgstr "Izin ditolak" msgid "Downloaded file has bad size" msgstr "Berkas yang diunduh memiliki ukuran yang tidak sesuai" msgid "File(s) not found" msgstr "Berkas tidak ditemukan" msgid "Table(s) marked as crashed - Last repair failed" msgstr "Tabel ditandai sebagai tidak berfungsi - Perbaikan terakhir gagal" msgid "Table(s) marked as crashed" msgstr "Tabel ditandai sebagai tidak berfungsi" msgid "Select command denied to user" msgstr "Perintah yang dipilih ditolak untuk pengguna" msgid "Serious row count mismatch" msgstr "Ketidakcocokan jumlah baris yang serius" msgid "<a>Learn more</a>." msgstr "<a>Baca selengkapnya</a>." msgid "" "Please check the <a>logs</a> for more details on this issue. Debug log must " "be enabled under <strong>Advanced settings</strong> to see recorded logs." msgstr "" "Harap periksa <a>catatan</a> untuk detail selengkapnya terkait masalah ini. " "Catatan debug harus diaktifkan dalam <strong>Pengaturan tingkat lanjut</" "strong> agar dapat melihat catatan yang disimpan." msgid "Express checkouts:" msgstr "Checkout kilat:" msgid "WooCommerce USPS Shipping Method" msgstr "WooCommerce USPS Shipping Method" msgid "Product Vendors" msgstr "Product Vendors" msgid "Min/Max Quantities" msgstr "Min/Max Quantities" msgid "FedEx Shipping Method" msgstr "FedEx Shipping Method" msgid "WooCommerce One Page Checkout" msgstr "WooCommerce One Page Checkout" msgid "WooCommerce Deposits" msgstr "WooCommerce Deposits" msgid "WooCommerce Points and Rewards" msgstr "WooCommerce Points and Rewards" msgid "AutomateWoo" msgstr "AutomateWoo" msgid "UPS Shipping Method" msgstr "UPS Shipping Method" msgid "Previously connected to Stripe account %(connectedAccountDescription)s" msgstr "Sebelumnya terhubung ke akun Stripe %(connectedAccountDescription)s" msgid "Connected to %(connectedAccountDescription)s" msgstr "Terhubung ke %(connectedAccountDescription)s" msgid "Unlimited features. Unbeatable value." msgstr "Fitur terbatas. Manfaat optimal." msgid "Essential features. Freedom to grow." msgstr "Banyak fitur andal. Kebebasan untuk tumbuh." msgid "" "All plans include world-class managed hosting, including automatic updates, " "security, backups, and more." msgstr "" "Semua paket mencakup managed hosting kelas dunia, serta pembaruan otomatis, " "keamanan, pencadangan, dan banyak lagi." msgid "Your backups are powered by legacy VaultPress." msgstr "Cadangan Anda didukung oleh VaultPress lawas." msgid "VaultPress Dashboard" msgstr "Dasbor VaultPress" msgid "Your site is protected by VaultPress." msgstr "Situs Anda dilindungi oleh VaultPress." msgid "3GB of storage" msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan 3 GB" msgid "Billed every two years" msgstr "Penagihan setiap dua tahun" msgid "Billed annually" msgstr "Penagihan tahunan" msgid "Back to General Settings" msgstr "Kembali ke Pengaturan Umum" msgid "Back to My Home" msgstr "Kembali ke Beranda Saya" msgid "Save every change and get back online quickly with one-click restores." msgstr "" "Simpan semua perubahan dan segera kembali online dengan pemulihan sekali " "klik." msgid "Saving the shopping cart failed. Please reload the page and try again." msgstr "" "Gagal menyimpan keranjang belanja. Muat ulang halaman ini dan coba lagi." msgid "" "This is Anne from and I was just notified that your " "subscription renewal for %s didn’t go through." msgstr "" "Saya Anne dari Saya baru saja menerima informasi bahwa " "pembaruan langganan Anda untuk %s tidak berhasil." msgid "" "This is Anne from Jetpack and I was just notified that your subscription " "renewal for %s didn’t go through." msgstr "" "Saya Anne dari Jetpack. Saya baru saja menerima informasi bahwa pembaruan " "langganan Anda untuk %s tidak berhasil." msgid "Your %1$s account for %2$s and %3$d other mailbox will also renew." msgid_plural "" "Your %1$s account for %2$s and %3$d other mailboxes will also renew." msgstr[0] "" "Akun %1$s Anda untuk %2$s dan %3$d email lainnya juga akan diperpanjang." msgstr[1] "" "Akun %1$s Anda untuk %2$s dan %3$d email lainnya juga akan diperpanjang." msgid "" "The %1$s account for %2$s with the following mailboxes will renew " "automatically in %3$d day:" msgid_plural "" "The %1$s account for %2$s with the following mailboxes will renew " "automatically in %3$d days:" msgstr[0] "" "Akun %1$s untuk %2$s dengan email berikut akan diperpanjang secara otomatis " "dalam %3$d hari:" msgstr[1] "" "Akun %1$s untuk %2$s dengan email berikut akan diperpanjang secara otomatis " "dalam %3$d hari:" msgid "" "The %1$s account for %2$s with %3$d mailboxes will renew automatically in " "%4$d day." msgid_plural "" "The %1$s account for %2$s with %3$d mailboxes will renew automatically in " "%4$d days." msgstr[0] "" "Akun %1$s untuk %2$s dengan %3$d email akan diperpanjang secara otomatis " "dalam %4$d hari." msgstr[1] "" "Akun %1$s untuk %2$s dengan %3$d email akan diperpanjang secara otomatis " "dalam %4$d hari." msgid "" "The %1$s account for %2$s with the mailbox %3$s will renew automatically in " "%4$d day." msgid_plural "" "The %1$s account for %2$s with the mailbox %3$s will renew automatically in " "%4$d days." msgstr[0] "" "Akun %1$s untuk %2$s dengan email %3$s akan diperpanjang secara otomatis " "dalam %4$d hari." msgstr[1] "" "Akun %1$s untuk %2$s dengan email %3$s akan diperpanjang secara otomatis " "dalam %4$d hari." msgid "" "The %1$s account for %2$s with one mailbox will renew automatically in %3$d " "day." msgid_plural "" "The %1$s account for %2$s with one mailbox will renew automatically in %3$d " "days." msgstr[0] "" "Akun %1$s untuk %2$s dengan satu email akan diperpanjang secara otomatis " "dalam %3$d hari." msgstr[1] "" "Akun %1$s untuk %2$s dengan satu email akan diperpanjang secara otomatis " "dalam %3$d hari." msgid "Your G Suite and Google Workspace accounts renew soon" msgstr "Akun G Suite dan Google Workspace Anda akan segera diperpanjang" msgid "Your %1$d %2$s mailbox for %3$s renews soon" msgid_plural "Your %1$d %2$s mailboxes for %3$s renew soon" msgstr[0] "%1$d %2$s email Anda untuk %3$s akan segera diperpanjang" msgstr[1] "%1$d %2$s email Anda untuk %3$s akan segera diperpanjang" msgid "Your %1$s account for %2$s renews soon" msgstr "Akun %1$s Anda untuk %2$s akan segera diperpanjang" msgid "Issue Type" msgstr "Jenis Kendala" msgid "Plugin needs updates" msgstr "Plugin perlu pembaruan" msgid "Threats found" msgstr "Ancaman ditemukan" msgid "Backup warning" msgstr "Peringatan pencadangan" msgid "Start your %s-day free trial" msgstr "Mulai percobaan gratis Anda selama %s hari" msgid "Get the Jetpack mobile app" msgstr "Dapatkan aplikasi perangkat seluler Jetpack" msgid "WC Pay Payment Gateway is not available." msgstr "Gateway Pembayaran WC Pay tidak tersedia." msgid "Hire our experts to create your dream site" msgstr "Gunakan jasa tim ahli kami untuk membuatkan situs impian Anda" msgid "" "Antonia is a theme for selling products with the help of payments block." msgstr "" "Antonia adalah tema untuk menjual produk dengan bantuan blok pembayaran." msgid "Jetpack Social" msgstr "Jetpack Social" msgid "" "Jetpack includes more than 50 features focused around WordPress <a href=" "\"%1$s\">Security</a>, <a href=\"%2$s\">Performance</a>, and <a href=\"%3$s" "\">Growth</a>. You can find the main features on our <a href=\"%4$s" "\">comparison page</a>." msgstr "" "Jetpack mencakup lebih dari 50 fitur yang berfokus pada <a href=\"%1$s" "\">Keamanan</a>, <a href=\"%2$s\">Performa</a>, dan <a href=\"%3$s" "\">Pertumbuhan</a> WordPress. Anda dapat menemukan fitur-fitur utama di <a " "href=\"%4$s\">halaman perbandingan</a> kami." msgid "" "You’ll then see the Publicize options under the **Share this post** section, " "where you can toggle social media connections, connect new services, and " "write a custom message to be used when your post is shared." msgstr "" "Anda akan melihat pilihan Publikasikan di bawah bagian **Bagikan pos ini**, " "tempat Anda bisa mengalihkan koneksi media sosial, menghubungkan layanan " "baru, dan menulis pesan khusus untuk dIgunakan saat pos Anda dibagikan." msgid "" "To configure the Publicize options when writing a new post, click the green " "Jetpack icon at top right of the edit sidebar." msgstr "" "Untuk mengonfigurasi pilihan Publikasikan saat menulis pos baru, klik ikon " "Jetpack hijau di kanan atas bilah sisi edit." msgid "How do I share a post on social media using Jetpack Social?" msgstr "" "Bagaimana cara membagikan pos di media sosial menggunakan Jetpack Social?" msgid "" "To make the connection available to all users, check the box labeled " "Connection available to all administrators, editors, and authors." msgstr "" "Untuk menyedikan koneksi bagi semua pengguna, centang kotak berlabel Koneksi " "tersedia bagi semua administrator, editor, dan penulis" msgid "" "After you add a new connection, you have the option to make the connection " "‘global’, meaning it can also be used by any other user on your site who has " "the ability to publish posts." msgstr "" "Setelah menambahkan koneksi baru, Anda memiliki pilihan untuk membuat " "koneksi menjadi 'global', yang berarti juga bisa digunakan oleh pengguna " "lain di situs Anda yang dapat memublikasikan pos." msgid "Log in to that Social Network site and authorize the connection." msgstr "Login ke situs Jejaring Sosial tersebut lalu beri izin koneksi." msgid "Click Connect next to the Social Network you want to connect to." msgstr "Klik Hubungkan di sebelah Jejaring Sosial yang ingin dihubungkan." msgid "Navigate to Tools → Marketing → Connections." msgstr "Buka Alat → Pemasaran → Koneksi." msgid "From your site’s wp-admin area:" msgstr "Dari area admin-wp situs Anda:" msgid "Learn more about Site Stats" msgstr "Pelajari selengkapnya tentang Statistik Situs" msgid "Learn more about CRM" msgstr "Pelajari selengkapnya tentang CRM" msgid "Learn more about Social" msgstr "Pelajari selengkapnya tentang Media sosial" msgid "Auto-publish on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Tumblr" msgstr "Publikasikan secara otomatis ke Facebook, LinkedIn, dan Tumblr" msgid "Contact Options" msgstr "Pilihan Kontak" msgid "Working magic" msgstr "Keajaiban yang bekerja" msgid "Wheels are in motion" msgstr "Roda sedang berputar" msgid "Still working" msgstr "Masih diproses" msgid "Connecting the dots" msgstr "Merangkai titik-titik" msgid "" "Increase your site’s security & performance with 50% off your first year on " "all Jetpack products & plans!" msgstr "" "Tingkatkan keamanan & performa situs Anda dengan diskon 50% tahun pertama " "untuk semua produk & paket Jetpack!" msgid "Get 50% off now" msgstr "Dapatkan diskon 50% sekarang" msgid "" "Increase your site’s security & performance with <strong>50% off</strong> " "your first year on all Jetpack products & plans!" msgstr "" "Tingkatkan keamanan & performa situs Anda dengan <strong>diskon 50%</strong> " "tahun pertama untuk semua produk & paket Jetpack!" msgid "Summer Sale – 50% off!" msgstr "Promo Musim Panas – diskon 50%!" msgid "Jetpack Summer Sale – 50% off!" msgstr "Promo Musim Panas Jetpack – diskon 50%!" msgid "Schedule your posts" msgstr "Jadwalkan pos Anda" msgid "Site performance scores" msgstr "Skor performa situs" msgid "Lazy image loading" msgstr "Menunda pemuatan gambar" msgid "Defer non-essential JavaScript" msgstr "Menangguhkan Javascript Non-esensial" msgid "Optimize CSS loading" msgstr "Optimalkan pemuatan CSS" msgid "Starts with 10GB of storage" msgstr "Mulai dengan penyimpanan 10GB" msgid "Works seamlessly with WooCommerce" msgstr "Berfungsi dengan baik dengan WooCommerce" msgid "WooCommerce Composite Products" msgstr "WooCommerce Composite Products" msgid "" "If you're having problems sharing via email, you might not have email set up " "for your browser. You may need to create a new email yourself." msgstr "" "Jika menemui masalah saat membagikan via email, mungkin Anda belum " "menyiapkan email untuk browser. Anda perlu membuat email baru sendiri." msgid "Do you have email set up?" msgstr "Anda sudah menyiapkan email?" msgid "Existing site address <span>(optional)</span>" msgstr "Alamat situs yang sudah ada <span>(opsional)</span>" msgctxt "Jetpack Backup Solution" msgid "Backup (1GB)" msgstr "Backup (1GB)" msgid "The following fields are required: %s" msgstr "Data berikut wajib diisi: %s" msgid "" "By clicking ‘Continue’, you agree to the{{break}}{{/break}}" "{{link}}%(link_text)s{{icon}}{{/icon}}{{/link}}." msgstr "" "Dengan mengeklik 'Lanjutkan', Anda menyetujui{{break}}{{/break}}" "{{link}}%(link_text)s{{icon}}{{/icon}}{{/link}}." msgid "Tell us about yourself and your business." msgstr "Ceritakan tentang diri Anda dan bisnis Anda." msgid "Write once, post everywhere" msgstr "Tulis sekali, poskan dari mana saja" msgid "There was a problem applying this coupon." msgstr "Ada masalah saat menggunakan kupon ini." msgid "" "You must pay the chargeback fee first before making additional purchases. " "Please remove all non-chargeback products from your cart to proceed." msgstr "" "Anda harus membayar biaya penagihan balik terlebih dahulu sebelum melakukan " "pembelian tambahan. Harap hapus semua produk yang bukan penagihan balik dari " "keranjang Anda untuk melanjutkan." msgid "{{icon/}} High-speed video hosting" msgstr "{{icon/}} Hosting video dengan kecepatan tinggi" msgid "WooCommerce Gift Cards" msgstr "WooCommerce Gift Cards" msgid "Second address field cannot contain dots or commas" msgstr "Kolom alamat kedua tidak boleh berisi titik atau koma" msgid "First address field cannot contain dots or commas" msgstr "Kolom alamat pertama tidak boleh berisi titik atau koma" msgid "Tell us what would you like to accomplish with your website." msgstr "Beri tahu kami apa yang ingin Anda capai dengan situs web Anda." msgid "Connect your desired social media accounts." msgstr "Hubungkan akun media sosial yang Anda inginkan." msgid "" "{{downloadLink}}Download Social{{/downloadLink}} or install it directly from " "your site by following these {{instructions}}instructions{{/instructions}}." msgstr "" "{{downloadLink}}Unduh Social{{/downloadLink}} atau instal langsung dari " "situs Anda dengan mengikuti {{instructions}}petunjuk berikut{{/" "instructions}}." msgid "That’s it! Boost will automatically begin optimizing your site." msgstr "Selesai! Boost akan secara otomatis mulai mengoptimalkan situs Anda." msgid "" "{{downloadLink}}Download Boost{{/downloadLink}} or install it directly from " "your site by following these {{instructions}}instructions{{/instructions}}." msgstr "" "{{downloadLink}}Unduh Boost{{/downloadLink}} atau instal langsung dari situs " "Anda dengan mengikuti {{instructions}}petunjuk berikut{{/instructions}}." msgid "Need help? {{a}}Contact us{{/a}}." msgstr "Perlu bantuan? {{a}}Hubungi kami{{/a}}" msgid "Here's how to get started" msgstr "Berikut cara untuk memulai" msgid "" "- VideoPress: Stunning-quality video without the ads, directly in WordPress" msgstr "" "- VideoPress: Video berkualitas menakjubkan tanpa iklan, langsung di " "WordPress" msgid "- Search: Instantly show your visitors the right product or article" msgstr "" "- Search: Menampilkan produk atau artikel yang tepat bagi pelanggan secara " "cepat" msgid "" "- Security: Stay ahead of threats with malware scanning and comment spam " "protection" msgstr "" "- Fitur Keamanan: Selalu siaga dari ancaman dengan pemindaian malware dan " "perlindungan spam komentar" msgid "- Backup: Save every change and get back online in one click" msgstr "- Backup: Simpan setiap perubahan dan kembali online dengan mudah" msgid "No better time to level up your site’s security & performance." msgstr "Kini saatnya tingkatkan keamanan & performa situs Anda." msgid "Meet the Starter and Pro Plans." msgstr "Inilah dia Paket Starter dan Pro." msgid "New Starter & Pro Plans." msgstr "Paket Starter & Pro Baru." msgid "Announcing the New Plans" msgstr "Paket Baru Kini Hadir" msgid "Don’t show this announcement anymore" msgstr "Jangan tunjukkan pengumuman ini lagi" msgid "Announcement" msgstr "Pengumuman" msgid "The product sku is invalid" msgstr "Sku produk tidak valid" msgid "" "Update your company details. Changes will be applied to all future invoices." msgstr "" "Perbarui detail perusahaan Anda. Perubahan akan diterapkan ke semua faktur " "mendatang." msgid "Company Details" msgstr "Informasi Perusahaan" msgid "Update details" msgstr "Perbarui detail" msgid "Apartment, floor, suite or unit number" msgstr "Apartemen, lantai, suite, atau nomor unit" msgid "Street name and house number" msgstr "Nama jalan dan nomor rumah" msgid "Company details have been updated" msgstr "Detail peruhaan telah diperbarui" msgid "Grow your audience effortlessly by automating posting on social media." msgstr "" "Kembangkan audiens Anda dengan mudah dengan mengotomatiskan posting di media " "sosial." msgid "Unlock your growth potential" msgstr "Wujudkan potensi pertumbuhan Anda" msgid "Get Jetpack Social for free" msgstr "Dapatkan Jetpack Social secara gratis" msgid "" "Easily share your website content on your social media channels from one " "place." msgstr "" "Bagikan konten situs dengan mudah ke saluran media sosial Anda dari satu " "tempat." msgid "Welcome to{{br/}} Jetpack Social!" msgstr "Selamat datang di{{br/}} Jetpack Social!" msgid "Welcome to{{br/}} Jetpack Boost!" msgstr "Selamat datang di{{br/}} Jetpack Boost!" msgid "Promote myself or business" msgstr "Promosikan bisnis saya atau diri saya" msgid "Updating theme." msgstr "Memperbarui tema." msgid "Failed to update Theme." msgstr "Gagal memperbarui Tema." msgid "Something went wrong, please try again later." msgstr "Terjadi masalah, silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "" "Manage features and discover issues with any of your sites within your new " "dashboard." msgstr "" "Kelola fitur dan temukan masalah dengan situs Anda dalam dasbor baru Anda." msgid "" "Manage features and discover issues with any of your sites, which are " "automatically added when Jetpack is connected." msgstr "" "Kelola fitur dan temukan masalah dengan situs Anda, yang secara otomatis " "ditambahkan saat Jetpack terhubung." msgid "A new way to manage all your Jetpack sites in one spot" msgstr "Cara baru untuk mengelola semua situs Jetpack Anda di satu tempat" msgid "The address of the URL to analyze" msgstr "Alamat URL untuk dianalisis" msgid "Store logo to display to WooPay customers." msgstr "Logo toko yang akan ditampilkan kepada pelanggan WooPay." msgid "" "Accept payments or donations with our native payment blocks, limit content " "to paid subscribers only, opt into our ad network to earn revenue, and refer " "friends to for credits." msgstr "" "Menerima pembayaran atau donasi dengan blok pembayaran yang tersedia, batasi " "konten hanya untuk pelanggan berbayar, ikut serta dalam jaringan iklan kami " "untuk memperoleh pendapatan, dan rujuk teman ke untuk " "mendapatkan kredit." msgid "" "Let visitors pay for digital goods and services or make quick, pre-set " "donations by enabling the Payment Button block." msgstr "" "Izinkan pengunjung membayar barang dan layanan digital atau memberikan " "donasi cepat senilai yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya dengan mengaktifkan " "blok Tombol Pembayaran." msgid "" "Let visitors pay for digital goods and services or make quick, pre-set " "donations by inserting the Payment Button block." msgstr "" "Izinkan pengunjung membayar barang dan layanan digital atau memberikan " "donasi cepat senilai yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya dengan memasukkan blok " "Tombol Pembayaran." msgid "Available with any paid plan — no plugin required." msgstr "Tersedia dalam paket berbayar — plugin tidak diperlukan." msgid "Price for first %(numberOfMonths)d months" msgstr "Harga untuk %(numberOfMonths)d bulan pertama" msgctxt "Scan Product Feature" msgid "Access to latest Firewall rules" msgstr "Akses ke aturan Firewall terbaru" msgid "Easy to navigate and use" msgstr "Mudah dinavigasi dan digunakan" msgid "Check plugin and theme version status" msgstr "Periksa status versi plugin dan tema" msgid "Daily automatic scans" msgstr "Pemindaian otomatis harian" msgid "Over 20,000 listed vulnerabilities" msgstr "Lebih dari 20.000 kerentanan terdaftar" msgid "Your cart is currently empty!" msgstr "Keranjang Anda kosong!" msgid "" "Heiwa is a clean and elegant theme. Its sophisticated typography and clean " "look make it a perfect match for a business producing visual products." msgstr "" "Heiwa adalah tema yang elegan dan bersih. Tipografinya yang canggih dan " "tampilannya yang bersih menjadikan Heiwa tema yang pas untuk bisnis yang " "membuat produk visual." msgid "Only show meta which is meant to be displayed for an order." msgstr "Hanya tunjukkan meta yang harus ditampilkan untuk pesanan." msgid "" "The downloadable file %1$s cannot be used: it is not located in an approved " "directory. Please contact a site administrator for help. %2$sLearn more.%3$s" msgstr "" "Berkas yang dapat diunduh %1$s tidak dapat digunakan karena tidak berada di " "direktori yang disetujui. Silakan hubungi administrator situs untuk " "mendapatkan bantuan. %2$sPelajari selengkapnya.%3$s" msgid "The downloadable file %s cannot be used as it has been disabled." msgstr "" "Berkas yang dapat diunduh %s tidak dapat digunakan karena telah " "dinonaktifkan." msgid "Headers already sent when generating download error message." msgstr "Header telah dikirim saat membuat pesan unduhan error. " msgid "" "The %1$sApproved Product Download Directories list%2$s has been updated. To " "protect your site, please review the list and make any changes that might be " "required. For more information, please refer to %3$sthis guide%2$s." msgstr "" "%1$sDaftar Direktori Unduhan Produk yang Disetujui%2$s diperbarui. Untuk " "melindungi situs Anda, tinjau daftar ini dan buat perubahan yang diperlukan. " "Untuk informasi selengkapnya, silakan baca %3$spanduan ini%2$s." msgid "" "Is your site enforcing the use of Approved Product Download Directories?" msgstr "Apakah situs Anda menggunakan Direktori Unduhan Produk yang Disetujui?" msgid "Enforce Approved Product Download Directories" msgstr "Terapkan Direktori Unduhan Produk yang Disetujui" msgid "" "The indicated downloads have been disabled (invalid location or " "filetype—%1$slearn more%2$s)." msgstr "" "Unduhan yang ditunjukkan telah dinonaktifkan (lokasi atau jenis berkas tidak " "valid—%1$sbaca selengkapnya%2$s)." msgid "Our request to the search API got response code %s." msgstr "Permintaan kami untuk API pencarian mendapat kode respons %s." msgid "Error saving order ID %1$s." msgstr "Terjadi error saat menyimpan ID pesanan %1$s." msgid "(no ID)" msgstr "(tidak ada ID)" msgid "Remove ads from your site with the No Ads add-on" msgstr "Hapus iklan dari situs Anda dengan add-on Bebas Iklan" msgid "" "We’re glad to inform you that you won the dispute over a payment made to " "your business with a customer’s credit card provider." msgstr "" "Dengan gembira kami kabarkan bahwa Anda memenangkan sengketa atas pembayaran " "yang dilakukan ke bisnis Anda menggunakan penyedia kartu kredit pelanggan." msgid "" "We’re sorry to say that a customer has disputed a payment made to your " "business with their credit card provider." msgstr "" "Mohon maaf, ada pelanggan yang mengajukan sengketa atas pembayaran ke bisnis " "Anda lewat penyedia layanan kartu kredit mereka." msgid "" "We’re sorry to inform you that you lost the dispute over a payment made to " "your business with a customer’s credit card provider." msgstr "" "Dengan berat hati kami harus memberitahukan bahwa Anda kalah dalam sengketa " "atas pembayaran yang dilakukan ke bisnis Anda menggunakan penyedia kartu " "kredit pelanggan." msgid "It looks like there is a problem with your tax information" msgstr "Sepertinya ada masalah terkait informasi pajak Anda" msgid "" "Before you can start selling, you just need to add some more information to " "your account" msgstr "" "Sebelum dapat mulai berjualan, Anda hanya perlu menambahkan beberapa " "informasi pada akun." msgid "" "To begin selling and start earning with Woo, you just need to share a few " "more details with us" msgstr "" "Untuk mulai berjualan dan berpenghasilan bersama Woo, Anda perlu membagikan " "sejumlah informasi detail kepada kami." msgid "Receive instant deposits" msgstr "Terima deposit langsung" msgid "Dispute won" msgstr "Sengketa dimenangkan" msgid "View and respond to dispute" msgstr "Lihat dan tanggapi sengketa" msgid "Disputed payment" msgstr "Pembayaran yang disengketakan" msgid "Dispute lost" msgstr "Kalah dalam sengketa" msgid "Your loan offer is expiring soon" msgstr "Tawaran pinjaman Anda akan segera berakhir" msgid "You’ve paid down your loan" msgstr "Anda telah melunasi pinjaman" msgid "You’re eligible for additional funds" msgstr "Anda memenuhi syarat untuk mendapatkan dana tambahan" msgid "Your capital offer is waiting" msgstr "Tawaran modal Anda masih menunggu" msgid "You’re pre-qualified" msgstr "Anda sudah memenuhi syarat awal" msgid "We received an unsubscribe request" msgstr "Kami menerima permintaan berhenti berlangganan" msgid "View your dashboard" msgstr "Lihat dasbor Anda" msgid "Account under review" msgstr "Akun sedang ditinjau" msgid "Account approved" msgstr "Akun disetujui" msgid "Subscription transaction fee: %1$s%%" msgstr "Biaya transaksi langganan: %1$s%%" msgid "Subscription transaction fee: %1$s%% + %2$s" msgstr "Biaya transaksi langganan: %1$s%% + %2$s" msgid "Foreign exchange fee: %1$s%%" msgstr "Biaya penukaran mata uang asing: %1$s%%" msgid "Foreign exchange fee: %1$s%% + %2$s" msgstr "Biaya penukaran mata uang asing: %1$s%% + %2$s" msgid "International card fee: %1$s%%" msgstr "Biaya kartu internasional: %1$s%%" msgid "International card fee: %1$s%% + %2$s" msgstr "Biaya kartu internasional: %1$s%% + %2$s" msgid "Base fee: %1$s%%" msgstr "Biaya dasar: %1$s%%" msgid "Base fee: %1$s%% + %2$s" msgstr "Biaya dasar: %1$s%% + %2$s" msgid "Base fee: capped at %2$s" msgstr "Biaya dasar: maksimal %2$s" msgid "Fixed fee: %s" msgstr "Biaya tetap: %s" msgid "Variable fee: %s" msgstr "Biaya variabel: %s" msgid "Net deposit: %s" msgstr "Deposit bersih: %s" msgid "Failed to update Account locale. " msgstr "Gagal memperbarui lokal Akun. " msgid "Paid with" msgstr "Dibayar dengan" msgid "Start with a custom domain name, simple payments, and extra storage." msgstr "" "Mulai dengan nama domain khusus, pembayaran praktis, dan penyimpanan ekstra." msgid "" "Unlock the full power of WordPress with plugins, custom themes and much more." msgstr "" "Buka akses ke semua fitur WordPress yang andal dengan plugin, tema khusus, " "dan banyak lagi." msgid "%s is not a valid URL." msgstr "%s bukan URL yang valid." msgid "" "Product download migration: %1$s (for product %1$d) could not be added to " "the list of approved download directories." msgstr "" "Migrasi unduhan produk: %1$s (untuk produk %1$d) tidak dapat ditambahkan ke " "daftar direktori unduhan yang disetujui." msgctxt "Approved product download URLs migration" msgid "invalid URL" msgstr "URL tidak valid" msgid "" "Approved Download Directories sync: completed batch %1$d (%2$d%% complete)." msgstr "" "Sinkronisasi Direktori Unduhan yang Disetujui: batch selesai %1$d (%2$d%% " "selesai)." msgid "Approved Download Directories sync: scan is complete!" msgstr "Sinkronisasi Direktori Unduhan yang Disetujui: pemindaian selesai!" msgid "Approved Download Directories sync: new scan scheduled." msgstr "" "Sinkronisasi Direktori Unduhan yang Disetujui: pemindaian baru dijadwalkan." msgid "" "Synchronization of approved product download directories is already in " "progress." msgstr "" "Sinkronisasi direktori unduhan produk yang disetujui sedang berlangsung." msgid "" "It was not possible to synchronize download directories following the most " "recent update." msgstr "Direktori unduhan tidak dapat disinkronkan setelah pembaruan terakhir." msgid "Approved directory URLs cannot be longer than 256 characters." msgstr "URL direktori yang disetujui tidak boleh melebihi 256 karakter." msgid "URL could not be updated (probable database error)." msgstr "URL tidak dapat diperbarui (kemungkinan error database)." msgid "URL could not be added (probable database error)." msgstr "URL tidak dapat ditambahkan (kemungkinan error database)." msgid "" "\"%s\" could not be saved. Please review, ensure it is a valid URL and try " "again." msgstr "" "\"%s\" tidak dapat disimpan. Tinjau kembali untuk memastikan URL valid dan " "coba lagi." msgid "URL was successfully updated." msgstr "URL berhasil diperbarui." msgid "URL was successfully added." msgstr "URL berhasil ditambahkan." msgid "%d URL could not be updated." msgid_plural "%d URLs could not be updated." msgstr[0] "%d URL tidak dapat diperbarui." msgstr[1] "%d URL tidak dapat diperbarui." msgid "%d approved directory URL disabled." msgid_plural "%d approved directory URLs disabled." msgstr[0] "%d URL direktori yang disetujui dinonaktifkan." msgstr[1] "%d URL direktori yang disetujui dinonaktifkan." msgid "%d approved directory URL enabled." msgid_plural "%d approved directory URLs enabled." msgstr[0] "%d URL direktori yang disetujui diaktifkan." msgstr[1] "%d URL direktori yang disetujui diaktifkan." msgid "%d approved directory URL deleted." msgid_plural "%d approved directory URLs deleted." msgstr[0] "%d URL direktori yang disetujui dihapus." msgstr[1] "%d URL direktori yang disetujui dihapus." msgctxt "Approved product download directories" msgid "Directory URL" msgstr "URL Direktori" msgid "Add New Approved Directory" msgstr "Tambahkan Direktori Baru yang Disetujui" msgid "Edit Approved Directory" msgstr "Sunting Direktori yang Disetujui" msgctxt "Approved product download directories" msgid "The provided ID was invalid." msgstr "ID tidak valid." msgid "Approved Download Directories" msgstr "Direktori Unduhan yang Disetujui" msgctxt "Approved product download directories" msgid "Start Enforcing Rules" msgstr "Mulai Menerapkan Aturan" msgctxt "Approved product download directories" msgid "Stop Enforcing Rules" msgstr "Berhenti Menerapkan Aturan" msgctxt "Approved Directory URLs" msgid "Search" msgstr "Pencarian" msgid "Approved download directories" msgstr "Direktori unduhan yang disetujui" msgctxt "Approved product download directories" msgid "Disable All" msgstr "Nonaktifkan Semua" msgctxt "Approved product download directories" msgid "Enable All" msgstr "Aktifkan Semua" msgid "Disable rule" msgstr "Nonaktifkan aturan" msgid "Enable rule" msgstr "Aktifkan aturan" msgctxt "Product downloads list" msgid "Delete permanently" msgstr "Hapus Secara Permanen" msgctxt "Product downloads list" msgid "Edit" msgstr "Sunting" msgctxt "Approved product download directories" msgid "Enabled" msgstr "Diaktifkan" msgctxt "Approved product download directories" msgid "URL" msgstr "URL" msgctxt "Approved product download directory views" msgid "Disabled <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Disabled <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Dinonaktifkan <span class=\"count\">%s</span>" msgstr[1] "Dinonaktifkan <span class=\"count\">%s</span>" msgctxt "Approved product download directory views" msgid "Enabled <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Enabled <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Diaktifkan <span class=\"count\">%s</span>" msgstr[1] "Diaktifkan <span class=\"count\">%s</span>" msgctxt "Approved product download directory views" msgid "All <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "All <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Semua <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Semua <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "No approved directory URLs found." msgstr "Tidak ditemukan URL direktori yang disetujui." msgid "" "You do not have permission to modify the list of approved directories for " "product downloads." msgstr "" "Anda tidak diizinkan mengubah daftar direktori yang disetujui untuk unduhan " "produk." msgid "Approved Download Directories sync: scan has been cancelled." msgstr "Sinkronisasi Direktori Unduhan yang Disetujui: pemindaian dibatalkan." msgid "" "The Approved Product Download Directories list is currently being " "synchronized with the product catalog (%d%% complete). If you need to, you " "can cancel it." msgstr "" "Daftar Direktori Unduhan Produk yang Disetujui sedang disinkronkan dengan " "katalog produk (%d%% selesai). Jika perlu, Anda dapat membatalkannya." msgid "Cancel synchronization of approved directories" msgstr "Batalkan sinkronisasi direktori yang disetujui" msgid "" "Removes all existing entries from the Approved Product Download Directories " "list." msgstr "" "Menghapus semua entri dari daftar Direktori Unduhan Produk yang Disetujui." msgid "Empty the approved download directories list" msgstr "Kosongkan daftar direktori unduhan yang disetujui" msgid "" "Updates the list of Approved Product Download Directories. Note that " "triggering this tool does not impact whether the Approved Download " "Directories list is enabled or not." msgstr "" "Memperbarui daftar Direktori Unduhan Produk yang Disetujui. Ingat bahwa " "pengaktifan alat ini tidak memengaruhi aktifnya daftar Direktori Unduhan " "yang Diterima." msgid "Synchronize approved download directories" msgstr "Sinkronkan direktori unduhan yang disetujui" msgid "" "Switch to using the orders table as the authoritative data store for orders " "when sync finishes" msgstr "" "Beralih menggunakan tabel pesanan sebagai penyimpanan data otoritatif untuk " "pesanan setelah sinkronisasi selesai" msgid "" "Switch to using the posts table as the authoritative data store for orders " "when sync finishes" msgstr "" "Beralih menggunakan tabel pos sebagai penyimpanan data otoritatif untuk " "pesanan setelah sinkronisasi selesai" msgid "Keep the posts table and the orders tables synchronized" msgstr "Tetap sinkronkan tabel pos dan tabel pesanan" msgid "" "<br/>The authoritative table can't be changed until these orders are " "synchronized." msgstr "" "<br/>Tabel otoritatif tidak dapat diubah sampai pesanan-pesanan ini " "disinkronkan." msgid "" "<br/>Synchronization for these orders is currently in progress.<br/>The " "authoritative table can't be changed until sync completes." msgstr "" "<br/>Sinkronisasi pesanan-pesanan ini sedang berlangsung.<br/>Tabel " "otoritatif tidak dapat diubah sampai sinkronisasi selesai." msgid "There's %s order pending sync!" msgid_plural "There are %s orders pending sync!" msgstr[0] "Ada %s pesanan yang sinkronisasinya tertunda!" msgstr[1] "Ada %s pesanan yang sinkronisasinya tertunda!" msgid "There's %1$s order (out of a total of %2$s) pending sync!" msgid_plural "There are %1$s orders (out of a total of %2$s) pending sync!" msgstr[0] "Ada %1$s pesanan (dari total %2$s) yang sinkronisasinya tertunda!" msgstr[1] "Ada %1$s pesanan (dari total %2$s) yang sinkronisasinya tertunda!" msgid "Use the WordPress posts table" msgstr "Menggunakan tabel pos WordPress" msgid "Use the WooCommerce orders tables" msgstr "Menggunakan tabel pesanan WooCommerce" msgid "Data store for orders" msgstr "Penyimpanan data pesanan" msgid "" "Get your products in front of Pinterest users searching for ideas and things " "to buy. Get started with Pinterest and make your entire product catalog " "browsable." msgstr "" "Tampilkan produk Anda kepada pengguna Pinterest yang sedang mencari ide dan " "barang untuk dibeli. Mulai gunakan Pinterest dan jadikan katalog produk Anda " "dapat ditelusuri." msgid "Pinterest for WooCommerce" msgstr "Pinterest untuk WooCommerce" msgid "" "Affirm’s tailored Buy Now Pay Later programs remove price as a barrier, " "turning browsers into buyers, increasing average order value, and expanding " "your customer base." msgstr "" "Dengan program Buy Now Pay Later dari Affirm, harga bukan lagi hambatan dan " "browser pun menjadi pembeli, nilai pesanan rata-rata meningkat, dan " "pelanggan Anda bertambah." msgid "Affirm" msgstr "Affirm" msgid "" "Enable a familiar, fast checkout for hundreds of millions of active Amazon " "customers globally." msgstr "" "Aktifkan checkout yang mudah dan cepat untuk pelanggan aktif Amazon di " "seluruh dunia." msgid "Amazon Pay" msgstr "Amazon Pay" msgid "" "Afterpay allows customers to receive products immediately and pay for " "purchases over four installments, always interest-free." msgstr "" "Dengan Afterpay, pelanggan dapat segera menerima produk dan membayarnya " "dalam empat cicilan tanpa bunga." msgid "Afterpay" msgstr "Afterpay" msgid "Add tax rates" msgstr "Tambahkan tarif pajak" msgid "You added tax rates" msgstr "Anda menambahkan tarif pajak" msgid "You added store details" msgstr "Anda menambahkan detail toko" msgid "You created %s" msgstr "Anda mendirikan %s" msgid "Add shipping costs" msgstr "Tambahkan biaya pengiriman " msgid "You added shipping costs" msgstr "Anda menambahkan biaya pengiriman" msgid "You added products" msgstr "Anda menambahkan produk" msgid "You set up payments" msgstr "Anda menyiapkan pembayaran" msgid "Get more sales" msgstr "Hasilkan lebih banyak penjualan" msgid "You added sales channels" msgstr "Anda menambahkan kanal penjualan" msgid "Personalize your store" msgstr "Personalisasi toko Anda" msgid "You personalized your store" msgstr "Anda memersonalisasikan toko Anda" msgid "Gateway title." msgstr "Judul gateway." msgid "Priority of recommendation." msgstr "Prioritas rekomendasi." msgid "Array of plugin slugs." msgstr "Array slug plugin." msgid "Suggestion visibility." msgstr "Visibilitas saran." msgid "Gateway image." msgstr "Gambar gateway." msgid "Suggestion ID." msgstr "ID saran." msgid "Suggestion description." msgstr "Deskripsi saran." msgid "Sorry, experiment_name is required." msgstr "Maaf, experiment_name diperlukan." msgid "Eswatini" msgstr "Eswatini" msgid "Launch unlimited free and paid courses, all within your WordPress site." msgstr "" "Luncurkan kursus gratis dan berbayar tanpa batas di situs Anda." msgid "Hide (Plan Upgrade Required)" msgstr "Sembunyikan (Diperlukan Upgrade Paket)" msgid "Get a {{b}}free{{/b}} one-year domain registration with your plan." msgstr "" "Dapatkan registrasi domain {{b}}gratis{{/b}} selama satu tahun untuk paket " "Anda." msgid "" "You won't be able to upload more files after reaching your storage space " "limit." msgstr "" "Anda tidak akan dapat mengupload file lagi setelah mencapai batas storage." msgid "" "You are not able to upload more files since you are over your storage space " "limit." msgstr "" "Anda tidak dapat mengupload file lagi karena sudah melebihi kapasitas " "storage." msgid "" "Looks like you have used <strong>%1$s</strong> of your <strong>%2$s</strong> " "upload limit (<strong>%3$s%%</strong>)." msgstr "" "Sepertinya Anda telah menggunakan <strong>%1$s</strong> dari <strong>%2$s</" "strong> batas upload (<strong>%3$s%%</strong>)." msgid "Response to %s" msgstr "Tanggapan atas %s" msgid "%s is automatically managed for you." msgstr "%s dikelola secara otomatis untuk Anda." msgid "" "The code %1$s is valid for %2$s%% off your first payment on a yearly " " plan. This code will expire on %3$s, and this discount may not " "be applied to previous purchases, renewals, subscription upgrades, or " "combined with any other offer." msgstr "" "Kode %1$s berlaku untuk diskon %2$s%% pada pembayaran pertama paket tahunan " " Anda. Kode ini akan kedaluwarsa pada %3$s, dan diskon ini " "tidak dapat digunakan untuk pembelian, perpanjangan, atau upgrade langganan " "sebelumnya, atau digabungkan dengan penawaran lainnya." msgid "" "The code <strong>%1$s</strong> is valid for %2$s%% off your first payment on " "a yearly plan. This code will expire on %3$s, and this " "discount may not be applied to previous purchases or combined with any other " "offer." msgstr "" "Kode <strong>%1$s</strong> berlaku untuk diskon %2$s%% pada pembayaran " "pertama paket tahunan Anda. Kode ini akan kedaluwarsa pada " "%3$s, dan diskon ini tidak dapat digunakan untuk pembelian sebelumnya atau " "digabungkan dengan penawaran lainnya." msgid "Claim your discount" msgstr "Klaim diskon Anda" msgid "Error queueing a new backup." msgstr "Terjadi eror saat menyiapkan cadangan baru." msgid "Backup successfully queued." msgstr "Cadangan berhasil disiapkan." msgid "" "Some files failed to backup. {{ExternalLink}}Learn why.{{/ExternalLink}}" msgstr "" "Beberapa file gagal dicadangkan. {{ExternalLink}}Pelajari alasannya.{{/" "ExternalLink}}" msgid "Retry queued" msgstr "Coba lagi yang telah disiapkan" msgid "Sign in to see what the marketplace has to offer." msgstr "Masuk untuk melihat apa yang ditawarkan marketplace." msgid "View the marketplace" msgstr "Lihat marketplace" msgid "Read more about selling on the marketplace." msgstr "Baca lebih lanjut tentang berjualan di marketplace" msgid "" "Thank you for applying to join the marketplace. We’ll be in " "touch with you very soon to discuss next steps." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah mendaftar untuk bergabung dengan marketplace WordPress." "com. Kami akan segera menghubungi Anda untuk mendiskusikan langkah " "selanjutnya." msgid "We’ll be in touch" msgstr "Kami akan menghubungi Anda" msgid "Visit WP Admin" msgstr "Kunjungi WP Admin" msgid "View activity" msgstr "Lihat aktivitas" msgid "Manage all your Jetpack sites from one location" msgstr "Kelola semua situs Jetpack Anda dari satu lokasi" msgid "" "Howdy,\n" "You recently subscribed to <a href='%1$s'>%2$s</a> and we need to verify the " "email you provided. Once you confirm below, you'll be able to receive and " "read new posts.\n" "\n" "If you believe this is an error, ignore this message and nothing more will " "happen." msgstr "" "Hai,\n" "Anda baru saja berlangganan <a href='%1$s'>%2$s</a> dan kami perlu " "memverifikasi email yang dicantumkan. Setelah mengonfirmasi, Anda dapat " "menerima dan membaca pos baru.\n" "\n" "Jika Anda yakin hal ini adalah sebuah kesalahan, abaikan pesan berikut dan " "tidak akan terjadi apa-apa lagi." msgid "Limit results to those matching a pattern (slug)." msgstr "Batasi hasil hanya untuk yang cocok dengan pola (slug)." msgid "Jetpack is unable to connect" msgstr "Jetpack tidak dapat tersambung" msgid "Please type your comment text." msgstr "Silakan ketikkan komentar Anda." msgid "" "This plan includes custom design tools, storage space for your photos and " "files, and the ability to set a custom domain as your primary site address." msgstr "" "Paket ini mencakup alat desain kustom, ruang penyimpanan untuk foto dan " "file, serta kemampuan untuk menetapkan domain khusus sebagai alamat situs " "utama Anda." msgid "" "This upgrade includes custom design features, storage space for your photos " "and files, and the ability to set a custom domain as your primary site " "address." msgstr "" "Upgrade ini mencakup fitur desain kustom, ruang penyimpanan untuk foto dan " "file, serta kemampuan untuk menetapkan domain khusus sebagai alamat situs " "utama Anda." msgid "Site Down" msgstr "Situs Down" msgid "%(threats)d Threat" msgid_plural "%(threats)d Threats" msgstr[0] "%(threats)d Ancaman" msgstr[1] "%(threats)d Ancaman" msgid "Scan in progress" msgstr "Pemindaian sedang berlangsung" msgid "🔌 Plugin updates" msgstr "🔌 Pembaruan plugin" msgid "Failed to retrieve your sites. Please try again later." msgstr "Gagal mengakses situs Anda. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgctxt "Editor Fonts" msgid "" "Themes with font settings in the block editor, not the Site Editor or " "Customizer." msgstr "" "Tema dengan pengaturan font di editor blok, bukan Editor Situs atau " "Customizer." msgid "" "Found %(total)s plugin for \"%(searchTerm)s\" under \"%(categoryName)s\"" msgid_plural "" "Found %(total)s plugins for \"%(searchTerm)s\" under \"%(categoryName)s\"" msgstr[0] "" "Ditemukan %(total)s plugin untuk \"%(searchTerm)s\" dalam \"%(categoryName)s" "\"" msgstr[1] "" "Ditemukan %(total)s plugin untuk \"%(searchTerm)s\" dalam \"%(categoryName)s" "\"" msgid "Found %(total)s plugin for \"%(searchTerm)s\"" msgid_plural "Found %(total)s plugins for \"%(searchTerm)s\"" msgstr[0] "Ditemukan %(total)s plugin untuk \"%(searchTerm)s\"" msgstr[1] "Ditemukan %(total)s plugin untuk \"%(searchTerm)s\"" msgid "Search results for \"%(searchTerm)s\"" msgstr "Hasil pencarian untuk \"%(searchTerm)s\"" msgid "Start your website. Limited functionality and storage." msgstr "" "Mulai situs Anda. Fungsionalitas dan penyimpanan terbatas." msgid "Choose Starter" msgstr "Pilih Starter" msgid "Choose Pro" msgstr "Pilih Pro" msgid "Start with Starter" msgstr "Mulai dengan Pemula" msgid "WordPress Starter" msgstr "WordPress Starter" msgid "" "Take our free introductory course about search engine optimization (SEO) and " "learn how to improve your site or blog for both search engines and humans." msgstr "" "Ikuti kursus pengantar gratis kami tentang optimisasi mesin pencari (SEO) " "dan pelajari cara meningkatkan situs atau blog Anda untuk mesin pencari dan " "pengguna." msgid "Increase traffic to your site" msgstr "Tingkatkan aktivitas situs Anda" msgid "" "Appleton is a theme for creative professionals, such as photographers, " "designers and artists." msgstr "" "Appleton adalah tema untuk para profesional yang kreatif, seperti " "fotografer, desainer, dan seniman." msgid "Invoice %s settled successfully." msgstr "Faktur %s berhasil dilunasi." msgid "" "<strong>Media</strong> — A list of URLs for media files the user " "uploads." msgstr "" "<strong>Media</strong> — Daftar URL untuk berkas media yang diunggah " "oleh pengguna." msgid "" "<strong>Community Events Location</strong> — The IP Address of the " "user, which populates the Upcoming Community Events dashboard widget with " "relevant information." msgstr "" "<strong>Lokasi Kegiatan Komunitas</strong> — Alamat IP pengguna, yang " "mengisi widget dasbor Kegiatan Komunitas Mendatang dengan informasi yang " "relevan." msgid "" "WordPress collects (but <em>never</em> publishes) a limited amount of data " "from registered users who have logged in to the site. Generally, these users " "are people who contribute to the site in some way -- content, store " "management, and so on. With rare exceptions, these users do not include " "occasional visitors who might have registered to comment on articles or buy " "products. The data WordPress retains can include:" msgstr "" "WordPress mengumpulkan (tetapi <em>tidak pernah</em> mempublikasikan) " "sejumlah data yang dimiliki pengguna terdaftar yang telah masuk ke situs. " "Umumnya, pengguna tersebut adalah orang yang berkontribusi pada situs untuk " "berbagai hal -- misalnya konten, manajemen toko, dan sebagainya. Dalam " "kondisi tertentu, pengguna yang dimaksud tidak termasuk pengunjung yang " "telah mendaftar ke situs untuk mengomentari artikel atau membeli produk. " "Data pengguna yang disimpan WordPress mencakup:" msgid "" "Note: Since this tool only gathers data from WordPress and participating " "plugins, you may need to do more to comply with export requests. For " "example, you should also send the requester some of the data collected from " "or stored with the 3rd party services your organization uses." msgstr "" "Catatan: Karena alat ini hanya mengumpulkan data dari WordPress dan plugin " "yang digunakan, Anda perlu mengecek kompatibilitasnya dengan syarat " "permintaan ekspor. Sebagai contoh, Anda juga harus mengirimkan kepada " "pemohon beberapa data yang dikumpulkan dari atau disimpan dengan layanan " "pihak ketiga yang digunakan organisasi Anda." msgid "" "Privacy Laws around the world require businesses and online services to " "provide an export of some of the data they collect about an individual, and " "to deliver that export on request. The rights those laws enshrine are " "sometimes called the \"Right of Data Portability\". It allows individuals to " "obtain and reuse their personal data for their own purposes across different " "services. It allows them to move, copy or transfer personal data easily from " "one IT environment to another." msgstr "" "Undang-undang Privasi di seluruh dunia mengharuskan bisnis dan layanan " "online untuk menyediakan ekspor dari beberapa data yang mereka kumpulkan " "tentang seseorang, dan untuk mengirimkan ekspor itu berdasarkan permintaan. " "Hak-hak yang diabadikan oleh undang-undang tersebut terkadang disebut \"Hak " "Portabilitas Data\". Ini memungkinkan individu untuk mendapatkan dan " "menggunakan kembali data pribadi mereka untuk tujuan mereka sendiri di " "berbagai layanan. Ini memungkinkan mereka untuk memindahkan, menyalin, atau " "mentransfer data pribadi dengan mudah dari satu lingkungan Teknologi " "Informasi ke lingkungan Teknologi Informasi lainnya." msgid "" "<strong>Comments</strong> — WordPress does not delete comments. The " "software does anonymize (but, again, <em>never</em> publishes) the " "associated Email Address, IP Address, and User Agent (Browser/OS)." msgstr "" "<strong>Komentar</strong> — WordPress tidak menghapus komentar. " "Perangkat lunak ini menganonimkan (tetapi, sekali lagi, <em>tidak pernah</" "em> mempublikasikan) Alamat Email, Alamat IP, dan Agen Pengguna (Browser/OS) " "terkait." msgid "" "WordPress collects (but <em>never</em> publishes) a limited amount of data " "from logged-in users but then deletes it or anonymizes it. That data can " "include:" msgstr "" "WordPress mengumpulkan (tetapi <em>tidak pernah</em> mempublikasikan) data " "dalam jumlah terbatas dari pengguna yang masuk tetapi kemudian menghapusnya " "atau menganonimkannya. Data tersebut dapat mencakup:" msgid "" "Note: As this tool only gathers data from WordPress and participating " "plugins, you may need to do more to comply with erasure requests. For " "example, you are also responsible for ensuring that data collected by or " "stored with the 3rd party services your organization uses gets deleted." msgstr "" "Catatan: Karena alat ini hanya mengumpulkan data dari WordPress dan plugin " "yang berpartisipasi, Anda mungkin membutuhkan lebih banyak daftar tugas " "untuk mematuhi meminta penghapusan. Sebagai contoh, Anda juga bertanggung " "jawab untuk memastikan bahwa data yang dikumpulkan oleh atau disimpan dengan " "layanan pihak ketiga yang digunakan organisasi Anda akan dihapus." msgid "" "Privacy Laws around the world require businesses and online services to " "delete, anonymize, or forget the data they collect about an individual. The " "rights those laws enshrine are sometimes called the \"Right to be Forgotten" "\"." msgstr "" "Undang-undang Privasi di seluruh dunia mengharuskan bisnis dan layanan " "online untuk menghapus, memberikan anonim, atau melupakan data yang mereka " "kumpulkan tentang seseorang. Hak-hak yang diabadikan oleh undang-undang " "tersebut kadang-kadang disebut \"Hak untuk Dilupakan\"." msgid "This screen is where you manage requests to erase personal data." msgstr "" "Layar ini memungkinkan Anda mengelola permintaan untuk menghapus data " "pribadi." msgid "Delete this payment method" msgstr "Hapus metode pembayaran ini" msgid "" "Low risk items could have a negative impact on your site and should either " "be fixed or ignored at your convenience." msgstr "" "Item berisiko rendah dapat berdampak negatif pada situs Anda dan harus " "diperbaiki atau diabaikan sesuai keinginan Anda." msgid "" "The VIES VAT verification service is unavailable, please try again later." msgstr "Layanan verifikasi VAT VIES tidak tersedia, harap coba lagi nanti." msgid "Step %(progress)d of %(count)d" msgstr "Langkah %(progress)d dari %(count)d" msgid "" "The Member State VAT verification service could not be reached in time, " "please try again later." msgstr "" "Saat ini layanan verifikasi VAT Negara Anggota tidak dapat dihubungi, harap " "coba lagi nanti." msgid "test mode" msgstr "mode pengujian" msgid "live mode" msgstr "mode langsung" msgid "" "Document not found. A similar document exists in %1$s, but this request was " "made in %2$s." msgstr "" "Dokumen tidak ditemukan. Dokumen serupa tersedia dalam %1$s, tetapi " "permintaan ini dibuat dalam %2$s." msgid "The site %(siteSlug)s is no longer connected to" msgstr "Situs %(siteSlug)s tidak lagi tersambung ke" msgid "" "%(purchaseName)s expired on %(siteSlug)s, and the site is no longer " "connected to To renew this purchase, please reconnect " "%(siteSlug)s to your account, then complete your purchase." msgstr "" "%(purchaseName)s kedaluwarsa pada %(siteSlug)s, dan situs tidak lagi " "terhubung ke Untuk memperbarui pembelian ini, harap " "sambungkan kembali %(siteSlug)s ke akun Anda, lalu selesaikan " "pembelian Anda." msgid "Connecting to chat" msgstr "Menyambungkan ke chat" msgid "Please head here to complete your sign up:" msgstr "Silakan buka halaman ini untuk menyelesaikan pendaftaran Anda:" msgid "" "It takes just a few minutes to complete your information and begin taking " "payments with %s." msgstr "" "Butuh beberapa menit saja untuk melengkapi data Anda agar bisa mulai " "menerima pembayaran dengan %s." msgid "" "Before you can start selling, you just need to add some more information to " "your account." msgstr "" "Sebelum dapat mulai berjualan, Anda hanya perlu menambahkan beberapa " "informasi pada akun." msgid "To add your details, please head here (it takes just a few minutes):" msgstr "" "Untuk menambahkan detail Anda, klik di sini (hanya memerlukan waktu beberapa " "menit):" msgid "" "We’d love to help you complete your sign up — so you can start selling with " "Woo. To get you set up, we just need a bit more information from you." msgstr "" "Kami ingin membantu Anda menyelesaikan proses pendaftaran agar Anda dapat " "mulai berjualan menggunakan Woo. Untuk membantu Anda bersiap, kami butuh " "beberapa informasi dari Anda." msgid "Add my details" msgstr "Tambahkan detail saya" msgid "" "You’re just a few minutes away from completing your sign up and getting your " "business out there — head here to complete your sign up:" msgstr "" "Proses pendaftaran hampir selesai dan bisnis Anda hampir siap diluncurkan. " "Klik di sini untuk menyelesaikan proses pendaftaran Anda:" msgid "" "To start selling with us — you just need to share a little more information." msgstr "" "Untuk mulai berjualan bersama kami, Anda perlu membagikan sejumlah informasi." msgid "" "Please take a few minutes to complete your sign up information to start " "accepting payments with %s." msgstr "" "Luangkan waktu beberapa menit untuk melengkapi data pendaftaran agar bisa " "mulai menerima pembayaran dengan %s." msgid "" "To begin selling and start earning with Woo, you just need to share a few " "more details with us." msgstr "" "Untuk mulai berjualan dan berpenghasilan bersama Woo, Anda perlu membagikan " "sejumlah informasi detail kepada kami." msgid "It just takes a few minutes!" msgstr "Hanya butuh beberapa menit!" msgid "Get my store out there" msgstr "Luncurkan toko saya" msgid "To complete your sign up, please head here:" msgstr "Untuk menyelesaikan pendaftaran Anda, klik di sini:" msgid "" "Before you can go live with your store and start selling, you just need to " "share a bit more information with us." msgstr "" "Sebelum dapat meluncurkan toko dan mulai berjualan, Anda perlu membagikan " "sejumlah informasi tambahan." msgid "Complete my sign up" msgstr "Selesaikan pendaftaran saya" msgid "To complete your sign up, head here:" msgstr "Untuk menyelesaikan pendaftaran Anda, klik di sini:" msgid "" "You’re nearly ready to start selling and earning money from your store — you " "just need to add a little more information to your account." msgstr "" "Anda hampir siap untuk mulai berjualan dan menghasilkan uang dari toko. Anda " "hanya perlu menambahkan sejumlah informasi ke akun." msgid "Hi%s," msgstr "Halo%s," msgid " Starter" msgstr " Starter" msgid "Upgrade to the Business plan and set up your WooCommerce store." msgstr "Lakukan upgrade ke paket Bisnis dan siapkan toko WooCommerce Anda." msgid "Settings save failed." msgstr "Penyimpanan pengaturan gagal." msgid "" "Howdy ###USERNAME###,\n" "\n" "Someone with administrator capabilities recently requested to have the\n" "administration email address changed on this site:\n" "###SITEURL###\n" "\n" "To confirm this change, please click on the following link:\n" "###ADMIN_URL###\n" "\n" "You can safely ignore and delete this email if you do not want to\n" "take this action.\n" "\n" "This email has been sent to ###EMAIL###\n" "\n" "Regards,\n" "All at ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgstr "" "Apa kabar ###USERNAME###,\n" "\n" "Seseorang dengan hak akses administrator baru saja meminta untuk mengubah e-" "mail admin situs Anda.\n" "###SITEURL###\n" "\n" "Untuk mengkonfirmasi perubahan ini, silahkan klik tautan berikut:\n" "###ADMIN_URL###\n" "\n" "Anda dapat mengabaikan dan menghapus e-mail ini jika tidak\n" "ingin melakukannya.\n" "\n" "E-mail ini telah dikirim ke ###EMAIL###\n" "\n" "Dengan hormat,\n" "Tim ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgctxt "indicates movement (up or down)" msgid "DOWN" msgstr "TURUN" msgctxt "indicates movement (up or down)" msgid "UP" msgstr "NAIK" msgid "WooCommerce Conditional Shipping and Payments" msgstr "WooCommerce Conditional Shipping and Payments" msgid "" "Your site is not <hosted_on_our_services>hosted with our services</" "hosted_on_our_services>. Support for the self-hosted version of WordPress is " "provided by the <wordpress_org_community_forums> community " "forums</wordpress_org_community_forums>, or if the problem relates to a " "specific plugin or theme, contact support for that product instead. If " "you’re not sure, share your question with a link, and we’ll point you in the " "right direction!" msgstr "" "Situs Anda tidak <hosted_on_our_services>dihosting dengan layanan kami</" "hosted_on_our_services>. Bantuan untuk versi WordPress yang dihosting " "sendiri disediakan oleh <wordpress_org_community_forums>forum komunitas " "</wordpress_org_community_forums>, atau jika masalah terkait " "dengan plugin atau tema tertentu, hubungi layanan bantuan dari produk " "tersebut. Jika Anda tidak yakin, tulis pertanyaan Anda dengan tautan, " "kemudian kami akan menunjukkan Anda arah yang tepat!" msgid "" "<strong>%1$s</strong> domain connection expires in <em>less than 7 days</" "em>! Uh oh!" msgstr "" "Koneksi domain <strong>%1$s</strong> kedaluwarsa dalam <em>kurang dari 7 " "hari</em>! Ah Oh" msgid "Renewing your domain connection or plan will fix the issue." msgstr "" "Memperpanjang koneksi domain atau paket Anda akan mengatasi masalah ini." msgid "Renewing the domain connection or plan subscription will fix the issue." msgstr "" "Memperpanjang koneksi domain atau langganan paket akan mengatasi masalah ini." msgid "Login via the mobile app" msgstr "Login melalui aplikasi seluler" msgid "View the forums topic here." msgstr "Lihat topik forum di sini." msgid "Your message has been submitted to our community forums." msgstr "Pesan Anda telah dikirim ke forum komunitas kami." msgid "" "We couldn't fetch enough information about this site to determine our " "ability to support you with it." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat mengambil informasi yang cukup dari situs ini untuk " "menentukan apakah kami dapat membantu Anda." msgid "" "%s is linked to another account. If you’re trying to access " "it, please follow our Account Recovery procedure." msgstr "" "%s tertaut dengan akun yang lain. Jika Anda mencoba " "mengaksesnya, ikuti prosedur Pemulihan Akun kami." msgid "Learn more about themes" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang tema" msgid "" "Build your site with our %s Plan to add Google tools and services, no " "installation required." msgstr "" "Buat situs Anda dengan Paket %s kami untuk menambahkan alat dan layanan " "Google tanpa perlu menginstal." msgid "" "Add Google Analytics to your %s site to track performance. Get timely and " "detailed statistics about where your visitors are coming from, how they’re " "interacting with your site, and whether they’re responding to your marketing " "efforts." msgstr "" "Tambahkan Google Analytics pada situs %s Anda untuk memantau performa. " "Dapatkan statistik terkini dan terperinci tentang asal pengunjung, interaksi " "mereka dengan situs Anda, dan respons mereka terhadap upaya pemasaran Anda." msgid "" "Choose from hundreds of beautiful designs and customize them for your " "business site, blog, or portfolio. If you purchased a WordPress theme " "elsewhere? No problem: the %s plan lets you install any theme you’d like." msgstr "" "Pilih dari ratusan desain menawan dan sesuaikan untuk bisnis, situs, blog, " "atau portofolio Anda. Bagaimana jika membeli tema WordPress dari tempat " "lain? Tidak masalah: paket %s mengizinkan Anda menginstal tema yang Anda " "inginkan." msgid "The date and time the preferences were updated." msgstr "Tanggal dan waktu yang dipilih sudah diperbarui." msgid "<strong>Error:</strong> This is not a valid feed template." msgstr "<strong>Eror</strong>: Ini bukan templat feed yang sah." msgid "" "One of these homepage options could be great to start with. You can always " "change later." msgstr "" "Salah satu desain beranda berikut mungkin bagus untuk memulai. Anda selalu " "dapat mengubahnya nanti." msgid "Pick a design" msgstr "Pilih desain" msgid "" "Application passwords grant access to <a href=\"%1$s\">the %2$s site on the " "network as you have Super Admin rights</a>." msgid_plural "" "Application passwords grant access to <a href=\"%1$s\">all %2$s sites on the " "network as you have Super Admin rights</a>." msgstr[0] "" "Sandi aplikasi memberikan akses ke <a href=\"%1$s\">situs %2$s di jaringan " "karena Anda memiliki hak akses sebagai Super Admin</a>." msgstr[1] "" "Sandi aplikasi memberikan akses ke <a href=\"%1$s\">semua situs %2$s di " "jaringan karena Anda memiliki hak akses sebagai Super Admin</a>." msgid "" "This will grant access to <a href=\"%1$s\">the %2$s site on the network as " "you have Super Admin rights</a>." msgid_plural "" "This will grant access to <a href=\"%1$s\">all %2$s sites on the network as " "you have Super Admin rights</a>." msgstr[0] "" "Ini akan memberikan akses ke <a href=\"%1$s\">situs %2$s di jaringan karena " "Anda memiliki hak Super Admin</a>." msgstr[1] "" "Ini akan memberikan akses ke <a href=\"%1$s\">semua %2$s situs di jaringan " "karena Anda memiliki hak Super Admin</a>." msgid "The password cannot be a space or all spaces." msgstr "Kata sandi tidak boleh spasi atau semua spasi." msgid "Ancestor blocks." msgstr "Blok pendahulu" msgid "New Recommendation for %s!" msgstr "Rekomendasi Baru untuk %s!" msgid "" "%1$sWARNING:%2$s This feature is currently under development and may cause " "database instability. For contributors only." msgstr "" "%1$sPERINGATAN:%2$s Fitur ini masih dikembangkan dan dapat menyebabkan " "ketidakstabilan basis data. Hanya untuk kontributor." msgid "Custom orders tables" msgstr "Tabel pesanan kustom" msgid "Custom data stores" msgstr "Penyimpanan data kustom" msgid "Custom orders tables have been deleted." msgstr "Tabel pesanan kustom telah dihapus." msgid "Delete the custom orders tables" msgstr "Hapus tabel pesanan kustom" msgid "Nonce is invalid." msgstr "Nonce tidak valid." msgid "Missing the Nonce header. This endpoint requires a valid nonce." msgstr "Header Nonce tidak ada. Titik akhir ini membutuhkan nonce yang valid." msgid "" "Report sync schedulers should be derived from the Automattic\\WooCommerce" "\\Internal\\Admin\\Schedulers\\ImportScheduler class." msgstr "" "Penjadwal sinkronisasi laporan harus diambil dari kelas Automattic" "\\WooCommerce\\Internal\\Admin\\Penjadwal\\PenjadwalImpor." msgid "How easy was it to update an order?" msgstr "Seberapa mudah Anda dapat memperbarui pesanan?" msgid "How easy was it to edit your product?" msgstr "Seberapa mudah Anda menyunting produk?" msgid "How easy was it to add a product?" msgstr "Seberapa mudah Anda menambahkan produk?" msgid "Plugin activation has been scheduled." msgstr "Aktivasi plugin telah dijadwalkan." msgid "Plugin installation has been scheduled." msgstr "Instalasi plugin telah dijadwalkan." msgid "Optional parameter to get only specific task lists by id." msgstr "" "Parameter opsional untuk mendapatkan hanya daftar tugas tertentu berdasarkan " "id." msgid "Shows if the product needs to be configured before it can be bought." msgstr "Muncul jika produk perlu dikonfigurasikan sebelum dapat dibeli." msgid "Order payment URL." msgstr "URL pembayaran pesanan." msgid "GitHub project" msgstr "Proyek GitHub" msgid "" "If you find a bug within WooCommerce core you can create a ticket via <a " "href=\"%1$s\">GitHub issues</a>. Ensure you read the <a href=\"%2$s" "\">contribution guide</a> prior to submitting your report. To help us solve " "your issue, please be as descriptive as possible and include your <a href=" "\"%3$s\">system status report</a>." msgstr "" "Jika Anda menemukan gangguan dalam inti WooCommerce, Anda dapat membuat " "tiket melalui <a href=\"%1$s\">isu Github</a>. Pastikan Anda membaca <a href=" "\"%2$s\">panduan kontribusi</a> sebelum mengirimkan laporan Anda. Untuk " "membantu kami dalam mengatasi masalah Anda, silakan deskripsikan sejelas " "mungkin dan dilengkapi dengan <a href=\"%3$s\">laporan status sistem</a> " "Anda." msgid "" "This means that the table is probably in an inconsistent state. It's " "recommended to run a new regeneration process or to resume the aborted " "process (Status - Tools - Regenerate the product attributes lookup table/" "Resume the product attributes lookup table regeneration) before enabling the " "table usage." msgstr "" "Artinya, kondisi tabel mungkin tidak konsisten. Jalankan proses pembuatan " "ulang baru atau lanjutkan proses yang dibatalkan (Status - Alat - Buat ulang " "tabel pencarian atribut produk/Lanjutkan pembuatan ulang tabel pencarian " "atribut produk) sebelum mengaktifkan penggunaan tabel." msgid "" "WARNING: The product attributes lookup table regeneration process was " "aborted." msgstr "" "PERINGATAN: Proses pembuatan ulang tabel pencarian atribut produk dibatalkan." msgid "Product attributes lookup table regeneration process has been resumed." msgstr "Proses pembuatan ulang tabel pencarian atribut produk dilanjutkan." msgid "" "This tool will resume the product attributes lookup table regeneration at " "the point in which it was aborted (%1$s products were already processed)." msgstr "" "Alat ini akan melanjutkan proses pembuatan ulang tabel pencarian atribut " "produk dari titik saat proses dibatalkan (%1$s produk telah diproses)." msgid "Resume the product attributes lookup table regeneration" msgstr "Lanjutkan pembuatan ulang tabel pencarian atribut produk" msgid "Product attributes lookup table regeneration process has been aborted." msgstr "Proses pembuatan ulang tabel pencarian atribut produk dibatalkan." msgid "" "This tool will abort the regenerate product attributes lookup table " "regeneration. After this is done the process can be either started over, or " "resumed to continue where it stopped." msgstr "" "Alat ini akan membatalkan pembuatan ulang tabel pencarian atribut produk. " "Lalu, proses dapat dimulai lagi atau dilanjutkan dari titik saat proses " "dihentikan." msgid "Abort the product attributes lookup table regeneration" msgstr "Batalkan proses pembuatan ulang tabel pencarian atribut produk" msgid "Product page" msgstr "Halaman produk" msgid "The quantity added to the cart must be a multiple of %s" msgstr "Jumlah yang ditambahkan ke keranjang harus kelipatan %s" msgid "The maximum quantity that can be added to the cart is %s" msgstr "" "Jumlah maksimal yang dapat ditambahkan sekaligus ke keranjang adalah %s" msgid "The minimum quantity that can be added to the cart is %s" msgstr "Jumlah minimal yang dapat ditambahkan sekaligus ke keranjang adalah %s" msgid "This item is already in the cart and its quantity cannot be edited" msgstr "" "Item ini sudah berada di dalam keranjang dan jumlahnya tidak dapat diganti" msgid "The maximum quantity that can be added to the cart." msgstr "Jumlah maksimal yang dapat ditambahkan sekaligus ke keranjang." msgid "The minimum quantity that can be added to the cart." msgstr "Jumlah minimal yang dapat ditambahkan sekaligus ke keranjang." msgid "If the quantity in the cart is editable or fixed." msgstr "Jika jumlah di keranjang dapat diedit atau tetap." msgid "" "The amount that quantities increment by. Quantity must be an multiple of " "this value." msgstr "Nilai tiap pertambahan jumlah. Jumlah adalah kelipatan nilai ini." msgid "The maximum quantity allowed in the cart for this line item." msgstr "" "Jumlah maksimal dalam keranjang yang diperbolehkan untuk item baris ini." msgid "The minimum quantity allowed in the cart for this line item." msgstr "" "Jumlah minimal dalam keranjang yang diperbolehkan untuk item baris ini." msgid "" "How the quantity of this item should be controlled, for example, any limits " "in place." msgstr "Pembatasan jumlah item ini." msgid "The %s payment gateway is not available." msgstr "Gateway pembayaran %s tidak tersedia." msgid "Quantity of this item to add to the cart." msgstr "Jumlah item ini yang akan ditambahkan ke keranjang." msgid "Save big with WooCommerce Payments" msgstr "Hemat besar-besaran dengan WooCommerce Payments" msgid "" "Save up to $800 in fees by managing transactions with WooCommerce Payments. " "With WooCommerce Payments, you can securely accept major cards, Apple Pay, " "and payments in over 100 currencies." msgstr "" "Hemat biaya sampai $800 dengan mengelola transaksi menggunakan WooCommerce " "Payments. Anda dapat menerima pembayaran berbagai kartu kredit terkemuka " "serta Apple Pay dalam 100 lebih mata uang secara aman menggunakan " "WooCommerce Payments." msgid "" "Changing platforms might seem like a big hurdle to overcome, but it is " "easier than you might think to move your products, customers, and orders to " "WooCommerce. This article will help you with going through this process." msgstr "" "Berganti platform eCommerce kedengarannya berat, tetapi sebenarnya " "memindahkan produk, konsumen, dan pesanan Anda ke WooCommerce lebih mudah " "dari yang Anda bayangkan. Artikel ini akan membantu Anda menjalani proses " "ini." msgid "How to Migrate from Magento to WooCommerce" msgstr "Cara Migrasi dari Magento ke WooCommerce" msgid "Dismiss the gateway" msgstr "Tutup gateaway" msgid "" "Accept credit cards and other popular payment methods with %1$sWooCommerce " "Payments%2$s" msgstr "" "Terima pembayaran lewat kartu kredit dan metode pembayaran terkemuka lainnya " "dengan %1$sWooCommerce Payments%2$s" msgid "Task is not a subclass of `Task`" msgstr "Tugas bukan merupakan subkelas dari 'Tugas'" msgid "Number of employees of the store." msgstr "Jumlah karyawan toko." msgid "Please provide a valid promo note name." msgstr "Silakan masukan nama promo yang valid." msgid "" "The status of the coupon. Should always be draft, published, or pending " "review" msgstr "" "Status kupon. Harus berupa ulasan yang masih konsep, sudah diterbitkan, atau " "tertunda" msgid "" "The database version for WooCommerce. This should be the same as your " "WooCommerce version." msgstr "" "Versi basis data untuk WooCommerce. Harus sama dengan versi WooCommerce Anda." msgid "Shop country/region" msgstr "Belanja di lingkup negara/wilayah" msgid "" "When creating an account, send the new user a link to set their password" msgstr "" "Ketika pengguna baru membuat akun, kirimkan tautan untuk mengatur kata sandi" msgid "" "To start growing your business, head over to <a href=\"%s\"></" "a>, where you'll find the most popular WooCommerce extensions." msgstr "" "Untuk mulai mengembangkan bisnis, kunjungi <a href=\"%s\"></" "a>, di mana Anda akan menemukan ekstensi WooCommerce paling populer." msgid "" "Oh no! We're having trouble connecting to the extensions catalog right now." msgstr "Aduh! Ada masalah saat menghubungkan ke katalog ekstensi saat ini." msgid "Our request to the search API got a malformed response." msgstr "Permintaan kami untuk API pencarian mendapat respons salah format." msgid "Our request to the featured API got a malformed response." msgstr "Permintaan kami untuk API unggulan mendapat respons salah format." msgid "Our request to the featured API got error code %d." msgstr "Permintaan kami untuk API unggulan mendapat kode kesalahan %d." msgid "" "We encountered an SSL error. Please ensure your site supports TLS version " "1.2 or above." msgstr "" "Terjadi kesalahan SSL. Pastikan situs Anda mendukung TLS versi 1.2 ke atas." msgid "Baden-Württemberg" msgstr "Baden-Württemberg" msgid "" "It’s easy to share your content to a wider audience by connecting your " "social media accounts to Jetpack. When you publish a post, it will " "automatically appear on all your favorite platforms. Best of all, it’s free. " "Learn more." msgstr "" "Mudah sekali membagikan konten ke audiens lebih luas dengan menghubungkan " "akun media sosial Anda ke Jetpack. Pos yang Anda publikasikan akan muncul " "secara otomatis di semua platform favorit Anda. Yang terpenting, ini gratis. " "Pelajari selengkapnya." msgid "" "To ensure a great experience for your readers, we recommend manually " "moderating spam or using an automated product like Jetpack Anti-spam." msgstr "" "Untuk memberikan pengalaman terbaik bagi pembaca Anda, sebaiknya moderasi " "spam secara manual atau gunakan produk otomatis seperti Jetpack Anti-spam." msgid "Or instantly unsubscribe: " msgstr "Atau, langsung berhenti mengikuti: " msgid "Manage your email preferences: " msgstr "Kelola preferensi email Anda: " msgid "Upgrade to modify payment plans or add new plans" msgstr "Upgrade untuk mengubah paket pembayaran atau menambahkan paket baru" msgid "" "To ensure a great experience for your readers, we recommend <a href=" "\"\" " "class=\"jetpack-bold-underlined-link\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank" "\">manually moderating spam</a> or using an automated product like Jetpack " "Anti-spam." msgstr "" "Untuk memberikan pengalaman terbaik bagi pembaca Anda, sebaiknya <a href=" "\"\" " "class=\"jetpack-bold-underlined-link\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank" "\">moderasi spam secara manual</a> atau gunakan produk otomatis seperti " "Jetpack Anti-spam." msgid "" "Congratulations! Your content is getting traction and receiving comments. " "The more popular your content is, the more likely it is you will be a target " "for spam comments." msgstr "" "Selamat! Konten Anda mendapatkan traksi dan komentar. Makin populer konten " "Anda, makin besar kemungkinannya menjadi target komentar spam." msgid "" "Congratulations! Your post, %s, is getting traction and receiving comments. " "The more popular your content is, the more likely it is you will be a target " "for spam comments." msgstr "" "Selamat! Pos Anda, %s, mendapatkan traksi dan komentar. Makin populer konten " "Anda, makin besar kemungkinannya menjadi target komentar spam." msgid "Your content is getting traction" msgstr "Konten Anda mendapatkan traksi" msgid "Your post, %s, is getting traction" msgstr "Pos Anda, %s, mendapatkan traksi" msgid "Save time by blocking spam comments automatically" msgstr "Hemat waktu dengan memblokir komentar spam secara otomatis" msgid "2 minutes" msgstr "2 menit" msgid "A link to set a new password will be sent to your email address." msgstr "" "Tautan untuk mengatur kata sandi baru akan dikirim ke alamat e-mail Anda." msgid "If this is a default attribute" msgstr "Jika ini merupakan atribut standar" msgid "%1$d item in cart, total price of %2$s" msgid_plural "%1$d items in cart, total price of %2$s" msgstr[0] "%1$d item dalam keranjang, harga total %2$s" msgstr[1] "%1$d item dalam keranjang, harga total %2$s" msgid "" "Report table data is being rebuilt. Please allow some time for data to fully " "populate." msgstr "" "Data tabel laporan sedang dibuat ulang. Harap tunggu beberapa saat agar data " "kembali dengan penuh." msgid "" "An import is already in progress. Please allow the previous import to " "complete before beginning a new one." msgstr "" "Proses impor sedang dalam proses. Harap tunggu agar impor sebelumnya selesai " "sebelum memulai impor yang baru." msgid "" "Files that may contain %1$sstore analytics%2$s reports were found in your " "uploads directory - we recommend assessing and deleting any such files." msgstr "" "File yang mungkin berisi laporan %1$sstore analytics%2$s ditemukan di " "direktori unggah Anda - sebaiknya periksa dan hapus file tersebut." msgid "Potentially unsecured files were found in your uploads directory" msgstr "File yang berpotensi tidak aman ditemukan di direktori unggahan Anda" msgid "" "Woohoo, %1$s was your record day for sales! Net sales was %2$s beating the " "previous record of %3$s set on %4$s." msgstr "" "Woohoo, %1$s adalah hari rekor Anda untuk penjualan! Penjuala Bersih %2$s " "mengalahkan rekor sebelumnya sebesar %3$s yang terjadi pada %4$s." msgid "Add store details" msgstr "Tambahkan detail toko" msgid "%1$1sExplore our docs%2$2s for more information, or just get started!" msgstr "" "%1$1sTelusuri dokumen kami%2$2s untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, " "atau untuk memulai!" msgid "Level up your email marketing with %1$sMailPoet%2$s" msgstr "Tingkatkan pemasaran email Anda dengan %1$sMailPoet%2$s" msgid "Enhance speed and security with %1$sJetpack%2$s" msgstr "Tingkatkan kecepatan dan keamanan dengan %1$sJetpack%2$s" msgid "Get automated sales tax with %1$sWooCommerce Tax%2$s" msgstr "" "Hitung pajak penjualan secara otomatis dengan %1$sPajak WooCommerce%2$s" msgid "Print shipping labels with %1$sWooCommerce Shipping%2$s" msgstr "Cetak label pengiriman dengan %1$sWooCommerce Shipping%2$s" msgid "" "Create on-brand store campaigns, fast email promotions and customer " "retargeting with Creative Mail." msgstr "" "Buat kampanye branding, promosi email cepat, dan penargetan ulang konsumen " "dengan Creative Mail." msgid "Creative Mail for WooCommerce" msgstr "Creative Mail untuk WooCommerce" msgid "" "Send targeted campaigns, recover abandoned carts and much more with " "Mailchimp." msgstr "" "Kirimkan kampanye bertarget, pulihkan keranjang belanja yang ditinggalkan, " "dan lebih banyak lagi dengan Mailchimp." msgid "" "Create and send purchase follow-up emails, newsletters, and promotional " "campaigns straight from your dashboard." msgstr "" "Buat dan kirim email tindak lanjut pembelian, buletin, dan kampanye " "promosional langsung dari dasbor Anda." msgid "MailPoet" msgstr "MailPoet" msgid "" "Reach more shoppers and drive sales for your store. Integrate with Google to " "list your products for free and launch paid ad campaigns." msgstr "" "Jangkau lebih banyak pembeli dan tingkatkan penjualan toko Anda. " "Integrasikan dengan Google untuk mencantumkan produk secara gratis dan " "meluncurkan kampanya iklan berbayar." msgid "Drive sales with %1$sGoogle Listings and Ads%2$s" msgstr "Tingkatkan penjualan dengan %1$sGoogle Listings and Ads%2$s" msgid "Reach out to customers" msgstr "Jangkau pelanggan" msgid "Grow your store" msgstr "Kembangkan toko Anda" msgid "Get the basics" msgstr "Dapatkan fitur-fitur dasar" msgid "" "The Eway extension for WooCommerce allows you to take credit card payments " "directly on your store without redirecting your customers to a third party " "site to make payment." msgstr "" "Ekstensi eWAY untuk WooCommerce memungkinkan Anda memilih kartu kredit " "secara langsung di toko Anda tanpa harus mengalihkan pelanggan Anda ke situs " "pihak ketiga untuk melakukan pembayaran." msgid "Eway" msgstr "Eway" msgid "" "You're only one step away from getting paid. Verify your business details to " "start managing transactions with WooCommerce Payments." msgstr "" "Tinggal selangkah lagi, lalu Anda siap menerima pembayaran. Periksa detail " "bisnis Anda untuk bisa mulai mengelola transaksi dengan WooCommerce Payments." msgid "Set your store location and configure tax rate settings." msgstr "Atur lokasi toko dan konfigurasi pengaturan tarif pajak." msgid "" "Good news! WooCommerce Services and Jetpack can automate your sales tax " "calculations for you." msgstr "" "Kabar baik! Otomatis hitung pajak penjualan dengan Layanan WooCommerce dan " "Jetpack." msgid "" "Your store address is required to set the origin country for shipping, " "currencies, and payment options." msgstr "" "Alamat toko Anda wajib diisi agar negara asal untuk pengiriman, mata uang, " "dan pilihan pembayaran bisa diatur." msgid "Store details" msgstr "Rincian toko" msgid "Set your store location and where you'll ship to." msgstr "Atur lokasi toko dan mana saja daerah tujuan pengiriman yang dilayani." msgid "Set up shipping" msgstr "Siapkan pengiriman" msgid "Purchase & install now" msgstr "Beli & instal sekarang" msgid "Good choice! You chose to add %1$s and %2$s to your store." msgstr "Pilihan bagus! Anda memilih untuk menambahkan %1$s dan %2$s ke toko." msgid "Add %s to my store" msgstr "Tambahkan %s ke toko saya" msgid "1 minute per product" msgstr "1 menit per produk" msgid "" "Start by adding the first product to your store. You can add your products " "manually, via CSV, or import them from another service." msgstr "" "Mulai dengan menambahkan produk pertama ke toko Anda. Produk bisa " "ditambahkan manual, lewat CSV, atau dengan mengimpornya dari layanan lain." msgid "Add my products" msgstr "Tambahkan produk saya" msgid "Choose payment providers and enable payment methods at checkout." msgstr "" "Pilih penyedia pembayaran dan aktifkan metode pembayaran yang digunakan saat " "checkout." msgid "" "Add recommended marketing tools to reach new customers and grow your business" msgstr "" "Tambahkan perangkat pemasaran yang direkomendasikan untuk menjangkau " "pelanggan baru dan mengembangkan bisnis Anda" msgid "Set up marketing tools" msgstr "Siapkan perangkat pemasaran" msgid "Add your logo, create a homepage, and start designing your store." msgstr "Tambahkan logo, buat beranda, dan mulai desain toko Anda." msgid "Personalize my store" msgstr "Personalisasikan toko saya" msgid "Let's go" msgstr "Ayo" msgid "Task list ID does not exist" msgstr "ID daftar tugas tidak ada" msgid "Task list ID already exists" msgstr "ID daftar tugas sudah ada" msgid "Things to do next" msgstr "Pekerjaan selanjutnya" msgid "Get ready to start selling" msgstr "Bersiaplah untuk mulai menjual" msgid "Product / Variation title" msgstr "Judul Variasi/Produk" msgid "Shipping tax" msgstr "Pajak Pengiriman" msgid "Order tax" msgstr "Pajak Pesanan" msgid "Tax code" msgstr "Kode Pajak" msgid "Gross sales" msgstr "Penjualan Kotor" msgid "Gross sales." msgstr "Penjualan Kotor." msgid "Products sold" msgstr "Produk yang terjual" msgid "Total Net sales of all items sold." msgstr "Total Penjualan Bersih untuk semua item terjual." msgid "Net sales." msgstr "Penjualan Bersih." msgid "Customer type" msgstr "Jenis Konsumen" msgid "N. Revenue (formatted)" msgstr "Pendapatan Bersih (diformat)" msgid "Product title" msgstr "Nama Produk" msgid "Discounted orders" msgstr "Pesanan yang Didiskon" msgid "Total sales." msgstr "Total Penjualan." msgid "" "The requested plugin `%s` could not be installed. Upgrader install failed." msgstr "" "Plugin yang diminta `%s` tidak dapat diinstal. Upgrader gagal diinstal." msgid "Sorry, no task with that ID was found." msgstr "Maaf, tidak ditemukan tugas dengan ID tersebut." msgid "Sorry, that task list was not found" msgstr "Maaf, daftar tugas tersebut tidak ditemukan" msgid "Sorry, no snoozeable task with that ID was found." msgstr "Maaf, tugas yang dapat ditunda dengan ID tersebut tidak ditemukan." msgid "Sorry, no dismissable task with that ID was found." msgstr "Maaf, tugas yang dapat diabaikan dengan ID tersebut tidak ditemukan." msgid "List of extended deprecated tasks from the client side filter." msgstr "Daftar tugas cacat dari penyaring sisi klien." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to snooze onboarding tasks." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk menunda tugas penyiapan." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to hide task lists." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk menyembunyikan daftar tugas." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to retrieve onboarding tasks." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengambil tugas penyiapan." msgid "Optional parameter to query specific task list." msgstr "Parameter opsional untuk menanyakan daftar tugas tertentu." msgid "Time period to snooze the task." msgstr "Periode waktu untuk menunda tugas." msgid "Store email address." msgstr "Menyimpan alamat e-mail." msgid "" "Whether or not this store agreed to receiving marketing contents from " "" msgstr "" "Apakah toko ini setuju untuk menerima konten pemasaran dari " "atau tidak." msgid "Top products - Items sold" msgstr "Produk Teratas - Item Terjual" msgid "Net sales" msgstr "Penjualan Bersih" msgid "Items sold" msgstr "Item Terjual" msgid "Top categories - Items sold" msgstr "Kategori Teratas - Item Terjual" msgid "Amount discounted" msgstr "Jumlah yang Didiskon" msgid "" "Whether to consider GMT post dates when limiting response by published or " "modified date." msgstr "" "Untuk mempertimbangkan tanggal pos GMT saat membatasi respons berdasarkan " "tanggal pos atau pengubahan." msgid "" "Limit response to resources modified before a given ISO8601 compliant date." msgstr "" "Batasi respons atas sumber daya yang diubah sebelum tanggal berlaku ISO8601 " "yang ditentukan." msgid "" "Limit response to resources modified after a given ISO8601 compliant date." msgstr "" "Batasi respons atas sumber daya yang diubah setelah tanggal berlaku ISO8601 " "yang ditentukan." msgid "Platform version to track." msgstr "Versi platform yang ingin dilacak." msgid "Platform to track." msgstr "Platform yang ingin dilacak." msgid "Sorry, you post telemetry data." msgstr "Maaf, Anda memposkan data telemetri." msgid "Received PDT notification for another account: %1$s. Order ID: %2$d." msgstr "Terima pemberitahuan PDT untuk akun lain: %1$s. ID pesanan: %2$d" msgid "Received PDT notification for order %1$d on endpoint for order %2$d." msgstr "" "Terima pemberitahuan PDT untuk pesanan %1$d pada titik akhir untuk pesanan " "%2$d." msgid "" "This is an order notification sent to customers containing order details " "after an order is placed on-hold from Pending, Cancelled or Failed order " "status." msgstr "" "Ini adalah notifikasi pesanan yang dikirim ke pelanggan berisi rincian " "pesanan setelah ditempatkan di on-hold mulai dari status pesanan " "Ditangguhkan, Dibatalkan, atau Gagal." msgid "" "Use `array_key_exists` to check for meta_data on WC_Shipping_Rate to get the " "correct result." msgstr "" "Gunakan `array_key_exists` untuk memeriksa meta_data pada WC_Shipping_Rate " "untuk mendapatkan hasil yang benar." msgid "" "Products you’ve viewed: we’ll use this to, for example, show you products " "you’ve recently viewed" msgstr "" "Produk yang telah Anda lihat: kami akan menggunakannya untuk, misalnya, " "menampilkan produk yang baru saja Anda lihat" msgid "This is where you can browse products in this store." msgstr "Ini adalah tempat Anda bisa menjelajahi produk toko." msgid "ZIP Code" msgstr "Kode Pos" msgid "There was an error generating your API Key." msgstr "Terjadi error saat membuat kunci API Anda." msgid "" "Sorry, could not find anything. Try searching again using a different term." msgstr "" "Maaf, tidak dapat menemukan apa pun. Coba cari lagi menggunakan istilah lain." msgid "Search for extensions" msgstr "Cari ekstensi" msgid "" "Grow your business with hundreds of free and paid WooCommerce extensions." msgstr "" "Kembangkan bisnis dengan ratusan ekstensi WooCommerce gratis dan berbayar." msgid "Browse Categories" msgstr "Telusuri Kategori" msgid "Browse categories" msgstr "Telusuri kategori" msgid "My Subscriptions %s" msgstr "Langganan saya %s" msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the selected shipping?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin menghapus pengiriman terpilih?" msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the selected fees?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin menghapus biaya terpilih?" msgid "Developed by %s" msgstr "Dikembangkan oleh %s" msgid "Promoted" msgstr "Promosi" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to process remote URLs." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan memproses URL jarak jauh." msgid "Change Permalink Structure" msgstr "Ubah Struktur Permalink" msgid "Don’t display my site’s URL publicly" msgstr "Jangan tampilkan URL situs saya untuk publik." msgid "How can we help you today?" msgstr "Bagaimana kami bisa membantu hari ini?" msgid "Ask in our community forums" msgstr "Tanyakan di forum komunitas kami" msgid "Our WordPress experts will get back to you soon" msgstr "Pakar WordPress kami akan segera menghubungi Anda" msgid "Send us an email" msgstr "Kirimkan email" msgid "Our WordPress experts will be with you right away" msgstr "Pakar WordPress kami akan segera mendampingi Anda" msgid "We're not able to process this purchase. Please try again later." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat memproses pembelian ini. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "" "We've made some changes to the editor, available in a new fullscreen mode. " "We've also made access to drafts easier now! <a>Learn more.</a>" msgstr "" "Kami telah membuat beberapa perubahan pada Editor, tersedia dalam mode layar " "penuh baru. Kami juga membuat akses ke konsep lebih mudah sekarang! " "<a>Pelajari selengkapnya.</a>" msgctxt "Try the fullscreen editor (a new feature)" msgid "Try a full new editor" msgstr "Coba Editor baru secara lengkap" msgid "Shipping & Delivery" msgstr "Pengiriman dan Pengantaran" msgid "Finance & Payments" msgstr "Keuangan & Pembayaran" msgid "Ecommerce & Business" msgstr "E-commerce & Bisnis" msgid "Booking" msgstr "Pemesanan" msgid "Booking & Scheduling" msgstr "Pemesanan & Penjadwalan" msgid "It’s time to start thinking about site security" msgstr "Sudah waktunya Anda mulai memikirkan keamanan situs" msgid "Hours Watched" msgstr "Jam Ditonton" msgid "This is the receipt for your order #%s:" msgstr "Ini adalah tanda terima untuk pesanan #%s Anda:" msgid "Reminder: %d%% off ends soon ⏰" msgstr "Pengingat: Diskon %d%% akan segera berakhir ⏰" msgid "" "A product in your cart has a currency that does not match the currency of " "the other products. Please contact support to resolve this issue." msgstr "" "Produk di keranjang Anda memiliki mata uang yang tidak sama dengan mata uang " "produk lainnya. Hubungi dukungan untuk mengatasi masalah ini." msgid "" "This domain expired more than 30 days ago and is no longer available to " "manage or renew. We may be able to restore it after " "{{strong}}%(aftermarketAuctionEnd)s{{/strong}}. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Domain ini telah kedaluwarsa lebih dari 30 hari yang lalu dan tidak lagi " "tersedia untuk dikelola atau diperpanjang. Kami mungkin dapat memulihkannya " "setelah {{strong}}%(aftermarketAuctionEnd)s{{/strong}}. {{a}}Baca " "selengkapnya{{/a}}" msgid "" "No matter your business, adding videos to your site is essential for " "success. Jetpack VideoPress offers HD, ad-free video hosting, so you can " "keep the focus on your content. Try it for free or upgrade for more space." msgstr "" "Apa pun bisnisnya, menampilkan konten video pada situs web sangat penting " "untuk menunjang kesuksesan Anda. Jetpack VideoPress menawarkan hosting video " "HD dan tanpa iklan sehingga Anda dapat berfokus pada konten. Coba gratis " "atau upgrade untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak ruang." msgid "Share videos on your site to increase engagement and purchases" msgstr "Bagikan video di situs Anda untuk meningkatkan interaksi dan pembelian" msgid "Try ad-free video on your site for free" msgstr "Coba video bebas iklan di situs Anda secara gratis" msgid "73% of people are more likely to purchase after watching video" msgstr "73% orang cenderung membeli setelah menonton video" msgctxt "Refresh connection with {social media service}" msgid "Refresh connection with %s" msgstr "Segarkan sambungan dengan %s" msgid "That connection has been removed." msgstr "Sambungan tersebut telah dihapus." msgid "" "Something which should never happen, happened. Sorry about that. If you try " "again, maybe it will work." msgstr "" "Sesuatu yang tak diharapkan telah terjadi. Kami mohon maaf untuk itu. Jika " "Anda mencobanya lagi, mungkin sekarang akan berhasil" msgid "" "No user information was included in your request. Please make sure that your " "user account has connected to Jetpack. Connect your user account by going to " "the <a href=\"%s\">Jetpack page</a> within wp-admin." msgstr "" "Tak ada informasi pengguna tercantum dalam permintaan Anda. Mohon pastikan " "bahwa akun pengguna Anda telah terkoneksi ke Jetpack. Sambungkan akun " "pengguna Anda dengan membuka <a href=\"%s\">laman Jetpack</a> di dalam wp-" "admin." msgid "" "We could not verify that your server is making an authorized request. Please " "try again, and make sure there is nothing interfering with requests from " "your server to the Jetpack Server." msgstr "" "Kami tak bisa memastikan bahwa server Anda menjalankan permintaan " "terotorisasi. Silakan coba lagi, dan pastikan tak ada yang menghalangi " "permintaan dari server Anda ke Server Jetpack." msgid "" "An invalid request was made. This normally means that something intercepted " "or corrupted the request from your server to the Jetpack Server. Try again " "and see if it works this time." msgstr "" "Sebuah permintaan tidak sah telah diajukan. Hal ini umumnya terjadi jika ada " "sesuatu yang menyusupi atau mengacaukan permintaan dari server Anda ke " "server Jetpack. Coba lagi, siapa tahu sekarang sudah bisa." msgid "Link account with" msgstr "Hubungkan akun dengan" msgid "" "If you don't have a account yet, you can sign up for free in " "just a few seconds." msgstr "" "Jika Anda belum punya akun Anda bisa memperolehnya secara " "gratis hanya dalam beberapa detik saja." msgid "" "Jetpack is not connected. Please connect Jetpack by visiting <a " "href='%s'>Settings</a>." msgstr "" "Jetpack tidak tersambung. Sambungkan Jetpack dengan membuka <a " "href='%s'>Pengaturan</a>." msgid "Site purchases correctly received." msgstr "Pembelian situs diterima dengan benar." msgid "Order result set by a specific field." msgstr "Hasil pesanan yang ditetapkan berdasarkan bidang tertentu." msgid "" "You are not authorized to manage social media connections for this site." msgstr "" "Anda tidak berwenang untuk mengelola koneksi media sosial untuk situs ini." msgid "" "Unable to apply introductory offer to %1$s for %2$s because domains ending " "with .%3$s are not supported." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat memberikan penawaran perkenalan produk %1$s untuk %2$s karena " "domain dengan akhiran .%3$s tidak didukung." msgid "<span>Author:</span> <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a>" msgstr "<span>Penulis:</span> <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a>" msgid "Types:" msgstr "Tipe" msgid "Enable Portfolio Projects for this site." msgstr "Aktifkan Proyek Portofolio untuk situs ini." msgid "Your theme supports <strong>%s</strong>" msgstr "Tema Anda mendukung <strong>%s</strong>" msgid "" "Trademark registered in Canada must contain the trademark number inside " "organization name using this format TMAXXXXXX (Organization name - " "Trademark / Company Inc. - TMA123456)" msgstr "" "Merek dagang yang didaftarkan di Kanada wajib memiliki nomor merek dagang di " "dalam nama organisasi dengan format TMAXXXXXX (Nama organisasi - Merek " "Dagang/Perusahaan Inc. - TMA123456)" msgid "" "An avatar is an image that can be associated with a user across multiple " "websites. In this area, you can choose to display avatars of users who " "interact with the site." msgstr "" "Avatar adalah gambar yang dapat dikaitkan dengan pengguna di beberapa situs " "web. Di area ini, Anda bisa memilih untuk menampilkan avatar pengguna yang " "berinteraksi dengan situs." msgid "Need more help? <a href=\"%1$s\">Read the support article on %2$s</a>." msgstr "" "butuh lebih banyak bantuan? <a href=\"%1$s\">Baca artikel dukungan di %2$s</" "a>." msgid "" "The database server could be connected to (which means your username and " "password is okay) but the %s database could not be selected." msgstr "" "Server basis data dapat disambungkan (yang berarti nama pengguna dan kata " "sandi Anda baik-baik saja) tetapi basis data %s tidak dapat dipilih." msgid "Cannot select database" msgstr "Tidak dapat memilih basis data" msgid "" "Sorry, the video at the supplied URL cannot be loaded. Please check that the " "URL is for a supported video file (%s) or stream (e.g. YouTube and Vimeo)." msgstr "" "Maaf, pada video URL yang disediakan tidak dapat dimuat. Mohon periksa " "apakah URL untuk berkas video yang didukung (%s) atau streaming (mis. " "YouTube dan Vimeo)." msgid "" "That video cannot be found. Check your <a href=\"%s\">media library</a> and " "make sure it was not deleted." msgstr "" "Video tersebut tidak dapat ditemukan. Periksa <a href=\"%s\">pustaka media</" "a> Anda dan pastikan video tidak dihapus." msgid "" "That file cannot be found. Check your <a href=\"%s\">media library</a> and " "make sure it was not deleted." msgstr "" "Berkas tersebut tidak dapat ditemukan. Periksa <a href=\"%s\">pustaka media</" "a> Anda dan pastikan berkas tidak dihapus." msgid "" "That image cannot be found. Check your <a href=\"%s\">media library</a> and " "make sure it was not deleted." msgstr "" "Gambar tersebut tidak dapat ditemukan. Periksa <a href=\"%s\">pustaka media</" "a> Anda dan pastikan gambar tidak dihapus." msgid "" "That audio file cannot be found. Check your <a href=\"%s\">media library</a> " "and make sure it was not deleted." msgstr "" "Berkas audio tidak ditemukan. Periksa <a href=\"%s\">pustaka media</a> Anda " "dan pastikan berkas tidak dihapus." msgid "Username is not editable." msgstr "Nama pengguna tak bisa diubah." msgid "" "You cannot use that email address to signup. There are problems with them " "blocking some emails from WordPress. Please use another email provider." msgstr "" "Anda tidak dapat menggunakan alamat e-mail tersebut untuk mendaftar. Ada " "kendala dengan mereka memblokir beberapa e-mail dari WordPress. Mohon " "gunakan penyedia email lain." msgid "A title on that page cannot be found." msgstr "Judul pada halaman itu tidak dapat ditemukan." msgid "File does not exist?" msgstr "Berkas tidak ditemukan?" msgid "Enable social media sharing" msgstr "Aktifkan berbagi di media sosial" msgid "Automatically share your posts to social media to grow your audience" msgstr "" "Bagikan pos Anda secara otomatis ke media sosial untuk menjangkau lebih " "banyak audiens" msgid "A new recommendation to help grow your audience" msgstr "Rekomendasi baru untuk membantu Anda menjangkau lebih banyak audiens" msgid "Automatically share your site content to social media for free" msgstr "" "Bagikan konten situs Anda secara otomatis ke media sosial secara gratis" msgid "" "Manage your <a data-tracks-link-desc=\"email-preferences\" rel=\"noopener\" " "style=\"text-decoration: underline;\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://" "\">email preferences</a> or instantly " "<a data-tracks-link-desc=\"unsubscribe\" href=\"%s\" rel=\"noopener\" style=" "\"text-decoration: underline;\" target=\"_blank\">unsubscribe</a>." msgstr "" "Kelola <a data-tracks-link-desc=\"email-preferences\" rel=\"noopener\" style=" "\"text-decoration: underline;\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://wordpress." "com/me/notifications/updates\">preferensi email</a> atau langung <a data-" "tracks-link-desc=\"unsubscribe\" href=\"%s\" rel=\"noopener\" style=\"text-" "decoration: underline;\" target=\"_blank\">berhenti berlangganan</a>." msgid "You cannot remove users." msgstr "Anda tidak dapat menghapus pengguna." msgid "After your Privacy Policy page is set, you should edit it." msgstr "" "Setelah halaman Kebijakan Privasi Anda ditentukan, kami sarankan Anda untuk " "mengeditnya." msgid "Where your data is sent" msgstr "Ke mana data Anda dikirim" msgid "" "Some data that describes the error your site encountered has been put " "together." msgstr "" "Beberapa data yang menjelaskan eror yang dialami situs Anda telah " "dikumpulkan." msgid "An attempt was made, but your site could not be updated automatically." msgstr "" "Percobaan sudah dilakukan, tetapi situs Anda tidak dapat diperbaharui secara " "otomatis." msgid "" "The update cannot be installed because some files could not be copied. This " "is usually due to inconsistent file permissions." msgstr "" "Pembaruan gagal diinstal karena beberapa berkas tidak dapat disalin. Hal ini " "biasanya dikarenakan perizinan berkas yang tidak konsisten." msgid "This post is being backed up in your browser, just in case." msgstr "Untuk berjaga-jaga, pos ini sedang dicadangkan di browser Anda." msgid "WooCommerce Product Bundles" msgstr "WooCommerce Product Bundles" msgid "Step %(currentStep)s of %(totalSteps)s" msgstr "Langkah %(currentStep)s dari %(totalSteps)s" msgid "Step %1$d of %2$d" msgstr "Langkah %1$d dari %2$d" msgid "View support guides" msgstr "Lihat panduan dukungan" msgid "" "You'll also get to install custom themes, have more storage, and access " "email support." msgstr "" "Anda juga dapat menginstal tema khusus, memiliki lebih banyak ruang " "penyimpanan, dan akses ke bantuan langsung." msgid "New like on" msgstr "Suka baru di" msgid "<span>liked your P2 post</span> <a href=\"%1$s\">\"%2$s\".</a>" msgstr "<span>menyukai pos P2 Anda</span> <a href=\"%1$s\">\"%2$s\".</a>" msgctxt "unit symbol" msgid "PB" msgstr "PB" msgctxt "unit symbol" msgid "EB" msgstr "EB" msgctxt "unit symbol" msgid "ZB" msgstr "ZB" msgctxt "unit symbol" msgid "YB" msgstr "YB" msgid "You need a paid plan in order to create more P2s." msgstr "Anda perlu berlangganan paket berbayar untuk membuat lebih banyak P2." msgid "Still need help?" msgstr "Masih butuh bantuan?" msgid "An expert will get back to you soon" msgstr "Tim ahli akan segera menghubungi Anda" msgid "Contact our experts" msgstr "Hubungi tim ahli kami" msgid "Copy “%s” URL to clipboard" msgstr "Salin “%s” URL ke papan klip" msgid "" "New gift subscription from %1$s for %2$s %3$s (Order ID: %4$s / Order UUID: " "%5$s)" msgstr "" "Langganan hadiah baru dari %1$s selama %2$s %3$s (ID Pesanan: %4$s/UUID " "Pesanan: %5$s)" msgid "" "Gift from %1$s added %2$s %3$s to subscription (Order ID: %4$s / Order UUID: " "%5$s)" msgstr "" "Hadiah dari %1$s menambahkan periode langganan %2$s %3$s (ID Pesanan: %4$s)/" "UUID Pesanan: %5$s" msgid "UUID to bind orders over Tumblr" msgstr "UUID berfungsi mengikat pesanan melalui Tumblr" msgid "" "Limit width to %1$s pixels for full size images. (<a href=\"%2$s\" rel=" "\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">More info</a>.)" msgstr "" "Batasi lebar sebesar %1$s piksel untuk gambar ukuran penuh. (<a href=\"%2$s" "\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Info selengkapnya</a>.)" msgid "Note: Custom CSS will be reset when changing themes." msgstr "Catatan: CSS Kustom akan diatur ulang saat mengubah tema." msgid "" "New to CSS? Start with a <a href=\"" "beginner/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">beginner tutorial</" "a>. Questions?\n" "\t\tAsk in the <a href=\"" "templates\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Themes and " "Templates forum</a>." msgstr "" "Baru mengenal CSS? Mulai dengan <a href=\"" "beginner/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">tutorial pemula</" "a>. Ada pertanyaan?\n" "\t\tTanyakan di <a href=\"" "templates\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Forum Tema dan " "Template</a>." msgid "VAT data not found for merchant, please contact support." msgstr "Data PPN penjual tidak ditemukan, silakan hubungi dukungan." msgid "from %1$s to %2$s" msgstr "dari %1$s hingga %2$s" msgid "for the month of %1$s" msgstr "untuk bulan %1$s" msgid "Your %1$s is now available for your account." msgstr "%1$s sekarang tersedia untuk akun Anda." msgid "Your %1$s report is ready" msgstr "Laporan %1$s Anda sudah siap" msgid "" "You can view and download this report in your %1$sDocuments dashboard%2$s." msgstr "" "Anda dapat melihat dan mengunduh laporan ini di %1$sdasbor Dokumen%2$s." msgid "Learn more about site speed and performance" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang kecepatan dan performa situs." msgid "Test Android purchase found on production (%s)" msgstr "Uji pembelian Android ditemukan pada URL produksi (%s)" msgid "Invalid Android purchase" msgstr "Pembelian Android tidak valid" msgid "" "You’ve got access to %1$s%% off, but only until %2$s. <a href=\"%4$s" "\">Upgrade your site today</a> and unlock everything %3$s has to offer." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengakses diskon %1$s%%, tetapi hanya sampai %2$s. <a href=\"%4$s" "\">Upgrade situs Anda sekarang</a> dan dapatkan segala keuntungan paket %3$s." msgid "" "%1$s is still available — but only until %2$s! <a href=\"%4$s\">Upgrade your " "site today</a>, and you’ll get %3$s%% off your first payment when you enter " "%1$s at checkout." msgstr "" "%1$s masih tersedia, tetapi hanya sampai %2$s! <a href=\"%4$s\">Upgrade " "situs Anda sekarang</a> dan dapatkan diskon %3$s%% untuk pembayaran pertama " "dengan memasukkan %1$s saat checkout." msgid "" "Your upgrade to %1$s will give you access to a suite of premium features " "designed to bring your site to the next level. <a href=\"%2$s\">Upgrade " "today</a> to unlock premium themes, the ability to install plugins, advanced " "monetization options, and more!" msgstr "" "Upgrade Anda ke %1$s akan memberikan akses ke sejumlah fitur premium yang " "dirancang untuk membuat situs Anda jauh lebih mantap. <a href=\"%2$s" "\">Upgrade sekarang juga</a> untuk mendapatkan tema premium, kemampuan " "menginstal plugin, fitur monetisasi tingkat lanjut, dan lain-lain!" msgid "Reminder..." msgstr "Pengingat" msgid "Here’s what you’ll get with <a href=\"%2$s\">%1$s</a>:" msgstr "Inilah yang akan Anda dapatkan dengan <a href=\"%2$s\">%1$s</a>:" msgid "" "If you want to make any changes to your renewal settings you can <a href=\"%s" "\" style=\"%s\">manage your subscription</a>." msgid_plural "" "If you want to make any changes to your renewal settings you can <a href=\"%s" "\" style=\"%s\">manage your subscriptions</a>." msgstr[0] "" "Jika ingin mengubah pengaturan perpanjangan, Anda dapat <a href=\"%s\" style=" "\"%s\">mengelola langganan</a>." msgstr[1] "" "Jika ingin mengubah pengaturan perpanjangan, Anda dapat <a href=\"%s\" style=" "\"%s\">mengelola langganan</a>." msgid "Why is this plugin not compatible with" msgstr "Mengapa plugin ini tidak kompatibel dengan" msgid "User URL may not be longer than 100 characters." msgstr "URL pengguna tidak boleh lebih dari 100 karakter." msgid "" "File %1$s is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version %2$s with no " "alternative available." msgstr "" "Berkas %1$s <strong>tidak digunakan lagi</strong> sejak versi %2$s dan tidak " "tersedia penggantinya." msgid "" "File %1$s is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version %2$s! Use %3$s " "instead." msgstr "" "Berkas %1$s <strong>tidak digunakan lagi</strong> sejak versi %2$s! Gunakan " "%3$s sebagai penggantinya" msgid "" "Function %1$s is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version %2$s! Use %3$s " "instead." msgstr "" "Fungsi %1$s <strong>tidak berlaku lagi</strong> sejak versi %2$s! Gunakan " "%3$s sebagai penggantinya." msgid "VAT Invoice" msgstr "Faktur VAT" msgid "Yoast SEO Premium" msgstr "Yoast SEO Premium" msgid "Determines whether the pattern is visible in inserter." msgstr "Menentukan apakah pola terlihat di penyisip." msgid "A better way of working." msgstr "Cara kerja yang lebih baik." msgid "Great news! You can join some workspaces right away!" msgstr "Kabar baik! Anda dapat segera bergabung dengan beberapa workspace!" msgid "We've sent an email with a code to <br /><strong>%s</strong>" msgstr "Kami telah mengirimkan e-mail dengan kode ke <br /><strong>%s</strong>" msgid "Welcome to P2!" msgstr "Selamat datang di P2!" msgid "Get your team on P2 — for free." msgstr "Buat P2 untuk tim Anda — gratis." msgid "Want to create a new workspace?" msgstr "Ingin membuat workspace?" msgid "%(siteCount)d P2" msgid_plural "%(siteCount)d P2s" msgstr[0] "%(siteCount)d P2" msgstr[1] "%(siteCount)d P2" msgid "%(userCount)d user" msgid_plural "%(userCount)d users" msgstr[0] "%(userCount)d pengguna" msgstr[1] "%(userCount)d pengguna" msgid "" "We've added premium plugins to boost your site's capabilities. From bookings " "and subscriptions to email marketing and SEO tools, we have you covered." msgstr "" "Kami telah menambahkan plugin premium untuk meningkatkan kegunaan situs " "Anda. Dari pemesanan dan langganan, hingga pemasaran e-mail dan alat SEO. " "Kami sediakan yang Anda butuhkan." msgctxt "color scheme" msgid "Light" msgstr "Terang" msgctxt "color scheme" msgid "Dark" msgstr "Gelap" msgid "Your WordAds dashboard requires JavaScript to function properly." msgstr "Dasbor WordAds memerlukan JavaScript agar berfungsi." msgctxt "product name shown in menu" msgid "WordAds" msgstr "WordAds" msgid "Jetpack WAF has been deactivated." msgstr "Jetpack WAF dinonaktifkan." msgid "Jetpack WAF failed to fully deactivate." msgstr "Jetpack WAF gagal dinonaktifkan sepenuhnya." msgid "Missing parameter \"last_detached_count\"." msgstr "Parameter \"last_detached_count\" tidak ditemukan." msgid "Unable to fetch the requested data." msgstr "Tidak bisa mengambil data yang diminta." msgid "Could not set this license key. Please try again." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengatur kunci lisensi ini. Mohon ulangi." msgid "%s must be a non-negative integer." msgstr "%s harus berupa bilangan bulat positif." msgid "%s must be a string." msgstr "%s harus berupa string." msgctxt "theme" msgid "Active" msgstr "Aktif" msgid "Your receipt for order: #{order_number}" msgstr "Tanda terima Anda untuk pesanan: #{order_number}" msgid "Your {site_title} Receipt" msgstr "Tanda terima {site_title} Anda" msgid "" "New receipt emails are sent to customers when a new order is paid for with a " "card reader." msgstr "" "Email tanda terima baru dikirimkan ke pelanggan saat pesanan baru telah " "dibayar dengan pembaca kartu." msgid "New receipt" msgstr "Tanda terima baru" msgid "" "You shall refund this payment in the same application where the payment was " "made." msgstr "" "Anda harus mengembalikan pembayaran ini dengan aplikasi yang sama dengan " "tempat pembayaran dilakukan. " msgid "Custom message to display to WooPay customers." msgstr "Pesan khusus yang akan ditampilkan untuk pelanggan WooPay." msgid "If WooPay should be enabled." msgstr "Jika WooPay harus diaktifkan." msgid "There was an error accessing document %1$s. %2$s" msgstr "Terjadi error saat mengakses dokumen %1$s. %2$s" msgid "Explore now" msgstr "Jelajahi sekarang" msgid "Explore our premium plugins" msgstr "Jelajahi plugin premium kami" msgid "Do It For Me: Extra Page" msgstr "Lakukan untuk Saya: Halaman Ekstra" msgid "" "This upgrade provides your blog with an extra %s GB of storage space on top " "of what it would otherwise have." msgstr "" "Dengan upgrade ini, blog Anda mendapatkan tambahan %s GB ruang penyimpanan." msgid "" "<a href=\"" "screen/\">Documentation on Managing Themes</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"" "\">Dokumentasi tentang Pengelolaan Tema</a>" msgid "" "The VIES VAT verification service cannot process your request, please try " "again later." msgstr "" "Layanan verifikasi VAT VIES tidak dapat memproses permintaan Anda, harap " "coba lagi nanti." msgid "" "The Member State VAT verification service is unavailable, please try again " "later." msgstr "" "Layanan verifikasi VAT Negara Anggota tidak tersedia, harap coba lagi nanti." msgid "The provided country code is invalid or the VAT number is empty." msgstr "Kode negara tidak valid atau nomor VAT kosong." msgid "The VAT information has already been provided for your account" msgstr "Informasi VAT telah diberikan untuk akun Anda" msgid "Posts & Posting" msgstr "Artikel & Publikasi" msgid "Photo & Video" msgstr "Foto & Video" msgid "Search Optimization" msgstr "Optimisasi Pencarian" msgid "Customer Service" msgstr "Pelayanan Pelanggan" msgid "We changed the navigation for a cleaner experience." msgstr "Kami mengubah navigasi untuk pengalaman yang lebih baik." msgid "👆 New top navigation" msgstr "👆 Navigasi atas baru" msgid "yoursitename" msgstr "namasitusanda" msgid "Other (specify in Additional Info below)" msgstr "Lainnya (sebutkan di Info Tambahan di bawah ini)" msgid "Marketing / SEO / Social" msgstr "Pemasaran / SEO / Sosial" msgid "Web development" msgstr "Pengembangan web" msgid "Website design" msgstr "Desain situs web" msgid "Service(s)" msgstr "Layanan" msgid "Theme(s)" msgstr "Tema" msgid "Plugin(s)" msgstr "Plugin" msgid "Type of Business (Choose all that apply)" msgstr "Jenis Bisnis (Pilih semua yang sesuai)" msgid "" "Please contact our <a href=\"%1$s\"> VIP</a>, <a href=\"%2$s" "\">Jetpack</a>, or <a href=\"%3$s\">WooCommerce</a> teams directly. To learn " "more about building a integration, visit our <a href=\"%4$s" "\">Developer page</a>." msgstr "" "Hubungi langsung tim <a href=\"%1$s\"> VIP</a>, <a href=\"%2$s" "\">Jetpack</a>, atau <a href=\"%3$s\">WooCommerce</a> kami. Untuk " "mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang cara melakukan integrasi, " "kunjungi <a href=\"%4$s\">halaman Pengembang</a> kami." msgid "" "Please tell us more about your plugin, themes or service offering so we can " "assess how we can understand more about your business. We’ll respond as we " "further <a href=\"%s\">develop our plans in this space</a>." msgstr "" "Jelaskan lebih jauh mengenai plugin, tema, atau tawaran layanan Anda, agar " "kami bisa lebih memahami bisnis Anda. Kami akan menanggapinya setelah kami " "<a href=\"%s\">mengembangkan paket di ruang ini</a>." msgid "" "If you’re a WordPress plugin or theme developer, or you provide professional " "services for WordPress users, we’d love to hear from you. We’ll then have " "your information as we expand our plans to offer paid plugins, themes and " "services to customers. <a href=\"%s\">Read more about this " "here</a>." msgstr "" "Jika Anda pengembang plugin atau tema WordPress, atau menyediakan layanan " "profesional untuk pengguna WordPress, kami ingin mendengar pandangan Anda. " "Nantinya kami akan meminta informasi Anda selama pengembangan paket untuk " "menawarkan plugin, tema, dan layanan berbayar ke para pelanggan WordPress." "com. <a href=\"%s\">Baca selengkapnya tentang ini di sini</a>." msgid "" "As an open source platform, collaboration has been the bedrock of our " "growth, ensuring a strong community and product. We continue this model by " "partnering with companies, organizations, and individuals that also support " "the open source community." msgstr "" "Sebagai platform sumber terbuka, kolaborasi merupakan sumber pertumbuhan " "kami, yang memastikan terwujudnya komunitas dan produk yang solid. Kami " "melanjutkan model ini dengan menjalin kemitraan bersama perusahaan, " "organisasi, dan individu yang turut mendukung komunitas sumber terbuka." msgid "" "{{line1}}If you’re a WordPress plugin or theme developer{{/line1}} {{line2}} " "or you provide professional services for WordPress users{{/line2}} {{line3}}" "we’d love to hear from you.{{/line3}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Jika Anda pengembang plugin atau tema WordPress{{/line1}} {{line2}} " "atau menyediakan layanan profesional untuk pengguna WordPress{{/line2}}" "{{line3}} kami ingin mendengar pandangan Anda.{{/line3}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}Together let’s build a marketplace for the{{/line1}} {{line2}}" " community.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Bersama-sama mari bangun marketplace untuk{{/line1}} {{line2}}" "komunitas{{/line2}}" msgid "" "Partner with to build a marketplace for the " "community. If you’re a WordPress plugin or theme developer, or you provide " "professional services for WordPress users, we’d love to hear from you." msgstr "" "Jalin kemitraan dengan untuk membangun marketplace bagi " "komunitas Jika Anda pengembang plugin atau tema WordPress, " "atau menyediakan layanan profesional untuk pengguna WordPress, kami ingin " "mendengar pandangan Anda." msgid "Jetpack WAF rules successfully created to: \"%1$s\"." msgstr "Aturan Jetpack WAF berhasil dibuat ke: \"%1$s\"." msgid "Jetpack WAF has successfully been setup." msgstr "Jetpack WAF berhasil disiapkan." msgid "Jetpack WAF rules file failed to generate: %1$s" msgstr "Berkas aturan Jetpack WAF gagal dibuat: %1$s" msgid "Jetpack WAF is running in \"%1$s\" mode." msgstr "Jetpack WAF sedang berjalan dalam mode \"%1$s\"." msgid "Jetpack WAF mode switched to \"%1$s\"." msgstr "Mode Jetpack WAF beralih ke \"%1$s\"." msgid "" "Unable to generate waf bootstrap - standalone mode may not work properly: " "%1$s" msgstr "" "Tidak dapat menciptakan waf bootstrap - mode mandiri mungkin tidak berfungsi " "dengan baik: %1$s" msgid "Invalid mode: %1$s. Expected \"silent\" or \"normal\"." msgstr "Mode tidak valid: %1$s. Mode \"silent\" dan \"normal\" diharapkan." msgid "Only one mode may be specified." msgstr "Hanya satu mode yang dapat ditentukan." msgid "Call to undefined method %s" msgstr "Panggilan kepada metode yang tidak ditentukan %s" msgid "Speed up your WordPress site" msgstr "Tingkatkan kecepatan situs WordPress Anda" msgid "Great posts worth seeing from <strong>%s</strong>" msgstr "Postingan menarik untuk dibaca dari <strong>%s</strong>" msgid "It’s time to block spam comments" msgstr "Saatnya mengeblok komentar spam" msgid "Engage your visitors with video" msgstr "Libatkan pengunjung Anda dengan video" msgid "With more plugins comes more responsibility" msgstr "Semakin banyak plugin, semakin besar tanggung jawab." msgid "Comment Icon" msgstr "Ikon Komentar" msgid "" "Your content is getting more popular! Prevent your site from being a target " "for spammers." msgstr "Konten Anda kian populer! Lindungi situs Anda dari spammer." msgid "" "<strong>New Recommendation</strong> from Jetpack for %1$s: <strong>Block " "spam</strong>" msgstr "" "<strong>Rekomendasi Baru</strong> dari Jetpack untuk %1$s: <strong>Mengeblok " "spam</strong>" msgid "Video play button icon" msgstr "Ikon tombol putar video" msgid "" "Did you know that 73% of people are more likely to purchase after watching a " "video about a product or service?" msgstr "" "Tahukah Anda bahwa 73% orang cenderung membeli setelah menonton video " "tentang produk atau layanan?" msgid "" "<strong>New Recommendation</strong> from Jetpack for %1$s: <strong>Add a " "video</strong>" msgstr "" "<strong>Rekomendasi Baru</strong> dari Jetpack untuk %1$s: " "<strong>Menambahkan video</strong>" msgid "Shield Icon" msgstr "Ikon Perisai" msgid "" "<strong>New Recommendation</strong> from Jetpack for %1$s: <strong>Improve " "Site Security</strong>" msgstr "" "<strong>Rekomendasi Baru</strong> dari Jetpack untuk %1$s: " "<strong>Meningkatkan Keamanan Situs</strong>" msgid "Billing information:" msgstr "Informasi penagihan:" msgid "Fix missing data" msgstr "Lengkapi data yang belum lengkap" msgid "We were unable to retrieve your invoices." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat menerima tagihan Anda." msgid "" "By storing your primary payment method you agree to have it charged " "automatically each month." msgstr "" "Dengan menyimpan metode pembayaran utama Anda, Anda setuju untuk ditagih " "secara otomatis setiap bulan." msgid "Invoices" msgstr "Tagihan" msgid "Your primary payment method will be charged automatically each month." msgstr "" "Metode pembayaran utama Anda akan ditagih secara otomatis setiap bulan." msgid "Due Date" msgstr "Tanggal Jatuh Tempo" msgid "Void" msgstr "Kosong" msgid "Uncollectible" msgstr "Tidak tertagih" msgid "Past due" msgstr "Lewat jatuh tempo" msgctxt "portfolio" msgid "Add New" msgstr "Tambah Baru" msgctxt "testimonial" msgid "Add New" msgstr "Tambah Baru" msgid "" "Modify your <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">notification settings</a>." msgstr "" "Ubah <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">pengaturan pemberitahuan</a> Anda." msgid "They will receive an email every time you publish a post." msgstr "Mereka akan menerima email tiap Anda memublikasikan postingan." msgid "just subscribed to <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a>." msgstr "baru saja berlangganan <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a>." msgid "New subscriber!" msgstr "Pelanggan baru!" msgid "Great content you might have missed on <strong>%s</strong>" msgstr "Konten menarik yang mungkin Anda lewatkan di <strong>%s</strong>" msgid "" "Notify me of new posts on web and <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=" "\"external noopener noreferrer\">Jetpack App</a> via notifications." msgstr "" "Beri tahu saya tentang pos baru di situs dan <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank" "\" rel=\"external noopener noreferrer\">Aplikasi Jetpack</a> via " "pemberitahuan." msgid "" "We’ve just accepted your site, %1$s, to the %2$s program. Congratulations!" msgstr "Kami baru saja menerima situs Anda, %1$s, di program %2$s. Selamat!" msgid "" "We're here to answer any questions you might have, so feel free to drop us a " "line anytime at <a href=\"\">wordads@wordpress." "com</a>." msgstr "" "Kami di sini siap menjawab pertanyaan Anda, silakan kirim pesan ke <a href=" "\"\"></a>." msgid "" "Payments are quick and painless — every time you reach $100 in ad revenue, " "we'll send your earnings to your PayPal email address on file." msgstr "" "Pembayaran cepat dan mudah — tiap kali Anda menerima pendapatan iklan " "senilai $100, kami akan mengirimkannya ke alamat e-mail PayPal Anda yang " "sudah sudah dicantumkan." msgid "Get Paid" msgstr "Terima Pembayaran" msgid "" "<a href=\"" "idea/\">Avoid buying non-human traffic for your site</a>. Our advertisers " "have strict policies against it." msgstr "" "<a href=\"" "idea/\">Hindari membeli lalu lintas yang bukan dari manusia untuk situs " "Anda</a>. Pengiklan kami punya kebijakan tegas untuk tindakan tersebut." msgid "" "Learn about our advertisers’ requirement that all content on your site " "remain <a href=\"" "sites/\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"family-friendly-content\" data-tracks-not-" "unsub=\"1\">family-friendly</a>." msgstr "" "Pelajari persyaratan pengiklan kami untuk memastikan seluruh konten di situs " "Anda <a href=\"" "sites/\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"family-friendly-content\" data-tracks-not-" "unsub=\"1\">cocok untuk semua umur</a>." msgid "" "Take a few minutes to read our <a href=\"" "ads-tos/\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"tos\" data-tracks-not-unsub=\"1\">Terms " "of Service</a>." msgstr "" "Silakan baca <a href=\"\" data-" "tracks-link-desc=\"tos\" data-tracks-not-unsub=\"1\">Ketentuan Layanan</a> " "kami." msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Review your settings</a>. We want your payments to reach " "you quickly, so make sure you have a PayPal email address on file. You’ll " "also want to review your ad display settings." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Tinjau pengaturan Anda</a>. Kami ingin pembayaran Anda " "segera diterima, karenanya pastikan alamat e-mail PayPal Anda sudah " "dicantumkan. Anda juga perlu meninjau pengaturan tampilan iklan Anda." msgid "" "Here are a few steps you can already take to set yourself up for success." msgstr "Berikut beberapa langkah untuk mendapat untung dari situs Anda." msgid "Maximize Your Earnings" msgstr "Maksimalkan Pendapatan Anda" msgid "" "If you’d like to learn more about WordAds, browse our <a href=\"%1$s\">FAQ</" "a> page, find information about the program’s <a href=\"%2$s\">benefits</a>, " "and check out our <a href=\"%3$s\">blog</a>." msgstr "" "Jika ingin mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang WordAds, buka halaman <a href=" "\"%1$s\">Tanya Jawab Umum</a>, di mana Anda akan menemukan informasi tentang " "<a href=\"%2$s\">manfaat</a> program. Kunjungi pula <a href=\"%3$s\">blog</" "a> kami." msgid "" "%1$s is a partnership. We’ll work behind the scenes to maximize your earning " "potential and monitor ad quality. On your end, the more you grow your " "audience and increase your pageviews, the more you can expect to earn." msgstr "" "%1$s adalah sebuah program kemitraan. Kami akan bekerja di balik layar untuk " "memaksimalkan potensi pendapatan Anda dan memantau kualitas iklan. Makin " "banyak jumlah audiens dan pageview Anda, makin besar pula pendapatan Anda." msgid "Your Advertising Partner" msgstr "Mitra Pengiklan Anda" msgid "" "We’ve just accepted your site, %1$s, to the %2$s program. Congratulations! " "You’re in good company — you’ve joined some of the most successful websites " "and blogs on" msgstr "" "Kami baru saja menerima situs Anda, %1$s, di program %2$s. Selamat! Anda " "berada di tempat yang tepat — Anda telah bergabung dengan situs web dan blog " "paling sukses di" msgid "Welcome to WordAds!" msgstr "Selamat datang di WordAds!" msgid "Tracking source for the purchase" msgstr "Melacak sumber pembelian" msgid "Meraki is a blogging theme that supports full-site editing." msgstr "Meraki adalah tema blogging yang mendukung pengeditan situs penuh." msgid "Pay what you can" msgstr "Bayar Sesuai Kemampuan" msgid "" "If you’re still deciding whether or not to upgrade to %1$s, this is the sign " "you’ve been waiting for! %1$s unlocks access to premium themes, advanced SEO " "features, built-in monetization options, and more. Upgrade today with the " "code %2$s, and you’ll get %3$s%% off your first plan payment." msgstr "" "Ini tanda Anda untuk upgrade ke %1$s! %1$s memberikan akses ke tema premium, " "fitur SEO lanjutan, pilihan monetisasi bawaan, dan lainnya. Upgrade sekarang " "juga dengan kode %2$s, dan dapatkan potongan %3$s%% untuk pembayaran paket " "pertama Anda." msgid "" "From access to premium themes and expert support, to compatibility with over " "50,000 WordPress plugins, advanced security features, and speed you can " "count on, %1$s gives you everything you need to supercharge your site." msgstr "" "Dari akses ke tema premium dan dukungan ahli, hingga kompatibilitas dengan " "lebih dari 50.000 plugin WordPress, fitur keamanan lanjutan, dan kecepatan " "yang andal, %1$s memberi segalanya yang dibutuhkan untuk memperkuat situs " "Anda." msgid "" "When it comes to your website, you deserve the best. Upgrade today to " "experience everything %1$s has to offer. And when you use the code %2$s at " "checkout, you’ll save %3$s%% off your first year" msgstr "" "Pastikan Anda mendapatkan layanan terbaik untuk situs web Anda. Upgrade " "sekarang juga untuk menikmati semua manfaat yang ditawarkan %1$s. Dengan " "menggunakan kode %2$s saat checkout, Anda menghemat %3$s%% untuk tahun " "pertama Anda." msgid "Use the code %1$s to take %2$s%% off your first year of %3$s!" msgstr "" "Gunakan kode %1$s untuk mendapatkan %2$s%% untuk tahun pertama %3$s Anda!" msgid "* And more!" msgstr "* Dan lainnya!" msgid "* Premium support via email and live chat" msgstr "* Dukungan premium melalui obrolan langsung dan email." msgid "* Built-in monetization options" msgstr "* Pilihan monetisasi bawaan" msgid "* A custom domain name—free for the first year" msgstr "* Nama domain khusus — gratis selama satu tahun" msgid "* Top-rated speed and security features with Jetpack essentials" msgstr "* Kecepatan dan fitur keamanan terbaik dengan Fitur Utama Jetpack" msgid "* Access to our selection of premium themes" msgstr "* Akses pilihan tema premium" msgid "Here’s what you’ll get with %s" msgstr "Inilah yang akan Anda dapatkan dengan %s" msgid "" "If you’re still deciding whether or not to upgrade to %1$s, this is the sign " "you’ve been waiting for! %1$s unlocks access to <strong>premium themes, " "advanced SEO features, built-in monetization options</strong>, and more. <a " "href=\"%4$s\">Upgrade today</a> with the code %2$s, and you’ll get %3$s%% " "off your first plan payment." msgstr "" "Masih menunda untuk upgrade ke %1$s? Inilah saatnya! %1$s memberikan akses " "ke <strong>tema premium, fitur SEO lanjutan, fitur monetisasi bawaan</" "strong>, dan lain-lain. <a href=\"%4$s\">Upgrade sekarang juga</a> dengan " "kode %2$s, dan dapatkan diskon %3$s%% untuk pembayaran paket pertama Anda." msgid "This deal ends soon…" msgstr "Promo ini akan segera berakhir..." msgid "Your upgrade is waiting. ⏱" msgstr "Ayo upgrade sekarang. ⏱" msgid "Re: %d%% off" msgstr "Pengingat: potongan %d%%" msgid "" "Your upgrade to %1$s will give you access to a suite of premium features " "designed to bring your site to the next level. Upgrade today to unlock " "premium themes, the ability to install plugins, advanced monetization " "options, and more!" msgstr "" "Upgrade ke %1$s akan memberikan akses ke rangkaian fitur premium yang " "didesain untuk meningkatkan situs Anda. Upgrade sekarang juga untuk " "mendapatkan tema premium, kemampuan menginstal plugin, pilihan monetisasi " "lanjutan, dan lain-lain!" msgid "Unlock your site’s potential." msgstr "Tingkatkan potensi situs Anda." msgid "Enter the code %1$s during checkout for %2$s%% off." msgstr "Masukkan kode %1$s saat checkout untuk mendapatkan potongan %2$s%%." msgid "" "You’ve got access to %1$s%% off, but only until %2$s. Upgrade your site " "today and unlock everything %3$s has to offer" msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengakses diskon %1$s%%, tetapi hanya sampai %2$s. Upgrade situs " "Anda sekarang dan dapatkan segala keuntungan paket %3$s." msgid "Reminder" msgstr "Pengingat" msgid "Your website deserves this upgrade ✋" msgstr "Situs web Anda berhak mendapat upgrade ini ✋" msgid "" "From access to <strong>premium themes</strong> and <strong>expert support</" "strong>, to <strong>compatibility with over 50,000 WordPress plugins, " "advanced security features</strong>, and <a href=\"" "blog/2021/06/08/fastest-wordpress-host-2021/\">speed you can count on</a>, " "%1$s gives you everything you need to supercharge your site." msgstr "" "Dari akses ke <strong>tema premium</strong> dan <strong>layanan bantuan dari " "para ahli</strong>, hingga <strong>kompatibilitas dengan lebih dari 50.000 " "plugin WordPress, fitur keamanan tingkat lanjut</strong>, dan <a href=" "\"" "\">kecepatan yang andal</a>, %1$smemberi samua yang dibutuhkan untuk " "meningkatkan kualitas situs Anda." msgid "" "When it comes to your website, <strong><em>you deserve the best</em></" "strong>. <a href=\"%4$s\">Upgrade today</a> to experience everything %1$s " "has to offer. And when you use the code %2$s at checkout, you’ll save %3$s%% " "off your first year." msgstr "" "<strong><em>Anda berhak mendapatkan yang terbaik untuk situs Anda</em></" "strong>. <a href=\"%4$s\">Upgrade sekarang</a> untuk mendapatkan segala " "keuntungan paket %1$s. Jika menggunakan kode %2$s saat checkout, Anda akan " "mendapatkan diskon %3$s%% untuk tahun pertama." msgid "Speed + Reliability." msgstr "Kecepatan + Keandalan." msgid "%d%% off Jetpack-powered speed and reliability" msgstr "" "Potongan %d%% untuk fitur kecepatan dan keandalan yang didukung oleh Jetpack" msgid "Get Started with %s" msgstr "Memulai %s" msgid "" "%1$s is still available — but only until %2$s! Upgrade your site today, and " "you’ll get %3$s%% off your first payment when you enter %1$s at checkout" msgstr "" "%1$s masih tersedia, tetapi hanya sampai %2$s! Upgrade situs Anda sekarang " "dan dapatkan diskon %3$s%% untuk pembayaran pertama dengan memasukkan %1$s " "saat checkout." msgid "Upgrade your site today 💡" msgstr "Upgrade situs Anda sekarang juga 💡" msgid "Reminder: %1$s%% off %2$s" msgstr "Pengingat: potongan %1$s%% %2$s" msgid "" "Use the code <strong>%1$s</strong> to take <strong>%2$s%%</strong> off your " "first year of <a href=\"%4$s\"><strong>%3$s</strong></a>!" msgstr "" "Gunakan kode <strong>%1$s</strong> untuk mendapatkan diskon <strong>%2$s%%</" "strong> untuk tahun pertama paket <a href=\"%4$s\"><strong>%3$s</strong></a>!" msgid "And more!" msgstr "Dan lain-lain" msgid "Premium support via email and live chat" msgstr "Layanan bantuan premium melalui live chat dan e-mail" msgid "Built-in monetization options" msgstr "Pilihan monetisasi bawaan" msgid "A custom domain name — free for the first year" msgstr "Nama domain khusus — gratis selama satu tahun" msgid "Top-rated speed and security features with Jetpack essentials" msgstr "Kecepatan dan fitur keamanan terbaik dengan Fitur Utama Jetpack" msgid "Access to our selection of premium themes" msgstr "Akses ke koleksi tema premium kami" msgid "" "Create something memorable with the world’s most popular website builder." msgstr "" "Ciptakan sesuatu yang mengesankan dengan pembuat situs web paling populer di " "dunia." msgid "Take your website to the next level." msgstr "Tingkatkan situs web Anda." msgid "Claim %d%% off your first year." msgstr "Klaim diskon %d%% untuk tahun pertama Anda." msgid "Ready to supercharge your website?" msgstr "Siap untuk memperkuat situs web Anda?" msgid "Domain connection will be auto-renewed on %(expirationDate)s" msgstr "Koneksi domain akan diperpanjang otomatis pada %(expirationDate)s" msgid "" "Domain connection will be auto-renewed with your plan on %(expirationDate)s" msgstr "" "Koneksi domain akan diperpanjang otomatis dengan paket Anda pada " "%(expirationDate)s" msgid "Test Apple receipt found on production (%s)" msgstr "Tanda terima uji Apple ditemukan saat produksi (%s)" msgid "Skip to dashboard" msgstr "Lewati dan buka dasbor" msgid "/USD per license per month" msgstr "/USD per lisensi per bulan" msgid "/USD per license per day" msgstr "/USD per lisensi per hari" msgid "%(count)d Day*" msgid_plural "%(count)d Days*" msgstr[0] "%(count)d Hari*" msgstr[1] "%(count)d Hari*" msgid "Price per license per day: %(price)s" msgstr "Harga tiap lisensi tiap hari: %(price)s " msgid "Days in Total" msgstr "Total Hari" msgid "Search for a subscription group..." msgstr "Cari grup langganan..." msgid "Gift subscription grouping" msgstr "Pengelompokkan langganan hadiah" msgid "Search for a subscription product..." msgstr "Cari produk langganan..." msgid "Gifts subscription to" msgstr "Langganan hadiah ke" msgid "" "The `_tumblrpay_gift_subscription_id` and `_tumblrpay_gift_group` fields " "should be set on creation." msgstr "" "Kolom `_tumblrpay_gift_subscription_id` dan `_tumblrpay_gift_group` harus " "diatur saat pembuatan." msgid "" "Power your business website with custom plugins and themes, unlimited " "premium and business theme templates, 50 GB storage (more storage can be " "added), and the ability to remove branding." msgstr "" "Lengkapi situs web bisnis Anda dengan tema dan plugin khusus, template tema " "premium dan bisnis tanpa batas, ruang penyimpanan 50 GB (ruang penyimpanan " "lebih besar dapat ditambahkan), dan kemampuan untuk menghapus branding " "" msgid "" "With Pro, you can install any of the thousands of free plugins " "available. Add a store with WooCommerce, try advanced SEO strategies with " "Yoast, or support multiple languages with Polylang." msgstr "" "Dengan Pro, Anda dapat menginstal plugin gratis mana pun dari " "ribuan yang tersedia. Tambahkan toko dengan WooCommerce, coba strategi SEO " "lanjutan dengan Yoast, atau sediakan konten dalam beragam bahasa dengan " "Polylang." msgid "An error occurred while creating a site for your domain" msgstr "Error terjadi saat membuat situs untuk domain Anda" msgid "Invalid domain-only site" msgstr "Situs hanya domain tidak valid" msgid "" "Whether the V2 of the quote block that uses inner blocks should be enabled." msgstr "Apakah V2 blok kutipan yang menggunakan blok dalam harus diaktifkan." msgid "The pattern keywords." msgstr "Kata kunci pola." msgid "The pattern category slugs." msgstr "Slug kategori pola." msgid "Block types that the pattern is intended to be used with." msgstr "Tipe blok yang akan digunakan bersama dengan pola." msgid "The pattern viewport width for inserter preview." msgstr "Lebar area tampilan pola untuk pratinjau penyisip." msgid "The pattern detailed description." msgstr "Deskripsi detail pola." msgid "The pattern name." msgstr "Nama pola." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to view the registered block patterns." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan melihat pola blok yang terdaftar." msgid "The category label, in human readable format." msgstr "Label kategori, dalam format yang mudah dibaca." msgid "The category name." msgstr "Nama kategori." msgid "" "Sorry, you are not allowed to view the registered block pattern categories." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan melihat kategori pola blok yang terdaftar." msgid "" "Adding an RSS feed to this site’s homepage is not supported, as it could " "lead to a loop that slows down your site. Try using another block, like the " "<strong>Latest Posts</strong> block, to list posts from the site." msgstr "" "Penambahan feed RSS ke beranda situs tidak didukung karena dapat menyebabkan " "pengulangan yang memperlambat situs Anda. Coba gunakan blok lain, seperti " "blok <strong>Pos Terbaru</strong>, untuk membuat daftar pos dari situs." msgid "(%s website link, opens in a new tab)" msgstr "(tautan situs %s, buka di tab baru)" msgid "(%s author archive, opens in a new tab)" msgstr "(arsip penulis %s, buka di tab baru)" msgid "" "One-click optimizations that supercharge your WordPress site's performance " "and improve web vitals scores for better SEO." msgstr "" "Pengoptimalan sekali klik untuk meningkatkan kinerja situs WordPress Anda " "dan meningkatkan skor web vitals untuk SEO yang lebih baik." msgid "Your site is optimized with Boost" msgstr "Situs Anda dioptimalkan dengan Boost" msgid "Improve your site's performance" msgstr "Tingkatkan performa situs Anda" msgid "" "We’ll pay the first year’s domain registration fees for you, simple as that!" msgstr "" "Kami akan membayar biaya pendaftaran domain untuk tahun pertama Anda, " "sesederhana itu!" msgid "Use the search tool on this page to find a domain you love." msgstr "" "Gunakan alat pencarian di halaman ini untuk menemukan domain yang Anda sukai." msgid "" "If you’d rather not receive this kind of email, you can %1$sunsubscribe from " "future onboarding reminder emails%2$s." msgstr "" "Jika Anda lebih memilih untuk tidak menerima email semacam ini, Anda dapat " "%1$sberhenti berlangganan email pengingat onboarding di masa mendatang%2$s. " msgid "Removing this product" msgstr "Menghapus produk ini" msgid "This item has been removed." msgstr "Item ini telah dihapus." msgid "" "With the code %1$s, you’ll get %2$s%% off your first payment. Plus, your " "upgrade gives you instant access to a slew of enhanced features, including " "Premium Support delivered by our highly-skilled Happiness Engineers, who are " "ready to help you whenever you need it." msgstr "" "Dengan kode %1$s, Anda akan mendapatkan diskon %2$s%% untuk pembayaran " "pertama Anda. Selain itu, upgrade akan memberi Anda akses instan ke " "serangkaian peningkatan fitur, termasuk Dukungan Premium dari Happines " "Engineers kami yang sangat terampil dan siap membantu Anda kapan saja." msgid "" "With the code <strong>%1$s</strong>, you’ll get %2$s%% off your first " "payment. Plus, your upgrade gives you instant access to a slew of enhanced " "features, including Premium Support delivered by our highly-skilled " "Happiness Engineers, who are ready to help you whenever you need it." msgstr "" "Dengan kode <strong>%1$s</strong>, Anda akan mendapatkan diskon %2$s%% untuk " "pembayaran pertama Anda. Selain itu, upgrade akan memberi Anda akses instan " "ke serangkaian peningkatan fitur, termasuk Dukungan Premium dari Happines " "Engineers kami yang sangat terampil dan siap membantu Anda kapan saja." msgid "How to determine if the video should be public or private" msgstr "" "Cara menentukan apakah video harus diatur untuk publik atau untuk pribadi" msgid "You can always add them later." msgstr "Anda dapat menambahkannya nanti." msgid "" "By clicking “Pay now,” you have read our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://" "\">Privacy Policy</a> and agree to our <a target=" "\"_blank\" href=\"\">Terms of " "Service</a> and <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" "global-advertising\">Global Advertising Policy</a>." msgstr "" "Dengan mengeklik \"Bayar sekarang,\" Anda telah membaca <a target=\"_blank\" " "href=\"\">Kebijakan Privasi</a> kami serta " "menyetujui <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" "of-service\">Ketentuan Layanan</a> dan <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://" "\">Kebijakan Periklanan Global</" "a> kami." msgid "Grow your Audience" msgstr "Perluas audiens Anda" msgid "Chart Icon" msgstr "Ikon Keranjang" msgid "Automatically share your posts to social media to reach more people." msgstr "" "Bagikan pos Anda secara otomatis ke media sosial Anda untuk menjangkau lebih " "banyak orang." msgid "" "<strong>New Recommendation</strong> from Jetpack for %1$s: <strong>Grow your " "audience</strong>" msgstr "" "<strong>Rekomendasi Baru</strong> dari Jetpack kepada %1$s: <strong>Perluas " "audiens Anda</strong>" msgid "Thank you! We’ll be in touch as we build out our plans further." msgstr "" "Terima kasih! Kami akan menghubungi Anda selagi menyusun rencana kami lebih " "lanjut." msgid "" "If you have already tried a password reset, you can go ahead and request " "account recovery now by submitting your request below." msgstr "" "Jika Anda sudah mencoba mengatur ulang kata sandi, Anda dapat melanjutkan " "dan meminta pemulihan akun sekarang dengan mengirimkan permintaan Anda di " "bawah ini." msgid "" "If you can't receive emails at this email address, please use a different " "contact email and submit this form so we can contact you." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak dapat menerima email pada alamat email ini, gunakan email " "kontak yang berbeda dan kirim formulir ini supaya kami dapat menghubungi " "Anda." msgid "" "If you can receive emails at the email address you have provided, you should " "be able to recover your account by filling out the <a href=\"%s\">lost " "password form</a> with that email address. Please check your spam folder for " "the reset email." msgstr "" "Jika Anda dapat menerima email pada alamat email ini, Anda bisa memulihkan " "akun dengan mengisi <a href=\"%s\">formulir kehilangan kata sandi</a> dengan " "alamt email tersebut. Periksa folder spam Anda untuk email yang diatur ulang." msgid "" "This is a free subdomain. You can’t map it to another site." msgstr "" "Ini adalah subdomain gratis. Anda tidak dapat menghubungkannya " "ke situs lain." msgid "" "If you’d rather not receive this kind of email, you can %1$sunsubscribe from " "future notifications about %2$s documents%3$s." msgstr "" "Jika Anda lebih memilih untuk tidak menerima email semacam ini, Anda dapat " "%1$sberhenti berlangganan pemberitahuan %2$sdokumen%3$s di masa mendatang." msgid "Checkout source for marketing" msgstr "Sumber checkout untuk pemasaran" msgid "1GB" msgstr "1GB" msgid "Upgrade today to claim your free domain name!" msgstr "Upgrade hari ini untuk mengeklaim nama domain gratis!" msgid "" "<a href=\"%s\">Upgrade today</a> to claim your <em>free</em> domain name!" msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\">Upgrade hari ini</a> untuk mengeklaim nama domain <em>gratis</" "em>!" msgid "" "We are still setting up your domain. You will not be able to transfer it " "until the registration setup is done." msgstr "" "Kami masih menyiapkan domain Anda. Anda tidak akan dapat mentransfernya " "sampai proses pendaftaran selesai." msgid "" "Webshells are complex tools that will give full control over the compromised " "website, and sometimes the server, to the attacker. They are known to have a " "nice interface and many functions." msgstr "" "Webshell adalah alat yang kompleks yang akan memberikan kontrol penuh atas " "situs web atau server disusupi kepada penyerang. Mereka memiliki antarmuka " "yang bagus dan banyak fungsi." msgid "" "Attackers may upload a specific type of hacktool to a compromised website " "that will allow them to maintain access. Those tools we call Uploaders will " "serve only one purpose: upload files to the site." msgstr "" "Penyerang dapat mengunggah alat peretas tertentu ke situs web yang disusupi " "yang memungkinkan mereka mempertahankan akses. Kami menyebut alat tersebut " "Pengunggah yang fungsinya hanya satu: mengunggah file ke situs." msgid "" "Sometimes Jetpack has enough information to pinpoint a file as potentially " "malicious. Or at least suspicious. This may happen due to the presence of " "common Indicators of Compromise for malware. However, since we don't have " "much information to classify it on a proper type, we recommend you review " "the code." msgstr "" "Terkadang Jetpack memiliki informasi yang cukup untuk menemukan file yang " "berpotensi berbahaya. Atau setidaknya mencurigakan. Hal ini berdasarkan " "adanya Indikator Kompromi umum untuk malware. Namun, karena kami tidak " "memiliki banyak informasi untuk mengklasifikasikannya secara tepat, " "sebaiknya Anda meninjau sendiri kode tersebut." msgid "" "Compromised websites may be used by attackers to act as part of a link farm; " "this is done to increase a website's Search Engine rank and causes harm on " "the affected sites." msgstr "" "Oleh penyerang, situs yang disusupi dapat dijadikan bagian dari kumpulan " "tautan yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan peringkat suatu situs tertentu " "dalam Mesin Pencari, sementara merugikan dan merusak situs yang terdampak." msgid "" "Malicious code may be installed on a compromised website to redirect " "visitors to unwanted destinations. Those can be websites running exploit " "kits, phishing or fake sites, or just sites the attacker is affiliated with " "and will give them money based on visits." msgstr "" "Kode berbahaya dapat dipasang di situs web yang disusupi untuk mengarahkan " "pengunjung ke tujuan yang tidak diinginkan. Itu bisa berupa situs web yang " "menjalankan exploit kit, phishing (situs palsu), atau hanya situs yang " "berafiliasi dengan penyerang dan akan memberi mereka uang berdasarkan " "kunjungan." msgid "" "Phishing scams are well crafted pages or websites made to perfectly emulate " "a valid service in order to collect valuable information from the victims. " "It may target bank accounts, popular streaming services, and even postal " "offices." msgstr "" "Scam (penipuan) terselubung adalah halaman atau situs web yang dibuat dengan " "meyakinkan untuk meniru layanan yang sah dengan sempurna untuk mengumpulkan " "informasi berharga dari para korban. Tujuan cara ini mungkin menargetkan " "rekening bank, layanan streaming yang populer, dan bahkan kantor pos." msgid "" "Malvertising is the combination of the words Malicious and Advertising, this " "type of malware will inject rogue ad campaigns to the website, loading " "unwanted banners, pop-ups, or pop-unders, and even exploit kits targeting " "visitors." msgstr "" "Malvertising adalah kombinasi dari kata Malicious dan Advertising. Malware " "jenis ini akan menyuntikkan kampanye iklan jahat ke situs web, menampilkan " "banner, pop-up, atau pop-under yang tidak diinginkan, dan bahkan exploit kit " "yang menargetkan pengunjung." msgid "" "Sometimes the code is so heavily obfuscated that it's hard to tell what are " "the final intentions of it, however, Jetpack Scan team's experience allows " "them to pinpoint the most common indicators and alert when something is " "wrong." msgstr "" "Terkadang ada kode yang sangat terselubung, sehingga sulit diketahui apa " "tujuan utamanya. Namun, Jetpack Scan mampu menunjukkan dengan tepat " "indikator yang paling umum dan memberi peringatan ketika ada sesuatu yang " "salah." msgid "" "Jetpack found that your site is hosting a tool that, if misconfigured, may " "lead to your site to be compromised." msgstr "" "Jetpack menemukan bahwa situs Anda memiliki alat yang jika konfigurasinya " "salah, dapat menyebabkan situs Anda disusupi." msgid "" "Hacktools are uploaded to compromised sites in order to leverage other types " "of attacks to the server, to attack other servers, sites or the visitors. " "Common types of hacktools are mailers, ddos tools, rogue IRC servers and " "exploit kits." msgstr "" "Hacktool diunggah ke situs yang disusupi untuk meningkatkan jenis serangan " "lainnya ke server, menyerang server, situs, atau pengunjung. Jenis hacktool " "(alat peretasan) yang umum diketahui adalah mailer, ddos tool, rogue IRC " "server, dan exploit kit." msgid "" "Sometimes Jetpack has enough information to pinpoint a file as malicious. It " "may happen due to the presence of common Indicators of Compromise for " "malware. However, since the final payload is unknown, the classification is " "generic." msgstr "" "Terkadang Jetpack memiliki informasi yang cukup untuk menemukan file yang " "berbahaya. Hal ini dikarenakan adanya Indikator Kompromi umum untuk malware. " "Namun, karena dampaknya tidak jelas, maka klasifikasinya bersifat umum." msgid "" "Droppers, as the name implies, are malicious code known to drop an arbitrary " "file on the affected server. This file may contain other types of malware. " "Usually the source path of the dropped file is hardcoded or randomly " "generated." msgstr "" "Dropper, seperti namanya, adalah kode berbahaya yang diketahui menimpakan " "file arbitrer di server yang terpengaruh. File ini mungkin berisi malware. " "Biasanya kode sumber file yang ditimpakan ditulis manual atau dibuat secara " "acak." msgid "" "Cryptominers are either JavaScript code that will use the website visitors's " "computing power, or server runnable code that will mine for " "cryptocurrencies. Although there are valid cases for this use, most of them " "are the result of a website compromise." msgstr "" "Cryptominer adalah kode JavaScript yang akan menggunakan daya komputasi " "pengunjung situs web, atau kode server yang dapat dijalankan yang akan " "menambang cryptocurrency. Meskipun ada kasus yang valid untuk hal ini, " "biasanya disebabkan oleh peran situs web." msgid "" "Credit card skimmers, or CCSkimmers for short, as the name already defines, " "are malicious code, usually written in JavaScript or PHP that will monitor " "website's visitors' requests in order to capture payment information." msgstr "" "Pembaca kartu kredit, atau dikenal dengan CCSkimmer, seperti namanya, adalah " "kode berbahaya, biasanya ditulis dalam JavaScript atau PHP yang akan " "memantau pemrosesan data pengunjung situs web untuk menyimpan informasi " "pembayaran." msgid "" "Backdoors are pieces of code that allows unauthorized users to run arbitrary " "code on a website. It has fewer functions than a webshell, usually just one " "at a time." msgstr "" "Backdoors adalah beberapa baris kode yang memungkinkan pengguna yang tidak " "sah menjalankan kode arbitrer di situs web. Kode tersebut memiliki lebih " "sedikit fungsi daripada webshell, biasanya hanya satu per satu." msgid "A webshell was found on your site. Please take immediate action." msgstr "" "Sebuah webshell ditemukan di situs Anda. Harap segera lakukan penanganan. " msgid "" "A malicious file with upload capabilities was found on your site. Please " "take immediate action." msgstr "" "File berbahaya dengan kemampuan unggah ditemukan di situs Anda. Harap segera " "lakukan penanganan." msgid "" "A suspicious code was found on your site. We recommend you review it and " "take proper action." msgstr "" "Kode mencurigakan ditemukan di situs Anda. Kami menyarankan Anda meninjaunya " "dan melakukan penanganan yang tepat." msgid "SEO spam was found on your site. Please take immediate action." msgstr "Spam SEO ditemukan di situs Anda. Harap segera lakukan penanganan. " msgid "" "Your website is redirecting users to unwanted destinations. Please take " "immediate action." msgstr "" "Situs web Anda mengarahkan pengguna ke tujuan yang tidak diinginkan. Harap " "segera lakukan penanganan. " msgid "A phishing page was found on your site. Please take immediate action." msgstr "" "Halaman phishing ditemukan di situs Anda. Harap segera lakukan penanganan." msgid "" "A file loading malicious ad was found on your site. Please take immediate " "action." msgstr "" "File yang memuat iklan berbahaya ditemukan di situs Anda. Harap segera " "lakukan penanganan." msgid "A malware was found on your site. Please take immediate action." msgstr "" "Sebuah malware ditemukan di situs Anda. Harap segera lakukan penanganan." msgid "" "A misconfigured or a potentially vulnerable tool was found on your site. " "Please take immediate action." msgstr "" "Alat yang salah konfigurasi atau berpotensi rentan ditemukan di situs Anda. " "Harap segera lakukan penanganan." msgid "A hacktool was found on your site. Please take immediate action." msgstr "" "Sebuah hacktool ditemukan di situs Anda. Harap segera lakukan penanganan." msgid "" "A potentially malicious file was found on your site. Please review its code." msgstr "" "File yang berpotensi berbahaya ditemukan di situs Anda. Harap tinjau kodenya." msgid "" "A malicious code known to upload malware to servers was found on your site. " "Please take immediate action." msgstr "" "Kode berbahaya yang diketahui dapat mengunggah perangkat lunak malware ke " "server ditemukan di situs Anda. Harap segera lakukan penanganan." msgid "" "Jetpack found a cryptominer script on your website, your attention is " "required." msgstr "" "Jetpack menemukan skrip cryptominer di situs web Anda, perhatian Anda " "diperlukan." msgid "" "Jetpack found a credit card skimmer script on your website, your attention " "is required." msgstr "" "Jetpack menemukan skrip pembaca kartu kredit di situs web Anda, perhatian " "Anda diperlukan." msgid "Backdoor found on your site. Please take immediate action." msgstr "Ditemukan backdoor di situs Anda. Harap segera lakukan penanganan." msgid "" "Dozens of other Jetpack features like video hosting, payment tools, and " "other site monetization" msgstr "" "Puluhan fitur Jetpack lainnya seperti hosting video, alat pembayaran, dan " "monetisasi situs" msgid "Take an additional %1$d%% off %2$s for the next 48 hours" msgstr "Dapatkan tambahan diskon %1$d%% untuk %2$s selama 48 jam ke depan" msgid "" "Upgrade today to supercharge your experience! You’ll unlock " "features and customization options that make it even easier to grow your " "audience, showcase your work, and earn money with your website." msgstr "" "Upgrade hari ini untuk meningkatkan pengalaman penggunaan " "Anda! Anda akan mendapatkan beragam fitur dan pilihan penyesuaian yang makin " "memudahkan Anda untuk memperluas audiens, menampilkan karya, dan " "menghasilkan uang dengan situs Anda." msgid "" "Sign up today and enjoy the speed, features, and customization options that " "come with %2$s. %s" msgstr "" "Daftar hari ini dan nikmati kecepatan, fitur, dan pilihan penyesuaian yang " "disertakan dalam %2$s. %s" msgid "" "To claim your free domain name and unlock %1$s's set of premium features, " "click here %2$s. Be sure to use the code %3$s at checkout, and you’ll save " "%4$s%%." msgstr "" "Untuk mengeklaim nama domain gratis dan mendapatkan fitur premium %1$s, klik " "di sini %2$s. Pastikan kode %3$s digunakan saat checkout, dan Anda akan " "hemat %4$s%%." msgid "" "Upgrade today with the promo code %1$s at checkout to get %2$s%% off your " "first plan payment. Plus, we’ll include your first year of domain name " "registration, totally free." msgstr "" "Upgrade hari ini dengan kode promo %1$s saat checkout untuk mendapatkan " "diskon %2$s%% untuk pembayaran paket pertama Anda. Selain itu, kami akan " "menyertakan pendaftaran nama domain Anda di tahun pertama, benar-benar " "gratis." msgid "" "<a href=\"%s\">Sign up</a> today and enjoy the speed, features, and " "customization options that come with %2$s." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\">Daftar</a> hari ini dan nikmati kecepatan, fitur, dan pilihan " "penyesuaian yang disertakan dalam %2$s" msgid "" "To claim your free domain name and unlock %1$s's set of premium features, " "click <a href=\"%2$s\">here</a> or on the button above. Be sure to use the " "code %3$s at checkout, and you’ll save %4$s%%." msgstr "" "Untuk mengeklaim nama domain gratis dan mendapatkan fitur premium %1$s, klik " "<a href=\"%2$s\">di sini</a> atau tombol di atas. Pastikan kode %3$s " "digunakan saat checkout, dan Anda akan hemat %4$s%%." msgid "" "Long story short: When you <a href=\"%1$s\">upgrade your website</a>, we " "include your first year of domain name registration — totally free! Plus, " "when you use the promo code <strong>%2$s</strong>, you’ll get %3$s%% off " "your very first payment." msgstr "" "Singkatnya: Saat Anda <a href=\"%1$s\">melakukan upgrade situs</a>, kami " "menyertakan pendaftaran nama domain di tahun pertama — benar-benar gratis! " "Selain itu, jika Anda menggunakan kode promo <strong>%2$s</strong>, Anda " "akan mendapatkan diskon %3$s%%untuk pembayaran pertama Anda." msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Upgrade today</a> with the promo code <strong>%2$s</strong> " "at checkout to get %3$s%% off your first plan payment. Plus, we’ll include " "your first year of domain name registration, totally free. 👍" msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Upgrade hari ini</a> dengan kode promo <strong>%2$s</" "strong> saat checkout untuk mendapatkan diskon %3$s%% untuk pembayaran paket " "pertama Anda. Selain itu, kami akan menyertakan pendaftaran nama domain Anda " "di tahun pertama, benar-benar gratis. 👍" msgid "" "Take advantage of this special offer by upgrading to %1$s and entering the " "code %2$s at checkout." msgstr "" "Manfaatkan penawaran khusus ini dengan melakukan upgrade ke %1$s lalu " "masukkan kode %2$s saat checkout." msgid "" "You can save %1$s%% off your upgrade when you sign up with the coupon code " "%2$s. We’ll even throw in a FREE year of domain name registration with your " "annual plan." msgstr "" "Anda bisa menghemat %1$s%% untuk upgrade jika mendaftar dengan kode kupon " "%2$s. Kami bahkan akan memberikan pendaftaran nama domain GRATIS selama satu " "tahun pada paket tahunan Anda." msgid "" "When you use this code, you’ll save %s%% off your first plan payment. We’ll " "even include a FREE year of custom domain name registration." msgstr "" "Jika menggunakan kode ini, Anda menghemat %s%% dari pembayaran paket pertama " "Anda. Kami bahkan akan menyertakan pendaftaran nama domain GRATIS selama " "satu tahun " msgid "" "Take advantage of this special offer by <a href=\"%1$s\">upgrading to %2$s</" "a> and entering the code <strong>%3$s</strong> at checkout." msgstr "" "Manfaatkan penawaran khusus ini dengan <a href=\"%1$s\">melakukan upgrade ke " "%2$s</a> lalu masukkan kode <strong>%3$s</strong> saat checkout." msgid "" "You can save %1$s%% off your upgrade when you sign up with the coupon code " "<strong>%2$s</strong>. We’ll even throw in a FREE year of domain name " "registration with your annual plan." msgstr "" "Anda bisa menghemat %1$s%% untuk upgrade jika mendaftar dengan kode kupon " "<strong>%2$s</strong>. Kami bahkan akan memberikan pendaftaran nama domain " "GRATIS selama satu tahun dengan paket tahunan Anda." msgid "" "Upgrade today to supercharge your experience! You’ll unlock " "features and customization options that make it even easier to <strong>grow</" "strong> your audience, <strong>showcase</strong> your work, and " "<strong>earn</strong> money with your website." msgstr "" "Upgrade hari ini untuk meningkatkan pengalaman penggunaan " "Anda! Anda akan mendapatkan beragam fitur dan pilihan penyesuaian yang makin " "memudahkan Anda untuk <strong>memperluas</strong> audiens, " "<strong>menampilkan</strong> karya, dan <strong>menghasilkan</strong> uang " "dengan situs Anda." msgid "Enter code %s at checkout." msgstr "Masukkan kode %s saat checkout." msgid "Save on your upgrade to %1$s and unlock:" msgstr "Dapatkan diskon saat Anda upgrade ke %1$s dan dapatkan:" msgid "Your %d%% coupon expires soon!" msgstr "Kupon %d%% Anda akan segera kedaluwarsa!" msgid "Just for you: big savings on %1$s." msgstr "Hanya untuk Anda: hemat besar untuk %1$s." msgid "Reminder: your %d%% discount expires soon" msgstr "Pengingat: diskon %d%% Anda akan segera kadaluwarsa." msgid "Your first year of domain registration FREE with your annual plan." msgstr "Pendaftaran nama domain Anda secara GRATIS dengan paket tahunan Anda." msgid "Jetpack-powered speed and security." msgstr "Kecepatan dan keamanan yang ditenagai Jetpack." msgid "Upgrade to %1$s and unlock:" msgstr "Upgrade ke %1$s dan dapatkan:" msgid "Enter code %s at checkout to save %d%%" msgstr "Masukkan kode %s saat checkout untuk menghemat %d%%" msgid "Just for you: big savings on %1$s" msgstr "Hanya untuk Anda: hemat besar untuk %1$s" msgid "Save %d%% on your upgrade!" msgstr "Hemat %d%% untuk upgrade Anda!" msgid "Learn more about this vulnerability" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang kerentanan ini" msgid "Close Help Center" msgstr "Tutup Pusat Bantuan" msgid "Minimize Help Center" msgstr "Sempitkan Pusat Bantuan" msgid "Maximize Help Center" msgstr "Perluas Pusat Bantuan" msgid "" "Check out how Jetpack’s security, performance, and growth tools can improve " "your site." msgstr "" "Lihat bagaimana alat keamanan, performa, dan pertumbuhan Jetpack dapat " "meningkatkan situs Anda." msgid "You don’t have any active subscriptions for this site." msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki langganan aktif untuk situs ini." msgid "Buy Jetpack %(productName)s" msgstr "Beli Jetpack %(productName)s" msgid "Add Jetpack %(productName)s" msgstr "Tambah Jetpack %(productName)s" msgid "Royal Mail" msgstr "Royal Mail" msgid "Australia Post Shipping Method" msgstr "Australia Post Shipping Method" msgid "" "Design everything on your site — from the header right down to the footer — " "using blocks." msgstr "" "Desain apa pun di situs Anda - dari header hingga footer - menggunakan blok." msgid "Edit your site" msgstr "Edit situs Anda" msgid "One of WOO plugins version is missing from the network site." msgstr "Salah satu versi plugin WOO tidak ditemukan di situs jaringan ini." msgid "" "<strong>%s</strong> can't be transferred, but you can connect it instead." msgstr "" "<strong>%s</strong> tidak dapat ditransfer, tetapi Anda dapat " "menghubungkannya." msgid "Site Default" msgstr "Bawaan Situs" msgid "" "Founder – <a href=\"%1$s\">CodePen</a>, <a href=\"%2$s\">ShopTalk Show</a>" msgstr "" "Pendiri – <a href=\"%1$s\">CodePen</a>, <a href=\"%2$s\">ShopTalk Show</a>" msgid "" "Jetpack has caught almost 2 million blocked spam comments on my sites. What " "I appreciate the most is how the system learns as we go. If a spam comment " "slips through, or a good comment gets spammed, we can make sure it doesn’t " "happen again.”" msgstr "" "Jetpack telah menyaring hampir 2 juta komentar spam yang diblokir di situs " "saya. Hal yang paling saya sukai adalah bagaimana sistem ini menganalisis " "potensi spam di belakang layar. Jika ada komentar spam yang terlewat, atau " "komentar bagus yang dianggap sebagai spam, kami dapat memastikan hal itu " "tidak akan terjadi lagi.*" msgid "" "With over 25 years’ experience hosting websites and their own dedicated " "WordPress platform, your WordPress site is in good hands at IONOS. And it’s " "all sustainable, too — IONOS hosts WordPress sites in data centers solely " "powered by renewable energy. All plans also include free 24/7 support from " "WordPress experts. You’ll also get a direct line to your own personal " "consultant for support that’s tailored to your WordPress project." msgstr "" "Dengan platform WordPress khusus miliknya sendiri, serta pengalaman lebih " "dari 25 tahun dalam menghosting situs, IONOS adalah tempat yang tepat untuk " "mempercayakan situs WordPress Anda. Segala prosesnya juga ramah lingkungan — " "IONOS menghosting situs WordPress dengan pusat data yang hanya ditenagai " "menggunakan energi terbarukan. Semua paket juga mencakup dukungan 24 jam " "setiap hari gratis dari para ahli WordPress. Anda juga akan mendapatkan " "akses langsung ke konsultan pribadi untuk mendapatkan dukungan yang " "disesuaikan dengan proyek WordPress Anda." msgid "Sustainable and trusted WordPress platform" msgstr "Platform WordPress ramah lingkungan dan terpercaya" msgid "" "If you host your WordPress website with IONOS, you’ll get industry-leading " "reliability and security. All plans come with a free SSL certificate, " "malware protection, and backup and recovery options. Your data is hosted in " "local, georedundant data centers that feature DDoS protection and guaranteed " "99.9% uptime." msgstr "" "Jika situs Anda dihosting oleh IONOS, Anda akan mendapatkan keandalan dan " "keamanan kelas industi terkemuka. Semua paket dilengkapi dengan sertifikat " "SSL gratis, perlindungan dari malware, serta pilihan pencadangan dan " "pemulihan. Data Anda dihosting di pusat data lokal georedundan yang " "memberikan perlindungan DDoS dan jaminan uptime 99,9%." msgid "Maximum security and reliability" msgstr "Keamanan dan keandalan maksimum" msgid "" "WordPress hosting from IONOS has been engineered for simplicity. The managed " "option saves users time and allows for convenient, easy updating. Single " "sign-on makes logging in a snap, and the WordPress Setup Assistant helps " "users find and install the right templates — just by answering a few simple " "questions." msgstr "" "Hosting WordPress dari IONOS telah dirancang untuk memberikan kemudahan. " "Pilihan terkelola menghemat waktu pengguna dan memungkinkan pembaruan yang " "mudah dan nyaman. Sistem single sign-on memudahkan proses login. Asisten " "Penyiapan WordPress juga membantu pengguna untuk mencari dan menginstal " "templat yang sesuai — cukup dengan menjawab beberapa pertanyaan sederhana." msgid "Managed WordPress for less hassle" msgstr "WordPress terkelola lebih praktis" msgid "" "Build websites on a stronger foundation with a platform optimized for " "WordPress." msgstr "" "Bangun situs di atas fondasi yang lebih kuat dengan platform yang " "dioptimalkan untuk WordPress. " msgid "IONOS" msgstr "IONOS" msgid "Start with IONOS" msgstr "Mulailah bersama IONOS" msgid "Starting at $0.50 / mo" msgstr "Mulai dari $0,50/bulan" msgid "" "Raise the bar with feature-rich WordPress hosting, Jetpack Backup Daily and " "personalized customer support. <a href=\"#\" class=\"host-prtnr-show-details" "\">Learn more</a>" msgstr "" "Tingkatkan standar dengan hosting WordPress yang kaya akan fitur, Jetpack " "Backup Daily, dan dukungan pelanggan yang dipersonalisasi. <a href=\"#\" " "class=\"host-prtnr-show-details\">Baca selengkapnya</a>" msgid "IONOS Hosting is based out of The United States of America" msgstr "" "IONOS Hosting bermarkas di Amerika Serikat dan beroperasi di berbagai lokasi" msgid "IONOS Logo" msgstr "Logo IONOS" msgid "" "We’ll help you get started, customize your site, and add features, through " "our live chat or email support." msgstr "" "Kami membantu Anda memulai, menyesuaikan situs, dan menambahkan fitur " "melalui dukungan obrolan langsung atau email." msgid "Lost" msgstr "Kalah" msgid "Won" msgstr "Menang" msgid "Charge refunded" msgstr "Biaya dikembalikan" msgid "Under review" msgstr "Sedang ditinjau" msgid "Needs response" msgstr "Butuh tanggapan" msgid "Inquiry: Closed" msgstr "Pertanyaan: Ditutup" msgid "Inquiry: Under review" msgstr "Pertanyaan: Sedang ditinjau" msgid "Inquiry: Needs response" msgstr "Pertanyaan: Butuh tanggapan" msgid "WooCommerce Canada Post Shipping Method" msgstr "WooCommerce Canada Post Shipping Method" msgid "WooCommerce Product Add-Ons" msgstr "WooCommerce Product Add-Ons" msgid "" "Make it easy for your readers to share your content online. " "{{learnMoreLink/}}" msgstr "" "Permudah pembaca Anda untuk membagikan konten Anda secara online. " "{{learnMoreLink/}}" msgid "" "Connect your site to social networks and other services. {{learnMoreLink/}}" msgstr "" "Hubungkan situs Anda ke jejaring sosial dan layanan lainnya. " "{{learnMoreLink/}}" msgid "" "Manage settings and tools related to the traffic your website receives. " "{{learnMoreLink/}}" msgstr "" "Kelola pengaturan dan alat yang terkait dengan kunjungan di situs web Anda. " "{{learnMoreLink/}}" msgid "" "Start with dozens of free WordPress themes. Upgrade to WordPress Pro to get " "access to professional themes and make them your own. Your visitors will " "enjoy a seamless experience on any device." msgstr "" "Mulailah dengan puluhan tema WordPress gratis. Upgrade ke WordPress Pro " "untuk mendapatkan akses ke tema profesional dan buat jadi milik Anda. " "Pengunjung situs Anda akan menikmati pengalaman yang lancar di perangkat apa " "pun." msgid "Expert support" msgstr "Dukungan ahli" msgid "" "Enjoy hassle-free updates, automated spam protection, and reliable hosting " "on servers spread across multiple data centers. Our Pro plan includes " "automated backups and one-click rewinds." msgstr "" "Nikmati pembaruan tanpa ribet, perlindungan spam otomatis, dan hosting yang " "andal di sejumlah server yang tersebar di berbagai pusat data. Paket Pro " "kami sudah termasuk pencadangan otomatis dan putar balik sekali klik." msgid "" "A plan includes a free custom domain name for one year. " "Register a domain name that matches your branding, blog, or business." msgstr "" "Paket dilengkapi dengan nama domain khusus gratis selama satu " "tahun. Daftarkan nama domain yang sesuai dengan branding, blog, atau bisnis " "Anda." msgid "" "With the Pro plan you can get support around the clock from our team of " "WordPress experts. Priority support is offered via email and live chat." msgstr "" "Dengan paket Pro, Anda akan mendapatkan dukungan nonstop dari tim ahli " "WordPress kami. Bantuan prioritas diberikan melalui email dan live chat." msgid "" "With 50 GB storage, and the ability to upgrade as you grow, you can upload " "image galleries, videos, presentations, important documents, and anything " "else your business website needs." msgstr "" "Dengan ruang penyimpanan sebesar 50 GB yang dapat diupgrade seiring " "perkembangan situs, Anda dapat mengunggah galeri gambar, video, presentasi, " "dokumen penting, dan apa pun yang diperlukan untuk situs web bisnis Anda." msgid "Plenty of Storage" msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan besar" msgid "" "By clicking “Pay now,” you agree to our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://" "\">Terms of Service</a>, have read our " "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Privacy Policy</" "a>, and authorize your payment method to be charged, and saved until you " "delete it. You understand <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%1$s\">how this " "product works, and how to delete your payment method</a>." msgstr "" "Dengan mengeklik \"Bayar sekarang,\" Anda menyetujui <a target=\"_blank\" " "href=\"\">Ketentuan Layanan</" "a> kami, telah membaca <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" "privacy\">Kebijakan Privasi</a> kami, serta mengizinkan metode pembayaran " "digunakan untuk penagihan dan disimpan hingga Anda menghapusnya. Anda " "memahami <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%1$s\">cara produk ini bekerja, dan " "cara menghapus metode pembayaran Anda</a>." msgid "New purchase" msgstr "Pembelian baru" msgid "Use Site Editor" msgstr "Gunakan Editor Situs" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "" "Hurray! Your theme supports site editing with blocks. <a href=\"%1$s\">Tell " "me more</a>. %2$s" msgstr "" "Hore! Tema Anda mendukung Pengeditan Situs Lengkap dengan blok. <a href=" "\"%1$s\">Info selengkapnya</a>. %2$s" msgid "" "The Customizer allows you to preview changes to your site before publishing " "them. You can navigate to different pages on your site within the preview. " "Edit shortcuts are shown for some editable elements. The Customizer is " "intended for use with non-block themes." msgstr "" "Customizer memungkinkan Anda mempratinjau perubahan di situs Anda sebelum " "memublikasikannya. Anda dapat berpindah ke halaman lainnya di situs Anda " "saat mempratinjau. Menu pintasan Edit terdapat di beberapa elemen yang dapat " "diedit. Customizer dapat digunakan bersamaan dengan tema non-blok." msgid "Unsuccessful response from WooPay site." msgstr "Tanggapan dari situs WooPay tidak berhasil." msgid "Error contacting WooPay site." msgstr "Terjadi error saat menghubungi situs WooPay." msgid "Transfer your connection" msgstr "Transfer koneksi Anda" msgid "Transfer connection" msgstr "Transfer koneksi" msgid "Safe Mode activated" msgstr "Mode Aman diaktifkan" msgid "Safe Mode" msgstr "Mode Aman" msgid "" "That payment method cannot be deleted because it is linked to an automatic " "subscription. Please choose a %1$sdefault%2$s payment method%3$s, before " "trying again." msgstr "" "Metode pembayaran ini tidak dapat dihapus karena ditautkan dengan langganan " "otomatis. Harap pilih metode pembayaran %1$sasal%2$s, %3$ssebelum mencoba " "lagi." msgid "" "That payment method cannot be deleted because it is linked to an automatic " "subscription. Please %1$sadd a payment method%2$s, before trying again." msgstr "" "Metode pembayaran ini tidak dapat dihapus karena ditautkan dengan langganan " "otomatis. Harap %1$stambahkan metode pembayaran%2$s, sebelum mencoba lagi." msgid "Your capital loan has been approved!" msgstr "Pinjaman modal Anda telah disetujui!" msgid "Powered by WooCommerce" msgstr "Didukung oleh WooCommerce" msgid "Intent id was not included for payment complete status change." msgstr "ID tujuan tidak disertakan untuk perubahan status pembayaran selesai." msgid "" "Payment dispute has been closed with status %1$s. See <a>dispute overview</" "a> for more details." msgstr "" "Sengketa pembayaran telah ditutup dengan status %1$s. Lihat <a>ikhtisar " "sengketa</a> untuk detail selengkapnya." msgid "Payment authorization has <strong>expired</strong> (<a>%1$s</a>)." msgstr "Otorisasi pembayaran telah <strong>kedaluwarsa</strong> (<a>%1$s</a>)." msgid "Dispute lost." msgstr "Kalah dalam sengketa." msgid "Error: Invalid address format!" msgstr "Error: Format alamat tidak valid!" msgid "Error: Invalid phone number: " msgstr "Error: Nomor telepon tidak valid: " msgid "Error: Invalid email address: " msgstr "Error: Alamat email tidak valid: " msgid "Capital Loans" msgstr "Pinjaman Modal" msgid "This domain cannot be renewed because it's currently being registered." msgstr "Domain ini tidak dapat diperpanjang karena saat ini masih terdaftar." msgid "" "This domain cannot be registered because it's currently being registered." msgstr "Domain ini tidak dapat didaftarkan karena saat ini masih terdaftar." msgid "This domain cannot be canceled because it's currently being registered." msgstr "Domain ini tidak dapat dibatalkan karena saat ini masih terdaftar." msgid " Pro Plan" msgstr "Paket Pro" msgid "Start with Pro" msgstr "Mulai dengan Pro" msgid "Good night, {first_name}!" msgstr "Selamat malam, {first_name}!" msgid "Good afternoon, {first_name}!" msgstr "Selamat siang, {first_name}!" msgid "Good evening, {first_name}!" msgstr "Selamat sore, {first_name}!" msgid "Good morning, {first_name}!" msgstr "Selamat pagi, {first_name}!" msgid "Start writing your first post to get more views" msgstr "" "Mulailah menuliskan pos pertama Anda untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak " "kunjungan " msgid "" "Sites with content get more visitors. We’ve found that adding some " "personality and introducing yourself is a great start to click with your " "audience." msgstr "" "Situs berkonten akan mendapatkan lebih banyak pengunjung. Kami ketahui bahwa " "menuliskan informasi pribadi dan pengenalan tentang diri Anda adalah langkah " "yang tepat untuk terhubung dengan audiens Anda." msgid "" "Domains purchased on a free site will get redirected to %(primaryDomain)s. " "If you upgrade to the %(planName)s plan, you can use your own domain name " "instead of having in your URL." msgstr "" "Domain yang dibeli di situs gratis akan dialihkan ke %(primaryDomain)s. Jika " "melakukan upgrade paket %(planName)s, Anda dapat menggunakan nama domain " "sendiri sebagai pengganti domain di URL Anda." msgid "Invalid role provided." msgstr "Peran yang dimasukkan tidak valid." msgid "Sorry, you can't use %s." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat menggunakan %s." msgid "Sorry, this domain is restricted." msgstr "Maaf, domain ini terbatas." msgid "Some required fields are missing." msgstr "Beberapa kolom wajib diisi belum terisi." msgid "You may add up to %d email domains only." msgstr "Anda hanya dapat menambahkan maksimal %d domain email." msgid "This feature is not available for this workspace." msgstr "Fitur tidak tersedia untuk workspace ini." msgid "You are already a member of this workspace." msgstr "Anda sudah menjadi anggota dari workspace ini." msgid "No time? No problem! You can <Button>do this later</Button>." msgstr "" "Tidak ada waktu? Tidak masalah! Anda dapat <Button>melengkapi nanti</Button>." msgid "Your Full Name" msgstr "Nama Lengkap Anda:" msgid "" "Using a recognizable photo and name will help your team to identify you more " "easily." msgstr "" "Menggunakan foto dan nama yang dapat dikenali akan membantu tim Anda " "mengidentifikasi Anda dengan lebih mudah." msgid "Please enter your full name (2 characters or more)." msgstr "Silakan masukkan nama lengkap Anda (2 karakter atau lebih)." msgid "Upload a new avatar" msgstr "Unggah avatar baru" msgid "" "You have no payments history. Payment will be made as soon as the total " "outstanding amount has reached $100." msgstr "" "Anda tidak memiliki riwayat pembayaran. Pembayaran akan dilakukan segera " "setelah total saldo mencapai $100." msgid "" "Your pending payment will be sent to a PayPal address different from your " "current address. Please {{contactSupportLink}}contact support{{/" "contactSupportLink}} if you need to change the PayPal address of your " "pending payment." msgstr "" "Pembayaran tertunda Anda akan dikirim ke alamat PayPal yang berbeda dari " "alamat Anda saat ini. Mohon {{contactSupportLink}}hubungi layanan bantuan{{/" "contactSupportLink}} jika Anda perlu mengubah alamat PayPal untuk pembayaran " "yang tertunda." msgid "Payment Date" msgstr "Tanggal Pembayaran" msgid "Payments history" msgstr "Riwayat pembayaran" msgid "Estimated" msgstr "Diperkirakan" msgid "Site address contains a blocked term." msgstr "Alamat situs memuat istilah yang diblokir." msgid "" "You might want to go see what they're up to! Perhaps you will like <a href=" "\"%1$s\">their blog</a> as much as they liked yours." msgstr "" "Anda dapat melihat apa yang mereka lakukan! Siapa tahu, Anda akan suka <a " "href=\"%1$s\">blog mereka</a> sebagaimana mereka suka blog Anda." msgid "Openverse free photos" msgstr "Foto gratis Openverse" msgid "We were unable to connect to Openverse. Please try again later." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat terhubung ke Openverse. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "" "Add a logo to display on your site. No logo? Buy a pro one today, powered by " "Fiverr — Click “Create logo” to start." msgstr "" "Tambahkan logo untuk ditampilkan pada situs Anda. Belum punya logo? Beli " "logo profesional segera di Fiverr — Klik \"Buat logo\" untuk memulai." msgid "Plugins you need to get your projects done" msgstr "Plugin yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan proyek Anda" msgid "Go to Checkout" msgstr "Buka Checkout" msgid "Add pages to your {{wbr}}{{/wbr}}website" msgstr "Tambahkan halaman ke {{wbr}}{{/wbr}}situs web Anda" msgid "Photo Gallery" msgstr "Galeri Foto" msgid "" "Could not register file \"%s\" as a block pattern (\"Title\" field missing)" msgstr "" "Tidak dapat mendaftarkan berkas \"%s\" sebagai pola blok (kolom \"Judul\" " "tidak ditemukan)" msgid "" "Could not register file \"%1$s\" as a block pattern (invalid slug \"%2$s\")" msgstr "" "Tidak dapat mendaftarkan berkas \"%1$s\" sebagai pola blok (slug \"%2$s\" " "tidak valid)" msgid "" "Could not register file \"%s\" as a block pattern (\"Slug\" field missing)" msgstr "" "Tidak dapat mendaftarkan berkas \"%s\" sebagai pola blok (kolom \"Slug\" " "tidak ditemukan)" msgid "WooCommerce Shipping & Tax" msgstr "Pengiriman USPS WooCommerce" msgctxt "Do It For Me" msgid "These themes are featured in the Do It For Me (DIFM) signup flow." msgstr "Tema-tema ini ditampilkan dalam alur pendaftaran Do It For Me (DIFM)." msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Do It For Me" msgstr "Do It For Me" msgid "" "There are no popular posts to display. Instead, your visitors will see a " "list of your recent posts below. <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Want more " "traffic?</a>" msgstr "" "Tidak ada pos populer untuk ditampilkan. Namun, pengunjung dapat melihat " "daftar pos terbaru Anda di bawah ini. <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Ingin " "lalu lintas lebih banyak?</a>" msgid "" "Build your site with a custom domain, free themes, and 24/7 access to expert " "support." msgstr "" "Buat situs Anda dengan domain kustom, tema gratis, dan akses dukungan ahli " "24 jam sehari, 7 hari seminggu." msgid "" "To claim this offer, visit the URL below to upgrade your site. Enter the " "code %1$s during checkout and you’ll get %2$s%% off your first plan payment!" msgstr "" "Untuk mengeklaim penawaran ini, kunjungi URL berikut dan upgrade situs Anda. " "Masukkan kode %1$s saat checkout dan dapatkan potongan %2$s%% untuk " "pembayaran paket pertama Anda!" msgid "" "That’s why we’re offering you a special thank you discount for getting " "started with us!" msgstr "" "Karenanya, kami menawarkan diskon khusus sebagai ungkapan terima kasih " "karena telah memulai bersama kami!" msgid "" "To claim your discount, visit %1$s and complete your upgrade to %2$s. Enter " "the coupon code %3$s during checkout, and you’ll get %4$s%% off your first " "year." msgstr "" "Untuk mengeklaim diskon, kunjungi %1$s dan selesaikan upgrade ke %2$s. " "Masukkan kode kupon %3$s saat checkout dan dapatkan potongan %4$s%% untuk " "pembayaran paket pertama Anda." msgid "" "Plus, as a special thank you for building with us, we’re offering you a " "limited-time discount." msgstr "" "Dan, sebagai sebagai ungkapan terima kasih karena telah membangun situs " "bersama, kami menawarkan diskon berbatas waktu." msgid "" "P.S.: Our free plan is a great way to explore, but if you’re " "serious about your site, we highly recommend upgrading to %1$s: %2$s." msgstr "" "N.B.: Paket gratis adalah salah satu cara untuk menjelajahi " "Namun jika Anda ingin membangun situs yang lebih profesional, sebaiknya " "upgrade ke %1$s: %2$s." msgid "" "Haven’t upgraded yet? No worries! %1$s comes out to just %2$s a month and " "comes with a free domain for a year plus a 14-day money-back guarantee. " "Check out %3$s for the details." msgstr "" "Belum upgrade? Tenang saja! %1$s hanya seharga %2$s per bulan, sudah " "termasuk domain gratis selama setahun plus garansi 14 hari uang kembali. " "Simak %3$s untuk informasi selengkapnya." msgid "Try free today - renews at %(standardPrice)s after trial" msgstr "" "Coba gratis hari ini - diperpanjang pada %(standardPrice)s setelah uji coba" msgid "" "Try free today - first renewal at %(firstRenewalPrice)s after trial, regular " "price %(standardPrice)s per year" msgstr "" "Coba gratis hari ini - perpanjangan pertama pada %(firstRenewalPrice)s " "setelah uji coba, harga reguler %(standardPrice)s per tahun" msgid "Limited time: %(discount)d%% off" msgstr "Waktu terbatas: diskon %(discount)d%%" msgid "" "By installing, you agree to {{a}}’s Terms of Service{{/a}} and " "the {{thirdPartyTos}}Third-Party plugin Terms{{/thirdPartyTos}}." msgstr "" "Dengan menginstal, Anda menyetujui {{a}}Ketentuan Layanan{{/" "a}} dan {{thirdPartyTos}}Persyaratan plugin Pihak Ketiga{{/thirdPartyTos}}." msgid "" "You agree to our {{thirdPartyToS}}Third-Party Plugins Terms of Service{{/" "thirdPartyToS}}" msgstr "" "Anda menyetujui {{thirdPartyToS}}Ketentuan Layanan Plugin Pihak Ketiga{{/" "thirdPartyToS}} kami" msgid "" "The first P2 in your workspace will be created automatically for you, so you " "can focus on getting started. You'll be able to customize it at any time!" msgstr "" "P2 pertama di workspace Anda akan dibuat secara otomatis, sehingga Anda " "dapat fokus untuk memulai. Anda dapat mengaturnya kapan saja!" msgid "Create workspace" msgstr "Buat workspace" msgid "This is usually the name of your company or organization" msgstr "Biasanya nama perusahaan atau organisasi Anda" msgid "Workspace name" msgstr "Nama workspace" msgid "Workspace address" msgstr "Alamat workspace" msgid "Enter an address, or {{a}}choose a suggestion{{/a}}" msgstr "Masukkan alamat, atau {{a}}pilih yang disarankan{{/a}}" msgid "We suggest this URL, but you can {{a}}choose manually{{/a}} too" msgstr "" "Kami menyarankan URL berikut, tetapi Anda juga dapat {{a}}menentukan " "sendiri{{/a}}" msgid "Sorry, that site already exists! Please, try a different one" msgstr "Maaf, situs sudah ada! Silakan coba yang lain" msgid "Do you have social media profiles?" msgstr "Apakah Anda punya profil media sosial?" msgctxt "Jetpack Boost Plan" msgid "Boost" msgstr "Boost" msgid "" "Remote is a dark, minimal block theme ideal for bloggers. Its default styles " "- a sans-serif font and dark background - contribute for a comfortable, " "immersive reading experience. It features a set of bold block patterns such " "as a large posts list and bordered categories and tags." msgstr "" "Remote adalah tema blok minimalis dengan warna gelap yang ideal untuk " "blogger. Gaya asalnya menggunakan font sans-serif dan latar belakang gelap " "untuk memberikan pengalaman membaca yang nyaman dan mendalam. Tema ini " "menghadirkan satu set pola blok yang tegas seperti daftar pos yang besar " "serta kategori dan tag dengan tepian. " msgid "" "If you have a <a href=\"%s\">backup payment method</a> and the next renewal " "attempt fails, we will use one of your backup payment methods." msgstr "" "Jika Anda mempunyai <a href=\"%s\">metode pembayaran cadangan</a> dan upaya " "perpanjangan berikutnya gagal, kami akan menggunakan salah satu metode " "pembayaran cadangan Anda." msgid "Document not found." msgstr "Dokumen tidak ditemukan" msgid "" "This plugin is too big to be installed via this page. If you still want to " "install the plugin, please continue by uploading the plugin again from WP " "Admin." msgstr "" "Plugin ini terlalu besar untuk diinstal melalui halaman ini. Jika Anda masih " "ingin menginstal plugin, silakan lanjutkan dengan mengunggah kembali plugin " "dari WP Admin." msgid "" "Cool, you are now subscribed to %1$s and will receive an email notification " "when a new post is published." msgstr "" "Keren! Anda kini telah berlangganan %1$s dan akan menerima email " "pemberitahuan saat ada pos baru." msgid "" "Could not obtain a VideoPress playback JWT. Please try again later. (empty " "upload token)" msgstr "" "Tidak dapat memperoleh JWT pemutaran ulang VideoPress. Silakan coba lagi. " "(token unggah kosong)" msgid "need a guid" msgstr "butuh bantuan" msgid "You can also reply to this email to leave a comment." msgstr "Anda dapat membalas email ini untuk memberi komentar." msgid "Professional Email is free for 3 months" msgstr "Professional Email gratis selama 3 bulan" msgid "Data Management" msgstr "Manajemen Data" msgid "Waste Management" msgstr "Manajemen Limbah" msgid "Polar Regions" msgstr "WIlayah Kutub" msgid "Tahiti & Bora Bora" msgstr "Tahiti & Bora Bora" msgid "Polynesia" msgstr "Polinesia" msgid "Melanesia" msgstr "Melanesia" msgid "Pacific Islands" msgstr "Kepulauan Pasifik" msgid "Christchurch" msgstr "Christchurch" msgid "Victoria (AU)" msgstr "Victoria (AU)" msgid "Gold Coast" msgstr "Gold Coast" msgid "Cairns" msgstr "Cairns" msgid "Newcastle (AU)" msgstr "Newcastle (AU)" msgid "San Antonio" msgstr "San Antonio" msgid "Houston" msgstr "Houston" msgid "El Paso" msgstr "El Paso" msgid "Dallas-Fort Worth" msgstr "Dallas-Fort Worth" msgid "Austin-Round Rock" msgstr "Austin-Round Rock" msgid "Salt Lake City" msgstr "Salt Lake City" msgid "Albuquerque-Santa Fe" msgstr "Albuquerque-Santa Fe" msgid "Reno-Sparks" msgstr "Reno-Sparks" msgid "Las Vegas" msgstr "Las Vegas" msgid "Tucson" msgstr "Tucson" msgid "Southwest (USA)" msgstr "Barat Daya (AS)" msgid "Virginia Beach-Hampton Roads" msgstr "Virginia Beach-Hampton Roads" msgid "Richmond-Petersburg" msgstr "Richmond-Petersburg" msgid "Nashville" msgstr "Nashville" msgid "Memphis" msgstr "Memphis" msgid "Gatlinburg" msgstr "Gatlinburg" msgid "Greenville" msgstr "Greenville" msgid "Upstate South Carolina" msgstr "Upstate South Carolina" msgid "Myrtle Beach & Grand Strand" msgstr "Myrtle Beach & Grand Strand" msgid "Greater Charleston (SC)" msgstr "Greater Charleston (CS)" msgid "Raleigh-Durham" msgstr "Raleigh-Durham" msgid "Piedmont Triad" msgstr "Piedmont Triad" msgid "Charlotte Metro" msgstr "Metro Charlotte" msgid "New Orleans" msgstr "New Orleans" msgid "Baton Rouge" msgstr "Baton Rouge" msgid "Atlanta" msgstr "Atlanta" msgid "Georgia (USA)" msgstr "Georgia (AS)" msgid "Little Rock" msgstr "Little Rock" msgid "Birmingham (AL)" msgstr "Birmingham (AL)" msgid "South (USA)" msgstr "Selatan (AS)" msgid "Rocky Mountains" msgstr "Rocky Mountains" msgid "Seattle-Tacoma" msgstr "Seattle-Tacoma" msgid "Washington State" msgstr "Negara Bagian Washington" msgid "Portland (OR)" msgstr "Portland (OR)" msgid "Pacific Northwest" msgstr "Pacific Northwest" msgid "Providence" msgstr "Providence" msgid "Boston Metro" msgstr "Metro Boston" msgid "New Haven" msgstr "New Haven" msgid "Greater Hartford" msgstr "Greater Hartford" msgid "New England" msgstr "New England" msgid "Milwaukee" msgstr "Milwaukee" msgid "Greater Cleveland" msgstr "Greater Cleveland" msgid "Columbus (OH)" msgstr "Columbus (OH)" msgid "Kansas City" msgstr "Kota Kansas" msgid "Greater St. Louis" msgstr "Greater St. Louis" msgid "Minneapolis-Saint Paul" msgstr "Minneapolis-Saint Paul" msgid "Grand Rapids-West Michigan" msgstr "Grand Rapids-Michigan Barat" msgid "Midwest (USA)" msgstr "Barat Tengah (AS)" msgid "Washington DC" msgstr "Washington DC" msgid "Pittsburgh" msgstr "Pittsburgh" msgid "Philadelphia" msgstr "Philadelphia" msgid "Harrisburg-South Central PA" msgstr "Harrisburg-PA Tengah Selatan" msgid "Rochester-Finger Lakes" msgstr "Rochester-Finger Lakes" msgid "New York City" msgstr "Kota New York" msgid "Buffalo-Niagara Falls" msgstr "Buffalo-Air Terjun Niagara" msgid "Albany-Capital District" msgstr "Albany-Distrik Ibu Kota" msgid "New York State" msgstr "Negara Bagian New York" msgid "Atlantic City" msgstr "Kota Atlantic" msgid "Ocean City (MD)" msgstr "Kota Ocean (MD)" msgid "Baltimore Metro" msgstr "Metro Baltimore" msgid "Mid-Atlantic (USA)" msgstr "Atlantic Tengah (AS)" msgid "Oahu" msgstr "Oahu" msgid "Maui" msgstr "Maui" msgid "Kauai" msgstr "Kauai" msgid "Big Island (Hawaii)" msgstr "Hawaii" msgid "Tulsa" msgstr "Tulsa" msgid "Oklahoma City" msgstr "Kota Oklahoma" msgid "Omaha" msgstr "Omaha" msgid "Great Plains (USA)" msgstr "Dataran Great Plains (AS)" msgid "West Palm Beach-Boca Raton" msgstr "West Palm Beach-Boca Raton" msgid "Miami-Dade" msgstr "Miami-Dade" msgid "Broward-Fort Lauderdale" msgstr "Broward-Fort Lauderdale" msgid "South Florida Metro" msgstr "Metro Florida Selatan" msgid "Fort Myers-Cape Coral" msgstr "Fort Myers-Cape Coral" msgid "Florida Keys" msgstr "Florida Keys" msgid "Southern Florida" msgstr "Florida Selatan" msgid "Jacksonville" msgstr "Jacksonville" msgid "North Florida" msgstr "Florida Utara" msgid "Tallahassee" msgstr "Tallahassee" msgid "Pensacola" msgstr "Pensacola" msgid "Florida Panhandle" msgstr "Florida Panhandle" msgid "Tampa Bay Area" msgstr "Wilayah Teluk Tampa" msgid "Greater Orlando" msgstr "Greater Orlando" msgid "Deltona-Daytona Beach" msgstr "Deltona-Daytona Beach" msgid "Central Florida" msgstr "Florida Tengah" msgid "San Diego" msgstr "San Diego" msgid "Orange County (CA)" msgstr "Orange County (CA)" msgid "Inland Empire" msgstr "Inland Empire" msgid "Southern California" msgstr "California Selatan" msgid "Silicon Valley" msgstr "Lembah Silikon" msgid "San Joaquin Valley" msgstr "Lembah San Joaquin" msgid "San Francisco Bay Area" msgstr "Wilayah Teluk San Francisco" msgid "Sacramento Valley" msgstr "Lembah Sacramento" msgid "Lake Tahoe" msgstr "Danau Tahoe" msgid "California Central Coast" msgstr "California Central Coast" msgid "Quebec City" msgstr "Kota Quebec" msgid "Southwestern Ontario" msgstr "Ontario Barat Daya" msgid "Ottawa-Gatineau" msgstr "Ottawa-Gatineau" msgid "Hamilton-Niagara Peninsula" msgstr "Hamilton-Semenanjung Niagara" msgid "Greater Toronto" msgstr "Greater Toronto" msgid "Northern Territories" msgstr "Wilayah Utara" msgid "Calgary" msgstr "Calgary" msgid "Canadian Prairies" msgstr "Prairie Kanada" msgid "Victoria (BC)" msgstr "Victoria (BC)" msgid "Newfoundland & Labrador" msgstr "Newfoundland & Labrador" msgid "Atlantic Provinces" msgstr "Atlantik Kanada" msgid "Middle East" msgstr "Timur Tengah" msgid "Quito" msgstr "Quito" msgid "Galapagos Islands" msgstr "Kepulauan Galapagos" msgid "São Paulo (State)" msgstr "São Paulo (Negara Bagian)" msgid "Belo Horizonte" msgstr "Belo Horizonte" msgid "Southeast Brazil" msgstr "Region Tenggara Brasil" msgid "Porto Alegre" msgstr "Porto Alegre" msgid "South Brazil" msgstr "Region Selatan Brasil" msgid "Salvador" msgstr "Salvador" msgid "Northeast Brazil" msgstr "Region Timur Laut Brasil" msgid "North Brazil" msgstr "Region Utara Brasil" msgid "Brasilia" msgstr "Brasilia" msgid "Central West Brazil" msgstr "Region Tengah-Barat Brasil" msgid "Cancún & Riviera Maya" msgstr "Cancún & Riviera Maya" msgid "Yucatán Peninsula" msgstr "Semenanjung Yucatán" msgid "Puerto Vallarta" msgstr "Puerto Vallarta" msgid "Acapulco" msgstr "Acapulco" msgid "Pacific Coast (Mexico)" msgstr "Pacific Coast (Meksiko)" msgid "Northern Mexico" msgstr "Meksiko Bagian Utara" msgid "Mexico State" msgstr "Negara Bagian Meksiko" msgid "Cuernavaca (Morelos)" msgstr "Cuernavaca (Morelos)" msgid "Central Mexico" msgstr "Meksiko Bagian Tengah" msgid "Los Cabos" msgstr "Los Cabos" msgid "Central America" msgstr "Amerika Tengah" msgid "Trinidad & Tobago" msgstr "Trinidad & Tobago" msgid "Saint Vincent & Grenadines" msgstr "Saint Vincent & Grenadines" msgid "Saint Kitts & Nevis" msgstr "Saint Kitts & Nevis" msgid "Aruba, Bonaire & Curaçao" msgstr "Aruba, Bonaire, & Curaçao" msgid "Antigua & Barbuda" msgstr "Antigua & Barbuda" msgid "Caribbean" msgstr "Kepulauan Karibia" msgid "Latin America" msgstr "Amerika Latin" msgid "Wales" msgstr "Wales" msgid "Glasgow" msgstr "Glasgow" msgid "Edinburgh" msgstr "Edinburgh" msgid "Scotland" msgstr "Skotlandia" msgid "Northern Ireland" msgstr "Irlandia Utara" msgid "Sheffield" msgstr "Sheffield" msgid "Leeds-Bradford" msgstr "Leeds-Bradford" msgid "Yorkshire" msgstr "Yorkshire" msgid "Birmingham (UK)" msgstr "Birmingham (UK)" msgid "West Midlands" msgstr "West Midlands" msgid "Bristol" msgstr "Bristol" msgid "South West England" msgstr "Inggris Barat Daya" msgid "South East England" msgstr "Inggris Tenggara" msgid "Liverpool" msgstr "Liverpool" msgid "North West England" msgstr "Inggris Barat Laut" msgid "North East England" msgstr "Inggris Tenggara" msgid "London (UK)" msgstr "London (UK)" msgid "East of England" msgstr "Inggris Timur" msgid "East Midlands" msgstr "East Midlands" msgid "England" msgstr "Inggris" msgid "Île-de-France" msgstr "Île-de-France" msgid "Nantes" msgstr "Nantes" msgid "Pays de la Loire" msgstr "Pays de la Loire" msgid "Rennes" msgstr "Rennes" msgid "Brittany" msgstr "Brittany" msgid "West France" msgstr "Prancis Barat" msgid "Toulouse" msgstr "Toulouse" msgid "Midi-Pyrénées" msgstr "Midi-Pyrénées" msgid "Montpellier" msgstr "Montpellier" msgid "Languedoc-Roussillon" msgstr "Languedoc-Roussillon" msgid "Occitanie" msgstr "Occitanie" msgid "Poitou-Charentes" msgstr "Poitou-Charentes" msgid "Limousin" msgstr "Limousin" msgid "Bordeaux" msgstr "Bordeaux" msgid "Aquitaine" msgstr "Aquitaine" msgid "Nouvelle-Aquitaine" msgstr "Nouvelle-Aquitaine" msgid "South West France" msgstr "Prancis Barat Daya" msgid "Nice" msgstr "Nice" msgid "Marseille" msgstr "Marseille" msgid "Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur" msgstr "Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur" msgid "Corsica" msgstr "Korsika" msgid "Lyon" msgstr "Lyon" msgid "Rhône-Alpes" msgstr "Rhône-Alpes" msgid "Auvergne" msgstr "Auvergne" msgid "Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes" msgstr "Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes" msgid "South East France" msgstr "Prancis Tenggara" msgid "Upper Normandy" msgstr "Normandia Atas" msgid "Lower Normandy" msgstr "Normandia Bawah" msgid "Normandy" msgstr "Normandia" msgid "Picardy" msgstr "Picardie" msgid "Lille" msgstr "Lille" msgid "Nord-Pas-de-Calais" msgstr "Nord-Pas-de-Calais" msgid "Hauts-de-France" msgstr "Hauts-de-France" msgid "North France" msgstr "Prancis Utara" msgid "French Overseas (DOM-TOM)" msgstr "Departemen dan Wilayah Seberang Laut Prancis (DOM-TOM)" msgid "Lorraine" msgstr "Lorraine" msgid "Champagne-Ardenne" msgstr "Champagne-Ardenne" msgid "Strasbourg" msgstr "Strasbourg" msgid "Alsace" msgstr "Alsace" msgid "Grand-Est" msgstr "Grand-Est" msgid "Franche-Comté" msgstr "Franche-Comté" msgid "Bourgogne-Franche-Comté" msgstr "Bourgogne-Franche-Comté" msgid "East France" msgstr "Prancis Timur" msgid "Centre-Val De Loire" msgstr "Centre-Val De Loire" msgid "Central France" msgstr "Prancis Tengah" msgid "Zeeland" msgstr "Zeeland" msgid "Utrecht" msgstr "Utrecht" msgid "Rotterdam" msgstr "Rotterdam" msgid "South Holland" msgstr "Belanda Selatan" msgid "Overijssel" msgstr "Overijssel" msgid "North Holland" msgstr "Belanda Utara" msgid "North Brabant" msgstr "Brabant Utara" msgid "Groningen" msgstr "Groningen" msgid "Gelderland" msgstr "Gelderland" msgid "Friesland" msgstr "Friesland" msgid "Flevoland" msgstr "Flevoland" msgid "Drenthe" msgstr "Drenthe" msgid "Wallonia" msgstr "Wallonia" msgid "Flanders" msgstr "Flandria" msgid "Benelux" msgstr "Benelux" msgid "Aegean Islands" msgstr "Kepulauan Aegea" msgid "Southeastern Europe" msgstr "Eropa Tenggara" msgid "Nordic Countries" msgstr "Negara-Negara Nordik" msgid "Valencian Community" msgstr "Wilayah Valencia" msgid "Galicia" msgstr "Galisia" msgid "Extremadura" msgstr "Extremadura" msgid "Catalonia" msgstr "Catalunya" msgid "Castile-La Mancha" msgstr "Castile-La Mancha" msgid "Castile and León" msgstr "Castile dan León" msgid "Canary Islands" msgstr "Kepulauan Canaria" msgid "Bilbao" msgstr "Bilbao" msgid "Basque Country" msgstr "Negara Basque" msgid "Balearic Islands" msgstr "Kepulauan Balears" msgid "Aragon" msgstr "Aragon" msgid "Seville" msgstr "Sevilla" msgid "Andalucia" msgstr "Andalusia" msgid "Porto" msgstr "Porto" msgid "Azores & Madeira" msgstr "Azores & Madeira" msgid "Algarve" msgstr "Algarve" msgid "Veneto" msgstr "Veneto" msgid "Umbria" msgstr "Umbria" msgid "Trentino-Alto Adige" msgstr "Trentino-Alto Adige" msgid "Sicily" msgstr "Sisilia" msgid "Sardinia" msgstr "Sardinia" msgid "Puglia" msgstr "Puglia" msgid "Piedmont" msgstr "Piemonte" msgid "Molise" msgstr "Molise" msgid "Marche" msgstr "Marche" msgid "Lombardy" msgstr "Lombardia" msgid "Liguria" msgstr "Liguria" msgid "Lazio" msgstr "Lazio" msgid "Friuli-Venezia Giulia" msgstr "Friuli-Venezia Giulia" msgid "Emilia-Romagna" msgstr "Emilia-Romagna" msgid "Salerno & Amalfi Coast" msgstr "Salerno & Amalfi Coast" msgid "Campania" msgstr "Campania" msgid "Calabria" msgstr "Calabria" msgid "Basilicata" msgstr "Basilicata" msgid "Aosta Valley" msgstr "Lembah Aosta" msgid "Abruzzo" msgstr "Abruzzo" msgid "Mediterranean Europe" msgstr "Eropa Mediterania" msgid "Łódź" msgstr "Łódź" msgid "Wroclaw" msgstr "Wroclaw" msgid "Krakow" msgstr "Krakow" msgid "Katowice (Upper Silesian)" msgstr "Katowice (Silesia Atas)" msgid "Thuringia" msgstr "Thuringia" msgid "Schleswig-Holstein" msgstr "Schleswig-Holstein" msgid "Saxony-Anhalt" msgstr "Saxony-Anhalt" msgid "Saxony" msgstr "Saxony" msgid "Saarland" msgstr "Saarland" msgid "Rhineland-Palatinate" msgstr "Rhineland-Palatinate" msgid "Essen (Ruhr Area)" msgstr "Essen (Area Ruhr)" msgid "Dusseldorf" msgstr "Dusseldorf" msgid "Cologne" msgstr "Cologne" msgid "North Rhine-Westphalia" msgstr "North Rhine-Westphalia" msgid "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern" msgstr "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern" msgid "Lower Saxony" msgstr "Lower Saxony" msgid "Frankfurt" msgstr "Frankfurt" msgid "Hesse" msgstr "Hesse" msgid "Hamburg" msgstr "Hamburg" msgid "Bremen" msgstr "Bremen" msgid "Brandenburg" msgstr "Brandenburg" msgid "Munich" msgstr "Munich" msgid "Bavaria" msgstr "Bavaria" msgid "Stuttgart" msgstr "Stuttgart" msgid "Baden-Wuerttemberg" msgstr "Baden-Wuerttemberg" msgid "Crimea" msgstr "Krimea" msgid "Baltics" msgstr "Baltik" msgid "Vorarlberg" msgstr "Vorarlberg" msgid "Upper Austria" msgstr "Austria Hulu" msgid "Tyrol" msgstr "Tirol" msgid "Styria" msgstr "Styria" msgid "Salzburg" msgstr "Salzburg" msgid "Lower Austria" msgstr "Austria Hilir" msgid "Carinthia" msgstr "Karintia" msgid "Burgenland" msgstr "Burgenland" msgid "Central & Eastern Europe" msgstr "Eropa Tengah & Timur" msgid "Abu Dhabi" msgstr "Abu Dhabi" msgid "Southeastern Anatolia" msgstr "Anatolia Tenggara" msgid "Mersin" msgstr "Mersin" msgid "Mediterranean Turkey" msgstr "Turki Kawasan Mediterania" msgid "Marmara Region" msgstr "Kawasan Marmara" msgid "Eastern Anatolia" msgstr "Anatolia Timur" msgid "Cappadocia" msgstr "Kapadokia" msgid "Central Anatolia" msgstr "Anatolia Tengah" msgid "Black Sea Turkey" msgstr "Turki Kawasan Laut Hitam" msgid "Pamukkale" msgstr "Pamukkale" msgid "Bodrum" msgstr "Bodrum" msgid "Izmir" msgstr "Izmir" msgid "Aegean Turkey" msgstr "Turki Kawasan Aegea" msgid "Jeddah" msgstr "Jeddah" msgid "Doha" msgstr "Doha" msgid "West Asia" msgstr "Asia Barat" msgid "Ho Chi Minh City" msgstr "Kota Ho Chi Minh " msgid "Hanoi" msgstr "Hanoi" msgid "Southern Thailand" msgstr "Thailand Selatan" msgid "Pattaya" msgstr "Pattaya" msgid "Penang" msgstr "Penang" msgid "Western New Guinea" msgstr "Papua Barat" msgid "Sumatra" msgstr "Sumatra" msgid "Sulawesi" msgstr "Sulawesi" msgid "Nusa Tenggara" msgstr "Nusa Tenggara" msgid "Maluku Islands" msgstr "Kepulauan Maluku" msgid "Kalimantan" msgstr "Kalimantan" msgid "Bandung" msgstr "Bandung" msgid "Java (Indonesia)" msgstr "Jawa (Indonesia)" msgid "East Timor" msgstr "Timor Timur" msgid "Southeast Asia" msgstr "Asia Tenggara" msgid "Lahore" msgstr "Lahore" msgid "Indian Ocean Islands" msgstr "Pulau-Pulau di Samudra Hindia" msgid "Jaipur" msgstr "Jaipur" msgid "Pune" msgstr "Pune" msgid "Mumbai" msgstr "Mumbai" msgid "Ahmedabad" msgstr "Ahmedabad" msgid "West India" msgstr "India Barat" msgid "Hyderabad" msgstr "Hyderabad" msgid "Chennai" msgstr "Chennai" msgid "Cochin" msgstr "Kochi" msgid "Bangalore" msgstr "Bengaluru" msgid "South India" msgstr "India Selatan" msgid "Northeast India" msgstr "India Timur Laut" msgid "Agra" msgstr "Agra" msgid "Punjab (India)" msgstr "Punjab (India)" msgid "North India" msgstr "India Utara" msgid "East India" msgstr "India Timur" msgid "South Asia" msgstr "Asia Selatan" msgid "Volga District" msgstr "Distrik Volga" msgid "Urals District" msgstr "Distrik Ural" msgid "Siberian Federal District" msgstr "Distrik Federal Siberia" msgid "Russian Southern District" msgstr "Distrik Federal Selatan" msgid "Russian Central District" msgstr "Distrik Federal Pusat" msgid "Saint Petersburg" msgstr "Saint Petersburg" msgid "Northwestern Russia" msgstr "Distrik Federal Barat Laut" msgid "North Caucasian District" msgstr "Distrik Kaukasus Utara" msgid "Far Eastern Russia" msgstr "Timur Jauh Rusia" msgid "Caucasus" msgstr "Kaukasus" msgid "Russia & CIS" msgstr "Rusa & PNM" msgid "Tainan" msgstr "Kota Tainan" msgid "Taichung" msgstr "Kota Taichung" msgid "Kaohsiung" msgstr "Kota Kaohsiung" msgid "Hsinchu" msgstr "Kota Hsinchu" msgid "Gwangju" msgstr "Gwangju" msgid "South Jeolla" msgstr "Jeolla Selatan" msgid "Ulsan" msgstr "Ulsan" msgid "Busan" msgstr "Busan" msgid "South Gyeongsang" msgstr "Gyeongsang Selatan" msgid "Daejeon" msgstr "Daejeon" msgid "South Chungcheong" msgstr "Chungcheong Selatan" msgid "North Jeolla" msgstr "Jeolla Utara" msgid "Daegu" msgstr "Daegu" msgid "North Gyeongsang" msgstr "Gyeongsang Utara" msgid "North Chungcheong" msgstr "Chungcheong Utara" msgid "Jeju" msgstr "Jeju" msgid "Incheon" msgstr "Incheon" msgid "Gyeonggi" msgstr "Gyeonggi" msgid "Gangwon" msgstr "Gangwon" msgid "Sendai" msgstr "Sendai" msgid "Tohoku" msgstr "Tohoku" msgid "Shikoku" msgstr "Shikoku" msgid "Kyushu" msgstr "Kyushu" msgid "Yokohama" msgstr "Yokohama" msgid "Kawasaki" msgstr "Kawasaki" msgid "Kanto" msgstr "Kanto" msgid "Kobe" msgstr "Kobe" msgid "Kansai" msgstr "Kansai" msgid "Sapporo" msgstr "Sapporo" msgid "Chugoku" msgstr "Chugoku" msgid "Nagoya" msgstr "Nagoya" msgid "Chubu" msgstr "Chubu" msgid "Tibet" msgstr "Tibet" msgid "Southwest China" msgstr "Tiongkok Barat Daya" msgid "Shenzhen" msgstr "Shenzhen" msgid "Guangzhou" msgstr "Guangzhou" msgid "Dongguan" msgstr "Dongguan" msgid "Southeast China" msgstr "Tiongkok Tenggara" msgid "Chengdu" msgstr "Chengdu" msgid "Wuhan" msgstr "Wuhan" msgid "South Central China" msgstr "Tiongkok Selatan Tengah" msgid "Xi'an" msgstr "Xi'an" msgid "Northwest China" msgstr "Tiongkok Barat Laut" msgid "Shenyang" msgstr "Shenyang" msgid "Changchun" msgstr "Changchun" msgid "Northeast China" msgstr "Tiongkok Timur Laut" msgid "Inner Mongolia" msgstr "Mongolia Dalam" msgid "North Central China" msgstr "Tiongkok Utara Tengah" msgid "Hangzhou" msgstr "Hangzhou" msgid "Nanjing" msgstr "Nanjing" msgid "Eastern China" msgstr "Tiongkok Timur" msgid "East Asia" msgstr "Asia Timur" msgid "Central Asia" msgstr "Asia Tengah" msgid "Western Africa" msgstr "Afrika Barat" msgid "Cape Town" msgstr "Cape Town" msgid "Southern Africa" msgstr "Afrika Selatan" msgid "Northern Africa" msgstr "Afrika Utara" msgid "Congo (DR)" msgstr "Kongo (DR)" msgid "Middle Africa" msgstr "Afrika Tengah" msgid "Eastern Africa" msgstr "Afrika Timur" msgid "World Localities" msgstr "Wilayah-Wilayah di Dunia" msgid "Travel Guides & Travelogues" msgstr "Panduan & Catatan Perjalanan" msgid "Vacation Offers" msgstr "Tawaran Liburan" msgid "Tourist Boards & Visitor Centers" msgstr "Dewan Kepariwisataan & Pusat Informasi Pariwisata" msgid "Sightseeing Tours" msgstr "Tur Tamasya" msgid "Guided Tours & Escorted Vacations" msgstr "Tur dengan Pemandu & Liburan dengan Pemandu" msgid "Travel Agencies & Services" msgstr "Agen & Layanan Perjalanan" msgid "Urban Transit" msgstr "Angkutan Kota" msgid "Traffic & Route Planners" msgstr "Perencana Jalur & Rute Perjalanan" msgid "Taxi & Ride Hail Services" msgstr "Layanan Pemesanan Taksi " msgid "Airport Parking & Transportation" msgstr "Parkir & Transportasi Bandara" msgid "Long Distance Bus & Rail" msgstr "Bus & Kereta Jarak Jauh" msgid "Cruises & Charters" msgstr "Perjalanan Kapal Pesiar & Sewa Moda Transportasi" msgid "Chartered Transportation Rentals" msgstr "Sewa Alat Transportasi" msgid "Carpooling" msgstr "Angkutan Mobil Bersama" msgid "Air Travel" msgstr "Perjalanan Udara" msgid "Transportation" msgstr "Transportasi" msgid "Zoos, Aquariums & Preserves" msgstr "Kebun Binatang, Taman Akuarium, & Cagar Alam" msgid "Vineyards & Wine Tourism" msgstr "Kebun & Wisata Anggur" msgid "Theme Parks" msgstr "Taman Hiburan" msgid "Regional Parks & Gardens" msgstr "Taman & Kebun Wisata Daerah" msgid "Mountain & Ski Resorts" msgstr "Resor Pegunungan & Ski" msgid "Lakes & Rivers" msgstr "Danau & Sungai" msgid "Historical Sites & Buildings" msgstr "Situs & Bangunan Bersejarah" msgid "Beaches & Islands" msgstr "Pantai & Pulau" msgid "Tourist Destinations" msgstr "Destinasi Wisata" msgid "Religious Travel" msgstr "Wisata Religi" msgid "Honeymoons & Romantic Getaways" msgstr "Liburan Bulan Madu Romantis" msgid "Family Travel" msgstr "Perjalanan Keluarga" msgid "Specialty Travel" msgstr "Perjalanan Khusus" msgid "Backpacks & Utility Bags" msgstr "Ransel & Tas Perlengkapan" msgid "Luggage & Travel Accessories" msgstr "Bagasi & Perlengkapan Perjalanan" msgid "Vacation Rentals & Short-Term Stays" msgstr "Sewa Akomodasi Perjalanan Jangka Pendek" msgid "Hotels & Accommodations" msgstr "Hotel & Akomodasi" msgid "Travel & Transportation" msgstr "Perjalanan & Transportasi" msgid "Skiing & Snowboarding" msgstr "Ski & Seluncur Salju" msgid "Handball" msgstr "Bola Tangan" msgid "Australian Football" msgstr "Sepak Bola Australia" msgid "American Football" msgstr "Sepak Bola Amerika" msgid "Team Sports" msgstr "Olahraga Tim" msgid "Sports Fan Gear & Apparel" msgstr "Perlengkapan & Pakaian Penggemar Olahraga" msgid "Sports Coaching & Training" msgstr "Pelatihan Olahraga" msgid "Snowboarding Gear" msgstr "Perlengkapan Seluncur Salju" msgid "Skiing Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Ski" msgid "Winter Sports Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Olahraga Musim Dingin" msgid "Water Sports Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Olahraga Air" msgid "Volleyball Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Olahraga Voli" msgid "Tennis Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Tenis" msgid "Table Tennis Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Tenis Meja" msgid "Squash & Racquetball Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Skuas & Racquetball" msgid "Soccer Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Sepak Bola" msgid "Skateboarding Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Permainan Papan Luncur" msgid "Roller Skating & Rollerblading Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Sepatu Roda" msgid "Ice Skating Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Seluncur Es" msgid "Hockey Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Hoki" msgid "Gymnastics Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Senam" msgid "Golf Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Golf" msgid "Equestrian Equipment & Tack" msgstr "Peralatan Berkuda" msgid "Cricket Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Kriket" msgid "Martial Arts Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Seni Bela Diri" msgid "Boxing Gloves & Gear" msgstr "Perlengkapan & Sarung Tinju" msgid "Combat Sports Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Olahraga Tarung" msgid "Bowling Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Bowling" msgid "Basketball Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Basket" msgid "Baseball Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Bisbol" msgid "American Football Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Sepak Bola Amerika" msgid "Sport Scores & Statistics" msgstr "Skor & Statistik Olahraga" msgid "Motor Sports" msgstr "Olahraga Otomotif" msgid "International Sports Competitions" msgstr "Kompetisi Olahraga Internasional" msgid "Track & Field" msgstr "Trek & Lapangan" msgid "Skate Sports" msgstr "Olahraga Papan Luncur" msgid "Running & Walking" msgstr "Olahraga Jalan & Lari" msgid "Racquet Sports" msgstr "Olahraga Raket" msgid "Individual Sports" msgstr "Olahraga Individu" msgid "Climbing & Mountaineering" msgstr "Olahraga Panjat & Panjat Gunung" msgid "World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE)" msgstr "World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE)" msgid "Professional Wrestling" msgstr "Gulat Profesional" msgid "Amateur & Sport Wrestling" msgstr "Gulat Amatir & Gulat Olahraga" msgid "Taekwondo" msgstr "Taekwondo" msgid "Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC)" msgstr "Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC)" msgid "Mixed Martial Arts" msgstr "Seni Bela Diri Campuran" msgid "Kickboxing" msgstr "Kickboxing" msgid "Jujutsu" msgstr "Jujutsu" msgid "Japanese Martial Arts" msgstr "Seni Bela Diri Jepang" msgid "Tai Chi & Internal Martial Arts" msgstr "Tai Chi & Seni Bela Diri Tenaga Dalam" msgid "Chinese Martial Arts" msgstr "Kungfu" msgid "Capoeira" msgstr "Capoeira" msgid "Combat Sports" msgstr "Olahraga Tarung" msgid "College Sports" msgstr "Olahraga Tingkat Perguruan Tinggi" msgid "Animal Sports" msgstr "Olahraga Menggunakan Hewan" msgid "Wholesalers & Liquidators" msgstr "Pedagang Besar & Likuidator" msgid "Stuffed Toys" msgstr "Mainan Boneka" msgid "Ride-On Toys & Wagons" msgstr "Mainan Tunggang & Kereta" msgid "Puppets" msgstr "Wayang" msgid "Outdoor Toys & Play Equipment" msgstr "Mainan Luar Ruangan & Peralatan Bermain" msgid "Dolls & Accessories" msgstr "Boneka & Aksesori" msgid "Die-cast & Toy Vehicles" msgstr "Die-cast & Mainan Kendaraan" msgid "Building Toys" msgstr "Mainan Gedung" msgid "Action Figures" msgstr "Figur Karakter" msgid "Swap Meets & Outdoor Markets" msgstr "Pasar Loak & Pasar Tradisional" msgid "Shopping Portals" msgstr "Portal Belanja" msgid "Stock Photography" msgstr "Stok Fotografi" msgid "Photo Printing Services" msgstr "Jasa Cetak Foto" msgid "Event & Studio Photography" msgstr "Fotografi Acara & Studio" msgid "Photo & Video Services" msgstr "Jasa Foto & Video" msgid "Mass Merchants & Department Stores" msgstr "Pedagang Pasar & Toserba" msgid "Luxury Goods" msgstr "Barang-Barang Mewah" msgid "Green & Eco-Friendly Shopping" msgstr "Pusat Belanja Ramah Lingkungan" msgid "Party & Holiday Supplies" msgstr "Perlengkapan Pesta & Liburan" msgid "Gift Baskets" msgstr "Keranjang Hadiah" msgid "Custom & Personalized Items" msgstr "Item Khusus & DIpersonalisasikan" msgid "Gifts & Special Event Items" msgstr "Hadiah & Item Acara Khusus" msgid "Entertainment Media Rentals" msgstr "Sewa Media Hiburan" msgid "Entertainment Media" msgstr "Media Hiburan" msgid "Discount & Outlet Stores" msgstr "Toko Diskon & Gerai" msgid "Price Comparisons" msgstr "Perbandingan Harga" msgid "Product Reviews & Price Comparisons" msgstr "Ulasan Produk & Perbandingan Harga" msgid "Identity Theft Protection" msgstr "Perlindungan Pencurian Identitas" msgid "Warranties & Service Contracts" msgstr "Garansi & Kontrak Layanan" msgid "Technical Support & Repair" msgstr "Dukungan Teknis & Perbaikan" msgid "Loyalty Cards & Programs" msgstr "Kartu & Program Loyalitas" msgid "Customer Services" msgstr "Layanan Pelanggan" msgid "Coupons & Discount Offers" msgstr "Kupon & Promo Diskon" msgid "Consumer Advocacy & Protection" msgstr "Advokasi & Perlindungan Konsumen" msgid "Consumer Resources" msgstr "Sumber Daya Konsumen" msgid "Classifieds" msgstr "Iklan Baris" msgid "Auctions" msgstr "Lelang" msgid "Women's Clothing" msgstr "Pakaian Wanita" msgid "Uniforms & Workwear" msgstr "Seragam & Baju Kerja" msgid "Undergarments" msgstr "Pakaian Dalam" msgid "Suits & Business Attire" msgstr "Jas & Busana Bisnis" msgid "Sleepwear" msgstr "Baju Tidur" msgid "Shirts & Tops" msgstr "Kemeja & Atasan" msgid "Pants & Shorts" msgstr "Celana & Celana Pendek" msgid "Outerwear" msgstr "Pakaian Luar Ruangan" msgid "Men's Clothing" msgstr "Pakaian Pria" msgid "Headwear" msgstr "Tudung Kepala" msgid "Bridal Wear" msgstr "Pakaian Pengantin" msgid "Formal Wear" msgstr "Pakaian Formal" msgid "Casual Shoes" msgstr "Pakaian Santai" msgid "Boots" msgstr "Sepatu Bot" msgid "Athletic Shoes" msgstr "Sepatu Atletik" msgid "Eyewear" msgstr "Kacamata" msgid "Socks & Hosiery" msgstr "Kaus Kaki & Stoking" msgid "Handbags & Purses" msgstr "Tas & Dompet Wanita" msgid "Rings" msgstr "Cincin" msgid "Necklaces" msgstr "Kalung" msgid "Gems & Jewelry" msgstr "Permata & Perhiasan" msgid "Clothing Accessories" msgstr "Aksesori Pakaian" msgid "Children's Clothing" msgstr "Pakaian Anak-Anak" msgid "T-Shirts" msgstr "Kaus" msgid "Denim Wear" msgstr "Pakaian Denim" msgid "Casual Apparel" msgstr "Pakaian Kasual" msgid "Cycling Apparel" msgstr "Pakaian Bersepeda" msgid "Athletic Apparel" msgstr "Pakaian Olahraga" msgid "Apparel Services" msgstr "Layanan terkait Pakaian" msgid "Antiques & Collectibles" msgstr "Barang Antik & Koleksi" msgid "Scientific Institutions" msgstr "Lembaga Ilmiah" msgid "Scientific Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Ilmiah" msgid "Augmented & Virtual Reality" msgstr "Realitas Berimbuh & Virtual" msgid "Engineering & Technology" msgstr "Rekayasa & Teknologi" msgid "Climate Change & Global Warming" msgstr "Perubahan Iklim & Pemanasan Global" msgid "Ecology & Environment" msgstr "Ekologi & Lingkungan" msgid "Water & Marine Sciences" msgstr "Ilmu Air & Kelautan" msgid "Paleontology" msgstr "Paleontologi" msgid "Geology" msgstr "Geologi" msgid "Atmospheric Science" msgstr "Ilmu Atmosfer" msgid "Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence" msgstr "Pembelajaran Mesin & Kecerdasan Buatan" msgid "Genetics" msgstr "Genetika" msgid "Insects & Entomology" msgstr "Serangga & Entomologi" msgid "Flora & Fauna" msgstr "Flora & Fauna" msgid "Anatomy" msgstr "Anatomi" msgid "Biological Sciences" msgstr "Ilmu Biologi" msgid "Technical Reference" msgstr "Referensi Teknis" msgid "Museums" msgstr "Museum" msgid "Libraries & Museums" msgstr "Perpustakaan & Museum" msgid "Translation Tools & Resources" msgstr "Alat & Sumber Daya Terjemahan" msgid "Foreign Language Study" msgstr "Studi Bahasa Asing" msgid "Foreign Language Resources" msgstr "Sumber Daya Bahasa Asing" msgid "Language Resources" msgstr "Sumber Daya Bahasa" msgid "Myth & Folklore" msgstr "Mitos & Cerita Rakyat" msgid "Military History" msgstr "Sejarah Militer" msgid "City & Local Guides" msgstr "Panduan Kota & Daerah Setempat" msgid "Geographic Reference" msgstr "Referensi Geografis" msgid "Time & Calendars" msgstr "Waktu & Kalender" msgid "Public Records" msgstr "Catatan Publik" msgid "How-To, DIY & Expert Content" msgstr "Konten Tutorial, Swakriya, & Keahlian" msgid "Legal Forms" msgstr "Formulir Legal" msgid "Forms Guides & Templates" msgstr "Panduan & Templat Formulir" msgid "Educational Resources" msgstr "Sumber Daya Edukatif" msgid "Dictionaries & Encyclopedias" msgstr "Kamus & Ensiklopedia" msgid "Calculators & Reference Tools" msgstr "Kalkulator & Alat Referensi" msgid "Biographies & Quotations" msgstr "Biografi & Kutipan" msgid "General Reference" msgstr "Referensi Umum" msgid "Business & Personal Listings" msgstr "Iklan Bisnis & Pribadi" msgid "Directories & Listings" msgstr "Direktori & Daftar" msgid "Reference" msgstr " Referensi" msgid "Real Estate Title & Escrow" msgstr "Kepemilikan Real Estat & Eskro" msgid "Property Inspections & Appraisals" msgstr "Inspeksi & Penilaian Properti" msgid "Real Estate Services" msgstr "Jasa Real Estat" msgid "Timeshares & Vacation Properties" msgstr "Properti Liburan dengan Perjanjian Waktu" msgid "New Homes & Custom Homes" msgstr "Rumah Baru & Rumah Kustom" msgid "Condos & Townhomes" msgstr "Kondominium & Rumah Bandar" msgid "Residential Sales" msgstr "Penjualan Perumahan" msgid "Roommates & Shares" msgstr "Teman Berbagi Kamar" msgid "Furnished Rentals" msgstr "Sewa Perabot" msgid "Residential Rentals" msgstr "Sewa Tempat Tinggal" msgid "Lots & Land" msgstr "Kaveling & Tanah" msgid "Commercial Properties" msgstr "Properti Komersial" msgid "Bank-Owned & Foreclosed Properties" msgstr "Properti yang DImiliki & Diambil Alih Bank" msgid "Real Estate Listings" msgstr "Iklan Real Estat" msgid "Property Development" msgstr "Pengembangan Properti" msgid "Wildlife" msgstr "Kehidupan Liar" msgid "Reptiles & Amphibians" msgstr "Reptil & Amfibi" msgid "Rabbits & Rodents" msgstr "Kelinci & Pengerat" msgid "Fish & Aquaria" msgstr "Ikan & Akuarium" msgid "Exotic Pets" msgstr "Hewan Peliharaan Eksotis" msgid "Veterinarians" msgstr "Dokter Hewan" msgid "Pet Food & Pet Care Supplies" msgstr "Pakan & Perlengkapan Perawatan Hewan Peliharaan" msgid "Animal Products & Services" msgstr "Produk & Perawatan untuk Hewan" msgid "Women's Interests" msgstr "Minat Wanita" msgid "Science Fiction & Fantasy" msgstr "Fiksi Ilmiah & Fantasi" msgid "Goth Subculture" msgstr "Subkultur Gotik" msgid "Subcultures & Niche Interests" msgstr "Subkultur & Minat Ceruk" msgid "International Relations" msgstr "Hubungan Internasional" msgid "Demographics" msgstr "Demografi" msgid "Public Speaking" msgstr "Seni Berbicara di Depan Umum" msgid "Communications & Media Studies" msgstr "Ilmu Komunikasi & Media" msgid "Social Sciences" msgstr "Ilmu Sosial" msgid "Unions & Labor Movement" msgstr "Serikat & Gerakan Buruh" msgid "Work & Labor Issues" msgstr "Masalah Pekerjaan & Ketenagakerjaan" msgid "Same-Sex Marriage" msgstr "Pernikahan Sesama Jenis" msgid "Reproductive Rights" msgstr "Hak Reproduksi" msgid "Privacy Issues" msgstr "Masalah Privasi" msgid "Poverty & Hunger" msgstr "Kemiskinan & Kelaparan" msgid "Immigration Policy & Border Issues" msgstr "Masalah Kebijakan Imigrasi & Perbatasan" msgid "Human Rights & Liberties" msgstr "Hak Asasi Manusia & Kebebasan" msgid "Housing & Development" msgstr "Perumahan & Pengembangan" msgid "Green Living & Environmental Issues" msgstr "Masalah Gaya Hidup Ramah Lingkungan & Lingkungan" msgid "Ethics" msgstr "Etika" msgid "Drug Laws & Policy" msgstr "Hukum & Kebijakan terkait Narkotika" msgid "Discrimination & Identity Relations" msgstr "Hubungan Diskriminasi & Identitas" msgid "Charity & Philanthropy" msgstr "Amal & Filantropi" msgid "Social Issues & Advocacy" msgstr "Masalah Sosial & Advokasi" msgid "Seniors & Retirement" msgstr "Lansia & Pensiun" msgid "Self-Help & Motivational" msgstr "Bantuan Diri & Motivasi" msgid "Theology & Religious Study" msgstr "Studi Teologi & Agama" msgid "Skeptics & Non-Believers" msgstr "Skeptis & Bukan Pemegang Kepercayaan" msgid "Scientology" msgstr "Scientology" msgid "Places of Worship" msgstr "Tempat Ibadah" msgid "Pagan & Esoteric Traditions" msgstr "Ajaran Paganisme & Esoterik " msgid "Mindfulness & Meditation" msgstr "Kesadaran Diri & Meditasi" msgid "Astrology & Divination" msgstr "Astrologi & Ramalan" msgid "Religion & Belief" msgstr "Agama & Kepercayaan" msgid "Men's Interests (Mature)" msgstr "Minat Pria (Dewasa)" msgid "Men's Interests" msgstr "Minat Pria" msgid "Divorce & Separation" msgstr "Perceraian & Perpisahan" msgid "Troubled Relationships" msgstr "Hubungan Bermasalah" msgid "Marriage" msgstr "Pernikahan" msgid "Friendship" msgstr "Pertemanan" msgid "Youth Camps" msgstr "Kemah untuk Anak Muda" msgid "Pregnancy & Maternity" msgstr "Kehamilan & Menjadi Ibu" msgid "Child Care" msgstr "Perawatan Anak" msgid "Diapering & Potty Training" msgstr "Pelatihan Penggantian Popok & Penggunaan Toilet" msgid "Child Car Seats" msgstr "Kursi Mobil Anak" msgid "Baby Strollers & Transport" msgstr "Kereta & Alat Transportasi Bayi" msgid "Baby Feeding" msgstr "Pemberian Makan Bayi" msgid "Baby Care & Hygiene" msgstr "Perawatan & Kebersihan Bayi" msgid "Baby & Toddler Toys" msgstr "Mainan Bayi & Balita" msgid "Babies & Toddlers" msgstr "Bayi & Balita" msgid "Adoption" msgstr "Adopsi" msgid "Baby & Pet Names" msgstr "Nama Bayi & Hewan Peliharaan" msgid "Ancestry & Genealogy" msgstr "Keturunan & SIlsilah" msgid "Etiquette" msgstr "Etiket" msgid "Family & Relationships" msgstr "Keluarga & Relasi" msgid "Western Europeans" msgstr "Eropa Barat" msgid "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender" msgstr "Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual, & Transgender" msgid "Latinos & Latin-Americans" msgstr "Orang Amerika Latin" msgid "Jewish Culture" msgstr "Budaya Yahudi" msgid "Native Americans" msgstr "Penduduk Asli Amerika" msgid "Indigenous Peoples" msgstr "Masyarakat Adat" msgid "Expatriate Communities" msgstr "Komunitas Ekspatriat" msgid "Eastern Europeans" msgstr "Eropa Timur" msgid "Southeast Asians & Pacific Islanders" msgstr "Orang Asia Tenggara & Kepulauan Pasifik" msgid "South Asians & Diaspora" msgstr "Orang Asia Selatan & Diaspora" msgid "East Asians & Diaspora" msgstr "Orang Asia Timur & Diaspora" msgid "Asians & Diaspora" msgstr "Orang Asia & Diaspora" msgid "Arabs & Middle Easterners" msgstr "Orang Arab & Timur Tengah" msgid "African-Americans" msgstr "Orang Afrika-Amerika" msgid "Africans & Diaspora" msgstr "Orang Afrika & Diaspora" msgid "Ethnic & Identity Groups" msgstr "Kelompok Etnis & Identitas" msgid "Disabled & Special Needs" msgstr "Penyandang Disabilitas & Orang Berkebutuhan Khusus" msgid "People & Society" msgstr "Orang & Masyarakat" msgid "Virtual Worlds" msgstr "Dunia Virtual" msgid "Video Sharing" msgstr "Berbagi Video" msgid "Photo & Image Sharing" msgstr "Berbagi Foto & Gambar" msgid "Photo & Video Sharing" msgstr "Berbagi Foto & Video" msgid "Online Journals & Personal Sites" msgstr "Jurnal Online & Situs Personal" msgid "Social Network Apps & Add-Ons" msgstr "Aplikasi & Add-On Jejaring Sosial" msgid "Skins, Themes & Wallpapers" msgstr "Skin, Tema, & Latar Belakang" msgid "Clip Art & Animated GIFs" msgstr "Clip Art & GIF Animasi" msgid "Online Goodies" msgstr "Pernak-Pernik Online" msgid "Forum & Chat Providers" msgstr "Penyedia Forum & Ruang Obrolan" msgid "File Sharing & Hosting" msgstr "Berbagi Berkas & Hosting" msgid "Feed Aggregation & Social Bookmarking" msgstr "Pengumpulan Feed & Bookmark Sosial" msgid "Photo Rating Sites" msgstr "Situs Peringkat Foto" msgid "Personals" msgstr "Personal" msgid "Matrimonial Services" msgstr "Layanan Pernikahan" msgid "Dating & Personals" msgstr "Kencan & Pribadi" msgid "Microblogging" msgstr "Microblog" msgid "Blogging Resources & Services" msgstr "Sumber Daya & Layanan Blogging" msgid "Online Communities" msgstr "Komunitas Online" msgid "Technology News" msgstr "Berita Teknologi" msgid "Sports News" msgstr "Berita Olahraga" msgid "Politics (Right)" msgstr "Politik (Kanan)" msgid "Politics (Left)" msgstr "Politik (Kiri)" msgid "Political Polls & Surveys" msgstr "Polling & Survei Politik" msgid "Opinion & Commentary" msgstr "Opini & Komentar" msgid "Media Critics & Watchdogs" msgstr "Kritikus & Pengawas Media" msgid "Campaigns & Elections" msgstr "Kampanye & Pemilu" msgid "Journalism & News Industry" msgstr "Jurnalisme & Industri Berita" msgid "Health News" msgstr "Berita Kesehatan" msgid "Scandals & Investigations" msgstr "Skandal & Investigasi" msgid "Gossip & Tabloid News" msgstr "Berita Gosip & Tabloid" msgid "Fiscal Policy News" msgstr "Berita Kebijakan Fiskal" msgid "Financial Markets News" msgstr "Berita Pasar Keuangan" msgid "Economy News" msgstr "Berita Ekonomi" msgid "Mergers & Acquisitions" msgstr "Merger & Akuisisi" msgid "Company Earnings" msgstr "Penghasilan Perusahaan" msgid "Company News" msgstr "Berita Perusahaan" msgid "Business News" msgstr "Berita Bisnis" msgid "Broadcast & Network News" msgstr "Siaran & Jaringan Berita" msgid "Welfare & Unemployment" msgstr "Kesejahteraan & Pengangguran" msgid "Social Services" msgstr "Layanan Sosial" msgid "Security Products & Services" msgstr "Produk & Layanan Keamanan" msgid "Law Enforcement" msgstr "Penegakan Hukum" msgid "Prisons & Corrections" msgstr "Penjara & Lembaga Pemasyarakatan" msgid "Gangs & Organized Crime" msgstr "Geng & Kejahatan Terorganisir" msgid "Corporate & Financial Crime" msgstr "Kerjahatan Korporasi & Keuangan" msgid "Crime & Justice" msgstr "Kejahatan & Keadilan" msgid "Public Safety" msgstr "Keamanan Publik" msgid "Navy" msgstr "Angkatan Laut" msgid "Marines" msgstr "Marinir" msgid "Air Force" msgstr "Angkatan Udara" msgid "Real Estate Law" msgstr "Hukum Real Estat" msgid "Product Liability" msgstr "Tanggung Jawab Produk" msgid "Legal Services" msgstr "Layanan Hukum" msgid "Legal Education" msgstr "Pendidikan Hukum" msgid "Labor & Employment Law" msgstr "Hukum Perburuhan & Ketenagakerjaan" msgid "Intellectual Property" msgstr "Hak Kekayaan Intelektual" msgid "Family Law" msgstr "Hukum Keluarga" msgid "Criminal Law" msgstr "Hukum Pidana" msgid "Constitutional Law & Civil Rights" msgstr "Hukum Konstitusi & Hak Sipil" msgid "Business & Corporate Law" msgstr "Hukum Bisnis & Perusahaan" msgid "Bankruptcy" msgstr "Kebangkrutan" msgid "Accident & Personal Injury Law" msgstr "Hukum Kecelakaan & Cedera Pribadi" msgid "Visa & Immigration" msgstr "Visa & Imigrasi" msgid "State & Local Government" msgstr "Negara Bagian & Pemerintahan Daerah" msgid "Royalty" msgstr "Kekuasaan Raja" msgid "Public Policy" msgstr "Kebijakan Publik" msgid "Public Finance" msgstr "Keuangan Publik" msgid "Multilateral Organizations" msgstr "Organisasi Multilateral" msgid "Lobbying" msgstr "Lobi" msgid "Legislative Branch" msgstr "Cabang Legislatif" msgid "Intelligence & Counterterrorism" msgstr "Intelijen & Kontraterorisme" msgid "Government Contracting & Procurement" msgstr "Kontrak & Pengadaan Pemerintah" msgid "Government Agencies" msgstr "Lembaga Negara" msgid "Executive Branch" msgstr "Cabang Eksekutif" msgid "Embassies & Consulates" msgstr "Kedutaan & Konsulat" msgid "Courts & Judiciary" msgstr "Pengadilan & Peradilan" msgid "Law & Government" msgstr "Hukum & Pemerintah" msgid "Resumes & Portfolios" msgstr "Resume & Portofolio" msgid "Temporary & Seasonal Jobs" msgstr "Pekerjaan Sementara & Musiman" msgid "Sales & Marketing Jobs" msgstr "Pekerjaan Penjualan & Pemasaran" msgid "Retail Jobs" msgstr "Pekerjaan Ritel" msgid "Legal Jobs" msgstr "Pekerjaan Bidang Hukum" msgid "IT & Technical Jobs" msgstr "Pekerjaan Bidang TI & Teknis" msgid "Health & Medical Jobs" msgstr "Pekerjaan Bidang Kesehatan & Medis" msgid "Government & Public Sector Jobs" msgstr "Pekerjaan Pemerintahan & Sektor Publik" msgid "Executive & Management Jobs" msgstr "Pekerjaan Eksekutif & Manajemen" msgid "Education Jobs" msgstr "Pekerjaan Bidang Pendidikan" msgid "Clerical & Administrative Jobs" msgstr "Pekerjaan Klerikal & Administrasi" msgid "Accounting & Finance Jobs" msgstr "Pekerjaan Bidang Akuntansi & Keuangan" msgid "Career Resources & Planning" msgstr "Sumber Daya & Perencanaan Karier" msgid "Internships" msgstr "Magang" msgid "Vocational & Continuing Education" msgstr "Pendidikan Kejuruan & Berkelanjutan" msgid "Training & Certification" msgstr "Pelatihan & Sertifikasi" msgid "School Supplies & Classroom Equipment" msgstr "Perlengkapan Sekolah & Peralatan Kelas" msgid "Lesson Plans" msgstr "Rencana Pembelajaran" msgid "Teaching & Classroom Resources" msgstr "Sumber Daya Pengajaran & Kelas" msgid "Study Abroad" msgstr "Belajar di Luar Negeri" msgid "Standardized & Admissions Tests" msgstr "Tes Standar & Penerimaan" msgid "Private Tutoring Services" msgstr "Layanan Les Privat" msgid "Primary & Secondary Schooling (K-12)" msgstr "Sekolah Dasar & Menengah (K-12)" msgid "Open Online Courses" msgstr "Kursus Online Terbuka" msgid "Early Childhood Education" msgstr "Pendidikan Usia Dini" msgid "Distance Learning" msgstr "Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh" msgid "Computer Education" msgstr "Pengetahuan Komputer" msgid "Fraternities, Sororities & Student Societies" msgstr "Persaudaraan, Perkumpulan, & Perhimpunan Mahasiswa" msgid "Colleges & Universities" msgstr "Perguruan Tinggi" msgid "Alumni & Reunions" msgstr "Alumni & Reuni" msgid "Academic Conferences & Publications" msgstr "Konferensi & Publikasi Akademik" msgid "Jobs & Education" msgstr "Pekerjaan & Pendidikan" msgid "Web Stats & Analytics" msgstr "Statistik & Analisis Web" msgid "Web Hosting & Domain Registration" msgstr "Hosting Web & Registrasi Domain" msgid "Web Design & Development" msgstr "Desain & Pengembangan Web" msgid "Search Engine Optimization & Marketing" msgstr "Optimasi Mesin Pencarian & Pemasaran" msgid "Cloud Storage" msgstr "Penyimpanan Cloud" msgid "Affiliate Programs" msgstr "Program Afiliasi" msgid "Web Services" msgstr "Layanan Web" msgid "Web Portals" msgstr "Portal Web" msgid "Web Apps & Online Tools" msgstr "Aplikasi Web & Peralatan Online" msgid "Teleconferencing" msgstr "Telekonferensi" msgid "Calling Cards" msgstr "Kartu Kontak" msgid "Phone Service Providers" msgstr "Penyedia Layanan Telepon" msgid "Internet Cafes" msgstr "Warung Internet" msgid "ISPs" msgstr "ISP" msgid "Cable & Satellite Providers" msgstr "Penyedia TV Kabel & Satelit" msgid "Service Providers" msgstr "Penyedia Layanan" msgid "People Search" msgstr "Pencarian Orang" msgid "Search Engines" msgstr "Mesin Pencari" msgid "Mobile Phone Repair & Services" msgstr "Perbaikan & Layanan Ponsel" msgid "Mobile Phones" msgstr "Ponsel" msgid "Ringtones & Mobile Themes" msgstr "Nada Dering & Tema Telepon Seluler" msgid "Android Apps" msgstr "Aplikasi Android" msgid "Mobile Apps & Add-Ons" msgstr "Aplikasi Seluler & Add-On" msgid "Bluetooth Accessories" msgstr "Aksesori Bluetooth" msgid "Mobile & Wireless Accessories" msgstr "Aksesori Seluler & Nirkabel" msgid "Mobile & Wireless" msgstr "Seluler & Nirkabel" msgid "Voice & Video Chat" msgstr "Obrolan Suara & Video" msgid "Text & Instant Messaging" msgstr "Pesan Teks & Pesan Instan" msgid "Electronic Spam" msgstr "Spam Elektronik" msgid "Email & Messaging" msgstr "Email & Pesan" msgid "Radio Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Radio" msgid "Communications Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Komunikasi" msgid "Internet & Telecom" msgstr "Internet & Telekomunikasi" msgid "Lawn Mowers" msgstr "Mesin Pemotong Rumput" msgid "Yard Maintenance" msgstr "Perawatan Halaman" msgid "Landscape Design" msgstr "Desain Lanskap" msgid "Garden Structures" msgstr "Struktur Taman" msgid "Barbecues & Grills" msgstr "Teknik Barbeku & Memanggang" msgid "Patio, Lawn & Garden" msgstr "Teras, Halaman, & Taman" msgid "Nursery & Playroom" msgstr "Kamar Anak & Ruang Bermain" msgid "Washers & Dryers" msgstr "Mesin Cuci & Pengering" msgid "Laundry" msgstr "Penatu" msgid "Toasters & Toaster Ovens" msgstr "Pemanggang & Oven Pemanggang Roti" msgid "Food Processors" msgstr "Pengolah Makanan" msgid "Food Mixers" msgstr "Pengaduk Makanan" msgid "Coffee & Espresso Makers" msgstr "Penyeduh Kopi & Pembuat Espreso" msgid "Bread Makers" msgstr "Pembuat Roti" msgid "Blenders & Juicers" msgstr "Blender & Pembuat Jus" msgid "Small Kitchen Appliances" msgstr "Peralatan Dapur Kecil" msgid "Refrigerators & Freezers" msgstr "Kulkas & Lemari Pembeku" msgid "Ranges, Cooktops & Ovens" msgstr "Kompor Listrik, Kompor, & Oven" msgid "Microwaves" msgstr "Oven Gelombang Mikro" msgid "Kitchen Hoods & Vents" msgstr "Sungkup Udara & Ventilasi Dapur" msgid "Dishwashers" msgstr "Pencuci Piring" msgid "Major Kitchen Appliances" msgstr "Peralatan Dapur Besar" msgid "Diningware" msgstr "Peralatan Makan" msgid "Kitchen Utensils & Gadgets" msgstr "Perkakas & Peralatan Dapur" msgid "Cutlery & Cutting Accessories" msgstr "Alat Makan & Aksesori Alat Potong" msgid "Cookware" msgstr "Peralatan Masak" msgid "Cookware & Diningware" msgstr "Peralatan Masak & Peralatan Makan" msgid "Kitchen & Dining" msgstr "Dapur & Ruang Makan" msgid "Household Cleaning Supplies" msgstr "Perlengkapan Kebersihan Rumah Tangga" msgid "Household Batteries" msgstr "Genset Rumah Tangga" msgid "Household Supplies" msgstr "Perlengkapan Rumah Tangga" msgid "Home Swimming Pools, Saunas & Spas" msgstr "Kolam Renang, Sauna, & Spa Rumah" msgid "Cabinetry" msgstr "Lemari" msgid "Home Storage & Shelving" msgstr "Tempat Penyimpanan & Rak Rumah" msgid "Home Alarm & Security Systems" msgstr "Sistem Alarm & Keamanan Rumah" msgid "Home Safety & Security" msgstr "Keamanan & Keselamatan Rumah" msgid "Roofing" msgstr "Pengatapan" msgid "Plumbing" msgstr "Pemipaan" msgid "Locks & Locksmiths" msgstr "Kunci & Tukang Kunci" msgid "House Painting & Finishing" msgstr "Pengecatan & Penyelesaian Konstruksi Rumah" msgid "Doors & Windows" msgstr "Pintu & Jendela" msgid "Construction & Power Tools" msgstr "Peralatan Konstruksi & Kelistrikan" msgid "Rugs & Carpets" msgstr "Keset & Karpet" msgid "Outdoor Furniture" msgstr "Perabot Luar Ruangan" msgid "Sofas & Armchairs" msgstr "Sofa & Kursi Berlengan" msgid "Coffee Tables & End Tables" msgstr "Meja Kopi & Meja Sandar" msgid "Living Room Furniture" msgstr "Perabot Ruang Tamu" msgid "Lamps & Lighting" msgstr "Lampu & Pencahayaan" msgid "Kitchen & Dining Furniture" msgstr "Perabot Dapur & Ruang Makan" msgid "Curtains & Window Treatments" msgstr "Perawatan Tirai & Jendela" msgid "Home Furnishings" msgstr "Perabot Rumah" msgid "Water Filters & Purifiers" msgstr "Penyaring & Pemurni Air" msgid "Vacuums & Floor Care" msgstr "Penyedot Debu & Perawatan Lantai" msgid "Home Appliances" msgstr "Peralatan Rumah Tangga" msgid "Home & Interior Decor" msgstr "Dekorasi Rumah & Interior" msgid "Household Fans" msgstr "Kipas Angin Gantung" msgid "Fireplaces & Stoves" msgstr "Perapian & Tungku" msgid "Air Filters & Purifiers" msgstr "Penyaring & Pemurni Udara" msgid "Air Conditioners" msgstr "Penyejuk Udara" msgid "HVAC & Climate Control" msgstr "HVAC & Tata Udara" msgid "Domestic Services" msgstr "Pekerja Rumah Tangga" msgid "Mattresses" msgstr "Matras" msgid "Beds & Headboards" msgstr "Kasur & Headboard" msgid "Bedding & Bed Linens" msgstr "Tempat Tidur & Seprai" msgid "Bedroom" msgstr "Kamar Tidur" msgid "Bathroom" msgstr "Kamar Mandi" msgid "Bed & Bath" msgstr "Tidur & Mandi" msgid "Surf & Swim" msgstr "Berselancar & Berenang" msgid "Diving & Underwater Activities" msgstr "Selam & Aktivitas Bawah Air" msgid "Boating" msgstr "Bepergian dengan Kapal" msgid "Water Activities" msgstr "Aktivitas Air" msgid "Valentine's Day" msgstr "Hari Kasih Sayang" msgid "Thanksgiving" msgstr "Hari Pengucapan Syukur" msgid "New Year" msgstr "Tahun Baru" msgid "Jewish Holidays" msgstr "Hari Libur Yahudi" msgid "Islamic Holidays" msgstr "Hari Libur Islam" msgid "Halloween & October 31st" msgstr "Halloween & 31 Oktober" msgid "Christian Holidays" msgstr "Hari Libur Kristiani" msgid "Carnival & Mardi Gras" msgstr "Karnaval & Mardi Gras" msgid "Birthdays & Name Days" msgstr "Ulang Tahun & Nama Hari" msgid "Holidays & Seasonal Events" msgstr "Liburan & Acara Musiman" msgid "Anniversaries" msgstr "Hari Jadi" msgid "Special Occasions" msgstr "Acara Khusus" msgid "Recreational Aviation" msgstr "Penerbangan Rekreasi" msgid "Model Trains & Railroads" msgstr "Model Kereta & Jalan Kereta" msgid "Radio Control & Modeling" msgstr "Kontrol & Pemodelan Radio" msgid "Hunting & Shooting" msgstr "Berburu & Menembak" msgid "Hiking & Camping" msgstr "Mendaki & Berkemah" msgid "Merit Prizes & Contests" msgstr "Hadiah Penghargaan & Kontes" msgid "Fiber & Textile Arts" msgstr "Seni Serat & Tekstil" msgid "Ceramics & Pottery" msgstr "Keramik & Tembikar" msgid "Art & Craft Supplies" msgstr "Peralatan Seni & Kerajinan" msgid "Youth Organizations & Resources" msgstr "Organisasi & Sumber Daya Pemuda" msgid "Fraternal Orders & Service Clubs" msgstr "Ordo Persaudaraan & Klub Layanan" msgid "Clubs & Organizations" msgstr "Klub & Organisasi" msgid "Hobbies & Leisure" msgstr "Hobi & Waktu Luang" msgid "Laser Vision Correction" msgstr "Koreksi Penglihatan dengan Laser" msgid "Eyeglasses & Contacts" msgstr "Kacamata & Lensa Kontak" msgid "Eye Exams & Optometry" msgstr "Pemeriksaan Mata & Optometri" msgid "Vision Care" msgstr "Perawatan Penglihatan" msgid "Steroids & Performance-Enhancing Drugs" msgstr "Steroid & Obat Peningkat Energi" msgid "Smoking & Smoking Cessation" msgstr "Merokok & Berhenti Merokok" msgid "Drug & Alcohol Treatment" msgstr "Perawatan Pengguna Narkoba & Alkohol" msgid "Drug & Alcohol Testing" msgstr "Pengujian Narkoba & Alkohol" msgid "Substance Abuse" msgstr "Penyalahgunaan Zat" msgid "Sexually Transmitted Diseases" msgstr "Penyakit Menular Seksual" msgid "Sexual Enhancement" msgstr "Peningkatan Performa Seksual" msgid "Sex Education & Counseling" msgstr "Pendidikan & Konseling Seks" msgid "Male Impotence" msgstr "Impotensi pada Pria" msgid "Infertility" msgstr "Infertilitas" msgid "Birth Control" msgstr "Pengaturan Kehamilan" msgid "Reproductive Health" msgstr "Kesehatan Reproduksi" msgid "Toxic Substances & Poisoning" msgstr "Zat Beracun & Keracunan" msgid "Occupational Health & Safety" msgstr "Kesehatan & Keselamatan Kerja" msgid "Health Policy" msgstr "Kebijakan Kesehatan" msgid "Public Health" msgstr "Kesehatan Masyarakat" msgid "Drugs & Medications" msgstr "Narkoba & Obat-Obatan" msgid "Pediatrics" msgstr "Pediatri" msgid "Oral & Dental Care" msgstr "Perawatan Mulut & Gigi" msgid "Vitamins & Supplements" msgstr "Vitamin & Suplemen" msgid "Low Fat & Low Cholesterol Diets" msgstr "Diet Rendah Lemak & Rendah Kolesterol" msgid "Low Carbohydrate Diets" msgstr "Diet Rendah Karbohidrat" msgid "Kosher Foods" msgstr "Makanan Kosher" msgid "Special & Restricted Diets" msgstr "Diet Khusus & Terbatas" msgid "Assisted Living & Long Term Care" msgstr "Alat Bantu Hidup & Perawatan Jangka Panjang" msgid "Anxiety & Stress" msgstr "Kecemasan & Stres" msgid "Medical Photos & Illustration" msgstr "Foto & Ilustrasi Medis" msgid "Medical Literature & Resources" msgstr "Literatur & Sumber Daya Medis" msgid "Cosmetic Surgery" msgstr "Bedah Kosmetik" msgid "Surgery" msgstr "Operasi" msgid "Medical Tests & Exams" msgstr "Tes & Ujian Medis" msgid "Medical Procedures" msgstr "Prosedur Medis" msgid "Hospitals & Treatment Centers" msgstr "Rumah Sakit & Pusat Perawatan" msgid "Doctors' Offices" msgstr "Kantor Dokter" msgid "Medical Facilities & Services" msgstr "Fasilitas & Layanan Medis" msgid "Mobility Equipment & Accessories" msgstr "Peralatan & Aksesori Mobilitas" msgid "Assistive Technology" msgstr "Teknologi Pembantu" msgid "Medical Devices & Equipment" msgstr "Perangkat & Peralatan Medis" msgid "Health Foundations & Medical Research" msgstr "Yayasan Kesehatan & Penelitian Medis" msgid "Health Education & Medical Training" msgstr "Ilmu Kesehatan & Pelatihan Medis" msgid "Sleep Disorders" msgstr "Gangguan Tidur" msgid "Skin Conditions" msgstr "Masalah Kulit" msgid "Asthma" msgstr "Asma" msgid "Respiratory Conditions" msgstr "Gangguan Pernapasan" msgid "Headaches & Migraines" msgstr "Sakit Kepala & Migrain" msgid "Obesity" msgstr "Obesitas" msgid "Autism Spectrum Disorders" msgstr "Gangguan Spektrum Autisme" msgid "ADD & ADHD" msgstr "ADD & ADHD" msgid "Learning & Developmental Disabilities" msgstr "Kesulitan Belajar & Disabilitas Perkembangan" msgid "Neurological Conditions" msgstr "Gangguan Neurologis" msgid "Injury" msgstr "Cedera" msgid "Vaccines & Immunizations" msgstr "Vaksin & Imunisasi" msgid "Parasites & Parasitic Diseases" msgstr "Parasit & Penyakit Akibat Parasit" msgid "Infectious Diseases" msgstr "Penyakit Menular" msgid "Cholesterol Issues" msgstr "Masalah Kolesterol" msgid "Heart & Hypertension" msgstr "Jantung & Hipertensi" msgid "Genetic Disorders" msgstr "Penyakit Genetik" msgid "GERD & Digestive Disorders" msgstr "GERD & Gangguan Pencernaan" msgid "Thyroid Conditions" msgstr "Penyakit Tiroid" msgid "Endocrine Conditions" msgstr "Penyakit Endokrin" msgid "Eating Disorders" msgstr "Gangguan Makan" msgid "Ear Nose & Throat" msgstr "Telinga, Hidung, & Tenggorokan" msgid "Cold & Flu" msgstr "Demam & Flu" msgid "Cancer" msgstr "Kanker" msgid "Blood Sugar & Diabetes" msgstr "Gula Darah & Diabetes" msgid "Arthritis" msgstr "Artritis" msgid "AIDS & HIV" msgstr "AIDS & HIV" msgid "Health Conditions" msgstr "Kondisi Kesehatan" msgid "Cleansing & Detoxification" msgstr "Pembersihan & Detoksifikasi" msgid "Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine" msgstr "Akupunktur & Pengobatan Tionghoa" msgid "Alternative & Natural Medicine" msgstr "Pengobatan Alternatif & Alami" msgid "Alzheimer's Disease" msgstr "Penyakit Alzheimer" msgid "Aging & Geriatrics" msgstr "Penuaan & Geriatri" msgid "Word Games" msgstr "Permainan Kata" msgid "Tile Games" msgstr "Permainan Bentuk Ubin" msgid "Table Tennis" msgstr "Tenis Meja" msgid "Billiards" msgstr "Biliar" msgid "Table Games" msgstr "Permainan Meja" msgid "Roleplaying Games" msgstr "Permainan Peran" msgid "Puzzles & Brainteasers" msgstr "Teka-Teki & Asah Otak" msgid "Party Games" msgstr "Permainan Pesta" msgid "Dress-Up & Fashion Games" msgstr "Permainan Berdandan & Tata Busana" msgid "Drawing & Coloring" msgstr "Menggambar & Mewarnai" msgid "Family-Oriented Games & Activities" msgstr "Permainan & Aktivitas Berorientasi Keluarga" msgid "Educational Games" msgstr "Permainan Edukatif" msgid "Dice Games" msgstr "Permainan Dadu" msgid "Video Game Retailers" msgstr "Pengecer Video Game" msgid "Video Game Mods & Add-Ons" msgstr "Mod & Add-On Video Game" msgid "Video Game Emulation" msgstr "Emulasi Video Game" msgid "Video Game Development" msgstr "Pengembangan Video Game" msgid "Strategy Games" msgstr "Permainan Strategi" msgid "Sports Management Games" msgstr "Permainan Manajemen Tim Olahraga" msgid "Sports Games" msgstr "Permainan Olahraga" msgid "Vehicle Simulators" msgstr "Simulator Kendaraan" msgid "Life Simulation Games" msgstr "Permainan Simulasi Kehidupan" msgid "City Building Games" msgstr "Permainan Membangun Kota" msgid "Business & Tycoon Games" msgstr "Permainan Bisnis & Tycoon" msgid "Simulation Games" msgstr "Permainan Simulasi" msgid "Shooter Games" msgstr "Permainan Menembak" msgid "Sandbox Games" msgstr "Permainan Kotak Pasir" msgid "Music & Dance Games" msgstr "Permainan Musik & Tari" msgid "Massively Multiplayer Games" msgstr "Permainan Multipemain Besar-Besaran" msgid "Video Game Playthroughs" msgstr "Panduan Video Game" msgid "Video Game Cheats & Hints" msgstr "Cheat & Petunjuk Video Game" msgid "Gaming Reference & Reviews" msgstr "Referensi & Ulasan Permainan" msgid "Fighting Games" msgstr "Permainan Tarung" msgid "Driving & Racing Games" msgstr "Permainan Mengemudi & Balapan" msgid "Competitive Video Gaming" msgstr "Video Game Kompetitif" msgid "Casual Games" msgstr "Permainan Santai" msgid "Browser Games" msgstr "Permainan Browser" msgid "Adventure Games" msgstr "Permainan Petualangan" msgid "Action & Platform Games" msgstr "Permainan Aksi & Platform" msgid "Computer & Video Games" msgstr "Komputer & Video Game" msgid "Collectible Card Games" msgstr "Permainan Kartu Koleksi" msgid "Miniatures & Wargaming" msgstr "Permainan Miniatur & Perang" msgid "Chess & Abstract Strategy Games" msgstr "Permainan Catur & Strategi Abstrak" msgid "Arcade & Coin-Op Games" msgstr "Arkade & Permainan Menggunakan Koin" msgid "Restaurant Reviews & Reservations" msgstr "Ulasan & Reservasi Restoran" msgid "Pizzerias" msgstr "Restoran Pizza" msgid "Burgers" msgstr "Burger" msgid "Snack Foods" msgstr "Camilan" msgid "Organic & Natural Foods" msgstr "Makanan Organik & Alami" msgid "Poultry" msgstr "Unggas" msgid "Pork" msgstr "Daging Babi" msgid "Fish & Seafood" msgstr "Ikan & Makanan Laut" msgid "Beef" msgstr "Daging Sapi" msgid "Meat & Seafood" msgstr "Daging & Makanan Laut" msgid "Jams, Jellies & Preserves" msgstr "Selai & Jeli" msgid "Herbs & Spices" msgstr "Herba & Rempah-Rempah" msgid "Grains & Pasta" msgstr "Biji-Bijian & Pasta" msgid "Gourmet & Specialty Foods" msgstr "Makanan Gourmet & Specialty" msgid "Fruits & Vegetables" msgstr "Buah-Buahan & Sayur-Sayuran" msgid "Cheese" msgstr "Keju" msgid "Dairy & Eggs" msgstr "Produk Susu & Telur" msgid "Cooking Fats & Oils" msgstr "Lemak & Minyak" msgid "Condiments & Dressings" msgstr "Bumbu & Saus" msgid "Candy & Sweets" msgstr "Permen & Manisan" msgid "Breakfast Foods" msgstr "Menu Sarapan" msgid "Baked Goods" msgstr "Menu Panggang" msgid "Farmers' Markets" msgstr "Farmers Market" msgid "Delicatessens" msgstr "Makanan Ringan" msgid "Convenience Stores" msgstr "Toko Serba Ada" msgid "Butchers" msgstr "Tukang Daging" msgid "Bakeries" msgstr "Toko Roti" msgid "Food & Grocery Retailers" msgstr "Pengecer Makanan & Kelontong" msgid "Restaurant Delivery Services" msgstr "Layanan Pengiriman Restoran" msgid "Meal Kits" msgstr "Paket Makan" msgid "Grocery Delivery Services" msgstr "Layanan Pengiriman Toko Kelontong" msgid "Food & Grocery Delivery" msgstr "Pengiriman Makanan & Bahan Makanan" msgid "Soups & Stews" msgstr "Sup & Semur" msgid "Salads" msgstr "Salad" msgid "Healthy Eating" msgstr "Pola Makan Sehat" msgid "Ice Cream & Frozen Desserts" msgstr "Es Krim & Makanan Penutup Beku" msgid "Culinary Training" msgstr "Pelatihan Kuliner" msgid "Vegan Cuisine" msgstr "Masakan Vegan" msgid "Vegetarian Cuisine" msgstr "Masakan Vegetarian" msgid "Vietnamese Cuisine" msgstr "Masakan Vietnam" msgid "Thai Cuisine" msgstr "Masakan Thailand" msgid "Southeast Asian Cuisine" msgstr "Masakan Asia Tenggara" msgid "Indian Cuisine" msgstr "Masakan India" msgid "South Asian Cuisine" msgstr "Masakan Asia Selatan" msgid "North American Cuisine" msgstr "Masakan Amerika Utara" msgid "Middle Eastern Cuisine" msgstr "Masakan Timur Tengah" msgid "Spanish Cuisine" msgstr "Masakan Spanyol" msgid "Italian Cuisine" msgstr "Masakan Italia" msgid "Greek Cuisine" msgstr "Masakan Yunani" msgid "Mediterranean Cuisine" msgstr "Masakan Mediterania" msgid "South American Cuisine" msgstr "Masakan Amerika Selatan" msgid "Mexican Cuisine" msgstr "Masakan Meksiko" msgid "Caribbean Cuisine" msgstr "Masakan Karibia" msgid "Latin American Cuisine" msgstr "Masakan Amerika Latin" msgid "German Cuisine" msgstr "Masakan Jerman" msgid "French Cuisine" msgstr "Masakan Prancis" msgid "Eastern European Cuisine" msgstr "Masakan Eropa Timur" msgid "Korean Cuisine" msgstr "Masakan Korea" msgid "Japanese Cuisine" msgstr "Masakan Jepang" msgid "Chinese Cuisine" msgstr "Masakan Tionghoa" msgid "East Asian Cuisine" msgstr "Masakan Asia Timur" msgid "Cuisines" msgstr "Masakan" msgid "BBQ & Grilling" msgstr "Teknik BBQ & Memanggang" msgid "Cooking & Recipes" msgstr "Memasak & Resep" msgid "Sports Drinks" msgstr "Minuman Olahraga" msgid "Soft Drinks" msgstr "Minuman Ringan" msgid "Nutrition Drinks & Shakes" msgstr "Minuman Bernutrisi & Minuman Kocok" msgid "Energy Drinks" msgstr "Minuman Energi" msgid "Coffee & Tea" msgstr "Kopi & Teh" msgid "Bottled Water" msgstr "Air Botol" msgid "Beverages" msgstr "Minuman" msgid "Exchanges" msgstr "Bursa" msgid "Bonds" msgstr "Obligasi" msgid "Stocks & Bonds" msgstr "Saham & Obligasi" msgid "Socially Responsible Investing" msgstr "Investasi Bertanggung Jawab Sosial" msgid "Real Estate Investment Trusts" msgstr "Dana Investasi Real Estat" msgid "Mutual Funds" msgstr "Reksa Dana" msgid "Hedge Funds" msgstr "Pengelola Investasi Global" msgid "Exchange Traded Funds" msgstr "Exchange Traded Fund" msgid "Funds" msgstr "Dana" msgid "Derivatives" msgstr "Derivatif" msgid "Digital Currencies" msgstr "Mata Uang Digital" msgid "Currencies & Foreign Exchange" msgstr "Mata Uang & Valuta Asing" msgid "Commodities & Futures Trading" msgstr "Perdagangan Komoditas & Aset Berjangka" msgid "Brokerages & Day Trading" msgstr "Pialang & Perdagangan Harian" msgid "Auto Insurance" msgstr "Asuransi Otomotif" msgid "Vehicle Insurance" msgstr "Asuransi Kendaraan" msgid "Travel Insurance" msgstr "Asuransi Perjalanan" msgid "Life Insurance" msgstr "Asuransi Jiwa" msgid "Home Insurance" msgstr "Asuransi Rumah" msgid "Health Insurance" msgstr "Asuransi Kesehatan" msgid "Study Grants & Scholarships" msgstr "Hibah Studi & Beasiswa" msgid "Government Grants" msgstr "Hibah Pemerintah" msgid "Grants, Scholarships & Financial Aid" msgstr "Hibah, Beasiswa, & Bantuan Keuangan" msgid "Retirement & Pension" msgstr "Pensiun & Uang Pensiun " msgid "Inheritance & Estate Planning" msgstr "Perencanaan Warisan & Hibah Real Estat " msgid "Asset & Portfolio Management" msgstr "Aset & Manajemen Portofolio" msgid "Financial Planning & Management" msgstr "Perencanaan & Manajemen Keuangan" msgid "Auto Leasing" msgstr "Sewa Guna Usaha Otomotif" msgid "Auto Financing" msgstr "Pembiayaan Otomotif" msgid "Vehicle Financing" msgstr "Pembiayaan Kendaraan" msgid "Student Loans & College Financing" msgstr "Pinjaman Mahasiswa & Pembiayaan Perguruan Tinggi" msgid "Short-Term Loans & Cash Advances" msgstr "Pinjaman Jangka Pendek & Penarikan Tunai" msgid "Personal Loans" msgstr "Pinjaman Pribadi" msgid "Mortgages" msgstr "Hipotek" msgid "Home Refinancing" msgstr "Pembaruan Hipotek Rumah" msgid "Home Equity Loans & Lines of Credit" msgstr "Pinjaman Ekuitas Rumah & Jalur Kredit" msgid "Home Financing" msgstr "Pembiayaan Rumah" msgid "Loans" msgstr "Pinjaman" msgid "Debt Management" msgstr "Manajemen Utang" msgid "Debt Collection & Repossession" msgstr "Penagihan Utang" msgid "Credit Reporting & Monitoring" msgstr "Pelaporan & Pemantauan Kredit" msgid "Credit & Lending" msgstr "Kredit & Pinjaman" msgid "Savings Accounts" msgstr "Tabungan" msgid "Money Transfer & Wire Services" msgstr "Transfer Uang & Layanan Wire Transfer" msgid "Debit & Checking Services" msgstr "Layanan Debit & Pemeriksaan Saldo" msgid "ATMs & Branch Locations" msgstr "Lokasi ATM & Bank Cabang" msgid "Tax Preparation & Planning" msgstr "Penyiapan & Perencanaan Pajak" msgid "Billing & Invoicing" msgstr "Penagihan & Pengiriman Faktur" msgid "Accounting & Auditing" msgstr "Akuntansi & Audit" msgid "Software Utilities" msgstr "Utilitas Perangkat Lunak" msgid "Windows OS" msgstr "OS Windows" msgid "Windows Mobile OS" msgstr "OS Windows Seluler" msgid "Symbian OS" msgstr "OS Symbian" msgid "BlackBerry OS" msgstr "OS BlackBerry" msgid "Apple iOS" msgstr "iOS Apple" msgid "Android OS" msgstr "OS Android" msgid "Mobile OS" msgstr "OS Seluler" msgid "Mac OS" msgstr "OS Mac" msgid "Linux & Unix" msgstr "Linux & Unix" msgid "Operating Systems" msgstr "Sistem Pengoperasian" msgid "Video File Formats & Codecs" msgstr "Format Berkas Video & Codec" msgid "Video Software" msgstr "Perangkat Lunak Video" msgid "Photo Software" msgstr "Perangkat Lunak Foto" msgid "Photo & Video Software" msgstr "Perangkat Lunak Foto & Video" msgid "Media Players" msgstr "Pemutar Media" msgid "Graphics & Animation Software" msgstr "Perangkat Lunak Grafis & Animasi" msgid "Desktop Publishing" msgstr "Penerbitan Desktop" msgid "Audio File Formats & Codecs" msgstr "Format Berkas Audio & Codec" msgid "Audio & Music Software" msgstr "Perangkat Lunak Audio & Musik" msgid "Multimedia Software" msgstr "Perangkat Lunak Multimedia" msgid "Monitoring Software" msgstr "Perangkat Lunak Pemantauan" msgid "Web Browsers" msgstr "Browser Web" msgid "Proxying & Filtering" msgstr "Pembuatan Proxy & Penyaringan" msgid "Download Managers" msgstr "Manajer Unduhan" msgid "Content Management" msgstr "Manajemen Konten" msgid "Internet Software" msgstr "Perangkat Lunak Internet" msgid "Intelligent Personal Assistants" msgstr "Asisten Pribadi Cerdas" msgid "Freeware & Shareware" msgstr "Perangkat Lunak Gratis & Perangkat Berbagi" msgid "Educational Software" msgstr "Perangkat Lunak Edukatif" msgid "Device Drivers" msgstr "Driver Perangkat" msgid "Word Processing Software" msgstr "Perangkat Lunak Pengolah Kata" msgid "Spreadsheet Software" msgstr "Perangkat Lunak Spreadsheet" msgid "Project Management Software" msgstr "Perangkat Lunak Manajemen Proyek" msgid "Presentation Software" msgstr "Perangkat Lunak Presentasi" msgid "Collaboration & Conferencing Software" msgstr "Perangkat Lunak Kolaborasi & Konferensi" msgid "Calendar & Scheduling Software" msgstr "Perangkat Lunak Kalender & Penjadwalan" msgid "Accounting & Financial Software" msgstr "Perangkat Lunak Akuntansi & Keuangan" msgid "Business & Productivity Software" msgstr "Perangkat Lunak Bisnis & Produktivitas" msgid "Windows & .NET" msgstr "Windows & .NET" msgid "Scripting Languages" msgstr "Bahasa Skrip" msgid "Java (Programming Language)" msgstr "Java (Bahasa Pemrograman)" msgid "Development Tools" msgstr "Alat Pengembangan" msgid "C & C++" msgstr "C & C++" msgid "VPN & Remote Access" msgstr "VPN & Akses Jarak Jauh" msgid "Networking Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Berjejaring" msgid "Network Monitoring & Management" msgstr "Pemantauan & Manajemen Jaringan" msgid "Distributed & Cloud Computing" msgstr "Komputasi Terdistribusi & Cloud" msgid "Data Formats & Protocols" msgstr "Format & Protokol Data" msgid "Helpdesk & Customer Support Systems" msgstr "Sistem Layanan Bantuan & Dukungan Pelanggan" msgid "Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)" msgstr "Perencanaan Sumber Daya Perusahaan (ERP/Enterprise Resource Planning)" msgid "Customer Relationship Management (CRM)" msgstr "Manajemen Hubungan Pelanggan (CRM/Customer Relationship Management)" msgid "Enterprise Technology" msgstr "Teknologi Perusahaan" msgid "Power Supplies" msgstr "Catu Daya" msgid "Optoelectronics & Fiber" msgstr "Optoelektronika & Serat Optik" msgid "Electromechanical Devices" msgstr "Perangkat Elektromekanis" msgid "Electrical Test & Measurement" msgstr "Pengujian & Pengukuran Listrik" msgid "Data Sheets & Electronics Reference" msgstr "Lembar Data & Referensi Elektronik" msgid "Electronics & Electrical" msgstr "Elektronik & Listrik" msgid "Virtual Reality Devices" msgstr "Perangkat Realitas Virtual" msgid "DVD Players & Recorders" msgstr "Pemutar & Perekam DVD" msgid "Blu-Ray Players & Recorders" msgstr "Pemutar & Perekam Blu-Ray" msgid "Video Players & Recorders" msgstr "Pemutar & Perekam Video" msgid "Projection TVs" msgstr "TV Proyeksi" msgid "Plasma TVs" msgstr "TV Plasma" msgid "LCD TVs" msgstr "TV LCD" msgid "HDTVs" msgstr "TV Resolusi Tinggi" msgid "Televisions" msgstr "Televisi" msgid "Projectors & Screens" msgstr "Proyektor & Layar" msgid "Home Theater Systems" msgstr "Sistem Teater Rumah" msgid "DVRs & Set-Top Boxes" msgstr "Perekam Video Digital & Dekoder" msgid "TV & Video Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan TV & Video" msgid "Media Streaming Devices" msgstr "Perangkat Penyiaran Media" msgid "Home Automation" msgstr "Otomatisasi Rumah" msgid "Xbox" msgstr "Xbox" msgid "Sony PlayStation" msgstr "Sony PlayStation" msgid "Nintendo" msgstr "Nintendo" msgid "Handheld Game Consoles" msgstr "Konsol Permainan Genggam" msgid "Game Systems & Consoles" msgstr "Sistem & Konsol Permainan" msgid "Smart Watches" msgstr "Jam Tangan Pintar" msgid "Wearable Technology" msgstr "Teknologi yang Dapat Dikenakan" msgid "Tablet PCs" msgstr "Komputer Tablet" msgid "PDAs & Handhelds" msgstr "Asisten Digital Pribadi & Perangkat Genggam" msgid "MP3 & Portable Media Players" msgstr "Pemutar MP3 & Media Portabel" msgid "E-Book Readers" msgstr "Pembaca Buku Elektronik" msgid "Gadgets & Portable Electronics" msgstr "Gawai & Elektronik Portabel" msgid "GPS & Navigation" msgstr "GPS & Navigasi" msgid "Electronic Accessories" msgstr "Aksesori Elektronik" msgid "Drones & RC Aircraft" msgstr "Drone & Pesawat Terbang Radio Kontrol" msgid "Car Video" msgstr "Video Mobil" msgid "Car Electronics" msgstr "Elektronik Mobil" msgid "Digital SLR Cameras" msgstr "Kamera SLR Digital" msgid "Camera Lenses" msgstr "Lensa Kamera" msgid "Body Mounted & Action Cameras" msgstr "Kamera Badan & Kamera Aksi" msgid "Camcorders" msgstr "Kamera Perekam" msgid "Cameras & Camcorders" msgstr "Kamera & Kamera Perekam" msgid "Binoculars, Telescopes & Optical Devices" msgstr "Teropong, Teleskop, & Perangkat Optik" msgid "Camera & Photo Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Kamera & Foto" msgid "Stereo Systems & Components" msgstr "Sistem & Komponen Stereo" msgid "Speakers" msgstr "Para pembicara" msgid "Headphones" msgstr "Headphone" msgid "Audio Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Audio" msgid "Network Security" msgstr "Keamanan Jaringan" msgid "Antivirus & Malware" msgstr "Antivirus & Malware" msgid "Computer Security" msgstr "Keamanan Komputer" msgid "Laptops & Notebooks" msgstr "Laptop & Notebook" msgid "Hardware Modding & Tuning" msgstr "Modifikasi & Penyetelan Perangkat Keras" msgid "Desktop Computers" msgstr "Komputer Desktop" msgid "Computer Servers" msgstr "Server Komputer" msgid "Scanners" msgstr "Pemindai" msgid "Printers" msgstr "Pencetak" msgid "Ink & Toner" msgstr "Tinta & Tinta Bubuk" msgid "Fax Machines" msgstr "Mesin Faksimile" msgid "Copiers" msgstr "Mesin Fotokopi" msgid "3D Printers & Scanners" msgstr "Pencetak & Pemindai 3D" msgid "Printers, Copiers & Fax Machines" msgstr "Pencetak, Mesin Fotokopi, & Mesin Faksimile" msgid "Input Devices" msgstr "Perangkat Input" msgid "Computer Monitors & Displays" msgstr "Monitor & Tampilan Komputer" msgid "Computer Peripherals" msgstr "Periferal Komputer" msgid "Network Storage" msgstr "Penyimpanan Jaringan" msgid "Memory Card Readers" msgstr "Pembaca Kartu Memori" msgid "Hard Drives" msgstr "Hard Drive" msgid "Flash Drives & Memory Cards" msgstr "Flash Drive & Kartu Memori" msgid "Data Backup & Recovery" msgstr "Pencadangan Data & Pemulihan" msgid "CD & DVD Storage Media" msgstr "Media Penyimpanan CD & DVD" msgid "CD & DVD Drives & Burners" msgstr "Drive & Alat Burning CD & DVD" msgid "Computer Drives & Storage" msgstr "Drive & Penyimpanan Komputer" msgid "Sound & Video Cards" msgstr "Kartu Suara & Video" msgid "Computer Memory" msgstr "Memori Komputer" msgid "Chips & Processors" msgstr "Cip & Prosesor" msgid "Computer Components" msgstr "Komponen Komputer" msgid "CAD & CAM" msgstr "CAD & CAM" msgid "Computers & Electronics" msgstr "Komputer & Elektronik" msgid "Textiles & Nonwovens" msgstr "Tekstil & Produk Bukan Tenunan" msgid "MLM & Business Opportunities" msgstr "MLM & Peluang Bisnis" msgid "Home Office" msgstr "Kantor Pusat" msgid "Business Formation" msgstr "Formasi Bisnis" msgid "Self Storage" msgstr "Industri Ruang Penyimpanan" msgid "Packaging" msgstr "Kemasan" msgid "Moving & Relocation" msgstr "Pemindahan & Relokasi" msgid "Couriers, Messengers & Home Delivery Services" msgstr "Kurir, Utusan, & Layanan Pengiriman ke Rumah" msgid "Mail & Package Delivery" msgstr "Pengiriman Surat & Paket" msgid "Import & Export" msgstr "Impor & Ekspor" msgid "Trucking" msgstr "Angkutan Truk" msgid "Rail Freight" msgstr "Angkutan Kereta Api" msgid "Maritime Transport" msgstr "Transportasi Air" msgid "Air Freight" msgstr "Angkutan Air" msgid "Freight Transport" msgstr "Angkutan Barang" msgid "Shipping & Logistics" msgstr "Pengiriman & Logistik" msgid "Retail Equipment & Technology" msgstr "Peralatan & Teknologi Ritel" msgid "Retail Trade" msgstr "Perdagangan Eceran" msgid "Professional & Trade Associations" msgstr "Serikat Profesional & Serikat Dagang" msgid "Business Cards & Stationery" msgstr "Kartu Nama & Alat Tulis" msgid "Document & Printing Services" msgstr "Dokumen & Layanan Pencetakan" msgid "Printing & Publishing" msgstr "Pencetakan & Penerbitan" msgid "Pharmaceuticals & Biotech" msgstr "Farmasi & Bioteknologi" msgid "Precious Metals" msgstr "Logam Mulia" msgid "Metals & Mining" msgstr "Logam & Pertambangan" msgid "Factory Automation" msgstr "Otomatisasi Pabrik" msgid "Work Safety Protective Gear" msgstr "Alat Pelindung Keselamatan Kerja" msgid "Industrial Measurement & Control Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Pengukuran & Kendali Industri" msgid "Industrial Handling & Processing Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Penanganan & Pemrosesan Industri" msgid "Heavy Machinery" msgstr "Alat Berat" msgid "Generators" msgstr "Generator" msgid "Valves Hoses & Fittings" msgstr "Selang & Kelengkapan Katup" msgid "Fluid Handling" msgstr "Penanganan Cairan" msgid "Industrial Materials & Equipment" msgstr "Bahan & Peralatan Industri" msgid "Restaurant Supply" msgstr "Pasokan Restoran" msgid "Food Service" msgstr "Layanan Makanan" msgid "Event Planning" msgstr "Perencanaan Acara" msgid "Hospitality Industry" msgstr "Industri Perhotelan" msgid "Water Supply & Treatment" msgstr "Pasokan & Perawatan Air" msgid "Recycling" msgstr "Daur Ulang" msgid "Wind Power" msgstr "Tenaga Angin" msgid "Solar Power" msgstr "Tenaga Surya" msgid "Hydropower" msgstr "Tenaga Air" msgid "Renewable & Alternative Energy" msgstr "Energi Alternatif yang Dapat Diperbarui" msgid "Oil & Gas" msgstr "Minyak & Gas" msgid "Nuclear Energy" msgstr "Energi Nuklir" msgid "Electricity" msgstr "Listrik" msgid "Energy & Utilities" msgstr "Energi & Utilitas" msgid "Urban & Regional Planning" msgstr "Perencanaan Kota & Daerah" msgid "Construction Consulting & Contracting" msgstr "Konsultasi & Kontrak Konstruksi" msgid "Wood & Plastics" msgstr "Kayu & Plastik" msgid "Plumbing Fixtures & Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan & Perlengkapan Pemipaan" msgid "Nails, Screws & Fasteners" msgstr "Paku, Sekrup, & Pengikat" msgid "Building Materials & Supplies" msgstr "Bahan & Perlengkapan Pembangunan" msgid "Construction & Maintenance" msgstr "Konstruksi & Pemeliharaan" msgid "Plastics & Polymers" msgstr "Plastik & Polimer" msgid "Dyes & Pigments" msgstr "Bahan Pewarna & Pigmen" msgid "Coatings & Adhesives" msgstr "Pelapis & Perekat" msgid "Cleaning Agents" msgstr "Agen Pembersih" msgid "Agrochemicals" msgstr "Bahan Kimia Pertanian" msgid "Chemicals Industry" msgstr "Industri Kimia" msgid "Writing & Editing Services" msgstr "Layanan Penulisan & Penyuntingan" msgid "Warehousing" msgstr "Pergudangan" msgid "Signage" msgstr "Rambu" msgid "Shared Workspaces" msgstr "Ruang Kerja Bersama" msgid "Quality Control & Tracking" msgstr "Kendali Mutu & Pelacakan" msgid "Physical Asset Management" msgstr "Manajemen Aset Fisik" msgid "Outsourcing" msgstr "Alih Daya" msgid "Office Chairs" msgstr "Kursi Kantor" msgid "Office & Computer Desks" msgstr "Meja Kantor & Meja Komputer" msgid "Office & Facilities Management" msgstr "Kantor & Manajemen Fasilitas" msgid "Office Services" msgstr "Layanan Kantor" msgid "Fire & Security Services" msgstr "Layanan Penanggulangan Kebakaran & Keamanan" msgid "Merchant Services & Payment Systems" msgstr "Layanan Pedagang & Sistem Pembayaran" msgid "E-Commerce Services" msgstr "Layanan E-Commerce" msgid "Trade Fairs & Industry Shows" msgstr "Pameran Dagang" msgid "Corporate Events" msgstr "Acara Perusahaan" msgid "Commercial Distribution" msgstr "Distribusi Komersial" msgid "Supply Chain Management" msgstr "Manajemen Rantai Pasok" msgid "Strategic Planning" msgstr "Perencanaan Strategis" msgid "Business Process" msgstr "Proses Bisnis" msgid "Management" msgstr "Manajemen" msgid "Recruitment & Staffing" msgstr "Rekrutmen & Kepegawaian" msgid "Payroll Services" msgstr "Layanan Penggajian" msgid "Corporate Training" msgstr "Pelatihan Perusahaan" msgid "Compensation & Benefits" msgstr "Kompensasi & Manfaat" msgid "Human Resources" msgstr "Sumber Daya Manusia" msgid "Business Plans & Presentations" msgstr "Rencana & Presentasi Bisnis" msgid "Business Operations" msgstr "Operasi Bisnis" msgid "Risk Management" msgstr "Manajemen Risiko" msgid "Investment Banking" msgstr "Perbankan Investasi" msgid "Commercial Lending" msgstr "Pinjaman Komersial" msgid "Business Finance" msgstr "Keuangan Perusahaan" msgid "Business Education" msgstr "Pendidikan Bisnis" msgid "Automotive Industry" msgstr "Industri Otomotif" msgid "Livestock" msgstr "Ternak" msgid "Horticulture" msgstr "Hortikultura" msgid "Forestry" msgstr "Kehutanan" msgid "Food Production" msgstr "Produksi Makanan" msgid "Farms & Ranches" msgstr "Peternakan" msgid "Crops & Seed" msgstr "Panen & Benih" msgid "Aquaculture" msgstr "Akuakultur" msgid "Agricultural Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Pertanian" msgid "Agriculture & Forestry" msgstr "Pertanian & Kehutanan" msgid "Space Technology" msgstr "Teknologi Luar Angkasa" msgid "Defense Industry" msgstr "Industri Pertahanan" msgid "Aviation Industry" msgstr "Industri Penerbangan" msgid "Aerospace & Defense" msgstr "Luar Angkasa & Pertahanan" msgid "Promotional Products & Corporate Gifts" msgstr "Produk Promosi & Hadiah dari Perusahaan" msgid "Email Marketing" msgstr "Pemasaran Email" msgid "Direct Mail Marketing" msgstr "Pemasaran Email Langsung" msgid "Brand Management" msgstr "Manajemen Merek" msgid "Business & Industrial" msgstr "Bisnis & Industri" msgid "Writers Resources" msgstr "Sumber Daya Penulis" msgid "Literary Classics" msgstr "Sastra Klasik" msgid "Children's Literature" msgstr "Literatur Anak" msgid "Book Retailers" msgstr "Pengecer Buku" msgid "Audiobooks" msgstr "Buku Audio" msgid "Books & Literature" msgstr "Buku & Literatur" msgid "Shampoos & Conditioners" msgstr "Sampo & Kondisioner" msgid "Hair Loss" msgstr "Rambut Rontok" msgid "Hair Care" msgstr "Perawatan Rambut" msgid "Yoga & Pilates" msgstr "Yoga & Pilates" msgid "High Intensity Interval Training" msgstr "Latihan Interval Intensitas Tinggi" msgid "Gyms & Health Clubs" msgstr "Gedung Olahraga & Pusat Kebugaran" msgid "Fitness Instruction & Personal Training" msgstr "Instruksi Kebugaran & Latihan Pribadi" msgid "Weights & Strength Training Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Latihan Beban & Kekuatan" msgid "Fitness Technology Products" msgstr "Produk Teknologi Kebugaran" msgid "Cardio Training Equipment" msgstr "Peralatan Latihan Kardio" msgid "Fitness Equipment & Accessories" msgstr "Peralatan & Aksesori Kebugaran" msgid "Fashion Modeling" msgstr "Pemodelan Busana" msgid "Fashion Designers & Collections" msgstr "Perancang Busana & Koleksi" msgid "Fashion & Style" msgstr "Busana & Gaya" msgid "Razors & Shavers" msgstr "Pisau Cukur & Alat Cukur" msgid "Unwanted Body & Facial Hair Removal" msgstr "Penghilang Rambut Tubuh & Wajah yang Tidak Diinginkan" msgid "Sun Care & Tanning Products" msgstr "Produk Tabir Surya & Tanning" msgid "Nail Care Products" msgstr "Produk Perawatan Kuku" msgid "Face Lotions & Moisturizers" msgstr "Losion & Pelembap Wajah" msgid "Face Cleansers & Makeup Removers" msgstr "Pembersih Wajah & Penghapus Riasan" msgid "Anti-Aging Skin Care Products" msgstr "Produk Perawatan Kulit Antipenuaan" msgid "Acne & Blemish Treatments" msgstr "Perawatan Jerawat & Noda HItam" msgid "Face Care Products" msgstr "Produk Perawatan Wajah" msgid "Bath & Body Products" msgstr "Produk Perawatan Tubuh" msgid "Skin & Nail Care" msgstr "Perawatan Kulit & Kuku" msgid "Perfumes & Fragrances" msgstr "Parfum & Wewangian" msgid "Lip Makeup" msgstr "Riasan Bibir" msgid "Face Makeup" msgstr "Riasan Wajah" msgid "Eye Makeup" msgstr "Riasan Mata" msgid "Make-Up & Cosmetics" msgstr "Riasan & Kosmetik" msgid "Toothpaste" msgstr "Pasta Gigi" msgid "Toothbrushes" msgstr "Sikat Gigi" msgid "Hand & Body Soaps" msgstr "Sabun Tangan & Tubuh" msgid "Feminine Hygiene Products" msgstr "Produk Kebersihan Kewanitaan" msgid "Antiperspirants, Deodorants & Body Sprays" msgstr "Antiperspiran, Deodoran, & Body Spray" msgid "Hygiene & Toiletries" msgstr "Kebersihan & Perlengkapan Mandi" msgid "Face & Body Care" msgstr "Perawatan Wajah & Tubuh" msgid "Cosmetology & Beauty Professionals" msgstr "Ahli Kosmetologi & Kecantikan" msgid "Massage Therapy" msgstr "Pijat Terapi" msgid "Manicures & Pedicures" msgstr "Manikur & Pedikur" msgid "Cosmetic Dentistry" msgstr "Perawatan Mulut & Gigi" msgid "Cosmetic Procedures" msgstr "Prosedur Kosmetik" msgid "Beauty Services & Spas" msgstr "Layanan Kecantikan & Spa" msgid "Beauty Pageants" msgstr "Kontes Kecantikan" msgid "Beauty & Fitness" msgstr "Kecantikan & Kebugaran" msgid "Vehicle Shows" msgstr "Pameran Kendaraan" msgid "Vehicle Specs, Reviews & Comparisons" msgstr "Spesifikasi, Ulasan, & Perbandingan Kendaraan" msgid "Vehicle Dealers & Retailers" msgstr "Dealer Kendaraan & Penjual Perorangan" msgid "Used Vehicles" msgstr "Kendaraan Bekas" msgid "Vehicle Shopping" msgstr "Belanja Kendaraan" msgid "Transmission Repair & Maintenance" msgstr "Perbaikan & Pemeliharaan Transmisi" msgid "Oil Changes" msgstr "Ganti Oli" msgid "Collision & Auto Body Repair" msgstr "Perbaikan Bodi Mobil" msgid "Brake Service & Repair" msgstr "Servis & Perbaikan Rem" msgid "Auto Glass Repair & Replacement" msgstr "Perbaikan & Penggantian Kaca Mobil" msgid "Vehicle Repair & Maintenance" msgstr "Perbaikan & Pemeliharaan Kendaraan" msgid "Vehicle Wheels & Tires" msgstr "Roda & Ban Kendaraan" msgid "Vehicle Fuels & Lubricants" msgstr "Bahan Bakar & Pelumas Kendaraan" msgid "High Performance & Aftermarket Auto Parts" msgstr "Suku Cadang Mobil Berkinerja Tinggi & Aftermarket" msgid "Engine & Transmission" msgstr "Mesin & Transmisi" msgid "Automotive Electronic Components" msgstr "Komponen Elektronik Otomotif" msgid "Auto Interior" msgstr "Interior Otomotif" msgid "Auto Exterior" msgstr "Eksterior Otomotif" msgid "Auto Brakes" msgstr "Rem Otomotif" msgid "Auto Batteries" msgstr "Aki Otomotif" msgid "Vehicle Parts & Accessories" msgstr "Suku Cadang & Aksesori Kendaraan" msgid "Vehicle Modification & Tuning" msgstr "Modifikasi & Penyetelan Kendaraan" msgid "Towing & Roadside Assistance" msgstr "Bantuan Pinggir Jalan & Derek" msgid "Gas Prices & Vehicle Fueling" msgstr "Harga & Pengisian Bahan Bakar Kendaraan" msgid "Vehicle Parts & Services" msgstr "Komponen & Servis Kendaraan" msgid "Driving Instruction & Driver Education" msgstr "Instruksi Mengemudi & Pendidikan Pengemudi" msgid "Vehicle Licensing & Registration" msgstr "Perizinan & Registrasi Kendaraan" msgid "Vehicle & Traffic Safety" msgstr "Keselamatan Kendaraan & Lalu Lintas" msgid "Drunk Driving Law" msgstr "Hukum Mengemudi dalam Keadaan Mabuk" msgid "Vehicle Codes & Driving Laws" msgstr "Nomor Kendaraan & Hukum Mengemudi" msgid "Personal Aircraft" msgstr "Pesawat Pribadi" msgid "Vans & Minivans" msgstr "Van & Van Mini" msgid "Crossovers" msgstr "Crossover" msgid "SUVs & Crossovers" msgstr "SUV & Crossover" msgid "Pickup Trucks" msgstr "Truk Pikap" msgid "Trucks, Vans & SUVs" msgstr "Truk, Van, & SUV" msgid "Station Wagons" msgstr "Station Wagons" msgid "Sedans" msgstr "Sedan" msgid "Scooters & Mopeds" msgstr "Skuter & Moped" msgid "Off-Road Vehicles" msgstr "Kendaraan Off-Road" msgid "Microcars & Subcompacts" msgstr "Mobil Mikro & Mobil Subkompak" msgid "Luxury Vehicles" msgstr "Kendaraan Mewah" msgid "Electric & Plug-In Vehicles" msgstr "Kendaraan Listrik" msgid "Hybrid & Alternative Vehicles" msgstr "Kendaraan Hibrida & Alternatif" msgid "Hatchbacks" msgstr "Hatchback" msgid "Diesel Vehicles" msgstr "Kendaraan Bermesin Diesel" msgid "Coupes" msgstr "Coupe" msgid "Convertibles" msgstr "Kabriolet" msgid "Compact Cars" msgstr "Mobil Kompak" msgid "Motor Vehicles (By Type)" msgstr "Kendaraan Bermotor (Berdasarkan Jenis)" msgid "Volvo" msgstr "Volvo" msgid "Volkswagen" msgstr "Volkswagen" msgid "Vauxhall-Opel" msgstr "Vauxhall-Opel" msgid "Scion" msgstr "Scion" msgid "Lexus" msgstr "Lexus" msgid "Toyota" msgstr "Toyota" msgid "Tesla Motors" msgstr "Tesla Motors" msgid "Suzuki" msgstr "Suzuki" msgid "Subaru" msgstr "Subaru" msgid "Skoda" msgstr "Skoda" msgid "Saturn" msgstr "Saturn" msgid "Saab" msgstr "Saab" msgid "SEAT" msgstr "SEAT" msgid "Rolls-Royce" msgstr "Rolls-Royce" msgid "Renault" msgstr "Renault" msgid "Ram Trucks" msgstr "Ram Trucks" msgid "Porsche" msgstr "Porsche" msgid "Pontiac" msgstr "Pontiac" msgid "Peugeot" msgstr "Peugeot" msgid "Infiniti" msgstr "Infiniti" msgid "Nissan" msgstr "Nissan" msgid "Mitsubishi" msgstr "Mitsubishi" msgid "Mini" msgstr "Mini" msgid "Mercury" msgstr "Mercury" msgid "Mercedes-Benz" msgstr "Mercedes-Benz" msgid "Mazda" msgstr "Mazda" msgid "Maserati" msgstr "Maserati" msgid "Lincoln" msgstr "Lincoln" msgid "Land Rover" msgstr "Land Rover" msgid "Lamborghini" msgstr "Lamborghini" msgid "Kia" msgstr "Kia" msgid "Jeep" msgstr "Jeep" msgid "Jaguar" msgstr "Jaguar" msgid "Isuzu" msgstr "Isuzu" msgid "Hyundai" msgstr "Hyundai" msgid "Hummer" msgstr "Hummer" msgid "Acura" msgstr "Acura" msgid "Honda" msgstr "Honda" msgid "GMC" msgstr "GMC" msgid "Ford" msgstr "Ford" msgid "Alfa Romeo" msgstr "Alfa Romeo" msgid "Fiat" msgstr "Fiat" msgid "Ferrari" msgstr "Ferrari" msgid "Dodge" msgstr "Dodge" msgid "Daewoo Motors" msgstr "Daewoo Motors" msgid "Citroën" msgstr "Citroën" msgid "Chrysler" msgstr "Chrysler" msgid "Chevrolet" msgstr "Chevrolet" msgid "Cadillac" msgstr "Cadillac" msgid "Buick" msgstr "Buick" msgid "Bentley" msgstr "Bentley" msgid "BMW" msgstr "BMW" msgid "Audi" msgstr "Audi" msgid "Motor Vehicles (By Brand)" msgstr "Kendaraan Bermotor (Berdasarkan Merek)" msgid "Custom & Performance Vehicles" msgstr "Kendaraan Kustom & Berperforma Tinggi" msgid "Cargo Trucks & Trailers" msgstr "Truk Kargo & Kereta Gandeng" msgid "Commercial Vehicles" msgstr "Kendaraan Komersial" msgid "Classic Vehicles" msgstr "Kendaraan Klasik" msgid "Campers & RVs" msgstr "Campervan & RV" msgid "Boats & Watercraft" msgstr "Perahu & Kendaraan Air" msgid "Road Bikes" msgstr "Sepeda Jalan Raya" msgid "Mountain Bikes" msgstr "Sepeda Gunung" msgid "Kids' Bikes" msgstr "Sepeda Anak-Anak" msgid "Cruiser Bicycles" msgstr "Sepeda Cruiser" msgid "Bike Parts & Repair" msgstr "Komponen & Perbaikan Sepeda" msgid "Bike Helmets & Protective Gear" msgstr "Helm Sepeda & Perlengkapan Pelindung" msgid "Bike Frames" msgstr "Rangka Sepeda" msgid "Bike Accessories" msgstr "Aksesori Sepeda" msgid "BMX Bikes" msgstr "Sepeda BMX" msgid "Bicycles & Accessories" msgstr "Sepeda & Aksesori" msgid "Autos & Vehicles" msgstr "Otomotif & Kendaraan" msgid "Visual Arts & Design Education" msgstr "Pendidikan Seni Rupa & Desain" msgid "Sculpture" msgstr "Patung" msgid "Photographic & Digital Arts" msgstr "Fotografi & Seni Digital" msgid "Industrial & Product Design" msgstr "Industri & Desain Produk" msgid "Art Museums & Galleries" msgstr "Museum & Galeri Seni" msgid "Visual Art & Design" msgstr "Seni & Desain Visual" msgid "TV Talk Shows" msgstr "Acara TV Bincang-Bincang" msgid "TV Talent & Variety Shows" msgstr "Acara TV Bakat & Ragam" msgid "TV Sci-Fi & Fantasy Shows" msgstr "Acara TV Fiksi Ilmiah & Fantasi" msgid "TV Reality Shows" msgstr "Acara TV Realitas" msgid "TV Game Shows" msgstr "Acara TV Permainan" msgid "TV Family-Oriented Shows" msgstr "Acara TV Keluarga" msgid "TV Soap Operas" msgstr "Acara TV Sinetron" msgid "TV Medical Shows" msgstr "Acara TV Kesehatan" msgid "TV Crime & Legal Shows" msgstr "Acara TV Kriminal & Hukum" msgid "TV Dramas" msgstr "Acara TV Drama" msgid "TV Documentary & Nonfiction" msgstr "Acara TV Dokumenter & Nonfiksi " msgid "TV Comedies" msgstr "Acara TV Komedi" msgid "TV Shows & Programs" msgstr "Acara & Program TV" msgid "TV Networks & Stations" msgstr "Jaringan & Stasiun TV" msgid "TV Guides & Reference" msgstr "Panduan & Referensi TV" msgid "TV Commercials" msgstr "Iklan TV" msgid "Web Series" msgstr "Seri Web" msgid "Video Blogs" msgstr "Blog Video" msgid "Movie & TV Streaming" msgstr "Siaran Film & TV" msgid "Live Video Streaming" msgstr "Siaran Video Langsung" msgid "Online Video" msgstr "Video Online" msgid "TV & Video" msgstr "TV & Video" msgid "Broadway & Musical Theater" msgstr "Teater Broadway & Musikal" msgid "Acting & Theater" msgstr "Akting & Teater" msgid "Performing Arts" msgstr "Seni Pertunjukan" msgid "Online Image Galleries" msgstr "Galeri Gambar Online" msgid "Online Media" msgstr "Media Online" msgid "Occult & Paranormal" msgstr "Okultisme & Paranormal" msgid "Edgy & Bizarre" msgstr "Eksentrik & Aneh" msgid "Offbeat" msgstr "Tidak Biasa" msgid "Southeast Asian Music" msgstr "Musik Asia Tenggara" msgid "South Asian Music" msgstr "Musik Asia Selatan" msgid "Reggae & Caribbean Music" msgstr "Musik Reggae & Karibia" msgid "Salsa & Tropical Music" msgstr "Musik Salsa & Tropis" msgid "Latin Pop" msgstr "Pop Latin" msgid "Brazilian Music" msgstr "Musik Brasil" msgid "Latin American Music" msgstr "Musik Amerika Latin" msgid "East Asian Music" msgstr "Musik Asia Timur" msgid "Arab & Middle Eastern Music" msgstr "Musik Arab & Timur Tengah" msgid "African Music" msgstr "Musik Afrika" msgid "World Music" msgstr "Musik Dunia" msgid "Vocals & Show Tunes" msgstr "Vokal & Lagu Pertunjukan" msgid "Soul & R&B" msgstr "Soul & R&B" msgid "Reggaeton" msgstr "Reggaeton" msgid "Rap & Hip-Hop" msgstr "Rap & Hip-Hop" msgid "Urban & Hip-Hop" msgstr "Urban & Hip-Hop" msgid "Soundtracks" msgstr "Lagu Tema" msgid "Punk (Music)" msgstr "Punk (Musik)" msgid "Metal (Music)" msgstr "Metal (Musik)" msgid "Indie & Alternative Music" msgstr "Musik Indie & Alternatif" msgid "Hard Rock & Progressive" msgstr "Hard Rock & Progressive" msgid "Classic Rock & Oldies" msgstr "Classic Rock & Oldies" msgid "Rock Music" msgstr "Musik Rock" msgid "Christian & Gospel Music" msgstr "Musik Kristiani & Gospel" msgid "Religious Music" msgstr "Musik Religi" msgid "Talk Radio" msgstr "Radio Wicara" msgid "Pop Music" msgstr "Musik Pop" msgid "Music Videos" msgstr "Video Musik" msgid "Music Streams & Downloads" msgstr "Siaran & Unduh Musik" msgid "Song Lyrics & Tabs" msgstr "Lirik & Tab Lagu" msgid "Sheet Music" msgstr "Kertas Musik" msgid "Music Composition & Theory" msgstr "Komposisi & Teori Musik" msgid "Music Reference" msgstr "Referensi Musik" msgid "Samples & Sound Libraries" msgstr "Sampel & Pustaka Suara" msgid "Pianos & Keyboards" msgstr "Piano & Keyboard" msgid "Guitars" msgstr "Gitar" msgid "Drums & Percussion" msgstr "Drum & Perkusi" msgid "Musical Instruments" msgstr "Alat Musik" msgid "Music Recording Technology" msgstr "Teknologi Perekaman Musik" msgid "DJ Resources & Equipment" msgstr "Sumber Daya & Peralatan DJ" msgid "Music Equipment & Technology" msgstr "Peralatan & Teknologi Musik" msgid "Music Education & Instruction" msgstr "Pendidikan & Instruksi Musik" msgid "Music Art & Memorabilia" msgstr "Seni Musik & Memorabilia" msgid "Jazz & Blues" msgstr "Jazz & Blues" msgid "Folk & Traditional Music" msgstr "Musik Folk & Tradisional" msgid "Experimental & Industrial Music" msgstr "Musik Eksperimental & Industrial" msgid "Dance & Electronic Music" msgstr "Musik Dansa & Elektronik" msgid "Country Music" msgstr "Musik Country" msgid "CD & Audio Shopping" msgstr "Belanja CD & Audio" msgid "Music & Audio" msgstr "Musik & Audio" msgid "Thriller, Crime & Mystery Films" msgstr "Film Thriller, Kriminal, & Misteri" msgid "Science Fiction & Fantasy Films" msgstr "Film FIksi Ilmiah & Fantasi" msgid "Romance Films" msgstr "Film Romantis" msgid "Musical Films" msgstr "Film Musikal" msgid "Movie Reviews & Previews" msgstr "Ulasan & Trailer Film" msgid "Movie Reference" msgstr "Referensi Film" msgid "Movie Memorabilia" msgstr "Memorabilia Film" msgid "Horror Films" msgstr "Film Horor" msgid "Family Films" msgstr "Film Keluarga" msgid "Drama Films" msgstr "Film Drama" msgid "Documentary Films" msgstr "Film Dokumenter" msgid "DVD & Video Rentals" msgstr "Sewa DVD & Video" msgid "DVD & Video Shopping" msgstr "Belanja DVD & Video" msgid "Cult & Indie Films" msgstr "Film Kultus & Independen" msgid "Comedy Films" msgstr "Film Komedi" msgid "Silent Films" msgstr "Film Bisu" msgid "Classic Films" msgstr "Film Klasik" msgid "Bollywood & South Asian Film" msgstr "Film Bollywood & Asia Selatan" msgid "Animated Films" msgstr "Film Animasi" msgid "Western Films" msgstr "Film Barat" msgid "Superhero Films" msgstr "Film Pahlawan Super" msgid "Martial Arts Films" msgstr "Film Seni Bela Diri" msgid "Action & Adventure Films" msgstr "Film Aksi & Petualangan" msgid "Spoofs & Satire" msgstr "Parodi" msgid "Political Humor" msgstr "Parodi Politik" msgid "Live Comedy" msgstr "Komedi Tunggal" msgid "Funny Pictures & Videos" msgstr "Gambar & Video Lucu" msgid "Fun Tests & Silly Surveys" msgstr "Tes Menyenangkan & Survei Lucu" msgid "Flash-Based Entertainment" msgstr "Hiburan Kilat" msgid "Fun & Trivia" msgstr "Trivia" msgid "Movie Listings & Theater Showtimes" msgstr "Daftar FIlm & Jadwal Tayang" msgid "Live Sporting Events" msgstr "Acara Olahraga Langsung" msgid "Food & Beverage Events" msgstr "Acara Makanan & Minuman" msgid "Film Festivals" msgstr "Festival Film" msgid "Expos & Conventions" msgstr "Pameran & Konferensi" msgid "Event Ticket Sales" msgstr "Penjualan Tiket Acara" msgid "Concerts & Music Festivals" msgstr "Konser & Festival Musik" msgid "Bars, Clubs & Nightlife" msgstr "Bar, Klub, & Kehidupan Malam" msgid "Events & Listings" msgstr "Acara & Daftar" msgid "Record Labels" msgstr "Label Rekaman" msgid "Music Awards" msgstr "Penghargaan Musik" msgid "Recording Industry" msgstr "Industri Rekaman" msgid "Film & TV Production" msgstr "Produksi Film & TV" msgid "Film & TV Awards" msgstr "Penghargaan Film & TV" msgid "Film & TV Industry" msgstr "Industri Film & TV" msgid "Entertainment Industry" msgstr "Industri Hiburan" msgid "Anime & Manga" msgstr "Anime & Manga" msgid "Comics & Animation" msgstr "Komik & Animasi" msgid "Celebrities & Entertainment News" msgstr "Selebritas & Berita Hiburan" msgid "WooCommerce Pre-Orders" msgstr "WooCommerce Pre-Orders" msgid "Pick a product term" msgstr "Pilih durasi produk" msgid "7. Because the best time to start is right now." msgstr "7. Karena waktu terbaik untuk memulai adalah sekarang." msgid "An elegant product-focused theme." msgstr "Tema yang elegan dan berfokus pada produk" msgid "A theme inspired by Mayan history and culture" msgstr "Tema yang terinspirasi dari sejarah dan budaya suku Maya" msgid "Action Required: Renew your purchase" msgstr "Tindakan Diperlukan: Perpanjang pembelian Anda" msgid "Hide comments" msgstr "Sembunyikan Komentar" msgid "Jetpack essentials" msgstr "Fitur utama Jetpack" msgid "Jetpack essentials are included" msgstr "Fitur utama Jetpack disertakan" msgid "Automated website backups are included" msgstr "Pencadangan situs otomatis disertakan" msgid "Earn money from ads is included" msgstr "Dapat menghasilkan uang dari iklan" msgid "Built in social media tools are included" msgstr "Fitur integrasi alat media sosial disertakan" msgid "Collect payments is included" msgstr "Fitur terima pembayaran disertakan" msgid "Upload videos is included" msgstr "Fitur unggah video disertakan" msgid "Advanced SEO tools are included" msgstr "Alat SEO tingkat lanjut disertakan" msgid "Premium support is included" msgstr "Layanan bantuan premium disertakan" msgid "Unlimited plugins" msgstr "Plugin tidak terbatas" msgid "Premium themes are included" msgstr "Tema premium disertakan" msgid "Custom domain name is free for one year!" msgstr "Nama domain khusus gratis untuk satu tahun!" msgid "Free for one year" msgstr "Gratis untuk satu tahun" msgid "WordPress Pro" msgstr "WordPress Pro" msgid "Jetpack essentials are not included" msgstr "Fitur utama Jetpack tidak disertakan" msgid "Automated website backups are not included" msgstr "Pencadangan situs otomatis tidak disertakan" msgid "SFTP, Database access is not included" msgstr "SFTP, akses Database disertakan" msgid "Earn money from ads is not included" msgstr "Tidak dapat menghasilkan uang dari iklan" msgid "Professional Email is not included" msgstr "Professional Email tidak disertakan" msgid "Built in social media tools are not included" msgstr "Fitur integrasi alat media sosial tidak disertakan" msgid "Collect payments is not included" msgstr "Fitur terima pembayaran tidak disertakan" msgid "Upload videos is not included" msgstr "Fitur unggah video tidak disertakan" msgid "%s Website Administrator" msgid_plural "%s Website Administrators" msgstr[0] "%s Administrator Situs Web" msgstr[1] "%s Administrator Situs Web" msgid "Advanced SEO tools are not included" msgstr "Alat SEO tingkat lanjut tidak disertakan" msgid "Remove ads is not included" msgstr "Tidak dapat menghapus iklan" msgid "WooCommerce is not included" msgstr "WooCommerce tidak disertakan" msgid "Premium support is not included" msgstr "Layanan bantuan premium tidak disertakan" msgid "WordPress plugins are not included" msgstr "Plugin WordPress tidak disertakan" msgid "Premium themes are not included" msgstr "Tema premium tidak disertakan" msgid "Custom domain name is not included" msgstr "Nama domain khusus tidak disertakan" msgid "WordPress Free" msgstr "WordPress Gratis" msgid "Flexible pricing" msgstr "Harga fleksibel" msgid "Thousands of plugins" msgstr "Ribuan plugin" msgid "" "Premium plugins are fully managed by the team at No security " "patches. No update nags. It just works." msgstr "" "Plugin premium dikelola sepenuhnya oleh tim di Tanpa " "perbaikan keamanan. Tanpa pembaruan yang ribet. Otomatis berfungsi." msgid "Fully Managed" msgstr "Dikelola Penuh" msgid "This domain is currently in auction, so DNS records cannot be updated." msgstr "Domain ini sedang dilelang. Data DNS tidak bisa diperbarui." msgid "" "This domain has a dispute flag, DNS cannot be updated while this flag is " "active." msgstr "" "Domain ini ditandai bermasalah. DNS tidak dapat diperbarui saat tanda ini " "aktif." msgid "" "One month ago today, you made a great decision to create your site on " " It looks like %s is off to a great start—high five!" msgstr "" "Hari ini tepat satu bulan yang lalu, Anda telah membuat keputusan yang tepat " "untuk membuat situs Anda di Sepertinya %s siap untuk awal " "yang baik -- Tos!" msgid "" "Simply follow the URL below to get started, and don’t forget to enter the " "code \"%s\" during checkout to receive your discount." msgstr "" "Cukup kunjungi URL di bawah untuk memulai, dan jangan lupa memasukkan kode " "\"%s\" saat checkout untuk mendapatkan diskon." msgid "" "And that’s just the beginning. You’ll also unlock advanced search engine " "optimization (SEO) tools, built-in credit card processing capabilities, " "access to the WordPress plugin library, and so much more." msgstr "" "Dan itu baru permulaan. Anda juga akan dapat mengakses alat optimisasi mesin " "pencari (SEO) tingkat lanjut, kemampuan pemrosesan kartu kredit secara " "langsung, akses ke pustaka plugin WordPress, dan banyak lagi lainnya." msgid "" "To claim your discount, simply visit %1$s and complete your upgrade to %2$s " "with the coupon code \"%3$s\" during checkout, and you’ll get %4$s%% off " "your first year." msgstr "" "Untuk mengeklaim diskon Anda, cukup kunjungi %1$s dan selesaikan upgrade " "Anda ke %2$s dengan kode kupon \"%3$s\" saat checkout, dan Anda akan " "mendapatkan diskon %4$s%% untuk tahun pertama Anda." msgid "" "Plus, as a special “thank you” for building with, we’re " "offering you a limited-time discount." msgstr "" "Selain itu, sebagai “ucapan terima kasih” khusus karena telah menggunakan " ", kami menawarkan diskon dalam waktu yang terbatas." msgid "" "P.S.: Our free plan is a great way to explore the tools. But " "if you’re serious about your site, we highly recommend upgrading to %1$s: " "%2$s." msgstr "" "N.B.: Paket gratis adalah cara yang tepat untuk mempelajari fitur-fitur " " Namun, jika Anda ingin membangun situs yang lebih " "profesional, sebaiknya upgrade ke %1$s: %2$s." msgid "Visit our Traffic Academy: %s" msgstr "Kunjungi Traffic Academy kami: %s" msgid "The next steps are easy. Simply visit the URL below to upgrade." msgstr "Langkah selanjutnya mudah. Cukup kunjungi URL di bawah untuk upgrade." msgid "" "And because is the easiest way to use WordPress, you can spend " "your time building your site—not worrying about SEO." msgstr "" "Dan, karena adalah cara termudah untuk menggunakan WordPress, " "Anda dapat lebih berfokus pada situs Anda—tidak mengkhawatirkan SEO." msgid "" "But if you’re building something more than a hobby site, upgrading to get " "your custom domain name is a no-brainer, especially since %1$s includes a " "host of premium features plus your first year of domain registration—on us! " "See a full description of what’s included at %2$s." msgstr "" "Namun, jika Anda membuat situs yang lebih dari sekedar hobi, upgrade untuk " "mendapatkan nama domain khusus adalah keputusan yang tepat, utamanya " "dikarenakan %1$s menyertakan sejumlah fitur-fitur premium, serta kami " "berikan gratis pendaftaran domain untuk tahun pertama Anda. Baca informasi " "lengkap tentang apa yang akan Anda dapatkan di %2$s." msgid "" "Your domain name is the first thing visitors see. And right now, your " "website address is %1$s. That’s perfectly fine if you’re building this site " "for fun." msgstr "" "Nama domain adalah hal yang paling diingat pengunjung. Sedangkan saat ini " "alamat situs Anda %1$s. Tidak masalah jika Anda hanya iseng membuat situs." msgid "" "P.S.: If you’re stuck on anything at all, we’re here to help. %1$s includes " "stellar support via email and chat from our Happiness Engineers, who are " "some of the world’s most knowledgeable WordPress experts. Upgrade now at " "%2$s for instant help building your site." msgstr "" "P.S.: Jika Anda menghadapi kendala apa pun, kami siap membantu. %1$s " "dilengkapi dengan layanan bantuan terbaik melalui email dan live chat dari " "tim Happiness Engineer kami, yaitu para ahli WordPress terbaik dari seluruh " "dunia. Upgrade sekarang melalui %2$s untuk mendapatkan bantuan langsung " "dalam pembuatan situs Anda." msgid "" "Themes are like designs for your site. You can change the theme as often as " "you want, customize it -- with your logo, colors, and fonts -- and even " "unlock advanced design options with an upgrade to %1$s. For now, we’d " "suggest finding a theme you like from our collection at %2$s. But don’t " "overthink this one too much. You can always choose a different design later." msgstr "" "Tema adalah desain untuk situs Anda. Anda dapat mengubah tema sesering yang " "Anda inginkan, menyesuaikannya -- mengatur logo, warna, dan font Anda -- dan " "bahkan membuka opsi desain yang lengkap dengan upgrade ke %1$s. Untuk saat " "ini, sebaiknya cari tema yang Anda suka di %2$s. Tapi jangan terlalu fokus " "padanya. Karena Anda selalu dapat memilih desain yang berbeda nanti." msgid "" "Featuring top-rated security, speed, and functionality, an upgrade to %1$s " "is one of the best investments you can make for your site. Upgrade at %2$s " "and claim your free domain name." msgstr "" "Dilengkapi dengan keamanan, kecepatan, dan fungsionalitas terbaik, upgrade " "ke %1$s adalah salah satu investasi terbaik yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk " "situs Anda. Lakukan upgrade dari %2$s dan klaim nama domain gratis Anda." msgid "" "Haven’t upgraded yet? No worries! %1$s comes out to just %2$s a month and " "comes with a 14-day money-back guarantee. Check out %3$s for the details." msgstr "" "Belum upgrade? Jangan khawatir! %1$s hanya %2$s sebulan dan bergaransi 14 " "hari uang kembali . Lihat %3$s untuk detailnya." msgid "" "If you’ve already upgraded to a paid plan but haven’t added a custom domain, " "you can do that here: %1$s. Reminder: with your annual subscription, your " "first year of domain name registration is free!" msgstr "" "Jika Anda telah upgrade ke paket berbayar tetapi belum menambahkan domain " "khusus, Anda dapat melakukannya di sini: %1$s. Pengingat: dengan langganan " "tahunan Anda, tahun pertama pendaftaran nama domain Anda gratis!" msgid "Start your free email trial" msgstr "Mulai uji coba email gratis Anda" msgid "" "Grow your online presence with a personalized email address. With our " "Professional Email option, get email @%s, free for three months. Build your " "brand with every email you send!" msgstr "" "Kembangkan kehadiran online Anda dengan alamat email yang dipersonalisasi. " "Dengan opsi Professional Email kami, dapatkan email @%s, gratis selama tiga " "bulan. Bangun brand Anda dengan setiap email yang Anda kirim!" msgid "Included with your upgrade to %s—no plugin required" msgstr "Sudah disertakan jika Anda upgrade ke %s—tidak perlu plugin" msgid "" "To claim your discount, <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"text-" "decoration: underline; color: %2$s;\">click this link</a> and upgrade your " "website. Enter the coupon code <strong>%3$s</strong> during checkout, and " "you’ll get %4$s%% off your first year." msgstr "" "Untuk mengeklaim diskon, <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"text-" "decoration: underline; color: %2$s;\">klik tautan ini</a> lalu upgrade situs " "Anda. Masukkan kode kupon <strong>%3$s</strong> saat checkout, dan Anda akan " "mendapatkan diskon %4$s%% untuk tahun pertama." msgid "" "<strong>P.S.:</strong> Our free plan is a great way to explore WordPress." "com, but if you’re serious about your site, we highly recommend <a href=\"%s" "\">upgrading your website</a>." msgstr "" "<strong>N.B.:</strong> Paket gratis kami adalah cara yang tepat untuk " "mempelajari, tetapi jika ingin membangun situs profesional, " "kami sangat menganjurkan untuk <a href=\"%s\">mengupgrade situs Anda</a>." msgid "Upgrade and claim your free domain." msgstr "Upgrade dan klaim domain gratis Anda." msgid "" "If you’ve already upgraded to a paid plan but haven’t added a custom domain, " "<a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"text-decoration: underline; " "color: %2$s;\">you can do that here</a>. Reminder: with your annual " "subscription, your first year of domain name registration is free!" msgstr "" "Jika Anda sudah upgrade ke paket berbayar, tetapi belum menambahkan domain " "khusus, <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"text-decoration: " "underline; color: %2$s;\">Anda dapat melakukannya di sini</a>. Pengingat: " "gratis pendaftaran nama domain untuk tahun pertama, jika Anda berlangganan " "tahunan." msgid "" "P.S.: Now’s a great time to give your site a big boost with a <a href=\"%1$s" "\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"text-decoration: underline; color: %2$s;" "\">custom domain name</a>." msgstr "" "N.B.: Sekarang adalah waktu yang tepat untuk meningkatkan situs Anda dengan " "<a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"text-decoration: underline; " "color: %2$s;\">nama domain khusus</a>." msgid "A valid tagline is required." msgstr "Tagline harus valid." msgid "A valid site title is required." msgstr "Judul situs harus valid." msgid "First, let's give your site a name" msgstr "Pertama, beri nama situs Anda" msgid "Join licensing platform" msgstr "Bergabunglah dengan platform pelisensian" msgid "Join our licensing platform and unlock a 25% discount" msgstr "Bergabunglah dengan platform pelisensian kami dan dapatkan diskon 25%" msgid "Unlock 25% off all Jetpack products!" msgstr "Dapatkan potongan 25% untuk semua produk Jetpack!" msgctxt "Hybrid Themes" msgid "" "These themes were built specifically for the Block Editor. They still use " "the Customizer for most site-wide visual changes. They are not compatible " "with the Site Editor. They have access to widgets and are more likely to " "only include a footer widget area. They do not have a “Try & Customize” " "option." msgstr "" "Tema-tema ini dibuat khusus untuk Editor Blok. Tema-tema ini masih " "menggunakan Customizer untuk sebagian besar perubahan visual di seluruh " "situs. Tema-tema ini tidak kompatibel dengan Editor Situs. Tema-tema ini " "dapat mengakses widget dan kemungkinan besar hanya mencakup area widget " "footer. Tema-tema ini tidak memiliki pilihan \"Coba & Sesuaikan\"." msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Hybrid Themes" msgstr "Tema Hybrid" msgctxt "Classic Theme" msgid "" "These themes use the Customizer for most site-wide visual changes and often " "have more than normal options in the Customizer. They’ve been adapted to " "work with the Block Editor, but might have some feature gaps. They are not " "compatible with the Site Editor. They have access to widgets and may include " "sidebar and/or footer widget areas. They have a “Try & Customize” option." msgstr "" "Tema-tema ini masih menggunakan Cusomizer untuk sebagian besar perubahan " "visual di seluruh situs, dan pilihan di Cutomizer umumnya lebih banyak " "daripada biasanya. Tema-tema ini sudah disesuaikan untuk dapat bekerja " "dengan Editor Blok, namun celah fitur masih mungkin ditemukan. Tema-tema ini " "tidak kompatibel dengan Editor Situs. Tema-tema ini dapat mengakses widget " "dan mungkin mencakup area bilah sisi dan/atau widget footer. Tema-tema ini " "memiliki pilihan \"Coba & Sesuaikan\"." msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Classic Theme" msgstr "Tema Klasik" msgid "Assign licenses" msgstr "Tetapkan lisensi" msgid "Issue new license" msgstr "Buat lisesnsi baru" msgid "Join this workspace" msgstr "Bergabung dengan workspace ini" msgid "Your email address is allowed to join this workspace." msgstr "Alamat email Anda diperbolehkan untuk bergabung dengan workspace ini." msgid "This workspace is private" msgstr "Workspace ini bersifat pribadi" msgid "Whoops, this isn't the correct code. Why don't you try again?" msgstr "Wah, kode ini salah. Coba lagi!" msgid "Enter the code to continue, please." msgstr "Mohon masukkan kode untuk melanjutkan." msgid "We've sent an email with a code to <br><b>%s</b>" msgstr "Kami telah mengirimkan email berisi kode ke <br><b>%s</b>" msgid "Enter the code to join <br />%s" msgstr "Masukkan kode untuk bergabung ke <br />%s" msgid "{{p}}Your workspace \"%(signupSiteName)s\" is almost ready.{{/p}}" msgstr "{{p}}Workspace \"%(signupSiteName)s\" Anda hampir jadi.{{/p}}" msgid "{{h2}}Hooray!{{/h2}}" msgstr "{{h2}}Hore!{{/h2}}" msgid "The full power of modern WordPress hosting made easy." msgstr "Seluruh fitur hosting WordPress modern dapat digunakan dengan mudah." msgid "upgrade when you need" msgstr "upgrade kapan pun" msgid "" "Start your free website. Limited functionality, storage and " "visits." msgstr "" "Mulai membuat situs Anda secara gratis. Fitur, penyimpanan, " "dan kunjungan terbatas." msgid "Handled by {{supportLink}}Learn more{{/supportLink}}." msgstr "" "Dikelola oleh {{supportLink}}Pelajari selengkapnya{{/" "supportLink}}." msgid "" "Mail handled by email forwarding. {{supportLink}}Learn more{{/" "supportLink}}." msgstr "" "Mail dikelola oleh penerusam email {{supportLink}}Pelajari " "selengkapnya{{/supportLink}}." msgid "Google Subscription ID - only to be stored in meta" msgstr "ID Langganan Google - hanya akan disimpan di meta" msgid "Product SKU" msgstr "SKU produk" msgid "" "Explore settings to improve your site's performance. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn " "more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Jelajahi pengaturan untuk meningkatkan performa situs Anda. {{learnMoreLink}}" "Pelajari selengkapnya{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "" "View and Manage the invites to your site. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/" "learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Lihat dan Kelola undangan ke situs Anda. {{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih " "lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "" "People who have subscribed to your site using their email address. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Orang yang telah berlangganan situs Anda menggunakan alamat email mereka. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "" "People who have subscribed to your site using their account. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Orang yang telah berlangganan situs Anda menggunakan akun " "mereka. {{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "Seller step" msgstr "Tahap penjual" msgid "" "Set your name, bio, and other public-facing information. {{learnMoreLink}}" "Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Tentukan nama, biografi, dan informasi publik lainnya. {{learnMoreLink}}" "Pelajari selengkapnya{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "" "Adjust your account information and interface settings. {{learnMoreLink}}" "Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Ubah informasi akun dan pengaturan antarmuka Anda. {{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari " "selengkapnya{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "We imported <span>%(colorsNum)s color swatches.</span>" msgstr "Kami mengimpor <span>%(colorsNum)s pola warna.</span>" msgid "Wonderful!" msgstr "Mengagumkan!" msgid "Importing colors" msgstr "Mengimpor warna" msgid "Import light" msgstr "Impor dasar" msgid "%s menu" msgstr "%s menu" msgid "" "By upgrading to the %(planName)s plan, you'll enable audio upload support on " "your site." msgstr "" "Dengan melakukan upgrade ke paket %(planName)s, Anda akan mengaktifkan " "dukungan unggahan audio di situs Anda." msgid "Your primary payment method will automatically switch to" msgstr "Metode pembayaran utama Anda akan otomatis berganti menjadi" msgid "Upgrade to the %(planName)s plan to access the theme install features" msgstr "" "Lakukan upgrade ke paket %(planName)s untuk mengakses fitur menginstal tema" msgid "" "%(occurrences)d file could not be uploaded because your site does not " "support video files. Upgrade to the %(planName)s plan for video support." msgid_plural "" "%(occurrences)d files could not be uploaded because your site does not " "support video files. Upgrade to the %(planName)s plan for video support." msgstr[0] "" "%(occurrences)d file tidak dapat diunggah karena situs Anda tidak mendukung " "file video. Upgrade ke paket %(planName)s untuk dukungan video." msgstr[1] "" "%(occurrences)d file tidak dapat diunggah karena situs Anda tidak mendukung " "file video. Upgrade ke paket %(planName)s untuk dukungan video." msgid "" "Your current plan doesn't allow plugin installation. Please upgrade to " "%(businessPlanName)s plan first." msgstr "" "Paket Anda saat ini tidak mengizinkan pemasangan plugin. Silakan upgrade ke " "paket %(businessPlanName)s lebih dahulu." msgid "Upgrade your plan to access all hosting features" msgstr "Upgrade paket Anda untuk mengakses semua fitur hosting" msgid "" "Purchase our %(planName)s plan at {{strong}}no extra cost{{/strong}}, and " "get access to all its features, plus the first year of your domain for free." msgstr "" "Beli %(planName)s paket {{strong}}tanpa biaya tambahan{{/strong}}, dan " "dapatkan akses ke semua fiturnya, plus tahun pertama domain Anda secara " "gratis." msgid "" "{{strong}}Save %(savings)s{{/strong}} when you purchase a " "%(planName)s plan instead — your domain comes free for a year." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Hemat %(savings)s{{/strong}} saat Anda membeli paket %(planName)s " " — domain Anda gratis selama satu tahun." msgid "" "Pay an {{strong}}extra %(extraToPay)s{{/strong}} for our %(planName)s plan, " "and get access to all its features, plus the first year of your domain for " "free." msgstr "" "Bayar {{strong}}ekstra %(extraToPay)s{{/strong}} untuk paket %(planName)s " "kami, dan dapatkan akses ke semua fiturnya, plus tahun pertama domain Anda " "secara gratis." msgid "Upgrade to Pro Plan" msgstr "Upgrade ke Paket Pro" msgid "" "Unlock powerful SEO tools! Contact your site's administrator to upgrade to a " "%(planName)s plan." msgstr "" "Dapatkan alat SEO yang andal! Hubungi administrator situs Anda untuk " "melakukan upgrade ke paket %(planName)s." msgid "Upgrade to a %(planName)s plan to unlock the power of our SEO tools!" msgstr "" "Upgrade ke paket %(planName)s untuk memaksimalkan kemampuan alat SEO kami!" msgid "" "If you purchased %(domain)s elsewhere, you can {{a}}connect it{{/a}} with " " %(premiumPlanName)s." msgstr "" "Jika Anda membeli %(domain)s di tempat lain, Anda dapat {{a}}" "menghubungkannya{{/a}} dengan paket %(premiumPlanName)s." msgid "" "Enrich your posts and pages with video or audio. Upload plenty of media, " "directly to your site — the Pro Plan has 50 GB storage." msgstr "" "Perkaya pos dan halaman Anda dengan video atau audio. Unggah berbagai media " "langsung ke situs Anda — Paket Pro memiliki ruang penyimpanan 50 GB." msgid "" "All advertising has been removed from your site. Upgrade to " "%(businessPlanName)s to remove the footer credit." msgstr "" "Semua iklan telah dihapus dari situs Anda. Upgrade ke " "%(businessPlanName)s untuk menghapus kredit footer" msgid "How to fix connection issues" msgstr "Cara memperbaiki masalah koneksi" msgid "Troubleshooting tips" msgstr "Tips pemecahan masalah" msgid "Do you need any help?" msgstr "Apakah Anda butuh bantuan?" msgid "" "Thanks for using the Pro Plan! Today we've increased your storage space to " "50 GB so you'll be able to upload more images, videos, audio, and documents " "to your site. Enjoy!" msgstr "" "Terima kasih sudah menggunakan Paket Pro! Kini kami menambah ruang " "penyimpanan Anda menjadi 50 GB sehingga Anda bisa mengunggah lebih banyak " "gambar, video, audio, dan dokumen ke situs. Selamat menikmati!" msgid "" " Pro includes a free custom domain name for one year. Register " "a domain name that matches your branding, blog, or business." msgstr "" " Pro sudah termasuk nama domain kustom gratis selama satu " "tahun. Daftarkan nama domain yang cocok dengan merek, blog, atau bisnis Anda." msgid "" "%d file could not be uploaded because your site does not support video " "files. Upgrade to the Pro plan for video support." msgstr "" "%d file tidak dapat diunggah karena situs Anda tidak mendukung file video. " "Upgrade ke paket Pro untuk dukungan video." msgid "Everything in Pro" msgstr "Semua dalam Paket Pro" msgid "Preview: you must purchase the %1$sPro Plan%2$s to save your changes" msgstr "" "Pratinjau: Anda harus membeli %1$sPaket Pro%2$s untuk menyimpan perubahan" msgid "" "Did you know that you can do far more than just set your background color " "and image in the Colors tool in our Custom Design, part of the Pro Plan? <a " "href=\"%s\">Preview it now!</a>" msgstr "" "Tahukah Anda bahwa dengan alat Warna di Desain Kustom yang termasuk dalam " "Paket Pro, Anda tak hanya dapat mengatur warna dan gambar latar belakang " "saja? <a href=\"%s\">Pratinjau sekarang!</a>" msgid "" "Experience the full power of the Colors tool and countless palettes with " "Custom Design, part of the Pro Plan. Make your blog look and feel exactly " "the way you want." msgstr "" "Rasakan kekuatan penuh dari alat Warna dan beragam palet dengan Desain " "Kustom yang termasuk dalam Paket Pro. Jadikan tampilan dan suasana blog Anda " "seperti yang Anda inginkan." msgid "" "Did you know that you can upload videos and embed them directly on your blog " "with VideoPress included in our <a href=\"%s\">Pro Plan</a>?" msgstr "" "Tahukah bahwa Anda dapat mengunggah video dan langsung menyematkannya di " "blog dengan VideoPress yang termasuk dalam <a href=\"%s\">Paket Pro </a> " "kami?" msgid "The Pro Plan comes with the following Custom Design features:" msgstr "Paket Pro hadir dengan fitur Desain Kustom berikut ini:" msgid "Buy Pro Plan" msgstr "Beli Paket Pro" msgid "Unlock advanced design options with the <strong>Pro plan</strong>!" msgstr "Dapatkan pilihan desain lanjutan dengan <strong>Paket Pro</strong>!" msgid "" "Check out our <a href=\"%1$s\">help library</a>. If you have a Pro plan or " "higher, you can connect with us in <a href=\"%2$s\">live sessions</a> to get " "expert advice on building your site." msgstr "" "Lihat <a href=\"%1$s\">pustaka bantuan</a> kami. Jika menggunakan paket Pro " "atau yang lebih tinggi, Anda bisa terhubung dengan kami di <a href=\"%2$s" "\">sesi langsung</a> untuk mendapatkan saran pembuatan situs dari ahli." msgid " Pro" msgstr " Pro" msgid "Includes Pro features:" msgstr "Mencakup fitur-fitur Pro:" msgid "" " Pro includes a free custom domain name for one year. Register " "a domain name that matches your branding, blog, or small business." msgstr "" " Pro sudah termasuk nama domain khusus gratis selama satu " "tahun. Daftarkan nama domain yang cocok dengan merek, blog, atau bisnis " "kecil Anda." msgid "Get Pro" msgstr "Dapatkan Pro" msgid "All the benefits of our Pro plan, plus the ability to:" msgstr "Semua manfaat paket Pro, ditambah kemampuan untuk:" msgid "" "Want to transform your business website into a customer service tool? With a " " Pro plan, you can add one of these top support plugins." msgstr "" "Ingin mengubah situs bisnis Anda menjadi alat layanan pelanggan? Dengan " "paket Pro, Anda dapat menambahkan salah satu plugin dukungan " "teratas ini." msgid "Hide (Pro Plan Required)" msgstr "Sembunyikan (Memerlukan Paket Pro)" msgid "" "A 60-minute overview course with two of our Happiness Engineers. In this " "live group session, we will provide an overview of, discuss " "features of the Pro plan, provide a basic setup overview to " "help you get started with your site, and show you where to find additional " "resources and help in the future." msgstr "" "Kursus penjelasan umum selama 60 menit dengan dua dari para Happiness " "Engineer kami. Di sesi grup langsung ini, kami akan memberikan gambaran umum " "mengenai, mendiskusikan fitur paket Pro, " "memberikan gambaran umum persiapan dasar memulai membangun situs Anda, dan " "tempat untuk mencari sumber daya tambahan dan bantuan di masa mendatang." msgid "New Pro Plan" msgstr "Paket Pro Baru" msgid "" "Looking to grow more? The Pro plan includes advanced SEO tools, WooCommerce " "and more." msgstr "" "Ingin makin berkembang? Paket Pro menyertakan alat SEO tingkat lanjut, " "WooCommerce, dan masih banyak lagi." msgid "Open up for 50% off the Pro Plan." msgstr "Daftar dan dapatkan diskon sebesar 50% untuk Paket Pro." msgid "Rewind requires a paid Jetpack plan or a WPCOM Pro plan" msgstr "Putar balik memerlukan paket Jetpack berbayar atau paket WPCOM Pro" msgid "Audio file upload is available only on the Pro plan." msgstr "Unggahan file audio hanya tersedia untuk paket Pro." msgid "Video file upload is available only on the Pro plan." msgstr "Unggahan file video hanya tersedia untuk paket Pro." msgid "" "Use an ecommerce-optimized theme for your online shop. Note: creating a " "store or activating WooCommerce requires a Pro plan." msgstr "" "Gunakan tema khusus e-commerce untuk toko online Anda. Catatan: untuk " "membuat toko atau mengaktifkan WooCommerce, Anda memerlukan paket Pro." msgid "Purchase a Pro Plan to<br> activate CSS customization" msgstr "Beli Paket Pro untuk<br> mengaktifkan penyesuaian CSS" msgid "Learn more from your visitors with a Pro plan" msgstr "Pelajari lebih banyak dari pengunjung Anda dengan paket Pro" msgid "See the <a href=\"%s\"> Pro</a> page for more information." msgstr "" "Lihat halaman <a href=\"%s\"> Pro</a> untuk informasi lebih " "lanjut." msgid "" "<strong>View</strong> and <strong>manage</strong> a Pro site's " "plugins." msgstr "" "<strong>Lihat</strong> dan <strong>kelola</strong> plugin situs WordPress." "com Pro." msgid "Launch your site to drive more visitors" msgstr "Luncurkan situs Anda untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak pengunjung" msgid "" "Changing your site from private to public helps people find you and get more " "visitors. Don’t worry, you can keep working on your site." msgstr "" "Mengubah situs Anda dari pribadi ke publik membantu orang menemukan Anda dan " "mendapatkan lebih banyak pengunjung. Jangan khawatir, Anda dapat terus " "mengerjakan situs Anda." msgid "Special Security offer: %s off Jetpack to protect your site" msgstr "" "Penawaran Keamanan Khusus: diskon Jetpack %s untuk melindungi situs Anda" msgid "The Stripe payment method ID that should be set as a primary." msgstr "" "Identitas metode pembayaran Stripe yang harus ditetapkan sebagai identitas " "utama." msgid "SFTP, Database access is included" msgstr "Tidak termasuk akses ke SFTP dan Database." msgid "Remove ads is included" msgstr "Sudah termasuk fitur hapus iklan." msgid "WooCommerce is included" msgstr "Sudah termasuk WooCommerce" msgid "Update account email" msgstr "Perbarui email akun" msgid "" "To update your account email enter a new email address below. You will need " "to confirm the new email address before the change will take effect." msgstr "" "Untuk memperbarui email akun Anda, masukkan alamat email baru di bawah ini. " "Anda perlu mengonfirmasi alamat email baru sebelum perubahan diterapkan." msgid "There was a problem updating your account email." msgstr "Ada kendala saat memperbarui email akun Anda." msgid "" "Install plugins and extend functionality for your site with access to more " "than 50,000 plugins." msgstr "" "Pasang plugin dan tingkatkan fungsionalitas situs Anda dengan akses ke lebih " "dari 50.000 plugin." msgid "Sensei Pro" msgstr "Sensei Pro" msgid "Webfont font weight must be a properly formatted string or integer." msgstr "" "Ketebalan font webfont berupa string dengan format yang benar atau bilangan " "bulat positif." msgid "Each webfont src must be a non-empty string." msgstr "Setiap src webfont harus berupa string yang tidak kosong." msgid "Webfont src must be a non-empty string or an array of strings." msgstr "Src webfont harus berupa string yang tidak kosong atau array string." msgid "Webfont font family must be a non-empty string." msgstr "Kelompok font webfont harus berupa string yang tidak kosong." msgid "My Jetpack dashboard" msgstr "Dasbor Jetpack Saya" msgid "" "Full Site Editing is the shiny new toy in your website creation adventures. " "Dive in headfirst, or explore further with our Full Site Editing guide: %s" msgstr "" "Pengeditan Situs Lengkap adalah fitur baru dalam pembuatan situs Anda. " "Langsung mulai atau jelajahi dahulu panduan Pengeditan Situs Lengkap kami: %s" msgid "Your free guides" msgstr "Panduan gratis Anda" msgid "" "Learn everything you need to know about getting started with Jetpack " "{{gettingStartedLink}}here{{/gettingStartedLink}}." msgstr "" "Pelajari semua yang perlu Anda ketahui tentang memulai Jetpack " "{{gettingStartedLink}}di sini{{/gettingStartedLink}}." msgid "How do I start using Jetpack on my website?" msgstr "Bagaimana saya memulai menggunakan Jetpack di situs saya?" msgid "" "P.S.: Now’s a great time to give your site a big boost with a custom domain " "name: %s" msgstr "" "N.B.: Sekaranglah saatnya untuk menyempurnakan situs Anda dengan nama domain " "khusus: %s" msgid "Or watch a recorded session: %s" msgstr "Atau simak video sesi: %s" msgid "" "After you select a theme, you’ll land in the Site Editor: %1$s. This is " "where you’ll design everything on your site — from the header right down to " "the footer — using blocks (more on that below). Here you can change colors, " "text size, spacing, and more using Styles: %2$s. No code needed!" msgstr "" "Setelah memilih tema, Anda akan diarahkan ke Editor Situs: %1$s. Di sini, " "Anda dapat mendesain situs Anda, dari header sampai footer, menggunakan blok " "(selengkapnya di bawah ini). Anda juga dapat mengubah warna, ukuran teks, " "spasi, dan lain-lain menggunakan Gaya: %2$s. Tidak perlu menulis kode!" msgid "" "<span class=\"meta-prep meta-prep-author\">Updated on</span> %1$s <span " "class=\"meta-sep\">-</span> %2$s" msgstr "" "<span class=\"meta-prep meta-prep-author\">Diperbarui pada</span> %1$s <span " "class=\"meta-sep\">-</span> %2$s" msgid "" "So we urge you to start working on your site right away, gain momentum, and " "build the site of your dreams." msgstr "" "Kami mengajak Anda untuk segera memmulai, membangun momentum, dan mewujudkan " "situs impian Anda." msgid "Daily and special topic<br/>webinars" msgstr "Webinar harian dan webinar tema<br/>khusus" msgid "Managing SEO" msgstr "Mengelola SEO" msgid "Intro to<br />Blogging" msgstr "Pengantar<br />Blogging" msgid "Intro to Blogging" msgstr "Pengantar Blogging" msgid "Daily and special topic webinars" msgstr "Webinar harian dan webinar topik khusus" msgid "" "Building your site doesn’t need to be scary, and you don’t need to tackle it " "alone. We offer a range of resources and support to help you achieve your " "goals!" msgstr "" "Jangan takut membangun situs. Anda tidak sendirian. Kami menawarkan beragam " "sumber daya dan dukungan untuk membantu mewujudkan situs Anda!" msgid "Your free webinars, courses, and guides" msgstr "Webinar, kursus, dan panduan gratis" msgid "" "Or watch a <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"text-decoration: " "underline; color: #ffffff;\">recorded session</a>." msgstr "" "Atau simak <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"text-decoration: " "underline; color: #ffffff;\">video sesi</a>." msgid "Register for free today" msgstr "Daftar gratis hari ini" msgid " Full Site Editing" msgstr "Pengeditan Situs Lengkap" msgid "" "You can also join our WordPress experts and learn how to use the FSE tools " "in a live webinar that includes a Q&A." msgstr "" "Anda juga dapat bergabung dengan pakar WordPress kami dan belajar " "menggunakan alat FSE dalam sesi tanya-jawab webinar yang disiarkan secara " "langsung." msgid "" "Full Site Editing is the shiny new toy in your website creation adventures. " "Dive in headfirst, or explore further with our <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank" "\" style=\"text-decoration:underline;color:#ffffff;\">Full Site Editing " "guide</a>." msgstr "" "Pengeditan Situs Lengkap adalah fitur baru dalam pembuatan situs Anda. " "Langsung mulai atau jelajahi dahulu panduan <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\" " "style=\"text-decoration:underline;color:#ffffff;\">Pengeditan Situs Lengkap</" "a>." msgid "Full Site Editing (FSE) has arrived" msgstr "Pengeditan Situs Lengkap (FSE) telah tersedia" msgid "" "Blocks are the components for adding content to your pages and posts — think " "of them as the building blocks of your website. There’s a block for every " "type of element you can think of: Insert text, photos, forms, testimonials, " "maps, and so much more." msgstr "" "Blok adalah komponen untuk menambahkan konten ke halaman dan pos Anda, " "ibarat pilar penyusun situs Anda. Tersedia blok untuk segala jenis elemen " "yang Anda butuhkan: Menyisipkan teks, foto, formulir, testimoni, peta, dan " "lain-lain." msgid "Blocks for everyone!" msgstr "Blok untuk semua orang!" msgid "" "After you select a theme, you’ll land in the <a target=\"_blank\" style=" "\"text-decoration: underline; color: #035e9b;\" href=\"%1$s\">Site Editor</" "a>. This is where you’ll design everything on your site — from the header " "right down to the footer — using blocks (more on that below). Here you can " "change colors, text size, spacing, and more <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank" "\" style=\"text-decoration: underline; color: #035e9b;\">using Styles</a>. " "No code needed!" msgstr "" "Setelah memilih tema, Anda akan diarahkan ke <a target=\"_blank\" style=" "\"text-decoration: underline; color: #035e9b;\" href=\"%1$s\">Editor Situs</" "a>. Di sini, Anda dapat mendesain situs Anda, dari header sampai footer, " "menggunakan blok (selengkapnya di bawah ini). Anda juga dapat mengubah " "warna, ukuran teks, spasi, dan lain-lain <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\" " "style=\"text-decoration: underline; color: #035e9b;\">menggunakan Gaya</a>. " "Tak perlu menulis kode!" msgid "Build and customize your site" msgstr "Bangun dan sesuaikan situs Anda" msgid "" "It’s time to have some fun! Keep on reading to learn how to control the look " "and feel of your entire site and receive some helpful resources to get you " "started." msgstr "" "Saatnya bersenang-senang! Terus baca untuk mempelajari cara mengatur " "tampilan dan suasana situs serta mendapatkan sumber daya untuk membantu Anda " "memulai." msgid "" "A cursor for use in pagination. It is an object ID that defines your place " "in the list." msgstr "" "Kursor yang digunakan dalam penomoran halaman. Kursor tersebut adalah " "identitas objek yang menentukan tempat Anda dalam daftar." msgctxt "Button text" msgid "Start a new store" msgstr "Buat toko baru" msgctxt "Header text" msgid "Set up a store and start selling online" msgstr "Siapkan toko dan mulai berjualan online" msgctxt "Button text" msgid "Upgrade your store" msgstr "Upgrade toko Anda" msgctxt "Header text" msgid "Upgrade your store" msgstr "Upgrade toko Anda" msgid "" "Payments features on allow you to make money from your site in " "many ways." msgstr "" "Fitur pembayaran di memungkinkan Anda menghasilkan uang dari " "situs Anda dengan banyak cara." msgid "How to set up an online store" msgstr "Cara menyiapkan toko online" msgid "" "Need more out of your store? Unlock the tools needed to manage products, " "orders, shipping, and more." msgstr "" "Perlu meningkatkan toko Anda? Akses peralatan untuk mengelola produk, " "pesanan, pengiriman, dan lebih banyak lagi." msgid "Upgrade your storage." msgstr "Upgrade ruang penyimpanan Anda." msgid "" "Error loading introductory discounts. Some displayed prices may be incorrect." msgstr "" "Gagal memuat diskon perkenalan. Harga yang ditampilkan mungkin tidak sesuai." msgid "- %1$s will renew at new price of %2$s" msgstr "- %1$s akan diperpanjang dengan harga baru %2$s" msgid "" "* All domains that expire before May 10, 2022 can be renewed once at the old " "price until May 10, 2022." msgstr "" "* Semua domain yang kedaluwarsa sebelum 10 Mei 2022 dapat diperpanjang satu " "kali dengan harga lama sampai 10 Mei 2022." msgid "" "If you would like to renew early or cancel your domain, please visit the " "purchase page at before April 11, 2022." msgstr "" "Jika Anda ingin memperpanjang lebih awal atau membatalkan domain, kunjungi " "halaman pembelian di sebelum 11 April " "2022." msgid "" "The new prices for domain renewals will go into effect starting on March 11, " "2022.*" msgstr "Harga baru untuk perpanjangan domain berlaku mulai 11 Maret 2022.*" msgid "<strong>%1$s</strong> will renew at new price of %2$s" msgstr "- <strong>%1$s</strong> akan diperpanjang dengan harga baru %2$s" msgid "" "We're writing to let you know about a price increase for some of the " "products that you have purchased with due to price increases " "we've incurred from our partners in the past year." msgstr "" "Kami memberi tahu Anda tentang kenaikan harga beberapa produk yang telah " "Anda beli dengan karena kenaikan harga dari mitra kami tahun " "lalu." msgid " pricing update" msgstr "Pembaruan harga" msgid "" "This is an automated email. All replies to this email will be delivered to " "support team for further assistance." msgstr "" "Ini merupakan email otomatis. Semua balasan ke email ini akan dikirimkan ke " "tim dukungan untuk mendapatkan bantuan lebih lanjut." msgid "Please prevent the merchant from receiving new offers on your side." msgstr "Dari sisi Anda, upayakan agar penjual tidak menerima penawaran baru." msgid "" "We have processed an unsubscribe request from %1$s that will prevent them to " "receive future Capital offers." msgstr "" "Kami telah memproses permintaan berhenti mengikuti dari %1$s sehingga mereka " "tidak lagi menerima penawaran Capital di masa mendatang." msgid "You don't have an active subscription to the %s email group." msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki langganan aktif untuk grup email %s." msgid "Removing card" msgstr "Menghapus kartu" msgctxt "View options to switch between" msgid "View" msgstr "Tampilan" msgid "DELETE" msgstr "HAPUS" msgid "" "You already have Professional Email set up for the domain %(domainName)s. " "Please check if you really want a different email service, as changing email " "providers may disrupt your existing service." msgstr "" "Anda telah mempunyai Email Profesional untuk domain %(domainName)s. Mohon " "periksa apakah Anda benar-benar menginginkan layanan email lainnya, karena " "penggantian provider email dapat mengganggu layanan Anda yang sudah ada." msgid "" "You already have Google email set up for the domain %(domainName)s. Please " "check if you really want a different email service, as changing email " "providers may disrupt your existing service." msgstr "" "Anda sudah mempunyai email Google untuk domain %(domainName)s. Mohon periksa " "apakah Anda benar-benar menginginkan layanan email lainnya, karena " "penggantian provider email dapat mengganggu layanan Anda yang sudah ada." msgid "" "This communication was sent in partnership with Stripe Brokering, Inc., a " "wholly-owned subsidiary of Stripe, Inc." msgstr "" "Komunikasi ini dikirimkan dalam kemitraan dengan Stripe Brokering, Inc., " "sebuah perusahaan yang dimiliki sepenuhnya oleh Stripe, Inc." msgid "" "All loans issued by Celtic Bank, a Utah-Chartered Industrial Bank, Member " "FDIC, and are subject to credit approval." msgstr "" "Semua pinjaman diberikan oleh Celtic Bank, Bank Industri Utah, anggota FDIC, " "dan tunduk pada persetujuan kredit." msgid "" "If your application is approved, funds are deposited into your Stripe " "account as soon as the next business day." msgstr "" "Jika permohonan Anda disetujui, dana akan disetorkan ke akun Stripe pada " "hari kerja berikutnya." msgid "Get funding fast." msgstr "Dapatkan pendanaan dengan cepat." msgid "" "By clicking “Update subscription,” you agree to our <a target=\"_blank\" " "href=\"\">Terms of Service</" "a>, have read our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" "\">Privacy Policy</a>, and authorize your payment method to be saved until " "you delete it and charged on a recurring basis until you cancel. You " "understand <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%1$s\">how your subscription works, " "how to cancel, and how to delete your payment method</a>." msgstr "" "Dengan mengeklik “Perpanjang berlangganan”, Anda menyetujui <a target=" "\"_blank\" href=\"\">Ketentuan " "Layanan</a> kami, telah membaca <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://www." "\">Kebijakan Privasi</a> kami, dan mengizinkan metode " "pembayaran disimpan hingga Anda menghapusnya dan akan ditagihkan secara " "berulang hingga Anda membatalkannya. Anda memahami <a target=\"_blank\" href=" "\"%1$s\">cara kerja langganan, cara membatalkan, dan cara menghapus metode " "pembayaran Anda</a>." msgid "Update subscription" msgstr "Perpanjang berlangganan" msgid "Your subscription will renew for %s on %s" msgstr "Langganan Anda akan diperpanjang dengan harga %s pada %s" msgid "Today’s total" msgstr "Total hari ini" msgid "The activity_type argument must be a string." msgstr "Argumen activity_type harus berupa string." msgid "" "Failed to update the notification settings. The provided workspace is " "invalid." msgstr "" "Gagal memperbarui pengaturan pemberitahuan. Ruang kerja yang dimasukkan " "tidak valid." msgid "The hub ID." msgstr "ID hub." msgid "Try risk free with a %(days)d-day money back guarantee." msgstr "Silakan coba tanpa risiko dengan jaminan %(days)d hari uang kembali." msgid "What's Next" msgstr "Selanjutnya" msgid "Submit content for new site" msgstr "Kirim konten untuk situs baru" msgid "Submit business information" msgstr "Kirim informasi bisnis" msgid "" "Start your free website. Limited functionality and storage." msgstr "" "Mulai situs web gratis Anda. Fitur dan penyimpanan terbatas." msgid "%sGB" msgstr "%sGB" msgid "%sGB of storage" msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan %sGB" msgid "Unlimited WordPress plugins" msgstr "Plugin WordPress tidak terbatas" msgid "%(siteCount)d sites" msgstr "%(siteCount)d situs" msgid "Not included" msgstr "Tidak disertakan" msgid "" "Upgrade to our premium plan to gain access to all the tools you need to run " "an online ecommerce store, from marketing to shipping." msgstr "" "Upgrade ke paket premium kami untuk mendapatkan akses ke semua alat yang " "Anda butuhkan untuk menjalankan toko e-commerce online, mulai dari pemasaran " "hingga pengiriman." msgid "Need more from your store?" msgstr "Ingin meningkatkan toko Anda?" msgid "Unlimited admins" msgstr "Admin tidak terbatas" msgid "Titan e-mail" msgstr "e-mail Titan" msgid "Payment blocks" msgstr "Blok Pembayaran" msgid "Unlimited blog posts and pages" msgstr "Pos dan halaman tanpa batas" msgid "50 GB storage space" msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan 50 GB" msgid "Jetpack advanced" msgstr "Jetpack tingkat lanjut" msgid "Incorrect code provided." msgstr "Kode yang dimasukkan salah." msgid "Failed to generate a challenge code." msgstr "Gagal membuat kode tantangan." msgid "Confirm %1$s" msgstr "Konfirmasi %1$s" msgid "" "Can't set NS records for your subdomain? Switch to our <aadv>advanced setup</" "aadv>." msgstr "" "Tidak bisa menyetel data NS untuk subdomain ini? Ganti ke <aadv>penyiapan " "lanjutan</aadv>." msgid "Do you have email or other services connected to this domain?" msgstr "" "Apakah Anda memiliki email atau layanan lain yang terhubung ke domain ini?" msgid "" "The easiest way to connect your subdomain is by changing NS records. But if " "you are unable to do this, then switch to our <a>advanced setup</a>, using A " "& CNAME records." msgstr "" "Cara termudah untuk menghubungkan subdomain Anda adalah dengan mengubah " "catatan NS. Namun, jika Anda tidak dapat melakukannya, beralihlah ke " "<a>pengaturan tingkat lanjut</a> kami menggunakan catatan A & CNAME." msgid "The Stripe payment method ID that should be detached." msgstr "Identitas metode pembayaran Stripe yang harus dilepaskan." msgid "Set this payment method as default for the customer." msgstr "Tetapkan metode pembayaran ini sebagai metode default untuk pelanggan." msgid "The Stripe payment method ID that should be attached to the customer." msgstr "Identitas metode pembayaran Stripe yang harus dilekatkan ke pelanggan." msgid "Could not send SMS message." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengirimkan pesan SMS." msgid "The provided state (%1$s) is not valid. Must be one of: %2$s" msgstr "" "Provinsi yang dimasukkan (%1$s) tidak valid. Harus salah satu dari: %2$s" msgid "" "If there are issues with your backup, we will automatically try again. " "You'll also get an email if something goes wrong." msgstr "" "Jika ada masalah dengan cadangan Anda, kami akan mencoba lagi secara " "otomatis. Anda juga akan mendapatkan email jika terjadi kesalahan." msgid "Did you know" msgstr "Tahukah Anda?" msgid "Activation failed. Plugin is not installed" msgstr "Aktivasi gagal. Plugin belum diinstal." msgid "Enhance your site with dozens of other features" msgstr "Tingkatkan situs Anda dengan puluhan fitur lainnya" msgid "Get notifications if your site goes offline" msgstr "Dapatkan pemberitahuan jika situs Anda offline" msgid "Protect your site against bot attacks" msgstr "Lindungi situs Anda dari serangan bot" msgid "Speed up your site with optimized images" msgstr "Tingkatkan kecepatan situs dengan gambar yang dioptimasi" msgid "" "Secure and speed up your site for free with Jetpack's powerful WordPress " "tools." msgstr "" "Amankan dan tingkatkan kecepatan situs Anda secara gratis dengan peralatan " "WordPresss Jetpack yang andal." msgid "Update A & CNAME records" msgstr "Perbarui A & CNAME records" msgid "Update NS records" msgstr "Perbarui NS records" msgid "" "Find the NS records on your subdomain's settings page and replace them with " "the following values:" msgstr "" "Temukan NS records di halaman pengaturan subdomain Anda dan ganti dengan " "nilai berikut:" msgid "Your subdomain is connected" msgstr "Domain Anda telah terhubung" msgid "" "This is the advanced way to connect your subdomain, using A & CNAME records. " "We advise using our <a>suggested setup</a> instead, with NS records." msgstr "" "Ini adalah cara lanjutan untuk menghubungkan subdomain Anda, menggunakan A & " "CNAME records. Sebaiknya gunakan <a>penyiapan yang disarankan</a> sebagai " "gantinya, dengan NS record." msgid "Once you've updated the records click on \"Verify Connection\" below." msgstr "" "Setelah Anda memperbarui name server, klik \"Verifikasi Koneksi\" di bawah." msgid "" "Next find the CNAME records on your subdomain's settings page and replace " "them with the following value:" msgstr "" "Selanjutnya temukan CNAME records di halaman pengaturan subdomain Anda dan " "ganti dengan nilai berikut:" msgid "" "Replace IP addresses (A records) of your subdomain to use the following " "values:" msgstr "" "Ganti alamat IP (A records) domain Anda untuk menggunakan nilai berikut:" msgid "Find the A records on your subdomain's settings page." msgstr "Temukan A records di halaman pengaturan subdomain Anda." msgid "Tumblr Payment" msgstr "Pembayaran Tumblr" msgid "" "We were unable to retrieve your latest product details. Please try again " "later." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat mengambil detail produk terbaru Anda. Silakan coba lagi " "nanti." msgid "Email me a link" msgstr "Kirimi saya tautan lewat email" msgid "" "Jetpack’s world-class security features are now easier to manage for anyone " "with multiple WordPress websites." msgstr "" "Sekarang fitur keamanan kelas dunia Jetpack dapat lebih mudah dikelola oleh " "siapa saja yang memiliki beberapa situs web WordPress." msgid "" "Purchase and manage licenses, and get up to a %d%% discount with our " "licensing platform." msgstr "" "Beli dan kelola lisensi, serta dapatkan diskon hingga %d%% dengan platform " "pengelolaan lisensi kami." msgid "Go to Search Dashboard" msgstr "Buka Dasbor Pencarian" msgid "" "We couldn't connect to your site. Please verify that your credentials are " "correct and ensure that your host is not blocking the connection." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat terhubung ke situs Anda. Harap verifikasi bahwa kredensial " "Anda benar dan pastikan hosting Anda tidak memblokir koneksi." msgid "" "Please {{b}}ask your hosting provider to allow connections{{/b}} from the IP " "addresses found on this page: %(url)s" msgstr "" "Mohon {{b}}minta provider hosting Anda untuk mengizinkan koneksi{{/b}} dari " "alamat IP yang ditemukan di halaman ini: %(url)s" msgid "Credit card details" msgstr "Detail kartu kredit" msgid "Set as primary payment method" msgstr "Tetapkan sebagai metode pembayaran utama" msgid "Save payment method" msgstr "Simpan metode pembayaran" msgid "" "Please {{b}}ask your hosting provider to allow connections{{/b}} from the IP " "addresses found on this page: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Mohon {{b}}minta provider hosting Anda untuk mengizinkan koneksi{{/b}} dari " "alamat IP yang ditemukan di halaman ini: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}" msgid "Winkel is a minimal, product-oriented theme." msgstr "Winkel adalah tema yang simple dan berfokus pada produk." msgid "An unknown error occurred during installation" msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan yang tidak diketahui selama pemasangan" msgid "There was an error installing your plugin" msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat memasang plugin Anda" msgid "You are not allowed to install plugins on this site." msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk menginstal plugin di situs ini." msgctxt "VideoPress Product Feature" msgid "Unlimited users" msgstr "Pengguna tanpa batas" msgctxt "VideoPress Product Feature" msgid "Built into WordPress editor" msgstr "Jadi satu dengan Editor WordPress" msgctxt "VideoPress Product Feature" msgid "1TB of storage" msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan sebesar 1 TB" msgctxt "Security Product Feature" msgid "Comment & form spam protection" msgstr "Perlindungan spam untuk komentar & formulir" msgctxt "Security Product Feature" msgid "One-click fixes for most threats" msgstr "Perbaikan sekali klik untuk sebagian besar ancaman" msgctxt "Security Product Feature" msgid "Automated real-time malware scan" msgstr "Pemindaian malware real-time otomatis" msgctxt "Security Product Feature" msgid "Real-time cloud backups with 10GB storage" msgstr "Pencadangan awan real-time dengan ruang penyimpanan 10GB" msgid "Comprehensive site security, including Backup, Scan, and Anti-spam." msgstr "" "Keamanan situs komprehensif yang mencakup Pencadangan, Pemindaian, dan Anti-" "spam." msgctxt "Scan Product Feature" msgid "Instant email notifications" msgstr "Pemberitahuan email instan" msgctxt "Scan Product Feature" msgid "One-click fixes for most issues" msgstr "Perbaikan sekali klik untuk sebagian besar masalah" msgctxt "Scan Product Feature" msgid "Automated daily scanning" msgstr "Pemindaian harian otomatis" msgid "Error activating Jetpack module" msgstr "Terjadi error saat mengaktifkan modul Jetpack" msgid "Error activating Jetpack plugin" msgstr "Terjadi error saat mengaktifkan plugin Jetpack" msgid "Infinitely customizable with integrations and extensions" msgstr "Penyesuaian tanpa batas dengan berbagai integrasi dan ekstensi" msgid "Fully integrated with WordPress & WooCommerce" msgstr "Terintegrasi sepenuhnya dengan WordPress & WooCommerce" msgid "Manage unlimited contacts" msgstr "Kelola kontak tanpa batas" msgctxt "Backup Product Feature" msgid "One-click restores" msgstr "Pemulihan sekali klik" msgctxt "Backup Product Feature" msgid "10GB of backup storage" msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan cadangan sebesar 10 GB" msgctxt "Backup Product Feature" msgid "Real-time cloud backups" msgstr "Pencadangan cloud real-time" msgctxt "Anti-Spam Product Feature" msgid "Advanced stats" msgstr "Statistik tingkat lanjut" msgctxt "Anti-Spam Product Feature" msgid "Block spam without CAPTCHAs" msgstr "Blokir spam tanpa CAPTCHA" msgctxt "Anti-Spam Product Feature" msgid "Comment and form spam protection" msgstr "Perlindungan spam untuk komentar dan formulir" msgid "Unable to fetch the products list from" msgstr "Tidak dapat memuat daftar produk dari" msgid "Your site is not connected to Jetpack." msgstr "Situs Anda tidak terhubung dengan Jetpack." msgid "The product class handler is not implemented" msgstr "Handler kelas produk tidak diterapkan" msgid "" "We learn about the newest security threats first and use that information to " "better protect your site." msgstr "" "Kami mempelajari ancaman keamanan terbaru terlebih dahulu dan menggunakan " "informasi tersebut agar lebih optimal dalam melindungi situs Anda." msgid "" "Keep your client’s visitors safe by keeping their content free of unwanted " "ads and spam. Malicious code can infect content and visitors." msgstr "" "Jaga keamanan pengunjung klien Anda dengan menjauhkan konten klien dari " "iklan dan spam yang tidak diinginkan. Kode berbahaya dapat menginfeksi " "konten dan pengunjung." msgid "Protect your visitors" msgstr "Lindungi pengunjung" msgid "Have access to your site anywhere right from your mobile app" msgstr "Dapatkan akses ke situs Anda dari mana saja lewat aplikasi ponsel" msgid "" "Save hours of time fixing problems with your site by restoring to any point. " "Just one change will pay for itself while delivering the peace of mind you " "deserve." msgstr "" "Hemat waktu Anda saat mengatasi masalah dengan memulihkan situs ke titik " "mana pun. Hanya dengan satu perubahan, masalah teratasi dan pikiran Anda " "jadi tenang." msgid "" "Eliminate the blame game and monitor exactly which action (or person) made a " "change with the <a href=\"%s\">activity log</a>." msgstr "" "Hapus kebiasaan menyalahkan tanpa alasan dan pantau secara cermat tindakan " "(atau orang) yang membuat perubahan dengan <a href=\"%s\">log aktivitas</a>." msgid "Get Jetpack for Agencies" msgstr "Dapatkan Jetpack untuk Agensi" msgid "Unlock up to %d%% off all products!" msgstr "Dapatkan diskon hingga %d%% untuk semua produk!" msgid "" "Any organization with at least five websites can join our licensing platform." msgstr "" "Organisasi yang memiliki setidaknya lima situs dapat bergabung dengan " "platform pengelolaan lisensi kami." msgid "Optimized for agencies" msgstr "Dioptimalkan untuk agensi" msgid "Secure your clients’ sites" msgstr "Amankan situs klien Anda" msgid "Manage your clients’ sites with ease." msgstr "Kelola situs klien Anda dengan mudah." msgid " badge" msgstr "Lencana" msgid "Update card" msgstr "Perbarui kartu" msgid "Card details" msgstr "Detail kartu" msgid "" "Your payment method can’t be deleted because it’s currently being used for a " "subscription." msgstr "" "Metode pembayaran Anda tidak dapat dihapus karena masih digunakan untuk " "berlangganan." msgid "Payment method can’t be deleted" msgstr "Metode pembayaran tidak dapat dihapus" msgid "" "This is your default payment method for everything on Tumblr including Ad-" "Free Browsing, Domains, Post+, and Tipping." msgstr "" "Metode ini merupakan cara pembayaran default Anda untuk semua layanan di " "Tumblr, termasuk Penelusuran Bebas Iklan, Domain, Post+, dan Pemberian Tip." msgid "Exp. " msgstr "Kedaluwarsa " msgid "Could not obtain a VideoPress upload JWT. Please try again later." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat memperoleh JWT unggahan VideoPress. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "1 month free" msgstr "Gratis 1 bulan" msgid "Stripe customer identifier" msgstr "Pengenal pelanggan Stripe" msgid "" "Unable to apply introductory offer to %1$s for %2$s because a subscription " "for %3$s already exists." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat menerapkan penawaran awal produk %1$s untuk domain %2$s karena " "sudah ada langganan %3$s." msgid "Dorna is a minimal, product-oriented theme." msgstr "Dorna adalah tema yang simple dan berfokus pada produk." msgid "View Details" msgstr "Lihat Detail" msgid "Under the Spotlight." msgstr "Dalam Sorotan" msgid "Drive more traffic with Yoast SEO Premium." msgstr "Dapatkan lebih banyak kunjungan dengan Yoast SEO Premium" msgid "Know what you're doing?" msgstr "Tahu apa yang Anda kerjakan?" msgid "Back to transfer or connect" msgstr "Kembali ke transfer atau hubungkan" msgid "Transfer or connect" msgstr "Transfer atau hubungkan" msgid "Switch to advanced setup" msgstr "Beralih ke pengaturan tingkat lanjut" msgid "" "Alternatively, you can continue to use your current DNS provider by adding " "the correct A records and CNAME records using our advanced setup." msgstr "" "Atau, Anda dapat terus menggunakan provider DNS Anda saat ini dengan " "menambahkan A record dan CNAME record yang benar menggunakan pengaturan " "tingkat lanjut kami." msgid "Go to DNS records" msgstr "Buka DNS record" msgid "" "If you have any email or services other than web hosting connected to this " "domain, we recommend you copy over your DNS records before proceeding with " "this setup to avoid disruptions. You can then start the setup again by going " "back to <em>Upgrades > Domains</em>." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memiliki email atau layanan selain hosting web yang terhubung ke " "domain ini, sebaiknya salin DNS record Anda sebelum melanjutkan penyiapan " "ini untuk menghindari gangguan. Kemudian Anda dapat memulai penyiapan " "kembali dari <em>Upgrade > Domain</em>." msgid "Import <strong>Everything*</strong>:" msgstr "Impor <strong>Semua*</strong>:" msgid "Import <strong>Content only</strong>:" msgstr "Impor <strong>Konten saja</strong>:" msgid "" "Our Self-Hosted WordPress content importer is the quickest way to move your " "content. After clicking 'Import your content', you will have two options:" msgstr "" "Pengimpor konten WordPress Hosting Sendiri kami adalah cara tercepat untuk " "memindahkan konten Anda. Setelah mengeklik 'Impor konten Anda', akan ada dua " "opsi:" msgid "Marl is a minimal, product-oriented theme." msgstr "Marl adalah tema yang simple dan berfokus pada produk." msgid "Hari is a minimalist, product-oriented theme." msgstr "Hari adalah tema yang simple dan berfokus pada produk." msgid "Attar is a minimal, product-oriented theme." msgstr "Attar adalah tema yang simple dan berfokus pada produk." msgid "Experiment with what works on your site - go forth and create!" msgstr "" "Coba dan cari tahu kombinasi fitur yang cocok di situs Anda. Ayo kreasikan!" msgid "4. MANAGE payment settings." msgstr "4. KELOLA pengaturan pembayaran." msgid "3. CUSTOMIZE block design." msgstr "3. SESUAIKAN desain blok." msgid "2. SET UP block details." msgstr "2. SIAPKAN detail blok." msgid "1. INSERT block - Create or connect a STRIPE account (one-time action)." msgstr "" "1. MASUKKAN blok - Buat atau hubungkan akun STRIPE (tindakan satu kali)." msgid "Individual sites have brought in $1K, $10K, even $50K+ hassle-free" msgstr "" "Banyak situs telah menghasilkan $1.000, $10.000, bahkan $50.000+ tanpa ribet" msgid "" "/donations: A Donations form allows visitors to customize their financial " "support. Learn more at %s." msgstr "" "/donasi: Dengan formulir Donasi, pengunjung dapat menyesuaikan dukungan " "finansial yang mereka berikan. Pelajari selengkapnya di %s" msgid "" "/payments: A Payments button lets visitors pay for digital goods and " "services or make quick, pre-set donations. Learn more at %s." msgstr "" "/pembayaran: Dengan tombol Pembayaran, pengunjung dapat membayar barang dan " "layanan digital atau memberikan donasi dengan besaran tertentu dengan cepat. " "Pelajari selengkapnya di %s" msgid "Don’t have a paid plan yet? Upgrade your website: %s" msgstr "Belum punya paket berbayar? Upgrade situs web Anda: %s" msgid "Experiment with what works on your site - <br>go forth and create!" msgstr "" "Coba dan cari tahu kombinasi fitur yang cocok di situs Anda. Ayo kreasikan!" "<br>" msgid "Start accepting payments today and give your website a boost." msgstr "" "Mulai terima pembayaran sekarang juga dan tingkatkan bisnis di situs web " "Anda." msgid "<strong>MANAGE</strong> payment settings" msgstr "<strong>KELOLA</strong> pengaturan pembayaran" msgid "<strong>CUSTOMIZE</strong> block design" msgstr "<strong>SESUAIKAN</strong> desain blok" msgid "<strong>SET UP</strong> block details" msgstr "<strong>SIAPKAN</strong> detail blok" msgid "<strong>MANAGE</strong><br/>payment settings" msgstr "<strong>KELOLA</strong><br/> pengaturan pembayaran" msgid "<strong>CUSTOMIZE</strong><br/>block design" msgstr "<strong>SESUAIKAN</strong><br/> desain blok" msgid "<strong>SET UP</strong><br/>block details" msgstr "<strong>SIAPKAN</strong><br/> detail blok" msgid "" "Create or connect a <span style=\"color:#797af7;\">STRIPE</span> account " "(one-time action)" msgstr "" "Buat atau hubungkan akun <span style=\"color:#797af7;\">STRIPE</span> " "(tindakan satu kali)" msgid "<strong>INSERT</strong> block" msgstr "<strong>MASUKKAN</strong> blok" msgid "Upgrade and then activate these payments tools in a few simple steps." msgstr "" "Upgrade dan aktifkan berbagai alat pembayaran ini dengan beberapa langkah " "mudah." msgid "Included on all paid plans - no plugin required" msgstr "Disertakan di semua paket berbayar tanpa perlu plugin" msgid "Low transaction fee" msgstr "Biaya transaksi rendah" msgid "No membership fee" msgstr "Tanpa biaya keanggotaan" msgid "Individual sites have brought in $1K, $10K, even $50K+ hassle-free." msgstr "" "Banyak situs telah menghasilkan $1.000, $10.000, bahkan $50.000+ tanpa ribet" msgid "A Donations form allows visitors to customize their financial support." msgstr "" "Dengan formulir Donasi, pengunjung dapat menyesuaikan dukungan finansial " "yang mereka berikan." msgid "/donations" msgstr "/donasi" msgid "FORM" msgstr "FORMULIR" msgid " donation form" msgstr "Formulir donasi " msgid "" "A Payments button lets visitors pay for digital goods and services or make " "quick, pre-set donations." msgstr "" "Dengan tombol Pembayaran, pengunjung dapat membayar barang dan layanan " "digital atau memberikan donasi dengan besaran tertentu dengan cepat." msgid "/payments" msgstr "/pembayaran" msgid "BUTTON" msgstr "TOMBOL" msgid " payment button" msgstr "Tombol pembayaran" msgid "Flexible payment tools for your needs" msgstr "Alat pembayaran yang fleksibel untuk kebutuhan Anda" msgid "Don’t have a paid plan yet?" msgstr "Belum punya paket berbayar?" msgid "" "Your upgrade allows you to accept one-time and recurring " "payments from your site’s visitors – there’s no plugin required." msgstr "" "Upgrade memungkinkan Anda untuk menerima pembayaran satu kali " "dan berulang dari pengunjung situs – tanpa perlu plugin." msgid "Two blocks to level up your website" msgstr "Dua blok untuk meningkatkan situs web Anda" msgid "Insert these powerful blocks today to get started." msgstr "Masukkan blok-blok andal ini untuk memulai." msgid "Accept payments and donations on your site – no plugin required" msgstr "Terima pembayaran dan donasi di situs Anda tanpa perlu plugin." msgid "© %1$s WooCommerce, Inc. - an Automattic company" msgstr "© %1$s WooCommerce, Inc. - anak perusahaan Automattic" msgid "Pagination control" msgstr "Kontrol paginasi" msgid "" "Unable to apply introductory offer to %1$s for %2$s because %2$s is neither " "registered with nor mapped to" msgstr "" "Tidak dapat menerapkan penawaran awal produk %1$s untuk domain %2$s karena " "%2$s tidak terdaftar dengan atau tidak dipetakan ke WordPress." "com." msgid "" "Unable to apply introductory offer to %1$s for %2$s because a subscription " "for this product has already been purchased in the past." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat menerapkan penawaran awal produk %1$s untuk domain %2$s karena " "langganan produk ini sudah pernah dibeli." msgid "" "Unable to apply introductory offer to %1$s for %2$s because a subscription " "for this product already exists." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat menerapkan penawaran awal produk %1$s untuk domain %2$s karena " "sudah ada langganan untuk produk ini." msgid "" "Unable to apply introductory offer to %s because a subscription for this " "product has already been purchased in the past." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat menerapkan penawaran awal produk %s karena langganan produk ini " "sudah pernah dibeli." msgid "" "Unable to apply introductory offer to %s because a subscription for this " "product already exists." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat menerapkan penawaran awal produk %s karena sudah ada langganan " "untuk produk ini." msgid "" "Unable to apply introductory offer to %s because there is none available at " "this time." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat menerapkan penawaran awal produk %s karena tidak ada penawaran " "yang tersedia saat ini." msgid "Use this code to join the workspace" msgstr "Gunakan kode ini untuk bergabung dengan ruang kerja" msgid "Use this code to join %s" msgstr "Gunakan kode ini untuk bergabung dengan %s" msgid "Learn about block themes" msgstr "Pelajari tentang tema blok" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "" "There is a new kind of WordPress theme, called a block theme, that lets you " "build the site you’ve always wanted — with blocks and styles." msgstr "" "Terdapat jenis baru tema WordPress, namanya tema blok, yang memungkinkan " "Anda membangun situs yang Anda inginkan dengan blok dan style." msgid "Discover a new way to build your site." msgstr "Temukan cara baru untuk membangun situs Anda." msgid "Edit styles" msgstr "Edit pengaturan" msgid "" "Tweak your site, or give it a whole new look! Get creative — how about " "a new color palette or font?" msgstr "" "Sesuaikan situs Anda, atau buat tampilan baru! Mari berkreasi — " "cobalah palet warna atau jenif huruf baru?" msgid "Switch up your site’s look & feel with Styles" msgstr "Ubah tampilan & nuansa situs Anda dengan Style" msgid "" "Configure your site’s logo, header, menus, and more in the Customizer." msgstr "Atur logo, header, menu, dan lainnya di situs Anda di Customizer." msgid "Open site editor" msgstr "Buka editor situs" msgid "" "Design everything on your site — from the header down to the footer, " "all using blocks and patterns." msgstr "" "Desan apa pun di situs Anda — mulai header hingga footer, semuanya " "menggunakan blok dan pola." msgid "Customize your entire site with block themes" msgstr "Sesuaikan seluruh situs Anda dengan tema blok" msgid "Add a new page" msgstr "Tambah halaman baru" msgid "" "Block patterns are pre-configured block layouts. Use them to get inspired or " "create new pages in a flash." msgstr "" "Pola blok adalah tata letak yang telah disusun sebelumnya. Gunakanlah untuk " "memperoleh gambaran atau buat halaman baru dengan cepat. " msgid "Author rich content with blocks and patterns" msgstr "Susun konten yang beragam dengan blok dan pola" msgid "Learn more about the %s version." msgstr "Pelajari selengkapnya tentang versi %s." msgid "Image upload failed" msgstr "Gambar gagal diunggah" msgid "%(fieldNumber)d. %(pageTitle)s" msgstr "%(fieldNumber)d. %(pageTitle)s" msgid "Website Content" msgstr "Konten Situs Web" msgid "Do it for me" msgstr "Kerjakan untuk Saya" msgid "Saving your content" msgstr "Menyimpan konten Anda" msgid "Physical address (if you want a map on your site)" msgstr "Alamat fisik (jika Anda menginginkan peta lokasi di situs Anda)" msgid "Please enter the following social media profile links if you have any." msgstr "Silakan masukkan tautan profil media sosial Anda (jika ada)." msgid "Website content not submitted" msgstr "Konten situs web tidak dikirim" msgid "Missing Apple IAP sku" msgstr "SKU Apple IAP tidak ditemukan" msgid "Regular price is non-numeric" msgstr "Harga normal tidak berbentuk numerik" msgid "Product regular price is missing" msgstr "Harga normal produk tidak ditemukan" msgctxt "Full Site Editing" msgid "Allows editing all aspects of your theme through the Site Editor." msgstr "Mengizinkan penyuntingan semua aspek tema melalui Editor Situs." msgid "The Jetpack team" msgstr "Tim Jetpack" msgid "Hi there, " msgstr "Halo! " msgid "Start a Store on" msgstr "Buka Toko di" msgid "Important changes to Jetpack activity log data retention" msgstr "Perubahan penting pada retensi data log aktivitas Jetpack" msgid "Create a site" msgstr "Buat situs" msgid "No setup required. Easy to manage." msgstr "Tidak perlu pengaturan. Mudah dikelola." msgid "Browse All" msgstr "Jelajahi Semua" msgid "Add New Plugin" msgstr "Tambahkan Plugin Baru" msgid "Default Quickstart" msgstr "Mulai Cepat Asal" msgid "Quickstart Menu" msgstr "Menu Mulai Cepat" msgid "Set as default quickstart pattern" msgstr "Tetapkan sebagai pola mulai cepat asal" msgid "Remove as default quickstart pattern" msgstr "Hapus sebagai pola mulai cepat asal" msgid "Remove from quickstart menu" msgstr "Hapus dari menu mulai cepat" msgid "Remove “%s” from quickstart menu" msgstr "Hapus “%s” dari menu mulai cepat" msgid "Quickstart URL" msgstr "URL mulai cepat" msgid "Add to quickstart menu" msgstr "Tambahkan ke menu mulai cepat" msgid "Add “%s” to quickstart menu" msgstr "Tambahkan “%s” ke menu mulai cepat" msgid "On This Site" msgstr "Di Situs Ini" msgid "This WordPress site is connected<br>to Crowdsignal account:" msgstr "Situs WordPress ini terhubung<br>dengan akun Crowdsignal:" msgid "We made some changes here." msgstr "Kami membuat beberapa perubahan di sini." msgid "here" msgstr "di sini" msgid "Crowdsignal dashboard" msgstr "Dasbor Crowdsignal" msgid "create poll page" msgstr "buat halaman survei" msgid "NPS" msgstr "NPS" msgid "Crowdsignal Blog" msgstr "Blog Crowdsignal" msgid "Please ask the project owner %s for access to a Team account." msgstr "Harap minta akses akun Tim kepada pemilik proyek %s." msgid "You need access to this Crowdsignal page." msgstr "Anda memerlukan akses ke halaman Crowdsignal ini." msgid "Please find the Applause Block in your editor:" msgstr "Cari Blok Tepuk Tangan di editor Anda:" msgid "Please find the Vote Block in your editor:" msgstr "Cari Blok Pemungutan Suara di editor Anda:" msgid "Please find the Measure NPS Block in your editor:" msgstr "Cari Blok Pengukuran NPS di editor Anda:" msgid "Please find the Feedback Button Block in your editor:" msgstr "Cari Blok Tombol Feedback di editor Anda." msgid "How to embed a Crowdsignal Survey into WordPress:" msgstr "Bagaimana cara menyematkan Survei Crowdsignal ke WordPress:" msgid "Please find the Poll Block in your editor:" msgstr "Cari Blok Polling di editor Anda:" msgid "Create a survey on:" msgstr "Buat survei:" msgid "Why do I need malware scanning for my site?" msgstr "Mengapa situs saya membutuhkan pemindaian malware?" msgid "" "Jetpack scans your site once per day, or when you trigger a manual scan." msgstr "" "Jetpack memindai situs Anda sekali sehari, atau saat Anda menjalankan " "pemindaian manual." msgid "" "How often does Jetpack scan your WordPress website for vulnerabilities and " "exploits?" msgstr "" "Seberapa sering Jetpack memindai kerentanan dan serangan terhadap situs " "WordPress Anda?" msgid "" "Jetpack also scans for vulnerabilities within other plugins and themes, and " "it keeps a history of all previous active threats to WordPress sites that it " "cross-references against. The plugins and mu-plugins directories are two of " "the directories that are actively scanned for vulnerabilities by Jetpack " "Scan." msgstr "" "Jetpack juga memindai kerentanan dalam plugin dan tema lainnya, dan " "menyimpan riwayat semua ancaman aktif yang pernah ada terhadap situs-situs " "WordPress yang menjadi referensi silangnya. Direktori plugin dan mu-plugin " "adalah dua direktori yang secara aktif dipindai oleh Jetpack Scan untuk " "menemukan kerentanan." msgid "Does Jetpack protect from other plugin and theme vulnerabilities?" msgstr "Apakah Jetpack melindungi dari kerentanan plugin dan tema lainnya?" msgid "<a href=\"%s\">Get started with a WordPress exploit scan today!</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\">Mulai pemindaian serangan terhadap WordPress sekarang!</a>" msgid "" "Jetpack scans for known exploits of WordPress, and WordPress plugins and " "themes. If there's a newer version of a theme or plugin that has patched a " "threat, you can update them with one click. If there isn't a newer version " "with a fix, we can help you to delete these from your site." msgstr "" "Jetpack memindai serangan umum terhadap WordPress serta plugin dan tema " "WordPress. Jika ada versi tema atau plugin yang lebih baru dengan patch " "baru, Anda dapat memperbaruinya dengan sekali klik. Jika tidak ada versi " "lebih baru dengan perbaikan, kami dapat membantu Anda menghapusnya dari " "situs Anda." msgid "Does Jetpack scan for exploits?" msgstr "Apakah Jetpack memindai serangan?" msgid "" "Once a scan has completed you will receive a notification if any threats " "have been found. These notifications will be send to you via email, and can " "be accessed via WP Admin or the dashboard." msgstr "" "Setelah pemindaian selesai, Anda akan menerima pemberitahuan apakah ada " "ancaman yang ditemukan. Pemberitahuan akan dikirim ke email Anda, dan dapat " "diakses melalui dasbor WordPress atau WP Admin." msgid "" "Jetpack scans for known WordPress vulnerabilities in the plugins, mu-" "plugins, themes, and uploads directories. Additionally we scan in select " "files from the WordPress root directory (like wp-config.php), and other " "select files inside the wp-content directory where vulnerabilities are the " "most common on a WordPress website." msgstr "" "Jetpack memindai kerentanan umum WordPress dalam direktori plugin, mu-" "plugin, tema, dan unggahan. Selain itu, kami memindai arsip pilihan dari " "direktori root WordPress (seperti wp-config.php) dan arsip pilihan lainnya " "dalam direktori wp-content tempat biasanya ditemukan kerentanan pada situs " "WordPress." msgid "Which vulnerabilities does Jetpack scan for?" msgstr "Ancaman apa yang dipindai oleh Jetpack?" msgid "12 Best WordPress Security Plugins Compared (2022 Review)" msgstr "Perbandingan 12 Plugin Keamanan WordPress Terbaik (Ulasan 2022)" msgid "Ten Steps for a Secure WooCommerce Checkout Experience" msgstr "Sepuluh Langkah agar Pengalaman Checkout WooCommerce Tetap Aman." msgid "WordPress Security for Beginners" msgstr "Keamanan WordPress untuk Pemula" msgid "Why You Should Avoid Using Nulled Plugins and Themes" msgstr "" "Alasan Perlunya Menghindari Plugin dan Tema Gratisan yang Telah Habis Masanya" msgid "" "Here are a few of our articles that will provide some additional insight " "into WordPress security and the most popular WordPress security plugins:" msgstr "" "Beberapa artikel ini akan memberikan Anda wawasan tentang keamanan WordPress " "dan plugin keamanan WordPress yang paling populer:" msgid "" "Hackers can manipulate your website's data, steal information from you or " "your users (including passwords), install and execute malicious code, and " "even distribute the malicious code between your users." msgstr "" "Peretas dapat memanipulasi data situs Anda, mencuri informasi dari Anda atau " "pengguna Anda (termasuk kata sandi), memasang dan menjalankan kode jahat, " "dan bahkan mendistribusikan kode jahat tersebut di antara pengguna Anda." msgid "" "Security is important to consider for any site or online business, including " "WordPress. If your site is hacked it can cause serious damage to your income " "and your business' reputation." msgstr "" "Keamanan perlu dipertimbangkan untuk segala situs atau bisnis online, " "termasuk WordPress. Jika situs Anda diretas, reputasi bisnis dan pendapatan " "Anda bisa menjadi korbannya." msgid "" "<a href=\"%s\">Secure authentication</a> - Sign in to WordPress sites " "quickly and securely, and add optional two-factor authentication." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\">Autentikasi aman</a> - Login ke situs WordPress dengan cepat " "dan aman, serta tambahkan autentikasi dua faktor opsional." msgid "" "<a href=\"%s\">Activity log</a> - Understand every site change and take the " "guesswork out of site management and repair." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\">Log aktivitas</a> - Ketahui setiap perubahan situs dan " "singkirkan segala ketidakpastian dari pengelolaan dan perbaikan situs." msgid "" "<a href=\"%s\">Downtime monitoring</a> - We’ll let you know instantly if " "your site goes down, so you can find out before your customers do." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\">Pemantauan downtime</a> - Kami akan segera memberi tahu Anda " "jika situs tidak aktif sehingga Anda lebih dahulu tahu sebelum pelanggan." msgid "" "<a href=\"%s\">Brute force attack protection</a> - We automatically block " "attempts to hack your site from millions of known malicious attackers." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\">Perlindungan terhadap serangan paksa</a> - Kami secara " "otomatis memblokir upaya peretasan situs Anda dari jutaan penyerang jahat " "yang umum." msgid "" "Other Vulnerabilities - Web-based shells give an attacker full access to " "your server — allowing them to execute malicious code, delete files, make " "changes to your database, and many more dangerous things. Shells are usually " "found in files, so <a href=\"%s\">our WordPress vulnerability scanner</a> " "will pick them up so they can be removed by deleting any infected files from " "your server and replacing them with a clean version from your backup." msgstr "" "Ancaman lain - Shell berbasis situs memberikan akses penuh ke server Anda " "kepada peretas sehingga mereka mampu menjalankan kode jahat, menghapus file, " "mengubah database, dan banyak bahaya lainnya. Shell biasanya ditemukan dalam " "file. <a href=\"%s\">Pemindai kerentanan WordPress kami</a> akan menemukan " "dan menyingkirkannya dengan menghapus arsip yang terjangkit dari server Anda " "dan menggantinya dengan versi yang bersih dari pencadangan Anda." msgid "" "Outdated or insecure plugins - Plugins that have known security " "vulnerabilities will be detected by <a href=\"%s\">Jetpack Scan</a>. If " "there’s a newer version that has patched the threat, you can update the " "plugin with one click. If there is no newer version with a fix, we allow you " "to delete the plugin from your site." msgstr "" "Plugin usang atau tidak aman - Plugin yang memiliki kerentanan keamanan umum " "akan terdeteksi oleh <a href=\"%s\">Pacet Scan</a>. Jika ada versi plugin " "yang lebih baru dengan patch baru, Anda dapat memperbaruinya dengan sekali " "klik. Jika tidak ada versi lebih baru dengan perbaikan, Anda dapat menghapus " "plugin dari situs Anda." msgid "" "With this WordPress backup plugin, you can revert changes or <a href=\"%1$s" "\">restore an earlier version of your site</a> if you need to - regardless " "of whether it’s because your <a href=\"%2$s\">WordPress security scan</a> " "has picked up a malicious threat, or if you’ve simply been messing around " "with your site’s design. No ifs, ands, or uh-ohs about it." msgstr "" "Dengan plugin pencadangan WordPress ini, Anda dapat mengembalikan perubahan " "atau <a href=\"%1$s\">memulihkan situs ke versi sebelumnya</a> jika perlu, " "baik karena <a href=\"%2$s\">pemindai keamanan WordPress</a> menemukan " "ancaman jahat, atau Anda sekadar bermain-main dengan desain situs Anda. " "Tanpa ba-bi-bu." msgid "" "Once backups start, you’ll see a “Backup complete” event in your activity " "log, either daily or when you make changes, and know that your WordPress " "site is securely backed up. Click the ellipsis (three dots) to the right of " "the event will show available restore and download options." msgstr "" "Setelah pencadangan dimulai, Anda akan melihat peristiwa \"Pencadangan " "selesai\" di log aktivitas, baik secara harian atau saat Anda melakukan " "perubahan, dan tahu bahwa situs WordPress Anda sudah dicadangkan secara " "aman. Mengklik elipsis (tiga titik) di sebelah kanan peristiwa akan " "menampilkan pilihan pulihkan dan unduh yang tersedia." msgid "You have been successfully unsubscribed from the %s email group." msgstr "Anda telah berhasil berhenti mengikuti grup email %s." msgid "" "Error unsubscribing from email group. Requested email group is not valid." msgstr "" "Terjadi error saat mencoba berhenti mengikuti grup email. Grup email yang " "diajukan tidak valid." msgid "Error unsubscribing from email group. Invalid token context." msgstr "" "Terjadi error saat mencoba berhenti mengikuti grup email. Konteks token " "tidak valid." msgid "Problem connecting my domain" msgstr "Masalah saat menghubungkan domain saya" msgid "Other domain issues" msgstr "Masalah domain lainnya" msgid "I didn’t get a free domain." msgstr "Saya tidak mendapatkan domain gratis." msgid "SEO issues" msgstr "Masalah SEO" msgid "It’s too complicated for me." msgstr "Saya sulit menggunakannya." msgid "Technical issues" msgstr "Masalah teknis" msgid "Loading time" msgstr "Waktu muat" msgid "Can’t use a theme" msgstr "Tidak dapat menggunakan tema" msgid "Can’t use a plugin" msgstr "Tidak dapat menggunakan plugin" msgid "Customization / CSS" msgstr "Penyesuaian / CSS" msgid "eCommerce features" msgstr "Fitur eCommerce" msgid "Other features" msgstr "Fitur lainnya" msgid "Missing features" msgstr "Fitur tidak lengkap" msgid "Couldn’t find what I wanted." msgstr "Tidak dapat menemukan apa yang saya inginkan." msgid "Need professional help to build my site." msgstr "Butuh bantuan profesional untuk membangun situs saya." msgid "I don’t have time." msgstr "Saya tidak punya waktu." msgid "Couldn’t finish my site" msgstr "Tidak dapat menyelesaikan situs saya" msgid "Free is good enough for me." msgstr "Versi gratis sudah cukup bagi saya." msgid "I want a cheaper plan." msgstr "Saya ingin paket yang lebih murah." msgid "It’s too expensive." msgstr "Harga terlalu mahal." msgid "Price/Budget" msgstr "Harga/Anggaran" msgid "%(percent)d%% off" msgstr "Diskon %(percent)d%%" msgid "Edit custom name servers" msgstr "Edit name server khusus" msgid "" "To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. " "Example:" msgstr "" "Untuk menentukan rentang, masukkan nilai rendah dan nilai tinggi yang " "dipisahkan oleh tanda hubung. Misalnya:" msgid "IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. Enter multiple IPs on separate lines." msgstr "IPv4 dan IPv6 diterima. Masukkan beberapa IP pada baris terpisah." msgid "Your current IP: %1$s" msgstr "IP Anda saat ini: %1$s" msgid "" "Allow individual site administrators to manage their own connections " "(connect and disconnect) to" msgstr "" "Perbolehkan administrator situs individu untuk mengelola hubungan mereka " "sendiri (menghubungkan dan memutuskan hubungan) ke" msgid "Sub-site override" msgstr "Penimpaan sub-situs" msgid "These settings affect all sites on the network." msgstr "Pengaturan ini akan mempengaruhi semua situs di jaringan." msgctxt "Affects all sites in a Multisite network." msgid "Global" msgstr "Global" msgid "One of your IP addresses was not valid." msgstr "Salah satu alamat IP Anda tidak valid." msgid "Jetpack Network Settings Updated!" msgstr "Pengaturan Jaringan Jetpack Diperbarui!" msgid "Jetpack is network activated and notices can not be dismissed." msgstr "" "Jetpack diaktifkan secara jaringan dan pemberitahuan tidak bisa diabaikan." msgid "Get started managing your Multisite install of Jetpack by connecting." msgstr "" "Mulai mengelola instalasi Jetpack Multisite Anda dengan menyambungkannya." msgid "Get started with Jetpack Multisite" msgstr "Memulai Jetpack Multisite" msgid "You can upgrade to %(planName)s through the Jetpack app" msgstr "Anda bisa upgrade ke %(planName)s melalui aplikasi Jetpack." msgid "" "Your current plan is an in-app purchase. You can upgrade to a different plan " "from within the WordPress app." msgstr "" "Paket Anda saat ini merupakan pembelian dalam aplikasi. Anda bisa upgrade ke " "paket lain dari dalam aplikasi WordPress." msgid "In-App Purchase" msgstr "Pembelian Dalam Aplikasi" msgid "A theme for writers that want to publish a newsletter using Jetpack." msgstr "Tema untuk penulis yang ingin memposkan buletin menggunakan Jetpack." msgid "" "{{pluginName/}} will help you optimize your site around your primary domain. " "We recommend adding a custom domain before installing." msgstr "" "{{pluginName/}} akan membantu Anda mengoptimalkan situs di sekitar domain " "utama Anda. Sebaiknya Anda menambah domain khusus sebelum menginstal." msgid "" "{{pluginName/}} will help you optimize your site around your primary domain. " "We recommend setting your custom domain as your primary before installing." msgstr "" "{{pluginName/}} akan membantu Anda mengoptimalkan situs di sekitar domain " "utama Anda. Sebaiknya Anda mengatur domain khusus sebagai domain utama " "sebelum menginstal." msgid "" "This plugin is identified as malicious. If you still insist to install the " "plugin, please continue by uploading the plugin again from WP Admin." msgstr "" "Plugin ini diketahui mengandung bahaya. Jika Anda masih sangat ingin " "menginstal plugin ini, silakan lanjutkan dengan mengunggahmya kembali dari " "WP Admin." msgid "The uploaded file is identified as malicious." msgstr "Plugin yang diunggah diketahui mengandung bahaya." msgid "" "If you have multiple products or require extensive order and shipping " "management then this might suit your needs better." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memiliki banyak produk atau memerlukan manajemen pesanan dan " "pengiriman yang lengkap, paket ini lebih sesuai untuk kebutuhan Anda." msgid "" "Don't miss your chance to grab 60% off your first year on all Jetpack " "products & plans!" msgstr "" "Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk mendapatkan diskon 60% tahun pertama untuk " "semua produk & paket Jetpack." msgid "" "Don't miss your chance to grab <strong>60% off</strong> your first year on " "all Jetpack products & plans!" msgstr "" "Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk mendapatkan diskon 60% tahun pertama untuk " "semua produk & paket Jetpack.<strong></strong>" msgid "Last chance - 60% off Jetpack this Valentine's week!" msgstr "Kesempatan terakhir - diskon 60% Jetpack promo Valentine!" msgid "Get GitHub previews inside your P2 posts." msgstr "Dapatkan pratinjau GitHub di dalam pos P2 Anda." msgid "" "Restoring the DNS records will not affect any of your " "subscriptions, but the records will change where your email is being " "delivered." msgstr "" "Memulihkan DNS record tidak akan memengaruhi langganan Anda, " "tetapi record tersebut akan mengubah tempat pengiriman email Anda." msgid "" "We will restore the DNS records for your %(emailServiceName)s email service." msgstr "" "Kami akan memulihkan DNS record untuk layanan email %(emailServiceName)s " "Anda." msgid "Restore DNS records for %(emailServiceName)s" msgstr "Pulihkan DNS record untuk %(emailServiceName)s" msgid "Restore DNS records for %s" msgstr "Pulihkan DNS record untuk %s" msgid "Failed to restore the DNS records for your email service" msgstr "Gagal memulihkan DNS record untuk layanan email Anda" msgid "DNS records for your email service were restored" msgstr "DNS record untuk layanan email Anda telah dipulihkan" msgid "Assign your license" msgid_plural "Assign your licenses" msgstr[0] "Tetapkan lisensi Anda" msgstr[1] "Tetapkan lisensi Anda" msgid "Assign License" msgstr "Tambah Lisensi" msgid "Search for website URL right here" msgstr "Cari URL situs di sini" msgid "Assign to site" msgstr "Tetapkan ke situs" msgid "Assign later" msgstr "Tambah nanti" msgid "Select the website you would like to assign the license to." msgid_plural "Select the website you would like to assign the licenses to." msgstr[0] "Pilih situs di mana Anda akan menambahkan lisensi." msgstr[1] "" msgid "" "Your installation of Jetpack is incomplete. If you installed Jetpack from " "GitHub, please refer to <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener " "noreferrer\">this document</a> to set up your development environment. " "Jetpack must have Composer dependencies installed and built via the build " "command: <code>jetpack build plugins/jetpack --deps</code>" msgstr "" "Instalasi Jetpack Anda belum selesai. Jika Anda menginstal Jetpack dari " "GitHub, baca <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer" "\">dokumen ini</a> untuk menyiapkan lingkungan pengembangan Anda. Jetpack " "mengharuskan dependensi Composer terinstal dan dibuat melalui perintah " "build: <code>jetpack build plugins/jetpack --deps</code>" msgid "" "Your installation of Jetpack is incomplete. If you installed Jetpack from " "GitHub, please refer to this document to set up your development " "environment: %1$s" msgstr "" "Instalan Jetpack Anda tidak lengkap. Jika Anda menginstal Jetpack dari " "GitHub, lihat dokumen ini untuk menyiapkan lingkungan pengembangan Anda: %1$s" msgid "" "Jetpack requires a more recent version of WordPress and has been paused. " "Please update WordPress to continue enjoying Jetpack." msgstr "" "Jetpack mewajibkan versi WordPress yang lebih baru dan kini statusnya " "dijeda. Harap perbarui WordPress agar tetap dapat menikmati Jetpack." msgid "" "Your version of WordPress (%1$s) is lower than the version required by " "Jetpack (%2$s). Please update WordPress to continue enjoying Jetpack." msgstr "" "Versi WordPress Anda (%1$s) lebih rendah daripada yang diperlukan oleh " "Jetpack (%2$s). Harap perbarui WordPress agar tetap dapat menikmati Jetpack." msgid "Confirm your decision" msgstr "Konfirmasi keputusan Anda" msgctxt "Universal Theme" msgid "Blockbase child themes." msgstr "Tema turunan Blockbase" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Universal Theme" msgstr "Tema Universal" msgid "The ID of the page that should display the latest posts" msgstr "ID halaman yang akan menampilkan pos terbaru" msgid "You accepted %1$s's invite" msgstr "Anda menerima ajakan dari %1$s" msgid "You are now a Contributor of %1$s." msgstr "Sekarang Anda adalah Kontributor untuk %1$s." msgid "You accepted %1$s's invite to contribute to %2$s" msgstr "Anda menerima ajakan dari %1$s untuk memberikan kontribusi ke %2$s" msgid "You are now a viewer of %1$s." msgstr "Sekarang Anda adalah pemirsa di %1$s." msgid "You accepted %1$s's invite to view %2$s" msgstr "Anda menerima ajakan dari %1$s untuk melihat %2$s" msgid "Start Reading" msgstr "Mulai Membaca" msgid "You are now an Administrator of %1$s." msgstr "Sekarang Anda adalah Administrator di %1$s." msgid "You accepted %1$s's invite to administer %2$s" msgstr "Anda menerima ajakan dari %1$s untuk mengelola %2$s" msgid "You are now an Author of %1$s." msgstr "Sekarang Anda adalah Penulis di %1$s." msgid "You accepted %1$s's invite to become an author of %2$s" msgstr "Anda menerima ajakan dari %1$s untuk menjadi penulis di %2$s" msgid "Start Contributing" msgstr "Mulai Berkontribusi" msgid "You are now an Editor of %1$s." msgstr "Sekarang Anda adalah Penyunting di %1$s." msgid "You accepted %1$s's invite to become an editor of %2$s" msgstr "Anda menerima ajakan dari %1$s untuk menjadi penyunting di %2$sajakan" msgid "<a %s>Accept Invitation</a>" msgstr "<a %s>Terima Ajakan</a>" msgid "You've been invited!" msgstr "Anda mendapat ajakan!" msgid "As a viewer, you will be able to view the content of this private site." msgstr "Sebagai pemirsa, Anda dapat melihat konten situs pribadi ini." msgid "" "As a subscriber, you can read the latest posts from this site in the " " Reader." msgstr "" "Sebagai pelanggan, Anda dapat membaca pos terbaru dari situs ini di Pembaca " "" msgid "" "As an administrator, you will be able to manage all aspects of this site." msgstr "Sebagai administrator, Anda dapat mengelola semua aspek situs ini." msgid "IONOS logo" msgstr "logo IONOS" msgid "Included in your IONOS plan" msgstr "Termasuk dalam paket IONOS Anda" msgid "" "There is %(numP2s)d P2 in your workspace. Please delete it prior to deleting " "your workspace." msgid_plural "" "There are %(numP2s)d P2s in your workspace. Please delete them prior to " "deleting your workspace." msgstr[0] "" "Ada %(numP2s)d P2 di workspace Anda. Mohon hapus sebelum menghapus workspace " "Anda." msgstr[1] "" "Ada %(numP2s)d P2 di workspace Anda. Mohon hapus sebelum menghapus workspace " "Anda." msgid "Go to your site listing" msgstr "Buka daftar situs Anda" msgid "" "Build and grow your online presence with a custom domain and personalized " "email address from" msgstr "" "Bangun dan kembangkan kehadiran online Anda dengan domain khusus dan alamat " "email pribadi dari" msgid "Email at your domain." msgstr "Email di domain Anda." msgid "See what countries your visitors are coming from" msgstr "Lihat negara asal para pengunjung Anda" msgid "%(siteName)s cannot be accessed." msgstr "%(siteName)s tidak dapat diakses." msgid "Unselect license" msgstr "Urungkan Pilihan Lisensi" msgid "VideoPress Video Player" msgstr "Pemutar Video VideoPress" msgid "" "For heavily trafficked sites, we recommend <a href=\"%s\">Akismet</a> for " "spam protection." msgstr "" "Untuk situs dengan lalu lintas padat, kami merekomendasikan <a href=\"%s" "\">Akismet</a> untuk perlindungan spam." msgid "60K API calls/mo" msgstr "60 ribu panggilan API/bln" msgid "10K API calls/mo" msgstr "10K panggilan API/bln" msgid "Comment and form spam protection (10k API calls/mo)" msgstr "Perlindungan spam untuk komentar dan formulir (10K panggilan API/bln)" msgid "Number of retry attempts" msgstr "Jumlah percobaan ulang" msgid "Could not open phpMyAdmin. Please try again." msgstr "Tidak dapat membuka phpMyAdmin. Mohon coba lagi." msgid "The channel argument must be a string." msgstr "Argumen saluran harus berupa string." msgid "You are not allowed to follow a page." msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengikuti sebuah halaman. " msgid "The user is not allowed to follow the specified site, post or comment." msgstr "" "Pengguna ini tidak diizinkan untuk mengikuti situs, pos, atau komentar yang " "telah ditentukan." msgid "The post ID the user is subscribing to." msgstr "ID pos yang menjadi langganan pengguna." msgid "The comment ID the user is subscribing to." msgstr "ID komentar yang menjadi langganan pengguna." msgid "Jetpack Monthly Report - %s" msgstr "Laporan Bulanan Jetpack - %s" msgid "" "It can take between a few minutes to 72 hours to verify the connection. You " "can continue to work on your site, but {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} " "won’t be reachable just yet. You can review the {{a}}setup instructions{{/" "a}} to ensure everything is correct." msgstr "" "Verifikasi koneksi memerlukan waktu antara beberapa menit hingga 72 jam. " "Anda tetap dapat menyesuaikan situs, tetapi {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/" "strong}} belum dapat diakses. Anda dapat meninjau {{a}}instruksi penyiapan{{/" "a}} untuk memastikan semuanya sudah benar." msgid "There was an error installing WooCommerce Services." msgstr "Ada error saat menginstal Layanan WooCommerce." msgid "There was an error installing Jetpack Boost. Please try again." msgstr "Terjadi error saat menginstal Jetpack Boost. Harap coba lagi." msgid "There was an error installing Jetpack Backup. Please try again." msgstr "Terjadi error saat menginstal Jetpack Backup. Harap coba lagi." msgctxt "label for formatting JSON" msgid "Minify" msgstr "Ringkas" msgctxt "label for formatting JSON" msgid "Pretty" msgstr "Indah" msgctxt "Text displayed when there is no information" msgid "None" msgstr "Tidak Ada" msgid "Last query information:" msgstr "Informasi kueri terakhir:" msgctxt "displayed in search results when results are cached" msgid "cache hit" msgstr "hit cache" msgid "There was an error installing Creative Mail." msgstr "Terjadi error saat menginstal Creative Mail." msgid "The Jetpack Forms extension could not be activated." msgstr "Ekstensi Formulir Jetpack tidak dapat diaktifkan." msgid "your business" msgstr "bisnis Anda" msgid "An {{logo/}} airline" msgstr "Maskapai {{logo/}}" msgid "Help your visitors find what they need" msgstr "Bantu pengunjung Anda menemukan kebutuhan mereka" msgid "The best real‑time WordPress backup plugin" msgstr "Plugin pencadangan‑WordPress real time terbaik" msgid "Price per license per month: %(price)s" msgstr "Harga tiap lisensi tiap bulan: %(price)s " msgid "Mailboxes and Productivity Tools" msgstr "Alat Mailbox dan Produktivitas" msgid "Mailboxes and Productivity Tools Renewal" msgstr "Pembaruan Alat Mailbox dan Produktivitas" msgid "Hide all features" msgstr "Sembunyikan semua fitur" msgid "30GB for emails and cloud storage" msgstr "30GB untuk email dan penyimpanan cloud" msgid "Real-time for Docs, Sheets, and Slides" msgstr "Real-time untuk Docs, Sheets, dan Slides" msgid "" "Gmail, Calendar, Contacts, Meet, Chat, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides and more" msgstr "Gmail, Calendar, Meet, Chat, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides dan lainnya" msgid "30GB storage for emails and cloud storage" msgstr "Penyimpanan 30GB untuk email dan cloud" msgid "Real-time collaboration for Docs, Sheets, and Slides" msgstr "Kolaborasi real-time untuk Docs, Sheets, dan Slides" msgid "24/7 via email" msgstr "Via email setiap saat (24/7)" msgid "30GB for emails" msgstr "30GB untuk email" msgid "Inbox, Calendar and Contacts" msgstr "Inbox, Kalender, dan Kontak" msgid "30GB storage for emails" msgstr "Penyimpanan 30GB untuk email" msgid "Collaboration" msgstr "Kolaborasi" msgid "Store and share files in the cloud" msgstr "Simpan dan bagikan berkas di cloud" msgid "Real-time collaboration" msgstr "Kolaborasi real-time" msgid "" "Business email with Gmail. Includes other collaboration and productivity " "tools from Google." msgstr "" "Email bisnis dengan Gmail. Termasuk alat kolaborasi dan produktivitas " "lainnya dari Google." msgid "" "Integrated email solution with powerful features. Manage your email and more " "on any device." msgstr "" "Solusi email terintegrasi dengan fitur canggih. Kelola email Anda dan fitur " "lainnya di perangkat apa pun." msgid "Mailboxes and Productivity Tools at %(domain)s" msgstr "Alat Mailbox dan Produktivitas pada %(domain)s" msgid "Everything you need to create a successful store" msgstr "Semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk membuat toko yang menghasilkan" msgid "" "From subscriptions to gym classes to luxury cars, WooCommerce is fully " "customizable." msgstr "" "Dari pengelolaan langganan hingga kelas gym hingga mobil mewah, WooCommerce " "sepenuhnya dapat dikelola sesuai kebutuhan." msgid "Customize and Extend" msgstr "Kelola dan Optimalkan" msgid "WooCommerce is one of the fastest-growing eCommerce communities." msgstr "" "WooCommerce adalah salah satu komunitas eCommerce yang berkembang paling " "cepat." msgid "Learn With a Global Community" msgstr "Belajar Bersama Komunitas Global" msgid "" "Manage your business on the go with the WooCommerce Mobile App. Create " "products, process orders, and keep an eye on key stats in real-time." msgstr "" "Kelola bisnis Anda saat bepergian dengan Aplikasi Ponsel WooCommerce. Buat " "produk, proses pesanan, dan pantau statistik utama secara real-time." msgid "Run Your Store From Anywhere" msgstr "Kelola Toko Anda dari Mana Saja" msgid "Requires a {{a}}paid plan{{/a}}" msgstr "Memerlukan {{a}}paket berbayar{{/a}}" msgid "" "Your {{b}}workspace{{/b}} is where you'll create all the different P2s for " "teams, projects, topics, etc." msgstr "" "{{b}}Workspace{{/b}} Anda adalah tempat Anda membuat berbagai P2 untuk tim, " "proyek, topik, dsb." msgid "Create a workspace" msgstr "Buat workspace" msgid "Preparing your domain" msgstr "Menyiapkan domain Anda" msgid "" "Set up a new store in minutes. Get secure payments, configurable shipping " "options, and more, out of the box." msgstr "" "Siapkan toko dalam beberapa menit. Aktifkan fitur pembayaran yang aman, atur " "pilihan pengiriman, dan aktifkan fitur lainnya yang canggih." msgid "Purchase and activate plugin" msgstr "Beli dan aktifkan plugin" msgid "Install and activate plugin" msgstr "Instal dan aktifkan plugin" msgid "Do you want to install the plugin %(plugin)s?" msgstr "Apakah Anda ingin menginstal plugin %(plugin)s?" msgid "You can also try Professional Email free for 3 months with your domain." msgstr "" "Anda juga bisa mencoba Professional Email gratis selama 3 bulan dengan " "domain Anda. " msgid "" "Yes! Try <a href=\"%s\">Professional Email</a> free for three months or " "choose the Google Workspace productivity and collaboration suite." msgstr "" "Ya! Silakan coba <a href=\"%s\">Professional Email</a>, gratis selama tiga " "bulan atau pilih paket produktivitas dan kolaborasi Google Workspace." msgid "Offer expires on %1$s" msgstr "Penawaran kedaluwarsa pada %1$s" msgid "One week left to accept your loan offer" msgstr "Sisa waktu satu minggu untuk dapat menerima penawaran pinjaman" msgid "Have any questions about your loan offer?" msgstr "Anda punya pertanyaan terkait penawaran pinjaman?" msgid "" "Just a friendly reminder that your loan offer through our partnership with " "Stripe Capital expires on %1$s. Here are the details:" msgstr "" "Sekadar mengingatkan bahwa penawaran pinjaman Anda melalui kemitraan dengan " "Stripe Capital akan kedaluwarsa pada %1$s. Berikut perinciannya:" msgid "" "This offer is available until %1$s. If you have any questions on your new " "offer, just reply to this email to get in touch with our partners at Stripe." msgstr "" "Penawaran ini tersedia hingga %1$s. Jika Anda punya pertanyaan terkait " "penawaran baru, balas email ini untuk menghubungi mitra kami di Stripe." msgid "" "Congratulations on paying down your loan! Based on your business’s strong " "continued performance, you’ve pre-qualified for a new loan offer for %1$s. " "Here are the details:" msgstr "" "Selamat, Anda telah membayar cicilan pinjaman! Karena kinerja bisnis Anda " "terus-menerus sangat baik, Anda memenuhi syarat awal untuk penawaran " "pinjaman baru senilai %1$s. Berikut perinciannya:" msgid "" "There’s no personal credit check or long application to fill out, and " "payments are made automatically through a percentage of each transaction. " "This offer is available until %1$s." msgstr "" "Tidak ada pemeriksaan kredit pribadi atau berlembar formulir yang perlu " "diisi. Pembayaran juga ditarik secara otomatis sebesar persentase tertentu " "dari tiap transaksi. Penawaran ini tersedia hingga %1$s." msgid "" "Based on your business’s strong recent performance, you’ve pre-qualified for " "a new loan offer through our partnership with Stripe Capital for %1$s. You " "can use this financing for whatever your business needs, such as buying " "equipment, investing in marketing, or managing cash flows." msgstr "" "Karena kinerja bisnis Anda baru-baru ini sangat baik, Anda memenuhi syarat " "awal untuk penawaran pinjaman baru melalui kemitraan kami dengan Stripe " "Capital senilai %1$s. Anda dapat menggunakan pinjaman ini untuk mendanai " "kebutuhan bisnis seperti membeli perlengkapan, berinvestasi pada pemasaran, " "atau mengelola arus kas." msgid "" "If you have any questions, you can learn more about the program %1$shere%2$s " "or just reply to this email to get in touch with our partners at Stripe." msgstr "" "Jika punya pertanyaan, Anda dapat mempelajari program lebih lanjut %1$sdi " "sini%2$s atau cukup balas email ini untuk menghubungi mitra kami di Stripe." msgid "" "Our financing program with Stripe Capital works differently than a " "traditional loan. There’s no personal credit check and no long application " "to fill out. And rather than making fixed payments, you’ll automatically " "repay the amount through a percentage of your WooPayments sales, which " "allows you to pay down more when business is busy and less if things slow " "down." msgstr "" "Program pembiayaan hasil kerja sama dengan Stripe Capital ini berbeda dari " "program pinjaman pada umumnya. Selain tanpa proses pemeriksaan kredit " "nasabah, Anda juga tidak perlu mengisi formulir panjang. Alih-alih dengan " "mencicil pinjamannya, pelunasannya akan dilakukan secara otomatis dengan " "mengambil sejumlah persentase dari nilai penjualan WooPayments Anda. Maka, " "Anda bisa mengangsur lebih jika bisnis sedang ramai, dan begitu pula " "sebaliknya." msgid "" "We wanted to reach out in case you have any questions regarding your loan " "offer for %1$s. As a reminder, you can view your offer here:" msgstr "" "Jangan sungkan menghubungi kami jika Anda punya pertanyaan terkait penawaran " "pinjaman Anda senilai %1$s. Sebagai pengingat, Anda dapat melihat penawaran " "di sini:" msgid "" "Refunds on recent card payments may be issued in the process of closing the " "account. If there are insufficient funds in the account to cover any " "necessary refunds, refunds will not be processed." msgstr "" "Pengembalian dana pembayaran kartu terbaru dapat dilakukan saat proses " "penutupan akun. Jika dana pada akun tidak cukup, pengembalian dana tidak " "akan diproses." msgid "Saved from reviewing <br/> %d spam comment so far this month." msgid_plural "Saved from reviewing <br/> %d spam comments so far this month." msgstr[0] "" "Kami sudah memfilter <br/> %d komentar spam sejak awal bulan hingga saat ini." msgstr[1] "" "Kami sudah memfilter <br/> %d komentar spam sejak awal bulan hingga saat ini." msgid "Saved from reviewing <br/> %1$d spam comment in %2$s." msgid_plural "Saved from reviewing <br/> %1$d spam comments in %2$s." msgstr[0] "Kami sudah memfilter <br/> %1$d komentar spam selama bulan %2$s." msgstr[1] "Kami sudah memfilter <br/> %1$d komentar spam selama bulan %2$s." msgid "More power" msgstr "Fitur Lengkap" msgid "" "Use with a site you already started.{{br/}}{{strong}}Free domain for the " "first year*{{/strong}}" msgstr "" "Gunakan untuk situs yang sudah Anda punya.{{br/}}{{strong}}Gratis domain " "selama tahun pertama*{{/strong}}" msgid "" "Customize and launch your site.{{br/}}{{strong}}Free domain for the first " "year*{{/strong}}" msgstr "" "Sesuaikan dan terbitkan situs Anda.{{br/}}{{strong}}Gratis domain selama " "tahun pertama*{{/strong}}" msgid "Enter some descriptive keywords to get started" msgstr "Masukkan beberapa kata kunci yang jelas untuk memulai" msgid "Choose your site" msgstr "Pilih situs Anda" msgid "Don’t worry, you can easily add a site later" msgstr "Jangan khawatir, Anda dapat menambahkan situs nanti dengan mudah" msgid "Choose how to use your domain" msgid_plural "Choose how to use your domains" msgstr[0] "Pilih digunakan untuk apa domain Anda" msgstr[1] "" msgid "" "Please switch to a device with a larger screen to access all email " "management features." msgstr "" "Mohon gunakan perangkat dengan layar yang lebih lebar untuk mengakses " "seluruh fitur pengelolaan e-mail." msgid "Activate your new Jetpack features" msgstr "Aktifkan fitur baru Jetpack Anda" msgid "Activate %(productName)s" msgstr "Aktifkan %(productName)s" msgid "" "You can also choose to just start with a domain and add a site with a plan " "later on." msgstr "" "Anda dapat memulai dengan domain saja dan menambahkan situs dengan paket " "nanti." msgid "Get started with %s" msgstr "Memulai dengan %s" msgid "" "P.S.: Our free plan is a great way to explore, but if you’re " "serious about your site, we highly recommend upgrading your website: %s." msgstr "" "N.B.: Paket gratis kami adalah cara yang tepat untuk mempelajari WordPress." "com, tetapi jika ingin membangun situs profesional, kami sangat menganjurkan " "untuk mengupgrade situs Anda: %s." msgid "The team" msgstr "Tim" msgid "4. Paid Newsletters" msgstr "4. Buletin Berbayar" msgid "" "Good news, your site is being protected from spam! We had some trouble " "getting recent stats, <a href=\"%s\" style=\"text-decoration:none;\">check " "your site dashboard</a> for the latest info." msgstr "" "Kabar baik, situs Anda terlindungi dari spam! Kami kesulitan mendapatkan " "statistik terkini, <a href=\"%s\" style=\"text-decoration:none;\">periksa " "dasbor situs Anda</a> untuk informasi terbaru." msgid "" "Spam message eliminated from your comments and forms so far this month, " "keeping your site clean." msgid_plural "" "Spam messages eliminated from your comments and forms so far this month, " "keeping your site clean." msgstr[0] "" "Pesan spam telah dibuang dari komentar dan formulir Anda sejak awal bulan " "hingga saat ini, jadi situs Anda tetap bersih." msgstr[1] "" "Pesan spam telah dibuang dari komentar dan formulir Anda sejak awal bulan " "hingga saat ini, jadi situs Anda tetap bersih." msgid "Manage your sites" msgstr "Kelola situs Anda" msgid "" "Jetpack’s video hosting feature allows you to upload videos from your " "computer to be hosted on, allowing fast loading, HD, ad-free " "video hosting." msgstr "" "Dengan fitur hosting video Jetpack, Anda bisa mengunggah video dari komputer " "untuk di-hosting di, sehingga hosting video berkualitas HD " "yang cepat dan bebas iklan kini jadi mungkin." msgid "" "WordPress has fantastic support for videos. On self hosted WordPress sites, " "videos will generally be stored on your host’s servers, or embedded from " "third party video hosting platforms." msgstr "" "WordPress menghadirkan dukungan luar biasa untuk video. Di situs WordPress " "yang di-hosting sendiri, video umumnya akan disimpan di server host atau " "disematkan dari platform hosting video pihak ketiga." msgid "Can WordPress host videos?" msgstr "Bisakah WordPress meng-hosting video?" msgid "" "To get unlimited videos with a total storage of up to 1 TB, upgrade to the " "paid plan." msgstr "" "Untuk mendapatkan penyimpanan video tanpa batas hingga 1 TB, silakan upgrade " "ke paket berbayar." msgid "" "Jetpack VideoPress is free to try. You get free video hosting for WordPress " "for one video with a file size of up to 1 GB." msgstr "" "Jetpack VideoPress dapat diuji coba gratis. Anda mendapatkan fitur hosting " "video gratis di WordPress untuk satu video dengan ukuran file sampai 1 GB." msgid "" "Take VideoPress for a spin and see how great it looks on your site. Simply " "upload a video to WordPress and unlock all the powerful features. Free video " "hosting for WordPress is limited to one video and one GB of storage." msgstr "" "Coba VideoPress sekarang dan buktikan sendiri manfaatnya untuk situs Anda. " "Cukup unggah video ke WordPress dan dapatkan semua fitur yang canggih. " "Hosting video gratis di WordPress dibatasi hanya untuk satu video dengan " "penyimpanan sebesar satu GB." msgid "For only %1$s%2$0.2f per month" msgstr "Hanya %1$s%2$0.2f per bulan" msgid "" "Jetpack’s performance features make your site lightning‑fast, while " "also improving your SEO and giving your visitors a better experience." msgstr "" "Fitur performa dari Jetpack menjadikan situs Anda secepat‑kilat sekaligus " "meningkatkan SEO dan menghadirkan pengalaman yang lebih baik bagi pengunjung " "situs Anda." msgid "Best‑in‑class speed, video, and search in just a few clicks" msgstr "" "Dengan kecepatan dan fitur video serta pencarian terbaik‑di‑kelasnya yang " "bisa diakses dengan beberapa klik" msgid "Public facing and editor style handles." msgstr "Handler komponen publik dan editor style." msgid "Public facing and editor script handles." msgstr "Handle script komponen publik dan editor." msgid "Block style name must not contain any spaces." msgstr "Nama style blok tidak boleh mengandung spasi." msgid "Get funding in as little as one day" msgstr "Dapatkan pendanaan hanya dalam satu hari" msgid "" "This email was sent to %1$s. If you’d rather not receive this kind of email, " "you can %2$sunsubscribe from future financing offer emails%3$s." msgstr "" "Email ini dikirim ke %1$s. Jika tidak ingin menerima email seperti ini, Anda " "dapat %2$sberhenti mengikuti email penawaran pendanaan%3$s." msgid "" "This offer is available until %1$s. If you have any questions, you can learn " "more about the program %2$shere%3$s or just reply to this email to get in " "touch with our partners at Stripe." msgstr "" "Penawaran ini tersedia hingga %1$s. Jika punya pertanyaan, Anda dapat " "mempelajari program lebih lanjut %2$sdi sini%3$s atau cukup balas email ini " "untuk menghubungi mitra kami di Stripe." msgid "" "You’ll automatically repay the loan, plus a flat fee, through a fixed " "percentage of each transaction, so you never have to think about it." msgstr "" "Anda akan secara otomatis membayar cicilan pinjaman beserta biaya tetap " "melalui persentase tetap dari tiap transaksi. Jadi, Anda tak perlu repot " "mengurusnya." msgid "Repay as you get paid." msgstr "Bayar saat Anda dibayar." msgid "" "The application only takes a few clicks, and applying won’t affect your " "personal credit score." msgstr "" "Pengajuan pinjaman hanya butuh beberapa kali klik saja, dan tidak akan " "memengaruhi skor kredit pribadi Anda." msgid "Select the amount that’s right for you." msgstr "Pilih jumlah sesuai kebutuhan Anda." msgid "" "You can use this financing for whatever your business needs, such as buying " "equipment, investing in marketing, or managing cash flows. Here’s how it " "works:" msgstr "" "Anda dapat menggunakan pinjaman ini untuk mendanai kebutuhan bisnis seperti " "membeli perlengkapan, berinvestasi pada pemasaran, atau mengelola arus kas. " "Begini caranya:" msgid "View your offer" msgstr "Lihat penawaran Anda" msgid "%1$s%% of sales go toward repayment" msgstr "%1$s%% dari penjualan ditarik untuk membayar cicilan" msgid "%1$s flat fee" msgstr "%1$s biaya tetap" msgid "Up to a %1$s loan" msgstr "Pinjaman hingga %1$s" msgid "" "Based on your business’s strong performance, you’re pre-qualified for a loan " "offer for %1$s through our partnership with Stripe Capital. Here are the " "details:" msgstr "" "Karena kinerja bisnis Anda sangat baik, Anda memenuhi syarat awal untuk " "penawaran pinjaman senilai %1$s melalui kemitraan kami dengan Stripe " "Capital. Berikut perinciannya:" msgid "Onboarding requires an up-to-date version of WooPayments." msgstr "" "Versi terbaru WooPayments harus terinstal untuk melakukan proses penyiapan." msgid "This theme is available at no cost to all sites." msgstr "Tema ini disediakan gratis untuk semua situs" msgid "" "Many of Jetpack’s core features make use of the cloud. In " "order to make sure everything works correctly, Jetpack requires you to " "connect a free account. If you don’t already have an account " "you can easily create one during the connection process." msgstr "" "Banyak fitur inti Jetpack yang memanfaatkan layanan cloud " "Untuk memastikan semuanya berjalan dengan baik, Jetpack mengharuskan Anda " "untuk menghubungkan akun (gratis). Jika Anda belum memiliki " "akun, Anda dapat dengan mudah membuatnya selama proses koneksi." msgid "" "Anyone with at least five websites can join our licensing platform and enjoy " "up to %(discountRate)s%% discount across all Jetpack products! You can learn " "more about our {{agenciesLink}}licensing platform and agency program here{{/" "agenciesLink}}." msgstr "" "Siapa pun yang memiliki setidaknya lima situs dapat bergabung dengan " "platform pemberian lisensi kami dan menikmati diskon hingga %(discountRate)s%" "% untuk semua produk Jetpack! Anda dapat mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang " "{{agenciesLink}} plaftorm pemberian lisensi dan program agensi kami di " "sini{{/agenciesLink}}." msgid "Do you have any discounts for multiple sites?" msgstr "Adakah diskon untuk pengelolaan banyak situs?" msgid "Your email address is not pre-approved for this workspace." msgstr "" "Alamat email Anda belum mendapat persetujuan awal untuk ruang kerja ini." msgid "This feature is available to P2 workspaces only." msgstr "Fitur ini hanya tersedia untuk ruang kerja P2 saja." msgid "Your email address needs to be verified to access this feature." msgstr "Alamat email Anda perlu diverifikasi untuk mengakses fitur ini." msgid "Jetpack on Linkedin" msgstr "Jetpack di Linkedin" msgid "Jetpack on Facebook" msgstr "Jetpack di Facebook" msgid "Jetpack on Twitter" msgstr "Jetpack di Twitter" msgid "Get the Jetpack app" msgstr "Dapatkan aplikasi Jetpack" msgid "Chat with the Jetpack team and share your thoughts" msgstr "Hubungi tim Jetpack dan sampaikan pendapat Anda" msgid "How can Jetpack improve?" msgstr "Aspek Jetpack mana yang bisa ditingkatkan?" msgid "Update to WordPress %s" msgstr "Perbarui ke WordPress %s" msgid "You’re running %s. Update to get all the latest WordPress features." msgstr "" "Anda menggunakan versi %s. Perbarui untuk mendapatkan semua fitur terbaru " "WordPress." msgid "New version of WordPress is out!" msgstr "Versi WordPress terbaru sudah rilis!" msgid "Your WordPress is up to date." msgstr "Versi WordPress Anda adalah yang terbaru" msgid "Find out what’s new" msgstr "Pelajari fitur yang baru" msgid "You’re running %s. Update to get all the latest Jetpack features." msgstr "" "Anda menggunakan %s. Perbarui untuk mendapatkan semua fitur terbaru Jetpack." msgid "New version of Jetpack is out!" msgstr "Versi Jetpack terbaru sudah rilis!" msgid "Your Jetpack is up to date." msgstr "Versi Jetpack Anda adalah yang terbaru" msgid "" "<a href=\"%s\" rel=\"noopener\" style=\"text-decoration: underline; color: " "#000000;\" target=\"_blank\">Enable Protect</a> to block attacks on your " "site." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\" rel=\"noopener\" style=\"text-decoration: underline; color: " "#000000;\" target=\"_blank\">Aktifkan Protect</a> untuk memblokir serangan " "terhadap situs Anda." msgid "We’re blocking brute force attacks." msgstr "Kami memblokir serangan brute force." msgid "Blocked brute force attack lifetime." msgid_plural "Blocked brute force attacks lifetime." msgstr[0] "Serangan brute force yang diblokir sejauh ini." msgstr[1] "Serangan brute force yang diblokir sejauh ini." msgid "" "<a href=\"%s\" rel=\"noopener\" style=\"text-decoration: underline; color: " "#000000;\" target=\"_blank\">Enable it for free</a> so we can alert you if " "your site goes down." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\" rel=\"noopener\" style=\"text-decoration: underline; color: " "#000000;\" target=\"_blank\">Aktifkan, gratis,</a> agar kami dapat " "memperingatkan Anda jika situs menjadi tidak aktif." msgid "We will alert you immediately if your site goes down." msgstr "Kami akan segera memperingatkan Anda jika situs menjadi tidak aktif." msgid "" "<a href=\"%s\" rel=\"noopener\" style=\"text-decoration: underline; color: " "#000000;\" target=\"_blank\">Upgrade</a> to clear spam from comments." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\" rel=\"noopener\" style=\"text-decoration: underline; color: " "#000000;\" target=\"_blank\">Upgrade</a> untuk menghapus spam dari komentar." msgid "We’re filtering spam comments." msgstr "Kami menyaring komentar spam." msgid "%d<span style=\"font-size: 36px;\">d</span>" msgstr "%d<span style=\"font-size: 36px;\">h</span>" msgid "%d<span style=\"font-size: 36px;\">hr</span>" msgstr "%d<span style=\"font-size: 36px;\">jam</span>" msgid "%d<span style=\"font-size: 36px;\">min</span>" msgstr "%d<span style=\"font-size: 36px;\">mnt</span>" msgid "" "<a href=\"%s\" rel=\"noopener\" style=\"text-decoration: underline; color: " "#000000;\" target=\"_blank\">Upgrade</a> to get real-time backups and one-" "click restores." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\" rel=\"noopener\" style=\"text-decoration: underline; color: " "#000000;\" target=\"_blank\">Upgrade</a> untuk mendapatkan pencadangan real-" "time dan pemulihan sekali klik." msgid "" "<a href=\"%s\" rel=\"noopener\" style=\"text-decoration: underline; color: " "#000000;\" target=\"_blank\">Upgrade</a> to protect your site from malware." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\" rel=\"noopener\" style=\"text-decoration: underline; color: " "#000000;\" target=\"_blank\">Upgrade</a> untuk melindungi situs Anda dari " "malware." msgid "Protecting your site" msgstr "Melindungi situs Anda" msgid "Click rate on the first result" msgstr "Tingkat klik pada hasil pertama" msgid "Searches" msgstr "Pencarian" msgid "Top 3 searches" msgstr "Tiga Pencarian teratas" msgid "Total searches on your site" msgstr "Total pencarian di situs Anda" msgid "Learn how to get more visitors" msgstr "Pelajari cara mendapatkan lebih banyak pengunjung" msgid "See your most viewed pages" msgstr "Lihat halaman Anda yang paling banyak dikunjungi" msgid "%sk" msgstr "%sk" msgid "Warning! Your store cannot create subscriptions less than %s" msgstr "" "Peringatan! Toko Anda tidak dapat menambahkan produk langganan yang kurang " "dari %s" msgid "Please enter a price greater than %s." msgstr "Harap masukkan harga di atas %s." msgid "" "This variation can not be removed because it is associated with existing " "subscriptions. To remove this variation, please permanently delete any " "related subscriptions." msgstr "" "Variasi ini tidak dapat dihapus karena terhubung dengan langganan aktif. " "Untuk menghapus variasi ini, hapus secara permanen langganan yang terhubung." msgid "" "This %1$s couldn't be loaded from the database. %1$s Click to learn more." msgstr "" "%1$s ini tidak dapat diproses dari database. %1$s Klik untuk informasi " "selengkapnya." msgid "Supports automatic renewal payments." msgstr "Mendukung pembayaran perpanjangan otomatis." msgid "" "This subscription couldn't be loaded from the database. %s Click to learn " "more." msgstr "" "Langganan ini tidak dpaat diproses dari database. %s Klik untuk informasi " "selengkapnya." msgctxt "hash before subscription number" msgid "#%s" msgstr "#%s" msgid "" "There was a problem creating your subscription. %1$s doesn't meet the " "%2$sminimum recurring amount%3$s this payment method can process." msgstr "" "Terjadi masalah saat membuat langganan Anda. %1$s tidak memenuhi %2$sjumlah " "berulang minimal%3$s yang dapat diproses metode pembayaran ini." msgid "You have exceeded the number of allowed verification attempts." msgstr "Anda telah melebihi jumlah percobaan verifikasi yang diizinkan." msgid "" "Microdeposit transfers failed. Please check the account, institution and " "transit numbers." msgstr "" "Transfer deposit mikro gagal. Periksa rekening, lembaga, dan kode transit." msgid "The customer's bank account could not be located." msgstr "Rekening bank pelanggan tidak dapat ditemukan." msgid "The customer's account has insufficient funds to cover this payment." msgstr "" "Rekening pelanggan tidak memiliki dana yang cukup untuk melakukan pembayaran " "ini." msgid "" "The customer has notified their bank that this payment was unauthorized." msgstr "" "Pelanggan telah memberi tahu pihak bank bahwa pembayaran ini tidak " "diotorisasi." msgid "The customer's bank account has been closed." msgstr "Rekening bank pelanggan telah ditutup." msgid "Redeem your %1$s coupon to get %2$d%% off %3$s for one year" msgstr "" "Tukarkan kupon %1$s Anda untuk mendapatkan %2$d%% diskon%3$s selama setahun" msgid "Redeem your Jetpack %1$s coupon" msgstr "Tukarkan kupon %1$s Jetpack Anda" msgid "Redeem your %1$s coupon to get free %2$s for one year" msgstr "Tukarkan kupon %1$s untuk mendapatkan %2$s gratis selama setahun" msgid "Get %1$s free for one year!" msgstr "Dapatkan %1$s gratis selama setahun!" msgid "Redeem" msgstr "Tukarkan" msgctxt "JITM: partner coupon" msgid "secure cloud backups" msgstr "pencadangan cloud yang aman" msgid "Your site is connected to Jetpack." msgstr "Situs Anda terhubung dengan Jetpack." msgid "The product argument must be a string." msgstr "Argumen product harus berupa string." msgid "Basic tools for a successful site" msgstr "Peralatan wajib agar situs berhasil" msgid "Production action to execute" msgstr "Kegiatan produksi yang harus dijalankan" msgid "Product slug" msgstr "Slug produk" msgid "Powered by {{a}}WooCommerce{{/a}}" msgstr "Didukung oleh {{a}}WooCommerce{{/a}}" msgid "Powered by {{a}}Payment Blocks{{/a}}" msgstr "Didukung oleh {{a}}Blok Pembayaran{{/a}}" msgid "" "Ideal if you’re looking to accept donations or sell one or two products " "without needing to manage shipping." msgstr "" "Cocok jika Anda ingin mengumpulkan donasi atau menjual produk (satu atau " "lebih) tanpa perlu mengelola pengiriman." msgid "Start simple" msgstr "Mulai dengan mudah" msgid "Let’s create a website that suits your needs." msgstr "Mari kita buat situs web yang sesuai kebutuhan Anda." msgid "Learn how Jetpack powers up your site" msgstr "Lihat berbagai manfaat Jetpack untuk situs Anda" msgid "Starting at %1$s%2$0.2f per month" msgstr "Mulai dari %1$s%2$0.2f per bulan" msgid "%s is too long." msgstr "%s terlalu panjang." msgid "Missing %s." msgstr "%s tidak ada." msgid "Your response has been sent. Thank you!" msgstr "Respons Anda telah dikirimkan. Terima kasih!" msgid "" "The server cannot process the image. This can happen if the server is busy " "or does not have enough resources to complete the task. Uploading a smaller " "image may help. Suggested maximum size is 2560 pixels." msgstr "" "Server tidak dapat memproses gambar. Hal ini disebabkan karena server sibuk " "atau sumber daya tidak cukup untuk menyelesaikan tugas. Mengunggah gambar " "yang lebih kecil mungkin membantu. Ukuran maksimal yang disarankan adalah " "2560 piksel." msgid "Keep me updated" msgstr "Kirimi saya kabar pembaruan!" msgid "" "Paid plugins are not yet available for Jetpack Sites but we can notify you " "when they are ready." msgstr "" "Plugin berbayar belum tersedia untuk Situs Jetpack, tetapi kami dapat " "memberi tahu Anda jika sudah siap." msgid "Thanks for your interest. " msgstr "Terima kasih atas minat Anda." msgid "no subscription associated with this order" msgstr "tidak ada langganan yang tertaut ke pesanan ini" msgid "Plugin File Editor" msgstr "Editor File Plugin" msgid "First, let's give your store a name" msgstr "Pertama, beri nama toko Anda" msgid "Update your site's design" msgstr "Perbarui desain situs Anda" msgid "" "Import posts, pages, and media from a supported %(importerName)s export file" msgstr "" "Impor postingan, halaman, dan media dari file ekspor WordPress " "%(importerName)s yang didukung" msgid "HTML title for the template, transformed for display." msgstr "Judul HTML untuk template (akan ditampilkan)." msgid "Title for the template, as it exists in the database." msgstr "Judul untuk template, sesuai dengan basis data." msgid "Version of the content block format used by the template." msgstr "Versi format blok konten digunakan oleh template." msgid "Content for the template, as it exists in the database." msgstr "Konten untuk template, sesuai dengan basis data." msgid "Source of a customized template" msgstr "Sumber dari template yang disesuaikan" msgid "Type of template." msgstr "Jenis templat." msgid "Website Built by" msgstr "Situs yang Dikembangkan" msgid "Postal code (optional)" msgstr "Kode pos (opsional)" msgid "Not available for this domain name" msgstr "Tidak tersedia untuk nama domain ini" msgid "More than %s" msgstr "Lebih dari %s" msgid "Up to %s" msgstr "Hingga %s" msgid "%s (I'm just getting started)" msgstr "%s (Saya baru saja memulai)" msgid "%s+" msgstr "%s+" msgid "What's your current annual revenue?" msgstr "Berapa pendapatan tahunan Anda saat ini?" msgid "There is already a %1$s subscription for %2$s." msgstr "Sudah ada langganan %1$s untuk %2$s." msgid "Jetpack home" msgstr "Beranda Jetpack" msgid "An %s airline" msgstr "Perusahaan dari %s" msgid "Jetpack Youtube channel" msgstr "Saluran YouTube Jetpack" msgid "Jetpack LinkedIn page" msgstr "Halaman LinkedIn Jetpack" msgid "Jetpack Facebook page" msgstr "Halaman Facebook Jetpack" msgid "Jetpack Twitter account" msgstr "Akun Twitter Jetpack" msgid "For Agencies" msgstr "Untuk Lembaga" msgid "For Hosts" msgstr "Untuk Penyedia Hosting" msgid "Recommended Hosts" msgstr "Rekomendasi Penyedia Hosting" msgid "Download Jetpack on the App Store" msgstr "Unduh Jetpack dari App Store" msgid "Get Jetpack on Google Play" msgstr "Dapatkan Jetpack dari Google Play" msgid "Could not sanitize the %1$s option. Error code: %2$s" msgstr "Tidak dapat membersikah opsi %1$s. Kode eror: %2$s" msgid "Valentine's week sale, get 60% off!" msgstr "Promo Valentine, dapatkan diskon 60%!" msgid "%1$s only accepts a non-empty path string, received %2$s." msgstr "%1$s hanya menerima string non-empty path, %2$s diterima." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to upload this file type." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengunggah tipe berkas ini." msgid "" "Let your site stand out from the crowd with a modern and stylish Premium " "theme. Premium themes are included in your plan." msgstr "" "Buat situs Anda lain dari yang lain dengan tema Premium yang modern dan " "keren. Tema Premium termasuk dalam paket Anda." msgid "Farrow is a minimalist theme, designed for single-page websites." msgstr "Farrow adalah tema minimalis, dirancang untuk situs web satu halaman. " msgid "Limit result set to orders assigned a specific tumblrpay order type." msgstr "" "Batasi hasil pada pesanan-pesanan dengan jenis pesanan tumblrpay khusus." msgid "Your product is pending activation" msgstr "Aktivasi produk Anda ditunda" msgid "GitHub embed" msgstr "Sematan GitHub" msgid "Connect one more account" msgstr "Sambungkan akun lainnya" msgid "Barnett is a minimalist theme, designed for single-page websites." msgstr "" "Barnett adalah tema minimalis, dirancang untuk situs web satu halaman. " msgid "Valentines week sale - get 60% off!" msgstr "Promo Valentine, dapatkan diskon 60%!" msgid "WordPress security from WordPress experts." msgstr "Keamanan WordPress dari ahli WordPress" msgid "" "However, you can still <a href=\"%s\">activate this theme</a>, and use the " "Site Editor to customize it." msgstr "" "Meski begitu, Anda masih bisa <a href=\"%s\">mengaktifkan tema ini</a>dan " "menggunakan Editor Situs untuk menyesuaikannya." msgid "This theme doesn't support Customizer." msgstr "Tema ini tidak mendukung Customizer." msgid "Add shipment tracking information to your orders." msgstr "Tambahkan informasi pelacakan pengiriman untuk pesanan Anda." msgid "" "Powerful marketing automation for WooCommerce. AutomateWoo has the tools you " "need to grow your store and make more money." msgstr "" "Otomatisasi pemasaran yang andal untuk WooCommerce. AutomateWoo dilengkapi " "alat yang Anda perlukan untuk mengembangkan toko Anda dan menghasilkan lebih " "banyak uang." msgid "WooCommerce AutomateWoo" msgstr "WooCommerce AutomateWoo " msgid "" "Allow customers to book appointments, make reservations or rent equipment " "without leaving your site." msgstr "" "Pelanggan dapat membuat janji temu, melakukan pemesanan, atau menyewa " "peralatan tanpa meninggalkan situs Anda." msgid "" "Let customers subscribe to your products or services and pay on a weekly, " "monthly, or annual basis." msgstr "" "Izinkan pelanggan untuk berlangganan produk atau layanan Anda, dan membayar " "secara mingguan, bulanan, atau tahunan." msgid "WooCommerce Marketplace" msgstr "Marketplace WooCommerce" msgid "Powered by Titan icon" msgstr "Ikon Didukung oleh Titan" msgid "Set up an online store" msgstr "Buat sebuah toko online" msgid "Sell" msgstr "Jual" msgid "Domain change required" msgstr "Terjadi perubahan domain" msgid "We will guide you to get started based on your responses." msgstr "Kami akan memandu Anda untuk memulai berdasarkan jawaban Anda." msgid "Tell us a bit about your business" msgstr "Beri tahu kami tentang bisnis Anda" msgid "What is the platform name? (optional)" msgstr "Apa nama platformnya? (oopsional)" msgid "Etsy" msgstr "Etsy" msgid "eBay" msgstr "eBay" msgid "BigCommerce" msgstr "BigCommerce" msgid "Shopify" msgstr "Shopify" msgid "Which platform is the store using? (optional)" msgstr "Platform apa yang digunakan toko Anda?" msgid "Yes, on another platform and in person at physical stores and/or events" msgstr "Ya, di platform lain dan langsung di toko dan/atau kegiatan offline" msgid "Yes, in person at physical stores and/or events" msgstr "Ya, langsung di toko dan/atau kegiatan offline" msgid "Yes, I own a different store powered by WooCommerce" msgstr "Ya, saya memiliki toko lain yang didukung oleh WooCommerce" msgid "Yes, on another platform" msgstr "Ya, di platform lain" msgid "Currently selling elsewhere? (optional)" msgstr "Saat ini berjualan di tempat lain? (opsional)" msgid "1000+" msgstr "1000+" msgid "101-1000" msgstr "101-1000" msgid "11-101" msgstr "11-101" msgid "1-10" msgstr "1-10" msgid "How many products do you plan to display? (optional)" msgstr "Jumlah produk yang ingin Anda tampilkan? (opsional)" msgid "Physical Products" msgstr "Produk Fisik" msgid "What type of products will be listed? (optional)" msgstr "Produk jenis apa yang akan disertakan? (opsional)" msgid "" "Restore your site to any past state while keeping all orders and products " "current." msgstr "" "Pulihkan situs ke kondisi apa pun di masa lalu dengan tetap membiarkan semua " "pesanan dan produk di masa kini." msgid "" "What is Crowdsignal? <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Learn " "more here.</a>" msgstr "" "Apa itu Crowdsignal? <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener" "\">Pelajari selengkapnya di sini.</a>" msgid "" "Looking for a free email solution? Start with {{a}}Email Forwarding{{/a}}." msgstr "Mencari solusi email gratis? Mulai dengan {{a}}Penerusan Email{{/a}}." msgid "Transfer domain connection" msgstr "Transfer koneksi domain" msgid "Confirm Domain Connection Transfer" msgstr "Konfirmasi Transfer Koneksi Domain" msgid "" "The target site doesn't have a paid plan, so you won't be able to set this " "domain as primary on the site." msgstr "" "Situs yang dituju tidak mempunyai paket berbayar, sehingga Anda tidak dapat " "menjadikannya sebagai domain utama situs." msgid "Site redirect updated successfully." msgstr "Berhasil memperbarui pengalihan situs." msgid "Remove this site redirect permanently" msgstr "Hapus pengalihan situs ini secara permanen" msgid "" "The type of object originally represented, such as \"category\", \"post\", " "or \"attachment\"." msgstr "" "Jenis objek yang awalnya direpresentasikan, seperti \"kategori\", \"artikel" "\", atau \"lampiran\"." msgid "Included with an annual plan" msgstr "Tersedia di paket tahunan" msgid "Switch to an annual plan and save!" msgstr "Beralih ke paket tahunan dan simpan!" msgid "Calvin is a minimalist theme, designed for single-page websites." msgstr "Calvin adalah tema minimalis, dirancang untuk situs web satu halaman. " msgid "Bennet is a minimalist theme, designed for single-page websites." msgstr "Bennet adalah tema minimalis, dirancang untuk situs web satu halaman. " msgid "%s thanks you for your support" msgstr "Terima kasih atas dukungan Anda, %s" msgid "Tip %s $%s USD" msgstr "Beri tip untuk %s sebesar $%s USD" msgid "Secured and encrypted" msgstr "Aman dan terenkripsi" msgid "Order review" msgstr "Ulasan pesanan" msgid "" "By clicking “Pay now,” you agree to our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://" "\">Terms of Service</a>, have read our " "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Privacy Policy</" "a>, and authorize your payment method to be saved until you delete it and " "charged on a recurring basis until you cancel. You understand <a target=" "\"_blank\" href=\"%1$s\">how your subscription works, how to cancel, and how " "to delete your payment method</a>." msgstr "" "Dengan mengeklik “Bayar sekarang,” Anda menyetujui <a target=\"_blank\" href=" "\"\">Ketentuan Layanan</a> " "kami, telah membaca <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" "privacy\">Kebijakan Privasi</a> kami, dan mengizinkan metode pembayaran " "disimpan hingga Anda menghapusnya dan akan ditagihkan secara berulang hingga " "Anda membatalkannya. Anda memahami <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%1$s\">cara " "kerja langganan, cara membatalkan, dan cara menghapus metode pembayaran " "Anda</a>." msgid "Product Brands" msgstr "Brand Produk" msgid "Shop by Brand" msgstr "Belanja berdasarkan Brand" msgid "You're viewing:" msgstr "Anda melihat:" msgid "More products" msgstr "Produk lainnya" msgid "New In Store" msgstr "Baru di Toko" msgid "On Sale Now" msgstr "Sedang Diobral" msgid "Best Selling Products" msgstr "Produk Terlaris" msgid "On Sale Products" msgstr "Produk Promo" msgid "Popular Products" msgstr "Produk Populer" msgid "We Recommend" msgstr "Rekomendasi Kami" msgid "View your shopping cart" msgstr "Lihat keranjang belanja Anda" msgid "" "Displays next and previous links on product pages. A product thumbnail is " "displayed with the title revealed on hover." msgstr "" "Menampilkan tautan selanjutnya dan sebelumnya di halaman produk. Gambar " "poster produk ditampilkan dengan judul yang muncul saat kursor berada di " "atas gambar tersebut." msgid "Product Pagination" msgstr "Paginasi Produk" msgid "" "A small content bar at the top of the browser window which includes relevant " "product information and an add-to-cart button. It slides into view once the " "standard add-to-cart button has scrolled out of view." msgstr "" "Bilah konten kecil di atas jendela browser yang menyertakan informasi produk " "yang relevan dan tombol tambahkan-ke-keranjang. Bilah konten ini akan " "terlihat setelah tombol tambahkan-ke-keranjang standar keluar dari tampilan." msgid "Sticky Add-To-Cart" msgstr "Tambahkan-Ke-Keranjang yang Melekat" msgid "Edit this section" msgstr "Edit bagian ini" msgid "Built with Storefront" msgstr "Dibuat dengan Storefront" msgid "Storefront - The perfect platform for your next WooCommerce project." msgstr "" "Storefront - Platform tepat untuk proyek WooCommerce Anda selanjutnya." msgid "Built with Storefront & WooCommerce" msgstr "Dibuat dengan Storefront & WooCommerce" msgid "WooCommerce - The Best eCommerce Platform for WordPress" msgstr "WooCommerce - Platform eCommerce Terbaik untuk WordPress" msgid "Looking for more options?" msgstr "Mencari lebih banyak pilihan?" msgid "General Layout" msgstr "Tata Letak Umum" msgid "Alternate button text color" msgstr "Warna teks tombol alternatif" msgid "Alternate button background color" msgstr "Warna latar belakang tombol alternatif" msgid "Customize the look & feel of your website buttons." msgstr "Sesuaikan tampilan & gaya tombol situs Anda." msgid "Customize the look & feel of your website footer." msgstr "Sesuaikan tampilan & gaya footer situs Anda." msgid "Hero heading color" msgstr "Warna judul hero" msgid "Link / accent color" msgstr "Warna aksen / tautan" msgid "" "Why not leave us a review on %1$$s? We'd really appreciate " "it!" msgstr "" "Maukah membuat ulasan di %1$$s untuk kami? Akan sangat " "berharga bagi kami!" msgid "Enjoying %s?" msgstr "Puas dengan %s?" msgid "" "There's a range of %1$s extensions available to put additional power in your " "hands. Check out the %2$s%3$s%4$s page in your dashboard for more " "information." msgstr "" "Ada berbagai macam ekstensi %1$s yang tersedia untuk memberikan fungsi " "tambahan bagi Anda. Lihat halaman %2$s%3$s%4$s di dasbor Anda untuk " "mendapatkan informasi selengkapnya." msgid "Collapse child menu" msgstr "Persempit menu turunan" msgid "Expand child menu" msgstr "Perlebar menu turunan" msgid "Widgets added here will appear in column %1$d of footer row %2$d." msgstr "" "Widget yang ditambahkan di sini akan muncul di kolom %1$d baris %2$d pada " "footer." msgid "Footer Row %1$d - Column %2$d" msgstr "Footer Baris %1$d - Kolom %2$d" msgid "Widgets added here will appear in column %1$d of the footer." msgstr "Widget yang ditambahkan di sini akan muncul di kolom %1$d pada footer." msgid "" "Widgets added to this region will appear beneath the header and above the " "main content." msgstr "" "Widget yang ditambahkan di daerah ini akan muncul di bawah header dan di " "atas konten utama." msgid "Below Header" msgstr "Di Bawah Header" msgid "Handheld Menu" msgstr "Menu Genggam" msgid "Subscription to %s" msgstr "Langganan ke %s" msgid ""%s" could not be selected" msgstr "\"%s\" tidak dapat dipilih" msgid ""%s" was successfully selected" msgstr "\"%s\" berhasil dipilih" msgid "Remember this card" msgstr "Ingat kartu ini" msgid "" "Error processing your request. Please try refreshing the page. Contact us if " "you continue to have issues." msgstr "" "Terjadi error saat memproses permintaan Anda. Coba segarkan halaman ini. " "Hubungi kami jika masalah terus terjadi." msgid "" "The page you were looking for could not be found. It might have been " "removed, renamed, or did not exist in the first place." msgstr "" "Halaman yang Anda cari tidak dapat ditemukan. Halaman tersebut mungkin telah " "dihapus, diubah namanya, atau sejak awal memang tidak ada." msgid "" "Limit result set to users matching at least one specific capability " "provided. Accepts csv list or single capability." msgstr "" "Batasi jumlah hasil untuk pengguna sesuai setidaknya satu kapabilitas yang " "disediakan. Terima kapabilitas daftar csv atau satuan." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to filter users by capability." msgstr "" "Maaf, Anda tidak diperbolehkan untuk menyaring pengguna berdasarkan " "kapabilitas." msgid "Choose from 80+ available blocks!" msgstr "Pilih dari 80+ blok yang tersedia!" msgid "" "If this is a development website, you can <a href=\"%s\">set the environment " "type accordingly</a> to enable application passwords." msgstr "" "Jika ini situs pengembangan, Anda dapat <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank" "\">mengatur environment type yang sesuai</a> untuk mengaktifkan kata sandi " "aplikasi. " msgid "" "The application password feature requires HTTPS, which is not enabled on " "this site." msgstr "" "Fitur kata sandi aplikasi memerlukan HTTPS, yang tidak diaktifkan di situs " "ini." msgid "Address line 2 (optional)" msgstr "Baris alamat 2 (opsional)" msgid "Your Jetpack Search dashboard requires JavaScript to function properly." msgstr "" "Dasbor Pencarian Anda memerlukan JavaScript yang berfungsi dengan benar." msgctxt "product name shown in menu" msgid "Search" msgstr "Cari" msgid "The arguments passed in are invalid." msgstr "Argumen yang dimasukkan tidak valid." msgid "Some settings ( %s ) not updated." msgstr "Beberapa pengaturan ( %s ) tidak diperbarui." msgid "Your plan does not support Instant Search." msgstr "Paket Anda tidak mendukung Instant Search." msgid "Search module needs to be activated before enabling instant search." msgstr "" "Modul pencarian perlu diaktifkan sebeluh mengaktifkan pencarian instan." msgid "Your plan does not support Jetpack Search." msgstr "Paket Anda tidak mendukung Jetpack Search." msgctxt "post type singular name" msgid "Template Part" msgstr "Bagian Template" msgctxt "post type general name" msgid "Template Parts" msgstr "Bagian-bagian Template" msgid "%(days)d day money back guarantee." msgstr "Garansi %(days)d hari uang kembali.**" msgid "Get up to %(percent)d% off your first year" msgstr "Dapatkan diskon sampai %(percent)d%% di tahun pertama." msgctxt "file type group" msgid "Video" msgstr "Video" msgctxt "file type group" msgid "Audio" msgstr "Audio" msgid "Navigation menus that can be inserted into your site." msgstr "Menu navigasi yang dapat dimasukkan ke dalam situs Anda." msgctxt "post type singular name" msgid "Navigation Menu" msgstr "Menu Navigasi" msgctxt "post type general name" msgid "Navigation Menus" msgstr "Menu Navigasi" msgid "Global styles to include in themes." msgstr "Pengaturan global untuk disertakan dalam tema." msgctxt "post type general name" msgid "Global Styles" msgstr "Style Global" msgid "Please add a valid email address" msgstr "Mohon tambahkan alamat email yang valid" msgid "" "\"%1$s\" style should not be enqueued together with the new widgets editor " "(%2$s or %3$s)." msgstr "" "Style %1$s seharusnya tidak disertakan bersamaan dengan editor widget baru " "(%2$s atau %3$s)." msgid "" "\"%1$s\" script should not be enqueued together with the new widgets editor " "(%2$s or %3$s)." msgstr "" "Script \"%1$s\" seharusnya tidak disertakan bersamaan dengan editor widget " "baru (%2$s atau %3$s)." msgid "REST namespace route for the taxonomy." msgstr "Rute namespace REST untuk taksonomi." msgid "" "Whether to make the post type available for selection in navigation menus." msgstr "Untuk menjadikan tipe pos tersedia untuk dipilih dalam menu navigasi." msgid "Whether to generate a default UI for managing this post type." msgstr "Untuk membuat UI standar untuk mengelola tipe pos ini." msgid "The visibility settings for the post type." msgstr "Pengaturan tampilan untuk tipe pos." msgid "REST route's namespace for the post type." msgstr "Rute REST namespace untuk tipe pos." msgid "" "You should remove this subscription before downgrading your plan. Would you " "like to remove this subscription and downgrade your plan?" msgid_plural "" "You should remove these subscriptions before downgrading your plan. Would " "you like to remove all subscriptions and downgrade your plan?" msgstr[0] "" "Anda harus menghapus langganan ini sebelum downgrade versi paket Anda. " "Apakah Anda ingin menghapus langganan ini dan downgrade versi paket Anda?" msgstr[1] "" "Anda harus menghapus langganan ini sebelum downgrade versi paket Anda. " "Apakah Anda ingin menghapus langganan ini dan downgrade versi paket Anda?" msgid "The following subscription depends on your plan:" msgid_plural "The following subscriptions depend on your plan:" msgstr[0] "Langganan berikut bergantung pada paket Anda:" msgstr[1] "Langganan berikut bergantung pada paket Anda:" msgid "Remove Plan & All Subscriptions" msgstr "Hapus Paket & Semua Langganan" msgid "You are editing a draft post. Auto-save is enabled." msgstr "Anda sedang menyunting pos konsep. Simpan otomatis diaktifkan." msgid "Let us choose" msgstr "Mari kami pilihkan" msgid "Please add a city" msgstr "Mohon tambahkan kota" msgid "Please select a country / region" msgstr "Mohon pilih negara / wilayah" msgid "Please add an address" msgstr "Mohon tambahkan alamat" msgid "Transfer details" msgstr "Detail transfer" msgid "" "The transfer should complete by {{strong}}%(transferFinishDate)s{{/strong}}. " "{{a}}Learn more{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Transfer akan selesai sebelum {{strong}}%(transferFinishDate)s{{/strong}}. " "{{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}}" msgid "" "We are waiting for authorization from your current domain provider to " "proceed. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Kami menunggu otorisasi dari penyedia domain Anda saat ini untuk " "melanjutkan. {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}}" msgid "" "The transfer should complete by {{strong}}%(transferFinishDate)s{{/strong}}. " "We are waiting for authorization from your current domain provider to " "proceed. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Transfer akan selesai sebelum {{strong}}%(transferFinishDate)s{{/strong}}. " "Kami menunggu otorisasi dari penyedia domain Anda saat ini untuk " "melanjutkan. {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}}" msgid "Transfer failed. Learn the possible {{a}}reasons why{{/a}}." msgstr "Transfer gagal. Pelajari kemungkinan {{a}}penyebabnya{{/a}}." msgid "" "This domain requires explicit user consent to complete the registration. " "%(detailCta)s. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Domain ini memerlukan persetujuan pengguna secara eksplisit untuk " "menyelesaikan pendaftaran. %(detailCta)s. {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}}" msgid "Please check the email sent to the domain owner for further details" msgstr "" "Silakan periksa email yang dikirimkan kepada pemilik domain untuk detail " "lebih lanjut " msgid "Please check the email sent to you for further details" msgstr "" "Silakan periksa email yang dikirimkan kepada Anda untuk detail lebih lanjut" msgid "" "{{strong}}Transfer successful!{{/strong}} To make this domain work with your " " site you need to {{a}}point it to{{/a}}" msgstr "" "{{strong}}Transfer berhasil!{{/strong}} Agar domain berfungsi dengan situs " " Anda, Anda perlu {{a}}mengarahkannya ke{{/a}}" msgid "" "We are setting up your domain. It should start working immediately, but may " "be unreliable during the first 30 minutes." msgstr "" "Kami sedang menyiapkan domain Anda. Domain tersebut akan segera aktif, namun " "mungkin belum dapat diaksess selama 30 menit pertama." msgid "" "We are setting up your domain. It should start working immediately, but may " "be unreliable during the first 30 minutes. If you are unable to access your " "site at {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}}, try setting the primary domain " "to a domain you know is working. {{learnMore}}Learn more{{/learnMore}} about " "setting the primary domain, or try {{try}}{{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}}" "{{/try}} now." msgstr "" "Kami sedang menyiapkan domain Anda. Domain tersebut akan segera aktif, namun " "mungkin belum dapat diaksess selama 30 menit pertama. Jika Anda tidak dapat " "mengakses situs Anda di {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}}, coba atur " "domain primer ke domain lain Anda yang aktif. {{learnMore}}Pelajari lebih " "lanjut{{/learnMore}} tentang pengaturan domain primer, atau coba {{try}}" "{{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}}{{/try}} sekarang." msgid "This domain will expire on {{strong}}%(expiryDate)s{{/strong}}. " msgstr "Domain ini akan kedaluwarsa pada {{strong}}%(expiryDate)s{{/strong}}. " msgid "It can be renewed by the owner." msgstr "Dapat diperpanjang oleh pemiliknya." msgid "{{a}}Renew now{{/a}}" msgstr "{{a}}Perpanjang sekarang{{/a}}" msgid "This domain expired on {{strong}}%(expiryDate)s{{/strong}}. " msgstr "Domain ini kedaluwarsa pada {{strong}}%(expiryDate)s{{/strong}}. " msgid "" "The domain owner can still renew the domain until " "{{strong}}%(redeemableUntil)s{{/strong}} by paying an additional redemption " "fee." msgstr "" "Pemilik domain masih dapat memperpanjang domain hingga " "{{strong}}%(redeemableUntil)s{{/strong}} dengan membayar biaya penebusan " "tambahan." msgid "" "You can still renew the domain until {{strong}}%(redeemableUntil)s{{/" "strong}} by paying an additional redemption fee. {{a}}Renew now{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Anda masih dapat memperpanjang domain hingga {{strong}}%(redeemableUntil)s{{/" "strong}} dengan membayar biaya penebusan tambahan. {{a}}Perpanjang " "sekarang{{/a}}" msgid "" "The domain owner can renew the domain at the regular rate until " "{{strong}}%(renewableUntil)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Pemilik domain dapat memperpanjang domain dengan harga reguler hingga " "{{strong}}%(renewableUntil)s{{/strong}}." msgid "" "You can renew the domain at the regular rate until " "{{strong}}%(renewableUntil)s{{/strong}}. {{a}}Renew now{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Anda dapat memperpanjang domain dengan harga reguler hingga " "{{strong}}%(renewableUntil)s{{/strong}}. {{a}}Perpanjang sekarang{{/a}}" msgid "" "We sent an email to the domain owner. Please complete the verification or " "your domain will stop working." msgstr "" "Kami mengirim email ke pemilik domain. Mohon selesaikan verifikasi atau " "domain Anda akan tidak berfungsi." msgid "" "We sent you an email to verify your contact information. Please complete the " "verification or your domain will stop working. You can also {{a}}change your " "email address{{/a}} if you like." msgstr "" "Kami telah mengirim email untuk verifikasi informasi kontak Anda. Mohon " "selesaikan verifikasi atau domain Anda akan tidak berfungsi. Jika ingin, " "Anda juga dapat {{a}}mengubah alamat email{{/a}}." msgid "Attempting to get it renewed for you." msgstr "Sedang diperpanjang untuk Anda." msgid "" "We noticed that something wasn't updated correctly. Please try {{a}}this " "setup{{/a}} again." msgstr "" "Kami menemukan ada sesuatu yang tidak diperbarui dengan benar. Mohon coba " "{{a}}pengaturan ini{{/a}} lagi." msgid "Domain connection expires in {{strong}}%(days)s{{/strong}}" msgstr "Koneksi domain berakhir dalam {{strong}}%(days)s{{/strong}}" msgid "" "Domain connection expires with your plan on {{strong}}%(expiryDate)s{{/" "strong}}" msgstr "" "Koneksi domain dengan paket Anda berakhir pada {{strong}}%(expiryDate)s{{/" "strong}}" msgid "La Guaira (Vargas)" msgstr "La Guaira (Vargas)" msgid "Treinta y Tres" msgstr "Treinta y Tres" msgid "Tacuarembó" msgstr "Tacuarembó" msgid "Soriano" msgstr "Soriano" msgid "Salto" msgstr "Salto" msgid "Rocha" msgstr "Rocha" msgid "Rivera" msgstr "Rivera" msgid "Paysandú" msgstr "Paysandú" msgid "Maldonado" msgstr "Maldonado" msgid "Lavalleja" msgstr "Lavalleja" msgid "Flores" msgstr "Flores" msgid "Durazno" msgstr "Durazno" msgid "Colonia" msgstr "Colonia" msgid "Cerro Largo" msgstr "Cerro Largo" msgid "Canelones" msgstr "Canelones" msgid "Artigas" msgstr "Artigas" msgid "Chernivtsi Oblast" msgstr "Chernivtsi Oblast" msgid "Chernihiv Oblast" msgstr "Chernihiv Oblast" msgid "Cherkasy Oblast" msgstr "Cherkasy Oblast" msgid "Khmelnytskyi Oblast" msgstr "Khmelnytskyi Oblast" msgid "Kherson Oblast" msgstr "Kherson Oblast" msgid "Kharkiv Oblast" msgstr "Kharkiv Oblast" msgid "Ternopil Oblast" msgstr "Ternopil Oblast" msgid "Sumy Oblast" msgstr "Sumy Oblast" msgid "Rivne Oblast" msgstr "Rivne Oblast" msgid "Poltava Oblast" msgstr "Poltava Oblast" msgid "Odessa Oblast" msgstr "Odessa Oblast" msgid "Mykolaiv Oblast" msgstr "Mykolaiv Oblast" msgid "Lviv Oblast" msgstr "Lviv Oblast" msgid "Luhansk Oblast" msgstr "Luhansk Oblast" msgid "Kirovohrad Oblast" msgstr "Kirovohrad Oblast" msgid "Kyiv Oblast" msgstr "Kyiv Oblast" msgid "Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast" msgstr "Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast" msgid "Zaporizhzhia Oblast" msgstr "Zaporizhzhia Oblast" msgid "Zakarpattia Oblast" msgstr "Zakarpattia Oblast" msgid "Zhytomyr Oblast" msgstr "Zhytomyr Oblast" msgid "Donetsk Oblast" msgstr "Donetsk Oblast" msgid "Dnipropetrovsk Oblast" msgstr "Dnipropetrovsk Oblast" msgid "Volyn Oblast" msgstr "Volyn Oblast" msgid "Vinnytsia Oblast" msgstr "Vinnytsia Oblast" msgid "Usulután" msgstr "Usulután" msgid "La Unión" msgstr "La Unión" msgid "San Vicente" msgstr "San Vicente" msgid "San Salvador" msgstr "San Salvador" msgid "Sonsonate" msgstr "Sonsonate" msgid "San Miguel" msgstr "San Miguel" msgid "Santa Ana" msgstr "Santa Ana" msgid "Morazán" msgstr "Morazán" msgid "Cuscatlán" msgstr "Cuscatlán" msgid "Chalatenango" msgstr "Chalatenango" msgid "Cabañas" msgstr "Cabañas" msgid "Ahuachapán" msgstr "Ahuachapán" msgid "Ngöbe-Buglé" msgstr "Ngöbe-Buglé" msgid "Guna Yala" msgstr "Guna Yala" msgid "Emberá" msgstr "Emberá" msgid "West Panamá" msgstr "West Panamá" msgid "Veraguas" msgstr "Veraguas" msgid "Panamá" msgstr "Panamá" msgid "Los Santos" msgstr "Los Santos" msgid "Herrera" msgstr "Herrera" msgid "Darién" msgstr "Darién" msgid "Chiriquí" msgstr "Chiriquí" msgid "Coclé" msgstr "Coclé" msgid "Bocas del Toro" msgstr "Bocas del Toro" msgid "Río San Juan" msgstr "Río San Juan" msgid "Rivas" msgstr "Rivas" msgid "Nueva Segovia" msgstr "Nueva Segovia" msgid "Matagalpa" msgstr "Matagalpa" msgid "Masaya" msgstr "Masaya" msgid "Madriz" msgstr "Madriz" msgid "Jinotega" msgstr "Jinotega" msgid "Estelí" msgstr "Estelí" msgid "Chontales" msgstr "Chontales" msgid "Chinandega" msgstr "Chinandega" msgid "Carazo" msgstr "Carazo" msgid "Boaco" msgstr "Boaco" msgid "Atlántico Sur" msgstr "Atlántico Sur" msgid "Atlántico Norte" msgstr "Atlántico Norte" msgid "Tehran (تهران)" msgstr "Teheran (تهران)" msgid "Khuzestan (خوزستان)" msgstr "Khuzestan (خوزستان)" msgid "Yoro" msgstr "Yoro" msgid "Valle" msgstr "Valle" msgid "Santa Bárbara" msgstr "Santa Bárbara" msgid "Olancho" msgstr "Olancho" msgid "Ocotepeque" msgstr "Ocotepeque" msgid "Lempira" msgstr "Lempira" msgid "Intibucá" msgstr "Intibucá" msgid "Gracias a Dios" msgstr "Gracias a Dios" msgid "Francisco Morazán" msgstr "Francisco Morazán" msgid "El Paraíso" msgstr "El Paraíso" msgid "Cortés" msgstr "Cortés" msgid "Copán" msgstr "Copán" msgid "Comayagua" msgstr "Comayagua" msgid "Colón" msgstr "Colón" msgid "Choluteca" msgstr "Choluteca" msgid "Bay Islands" msgstr "Bay Islands" msgid "Atlántida" msgstr "Atlántida" msgid "Zamora-Chinchipe" msgstr "Zamora-Chinchipe" msgid "Tungurahua" msgstr "Tungurahua" msgid "Sucumbíos" msgstr "Sucumbíos" msgid "Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas" msgstr "Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas" msgid "Santa Elena" msgstr "Santa Elena" msgid "Pichincha" msgstr "Pichincha" msgid "Pastaza" msgstr "Pastaza" msgid "Orellana" msgstr "Orellana" msgid "Napo" msgstr "Napo" msgid "Morona-Santiago" msgstr "Morona-Santiago" msgid "Manabí" msgstr "Manabí" msgid "Loja" msgstr "Loja" msgid "Imbabura" msgstr "Imbabura" msgid "Guayas" msgstr "Guayas" msgid "Galápagos" msgstr "Galápagos" msgid "Esmeraldas" msgstr "Esmeraldas" msgid "El Oro" msgstr "El Oro" msgid "Cotopaxi" msgstr "Cotopaxi" msgid "Chimborazo" msgstr "Chimborazo" msgid "Carchi" msgstr "Carchi" msgid "Cañar" msgstr "Cañar" msgid "Azuay" msgstr "Azuay" msgid "Yuma" msgstr "Yuma" msgid "Valdesia" msgstr "Valdesia" msgid "Ozama" msgstr "Ozama" msgid "Higüamo" msgstr "Higüamo" msgid "Enriquillo" msgstr "Enriquillo" msgid "El Valle" msgstr "El Valle" msgid "Cibao Sur" msgstr "Cibao Sur" msgid "Cibao Norte" msgstr "Cibao Norte" msgid "Cibao Noroeste" msgstr "Cibao Noroeste" msgid "Cibao Nordeste" msgstr "Cibao Nordeste" msgid "San José" msgstr "San José" msgid "Puntarenas" msgstr "Puntarenas" msgid "Limón" msgstr "Limón" msgid "Heredia" msgstr "Heredia" msgid "Guanacaste" msgstr "Guanacaste" msgid "Cartago" msgstr "Cartago" msgid "Alajuela" msgstr "Alajuela" msgid "Vichada" msgstr "Vichada" msgid "Vaupés" msgstr "Vaupés" msgid "Valle del Cauca" msgstr "Valle del Cauca" msgid "Tolima" msgstr "Tolima" msgid "San Andrés & Providencia" msgstr "San Andrés & Providencia" msgid "Santander" msgstr "Santander" msgid "Risaralda" msgstr "Risaralda" msgid "Quindío" msgstr "Quindío" msgid "Putumayo" msgstr "Putumayo" msgid "Norte de Santander" msgstr "Norte de Santander" msgid "Nariño" msgstr "Nariño" msgid "Magdalena" msgstr "Magdalena" msgid "La Guajira" msgstr "La Guajira" msgid "Huila" msgstr "Huila" msgid "Guaviare" msgstr "Guaviare" msgid "Guainía" msgstr "Guainía" msgid "Capital District" msgstr "Capital District" msgid "Cundinamarca" msgstr "Cundinamarca" msgid "Chocó" msgstr "Chocó" msgid "Cesar" msgstr "Cesar" msgid "Cauca" msgstr "Cauca" msgid "Casanare" msgstr "Casanare" msgid "Caquetá" msgstr "Caquetá" msgid "Caldas" msgstr "Caldas" msgid "Boyacá" msgstr "Boyacá" msgid "Atlántico" msgstr "Atlántico" msgid "Arauca" msgstr "Arauca" msgid "Antioquia" msgstr "Antioquia" msgid "Valparaíso" msgstr "Valparaíso" msgid "Tarapacá" msgstr "Tarapacá" msgid "Región Metropolitana de Santiago" msgstr "Región Metropolitana de Santiago" msgid "Ñuble" msgstr "Ñuble" msgid "Maule" msgstr "Maule" msgid "Magallanes" msgstr "Magallanes" msgid "Los Ríos" msgstr "Los Ríos" msgid "Los Lagos" msgstr "Los Lagos" msgid "Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins" msgstr "Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins" msgid "Coquimbo" msgstr "Coquimbo" msgid "Biobío" msgstr "Biobío" msgid "Atacama" msgstr "Atacama" msgid "La Araucanía" msgstr "La Araucanía" msgid "Arica y Parinacota" msgstr "Arica y Parinacota" msgid "Antofagasta" msgstr "Antofagasta" msgid "Aisén del General Carlos Ibañez del Campo" msgstr "Aisén del General Carlos Ibañez del Campo" msgid "Vlorë" msgstr "Vlorë" msgid "Tirana" msgstr "Tirana" msgid "Shkodër" msgstr "Shkodër" msgid "Lezhë" msgstr "Lezhë" msgid "Kukës" msgstr "Kukës" msgid "Korçë" msgstr "Korçë" msgid "Gjirokastër" msgstr "Gjirokastër" msgid "Fier" msgstr "Fier" msgid "Elbasan" msgstr "Elbasan" msgid "Durrës" msgstr "Durrës" msgid "Dibër" msgstr "Dibër" msgid "Berat" msgstr "Berat" msgid "" "We have sent an email to this address to verify your account. Not in inbox " "or spam folder? Tap the Resend email button! " msgstr "" "Kami telah mengirim e-mail ke alamat berikut untuk verifikasi akun Anda. " "Tidak ada di folder inbox atau spam? Klik tombol \"Kirim ulang e-mail\"!" msgid "You have an available product license key." msgstr "Anda mempunyai kode lisensi produk." msgid "Select another product" msgstr "Pilih produk lainnya" msgid "Activate it now" msgstr "Aktifkan sekarang" msgid "" "Livro is a simple theme designed to evoke the calm feeling you get when you " "settle in with a classic book." msgstr "" "Livro adalah tema sederhana yang dirancang untuk membangkitkan ketenangan " "jiwa yang Anda dapatkan ketika membaca buku klasik." msgid "Your %1$s subscription for %2$s is set to expire today, %3$s." msgstr "Langganan %1$s Anda untuk %2$s akan berakhir hari ini, %3$s." msgid "Your %1$s subscription is set to expire today, %2$s." msgstr "Langganan %1$s Anda akan berakhir hari ini, %2$s." msgid "" "Alonso is a minimalist, image-centric WordPress theme, designed for single-" "page websites." msgstr "" "Alonso adalah tema WordPress minimalis yang berfokus pada gambar, dirancang " "untuk situs web satu halaman." msgid "Add an address to accept payments" msgstr "Tambahkan alamat untuk menerima pembayaran" msgid "Choose the right plan for you" msgstr "Pilih paket yang cocok untuk Anda" msgid "Explore Plugins" msgstr "Cari Plugin" msgid "- Restore from anywhere with the Jetpack mobile app" msgstr "- Jalankan pemulihan dari mana saja dengan aplikasi seluler Jetpack" msgid "Licensing" msgstr "Lisensi" msgid "" "%s removed from your cart because it is no longer valid (you may have " "removed the associated plan)." msgstr "" "%s dihapus dari keranjang karena tidak lagi valid (Anda mungkin telah " "menghapus paket terkait)." msgid "" "This will be used as your default business address. You can change it later " "if you need to." msgstr "" "Alamat ini akan digunakan sebagai alamat bisnis asal Anda. Anda dapat " "mengubahnya di lain waktu." msgid "%s Product Video" msgstr "%s Video Produk" msgid "" "Privacy protection must be enabled due to the registry's policies. {{a}}" "Learn more{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Perlindungan Privasi harus diaktifkan karena kebijakan registri. {{a}}Baca " "lebih lanjut.{{/a}}" msgid "Fix this threat with Jetpack Scan: %1$s" msgid_plural "Fix these threats with Jetpack Scan: %1$s" msgstr[0] "Atasi ancaman ini dengan Jetpack Scan:%1$s" msgstr[1] "Atasi ancaman ini dengan Jetpack Scan:%1$s" msgid "Jetpack Scan found %3$d threat on %2$s (%1$s)" msgid_plural "Jetpack Scan found %3$d threats on %2$s (%1$s)" msgstr[0] "Jetpack Scan menemukan %3$d ancaman di %2$s (%1$s)" msgstr[1] "Jetpack Scan menemukan %3$d ancaman di %2$s (%1$s)" msgid "Fix this threat with Jetpack Scan" msgid_plural "Fix these threats with Jetpack Scan" msgstr[0] "Atasi ancaman ini dengan Jetpack Scan" msgstr[1] "Atasi ancaman ini dengan Jetpack Scan" msgid "" "Jetpack Scan found %3$d threat on <a style=\"font-weight: bold;\" href=\"%1$s" "\">%2$s</a>" msgid_plural "" "Jetpack Scan found %3$d threats on <a style=\"font-weight: bold;\" href=" "\"%1$s\">%2$s</a>" msgstr[0] "" "Jetpack Scan menemukan %3$d ancaman di <a style=\"font-weight: bold;\" href=" "\"%1$s\">%2$s</a>" msgstr[1] "" "Jetpack Scan menemukan %3$d ancaman pada <a style=\"font-weight: bold;\" " "href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a>" msgid "Order-meta in json-encoded array" msgstr "Order-meta di array json-encoded" msgid "order_meta passed must be a json-encoded object" msgstr "order_meta yang disebarkan harus objek json-encoded" msgid "Requires a plan upgrade" msgstr "Membutuhkan upgrade paket" msgid "Make more money with the click of a button with WordAds." msgstr "Dapatkan penghasilan lebih lewat WordAds hanya dengan satu kali klik. " msgid "Make more money" msgstr "Dapatkan penghasilan lebih" msgid "" "You don't have to understand code to add WordAds to your site, we take care " "of that part! You can start generating income with the click of a button." msgstr "" "Tak perlu kemampuan pengodean untuk menambahkan WordAds ke situs Anda; kami " "yang akan mengurusnya! Anda bisa mulai menghasilkan pendapatan dengan satu " "kali klik." msgid "" "WordAds is the leading advertising platform for WordPress sites, displaying " "high-quality ads to over 1 billion people per month." msgstr "" "WordAds adalah platform periklanan terkemuka untuk situs WordPress, yang " "menampilkan iklan berkualitas tinggi ke lebih dari satu miliar orang per " "bulan." msgid "Make more money with the click of a button with WordAds" msgstr "Dapatkan penghasilan lebih lewat WordAds hanya dengan satu kali klik" msgid "" "Your Jetpack plan gives you access to WordAds – a one-click feature designed " "to help you generate income from your WordPress site." msgstr "" "Paket Jetpack memberi Anda akses ke WordAds – fitur sekali klik yang " "dirancang untuk membantu menghasilkan pendapatan dari situs WordPress Anda." msgctxt "%1$s: old payment title, %2$s: new payment title" msgid "Payment method changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\" by the subscriber." msgstr "" "Metode pembayaran diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\" oleh pelanggan." msgid "Address country and line 1 are required." msgstr "Alamat, negara, dan baris 1 wajib diisi." msgid "Price ID is required" msgstr "ID harga wajib diisi" msgid "Product ID is required" msgstr "ID produk wajib diisi" msgid "%s not found in array" msgstr "%s tidak ditemukan dalam array" msgid "WCPay subscription renewal attempt %d failed." msgid_plural "WCPay subscription renewal attempt %d failed." msgstr[0] "Upaya %d perpanjangan langganan WCPay telah gagal." msgstr[1] "Upaya %d perpanjangan langganan WCPay telah gagal." msgid "" "Unable to generate renewal order for subscription to record the incoming " "\"invoice.payment_failed\" event." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat membuat pesanan perpanjangan langganan untuk mencatat peristiwa " "\"invoice.payment_failed\" yang masuk." msgid "" "Unable to generate renewal order for subscription on the \"invoice.paid\" " "event." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat membuat pesanan perpanjangan langganan tentang peristiwa " "\"invoice.paid\"." msgid "Cannot find subscription for the incoming \"invoice.paid\" event." msgstr "" "Langganan untuk peristiwa masuk \"invoice.paid\" tidak dapat ditemukan." msgid "Next automatic payment scheduled for %s." msgstr "Pembayaran otomatis selanjutnya terjadwal untuk tanggal %s." msgid "Cannot find subscription to handle the \"invoice.upcoming\" event." msgstr "" "Langganan untuk menangani peristiwa \"invoice.upcoming\" tidak dapat " "ditemukan." msgid "Unable to set subscription item ID meta for WCPay subscription item %s." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat mengatur meta ID item langganan untuk %s. item langganan WCPay." msgid "" "The subscription's next payment date has been updated to match WCPay server." msgstr "" "Tanggal pembayaran langganan selanjutnya telah diperbarui sesuai server " "WCPay." msgid "" "We've successfully collected payment for your subscription using your new " "payment method." msgstr "" "Kami telah berhasil menerima pembayaran untuk langganan Anda menggunakan " "metode pembayaran baru Anda." msgid "" "There was a problem creating your subscription. Please try again or contact " "us for assistance." msgstr "" "Terjadi masalah saat membuat langganan Anda. Coba lagi atau hubungi kami " "untuk mendapatkan bantuan." msgid "Coupon - %s" msgstr "Kupon - %s" msgid "Update and retry payment" msgstr "Perbarui lalu ulang pembayaran" msgid "" "Your subscription's last renewal failed payment. Please update your payment " "details so we can reattempt payment." msgstr "" "Pembayaran perpanjangan terakhir langganan Anda gagal. Harap perbarui detail " "pembayaran Anda agar kami dapat mencoba pembayaran kembali." msgid "Update payment details" msgstr "Perbarui detail pembayaran" msgid "" "%1$sThere was an issue saving your variations!%2$s A subscription product's " "billing period cannot be longer than one year. We have updated one or more " "of this product's variations to renew every %3$s." msgstr "" "%1$sTerjadi masalah saat menyimpan variasi Anda!%2$s Periode penagihan " "produk langganan tidak dapat lebih dari satu tahun. Kami telah memperbarui " "satu atau beberapa variasi produk ini untuk diperbarui tiap %3$s." msgid "" "%1$sThere was an issue saving your product!%2$s A subscription product's " "billing period cannot be longer than one year. We have updated this product " "to renew every %3$s." msgstr "" "%1$sTerjadi masalah saat menyimpan produk Anda!%2$s Periode penagihan produk " "langganan tidak dapat lebih dari satu tahun. Kami telah memperbarui produk " "ini untuk diperpanjang tiap %3$s." msgid "The WCPay invoice items do not match WC subscription items." msgstr "Item faktur WCPay tidak cocok dengan item langganan WC." msgid "The payment info couldn't be added to the order." msgstr "Info pembayaran tidak dapat ditambahkan ke pesanan." msgid "Currency Switcher Widget" msgstr "Widget Pengalih Mata Uang" msgid "Account Type" msgstr "Jenis Akun" msgid "AID" msgstr "AID" msgid "AMOUNT PAID" msgstr "JUMLAH DIBAYARKAN" msgid "TOTAL" msgstr "TOTAL" msgid "SUBTOTAL" msgstr "SUBTOTAL" msgctxt "an email notification" msgid "Enable/disable" msgstr "Aktifkan/Nonaktifkan" msgid "Failed subscription renewal SCA authentication" msgstr "Autentikasi SCA perpanjangan langganan telah gagal" msgid "Payment authentication requested email" msgstr "Email permintaan autentikasi pembayaran" msgid "" "We couldn’t verify the postal code in your billing address. Make sure the " "information is current with your card issuing bank and try again." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat memverifikasi kode pos di alamat penagihan Anda. Pastikan " "informasi sesuai dengan yang ada di bank penerbit kartu Anda, lalu coba lagi." msgid "" "We're not able to process this request. Please refresh the page and try " "again." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat memproses permintaan ini. Segarkan halaman dan coba lagi." msgid "The selected payment method requires a total amount of at least %s." msgstr "Metode pembayaran yang dipilih memerlukan jumlah total setidaknya %s." msgid "" "There was an error while processing this request. If you continue to see " "this notice, please contact the admin." msgstr "" "Terjadi error saat memproses permintaan ini. Jika Anda terus melihat " "pemberitahuan ini, harap hubungi admin." msgid "Connected to WPCOM" msgstr "Terhubung ke WPCOM" msgid "" "The payment request button is not supported in %s because some required " "fields couldn't be verified. Please proceed to the checkout page and try " "again." msgstr "" "Tombol permintaan pembayaran tidak didukung di %s karena sejumlah kolom " "wajib isi tidak dapat diverifikasi. Lanjutkan ke halaman checkout dan coba " "lagi." msgid "" "There was a duplicate attempt to initiate account setup. Please wait a few " "seconds and try again." msgstr "" "Ada upaya duplikasi untuk memulai penyiapan akun. Tunggu beberapa detik lalu " "coba lagi." msgid "" "Next we’ll ask you to share a few details about your business to create your " "account." msgstr "" "Selanjutnya, kami akan meminta sejumlah detail tentang bisnis Anda untuk " "membuat akun." msgid "Intent creation failed with the following message: %s" msgstr "Pembuatan tujuan gagal dengan pesan berikut: %s" msgid "Failed to update Stripe account. " msgstr "Gagal memperbarui akun Stripe. " msgid "" "This payment is not captured yet. To cancel this order, please go to 'Order " "Actions' > 'Cancel authorization'. To proceed with a refund, please go to " "'Order Actions' > 'Capture charge' to charge the payment card, and then " "trigger a refund via the 'Refund' button." msgstr "" "Pembayaran ini belum diambil. Untuk membatalkan pesanan ini, buka 'Tindakan " "Pesanan' > 'Batalkan otorisasi'. Untuk melanjutkan pengembalian dana, buka " "'Tindakan Pesanan' > 'Pengambilan tagihan' untuk menagih kartu pembayaran, " "lalu memicu pengembalian dana melalui tombol 'Pengembalian dana'." msgid "" "Payment method is changed to: <strong>Credit card ending in %1$s</strong>." msgstr "" "Metode pembayaran diubah menjadi: <strong>Kartu kredit yang habis masa " "berlakunya pada %1$s</strong>." msgid "" "A payment of %1$s <strong>failed</strong> to complete because of too many " "failed transactions. A rate limiter was enabled for the user to prevent more " "attempts temporarily." msgstr "" "Pembayaran %1$s <strong>gagal</strong> diselesaikan karena terlalu banyak " "transaksi yang gagal. Pembatas nilai diaktifkan untuk pengguna guna mencegah " "lebih banyak upaya untuk sementara." msgid "" "We couldn’t verify the postal code in the billing address. If the issue " "persists, suggest the customer to reach out to the card issuing bank." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat memverifikasi kode pos di alamat penagihan. Jika masalah " "berlanjut, sarankan pelanggan untuk menghubungi bank yang menerbitkan kartu." msgid "A payment of %1$s <strong>failed</strong>. %2$s" msgstr "Pembayaran %1$s telah <strong>gagal</strong>. %2$s" msgid "Enable payment via saved cards" msgstr "Aktifkan pembayaran melalui kartu yang disimpan" msgid "Saved cards" msgstr "Kartu yang disimpan" msgid "%1$s. See <a href=\"%2$s\">dispute overview</a> for more details." msgstr "" "%1$s. Lihat <a href=\"%2$s\">ikhtisar sengketa</a> untuk detail selengkapnya." msgid "Payment dispute has been updated" msgstr "Sengketa pembayaran telah diperbarui" msgid "Payment dispute funds have been reinstated" msgstr "Dana sengketa pembayaran telah dipulihkan" msgid "Payment dispute funds have been withdrawn" msgstr "Dana sengketa pembayaran telah ditarik" msgid "" "A CSS hex color value representing the secondary branding color for this " "account." msgstr "Nilai warna hex CSS yang mewakili warna merek sekunder untuk akun ini." msgid "" "A CSS hex color value representing the primary branding color for this " "account." msgstr "Nilai warna hex CSS yang mewakili warna merek utama untuk akun ini." msgid "An icon for the account." msgstr "Ikon untuk akun." msgid "A logo id for the account that will be used in Checkout" msgstr "ID logo untuk akun yang akan digunakan saat Checkout" msgid "A publicly available phone number to call with support issues." msgstr "" "Nomor telepon yang tersedia untuk umum guna memberitahukan masalah terkait " "dukungan." msgid "A publicly available email address for sending support issues to." msgstr "" "Alamat email yang tersedia untuk umum guna memberitahukan masalah terkait " "dukungan." msgid "A publicly available mailing address for sending support issues to." msgstr "" "Alamat surat yang tersedia untuk umum guna memberitahukan masalah terkait " "dukungan." msgid "The business’s publicly available website." msgstr "Situs bisnis yang tersedia untuk umum." msgid "The customer-facing business name." msgstr "Nama bisnis yang dikenali pelanggan." msgid "Invalid payment intent" msgstr "Tujuan pembayaran tidak valid" msgid "WooCommerce In-Person Payments" msgstr "Pembayaran Langsung WooCommerce" msgid "Payment cannot be captured for partially or fully refunded orders." msgstr "" "Pembayaran tidak dapat diambil untuk pesanan yang dikembalikan sebagian atau " "sepenuhnya." msgid "Set up multiple currencies" msgstr "Penyiapan beberapa mata uang" msgid "Add new payment methods" msgstr "Tambah metode pembayaran baru" msgid "Card Readers" msgstr "Pembaca Kartu" msgid "Menu item moved to the top" msgstr "Item menu dipindah ke atas" msgid "Menu item removed" msgstr "Item menu dihapus" msgid "Max connections number" msgstr "Jumlah koneksi maksimal" msgid "Max allowed packet size" msgstr "Ukuran paket yang diizinkan maksimal" msgid "How to get help!" msgstr "Minta bantuan!" msgid "%(days)d-day money-back guarantee" msgstr "Garansi %(days)d hari uang kembali" msgid "<strong>Error:</strong> Please fill the required fields." msgstr "<strong>Eror</strong>: Mohon isi ruas yang diwajibkan." msgid " Learn the blogging basics in minutes " msgstr " Pelajari dasar-dasar blogging dalam hitungan menit " msgid "Watch Blogging videos" msgstr "Tonton video Blogging" msgid "How about a free month?" msgstr "Ingin satu bulan gratis?" msgid "My site is not ready." msgstr "Situs saya belum siap." msgid "Get a free month" msgstr "Dapatkan satu bulan gratis" msgid "Jetpack will fix the threat:" msgstr "Jetpack akan mengatasi ancaman:" msgid "The official support site" msgstr "Situs dukungan resmi" msgid "The support you need, <br /> whenever you need it" msgstr "Bantuan yang Anda butuhkan, <br /> tersedia setiap saat" msgid "" "With, you’re getting a proven platform that can support your " "website, no matter how large and popular it grows." msgstr "" "Dengan, Anda mendapatkan platform tepercaya yang akan " "mendukung situs web Anda, seberapa pun besar dan populer situs Anda nanti." msgid "Busy Site Owner" msgstr "Pemilik Situs yang Sibuk" msgid "" "You can have your brand new site up and running in just a few, quick steps. " "And the great news is… you’re already on your way!" msgstr "" "Anda dapat menyiapkan dan menjalankan situs baru hanya dengan beberapa " "langkah cepat. Dan berita baiknya adalah... Anda sudah siap!" msgid "You made a great choice when you signed up for" msgstr "Anda membuat pilihan yang tepat saat mendaftar ke " msgid "A platform you won’t outgrow" msgstr "Platform yang fleksibel dan sesuai kebutuhan Anda" msgid "Happy Site Owner" msgstr "Pemilik Situs yang Berbahagia" msgid "" "“ has allowed me to present my content in an attractive way. " "It’s given me a platform to reach thousands of people. I’ve been able to " "communicate, bond, and connect. With my WordPress.​com site, I feel " "like a professional.”" msgstr "" "“ memungkinkan saya menampilkan konten dengan cara yang " "menarik. memberikan platform untuk menjangkau ribuan orang. " "Saya dapat berkomunikasi, mendekatkan diri, dan terhubung dengan orang lain. " "Dengan situs WordPress.​com, saya merasa seperti seorang profesional.”" msgid " Site Builder" msgstr "Pembuat Situs" msgid "" "With, you’re getting a proven platform that can support your " "website, no matter how large and popular it becomes." msgstr "" "Dengan, Anda mendapatkan platform tepercaya yang akan " "mendukung situs web Anda, seberapa pun besar dan populer situs Anda nanti." msgid " Themes" msgstr "Tema" msgid "" " is home to everyone from small businesses, to bloggers, to " "large sites like Time, CNN, TechCrunch, and more. All together, WordPress." "com-powered sites reach more than %s million visitors each month." msgstr "" " adalah rumah bagi semua jenis situs web, mulai dari usaha " "kecil, blogger, hingga situs besar seperti Time, CNN, TechCrunch, dan " "lainnya. Secara keseluruhan, situs yang menggunakan menjangkau " "lebih dari %s juta pengunjung setiap bulan." msgid "Home pages of sites" msgstr "Halaman beranda situs" msgid "You’re a few steps closer to creating a great website" msgstr "Anda akan segera memiliki sebuah situs web yang andal" msgid "You’re just a few steps away from a site." msgstr "Hanya beberapa langkah untuk menyelesaikan situs Anda." msgid "Malicious code found in file: %s" msgstr "Kode berbahaya ditemukan dalam file: %s" msgid "Compromised WordPress core file: %s" msgstr "File inti WordPress yang terancam: %s" msgid "" "Jetpack Scan is able to automatically fix this threat for you. Since it will " "replace the affected file or directory the site’s look-and-feel or features " "can be compromised. We recommend that you check if your latest backup was " "performed successfully in case a restore is needed." msgstr "" "Jetpack Scan dapat otomatis memperbaiki ancaman ini. Tampilan dan suasana " "atau fitur situs dapat terganggu karena Jetpack Scan akan mengganti file " "atau direktori yang tersusupi. Kami sarankan untuk memeriksa apakah " "pencadangan terbaru Anda berhasil diselesaikan, untuk pemulihan jika perlu." msgid "" "By ignoring this threat you confirm that you have reviewed the detected code " "and assume the risks of keeping a potentially malicious file on your site. " "If you are unsure please request an estimate with Codeable." msgstr "" "Dengan mengabaikan ancaman ini berarti Anda mengonfirmasi bahwa Anda telah " "meninjau kode yang terdeteksi dan menanggung risiko menyimpan file berbahaya " "di situs Anda. Jika Anda tidak yakin, silakan meminta diagnosis dari " "Codeable." msgid "What did Jetpack find?" msgstr "Apa temuan Jetpack?" msgid "How to resolve or handle this detection?" msgstr "Bagaimana mengatasi atau menangani ancaman terdeteksi ini? " msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" %2$s>Learn how to describe the purpose of the image%3$s</" "a>. Leave empty if the image is purely decorative." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" %2$s>Pelajari bagaimana membuat keterangan gambar %3$s</a>. " "Biarkan kosong jika hanya gambar dekoratif." msgid "Display download option and allow viewers to download this video" msgstr "" "Tampilkan pilihan unduhan dan izinkan pngunjung untuk mengunduh video ini" msgid "" "brainchild, contraption, creation, experiment, invention, joint, medley, " "opus, production, ruckus, thingamajig" msgstr "" "mahakarya, eksperimen, invensi, kolaborasi, kreasi, gagasan, gubahan, " "rancangan, rekaan, keseruan, apa pun itu" msgid "WordPress Forums" msgstr "Forum WordPress" msgid "" "This is more than the regular price because you are charged for the " "remainder of the current year plus any additional year until renewal." msgstr "" "Harga berikut lebih dari harga normal karena Anda ditagih untuk sisa tahun " "berjalan ditambah tahun tambahan sampai perpanjangan." msgid "" "This is less than the regular price because you are only charged for the " "remainder of the current year." msgstr "" "Harga berikut lebih murah dari harga normal karena Anda hanya ditagih untuk " "sisa tahun berjalan." msgid "" "Let your site stand out from the crowd with a modern and stylish Premium " "theme." msgstr "" "Jadikan situs Anda tampil beda dengan tema Premium yang modern dan penuh " "gaya." msgid "" "Sorry, we're experiencing an unexpected error on our end. Please reach out " "to our Happiness Engineers if you have further questions." msgstr "" "Maaf, kami mengalami error yang tidak terduga di tempat kami. Silakan " "hubungi Happiness Engineer kami jika Anda punya pertanyaan lebih lanjut." msgid "" "Thanks for your interest. Free month offer is available for single-use only. " "Please reach out to our Happiness Engineers if you have further questions." msgstr "" "Terima kasih atas ketertarikan Anda. Penawaran satu bulan gratis hanya " "tersedia untuk satu kali pakai. Silakan hubungi happiness Engineer kami jika " "Anda punya pertanyaan lebih lanjut." msgid "" "Only monthly paid plans can use this offer. Check out " "available plans from Upgrades page." msgstr "" "Hanya paket berbayar bulanan yang dapat menggunakan penawaran " "ini. Periksa paket yang tersedia dari halaman Upgrade." msgid "Your free month is added to your account! Enjoy!" msgstr "Paket satu bulan gratis ditambahkan ke akun Anda! Selamat menikmati!" msgid "Earn additional income by displaying high-quality ads on your site" msgstr "" "Dapatkan penghasilan tambahan dengan menampilkan iklan berkualitas pada " "situs Anda." msgid "Email confirmed" msgstr "Email telah dikonfirmasi" msgid "" "Thanks for confirming your email address. Your account is now active. We're " "almost finished!" msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah mengonfirmasi alamat email Anda. Akun Anda telah aktif. " "Kami hampir selesai!" msgid "Theme File Editor" msgstr "Editor File Tema" msgid "Site icon." msgstr "Ikon situs." msgid "" "Now you can purchase plugins right on to extend your website's " "capabilities." msgstr "" "Sekarang Anda dapat membeli plugin langsung di untuk " "meningkatkan keandalan situs web Anda." msgid "Buy the best plugins" msgstr "Beli beberapa plugin terbaik" msgid "Plugin updates" msgstr "Pembaruan plugin" msgid "Plan upgrade required" msgstr "Dibutuhkan upgrade paket" msgid "Upgrade and activate" msgstr "Lakukan upgrade dan aktifkan" msgid "Connect your domain to other services" msgstr "Hubungkan domain Anda ke layanan lain" msgid "We are locking your domain" msgstr "Kami mengunci domain Anda" msgid "We are unlocking your domain" msgstr "Kami membuka domain Anda" msgid "Resend the verification email" msgstr "Kirim ulang email verifikasi" msgid "Are you having issues receiving it?" msgstr "Apakah Anda tidak menerimanya?" msgid "" "We've sent an email with a verification link to {{strong}}%(email)s{{/" "strong}}. Please follow that link to confirm your email address and continue." msgstr "" "Kami telah mengirimkan email dengan tautan verifikasi ke " "{{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}}. Silakan ikuti tautan tersebut untuk " "mengonfirmasi alamat email Anda dan melanjutkan." msgid "Unable to resend email. Please try again later." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengirim ulang email. Silakan coba kembali." msgid "Verification email resent. Please check your inbox." msgstr "Email verifikasi telah dikirim kembali. Silakan periksa inbox Anda." msgid "" "To manage this subscription, log in to the account that " "purchased it or contact the owner." msgstr "" "Untuk mengelola langganan berikut, login ke akun pengguna yang " "membeli atau hubungi pemiliknya." msgid "Active on your site" msgstr "Aktifkan di situs Anda" msgid "" "This plugin is auto managed and therefore will auto update to the latest " "stable version." msgstr "" "Plugin berikut dikelola secara otomatis, sehingga akan otomatis memperbarui " "ke versi stabil terbaru." msgid "Some unsupported sites are hidden." msgstr "Beberapa situs yang tidak didukung disembunyikan." msgid "Choose where you want us to build your site." msgstr "Pilih di mana Anda ingin kami membangun situs Anda." msgid "" "You need to have Jetpack installed on your site to be able to import " "everything." msgstr "" "Anda harus menginstal Jetpack di situs Anda untuk dapat mengimpor semuanya." msgid "Jetpack required" msgstr "Diperlukan Jetpack" msgid "Choose what you would like to import to your new site." msgstr "Pilih yang ingin Anda impor ke situs baru Anda." msgid "" "Import your posts, tags, images, and videos from your %(importerName)s " "export file" msgstr "" "Impor pos, tag, gambar, dan video Anda dari berkas ekspor %(importerName)s " "Anda" msgid "Import content from %(importerName)s" msgstr "Impor konten dari %(importerName)s" msgid "View live demo" msgstr "Lihat demo langsung" msgid "Take a look at the posibilities of this plugin before your commit." msgstr "Lihat semua kemungkinan dengan plugin Anda sebelum Anda membeli." msgid "Try it before you buy it" msgstr "Silakan mencoba sebelum Anda membeli" msgid "" "This plugin requires WooCommerce to work.{{br/}}If you do not have it " "installed, it will be installed automatically for free." msgstr "" "Plugin ini memerlukan WooCommerce agar dapat berfungsi.{{br/}}Jika Anda " "belum menginstalnya, plugin akan diinstal secara otomatis dan gratis." msgid "Your store foundations" msgstr "Fondasi toko Anda" msgid "View documentation" msgstr "Lihat dokumentasi" msgid "See privacy policy" msgstr "Lihat kebijakan privasi" msgid "Your domain is using custom name servers" msgstr "Domain Anda menggunakan name server khusus" msgid "There was an error loading the name servers for this domain" msgstr "Terjadi eror saat memuat name server untuk domain berikut" msgid "" "By using custom name servers, you will manage your DNS records with your new " "provider, not {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}" msgstr "" "Dengan menggunakan name server khusus, Anda akan mengelola DNS record Anda " "di provider baru Anda, bukan di {{link}}Pelajari lebih " "lanjut{{/link}}" msgid "{{link}}Look up{{/link}} the name servers for popular hosts" msgstr "{{link}}Cari{{/link}} name server untuk host yang populer" msgid "Enter your custom name servers" msgstr "Masukkan name server khusus Anda" msgid "" "Built on a solidly designed foundation, Twenty Twenty-Two embraces the idea " "that everyone deserves a truly unique website. The theme’s subtle styles are " "inspired by the diversity and versatility of birds: its typography is " "lightweight yet strong, its color palette is drawn from nature, and its " "layout elements sit gently on the page. The true richness of Twenty Twenty-" "Two lies in its opportunity for customization. The theme is built to take " "advantage of the Site Editor features introduced in WordPress 5.9, which " "means that colors, typography, and the layout of every single page on your " "site can be customized to suit your vision. It also includes dozens of block " "patterns, opening the door to a wide range of professionally designed " "layouts in just a few clicks. Whether you’re building a single-page website, " "a blog, a business website, or a portfolio, Twenty Twenty-Two will help you " "create a site that is uniquely yours." msgstr "" "Dibuat di atas fondasi desain yang solid, Twenty Twenty-Two mewujudkan mimpi " "siapa saja untuk memiliki situs web yang benar-benar unik. Desain yang indah " "tema ini terinspirasi oleh keragaman jenis dan tingkah burung: tipografinya " "simpel namun berkarakter, palet warnanya terinspirasi dari alam, dan elemen " "tata letaknya tampak menyatu dengan halaman. Fitur utama Twenty Twenty-Two " "terletak pada fleksibilitas pengaturannya. Tema ini dirancang khusus untuk " "memanfaatkan fitur Pengeditan Situs Lengkap (Full Site Editing) yang " "disertakan di WordPress 5.9. Dengan fitur tersebut, warna, tipografi, dan " "tata letak setiap halaman di situs Anda dapat diatur sesuai keinginan Anda. " "Tema ini juga dilengkapi dengan beragam pola blok yang diperlukan untuk " "membuat tata letak yang profesional dengan mudah – hanya dengan beberapa " "klik. Jika Anda sedang membuat situs web single-page (halaman tunggal), " "blog, situs bisnis, atau portofolio, Twenty Twenty-Two akan mempermudah " "dalam membuat situs yang unik untuk Anda." msgid "Your domain is not yet active. Please wait a few minutes and try again." msgstr "Domain Anda belum aktif. Tunggulah beberapa menit, lalu coba lagi." msgid "" "<a href=\"" "\">Documentation on Site Health tool</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"" "\">Dokumentasi alat Kesehatan Situs</a>" msgid "" "In the Info tab, you will find all the details about the configuration of " "your WordPress site, server, and database. There is also an export feature " "that allows you to copy all of the information about your site to the " "clipboard, to help solve problems on your site when obtaining support." msgstr "" "Di tab Info, Anda akan menemukan semua detail tentang konfigurasi situs " "WordPress, server, dan database Anda. Ada juga fitur ekspor yang " "memungkinkan Anda menyalin semua informasi tentang situs Anda ke papan klip, " "untuk membantu memecahkan masalah di situs Anda saat meminta bantuan." msgid "" "In the Status tab, you can see critical information about your WordPress " "configuration, along with anything else that requires your attention." msgstr "" "Di tab Status, Anda dapat melihat informasi penting tentang konfigurasi " "WordPress Anda, bersama dengan hal lain yang perlu Anda perhatikan." msgid "" "This screen allows you to obtain a health diagnosis of your site, and " "displays an overall rating of the status of your installation." msgstr "" "Layar ini dapat Anda gunakan untuk mendapatkan diagnosa kesehatan situs " "Anda, dan menampilkan keseluruhan rating status instalasi Anda." msgid "" "This screen includes suggestions to help you write your own privacy policy. " "However, it is your responsibility to use these resources correctly, to " "provide the information required by your privacy policy, and to keep this " "information current and accurate." msgstr "" "Layar ini berisi saran untuk membantu Anda menulis kebijakan privasi Anda " "sendiri. Namun, Anda bertanggung jawab untuk menggunakan sumber daya ini " "dengan benar, untuk memberikan informasi yang diperlukan oleh kebijakan " "privasi Anda, dan untuk menjaga agar informasi ini tetap terkini dan akurat." msgid "" "The Privacy screen lets you either build a new privacy-policy page or choose " "one you already have to show." msgstr "" "Layar Privasi dapat Anda gunakan untuk membuat kebijakan-privasi baru atau " "memilih yang sudah ada untuk ditampilkan." msgid "" "The Dashboard is the first place you will come to every time you log into " "your site. It is where you will find all your WordPress tools. If you need " "help, just click the “Help” tab above the screen title." msgstr "" "Dasbor adalah tempat pertama yang akan Anda kunjungi setiap kali Anda login " "ke situs Anda. Di sinilah Anda akan menemukan semua peralatan WordPress " "Anda. Jika Anda membutuhkan bantuan, klik saja “Bantuan” tab di " "atas judul layar." msgid "Welcome to your WordPress Dashboard!" msgstr "Selamat datang di Dasbor WordPress Anda!" msgid "The Open Graph image link of the %1$s or %2$s element from the URL." msgstr "Tautan gambar Open Graph elemen %1$s atau %2$s dari URL." msgid "The content of the %s element from the URL." msgstr "Konten elemen %s dari URL." msgid "The favicon image link of the %s element from the URL." msgstr "Tautan gambar favicon elemen %s dari URL." msgid "The menu cannot be deleted." msgstr "Menu tidak dapat dihapus." msgid "Menus do not support trashing. Set '%s' to delete." msgstr "" "Item menu tidak mendukung pemindahan ke tong sampah. Gunakan '%s' untuk " "menghapus." msgid "" "The database ID of the original object this menu item represents, for " "example the ID for posts or the term_id for categories." msgstr "" "ID database dari objek asli yang tampil di menu, contohnya ID artikel atau " "term_id untuk kategori." msgid "The url is required when using a custom menu item type." msgstr "Wajib menuliskan url saat menggunakan tipe objek menu khusus." msgid "The title is required when using a custom menu item type." msgstr "Wajib menuliskan judul saat menggunakan tipe objek menu khusus." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to view menu items." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk melihat item menu." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to view this global style." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan menampilkan gaya global ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this global style." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan menyunting gaya global ini." msgid "The date when the block was last updated." msgstr "Tanggal saat terakhir blok diperbarui." msgid "" "Upgrade your site and use the code %1$s to take %2$s%% off " "your first year on an annual plan. Create something memorable with the " "world’s most popular website builder." msgstr "" "Lakukan upgrade situs Anda dan gunakan kode %1$s untuk " "mendapatkan diskon %2$s%% tahun pertama untuk paket tahunan. Buat sesuatu " "yang berkesan dengan pembuat situs web paling populer di dunia." msgid "" "Score a free domain name to give your personal or business brand a glow-up " "worthy of celebration when you choose an annual plan." msgstr "" "Dapatkan nama domain gratis untuk memberi branding pribadi atau bisnis Anda " "kilauan yang layak dirayakan saat Anda memilih paket tahunan." msgid "Get started today" msgstr "Mulai sekarang" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Upgrade your site</a> and use the code " "<strong>%2$s</strong> to take <strong>%3$s%% off your first year</strong> on " "an annual plan. Create something memorable with the world’s most popular " "website builder." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Lakukan upgrade situs Anda</a> dan gunakan " "kode <strong>%2$s</strong> untuk mendapatkan diskon <strong>%3$s%% tahun " "pertama</strong> untuk paket tahunan. Buat sesuatu yang berkesan dengan " "pembuat situs web paling populer di dunia." msgid "Ready to upgrade?" msgstr "Siap untuk melakukan upgrade?" msgid "Supercharge your website with a plan upgrade!" msgstr "Tingkatkan situs web Anda dengan upgrade paket!" msgid "For %s" msgstr "Untuk %s" msgid "Close cart" msgstr "Tutup keranjang" msgctxt "Jetpack Backup (One-time)" msgid "Backup one-time" msgstr "Satu kali Backup" msgid "" "Textdomain aliases should be registered before the %1$s hook. This notice " "was triggered by the %2$s domain." msgstr "" "Alias textdomain harus didaftarkan sebelum hook %1$s. Peringatan berikut " "dipicu oleh domain %2$s." msgid "Visit theme site for %s" msgstr "Kunjungi tema situs untuk %s" msgid "Get {{strong}}GitHub previews{{/strong}} inside your P2 posts." msgstr "Dapatkan {{strong}}Pratinjau Github{{/strong}} di dalam pos P2 Anda." msgid "Connect this workspace to your GitHub." msgstr "Hubungkan ruang kerja berikut ke Github Anda." msgid "Workspace connected to GitHub." msgstr "Ruang kerja terhubung ke Github." msgid "Manage consent" msgstr "Kelola persetujuan" msgid "We recommend keeping privacy protection on. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Kami menyarankan Anda untuk tetap mengaktifkan perlindungan privasi. {{a}}" "Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}}" msgid "" "Privacy protection is not available due to the registry’s policies. {{a}}" "Learn more{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Perlindungan privasi tidak tersedia karena kebijakan registri. {{a}}Pelajari " "lebih lanjut{{/a}}" msgid "Problem with SSL certificate" msgstr "Masalah dengan sertifikat SSL" msgid "SSL certificate pending" msgstr "Sertifikat SSL tertunda" msgid "SSL certificate active" msgstr "Sertifikat SSL aktif" msgid "" "We give you strong HTTPS encryption with your domain for free. This provides " "a trust indicator for your visitors and keeps their connection to your site " "secure. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Kami memberikan Anda enkripsi HTTPS yang kuat untuk domain Anda secara " "gratis. Hal tersebut merupakan penanda kepercayaan bagi pengunjung Anda dan " "menjaga koneksi mereka ke situs Anda tetap aman. {{a}}Pelajari lebih " "lanjut{{/a}}" msgid "" "There is an issue with your certificate. Contact us to {{a}}learn more{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Ditemukan masalah dengan sertifikat Anda. Silakan hubungi kami untuk {{a}}" "mempelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}}." msgid "Upgrade to protect your site from malware." msgstr "Upgrade untuk melindungi situs Anda dari malware." msgid "Your site isn’t being scanned." msgstr "Situs Anda sedang tidak dipindai." msgid "Your site will be scanned soon." msgstr "Situs Anda akan segera dipindai." msgid "Let’s resolve them" msgstr "Mari kita bereskan" msgid "Everything looks great!" msgstr "Semua sudah beres!" msgid "Potential threats were found." msgstr "Potensi ancaman ditemukan." msgid "Latest Scan" msgstr "Pemindaian Terakhir" msgid "" "The WooCommerce Blocks feature plugin requires a more recent version of " "WordPress and has been paused. Please update WordPress to continue enjoying " "WooCommerce Blocks." msgstr "" "Plugin fitur Blok WooCommerce memerlukan versi WordPress yang lebih baru dan " "kini sedang dijeda. Harap perbarui WordPress untuk melanjutkan penggunaan " "Blok WooCommerce." msgid "Sorry, this order requires a shipping option." msgstr "Maaf, pesanan ini memerlukan pilihan pengiriman." msgid "%s cannot be purchased. Please remove it from your cart." msgstr "%s tidak dapat dibeli. Silakan hapus item dari keranjang." msgid "Returns number of products with each stock status." msgstr "Mengembalikan jumlah produk dengan tiap status stok." msgid "If true, calculates stock counts for products in the collection." msgstr "Jika true, hitung jumlah stok untuk produk di koleksi." msgid "Search products…" msgstr "Cari produk..." msgid "Locations outside all other zones" msgstr "Lokasi di luar semua zona lainnya" msgid "" "To keep your subscription, please click the button below to renew it now. " "You can also turn on automatic renewal from your <a href=\"%1$s\" style=" "\"%2$s\">subscription management page</a>." msgstr "" "Untuk lanjut berlangganan, klik tombol di bawah untuk memperpanjang " "sekarang. Anda juga dapat mengaktifkan perpanjangan otomatis dari <a href=" "\"%1$s\" style=\"%2$s\">halaman pengelolaan langganan</a> Anda." msgid "" "Once your subscription is expired, you will lose access to paid Jetpack " "features." msgstr "" "Saat langganan Anda kedaluwarsa, Anda akan kehilangan akses ke fitur Jetpack " "berbayar." msgid "Your %1$s subscription for %2$s is set to expire in %3$d day, on %4$s." msgid_plural "" "Your %1$s subscription for %2$s is set to expire in %3$d days, on %4$s." msgstr[0] "" "Langganan %1$s Anda untuk %2$s akan berakhir dalam %3$d hari, pada %4$s." msgstr[1] "" "Langganan %1$s Anda untuk %2$s akan berakhir dalam %3$d hari, pada %4$s." msgid "Your %1$s subscription is set to expire in %2$d day, on %3$s." msgid_plural "Your %1$s subscription is set to expire in %2$d days, on %3$s." msgstr[0] "Langganan %1$s Anda akan berakhir dalam %2$d hari, pada %3$s." msgstr[1] "Langganan %1$s Anda akan berakhir dalam %2$d hari, pada %3$s." msgid "Your %s subscription is expiring soon." msgstr "Langganan %s Anda akan segera kedaluwarsa." msgid "Subscription Expiring Soon" msgstr "Langganan akan segera kedaluwarsa" msgctxt "media items" msgid "Unattached" msgstr "Tak terlampir" msgid "" "Individual posts may override these settings. Changes here will only be " "applied to new posts." msgstr "" "Masing-masing artikel dapat menggantikan pengaturan ini. Perubahan di sini " "hanya akan diterapkan pada artikel baru." msgid "The application ID must be a UUID." msgstr "ID aplikasi wajib berupa UUID." msgid "You should back up your existing %s file." msgstr "Anda harus mencadangkan berkas %s yang ada." msgid "You should back up your existing %1$s and %2$s files." msgstr "Anda harus mencadangkan berkas %1$s dan %2$s yang ada." msgid "" "<strong>Error:</strong> This email address is already registered. <a href=" "\"%s\">Log in</a> with this address or choose another one." msgstr "" "<strong>Error:</strong> Alamat email ini sudah terdaftar. <a href=\"%s" "\">Login</a> dengan alamat ini atau pilih alamat lain." msgid "one time" msgstr "satu kali" msgid "" "Your website appears to use Basic Authentication, which is not currently " "compatible with application passwords." msgstr "" "Situs Anda tampaknya menggunakan Autentikasi Dasar, yang tidak sesuai dengan " "sandi aplikasi." msgid "" "Your current primary site address is {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}}" msgstr "" "Alamat situs utama Anda saat ini adalah {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}}" msgid "Make this domain your primary site address" msgstr "Jadikan domain berikut sebagai alamat situs utama Anda" msgid "Set as primary" msgstr "Tetapkan sebagai yang utama" msgid "Domain connection details" msgstr "Detail koneksi domain" msgid "Registration and auto-renew" msgstr "Pendaftaran dan perpanjangan otomatis" msgid "We will attempt to renew on %(renewalDate)s for %(price)s" msgstr "" "Kami akan mencoba untuk memperbarui pada %(renewalDate)s dengan harga " "%(price)s" msgid "Domain connection expires on %(expirationDate)s" msgstr "Koneksi domain kedaluwarsa pada %(expirationDate)s" msgid "Domain connection expires with your plan on %(expirationDate)s" msgstr "Koneksi domain berakhir dengan paket Anda pada %(expirationDate)s" msgid "Domain connection expired on %(expirationDate)s" msgstr "Koneksi domain telah kedaluwarsa pada %(expirationDate)s" msgid "View plan settings" msgstr "Lihat pengaturan paket" msgid "Auto-renew off" msgstr "Perpanjangan otomatis tidak aktif" msgid "Auto-renew on" msgstr "Perpanjangan otomatis aktif" msgid "Jetpack will ignore the threat." msgstr "Jetpack akan mengabaikan ancaman." msgid "Jetpack will ignore the threat:" msgstr "Jetpack akan mengabaikan ancaman:" msgid "Blog setup" msgstr "Pengaturan blog" msgid "Enable sharing" msgstr "Aktifkan berbagi" msgid "Enable post sharing" msgstr "Aktifkan berbagi pos" msgid "Draft a post" msgstr "Buat konsep pos" msgid "" "Choose the perfect look for your site — one that reflects your site's " "personality." msgstr "" "Pilih tampilan yang sempurna untuk situs Anda — tampilan yang mencerminkan " "kepribadian situs Anda." msgid "Preview blog" msgstr "Pratinjau blog" msgid "" "See how your site looks to site visitors. Remember, your blog is a work in " "progress — you can always choose a new theme or tweak your site's design." msgstr "" "Lihat tampilan yang terlihat oleh pengunjung situs Anda. Ingat, blog Anda " "sedang dalam proses — Anda selalu dapat memilih tema baru atau mengubah " "desain situs Anda." msgid "Preview your blog" msgstr "Pratinjau blog Anda" msgid "Launch blog" msgstr "Luncurkan blog" msgid "" "Ready for the big reveal? Right now, your blog is private and visible only " "to you. Launch your blog so that it's public for everyone." msgstr "" "Siap untuk menunjukkan blog Anda kepada dunia? Saat ini, blog Anda bersifat " "privat dan hanya dapat dilihat oleh Anda. Luncurkan blog Anda sehingga dapat " "dilihat semua orang." msgid "Launch your blog" msgstr "Luncurkan blog Anda" msgid "" "Choose a name for your blog that reflects your site's personality. Don't " "worry, you can change it any time you like." msgstr "" "Pilih nama untuk blog Anda yang mencerminkan kepribadian situs Anda. Jangan " "khawatir, Anda dapat mengubahnya kapan pun Anda mau." msgid "" "These videos are currently only available in English. Please {{supportLink}}" "let us know{{/supportLink}} if you would like them translated." msgstr "" "Video berikut saat ini hanya tersedia dalam bahasa Inggris. Harap " "{{supportLink}}hubungi kami{{/supportLink}} jika Anda membutuhkan " "terjemahannya." msgid "We’re terribly sorry for the inconvenience." msgstr "Kami mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanannya." msgid "" "Unfortunately, there was a problem generating your download. We recommend " "trying again in a few hours. If you continue to have issues, you can reach " "out by replying directly to this email." msgstr "" "Maaf, terjadi masalah saat membuat unduhan Anda. Kami sarankan untuk " "mencobanya lagi setelah beberapa jam. Jika terus mengalami masalah, Anda " "dapat menghubungi kami dengan membalas email ini." msgid "Download Export" msgstr "Unduh Hasil Ekspor" msgid "" "Your download is now ready and can be accessed using the button below. " "Please note that this download link will expire in %d hours." msgstr "" "Unduhan Anda telah siap dan dapat diakses menggunakan tombol di bawah ini. " "Harap perhatikan bahwa tautan unduhan ini akan kedaluwarsa dalam %d hari." msgid "Hey there," msgstr "Halo," msgid "%s submenu" msgstr "Submenu %s" msgid "Thanks for the update" msgstr "Terima kasih atas informasinya" msgid " Courses" msgstr "Kursus" msgid " Webinars" msgstr "Webinar" msgid "" "If you are looking for help, or you are just looking for ways to learn more " "about your site, please take a look at the following resources:" msgstr "" "Jika Anda membutuhkan bantuan, atau ingin mempelajari situs Anda lebih " "lanjut, silakan lihat sumber daya berikut:" msgid "" "We are sorry, but we are no longer offering Quick Start sessions on " "" msgstr "" "Kami mohon maaf karena tidak lagi menawarkan sesi Quick Start di WordPress." "com." msgid "Quick Start sessions are no longer available for purchase" msgstr "Sesi Quick Start tidak lagi tersedia " msgid "" "Stewart is a modern blogging theme with a left sidebar. Its default color " "scheme is a striking combination of orange and light gray, to give your blog " "a sophisticated appearance from day one." msgstr "" "Stewart adalah tema blog modern dengan bilah sisi kiri. Skema warna asalnya " "adalah kombinasi oranye dan abu-abu muda, yang memberi tampilan canggih pada " "blog Anda sejak pertama kali dibuat." msgid "Leave items" msgstr "Tinggalkan item" msgid "You can leave the items in the cart or empty the cart." msgstr "Anda dapat meninggalkan item di keranjang atau mengosongkan keranjang." msgid "You are about to leave checkout with items in your cart" msgstr "Anda akan meninggalkan checkout dengan item di keranjang Anda" msgid "Kingsley is a minimalist theme, designed for single-page websites." msgstr "" "Kingsley adalah tema minimalis, dirancang untuk situs web satu halaman. " msgid "Ames is a minimalist theme, designed for single-page websites." msgstr "Ames adalah tema minimalis, dirancang untuk situs web satu halaman. " msgid "Jackson is a minimalist theme, designed for single-page websites." msgstr "" "Jackson adalah tema minimalis, dirancang untuk situs web satu halaman. " msgid "Annual Price" msgstr "Harga tahunan" msgid "Sign up for this course" msgstr "Daftar dan dapatkan materi ini" msgid "Launch your business online presence." msgstr "Hadirkan bisnis Anda di internet." msgid "Websites: Build a Business Site" msgstr "Situs: Membuat Situs Bisnis" msgid "Download WordPress on Google Play" msgstr "Unduh WordPress dari Google Play" msgid "Download WordPress from the App Store" msgstr "Unduh WordPress dari App Store" msgid "Get the mobile app" msgstr "Dapatkan aplikasi seluler" msgid "Welcome aboard!" msgstr "Selamat bergabung!" msgid "Websites: Build a <br /> Business Site" msgstr "Situs: Membangun Situs Bisnis <br />" msgid "Getting started with Akismet" msgstr "Memulai Akismet" msgid "" "Congratulations, your new site, <a style=\"color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: " "none;\" href=\"https://%s\">%s</a>, is up and running!" msgstr "" "Selamat, situs baru Anda, <a style=\"color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none;" "\" href=\"https://%s\">%s</a>, telah aktif!" msgid "Welcome to the <br /> family!" msgstr "Selamat datang di keluarga besar <br />!" msgid "Features include" msgstr "Fitur antara lain" msgid "Founder - <a href=\"%s\">Endoh Collaborative</a>" msgstr "Pendiri - <a href=\"%s\">Endoh Collaborative</a>" msgid "Please check with your site admin." msgstr "Silakan hubungi administrator situs Anda." msgid "You are not authorized to import content" msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki otorisasi untuk mengimpor konten" msgid "" "It looks like something went wrong while setting up your store. Please " "contact support so that we can help you out." msgstr "" "Sepertinya terjadi kendala saat menyiapkan penyimpanan Anda. Harap hubungi " "bantuan agar kami dapat membantu Anda." msgid "We've hit a snag" msgstr "Kami mengalami kendala" msgid "%(discount)d%% off" msgstr "Diskon %(discount)d%%!" msgid "Google Slides" msgstr "Google Slides" msgid "Google Sheets" msgstr "Google Sheets" msgid "Google Drive" msgstr "Google Drive" msgid "Transfer this domain" msgstr "Transfer domain berikut" msgid "Transfer this domain connection" msgstr "Transfer koneksi domain berikut" msgid "Add professional email" msgstr "Tambahkan email profesional" msgid "Remove this domain permanently" msgstr "Hapus domain berikut secara permanen" msgid "Cancel this domain transfer" msgstr "Batalkan transfer domain berikut" msgid "Remove this domain connection permanently" msgstr "Hapus koneksi domain berikut secara permanen" msgid "Delete this domain" msgstr "Hapus domain berikut" msgid "" "Deleting a domain will make all services connected to it unreachable, " "including your email and website. It will also make the domain available for " "someone else to register." msgstr "" "Menghapus domain akan membuat semua layanan yang terhubung tidak dapat " "dijangkau, termasuk email dan situs web Anda. Hal ini juga akan membuat " "domain tersedia untuk didaftarkan oleh orang lain." msgid "Mailboxes Renewal" msgstr "Pembaruan Kotak Surat" msgid "Watch <strong>Getting started on</strong> while you wait" msgstr "Simak <strong>Memulai di</strong> sambil menunggu" msgid "" "Please follow the information in our <a href=\"%1$s\">Backups and Restores " "support article</a> to restore your site's look and functionality to how it " "was before cancellation." msgstr "" "Silakan simak informasi pada <a href=\"%1$s\">artikel dukungan Pencadangan " "dan Pemulihan</a> untuk mengembalikan tampilan dan fungsi situs ke kondisi " "semula sebelum pembatalan." msgid "" "A credit card used to renew your subscription has expired or is about to " "expire." msgstr "" "Kartu kredit yang digunakan untuk memperbarui langganan Anda telah atau akan " "berakhir masa berlakunya." msgid "" "Geologist-yellow is a streamlined theme for modern bloggers. It consists of " "a simple single column of posts, paired with a sophisticated color palette " "and beautiful sans-serif typography." msgstr "" "Geologist-yellow adalah tema yang disederhanakan untuk bloger modern. Tema " "Geologist terdiri atas satu kolom pos sederhana, dipasangkan dengan palet " "warna yang lengkap dan tipografi sans-serif yang indah." msgid "" "Geologist-slate is a streamlined theme for modern bloggers. It consists of a " "simple single column of posts, paired with a sophisticated color palette and " "beautiful sans-serif typography." msgstr "" "Geologist-slate adalah tema yang disederhanakan untuk bloger modern. Tema " "Geologist terdiri atas satu kolom pos sederhana, dipasangkan dengan palet " "warna yang lengkap dan tipografi sans-serif yang indah." msgid "" "Geologist-cream is a streamlined theme for modern bloggers. It consists of a " "simple single column of posts, paired with a sophisticated color palette and " "beautiful sans-serif typography." msgstr "" "Geologist-cream adalah tema yang disederhanakan untuk bloger modern. Tema " "Geologist terdiri atas satu kolom pos sederhana, dipasangkan dengan palet " "warna yang lengkap dan tipografi sans-serif yang indah." msgid "" "Geologist-blue is a streamlined theme for modern bloggers. It consists of a " "simple single column of posts, paired with a sophisticated color palette and " "beautiful sans-serif typography." msgstr "" "Geologist-blue adalah tema yang disederhanakan untuk bloger modern. Tema " "Geologist terdiri atas satu kolom pos sederhana, dipasangkan dengan palet " "warna yang lengkap dan tipografi sans-serif yang indah." msgid "WooPay" msgstr "WooPay" msgid "Can not send SMS if either phone or message is empty." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengirimkan SMS jika nomor telepon atau pesan kosong." msgid "" "{{strong}}Did you know{{/strong}} {{br/}}We will send you an email if " "security threats are found. In the meantime feel free to continue to use " "your site as normal, you can check back on progress at any time." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Tahukah Anda{{/strong}} {{br/}}Kami akan mengirimkan email kepada " "Anda jika ditemukan ancaman keamanan. Jangan ragu untuk menggunakan situs " "Anda seperti biasa dan Anda dapat memeriksa kembali perkembangannya kapan " "pun." msgid "" "Welcome to Jetpack Scan. We are starting your first scan now. Scan results " "will be ready soon." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di Jetpack Scan. Kami memulai pemindaian pertama Anda " "sekarang. Hasil pemindaian akan segera siap." msgid "Low" msgstr "Rendah" msgid "High" msgstr "Tinggi" msgid "Review %(threatCount)s low risk item" msgid_plural "Review %(threatCount)s low risk items" msgstr[0] "Tinjau %(threatCount)s item berisiko rendah" msgstr[1] "Tinjau %(threatCount)s item berisiko rendah" msgid "Auto Fix" msgstr "Perbaikan Otomatis" msgid "Severity" msgstr "Tingkat Keparahan" msgid "File contains malicious code: %s" msgstr "Berkas berisi kode berbahaya: %s" msgid "high" msgstr "tinggi" msgid "" "If you have manually fixed any of the threats listed above, you can " "{{button}}run a manual scan now{{/button}} or wait for Jetpack to scan your " "site later today." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memperbaiki ancaman yang disebutkan di atas secara manual, Anda " "dapat {{button}}menjalankan pemindaian sekarang{{/button}} atau menunggu " "Jetpack memindai situs Anda nanti." msgid "Your site is not at risk" msgstr "Situs Anda tidak sedang dalam bahaya" msgid "Your site is at risk" msgstr "Situs Anda berada dalam risiko" msgid "Jetpack can auto fix" msgstr "Jetpack dapat memperbaiki secara otomatis" msgid "%(highThreatsSummary)s and %(lowThreatsSummary)s" msgstr "%(highThreatsSummary)s dan %(lowThreatsSummary)s" msgid "%(threatCount)s threat" msgid_plural "%(threatCount)s threats" msgstr[0] "%(threatCount)s ancaman" msgstr[1] "%(threatCount)s ancaman" msgid "%(lowCount)s low risk item" msgid_plural "%(lowCount)s low risk items" msgstr[0] "%(lowCount)s item berisiko rendah" msgstr[1] "%(lowCount)s item berisiko rendah" msgid "Jetpack will be fixing the selected threats and low risk items." msgstr "" "Jetpack akan mengatasi ancaman yang ditentukan dan item berisiko rendah." msgid "Here is your license key:" msgstr "Ini kunci lisensi Anda:" msgid "" "In order to utilize the features and benefits of %1$s, you'll need to " "<strong>activate the license key on your website</strong>." msgstr "" "Untuk menggunakan fitur dan manfaat dari %1$s, Anda perlu " "<strong>mengaktifkan kunci lisensi di situs Anda</strong>." msgid "We noticed you have not activated the product license key yet." msgstr "Kami mendapati bahwa Anda belum mengaktifkan kunci lisensi produk." msgid "Thanks for purchasing <strong>%1$s</strong> %2$s days ago on %3$s." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah membeli <strong>%1$s</strong> %2$s hari yang lalu pada " "%3$s." msgid "Activate your %1$s license key" msgstr "Aktifkan kunci lisensi %1$s Anda" msgid "Add another domain from %1$s" msgstr "Tambah domain lain dari %1$s" msgid "Domains on sale starting at %1$s" msgstr "Domain obral mulai harga %1$s" msgid "Get a .%1$s domain for just %2$s for a limited time" msgstr "Dapatkan domain .%1$s hanya seharga %2$s untuk waktu terbatas" msgid "" "Sorry, {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is reserved by the .%(tld)s registry " "and cannot be registered without permission." msgstr "" "Maaf, {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} telah dipesan oleh registri .%(tld)s " "dan tidak dapat didaftarkan tanpa izin." msgid "Get %(discount)s%% off" msgstr "Dapatkan diskon %(discount)s%%*" msgid "Get %(discount)s%% off by billing yearly" msgstr "Dapatkan diskon %(discount)s%% dengan penagihan tahunan" msgid "/month, billed yearly" msgstr "/bulan, penagihan tahunan" msgid "/month, billed monthly" msgstr "/bulan, penagihan bulanan" msgid "Use a blank theme" msgstr "Gunakan tema kosong" msgid "" "This plugin already exists on your site. If you want to upgrade or downgrade " "the plugin, please continue by uploading the plugin again from WP Admin." msgstr "" "Plugin berikut telah tersedia di situs Anda. Jika ingin melakukan upgrade " "atau downgrade plugin, silahkan lanjutkan dengan mengunggah ulang plugin " "dari WP Admin." msgid "Start learning" msgstr "Mulai belajar" msgid "" "Learn the fundamentals from our bite-sized video course — you'll be up and " "running in just nine minutes." msgstr "" "Pelajari dasar-dasarnya lewat kursus dari video singkat kami — Anda akan " "siap dan aktif hanya dalam sembilan menit." msgid "Blog like an expert from day one" msgstr "Buat blog seperti seorang bloger sejak hari pertama" msgid "" "The domain could not be unlocked. Please try again or {{a}}Contact Support{{/" "a}} if you continue to have trouble." msgstr "" "Kunci domain tidak dapat dibuka. Silakan coba kembali atau {{a}}Hubungi Tim " "Bantuan{{/a}} jika Anda masih mengalami kendala." msgid "" "The domain could not be locked. Please try again or {{a}}Contact Support{{/" "a}} if you continue to have trouble." msgstr "" "Domain tidak dapat dikunci. Silakan coba kembali atau {{a}}Hubungi Tim " "Bantuan{{/a}} jika Anda masih mengalami kendala." msgid "Get authorization code" msgstr "Masukkan kode otorisasi" msgid "This domain cannot be locked." msgstr "Domain tidak dapat dikunci." msgid "" "We recommend leaving the transfer lock on, unless you want to transfer your " "domain to another provider." msgstr "" "Kami merekomendasikan kunci transfer tetap aktif, kecuali jika Anda ingin " "mentransfer domain ke penyedia lain." msgid "You can unlock this domain after %s. <a>Why is my domain locked?</a>" msgstr "" "Anda dapat membuka kunci domain setelah %s. <a>Mengapa domain saya terkunci?" "</a>" msgid "Transfer lock on" msgstr "Kunci transfer aktif" msgid "Transfer lock off" msgstr "Kunci transfer nonaktif" msgid "Domain unlocked successfully!" msgstr "Domain berhasil dibuka!" msgid "Domain locked successfully!" msgstr "Domain berhasil dikunci!" msgid "What to expect" msgstr "Hal yang diharapkan" msgid "Start testing all Crowdsignal blocks in a draft post:" msgstr "Mulai menguji semua blok Crowdsignal di pos konsep:" msgid "My Jetpack" msgstr "Jetpack Saya" msgid "Back to %(domain)s" msgstr "Kembali ke %(domain)s" msgid "Install Now (Free)" msgstr "Instal Sekarang (Gratis)" msgid "Install For Free" msgstr "Instal Gratis" msgid "" "Jetpack Boost is helping to give your site the same performance advantages " "as the world’s leading websites, with no developer required." msgstr "" "Jetpack Boost memberikan manfaat performa situs yang sama dengan situs " "terkemuka di dunia, tanpa bantuan pengembang." msgid "Supercharge your site's performance and SEO with Jetpack Boost!" msgstr "Jadikan performa dan SEO situs Anda lebih andal dengan Jetpack Boost!" msgid "We were unable to delete all of the selected media items." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat menghapus semua item media yang dipilih." msgid "Error fetching backup status" msgstr "Terjadi eror saat mengambil status cadangan" msgid "Edit contact infomation" msgstr "Edit informasi kontak" msgid "" "{{icannLinkComponent}}ICANN{{/icannLinkComponent}} requires accurate contact " "information for registrants. This information will be validated after " "purchase. Failure to validate your contact information will result in domain " "suspension." msgstr "" "{{icannLinkComponent}}ICANN{{/icannLinkComponent}} memerlukan informasi " "kontak yang akurat untuk pendaftar. Informasi tersebut akan divalidasi " "setelah pembelian. Kegagalan dalam melakukan validasi informasi kontak Anda " "akan mengakibatkan penangguhan domain." msgid "Provide accurate contact information" msgstr "Berikan informasi kontak yang akurat" msgid "24/7 support via email" msgstr "Bantuan setiap saat via email" msgid "Pick an email solution" msgstr "Pilih solusi email" msgid "What's included:" msgstr "Apa saja yang termasuk di dalamnya:" msgid "Go to the plugin page" msgstr "Buka laman plugin" msgid "Go to the upload page" msgstr "Buka laman pengunggahan" msgid "" "This URL should not be accessed directly. Please try to upload the plugin " "again." msgstr "" "URL berikut tidak boleh diakses langsung. Silakan coba unggah plugin kembali." msgid "Skivers is a minimalist theme, designed for single-page websites." msgstr "" "Skivers adalah tema minimalis, dirancang untuk situs web satu halaman. " msgid "" "However, transferring a domain to another provider can take five to seven " "days during which no changes to the domain can be made. Read <a>this " "important information</a> before starting a transfer." msgstr "" "Akan tetapi, mentransfer domain ke penyedia lain dapat memakan waktu lima " "hingga tujuh hari dan Anda tidak dapat melakukan perubahan pada domain. Baca " "<a>informasi penting berikut</a> sebelum memulai transfer." msgid "Transferring a domain within is immediate." msgstr "Mentransfer domain dalam segera." msgid "How do transfers work?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara kerja transfer?" msgid "%(days)d-day money back guarantee for %(product)s" msgid_plural "%(days)d-day money back guarantee for %(product)s" msgstr[0] "%(days)d-hari jaminan uang kembali untuk %(product)s" msgstr[1] "%(days)d-hari jaminan uang kembali untuk %(product)s" msgid "View transfer" msgstr "Lihat transfer" msgid "Will be forwarded to this email address" msgstr "Akan diteruskan ke alamat email berikut" msgid "Emails sent to" msgstr "Email dikirimkan ke" msgid "WooCommerce Xero" msgstr "WooCommerce Xero" msgid "WooCommerce Shipment Tracking" msgstr "WooCommerce Shipment Tracking" msgid "WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping" msgstr "WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping" msgid "" "There is an error that is stopping us from being able to install this " "product, please contact support." msgstr "" "Terjadi eror yang menghentikan kami untuk dapat menginstal produk berikut, " "silakan hubungi tim bantuan." msgid "" "We’ve highlighted a few important details you should review before we create " "your store. " msgstr "" "Kami telah menyoroti beberapa detail penting yang harus Anda periksa sebelum " "kami membuat toko Anda." msgid "One final step" msgstr "Satu langkah terakhir" msgid "Things you should be aware of" msgstr "Beberapa hal yang harus Anda ketahui" msgid "" "By installing this product your subdomain will change. Your old subdomain " "(%1$s) will redirect to your new subdomain (%2$s). You can change it to a " "custom domain at anytime in the future." msgstr "" "Dengan menginstal produk berikut subdomain Anda akan berubah. Subdomain lama " "Anda (%1$s) akan dialihkan ke subdomain baru Anda (%2$s). Anda dapat " "mengubahnya ke domain khusus kapan pun di masa mendatang." msgid "Back to plugins" msgstr "Kembali ke plugin" msgid "" "You did it! Now it's time to put your skills to work and draft your first " "post." msgstr "" "Anda berhasil! Sekarang saatnya menggunakan keterampilan Anda dan buatlah " "konsep pos pertama Anda." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to export templates and template parts." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan mengekspor templat dan bagian templat." msgid "Whether a template is a custom template." msgstr "Apakah templat merupakan templat kustom." msgid "The ID for the author of the template." msgstr "ID pembuat templat." msgid "Zip Export not supported." msgstr "Pengeksporan ke file zip tidak didukung." msgid "Displays latest posts written by a single author." msgstr "Menampilkan pos terbaru yang disusun oleh satu orang penulis." msgid "Displays a single product." msgstr "Menampilkan satu pos tunggal." msgid "Payment Information" msgstr "Informasi Pembayaran" msgid "" "Earnings will be paid to the PayPal account on file. A PayPal account in " "good standing with the ability to accept funds must be maintained in order " "to receive earnings. You can verify which PayPal features are available to " "you by looking up your country on the {{a}}PayPal website{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Pendapatan akan dibayarkan ke akun PayPal yang tercatat. Akun PayPal yang " "bereputasi baik dengan kemampuan menerima dana harus dikelola agar dapat " "menerima pendapatan. Anda dapat melakukan verifikasi fitur PayPal yang " "tersedia untuk Anda dengan mencari negara Anda di {{a}}situs web PayPal{{/" "a}}." msgid "Transfer this domain connection to any site you are an administrator on" msgstr "" "Transfer koneksi domain ke situs mana pun tempat Anda menjadi administrator" msgid "Transfer this domain connection to any administrator on this site" msgstr "Transfer koneksi domain ke administrator mana pun di situs berikut" msgid "" "We were unable to charge your primary payment method for this purchase. A " "backup payment method attached to your account was used instead. <a href=\"%s" "\">Learn more about backup payment methods.</a>" msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat menagihkan pembelian ini dengan metode pembayaran utama " "Anda. Sebagai gantinya, kami menggunakan metode pembayaran cadangan yang " "disetel di akun Anda. <a href=\"%s\">Baca selengkapnya tentang metode " "pembayaran cadangan.</a>" msgid "If you didn't request this, please ignore this email." msgstr "Jika Anda tidak membuat permintaan, abaikan saja email ini." msgid "" "To fully activate your account, we need to make sure that this is you. " "Please click the button below to confirm your email and continue." msgstr "" "Untuk mengaktifkan akun sepenuhnya, kami perlu memastikan bahwa Anda benar " "pemilik situs ini. Klik tombol di bawah untuk melakukan konfirmasi email " "Anda dan melanjutkan proses." msgid "Confirm your email address for P2" msgstr "Konfirmasi alamat email Anda untuk P2" msgid "" "Byrne is a simple blogging theme that supports full-site editing. It comes " "with a set of minimal templates and design settings that can be manipulated " "through Global Styles." msgstr "" "Byrne adalah tema blog sederhana yang mendukung pengeditan situs penuh. " "Russel dilengkapi dengan satu set template minimal dan pengaturan desain " "yang dapat dimodifikasi melalui Global Styles." msgid "No order items found when switching this subscription" msgstr "Item pesanan tidak ditemukan saat beralih ke langganan ini" msgid "Unable to switch subscription. The subscription provided was not found" msgstr "" "Tidak dapat beralih langganan. Langganan yang disertakan tidak ditemukan" msgid "Unable to confirm order." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengonfirmasi pesanan." msgid "Choose an administrator on this site" msgstr "Pilih administrator di situs berikut" msgid "Back to Transfer" msgstr "Kembali ke Transfer" msgid "Create a new workspace" msgstr "Buat ruang kerja baru" msgid "Installed on %d site" msgid_plural "Installed on %d sites" msgstr[0] "Diinstal di %d situs" msgstr[1] "Diinstal di %d situs" msgid "Baxter is a minimalist theme, designed for single-page websites." msgstr "Baxter adalah tema minimalis, dirancang untuk situs web satu halaman. " msgid "" "Update the {{siteTitleButton/}} and {{siteTaglineButton/}} fields to let " "visitors clearly identify your site." msgstr "" "Perbarui bidang {{siteTitleButton/}} dan {{siteTaglineButton/}} agar " "pengunjung dapat mengidentifikasi situs Anda dengan jelas." msgid "" "This discount is only available the first time you purchase a " "%(googleMailService)s account, any additional mailboxes purchased after that " "will be at the regular price." msgstr "" "Diskon berikut hanya tersedia saat pertama kali Anda membeli akun " "%(googleMailService)s, kotak surat tambahan apa pun yang dibeli setelahnya " "akan dikenakan harga reguler." msgid "Indicates from what plugin the request is coming from" msgstr "Menunjukkan plugin yang membuat permintaan" msgid "" "The domain transfer failed to complete. Please contact the domain owner, " "{{strong}}%(owner)s{{/strong}}, to restart it." msgstr "" "Transfer domain gagal diselesaikan. Harap hubungi pemilik domain, " "{{strong}}%(owner)s{{/strong}}, untuk memulai ulang." msgid "" "This domain transfer is waiting to be initiated. Please contact the domain " "owner, {{strong}}%(owner)s{{/strong}}, to start it." msgstr "" "Transfer domain menunggu untuk dimulai. Harap hubungi pemilik domain, " "{{strong}}%(owner)s{{/strong}}, untuk memulainya." msgid "" "If you need more help, our <a href=\"%s\">support documentation</a> covers a " "wide variety of topics." msgstr "" "Jika Anda butuh bantuan kami, <a href=\"%s\">dokumentasi dukungan</a> kami " "mencakup berbagai macam topik." msgid "" "Watch a <a href=\"%1$s\">getting started video</a> or join our free live <a " "href=\"%2$s\">webinars</a>." msgstr "" "Tonton <a href=\"%1$s\">video memulai</a> atau bergabung dengan <a href=" "\"%2$s\">webinar</a> langsung gratis kami." msgid "Go through your <a href=\"%s\">site set-up checklist</a>." msgstr "Lengkapi <a href=\"%s\">daftar penyiapan situs</a> Anda." msgid "Here are a few steps to get started:" msgstr "Berikut beberapa langkah untuk memulai:" msgid "" "Welcome to! Soon, you’ll be launching a beautiful new site you " "can be proud of." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di! Anda akan segera dapat meluncurkan situs " "baru yang indah dan bisa Anda dibanggakan." msgid "Too many requests." msgstr "Terlalu banyak permintaan." msgid "Activate your %1$s plan" msgstr "Aktifkan paket %1$s Anda" msgid "" "If you enter %(emailDomain)s, anybody using %(emailDomain)s email will be " "able to join this workspace. To add multiple domains, separate them with a " "comma." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memasukkan %(emailDomain)s, siapa pun yang menggunakan email " "%(emailDomain)s akan dapat bergabung dengan ruang kerja berikut. Untuk " "menambahkan beberapa domain, pisahkan dengan koma." msgid "Approved domains" msgstr "Domain yang disetujui" msgid "" "Allow people with an email address from specified domains to join this " "workspace." msgstr "" "Izinkan anggota baru dengan alamat email dari domain tertentu untuk " "bergabung dengan ruang kerja berikut." msgid "Joining this workspace" msgstr "Bergabung dengan ruang kerja berikut" msgid "Congratulations. Your content was successfully imported." msgstr "Selamat. Konten Anda berhasil diimpor." msgid "{{a}}Contact support{{/a}} for help and questions." msgstr "{{a}}Hubungi tim bantuan{{/a}} untuk bantuan dan pertanyaan." msgid "Transfer this domain to any site you are an administrator on" msgstr "Transfer domain ke situs mana pun tempat Anda menjadi administrator" msgid "To another site" msgstr "Ke situs lain" msgid "Transfer this domain to any administrator on this site" msgstr "Transfer domain ke administrator mana pun di situs berikut" msgid "to manage your product license keys." msgstr "untuk mengelola kunci lisensi produk Anda." msgid "Your paid Jetpack services now have license keys" msgstr "Sekarang layanan Jetpack berbayar Anda memiliki kunci lisensi" msgid "Site has been deleted." msgstr "Situs telah dihapus." msgid "" "We will attempt to charge your card in case your account is still active. To " "ensure you keep your subscription, <strong>please update your payment " "method</strong>." msgstr "" "Kami akan mencoba menagih ke kartu Anda jika ternyata akun Anda masih aktif. " "Untuk memastikan langganan Anda tidak berhenti, <strong>harap perbarui " "metode pembayaran Anda</strong>." msgid "" "A credit card used to renew your subscription has expired or is about to " "expire before the next renewal on %s." msgstr "" "Kartu kredit yang digunakan untuk memperbarui langganan Anda telah atau akan " "berakhir masa berlakunya sebelum perpanjangan langganan berikutnya pada %s." msgid "" "A credit card used to renew your subscription has expired or is going to " "expire before the next renewal on %s." msgstr "" "Kartu kredit yang digunakan untuk memperbarui langganan Anda telah atau akan " "berakhir masa berlakunya sebelum perpanjangan langganan berikutnya pada %s" msgid "" "Please update your payment method for your %1$s subscription before %2$s." msgstr "" "Harap perbarui metode pembayaran untuk langganan %1$s Anda sebelum %2$s." msgid "Script \"%s\" depends on wp-i18n but does not specify \"textdomain\"" msgstr "" "Skrip \"%s\" bergantung pada wp-i18n tetapi tidak menentukan \"textdomain\"" msgid "Covered by free trial" msgstr "Dicakup dalam percobaan gratis" msgid "Ready to finish upgrading?" msgstr "Siap menyelesaikan upgrade?" msgid "Remove ads from your site." msgstr "Hapus iklan dari situs Anda." msgid "And so much more!" msgstr "Dan masih banyak lagi!" msgid "Get access to support from a global team of WordPress experts." msgstr "Dapatkan akses layanan bantuan dari tim global ahli WordPress." msgid "Unlock the ability to use your custom domain name." msgstr "Menggunakan nama domain khusus Anda." msgid "With your upgrade, you’ll:" msgstr "Dengan upgrade ini, Anda bisa:" msgid "" "Are you on the fence about your upgrade to the %s plan? We’re here to help!" msgstr "" "Kesulitan memutuskan upgrade untuk paket %s Anda? Kami siap membantu Anda!" msgid "Here’s what you’ll get →" msgstr "Berikut manfaat yang akan didapat →" msgid "Your upgraded website is within reach." msgstr "Upgrade situs Anda dengan mudah." msgid "" "Upgrading to the %s plan will unlock powerful features to help you reach " "your goals. Whether you want to connect with more readers, drive more sales, " "or showcase your work, will help you get there." msgstr "" "Melakukan upgrade ke paket %s akan membuka akses ke fitur-fitur andal yang " "dapat membantu Anda mencapai tujuan. Baik ingin terhubung dengan lebih " "banyak pembaca, meningkatkan penjualan, atau menampilkan hasil kerja Anda, " " akan membantu Anda mencapainya. " msgid "You’re almost there!" msgstr "Tinggal selangkah lagi!" msgid "Your goals are within reach. We’ll help you get there." msgstr "" "Tujuan Anda berada dalam jangkauan. Kami akan membantu Anda mencapainya." msgid "Remove this forward" msgstr "Hapus penerusan berikut" msgid "Add another forward" msgstr "Tambahkan penerusan lainnya" msgid "" "{{strong}}Media uploads{{/strong}} (you must also select {{em}}Site " "database{{/em}} for restored media uploads to appear)" msgstr "" "{{strong}}Unggahan media{{/strong}} (Anda juga harus memilih {{em}}Basis " "data situs{{/em}} agar unggahan media yang dipulihkan terlihat)" msgid "{{strong}}Site database{{/strong}} (includes pages, and posts)" msgstr "{{strong}}Basis data situs{{/strong}} (termasuk laman, dan pos)" msgid "" "- CRM – Nurture and convert customers with a powerful tool built for " "WordPress" msgstr "" "- CRM – Memelihara dan mengonversi pelanggan dengan alat yang andal dan " "dibuat untuk WordPress" msgid "" "- VideoPress – Stunning-quality video without the ads, directly in WordPress" msgstr "" "- VideoPress – Video berkualitas menakjubkan tanpa iklan, langsung di " "WordPress" msgid "- Search – Instantly show your visitors the right product or article" msgstr "" "- Pencarian – Menampilkan langsung produk atau artikel yang tepat untuk " "pengunjung Anda " msgid "" "- Security – Stay ahead of threats with malware scanning and comment spam " "protection" msgstr "" "- Keamanan – Selalu siaga dari ancaman dengan pemindaian malware dan " "perlindungan spam komentar" msgid "- Backup – Save every change and get back online in one click" msgstr "" "- Pencadangan – Simpan setiap perubahan dan kembali online dengan mudah" msgid "" "<strong>CRM</strong> – Nurture and convert customers with a powerful tool " "built for WordPress" msgstr "" "<strong>CRM</strong> – Memelihara dan mengonversi pelanggan dengan alat yang " "andal dan dibuat untuk WordPress" msgid "" "<strong>VideoPress</strong> – Stunning-quality video without the ads, " "directly in WordPress" msgstr "" "<strong>VideoPress</strong> – Video berkualitas menakjubkan tanpa iklan, " "langsung di WordPress" msgid "" "<strong>Search</strong> – Instantly show your visitors the right product or " "article" msgstr "" "<strong>Pencarian</strong> – Menampilkan langsung produk atau artikel yang " "tepat untuk pengunjung Anda " msgid "" "<strong>Security</strong> – Stay ahead of threats with malware scanning and " "comment spam protection" msgstr "" "<strong>Keamanan</strong> – Selalu siaga dari ancaman dengan pemindaian " "malware dan perlindungan spam komentar" msgid "" "<strong>Backup</strong> – Save every change and get back online in one click" msgstr "" "<strong>Pencadangan</strong> – Simpan setiap perubahan dan kembali online " "dengan mudah" msgid "" "Depending on your media library size and/or connection speed, you might need " "to use a download manager. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Bergantung pada ukuran pustaka media dan/atau kecepatan koneksi, Anda " "mungkin perlu menggunakan pengelola unduhan. {{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih " "lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "Upgrade to set up your WooCommerce store." msgstr "Lakukan upgrade untuk menyiapkan toko online WooCommerce Anda." msgid "Upgrade to the %s plan and set up your WooCommerce store." msgstr "Lakukan upgrade ke paket %s dan siapkan toko online WooCommerce Anda." msgid "View Templates" msgstr "Lihat Template" msgid "Update DNS record" msgstr "Perbarui DNS record" msgid "The DNS record has been updated." msgstr "DNS record telah dihapus." msgid "Edit record" msgstr "Edit record" msgid "Active installations" msgstr "Instalasi aktif" msgid "Tip to tumblelog ID" msgstr "Tip untuk tumblelog ID" msgid "Tip UUID" msgstr "Tip UUID" msgid "a8c's Apple tier matrix does not support a 15% Apple cut" msgstr "Matriks tingkat Apple a8c tidak mendukung diskon Apple 15%" msgid "The %s currency is not supported by a8c billing systems" msgstr "Mata uang %s tidak didukung oleh sistem penagihan a8c" msgid "Unable to find an Apple tier price for this territory" msgstr "Tidak dapat menemukan harga tingkat Apple untuk wilayah ini" msgid "" "You did it! Now it's time to put your skill to work and draft your first " "post." msgstr "" "Anda berhasil! Sekarang saatnya menggunakan keterampilan dan buatlah konsep " "pos pertama Anda." msgid "Manage all your domains. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Kelola semua domain Anda. {{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/" "learnMoreLink}}." msgid "Failed to restore the default A records" msgstr "Gagal memulihkan A record standar" msgid "Default A records restored" msgstr "A record standar dipulihkan" msgid "Last paint touchups" msgstr "Sentuhan pewarnaan terakhir" msgid "Eligibility" msgstr "Kelayakan" msgid "" "There was a problem activating %(productName)s on " "{{strong}}%(selectedSite)s{{/strong}}. Try with a different site or {{a}}" "activate your product manually{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Terjadi kendala saat mengaktifkan %(productName)s di " "{{strong}}%(selectedSite)s{{/strong}}. Silakan coba dengan situs lain atau " "{{a}}aktifkan produk Anda secara manual{{/a}}." msgid "" "If you don’t have Backups as part of your Jetpack plan, go to your WordPress " "admin dashboard and then go to <strong>Jetpack > Dashboard > Plans</strong>." msgstr "" "Jika paket Jetpack Anda tidak mencakup Pencadangan, buka dasbor admin " "WordPress, lalu buka <strong>Jetpack > Dasbor > Paket</strong>." msgid "<strong>One year activity log*</strong>" msgstr "<strong>Log aktivitas satu tahun</strong>" msgid "<strong>One-click restore from the past year of backups</strong>" msgstr "<strong>Pemulihan sekali klik dari pencadangan tahun lalu</strong>" msgid "<strong>1TB of backup storage</strong>" msgstr "<strong>Ruang penyimpanan cadangan sebesar 1 TB</strong>" msgid "" "Go back in time and recover all of your information for up to a year with " "1TB of storage space." msgstr "" "Putar balik waktu dan pulihkan semua informasi Anda hingga setahun dengan " "ruang penyimpanan 1TB." msgid "Cloud-based, secure backups" msgstr "Pencadangan aman berbasis cloud" msgid "" "Save every change with real‑time backups and get back online quickly with " "one‑click restores." msgstr "" "Simpan semua perubahan dengan pencadangan real-time dan segera kembali " "online dengan pemulihan sekali klik." msgid "Cloud backups" msgstr "Pencadangan cloud" msgid "" "We’ve got a P2 where we collect feedback on the product. Please feel welcome " "to join! It’s a space where you can ask questions about P2 and share your " "thoughts: %s" msgstr "" "Kami memiliki P2 untuk mengumpulkan masukan. Silakan bergabung! Sebuah ruang " "tempat Anda mengajukan pertanyaan tentang P2 dan membagikan pendapat: %s" msgid "" "P2ing a call is showing your work. If a peer or your boss asks what you have " "been doing this week and you’ve been on calls or spent hours preparing for " "calls can @ mention them or share links to your call summaries in your " "status reports." msgstr "" "Membuat pos P2 tentang sebuah sesi akan menampilkan hasil kerja Anda. Jika " "rekan atau atasan Anda menanyakan yang telah Anda lakukan selama seminggu " "dan Anda telah melakukan sesi atau menggunakan waktu untuk menyiapkan sesi, " "Anda dapat menyebutkan @ mereka atau membagikan tautan ke ikhtisar sesi pada " "laporan status." msgid "" "Never lose a client or prospect. Documenting the members of the call, their " "roles, and the focus of the discussion, along with background and color on " "P2 gives our sales team an advantage. The entire team gets the benefit of " "learning the outcome of the call, without having to be on the call." msgstr "" "Jangan pernah kehilangan klien atau calon klien. Mendokumentasikan yang " "hadir di dalam sesi, perannya, dan fokus diskusi, serta latar belakang dan " "warna pada P2 memberikan keuntungan bagi anggota penjualan kami. Semua " "anggota tim mendapatkan manfaat pembelajaran dari hasil sesi tanpa perlu " "ikut serta dalam sesi tersebut." msgid "" "If you have any questions about P2 or even how to navigate the world of " "distributed work, email us at" msgstr "" "Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan tentang P2 atau bahkan cara menavigasi dunia " "kerja terdistribusi, hubungi kami melalui email di" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Unsubscribe</a> or update your email settings <a href=\"%2$s" "\" target=\"_blank\">here</a>." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Berhenti mengikuti</a> atau perbarui pengaturan email Anda " "<a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\">di sini</a>." msgid "— The P2 team." msgstr "— Tim P2." msgid "" "That’s all for now! We’re thrilled that you’ve joined P2, and we’re here to " "help you succeed." msgstr "" "Cukup dari kami untuk sekarang! Kami senang Anda ingin bergabung, dan kami " "selalu siap untuk membantu Anda sukses." msgid "" "If you’ve got feedback on P2, we’d love to hear it. Check <a href=\"%1$s\" " "target=\"_blank\">P2 Feedback</a> or drop us a note at <a href=\"%2$s" "\"></a>." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memiliki masukan terkait P2, kami dengan senang hati mendengarnya. " "Kunjungi <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">Feedback P2</a> atau kirimkan " "pesan melalui <a href=\"%2$s\"></a>." msgid "A P2 <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">demo</a>." msgstr "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Demo</a> P2." msgid "" "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">P2 Help</a> — Need more help? Check out " "these help docs." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Bantuan P2</a> — Butuh bantuan? Periksa " "dokumen bantuan berikut." msgid "" "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">P2 Guides</a> — A few guides to help you " "adopt the P2 way of working." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Panduan P2</a> — Beberapa panduan untuk " "membantu Anda menerapkan cara kerja P2." msgid "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Ideas for your first P2 post</a>." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Gagasan untuk pos P2 pertama Anda</a>." msgid "" "Would you like to master P2 faster? Here are some resources to get you " "started:" msgstr "" "Apakah Anda ingin menguasai P2 lebih cepat? Berikut beberapa materi untuk " "membantu Anda memulai:" msgid "" "P2 shines when it’s used with your teammates. <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank" "\">Invite people</a> to your workspace — you can invite them one by one, or " "by sharing an invite link with them." msgstr "" "P2 sangat bermanfaat saat digunakan bersama rekan kerja satu tim. <a href=" "\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Kirim undangan</a> ke ruang kerja Anda — Anda dapat " "mengundang satu per satu atau membagikan tautan undangan." msgid "" "Starting on a blank page can be hard, so we’ve created a P2 inside your " "workspace called “General”. You can check it out <a href=\"%s\" target=" "\"_blank\">here</a>." msgstr "" "Anda mungkin kesulitan jika memulai dengan halaman kosong, maka kami telah " "menciptakan P2 di dalam ruang kerja Anda yang berjudul \"Umum\". Anda dapat " "memeriksanya <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">di sini</a>." msgid "Open your P2 workspace" msgstr "Buka ruang kerja P2 Anda" msgid "These are the details of your new P2 workspace:" msgstr "Berikut detail ruang kerja P2 baru Anda:" msgid "Your workspace details" msgstr "Detail ruang kerja Anda" msgid "Connect, communicate, and collaborate — friction-free." msgstr "Terhubung, berkomunikasi, dan berkolaborasi dengan mudah." msgid "Welcome to P2, a better way of working" msgstr "Selamat datang di P2, cara bekerja yang lebih baik" msgid "" "Check your workspace details, next steps and a few resources to get your " "team started on P2, a better way of working. Connect, communicate, and " "collaborate — friction-free." msgstr "" "Periksa detail ruang kerja Anda, pelajari langkah-langkah yang perlu diambil " "dan beberapa materi untuk membantu tim Anda memulai dengan P2, cara bekerja " "yang lebih baik. Terhubung, berkomunikasi, dan berkolaborasi dengan mudah." msgid "Welcome to your new P2 workspace" msgstr "Selamat Datang di Ruang Kerja P2 Baru Anda" msgid "" "We’ve got a <a href=\"%s\">P2 where we collect feedback</a> on the product. " "Please feel welcome to join! It’s a space where you can ask questions about " "P2 and share your thoughts." msgstr "" "Kami memiliki <a href=\"%s\">P2 untuk mengumpulkan masukan</a>. Silakan " "bergabung! Sebuah ruang tempat Anda mengajukan pertanyaan tentang P2 dan " "membagikan pendapat." msgid "Thanks for signing up to P2." msgstr "Terima kasih telah mendaftar ke P2." msgid "Your first steps with P2" msgstr "Langkah Pertama Anda Dengan P2" msgid "" "<strong>P2ing a call is showing your work.</strong> If a peer or your boss " "asks what you have been doing this week and you’ve been on calls or spent " "hours preparing for calls can @ mention them or share links to your call " "summaries in your status reports." msgstr "" "<strong>Membuat pos P2 tentang sebuah sesi akan menampilkan hasil kerja Anda." "</strong> Jika rekan atau atasan Anda menanyakan yang telah Anda lakukan " "selama seminggu dan Anda telah membuat sesi atau menghabiskan waktu untuk " "menyiapkan sesi, Anda dapat menyebutkan @ mereka atau membagikan tautan ke " "ikhtisar sesi pada laporan status." msgid "" "<strong>Never lose a client or prospect.</strong> Documenting the members of " "the call, their roles, and the focus of the discussion, along with " "background and color on P2 gives our sales team an advantage. The entire " "team gets the benefit of learning the outcome of the call, without having to " "be on the call." msgstr "" "<strong>Jangan pernah kehilangan klien atau calon klien.</strong> " "Mendokumentasikan yang hadir di dalam sesi, perannya, dan fokus diskusi, " "serta latar belakang dan warna pada P2 memberikan keuntungan bagi anggota " "penjualan kami. Semua anggota tim mendapatkan manfaat pembelajaran dari " "hasil sesi tanpa perlu ikut serta dalam sesi tersebut." msgid "Why take the time to do this?" msgstr "Mengapa Anda perlu untuk melakukannya?" msgid "" "Are you planning a call with a client or sales prospect this week? Use P2 to " "summarize it. At Automattic, our amazing sales people are P2 power users. " "For every call they make, they P2 a summary." msgstr "" "Apakah Anda telah merencanakan sebuah sesi bantuan dengan klien atau calon " "pembeli dalam minggu ini? Gunakan P2 untuk merangkumnya. Di Automattic, tim " "penjualan kami yang luar biasa adalah pengguna ahli P2. Untuk setiap sesi, " "mereka membuat ringkasan dengan P2." msgid "Document the outcome of a sales call" msgstr "Dokumentasikan Hasil Panggilan Penjualan" msgid "" "The next time you spin up a new project, create a P2 post to introduce " "yourself to the team and ask team members to do the same! Be sure to share " "something fun — a hobby, a picture of your cat, or a song you love, so that " "people can start to get to know you." msgstr "" "Ketika Anda menjalankan proyek baru, buat pos P2 untuk memperkenalkan diri " "kepada tim dan minta anggota tim untuk melakukan hal yang sama! Pastikan " "untuk membagikan sesuatu yang menyenangkan — hobi, gambar kucing Anda, atau " "lagu yang Anda sukai, sehingga mereka dapat mulai mengenal Anda." msgid "" "At Automattic, we’re firm believers in distributed work. Your intro P2 post " "is your welcome party! When you join us as a new employee, it’s customary to " "write a post to introduce yourself to your team and to the company. People " "will often share a little about themselves, where they live and what they’ll " "be doing in their new role. Some post short videos and gifs so that others " "can get to know them a little. Teammates comment to welcome the new member " "and often share links to internal “watercooler” P2s (for special interests " "like books, pets, and much much more!) that might interest them." msgstr "" "Di Automattic, kami sangat mengandalkan cara kerja terdistribusi. Pos P2 " "perkenalan diri Anda menjadi pesta penyambutan Anda! Ketika bergabung dengan " "kami sebagai karyawan baru, Anda diwajibkan untuk menulis pos yang berisi " "perkenalan diri kepada tim dan perusahaan. Seringkali orang hanya membagikan " "sebagian kecil tentang dirinya, tentang tempat tinggal dan hal yang akan " "mereka lakukan dengan peran barunya. Beberapa yang lain memposkan video " "singkat dan gif sehingga tim dapat lebih mengenalnya. Rekan tim akan " "berkomentar untuk menyambut anggota baru dan seringkali membagikan tautan ke " "P2 \"oasis\" internal (untuk minat khusus seperti buku, hewan peliharaan, " "dan lainnya!) yang mungkin menarik bagi anggota baru." msgid "Who are you? Introduce yourself on P2" msgstr "Siapa Anda? Perkenalkan Diri Anda di P2" msgid "" "What you end up with is a case study in how to approach and act on customer " "feedback. The post, comments, project plan, and status are transparent and " "become part of your company’s collective memory and a part of the searchable " "record." msgstr "" "Hasil yang Anda dapatkan adalah studi kasus tentang cara mendekati dan " "bertindak berdasarkan masukan pelanggan. Pos, komentar, rencana proyek, dan " "status bersifat transparan, serta menjadi bagian dari memori kolektif " "perusahaan dan bagian dari data yang dapat dicari." msgid "Invite team members to share progress in the comments." msgstr "Undang anggota tim untuk membagikan progres pada komentar." msgid "" "Assign tasks to your team, or allow them to volunteer for them and document " "those items on a project plan the whole team can follow." msgstr "" "Delegasikan tugas ke tim Anda atau izinkan tim menjadi sukarelawan, dan " "dokumentasikan tugas tersebut pada rencana proyek yang dapat diikuti semua " "anggota tim." msgid "Document the course of action you decide on." msgstr "Dokumentasikan serangkaian tindakan yang telah Anda tentukan." msgid "" "Invite your team to share their thoughts and ideas on how to solve the " "problem." msgstr "" "Undang tim Anda untuk membagikan opini dan gagasan terkait pemecahan masalah." msgid "Copy relevant points from an email and post them to your team’s P2." msgstr "" "Salin poin yang relevan dari masukan tersebut dan tulis pos di P2 tim Anda." msgid "" "Have you ever received customer feedback via email? Use that important " "feedback to launch a discussion with your team! Here’s how:" msgstr "" "Apakah Anda pernah menerima masukan pelanggan melalui email? Gunakan masukan " "penting untuk menyelenggarakan diskusi bersama tim Anda! Begini caranya:" msgid "Start a P2 discussion" msgstr "Mulai Diskusi P2" msgid "" "As you add more posts the most recent post will sit at the top of the P2. " "This way you and your teammates can easily see what’s the latest." msgstr "" "Ketika Anda menambahkan pos, pos terbaru akan berada di paling atas P2. " "Dengan demikian, Anda beserta rekan kerja satu tim dapat dengan mudah " "melihat informasi terbaru." msgid "" "Your teammates will receive email notification when someone mentions them on " "a P2. Notifications are also found under the bell icon on the top, right-" "hand corner of the P2." msgstr "" "Rekan kerja satu tim Anda akan menerima notifikasi email saat seseorang " "menyebutkan namanya pada P2. Pemberitahuan juga dapat dilihat di bawah ikon " "lonceng di ujung kanan atas P2." msgid "" "Be sure to @ mention teammates so they can see how to pull others into " "important conversations." msgstr "" "Pastikan untuk menyebutkan @ rekan kerja satu tim sehingga mereka dapat " "melihat cara melibatkan anggota lain ke dalam percakapan penting." msgid "" "Simply start typing in the editor at the top of your P2 what is the status " "of your work." msgstr "" "Cukup dengan mulai menuliskan status pekerjaan Anda pada editor di bagian " "atas P2 Anda." msgid "Here are some other ideas to share with your team." msgstr "Berikut beberapa ide lain untuk berbagi dengan tim Anda." msgid "" "Still in doubt? Instead of having an updates meeting, post a request for " "status updates on your P2 and allow your teammates to respond." msgstr "" "Masih ragu? Anda tidak harus mengadakan rapat pembaruan. Akan tetapi, Anda " "dapat menulis pos yang meminta pembaruan status di P2 Anda dan izinkan rekan " "tim untuk memberikan respons." msgid "" "P2 can become your team’s communication hub, collective memory, and a place " "to document decisions. This kind of clarity and transparency builds trust " "within the team and the company and helps people to do their best work." msgstr "" "P2 dapat menjadi hub komunikasi, memori kolektif tim Anda, serta sebuah " "tempat untuk mendokumentasikan keputusan. Kejelasan dan transparansi " "membangun rasa percaya di dalam tim sekaligus perusahaan, serta membantu " "anggota tim untuk meningkatkan kualitas pekerjaannya." msgid "Your First P2 Post Idea — Show Your Team Why and How to P2" msgstr "" "Ide Pos P2 Pertama Anda — Tampilkan Alasan dan Cara Menggunakan P2 Pada Tim " "Anda" msgid "" "Over the next few days we’ll share some other ideas on how to get the most " "out of P2." msgstr "" "Selama beberapa hari ke depan, kami akan membagikan sejumlah ide tentang " "cara memaksimalkan P2." msgid "" "This was the very first P2 post at Automattic in 2008. There’s nothing fancy " "about it, but these simple messages updated Maya’s and Toni’s teams on what " "they have been working on and anyone in the company could read and comment " "on their posts. They could pose questions and start a discussion. To this " "day, team members use P2 to document their accomplishments as part of " "regular status reporting. Could regular, transparent team status reports " "accelerate your company’s progress? That’s just one way to use P2." msgstr "" "Ini adalah pos P2 pertama di Automattic pada tahun 2008. Tidak ada yang luar " "biasa dari isi pos itu, tetapi pesan sederhana tersebut mampu menyampaikan " "kabar terbaru tentang tugas yang sedang dikerjakan tim Maya dan Toni. Selain " "itu, semua orang di perusahaan bisa membaca dan memberi pos tersebut " "komentar. Dari situ, mereka bisa mengajukan pertanyaan dan mulai berdiskusi. " "Hingga hari ini, anggota tim menggunakan P2 untuk mendokumentasikan " "pencapaian sebagai bagian dari pelaporan status reguler. Bisakah laporan " "status tim reguler yang transparan mempercepat pertumbuhan perusahaan Anda? " "Itu hanya salah satu cara untuk menggunakan P2." msgid "Your first P2 post idea" msgstr "Ide Pos P2 Pertama Anda" msgid "" "At Automattic, we use P2s to organize and manage projects and communicate " "asynchronously with teammates around the world. We use P2s to hire, welcome, " "and onboard new teammates, P2s to plan projects, P2s to share call notes " "with clients, and P2s to document HR and other policies. P2 works so well " "for us at Automattic we want to do all we can to ensure you have a great P2 " "experience." msgstr "" "Di Automattic, kami menggunakan P2 untuk mengatur dan mengelola proyek serta " "berkomunikasi secara tidak bersamaan dengan rekan satu tim dari seluruh " "dunia. Kami menggunakan P2 untuk merekrut, menyambut, dan mengadakan " "orientasi bagi rekan satu tim yang baru. Selain itu, P2 juga untuk " "merencanakan proyek, membagikan catatan dari pertemuan dengan klien, dan " "mendokumentasikan seluruh aktivitas SDM serta kebijakan lain. P2 sangat " "bermanfaat bagi kami di Automattic. Kami ingin berusaha sebaik mungkin untuk " "memastikan Anda mendapatkan pengalaman yang luar biasa dalam menggunakan P2." msgid "" "P2ing can be simple. Your P2 is private by default. That means that only " "those you’ve invited can access it. P2 posts are displayed in reverse " "chronological order; your most recent post appears first." msgstr "" "Penggunaan P2 sangat sederhana. P2 Anda secara otomatis bersifat pribadi. " "Artinya adalah hanya mereka yang Anda undang yang dapat mengaksesnya. Pos P2 " "ditampilkan dalam urutan kronologi terbalik; pos terbaru dimunculkan paling " "pertama." msgid "" "To help you get started with P2 we’ll share how our teams have relied on P2 " "for over a dozen years — all while being a fully distributed workplace. Over " "the years, we’ve made over four million P2 posts and comments. Had these " "been emails, they would be lost; buried in inboxes. Instead, these posts and " "comments form an ongoing internal record of our projects and decisions. Any " "member of the team can search for project outcomes and decisions to inform " "what they’re working on today." msgstr "" "Untuk membantu Anda mulai menggunakan P2, kami akan membagikan pengalaman " "kerja tim yang mengandalkan P2 selama belasan tahun — menggunakan P2 sebagai " "ruang kerja yang terdistribusi sepenuhnya. Selama bertahun-tahun, kami telah " "membuat lebih dari empat juta pos dan komentar P2. Jika menggunakan email, " "pos sebelumnya pasti terkubur di inbox. Pos dan komentar membentuk data " "internal berkelanjutan yang mencakup proyek dan keputusan kami. Semua " "anggota tim dapat mencari hasil dan keputusan terkait proyek, dan " "menggunakannya sebagai pengetahuan tentang yang sedang mereka kerjakan hari " "ini." msgid "" "At Automattic, P2 allows us to avoid email. Email wasn’t designed for " "internal communication, but for many organizations email is how teams talk " "with each other, allowing important conversations and decisions to get " "buried in inboxes." msgstr "" "Di Automattic, P2 memungkinkan kami untuk tidak menggunakan email. Email " "tidak dirancang untuk komunikasi internal tetapi banyak organisasi yang " "beranggapan bahwa email adalah cara anggota tim berkomunikasi sehingga " "percakapan dan keputusan penting banyak yang terkubur di inbox." msgid "How we saved four million lost emails using P2" msgstr "Cara kami mengatasi kehilangan empat juta email dengan menggunakan P2." msgid "Customer Success Lead" msgstr "Customer Success Lead" msgid "" "If you have any questions about P2 or even how to navigate the world of " "distributed work, email us at <a href=\"%s\"></a>." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan tentang P2 atau bahkan cara menavigasi dunia " "kerja terdistribusi, hubungi kami melalui email di <a href=\"%s" "\"></a>." msgid "We’re here for you" msgstr "Kami siap membantu Anda" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Single Page" msgstr "Satu Halaman" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Link in Bio" msgstr "Tautan di Biografi" msgid "Order not eligible for introductory discount" msgstr "Pesanan tidak memenuhi syarat untuk diskon perkenalan" msgid "Use a domain I own: <span>%(domainName)s</span>" msgstr "Gunakan domain yang saya miliki: <span>%(domainName)s</span>" msgid "Transfer <span>%(domainName)s</span>" msgstr "Transfer <span>%(domainName)s</span>" msgid "Save every change and get back online quickly with one‑click restores." msgstr "" "Simpan semua perubahan dan segera kembali online dengan pemulihan " "sekali‑klik." msgid "" "Backups start at $5 per month for the first year including 10 GB of storage, " "which is enough for most sites. We’re working on adding additional storage " "solutions for larger sites." msgstr "" "Pencadangan mulai dari $5 per bulan untuk tahun pertama termasuk ruang " "penyimpanan 10 GB, cukup bagi sebagian besar situs. Kami sedang berusaha " "menambahkan solusi ruang penyimpanan tambahan untuk situs yang lebih besar." msgid "" "Stay ahead of security threats with automated scanning and one-click fixes." msgstr "" "Tetap berada di depan untuk mengatasi ancaman keamanan dengan pemindaian " "otomatis dan perbaikan sekali klik." msgid "" "Never Lose a Sale: <span style='white-space: nowrap;'>All Backups are now " "Real-time</span>" msgstr "" "Jangan Pernah Kehilangan Penjualan: <span style='white-space: nowrap;'>Semua " "Pencadangan sekarang Real time</span>" msgid "" "Automatically save every site & store update, and get back online quickly " "with one-click restores." msgstr "" "Simpan semua pembaruan situs & toko secara otomatis, dan segera kembali " "online dengan pemulihan sekali klik." msgid "Never Lose a Sale: All Backups are now Real-time" msgstr "" "Jangan Pernah Kehilangan Penjualan: Semua Pencadangan sekarang Real time" msgid "" "Backups start at <strong>$5 per month for the first year</strong> including " "10 GB of storage, which is enough for most sites. We’re working on adding " "additional storage solutions for larger sites." msgstr "" "Pencadangan mulai dari <strong>$5 per bulan untuk tahun pertama</strong> " "termasuk ruang penyimpanan 10 GB, cukup bagi sebagian besar situs. Kami " "sedang berusaha menambahkan solusi ruang penyimpanan tambahan untuk situs " "yang lebih besar." msgid "" "That’s why we’re now including real-time backups in each of our backup and " "security plans." msgstr "" "Inilah alasan saat ini kami menyertakan pencadangan real time di semua paket " "pencadangan dan keamanan." msgid "" "Whether you have an eCommerce store, write about your favorite topics " "online, or promote services on your site, backups are absolutely critical. " "They provide incredible peace of mind — if your WordPress site is ever " "hacked or if it goes down for any reason, you can quickly and easily restore " "it in full." msgstr "" "Baik Anda memiliki toko eCommerce, menulis tentang topik favorit, atau " "menawarkan layanan di situs, pencadangan sangatlah penting. Pencadangan " "memberikan ketenangan pikiran yang luar biasa — jika situs WordPress Anda " "diretas atau down karena berbagai alasan, Anda dapat memulihkannya secara " "penuh dengan cepat dan mudah." msgid "" "Never Miss a Moment: <span style='white-space: nowrap;'>All Backups are now " "Real-time</span>" msgstr "" "Jangan Lewatkan Setiap Momen: <span style='white-space: nowrap;'>Semua " "Pencadangan sekarang Real time</span>" msgid "" "Automatically save every site change, and get back online quickly with one-" "click restores." msgstr "" "Simpan semua perubahan situs secara otomatis, dan segera kembali online " "dengan pemulihan sekali klik." msgid "Never Miss a Moment: All Backups are now Real-time" msgstr "Jangan Lewatkan Setiap Momen: Semua Pencadangan sekarang Real time" msgid "Chat conversation embed" msgstr "Sematan percakapan obrolan" msgctxt "Dns Record" msgid "Name (optional)" msgstr "Nama (opsional)" msgctxt "" "Placeholder shown when entering the subdomain part of a new DNS record" msgid "Enter subdomain" msgstr "Masukkan subdomain" msgctxt "DNS record" msgid "Name (optional)" msgstr "Nama (opsional)" msgid "" "SRV (service) records define the information to access certain internet " "services." msgstr "" "SRV (layanan) record menentukan informasi untuk mengakses layanan internet " "tertentu." msgid "" "TXT (text) records are used to record any textual information on a domain. " "They're typically used by other service providers (e.g. email services) to " "ensure you are the owner of the domain." msgstr "" "TXT (text) record digunakan untuk merekam informasi tekstual apa pun pada " "domain. Mereka biasanya digunakan oleh provider layanan lain (mis. layanan " "email) untuk memastikan Anda adalah pemilik domain." msgid "" "MX (mail exchange) records are used to route emails to the correct mail " "servers." msgstr "" "MX (mail exchange) record digunakan untuk mengarahkan email ke server email " "yang benar." msgid "" "CNAME (canonical name) records are typically used to link a subdomain (e.g. " " to a domain (e.g." msgstr "" "CNAME (nama kanonik) record biasanya digunakan untuk menautkan subdomain " "(misalnya ke domain (misalnya" msgid "" "An A record is used to point a domain (e.g. or a subdomain (e." "g. to an IP address (" msgstr "" "Sebuah A record digunakan untuk mengarahkan domain (misalnya " "atau subdomain (misalnya ke alamat IP (" msgid "What are these used for?" msgstr "Apakah fungsi pengaturan ini?" msgid "Add a new DNS record" msgstr "Tambahkan sebuah DNS record baru" msgid "" "Custom DNS records allow you to connect your domain to third-party services " "that are not hosted on, such as an email provider. " "{{supportLink}}Learn more{{/supportLink}}." msgstr "" "DNS record khusus memungkinkan Anda menghubungkan domain ke layanan pihak " "ketiga yang tidak dikelola di, seperti penyedia email. " "{{supportLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/supportLink}}." msgid "" "Add a new DNS record to your site. {{supportLink}}Learn more{{/supportLink}}" msgstr "" "Tambahkan DNS record baru ke situs Anda. {{supportLink}}Pelajari lebih " "lanjut{{/supportLink}}" msgid "Back to DNS records" msgstr "Kembali ke DNS record" msgid "Add a record" msgstr "Tambahkan sebuah record" msgid "" "Restoring the records will point this domain to your site." msgstr "" "Memulihkan record akan mengarahkan domain berikut ke situs " "Anda." msgid "" "We will remove all A & AAAA records and set the A records to our defaults." msgstr "" "Kami akan menghapus semua A & AAAA record dan mengatur A record sesuai " "standar kami." msgid "" "This special record is used by some third parties to aid in automatically " "setting up services for use with your domain. If you need to use Domain " "Connect with your domain, make sure this record is enabled." msgstr "" "Record khusus berikut digunakan oleh beberapa pihak ketiga untuk membantu " "menyiapkan layanan secara otomatis untuk digunakan dengan domain Anda. Jika " "Anda perlu menggunakan Domain Connect dengan domain Anda, pastikan record " "berikut diaktifkan." msgid "Domain Connect TXT Record" msgstr " TXT Record Domain Connect" msgid "The DNS record could not be enabled." msgstr "DNS record tidak dapat diaktifkan." msgid "The DNS record has been enabled." msgstr "DNS record telah dihapus." msgid "The DNS record has not been disabled." msgstr "DNS record belum dinonaktifkan." msgid "The DNS record has been disabled." msgstr "DNS record telah dihapus." msgid "%(target)s:%(port)d, with priority %(aux)d and weight %(weight)d" msgstr "%(target)s:%(port)d, dengan prioritas %(aux)d dan bobot %(weight)d" msgid "%(data)s with priority %(aux)d" msgstr "%(data)s dengan prioritas %(aux)d" msgid "Set up an existing email service for this domain" msgstr "Siapkan layanan email yang tersedia untuk domain berikut" msgid "Install and activate" msgstr "Instal dan aktifkan" msgid "Tested up to" msgstr "Diuji hingga" msgid "Setting up plugin installation" msgstr "Menyiapkan instalasi plugin" msgid "" "Renew now to keep your site safe with real-time backups, automated threat " "detection, anti-spam, and much more!" msgstr "" "Perpanjang sekarang untuk menjaga situs Anda tetap aman dengan pencadangan " "real-time, pendeteksi ancaman otomatis, antispam, dan masih banyak lainnya!" msgid "" "Renew now to keep your site safe with daily backups, malware scanning, anti-" "spam, and much more!" msgstr "" "Perpanjang sekarang untuk menjaga situs Anda tetap aman dengan pencadangan " "harian, pemindaian malware, antispam, dan masih banyak lainnya!" msgid "Renew now to keep your site safe." msgstr "Perpanjang sekarang untuk menjaga situs Anda tetap aman." msgid "Your %s plan has expired" msgstr "Paket %s Anda telah berakhir" msgid "Your %s plan is expiring in less than 24 hours" msgstr "Paket %s Anda akan berakhir kurang dari 24 jam" msgid "Your %1$s plan is expiring in %2$d day" msgid_plural "Your %1$s plan is expiring in %2$d days" msgstr[0] "Paket %1$s Anda akan berakhir dalam %2$d hari" msgstr[1] "Paket %1$s Anda akan berakhir dalam %2$d hari" msgid "Your plan is expiring soon or has already expired" msgstr "Paket Anda akan segera berakhir atau telah berakhir" msgid "" "Arbutus is a simple blogging theme that supports full-site editing. It comes " "with a set of minimal templates and design settings that can be manipulated " "through Global Styles." msgstr "" "Arbutus adalah tema blog sederhana yang mendukung pengeditan situs penuh. " "Russel dilengkapi dengan satu set template minimal dan pengaturan desain " "yang dapat dimodifikasi melalui Global Styles." msgid "" "Experience high-quality, ad-free video built specifically for WordPress." msgstr "" "Nikmati video bebas iklan berkualitas tinggi yang dibuat khusus untuk " "WordPress." msgid "" "Next, we'll help you customize your Search experience for your visitors." msgstr "" "Selanjutnya, kami akan membantu Anda menyesuaikan pengalaman Penelusuran " "untuk pengunjung Anda." msgid "You can see your security scans on {{a}}{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Anda dapat melihat pemindaian keamanan Anda di {{a}}{{/a}}." msgid "" "You can see your backups, security scans, and restore your site on {{a}}" "{{/a}}. If you ever lose access to your site, you can " "restore it there." msgstr "" "Anda dapat melihat cadangan Anda, pemindaian keamanan, dan memulihkan situs " "Anda di {{a}}{{/a}}. Jika Anda kehilangan akses ke situs " "Anda, Anda juga dapat memulihkannya." msgid "" "You can see your backups and restore your site on {{a}}{{/" "a}}. If you ever lose access to your site, you can restore it there." msgstr "" "Anda dapat melihat cadangan Anda dan memulihkan situs Anda di {{a}}cloud." "{{/a}}. Jika Anda kehilangan akses ke situs Anda, Anda juga dapat " "memulihkannya." msgid "" "We'll take care of everything from here. Now you can enjoy a spam-free site!" msgstr "" "Kami akan mengelola semuanya dari sini. Anda sekarang dapat menikmati situs " "bebas spam!" msgid "" "I'm sorry, you cannot activate %(productName)s on " "{{strong}}%(selectedSite)s{{/strong}} because that site already has a " "subscription to %(incompatibleProductName)s." msgstr "" "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat mengaktifkan %(productName)s di " "{{strong}}%(selectedSite)s{{/strong}} karena situs tersebut telah " "berlangganan %(incompatibleProductName)s." msgid "Your %(productName)s is active! %(celebrationEmoji)s" msgstr "%(productName)s Anda telah aktif! %(celebrationEmoji)s" msgid "This site's address cannot be changed" msgstr "Alamat situs berikut tidak dapat diubah" msgid "Get 60% off now" msgstr "Dapatkan diskon 60% sekarang" msgid "%(remainingRenewals)d discounted renewal remaining." msgid_plural "%(remainingRenewals)d discounted renewals remaining." msgstr[0] "%(remainingRenewals)d sisa perpanjangan diskon." msgstr[1] "%(remainingRenewals)d sisa perpanjangan diskon." msgid "The first %(remainingRenewals)d renewal is also discounted." msgid_plural "The first %(remainingRenewals)d renewals are also discounted." msgstr[0] "Perpanjangan %(remainingRenewals)d pertama juga mendapatkan diskon." msgstr[1] "Perpanjangan %(remainingRenewals)d pertama juga mendapatkan diskon." msgid "The first renewal is also discounted." msgstr "Perpanjangan pertama juga mendapatkan diskon." msgid "" "After the first renewal, the subscription price will be %(regularPrice)s" msgstr "" "Setelah perpanjangan pertama, harga berlangganan akan menjadi " "%(regularPrice)s" msgid "After the offer ends, the subscription price will be %(regularPrice)s" msgstr "" "Setelah penawaran berakhir, harga berlangganan akan menjadi %(regularPrice)s" msgid "" "Unable to update payment method. Please contact support quoting error %s." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat memperbarui metode pembayaran. Hubungi dukungan dengan " "menyebutkan error %s." msgid "" "Unable to add a new credit card. Please contact support quoting error %s." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat menambahkan kartu kredit baru. Hubungi dukungan dengan " "menyebutkan error %s." msgid "Users in this P2" msgstr "Pengguna P2 berikut" msgid "Users in %(sitename)s" msgstr "Pengguna %(sitename)s" msgid "You have a new review! ⭐️" msgstr "Ada ulasan baru! ⭐️" msgid "%1$s: %2$s️" msgstr "%1$s: %2$s️" msgid "Book your preview" msgstr "Pesan pratinjau Anda" msgid "" "Need deeper insights? Analytics makes it easy to understand the " "full impact of your content. Measure what's driving awareness, engagement, " "and conversions." msgstr "" "Perlu wawasan lebih dalam? Analytics memudahkan Anda mengetahui " "dampak penuh konten Anda. Ketahui hal yang mendorong kesadaran, " "keterlibatan, dan konversi." msgid "Free preview of your data in" msgstr "Pratinjau data Anda secara gratis di" msgid "Start for" msgstr "Mulai dengan" msgid "Back to start" msgstr "Kembali ke awal" msgid "" "It looks like <strong>%(website)s</strong> is already on Try " "a different address or start building a new site instead." msgstr "" "<strong>%(website)s</strong> telah dikelola di Silakan coba " "alamat yang berbeda atau mulai membuat situs yang baru." msgid "Your site is already on" msgstr "Situs Anda telah dikelola di" msgid "Other embedded files" msgstr "Berkas tersemat lainnya" msgid "Other platforms" msgstr "Platform lain" msgid "Add WooCommerce to your site" msgstr "Tambahkan WooCommerce ke situs Anda" msgid "Edit Navigation Menu" msgstr "Sunting Menu Navigasi" msgid "Navigation Menus list" msgstr "Daftar Menu Navigasi" msgid "Navigation Menus list navigation" msgstr "Navigasi untuk daftar Menu Navigasi" msgid "Filter Navigation Menu list" msgstr "Saring daftar Menu Navigasi" msgid "Uploaded to this Navigation Menu" msgstr "Diunggah ke Menu Navigasi ini" msgid "Insert into Navigation Menu" msgstr "Disisipkan ke Menu Navigasi" msgid "Navigation Menu archives" msgstr "Arsip Menu Navigasi" msgid "No Navigation Menu found in Trash." msgstr "Menu Navigasi tidak ditemukan di Tong Sampah." msgid "No Navigation Menu found." msgstr "Menu Navigasi tidak ditemukan." msgid "Parent Navigation Menu:" msgstr "Menu Navigasi Induk:" msgid "Search Navigation Menus" msgstr "Cari Menu Navigasi" msgid "Add New Navigation Menu" msgstr "Tambah Menu Navigasi Baru" msgid "Error when decoding a JSON file at path %1$s: %2$s" msgstr "Terjadi error saat mendekode file JSON yang terletak di %1$s: %2$s" msgid "File %s doesn't exist!" msgstr "File %s tidak ditemukan!" msgid "Title for the global styles variation, as it exists in the database." msgstr "" "Judul untuk variasi gaya global, sebagaimana tersimpan dalam basis data." msgid "Title of the global styles variation." msgstr "Judul variasi gaya global." msgid "Global settings." msgstr "Pengaturan global." msgid "Global styles." msgstr "Gaya global." msgid "ID of global styles config." msgstr "ID konfigurasi gaya global." msgid "No global styles config exist with that id." msgstr "Tidak ada konfigurasi gaya global dengan ID tersebut." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to access the global styles on this site." msgstr "" "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan mengakses gaya global yang ada di situs ini." msgid "The theme identifier" msgstr "Pengenal tema" msgid "%s Avatar" msgstr "%s Avatar" msgid "Create post" msgstr "Buat pos" msgid "Your license key" msgstr "Kunci lisensi Anda" msgid "Activate your %(productName)s plan" msgstr "Aktifkan paket %(productName)s Anda" msgid "Pending activation" msgstr "Aktivasi tertunda" msgid "Restore default A records" msgstr "Pulihkan data A asal" msgid "P2 workspaces cannot be public and the setting can not be edited." msgstr "" "Ruang kerja P2 tidak dapat bersifat publik dan pengaturan tidak dapat diubah." msgid "" "Enable this if you would like users that are not logged to be able to see " "the content of this P2." msgstr "" "Aktifkan ini jika Anda ingin pengguna yang tidak login dapat melihat konten " "P2 ini." msgid "This P2 is public." msgstr "P2 ini bersifat publik." msgid "Public P2" msgstr "P2 Publik" msgid "This domain isn't registered. Try again." msgstr "Domain tidak terdaftar. Silakan coba kembali." msgid "Skip domain lock verificaiton" msgstr "Lewati verifikasi kunci domain" msgid "" "Can’t get the domain’s lock status. If you’ve already unlocked it, wait a " "few minutes and try again." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat mengetahui status kunci domain. Jika Anda telah membuka " "kuncinya, tunggu beberapa menit dan coba kembali." msgid "Edit design on:" msgstr "Edit desain di:" msgid "Edit this design" msgstr "Edit desain" msgid "Learn more about how to install Jetpack" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang cara menginstal Jetpack" msgid "" "Go to your WP Admin Dashboard and {{strong}}add a new plugin{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Buka Dasbor Admin WP Anda dan {{strong}}tambahkan plugin baru {{/strong}}." msgid "If you don't have Jetpack installed, follow these instructions:" msgstr "Jika Anda belum menginstal Jetpack, ikuti petunjuk berikut:" msgid "Let's explore!" msgstr "Ayo jelajahi!" msgid "" "Your posts, pages and media created after %1$s have <b>not been preserved</" "b>. We also made your site private so that you can tidy up the theme and " "appearance before relaunching on the Free Plan." msgstr "" "Pos, halaman, dan media Anda yang dibuat setelahnya %1$s belum <b>dijaga " "tetap utuh</b>. Kami juga membuat situs Anda bersifat pribadi sehingga Anda " "dapat merapikan tema dan tampilan sebelum meluncurkan kembali situs dengan " "paket Gratis." msgid "" "Payton is a simple blogging theme that supports full-site editing. It comes " "with a set of minimal templates and design settings that can be manipulated " "through Global Styles." msgstr "" "Payton adalah tema blog sederhana yang mendukung pengeditan situs penuh. " "Russel dilengkapi dengan satu set template minimal dan pengaturan desain " "yang dapat dimodifikasi melalui Global Styles." msgid "" "Your product was automatically activated on <a href=\"%1$s\">%1$s</a> and " "expires on %2$s." msgstr "" "Produk Anda diaktifkan secara otomatis pada <a href=\"%1$s\">%1$s</a> dan " "akan berakhir pada %2$s." msgid "" "Hey, %1$s. Thanks for purchasing <strong>%2$s</strong>! This is your license " "key:" msgstr "" "Hai, %1$s. Terima kasih telah membeli <strong>%2$s</strong>! Berikut adalah " "kunci lisensi Anda:" msgid "Your product has been activated!" msgstr "Produk Anda telah diaktifkan!" msgid "Import your site content" msgstr "Impor konten situs Anda" msgid "Already have an existing website?" msgstr "Apakah Anda telah memiliki situs web?" msgid "Do you need help? {{a}}Contact us{{/a}}." msgstr "Apakah Anda memerlukan bantuan? {{a}}Hubungi kami{{/a}}." msgid "Select the site you want %(productName)s on:" msgstr "Pilih situs yang Anda inginkan %(productName)s:" msgid "Hello %(username)s!" msgstr "Halo %(username)s" msgid "I don't see my site. Let me configure it manually" msgstr "" "Saya tidak melihat situs saya. Saya ingin mengonfigurasinya secara manual" msgid "" "Make it easy for people to amplify your content — learn how to add sharing " "buttons so your readers can circulate your work on any social platform." msgstr "" "Ajak pengunjung situs Anda untuk memperkuat konten Anda — pelajari cara " "menambahkan tombol berbagi agar pembaca Anda dapat mengedarkan karya Anda di " "platform media sosial apa pun." msgid "Add social sharing buttons" msgstr "Tambahkan tombol berbagi sosial" msgid "" "You've got your blog looking the way you want, and you've written a post. " "Now let's share it with the world. Here's how to take your site live." msgstr "" "Blog Anda tampak seperti yang Anda inginkan, dan Anda telah menulis pos. " "Sekarang bagikan ke dunia. Cara mengaktifkan situs." msgid "" "This video walks you through the post creation process, from categories to " "adding a featured image. You can use the powerful WordPress block editor to " "insert design elements, or just start typing." msgstr "" "Video ini menjelaskan proses pembuatan pos, dari kategori hingga menambahkan " "gambar andalan. Anda dapat menggunakan editor blok WordPress yang andal " "untuk memasukkan elemen desain, atau mulai mengetik" msgid "Add your first blog post" msgstr "Tambahkan pos blog pertama Anda" msgid "" "A theme is just the starting point. Learn how to use the Customizer to add a " "logo, change your blog's color scheme, set up your menu, and use widgets." msgstr "" "Tema adalah titik awal. Pelajari penggunaan Customizer untuk menambahkan " "logo, mengubah skema warna blog Anda, menyiapkan menu, dan menggunakan " "widget." msgid "Customize your blog's appearance" msgstr "Penyesuaian tampilan blog Anda" msgid "" "It all starts with choosing a theme. We'll show you how to navigate your My " "Home area and sift through the options, so you can find the theme that suits " "your blog best. (Don't worry, you can always change it later.)" msgstr "" "Mulai dengan memilih tema. Kami akan menunjukkan cara menjelajahi area " "Beranda Saya dan menyaring pilihan agar Anda dapat menemukan tema yang " "paling sesuai dengan blog Anda. (Jangan khawatir, Anda bebas mengubahnya di " "lain waktu.)" msgid "Blogging Quick Start" msgstr "Mulai Cepat Blogging" msgid "Blog is already registered" msgstr "Blog telah terdaftar" msgid "<a %1$s>Fix this threat with Jetpack Scan</a>." msgid_plural "<a %1$s>Fix these threats with Jetpack Scan</a>." msgstr[0] "<a %1$s>Atasi ancaman ini dengan Jetpack Scan</a>." msgstr[1] "<a %1$s>Atasi ancaman ini dengan Jetpack Scan</a>." msgid "Please review each threat and take action" msgstr "Tinjau setiap ancaman dan ambil tindakan" msgid "Jetpack found %1$d threat on %2$s." msgid_plural "Jetpack found %1$d threats on %2$s." msgstr[0] "Jetpack menemukan %1$d ancaman di %2$s." msgstr[1] "Jetpack menemukan %1$d ancaman di %2$s." msgid "Jetpack Scan found %1$d threat on %2$s." msgid_plural "Jetpack Scan found %1$d threats on %2$s." msgstr[0] "Jetpack Scan menemukan %1$d ancaman di %2$s." msgstr[1] "Jetpack Scan menemukan %1$d ancaman di %2$s." msgid "Your site is at risk." msgstr "Situs Anda berada dalam risiko." msgid "Your site may be at risk." msgstr "Situs Anda mungkin berada dalam risiko." msgid "%(total)s plugin" msgid_plural "%(total)s plugins" msgstr[0] "%(total)s plugin" msgstr[1] "%(total)s plugin" msgid "" "We need your mobile phone number to send you two-step verification codes " "when you log in." msgstr "" "Kami memerlukan nomor ponsel Anda untuk mengirimkan kode verifikasi dua " "langkah saat Anda login." msgid "" " will send you an SMS with a two-step authentication code when " "you log in." msgstr "" " akan mengirimkan Anda SMS dengan kode autentikasi dua langkah " "saat Anda login." msgid "Set up using SMS" msgstr "Siapkan dengan menggunakan SMS" msgid "" "Use an application on your phone to get two-step authentication codes when " "you login." msgstr "" "Gunakan aplikasi di ponsel Anda untuk mendapatkan kode autentikasi dua " "langkah saat Anda login." msgid "Set up using an app" msgstr "Siapkan dengan menggunakan aplikasi" msgid "" "Backup codes let you access your account if your phone is lost or stolen, or " "even just accidentally run through the washing machine!" msgstr "" "Kode cadangan memungkinkan Anda mengakses akun Anda jika ponsel Anda hilang " "atau dicuri, atau bahkan tanpa sengaja masuk ke mesin cuci!" msgid "" "Kerr is a simple blogging theme that supports full-site editing. It comes " "with a set of minimal templates and design settings that can be manipulated " "through Global Styles." msgstr "" "Kerr adalah tema blog sederhana yang mendukung pengeditan situs penuh. " "Russel dilengkapi dengan satu set template minimal dan pengaturan desain " "yang dapat dimodifikasi melalui Global Styles." msgid "Invalid email domain format." msgstr "Format domain email tidak valid." msgid "accordion" msgstr "akordeon" msgid "" "You can also find the activation link on your <strong>WP Admin Jetpack " "Dashboard > My Plan</strong> page." msgstr "" "Anda juga dapat menemukan tautan aktivasi di halaman <strong>Dasbor Jetpack " "Admin WP > Paket Saya</strong>." msgid "Be sure that you have the latest version of Jetpack" msgstr "Pastikan Anda menggunakan versi Jetpack terbaru" msgid "" "Hey, %1$s. Thanks for purchasing <strong>%2$s</strong>! Here is your license " "key:" msgstr "" "Hai, %1$s. Terima kasih telah membeli <strong>%2$s</strong>! Berikut adalah " "kunci lisensi Anda:" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Contact us</a> at any time if you need assistance with " "Jetpack." msgstr "<a href=\"%1$s\">Hubungi kami</a> kapan pun Anda memerlukan bantuan." msgid "The WordPress default theme for 2022." msgstr "Tema asal WordPress untuk tahun 2022." msgid "The post is not a draft." msgstr "Pos ini bukan konsep." msgid "The draft post does not exist." msgstr "Pos konsep tidak ada." msgid "Drafts can only be edited on the home page." msgstr "Konsep hanya dapat disunting di halaman beranda." msgid "Cannot edit this draft with a pattern." msgstr "Tidak dapat menyunting konsep dengan pola ini." msgid "Verifying" msgstr "Memverifikasi" msgid "Expiring soon" msgstr "Segera kedaluwarsa" msgid "<strong>One-click restore from the last year of backups</strong>" msgstr "<strong>Pulihkan satu-kali-klik dari cadangan tahun lalu</strong>" msgid "10GB backup storage" msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan cadangan 10 GB" msgid "Get Security" msgstr "Aktifkan Keamanan" msgid "" "Easy-to-use, comprehensive site security including backups, malware " "scanning, and spam protection." msgstr "" "Keamanan situs komprehensif yang mudah digunakan termasuk pencadangan, " "pemindaian malware, dan perlindungan terhadap spam." msgid "" "Videomaker is a free, minimalistic WordPress theme ideal for film directors " "and video creators." msgstr "" "Videomaker adalah tema WordPress minimalis dan gratis yang ideal untuk para " "sutradara film dan pembuat video." msgid "Given video does not exist." msgstr "Video yang diberikan tidak ada." msgid "Website Building Tips" msgstr "Panduan Membuat Situs Web" msgid "Make primary site address" msgstr "Jadikan alamat situs utama" msgid "License Key" msgstr "Kunci lisensi" msgid "Set yourself up for blogging success" msgstr "Siapkan diri Anda untuk meraih kesuksesan dalam blogging" msgid "Upskill and save hours" msgstr "Tingkatkan keterampilan dan hemat waktu Anda" msgid "Familiarize yourself with WordPress" msgstr "Kenali WordPress lebih jauh" msgid "Learn the basics of blogging" msgstr "Pelajari dasar-dasar blogging" msgid "Save yourself hours." msgstr "Hemat waktu Anda" msgid "Watch five videos." msgstr "Simak lima video." msgid "Post type to get the templates for." msgstr "Jenis pos yang akan disediakan templatnya." msgid "Limit to the specified template part area." msgstr "Batasi sampai ke area tertentu untuk bagian templat." msgid "Given course does not exist." msgstr "Kursus yang diberikan tidak ada." msgid "Zip / Postal code" msgstr "Kode pos" msgid "There was a problem provisioning site with ID %d as a P2" msgstr "Ada masalah penyediaan situs dengan ID %d sebagai P2" msgid "There was a problem provisioning site with ID %d as a workspace" msgstr "Ada masalah penyediaan situs dengan ID %d sebagai ruang kerja" msgid "There was a problem adding the P2 Provision CLI command" msgstr "Ada masalah penambahan perintah CLI Persediaan P2" msgid "" "Error updating account settings. No supported field was provided to update." msgstr "" "Error saat memperbarui pengaturan akun. Kolom yang didukung untuk pembaruan " "belum ada yang diisi." msgid "Error updating account settings. One or more given field(s) is empty." msgstr "" "Error saat memperbarui pengaturan akun. Satu kolom atau lebih yang " "disediakan masih kosong." msgid "Only site administrators can upgrade to access security scanning." msgstr "" "Hanya administrator situs yang dapat melakukan upgrade untuk mengakses " "pemindaian keamanan." msgid "Try Fiverr Logo Maker" msgstr "Gunakan Pembuat Logo Fiverr" msgid "Pre-designed by top talent. Just add your touch." msgstr "" "Dirancang sebelumnya oleh talenta terbaik. Cukup tambahkan sentuhan Anda." msgid "Make an incredible logo in minutes" msgstr "Buat logo yang luar biasa dengan mudah" msgid "" "Unable to purchase %1$s for '%2$s' because an account already exists. Please " "contact support." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat membeli %1$s untuk '%2$s' karena akun sudah ada. Silakan hubungi " "dukungan." msgid "" "Unable to purchase %1$s for '%2$s' because a subscription for the secondary " "domain '%3$s' already exists. Please contact support to update this " "subscription before adding new mailboxes." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat membeli %1$s untuk'%2$s' karena langganan untuk domain sekunder " "'%3$s' sudah ada. Silakan hubungi dukungan untuk memperbarui langganan ini " "sebelum menambahkan mailbox baru." msgid "" "Unable to purchase %1$s for '%2$s' because an account already exists with " "'%3$s' as primary domain. Please contact support to add new mailboxes to a " "secondary domain." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat membeli %1$s untuk '%2$s' karena akun sudah ada dengan '%3$s' " "sebagai domain utama. Silakan hubungi dukungan untuk menambahkan mailbox " "baru pada domain sekunder." msgid "Don’t have an account?" msgstr "Belum punya akun?" msgid "I don't have a site address" msgstr "Saya tidak memiliki alamat situs" msgid "Site styles" msgstr "Gaya situs" msgid "Things we <strong>can't</strong> import:" msgstr "Hal yang <strong>tidak dapat</strong> kami impor:" msgid "Various blocks and features" msgstr "Berbagai blok dan fitur" msgid "Static pages" msgstr "Laman statis" msgid "Things we <strong>can</strong> import:" msgstr "Hal yang <strong>dapat</strong> kami impor:" msgid "" "Our Medium content importer is the quickest way to move your content. Simply " "export the contents from Medium as a .ZIP file, then click 'Import your " "content' and upload it to our importer." msgstr "" "Pengimpor konten Medium kami adalah cara tercepat untuk memindahkan konten " "Anda. Cukup ekspor konten dari Medium sebagai file .ZIP, klik 'Impor konten " "Anda' lalu unggah ke pengimpor kami." msgid "" "Our Blogger content importer is the quickest way to move your content. " "Simply export the contents from Blogger as a XML file, then click 'Import " "your content' and upload it to our importer." msgstr "" "Pengimpor konten Blogger kami adalah cara tercepat untuk memindahkan konten " "Anda. Cukup ekspor konten dari Blogger sebagai berkas XML, lalu klik 'Impor " "konten Anda' dan unggah ke pengimpor kami." msgid "" "Our Squarespace content importer is the quickest way to move your content. " "Simply export the contents from Squarespace as a WordPress format XML file, " "then click 'Import your content' and upload it to our importer." msgstr "" "Pengimpor konten Squarespace kami adalah cara tercepat untuk memindahkan " "konten Anda. Cukup ekspor konten dari Squarespace sebagai berkas XML format " "WordPress, lalu klik 'Impor konten Anda' dan unggah ke pengimpor kami." msgid "" "Our Wix content importer is the quickest way to move your content. Simply " "click 'Import your content' and provide your site's web address (called a " "URL). Once the import is complete, you'll have a site that's pre-filled with " "your content." msgstr "" "Pengimpor konten Wix kami adalah cara tercepat untuk memindahkan konten " "Anda. Cukup klik 'Impor konten Anda' dan berikan alamat web situs Anda " "(disebut URL). Setelah impor selesai, Anda akan memiliki situs yang telah " "diisi sebelumnya dengan konten Anda." msgid "Importing content from Medium" msgstr "Mengimpor konten dari Medium" msgid "Importing content from self-hosted WordPress to" msgstr "Mengimpor konten dari WordPress yang dikelola sendiri ke" msgid "Importing content from Blogger" msgstr "Mengimpor konten dari Blogger" msgid "Importing content from Squarespace" msgstr "Mengimpor konten dari Squarespace" msgid "Importing content from Wix" msgstr "Mengimpor konten dari Wix" msgid "View the import guide" msgstr "Baca panduan untuk mengimpor" msgid "" "To move your existing %(platform)s hosted content to your newly created " " site, try our %(platform)s importer." msgstr "" "Untuk memindahkan konten %(platform)s Anda ke situs yang baru " "dibuat, Anda dapat menggunakan pengimpor %(platform)s kami." msgid "Your content is ready for its new home" msgstr "Konten Anda siap untuk ditampilkan" msgid "" "Unfortunately, your content is on a platform that we don't yet support. Try " "Building a new WordPress site instead." msgstr "" "Konten Anda berada di platform yang belum kami dukung. Akan tetapi, Anda " "dapat Membuat situs WordPress baru." msgid "Your existing content can't be imported" msgstr "Konten Anda tidak dapat diimpor" msgid "What can be imported?" msgstr "Apa yang dapat diimpor?" msgid "" "It looks like <strong>%(website)s</strong> is built with %(platform)s. To " "move your existing content to your newly created site, try our " "%(platform)s importer." msgstr "" "Sepertinya <strong>%(website)s</strong> dibuat dengan %(platform)s. Untuk " "memindahkan konten yang sudah ada ke situs yang baru dibuat, " "coba pengimpor %(platform)s kami." msgid "Your content is ready for its brand new home" msgstr "Konten Anda siap untuk ditampilkan kembali" msgid "We'll be done in no time." msgstr "Kami akan selesai dalam waktu singkat." msgid "Scanning your site" msgstr "Memindai situs Anda" msgid "Return to main content." msgstr "Kembali ke daftar utama." msgid "Read footnote." msgstr "Baca catatan kaki." msgid "Import content from another platform" msgstr "Impor konten Anda dari platform lain" msgid "" "You have used your free video. Upgrade to a VideoPress plan to unlock more " "videos and 1TB of storage." msgstr "" "Anda telah menggunakan video gratis. Lakukan upgrade ke paket VideoPress " "untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak video dan penyimpanan 1 TB." msgid "Applying a shiny top coat" msgstr "Memulas dengan cat yang cantik" msgid "Securing your data" msgstr "Mengamankan data Anda" msgid "Sprinkling some magic" msgstr "Menabur keajaiban" msgid "Making it beautiful" msgstr "Memperindah tampilan" msgid "Turning on the lights" msgstr "Menyalakan lampu" msgid "Laying the foundations" msgstr "Membangun fondasi" msgid "An error occurred while installing the plugin." msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat menginstal plugin." msgid "Uploading plugin" msgstr "Menunggah plugin" msgid "Explore plugins" msgstr "Pelajari plugin" msgid "%1$s — %2$s" msgstr "%1$s — %2$s" msgid "Save %s" msgstr "Hemat %s" msgid "Today at %s" msgstr "Hari ini pukul %s" msgid "Server Configuration" msgstr "Konfigurasi Server" msgid "social" msgstr "sosial" msgid "%s ID" msgstr "ID %s" msgid "Failed to persist the notice dismissal." msgstr "Gagal mempertahankan pemberhentian pemberitahuan." msgid "Must specify notice type when updating domain notice state" msgstr "" "Harus menentukan jenis pemberitahuan saat memperbarui status pemberitahuan " "domain" msgid "Must specify domain name when updating domain notice state" msgstr "" "Harus menentukan nama domain saat memperbarui status pemberitahuan domain" msgid "Switch & Save" msgstr "Alihkan & Simpan" msgid "Error requesting payment method capability. Capability ID is not valid." msgstr "Error saat mengajukan izin metode pembayaran. ID izin tidak valid." msgid "" "If you would like to return to the %1$s plan again, we do keep a full backup " "of your advanced content and site customizations for 14 days that can be " "restored." msgstr "" "Jika Anda ingin beralih kembali ke paket %1$s, kami melakukan pencadangan " "penuh atas konten tingkat lanjut dan penyesuaian situs Anda selama 14 hari " "yang dapat dipulihkan." msgid "" "Your posts, pages and media have been preserved. We also made your site " "private so that you can tidy up the theme and appearance before relaunching " "on the Free Plan." msgstr "" "Pos, laman, dan media Anda Anda telah disimpan. Kami juga membuat situs Anda " "bersifat pribadi sehingga Anda dapat mengatur tema dan tampilan sebelum " "meluncurkan kembali situs dengan paket Gratis." msgid "" "Since your site is now on our Free Plan, we wanted to remind you that some " "features and content are no longer available on your site. Please make sure " "to visit your site so that you understand these changes." msgstr "" "Karena sekarang situs Anda beroperasi dengan Paket Gratis, kami ingin " "mengingatkan bahwa beberapa fitur dan konten tidak lagi tersedia di situs " "Anda. Harap pastikan dengan mengunjungi situs sehingga Anda dapat memahami " "perubahan tersebut." msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Renew now</a> to restore your advanced content and plan " "features." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Perpanjang sekarang</a> untuk memulihkan konten dan fitur " "paket tingkat lanjut Anda." msgid "%1$s, your %2$s plan for %3$s has been removed!" msgstr "%1$s, paket %2$s Anda untuk %3$s telah dihapus!" msgid "Your plan for %s has been removed" msgstr "Paket Anda untuk %s telah dihapus" msgid "(No author)" msgstr "(Tanpa penulis)" msgid "" "Please give it some time for changes to take effect. An email will be sent " "once the process is complete. In the meantime, we made your site private so " "that you can tidy up the theme and appearance afterwards." msgstr "" "Penerapan perubahan memerlukan waktu beberapa saat. Email akan dikirimkan " "setelah proses selesai. Sementara itu, kami telah menjadikan situs Anda " "pribadi sehingga Anda dapat merapikan tema dan tampilan setelahnya." msgid "" "Since your site is now on our Free Plan, we are deactivating the support of " "plugins, custom themes and hosting features." msgstr "" "Karena sekarang situs Anda menggunakan Paket Gratis, kami menonaktifkan " "dukungan plugin, tema kustom, dan fitur hosting." msgid "Secure your store" msgstr "Amankan toko Anda" msgid "" "Keep your cashflow going with automated malware scanning and one-click fixes." msgstr "" "Pertahankan arus kas Anda dengan pemindaian malware dan perbaikan sekali " "klik otomatis." msgid "Avoid unnecessary store downtime with Jetpack Scan" msgstr "Hindari downtime toko dengan Jetpack Scan" msgid "Please specify a valid user." msgstr "Silakan tentukan seorang pengguna yang sah." msgid "User avatar" msgstr "Avatar pengguna" msgid "Registered until" msgstr "Terdaftar hingga" msgid "List style" msgstr "Buat daftar gaya" msgid "Create new" msgstr "Buat baru" msgid "Please specify a valid module." msgstr "Silakan tentukan modul yang sah." msgid "open" msgstr "aktif" msgid "Could not activate %s" msgstr "Tidak dapat mengaktifkan %s" msgid "" "You cannot delete the site owner. Please transfer ownership of this site to " "a different account before deleting this user. {{supportLink}}Learn more.{{/" "supportLink}}" msgstr "" "Anda tidak dapat menghapus pemilik situs. Harap transfer kepemilikan situs " "ke akun lain sebelum menghapus pengguna berikut. {{supportLink}}Pelajari " "lebih lanjut.{{/supportLink}}" msgid "Your %1$s purchase will renew automatically in %2$d day." msgid_plural "Your %1$s purchase will renew automatically in %2$d days." msgstr[0] "" "Pembelian %1$s Anda akan diperpanjang secara otomatis dalam %2$d hari." msgstr[1] "" "Pembelian %1$s Anda akan diperpanjang secara otomatis dalam %2$d hari." msgid "Your %1$d upgrades will renew automatically in %2$d day." msgid_plural "Your %1$d upgrades will renew automatically in %2$d days." msgstr[0] "" "Upgrade %1$d Anda akan diperpanjang secara otomatis dalam %2$d hari." msgstr[1] "" "Upgrade %1$d Anda akan diperpanjang secara otomatis dalam %2$d hari." msgid "Your %1$s purchase is due for renewal" msgstr "Pembelian %1$s Anda perlu diperbarui" msgid "Send feedback" msgstr "Kirim Umpan Balik" msgid "construction" msgstr "bangunan" msgid "" "Stunning‑quality video with none of the hassle. Drag and drop videos through " "the WordPress editor and keep the focus on your content, not the ads." msgstr "" "Video‑berkualitas luar biasa tanpa repot. Seret dan lepas video melalui " "editor WordPress dan jaga fokus konten Anda, bukan iklan." msgid "" "Jetpack VideoPress: The only native, customizable, and ad-free video plugin " "for WordPress" msgstr "" "Jetpack VideoPress: Satu-satunya plugin video asli, dapat disesuaikan, dan " "bebas iklan untuk WordPress" msgid "" "If you don’t plan to renew, you may want to download a <a href='%s'>backup " "of your site content</a>." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak berencana melakukan perpanjangan, Anda mungkin ingin " "mengunduh <a href='%s'>cadangan konten situs Anda</a>." msgid "" "We will preserve your posts, pages and media. Plugins, custom themes, custom " "code and any content added with these will be removed." msgstr "" "Kami akan menyimpan pos, laman, dan media Anda. Plugin, tema khusus, kode " "khusus, serta konten lain yang ditambahkan akan dihapus." msgid "" "Your %1$s plan subscription for %2$s expired on %3$s. Your site will remain " "as-is for a few more days — and all your content will remain, safe and " "secure — but you'll lose access to some important features unless you " "renew:" msgstr "" "Langganan paket %1$s Anda untuk %2$s akan berakhir pada %3$s. Situs Anda " "tidak akan berubah selama beberapa hari lagi, dan semua konten akan tetap " "aman, tetapi Anda tidak dapat mengakses beberapa fitur penting hingga Anda " "melakukan perpanjangan langganan:" msgid "Tip amount in cents" msgstr "Jumlah tip dalam sen" msgid "You can add new mailboxes for free until the end of your trial period." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menambahkan kotak surat baru tanpa biaya hingga akhir masa uji " "coba." msgid "Closing the loop" msgstr "Memastikan kesinambungan sistem" msgid "Optimizing your content" msgstr "Mengoptimalkan konten Anda" msgid "Enabling encryption" msgstr "Mengaktifkan enkripsi" msgid "Personalizing your site" msgstr "Menyiapkan situs Anda" msgid "" "View site activity and stats, get notifications when your site is down,<br/> " "fix malware threats, and restore your site from anywhere." msgstr "" "Lihat aktivitas dan statistik situs, dapatkan pemberitahuan saat situs tidak " "aktif,<br/> atasi ancaman malware, dan pulihkan situs dari mana saja." msgid "" "To make sure you have everything after your plan is deactivated or if you'd " "like to migrate, you can download a backup." msgstr "" "Agar seluruh konten tetap dapat diakses setelah paket dinonaktifkan atau " "jika ingin melakukan migrasi, Anda dapat mengunduh cadangan konten." msgid "" "<a href=\"%s\" style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Update</a> for all the " "latest features." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\" style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Perbarui</a> untuk " "mendapatkan semua fitur terbaru." msgid "Your Jetpack is outdated. (%s)" msgstr "Versi Jetpack Anda telah usang. (%s)" msgid "Your Jetpack is up to date! (%s)" msgstr "Versi Jetpack Anda adalah yang terbaru! (%s)" msgid "" "<a href=\"%s\" style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Update</a> to protect your " "site." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\" style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Perbarui</a> untuk " "melindungi situs Anda." msgid "Your WordPress is outdated. (%s)" msgstr "Versi WordPress Anda telah usang. (%s)" msgid "Your WordPress is up to date! (%s)" msgstr "Versi WordPress Anda adalah yang terbaru! (%s)" msgid "Enable Monitor" msgstr "Aktifkan Monitor" msgid "" "Monitor is not enabled, so we can’t alert you immediately if your site goes " "down." msgstr "" "Monitor tidak diaktifkan, jadi kami tidak dapat segera memperingatkan Anda " "jika situs menjadi tidak aktif." msgid "" "Monitor <strong>is enabled</strong> and we will alert you immediately if " "your site goes down." msgstr "" "Monitor <strong>diaktifkan</strong> dan kami akan segera memperingatkan Anda " "jika situs menjadi tidak aktif." msgid "" "Your site isn’t being backed up. Get real-time backups and one-click " "restores." msgstr "" "Situs Anda sedang tidak dicadangkan. Dapatkan pencadangan real-time dan " "pemulihan sekali klik." msgid "View Schedule" msgstr "Lihat Jadwal" msgid "Your site is queued for its first backup." msgstr "Situs Anda sedang mengantre untuk pencadangan pertama." msgid "View Backups" msgstr "Lihat Cadangan" msgid "Site visitors" msgstr "Pengunjung situs" msgid "Monthly Stats" msgstr "Statistik Bulanan" msgid "" "Your site is not being protected from spam. Automatically clear spam from " "comments and forms." msgstr "" "Situs Anda tidak terlindung dari spam. Hapus spam secara otomatis dari " "komentar dan formulir." msgid "Looking good! If your spam increases, we have you covered." msgstr "Sudah oke! Jika spam meningkat, kami punya solusinya." msgid "" "Spam message eliminated from your comments and forms in %s, keeping your " "site clean." msgid_plural "" "Spam messages eliminated from your comments and forms in %s, keeping your " "site clean." msgstr[0] "" "Pesan spam telah dibuang dari komentar dan formulir Anda selama bulan %s, " "jadi situs Anda tetap bersih." msgstr[1] "" "Pesan spam telah dibuang dari komentar dan formulir Anda selama bulan %s, " "jadi situs Anda tetap bersih." msgid "Start blocking attacks" msgstr "Mulai blokir serangan" msgid "" "Brute force attack protection is not enabled, which means we can’t block " "malicious login attempts on your site." msgstr "" "Perlindungan terhadap serangan brute force tidak diaktifkan, jadi kami tidak " "dapat memblokir upaya login berbahaya pada situs Anda." msgid "" "Looking good! If anyone tries a brute force attack, we have you covered." msgstr "" "Sudah oke! Jika seseorang mencoba melakukan serangan brute force, kami punya " "solusinya." msgid "Total blocked brute force attacks, a free security feature." msgstr "Pemblokiran penuh serangan brute force sebagai fitur keamanan gratis. " msgid "Whether or not the Share Post feature is enabled." msgstr "Apakah fitur Bagikan Pos diaktifkan atau tidak." msgid "" "Use with a site you already started. A free domain for one year is included " "with all annual plans." msgstr "" "Gunakan dengan situs yang sudah Anda mulai. Domain gratis selama satu tahun " "disertakan dengan semua paket tahunan." msgid "The domain %s is not transferable." msgstr "Domain %s tidak dapat ditransfer." msgid "Please specify a site." msgstr "Silakan tentukan situs." msgid "Invalid auth code. Please check the specified code and try again." msgstr "" "Kode autentikasi tidak valid. Silakan periksa kode yang ditentukan dan coba " "kembali." msgid "View designs" msgstr "Lihat desain" msgid "Make your blog feel like home" msgstr "Jadikan blog Anda terasa seperti rumah sendiri" msgid "Start writing and build an audience" msgstr "Mulailah menulis dan jaring pembaca" msgid "Skip to My Home" msgstr "Langsung ke Beranda Saya" msgid "Don't worry. You can come back to these steps!" msgstr "Jangan khawatir. Anda dapat kembali ke langkah-langkah berikut!" msgid "" "Use this payment method for all subscriptions on my account. {{link}}Learn " "more.{{/link}}" msgstr "" "Gunakan metode pembayaran ini untuk semua langganan di akun saya. {{link}}" "Pelajari lebih lanjut.{{/link}}" msgid "Display share menu and allow viewers to copy a link or embed this video" msgstr "" "Tampilkan menu berbagi dan izinkan pembaca menyalin tautan atau menyematkan " "video berikut" msgid "Browse free images" msgstr "Cari gambar gratis" msgid "Get a login link on your email" msgstr "Dapatkan tautan untuk login di email Anda" msgid "Your email address or username" msgstr "Alamat email atau nama pengguna Anda" msgid "Enter your details to log in to your account." msgstr "Masukkan detail Anda untuk login ke akun Anda." msgid "" "As soon as your %(productName)s subscription is activated you will receive a " "confirmation email from our Happiness Engineers." msgstr "" "Segera setelah langganan %(productName)s Anda diaktifkan, Anda akan menerima " "email konfirmasi dari Happiness Engineer kami." msgid "Your subscription will be activated soon" msgstr "Langganan Anda akan segera diaktifkan" msgid "Disabled VideoPress" msgstr "VideoPress dimatikan" msgid "Enabled VideoPress" msgstr "VideoPress diaktifkan" msgid "One year activity log*" msgstr "Log aktivitas satu tahun" msgid "One-click restore from the past year of backups" msgstr "Pulihkan dengan mudah dari pencadangan setahun terakhir " msgid "" "Go back in time and recover all your information for up to a year, with " "%(storageAmount)s storage space." msgstr "" "Kembali ke masa lalu dan pulihkan semua informasi Anda hingga satu tahun, " "dengan ruang penyimpanan %(storageAmount)s." msgid "Backups are cloud based and secure" msgstr "Pencadangan berbasis cloud yang aman" msgid "Real-time backups (as you edit)" msgstr "Pencadangan real time (ketika Anda mengedit)" msgid "30-day activity log" msgstr "Log aktivitas 30 hari" msgid "One-click restore from the last 30 days of backups" msgstr "Pulihkan dengan mudah dari pencadangan 30 hari terakhir" msgid "%(storageAmount)s backup storage" msgstr "%(storageAmount)s ruang penyimpanan cadangan" msgid "" "Save every change with real-time backups and get back online quickly with " "one-click restores." msgstr "" "Simpan semua perubahan dengan pencadangan real-time dan segera kembali " "online dengan pemulihan sekali klik." msgid "" "Get the full power of Jetpack with all Security, Performance, Growth, and " "Design tools." msgstr "" "Dapatkan kekuatan penuh Jetpack dengan semua alat Keamanan, Performa, " "Perkembangan, dan Desain." msgid "" "Easy-to-use, comprehensive WordPress site security including backups, " "malware scanning, and spam protection." msgstr "" "Keamanan situs WordPress yang komprehensif dan mudah digunakan, termasuk " "pencadangan, pemindaian malware, dan perlindungan terhadap spam." msgid "Real-time malware scanning" msgstr "Pemindaian malware real time" msgid "Real-time cloud backups" msgstr "Pencadangan cloud real time" msgid "1-year archive & activity log*" msgstr "Arsip 1 tahun & log aktivitas" msgid "30-day archive & activity log" msgstr "Arsip 30 hari & log aktivitas" msgid "1TB of backup storage" msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan cadangan sebesar 1 TB" msgid "10GB of backup storage" msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan cadangan sebesar 10 GB" msgctxt "Share the post on social networks" msgid "Share" msgstr "Bagi" msgid "Type of platform" msgstr "Jenis platform" msgid "Redirect URL after checkout" msgstr "Pengalihan URL setelah checkout" msgid "Type (Product slug)" msgstr "Ketik (Slug produk)" msgid "Tumblr Merchant Username" msgstr "Nama Pengguna Penjual Tumblr" msgid "Tumblr Customer ID" msgstr "ID Pelanggan Tumblr" msgid "Tumblr Merchant ID" msgstr "ID Penjual Tumblr" msgid "Merchant ID doesn't match the blog" msgstr "ID Penjual tidak cocok dengan blog" msgid "Customer id is missing" msgstr "Id pelanggan tidak ada" msgid "Merchant id is missing" msgstr "Id pelanggan tidak ada" msgid "Product slug is missing" msgstr "Slug produk tidak ada" msgid "This domain cannot be canceled because it's currently being renewed." msgstr "Domain ini tidak bisa dibatalkan karena saat ini sedang diperpanjang." msgid "\"Red Line\" shortfilm by <a href=\"%s\">Chester Films</a>" msgstr "Film pendek \"Red Line\" produksi <a href=\"%s\">Chester Films</a>" msgid "" "Jetpack VideoPress is available for free with a limit of 1 video and 1 GB of " "storage. By purchasing it, you unlock unlimited videos and 1 TB of storage. " "Visit the <a href=\"%s\">VideoPress page</a> to get started." msgstr "" "Jetpack VideoPress tersedia secara gratis dengan batasan pengunggahan 1 " "video dan penyimpanan 1 GB. Dengan paket berbayar, Anda mendapatkan " "pengunggahan video tanpa batas dan penyimpanan 1 TB. Kunjungi <a href=\"%s" "\">halaman VideoPress</a> untuk memulai." msgid "Get Jetpack VideoPress" msgstr "Dapatkan Jetpack VideoPress" msgid "Ad-free with a brandable player" msgstr "Pemutar video bebas iklan dan bergengsi" msgid "The finest video for WordPress" msgstr "Video terbaik untuk WordPress" msgid "" "More than <strong>5 million WordPress sites</strong> trust Jetpack for " "their website security, performance, and growth" msgstr "" "Lebih dari <strong>5 juta situs WordPress</strong> memercayakan keamanan, " "performa, dan pengembangan situs web pada Jetpack" msgid "<span>liked your video</span> <a href=\"%1$s\">\"%2$s\".</a>" msgstr "<span>menyukai video </span> <a href=\"%1$s\">\"%2$s\" Anda.</a>" msgid "Renewal in progress" msgstr "Pembaruan sedang berlangsung" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is already connected to this site and cannot " "be transferred to {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}." msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} sudah terhubung ke situs berikut dan tidak " "dapat ditransfer ke {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}}." msgid "Daily Standup" msgstr "Taklimat Harian" msgid "" "Russell is a simple blogging theme that supports full-site editing. It comes " "with a set of minimal templates and design settings that can be manipulated " "through Global Styles." msgstr "" "Russell adalah tema blog sederhana yang mendukung pengeditan situs penuh. " "Russel dilengkapi dengan satu set template minimal dan pengaturan desain " "yang dapat dimodifikasi melalui Global Styles." msgctxt "label before the title of the previous post" msgid "Previous:" msgstr "Sebelumnya:" msgctxt "label before the title of the next post" msgid "Next:" msgstr "Selanjutnya:" msgid "Powered by Jetpack" msgstr "Didukung oleh Jetpack" msgid "Rocco Vittorio" msgstr "Rocco Vittorio" msgid "" "Even better than any big box enterprises’ software out there. We’ve tried " "many complicated online solutions and cloud integrations in the past and now " "we’ve simply found THE solution!" msgstr "" "Lebih baik dibandingkan perangkat lunak perusahaan besar mana pun di luar " "sana. Kami telah mencoba banyak solusi online dan integrasi cloud yang rumit " "di masa lalu dan sekarang kami telah menemukan solusinya!" msgid "Array of external connection IDs to skip sharing." msgstr "Array ID koneksi eksternal untuk melewati fungsi berbagi." msgid "The message to share." msgstr "Pesan yang ingin dibagikan." msgid "" "Geologist is a streamlined theme for modern bloggers. It consists of a " "simple single column of posts, paired with a sophisticated color palette and " "beautiful sans-serif typography." msgstr "" "Geologist adalah tema yang disederhanakan untuk bloger modern. Tema " "Geologist terdiri atas satu kolom pos sederhana, dipasangkan dengan palet " "warna yang lengkap dan tipografi sans-serif yang indah." msgid "" "The discount code <strong>%1$s</strong> is good for %2$s%% off your first " "plan payment. This code expires on %3$s. The free domain name offer only " "applies to first-time yearly plan purchases and may only be used on the " "registration of an eligible new domain name." msgstr "" "Kode diskon <strong>%1$s</strong> membeikan diskon %2$s%% untuk pembayaran " "paket pertama Anda. Kode ini berakhir masa berlakunya pada %3$s. Penawaran " "nama domain gratis hanya berlaku untuk pembelian paket tahunan pertama kali " "dan hanya dapat digunakan pada pendaftaran nama domain baru yang memenuhi " "syarat." msgid "This code <strong>%1$s</strong> expires on %2$s, so don’t delay!" msgstr "" "Kode <strong>%1$s</strong> ini kedaluwarsa pada %2$s, jadi jangan tunda lagi!" msgid "Jetpack CDN" msgstr "Jetpack CDN" msgid "Skip and draft first post" msgstr "Lewati dan buat konsep pos pertama" msgid "Choose a starting theme. You can change it later." msgstr "Pilih tema awal. Anda dapat mengubahnya nanti." msgid "Design categories" msgstr "Kategori desain" msgid "Hulu no longer allows embedding content." msgstr "Hulu tidak lagi mengizinkan penyematan konten." msgid "Supercharge my site" msgstr "Perkuat situs saya" msgid "" "Supercharge your website with an upgraded plan, and you’ll " "unlock features and customization options that make it even easier to grow " "your audience, showcase your work, and earn money with your website." msgstr "" "Perkuat situs Anda dengan upgrade paket WordPress.​com, dan dapatkan beragam " "fitur dan pilihan kustomisasi yang semakin memudahkan Anda untuk " "mengembangkan audiens, menampilkan karya, dan menghasilkan uang dengan situs " "Anda." msgid "This offer is only available until %1$s, so don’t delay!" msgstr "Penawaran ini hanya berlaku sampai %1$s, jadi jangan tunda lagi!" msgid "Claim my discount" msgstr "Klaim diskon saya" msgid "This deal ends soon – claim your discount and domain name!" msgstr "Promo diskon ini segera berakhir – klaim diskon dan nama domain Anda!" msgid "re: Just for you: %d%% off + a free domain name" msgstr "re: Hanya untuk Anda: Diskon %d%% + nama domain gratis" msgid "" "The discount code %1$s is good for %2$s%% off your first plan payment. This " "code expires on %3$s. The free domain name offer only applies to first-time " "yearly plan purchases and may only be used on the registration of an " "eligible new domain name." msgstr "" "Kode diskon %1$s memberikan diskon %2$s%% untuk pembayaran paket pertama " "Anda. Kode ini berakhir masa berlakunya pada %3$s. Penawaran nama domain " "gratis hanya berlaku untuk pembelian paket tahunan pertama kali dan hanya " "dapat digunakan pada pendaftaran nama domain baru yang memenuhi syarat." msgid "This code expires on %s, so don’t delay!" msgstr "Kode ini kedaluwarsa pada %s, jadi tunggu apalagi!" msgid "Supercharge my site!" msgstr "Buat situs saya lebih andal!" msgid "How about a free domain name with your upgrade?" msgstr "Bonus nama domain gratis dengan upgrade, terdengar menarik?" msgid "Upgrade today and supercharge your site!" msgstr "Upgrade hari ini dan buat situs Anda lebih andal!" msgid "Just for you: %d%% off + a free domain name" msgstr "Hanya untuk Anda: Diskon %d%% + nama domain gratis" msgid "High-quality, ad-free video for WordPress" msgstr "Video berkualitas tinggi dan bebas iklan untuk WordPress" msgid "" "You have used your free video. Upgrade now to unlock more videos and 1TB of " "storage." msgstr "" "Anda telah menggunakan video gratis Anda. Lakukan upgrade sekarang untuk " "mendapatkan lebih banyak video dan ruang penyimpanan 1TB." msgid "" "1 free video available. Upgrade now to unlock more videos and 1TB of storage." msgstr "" "1 video gratis tersedia. Lakukan upgrade sekarang untuk mendapatkan lebih " "banyak video dan ruang penyimpanan 1TB." msgid "" "To get started, add a video to a post or page through the editor, or upload " "it to the media library. We'll take care of the rest." msgstr "" "Untuk memulai, tambahkan video ke pos atau laman melalui editor, atau unggah " "ke pustaka media. Kami akan mengelola sisanya." msgid "We've activated your 1TB of video storage space." msgstr "Kami telah mengaktifkan 1TB ruang penyimpanan video Anda." msgid "Welcome to Jetpack VideoPress!" msgstr "Selamat datang di Jetpack VideoPress!" msgid "Upload a video" msgstr "Unggah video" msgid "Built into WordPress editor" msgstr "Terintegrasi di dalam editor WordPress" msgid "Reach your recipients’ primary inbox" msgstr "Jangkau inbox penerima utama Anda" msgid "Build your brand with every email you send" msgstr "Bangun branding Anda lewat setiap email yang terkirim" msgid "Increase your credibility" msgstr "Tingkatkan kredibilitas Anda" msgid "Trusted email address that's truly yours" msgstr "Alamat email tepercaya milik Anda" msgid "Why get Professional Email?" msgstr "Mengapa menggunakan Professional Email?" msgid "" "Modify your notifications <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">settings</a>." msgstr "" "Ubah <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">pengaturan</a> pemberitahuan Anda." msgid "" "We've reduced our prices by 30%% in %s to make it even easier to get " "started. All prices have already been updated for you." msgstr "" "Kami telah mengurangi harga sebesar 30%% di %s agar Anda lebih mudah untuk " "memulai. Semua harga telah diperbarui untuk Anda." msgid "Zoologist is a simple blogging theme that supports full-site editing." msgstr "" "Zoologist adalah tema blog sederhana yang mendukung pengeditan situs penuh." msgid "Load more sites" msgstr "Muat lebih banyak situs" msgid "{{strong}}Preview posts and pages{{/strong}} directly from Slack." msgstr "{{strong}}Pratinjau pos dan laman{{/strong}} langsung dari Slack." msgid "Preview posts and pages directly from Slack." msgstr "Pratinjau posting dan laman langsung dari Slack." msgid "Get {{strong}}Slack notifications{{/strong}} with every new P2 post." msgstr "" "Dapatkan {{strong}}Notifikasi Slack{{/strong}} dengan setiap pos P2 baru." msgid "Get Slack notifications with every new P2 post." msgstr "Dapatkan notifikasi Slack dengan setiap postingan P2 baru." msgid "Connect this workspace to your Slack." msgstr "Hubungkan ruang kerja berikut ke Slack Anda." msgid "Workspace connected to Slack." msgstr "Ruang kerja terhubung ke Slack." msgid "Product Open Pricing" msgstr "Harga Pembukaan Produk" msgid "Default (i.e. Suggested) price" msgstr "Harga asal (Disarankan) " msgid "Default price" msgstr "Harga asal" msgid "Open price is more than maximum: %s" msgstr "Harga pembukaan lebih dari maksimal: %s" msgid "Open price is less than minimum: %s" msgstr "Harga pembukaan kurang dari minimal: %s" msgid "Open price not found" msgstr "Harga pembukaan tidak ditemukan" msgid "Blog name" msgstr "Nama blog" msgid "First, let's give your blog a name" msgstr "Pertama, beri nama blog Anda" msgid "Begin creating your website" msgstr "Mulai mendesain situs Anda" msgid "Build" msgstr "Desain" msgid "Share your ideas with the world" msgstr "Bagikan ide Anda ke seluruh dunia" msgid "You can change your mind at any time." msgstr "Anda dapat mengubahnya kapan saja." msgid "Where will you start?" msgstr "Anda ingin memulai dari mana?" msgid "(visible only to moderators and staff)" msgstr "(hanya ditampilkan ke moderator dan staf)" msgid "(email visible only to moderators and staff)" msgstr "(email hanya ditampilkan ke moderator dan staf)" msgid "" "The file size limit is 5 GB. However, on slower networks, there is a chance " "the network will time out before being able to upload larger videos to a " "WordPress site." msgstr "" "Batas ukuran file adalah 5 GB. Namun, pada jaringan yang lebih lambat, ada " "kemungkinan jaringan akan kehabisan waktu sebelum berhasil mengunggah video " "dengan ukuran lebih besar ke situs WordPress." msgid "Is there a file size limit?" msgstr "Apakah ada batas ukuran file?" msgid "The paid plan has a storage limit of 1 TB." msgstr "Paket berbayar memiliki batas penyimpanan sebesar 1 TB." msgid "The free plan has a limit of 1 video and 1 GB." msgstr "Paket gratis memiliki batas 1 video dan 1 GB." msgid "Is there a storage limit?" msgstr "Apakah ada batas penyimpanan?" msgid "That’s all! It’s why we think it’s the best video player on WordPress." msgstr "" "Itu saja! Itulah alasan kami beranggapan bahwa ini merupakan pemutar video " "terbaik di WordPress." msgid "" "After enabling Jetpack VideoPress, simply add a video to a post or page " "through the editor, or upload video to the WordPress media library." msgstr "" "Setelah mengaktifkan Jetpack VideoPress, cukup tambahkan video ke pos atau " "halaman melalui editor, atau unggah video ke pustaka media WordPress." msgid "How do I upload a video to a WordPress site?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara mengunggah video ke situs WordPress?" msgid "" "If you’d like to try it for free, first download the Jetpack plugin. After " "<a href=\"%s\">the plugin is activated</a> go to the Jetpack Dashboard, " "scroll down to the Performance section and enable VideoPress." msgstr "" "Jika ingin mencobanya secara gratis, pertama-tama unduh plugin Jetpack. " "Setelah <a href=\"%s\">plugin diaktifkan</a>, buka Dasbor Jetpack, lalu " "gulir ke bawah ke bagian Performa dan aktifkan VideoPress." msgid "" "If you purchased Jetpack VideoPress, the WordPress video player plugin will " "be enabled automatically." msgstr "" "Jika Anda membeli layanan Jetpack VideoPress, plugin pemutar video WordPress " "akan diaktifkan secara otomatis." msgid "How do I enable Jetpack VideoPress?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara mengaktifkan Jetpack VideoPress?" msgid "" "Jetpack’s video player for WordPress is included in the Jetpack Complete " "plan. It is not currently included in any other plan." msgstr "" "Pemutar video Jetpack untuk WordPress juga disertakan dalam paket Jetpack " "Complete. Saat ini, alat tersebut belum disertakan di paket lainnya." msgid "Is Jetpack VideoPress included in any other Jetpack plan?" msgstr "Apakah Jetpack VideoPress disertakan dalam paket Jetpack lainnya?" msgid "Is Jetpack VideoPress free?" msgstr "Apakah Jetpack VideoPress gratis?" msgid "Ad-free and brandable player" msgstr "Pemutar video bebas iklan dan bergengsi" msgid "Get VideoPress" msgstr "Dapatkan VideoPress" msgid "High-quality, ad-free video built specifically for WordPress." msgstr "" "Pemutar video berkualitas tinggi dan bebas iklan yang dibuat khusus untuk " "WordPress." msgid "" "Upgrade your site with stunning-quality video, as easy as drag and drop." msgstr "" "Upgrade situs Anda dengan video berkualitas luar biasa, tinggal seret dan " "lepas." msgid "Jetpack VideoPress Logo" msgstr "Logo Jetpack VideoPress" msgid "Integrates with Jetpack Stats" msgstr "Integrasi dengan Jetpack Stats" msgid "Picture-in-picture" msgstr "Gambar-dalam-gambar" msgid "Multiple playback speeds" msgstr "Beberapa pilihan kecepatan pemutaran ulang" msgid "Adaptive bitrates" msgstr "Bitrate yang dapat disesuaikan" msgid "Optimized for mobile" msgstr "Dioptimalkan untuk perangkat seluler" msgid "Additional features" msgstr "Fitur tambahan" msgid "VideoPress video shown on multiple devices with different screen sizes." msgstr "" "Video VideoPress tampil di beberapa perangkat dengan ukuran layar yang " "berbeda-beda." msgid "Try before you buy" msgstr "Cobalah sebelum Anda membelinya" msgid "Powerful and reliable hosting infrastructure" msgstr "Infrastruktur hosting yang canggih dan terpercaya" msgid "Full-width video background" msgstr "Latar belakang video dengan lebar maksimal" msgid "Global CDN" msgstr "CDN global" msgid "Fast-motion video with 60 FPS and Full HD 1080p" msgstr "Video gerakan cepat dengan 60 FPS dan Full HD 1080p" msgid "" "Take the complexity out of self-hosting videos. VideoPress offers fully-" "hosted videos and a CDN to ensure instant video speed for your audience " "around the globe." msgstr "" "Hosting video sendiri tanpa repot. VideoPress menawarkan video yang di-" "hosting penuh dan CDN untuk memastikan video dengan kecepatan instan untuk " "audiens Anda dari seluruh dunia." msgid "High-quality, lightning-fast video hosting" msgstr "Hosting video berkualitas tinggi, secepat kilat" msgid "Customizable colors to fit your brand and site" msgstr "Warna yang dapat disesuaikan agar serasi dengan merek dan situs Anda" msgid "" "Tired of video companies sending your customers to their app to view videos? " "Or worse, showing inappropriate ads to your site visitors? Our customizable " "video player for WordPress keeps people on your site so the spotlight is all " "yours." msgstr "" "Lelah menghadapi perusahaan video yang mengarahkan pelanggan Anda ke " "aplikasi mereka untuk menonton video? Atau lebih buruk lagi dengan " "menampilkan iklan yang tidak pantas kepada pengunjung situs Anda? Pemutar " "video kami yang dapat disesuaikan untuk WordPress membuat pengunjung betah " "di situs Anda. Pusat perhatian di tangan Anda." msgid "Stay in control of your audience" msgstr "Tetap ambil kendali atas audiens Anda" msgid "Unlock Video and Story blocks" msgstr "Dapatkan Video dan blok Cerita" msgid "Manage videos in the WordPress media library" msgstr "Kelola video di pustaka media WordPress" msgid "Unlimited logins for team members" msgstr "Login tanpa batas untuk anggota tim" msgid "Drag and drop videos directly into WordPress" msgstr "Seret dan lepas video langsung ke dalam WordPress" msgid "" "Save time by managing your videos in the same interface as your website. " "Take advantage of full integration with the best video hosting plugin " "created specifically for WordPress." msgstr "" "Hemat waktu dengan mengelola video Anda di antarmuka yang sama dengan situs " "web Anda. Manfaatkan integrasi penuh dengan plugin hosting video terbaik " "yang dibuat khusus untuk WordPress." msgid "Built for WordPress" msgstr "Dibuat untuk WordPress" msgid "" "Stunning-quality video with none of the hassle. Drag and drop videos through " "the WordPress editor and keep the focus on your content, not the ads." msgstr "" "Video mengesankan tanpa repot. Seret dan lepas video melalui editor " "WordPress dan jaga fokus konten Anda, bukan iklan." msgid "The Finest Video Hosting for WordPress" msgstr "Hosting video terbaik untuk WordPress" msgid "" "Newly registered domains cannot be transferred. This domain can be " "transferred in <strong>%(daysUntilTransferEligible)d days</strong>, starting " "%(transferEligibleDate)s. You don't have to wait though, you can connect " "your domain to your site instead." msgstr "" "Domain yang baru saja didaftarkan tidak dapat ditransfer. Domain ini dapat " "ditransfer dalam <strong>%(daysUntilTransferEligible)d hari</strong>, " "terhitung sejak %(transferEligibleDate)s. Tidak perlu menunggu, Anda dapat " "menghubungkan domain ke situs Anda. " msgid "View comment" msgstr "Lihat komentar" msgid "Domain renewal already in progress." msgstr "Perpanjangan domain sedang dalam proses." msgid "P2 Patterns list" msgstr "Daftar Pola P2" msgid "View P2 Patterns" msgstr "Lihat Pola P2" msgid "View P2 Pattern" msgstr "Lihat Pola P2" msgid "No P2 Patterns found." msgstr "Pola P2 tidak ditemukan." msgid "Edit P2 Pattern" msgstr "Edit Pola P2" msgid "Add P2 Pattern" msgstr "Tambah Pola P2" msgid "" "You can now edit your Akismet options from the <a href=\"%s\">dedicated " "settings page</a>." msgstr "" "Pengaturan Akismet sekarang bisa diubah dari <a href=\"%s\">halaman " "pengaturannya sendiri</a>." msgid "Akismet Anti-spam settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Anti-spam Akismet" msgid "" "If your website is missing plugins and themes that come with your plan, you " "may restore them here." msgstr "" "Jika situs web Anda tidak memiliki plugin dan tema yang disertakan dengan " "paket Anda, Anda dapat memulihkannya di sini." msgid "Restore plugins and themes" msgstr "Pulihkan Plugin dan Tema" msgid "Failed to request restoration of plan plugin and themes." msgstr "Gagal meminta pemulihan plugin dan tema paket." msgid "Requested restoration of plugins and themes that come with your plan." msgstr "" "Pemulihan plugin dan tema yang diminta dan disertakan dengan paket Anda." msgid "Update your card" msgstr "Perbarui kartu Anda" msgid "" "Our records show that your credit card may have expired, but we'll still " "attempt to charge it because the credit card account may still be active. " "You can also update your payment method to ensure we have the correct " "information." msgstr "" "Data kami menunjukkan bahwa kartu kredit Anda mungkin telah kedaluwarsa, " "tetapi kami akan mencoba menagih ke kartu kredit tersebut mengingat " "rekeningnyanya mungkin masih aktif. Anda juga dapat memperbarui metode " "pembayaran untuk memastikan kami memiliki informasi yang benar." msgid "Card Expiring Notice" msgstr "Pemberitahuan Kedaluwarsa Kartu" msgid "File type unknown" msgstr "Jenis file tidak diketahui" msgid "No subscription found" msgstr "Langganan Tidak Ditemukan" msgid "Cancelled" msgstr "Dibatalkan" msgid "Disconnect this account" msgstr "Putuskan sambungan ke akun ini" msgid "Akismet privacy notice" msgstr "Pemberitahuan privasi Akismet" msgid "All systems functional." msgstr "Semua sistem berfungsi." msgid "Enabled." msgstr "Diaktifkan." msgid "" "Akismet encountered a problem with a previous SSL request and disabled it " "temporarily. It will begin using SSL for requests again shortly." msgstr "" "Akismet mengalami masalah dengan permintaan SSL sebelumnya dan " "menonaktifkannya untuk sementara. Akismet akan segera menggunakan SSL untuk " "mengajukan permintaan kembali." msgid "" "Your Web server cannot make SSL requests; contact your Web host and ask them " "to add support for SSL requests." msgstr "" "Server web Anda tidak dapat mengajukan permintaan SSL; hubungi host situs " "web dan minta bantuan untuk permintaan SSL." msgid "SSL status" msgstr "Status SSL" msgid "%s false positive" msgid_plural "%s false positives" msgstr[0] "%s positif palsu" msgstr[1] "%s positif palsu" msgid "%s missed spam" msgid_plural "%s missed spam" msgstr[0] "%s spam terlewatkan" msgstr[1] "%s spam terlewatkan" msgid "Detailed stats" msgstr "Statistik Terperinci" msgid "Reload mailboxes" msgstr "Muat ulang kotak surat" msgid "" "There has been an error in loading your mailboxes. Please use the reload " "button, and reach out to support if the issue persists." msgstr "" "Terjadi eror saat memuat kotak surat Anda. Silakan gunakan tombol muat " "ulang, dan hubungi tim bantuan jika eror berlanjut." msgid "Error image" msgstr "Gambar eror" msgid "" "{{line1}}Welcome to the world’s most{{/line1}}{{line2}}popular website " "builder,{{/line2}}{{line3}}delivered on the world’s fastest{{/line3}}" "{{line4}}WordPress managed hosting platform.{{/line4}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Selamat datang di pembuat situs web{{/line1}}{{line2}}paling " "populer di dunia,{{/line2}}{{line3}}ditampilkan di platform hosting " "WordPress{{/line3}}{{line4}}terkelola dan tercepat di dunia.{{/line4}}" msgid " Fast, Secure Managed WordPress Hosting" msgstr " Hosting WordPress Terkelola yang Cepat dan Aman" msgid "Click on the \"Press This\" bookmarklet / favorite." msgstr "Klik pada bookmarklet / favorit \"Press This\"." msgid "Highlight the text or item you'd like to copy into a new post." msgstr "Sorot teks atau item yang ingin Anda salin ke pos baru." msgid "" "Drag and drop the \"Press This\" button below to your bookmarks bar, or " "right-click the button to copy the link, then add the link to your favorites." msgstr "" "Tarik dan lepas tombol \"Press This\" di bawah ke bilah bookmark Anda, atau " "klik kanan tombol untuk menyalin tautan, lalu tambahkan tautan ke favorit " "Anda." msgid "How to use Press This" msgstr "Cara menggunakan Press This" msgid "" "{{strong}}Press This{{/strong}} allows you to copy text, images, and video " "from any web page and add them to a new post on your site, along with an " "automatic citation." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Press This{{/strong}} memungkinkan Anda menyalin teks, gambar, dan " "video dari laman web mana pun dan menambahkannya ke pos baru di situs Anda, " "bersama dengan standar kutipan." msgid "Sale ends in: %(days)dd %(hours)dh %(minutes)dm %(seconds)ss" msgstr "Promo berakhir dalam: %(days)dd %(hours)dh %(minutes)dm %(seconds)ss" msgid "Close discount banner" msgstr "Tutup spanduk diskon" msgid "" "Sale ends in: <span data-time-unit=\"days\">--</span>d <span data-time-unit=" "\"hours\">--</span>h <span data-time-unit=\"minutes\">--</span>m <span data-" "time-unit=\"seconds\">--</span>s" msgstr "" "Diskon berakhir dalam: <span data-time-unit=\"days\">--</span>h <span data-" "time-unit=\"hours\">--</span>j <span data-time-unit=\"minutes\">--</span>m " "<span data-time-unit=\"seconds\">--</span>d" msgid "Discount Banner" msgstr "Spanduk Diskon" msgid "Inbox" msgstr "Kotak Masuk" msgid "Loading your purchases…" msgstr "Memuat pembelian Anda…" msgid "" "Once you have unlocked your domain click on the button below to proceed." msgstr "" "Setelah Anda membuka kunci domain, klik tombol di bawah ini untuk " "melanjutkan." msgid "It might take a few minutes for any changes to take effect." msgstr "Anda mungkin perlu beberapa menit untuk perubahan diterapkan." msgid "" "Your domain is still locked. If you’ve already unlocked it, wait a few " "minutes and try again." msgstr "" "Domain Anda masih dikunci. Jika Anda sudah membuka kuncinya, tunggu beberapa " "menit dan coba kembali." msgid "Please check that your domain is unlocked." msgstr "Harap periksa jika domain Anda tidak terkunci." msgid "" "Domain providers lock domains to prevent unauthorized transfers. You’ll need " "to unlock it on your domain provider’s settings page. Some domain providers " "require you to contact them via their customer support to unlock it." msgstr "" "Penyedia domain mengunci domain untuk mencegah transfer yang tidak diberikan " "otorisasi. Anda harus membuka kuncinya di halaman pengaturan penyedia domain " "Anda. Beberapa penyedia domain mengharuskan Anda untuk menghubungi mereka " "melalui bantuan pelanggan untuk membukanya." msgid "Can't get the domain's lock status" msgstr "Tidak dapat mengambil status kunci domain Anda." msgid "Your domain is locked" msgstr "Domain Anda dikunci" msgid "" "If you would like to have your domain point to your site " "faster, consider <a>connecting your domain</a> first." msgstr "" "Jika Anda ingin domain Anda mengarah ke situs Anda lebih " "cepat, pertimbangkan <a>menghubungkan domain Anda</a> terlebih dahulu." msgid "" "It can take up to 5 days for the domain to be transferred, depending on your " "provider." msgstr "" "Dibutuhkan waktu hingga 5 hari untuk mentransfer domain, bergantung pada " "penyedia Anda." msgid "It takes 10-20 minutes to set up." msgstr "Dibutuhkan 10-20 menit untuk menyiapkan." msgid "" "For this setup you will need to log in to your current domain provider and " "go through a few steps." msgstr "" "Untuk pengaturan berikut, Anda harus login ke penyedia domain Anda saat ini " "dan selesaikan beberapa langkah." msgid "Authorize the transfer" msgstr "Berikan otorisasi transfer" msgid "Initial setup" msgstr "Pengaturan awal" msgid "You have no mailboxes yet." msgstr "Anda belum memiliki kotak surat." msgid "Loading your mailboxes" msgstr "Memuat kotak surat Anda" msgid "Choose the mailbox you’d like to open." msgstr "Pilih kotak surat yang ingin Anda buka. " msgid "Create a new mailbox" msgstr "Buat kotak surat baru" msgid "Need another mailbox?" msgstr "Butuh kotak surat lain?" msgid "%(numberOfTerabytes)dTB" msgid_plural "%(numberOfTerabytes)dTB" msgstr[0] "%(numberOfTerabytes)dTB" msgstr[1] "%(numberOfTerabytes)dTB" msgid "%(numberOfGigabytes)dGB" msgid_plural "%(numberOfGigabytes)dGB" msgstr[0] "%(numberOfGigabytes)dGB" msgstr[1] "%(numberOfGigabytes)dGB" msgid "of backup storage" msgstr "dari ruang penyimpanan cadangan" msgid "Pick one of your domains below to add an email solution." msgstr "" "Pilih salah satu domain Anda di bawah ini untuk menambahkan solusi email." msgid "Pick a domain to get started" msgstr "Pilih domain untuk memulai" msgid "Import from…" msgstr "Impor dari…" msgid "Go to your backups" msgstr "Lihat cadangan Anda" msgid "Would you like to download the backup of your site?" msgstr "Apakah Anda ingin mengunduh cadangan situs Anda?" msgid "" "Your site will return to its original settings and theme right before the " "first plugin or custom theme was installed." msgstr "" "Situs Anda akan kembali ke pengaturan dan tema standar sebelum plugin atau " "tema khusus Anda pertama diinstal." msgid "" "Any themes/plugins you have installed on the site will be removed, along " "with their data." msgstr "" "Tema/plugin apa pun yang Anda instal di situs Anda akan dihapus, beserta " "datanya." msgid "" "Please {{strong}}confirm and check{{/strong}} the following items before you " "continue with plan deactivation:" msgstr "" "Silakan {{strong}}berikan konfirmasi dan periksa{{/strong}} item berikut " "sebelum Anda melanjutkan dengan penonaktifan paket:" msgid "Proceed With Caution" msgstr "Lanjutkan dengan kehati-hatian" msgid "Check readiness for transfer" msgstr "Periksa kesiapan untuk melakukan transfer" msgid "Mark as spam" msgstr "Tandai sebagai Spam" msgid "New images and videos may take a few minutes to appear." msgstr "Gambar dan video baru mungkin memerlukan waktu untuk ditampilkan." msgid "You don't have any images in your Google Photos library." msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki gambar apa pun di galeri Google Photos Anda." msgid "You don't have any videos in your Google Photos library." msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki video apa pun di galeri Google Photos Anda." msgid "To get started, connect your site to your Google Photos library." msgstr "Untuk memulai, hubungkan situs Anda ke galeri Google Photos Anda." msgid "Connect to Google Photos" msgstr "Hubungkan ke Google Photos" msgid "" "We've reduced our prices by 30% in %s to make it even easier to get started. " "All prices have already been updated for you. Enjoy!" msgstr "" "Kami telah mengurangi harga sebesar 30% di %s agar Anda lebih mudah untuk " "memulai. Semua harga telah diperbarui untuk Anda. Selamat menikmati " "!" msgid "30% discount for customers in %s" msgstr "Diskon 30% untuk pelanggan di %s" msgid "" "For total security and backups, upgrade to a paid plan and get a <strong>%s%" "% discount for a limited time.!</strong>" msgstr "" "Untuk keamanan dan pencadangan total, upgrade ke paket berbayar dan dapatkan " "diskon <strong>%s%% untuk waktu terbatas.!</strong>" msgid "" "Jetpack has free security tools to protect your site from hackers and to " "notify you if your site goes offline." msgstr "" "Jetpack memiliki alat keamanan gratis untuk melindungi situs Anda dari " "peretas dan untuk memberi tahu Anda jika situs Anda offline." msgid "" "Great job guarding your site from spam with Akismet. To finish protecting " "your site and visitors, install Jetpack." msgstr "" "Kerja bagus yang menjaga situs Anda dari spam dengan Akismet. Untuk " "menyelesaikan perlindungan situs dan pengunjung Anda, instal Jetpack." msgid "Upgrade your subscription level" msgstr "Tingkatkan Level Berlangganan Anda" msgid "* Discount is for the first year only, all renewals are at full price." msgstr "" "* Diskon hanya berlaku untuk satu tahun pertama, semua perpanjangan " "dikenakan harga normal." msgid "" "Yes, our expert Happiness Engineers provide priority support to all " "customers with paid plans and services! Have a question or a problem? Just " "{{helpLink}}contact support{{/helpLink}} and we’ll get back to you in no " "time." msgstr "" "Ya, tim ahli Happiness Engineer kami memberikan bantuan prioritas kepada " "semua pelanggan dengan paket dan layanan berbayar! Jika Anda memiliki " "pertanyaan atau menghadapi kendala? {{helpLink}}Hubungi tim bantuan{{/" "helpLink}} dan kami akan segera menghubungi Anda kembali." msgid "Is priority support included in all plans?" msgstr "Apakah bantuan prioritas termasuk dalam semua paket?" msgid "Share your feedback" msgstr "Kami membutuhkan masukan dari Anda" msgid "An Automattic %1$s" msgstr "%1$s dari Automattic" msgid "Not a valid file path." msgstr "Bukan jalur berkas yang valid." msgid "Use only single slashes, \"/\", in path." msgstr "Gunakan hanya garis miring, \"/\", di jalur." msgid "Use forward slashes, \"/\", in path." msgstr "Gunakan garis miring, \"/\", di jalur." msgid "" "Your Akismet usage has been over your plan’s limit for three " "consecutive months. We have restricted your account for the rest of the " "month. Upgrade your plan so Akismet can continue blocking spam." msgstr "" "Penggunaan Akismet Anda telah melebihi batas paket Anda selama tiga bulan " "berturut-turut. Kami telah membatasi akun Anda untuk sisa bulan ini. " "Tingkatkan paket Anda sehingga Akismet dapat terus memblokir spam." msgid "" "Your Akismet usage is nearing your plan’s limit for the third " "consecutive month. We will restrict your account after you reach the limit. " "Upgrade your plan so Akismet can continue blocking spam." msgstr "" "Penggunaan Akismet Anda mendekati batas paket Anda selama tiga bulan " "berturut-turut. Kami akan membatasi akun Anda setelah Anda mencapai batas. " "Tingkatkan paket Anda sehingga Akismet dapat terus memblokir spam." msgid "" "Your Akismet usage has been over your plan’s limit for two consecutive " "months. Next month, we will restrict your account after you reach the limit. " "Please consider upgrading your plan." msgstr "" "Penggunaan Akismet Anda telah melebihi batas paket Anda selama dua bulan " "berturut-turut. Bulan depan, kami akan membatasi akun Anda setelah Anda " "mencapai batas. Harap pertimbangkan untuk meningkatkan paket Anda." msgid "Learn more about usage limits." msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang batas penggunaan." msgid "" "Since %1$s, your account made %2$s API calls, compared to your plan’s " "limit of %3$s." msgstr "" "Sejak %1$s, akun Anda melakukan %2$s panggilan API, dibandingkan dengan " "batas paket Anda sebesar %3$s." msgid "Your account has been restricted" msgstr "Akun Anda telah dibatasi" msgid "Your Akismet account usage is approaching your plan’s limit" msgstr "Penggunaan akun Akismet Anda mendekati batas paket Anda" msgid "Your Akismet account usage is over your plan’s limit" msgstr "Penggunaan akun Akismet Anda melebihi batas paket Anda" msgid "" "Please enter a new key or <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">contact Akismet " "support</a>." msgstr "" "Harap masukkan kunci baru atau <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">hubungi " "dukungan Akismet</a>." msgid "Your API key is no longer valid." msgstr "Kunci API Anda tidak lagi valid." msgid "Site ID" msgstr "ID Situs" msgid "An error has occurred. Please try again." msgstr "Terjadi error. Mohon ulangi." msgid "Your purchase has been deleted." msgstr "Pembelian Anda telah dihapus." msgid "multiple matching products were found on receipt" msgstr "beberapa produk yang cocok ditemukan pada tanda terima " msgid "no matching products were found on receipt" msgstr "produk yang cocok tidak ditemukan pada tanda terima " msgid "failed to read receipt" msgstr "gagal membaca tanda terima" msgid "Something went wrong with Quick Start. Please try again later." msgstr "Terjadi masalah dengan Quick Start. Harap coba kembali." msgid "Quick Start is not available at the moment, please try again later." msgstr "Mulai Cepat tidak tersedia saat ini, silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "Finalize transfer" msgstr "Selesaikan transfer" msgid "Unlock domain" msgstr "Aktifkan domain" msgid "" "First, let's create your account. We recommend you use the {{strong}}same " "email address you use at work.{{/strong}}" msgstr "" "Pertama, buat akun Anda. Kami menyarankan Anda untuk menggunakan {{strong}}" "alamat email yang sama dengan yang Anda gunakan di tempat kerja.{{/strong}}" msgid "Built By Premium" msgstr "Built By Premium" msgctxt "A navigation label." msgid "There is %(numMembers)d member and %(guests)s in this P2" msgid_plural "There are %(numMembers)d members and %(guests)s in this P2" msgstr[0] "Ada %(numMembers)d anggota dan %(guests)s di P2 ini" msgstr[1] "Ada %(numMembers)d anggota dan %(guests)s di P2 ini" msgid "Manage P2s" msgstr "Kelola P2s" msgid "" "Your P2 Workspace has P2s. You must delete all P2s in this workspace before " "you can delete it." msgstr "" "Ruang Kerja P2 Anda mencakup beberapa P2. Anda harus menghapus semua P2s di " "ruang kerja ini agar dapat menghapus P2." msgid "We're almost finished! Your P2 workspace will be:" msgstr "Sedikit lagi! Ruang kerja P2 Anda akan menjadi:" msgid "%(numberGuests)d guest" msgid_plural "%(numberGuests)d guests" msgstr[0] "%(numberGuests)d tamu" msgstr[1] "%(numberGuests)d tamu" msgid "There is %(numberPeople)d member in this P2" msgid_plural "There are %(numberPeople)d members in this P2" msgstr[0] "Ada %(numberPeople)d anggota di P2 ini" msgstr[1] "Ada %(numberPeople)d anggota di P2 ini" msgid "There is %(numberPeople)d member in this workspace" msgid_plural "There are %(numberPeople)d members in this workspace" msgstr[0] "Ada %(numberPeople)d anggota di ruang kerja ini" msgstr[1] "Ada %(numberPeople)d anggota di ruang kerja ini" msgid "" "This user is a member of this P2 as a guest, but not a member of the " "workspace." msgstr "" "Pengguna terkait merupakan anggota dari P2 ini sebagai tamu dan bukan " "anggota dari ruang kerja." msgid "Invite to the workspace instead" msgstr "Undang ke ruang kerja" msgid "" "If they aren't already members of %(workspaceName)s they'll be invited as " "guests." msgstr "" "Jika belum menjadi anggota %(workspaceName)s mereka akan diundang sebagai " "tamu." msgid "You are inviting people to %(sitename)s" msgstr "Anda mengundang seseorang ke %(sitename)s" msgid "Manage workspace members" msgstr "Kelola anggota ruang kerja" msgid "" "Manage your workspace members to view all the people in the " "%(workspaceName)s." msgstr "" "Kelola anggota ruang kerja Anda untuk melihat semua orang di dalam" "%(workspaceName)s." msgid "These are members and guests who have joined this P2" msgstr "Mereka adalah anggota dan tamu yang bergabung dengan P2 ini" msgid "You can also invite people to specific P2s so they join as guests." msgstr "" "Anda juga dapat mengirim undangan untuk bergabung ke P2 tertentu sehingga " "mereka dapat bergabung sebagai tamu." msgid "" "New workspace members will be able to access all the P2s in this workspace" msgstr "" "Anggota ruang kerja baru akan dapat mengakses semua P2 di ruang kerja ini" msgid "Invite members and guests to this P2 and manage their access settings." msgstr "Undang anggota dan tamu ke P2 ini dan kelola pengaturan akses mereka." msgid "Invite members to your workspace and manage their access settings." msgstr "Undang anggota ke ruang kerja Anda dan kelola pengaturan akses mereka." msgid "" "Update the table directly upon product changes, instead of scheduling a " "deferred update." msgstr "" "Memperbarui tabel langsung setelah produk berubah alih-alih menjadwalkan " "pembaruan yang ditangguhkan." msgid "Direct updates" msgstr "Pembaruan langsung" msgid "Use the product attributes lookup table for catalog filtering." msgstr "Gunakan tabel pencarian atribut produk untuk penyaringan katalog. " msgid "Enable table usage" msgstr "Aktifkan penggunaan tabel" msgid "" "These settings are not available while the lookup table regeneration is in " "progress." msgstr "" "Pengaturan ini tidak tersedia saat sedang dalam proses pembuatan tabel " "pencarian." msgid "Product attributes lookup table" msgstr "Tabel pencarian atribut produk" msgid "Filling in progress (%d)" msgstr "Pengisian sedang berjalan (%d)" msgid "" "Select a product to regenerate the data for, or leave empty for a full table " "regeneration:" msgstr "" "Pilih produk untuk membuat data, atau biarkan kosong untuk pembuatan tabel " "lengkap:" msgid "Product attributes lookup table data is regenerating" msgstr "Data tabel pencarian atribut produk sedang dibuat ulang" msgid "" "This tool will regenerate the product attributes lookup table data from " "existing product(s) data. This process may take a while." msgstr "" "Alat ini akan membuat ulang data tabel pencarian atribut produk dari data " "produk yang sudah ada. Proses ini dapat memerlukan waktu beberapa saat." msgid "Regenerate the product attributes lookup table" msgstr "Buat ulang tabel pencarian atribut produk" msgid "" "WooCommerce Blocks development mode requires the %1$s constant to be defined " "and true in your %2$s file. Otherwise you are loading the blocks package " "from WooCommerce core." msgstr "" "Dalam mode pengembangan Blok WooCommerce, konstanta %1$s perlu ditetapkan " "dan bernilai true pada file %2$s Anda. Jika tidak, silakan muat paket blok " "dari fitur inti WooCommerce." msgid "To set your password, visit the following address: " msgstr "Untuk mengatur ulang kata sandi Anda, kunjungi alamat berikut:" msgid "Click here to set your new password." msgstr "Klik di sini untuk menyetel kata sandi baru Anda." msgid "State/County" msgstr "Provinsi" msgid "Country/Region" msgstr "Negara/Wilayah" msgid "billing address" msgstr "Alamat Penagihan" msgid "shipping address" msgstr "Alamat Pengiriman" msgid "There was a problem with the provided %s:" msgstr "Terjadi masalah dengan %s yang dimasukkan:" msgid "Sorry, we do not allow orders from the provided country (%s)" msgstr "" "Maaf, kami tidak mengizinkan pemesanan dari negara yang dimasukkan (%s)" msgid "Sorry, we do not ship orders to the provided country (%s)" msgstr "Maaf, kami tidak mengirim pesanan ke negara yang dimasukkan (%s)" msgid "" "The provided email address (%s) is not valid—please provide a valid email " "address" msgstr "" "Alamat email yang dimasukkan (%s) tidak valid—harap masukkan alamat email " "yang valid" msgid "There was an error with an item in your cart." msgstr "Terjadi error pada item di keranjang Anda." msgid "" "There are not enough %s in stock. Please reduce the quantities in your cart." msgstr "Stok %s tidak mencukupi. Kurangi kuantitas dalam keranjang Anda." msgid "" "There is not enough %s in stock. Please reduce the quantity in your cart." msgstr "Stok %s tidak mencukupi. Kurangi kuantitas dalam keranjang Anda." msgid "" "There are too many %s in the cart. Only 1 of each can be purchased. Please " "reduce the quantities in your cart." msgstr "" "Ada terlalu banyak %s di dalam keranjang. Hanya 1 dari masing-masing produk " "yang dapat dibeli. Kurangi kuantitas dalam keranjang Anda." msgid "" "There are too many %s in the cart. Only 1 can be purchased. Please reduce " "the quantity in your cart." msgstr "" "Ada terlalu banyak %s di dalam keranjang. Hanya 1 yang dapat dibeli. Kurangi " "kuantitas dalam keranjang Anda." msgid "%s cannot be purchased. Please remove them from your cart." msgstr "%s tidak dapat dibeli. Hapus item tersebut dari keranjang Anda." msgid "" "%s are out of stock and cannot be purchased. Please remove them from your " "cart." msgstr "" "%s habis dan tidak dapat dibeli. Hapus item tersebut dari keranjang Anda." msgid "" "%s is out of stock and cannot be purchased. Please remove it from your cart." msgstr "" "%s habis dan tidak dapat dibeli. Harap hapus item tersebut dari keranjang " "Anda." msgid "Whether to create a new user account as part of order processing." msgstr "" "Jika membuat akun pengguna baru merupakan bagian dari pemrosesan pesanan." msgid "List of required payment gateway features to process the order." msgstr "" "Daftar fitur gateway pembayaran yang diperlukan untuk memproses pesanan." msgid "The rate at which tax is applied." msgstr "Tarif yang dikenai pajak." msgid "List of cart fees." msgstr "Daftar biaya di keranjang." msgid "" "True if the cart meets the criteria for showing shipping costs, and rates " "have been calculated and included in the totals." msgstr "" "Benar jika keranjang memenuhi kriteria untuk menampilkan biaya pengiriman, " "dan tarif telah dihitung dan disertakan dalam total." msgid "Current set billing address for the customer." msgstr "Alamat penagihan saat ini yang sudah diatur untuk konsumen." msgid "Whether the product is visible in the catalog" msgstr "Apakah produk terlihat dalam katalog" msgid "Optionally, how the metadata value should be displayed to the user." msgstr "" "Selain itu, bagaimana sebaiknya nilai metadata ditampilkan kepada pengguna " "(opsional)." msgid "Value of the metadata." msgstr "Nilai metadata." msgid "Name of the metadata." msgstr "Nama metadata." msgid "Metadata related to the cart item" msgstr "Metadata terkait item keranjang" msgid "Total tax amount for this fee." msgstr "Total nilai pajak untuk biaya ini." msgid "Total amount for this fee." msgstr "Total nilai untuk biaya ini." msgid "Fee total amounts provided using the smallest unit of the currency." msgstr "" "Nilai total biaya yang ditampilkan menggunakan satuan mata uang terkecil." msgid "Unique identifier for the fee within the cart." msgstr "Pengenal unik untuk biaya dalam keranjang." msgid "The discount type for the coupon (e.g. percentage or fixed amount)" msgstr "Jenis diskon untuk kupon (mis. persentase atau jumlah tetap)" msgid "The coupon's unique code." msgstr "Kode unik kupon." msgid "The provided phone number is not valid" msgstr "Nomor telepon yang dimasukkan tidak valid" msgid "The provided email address is not valid" msgstr "Alamat email yang dimasukkan tidak valid" msgid "The provided postcode / ZIP is not valid" msgstr "Kode pos yang dimasukkan tidak valid" msgid "Invalid country code provided. Must be one of: %s" msgstr "Kode negara yang dimasukkan tidak valid. Harus salah satu dari: %s" msgid "" "An account is already registered with your email address. Please log in " "before proceeding." msgstr "" "Sudah ada akun yang terdaftar dengan alamat email Anda. Silakan login " "sebelum melanjutkan." msgid "Unable to create order" msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat pesanan." msgid "Additional data to pass to the extension" msgstr "Data tambahan untuk diteruskan ke ekstensi" msgid "" "Extension's name - this will be used to ensure the data in the request is " "routed appropriately." msgstr "" "Nama ekstensi - ini akan digunakan untuk memastikan data yang diminta " "ditujukan dengan tepat." msgid "Invalid path provided." msgstr "Jalur yang dimasukkan tidak valid." msgid "Credit / Debit Card" msgstr "Kartu Kredit / Debit" msgid "Integration \"%s\" is not registered." msgstr "Integrasi \"%s\" tidak terdaftar." msgid "\"%s\" is already registered." msgstr "\"%s\" telah terdaftar." msgid "Integration registry requires an identifier." msgstr "Pendaftaran integrasi memerlukan pengenal." msgid "Extension data registered by %s" msgstr "Data ekstensi didaftarkan oleh %s" msgid "Block name is required." msgstr "Nama blok diperlukan." msgid "" "Script with handle %s had a dependency on itself which has been removed. " "This is an indicator that your JS code has a circular dependency that can " "cause bugs." msgstr "" "Skrip dengan handle %s memiliki dependensi pada skrip itu sendiri dan sudah " "dihapus. Ini merupakan indikator bahwa kode JS Anda memiliki dependensi " "sirkular yang dapat menyebabkan bug." msgid "Products by Rating list" msgstr "Daftar Produk menurut Peringkat" msgid "Recently Viewed Products list" msgstr "Daftar Produk yang Baru Saja Dilihat" msgid "(includes %1$s estimated for %2$s)" msgstr "(termasuk %1$s dihitung untuk %2$s)" msgid "" "Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific parent. Applies to " "hierarchical taxonomies only." msgstr "" "Batasi hasil untuk sumber yang digunakan untuk induk tertentu. Berlaku hanya " "untuk taksonomi hirarkis." msgid "" "Offset the result set by a specific number of items. Applies to hierarchical " "taxonomies only." msgstr "" "Offset set hasil dengan jumlah item tertentu. Berlaku hanya untuk taksonomi " "hirarkis." msgid "" "City name, it doesn't support multiple values. Deprecated as of WooCommerce " "5.3, 'cities' should be used instead." msgstr "" "Nama kota, tidak mendukung banyak nilai. Tidak digunakan lagi pada " "WooCommerce 5.3, 'kota' harus digunakan sebagai gantinya." msgid "" "Postcode/ZIP, it doesn't support multiple values. Deprecated as of " "WooCommerce 5.3, 'postcodes' should be used instead." msgstr "" "Kode pos/ZIP, tidak mendukung banyak nilai. Tidak digunakan lagi pada " "WooCommerce 5.3, 'kode pos' harus digunakan sebagai gantinya." msgid "List of city names. Introduced in WooCommerce 5.3." msgstr "Daftar nama kota. Diperkenalkan di WooCommerce 5.3." msgid "List of postcodes / ZIPs. Introduced in WooCommerce 5.3." msgstr "Daftar kode pos/ZIP. Diperkenalkan di WooCommerce 5.3." msgid "Low Stock amount for the variation." msgstr "Jumlah Stok Rendah untuk variasi." msgid "Low Stock amount for the product." msgstr "Jumlah Stok Rendah untuk produk." msgid "Coupon item ID is readonly." msgstr "ID item kupon hanya dapat dibaca." msgid "When true, refunded items are restocked." msgstr "Ketika sudah benar, item yang dananya dikembalikan akan distok ulang." msgid "Amount that will be refunded for this tax." msgstr "Jumlah dana yang akan dikembalikan untuk pajak ini." msgid "Amount that will be refunded for this line item (excluding taxes)." msgstr "" "Jumlah dana yang akan dikembalikan untuk item baris ini (tidak termasuk " "pajak)." msgid "There was an error calling %1$s: %2$s" msgstr "Terdapat kesalahan dalam memanggil %1$s: %2$s" msgid "Meta value for UI display." msgstr "Nilai meta untuk tampilan UI." msgid "Meta key for UI display." msgstr "Kunci meta untuk tampilan UI." msgid "Parent product name if the product is a variation." msgstr "Nama produk induk jika produk merupakan variasi." msgid "IPN email notifications" msgstr "Pemberitahuan Email IPN" msgid "" "Take payments in person via BACS. More commonly known as direct bank/wire " "transfer." msgstr "" "Terima pembayaran secara langsung melalui BACS. Lebih dikenal sebagai " "transfer bank/wire" msgid "I don't know how to get a date from a %s" msgstr "Saya tidak tahu cara mengetahui tanggal dari %s" msgid "The slug for the resource." msgstr "Slug untuk sumber daya." msgid "Tax class slug is invalid" msgstr "Slug kelas pajak tidak valid" msgid "Set password" msgstr "Setel kata sandi" msgid "Shipping Phone Number" msgstr "Nomor Telepon Pengiriman" msgid "Billing Phone Number" msgstr "Nomor Telepon Penagihan" msgid "A link to a product." msgstr "Tautan ke produk." msgid "Product Link" msgstr "Tautan Produk" msgid "A link to a product tag." msgstr "Tautan ke tag produk." msgid "Product Tag Link" msgstr "Tautan Tag Produk" msgid "A link to a product category." msgstr "Tautan ke kategori produk." msgid "Product Category Link" msgstr "Tautan Kategori Produk" msgctxt "Page title" msgid "Refund and Returns Policy" msgstr "Kebijakan Pengembalian Dana dan Barang" msgctxt "Page slug" msgid "refund_returns" msgstr "pengembalian_dana_dan_barang" msgid "" "Please choose product options by visiting <a href=\"%1$s\" title=\"%2$s\">" "%2$s</a>." msgstr "" "Tentukan pilihan produk dengan mengunjungi <a href=\"%1$s\" title=\"%2$s\">" "%2$s</a>." msgid "" "This password reset key is for a different user account. Please log out and " "try again." msgstr "" "Kunci penyetelan ulang kata sandi ini untuk akun pengguna lain. Harap keluar " "lalu coba lagi." msgid "" "%1$s could not be served using the Force Download method. A redirect will be " "used instead." msgstr "" "%1$s tidak dapat dilayani menggunakan metode Unduh Paksa. Sebagai gantinya, " "metode pengalihan akan digunakan." msgid "" "%1$s could not be served using the X-Accel-Redirect/X-Sendfile method. A " "Force Download will be used instead." msgstr "" "%1$s tidak dapat dilayani menggunakan metode the X-Accel-Redirect/X-" "Sendfile. Sebagai gantinya, metode Unduh Paksa akan digunakan." msgid "" "Coupon usage limit has been reached. Please try again after some time, or " "contact us for help." msgstr "" "Batas penggunaan kupon telah tercapai. Silakan coba beberapa saat lagi, atau " "hubungi kami untuk meminta bantuan." msgid "" "Coupon usage limit has been reached. If you were using this coupon just now " "but order was not complete, you can retry or cancel the order by going to " "the <a href=\"%s\">my account page</a>." msgstr "" "Batas penggunaan kupon telah tercapai. Jika kupon ini baru saja digunakan " "tetapi pemesanan tidak selesai, Anda dapat mencoba lagi atau membatalkan " "pesanan dengan pergi ke <a href=\"%s\">halaman akun saya</a>." msgid "Parish" msgstr "Parish" msgid "Town / City / Post Office" msgstr "Kota / Kantor Pos" msgid "Department" msgstr "Departemen" msgid "'%s' is not a valid country code." msgstr "'%s' bukan kode negara yang valid." msgid "" "The selected product isn't a variation of %2$s, please choose product " "options by visiting <a href=\"%1$s\" title=\"%2$s\">%2$s</a>." msgstr "" "Produk yang dipilih bukan merupakan variasi dari %2$s, silakan pilih opsi " "produk dengan mengunjungi <a href=\"%1$s\" title=\"%2$s\">%2$s</a>." msgid "" "Your store is configured to serve digital products using \"Redirect only\" " "method. This method is deprecated, <a href=\"%s\">please switch to a " "different method instead.</a><br><em>If you use a remote server for " "downloadable files (such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Amazon S3), you may " "optionally wish to \"allow using redirects as a last resort\". Enabling that " "and/or selecting any of the other options will make this notice go away.</em>" msgstr "" "Toko Anda dikonfigurasi untuk melayani produk digital menggunakan metode " "\"Redirect Only\". Metode tersebut sudah tidak digunakan, <a href=\"%s" "\">silakan beralih ke metode lain.</a><br><em>Jika Anda menggunakan server " "jarak jauh untuk berkas yang dapat diunduh (seperti Google Drive, Dropbox, " "Amazon S3), Anda mungkin secara opsional ingin \"mengizinkan penggunaan " "pengalihan sebagai upaya terakhir\". Mengaktifkannya dan/atau memilih salah " "satu pilihan lain akan membuat pemberitahuan berikut hilang.</em>" msgid "Generated at" msgstr "Dibuat pada" msgid "This section shows information about this status report." msgstr "Bagian ini menampilkan informasi tentang laporan status ini." msgid "Status report information" msgstr "Informasi laporan status" msgid "Page does not contain the %s shortcode." msgstr "Laman tidak berisi kode pendek %s." msgid "Page does not contain the %1$s shortcode or the %2$s block." msgstr "Halaman tidak berisi %1$s shortcode atau %2$s blok." msgid "%1$s at %2$s %3$s" msgstr "%1$s pada %2$s %3$s" msgid "" "With the release of WooCommerce 4.0, these reports are being replaced. There " "is a new and better Analytics section available for users running WordPress " "5.3+. Head on over to the <a href=\"%1$s\">WooCommerce Analytics</a> or " "learn more about the new experience in the <a href=\"https://docs." "\" target=\"_blank" "\">WooCommerce Analytics documentation</a>." msgstr "" "Dengan dirilisnya WooCommerce 4.0, laporan ini akan diganti. Ada bagian " "Analytics yang baru dan lebih baik untuk pengguna yang menjalankan WordPress " "5.3+. Buka <a href=\"%1$s\">WooCommerce Analytics</a> atau baca selengkapnya " "tentang pengalaman baru di <a href=\"" "woocommerce-analytics/\" target=\"_blank\">dokumentasi WooCommerce " "Analytics</a>." msgid "Start selling" msgstr "Mulai berjualan" msgid "" "You're almost there! Once you complete store setup you can start receiving " "orders." msgstr "" "Hampir selesai! Setelah selesai menyiapkan toko, Anda dapat mulai menerima " "pesanan." msgid "" "Postcodes containing wildcards (e.g. CB23*) or fully numeric ranges (e.g. " "<code>90210...99000</code>) are also supported. Please see the shipping " "zones <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">documentation</a> for more " "information." msgstr "" "Kode pos yang berisi wildcard (mis. CB23*) atau rentang angka penuh (mis. " "<code>90210...99000</code>) juga didukung. Lihat <a href=\"%s\" target=" "\"_blank\">dokumentasi</a> zona pengiriman) untuk informasi lebih lanjut." msgid "Additional tax class \"%1$s\" couldn't be saved. %2$s." msgstr "Kelas pajak tambahan \"%1$s\" tidak dapat disimpan. %2$s." msgid "" "If the \"Force Downloads\" or \"X-Accel-Redirect/X-Sendfile\" download " "method is selected but does not work, the system will use the \"Redirect\" " "method as a last resort. <a href=\"%1$s\">See this guide</a> for more " "details." msgstr "" "Jika metode \"Unduh Paksa\" atau \"X-Accel-Redirect/X-Sendfile\" sudah " "dipilih tetapi tidak berfungsi, sistem akan menggunakan metode \"Pengalihan" "\" sebagai pilihan terakhir. <a href=\"%1$s\">Lihat panduan ini</a> untuk " "detail selengkapnya." msgid "Allow using redirect mode (insecure) as a last resort" msgstr "" "Izinkan penggunaan metode pengalihan (tidak aman) sebagai pilihan terakhir" msgid "" "Receive email notifications with additional guidance to complete the basic " "store setup and helpful insights" msgstr "" "Terima pemberitahuan email dengan panduan tambahan untuk menyelesaikan " "penyiapan toko dasar ini dan wawasan praktis" msgid "Enable email insights" msgstr "Aktifkan wawasan email" msgid "Store management insights" msgstr "Wawasan manajemen toko" msgid "" "Email notifications sent from WooCommerce are listed below. Click on an " "email to configure it.<br>%s" msgstr "" "Notifikasi email yang dikirim dari WooCommerce tercantum di bawah ini. Klik " "email untuk mengonfigurasinya.<br>%s" msgid "" "To ensure your store’s notifications arrive in your and your " "customers’ inboxes, we recommend connecting your email address to your " "domain and setting up a dedicated SMTP server. If something doesn’t " "seem to be sending correctly, install the <a href=\"%1$s\">WP Mail Logging " "Plugin</a> or check the <a href=\"%2$s\">Email FAQ page</a>." msgstr "" "Untuk memastikan pemberitahuan toko Anda masuk ke kotak masuk Anda dan " "pelanggan, kami menyarankan Anda untuk menghubungkan alamat email Anda ke " "domain, lalu menyiapkan server SMTP khusus. Jika tampaknya terjadi masalah " "pengiriman, pasang <a href=\"%1$s\">Plugin WP Mail Logging</a> atau buka <a " "href=\"%2$s\">halaman FAQ Email</a>." msgid "We strongly recommend creating a backup of your site before updating." msgstr "" "Kami sangat menganjurkan untuk mencadangkan website Anda sebelum melakukan " "pembaruan." msgid "Are you sure you're ready?" msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin Anda sudah siap?" msgid "" "We have created a sample draft Refund and Returns Policy page for you. " "Please have a look and update it to fit your store." msgstr "" "Kami telah membuat contoh konsep halaman Kebijakan Pengembalian Dana dan " "Barang untuk Anda. Mohon baca dan sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan toko Anda." msgid "" "Setup a Refund and Returns Policy page to boost your store's credibility." msgstr "" "Atur halaman Kebijakan Pengembalian Dana dan Barang untuk meningkatkan " "kredibilitas toko Anda." msgid "" "When variation stock reaches this amount you will be notified by email. The " "default value for all variations can be set in the product Inventory tab. " "The shop default value can be set in Settings > Products > Inventory." msgstr "" "Saat stok variasi mencapai jumlah ini, Anda akan mendapatkan notifikasi " "lewat email. The default value for all variations can be set in the product " "Inventory tab. The shop default value can be set in Settings > Produk > " "Inventaris." msgid "Parent product's threshold (%d)" msgstr "Ambang batas produk induk (%d)" msgid "" "When product stock reaches this amount you will be notified by email. It is " "possible to define different values for each variation individually. The " "shop default value can be set in Settings > Products > Inventory." msgstr "" "Saat stok produk mencapai jumlah ini, Anda akan mendapatkan notifikasi lewat " "email. It is possible to define different values for each variation " "individually. The shop default value can be set in Settings > Produk > " "Inventaris." msgid "Store-wide threshold (%d)" msgstr "Ambang batas seluruh produk (%d)" msgid "To edit this order change the status back to \"Pending payment\"" msgstr "" "Untuk mengedit pesanan berikut, ubah status kembali menjadi \"Pembayaran " "tertunda\"" msgid "Change status to cancelled" msgstr "Ubah status ke dibatalkan" msgid "Download %d ID" msgstr "Unduh %d ID" msgid "Search for a page…" msgstr "Cari halaman..." msgid "%1$s (ID: %2$s)" msgstr "%1$s (ID: %2$s)" msgid "Onboarding is maintained in WooCommerce Admin." msgstr "Penyiapan dikelola di Admin WooCommerce." msgid "WooCommerce Setup" msgstr "Penyiapan WooCommerce" msgid "" "Securely accept cards in your store. See payments, track cash flow into your " "bank account, and stay on top of disputes – right from your dashboard." msgstr "" "Terima pembayaran menggunakan kartu dengan aman di toko Anda. Lihat " "pembayaran, lacak arus kas ke rekening bank Anda, dan jauh dari kendala – " "langsung dari dasbor Anda.." msgid "" "Payments made simple, with no monthly fees — exclusively for " "WooCommerce stores." msgstr "" "Pembayaran jadi lebih mudah, tanpa biaya bulanan — eksklusif untuk " "toko WooCommerce." msgid "" "Print discounted USPS and DHL labels straight from your WooCommerce " "dashboard and save on shipping." msgstr "" "Cetak label diskon USPS dan DHL langsung dari dasbor WooCommerce Anda untuk " "mendapatkan potongan harga pengiriman." msgid "Save time and money with WooCommerce Shipping" msgstr "Hemat waktu dan biaya menggunakan WooCommerce Shipping" msgid "WooCommerce Shipping" msgstr "Pengiriman WooCommerce" msgid "Delta Amacuro" msgstr "Delta Amacuro" msgid "Federal Dependencies" msgstr "Wilayah Dependensi Federal" msgid "Zulia" msgstr "Zulia" msgid "Yaracuy" msgstr "Yaracuy" msgid "Trujillo" msgstr "Trujillo" msgid "Táchira" msgstr "Táchira" msgid "Sucre" msgstr "Sucre" msgid "Portuguesa" msgstr "Portuguesa" msgid "Nueva Esparta" msgstr "Nueva Esparta" msgid "Monagas" msgstr "Monagas" msgid "Miranda" msgstr "Miranda" msgid "Mérida" msgstr "Mérida" msgid "Lara" msgstr "Lara" msgid "Guárico" msgstr "Guárico" msgid "Falcón" msgstr "Falcón" msgid "Cojedes" msgstr "Cojedes" msgid "Carabobo" msgstr "Carabobo" msgid "Bolívar" msgstr "Bolívar" msgid "Barinas" msgstr "Barinas" msgid "Aragua" msgstr "Aragua" msgid "Apure" msgstr "Apure" msgid "Anzoátegui" msgstr "Anzoátegui" msgctxt "district" msgid "Vojvodina" msgstr "Vojvodina" msgctxt "district" msgid "Kosovo-Metohija" msgstr "Kosovo-Metohija" msgctxt "district" msgid "Kosovo-Pomoravlje" msgstr "Kosovo-Pomoravlje" msgctxt "district" msgid "Kosovska Mitrovica" msgstr "Kosovska Mitrovica" msgctxt "district" msgid "Prizren" msgstr "Prizren" msgctxt "district" msgid "Peć" msgstr "Peć" msgctxt "district" msgid "Kosovo" msgstr "Kosovo" msgctxt "district" msgid "Zlatibor" msgstr "Zlatibor" msgctxt "district" msgid "Zaječar" msgstr "Zaječar" msgctxt "district" msgid "West Bačka" msgstr "West Bačka" msgctxt "district" msgid "Toplica" msgstr "Toplica" msgctxt "district" msgid "Šumadija" msgstr "Šumadija" msgctxt "district" msgid "Srem" msgstr "Srem" msgctxt "district" msgid "South Banat" msgstr "Banat Selatan" msgctxt "district" msgid "South Bačka" msgstr "Bačka Selatan" msgctxt "district" msgid "Raška" msgstr "Raška" msgctxt "district" msgid "Rasina" msgstr "Rasina" msgctxt "district" msgid "Pomoravlje" msgstr "Pomoravlje" msgctxt "district" msgid "Pirot" msgstr "Pirot" msgctxt "district" msgid "Pčinja" msgstr "Pčinja" msgctxt "district" msgid "North Banat" msgstr "Banat Utara" msgctxt "district" msgid "North Bačka" msgstr "Bačka Utara" msgctxt "district" msgid "Nišava" msgstr "Nišava" msgctxt "district" msgid "Morava" msgstr "Morava" msgctxt "district" msgid "Mačva" msgstr "Mačva" msgctxt "district" msgid "Kolubara" msgstr "Kolubara" msgctxt "district" msgid "Jablanica" msgstr "Jablanica" msgctxt "district" msgid "Danube" msgstr "Danube" msgctxt "district" msgid "Central Banat" msgstr "Banat Tengah" msgctxt "district" msgid "Braničevo" msgstr "Braničevo" msgctxt "district" msgid "Bor" msgstr "Bor" msgctxt "district" msgid "Belgrade" msgstr "Belgrade" msgid "Saint Catherine" msgstr "Saint Catherine" msgid "Manchester" msgstr "Manchester" msgid "Saint Elizabeth" msgstr "Saint Elizabeth" msgid "Westmoreland" msgstr "Westmoreland" msgid "Hanover" msgstr "Hanover" msgid "Saint James" msgstr "Saint James" msgid "Trelawny" msgstr "Trelawny" msgid "Saint Ann" msgstr "Saint Ann" msgid "Saint Mary" msgstr "Saint Mary" msgid "Portland" msgstr "Portland" msgid "Saint Thomas" msgstr "Saint Thomas" msgid "Saint Andrew" msgstr "Saint Andrew" msgid "Kingston" msgstr "Kingston" msgid "Odisha" msgstr "Odisha" msgid "Ladakh" msgstr "Ladakh" msgid "Csongrád-Csanád" msgstr "Csongrád-Csanád" msgid "Zacapa" msgstr "Zacapa" msgid "Totonicapán" msgstr "Totonicapán" msgid "Suchitepéquez" msgstr "Suchitepéquez" msgid "Sololá" msgstr "Sololá" msgid "Santa Rosa" msgstr "Santa Rosa" msgid "San Marcos" msgstr "San Marcos" msgid "Sacatepéquez" msgstr "Sacatepéquez" msgid "Retalhuleu" msgstr "Retalhuleu" msgid "Quiché" msgstr "Quiché" msgid "Quetzaltenango" msgstr "Quetzaltenango" msgid "Petén" msgstr "Petén" msgid "Jutiapa" msgstr "Jutiapa" msgid "Jalapa" msgstr "Jalapa" msgid "Izabal" msgstr "Izabal" msgid "Huehuetenango" msgstr "Huehuetenango" msgid "Escuintla" msgstr "Escuintla" msgid "El Progreso" msgstr "El Progreso" msgid "Chiquimula" msgstr "Chiquimula" msgid "Chimaltenango" msgstr "Chimaltenango" msgid "Baja Verapaz" msgstr "Baja Verapaz" msgid "Alta Verapaz" msgstr "Alta Verapaz" msgid "San José de Ocoa" msgstr "San José de Ocoa" msgid "Hato Mayor" msgstr "Hato Mayor" msgid "Monte Plata" msgstr "Monte Plata" msgid "Monseñor Nouel" msgstr "Monseñor Nouel" msgid "Valverde" msgstr "Valverde" msgid "Santiago Rodríguez" msgstr "Santiago Rodríguez" msgid "Sánchez Ramírez" msgstr "Sánchez Ramírez" msgid "San Pedro de Macorís" msgstr "San Pedro de Macorís" msgid "San Cristóbal" msgstr "San Cristóbal" msgid "Samaná" msgstr "Samaná" msgid "Hermanas Mirabal" msgstr "Hermanas Mirabal" msgid "Puerto Plata" msgstr "Puerto Plata" msgid "Peravia" msgstr "Peravia" msgid "Pedernales" msgstr "Pedernales" msgid "Monte Cristi" msgstr "Monte Cristi" msgid "María Trinidad Sánchez" msgstr "María Trinidad Sánchez" msgid "La Vega" msgstr "La Vega" msgid "La Romana" msgstr "La Romana" msgid "La Altagracia" msgstr "La Altagracia" msgid "Independencia" msgstr "Independencia" msgid "Espaillat" msgstr "Espaillat" msgid "El Seibo" msgstr "El Seibo" msgid "Elías Piña" msgstr "Elías Piña" msgid "Duarte" msgstr "Duarte" msgid "Dajabón" msgstr "Dajabón" msgid "Barahona" msgstr "Barahona" msgid "Baoruco" msgstr "Baoruco" msgid "Azua" msgstr "Azua" msgid "Distrito Nacional" msgstr "Distrito Nacional" msgid "Zou" msgstr "Zou" msgid "Ouémé" msgstr "Ouémé" msgid "Mono" msgstr "Mono" msgid "Littoral" msgstr "Littoral" msgid "Donga" msgstr "Donga" msgid "Kouffo" msgstr "Kouffo" msgid "Collines" msgstr "Collines" msgid "Borgou" msgstr "Borgou" msgid "Atlantique" msgstr "Atlantik" msgid "Atakora" msgstr "Atakora" msgid "Alibori" msgstr "Alibori" msgid "" "Antin is a minimalist theme, designed for single-page websites. Its single " "post and page layouts have no header, navigation menus, or widgets, so the " "page you design in the WordPress editor is the same page you’ll see on the " "front end." msgstr "" "Antin adalah tema minimalis, dirancang untuk situs web satu halaman. Pos " "tunggal dan tata letak lamannya tidak memiliki header, menu navigasi, atau " "widget, sehingga laman yang Anda desain di editor WordPress adalah laman " "yang sama yang akan Anda lihat di bagian depan." msgctxt "placeholder" msgid "Search our support docs..." msgstr "Cari dokumen pendukung kami..." msgctxt "Jetpack VideoPress" msgid "VideoPress" msgstr "VideoPress" msgid "Jetpack VideoPress" msgstr "Jetpack VideoPress" msgid "By clicking \"Get started\", you agree to our %1$sTerms of Service%2$s" msgstr "" "Dengan mengeklik \"Mulai\", Anda menyetujui %1$sKetentuan Layanan%2$s kami" msgid "" "Securely accept credit and debit cards on your site. Manage transactions " "without leaving your WordPress dashboard. Only with <strong>WooCommerce " "Payments</strong>." msgstr "" "Terima kartu debit dan kredit dengan aman pada situs Anda. Kelola transaksi " "tanpa keluar dari dasbor WordPress. Hanya dengan <strong>WooCommerce " "Payments</strong>." msgid "" "Online courses are a great solution for any business that can teach a new " "skill. Since courses don’t require physical product development or shipping, " "they’re affordable, fast to create, and can generate passive income for " "years to come. In this article, we provide you more information about " "selling courses using WooCommerce." msgstr "" "Kursus online merupakan solusi terbaik bagi bisnis yang dapat mengajarkan " "keterampilan baru. Kursus tidak memerlukan pengembangan atau pengiriman " "produk fisik, harganya terjangkau, cepat dibuat, dan dapat menghasilkan " "pendapatan pasif untuk tahun-tahun mendatang. Di artikel ini, kami " "memberikan banyak informasi tentang kursus menjual menggunakan WooCommerce." msgid "Do you want to sell online courses?" msgstr "Apakah Anda ingin berjualan kursus online?" msgid "Monitor your sales and high performing products with the Woo app." msgstr "" "Pantau penjualan dan produk dengan performa tinggi Anda menggunakan aplikasi " "Woo." msgid "Track your store performance on mobile" msgstr "Lacak performa toko di perangkat seluler " msgid "" "Notes are unavailable because the \"admin-note\" data store cannot be loaded." msgstr "" "Catatan tidak tersedia karena penyimpanan data \"admin-note\" tidak dapat " "dimuat." msgid "" "Look for orders, customer info, and process refunds in one click with the " "Woo app." msgstr "" "Cari pesanan, info konsumen, dan pemrosesan pengembalian dana dalam satu " "klik dengan aplikasi Woo." msgid "Manage your orders on the go" msgstr "Kelola pesanan Anda dari mana saja" msgid "" "Uh oh... There was a problem during the Jetpack and WooCommerce Shipping & " "Tax install. Please try again." msgstr "" "Ah Oh Terjadi kesalahan selama penginstalan Jetpack dan Pengiriman & Pajak " "WooCommerce. Harap coba lagi." msgid "" "We noticed that there was a problem during the Jetpack and WooCommerce " "Shipping & Tax install. Please try again and enjoy all the advantages of " "having the plugins connected to your store! Sorry for the inconvenience. The " "\"Jetpack\" and \"WooCommerce Shipping & Tax\" plugins will be installed & " "activated for free." msgstr "" "Kami mendapati bahwa ada kesalahan selama penginstalan Jetpack dan " "Pengiriman & Pajak WooCommerce. Harap coba lagi dan nikmati semua keuntungan " "dengan menyambungkan plugin ke toko Anda! Maaf atas ketidaknyamanannya. " "Plugin \"JetPack\" dan \"Pengiriman & Pajak WooCommerce\" akan diinstal & " "diaktifkan secara gratis." msgid "You're invited to share your experience" msgstr "Anda diajak untuk berbagi pengalaman" msgid "Edit and create new products from your mobile devices with the Woo app" msgstr "" "Sunting dan buat produk baru dari perangkat seluler Anda dengan aplikasi Woo" msgid "Edit products on the move" msgstr "Sunting produk di mana saja" msgid "" "You want your product catalog and images to look great and align with your " "brand. This guide will give you all the tips you need to get your products " "looking great in your store." msgstr "" "Anda pasti ingin katalog produk dan gambar terlihat bagus dan sesuai dengan " "merek Anda. Panduan ini akan memberikan semua tips yang diperlukan agar " "produk Anda tampil keren di toko." msgid "How to customize your product catalog" msgstr "Cara menyesuaikan katalog produk Anda" msgid "Visit the theme marketplace" msgstr "Kunjungi marketplace tema" msgid "" "Check out the themes that are compatible with WooCommerce and choose one " "aligned with your brand and business needs." msgstr "" "Periksa tema yang kompatibel dengan WooCommerce dan pilih tema yang sesuai " "dengan kebutuhan merek dan bisnis Anda." msgid "Choosing a theme?" msgstr "Memilih tema?" msgid "" "There are three ways to add your products: you can <strong>create products " "manually, import them at once via CSV file</strong>, or <strong>migrate them " "from another service</strong>.<br/><br/>" msgstr "" "Ada tiga cara untuk menambahkan produk: Anda dapat <strong>membuat produk " "secara manual, mengimpornya sekaligus melalui file CSV</strong>, atau " "<strong>memindahkannya dari layanan lain</strong>.<br/><br/>" msgid "" "Nice one; you've created a WooCommerce store! Now it's time to add your " "first product and get ready to start selling.%s" msgstr "" "Nice one; Anda sudah membuat toko WooCommerce! Sekarang saatnya menambahkan " "produk pertama Anda dan bersiap untuk melakukan penjualan.%s" msgid "Setup Wizard" msgstr "Panduan Pengaturan" msgid "Adds the new WooCommerce settings UI." msgstr "Menambahkan UI pengaturan WooCommerce yang baru." msgid "" "Securely accept credit and debit cards with one low rate, no surprise fees " "(custom rates available). Sell online and in store and track sales and " "inventory in one place." msgstr "" "Menerima kartu kredit dan debit dengan tarif rendah dan aman, tanpa biaya " "tak terduga (tersedia tarif khusus). Jual secara online dan offline serta " "lacak penjualan dan inventaris dalam satu tempat." msgid "" "Enable PayU’s exclusive plugin for WooCommerce to start accepting payments " "in 100+ payment methods available in India including credit cards, debit " "cards, UPI, & more!" msgstr "" "Aktifkan plugin eksklusif PayU untuk WooCommerce untuk mulai menerima " "pembayaran dengan 100+ metode pembayaran yang tersedia di India termasuk " "kartu kredit, kartu debit, UPI, & masih banyak lainnya!" msgid "PayU for WooCommerce" msgstr "PayU untuk WooCommerce" msgid "" "The official Razorpay extension for WooCommerce allows you to accept credit " "cards, debit cards, netbanking, wallet, and UPI payments." msgstr "" "Dengan ekstensi Razorpay resmi untuk WooCommerce Anda dapat menerima " "pembayaran lewat kartu kredit, kartu debit, netbanking, wallet, dan UPI." msgid "Razorpay" msgstr "Razorpay" msgid "" "Manage transactions without leaving your WordPress Dashboard. Only with " "WooCommerce Payments." msgstr "" "Kelola transaksi tanpa harus meninggalkan Dasbor Hanya dengan " "WooCommerce Payments." msgid "Take payments via bank transfer." msgstr "Izinkan pembayaran melalui transfer bank." msgid "Take payments in cash upon delivery." msgstr "Izinkan pembayaran dengan sistem bayar saat diterima." msgid "" "Safe and secure payments using credit cards or your customer's PayPal " "account." msgstr "Pembayaran yang aman menggunakan kartu kredit atau akun PayPal Anda." msgid "PayPal Payments" msgstr "Pembayaran PayPal" msgid "" "Accept credit and debit cards, offline (cash or bank transfer) and logged-in " "payments with money in Mercado Pago. Safe and secure payments with the " "leading payment processor in LATAM." msgstr "" "Terima pembayaran dengan kartu kredit dan debit, pembayaran offline (tunai " "atau transfer bank), serta pembayaran dengan masuk akun menggunakan uang " "Mercado Pago. Pembayaran yang aman dan nyaman dengan prosesor pembayaran " "terkemuka di LATAM." msgid "Mercado Pago Checkout Pro & Custom" msgstr "Mercado Pago Checkout Pro & Kustom" msgid "" "Effortless payments by Mollie: Offer global and local payment methods, get " "onboarded in minutes, and supported in your language." msgstr "" "Pembayaran praktis dari Mollie: Menyediakan berbagai metode pembayaran " "internasional dan lokal, persiapan yang cepat, dan dukungan untuk bahasa " "Anda." msgid "Mollie" msgstr "Mollie" msgid "Klarna Payments" msgstr "Klarna Payments" msgid "" "Choose the payment that you want, pay now, pay later or slice it. No credit " "card numbers, no passwords, no worries." msgstr "" "Pilih pembayaran yang Anda inginkan, bayar sekarang, bayar nanti, atau " "dicicil. Tanpa nomor kartu kredit, tanpa kata sandi, tanpa khawatir." msgid "Klarna Checkout" msgstr "Klarna Checkout" msgid "" "Paystack helps African merchants accept one-time and recurring payments " "online with a modern, safe, and secure payment gateway." msgstr "" "Paystack membantu pedagang dari Afrika untuk menerima pembayaran online satu " "kali atau berulang dengan gateway pembayaran yang modern, aman, dan nyaman." msgid "Paystack" msgstr "Paystack" msgid "" "Accept debit and credit cards in 135+ currencies, methods such as Alipay, " "and one-touch checkout with Apple Pay." msgstr "" "Menerima kartu debit dan kartu kredit dalam lebih dari 135 mata uang, metode " "seperti Alipay, dan checkout satu sentuhan dengan Apple Pay." msgid "" "If you need to enable or disable the extended task lists, please click on " "the button below." msgstr "" "Jika Anda perlu mengaktifkan atau menonaktifkan daftar tugas yang diperluas, " "silakan klik tombol di bawah ini." msgid "Extended task List" msgstr "Daftar tugas tambahan" msgid "" "If you need to enable or disable the task lists, please click on the button " "below." msgstr "" "Jika Anda perlu mengaktifkan atau menonaktifkan daftar tugas, silakan klik " "tombol di bawah ini." msgid "" "The item ID %1$s attempted to register using an invalid option. The " "arguments `menuId` and `parent` are not allowed for add_setting_item()" msgstr "" "ID item %1$s coba didaftarkan menggunakan opsi yang tidak valid. Argumen " "`menuId` dan `parent` tidak diizinkan untuk add_setting_item()" msgid "" "You have attempted to register a duplicate item with WooCommerce Navigation: " "%1$s" msgstr "" "Anda telah mencoba mendaftarkan item yang sama dengan Navigasi WooCommerce: " "%1$s" msgid "WooCommerce Home" msgstr "Beranda WooCommerce" msgid "%1$s %2$sUpdate WordPress to enable the new navigation%3$s" msgstr "%1$s %2$sPerbarui WordPress untuk mengaktifkan navigasi baru%3$s" msgid "Adds the new WooCommerce navigation experience to the dashboard" msgstr "Tambahkan pengalaman navigasi WooCommerce baru ke dasbor" msgid "Favorite item not found" msgstr "Item favorit tidak ditemukan" msgid "Favorite already exists" msgstr "Favorit sudah ada" msgid "Utilities" msgstr "Perlengkapan" msgid "How easy was it to add a product attribute?" msgstr "Seberapa mudah Anda menambahkan atribut produk?" msgid "How easy was it to update your settings?" msgstr "Seberapa mudah Anda dapat memperbarui pengaturan?" msgid "How easy was it to import products?" msgstr "Seberapa mudah Anda mengimpor produk?" msgid "How easy was it to add a product tag?" msgstr "Seberapa mudah Anda menambahkan tag produk?" msgid "How easy was it to add product category?" msgstr "Seberapa mudah Anda menambahkan kategori produk?" msgid "How easy was it to use search?" msgstr "Seberapa mudah Anda menggunakan pencarian?" msgid "" "This tool will reset the cached values used in WooCommerce Analytics. If " "numbers still look off, try %1$sReimporting Historical Data%2$s." msgstr "" "Alat ini akan mengatur ulang nilai cache yang digunakan pada WooCommerce " "Analytics. Jika jumlahnya masih terlihat aneh, coba %1$sImpor Ulang Data " "Riwayat%2$s." msgid "Enables WooCommerce Analytics" msgstr "Aktifkan WooCommerce Analytics" msgid "Number of variation items sold." msgstr "Jumlah item variasi terjual." msgid "Variations Sold" msgstr "Variasi Terjual" msgid "Limit result set to variations not in the specified categories." msgstr "Batasi hasil untuk variasi yang tidak termasuk dalam kategori khusus." msgid "Limit result set to variations in the specified categories." msgstr "Batasi hasil untuk variasi pada kategori khusus." msgid "" "Limit result set to variations that don't include the specified attributes." msgstr "Batasi hasil untuk variasi yang tidak mencakup atribut khusus." msgid "Limit result set to variations that include the specified attributes." msgstr "Batasi hasil untuk variasi yang mencakup atribut khusus." msgid "Add additional piece of info about each variation to the report." msgstr "Tambahkan informasi tambahan tentang setiap variasi ke laporan." msgid "" "Limit result set to items that don't have the specified parent product(s)." msgstr "" "Batasi hasil yang diatur ke item yang tidak memiliki produk induk yang " "ditentukan." msgid "Limit result set to items that have the specified parent product(s)." msgstr "" "Batasi hasil yang diatur ke item yang memiliki produk induk yang ditentukan." msgid "Number of product items sold." msgstr "Jumlah item produk terjual." msgid "Limit result set to orders that have the specified customer_type" msgstr "" "Membatasi rangkaian hasil ke pesanan yang memiliki customer_type tertentu" msgid "Alias for customer_type (deprecated)." msgstr "Nama alias untuk customer_type (usang)." msgid "" "Limit result set to orders that don't include products with the specified " "attributes." msgstr "" "Membatasi rangkaian hasil ke pesanan yang tidak mencakup produk dengan " "atribut khusus." msgid "" "Limit result set to orders that include products with the specified " "attributes." msgstr "" "Membatasi rangkaian hasil ke pesanan yang mencakup produk dengan atribut " "khusus." msgid "" "Limit result set to items that don't have the specified variation(s) " "assigned." msgstr "" "Batasi hasil yang diatur ke item yang tidak memiliki variasi yang ditentukan." msgid "" "Limit result set to items that have the specified variation(s) assigned." msgstr "" "Batasi hasil yang diatur ke item yang memiliki variasi tertentu yang " "ditetapkan." msgid "Net total revenue (formatted)." msgstr "Total pendapatan bersih (diformat)." msgid "Export ID." msgstr "Ekspor ID." msgid "Export status." msgstr "Status ekspor." msgid "Stats about variations." msgstr "Statistik tentang variasi." msgid "Variations detailed reports." msgstr "Laporan mendetail tentang variasi." msgid "Search by similar product name, sku, or attribute value." msgstr "Cari berdasarkan nama produk, sku, atau nilai atribut yang serupa." msgid "Limit result set to products that are low or out of stock. (Deprecated)" msgstr "" "Batasi hasil yang ditetapkan untuk produk yang rendah atau kehabisan stok. " "(Usang)" msgid "" "The date the last order for this product was placed, in the site's timezone." msgstr "" "Tanggal pembuatan pesanan terakhir untuk produk ini, dalam zona waktu situs." msgid "Search by similar attribute name." msgstr "Cari dengan nama atribut yang serupa." msgid "Slug identifier for the resource." msgstr "Pengenal slug untuk sumber daya." msgid "Homepage created" msgstr "Halaman Beranda dibuat." msgid "Sorry, creating the product with template failed." msgstr "Maaf, produk tidak bisa dibuat dengan templat." msgid "Product template name." msgstr "Nama templat produk." msgid "Source of note." msgstr "Sumber catatan." msgid "Please provide an array of IDs through the noteIds param." msgstr "Harap berikan array ID melalui param noteId." msgid "Invalid user_id provided" msgstr "user_id yang disertakan tidak valid" msgid "No product attribute with that slug was found." msgstr "Atribut produk dengan slug tersebut tidak ditemukan." msgid "" "Bantry is a minimalist theme, designed for single-page websites. Its single " "post and page layouts have no header, navigation menus, or widgets, so the " "page you design in the WordPress editor is the same page you’ll see on the " "front end." msgstr "" "Bantry adalah tema minimalis, dirancang untuk situs web satu halaman. Pos " "tunggal dan tata letak lamannya tidak memiliki header, menu navigasi, atau " "widget, sehingga laman yang Anda desain di editor WordPress adalah laman " "yang sama yang akan Anda lihat di bagian depan." msgid "" "Laporte is a minimalist theme, designed for single-page websites. Its single " "post and page layouts have no header, navigation menus, or widgets, so the " "page you design in the WordPress editor is the same page you’ll see on the " "front end." msgstr "" "Laporte adalah tema minimalis, dirancang untuk situs web satu halaman. Pos " "tunggal dan tata letak lamannya tidak memiliki header, menu navigasi, atau " "widget, sehingga laman yang Anda desain di editor WordPress adalah laman " "yang sama yang akan Anda lihat di bagian depan." msgid "" "Sigler is a minimalist theme, designed for single-page websites. Its single " "post and page layouts have no header, navigation menus, or widgets, so the " "page you design in the WordPress editor is the same page you’ll see on the " "front end." msgstr "" "Sigler adalah tema minimalis, dirancang untuk situs web satu halaman. Pos " "tunggal dan tata letak lamannya tidak memiliki header, menu navigasi, atau " "widget, sehingga laman yang Anda desain di editor WordPress adalah laman " "yang sama yang akan Anda lihat di bagian depan." msgid "" "Bingley is a minimalist theme, designed for single-page websites. Its single " "post and page layouts have no header, navigation menus, or widgets, so the " "page you design in the WordPress editor is the same page you’ll see on the " "front end." msgstr "" "Bingley adalah tema minimalis, dirancang untuk situs web satu halaman. Pos " "tunggal dan tata letak lamannya tidak memiliki header, menu navigasi, atau " "widget, sehingga laman yang Anda desain di editor WordPress adalah laman " "yang sama yang akan Anda lihat di bagian depan." msgid "" "Glen is a minimalist theme, designed for single-page websites. Its single " "post and page layouts have no header, navigation menus, or widgets, so the " "page you design in the WordPress editor is the same page you’ll see on the " "front end." msgstr "" "Glen adalah tema minimalis, dirancang untuk situs web satu halaman. Pos " "tunggal dan tata letak lamannya tidak memiliki header, menu navigasi, atau " "widget, sehingga laman yang Anda desain di editor WordPress adalah laman " "yang sama yang akan Anda lihat di bagian depan." msgid "SECURE YOUR SITE" msgstr "AMANKAN SITUS ANDA" msgid "Make your site safer and faster with Jetpack" msgstr "Buat situs Anda lebih aman dan cepat menggunakan Jetpack" msgid "Akismet recommends Jetpack for your site security 🚀" msgstr "Akismet merekomendasikan Jetpack untuk keamanan situs Anda 🚀" msgid "Update card details" msgstr "Perbarui detail kartu" msgid "" "Update the %1$s used for %2$sall%3$s future renewals of my active " "subscriptions" msgstr "" "Perbarui %1$s yang digunakan untuk %2$ssemua%3$s perpanjangan mendatang dari " "langganan aktif saya" msgid "" "That variation can not be removed because it is associated with active " "subscriptions. To remove this variation, please cancel and delete the " "subscriptions for it." msgstr "" "Variasi tersebut tidak dapat dihapus karena terkait dengan langganan aktif. " "Untuk menghapus variasi, silakan batalkan dan hapus langganannya." msgid "" "An error occurred determining if that variation can be deleted. Please try " "again." msgstr "" "Terjadi kesalahan yang menentukan apakah variasi bisa dihapus. Harap coba " "lagi." msgid "Unable to update UPE appearance values at this time." msgstr "Tidak dapat memperbarui nilai tampilan UPE saat ini." msgid "UPE payment failed: %s" msgstr "Pembayaran UPE gagal: %s" msgid "%1$s %2$s card" msgstr "Kartu %1$s %2$s" msgid "prepaid" msgstr "prabayar" msgid "debit" msgstr "debit" msgid "credit" msgstr "kredit" msgid "" "Share your feedback in this 2 minute survey about how we can make the " "process of accepting payments more useful for your store." msgstr "" "Bagikan feedback Anda melalui survei 2 menit tentang cara kami membuat " "proses penerimaan pembayaran lebih bermanfaat bagi toko Anda." msgid "Select your preferred currency for shopping and payments." msgstr "Pilih mata uang yang diinginkan untuk belanja dan pembayaran." msgid "Default currency" msgstr "Mata Uang default" msgid "" "Accept payments in multiple currencies. Prices are converted based on " "exchange rates and rounding rules. <a href=\"%s\">Learn more</a>" msgstr "" "Terima pembayaran dalam beberapa mata uang. Harga dikonversi berdasarkan " "nilai tukar dan aturan pembulatan. <a href=\"%s\">Baca selengkapnya</a>" msgid "Enabled currencies" msgstr "Mata uang yang diaktifkan" msgctxt "Settings tab label" msgid "Multi-currency" msgstr "Multi-mata uang" msgid "Set up now" msgstr "Siapkan sekarang" msgid "" "Boost your international sales by allowing your customers to shop and pay in " "their local currency." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan penjualan internasional Anda dengan mengizinkan pelanggan untuk " "berbelanja dan membayar menggunakan mata uang lokal pelanggan." msgid "Sell worldwide in multiple currencies" msgstr "Jual ke seluruh dunia dengan berbagai mata uang" msgid "" "We noticed you're visiting from %1$s. We've updated our prices to %2$s for " "your shopping convenience. <a>Use %3$s instead.</a>" msgstr "" "Tampaknya Anda berkunjung dari %1$s. Kami telah memperbarui harga sesuai " "%2$s demi kenyamanan Anda berbelanja. <a>Gunakan %3$s sebagai gantinya.</a>" msgid "Display flags in supported devices" msgstr "Tampilkan bendera di perangkat yang didukung" msgid "Display currency symbols" msgstr "Tampilkan simbol mata uang" msgid "Let your customers switch between your enabled currencies" msgstr "Izinkan pelanggan Anda beralih antara mata uang yang diaktifkan" msgid "" "The store currency was recently changed. The following currencies are set to " "manual rates and may need updates: %s" msgstr "" "Mata uang toko baru saja diubah. Mata uang berikut diatur ke tarif manual " "dan mungkin memerlukan pembaruan: %s" msgid "" "Almost there!\n" "\n" "Your order has already been created, the only thing that still needs to be " "done is for you to authorize the payment with your bank." msgstr "" "Hampir selesai!\n" "\n" "Pesanan Anda telah dibuat. Anda hanya perlu mengotorisasi pembayaran dengan " "pihak bank." msgctxt "In admin renewal failed email" msgid "" "The automatic recurring payment for order %1$s from %2$s has failed. The " "customer was sent an email requesting authentication of payment. If the " "customer does not authenticate the payment, they will be requested by email " "again %3$s." msgstr "" "Pembayaran berulang otomatis untuk pesanan %1$s dari %2$s telah gagal. " "Pelanggan akan menerima email permintaan autentikasi pembayaran. Jika " "pelanggan tidak mengautentikasi pembayaran, mereka akan menerima email " "permintaan lagi %3$s." msgid "Authorize the payment »" msgstr "Otorisasi pembayaran »" msgctxt "In failed renewal authentication email" msgid "" "The automatic payment to renew your subscription with %1$s has failed. To " "reactivate the subscription, please login and authorize the renewal from " "your account page: %2$s" msgstr "" "Pembayaran otomatis untuk memperpanjang langganan Anda di %1$s telah gagal. " "Untuk mengaktifkan langganan kembali, silakan login lalu otorisasi " "perpanjangan dari halaman akun Anda: %2$s" msgid "Payment authorization needed for renewal of order {order_number}" msgstr "" "Persetujuan pembayaran diperlukan untuk perpanjangan pesanan {order_number}" msgid "" "Payment authorization needed for renewal of {site_title} order {order_number}" msgstr "" "Persetujuan pembayaran diperlukan untuk perpanjangan {site_title} pesanan " "{order_number}" msgid "" "Sent to a customer when a renewal fails because the transaction requires an " "SCA verification. The email contains renewal order information and payment " "links." msgstr "" "Dikirim ke pelanggan jika perpanjangan gagal karena transaksi tersebut " "memerlukan verifikasi SCA. Email ini berisi informasi pesanan perpanjangan " "dan tautan pembayaran." msgid "" "[{site_title}] Automatic payment failed for {order_number}. Customer asked " "to authenticate payment and will be notified again {retry_time}" msgstr "" "[{site_title}] Pembayaran otomatis untuk {order_number} telah gagal. " "Pelanggan diminta untuk mengautentikasi pembayaran dan akan diberi " "pemberitahuan lagi {retry_time}" msgid "Automatic renewal payment failed due to authentication required" msgstr "Pembayaran perpanjangan otomatis gagal karena autentikasi diperlukan" msgid "" "Payment authentication requested emails are sent to chosen recipient(s) when " "an attempt to automatically process a subscription renewal payment fails " "because the transaction requires an SCA verification, the customer is " "requested to authenticate the payment, and a retry rule has been applied to " "notify the customer again within a certain time period." msgstr "" "Email permintaan autentikasi pembayaran dikirimkan ke penerima yang dipilih " "saat upaya pemrosesan otomatis pembayaran perpanjangan langganan gagal " "karena transaksi tersebut memerlukan verifikasi SCA. Pelanggan diminta untuk " "mengautentikasi pembayaran, dan aturan pengulangan telah diterapkan untuk " "memberi tahu pelanggan lagi dalam periode waktu tertentu." msgid "SEPA IBAN ending in %s" msgstr "IBAN SEPA berakhir pada %s" msgid "SEPA IBAN" msgstr "IBAN SEPA" msgid "" "To complete your transaction with **the selected payment method**, you must " "log in or create an account with our site." msgstr "" "Untuk menyelesaikan transaksi dengan **metode pembayaran yang dipilih**, " "Anda harus login atau membuat akun di situs kami." msgid "The refund amount is not valid." msgstr "Jumlah pengembalian dana tidak valid." msgid "Unsupported currency:" msgstr "Mata uang yang tidak didukung:" msgid "Select the size of the button." msgstr "Pilih ukuran tombol." msgid "Size of the button displayed for Express Checkouts" msgstr "Ukuran tombol yang ditampilkan untuk Express Checkout" msgid "Payments accepted on checkout" msgstr "Pembayaran diterima saat checkout" msgid "Select where you would like to display the button." msgstr "Pilih lokasi tombol akan ditampilkan." msgid "Button locations" msgstr "Lokasi tombol" msgid "Custom button label" msgstr "Label tombol khusus" msgid "Button height" msgstr "Tinggi tombol" msgid "Button theme" msgstr "Tema tombol" msgid "Only icon" msgstr "Hanya ikon" msgid "" "If enabled, users will be able to pay using Apple Pay, Google Pay or the " "Payment Request API if supported by the browser." msgstr "" "Jika diaktifkan, pengguna dapat membayar menggunakan Apple Pay, Google Pay, " "atau API Permintaan Pembayaran jika didukung browser." msgid "Payment request buttons" msgstr "Tombol permintaan pembayaran" msgid "Credit card / debit card" msgstr "Kartu kredit / kartu debit" msgid "Could not find order via intent ID: %1$s" msgstr "Tidak dapat menemukan pesanan melalui ID tujuan: %1$s" msgid "1-click checkout button themes." msgstr "Tema tombol checkout 1-klik." msgid "1-click checkout button sizes." msgstr "Ukuran tombol checkout 1-klik." msgid "1-click checkout button types." msgstr "Tipe tombol checkout 1-klik." msgid "Express checkout locations that should be enabled." msgstr "Lokasi checkout kilat yang harus diaktifkan." msgid "" "Payment method IDs that should be enabled. Other methods will be disabled." msgstr "" "ID metode pembayaran yang harus diaktifkan. Metode lain akan dinonaktifkan." msgid "Unexpected server error" msgstr "Server mengalami error tak terduga" msgid "Payment capture failed to complete with the following message: %s" msgstr "Pengambilan pembayaran gagal diselesaikan dengan pesan berikut: %s" msgid "The payment cannot be captured" msgstr "Pembayaran tidak dapat diambil" msgid "Order not found" msgstr "Pesanan tidak ditemukan" msgid "All payment methods" msgstr "Semua metode pembayaran" msgid "" "Refunding manually requires reimbursing your customer offline via cash, " "check, etc. The refund amounts entered here will only be used to balance " "your analytics." msgstr "" "Pengembalian dana secara manual memerlukan pengembalian dana kepada " "pelanggan secara offline menggunakan uang tunai, cek, dll. Jumlah " "pengembalian dana yang dimasukkan di sini hanya akan digunakan untuk " "menyeimbangkan analitik Anda." msgid "An error occurred fetching data" msgstr "Terjadi error saat mengambil data" msgid "Refunding an In App Purchase order is not allowed." msgstr "Pengembalian dana pesanan Pembelian Melalui Aplikasi tidak diizinkan." msgid "Too many requests received" msgstr "Terlalu banyak permintaan yang diterima" msgid "Example Archive Title/Date" msgstr "Contoh Judul/Tanggal Arsip" msgid "Archive Title" msgstr "Judul Arsip" msgid "Calculating…" msgstr "Menghitung..." msgid "" "If these were all intentional purchases, that’s great — you don’t need to do " "anything further. If you take no action, your subscriptions will not be " "changed. You can manage your purchases here at any time:" msgstr "" "Jika semuanya ini pembelian yang disengaja, tidak masalah! Tidak ada yang " "perlu ditindaklanjuti. Jika tidak ada tindakan yang diambil, langganan Anda " "tidak akan diubah. Anda dapat mengelola pembelian Anda dari sini kapan pun:" msgid "" "If you did not intend to make some of these purchases, please first try to " "contact the owner of the <a href=\"%1$s\">%1$s</a> site to discuss your " "options for a refund. If you need additional help, reply to this email to " "let us know. You can read more about how your payments work here:" msgstr "" "Jika bukan Anda yang melakukan sebagian pembelian ini, silakan coba terlebih " "dahulu menghubungi pemilik situs <a href=\"%1$s\">%1$s</a> untuk menegosiasi " "opsi pengembalian dana. Jika perlu bantuan lainnya, balas email ini untuk " "memberi tahu kami. Baca selengkapnya tentang cara kerja pembayaran Anda di " "sini:" msgid "" "Your subscriptions on this site are now paid through the following dates:" msgstr "" "Langganan Anda di situs ini kini dibayar dalam rentang tanggal berikut:" msgid "" "During a routine check, we noticed you were charged more than once for the " "same service on the site %s:" msgstr "" "Saat pemeriksaan rutin, kami menemukan bahwa Anda dikenakan tagihan lebih " "dari satu kali untuk layanan yang sama di situs ini %s:" msgid "The %s Team" msgstr "Tim %s" msgid "" "If these were all intentional purchases, that’s great — you don’t need to do " "anything further. Your subscriptions will not be changed unless you reply to " "this message to let us know there was an error. You can manage your " "purchases here at any time:" msgstr "" "Jika semuanya ini pembelian yang disengaja, tidak masalah! Tidak ada yang " "perlu ditindaklanjuti. Langganan Anda tidak akan diubah kecuali jika pesan " "ini dibalas untuk memberi tahu kami bahwa telah terjadi kesalahan. Anda " "dapat mengelola pembelian Anda dari sini kapan pun:" msgid "" "If you did not intend to make some of these purchases, please reply to this " "email to let us know. We’ll be happy to issue a refund within the timeframes " "mentioned in our <a href=\"%s\">refund policy</a>." msgstr "" "Jika bukan Anda yang melakukan sebagian pembelian ini, harap balas email ini " "untuk memberi tahu kami. Kami akan dengan senang hati memberikan " "pengembalian dalam jangka waktu yang disebutkan dalam <a href=\"%s" "\">kebijakan pengembalian dana</a> kami." msgid "" "We value your use of %s and want to be sure these were intentional purchases." msgstr "" "Kami menghargai penggunaan Anda atas %s dan ingin memastikan bahwa pembelian " "ini memang disengaja." msgid "%s: This subscription has been cancelled, but not refunded" msgstr "%s: Langganan ini telah dibatalkan, tetapi dananya belum dikembalikan" msgid "%s: Never expires" msgstr "%s: Tidak pernah kedaluwarsa" msgid "" "Your subscriptions for this site are currently paid through the following " "dates:" msgstr "" "Langganan Anda untuk situs ini saat ini dibayar dalam rentang tanggal " "berikut:" msgid "%1$s: Renewed for %2$s on %3$s – <a href=\"%4$s\">view receipt</a>" msgstr "" "%1$s: Diperbarui seharga %2$s pada %3$s – <a href=\"%4$s\">lihat tanda " "terima</a>" msgid "" "%1$s: Renewed for %2$s on %3$s (now paid through %4$s) – <a href=\"%5$s" "\">view receipt</a>" msgstr "" "%1$s: Diperbarui seharga %2$s pada %3$s (kini dibayar dalam rentang tanggal " "%4$s) – <a href=\"%5$s\">lihat tanda terima</a>" msgid "%1$s: Purchased for %2$s on %3$s – <a href=\"%4$s\">view receipt</a>" msgstr "" "%1$s: Dibeli seharga %2$s pada %3$s – <a href=\"%4$s\">lihat tanda terima</a>" msgid "" "%1$s: Purchased for %2$s on %3$s (paid through %4$s) – <a href=\"%5$s\">view " "receipt</a>" msgstr "" "%1$s: Dibeli seharga %2$s pada %3$s (kini dibayar dalam rentang tanggal " "%4$s) – <a href=\"%5$s\">lihat tanda terima</a>" msgid "" "During a routine check, we noticed you were charged more than once for the " "same service on your site %s:" msgstr "" "Saat pemeriksaan rutin, kami menemukan bahwa Anda dikenakan tagihan lebih " "dari satu kali untuk layanan yang sama di situs Anda %s:" msgid "Verify ownership" msgstr "Verifikasi kepemilikan" msgid "Verify domain ownership" msgstr "Verifikasi kepemilikan domain" msgid "" "Once you've entered the authorization code, click on the button below to " "proceed." msgstr "" "Setelah Anda memasukkan kode otorisasi, klik tombol di bawah untuk " "melanjutkan." msgid "Enter authorization code" msgstr "Masukkan kode otorisasi" msgid "" "A domain authorization code is a unique code linked only to your domain, it " "might also be called a secret code, auth code, or EPP code. You can usually " "find this in your domain settings page." msgstr "" "Kode otorisasi domain adalah kode unik yang hanya ditautkan ke domain Anda, " "mungkin juga disebut kode rahasia, auth code, atau kode EPP. Anda biasanya " "dapat menemukan kode tersebut di laman pengaturan domain Anda." msgid "" "We will use your domain authorization code to verify that you are the domain " "owner." msgstr "" "Kami akan menggunakan kode otorisasi domain Anda untuk melakukan verifikasi " "bahwa Anda adalah pemilik domain." msgid "Please enter an authorization code." msgstr "Harap masukkan kode otorisasi." msgid "We need to confirm that you are authorized to connect this domain." msgstr "" "Kami perlu memberikan konfirmasi bahwa Anda berwenang untuk menghubungkan " "domain berikut." msgid "Your %1$s is active for your site!" msgstr "%1$s telah aktif untuk situs Anda!" msgid "" "Your subscription was already activated by our Happiness Engineers on <a " "href=\"%1$s\">%1$s</a> and expires on %2$s." msgstr "" "Langgganan Anda telah diaktifkan oleh Happiness Engineers kami pada <a href=" "\"%1$s\">%1$s</a> dan akan kedaluwarsa pada %2$s." msgid "Your license has been activated!" msgstr "Lisensi Anda telah aktif!" msgid "Here’s what you'll be missing:" msgstr "Berikut yang akan Anda lewatkan:" msgid "" "If you cancel your subscription for %(domainName)s now, {{strong}}you will " "lose access to all of your %(googleMailService)s features in %(days)d days{{/" "strong}}. After that time, you will need to purchase a new subscription with " "Google if you wish to regain access to them." msgstr "" "Jika Anda membatalkan langganan %(domainName)s sekarang, {{strong}}Anda akan " "kehilangan akses ke semua fitur %(googleMailService)s dalam %(days)d hari{{/" "strong}}, dan Anda harus membeli langganan baru dengan Google jika Anda " "ingin mendapatkan kembali akses ke semua fitur tersebut." msgid "" "If you cancel your subscription for %(domainName)s now, {{strong}}you will " "lose access to all of your %(googleMailService)s features immediately{{/" "strong}}, and you will need to purchase a new subscription with Google if " "you wish to regain access to them." msgstr "" "Jika Anda membatalkan langganan %(domainName)s sekarang, {{strong}}Anda akan " "kehilangan akses ke semua fitur %(googleMailService)s{{/strong}}, dan Anda " "harus membeli langganan baru dengan Google jika Anda ingin mendapatkan " "kembali akses ke semua fitur tersebut." msgctxt "Jetpack Backup Solution" msgid "Backup (1TB)" msgstr "Backup (1TB)" msgctxt "Jetpack Backup Solution" msgid "Backup (10GB)" msgstr "Backup (10 GB)" msgctxt "Jetpack Security Plan" msgid "Security (1TB)" msgstr "Security (1TB)" msgid "Jetpack Security (1TB)" msgstr "Jetpack Security (1TB)" msgctxt "Jetpack Security Plan" msgid "Security (10GB)" msgstr "Security (10 GB)" msgid "Jetpack Security (10GB)" msgstr "Jetpack Security (10 GB)" msgid "Not sure where to start? <a href=\"%s\">Get started!</a>" msgstr "Tidak tahu harus mulai dari mana? <a href=\"%s\">Mulai!</a>" msgid "Only owner can delete subscription" msgstr "Hanya pemilik yang dapat menghapus langganan" msgid "Unable to delete the purchase because of internal error" msgstr "Tidak dapat menghapus pembelian akibat error internal" msgid "You must cancel the plan that this domain is included with first." msgstr "" "Anda harus membatalkan paket yang menyertakan domain ini terlebih dahulu." msgid "Cancel plan" msgstr "Batalkan paket" msgid "Cancelling…" msgstr "Membatalkan..." msgid "Remove plan" msgstr "Hapus paket" msgid "What's one thing we could have done better?" msgstr "Hal apa yang dapat kami lakukan dengan lebih baik?" msgid "Select an answer" msgstr "Pilih jawaban" msgid "Select your reason" msgstr "Pilih alasan Anda" msgid "Can you please specify?" msgstr "Dapatkan Anda tentukan?" msgid "Jetpack %(planName)s" msgstr "Jetpack %(planName)s" msgid "Upgrade my site" msgstr "Upgrade situs saya" msgid "" "We've loved being your website partner for the last month. Here's to the " "next one!" msgid_plural "" "We've loved being your website partner for the last %1$d months. Here's to " "the next %1$d!" msgstr[0] "" "Kami senang bisa menjadi mitra situs Anda selama satu bulan terakhir. Ini " "untuk satu bulan berikutnya!" msgstr[1] "" "Kami senang bisa menjadi mitra situs Anda selama %1$d bulan terakhir. Ini " "untuk %1$d bulan berikutnya!" msgid "You're all set to keep accessing these benefits for another two years!" msgstr "Anda siap untuk terus merasakan manfaat di atas selama dua tahun lagi!" msgid "You're all set to keep accessing these benefits for another month!" msgstr "" "Anda siap untuk terus merasakan manfaat di atas selama satu bulan lagi!" msgid "You will be charged %1$s for this renewal on <nobr>%2$s</nobr>." msgstr "" "Anda akan dikenai biaya sebesar %1$s untuk perpanjangan ini pada <nobr>%2$s</" "nobr>." msgid "" "Pollard is a minimalist theme, designed for single-page websites. Its single " "post and page layouts have no header, navigation menus, or widgets, so the " "page you design in the WordPress editor is the same page you’ll see on the " "front end." msgstr "" "Pollard adalah tema minimalis, dirancang untuk situs web satu halaman. Pos " "tunggal dan tata letak lamannya tidak memiliki header, menu navigasi, atau " "widget, sehingga laman yang Anda desain di editor WordPress adalah laman " "yang sama yang akan Anda lihat di bagian depan." msgid "" "{{strong}}Best for organizations:{{/strong}} The most powerful WordPress " "sites." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Terbaik untuk organisasi:{{/strong}} Situs WordPress paling andal." msgid "" "Including the ability to upload plugins and themes, priority support and " "advanced monetization options." msgstr "" "Termasuk kemampuan mengunggah plugin dan tema, bantuan prioritas, pilihan " "monetisasi tingkat lanjut." msgid "" "Including advanced design and monetization options, Pay with PayPal buttons, " "and a custom domain name for one year." msgstr "" "Termasuk pilihan desain dan monetisasi tingkat lanjut, tombol Bayar dengan " "PayPal, dan nama domain khusus selama satu tahun." msgid "What additional features does Jetpack plugin have?" msgstr "Apa fitur tambahan yang dimiliki plugin Jetpack?" msgid "" "WordPress ad revenue is calculated daily and finalized around the second " "week of the following month. Payments are sent on or about the last day of " "the following month. If you earned less than $100 in a given month, your " "earnings carry over to the next month." msgstr "" "Pendapatan iklan WordPress dihitung setiap hari dan dibayarkan sekitar " "minggu kedua bulan berikutnya. Pembayaran dikirim pada atau sekitar hari " "terakhir bulan berikutnya. Jika penghasilan Anda kurang dari $100 pada bulan " "tersebut, maka pendapatan akan diakumulasikan ke bulan berikutnya." msgid "How often will I receive payment for the Ad network?" msgstr "Seberapa sering saya akan menerima pembayaran untuk jaringan Iklan?" msgid "" "The amount of WordPress ad revenue you can earn varies depending on a " "variety of factors, including your site’s traffic. A greater number of site " "visitors increases the likelihood that someone will view or click on your " "banner ads, and therefore increase your earnings. Jetpack makes it easy to " "track your WordPress ad revenue on your dedicated ad dashboard." msgstr "" "Jumlah penghasilan iklan WordPress yang Anda dapatkan bervariasi tergantung " "berbagai faktor, termasuk aktivitas situs. Jumlah pengunjung situs yang " "lebih banyak meningkatkan kemungkinan pengunjung melihat atau mengklik iklan " "spanduk, sehingga dapat meningkatkan penghasilan Anda. Jetpack memudahkan " "pelacakan penghasilan iklan WordPress pada dasbor iklan khusus Anda." msgid "How much can I earn through the Ad network?" msgstr "Berapa penghasilan yang bisa saya dapatkan dari jaringan Iklan?" msgid "" "For more information, check out <a href=\"%s\">this support article</a>." msgstr "" "Untuk informasi selengkapnya, silakan lihat <a href=\"%s\">artikel bantuan</" "a>." msgid "Screenshot of the Related posts section." msgstr "Tangkapan layar dari bagian Pos terkait." msgid "" "To start using Related Posts, go to Jetpack → Settings → Traffic page and " "activate the “Show related content after posts” toggle." msgstr "" "Untuk mulai menggunakan Pos Terkait, buka halaman Jetpack → Pengaturan → " "Aktivitas dan aktifkan toggle “Tampilkan konten terkait setelah pos”." msgid "How do I configure the WordPress related posts feature?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara mengonfigurasi fitur pos terkait WordPress?" msgid "" "Most sites that activate this see an increase in traffic. Unlike many other " "related post plugins, we do all the analysis, processing, and serving from " "our cloud, so there is no additional load on your server. That’s why Jetpack " "Related Posts are allowed on web hosts even when similar plugins are banned." msgstr "" "Sebagian besar situs yang mengaktifkan fitur tersebut menunjukkan " "peningkatan aktivitas. Tidak seperti plugin pos terkait lainnya, kami " "melakukan analisis, pemrosesan, dan penyajian dari cloud kami, sehingga " "tidak memberikan beban tambahan pada server Anda. Hal ini adalah alasan Pos " "Terkait Jetpack diizinkan pada host web, meskipun plugin serupa dilarang." msgid "" "The WordPress related posts feature scans all of your post content, analyzes " "it, and uses the results to display additional posts your visitors might be " "interested in reading after they’re finished with the current post." msgstr "" "Fitur pos terkait memindai semua konten pos, menganalisisnya, dan " "menggunakan hasil analisis tersebut untuk menampilkan pos kontekstual yang " "menarik pengunjung untuk membaca setelah mereka selesai dengan pos yang " "sedang dibaca." msgid "How does Jetpack related posts feature work?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara kerja fitur pos terkait Jetpack?" msgid "How do I connect to social media networks?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara terhubung ke jejaring media sosial?" msgid "" "Which social media platforms can I automatically post to with the Jetpack’s " "WordPress growth plugin?" msgstr "" "Platform media sosial apa yang dapat membagikan pos saya secara otomatis " "dengan plugin pertumbuhan WordPress Jetpack?" msgid "" "You can click the title of each feature on your stats page, and scroll to " "the bottom of that feature to download your stats. Simply click on the " "\"Download data as CSV\" link, and download the file to your computer." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengeklik judul setiap fitur di laman statistik, dan gulir ke " "bawah di bagian fitur tersebut untuk mengunduh statistik Anda. Cukup klik " "tautan Unduh data sebagai CSV lalu unduh berkas ke komputer Anda." msgid "" "No. Any piece of data explicitly identifying a specific user (IP address, " " ID, username, etc.) is not visible to the site " "owner when using Jetpack Stats, so you won’t be able to see which specific " "users or accounts viewed a particular post." msgstr "" "Tidak. Semua data yang secara eksplisit mengidentifikasi pengguna tertentu " "(alamat IP, ID, nama pengguna, dll.) tidak " "terlihat oleh pemilik situs saat membaca Statistik Jetpack, sehingga Anda " "tidak akan dapat melihat pengguna atau akun tertentu yang melihat sebuah pos." msgid "Through Stats, can I see who viewed individual posts?" msgstr "" "Melalui Statistik, dapatkah saya melihat pengunjung yang melihat pos " "tertentu?" msgid "" "Do Not Track (DNT) is a feature in web browsers and websites that asks " "advertisers and other web software providers not to track individuals’ " "browsing habits. As a site owner, you can configure Jetpack Stats to honor " "requests from visitors who have DNT enabled, and prevent tracking of their " "activity (i.e., post and page views) with an easy-to-add snippet." msgstr "" "Jangan Lacak (DNT) adalah fitur di browser web dan situs yang meminta " "pengiklan dan penyedia perangkat lunak web untuk tidak melacak kebiasaan " "penelusuran pengunjung. Sebagai pemilik situs, Anda dapat mengonfigurasi " "Statistik Jetpack untuk memenuhi permintaan pengunjung yang mengaktifkan " "DNT, dan mencegah pelacakan aktivitas mereka (mis., mengunjungi pos dan " "halaman) dengan snippet yang dapat ditambahkan dengan mudah." msgid "Does Stats honor DNT requests?" msgstr "Apakah Statistik mematuhi permintaan DNT?" msgid "" "Table displaying views by country, next to a heatmap showing how visitors " "are split around the world." msgstr "" "Tabel yang menampilkan data pengunjung berdasarkan negara, di sebelah peta " "panas yang menampilkan persebaran pengunjung di seluruh dunia." msgid "" "Yes! Jetpack Stats will show you a heatmap of exactly where in the world " "your site has been receiving its visitors from: " msgstr "" "Ya! Statistik Jetpack akan menampilkan heatmap persebaran pengunjung situs " "Anda dari seluruh dunia: " msgid "With Stats, can I view visitors by country?" msgstr "" "Dengan Statistik, dapatkah saya melihat pengunjung berdasarkan negara? " msgid "" "Yes! You can use both on your WordPress installation. The benefit of using " "Jetpack Stats is that you can see a snapshot of your blog’s activity " "directly from your dashboard. If you want to use another analytics service " "to give you additional in-depth information, you can certainly do so." msgstr "" "Ya! Anda dapat menggunakan keduanya pada instalasi WordPress. Manfaat " "menggunakan Statistik Jetpack adalah kemampuan melihat potret aktivitas blog " "langsung dari dasbor Anda. Jika ingin menggunakan layanan analitik lainnya " "untuk memberikan informasi yang lebih mendalam, Anda juga bisa melakukannya." msgid "Does Jetpack Stats integrate with Google Analytics?" msgstr "Apakah statistik Jetpack terintegrasi dengan Google Analytics?" msgid "" "Simply install the plugin and go to the Stats tab. It’s that simple. If you " "need more help, check out <a href=\"%s\">this support article</a>." msgstr "" "Cukup instal plugin dan buka tab Statistik. Semudah itu. Jika membutuhkan " "bantuan, silakan lihat <a href=\"%s\">artikel bantuan berikut</a>." msgid "" "Enabling Business-to-Business mode adds a “Companies” layer, which lets you " "have contacts under a company." msgstr "" "Mengaktifkan mode Bisnis ke Bisnis menambahkan lapisan \"Perusahaan\", yang " "dapat menampilkan kontak di bagian perusahaan." msgid "Yes, that’s an option in the settings." msgstr "Ya, pilihan tersebut terdapat di pengaturan." msgid "Do you have a B2B (companies) mode?" msgstr "Apakah Anda memiliki mode B2B (perusahaan)?" msgid "" "Our WordPress CRM plugin integrates with many services including " "WooCommerce, Google, Stripe, Mailchimp, PayPal, Contact Form 7, Gravity " "Forms, Twilio, ConvertKit, OptinMonster, RegistrationMagic, Livestorm, Exit " "Bee, aWeber, MemberMouse, Awesome Support, Groove, and Worldpay." msgstr "" "Plugin CRM WordPress kami terintegrasi dengan banyak layanan termasuk " "WooCommerce, Google, Stripe, Mailchimp, PayPal, Contact Form 7, Gravity " "Forms, Twilio, ConvertKit, OptinMonster, RegistrationMagic, Livestorm, Exit " "Bee, aWeber, MemberMouse, Awesome Support, Groove, dan Worldpay." msgid "Which other services does Jetpack CRM integrate with?" msgstr "Apa saja layanan lain yang terintegrasi dengan Jetpack CRM?" msgid "" "The free core WordPress CRM plugin has a basic CSV Importer which works " "well. You can also use our extensions: CSV Importer, or one of the Sync’s " "(PayPal Sync, Woo Sync, or Stripe Sync) – these automatically pull in all of " "your customer data (including transactions) and then keep it up to date for " "you!" msgstr "" "Inti gratis plugin WordPress CRM berikut memiliki CSV Importer dasar yang " "berfungsi dengan baik. Anda juga dapat menggunakan ekstensi kami: CSV " "Importer, atau salah satu dari Sync (PayPal Sync, Woo Sync, atau Stripe " "Sync) – ekstensi tersebut secara otomatis menarik semua data pelanggan " "(termasuk transaksi) dan terus memperbaruinya untuk Anda!" msgid "Can I upload existing customers into the Jetpack CRM?" msgstr "Dapatkah saya mengunggah data pelanggan lama ke Jetpack CRM?" msgid "" "Data-privacy, control, and extendibility are the main reasons. You’re " "probably already paying for hosting too, so you’ll save there. SaaS has its " "place, but there’s so much value in hosting your own WordPress CRM." msgstr "" "Alasan utama kami adalah privasi data, pengendalian, dan perpanjangan. " "Mungkin Anda juga telah membayar untuk hosting, maka Anda akan berhemat. " "SaaS memiliki keunggulannya sendiri, tetapi memiliki hosting CRM WordPress " "Anda sendiri sangatlah bernilai." msgid "Why should I host my own CRM in WordPress?" msgstr "Mengapa saya perlu memiliki hosting CRM saya sendiri di WordPress?" msgid "" "If you want to keep track of your site visitors, leads, or customers, to " "improve relationships or increase sales, then your site needs a WordPress " "CRM plugin." msgstr "" "Jika ingin terus melacak pengunjung, calon pelanggan, atau pelanggan situs " "untuk meningkatkan relasi atau meningkatkan penjualan, maka situs Anda " "memerlukan plugin WordPress CRM." msgid "Does every WordPress website need a CRM?" msgstr "Apakah semua situs WordPress memerlukan CRM?" msgid "Jetpack helps you find new customers and increase your cash flow" msgstr "" "Jetpack membantu menemukan pelanggan baru dan meningkatkan penghasilan Anda." msgid "" "Reach millions of people and generate passive income through a high-quality " "ad program designed specifically for WordPress sites." msgstr "" "Jangkau jutaan orang dan hasilkan pendapatan pasif melalui program iklan " "berkualitas tinggi yang dirancang khusus untuk situs WordPress." msgid "" "Automatically show related articles and products below your post so visitors " "spend more time on your site." msgstr "" "Secara otomatis menampilkan artikel dan produk terkait di bawah pos Anda " "sehingga pengunjung dapat menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu di situs Anda. " msgid "" "Sell products, accept donations, and collect subscription fees with your " "website via <a href=\"%1$s\">Stripe</a> or <a href=\"%2$s\">Paypal</a>." msgstr "" "Jual produk, terima donasi, dan kumpulkan biaya langganan menggunakan situs " "Anda dengan <a href=\"%1$s\">Stripe</a> atau <a href=\"%2$s\">Paypal</a>." msgid "Payment solutions" msgstr "Solusi pembayaran" msgid "" "Jetpack has helped more than 5 million sites share 2.6 billion posts on " "social media" msgstr "" "Jetpack telah membantu lebih dari 5 juta situs membagikan 2.6 miliar pos di " "media sosial" msgid "Preview content before sharing" msgstr "Pratinjau konten sebelum membagikan" msgid "Insights about popular times, geos, and search terms" msgstr "Informasi tentang waktu, lokasi dan istilah pencarian yang disukai" msgid "Stats for time periods, posts, and pages" msgstr "Statistik untuk rentang waktu, pos, dan laman" msgid "Easy, one-click setup" msgstr "Pengaturan mudah dan cepat" msgid "" "Want to know how many visitors come to your website and how to get more? " "Jetpack offers clear, concise, and actionable stats." msgstr "" "Ingin tahu jumlah pengunjung situs Anda dan cara meningkatkannya? Jetpack " "menawarkan statistik yang jelas, ringkas, dan dapat ditindaklanjuti." msgid "Get insights about your traffic" msgstr "Dapatkan informasi tentang aktivitas situs Anda" msgid "Read more CRM reviews" msgstr "Baca selengkapnya ulasan CRM" msgid "Seamless integration with your existing tech" msgstr "Integrasi yang mudah dengan teknologi yang telah Anda miliki " msgid "All of your contacts in your WordPress CRM" msgstr "Semua kontak di CRM WordPress Anda" msgid "" "Finally, a lean CRM built specifically for WordPress. Take control of your " "contacts so you can start growing your business." msgstr "" "Ini dia! CRM andal yang dirancang khusus untuk WordPress. Kelola kontak Anda " "sehingga Anda dapat mulai mengembangkan bisnis Anda." msgid "Track new leads and create repeat customers" msgstr "Lacak peluang baru dan ciptakan pelanggan berulang" msgid "" "Jetpack’s growth tools help you find a new audience, turn leads into " "customers, and customers into advocates." msgstr "" "Perangkat pertumbuhan dari Jetpack membantu Anda menemukan audiens baru, " "mengubah calon pelanggan menjadi pelanggan, dan pelanggan menjadi pemberi " "referensi." msgid "" "Skatepark is a bold and exciting WordPress theme designed for modern events " "and organizations. With its simple but vivid color default scheme, duotone " "support, and playful grid, Skatepark is a theme designed for work and play. " "Customize its colors or try out different font pairings to create your own " "unique look and feel." msgstr "" "Skatepark adalah tema WordPress yang berani dan seru, yang dirancang untuk " "acara dan organisasi modern. Mengusung skema warna asal yang sederhana " "tetapi kaya, dukungan gaya ganda, dan grid yang menarik, Skatepark adalah " "tema yang dirancang untuk bekerja sekaligus bermain. Sesuaikan warnanya " "atau coba berbagai pasangan font untuk menciptakan tampilan dan nuansa khas " "Anda. " msgid "Learn valuable insights about the purchases made on your store." msgstr "" "Pelajari wawasan berharga tentang pembelian yang dilakukan di toko Anda." msgid "Average order value" msgstr "Nilai Pesanan Rata-Rata" msgid "Gross Sales" msgstr "Penjualan Kotor" msgid "Try WooCommerce now" msgstr "Coba WooCommerce sekarang" msgid "" "We’ve rolled your favorite Store features into WooCommerce. In addition to " "Products and Orders, you have top-level access for managing your Analytics, " "Marketing, and Customers. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}} about what has changed." msgstr "" "Kami telah meluncurkan fitur Toko favorit Anda di WooCommerce. Selain Produk " "dan Pesanan, Anda memiliki akses tingkat atas untuk mengelola Analitik, " "Pemasaran, dan Pelanggan. {{link}}Baca selengkapnya{{/link}} mengenai " "perubahan yang dilakukan." msgid "Find all of your business features in WooCommerce" msgstr "Temukan semua fitur bisnis Anda di WooCommerce." msgid "Total paid:" msgstr "Jumlah yang telah dibayarkan:" msgid "" "Power your business website with custom plugins and themes, %(nmOfGB)s GB " "storage, and the ability to remove branding." msgstr "" "Lengkapi situs bisnis Anda dengan plugin & tema khusus serta penyimpanan " "%(nmOfGB)s GB dan fitur untuk menghapus elemen branding" msgid "" "{{strong}}Best for small businesses:{{/strong}} Power your business website " "with custom plugins and themes, %(nmOfGB)s GB storage, and the ability to " "remove branding." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Cocok untuk bisnis berskala kecil:{{/strong}} Lengkapi situs " "bisnis Anda dengan plugin & tema khusus serta penyimpanan %(nmOfGB)s GB dan " "fitur untuk menghapus elemen branding" msgid "" "Are you sure you want to cancel your %(productName)s subscription? You will " "not be able to use it anymore!" msgstr "" "Apakah Anda yakin ingin membatalkan langganan %(productName)s Anda? Karena " "Anda tidak akan dapat menggunakannya lebih lanjut." msgid "Jetpack provides stats about your site" msgstr "Jetpack menyediakan statistik situs Anda" msgid "Visitors to your site tracked by Jetpack in the last year." msgstr "Pengunjung situs Anda dilacak oleh Jetpack dalam setahun terakhir." msgid "Getting visitors stat" msgstr "Mendapatkan statistik pengunjung" msgid "Unable to cancel upgrade because of missing subscription" msgstr "Tidak dapat membatalkan upgrade karena tidak berlangganan." msgid "member" msgid_plural "members" msgstr[0] "anggota" msgstr[1] "anggota" msgid "read" msgstr "baca" msgid "" "Miller is a minimalist theme, designed for single-page websites. Its single " "post and page layouts have no header, navigation menus, or widgets, so the " "page you design in the WordPress editor is the same page you’ll see on the " "front end." msgstr "" "Miller adalah tema minimalis, dirancang untuk situs web satu halaman. Pos " "tunggal dan tata letak lamannya tidak memiliki header, menu navigasi, atau " "widget, sehingga laman yang Anda desain di editor WordPress adalah laman " "yang sama yang akan Anda lihat di bagian depan." msgctxt "noun" msgid "Remark" msgstr "Keterangan" msgid "If text fields should be converted to latin1 in checksum calculation." msgstr "" "Jika bidang teks harus dikonversi ke latin1 dalam perhitungan checksum." msgid "Failed to disconnect the site as it appears already disconnected." msgstr "Gagal memutus sambungan situs. Tampaknya situs sudah terputus." msgid "The isActive argument should be set to false." msgstr "Argumen isActive harus diatur ke false." msgid "Set to false will trigger the site to disconnect." msgstr "Mengatur ke false akan memicu situs untuk memutus sambungan." msgid "" "View, manage, or cancel your plan and other purchases for this site. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Lihat, kelola, atau batalkan paket Anda dan pembelian lainnya untuk situs " "berikut. {{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "" "View, print, and email your receipts for this site. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn " "more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Lihat, cetak, dan email tanda terima Anda untuk situs ini. {{learnMoreLink}}" "Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "" "Add or delete payment methods for your account. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn " "more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Tambahkan atau hapus metode pembayaran untuk akun Anda. {{learnMoreLink}}" "Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "" "View, print, and email your receipts. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/" "learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Lihat, cetak, dan kirim tanda terima Anda melalui email. {{learnMoreLink}}" "Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Domain Connection" msgstr "Koneksi Domain" msgid "Domain Connection" msgstr "Koneksi Domain" msgid " addresses cannot be changed." msgstr "Alamat tidak dapat diubah." msgid "Cancelling Android IAP Subscription: %s" msgstr "Membatalkan Langganan Android IAP: %s" msgid "Renew Android IAP subscription" msgstr "Perpanjang langganan Android IAP" msgid "Put Android IAP subscription on hold while renewing" msgstr "Langganan Android IAP ditangguhkan saat perpanjangan" msgid "Subscription was canceled by the developer" msgstr "Langganan dibatalkan oleh pengembang" msgid "Subscription was replaced with a new subscription" msgstr "Langganan digantikan dengan langganan baru" msgid "" "Subscription was canceled by the system, for example because of a billing " "problem" msgstr "Langganan dibatalkan oleh sistem, misalnya karena masalah penagihan" msgid "User canceled the subscription" msgstr "Pengguna membatalkan langganan" msgid "Set up your site" msgstr "Lakukan pengaturan situs Anda" msgid "Remove this mailbox" msgstr "Hapus kotak surat berikut" msgid "Mailbox %(position)s" msgstr "Kotak Surat %(position)s" msgid "" "Just a reminder, when you complete your upgrade, you’ll have access to all " "the benefits of managed hosting with That includes expert " "support from our team of Happiness Engineers, built-in monetization options, " "ad-free hosting, lightning-fast site speed, and more!" msgstr "" "Sekadar mengingatkan, setelah Anda melakukan upgrade, Anda akan memiliki " "akses ke semua fitur-fitur andal hosting yang dikelola dengan " "Fitur-fitur tersebut mencakup bantuan dari tim ahli Happiness Engineer, " "fitur monetisasi terintegrasi, hosting bebas iklan, kecepatan situs yang " "luar biasa, dan lainnya!" msgid "" "You took that crucial first step toward upgrading your website, but you " "didn’t check out. No worries! The plan you selected (nice choice, by the " "way) is waiting <a href=\"%s\">in your cart</a>." msgstr "" "Anda telah mengambil langkah penting untuk melakukan upgrade situs, tetapi " "Anda belum melakukan pembayaran. Jangan khawatir! Paket yang Anda pilih " "(pilihan yang sangat tepat!) menunggu <a href=\"%s\">di keranjang</a>." msgid "" "And to sweeten the deal, we’re giving you %1$s%% off your first plan payment" "— just enter the code %2$s at checkout." msgstr "" "Dan agar penawaran berikut semakin menarik, kami memberikan potongan %1$s%% " "untuk pembayaran paket pertama Anda — cukup masukkan kode %2$s pada saat " "membayar." msgid "" "And to sweeten the deal, we’re giving you %1$s%% off your first plan payment" "— just enter the code <strong>%2$s</strong> at checkout." msgstr "" "Dan agar penawaran berikut semakin menarik, kami memberikan potongan %1$s%% " "untuk pembayaran paket pertama Anda — cukup masukkan kode <strong>%2$s</" "strong> pada saat membayar." msgid "" "When you complete your upgrade, you’ll have access to all the benefits of " "managed hosting with That includes ad-free hosting, expert " "support from our team of Happiness Engineers, lightning-fast site speed, " "monetization options, and more!" msgstr "" "Setelah Anda selesai melakukan upgrade, Anda akan memiliki akses ke semua " "manfaat hosting yang dikelola dengan Manfaat tersebut " "mencakup hosting bebas iklan, bantuan dari tim ahli Happiness Engineer kami, " "kecepatan situs yang luar biasa, pilihan monetisasi, dan lainnya!" msgid "Finish Upgrading" msgstr "Selesaikan Upgrade" msgid "" "You took that crucial first step toward upgrading your website, but you " "didn’t check out. No worries! The plan you selected (nice choice, by the " "way) is waiting in your cart." msgstr "" "Anda telah mengambil langkah penting untuk melakukan upgrade situs, tetapi " "Anda belum melakukan pembayaran. Jangan khawatir! Paket yang Anda pilih " "(pilihan yang sangat tepat!) menunggu di keranjang." msgid "We saved your spot!" msgstr "Masih ada tempat untuk Anda!" msgid "Domain connected! Please make sure to follow the next steps below." msgstr "" "Domain terhubung! Pastikan untuk mengikuti langkah selanjutnya di bawah ini." msgid "Contact the theme developer directly for help with this theme." msgstr "" "Hubungi pengembang tema langsung untuk mendapatkan bantuan terkait tema " "berikut." msgid "" "Help and support for this theme is not offered by " "{{InlineSupportLink/}}" msgstr "" "Bantuan dan dukungan untuk tema berikut tidak ditawarkan oleh " "{{InlineSupportLink/}}" msgid "Your latest site backup." msgstr "Pencadangan situs Anda terkini." msgid "Last Backup" msgstr "Pencadangan Terakhir" msgid "" "Jetpack's last attempt to back up your site was not successful. Please " "contact Jetpack support." msgstr "" "Upaya terakhir Jetpack untuk mencadangkan situs Anda tidak berhasil. Silakan " "hubungi tim bantuan Jetpack." msgid "Jetpack will back up your site soon." msgstr "Jetpack akan segera mencadangkan situs Anda." msgid "Loading backup data" msgstr "Memuat data pencadangan" msgid "Jetpack has recently completed a security scan of your site" msgstr "Jetpack baru saja menyelesaikan pemindaian keamanan situs Anda" msgid "Security threats fixed by Jetpack" msgstr "Ancaman keamanan telah diatasi oleh Jetpack" msgid "Jetpack has identified some threats on your site." msgstr "Jetpack telah mengidentifikasi beberapa ancaman di situs Anda." msgid "%(threatCount)d threat found" msgid_plural "%(threatCount)d threats found" msgstr[0] "%(threatCount)d ancaman ditemukan" msgstr[1] "%(threatCount)d ancaman ditemukan" msgid "Threats Fixed (Lifetime)" msgstr "Ancaman Teratasi (Selamanya)" msgid "Malware Threats Found" msgstr "Ancaman Malware Ditemukan" msgid "Last Scan" msgstr "Pemindaian Terakhir" msgid "Jetpack will scan your site for threats soon." msgstr "Jetpack akan segera memindai situs Anda dari ancaman." msgid "Jetpack is having trouble scanning your site." msgstr "Jetpack mengalami kendala saat memindai situs Anda." msgid "Waiting for scan status" msgstr "Menunggu status pemindaian" msgid "Jetpack is preparing to scan your site." msgstr "Jetpack sedang bersiap untuk memindai situs Anda." msgid "Site Scan" msgstr "Pemindaian Situs" msgid "" "Your 30-day Activity Log archive will revert to the 20 most recent events." msgstr "Arsip Log Aktivitas 30 hari Anda akan kembali ke 20 peristiwa terkini." msgid "" "Your 1-year Activity Log archive will revert to the 20 most recent events." msgstr "Arsip Log Aktivitas 1 tahun Anda akan kembali ke 20 peristiwa terkini." msgid "" "Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam automatcally clears spam from comments and forms." msgstr "" "Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam secara otomatis menghapus spam dari komentar dan " "formulir." msgid "" "Jetpack Search helps your visitors instantly find the right content – right " "when they need it." msgstr "" "Jetpack Search membantu pengunjung menemukan konten yang tepat dengan cepat " "– tepat saat mereka membutuhkannya." msgid "" "It’s easy! Just <a href=\"%s\">install the plugin</a> and try turning on and " "off each feature. They are one-click buttons and you can see which " "combination of features works best for your site." msgstr "" "Caranya mudah! Cukup <a href=\"%s\">instal plugin</a> dan coba aktifkan dan " "nonaktifkan setiap fitur. Plugin tersebut berupa tombol sekali klik dan Anda " "dapat melihat kombinasi fitur yang paling sesuai untuk situs Anda." msgid "How do I configure Jetpack Boost?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara mengonfigurasi Jetpack Boost?" msgid "" "If you run into compatibility issues, please do let us know. You can drop us " "a line on <a href=\"%s\">the Jetpack Boost Support Forums</a> at any time." msgstr "" "Jika Anda mengalami masalah kompatibilitas, silakan hubungi kami. Anda dapat " "menuliskan pesan untuk kami di <a href=\"%s\">Forum Bantuan Jetpack Boost</" "a> kapan pun." msgid "" "For example, if two plugins attempt to defer your non-essential JavaScripts, " "then they may end up conflicting with each other and cause display problems " "on your site." msgstr "" "Misalnya, saat dua plugin mencoba menangguhkan JavaScript non-esensial, ada " "kemungkinan terjadi konflik antara kedua plugin tersebut dan menyebabkan " "masalah tampilan di situs Anda." msgid "" "With few exceptions, Jetpack Boost has no problems running alongside most " "caching and speed optimization plugins. As a guideline, we don’t recommend " "enabling the same feature in multiple optimization plugins." msgstr "" "Dengan beberapa pengecualian, Jetpack Boost tidak akan bermasalah saat " "dijalankan bersama sebagian besar plugin caching dan pengoptimalan " "kecepatan. Sebagai pedoman, kami tidak menyarankan untuk mengaktifkan fitur " "yang sama di beberapa plugin pengoptimalan." msgid "" "Is Jetpack Boost compatible with other caching and speed optimization " "plugins?" msgstr "" "Apakah Jetpack Boost kompatibel dengan plugin caching dan pengoptimalan " "kecepatan lainnya?" msgid "" "Yes, Jetpack Boost is a WordPress performance plugin that can be used to " "monitor WordPress performance. Simply install it and check in to see how " "your speed score changes over time." msgstr "" "Ya, Jetpack Boost adalah plugin kinerja WordPress yang dapat digunakan untuk " "memantau performa WordPress. Cukup instal dan periksa untuk melihat " "perubahan skor kecepatan Anda dari waktu ke waktu." msgid "Can I use Jetpack Boost to monitor WordPress performance?" msgstr "" "Dapatkan saya menggunakan Jetpack Boost untuk memantau performa WordPress?" msgid "" "Jetpack Boost aims to be as easy to use as possible, and includes a Speed " "Score indicator to help users immediately measure the impact of their " "choices." msgstr "" "Tujuan Jetpack Boost adalah agar dapat digunakan semudah mungkin. Jetpack " "Boost menyertakan indikator Skor Kecepatan untuk membantu pengguna mengukur " "langsung dampak dari pilihan mereka." msgid "" "Speed Optimization plugins for WordPress can be complicated and opaque for " "users. They often offer columns of checkboxes with little explanation, and " "don’t include tools to measure the impact of each change or choice users " "make." msgstr "" "Plugin Pengoptimalan Kecepatan untuk WordPress mungkin membuat pengguna " "bingung dan sulit memahaminya. Plugin tersebut sering menawarkan kolom kotak " "centang dengan penjelasan singkat, dan tidak menyertakan perangkat untuk " "mengukur dampak dari setiap perubahan atau pilihan yang dibuat pengguna." msgid "" "How does Jetpack Boost compare with other WordPress speed optimization " "plugins?" msgstr "" "Bagaimana perbandingan Jetpack Boost dengan plugin pengoptimalan kecepatan " "WordPress lainnya?" msgid "" "For example, our “Optimize CSS Loading” feature ensures the most important " "CSS rules are sent to users’ browsers as early as possible, improving both " "First Contentful Paint (FCP) and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) scores." msgstr "" "Misalnya, fitur \"Optimalkan Pemuatan CSS\" kami memastikan bahwa aturan CSS " "terpenting akan dikirim ke browser pengguna sedini mungkin, untuk " "meningkatkan skor First Contentful Paint (FCP) dan Cumulative Layout Shift " "(CLS)." msgid "" "Jetpack Boost makes small changes to the way that data is sent from your " "WordPress site to your users’ browsers, to enable your content to display " "faster. As a result, it can improve your Core Web Vitals scores." msgstr "" "Jetpack Boost melakukan sedikit perubahan terkait cara pengiriman data dari " "situs WordPress ke browser pengguna, agar konten Anda dapat ditampilkan " "lebih cepat. Hasilnya, skor Data Web Inti menjadi lebih tinggi." msgid "" "Each Core Web Vital relates to an aspect of how quickly your site can load " "and appear on new visitors’ screens." msgstr "" "Setiap Data Web Inti berhubungan dengan aspek terkait seberapa cepat situs " "Anda dapat dimuat dan ditampilkan di layar pengunjung baru." msgid "How does Jetpack Boost plugin improve Core Web Vitals?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara plugin Jetpack Boost meningkatkan Data Web Inti?" msgid "" "The “Optimize CSS Loading” feature identifies the most important CSS rules " "your site needs to display your pages as quickly as possible (commonly " "called “Critical CSS”), and defers all other CSS rules from loading until " "your main content has loaded." msgstr "" "Fitur \"Optimalkan Pemuatan CSS\" mengidentifikasi aturan CSS terpenting " "yang dibutuhkan situs untuk menampilkan laman secepat mungkin (biasanya " "disebut \"CSS Kritis\"), dan menangguhkan semua aturan CSS lainnya dari " "pemuatan hingga konten utama termuat." msgid "" "Jetpack Boost automatically defers non-essential CSS if its “Optimize CSS " "Loading” feature is enabled." msgstr "" "Jetpack Boost secara otomatis menangguhkan CSS non-esensial jika fitur " "“Optimalkan Pemuatan CSS” diaktifkan." msgid "Can I also defer non-essential CSS with Jetpack Boost?" msgstr "" "Apakah saya juga dapat menangguhkan CSS non-esensial dengan Jetpack Boost?" msgid "" "Jetpack Boost does not include any optimizations that target large databases " "at this time. However, watch this space - we are always looking for new ways " "to help our users perform better." msgstr "" "Jetpack Boost tidak menyertakan pengoptimalan apa pun yang menargetkan basis " "data besar saat ini. Namun, terus perhatikan ruang berikut - kami selalu " "mencari cara baru untuk membantu pengguna meningkatkan performa situsnya." msgid "" "Can Jetpack Boost make my website load faster if I have a large database?" msgstr "" "Dapatkah Jetpack Boost membuat situs web saya dimuat lebih cepat jika saya " "memiliki basis data yang besar?" msgid "" "Jetpack Boost includes a tool for measuring your site’s Speed Score - we " "encourage users to try it out and see what impact it can have for them." msgstr "" "Jetpack Boost menyertakan alat untuk mengukur Skor Kecepatan situs - kami " "mengajak pengguna untuk mencobanya dan melihat dampaknya bagi mereka." msgid "" "However, if your site is already extremely well optimized, Jetpack Boost may " "not have much room to improve it." msgstr "" "Namun, jika situs Anda sudah dioptimalkan dengan sangat baik, Jetpack Boost " "mungkin tidak terlalu berpengaruh." msgid "" "This plugin includes a range of performance improvements, which can help " "almost any WordPress site perform better." msgstr "" "Plugin tersebut mencakup berbagai peningkatan performa, yang dapat membantu " "hampir semua situs WordPress menampilkan performa yang lebih baik." msgid "Will this plugin be able to improve performance on any website?" msgstr "Apakah Jetpack Boost dapat meningkatkan performa situs mana pun?" msgid "" "We recommend that you install Jetpack Boost, and try it for yourself. It " "includes a tool for measuring your Speed Score, to check what impact it has " "on your site." msgstr "" "Kami merekomendasikan Anda menginstal Jetpack Boost, dan mencobanya sendiri. " "Plugin berikut menyertakan alat untuk mengukur Skor Kecepatan, guna " "memeriksa dampaknya pada situs Anda." msgid "" "However, as performance can be impacted by so many factors, it is also " "possible for Jetpack Boost to have a small negative performance impact in " "some rare cases." msgstr "" "Namun, karena performa dapat dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor, Jetpack Boost " "mungkin juga memiliki sedikit dampak kinerja negatif pada beberapa kasus " "yang jarang terjadi." msgid "" "Generally, the lower your speed score is to begin with, the more Jetpack " "Boost may impact your performance. We have seen user reports of up to 25 " "Speed Score points improvement simply by installing and using Jetpack Boost." msgstr "" "Umumnya, jika skor kecepatan awalnya makin rendah, makin besar pula pengaruh " "Jetpack Boost pada performa Anda. Kami telah meneliti laporan pengguna " "terkait peningkatan hingga 25 poin Skor Kecepatan hanya dengan menginstal " "dan menggunakan Jetpack Boost." msgid "" "Website Performance is complicated, and can be affected by a number of " "factors. As a result, it is difficult to accurately predict how much impact " "it will have on each site." msgstr "" "Performa Situs sangat rumit, dan dapat dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor. " "Akibatnya, kami sulit memprediksi secara akurat besar dampaknya pada setiap " "situs." msgid "What speed improvements can I expect when using Jetpack Boost?" msgstr "" "Peningkatan kecepatan apa saja yang dapat saya harapkan saat menggunakan " "Jetpack Boost?" msgid "" "<strong>Defer Non-Essential JavaScript</strong>: This feature forces all of " "the JavaScript which is not essential to displaying your site to load after " "your site’s main content has been loaded." msgstr "" "<strong>Menangguhkan JavaScript Non-Esensial</strong>: Fitur berikut membuat " "semua JavaScript yang tidak diperlukan untuk menampilkan situs dimuat " "setelah konten utama situs termuat." msgid "" "<strong>Optimize CSS Loading</strong>: This feature figures out the most " "important CSS that your site needs to display your site’s initial content as " "quickly as possible, and embeds it directly into your site header." msgstr "" "<strong>Mengoptimalkan Pemuatan CSS</strong>: Fitur berikut mengidentifikasi " "CSS terpenting yang dibutuhkan situs untuk menampilkan konten awal secepat " "mungkin, dan menyematkannya langsung ke header situs." msgid "" "Jetpack Boost includes a few separate features, which can be turned on " "individually to improve your site’s performance. These include:" msgstr "" "Jetpack Boost menyertakan beberapa fitur terpisah, yang dapat diaktifkan " "satu per satu untuk meningkatkan performa situs. Hal ini meliputi:" msgid "" "Jetpack Boost makes small changes to the way that data is sent from your " "WordPress site to your users’ browsers, to enable the browsers to display " "your site faster." msgstr "" "Jetpack Boost melakukan sedikit perubahan terkait cara pengiriman data dari " "situs WordPress ke browser pengguna, agar browser dapat lebih cepat " "menampilkan situs Anda." msgid "What does the Boost plugin do to help speed up my WordPress site?" msgstr "" "Apa fitur plugin Boost yang dapat membantu mempercepat situs WordPress saya?" msgid "It is safe to try Jetpack Boost out on any WordPress site." msgstr "Jetpack Boost aman untuk digunakan pada semua situs WordPress." msgid "" "As a result, all of Jetpack Boost’s features can safely be turned off in the " "event of an incompatibility with your other plugins." msgstr "" "Maka, semua fitur Jetpack Boost dapat dinonaktifkan dengan aman jika terjadi " "ketidaksesuaian dengan plugin yang lain." msgid "" "Jetpack Boost does not alter your site’s content; it only modifies the way " "the content is sent to the user’s browser, to allow it to display faster." msgstr "" "Jetpack Boost tidak mengubah konten situs Anda, tetapi hanya mengubah cara " "pengiriman konten ke browser pengguna, agar konten tersebut dapat " "ditampilkan lebih cepat." msgid "Yes; it’s safe to try Jetpack Boost on any WordPress site." msgstr "Ya, Jetpack Boost aman untuk digunakan pada semua situs WordPress." msgid "Is Speed Optimization with Jetpack Boost safe?" msgstr "Apakah Pengoptimalan Kecepatan dengan Jetpack Boost aman?" msgid "" "Yes! Jetpack Search is an advanced WordPress search plugin and is compatible " "with popular themes and theme builders, as well as both mobile and desktop " "views." msgstr "" "Ya! Jetpack Search adalah plugin pencarian WordPress tingkat lanjut yang " "kompatibel dengan tema populer dan pembuat tema, serta tampilan perangkat " "seluler dan desktop." msgid "Is Jetpack Search compatible with popular themes and theme builders?" msgstr "Apakah Jetpack Search kompatibel dengan tema populer dan pembuat tema?" msgid "" "You can also customize the filters in Appearance → Widgets, and update the " "Search (Jetpack) widget settings in your sidebar." msgstr "" "Anda juga bisa menyesuaikan penyaring di Tampilan → Widget, dan memperbarui " "pengaturan widget Search (Jetpack) di bilah sisi." msgid "" "You can customize the search overlay by logging into your site and " "navigating to Appearance → Customize or clicking on Customize in the " "masterbar at the top of the screen." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menyesuaikan overlay pencarian dengan login ke situs Anda dan " "membuka Tampilan → Sesuaikan atau mengeklik Sesuaikan di masterbar di bagian " "atas layar." msgid "" "Yes! Jetpack Search is a very customizable WordPress advanced search plugin." msgstr "" "Ya! Jetpack Search adalah plugin pencarian tingkat lanjut WordPress yang " "sangat dapat dilakukan penyesuaian." msgid "Can I customize Jetpack search?" msgstr "Dapatkah saya menyesuaikan Jetpack Search?" msgid "" "While the default search function that comes with WordPress is functional, " "it is lacking in speed and flexibility. It may not match your theme and is " "difficult to customize. With Jetpack Search, you can have a search system " "for your site that is not only faster and more accurate but also more " "engaging as well." msgstr "" "Meskipun fungsi pencarian standar yang disertakan dengan WordPress berfungsi " "dengan baik, kecepatan dan fleksibilitas fungsi tersebut dirasa kurang " "optimal. Fungsi pencarian standar mungkin tidak sesuai dengan tema Anda dan " "sulit disesuaikan. Dengan Jetpack Search, Anda dapat memiliki sistem " "pencarian untuk situs Anda yang tidak hanya lebih cepat dan akurat, tetapi " "juga lebih menarik." msgid "Is Jetpack search feature better than standard WordPress blog search?" msgstr "" "Apakah fitur Jetpack Search lebih baik daripada pencarian standar blog " "WordPress?" msgid "" "Jetpack Search is a powerful search solution backed by Elasticsearch, " "Jetpack Stats, and our globally distributed data centers. We process your " "data with multiple technologies for a modern search experience that improves " "website engagement, so visitors can search, refine their results, and find " "the content and products that interest them. You can <a href=\"%s\">read " "more about the search architecture here</a>." msgstr "" "Jetpack Search adalah solusi pencarian canggih yang didukung oleh " "Elasticsearch, Jetpack Stats, dan pusat data kami yang terdistribusi secara " "global. Kami memproses data Anda dengan berbagai teknologi untuk menunjang " "pengalaman penelusuran modern yang meningkatkan keterlibatan situs web, " "sehingga pengunjung dapat menelusuri, menyaring hasil, dan menemukan konten " "serta produk yang menarik bagi mereka. Anda dapat <a href=\"%s\">membaca " "selengkapnya terkait arsitektur pencarian di sini</a>." msgid "How does the Jetpack search feature work?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara kerja fitur Jetpack Search?" msgid "" "Please note that our WordPress CDN plugin does not serve audio (i.e., mp3, " "wav, flac, etc.) or video (i.e., mp4, wmv, flv, etc.) files. If you’d like " "to host videos on our CDN, check out our video hosting feature." msgstr "" "Plugin CDN WordPress kami tidak menyajikan berkas audio (yaitu mp3, wav, " "flac, dll.) atau video (yaitu mp4, wmv, flv, dll.). Jika Anda ingin memiliki " "hosting video di CDN kami, silakan lihat fitur hosting video kami." msgid "" "Yes. We now serve static CSS and JavaScript files to further speed up " "WordPress site for visitors and decrease your server load, saving valuable " "bandwidth." msgstr "" "Ya. Kami menawarkan berkas CSS dan JavaScript statis untuk lebih mempercepat " "situs WordPress bagi pengunjung dan mengurangi beban server Anda agar dapat " "menghemat bandwidth yang berharga." msgid "Can I use the CDN for other things besides images?" msgstr "Dapatkah saya menggunakan CDN untuk hal lain selain gambar?" msgid "" "If your response to any of the above is “yes”, your blog can benefit from a " "CDN. For more detail on what a CDN is, why you need one, and why we believe " "Jetpack has the best CDN for WordPress, <a href=\"%s\">read this article</a>." msgstr "" "Jika jawaban Anda atas salah satu pertanyaan di atas adalah \"ya\", blog " "Anda dapat memperoleh manfaat dari CDN. Untuk detail selengkapnya tentang " "CDN, alasan Anda membutuhkannya, dan alasan kami meyakini bahwa Jetpack " "memiliki CDN terbaik untuk WordPress, <a href=\"%s\">silakan baca artikel " "berikut</a>." msgid "Are you preparing for an upcoming increase in site traffic?" msgstr "" "Apakah Anda sedang bersiap untuk peningkatan aktivitas situs yang akan " "terjadi?" msgid "Does your site experience lagging or slow load times at high volumes?" msgstr "" "Apakah situs Anda mengalami kelambatan atau waktu muat lambat pada volume " "tinggi?" msgid "Does your site receive international visitors?" msgstr "Apakah situs Anda menerima pengunjung internasional?" msgid "" "If you’re wondering whether or not a CDN can improve your readers’ " "experience, simply ask yourself these three questions:" msgstr "" "Jika Anda ingin tahu jika CDN dapat meningkatkan pengalaman pembaca, " "tanyakan tiga pertanyaan berikut kepada diri Anda:" msgid "" "A CDN, or content delivery network, improves the performance of your " "WordPress blog by optimizing server resources to let you handle high-volume " "traffic more quickly." msgstr "" "CDN, atau jaringan pendistribusian konten, meningkatkan performa blog " "WordPress dengan mengoptimalkan sumber daya server agar Anda dapat menangani " "aktivitas situs bervolume tinggi dengan lebih cepat." msgid "Does a WordPress website need a CDN?" msgstr "Apakah situs WordPress memerlukan CDN?" msgid "" "Note that the WordPress CDN is also called Site Accelerator in the plugin." msgstr "Ingat bahwa CDN WordPress juga disebut Akselerator Situs pada plugin." msgid "" "Jetpack’s free WordPress CDN helps your pages load faster by allowing " "Jetpack to optimize your images and serve them alongside static files (like " "CSS and JavaScript) from our global network of servers. You can get more " "details about specifics <a href=\"%s\">in our support article</a>." msgstr "" "CDN WordPress gratis milik Jetpack mempercepat pemuatan laman dengan " "mengizinkan Jetpack mengoptimalkan gambar, serta menyajikan gambar bersama " "berkas statis (seperti CSS dan JavaScript) dari jaringan global server kami. " "Anda dapat membaca selengkapnya tentang spesifikasi <a href=\"%s\">di " "artikel bantuan kami</a>." msgid "How does the WordPress CDN plugin work?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara kerja plugin CDN WordPress?" msgid "" "Jetpack includes more than 50 features focused around Security, Performance, " "Growth, and Design. You can find the main features <a href=\"%1$s\">on our " "comparison page</a>, and an exhaustive list of features on <a href=\"%2$s" "\">this support page</a>." msgstr "" "Jetpack mencakup lebih dari 50 fitur yang berfokus pada Keamanan, Performa, " "Pertumbuhan, dan Desain. Anda dapat menemukan fitur utama <a href=\"%1$s" "\">pada laman perbandingan kami</a>, dan daftar lengkap fitur di <a href=" "\"%2$s\">laman bantuan</a>." msgid "What additional features does the Jetpack plugin have?" msgstr "Fitur tambahan apa yang dimiliki plugin Jetpack?" msgid "Which of these Jetpack features are free?" msgstr "Manakah dari fitur Jetpack berikut yang gratis?" msgid "" "Jetpack Boost is available for free with the Jetpack Boost plugin. You can " "<a href=\"%s\">download it here</a>." msgstr "" "Jetpack Boost tersedia secara gratis dengan plugin Jetpack Boost. Anda dapat " "<a href=\"%s\">mengunduhnya di sini</a>." msgid "" "CDN is available through every paid and free plan. Select a plan <a href=\"%s" "\">from our pricing page</a> to get started." msgstr "" "CDN tersedia di semua paket berbayar serta paket gratis. Untuk memulai, " "pilih salah satu paket di <a href=\"%s\">halaman harga kami</a>." msgid "" "Purchase Jetpack Search <a href=\"%s\">through our pricing page</a> to get " "started." msgstr "" "Dapatkan Jetpack Search <a href=\"%s\">melalui laman harga kami</a> untuk " "memulai." msgid "How do I get these features?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara mendapatkan berbagai fitur berikut?" msgid "Best-in-class WordPress site speed and search" msgstr "Kecepatan dan pencarian situs WordPress terbaik di kelasnya" msgid "" "I recommend Jetpack to all WooCommerce stores because the image compression, " "CDN, and Jetpack Search are fantastic." msgstr "" "Jetpack adalah rekomendasi saya untuk semua toko WooCommerce karena fitur " "kompresi gambar, CDN, dan Jetpack Search-nya yang luar biasa." msgid "" "I’m always creating: books, podcasts, blog posts, newsletters, you name it. " "Jetpack Search makes it easy for anyone who visits my site to find what they " "need on the first try. It’s fast, it looks great on my site, and, quite " "simply, it works." msgstr "" "Saya selalu membuat: buku, podcast, pos blog, buletin, apa saja. Jetpack " "Search memudahkan siapa pun yang mengunjungi situs saya menemukan yang " "mereka butuhkan dalam sekali pencarian. Cepat, terlihat bagus di situs saya, " "dan tentunya, bekerja dengan baik." msgid "" "Jetpack’s performance features are no-brainers for the sites I build. With " "one-click CDN, there’s no need to sacrifice performance for style. I know " "that it just automagically works once I toggle that button." msgstr "" "Fitur peningkat performa dari Jetpack jadi elemen wajib di situs yang saya " "buat. Dengan CDN sekali klik, Anda tidak perlu mengabaikan aspek performa " "untuk menghasilkan desain menawan. Bimsalabim, sekali pencet performa " "otomatis meningkat." msgid "" "Jetpack is the most proven WordPress CDN plugin with 24 trillion images " "served" msgstr "" "Jetpack merupakan plugin CDN WordPress paling tepercaya yang menyajikan 24 " "triliun gambar" msgid "Network of servers gives worldwide coverage" msgstr "Jaringan server yang mencakup seluruh dunia" msgid "Unlimited number of files" msgstr "Jumlah arsip tanpa batas" msgid "One-click setup" msgstr "Pengaturan mudah" msgid "" "Jetpack’s free WordPress CDN is the best content delivery network built " "specifically for WordPress. Try it now to accelerate your site’s images and " "other files." msgstr "" "CDN WordPress gratis dari Jetpack adalah jaringan pendistribusian konten " "terbaik yang dirancang khusus untuk WordPress. Coba sekarang untuk " "mempercepat ditampilkannya gambar dan berkas lain di situs Anda." msgid "Deliver content faster" msgstr "Menyalurkan konten lebih cepat" msgid "" "Jetpack Search has performed 61.6 billion site searches in the last ten years" msgstr "" "Jetpack Search telah melakukan 61.6 miliar pencarian situs dalam sepuluh " "tahun terakhir" msgid "Powerful filtering and faceting options" msgstr "Pilihan penyaringan dan faceting yang andal" msgid "Instant search results" msgstr "Hasil pencarian instan" msgid "" "Have lots of posts, pages, or products? Jetpack Search helps your visitors " "instantly find the right content so they stay on your site longer and " "purchase more." msgstr "" "Apakah Anda memiliki banyak pos, halaman, atau produk? Jetpack Search " "membantu pengunjung menemukan konten yang tepat dengan cepat, sehingga " "mereka akan menjelajahi situs Anda lebih lama dan membeli produk lebih " "banyak." msgid "Get Jetpack Boost" msgstr "Dapatkan Jetpack Boost" msgid "Standalone free plugin for those focused on speed" msgstr "Plugin mandiri gratis bagi mereka yang berfokus pada kecepatan" msgid "Enable improvements in one click" msgstr "Mengaktifkan perbaikan dengan mudah" msgid "Instant speed and SEO for free" msgstr "Kecepatan instan dan SEO, tanpa biaya" msgid "Comment and form spam protection" msgstr "Perlindungan spam untuk komentar dan formulir" msgid "Please let us know why you are cancelling." msgstr "Mohon beritahu kami alasan Anda membatalkan." msgid "Before you go, help us improve Jetpack" msgstr "Sebelum Anda beranjak, bantu kami meningkatkan Jetpack" msgid "" "Already own a domain? You can {{action}}use it as your site’s address{{/" "action}}" msgstr "" "Apakah Anda sudah memiliki domain? Anda dapat {{action}}menggunakannya " "sebagai alamat situs Anda{{/action}}" msgid "" "Jones is a minimalist theme, designed for single-page websites. Its single " "post and page layouts have no header, navigation menus, or widgets, so the " "page you design in the WordPress editor is the same page you’ll see on the " "front end." msgstr "" "Jones adalah tema minimalis, dirancang untuk situs web satu halaman. Pos " "tunggal dan tata letak lamannya tidak memiliki header, menu navigasi, atau " "widget, sehingga laman yang Anda desain di editor WordPress adalah laman " "yang sama yang akan Anda lihat di bagian depan." msgid "Total paid" msgstr "Jumlah yang telah dibayarkan" msgctxt "unit of time" msgid "day" msgid_plural "days" msgstr[0] "hari" msgstr[1] "hari" msgctxt "unit of time" msgid "week" msgid_plural "weeks" msgstr[0] "minggu" msgstr[1] "minggu" msgctxt "unit of time" msgid "month" msgid_plural "months" msgstr[0] "bulan" msgstr[1] "bulan" msgid "Go to setup" msgstr "Pergi ke pengaturan" msgid "Additionally, you will lose access to:" msgstr "Selain itu, Anda akan kehilangan akses ke:" msgid "" "You still have {{strong}}%(timeRemaining)d %(unitOfTime)s{{/strong}} left on " "your {{strong}}%(productName)s{{/strong}} subscription. {{br/}}" msgstr "" "Anda masih memiliki {{strong}}%(timeRemaining)d %(unitOfTime)s{{/strong}} " "bersisa pada langganan {{strong}}%(productName)s{{/strong}} Anda. {{br/}}" msgid "" "Your {{strong}} %(productName)s {{/strong}} subscription is still active. " "{{br/}}" msgstr "" "Langganan {{strong}} %(productName)s {{/strong}} Anda masih aktif. {{br/}}" msgid "" "Brute force {{strong}}attack protection{{/strong}} and {{strong}}downtime " "monitoring{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Perlindungan serangan{{/strong}} dan {{strong}}pemantauan " "downtime{{/strong}} secara menyeluruh." msgid "Up to 1TB of {{strong}}high-speed video hosting{{/strong}}." msgstr "{{strong}}Hosting video berkecepatan tinggi{{/strong}} hingga 1TB." msgid "Up to 13GB of {{strong}}high-speed video hosting{{/strong}}." msgstr "{{strong}}Hosting video berkecepatan tinggi{{/strong}} hingga 13 GB." msgid "The {{strong}}Google Analytics{{/strong}} integration." msgstr "Integrasi {{strong}}Google Analytics{{/strong}}." msgid "The {{strong}}Ad program{{/strong}} for WordPress." msgstr "{{strong}}Program pengiklanan{{/strong}} untuk WordPress." msgid "The ability to {{strong}}collect payments{{/strong}}." msgstr "Kemampuan untuk {{strong}}menerima pembayaran{{/strong}}." msgid "" "{{strong}}Priority support{{/strong}} from Jetpack's WordPress and security " "experts." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Bantuan prioritas{{/strong}} dari tim ahli WordPress dan keamanan " "Jetpack." msgid "Liked by you and %s" msgstr "Disukai oleh Anda dan %s" msgid "Liked by %s" msgstr "Disukai oleh %s" msgid "%d other people" msgstr "%d orang lain" msgid "%d other person" msgstr "%d orang lain" msgid "%d people" msgstr "%d orang" msgid "%d person" msgstr "%d orang" msgid "Invite People to %(sitename)s" msgstr "Kirim Undangan untuk Bergabung ke %(sitename)s" msgid "Invite people to this workspace" msgstr "Kirim undangan untuk bergabung ke ruang kerja berikut" msgid "This domain cannot be connected." msgstr "Domain berikut tidak dapat dihubungkan." msgid "SSL certificate included for free" msgstr "Sertifikat SSL disertakan secara gratis" msgid "Keep your current provider" msgstr "Tetap gunakan penyedia layanan Anda saat ini" msgid "" "Keep your domain with your current provider and point it to" msgstr "" "Simpan domain Anda dengan penyedia layanan Anda saat ini dan arahkan ke " "" msgid "This domain cannot be transfered." msgstr "Domain berikut tidak dapat ditransfer." msgid "Private domain registration and SSL certificate included for free" msgstr "Pendaftaran domain pribadi dan sertifikat SSL disertakan secara gratis" msgid "We'll renew your domain for another year" msgstr "Kami akan memperbarui domain Anda kembali untuk satu tahun" msgid "Manage everything you need in one place" msgstr "Kelola semua yang Anda butuhkan di satu tempat" msgid "Manage your domain directly on" msgstr "Kelola domain Anda langsung di" msgid "%s <small>for the first year</small>" msgstr "%s <small>untuk tahun pertama</small>" msgid "Free transfer with your plan" msgstr "Transfer gratis dengan paket Anda" msgid "" "This domain is already connected to your site, but you can still transfer it." msgstr "" "Domain berikut telah terhubung ke situs Anda, tetapi Anda tetap dapat " "mentransfernya." msgid "" "We don't support transfers for domains ending with <strong>.%s</strong>, but " "you can connect it instead." msgstr "" "Kami tidak mendukung transfer untuk domain berakhiran <strong>.%s</strong>, " "tetapi Anda dapat menghubungkannya." msgid "No additional charge with your plan" msgstr "Tidak ada biaya tambahan dengan paket Anda" msgid "Not sure what's best for you? <a>We're happy to help!</a>" msgstr "" "Anda ingin menemukan pilihan yang paling tepat? <a>Kami siap membantu!</a>" msgid "Take me to plans!" msgstr "Saya ingin lihat paketnya!" msgid "" "Paxton is a minimalist theme, designed for single-page websites. Its single " "post and page layouts have no header, navigation menus, or widgets, so the " "page you design in the WordPress editor is the same page you’ll see on the " "front end." msgstr "" "Paxton adalah tema minimalis, dirancang untuk situs web satu halaman. Pos " "tunggal dan tata letak lamannya tidak memiliki header, menu navigasi, atau " "widget, sehingga laman yang Anda desain di editor WordPress adalah laman " "yang sama yang akan Anda lihat di bagian depan." msgid "Cannot modify appointment less than one hour before session begins" msgstr "Tidak dapat mengubah janji temu kurang dari sejam sebelum sesi dimulai" msgid "Next quiz" msgstr "Kuis berikutnya" msgid "Previous quiz" msgstr "Kuis sebelumnya" msgid "You can close this window now." msgstr "Anda dapat menutup jendela ini sekarang." msgid "Thank you. Your report will be processed shortly." msgstr "Terima kasih. Laporan Anda akan segera diproses." msgid "Submit report" msgstr "Kirim laporan" msgid "" "Please note that if we do not consider the information at issue to be " "private, or if you do not provide us with enough details to properly " "investigate your report, you may not receive a reply:" msgstr "" "Harap perhatikan bahwa jika kami tidak menganggap informasi yang dimaksud " "bersifat pribadi, atau jika Anda tidak memberikan detail memadai untuk " "penyelidikan laporan, Anda akan menerima balasan:" msgid "Names" msgstr "Nama" msgid "" "Publicly available physical addresses, email addresses, or phone numbers" msgstr "" "Alamat fisik, alamat email, atau nomor telepon yang tersedia untuk umum" msgid "Photos of people" msgstr "Foto orang" msgid "" "Examples of information which we do <strong>not</strong> consider private " "are:" msgstr "" "Contoh informasi yang <strong>tidak</strong> kami anggap bersifat pribadi " "adalah:" msgid "" "If any of your private information is present on the blog that is the " "subject of your complaint, please provide us with the exact URL(s) of the " "post, page, image, or comment where it appears and provide us with the " "specific piece(s) of information in question so we can properly investigate. " "Quoted text is helpful." msgstr "" "Jika informasi pribadi yang menjadi subjek keluhan Anda ditampilkan di blog, " "harap berikan URL pos, halaman, gambar, atau komentar tempat informasi " "pribadi tersebut ditampilkan beserta bagian informasi yang bersangkutan " "sehingga kami dapat menyelidikinya dengan tepat. Kutipan teks sangat " "membantu." msgid "" "Similarly, Contact Forms should not be used to collect sensitive information " "such as account passwords and credit card numbers, to name a couple." msgstr "" "Selain itu, Formulir Kontak tidak boleh digunakan untuk mengumpulkan " "informasi sensitif seperti, misalnya, kata sandi akun dan nomor kartu kredit." msgid "" "We consider the publication of certain information to be a privacy violation " "such as publishing someone else's private information without their consent." msgstr "" "Kami menganggap publikasi informasi tertentu merupakan pelanggaran privasi " "seperti memposkan informasi pribadi orang lain tanpa persetujuan." msgid "Report the publication of your private information" msgstr "Laporkan publikasi informasi pribadi Anda" msgid "" "To let us know that a blog is reproducing your material in an unauthorized " "manner you will need to file a formal DMCA notice by following the " "instructions found here: %s." msgstr "" "Untuk dapat memberi tahu kami bahwa ada blog yang memposkan ulang materi " "Anda tanpa izin, Anda perlu mengajukan pemberitahuan DMCA dengan mengikuti " "petunjuk yang ada di sini: %s." msgid "Report copyright infringement" msgstr "Laporkan pelanggaran hak cipta" msgid "Why is this content being reported as promoting self harm:" msgstr "" "Alasan konten ini dilaporkan sebagai konten yang mempromosikan kegiatan " "menyakiti diri:" msgid "" "You may also use this tool to report sites where you've encountered content " "that suggests the author might harm themselves. We will respond to these " "reports as quickly as possible, as we recognize that they are time-sensitive." msgstr "" "Anda juga dapat menggunakan alat ini untuk melaporkan situs saat Anda " "menemukan konten yang memberikan kesan bahwa penulisnya mungkin menyakiti " "diri sendiri. Kami akan sesegera mungkin menanggapi laporan-laporan ini " "karena kami sadar laporan ini perlu respons cepat." msgid "" "If you're concerned a site owner might be in crisis, please refer to <a " "href='%s'>this page</a> for more information on how you can help." msgstr "" "Jika Anda khawatir pemilik situs sedang dalam situasi darurat, harap baca <a " "href='%s'>halaman ini</a> untuk mengetahui informasi tentang apa yang bisa " "Anda lakukan untuk membantu." msgid "Report content that promotes self harm/suicide" msgstr "Laporkan konten yang mempromosikan kegiatan menyakiti diri/bunuh diri" msgid "" "Please describe the exact threat/threats you are reporting and why you " "believe they are a genuine call to violence:" msgstr "" "Mohon jelaskan detail ancaman yang Anda laporkan beserta alasan yang membuat " "Anda yakin bahwa hal ini memicu kekerasan:" msgid "" "We consider a violent threat to be one that includes a genuine call for " "violence against, or the death of, an individual or group. This doesn’t mean " "that we’ll remove all hyperbole or offensive language." msgstr "" "Kami menganggap ancaman kekerasan sebagai tindakan yang dapat memicu " "kekerasan terhadap, atau kematian, individu atau kelompok. Ini bukan berarti " "bahwa kami akan menghapus semua bahasa yang berlebihan atau menyinggung." msgid "" "Use this option to report blogs that call for violence against individuals " "or groups, including those that violate our policy against <a href=\"%s" "\">Terrorist Activity</a>." msgstr "" "Gunakan pilihan ini untuk melaporkan blog yang memicu kekerasan terhadap " "individu atau kelompok, termasuk yang melanggar kebijakan kami tentang <a " "href=\"%s\">Aktivitas Terorisme</a>." msgid "Report this content as violent" msgstr "Laporkan konten ini karena mengandung kekerasan" msgid "" "Please describe why the content being reported is violating <a " "href=\"%1$s\">Terms of Service</a> or <a href=\"%2$s\">User Guidelines</a>. " "Keep in mind that while we do review each report, you may not receive a " "response:" msgstr "" "Mohon sertakan alasan konten yang dilaporkan melanggar <a href=\"%1$s" "\">Ketentuan Layanan</a> atau <a href=\"%2$s\">Pedoman Pengguna</a> " " Ingat bahwa sebelum kami meninjau laporan tersebut, Anda " "tidak akan menerima balasan:" msgid "" "The right to <strong>free speech and opinion</strong> is always respected, " "and we will not remove content simply because some may find it offensive or " "disturbing. If a blog is publishing offensive content with which you do not " "agree, we recommend starting a blog and speak your own mind on the subject. " "You will be granted the same rights." msgstr "" "Kami selalu menghormati hak atas <strong>kebebasan berbicara dan " "berpendapat</strong>, dan tidak akan serta merta menghapus konten hanya " "karena menganggapnya menyinggung atau mengganggu. Jika sebuah blog memposkan " "konten yang menyinggung Anda, kami menyarankan Anda untuk membuat blog dan " "mulai menyampaikan pendapat Anda mengenai subjek tersebut. Anda memiliki hak " "yang sama." msgid "" "Please be aware that has a vast audience spread across many " "cultures, countries and backgrounds with varying values. We do take all " "views and reports seriously, but please understand that reporting a blog " "will not necessarily result in it being removed." msgstr "" "Perlu diketahui bahwa memiliki audiens yang tersebar luas di " "berbagai budaya, negara, dan latar belakang yang memiliki beragam nilai. " "Kami menangani dengan serius semua pandangan dan laporan, tetapi mohon " "dipahami bahwa pelaporan sebuah blog tidak serta merta mengakibatkan blog " "tersebut dihapus." msgid "" "Use this option to report blogs that clearly violate our <a href=\"%1$s" "\">Terms of Service</a> or <a href=\"%2$s\">User Guidelines</a>, and should " "be suspended." msgstr "" "Gunakan pilihan ini untuk melaporkan blog yang jelas melanggar <a href=\"%1$s" "\">Ketentuan Layanan</a> atau <a href=\"%2$s\">Pedoman Pengguna</a> kami, " "dan harus ditangguhkan." msgid "Report this content as abusive" msgstr "Laporkan konten ini karena memuat penyalahgunaan" msgid "Why is this content being reported as mature:" msgstr "Alasan konten ini dilaporkan sebagai konten khusus dewasa:" msgid "" "Use this option to report blogs that are only appropriate for mature " "audiences. We'll remove such sites from Reader search results." msgstr "" "Gunakan pilihan ini untuk melaporkan blog yang hanya diperuntukkan bagi " "audiens dewasa. Kami akan menghapus situs seperti ini dari hasil pencarian " "Pembaca" msgid "Report this content as mature" msgstr "Laporkan konten ini karena memuat konten khusus dewasa" msgid "Reason for reporting this:" msgstr "Alasan untuk pelaporan ini:" msgid "" "Use this option to report blogs that appear machine-generated or that " "contain commercial content designed to drive traffic to third-party sites. " "This includes sites designed exclusively to improve the search-engine " "rankings of other websites." msgstr "" "Gunakan opsi ini untuk melaporkan blog yang tampak seperti dibuat oleh mesin " "atau yang memuat konten komersial yang dirancang untuk mengarahkan lalu " "lintas ke situs pihak ketiga. Ini mencakup situs yang dirancang secara " "khusus untuk meningkatkan peringkat situs web lain dalam mesin pencarian." msgid "Report this as spam" msgstr "Laporkan sebagai spam" msgid "This content contains my <strong>private information</strong>" msgstr "Konten ini memuat <strong>informasi pribadi</strong> saya" msgid "This content infringes upon my <strong>copyright</strong>" msgstr "Konten ini melanggar <strong>hak cipta</strong> saya" msgid "" "This content suggests the author might be at risk of <strong>hurting " "themselves.</strong>" msgstr "" "Konten ini memberikan kesan bahwa penulisnya berisiko <strong>menyakiti diri " "sendiri.</strong>" msgid "This content is <strong>violent</strong>" msgstr "Konten ini mengandung unsur <strong>kekerasan</strong>" msgid "This content is <strong>abusive</strong>" msgstr "Konten ini mengandung unsur <strong>penyalahgunaan</strong>" msgid "This content should be marked as <strong>mature</strong>" msgstr "Konten ini harus ditandai <strong>konten khusus dewasa</strong>" msgid "This content is <strong>spam</strong>" msgstr "Konten ini adalah <strong>spam</strong>" msgid "Why are you reporting this?" msgstr "Mengapa Anda melaporkan konten ini?" msgid "" "NOTE: You are reporting your own blog. Are you sure you want to do this?" msgstr "" "CATATAN: Anda melaporkan blog milik Anda. Yakinkah Anda ingin melakukan ini?" msgid "You are reporting the following web address:" msgstr "Anda melaporkan alamat web berikut:" msgid "Please enter the full address of the website/content you are reporting" msgstr "Harap masukkan alamat lengkap situs web/konten yang Anda laporkan" msgid "Report content to staff" msgstr "Laporkan konten ke staf" msgid "Integrations" msgstr "Integrasi" msgid "Manage settings related to your site's content." msgstr "Kelola pengaturan yang terkait dengan konten situs Anda." msgid "Build your audience with tags" msgstr "Bangun pengikut Anda dengan tag" msgctxt "Sharing: Buttons" msgid "Check out our guide for more details." msgstr "Lihat panduan kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut." msgctxt "Sharing: Buttons" msgid "" "It looks like your site is Private. Make it Public to take advantage of more " "sharing options." msgstr "" "Sepertinya situs Anda diatur Privat. Atur ke Publik untuk memanfaatkan lebih " "banyak pilihan berbagi." msgid "%(postTitle)s - featured image" msgstr "%(postTitle)s - gambar andalan" msgid "%(salePrice)s {{small}}for the first year{{/small}}" msgstr "%(salePrice)s {{small}}untuk tahun pertama{{/small}}" msgid "Use A Domain I Own" msgstr "Gunakan Domain yang Saya Miliki" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is already registered on your site %(site)s. " "Do you want to {{a}}move it to this site{{/a}}?" msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} telah terdaftar di situs Anda %(site)s. " "Apakah Anda ingin {{a}}memindahkannya ke situs berikut{{/a}}?" msgid "Enter your email here" msgstr "Masukkan alamat email Anda di sini" msgid "Are you sure you mean <strong>%s</strong>? This is not a valid domain." msgstr "" "Apakah Anda yakin yang Anda maksud <strong>%s</strong>? Domain berikut bukan " "domain yang valid." msgid "Please enter your domain before continuing." msgstr "Silakan masukkan domain Anda sebelum melanjutkan." msgid "Sign up and join" msgstr "Daftar dan bergabunglah" msgid "Log in instead" msgstr "Pilih login" msgid "" "P2 is a platform for teams to share, discuss, and collaborate openly, " "without interruption. {{linkWrap}}Learn more.{{/linkWrap}}" msgstr "" "P2 adalah platform bagi sebuah tim untuk berbagi, berdiskusi, dan " "berkolaborasi secara terbuka, tanpa gangguan. {{linkWrap}}Pelajari lebih " "lanjut.{{/linkWrap}}" msgid "Join %(siteName)s on P2" msgstr "Bergabunglah dengan %(siteName)s di P2" msgid "Connect a Domain Setup" msgstr "Hubungkan Pengaturan Domain" msgid "Transfer instead" msgstr "Pilih transfer" msgid "" "We recommend transferring your domain to manage your domain and site " "directly on" msgstr "" "Kami merekomendasikan untuk melakukan transfer domain Anda agar Anda dapat " "mengelola domain dan situs Anda langsung di" msgid "Update root A records & CNAME record" msgstr "Perbarui root A & CNAME record" msgid "Update name servers" msgstr "Perbarui name server" msgid "Log in to provider" msgstr "Login ke penyedia layanan" msgid "Connect %s" msgstr "Hubungkan ke %s" msgid "Advanced setup" msgstr "Pengaturan tingkat lanjut" msgid "Suggested setup" msgstr "Pengaturan yang direkomendasikan" msgid "" "Your domain appears to be set up with Cloudflare, but does not resolve to " "" msgstr "" "Domain Anda tampaknya diatur dengan Cloudflare, tetapi tidak terhubung ke " "" msgid "" "The A records for your domain are set to: <em>%s</em>. Please try this step " "again." msgstr "" "A record untuk domain Anda diatur menjadi: <em>%s</em>. Silakan coba kembali " "langkah berikut." msgid "We couldn't find any A records for your domain. Please try again." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat menemukan A record untuk domain Anda. Silakan coba kembali." msgid "" "The name servers for your domain are set to: <em>%s</em>. Please try this " "step again." msgstr "" "Name server untuk domain Anda diatur ke: <em>%s</em>. Silakan coba kembali " "langkah berikut." msgid "" "We couldn't retrieve the name servers for your domain. Please try again." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat mengambil name server untuk domain Anda. Silakan coba " "kembali." msgid "We couldn't verify the connection for your domain, please try again." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat melakukan verifikasi koneksi untuk domain Anda, silakan " "coba kembali." msgid "Switch to our <aadv>advanced setup</aadv>." msgstr "Ganti ke <aadv>penyiapan lanjutan</aadv>." msgid "Switch to our <asug>suggested setup</asug>." msgstr "Ganti ke <asug>penyiapan yang direkomendasikan</asug>." msgid "" "Not finding your way? You can read our detailed <a>support documentation</a>." msgstr "" "Tidak menemukan yang Anda cari? Anda dapat membaca <a>dokumentasi bantuan</" "a> lebih lanjut." msgid "It takes 5-15 minutes to set up." msgstr "Dibutuhkan 5-15 menit untuk menyiapkan." msgid "" "This is the easiest way to connect your domain, using name servers. If " "needed you can also use our <a>advanced setup</a>, using root A & CNAME " "records." msgstr "" "Berikut adalah cara termudah untuk menghubungkan domain Anda, menggunakan " "name server. Jika perlu, Anda juga dapat menggunakan <a>penyiapan lanjutan</" "a> kami, menggunakan root A & CNAME record." msgid "" "Replace all the name servers of your domain to use the following values:" msgstr "Ganti semua name server domain Anda untuk menggunakan nilai berikut:" msgid "Find the name servers on your domain’s settings page." msgstr "Temukan name server di laman setelan domain Anda." msgid "I found the domain's settings page" msgstr "Saya menemukan laman pengaturan domain" msgid "" "On your domain provider’s site go to the domains page. Find %s and go to its " "settings page." msgstr "" "Di situs penyedia domain Anda, buka laman domain. Cari %s dan buka laman " "pengaturan." msgid "" "Log into your domain provider account (like GoDaddy, NameCheap, 1&1, etc.). " "If you can’t remember who this is: go to <a>this link</a>, enter your domain " "and look at <em>Reseller Information</em> or <em>Registrar</em> to see the " "name of your provider." msgstr "" "Login ke akun penyedia domain Anda (seperti GoDaddy, NameCheap, 1&1, dll.) " "Jika Anda tidak ingat: buka <a>tautan berikut</a>, masukkan domain Anda dan " "lihat <em>Informasi Reseller </em> atau <em>Pendaftar</em> untuk melihat " "nama penyedia Anda." msgid "Back to Site Domains" msgstr "Kembali ke Domain Situs" msgid "You will see the status in <a>site domains</a>." msgstr "Anda akan melihat statusnya di <a>domain situs</a>." msgid "" "That's it! This will take between a few minutes to 72 hours. You can " "continue to work on your site, but %s won't be reachable just yet." msgstr "" "Diperlukan waktu antara beberapa menit hingga 72 jam. Anda dapat terus " "bekerja di situs Anda, tetapi %s belum dapat dijangkau." msgid "We are verifying your connection now" msgstr "Kami sedang melakukan verifikasi koneksi Anda" msgid "That's it. %s has been successfully connected." msgstr "%s telah berhasil terhubung." msgid "Your domain is connected" msgstr "Domain Anda telah terhubung" msgid "It can take up to 72 hours for the domain to be fully connected." msgstr "Diperlukan waktu hingga 72 jam untuk domain terhubung sepenuhnya." msgid "It takes 5 minutes to set up." msgstr "Penyiapan membutuhkan waktu 5 menit." msgid "How long will it take?" msgstr " Berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan?" msgid "" "This is the advanced way to connect your domain, using root A records & " "CNAME records. We advise using our <a>suggested setup</a> instead, with " " name servers." msgstr "" "Berikut adalah cara lanjutan untuk menghubungkan domain Anda, menggunakan " "root A & CNAME record. Sebaiknya gunakan <a>penyiapan yang disarankan</a>, " "dengan name server" msgid "Verify Connection" msgstr "Verifikasi Koneksi" msgid "" "Once you've updated the name servers click on \"Verify Connection\" below." msgstr "" "Setelah Anda memperbarui name server, klik \"Verifikasi Koneksi\" di bawah." msgid "" "Replace the \"www\" CNAME record of your domain to use the following values:" msgstr "" "Ganti CNAME record \"www\" domain Anda untuk menggunakan nilai berikut:" msgid "Next find the CNAME records on your domain’s settings page." msgstr "Selanjutnya temukan CNAME record di laman setelan domain Anda." msgid "" "Replace IP addresses (A records) of your domain to use the following values:" msgstr "" "Ganti alamat IP (catatan A) domain Anda untuk menggunakan nilai berikut:" msgid "Find the root A records on your domain’s settings page." msgstr "Temukan root A record di laman setelan domain Anda." msgid "Connection error" msgstr "Eror koneksi" msgid "Quick Start Session" msgstr "Sesi Mulai Cepat" msgid "Connect to your Slack account" msgstr "Hubungkan ke akun Slack Anda" msgid "Upgrade storage" msgstr "Lakukan upgrade untuk ruang penyimpanan" msgid "" "Your activity log spans more than %(retentionDays)d day. Upgrade your backup " "storage to access activity older than %(retentionDays)d day." msgid_plural "" "Your activity log spans more than %(retentionDays)d days. Upgrade your " "backup storage to access activity older than %(retentionDays)d days." msgstr[0] "" "Log aktivitas Anda mencakup lebih dari %(retentionDays)d hari. Lakukan " "upgrade ruang penyimpanan untuk pencadangan Anda agar Anda dapat mengakses " "aktivitas yang lebih lama dari %(retentionDays)d hari." msgstr[1] "" "Log aktivitas Anda mencakup lebih dari %(retentionDays)d hari. Lakukan " "upgrade ruang penyimpanan untuk pencadangan Anda agar Anda dapat mengakses " "aktivitas yang lebih lama dari %(retentionDays)d hari." msgid "Restore backups older than %(retentionDays)d day" msgid_plural "Restore backups older than %(retentionDays)d days" msgstr[0] "Pulihkan cadangan yang lebih lama dari %(retentionDays)d hari" msgstr[1] "Pulihkan cadangan yang lebih lama dari %(retentionDays)d hari" msgid "" "You have %(numberOfMailboxes)d unused mailbox. Do you want to set it up now " "instead of purchasing new ones?" msgid_plural "" "You have %(numberOfMailboxes)d unused mailboxes. Do you want to set one of " "them up now instead of purchasing new ones?" msgstr[0] "" "Anda memiliki %(numberOfMailboxes)d kotak surat yang tidak digunakan. Apakah " "Anda ingin menyiapkannya sekarang, sehingga Anda tidak perlu membeli yang " "baru?" msgstr[1] "" "Anda memiliki %(numberOfMailboxes)d kotak surat yang tidak digunakan. Apakah " "Anda ingin menyiapkannya sekarang, sehingga Anda tidak perlu membeli yang " "baru?" msgid "Set up mailbox" msgstr "Siapkan kotak surat" msgid "You have no domains added to this site." msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki domain yang ditambahkan ke situs ini." msgid "Search for an ending" msgstr "Cari akhiran" msgid "Explore more endings" msgstr "Jelajahi lebih banyak akhiran" msgid "Recommended endings" msgstr "Akhiran yang disarankan" msgid "Glossary Definition updated" msgstr "Definisi Glosarium diperbarui" msgid "Add new Glossary Definition" msgstr "Tambahkan Definisi Glosarium baru" msgid "Edit Glossary Definition" msgstr "Edit Definisi Glosarium" msgid "Glossary Definition" msgstr "Definisi Glosarium" msgid "Glossary Definitions" msgstr "Definisi Glosarium" msgid "The domain %s is not connected to your site" msgstr "Domain %s tidak terhubung ke situs Anda" msgid "TumblrPay lost a dispute for %1$s (%2$s)" msgstr "TumblrPay kalah dalam sengketa senilai %1$s (%2$s)" msgid "TumblrPay won a dispute for %1$s (%2$s)" msgstr "TumblrPay memenangkan sengketa senilai %1$s (%2$s)" msgid "TumblrPay has a disputed payment for %1$s (%2$s)" msgstr "TumblrPay memiliki pembayaran yang disengketakan senilai %1$s (%2$s)" msgctxt "blog page count" msgid "%s page" msgid_plural "%s pages" msgstr[0] "%s halaman" msgstr[1] "%s halaman" msgctxt "blog post count" msgid "%s post" msgid_plural "%s posts" msgstr[0] "%s pos" msgstr[1] "%s pos" msgctxt "blog user count" msgid "%s member" msgid_plural "%s members" msgstr[0] "%s anggota" msgstr[1] "%s anggota" msgid "" "Create and manage all the testimonials on your site. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn " "more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Buat dan kelola semua testimonial di situs Anda. {{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari " "lebih lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "" "Select or update the visual design for your site. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn " "more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Pilih atau perbarui desain visual untuk situs Anda. {{learnMoreLink}}" "Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "" "Control how people interact with your site through comments. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Kelola cara pembaca berinteraksi dengan situs Anda melalui komentar. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "" "Create, edit, and manage the posts on your site. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn " "more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid_plural "" "Create, edit, and manage the posts on your sites. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn " "more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr[0] "" "Buat, edit, dan kelola pos di situs Anda. {{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih " "lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr[1] "" "Buat, edit, dan kelola pos di situs Anda. {{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih " "lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "" "Add new functionality and integrations to your site with plugins. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Tambahkan fungsionalitas dan integrasi baru ke situs Anda dengan plugin. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "" "Invite contributors to your site and manage their access settings. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Undang kontributor ke situs Anda dan kelola pengaturan akses untuk mereka. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "" "Create, edit, and manage the pages on your site. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn " "more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid_plural "" "Create, edit, and manage the pages on your sites. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn " "more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr[0] "" "Buat, edit, dan kelola laman di situs Anda. {{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih " "lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr[1] "" "Buat, edit, dan kelola laman di situs Anda. {{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih " "lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "" "Manage all the media on your site, including images, video, and more. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Kelola semua media di situs Anda, termasuk gambar, video, dan lainnya. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "" "Import content from another website or platform. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn " "more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Impor konten dari situs web atau platform lain. {{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari " "lebih lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "" "Back up or move your content to another site or platform. {{learnMoreLink}}" "Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Lakukan pencadangan atau pindahkan konten Anda ke situs atau platform lain. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "" "Your home base for accessing, setting up, and managing your emails. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Tempat utama untuk Anda mengakses, menyiapkan, dan mengelola email Anda. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "" "Explore tools to earn money with your site. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/" "learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Jelajahi perangkat untuk menghasilkan pendapatan dengan situs Anda. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "" "Manage the domains connected to your site. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/" "learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Kelola domain yang terhubung ke situs Anda. {{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih " "lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "" "View, reply to, and manage all the comments across your site. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Lihat, balas, dan kelola semua komentar di situs Anda. {{learnMoreLink}}" "Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "" "View, manage, or cancel your plan and other purchases. {{learnMoreLink}}" "Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Lihat, kelola, atau batalkan paket Anda dan pembelian lainnya. " "{{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "Could not find a valid user token to perform the requested operation." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat menemukan token pengguna yang valid untuk menjalankan perintah " "yang diminta." msgid "The partner is not authorized to access the site." msgstr "Mitra tidak diizinkan mengkases situs." msgid "" "The partner have not been flagged as having included Jetpacks Terms of " "Service in their registration flow." msgstr "" "Mitra tidak dinyatakan tercakup dalam Ketentuan Layanan Jetpack dalam alur " "pendaftarannya." msgid "The partner is not allowed to use the activity endpoint." msgstr "Mitra tidak diizinkan menggunakan titik akhir aktivitas." msgid "Preparing WooCommerce" msgstr "Menyiapkan WooCommerce" msgid "Upgrading infrastructure" msgstr "Melakukan upgrade infrastruktur" msgid "Keep auto-renew on" msgstr "Tetap aktifkan perpanjangan otomatis" msgid "Product ID / SKU" msgstr "ID / SKU Produk" msgid "The IAP Product ID that was specified when the IAP was created." msgstr "ID Produk IAP yang ditentukan saat IAP dibuat. " msgid "" "The IAP Product ID that was specified when the IAP was created in AppStore " "Connect." msgstr "ID Produk IAP yang ditentukan saat IAP dibuat di AppStore Connect." msgctxt "example sku" msgid "e.g. com.wordpress.example" msgstr "mis. com.wordpress.contoh" msgid "Action Required: Renew your %1$d purchase for %2$s" msgid_plural "" "Action Required: Renew your %1$d purchases for %2$s" msgstr[0] "" "Tindakan Diperlukan: Perpanjang pembelian %1$d Anda untuk %2$s" msgstr[1] "" "Tindakan Diperlukan: Perpanjang pembelian %1$d Anda untuk %2$s" msgid "Action Required: Renew your %1$s purchase for %2$s" msgstr "Tindakan Diperlukan: Perpanjang pembelian %1$s Anda untuk %2$s" msgid "" "Action Required: Renew your domain mapping subscriptions for %s" msgstr "" "Tindakan Diperlukan: Perpanjang langganan pemetaan domain Anda " "untuk %s" msgid "" "Action Required: Renew your domain mapping subscription for %s" msgstr "" "Tindakan Diperlukan: Perpanjang langganan pemetaan domain Anda " "untuk %s" msgid "Action Required: Renew your domains for %s" msgstr "Tindakan Diperlukan: Perpanjang domain Anda untuk %s" msgid "Action Required: Renew your domain %s" msgstr "Tindakan Diperlukan: Perpanjang domain Anda %s" msgid "Action Required: Renew your %1$s plan for %2$s" msgstr "Tindakan Diperlukan: Perpanjang paket %1$s Anda untuk %2$s" msgid "Action Required: Renew your plan for %s" msgstr "Tindakan Diperlukan: Perpanjang paket Anda untuk %s" msgid "Action Required: Renew your Jetpack upgrades" msgstr "Tindakan Diperlukan: Perpanjang upgrade Jetpack Anda" msgid "Action Required: Renew your %1$s upgrade for %2$s" msgstr "Tindakan Diperlukan: Perpanjang upgrade %1$s Anda untuk %2$s" msgid "Primary site address" msgstr "Alamat situs utama" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is already registered. {{a}}Do you own it?{{/" "a}}" msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} telah terdaftar. {{a}}Apakah Anda pemilik " "domain?{{/a}}" msgid "" "If you purchased %(domain)s elsewhere, you can {{a}}connect it{{/a}} for " "free." msgstr "" "Jika Anda membeli %(domain)s di tempat lain, Anda dapat {{a}}" "menghubungkannya{{/a}} secara gratis." msgid "I have a domain" msgstr "Saya memiliki domain" msgid "" "You have a free one-year domain registration or transfer included with your " "plan." msgstr "" "Anda memiliki registrasi domain gratis selama satu tahun atau domain " "transfer dengan paket Anda." msgid "Just search for a domain" msgstr "Cari domain" msgid "Upgrade to a plan" msgstr "Lakukan upgrade paket" msgid "Get your domain" msgstr "Dapatkan domain Anda" msgid "" " users can change their profile’s email & website address in <a " "href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"> " "Account settings.</a>" msgstr "" "Pengguna dapat mengubah email & alamat situs web profilnya di " "<a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"> pengaturan " "Akun</a>" msgid "" " users can change their profile’s basic details ( i.e., First " "Name, Last Name, Display Name, About ) in <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" " "rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"> Profile settings.</a>" msgstr "" "Pengguna dapat mengubah informasi umum profilnya (yaitu Nama " "Depan, Nama Belakang, Nama Tampilan, Tentang) di <a href=\"%1$s\" target=" "\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">pengaturan Profil</a>" msgid "" "Complete your Professional Email setup to start sending and receiving emails " "from your custom domain today." msgstr "" "Selesaikan penyiapan Professional Email untuk mulai mengirim dan menerima " "email dari domain khusus Anda." msgid "Continue loading the page anyway" msgstr "Lanjutkan memuat halaman" msgid "View supported browsers" msgstr "Lihat browser yang didukung" msgid "Unfortunately this page may not work correctly in your browser." msgstr "" "Maaf, laman berikut mungkin tidak berfungsi dengan baik di browser Anda." msgid "Cookie check failed" msgstr "Pengecekan kuki gagal" msgid "" "Block \"%1$s\" is declaring %2$s support in %3$s file under %4$s. %2$s " "support is now declared under %5$s." msgstr "" "Blok \"%1$s\" mendeklarasikan dukungan %2$s di berkas %3$s di bawah %4$s. " "Dukungan %2$s sekarang dideklarasikan di bawah %5$s." msgid "Type / to choose a block" msgstr "Ketik / untuk memilih sebuah blok" msgid "Set up your Professional Email" msgstr "Siapkan Professional Email Anda" msgid "The specified site id does not map to a Jetpack site." msgstr "Situs ID ini tidak dipetakan ke situs Jetpack." msgid "Add a professional email address to %(domainName)s" msgstr "Tambahkan alamat email profesional ke %(domainName)s" msgid "" "Customer feedback can help grow your business. Learn how to absorb and " "respond to customers at the right time." msgstr "" "Masukan dari pelanggan dapat membantu mengembangkan bisnis Anda. Pelajari " "cara menerima masukan dan merespons pelanggan pada waktu yang tepat." msgid "How to respond to customer feedback" msgstr "Cara menanggapi masukan dari pelanggan" msgid "" "You need to keep traffic coming to your site so you get leads and sales. " "We'll teach you how." msgstr "" "Anda perlu menjaga kunjungan ke situs Anda sehingga Anda mendapatkan calon " "pembeli dan penjualan. Kami akan memberi tahu caranya." msgid "10 ways to find success with your website" msgstr "10 cara untuk menemukan kesuksesan dengan situs web Anda" msgid "" "This is the Customizer, where you can visually edit your page design, menus, " "and widgets. To continue, click Menus to set up your site's navigation menu." msgstr "" "Ini adalah Customizer yang memungkinkan Anda untuk mengubah desain halaman, " "menu, dan widget secara visual. Untuk melanjutkan, klik Menu untuk " "menyiapkan menu navigasi situs Anda." msgid "VP, Product – <a href=\"%s\">Liquid Web</a>" msgstr "Wakil Kepala, Produk – <a href=\"%s\">Liquid Web</a>" msgid "" "Jetpack backs up everything on your site, and you don’t have to lift a " "finger. It’s comprehensive, real-time, and effortless." msgstr "" "Jetpack mencadangkan segalanya di situs Anda, bahkan Anda tidak perlu " "mengangkat satu jari pun. Sangat mudah dimengerti, real-time, dan praktis." msgid "" "We invest profits from Jetpack back into the WordPress open source community " "through projects and event sponsorships." msgstr "" "Kami menginvestasikan keuntungan dari Jetpack kembali ke komunitas sumber " "terbuka WordPress melalui proyek dan pendanaan acara." msgid "" "For more information about our pricing and free tools, visit our <a data-" "tracking-id=\"products\" href=\"%s\">pricing page</a>." msgstr "" "Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang harga dan berbagai alat gratis, " "kunjungi <a data-tracking-id=\"products\" href=\"%s\">halaman daftar harga</" "a> kami." msgid "" "Jetpack’s growth tools help you find new visitors, turn leads into " "customers, and customers into advocates." msgstr "" "Perangkat pertumbuhan dari Jetpack membantu Anda menemukan pengunjung baru, " "mengubah calon pelanggan menjadi pelanggan, dan pelanggan menjadi pemberi " "referensi." msgid "Grow your audience effortlessly" msgstr "Tumbuhkan jumlah audiens dengan mudah" msgid "Free global CDN to deliver content instantly" msgstr "CDN global gratis untuk menyalurkan konten dengan cepat" msgid "" "Jetpack’s performance features make your site lightning-fast, while also " "improving your SEO and giving your visitors a better experience." msgstr "" "Fitur performa dari Jetpack menjadikan situs Anda secepat kilat sekaligus " "meningkatkan SEO dan menghadirkan pengalaman yang lebih baik bagi pengunjung " "situs Anda." msgid "Instant performance and UX" msgstr "Kinerja dan UX yang Cepat" msgid "" "More than <strong>%s million WordPress sites</strong> trust Jetpack for " "their website security, performance, and growth" msgstr "" "Lebih dari <strong>%s juta situs WordPress</strong> memercayakan keamanan, " "performa, dan pengembangan situs pada Jetpack" msgid "Realtime backups with one-click restores." msgstr "Pencadangan real-time dengan pemulihan sekali klik." msgid "7-day money back guarantee on monthly subscriptions" msgstr "Jaminan uang kembali dalam 7 hari untuk langganan bulanan" msgid "14-day money back guarantee on yearly subscriptions" msgstr "Jaminan uang kembali dalam 14 hari untuk langganan tahunan" msgid "%(dayCount)s-day money back guarantee" msgstr "Garansi %(dayCount)s hari uang kembali" msgid "Go to WooCommerce Home" msgstr "Buka Beranda WooCommerce " msgid "<a href=\"%1$s\">Enter your website address here.</a>" msgstr "<a href=\"%1$s\">Masukkan alamat situs Anda di sini.</a>" msgid "" "Add your store details, add products, configure shipping, so you can begin " "to collect orders!" msgstr "" "Tambahkan informasi toko online Anda, tambahkan produk, konfigurasikan " "pengiriman, sehingga Anda dapat mulai mengumpulkan pesanan!" msgid "APAC: Wednesday, August 18, 11am-4:30pm JST" msgstr "Asia-Pasifik: Rabu, 18 Agustus, 11am-4:30pm JST" msgid "Americas & EMEA: Tuesday, August 17, 11am-4:30pm EDT" msgstr "Amerika, Timur-Tengah & Afrika: Selasa, 17 Agustus, 11am-4:30pm EDT" msgid "" "The domain %1$s, mapped to the site \"%2$s\" will renew automatically in " "%3$d day." msgid_plural "" "The domain %1$s, mapped to the site \"%2$s\" will renew automatically in " "%3$d days." msgstr[0] "" "Domain %1$s, yang diarahkan ke situs \"%2$s\" akan diperpanjang secara " "otomatis dalam waktu %3$d hari." msgstr[1] "" "Domain %1$s, yang diarahkan ke situs \"%2$s\" akan diperpanjang secara " "otomatis dalam waktu %3$d hari." msgid "Are you sure you want to cancel and remove %(purchaseName)s? " msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin membatalkan dan menghapus %(purchaseName)s?" msgid "<strong>Error:</strong> User registration is currently not allowed." msgstr "<strong>Eror</strong>: Pendaftaran pengguna saat ini tidak diizinkan." msgid "<strong>Error:</strong> The passwords do not match." msgstr "<strong>Eror</strong>: Kata sandi tidak cocok." msgid "" "<strong>Error:</strong> Your password reset link has expired. Please request " "a new link below." msgstr "" "<strong>Eror</strong>: Tautan pengaturan ulang kata sandi Anda telah " "kedaluwarsa. Silakan meminta tautan baru di bawah ini." msgid "" "<strong>Error:</strong> Your password reset link appears to be invalid. " "Please request a new link below." msgstr "" "<strong>Eror</strong>: Tautan pengaturan ulang kata sandi Anda terlihat " "tidak sah. Silakan meminta tautan baru di bawah ini." msgid "" "The list of scopes where the variation is applicable. When not provided, it " "assumes all available scopes." msgstr "" "Daftar cakupan di mana variasi berlaku. Jika tidak disediakan, diasumsikan " "untuk semua cakupan yang tersedia." msgid "The initial values for attributes." msgstr "Nilai awal untuk atribut." msgid "Indicates whether the current variation is the default one." msgstr "Menunjukkan apakah variasi saat ini adalah yang standar." msgid "A detailed variation description." msgstr "Deskripsi variasi terperinci." msgid "A human-readable variation title." msgstr "Sebuah variasi judul yang terbaca manusia" msgid "The unique and machine-readable name." msgstr "Nama yang unik dan terbaca mesin" msgid "Block variations." msgstr "Variasi blok" msgctxt "Block pattern title" msgid "Social links with a shared background color" msgstr "Tautan media sosial dengan warna latar belakang yang sama" msgctxt "Block pattern title" msgid "Standard" msgstr "Standar" msgctxt "Block pattern title" msgid "Small image and title" msgstr "Gambar dan judul kecil" msgctxt "Block pattern title" msgid "Offset" msgstr "Offset" msgctxt "Block pattern title" msgid "Image at left" msgstr "Gambar di sebelah kiri" msgctxt "Block pattern title" msgid "Large title" msgstr "Judul besar" msgctxt "Block pattern title" msgid "Grid" msgstr "Kolom" msgid "Customize your site menu" msgstr "Sesuaikan menu situs Anda" msgid "Launch your site to the world" msgstr "Luncurkan situs Anda" msgid "Give your new site a title to let people know what your site is about." msgstr "Beri judul situs baru Anda agar situs Anda diketahui banyak orang." msgid "Start a Personal Website or Blog with" msgstr "Mulai Situs atau Blog Pribadi dengan" msgid "What site will you be adding %1$s to?" msgstr "Situs apa yang ingin Anda tambahkan %1$s?" msgid "Hey %1$s, thanks for purchasing <strong>%2$s</strong>!" msgstr "Halo %1$s, terima kasih sudah membeli <strong>%2$s</strong>!" msgid "You can now ship internationally with WooCommerce Shipping and DHL." msgstr "" "Anda kini dapat mengirim ke luar negeri dengan WooCommerce Shipping dan DHL." msgid "The type of transaction (either payout or chargeback)" msgstr "Jenis transaksi (pembayaran atau pembebanan balik)" msgid "Remove bookmark" msgstr "Hapus bookmark" msgid "Picture of mobile version of app showing notifications" msgstr "" "Gambar dari versi seluler aplikasi menampilkan pemberitahuan" msgid "Picture of mobile version of app showing site stats" msgstr "" "Gambar dari versi seluler aplikasi menampilkan statistik situs" msgid "Not Included:" msgstr "Tidak termasuk:" msgid "Included:" msgstr "Termasuk:" msgid "Built By" msgstr "Built By" msgid "Order cancelled by iOS cancel_order request." msgstr "Pesanan dibatalkan oleh permintaan pembatalan_pesanan iOS." msgid "My Themes" msgstr "Tema Saya" msgid "" "Go beyond spam protection for your WordPress site with the power of Jetpack." msgstr "" "Dapatkan lebih banyak manfaat dari perlindungan spam untuk situs WordPress " "dengan keunggulan Jetpack." msgid "Add a foolproof security plan to your site — for free." msgstr "Tambahkan paket keamanan tepercaya ke situs Anda — gratis." msgid "Transaction description" msgstr "Deskripsi transaksi" msgid "" "Your Jetpack Search customization page requires JavaScript to function " "properly." msgstr "" "Halaman penyesuaian Pencarian Anda memerlukan JavaScript yang berfungsi " "dengan benar." msgid "The code <strong>%1$s</strong> expires on %2$s, so don’t delay!" msgstr "Kode <strong>%1$s</strong> kedaluwarsa pada %2$s, ayo segera!" msgid "Hurry! The code <strong>%1$s</strong> expires on %2$s." msgstr "Ayo segera! Kode <strong>%1$s</strong> kedaluwarsa pada %2$s." msgid "Let’s do this!" msgstr "Ayo mulai!" msgid "" "Getting started with %1$s is easy, especially when you know you’re supported " "by our global team of expert Happiness Engineers. And when you enter the " "code <strong>%2$s</strong> at checkout, you’ll get %3$s%% off your very " "first plan payment." msgstr "" "Memulai %1$s adalah hal yang mudah, terutama jika Anda tahu bahwa tim ahli " "global Happiness Engineer kami selalu siap membantu Anda. Dan jika Anda " "memasukkan kode <strong>%2$s</strong> saat checkout, Anda akan mendapatkan " "diskon %3$s%% untuk pembayaran paket pertama Anda." msgid "" "The code <strong>%1$s</strong> is valid for %2$s%% off your first payment on " "a yearly plan. This code will expire on %3$s, and this " "discount may not be applied to previous purchases, renewals, subscription " "upgrades, or combined with any other offer. Please note that select domain " "names may be excluded." msgstr "" "Kode <strong>%1$s</strong> valid untuk potongan %2$s%% pada pembayaran " "pertama Anda untuk paket tahunan Kode akan kedaluwarsa pada " "%3$s, dan diskon tidak dapat digunakan untuk pembelian sebelumnya, " "perpanjangan, upgrade langganan, atau digabungkan dengan penawaran lainnya. " "Perhatikan bahwa pilihan nama domain mungkin tidak termasuk dalam penawaran " "berikut." msgid "" "Brand your blog with a custom .blog domain name, and remove all WordPress." "com advertising. Receive additional storage space and customer support via " "email." msgstr "" "Bangun branding blog Anda dengan nama domain .blog khusus, dan hapus semua " "iklan Dapatkan ruang penyimpanan tambahan dan bantuan untuk " "pelanggan melalui email." msgid "Unlimited customer support via email" msgstr "Bantuan pelanggan tanpa batas melalui e-mail" msgid "Buy an email later" msgstr "Beli email nanti" msgid "" "Add a custom email address to start sending and receiving emails from " "{{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} today." msgstr "" "Tambahkan alamat email khusus untuk mulai mengirim dan menerima email dari " "{{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} sekarang." msgid "Add Professional Email" msgstr "Tambahkan Professional Email" msgid "Easy to import your existing emails and contacts" msgstr "Mudah untuk mengimpor email dan kontak yang Anda miliki" msgid "Single dashboard for your email, domain and website" msgstr "Dasbor tunggal untuk email, domain, dan situs web Anda" msgid "Stand out with every email you send" msgstr "Tampil unik dengan setiap email yang Anda kirim" msgid "" "{{b}}75%{{/b}} of U.S. e-commerce customers prefer to trust a business with " "a custom email" msgstr "" "{{b}}75%{{/b}} pelanggan e-commerce Amerika lebih memercayai bisnis dengan " "alamat email khusus" msgid "We'll get your email address set up after checkout." msgstr "Kami akan menyiapkan alamat email Anda setelah checkout." msgid "youremail@%(domainName)s" msgstr "emailanda@%(domainName)s" msgid "Free for the first three months" msgstr "Gratis untuk tiga bulan pertama" msgid "" "This image cannot be processed by the web server. Convert it to JPEG or PNG " "before uploading." msgstr "" "Gambar ini tidak dapat diproses oleh server web. Ubah ke JPEG atau PNG " "sebelum mengunggah." msgid "Let’s supercharge your website" msgstr "Ayo tingkatkan situs web Anda " msgid "Supercharge your website with this special offer" msgstr "Tingkatkan situs web Anda dengan penawaran khusus berikut " msgid "" "Think of your domain name as a welcome mat for your blog or a virtual awning " "for your business. It’s the all important web address, so claim your domain " "and start your journey today. Be sure to use the promo code " "%1$s to get %2$s%% off your first plan payment." msgstr "" "Anggap nama domain sebagai kata sambutan untuk blog atau spanduk virtual " "bisnis Anda. Nama domain adalah alamat web yang sangat penting, maka klaim " "domain Anda dan mulai perjalanan Anda hari ini. Jangan lupa " "gunakan kode promo %1$s untuk mendapatkan potongan %2$s%% pada pembayaran " "paket pertama Anda." msgid "Heads up! Your Free Domain Name is Waiting" msgstr "Harap diketahui! Nama Domain Gratis Masih Menunggu!" msgid "The code %1$s expires on %2$s, so don’t delay!" msgstr "Kode %1$s kedaluwarsa pada %2$s, ayo segera!" msgid "Get started with %d%% off" msgstr "Mulai dengan diskon %d%%" msgid "Still thinking about upgrading?" msgstr "Apakah Anda masih berpikir untuk melakukan upgrade?" msgid "Let’s supercharge your website 💪" msgstr "Ayo tingkatkan situs web Anda 💪" msgid "Ending soon: %d%% off" msgstr "Segera berakhir: diskon %d%%" msgid "Hurry! The code %1$s expires on %2$s." msgstr "Ayo segera! Kode %1$s kedaluwarsa pada %2$s." msgid "Let’s do this" msgstr "Ayo mulai" msgid "" "Getting started with %1$s is easy, especially when you know you’re supported " "by our global team of expert Happiness Engineers. And when you enter the " "code %2$s at checkout, you’ll get %3$s%% off your very first plan payment." msgstr "" "Memulai %1$s adalah hal yang mudah, terutama jika Anda tahu bahwa tim ahli " "global Happiness Engineer kami selalu siap membantu Anda. Dan jika Anda " "memasukkan kode %2$s saat checkout, Anda akan mendapatkan diskon %3$s%% " "untuk pembayaran paket pertama Anda." msgid "World-class support when you need it" msgstr "Layanan bantuan kelas dunia saat Anda membutuhkannya" msgid "Plus, claim %d%% off your first plan payment!" msgstr "Dan, klaim diskon %d%% untuk pembayaran paket pertama Anda!" msgid "Supercharge your website with this special offer ⚡" msgstr "Tingkatkan situs web Anda dengan penawaran khusus berikut ⚡" msgid "" "We’re just popping back into your inbox to remind you of this offer! If " "you’ve been thinking about upgrading your website, now’s the " "time to do it." msgstr "" "Halo, kami hadir kembali untuk mengingatkan Anda akan penawaran berikut! " "Jika Anda berencana melakukan upgrade situs, sekarang saatnya." msgid "Reminder: %d%% ends soon ⏰" msgstr "Pengingat: diskon %d%% segera berakhir ⏰" msgid "Get started with %d%% off your first year" msgstr "Mulai dengan potongan %d%% pada tahun pertama Anda" msgid "Reminder: your free domain name" msgstr "Pengingat: nama domain gratis Anda" msgid "" "The code %1$s is valid for %2$s%% off your first payment on a yearly " " plan. This code will expire on %3$s, and this discount may not " "be applied to previous purchases, renewals, subscription upgrades, or " "combined with any other offer. Please note that select domain names may be " "excluded." msgstr "" "Kode %1$s valid untuk potongan %2$s%% pada pembayaran pertama Anda untuk " "paket tahunan Kode akan kedaluwarsa pada %3$s, dan diskon " "tidak dapat digunakan untuk pembelian sebelumnya, perpanjangan, upgrade " "langganan, atau digabungkan dengan penawaran lainnya. Perhatikan bahwa " "pilihan nama domain mungkin tidak termasuk dalam penawaran berikut." msgid "Get started and claim your free domain name" msgstr "Mulai dan klaim nama domain gratis Anda" msgid "" "Think of your domain name as a welcome mat for your blog or a virtual awning " "for your business. It’s the all important web address, so claim your domain " "and <a href=\"%1$s\">start your journey</a> today. Be sure to " "use the promo code <strong>%2$s</strong> to get %3$s%% off your first plan " "payment." msgstr "" "Anggap nama domain sebagai kata sambutan untuk blog atau spanduk virtual " "bisnis Anda. Nama domain adalah alamat web yang sangat penting, maka klaim " "domain Anda dan <a href=\"%1$s\">mulai perjalanan Anda</a> " "hari ini. Jangan lupa gunakan kode promo <strong>%2$s</strong> untuk " "mendapatkan potongan %3$s%% pada pembayaran paket pertama Anda." msgid "Your free domain name is waiting for you!" msgstr "Nama domain gratis Anda masih menunggu!" msgid "Plus, take %d%% off your first year." msgstr "Dapatkan juga potongan %d%% pada tahun pertama Anda." msgid "Heads up! Your Free Domain Name is Waiting ⏰" msgstr "Jangan Lupa! Nama Domain Gratis Anda Masih Menunggu ⏰" msgid "%s plugin deactivated during WordPress upgrade." msgstr "Plugin %s dinonaktifkan selama peningkatan versi WordPress." msgid "%1$s %2$s was deactivated due to incompatibility with WordPress %3$s." msgstr "%1$s %2$s dinonaktifkan karena ketidakcocokan dengan WordPress %3$s." msgid "" "%1$s %2$s was deactivated due to incompatibility with WordPress %3$s, please " "upgrade to %1$s %4$s or later." msgstr "" "%1$s %2$s dinonaktifkan karena ketidakcocokan dengan WordPress %3$s, silakan " "tingkatkan ke %1$s %4$s atau lebih baru." msgid "There was a problem submitting your website address, please try again." msgstr "" "Terjadi kendala saat mengirimkan alamat situs web Anda, silakan coba kembali." msgid "Contact us at any time if you need assistance with Jetpack." msgstr "Hubungi kami kapan saja jika Anda perlu bantuan terkait Jetpack." msgid "" "As soon as your subscription is activated you will receive a confirmation " "email from our Happiness Engineers." msgstr "" "Segera setelah langganan Anda diaktifkan, Anda akan menerima email " "konfirmasi dari Happiness Engineer kami." msgid "" "We're unable to show you new site domain suggestions as one or more of your " "sites has been suspended from Please contact our support team " "to find out why." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat menampilkan saran domain situs baru karena satu atau " "beberapa situs Anda telah ditangguhkan dari Silakan hubungi " "tim dukungan kami untuk mengetahui alasannya." msgid "Follow this link to get started: %s" msgstr "Klik tautan ini untuk memulai: %s" msgid "" "If you would prefer to login to for an enhanced experience " "follow this link instead: %s" msgstr "" "Jika Anda memilih login ke untuk mendapatkan pengalaman yang " "lebih baik, klik tautan ini: %s" msgid "You already have %s set as your primary domain, so you’re all set!" msgstr "Anda sudah memiliki %s sebagai domain utama, jadi Anda sudah siap!" msgid "Visit my Domain: %s" msgstr "Kunjungi Domain saya: %s" msgid "Congratulations! Your domain name is ready." msgstr "Selamat! Nama domain Anda sudah siap." msgid "<a href=\"%1$s\">Click here</a> to get started." msgstr "<a href=\"%1$s\">Klik di sini</a> untuk memulai." msgid "" "Next up? Send emails from your domain and level up your brand presence with " "your free 3-month trial of Professional Email." msgstr "" "Selanjutnya? Kirim email dari domain Anda dan tingkatkan kehadiran brand " "Anda dengan percobaan Email Profesional gratis selama tiga bulan." msgid "" "Your visitors can now access your site just by going directly to your domain " "name." msgstr "" "Pengunjung kini dapat langsung mengakses situs Anda hanya dengan membuka " "nama domain Anda." msgid "" "You already have <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> set as your primary domain, so " "you’re all set!" msgstr "" "Anda sudah memiliki <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> sebagai domain utama, jadi " "Anda sudah siap!" msgid "Visit my domain" msgstr "Kunjungi domain saya" msgid "Congratulations! Your domain name is ready. 🎉" msgstr "Selamat! Nama domain Anda sudah siap. 🎉" msgid "Open for your next steps with %1$s." msgstr "Buka untuk langkah Anda selanjutnya dengan %1$s." msgid "Your domain is ready!" msgstr "Domain Anda sudah siap!" msgid "" "You've already verified {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}} for:{{br /}}{{strong}}" "{{a}}%(domain)s{{/a}}{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Anda telah terverifikasi {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}} untuk:{{br /}}" "{{strong}}{{a}}%(domain)s{{/a}}{{/strong}}." msgid "" "Thank you for verifying your contact information for:{{br /}}{{strong}}" "{{domainLinks /}}{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah memverifikasi informasi kontak Anda untuk:{{br /}}" "{{strong}}{{domainLinks /}}{{/strong}}." msgid "Like or Reblog" msgstr "Suka atau Reblog" msgid "" "Bradford is a minimalist theme, designed for single-page websites. Its " "single post and page layouts have no header, navigation menus, or widgets, " "so the page you design in the WordPress editor is the same page you’ll see " "on the front end." msgstr "" "Bradford adalah tema minimalis, dirancang untuk situs web satu halaman. Pos " "tunggal dan tata letak lamannya tidak memiliki header, menu navigasi, atau " "widget, sehingga laman yang Anda desain di editor WordPress adalah laman " "yang sama yang akan Anda lihat di bagian depan." msgid "" "Baker is a minimalist theme, designed for single-page websites. Its single " "post and page layouts have no header, navigation menus, or widgets, so the " "page you design in the WordPress editor is the same page you’ll see on the " "front end." msgstr "" "Baker adalah tema minimalis, dirancang untuk situs web satu halaman. Pos " "tunggal dan tata letak lamannya tidak memiliki header, menu navigasi, atau " "widget, sehingga laman yang Anda desain di editor WordPress adalah laman " "yang sama yang akan Anda lihat di bagian depan." msgid "Live Chat Support<br /><i>(Annual plans only)</i>" msgstr "Dukungan Obrolan Langsung<br /><i>(Khusus paket tahunan)</i>" msgid "Free Domain for One Year<br /><i>(Annual plans only)</i>" msgstr "Domain Gratis untuk Satu Tahun<br /><i>(Khusus paket tahunan)</i>" msgid "See how Jetpack can help grow your business or hobby" msgstr "Pelajari cara Jetpack membantu mengembangkan bisnis atau hobi Anda" msgid "Want to learn more about our products?" msgstr "Apakah Anda ingin mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang produk kami?" msgid "{{a}}Make sure your site is online{{/a}} with our Downtime Monitor." msgstr "{{a}}Pastikan situs Anda online{{/a}} dengan Monitor Downtime kami." msgid "{{a}}Speed up your site{{/a}} with our CDN." msgstr "{{a}}Percepat situs Anda{{/a}} dengan CDN kami." msgid "Try our powerful free features" msgstr "Coba fitur gratis kami yang andal" msgid "Welcome{{br/}} to Jetpack!" msgstr "Selamat datang{{br/}} di Jetpack!" msgid "Boost" msgstr "Boost" msgid "Stop comment and form spam" msgstr "Stop spam pada komentar dan formulir" msgid "Save every change" msgstr "Simpan setiap perubahan" msgid "Get all your questions ready — we look forward to chatting!" msgstr "Siapkan semua pertanyaan — kami tunggu sesi chat dengan Anda!" msgid "This image has comments." msgstr "Gambar ini memiliki komentar." msgid "Toggle photo comments visibility" msgstr "Ubah visibilitas komentar foto" msgid "Toggle photo metadata visibility" msgstr "Ubah visibilitas metadata foto" msgid "The domain %1$s cannot be mapped." msgstr "Domain %1$s tidak dapat dipetakan." msgid "Export showcase" msgstr "Ekspor etalase" msgid "Export showcase image" msgstr "Ekspor gambar etalase" msgid "Analyze responses in real time, export your results everywhere!" msgstr "Analisis tanggapan secara real time, ekspor hasil Anda ke mana pun!" msgid "Let your audience cheer with a big round of applause." msgstr "" "Berikan kesempatan pengunjung situs Anda bersorak dengan tepuk tangan " "meriah." msgid "Applause" msgstr "Aplaus" msgid "Applause block icon" msgstr "Ikon blok aplaus" msgid "Applause block" msgstr "Blok aplaus" msgid "Allow your audience to rate your work or express their opinion." msgstr "" "Berikan kesempatan pengunjung situs Anda untuk menilai pekerjaan Anda atau " "menyampaikan pendapat mereka." msgid "Voting" msgstr "Voting" msgid "Voting block icon" msgstr "Ikon blok voting" msgid "Voting block" msgstr "Blok voting" msgid "" "Calculate your Net Promoter Score! Collect feedback and track customer " "satisfaction over time." msgstr "" "Hitung Net Promoter Score Anda! Kumpulkan masukan dan lacak kepuasan " "pelanggan secara berkala." msgid "Measure NPS" msgstr "Pengukuran NPS" msgid "Measure NPS block icon" msgstr "Ikon blok pengukuran NPS" msgid "Measure NPS block" msgstr "Blok pengukuran NPS" msgid "" "A floating always visible button that allows your audience to share feedback " "anytime." msgstr "" "Tombol yang selalu terlihat yang memungkinkan pengunjung situs Anda " "memberikan masukan kapan pun." msgid "Feedback Button" msgstr "Tombol Feedback" msgid "Feedback Button block icon" msgstr "Ikon blok Tombol Feedback" msgid "Feedback Button block" msgstr "Blok Tombol Feedback" msgid "" "Create surveys in minutes with 14 question and form types and embed them " "into your page." msgstr "" "Buat survei dalam hitungan menit dengan 14 jenis pertanyaan dan formulir dan " "sematkan ke laman Anda." msgid "Survey Embed" msgstr "Penyematan Survei" msgid "Survey embed block icon" msgstr "Ikon blok penyematan survei" msgid "Survey embed block" msgstr "Blok penyematan survei" msgid "Create polls and get your audience’s opinion." msgstr "Buat polling dan dapatkan opini pengunjung situs Anda." msgid "Poll block icon" msgstr "Ikon blok polling" msgid "Poll block" msgstr "Blok polling" msgid "They are available in your editor:" msgstr "Blok yang tersedia di editor Anda:" msgid "Have you discovered our blocks yet?" msgstr "Apakah Anda telah mencoba blok kami?" msgid "" "is a collection of powerful blocks that help you to collect feedback, " "analyze incoming responses and learn from your audience." msgstr "" "adalah kumpulan blok andal yang membantu Anda mengumpulkan masukan, " "menganalisis tanggapan yang masuk, dan belajar dari pengunjung situs Anda." msgid "Start asking!" msgstr "Mulai dengan bertanya!" msgid "Looking for insights?" msgstr "Mencari inspirasi?" msgid "We encountered an unexpected problem while creating your mailbox." msgstr "Terjadi masalah yang tidak terduga saat membuat kotak masuk Anda." msgid "Mailbox already exists." msgstr "Kotak surat sudah ada." msgid "You have no unused mailboxes. Please purchase a mailbox." msgstr "Semua kotak surat sudah terpakai. Anda bisa membeli kotak surat." msgid "Select a site to view {{strong}}%(themeName)s{{/strong}}" msgstr "Pilih situs yang ingin Anda lihat {{strong}}%(themeName)s{{/strong}}" msgid "You can change your site address in Domain Settings." msgstr "Anda dapat mengubah alamat situs Anda di Pengaturan Domain." msgid "" "Your support request has been submitted to our team of Happiness Engineers. " "Rest assured that your email arrived safely and our support team will be in " "touch as soon as we can." msgstr "" "Permintaan dukungan Anda telah dikirimkan ke tim Happiness Engineer. Dijamin " "email Anda akan sampai dengan aman dan tim dukungan kami akan menghubungi " "sesegera mungkin." msgid "" "Download Jetpack or install it directly from your site by following the <a " "href=\"%1$s\">instructions we put together here</a>." msgstr "" "Unduh Jetpack atau instal Jetpack langsung dari situs Anda dengan mengikuti " "<a href=\"%1$s\">petunjuk yang kami kumpulkan di sini</a>." msgid "How to get started with Jetpack" msgstr "Cara memulai dengan Jetpack" msgid "" "We'll get your %1$s subscription going in no time, but first we still need " "some information from you." msgstr "" "Kami akan segera menjalankan %1$s langganan Anda, tetapi kami membutuhkan " "beberapa informasi dari Anda lebih dahulu." msgid "Add %1$s to your site" msgstr "Tambahkan %1$s ke situs Anda" msgid "Do you need help?" msgstr "Apakah Anda membutuhkan bantuan?" msgid "Knowing this will allow us to jumpstart the activation process." msgstr "Alamat email Anda dibutuhkan agar kami dapat memulai proses aktivasi. " msgid "Let us know your website address" msgstr "Beri tahu kami alamat email Anda" msgid "Here's how to get started with Jetpack." msgstr "Berikut cara memulai dengan Jetpack." msgid "Detach blocks from template part" msgstr "Lepaskan blok dari komponen template" msgid "Enter a valid Substack Newsletter URL (%(exampleUrl)s)." msgstr "Masukkan URL Buletin Substack (%(exampleUrl)s) yang valid." msgid "Do we want the checksum or object ids." msgstr "Apakah kita menginginkan checksum atau object id." msgid "Should only range endges be returned" msgstr "Jika hanya ujung rentang yang dikembalikan" msgid "Shared Salt to use when generating checksum" msgstr "Shared Salt untuk digunakan saat membuat checksum" msgid "Strip non-ascii characters?" msgstr "Hapus karakter non-ascii?" msgid "End ID for the histogram" msgstr "ID akhir untuk histogram" msgid "Start ID for the histogram" msgstr "ID awal untuk histogram" msgid "Number of histogram buckets." msgstr "Jumlah bin histogram." msgid "Column mappings" msgstr "Pemetaan kolom" msgid "Size of batches" msgstr "Ukuran batch" msgid "Name of Sync module." msgstr "Nama modul Sinkronisasi." msgid "Name of Sync queue." msgstr "Nama antrean Sinkronisasi." msgid "Objects Identifiers" msgstr "Pengenal Objek" msgid "Object Type" msgstr "Jenis Objek" msgid "Name of Sync module" msgstr "Nama modul Sinkronisasi" msgid "New Sync health status" msgstr "Status kesehatan Sinkronisasi baru" msgid "" "Comma seperated list of additional fields that should be included in status." msgstr "" "Daftar kolom tambahan yang dipisahkan koma yang harus disertakan dalam " "status." msgid "Comment IDs to include in Full Sync" msgstr "ID Komentar yang akan disertakan dalam Sinkronisasi Penuh" msgid "Post IDs to include in Full Sync" msgstr "ID Pos yang akan disertakan dalam Sinkronisasi Penuh" msgid "User IDs to include in Full Sync or \"initial\"" msgstr "" "ID Pengguna yang akan disertakan dalam Sinkronisasi Penuh atau \"awal\"" msgid "Data Modules that should be included in Full Sync" msgstr "Modul Data yang harus disertakan dalam Sinkronisasi Penuh" msgid "Could not confirm migration." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengonfirmasi migrasi." msgid "Could not delete sync error option." msgstr "Tidak dapat menghapus pilihan eror sinkronisasi." msgid "Could not confirm safe mode." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengonfirmasi mode aman." msgid "An administrator of this site can take Jetpack out of Safe Mode." msgstr "Administrator situs ini dapat mengeluarkan Jetpack dari Mode Aman." msgid "" "Jetpack has been placed into Safe Mode. Learn more about <a href=\"%1$s" "\">Safe Mode</a>." msgstr "" "Jetpack telah diletakkan dalam Mode Aman. Pelajari selengkapnya tentang <a " "href=\"%1$s\">Mode Aman</a>." msgid "" "Unsure what to do? <a href=\"%1$s\">Read more about Jetpack Safe Mode</a>" msgstr "" "Tidak tahu apa yang harus dilakukan? <a href=\"%1$s\">Baca selengkapnya " "tentang Mode Aman Jetpack</a>" msgid "Start Fresh & Create New Connection" msgstr "Mulai dari Awal & Buat Koneksi Baru" msgid "" "No. <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> is a new and different website that's separate " "from <a href=\"%3$s\">%4$s</a>. It requires a new connection to WordPress." "com for new stats and subscribers." msgstr "" "No. <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> adalah situs web baru dan terpisah dari <a " "href=\"%3$s\">%4$s</a>. Koneksi baru ke diperlukan untuk " "statistik dan pelanggan baru." msgid "Migrate Stats & Subscribers" msgstr "Migrasi Statistik & Pelanggan" msgid "" "Yes. <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> is replacing <a href=\"%3$s\">%4$s</a>. I " "would like to migrate my stats and subscribers from <a href=\"%3$s\">%4$s</" "a> to <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a>." msgstr "" "Ya. <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> sedang menggantikan <a href=\"%3$s\">%4$s</a>. " "Saya ingin memindahkan statistik dan pelanggan saya dari <a href=\"%3$s\">" "%4$s</a> ke <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a>." msgid "Is %1$s the new home of %2$s?" msgstr "Apakah %1$s rumah baru bagi %2$s?" msgid "Fix Jetpack's Connection" msgstr "Perbaiki Koneksi Jetpack" msgid "" "If this is a separate and new website, or the new home of <a href=\"%1$s\">" "%2$s</a>, we recommend turning Safe Mode off, and re-establishing your " "connection to" msgstr "" "Jika ini adalah situs web yang baru dan terpisah, atau rumah baru bagi <a " "href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a>, sebaiknya nonaktifkan Mode Aman, dan buat ulang " "koneksi ke" msgid "Confirm Safe Mode" msgstr "Konfirmasi Mode Aman" msgid "" "Is this website a temporary duplicate of <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> for the " "purposes of testing, staging or development? If so, we recommend keeping it " "in Safe Mode." msgstr "" "Apakah situs web ini duplikat sementara <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> untuk " "tujuan pengujian, staging, atau pengembangan? Jika ya, sebaiknya pertahankan " "Mode Aman." msgid "" "Please confirm Safe Mode or fix the Jetpack connection. Select one of the " "options below or <a href=\"%1$s\">learn more about Safe Mode</a>." msgstr "" "Silakan konfirmasi Mode Aman atau perbaiki koneksi Jetpack. Pilih salah satu " "pilihan di bawah atau <a href=\"%1$s\">pelajari lebih lanjut tentang Mode " "Aman</a>." msgid "" "Jetpack has been placed into <a href=\"%1$s\">Safe mode</a> because we " "noticed this is an exact copy of <a href=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a>." msgstr "" "Jetpack telah disertakan ke dalam <a href=\"%1$s\">Mode aman</a> karena kami " "mendapati bahwa ini adalah salinan persis sama dari <a href=\"%2$s\">%3$s</" "a>." msgid "Something went wrong:" msgstr "Terjadi masalah:" msgid "Cannot parse URL %s" msgstr "Tidak dapat menguraikan URL %s" msgid "Jetpack Safe Mode" msgstr "Mode Aman Jetpack" msgid "Site is not connected" msgstr "Situs tidak terhubung." msgid "Invalid user id is provided" msgstr "ID pengguna yang disertakan tidak valid" msgid "Invalid user token is provided" msgstr "Token pengguna yang disertakan tidak valid" msgid "New owner" msgstr "Pemilik baru" msgid "Is connection owner" msgstr "Adalah pemilik koneksi" msgid "New user token" msgstr "Token pengguna baru" msgid "Could not confirm new owner." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengonfirmasi pemilik yang baru." msgid "New owner is not connected" msgstr "Pemilik yang baru tidak terhubung" msgid "New owner is same as existing owner" msgstr "Pemilik yang baru sama dengan pemilik yang sudah ada" msgid "New owner is not admin" msgstr "Pemilik yang baru bukan admin" msgid "Term not found" msgstr "Ketentuan tidak ditemukan" msgid "Comment not found" msgstr "Komentar tidak ditemukan" msgid "Object not found" msgstr "Objek tidak ditemukan" msgid "Helper script body must be base64 encoded" msgstr "Isi skrip pembantu harus dienkode dengan base64" msgid "You are not allowed to perform this action." msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan melakukan tindakan ini." msgid "The name argument should be an option name or an array of option names" msgstr "Argumen nama harus berupa nama pilihan atau array nama pilihan" msgid "One or more option names to include in the backup" msgstr "Satu atau lebih nama pilihan yang akan disertakan dalam cadangan" msgid "ID of the database object to fetch" msgstr "ID objek basis data yang akan diambil" msgid "The object_type argument should be one of %s" msgstr "Argumen jenis_objek harus salah satu dari %s" msgid "The object_type argument must be a non-empty string." msgstr "Argumen jenis_objek harus berupa string yang tidak kosong." msgid "Type of object to fetch from the database" msgstr "Jenis objek yang akan diambil dari basis data" msgid "Path to Backup Helper Script" msgstr "Jalur ke Skrip Pembantu Cadangan" msgid "base64 encoded Backup Helper Script body." msgstr "base64 mengenkode isi Skrip Pembantu Cadangan." msgid "Change settings" msgstr "Ubah pengaturan" msgid "Adding sharing buttons requires your site to be marked as Public." msgstr "" "Menambahkan tombol Berbagi membutuhkan situs anda dalam kondisi Publik " msgid "" "This domain appears to be available for registration, however we do not " "offer registrations or accept transfers for domains ending in {{strong}}." "%(tld)s{{/strong}}. If you register it elsewhere, you can {{a}}connect it{{/" "a}} to your site instead." msgstr "" "Domain tersedia untuk pendaftaran. Akan tetapi kami tidak menawarkan " "pendaftaran atau menerima transfer untuk domain dengan akhiran {{strong}}." "%(tld)s{{/strong}}. Jika Anda mendaftarkannya di tempat lain, Anda dapat " "{{a}}menghubungkannya{{/a}} ke situs Anda." msgid "WP Admin Dashboard" msgstr "Dasbor WP Admin" msgid "" "Are you sure you want to remove {{strong}}%(emailAddress)s{{/strong}}? All " "your emails, calendar events, and contacts will be deleted!" msgstr "" "Anda yakin ingin menghapus {{strong}}%(emailAddress)s{{/strong}}? Semua " "email, kegiatan terjadwal, dan kontak Anda akan dihapus!" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(emailAddress)s{{/strong}} has been scheduled for removal from " "your account" msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(emailAddress)s{{/strong}} telah dijadwalkan untuk dihapus dari " "akun Anda" msgid "" "There was an error removing {{strong}}%(emailAddress)s{{/strong}} from your " "account" msgstr "" "Terjadi eror saat menghapus {{strong}}%(emailAddress)s{{/strong}} dari akun " "Anda" msgid "" "You are deleting a domain name used in the email address we have on file for " "you. You must update your contact information." msgstr "" "Anda menghapus nama domain yang digunakan dalam alamat email yang tercantum " "di dalam berkas kami. Anda harus memperbarui informasi kontak Anda." msgid "" "No ads are displayed on your site because your site's {{link}}privacy " "setting{{/link}} is set to private." msgstr "" "Tidak ada iklan yang ditampilkan di situs Anda karena {{link}}pengaturan " "privasi{{/link}} situs Anda adalah privat." msgid "User not permitted to purchase plan for this site." msgstr "Pengguna tidak diizinkan membeli paket untuk situs ini." msgid "" "Subscription Cancelled: the maximum time the subscription can be on-hold has " "been exceeded." msgstr "" "Langganan Dibatalkan: waktu maksimal langganan ditangguhkan telah terlampaui." msgid "Boost your site" msgstr "Tingkatkan situs Anda" msgid "IAP subscription canceled as it was stalled" msgstr "Langganan IAP dibatalkan karena terbengkalai" msgid "Let our experts build your site!" msgstr "Percayakan kepada pakar kami untuk membangun situs Anda!" msgid "" "Your site, %(siteSlug)s, already has the power of Jetpack built in. Its " "features can be found within your dashboard." msgstr "" "Situs Anda, %(siteSlug)s, memiliki kekuatan Jetpack bawaan. Semua fiturnya " "dapat ditemukan di dasbor Anda." msgid "Jetpack features are already part of" msgstr "Fitur Jetpack adalah bagian dari" msgid "" "Incredibly powerful and customizable, Jetpack Search, <br /> helps your " "visitors instantly find the right content <br /> – right when they need it." msgstr "" "Sangat canggih dan dapat disesuaikan, Jetpack Search<br /> membantu " "pengunjung Anda langsung menemukan konten yang tepat <br />pada saat " "dibutuhkan." msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Recommended" msgstr "Disarankan" msgid "" "Shorter load times can lead to happier readers, more page views, <br /> and " "— if you’re running a store — improved sales." msgstr "" "Waktu muat yang cepat membuat pembaca lebih nyaman, pageview lebih banyak, " "<br /> dan — jika Anda memiliki toko online — akan meningkatkan penjualan." msgid "We take privacy and transparency very seriously" msgstr "Kami menjaga privasi dan transparansi dengan sangat serius" msgid "Renewal Price" msgstr "Harga perpanjangan" msgid "Enable auto-renewal" msgstr "Aktifkan perpanjangan otomatis" msgid "" "Pick one that's right for you and unlock features that help you grow. Or " "{{link}}start with another theme{{/link}}." msgstr "" "Pilih salah satu yang sesuai untuk Anda dan manfaatkan fitur yang dapat " "membantu Anda berkembang. Atau {{link}}mulai dengan tema lain{{/link}}." msgid "" "Existing email forwards will be removed once you upgrade. Set up the email " "addresses you want to continue using below." msgstr "" "Email terusan yang sudah ada akan dihapus setelah upgrade. Siapkan alamat " "email di bawah yang ingin terus digunakan." msgid "A widget containing a block." msgstr "Widget yang berisi blok." msgctxt "navigation link block description" msgid "A link to a page." msgstr "Tautan ke halaman." msgctxt "navigation link block description" msgid "A link to a post." msgstr "Tautan ke pos." msgctxt "navigation link block title" msgid "Page Link" msgstr "Tautan Halaman" msgctxt "navigation link block title" msgid "Post Link" msgstr "Tautan Pos" msgid "GD supported file formats" msgstr "Format berkas yang didukung GD" msgid "Unique identifier for the attachment." msgstr "Pengidentifikasi unik untuk lampiran." msgid "This subscription cannot be updated via the REST API" msgstr "Langganan ini tidak dapat diperbarui via REST API" msgid "Is there a backup size limit?" msgstr "Apakah ada batas ukuran untuk cadangan?" msgid "No, Jetpack Scan does not currently support WordPress multisite." msgstr "Belum, Jetpack Scan saat ini belum mendukung multisitus WordPress." msgid "Does Jetpack Scan support WordPress multisite?" msgstr "Apakah Jetpack Scan mendukung multisitus WordPress?" msgid "" "Yes. To download your backup, open your <a href=\"%1$s\">activity log</a>. " "Use the filters to find the event that you’d like to use, then click the " "ellipsis (three dots) icon, and choose Download backup. For more details, " "visit <a href=\"%2$s\">the support page</a>." msgstr "" "Ya. Untuk mengunduh cadangan, buka <a href=\"%1$s\">log aktivitas</a> Anda. " "Gunakan penyaring untuk menemukan peristiwa yang ingin digunakan, klik ikon " "elipsis (tiga titik), lalu pilih Unduh cadangan. Untuk informasi lebih " "lanjut, kunjungi <a href=\"%2$s\">laman bantuan</a>." msgid "Can I download my backups?" msgstr "Apakah cadangan saya dapat diunduh?" msgid "" "Yes. We will exclude any directory containing a file named <code>." "donotbackup</code>. If need be, you can create these files yourself to " "intentionally prevent certain directories from being backed up. If a " "directory named <code>donotbackup</code> is added, we will also exclude all " "files inside that directory. For more details, visit <a href=\"%s\">the " "support page</a>." msgstr "" "Ya. Kami tidak akan menyertakan direktori yang berisi berkas yang diberi " "nama <code>.donotbackup</code>. Jika perlu, Anda dapat membuat berkas " "tersebut sendiri agar direktori tertentu sengaja tidak dicadangkan. Jika " "direktori yang diberi nama <code>donotbackup</code> ditambahkan, semua " "berkas di dalam direktori tidak akan disertakan. Untuk informasi lebih " "lanjut, kunjungi <a href=\"%s\">laman bantuan</a>." msgid "Can I use Jetpack to back up my site without plugins?" msgstr "" "Dapatkah Jetpack digunakan untuk mencadangkan situs saya tanpa menyertakan " "plugin?" msgid "Can I use Jetpack to back up my files?" msgstr "Dapatkah Jetpack digunakan untuk mencadangkan berkas saya?" msgid "Can I use Jetpack to back up my database?" msgstr "Dapatkah Jetpack digunakan untuk mencadangkan basis data saya?" msgid "" "Yes, just enter the server credentials for the new site address. These are " "the credentials that Jetpack will use to clone your site from your current " "host to your new host. If you’re confused about what these credentials are, " "how they work, or why we need them, you can read more about that in our <a " "href=\"%s\">SSH, SFTP, FTP Credentials guide</a>." msgstr "" "Ya, cukup masukkan kredensial server untuk alamat situs yang baru. " "Kredensial tersebut akan digunakan Jetpack untuk mengkloning situs Anda dari " "host saat ini ke host yang baru. Jika Anda kurang memahami kredensial, cara " "kerjanya, atau alasan kredensial dibutuhkan, silakan pelajari lebih lanjut " "tentang kredensial di <a href=\"%s\">panduan Kredensial SSH, SFTP, FTP</a> " "kami." msgid "" "Jetpack’s off-site backup storage allows you to restore a clean version of " "your website even if you can’t log in. When you rely solely on your host’s " "built-in backups, you’re putting all your eggs in one basket. Here is <a " "href=\"%s\">one story from a Jetpack customer</a> of what can happen. " "Without a third-party backup that copies your files off-site, your website " "could be at risk. One false move by you or your host could compromise your " "web files or delete them entirely." msgstr "" "Dengan penyimpanan cadangan off-site Jetpack, Anda dapat memulihkan versi " "bersih situs walaupun saat tidak dapat login. Mengandalkan hanya fitur " "cadangan bawaan host seperti menaruh semua telur di satu keranjang. Berikut " "adalah <a href=\"%s\">sebuah cerita dari pelanggan Jetpack</a> tentang " "risiko yang dapat terjadi. Tanpa pencadangan pihak ketiga yang dapat " "menyalin berkas secara off-site, situs Anda mungkin dalam bahaya. Satu " "kesalahan dari Anda atau penyedia hosting dapat membahayakan atau menghapus " "seluruh berkas web Anda." msgid "" "Most hosts have some sort of backup. But they are often infrequent and " "difficult to restore. If your site goes down, you need access to your " "backups. If they’re stored on your hosting platform (or your hard drive!), " "and your files are compromised, your database backup could be compromised " "too. " msgstr "" "Sebagian besar penyedia hosting menyediakan fitur pencadangan tertentu. Akan " "tetapi, fitur tersebut biasanya jarang aktif dan pemulihannya sulit " "dilakukan. Saat situs bermasalah, Anda perlu mengakses cadangan. Jika " "cadangan tersebut tersimpan di platform hosting (atau di hard disk Anda!) " "dan berkas tersebut terancam, cadangan basis data Anda juga dapat terancam. " msgid "Doesn’t my host already have backups?" msgstr "Bukankah penyedia hosting saya sudah memiliki fitur pencadangan?" msgid "Why do I need backups?" msgstr "Mengapa saya perlu fitur pencadangan?" msgid "" "For more detailed assistance, check out <a href=\"%s\">the full support " "article</a>." msgstr "" "Untuk bantuan lebih lanjut, silakan lihat <a href=\"%s\">artikel bantuan " "lengkap</a>." msgid "" "It’s easy to restore your site in just a few clicks. Check out this quick " "video for more detail." msgstr "" "Memulihkan situs Anda sangat mudah, cukup dengan beberapa klik. Silakan " "lihat video singkat berikut untuk penjelasan lebih lengkap." msgid "" "Is your site too valuable to lose? Get an all-in-one security solution with " "malware scanning, downtime monitoring, brute force attack protection and " "comment and form spam protection." msgstr "" "Situs Anda tentu sangat berharga. Dapatkan solusi keamanan lengkap dengan " "pemindaian malware, pemantauan downtime, perlindungan terhadap serangan " "paksa, dan perlindungan terhadap spam komentar dan formulir." msgid "Looking for complete security?" msgstr "Mencari solusi keamanan menyeluruh?" msgid "Included in every backup plan" msgstr "Termasuk dalam semua paket pencadangan" msgid "Migrate your WordPress site to any host" msgstr "Migrasikan situs WordPress ke host apa pun" msgid "Migrate your WordPress site in minutes" msgstr "Migrasikan situs WordPress Anda dalam sekejap" msgid "<a href=\"%s\">Full list</a> of monitored activities" msgstr "<a href=\"%s\">Daftar lengkap</a> aktivitas terpantau" msgid "Access your activity log from anywhere with the Jetpack mobile app" msgstr "" "Akses log aktivitas Anda dari mana saja dengan aplikasi seluler Jetpack" msgid "30-day or 1-year archives with paid plans" msgstr "Fitur arsip 30 hari atau 1 tahun dengan paket berbayar" msgid "See the last 20 events for free" msgstr "Lihat 20 peristiwa terakhir secara gratis" msgid "" "<a href=\"%s\">The activity log</a> gives you the power to quickly see every " "site change including the time and person who made it. Pair with real-time " "backups to make debugging and restoring your site to a specific moment a " "breeze." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\">Log aktivitas</a>, memungkinkan Anda melihat setiap " "perubahan situs dengan cepat, termasuk waktu dan siapa yang melakukan " "perubahan tersebut. Pencadangan real time membuat proses debugging dan " "pemulihan situs ke waktu tertentu menjadi sangat mudah." msgid "Includes WooCommerce support" msgstr "Termasuk bantuan WooCommerce" msgid "Unlimited site migrations" msgstr "Migrasi situs tanpa batas" msgid "Unlimited restores" msgstr "Pemulihan tanpa batas" msgid "The price is right" msgstr "Harga yang pantas" msgid "Founder, <a href=\"%s\"></a>" msgstr "Pendiri, <a href=\"%s\"></a>" msgid "Quickly restore from any point" msgstr "Jalankan pemulihan dari titik mana saja dengan cepat" msgid "Complete list of all site changes" msgstr "Daftar lengkap semua perubahan situs" msgid "Full, incremental, and differential backups in real-time" msgstr "Pencadangan penuh, tambahan dan berbeda secara real time" msgid "" "Save hours of time developing and maintaining sites by restoring to any " "point. Just one change pays for itself. Real-time backups go beyond a " "snapshot to give you total power and flexibility. The activity log lets you " "know exactly what action (and who) broke the site, so you can look like a " "pro for your clients." msgstr "" "Hemat waktu untuk membuat dan memelihara situs dengan pemulihan ke titik " "waktu mana pun. Satu perubahan untuk manfaat yang besar. Tidak hanya " "mencakup tangkapan dari waktu tertentu, pencadangan real time memberi Anda " "pengendalian dan fleksibilitas penuh. Dengan log aktivitas, tindakan yang " "merusak situs (dan pelakunya) dapat diketahui pasti, sehingga Anda akan " "terlihat sangat ahli di mata klien." msgid "A must-have for WordPress site builders" msgstr "Wajib dimiliki untuk pembuat situs WordPress" msgid "Custom WooCommerce table backups" msgstr "Pencadangan tabel WooCommerce khusus" msgid "Protect your customer data and stay GDPR compliant" msgstr "Taati kebijakan GDPR dengan melindungi data pelanggan" msgid "" "Restore your site to any past state while keeping all orders and products " "current" msgstr "" "Pulihkan situs ke kondisi apa pun di masa lalu dengan tetap membiarkan semua " "pesanan dan produk di masa kini" msgid "Backups built for WooCommerce" msgstr "Fitur pencadangan yang diciptakan untuk WooCommerce" msgid "" "Jetpack is the most proven WordPress backup plugin with 269 million site " "backups over the last ten years" msgstr "" "Jetpack adalah plugin pencadangan WordPress paling andal yang telah membuat " "269 juta cadangan situs selama sepuluh tahun terakhir" msgid "Tested to ensure no conflicts with major plugins or hosts" msgstr "" "Teruji untuk memastikan tidak terjadi konflik dengan plugin atau host " "terkemuka" msgid "Global server infrastructure" msgstr "Infrastruktur server tingkat dunia" msgid "Off-site / cloud backups so there’s no load on your server" msgstr "Pencadangan off-site/cloud, sehingga tidak membebani server Anda" msgid "Redundant copies made on multiple servers" msgstr "Salinan pencadangan disimpan di beberapa server" msgid "Backups of all WooCommerce customer and order data" msgstr "Pencadangan semua data pelanggan dan pesanan dari WooCommerce" msgid "Backups of all files including database backups and file backups" msgstr "" "Pencadangan seluruh berkas, termasuk pencadangan basis data dan pencadangan " "berkas" msgid "Reliability you can trust" msgstr "Keandalan tepercaya" msgid "Best-in-class support" msgstr "Bantuan terbaik di kelasnya " msgid "No developer required" msgstr "Tanpa bantuan pengembang" msgid "Restore even if your site is offline" msgstr "Jalankan pemulihan walau situs Anda offline" msgid "Restore from anywhere with the Jetpack mobile app" msgstr "Jalankan pemulihan dari mana saja dengan aplikasi seluler Jetpack" msgid "Easy-to-use plugin with one-click restores" msgstr "Plugin yang mudah digunakan dengan fitur pemulihan sekali klik" msgid "" "If you make money from your site, or spend hours perfecting content, you " "need WordPress backups. Protect your investment by getting your site back " "online in seconds. Our automated backup plugin is powerful enough for pros, " "but easy enough for beginners." msgstr "" "Jika situs Anda adalah sumber pendapatan atau Anda telah menghabiskan waktu " "untuk menyempurnakan konten, Anda perlu fitur pencadangan WordPress. " "Lindungi investasi Anda dengan membuat situs online kembali dengan cepat. " "Plugin pencadangan otomatis kami sangat andal bagi yang ahli, tetapi tetap " "mudah digunakan untuk para pemula." msgid "Restoring your site has never been easier" msgstr "Memulihkan situs kini menjadi sangat mudah" msgid "<strong>30-day</strong> log of site changes" msgstr "Log perubahan situs <strong>30 hari</strong>" msgid "<strong>30-day</strong> backup archive" msgstr "Arsip pencadangan <strong>30 hari</strong>" msgid "Unlimited storage - no extra fees" msgstr "Penyimpanan tanpa batas - tanpa biaya tambahan" msgid "<strong>1-year</strong> log of site changes" msgstr "Log perubahan situs <strong>1 tahun</strong>" msgid "<strong>1-year</strong> backup archive" msgstr "Arsip pencadangan <strong>1 tahun</strong>" msgid "<strong>Real-time backups</strong> so every change is saved" msgstr "<strong>Pencadangan real time</strong>, agar setiap perubahan disimpan" msgid "The file URL has been copied to your clipboard" msgstr "URL berkas disalin ke clipboard Anda" msgid "Relevant tips and new features to get the most out of Akismet" msgstr "Tips bermanfaat dan fitur baru untuk memaksimalkan Akismet" msgid "Akismet Marketing" msgstr "Pemasaran Akismet" msgid "" "No free option. Any site requires a paid plan at %1$s%2$s (%3$s%4$s) a " "month, minimum." msgstr "" "Tidak ada pilihan gratis. Semua situs harus menggunakan paket berbayar " "seharga minimum %1$s%2$s (%3$s%4$s) per bulan." msgid "" "There was an issue saving your updates to the VideoPress service. Please try " "again later." msgstr "" "Ada masalah saat menyimpan pembaruan Anda ke layanan VideoPress. Silakan " "coba lagi nanti." msgid "We encountered an unexpected problem while deleting your mailbox" msgstr "Terjadi masalah yang tidak terduga saat menghapus kotak surat Anda" msgid "Toggle extra menu items" msgstr "Alihkan item menu ekstra" msgid "Site Health - %s" msgstr "Kesehatan Situs - %s" msgid "" "Your site’s health is looking good, but there is still one thing you " "can do to improve its performance and security." msgstr "" "Kesehatan situs Anda terlihat baik, tetapi masih ada beberapa hal yang dapat " "Anda lakukan untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan keamanannya." msgid "" "Your site has a critical issue that should be addressed as soon as possible " "to improve its performance and security." msgstr "" "Situs Anda memiliki masalah kritis yang harus diatasi segera untuk " "meningkatkan kinerja dan keamanannya." msgid "" "Learn how to <a href=\"%s\" class=\"update-browser-link\">browse happy</a>" msgstr "" "Pelajari cara <a href=\"%s\" class=\"update-browser-link\">perbarui browser</" "a>" msgid "" "Internet Explorer does not give you the best WordPress experience. Switch to " "Microsoft Edge, or another more modern browser to get the most from your " "site." msgstr "" "Internet Explorer tidak memberi Anda pengalaman WordPress terbaik. Beralih " "ke Microsoft Edge, atau browser lain yang lebih modern untuk mendapatkan " "hasil maksimal dari situs Anda." msgid "%s update available" msgid_plural "%s updates available" msgstr[0] "%s pembaruan tersedia" msgstr[1] "%s pembaruan teresedia" msgid "Remove email forward" msgstr "Hapus penerusan email" msgid "Security Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Keamanan" msgid "Performance Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Performa" msgctxt "theme" msgid "Live Preview %s" msgstr "Pratinjau Langsung %s" msgctxt "theme" msgid "Customize %s" msgstr "Sesuaikan %s" msgctxt "theme" msgid "View Theme Details for %s" msgstr "Lihat Detail Tema untuk %s" msgid "List of menu items selected for deletion:" msgstr "Daftar item menu yang dipilih untuk dihapus:" msgid "Remove Selected Items" msgstr "Hapus Item yang Dipilih" msgid "Bulk Select" msgstr "Pilih Semua" msgid "Deleted menu item: %s." msgstr "Item menu yang dihapus: %s." msgid "item %s" msgstr "item %s" msgid "" "View our short <a class=\"jetpack-onboarding-section-link\" href=\"https://" "\">Getting Started video</a> (includes captions)." msgstr "" "Simak video pendek <a class=\"jetpack-onboarding-section-link\" href=" "\"\">Mulai</a> dari kami (dengan keterangan)." msgid "Jetpack Backup onboarding video" msgstr "Video penyiapan Jetpack Backup" msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Backup <i>Daily</i>" msgstr "Selamat datang di Jetpack Backup <i>Harian</i>" msgid "Jetpack logo with rocket" msgstr "Logo Jetpack dengan roket" msgid "" "Here’s how to get the most from your Jetpack Backup subscription. First, " "finish setting up your site." msgstr "" "Berikut cara memaksimalkan manfaat langganan Jetpack Backup Anda. Pertama-" "tama, selesaikan penyiapan situs Anda." msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Backup! Check out your new tools." msgstr "Selamat datang di Jetpack Backup! Lihat perangkat baru Anda." msgid "" "Taylor is a minimalist theme, designed for single-page websites. Its single " "post and page layouts have no header, navigation menus, or widgets, so the " "page you design in the WordPress editor is the same page you’ll see on the " "front end." msgstr "" "Taylor adalah tema minimalis, dirancang untuk situs web satu halaman. Pos " "tunggal dan tata letak lamannya tidak memiliki header, menu navigasi, atau " "widget, sehingga laman yang Anda desain di editor WordPress adalah laman " "yang sama yang akan Anda lihat di bagian depan." msgid "" "Fredrickson is a minimalist theme, designed for single-page websites. Its " "single post and page layouts have no header, navigation menus, or widgets, " "so the page you design in the WordPress editor is the same page you’ll see " "on the front end." msgstr "" "Fredrickson adalah tema minimalis, dirancang untuk situs web satu halaman. " "Pos tunggal dan tata letak lamannya tidak memiliki header, menu navigasi, " "atau widget, sehingga laman yang Anda desain di editor WordPress adalah " "laman yang sama yang akan Anda lihat di bagian depan." msgid "" "Balan is a minimalist theme, designed for single-page websites. Its single " "post and page layouts have no header, navigation menus, or widgets, so the " "page you design in the WordPress editor is the same page you’ll see on the " "front end." msgstr "" "Balan adalah tema minimalis, dirancang untuk situs web satu halaman. Pos " "tunggal dan tata letak lamannya tidak memiliki header, menu navigasi, atau " "widget, sehingga laman yang Anda desain di editor WordPress adalah laman " "yang sama yang akan Anda lihat di bagian depan." msgid "" "Vesta is a minimalist theme, designed for single-page websites. Its single " "post and page layouts have no header, navigation menus, or widgets, so the " "page you design in the WordPress editor is the same page you’ll see on the " "front end." msgstr "" "Vesta adalah tema minimalis, dirancang untuk situs web satu halaman. Pos " "tunggal dan tata letak lamannya tidak memiliki header, menu navigasi, atau " "widget, sehingga laman yang Anda desain di editor WordPress adalah laman " "yang sama yang akan Anda lihat di bagian depan." msgid "" "Overton is a minimalist theme, designed for single-page websites. Its single " "post and page layouts have no header, navigation menus, or widgets, so the " "page you design in the WordPress editor is the same page you’ll see on the " "front end." msgstr "" "Overton adalah tema minimalis, dirancang untuk situs web satu halaman. Pos " "tunggal dan tata letak lamannya tidak memiliki header, menu navigasi, atau " "widget, sehingga laman yang Anda desain di editor WordPress adalah laman " "yang sama yang akan Anda lihat di bagian depan." msgid "Your upcoming invoice is being prepared and will be available soon." msgstr "" "Faktur Anda yang akan datang sedang disiapkan dan akan segera tersedia." msgid "FAQs" msgstr "Tanya Jawab Umum" msgid "P2 Guides" msgstr "Panduan G2" msgid "Help Center" msgstr "Pusat Bantuan" msgid "P2 vs Blog" msgstr "P2 vs Blog" msgid "P2 vs Email" msgstr "P2 vs Email" msgid "P2 vs Chat" msgstr "P2 vs Chat" msgid "P2 Home" msgstr "Beranda P2" msgid "" "Is this your new site? Log in to activate admin features and dismiss this " "message" msgstr "" "Apakah ini situs baru Anda? Masuk untuk mengaktifkan fitur admin dan " "mengabaikan pesan ini" msgid "GUID for the post, as it exists in the database." msgstr "GUID untuk pos, seperti yang ada di dalam database." msgid "Optimize JS and CSS for faster page load and render in the browser." msgstr "" "Optimalkan JS dan CSS untuk memuat halaman dan menampilkan lebih cepat di " "browser." msgctxt "navigation link block description" msgid "A link to a category." msgstr "Tautan ke kategori." msgctxt "navigation link block description" msgid "A link to a tag." msgstr "Tautan ke tag." msgctxt "navigation link block title" msgid "Category Link" msgstr "Tautan Kategori" msgctxt "navigation link block title" msgid "Tag Link" msgstr "Tautan Tag" msgid "Whether items must be assigned all or any of the specified terms." msgstr "" "Apakah item harus diberikan akses ke semua atau salah satu term yang " "ditentukan." msgid "Sort collection by post attribute." msgstr "Sortir koleksi berdasarkan atribut pos." msgid "The terms assigned to the post in the %s taxonomy." msgstr "Istilah yang ditetapkan untuk pos dalam taksonomi %s." msgid "The order of the post in relation to other posts." msgstr "Urutan artikel dalam kaitannya dengan artikel lain." msgid "HTML title for the post, transformed for display." msgstr "Judul HTML untuk pos, diubah untuk ditampilkan." msgid "The title for the post." msgstr "Judul untuk pos." msgid "The ID for the parent of the post." msgstr "ID untuk induk pos." msgid "Type of post." msgstr "Tipe pos." msgid "A named status for the post." msgstr "Status bernama untuk pos." msgid "URL to the post." msgstr "URL ke pos" msgid "" "Welcome to Jetpack! Free Security, Performance, and Growth tools for your " "site." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di Jetpack! Alat gratis untuk Keamanan, Performa, dan " "Pengembangan situs Anda." msgid "" "Protect your site with a special discount for new Jetpack family members!" msgstr "" "Lindungi situs Anda dengan diskon khusus bagi anggota keluarga Jetpack baru!" msgid "" "By leaving Jetpack enabled, you agree to our <a href=\"%1$s\">Terms of " "Service</a> and to sync <a href=\"%2$s\">certain data and settings</a> to <a " "href=\"%3$s\"></a>, and understand that Jetpack’s <a href=\"%4$s" "\">Privacy Policy</a> applies." msgstr "" "Dengan mengaktifkan Jetpack, berarti Anda menyetujui <a href=\"%1$s" "\">Ketentuan Layanan</a> kami dan setuju untuk menyinkronkan <a href=\"%2$s" "\">data dan pengaturan tertentu </a> ke <a href=\"%3$s\"></a>, " "serta mengerti bahwa <a href=\"%4$s\">Kebijakan Privasi</a> Jetpack yang " "berlaku." msgid "Manage connection" msgstr "Kelola koneksi" msgid "Security Features" msgstr "Fitur Keamanan" msgid "" "Since you’re new to Jetpack, we’ve put together some helpful links to get " "you started:" msgstr "" "Karena Anda baru pertama kali menggunakan Jetpack, kami menyiapkan beberapa " "tautan untuk membantu Anda memulai:" msgid "" "With the release of <a href=\"%1$s\">Jetpack 9.7</a>, we made it easier than " "ever to unlock the power of Jetpack, including removing the requirement that " "you need to be logged in. Some features require you to register an account " "but for now you can take advantage of <a href=\"%2$s\">all these great " "features</a>." msgstr "" "Dengan <a href=\"%1$s\">Jetpack 9.7</a> yang kami luncurkan, memanfaatkan " "kelebihan Jetpack menjadi lebih mudah, Anda juga tidak lagi diwajibkan untuk " "login. Beberapa fitur mengharuskan Anda untuk mendaftar, tetapi untuk saat " "ini Anda dapat memanfaatkan <a href=\"%2$s\">semua fitur hebat berikut</a>." msgid "Get to know Jetpack!" msgstr "Kenali Jetpack!" msgid "Most Jetpack blocks" msgstr "Sebagian besar blok Jetpack" msgid "Site Accelerator (CDN)" msgstr "Akselerator Situs (CDN)" msgid "" "Jetpack is a free WordPress plugin that provides your site with security, " "performance, and growth tools including:" msgstr "" "Jetpack adalah plugin WordPress gratis yang memberikan situs Anda perangkat " "keamanan, kinerja, dan cara untuk berkembang, termasuk:" msgid "Your hosting provider has enabled Jetpack on your site:" msgstr "Penyedia hosting Anda telah mengaktifkan Jetpack di situs Anda:" msgid "The classic WP-Admin WordPress interface." msgstr "Antarmuka WordPress WP-Admin klasik." msgid "Classic view" msgstr "Tampilan klasik" msgid "Our redesign for a better experience." msgstr "Desain baru untuk pengalaman yang lebih baik." msgid "Limit result set to users who have published posts." msgstr "Persempit hasil ke pengguna yang telah menerbitkan pos." msgid "The calendar block is hidden because there are no published posts." msgstr "Blok kalender disembunyikan karena belum ada pos yang diterbitkan." msgid "Download for free" msgstr "Unduh gratis" msgid "" "Unable to activate theme. {{contactSupportLink}}Contact support{{/" "contactSupportLink}}." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat mengaktifkan tema. {{contactSupportLink}}Hubungi bantuan{{/" "contactSupportLink}}." msgid "Jetpack mobile apps" msgstr "Aplikasi seluler Jetpack" msgid "" "Please activate the <a href=\"%s\">Link Manager plugin</a> to use the link " "manager." msgstr "" "Silakan aktifkan <a href=\"%s\">plugin Pengelola Tautan</a> untuk " "menggunakan pengelola tautan." msgid "" "Quadrat is a simple, versatile WordPress theme, designed for blogs and " "podcasts. Inspired by squared shapes and colourful, minimalist flat " "illustrations, Quadrat bundles a set of images you can use on your site with " "the theme’s default color palette. Quadrat’s default styles are bold and " "playful, relying on a simple sans-serif font and a strong color scheme that " "you can customize." msgstr "" "Quadrat adalah tema WordPress yang sederhana dan serbaguna, dirancang untuk " "blog dan podcast. Terinspirasi oleh bentuk persegi dan ilustrasi datar " "minimalis berwarna-warni, Quadrat menggabungkan serangkaian gambar yang " "dapat Anda gunakan di situs Anda dengan palet warna standar tema. Gaya " "standar Quadrat berani dan menyenangkan, mengandalkan font sans-serif " "sederhana dan skema warna kuat yang dapat Anda sesuaikan." msgid "Sorry, that plan is not a valid upgrade from your current plan." msgstr "" "Maaf, paket tersebut bukan upgrade yang valid dari paket Anda saat ini." msgid "%1$s or %2$s" msgstr "%1$s atau %2$s" msgid "" "<strong>Error:</strong> Unknown username. Check again or try your email " "address." msgstr "" "<strong>Eror</strong>: Nama pengguna tidak dikenal. Periksa lagi atau coba " "alamat e-mail Anda." msgid "" "<strong>Error:</strong> Unknown email address. Check again or try your " "username." msgstr "" "<strong>Eror</strong>: Alamat e-mail tidak dikenal. Periksa lagi atau coba " "nama pengguna Anda." msgid "" "<strong>Error:</strong> The username <strong>%s</strong> is not registered " "on this site. If you are unsure of your username, try your email address " "instead." msgstr "" "<strong>Eror</strong>: Nama pengguna <strong>%s</strong> tidak terdaftar di " "situs ini. Jika Anda tidak yakin dengan nama pengguna Anda, coba alamat e-" "mail Anda." msgid "Apply now" msgstr "Ajukan sekarang" msgid "" "Whether you need a landing page or a full ecommerce site, an online learning " "academy or an interactive informational site for your business, we can build " "it for you." msgstr "" "Jika Anda membutuhkan halaman landing, situs e-commerce lengkap, lembaga " "pembelajaran online, atau situs informasi interaktif untuk bisnis, kami " "dapat membuatnya untuk Anda." msgid "Let our experts build your custom website." msgstr "" "Percayakan kepada para ahli kami untuk membangun situs web " "kustom Anda." msgid "Unable to encode the personal data for export. Error: %s" msgstr "Tidak dapat menyandikan data pribadi untuk ekspor. Eror: %s" msgid "The %s post meta must be an array." msgstr "Meta pos %s harus berupa array." msgid "ENDING SOON: %d%% off top-rated website hosting + a free domain name" msgstr "" "SEGERA BERAKHIR: Diskon %d%% untuk hosting situs web peringkat teratas + " "nama domain gratis" msgctxt "theme" msgid "Uploaded" msgstr "Diunggah" msgctxt "plugin" msgid "Replace current with uploaded" msgstr "Gantikan dengan yang diunggah" msgctxt "plugin" msgid "Uploaded" msgstr "Diunggah" msgctxt "plugin" msgid "Current" msgstr "Saat ini" msgid "" "Ads automatically generates a custom {{link1}}ads.txt{{/link1}} tailored for " "your site. If you need to add additional entries for other networks please " "add them in the space below, one per line. {{link2}}Check here for more " "details{{/link2}}." msgstr "" "Iklan secara otomatis membuat {{link1}}ads.txt{{/link1}} khusus yang " "disesuaikan untuk situs Anda. Jika Anda perlu menambahkan entri tambahan " "untuk jaringan lain, silakan tambahkan di bawah ini, satu per baris. " "{{link2}}Periksa di sini untuk detail selengkapnya{{/link2}}." msgid "Customize your ads.txt file" msgstr "Sesuaikan file ads.txt Anda" msgid "" "Ads.txt (Authorized Digital Sellers) is a mechanism that enables content " "owners to declare who is authorized to sell their ad inventory. It’s the " "formal list of advertising partners you support as a publisher." msgstr "" "Ads.txt (Penjual Digital Resmi) adalah mekanisme yang memungkinkan pemilik " "konten menyatakan siapa yang berhak menjual persediaan iklan mereka. Ads.txt " "merupakan daftar formal mitra pengiklan yang Anda dukung sebagai penerbit." msgid "Ads.txt" msgstr "Ads.txt" msgid "Child theme of %s" msgstr "Tema anak dari %s" msgid "Unable to determine" msgstr "Tidak dapat menentukan" msgid "ImageMagick supported file formats" msgstr "Format berkas yang didukung ImageMagick" msgid "Imagick version" msgstr "Versi Imagick" msgid "" "Get started with an upgraded plan today, and you’ll save %1$s%" "% off your first month when you use the code %2$s. Sign up by %3$s to take " "advantage of this special offer." msgstr "" "Mulai dengan mendaftar dan melakukan upgrade untuk paket Anda " "sekarang, dan dapatkan diskon %1$s%% untuk bulan pertama jika Anda " "menggunakan kode %2$s. Daftar sebelum %3$s untuk memanfaatkan penawaran " "spesial berikut." msgid "Expert support from our global team of Happiness Engineers." msgstr "Layanan bantuan dari tim global Happiness Engineer kami." msgid "" "Setting up a fresh new site is quick and easy, and to prove it " "to you, we’re giving you %1$s%% off your first month. Go ahead — try it for " "yourself! And make sure you enter the code %2$s to claim those savings." msgstr "" "Menyiapkan situs dari awal sangat cepat dan mudah, dan untuk " "membuktikannya, kami memberikan diskon %1$s%% untuk bulan pertama. Ayo " "daftar — langsung dicoba! Pastikan Anda memasukkan kode %2$s untuk mengklaim " "diskon tersebut." msgid "" "If you’ve been waiting for a sign to start building your website, this is it." msgstr "" "Jika Anda menunggu waktu yang tepat untuk mulai membangun situs web, " "sekaranglah waktunya." msgid "" "Just popping in to remind you that your free domain name is still available " "with your upgrade, but your %1$s%% off deal ends on %2$s." msgstr "" "Nama domain gratis masih tersedia dengan upgrade Anda. Akan tetapi, promo " "diskon %1$s%% akan berakhir pada %2$s." msgid "" "In addition to \".com\", you can choose from hundreds of options for a " "domain name that matches your brand best! Take a look at %s." msgstr "" "Selain \".com\", Anda dapat memilih salah satu dari ratusan pilihan nama " "domain yang paling sesuai dengan branding Anda! Lihat %s." msgid "" "Visit %1$s to upgrade your site. The code %2$s is valid until %3$s, so be " "sure to take advantage of this offer ASAP." msgstr "" "Kunjungi %1$s untuk upgrade situs Anda. Kode %2$s berlaku hingga %3$s, jadi " "manfaatkan penawaran ini secepatnya." msgid "" "Think of your domain name as a welcome mat for your blog or a virtual awning " "for your business. It’s the all important web address, so claim your domain " "and start your journey today." msgstr "" "Nama domain akan menjadi karpet merah untuk blog atau beranda virtual bisnis " "Anda. Nama domain adalah alamat web yang sangat penting. Maka, segera klaim " "domain Anda dan mulai perjalanan Anda bersama sekarang." msgid "" "Long story short: When you upgrade your website, we include your first year " "of domain name registration — totally free! Plus, when you use the promo " "code %1$s, you’ll get %2$s%% off your very first payment." msgstr "" "Singkat cerita: Jika Anda melakukan upgrade untuk situs web Anda, kami akan " "memberikan gratis pendaftaran nama domain Anda untuk tahun pertama — gratis! " "Selain itu, jika Anda menggunakan kode promo %1$s, Anda akan mendapatkan " "diskon %2$s%% untuk pembayaran pertama." msgid "That’s right — you’ve got a FREE domain name waiting for you." msgstr "Tepat sekali — nama domain GRATIS sedang menunggu Anda." msgid "" "Get started with an upgraded plan today, and you’ll save %1$s%" "% off your first month when you use the code %2$s. <a href=\"%3$s\">Sign up</" "a> by %4$s to take advantage of this special offer." msgstr "" "Mulai dengan mendaftar dan melakukan upgrade untuk paket Anda " "sekarang, dan dapatkan diskon %1$s%% untuk bulan pertama jika Anda " "menggunakan kode %2$s. <a href=\"%3$s\">Daftar</a> sebelum %4$s untuk " "memanfaatkan penawaran spesial berikut." msgid "%d%% off ends soon!" msgstr "Diskon %d%% segera berakhir!" msgid "ENDING SOON: %d%% off your first month with" msgstr "SEGERA BERAKHIR: Diskon %d%% untuk bulan pertama dengan" msgid "" "Discount applies to the first payment of a paid plan, but does " "not apply to future recurring payments. Discount may not be applied to " "previous purchases, renewals, subscription upgrades, or combined with any " "other offer." msgstr "" "Diskon berlaku untuk pembayaran pertama paket berbayar, tetapi " "tidak berlaku untuk pembayaran berulang berikutnya. Diskon tidak dapat " "digunakan untuk pembelian, perpanjangan, upgrade langganan yang dilakukan " "sebelumnya, atau digabungkan dengan penawaran lainnya." msgid "This offer is available until %s, so get started soon!" msgstr "Penawaran berikut tersedia hingga %s. Ayo mulai segera!" msgid "Get started 🎉" msgstr "Mulai 🎉" msgid "Included access to beautiful theme options to match your brand." msgstr "" "Akses ke berbagai pilihan tema menarik yang sesuai dengan branding Anda." msgid "Best-in-class hosting with top marks for reliability and uptime." msgstr "" "Hosting terbaik di kelasnya dengan nilai tertinggi untuk keandalan dan waktu " "aktif." msgid "24/7 support from our expert team of Happiness Engineers." msgstr "Bantuan setiap saat dari tim ahli Happiness Engineer." msgid "" "Here’s a quick look at what you get when you build your website with us:" msgstr "" "Berikut sekilas yang akan Anda dapatkan jika membangun situs web bersama " "kami:" msgid "" "Setting up a fresh new site is quick and easy, and to prove it " "to you, we’re giving you %1$s%% off your first month. Go ahead — <a href=" "\"%2$s\">try it for yourself!</a> And make sure you enter the code %3$s to " "claim those savings." msgstr "" "Menyiapkan situs dari awal sangat cepat dan mudah, dan untuk " "membuktikannya, kami memberikan diskon %1$s%% untuk bulan pertama. Ayo " "daftar — <a href=\"%2$s\">langsung dicoba!</a> Pastikan Anda memasukkan kode " "%3$s untuk mengklaim diskon tersebut." msgid "" "If you’ve been waiting for a sign to start building your website, this is " "it. 😉" msgstr "" "Jika Anda menunggu waktu yang tepat untuk mulai membangun situs web, " "sekarang saatnya. 😉" msgid "This offer + your brand = a website you’ll love ❤️" msgstr "Penawaran ini + brand Anda = situs web yang Anda suka ❤️" msgid "Ready to build your website? Here’s %d%% off your first month." msgstr "Siap membangun situs web Anda? Diskon %d%% untuk bulan pertama." msgid "" "Just popping in to remind you that your free domain name is still available " "with <a href=\"%1$s\">your upgrade</a>, but your %2$s%% off deal ends on " "%3$s." msgstr "" "Nama domain gratis masih tersedia dengan <a href=\"%1$s\">upgrade Anda</a>. " "Akan tetapi, promo diskon %2$s%% akan berakhir pada %3$s." msgid "Your free domain name is waiting!" msgstr "Nama domain gratis Anda masih menunggu!" msgid "Build a website you’ll love! Get started today." msgstr "Bangun situs web yang Anda suka! Mulai hari ini." msgid "" "Please note that select domain names may be excluded from this offer. " "Discount applies to the first payment of an annual plan, but does not apply " "to future recurring payments. Discount may not be applied to previous " "purchases, renewals, subscription upgrades, or combined with any other offer." msgstr "" "Pilihan nama domain mungkin tidak termasuk dalam penawaran berikut. Diskon " "berlaku untuk pembayaran pertama paket tahunan, tetapi tidak berlaku untuk " "pembayaran berulang berikutnya. Diskon tidak dapat digunakan untuk " "pembelian, perpanjangan, upgrade langganan yang dilakukan sebelumnya, atau " "digabungkan dengan penawaran lainnya." msgid "" "In addition to <strong>.com</strong>, you can choose from hundreds of " "options for a domain name that matches your brand best! Take a look <a href=" "\"%s\">here</a>." msgstr "" "Selain <strong>.com</strong>, Anda dapat memilih salah satu dari ratusan " "pilihan nama domain yang paling sesuai dengan branding Anda! Lihat <a href=" "\"%s\">di sini</a>." msgid "" "Click <a href=\"%1$s\">here</a> or on the button below to upgrade your site. " "The code %2$s is valid until %3$s, so be sure to take advantage of this " "offer ASAP." msgstr "" "Klik <a href=\"%1$s\">di sini</a> atau tombol di bawah untuk melakukan " "upgrade situs Anda. Kode %2$s berlaku hingga %3$s. Manfaatkan segera " "kesempatan berikut." msgid "" "Think of your domain name as a welcome mat for your blog or a virtual awning " "for your business. It’s the all important web address, so claim your domain " "and <a href=\"%s\">start your journey</a> today." msgstr "" "Nama domain akan menjadi karpet merah untuk blog atau beranda virtual bisnis " "Anda. Nama domain adalah alamat web yang sangat penting. Maka, klaim domain " "Anda dan <a href=\"%s\">mulai perjalanan Anda bersama " "sekarang</a>." msgid "Not to mention more incredible features 🎉" msgstr "Apalagi masih ada fitur menakjubkan lainnya 🎉" msgid "%d%% off + a free domain name" msgstr "Diskon %d%% + nama domain gratis" msgid "" "If you have a theme in .zip format, you may install or update it by " "uploading it here. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memiliki tema dengan format .zip, Anda dapat menginstal atau " "memperbaruinya dengan mengunggahnya di sini. {{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih " "lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}." msgid "Install Theme" msgstr "Instal tema" msgid "Qostanay" msgstr "Kostanay" msgid "Nuuk" msgstr "Nuuk" msgid "Allow readers to use markdown in comments" msgstr "Mengizinkan pembaca menggunakan markdown pada komentar." msgid "" "Use Markdown syntax to compose content with links, lists, and other styles. " "This setting enables Markdown in the Classic Editor as well as within a " "Classic Editor block." msgstr "" "Gunakan sintaks Markdown untuk membuat konten dengan tautan, daftar, dan " "gaya lainnya. Pengaturan ini mengaktifkan fungsi Markdown di Penyunting " "Klasik serta blok Penyunting Klasik." msgid "" "Yes. We offer Professional Email which is a robust hosted email solution for " "any custom domain registered through You can also set up free " "email forwarding, or use our Google Workspace integration to power your " "emails. <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Learn more about our email " "solutions</a>." msgstr "" "Ya. Kami menawarkan Professional Email, sebuah solusi email yang terkelola " "dan andal untuk domain khusus yang didaftarkan melalui Anda " "juga dapat menggunakan penerusan email gratis, atau integrasi Google " "Workspace kami untuk mengoptimalkan email Anda. <a href=\"%s\" target=" "\"_blank\">Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang solusi email kami</a>." msgid "Don’t want these emails?" msgstr "Anda tidak ingin menerima email ini?" msgid "" "Automattic is the parent company of Jetpack,, WooCommerce, and " "more. We're %1$s people working from %2$s countries and we're <a style=" "\"color:#fff;\" href=\"%3$s\">always hiring</a>." msgstr "" "Automattic adalah perusahaan induk dari Jetpack,, WooCommerce, " "dan sebagainya. Kami didukung oleh %1$s orang yang bekerja dari %2$s negara " "dan kami <a style=\"color:#fff;\" href=\"%3$s\">selalu membuka lowongan " "kerja</a>." msgid "Learn more about CDN" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang CDN" msgid "Free One-Click Performance" msgstr "Performa Satu Klik Gratis" msgid "" "Incredibly powerful and customizable, Jetpack Search, helps your visitors " "instantly find the right content – right when they need it." msgstr "" "Sangat canggih dan dapat disesuaikan, Jetpack Search membantu pengunjung " "Anda langsung menemukan konten yang tepat pada saat dibutuhkan." msgid "" "Easy-to-use, comprehensive WordPress site security including backups and " "malware scanning." msgstr "" "Keamanan situs WordPress yang komprehensif dan mudah digunakan, termasuk " "pencadangan dan pemindaian malware." msgid "" "Easy-to-use, comprehensive WordPress site <br /> security including backups " "and malware scanning." msgstr "" "Keamanan <br /> situs WordPress yang komprehensif dan mudah digunakan, " "termasuk pencadangan dan pemindaian malware." msgid "GET STARTED" msgstr "MULAI" msgid "" "We are offering a <strong>%s%% discount on all plans for a limited time!</" "strong>" msgstr "" "Kami menawarkan diskon <strong>%s%% untuk semua paket dalam waktu terbatas!</" "strong>" msgid "" "As an Akismet user, you know your site is protected from spam around the " "clock. When combined with Jetpack’s security and performance toolkit, your " "site can be even more secure." msgstr "" "Sebagai pengguna Akismet, Anda tahu situs Anda dilindungi dari spam " "sepanjang waktu. Jika digabungkan dengan toolkit keamanan dan performa " "Jetpack, situs Anda bisa menjadi lebih aman." msgid "Go beyond spam protection for your WordPress site" msgstr "" "Dapatkan lebih banyak manfaat dari perlindungan spam untuk situs WordPress " "Anda" msgid "The date the comment was published, as GMT." msgstr "Tanggal penerbitan komentar, dalam GMT." msgid "Sort collection by user attribute." msgstr "Urutkan koleksi berdasarkan atribut pengguna." msgid "An alphanumeric identifier for the revision unique to its type." msgstr "Pengidentifikasi alfanumerik untuk revisi yang unik sesuai jenisnya." msgid "The date the revision was last modified, as GMT." msgstr "Tanggal saat revisi terakhir dimodifikasi, sesuai GMT." msgid "The date the revision was last modified, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal saat revisi terakhir dimodifikasi, dalam zona waktu situs." msgid "GUID for the revision, as it exists in the database." msgstr "GUID untuk revisi, sesuai dengan basis data." msgid "The date the revision was published, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal saat revisi dipublikasikan, dalam zona waktu situs." msgid "The ID for the author of the revision." msgstr "ID untuk penulis revisi." msgid "Unique identifier for the revision." msgstr "Pengidentifikasi unik untuk revisi." msgid "The ID for the parent of the revision." msgstr "ID induk revisi." msgid "Sort collection by comment attribute." msgstr "Sortir koleksi berdasarkan atribut komentar." msgid "Type of the comment." msgstr "Tipe komentar." msgid "URL to the comment." msgstr "URL ke komentar." msgid "The date the comment was published, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal saat komentar dipublikasikan, dalam zona waktu situs." msgid "HTML content for the comment, transformed for display." msgstr "Konten HTML untuk komentar, ditransformasikan untuk ditampilkan." msgid "Content for the comment, as it exists in the database." msgstr "Konten untuk komentar, sesuai dengan basis data." msgid "The content for the comment." msgstr "Konten untuk komentar." msgid "Unique identifier for the comment." msgstr "Pengidentifikasi unik untuk komentar." msgid "The ID for the autosave." msgstr "ID penyimpanan otomatis." msgid "The ID for the parent of the autosave." msgstr "ID untuk induk penyimpanan otomatis." msgid "Request an instant deposit" msgstr "Ajukan deposit langsung" msgid "Ready to get started with your first instant deposit?" msgstr "Siap memulai dengan deposit langsung pertama Anda? " msgid "" "You can deposit your pending balance at a fee of just %1$s1.5%%%2$s without " "affecting your regular deposit schedule. Win!" msgstr "" "Anda dapat menyetorkan saldo tertunda dengan biaya hanya %1$s1,5%%%2$s tanpa " "memengaruhi jadwal deposit reguler. Untung!" msgid "" "This exciting feature allows you to stay flexible and %1$sget immediate " "access to your funds%2$s when you need them. Transfer your earnings to your " "account within minutes - including nights, weekends, and holidays." msgstr "" "Dengan fitur menarik ini, nikmati fleksibilitas dan %1$sakses cepat ke dana " "Anda%2$s kapan pun dibutuhkan. Transfer pendapatan ke rekening dalam " "hitungan menit, kapan saja—malam hari, akhir pekan, ataupun hari libur." msgid "" "{{loginLink}}Log in{{/loginLink}} or {{pwdResetLink}}reset your password{{/" "pwdResetLink}}." msgstr "" "{{loginLink}}Login{{/loginLink}} atau {{pwdResetLink}}buat ulang kata sandi " "Anda{{/pwdResetLink}}." msgid "An account with this email already exists." msgstr "Akun dengan email ini sudah ada." msgid "" "There was a problem processing this transaction; please wait a moment and " "try again. If the issue persists, try another card." msgstr "" "Terjadi masalah saat memproses transaksi ini; harap tunggu beberapa saat dan " "coba lagi. Jika masalah berlanjut, coba kartu lainnya." msgid "" "There was a problem processing this transaction. Please contact the card-" "issuing bank for more information." msgstr "" "Terjadi masalah saat memproses transaksi ini. Hubungi bank penerbit kartu " "untuk informasi selengkapnya." msgid "There are no available Google Play store SKUs for the product" msgstr "Tidak tersedia SKU Google Play store untuk produk tersebut" msgid "" "Adding sharing buttons needs the Sharing Buttons module from Jetpack to be " "enabled." msgstr "" "Menambahkan tombol berbagi mengharuskan modul Tombol Berbagi dari Jetpack " "diaktifkan." msgid "Google Purchase Token" msgstr "Token Pembelian Google" msgid "Accept payments via Google Play Store In App Purchase" msgstr "Terima pembayaran via Pembelian Melalui Aplikasi Google Play Store" msgid "Google Play Store In App Purchase" msgstr "Pembelian Melalui Aplikasi Google Play Store" msgid "" "This may result in a longer response time, but staff in the " "forums will still be able to view your site's URL." msgstr "" "Pilihan ini dapat mengakibatkan waktu respons yang lebih lama, tetapi staf " " masih dapat melihat URL situs Anda." msgid "The event failed to send, please try again." msgstr "Perkembangan situs Anda gagal dibagikan, silakan coba kembali." msgid "We've shared the event!" msgstr "Kami telah bagikan perkembangan situs Anda!" msgid "" "Share what is happening with your site with your clients or business " "partners." msgstr "" "Bagikan perkembangan pada situs Anda dengan klien atau mitra bisnis Anda." msgid "Share this event via email" msgstr "Bagikan perkembangan berikut melalui email" msgid "Share this event" msgstr "Bagikan perkembangan berikut" msgid "The specified %s was not found" msgstr "%s yang ditentukan tidak ditemukan" msgid "Task incomplete" msgstr "Penyiapan belum selesai" msgid "All " msgstr "Semua " msgid "Search in" msgstr "Cari di" msgid "" "Gutenberg development mode requires files to be built. Run <code>npm " "install</code> to install dependencies, <code>npm run build</code> to build " "the files or <code>npm run dev</code> to build the files and watch for " "changes. Read the <a href=\"" "docs/contributors/code/" "\">contributing</a> file for more information." msgstr "" "Mode pengembangan Gutenberg mengharuskan berkas dibuat. Jalankan <code>npm " "install</code> untuk memasang dependensi, <code>npm run build</code> untuk " "membuat file atau <code>npm run dev</code> untuk membuat file dan melihat " "perubahannya. Lihat file <a href=\"" "blob/HEAD/docs/contributors/code/" "\">contributing</a> untuk informasi selengkapnya." msgid "Your %s details have been updated!" msgstr "Detail %s Anda telah diperbarui!" msgid "Validate and save" msgstr "Lakukan validasi dan simpan" msgid "An error occurred while fetching %s details." msgstr "Terjadi kendala saat mengambil detail %s." msgid "" "Use this field to add your billing information (eg. business address) before " "printing." msgstr "" "Gunakan ruas berikut untuk menambahkan informasi tagihan Anda (mis. alamat " "bisnis) sebelum mencetak." msgid "VAT Details" msgstr "Detail PPN" msgid "" "Set your Profile's basic details ( i.e., First Name, Last Name, Display " "Name, About ) in <a href=\"%1$s\"></a>" msgstr "" "Isi detail dasar Profil Anda (yaitu Nama Depan, Nama Belakang, Nama " "Tampilan, Tentang) di <a href=\"%1$s\"></a>" msgid "See all themes" msgstr "Lihat Semua Tema" msgid "Step %(currentStep)s of %(stepCount)s" msgstr "Langkah %(currentStep)s dari %(stepCount)s" msgid "Activating plugin" msgstr "Mengaktifkan plugin" msgid "Installing plugin" msgstr "Menginstal plugin" msgid "" "URI of the admin page where the user should be redirected after connection " "flow" msgstr "" "URI halaman admin tempat diarahkannya pengguna setelah alur penyambungan" msgid "The registration nonce" msgstr "Nonce pendaftaran" msgid "" "Indicates where the registration action was triggered for tracking/" "segmentation purposes" msgstr "" "Mengindikasikan tempat dipicunya tindakan pendaftaran untuk tujuan pelacakan/" "segmentasi" msgid "Upgrade to Jetpack Search and get the instant search experience" msgstr "" "Lakukan upgrade ke Jetpack Search dan dapatkan pengalaman pencarian instan" msgid "Upgrade your Jetpack Search and get the instant search experience" msgstr "" "Lakukan upgrade untuk Jetpack Search Anda dan dapatkan pengalaman pencarian " "instan" msgid "" "Experiencing an issue with connecting your site to Check <a " "href=\"" "jetpack-connection-issues/\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"troubleshooting-tips" "\">here</a> for troubleshooting tips." msgstr "" "Apakah Anda mengalami masalah saat menghubungkan situs Anda ke WordPress." "com? Lihat beberapa petunjuk pemecahan masalah <a href=\"" "support/getting-started-with-jetpack/fixing-jetpack-connection-issues/\" " "data-tracks-link-desc=\"troubleshooting-tips\">di sini</a>." msgid "Connect your site to" msgstr "Hubungkan situs Anda ke" msgid "" "And much <a href=\"" "connection-is-important-for-jetpack/\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"much-more" "\">more</a>!" msgstr "" "Dan masih <a href=\"" "connection-is-important-for-jetpack/\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"much-more" "\">banyak</a> lagi!" msgid "Restore your site from a backup (paid)." msgstr "Pulihkan situs Anda dengan konten yang sudah dicadangkan (berbayar)." msgid "Protect your site from security threats (paid)." msgstr "Lindungi situs Anda dari ancaman gangguan keamanan (berbayar)." msgid "See the activity on your site." msgstr "Lihat aktivitas di situs Anda." msgid "Get an instant email if your site goes down." msgstr "" "Dapatkan notifikasi email langsung jika situs Anda berhenti beroperasi." msgid "Block unwanted login attempts from hackers." msgstr "Blokir percobaan login dari peretas." msgid "" "Some of Jetpack’s features require a connection to It’s free " "to create an account, and connecting gives you access to these additional " "features:" msgstr "" "Beberapa fitur Jetpack memerlukan sambungan ke Anda dapat " "membuat akun gratis untuk dapat mengakses berbagai fitur " "tambahan berikut:" msgid "Connect your site to to access all of Jetpack’s features" msgstr "" "Hubungkan situs Anda ke untuk mendapatkan semua fitur Jetpack" msgid "Get access to Scan, Protect, Backup, Monitor, and much more!" msgstr "" "Dapatkan akses ke Pemindaian, Perlindungan, Pencadangan, Pemantauan, dan " "masih banyak lagi!" msgid "Finish protecting your site with Jetpack" msgstr "Lengkapi perlindungan situs Anda dengan Jetpack" msgid "Available for:" msgstr "Tersedia untuk:" msgid "Apps Screenshots" msgstr "Tangkapan Layar Aplikasi" msgid "" "Please note, if this information is not provided soon, you may be unable to " "accept payments or receive deposits." msgstr "" "Harap perhatikan bahwa jika informasi ini tidak segera dilengkapi, Anda " "mungkin tidak dapat menerima pembayaran atau deposit." msgid "You can find more detailed instructions in our %1$sdocumentation%2$s." msgstr "Anda dapat membaca instruksi detailnya dalam %1$sdokumentasi%2$s kami." msgid "Click the %1$sView and edit account details%2$s link." msgstr "Klik tautan %1$sLihat dan edit detail akun%2$s" msgid "" "In your store’s WooCommerce dashboard, go to %1$sPayments > Settings%2$s." msgstr "" "Pada dasbor toko WooCommerce Anda, buka %1$sPembayaran > Pengaturan%2$s" msgid "" "It looks like there is a problem with your information used for tax " "purposes. We’ll need you to update this information to prevent any issues " "with your account." msgstr "" "Sepertinya ada masalah terkait informasi Anda yang berhubungan dengan pajak. " "Anda perlu memperbarui informasi ini untuk menghindari masalah pada akun." msgid "" "Below is a list of partners we work with, or may work with in the future, " "for our ads program. Expand each partner to learn more about them, and use " "the corresponding partner checkbox to set your preference. Please note that " "partners you do not consent to may still process some of your personal data " "when they believe they have a legitimate interest in doing so; you have the " "right to object to this legitimate interest processing using the " "corresponding toggle." msgstr "" "Berikut adalah daftar mitra yang saat ini bekerja sama dengan kami, atau " "calon mitra di masa depan untuk program iklan kami. Bentangkan tiap mitra " "agar bisa lebih mempelajari mereka dan gunakan kotak centang mitra masing-" "masing untuk mengatur preferensi Anda. Harap diperhatikan bahwa mitra yang " "belum disetujui masih dapat memproses sebagian data pribadi Anda jika mitra " "tersebut yakin bahwa mereka memiliki kepentingan yang sah untuk " "melakukannya; Anda berhak menolak pemrosesan berdasar kepentingan yang sah " "ini menggunakan tombol alihan yang sesuai." msgid "" "<p>As part of our advertising program, we and our advertising partners " "collect and use your information for the purposes listed below. For some " "purposes, we or our partners require your consent before we will use your " "information in the way described. Use the checkbox next to each purpose to " "customize your consent preferences. Declining consent means we will not use " "your data for that purpose and you may see less relevant ads.</p><p>Some of " "the personal data processed by us or our partners is done based on a " "legitimate interest in the processing. That means it does not require your " "consent, but you have the right to object to it. Expand each purpose below " "to learn more about this type of processing; if you wish to object to the " "processing you can use the corresponding toggle.</p>" msgstr "" "<p>Sebagai bagian dari program periklanan, kami dan mitra iklan kami " "mengumpulkan dan menggunakan informasi Anda untuk tujuan berikut. Untuk " "beberapa tujuan, kami dan mitra kami memerlukan persetujuan Anda sebelum " "menggunakan informasi tersebut dengan cara yang telah dijelaskan. Gunakan " "kotak centang di sebelah tiap-tiap tujuan untuk menyesuaikan preferensi " "persetujuan Anda. Jika Anda tidak menyetujui, kami tidak akan menggunakan " "data Anda untuk tujuan tersebut dan iklan yang kurang relevan akan " "ditampilkan.</p><p>Pemrosesan sebagian data pribadi oleh kami atau mitra " "kami didasarkan pada kepentingan pemrosesan yang sah. Oleh karena itu, Anda " "tidak perlu menyetujui pemrosesan tersebut, tetapi Anda tetap berhak " "menolaknya. Bentangkan tiap tujuan berikut untuk mempelajari selengkapnya " "tentang jenis pemrosesan ini; jika ingin menolak pemrosesan tersebut, Anda " "dapat menggunakan tombol alihan yang sesuai.</p>" msgid "We guard your site.<br/>You run your business." msgstr "Kami melindungi situs Anda.<br/>Anda menjalankan bisnis Anda." msgid "" "Improve your site security, performance, and growth in just a few clicks" msgstr "" "Tingkatkan keamanan, performa, dan perkembangan situs Anda dengan mudah" msgid "" "Millions of people depend on my site, and downtime isn’t an option. Jetpack " "handles my site security and backups so I can focus on creation." msgstr "" "Jutaan orang bergantung pada situs saya sehingga downtime tidak boleh " "terjadi. Jetpack menangani keamanan dan pencadangan situs dengan baik " "sehingga saya dapat fokus berkarya." msgid "Safer. Faster.<br/>More traffic." msgstr "Lebih aman. Lebih cepat.<br/>Lebih banyak kunjungan." msgid "" "We encountered a problem while adding this product to your shopping cart." msgstr "" "Kami mengalami masalah saat menambahkan produk ini ke keranjang belanja Anda." msgid "Add new email forwards" msgstr "Tambahkan penerusan email baru" msgid "" "ScalaHosting is among the top 3 hosting providers rated by the world’s " "largest review platform Trustpilot. Our cloud solutions are endorsed by " "Techradar, PCMag, and Forbes." msgstr "" "ScalaHosting termasuk dalam 3 penyedia hosting teratas berdasarkan penilaian " "platform ulasan terbesar sedunia, Trustpilot. Solusi cloud kami didukung " "oleh Techradar, PCMag, dan Forbes." msgid "Trust the Trustpilot" msgstr "Percayakan pada Trustpilot" msgid "" "When you share a server with hundreds of other users, you and your website " "are exposed to the consequences of other people’s actions. With the VPS, " "your cloud resources are yours and yours only, and you can scale up and down " "with a few clicks. The result is unmatched speed and security." msgstr "" "Jika Anda berbagi server dengan ratusan pengguna lainnya, Anda dan situs " "Anda rentan terdampak tindakan orang lain. Dengan VPS, sumber daya cloud " "Anda menjadi milik Anda sepenuhnya. Anda juga dapat menambah dan mengurangi " "sumber daya dengan mudah. Hasilnya adalah kecepatan dan keamanan tanpa " "tanding." msgid "Unmatched speed and security:" msgstr "Kecepatan dan keamanan tanpa tanding:" msgid "" "In-house developed, based on a decade of real-time statistics of what " "hosting customers use. Supports unlimited accounts and websites and multiple " "PHP versions." msgstr "" "Dikembangkan secara internal, berdasarkan data statistik real-time selama " "satu dekade tentang hosting yang digunakan pelanggan. Mendukung akun dan " "situs dalam jumlah tak terbatas serta berbagai versi PHP." msgid "SPanel – a full-scale cPanel/WHM alternative but free" msgstr "SPanel – alternatif cPanel/WHM versi lengkap, gratis" msgid "" "Our mission is to empower every website owner on earth with fully managed " "cloud VPS at the price of an ordinary shared hosting plan." msgstr "" "Kami bertekad mendukung setiap pemilik situs di dunia dengan VPS cloud yang " "terkelola sepenuhnya dengan harga setara paket hosting bersama." msgid "ScalaHosting Managed WordPress Hosting" msgstr "Hosting WordPress Terkelola dari ScalaHosting" msgid "Start with ScalaHosting" msgstr "Mulai dengan ScalaHosting" msgid "Starting at $9.95 / mo" msgstr "Mulai dari $9,95/bulan" msgid "" "SPanel powered, fully-managed-cloud VPS, designed to launch your WordPress " "website to a completely new level of speed and security. <a href=\"#\" class=" "\"host-prtnr-show-details\">Learn more</a>" msgstr "" "Sebagai VPS cloud yang terkelola sepenuhnya dengan dukungan SPanel, " "ScalaHosting dirancang untuk mendongkrak kecepatan dan keamanan situs " "WordPress Anda. <a href=\"#\" class=\"host-prtnr-show-details\">Baca lebih " "lanjut</a>" msgid "ScalaHosting is based out of The United States of America" msgstr "" "ScalaHosting bermarkas di Amerika Serikat dan beroperasi di berbagai lokasi" msgid "ScalaHosting Logo" msgstr "Logo ScalaHosting" msgid "<a href=\"%1$s\">Invite people</a> to your P2 to collaborate together." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Kirim undangan</a> bergabung ke P2 Anda untuk berkolaborasi." msgid "1. Invite your team" msgstr "1. Undang tim Anda" msgid "Add your name and a picture in the profile <a href=\"%s\">settings</a>." msgstr "Masukkan nama dan gambar Anda di <a href=\"%s\">pengaturan</a> profil." msgid "" "A Company Registration Number is 8 numerals, 1 letter followed by 7 " "numerals, 2 letters followed by 6 numerals, or 6 or 7 numerals for " "registered charities (e.g. AB123456, R1234567, 12345678 or 1234567)." msgstr "" "Nomor Registrasi Perusahaan berupa 8 angka, 1 huruf yang diikuti 7 angka, 2 " "huruf yang diikuti 6 angka, atau 6 atau 7 angka untuk badan amal yang " "terdaftar (mis. AB123456, R1234567, 12345678, atau 1234567)." msgid "It's more than a website" msgstr "Lebih dari sekadar situs" msgid "Renew to add new mailboxes" msgstr "Perbarui untuk menambahkan kotak surat baru" msgid "" "Jetpack VaultPress Backup for Multisite installations provides downloadable " "backups, no one-click restores. For more information {{ExternalLink}}visit " "our documentation page{{/ExternalLink}}." msgstr "" "Pemasangan Jetpack VaultPress Backup untuk Multisitus memberikan fitur " "cadangan yang bisa diunduh, tanpa fitur permulihan sekali klik. Untuk " "informasi lebih lanjut {{ExternalLink}}kunjungi halaman dokumentasi kami{{/" "ExternalLink}}." msgid "This site is a WordPress Multisite installation." msgstr "Situs berikut adalah instalasi WordPress Multisite." msgid "" "Unable to update your %1$s subscription for '%2$s' because it has expired. " "Please renew it first." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat memperbarui %1$s langganan '%2$s' Anda karena telah kedaluwarsa. " "Mohon lakukan perpanjangan terlebih dahulu." msgid "" "Unable to update your %s subscription because it has expired. Please renew " "it first." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat memperbarui langganan %s Anda karena telah kedaluwarsa. Mohon " "lakukan perpanjangan terlebih dahulu." msgctxt "bulk action" msgid "Add Site" msgid_plural "Add Sites" msgstr[0] "Tambah Situs" msgstr[1] "Tambah Situs" msgid "Download the Jetpack mobile app" msgstr "Unduh aplikasi ponsel Jetpack" msgid "" "Howdy! Here’s the link to install the %s mobile app. Use it from your mobile " "device. Enjoy!" msgstr "" "Apa kabar! Berikut tautan untuk menginstal %s aplikasi ponsel. Gunakan " "aplikasi ini dari perangkat seluler Anda. Selamat menikmati!" msgid "Add new mailboxes" msgstr "Tambah kotak surat baru" msgid "View billing and payment settings" msgstr "Lihat pengaturan penagihan dan pembayaran" msgid "We sent you an email with your receipt and further instructions." msgstr "" "Kami mengirimkan Anda email dengan tanda terima dan instruksi lebih lanjut." msgid "" "This user has a account. Only they are allowed to update their " "personal information through their profile settings." msgstr "" "Pengguna ini memiliki akun Hanya pengguna tersebut yang bisa " "memperbarui informasi pribadi lewat pengaturan profil" msgid "" "Blockbase is a simple theme that supports full-site editing. It comes with a " "set of minimal templates and design settings that can be manipulated through " "Global Styles. Use it to build something beautiful." msgstr "" "Blockbase adalah tema sederhana yang mendukung pengeditan situs penuh. Tema " "berikut memiliki satu set template minimal dan pengaturan desain yang dapat " "dimanipulasi melalui Global Styles. Gunakan Blockbase untuk membangun " "sesuatu yang indah." msgid "Supported verification services:" msgstr "Layanan verifikasi yang didukung:" msgid "full instructions" msgstr "petunjuk lengkap" msgid "" "Note that {{b}}verifying your site with these services is not necessary{{/" "b}} in order for your site to be indexed by search engines. To use these " "advanced search engine tools and verify your site with a service, paste the " "HTML Tag code below. Read the {{supportLink/}} if you are having trouble." msgstr "" "Sebagai catatan {{b}}Anda tidak perlu melakukan verifikasi situs Anda dengan " "layanan berikut{{/b}} agar situs Anda diindeks oleh mesin pencari. Untuk " "menggunakan perangkat mesin pencari tingkat lanjut berikut dan melakukan " "verifikasi situs Anda dengan sebuah layanan, tempel kode Tag HTML di bawah " "ini. Baca {{supportLink/}} jika Anda menemukan kendala." msgid "" "Unable to purchase %1$s for '%2$s' because %3$s is no longer available for " "purchase. Please upgrade your app to the latest version, and " "purchase Google Workspace instead." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat %1$s membeli '%2$s' karena %3$s sudah tidak tersedia untuk " "pembelian. Upgrade aplikasi ke versi terbaru dan beli Google " "Workspace." msgid "" "Unable to purchase %1$s for '%2$s' because %3$s is no longer available for " "purchase. Please refresh your browser, and purchase Google Workspace instead." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat %1$s membeli '%2$s' karena %3$s sudah tidak tersedia untuk " "pembelian. Segarkan browser dan beli Google Workspace." msgid "" "You can <a style=\"color: #3D596D;\" href=\"%s\">cancel your subscription</" "a> at any time." msgstr "" "Anda dapat <a style=\"color: #3D596D;\" href=\"%s\">berhenti berlangganan</" "a> kapan saja." msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "The free trial for your %1$s purchase for %2$s will end in %3$d day." msgid_plural "" "The free trial for your %1$s purchase for %2$s will end in %3$d days." msgstr[0] "" "Percobaan gratis untuk %1$s pembelian %2$s Anda akan berakhir dalam %3$d " "hari." msgstr[1] "" "Percobaan gratis untuk %1$s pembelian %2$s Anda akan berakhir dalam %3$d " "hari." msgid "only one subscription should be associated with this order" msgstr "hanya satu langganan yang bisa dikaitkan dengan pesanan ini" msgid "That coupon does not apply to renewals." msgstr "Kupon tersebut tidak berlaku untuk perpanjangan." msgid "That coupon does not apply to new purchases." msgstr "Kupon tersebut tidak berlaku untuk pembelian baru." msgid "That coupon has already been used." msgstr "Kupon tersebut sudah digunakan." msgid "That coupon has already been used on this site." msgstr "Kupon tersebut sudah digunakan di situs ini." msgid "That coupon is not available at this time." msgstr "Kupon tersebut tidak tersedia saat ini." msgid "" "That coupon does not exist or cannot be applied to the requested product." msgstr "Kupon tersebut tidak ada atau tidak berlaku untuk produk yang diminta." msgid "That coupon code could not be found." msgstr "Kupon tersebut tidak dapat ditemukan." msgid "The coupon is not available for this user." msgstr "Kupon tersebut tidak tersedia untuk pengguna ini." msgid "An error occurred when trying to validate this coupon." msgstr "Terjadi error saat memvalidasi kupon ini." msgid "This product is not eligible for a coupon." msgstr "Produk ini tidak memenuhi syarat untuk kupon." msgid "" "This product already has a discount and therefore is not eligible for a " "coupon." msgstr "" "Produk ini sudah mendapatkan diskon sehingga tidak memenuhi syarat untuk " "kupon." msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "Selesaikan penyiapan" msgid "Styles consolidated from core, theme, and user origins." msgstr "Gaya yang diambil dari komponen inti, tema, dan pengguna." msgid "Settings consolidated from core, theme, and user origins." msgstr "Pengaturan yang diambil dari komponen inti, tema, dan pengguna." msgid "(Home link, opens in a new tab)" msgstr "(Tautan ke beranda, dibuka di tab baru)" msgid "Open menu" msgstr "Buka menu" msgid "%d%% off all annual plans" msgstr "%d%% Diskon untuk Semua Paket Tahunan" msgid "Add new user" msgstr "Tambah pengguna baru" msgid "There was a problem updating your account email." msgstr "Terjadi masalah saat memperbarui email akun Anda." msgid "" "There is a pending change of your email to %(newEmail)s. " "Please check your inbox for a confirmation link." msgstr "" "Ditemukan perubahan yang tertunda atas email Anda ke " "%(newEmail)s. Silakan periksa inbox Anda untuk mendapatkan tautan konfirmasi." msgid "Apply contact update to My Account email." msgstr "Terapkan pembaruan kontak untuk email Akun Saya." msgid "No shares recorded" msgstr "Tidak ada penyebaran yang direkam." msgid "Initializing the download process" msgstr "Memulai proses pengunduhan" msgctxt "I understand" msgid "Got it" msgstr "Saya mengerti" msgctxt "tagline for news and updates" msgid "What's new?" msgstr "Apa yang baru?" msgid "Finish setting up Professional Email for %s" msgstr "Selesaikan penyiapan Professional Email untuk %s" msgid "" "Our Happiness Engineers are here if you need help, or if you have any " "questions." msgstr "" "Happiness Engineer kami siap membantu jika Anda membutuhkan bantuan, atau " "jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan." msgid "Loading details" msgstr "Memuat detail" msgid "Set up internal forwarding" msgstr "Siapkan penerusan internal" msgid "Create email aliases that forward messages to one or several mailboxes" msgstr "" "Buat alias email yang meneruskan pesan ke satu atau beberapa kotak surat" msgid "Configure catch-all email" msgstr "Konfigurasikan email catch-all" msgid "Route all undelivered emails to your domain to a specific mailbox" msgstr "" "Alihkan semua email yang tidak terkirim ke domain Anda ke kotak surat " "tertentu" msgid "Import email data" msgstr "Impor data email" msgid "Migrate existing emails from a remote server via IMAP" msgstr "Migrasikan email yang tersedia dari server jarak jauh melalui IMAP" msgid "Get mobile app" msgstr "Dapatkan aplikasi seluler" msgid "Download Titan's Android and iOS apps to access your emails on the go" msgstr "" "Unduh aplikasi Android dan iOS Titan untuk mengakses email Anda dari mana pun" msgid "Configure desktop app" msgstr "Konfigurasikan aplikasi desktop" msgid "View settings required to configure third-party email apps" msgstr "" "Lihat pengaturan yang diperlukan untuk mengonfigurasi aplikasi email pihak " "ketiga" msgid "Add email for free" msgstr "Tambahkan email, gratis" msgid "Get 3 months free Professional Email" msgstr "Dapatkan Professional Email gratis selama 3 bulan" msgid "" "\"%2$s\" is not available at the domain %1$s right now. There's a problem " "with this domain. If you are the site owner, please log into your WordPress." "com account for more information." msgstr "" "\"%2$s\" tidak tersedia di domain %1$s saat ini. Ada masalah dengan domain " "ini. Jika Anda adalah pemilik situs, silakan login ke akun " "untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya." msgid "" "This site is not available at the domain %1$s right now. There's a problem " "with this domain. If you are the site owner, please log into your WordPress." "com account for more information." msgstr "" "Situs ini tidak teresedia di domain %1$s saat ini. Ada masalah dengan domain " "ini. Jika Anda adalah pemilik situs, silakan login ke akun " "untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya." msgid "" "\"%2$s\" is not available at the domain %1$s right now. There's a problem " "with the mapping for this domain. If you are the site owner, please log into " "your account for more information" msgstr "" "\"%2$s\" tidak tersedia di domain %1$s saat ini. Ada masalah dengan pemetaan " "untuk domain ini. Jika Anda adalah pemilik situs, silakan login ke akun " " untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya." msgid "" "This site is not available at the domain %1$s right now. There's a problem " "with the mapping for this domain. If you are the site owner, please log into " "your account for more information" msgstr "" "Situs ini tidak tersedia di domain %1$s saat ini. Ada masalah dengan " "pemetaan untuk domain ini. Jika Anda adalah pemilik situs, silakan login ke " "akun untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya." msgid "The current domain status doesn't allow DNS updates." msgstr "Status domain saat ini tidak mengizinkan pembaruan DNS." msgid "Missing user info." msgstr "Informasi pengguna tidak ditemukan." msgid "Missing attachment info." msgstr "Informasi lampiran tidak ditemukan." msgid "" "Please use an email address not associated with the domain you are " "registering or modifying." msgstr "" "Silakan gunakan alamat email yang tidak tertaut ke domain yang sedang " "didaftarkan atau diubah." msgid "Domain mapping added! Please make sure to follow the next steps below." msgstr "" "Domain mapping ditambahkan! Silakan ikuti langkah selanjutnya di bawah ini." msgid "%d order" msgid_plural "%d orders" msgstr[0] "%d pesanan" msgstr[1] "%d pesanan" msgid "View Mail" msgstr "Lihat Mail" msgid "You cannot map this domain to a site" msgstr "Anda tidak bisa memetakan domain ini ke situs" msgid "You cannot map this domain to a site." msgstr "Anda tidak bisa memetakan domain ini ke situs" msgid "The selected site is not eligible to add this upgrade." msgstr "" "Situs yang dipilih tidak memenuhi syarat untuk menambahkan upgrade ini." msgid "South Sardinia" msgstr "Sardinia Selatan" msgid "Monza e Brianza" msgstr "Monza e Brianza" msgid "" "Apple subscription has expired. This subscription has failed to renew and " "has been cancelled via cron." msgstr "" "Langganan Apple telah berakhir. Langganan ini telah gagal diperpanjang dan " "telah dibatalkan via cron. " msgid "" "Apple subscription has invalid receipt. This subscription has been cancelled " "via cron." msgstr "" "Tanda terima langganan Apple tidak valid. Langganan ini telah dibatalkan via " "cron." msgid "View Sheets" msgstr "Lihat Sheets" msgid "View Drive" msgstr "Lihat Drive" msgid "View Docs" msgstr "Lihat Docs" msgid "View Calendar" msgstr "Lihat Calendar" msgid "View Admin" msgstr "Lihat Admin" msgid "View Gmail" msgstr "Lihat Gmail" msgid "Set up a domain to use with a custom email address" msgstr "Siapkan domain untuk digunakan dengan alamat email khusus" msgid "" "Set up or buy your domain, pick from one of our flexible email options, and " "start getting emails today." msgstr "" "Siapkan atau beli domain Anda, tentukan salah satu pilihan email dari kami " "yang fleksibel, dan Anda dapat mulai menerima email sekarang." msgid "Get immediate access to your funds when you need them" msgstr "Dapatkan akses langsung ke pendanaan Anda kapan pun dibutuhkan" msgid "Apple IAP Subscription failed to renew" msgstr "Langganan Apple IAP gagal diperpanjang" msgid "Expired: %(expiryDate)s" msgstr "Kedaluwarsa: %(expiryDate)s" msgid "Claim your free domain to use with a custom email address" msgstr "Klaim domain gratis Anda untuk digunakan dengan alamat email khusus" msgid "" "Claim your domain, pick from one of our flexible options to connect your " "domain with email and start getting emails today." msgstr "" "Klaim domain Anda, pilih dari salah satu pilihan yang fleksibel untuk " "menghubungkan domain Anda dengan email dan mulai dapatkan email segera." msgid "Get your own domain for a custom email address" msgstr "Dapatkan domain Anda untuk alamat email khusus" msgid "" "Upgrade to a plan now, set up your domain and pick from one of our flexible " "options to connect your domain with email and start getting emails today." msgstr "" "Upgrade ke paket sekarang, siapkan domain Anda, dan pilih satu pilihan " "fleksibel dari kami untuk menghubungkan domain Anda dengan email. Mulailah " "terhubung sekarang juga." msgid "%(savings)d%% cheaper than monthly" msgstr "%(savings)d%% lebih murah dibandingkan bulanan" msgid "" "Please check that you purchased the %(titanProductName)s subscription, as " "only the original purchaser can manage billing and add more accounts" msgstr "" "Silakan periksa jika Anda membeli langganan %(titanProductName)s, karena " "hanya pembeli yang dapat mengelola penagihan dan menambahkan lebih banyak " "akun" msgid "Redirecting you to your %(titanProductName)s Control Panel" msgstr "Mengarahkan Anda ke Panel Kontrol %(titanProductName)s Anda" msgid "%(titanProductName)s Control Panel" msgstr "Panel Kontrol %(titanProductName)s" msgid "Log in to your %(productName)s control panel" msgstr "Login ke kontrol panel %(productName)s Anda" msgid "%(titanProductName)s settings" msgstr "Pengaturan %(titanProductName)s" msgid "Professional Email" msgstr "Professional Email" msgid "Email forwards" msgstr "Penerusan email" msgid "You are about to remove your renewal from the cart" msgstr "Anda akan menghapus perpanjangan Anda dari keranjang belanja" msgid "You are about to remove your domain renewal from the cart" msgstr "Anda akan menghapus perpanjangan domain Anda dari keranjang belanja" msgid "You are about to remove your plan renewal from the cart" msgstr "Anda akan menghapus perpanjangan paket Anda dari keranjang belanja" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Block themes" msgstr "Tema blok" msgid "" "{{strong}}Make sure you are okay with these files being public:{{/strong}} " "all files you upload to get their own web address. If your " "site is public, anyone with this address can access the file, even if you " "haven't included it in a post. It's unlikely, but possible." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Pastikan Anda setuju dengan berkas berikut untuk dilihat publik:{{/" "strong}} semua berkas yang Anda unggah ke mendapatkan alamat " "webnya sendiri. Jika situs Anda bersifat publik, siapa pun yang memiliki " "alamat webnya dapat mengakses berkas tersebut, meskipun Anda belum " "memasukkannya ke dalam pos. Sangat jarang terjadi, tetapi dapat terjadi." msgid "Put Apple IAP subscription on hold while renewing" msgstr "Langganan Apple IAP ditangguhkan saat perpanjangan" msgid "Renew Apple IAP subscription" msgstr "Perpanjang langganan Apple IAP" msgid "Transfer your domain" msgstr "Transfer domain Anda" msgid "Enable Jetpack Search" msgstr "Aktifkan Jetpack Search" msgid "%(productName)s was added to your site %(siteName)s." msgstr "%(productName)s telah ditambahkan ke situs Anda %(siteName)s." msgid "" "Howdy! Here’s the link you requested from the Jetpack mobile app. It will " "let you sign up to your account with just one tap. Enjoy!" msgstr "" "Apa kabar! Berikut tautan yang Anda minta dari aplikasi seluler Jetpack. " "Anda dapat mendaftar akun hanya dengan sekali ketuk. Selamat menikmati!" msgid "Is it in test mode" msgstr "Apakah dalam mode pengujian" msgid "An array of (blog_id, amount)" msgstr "Array (id_blog, jumlah)" msgid "The blog ID" msgstr "ID blog" msgid "On your mobile device tap the button below to login." msgstr "Ketuk tombol berikut di perangkat seluler untuk login." msgid "You need to verify this email forward before you can use it." msgstr "" "Anda perlu memverifikasi penerusan email ini sebelum bisa menggunakannya." msgid "" "You need to log in to the Google Admin console to accept the Terms of " "Service before you can access your mailboxes, or add new ones." msgstr "" "Anda harus login ke konsol Google Admin untuk menyetujui Ketentuan Layanan " "sebelum bisa mengakses mailbox Anda, atau menambahkan mailbox baru. " msgid "You have %d unused mailbox." msgid_plural "You have %d unused mailboxes." msgstr[0] "Ada %d kotak surat tidak terpakai." msgstr[1] "Ada %d kotak surat tidak terpakai." msgid "" "An error occurred while we were checking to see if you can purchase %1$s for " "'%2$s'. If this keeps happening please contact support." msgstr "" "Terjadi kesalahan saat melakukan pemeriksaan apakah %1$s dapat dibeli untuk " "'%2$s'. Jika masalah terus berlanjut, hubungi dukungan." msgid "" "Please specify another domain name as a %1$s subscription already exists for " "'%2$s' with another provider." msgstr "" "Silakan pilih nama domain lainnya karena langganan %1$s untuk '%2$s' sudah " "ada di penyedia lainnya." msgid "No responses found" msgstr "Tidak ada tanggapan" msgid "Search Responses" msgstr "Tanggapan Pencarian" msgid "Form Responses" msgstr "Buat Tanggapan" msgid "Merchant URL used in Stripe KYC." msgstr "URL Penjual digunakan di Stripe KYC." msgid "Merchant email address used in Stripe KYC." msgstr "Alamat email Penjual digunakan di Stripe KYC." msgid "Merchant username used in Stripe KYC." msgstr "Nama pengguna Penjual digunakan di Stripe KYC." msgid "Open when user submits the form" msgstr "Buka saat pengguna mengirim formulir" msgid "Confirm your account" msgstr "Konfirmasi akun Anda" msgid "" "Please click the button below to confirm your email address and activate " "your account." msgstr "" "Klik tombol di bawah ini untuk mengonfirmasi alamat email dan mengaktifkan " "akun Anda." msgctxt "plugin version number used in admin notice" msgid "3.1" msgstr "3.1" msgid "Subscription reactivated with PayPal." msgstr "Langganan diaktifkan kembali menggunakan PayPal" msgid "Subscription suspended with PayPal." msgstr "Langganan ditangguhkan menggunakan PayPal" msgid "Subscription cancelled with PayPal." msgstr "Langganan dibatalkan menggunakan PayPal" msgid "" "Subscription changed from PayPal Standard to PayPal Reference Transactions " "via customer initiated switch. The PayPal Standard subscription has been " "suspended." msgstr "" "Langganan diubah dari PayPal Standar ke Transaksi Referensi PayPal sesuai " "permintaan pelanggan. Langganan PayPal Standard telah ditangguhkan." msgid "" "Total tax on shipping. If shipping has not been calculated, a null response " "will be sent." msgstr "" "Total pajak atas pengiriman. Jika pengiriman belum dihitung, respons null " "akan dikirimkan." msgid "" "Total price of shipping. If shipping has not been calculated, a null " "response will be sent." msgstr "" "Total harga pengiriman. Jika pengiriman belum dihitung, respons null akan " "dikirimkan." msgid "Subscription length." msgstr "Masa langganan." msgid "Subscription key" msgstr "Kunci langganan" msgid "Daily Shipment" msgstr "Pengiriman Harian" msgid "Shipment every %d day" msgid_plural "Shipment every %d days" msgstr[0] "Pengiriman tiap %d hari" msgstr[1] "Pengiriman tiap %d hari" msgid "Weekly Shipment" msgstr "Pengiriman Mingguan" msgid "Shipment every %d week" msgid_plural "Shipment every %d weeks" msgstr[0] "Pengiriman tiap %d minggu" msgstr[1] "Pengiriman tiap %d minggu" msgid "Monthly Shipment" msgstr "Pengiriman Bulanan" msgid "Shipment every %d month" msgid_plural "Shipment every %d months" msgstr[0] "Pengiriman tiap %d bulan" msgstr[1] "Pengiriman tiap %d bulan" msgid "Yearly Shipment" msgstr "Pengiriman Tahunan" msgid "Shipment every %d year" msgid_plural "Shipment every %d years" msgstr[0] "Pengiriman tiap %d tahun" msgstr[1] "Pengiriman tiap %d tahun" msgid "Synchronization month if subscription is annual." msgstr "Bulan sinkronisasi jika langganan bersifat tahunan." msgid "Synchronization day if subscription is annual." msgstr "Hari sinkronisasi jika langganan bersifat tahunan." msgid "Synchronization data for the subscription." msgstr "Data sinkronisasi untuk langganan." msgid "" "Indicates whether this product a subscription update, downgrade, cross grade " "or none of the above." msgstr "" "Menunjukkan apakah produk ini termasuk dalam pembaruan langganan, downgrade, " "crossgrade, atau proses lainnya." msgid "" "Indicates whether this product is being used to resubscribe the customer to " "an existing, expired subscription." msgstr "" "Menunjukkan apakah produk ini digunakan untuk membuat pelanggan kembali " "berlangganan ke langganan yang sudah ada dan kedaluwarsa." msgid "Subscription Product signup fees taxes." msgstr "Pajak biaya pendaftaran Produk Langganan." msgid "Subscription Product signup fees." msgstr "Biaya pendaftaran Produk Langganan." msgid "Subscription Product trial interval." msgstr "Interval percobaan Produk Langganan." msgid "Subscription Product trial period." msgstr "Periode percobaan Produk Langganan." msgid "Subscription Product length." msgstr "Masa Produk Langganan." msgid "" "Purchasing a subscription product requires an account. Please go to the " "%1$sMy Account%2$s page to login or contact us if you need assistance." msgstr "" "Pembelian produk langganan memerlukan akun. Harap buka halaman %1$sAkun Saya" "%2$s untuk masuk atau hubungi kami jika membutuhkan bantuan." msgid "" "Purchasing a subscription product requires an account. Please go to the " "%1$sMy Account%2$s page to login or register." msgstr "" "Pembelian produk langganan memerlukan akun. Buka halaman %1$sAkun Saya%2$s " "untuk masuk atau mendaftar." msgid "%1$sError:%2$s %3$s" msgstr "%1$sError:%2$s %3$s" msgid "" "An error occurred updating your subscription's payment method. Please " "contact us for assistance." msgstr "" "Terjadi error saat memperbarui metode pembayaran langganan Anda. Hubungi " "kami untuk mendapatkan bantuan." msgid "Renews" msgstr "Perpanjangan" msgid "Sign up fee" msgstr "Biaya pendaftaran" msgid "on %1$s %2$s every %3$s year" msgstr "pada %1$s %2$s tiap %3$s tahun" msgid "on %1$s %2$s each year" msgstr "pada %1$s %2$s tiap tahun" msgid "on the %1$s day of every %2$s month" msgstr "pada tanggal %1$s tiap %2$s bulan" msgid "on the last day of every %1$s month" msgstr "pada hari terakhir tiap %1$s bulan" msgid "on the %1$s of each month" msgstr "pada %1$s tiap bulan" msgid "on the last day of each month" msgstr "pada hari terakhir tiap bulan" msgid "every %1$s on %2$s" msgstr "tiap %1$s pada %2$s" msgid "every %1$s" msgstr "tiap %1$s" msgid "Initial Shipment" msgstr "Pengiriman Awal" msgctxt "The place order button text while resubscribing to a subscription" msgid "Resubscribe" msgstr "Langganan ulang" msgctxt "The place order button text while renewing a subscription" msgid "Renew subscription" msgstr "Perpanjang langganan" msgid "Subscriptions." msgstr "Langganan" msgid "live" msgstr "aktif" msgid "The subscription's next payment date, as GMT." msgstr "Tanggal pembayaran langganan berikutnya, dalam GMT." msgid "Invalid subscription ID." msgstr "ID langganan tidak valid." msgid "Allow subscription customers to create an account during checkout" msgstr "Izinkan pelanggan yang membeli langganan membuat akun saat checkout" msgid "Subscription variations" msgstr "Variasi langganan" msgid "Delete this note" msgstr "Hapus catatan ini" msgid "Separate multiple classes with spaces." msgstr "Pisahkan beberapa kelas dengan spasi." msgid "Write post" msgstr "Tulis pos" msgid "" "No stats to display yet. Publish or share a post to get some traffic to your " "site." msgstr "" "Belum ada statistik untuk ditampilkan. Publikasikan atau bagikan pos untuk " "mendapatkan kunjungan ke situs Anda." msgctxt "Jetpack plan name" msgid "Complete" msgstr "Complete" msgid "" "There was a problem processing this transaction. Please try another card. If " "the issue persists, contact the card-issuing bank for more information." msgstr "" "Terjadi masalah saat memproses transaksi ini. Silakan coba kartu yang lain. " "Jika masalah berlanjut, hubungi bank penerbit kartu untuk informasi " "selengkapnya." msgid "Close Domain Selection" msgstr "Tutup Seleksi Domain" msgid "Domain names and their influence on SEO" msgstr "Nama domain dan pengaruhnya pada SEO" msgid "" "Yoast SEO requires a top level domain to index your site and help you rank " "higher." msgstr "" "Yoast SEO membutuhkan domain tingkat atas untuk mengindeks situs Anda dan " "membantu Anda mendapatkan peringkat yang lebih tinggi." msgid "View more details" msgstr "Lihat lebih banyak rincian" msgid "View loan details" msgstr "Lihat detail pinjaman" msgid "Your cart" msgstr "Keranjang Anda" msgid "" "Get %s%% off all annual plans when you use code <code>{{coupon_code}}</code> " "at checkout." msgstr "" "Dapatkan diskon %s%% untuk semua paket tahunan dengan menggunakan kode " "<code>{{coupon_code}}</code> saat checkout." msgid "" "Your password is too weak: Looks like you are including easy to guess " "information about yourself. Try something a little more unique." msgstr "" "Kata sandi Anda terlalu lemah: Sepertinya Anda memasukkan informasi diri " "yang gampang ditebak. Coba hal lain yang lebih unik." msgid "Jetpack doesn't have a connected owner." msgstr "Tidak ada pemilik yang tersambung ke Jetpack." msgid "Unable to verify your request." msgstr "Tidak dapat memverifikasi permintaan Anda." msgid "Learn about Google Workspace" msgstr "Pelajari tentang Google Workspace" msgid "" "Add a custom branded Gmail email address, Drive, Docs, Meet, and Chat to " "your account. Our integration with Google Workspace improves " "your workflow – no software required." msgstr "" "Tambahkan alamat email Gmail dengan branding khusus, Drive, Docs, Meet, dan " "Chat ke akun Anda. Integrasi kami dengan Google Workspace " "meningkatkan alur kerja Anda – tanpa perangkat lunak apa pun." msgid "Google Workspace" msgstr "Google Workspace" msgid "" "Adding Google Workspace to the domain you’re using at is fast " "and easy. Start using your personalized services today." msgstr "" "Anda bisa menambahkan Google Workspace ke domain yang digunakan di WordPress." "com dengan cepat dan mudah. Mulai gunakan layanan yang dipersonalisasikan " "untuk Anda hari ini." msgid " and Google. Better together." msgstr " dan Google. Bersama lebih baik." msgid "" "With Google Workspace cloud syncing you can pick up where you left off, " "making remote work easier." msgstr "" "Dengan sinkronisasi awan Google Workspace, Anda dapat langsung melanjutkan " "pekerjaan sehingga kerja jarak jauh jadi lebih mudah." msgid "" "What does Google Workspace get you? Business email powered by Gmail, secure " "cloud storage that makes collaboration easy, and documents, spreadsheets, " "and presentations that help you get work done faster. Increase your " "efficiency with Google Workspace." msgstr "" "Apa yang ditawarkan oleh Google Workspace? Email bisnis dari Gmail, " "penyimpanan awan aman yang mempermudah kolaborasi, serta dokumen, " "spreadsheet, dan presentasi yang membantu Anda menyelesaikan tugas dengan " "lebih cepat. Tingkatkan efisiensi kerja Anda dengan Google Workspace." msgid "" "Add Google Workspace to your site and get the professional look of a " "personalized email address along with the power of Workspace’s full suite of " "tools." msgstr "" "Tambahkan Google Workspace ke situs Anda dan dapatkan tampilan profesional " "pada alamat email yang dipersonalisasikan serta manfaat alat lengkap " "Workspace." msgid "Use Google Workspace to plan, grow, manage, and collaborate." msgstr "" "Gunakan Google Workspace untuk membuat rencana, berkembang, melakukan " "pengelolaan, dan berkolaborasi." msgid "" "Your domain is a personalized address that’s easy to remember and easy to " "share. Connect your domain to Professional Email or Google Workspace to add " "a custom email address for your business or brand." msgstr "" "Domain Anda adalah alamat hasil personalisasi yang mudah diingat dan " "dibagikan. Hubungkan domain Anda ke Professional Email atau Google Workspace " "untuk menambahkan alamat email khusus ke bisnis atau branding Anda." msgid "" "Use your custom domain in your email address with email forwarding, " "Professional Email, Google Workspace, or other email services." msgstr "" "Gunakan domain khusus untuk alamat email Anda dengan layanan penerusan " "email, Professional Email, Google Workspace, atau layanan email lainnya." msgid "The product was not available for purchase at the time of renewal" msgstr "Produk tidak dapat dibeli saat melakukan perpanjangan" msgid "The customer did not agree to a recent price increase" msgstr "Pelanggan tidak setuju dengan kenaikan harga terbaru" msgid "The customer's payment information is no longer valid" msgstr "Informasi pembayaran pelanggan tidak lagi valid" msgid "The customer voluntarily canceled their subscription" msgstr "Pelanggan, atas kehendaknya, membatalkan langganan" msgid "" "The customer canceled their transaction due to an actual or perceived issue " "within your application" msgstr "" "Pelanggan membatalkan transaksi karena masalah aktual atau yang dirasakan " "dalam aplikasi Anda" msgid "Accidental purchase" msgstr "Pembelian tak sengaja" msgid "Refunded %1$s %2$s - Refund ID: %3$s - %4$s" msgstr "Dana dikembalikan %1$s %2$s - ID Pengembalian Dana: %3$s - %4$s" msgid "Cancelling Apple IAP Subscription: %s" msgstr "Membatalkan Langganan Apple IAP: %s" msgid "" "Let our team of experts build your website. Whether you need a " "landing page or a full ecommerce site, an online learning academy or an " "interactive informational site for your business, we can build it for you." msgstr "" "Percayakan pembuatan situs web Anda pada tim ahli kami. Baik " "landing page maupun situs ecommerce lengkap, lembaga belajar online atau " "situs penyedia informasi yang interaktif untuk bisnis Anda, kami dapat " "membuatnya untuk Anda." msgid "Disallowed Comment Keys" msgstr "Kata kunci yang dilarang dalam komentar" msgid "Block HTML:" msgstr "HTML blok:" msgid "Active theme gradients." msgstr "Gradien tema aktif." msgid "Active theme font sizes." msgstr "Ukuran font tema aktif." msgid "Active theme color palette." msgstr "Palet warna tema aktif." msgid "Maximum upload size in bytes allowed for the site." msgstr "Batas maksimum ukuran unggah dalam byte untuk situs." msgid "Available image sizes." msgstr "Ukuran gambar yang tersedia." msgid "Determines whether the image editing feature is enabled." msgstr "Menunjukkan apakah fitur pengeditan gambar diaktifkan." msgid "Available image dimensions." msgstr "Dimensi gambar yang tersedia." msgid "Default size for images." msgstr "Ukuran default gambar." msgid "Determines whether the current locale is right-to-left (RTL)." msgstr "" "Menunjukkan apakah pengaturan locale saat ini adalah kanan-ke-kiri (RTL)." msgid "Enables custom units." msgstr "Mengaktifkan unit kustom." msgid "Enables custom spacing." msgstr "Mengaktifkan jarak spasi kustom." msgid "Enables custom line height." msgstr "Mengaktifkan jarak antarbaris kustom." msgid "Disables custom font size." msgstr "Menonaktifkan ukuran font kustom." msgid "Disables custom colors." msgstr "Menonaktifkan warna kustom." msgid "" "Returns all the categories for block types that will be shown in the block " "editor." msgstr "" "Mengembalikan semua kategori untuk jenis blok yang akan ditampilkan di " "editor blok." msgid "List of allowed mime types and file extensions." msgstr "Daftar jenis MIME dan ekstensi file yang diizinkan." msgid "List of allowed block types." msgstr "Daftar jenis blok yang diizinkan." msgid "Enable/Disable Wide/Full Alignments." msgstr "Aktifkan/Nonaktifkan Penjajaran Lebar/Penuh." msgid "Widget types to hide from Legacy Widget block." msgstr "Jenis widget yang akan disembunyikan dari blok Widget Lama." msgid "Enable/disable layouts support in container blocks." msgstr "Aktifkan/Nonaktifkan dukungan tata letak di blok kontainer." msgid "Editor styles" msgstr "Tampilan editor" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to read the block editor settings." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan melihat pengaturan editor blok." msgid "Jetpack Search is enabled on your site." msgstr "Jetpack Search di situs Anda aktif." msgid "Enable it to ensure your visitors get our fastest search experience." msgstr "" "Aktifkan untuk memastikan pengunjung Anda mendapatkan pengalaman pencarian " "tercepat." msgid "" "There was an error validating your contact information. The field \"%s\" is " "not valid." msgstr "" "Terjadi error saat memvalidasi informasi kontak Anda. Kolom \"%s\" tidak " "valid." msgid "Continue without user account" msgstr "Lanjutkan tanpa akun pengguna" msgid "" "{{link}}Some features{{/link}} will not be available, but you'll be able to " "connect your user account at any point to unlock them." msgstr "" "{{link}}Beberapa fitur{{/link}}tidak tersedia, tetapi Anda dapat " "menghubungkan akun pengguna Anda kapan pun untuk menggunakannya." msgid "Jump in and start using Jetpack right away." msgstr "Bergabunglah dan mulai gunakan Jetpack segera." msgid "Or start using Jetpack now" msgstr "Atau mulai gunakan Jetpack sekarang" msgctxt "CMP banner" msgid "Learn More" msgstr "Pelajari Lebih Lanjut" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "" "The promotional period for your subscription lasts from %1$s to %2$s. On " "%3$s we will begin charging your payment method (%4$s) the regular " "subscription price of %5$s. You will receive at least one email notice %6$d " "days before being billed and can <a style=\"color: #03A9DC;\" href=\"%7$s" "\">update your payment method</a> or <a style=\"color: #03A9DC;\" href=\"%8$s" "\">manage your subscription</a> at any time" msgstr "" "Periode promo untuk langganan Anda berlangsung dari %1$s hingga %2$s. Pada " "%3$s kami akan mulai menagihkan ke metode pembayaran Anda (%4$s) biaya " "langganan reguler %5$s. Anda akan menerima setidaknya satu email " "pemberitahuan %6$d hari sebelum ditagih dan dapat <a style=\"color: #03A9DC;" "\" href=\"%7$s\">memperbarui metode pembayaran</a> atau <a style=\"color: " "#03A9DC;\" href=\"%8$s\">mengelola langganan</a> Anda kapan saja" msgid "Verification required" msgstr "Dibutuhkan verifikasi" msgid "Renews every three years" msgstr "Diperpanjang setiap tiga tahun" msgid "Renew annually" msgstr "Perpanjang setiap tahun" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this transient." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk menghapus transien ini." msgid "The name of the transient to delete." msgstr "Nama transien yang ingin dihapus." msgid "" "Enter your email address to get started. Your account will enable you to " "start using the features and benefits offered by WooPayments" msgstr "" "Masukkan alamat email Anda untuk memulai. Dengan akun yang Anda miliki, Anda " "bisa mulai menggunakan fitur dan manfaat yang ditawarkan WooPayments" msgid "" "Approve your connection. Your account will enable you to start using the " "features and benefits offered by WooPayments" msgstr "" "Setujui koneksi Anda. Dengan akun yang Anda miliki, Anda bisa mulai " "menggunakan fitur dan manfaat yang ditawarkan WooPayments" msgid "" "Jetpack has introduced new flexible plans and pricing options. As an added " "bonus, we're offering {{b}}%(percentage)s% off{{/b}} your first term." msgstr "" "Jetpack memperkenalkan paket yang fleksibel dan pilihan harga baru. Sebagai " "bonus tambahan, kami menawarkan {{b}}diskon %(percentage)s%{{/b}} pada term " "pertama Anda." msgid "We recommend {{product/}} based on your selection" msgstr "Kami merekomendasikan {{product/}} berdasarkan pilihan Anda" msgid "No longer available" msgstr "Tidak tersedia" msgid "The %(productName)s plan is no longer available" msgstr "Paket %(productName)s tidak tersedia" msgid "" "To publish new posts, please confirm your email address. We've sent an email " "to %s." msgstr "" "Untuk memublikasikan pos baru, harap konfirmasi alamat email Anda. Kami " "telah mengirimkan email ke %s." msgid "All P2s" msgstr "Semua P2" msgid "This user account cannot be closed while it has active purchases." msgstr "" "Akun pengguna berikut tidak dapat ditutup jika memiliki pembelian aktif." msgid "This user account cannot be closed while it has active subscriptions." msgstr "" "Akun pengguna berikut tidak dapat ditutup jika memiliki langganan aktif." msgid "Listen on Spotify" msgstr "Dengarkan di Spotify" msgid "" "We're unable to show you domain suggestions as your site has been suspended " "from Please contact our support team to find out why." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat menampilkan rekomendasi domain karena situs Anda telah " "ditangguhkan dari Silakan hubungi tim bantuan kami untuk " "mengetahui alasannya." msgid "This mailbox name already exists as an internal forward." msgstr "Nama kotak surat ini sudah digunakan untuk penerusan internal." msgid "This mailbox name already exists as an email alias." msgstr "Nama kotak surat ini sudah digunakan sebagai alias email." msgid "This mailbox name already exists as an email address." msgstr "Nama kotak surat ini sudah digunakan sebagai alamat email." msgid "" "This content has not been translated to %1$s yet. <strong>You can read the " "<a href=\"%2$s\">original version in English</a> or you might like to try a " "<a href=\"%3$s\">Google Translate version</a> of the page</strong>." msgstr "" "Konten ini belum diterjemahkan ke bahasa %1$s. <strong>Anda dapat membaca <a " "href=\"%2$s\">versi asli dalam bahasa Inggris</a> atau mungkin Anda ingin " "mencoba <a href=\"%3$s\">versi Google Terjemahan</a> halaman tersebut</" "strong>." msgid "" "For all other questions, don't hesitate to <a href=\"%s\">get in touch</a>." msgstr "" "Jika ada pertanyaan lainnya, jangan sungkan untuk <a href=\"%s\">menghubungi " "kami</a>." msgid "Monthly subscription: %(itemPrice)s x %(members)s member" msgid_plural "Monthly subscription: %(itemPrice)s x %(members)s members" msgstr[0] "Langganan bulanan: %(itemPrice)s x %(members)s anggota" msgstr[1] "Langganan bulanan: %(itemPrice)s x %(members)s anggota" msgid "Upgrade: {{strong}}%s{{/strong}}" msgstr "Upgrade: {{strong}}%s{{/strong}}" msgid "You do not need to pass a $content parameter anymore." msgstr "Anda tidak perlu lagi memasukkan parameter $konten." msgid "Follow us" msgstr "Ikuti kami" msgid "" "Check out the <a class=\"jetpack-footer-color-link\" href=\"%1$s\">Jetpack " "support forum</a> and we’ll be happy to answer any questions. <a class=" "\"jetpack-footer-color-link\" href=\"%2$s\">Upgrade</a> to get email support " "from our expert team of Happiness Engineers." msgstr "" "Buka <a class=\"jetpack-footer-color-link\" href=\"%1$s\">forum dukungan " "Jetpack</a> dan kami siap menjawab semua pertanyaan. <a class=\"jetpack-" "footer-color-link\" href=\"%2$s\">Upgrade</a> untuk mendapatkan dukungan " "email dari tim ahli Happiness Engineer." msgid "" "You can learn how to add different DNS records to your subdomain by " "following this support guide - %1$s." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mempelajari cara menambahkan berbagai data DNS ke subdomain " "dengan mengikuti panduan dukungan ini - %1$s" msgid "" "We also noticed you have already configured DNS records for your subdomain " "with your registrar. If you update your subdomain's name servers to " "'s name servers, please make sure your DNS records are " "configured correctly in My Site -> Upgrades -> Domains -> %1$s -> Update " "your DNS Records - %2$s." msgstr "" "Kami juga mengetahui bahwa Anda telah mengonfigurasi DNS record untuk " "subdomain dengan registrar Anda. Jika Anda memperbarui name server subdomain " "Anda ke name server, pastikan DNS record Anda dikonfigurasi " "dengan benar di Situs Saya -> Upgrade -> Domain -> %1$s -> Perbarui DNS " "Record Anda - %2$s." msgid "" "You can learn how to add different DNS records to your domain by following " "this support guide - %1$s." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mempelajari cara menambahkan berbagai data DNS ke domain dengan " "mengikuti panduan dukungan ini - %1$s." msgid "" "We also noticed you have already configured DNS records for your domain with " "your registrar. If you update your domain's name servers to's " "name servers, please make sure your DNS records are configured correctly in " "My Site -> Upgrades -> Domains -> %1$s -> Update your DNS Records - %2$s." msgstr "" "Kami juga mengetahui bahwa Anda telah mengonfigurasi DNS record untuk domain " "dengan registrar Anda. Jika Anda memperbarui name server domain Anda ke name " "server, pastikan DNS record Anda dikonfigurasi dengan benar di " "Situs Saya -> Upgrade -> Domain -> %1$s -> Perbarui DNS Record Anda - %2$s." msgid "" "You can learn how to add different DNS records to your subdomain by " "following this <a href=\"%1$s\">support guide</a>." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mempelajari cara menambahkan berbagai data DNS ke subdomain " "dengan mengikuti <a href=\"%1$s\">panduan dukungan</a> ini." msgid "" "We also noticed you have already configured DNS records for your subdomain " "with your registrar. If you update your subdomain's name servers to " "'s name servers, please make sure your DNS records are " "configured correctly in <a href=\"%2$s\">My Site -> Upgrades -> Domains -> " "%1$s -> Update your DNS Records</a>. " msgstr "" "Kami juga mengetahui bahwa Anda telah mengonfigurasi data DNS untuk " "subdomain dengan registrar Anda. Jika Anda memperbarui server nama subdomain " "ke server nama, pastikan data DNS Anda telah dikonfigurasi " "dengan benar pada <a href=\"%2$s\">Situs Saya -> Upgrade -> Domain -> %1$s -" "> Perbarui Data DNS Anda</a>. " msgid "" "You can learn how to add different DNS records to your domain by following " "this <a href=\"%1$s\">support guide</a>." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mempelajari cara menambahkan berbagai data DNS ke domain dengan " "mengikuti <a href=\"%1$s\">panduan dukungan</a> ini." msgid "" "We also noticed you have already configured DNS records for your domain with " "your registrar. If you update your domain's name servers to's " "name servers, please make sure your DNS records are configured correctly in " "<a href=\"%2$s\">My Site -> Upgrades -> Domains -> %1$s -> Update your DNS " "Records</a>. " msgstr "" "Kami juga mengetahui bahwa Anda telah mengonfigurasi data DNS untuk domain " "dengan registrar Anda. Jika Anda memperbarui server nama domain ke server " "nama, pastikan data DNS Anda telah dikonfigurasi dengan benar " "pada <a href=\"%2$s\">Situs Saya -> Upgrade -> Domain -> %1$s -> Perbarui " "Data DNS Anda</a>. " msgid "No mailboxes" msgstr "Tidak ada kotak surat" msgid "" "The Footer template defines a page area that typically contains site " "credits, social links, or any other combination of blocks." msgstr "" "Templat Footer menentukan tampilan bagian halaman yang biasanya berisi " "kredit situs, tautan media sosial, atau berbagai kombinasi blok lainnya." msgid "" "The Header template defines a page area that typically contains a title, " "logo, and main navigation." msgstr "" "Templat Header menentukan tampilan bagian halaman tempat judul, logo, dan " "navigasi utama biasanya dicantumkan." msgid "" "General templates often perform a specific role like displaying post " "content, and are not tied to any particular area." msgstr "" "Templat umum biasanya memiliki fungsi spesifik, seperti menampilkan konten " "pos, dan tidak dikaitkan dengan bagian tertentu." msgctxt "Template name" msgid "Single Product" msgstr "Pos Tunggal" msgid "Whether the widget supports multiple instances" msgstr "Apakah widget mendukung berjalannya beberapa instance sekaligus" msgid "Unencoded instance settings, if supported." msgstr "Pengaturan instance yang tidak dienkode, jika didukung." msgid "Cryptographic hash of the instance settings." msgstr "Hash kriptografis dari pengaturan instance." msgid "Base64 encoded representation of the instance settings." msgstr "Representasi Base64 yang terenkode dari pengaturan instance." msgid "Virtual Tours" msgstr "Tur Virtual" msgid "%1$s comment<span class=\"screen-reader-text\"> on %2$s</span>" msgid_plural "%1$s comments<span class=\"screen-reader-text\"> on %2$s</span>" msgstr[0] "%1$s komentar<span class=\"screen-reader-text\"> untuk %2$s</span>" msgstr[1] "%1$s komentar<span class=\"screen-reader-text\"> untuk %2$s</span>" msgid "No comments<span class=\"screen-reader-text\"> on %s</span>" msgstr "Tidak ada komentar<span class=\"screen-reader-text\"> untuk %s</span>" msgid "%(count)d email forward" msgid_plural "%(count)d email forwards" msgstr[0] "%(count)d penerusan email" msgstr[1] "%(count)d penerusan email" msgid "%(count)d mailbox" msgid_plural "%(count)d mailboxes" msgstr[0] "%(count)d kotak surat" msgstr[1] "%(count)d kotak surat" msgid "Email Forwarding icon" msgstr "Ikon Penerusan Email" msgid "Manage all mailboxes" msgstr "Kelola semua kotak surat" msgid "Email forwarding settings" msgstr "Pengaturan penerusan email" msgid "%(googleMailService)s settings" msgstr "Pengaturan %(googleMailService)s" msgid "Expires: %(expiryDate)s" msgstr "Kedaluwarsa: %(expiryDate)s" msgid "Mailboxes" msgstr "Kotak surat" msgid "Other domains" msgstr "Domain lainnya" msgid "Domains with emails" msgstr "Domain dengan email" msgid "" "Once the NS records are added it can take up to 24 hours for the changes to " "take effect, so things might not seem to work instantaneously - that's " "normal! You can monitor the status of the update from My Site -> Upgrades -> " "Domains - %1$s ." msgstr "" "Setelah data NS ditambahkan, perlu waktu hingga 24 jam agar perubahan " "diterapkan, sehingga beberapa hal mungkin tidak langsung berubah. Hal ini " "wajar. Anda dapat memantau status pembaruan melalui Situs Saya -> Upgrade -> " "Domain - %1$s ." msgid "" "These settings are what link your subdomain to your site and must be changed " "with your domain registrar - the company you purchased your domain from. " "You'll need to add NS records: something you can do following the steps " "outlined in this support guide - %1$s ." msgstr "" "Pengaturan ini menautkan subdomain ke situs Anda dan harus diubah oleh " "domain registrar Anda, yaitu perusahaan tempat Anda membeli domain. Anda " "nantinya perlu menambahkan data NS: ikuti langkah-langkah yang tertera dalam " "panduan dukungan ini - %1$s ." msgid "" "Once the NS records are added it can take up to 24 hours for the changes to " "take effect, so things might not seem to work instantaneously - that's " "normal! You can monitor the status of the update from <a href=\"%1$s\">My " "Site -> Upgrades -> Domains</a>." msgstr "" "Setelah data DNS ditambahkan, perlu waktu hingga 24 jam agar perubahan " "diterapkan, sehingga beberapa hal mungkin tidak langsung berubah. Hal ini " "wajar. Anda dapat memantau status pembaruan melalui <a href=\"%1$s\">Situs " "Saya -> Upgrade -> Domain</a>." msgid "" "These settings are what link your subdomain to your site and must be changed " "with your domain registrar - the company you purchased your domain from. " "You'll need to add NS records: something you can do following the steps " "outlined in <a href=\"%1$s\">this support guide</a>." msgstr "" "Pengaturan ini menautkan subdomain ke situs Anda dan harus diubah oleh " "domain registrar Anda, yaitu perusahaan tempat Anda membeli domain. Anda " "nantinya perlu menambahkan data NS: ikuti langkah-langkah yang tertera dalam " "<a href=\"%1$s\">panduan dukungan ini</a>." msgid "" "Once the name servers or A records are updated it can take up to 72 hours " "for the changes to take effect, so things might not seem to work " "instantaneously -- that's normal! You can monitor the status of the update " "from <a href=\"%1$s\">My Site -> Upgrades -> Domains</a>." msgstr "" "Setelah name server atau A record diperbarui, diperlukan waktu hingga 72 jam " "untuk menerapkan perubahan, maka beberapa fitur mungkin tidak dapat langsung " "bekerja. Jangan khawatir. Anda dapat memantau status pembaruan pada <a href=" "\"%1$s\">Situs Saya -> Upgrade -> Domain</a>." msgid "" "If you'd prefer you may use NS or A Records to point your domain to " " servers. You can find instructions for these options in My " "Site -> Upgrades -> Domains -> %2$s - %1$s." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menggunakan NS atau A Record untuk mengarahkan domain Anda ke " "server Anda dapat menemukan instruksi untuk pilihan tersebut " "pada Situs Saya -> Upgrade -> Domain -> %2$s - %1$s." msgid "" "If you'd prefer you may use CNAME or A Records to point your domain to " " servers. You can find instructions for these options in My " "Site -> Upgrades -> Domains -> %2$s - %1$s." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menggunakan CNAME atau A Record untuk mengarahkan domain Anda ke " "server Anda dapat menemukan instruksi untuk pilihan tersebut " "pada Situs Saya -> Upgrade -> Domain -> %2$s - %1$s." msgid "" "> I would like to connect a subdomain of my domain to my site hosted at " " I want to use the subdomain %1$s. Can you please add NS " "records to point that subdomain to the name servers %2$s?" msgstr "" "> Saya ingin menghubungkan subdomain dari domain saya ke situs saya yang " "dihosting di Saya ingin menggunakan subdomain %1$s. Dapatkah " "Anda menambahkan NS record untuk mengarahkan subdomain tersebut ke server " "nama %2$s?" msgid "" "Alternatively, you can also connect your domain by using A records and " "pointing them to's servers.We strongly recommend using name " "servers to point your domain to us. However, there are cases where using A " "records may be preferable. You can find the details and values for using A " "records in My Site -> Upgrades -> Domains -> %2$s - %1$s." msgstr "" "Selain itu, Anda juga bisa menghubungkan domain menggunakan A record yang " "kemudian diarahkan ke server Kami sangat menyarankan Anda " "menggunakan server nama untuk mengarahkan domain situs Anda ke server kami. " "Namun, dalam kondisi tertentu A record lebih baik digunakan. Anda dapat " "menemukan detail dan nilai untuk menggunakan A record di Situs Saya -> " "Upgrade -> Domain -> %2$s - %1$s." msgid "" "If you'd prefer you may use NS or A Records to point your domain to " " servers. You can find instructions for these options in <a " "href=\"%1$s\">My Site -> Upgrades -> Domains -> %2$s</a>." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menggunakan NS atau A Record untuk mengarahkan domain Anda ke " "server Anda dapat menemukan instruksi untuk pilihan tersebut " "pada <a href=\"%1$s\">Situs Saya -> Upgrade -> Domain -> %2$s</a>." msgid "Please add the following CNAME record: " msgstr "Silakan tambahkan CNAME record berikut: " msgid "" "If you'd prefer you may use CNAME or A Records to point your domain to " " servers. You can find instructions for these options in <a " "href=\"%1$s\">My Site -> Upgrades -> Domains -> %2$s</a>." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menggunakan CNAME atau A Record untuk mengarahkan domain Anda ke " "server Anda dapat menemukan instruksi untuk pilihan tersebut " "pada <a href=\"%1$s\">Situs Saya -> Upgrade -> Domain -> %2$s</a>." msgid "" "I would like to connect a subdomain of my domain to my site hosted at " " I want to use the subdomain %1$s. Can you please add NS " "records to point that subdomain to the name servers %2$s?" msgstr "" "Saya ingin menghubungkan subdomain dari domain saya ke situs saya yang " "dihosting di Saya ingin menggunakan subdomain %1$s. Dapatkah " "Anda menambahkan NS record untuk mengarahkan subdomain tersebut ke server " "nama %2$s?" msgid "Please add the following NS records: " msgstr "Silakan tambahkan NS record berikut: " msgid "" "Alternatively, you can also connect your domain by using A records and " "pointing them to's servers. We strongly recommend using name " "servers to point your domain to us. However, there are cases where using A " "records may be preferable. You can find the details and values for using A " "records in <a href=\"%1$s\">My Site -> Upgrades -> Domains -> %2$s</a>." msgstr "" "Selain itu, Anda juga bisa menghubungkan domain menggunakan A record yang " "kemudian diarahkan ke server Kami sangat menyarankan Anda " "menggunakan server nama untuk mengarahkan domain ke kami. Namun, dalam " "kondisi tertentu A record lebih baik digunakan. Anda dapat menemukan detail " "dan nilai untuk menggunakan A record pada <a href=\"%1$s\">Situs Saya -> " "Upgrade -> Domain -> %2$s</a>." msgid "Please update your name servers to:" msgstr "Silakan perbarui name server Anda ke:" msgid "" "First, create your account. Have an account? {{a}}Log in{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Pertama, buat akun Anda. Sudah memiliki akun? {{a}}Login{{/a}}" msgid "" "Connect your domain purchased elsewhere to your site through " "mapping or transfer." msgstr "" "Hubungkan domain Anda yang dibeli di tempat lain ke situs Anda " "melalui koneksi atau transfer domain." msgid "" "Get a {{b}}free{{/b}} one-year domain registration with any paid annual plan." msgstr "" "Dapatkan registrasi domain {{b}}gratis{{/b}} selama satu tahun untuk paket " "tahunan berbayar mana pun." msgid "The best names are short and memorable" msgstr "Nama terbaik umumnya pendek dan mudah diingat" msgid "REACTIVATE YOUR AKISMET SUBSCRIPTION" msgstr "AKTIFKAN ULANG LANGGANAN AKISMET ANDA" msgid "Your Akismet subscription has been cancelled." msgstr "Langganan Akismet Anda telah dibatalkan." msgid "We were unable to retrieve your billing details." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat mengambil detail penagihan Anda." msgid "Cost for %(date)s" msgstr "Biaya untuk %(date)s" msgid "Unassigned licenses" msgstr "Lisensi yang tidak digunakan" msgid "Assigned licenses" msgstr "Lisensi yang digunakan" msgid "Total licenses" msgstr "Total lisensi" msgid "" "The total cost is being calculated based on the current date as well as the " "number of licenses in total." msgstr "" "Total biaya dihitung berdasarkan tanggal saat ini dan jumlah total lisensi." msgid "Unassigned licenses:" msgstr "Lisensi yang tidak digunakan:" msgid "Assigned licenses:" msgstr "Lisensi yang digunakan:" msgid "Cost for {{bold}}%(date)s{{/bold}}" msgstr "Biaya untuk {{bold}}%(date)s{{/bold}}" msgid "Subtotal: %(subtotal)s" msgstr "Subtotal: %(subtotal)s" msgid "%(count)d License" msgid_plural "%(count)d Licenses" msgstr[0] "%(count)d Lisensi" msgstr[1] "%(count)d Lisensi" msgid "" "With Jetpack's cloud backups restoring your site from anywhere is just one " "click away." msgstr "" "Pulihkan situs Anda dari mana pun dengan mudah dengan pencadangan cloud " "Jetpack." msgid "Make sure you have a security plan before you run into trouble." msgstr "Pastikan Anda memiliki paket keamanan sebelum terjadi kendala apa pun." msgid "" "Build, publish and grow your blog, website or podcast with on-demand go-at-" "your-own pace courses taught by WordPress experts." msgstr "" "Buat, terbitkan, dan kembangkan blog, situs web, atau podcast Anda dengan " "kursus sesuai permintaan yang dapat diikuti kapan saja dan disampaikan oleh " "para ahli WordPress." msgid "" " Courses make it easy to start that blog, website or podcast." msgstr "" "Kursus memudahkan pembuatan blog, situs web, atau podcast." msgid "{{strong}}%(mailbox)s{{/strong}} is not available: %(message)s" msgstr "{{strong}}%(mailbox)s{{/strong}} tidak tersedia: %(message)s" msgid "" "This email address must have a different domain than {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/" "strong}}. Please use a different email address." msgstr "" "Alamat email berikut harus memiliki domain yang berbeda dari " "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}. Silakan gunakan alamat email yang berbeda." msgid "" "You have included this email address more than once. Please choose a " "different address." msgstr "" "Alamat email ini sudah disertakan lebih dari sekali. Silakan pilih alamat " "yang berbeda." msgid "" "This email address is already in use. Please choose a different address." msgstr "Alamat email ini sudah digunakan. Silakan pilih alamat yang berbeda." msgid "We encountered an unexpected problem" msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan yang tidak terduga" msgid "You are not permitted to add mailboxes to this domain" msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk menambahkan kotak surat ke domain ini" msgid "You cannot create a mailbox for this account. Please contact support" msgstr "Anda tidak bisa membuat kotak surat untuk akun ini. Hubungi dukungan" msgid "Invalid mailbox name" msgstr "Nama kotak masuk tidak valid" msgid "This content is password protected." msgstr "Konten ini dilindungi dengan kata sandi." msgctxt "Describes the percent of a discount, eg \"You Save 40%\"" msgid "You Save %1$s%%" msgstr "Anda Berhemat %1$s%%" msgid "" "Recommended for e‑commerce stores, news and membership sites, forums, and " "other active sites." msgstr "" "Direkomendasikan untuk toko ecommerce, situs berita dan keanggotaan, forum, " "dan situs aktif lainnya." msgid "Security Real-time" msgstr "Security Real time" msgid "Security Daily" msgstr "Security Harian" msgid "Get Backup Real-time" msgstr "Dapatkan Backup Real time" msgid "Get Backup Daily" msgstr "Dapatkan Backup Harian" msgid "" "I understand and acknowledge that by checking this box, I have read and " "agree to the terms of the {{link}}%(link_text)s{{icon}}{{/icon}}{{/link}}." msgstr "" "Saya memahami dan mengakui bahwa dengan mencentang kotak berikut artinya " "adalah saya telah membaca dan menyetujui persyaratan " "{{link}}%(link_text)s{{icon}}{{/icon}}{{/link}}." msgid "We were unable to update your partner account details." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat memperbarui detail akun mitra Anda." msgid "" "Connected as {{strong}}%(user)s{{/strong}} ({{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}})" msgstr "" "Terhubung sebagai {{strong}}%(user)s{{/strong}} ({{strong}}%(email)s{{/" "strong}})" msgid "" "Connecting as {{strong}}%(user)s{{/strong}} ({{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}})" msgstr "" "Terhubung sebagai {{strong}}%(user)s{{/strong}} ({{strong}}%(email)s{{/" "strong}})" msgid "" "We're sorry, importing 'Everything' is not compatible with multisite " "WordPress installations at this time. Please try a 'Content Only' import " "instead." msgstr "" "Maaf, mengimpor 'Semuanya' tidak kompatibel dengan penginstalan WordPress " "multisitus saat ini. Silakan coba pilih impor 'Hanya Konten'." msgid "Every license you own is currently attached to a site." msgstr "Semua lisensi yang Anda miliki saat ini tertaut ke sebuah situs." msgid "No revoked licenses." msgstr "Tidak ada lisensi yang dicabut." msgid "No unassigned licenses." msgstr "Tidak ada lisensi yang tidak diberikan." msgid "No assigned licenses." msgstr "Tidak ada lisensi yang diberikan." msgid "No active licenses" msgstr "Tidak ada lisensi aktif" msgid "<a %s>Take a deep dive</a>" msgstr "<a %s>Telusuri lebih dalam</a>" msgid "" "Congratulations! Your site, <strong>%1$s</strong>, passed %2$s all-time " "views." msgstr "Selamat! Situs Anda, <strong>%1$s</strong>, telah dilihat %2$s kali. " msgctxt "" "Congratulations! Your site, $blog_name, passed $number_of_views all-time " "views." msgid "Congratulations! Your site, %1$s, passed %2$s all-time views." msgstr "Selamat! Situs Anda, %1$s, telah dilihat %2$s kali." msgid "Country of the customer's AppStore" msgstr "Negara AppStore pelanggan" msgid "This price is not whitelisted" msgstr "Harga ini tidak termasuk dalam daftar putih" msgid "Regular and subscription prices should be equal" msgstr "Harga reguler dan berlangganan harus setara" msgid "" "Thanks for setting up Professional Email for %s! Because the DNS records for " "your domain are not managed by, we cannot automatically enable " "your Professional Email." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah menyiapkan Professional Email untuk %s! Karena DNS record " "untuk domain Anda tidak dikelola oleh, kami tidak dapat secara " "otomatis mengaktifkan Professional Email Anda." msgid "Get your instructions" msgstr "Dapatkan petunjuk" msgid "" "The instructions include specific steps for various popular domain " "registrars as well as \"General Instructions\" for any registrar." msgstr "" "Petunjuk berikut mencakup langkah-langkah khusus untuk berbagai registrar " "domain populer serta \"Petunjuk Umum\" untuk registrar mana pun." msgid "" "But don't worry, by following the instructions linked below, you'll be able " "to quickly add the correct MX and TXT records to start using Professional " "Email for your domain." msgstr "" "Namun, jangan khawatir, dengan mengikuti petunjuk yang ditautkan di bawah " "ini, Anda dapat dengan cepat menambahkan MX dan TXT record yang tepat agar " "dapat mulai menggunakan Professional Email untuk domain Anda." msgid "" "Thanks for setting up Professional Email for <strong>%s</strong>! Because " "the DNS records for your domain are not managed by, we cannot " "automatically enable your Professional Email." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah menyiapkan Professional Email untuk <strong>%s</strong>! " "Karena DNS record domain Anda tidak dikelola oleh, kami tidak " "dapat secara otomatis mengaktifkan Professional Email Anda." msgid "Finish setting up your email" msgstr "Selesaikan penyiapan email Anda" msgid " Domains" msgstr "Domain" msgid "" "You need to make some changes to get your Professional Email working " "correctly" msgstr "" "Anda perlu melakukan beberapa perubahan agar Professional Email Anda " "berfungsi dengan baik" msgid "" "If you're unable to load your site, check your host's control panel or " "contact their support team: they'll have more detail about what's happening. " "Be sure to share the error information above with them." msgstr "" "Jika tidak dapat memuat situs, periksa panel kontrol host atau hubungi tim " "dukungan: mereka memiliki informasi lebih lengkap terkait gangguan yang " "terjadi. Pastikan Anda membagikan informasi kesalahan di atas kepada mereka." msgid "" "Start by <a href=\"%1$s\" class=\"jetpack-backup-failure\">visiting your " "site</a> to see if you're able to load it. Jetpack may have just recorded a " "momentary glitch that's since been resolved, and you can ignore this email." msgstr "" "Mulai dengan <a href=\"%1$s\" class=\"jetpack-backup-failure\">mengunjungi " "situs Anda</a> untuk mengetahui jika situs Anda dapat dimuat. Jetpack " "mungkin baru merekam error singkat yang telah ditangani, dan Anda dapat " "mengabaikan email berikut." msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" class=\"jetpack-backup-failure\">%2$s</a> did not load when " "Jetpack attempted to create a backup." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" class=\"jetpack-backup-failure\">%2$s</a> tidak dapat " "dimuat saat Jetpack mencoba melakukan pencadangan." msgid "Alert: %s can’t be reached to create a backup" msgstr "Peringatan: %s tidak dapat dijangkau untuk membuat pencadangan" msgid "Password Reset Email Address" msgstr "Alamat Email Pengaturan Ulang Kata Sandi" msgid "The email address has the wrong domain name suffix." msgstr "Akhiran nama domain untuk alamat email ini salah." msgid "Unable to purchase %1$s for %2$s. %3$s" msgstr "Tidak dapat membeli %1$s untuk %2$s. %3$s" msgid "" "Unable to purchase additional users for %1$s at '%2$s' because this account " "was originally purchased by another user." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat membeli pengguna tambahan untuk %1$s di '%2$s' karena akun ini " "sebenarnya telah dibeli pengguna lain." msgid "" "Unable to purchase '%1$s' for %2$s because you already have a user with that " "email address or alias." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat membeli '%1$s' untuk %2$s karena Anda telah memiliki pengguna " "dengan alamat email atau nama alias tersebut." msgid "" "Unable to purchase additional users for %1$s at '%2$s' because of an invalid " "product. Please contact support." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat membeli pengguna tambahan untuk %1$s di '%2$s' karena produk " "tidak valid. Silakan hubungi dukungan." msgid "" "Unable to purchase additional users for %1$s at '%2$s' because of an invalid " "subscription. Please contact support." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat membeli pengguna tambahan untuk %1$s di '%2$s' karena langganan " "tidak valid. Silakan hubungi dukungan." msgid "" "Unable to purchase %1$s for '%2$s' because an account for that domain " "already exists with another provider." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat membeli %1$s untuk '%2$s' karena akun untuk domain tersebut " "sudah ada dengan penyedia lain." msgid "" "Choose post types to exclude from search results. You must leave at least " "one post type unchecked." msgstr "" "Pilih tipe pos untuk dikecualikan dari hasil pencarian. Anda harus " "membiarkan setidaknya satu jenis pos tidak tercentang." msgid "Product (for WooCommerce stores)" msgstr "Produk (untuk toko WooCommerce)" msgid "Empty template: %s" msgstr "Template kosong: %s" msgid "Theme file exists." msgstr "File tema ditemukan." msgid "Source of template" msgstr "Sumber templat" msgid "A link to a post format" msgstr "Tautan ke format pos" msgid "Get Complete" msgstr "Dapatkan Layanan Lengkap" msgid "No logs available for this time range" msgstr "Tidak ada log untuk rentang waktu ini" msgid "Backup Real-time" msgstr "Backup Real time" msgid "Sorry, that plan is not compatible with this site." msgstr "Maaf, paket tersebut tidak kompatibel dengan situs ini." msgid "Please note this action cannot be undone." msgstr "Mohon diingat bahwa tindakan berikut tidak dapat dibatalkan." msgid "License:" msgstr "Lisensi:" msgid "Site:" msgstr "Situs:" msgid "" "A revoked license cannot be reused, and the associated site will no longer " "have access to the provisioned product. You will stop being billed for this " "license immediately." msgstr "" "Lisensi yang dicabut tidak dapat digunakan kembali, dan situs terkait tidak " "akan lagi memiliki akses ke produk yang disediakan. Anda akan segera " "berhenti menerima tagihan lisensi ini." msgid "Are you sure you want to revoke this license?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin menghapus lisensi berikut?" msgid "Learn more about revoking licenses" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang menghapus lisensi" msgid "" "All done. You can close this window now or {{domainsManagementLink}}manage " "your domains{{/domainsManagementLink}}." msgstr "" "Semua telah selesai. Anda dapat menutup jendela berikut atau " "{{domainsManagementLink}}mengelola domain Anda{{/domainsManagementLink}}." msgid "" "Server credentials are used to restore your site and fix any vulnerabilities" msgstr "" "Kredensial server digunakan untuk memulihkan situs Anda dan memperbaiki " "kerentanan apa pun" msgid "Upgrade for quick restores" msgstr "Lakukan upgrade untuk pemulihan lebih cepat" msgid "Empty cart" msgstr "Keranjang kosong" msgid "" "You cannot add that amount of \"%1$s\"; to the cart because there is not " "enough stock (%2$s remaining)." msgstr "" "Anda tidak dapat menambahkan jumlah \"%1$s\" ke keranjang karena stok tidak " "cukup (%2$s tersisa)." msgid "Product with the ID (%d) cannot be found." msgstr "Produk dengan ID (%d) tidak dapat ditemukan." msgid "Unable to find shipping method for address." msgstr "Tidak dapat menemukan metode pengiriman untuk alamat." msgid "Apple Pay domain verification failed with the following error:" msgstr "Verifikasi domain Apple Pay gagal dengan pesan error berikut:" msgid "Apple Pay domain verification failed." msgstr "Verifikasi domain Apple Pay gagal." msgid "Your domain has been verified with Apple Pay!" msgstr "Domain Anda telah diverifikasi dengan Apple Pay!" msgid "Domain association file updated." msgstr "Berkas asosiasi domain diperbarui." msgid "To enable Apple Pay, domain association file must be hosted at %s." msgstr "" "Untuk mengaktifkan Apple Pay, berkas asosiasi domain harus dihosting di %s." msgid "Unable to copy domain association file to domain root." msgstr "Tidak dapat menyalin berkas asosiasi domain ke domain root." msgid "Unable to create domain association folder to domain root." msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat folder asosiasi domain ke domain root." msgid "Enter the custom text you would like the button to have." msgstr "Masukkan teks kustom yang ingin ditampilkan di tombol." msgid "" "Enter the height you would like the button to be in pixels. Width will " "always be 100%." msgstr "" "Masukkan tinggi tombol yang diinginkan dalam satuan piksel. Lebar akan " "selalu 100%." msgid "Light-Outline" msgstr "Outline-Tipis" msgid "Select the button theme you would like to show." msgstr "Pilih tema tombol yang ingin Anda tampilkan." msgid "Select the button type you would like to show." msgstr "Pilih tipe tombol yang ingin Anda tampilkan." msgid "" "Enable payment request buttons (Apple Pay, Google Pay, and more). %1$sBy " "using Apple Pay, you agree to %2$s and %3$s's Terms of Service." msgstr "" "Aktifkan tombol permintaan pembayaran (Apple Pay, Google Pay, dan banyak " "lagi). %1$sDengan menggunakan Apple Pay, Anda menyetujui %2$s dan Ketentuan " "Layanan %3$s." msgid "Leave a review" msgstr "Berikan ulasan" msgid "How did we do?" msgstr "Bagaimana hasil kerja kami?" msgid "" "Are you happy with Jetpack Scan? Leave us a review and help spread the word." msgstr "" "Apakah Anda puas dengan Jetpack Scan? Berikan ulasan dan bantu sebarkan " "informasi tentang Jetpack." msgid "" "Was it easy to restore your site? Leave us a review and help spread the word." msgstr "" "Apakah Anda mudah memulihkan situs Anda? Berikan ulasan dan bantu sebarkan " "informasi tentang Jetpack." msgid "" "Please set the following IP addresses as A records for %(subdomain)s using " "{{link}}these instructions{{/link}}:" msgstr "" "Silakan atur alamat IP berikut sebagai A record untuk %(subdomain)s " "menggunakan {{link}}petunjuk berikut{{/link}}:" msgid "" "If you map a subdomain using A records rather than name " "servers, you will need to manage your subdomain’s DNS records yourself for " "any other services you are using with your subdomain, including email " "forwarding or email hosting (i.e. with Google Workspace or Titan)" msgstr "" "Jika Anda mengarahkan subdomain menggunakan A record, bukan nama server " ", Anda perlu mengelola DNS record subdomain Anda sendiri untuk " "layanan lain yang Anda gunakan dengan subdomain Anda, termasuk penerusan " "email atau hosting email (yaitu dengan Google Workspace atau Titan )" msgid "Alternative setup using root A records" msgstr "Penyiapan alternatif menggunakan root A record" msgid "Alternative setup using A records" msgstr "Pengaturan alternatif menggunakan A record" msgid "Alternative setup using CNAME records" msgstr "Pengaturan alternatif menggunakan CNAME record" msgid "" "If you're not sure how to do this, we recommend contacting your domain " "registrar for assistance." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak yakin caranya, sebaiknya hubungi registrar domain Anda untuk " "mendapatkan bantuan." msgid "Remember to add the periods after the domain names." msgstr "Jangan lupa untuk menambahkan titik setelah nama domain." msgid "" "Some DNS managers will have the canonical name part (i.e. \"%(canonicalName)s" "\") labeled as \"points to\" or \"alias\"." msgstr "" "Beberapa pengelola DNS akan memiliki bagian nama kanonik (yaitu " "\"%(canonicalName)s\") yang diberi label sebagai \"points to\" atau \"alias" "\"." msgid "" "Some DNS managers will only require you to add the subdomain (i.e. " "\"%(subdomainPart)s\") in a field typically labeled \"host\", \"name\" or \"@" "\"." msgstr "" "Beberapa pengelola DNS hanya akan meminta Anda untuk menambahkan subdomain " "(yaitu \"%(subdomainPart)s\") di ruas yang biasanya berlabel \"host\", \"name" "\" atau \"@\"." msgid "" "Please log into your domain name registrar account and set the following " "value for your {{strong}}CNAME record{{/strong}}, as detailed in {{link}}" "these instructions{{/link}}:" msgstr "" "Silakan login ke akun pendaftar nama domain Anda dan tetapkan nilai berikut " "untuk {{strong}}CNAME record{{/strong}} Anda, seperti yang dijelaskan di " "dalam {{link}}petunjuk berikut{{/link}}:" msgid "" "If you map a subdomain using CNAME records rather than NS records, the " "mapping might stop working if you change your subscription " "plan in the future." msgstr "" "Jika Anda mengarahkan subdomain menggunakan CNAME record dan bukan NS " "record, subdomain yang diarahkan mungkin berhenti berfungsi jika Anda " "mengubah paket langganan di kemudian hari." msgid "Alternative setup using NS records" msgstr "Pengaturan alternatif menggunakan NS record" msgid "" "Please log into your domain name registrar account and {{strong}}set NS " "records{{/strong}} for your subdomain to use the following values:" msgstr "" "Silakan login ke akun pendaftar nama domain Anda dan {{strong}}atur NS " "record{{/strong}} untuk subdomain Anda agar menggunakan nilai berikut:" msgctxt "Adverb (as in \"Pay annually\")" msgid "Annually" msgstr "Setiap tahun" msgctxt "Adverb (as in \"Pay monthly\")" msgid "Monthly" msgstr "Bulanan" msgid "" "@%(user)s owns following product used on this site: " "{{strong}}%(productNames)s{{/strong}}. This product will have to be " "transferred to a different site, user, or canceled before removing or " "deleting @%(user)s." msgid_plural "" "@%(user)s owns following products used on this site: " "{{strong}}%(productNames)s{{/strong}}. These products will have to be " "transferred to a different site, user, or canceled before removing or " "deleting @%(user)s." msgstr[0] "" "@%(user)s memiliki produk berikut yang digunakan pada situs ini: " "{{strong}}%(productNames)s{{/strong}}}. Produk tersebut harus ditransfer ke " "situs lain, pengguna lain, atau dibatalkan sebelum memindahkan atau " "menghapus @%(user)s" msgstr[1] "" "@%(user)s memiliki produk berikut yang digunakan pada situs ini: " "{{strong}}%(productNames)s{{/strong}}}. Produk tersebut harus ditransfer ke " "situs lain, pengguna lain, atau dibatalkan sebelum memindahkan atau " "menghapus @%(user)s" msgid "" "You already have an email service for %s in your shopping cart. Please " "remove it from your shopping cart before trying to add another email service." msgstr "" "Anda telah memiliki layanan email untuk %s di keranjang belanja. Harap " "menghapusnya dari keranjang belanja sebelum menambahkan layanan email " "lainnya." msgid "Search wordpress actions" msgstr "Cari tindakan WordPress" msgid "Create a new blog post on your site." msgstr "Buat pos blog baru pada situs Anda." msgid "Manage all domains linked to your account." msgstr "Kelola semua domain yang ditautkan ke akun Anda." msgid "3 months free" msgstr "Gratis 3 bulan" msgid "We don't have a subscription for %s" msgstr "Kami tidak berlangganan %s" msgid "" "Jetpack Scan cannot automatically fix this threat. We suggest that you " "resolve the threat manually: ensure that WordPress, your theme, and all of " "your plugins are up to date, and remove or edit the offending post from your " "site." msgstr "" "Jetpack Scan tidak dapat memperbaiki ancaman secara otomatis. Kami " "menyarankan Anda untuk mengatasi ancaman tersebut secara manual: pastikan " "WordPress, tema, dan semua plugin Anda adalah versi terbaru, lalu hapus " "kode, tema, atau plugin yang berbahaya dari situs Anda." msgid "Database threat on table %(threatTable)s affecting %(threatCount)d row " msgid_plural "" "Database threat on %(threatTable)s affecting %(threatCount)d rows" msgstr[0] "" "Ancaman basis data pada tabel %(threatTable)s memengaruhi baris " "%(threatCount)d" msgstr[1] "" "Ancaman basis data pada %(threatTable)s memengaruhi baris %(threatCount)d" msgid "Threat found in the table %(threatTable)s, in the following rows:" msgstr "Ancaman ditemukan pada tabel %(threatTable)s, di baris berikut:" msgid "Download on the" msgstr "Unduh di" msgid "Get it on" msgstr "Dapatkan di" msgid " on YouTube" msgstr " di YouTube" msgid " on Instagram" msgstr " di Instagram" msgid " on Facebook" msgstr " di Facebook" msgid "We offer unlimited expert support for all paid plans." msgstr "Kami menawarkan dukungan ahli tanpa batas untuk semua paket berbayar." msgid "Ultimate WordPress Security, Performance, and Marketing" msgstr "Keamanan, Performa, dan Pemasaran WordPress Andal" msgid "Easy-to-use, powerful WordPress site security." msgstr "Keamanan situs WordPress yang andal dan mudah digunakan." msgid "" "Besides backups, malware scanning, and comment spam protection, Jetpack " "Security includes:" msgstr "" "Selain pencadangan, pemindaian malware, dan perlindungan komentar spam, " "Keamanan Jetpack mencakup:" msgid "What other security features does Jetpack Security include?" msgstr "Apa yang diberikan Keamanan Jetpack selain fitur keamanan?" msgid "" "The WordPress vulnerability scanner page provides an at-a-glance reference " "of the current state of the site. It will either show that the site is " "looking great, or it will list the currently active threats." msgstr "" "Halaman pemindai kerentanan WordPress memberikan referensi cepat tentang " "status situs saat ini. Referensi tersebut akan menampilkan bahwa situs " "beroperasi dengan baik, atau akan memperlihatkan daftar ancaman aktif yang " "terbaru." msgid "" "Changes to Core WordPress files - generally, these files should never be " "changed, so your WordPress security scan will automatically flag any changes " "as suspicious." msgstr "" "Perubahan ke file WordPress Inti - secara umum, file ini tidak boleh diubah, " "sehingga pemindai keamanan WordPress akan secara otomatis menandai perubahan " "sebagai hal yang mencurigakan." msgid "Threats might include:" msgstr "Ancaman dapat berupa:" msgid "What threats does Jetpack Scan catch?" msgstr "Ancaman apa saja yang dapat diatasi Jetpack Scan?" msgid "" "<a href=\"%s\">Jetpack VaultPress Backup</a> is activated and your first " "backup is created as soon as you complete your purchase. At the top of your " "activity log, you will see the following prompt to add remote access / " "server credentials for your site. These credentials allow you to connect for " "backups if the Jetpack connection isn’t working and they’re also required " "for site restores." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\">Jetpack VaultPress Backup</a> diaktifkan dan pencadangan " "pertama dibuat segera setelah Anda menyelesaikan pembelian. Di posisi " "teratas log aktivitas, Anda akan melihat arahan berikut untuk menambahkan " "akses jarak jauh / kredensial server untuk situs Anda. Kredensial ini " "memungkinkan Anda terhubung untuk pencadangan jika koneksi Jetpack tidak " "berfungsi. Selain itu, kredensial juga diperlukan untuk pemulihan situs." msgid "" "No more spam means visitors can comment and engage distraction-free — " "without being sidetracked, duped, or just annoyed." msgstr "" "Tidak adanya spam berarti pengunjung dapat meninggalkan komentar dan " "terhubung tanpa gangguan — tanpa teralihkan, tertipu, atau terganggu." msgid "" "No more CAPTCHAs, so visitors submit more forms, and you won't waste time on " "fake responses." msgstr "" "Tidak lagi memerlukan CAPTCHA, sehingga pengunjung dapat mengirimkan lebih " "banyak formulir, dan Anda tidak perlu membuang waktu untuk menangani " "tanggapan palsu." msgid "" "If Jetpack does notice a problem, you’ll receive an instant email alert so " "you can fix it right away and get back to running your business." msgstr "" "Jika Jetpack mendapati masalah, Anda akan menerima peringatan email instan " "sehingga dapat segera memperbaikinya dan kembali menjalankan usaha Anda." msgid "" "You can review WordPress security scan results in one centralized location, " "fix problems, and restore backups." msgstr "" "Anda dapat meninjau hasil pemindai keamanan WordPress di satu lokasi " "terpusat, memperbaiki masalah, dan memulihkan pencadangan." msgid "" "Find out exactly which action (or person) broke your site with the activity " "log." msgstr "" "Cari tahu dengan akurat apa (atau siapa) yang merusak situs Anda dengan log " "aktivitas." msgid "Free trial ends" msgstr "Percobaan gratis telah berakhir" msgid "your friends at" msgstr "Teman Anda di" msgid "Build trust." msgstr "Bangun kepercayaan" msgid "Get your free domain" msgstr "Dapatkan domain gratis" msgid "Free for 3 months" msgstr "Gratis selama 3 bulan" msgid "Accept payments via Apple In App Purchase" msgstr "Terima pembayaran via Pembelian Melalui Aplikasi Apple" msgid "Apple In App Purchase" msgstr "Pembelian Melalui Aplikasi Apple" msgid "Cannot preview a widget that does not extend WP_Widget." msgstr "Tidak dapat mempratinjau widget yang bukan turunan dari WP_Widget." msgid "Serialized widget form data to encode into instance settings." msgstr "" "Data formulir widget yang disusun secara seri yang akan dienkode ke " "pengaturan instance." msgid "Current instance settings of the widget." msgstr "Pengaturan instance saat ini untuk widget." msgid "" "URL-encoded form data from the widget admin form. Used to update a widget " "that does not support instance. Write only." msgstr "" "Data formulir yang dienkode dengan URL dari formulir admin widget. Digunakan " "untuk memperbarui widget yang tidak mendukung instance. Tulis saja." msgid "Instance settings of the widget, if supported." msgstr "Pengaturan instance widget, jika didukung." msgid "The type of the widget. Corresponds to ID in widget-types endpoint." msgstr "Jenis widget ini. Sesuai dengan ID di endpoint widget-types." msgid "The provided instance is invalid. Must contain raw OR encoded and hash." msgstr "" "Instance yang dimasukkan tidak valid. Harus berisi yang masih mentah ATAU " "sudah dienkode serta hash." msgid "The provided instance is malformed." msgstr "Instance yang dimasukkan salah format." msgid "Widget type does not support raw instances." msgstr "Jenis widget tidak mendukung instance mentah." msgid "Cannot set instance on a widget that does not extend WP_Widget." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat mengeset instance untuk widget yang bukan turunan dari WP_Widget." msgid "The provided widget type (id_base) cannot be updated." msgstr "Jenis widget yang dimasukkan (id_base) tidak dapat diperbarui." msgid "Widget type (id_base) is required." msgstr "Jenis widget (id_base) wajib dimasukkan." msgctxt "block category" msgid "Theme" msgstr "Tema" msgid "Template part has been deleted or is unavailable: %s" msgstr "Bagian templat telah dihapus atau tidak tersedia: %s" msgid "" "Ensure your website is correctly connected to the Jetpack service. The site " "health tool in your WordPress admin will indicate if there are known " "connection issues." msgstr "" "Pastikan situs Anda telah tersambung dengan benar ke layanan Jetpack. Alat " "periksa kesehatan situs pada admin WordPress Anda akan menampilkan informasi " "jika terjadi kendala pada sambungan." msgid "" "Jetpack has been unable to create a recent backup. This often indicates a " "broken Jetpack connection." msgstr "" "Jetpack tidak dapat membuat pencadangan terkini. Sering kali, hal ini " "menunjukkan bahwa sambungan Jetpack terganggu." msgid "" "Alert: %s’s latest backup did not complete, check your Jetpack connection" msgstr "" "Peringatan: pencadangan terbaru %s tidak berhasil, periksa sambungan Jetpack " "Anda" msgid "" "If Jetpack cannot make contact with your site and it’s not able to create " "backups, you’ll receive an email after two failed attempts." msgstr "" "Jika Jetpack tidak dapat terhubung dengan situs Anda dan tidak dapat membuat " "cadangan, Anda akan menerima email setelah dua kali percobaan gagal." msgid "" "If you notice that backups are not being saved yet, update your <a href=" "\"\">site " "credentials</a>. Go to <strong>Manage > Settings > Jetpack</strong>. You " "should see a form that allows you to add your site credentials." msgstr "" "Jika Anda mengetahui bahwa cadangan belum tersimpan, perbarui <a href=" "\"\">kredensial " "situs</a> Anda. Buka <strong>Kelola > Pengaturan > Jetpack</strong>. Anda " "akan melihat formulir untuk menambahkan kredensial situs Anda." msgid "Don’t see your WordPress backup in the activity log?" msgstr "Anda tidak melihat pencadangan WordPress di log aktivitas?" msgid "" "By clicking the three-dot ellipsis to the right of the description, you can " "see the download and restore options." msgstr "" "Dengan menekan elipsis di sebelah kanan deskripsi, Anda akan melihat pilihan " "untuk mengunduh dan memulihkan." msgid "" "You’ll know your WordPress backup has been created if you see a " "<strong>Backup complete</strong> event in the activity log." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengetahui bahwa pencadangan WordPress telah dibuat jika Anda " "melihat peristiwa <strong>Pencadangan selesai</strong> di log aktivitas." msgid "How do I create a WordPress backup for my site?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara membuat cadangan WordPress untuk situs saya?" msgid "We can’t wait to see what you make. Last call!" msgstr "Kami tak sabar melihat karya Anda. Kesempatan terakhir!" msgid "One last chance to get a head start on your next project with %d%% off!" msgstr "" "Kesempatan terakhir untuk memulai proyek Anda selanjutnya dengan diskon %d%%!" msgid "24 hours left to take %d%% off your next site" msgstr "" "Periode diskon %d%% untuk situs Anda berikutnya hanya tinggal 24 jam lagi" msgid "Last day to get a head start with your next idea" msgstr "Hari terakhir untuk mulai merealisasikan gagasan Anda berikutnya" msgid "Don’t miss this limited time offer to start your next project today." msgstr "" "Jangan lewatkan penawaran terbatas untuk memulai proyek baru Anda hari ini." msgid "Last call! 24 hours to get %d%% off your next site" msgstr "" "Kesempatan terakhir! Periode diskon %d%% untuk situs Anda " "selanjutnya tersisa 24 jam" msgid "See all Jetpack features" msgstr "Lihat semua fitur Jetpack" msgid "Continue without signing in" msgstr "Lanjutkan tanpa masuk" msgid "" "Jump in to enjoy Jetpack right away. Some features will not be immediately " "available, but you will be able to connect your account later to unlock them." msgstr "" "Langsung masuk untuk menikmati fitur Jetpack. Beberapa fitur tidak akan " "langsung tersedia tetapi Anda akan dapat menghubungkan akun Anda nanti untuk " "mengakses fitur-fitur tersebut." msgid "Or connect without an account" msgstr "Atau hubungkan tanpa akun" msgid "" "%s has been cancelled, and must be restored before you can buy email " "services." msgstr "" "%s telah dibatalkan, dan harus dipulihkan sebelum Anda dapat membeli layanan " "email." msgid "" "Support for this plugin is provided by the plugin author. You may find " "additional documentation here:" msgstr "" "Bantuan untuk plugin berikut disediakan oleh pembuat plugin. Anda dapat " "menemukan dokumentasi tambahan di sini:" msgid "Password reset email address" msgstr "Alamat email pengaturan ulang kata sandi" msgid "Is admin?" msgstr "Apakah administrator?" msgid "Remove mailbox" msgstr "Hapus kotak surat" msgid "Only numbers, letters, dashes, underscores, and periods are allowed." msgstr "" "Hanya angka, huruf, tanda hubung, garis bawah, dan titik yang diizinkan." msgid "Please use unique mailboxes" msgstr "Silakan gunakan kotak surat unik" msgid "from %(minPrice)s - %(maxPrice)s" msgstr "dari %(minPrice)s - %(maxPrice)s" msgid "Uses Cookies" msgstr "Menggunakan Cookie" msgid "Issue New License" msgstr "Buat Lisensi Baru" msgid "Issue a new License" msgstr "Buat Lisesnsi baru" msgid "Issue License" msgstr "Buat Lisensi" msgid "every two years" msgstr "setiap dua tahun" msgid "Get help with failed backups" msgstr "Dapatkan bantuan untuk pencadangan yang gagal" msgid "" "View our short support guide on fixing common backup problems. It contains " "recommendations for checking your connection, making sure Jetpack requests " "are not blocked and ensuring everything is present to create regular backups." msgstr "" "Lihat panduan dukungan singkat untuk memperbaiki masalah pencadangan umum. " "Panduan ini memuat rekomendasi untuk memeriksa koneksi Anda, memastikan " "permintaan Jetpack tidak diblokir, serta memastikan semua persyaratan untuk " "membuat pencadangan rutin terpenuhi." msgid "" "Jetpack has been unable to create a recent backup. This may indicate your " "site is blocking requests from Jetpack." msgstr "" "Jetpack tidak dapat membuat pencadangan terkini. Hal ini mungkin " "mengindikasikan bahwa situs Anda memblokir permintaan dari Jetpack." msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" class=\"jetpack-backup-failure\">%2$s's</a> latest backup " "did not complete successfully." msgstr "" "Pencadangan <a href=\"%1$s\" class=\"jetpack-backup-failure\">%2$s</a> " "terkini tidak berhasil diselesaikan." msgid "Jetpack is having trouble creating backups for %1$s." msgstr "Jetpack mengalami kendala saat membuat pencadangan untuk %1$s." msgid "Alert: %s’s latest backup did not complete successfully" msgstr "Peringatan: Pencadangan %s terbaru tidak berhasil diselesaikan" msgid "Discount for first %(numberOfYears)d years" msgstr "Diskon untuk %(numberOfYears)d tahun pertama" msgid "Discount for first %(numberOfMonths)d months" msgstr "Diskon untuk %(numberOfMonths)d bulan pertama" msgid "First %(numberOfYears)d years free" msgstr "Gratis %(numberOfYears)d tahun pertama" msgid "First %(numberOfMonths)d months free" msgstr "Gratis %(numberOfMonths)d bulan pertama" msgid "First month free" msgstr "Gratis bulan pertama" msgid "Discount for first period" msgstr "Diskon untuk periode waktu pertama" msgid "" "Unable to update your %1$s subscription for '%2$s' because the new licensed " "quantity should be greater than the current one." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat memperbarui %1$s langganan Anda untuk '%2$s' karena jumlah " "terlisensi yang baru harus lebih besar dari yang saat ini." msgid "" "Unable to update your %1$s subscription for '%2$s' because it was originally " "purchased by another user." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat memperbarui %1$s langganan Anda untuk '%2$s' karena awalnya " "dibeli oleh pengguna lain." msgid "" "Unable to update your %s subscription because it was originally purchased by " "another user." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat memperbarui %s langganan karena awalnya dibeli oleh pengguna " "lain." msgid "" "You are not currently allowed to buy email services for %s. Please contact " "support for more details." msgstr "" "Saat ini Anda tidak diizinkan untuk membeli layanan email untuk %s. Silakan " "hubungi tim dukungan untuk informasi selengkapnya." msgid "" "You need to verify the email address for %s before you can buy email " "services." msgstr "" "Anda perlu memverifikasi alamat email untuk %s sebelum dapat membeli layanan " "email." msgid "" "%s is currently in the process of being cancelled, and must be restored " "before you can buy email services." msgstr "" "%s saat ini sedang dalam proses pembatalan, dan harus dipulihkan sebelum " "Anda dapat membeli layanan email." msgid "" "You need to renew the subscription for %s before you can buy email services" msgstr "" "Anda perlu memperpanjang langganan untuk %s sebelum dapat membeli layanan " "email" msgid "" "Only the owner of the domain subscription for %s can buy email services for " "that domain" msgstr "" "Hanya pemilik langganan domain untuk %s yang dapat membeli layanan email " "untuk domain tersebut" msgid "Payment completed on order after subscription was cancelled." msgstr "Pembayaran diselesaikan setelah langganan dibatalkan." msgid "" "The related subscription #%s has been deleted after the customer was deleted." msgstr "Langganan #%s telah dihapus setelah pelanggan terkait dihapus." msgid "" "The related subscription #%1$s has been deleted after the customer was " "deleted by %2$s." msgstr "" "Langganan #%1$s telah dihapus setelah pelanggan terkait dihapus oleh %2$s." msgid "Lock manual price increases" msgstr "Kunci peningkatan harga manual" msgid "" "This order contains line items with prices above the current product price. " "To override the product's live price when the customer pays for this order, " "lock in the manual price increases." msgstr "" "Pesanan ini mencakup item baris dengan harga di atas harga produk saat ini. " "Untuk mengganti harga produk sekarang saat pelanggan membayar pesanan ini, " "kunci peningkatan harga produk manual." msgid "Please enter a date at least 2 minutes into the future." msgstr "Harap masukkan tanggal setidaknya dalam 2 menit ke depan." msgid "" "Learn how Jetpack can help you protect, speed up, and grow your WordPress " "site." msgstr "" "Pelajari cara kerja Jetpack dalam membantu melindungi, mempercepat, dan " "menumbuhkan situs WordPress Anda." msgid "" "Download progress: %(logRecordsDownloaded)d of %(totalLogRecordsAvailable)d " "records" msgstr "" "Progres unduhan: %(logRecordsDownloaded)d dari %(totalLogRecordsAvailable)d " "record" msgid "We can’t wait to see what you make." msgstr "Kami tak sabar melihat konten yang akan Anda buat selanjutnya." msgid "" "Enjoy a custom domain, accept payments from your site, and design it all " "with premium themes. You can also get 24/7 personal support and a 14-day " "money back guarantee." msgstr "" "Nikmati domain kustom, terima pembayaran dari situs, dan rancang semuanya " "dengan tema premium. Anda juga bisa mendapatkan dukungan personal 24/7 dan " "jaminan 14 hari uang kembali." msgid "" "This is a friendly reminder that this special offer will expire in a week. " "Get a head start on your next project with %d%% off a paid plan that comes " "with all the tools and features you’ll ever need." msgstr "" "Kami ingin mengingatkan bahwa penawaran khusus ini akan berakhir dalam " "seminggu. Mulai proyek Anda selanjutnya lebih awal dengan diskon %d%% untuk " "paket berbayar yang dilengkapi dengan semua alat dan fitur yang Anda " "butuhkan." msgid "Get started with your next idea today" msgstr "Mulai realisasikan ide Anda selanjutnya hari ini" msgid "Here’s a limited time offer to start your next project today." msgstr "" "Berikut penawaran terbatas untuk memulai proyek Anda selanjutnya hari ini." msgid "Expires soon! Get %d%% off your next site" msgstr "" "Segera berakhir! Dapatkan diskon %d%% untuk situs Anda " "berikutnya" msgid "The password could not be encrypted" msgstr "Kata sandi tidak dapat dienkripsi" msgid "Free domain with an annual plan" msgstr "Domain gratis dengan paket tahunan" msgid "%s Monthly" msgstr "%s Bulanan" msgid "Failed to detect connection status" msgstr "Gagal mendeteksi status koneksi" msgid "" "Canceling authorization <strong>failed</strong> to complete with the " "following message: <code>%1$s</code>." msgstr "" "Pembatalan otorisasi <strong>gagal</strong> diselesaikan dengan pesan " "berikut: <code>%1$s</code>." msgid "Base fee" msgstr "Biaya dasar" msgid "" "A payment of %1$s <strong>failed</strong> to complete with the following " "message: <code>%2$s</code>." msgstr "" "Pembayaran %1$s <strong>gagal</strong> diselesaikan dengan pesan berikut: " "<code>%2$s</code>." msgid "" "If enabled, users will be able to pay with a saved card during checkout. " "Card details are saved on our platform, not on your store." msgstr "" "Jika diaktifkan, pengguna dapat membayar dengan kartu yang disimpan saat " "checkout. Detail kartu disimpan di platform kami, bukan di toko Anda." msgid "" "Edit the way your store name appears on your customers’ bank statements " "(read more about requirements <a>here</a>)." msgstr "" "Edit tampilan nama toko Anda di rekening koran pelanggan Anda (baca " "selengkapnya tentang persyaratan <a>di sini</a>)." msgid "ToS accept parameter is missing" msgstr "Parameter penerimaan ToS tidak ditemukan" msgid "👋 %s, here are a few more tips to get the most out of P2:" msgstr " 👋 %s, berikut beberapa tips untuk memaksimalkan manfaat P2:" msgid "" "Unfortunately the payment can not be completed: the connected merchant " "account country is not supported yet." msgstr "" "Mohon maaf, pembayaran tidak dapat diselesaikan: negara akun penjual yang " "terhubung belum didukung." msgid "Sales disabled." msgstr "Penjualan dinonaktifkan." msgid "Add Facebook for" msgstr "Tambahkan Facebook untuk" msgid "Want to connect with your audience on Facebook and Instagram?" msgstr "" "Ingin terhubung dengan pengunjung situs Anda di Facebook dan Instagram?" msgid "User menu" msgstr "Menu pengguna" msgid "I tried and failed to create products from signup" msgstr "Saya telah mencoba, dan hasilnya gagal membuat produk dari pendaftaran" msgid "This order belongs to another customer" msgstr "Pesanan ini milik pelanggan lain" msgctxt "quickcode parameter" msgid "%s — Enable edit mode on double click." msgstr "%s — Aktifkan mode edit dengan klik dua kali." msgid "Enable edit mode on double click (v3.x only)" msgstr "Aktifkan mode edit dengan klik dua kali (hanya v3.x)" msgid "" "Always load all language files (for directly using <code><pre></code> " "tags rather than shortcodes). If left unchecked (default), then language " "files will only be loaded when needed. If unsure, leave this box unchecked." msgstr "" "Selalu muat semua berkas bahasa (langsung menggunakan tag <code><pre></" "code>, bukan shortcode). Berkas bahasa hanya akan dimuat saat dibutuhkan " "jika tidak dicentang (pengaturan asal). Jika tidak yakin, jangan centang." msgid "YAML" msgstr "YAML" msgid "Arduino" msgstr "Arduino" msgid "and used to authorize the Jetpack connection." msgstr "dan digunakan untuk memberikan otorisasi sambungan Jetpack." msgid "Click the button below to complete your Jetpack setup." msgstr "Klik tombol di bawah ini untuk menyelesaikan penyiapan Jetpack Anda." msgid "" "\"%1$s\" is not a supported wp_template_part area value and has been added " "as \"%2$s\"." msgstr "" "\"%1$s\" bukan merupakan nilai area wp_template_part yang didukung dan telah " "ditambahkan sebagai \"%2$s\"." msgctxt "Template name" msgid "Taxonomy" msgstr "Taksonomi" msgid "" "Please set the following IP addresses as root A records using {{link}}these " "instructions{{/link}}:" msgstr "" "Silakan atur alamat IP berikut sebagai root A record menggunakan {{link}}" "petunjuk berikut{{/link}}:" msgid "" "If you map a domain using A records rather than name servers, " "you will need to manage your domain’s DNS records yourself for any other " "services you are using with your domain, including email forwarding or email " "hosting (i.e. with Google Workspace or Titan)" msgstr "" "Jika Anda mengarahkan domain menggunakan A record, bukan name server " ", Anda perlu mengelola DNS record domain Anda sendiri untuk " "layanan lain yang Anda gunakan dengan domain Anda, termasuk penerusan email " "atau hosting email (yaitu dengan Google Workspace atau Titan )" msgid "Recommended setup" msgstr "Pengaturan yang disarankan" msgid "" "Please log into your domain name registrar account and {{strong}}update the " "name servers{{/strong}} of your domain to use the following values, as " "detailed in {{link}}these instructions{{/link}}:" msgstr "" "Harap login ke akun registrar nama domain Anda dan {{strong}}perbarui server " "nama{{/strong}} domain Anda agar menggunakan nilai di bawah ini, sebagaimana " "dijelaskan dalam {{link}}instruksi berikut{{/link}}:" msgid "The cron event list could not be saved." msgstr "Daftar kegiatan cron tidak dapat disimpan." msgid "A plugin prevented the hook from being cleared." msgstr "Sebuah plugin mencegah hook untuk dihapus." msgid "A plugin prevented the event from being unscheduled." msgstr "Sebuah plugin mencegah event untuk dihapus dari jadwal." msgid "A plugin prevented the event from being rescheduled." msgstr "Sebuah plugin mencegah event untuk dijadwalkan ulang." msgid "Event schedule does not exist." msgstr "Jadwal event tidak ada." msgid "A plugin disallowed this event." msgstr "Sebuah plugin tidak mengijinkan event ini." msgid "A duplicate event already exists." msgstr "Sebuah event yang sama sudah ada." msgid "A plugin prevented the event from being scheduled." msgstr "Sebuah plugin mencegah event untuk dijadwalkan." msgid "Event timestamp must be a valid Unix timestamp." msgstr "Stempel waktu kegiatan harus berupa stempel waktu Unix yang valid." msgid "An image showing a recent VaultPress Backup in a WordPress activity log" msgstr "" "Sebuah gambar menampilkan VaultPress Backup terbaru pada log aktivitas " "WordPress" msgid "" "The WordPress activity log shows a lost of completed backups of your Jetpack " "site." msgstr "" "Log aktivitas WordPress menampilkan daftar pencadangan yang telah selesai " "dari situs Jetpack Anda." msgid "Order not in cancellable state" msgstr "Pesanan tidak dapat dibatalkan" msgid "A customer is not allowed cancel order" msgstr "Pelanggan tidak diizinkan untuk membatalkan pesanan" msgid "We just emailed a link to {{strong}}%(emailAddress)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Kami baru saja mengirimkan email berisi tautan ke " "{{strong}}%(emailAddress)s{{/strong}}." msgid "Log in or create a account to get started with Jetpack" msgstr "Login atau buat akun untuk mulai menggunakan Jetpack" msgid "Enter your new password below or generate one." msgstr "Masukkan kata sandi baru Anda atau buat yang beda." msgid "See how ads are performing on your site." msgstr "Lihat bagaimana kinerja iklan pada situs Anda." msgid "View your site's performance and learn from trends." msgstr "Lihat kinerja situs Anda dan pelajari tren yang terjadi." msgid "Manage your site's security settings." msgstr "Kelola pengaturan keamanan situs Anda." msgid "Learn about the features included in your plan." msgstr "" "Pelajari tentang fitur yang disertakan di dalam paket Anda." msgid "" "It’s the perfect way to launch that next website, blog, or project you’ve " "been waiting for." msgstr "" "Cara sempurna untuk meluncurkan situs web, blog, atau proyek selanjutnya " "yang telah Anda nantikan." msgid "Add another mailbox" msgstr "Tambah kotak surat lain" msgid "" "All of your mailboxes are due to renew at the regular price of " "{{strong}}%(fullPrice)s{{/strong}} per mailbox when your subscription renews " "on {{strong}}%(expiryDate)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Semua kotak surat Anda akan diperpanjang dengan harga reguler sebesar " "{{strong}}%(fullPrice)s{{/strong}} per kotak surat saat langganan Anda " "diperpanjang pada {{strong}}%(expiryDate)s{{/strong}}." msgid "" "This is more than the regular price because you are charged for the " "remainder of the current month plus any additional month until renewal." msgstr "" "Harga berikut lebih dari harga biasa karena Anda ditagihkan untuk sisa bulan " "berjalan ditambah bulan tambahan sampai perpanjangan." msgid "" "This is less than the regular price because you are only charged for the " "remainder of the current month." msgstr "" "Harga berikut lebih murah dari harga biasa karena Anda hanya ditagihkan " "untuk sisa bulan yang sekarang berjalan." msgid "" "You can purchase new mailboxes at the prorated price of " "{{strong}}%(proratedPrice)s{{/strong}} per mailbox." msgstr "" "Anda dapat membeli kotak surat baru dengan harga prorata " "{{strong}}%(proratedPrice)s{{/strong}} per kotak surat." msgid "" "You can purchase new mailboxes at the regular price of {{strong}}%(price)s{{/" "strong}} per mailbox per month." msgstr "" "Anda dapat membeli kotak surat baru dengan harga reguler " "{{strong}}%(price)s{{/strong}} per kotak surat per bulan." msgid "" "One additional year of domain registration included in annual paid plans." msgstr "" "Satu tahun tambahan untuk pendaftaran domain termasuk di dalam paket " "berbayar tahunan." msgid "A new account will be created with your email" msgstr "Akun baru akan dibuat dengan email Anda" msgid "Expanded (shows images)" msgstr "Diperluas (menampilkan gambar)" msgid "SSL verification failed." msgstr "Gagal memverifikasi SSL." msgid "HTTPS request failed." msgstr "Permintaan HTTPS gagal." msgid "We were unable to retrieve your partner account details." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat mengambil detail akun mitra Anda." msgid "Please select your partner key:" msgstr "Pilih kunci untuk mitra Anda:" msgid "Your account is not registered as a partner account." msgstr "Akun Anda tidak terdaftar sebagai akun mitra." msgid "Partner Key" msgstr "Kunci untuk Mitra" msgid "The confirmation key has expired for this personal data request." msgstr "Kunci konfirmasi telah kedaluwarsa untuk permintaan data pribadi ini." msgid "The confirmation key is invalid for this personal data request." msgstr "Kunci konfirmasi tidak valid untuk permintaan data pribadi ini." msgid "The confirmation key is missing from this personal data request." msgstr "Kunci konfirmasi hilang dari permintaan data pribadi ini." msgid "This personal data request has expired." msgstr "Permintaan data pribadi ini telah kedaluwarsa." msgid "Invalid request status." msgstr "Status permintaan tidak valid." msgid "Password reset links sent to %s user." msgid_plural "Password reset links sent to %s users." msgstr[0] "Tautan setel ulang kata sandi telah dikirim ke %s pengguna." msgstr[1] "Tautan setel ulang kata sandi telah dikirim ke %s pengguna." msgid "Password reset link sent." msgstr "Tautan pengaturan ulang kata sandi telah dikirim." msgid "" "Send %s a link to reset their password. This will not change their password, " "nor will it force a change." msgstr "" "Kirim %s tautan untuk menyetel ulang kata sandi mereka. Ini tidak akan " "mengubah kata sandi mereka, juga tidak akan memaksa perubahan." msgid "Send Reset Link" msgstr "Kirim Tautan Atur Ulang" msgid "Send password reset" msgstr "Kirim pengaturan ulang kata sandi" msgid "" "To help you get your next idea off the ground, use our %d%% off discount " "today and make your dream become a reality!" msgstr "" "Untuk membantu Anda mewujudkan ide berikutnya, gunakan diskon %d%% kami " "sekarang dan buat mimpi Anda jadi nyata!" msgid "Take %d%% off your next site purchase until %s." msgstr "Dapatkan diskon %d%% untuk pembelian situs berikutnya hingga %s." msgid "Assigned" msgstr "Diaktifkan" msgid "Assigned on:" msgstr "Diaktifkan pada:" msgid "Unassigned" msgstr "Tidak diaktifkan" msgid "Assigned on" msgstr "Diaktifkan pada" msgid "We back up your site. You run your business." msgstr "Kami mencadangkan situs Anda. Anda menjalankan bisnis Anda." msgid "" "Store downtime means lost sales. One-click restores get you back online " "quickly if something goes wrong." msgstr "" "Toko tidak aktif sama dengan kehilangan penjualan. Pemulihan sekali klik " "membuat situs Anda kembali online dengan cepat jika terjadi gangguan." msgid "Protect your WooCommerce Store with Jetpack Backup." msgstr "Lindungi Toko WooCommerce Anda dengan Jetpack Backup." msgid "Every site needs a backup plan." msgstr "Semua situs memerlukan paket pencadangan." msgid "" "This is Anne from Jetpack and I was just notified that your subscription " "renewal for %s didn’t go through. This is most likely because the card we " "have on file is expired." msgstr "" "Saya Anne dari Jetpack, dan saya mendapatkan notifikasi bahwa perpanjangan " "langganan Anda untuk %s tidak berhasil. Hal ini mungkin terjadi karena kartu " "yang didaftarkan telah berakhir masa berlakunya." msgid "" "There’s never been a better time to start that new website, launch that new " "blog, or tackle that new project idea you’ve been dreaming about." msgstr "" "Inilah saat paling tepat untuk memulai situs web baru, meluncurkan blog " "baru, atau merealisasikan gagasan proyek baru impian Anda." msgid "" "As a way of saying thank you for being a part of our community and helping " "us reach this new milestone, we’d like to offer you %d%% off your next " " plan." msgstr "" "Sebagai tanda terima kasih karena Anda telah menjadi bagian dari komunitas " "kami dan membantu kami meraih pencapaian baru tersebut, kami menawarkan " "diskon %d%% untuk paket Anda berikutnya." msgid "Did you know that 40% of the Internet is now built on WordPress?" msgstr "" "Apakah Anda tahu bahwa 40% situs web di internet dibangun dengan WordPress?" msgid "Use code <strong>%s</strong> at checkout." msgstr "Gunakan kode <strong>%s</strong> saat checkout." msgid "Get %d%% off on your next site!" msgstr "Dapatkan diskon %d%% untuk situs Anda berikutnya!" msgid "Launch your next idea now!" msgstr "Luncurkan ide berikutnya sekarang!" msgid "Start your next project today with this great limited time offer." msgstr "" "Mulai proyek berikutnya sekarang dengan tawaran menarik berbatas waktu ini." msgid "Get your next site for %d%% off!" msgstr "Dapatkan situs baru dengan diskon %d%%!" msgid "See supported file types" msgstr "Lihat jenis berkas yang didukung" msgid "Blank page" msgstr "Halaman kosong" msgid "Pick a pre-defined layout or start with a blank page." msgstr "" "Pilih tata letak yang telah ditetapkan atau mulai dengan halaman kosong." msgid "" "If you were trying to add something to your cart, there may have been a " "problem. Try adding it again." msgstr "" "Mungkin terjadi kendala saat Anda mencoba menambahkan sesuatu ke keranjang. " "Coba tambahkan kembali." msgid "Site URLs could not be switched to HTTPS." msgstr "URL situs tidak dapat dialihkan ke HTTPS." msgid "Site URLs switched to HTTPS." msgstr "URL situs dialihkan ke HTTPS." msgid "It looks like HTTPS is not supported for your website at this point." msgstr "Sepertinya HTTPS tidak didukung untuk situs web Anda saat ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to update this site to HTTPS." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diperbolehkan memperbarui situs ini ke HTTPS." msgid "" "The setting for %1$s is currently configured as 0, this could cause some " "problems when trying to upload files through plugin or theme features that " "rely on various upload methods. It is recommended to configure this setting " "to a fixed value, ideally matching the value of %2$s, as some upload methods " "read the value 0 as either unlimited, or disabled." msgstr "" "Setelan untuk %1$s saat ini dikonfigurasi sebagai 0, ini dapat menyebabkan " "beberapa masalah saat mencoba mengunggah file melalui fitur plugin atau tema " "yang mengandalkan berbagai metode unggahan. Direkomendasikan untuk " "mengonfigurasi setelan ini ke nilai tetap, idealnya cocok dengan nilai %2$s, " "karena beberapa metode unggahan membaca nilai 0 sebagai tidak terbatas, atau " "dinonaktifkan." msgid "Talk to your web host about supporting HTTPS for your website." msgstr "" "Bicaralah dengan host web Anda tentang mendukung HTTPS untuk situs web Anda." msgid "Update your site to use HTTPS" msgstr "Perbarui situs Anda untuk menggunakan HTTPS" msgid "" "However, your WordPress Address is currently controlled by a PHP constant " "and therefore cannot be updated. You need to edit your %1$s and remove or " "update the definitions of %2$s and %3$s." msgstr "" "Namun, Alamat WordPress Anda saat ini dikontrol oleh constant PHP dan oleh " "karena itu tidak dapat diperbarui. Anda perlu mengedit %1$s Anda dan " "menghapus atau memperbarui definisi dari %2$s dan %3$s." msgid "HTTPS is already supported for your website." msgstr "HTTPS sudah didukung untuk situs web Anda." msgid "" "Your <a href=\"%1$s\">WordPress Address</a> and <a href=\"%2$s\">Site " "Address</a> are not set up to use HTTPS." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Alamat WordPress</a> dan <a href=\"%2$s\">Alamat Situs</a> " "Anda tidak disiapkan untuk menggunakan HTTPS." msgid "" "You are accessing this website using HTTPS, but your <a href=\"%1$s" "\">WordPress Address</a> and <a href=\"%2$s\">Site Address</a> are not set " "up to use HTTPS by default." msgstr "" "Anda mengakses situs web ini menggunakan HTTPS, tetapi <a href=\"%1$s" "\">Alamat WordPress</a> dan <a href=\"%2$s\">Alamat Situs</a> Anda tidak " "disiapkan untuk menggunakan HTTPS secara standar." msgid "Your <a href=\"%s\">Site Address</a> is not set up to use HTTPS." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\">Alamat Situs</a> Anda tidak diatur untuk menggunakan HTTPS." msgid "License copied!" msgstr "Lisensi disalin!" msgid "Finish your Jetpack setup" msgstr "Selesaikan penyiapan Jetpack Anda" msgid "" "To log in to and access your Jetpack account, click the button " "below." msgstr "" "Untuk masuk ke dan mengakses akun Jetpack Anda, klik tombol di " "bawah ini." msgid "Hello! Here's the login link you requested." msgstr "Halo! Berikut adalah tautan yang Anda minta." msgid "Invalid request ID when processing personal data to erase." msgstr "ID permintaan tidak valid saat memproses data pribadi untuk dihapus." msgid "Invalid request ID when merging personal data to export." msgstr "" "ID permintaan tidak valid saat menggabungkan data pribadi untuk diekspor." msgid "Unable to archive the personal data export file (HTML format)." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengarsipkan berkas ekspor data pribadi (format HTML)." msgid "Unable to archive the personal data export file (JSON format)." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengarsipkan berkas ekspor data pribadi (format JSON)." msgid "Unable to open personal data export (HTML report) for writing." msgstr "Tidak dapat membuka ekspor data pribadi (laporan HTML) untuk menulis." msgid "Unable to create personal data export folder." msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat folder ekspor data pribadi." msgid "Request added successfully." msgstr "Permintaan berhasil ditambahkan." msgid "Invalid personal data action." msgstr "Tindakan data pribadi tidak valid." msgid "Unable to initiate confirmation for personal data request." msgstr "Tidak dapat memulai konfirmasi untuk permintaan data pribadi." msgid "Invalid personal data request." msgstr "Permintaan data pribadi tidak valid." msgid "Send personal data export confirmation email." msgstr "Kirim e-mail konfirmasi ekspor data pribadi." msgid "" "This tool helps site owners comply with local laws and regulations by " "exporting known data for a given user in a .zip file." msgstr "" "Alat ini membantu pemilik situs mematuhi undang-undang dan peraturan lokal " "dengan mengekspor data yang diketahui untuk pengguna tertentu dalam berkas ." "zip." msgid "" "<a href=\"" "data-screen/\">Documentation on Export Personal Data</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"" "screen/\">Dokumentasi tentang Ekspor Data Pribadi</a>" msgid "" "Many plugins may collect or store personal data either in the WordPress " "database or remotely. Any Export Personal Data request should include data " "from plugins as well." msgstr "" "Banyak plugin dapat mengumpulkan atau menyimpan data pribadi baik di " "database WordPress atau dari jarak jauh. Permintaan Ekspor Data Pribadi apa " "pun harus menyertakan data dari plugin juga." msgid "" "If you are not sure, check the plugin documentation or contact the plugin " "author to see if the plugin collects data and if it supports the Data " "Exporter tool. This information may be available in the <a href=\"%s" "\">Privacy Policy Guide</a>." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak yakin, periksa dokumentasi plugin atau hubungi pembuat " "plugin untuk melihat apakah plugin mengumpulkan data dan apakah itu " "mendukung alat Pengekspor Data. Informasi ini mungkin tersedia di <a href=" "\"%s\">Panduan Kebijakan Privasi</a>." msgid "" "<strong>Comments</strong> — For user comments, Email Address, IP " "Address, User Agent (Browser/OS), Date/Time, Comment Content, and Content " "URL." msgstr "" "<strong>Komentar</strong> — Untuk setiap komentar yang dibuat oleh " "pengguna, Alamat E-mail, Alamat IP, Agen Pengguna (Browser/OS), Tanggal/" "Waktu, Konten Komentar, dan URL Konten." msgid "" "This screen is where you manage requests for an export of personal data." msgstr "Layar ini memungkinkan Anda mengelola permintaan ekspor data pribadi." msgid "Send personal data erasure confirmation email." msgstr "Kirim e-mail konfirmasi penghapusan data pribadi." msgid "Confirmation email" msgstr "E-mail konfirmasi" msgid "" "This tool helps site owners comply with local laws and regulations by " "deleting or anonymizing known data for a given user." msgstr "" "Alat ini membantu pemilik situs mematuhi hukum dan peraturan setempat dengan " "menghapus atau menganonimkan data yang diketahui untuk pengguna tertentu." msgid "" "<a href=\"" "data-screen/\">Documentation on Erase Personal Data</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"" "screen/\">Dokumentasi tentang Hapus Data Pribadi</a>" msgid "" "Many plugins may collect or store personal data either in the WordPress " "database or remotely. Any Erase Personal Data request should delete data " "from plugins as well." msgstr "" "Banyak plugin dapat mengumpulkan atau menyimpan data pribadi baik di " "database WordPress atau dari jarak jauh. Permintaan Hapus Data Pribadi apa " "pun juga harus menghapus data dari plugin." msgid "Plugin Data" msgstr "Data Plugin" msgid "" "If you are not sure, check the plugin documentation or contact the plugin " "author to see if the plugin collects data and if it supports the Data Eraser " "tool. This information may be available in the <a href=\"%s\">Privacy Policy " "Guide</a>." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak yakin, periksa dokumentasi plugin atau hubungi pembuat " "plugin untuk melihat apakah plugin mengumpulkan data dan apakah mendukung " "alat Penghapus Data. Informasi ini mungkin tersedia di <a href=\"%s" "\">Panduan Kebijakan Privasi</a>." msgid "" "<strong>Media</strong> — A list of URLs for all media file uploads " "made by the user." msgstr "" "<strong>Media</strong> — Daftar URL untuk semua unggahan file media " "yang dibuat oleh pengguna." msgid "" "<strong>Session Tokens</strong> — User login information, IP " "Addresses, Expiration Date, User Agent (Browser/OS), and Last Login." msgstr "" "<strong>Token Sesi</strong> — Informasi login pengguna, Alamat IP, " "Tanggal Kedaluwarsa, Agen Pengguna (Browser/OS), dan Login Terakhir." msgid "" "<strong>Community Events Location</strong> — The IP Address of the " "user which is used for the Upcoming Community Events shown in the dashboard " "widget." msgstr "" "<strong>Lokasi Acara Komunitas</strong> — Alamat IP pengguna yang " "digunakan untuk Acara Komunitas Mendatang ditampilkan di widget dasbor." msgid "" "<strong>Profile Information</strong> — user email address, username, " "display name, nickname, first name, last name, description/bio, and " "registration date." msgstr "" "<strong>Informasi Profil</strong> — alamat e-mail pengguna, nama " "pengguna, nama tampilan, nama panggilan, nama depan, nama belakang, " "deskripsi/bio, dan tanggal pendaftaran." msgid "Default Data" msgstr "Data Standar" msgid "" "The tool associates data stored in WordPress with a supplied email address, " "including profile data and comments." msgstr "" "Alat ini mengaitkan data yang disimpan di WordPress dengan alamat e-mail " "yang disediakan, termasuk data profil dan komentar." msgid "Policies" msgstr "Kebijakan" msgid "Create a new Privacy Policy page" msgstr "Buat Halaman Kebijakan Privasi baru" msgid "The Privacy Settings require JavaScript." msgstr "Pengaturan Privasi membutuhkan JavaScript." msgctxt "Privacy Settings" msgid "Policy Guide" msgstr "Panduan Kebijakan" msgctxt "Privacy Settings" msgid "Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan" msgid "Copy suggested policy text to clipboard" msgstr "Salin teks kebijakan yang disarankan ke papan klip" msgid "" "Only you can see this automated post. Got it! You won't see these posts " "anymore. <button class=\"%s\">Opt back in.</button>" msgstr "" "Hanya Anda yang dapat melihat pos otomatis ini. Dimengerti! Anda tidak akan " "melihat pos-pos ini lagi. <button class=\"%s\">Ikuti kembali. </button>" msgid "" "Only you can see this automated post. <button class=\"%s\">Opt out</button> " "of future posts." msgstr "" "Hanya Anda yang dapat melihat pos otomatis ini. <button class=\"%s" "\">Berhenti</button> mendapatkan pos selanjutnya." msgid "APP" msgstr "APP" msgid "P2 Bot" msgstr "P2 Bot" msgid "" "Join the the <a href=\"%s\">P2 feedback group</a> if you have any questions " "or feedback for P2." msgstr "" "Bergabunglah dengan <a href=\"%s\">grup masukan P2</a> jika ada pertanyaan " "atau masukan untuk P2." msgid "" "Get tips on <a href=\"%1$s\">how to use P2</a> and <a href=\"%2$s\">managing " "your P2</a>." msgstr "" "Dapatkan tips tentang <a href=\"%1$s\">cara menggunakan P2</a> dan <a href=" "\"%2$s\">mengelola P2 Anda</a>." msgid "" "Download the <a href=\"%s\">WordPress mobile app</a> , which is compatible " "with P2 and allows you to get notifications on your phone." msgstr "" "Unduh <a href=\"%s\">aplikasi seluler WordPress</a>, yang kompatibel dengan " "P2 dan memungkinkan Anda mendapatkan pemberitahuan di ponsel Anda." msgid "" "Adjust your <a href=\"%s\">notification settings</a> and find the best way " "to be notified of content and comments." msgstr "" "Sesuaikan <a href=\"%s\">pengaturan pemberitahuan</a> Anda dan temukan model " "terbaik untuk pemberitahuan atas konten dan komentar." msgid "" "Get your P2 going by <a href=\"%1$s\" class=\"%2$s\">writing a post</a> to " "welcome your team, or kick off your project." msgstr "" "Jalankan P2 Anda dengan <a href=\"%1$s\" class=\"%2$s\">menulis pos</a> " "untuk menyambut tim, atau mengawali proyek." msgid "2. Complete your profile" msgstr "2. Lengkapi profil Anda" msgid "" "Welcome to your P2 <a class=\"%1$s\">@%2$s</a> 🎉<br>Here's a few things to " "do to get started." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di P2 <a class=\"%1$s\">@%2$s</a> 🎉<br>Berikut beberapa hal " "yang harus dilakukan untuk memulai." msgid "<a href=\"%s\">See more ideas</a>" msgstr "<a href=\"%s\">Lihat lebih banyak ide</a>" msgid "" "⏰ Share an update<br>💬 Ask a question<br>💡 Present ideas and get feedback" msgstr "" "⏰ Bagikan pembaruan<br>💬 Ajukan pertanyaan<br>💡 Sajikan ide dan dapatkan " "masukan" msgid "" "👋 Welcome back! Wondering what's the best way to use P2? Here are some ideas:" msgstr "" " 👋 Selamat datang kembali Ingin tahu cara terbaik untuk menggunakan P2? " "Berikut beberapa ide:" msgid "" "You can <strong>assign tasks</strong> to your team and <strong>track your " "project progress</strong>.<br>Simply type <strong>/task</strong> to insert a " "project task, or <strong>/project</strong> to insert a project tracker." msgstr "" "Anda dapat <strong>menetapkan tugas</strong> untuk tim dan <strong>melacak " "progres proyek Anda</strong>.<br>Cukup ketik <strong>/tugas</strong> untuk " "menyisipkan tugas proyek, atau <strong>/proyek</strong> untuk menyisipkan " "pelacak proyek." msgid "👋 Hi %s! Want to keep your team tracking towards deadlines?" msgstr " 👋 Halo %s! Ingin terus memantau tim Anda agar sesuai tenggat?" msgid "" "Use <a href=\"%s\">Comments</a> to discuss and make decisions efficiently. " "You can even reply to a comment, to continue that thread." msgstr "" "Gunakan<a href=\"%s\">Komentar</a> untuk berdiskusi dan mengambil keputusan " "secara efisien. Anda bahkan dapat membalas komentar, untuk melanjutkan utas " "itu." msgid "" "Use an <a href=\"%s\">@mention</a> to draw a team member's attention and get " "them to weigh in or take action on a task." msgstr "" "Gunakan <a href=\"%s\">@sebut</a> untuk menarik perhatian anggota tim dan " "meminta mereka mempertimbangkan atau melakukan tugas." msgid "" "👋 Hola %s! Here are two simple <strong>collaboration tools</strong> on P2 to " "effectively move your work forward:" msgstr "" " 👋 Hola %s! Berikut adalah dua <strong>alat kolaborasi</strong> sederhana " "pada P2 untuk memajukan kerja Anda secara efektif:" msgid "" "You can <strong>Follow</strong> a post to receive an email notification " "every time a new comment is posted. Learn more about <a href=\"%s\">managing " "your notifications</a>. You’re welcome!🙌🏽" msgstr "" "Anda dapat <strong>Mengikuti</strong> pos untuk menerima pemberitahuan email " "setiap kali komentar baru diposkan. Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang <a href=" "\"%s\">mengelola pemberitahuan</a>. Sama-sama! 🙌🏽" msgid "👋 Hi %s! Want to stay on top of important discussions on posts?" msgstr " 👋 Halo %s! Ingin terus mengikuti diskusi penting tentang pos?" msgid "" "👋 Welcome back! Here’s a pro tip for the day:<br><a href=\"%s\">Organize " "your project documents and links</a> in one convenient place for your team." msgstr "" " 👋 Selamat datang kembali Berikut adalah saran profesional untuk hari ini:" "<br><a href=\"%s\">Atur dokumen dan tautan proyek Anda</a> di satu tempat " "yang mudah diakses tim Anda." msgid "P2 Onboarding Posts" msgstr "Pos Penyiapan P2" msgid "Resume onboarding posts." msgstr "Lanjutkan penyiapan pos." msgid "Opt in" msgstr "Berpartisipasi" msgid "Opt out of future posts." msgstr "Berhenti mendapatkan pos selanjutnya." msgid "Opt out" msgstr "Berhenti ikuti" msgid "" "Sorry, that product is not compatible with sites hosted on" msgstr "" "Maaf, produk tersebut tidak kompatibel dengan situs yang di-hosting di " "" msgid "" "We couldn't find an account for the username you entered. Please try again " "with a different username." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat menemukan akun dengan nama pengguna yang Anda masukkan. " "Harap coba lagi dengan nama pengguna lainnya." msgid "" "We couldn't find an account for the email you entered. Please try again with " "a different email." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat menemukan akun dengan email yang Anda masukkan. Harap coba " "lagi dengan email lainnya." msgid "" "The %1$s parameter must be an array. To pass arbitrary data to scripts, use " "the %2$s function instead." msgstr "" "Parameter %1$s harus berupa array. Untuk meneruskan data arbitrer ke script, " "gunakan fungsi %2$s sebagai gantinya." msgid "A password reset link was emailed to %s." msgstr "Tautan pengaturan ulang kata sandi telah dikirim melalui email ke %s." msgid "Cannot send password reset, permission denied." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengirim atur ulang sandi, izin ditolak." msgid "WordPress VIP" msgstr "WordPress VIP" msgid "Redirect URL used after Stripe KYC." msgstr "URL Pengalihan digunakan setelah Stripe KYC." msgid "" "If you still have issues, please reply back to us and we’ll put together " "some next steps to help you get your restore working." msgstr "" "Jika masih mengalami masalah, mohon berikan balasan agar kita bisa " "mendiskusikan langkah lanjutan untuk membantu Anda melakukan pemulihan." msgid "" "Jetpack is having trouble restoring <a href=\"%1$s\" >%2$s</a> to a previous " "backup. We’d like to help get this fixed!" msgstr "" "Jetpack sedang mengalami masalah dalam memulihkan <a href=\"%1$s\" >%2$s</a> " "ke pencadangan sebelumnya. Kami ingin membantu Anda mengatasi masalah ini!" msgid "%s has failed to restore" msgstr "%s gagal dipulihkan" msgid "See and compare the features available on each plan." msgstr "" "Lihat dan bandingkan fitur yang tersedia di setiap paket" msgid "Get help with your site." msgstr "Dapatkan bantuan untuk situs Anda" msgid "Cannot introspect application password." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengintrospeksi kata sandi aplikasi." msgid "" "The authenticated application password can only be introspected for the " "current user." msgstr "" "Kata sandi aplikasi yang diautentikasi hanya dapat digunakan untuk pengguna " "saat ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this application password." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan menghapus kata sandi aplikasi ini." msgid "" "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete application passwords for this user." msgstr "" "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan menghapus kata sandi aplikasi untuk pengguna ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this application password." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan mengedit kata sandi aplikasi ini." msgid "" "Sorry, you are not allowed to create application passwords for this user." msgstr "" "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan membuat kata sandi aplikasi untuk pengguna ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to read this application password." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan membaca kata sandi aplikasi ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to list application passwords for this user." msgstr "" "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk membuat daftar kata sandi aplikasi untuk " "pengguna ini." msgid "More than %d%% of the Internet uses WordPress" msgstr "Lebih dari %d%% dunia internet menggunakan WordPress" msgid "" "Time-tested: over %d%% of the Internet uses WordPress (and you should too)" msgstr "" "Teruji oleh waktu: lebih dari %d%% dunia internet menggunakan WordPress (dan " "sebaiknya Anda juga)" msgid "Template Part Area" msgstr "Area Bagian Templat" msgid "Template Part Areas" msgstr "Area Bagian Templat" msgid "Where the template part is intended for use (header, footer, etc.)" msgstr "Peruntukan bagian templat (header, footer, dsb.)" msgid "Human-readable name identifying the widget type." msgstr "Nama yang dapat dipahami manusia sebagai pengenal jenis widget." msgid "Unique slug identifying the widget type." msgstr "Slug unik sebagai pengenal jenis widget." msgid "The widget type id." msgstr "ID jenis widget." msgid "Splash" msgstr "Menonjol" msgid "" "A CDN (Content Delivery Network) optimizes your content to provide users " "with the fastest experience." msgstr "" "CDN (Jaringan Pendistribusian Konten) mengoptimalkan konten Anda untuk " "memberikan pengalaman tercepat kepada para pengguna." msgid "Jetpack Site Accelerator" msgstr "Jetpack Site Accelerator" msgid "" "A support chat session is currently in progress. Click continue to open this " "link in a new tab." msgstr "" "Sesi bantuan live chat sedang berlangsung. Klik lanjutkan untuk membuka " "tautan berikut di tab baru." msgid "" "Access to more than 50,000 WordPress plugins to extend functionality for " "your site" msgstr "" "Akses ke lebih dari 50.000 plugin WordPress untuk memperluas fungsionalitas " "situs Anda" msgid "Advanced SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) tools" msgstr "Perangkat SEO (Optimisasi Mesin Pencari) Tingkat Lanjut" msgid "" "As a percentage of the image, the height to crop the image to. DEPRECATED: " "Use `modifiers` instead." msgstr "" "Dalam persentase dari gambar, tinggi untuk memotong gambar. USANG: Gunakan " "`modifiers` sebagai gantinya." msgid "" "As a percentage of the image, the width to crop the image to. DEPRECATED: " "Use `modifiers` instead." msgstr "" "Dalam persentase dari gambar, lebar untuk memotong gambar. USANG: Gunakan " "`modifiers` sebagai gantinya." msgid "" "As a percentage of the image, the y position to start the crop from. " "DEPRECATED: Use `modifiers` instead." msgstr "" "Dalam persentase dari gambar, posisi y untuk memulai pemotongan. USANG: " "Gunakan `modifiers ` sebagai gantinya." msgid "" "As a percentage of the image, the x position to start the crop from. " "DEPRECATED: Use `modifiers` instead." msgstr "" "Dalam persentase dari gambar, posisi x untuk memulai pemotongan. USANG: " "Gunakan `modifiers ` sebagai gantinya." msgid "" "The amount to rotate the image clockwise in degrees. DEPRECATED: Use " "`modifiers` instead." msgstr "" "Jumlah untuk memutar gambar searah jarum jam dalam derajat. USANG: Gunakan " "`modifiers ` sebagai gantinya." msgid "Height of the crop as a percentage of the image height." msgstr "Tinggi pemotongan dalam persentase dari tinggi gambar." msgid "Width of the crop as a percentage of the image width." msgstr "Lebar pemotongan dalam persentase dari lebar gambar." msgid "" "Vertical position from the top to begin the crop as a percentage of the " "image height." msgstr "" "Posisi vertikal dari atas untuk memulai pemangkasan dalam persentase dari " "tinggi gambar." msgid "" "Horizontal position from the left to begin the crop as a percentage of the " "image width." msgstr "" "Posisi horisontal dari kiri untuk memulai pemangkasan dalam persentase dari " "lebar gambar." msgid "Crop arguments." msgstr "Argumen potong." msgid "Crop type." msgstr "Tipe potong." msgid "Angle to rotate clockwise in degrees." msgstr "Sudut untuk memutar searah jarum jam dalam derajat." msgid "Rotation arguments." msgstr "Argumen rotasi." msgid "Rotation type." msgstr "Jenis rotasi." msgid "Rotation" msgstr "Rotasi" msgid "Image edit." msgstr "Edit gambar" msgid "Array of image edits." msgstr "Array pengeditan gambar." msgid "Learn more about domain transfers." msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang transfer domain." msgid "" "Most transfers can be completed in a week or less; however depending on your " "domain it may take longer. Your domain will continue to work, but {{strong}}" "domain settings such as {{nameserversLink}}name servers{{/nameserversLink}} " "and {{contactInformationEditLink}}contact information{{/" "contactInformationEditLink}} cannot be changed during the transfer{{/" "strong}}. If you need to make changes, please do so before starting the " "transfer process." msgstr "" "Transfer umumnya dapat diselesaikan dalam waktu seminggu atau kurang; akan " "tetapi bergantung pada domain Anda, mungkin diperlukan waktu lebih lama. " "Domain Anda akan terus berfungsi, tetapi {{strong}}pengaturan domain " "seperti{{nameserversLink}}nama server{{/nameserversLink}} dan " "{{contactInformationEditLink}}informasi kontak {{/" "contactInformationEditLink}} tidak dapat diubah selama transfer {{/strong}}. " "Jika Anda perlu melakukan perubahan, lakukan sebelum memulai proses transfer." msgid "" "Privacy Protection for your domain has been disabled to prepare for " "transfer. It will remain disabled until the transfer is canceled or " "completed." msgstr "" "Perlindungan Privasi untuk domain Anda telah dinonaktifkan untuk menyiapkan " "transfer. Perlindungan Privasi tetap dinonaktifkan hingga transfer " "dibatalkan atau diselesaikan." msgid "" "Your domain is unlocked to prepare for transfer. It will remain unlocked " "until the transfer is canceled or completed." msgstr "" "Domain Anda tidak terkunci untuk menyiapkan transfer. Domain tidak terkunci " "hingga transfer dibatalkan atau diselesaikan." msgid "" "Your domain is unlocked and Privacy Protection has been disabled to prepare " "for transfer. Your contact information will be publicly available during the " "transfer period. The domain will remain unlocked and your contact " "information will be publicly available until the transfer is canceled or " "completed." msgstr "" "Domain Anda tidak terkunci dan Perlindungan Privasi telah dinonaktifkan " "untuk menyiapkan transfer. Informasi kontak Anda akan tersedia untuk umum " "selama periode transfer. Domain tidak terkunci dan informasi kontak Anda " "akan tersedia untuk umum hingga transfer dibatalkan atau diselesaikan." msgid "" "To transfer your domain, we must unlock it. It will remain unlocked until " "the transfer is canceled or completed." msgstr "" "Untuk mentransfer domain Anda, kami harus membukanya. Domain tidak terkunci " "hingga transfer dibatalkan atau diselesaikan." msgid "" "To transfer your domain, we must unlock it and remove Privacy Protection. " "Your contact information will be publicly available during the transfer " "period. The domain will remain unlocked and your contact information will be " "publicly available until the transfer is canceled or completed." msgstr "" "Untuk mentransfer domain Anda, kami harus membukanya dan menghapus " "Perlindungan Privasi. Informasi kontak Anda akan tersedia untuk umum selama " "periode transfer. Domain akan tetap tidak terkunci dan informasi kontak Anda " "akan tersedia untuk umum hingga transfer dibatalkan atau diselesaikan." msgid "A named status for the theme." msgstr "Status bernama untuk tema." msgid "Theme not found." msgstr "Tema tidak ditemukan." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to view the active theme." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan melihat tema yang aktif." msgid "Shorthand copied to clipboard" msgstr "Steno disalin ke clipboard" msgid "Copy shorthand" msgstr "Salin steno" msgid "" "By canceling auto-renewal, your %(productName)s subscription for " "%(siteDomain)s will expire on %(expiryDate)s. When it does, you'll lose " "access to key features you may be using on your site. To avoid that, turn " "auto-renewal back on or manually renew your subscription before the " "expiration date." msgstr "" "Dengan membatalkan perpanjangan otomatis, langganan %(productName)s Anda " "untuk %(siteDomain)s akan berakhir pada %(expiryDate)s. Anda akan kehilangan " "akses ke berbagai fitur penting pada situs Anda. Hindari dengan mengaktifkan " "kembali perpanjangan otomatis atau perpanjang langganan secara manual " "sebelum tanggal berakhirnya." msgid "" "Create additional, premium content that you can make available to paying " "subscribers only." msgstr "" "Buat konten premium tambahan yang dapat Anda tawarkan hanya kepada pelanggan " "yang membayar." msgid "" "Site hosting is included with your plan, eliminating additional cost and " "technical hassle." msgstr "" "Paket Anda mencakup hosting situs, tanpa biaya tambahan dan kerumitan teknis." msgid "%1$s is not %2$s." msgstr "%1$s bukan %2$s." msgid "" "In order to use this widget you need to %1$scomplete your Jetpack connection" "%2$s by authorizing your user." msgstr "" "Agar dapat menggunakan widget berikut, Anda harus %1$smenyelesaikan koneksi " "Jetpack%2$s dengan mengotorisasi pengguna Anda." msgid "Learn more about troubleshooting WordPress." msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang pemecahan masalah di WordPress." msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "" "Comments are closed for this article, but we're still here to help! Visit " "the support forum and we'll be happy to answer any questions." msgstr "" "Komentar untuk artikel ini sudah ditutup. Namun, kami selalu siap membantu " "Anda! Kunjungi forum dukungan dan kami siap menjawab semua pertanyaan." msgid "Max Age" msgstr "Usia Maksimal" msgid "Identifier" msgstr "Pengenal" msgid "Session" msgstr "Sesi" msgid "Uses Non-Cookie Storage" msgstr "Menggunakan Penyimpanan Non-Cookie" msgid "Maximum Cookie Age" msgstr "Usia Cookie Maksimal" msgid "Device Storage" msgstr "Penyimpanan Perangkat" msgid "View Purposes" msgstr "Lihat Tujuan" msgid "Discard Changes" msgstr "Abaikan Perubahan" msgid "Agree to Selected" msgstr "Setujui yang Dipilih" msgid "Disagree to All" msgstr "Tolak Semua" msgid "Agree to All" msgstr "Setujui Semua" msgid "" "If you do not consent to this partner's use of your data for the above " "purposes, they will still process your data for the following purposes based " "on a legitimate interest. You can object to this legitimate interest " "processing using the corresponding toggle." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak menyetujui penggunaan data Anda oleh mitra ini untuk tujuan " "di atas, mitra ini akan tetap memproses data Anda demi tujuan berikut untuk " "kepentingan yang sah. Anda dapat menolak pemrosesan untuk kepentingan yang " "sah ini menggunakan tombol alihan yang sesuai." msgid "Legitimate Interest Purposes" msgstr "Tujuan Kepentingan yang Sah" msgid "Required Purposes" msgstr "Tujuan Wajib" msgid "Consent Purposes" msgstr "Tujuan Persetujuan" msgid "" "Below is a list of partners we,, currently work with, or may " "work with in the future, for our ads program. Expand each partner to learn " "more about them, and use the corresponding partner checkbox to set your " "preference. Please note that partners you do not consent to may still " "process some of your personal data when they believe they have a legitimate " "interest in doing so; you have the right to object to this legitimate " "interest processing using the corresponding toggle." msgstr "" "Berikut adalah daftar mitra yang tengah bekerja sama dengan kami, WordPress." "com, saat ini atau calon mitra di masa depan untuk program iklan kami. " "Bentangkan tiap mitra agar bisa lebih mempelajari mereka dan gunakan kotak " "centang mitra masing-masing untuk mengatur preferensi Anda. Harap " "diperhatikan bahwa mitra yang belum disetujui masih dapat memproses sebagian " "data pribadi Anda jika mitra tersebut yakin bahwa mereka memiliki " "kepentingan yang sah untuk melakukannya; Anda berhak menolak pemrosesan " "berdasar kepentingan yang sah ini menggunakan tombol alihan yang sesuai." msgid "" "Some of your personal data may still be processed, even if you deselect this " "purpose, if we or our partners believe we have a legitimate interest in " "doing so. You can object to this legitimate interest processing using the " "corresponding toggle." msgstr "" "Sebagian data pribadi Anda masih akan diproses, bahkan jika tujuan ini tidak " "dipilih, apabila kami atau mitra yakin bahwa kami memiliki kepentingan yang " "sah untuk melakukannya. Anda dapat menolak pemrosesan berdasar kepentingan " "yang sah ini menggunakan tombol alihan yang sesuai." msgid "Legitimate Interest" msgstr "Kepentingan yang Sah" msgid "" "In addition to the above purposes, your personal data may be used in the " "following ways." msgstr "" "Selain untuk tujuan di atas, data pribadi Anda mungkin digunakan dengan cara " "berikut." msgid "Purposes" msgstr "Tujuan" msgid "" "<p>'s mission is to democratize publishing and commerce, and " "that means making our services accessible to as many people as possible. Ads " "on sites like this one help generate revenue to offer free access to some of " "our services so that money doesn't become an obstacle to having a voice.</" "p><p>As part of our advertising program, we and our advertising partners " "collect and use your information for the purposes listed below. For some " "purposes, we or our partners require your consent before we will use your " "information in the way described. Use the checkbox next to each purpose to " "customize your consent preferences. Declining consent means we will not use " "your data for that purpose and you may see less relevant ads.</p><p>Some of " "the personal data processed by us or our partners is done based on a " "legitimate interest in the processing. That means it does not require your " "consent, but you have the right to object to it. Expand each purpose below " "to learn more about this type of processing; if you wish to object to the " "processing you can use the corresponding toggle.</p>" msgstr "" "<p>Misi adalah mendemokratisasi publikasi dan perdagangan, " "yang berarti membuat layanan kami dapat diakses oleh sebanyak mungkin orang. " "Iklan di situs seperti ini membantu menghasilkan pendapatan dan memungkinkan " "tersedianya akses gratis ke sebagian layanan kami, sehingga kita dapat " "berpendapat tanpa terhalang biaya.</p><p>Sebagai bagian dari program " "periklanan, kami dan mitra iklan kami mengumpulkan dan menggunakan informasi " "Anda untuk tujuan berikut. Untuk beberapa tujuan, kami dan mitra kami " "memerlukan persetujuan Anda sebelum menggunakan informasi tersebut dengan " "cara yang telah dijelaskan. Gunakan kotak centang di sebelah tiap-tiap " "tujuan untuk menyesuaikan preferensi persetujuan Anda. Jika Anda tidak " "menyetujui, kami tidak akan menggunakan data Anda untuk tujuan tersebut dan " "iklan yang kurang relevan akan ditampilkan.</p><p>Pemrosesan sebagian data " "pribadi oleh kami atau mitra kami didasarkan pada kepentingan pemrosesan " "yang sah. Oleh karena itu, Anda tidak perlu menyetujui pemrosesan tersebut, " "tetapi Anda tetap berhak menolaknya. Bentangkan tiap tujuan berikut untuk " "mempelajari selengkapnya tentang jenis pemrosesan ini; jika ingin menolak " "pemrosesan tersebut, Anda dapat menggunakan tombol alihan yang sesuai.</p>" msgid "View Partners" msgstr "Lihat Mitra" msgid "I Agree!" msgstr "Saya Setuju!" msgid "The UTC publish date and time of the episode" msgstr "Tanggal dan waktu UTC pengeposan episode" msgid "(New Landpack Page)" msgstr "(Halaman Landpack Baru)" msgid "" "Delay some tasks until after the page loads, so the important stuff loads " "faster." msgstr "" "Tunda beberapa tugas hingga laman selesai dimuat sehingga hal yang penting " "dimuat lebih cepat." msgid "Defer Non-Essential Javascript" msgstr "Menangguhkan Javascript Non-esensial" msgid "" "Generate optimized styles for every page, greatly increasing speed, " "especially on mobile." msgstr "" "Hasilkan gaya yang dioptimalkan untuk setiap laman, dengan peningkatan " "kecepatan yang signifikan, terutama pada perangkat seluler." msgid "" "Performance is an increasingly important factor in search ranking. Rank " "higher and get more traffic to your site." msgstr "" "Performa merupakan faktor yang makin penting dalam peringkat pencarian. Raih " "peringkat lebih tinggi dan dapatkan aktivitas lebih banyak di situs Anda." msgid "Add Google" msgstr "Tambahkan Google" msgid "A free analytics tool that offers additional insights into your site." msgstr "" "Alat analitik gratis yang memberikan informasi tambahan tentang situs Anda." msgid "Add Cloudflare" msgstr "Tambahkan Cloudflare" msgid "" "Privacy-first metrics with unmatched accuracy that won't track your visitors." msgstr "" "Metrik dengan akurasi tidak tertandingi yang mengedepankan privasi dan tidak " "akan melacak pengunjung Anda." msgid "Cloudflare" msgstr "Cloudflare" msgid "" "Choose an additional analytics tool to connect and get unique insights about " "your site traffic." msgstr "" "Pilih alat Analytics lain untuk terhubung dan mendapatkan informasi unik " "tentang aktivitas situs Anda." msgid "Improve your site speed and SEO for free" msgstr "Tingkatkan kecepatan situs dan SEO Anda tanpa biaya" msgid "A one-second delay in loading times can reduce conversion rates by 20%" msgstr "" "Waktu tunda satu detik dalam waktu pemuatan dapat mengurangi nilai konversi " "sebesar 20%" msgid "" "Fast websites mean more page visits and more conversions. Make your site " "blazing fast with Boost’s simple dashboard and acceleration tools." msgstr "" "Situs web yang cepat memberikan kunjungan laman dan konversi lebih banyak. " "Buat situs Anda bekerja sangat cepat dengan dasbor sederhana dan perangkat " "percepatan Boost." msgid "Improve your SEO" msgstr "Memperbaiki kualitas SEO Anda" msgid "" "How does your site stack up? Get a quick report and activate powerful " "performance improvements in a few clicks." msgstr "" "Bagaimana performa situs Anda? Dapatkan laporan cepat dan aktifkan " "peningkatan performa yang andal hanya dengan beberapa klik." msgid "Check your site performance" msgstr "Memeriksa performa situs Anda" msgid "Boost your site for free" msgstr "Tingkatkan performa situs Anda tanpa biaya" msgid "" "Jetpack Boost gives your site the same performance advantages as the world’s " "leading websites, no developer required." msgstr "" "Jetpack Boost memberikan manfaat performa situs yang sama dengan situs web " "terkemuka di dunia, tanpa bantuan pengembang." msgid "" "Limit result set to items with specific terms assigned in the %s taxonomy." msgstr "" "Batasi hasil yang ditetapkan ke item dengan term spesifik yang ditetapkan " "dalam taksonomi %s." msgid "Whether to include child terms in the terms limiting the result set." msgstr "" "Apakah akan memasukkan term turunan dalam term yang membatasi kumpulan hasil." msgid "Term IDs." msgstr "ID Term" msgid "Perform an advanced term query." msgstr "Jalankan sebuah kueri term tingkat lanjut." msgid "Term ID Taxonomy Query" msgstr "Kueri Taksonomi ID Term" msgid "Match terms with the listed IDs." msgstr "Cocokkan term dengan ID yang terdaftar." msgid "Term ID List" msgstr "Daftar ID Term" msgid "Limit response to posts modified before a given ISO8601 compliant date." msgstr "" "Batasi tanggapan untuk pos yang diubah sebelum tanggal yang sesuai dengan " "ISO8601 yang ditentukan." msgid "Limit response to posts modified after a given ISO8601 compliant date." msgstr "" "Batasi tanggapan untuk pos yang diubah setelah tanggal yang sesuai dengan " "ISO8601 yang ditentukan." msgid "Purchase of %(quantity)d item" msgid_plural "Purchase of %(quantity)d items" msgstr[0] "Pembelian %(quantity)d item" msgstr[1] "Pembelian %(quantity)d item" msgid "Purchase of %(quantity)d additional item" msgid_plural "Purchase of %(quantity)d additional items" msgstr[0] "Pembelian %(quantity)d item tambahan" msgstr[1] "Pembelian %(quantity)d item tambahan" msgid "Renewal for %(quantity)d item" msgid_plural "Renewal for %(quantity)d items" msgstr[0] "Pembaruan untuk %(quantity)d item" msgstr[1] "Pembaruan untuk %(quantity)d item" msgid "Purchase of %(quantity)d GB" msgstr "Pembelian %(quantity)d GB" msgid "Renewal for %(quantity)d GB" msgstr "Pembaruan %(quantity)d GB" msgid "Purchase of %(quantity)d mailbox" msgid_plural "Purchase of %(quantity)d mailboxes" msgstr[0] "Pembelian %(quantity)d kotak surat" msgstr[1] "Pembelian %(quantity)d kotak surat" msgid "Purchase of %(quantity)d additional mailbox" msgid_plural "Purchase of %(quantity)d additional mailboxes" msgstr[0] "Pembelian %(quantity)d kotak surat tambahan" msgstr[1] "Pembelian %(quantity)d kotak surat tambahan" msgid "Renewal for %(quantity)d mailbox" msgid_plural "Renewal for %(quantity)d mailboxes" msgstr[0] "Pembaruan untuk %(quantity)d kotak surat" msgstr[1] "Pembaruan untuk %(quantity)d kotak surat" msgid "Posts containing ‘%1$s’ (%2$d)" msgstr "Pos mengandung ‘%1$s’ (%2$d)" msgctxt "resolved/unresolved posts" msgid "%1$s Posts (%2$d)" msgstr "%1$s Pos (%2$d)" msgid "Monthly Price" msgstr "Harga bulanan" msgid "Save %d%% per month! Billed monthly." msgstr "Hemat %d%% per bulan! Penagihan bulanan." msgid "/month, paid yearly" msgstr "/bulan, pembayaran tahunan" msgid "Failed to retrieve your licenses. Please try again later." msgstr "Gagal mengambil lisensi Anda. Silakan coba kembali." msgid "No licenses found." msgstr "Lisensi tidak ditemukan." msgid "It looks like the response did not come from this site." msgstr "Sepertinya tanggapan tidak datang dari situs ini." msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Want more events? <a href=\"%s\">Help organize the next one</a>!" msgstr "" "Ingin lebih banyak acara? <a href=\"%s\">Bantu mengatur yang selanjutnya</a>!" msgid "We are preparing the domain for purchase…" msgstr "Kami sedang mempersiapkan domain yang Anda beli…" msgid "Google Listings & Ads" msgstr "Iklan dan Listing Google" msgid "Building your store" msgstr "Membuat toko Anda" msgid "" "This is Anne from Jetpack and I was just notified that your plan and domain " "renewals for %1$s didn’t go through. This is most likely because the card we " "have on file is expired." msgstr "" "Saya Anne dari Jetpack dan saya baru saja menerima pemberitahuan bahwa " "perpanjangan paket dan domain Anda untuk %1$s gagal. Kemungkinan hal ini " "disebabkan oleh kartu yang Anda daftarkan telah kedaluwarsa." msgid "Site Editor" msgstr "Editor Situs" msgid "The Jetpack connection is now complete. Welcome!" msgstr "Koneksi Jetpack sudah selesai. Selamat datang!" msgid "Site owner connected" msgstr "Pemilik situs terhubung" msgid "This site is connected to Jetpack." msgstr "Situs ini terhubung ke Jetpack." msgid "Titan Mail icon" msgstr "Ikon Titan Mail" msgid "Add New Mailboxes" msgstr "Tambahkan Kotak Surat Baru" msgid "Google Slides icon" msgstr "Ikon Google Slides" msgid "Google Sheets icon" msgstr "Ikon Google Sheets" msgid "Google Drive icon" msgstr "Ikon Google Drive" msgid "Google Docs icon" msgstr "Ikon Google Docs" msgid "Google Calendar icon" msgstr "Ikon Google Kalender" msgid "Google Admin icon" msgstr "Ikon Google Admin" msgid "Gmail icon" msgstr "Ikon Gmail" msgid "Unable to retrieve body from response at this URL." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat memproses body dalam respons yang didapatkan dengan URL ini." msgid "URL not found. Response returned a non-200 status code for this URL." msgstr "" "URL tidak ditemukan. Respons memberikan kode status selain 200 untuk URL ini." msgid "Invalid URL" msgstr "URL Tidak Sah." msgid "The contents of the %s element from the URL." msgstr "Konten elemen %s dari URL." msgid "The URL to process." msgstr "URL yang akan diproses." msgid "Limit results to those matching a keyword ID." msgstr "Hanya tampilkan hasil yang cocok dengan ID kata kunci." msgctxt "label for previous post link" msgid "Previous" msgstr "Sebelumnya" msgctxt "label for next post link" msgid "Next" msgstr "Berikutnya" msgid "" "Working on your site? <a href=\"" "\">Jetpack Backup</a> has real-time backups and one-click restores so you " "can get back online quickly." msgstr "" "Anda sedang membangun situs? <a href=\"" "\">Jetpack Backup</a> memiliki fitur pencadangan real time dan pemulihan " "dengan mudah sehingga situs Anda dapat kembali online dengan cepat." msgid "Unable to add product to cart" msgstr "Tidak dapat menambahkan produk ke keranjang" msgid "No line items are associated with this order" msgstr "Tidak ada item baris yang terkait dengan pesanan ini" msgid "A customer is not associated with this order" msgstr "Pelanggan tidak terkait dengan pesanan ini" msgid "Customer is already subscribed to this blog" msgstr "Pelanggan sudah berlangganan blog ini" msgid "" "Working on your site? Jetpack Backup has real-time backups and one-click " "restores so you can get back online quickly." msgstr "" "Anda sedang membangun situs? Jetpack Backup memiliki fitur pencadangan real " "time dan pemulihan dengan mudah sehingga situs Anda dapat kembali online " "dengan cepat." msgid "Visit your site: %1$s" msgstr "Kunjungi situs Anda: %1$s" msgid "" "%1$s is now back online! It appeared offline or unresponsive for " "approximately %2$s, but everything is back to normal now." msgstr "" "%1$s sudah kembali online! Situs Anda offline atau tidak responsif selama " "sekitar %2$s, akan tetapi sekarang telah online kembali." msgid "" "Start by visiting your site to see if you're able to load it. Jetpack " "Monitor may have just recorded a momentary glitch that's since been " "resolved, and you can ignore this email." msgstr "" "Mulai dengan mengunjungi situs Anda untuk mengetahui jika situs Anda dapat " "dimuat. Jetpack Monitor mungkin baru merekam eror singkat yang telah " "ditangani, Anda dapat mengabaikan email berikut." msgid "%1$s did not load when Jetpack Monitor last checked on it." msgstr "%1$s tidak dapat dimuat terakhir kali Jetpack Monitor memeriksanya." msgid "Get more help:" msgstr "" "Dapatkan lebih banyak bantuan:" msgid "" "If you haven't visited your site recently, give it a try and see if you're " "able to load it." msgstr "" "Jika Anda belum mengunjungi situs baru-baru ini, silakan kunjungi untuk " "mengetahui jika situs Anda dapat dimuat." msgid "" "%1$s still did not load when Jetpack Monitor last checked on it. It has been " "offline for %2$s." msgstr "" "%1$s masih tidak dapat dimuat saat Jetpack Monitor memeriksa terakhir kali. " "Situs Anda offline selama %2$s." msgid "" "Control and monitor these alerts in your <a href=\"%s\">Jetpack Monitor " "settings</a>." msgstr "" "Kelola dan pantau peringatan tentang situs Anda di <a href=\"%s\">pengaturan " "Jetpack Monitor</a>." msgid "" "Jetpack Monitor will keep checking your site, and we'll alert you if we " "detect any additional issues." msgstr "" "Jetpack Monitor akan terus memantau situs Anda dan memberi tahu jika terjadi " "masalah lainnya." msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> is now back online! It appeared offline or " "unresponsive for approximately %3$s, but everything is back to normal now." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> kembali online! Situs Anda offline atau tidak " "responsif selama sekitar %3$s, akan tetapi sekarang telah online kembali." msgid "Good news!<br>Your site is back online." msgstr "Kabar baik!<br>Situs Anda online kembali." msgid "" "Control and monitor these alerts in your <a href=\"%s\" >Jetpack Monitor " "settings</a>." msgstr "" "Kelola dan pantau peringatan tentang situs Anda di <a href=\"%s\" " ">pengaturan Jetpack Monitor</a>." msgid "" "If you're unable to load your site, check your host's control panel or " "contact their support team: they'll have more detail about what is " "happening. Be sure to share the error information above with them." msgstr "" "Jika situs Anda tidak dapat dimuat, periksa panel kontrol host atau hubungi " "tim bantuan: mereka memiliki informasi lebih lengkap. Pastikan Anda " "membagikan informasi eror di atas kepada mereka." msgid "" "Start by <a href=\"%s\" >visiting your site</a> to see if you're able to " "load it. Jetpack Monitor may have just recorded a momentary glitch that's " "since been resolved, and you can ignore this email." msgstr "" "Mulai dengan <a href=\"%s\" >mengunjungi situs Anda</a> untuk mengetahui " "jika situs Anda dapat dimuat. Jetpack Monitor mungkin baru merekam eror " "singkat yang telah ditangani, Anda dapat mengabaikan email berikut." msgid "What's happening?" msgstr "Apa yang terjadi?" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> did not load when Jetpack Monitor last checked on " "it." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> tidak memuat ketika Jetpack Monitor terakhir " "memeriksanya." msgid "" "If you no longer want Jetpack Monitor to check this site, <a href=\"https://" "\" >contact our Happiness " "Engineers</a>." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak ingin Jetpack Monitor memantau situs ini, <a href=\"https://" "\" >hubungi Happiness Engineer " "kami</a>." msgid "Get more help" msgstr "Dapatkan lebih banyak bantuan" msgid "" "If you're still unable to view it, now would be a great time to get in touch " "with your host's support team and share the error information above with " "them." msgstr "" "Jika Anda masih belum dapat membuka situs, hubungi tim bantuan host dan " "bagikan informasi eror di atas kepada mereka." msgid "" "If you haven't visited your site recently, <a href=\"%s\">give it a try</a> " "and see if you're able to load it." msgstr "" "Jika Anda belum mengunjungi situs baru-baru ini, <a href=\"%s\">silakan " "kunjungi</a> untuk mengetahui jika situs Anda dapat dimuat." msgid "What should you do now?" msgstr "Apa yang harus dilakukan sekarang?" msgid "Error reference: %s" msgstr "Referensi error: %s" msgid "What is happening?" msgstr "Apa yang terjadi?" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> still did not load when Jetpack Monitor last " "checked on it.<br>It's been offline for %3$s." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> masih tidak dapat dimuat saat Jetpack Monitor " "memeriksa terakhir kali.<br>Situs Anda offline selama %3$s." msgid "Select licenses" msgstr "Pilih lisensi" msgid "All Active" msgstr "Semua Aktif" msgid "" "No backups yet, but don't worry, one should become available soon." "{{lineBreak/}}{{support}}Contact support{{/support}} if you still see this " "message after {{strong}}24 hours{{/strong}}, or if you still need help." msgstr "" "Pencadangan belum tersedia. Namun jangan khawatir, pencadangan akan segera " "tersedia.{{lineBreak/}}{{support}}Hubungi tim dukungan{{/support}} jika Anda " "masih melihat pesan ini setelah {{strong}}24 jam{{/strong}}, atau jika masih " "butuh bantuan." msgid "" "Manage your site settings, including language, time zone, site visibility, " "and more." msgstr "" "Kelola pengaturan situs Anda, termasuk bahasa, zona waktu, visibilitas " "situs, dan lainnya." msgid "" "Explore tools to build your audience, market your site, and engage your " "visitors." msgstr "" "Manfaatkan perangkat untuk memperluas jangkauan, memasarkan situs, dan " "menarik pengunjung." msgid "Coupon removed because it is not valid with the current cart." msgstr "Kupon dihapus karena tidak valid dengan keranjang saat ini." msgid "Whether we should return the episodes list for use in the selection UI" msgstr "" "Apakah kita harus mengembalikan daftar bagian untuk digunakan dalam UI " "pemilihan" msgid "The value used for that option, the episode GUID" msgstr "Isi yang sigunakan untuk opsi ini, bagian dari GUID" msgid "The display label of the option, the episode title." msgstr "Label tampilan dari opsi, judul bagian." msgid "The options that will be displayed in the episode selection UI" msgstr "Opsi yang akan ditampilkan dalam pemilihan UI bagian" msgid "Not available for multisite WordPress installs" msgstr "Tidak tersedia untuk penginstalan WordPress multisitus" msgid "" "Your %(googleMailService)s account remains active until it expires on " "%(subscriptionEndDate)s." msgstr "" "Akun %(googleMailService)s Anda akan tetap aktif sampai tanggal " "%(subscriptionEndDate)s." msgid "" "You will be refunded %(cost)s, and your %(googleMailService)s account will " "continue working without interruption. You will be able to set up billing " "for your account directly with Google." msgstr "" "Anda akan mendapatkan pengembalian dana %(cost)s, tetapi akun " "%(googleMailService)s Anda akan terus aktif tanpa gangguan. Anda akan dapat " "menyiapkan penagihan untuk akun secara langsung dengan Google." msgid "Please tell us why you are cancelling %(googleMailService)s:" msgstr "Beri tahu kami mengapa Anda membatalkan %(googleMailService)s:" msgid "%d new mailbox" msgid_plural "%d new mailboxes" msgstr[0] "%d kotak masuk baru" msgstr[1] "%d kotak masuk baru" msgid "The sorting direction" msgstr "Arah penyortiran" msgid "The column to be used for sorting." msgstr "Kolom yang akan digunakan untuk menyortir" msgid "The size of the requested page" msgstr "Ukuran halaman yang diminta" msgid "The requested page" msgstr "Halaman yang diminta" msgid "Manage your notification preferences" msgstr "Kelola preferensi pemberitahuan Anda" msgid "Changelog entry status" msgstr "Ubah status entri log" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Block pattern category \"%s\" not found." msgstr "Kategori pola blok \"%s\" tidak ditemukan." msgid "Figma embed" msgstr "Figma disematkan" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Plan Features" msgstr "Fitur Paket" msgid "" "This purchase is for %(numberOfMailboxes)d mailbox for the domain %(domain)s." msgid_plural "" "This purchase is for %(numberOfMailboxes)d mailboxes for the domain " "%(domain)s." msgstr[0] "" "Pembelian berikut untuk %(numberOfMailboxes)d kotak surat untuk domain " "%(domain)s." msgstr[1] "" "Pembelian berikut untuk %(numberOfMailboxes)d kotak surat untuk domain " "%(domain)s." msgid "Google Workspace icon" msgstr "Ikon Google Workspace" msgid "Mailboxes at %(domain)s" msgstr "Kotak surat di %(domain)s" msgid "We’re looking forward to hearing from you." msgstr "Kami menantikan kabar dari Anda." msgid "Browse courses" msgstr "Telusuri kursus" msgid "" "For more protection, Jetpack offers 2FA and automated malware scanning to " "keep your site safe." msgstr "" "Agar lebih terlindungi, Jetpack menyediakan 2FA dan pemindaian malware " "otomatis untuk membuat situs Anda tetap aman." msgid "Unable to update your %s subscription. Please contact support." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat memperbarui %s langganan Anda. Silakan hubungi tim bantuan." msgid "" "Unable to update your %1$s subscription for '%2$s'. Please contact support." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat memperbarui %1$s langganan Anda untuk %2$s. Silakan hubungi " "tim bantuan." msgid "Connect to Stripe in the editor to use this block on your site." msgstr "" "Sambungkan ke Stripe pada editor untuk menggunakan blok ini di situs Anda." msgid "Revoke License" msgstr "Cabut Lisensi" msgid "License code" msgstr "Kode lisensi" msgid "Revoked on:" msgstr "Dicabut pada:" msgid "Issued on:" msgstr "Diterbitkan pada:" msgid "Revoked" msgstr "Dibatalkan" msgid "Revoked on" msgstr "Dicabut pada" msgid "Issued on" msgstr "Diterbitkan pada" msgid "Portal" msgstr "Portal" msgctxt "Mark all items as seen" msgid "Mark all as seen" msgstr "Tandai semua sebagai telah dilihat" msgid "No valid event name or type." msgstr "Tidak ada nama atau jenis acara yang valid." msgid "Interface settings" msgstr "Pengaturan antarmuka" msgid "Account Information" msgstr "Informasi Akun" msgid "Account settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Akun" msgid "" "The password for your %1$s user %2$s has been reset. This new password is " "one-time only, you'll need to change it after the <a href=\"%3$s\">first " "login</a>:" msgstr "" "Kata sandi untuk pengguna %1$s Anda, %2$s, telah disetel ulang. Kata sandi " "baru ini hanya berlaku satu kali. Anda harus mengubahnya setelah <a href=" "\"%3$s\">login pertama</a>:" msgid "Your %1$s account at %2$s as well as your new %3$s users are now ready:" msgstr "Akun %1$s di %2$s dan pengguna %3$s Anda yang baru kini sudah siap:" msgid "Your new password for your %1$s user at %2$s" msgstr "Kata sandi baru untuk pengguna %1$s Anda di %2$s" msgid "Your new %1$s user at %2$s is ready" msgid_plural "Your new %1$s users at %2$s are ready" msgstr[0] "Pengguna %1$s baru Anda di %2$s sudah siap" msgstr[1] "Pengguna %1$s baru Anda di %2$s sudah siap" msgid "Your new %1$s account at %2$s is ready" msgstr "Akun %1$s baru Anda di %2$s sudah siap" msgid "Your payment method has been added successfully." msgstr "Metode pembayaran Anda berhasil ditambahkan." msgid "(%(languageName)s is only %(percentTranslated)d%% translated)" msgstr "(%(languageName)s baru diterjemahkan %(percentTranslated)d%%)" msgid "Limit results to those matching a category ID." msgstr "Hanya tampilkan hasil yang cocok dengan ID kategori." msgid "" "The preferred width of the viewport when previewing a pattern, in pixels." msgstr "" "Lebar area tampilan yang diutamakan saat mempratinjau pola, dalam piksel." msgid "A description of the pattern." msgstr "Deskripsi pola." msgid "The pattern's keywords." msgstr "Kata kunci pola." msgid "The pattern's category slugs." msgstr "Slug kategori pola." msgid "The pattern content." msgstr "Konten pola." msgid "The pattern title, in human readable format." msgstr "Judul pola, dalam format yang dapat dipahami manusia." msgid "The pattern ID." msgstr "ID pola." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to browse the local block pattern directory." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan menelusuri direktori pola blok lokal." msgid "[block rendering halted]" msgstr "[proses render blok terhenti]" msgid "" "Make your site uniquely yours! Themes don’t just change the look and feel of " "your site, they can also add new features such as a unique homepage layout, " "interactive post sliders, and more!" msgstr "" "Jadikan situs Anda unik milik Anda! Tema tidak hanya mengubah tampilan dan " "nuansa situs Anda, tema juga dapat menambahkan fitur baru seperti tata letak " "halaman beranda yang unik, slider pos interaktif, dan lainnya!" msgid "" "We don't support more than %1$d mailboxes per account. Please contact " "support if you need more mailboxes." msgstr "" "Kami tidak mendukung lebih dari %1$d kotak masuk per akun. Silakan hubungi " "tim dukungan jika Anda memerlukan lebih banyak kotak masuk." msgid "" "We only support buying up to %1$d mailboxes at a time, but you are trying to " "buy %2$d mailboxes." msgstr "" "Kami hanya mendukung pembelian hingga %1$d kotak masuk pada satu waktu, " "tetapi Anda berusaha membeli %2$d kotak masuk." msgid "Current Selection" msgstr "Pilihan Saat Ini" msgid "" "TT1 Blocks is an experimental block-based version of the Twenty Twenty-One " "theme. It is built to leverage the full-site editing functionality that is " "being built in the Gutenberg plugin. This theme is not meant for use on a " "production site." msgstr "" "TT1 Blocks adalah versi tema eksperimental berbasis blok dari tema Twenty " "Twenty-One. Tema ini dirancang untuk memanfaatkan fungsi pengeditan situs " "lengkap yang dimiliki plugin Gutenberg. Tema ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk " "digunakan pada situs produksi." msgid "" "Your site is running on an outdated version of PHP (%s), which should be " "updated." msgstr "" "Situs Anda menjalankan versi PHP (%s) yang kedaluwarsa, yang harus diperbarui" msgid "PHP Update Recommended" msgstr "Pembaruan PHP disarankan" msgid "billed monthly" msgstr "penagihan bulanan" msgid "per month, billed as %s annually" msgstr "per bulan, penagihan %s per tahun" msgid "Only included with annual plans" msgstr "Hanya disertakan dengan paket tahunan" msgid "No source site found." msgstr "Tidak ada situs sumber yang ditemukan." msgid "Part of the current plan" msgstr "Bagian dari paket saat ini" msgid "Enter your %(googleMailService)s account information" msgstr "Masukkan informasi akun %(googleMailService)s Anda" msgid "%(googleMailService)s account information" msgstr "Informasi akun %(googleMailService)s" msgid "" "Save time and get better responses by automatically blocking spam from your " "comments and forms." msgstr "" "Hemat waktu dan dapatkan tanggapan yang lebih baik dengan memblokir spam " "secara otomatis dari komentar dan formulir Anda." msgid "Comment and form protection" msgstr "Perlindungan untuk komentar dan formulir" msgid "" "This price is based on %1$s active user on your site (<a href=\"%2$s\">learn " "more</a>)." msgid_plural "" "This price is based on %1$s active users on your site (<a href=\"%2$s" "\">learn more</a>)." msgstr[0] "" "Harga ini berdasarkan %1$s pengguna aktif di situs Anda (<a href=\"%2$s" "\">pelajari selengkapnya</a>)." msgstr[1] "" "Harga ini berdasarkan %1$s pengguna aktif di situs Anda (<a href=\"%2$s" "\">pelajari selengkapnya</a>)." msgid "" "This price is based on %1$s active user on your site, and it is more than " "the price you previously paid because the number of active users on your " "site has increased (<a href=\"%2$s\">learn more</a>)." msgid_plural "" "This price is based on %1$s active users on your site, and it is more than " "the price you previously paid because the number of active users on your " "site has increased (<a href=\"%2$s\">learn more</a>)." msgstr[0] "" "Harga ini berdasarkan %1$s pengguna aktif di situs Anda, dan lebih besar " "dari biaya yang telah Anda bayarkan karena jumlah pengguna aktif di situs " "Anda telah meningkat (<a href=\"%2$s\">pelajari selengkapnya</a>)." msgstr[1] "" "Harga ini berdasarkan %1$s pengguna aktif di situs Anda, dan lebih besar " "dari biaya yang telah Anda bayarkan karena jumlah pengguna aktif di situs " "Anda telah meningkat (<a href=\"%2$s\">pelajari selengkapnya</a>)." msgid "Unable to purchase %1$s for '%2$s' because of the following error: %3$s" msgstr "Tidak dapat membeli %1$s untuk '%2$s' karena error berikut: %3$s" msgid "<strong>First year included</strong> in annual plans" msgstr "<strong>Satu tahun pertama termasuk</strong> di dalam paket tahunan" msgid "Included in annual plans" msgstr "Termasuk dalam paket tahunan" msgid "You must verify your email to purchase %(productFamily)s." msgstr "Anda harus melakukan verifikasi email untuk membeli %(productFamily)s" msgid "" "Blank Canvas is a minimalist theme, designed for single-page websites. Its " "single post and page layouts have no header, navigation menus, or widgets by " "default, so the page you design in the WordPress editor is the same page " "you’ll see on the front end. The theme’s default styles are conservative, " "relying on simple sans-serif fonts and a subtle blue highlight color. Blank " "Canvas is ready for your customizations." msgstr "" "Blank Canvas adalah tema minimalis, dirancang untuk situs web satu halaman. " "Pos tunggal dan tata letak halamannya tidak secara otomatis memiliki header, " "menu navigasi, atau widget. Sehingga halaman yang Anda desain di editor " "WordPress adalah halaman yang sama yang akan ditampilkan. Style otomatis " "tema yang konservatif, mengandalkan jenis huruf sans-serif sederhana dan " "warna sorotan biru yang halus. Blank Canvas siap untuk disesuaikan seperti " "yang Anda inginkan." msgid "Choose an author…" msgstr "Pilih seorang penulis..." msgid "The episode description with allowed html tags." msgstr "Deskripsi video dengan tag html yang diizinkan." msgid "Invalid Cloudflare Analytics ID" msgstr "ID Cloudflare Analytics Tidak Valid" msgid "Cloudflare CDN " msgstr "CDN Cloudflare" msgid "What is your cancellation policy?" msgstr "Bagaimana kebijakan pembatalan Anda?" msgctxt "The user understands the notice and wishes to continue." msgid "Got it, go ahead" msgstr "Oke, lanjutkan" msgid "" "Be extra careful! For example, make sure you don't like something by mistake." msgstr "" "Hati-hati! Contohnya, pastikan Anda tidak menyukai sesuatu secara tidak " "sengaja." msgid "" "There may be confidential content, so be wary when taking screenshots or " "sharing the URL." msgstr "" "Bisa saja ada konten rahasia, jadi berhati-hatilah saat mengambil tangkapan " "layar atau membagikan URL." msgid "" "Remember that these are private conversations, so it's better to avoid " "entering altogether." msgstr "" "Ingatlah bahwa ini adalah percakapan pribadi, jadi lebih baik tidak masuk " "sama sekali." msgid "" "As a superadmin, you can access it, but please make sure we respect our " "user's privacy." msgstr "" "Sebagai admin super, Anda dapat mengaksesnya tetapi pastikan privasi " "pengguna kami terjaga." msgid "Powered by Titan" msgstr "Didukung oleh Titan" msgid " (Monthly)" msgstr " (Bulanan)" msgid "" "Yes! You can sell individual items on your blog or create memberships to " "share select content with your subscribers. You can also publish sponsored " "posts or use affiliate links in your content, and apply to join WordAds, our " "advertising program." msgstr "" "Ya! Anda dapat menjual barang di blog Anda atau membuat keanggotaan untuk " "berbagi konten khusus dengan pelanggan Anda. Anda juga dapat memublikasikan " "pos bersponsor atau menggunakan tautan afiliasi dalam konten, dan mendaftar " "untuk bergabung dengan WordAds, program periklanan kami." msgid "Can I make money with my website?" msgstr "Apakah situs web saya dapat menghasilkan uang?" msgid "" "Yes! During checkout, you can select the monthly option to pay for your plan " "in monthly billing cycles." msgstr "" "Ya! Saat checkout, Anda dapat memilih pilihan bulanan untuk membayar paket " "dalam siklus penagihan bulanan." msgid "Is monthly billing available for plans?" msgstr "Apakah tersedia penagihan paket bulanan?" msgid "" "You can pay for your brand new plan, add-ons, and domains " "using any major credit card, debit card, or PayPal. In addition to these, we " "also support many local payment methods in select countries." msgstr "" "Anda dapat membayar paket, add-on, dan domain yang baru dengan " "semua kartu kredit, kartu debit, atau PayPal. Selain itu, kami juga " "mendukung banyak metode pembayaran lokal di beberapa negara." msgid "" "All plans, including the free plan, come with fast, secure, " "and reliable hosting." msgstr "" "Semua paket, termasuk paket gratis, hadir dengan hosting yang " "cepat, aman, dan dapat diandalkan." msgid "Is hosting included?" msgstr "Apakah sudah termasuk hosting?" msgid "" "You can cancel anytime within the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">refund " "period</a> and get 100%% of your money back, no questions asked." msgstr "" "Anda dapat membatalkan kapan pun di masa <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank" "\">periode pengembalian dana</a> dan mendapatkan kembali uang Anda 100%%, " "tanpa syarat." msgid "What is your refund policy?" msgstr "Bagaimana kebijakan pengembalian dana Anda?" msgid "" "It is possible to import your blog content from a variety of other blogging " "platforms, including Blogger, GoDaddy, Wix, Medium, Squarespace, Movable " "Type, Typepad, Xanga, and more. You can also easily import your content from " "a self-hosted WordPress site." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengimpor konten blog Anda dari berbagai platform blogging " "lainnya, termasuk Blogger, GoDaddy, Wix, Medium, Squarespace, Movable Type, " "Typepad, Xanga, dan lainnya. Anda juga dapat mengimpor konten Anda dengan " "mudah dari situs WordPress yang Anda kelola sendiri." msgid "" "On, you can register new domains that have any of <a href=" "\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">these supported extensions</a>(also called top-" "level domains or TLDs). The annual and biannual plans come included with a " "free domain for one year. Domains registered elsewhere can be used on " " using <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\">Domain Mapping</a> or " "<a href=\"%3$s\" target=\"_blank\">transferred to us</a> to manage " "everything in one place." msgstr "" "Di, Anda dapat mendaftarkan domain baru yang memiliki <a href=" "\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">ekstensi yang didukung</a> (disebut juga top-" "level domains atau TLD). Paket tahunan dan dua tahunan dilengkapi dengan " "domain gratis selama satu tahun. Domain yang terdaftar di mana pun dapat " "digunakan di menggunakan <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank" "\">Domain Mapping</a> atau <a href=\"%3$s\" target=\"_blank\">yang " "ditransfer kepada kami</a> agar semuanya dapat dikelola di satu tempat." msgid "What domains are available? Can I use one I already own?" msgstr "" "Domain apa yang tersedia? Apakah saya dapat menggunakan domain milik saya?" msgid "Frequently asked questions" msgstr "Pertanyaan umum" msgid "Best-in-class hosting" msgstr "Hosting terbaik di kelasnya" msgid "A list of unique identifiers for fetching specific podcast episodes." msgstr "Daftar pengenal unik untuk mengambil episode podcast khusus." msgid "" "If you don’t currently have Jetpack, install it now so you can begin taking " "advantage of free features like our CDN, downtime monitoring, and brute " "force attack protection. Installation is totally free and just takes a few " "minutes." msgstr "" "Jika Anda saat ini tidak menggunakan Jetpack, instal sekarang agar Anda " "dapat mulai memanfaatkan fitur gratis seperti CDN, pemantauan downtime, dan " "perlindungan dari serangan paksa. Instalasi benar-benar gratis dan hanya " "membutuhkan beberapa menit." msgid "Welcome to %s" msgstr "Selamat datang di %s" msgid "Hi %s!" msgstr "Halo %s!" msgid "Invalid Apple receipt" msgstr "Tanda terima Apple tidak valid" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Video" msgstr "Video" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Love" msgstr "Percintaan" msgid "Product Price" msgstr "Harga Produk" msgid "Customer ID" msgstr "ID pelanggan" msgid "(this will not be billed)" msgstr "(Biaya tidak akan ditagihkan)" msgid "" "By clicking a <strong>Continue</strong> button, you agree to our <a href=" "\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Terms of Service</a> " "and to <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">share " "details</a> with" msgstr "" "Dengan mengeklik tombol <strong>Lanjutkan</strong>, Anda menyetujui <a href=" "\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Ketentuan Layanan</a> " "kami dan bersedia <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener " "noreferrer\">berbagi detail</a> dengan" msgid "" "By clicking the <strong>Approve</strong> button, you agree to our <a href=" "\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Terms of Service</a> " "and to <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">share " "details</a> with" msgstr "" "Dengan mengeklik tombol <strong>Setujui</strong>, Anda menyetujui <a href=" "\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Ketentuan Layanan</a> " "kami dan bersedia <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener " "noreferrer\">berbagi detail</a> dengan" msgid "Invalid Order id" msgstr "Id Pesanan Tidak Valid" msgid "Apple receipt" msgstr "Tanda terima Apple" msgid "Order id" msgstr "Id pesanan" msgid "Please specify a postal code no longer than %d characters." msgstr "" "Silakan masukkan kode pos yang panjangnya tidak lebih dari %d karakter." msgid "Please specify a postal code in the expected format." msgstr "Silakan masukkan kode pos sesuai format yang diminta." msgid "Please specify a postal code." msgstr "Silakan masukkan kode pos." msgid "Please specify an organization name no longer than %d characters." msgstr "" "Silakan masukkan nama perusahaan yang panjangnya tidak lebih dari %d " "karakter." msgid "Please specify an organization name in the expected format." msgstr "Silakan masukkan nama organisasi sesuai format yang diminta." msgid "Please specify a first and last name no longer than %d characters." msgstr "" "Silakan masukkan nama depan dan belakang yang panjangnya tidak lebih dari %d " "karakter." msgid "Please specify an email with a domain other than '%s'." msgstr "Silakan masukkan email dengan domain selain '%s'." msgid "%1$s is not available in the country '%2$s'." msgstr "%1$s tidak tersedia di negara '%2$s'." msgid "Please specify a valid country code." msgstr "Silakan masukkan kode negara yang valid." msgid "Please specify a country code in the expected format." msgstr "Silakan masukkan kode negara sesuai format yang diminta." msgid "Please specify a country code." msgstr "Silakan masukkan kode negara." msgid "Please specify a customer in the expected format." msgstr "Silakan masukkan detail pelanggan sesuai format yang diminta." msgid "Please specify a list of users." msgstr "SIlakan masukkan daftar pengguna." msgid "Please specify a list of users in the expected format." msgstr "Silakan masukkan daftar pengguna sesuai format yang diminta." msgid "Please specify a valid password hash." msgstr "Silakan masukkan hash kata sandi yang valid." msgid "Please specify a password hash." msgstr "Silakan masukkan hash kata sandi." msgid "Please specify a password hash in the expected format." msgstr "Silakan masukkan hash kata sandi sesuai format yang diminta." msgid "Please specify a password with no '%s' character." msgstr "Silakan atur kata sandi tanpa menggunakan karakater '%s'." msgid "Please specify a password without white space at the end." msgstr "Silakan atur kata sandi tanpa menyertakan spasi putih di akhir." msgid "Please specify a password without white space at the beginning." msgstr "Silakan atur kata sandi tanpa menyertakan spasi putih di awal." msgid "Please specify a password no longer than %d characters." msgstr "Silakan atur kata sandi yang panjangnya tidak lebih dari %d karakter." msgid "Please specify a password at least %d characters long." msgstr "Silakan atur kata sandi yang panjangnya tidak lebih dari %d karakter." msgid "Please specify a password in the expected format." msgstr "Silakan atur kata sandi sesuai format yang diminta." msgid "Please specify a password." msgstr "Silakan tentukan kata sandi." msgid "Please specify a last name with no '%s' character." msgstr "Silakan masukkan nama belakang tanpa menyertakan karakter '%s'." msgid "Please specify a last name no longer than %d characters." msgstr "" "Silakan masukkan nama belakang yang panjangnya tidak lebih dari %d karakter." msgid "Please specify a last name in the expected format." msgstr "Silakan masukkan nama belakang sesuai format yang diminta." msgid "Please specify a last name." msgstr "Silakan masukkan nama belakang." msgid "Please specify a first name with no '%s' character." msgstr "Silakan masukkan nama depan tanpa menyertakan karakter '%s'." msgid "Please specify a first name no longer than %d characters." msgstr "" "Silakan masukkan nama depan yang panjangnya tidak lebih dari %d karakter." msgid "Please specify a first name in the expected format." msgstr "Silakan masukkan nama depan sesuai format yang diminta." msgid "Please specify a first name." msgstr "Silakan masukkan nama depan." msgid "Please specify an email other than '%s' as new emails must be unique." msgstr "Silakan masukkan email selain '%s' karena email yang baru harus unik." msgid "" "Please specify another email as a user or an alias for '%s' already exists." msgstr "" "Silakan masukkan email lain karena pengguna atau alias untuk '%s' sudah ada." msgid "Please specify another email as '%s' is not allowed." msgstr "Silakan masukkan email lain karena '%s' tidak diizinkan." msgid "Please specify a user name without multiple periods in a row." msgstr "" "Silakan masukkan nama pengguna tanpa menyertakan tanda titik yang berurutan." msgid "Please specify a user name without period at the end." msgstr "Silakan masukkan nama pengguna tanpa menggunakan tanda titik di akhir." msgid "Please specify a user name without period at the beginning." msgstr "Silakan masukkan nama pengguna tanpa menggunakan tanda titik di awal." msgid "Please specify a user name with no '%s' character." msgstr "Silakan masukkan nama pengguna tanpa menggunakan karakter '%s'." msgid "Please specify a user name no longer than %d characters." msgstr "" "Silakan masukkan nama pengguna yang panjangnya tidak lebih dari %d karakter." msgid "Please specify an email in the expected format." msgstr "Silakan masukkan email sesuai format yang diminta." msgid "Please specify an email." msgstr "Silakan masukkan email." msgid "Please specify a user in the expected format." msgstr "Silakan masukkan pengguna sesuai format yang diminta." msgid "Please specify another domain name as '%s' is not supported." msgstr "Silakan masukkan nama domain lain karena '%s' tidak didukung." msgid "" "Please specify another domain name as a %1$s account already exists for " "'%2$s' with another provider." msgstr "" "Silakan masukkan nama domain lainnya karena akun %1$s sudah ada untuk '%2$s' " "di penyedia lain." msgid "" "Please specify another domain name as a %1$s account already exists for " "'%2$s'." msgstr "" "Silakan masukkan nama domain lain karena akun %1$s sudah ada untuk '%2$s'." msgid "Please specify another domain name as '%s' is not allowed." msgstr "Silakan masukkan nama domain lain karena '%s' tidak diizinkan." msgid "Please specify a domain name as subdomains are not supported." msgstr "Silakan masukkan nama domain karena subdomain tidak didukung." msgid "Please specify a valid domain name." msgstr "Silakan masukkan nama domain yang valid." msgid "Please specify a domain name." msgstr "Silakan masukkan nama domain." msgid "Please specify a domain name in the expected format." msgstr "Silakan masukkan nama domain sesuai format yang diminta." msgid "Failed to retrieve user based on customer id" msgstr "Gagal mengambil pengguna berdasarkan id pelanggan" msgid "Invalid Product slug" msgstr "Slug produk tidak valid" msgid "WordPress Website Building Service" msgstr "Layanan Pembuatan Situs Web WordPress" msgid "" "By canceling auto-renewal, your %(emailProductName)s subscription for " "%(domainName)s will expire on %(expiryDate)s. After it expires, you will not " "be able to send and receive emails for this domain. To avoid that, turn auto-" "renewal back on or manually renew your subscription before the expiration " "date." msgstr "" "Dengan membatalkan perpanjangan otomatis, langganan %(emailProductName)s " "Anda untuk %(domainName)s akan kedaluwarsa pada %(expiryDate)s. Setelah " "kedaluwarsa, Anda tidak akan dapat mengirim dan menerima email untuk domain " "berikut. Untuk menghindarinya, aktifkan kembali perpanjangan otomatis atau " "perbarui langganan Anda secara manual sebelum tanggal kedaluwarsa." msgid "Aspect ratio" msgstr "Rasio Aspek" msgid "" "We received a request for %(action)s but we don't know how to handle that" msgstr "" "Kami menerima permintaan untuk %(action)s, akan tetapi kami tidak tahu cara " "menanganinya" msgid "Unexpected request" msgstr "Permintaan tidak terduga" msgid "We couldn't locate your account details" msgstr "Kami tidak dapat menemukan detail akun Anda" msgid "" "We can't work out where this link is supposed to go. Can you check the " "website that sent you?" msgstr "" "Kami tidak mengetahui tujuan dari tautan berikut. Dapatkah Anda memeriksa " "situs web yang mengarahkan Anda?" msgid "We couldn't process your link" msgstr "Kami tidak dapat memproses tautan Anda" msgid "You need to be logged in to open this page" msgstr "Anda harus login ke untuk membuka halaman berikut" msgid "" "Need a <strong>refund</strong>? We provide a %1$d-day refund on all upgrades " "except <a href=\"%2$s\">Domain Registrations, Domain Renewals</a>, and " "Guided Transfers. For domains, we can refund within 96 hours of purchase. " "Head to the Store section of your Dashboard to request a refund." msgstr "" "Perlu <strong>refund</strong>? Kami menyediakan refund %1$d hari untuk semua " "upgrade selain <a href=\"%2$s\">Pendaftaran Domain, Pembaruan Domain</a>, " "dan Guided Transfer. Untuk domain, kami memberikan refund dalam waktu 96 jam " "setelah pembelian. Buka bagian Toko dari Dashboard Anda untuk meminta refund." msgid "" "Use code <span class=\"coupon-code\">%1$s</span> to save %2$d%% on %3$s for " "the next 48 hours. And if you’re still not sold, we offer 14-day refunds for " "all purchases, no questions asked." msgstr "" "Gunakan kode <span class=\"coupon-code\">%1$s</span> untuk menyimpan %2$d%% " "di %3$s selama 48 jam ke depan. Dan jika Anda masih belum yakin, kami " "menawarkan pengembalian dana 14 hari untuk semua pembelian, tanpa pertanyaan." msgid "Invalid Cloudflare Analytics ID." msgstr "ID Analisis Cloudflare tidak valid." msgid "Cloudflare Web Analytics" msgstr "Cloudflare Web Analytics" msgid "Claim your %1$s%% discount today" msgstr "Klaim diskon %1$s%% Anda sekarang" msgid "" "Once you do, enter the coupon code <strong>%s</strong>, and you’ll be ready " "to use SEO to supercharge the growth of your website." msgstr "" "Masukkan kode kupon <strong>%s</strong> saat mengklaim diskon, setelahnya " "Anda dapat memanfaatkan SEO untuk membuat situs web makin berkembang." msgid "" "Once you do, enter the coupon code <strong>%s</strong>, and you’ll be ready " "to use WordAds to earn money from your website." msgstr "" "Masukkan kode kupon <strong>%s</strong> saat mengklaim diskon, setelahnya " "Anda dapat menggunakan WordAds untuk menghasilkan uang dari situs web." msgid "" "Once you do, enter the coupon code <strong>%s</strong>, and you’ll be ready " "to jumpstart the growth of your site." msgstr "" "Masukkan kode kupon <strong>%s</strong> saat mengklaim diskon, kini Anda " "bisa mulai mengembangkan situs web Anda." msgid "" "Save up to %(maxDiscount)d%% by paying annually and get a free domain for " "one year" msgstr "" "Hemat hingga %(maxDiscount)d%% dengan pembayaran tahunan dan dapatkan domain " "gratis selama satu tahun" msgid "Annually" msgstr "Setiap tahun" msgid "Failed to validate the order" msgstr "Gagal memvalidasi pesanan" msgid "Failed to retrieve user based on Tumblr customer id" msgstr "Gagal mengambil pengguna berdasarkan id pelanggan Tumblr" msgid "This endpoint cannot be accessed from the network" msgstr "Titik akhir ini tidak dapat diakses dari jaringan" msgid "There are no available Apple SKUs for the product" msgstr "Tidak tersedia SKU Apple untuk produk tersebut" msgid "There's a plan for you." msgstr "Paket terbaik untuk Anda." msgid "%d mailbox" msgid_plural "%d mailboxes" msgstr[0] "%d kotak masuk" msgstr[1] "%d kotak masuk" msgid "Status of template." msgstr "Status templat." msgid "Description of template." msgstr "Deskripsi templat." msgid "Title of template." msgstr "Judul templat." msgid "Content of template." msgstr "Konten templat." msgid "Theme identifier for the template." msgstr "Pengenal tema untuk templat." msgid "Unique slug identifying the template." msgstr "Slug unik sebagai pengenal templat." msgid "ID of template." msgstr "ID templat." msgid "Limit to the specified post id." msgstr "Batasi hanya untuk ID pos yang dimasukkan." msgid "The template has already been deleted." msgstr "Templat telah dihapus." msgid "Templates based on theme files can't be removed." msgstr "Templat yang dibuat menggunakan file tema tidak dapat dihapus." msgid "No templates exist with that id." msgstr "Tidak ditemukan templat dengan ID tersebut." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to access the templates on this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan mengakses templat yang ada di situs ini." msgid "The id of a template" msgstr "ID templat" msgid "No theme is defined for this template." msgstr "Tidak ada tema yang ditetapkan untuk templat ini." msgid "My posts " msgstr "Pos saya" msgid "My mentions " msgstr "Yang saya sebutkan" msgid "Build better relationships with your customers and clients." msgstr "Bangun hubungan yang lebih baik dengan pelanggan dan klien Anda." msgid "CRM fully integrated with WordPress" msgstr "CRM terintegrasi penuh dengan WordPress" msgid "Manage billing and create invoices" msgstr "Kelola penagihan dan buat invoice" msgid "Unlimited contacts" msgstr "Kontak tidak terbatas" msgid "%(days)d-day money back guarantee" msgid_plural "%(days)d-day money back guarantee" msgstr[0] "Garansi %(days)d hari uang kembali" msgstr[1] "Garansi %(days)d hari uang kembali" msgid "" "Note: You have %(days)d days from the date of purchase to cancel an unused " "Quick Start session and receive a refund. Please note, if you miss a " "scheduled session twice, the purchase will be cancelled without a refund." msgstr "" "Catatan: Anda memiliki waktu %(days)d hari dari tanggal pembelian untuk " "membatalkan sesi Mulai Cepat yang tidak digunakan dan menerima pengembalian " "dana. Harap diperhatikan bahwa jika Anda melewatkan sesi yang dijadwalkan " "dua kali, pembelian akan dibatalkan tanpa pengembalian dana." msgid "%s is only available for custom domains." msgstr "%s hanya tersedia untuk domain khusus." msgid "" "Go to the %(productName)s control panel to manage email for %(domainName)s." msgstr "" "Buka panel kontrol %(productName)s untuk mengelola email untuk " "%(domainName)s." msgid "%(productName)s: %(domainName)s" msgstr "%(productName)s: %(domainName)s" msgid "Private Site" msgstr "Situs Pribadi" msgid "" "This site is currently private. If you would like to <a href='%s'>request " "access</a>, we'll send your username to the site owner for approval." msgstr "" "Situs ini sedang diatur ke pribadi. Jika ingin <a href='%s'>meminta akses</" "a>, kami akan mengirimkan nama pengguna Anda ke pemilik situs untuk " "mendapatkan persetujuan." msgid "This site is currently private." msgstr "Situs ini sedang diatur ke pribadi." msgid "" "Your privacy is critically important to us. We and our partners use, store, " "and process your personal data to optimize: our <strong>website</strong> " "such as by improving security or conducting analytics, <strong>marketing " "activities</strong> to help deliver relevant marketing or content, and your " "<strong>user experience</strong> such as by remembering your account name, " "language settings, or cart information, where applicable. You can customize " "your cookie settings below. Learn more in our <a href=\"%1$s\" target=" "\"_blank\">Privacy Policy</a> and <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\">Cookie " "Policy</a>." msgstr "" "Privasi Anda sangat penting bagi kami. Kami beserta mitra menggunakan, " "menyimpan, dan mengolah data pribadi Anda untuk mengoptimalkan: " "<strong>situs web</strong> kami, seperti meningkatkan keamanan dan " "menjalankan proses analitik, <strong>kegiatan pemasaran</strong> agar dapat " "memberikan materi dan konten pemasaran yang relevan, dan <strong>pengalaman " "pengguna</strong> Anda, seperti mengingat nama akun, pengaturan bahasa, atau " "informasi keranjang Anda jika memungkinkan. Anda dapat menyesuaikan " "pengaturan cookie berikut. Baca selengkapnya di halaman <a href=\"%1$s\" " "target=\"_blank\">Kebijakan Privasi</a> dan <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank" "\">Kebijakan Cookie</a> kami." msgid "Assign" msgstr "Tetapkan" msgid "Automattic Inc." msgstr "Automattic Inc." msgid "Plugin deactivated." msgstr "Plugin dinonaktifkan." msgid "Plugin activated." msgstr "Plugin diaktifkan." msgid "Could not parse event data" msgstr "TIdak dapat mengurai data peristiwa" msgid "Glossary" msgstr "Glosarium" msgid "Use a domain I own" msgstr "Gunakan domain milik saya" msgid "Hold tight, we're getting your site ready." msgstr "Mohon ditunggu, kami sedang menyiapkan situs Anda." msgid "New PayPal account" msgstr "Akun PayPal baru" msgid "Active Upgrades" msgstr "Upgrade yang Aktif" msgid "" "Jetpack Scan will rollback the affected file to an older (clean) version." msgstr "" "Jetpack Scan akan mengembalikan berkas yang terpengaruh ke versi sebelumnya " "(bersih)." msgid "" "Jetpack Scan will rollback the affected file to the version from %(version)s." msgstr "" "Jetpack Scan akan mengembalikan berkas yang terpengaruh ke versi dari " "%(version)s." msgid "VideoPress Data" msgstr "Data VideoPress" msgid "Attachment meta was not found." msgstr "Meta lampiran tidak ditemukan." msgid "This attachment cannot be updated yet." msgstr "Lampiran ini belum dapat diperbarui." msgid "The post id for the attachment." msgstr "Id pos untuk lampiran." msgid "%(numberOfMailboxes)d mailbox for %(domainName)s" msgid_plural "%(numberOfMailboxes)d mailboxes for %(domainName)s" msgstr[0] "%(numberOfMailboxes)d kotak surat untuk %(domainName)s" msgstr[1] "%(numberOfMailboxes)d kotak surat untuk %(domainName)s" msgid "Jetpack security and performance reports." msgstr "Laporan keamanan dan kinerja Jetpack." msgid "Jetpack Reports" msgstr "Jetpack Report" msgid "" "Hi %s! Complete your profile by adding a picture, and updating your name." msgstr "" "Halo %s! Lengkapi profil Anda dengan menambahkan gambar, dan memperbarui " "nama Anda." msgid "Invite your team" msgstr "Undang tim Anda" msgid "Welcome back! Invite your team members to start collaborating." msgstr "" "Selamat datang kembali Undang anggota tim Anda untuk mulai berkolaborasi." msgid "Create a post" msgstr "Buat pos" msgid "" "Share an update, ask a question, or brainstorm with your team. Ready to " "create your first post?" msgstr "" "Bagikan pembaruan, ajukan pertanyaan, atau tukar pikiran dengan tim Anda. " "Siap membuat pos pertama Anda?" msgid "Review credentials" msgstr "Tinjau kredensial" msgid "Only available in yearly billing" msgstr "Hanya tersedia dalam penagihan tahunan" msgid "" "Unable to purchase %1$s for '%2$s' because this domain belongs to a " "different user." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat membeli %1$s untuk '%2$s' karena domain ini dimiliki oleh " "pengguna lain." msgid "Authenticating with server" msgstr "Memulai proses autentikasi dengan server" msgid "Connecting to server" msgstr "Memulai hubungan ke server" msgid "Checking public host" msgstr "Memeriksa host publik" msgid "Checking Jetpack site" msgstr "Memeriksa situs Jetpack" msgid "Followed P2s" msgstr "P2 yang Diikuti" msgid "The inbound webhook payload is invalid (not string or array)." msgstr "Payload webhook masuk tidak valid (bukan string atau larik)." msgid "" "Still not sure? All plans are <strong>risk-free and</strong> include a " "<strong>money-back guarantee</strong> — 14 days for annual plans and 48 " "hours for domains." msgstr "" "Masih belum yakin? Semua paket <strong>bebas risiko dan</strong> mencakup " "<strong>garansi uang kembali</strong> — 14 hari untuk paket tahunan dan 48 " "jam untuk domain." msgid "" "All plans are <strong>risk-free and</strong> include a <strong>money-back " "guarantee</strong> — 14 days for annual plans and 48 hours for domains." msgstr "" "Semua paket <strong>bebas risiko dan</strong> mencakup <strong>garansi uang " "kembali</strong> — 14 hari untuk paket tahunan dan 48 jam untuk domain." msgid "" "P.S. Upgrading your plan is risk-free! If you decide for any reason that you " "don't love your upgrade, we'll give you a full refund within 14 days of " "purchase (48 hours for domains)." msgstr "" "N.B. Upgrade paket Anda tanpa risiko! Jika Anda tidak menyukai upgrade " "tersebut, kami akan mengembalikan semua uang Anda dalam waktu 14 hari sejak " "tanggal pembelian (48 jam untuk domain)." msgid "" "All annual plans include a 14-day money-back guarantee (48 hours for " "domains)." msgstr "" "Semua paket tahunan mencakup garansi 14 hari uang kembali (48 jam untuk " "domain)." msgid "Priority customer support" msgstr "Bantuan pelanggan prioritas" msgid "The url parameter is required" msgstr "Parameter url diperlukan" msgid "I'll do it later" msgstr "Saya akan melakukannya nanti" msgid "Dismiss notice" msgstr "Tutup pemberitahuan" msgid "Y-m-d" msgstr "Y-m-d" msgid "Loading the control panel…" msgstr "Memuat panel kontrol…" msgid "Manage Your Payment Methods" msgstr "Kelola Metode Pembayaran Anda" msgid "You have no saved payment methods." msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki metode pembayaran yang disimpan." msgid "Last backup before today: {{link}}%(lastBackupDisplayDate)s{{/link}}" msgstr "" "Pencadangan terakhir sebelum hari ini: {{link}}%(lastBackupDisplayDate)s{{/" "link}}" msgid "" "We're making a backup of your site from " "{{strong}}%(inProgressDisplayDate)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Pencadangan situs Anda dilakukan sejak {{strong}}%(inProgressDisplayDate)s{{/" "strong}}." msgid "Backup In Progress" msgstr "Pencadangan Sedang Berlangsung" msgid "You'll be able to access your new backup in just a few minutes." msgstr "Anda dapat melihat pencadangan baru Anda segera." msgid "Backup just completed" msgstr "Pencadangan selesai" msgid "Backup in progress" msgstr "Pencadangan sedang berlangsung" msgid "This purchase is currently billed to your PayPal account." msgstr "Pembelian berikut ditagihkan ke akun PayPal Anda." msgid "" "This purchase is currently billed to your PayPal account (%(emailAddress)s)." msgstr "Pembelian berikut ditagihkan ke akun PayPal Anda %(emailAddress)s." msgid "Your %(cardType)s ending in %(cardNumber)d expired %(cardExpiry)s." msgstr "" "%(cardType)s Anda dengan akhiran %(cardNumber)d kedaluwarsa pada " "%(cardExpiry)s." msgid "Update site credentials" msgstr "Perbarui kredensial situs" msgid "Redeem coupon now" msgstr "Tukar kupon sekarang" msgid "Turn your visitors into subscribers." msgstr "Tarik pengunjung jadi pelanggan Anda." msgid "Start texting" msgstr "Mulai mengirim pesan" msgid "" "SimpleTexting makes it easy, fast and affordable to send SMS marketing " "campaigns or engage in 1-on-1 conversations with your customers." msgstr "" "SimpleTexting membantu Anda mengirim SMS promosi pemasaran atau " "berkomunikasi langsung dengan pelanggan menjadi mudah, cepat, dan terjangkau." msgid "SimpleTexting" msgstr "SimpleTexting" msgid "Supercharge your Gmail" msgstr "Jadikan Gmail Anda lebih andal" msgid "" "Track everything and always have context, directly in your Gmail account. " "Keep your leads and sales pipeline moving with" msgstr "" "Pantau semuanya dan dapatkan pemahaman menyeluruh, langsung di akun Gmail " "Anda. Klien potensial dan penjualan akan terus mengalir dengan" msgid "Manage business tasks" msgstr "Kelola aktivitas bisnis" msgid "Todoist" msgstr "Todoist" msgid "Improve your productivity" msgstr "Tingkatkan produktivitas" msgid "" " is a centralized platform for teams to manage every detail of " "their work, from high-level roadmap planning to specifics tasks." msgstr "" " adalah platform satu pintu untuk mengatur berbagai pekerjaan " "sebuah tim, mulai dari rencana kerja berskala besar hingga tugas spesifik." msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Project Management" msgstr "Manajemen Proyek" msgid "Manage your finances" msgstr "Kelola keuangan Anda" msgid "QuickBooks" msgstr "QuickBooks" msgid "" "Improve the efficiency and success of your business with the help of these " "other products and services. Here are some recommended tools for you." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan efisiensi dan keberhasilan bisnis Anda dengan bantuan produk dan " "layanan lainnya. Berikut adalah perangkat yang direkomendasikan untuk Anda." msgid "Grow your business with the latest tools" msgstr "Kembangkan bisnis dengan perangkat terbaru" msgid "" "The product is called the Ultimate Traffic Guide, and it’s tailor-made for " " customers who want extra online marketing guidance." msgstr "" "Produk ini bernama Ultimate Traffic Guide yang dibuat khusus untuk pelanggan " " yang membutuhkan panduan pemasaran online tambahan." msgid "" "Which is why we just released a brand new product designed to teach you " "everything you need to know about driving more traffic to your site, " "including the handful of things you MUST get right to rank well in search " "engines." msgstr "" "Itulah mengapa kami baru saja meluncurkan produk baru yang ditujukan untuk " "memberi tahu semua hal penting untuk meningkatkan kunjungan situs, termasuk " "sejumlah hal yang HARUS benar-benar diperhatikan agar situs berada di hasil " "pencarian teratas." msgid "" "Out of all that search traffic, <b>91%</b> goes to sites listed on the first " "page of results. Which means that if you’re not on the first page, you might " "as well not be there at all." msgstr "" "Dari semua lalu lintas pencarian itu, <b>91%</b> di antaranya dikuasai situs " "yang termuat di halaman pertama hasil pencarian. Yang artinya, kalau tidak " "di halaman pertama, situs Anda mungkin tidak masuk dalam hitungan itu." msgid "" "B2B companies generate <b>2x</b> more revenue from organic search than any " "other channel." msgstr "" "Perusahaan B2B memperoleh <b>2x</b> pendapatan dari pencarian organik " "dibandingkan dari saluran lain." msgid "" "Organic search drives <b>1,000%</b> more traffic than organic social media. " "1,000%!" msgstr "" "Pencarian organik menghasilkan <b>1.000%</b> lebih kunjungan dibandingkan " "media sosial organik. 1.000%!" msgid "<b>61%</b> of all site traffic comes from search engines." msgstr "<b>61%</b> dari seluruh kunjungan situs datang dari mesin pencari." msgid "Take these stats, for example:" msgstr "Ambil data ini sebagai contoh:" msgid "" "You probably know that search engines are an important traffic source. But " "recent search industry data reveals that search has grown into a behemoth." msgstr "" "Mungkin Anda tahu bahwa mesin pencari merupakan sumber kunjungan yang utama. " "Namun, data industri pencarian terakhir menunjukkan bahwa pencarian kini " "menjadi penyumbang terbesar." msgid "4 must-know SEO stats" msgstr "4 data SEO yang wajib diketahui" msgid "Click the button below if you’re ready to get started." msgstr "Klik tombol di bawah kalau Anda sudah siap memulai." msgid "" "It’s intended specifically for customers who aren’t marketing " "pros or technical wizards. Which means you’ll be able to understand and " "apply the lessons in this guide, even if you’re a total beginner." msgstr "" "Panduan ini dikhususkan untuk pelanggan yang bukan ahli " "pemasaran atau teknologi. Berarti, Anda dapat memahami dan menerapkan " "pengetahuan dari panduan ini walaupun masih benar-benar pemula." msgid "" "Those topics include search engine optimization, social media marketing, " "content creation, email marketing, and more." msgstr "" "Topiknya meliputi optimisasi mesin pencari (SEO), pemasaran media sosial, " "pembuatan konten, pemasaran email, dan lain-lain." msgid "" "The guide boils down the ins-and-outs of internet marketing into a " "collection of easy articles that cover the topics that all site owners " "should understand." msgstr "" "Panduan ini menjabarkan serba-serbi pemasaran internet lewat serangkaian " "artikel sederhana yang mencakup topik-topik yang harus dipahami semua " "pemilik situs." msgid "“How do I get more traffic?”" msgstr "\"Bagaimana cara meningkatkan kunjungan?\"" msgid "" "Yesterday we announced the launch of our new Ultimate Traffic Guide. We " "wrote this 96 page guide to answer the most common question we hear from our " "customers: " msgstr "" "Kemarin kami mengumumkan peluncuran Ultimate Traffic Guide kami yang baru. " "Kami menulis panduan 96 halaman ini untuk menjawab pertanyaan paling umum " "dari para pelanggan:" msgid "New product: How to get traffic (and customers) in 2021" msgstr "Produk baru: Cara mendapatkan kunjungan (dan pelanggan) di tahun 2021" msgid "Learn more about The Ultimate Traffic Guide" msgstr "Pelajari selengkapnya tentang The Ultimate Traffic Guide" msgid "" "We break down the mysteries of SEO, Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing, " "Traffic Magnets, and so much more.\t" msgstr "" "Kami mengungkap rahasia tentang SEO, Pemasaran Email, Pemasaran Media " "Sosial, Penarik Kunjungan (), dan masih banyak lagi.\t" msgid "" "’s Ultimate Traffic Guide is jam-packed with tips, tricks, and " "strategies to get people to your website in no time." msgstr "" "Ultimate Traffic Guide lengkap dengan tips, trik, dan strategi " "menarik pengunjung ke situs web Anda dengan cepat." msgid "" "I’ll get right to the point - you didn’t start a website to have it just sit " "there, you want people to see it. " msgstr "" "Langsung ke intinya - Anda membuat situs agar orang-orang melihatnya, tidak " "cuma didiamkan saja. " msgid "Claim your copy of <br /><em>The Ultimate Traffic Guide</em>" msgstr "Dapatkan salinan <br /><em>Panduan Lalu Lintas Utama</em> Anda" msgid "" "This 96 page guide will give you tons of ideas on how to grow your website " "traffic in no time!" msgstr "" "Panduan berisi 96 halaman ini memberikan segudang ide untuk meningkatkan " "kunjungan situs web Anda dengan cepat!" msgid "Introducing The Ultimate Traffic Guide" msgstr "Telah hadir, The Ultimate Traffic Guide" msgid "You can help translate into your language." msgstr "Anda dapat membantu menerjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Anda." msgid "Backup Daily" msgstr "Backup Harian" msgid "" "Never lose a word, image, page, or time worrying about your site with " "automated daily backups & one-click restores." msgstr "" "Jangan khawatir, tidak akan ada kata, gambar, atau halaman yang hilang dari " "situs Anda dengan pencadangan harian otomatis & pemulihan sekali klik." msgid "Make the most of your site with courses and webinars." msgstr "Maksimalkan situs Anda dengan mengikuti kursus dan webinar." msgid "Webinars" msgstr "Webinar" msgid "Video tutorials" msgstr "Tutorial video" msgid "More Resources" msgstr "Materi Lainnya" msgid "Failed to post comment on post ID %1$s. %2$s" msgstr "Gagal memposkan komentar pada ID pos %1$s. %2$s" msgid "" "%(purchaseName)s will expire and be removed from your site %(expiry)s. " "Update your payment information so you don't lose out on your paid features!" msgstr "" "%(purchaseName)s akan kedaluarsa dan dihapus dari situs Anda %(expiry)s. " "Perbarui informasi pembayaran, jadi Anda tetap dapat menggunakan fitur " "berbayar!" msgid "" "You purchased %(purchaseName)s with credits. Please update your payment " "information before your plan expires %(expiry)s so that you don't lose out " "on your paid features!" msgstr "" "Anda membeli %(purchaseName)s menggunakan kredit. Silakan memperbarui " "informasi pembayaran sebelum paket kedaluarsa %(expiry)s jadi Anda tetap " "dapat menggunakan fitur berbayar!" msgid "" "Thanks so much for using <a href=\"%1$s\">Akismet</a>. Please don't hesitate " "to <a href=\"%2$s\">get in touch</a> if you have any questions." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah menggunakan <a href=\"%1$s\">Akismet</a>. Jangan sungkan " "untuk <a href=\"%2$s\">menghubungi kami</a> jika ada pertanyaan." msgid "" "You can <a href=\"%s\">learn more</a> about Akismet or find <a href=\"%s" "\">useful answers</a> in our documentation." msgstr "" "Anda dapat <a href=\"%s\">mempelajari selengkapnya</a> tentang Akismet atau " "temukan <a href=\"%s\">jawaban bermanfaat</a> di dokumentasi kami." msgid "START USING YOUR KEY" msgstr "MULAI GUNAKAN KUNCI ANDA" msgid "Your Akismet API Key for %s:" msgstr "Kunci API Akismet Anda untuk %s:" msgid "Thank you for using Akismet to help safeguard the web from spam." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah menggunakan Akismet untuk membantu melindungi web dari " "spam." msgid "Thank you." msgstr "Terima kasih." msgid "" "If you're still running a WordPress site, you might be interested in the " "powerful security and performance features provided by <a href=\"%s" "\">Jetpack</a>." msgstr "" "Jika Anda mengelola situs WordPress, Anda mungkin tertarik dengan fitur " "keamanan dan performa andal yang ditawarkan <a href=\"%s\">Jetpack</a>." msgid "" "We're sorry to see you leave Akismet and would be happy to have you back. If " "you decide to change your mind, resubscribing is as simple as clicking this " "button:" msgstr "" "Kami tidak ingin Anda meninggalkan Akismet dan berharap Anda menggunakannya " "kembali. Jika Anda berubah pikiran, aktifkan langganan kembali hanya dengan " "menekan tombol berikut:" msgid "" "Please <a href=\"%s\">take this one-question poll</a> to let us know why you " "cancelled so we can do better in the future." msgstr "" "Mohon <a href=\"%s\">menjawab satu pertanyaan ini</a> untuk memberi tahu " "kami alasan pembatalan Anda agar kami bisa menjadi lebih baik lagi." msgid "Login to make changes" msgstr "Login untuk melakukan perubahan" msgid "Account ID:" msgstr "ID Akun:" msgid "Your Account" msgstr "Akun Anda" msgid "" "If you're using this Akismet API Key on a commercial or professional site, " "you should upgrade to one of our paid plans, they are really cheap, <a href=" "\"%s\">have a look</a>." msgstr "" "Jika menggunakan kunci API Akismet ini di situs komersial atau profesional, " "Anda harus upgrade ke salah satu paket berbayar kami yang sangat murah, <a " "href=\"%s\">silakan dilihat-lihat</a>." msgid "" "Note: You have signed up for a monthly subscription service, this means you " "will be automatically billed each month on (or as close as possible to) the " "%s of each month." msgstr "" "Catatan: Anda telah mendaftar layanan langganan bulanan yang berarti Anda " "akan ditagih otomatis tiap bulan pada (atau paling dekat dengan) tanggal %s " "tiap bulannya." msgid "Renewal Date:" msgstr "Tanggal Perpanjangan:" msgid "Unlimited use on personal sites" msgstr "Penggunaan tanpa batas di situs personal" msgid "Limit result set to subscriptions assigned a specific status." msgstr "Batasi set hasil ke langganan atas status khusus." msgid "An unknown error happened: '%s'" msgstr "Terjadi error tidak diketahui: '%s'" msgid "The inbound webhook payload is empty." msgstr "Payload webhook masuk kosong." msgid "Failed to enable WC Pay Payment Gateway." msgstr "Gagal mengaktifkan Gateway Pembayaran WC Pay." msgid "The `_subscription_period_interval` meta_data field must be \"1\"" msgstr "Kolom meta_data `_subscription_period_interval` harus \"1\"" msgid "" "The `_subscription_period_interval` meta_data field shouldn't be empty when " "creating a product" msgstr "" "Kolom meta_data `_subscription_period_interval` tidak boleh kosong saat " "membuat produk" msgid "The `_subscription_length` meta_data field must be \"0\"" msgstr "Kolom meta_data `_subscription_length` harus \"0\"" msgid "" "The `_subscription_length` meta_data field shouldn't be empty when creating " "a product" msgstr "" "Kolom meta_data `_subscription_length` tidak boleh kosong saat membuat produk" msgid "" "The `_subscription_period` meta_data field should reflect the product slug" msgstr "Kolom meta_data `_subscription_period` harus sesuai dengan slug produk" msgid "" "The `_subscription_period` meta_data field shouldn't be empty when creating " "a product" msgstr "" "Kolom meta_data `_subscription_period` tidak boleh kosong saat membuat produk" msgid "" "The `_subscription_price` meta_data field must be a number or a float, or a " "string representing the number" msgstr "" "Kolom meta_data `_subscription_price` harus berisi angka atau bilangan, atau " "string yang melambangkan angka tersebut" msgid "The `_subscription_price` meta_data field isn't set." msgstr "Kolom meta_data `_subscription_price` belum diatur." msgid "The meta_data field should be set on creation." msgstr "Kolom meta_data harus diatur saat pembuatan." msgid "Most Popular" msgstr "Paling Populer" msgid "Automated daily backups (off-site)" msgstr "Pencadangan harian otomatis (off site)" msgid "Video meta updated successfully." msgstr "Meta video berhasil diperbarui." msgid "Use this card" msgstr "Gunakan kartu ini" msgid "Save card" msgstr "Simpan Kartu" msgid "Domain Transfer" msgstr "Transfer Domain" msgid "Premium Domain" msgstr "Domain Premium" msgid "Submit for review" msgstr "Kirim untuk ditinjau" msgid "languages" msgstr "bahasa" msgid "Select a language" msgstr "Pilih bahasa" msgid "Your payment method has been set." msgstr "Metode pembayaran Anda disetel." msgid "Test and save credentials" msgstr "Tes dan simpan kredensial" msgid "Guide controls" msgstr "Kontrol panduan" msgid "Glossary Item" msgstr "Item Glosarium" msgid "" "We’ve got a full backup of your site, and will continue to create backups " "automatically in real time." msgstr "" "Kami memiliki cadangan lengkap situs Anda dan akan terus mencadangkannya " "secara otomatis dan real time." msgid "Google Workspace Business Starter" msgstr "Google Workspace Business Starter" msgid "The Ultimate Traffic Guide" msgstr "Peningkat Lalu Lintas Terbaik" msgid "Display the share menu in the player." msgstr "Tampilkan menu berbagi pada pemutar." msgid "The video content rating. One of G, PG-13 or R-17" msgstr "Rating konten video. Salah satu dari G, PG-13, atau R-17" msgid "The description of the video." msgstr "Deskripsi video." msgid "The title of the video." msgstr "Judul video." msgid "" "Jetpack experienced an issue trying to save options (cannot_save_secrets). " "We suggest that you contact your hosting provider, and ask them for help " "checking that the options table is writable on your site." msgstr "" "Jetpack mengalami gangguan saat menyimpan pilihan (cannot_save_secrets). " "Kami sarankan untuk menghubungi penyedia hosting Anda dan meminta bantuan " "untuk memastikan tabel pilihan di situs Anda dapat ditulisi." msgid "Sorry, %s does not support specifying a quantity." msgstr "Maaf, %s tidak mendukung penentuan jumlah." msgid "" "Unable to update your %s subscription because the new licensed quantity " "should be greater than the current one." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat memperbarui langganan %s Anda karena kuantitas berlisensi " "yang baru harus lebih besar dari yang sekarang." msgid "Sorry, we couldn't process your invitations. Please try again later." msgstr "" "Maaf, kami tidak dapat memproses undangan Anda. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "Browse plugins" msgstr "Telusuri plugin" msgid " will be ready to help you all along the journey." msgstr " siap membantu Anda di setiap langkah." msgid "" "Claiming your ideal domain name today allows you to get busy building a name " "for yourself. In the future the way you engage with your audience may " "change, but you’ll never have to worry about rebuilding an audience." msgstr "" "Dengan mengklaim nama domain yang tepat sekarang, Anda bebas menentukan nama " "situs Anda sendiri nanti. Di kemudian hari, cara Anda berinteraksi dengan " "audiens mungkin akan berubah, tetapi Anda tidak perlu khawatir harus " "membangun audiens kembali." msgid "Whatever the Future Holds, Your Domain is Flexible." msgstr "Apa Pun yang Terjadi, Domain Anda Selalu Fleksibel." msgid "And of course, classics like .com, .org, and .co" msgstr "Dan tentunya, yang domain klasik seperti .com, .org. dan .co" msgid "Popular country codes like .ca, .uk, .in, and more" msgstr "Kode negara populer seperti .ca, .uk, .in, dan lain-lain." msgid "" "Modern options including .blog, .design, .shop, .art, .page, .online, ." "link, .xyz, and hundreds of others. " msgstr "" "Berbagi pilihan domain modern yang meliputi .blog, .design, .shop, .art, ." "page, .online, .link, .xyz, dan masih banyak lagi. " msgid "You can choose from:" msgstr "Anda dapat memilih:" msgid "" "No matter what you do, or what you write about has a domain " "that will fit perfectly." msgstr "" "Apa pun bisnisnya atau apa pun ceritanya, selalu punya domain " "yang terbaik untuk Anda." msgid "Choose From More than 300 Domain Extensions" msgstr "Pilih dari 300 Lebih Ekstensi Domain" msgid "" "Every hour there are more than 12,000 new domains registered. Grab yours " "before someone else does!" msgstr "" "Setiap jam 12.000 lebih domain baru didaftarkan. Temukan domain Anda " "sekarang sebelum orang lain mengambilnya." msgid "" "Forwarding your custom domain to your free site is the first step in " "building your brand and now you can do that for as little as %s." msgstr "" "Mengalihkan domain khusus ke situs gratis adalah langkah awal membangun " "branding Anda, cukup dengan membayar %s." msgid "Start Simple, Build a Brand" msgstr "Langkah Mudah Membangun Branding" msgid "" "Now you can get a great domain name and forward it to %1$s for as little as " "%2$s." msgstr "" "Sekarang Anda dapat memiliki nama domain terbaik dan mengalihkannya ke %1$s " "cukup dengan %2$s." msgid "" "Sharing your site address on social media, business cards, or even in person " "needs to be quick and easy. Using a custom domain name is the single best " "way to appear more professional and make it easier for others to remember " "your site address." msgstr "" "Membagikan alamat situs Anda ke media sosial, kartu nama, atau secara " "langsung perorangan seharusnya cepat dan mudah. Menggunakan nama domain " "khusus adalah cara terbaik agar terlihat lebih profesional sekaligus membuat " "orang lebih mudah mengingat alamat situs Anda." msgid "Learn the best way to make a name for yourself online." msgstr "Cari tahu cara terbaik jadi populer di dunia maya." msgid "" "If you need more help to resolve this threat, we recommend {{strong}}" "Codeable{{/strong}}, a trusted freelancer marketplace of highly vetted " "WordPress experts. They have identified a select group of security experts " "to help with these projects. Pricing ranges from $70-120/hour, and you can " "get a free estimate with no obligation to hire." msgstr "" "Jika memerlukan bantuan lebih lanjut untuk mengatasi ancaman ini, kami " "merekomendasikan {{strong}}Codeable{{/strong}}, marketplace pekerja lepas " "tepercaya untuk ahli WordPress unggulan. Mereka telah mengidentifikasi " "kelompok pakar keamanan pilihan guna membantu proyek ini. Kisaran harga " "mulai dari $70-120/jam, dan Anda bisa mendapatkan diagnosis gratis tanpa " "harus menyewa." msgid "Add your payment method" msgstr "Tambahkan metode pembayaran" msgid "" "Your website appears to use Basic Authentication, which is not currently " "compatible with Application Passwords." msgstr "" "Situs web Anda tampaknya menggunakan Autentikasi Dasar, yang saat ini tidak " "sesuai dengan Kata Sandi Aplikasi." msgid "Slug of the admin color scheme." msgstr "Slug skema warna admin." msgid "Hurry! Time’s almost up on this exclusive offer." msgstr "Cepat! Waktu untuk penawaran eksklusif berikut hampir habis." msgid "" "Use code <strong>%1$s</strong> for %2$s%% off any annual plan at checkout." msgstr "" "Gunakan kode <strong>%1$s</strong> dan dapatkan diskon %2$s%% untuk semua " "paket tahunan saat checkout." msgid "" "Still not satisfied? All annual plans also include a custom " "domain, which is <strong>free</strong> for the first year." msgstr "" "Masih belum puas? Semua paket tahunan juga menyertakan domain " "khusus yang <strong>bebas biaya</strong> untuk tahun pertama." msgid "" "With an upgraded plan, you can get exclusive access to SEO and eCommerce " "tools, a huge selection of beautiful themes, extra storage space, expert " "support, access to over 50,000 plugins, and so much more." msgstr "" "Jika Anda melakukan upgrade, Anda berhak atas akses ekslusif untuk perangkat " "SEO dan eCommerce, beragam pilihan tema yang menarik, ruang penyimpanan " "ekstra, bantuan tim ahli, akses ke lebih dari 50.000 plugin, dan lainnya." msgid "" "Good news! You can still save %d%% on <strong><em>any</em></strong> " " plan." msgstr "" "Kabar baik! Anda masih dapat menghemat %d%% untuk <strong><em>semua</em></" "strong> paket" msgid "" "Use code %1$s. This is your last chance to claim %2$s%% off any annual " " plan." msgstr "" "Gunakan kode %1$s. Sekarang adalah kesempatan terakhir Anda mendapatkan " "diskon %2$s%% untuk semua paket tahunan." msgid "Time’s almost up! Save %d%% on any plan." msgstr "Waktu hampir habis! Hemat %d%% untuk semua paket." msgid "Your coupon for %d%% off will expire soon" msgstr "Kupon diskon %d%% Anda akan segera kedaluwarsa" msgid "%d%% off ends today. Upgrade your site now." msgstr "Hari terakhir diskon %d%%. Upgrade situs Anda sekarang." msgid "Last chance: %d%% off" msgstr "Kesempatan terakhir: diskon %d%%" msgid "Last chance! Save %d%% when you upgrade your site today." msgstr "" "Kesempatan terakhir! Hemat %d%% jika Anda mengupgrade situs Anda sekarang " "juga." msgid "Final reminder: %d%% off expires today!" msgstr "Pengingat terakhir: diskon %d%% berakhir hari ini!" msgid "Hurry - this coupon expires soon!" msgstr "Cepat - kupon akan segera kedaluwarsa!" msgid "Get %d%% off now" msgstr "Dapatkan diskon %d%% sekarang" msgid "" "Simply use code <strong>%1$s</strong> for %2$s%% off any annual plan at " "checkout." msgstr "" "Cukup gunakan kode <strong>%1$s</strong> dan dapatkan diskon %2$s%% untuk " "semua paket tahunan saat checkout." msgid "" "With an upgraded plan, you can build the site of your dreams. You’ll unlock " "more themes, additional customization options, extra storage, and upgraded " "support — and we’re just getting started. All annual plans " "also include a custom domain, which is free for the first year." msgstr "" "Jika Anda melakukan upgrade, Anda dapat membangun situs impian. Anda akan " "mendapatkan akses ke lebih banyak tema, pilihan penyesuaian tambahan, " "penyimpanan ekstra, dan bantuan tingkat lanjut — bukan hanya itu! Semua " "paket tahunan juga menawarkan domain khusus yang bebas biaya " "untuk tahun pertama." msgid "" "To celebrate your website’s potential, we’re treating you to %d%% off any " "upgraded WordPress.​com plan for the next 48 hours." msgstr "" "Untuk merayakan potensi situs web Anda, kami memberikan diskon %d%% untuk " "semua paket WordPress.​com, jika Anda melakukan upgrade dalam 48 jam ke " "depan." msgid "" "Just for you: %1$s%% off all plans. Use code %2$s at checkout." msgstr "" "Hanya untuk Anda: diskon %1$s%% untuk semua paket Gunakan " "kode %2$s saat checkout." msgid "It’s happening! %d%% off any plan." msgstr "" "Potongan harga di depan mata! Diskon %d%% untuk semua paket" msgid "Save %d%% on any plan - 2 days only!" msgstr "Hemat %d%% untuk semua paket - tinggal 2 hari lagi!" msgid "2 Days Only: save %d%% when you upgrade your site" msgstr "" "Berlaku 2 Hari: hemat %d%% jika Anda mengupgrade situs Anda sekarang juga" msgid "Open for an exclusive offer on a plan" msgstr "Dapatkan penawaran eksklusif paket" msgid "Don’t miss this one-time offer on a new plan" msgstr "Jangan lewatkan penawaran langka untuk paket baru" msgid "Automated backups & one-click restore." msgstr "Pencadangan otomatis & pemulihan sekali klik." msgid "Save on our most feature-packed Business plan and get:" msgstr "Makin hemat dengan paket Bisnis berfitur paling lengkap dan dapatkan:" msgid "Your coupon expires soon!" msgstr "Kupon Anda akan segera kedaluwarsa!" msgid "24/7 professional email & live chat support." msgstr "Bantuan e-mail dan live chat profesional setiap saat." msgid "200GB of storage space." msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan 200 GB." msgid "Access to over 50,000 plugins." msgstr "Akses ke lebih dari 50.000 plugin." msgid "Choose the annual Business plan and get:" msgstr "Pilih paket Bisnis tahunan dan dapatkan:" msgid "Flash Sale" msgstr "Flash Sale" msgid "Close the navigation menu" msgstr "Tutup menu navigasi" msgid "Version of block API." msgstr "Versi API blok." msgid "I'd like to downgrade to another plan." msgstr "Saya ingin melakukan downgrade ke paket lain." msgid "This password reset request originated from the IP address %s." msgstr "Permintaan pengaturan ulang kata sandi ini berasal dari alamat IP %s." msgid "If this was a mistake, ignore this email and nothing will happen." msgstr "" "Jika hal tersebut adalah sebuah kesalahan, abaikan email berikut dan tidak " "akan terjadi apa pun." msgid "Followed P2 Sites" msgstr "Situs P2 yang Diikuti" msgid "All times are in %(userTimezoneAbbr)s timezone." msgstr "Semua waktu dalam zona waktu %(userTimezoneAbbr)s." msgid "Choose time of day" msgstr "Pilih waktu" msgid "No morning slots available" msgstr "Tidak ada slot pagi yang tersedia" msgid "No afternoon slots available" msgstr "Tidak ada slot siang yang tersedia" msgid "Evening" msgstr "Malam" msgid "Afternoon" msgstr "Siang" msgid "Morning" msgstr "Pagi" msgid "Early Morning" msgstr "Dini Hari" msgid "" "Our sessions are available 24 hours a day. If you don’t see a day or time " "that works for you, please check back soon for more options! " msgstr "" "Sesi kami tersedia 24 jam sehari. Apabila Anda tidak mendapatkan hari atau " "jam yang cocok, silakan periksa lagi untuk melihat pilihan lainnya! " msgid "Select a time that works for you" msgstr "Pilih waktu yang sesuai untuk Anda" msgid "Premium design options for online stores" msgstr "Pilihan desain premium untuk toko online" msgid "Premium design options customized for online stores" msgstr "Pilihan desain premium khusus untuk toko online" msgid "Automated site backups and one-click restore" msgstr "Pencadangan situs otomatis dan pemulihan mudah" msgid "Advanced SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tools" msgstr "Perangkat SEO (Optimisasi Mesin Pencari) Tingkat Lanjut" msgid "" "Install plugins and extend functionality for your site with access to more " "than 50,000 WordPress plugins" msgstr "" "Pasang plugin dan perluas fungsionalitas situs Anda dengan akses ke lebih " "dari 50.000 plugin WordPress" msgid "Google analytics integration" msgstr "Integrasi Google Analytics" msgid "Coupon removed from cart." msgstr "Kupon dihapus dari keranjang." msgid "{{icon/}} Real-time automated malware scanning" msgstr "{{icon/}} Pemindaian malware otomatis dan real time" msgid "{{icon/}} Real-time automated backups (unlimited storage)" msgstr "{{icon/}} Pencadangan otomatis real time (penyimpanan tanpa batas)" msgid "Edit site" msgstr "Edit situs" msgctxt "Template name" msgid "Search Results" msgstr "Hasil Pencarian" msgctxt "Template name" msgid "Tag Archives" msgstr "Arsip Tag" msgctxt "Template name" msgid "Date Archives" msgstr "Arsip Tanggal" msgctxt "Template name" msgid "Category Archives" msgstr "Arsip Kategori" msgctxt "Template name" msgid "Author Archives" msgstr "Arsip Penulis" msgctxt "Template name" msgid "Front Page" msgstr "Halaman Depan" msgctxt "Template name" msgid "Index" msgstr "Indeks" msgid "We detected a problem with the Jetpack connection on %s." msgstr "Kami mendeteksi ada masalah koneksi Jetpack pada %s." msgid "Where can I find my Measurement ID?" msgstr "Di mana saya dapat menemukan ID Pengukuran saya?" msgid "Invalid Google Analytics Measurement ID." msgstr "ID Pengukuran Google Analytics Tidak Valid." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit posts on this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengedit pos pada situs ini." msgid "A special offer to upgrade your search" msgstr "Penawaran spesial untuk mengupgrade pencarian Anda" msgid "Help your fans find what they’re looking for" msgstr "Bantu penggemar Anda menemukan yang mereka cari" msgid "You’re one step away from an amazing search experience" msgstr "" "Selangkah lagi Anda akan mendapatkan pengalaman pencarian yang luar biasa" msgid "A special offer to protect %s" msgstr "Penawaran spesial untuk perlindungan bagi %s" msgid "You’re one step away from protecting %s" msgstr "Selangkah lagi Anda akan mendapatkan perlindungan bagi %s" msgid "A special offer to supercharge %s" msgstr "Penawaran spesial untuk memperkuat %s" msgid "Give your site superpowers with Jetpack" msgstr "Beri kekuatan super pada situs Anda dengan Jetpack" msgid "You’re one step away from completing %s" msgstr "Selangkah lagi Anda akan menyelesaikan penyiapan %s" msgid "A special offer to back up %s" msgstr "Penawaran spesial untuk mencadangkan %s" msgid "Your site is too valuable to lose" msgstr "Situs Anda sangatlah berharga, jangan sampai kehilangan" msgid "You’re one step away from backing up %s" msgstr "Selangkah lagi Anda akan selesai mencadangkan %s" msgid "Don’t let spam ruin your site" msgstr "Jangan biarkan spam merusak situs Anda" msgid "You’re one step away from blocking spam on %s" msgstr "Selangkah lagi Anda akan memblokir spam pada %s" msgid "Bill yearly" msgstr "Penagihan tahunan" msgid "Bill monthly" msgstr "Penagihan bulanan" msgid "Website Powered by" msgstr "Situs yang Didukung" msgid "Website Built with" msgstr "Situs yang Dikembangkan dengan" msgid "Your site will be live shortly." msgstr "Situs Anda akan aktif sesaat lagi." msgid "Checkout modal" msgstr "Modal pembayaran" msgid "Required to create an Application Password, but not to update the user." msgstr "" "Wajib untuk membuat Kata Sandi Aplikasi, tetapi tidak untuk memperbarui " "pengguna." msgid "← Go to Users" msgstr "← Pergi ke Pengguna" msgid "Your new password for %s is:" msgstr "Kata sandi baru Anda untuk %s adalah:" msgid "← Go to Tags" msgstr "← Pergi ke Tag" msgid "← Go to library" msgstr "← Buka pustaka" msgid "Upgrade to Jetpack Search" msgstr "Upgrade ke Jetpack Search" msgid "Finely-tuned search for your site." msgstr "Pencarian yang dibuat khusus untuk situs Anda." msgid "Your visitors are getting our fastest search experience." msgstr "" "Pengunjung Anda akan mendapatkan pengalaman pencarian tercepat dari kami." msgid "Jetpack Search is disabled on your site." msgstr "Pencarian Jetpack di situs Anda dinonaktifkan." msgid "" "" "authentication-not-working" msgstr "" "" "authentication-not-working" msgid "Go to Theme Installer" msgstr "Pergi ke Pemasang Tema" msgid "Go to Plugin Installer" msgstr "Pergi ke Pemasang Plugin" msgid "Go to Importers" msgstr "Pergi ke Pengimpor" msgid "" "This file is only loaded for backward compatibility with SimplePie 1.2.x. " "Please consider switching to a recent SimplePie version." msgstr "" "Berkas ini hanya dimuat untuk kompatibilitas mundur dengan SimplePie 1.2.x. " "Mohon pertimbangkan untuk beralih ke versi SimplePie terbaru." msgid "← Go to editor" msgstr "← Pergi ke editor" msgid "" "<strong>Site Health Status</strong> — Informs you of any potential " "issues that should be addressed to improve the performance or security of " "your website." msgstr "" "<strong>Status Kesehatan Situs</strong> — Memberi tahu Anda tentang " "potensi kendala yang harus ditangani untuk meningkatkan kinerja atau " "keamanan situs web Anda." msgid "" "Your Quick Start session is starting soon at %s. Check your " "email for instructions on how to join. Talk to you soon!" msgstr "" "Sesi Mulai Cepat Anda akan segera dimulai pada %s. Periksa " "email Anda untuk mengetahui cara bergabung. Sampai jumpa!" msgid "" "Your Quick Start session is on %s. Check your email on how to " "join, reschedule, or cancel the call." msgstr "" "Sesi Mulai Cepat Anda diselenggarakan pada %s. Periksa email " "Anda untuk mengetahui cara bergabung, menjadwalkan ulang, atau membatalkan " "sesi." msgid "%(purchaseType)s for %(site)s" msgstr "%(purchaseType)s untuk %(site)s" msgid "Disconnected from" msgstr "Terputus dari" msgid "" "If the above link does not work for you, please copy and paste the following " "link into your browser address bar:" msgstr "" "Jika tautan di atas tidak berfungsi, harap salin-tempel tautan berikut ke " "bilah alamat peramban Anda:" msgid "P2 Free" msgstr "P2 Gratis" msgid "" "{{strong}}Best for small groups:{{/strong}} All the features needed to " "share, discuss, review, and collaborate with your team in one spot, without " "interruptions." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Terbaik untuk kelompok kecil:{{/strong}} Semua fitur yang " "dibutuhkan untuk berbagi, berdiskusi, mengulas, dan berkolaborasi bersama " "tim Anda di satu tempat tanpa gangguan." msgid "per user per month" msgstr "per pengguna per bulan" msgid "" "{{strong}}Best for professionals:{{/strong}} Enhance your P2 with more space " "for audio and video, advanced search, an activity overview panel, and " "priority customer support." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Terbaik untuk tenaga profesional:{{/strong}} Tingkatkan P2 Anda " "dengan ruang lebih besar untuk audio dan video, pencarian tingkat lanjut, " "panel ikhtisar aktivitas, dan dukungan pelanggan prioritas." msgid "A complete record of everything that happens on your P2." msgstr "Catatan lengkap atas segala aktivitas di P2 Anda." msgid "Activity overview panel" msgstr "Panel ikhtisar aktivitas" msgid "Upload videos, audio, .zip and .key files." msgstr "Unggah file berformat video, audio, .zip, dan .key." msgid "More file types" msgstr "Lebih banyak jenis file" msgid "" "Upload videos directly to your P2 for your team to see, without depending on " "external services." msgstr "" "Unggah video langsung ke P2 agar dapat dilihat tim Anda tanpa bergantung " "pada layanan eksternal." msgid "Easy video sharing" msgstr "Berbagi video dengan mudah" msgid "" "A faster and more powerful search engine to make finding what you’re looking " "for easier." msgstr "" "Mesin pencarian yang lebih cepat dan canggih untuk mempermudah dalam " "menemukan yang Anda cari. " msgid "Advanced search" msgstr "Pencarian tingkat lanjut" msgid "Upload more files to your P2." msgstr "Unggah lebih banyak file ke P2." msgid "Make your team feel at home with some easy customization options." msgstr "Jadikan pekerjaan tim lebih mudah dengan berbagai opsi penyesuaian." msgid "Easily find what you’re looking for." msgstr "Dapat menemukan yang Anda cari dengan mudah." msgid "Simple search" msgstr "Pencarian sederhana" msgid "Communicate as often as you want, with full access to your archive." msgstr "" "Berkomunikasi sesering yang diinginkan, dengan akses penuh ke arsip Anda." msgid "Unlimited posts and pages" msgstr "Pos dan halaman tanpa batas" msgid "Invite as many people as you need to your P2." msgstr "Undang sebanyak mungkin orang yang diperlukan ke P2 Anda." msgid "Unlimited users" msgstr "Jumlah pengguna tidak terbatas" msgid "Upload images and documents and share them with your team." msgstr "Unggah gambar dan dokumen, serta bagikan dengan tim Anda." msgid "" "Twenty Twenty-One is a blank canvas for your ideas and it makes the block " "editor your best brush. With new block patterns, which allow you to create a " "beautiful layout in a matter of seconds, this theme’s soft colors and eye-" "catching — yet timeless — design will let your work shine. Take it for a " "spin! See how Twenty Twenty-One elevates your portfolio, business website, " "or personal blog." msgstr "" "Twenty Twenty-One adalah sebuah kanvas kosong untuk semua ide Anda dan " "menjadikan editor blok sebagai kuas terbaik Anda. Dengan pola blok baru, " "yang memungkinkan Anda membuat tata letak yang menarik dalam hitungan detik, " "warna lembut tema dan desain menarik - namun tidak lekang oleh waktu - akan " "membuat hasil kerja Anda tampak berbeda. Coba gunakan dan lihat cara Twenty " "Twenty-One meningkatkan portofolio, situs web bisnis, atau blog pribadi Anda." msgid "Authorization header" msgstr "Tajuk otorisasi" msgid "Learn how to configure the Authorization header." msgstr "Pelajari cara mengkonfigurasi tajuk Otorisasi." msgid "Flush permalinks" msgstr "Hapus permalink" msgid "The authorization header is invalid" msgstr "Header otorisasi tidak valid" msgid "The authorization header is missing" msgstr "Header otorisasi tidak ada" msgid "The Authorization header is working as expected" msgstr "Header Otorisasi berfungsi dengan baik" msgid "The Site Health check for %1$s has been replaced with %2$s." msgstr "Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Situs untuk %1$s telah diganti dengan %2$s." msgid "%1$s must be a multiple of %2$s." msgstr "%1$s harus kelipatan dari %2$s." msgid "%1$s must contain at most %2$s property." msgid_plural "%1$s must contain at most %2$s properties." msgstr[0] "%1$s harus terdiri atas paling banyak %2$s bagian." msgstr[1] "%1$s harus terdiri atas paling banyak %2$s bagian." msgid "%1$s must contain at least %2$s property." msgid_plural "%1$s must contain at least %2$s properties." msgstr[0] "%1$s harus terdiri atas paling sedikit %2$s bagian." msgstr[1] "%1$s harus terdiri atas paling sedikit %2$s bagian." msgid "No route was found matching the URL and request method." msgstr "Tidak ada rute yang sesuai dengan metode URL dan permintaan" msgid "The handler for the route is invalid." msgstr "Handler untuk rute tidak valid" msgid "%s matches more than one of the expected formats." msgstr "%s sesuai dengan lebih dari satu format yang diharapkan." msgid "%1$s matches %2$l, but should match only one." msgstr "%1$s sesuai dengan %2$l, tetapi seharusnya hanya sesuai dengan satu." msgid "%1$s is not a valid %2$l." msgstr "%1$s bukan %2$l yang sah." msgid "%1$s does not match the expected format. Reason: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s tidak sesuai dengan format yang diharapkan. Alasan: %2$s" msgid "%1$s is not a valid %2$s. Reason: %3$s" msgstr "%1$s bukan %2$s yang sah. Alasan: %3$s" msgid "UPGRADE NOW" msgstr "UPGRADE SEKARANG" msgid " Logo and Wordmark" msgstr "Logo dan Wordmark" msgid "View subscriptions for %(siteName)s" msgstr "Lihat langganan untuk %(siteName)s" msgid "Credit card expired" msgstr "Kartu kredit habis masa berlaku" msgid "Managed by %(partnerName)s" msgstr "Dikelola oleh %(partnerName)s" msgid "Advanced custom design options." msgstr "Banyak desain khusus tingkat lanjut." msgid "No more ads." msgstr "Tidak ada lagi iklan" msgid "Save on our most popular annual Premium plan and get:" msgstr "" "Hemat lebih banyak dengan paket Premium tahunan paling populer dari kami dan " "dapatkan:" msgid "%d%% Off All Annual Plans" msgstr "%d%% Diskon untuk Semua Paket Tahunan" msgid "Time’s almost up on this exclusive offer." msgstr "Waktu untuk penawaran eksklusif berikut hampir habis." msgid "" "Hurry! This is your last chance to claim %d%% off any annual " "plan." msgstr "" "Buruan! Sekarang adalah kesempatan terakhir Anda mendapatkan diskon %d%% " "untuk semua paket tahunan." msgid "Reminder: %d%% OFF ends soon" msgstr "Pengingat: Diskon %d%% akan segera berakhir" msgid "Professional email and live chat support." msgstr "Bantuan email dan live chat profesional." msgid "13GB of storage space." msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan 13 GB." msgid "A custom domain for 1 year." msgstr "Domain khusus untuk 1 tahun." msgid "Choose the annual Premium plan and get:" msgstr "Pilih paket Premium tahunan dan dapatkan:" msgid "Get %d%% off" msgstr "Dapatkan diskon %d%%" msgid "Use code: <strong>%s</strong>" msgstr "Gunakan kode: <strong>%s</strong>" msgid "OFFER EXPIRES IN:" msgstr "PENAWARAN BERAKHIR DALAM:" msgid "Limited Time Offer" msgstr "Penawaran Terbatas" msgid "" "Upgrade your site now to unlock more features powered by our most popular " "Premium plan." msgstr "" "Upgrade situs Anda sekarang untuk mengakses banyak fitur yang didukung oleh " "paket Premium paling populer dari kami." msgid "Save %d%% on any plan" msgstr "Hemat %d%% dengan paket apa saja" msgid "Used as:" msgstr "Digunakan sebagai:" msgid "%s failed while writing image to stream." msgstr "%s gagal saat menulis gambar untuk stream." msgid "Copy URL to clipboard" msgstr "Salin URL ke papan klip" msgid "" "If you request a password reset, your IP address will be included in the " "reset email." msgstr "" "Jika Anda meminta pengaturan ulang kata sandi, alamat IP Anda akan " "dimasukkan dalam email pengaturan ulang." msgid "Sorry, the coupon code you have entered is not valid." msgstr "Maaf, kode kupon yang Anda masukkan tidak valid." msgid "Oops! It looks like this coupon is not valid for the selected product." msgstr "Maaf! Kupon ini tidak valid untuk produk yang dipilih." msgid "Oops! It looks like this coupon can only be used for new purchases." msgstr "Maaf! Kupon ini hanya dapat digunakan untuk pembelian baru." msgid "Oops! It looks like this coupon can only be used for renewal purchases." msgstr "Maaf! Kupon ini hanya dapat digunakan untuk pembelian perpanjangan." msgid "Oops! It looks like this coupon has already been used." msgstr "Maaf! Kupon ini telah digunakan." msgid "Oops! It looks like you have already used this coupon for your site." msgstr "Maaf! Anda telah menggunakan kupon ini untuk situs Anda." msgid "Oops! It looks like this coupon code is not valid at the moment." msgstr "Maaf! Kode kupon saat ini tidak valid." msgid "Oops! It looks like this coupon has expired." msgstr "Maaf! Kupon ini kedaluwarsa." msgid "Type the password again." msgstr "Ketik kata sandi lagi." msgid "Generate password" msgstr "Buat Kata Sandi" msgid "" "Be sure to save this in a safe location. You will not be able to retrieve it." msgstr "" "Pastikan untuk menyimpannya di lokasi yang aman. Anda tidak akan dapat " "mengambilnya kembali." msgid "" "Application passwords grant access to <a href=\"%1$s\">the %2$s site in this " "installation that you have permissions on</a>." msgid_plural "" "Application passwords grant access to <a href=\"%1$s\">all %2$s sites in " "this installation that you have permissions on</a>." msgstr[0] "" "Sandi aplikasi memberikan akses ke <a href=\"%1$s\">situs %2$s dalam " "penginstalan ini yang izinnya Anda miliki</a>." msgstr[1] "" "Sandi aplikasi memberikan akses ke <a href=\"%1$s\">semua situs %2$s dalam " "penginstalan ini yang izinnya Anda miliki</a>." msgid "" "Application passwords allow authentication via non-interactive systems, such " "as XML-RPC or the REST API, without providing your actual password. " "Application passwords can be easily revoked. They cannot be used for " "traditional logins to your website." msgstr "" "Kata sandi aplikasi memungkinkan autentikasi melalui sistem non-interaktif, " "seperti XML-RPC atau REST API, tanpa memberikan kata sandi Anda yang " "sebenarnya. Kata sandi aplikasi dapat dengan mudah dicabut. Mereka tidak " "dapat digunakan untuk login tradisional ke situs web Anda." msgid "Application Passwords" msgstr "Kata Sandi Aplikasi" msgid "Type the new password again." msgstr "Ketik kembali kata sandi yang baru." msgid "Set New Password" msgstr "Atur Kata Sandi Baru" msgid "The URL must be served over a secure connection." msgstr "URL sukses harus tersedia di koneksi yang aman." msgid "Current Header Video" msgstr "Video Tajuk Saat Ini" msgid "Get a free estimate" msgstr "Dapatkan diagnosis gratis" msgid "" "Jetpack Scan cannot automatically fix this threat. We suggest that you " "resolve the threat manually: ensure that WordPress, your theme, and all of " "your plugins are up to date, and remove the offending code, theme, or plugin " "from your site." msgstr "" "Pemindaian Jetpack tidak dapat otomatis memperbaiki ancaman ini. Kami " "menyarankan Anda untuk mengatasi ancaman tersebut secara manual: pastikan " "WordPress, tema, dan semua plugin Anda adalah versi terbaru, lalu hapus " "kode, tema, atau plugin yang berbahaya dari situs Anda." msgid "How will we fix it?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara memperbaikinya?" msgid "An error occurred while accepting the domain transfer." msgstr "Terjadi error saat menerima transfer domain." msgid "" "The %1$s plan of this site expires on %2$s. To renew it, since it was " "purchased by a different account, log in to that account or " "contact the site owner." msgstr "" "Paket %1$s situs ini berakhir pada %2$s. Untuk memperpanjangnya, karena " "paket ini dibeli oleh akun yang berbeda, login ke akun " "tersebut atau hubungi pemilik situs." msgid "" "The %1$s plan of this site expired on %2$s. To reactivate it, since it was " "purchased by a different account, log in to that account or " "contact the site owner." msgstr "" "Paket %1$s situs ini berakhir pada %2$s. Untuk mengaktifkannya kembali, " "karena paket ini dibeli oleh akun yang berbeda, login ke akun " "tersebut atau hubungi pemilik situs." msgid "" "Your %1$s plan expired on %2$s. <a href=\"%3$s\">Reactivate now</a> to " "continue enjoying features such as increased storage space, access to expert " "support, and automatic removal of ads." msgstr "" "Paket %1$s Anda berakhir pada %2$s. <a href=\"%3$s\">Aktifkan kembali</a> " "sekarang agar bisa terus menikmati fitur-fitur seperti ruang penyimpanan " "yang ditingkatkan, akses ke dukungan ahli, dan penghapusan otomatis iklan " "" msgid "Sales and promotions for Jetpack products and services." msgstr "Penjualan dan promosi untuk produk dan layanan Jetpack." msgid "Sales and promotions for products and services." msgstr "Penjualan dan promosi untuk produk dan layanan" msgid "The IP address the application password was last used by." msgstr "Alamat IP kata sandi aplikasi yang terakhir digunakan." msgid "The GMT date the application password was last used." msgstr "Tanggal GMT kata sandi aplikasi terakhir digunakan." msgid "The GMT date the application password was created." msgstr "Tanggal GMT kata sandi aplikasi dibuat." msgid "The generated password. Only available after adding an application." msgstr "Kata sandi yang dibuat. Hanya tersedia setelah menambahkan aplikasi." msgid "The name of the application password." msgstr "Nama kata sandi aplikasi." msgid "" "A UUID provided by the application to uniquely identify it. It is " "recommended to use an UUID v5 with the URL or DNS namespace." msgstr "" "Tersedia UUID dari aplikasi untuk identifikasi yang unik. Direkomendasikan " "untuk menggunakan UUID v5 dengan URL atau namespace DNS." msgid "The unique identifier for the application password." msgstr "Pengenal unik untuk kata sandi aplikasi." msgid "Application password not found." msgstr "Kata sandi aplikasi tidak ditemukan." msgid "" "Sorry, you are not allowed to manage application passwords for this user." msgstr "" "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengelola kata sandi aplikasi untuk " "pengguna ini." msgid "Could not delete application passwords." msgstr "Tidak dapat menghapus kata sandi aplikasi." msgid "Could not delete application password." msgstr "Tidak dapat menghapus kata sandi aplikasi." msgid "Could not find an application password with that id." msgstr "Tidak dapat menemukan kata sandi aplikasi dengan id tersebut." msgid "Could not save application password." msgstr "Tidak dapat menyimpan kata sandi aplikasi." msgid "An application name is required to create an application password." msgstr "Nama aplikasi diperlukan untuk membuat sebuah kata sandi aplikasi." msgid "Revoke all application passwords" msgstr "Cabut semua kata sandi aplikasi" msgid "Revoke \"%s\"" msgstr "Cabut \"%s\"" msgid "Last IP" msgstr "IP terakhir" msgid "Last Used" msgstr "Terakhir digunakan" msgid "" "You will be returned to the WordPress Dashboard, and no changes will be made." msgstr "" "Anda akan kembali ke Dasbor WordPress, dan tidak ada perubahan yang akan " "dilakukan." msgid "No, I do not approve of this connection" msgstr "Tidak, saya tidak menyetujui koneksi ini" msgid "" "You will be given a password to manually enter into the application in " "question." msgstr "" "Anda akan diberikan kata sandi untuk masuk secara manual ke aplikasi yang " "dimaksud." msgid "You will be sent to %s" msgstr "Anda akan dikirim ke %s" msgid "Yes, I approve of this connection" msgstr "Ya, saya menyetujui koneksi ini" msgid "New Application Password Name" msgstr "Nama Kata Sandi Aplikasi Baru" msgid "" "This will grant access to <a href=\"%1$s\">the %2$s site in this " "installation that you have permissions on</a>." msgid_plural "" "This will grant access to <a href=\"%1$s\">all %2$s sites in this " "installation that you have permissions on</a>." msgstr[0] "" "Ini akan memberikan akses ke <a href=\"%1$s\">situs %2$s dalam instalasi ini " "yang Anda miliki izinnya</a>." msgstr[1] "" "Ini akan memberikan akses ke <a href=\"%1$s\">semua situs %2$s dalam " "instalasi ini yang Anda miliki izinnya</a>." msgid "" "Would you like to give this application access to your account? You should " "only do this if you trust the application in question." msgstr "" "Apakah Anda mengizinkan aplikasi ini mengakses akun Anda? Anda sebaiknya " "mengizinkan jika mempercayai aplikasi yang dimaksud." msgid "" "Would you like to give the application identifying itself as %s access to " "your account? You should only do this if you trust the application in " "question." msgstr "" "Apakah Anda mengizinkan aplikasi %s mengakses akun Anda? Anda harus " "mempercayai aplikasi tersebut jika ingin mengizinkannya." msgid "An application would like to connect to your account." msgstr "Sebuah aplikasi ingin terhubung ke akun Anda." msgid "Application passwords are not available." msgstr "Kata sandi aplikasi tidak tersedia." msgid "" "Application passwords are not available for your account. Please contact the " "site administrator for assistance." msgstr "" "Kata sandi aplikasi tidak tersedia untuk akun Anda. Silakan hubungi " "administrator situs untuk bantuan." msgid "Cannot Authorize Application" msgstr "Tidak Dapat Memberikan Otorisasi Aplikasi" msgid "The Authorize Application request is not allowed." msgstr "Permintaan Otorisasi Aplikasi tidak diizinkan." msgid "Authorize Application" msgstr "Memberikan Otorisasi Aplikasi" msgid "Private list" msgstr "Daftar pribadi" msgid "The provided password is an invalid application password." msgstr "Kata sandi yang diberikan adalah kata sandi aplikasi yang tidak valid." msgid "Unable to open personal data export file (archive) for writing." msgstr "Tidak dapat membuka berkas (arsip) ekspor data pribadi untuk ditulis." msgid "Unable to open personal data export file (JSON report) for writing." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat membuka berkas (laporan JSON) ekspor data pribadi untuk ditulis." msgid "Unable to protect personal data export folder from browsing." msgstr "Tidak dapat melindungi folder ekspor data pribadi dari penjelajahan." msgid "Invalid email address when generating personal data export file." msgstr "Alamat email tidak sah ketika membuat berkas ekspor data pribadi." msgid "Invalid request ID when generating personal data export file." msgstr "ID permintaan tidak valid ketika membuat berkas ekspor data pribadi." msgid "Unable to generate personal data export file. ZipArchive not available." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat membuat berkas ekspor data pribadi. ZipArchive tidak tersedia." msgid "%d request deleted successfully." msgid_plural "%d requests deleted successfully." msgstr[0] "%d permohonan berhasil dihapus" msgstr[1] "%d permohonan berhasil dihapus" msgid "%d request failed to delete." msgid_plural "%d requests failed to delete." msgstr[0] "%d permintaan gagal dihapus." msgstr[1] "%d permintaan gagal dihapus." msgid "%d request marked as complete." msgid_plural "%d requests marked as complete." msgstr[0] "%d permintaan ditandai sebagai selesai." msgstr[1] "%d permintaan ditandai sebagai selesai." msgid "%d confirmation request re-sent successfully." msgid_plural "%d confirmation requests re-sent successfully." msgstr[0] "%d permintaan konfirmasi berhasil dikirim kembali." msgstr[1] "%d permintaan konfirmasi berhasil dikirim kembali." msgid "%d confirmation request failed to resend." msgid_plural "%d confirmation requests failed to resend." msgstr[0] "%d permintaan konfirmasi gagal dikirim ulang." msgstr[1] "%d permintaan konfirmasi gagal dikirim ulang." msgid "Mark requests as completed" msgstr "Tandai permintaan sebagai selesai" msgid "Next steps" msgstr "Langkah Berikutnya" msgid "Erase personal data" msgstr "Hapus Data Pribadi" msgid "Mark export request for “%s” as completed." msgstr "Tandai permintaan ekspor untuk “%s” sebagai telah selesai." msgid "Unable to add tag to list." msgstr "Tidak dapat menambahkan tag ke dalam daftar." msgid "Unable to update list." msgstr "Tidak dapat memperbarui daftar." msgid "Unable to unfollow list." msgstr "Tidak dapat berhenti mengikuti daftar." msgid "Unable to follow list." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengikuti daftar." msgid "Unable to create new list." msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat daftar baru." msgid "Unable to add feed to list." msgstr "Tidak dapat menambahkan feed ke dalam daftar." msgid "Unable to delete list." msgstr "Tidak dapat menghapus daftar." msgid "Added sites" msgstr "Situs ditambahkan" msgid "Added %s" msgstr "%s ditambahkan" msgid "Only the owner of the list can do this" msgstr "Hanya pemilik daftar yang dapat melakukannya" msgid "" "Error preparing new payment method configuration. Please contact support " "quoting error %s." msgstr "" "Terjadi error dalam menyiapkan konfigurasi metode pembayaran baru. Hubungi " "dukungan dengan menyebutkan error %s." msgid "" "You must confirm your email address before adding a new credit card. Check " "your email for more information." msgstr "" "Anda harus mengonfrimasi alamat email sebelum menambahkan kartu kredit baru. " "Periksa email Anda untuk mendapatkan informasi selengkapnya." msgid "You must be logged in before you can add a new credit card." msgstr "Anda harus masuk sebelum dapat menambahkan kartu kredit baru." msgid "No problem! Feel free to get in touch with our Happiness Engineers." msgstr "Tidak masalah! Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi Happiness Engineer kami." msgid "We have answers!" msgstr "Kami punya jawabannya!" msgid "" "HTML containing an action to direct the user to where they can resolve the " "issue." msgstr "" "HTML terdiri atas tindakan untuk mengarahkan pengguna ke tempat mereka dapat " "menyelesaikan masalah." msgid "" "A more descriptive explanation of what the test looks for, and why it is " "important for the user." msgstr "" "Penjelasan yang lebih deskriptif tentang apa yang dicari tes, dan mengapa " "tes itu penting bagi pengguna." msgid "The category this test is grouped in." msgstr "Kategori tes ini dikelompokkan." msgid "The status of the test." msgstr "Status tes." msgid "A label describing the test." msgstr "Label yang menjelaskan tes." msgid "The name of the test being run." msgstr "Nama tes yang sedang dijalankan." msgid "Directory sizes could not be returned." msgstr "Ukuran direktori tidak dapat dikembalikan." msgid "Milestone Reached Message" msgstr "Pesan Pencapaian" msgid "Since your milestone" msgstr "Sejak pencapaian" msgid "Until your milestone" msgstr "Hingga pencapaian" msgid "Time Unit" msgstr "Satuan Waktu" msgctxt "Milestone widget: mode in which the date unit is set to hours" msgid "Hours" msgstr "Jam" msgctxt "Milestone widget: mode in which the date unit is set to days" msgid "Days" msgstr "Hari" msgctxt "Milestone widget: mode in which the date unit is set to months" msgid "Months" msgstr "Bulan" msgctxt "Milestone widget: mode in which the date unit is set to years" msgid "Years" msgstr "Tahun" msgctxt "" "Milestone widget: mode in which the date unit is determined automatically" msgid "Automatic" msgstr "Otomatis" msgid "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">second to go.</" "span>" msgid_plural "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">seconds to go.</" "span>" msgstr[0] "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">detik lagi.</span>" msgstr[1] "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">detik lagi.</span>" msgid "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">minute to go.</" "span>" msgid_plural "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">minutes to go.</" "span>" msgstr[0] "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">menit lagi.</span>" msgstr[1] "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">menit lagi.</span>" msgid "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">hour to go.</span>" msgid_plural "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">hours to go.</" "span>" msgstr[0] "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">jam lagi.</span>" msgstr[1] "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">jam lagi.</span>" msgid "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">day to go.</span>" msgid_plural "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">days to go.</span>" msgstr[0] "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">hari lagi.</span>" msgstr[1] "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">hari lagi.</span>" msgid "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">month to go.</" "span>" msgid_plural "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">months to go.</" "span>" msgstr[0] "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">bulan lagi.</span>" msgstr[1] "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">bulan lagi.</span>" msgid "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">year to go.</span>" msgid_plural "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">years to go.</" "span>" msgstr[0] "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">tahun lagi.</span>" msgstr[1] "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">tahun lagi.</span>" msgid "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">second ago.</span>" msgid_plural "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">seconds ago.</" "span>" msgstr[0] "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">detik yang lalu.</" "span>" msgstr[1] "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">detik yang lalu.</" "span>" msgid "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">minute ago.</span>" msgid_plural "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">minutes ago.</" "span>" msgstr[0] "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">menit yang lalu.</" "span>" msgstr[1] "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">menit yang lalu.</" "span>" msgid "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">hour ago.</span>" msgid_plural "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">hours ago.</span>" msgstr[0] "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">jam yang lalu.</" "span>" msgstr[1] "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">jam yang lalu.</" "span>" msgid "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">day ago.</span>" msgid_plural "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">days ago.</span>" msgstr[0] "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">hari yang lalu.</" "span>" msgstr[1] "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">hari yang lalu.</" "span>" msgid "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">month ago.</span>" msgid_plural "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">months ago.</span>" msgstr[0] "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">bulan yang lalu.</" "span>" msgstr[1] "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">bulan yang lalu.</" "span>" msgid "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">year ago.</span>" msgid_plural "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">years ago.</span>" msgstr[0] "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">tahun yang lalu.</" "span>" msgstr[1] "" "<span class=\"difference\">%s</span> <span class=\"label\">tahun yang lalu.</" "span>" msgid "CRM Entrepreneur" msgstr "CRM Entrepreneur" msgid "" "Automatic scanning and one-click fixes keep your site one step ahead of " "security threats and malware." msgstr "" "Pemindaian otomatis dan perbaikan dengan mudah memastikan situs Anda lebih " "siap menghadapi ancaman keamanan dan malware." msgid "" "Help your site visitors find answers instantly so they keep reading and " "buying. Great for sites with a lot of content." msgstr "" "Bantu pengunjung situs agar langsung menemukan jawaban sehingga mereka akan " "tetap membaca dan membeli. Baik untuk situs dengan banyak konten." msgid "" "Never lose a word, image, page, or time worrying about your site with " "automated backups & one-click restores." msgstr "" "Tidak ada kata, gambar, laman, atau waktu yang hilang karena mengkhawatirkan " "situs Anda dengan pencadangan otomatis & pemulihan yang mudah." msgid "Get Site Search" msgstr "Dapatkan Site Search" msgid "Site Search" msgstr "Site Search" msgid "" "Get next-level protection with real-time backups, real-time scan and all " "essential security tools." msgstr "" "Dapatkan perlindungan yang lebih baik dengan pencadangan real time, " "pemindaian real time, dan semua perangkat keamanan penting." msgid "One-click restores" msgstr "Pemulihan yang mudah" msgid "Security, performance, and marketing tools made for WordPress" msgstr "" "Perangkat keamanan, performa, dan pemasaran yang dibuat untuk WordPress" msgid "" "The %(planName)s plan of this site expires %(timeUntilExpiry)s. To renew it, " "since it was purchased by a different account, log in to that " "account or contact the account owner." msgstr "" "%(planName)s Paket situs ini berakhir %(timeUntilExpiry)s. Untuk " "memperpanjangnya, karena paket ini dibeli oleh akun yang " "berbeda, login ke akun tersebut atau hubungi pemilik akun." msgid "" "The %(planName)s plan of this site expired %(timeSinceExpiry)s. To " "reactivate it, since it was purchased by a different account, " "log in to that account or contact the account owner." msgstr "" "%(planName)s Paket situs ini berakhir %(timeSinceExpiry)s. Untuk " "mengaktifkannya kembali, karena paket ini dibeli oleh akun " "yang berbeda, login ke akun tersebut atau hubungi pemilik akun." msgid "" "Your %(planName)s plan expires %(timeUntilExpiry)s. Renew now to continue " "enjoying features such as increased storage space, access to expert support, " "and automatic removal of ads." msgstr "" "%(planName)s Paket Anda berakhir %(timeUntilExpiry)s. Perpanjang sekarang " "agar bisa terus menikmati fitur-fitur seperti ruang penyimpanan yang " "ditingkatkan, akses ke dukungan ahli, dan penghapusan otomatis iklan " "" msgid "Reactivate plan" msgstr "Aktifkan paket kembali" msgid "" "Your %(planName)s plan expired %(timeSinceExpiry)s. Reactivate now to " "continue enjoying features such as increased storage space, access to expert " "support, and automatic removal of ads." msgstr "" "%(planName)s Paket Anda berakhir %(timeSinceExpiry)s. Aktifkan kembali " "sekarang agar bisa terus menikmati fitur-fitur seperti ruang penyimpanan " "yang ditingkatkan, akses ke dukungan ahli, dan penghapusan otomatis iklan " "" msgid "%(planName)s plan expiring soon" msgstr "%(planName)s paket segera berakhir" msgid "Reactivate your %(planName)s plan" msgstr "Aktifkan kembali %(planName)s paket Anda" msgid "Some screen elements can be shown or hidden by using the checkboxes." msgstr "" "Beberapa elemen layar dapat ditampilkan atau disembunyikan dengan " "menggunakan kotak centang." msgid "Screen elements" msgstr "Elemen layar" msgid "An error occurred while updating the nameservers." msgstr "Tejadi eror ketika memperbarui nama server." msgid "Renews at %(amount)s on %(date)s" msgstr "Diperbarui seharga %(amount)s tanggal %(date)s" msgid "Compare all product bundles" msgstr "Bandingkan semua bundel produk" msgid "Need more info?" msgstr "Butuh bantuan lebih lanjut?" msgid "Show all features" msgstr "Tampilkan semua fitur" msgid "Show less features" msgstr "Tampilkan beberapa fitur" msgctxt "email \"From\" field" msgid "Site Admin" msgstr "Admin Situs" msgid "Submit a form." msgstr "Kirimkan formulir." msgid "" "Domain searches only support the following characters (many accents are also " "allowed): %1$s. You searched for the following unsupported characters: %2$s" msgstr "" "Pencarian domain hanya mendukung karakter berikut (banyak aksen juga " "diizinkan): %1$s. Anda mencari karakter yang tidak didukung berikut: %2$s" msgid "" "Domain searches must contain a word with the following characters (many " "accents are also allowed): %s" msgstr "" "Pencarian domain harus memuat kata dengan karakter berikut (banyak aksen " "juga diizinkan): %s" msgid "Please change your search as it includes words that we don't allow" msgstr "" "Silakan ubah pencarian Anda karena mengandung kata-kata yang tidak kami " "izinkan" msgid "" "With the Business plan, you can add <a href=\"%1$s\">store plugins</a> to " "your site and sell directly to anybody in the world. With these powerful " "plugins you can sell products, handle shipping, collect taxes, and start " "earning today." msgstr "" "Dengan paket Bisnis, Anda dapat menambahkan <a href=\"%1$s\">plugin toko</a> " "ke situs Anda dan menjual langsung ke siapa pun di dunia. Dengan plugin yang " "andal, Anda dapat menjual produk, melakukan pengiriman, menerima pembayaran " "pajak produk, dan mulai mendapatkan penghasilan segera." msgid "Sorry, there was an error loading this information." msgstr "Maaf, terjadi eror saat memuat informasi di atas." msgid "Classic Dark" msgstr "Gelap Klasik" msgid "You need to pass an array of post formats." msgstr "Anda harus menyampaikan array format artikel." msgid "Next payment on %s" msgstr "Pembayaran berikutnya jatuh pada tanggal %s" msgid "" "Your payment details are safe. We will transfer them over an encrypted " "connection and store them on a certified payment processing server." msgstr "" "Detail pembayaran Anda tersimpan dengan aman. Kami akan mentransfernya " "melalui koneksi terenkripsi dan menyimpannya di server pemrosesan pembayaran " "bersertifikat." msgid "Product bundles" msgstr "Bundel Produk" msgid "Your connection has expired. Please reconnect to %(service)s." msgstr "" "Koneksi Anda telah kedaluwarsa. Silakan terhubung kembali ke %(service)s." msgid "" "Please reconnect to %(service)s before your connection expires on " "%(expiryDate)s." msgstr "" "Silakan terhubung kembali ke %(service)s sebelum koneksi Anda berakhir pada " "%(expiryDate)s." msgid "Tag added to list successfully." msgstr "Tag berhasil ditambahkan ke daftar." msgid "Feed added to list successfully." msgstr "Feed berhasil ditambahkan ke daftar." msgid "Discount for first month" msgstr "Diskon untuk bulan pertama" msgid "Aquatic" msgstr "Akuatik" msgid "" "Note that even when set to discourage search engines, your site is still " "visible on the web and not all search engines adhere to this directive." msgstr "" "Perhatikan bahwa meskipun disetel untuk mencegah mesin pencarian, situs Anda " "tetap terlihat di web dan tidak semua mesin pencarian mematuhi petunjuk ini." msgid "" "You can choose whether or not your site will be crawled by robots, ping " "services, and spiders. If you want those services to ignore your site, click " "the checkbox next to “Discourage search engines from indexing this " "site” and click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the screen." msgstr "" "Anda dapat memilih apakah situs Anda akan ditelusuri oleh robot, layanan " "ping, dan laba-laba web. Jika Anda ingin layanan tadi mengabaikan situs " "Anda, klik kotak centang di sebelah “Halangi mesin pencari mengindeks " "situs ini” dan klik tombol Simpan Perubahan di bawah layar." msgid "- %1$s (from version %2$s to %3$s)" msgstr "- %1$s (dari versi %2$s ke %3$s)" msgid "Hi, {name}! Post an update, ask a question, or brainstorm ideas." msgstr "" "Halo, {nama}! Poskan pembaruan, ajukan pertanyaan, atau tukar pikiran " "gagasan." msgid "" "Sorry, P2+ plan cannot be added to a site. Please visit " " for more info." msgstr "" "Maaf, paket P2+ tidak dapat ditambahkan ke situs Silakan " "kunjungi untuk informasi selengkapnya." msgid "" "Sorry, a product cannot be added to a P2 site. Please visit " " for more info." msgstr "" "Maaf, produk tidak dapat ditambahkan ke situs P2. Silakan " "kunjungi untuk informasi selengkapnya." msgid "Choose an amount" msgstr "Pilih jumlah" msgid "" "I tried and failed to create products matching the identifier " "'%(productAlias)s'" msgstr "" "Saya telah mencoba dan gagal membuat produk yang sesuai dengan pengenal " "'%(productAlias)s'" msgid "Encrypted private keys with a passphrase are not supported." msgstr "Kunci privat yang dienkripsi dengan frasa sandi tidak didukung." msgid "Currently restoring: %s" msgstr "Sedang memulihkan: %s" msgid "Initializing the restore process" msgstr "Memulai proses pemulihan" msgid "I need help" msgstr "Saya membutuhkan bantuan" msgid "Reconnect Jetpack" msgstr "Hubungkan Jetpack kembali" msgid "Jetpack connection has failed" msgstr "Koneksi Jetpack gagal." msgid "" "Please visit {{siteUrl/}} to ensure your site is loading correctly and " "reconnect Jetpack if necessary." msgstr "" "Silakan kunjungi {{siteUrl/}} untuk memastikan situs Anda dimuat dengan " "benar dan hubungkan Jetpack kembali jika diperlukan." msgid "Jetpack is unable to reach your site {{siteName/}} at this moment." msgstr "" "Jetpack tidak dapat terhubung dengan situs Anda {{siteName/}} saat ini." msgid "" "We'll pay the registration fees for your new domain when you choose an " "annual plan during the next step." msgstr "" "Anda tidak perlu membayar biaya pendaftaran untuk domain baru Anda saat " "memilih paket tahunan pada langkah selanjutnya." msgid "Get a free one-year domain registration with any paid annual plan." msgstr "" "Dapatkan registrasi domain gratis selama satu tahun untuk paket berbayar " "mana pun." msgid "<strong>First year included</strong> in paid plans" msgstr "<strong>Satu tahun pertama termasuk</strong> di dalam paket berbayar" msgid "Tag removed from list successfully." msgstr "Tag berhasil dihapus dari daftar." msgid "Site removed from list successfully." msgstr "Situs berhasil dihapus dari daftar." msgid "Feed removed from list successfully." msgstr "Feed berhasil dihapus dari daftar." msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this item?" msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin akan menghapus bagian berikut?" msgid "You have no items in your cart" msgstr "Tidak ada produk di keranjang belanja Anda." msgid "" "You can transfer this domain connection to any administrator on this site. " "If the user you want to transfer is not currently an administrator, please " "{{a}}add them to the site first{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mentransfer koneksi domain ini ke administrator situs. Jika " "pengguna yang ingin Anda transfer belum menjadi administrator, mohon {{a}}" "tambahkan mereka sebagai administrator situs lebih dahulu{{/a}}." msgid "" "Please choose an administrator to transfer domain connection of " "{{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} to." msgstr "" "Silakan pilih administrator untuk mentransfer koneksi domain dari " "{{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}}." msgid "" "Do you want to transfer the domain connection of {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/" "strong}} to {{strong}}%(selectedUserDisplay)s{{/strong}}?" msgstr "" "Apakah Anda ingin mentransfer koneksi domain dari {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/" "strong}} ke {{strong}}%(selectedUserDisplay)s{{/strong}}?" msgid "" "The target site doesn't have a paid plan, so you'll have to pay the full " "price for a domain connection subscription when the domain connection next " "renews. If you upgrade the target site to a paid plan, domain connections " "(and many more features!) are included in our plans." msgstr "" "Situs target tidak memiliki paket berbayar, maka Anda harus membayar harga " "penuh untuk langganan koneksi domain saat perpanjangan koneksi domain " "berikutnya. Jika Anda melakukan upgrade situs target ke paket berbayar, " "koneksi domain (dan banyak fitur lainnya!) sudah tersedia di dalam paket." msgid "" "The target site doesn't have a paid plan, so you'll have to pay the full " "price for a domain connection subscription when the domain connection next " "renews. You will not be able to set it as primary either. If you upgrade the " "target site to a paid plan, these features are included in the plan." msgstr "" "Situs target tidak memiliki paket berbayar, maka Anda harus membayar harga " "penuh untuk langganan koneksi domain saat perpanjangan koneksi domain " "berikutnya. Anda juga tidak dapat mengaturnya sebagai domain utama. Jika " "Anda melakukan upgrade situs target ke paket berbayar, fitur tersebut sudah " "tersedia di dalam paket." msgid "" "Do you want to transfer domain connection of {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/" "strong}} to site {{strong}}%(targetSiteTitle)s{{/strong}}?" msgstr "" "Apakah Anda ingin mentransfer koneksi domain {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/" "strong}} ke situs {{strong}}%(targetSiteTitle)s{{/strong}}?" msgid "Jetpack Scan will edit the affected file or directory." msgstr "Jetpack Scan akan menyunting berkas atau direktori yang terdampak." msgid "Tumblr customer identifier" msgstr "Pengenal pelanggan Tumblr" msgid "Blog id" msgstr "Id blog" msgid "A %s product already exists" msgstr "Produk %s sudah ada" msgid "The product slug should be one of the following: %s" msgstr "Slug produk harus salah satu dari pilihan berikut: %s" msgid "The product slug is required" msgstr "Slug produk diperlukan" msgid "This is used to build the URL to the list." msgstr "Hal berikut digunakan untuk membangun URL ke daftar." msgid "List deleted successfully." msgstr "Daftar tersebut berhasil dihapus." msgid "Delete the list forever. Be careful - this is not reversible." msgstr "Hapus daftar selamanya. Penting! Penghapusan tidak dapat dibatalkan." msgid "List created successfully." msgstr "Daftar tersebut berhasil dibuat!" msgid "Error getting fixer status." msgstr "Terjadi eror saat mendapatkan status perbaikan." msgid "Not all threats could be fixed. Please contact our support." msgstr "Tidak semua ancaman dapat ditangani. Silakan hubungi tim bantuan kami." msgid "The threat was successfully fixed." msgid_plural "All threats were successfully fixed." msgstr[0] "Ancaman berhasil ditangani." msgstr[1] "Semua ancaman berhasil ditangani." msgctxt "date" msgid "Due: %s" msgstr "Jatuh Tempo: %s" msgctxt "date" msgid "Start: %s" msgstr "Mulai: %s" msgctxt "due date" msgid "by %s" msgstr "oleh %s" msgctxt "start date" msgid "from %s" msgstr "dari %s" msgctxt "duration between two dates" msgid "from %1$s to %2$s" msgstr "dari %1$s hingga %2$s" msgid "Photo of Kylie Mawdsley, Interior Design Consultant" msgstr "Foto Kylie Mawdsley, Konsultan Desain Interior" msgid "Photo of Chris Coyier, Founder of" msgstr "Foto Chris Coyier, Pendiri" msgid "" "Animated image showing website search working on both desktop and mobile" msgstr "" "Gambar animasi yang menunjukkan pencarian situs web bekerja di desktop dan " "ponsel" msgid "Animated image showing website search filtering results by product type" msgstr "" "Gambar animasi yang menunjukkan pencarian situs web menyaring hasil " "berdasarkan jenis produk" msgid "Animated image showing website search" msgstr "Gambar animasi yang menunjukkan pencarian situs web" msgid "" "For information on the adjustments and suggestions on how to avoid incorrect " "postage in the future, please refer to our documentation on <a href=\"%s" "\">Understanding the WooCommerce Shipping Adjustment Fees</a>." msgstr "" "Untuk informasi tentang penyesuaian dan saran mengenai cara menghindari " "kesalahan ongkos kirim di kemudian hari, lihat dokumen <a href=\"%s" "\">Memahami Biaya Penyesuaian Pengiriman WooCommerce</a>." msgid "" "We have been notified by the carriers that some of your recent shipments had " "insufficient postage on them." msgstr "" "Kami telah diberi tahu oleh operator bahwa pada beberapa pengiriman terbaru " "Anda ongkos kirimnya tidak cukup." msgid "Jetpack: WordPress Security, Backups, Speed, & Growth" msgstr "Jetpack: Keamanan, Pencadangan, Kecepatan, & Perkembangan WordPress" msgid "Hi there!" msgstr "Halo!" msgctxt "Dns Record" msgid "Name (Host)" msgstr "Nama (Host)" msgid "Alias Of (Points To)" msgstr "Nama Alias (Mengarah ke)" msgid "" "Jetpack will continuously watch your site, and alert you with instant " "notifications if downtime is detected." msgstr "" "Jetpack akan terus memantau situs Anda, dan mengirimkan pemberitahuan segera " "saat downtime terdeteksi." msgid "You’re almost there." msgstr "Hampir selesai." msgid "We were unable to process this media item." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat memproses item media berikut." msgid "Thank you," msgstr "Terima kasih," msgid "Create a logo with Fiverr" msgstr "Buat logo dengan Fiverr" msgid "Create a Free Blog | Launch Your Blog Today" msgstr "Buat Blog Gratis | Luncurkan Blog Anda Sekarang" msgid "" "All plan upgrades include a 30-day money-back guarantee. Discount applies to " "the first year’s payment of a plan upgrade only, but does not apply to " "future recurring payments. Discount may not be applied to previous " "purchases, renewals, or combined with any other offer." msgstr "" "Semua upgrade paket mencakup garansi 30 hari uang kembali. Diskon hanya " "berlaku untuk pembayaran upgrade paket tahun pertama, tetapi tidak berlaku " "untuk pembayaran berulang berikutnya. Diskon tidak dapat digunakan untuk " "pembelian sebelumnya, perpanjangan, atau digabungkan dengan penawaran " "lainnya." msgid "This offer expires today — take the leap now!" msgstr "Tawaran berakhir hari ini — manfaatkan sekarang juga!" msgid "Enter coupon code <strong>%s</strong> at checkout." msgstr "Masukkan kode kupon <strong>%s</strong> saat checkout." msgid "Unlock my site with %d%% off" msgstr "Tingkatkan kemampuan situs saya dengan diskon %d%%" msgid "" "All of these great features — and much more — await you in the <a href=\"%1$s" "\"> Business plan</a>." msgstr "" "Semua fitur andal tersebut — dan lainnya — menunggu Anda di <a href=\"%1$s" "\">paket Bisnis</a>." msgid "" "With the power of contact form plugins, you don’t need to write code to " "enable forms on your site. These forms will immediately allow you to collect " "feedback, questions, email addresses, or any other type of information you " "might need from your customers." msgstr "" "Dengan plugin formulir kontak, Anda tidak perlu menulis kode untuk " "mengaktifkan formulir di situs Anda. Dengan formulir, Anda dapat " "mengumpulkan saran, pertanyaan, alamat email, atau informasi lain dari " "pelanggan yang mungkin Anda perlukan." msgid "Collect customer information" msgstr "Kumpulkan informasi pelanggan" msgid "" "Upgrading to the Business plan allows you to use a variety of SEO plugins. " "These features help you get more visitors from search engines and bring in " "new customers from all over the web." msgstr "" "Dengan melakukan upgrade ke paket Bisnis, Anda dapat menggunakan berbagai " "plugin SEO. Fitur tersebut membantu Anda mendapatkan lebih banyak pengunjung " "dari mesin pencarian dan mendatangkan pelanggan baru dari seluruh jaringan " "Anda." msgid "Make money with your site" msgstr "Dapatkan penghasilan dengan situs web Anda" msgid "" "Unlock your site and save %1$s%% with coupon code <strong>%2$s</strong> at " "checkout." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan kemampuan situs Anda dan dapatkan diskon %1$s%% dengan kode kupon " "<strong>%2$s</strong> saat checkout." msgid "" "With this special discount for a limited time, you can upgrade to the " " Business plan and unlock your site’s full potential." msgstr "" "Dengan diskon khusus untuk waktu yang terbatas, Anda dapat melakukan upgrade " "ke paket Bisnis dan memaksimalkan seluruh potensi situs Anda." msgid "" "Ready to grow your site, bring in more customers, and start earning money?" msgstr "" "Anda ingin mengembangkan situs Anda, mendatangkan lebih banyak pelanggan, " "dan mulai mendapatkan penghasilan?" msgid "Take %d%% off the Business plan <br/>to help you get started" msgstr "Dapatkan diskon %d%% untuk paket Bisnis <br/>" msgid "Are you ready to take <br/>your site to the next level?" msgstr "Apakah Anda ingin menjadikan situs Anda<br/>lebih baik lagi?" msgid "" "Use code %1$s for %2$s%% off to unlock your site’s full potential with the " "Business plan" msgstr "" "Gunakan kode %1$s guna mendapatkan diskon %2$s%% untuk membuka seluruh " "potensi situs Anda dengan paket Bisnis" msgid "%d%% off Business plans — 24 hours only!" msgstr "" "Diskon %d%% untuk paket Bisnis — hanya dalam waktu 24 jam!" msgid "Check it out at %s" msgstr "Lihat di %s" msgid "" "Howdy! We wanted to let you know that your site %1$s on %2$s now uses " "Jetpack Anti-Spam." msgstr "" "Apa kabar! Kami ingin memberi tahu bahwa situs Anda %1$s di %2$s kini " "menggunakan Jetpack Anti-Spam." msgid "" "Howdy! We wanted to let you know that your site <a href=\"%1$s\">%1$s</a> on " "%2$s now uses Jetpack Anti-Spam." msgstr "" "Apa kabar! Kami ingin memberi tahu bahwa situs Anda <a href=\"%1$s\">%1$s</" "a> di %2$s kini menggunakan Jetpack Anti-Spam." msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Anti-Spam!" msgstr "Selamat datang di Jetpack Anti-Spam!" msgid "Connect Stripe" msgstr "Hubungkan dengan Stripe" msgid "Jetpack Site Search" msgstr "Jetpack Site Search" msgid "" "An error occurred while trying to check for spam among the feedback you " "received." msgstr "" "Terjadi error saat ingin memeriksa spam di antara umpan balik yang Anda " "terima." msgid "Slide to compare images" msgstr "Geser untuk membandingkan gambar" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to comment on this post." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan menghapus pos berikut." msgid "How to vote" msgstr "Cara memberi suara" msgid "Do you have a plan to vote?" msgstr "Apakah Anda berencana untuk memilih?" msgid "Make a plan to vote." msgstr "Siapkan rencana untuk memilih." msgid "Your participation is important." msgstr "Partisipasi Anda berharga." msgid "Your vote is important." msgstr "Suara Anda berharga." msgid "Make your voice heard!" msgstr "Sampaikan suaramu!" msgid "Don't forget to vote." msgstr "Jangan lupa untuk memilih." msgid "Remember to vote." msgstr "Ingatlah untuk memilih." msgid "Early voting is open now in most states." msgstr "Pemungutan suara awal sekarang dibuka di sebagian besar negara bagian." msgid "Pay annually" msgstr "Bayar tahunan" msgid "Pay monthly" msgstr "Bayar bulanan" msgid "per{{newline/}}month" msgstr "setiap{{newline/}}bulan" msgid "Included with annual plans" msgstr "Disertakan dengan paket tahunan" msgid "Save %(discountRate)s%% by paying annually" msgstr "Hemat %(discountRate)s%% dengan pembayaran tahunan" msgid "Switch to an annual plan" msgstr "Beralih ke paket tahunan" msgid "Three year subscription" msgstr "Langganan tiga tahun" msgid "" "<strong>Connected Instagram Account</strong><br /> <a target=\"_blank\" rel=" "\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> | <a href=\"%3$s\">remove</a>" msgstr "" "<strong>Akun Instagram yang Terhubung</strong><br /> <a target=\"_blank\" " "rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> | <a href=\"%3$s\">hapus</" "a>" msgid "" "Having trouble? Try <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener " "noreferrer\">logging into the correct account</a> on first." msgstr "" "Mengalami masalah? Coba <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener " "noreferrer\">login ke akun yang benar</a> di lebih dulu." msgid "The images were missing" msgstr "Gambar hilang" msgid "The response was invalid" msgstr "Respons tidak valid" msgid "The token id was empty" msgstr "Id token kosong" msgid "" "Here’s how to get the most from your Jetpack Complete subscription. First, " "finish setting up your site." msgstr "" "Berikut cara mengoptimalkan langganan Jetpack Complete Anda. Pertama-tama, " "selesaikan penyiapan situs Anda." msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Complete! Check out your new tools." msgstr "Selamat datang di Jetpack Complete! Lihat perangkat baru Anda." msgid "" "Save time, get more responses, give your visitors a better experience - all " "without lifting a finger." msgstr "" "Hemat waktu, dapatkan lebih banyak respon, berikan pengalaman yang lebih " "baik kepada pengunjung Anda - semuanya dapat dilakukan dengan mudah." msgid "" "If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Happiness " "Engineers." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi Happiness " "Engineer kami." msgid "" "All plans at the Premium level and above still include live chat support. If " "you would like to keep access to live chat, %1$supgrade%2$s to the Premium, " "Business, or eCommerce plan before your current Personal plan expires." msgstr "" "Semua paket di level Premium dan di atasnya masih mencakup bantuan live chat " "langsung. Jika ingin tetap dapat mengakses live chat, lakukan %1$supgrade" "%2$s ke paket Premium, Bisnis, atau eCommerce sebelum paket Personal Anda " "saat ini kedaluwarsa." msgid "Click here to explore our webinars" msgstr "Klik di sini untuk menjelajahi webinar kami" msgid "" "In addition to email support, we offer daily webinars covering the " "essentials of building and monetizing your website and blog, as well as " "special sessions that cover specific topics in depth. Regardless of the " "webinar’s theme, our experts are available at the end to respond to your " "questions. " msgstr "" "Selain bantuan email, kami menawarkan webinar harian seputar topik-topik " "penting dalam membangun dan memonetisasi situs web dan blog, serta sesi " "khusus yang membahas topik tertentu secara mendalam. Apa pun tema " "webinarnya, tim ahli kami siap menjawab pertanyaan Anda. " msgid "" "While you will continue to have unlimited access to our expert 24/7 email " "support, your Personal plan will no longer include access to live chat " "support after your current subscription ends on %1$s. Visit the " "%2$ssubscription management screen%3$s to view or update your plan renewal " "preferences." msgstr "" "Meski pun Anda akan tetap punya akses tidak terbatas ke bantuan email setiap " "saat dari tim ahli kami, paket Personal Anda tidak lagi mencakup akses ke " "bantuan live chat setelah paket langganan Anda saat ini berakhir pada %1$s. " "Kunjungi %2$slayar pengelolaan langganan%3$s untuk melihat atau memperbarui " "preferensi perpanjangan Anda." msgid "" "We are emailing you today because we want to highlight a change we’re making " "to one of the features previously included with your Personal " "plan." msgstr "" "Kami mengirimkan email untuk menyampaikan perubahan yang kami lakukan pada " "salah satu fitur yang sebelumnya disertakan dalam paket " "Personal Anda." msgid "Notice of change to your service." msgstr "Pemberitahuan terkait perubahan pada layanan Anda." msgid "" "When you forward a domain name to your site, you take the first step to " "secure your brand at an affordable price — starting at only %s." msgstr "" "Saat meneruskan nama domain ke situs, berarti Anda mengambil langkah pertama " "untuk mengamankan branding Anda dengan harga terjangkau — hanya mulai dari " "%s." msgid "" "A unique domain is one of the most effective elements of any successful " "website – and it’s how people will remember you." msgstr "" "Domain yang unik adalah salah satu elemen paling efektif dalam keberhasilan " "sebuah situs web – dengan inilah Anda akan diingat oleh pengunjung." msgid "...before best options for your site disappear" msgstr "...sebelum Anda melewatkan pilihan terbaik untuk situs Anda" msgid "Grab your domain name today" msgstr "Dapatkan nama domain Anda sekarang" msgid "Don’t forget to boost your site with a custom domain" msgstr "Jangan lupa, tingkatkan situs Anda dengan domain khusus" msgid "" "Here’s how to get the most from your Jetpack Security subscription. First, " "finish setting up your site." msgstr "" "Berikut cara memaksimalkan manfaat langganan Jetpack Security Anda. Pertama-" "tama, selesaikan penyiapan situs Anda." msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Security! Check out your new tools." msgstr "Selamat datang di Jetpack Security! Lihat perangkat baru Anda." msgid "Commerce marketing tools" msgstr "Perangkat pemasaran perdagangan" msgid "Advanced social media tools" msgstr "Perangkat media sosial tingkat lanjut" msgid "Sell anything (products and/or services)" msgstr "Jual semua (produk dan/atau jasa)" msgid "Sell single items (simple payments)" msgstr "Jual produk satuan (simple payments)" msgid "Sell subscriptions (recurring payments)" msgstr "Jual langganan (pembayaran berulang)" msgid "SFTP and database access" msgstr "SFTP dan akses basis data" msgid "Automated backup & one‑click rewind" msgstr "Pencadangan otomatis & one‑click rewind" msgid "Dozens of free designs" msgstr "Banyak desain gratis" msgid "Preinstalled SSL security" msgstr "Keamanan SSL yang diinstal sebelumnya" msgid "24/7 Priority live chat support" msgstr "Bantuan live chat prioritas setiap saat" msgid "Business features (incl. SEO)" msgstr "Fitur bisnis (termasuk SEO)" msgid "Google Analytics support" msgstr "Integrasi Google Analytics" msgid "200 GB storage space" msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan 200 GB" msgid "13 GB storage space" msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan 13 GB" msgid "6 GB storage space" msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan 6 GB" msgid "" "Don’t worry, there’s still time to supercharge %s. Just teleport back to " "your cart to complete your purchase. If you’re having trouble or have " "questions, just respond to this email and we’ll help you out." msgstr "" "Tenang, masih ada waktu untuk super-charge %s. Cukup kembali ke keranjang " "untuk menyelesaikan pembelian Anda. Jika ada masalah atau pertanyaan, balas " "email ini dan kami akan membantu Anda." msgid "" "Don’t worry, there’s still time to improve your search experience %s. Just " "teleport back to your cart to complete your purchase. If you’re having " "trouble or have questions, just respond to this email and we’ll help you out." msgstr "" "Tenang, masih ada waktu untuk meningkatkan pengalaman pencarian Anda %s. " "Cukup kembali ke keranjang untuk menyelesaikan pembelian Anda. Jika ada " "masalah atau pertanyaan, balas email ini dan kami akan membantu Anda." msgid "" "Don’t worry, there’s still time to block spam on %s. Just teleport back to " "your cart to complete your purchase. If you’re having trouble or have " "questions, just respond to this email and we’ll help you out." msgstr "" "Tenang, masih ada waktu untuk memblokir spam di %s. Cukup kembali ke " "keranjang untuk menyelesaikan pembelian Anda. Jika ada masalah atau " "pertanyaan, balas email ini dan kami akan membantu Anda." msgid "" "Don’t worry, there’s still time to protect %s. Just teleport back to your " "cart to complete your purchase. If you’re having trouble or have questions, " "just respond to this email and we’ll help you out." msgstr "" "Tenang, masih ada waktu untuk melindungi %s. Cukup kembali ke keranjang " "untuk menyelesaikan pembelian Anda. Jika ada masalah atau pertanyaan, balas " "email ini dan kami akan membantu Anda." msgid "" "Don’t worry, there’s still time to back up %s. Just teleport back to your " "cart to complete your purchase. If you’re having trouble or have questions, " "just respond to this email and we’ll help you out." msgstr "" "Tenang, masih ada waktu untuk mencadangkan %s. Cukup kembali ke keranjang " "untuk menyelesaikan pembelian Anda. Jika ada masalah atau pertanyaan, balas " "email ini dan kami akan membantu Anda." msgid "" "We noticed that you’re interested in %s. Smart move—it’s for WordPress sites " "that need best-in-class security, design, and growth tools." msgstr "" "Kami lihat Anda tertarik dengan %s. Langkah cerdas—ini untuk situs WordPress " "yang membutuhkan alat keamanan, desain, dan pertumbuhan terbaik di kelasnya." msgid "" "We noticed that you’re interested in %s. Smart move—comprehensive WordPress " "security protects your cash flow by getting you back online quickly." msgstr "" "Kami lihat Anda tertarik dengan %s. Langkah cerdas—keamanan WordPress yang " "komprehensif melindungi arus kas dengan membuat Anda kembali online dengan " "cepat." msgid "" "We noticed that you’re interested in %s. Smart move—it’s incredibly powerful " "and customizable, which helps your visitors instantly find exactly what " "they’re looking for on the first try." msgstr "" "Kami lihat Anda tertarik dengan %s. Langkah cerdas—sangat canggih dan dapat " "disesuaikan, ini membantu pengunjung Anda langsung menemukan apa yang dicari " "dengan sekali mencoba." msgid "" "We noticed that you’re interested in %s. Smart move—blocking spam " "automatically gives you back hours to focus on your actual business." msgstr "" "Kami lihat Anda tertarik dengan %s. Langkah cerdas—memblokir spam secara " "otomatis memberi Anda waktu luang untuk fokus pada bisnis aktual Anda." msgid "" "We noticed that you’re interested in %s. Smart move—automated malware " "scanning and one-click fixes keep your site ahead of security threats." msgstr "" "Kami lihat Anda tertarik dengan %s. Langkah cerdas—pemindaian malware " "otomatis dan perbaikan sekali klik memastikan situs Anda lebih siap " "menghadapi ancaman keamanan." msgid "" "We noticed that you’re interested in %s. Smart move—real-time backups save " "every change and one-click restores get you back online quickly to keep your " "cash flowing." msgstr "" "Kami lihat Anda tertarik dengan %s. Langkah cerdas—pencadangan real time " "menyimpan setiap perubahan dan pemulihan dengan mudah yang membuat Anda " "kembali online dengan cepat untuk menjaga pendapatan Anda." msgid "" "We noticed that you’re interested in %s. Smart move—daily backups and one-" "click restores keep your site online for readers and shoppers." msgstr "" "Kami lihat Anda tertarik dengan %s. Langkah cerdas—pencadangan harian dan " "pemulihan sekali klik membuat situs Anda tetap online untuk pembaca dan " "pembeli." msgid "" "Use code <span class=\"coupon-code\">%1$s</span> to save an additional %2$d%" "% on %3$s for the next 48 hours. And if you’re still not sold, we offer 14-" "day refunds for all purchases, no questions asked." msgstr "" "Gunakan kode <span class=\"coupon-code\">%1$s</span> untuk tambahan diskon " "%2$d%% untuk %3$s selama 48 jam ke depan. Dan jika Anda masih belum yakin, " "kami menawarkan pengembalian dana 14 hari untuk semua pembelian, tanpa " "pertanyaan." msgid "Contact management with an easy-to-use CRM" msgstr "Manajemen kontak dengan CRM yang mudah digunakan" msgid "Custom site search" msgstr "Pencarian situs khusus" msgid "" "Access to many other Jetpack features like video hosting, payment tools, and " "other site monetization" msgstr "" "Akses ke berbagai fitur Jetpack lain seperti hosting video, alat pembayaran, " "dan monetisasi situs lain" msgid "Automated backups and one-click restores" msgstr "Pencadangan otomatis dan pemulihan sekali klik" msgid "Bulletproof spam protection" msgstr "Perlindungan spam yang tangguh" msgid "Malware scanning and one-click fixes" msgstr "Pemindaian malware dan perbaikan sekali klik" msgid "Realtime backups of your entire WordPress database" msgstr "Pencadangan real time untuk seluruh basis data WordPress Anda" msgid "" "Jetpack Security provides easy-to-use, comprehensive WordPress security that " "protects your cash flow by getting you back online quickly. It’s the most " "powerful security solution for WordPress and offers:" msgstr "" "Keamanan Jetpack menyediakan fitur keamanan WordPress yang mudah digunakan " "dan komprehensif untuk melindungi arus kas dengan membuat Anda kembali " "online dengan cepat. Inilah solusi pencadangan paling andal untuk WordPress " "yang menawarkan:" msgid "" "Filtered and faceted searches (by tags, categories, dates, custom " "taxonomies, and post types" msgstr "" "Pencarian yang difilter dan punya banyak sisi (berdasarkan tag, kategori, " "tanggal, taksonomi khusus, dan tipe pos)" msgid "" "Incredibly powerful and customizable, Jetpack Search helps your visitors " "instantly find the right content—right when they need it. It’s the best " "search experience for WordPress and offers:" msgstr "" "Sangat canggih dan dapat disesuaikan, Jetpack Search membantu pengunjung " "Anda langsung menemukan konten yang tepat pada saat dibutuhkan. Inilah " "pengalaman pencarian terbaik untuk WordPress dan menawarkan:" msgid "" "Jetpack Anti-spam automatically clears spam from comments and forms, saving " "you hours of time. It gives people confidence that your site is legit, so " "they keep reading and shopping. Not to mention it’s powered by Akismet, the " "most powerful spam protection available for WordPress." msgstr "" "Jetpack Anti-spam menghapus spam dari komentar dan formulir secara otomatis " "sehingga Anda dapat menghemat banyak waktu. Dengan demikian, pengunjung " "yakin bahwa situs Anda sah sehingga akan lanjut membaca dan berbelanja. " "Sistem ini juga diperkuat oleh Akismet, perlindungan spam paling mumpuni " "untuk WordPress." msgid "" "Jetpack Scan uses automated scanning and one-click fixes to keep your site " "ahead of security threats. It’s the most powerful malware scanning solution " "for WordPress so you can have peace of mind and focus on running your " "business." msgstr "" "Jetpack Scan menggunakan sistem pemindaian otomatis dan perbaikan sekali " "klik untuk memastikan situs Anda lebih siap menanggulangi ancaman keamanan. " "Dengan solusi pemindaian malware paling andal untuk WordPress ini Anda dapat " "tenang dan fokus menjalankan bisnis." msgid "Real-time backups of your entire WordPress database" msgstr "Pencadangan real time untuk seluruh basis data WordPress Anda" msgid "" "Jetpack Backup protects your cash flow by getting you back online quickly. " "It’s the most powerful backup solution for WordPress and offers: " msgstr "" "Jetpack Backup melindungi arus kas dengan membuat Anda kembali online dengan " "cepat. Inilah solusi pencadangan paling andal untuk WordPress yang " "menawarkan:" msgid "Unlimited storage with no additional fees" msgstr "Penyimpanan tanpa batas, tanpa biaya tambahan" msgid "A list of every site change through the activity log" msgstr "Daftar semua perubahan pada situs melalui log aktivitas" msgid "One-click restores to eliminate downtime" msgstr "Pemulihan sekali klik untuk menghilangkan waktu tidak aktif" msgid "Backups of your entire WordPress database" msgstr "Pencadangan untuk seluruh basis data WordPress Anda" msgid "" "Jetpack Backup keeps you in business by getting you back online quickly. " "It’s the most powerful backup solution for WordPress and offers: " msgstr "" "Jetpack Backup menjaga bisnis Anda dengan membuat Anda kembali online dengan " "cepat. Inilah solusi pencadangan paling andal untuk WordPress yang " "menawarkan:" msgid "Go WordPress –" msgstr "Buka WordPress –" msgid "Open Search" msgstr "Buka Pencarian" msgid "Learn more about SEO" msgstr "Baca selengkapnya tentang SEO" msgid "Persistent object cache" msgstr "Cache objek persisten" msgid "Sponsored Post Menu" msgstr "Menu Pos Bersponsor" msgid "You must be the owner of the subscription to perform this action" msgstr "Anda perlu menjadi pemilik langganan untuk melakukan tindakan ini." msgid "The domain does not appear to have a valid subscription" msgstr "Domain tampaknya tidak memiliki langganan yang valid" msgid "Renewal" msgstr "Pembaruan" msgid "%(productName)s Renewal" msgstr "Pembaruan %(productName)s " msgid "Plan Renewal" msgstr "Paket Pembaruan" msgid "" "{{strong}}.%(tld)s{{/strong}} domains are not available for registration on " "" msgstr "" "Domain {{strong}}.%(tld)s{{/strong}} tidak tersedia untuk didaftarkan di " "" msgid "View all purchases" msgstr "Lihat semua pembelian" msgid "Purchase Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Pembelian" msgid "Class name" msgstr "Nama kelas" msgid "Invalid widget type." msgstr "Jenis widget invalid." msgid "The sidebar the widget belongs to." msgstr "Sidebar tempat widget berasal." msgid "The sidebar to return widgets for." msgstr "Sidebar tempat untuk mengembalikan widget." msgid "The requested widget is invalid." msgstr "Widget yang diminta invalid." msgid "No widget was found with that id." msgstr "Tidak ditemukan widget dengan id tersebut." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to manage widgets on this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan mengelola widget pada situs berikut." msgid "" "Whether to force removal of the widget, or move it to the inactive sidebar." msgstr "" "Apakah akan menghapus widget dengan paksa atau memindahkannya ke sidebar " "nonaktif." msgid "" "HTML content to append to the sidebar title when displayed. Default is a " "closing h2 element." msgstr "" "Konten HTML untuk ditambahkan di akhir judul sidebar saat ditampilkan. " "Standarnya adalah elemen h2 penutup." msgid "" "HTML content to prepend to the sidebar title when displayed. Default is an " "opening h2 element." msgstr "" "Konten HTML untuk ditambahkan di awal judul sidebar saat ditampilkan. " "Standarnya adalah elemen h2 pembuka." msgid "" "HTML content to append to each widget's HTML output when assigned to this " "sidebar. Default is a closing list item element." msgstr "" "Konten HTML untuk ditambahkan di akhir setiap output HTML widget ketika " "diatur untuk sidebar tersebut. Standarnya adalah elemen item daftar penutup." msgid "" "HTML content to prepend to each widget's HTML output when assigned to this " "sidebar. Default is an opening list item element." msgstr "" "Konten HTML untuk ditambahkan di awal setiap output HTML widget ketika " "diatur untuk sidebar tersebut. Standarnya adalah elemen item daftar pembuka." msgid "Extra CSS class to assign to the sidebar in the Widgets interface." msgstr "Kelas CSS tambahan yang akan diatur untuk sidebar di antarmuka Widget." msgid "No sidebar exists with that id." msgstr "Tidak ditemukan sidebar dengan id tersebut." msgid "The requested route does not support batch requests." msgstr "Rute yang diminta tidak mendukung permintaan batch." msgid "Could not parse the path." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengurai jalur." msgid "<a href=\"%1$s\">In response to <strong>%2$s</strong>:</a>" msgstr "<a href=\"%1$s\">Menanggapi <strong>%2$s</strong>:</a>" msgid " is testing Native Sponsored Posts." msgstr " saat ini sedang menguji Pos Sponsor Native." msgid "Sponsored Post" msgstr "Pos Bersponsor" msgid "" "There was a problem fetching your site credentials. Please refresh the page." msgstr "" "Ditemukan kendala saat mengambil kredensial situs Anda. Silakan muat ulang " "halaman." msgid "" "Longer term, we hope to offer <strong>Sponsored Posts</strong> to our users " "as a way to help drive traffic and promote content discovery. For any " "questions or issues, see <a href=\"%s\">our Native Sponsored Posts FAQ.</a>" msgstr "" "Untuk jangka panjang, kami berharap dapat menawarkan <strong>Pos Sponsor</" "strong> kepada pengguna kami sebagai upaya untuk membantu mendorong lalu " "lintas dan meningkatkan penemuan konten. Jika ada pertanyaan atau masalah, " "lihat <a href=\"%s\">TJU Pos Sponsor Native kami.</a>" msgid "" "You may see these <strong>Sponsored Posts</strong> running on your sites as " "we expand testing. They may be promoting content, marketing " "initiatives, or brands." msgstr "" "Anda mungkin melihat <strong> Pos Sponsor </strong> ini di situs Anda saat " "kami memperluas pengujian. Pos ini mungkin mempromosikan konten, inisiatif " "pemasaran, atau merek" msgid "" " has started testing <strong>Native Sponsored Posts</strong>. " "This is an extension of our advertising program and will have the same " "controls and restrictions as our standard ad placements." msgstr "" " mulai menguji <strong>Pos Sponsor Native</strong>. Ini " "merupakan lanjutan dari program iklan kami serta akan memiliki kendali dan " "batasan yang sama seperti penempatan iklan standar kami." msgid "Native Sponsored Post notification" msgstr "Pemberitahuan Pos Sponsor Native" msgid "Please take a moment to review the details." msgstr "Silakan meluangkan waktu sejenak untuk meninjau perubahan." msgid "A number of your older posts/pages/products get a fair bit of traffic:" msgstr "" "Beberapa pos/halaman/produk Anda yang sebelumnya mendapatkan banyak " "pengunjung:" msgid "" "Jetpack is here to make running your website easier and Jetpack Search is no " "different." msgstr "" "Jetpack hadir agar Anda dapat menjalankan situs web lebih mudah seperti " "halnya Jetpack Search." msgid "" "Your pricing will only change when your auto-renewal occurs. If you are on a " "monthly plan then our systems will calculate a new price each month based on " "the number of records. On an annual plan we will only calculate it once a " "year so not only do you get a price discount, but your pricing is locked in." msgstr "" "Harga akan berubah hanya saat langganan Anda diperpanjang otomatis. Jika " "Anda berlangganan paket bulanan, sistem kami akan menghitung harga baru " "setiap bulannya berdasarkan jumlah record di situs Anda. Untuk paket " "tahunan, kami hanya menghitung harga baru setahun sekali. Jadi, selain " "diskon, Anda juga mendapat harga khusus." msgid "" "So what happens after you have published your next 50 posts and images? Does " "search stop working? Do you immediately have to pay more? Of course not. We " "don’t think managing your website should be hard or unpredictable. Your " "search will keep humming along even if you add 10,000 records." msgstr "" "Lalu apa yang terjadi setelah Anda menerbitkan kembali 50 pos dan gambar? " "Apakah fungsi pencarian akan dihentikan? Apakah Anda harus segera membayar " "lebih besar? Tentu saja tidak. Bagi kami, mengelola situs web dapat dengan " "mudah dilakukan dengan penuh kepastian. Fungsi pencarian Anda akan tetap " "berfungsi walau pun Anda menambahkan 10.000 record baru." msgid "" "Let’s say your site has 500 posts, 400 images, and 50 pages. When you " "purchase Jetpack Search, our systems look at your content and charges you " "$10 per month for the under-1,000 records tier. If you opt for the annual " "plan, you will pay $100 up-front for an average of $8.33 per month." msgstr "" "Misalnya situs Anda memiliki 500 pos, 400 gambar, dan 50 halaman. Saat Anda " "membeli Jetpack Search, sistem kami melihat konten Anda dan mengenakan biaya " "$10 per bulan untuk tingkat di bawah 1.000 record. Jika Anda memilih paket " "tahunan, Anda akan membayar $100 di muka dengan rata-rata $8,33 per bulan." msgid "So what does this look like in practice?" msgstr "Lalu, bagaimana cara kerjanya?" msgid "" "Pricing for Jetpack Search depends on how many records your site has — items " "like posts, pages, products, and any custom post types. Plans are billed " "monthly or annually and when your plan auto-renews, the pricing will " "automatically adjust based on the number of records in your search index." msgstr "" "Harga untuk Jetpack Search bergantung pada jumlah record yang dimiliki situs " "Anda - misalnya pos, halaman, produk, dan tipe pos khusus apa pun. Penagihan " "akan dikirimkan bulanan atau tahunan dan saat paket Anda diperbarui secara " "otomatis, harga akan secara otomatis menyesuaikan berdasarkan jumlah record " "dalam indeks pencarian Anda." msgid "" "Upgrade to Jetpack Search and help your site visitors find the best stuff on " "your site." msgstr "" "Lakukan upgrade ke Jetpack Search dan bantu pengunjung situs Anda menemukan " "banyak hal menarik pada situs Anda." msgid "" "“When’s the last time you entered something in a site search and actually " "got what you wanted? It’s one of the best things we’ve added to our site in " "a long time.”" msgstr "" "\"Kapan terakhir kali Anda mencari sesuatu dengan kolom pencarian situs dan " "mendapatkan hasil yang Anda inginkan? Jetpack Search adalah salah satu fitur " "terbaik yang pernah kami tambahkan ke situs kami.\"" msgid "" "“Tim didn’t tell me that he changed the search function,” Kylie added. “One " "day I made a search and was like, ‘I got what I wanted!’”" msgstr "" "\"Tim tidak memberi tahu saya kalau ia mengubah fungsi pencarian,\" tambah " "Kylie. \"Suatu hari saya melakukan pencarian dan saya bersorak, 'Ini dia " "yang saya cari!'\"" msgid "" "Kylie M. Interiors is a David among Goliaths. With millions of monthly page " "views, their service packages sell out within minutes each week. Kylie grew " "her business to be so successful that her husband, Tim, quit his job to help " "run the business as well as the website. Recently they upgraded to Jetpack " "Search." msgstr "" "Kylie M. Interiors merupakan kuda hitam di antara bisnis besar. Dengan " "jutaan jumlah page view, paket layanan mereka terjual habis dalam hitungan " "menit setiap minggunya. Seiring dengan keberhasilan Kylie mengembangkan " "bisnisnya, suaminya, Tim, berhenti dari pekerjaannya untuk membantu " "mengelola bisnis tersebut dan situs webnya. Mereka baru saja melakukan " "upgrade ke Jetpack Search." msgid "Pricing on Jetpack Search" msgstr "Harga Jetpack Search" msgid "Jetpack Search: What’s a record?" msgstr "Jetpack Search: Apa yang dimaksud dengan record?" msgid "Search results finally worth showing off." msgstr "Akhirnya, hasil pencarian yang dapat dibanggakan." msgid "\"It actually works. I got what I wanted!\"" msgstr "\"Berhasil. Saya mendapatkan yang saya inginkan!\"" msgid "Jetpack Search engages users with older content" msgstr "Jetpack Search menarik perhatian pengguna ke konten lama" msgid "Resurface your popular website content" msgstr "Munculkan kembali konten situs web Anda yang populer" msgid "WordAds is available only for sites with an active upgraded plan." msgstr "WordAds hanya tersedia untuk situs dengan paket yang di-upgrade aktif." msgid "This field can't end with a white space." msgstr "Bidang berikut tidak dapat diakhiri dengan spasi putih." msgid "This field can't accept '%s' as character." msgstr "Bidang berikut tidak dapat diisi dengan karakter '%s'." msgid "This field can't start with a white space." msgstr "Bidang berikut tidak dapat diawali dengan spasi putih." msgid "" "You can find all your %1$s users on your <a href=\"%2$s\">Email</a> page." msgstr "Lihat semua pengguna %1$s Anda di halaman <a href=\"%2$s\">Email</a>." msgid "" "Your new %1$s users for your %2$s account at %3$s are now ready, and you can " "start using them:" msgstr "" "Pengguna baru %1$s untuk akun %2$s Anda di %3$s telah tersedia dan siap " "digunakan:" msgid "<a href=\"%1$s\">Read more</a> about using %2$s with" msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Baca selengkapnya</a> tentang menggunakan %2$s dengan " "" msgid "" "%1$s offers productivity and collaboration tools including <a href=\"%2$s" "\">emails</a>, <a href=\"%3$s\">calendars</a>, <a href=\"%4$s\">documents</" "a> and more." msgstr "" "%1$s menyediakan berbagai perangkat kolaborasi dan produktivitas seperti <a " "href=\"%2$s\">email</a>, <a href=\"%3$s\">kalender</a>, <a href=\"%4$s" "\">dokumen</a>, dan lainnya." msgid "" "If you need to reset the password of one of your %1$s users, you can do it " "from your <a href=\"%2$s\">Email</a> page." msgstr "" "Untuk mengatur ulang kata sandi salah satu pengguna %1$s, buka halaman <a " "href=\"%2$s\">Email</a> Anda." msgid "" "However, you will have to log into Google Admin, and accept the Google Terms " "of Service in order to activate them (your accounts will appear as suspended " "otherwise):" msgstr "" "Namun, Anda perlu login ke Google Admin dan menyetujui Ketentuan Layanan " "Google untuk mengaktifkan pengguna tersebut (jika tidak, akun Anda akan " "ditangguhkan):" msgid "Failed to retrieve demo site content" msgstr "Gagal memproses konten situs versi demo." msgid "Http request failed. Reason: %1$s" msgstr "Permintaan Http gagal. Alasan: %1$s" msgid "Site is not connected to" msgstr "Situs tidak terhubung ke" msgctxt "API error message to throw as Exception" msgid "Error: %1$s" msgstr "Error: %1$s" msgid "Server error. Please try again." msgstr "Error server. Harap coba lagi." msgid "Unable to decode response from WooCommerce Payments API" msgstr "Tidak dapat mendekode respons dari API WooCommerce Payment" msgid "Unable to encode body for request to WooCommerce Payments API." msgstr "Tidak dapat mendekode isi dari permintaan ke API WooCommerce Payment." msgid "Customer ID is required" msgstr "ID pelanggan wajib diisi" msgid "Max file size exceeded." msgstr "Melebihi batas ukuran file maksimum." msgid "Please select a payment method" msgstr "Pilih metode pembayaran" msgid "" "The saved payment method selected does not belong to this order's customer." msgstr "" "Metode pembayaran tersimpan yang dipilih bukan milik pelanggan pesanan ini." msgid "The saved payment method selected is invalid or does not exist." msgstr "Metode pembayaran tersimpan yang dipilih tidak valid atau tidak ada." msgid "A customer saved payment method was not selected for this order." msgstr "" "Metode pembayaran yang disimpan pelanggan tidak dipilih untuk pesanan ini." msgid "Saved payment method" msgstr "Metode pembayaran tersimpan" msgid "Subscription #" msgstr "Langganan #" msgid "Update WordPress" msgstr "Perbarui WordPress" msgid "Use the bundled version of WooCommerce Admin" msgstr "Gunakan versi bundel Admin WooCommerce" msgid "There is a newer version of WooCommerce Admin bundled with WooCommerce." msgstr "Ada versi Admin WooCommerce terbaru yang dibundel dengan WooCommerce." msgid "Activate WooCommerce" msgstr "Aktifkan WooCommerce" msgid "Install WooCommerce" msgstr "Instal WooCommerce" msgid "Name: %1$s, Guest" msgstr "Nama: %1$s, Tamu" msgid "Name: %1$s, Username: %2$s" msgstr "Nama: %1$s, Nama pengguna: %2$s" msgid "There was a problem processing your account data. Please try again." msgstr "Terjadi masalah saat memproses data akun Anda. Coba lagi." msgid "" "We're not able to add this payment method. Please refresh the page and try " "again." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat menambahkan metode pembayaran ini. Segarkan halaman ini dan " "coba lagi." msgid "We're not able to add this payment method. Please try again later" msgstr "Kami tidak dapat menambahkan metode pembayaran ini. Coba lagi nanti" msgid "" "A payment with ID <code>%1$s</code> was used in an attempt to pay for this " "order. This payment intent ID does not match any payments for this order, so " "it was ignored and the order was not updated." msgstr "" "Pembayaran dengan ID <code>%1$s</code> digunakan dalam upaya pembayaran " "untuk pesanan ini. ID tujuan pembayaran ini tidak cocok dengan pembayaran " "mana pun untuk pesanan ini sehingga diabaikan dan pesanan tidak diperbarui." msgid "We're not able to process this payment. Please try again later." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat memproses pembayaran ini. Coba lagi nanti." msgid "" "We're not able to process this payment. Please refresh the page and try " "again." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat memproses pembayaran ini. Segarkan halaman dan coba lagi." msgid "Canceling authorization <strong>failed</strong> to complete." msgstr "Pembatalan otorisasi <strong>gagal</strong> diselesaikan." msgid "Payment authorization was successfully <strong>cancelled</strong>." msgstr "Otorisasi pembayaran berhasil <strong>dibatalkan</strong>." msgid "Cancel authorization" msgstr "Batalkan otorisasi" msgid "Capture charge" msgstr "Ambil tagihan" msgid "" "Customer bank statement is invalid. Statement should be between 5 and 22 " "characters long, contain at least single Latin character and does not " "contain special characters: ' \" * < >" msgstr "" "Rekening koran pelanggan tidak valid. Panjang rekening koran harus antara 5 " "hingga 22 karakter, yang memuat setidaknya satu karakter Latin dan tidak " "memuat karakter spesial: ' \" * < >" msgid "A refund of %1$s failed to complete: %2$s" msgstr "Pengembalian dana %1$s gagal diselesaikan: %2$s" msgid "Failed to add the provided payment method. Please try again later" msgstr "Gagal menambahkan metode pembayaran yang disediakan. Coba lagi nanti" msgid "" "An error was encountered when preparing the payment form. Please try again " "later." msgstr "Terjadi error saat menyiapkan formulir pembayaran. Coba lagi nanti." msgid "Save payment information to my account for future purchases." msgstr "Simpan informasi pembayaran ke akun saya untuk pembelian selanjutnya." msgid "" "There was a problem processing the payment. Please check your email inbox " "and refresh the page to try again." msgstr "" "Terjadi masalah saat memproses pembayaran. Periksa inbox email Anda dan " "segarkan halaman untuk mencoba lagi." msgid "Test mode active: " msgstr "Mode Pengujian yang aktif: " msgid "When enabled debug notes will be added to the log." msgstr "Jika diaktifkan, catatan debug akan ditambahkan ke log." msgid "Simulate transactions using test card numbers." msgstr "Simulasikan transaksi menggunakan nomor kartu pengujian." msgid "Enable test mode" msgstr "Aktifkan mode pengujian" msgid "" "Charge must be captured within 7 days of authorization, otherwise the " "authorization and order will be canceled." msgstr "" "Tagihan harus diambil dalam waktu 7 hari sejak otorisasi, jika tidak, " "otorisasi dan pesanan akan dibatalkan." msgid "Issue an authorization on checkout, and capture later." msgstr "Terbitkan otorisasi saat checkout, dan ambil nanti." msgid "Manual capture" msgstr "Pengambilan manual" msgid "Customer bank statement" msgstr "Rekening koran pelanggan" msgid "Enable/disable" msgstr "Aktifkan/nonaktifkan" msgid "%1$s not found in array" msgstr "%1$s tidak ditemukan dalam array" msgid "Could not find order via charge ID: %1$s" msgstr "Tidak dapat menemukan pesanan melalui ID penagihan: %1$s" msgid "Challenge dispute" msgstr "Tanggapi sengketa" msgid "Dispute details" msgstr "Detail sengketa" msgid "Deposit details" msgstr "Detail deposit" msgid "Disputes" msgstr "Sengketa" msgid "Deposits" msgstr "Deposit" msgid "Remove This Ad" msgstr "Hapus Iklan Ini" msgid "So far, there are no ignored threats on your site." msgstr "Sejauh ini, tidak ditemukan ancaman yang diabaikan pada situs Anda." msgid "So far, there are no fixed threats on your site." msgstr "" "Sejauh ini, tidak ditemukan ancaman yang telah ditangani pada situs Anda." msgid "So far, there are no archived threats on your site." msgstr "Sejauh ini, tidak ditemukan ancaman yang diarsipkan pada situs Anda." msgid "YouTube Poster" msgstr "Poster YouTube" msgid "YouTube Error: missing id and/or list" msgstr "YouTube Error: id dan/atau daftar hilang" msgid "Page: %1$d." msgstr "Halaman: %1$d." msgid "Loading new page" msgstr "Memuat halaman baru" msgid "" "Learn about new features, meet members of the community, and " "get inspired to blog." msgstr "" "Pelajari fitur-fitur baru, sapa anggota komunitas, dan temukan " "inspirasi untuk menulis blog." msgid "%1$s of %2$s" msgstr "%1$s dari %2$s" msgid "" "Boost your website with a custom domain name, and remove all " "advertising. Unlock unlimited, expert customer support via email." msgstr "" "Meningkatkan situs web Anda dengan nama domain khusus, dan menghapus semua " "iklan Dapatkan bantuan pelanggan tanpa batas dari ahlinya " "melalui email." msgid "" "{{strong}}Best for personal use:{{/strong}} Boost your website with a custom " "domain name, and remove all advertising. Unlock unlimited, " "expert customer support via email." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Terbaik untuk penggunaan pribadi:{{/strong}} Tingkatkan situs web " "Anda dengan nama domain khusus, dan hapus semua iklan " "Dapatkan bantuan pelanggan tanpa batas dari ahlinya melalui email." msgid "Some short description" msgstr "Beberapa deskripsi singkat" msgid "Threat ignored" msgstr "Ancaman diabaikan" msgid "Threat ignored on %(date)s" msgstr "Ancaman diabaikan pada %(date)s" msgid "Threat fixed" msgstr "Ancaman telah ditangani" msgid "Threat fixed on %(date)s" msgstr "Ancaman ditangani pada %(date)s" msgid "Great for sites with a lot of content." msgstr "Baik untuk situs dengan banyak konten" msgid "Security, performance, and growth tools for WordPress" msgstr "Perangkat keamanan, performa, dan pengembangan untuk WordPress" msgid "Finish up" msgstr "Hampir selesai" msgid "Establishing a connection to {{strong}}%(targetSite)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "Menghubungkan koneksi ke {{strong}}%(targetSite)s{{/strong}}." msgid "" "WordPress could not be found in this folder, please check the path was " "entered correctly" msgstr "" "WordPress tidak dapat ditemukan di folder berikut, silakan periksa jika path " "telah dimasukkan dengan benar" msgid "My host is not listed here" msgstr "Host saya tidak terdaftar di sini" msgid "Our guess" msgstr "Perkiraan kami" msgid "Choose generate a new key and complete the form" msgstr "Pilih buat kunci baru dan lengkapi formulir" msgid "Click the Manage SSH Keys button" msgstr "Klik tombol Kelola Kunci SSH" msgid "Click the Shell Access icon under the Security section." msgstr "Klik ikon Akses SSH di bawah bagian Keamanan." msgid "" "The majority of Bluehost accounts require private key authentication. " "Bluehost VPS and Dedicated Servers also allow for username and password " "authentication as secondary option." msgstr "" "Mayoritas akun Bluehost memerlukan autentikasi kunci rahasia. VPS Bluehost " "dan Dedicated Server juga memungkinkan autentikasi nama pengguna dan kata " "sandi sebagai pilihan sekunder." msgid "Your Bluehost FTP password is chosen by you using the tools above." msgstr "" "Kata sandi FTP Bluehost Anda dipilih oleh Anda menggunakan perangkat di atas." msgid "" "If you enable shell access for individual cPanels, the SSH username and " "password would be the same as the cPanel username and password for those " "accounts." msgstr "" "Jika Anda mengaktifkan akses SSH untuk cPanels individu, nama pengguna dan " "kata sandi SSH akan sama dengan nama pengguna dan kata sandi cPanel untuk " "akun tersebut." msgid "For Bluehost VPS and dedicated servers, the login will be `root`." msgstr "Untuk VPS Bluehost dan dedicated server, loginnya adalah `root`." msgid "" "Your Bluehost username will end with your domain (e.g." msgstr "" "Nama pengguna Bluehost Anda akan diakhiri dengan domain Anda (mis. " "" msgid "Create a new FTP account" msgstr "Buat akun FTP baru" msgid "" "Choose FTP from the sub-menu, or click the FTP Accounts icon from the Files " "section." msgstr "Pilih FTP dari sub-menu, atau klik ikon Akun FTP dari bagian File." msgid "Click the \"Advanced\" tab towards the left side of the account." msgstr "Klik \"Advanced\" pada sisi kiri akun." msgid "Login to your Bluehost cPanel" msgstr "Login ke cPanel Bluehost Anda." msgid "Please enter your private key." msgstr "Silakan masukkan kunci rahasia Anda." msgid "Please enter a valid port number." msgstr "Silakan masukkan nomor port yang valid." msgid "" "Read through {{a}}our support site{{/a}} to learn how to obtain your " "credentials." msgstr "" "Baca seluruh {{a}}situs bantuan kami {{/a}} untuk mempelajari cara " "mendapatkan kredensial Anda." msgid "Could not retrieve comments for post" msgstr "Tidak dapat mengambil komentar untuk pos" msgid "Increase your sales" msgstr "Tingkatkan penjualan Anda" msgid "Add Jetpack Search to your Store" msgstr "Tambahkan Jetpack Search pada Toko Anda" msgid "Increase visitor engagement" msgstr "Tingkatkan keterlibatan pengunjung" msgid "Add Jetpack Search to your Site" msgstr "Tambahkan Jetpack Search pada Situs Anda" msgid "Payment Methods" msgstr "Metode Pembayaran" msgid "What's New" msgstr "Apa yang Baru?" msgid "You have made no purchases for this site." msgstr "Anda tidak melakukan pembelian untuk situs ini." msgid "Could not process the account." msgstr "Tidak dapat memproses akun." msgid "" "Once the CNAME record is added it can take up to 24 hours for the changes to " "take effect, so things might not seem to work instantaneously - that's " "normal! You can monitor the status of the update from My Site -> Upgrades -> " "Domains - %1$s ." msgstr "" "Setelah CNAME record ditambahkan, diperlukan waktu hingga 24 jam untuk " "menerapkan perubahan, maka beberapa fitur mungkin tidak dapat langsung " "bekerja. Jangan khawatir. Anda dapat memantau status pembaruan pada Situs " "Saya -> Upgrade -> Domain - %1$s ." msgid "" "> I would like to connect a subdomain of my domain to my site hosted at " " I want to use the subdomain %1$s. Can you please add a CNAME " "record to point that subdomain to %2$s?" msgstr "" "> Saya ingin menghubungkan subdomain dari domain saya ke situs saya yang " "dihosting di Saya ingin menggunakan subdomain %1$s. Dapatkah " "Anda menambahkan catatan CNAME untuk mengarahkan subdomain tersebut ke %2$s?" msgid "" "These settings are what link your subdomain to your site and must be changed " "with your domain registrar - the company you purchased your domain from. " "You'll need to add a CNAME record: something you can do following the steps " "outlined in this support guide - %1$s ." msgstr "" "Pengaturan berikut menautkan subdomain Anda ke situs Anda dan harus diubah " "oleh registrar domain Anda – perusahaan tempat Anda membeli domain. Anda " "perlu menambahkan CNAME record: ikuti semua langkah yang tertera pada " "panduan bantuan berikut - %1$s ." msgid "" "Once the CNAME record is added it can take up to 24 hours for the changes to " "take effect, so things might not seem to work instantaneously - that's " "normal! You can monitor the status of the update from <a href=\"%1$s\">My " "Site -> Upgrades -> Domains</a>." msgstr "" "Setelah CNAME record ditambahkan, diperlukan waktu hingga 24 jam untuk " "menerapkan perubahan, maka beberapa fitur mungkin tidak dapat langsung " "bekerja. Jangan khawatir. Anda dapat memantau status pembaruan pada <a href=" "\"%1$s\">Situs Saya -> Upgrade -> Domain</a>." msgid "" "I would like to connect a subdomain of my domain to my site hosted at " " I want to use the subdomain %1$s. Can you please add a CNAME " "record to point that subdomain to %2$s?" msgstr "" "Saya ingin menghubungkan subdomain dari domain saya ke situs saya yang " "dihosting di Saya ingin menggunakan subdomain %1$s. Dapatkah " "Anda menambahkan catatan CNAME untuk mengarahkan subdomain tersebut ke %2$s?" msgid "Here's an example of what you can ask them:" msgstr "Berikut contoh pertanyaan yang dapat Anda ajukan:" msgid "" "Alternatively you can contact your domain registrar and ask them to do it." msgstr "Atau hubungi registrar domain Anda, dan minta mereka melakukannya. " msgid "" "These settings are what link your subdomain to your site and must be changed " "with your domain registrar - the company you purchased your domain from. " "You'll need to add a CNAME record: something you can do following the steps " "outlined in <a href=\"%1$s\">this support guide</a>." msgstr "" "Pengaturan berikut menautkan subdomain ke situs Anda dan harus diubah oleh " "registrar domain Anda –perusahaan tempat Anda membeli domain. Anda perlu " "menambahkan CNAME record: ikuti semua langkah yang tertera pada <a href=" "\"%1$s\">panduan bantuan berikut</a>." msgid "" "You're almost set! There's one last setting you'll need to update to get " "this change to take effect: updating the DNS records for %1$s." msgstr "" "Anda hampir selesai! Satu pengaturan terakhir yang perlu Anda perbarui agar " "perubahan dapat diterapkan: memperbarui DNS record untuk %1$s." msgid "Highly relevant, fast, and customizable search results." msgstr "Hasil pencarian yang sangat relevan, cepat, dan dapat disesuaikan." msgid "This domain has a dispute flag and cannot be transferred." msgstr "Domain ini ditandai bermasalah dan tidak dapat ditransfer." msgid "This domain is no longer pending transfer." msgstr "Transfer domain ini tidak lagi menunggu keputusan." msgid "" "The email you are trying to verify is different from the email we have on " "record." msgstr "Email yang ingin Anda verifikasi berbeda dengan email di data kami." msgid "There was a problem processing your request, please try again later." msgstr "Ada masalah saat memproses permintaan Anda, harap coba lagi nanti." msgid "You are not allowed to execute this action." msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk melakukan tindakan ini." msgid "This is not a proper request." msgstr "Permintaan ini tidak tepat." msgid "Unable to resend the consent management link email" msgstr "Tidak dapat mengirim ulang email tautan manajemen persetujuan" msgid "" "This domain has a dispute flag, the consent status cannot be updated while " "this flag is active." msgstr "" "Domain ini ditandai bermasalah. Status persetujuan tidak dapat diperbarui " "saat tanda ini aktif." msgid "No auth code present." msgstr "Tidak ada kode otorisasi." msgid "" "This domain does not have the pending_start status required to start the " "transfer from this endpoint." msgstr "" "Domain ini tidak memiliki status pending_start yang diperlukan untuk memulai " "transfer dari titik akhir ini." msgid "" "This domain has a dispute flag, it cannot be transferred to another user " "while this flag is active." msgstr "" "Domain ini ditandai bermasalah. Domain tidak dapat ditransfer ke pengguna " "lain saat tanda ini aktif." msgid "Target site needs a paid plan to be eligible to receive the domain." msgstr "" "Situs target memerlukan paket berbayar agar memenuhi syarat untuk menerima " "domain." msgid "You're not an administrator on the target site." msgstr "Anda bukan administrator situs target." msgid "" "This domain has a dispute flag, it cannot be transferred to another site " "while this flag is active." msgstr "" "Domain ini ditandai bermasalah. Domain tidak dapat ditransfer ke situs lain " "saat tanda ini aktif." msgid "" "Missing contact information parameter when validating G Suite contact details" msgstr "" "Parameter informasi kontak tidak ditemukan saat memvalidasi detail kontak G " "Suite" msgid "" "Missing contact information parameter when validating domain contact details" msgstr "" "Parameter informasi kontak tidak ditemukan saat memvalidasi detail kontak " "domain" msgid "Invalid top-level domain names" msgstr "Nama domain top-level tidak valid" msgid "Missing domain names parameter" msgstr "Parameter nama domain tidak ditemukan" msgid "There is no template implemented that meets the requested criteria." msgstr "Semua templat yang diterapkan tidak memenuhi kriteria yang diminta." msgid "Unable to update nameservers" msgstr "Tidak dapat memperbarui server nama" msgid "The nameservers provided are not valid." msgstr "Server nama yang disertakan tidak valid." msgid "You cannot save more than 13 nameservers." msgstr "Anda tidak dapat menyimpan lebih dari 13 server nama." msgid "You need to provide at least two nameservers." msgstr "Anda perlu menyertakan paling tidak dua server nama." msgid "Unable to update DNS info" msgstr "Tidak dapat memperbarui info DNS" msgid "Invalid Input" msgstr "Input Tidak Valid" msgid "" "This domain has a dispute flag, the DNS records cannot be updated while this " "flag is active." msgstr "" "Domain ini ditandai bermasalah. Data DNS tidak dapat diperbarui saat tanda " "ini aktif." msgid "Empty response received for command %s" msgstr "Respons kosong diterima untuk perintah %s" msgid "The specified command is invalid for this endpoint" msgstr "Perintah yang ditentukan tidak valid untuk titik akhir ini" msgid "" "This domain has a dispute flag, the domain cannot be transferred while this " "flag is active." msgstr "" "Domain ini ditandai bermasalah. Domain tidak dapat ditransfer saat tanda ini " "aktif." msgid "Passed state is invalid." msgstr "Status lulus tidak valid." msgid "This TLD doesn't support disclosing contact information." msgstr "TLD ini tidak mendukung pengungkapan informasi kontak." msgid "This TLD doesn't support toggling privacy." msgstr "TLD ini tidak mendukung pengalihan privasi." msgid "" "This domain has a dispute flag, the contact information cannot be updated " "while this flag is active." msgstr "" "Domain ini ditandai bermasalah. Informasi kontak tidak dapat diperbarui saat " "tanda ini aktif." msgid "" "Sorry, only the owner of this domain is allowed to edit the domain " "information." msgstr "" "Maaf, hanya pemilik domain ini yang diizinkan untuk menyunting informasi " "domain." msgid "Sorry, support users are not allowed to edit this domain information." msgstr "" "Maaf, pengguna pendukung tidak diizinkan untuk menyunting informasi domain " "ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit the domain information." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk menyunting informasi domain ini." msgid "Country code parameter must be a valid ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 identifier" msgstr "" "Parameter kode negara harus menggunakan pengenal ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 yang " "valid" msgid "Empty country code parameter" msgstr "Parameter kode negara kosong" msgid "Cannot have Site Redirect and Domain Mapping for the same domain." msgstr "" "Satu domain tidak diperkenankan memiliki Pengalihan Situs dan Pemetaan " "Domain sekaligus." msgid "Cannot have two Site Redirect products on the same blog" msgstr "Satu blog tidak diperkenankan memiliki dua produk Pengalihan Situs" msgid "" "Domain must contain only alphanumeric characters or dashes, followed by a " "dot and a valid top level domain" msgstr "" "Domain hanya boleh memuat karakter alfanumerik atau tanda hubung, yang " "diikuti dengan titik dan domain top-level yang valid" msgid "Domain must contain a valid TLD" msgstr "Domain harus memuat TLD yang valid" msgid "Empty domain parameter" msgstr "Parameter domain kosong" msgid "This site has not purchased a Site Redirect." msgstr "Situs ini belum membeli produk Pengalihan Situs." msgid "User or Token does not have access to specified site." msgstr "Pengguna atau Token tidak memiliki akses ke situs yang ditentukan." msgid "Quantity parameter must be less than or equal to %s" msgstr "Parameter jumlah harus kurang dari atau sama dengan %s" msgid "Quantity parameter must be greater than or equal to 1" msgstr "Parameter jumlah harus lebih dari atau sama dengan 1" msgid "No available domains for that search." msgstr "Domain untuk pencarian tersebut tidak tersedia." msgid "" "This search term contains a blacklisted string and no results were returned." msgstr "" "Istilah pencarian ini memuat string yang masuk daftar hitam sehingga tidak " "ada hasil yang ditampilkan." msgid "Missing query parameter" msgstr "Parameter permintaan informasi tidak ditemukan" msgid "Your blog transfer succeeded." msgstr "Transfer blog Anda berhasil." msgid "The specified new owner of the blog does not exist anymore." msgstr "Pemilik baru blog yang ditentukan sudah tidak ada." msgid "Only the current owner of the blog can confirm the transfer." msgstr "Hanya pemilik blog saat ini yang dapat mengonfirmasi transfer." msgid "" "The confirmation key is incorrect. There might be a newer confirmation email " "in your inbox or your email client is breaking up the link." msgstr "" "Kunci konfirmasi salah. Mungkin saja ada email konfirmasi yang lebih baru " "dalam kotak masuk Anda atau klien email Anda memutuskan tautan." msgid "" "There does not appear to be a pending transfer for this blog - did you " "already confirm your transfer?" msgstr "" "Tampaknya tidak ada transfer yang tertunda untuk blog ini - apakah Anda " "sudah mengonfirmasi transfer?" msgid "" "You have been sent a transfer confirmation email to %s. Please check your " "inbox and spam folder. The transfer will not proceed unless you authorize it " "using the link in the email." msgstr "" "Anda telah dikirimi email konfirmasi transfer ke %s. Harap periksa kotak " "masuk dan folder spam Anda. Transfer tidak akan dimulai sebelum Anda " "melakukan otorisasi menggunakan tautan dalam email tersebut." msgid "I want to transfer ownership of the blog and all my related upgrades" msgstr "" "Saya ingin mentransfer kepemilikan blog beserta seluruh upgrade terkait" msgid "" "I understand that by authorizing this transfer, I am giving up ownership of " "the domains listed above." msgstr "" "Saya paham bahwa dengan mengotorisasi transfer ini, saya menyerahkan " "kepemilikan domain yang tertera di atas." msgid "" "I understand the changes that will be made once I authorize this transfer" msgstr "" "Saya memahami perubahan yang akan diberlakukan setelah saya mengotorisasi " "transfer ini" msgid "" "Please make sure you understand the changes that will be made and that these " "changes cannot be undone before you continue:" msgstr "" "Pastikan Anda memahami perubahan yang akan diberlakukan dan bahwa perubahan " "tersebut tidak dapat dibatalkan sebelum Anda melanjutkan:" msgid "" "You must authorize the transfer via a confirmation email sent to %1$s. The " "transfer will not proceed unless you authorize it. See our <a href=\"%2$s" "\">support documentation</a> for more information." msgstr "" "Anda harus mengotorisasi transfer via email konfirmasi yang dikirimkan ke " "%1$s. Transfer tidak akan dimulai sebelum Anda melakukan otorisasi. Lihat <a " "href=\"%2$s\">dokumentasi dukungan</a> kami untuk informasi selengkapnya." msgid "" "The following domain name will be transferred to the new owner and will " "remain working on the blog:" msgid_plural "" "The following domain names will be transferred to the new owner and will " "remain working on the blog:" msgstr[0] "" "Nama domain berikut akan ditransfer ke pemilik baru dan akan tetap berfungsi " "untuk blog tersebut:" msgstr[1] "" "Nama domain berikut akan ditransfer ke pemilik baru dan akan tetap berfungsi " "untuk blog tersebut:" msgid "" "I understand, I want to transfer ownership of the blog and related domains" msgstr "" "Saya paham, saya ingin mentransfer kepemilikan blog tersebut beserta domain " "terkait" msgid "I understand, I want to transfer ownership of the blog" msgstr "Saya paham, saya ingin mentransfer kepemilikan blog tersebut" msgid "Thanks for using!" msgstr "Terima kasih sudah menggunakan!" msgid "Please see our support documentation for more details: %s" msgstr "Harap baca dokumentasi dukungan kami untuk detail selengkapnya: %s" msgid "" "Remember that once you confirm the transfer by clicking the link, you will " "no longer have any control over the blog and associated upgrades." msgstr "" "Ingat bahwa setelah Anda mengonfirmasi transfer dengan mengeklik tautan " "tersebut, Anda kehilangan kendali atas blog yang dimaksud beserta upgrade " "terkait. " msgid "" "To authorize this transfer, please click the link below. You will not be " "asked to confirm again and this change cannot be undone. Before you click " "the link, please make sure you are certain you no longer wish to own %1$s." msgstr "" "Untuk mengotorisasi transfer ini, klik tautan di bawah ini. Anda tidak akan " "diminta untuk mengonfirmasi kembali dan perubahan ini tidak dapat " "dibatalkan. Sebelum Anda mengeklik tautan tersebut, pastikan Anda memang " "ingin melepaskan kepemilikan atas %1$s." msgid "" "Please confirm you wish to transfer your blog %1$s and any associated paid " "upgrades to %2$s." msgstr "" "Silakan mengonfirmasi bahwa Anda ingin mentransfer blog %1$s beserta seluruh " "upgrade berbayar yang terkait kepada %2$s." msgid "" "Remember that once you confirm the transfer by clicking the link, you will " "no longer have any control over the blog, associated upgrades, and domain." msgid_plural "" "Remember that once you confirm the transfer by clicking the link, you will " "no longer have any control over the blog, associated upgrades, and domains." msgstr[0] "" "Ingat bahwa setelah Anda mengonfirmasi transfer dengan mengeklik tautan " "tersebut, Anda kehilangan kendali atas blog yang dimaksud, upgrade terkait, " "dan domain." msgstr[1] "" "Ingat bahwa setelah Anda mengonfirmasi transfer dengan mengeklik tautan " "tersebut, Anda kehilangan kendali atas blog yang dimaksud, upgrade terkait, " "dan domain." msgid "" "To authorize this transfer, please click the link below. You will not be " "asked to confirm again and this change cannot be undone. Before you click " "the link, please make sure you are certain you no longer wish to own %1$s " "and the domain name listed above." msgid_plural "" "To authorize this transfer, please click the link below. You will not be " "asked to confirm again and this change cannot be undone. Before you click " "the link, please make sure you are certain you no longer wish to own %1$s " "and the domain names listed above." msgstr[0] "" "Untuk mengotorisasi transfer ini, klik tautan di bawah ini. Anda tidak akan " "diminta untuk mengonfirmasi kembali dan perubahan ini tidak dapat " "dibatalkan. Sebelum Anda mengeklik tautan tersebut, pastikan Anda memang " "ingin melepaskan kepemilikan atas %1$s serta nama domain yang tertera di " "atas." msgstr[1] "" "Untuk mengotorisasi transfer ini, klik tautan di bawah ini. Anda tidak akan " "diminta untuk mengonfirmasi kembali dan perubahan ini tidak dapat " "dibatalkan. Sebelum Anda mengeklik tautan tersebut, pastikan Anda memang " "ingin melepaskan kepemilikan atas %1$s serta nama domain yang tertera di " "atas." msgid "" "Please confirm the transfer to %1$s of your blog %2$s, any associated paid " "upgrades, and the following domain: %3$s" msgid_plural "" "Please confirm the transfer to %1$s of your blog %2$s, any associated paid " "upgrades, and the following domains: %3$s" msgstr[0] "" "Silakan mengonfirmasi transfer kepada %1$s atas blog Anda %2$s, upgrade " "berbayar yang terkait, serta domain berikut: %3$s" msgstr[1] "" "Silakan mengonfirmasi transfer kepada %1$s atas blog Anda %2$s, upgrade " "berbayar yang terkait, serta domain berikut: %3$s" msgid "[ %s ] Blog Transfer Completed" msgstr "[ %s ] Transfer Blog Selesai" msgid "" "Howdy,\n" "\n" "You are now the owner of the blog %1$s and the domain %2$s.\n" "Please make sure the contact information for the domain is up to date: %3$s\n" "See our support documentation for more details: %4$s\n" "\n" "Thanks for using!\n" "" msgid_plural "" "Howdy,\n" "\n" "You are now the owner of the blog %1$s and the following domains: %2$s.\n" "Please make sure the contact information for these domains is up to date: " "%3$s\n" "See our support documentation for more details: %4$s\n" "\n" "Thanks for using!\n" "" msgstr[0] "" "Halo,\n" "\n" "Sekarang Anda adalah pemilik blog %1$s dan domain %2$s.\n" "Harap pastikan informasi kontak domain ini sudah diperbarui: %3$s\n" "Lihat dokumentasi dukungan kami untuk detail selengkapnya: %4$s\n" "\n" "Terima kasih telah menggunakan!\n" "" msgstr[1] "" "Halo,\n" "\n" "Sekarang Anda adalah pemilik blog %1$s dan domain berikut: %2$s.\n" "Harap pastikan informasi kontak domain ini sudah diperbarui: %3$s\n" "Lihat dokumentasi dukungan kami untuk detail selengkapnya: %4$s\n" "\n" "Terima kasih telah menggunakan!\n" "" msgid "[ %s ] Confirmation needed to finish blog transfer" msgstr "[ %s ] Konfirmasi diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan transfer blog" msgid "The specified user does not seem to exist: %s." msgstr "Pengguna yang ditentukan tampaknya tidak ada: %s." msgid "One-click import of existing emails and contacts" msgstr "Impor dengan mudah dari email dan kontak yang Anda miliki" msgctxt "P2 Plus bundle plan" msgid "P2+" msgstr "P2+" msgid "Play story in new tab" msgstr "Putar cerita di tab baru" msgid "Get tools to optimize your site for improved search engine results." msgstr "" "Dapatkan perangkat untuk mengoptimalkan situs Anda dan meningkatkan performa " "di hasil mesin pencari." msgid "Boost your search engine ranking" msgstr "Tingkatkan peringkat situs Anda di mesin pencarian" msgid "" "The status to transition the subscription to. Unlike the \"status\" param, " "this will calculate and update the subscription dates." msgstr "" "Status untuk transisi langganan. Tidak seperti param \"status\", ini akan " "menghitung dan memperbarui tanggal langganan." msgid "View all billing history and receipts" msgstr "Lihat riwayat dan tanda terima penagihan" msgid "Subscription status:" msgstr "Status langganan:" msgid "" "Please upgrade the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin to version 2.0 or newer " "immediately. If you need assistance, after upgrading to Subscriptions v2.0, " "please %1$sopen a support ticket%2$s." msgstr "" "Harap segera upgrade plugin WooCommerce Subscriptions ke versi 2.0 atau " "lebih baru. Jika perlu bantuan, setelah mengupgrade ke Subscriptions v2.0, " "silakan %1$sbuka tiket bantuan%2$s." msgid "" "Warning! You are running version %s of WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin code " "but your database has been upgraded to Subscriptions version 2.0. This will " "cause major problems on your store." msgstr "" "Peringatan! Anda menggunakan kode plugin WooCommerce Subscriptions versi %s " "tetapi basis data Anda telah diupgrade ke Subscriptions versi 2.0. Perbedaan " "ini akan menyebabkan masalah besar di toko Anda." msgid "" "Warning! Version 2.0 is a major update to the WooCommerce Subscriptions " "extension. Before updating, please create a backup, update all WooCommerce " "extensions and test all plugins, custom code and payment gateways with " "version 2.0 on a staging site. %1$sLearn more about the changes in version " "2.0 »%2$s" msgstr "" "Peringatan! Versi 2.0 merupakan pembaruan utama bagi ekstensi WooCommerce " "Subscriptions. Sebelum melakukan pembaruan, harap buat cadangan, perbarui " "semua ekstensi WooCommerce dan uji semua plugin, kode kustom, dan gateway " "pembayaran dengan versi 2.0 di situs staging. %1$sPelajari lebih lanjut " "perubahan di versi 2.0 »%2$s" msgid "Enable automatic payments" msgstr "Aktifkan pembayaran otomatis" msgid "Quit nagging me (but don't enable automatic payments)" msgstr "Berhenti mengomeli saya (tetapi jangan aktifkan pembayaran otomatis)" msgid "" "It looks like this site has moved or is a duplicate site. %1$sWooCommerce " "Subscriptions%2$s has disabled automatic payments and subscription related " "emails on this site to prevent duplicate payments from a staging or test " "environment. %1$sWooCommerce Subscriptions%2$s considers %5$s%7$s%6$s to be " "the site's URL. %3$sLearn more »%4$s." msgstr "" "Sepertinya situs ini telah pindah atau merupakan situs duplikat. " "%1$sLangganan WooCommerce%2$s menonaktifkan pembayaran otomatis dan email " "terkait langganan di situs ini untuk mencegah pembayaran rangkap dua dari " "lingkungan pementasan atau pengujian. %1$sLangganan WooCommerce%2$s " "menganggap %5$s%7$s%6$s URL situs. %3$sPelajari lebih lanjut »%4$s." msgid "" "%1$sWarning!%2$s We can see the %1$sWooCommerce Subscriptions Early Renewal" "%2$s plugin is active. Version %3$s of %1$sWooCommerce Subscriptions%2$s " "comes with that plugin's functionality packaged into the core plugin. Please " "deactivate WooCommerce Subscriptions Early Renewal to avoid any conflicts." msgstr "" "%1$sPeringatan!%2$s Kita mengetahui bahwa plugin %1$sWooCommerce " "Subscriptions Early Renewal%2$s aktif. Versi %3$s%1$sLangganan WooCommerce" "%2$s dilengkapi dengan fungsionalitas plugin yang dikemas dalam plugin inti. " "Silakan menonaktifkan WooCommerce Subscriptions Early Renewal untuk " "menghindari konflik apa pun." msgid "Variable Subscription" msgstr "Langganan Variabel" msgid "" "%1$sWooCommerce Subscriptions is inactive.%2$s This version of Subscriptions " "requires WooCommerce %3$s or newer. Please %4$supdate WooCommerce to version " "%3$s or newer »%5$s" msgstr "" "%1$sWooCommerce Subscriptions tidak aktif.%2$s Versi Subscriptions ini " "memerlukan WooCommerce %3$s atau lebih baru. Harap %4$sperbarui WooCommerce " "ke versi %3$s atau lebih baru »%5$s" msgid "" "%1$sWooCommerce Subscriptions is inactive.%2$s The %3$sWooCommerce plugin" "%4$s must be active for WooCommerce Subscriptions to work. Please " "%5$sinstall & activate WooCommerce »%6$s" msgstr "" "%1$sWooCommerce Subscriptions tidak aktif.%2$s%3$sPlugin WooCommerce %4$s " "harus aktif agar WooCommerce Subscriptions berfungsi. Harap %5$spasang & " "aktifkan WooCommerce »%6$s" msgid "%srd" msgstr "ke-%s" msgid "%snd" msgstr "ke-%s" msgid "%sst" msgstr "ke-%s" msgid "%sth" msgstr "ke-%s" msgid "Would you like to add a payment method now?" msgstr "Apakah Anda ingin menambahkan metode pembayaran sekarang?" msgid "" "To enable automatic renewals for this subscription, you will first need to " "add a payment method." msgstr "" "Jika ingin mengaktifkan perpanjangan otomatis untuk langganan ini, pertama-" "tama Anda harus menambahkan metode pembayaran." msgctxt "post status label including post count" msgid "Pending Cancellation <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Pending Cancellation <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Pembatalan Tertunda <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Pembatalan Tertunda <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgctxt "post status label including post count" msgid "Switched <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Switched <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Dialihkan <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Dialihkan <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgctxt "post status label including post count" msgid "Active <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Active <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Aktif <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Aktif <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "%1$sAdd a subscription product »%2$s" msgstr "%1$sTambahkan produk langganan »%2$s" msgid "%1$sLearn more about managing subscriptions »%2$s" msgstr "%1$sPelajari lebih lanjut tentang pengelolaan langganan »%2$s" msgctxt "post status label including post count" msgid "Expired <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Expired <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Kedaluwarsa <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Kedaluwarsa <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "" "Subscriptions will appear here for you to view and manage once purchased by " "a customer." msgstr "" "Langganan akan muncul di sini untuk Anda lihat dan kelola setelah dibeli " "oleh pelanggan." msgid "This is where subscriptions are stored." msgstr "Di sini tempat langganan disimpan." msgctxt "custom post type setting" msgid "Parent Subscriptions" msgstr "Langganan Induk" msgctxt "custom post type setting" msgid "No Subscriptions found in trash" msgstr "Tidak ditemukan langganan di tempat sampah." msgctxt "custom post type setting" msgid "View Subscription" msgstr "Lihat Langganan" msgctxt "custom post type setting" msgid "New Subscription" msgstr "Langganan Baru" msgctxt "custom post type setting" msgid "Edit Subscription" msgstr "Sunting Langganan" msgctxt "custom post type setting" msgid "Edit" msgstr "Sunting" msgctxt "custom post type setting" msgid "Add New Subscription" msgstr "Tambah Langganan Baru" msgctxt "custom post type setting" msgid "Add Subscription" msgstr "Tambah Langganan" msgid "Date type can not be an empty string." msgstr "Jenis tanggal tidak dapat berupa string kosong." msgid "Date type is not a string." msgstr "Jenis tanggal bukan string." msgctxt "table heading" msgid "End Date" msgstr "Tanggal Selesai" msgctxt "table heading" msgid "Cancelled Date" msgstr "Tanggal Dibatalkan" msgctxt "table heading" msgid "Trial End" msgstr "Percobaan Berakhir" msgctxt "table heading" msgid "Start Date" msgstr "Tanggal Mulai" msgid "Can not get address type display name. Address type is not a string." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat membuat jenis alamat menampilkan nama. Jenis alamat bukan " "merupakan string." msgid "Can not get status name. Status is not a string." msgstr "Nama status tidak dapat diproses. Status bukan string." msgctxt "Subscription status" msgid "Pending Cancellation" msgstr "Pembatalan Tertunda" msgctxt "Subscription status" msgid "On hold" msgstr "Ditahan" msgctxt "Error message while creating a subscription" msgid "Invalid subscription customer_id." msgstr "Langganan tidak valid customer_id." msgctxt "Error message while creating a subscription" msgid "Subscription created date must be before current day." msgstr "Tanggal pembuatan langganan harus sebelum hari ini." msgctxt "Error message while creating a subscription" msgid "" "Invalid date. The date must be a string and of the format: \"Y-m-d H:i:s\"." msgstr "" "Tanggal tidak valid. Tanggal harus berupa string dan memiliki format: \"Y-m-" "d H:i:s\"." msgctxt "Error message while creating a subscription" msgid "" "Invalid created date. The date must be a string and of the format: \"Y-m-d H:" "i:s\"." msgstr "" "Data yang dibuat tidak valid. Tanggal harus berupa string dan memiliki " "format: \"Tahun-bulan-hari Jam:menit:detik\"." msgid "You have added a variation of this product to the cart already." msgstr "Anda sudah menambahkan variasi produk ini ke keranjang." msgid "You have an active subscription to this product already." msgstr "Anda telah memiliki langganan aktif untuk produk ini." msgid "Are you sure you want remove this item from your subscription?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin menghapus item ini dari langganan?" msgid "Subscription totals" msgstr "Jumlah Langganan" msgctxt "date on subscription updates list. Will be localized" msgid "l jS \\o\\f F Y, h:ia" msgstr "\\f F Y, h:ial jS \\o" msgid "Subscription updates" msgstr "Pembaruan langganan" msgid "Using the auto-renewal toggle is disabled while in staging mode." msgstr "Tombol perpanjang otomatis tidak dapat digunakan dalam mode staging." msgid "Enable auto renew" msgstr "Aktifkan perpanjangan otomatis" msgid "Auto renew" msgstr "Perpanjangan otomatis" msgctxt "customer subscription table header" msgid "Trial end date" msgstr "Tanggal akhir percobaan" msgctxt "customer subscription table header" msgid "End date" msgstr "Tanggal Akhir" msgctxt "customer subscription table header" msgid "Next payment date" msgstr "Tanggal pembayaran selanjutnya" msgctxt "customer subscription table header" msgid "Last order date" msgstr "Tanggal pesanan terakhir" msgctxt "customer subscription table header" msgid "Start date" msgstr "Tanggal mulai" msgid "Related subscriptions" msgstr "Langganan terkait" msgctxt "pay for a subscription" msgid "Pay" msgstr "Bayar" msgid "%1$s for %2$d item" msgid_plural "%1$s for %2$d items" msgstr[0] "%1$s untuk %2$d item" msgstr[1] "%1$s untuk %2$d item" msgid "Related orders" msgstr "Pesanan terkait" msgid "You have reached the end of subscriptions. Go to the %sfirst page%s." msgstr "" "Anda telah mencapai akhir masa langganan. Pergi ke %shalaman pertama%s." msgctxt "view a subscription" msgid "View" msgstr "Lihat" msgctxt "Used in data attribute. Escaped" msgid "Total" msgstr "Total" msgctxt "table heading" msgid "Next Payment" msgstr "Pembayaran berikutnya" msgctxt "table heading" msgid "Next payment" msgstr "Pembayaran berikutnya" msgid "Want to renew early via the checkout? Click %shere.%s" msgstr "" "Ingin memperpanjang lebih awal melalui halaman checkout? Klik %sdi sini.%s" msgid "" "This subscription is set to renew automatically using your payment method on " "file. You can manage or cancel this subscription from your %smy account page" "%s." msgid_plural "" "These subscriptions are set to renew automatically using your payment method " "on file. You can manage or cancel your subscriptions from your %smy account " "page%s." msgstr[0] "" "Langganan ini akan otomatis diperpanjang menggunakan metode pembayaran Anda " "yang tersimpan. Anda dapat mengelola atau membatalkan langganan ini dari " "%shalaman akun saya%s." msgstr[1] "" "Langganan berikut akan otomatis diperpanjang menggunakan metode pembayaran " "Anda yang tersimpan. Anda dapat mengelola atau membatalkan langganan " "tersebut dari %shalaman akun saya%s." msgid "" "By renewing your subscription early, your scheduled next payment on %s will " "be cancelled." msgstr "" "Dengan memperpanjang langganan lebih awal, pembayaran Anda selanjutnya yang " "terjadwal pada tanggal %s akan dibatalkan." msgid "By renewing your subscription early your next payment will be %s." msgstr "" "Dengan memperpanjang langganan lebih awal, pembayaran Anda selanjutnya akan " "jatuh pada tanggal %s." msgctxt "Used as end date for an indefinite subscription" msgid "When cancelled" msgstr "Dibatalkan pada" msgctxt "subscription number in email table. (eg: #106)" msgid "#%s" msgstr "#%s" msgctxt "table heading" msgid "Recurring total" msgstr "Harga total berulang" msgctxt "table heading" msgid "End date" msgstr "Tanggal Akhir" msgctxt "table heading" msgid "Start date" msgstr "Tanggal mulai" msgctxt "subscription ID table heading" msgid "ID" msgstr "ID" msgid "" "This subscription is set to renew automatically using your payment method on " "file. You can manage or cancel this subscription from your my account page. " "%s" msgid_plural "" "These subscriptions are set to renew automatically using your payment method " "on file. You can manage or cancel your subscriptions from your my account " "page. %s" msgstr[0] "" "Langganan ini akan otomatis diperpanjang menggunakan metode pembayaran Anda " "yang tersimpan. Anda dapat mengelola atau membatalkan langganan ini dari " "halaman akun saya.%s" msgstr[1] "" "Langganan berikut akan otomatis diperpanjang menggunakan metode pembayaran " "Anda yang tersimpan. Anda dapat mengelola atau membatalkan langganan " "tersebut dari halaman akun saya.%s" msgid "Next payment: %s" msgstr "Pembayaran selanjutnya: %s" msgctxt "in plain emails for subscription information" msgid "Recurring price: %s" msgstr "Harga berulang: %s" msgctxt "in plain emails for subscription information" msgid "End date: %s" msgstr "Tanggal akhir: %s" msgctxt "Used as end date for an indefinite subscription" msgid "When Cancelled" msgstr "Saat Dibatalkan" msgctxt "in plain emails for subscription information" msgid "View subscription: %s" msgstr "Lihat langganan: %s" msgctxt "in plain emails for subscription information" msgid "Subscription: %s" msgstr "Langganan: %s" msgid "Subscription information" msgstr "Informasi langganan" msgid "Date Suspended: %s" msgstr "Tanggal Ditangguhkan: %s" msgid "Last Order: %s" msgstr "Pesanan Terakhir: %s" msgid "Order date: %s" msgstr "Tanggal pesanan: %s" msgid "Order number: %s" msgstr "Nomor Pesanan: %s" msgctxt "In customer renewal invoice email" msgid "" "To reactivate the subscription now, you can also log in and pay for the " "renewal from your account page: %1$s" msgstr "" "Untuk mengaktifkan kembali langganan, Anda juga dapat login dan membayar " "perpanjangan dari halaman akun Anda: %1$s" msgctxt "in plain emails for subscription information" msgid "Start date: %s" msgstr "Tanggal mulai: %s" msgid "View your subscription: %s" msgstr "Lihat langganan Anda: %s" msgid "View your order: %s" msgstr "Lihat pesanan Anda: %s" msgctxt "in plain emails for subscription information" msgid "View Subscription: %s" msgstr "Lihat Langganan: %s" msgid "End of Prepaid Term: %s" msgstr "Akhir Masa Prabayar: %s" msgid "Last Order Date: %s" msgstr "Tanggal Pesanan Terakhir: %s" msgctxt "In customer renewal invoice email" msgid "" "The automatic recurring payment for order #%1$s from %2$s has failed. The " "payment will be retried %3$s." msgstr "" "Pembayaran berulang otomatis untuk pesanan #%1$s dari %2$s gagal. Pembayaran " "akan dicoba kembali %3$s." msgctxt "table headings in notification email" msgid "Date Suspended" msgstr "Tanggal Ditangguhkan" msgid "" "A subscription belonging to %1$s has been suspended by the user. Their " "subscription's details are as follows:" msgstr "" "Langganan yang dimiliki oleh %1$s telah ditangguhkan oleh pengguna. Detail " "langganan mereka adalah sebagai berikut:" msgctxt "table headings in notification email" msgid "End Date" msgstr "Tanggal Selesai" msgid "" "A subscription belonging to %1$s has expired. Their subscription's details " "are as follows:" msgstr "" "Langganan atas nama %1$s sudah berakhir. Detail langganannya adalah sebagai " "berikut:" msgctxt "Used in email notification" msgid "Subscription %1$s#%2$s%3$s" msgstr "Langganan %1$s#%2$s%3$s" msgctxt "Used in email notification" msgid "%1$sOrder #%3$s%2$s (%4$s)" msgstr "%1$sPesanan #%3$s%2$s (%4$s)" msgctxt "In customer renewal invoice email" msgid "" "The automatic payment to renew your subscription with %1$s has failed. To " "reactivate the subscription, please log in and pay for the renewal from your " "account page: %2$s" msgstr "" "Pembayaran otomatis untuk memperpanjang langganan Anda di %1$s gagal. Untuk " "mengaktifkan langganan kembali, silakan login lalu bayar perpanjangan dari " "halaman akun Anda: %2$s" msgid "Pay Now »" msgstr "Bayar Sekarang »" msgctxt "In customer renewal invoice email" msgid "" "An order has been created for you to renew your subscription on %1$s. To pay " "for this invoice please use the following link: %2$s" msgstr "" "Pesanan untuk memperpanjang langganan Anda di %1$s telah dibuat. Untuk " "membayar faktur ini, gunakan tautan berikut: %2$s" msgid "" "Just to let you know — we've received your subscription renewal order #" "%s, and it is now being processed:" msgstr "" "Perlu diketahui — kami telah menerima pesanan perpanjangan langganan " "Anda dengan nomor #%s dan kini sedang diproses:" msgctxt "In customer renewal invoice email" msgid "" "To reactivate the subscription now, you can also log in and pay for the " "renewal from your account page: %1$sPay Now »%2$s" msgstr "" "Untuk mengaktifkan kembali langganan, Anda juga dapat login dan membayar " "perpanjangan dari halaman akun Anda: %1$sBayar Sekarang »%2$s" msgid "" "Thanks for your renewal order. It’s on-hold until we confirm that payment " "has been received. In the meantime, here’s a reminder of your order:" msgstr "" "Terima kasih atas pesanan perpanjangan Anda. Status masih tertahan sampai " "kami mengonfirmasi bahwa pembayaran telah diterima. Untuk sementara waktu, " "berikut adalah tinjauan pesanan Anda:" msgctxt "In customer renewal invoice email" msgid "" "The automatic payment to renew your subscription has failed. We will retry " "the payment %s." msgstr "" "Pembayaran otomatis untuk memperpanjang langganan Anda gagal. Kami akan " "mengulang kembali pembayaran %s." msgid "" "You have successfully changed your subscription items. Your new order and " "subscription details are shown below for your reference:" msgstr "" "Anda telah berhasil mengubah item langganan. Detail pesanan dan langganan " "baru ditampilkan di bawah ini sebagai referensi:" msgid "We have finished processing your subscription renewal order." msgstr "Kami telah selesai memproses pesanan perpanjangan langganan Anda." msgid "-" msgstr "-" msgctxt "table headings in notification email" msgid "End of Prepaid Term" msgstr "Akhir Jangka Waktu Prabayar" msgctxt "table heading" msgid "Last Order Date" msgstr "Tanggal Pesanan Terakhir" msgctxt "table headings in notification email" msgid "Price" msgstr "Harga" msgid "" "A subscription belonging to %1$s has been cancelled. Their subscription's " "details are as follows:" msgstr "" "Langganan atas nama %1$s telah dibatalkan. Detail langganannya adalah " "sebagai berikut:" msgid "The renewal order is as follows:" msgstr "Pesanan perpanjangan sebagai berikut:" msgctxt "In customer renewal invoice email" msgid "" "The automatic recurring payment for order #%d from %s has failed. The " "payment will be retried %3$s." msgstr "" "Pembayaran berulang otomatis untuk pesanan #%d dari %s gagal. Pembayaran " "akan dicoba kembali %3$s." msgid "New subscription details" msgstr "Detail langganan baru" msgid "Switch Order Details" msgstr "Detail Alihkan Pesanan" msgctxt "Used in switch notification admin email" msgid "" "Customer %1$s has switched their subscription. The details of their new " "subscription are as follows:" msgid_plural "" "Customer %1$s has switched %2$d of their subscriptions. The details of their " "new subscriptions are as follows:" msgstr[0] "" "Pelanggan %1$s telah mengalihkan langganan mereka. Rincian langganan baru " "mereka adalah sebagai berikut:" msgstr[1] "" "Pelanggan %1$s telah mengalihkan %2$d langganan mereka. Rincian langganan " "baru mereka adalah sebagai berikut:" msgctxt "Used in admin email: new renewal order" msgid "" "You have received a subscription renewal order from %1$s. Their order is as " "follows:" msgstr "" "Anda telah menerima pesanan perpanjangan langganan dari %1$s. Pesanan mereka " "adalah sebagai berikut:" msgid "Payment Method: %s" msgstr "Metode Pembayaran: %s" msgid "Next Payment Date: %s" msgstr "Tanggal Pembayaran Selanjutnya: %s" msgid "Recurring total" msgstr "Harga total berulang" msgid "Recurring totals" msgstr "Total berulang" msgid "" "Update the payment method used for %1$sall%2$s of my current subscriptions" msgstr "" "Perbarui metode pembayaran yang digunakan untuk %1$ssemua%2$s langganan saya " "saat ini" msgid "" "Sorry, it seems no payment gateways support changing the recurring payment " "method. Please contact us if you require assistance or to make alternate " "arrangements." msgstr "" "Maaf, sepertinya tidak ada gateway pembayaran yang mendukung pengubahan " "metode pembayaran berulang. Hubungi kami jika Anda perlu bantuan atau ingin " "membuat rencana alternatif." msgid "Subscription Number: %s" msgstr "Nomor Langganan: %s" msgctxt "text on button on checkout page" msgid "Add payment method" msgstr "Tambahkan Metode Pembayaran" msgctxt "text on button on checkout page" msgid "Change payment method" msgstr "Ubah metode pembayaran" msgctxt "table headings in notification email" msgid "Totals" msgstr "Total" msgctxt "table headings in notification email" msgid "Quantity" msgstr "Jumlah" msgctxt "table headings in notification email" msgid "Product" msgstr "Produk" msgid "" "There are no shipping methods available. Please double check your address, " "or contact us if you need any help." msgstr "" "Tidak ada metode pengiriman yang tersedia. Harap periksa lagi alamat Anda, " "atau hubungi kami jika butuh bantuan." msgid "Shipping costs will be calculated once you have provided your address." msgstr "Biaya pengiriman akan dihitung setelah Anda menyertakan alamat." msgctxt "Subscription Length dropdown's description in pricing fields" msgid "" "Automatically expire the subscription after this length of time. This length " "is in addition to any free trial or amount of time provided before a " "synchronised first renewal date." msgstr "" "Jadikan langganan kedaluwarsa secara otomatis setelah rentang waktu ini. " "Jangka waktu ini merupakan tambahan untuk percobaan gratis atau jumlah waktu " "yang disediakan sebelum tanggal perpanjangan pertama yang disinkronisasi." msgid "Billing Period:" msgstr "Periode Penagihan:" msgid "Billing interval:" msgstr "Rentang penagihan:" msgid "Subscription trial period:" msgstr "Periode percobaan langganan:" msgid "" "To see further details about these errors, view the %1$s log file from the " "%2$sWooCommerce logs screen.%2$s" msgstr "" "Untuk melihat rincian error ini lebih lanjut, lihat %1$s berkas log dari " "%2$slayar log WooCommerce.%2$s" msgid "Affected event:" msgid_plural "Affected events:" msgstr[0] "Acara yang terpengaruh:" msgstr[1] "Acara yang terpengaruh:" msgid "" "An error has occurred while processing a recent subscription related event. " "For steps on how to fix the affected subscription and to learn more about " "the possible causes of this error, please read our guide %1$shere%2$s." msgid_plural "" "An error has occurred while processing recent subscription related events. " "For steps on how to fix the affected subscriptions and to learn more about " "the possible causes of this error, please read our guide %1$shere%2$s." msgstr[0] "" "Error terjadi saat memproses acara terkait langganan terbaru. Untuk langkah-" "langkah memperbaiki langganan yang terpengaruh dan mempelajari lebih lanjut " "tentang kemungkinan penyebabnya, silakan baca panduan kami %1$sdi sini%2$s." msgstr[1] "" "Error terjadi saat memproses acara terkait langganan terbaru. Untuk langkah-" "langkah memperbaiki langganan yang terpengaruh dan mempelajari lebih lanjut " "tentang kemungkinan penyebabnya, silakan baca panduan kami %1$sdi sini%2$s." msgid "Shipping Tax:" msgstr "Pajak Pengiriman:" msgid "Recurring Sales Tax:" msgstr "Pajak Penjualan Berulang:" msgid "Synchronise Renewals" msgstr "Sinkronkan Perpanjangan" msgctxt "Trial period dropdown's description in pricing fields" msgid "" "An optional period of time to wait before charging the first recurring " "payment. Any sign up fee will still be charged at the outset of the " "subscription. %s" msgstr "" "Periode waktu tunggu opsional sebelum mengenakan pembayaran berulang " "pertama. Semua biaya pendaftaran akan tetap dikenakan di awal berlangganan.%s" msgctxt "example number of days / weeks / months" msgid "e.g. 3" msgstr "contoh, 3" msgid "Sign-up Fee (%s)" msgstr "Biaya Pendaftaran (%s)" msgid "Subscription Length" msgstr "Masa Langganan" msgctxt "" "Edit product screen, between the Billing Period and Subscription Length " "dropdowns" msgid "for" msgstr "untuk" msgid "Subscription Periods" msgstr "Periode Langganan" msgid "Subscription Price (%s)" msgstr "Harga Langganan (%s)" msgctxt "no trial period" msgid "no" msgstr "Tidak" msgctxt "" "Used in the trial period dropdown. Number is in text field. 0, 2+ will need " "plural, 1 will need singular." msgid "year" msgid_plural "years" msgstr[0] "tahun" msgstr[1] "tahun" msgctxt "" "Used in the trial period dropdown. Number is in text field. 0, 2+ will need " "plural, 1 will need singular." msgid "month" msgid_plural "months" msgstr[0] "bulan" msgstr[1] "bulan" msgctxt "" "Used in the trial period dropdown. Number is in text field. 0, 2+ will need " "plural, 1 will need singular." msgid "week" msgid_plural "weeks" msgstr[0] "minggu" msgstr[1] "minggu" msgctxt "" "Used in the trial period dropdown. Number is in text field. 0, 2+ will need " "plural, 1 will need singular." msgid "day" msgid_plural "days" msgstr[0] "hari" msgstr[1] "hari" msgctxt "period interval with ordinal number (e.g. \"every 2nd\"" msgid "every %s" msgstr "setiap %s" msgctxt "period interval (eg \"$10 _every_ 2 weeks\")" msgid "every" msgstr "tiap" msgctxt "Subscription lengths. e.g. \"For 1 year...\"" msgid "1 year" msgstr "1 tahun" msgctxt "Subscription lengths. e.g. \"For 1 month...\"" msgid "1 month" msgstr "1 bulan" msgctxt "Subscription lengths. e.g. \"For 1 week...\"" msgid "1 week" msgstr "1 minggu" msgctxt "Subscription lengths. e.g. \"For 1 day...\"" msgid "1 day" msgstr "1 hari" msgctxt "Subscription length" msgid "Never expire" msgstr "Tidak akan kedaluwarsa" msgctxt "Subscription billing period." msgid "year" msgid_plural "%s years" msgstr[0] "%s tahun" msgstr[1] "%s tahun" msgctxt "Subscription billing period." msgid "month" msgid_plural "%s months" msgstr[0] "bulan" msgstr[1] "%s bulan" msgctxt "Subscription billing period." msgid "week" msgid_plural "%s weeks" msgstr[0] "minggu" msgstr[1] "%s minggu" msgctxt "Subscription billing period." msgid "day" msgid_plural "%s days" msgstr[0] "hari" msgstr[1] "%s hari" msgid "Invalid data. No valid item id was passed in." msgstr "Data tidak valid. Semua ID item yang dimasukkan tidak valid." msgid "Invalid data. No valid subscription / order was passed in." msgstr "" "Data tidak valid. Semua langganan / pesanan yang dimasukkan tidak valid." msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid new order type." msgstr "\"%s\" bukan jenis pesanan baru yang valid." msgid "$type passed to the function was not a string." msgstr "$type yang dimasukkan ke fungsi bukanlah string." msgid "Resubscribe Order – %s" msgstr "Berlangganan Kembali Pesanan –%s" msgid "Subscription Renewal Order – %s" msgstr "Pesanan Perpanjangan Langganan –%s" msgctxt "" "Used in subscription post title. \"Subscription renewal order - <this>\"" msgid "%b %d, %Y @ %I:%M %p" msgstr "%b %d, %Y @ %I:%M %p" msgctxt "" "Refers to the type of the copy being performed: \"copy_order\", " "\"subscription\", \"renewal_order\", \"resubscribe_order\"" msgid "Invalid data. Type of copy is not a string." msgstr "Data tidak valid. Jenis salinan bukan merupakan string." msgctxt "" "In wcs_copy_order_meta error message. Refers to origin and target order " "objects." msgid "Invalid data. Orders expected aren't orders." msgstr "Data tidak valid. Pesanan yang diharapkan bukan pesanan." msgid "" "Invalid sort order type: %1$s. The $sort_order argument must be %2$s or %3$s." msgstr "" "Jenis sortir pesanan tidak valid: %1$s. Argumen $sort_order seharusnya " "seperti %2$s atau %3$s." msgid "HH" msgstr "JJ" msgctxt "wcs_get_human_time_diff" msgid "%s" msgstr "%s" msgid "%1$s free trial then %2$s" msgstr "%1$s percobaan gratis lalu %2$s" msgid "%1$s after %2$s free trial" msgstr "%1$s setelah %2$s percobaan gratis" msgid "%1$s %2$s then %3$s / %4$s" msgid_plural "%1$s %2$s then %3$s every %4$s" msgstr[0] "%1$s %2$s lalu %3$s / %4$s" msgstr[1] "%1$s %2$s lalu %3$s tiap %4$s" msgid "%1$s %2$s then %3$s on %4$s %5$s every %6$s year" msgstr "%1$s %2$s lalu %3$s pada %4$s %5$s tiap %6$s tahun" msgid "%1$s %2$s then %3$s on %4$s %5$s each year" msgstr "%1$s %2$s lalu %3$s pada %4$s %5$s tiap tahun" msgid "%1$s %2$s then %3$s on the %4$s day of every %5$s month" msgstr "%1$s %2$s lalu %3$s pada tanggal %4$s tiap %5$s bulan" msgid "%1$s %2$s then %3$s on the last day of every %4$s month" msgstr "%1$s %2$s lalu %3$s pada hari terakhir tiap %4$s bulan" msgid "%1$s %2$s then %3$s on the %4$s of each month" msgstr "%1$s %2$s lalu %3$s pada hari %4$s tiap bulan" msgid "%1$s %2$s then %3$s on the last day of each month" msgstr "%1$s %2$s lalu %3$s pada hari terakhir tiap bulan" msgid "%1$s %2$s then %3$s every %4$s on %5$s" msgstr "%1$s %2$s lalu %3$s tiap %4$s pada %5$s" msgid "%1$s %2$s then %3$s every %4$s" msgstr "%1$s %2$s lalu %3$s tiap %4$s" msgctxt "initial payment on a subscription" msgid "up front" msgstr "di muka" msgid "" "Could not get subscription. Most likely the subscription key does not refer " "to a subscription. The key was: \"%s\"." msgstr "" "Langganan tidak dapat diproses. Kemungkinan besar kunci langganan tidak " "sesuai dengan langganan mana pun. Kunci yang dimasukkan adalah: \"%s\"." msgid "YYYY-MM-DD" msgstr "TTTT-BB-HH" msgid "First renewal: %s" msgstr "Perpanjangan pertama: %s" msgctxt "includes tax" msgid "(includes %s)" msgstr "(termasuk %s)" msgctxt "shipping method price" msgid "Free" msgstr "Gratis" msgid "" "There was an error with the update. Please refresh the page and try again." msgstr "" "Terjadi kesalahan dengan proses pembaruan. Refresh halaman ini dan coba lagi." msgid "" "To record the progress of the update a new log file was created. This file " "will be automatically deleted in %1$d weeks. If you would like to delete it " "sooner, you can find it here: %2$s" msgstr "" "Untuk merekam kemajuan proses pembaruan, file log yang baru telah dibuat. " "File ini akan dihapus secara otomatis dalam %1$d minggu. Jika ingin segera " "menghapusnya, temukan file tersebut di sini: %2$s" msgid "%1$s %2$s then %3$s" msgstr "%1$s %2$s lalu %3$s" msgid "Update Error" msgstr "Kesalahan dalam Pembaruan" msgid "Your database has been updated successfully!" msgstr "Basis data Anda berhasil diperbarui!" msgid "" "Remember, although the update process may take a while, customers and other " "non-administrative users can browse and purchase from your store without " "interruption while the update is in progress." msgstr "" "Ingat, meskipun proses pembaruan mungkin butuh waktu, pelanggan dan pengguna " "non-admin lainnya tetap dapat menjelajahi dan melakukan pembelian di toko " "Anda tanpa gangguan saat pembaruan sedang dilakukan." msgid "" "Please keep this page open until the update process completes. No need to " "refresh or restart the process." msgstr "" "Mohon biarkan halaman ini tetap terbuka sampai proses pembaruannya selesai. " "Tidak perlu memuat atau memulai ulang proses ini." msgid "Update in Progress" msgstr "Pembaruan sedang Diproses" msgctxt "text on submit button" msgid "Update Database" msgstr "Perbarui Basis Data" msgid "" "Customers and other non-administrative users can browse and purchase from " "your store without interruption while the update is in progress." msgstr "" "Pelanggan dan pengguna non-admin lainnya tetap dapat menjelajahi dan " "melakukan pembelian di toko Anda tanpa gangguan saat pembaruan sedang " "dilakukan." msgid "" "This page will display the results of the process as each batch of " "subscriptions is updated." msgstr "" "Halaman ini akan menampilkan hasil proses tersebut selagi tiap batch " "langganan diperbarui." msgid "" "The full update process for the %1$d subscriptions on your site will take " "between %2$d and %3$d minutes." msgstr "" "Proses pembaruan lengkap untuk langganan %1$d di situs Anda akan membutuhkan " "waktu sekitar %2$d hingga %3$d menit." msgid "" "Before we send you on your way, we need to update your database to the " "newest version. If you do not have a recent backup of your site, %snow is " "the time to create one%s." msgstr "" "Sebelum melanjutkan, kami perlu memperbarui basis data Anda ke versi " "terbaru. Jika situs Anda baru-baru ini belum dicadangkan, %skini saatnya " "untuk melakukannya%s." msgid "The WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin has been updated!" msgstr "Plugin WooCommerce Subscriptions telah diperbarui!" msgid "WooCommerce Subscriptions Update" msgstr "Pembaruan WooCommerce Subscriptions" msgid "" "Rest assured, although the update process may take a little while, it is " "coded to prevent defects, your site is safe and will be up and running " "again, faster than ever, shortly." msgstr "" "Jangan khawatir, walaupun butuh waktu agak lama, proses pembaruan ini " "diprogram untuk mencegah kerusakan sehingga situs Anda aman dan segera dapat " "beroperasi kembali lebih cepat dari biasanya." msgid "" "If you received a server error and reloaded the page to find this notice, " "please refresh the page in %s seconds and the upgrade routine will " "recommence without issues." msgstr "" "Jika terjadi kesalahan pada server dan peringatan tersebut masih muncul " "meskipun Anda memuat ulang halamannya, silakan muat ulang halaman ini dalam " "%s detik dan rutin upgrade akan dimulai kembali tanpa gangguan." msgid "" "The WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin is currently running its database " "upgrade routine." msgstr "" "Plugin WooCommerce Subscriptions sedang memproses rutin upgrade basis " "datanya." msgid "The Upgrade is in Progress" msgstr "Upgrade sedang Diproses" msgid "WooCommerce Subscriptions Update in Progress" msgstr "Pembaruan WooCommerce Subscriptions sedang Diproses" msgid "Go to WooCommerce Subscriptions Settings »" msgstr "Buka Pengaturan WooCommerce Subscriptions »" msgid "See the full guide to What's New in Subscriptions version 2.1 »" msgstr "" "Lihat panduan lengkap Apa Yang Baru pada Subscriptions versi 2.1 »" msgid "" "Subscriptions also now uses the renewal order to setup the cart for %smanual " "renewals%s, making it easier to add products or discounts to a single " "renewal paid manually." msgstr "" "Kini Subscriptions juga menggunakan pesanan perpanjangan untuk menyiapkan " "keranjang bagi %sperpanjangan manual%s, sehingga menambahkan produk atau " "diskon ke perpanjangan tunggal yang dibayar secara manual jadi lebih mudah." msgid "" "Subscriptions 2.1 now passes the renewal order's total, making it possible " "to add a fee or discount to the renewal order with simple one-liners like %s" "$order->add_fee()%s or %s$order->add_coupon()%s." msgstr "" "Kini, Subscriptions 2.1 meneruskan total pesanan perpanjangan, sehingga " "biaya atau diskon untuk pesanan perpanjangan dapat ditambahkan dengan satu " "baris sederhana seperti %s$order->add_fee()%s atau %s$order->add_coupon()%s." msgid "" "In previous versions of Subscriptions, the subscription total was passed to " "payment gateways as the amount to charge for automatic renewal payments. " "This made it unnecessarily complicated to add one-time fees or discounts to " "a renewal." msgstr "" "Pada versi Subscriptions sebelumnya, total langganan diteruskan ke gateway " "pembayaran sebagai jumlah yang akan dikenakan untuk pembayaran perpanjangan " "otomatis. Proses ini membuat penambahan biaya atau diskon perpanjangan satu " "kali jadi lebih rumit." msgid "Honour Renewal Order Data" msgstr "Data Pesanan Perpanjangan Lunas" msgid "" "Want the details of a specific subscription? Get %s/wp-json/wc/v1/" "subscriptions/<id>/%s." msgstr "" "Ingin tahu detail langganan tertentu? Dapatkan %s/wp-json/wc/v1/" "subscriptions/<id>/%s." msgid "" "Want to list all the subscriptions on a site? Get %s/wp-json/wc/v1/" "subscriptions%s." msgstr "" "Ingin membuat daftar semua langganan pada suatu situs? Dapatkan %s/wp-json/" "wc/v1/subscriptions%s." msgid "" "Your applications can now create, read, update or delete subscriptions via " "RESTful API endpoints with the same design as the latest version of " "WooCommerce's REST API endpoints." msgstr "" "Sekarang aplikasi Anda dapat membuat, membaca, memperbarui, atau menghapus " "langganan via endpoint RESTful API dengan desain yang sama seperti endpoint " "REST API WooCommerce versi terbaru." msgid "" "Subscriptions 2.1 adds support for subscription data to this infrastructure." msgstr "" "Subscriptions 2.1 menambahkan dukungan untuk data langganan ke infrastruktur " "ini." msgid "" "WooCommerce 2.6 added support for %1$sREST API%2$s endpoints built on " "WordPress core's %3$sREST API%4$s infrastructure." msgstr "" "WooCommerce 2.6 menambahkan dukungan untuk endpoint %1$sREST API%2$s yang " "dikembangkan dari infrastruktur %3$sREST API%4$s inti WordPress." msgid "WP REST API Endpoints" msgstr "Endpoint REST API WP" msgid "" "To apply a specific rule based on certain conditions, like high value orders " "or an infrequent renewal schedule, you can use the retry specific " "%s'wcs_get_retry_rule'%s filter. This provides the ID of the renewal order " "for the failed payment, which can be used to find information about the " "products, subscription and totals to which the failed payment relates." msgstr "" "Untuk menerapkan aturan khusus berdasarkan kondisi tertentu, seperti pesanan " "bernilai tinggi atau jadwal perpanjangan yang jarang, Anda dapat menggunakan " "filter %s'wcs_get_retry_rule'%s khusus percobaan ulang. Hasilnya akan " "menampilkan ID pesanan perpanjangan untuk pembayaran yang gagal, yang dapat " "digunakan untuk mencari informasi mengenai produk, langganan, dan total " "terkait pembayaran gagal tersebut." msgid "" "With the %s'wcs_default_retry_rules'%s filter, you can define a set of " "default rules to apply to all failed payments in your store." msgstr "" "Dengan filter %s'wcs_default_retry_rules'%s, Anda dapat menentukan " "serangkaian aturan default untuk diterapkan pada semua pembayaran yang gagal " "di toko Anda." msgid "" "The best part about the new automatic retry system is that the retry rules " "are completely customisable." msgstr "" "Bagian terbaik dari sistem percobaan ulang otomatis yang baru adalah aturan " "percobaan ulang dapat disesuaikan sepenuhnya." msgid "Customise Retry Rules" msgstr "Sesuaikan Aturan Percobaan Ulang" msgid "" "With WooCommerce Subscribe All the Things, they can! This experimental " "extension is exploring how to convert any product, including Product Bundles " "and Composite Products, into a subscription product. It also offers " "customers a way to subscribe to a cart of non-subscription products." msgstr "" "Dengan WooCommerce Subscribe All the Things, semua bisa! Ekstensi " "eksperimental ini mempelajari cara mengonversi produk apa pun, termasuk " "Paket Produk dan Produk Gabungan, menjadi produk langganan. Ekstensi ini " "juga memungkinkan pelanggan untuk berlangganan keranjang produk bukan " "langganan." msgid "" "Want your customers to be able to subscribe to non-subscription products?" msgstr "Anda ingin pelanggan dapat berlangganan produk bukan langganan?" msgid "Subscribe All the Things" msgstr "Subscribe All the Things" msgid "" "This free extension makes it possible to migrate subscribers from 3rd party " "systems to WooCommerce. It also makes it possible to export your " "subscription data for analysis in spreadsheet tools or 3rd party apps." msgstr "" "Ekstensi gratis ini memungkinkan pemindahan pelanggan dari sistem pihak " "ketiga ke WooCommerce. Ekstensi ini juga memungkinkan pengeksporan data " "pelanggan untuk Anda analisis melalui spreadsheet atau aplikasi pihak ketiga." msgid "" "Import subscriptions to WooCommerce via CSV, or export your subscriptions " "from WooCommerce to a CSV with the WooCommerce Subscriptions Importer/" "Exporter extension." msgstr "" "Impor pelanggan ke WooCommerce dengan CSV, atau ekspor pelanggan dari " "WooCommerce menjadi CSV dengan ekstensi WooCommerce Subscriptions Importer/" "Exporter." msgctxt "h3 on the About Subscriptions page for this new feature" msgid "Import/Export Subscriptions" msgstr "Impor/Ekspor Langganan" msgid "" "The Gifting extension makes it possible for one person to purchase a " "subscription product for someone else. It then shares control of the " "subscription between the purchaser and recipient, allowing both to manage " "the subscription over its lifecycle." msgstr "" "Ekstensi Gifting memungkinkan seseorang membeli produk langganan untuk orang " "lain. Kemudian, pembeli dan penerima dapat berbagi kontrol langganan " "sehingga keduanya dapat mengelola langganan selama masa aktifnya." msgid "" "What happens when a customer wants to purchase a subscription product for " "someone else?" msgstr "" "Apa yang terjadi jika pelanggan ingin membeli produk langganan untuk orang " "lain?" msgid "Subscription Gifting" msgstr "Menghadiahkan Langganan" msgid "" "That's not all we've working on for the last 12 months when it comes to " "Subscriptions. We've also released mini-extensions to help you get the most " "from your subscription store." msgstr "" "Ini belum seberapa. Kerja kami mengembangkan Subscriptions selama 12 bulan " "terakhir menghadirkan lebih banyak keunggulan. Kami juga merilis ekstensi " "mini untuk membantu mendapatkan yang terbaik dari toko langganan Anda." msgid "But wait, there's more!" msgstr "Tapi tunggu, masih ada banyak kejutan!" msgctxt "learn more link to subscription emails documentation" msgid "Learn More" msgstr "Pelajari Lebih Lanjut" msgid "View Email Settings" msgstr "Lihat Pengaturan Email" msgid "" "These emails can be enabled, disabled and customised under the %sWooCommerce " "> Settings > Emails%s administration screen." msgstr "" "Email dapat diaktifkan, dinonaktifkan, dan disesuaikan melalui layar " "administrasi %sWooCommerce > Pengaturan > Email%s." msgid "a subscription expires" msgstr "langganan kedaluwarsa" msgid "an automatic payment fails" msgstr "pembayaran otomatis gagal" msgid "a customer suspends a subscription" msgstr "pelanggan menangguhkan langganan" msgid "" "Subscriptions 2.1 also introduces a number of new emails to notify you when:" msgstr "" "Subscriptions 2.1 juga memperkenalkan sejumlah email baru yang memberi tahu " "Anda saat:" msgid "New Subscription Emails" msgstr "Email Langganan Baru" msgctxt "learn more link to failed payment retry documentation" msgid "Learn More" msgstr "Pelajari Lebih Lanjut" msgid "Enable Automatic Retry" msgstr "Aktifkan Percobaan Ulang Otomatis" msgid "" "The retry system is disabled by default. To enable it, visit the " "Subscriptions settings administration screen." msgstr "" "Sistem percobaan ulang dinonaktifkan secara default. Untuk mengaktifkannya, " "buka layar administrasi pengaturan Subscriptions." msgid "the status applied to the renewal order and subscription" msgstr "status yang diterapkan untuk pesanan perpanjangan dan langganan" msgid "emails sent to the customer and store manager" msgstr "email dikirim ke pelanggan dan manajer toko" msgid "how long to wait between retry attempts" msgstr "lama waktu tunggu antara tiap percobaan ulang" msgid "the total number of retry attempts" msgstr "total jumlah percobaan ulang" msgid "" "By default, Subscriptions will retry the payment 5 times over 7 days. The " "rules that control the retry system can be modified to customise:" msgstr "" "Secara default, Subscriptions akan mencoba ulang pembayaran sebanyak 5 kali " "dalam 7 hari. Aturan yang mengendalikan sistem percobaan ulang dapat " "disesuaikan:" msgid "" "Failed recurring payments can now be retried automatically. This helps " "recover revenue that would otherwise be lost due to payment methods being " "declined only temporarily." msgstr "" "Sekarang pembayaran berulang yang gagal dapat dicoba kembali secara " "otomatis. Fitur ini membantu memulihkan pendapatan yang mungkin saja hilang " "karena metode pembayaran ditolak hanya untuk sementara." msgid "Automatic Failed Payment Retry" msgstr "Percobaan Ulang Otomatis Pembayaran yang Gagal" msgctxt "learn more link to subscription reports documentation" msgid "Learn More" msgstr "Pelajari Lebih Lanjut" msgid "View Reports" msgstr "Lihat Laporan" msgid "" "Prior to Subscriptions 2.1, they were not easy to answer. Subscriptions 2.1 " "introduces new reports to answer these questions, and many more." msgstr "" "Sebelum Subscriptions 2.1, sistem sulit menampilkan jawaban. Subscriptions " "2.1 memperkenalkan laporan baru yang dapat menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, dan " "masih banyak lagi." msgid "These are important questions for any subscription commerce business." msgstr "" "Berikut pertanyaan-pertanyaan penting untuk bisnis dagang langganan apa pun." msgid "" "How many customers stay subscribed for more than 6 months? What is the " "average lifetime value of your subscribers? How much renewal revenue will " "your store earn next month?" msgstr "" "Berapa banyak pelanggan yang tetap berlangganan selama lebih dari 6 bulan? " "Berapa nilai masa aktif rata-rata pelanggan Anda? Berapa pendapatan " "perpanjangan yang akan toko Anda terima bulan depan?" msgid "Subscription Reports" msgstr "Laporan Langganan" msgctxt "short for documents" msgid "Documentation" msgstr "Dokumentasi" msgid "" "Version 2.1 introduces some great new features requested by store managers " "just like you (and possibly even by %syou%s)." msgstr "" "Versi 2.1 memperkenalkan sejumlah fitur baru sesuai permintaan manajer toko " "seperti Anda (bahkan mungkin saja %sAnda%s)." msgid "Welcome to Subscriptions 2.1!" msgstr "Selamat Datang di Subscriptions 2.1!" msgid "Go to WooCommerce Subscriptions Settings" msgstr "Buka Pengaturan WooCommerce Subscriptions" msgid "" "Want to list all the subscriptions on a site? Get" "subscriptions/%s. Want the details of a specific subscription? Get %s/wc-api/" "v2/subscriptions/<id>/%s." msgstr "" "Ingin mendata seluruh langganan yang ada di situs? Dapatkan" "api/v2/subscriptions/%s. Ingin melihat suatu data langganan selengkapnya? " "Dapatkan %s/wc-api/v2/subscriptions/<id>/%s." msgid "" "We didn't just improve interfaces for humans, we also improved them for " "computers. Your applications can now create, read, update or delete " "subscriptions via RESTful API endpoints." msgstr "" "Kami meningkatkan antarmuka tak hanya bagi manusia, tetapi juga untuk " "komputer. Aplikasi Anda kini dapat membuat, membaca, memperbarui, atau " "menghapus langganan via endpoints RESTful API." msgid "REST API Endpoints" msgstr "Endpoint REST API" msgid "" "Because the %sWC_Subscription%s class extends %sWC_Order%s, you can use its " "familiar methods, like %s$subscription->update_status()%s or %s$subscription-" ">get_total()%s." msgstr "" "Karena kelas %sWC_Subscription%s mencakup %sWC_Order%s, Anda dapat " "menggunakan metode yang sudah dikenal, seperti %s$subscription-" ">update_status()%s atau %s$subscription->get_total()%s." msgid "" "Subscriptions 2.0 introduces a new object for working with a subscription at " "the application level. The cumbersome APIs for retrieving or modifying a " "subscription's data are gone!" msgstr "" "Subscriptions 2.0 menghadirkan objek baru untuk memproses langganan di " "tingkat aplikasi. Ucapkan selamat tinggal pada API yang rumit untuk " "memperoleh atau mengubah data langganan!" msgid "New %sWC_Subscription%s Object" msgstr "Objek %sWC_Subscription%s yang Baru" msgid "" "Developers can also now use all the familiar WordPress functions, like " "%sget_posts()%s, to query or modify subscription data." msgstr "" "Kini pengembang juga dapat menggunakan semua fungsi WordPress yang sering " "dipakai, seperti %sget_posts()%s, untuk meminta atau mengubah data langganan." msgid "" "By making a subscription a Custom Order Type, a subscription is also now a " "custom post type. This makes it faster to query subscriptions and it uses a " "database schema that is as scalable as WordPress posts and pages." msgstr "" "Dengan mengubah langganan menjadi Tipe Pesanan Kustom, langganan juga " "berubah menjadi tipe pos kustom. Dengan begitu, permintaan data langganan " "menjadi lebih cepat dan karena menggunakan skema basis data, skalanya dapat " "diubahsuaikan seperti pos dan halaman WordPress." msgid "New %sshop_subscription%s Post Type" msgstr "Tipe Pos %sshop_subscription%s yang Baru" msgid "" "Subscriptions 2.0 introduces a new architecture built on the WooCommerce " "Custom Order Types API." msgstr "" "Subscriptions 2.0 menghadirkan arsitektur baru yang dikembangkan dari API " "Tipe Pesanan Kustom WooCommerce." msgid "Peek Under the Hood for Developers" msgstr "Untuk Para Pengembang, Lihat Seluk-beluk" msgid "And much more..." msgstr "Dan lainnya..." msgid "" "It was already possible to change a subscription's next payment date, but " "some store managers wanted to provide a customer with an extended free trial " "or add an extra month to the expiration date. Now you can change all of " "these dates from the %sEdit Subscription%s screen." msgstr "" "Mengganti tanggal pembayaran langganan yang selanjutnya sudah dapat " "dilakukan, tetapi beberapa manajer toko ingin memperpanjang masa percobaan " "gratis atau memundurkan tanggal kedaluwarsa selama sebulan untuk pelanggan. " "Kini Anda bisa mengubah semua tanggal ini dari layar %sEdit Langganan%s." msgid "Change Trial and End Dates" msgstr "Ubah Tanggal Percobaan dan Tanggal Akhir" msgid "" "For a store manager to change a subscription from automatic to manual " "renewal payments (or manual to automatic) with Subscriptions v1.5, the " "database needed to be modified directly. Subscriptions now provides a way " "for payment gateways to allow you to change that from the new %sEdit " "Subscription%s interface." msgstr "" "Agar manajer toko dapat mengubah pembayaran perpanjangan langganan dari " "otomatis ke manual (atau sebaliknya) menggunakan Subscriptions v1.5, basis " "data perlu diubah secara langsung. Subscriptions sekarang menyediakan cara " "untuk mengubah gateway pembayaran dari antarmuka %sEdit Langganan%s yang " "baru tersebut." msgctxt "h3 on the About Subscriptions page for this new feature" msgid "Change Payment Method" msgstr "Ubah Metode Pembayaran" msgid "%sLearn more »%s" msgstr "%sPelajari lebih lanjut »%s" msgid "" "By default, adding new files to an existing subscription product will " "automatically provide active subscribers with access to the new files. " "However, now you can enable a %snew content dripping setting%s to provide " "subscribers with access to new files only after the next renewal payment." msgstr "" "Pada setelan asal, dengan menambahkan file baru ke produk langganan produk " "yang sudah ada, pelanggan aktif secara otomatis akan mendapatkan akses ke " "file baru tersebut. Namun, kini Anda sudah bisa mengaktifkan %spengaturan " "perilisan konten baru secara bertahap%s, sehingga akses ke file baru hanya " "akan diberikan setelah pelanggan membayar perpanjangan yang selanjutnya." msgid "Learn more about the new %sView Subscription page%s." msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang %shalaman Lihat Langganan%s." msgid "" "This new page is also where the customer can suspend or cancel their " "subscription, change payment method, change shipping address or upgrade/" "downgrade an item." msgstr "" "Dengan halaman yang baru tersebut, pelanggan dapat menangguhkan atau " "membatalkan langganan, mengubah metode pembayaran, mengubah alamat " "pengiriman, atau melakukan upgrade/downgrade item." msgid "" "Your customers can now view the full details of a subscription, including " "line items, billing and shipping address, billing schedule and renewal " "orders, from a special %sMy Account > View Subscription%s page." msgstr "" "Pelanggan Anda kini dapat melihat informasi langganan secara lengkap, " "termasuk item baris, alamat penagihan dan pengiriman, jadwal penagihan, dan " "pesanan perpanjangan dari halaman khusus %sAkun Saya > Lihat Langganan%s." msgid "New View Subscription Page" msgstr "Halaman Lihat Langganan yang Baru" msgid "" "The new interface is also built on the existing %sEdit Order%s screen. If " "you've ever modified an order, you already know how to modify a subscription." msgstr "" "Antarmuka yang baru ini juga dikembangkan dari layar %sEdit Pesanan%s yang " "sudah ada. Jika pernah mengubah pesanan, Anda berarti sudah tahu cara " "mengubah langganan." msgid "" "Subscriptions v2.0 introduces a new administration interface to add or edit " "a subscription. You can make all the familiar changes, like modifying " "recurring totals or subscription status. You can also make some new " "modifications, like changing the expiration date, adding a shipping cost or " "adding a product line item." msgstr "" "Subscriptions v2.0 menghadirkan antarmuka administrator yang baru untuk " "menambah atau menyunting langganan. Anda dapat mengubah setelan-setelan lama " "seperti mengubah harga total berulang atau status langganan. Anda juga bisa " "melakukan sedikit pengubahan, seperti mengubah tanggal kedaluwarsa, " "menambahkan biaya pengiriman, atau menambahkan item baris produk." msgid "" "%1$sAdd a subscription%2$s now or %3$slearn more%4$s about the new interface." msgstr "" "%1$sTambahkan langganan%2$s sekarang atau %3$spelajari lebih lanjut%4$s " "tentang antarmuka yang baru ini." msgid "New Add/Edit Subscription Screen" msgstr "Layar Tambah/Edit Langganan yang Baru" msgid "Learn more about the new %smultiple subscriptions%s feature." msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang fitur %sbanyak langganan%s yang baru." msgid "" "Customers can now purchase different subscription products in one " "transaction. The products can bill on any schedule and have any combination " "of sign-up fees and/or free trials." msgstr "" "Pelanggan kini dapat membeli berbagai produk langganan dalam satu kali " "transaksi. Tagihan produk dapat dikirimkan kapan saja dan umumnya merupakan " "paduan dari biaya pendaftaran dan/atau percobaan gratis produk." msgid "It's now easier for your customers to buy more subscriptions!" msgstr "Pelanggan Anda sekarang bisa dengan mudah menambah langganannya!" msgid "Multiple Subscriptions" msgstr "Banyak Langganan" msgid "Check Out What's New" msgstr "Apa Saja yang Baru" msgctxt "short for documents" msgid "Docs" msgstr "Dokumentasi" msgid "" "Version 2.0 has been in development for more than a year. We've reinvented " "the extension to take into account 3 years of feedback from store managers." msgstr "" "Versi 2.0 dikembangkan lebih dari setahun. Kami menyulap ekstensi ini untuk " "mengakomodasi masukan dari para manajer toko selama 3 tahun." msgid "Welcome to Subscriptions 2.0" msgstr "Selamat datang di Subscriptions 2.0" msgid "Want to know more about Subscriptions %s?" msgstr "Ingin tahu lebih lanjut tentang Subscriptions %s?" msgid "We hope you enjoy it!" msgstr "Semoga Anda menyukainya!" msgid "" "Thank you for updating to the latest version of WooCommerce Subscriptions." msgstr "Terima kasih telah memperbarui WooCommerce ke versi terbaru." msgid "" "Version %1$s brings some new improvements requested by store managers just " "like you (and possibly even by %2$syou%3$s)." msgstr "" "Versi %1$s memiliki beberapa peningkatan baru yang diminta oleh manajer toko " "seperti Anda (dan bahkan bisa oleh %2$sAnda%3$s)." msgid "Welcome to WooCommerce Subscriptions %s!" msgstr "Selamat datang di WooCommerce Subscriptions %s!" msgid "" "Previous versions of Subscriptions relied on %1$sWP Cron%2$s to process " "subscription payments and other scheduled events. In 3.0, these events will " "now run on admin request with loopback support. This will significantly " "increase the throughput of payment processing." msgstr "" "Versi Subscriptions yang sebelumnya bergantung pada %1$sWP Cron%2$s untuk " "memproses pembayaran langganan dan tugas terjadwal lainnya. Pada versi 3.0, " "tugas terjadwal ini akan berjalan sesuai permintaan admin dengan dukungan " "aliran balik (loopback). Dengan begitu, kemampuan pemrosesan pembayaran akan " "meningkat secara signifikan." msgid "Increased processing rate for scheduled payments" msgstr "Kecepatan pemrosesan pembayaran terjadwal meningkat" msgid "" "Scheduled action data, which was previously stored in the WordPress post " "tables, has been moved to a custom database table. Amongst other benefits, " "this will greatly improve the performance of processing scheduled actions " "such as subscription payments." msgstr "" "Data aksi terjadwal yang sebelumnya tersimpan di tabel pos WordPress kini " "telah dipindahkan ke tabel basis data kustom. Manfaat lainnya termasuk " "peningkatan secara signifikan kinerja pemrosesan aksi terjadwal seperti " "pembayaran langganan." msgid "Subscription end date in the past" msgstr "Tanggal berakhir langganan sebelumnya" msgid "" "%1$sWarning!%2$s We discovered an issue in %1$sWooCommerce Subscriptions " "2.3.0 - 2.3.2%2$s that may cause your subscription renewal order and " "customer subscription caches to contain invalid data. For information about " "how to update the cached data, please %3$sopen a new support ticket%4$s." msgstr "" "%1$sPeringatan!%2$s Kami menemukan masalah di %1$sLangganan WooCommerce " "2.3.0 - 2.3.2%2$s yang dapat menyebabkan pesanan perpanjangan langganan dan " "cache langganan pelanggan Anda berisi data yang tidak valid. Untuk " "mendapatkan informasi tentang cara memperbarui data cache, %3$sbuka tiket " "dukungan baru%4$s." msgid "Improved scheduled action data storage" msgstr "Peningkatan penyimpanan data aksi terjadwal" msgctxt "plugin version number used in admin notice" msgid "3.0" msgstr "3.0" msgid "" "%1$sWarning!%2$s It appears that you have downgraded %1$sWooCommerce " "Subscriptions%2$s from %3$s to %4$s. Downgrading the plugin in this way may " "cause issues. Please update to %3$s or higher, or %5$sopen a new support " "ticket%6$s for further assistance. %7$sLearn more »%8$s" msgstr "" "%1$sPeringatan!%2$s Sepertinya Anda telah menurunkan %1$sLangganan " "WooCommerce%2$s dari %3$s ke %4$s. Menurunkan plugin dengan cara ini dapat " "menimbulkan masalah. Perbarui %3$s atau lebih tinggi, atau %5$sbuka tiket " "dukungan baru%6$s untuk bantuan lebih lanjut. %7$sPelajari lebih lanjut " "»%8$s" msgid "About WooCommerce Subscriptions" msgstr "Tentang WooCommerce Subscriptions" msgid "Welcome to WooCommerce Subscriptions 2.1" msgstr "Selamat datang di WooCommerce Subscriptions 2.1" msgctxt "" "Error message that gets sent to front end when upgrading Subscriptions" msgid "" "Unable to repair subscriptions.%4$sError: %1$s%4$sPlease refresh the page " "and try again. If problem persists, %2$scontact support%3$s." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat memperbaiki langganan.%4$sError: %1$s%4$sSegarkan halaman lalu " "coba lagi. Jika masalah berlanjut, %2$shubungi dukungan%3$s." msgctxt "The assembled repair message that gets sent to front end." msgid "%1$s%2$s %3$s" msgstr "%1$s%2$s %3$s" msgctxt "Repair message that gets sent to front end." msgid "(in %s seconds)" msgstr "(dalam %s detik)" msgctxt "Repair message that gets sent to front end." msgid " %d other subscription was checked and did not need any repairs." msgid_plural "" "%d other subscriptions were checked and did not need any repairs." msgstr[0] "%d langganan lain telah diperiksa dan tidak memerlukan perbaikan." msgstr[1] "%d langganan lain telah diperiksa dan tidak memerlukan perbaikan." msgctxt "Repair message that gets sent to front end." msgid "" "Repaired %d subscriptions with incorrect dates, line tax data or missing " "customer notes." msgstr "" "%d langganan yang diperbaiki dengan tanggal dan data pajak yang salah, atau " "catatan pelanggan yang hilang." msgid "" "Unable to upgrade subscriptions.%4$sError: %1$s%4$sPlease refresh the page " "and try again. If problem persists, %2$scontact support%3$s." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat melakukan upgrade langganan.%4$sKesalahan: %1$s%4$sSilakan muat " "ulang halaman ini dan coba kembali. Jika masalah berlanjut, %2$shubungi tim " "dukungan%3$s." msgctxt "Message that gets sent to front end." msgid "Estimated time left (minutes:seconds): %s" msgstr "Perkiraan waktu yang tersisa (menit:detik): %s" msgid "Migrated %1$s subscriptions to the new structure (in %2$s seconds)." msgstr "%1$s langganan yang dipindahkan ke struktur baru (dalam %2$s detik)." msgid "" "Migrated %1$s subscription related hooks to the new scheduler (in %2$s " "seconds)." msgstr "" "%1$s hook terkait langganan yang dipindahkan ke penjadwal baru (dalam %2$s " "detik)." msgctxt "used in the subscriptions upgrader" msgid "Marked %s subscription products as \"sold individually\"." msgstr "Produk langganan %s ditandai \"dijual terpisah\"." msgid "Database updated to version %s" msgstr "Basis data diperbarui ke versi %s" msgid "" "Subscription suspended by Database repair script. This subscription was " "suspended via PayPal." msgstr "" "Langganan ditunda oleh skrip perbaikan Basis Data. Langganan ini ditunda " "melalui PayPal." msgid "Customers with a subscription are excluded from this setting." msgstr "Pelanggan dengan langganan tidak termasuk dalam pengaturan ini." msgid "" "Retain ended subscriptions and their related orders for a specified duration " "before anonymizing the personal data within them." msgstr "" "Pertahankan langganan yang sudah berakhir dan pesanan terkait selama durasi " "tertentu sebelum menganonimkan data pribadi di dalamnya." msgid "Retain ended subscriptions" msgstr "Simpan langganan yang sudah berakhir" msgid "" "When handling an %s, should personal data within subscriptions be retained " "or removed?" msgstr "" "Saat menangani %s, apakah data pribadi dalam langganan harus disimpan atau " "dihapus?" msgid "Remove personal data from subscriptions" msgstr "Hapus data pribadi dari langganan" msgid "" "%1$sNote:%2$s Orders which are related to subscriptions will not be included " "in the orders affected by these settings." msgstr "" "%1$sCatatan:%2$s Perintah terkait langganan tidak akan disertakan di " "perintah yang terpengaruh oleh pengaturan ini." msgid "Removed personal data from %d subscription." msgid_plural "Removed personal data from %d subscriptions." msgstr[0] "Data pribadi yang dihapus dari %d langganan." msgstr[1] "Data pribadi yang dihapus dari %d langganan." msgid "Cancel and remove personal data" msgstr "Batalkan dan hapus data pribadi" msgid "" "If you are using PayPal Standard or PayPal Reference transactions please see " "the %1$sPayPal Privacy Policy%2$s for more details." msgstr "" "Jika Anda menggunakan transaksi PayPal Standard atau PayPal Reference, " "silakan lihat %1$sKebijakan Privasi PayPal%2$s untuk detail selengkapnya." msgid "" "What personal information your store shares with external sources depends on " "which third-party payment processor plugins you are using to collect " "subscription payments. We recommend that you consult with their privacy " "policies to inform this section of your privacy policy." msgstr "" "Informasi pribadi yang dibagikan toko Anda kepada sumber eksternal " "tergantung pada plugin prosesor pembayaran pihak ketiga yang Anda gunakan " "untuk mengumpulkan pembayaran langganan. Kami menyarankan Anda berkonsultasi " "dengan kebijakan privasi mereka untuk memberitahukan bagian kebijakan " "privasi Anda ini." msgid "" "For the purposes of processing recurring subscription payments, we store the " "customer's name, billing address, shipping address, email address, phone " "number and credit card/payment details." msgstr "" "Untuk tujuan pemrosesan pembayaran langganan berulang, kami menyimpan nama, " "alamat penagihan, alamat pengiriman, alamat email, nomor telepon, dan detail " "kartu kredit/pembayaran pelanggan." msgid "" "By using WooCommerce Subscriptions, you may be storing personal data and " "depending on which third-party payment processors you’re using to take " "subscription payments, you may be sharing personal data with external " "sources." msgstr "" "Dengan menggunakan Langganan WooCommerce, Anda dapat menyimpan data pribadi " "dan tergantung pada prosesor pembayaran pihak ketiga yang Anda gunakan untuk " "mengambil pembayaran langganan, Anda dapat berbagi data pribadi dengan " "sumber eksternal." msgid "Subscriptions Data" msgstr "Data Langganan" msgid "WooCommerce Subscriptions" msgstr "WooCommerce Subscriptions" msgid "Subscription Items" msgstr "Item Langganan" msgid "Recurring Total" msgstr "Harga Total Berulang" msgid "Created Date" msgstr "Tanggal yang Dibuat" msgid "Subscription Number" msgstr "Nomor Langganan" msgid "Personal data within subscription %s has been retained." msgstr "Data pribadi dalam langganan %s telah disimpan." msgid "Removed personal data from subscription %s." msgstr "Data pribadi yang dihapus dari langganan %s." msgid "No retries found in trash" msgstr "Percobaan pembayaran tidak ditemukan di tempat sampah." msgid "Search Renewal Payment Retries" msgstr "Cari Percobaan Kembali Pembayaran Perpanjangan" msgid "New Retry" msgstr "Percobaan Ulang Baru" msgid "Add New Retry" msgstr "Tambahkan Percobaan Ulang Baru" msgctxt "Admin menu name" msgid "Renewal Payment Retries" msgstr "Percobaan Kembali Pembayaran Perpanjangan" msgid "Renewal Payment Retry" msgstr "Percobaan Ulang Pembayaran Perpanjangan" msgctxt "Post type name" msgid "Renewal Payment Retries" msgstr "Percobaan Kembali Pembayaran Perpanjangan" msgid "" "Payment retry posts store details about the automatic retry of failed " "renewal payments." msgstr "" "Pos percobaan ulang pembayaran menyimpan rincian percobaan ulang otomatis " "untuk pembayaran perpanjangan yang gagal." msgctxt "label for the system status page" msgid "Retries Migration Status" msgstr "Coba Lagi Status Migrasi" msgctxt "label for the system status page" msgid "Custom Retry Rule" msgstr "Aturan Coba Lagi Kustom" msgctxt "label for the system status page" msgid "Custom Raw Retry Rule" msgstr "Aturan Coba Ulang Baku Kustom" msgctxt "label for the system status page" msgid "Custom Retry Rule Class" msgstr "Kelas Aturan Coba Lagi Kustom" msgctxt "label for the system status page" msgid "Custom Retry Rules" msgstr "Aturan Coba Lagi Kustom" msgid "" "Attempt to recover recurring revenue that would otherwise be lost due to " "payment methods being declined only temporarily. %1$sLearn more%2$s." msgstr "" "Berusaha memulihkan pendapatan berulang yang mungkin saja hilang karena " "metode pembayaran ditolak hanya untuk sementara. %1$sPelajari lebih lanjut" "%2$s." msgid "Enable automatic retry of failed recurring payments" msgstr "Aktifkan percobaan ulang otomatis untuk pembayaran berulang yang gagal" msgid "Retry Failed Payments" msgstr "Coba Ulang Pembayaran yang Gagal" msgid "%d Cancelled Payment Retry" msgid_plural "%d Cancelled Payment Retries" msgstr[0] "%d Percobaan Ulang Pembayaran yang Dibatalkan" msgstr[1] "%d Percobaan Ulang Pembayaran yang Dibatalkan" msgid "%d Successful Payment Retry" msgid_plural "%d Successful Payment Retries" msgstr[0] "%d Percobaan Ulang Pembayaran yang Berhasil" msgstr[1] "%d Percobaan Ulang Pembayaran yang Berhasil" msgid "%d Failed Payment Retry" msgid_plural "%d Failed Payment Retries" msgstr[0] "%d Percobaan Ulang Pembayaran yang Gagal" msgstr[1] "%d Percobaan Ulang Pembayaran yang Gagal" msgid "%d Processing Payment Retry" msgid_plural "%d Processing Payment Retries" msgstr[0] "%d Percobaan Ulang Pembayaran yang Masih Dalam Proses" msgstr[1] "%d Percobaan Ulang Pembayaran yang Masih Dalam Proses" msgid "%d Pending Payment Retry" msgid_plural "%d Pending Payment Retries" msgstr[0] "%d Percobaan Ulang Pembayaran yang Tertunda" msgstr[1] "%d Percobaan Ulang Pembayaran yang Tertunda" msgid "Automatic Failed Payment Retries" msgstr "Percobaan Ulang Otomatis Pembayaran yang Gagal" msgid "" "To see the full error, view the %1$s log file from the %2$sWooCommerce logs " "screen.%3$s." msgstr "" "Untuk melihat error dengan sepenuhnya, ;lihat%1$s berkas log dari %2$slayar " "log WooCommerce.%3$s." msgid "Last recorded error:" msgstr "Error terakhir yang direkam:" msgid "" "To resolve this as quickly as possible, please create a %1$stemporary " "administrator account%3$s with the user email and " "share the credentials with us via %2$$s." msgstr "" "Untuk memecahkan masalah ini secepat mungkin, silakan membuat %1$sakun " "administrator sementara%3$s dengan email pengguna " "dan berikan kami informasi kredensialnya via %2$$s." msgid "" "A fatal error has occurred while processing a recent subscription payment " "with PayPal. Please %1$sopen a new ticket at WooCommerce Support%3$s " "immediately to get this resolved. %2$sLearn more »%3$s" msgstr "" "Error fatal terjadi saat memproses pembayaran langganan terakhir dengan " "PayPal. Segera %1$sbuka tiket baru di Dukungan WooCommerce%3$s untuk " "menyelesaikan masalah ini. %2$sPelajari lebih lanjut »%3$s" msgid "PayPal API error - credentials are incorrect." msgstr "API PayPal error - kredensial salah." msgctxt "item name sent to paypal" msgid "Subscription %1$s (Order %2$s) - %3$s" msgstr "Langganan %1$s (Pesanan %2$s) - %3$s" msgctxt "item name sent to paypal" msgid "Subscription %1$s - %2$s" msgstr "Langganan %1$s - %2$s" msgid "Invalid PayPal IPN Payload: unable to find matching subscription." msgstr "" "Payload IPN PayPal tidak valid: tidak dapat menemukan langganan yang cocok." msgid "IPN subscription payment failure." msgstr "Pembayaran langganan IPN gagal." msgid "IPN subscription cancelled." msgstr "Langganan IPN dibatalkan." msgid "IPN subscription suspended." msgstr "Langganan IPN ditangguhkan." msgctxt "used in order note" msgid "IPN subscription payment %1$s for reason: %2$s." msgstr "Pembayaran langganan IPN %1$s karena: %2$s." msgctxt "used in order note" msgid "IPN subscription payment %s." msgstr "Pembayaran langganan IPN %s." msgid "IPN subscription failing payment method changed." msgstr "Metode pembayaran langganan IPN yang gagal, diubah." msgid "IPN subscription payment completed." msgstr "Pembayaran langganan IPN berhasil." msgid "IPN subscription sign up completed." msgstr "Pendaftaran langganan IPN berhasil." msgctxt "" "when it is a payment change, and there is a subscr_signup message, this will " "be a confirmation message that PayPal accepted it being the new payment " "method" msgid "IPN subscription payment method changed to PayPal." msgstr "Metode pembayaran langganan IPN diubah ke PayPal." msgid "Billing agreement cancelled at PayPal." msgstr "Persetujuan penagihan dibatalkan di PayPal." msgctxt "no information about something" msgid "N/A" msgstr "Tidak tersedia" msgctxt "used in api error message if there is no long message" msgid "Unknown error" msgstr "Galat tak diketahui" msgctxt "used in api error message if there is no severity code from PayPal" msgid "Error" msgstr "Galat" msgid "expected clearing date %s" msgstr "tanggal kliring yang diharapkan %s" msgid "SKU: %s" msgstr "SKU: %s" msgctxt "data sent to paypal" msgid "%1$s subscription event triggered at %2$s" msgstr "%1$s event langganan dipicu di %2$s" msgid "%s - Order" msgstr "%s - Pesanan" msgid "Total Discount" msgstr "Total Diskon" msgctxt "data sent to paypal" msgid "Orders with %s" msgstr "Pesanan dengan %s" msgid "" "Before enabling PayPal Standard for Subscriptions, please note, when using " "PayPal Standard, customers are locked into using PayPal Standard for the " "life of their subscription, and PayPal Standard has a number of limitations. " "Please read the guide on %1$swhy we don't recommend PayPal Standard%2$s for " "Subscriptions before choosing to enable this option." msgstr "" "Sebelum mengaktifkan PayPal Standard untuk Langganan, harap perhatikan bahwa " "saat menggunakan PayPal Standard, pelanggan hanya dapat menggunakan PayPal " "Standard selama masa langganan, dan PayPal Standard memiliki sejumlah " "keterbatasan. Silakan baca panduan di %1$salasan kami tidak merekomendasikan " "PayPal Standard%2$s untuk Langganan sebelum memilih mengaktifkan pilihan ini." msgid "Enable PayPal Standard for Subscriptions" msgstr "Aktifkan PayPal Standard untuk Langganan" msgid "PayPal Subscription ID:" msgstr "ID Langganan PayPal:" msgid "Open a ticket" msgstr "Buka tiket" msgid "Ignore this error (not recommended)" msgstr "Abaikan error ini (tidak disarankan)" msgid "" "There is a problem with PayPal. Your PayPal account is issuing out-of-date " "subscription IDs. %1$sLearn more%2$s. %3$sDismiss%4$s." msgstr "" "Terjadi masalah dengan PayPal. Akun PayPal Anda memunculkan ID langganan " "yang kedaluwarsa. %1$sPelajari selengkapnya%2$s. %3$sTutup%4$s." msgid "" "There is a problem with PayPal. Your API credentials may be incorrect. " "Please update your %1$sAPI credentials%2$s. %3$sLearn more%4$s." msgstr "" "Terjadi masalah dengan PayPal. Kredensial API Anda salah. Harap perbarui " "%1$skredensial API%2$s Anda. %3$sPelajari selengkapnya%4$s." msgid "" "%1$sPayPal Reference Transactions are enabled on your account%2$s. All " "subscription management features are now enabled. Happy selling!" msgstr "" "%1$sTransaksi Referensi PayPal pada akun Anda diaktifkan%2$s. Semua fitur " "pengelolaan langganan sekarang diaktifkan. Selamat berjualan!" msgid "" "%1$sPayPal Reference Transactions are not enabled on your account%2$s. If " "you wish to use PayPal Reference Transactions with Subscriptions, please " "contact PayPal and request they %3$senable PayPal Reference Transactions%4$s " "on your account. %5$sCheck PayPal Account%6$s %3$sLearn more %7$s" msgstr "" "%1$sFungsi ID Transaksi (Reference Transactions) PayPal tidak dinyalakan di " "akun Anda%2$s. Jika ingin menggunakan fungsi ID Transaksi di Subscriptions, " "silakan menghubungi PayPal dan minta agar%3$sfungsi ID Transaksi (Reference " "Transactions) dinyalakan%4$s di akun Anda. %5$sPeriksa Akun PayPal%6$s " "%3$sPelajari lebih lanjut %7$s" msgid "" "%1$sPayPal Reference Transactions are not enabled on your account%2$s, some " "subscription management features are not enabled. Please contact PayPal and " "request they %3$senable PayPal Reference Transactions%4$s on your account. " "%5$sCheck PayPal Account%6$s %3$sLearn more %7$s" msgstr "" "%1$sTransaksi Referensi PayPal pada akun Anda tidak diaktifkan%2$s, beberapa " "fitur pengelolaan langganan tidak diaktifkan. Silakan hubungi PayPal dan " "minta bantuan mereka untuk %3$smengaktifkan Transaksi Referensi PayPal%4$s " "di akun Anda. %5$sPeriksa Akun PayPal%6$s %3$sPelajari selengkapnya %7$s" msgid "" "PayPal is inactive for subscription transactions. Please %1$sset up the " "PayPal IPN%2$s and %3$senter your API credentials%4$s to enable PayPal for " "Subscriptions." msgstr "" "PayPal tidak aktif untuk transaksi langganan. Harap %1$spasang IPN PayPal" "%2$s dan %3$smasukkan kredensial API Anda%4$s untuk mengaktifkan PayPal " "untuk Langganan." msgid "" "It is %1$sstrongly recommended you do not change the Receiver Email address" "%2$s if you have active subscriptions with PayPal. Doing so can break " "existing subscriptions." msgstr "" "Anda %1$ssebaiknya tidak mengubah alamat Email Penerima%2$s jika memiliki " "langganan aktif dengan PayPal. Tidak mematuhi anjuran ini dapat menghapus " "langganan yang aktif." msgctxt "" "used in User Agent data sent to PayPal to help identify where a payment came " "from" msgid "WooCommerce Subscriptions PayPal" msgstr "PayPal WooCommerce Subscriptions" msgid "" "Are you sure you want to change the payment method from PayPal standard?\n" "\n" "This will suspend the subscription at PayPal." msgstr "" "Anda yakin ingin beralih dari metode pembayaran standar PayPal?\n" "\n" "Tindakan ini akan menangguhkan langganan di PayPal." msgid "PayPal payment approved (ID: %s)" msgstr "Pembayaran PayPal disetujui (ID: %s)" msgid "PayPal payment declined: %s" msgstr "Pembayaran PayPal ditolak: %s" msgid "PayPal Transaction Held: %s" msgstr "Transaksi PayPal Ditunda: %s" msgid "PayPal API error: (%1$d) %2$s" msgstr "Kesalahan API PayPal: (%1$d) %2$s" msgctxt "" "hash before the order number. Used as a character to remove from the actual " "order number" msgid "#" msgstr "#" msgid "" "An error occurred, please try again or try an alternate form of payment." msgstr "" "Terjadi kesalahan, harap coba lagi atau coba cara pembayaran alternatif." msgid "Unable to find order for PayPal billing agreement." msgstr "Pesanan persetujuan penagihan PayPal tidak dapat ditemukan." msgid "Change payment features:" msgstr "Ubah fitur pembayaran:" msgid "Subscription features:" msgstr "Fitur langganan:" msgid "Supported features:" msgstr "Fitur yang didukung:" msgid "" "Sorry, it seems there are no available payment methods which support " "subscriptions. Please contact us if you require assistance or wish to make " "alternate arrangements." msgstr "" "Maaf, sepertinya metode pembayaran yang mendukung langganan tidak tersedia. " "Hubungi kami jika Anda perlu bantuan atau ingin membuat rencana alternatif." msgid "" "Sorry, it seems there are no available payment methods which support " "subscriptions. Please see %1$sEnabling Payment Gateways for Subscriptions" "%2$s if you require assistance." msgstr "" "Mohon maaf, sepertinya tidak ada metode pembayaran yang dapat mendukung " "Subscriptions. Silakan lihat cara %1$sMenyalakan Gateway Pembayaran untuk " "Subscriptions%2$s jika butuh bantuan." msgid "Your {blogname} renewal order receipt from {order_date}" msgstr "Tanda terima pesanan perpanjangan {blogname} Anda sejak {order_date}" msgid "" "This is an order notification sent to the customer after payment for a " "subscription renewal order is completed. It contains the renewal order " "details." msgstr "" "Ini merupakan pemberitahuan atas pesanan yang dikirimkan kepada pelanggan " "setelah pembayaran pesanan perpanjangan langganan diselesaikan. " "Pemberitahuan ini memuat detail pesanan perpanjangan." msgid "Processing Renewal order" msgstr "Pesanan Pemrosesan Perpanjangan" msgid "" "[{site_title}] Automatic payment failed for {order_number}, retry scheduled " "to run {retry_time}" msgstr "" "[{site_title}] Pembayaran otomatis gagal untuk {order_number}, percobaan " "ulang dijadwalkan untuk dijalankan pada {retry_time}" msgid "Automatic renewal payment failed" msgstr "Pembayaran perpanjangan otomatis gagal" msgid "" "Payment retry emails are sent to chosen recipient(s) when an attempt to " "automatically process a subscription renewal payment has failed and a retry " "rule has been applied to retry the payment in the future." msgstr "" "Email percobaan ulang pembayaran dikirim ke penerima terpilih saat upaya " "memproses pembayaran perpanjangan langganan secara otomatis gagal dan aturan " "percobaan ulang telah diterapkan untuk mencoba ulang pembayaran di waktu " "mendatang." msgid "Payment Retry" msgstr "Percobaan Ulang Pembayaran" msgctxt "default email subject for suspended emails sent to the admin" msgid "[%s] Subscription Suspended" msgstr "Langganan [%s] Ditangguhkan" msgid "Subscription Suspended" msgstr "Langganan Ditangguhkan" msgid "" "Suspended Subscription emails are sent when a customer manually suspends " "their subscription." msgstr "" "Email Langganan Ditangguhkan dikirim jika pelanggan menangguhkan langganan " "secara manual." msgid "Suspended Subscription" msgstr "Langganan yang Ditangguhkan" msgid "[{blogname}] Subscription Switched ({order_number}) - {order_date}" msgstr "[{blogname}] Langganan Dialihkan ({order_number}) - {order_date}" msgid "" "Subscription switched emails are sent when a customer switches a " "subscription." msgstr "" "Email langganan dialihkan dikirimkan ketika pelanggan mengalihkan langganan." msgid "Subscription Switched" msgstr "Langganan Dialihkan" msgid "" "[{blogname}] New subscription renewal order ({order_number}) - {order_date}" msgstr "" "[{blogname}] Pesanan perpanjangan langganan baru ({order_number}) - " "{order_date}" msgid "New subscription renewal order" msgstr "Pesanan perpanjangan langganan baru" msgid "" "New renewal order emails are sent when a subscription renewal payment is " "processed." msgstr "" "Email pesanan perpanjangan baru dikirimkan ketika pembayaran perpanjangan " "langganan diproses." msgid "New Renewal Order" msgstr "Pesanan Perpanjangan Baru" msgid "" "This controls the main heading contained within the email notification. " "Leave blank to use the default heading: <code>%s</code>." msgstr "" "Pillihan ini mengontrol header utama yang dimuat dalam pemberitahuan email. " "Biarkan kosong agar judul asal bisa digunakan: <code>%s</code>." msgid "Subscription argument passed in is not an object." msgstr "Argumen langganan yang dimasukkan bukan objek." msgctxt "default email subject for expired emails sent to the admin" msgid "[%s] Subscription Expired" msgstr "Langganan [%s] Kedaluwarsa" msgid "Subscription Expired" msgstr "Langganan Kedaluwarsa" msgid "" "Expired Subscription emails are sent when a customer's subscription expires." msgstr "" "Email Langganan Kedaluwarsa dikirim jika langganan pelanggan kedaluwarsa." msgid "Expired Subscription" msgstr "Langganan yang Kedaluwarsa" msgid "Invoice for renewal order {order_number}" msgstr "Faktur untuk pesanan perpanjangan {order_number}" msgid "Invoice for renewal order {order_number} from {order_date}" msgstr "Faktur untuk pesanan perpanjangan {order_number} sejak {order_date}" msgid "" "Sent to a customer when the subscription is due for renewal and the renewal " "requires a manual payment, either because it uses manual renewals or the " "automatic recurring payment failed for the initial attempt and all automatic " "retries (if any). The email contains renewal order information and payment " "links." msgstr "" "Dikirim ke pelanggan saat langganan jatuh tempo untuk perpanjangan dan " "perpanjangan memerlukan pembayaran manual, baik karena itu menggunakan " "perpanjangan manual maupun pembayaran berulang otomatis pada percobaan awal " "serta semua percobaan ulang otomatis (jika ada) gagal. Email ini berisi " "informasi pesanan perpanjangan dan tautan pembayaran." msgid "Customer Renewal Invoice" msgstr "Faktur Perpanjangan Pelanggan" msgid "Automatic payment failed for order {order_number}" msgstr "Pembayaran otomatis gagal untuk pesanan {order_number}" msgid "Automatic payment failed for {order_number}, we will retry {retry_time}" msgstr "" "Pembayaran otomatis gagal untuk pesanan {order_number}, kami akan mencoba " "lagi pada {retry_time}" msgid "" "Sent to a customer when an attempt to automatically process a subscription " "renewal payment has failed and a retry rule has been applied to retry the " "payment in the future. The email contains the renewal order information, " "date of the scheduled retry and payment links to allow the customer to pay " "for the renewal order manually instead of waiting for the automatic retry." msgstr "" "Dikirim ke pelanggan saat upaya memproses pembayaran perpanjangan langganan " "secara otomatis gagal dan aturan percobaan ulang telah diterapkan untuk " "mencoba ulang pembayaran di waktu mendatang. Email ini berisi informasi " "pesanan perpanjangan, tanggal percobaan ulang yang dijadwalkan, dan tautan " "pembayaran yang memungkinkan pelanggan membayar pesanan perpanjangan secara " "manual alih-alih menunggu percobaan ulang otomatis." msgid "Customer Payment Retry" msgstr "Percobaan Ulang Pembayaran Pelanggan" msgid "Thank you for your renewal order" msgstr "Terima kasih atas sudah memesan perpanjangan" msgid "Your {blogname} renewal order has been received!" msgstr "Pesanan perpanjangan untuk {blogname} Anda sudah diterima!" msgid "" "This is an order notification sent to customers containing order details " "after a renewal order is placed on-hold." msgstr "" "Berikut adalah pemberitahuan pesanan yang dikirimkan ke pelanggan dan berisi " "informasi pesanan setelah pesanan perpanjangan dalam status tertahan." msgid "On-hold Renewal Order" msgstr "Pesanan Perpanjangan Tertahan" msgid "" "Your {blogname} subscription change from {order_date} is complete - download " "your files" msgstr "" "Pengubahan langganan {blogname} Anda sejak {order_date} telah selesai - " "unduh file Anda" msgid "Your subscription change is complete - download your files" msgstr "Pengubahan langganan Anda telah selesai - unduh file Anda" msgid "Your {blogname} subscription change from {order_date} is complete" msgstr "Pengubahan langganan {blogname} Anda sejak {order_date} telah selesai" msgid "Your subscription change is complete" msgstr "Pengubahan langganan Anda telah selesai" msgid "" "Subscription switch complete emails are sent to the customer when a " "subscription is switched successfully." msgstr "" "Email pengalihan langganan selesai akan dikirimkan ke pelanggan ketika " "langganan telah berhasil dialihkan." msgid "Subscription Switch Complete" msgstr "Pengalihan Langganan Selesai" msgctxt "Default email subject for email with downloadable files in it" msgid "" "Your %1$s subscription renewal order from %2$s is complete - download your " "files" msgstr "" "Pesanan perpanjangan langganan %1$s Anda sejak %2$s telah selesai - unduh " "file Anda" msgctxt "Default email heading for email with downloadable files in it" msgid "Your subscription renewal order is complete - download your files" msgstr "Pesanan perpanjangan langganan Anda telah selesai - unduh file Anda" msgctxt "" "Default email subject for email to customer on completed renewal order" msgid "Your %1$s renewal order from %2$s is complete" msgstr "Pesanan perpanjangan %1$s Anda sejak %2$s telah selesai" msgctxt "" "Default email heading for email to customer on completed renewal order" msgid "Your renewal order is complete" msgstr "Pesanan perpanjangan Anda telah selesai" msgid "" "Renewal order complete emails are sent to the customer when a subscription " "renewal order is marked complete and usually indicates that the item for " "that renewal period has been shipped." msgstr "" "Email pesanan perpanjangan selesai akan dikirimkan ke pelanggan ketika " "pesanan perpanjangan langganan ditandai selesai dan biasanya mengindikasikan " "bahwa item untuk periode perpanjangan tersebut telah dikirimkan." msgid "Completed Renewal Order" msgstr "Pesanan Perpanjangan Diselesaikan" msgctxt "email type" msgid "Multipart" msgstr "Multi-bagian" msgctxt "email type" msgid "HTML" msgstr "HTML" msgctxt "email type" msgid "Plain text" msgstr "Teks biasa" msgctxt "text, html or multipart" msgid "Email type" msgstr "Tipe email" msgid "" "This controls the main heading contained within the email notification. " "Leave blank to use the default heading: %s." msgstr "" "Ini mengendalikan judul utama yang terdapat pada pemberitahuan email. " "Biarkan kosong untuk menggunakan judul asal: %s." msgctxt "" "Name the setting that controls the main heading contained within the email " "notification" msgid "Email Heading" msgstr "Judul Email" msgid "" "This controls the email subject line. Leave blank to use the default " "subject: %s." msgstr "" "Pilihan ini mengontrol baris judul email. Biarkan kosong agar judul asal " "bisa digunakan: %s." msgctxt "of an email" msgid "Subject" msgstr "Judul" msgctxt "of an email" msgid "Recipient(s)" msgstr "Penerima" msgctxt "an email notification" msgid "Enable/Disable" msgstr "Aktifkan/Nonaktifkan" msgctxt "default email subject for cancelled emails sent to the admin" msgid "[%s] Subscription Cancelled" msgstr "[%s] Langganan Dibatalkan" msgid "" "Cancelled Subscription emails are sent when a customer's subscription is " "cancelled (either by a store manager, or the customer)." msgstr "" "Email Langganan Dibatalkan dikirim ketika langganan pelanggan dibatalkan " "(baik oleh manajer toko maupun pelanggan)." msgid "Cancelled Subscription" msgstr "Langganan Dibatalkan" msgid "" "Failed to update subscription dates after customer renewed early with order " "%s." msgstr "" "Gagal memperbarui tanggal langganan setelah pelanggan memperpanjang lebih " "awal dengan perintah %s." msgid "Customer successfully renewed early with order %s." msgstr "Pelanggan berhasil memperpanjang lebih awal dengan perintah %s." msgid "Your early renewal order was successful." msgstr "Pesanan perpanjangan awal Anda berhasil." msgid "" "Payment for the renewal order was unsuccessful with your payment method on " "file, please try again." msgstr "" "Pembayaran pesanan perpanjangan tidak dapat diproses menggunakan metode " "pembayaran tersimpan Anda. Harap coba lagi." msgid "" "We couldn't create a renewal order for your subscription, please try again." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat memproses pesanan perpanjangan langganan Anda. Harap coba " "lagi." msgid "You can't renew the subscription at this time. Please try again." msgstr "Anda tidak dapat memperpanjang langganan saat ini. Harap coba lagi." msgid "We were unable to locate that subscription, please try again." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat menemukan langganan tersebut. Harap coba lagi." msgid "Renew early" msgstr "Perpanjang lebih awal" msgid "Pay now" msgstr "Bayar sekarang" msgid "" "Allow customers to bypass the checkout and renew their subscription early " "from their %1$sMy Account > View Subscription%2$s page. %3$sLearn more.%4$s" msgstr "" "Izinkan pelanggan melewati halaman checkout dan memperpanjang langganannya " "lebih awal dari halaman %1$sAkun Saya > Lihat Langganan%2$s. %3$sPelajari " "lebih lanjut.%4$s" msgid "Accept Early Renewal Payments via a Modal" msgstr "Terima Pembayaran Perpanjangan Awal via Modal" msgid "" "With early renewals enabled, customers can renew their subscriptions before " "the next payment date." msgstr "" "Dengan mengaktifkan perpanjangan lebih awal, pelanggan dapat memperpanjang " "langganan sebelum tanggal pembayaran berikutnya." msgid "Accept Early Renewal Payments" msgstr "Terima Pembayaran Perpanjangan Lebih Awal" msgid "Early Renewal" msgstr "Perpanjangan Lebih Awal" msgid "Order %s created to record early renewal." msgstr "Perintah %s yang dibuat untuk merekam perpanjangan lebih awal." msgctxt "used in order note as reason for why subscription status changed" msgid "Customer requested to renew early:" msgstr "Pelanggan meminta perpanjangan lebih awal:" msgid "Complete checkout to renew now." msgstr "Selesaikan checkout untuk memperpanjang sekarang." msgid "" "You can not renew this subscription early. Please contact us if you need " "assistance." msgstr "" "Anda tidak dapat memperpanjang langganan ini lebih awal. Hubungi kami jika " "Anda membutuhkan bantuan." msgid "" "This will clear the persistent cache of all renewal, switch, resubscribe and " "other order types for all subscriptions in your store. Expect slower " "performance of checkout, renewal and other subscription related functions " "after taking this action. The caches will be regenerated overtime as related " "order queries are run." msgstr "" "Ini akan menghapus cache permanen semua perpanjangan, pengalihan, " "berlangganan kembali, dan jenis perintah lain untuk semua langganan di toko " "Anda. Setelah mengambil tindakan ini, kinerja checkout, perpanjangan, dan " "fungsi terkait langganan lainnya akan lebih lambat. Cache akan dibuat ulang " "seiring berjalannya permintaan perintah terkait." msgid "Delete Related Order Cache" msgstr "Hapus Cache Perintah Terkait" msgid "" "This will generate the persistent cache of all renewal, switch, resubscribe " "and other order types for all subscriptions in your store. The caches will " "be generated overtime in the background (via Action Scheduler)." msgstr "" "Ini akan membuat cache permanen semua perpanjangan, pengalihan, berlangganan " "kembali, dan jenis perintah lainnya untuk semua langganan di toko Anda. " "Cache akan dibuat seiring waktu di latar belakang (melalui Penjadwal " "Tindakan)." msgid "Generate Related Order Cache" msgstr "Buat Cache Perintah Terkait" msgid "" "This will clear the persistent cache of all of subscriptions stored against " "users in your store. Expect slower performance of checkout, renewal and " "other subscription related functions after taking this action. The caches " "will be regenerated overtime as queries to find a given user's subscriptions " "are run." msgstr "" "Ini akan menghapus cache permanen semua langganan yang disimpan dari " "pengguna di toko Anda. Setelah mengambil tindakan ini, kinerja checkout, " "perpanjangan, dan fungsi terkait langganan lainnya akan lebih lambat. Caches " "akan dibuat seiring berjalannya permintaan untuk menemukan langganan " "pengguna yang diberikan." msgid "Delete Customer Subscription Cache" msgstr "Hapus Cache Langganan Pelanggan" msgid "" "This will generate the persistent cache for linking users with " "subscriptions. The caches will be generated overtime in the background (via " "Action Scheduler)." msgstr "" "Ini akan membuat cache permanen untuk menautkan pengguna dengan langganan. " "Cache akan dibuat seiring waktu di latar belakang (melalui Penjadwal " "Tindakan)." msgid "Generate Customer Subscription Cache" msgstr "Buat Cache Langganan Pelanggan" msgid "" "That subscription can not be changed to %s. Please contact us if you need " "assistance." msgstr "" "Langganan tersebut tidak dapat diubah ke %s. Hubungi kami jika Anda " "membutuhkan bantuan." msgid "" "That subscription does not exist. Please contact us if you need assistance." msgstr "" "Langganan tersebut tidak ada. Hubungi kami jika Anda membutuhkan bantuan." msgctxt "Notice displayed to user confirming their action." msgid "Your subscription has been cancelled." msgstr "Langganan anda telah dihapus" msgctxt "order note left on subscription after user action" msgid "Subscription cancelled by the subscriber from their account page." msgstr "Langganan dibatalkan oleh pelanggan dari halaman akunnya." msgid "" "You can not suspend that subscription - the suspension limit has been " "reached. Please contact us if you need assistance." msgstr "" "Anda tidak dapat menangguhkan langganan tersebut - batas penangguhan sudah " "dicapai. Hubungi kami jika Anda membutuhkan bantuan." msgctxt "Notice displayed to user confirming their action." msgid "Your subscription has been put on hold." msgstr "Langganan Anda telah ditunda." msgctxt "order note left on subscription after user action" msgid "Subscription put on hold by the subscriber from their account page." msgstr "Langganan ditunda oleh pelanggan dari halaman akunnya." msgid "" "You can not reactivate that subscription until paying to renew it. Please " "contact us if you need assistance." msgstr "" "Anda tidak dapat mengaktifkan ulang langganan tersebut hingga Anda membayar " "untuk memperpanjangnya. Hubungi kami jika Anda membutuhkan bantuan." msgctxt "Notice displayed to user confirming their action." msgid "Your subscription has been reactivated." msgstr "Langganan Anda telah diaktifkan kembali." msgctxt "order note left on subscription after user action" msgid "Subscription reactivated by the subscriber from their account page." msgstr "Langganan diaktifkan kembali oleh pelanggan dari halaman akunnya." msgid "First payment: %s" msgstr "Pembayaran pertama: %s" msgid "First payment prorated. Next payment: %s" msgstr "Pembayaran pertama telah diprorata. Pembayaran selanjutnya: %s" msgid "Today!" msgstr "Hari ini!" msgid "Last day of the month" msgstr "Hari terakhir setiap bulan" msgid "%s day of the month" msgstr "Hari %s setiap bulan" msgid "%s each week" msgstr "%s setiap minggu" msgid "Do not synchronise" msgstr "Jangan sinkronkan" msgctxt "input field placeholder for day field for annual subscriptions" msgid "Day" msgstr "Hari" msgid "Month for Synchronisation" msgstr "Bulan untuk Sinkronisasi" msgid "" "Subscriptions created within this many days prior to the Renewal Day will " "not be charged at sign-up. Set to zero for all new Subscriptions to be " "charged the full recurring amount. Must be a positive number." msgstr "" "Langganan yang dibuat pada hari-hari sebelum Hari Perpanjangan tidak akan " "dikenakan biaya pada saat pendaftaran. Atur ke nol untuk semua Langganan " "baru yang akan dikenakan biaya berulang penuh. Harus angka positif." msgctxt "there's a number immediately in front of this text" msgid "days prior to Renewal Day" msgstr "hari sebelum Hari Perpanjangan" msgid "Sign-up grace period" msgstr "Masa tenggang pendaftaran" msgctxt "when to prorate first payment / subscription length" msgid "Never (charge the full recurring amount at sign-up)" msgstr "Tidak pernah (tagih biaya berulang secara penuh pada saat mendaftar)" msgctxt "when to prorate first payment / subscription length" msgid "Never (do not charge any recurring amount)" msgstr "Tidak pernah (jangan menagih biaya berulang berapa pun)" msgid "" "If a subscription is synchronised to a specific day of the week, month or " "year, charge a prorated amount for the subscription at the time of sign up." msgstr "" "Jika langganan disinkronkan ke hari tertentu dalam seminggu, sebulan, atau " "setahun, kenakan biaya dengan jumlah prorata untuk langganan pada saat " "mendaftar." msgid "Prorate First Renewal" msgstr "Prorata Perpanjangan Pertama" msgid "Align Subscription Renewal Day" msgstr "Selaraskan Hari Perpanjangan Langganan" msgctxt "used in the general subscription options page" msgid "" "Align subscription renewal to a specific day of the week, month or year. For " "example, the first day of the month. %1$sLearn more%2$s." msgstr "" "Selaraskan perpanjangan langganan ke hari tertentu dalam seminggu, sebulan, " "atau setahun. Misalnya, hari pertama setiap bulan. %1$sPelajari selengkapnya" "%2$s." msgid "Synchronisation" msgstr "Sinkronisasi" msgctxt "used in subscription product edit screen" msgid "" "Align the payment date for this subscription to a specific day of the year. " "If the date has already taken place this year, the first payment will be " "processed in %s. Set the day to 0 to disable payment syncing for this " "product." msgstr "" "Selaraskan tanggal pembayaran untuk langganan ini ke hari tertentu setiap " "tahun. Jika tanggal pada tahun ini sudah digunakan, pembayaran pertama akan " "diproses pada %s. Atur hari ke 0 untuk menonaktifkan sinkronisasi pembayaran " "untuk produk ini." msgid "" "Align the payment date for all customers who purchase this subscription to a " "specific day of the week or month." msgstr "" "Selaraskan tanggal pembayaran untuk semua pelanggan yang membeli langganan " "ini ke hari tertentu dalam seminggu atau sebulan." msgid "Synchronise renewals" msgstr "Sinkronkan perpanjangan" msgctxt "Subscription status" msgid "Switched" msgstr "Dialihkan" msgctxt "used in order notes" msgid "Customer added %s." msgstr "Pelanggan memasukkan %s." msgctxt "used in order notes" msgid "Customer switched from: %1$s to %2$s." msgstr "Pelanggan beralih dari: %1$s ke %2$s." msgid "The item on the switch order cannot be found." msgstr "Item pada pesanan pengalihan tidak dapat ditemukan." msgid "The original subscription item being switched cannot be found." msgstr "Item langganan asli yang sedang dialihkan tidak dapat ditemukan." msgctxt "product subtotal string" msgid "%1$s %2$s(%3$s)%4$s" msgstr "%1$s %2$s(%3$s)%4$s" msgctxt "a switch type" msgid "Crossgrade" msgstr "Crossgrade" msgctxt "a switch type" msgid "Upgrade" msgstr "Lakukan upgrade" msgctxt "a switch type" msgid "Downgrade" msgstr "Downgrade" msgid "There was an error locating the switch details." msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat mencari lokasi detail pengalihan." msgid "" "You can not switch this subscription. It appears you do not own the " "subscription." msgstr "" "Anda tidak dapat mengalihkan langganan ini. Sepertinya Anda bukan pemilik " "langganan ini." msgid "You can not switch to the same subscription." msgstr "Anda tidak dapat beralih ke langganan yang sama." msgid "We can not find your old subscription item." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat menemukan item langganan lama milik Anda." msgid "You can only switch to a subscription product." msgstr "Anda hanya dapat beralih ke produk langganan." msgid "Switched Subscription" msgstr "Langganan yang Dialihkan" msgid "Switch Order" msgstr "Alihkan Pesanan" msgid "Switch order cancelled due to a new switch order being created #%s." msgstr "" "Pesanan pengalihan dibatalkan karena pesanan pengalihan baru #%s sedang " "dibuat." msgctxt "when to allow switching" msgid "Between Grouped Subscriptions" msgstr "Antara Langganan yang Dikelompokkan" msgctxt "when to allow switching" msgid "Between Subscription Variations" msgstr "Antara Variasi Langganan" msgid "Allow Switching" msgstr "Izinkan Pengalihan" msgid "Upgrade or Downgrade" msgstr "Upgrade atau Downgrade" msgid "" "Customise the text displayed on the button next to the subscription on the " "subscriber's account page. The default is \"Switch Subscription\", but you " "may wish to change this to \"Upgrade\" or \"Change Subscription\"." msgstr "" "Sesuaikan teks yang ditampilkan pada tombol di sebelah langganan di halaman " "akun pelanggan. Pengaturan asalnya adalah \"Alihkan Langganan\", tetapi Anda " "dapat mengubahnya ke \"Upgrade\" atau \"Ubah Langganan\"." msgid "Switch Button Text" msgstr "Teks Alihkan Tombol" msgctxt "when to prorate first payment / subscription length" msgid "For All Subscription Products" msgstr "Untuk Semua Produk Langganan" msgctxt "when to prorate first payment / subscription length" msgid "For Virtual Subscription Products Only" msgstr "Hanya untuk Produk Langganan Virtual" msgid "" "When switching to a subscription with a length, you can take into account " "the payments already completed by the customer when determining how many " "payments the subscriber needs to make for the new subscription." msgstr "" "Saat beralih ke langganan dengan jangka waktu, Anda dapat memperhitungkan " "pembayaran yang telah diselesaikan oleh pelanggan saat menentukan berapa " "banyak pembayaran yang perlu dilakukan pelanggan untuk langganan baru." msgid "Prorate Subscription Length" msgstr "Proratakan Jangka Waktu Langganan" msgctxt "when to prorate signup fee when switching" msgid "Always" msgstr "Selalu" msgctxt "when to prorate signup fee when switching" msgid "Never (charge the full sign up fee)" msgstr "Tidak pernah (kenakan biaya pendaftaran secara penuh)" msgctxt "when to prorate signup fee when switching" msgid "Never (do not charge a sign up fee)" msgstr "Tidak pernah (jangan mengenakan biaya pendaftaran)" msgid "" "When switching to a subscription with a sign up fee, you can require the " "customer pay only the gap between the existing subscription's sign up fee " "and the new subscription's sign up fee (if any)." msgstr "" "Saat beralih ke langganan dengan biaya pendaftaran, Anda dapat meminta " "pelanggan untuk hanya membayar selisih biaya pendaftaran langganan yang ada " "dengan biaya pendaftaran langganan yang baru (jika ada)." msgid "Prorate Sign up Fee" msgstr "Proratakan Biaya Pendaftaran" msgctxt "when to prorate recurring fee when switching" msgid "For Upgrades & Downgrades of All Subscription Products" msgstr "Untuk Upgrade & Downgrade Semua Produk Langganan" msgctxt "when to prorate recurring fee when switching" msgid "For Upgrades & Downgrades of Virtual Subscription Products Only" msgstr "Untuk Upgrade & Downgrade Produk Langganan Virtual Saja" msgctxt "when to prorate recurring fee when switching" msgid "For Upgrades of All Subscription Products" msgstr "Untuk Upgrade Semua Produk Langganan" msgctxt "when to prorate recurring fee when switching" msgid "For Upgrades of Virtual Subscription Products Only" msgstr "Untuk Upgrade Produk Langganan Virtual Saja" msgctxt "when to allow a setting" msgid "Never" msgstr "Tidak pernah" msgid "" "When switching to a subscription with a different recurring payment or " "billing period, should the price paid for the existing billing period be " "prorated when switching to the new subscription?" msgstr "" "Saat beralih ke langganan dengan periode pembayaran berulang atau penagihan " "yang berbeda, apakah harga yang dibayarkan untuk periode penagihan yang ada " "harus diproratakan saat beralih ke langganan baru?" msgid "Prorate Recurring Payment" msgstr "Proratakan Pembayaran Berulang" msgid "" "Allow subscribers to switch (upgrade or downgrade) between different " "subscriptions. %1$sLearn more%2$s." msgstr "" "Izinkan pelanggan untuk beralih (upgrade atau downgrade) di antara langganan " "yang berbeda. %1$sPelajari selengkapnya%2$s." msgid "Switching" msgstr "Beralih" msgid "" "%1$s Complete payment on %2$sOrder %3$s%4$s to be able to change your " "subscription." msgstr "" "%1$s Selesaikan pembayaran %2$sPesanan %3$s%4$s agar dapat mengubah " "langganan Anda." msgid "" "You have already subscribed to this product and it is limited to one per " "customer. You can not purchase the product again." msgstr "" "Anda telah berlangganan produk ini dan tiap pelanggan hanya boleh " "berlangganan satu kali. Anda tidak dapat membeli lagi produk tersebut." msgid "" "Your cart contained an invalid subscription switch request. It has been " "removed." msgid_plural "" "Your cart contained invalid subscription switch requests. They have been " "removed." msgstr[0] "" "Keranjang Anda berisi permintaan ubah langganan yang tidak valid. Permintaan " "tersebut telah dihapus." msgstr[1] "" "Keranjang Anda berisi permintaan ubah langganan yang tidak valid. Permintaan " "tersebut telah dihapus." msgid "Choose a new subscription." msgstr "Pilih langganan baru." msgid "" "You have a subscription to this product. Choosing a new subscription will " "replace your existing subscription." msgstr "" "Anda berlangganan produk ini. Memilih langganan baru akan menggantikan " "langganan yang sedang berjalan." msgid "Subscription renewal orders cannot be cancelled." msgstr "Pesanan perpanjangan langganan tidak dapat dibatalkan." msgid "Order %s created to record renewal." msgstr "Pesanan %s dibuat untuk mencatat perpanjangan." msgid "%1$s and a %2$s sign-up fee" msgstr "%1$s dan biaya pendaftaran %2$s" msgid "%1$s with %2$s free trial" msgstr "%1$s dengan percobaan gratis %2$s" msgid "every %s" msgstr "tiap %s" msgid "%1$s on %2$s %3$s every %4$s year" msgstr "%1$s pada %2$s %3$s tiap %4$s tahun" msgid "%1$s on %2$s %3$s each year" msgstr "%1$s pada %2$s %3$s tiap tahun" msgid "%1$s on the %2$s day of every %3$s month" msgstr "%1$s padi hari ke-%2$s tiap %3$s bulan" msgid "%1$s on the last day of every %2$s month" msgstr "%1$s pada hari terakhir tiap %2$s bulan" msgid "%1$s on the %2$s of each month" msgstr "%1$s pada %2$s tiap bulan" msgid "%s on the last day of each month" msgstr "%s pada hari terakhir tiap bulan" msgid "%1$s every %2$s on %3$s" msgstr "%1$s tiap %2$s pada %3$s" msgid "%1$s every %2$s" msgstr "%1$s tiap %2$s" msgid "%1$s now, and " msgstr "%1$s sekarang, dan" msgid "Subscription cancelled for refunded order %1$s#%2$s%3$s." msgstr "" "Langganan dibatalkan untuk pesanan %1$s#%2$s%3$s yang dananya dikembalikan." msgctxt "An order type" msgid "Non-subscription" msgstr "Bukan langganan" msgctxt "An order type" msgid "Subscription Switch" msgstr "Peralihan Langganan" msgctxt "An order type" msgid "Subscription Resubscribe" msgstr "Berlangganan Kembali Langganan" msgctxt "An order type" msgid "Subscription Renewal" msgstr "Perpanjangan Langganan" msgctxt "An order type" msgid "Subscription Parent" msgstr "Induk Langganan" msgctxt "An order type" msgid "Original" msgstr "Asli" msgid "All orders types" msgstr "Semua tipe pesanan" msgid "Parent Order" msgstr "Pesanan Induk" msgid "Resubscribe Order" msgstr "Pesanan Berlangganan Kembali" msgid "Renewal Order" msgstr "Pesanan Perpanjangan" msgid "Subscription Relationship" msgstr "Hubungan Langganan" msgid "View the status of your subscription in %1$syour account%2$s." msgid_plural "View the status of your subscriptions in %1$syour account%2$s." msgstr[0] "Lihat status langganan Anda di %1$shalaman Anda%2$s." msgstr[1] "Lihat status langganan Anda di %1$shalaman Anda%2$s." msgid "Your subscription will be activated when payment clears." msgid_plural "Your subscriptions will be activated when payment clears." msgstr[0] "Langganan Anda akan aktif saat pembayaran diterima." msgstr[1] "Langganan Anda akan aktif saat pembayaran diterima." msgid "Date Changed" msgstr "Tanggal Diubah" msgid "Please enter all date fields." msgstr "Mohon isi seluruh kotak tanggal." msgid "Only store managers can edit payment dates." msgstr "Hanya manajer toko yang dapat mengubah tanggal pembayaran." msgid "Invalid security token, please reload the page and try again." msgstr "" "Token keamanan tidak valid. Silakan muat ulang halaman dan coba kembali." msgid "Failed sign-up for subscription %s." msgstr "Pendaftaran langganan gagal %s." msgid "%1$s%2$s, %3$s" msgstr "%1$s%2$s, %3$s" msgid "%1$s%2$s, %3$s @ %4$s : %5$s" msgstr "%1$s%2$s, %3$s @ %4$s : %5$s" msgctxt "used in a select box" msgid "%1$s-%2$s" msgstr "%1$s-%2$s" msgctxt "Subscription status" msgid "On-hold" msgstr "Tertahan" msgctxt "Subscription status" msgid "Failed" msgstr "Gagal" msgctxt "Subscription status" msgid "Pending" msgstr "Tertunda" msgctxt "Subscription status" msgid "Expired" msgstr "Sudah Berakhir" msgctxt "Subscription status" msgid "Cancelled" msgstr "Dibatalkan" msgctxt "Subscription status" msgid "Active" msgstr "Aktif" msgid "Pending subscription created." msgstr "Langganan tertunda dibuat." msgid "Error: Unable to add product to created subscription. Please try again." msgstr "" "Error: Tidak dapat menambahkan produk ke langganan yang telah dibuat. Harap " "coba lagi." msgid "Error: Unable to create subscription. Please try again." msgstr "Error: Tidak dapat membuat langganan. Harap coba lagi." msgid "Failed to process failed payment on subscription for order #%1$s: %2$s" msgstr "" "Gagal memproses pembayaran langganan yang gagal untuk pesanan #%1$s: %2$s" msgid "Subscription sign up failed." msgstr "Pendaftaran langganan gagal." msgid "Failed to set subscription as expired for order #%1$s: %2$s" msgstr "" "Gagal mengubah status langganan ke kedaluwarsa untuk pesanan #%1$s: %2$s" msgid "Failed to cancel subscription after order #%1$s was cancelled: %2$s" msgstr "Gagal membatalkan langganan setelah pesanan #%1$s dibatalkan: %2$s" msgid "" "Failed to update subscription status after order #%1$s was put on-hold: %2$s" msgstr "" "Gagal memperbarui status langganan setelah pesanan #%1$s ditahan statusnya: " "%2$s" msgid "Failed to activate subscription status for order #%1$s: %2$s" msgstr "Gagal mengaktifkan status langganan untuk pesanan #%1$s: %2$s" msgid "Subscription doesn't exist in scheduled action: %d" msgstr "Langganan tidak terdapat di tindakan yang dijadwalkan: %d" msgid "Manual renewal order awaiting customer payment." msgstr "Pesanan perpanjangan manual menunggu pembayaran pelanggan." msgid "Error: Unable to create renewal order with note \"%s\"" msgstr "Error: Tidak dapat membuat pesanan perpanjangan dengan catatan \"%s\"" msgctxt "used in order note as reason for why subscription status changed" msgid "Subscription renewal payment due:" msgstr "Pembayaran perpanjangan langganan jatuh tempo:" msgid "Active for unlimited payments" msgstr "Aktif untuk pembayaran tanpa batas" msgid "Active for %d payment" msgid_plural "Active for %d payments" msgstr[0] "Aktif untuk %d pembayaran" msgstr[1] "Aktif untuk %d pembayaran" msgid "" "Limited use coupon \"%1$s\" removed from subscription. It has been used %2$d " "time." msgid_plural "" "Limited use coupon \"%1$s\" removed from subscription. It has been used %2$d " "times." msgstr[0] "" "Kupon dengan penggunaan terbatas \"%1$s\" telah dihapus dari langganan. " "Kupon tersebut telah digunakan %2$d kali." msgstr[1] "" "Kupon dengan penggunaan terbatas \"%1$s\" telah dihapus dari langganan. " "Kupon tersebut telah digunakan %2$d kali." msgid "" "Coupon will be limited to the given number of payments. It will then be " "automatically removed from the subscription. \"Payments\" also includes the " "initial subscription payment." msgstr "" "Kupon akan dibatasi untuk jumlah pembayaran tertentu. Kemudian akan dihapus " "dari langganan secara otomatis. \"Pembayaran\" juga mencakup pembayaran " "langganan awal." msgid "Unlimited payments" msgstr "Pembayaran tak terbatas" msgid "Active for x payments" msgstr "Aktif untuk x pembayaran" msgid "" "Sorry, it seems there are no available payment methods which support the " "recurring coupon you are using. Please contact us if you require assistance " "or wish to make alternate arrangements." msgstr "" "Maaf, sepertinya tidak ada metode pembayaran yang mendukung kupon berulang " "yang Anda gunakan. Silakan hubungi kami jika Anda perlu bantuan atau ingin " "membuat perjanjian alternatif." msgid "Renewal Discount" msgstr "Diskon Perpanjangan" msgid "Initial payment discount" msgstr "Diskon pembayaran awal" msgid "Renewal cart discount" msgstr "Diskon keranjang perpanjangan" msgid "Renewal product discount" msgstr "Diskon produk perpanjangan" msgid "Renewal % discount" msgstr "Diskon % perpanjangan" msgid "Sorry, only recurring coupons can be applied to subscriptions." msgstr "Maaf, hanya kupon berulang yang dapat digunakan pada langganan ini." msgid "" "Sorry, \"%s\" can only be applied to subscription parent orders which " "contain a product with signup fees." msgstr "" "Maaf, \"%s\" hanya dapat digunakan pada pesanan induk langganan yang berisi " "produk dengan biaya pendaftaran." msgid "" "Sorry, recurring coupons can only be applied to subscriptions or " "subscription orders." msgstr "" "Maaf, kupon berulang hanya dapat digunakan pada langganan atau pesanan " "langganan." msgid "" "Sorry, this coupon is only valid for subscription products with a sign-up " "fee." msgstr "" "Mohon maaf, kupon ini valid hanya untuk produk langganan dengan biaya " "pendaftaran." msgid "Sorry, the \"%1$s\" coupon is only valid for renewals." msgstr "Maaf, kupon \"%1$s\" hanya valid untuk perpanjangan." msgid "Sorry, this coupon is only valid for subscription products." msgstr "Mohon maaf, kupon ini valid hanya untuk produk langganan." msgid "Sorry, this coupon is only valid for new subscriptions." msgstr "Mohon maaf, kupon ini valid hanya untuk langganan baru." msgid "" "Sorry, this coupon is only valid for an initial payment and the cart does " "not require an initial payment." msgstr "" "Mohon maaf, kupon ini valid hanya untuk pembayaran di awal dan keranjang " "tidak memerlukan pembayaran di awal." msgid "Recurring Product % Discount" msgstr "Diskon Produk % Berulang" msgid "Recurring Product Discount" msgstr "Diskon Produk Berulang" msgid "Sign Up Fee % Discount" msgstr "Diskon % Biaya Pendaftaran" msgid "Sign Up Fee Discount" msgstr "Diskon Biaya Pendaftaran" msgid "Error %d: Unable to create order. Please try again." msgstr "Error %d: Tidak dapat membuat pesanan. Harap coba lagi." msgid "Error %d: Unable to add tax to subscription. Please try again." msgstr "Errod %d: Tidak dapat menambahkan pajak ke langganan. Harap coba lagi." msgid "Error %d: Unable to create subscription. Please try again." msgstr "Error %d: Tidak dapat membuat langganan. Harap coba lagi." msgid "" "Please log in to your account below to choose a new payment method for your " "subscription." msgstr "" "Silakan login ke akun Anda di bawah ini guna memilih metode pembayaran baru " "untuk langganan Anda." msgctxt "the page title of the add payment method form" msgid "Add payment method" msgstr "Tambahkan Metode Pembayaran" msgctxt "the page title of the change payment method form" msgid "Change payment method" msgstr "Ubah metode pembayaran" msgid "Payment method updated for all your current subscriptions." msgstr "Metode pembayaran diperbarui untuk semua langganan Anda saat ini." msgid "Payment method added." msgstr "Metode pembayaran ditambahkan." msgid "Payment method updated." msgstr "Metode pembayaran diperbarui." msgctxt "label on button, imperative" msgid "Add payment" msgstr "Tambahkan pembayaran" msgctxt "label on button, imperative" msgid "Change payment" msgstr "Ubah pembayaran" msgid "There was an error with your request. Please try again." msgstr "Terdapat error pada permintaan Anda. Harap coba lagi." msgid "Choose a new payment method.%s" msgstr "Pilih metode pembayaran baru.%s" msgid " Next payment is due %s." msgstr "Pembayaran selanjutnya jatuh tempo %s." msgid "" "Sorry, this subscription change payment method request is invalid and cannot " "be processed." msgstr "" "Mohon maaf, permintaan metode pembayaran untuk langganan ini tidak valid dan " "tidak dapat diproses." msgid "" "Your cart has been emptied of subscription products. Only one subscription " "product can be purchased at a time." msgstr "" "Beberapa produk langganan telah dihapus dari keranjang. Hanya satu produk " "langganan yang boleh dibeli per transaksi." msgid "" "A subscription has been removed from your cart. Products and subscriptions " "can not be purchased at the same time." msgstr "" "Langganan telah dihapus dari keranjang Anda. Produk dan langganan tidak " "dapat dibeli secara bersamaan." msgid "" "A subscription has been removed from your cart. Due to payment gateway " "restrictions, different subscription products can not be purchased at the " "same time." msgstr "" "Langganan telah dihapus dari keranjang Anda. Karena pembatasan gateway " "pembayaran, produk langganan yang berbeda tidak dapat dibeli secara " "bersamaan." msgid "" "A subscription renewal has been removed from your cart. Multiple " "subscriptions can not be purchased at the same time." msgstr "" "Perpanjangan langganan telah dihapus dari keranjang Anda. Langganan tidak " "dapat dibeli dalam jumlah banyak sekaligus." msgid "now" msgstr "sekarang" msgid "" "That subscription product can not be added to your cart as it already " "contains a subscription renewal." msgstr "" "Produk langganan tersebut tidak dapat ditambahkan ke keranjang karena sudah " "termasuk perpanjangan langganan." msgid "Invalid recurring shipping method." msgstr "Metode pengiriman berulang tidak valid." msgid "Please enter a valid postcode/ZIP." msgstr "Silakan masukkan kode pos/ZIP yang valid." msgctxt "change billing or shipping address" msgid "Change %s address" msgstr "Ubah %s alamat" msgid "" "Both the shipping address used for the subscription and your default " "shipping address for future purchases will be updated." msgstr "" "Alamat pengiriman yang digunakan untuk langganan dan alamat pengiriman asal " "untuk pembelian mendatang akan diperbarui." msgid "The %s date must occur after the start date." msgstr "Tanggal %s harus jatuh setelah tanggal mulai." msgid "The %s date must occur after the trial end date." msgstr "Tanggal %s harus jatuh setelah tanggal akhir percobaan." msgid "The %s date must occur after the next payment date." msgstr "Tanggal %s harus jatuh setelah tanggal pembayaran yang selanjutnya." msgid "The %s date must occur after the last payment date." msgstr "Tanggal %s harus jatuh setelah tanggal pembayaran terakhir." msgid "The %s date must occur after the cancellation date." msgstr "Tanggal %s harus setelah tanggal pembatalan." msgctxt "appears in an error message if date is wrong format" msgid "Invalid %s date. The date must be of the format: \"Y-m-d H:i:s\"." msgstr "Tanggal %s tidak valid. Format tanggal harus berupa: \"T-b-h J:m:d\"." msgid "" "Invalid data. First parameter has a date that is not in the registered date " "types." msgstr "" "Data tidak valid. Parameter pertama berisi tanggal yang tidak sesuai dengan " "jenis tanggal yang berlaku." msgid "Invalid data. First parameter was empty when passed to update_dates()." msgstr "" "Data tidak valid. Parameter pertama kosong saat diisikan ke update_dates()." msgid "Invalid format. First parameter needs to be an array." msgstr "Format tidak valid. Parameter pertama harus berupa array." msgid "Payment method meta must be an array." msgstr "Meta metode pembayaran harus berupa array." msgid "" "The \"all\" value for $order_type parameter is deprecated. It was a " "misnomer, as it did not return resubscribe orders. It was also inconsistent " "with order type values accepted by wcs_get_subscription_orders(). Use " "array( \"parent\", \"renewal\", \"switch\" ) to maintain previous behaviour, " "or \"any\" to receive all order types, including switch and resubscribe." msgstr "" "Nilai \"semua\" untuk parameter $order_type ditolak. Ini merupakan salah " "istilah karena tidak mengembalikan pesanan berlangganan kembali. Ini juga " "tidak sesuai dengan nilai jenis pesanan yang diterima oleh " "wcs_get_subscription_orders(). Gunakan aturan array( \"induk\", " "\"perpanjangan\", \"pengalihan\" ) untuk tetap menerapkan tindakan " "sebelumnya, atau \"apa saja\" untuk menerima semua jenis pesanan, termasuk " "pengalihan dan berlangganan kembali." msgid "Subscription Cancelled: maximum number of failed payments reached." msgstr "" "Langganan Dibatalkan: jumlah maksimum pembayaran yang gagal telah tercapai." msgid "Payment status marked complete." msgstr "Status pembayaran ditandai selesai." msgid "Subscription #%d: " msgstr "Langganan #%d:" msgid "" "The %s date of a subscription can not be deleted. You must delete the order." msgstr "" "Tanggal %s tidak dapat dihapus dari langganan. Anda harus menghapus pesanan " "tersebut." msgid "The start date of a subscription can not be deleted, only updated." msgstr "" "Tanggal mulai tidak dapat dihapus dari langganan, hanya dapat diperbarui." msgid "The creation date of a subscription can not be deleted, only updated." msgstr "" "Tanggal pembuatan langganan tidak dapat dihapus, hanya dapat diperbarui." msgctxt "original denotes there is no date to display" msgid "-" msgstr "-" msgid "Not cancelled" msgstr "Tidak dibatalkan" msgid "Not yet ended" msgstr "Belum berakhir" msgid "Error during subscription status transition." msgstr "Terjadi error saat peralihan status langganan." msgid "Status set to %s." msgstr "Status diatur ke %s." msgid "Status changed from %1$s to %2$s." msgstr "Status diubah dari %1$s ke %2$s." msgid "Unable to change subscription status to \"%1$s\". Exception: %2$s" msgstr "Tidak dapat mengubah status langganan ke \"%1$s\". Pengecualian: %2$s" msgid "Unable to change subscription status to \"%s\"." msgstr "Tidak bisa mengubah status langganan ke \"%s\"." msgid "Invalid Subscription." msgstr "Langganan Tidak Valid." msgid "" "Your cart contained an invalid subscription switch request. It has been " "removed from your cart." msgstr "" "Keranjang Anda berisi permintaan ubah langganan yang tidak valid. Permintaan " "tersebut telah dihapus dari keranjang Anda." msgid "" "Invalid switch type \"%s\". Switch must be one of: \"upgrade\", \"downgrade" "\" or \"crossgrade\"." msgstr "" "Jenis pengalihan tidak valid \"%s\". Pengalihan harus: \"upgrade,\" " "\"downgrade,\" atau \"crossgrade\"." msgid "" "Subscription locked to Manual Renewal while the store is in staging mode. " "Live payment method: %s" msgstr "" "Langganan dikunci ke Perpanjang Manual saat toko dalam mode staging. Metode " "pembayaran langsung: %s" msgid "" "Subscription locked to Manual Renewal while the store is in staging mode. " "Payment method changes will take effect in live mode." msgstr "" "Langganan dikunci ke Perpanjang Manual saat toko dalam mode staging. " "Perubahan metode pembayaran akan diterapkan dalam mode langsung." msgid "staging" msgstr "bertingkat" msgid "" "Payment processing skipped - renewal order created on %1$sstaging site%2$s " "under staging site lock. Live site is at %3$s" msgstr "" "Pemrosesan pembayaran dilewati - perintah perpanjangan dibuat di %1$ssitus " "bertingkat%2$s di bawah kunci situs bertingkat. Situs aktif terdapat di %3$s" msgid "" "Payment retry attempted on renewal order with multiple related subscriptions " "with no payment method in common." msgstr "" "Percobaan ulang pembayaran dilakukan pada perintah perpanjangan dengan " "beberapa langganan terkait, menggunakan metode pembayaran yang berbeda." msgctxt "used in order note as reason for why subscription status changed" msgid "Subscription renewal payment retry:" msgstr "Percobaan ulang pembayaran perpanjangan langganan:" msgctxt "used in order note as reason for why order status changed" msgid "Subscription renewal payment retry:" msgstr "Percobaan kembali pembayaran perpanjangan langganan:" msgctxt "used in order note as reason for why status changed" msgid "Retry rule reapplied:" msgstr "Coba lagi aturan yang diterapkan kembali:" msgctxt "used in order note as reason for why status changed" msgid "Retry rule applied:" msgstr "Aturan percobaan kembali:" msgctxt "table heading" msgid "Renewal Payment Retry" msgstr "Percobaan Ulang Pembayaran Perpanjangan" msgid "" "The item was not removed because this Subscription's payment method does not " "support removing an item." msgstr "" "Item tersebut tidak dihapus karena metode pembayaran Langganan ini tidak " "mendukung fitur penghapusan item." msgid "You cannot remove an item that does not exist. " msgstr "Anda tidak dapat menghapus item yang tidak ada." msgid "You cannot modify a subscription that does not belong to you." msgstr "Anda tidak dapat memodifikasi langganan yang bukan milik Anda." msgid "Security error. Please contact us if you need assistance." msgstr "Galat keamanan. Hubungi kami jika Anda membutuhkan bantuan." msgid "" "You have successfully removed \"%1$s\" from your subscription. %2$sUndo?%3$s" msgstr "Anda berhasil menghapus \"%1$s\" dari langganan. %2$sBatalkan?%3$s" msgctxt "used in order note" msgid "Customer removed \"%1$s\" (Product ID: #%2$d) via the My Account page." msgstr "" "Pelanggan menghapus \"%1$s\" (ID Produk: #%2$d) melalui halaman Akun Saya." msgid "Your request to undo your previous action was unsuccessful." msgstr "Permintaan Anda untuk membatalkan tindakan sebelumnya tidak berhasil." msgctxt "used in order note" msgid "Customer added \"%1$s\" (Product ID: #%2$d) via the My Account page." msgstr "" "Pelanggan menambahkan \"%1$s\" (ID Produk: #%2$d) melalui halaman Akun Saya." msgctxt "hash before subscription ID" msgid "Subscription #%d does not exist." msgstr "Langganan #%d tidak ada." msgid "" "Endpoint for the My Account → Change Subscription Payment Method page" msgstr "" "Endpoint untuk halaman Akun Saya → Ubah Metode Pembayaran Langganan" msgid "Subscription payment method" msgstr "Metode pembayaran langganan" msgid "Endpoint for the My Account → View Subscription page" msgstr "Endpoint untuk halaman Akun Saya → Lihat Langganan" msgid "View subscription" msgstr "Lihat langganan" msgid "Endpoint for the My Account → Subscriptions page" msgstr "Endpoint untuk halaman Akun Saya → Langganan" msgid "The payment method can not be changed for that subscription." msgstr "Metode pembayaran tidak dapat diubah untuk langganan tersebut." msgid "My Subscription" msgstr "Langganan Saya" msgid "Subscriptions (page %d)" msgstr "Langganan (halaman %d)" msgctxt "hash before order number" msgid "Subscription #%s" msgstr "Langganan #%s" msgid "" "Invalid update type: %s. Post update types supported are \"add\" or \"delete" "\". Updates are done on post meta directly." msgstr "" "Jenis pembaruan tidak valid: %s. Jenis pembaruan pos yang didukung adalah " "\"tambahkan\" atau \"hapus\". Pembaruan langsung diselesaikan di meta pos." msgid "" "Error saving Subscriptions endpoints: %1$sSubscriptions%2$s, %1$sView " "subscription%2$s and %1$sSubscription payment method%2$s cannot be the same. " "The changes have been reverted." msgstr "" "Error saat menyimpan endpoint Langganan: %1$sLangganan%2$s, %1$sLihat " "langganan,%2$s dan %1$sMetode pembayaran langganan%2$s tidak boleh sama. " "Perubahan telah dikembalikan." msgctxt "used in subscription note" msgid "" "Payment method meta updated after customer changed their default token and " "opted to update their subscriptions. Payment meta changed from %1$s to %2$s" msgstr "" "Meta metode pembayaran diperbarui setelah pelanggan mengubah token asal dan " "memilih memperbarui langganan. Meta pembayaran berubah dari %1$s ke %2$s" msgid "" "Would you like to update your subscriptions to use this new payment method - " "%1$s?%2$sYes%4$s | %3$sNo%4$s" msgstr "" "Apakah Anda ingin memperbarui langganan agar menggunakan metode pembayaran " "baru ini - %1$s?%2$sYa%4$s | %3$sTidak%4$s" msgid "" "The deleted payment method was used for automatic subscription payments. To " "avoid failed renewal payments in future the subscriptions using this payment " "method have been updated to use your %1$s. To change the payment method of " "individual subscriptions go to your %2$sMy Account > Subscriptions%3$s page." msgstr "" "Metode pembayaran yang dihapus sebelumnya digunakan untuk pembayaran " "langganan otomatis. Untuk menghindari kegagalan pembayaran perpanjangan di " "waktu mendatang, langganan yang menggunakan metode pembayaran ini telah " "diperbarui untuk menggunakan %1$s Anda. Untuk mengubah metode pembayaran " "langganan tertentu, buka halaman %2$sAkun Saya > Langganan%3$s." msgctxt "used in subscription note" msgid "" "Payment method meta updated after customer deleted a token from their My " "Account page. Payment meta changed from %1$s to %2$s" msgstr "" "Meta metode pembayaran diperbarui setelah pelanggan menghapus token dari " "halaman Akun Saya. Meta pembayaran diubah dari %1$s menjadi %2$s" msgid "" "The deleted payment method was used for automatic subscription payments, we " "couldn't find an alternative token payment method token to change your " "subscriptions to." msgstr "" "Metode pembayaran yang dihapus sebelumnya digunakan untuk pembayaran " "langganan otomatis, kami tidak dapat menemukan token metode pembayaran " "alternatif untuk mengubah langganan Anda." msgid "" "Allow customers to turn on and off automatic renewals from their View " "Subscription page." msgstr "" "Izinkan pelanggan mengaktifkan atau menonaktifkan perpanjangan otomatis dari " "halaman Lihat Langganan mereka." msgid "Display the auto renewal toggle" msgstr "Tampilkan toggle perpanjangan otomatis" msgid "Auto Renewal Toggle" msgstr "Toggle Perpanjangan Otomatis" msgid "Limit to one of any status" msgstr "Batasi ke salah satu status" msgid "Limit to one active subscription" msgstr "Batasi ke satu langganan aktif" msgid "Do not limit" msgstr "Jangan batasi" msgid "" "Only allow a customer to have one subscription to this product. %1$sLearn " "more%2$s." msgstr "" "Izinkan pelanggan untuk memiliki satu langganan saja untuk produk ini. " "%1$sPelajari lebih lanjut%2$s." msgid "Limit subscription" msgstr "Batasi langganan" msgid "Ignore this error" msgstr "Abaikan error ini" msgid "Please choose a valid payment gateway to change to." msgstr "Silakan pilih gateway pembayaran yang valid untuk diubah." msgid "Customer resubscribed in order #%s" msgstr "Pelanggan berlangganan kembali pada pesanan #%s" msgid "Complete checkout to resubscribe." msgstr "Selesaikan checkout untuk berlangganan kembali." msgid "" "You can not resubscribe to that subscription. Please contact us if you need " "assistance." msgstr "" "Anda tidak dapat berlangganan kembali ke langganan tersebut. Hubungi kami " "jika Anda membutuhkan bantuan." msgid "That doesn't appear to be one of your subscriptions." msgstr "Langganan tersebut kelihatannya bukan salah satu langganan Anda." msgid "That subscription does not exist. Has it been deleted?" msgstr "Langganan tersebut tidak ada. Apakah langganan telah dihapus?" msgid "There was an error with your request to resubscribe. Please try again." msgstr "" "Terjadi kesalahan dengan permintaan untuk berlangganan kembali. Harap coba " "lagi." msgctxt "" "Used in WooCommerce by removed item notification: \"_All linked subscription " "items were_ removed. Undo?\" Filter for item title." msgid "All linked subscription items were" msgstr "Semua item langganan terkait" msgid "All linked subscription items have been removed from the cart." msgstr "Semua item langganan yang tertaut telah dihapus dari keranjang." msgid "" "We couldn't find the original renewal order for an item in your cart. The " "item was removed." msgid_plural "" "We couldn't find the original renewal orders for items in your cart. The " "items were removed." msgstr[0] "" "Kami tidak dapat menemukan pesanan perpanjangan yang asli untuk item di " "keranjang Anda. Item telah dihapus." msgstr[1] "" "Kami tidak dapat menemukan pesanan perpanjangan yang asli untuk item di " "keranjang Anda. Item telah dihapus." msgid "" "We couldn't find the original subscription for an item in your cart. The " "item was removed." msgid_plural "" "We couldn't find the original subscriptions for items in your cart. The " "items were removed." msgstr[0] "" "Kami tidak dapat menemukan langganan asli untuk item di keranjang Anda. Item " "telah dihapus." msgstr[1] "" "Kami tidak dapat menemukan langganan asli untuk item di keranjang Anda. Item " "telah dihapus." msgid "Order #%s has not been added to the cart." msgstr "Pesanan nomor #%s belum dimasukkan ke keranjang." msgid "Subscription #%s has not been added to the cart." msgstr "Langganan #%s belum ditambahkan ke keranjang." msgid "" "The %s product has been deleted and can no longer be renewed. Please choose " "a new product or contact us for assistance." msgstr "" "Produk %s telah dihapus dan tidak dapat lagi diperpanjang. Silakan pilih " "produk baru atau hubungi kami untuk mendapatkan bantuan." msgid "Complete checkout to renew your subscription." msgstr "Selesaikan checkout untuk memperpanjang langganan." msgid "" "This order can no longer be paid because the corresponding subscription does " "not require payment at this time." msgstr "" "Perintah ini tidak lagi dapat dibayar karena langganan terkait tidak " "memerlukan pembayaran untuk saat ini." msgid "That doesn't appear to be your order." msgstr "Sepertinya ini bukan pesanan Anda." msgid "new related order methods in WCS_Related_Order_Store" msgstr "metode perintah terkait yang baru di Toko_Perintah_Terkait_WCS" msgid "Customer subscription caching is now handled by %1$s and %2$s." msgstr "Cache langganan pelanggan kini ditangani oleh %1$s dan %2$s." msgid "Customer subscription caching is now handled by %1$s." msgstr "Cache langganan pelanggan kini ditangani oleh %1$s ." msgid "Related order caching is now handled by %1$s." msgstr "Cache perintah terkait kini ditangani oleh %1$s." msgid "View and manage subscriptions" msgstr "Lihat dan kelola langganan" msgid "Create subscriptions" msgstr "Buat langganan" msgid "Cannot create subscription: %s." msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat langganan: %s." msgctxt "API response confirming order note deleted from a subscription" msgid "Permanently deleted subscription note" msgstr "Catatan langganan dihapus secara permanen" msgid "Invalid subscription billing period given." msgstr "Periode penagihan langganan yang dimasukkan tidak valid." msgid "" "Invalid subscription billing interval given. Must be an integer greater than " "0." msgstr "" "Rentang penagihan langganan yang dimasukkan tidak valid. Harus berupa " "bilangan bulat di atas 0." msgid "" "Subscription payment method could not be set to %1$s and has been set to " "manual with error message: %2$s" msgstr "" "Metode pembayaran langganan tidak dapat diubah ke %1$s dan telah diubah ke " "manual dengan pesan error: %2$s" msgctxt "API error message when editing the order failed" msgid "Edit subscription failed with error: %s" msgstr "Sunting langganan gagal dengan error: %s" msgid "The requested subscription cannot be edited." msgstr "Langganan yang diminta tidak dapat diedit." msgid "You do not have permission to create subscriptions" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan membuat langganan." msgid "You do not have permission to read the subscriptions count" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan melihat jumlah langganan." msgid "Removed line item meta data." msgstr "Meta data item baris telah dihapus." msgid "Removed line items data." msgstr "Data item baris telah dihapus." msgid "The date the subscription's latest order was paid, in GMT." msgstr "Tanggal pesanan terakhir langganan dibayar dalam GMT." msgid "The date the subscription's latest order was completed, in GMT." msgstr "Tanggal pesanan terakhir langganan diselesaikan dalam GMT." msgid "The subscription's resubscribed subscription ID." msgstr "ID langganan berlangganan kembali suatu langganan." msgid "" "The subscription's original subscription ID if this is a resubscribed " "subscription." msgstr "ID langganan asli suatu langganan jika langganan ini aktif kembali." msgid "The subscription's end date." msgstr "Tanggal akhir masa langganan." msgid "The subscription's next payment date." msgstr "Tanggal pembayaran langganan selanjutnya." msgid "The subscription's trial date" msgstr "Tanggal percobaan langganan" msgid "The subscription's start date." msgstr "Tanggal mulai langganan." msgid "Subscription payment details." msgstr "Rincian pembayaran langganan." msgid "Billing period for the subscription." msgstr "Periode penagihan untuk langganan." msgid "The number of billing periods between subscription renewals." msgstr "Jumlah periode penagihan antara perpanjangan langganan." msgid "Updating subscription dates errored with message: %s" msgstr "Memperbarui tanggal langganan error dengan pesan: %s" msgid "" "Subscription payment method could not be set to %1$s with error message: %2$s" msgstr "" "Metode pembayaran langganan tidak dapat diatur ke %1$s dengan pesan error: " "%2$s" msgid "" "Gateway does not support admin changing the payment method on a Subscription." msgstr "" "Gateway tidak mendukung pengubahan metode pembayaran oleh admin untuk " "Langganan." msgid "Invalid subscription id." msgstr "ID langganan tidak valid." msgid "Renewals amount" msgstr "Jumlah perpanjangan" msgid "Renewals count" msgstr "Jumlah perpanjangan" msgid "Next 7 Days" msgstr "7 Hari Selanjutnya" msgid "Next 30 Days" msgstr "30 Hari Selanjutnya" msgid "Next 12 Months" msgstr "12 Bulan Selanjutnya" msgid "%s average renewal amount" msgstr "%s jumlah perpanjangan rata-rata" msgid "" "The number of upcoming renewal orders, for currently active subscriptions." msgstr "" "Jumlah pesanan perpanjangan selanjutnya, untuk langganan yang sedang aktif." msgid "" "The sum of all the upcoming renewal orders, including items, fees, tax and " "shipping, for currently active subscriptions." msgstr "" "Jumlah semua pesanan perpanjangan selanjutnya, termasuk item, biaya, pajak, " "dan pengiriman, untuk langganan yang sedang aktif." msgid "%s renewal income in this period" msgstr "%s pendapatan perpanjangan periode ini" msgid "Recovered Renewal Revenue" msgstr "Pendapatan Perpanjangan yang Dikembalikan" msgid "Pending retries" msgstr "Percobaan ulang yang tertunda" msgid "Failed retries" msgstr "Percobaan ulang yang gagal" msgid "Successful retries" msgstr "Percobaan ulang yang berhasil" msgid "The number of renewal payment retries not yet processed." msgstr "Jumlah percobaan ulang pembayaran perpanjangan yang belum diproses." msgid "%s retry attempts pending" msgstr "%s upaya percobaan ulang tertunda" msgid "" "The number of renewal payment retries for this period which did not result " "in a successful payment." msgstr "" "Jumlah percobaan ulang pembayaran perpanjangan untuk periode ini yang tidak " "berhasil." msgid "%s retry attempts failed" msgstr "%s upaya percobaan ulang gagal" msgid "" "The number of renewal payment retries for this period which were able to " "process the payment which had previously failed one or more times." msgstr "" "Jumlah percobaan ulang pembayaran perpanjangan untuk periode ini yang dapat " "memproses pembayaran yang sebelumnya gagal satu kali atau lebih." msgid "%s retry attempts succeeded" msgstr "%s upaya percobaan ulang berhasil" msgid "" "The number of renewal orders which had a failed payment use the retry system." msgstr "" "Jumlah pesanan perpanjangan yang membuat percobaan yang gagal menggunakan " "sistem percobaan ulang." msgid "%s renewal orders" msgstr "%s pesanan perpanjangan" msgid "" "The total amount of revenue, including tax and shipping, recovered with the " "failed payment retry system for renewal orders with a failed payment." msgstr "" "Total jumlah pendapatan, termasuk pajak dan pengiriman, yang dikembalikan " "dengan sistem percobaan ulang pembayaran yang gagal untuk pesanan " "perpanjangan dengan pembayaran yang gagal." msgid "%s renewal revenue recovered" msgstr "%s pendapatan perpanjangan dikembalikan" msgid "Switch Totals" msgstr "Ganti Total" msgid "Renewal Totals" msgstr "Total Perpanjangan" msgid "Resubscribe Totals" msgstr "Total Berlangganan Kembali" msgid "Signup Totals" msgstr "Total Pendaftaran" msgid "Cancellations" msgstr "Pembatalan" msgid "Subscriptions Ended" msgstr "Langganan Berakhir" msgid "Number of renewals" msgstr "Jumlah perpanjangan" msgid "Number of resubscribes" msgstr "Jumlah berlangganan kembali" msgid "Subscriptions signups" msgstr "Pendaftaran langganan" msgid "Switched subscriptions" msgstr "Langganan yang dialihkan" msgid "Last 7 Days" msgstr "7 hari terakhir" msgid "Last Month" msgstr "Bulan Terakhir" msgid "Change in subscriptions between the start and end of the period." msgstr "Perubahan langganan antara awal dan akhir periode." msgid "%s net subscription loss" msgstr "%s rugi bersih langganan" msgid "%s net subscription gain" msgstr "%s laba bersih langganan" msgid "" "The number of subscriptions during this period with an end date in the " "future and a status other than pending." msgstr "" "Jumlah langganan selama periode ini dengan tanggal selesai di waktu " "mendatang dan status selain tertunda." msgid "%2$s %1$s current subscriptions" msgstr "%2$s %1$s langganan saat ini" msgid "" "The number of subscriptions which have either expired or reached the end of " "the prepaid term if it was previously cancelled." msgstr "" "Jumlah langganan yang sudah kedaluwarsa atau mencapai akhir jangka waktu " "prabayar jika sebelumnya dibatalkan." msgid "%2$s %1$s ended subscriptions" msgstr "%2$s %1$s langganan yang sudah berakhir" msgid "" "The number of subscriptions cancelled by the customer or store manager " "during this period. The pre-paid term may not yet have ended during this " "period." msgstr "" "Jumlah langganan yang dibatalkan oleh pelanggan atau manajer toko selama " "periode ini. Jangka waktu prabayar mungkin belum berakhir selama periode ini." msgid "%2$s %1$s subscription cancellations" msgstr "%2$s %1$s pembatalan langganan" msgid "" "The number of subscriptions upgraded, downgraded or cross-graded during this " "period." msgstr "" "Jumlah langganan yang mengalami upgrade, downgrade, atau crossgrade selama " "periode ini." msgid "%2$s %1$s subscription switches" msgstr "%2$s %1$s pergantian langganan" msgid "The number of renewal orders processed during this period." msgstr "Jumlah pesanan perpanjangan yang diproses selama periode ini." msgid "%2$s %1$s subscription renewals" msgstr "%2$s %1$s perpanjangan langganan" msgid "The number of resubscribe orders processed during this period." msgstr "Jumlah pesanan berlangganan kembali yang diproses selama periode ini." msgid "%2$s %1$s subscription resubscribes" msgstr "%2$s %1$s berlangganan kembali" msgid "" "The number of subscriptions purchased in parent orders created during this " "period. This represents the new subscriptions created by customers placing " "an order via checkout." msgstr "" "Jumlah langganan yang dibeli pada pesanan induk yang dibuat selama periode " "ini. Ini mewakili langganan baru yang dibuat oleh pelanggan yang memesan " "melalui checkout." msgid "%2$s %1$s subscription signups" msgstr "%2$s %1$s pendaftaran langganan" msgid "" "The number of subscriptions created during this period, either by being " "manually created, imported or a customer placing an order. This includes " "orders pending payment." msgstr "" "Jumlah langganan yang dibuat selama periode ini, baik secara manual, melalui " "proses impor, atau atas pesanan pelanggan. Ini mencakup pembayaran pesanan " "tertunda." msgid "%2$s %1$s new subscriptions" msgstr "%2$s %1$s langganan baru" msgid "The sum of all switch orders including tax and shipping." msgstr "Jumlah semua pesanan pergantian termasuk pajak dan pengiriman." msgid "%s switch revenue in this period" msgstr "%s ganti pendapatan periode ini" msgid "The sum of all resubscribe orders including tax and shipping." msgstr "" "Nilai total semua pesanan berlangganan kembali, termasuk pajak dan " "pengiriman." msgid "%s resubscribe revenue in this period" msgstr "%s pendapatan berlangganan kembali periode ini" msgid "The sum of all renewal orders including tax and shipping." msgstr "Nilai total semua pesanan perpanjangan, termasuk pajak dan pengiriman." msgid "%s renewal revenue in this period" msgstr "%s pendapatan perpanjangan periode ini" msgid "" "The sum of all subscription parent orders, including other items, fees, tax " "and shipping." msgstr "" "Nilai total semua pesanan induk langganan, termasuk item lainnya, biaya, " "pajak, dan pengiriman." msgid "%s signup revenue in this period" msgstr "%s pendapatan pendaftaran periode ini" msgid "The average line total on all orders for this product line item." msgstr "Total baris rata-rata pada semua pesanan untuk item baris produk ini." msgid "Average Lifetime Value %s" msgstr "Nilai Masa Aktif Rata-rata %s" msgid "The average line total for this product on each subscription." msgstr "Total baris rata-rata untuk produk ini pada tiap langganan." msgid "Average Recurring Line Total %s" msgstr "Total Baris Berulang Rata-rata %s" msgid "" "The number of subscriptions that include this product as a line item and " "have a status other than pending or trashed." msgstr "" "Jumlah langganan yang mencakup produk ini sebagai item baris dan memiliki " "status selain tertunda atau dibatalkan." msgid "Subscription Count %s" msgstr "Jumlah Langganan %s" msgid "Subscription Product" msgstr "Produk Langganan" msgid "The total value of this customer's sign-up, switch and renewal orders." msgstr "" "Nilai total pesanan pendaftaran, pengalihan, dan perpanjangan pelanggan ini." msgid "Lifetime Value from Subscriptions %s" msgstr "Nilai Masa Aktif dari Langganan %s" msgid "" "The number of sign-up, switch and renewal orders this customer has placed " "with your store with a paid status (i.e. processing or complete)." msgstr "" "Jumlah pesanan pendaftaran, peralihan, dan perpanjangan oleh pelanggan ini " "di toko Anda dengan status dibayar (mis. sedang diproses atau selesai)." msgid "Total Subscription Orders %s" msgstr "Total Pesanan Langganan %s" msgid "" "The number of subscriptions this customer has with a status other than " "pending or trashed." msgstr "" "Jumlah langganan yang dimiliki pelanggan ini dengan status selain tertunda " "atau dibatalkan." msgid "Total Subscriptions %s" msgstr "Total Langganan %s" msgid "" "The number of subscriptions this customer has with a status of active or " "pending cancellation." msgstr "" "Jumlah langganan yang dimiliki pelanggan ini dengan status aktif atau " "pembatalan tertunda." msgid "Active Subscriptions %s" msgstr "Langganan yang Aktif %s" msgid "The average value of all customers' sign-up, switch and renewal orders." msgstr "" "Nilai rata-rata semua pesanan pendaftaran, peralihan, dan perpanjangan " "pelanggan." msgid "Average Lifetime Value" msgstr "Nilai Masa Aktif Rata-rata" msgid "" "The total number of sign-up, switch and renewal orders placed with your " "store with a paid status (i.e. processing or complete)." msgstr "" "Jumlah total pesanan pendaftaran, peralihan, dan perpanjangan yang dilakukan " "di toko Anda dengan status dibayar (mis. sedang diproses atau selesai)." msgid "Total Subscription Orders" msgstr "Total Pesanan Langganan" msgid "" "The total number of subscriptions with a status other than pending or " "trashed." msgstr "Jumlah total langganan dengan status selain tertunda atau dibatalkan." msgid "" "The total number of subscriptions with a status of active or pending " "cancellation." msgstr "Jumlah total langganan dengan status aktif atau pembatalan tertunda." msgid "Active Subscriptions" msgstr "Langganan yang Aktif" msgid "" "The number of unique customers with a subscription of any status other than " "pending or trashed." msgstr "" "Jumlah pelanggan unik dengan status langganan selain tertunda atau " "dibatalkan." msgid "Total Subscribers" msgstr "Total Pelanggan" msgid "Customer Totals" msgstr "Harga Total Dibayar Pelanggan" msgid "Unended Subscription Count" msgstr "Jumlah Langganan yang Belum Berakhir" msgctxt "X axis label on retention rate graph" msgid "Number of months after sign-up" msgstr "Jumlah bulan setelah mendaftar" msgctxt "X axis label on retention rate graph" msgid "Number of weeks after sign-up" msgstr "Jumlah minggu setelah mendaftar" msgctxt "X axis label on retention rate graph" msgid "Number of days after sign-up" msgstr "Jumlah hari setelah mendaftar" msgid "%2$s%1$s cancellation%3$s subscription cancellations this month" msgid_plural "%2$s%1$s cancellations%3$s subscription cancellations this month" msgstr[0] "%2$s%1$s pembatalan%3$s pembatalan langganan bulan ini" msgstr[1] "%2$s%1$s pembatalan%3$s pembatalan langganan bulan ini" msgid "%s renewal revenue this month" msgstr "%s pendapatan dari perpanjangan bulan ini" msgid "%2$s%1$s renewal%3$s subscription renewals this month" msgid_plural "%2$s%1$s renewals%3$s subscription renewals this month" msgstr[0] "%2$s%1$s perpanjangan%3$s perpanjangan langganan bulan ini" msgstr[1] "%2$s%1$s perpanjangan%3$s perpanjangan langganan bulan ini" msgid "%s signup revenue this month" msgstr "%s pendapatan dari pendaftaran bulan ini" msgid "%2$s%1$s signup%3$s subscription signups this month" msgid_plural "%2$s%1$s signups%3$s subscription signups this month" msgstr[0] "%2$s%1$s pendaftaran%3$s pendaftaran langganan bulan ini" msgstr[1] "%2$s%1$s pendaftaran%3$s pendaftaran langganan bulan ini" msgid "%d failures" msgid_plural "%d failure" msgstr[0] "%d kegagalan" msgstr[1] "%d kegagalan" msgid "Cache Update Failures" msgstr "Kegagalan Pembaruan Cache" msgctxt "Whether the Report Cache has been enabled" msgid "Report Cache Enabled" msgstr "Laporkan Cache Diaktifkan" msgid "" "Please note: data for this report is cached. The data displayed may be out " "of date by up to 24 hours. The cache is updated each morning at 4am in your " "site's timezone." msgstr "" "Perhatikan: data untuk laporan ini disimpan dalam cache. Data yang " "ditampilkan mungkin kedaluwarsa setelah 24 jam. Cache diperbarui setiap " "pukul 4 pagi di zona waktu situs Anda." msgid "Error: unable to find timezone of your browser." msgstr "Error: tidak dapat membaca zona waktu perambah Anda." msgid "Timezone:" msgstr "Zona Waktu:" msgid "Recurring:" msgstr "Berulang:" msgid "Billing Period" msgstr "Periode Penagihan" msgid "Payment:" msgstr "Pembayaran" msgid "" "The email sent to the customer when the renewal payment or payment retry " "failed to notify them that the payment would be retried." msgstr "" "Email yang dikirim ke pelanggan saat pembayaran perpanjangan atau percobaan " "ulang pembayaran gagal memberitahukan bahwa pembayaran akan dicoba lagi." msgid "" "The status applied to the subscription for the time between when the renewal " "payment failed or last retry occurred and when this retry was processed." msgstr "" "Status yang diterapkan ke langganan dalam rentang waktu antara pembayaran " "perpanjangan gagal atau percobaan ulang terakhir terjadi dan percobaan ulang " "ini diproses." msgid "Status of Subscription" msgstr "Status Langganan" msgid "" "The status applied to the order for the time between when the renewal " "payment failed or last retry occurred and when this retry was processed." msgstr "" "Status yang diterapkan pada pesanan dalam rentang waktu antara pembayaran " "perpanjangan gagal atau percobaan ulang terakhir terjadi hingga percobaan " "ulang ini diproses." msgid "Status of Order" msgstr "Status Pesanan" msgid "" "The status of the automatic payment retry: pending means the retry will be " "processed in the future, failed means the payment was not successful when " "retried and completed means the payment succeeded when retried." msgstr "" "Status percobaan ulang pembayaran otomatis: tertunda berarti percobaan ulang " "akan diproses di waktu mendatang, gagal berarti pembayaran tidak berhasil " "saat dicoba lagi, dan selesai berarti pembayaran berhasil saat dicoba lagi." msgid "Retry Status" msgstr "Status Percobaan Ulang" msgid "Retry Date" msgstr "Tanggal Percobaan Ulang" msgctxt "table heading" msgid "Total" msgstr "Total" msgctxt "post date" msgid "Y/m/d g:i:s A" msgstr "Y/m/d H.i.s" msgctxt "hash before order number" msgid "#%s" msgstr "#%s" msgid "Error updating some information: %s" msgstr "Error saat memperbarui beberapa informasi: %s" msgctxt "subscription note after linking to a parent order" msgid "Subscription linked to parent order %s via admin." msgstr "Langganan yang ditautkan ke pesanan induk %s melalui admin." msgid "Customer's notes about the order" msgstr "Catatan pelanggan untuk pesanan" msgid "Customer Provided Note" msgstr "Catatan yang Diberikan Pelanggan" msgid "Customer add payment method page →" msgstr "Halaman pelanggan menambahkan metode pembayaran →" msgid "Customer change payment method page →" msgstr "Halaman pelanggan mengubah metode pembayaran →" msgctxt "" "The gateway ID displayed on the Edit Subscriptions screen when editing " "payment method." msgid "Gateway ID: [%s]" msgstr "ID Gateway: [%s]" msgid "Select an order…" msgstr "Pilih pesanan…" msgid "Parent order:" msgstr "Pesanan induk:" msgid "Parent order: " msgstr "Pesanan induk:" msgid "View other subscriptions →" msgstr "Lihat langganan lain →" msgctxt "edit subscription header" msgid "Subscription #%s details" msgstr "Informasi langganan #%s" msgctxt "relation to order" msgid "Unknown Order Type" msgstr "Jenis Pesanan Tidak Diketahui" msgctxt "relation to order" msgid "Resubscribe Order" msgstr "Berlangganan Kembali Pesanan" msgctxt "relation to order" msgid "Resubscribed Subscription" msgstr "Langganan yang Dilanggan Kembali" msgctxt "relation to order" msgid "Parent Order" msgstr "Pesanan Induk" msgctxt "relation to order" msgid "Renewal Order" msgstr "Pesanan Perpanjangan" msgctxt "relation to order" msgid "Initial Subscription" msgstr "Langganan Awal" msgctxt "relation to order" msgid "Subscription" msgstr "Langganan" msgid "" "The product type can not be changed because this product is associated with " "subscriptions." msgstr "" "Jenis produk tidak dapat diubah karena produk ini terkait dengan langganan." msgid "Note that purchasing a subscription still requires an account." msgstr "Perhatikan bahwa pembelian langganan tetap memerlukan akun." msgid "" "Find new gateways that %1$ssupport automatic subscription payments%2$s in " "the official %3$sWooCommerce Marketplace%4$s." msgstr "" "Cari gateway baru yang %1$smendukung pembayaran langganan otomatis%2$s di " "WooCommerce Marketplace %3$syang resmi%4$s." msgid "" "Payment gateways which don't support automatic recurring payments can be " "used to process %1$smanual subscription renewal payments%2$s." msgstr "" "Gateway pembayaran yang tidak mendukung pembayaran berulang otomatis dapat " "digunakan untuk memproses %1$spembayaran perpanjangan langganan manual%2$s." msgid "" "No payment gateways capable of processing automatic subscription payments " "are enabled. If you would like to process automatic payments, we recommend " "the %1$sfree Stripe extension%2$s." msgstr "" "Tidak ada gateway pembayaran yang mampu memproses pembayaran langganan " "otomatis yang diaktifkan. Jika ingin memproses pembayaran otomatis, kami " "merekomendasikan %1$sekstensi Stripe gratis%2$s." msgid "" "This subscription is no longer editable because the payment gateway does not " "allow modification of recurring amounts." msgstr "" "Langganan ini tidak lagi dapat disunting karena gateway pembayaran tidak " "mengizinkan modifikasi jumlah berulang." msgid "Subscription items can no longer be edited." msgstr "Item langganan tidak lagi dapat disunting." msgid "Automatic Recurring Payments" msgstr "Pembayaran Berulang Otomatis" msgid "The trial period can not exceed %s." msgstr "Periode percobaan tidak boleh melebihi %s." msgid "The trial period can not exceed: %1$s, %2$s, %3$s or %4$s." msgstr "Periode percobaan tidak boleh melebihi: %1$s, %2$s, %3$s atau %4$s." msgid "Showing orders for %1$sSubscription %2$s%3$s" msgstr "Menampilkan pesanan untuk Langganan %1$s %2$s%3$s" msgid "We can't find a paid subscription order for this user." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat menemukan pesanan langganan berbayar untuk pengguna ini." msgid "" "We weren't able to locate the set of report results you requested. Please " "regenerate the link from the %1$sSubscription Reports screen%2$s." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat menemukan kumpulan hasil laporan yang Anda minta. Buat " "ulang tautan dari %1$slayar Laporan Langganan%2$s." msgid "We can't find a subscription with ID #%d. Perhaps it was deleted?" msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat menemukan langganan dengan ID #%d. Mungkin sudah dihapus?" msgid "Add a Subscription Product" msgstr "Tambah Produk Langganan" msgid "" "%1$sWooCommerce Subscriptions Installed%2$s – %3$sYou're ready to " "start selling subscriptions!%4$s" msgstr "" "%1$sWooCommerce Subscriptions Terinstal%2$s – %3$sAnda siap menjual " "langganan!%4$s" msgid "" "Enabling this grants access to new downloadable files added to a product " "only after the next renewal is processed.%sBy default, access to new " "downloadable files added to a product is granted immediately to any customer " "that has an active subscription with that product." msgstr "" "Dengan menyalakan fitur ini, akses akan diberikan ke file baru yang dapat " "diunduh yang ditambahkan ke produk hanya setelah perpanjangan yang " "selanjutnya diproses.%sPada setelan asal, akses ke file baru yang dapat " "diunduh yang ditambahkan ke produk akan diberikan langsung kepada pelanggan " "yang mempunyai langganan aktif untuk produk tersebut." msgid "Enable dripping for downloadable content on subscription products." msgstr "" "Nyalakan rilis bertahap untuk konten yang dapat diunduh dari produk " "langganan." msgid "Drip Downloadable Content" msgstr "Rilis Konten yang Dapat Diunduh secara Bertahap" msgid "" "Allow a subscription product with a $0 initial payment to be purchased " "without providing a payment method. The customer will be required to provide " "a payment method at the end of the initial period to keep the subscription " "active." msgstr "" "Izinkan pembelian produk langganan dengan pembayaran awal $0 tanpa " "menyertakan metode pembayaran. Pelanggan akan diminta untuk menyertakan " "metode pembayaran di akhir periode awal agar langganan tetap aktif." msgid "Allow $0 initial checkout without a payment method." msgstr "Izinkan checkout awal $0 tanpa metode pembayaran." msgid "$0 Initial Checkout" msgstr "Checkout Awal $0" msgid "" "Allow a subscription product to be purchased with other products and " "subscriptions in the same transaction." msgstr "" "Izinkan produk langganan dibeli bersama produk dan langganan lain dalam " "transaksi yang sama." msgid "" "Allow multiple subscriptions and products to be purchased simultaneously." msgstr "Izinkan banyak langganan dan produk untuk dibeli bersamaan." msgid "Mixed Checkout" msgstr "Checkout Campuran" msgid "" "Set a maximum number of times a customer can suspend their account for each " "billing period. For example, for a value of 3 and a subscription billed " "yearly, if the customer has suspended their account 3 times, they will not " "be presented with the option to suspend their account until the next year. " "Store managers will always be able to suspend an active subscription. Set " "this to 0 to turn off the customer suspension feature completely." msgstr "" "Batasi berapa kali pelanggan dapat menangguhkan akun mereka untuk tiap " "periode penagihan. Sebagai contoh, jika angkanya diatur ke 3 dan langganan " "ditagih per tahun serta pelanggan telah menangguhkan akunnya 3 kali, opsi " "menangguhkan akun tidak akan ditampilkan sampai tahun depan. Manajer toko " "akan selalu dapat menangguhkan langganan aktif. Pilih 0 untuk mematikan " "fitur penangguhan oleh pelanggan sepenuhnya." msgctxt "there's a number immediately in front of this text" msgid "suspensions per billing period." msgstr "penangguhan per periode penagihan." msgid "Customer Suspensions" msgstr "Penangguhan Pelanggan" msgctxt "options section heading" msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "Serbaneka" msgid "" "If you don't want new subscription purchases to automatically charge renewal " "payments, you can turn off automatic payments. Existing automatic " "subscriptions will continue to charge customers automatically. %1$sLearn more" "%2$s." msgstr "" "Jika tidak ingin pembelian langganan baru menagih pembayaran perpanjangan " "secara otomatis, Anda dapat mematikan pembayaran otomatis. Langganan " "otomatis yang ada akan terus menagih pelanggan secara otomatis. %1$sPelajari " "lebih lanjut%2$s." msgid "Turn off Automatic Payments" msgstr "Matikan Pembayaran Otomatis" msgid "" "With manual renewals, a customer's subscription is put on-hold until they " "login and pay to renew it. %1$sLearn more%2$s." msgstr "" "Dengan perpanjangan manual, langganan pelanggan akan ditangguhkan sampai " "mereka masuk dan membayar untuk memperpanjang. %1$sPelajari lebih lanjut%2$s." msgid "Accept Manual Renewals" msgstr "Terima Perpanjangan Manual" msgid "Manual Renewal Payments" msgstr "Pembayaran Perpanjangan Manual" msgctxt "option section heading" msgid "Renewals" msgstr "Perpanjangan" msgid "" "If a subscriber's subscription is manually cancelled or expires, she will be " "assigned this role." msgstr "" "Jika langganan pelanggan dibatalkan secara manual atau kedaluwarsa, mereka " "akan diberikan peran ini." msgid "Inactive Subscriber Role" msgstr "Peran Pelanggan Non-aktif" msgid "" "When a subscription is activated, either manually or after a successful " "purchase, new users will be assigned this role." msgstr "" "Saat langganan diaktifkan, baik secara manual maupun setelah pembelian " "berhasil dilakukan, pengguna baru akan diberikan peran ini." msgid "Subscriber Default Role" msgstr "Peran Asal Pelanggan" msgid "" "Choose the default roles to assign to active and inactive subscribers. For " "record keeping purposes, a user account must be created for subscribers. " "Users with the %1$sadministrator%2$s role, such as yourself, will never be " "allocated these roles to prevent locking out administrators." msgstr "" "Pilih peran asal yang akan diberikan ke pelanggan aktif dan non-aktif. Untuk " "tujuan pencatatan, pelanggan harus dibuatkan akun pengguna. Pengguna dengan " "peran %1$sadministrator%2$s, seperti Anda, tidak akan pernah diberikan peran-" "peran tersebut agar tetap dapat masuk." msgid "" "Use this field to customise the text displayed on the checkout button when " "an order contains a subscription. Normally the checkout submission button " "displays \"Place order\". When the cart contains a subscription, this is " "changed to \"Sign up now\"." msgstr "" "Gunakan ruas ini untuk menyesuaikan teks yang ditampilkan pada tombol " "checkout jika pesanan berisi langganan. Biasanya, tombol pemesanan pada " "tampilan checkout bertuliskan \"Buat pesanan\". Jika keranjang berisi " "langganan, teksnya menjadi \"Daftar sekarang\"." msgid "Place Order Button Text" msgstr "Teks Tombol Buat Pesanan" msgid "Sign up now" msgstr "Daftar sekarang" msgid "" "A product displays a button with the text \"Add to cart\". By default, a " "subscription changes this to \"Sign up now\". You can customise the button " "text for subscriptions here." msgstr "" "Produk menampilkan tombol bertuliskan \"Tambah ke keranjang\". Pada setelan " "asal, langganan akan menampilkan \"Daftar sekarang\". Anda dapat " "menyesuaikan teks tombol untuk berlangganan di sini." msgid "Add to Cart Button Text" msgstr "Tambahkan ke Teks Tombol Keranjang" msgid "Search Subscriptions" msgstr "Cari Langganan" msgid "Active subscriber?" msgstr "Pelanggan aktif?" msgctxt "" "used in admin pointer script params in javascript as price pointer content" msgid "" "%1$sSet a Price%2$s%3$sSubscription prices are a little different to other " "product prices. For a subscription, you can set a billing period, length, " "sign-up fee and free trial.%4$s" msgstr "" "%1$sTentukan Harga%2$s%3$sHarga langganan sedikit berbeda dengan harga " "produk lainnya. Untuk langganan, Anda dapat menentukan periode penagihan, " "masa langganan, biaya pendaftaran, dan percobaan gratis.%4$s" msgctxt "" "used in admin pointer script params in javascript as type pointer content" msgid "" "%1$sChoose Subscription%2$s%3$sThe WooCommerce Subscriptions extension adds " "two new subscription product types - %4$sSimple subscription%5$s and " "%6$sVariable subscription%7$s.%8$s" msgstr "" "%1$sPilih Langganan%2$s%3$sEkstensi WooCommerce Subscriptions menambahkan " "dua jenis produk langganan baru - %4$sLangganan sederhana%5$s dan " "%6$sLangganan variabel%7$s.%8$s" msgid "" "Because of this, it is not recommended as a payment method for Subscriptions " "unless it is the only available option for your country." msgstr "" "Oleh karena itu, ini tidak disarankan sebagai metode pembayaran " "Subscriptions kecuali jika ini satu-satunya opsi yang tersedia di negara " "Anda." msgid "" "PayPal Standard has a number of limitations and does not support all " "subscription features." msgstr "" "PayPal Standard memiliki sejumlah batasan dan tidak mendukung semua fitur " "langganan." msgid "" "Warning: Deleting a user will also delete the user's subscriptions. The " "user's orders will remain but be reassigned to the 'Guest' user.\n" "\n" "Do you want to continue to delete this user and any associated subscriptions?" msgstr "" "Peringatan: Menghapus pengguna juga akan menghapus langganan pengguna " "tersebut. Pesanan pengguna tersebut akan tetap berlaku tetapi dialihkan " "menjadi ke pengguna 'Tamu'.\n" "\n" "Ingin melanjutkan menghapus pengguna beserta langganan terkait pengguna " "tersebut?" msgid "" "You are deleting a subscription item. You will also need to manually cancel " "and trash the subscription on the Manage Subscriptions screen." msgstr "" "Anda akan menghapus item langganan. Anda juga perlu membatalkan langganan " "secara manual dan memindahkannya ke tong sampah pada layar Kelola Langganan." msgid "" "WARNING: Bad things are about to happen!\n" "\n" "The payment gateway used to purchase this subscription does not support " "modifying a subscription's details.\n" "\n" "Changes to the billing period, recurring discount, recurring tax or " "recurring total may not be reflected in the amount charged by the payment " "gateway." msgstr "" "PERINGATAN: Akan terjadi hal-hal buruk!\n" "\n" "Gateway pembayaran yang digunakan untuk membayar langganan ini tidak " "mendukung pengubahan informasi langganan.\n" "\n" "Perubahan periode penagihan, diskon berulang, pajak berulang, atau harga " "total berulang mungkin tidak akan muncul pada biaya yang dikenakan gateway " "pembayaran." msgid "" "You are about to trash one or more orders which contain a subscription.\n" "\n" "Trashing the orders will also trash the subscriptions purchased with these " "orders." msgstr "" "Anda akan memindahkan satu pesanan atau lebih yang berisi langganan ke tong " "sampah.\n" "\n" "Tidak hanya pesanan ini, langganan yang dibeli dengan pesanan tersebut juga " "akan dipindahkan ke tong sampah." msgid "Delete all variations without a subscription" msgstr "Hapus semua variasi tanpa langganan" msgid "" "Enter a new interval as a single number (e.g. to charge every 2nd month, " "enter 2):" msgstr "" "Masukkan rentang baru dalam satu digit (contoh, untuk mengenakan biaya tiap " "bulan kedua, masukkan 2):" msgid "Enter a new length (e.g. 5):" msgstr "Masukkan masa baru (contoh, 5):" msgid "Enter the new period, either day, week, month or year:" msgstr "Masukkan periode baru (dapat berupa hari, minggu, bulan, atau tahun):" msgid "" "Trashing this order will also trash the subscriptions purchased with the " "order." msgstr "" "Tidak hanya pesanan ini, langganan yang dibeli dengan pesanan tersebut juga " "akan dipindahkan ke tong sampah." msgid "" "Unable to change subscription status to \"%s\". Please assign a customer to " "the subscription to activate it." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat mengubah status langganan ke \"%s\". Tetapkan pelanggan ke " "langganan untuk mengaktifkannya." msgid "Free trial period" msgstr "Periode percobaan gratis" msgid "Free trial length" msgstr "Masa percobaan gratis" msgid "Subscription billing interval" msgstr "Rentang penagihan langganan" msgid "Subscription sign-up fee" msgstr "Biaya pendaftaran langganan" msgid "Subscription pricing" msgstr "Harga langganan" msgid "" "Shipping for subscription products is normally charged on the initial order " "and all renewal orders. Enable this to only charge shipping once on the " "initial order. Note: for this setting to be enabled the subscription must " "not have a free trial or a synced renewal date." msgstr "" "Biaya pengiriman untuk langganan biasanya dikenakan pada pesanan pertama dan " "pesanan perpanjangan. Nyalakan fitur ini supaya biaya pengiriman hanya " "dikenakan sekali pada pesanan pertama. Catatan: agar pengaturan ini dapat " "dinyalakan, langganan tidak boleh menyertakan percobaan gratis atau tanggal " "perpanjangan tersinkron." msgid "One time shipping" msgstr "Pengiriman sekali saja" msgid "Subscription Trial Period" msgstr "Periode Percobaan Langganan" msgid "" "Optionally include an amount to be charged at the outset of the " "subscription. The sign-up fee will be charged immediately, even if the " "product has a free trial or the payment dates are synced." msgstr "" "Tambahan termasuk biaya yang dikenakan pada awal langganan. Biaya " "pendaftaran akan langsung dikenakan walaupun produk menyertakan percobaan " "gratis atau tanggal pembayaran tersinkron." msgctxt "example price" msgid "e.g. 9.90" msgstr "contoh, 9,90" msgid "Sign-up fee (%s)" msgstr "Biaya pendaftaran (%s)" msgid "" "Automatically expire the subscription after this length of time. This length " "is in addition to any free trial or amount of time provided before a " "synchronised first renewal date." msgstr "" "Buat langganan kedaluwarsa secara otomatis setelah jangka waktu ini. Jangka " "waktu ini merupakan tambahan untuk percobaan gratis atau jumlah waktu yang " "disediakan sebelum tanggal perpanjangan pertama yang disinkronisasi." msgid "Expire after" msgstr "Kedaluwarsa setelah" msgid "Subscription period" msgstr "Periode langganan" msgid "Subscription interval" msgstr "Interval langganan" msgctxt "example price" msgid "e.g. 5.90" msgstr "contoh, 5,90" msgid "Subscription price (%s)" msgstr "Harga langganan (%s)" msgctxt "Trial period field tooltip on Edit Product administration screen" msgid "" "An optional period of time to wait before charging the first recurring " "payment. Any sign up fee will still be charged at the outset of the " "subscription. %s" msgstr "" "Periode waktu tunggu opsional sebelum mengenakan pembayaran berulang " "pertama. Semua biaya pendaftaran akan tetap dikenakan di awal berlangganan.%s" msgid "Choose the subscription price, billing interval and period." msgstr "Pilih harga langganan serta interval dan periode penagihan." msgid "Variable subscription" msgstr "Langganan variabel" msgid "Simple subscription" msgstr "Langganan sederhana" msgctxt "label for the system status page" msgid "Country / State" msgstr "Negara/Negara Bagian" msgctxt "label for the system status page" msgid "PayPal Reference Transactions Enabled" msgstr "Transaksi Referensi PayPal Diaktifkan" msgctxt "label for the system status page" msgid "Other" msgstr "Lainnya" msgctxt "label for the system status page" msgid "Active Product Key" msgstr "Kunci Produk Aktif" msgctxt "label for the system status page" msgid "WooCommerce Account Connected" msgstr "Akun WooCommerce Terhubung" msgctxt "label for the system status page" msgid "Subscription Statuses" msgstr "Status Langganan" msgid "version %1$s is out of date. The core version is %2$s" msgstr "versi %1$s kedaluwarsa. Versi inti adalah %2$s" msgid "%1$sLearn how to update%2$s" msgstr "%1$sPelajari cara memperbarui%2$s" msgctxt "label for the system status page" msgid "Subscriptions Template Theme Overrides" msgstr "Penggantian Tema Templat Langganan" msgctxt "Live URL, Label on WooCommerce -> System Status page" msgid "Subscriptions Live URL" msgstr "URL Aktif Langganan" msgctxt "refers to live site" msgid "Live" msgstr "Langsung" msgctxt "refers to staging site" msgid "Staging" msgstr "Staging" msgctxt "Live or Staging, Label on WooCommerce -> System Status page" msgid "Subscriptions Mode" msgstr "Mode Langganan" msgctxt "label that indicates whether debugging is turned on for the plugin" msgid "WCS_DEBUG" msgstr "WCS_DEBUG" msgid "This section shows information about payment gateway feature support." msgstr "" "Bagian ini menampilkan informasi mengenai dukungan fitur gateway pembayaran." msgid "Payment Gateway Support" msgstr "Dukungan Gateway Pembayaran" msgid "This section shows information about Subscription payment methods." msgstr "Bagian ini menampilkan informasi mengenai metode pembayaran Langganan." msgid "Subscriptions by Payment Gateway" msgstr "Langganan melalui Gateway Pembayaran" msgid "This section shows general information about the store." msgstr "Bagian ini menampilkan informasi umum mengenai toko." msgid "Store Setup" msgstr "Penyiapan Toko" msgid "This section shows any information about Subscriptions." msgstr "Bagian ini menampilkan informasi mengenai Subscriptions." msgid "Failed Payment Retries" msgstr "Percobaan Ulang Pembayaran yang Gagal" msgid "Subscriptions by Customer" msgstr "Langganan berdasarkan Pelanggan" msgid "Subscriptions by Product" msgstr "Langganan berdasarkan Produk" msgid "Retention Rate" msgstr "Tingkat Retensi" msgid "Upcoming Recurring Revenue" msgstr "Pendapatan Berulang Mendatang" msgid "Subscription Events by Date" msgstr "Acara Langganan berdasarkan Tanggal" msgid "Search for a customer…" msgstr "Cari pelanggan…" msgid "Manual Renewal" msgstr "Perpanjangan Manual" msgid "Any Payment Method" msgstr "Semua Metode Pembayaran" msgid "Subscription draft updated." msgstr "Konsep langganan diperbarui." msgctxt "used in \"Subscription scheduled for <date>\"" msgid "M j, Y @ G:i" msgstr "j M Y @ G:i" msgid "Subscription scheduled for: %1$s." msgstr "Langganan dijadwalkan pada: %1$s." msgid "Subscription submitted." msgstr "Langganan terkirim." msgid "Subscription saved." msgstr "Langganan tersimpan." msgctxt "used in post updated messages" msgid "Subscription restored to revision from %s" msgstr "Langganan dipulihkan untuk direvisi dari %s" msgid "Subscription updated." msgstr "Langganan diperbarui." msgid "Via %s" msgstr "Via %s" msgid "%d item" msgid_plural "%d items" msgstr[0] "%d tulisan" msgstr[1] "%d tulisan" msgctxt "Subscription title on admin table. (e.g.: #211 for John Doe)" msgid "%1$s#%2$s%3$s for %4$s" msgstr "%1$s#%2$s%3$s untuk %4$s" msgid "Tel: %s" msgstr "Tlp: %s" msgctxt "meaning billing address" msgid "Billing:" msgstr "Penagihan:" msgid "Suspend" msgstr "Tangguhkan" msgctxt "number of orders linked to a subscription" msgid "Orders" msgstr "Pesanan" msgid "Last Order Date" msgstr "Tanggal Pesanan Terakhir" msgid "Trial End" msgstr "Percobaan Berakhir" msgid "%1$s subscription could not be updated: %2$s" msgid_plural "%1$s subscriptions could not be updated: %2$s" msgstr[0] "%1$s langganan tidak dapat diperbarui: %2$s" msgstr[1] "%1$s langganan tidak dapat diperbarui: %2$s" msgid "%s subscription status changed." msgid_plural "%s subscription statuses changed." msgstr[0] "%s status langganan diubah." msgstr[1] "%s status langganan diubah." msgctxt "Used in order note. Reason why status changed." msgid "Subscription status changed by bulk edit:" msgstr "Status langganan diubah dengan penyuntingan massal:" msgctxt "an action on a subscription" msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Batal" msgctxt "an action on a subscription" msgid "Put on-hold" msgstr "Tertahan" msgctxt "an action on a subscription" msgid "Activate" msgstr "Aktivasi" msgid "Retry renewal payment action requested by admin." msgstr "Coba lagi tindakan pembayaran perpanjangan yang diminta oleh admin." msgid "Create pending parent order requested by admin action." msgstr "Buat pesanan induk tertunda yang diminta oleh tindakan admin." msgid "Create pending renewal order requested by admin action." msgstr "Buat pesanan perpanjangan tertunda yang diminta tindakan admin." msgid "Process renewal order action requested by admin." msgstr "Proses tindakan pesanan perpanjangan yang diminta admin." msgid "Retry Renewal Payment" msgstr "Coba Ulang Pembayaran Perpanjangan" msgid "Create pending parent order" msgstr "Buat pesanan induk tertunda" msgid "Create pending renewal order" msgstr "Buat pesanan perpanjangan tertunda" msgid "Process renewal" msgstr "Proses perpanjangan" msgid "" "Are you sure you want to retry payment for this renewal order?\n" "\n" "This will attempt to charge the customer and send renewal order emails (if " "emails are enabled)." msgstr "" "Anda yakin ingin mencoba ulang pembayaran untuk pesanan perpanjangan ini?\n" "\n" "Ini akan mencoba menagih pelanggan dan mengirim email pesanan perpanjangan " "(jika email diaktifkan)." msgid "" "Are you sure you want to process a renewal?\n" "\n" "This will charge the customer and email them the renewal order (if emails " "are enabled)." msgstr "" "Anda yakin ingin memproses perpanjangan?\n" "\n" "Dengan melakukannya, pelanggan akan terkena biaya dan menerima email berisi " "pesanan perpanjangan (jika email dinyalakan)." msgid "Please enter a date after the next payment." msgstr "Silakan masukkan tanggal setelah pembayaran selanjutnya." msgid "Please enter a date before the next payment." msgstr "Silakan masukkan tanggal sebelum pembayaran selanjutnya." msgid "Please enter a date after the start date." msgstr "Silakan masukkan tanggal setelah tanggal mulai." msgid "Please enter a date after the trial end." msgstr "Silakan masukkan tanggal setelah percobaan berakhir." msgid "Please enter a date at least one hour into the future." msgstr "Silakan masukkan tanggal minimal satu jam ke depan." msgid "Please enter a start date in the past." msgstr "Silakan masukkan tanggal mulai yang sudah berlalu." msgid "Related Orders" msgstr "Pesanan Terkait" msgctxt "meta box title" msgid "Schedule" msgstr "Jadwalkan" msgctxt "meta box title" msgid "Subscription Data" msgstr "Data Langganan" msgid "" "Invalid relation type: %1$s. Order relationship type must be one of: %2$s." msgstr "" "Tipe relasi tidak sah: %1$s. Tipe relasi pesanan harus salah satu dari: %2$s." msgid " You’ve been invited!" msgstr " Anda mendapat undangan!" msgid "" "{{line1}}Start your own blog or website with{{/line1}} " "{{line2}}and get %1$s%2$s off your first purchase.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Buat blog atau situs web Anda dengan{{/line1}} " "{{line2}}dan dapatkan diskon %1$s%2$s untuk pembelian pertama Anda.{{/line2}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}Sign-up now to claim{{/line1}} {{line2}}your %1$s%2$s in credits{{/" "line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Daftar sekarang untuk{{/line1}} {{line2}}mendapatkan %1$s%2$s dalam " "bentuk kredit{{/line2}}" msgid "Claim your credit" msgstr "Klaim kredit Anda" msgid "You’ve been invited!" msgstr "Anda mendapat undangan!" msgid "Monitor your site's views, clicks, and other important metrics" msgstr "Pantau tampilan situs Anda, klik, dan metrik penting lainnya" msgid "Connect your site to Google Analytics" msgstr "Hubungkan situs Anda ke Google Analytics" msgid "Locating WordPress installation" msgstr "Mencari lokasi instalasi WordPress" msgid "Change host" msgstr "Ubah host" msgid "" "The remote server credentials for %(siteSlug)s are present and correct, " "allowing Jetpack to perform restores and security fixes when required." msgstr "" "Kredensial server jarak jauh untuk %(siteSlug)s tersedia dan benar, yang " "memungkinkan Jetpack untuk melakukan pemulihan dan perbaikan keamanan saat " "diperlukan." msgid "Update credentials" msgstr "Perbarui kredensial" msgid "Delete credentials" msgstr "Hapus Kredensial" msgid "" "Port 2222 would be used for Bluehost shared and reseller accounts. 22 is the " "default for Bluehost dedicated & VPS accounts." msgstr "" "Port 2222 akan digunakan untuk akun bersama dan reseller Bluehost. 22 " "otomatis diberikan untuk akun khusus & VPS Bluehost." msgid "Port number" msgstr "Nomor port" msgid "Server address" msgstr "Alamat server" msgid "Credential type" msgstr "Tipe kredensial" msgid "Read the %(hostName)s credentials guide" msgstr "Baca panduan kredensial %(hostName)s" msgid "Your hosting provider will be able to supply this information to you." msgstr "" "Penyedia hosting Anda akan dapat memberikan informasi berikut kepada Anda." msgid "" "Read through the {{a}}%(hostName)s support site{{/a}} to learn how to obtain " "your credentials." msgstr "" "Baca seluruh {{a}}situs bantuan %(hostName)s{{/a}} untuk mempelajari cara " "mendapatkan kredensial Anda." msgid "Check the information icons for details on %(hostName)s" msgstr "Periksa ikon informasi untuk mengetahui detail tentang %(hostName)s" msgid "Private key" msgstr "Kunci privat:" msgid "Your first backup will be ready soon" msgstr "Pencadangan pertama Anda akan segera tersedia" msgid "We are preparing to back up %s" msgstr "Kami sedang menyiapkan pencadangan untuk %s" msgid "Enable restores" msgstr "Aktifkan pemulihan" msgid "Your site is actively being scanned for malicious threats" msgstr "Situs Anda dipindai secara berkala untuk mengatisipasi ancaman bahaya" msgid "Your site is actively being backed up" msgstr "Situs Anda dicadangkan secara berkala " msgid "" "Upgrade your site for additional features, including spam protection, " "backups, security scanning, and priority support." msgstr "" "Lakukan upgrade pada situs Anda untuk mendapatkan fitur tambahan, termasuk " "perlindungan spam, pencadangan, pemindaian keamanan, dan bantuan prioritas." msgid "Profile picture of the connected account" msgstr "Gambar profil akun yang terhubung" msgid "The name to display in the profile of the connected account" msgstr "Nama yang ditampilkan dalam profil akun yang terhubung" msgid "Open when user starts typing" msgstr "Buka saat pengguna mulai mengetik" msgid "Search Input Overlay Trigger" msgstr "Cari Pemicu Overlay Input" msgid "" "Get support when you need it from our team of WordPress experts. Ask " "question and get the answers you need quickly." msgstr "" "Dapatkan bantuan dari tim ahli WordPress kami saat Anda membutuhkannya. " "Ajukan pertanyaan dan dapatkan jawaban yang Anda butuhkan dalam waktu " "singkat." msgid "" "{{line1}}Create a powerful personal WordPress website or blog with a " "custom{{/line1}} {{line2}}domain name, built-in security, and unlimited " "email support.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Buat situs web atau blog WordPress yang andal dengan nama{{/line1}} " "{{line2}}domain kustom, pengamanan terintegrasi, dan dukungan email tanpa " "batas.{{/line2}}" msgid " plans come with unlimited personalized support." msgstr "Paket mencakup bantuan perorangan tanpa batas." msgid "Unlimited support" msgstr "Dukungan tanpa batas" msgid "Get all the help you need to build your site, 5 days a week." msgstr "" "Dapatkan semua bantuan yang Anda butuhkan untuk membangun situs, 5 hari " "seminggu." msgid "Basic Live Chat Support" msgstr "Bantuan Live Chat Tingkat Awal" msgid "" "Get answers to all of your site questions with email access to expert " "support." msgstr "" "Dapatkan semua jawaban atas pertanyaan terkait situs Anda dengan akses email " "ke dukungan ahli." msgid "Expert support to help you get started with your site." msgstr "Bantuan tim ahli untuk membantu Anda mulai mengelola situs." msgid "Unlimited Email Support" msgstr "Bantuan Email Tanpa Batas" msgid "" "Add personality to your website with a custom domain, and gain unlimited " "access to email support." msgstr "" "Tunjukkan kepribadian Anda di situs web dengan domain khusus, dan dapatkan " "akses tanpa batas ke bantuan email." msgid "24/7 live chat support to help you get started with your site." msgstr "" "Bantuan live chat setiap saat untuk membantu Anda mulai mengelola situs." msgid "Email & 24/7 Live Chat Support" msgstr "Bantuan Email & Live Chat Setiap Saat" msgid "" "The following Jetpack licenses are invalid, already in use, or revoked: %s" msgstr "Lisensi Jetpack berikut tidak valid, sudah dipakai, atau dicabut: %s" msgid "" "Failed to attach your Jetpack license(s). Please try reconnecting Jetpack." msgstr "" "Gagal melampirkan lisensi Jetpack Anda. Coba hubungkan Jetpack kembali." msgid "License attach request failed." msgstr "Permintaan melampirkan lisensi gagal." msgctxt "" "A text for a link to a document that explains the scheduled maintenance." msgid "More info." msgstr "Info selengkapnya." msgid "Please try again shortly!" msgstr "Harap coba sesaat lagi!" msgid "This should be over in no more than %d minute." msgid_plural "This should be over in no more than %d minutes." msgstr[0] "Proses ini harus selesai tidak lebih dari %d menit." msgstr[1] "Proses ini harus selesai tidak lebih dari %d menit." msgid "" "Bummer! is undergoing scheduled maintenance right now which " "prevents new connections." msgstr "" "Mengecewakan! Saat ini sedang dalam pemeliharaan terjadwal " "yang mencegah koneksi baru." msgid "Things should be back to normal in no more than %d minute." msgid_plural "Things should be back to normal in no more than %d minutes." msgstr[0] "Semua harus kembali normal tidak lebih dari %d menit." msgstr[1] "Semua harus kembali normal tidak lebih dari %d menit." msgid "Remote server credentials" msgstr "Kredensial server jarak jauh" msgid "Enter port 21 for Bluehost’s FTP service." msgstr "Masukkan port 21 untuk layanan FTP Bluehost." msgid "Visit my Bluehost cPanel" msgstr "Kunjungi cPanel Bluehost saya" msgid "" "Your Domain Name or server IP address. Both are available from the Bluehost " "cPanel." msgstr "" "Nama Domain atau alamat IP server Anda. Keduanya tersedia dari cPanel " "Bluehost." msgid "" "SFTP/SSH is the preferred method to choose. Both methods are supported by " "Bluehost." msgstr "" "SFTP/SSH adalah metode yang lebih diharapkan untuk dipilih. Kedua metode " "tersebut didukung oleh Bluehost." msgid "" "SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol): is like FTP, but adds a layer of " "security (SSH encryption)." msgstr "" "SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol): seperti FTP, tetapi juga menambahkan " "lapisan keamanan (enkripsi SSH)." msgid "" "FTP (File Transfer Protocol): the original standard for transferring files " "between servers." msgstr "" "FTP (File Transfer Protocol): standar asli untuk mengirim berkas antar " "server." msgid "Use private key" msgstr "Gunakan kunci pribadi" msgid "Use password" msgstr "Gunakan kata sandi" msgid "P2+" msgstr "P2+" msgid "" "This product was purchased by a different account. To manage " "this product, log in to that account or contact the account owner." msgstr "" "Produk berikut dibeli oleh akun yang berbeda. Untuk mengelola " "produk, masuk ke akun tersebut atau hubungi pemilik akun." msgid "Verify Sign In" msgstr "Verifikasikan Masuk" msgid "A site’s activity listed on a vertical timeline." msgstr "Aktivitas situs didata pada garis waktu vertikal." msgid "Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock powerful features:" msgstr "Lakukan upgrade ke paket berbayar untuk membuka banyak fitur andal:" msgid "" "Looking for something specific? You can filter the events by type and date." msgstr "" "Anda mencari sesuatu yang spesifik? Anda dapat memfilter aktivitas " "berdasarkan jenis dan tanggal." msgid "" "With your free plan, you can monitor the 20 most recent events on your site." msgstr "" "Dengan paket gratis, Anda dapat memantau 20 aktivitas terkini pada situs " "Anda." msgid "" "We’ll keep track of all the events that take place on your site to help " "manage things easier. " msgstr "" "Kami akan terus melacak semua aktivitas yang terjadi pada situs Anda untuk " "membantu mengelola berbagai hal dengan lebih mudah." msgid "Cancel domain" msgstr "Batalkan domain" msgid "Unlock my site" msgstr "Tingkatkan kemampuan situs saya" msgid "Managing Purchases, Renewals, and Cancellations" msgstr "Mengelola Pembelian, Pembaruan dan Pembatalan" msgid "Get a domain" msgstr "Dapatkan domain" msgid "Your purchase has been completed!" msgstr "Pembelian Anda telah selesai!" msgid "Site: %(siteSlug)s" msgstr "Situs: %(siteSlug)s" msgid "Electric grass" msgstr "Rumput elektrik" msgid "Pale ocean" msgstr "Pale ocean" msgid "Luminous dusk" msgstr "Luminous dusk" msgid "Blush bordeaux" msgstr "Blush bordeaux" msgid "Blush light purple" msgstr "Blush light purple" msgid "Cool to warm spectrum" msgstr "Spektrum dingin ke hangat" msgid "Very light gray to cyan bluish gray" msgstr "Very light gray ke cyan bluish gray" msgid "Luminous vivid orange to vivid red" msgstr "Luminous vivid orange ke vivid red" msgid "Luminous vivid amber to luminous vivid orange" msgstr "Luminous vivid amber ke luminous vivid orange" msgid "Light green cyan to vivid green cyan" msgstr "Light green cyan ke vivid green cyan" msgid "Vivid cyan blue to vivid purple" msgstr "Vivid cyan blue ke vivid purple" msgid "Vivid purple" msgstr "Ungu terang" msgid "Get two months of Jetpack for free" msgstr "Dapatkan layanan Jetpack untuk dua bulan" msgid "Switch to yearly billing and save" msgstr "Alihkan ke penagihan tahunan lalu simpan" msgid "Hourly views" msgstr "Tayangan per jam" msgid "Incoming domain transfers are not supported" msgstr "Transfer domain yang masuk tidak didukung" msgid "Learn WordPress – WordPress Tutorials for Beginners" msgstr "Mempelajari WordPress – Tutorial WordPress untuk Pemula" msgid "" "Use the <em>Payments</em> and <em>Donations</em> features on WordPress." "​com to accept one-time or recurring debit and credit card payments " "from your visitors. Whether you’re selling products or services or " "collecting membership fees or donations, you’ll have a secure checkout " "process courtesy of Stripe that you can turn on with the click of a button." msgstr "" "Gunakan fitur <em>Pembayaran</em> dan <em>Donasi</em> di WordPress.​" "com untuk menerima pembayaran berulang atau pembayaran satu kali melalui " "kartu kredit maupun debit dari pengunjung Anda. Baik menjual barang atau " "jasa, mengumpulkan biaya keanggotaan atau donasi, Anda dapat memastikan " "proses checkout yang aman berkat Stripe yang dapat diaktifkan dengan sekali " "klik." msgid "Pay with Paypal" msgstr "Bayar dengan PayPal" msgid "Coming Soon pages" msgstr "Halaman Segera Hadir" msgid "Stay one step ahead of security threats" msgstr "Antisipasi ancaman keamanan" msgid "Get Jetpack Scan" msgstr "Dapatkan Jetpack Scan" msgid "Wow, you've got a lot of traffic! It's time to consider site security." msgstr "" "Wow, Anda mendapat banyak kunjungan! Sekarang waktunya mempertimbangkan " "keamanan situs." msgid "Stay safe with automated malware scanning and one-click fixes." msgstr "" "Jaga keamanan dengan pemindaian malware otomatis dan perbaikan sekali klik." msgid "" "We’re sorry, %s is not compatible with multisite WordPress installations at " "this time." msgstr "" "Mohon maaf, %s tidak kompatibel dengan penginstalan Wordpress multisitus " "saat ini." msgid "" "If you need any help along the way, you’ll have access to unmatched support " "via support forums and 24/7 live chat (Business and eCommerce " "subscribers) and email support." msgstr "" "Jika butuh bantuan, Anda dapat mengakses layanan bantuan terbaik setiap saat " "(24/7) melalui forum WordPress.​com, live chat (untuk pelanggan paket " "Business dan eCommerce), dan email." msgid "Access to unlimited email support." msgstr "Akses ke dukungan email tanpa batas." msgid "Share your podcast with the world using Spearhead." msgstr "Bagikan podcast Anda dengan dunia menggunakan Spearhead." msgid "P2: WordPress for Teams" msgstr "P2: WordPress untuk Tim" msgid "" "\"How Jetpack Search Helps an Interior Design Consultant Connect with " "Customers\"" msgstr "" "\"Cara Jetpack Search Membantu Konsultan Desain Interior Terhubung dengan " "Pelanggan\"" msgid "Kylie Mawdsley, Interior Design Consultant" msgstr "Kylie Mawdsley, Konsultan Desain Interior" msgid "" "If people can get the answers they want quickly without having to email me, " "it’s pure gold and it makes my job easier. I’m advertising it in my client " "consultations and telling people to use it because it actually works." msgstr "" "Jika orang-orang bisa mendapatkan jawaban dengan cepat tanpa harus mengirimi " "saya email, tentu itu sangat bagus dan membuat pekerjaan saya jadi lebih " "mudah. Saya mempromosikan ini saat melayani klien dan mendorong orang-orang " "untuk menggunakannya karena sangat berguna." msgid "Last heartbeat sent at: %s" msgstr "Terakhir dikirim dengan cepat di: %s" msgid "%s is not a valid command." msgstr "%s bukanlah perintah yang sah." msgid "The request is not signed correctly." msgstr "Permintaan tidak ditandatangani dengan benar." msgid "This request method does not support body parameters." msgstr "Metode permintaan ini tidak mendukung parameter isi." msgid "This request method is not supported." msgstr "Metode permintaan ini tidak didukung." msgid "The request method is missing." msgstr "Metode permintaan tidak ditemukan." msgid "Invalid blog token" msgstr "Token blog tidak valid" msgid "Invalid token for user %d" msgstr "Token untuk pengguna tidak valid %d" msgid "No blog token found" msgstr "Token blog tidak ditemukan" msgid "Requesting user_id %1$d does not match token user_id %2$d" msgstr "Meminta user_id %1$d tidak cocok dengan token user_id %2$d" msgid "Token for user %d is malformed" msgstr "Token untuk pengguna %d salah dibuat" msgid "No token for user %d" msgstr "Tidak ada token untuk pengguna %d" msgid "No primary user defined" msgstr "Pengguna utama tidak ditentukan" msgid "No user tokens found" msgstr "Token pengguna tidak ditemukan" msgid "" "Your connection with seems to be broken. If you're " "experiencing issues, please try reconnecting." msgstr "" "Koneksi Anda dengan mungkin terputus. Jika mengalami kendala, " "coba sambungkan kembali." msgid "WordPress Cost | WordPress Price | Compare Our Plans" msgstr "Biaya WordPress | Harga WordPress | Bandingkan Paket Kami" msgid "Make A Free Website | Free Website Builder |" msgstr "Buat Situs Web Gratis | Pembuat Situs Web Gratis |" msgid "AdControl" msgstr "AdControl" msgid "" "Ready to create your new website on Get started now with a " "free website builder by that scales with your needs." msgstr "" "Ingin membuat situs web baru di Mulai sekarang dengan " ", pembuat situs web gratis yang dapat menyesuaikan dengan " "kebutuhan Anda." msgid "" "How much does WordPress cost? pricing is simple. We bundle " "hosting, domains, privacy, and security into one low price with plans for " "anyone." msgstr "" "Berapa biaya WordPress? Paket sangat terjangkau. Pilihannya " "mencakup hosting, domain, privasi, dan keamanan sesuai kebutuhan Anda." msgid "" "Create an eCommerce website with everything you need for a powerful, " "profitable site. Take payments in seconds and sell anything, anywhere on " "" msgstr "" "Buat situs web eCommerce dengan semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk toko online " "yang andal dan menguntungkan. Terima pembayaran dengan cepat dan jual apa " "saja, di mana saja di" msgid "" "Build a free website on Choose the best all-in-one solution " "for building your site on the platform that powers %s%% of the web." msgstr "" "Buat situs web gratis di Pilih solusi lengkap terbaik untuk " "membuat situs web di platform yang menghidupi %s%% situs web." msgid "" "Start a blog with We make it easy for you to create your own " "blog for free with every feature you need to share your ideas today." msgstr "" "Mulai blog dengan Kami memudahkan Anda membuat blog sendiri " "secara gratis dengan semua fitur yang Anda butuhkan agar bisa langsung " "berbagi ide." msgid "Google Calendar" msgstr "Google Kalender" msgid "" "Use any WordPress plugin or theme you want (Business and Ecommerce plans)." msgstr "" "Gunakan plugin atau tema WordPress yang Anda inginkan (paket Bisnis dan " "eCommerce)." msgid "" "Edit your site’s design with custom CSS (Premium, Business, and eCommerce " "plans)" msgstr "" "Tambahkan penyesuaian pada desain situs Anda dengan CSS khusus (paket " "Premium, Bisnis, dan eCommerce)." msgid "" "Make money each time someone visits your site by displaying ads on all your " "posts and pages." msgstr "" "Dapatkan penghasilan setiap kali situs Anda mendapatkan pengunjung dengan " "menampilkan iklan di semua pos dan halaman Anda." msgid "Upgrade and start earning" msgstr "Upgrade dan mulai dapatkan penghasilan" msgid "" "To prevent any charges, <a href=\"%1$s\" style=\"color: #51555c;\">update " "your subscription settings</a> before %2$s." msgstr "" "Agar tidak dikenai biaya apa pun, <a href=\"%1$s\" style=\"color: #51555c;" "\">perbarui pengaturan langganan Anda</a> sebelum %2$s." msgid "Website Builder" msgstr "Pembuat Situs Web" msgid "An error has occurred, please check your connection and retry." msgstr "Terjadi error jaringan. Periksa koneksi Anda dan coba lagi." msgid "Activate %(themeName)s" msgstr "Aktifkan %(themeName)s" msgctxt "Premium domain is not available for registration" msgid "Restricted" msgstr "Terbatas" msgid "" "This premium domain is currently not available at Please " "contact support if you're interested in this domain." msgstr "" "Domain premium berikut saat ini tidak tersedia di Silakan " "hubungi bantuan jika Anda tertarik dengan domain berikut." msgid "Restricted premium" msgstr "Premium terbatas" msgid "" "Sorry, the domain you are trying to add can not be bought on " "at this time." msgstr "" "Maaf, saat ini domain yang Anda coba tambahkan tidak dapat dibeli di " "" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to view menus on this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan melihat menu di situs ini." msgid "Change payment method" msgstr "Ubah metode pembayaran" msgid "" "Gain live chat access to our all-star customer service team (Premium, " "Business, and eCommerce plans)." msgstr "" "Dapatkan akses obrolan langsung ke semua tim layanan pelanggan terbaik kami " "(untuk paket Premium, Business, dan eCommerce). " msgid "" "Premium domain names are usually short, easy to remember, contain popular " "keywords, or some combination of these factors. Premium domain names are not " "eligible for purchase using the free plan domain credit." msgstr "" "Nama domain premium pada umumnya cukup pendek, mudah diingat, mengandung " "kata kunci populer, atau beberapa kombinasi dari faktor-faktor tersebut. " "Nama domain premium tidak dapat dibeli menggunakan kredit domain paket " "gratis." msgid "Path for the site." msgstr "Jalur untuk situs." msgid "" "The path must contain only letters and numbers and be at least 8 characters " "long." msgstr "" "Jalur hanya boleh memuat huruf dan angka, dan minimal terdiri dari 8 " "karakter." msgid "The path parameter is empty" msgstr "Parameter jalur kosong." msgid "Annual billing" msgstr "Penagihan tahunan" msgid "" "Sorry, you cannot reschedule or cancel less than 60 minutes before the " "session." msgstr "" "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat menjadwalkan ulang atau membatalkan sesi kurang dari " "60 menit." msgid "Save %d%% per month! Billed yearly." msgstr "Hemat %d%% per bulan! Penagihan tahunan." msgid "Get CRM" msgstr "Dapatkan CRM" msgid "" "The most simple and powerful WordPress CRM. Improve customer relationships " "and increase profits." msgstr "" "CRM WordPress paling mudah dan andal. Tingkatkan hubungan dengan pelanggan " "dan keuntungan." msgid "Manage contacts effortlessly" msgstr "Kelola kontak dengan mudah" msgid "Track transactions" msgstr "Lacak transaksi" msgid "Easily view leads and sales funnel" msgstr "Lihat corong prospek dan penjualan dengan mudah" msgid "" "The number of times the cards have been refreshed. Provided by the client to " "enable different results on each refresh. 0 will provide the best results " "from the entire index." msgstr "" "Frekuensi penyegaran kartu. Disediakan oleh klien untuk mendapatkan hasil " "yang berbeda setiap kali disegarkan. 0 akan memberikan hasil terbaik dari " "seluruh indeks." msgid "" "Use this link to onboard your team members without having to invite them one " "by one. {{strong}}Anybody visiting this URL will be able to sign up to your " "organization,{{/strong}} even if they received the link from somebody else, " "so make sure that you share it with trusted people." msgstr "" "Gunakan tautan berikut untuk mengumpulkan anggota tim Anda tanpa harus " "mengundang mereka satu per satu. {{strong}}Siapa pun yang mengunjungi URL " "berikut akan dapat mendaftar ke organisasi Anda,{{/strong}} meski pun mereka " "menerima tautan dari orang lain, jadi pastikan Anda membagikannya dengan " "orang tepercaya." msgid "Something other than what is listed above" msgstr "Hal selain yang tercantum di atas" msgid "Akismet or Anti-Spam" msgstr "Akismet atau Anti-spam" msgid "Security or a threat notification" msgstr "keamanan atau pemberitahuan ancaman" msgid "Restoring my site" msgstr "memulihkan situs saya" msgid "Backing up my site" msgstr "mencadangkan situs saya" msgid "Connecting Jetpack to" msgstr "menghubungkan Jetpack ke" msgid "Finish store setup" msgstr "Selesaikan pengaturan toko" msgid "Restore your site to any point with real-time backups" msgstr "Pulihkan situs Anda ke titik mana pun dengan pencadangan real time" msgid "" "Restore your site to any point with <span style='white-space: nowrap;'>real-" "time backups</span>" msgstr "" "Pulihkan situs Anda ke titik mana pun dengan <span style='white-space: " "nowrap;'>pencadangan real time</span>" msgid "Patterns list" msgstr "Daftar pola" msgid "Insert into P2 Pattern" msgstr "Sisipkan ke dalam Pola P2" msgid "P2 Pattern is updated" msgstr "Pola P2 diperbarui" msgid "P2 Pattern is published" msgstr "Pola P2 dipublikasikan" msgid "Upload to this P2 Pattern" msgstr "Unggah ke Pola P2 berikut" msgid "View Pattern" msgstr "Lihat Pola" msgid "New Pattern" msgstr "Pola Baru" msgid "Edit pattern" msgstr "Edit Pola" msgid "Add pattern" msgstr "Tambah pola" msgid "" "All domains ending with <tld /> require an SSL certificate to host a " "website. When you host this domain at an SSL certificate is " "included. <learn_more_link>Learn more</learn_more_link>" msgstr "" "Semua domain yang berakhiran <tld /> memerlukan sertifikat SSL untuk " "menghosting situs web. Jika Anda menghosting domain ini di, " "sertifikat SSL sudah disertakan. <learn_more_link>Learn more</" "learn_more_link>" msgctxt "" "Describes the amount of money per month, e.g. \"$10 per month, billed yearly" "\"" msgid "%1$s per month, billed yearly" msgstr "%1$s per bulan, penagihan tahunan" msgid "Support policy" msgstr "Kebijakan dukungan " msgid "" "Understand every site change and take the guesswork out of site management " "and repair." msgstr "" "Ketahui setiap perubahan situs dan singkirkan segala ketidakpastian dari " "pengelolaan dan perbaikan situs." msgid "" "We’ll let you know instantly if your site goes down, so you can find out " "before your customers do." msgstr "" "Kami akan segera memberi tahu Anda jika situs tidak aktif sehingga Anda " "lebih dahulu tahu sebelum pelanggan." msgid "" "You should be running the latest version of WordPress and a publicly-" "accessible site with XML-RPC enabled." msgstr "" "Anda harus menggunakan versi terbaru WordPress dan situs yang dapat diakses " "oleh publik dengan XML-RPC yang diaktifkan." msgid "" "Take %s off your first year of Jetpack Security. This offer expires in 24 " "hours." msgstr "" "Dapatkan diskon %s untuk tahun pertama berlangganan Jetpack Security. " "Tawaran ini berlaku hingga 24 jam mendatang." msgid "" "- Stay one step ahead of security threats with automated malware scanning " "and one-click fixes" msgstr "" "- Antisipasi ancaman keamanan dengan pemindaian malware otomatis dan " "perbaikan yang mudah" msgid "" "- Save hours of time by automatically clearing spam from comments and forms" msgstr "" "- Hemat waktu dengan menghapus spam secara otomatis dari komentar dan " "formulir" msgid "" "- Real-time backups save every change and one-click restores get you back " "online quickly" msgstr "" "- Pencadangan real time menyimpan setiap perubahan dan pemulihan yang mudah " "membuat situs Anda dapat kembali online dengan cepat" msgid "" "If your site goes down, it could mean an interruption to your business or " "cash flow. Make sure you have a security plan before you run into trouble." msgstr "" "Jika situs Anda tidak aktif, maka bisnis atau keuangan Anda dapat terganggu. " "Pastikan Anda memiliki paket keamanan sebelum terjadi kendala apa pun." msgid "" "<strong>Take %s off</strong> your first year of Jetpack Security. This offer " "expires in 24 hours." msgstr "" "<strong>Dapatkan diskon %s </strong> untuk tahun pertama berlangganan " "Jetpack Security. Penawaran berikut berakhir dalam 24 jam." msgid "" "Stay one step ahead of security threats with automated malware scanning and " "one-click fixes" msgstr "" "Antisipasi ancaman keamanan dengan pemindaian malware otomatis dan perbaikan " "yang mudah" msgid "" "Save hours of time by automatically clearing spam from comments and forms" msgstr "" "Hemat waktu dengan menghapus spam secara otomatis dari komentar dan formulir" msgid "" "Real-time backups save every change and one-click restores get you back " "online quickly" msgstr "" "Pencadangan real time menyimpan setiap perubahan dan pemulihan yang mudah " "membuat situs Anda dapat kembali online dengan cepat" msgid "" "If your site goes down, it could mean an interruption to your business or " "cash flow. Make sure you have a backup plan now." msgstr "" "Jika situs Anda tidak aktif, maka bisnis atau keuangan Anda dapat terganggu. " "Pastikan Anda memiliki paket pencadangan sekarang." msgid "" msgstr "" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Writing" msgstr "Penulisan" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Work" msgstr "Pekerjaan" msgctxt "topic" msgid "WordPress" msgstr "WordPress" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Wine" msgstr "Wine" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Wellness" msgstr "Wellness" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Weddings" msgstr "Pernikahan" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Travel" msgstr "Wisata" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Television" msgstr "Televisi" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Technology" msgstr "Teknologi" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Teaching" msgstr "Mengajar" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Sports" msgstr "Olahraga" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Social Media" msgstr "Media Sosial" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Sewing" msgstr "Menjahit" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Self-Publishing" msgstr "Self-Publishing" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Self-Improvement" msgstr "Pengembangan Diri" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Science" msgstr "Sains" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Religion" msgstr "Agama" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Relationships" msgstr "Relationship" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Recipes" msgstr "Resep" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Reading" msgstr "Bacaan" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Publishing" msgstr "Publikasi" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Popular Culture" msgstr "Budaya Populer" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Politics" msgstr "Politik" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Poetry" msgstr "Puisi" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Photography" msgstr "Fotografi" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Pets" msgstr "Hewan Peliharaan" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Parenting" msgstr "Mengasuh Anak" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Outdoors" msgstr "Outdoor" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Online Events" msgstr "Acara Online" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Nostalgia" msgstr "Nostalgia" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Nonfiction" msgstr "Nonfiksi" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Nature" msgstr "Alam" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Music" msgstr "Musik" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Movies" msgstr "Film" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Military" msgstr "Militer" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Mental Health" msgstr "Kesehatan Mental" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Media" msgstr "Media" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Mathematics" msgstr "Matematika" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Literature" msgstr "Sastra" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Lifestyle" msgstr "Gaya Hidup" msgctxt "topic" msgid "LGBTQ" msgstr "LGBTQ" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Language" msgstr "Bahasa" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Kids" msgstr "Anak-anak" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Journalism" msgstr "Jurnalistik" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Internet" msgstr "Internet" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Inspiration" msgstr "Inspirasi" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Illustration" msgstr "Ilustrasi" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Identity" msgstr "Identitas" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Humor" msgstr "Humor" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Homeschooling" msgstr "Homeschooling" msgctxt "topic" msgid "History" msgstr "Sejarah" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Health" msgstr "Kesehatan" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Gardening" msgstr "Berkebun" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Gaming" msgstr "Gaming" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Food" msgstr "Makanan" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Fitness" msgstr "Kebugaran" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Finance" msgstr "Keuangan" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Fiction" msgstr "Fiksi" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Fashion" msgstr "Fashion" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Farming" msgstr "Bertani" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Family" msgstr "Keluarga" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Environment" msgstr "Lingkungan" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Entertainment" msgstr "Hiburan" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Education" msgstr "Pendidikan" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Ecommerce" msgstr "E-commerce" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Drawing" msgstr "Menggambar" msgctxt "topic" msgid "DIY" msgstr "Swakriya (DIY)" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Diversity" msgstr "Keragaman" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Design" msgstr "Desain" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Decorating" msgstr "Mendekorasi" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Dance" msgstr "Tarian" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Current Events" msgstr "Acara Terkini" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Culture" msgstr "Budaya" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Creativity" msgstr "Kreativitas" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Crafts" msgstr "Kerajinan Tangan" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Community" msgstr "Komunitas" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Cooking" msgstr "Memasak" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Comics" msgstr "Komik" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Coding" msgstr "Coding" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Cocktails" msgstr "Koktail" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Cars" msgstr "Mobil" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Camping" msgstr "Berkemah" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Business" msgstr "Bisnis" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Books" msgstr "Buku" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Blogging" msgstr "Blogging" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Beer" msgstr "Bir" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Beauty" msgstr "Kecantikan" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Baking" msgstr "Membuat Kue" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Authors" msgstr "Penulis" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Art" msgstr "Seni" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Architecture" msgstr "Arsitektur" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Animals" msgstr "Binatang" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Adventure" msgstr "Petualangan" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Advice" msgstr "Konseling" msgctxt "topic" msgid "Activism" msgstr "Aktivisme" msgid "Complete security for %s a month" msgstr "Keamanan penuh seharga %s untuk satu bulan" msgid "" "<a href=\"%s\">Read more</a> about how Jetpack Security kept Sevenoaks " "Bookshop up and running" msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\">Baca lebih lanjut</a> tentang bagaimana Jetpack Security " "menjaga Toko Buku Sevenoaks tetap aktif dan berjalan" msgid "Activity log — <strong>1-year</strong> archive" msgstr "Log aktivitas — arsip <strong>1-tahun</strong>" msgid "Jetpack Scan — <strong>real-time</strong> scanning" msgstr "Jetpack Scan — pemindaian <strong>real time</strong>" msgid "Real-Time Malware Scanning" msgstr "Pemindaian Malware Real Time" msgid "Moderate my comments" msgstr "Moderasi komentar saya" msgid "" "Automated spam protection is now active for comments and forms. We’ll flag " "anything that looks suspicious and comments will now be available to " "moderate." msgstr "" "Perlindungan spam otomatis untuk komentar dan formulir telah diaktifkan. " "Kami akan menandai apa pun yang mencurigakan dan sekarang Anda dapat " "melakukan moderasi komentar." msgid "" "Automatic scanning is on the job, keeping an eye on suspcious activity. And " "if anything happens, one-click fixes for most issues get your site up and " "running fast." msgstr "" "Pemindaian otomatis sedang bekerja untuk memantau aktivitas yang " "mencurigakan. Jika ditemukan kendala, perbaikan satu kali klik dapat " "mengatasi sebagian besar kendala agar situs Anda kembali aktif dan bekerja " "dengan cepat." msgid "" "Automatic daily backups are on, so you can have peace of mind. Go ahead and " "experiment! You can always restore an earlier version of your site." msgstr "" "Pencadangan harian otomatis telah diaktifkan, Anda tidak perlu khawatir. " "Lanjutkan dan lakukan eksperimen! Anda selalu dapat memulihkan situs Anda ke " "versi sebelumnya." msgid "" "Use our checklist to set up the essentials and make sure your site is secure." msgstr "" "Gunakan daftar periksa kami untuk menyiapkan beberapa hal penting dan " "memastikan situs Anda aman." msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Security <i>Daily</i>" msgstr "Selamat Datang di Jetpack Security <i>Harian</i>" msgid "Customize Search" msgstr "Sesuaikan Pencarian" msgid "Custom Site Search" msgstr "Pencarian Situs Khusus" msgid "" "Your Jetpack plan comes with priority support so you can skip to the front " "of the line and we'll help you quickly." msgstr "" "Paket Jetpack Anda dilengkapi dengan bantuan prioritas sehingga Anda tidak " "perlu menunggu lama, kami akan segera membantu Anda." msgid "" "Download our free mobile app to view site activity and restore your site, " "view stats, and moderate comments – anywhere, any time." msgstr "" "Unduh aplikasi seluler gratis kami untuk melihat aktivitas situs, memulihkan " "situs, melihat statistik, serta memoderasi komentar di mana pun, kapan pun." msgid "" "Your installation of the WooCommerce Blocks feature plugin is incomplete. " "Please run %1$s within the %2$s directory." msgstr "" "Penginstalan plugin fitur Blok WooCommerce Anda tidak selesai. Jalankan %1$s " "dalam direktori %2$s." msgid "Invalid coupons were removed from the cart: \"%s\"" msgstr "Kupon yang tidak valid dihapus dari keranjang: \"%s\"" msgid "Cannot create order from empty cart." msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat pesanan dari keranjang yang kosong." msgid "No matching variation found." msgstr "Tidak ditemukan variasi yang cocok." msgid "Missing variation data for variable product." msgstr "Data variasi untuk produk variabel tidak ada." msgid "Invalid value posted for %1$s. Allowed values: %2$s" msgstr "Nilai tidak valid diposkan untuk %1$s. Nilai yang diizinkan: %2$s" msgid ""%s" is not available for purchase." msgstr ""%s" tidak tersedia untuk dibeli." msgid "This product cannot be added to the cart." msgstr "Produk ini tidak dapat ditambahkan ke keranjang." msgid "The \"%1$s\" coupon has been removed from your cart: %2$s" msgstr "Kupon \"%1$s\" telah dihapus dari keranjang Anda: %2$s" msgid "" "\"%s\" has already been applied and cannot be used in conjunction with other " "coupons." msgstr "" "\"%s\" telah digunakan dan tidak dapat digunakan bersama dengan kupon " "lainnya." msgid "Coupon code \"%s\" has already been applied." msgstr "Kode kupon \"%s\" telah digunakan." msgid "\"%s\" is an invalid coupon code." msgstr "\"%s\" adalah kode kupon yang tidak valid." msgid "Unable to retrieve cart." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengambil keranjang." msgid "Cart item is invalid." msgstr "Item keranjang tidak valid." msgid "Number of objects (posts of any type) assigned to the term." msgstr "Jumlah objek (pos tipe apa pun) yang ditetapkan ke istilah." msgid "Parent term ID, if applicable." msgstr "ID istilah induk, apabila ada." msgid "Term description." msgstr "Deskripsi istilah." msgid "String based identifier for the term." msgstr "String berdasarkan pengenal untuk istilah." msgid "Add to cart URL." msgstr "URL tambahkan ke keranjang." msgid "Button description." msgstr "Deskripsi tombol." msgid "Add to cart button parameters." msgstr "Parameter tombol tambahkan ke keranjang." msgid "" "Is the product stock backordered? This will also return false if backorder " "notifications are turned off." msgstr "" "Apakah stok produk dalam status backorder? Ini juga akan kembali false jika " "notifikasi backorder dimatikan." msgid "Is the product in stock?" msgstr "Apakah stok produk masih ada?" msgid "Is the product purchasable?" msgstr "Apakah produk dapat dibeli?" msgid "" "Does the product have additional options before it can be added to the cart?" msgstr "" "Apakah produk memiliki opsi tambahan sebelum dapat ditambahkan ke keranjang?" msgid "The assigned attribute." msgstr "Atribut yang ditetapkan." msgid "List of variation attributes." msgstr "Daftar atribut variasi." msgid "List of variation IDs, if applicable." msgstr "Daftar variasi ID, apabila ada." msgid "The term slug." msgstr "Slug term." msgid "The term name." msgstr "Nama term." msgid "The term ID, or 0 if the attribute is not a global attribute." msgstr "ID term, atau 0 jika atribut bukan atribut global." msgid "List of assigned attribute terms." msgstr "Daftar term atribut yang ditetapkan." msgid "True if this attribute is used by product variations." msgstr "True jika atribut digunakan oleh variasi produk." msgid "The attribute taxonomy, or null if the attribute is not taxonomy based." msgstr "Taksonomi atribut, atau null jika atribut tidak berdasarkan taksonomi." msgid "The attribute name." msgstr "Nama atribut." msgid "The attribute ID, or 0 if the attribute is not taxonomy based." msgstr "ID atribut, atau 0 jika atribut tidak berdasarkan taksonomi." msgid "Tag link" msgstr "Tautan tag" msgid "Tag slug" msgstr "Slug tag" msgid "Tag ID" msgstr "ID tag" msgid "List of tags, if applicable." msgstr "Daftar tag, jika ada." msgid "Category link" msgstr "Tautan kategori" msgid "Category slug" msgstr "Slug kategori" msgid "Category name" msgstr "Nama kategori" msgid "List of categories, if applicable." msgstr "Daftar kategori, jika ada." msgid "Amount of reviews that the product has." msgstr "Jumlah ulasan yang dimiliki produk." msgid "Price string formatted as HTML." msgstr "String harga dalam format HTML." msgid "Price data provided using the smallest unit of the currency." msgstr "Data harga disediakan menggunakan satuan mata uang terkecil." msgid "Is the product on sale?" msgstr "Apakah produk ini sedang promo?" msgid "Product variation attributes, if applicable." msgstr "Atribut variasi produk, bila berlaku." msgid "ID of the parent product, if applicable." msgstr "ID produk induk, apabila ada." msgid "Image of the product that the review belongs to." msgstr "Gambar produk yang dijadikan objek ulasan." msgid "Permalink of the product that the review belongs to." msgstr "Permalink produk yang dijadikan objek ulasan." msgid "Name of the product that the review belongs to." msgstr "Nama produk yang dijadikan objek ulasan." msgid "" "The date the review was created, in the site's timezone in human-readable " "format." msgstr "" "Tanggal pembuatan ulasan, di zona waktu situs dalam format yang dapat dibaca " "manusia." msgid "Returns number of products with each average rating." msgstr "Mengembalikan jumlah produk dengan tiap peringkat rata-rata." msgid "Returns number of products within attribute terms." msgstr "Mengembalikan jumlah produk dalam istilah atribut." msgid "Max price found in collection of products." msgstr "Harga maks. ditemukan di koleksi produk." msgid "Min price found in collection of products." msgstr "Harga min. ditemukan di koleksi produk." msgid "" "Min and max prices found in collection of products, provided using the " "smallest unit of the currency." msgstr "" "Harga terendah dan tertinggi yang ditemukan pada koleksi produk, disediakan " "menggunakan satuan mata uang terkecil." msgid "Category URL." msgstr "URL kategori." msgid "Number of reviews for products in this category." msgstr "Jumlah ulasan untuk produk pada kategori ini." msgid "Category image." msgstr "Gambar kategori." msgid "Number of terms in the attribute taxonomy." msgstr "Jumlah istilah dalam taksonomi atribut." msgid "If this attribute has term archive pages." msgstr "Jika atribut ini memiliki halaman arsip istilah." msgid "How terms in this attribute are sorted by default." msgstr "Bagaimana istilah dalam atribut ini disusun dari asal." msgid "Attribute type." msgstr "Tipe atribut." msgid "The attribute taxonomy name." msgstr "Nama taksonomi atribut." msgid "Thumbnail sizes for responsive images." msgstr "Ukuran thumbnail untuk gambar responsif." msgid "Thumbnail srcset for responsive images." msgstr "Srcset thumbnail untuk gambar responsif." msgid "Thumbnail URL." msgstr "URL Thumbnail." msgid "Full size image URL." msgstr "URL gambar berukuran penuh." msgid "Error message" msgstr "Pesan error" msgid "Error code" msgstr "Kode error" msgid "" "A URL to redirect the customer after checkout. This could be, for example, a " "link to the payment processors website." msgstr "" "URL untuk mengalihkan konsumen setelah menyelesaikan checkout. Ini dapat " "berupa tautan menuju situs web pemroses pembayaran." msgid "An array of data being returned from the payment gateway." msgstr "Kumpulan data yang dikembalikan dari gateway pembayaran." msgid "" "Status of the payment returned by the gateway. One of success, pending, " "failure, error." msgstr "" "Status pembayaran yang dikembalikan oleh gateway. Salah satu berhasil, " "tertunda, gagal, error." msgid "Result of payment processing, or false if not yet processed." msgstr "Hasil pemrosesan pembayaran atau salah jika belum diproses." msgid "The ID of the payment method being used to process the payment." msgstr "ID metode pembayaran yang digunakan untuk memproses pembayaran." msgid "Customer ID if registered. Will return 0 for guests." msgstr "ID Konsumen apabila terdaftar. Akan mengembalikan 0 untuk tamu." msgid "Note added to the order by the customer during checkout." msgstr "Catatan ditambahkan ke pesanan oleh pelanggan selama pemeriksaan." msgid "" "Order key used to check validity or protect access to certain order data." msgstr "" "Kunci pesanan digunakan untuk memeriksa validitas atau memproteksi akses " "menuju data pesanan tertentu." msgid "Order status. Payment providers will update this value after payment." msgstr "" "Status pesanan. Penyedia pembayaran akan memperbarui nilai ini setelah " "pembayaran." msgid "The order ID to process during checkout." msgstr "ID pesanan untuk diproses selama pemeriksaan." msgid "" "True if this is the rate currently selected by the customer for the cart." msgstr "" "Benar bahwa tarif ini adalah tarif yang sekarang dipilih oleh konsumen untuk " "keranjangnya." msgid "Meta data attached to the shipping rate." msgstr "Meta data yang melekat pada tarif pengiriman." msgid "Instance ID of the shipping method that provided the rate." msgstr "Contoh ID metode pengiriman yang menentukan tarif." msgid "ID of the shipping method that provided the rate." msgstr "ID metode pengiriman yang menentukan tarif." msgid "" "Taxes applied to this shipping rate using the smallest unit of the currency." msgstr "" "Pajak yang dikenakan pada tarif pengiriman ini menggunakan satuan mata uang " "terkecil." msgid "Price of this shipping rate using the smallest unit of the currency." msgstr "Harga tarif pengiriman ini menggunakan satuan mata uang terkecil." msgid "Delivery time estimate text, e.g. 3-5 business days." msgstr "Teks estimasi waktu pengiriman, misalnya 3-5 hari kerja." msgid "Description of the shipping rate, e.g. Dispatched via USPS." msgstr "Deskripsi tarif pengiriman, misalnya Dikirim Menggunakan USPS." msgid "Name of the shipping rate, e.g. Express shipping." msgstr "Nama tarif pengiriman, misalnya pengiriman kilat." msgid "ID of the shipping rate." msgstr "ID tarif pengiriman." msgid "List of shipping rates." msgstr "Daftar tarif pengiriman." msgid "Quantity of the item in the current package." msgstr "Kuantitas item dalam paket saat ini." msgid "Name of the item." msgstr "Nama item." msgid "List of cart items the returned shipping rates apply to." msgstr "" "Daftar item dalam keranjang yang dikenai tarif pengiriman pengembalian " "tersebut." msgid "Shipping destination address." msgstr "Alamat tujuan pengiriman." msgid "Name of the package." msgstr "Nama paket." msgid "The ID of the package the shipping rates belong to." msgstr "ID paket yang memiliki tarif pengiriman tersebut." msgid "" "List of cart item errors, for example, items in the cart which are out of " "stock." msgstr "" "Daftar error pada item keranjang, misalnya item di keranjang sudah habis." msgid "The amount of tax charged." msgstr "Nilai pajak yang dikenakan." msgid "The name of the tax." msgstr "Nama pajak." msgid "Lines of taxes applied to items and shipping." msgstr "Lini pajak yang dikenakan untuk item dan pengiriman." msgid "Total tax applied to items and shipping." msgstr "Total pajak yang dikenakan untuk item dan pengiriman." msgid "Total price the customer will pay." msgstr "Total harga yang akan dibayar oleh konsumen." msgid "Total tax removed due to discount from applied coupons." msgstr "Total pajak yang dihapus karena diskon dari kupon yang digunakan." msgid "Total discount from applied coupons." msgstr "Total diskon dari kupon yang digunakan." msgid "Total tax on fees." msgstr "Total pajak atas biaya." msgid "Total price of any applied fees." msgstr "Total harga dari biaya yang berlaku." msgid "Total tax on items in the cart." msgstr "Total pajak dari item di keranjang." msgid "Total price of items in the cart." msgstr "Total harga dari item di keranjang." msgid "Cart total amounts provided using the smallest unit of the currency." msgstr "" "Jumlah total pembelian di keranjang disediakan menggunakan satuan mata uang " "terkecil." msgid "" "True if the cart needs shipping. False for carts with only digital goods or " "stores with no shipping methods set-up." msgstr "" "True jika kerajang perlu pengiriman. False untuk keranjang yang hanya berisi " "barang digital atau toko yang tidak memiliki metode pengiriman." msgid "" "True if the cart needs payment. False for carts with only free products and " "no shipping costs." msgstr "" "Benar jika keranjang perlu pembayaran. Salah untuk keranjang yang hanya " "berisi produk gratis tanpa biaya pengiriman." msgid "Total weight (in grams) of all products in the cart." msgstr "Total berat (dalam gram) dari semua produk di keranjang." msgid "Number of items in the cart." msgstr "Jumlah item di keranjang." msgid "List of cart items." msgstr "Daftar item keranjang." msgid "Current set shipping address for the customer." msgstr "Alamat pengiriman saat ini yang sudah diatur untuk konsumen." msgid "List of available shipping rates for the cart." msgstr "Daftar tarif pengiriman yang tersedia untuk keranjang." msgid "List of applied cart coupons." msgstr "Daftar kupon keranjang yang digunakan." msgid "Line total tax." msgstr "Pajak total per baris." msgid "" "Line total (the price of the product after coupon discounts have been " "applied)." msgstr "Total per baris (harga produk setelah diskon kupon digunakan)." msgid "Line subtotal tax." msgstr "Pajak subtotal per baris." msgid "" "Line subtotal (the price of the product before coupon discounts have been " "applied)." msgstr "Subtotal per baris (harga produk sebelum diskon kupon digunakan)." msgid "Item total amounts provided using the smallest unit of the currency." msgstr "Total harga item disediakan menggunakan satuan mata uang terkecil." msgid "Decimal precision of the returned prices." msgstr "Harga pengembalian hingga tingkat desimal." msgid "" "Raw unrounded product prices used in calculations. Provided using a higher " "unit of precision than the currency." msgstr "" "Harga baku produk yang tidak dibulatkan yang digunakan dalam perhitungan. " "Disediakan menggunakan satuan presisi yang lebih tinggi daripada mata uang." msgid "Price amount." msgstr "Jumlah harga." msgid "Price range, if applicable." msgstr "Rentang harga, jika berlaku." msgid "Sale product price, if applicable." msgstr "Harga promo produk, jika berlaku." msgid "Regular product price." msgstr "Harga reguler produk." msgid "" "Price data for the product in the current line item, including or excluding " "taxes based on the \"display prices during cart and checkout\" setting. " "Provided using the smallest unit of the currency." msgstr "" "Data harga untuk produk pada lini item saat ini, termasuk atau tidak " "termasuk pajak berdasarkan pengaturan \"tampilkan harga pada keranjang dan " "proses pemeriksaan\". Disediakan menggunakan satuan mata uang terkecil." msgid "" "If true, only one item of this product is allowed for purchase in a single " "order." msgstr "" "Jika benar, hanya satu item dari produk ini yang dapat dibeli dalam sekali " "pemesanan." msgid "True if the product is on backorder." msgstr "True jika produk dalam status backorder." msgid "True if backorders are allowed past stock availability." msgstr "Benar bahwa pesanan tunda diizinkan terlepas dari ketersediaan stok." msgid "Quantity left in stock if stock is low, or null if not applicable." msgstr "" "Kuantitas tetap ditulis tersedia jika stok tersisa sedikit atau nol apabila " "tidak tersedia." msgid "Stock keeping unit, if applicable." msgstr "SKU, jika berlaku." msgid "Product full description in HTML format." msgstr "Deskripsi lengkap produk dalam format HTML." msgid "Product short description in HTML format." msgstr "Deskripsi singkat produk dalam format HTML." msgid "Total tax removed due to discount applied by this coupon." msgstr "Total pajak yang dihapus karena diskon dari kupon ini." msgid "Total discount applied by this coupon." msgstr "Total diskon dari kupon yang digunakan." msgid "Total amounts provided using the smallest unit of the currency." msgstr "Total harga yang disediakan menggunakan satuan mata uang terkecil." msgid "The coupons unique code." msgstr "Kode unik kupon." msgid "%1$s requires an instance of %2$s or %3$s for the address" msgstr "%1$s membutuhkan contoh %2$s atau %3$s untuk alamat" msgid "Country/Region code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format." msgstr "Kode Negara/Wilayah dalam format ISO 3166-1 alpha-2." msgid "State/County code, or name of the state, county, province, or district." msgstr "" "Kode Negara Bagian/Kabupaten, atau nama negara bagian, kabupaten, provinsi, " "atau kecamatan." msgid "Apartment, suite, etc." msgstr "Apartemen, kamar, dll." msgid "" "Price prefix for the currency which can be used to format returned prices." msgstr "" "Prefiks harga untuk mata uang yang dapat digunakan untuk memformat harga " "pengembalian." msgid "" "Thousand separator for the currency which can be used to format returned " "prices." msgstr "" "Pemisah ribuan untuk mata uang yang dapat digunakan untuk memformat harga " "pengembalian." msgid "" "Decimal separator for the currency which can be used to format returned " "prices." msgstr "" "Pemisah desimal untuk mata uang, yang dapat digunakan untuk memformat harga " "pengembalian." msgid "" "Currency minor unit (number of digits after the decimal separator) for " "returned prices." msgstr "" "Satuan minor mata uang (jumlah digit setelah pemisah desimal) untuk harga " "pengembalian." msgid "" "Currency symbol for the currency which can be used to format returned prices." msgstr "" "Simbol mata uang yang dapat digunakan untuk memformat harga pengembalian." msgid "Currency code (in ISO format) for returned prices." msgstr "Kode mata uang (dalam format ISO) untuk harga pengembalian." msgid "Limit result set to products with a certain average rating." msgstr "" "Membatasi rangkaian hasil ke produk dengan peringkat rata-rata tertentu." msgid "Determines if hidden or visible catalog products are shown." msgstr "" "Menentukan apakah produk katalog yang tersembunyi atau terlihat akan " "ditampilkan." msgid "" "The logical relationship between attributes when filtering across multiple " "at once." msgstr "" "Hubungan logi antara atribut saat memfilter di beberapa tempat sekaligus." msgid "Operator to compare product attribute terms." msgstr "Operator untuk membandingkan istilah atribut produk." msgid "" "List of attribute slug(s). If a term ID is provided, this will be ignored." msgstr "Daftar slug atribut. Jika ID istilah diberikan, ini akan diabaikan." msgid "List of attribute term IDs." msgstr "Daftar ID istilah atribut." msgid "Attribute taxonomy name." msgstr "Nama taksonomi atribut." msgid "Limit result set to products with selected global attributes." msgstr "Membatasi rangkaian hasil ke produk dengan atribut global terpilih." msgid "" "Limit result set to products based on a maximum price, provided using the " "smallest unit of the currency." msgstr "" "Membatasi set hasil pada produk berdasarkan harga tertinggi, disediakan " "menggunakan satuan mata uang terkecil." msgid "" "Limit result set to products based on a minimum price, provided using the " "smallest unit of the currency." msgstr "" "Membatasi set hasil pada produk berdasarkan harga terendah, disediakan " "menggunakan satuan mata uang terkecil." msgid "Operator to compare product tags." msgstr "Operator untuk membandingkan tag produk." msgid "Operator to compare product category terms." msgstr "Operator untuk membandingkan istilah kategori produk." msgid "" "When limiting response using after/before, which date column to compare " "against." msgstr "" "Saat membatasi respons menggunakan after/before, yang menggunakan kolom " "tanggal untuk perbandingan." msgid "" "Limit response to resources created before a given ISO8601 compliant date." msgstr "" "Membatasi respons ke sumber daya yang dibuat tanggal kepatuhan ISO8601 " "tertentu." msgid "" "Limit response to resources created after a given ISO8601 compliant date." msgstr "" "Batasi respons terhadap sumber daya yang dibuat setelah tanggal ISO8601 yang " "sesuai." msgid "Limit result set to reviews from specific product IDs." msgstr "Batasi set hasil pada ulasan dari ID produk tertentu." msgid "Limit result set to reviews from specific category IDs." msgstr "Membatasi set hasil pada ulasan dari ID kategori tertentu." msgid "If true, calculates rating counts for products in the collection." msgstr "Jika true, hitung jumlah peringkat untuk produk di koleksi." msgid "Taxonomy name." msgstr "Nama taksonomi." msgid "" "If requested, calculates attribute term counts for products in the " "collection." msgstr "Jika diminta, hitung jumlah istilah atribut untuk produk di koleksi." msgid "" "If true, calculates the minimum and maximum product prices for the " "collection." msgstr "Jika true, hitung harga produk maksimum dan minimum untuk koleksi." msgid "Invalid category ID." msgstr "ID kategori tidak valid." msgid "Attribute does not exist." msgstr "Atribut tidak ada." msgid "Unique identifier for the attribute." msgstr "Pengenal unik untuk atribut." msgid "Invalid attribute ID." msgstr "ID atribut tidak valid." msgid "No payment method provided." msgstr "Tidak ada metode pembayaran yang disediakan." msgid "Invalid payment result received from payment method." msgstr "Hasil pembayaran yang diterima dari metode pembayaran tidak valid." msgid "Data to pass through to the payment method when processing payment." msgstr "Data yang diserahkan ke metode pembayaran ketika memproses pembayaran." msgid "ISO code for the country of the address being shipped to." msgstr "Kode ISO negara tujuan pengiriman." msgid "Zip or Postcode of the address being shipped to." msgstr "Kode pos alamat tujuan pengiriman." msgid "" "ISO code, or name, for the state, province, or district of the address being " "shipped to." msgstr "" "Kode ISO atau nama negara bagian, provinsi, atau kecamatan dari alamat " "tujuan pengiriman." msgid "City of the address being shipped to." msgstr "Kota alamat tujuan pengiriman." msgid "Second line of the address being shipped to." msgstr "Baris kedua alamat tujuan pengiriman." msgid "First line of the address being shipped to." msgstr "Baris pertama alamat tujuan pengiriman." msgid "New quantity of the item in the cart." msgstr "Kuantitas baru item ini di keranjang." msgid "Unique identifier (key) for the cart item to update." msgstr "Pengidentifikasi unik (kunci) item keranjang untuk diperbarui." msgid "The chosen rate ID for the package." msgstr "ID tarif yang dipilih untuk paket." msgid "Cart item no longer exists or is invalid." msgstr "Item keranjang sudah tidak ada lagi atau tidak valid." msgid "Unique identifier (key) for the cart item." msgstr "Pengidentifikasi unik (kunci) untuk item keranjang." msgid "Coupon cannot be removed because it is not already applied to the cart." msgstr "Kupon tidak dapat dihapus karena belum digunakan pada keranjang." msgid "Invalid coupon code." msgstr "Kode kupon tidak valid." msgid "Cart item does not exist." msgstr "Item keranjang tidak ada." msgid "Unique identifier for the item within the cart." msgstr "Pengenal unik untuk item dalam keranjang." msgid "Coupon does not exist in the cart." msgstr "Kupon tidak tersedia dalam keranjang." msgid "Unique identifier for the coupon within the cart." msgstr "Pengidentifikasi unik untuk kupon dalam keranjang." msgid "Cannot create an existing cart item." msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat item keranjang yang ada." msgid "Variation attribute value." msgstr "Nilai atribut variasi." msgid "Variation attribute name." msgstr "Nama atribut variasi." msgid "Chosen attributes (for variations)." msgstr "Atribut terpilih (untuk variasi)." msgid "Quantity of this item in the cart." msgstr "Kuantitas item ini di keranjang." msgid "The cart item product or variation ID." msgstr "ID variasi atau produk item keranjang." msgid "If true, empty terms will not be returned." msgstr "Apabila benar, istilah yang kosong tidak akan dikembalikan." msgid "Sort by term property." msgstr "Sortir berdasarkan properti istilah." msgid "Sort ascending or descending." msgstr "Sortir ke atas atau ke bawah." msgid "" "Maximum number of items to be returned in result set. Defaults to no limit " "if left blank." msgstr "" "Jumlah maksimum item yang dikembalikan pada set hasil. Jumlah item akan " "menjadi tak terbatas apabila dibiarkan kosong." msgid "Method not implemented" msgstr "Metode tidak diterapkan" msgid "" "WooCommerce %1$s table creation failed. Does the %2$s user have CREATE " "privileges on the %3$s database?" msgstr "" "Pembuatan tabel WooCommerce %1$s gagal. Apakah pengguna %2$s telah MEMBUAT " "hak istimewa pada database %3$s?" msgctxt "Order status" msgid "Draft" msgstr "Konsep" msgid "" "WooCommerce Blocks development mode requires files to be built. From the " "plugin directory, run %1$s to install dependencies, %2$s to build the files " "or %3$s to build the files and watch for changes." msgstr "" "Mode pengembangan Blok WooCommerce mengharuskan file dibuat. Dari direktori " "plugin, jalankan %1$s untuk menginstal dependensi, %2$s untuk membuat file, " "atau %3$s untuk membuat file dan melihat perubahan." msgid "%d product" msgid_plural "%d products" msgstr[0] "%d produk" msgstr[1] "%d produk" msgid "Go to category" msgstr "Buka kategori" msgid "List of categories with their product counts" msgstr "Daftar kategori dengan jumlah produknya" msgid "List of categories" msgstr "Daftar kategori" msgid "Product on sale" msgstr "Produk dengan diskon" msgid "Jetpack for Android and iOS" msgstr "Jetpack untuk Android dan iOS" msgid "Contact Forms" msgstr "Formulir Kontak" msgid "Gallery and slideshow tools" msgstr "Alat galeri dan slideshow" msgid "Ad network" msgstr "Jaringan iklan" msgid "Scheduled posting" msgstr "Pengeposan terjadwal" msgid "Customer Relationship Management" msgstr "Manajemen Hubungan Pelanggan" msgid "Up to 100k records" msgstr "Hingga 100 ribu data" msgid "Plugin auto-updates" msgstr "Pembaruan plugin otomatis" msgid "1-year archive" msgstr "Arsip 1 tahun" msgid "Last 20 events" msgstr "20 peristiwa terakhir" msgid "Choose the best bundle for your site" msgstr "Pilih paket terbaik untuk situs Anda" msgid "Jetpack has backed up %1$s" msgstr "Jetpack telah mencadangkan %1$s" msgid "Net Sales" msgstr "Penjualan Bersih" msgid "Biscay" msgstr "Biscay" msgid "Suez" msgstr "Suez" msgid "North Sinai" msgstr "Sinai Utara" msgid "Al Sharqia" msgstr "Al Sharqia" msgid "Sohag" msgstr "Sohag" msgid "Port Said" msgstr "Bur Said" msgid "Matrouh" msgstr "Matruh" msgid "Monufia" msgstr "Monufia" msgid "Minya" msgstr "Al Minya" msgid "Luxor" msgstr "Luxor" msgid "Qena" msgstr "Qena" msgid "Kafr el-Sheikh" msgstr "Kafr el-Sheikh" msgid "Qalyubia" msgstr "Al Qalyubia" msgid "South Sinai" msgstr "Sinai Selatan" msgid "Ismailia" msgstr "Ismailia" msgid "Giza" msgstr "Giza" msgid "Gharbia" msgstr "Gharbia" msgid "Faiyum" msgstr "Al Fayyum" msgid "Damietta" msgstr "Damietta" msgid "Dakahlia" msgstr "Dakahlia" msgid "Beni Suef" msgstr "Bani Suwayf" msgid "Beheira" msgstr "Beheria" msgid "Red Sea" msgstr "Laut Merah" msgid "Asyut" msgstr "Asyut" msgid "Aswan" msgstr "Aswan" msgid "Alexandria" msgstr "Aleksandria" msgid "Report table data is being deleted." msgstr "Data tabel laporan sedang dihapus." msgid "[{site_title}]: Your {report_name} Report download is ready" msgstr "[{site_title}]: Unduhan Laporan {report_name} Anda telah siap" msgid "Your Report Download" msgstr "Unduhan Laporan Anda" msgid "" "Current page retrieval should be called on or after the `current_screen` " "hook." msgstr "" "Pengambilan halaman saat ini harus dipanggil saat atau setelah kait " "`current_screen`." msgid "Renew Subscription" msgstr "Perbarui Langganan" msgid "" "Your subscription expired on %s. Get a new subscription to continue " "receiving updates and access to support." msgstr "" "Langganan Anda kedaluwarsa pada %s. Dapatkan langganan baru untuk terus " "menerima pembaruan dan akses ke dukungan." msgid "%s subscription expired" msgstr "%s langanan kedaluwarsa" msgid "" "Your subscription expires in %d days. Enable autorenew to avoid losing " "updates and access to support." msgstr "" "Langganan Anda kedaluwarsa dalam %d hari. Aktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk " "mencegah kehilangan pembaruan dan akses ke dukungan." msgid "%s subscription expiring soon" msgstr "%s langganan akan segera kedaluwarsa" msgid "Connect to get important product notifications and updates." msgstr "" "Sambungkan untuk mendapatkan pemberitahuan dan pembaruan produk penting." msgid "Connect to" msgstr "Sambungkan ke" msgid "" "WooCommerce Subscriptions allows you to introduce a variety of subscriptions " "for physical or virtual products and services. Create product-of-the-month " "clubs, weekly service subscriptions or even yearly software billing " "packages. Add sign-up fees, offer free trials, or set expiration periods." msgstr "" "WooCommerce Subscriptions membantu Anda mengenali berbagai paket langganan " "untuk produk dan jasa fisik atau virtual. Buat klub produk terbaik bulan " "ini, langganan layanan mingguan, atau bahkan paket penagihan perangkat lunak " "tahunan. Tambahkan biaya pendaftaran, tawarkan uji coba gratis, atau " "tentukan periode kedaluwarsa." msgid "Do you need more info about WooCommerce Subscriptions?" msgstr "" "Apa Anda membutuhkan info lebih banyak mengenai WooCommerce Subscriptions?" msgid "" "Securely accept credit and debit cards on your site. Manage transactions " "without leaving your WordPress dashboard. Only with <strong>WooPayments</" "strong>." msgstr "" "Terima kartu debit dan kredit dengan aman pada situs Anda. Kelola transaksi " "tanpa keluar dari dasbor WordPress. Hanya dengan WooCommerce Payments." msgid "Try the new way to get paid" msgstr "Coba cara baru untuk menerima pembayaran" msgid "Activate usage tracking" msgstr "Aktifkan pelacakan penggunaan" msgid "Help WooCommerce improve with usage tracking" msgstr "Bantu WooCommerce menjadi lebih baik dengan pelacakan penggunaan" msgid "" "Gathering usage data allows us to improve WooCommerce. Your store will be " "considered as we evaluate new features, judge the quality of an update, or " "determine if an improvement makes sense. You can always visit the " "%1$sSettings%3$s and choose to stop sharing data. %2$sRead more%3$s about " "what data we collect." msgstr "" "Mengumpulkan data penggunaan memungkinkan kami meningkatkan WooCommerce. " "Toko Anda akan dipertimbangkan selagi kami mengevaluasi fitur baru, menilai " "kualitas pembaruan, atau menentukan apakah sebuah pembaruan masuk akal. Anda " "selalu dapat mengunjungi %1$sPengaturan%3$s dan memilih untuk berhenti " "berbagi data. %2$sBaca selengkapnya%3$s tentang data yang kami kumpulkan." msgid "Test checkout" msgstr "Uji checkout" msgid "Don't forget to test your checkout" msgstr "Jangan lupa untuk menguji fungsi checkout Anda." msgid "" "Make sure that your checkout is working properly before you launch your " "store. Go through your checkout process in its entirety: from adding a " "product to your cart, choosing a shipping location, and making a payment." msgstr "" "Pastikan checkout Anda berfungsi dengan baik sebelum Anda meluncurkan toko. " "Lakukan proses checkout Anda secara lengkap: mulai dari menambahkan produk " "ke keranjang, memilih lokasi pengiriman, dan membayar." msgid "Get real-time order alerts anywhere" msgstr "Dapatkan pemberitahuan pesanan secara real time di mana saja" msgid "" "Get notifications about store activity, including new orders and product " "reviews directly on your mobile devices with the Woo app." msgstr "" "Dapatkan pemberitahuan mengenai aktivitas toko, termasuk pesanan baru dan " "ulasan produk langsung di perangkat seluler Anda dengan aplikasi Woo." msgid "Personalize homepage" msgstr "Halaman beranda yang dipersonalisasi" msgid "Personalize your store's homepage" msgstr "Personalisasikan halaman beranda toko Anda" msgid "" "The homepage is one of the most important entry points in your store. When " "done right it can lead to higher conversions and engagement. Don't forget to " "personalize the homepage that we created for your store during the " "onboarding." msgstr "" "Halaman beranda adalah satu dari titik masuk penting di toko Anda. Saat " "digunakan dengan baik, halaman beranda dapat mendatangkan konversi dan " "keterlibatan yang lebih tinggi. Jangan lupa untuk melakukan personalisasi " "pada halaman beranda yang kami buat untuk toko Anda selama berada di halaman." msgid "Review your orders" msgstr "Tinjau pesanan Anda" msgid "" "Another order milestone! Take a look at your Orders Report to review your " "orders to date." msgstr "" "Pencapaian pesanan lain! Lihat Laporan Pesanan Anda untuk meninjau pesanan " "hingga hari ini." msgid "" "You've hit the 10 orders milestone! Look at you go. Browse some WooCommerce " "success stories for inspiration." msgstr "" "Anda telah meraih pencapaian 10 pesanan! Lihat pencapaian Anda. Jelajahi " "beberapa kisah sukses WooCommerce untuk inspirasi." msgid "" "Congratulations on getting your first order! Now is a great time to learn " "how to manage your orders." msgstr "" "Selamat atas pesanan pertama Anda! Sekarang adalah waktu yang tepat untuk " "mempelajari cara mengelola pesanan Anda." msgid "Congratulations on processing %s orders!" msgstr "Selamat Anda telah memproses %s pesanan!" msgid "First order received" msgstr "Pesanan pertama diterima" msgid "" "Starting a fashion website is exciting but it may seem overwhelming as well. " "In this article, we'll walk you through the setup process, teach you to " "create successful product listings, and show you how to market to your ideal " "audience." msgstr "" "Memulai situs web mode sangat menarik, tetapi juga terlihat cukup menantang. " "Dalam artikel ini, kami akan memandu Anda selama proses pengaturan, " "mengajarkan Anda cara membuat daftar produk yang baik, dan menunjukkan cara " "melakukan pemasaran ke target audiens Anda." msgid "Start your online clothing store" msgstr "Mulai toko pakaian online Anda" msgid "" "Take payments with the provider that’s right for you - choose from 100+ " "payment gateways for WooCommerce." msgstr "" "Ambil pembayaran dengan penyedia yang cocok dengan Anda - pilih dari 100+ " "gerbang pembayaran untuk WooCommerce." msgid "Start accepting payments on your store!" msgstr "Mulai menerima pembayaran di toko Anda!" msgid "New sales record!" msgstr "Rekor penjualan baru!" msgid "Install Woo mobile app" msgstr "Instal aplikasi seluler Woo" msgid "" "Install the WooCommerce mobile app to manage orders, receive sales " "notifications, and view key metrics — wherever you are." msgstr "" "Instal aplikasi seluler WooCommerce untuk mengelola pesanan, menerima " "pemberitahuan penjualan, dan melihat metrik kunci — di mana pun Anda berada." msgid "" "Changing eCommerce platforms might seem like a big hurdle to overcome, but " "it is easier than you might think to move your products, customers, and " "orders to WooCommerce. This article will help you with going through this " "process." msgstr "" "Mengubah platform eCommerce tampaknya sangat sulit, namun sebenarnya " "memindahkan produk, konsumen, dan pesanan Anda ke WooCommerce lebih mudah " "dari yang Anda bayangkan. Artikel ini akan membantu Anda menjalani proses " "ini." msgid "Do you want to migrate from Shopify to WooCommerce?" msgstr "Apa Anda ingin melakukan migrasi dari Shopify ke WooCommerce?" msgid "Ready to launch your store?" msgstr "Siap meluncurkan toko Anda?" msgid "" "To make sure you never get that sinking \"what did I forget\" feeling, we've " "put together the essential pre-launch checklist." msgstr "" "Untuk memastikan Anda tidak merasa melupakan sesuatu, kami telah menyusun " "daftar periksa pra-peluncuran yang penting." msgid "Thanks for your feedback" msgstr "Terima kasih atas masukan Anda." msgid "Share feedback" msgstr "Bagikan masukan" msgid "" "Now that you’ve chosen us as a partner, our goal is to make sure we're " "providing the right tools to meet your needs. We're looking forward to " "having your feedback on the store setup experience so we can improve it in " "the future." msgstr "" "Setelah Anda memilih kami sebagai mitra, tujuan kami adalah memastikan bahwa " "kami memberikan alat yang tepat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Anda. Kami " "menantikan masukan Anda mengenai pengalaman penyiapan toko, sehingga kami " "dapat memperbaikinya di masa mendatang." msgid "Watch tutorial" msgstr "Tonton tutorial" msgid "" "This video tutorial will help you go through the process of adding your " "first product in WooCommerce." msgstr "" "Tutorial video ini akan membantu Anda menjalani proses untuk menambahkan " "produk pertama Anda di WooCommerce." msgid "Do you need help with adding your first product?" msgstr "Apakah Anda membutuhkan bantuan untuk menambahkan produk pertama Anda?" msgid "Collect and validate EU VAT numbers at checkout" msgstr "Terima dan validasi nomor PPN UE pada saat pemeriksaan" msgid "" "If your store is based in the EU, we recommend using the EU VAT Number " "extension in addition to automated taxes. It provides your checkout with a " "field to collect and validate a customer's EU VAT number, if they have one." msgstr "" "Apabila toko Anda berada di UE, kami menyarankan Anda untuk menggunakan " "ekstensi Nomor PPN UE selain pajak otomatis. Ekstensi tersebut memberikan " "bidang pada halaman pemeriksaan untuk menerima dan memvalidasi nomor PPN UE " "pelanggan, apabila mereka memilikinya." msgid "" "With our blocks, you can select and display products, categories, filters, " "and more virtually anywhere on your site — no need to use shortcodes or edit " "lines of code. Learn more about how to use each one of them." msgstr "" "Dengan blok, Anda dapat memilih dan menampilkan produk, kategori, filter, " "dan lain-lain secara virtual di bagian mana pun dari situs Anda — tidak " "perlu menggunakan shortcode atau mengedit baris kode. Pelajari selengkapnya " "tentang cara menggunakan tiap blok." msgid "Customize your online store with WooCommerce blocks" msgstr "Ubah suai toko online Anda dengan blok WooCommerce" msgid "Remove legacy coupon menu" msgstr "Hapus menu kupon legasi" msgid "" "Coupons can now be managed from Marketing > Coupons. Click the button below " "to remove the legacy WooCommerce > Coupons menu item." msgstr "" "Kupon kini bisa dikelola dari Pemasaran > Kupon. Klik tombol di bawah ini " "untuk menghapus WooCommerce legasi > Item menu kupon." msgid "Coupon management has moved!" msgstr "Manajemen kupon telah dipindahkan!" msgid "The admin note action label prop cannot be empty." msgstr "Properti label tindakan catatan admin tidak boleh kosong." msgid "The admin note action name prop cannot be empty." msgstr "Properti nama tindakan catatan admin tidak boleh kosong." msgid "The admin note layout has a wrong prop value." msgstr "Tampilan catatan admin memiliki nilai prop yang salah." msgid "The admin note date prop cannot be empty." msgstr "Properti tanggal catatan admin tidak boleh kosong." msgid "The admin note source prop cannot be empty." msgstr "Properti sumber catatan admin tidak boleh kosong." msgid "The admin note status prop (%s) is not one of the supported statuses." msgstr "" "Properti status catatan admin (%s) bukan merupakan satu dari status yang " "didukung." msgid "The admin note status prop cannot be empty." msgstr "Properti status catatan admin tidak boleh kosong." msgid "The admin note content_data prop must be an instance of stdClass." msgstr "Prop catatan admin content_data harus merupakan contoh dari stdClass." msgid "The admin note content prop cannot be empty." msgstr "Properti isi catatan admin tidak boleh kosong." msgid "The admin note title prop cannot be empty." msgstr "Properti judul catatan admin tidak boleh kosong." msgid "The admin note locale prop cannot be empty." msgstr "Properti lokal catatan admin tidak boleh kosong." msgid "The admin note type prop (%s) is not one of the supported types." msgstr "Properti jenis catatan admin (%s) bukan merupakan jenis yang didukung." msgid "The admin note type prop cannot be empty." msgstr "Properti jenis catatan admin tidak boleh kosong." msgid "The admin note name prop cannot be empty." msgstr "Properti nama catatan admin tidak boleh kosong." msgid "Invalid admin note" msgstr "Catatan admin tidak valid" msgid "Default Date Range" msgstr "Rentang Tanggal Asal" msgid "Statuses that require extra action on behalf of the store admin." msgstr "Status yang memerlukan tindakan tambahan dari admin toko." msgid "Actionable order statuses" msgstr "Status pesanan yang dapat ditindaklanjuti" msgid "Statuses that should not be included when calculating report totals." msgstr "Status yang tidak boleh disertakan saat menghitung total laporan." msgid "Excluded report order statuses" msgstr "Status pesanan laporan yang dikecualikan" msgid "Settings for WooCommerce admin reporting." msgstr "Pengaturan untuk pelaporan admin WooCommerce." msgid "Profile Setup Wizard" msgstr "Wizard Penyiapan Prodil" msgid "WooCommerce Onboarding" msgstr "Penyiapan WooCommerce" msgid "Customizable products" msgstr "Produk yang dapat disesuaikan" msgid "Bookings" msgstr "Pemesanan" msgid "Physical products" msgstr "Produk fisik" msgid "Education and learning" msgstr "Pendidikan dan pembelajaran" msgid "CBD and other hemp-derived products" msgstr "CBD dan produk asal hemp lainnya" msgid "Home, furniture, and garden" msgstr "Rumah, furnitur, dan taman" msgid "Electronics and computers" msgstr "Elektronik dan komputer" msgid "Fashion, apparel, and accessories" msgstr "Mode, pakaian, dan aksesori" msgid "Analytics cache cleared." msgstr "Cache analisis dihapus." msgid "Clear analytics cache" msgstr "Hapus cache analisis" msgid "A zip file of the theme to be uploaded." msgstr "File zip tema untuk diunggah." msgid "Uploaded theme." msgstr "Tema yang diunggah." msgid "Theme installation status." msgstr "Status instalasi tema." msgid "Limit result set to items that have the specified rate ID(s) assigned." msgstr "MemMembatasi rangkaian hasil ke item yang memiliki ID tarif tertentu." msgid "Search by similar tax code." msgstr "Cari berdasarkan kode pajak serupa." msgid "Product attributes." msgstr "Atribut produk." msgid "%s must contain 2 valid dates." msgstr "%s harus berisi 2 tanggal yang valid." msgid "%s must contain 2 numbers." msgstr "%s harus berisi 2 jumlah." msgid "%1$s is not a numerically indexed array." msgstr "%1$s bukan merupakan array yang terindeks secara numerikal." msgid "Sorry, fetching tax data failed." msgstr "Maaf, pengambilan data pajak gagal." msgid "" "Limit result set to all items that have the specified term assigned in the " "taxes taxonomy." msgstr "" "Membatasi respons ke semua item yang memiliki istilah khusus yang ditentukan " "di taksonomi pajak." msgid "Amount of tax codes." msgstr "Jumlah kode pajak." msgid "Limit result set to items assigned one or more tax rates." msgstr "" "Membatasi respons ke item dengan satu atau lebih tarif pajak yang ditentukan." msgid "Shipping tax." msgstr "Pajak pengiriman." msgid "Order tax." msgstr "Pajak pesanan." msgid "Total tax." msgstr "Total pajak." msgid "State." msgstr "Negara bagian." msgid "Number of %s products." msgstr "Jumlah produk %s." msgid "Number of low stock products." msgstr "Jumlah produk stok rendah." msgid "Number of products." msgstr "Jumlah produk." msgid "Product / Variation" msgstr "Produk/Variasi" msgid "Limit result set to items assigned a stock report type." msgstr "" "Membatasi hasil ke item yang ditentukan ke jenis laporan stok tertentu." msgid "Manage stock." msgstr "Kelola stok." msgid "Stock status." msgstr "Status stok." msgid "Products sold." msgstr "Produk yang terjual." msgid "Items sold." msgstr "Item yang terjual." msgid "Total of returns." msgstr "Total pengembalian." msgid "Total of taxes." msgstr "Total pajak." msgid "Total of shipping." msgstr "Total pengiriman." msgid "Limit result to items with specified variation ids." msgstr "Membatasi hasil ke item dengan ID variasi tertentu." msgid "Human readable segment label, either product or variation name." msgstr "" "Label segmen yang dapat dibaca manusia, baik nama produk atau nama variasi." msgid "%s (Deleted)" msgstr "%s (Dihapus)" msgid "Add additional piece of info about each product to the report." msgstr "Tambahkan informasi tambahan tentang setiap produk ke laporan." msgid "Limit result to items with specified product ids." msgstr "Membatasi hasil ke item dengan ID produk tertentu." msgid "Limit result to items from the specified categories." msgstr "Membatasi hasil ke item dari kategori tertentu." msgid "Product variations IDs." msgstr "ID variasi produk." msgid "Product inventory threshold for low stock." msgstr "Ambang batas inventaris produk untuk stok rendah." msgid "Product inventory quantity." msgstr "Kuantitas inventaris produk." msgid "Product inventory status." msgstr "Status inventaris produk." msgid "Product category IDs." msgstr "ID kategori produk." msgid "Product link." msgstr "Tautan produk." msgid "Product image." msgstr "Gambar produk." msgid "Number of orders product appeared in." msgstr "Jumlah pesanan yang menyertakan produk tertentu." msgid "Limit response to specific report stats. Allowed values: %s." msgstr "" "Membatasi respons ke statistik laporan tertentu. Nilai yang diizinkan: %s." msgid "There was an issue loading the report endpoints" msgstr "Ada masalah saat memuat titik akhir laporan" msgid "" "Value of the stat. Returns null if the stat does not exist or cannot be " "loaded." msgstr "" "Nilai statistik. Akan menampilkan null jika tidak ada statistik atau tidak " "dapat dimuat." msgid "Format of the stat." msgstr "Format statistik." msgid "Human readable label for the stat." msgstr "Label yang dapat dibaca manusia untuk statistik." msgid "The specific chart this stat referrers to." msgstr "Bagan tertentu yang dimaksud oleh statistik ini." msgid "A list of stats to query must be provided." msgstr "Daftar statistik untuk kueri harus disediakan." msgid "Sorry, fetching performance indicators failed." msgstr "Maaf, pengambilan indikator performa gagal." msgid "Number of distinct products sold." msgstr "Jumlah produk berbeda yang terjual." msgid "Total distinct customers." msgstr "Total pelanggan yang berbeda." msgid "Unique coupons count." msgstr "Penghitung kupon unik." msgid "Amount discounted by coupons." msgstr "Jumlah yang didiskon kupon." msgid "Average items per order" msgstr "Item rata-rata per pesanan" msgid "N. Revenue" msgstr "N. Pendapatan" msgid "Product(s)" msgstr "Produk" msgid "Limit result set to specific types of refunds." msgstr "Membatasi rangkaian hasil ke jenis pengembalian dana tertentu." msgid "Limit result set to returning or new customers." msgstr "Membatasi rangkaian hasil ke pelanggan lama atau baru." msgid "" "Limit result set to items that don't have the specified tax rate(s) assigned." msgstr "" "Membatasi rangkaian hasil ke item yang tidak memiliki tarif pajak tertentu." msgid "Limit result set to items that have the specified tax rate(s) assigned." msgstr "Membatasi rangkaian hasil ke item yang memiliki tarif pajak tertentu." msgid "" "Limit result set to items that don't have the specified coupon(s) assigned." msgstr "Membatasi rangkaian hasil ke item yang tidak memiliki kupon tertentu." msgid "Limit result set to items that have the specified coupon(s) assigned." msgstr "Membatasi rangkaian hasil ke item yang memiliki kupon tertentu." msgid "Order customer information." msgstr "Informasi pelanggan pesanan." msgid "List of order coupons." msgstr "Daftar kupon pesanan." msgid "List of order product IDs, names, quantities." msgstr "Daftar ID produk, nama, dan kuantitas pesanan." msgid "Returning or new customer." msgstr "Pelanggan lama atau baru." msgid "Net total revenue." msgstr "Pendapatan bersih total." msgid "Number of items sold." msgstr "Jumlah item terjual." msgid "Date the order was created, as GMT." msgstr "Tanggal pesanan dibuat, waktu GMT." msgid "Date the order was created, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal pesanan dibuat, di zona waktu situs." msgid "All pending and in-progress import actions have been cancelled." msgstr "" "Semua tindakan impor yang tertunda dan sedang dalam proses telah dibatalkan." msgid "Skip importing existing order data." msgstr "Lewati pengimporan data pesanan yang sudah ada." msgid "Number of days to import." msgstr "Jumlah hari untuk mengimpor." msgid "Sorry, there is no export with that ID." msgstr "Maaf, tidak ada ekspor dengan ID tersebut." msgid "Your report file is being generated." msgstr "File laporan Anda sedang dibuat." msgid "There is no data to export for the given request." msgstr "Tidak ada data untuk diekspor untuk permintaan yang ditentukan." msgid "Export download URL." msgstr "Ekspor URL pengunduhan." msgid "Percentage complete." msgstr "Persentase selesai." msgid "Regenerate data message." msgstr "Regenerasi pesan data." msgid "Regeneration status." msgstr "Status regenerasi." msgid "When true, email a link to download the export to the requesting user." msgstr "" "Jika benar, kirim email tautan untuk mengunduh ekspor ke pengguna yang " "mengajukan." msgid "Parameters to pass on to the exported report." msgstr "Parameter untuk diberikan ke laporan terekspor." msgid "Sorry, fetching downloads data failed." msgstr "Maaf, pengambilan data pengunduhan gagal." msgid "Limit response to objects that don't have the specified customer ids." msgstr "Membatasi respons ke objek yang tidak memiliki ID pelanggan tertentu." msgid "Limit response to objects that have the specified customer ids." msgstr "Membatasi respons ke objek yang memiliki ID pelanggan tertentu." msgid "Number of downloads." msgstr "Jumlah pengunduhan." msgid "Order #" msgstr "Pesanan #" msgid "Limit response to objects that don't have a specified ip address." msgstr "Membatasi respons ke objek yang tidak memiliki alamat IP tertentu." msgid "Limit response to objects that have a specified ip address." msgstr "Membatasi respons ke objek yang memiliki alamat IP tertentu." msgid "Limit response to objects that don't have the specified user ids." msgstr "Membatasi respons ke objek yang tidak memiliki ID pengguna tertentu." msgid "Limit response to objects that have the specified user ids." msgstr "Membatasi respons ke objek yang memiliki ID pengguna tertentu." msgid "Limit result set to items that don't have the specified order ids." msgstr "" "Membatasi rangkaian hasil ke item yang tidak memiliki ID pesanan tertentu." msgid "Limit result set to items that have the specified order ids." msgstr "Membatasi rangkaian hasil ke item yang memiliki ID pesanan tertentu." msgid "" "Limit result set to items that don't have the specified product(s) assigned." msgstr "Membatasi rangkaian hasil ke item yang tidak memiliki produk tertentu." msgid "Limit result set to items that have the specified product(s) assigned." msgstr "Membatasi rangkaian hasil ke item yang memiliki produk tertentu." msgid "" "Indicates whether all the conditions should be true for the resulting set, " "or if any one of them is sufficient. Match affects the following parameters: " "products, orders, username, ip_address." msgstr "" "Mengindikasikan apakah semua kondisi harus benar untuk rangkaian hasil, atau " "jika salah satunya tidak mencukupi. Penyesuaian memengaruhi parameter " "berikut: products, orders, username, ip_address." msgid "IP address for the downloader." msgstr "Alamat IP untuk pengunduh." msgid "User name of the downloader." msgstr "Nama pengguna dari pengunduh." msgid "User ID for the downloader." msgstr "ID pengguna dari pengunduh." msgid "Order Number." msgstr "Nomor Pesanan." msgid "The date of the download, as GMT." msgstr "Tanggal pengunduhan, waktu GMT." msgid "The date of the download, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal pengunduhan, dalam zona waktu situs." msgid "ID." msgstr "ID." msgid "Average AOV per customer." msgstr "AOV rata-rata per pelanggan." msgid "Average total spend per customer." msgstr "Pengeluaran total rata-rata per pelanggan." msgid "Average number of orders." msgstr "Jumlah pesanan rata-rata." msgid "Number of customers." msgstr "Jumlah pelanggan." msgid "AOV" msgstr "AOV" msgid "Last Active" msgstr "Terakhir Aktif" msgid "Limit result to items with specified customer ids." msgstr "Membatasi hasil ke item dengan ID pelanggan tertentu." msgid "" "Limit response to objects with last order after (or at) a given ISO8601 " "compliant datetime." msgstr "" "Membatasi respons ke objek dengan pesanan terakhir setelah (atau pada) waktu " "dan tanggal kesesuaian ISO8601 yang ditentukan." msgid "" "Limit response to objects with last order before (or at) a given ISO8601 " "compliant datetime." msgstr "" "Membatasi respons ke objek dengan pesanan terakhir sebelum (atau pada) waktu " "dan tanggal kesesuaian ISO8601 yang ditentukan." msgid "" "Limit response to objects with an average order spend between two given " "numbers." msgstr "" "Membatasi respons ke objek dengan pengeluaran pesanan rata-rata antara dua " "jumlah yang ditentukan." msgid "" "Limit response to objects with an average order spend less than or equal to " "given number." msgstr "" "Membatasi respons ke objek dengan pengeluaran pesanan rata-rata kurang dari " "atau sama dengan jumlah yang ditentukan." msgid "" "Limit response to objects with an average order spend greater than or equal " "to given number." msgstr "" "Membatasi respons ke objek dengan pengeluaran pesanan rata-rata lebih dari " "atau sama dengan jumlah yang ditentukan." msgid "" "Limit response to objects with a total order spend between two given numbers." msgstr "" "Membatasi respons ke objek dengan pengeluaran pesanan total antara dua " "jumlah yang ditentukan." msgid "" "Limit response to objects with a total order spend less than or equal to " "given number." msgstr "" "Membatasi respons ke objek dengan pengeluaran pesanan total kurang dari atau " "sama dengan jumlah yang ditentukan." msgid "" "Limit response to objects with a total order spend greater than or equal to " "given number." msgstr "" "Membatasi respons ke objek dengan pengeluaran pesanan total lebih dari atau " "sama dengan jumlah yang ditentukan." msgid "" "Limit response to objects with an order count between two given integers." msgstr "" "Membatasi respons ke objek dengan jumlah pesanan antara dua bilangan bulat " "yang ditentukan." msgid "" "Limit response to objects with an order count less than or equal to given " "integer." msgstr "" "Membatasi respons ke objek dengan jumlah pesanan kurang dari atau sama " "dengan bilangan bulat yang ditentukan." msgid "" "Limit response to objects with an order count greater than or equal to given " "integer." msgstr "" "Membatasi respons ke objek dengan jumlah pesanan lebih dari atau sama dengan " "bilangan bulat yang ditentukan." msgid "" "Limit response to objects last active between two given ISO8601 compliant " "datetime." msgstr "" "Membatasi respons ke objek terakhir aktif antara dua waktu tanggal " "kesesuaian ISO8601 yang ditentukan." msgid "" "Limit response to objects last active after (or at) a given ISO8601 " "compliant datetime." msgstr "" "Membatasi respons ke objek terakhir aktif setelah (atau pada) waktu tanggal " "kesesuaian ISO8601 yang ditentukan." msgid "" "Limit response to objects last active before (or at) a given ISO8601 " "compliant datetime." msgstr "" "Membatasi respons ke objek terakhir aktif sebelum (atau pada) waktu tanggal " "kesesuaian ISO8601 yang ditentukan." msgid "Limit response to objects excluding emails." msgstr "Membatasi respons ke objek kecuali email tertentu." msgid "Limit response to objects including emails." msgstr "Membatasi respons ke objek dengan email tertentu." msgid "" "Limit response to objects with a customer field containing the search term. " "Searches the field provided by `searchby`." msgstr "" "Membatasi respons ke objek dengan kolom pelanggan berisi istilah pencarian " "tertentu. Mencari kolom yang ditentukan dengan `searchby`." msgid "" "Indicates whether all the conditions should be true for the resulting set, " "or if any one of them is sufficient. Match affects the following parameters: " "status_is, status_is_not, product_includes, product_excludes, " "coupon_includes, coupon_excludes, customer, categories" msgstr "" "Mengindikasikan apakah semua kondisi harus benar untuk rangkaian hasil, atau " "jika salah satunya tidak mencukupi. Penyesuaian memengaruhi parameter " "berikut: status_is, status_is_not, product_includes, product_excludes, " "coupon_includes, coupon_excludes, customer, categories" msgid "" "Limit response to resources with orders published before a given ISO8601 " "compliant date." msgstr "" "Membatasi respons ke sumber dengan pesanan yang dipublikasi sebelum tanggal " "ISO8601 yang sesuai." msgid "" "Limit response to resources with orders published after a given ISO8601 " "compliant date." msgstr "" "Membatasi respons ke sumber dengan pesanan yang dipublikasi setelah tanggal " "ISO8601 yang sesuai." msgid "" "Limit response to objects registered after (or at) a given ISO8601 compliant " "datetime." msgstr "" "Membatasi respons ke objek yang didaftarkan setelah (atau pada) waktu " "tanggal kesesuaian ISO8601 yang ditentukan." msgid "" "Limit response to objects registered before (or at) a given ISO8601 " "compliant datetime." msgstr "" "Membatasi respons ke objek yang didaftarkan sebelum (atau pada) waktu " "tanggal kesesuaian ISO8601 yang ditentukan." msgid "Avg order value." msgstr "Nilai pesanan rata-rata." msgid "Total spend." msgstr "Total pengeluaran." msgid "Order count." msgstr "Jumlah pesanan." msgid "Date last active GMT." msgstr "Tanggal terakhir aktif GMT." msgid "Date last active." msgstr "Tanggal terakhir aktif." msgid "Date registered GMT." msgstr "Tanggal terdaftar GMT." msgid "Date registered." msgstr "Tanggal terdaftar." msgid "Region." msgstr "Wilayah." msgid "City." msgstr "Kota." msgid "Country / Region." msgstr "Negara / Wilayah." msgid "Username." msgstr "Nama Pengguna" msgid "User ID." msgstr "ID Pengguna." msgid "" "product_includes parameter need to specify exactly one product when " "segmenting by variation." msgstr "" "produk - termasuk parameter harus menentukan tepat satu produk saat membuat " "segmen berdasarkan variasi." msgid "Limit stats fields to the specified items." msgstr "Batasi kolom statistik untuk item tertentu." msgid "Segment the response by additional constraint." msgstr "Buat segmen respons dengan pembatas tambahan." msgid "The date the report end, as GMT." msgstr "Tanggal laporan berakhir, waktu GMT." msgid "The date the report end, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal laporan berakhir, di zona waktu situs." msgid "The date the report start, as GMT." msgstr "Tanggal laporan dimulai, waktu GMT." msgid "The date the report start, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal laporan dimulai, di zona waktu situs." msgid "Type of interval." msgstr "Jenis interval." msgid "Reports data grouped by intervals." msgstr "Data laporan yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan interval." msgid "Totals data." msgstr "Data total." msgid "Interval subtotals." msgstr "Subtotal interval." msgid "Segment identificator." msgstr "Pengidentifikasi segmen." msgid "Reports data grouped by segment condition." msgstr "Data laporan yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan kondisi segmen." msgid "Number of discounted orders." msgstr "Jumlah pesanan yang didiskon." msgid "Number of coupons." msgstr "Jumlah kupon." msgid "(Deleted)" msgstr "(Dihapus)" msgid "Add additional piece of info about each coupon to the report." msgstr "Tambahkan informasi tambahan tentang setiap kupon ke laporan." msgid "Limit result set to coupons assigned specific coupon IDs." msgstr "Membatasi rangkaian hasil ke kupon yang memiliki ID kupon tertentu." msgid "Coupon discount type." msgstr "Jenis diskon kupon." msgid "Coupon expiration date in GMT." msgstr "Tanggal kedaluwarsa kupon dalam GMT." msgid "Coupon expiration date." msgstr "Tanggal kedaluwarsa kupon." msgid "Coupon creation date in GMT." msgstr "Tanggal pembuatan kupon dalam GMT." msgid "Coupon creation date." msgstr "Tanggal pembuatan kupon." msgid "Net discount amount." msgstr "Jumlah diskon bersih." msgid "Coupon ID." msgstr "ID Kupon." msgid "API path." msgstr "Jalur API." msgid "Customers detailed reports." msgstr "Laporan mendetail pelanggan." msgid "Stats about product downloads." msgstr "Statistik pengunduhan produk." msgid "Product download files detailed reports." msgstr "Laporan mendetail file pengunduhan produk." msgid "Product downloads detailed reports." msgstr "Laporan mendetail pengunduhan produk." msgid "Stats about taxes." msgstr "Statistik pajak." msgid "Taxes detailed reports." msgstr "Laporan mendetail pajak." msgid "Stats about coupons." msgstr "Statistik kupon." msgid "Coupons detailed reports." msgstr "Laporan mendetail kupon." msgid "Stats about product categories." msgstr "Statistik kategori produk." msgid "Product categories detailed reports." msgstr "Laporan mendetail kategori produk." msgid "Stats about products." msgstr "Statistik produk." msgid "Products detailed reports." msgstr "Laporan mendetail produk." msgid "Stats about orders." msgstr "Statistik pesanan." msgid "Stats about revenue." msgstr "Statistik pendapatan." msgid "" "Batch endpoint for getting specific performance indicators from `stats` " "endpoints." msgstr "" "Titik akhir batch untuk mendapatkan indikator performa tertentu dari titik " "akhir `statistik`." msgid "Sorry, fetching revenue data failed." msgstr "Maaf, pengambilan data pendapatan gagal." msgid "Net Revenue" msgstr "Pendapatan Bersih" msgid "Add additional piece of info about each category to the report." msgstr "Tambahkan informasi tambahan tentang setiap kategori ke laporan." msgid "" "Limit result set to all items that have the specified term assigned in the " "categories taxonomy." msgstr "" "Membatasi hasil ke semua item yang memiliki istilah khusus yang ditentukan " "di taksonomi kategori." msgid "Limit result set to items that don't have the specified order status." msgstr "" "Membatasi rangkaian hasil ke item yang tidak memiliki status order tertentu." msgid "Limit result set to items that have the specified order status." msgstr "Membatasi rangkaian hasil ke item yang memiliki status order tertentu." msgid "Time interval to use for buckets in the returned data." msgstr "Interval waktu yang digunakan untuk buket di data yang ditampilkan." msgid "Number of orders." msgstr "Jumlah pesanan." msgid "Amount of items sold." msgstr "Jumlah item yang terjual." msgid "Invalid response from data store." msgstr "Respons tidak valid dari toko data." msgid "Product parent name." msgstr "Nama induk produk." msgid "Search by similar product name or sku." msgstr "Cari berdasarkan nama produk atau sku tertentu." msgid "Action that should be completed to connect Jetpack." msgstr "Tindakan yang harus diselesaikan untuk menghubungkan Jetpack." msgid "Plugin status." msgstr "Status plugin." msgid "Plugin name." msgstr "Nama plugin." msgid "Plugin slug." msgstr "Slug plugin." msgid "There was an error communicating with the WooCommerce Payments plugin." msgstr "Ada error saat berkomunikasi dengan plugin WooCommerce Payments." msgid "There was an error connecting to Square." msgstr "Ada error saat menghubungkan ke Square." msgid "There was an error connecting to Please try again." msgstr "Ada error saat menghubungkan ke Harap coba lagi." msgid "There was an error loading the Helper API." msgstr "Ada error saat memuat API Helper" msgid "Jetpack is not installed or active." msgstr "Jetpack tidak diinstal atau aktif." msgid "There was a problem activating some of the requested plugins." msgstr "Ada masalah saat mengaktiviasi beberapa plugin yang diminta." msgid "Plugins were successfully activated." msgstr "Plugin berhasil diaktifkan." msgid "The requested plugin `%s` could not be activated." msgstr "Plugin `%s` yang diminta tidak dapat diaktifkan." msgid "The requested plugin `%s`. is not yet installed." msgstr "Plugin yang diminta `%s` belum diinstal." msgid "There was a problem installing some of the requested plugins." msgstr "Ada masalah saat menginstal beberapa plugin yang diminta." msgid "Plugins were successfully installed." msgstr "Plugin berhasil diinstal." msgid "The requested plugin `%s` could not be installed." msgstr "Plugin yang diminta `%s` tidak dapat diinstal." msgid "" "The requested plugin `%s` could not be installed. Plugin API call failed." msgstr "" "Plugin yang diminta `%s` tidak dapat diinstal. Panggilan API Plugin gagal." msgid "Plugins must be a non-empty array." msgstr "Plugin harus berupa array yang tidak kosong." msgid "Limit result set to orders matching part of an order number." msgstr "" "Membatasi rangkaian hasil ke pesanan yang sesuai dengan sebagian nomor " "pesanan." msgid "Array of options with associated values." msgstr "Array pilihan dengan nilai terkait." msgid "Sorry, you cannot manage these options." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat mengelola pilihan ini." msgid "You must supply an array of options and values." msgstr "Anda harus menyediakan array pilihan dan nilai." msgid "Sorry, you cannot view these options." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat melihat pilihan ini." msgid "You must supply an array of options." msgstr "Anda harus menyediakan array pilihan." msgid "Theme status." msgstr "Status tema." msgid "Theme slug." msgstr "Slug tema." msgid "The requested theme could not be activated." msgstr "Tema yang diminta tidak dapat diaktifkan." msgid "Invalid theme %s." msgstr "Tema tidak valid %s." msgid "The requested theme `%s` could not be installed." msgstr "Tema yang diminta `%s` tidak dapat diinstal." msgid "The requested theme `%s` could not be installed. Theme API call failed." msgstr "" "Tema yang diminta `%s` tidak dapat diinstal. Panggilan API Theme gagal." msgid "Invalid theme." msgstr "Tema tidak valid." msgid "Sorry, you cannot manage themes." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat mengelola tema." msgid "New Products" msgstr "Produk Baru" msgid "On Sale" msgstr "Sedang Diskon" msgid "Fan Favorites" msgstr "Favorit Penggemar" msgid "New In" msgstr "Baru" msgid "Shop by Category" msgstr "Belanja sesuai Kategori" msgid "Go shopping" msgstr "Mari Berbelanja" msgid "Write a short welcome message here" msgstr "Tulis pesan selamat datang pendek di sini" msgid "Welcome to the store" msgstr "Selamat Datang di toko" msgid "Sorry, the sample products data file was not found." msgstr "Maaf, file data produk sampel tidak ditemukan." msgid "" "Whether or not the store was connected to during the " "extension flow." msgstr "" "Apakah toko terhubung ke selama alur ekstensi atau tidak." msgid "Whether or not this store was setup for a client." msgstr "Apakah toko ini merupakan penyiapan untuk klien atau tidak." msgid "Selected store theme." msgstr "Tema toko terpilih." msgid "Extra business extensions to install." msgstr "Ekstensi bisnis tambahan untuk diinstal." msgid "Name of other platform used to sell (not listed)." msgstr "Nama platform lain yang digunakan untuk menjual (tidak dicantumkan)." msgid "Name of other platform used to sell." msgstr "Nama platform lain yang dulu digunakan untuk berjualan." msgid "Current annual revenue of the store." msgstr "Pendapatan tahunan toko saat ini." msgid "Other places the store is selling products." msgstr "Platform lain tempat toko menjual produk." msgid "Number of products to be added." msgstr "Jumlah produk yang akan ditambahkan." msgid "Types of products sold." msgstr "Jenis produk yang dijual." msgid "Industry." msgstr "Industri." msgid "Whether or not the profile was skipped." msgstr "Apakah profil dilewati atau tidak." msgid "Whether or not the profile was completed." msgstr "Apakah profil lengkap atau tidak." msgid "Onboarding profile data has been updated." msgstr "Data profil yang disertakan telah diperbarui." msgid "Registers whether the note is deleted or not" msgstr "Mendaftar apakah catatan dihapus atau tidak" msgid "The image of the note, if any." msgstr "Gambar catatan, apabila ada." msgid "The layout of the note (e.g. banner, thumbnail, plain)." msgstr "Tampilan catatan (misalnya, banner, thumbnail, plain)." msgid "An array of actions, if any, for the note." msgstr "Array tindakan, jika ada, untuk catatan." msgid "Whether or not a user can request to be reminded about the note." msgstr "Apakah pengguna dapat meminta untuk diingatkan tentang catatan." msgid "Date after which the user should be reminded of the note, if any (GMT)." msgstr "" "Tanggal saat pengguna harus diingatkan terkait catatan, jika ada (GMT)." msgid "Date after which the user should be reminded of the note, if any." msgstr "Tanggal saat pengguna harus diingatkan terkait catatan, jika ada." msgid "Date the note was created (GMT)." msgstr "Tanggal pembuatan catatan (GMT)." msgid "Date the note was created." msgstr "Tanggal pembuatan catatan." msgid "Source of the note." msgstr "Sumber catatan." msgid "The status of the note (e.g. unactioned, actioned)." msgstr "Status catatan (misalnya, ditindaklanjuti, tidak ditindaklanjuti)." msgid "Content data for the note. JSON string. Available for re-localization." msgstr "Data isi untuk catatan. String JSON. Tersedia untuk lokalisasi ulang." msgid "Content of the note." msgstr "Isi catatan." msgid "Title of the note." msgstr "Judul catatan." msgid "Locale used for the note title and content." msgstr "Lokal yang digunakan untuk judul dan isi catatan." msgid "The type of the note (e.g. error, warning, etc.)." msgstr "Jenis catatan (misalnya, error, peringatan, dll.)." msgid "Name of the note." msgstr "Nama catatan." msgid "ID of the note record." msgstr "ID rekaman catatan." msgid "Status of note." msgstr "Status catatan." msgid "Type of note." msgstr "Jenis catatan." msgid "Sorry, there is no note with that ID." msgstr "Maaf, catatan dengan ID tersebut tidak tersedia." msgid "Sorry, there is no resource with that ID." msgstr "Maaf, tidak ada sumber dengan ID tersebut." msgid "Unique ID for the Note Action." msgstr "ID unik untuk Tindakan Catatan." msgid "Unique ID for the Note." msgstr "ID unik untuk Catatan." msgid "Sorry, you cannot manage plugins." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat mengelola plugin." msgid "The plugin could not be activated." msgstr "Plugin tidak dapat diaktifkan." msgid "Invalid plugin." msgstr "Plugin tidak valid." msgid "Table cell value." msgstr "Nilai sel tabel." msgid "Table cell display." msgstr "Tampilan sel tabel." msgid "Table rows." msgstr "Baris tabel." msgid "Table column header." msgstr "Header kolom tabel." msgid "Table headers." msgstr "Header tabel." msgid "Displayed title for the leaderboard." msgstr "Judul yang ditampilkan untuk papan peringkat." msgid "Leaderboard ID." msgstr "ID papan peringkat." msgid "URL query to persist across links." msgstr "Kueri URL untuk tetap ada di seluruh tautan." msgid "Total Spend" msgstr "Total Pengeluaran" msgid "Top Customers - Total Spend" msgstr "Pelanggan Teratas - Pengeluaran Total" msgid "Coupon Code" msgstr "Kode Kupon" msgid "Top Coupons - Number of Orders" msgstr "Kupon Teratas - Jumlah Pesanan" msgid "An endpoint used for searching download logs for a specific IP address." msgstr "" "Titik akhir yang digunakan untuk mencari log pengunduhan untuk alamat IP " "tertentu." msgid "IP address." msgstr "Alamat IP." msgid "" "A partial IP address can be passed and matching results will be returned." msgstr "" "Alamat IP sebagian dapat diberikan dan hasil yang sesuai akan ditampilkan." msgid "Invalid request. Please pass the match parameter." msgstr "Permintaan tidak valid. Harap berikan parameter kesesuaian." msgid "Limit results to coupons with codes matching a given string." msgstr "" "Membatasi hasil ke kupon dengan kode yang sesuai dengan string yang " "ditentukan." msgid "Download your %1$s Report: %2$s" msgstr "Unduh Laporan %1$s Anda: %2$s" msgid "Download your %s Report" msgstr "Unduh Laporan %s Anda" msgid "Edit Product" msgstr "Sunting Produk" msgid "Edit Coupon" msgstr "Sunting Kupon" msgid "Edit Order" msgstr "Sunting Pesanan" msgid "Extensions" msgstr "Ekstensi" msgid "Limit result set to products with a specific slug." msgstr "Batasi hasil untuk produk dengan slug tertentu." msgid "Limit result set to resources with a specific code." msgstr "Batasi hasil yang diatur untuk sumber daya dengan kode khusus." msgid "Unable to update WHOIS details" msgstr "Tidak dapat memperbarui rincian WHOIS" msgid "Limit result set to reviews assigned to specific user IDs." msgstr "" "Membatasi rangkaian hasil khusus ulasan yang ditetapkan untuk ID pengguna " "tertentu." msgid "Limit result set to webhooks assigned a specific status." msgstr "Batasi kumpulan hasil ke webhook dengan status khusus." msgid "" "Limit response to resources published before a given ISO8601 compliant date." msgstr "" "Batasi respons pada sumber daya yang dipublikasikan sebelum tanggal tertentu " "yang sesuai dengan ISO8601." msgid "Limit result set to products assigned a specific tag ID." msgstr "Batasi kumpulan hasil ke produk dengan tag khusus." msgid "Limit result set to products assigned a specific type." msgstr "Batasi kumpulan hasil ke produk dengan tipe khusus." msgid "Limit result set to products assigned a specific status." msgstr "Batasi hasil untuk produk dengan status tertentu." msgid "Featured product." msgstr "Produk unggulan." msgid "Sorry, you cannot update resource." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat memperbarui sumber." msgid "Limit result set to orders assigned a specific product." msgstr "Batasi kumpulan hasil ke pesanan dengan produk khusus." msgid "Limit result set to orders assigned a specific customer." msgstr "Batasi kumpulan hasil ke pesanan dengan pelanggan khusus." msgid "Limit result set to orders assigned a specific status." msgstr "Batasi kumpulan hasil ke pesanan dengan status khusus." msgid "The resource cannot be deleted." msgstr "Sumber tidak dapat dihapus." msgid "Invalid resource id." msgstr "Id sumber daya tidak valid." msgid "Customers do not support trashing." msgstr "Pelanggan tidak mendukung pemindahan ke kotak sampah." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this resource." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengedit sumber daya ini." msgid "You do not have permission to create tax rates" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan membuat tarif pajak" msgid "You do not have permission to create products" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk membuat produk" msgid "You do not have permission to read this %s" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk melihat %s" msgid "Placeholder" msgstr "Tempat produk" msgid "You do not have permission to create this customer" msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk membuat pelanggan ini" msgid "The ID for the resource." msgstr "ID untuk sumber daya." msgid "Account details" msgstr "Rincian Akun" msgid "Billing Address" msgstr "Alamat Penagihan" msgid "On hold <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "On hold <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Menunggu <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Menunggu <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "Coupons" msgstr "Kupon" msgid "New product" msgstr "Produk baru" msgid "Parent %s" msgstr "Induk %s" msgid "Parent category" msgstr "Kategori induk" msgid "Please re-enter your password." msgstr "Silakan masukkan kembali kata sandi Anda." msgid "Invalid product ID" msgstr "ID produk tidak valid" msgid "Backorders?" msgstr "Backorder?" msgid "Database prefix" msgstr "Prefiks database" msgid "WordPress version" msgstr "Versi WordPress" msgid "State code" msgstr "Kode negara bagian" msgid "Currency position" msgstr "Posisi mata uang" msgid "Currency" msgstr "Mata uang" msgid "Remove this image" msgstr "Hapus gambar ini" msgid "You do not have permission to edit Webhooks" msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk mengedit Webhook" msgid "Address line 2" msgstr "Baris alamat 2" msgid "Coupon code" msgstr "Kode kupon" msgid "Product categories" msgstr "Kategori Produk" msgid "Product name" msgstr "Nama produk" msgid "You may also like…" msgstr "Anda mungkin juga suka…" msgid "" "Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review." msgstr "" "Hanya pelanggan yang sudah login dan telah membeli produk ini yang dapat " "memberikan ulasan." msgid "Your review" msgstr "Ulasan Anda" msgid "Very poor" msgstr "Sangat Jelek" msgid "Not that bad" msgstr "Tidak begitu buruk" msgid "Perfect" msgstr "Sempurna" msgid "Rate…" msgstr "Nilai…" msgid "Your rating" msgstr "Rating Anda" msgid "Be the first to review “%s”" msgstr "Jadilah yang pertama memberikan ulasan “%s”" msgid "Add a review" msgstr "Tambahkan ulasan" msgid "There are no reviews yet." msgstr "Belum ada ulasan." msgid "%1$s review for %2$s" msgid_plural "%1$s reviews for %2$s" msgstr[0] "%1$s ulasan untuk %2$s" msgstr[1] "" msgid "verified owner" msgstr "pemilik terverifikasi" msgid "Your review is awaiting approval" msgstr "Ulasan Anda sedang menunggu persetujuan" msgid "Related products" msgstr "Produk Terkait" msgid "%s customer review" msgid_plural "%s customer reviews" msgstr[0] "%s ulasan pelanggan" msgstr[1] "" msgid "Awaiting product image" msgstr "Menunggu gambar produk" msgid "Next (arrow right)" msgstr "Berikutnya (panah kanan)" msgid "Previous (arrow left)" msgstr "Sebelumnya (panah kiri)" msgid "Zoom in/out" msgstr "Perbesar/perkecil" msgid "Toggle fullscreen" msgstr "Alihkan layar penuh" msgid "Close (Esc)" msgstr "Tutup (Esc)" msgid "This product is currently out of stock and unavailable." msgstr "Produk ini saat ini kehabisan stok dan tidak tersedia." msgid "Search products…" msgstr "Cari produk…" msgid "Order again" msgstr "Pesan Lagi" msgid "Track" msgstr "Lacak" msgid "Email you used during checkout." msgstr "Email yang Anda gunakan saat checkout." msgid "Billing email" msgstr "E-mail Penagihan" msgid "Found in your order confirmation email." msgstr "Dapat ditemukan dalam email konfirmasi pesanan Anda." msgid "" "To track your order please enter your Order ID in the box below and press " "the \"Track\" button. This was given to you on your receipt and in the " "confirmation email you should have received." msgstr "" "Untuk melacak pesanan Anda, masukkan ID pesanan Anda di kotak di bawah ini " "dan tekan tombol \"Lacak\". ID ini diberikan kepada Anda pada tanda terima " "dan dalam email konfirmasi yang seharusnya Anda terima." msgid "Order updates" msgstr "Pesanan Diperbarui" msgid "Order #%1$s was placed on %2$s and is currently %3$s." msgstr "Pesanan #%1$s dilakukan pada %2$s dan saat ini %3$s." msgid "No saved methods found." msgstr "Metode pembayaran tidak ditemukan." msgid "%1$s ending in %2$s" msgstr "%1$s berakhir dalam %2$s" msgid "No order has been made yet." msgstr "Belum ada pesanan." msgid "%1$s for %2$s item" msgid_plural "%1$s for %2$s items" msgstr[0] "%1$s untuk %2$s item" msgstr[1] "%1$s untuk %2$s item" msgid "Recent orders" msgstr "Pesanan Terbaru" msgid "%s download remaining" msgid_plural "%s downloads remaining" msgstr[0] "%s unduhan tersisa" msgstr[1] "%s unduhan tersisa" msgid "Available downloads" msgstr "Unduhan Tersedia" msgid "You have not set up this type of address yet." msgstr "Anda belum mengatur jenis alamat ini." msgid "The following addresses will be used on the checkout page by default." msgstr "Alamat berikut akan digunakan pada halaman checkout secara otomatis." msgid "" "A password reset email has been sent to the email address on file for your " "account, but may take several minutes to show up in your inbox. Please wait " "at least 10 minutes before attempting another reset." msgstr "" "Email atur ulang kata sandi telah dikirim ke alamat email pada file untuk " "akun Anda, tetapi mungkin perlu beberapa menit untuk muncul di kotak inbox " "Anda. Mohon tunggu setidaknya 10 menit sebelum mencoba lagi." msgid "Password reset email has been sent." msgstr "Email atur ulang kata sandi telah dikirim." msgid "Re-enter new password" msgstr "Masukkan lagi kata sandi baru" msgid "Enter a new password below." msgstr "Masukkan kata sandi baru di bawah ini." msgid "Save address" msgstr "Simpan Alamat" msgid "New password (leave blank to leave unchanged)" msgstr "Kata sandi baru (biarkan kosong jika tidak ingin dubah)" msgid "Current password (leave blank to leave unchanged)" msgstr "Kata sandi saat ini (biarkan kosong jika tidak ingin diubah)" msgid "Password change" msgstr "Perubahan Kata Sandi" msgid "" "This will be how your name will be displayed in the account section and in " "reviews" msgstr "Nama ini yang akan ditampilkan di bagian akun dan ulasan" msgid "" "New payment methods can only be added during checkout. Please contact us if " "you require assistance." msgstr "" "Metode pembayaran baru hanya dapat ditambahkan saat melakukan checkout. " "Hubungi kami jika Anda memerlukan bantuan." msgid "No downloads available yet." msgstr "Belum ada unduhan yang tersedia." msgid "Browse products" msgstr "Cari produk" msgid "" "From your account dashboard you can view your <a href=\"%1$s\">recent " "orders</a>, manage your <a href=\"%2$s\">shipping and billing addresses</a>, " "and <a href=\"%3$s\">edit your password and account details</a>." msgstr "" "Dari dasbor akun Anda, Anda dapat melihat <a href=\"%1$s\">pesanan baru</a>, " "mengelola <a href=\"%2$s\">alamat pengiriman dan penagihan</a>, dan <a href=" "\"%3$s\">edit kata sandi dan detail akun Anda</a>." msgid "" "From your account dashboard you can view your <a href=\"%1$s\">recent " "orders</a>, manage your <a href=\"%2$s\">billing address</a>, and <a href=" "\"%3$s\">edit your password and account details</a>." msgstr "" "Dari dasbor akun, Anda dapat melihat <a href=\"%1$s\">order baru</a>, " "mengelola <a href=\"%2$s\">alamat penagihan</a>, serta <a href=\"%3$s" "\">mengedit kata sandi dan detail akun Anda</a>." msgid "Hello %1$s (not %1$s? <a href=\"%2$s\">Log out</a>)" msgstr "Halo %1$s (buka %1$s? <a href=\"%2$s\">Keluar</a>)" msgid "Sale!" msgstr "Penjualan!" msgctxt "with first and last result" msgid "Showing %1$d–%2$d of %3$d result" msgid_plural "Showing %1$d–%2$d of %3$d results" msgstr[0] "Menampilkan %1$d–%2$d dari %3$d hasil" msgstr[1] "Menampilkan %1$d–%2$d dari %3$d hasil" msgid "Showing all %d result" msgid_plural "Showing all %d results" msgstr[0] "Menampilkan semua %d hasil" msgstr[1] "Menampilkan semua %d hasil" msgid "Showing the single result" msgstr "Menampilkan hasil tunggal" msgid "Shop order" msgstr "Pesanan toko" msgid "No products were found matching your selection." msgstr "Tidak ada produk yang ditemukan sesuai dengan pilihan Anda." msgid "%s quantity" msgstr "Kuantitas %s" msgid "View order: %s" msgstr "Lihat pesanan: %s" msgid "[Order #%1$s] (%2$s)" msgstr "[Pesanan #%1$s] (%2$s)" msgid "[Order #%s]" msgstr "[Pesanan #%s]" msgid "Customer details" msgstr "Detail pelanggan" msgid "Click here to reset your password" msgstr "Klik di sini untuk mengatur ulang kata sandi Anda" msgid "" "If you didn't make this request, just ignore this email. If you'd like to " "proceed:" msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak membuat permintaan, abaikan saja email ini. Jika Anda ingin " "melanjutkan:" msgid "Billing address" msgstr "Alamat penagihan" msgid "Someone has requested a new password for the following account on %s:" msgstr "Seseorang telah meminta kata sandi baru untuk akun berikut di %s:" msgid "" "Your order on %s has been refunded. There are more details below for your " "reference:" msgstr "" "Pesanan Anda di %s telah dikembalikan dananya. Berikut detail selengkapnya " "untuk referensi:" msgid "" "Your order on %s has been partially refunded. There are more details below " "for your reference:" msgstr "" "Pesanan Anda di %s telah dikembalikan dananya sebagian. Berikut detail " "selengkapnya untuk referensi:" msgid "" "Just to let you know — we've received your order #%s, and it is now " "being processed:" msgstr "" "Sekadar pemberitahuan — kami menerima pesanan Anda #%s , dan saat ini sedang " "diproses:" msgid "As a reminder, here are your order details:" msgstr "Sebagai pengingat, berikut detail pesanan Anda:" msgid "The following note has been added to your order:" msgstr "Catatan berikut telah ditambahkan ke pesanan Anda:" msgid "" "Thanks for creating an account on %1$s. Your username is %2$s. You can " "access your account area to view orders, change your password, and more at: " "%3$s" msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah membuat akun di %1$s. Nama pengguna Anda adalah %2$s. " "Anda dapat mengakses area akun untuk melihat pesanan, mengubah kata sandi, " "dan sebagainya di: %3$s" msgid "Here are the details of your order placed on %s:" msgstr "Berikut detail pesanan Anda yang ada di %s:" msgid "Pay for this order" msgstr "Bayar untuk pesanan ini" msgid "" "An order has been created for you on %1$s. Your invoice is below, with a " "link to make payment when you’re ready: %2$s" msgstr "" "Pesanan telah dibuat untuk Anda di %1$s. Faktur Anda di bawah ini, disertai " "tautan jika sudah siap untuk melakukan pembayaran: %2$s" msgid "We have finished processing your order." msgstr "Kami telah selesai memproses pesanan Anda." msgid "You’ve received the following order from %s:" msgstr "Anda telah menerima pesanan berikut dari %s:" msgid "Payment for order #%1$s from %2$s has failed. The order was as follows:" msgstr "" "Pembayaran untuk pesanan #%1$s dari %2$s telah gagal. Pesanannya adalah " "sebagai berikut:" msgid "" "Notification to let you know — order #%1$s belonging to %2$s has been " "cancelled:" msgstr "" "Pemberitahuan untuk Anda ketahui — pesanan #%1$s milik %2$s telah dibatalkan:" msgid "Max price" msgstr "Harga tertinggi" msgid "Min price" msgstr "Harga terendah" msgid "Thank you. Your order has been received." msgstr "Terima kasih. Pesanan Anda telah diterima." msgid "" "Unfortunately your order cannot be processed as the originating bank/" "merchant has declined your transaction. Please attempt your purchase again." msgstr "" "Sayang sekali pesanan Anda tidak dapat diproses karena bank/merchant asal " "telah menolak transaksi Anda. Silakan coba pembelian Anda lagi." msgid "Price:" msgstr "Harga" msgid "Update totals" msgstr "Perbarui total" msgid "" "Since your browser does not support JavaScript, or it is disabled, please " "ensure you click the %1$sUpdate Totals%2$s button before placing your order. " "You may be charged more than the amount stated above if you fail to do so." msgstr "" "Karena browser Anda tidak mendukung JavaScript, atau dinonaktifkan, pastikan " "Anda mengklik tombol %1$sPerbarui Total%2$s sebelum melakukan pemesanan. " "Anda mungkin ditagih lebih dari jumlah yang disebutkan di atas jika Anda " "gagal melakukannya." msgid "Please fill in your details above to see available payment methods." msgstr "" "Silakan isi detail Anda di atas untuk melihat metode pembayaran yang " "tersedia." msgid "" "Sorry, it seems that there are no available payment methods for your state. " "Please contact us if you require assistance or wish to make alternate " "arrangements." msgstr "" "Maaf, tampaknya tidak ada metode pembayaran yang tersedia untuk provinsi " "Anda. Silakan hubungi kami jika Anda memerlukan bantuan atau ingin " "menggunakan alternatif yang lain." msgid "Order number:" msgstr "Nomor pesanan:" msgid "Ship to a different address?" msgstr "Kirim ke alamat yang berbeda?" msgid "" "Sorry, it seems that there are no available payment methods for your " "location. Please contact us if you require assistance or wish to make " "alternate arrangements." msgstr "" "Maaf, tampaknya tidak ada metode pembayaran yang tersedia untuk lokasi Anda. " "Silakan hubungi kami jika Anda memerlukan bantuan atau ingin menggunakan " "alternatif yang lain." msgid "" "If you have shopped with us before, please enter your details below. If you " "are a new customer, please proceed to the Billing section." msgstr "" "Jika Anda pernah berbelanja sebelumnya, mohon masukkan rincian Anda pada " "kotak di bawah. Jika Anda pelanggan baru, mohon lanjutkan ke bagian " "Penagihan." msgid "Returning customer?" msgstr "Pelanggan lama?" msgid "If you have a coupon code, please apply it below." msgstr "Jika Anda memiliki kode kupon, masukkan di bawah ini." msgid "Click here to enter your code" msgstr "Klik di sini untuk memasukkan kode Anda" msgid "Have a coupon?" msgstr "Punya kupon?" msgid "You must be logged in to checkout." msgstr "Anda harus sudah login untuk checkout." msgid "Create an account?" msgstr "Buat akun?" msgid "Billing & Shipping" msgstr "Penagihan & Pengiriman" msgid "Return to cart" msgstr "Kembali Ke Keranjang" msgid "" "There are some issues with the items in your cart. Please go back to the " "cart page and resolve these issues before checking out." msgstr "" "Ada beberapa masalah dengan barang di keranjang Anda. Mohon kembali ke " "halaman keranjang dan selesaikan masalah ini sebelum check-out." msgid "Calculate shipping" msgstr "Hitung biaya pengiriman" msgid "Proceed to checkout" msgstr "Lanjutkan ke Checkout" msgid "No products in the cart." msgstr "Tidak ada produk di keranjang." msgid "You may be interested in…" msgstr "Anda mungkin tertarik dengan…" msgid "(estimated for %s)" msgstr "(dihitung untuk %s)" msgid "Cart totals" msgstr "Total keranjang" msgid "Enter a different address" msgstr "Masukkan alamat lainnya" msgid "No shipping options were found for %s." msgstr "Tidak ditemukan opsi pengiriman untuk %s." msgid "" "There are no shipping options available. Please ensure that your address has " "been entered correctly, or contact us if you need any help." msgstr "" "Tidak ada pilihan pengiriman yang tersedia. Pastikan alamat Anda sudah " "benar, atau hubungi kami jika Anda memerlukan bantuan." msgid "Enter your address to view shipping options." msgstr "Masukkan alamat Anda untuk melihat opsi pengiriman." msgid "Shipping costs are calculated during checkout." msgstr "Biaya pengiriman dihitung saat checkout." msgid "Shipping options will be updated during checkout." msgstr "Pilihan pengiriman akan diperbarui saat checkout." msgid "Change address" msgstr "Ubah alamat" msgid "Shipping to %s." msgstr "Dikirim ke %s." msgid "Coupon:" msgstr "Kupon:" msgid "Application authentication request" msgstr "Permintaan otentikasi aplikasi" msgid "" "To connect to %1$s you need to be logged in. Log in to your store below, or " "<a href=\"%2$s\">cancel and return to %1$s</a>" msgstr "" "Untuk terhubung ke %1$s Anda harus sudah login. Masuk ke toko Anda di bawah, " "atau <a href=\"%2$s\">batalkan dan kembali ke %1$s</a>" msgid "This will give \"%1$s\" %2$s access which will allow it to:" msgstr "" "Tindakan ini akan memberikan akses kepada \"%1$s\" %2$s yang akan membuatnya " "bisa:" msgid "%s would like to connect to your store" msgstr "%s ingin terhubung ke toko Anda" msgid "Missing the WooCommerce %s package" msgstr "Paket WooCommerce %s tidak ada" msgid "Not enough units of %s are available in stock to fulfil this order." msgstr "Tidak ada stok unit %s yang cukup tersedia untuk memenuhi pesanan ini." msgid ""%s" is out of stock and cannot be purchased." msgstr "\"%s\" habis dan tidak dapat dibeli." msgid "" "Your installation of WooCommerce is incomplete. If you installed WooCommerce " "from GitHub, %1$splease refer to this document%2$s to set up your " "development environment." msgstr "" "Penginstalan WooCommerce tidak selesai. Jika Anda menginstal WooCommerce " "dari GitHub, %1$slihat dokumen ini%2$s untuk menyiapkan lingkungan " "pengembangan Anda." msgid "" "Your installation of WooCommerce is incomplete. If you installed WooCommerce " "from GitHub, please refer to this document to set up your development " "environment:" "WooCommerce-development-environment" msgstr "" "Penginstalan WooCommerce tidak selesai. Jika Anda menginstal WooCommerce " "dari GitHub, lihat dokumen ini untuk menyiapkan lingkungan pengembangan " "Anda:" "WooCommerce-development-environment" msgid "Top rated products" msgstr "Produk Peringkat Teratas" msgid "A list of your store's top-rated products." msgstr "Sebuah daftar yang berisi produk peringkat atas di toko Anda." msgid "Number of reviews to show" msgstr "Jumlah ulasan yang ditampilkan" msgid "Recent reviews" msgstr "Ulasan terbaru" msgid "Recent Product Reviews" msgstr "Ulasan Produk Terbaru" msgid "Display a list of recent reviews from your store." msgstr "Menampilkan daftar ulasan terbaru dari toko Anda." msgid "Recently Viewed Products" msgstr "Produk yang sudah dilihat" msgid "Display a list of a customer's recently viewed products." msgstr "Menampilkan daftar produk yang baru-baru ini dilihat pelanggan." msgid "Filter Products by Rating" msgstr "Saring Produk menurut Peringkat" msgid "Display a list of star ratings to filter products in your store." msgstr "" "Menampilkan daftar peringkat bintang untuk menyaring produk di toko Anda." msgid "Product Tag Cloud" msgstr "Awan Tag Produk" msgid "A cloud of your most used product tags." msgstr "Awan tag produk Anda yang paling sering dipakai." msgid "Show hidden products" msgstr "Tampilkan produk yang disembunyikan" msgid "Hide free products" msgstr "Sembunyikan produk gratis" msgid "DESC" msgstr "Z-A" msgid "ASC" msgstr "A-Z" msgctxt "Sorting order" msgid "Order" msgstr "Pesanan" msgid "On-sale products" msgstr "Produk Promosi" msgid "Number of products to show" msgstr "Jumlah produk yang ditampilkan" msgid "A list of your store's products." msgstr "Sebuah daftar yang berisi produk di toko Anda." msgid "Product Search" msgstr "Pencarian Produk" msgid "Maximum depth" msgstr "Kedalaman maksimum" msgid "Hide empty categories" msgstr "Sembunyikan kategori kosong" msgid "Only show children of the current category" msgstr "Hanya tampilkan anakan dari kategori saat ini" msgid "Show product counts" msgstr "Tampilkan jumlah produk" msgid "Category order" msgstr "Urutan kategori" msgid "A list or dropdown of product categories." msgstr "Daftar atau dropdown kategori produk." msgid "Filter by price" msgstr "Filter berdasar harga" msgid "Filter Products by Price" msgstr "Saring Produk menurut Harga" msgid "Display a slider to filter products in your store by price." msgstr "" "Menampilkan slider untuk menyaring produk di toko Anda menurut harganya." msgid "Any %s" msgstr "Ada %s" msgid "Product Categories" msgstr "Kategori Produk" msgid "OR" msgstr "ATAU" msgid "AND" msgstr "DAN" msgid "Query type" msgstr "Tipe query" msgid "Attribute" msgstr "Atribut" msgid "Filter Products by Attribute" msgstr "Saring Produk menurut Atribut" msgid "Display a list of attributes to filter products in your store." msgstr "Menampilkan daftar atribut untuk menyaring produk di toko Anda." msgid "Min %s" msgstr "Min. %s" msgid "Remove filter" msgstr "Hapus filter" msgid "Active Product Filters" msgstr "Penyaring Produk Aktif" msgid "Display a list of active product filters." msgstr "Menampilkan daftar penyaring produk yang aktif." msgid "Hide if cart is empty" msgstr "Sembunyikan bila keranjang kosong" msgid "Display the customer shopping cart." msgstr "Menampilkan keranjang belanja pelanggan." msgid "Please enter an account password." msgstr "Silakan masukkan nama pengguna akun." msgid "" "An account is already registered with that username. Please choose another." msgstr "Akun dengan nama pengguna tersebut sudah ada. Silakan pilih yang lain." msgid "Please enter a valid account username." msgstr "Silakan masukkan nama pengguna akun yang valid." msgid "" "An account is already registered with your email address. <a href=\"#\" " "class=\"showlogin\">Please log in.</a>" msgstr "" "Sudah ada akun yang terdaftar dengan alamat email Anda. <a href=\"#\" class=" "\"showlogin\">Silakan login.</a>" msgid "Order fully refunded" msgstr "Pengembalian Dana Pesanan Secara Penuh" msgid "Your cart is currently empty." msgstr "Keranjang Anda masih kosong." msgctxt "min_price" msgid "From:" msgstr "Dari:" msgid "Rated %1$s out of 5 based on %2$s customer rating" msgid_plural "Rated %1$s out of 5 based on %2$s customer ratings" msgstr[0] "Dinilai %1$s dari 5 berdasarkan %2$s penilaian pelanggan" msgstr[1] "Dinilai %1$s dari 5 berdasarkan %2$s penilaian pelanggan" msgid "Choose an option" msgstr "Pilih Opsi" msgid "Update country / region" msgstr "Perbarui negara/wilayah" msgid "Place order" msgstr "Buat pesanan" msgctxt "breadcrumb" msgid "Home" msgstr "Beranda" msgid "Reviews (%d)" msgstr "Ulasan (%d)" msgid "Sort by price: high to low" msgstr "Urutkan termahal" msgid "Sort by price: low to high" msgstr "Urutkan termurah" msgid "Sort by latest" msgstr "Urutkan menurut yang terbaru" msgid "Sort by average rating" msgstr "Urutkan penilaian" msgid "Sort by popularity" msgstr "Urutkan terpopuler" msgid "Default sorting" msgstr "Pengurutan default" msgid " – Page %s" msgstr " – Halaman %s" msgid "terms and conditions" msgstr "syarat dan ketentuan" msgid "privacy policy" msgstr "kebijakan privasi" msgid "Checkout is not available whilst your cart is empty." msgstr "Checkout tidak tersedia saat keranjang Anda kosong." msgid "Stock levels increased:" msgstr "Stok ditambah:" msgid "Unable to restore stock for item %s." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengisi stok lagi untuk item %s." msgid "Stock levels reduced:" msgstr "Stok dikurangi:" msgid "Unable to reduce stock for item %s." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengurangi stok untuk item %s." msgid "Invalid image: %s" msgstr "Gambar tidak valid: %s" msgid "Error getting remote image %s." msgstr "Eror mendapatkan gambar remote %s." msgid "Invalid URL %s." msgstr "Url %s tidak valid." msgid "Shop only" msgstr "Hanya Toko" msgid "Shop and search results" msgstr "Hasil penelusuran dan toko" msgid "Variable product" msgstr "Produk variabel" msgid "External/Affiliate product" msgstr "Produk dalam/Produk afiliasi" msgid "Grouped product" msgstr "Produk dikelompokkan" msgid "Simple product" msgstr "Produk simpel" msgctxt "slug" msgid "uncategorized" msgstr "tak-berkategori" msgid "" "%1$s should not be called before the %2$s, %3$s and %4$s actions have " "finished." msgstr "%1$s tidak boleh dipicu sebelum tindakan %2$s, %3$s, dan %4$s selesai." msgid "Unpaid order cancelled - time limit reached." msgstr "Pesanan belum dibayar telah dibatalkan - melewati batas waktu." msgid "" "Order status set to refunded. To return funds to the customer you will need " "to issue a refund through your payment gateway." msgstr "" "Status pesanan disetel ke dana dikembalikan. Untuk mengembalikan dana ke " "pelanggan, Anda perlu memberikan pengembalian dana melalui gerbang " "pembayaran." msgid "Order fully refunded." msgstr "Dana pesanan telah dikembalikan sepenuhnya." msgid "Item #%1$s stock increased from %2$s to %3$s." msgstr "Stok barang #%1$s bertambah dari %2$s ke %3$s." msgid "The payment gateway for this order does not support automatic refunds." msgstr "" "Gateway pembayaran untuk pesanan ini tidak mendukung pengembalian dana " "otomatis." msgid "The payment gateway for this order does not exist." msgstr "Gateway pembayaran untuk pesanan ini tidak ada." msgid "Invalid refund amount." msgstr "Jumlah pengembalian dana tidak valid." msgid "This function should not be called before woocommerce_init." msgstr "Fungsi ini tidak boleh dipanggil sebelum woocommerce_init." msgctxt "Price range: from-to" msgid "%1$s – %2$s" msgstr "%1$s – %2$s" msgid "(can be backordered)" msgstr "(dapat di backorder)" msgid "%s in stock" msgstr "Stok %s" msgid "Only %s left in stock" msgstr "Sisa stok %s" msgid "Fixed product discount" msgstr "Diskon harga tetap" msgid "Fixed cart discount" msgstr "Diskon keranjang tetap" msgid "%1$s should not be called before the %2$s action." msgstr "%1$s tidak boleh dipicu sebelum tindakan %2$s." msgid "The class %1$s provided by %2$s filter must implement %3$s." msgstr "Kelas %1$s yang disediakan oleh penyaring %2$s harus menerapkan %3$s." msgid "Diners" msgstr "Diners" msgid "Visa" msgstr "Visa" msgid "Zambian kwacha" msgstr "Zambian kwacha" msgid "South African rand" msgstr "Rand Afrika Selatan" msgid "Yemeni rial" msgstr "Yemeni rial" msgid "CFP franc" msgstr "CFP franc" msgid "West African CFA franc" msgstr "West African CFA franc" msgid "East Caribbean dollar" msgstr "East Caribbean dollar" msgid "Central African CFA franc" msgstr "Central African CFA franc" msgid "Samoan tālā" msgstr "tālā Samoa" msgid "Vanuatu vatu" msgstr "Vanuatu vatu" msgid "Vietnamese đồng" msgstr "Vietnamese đồng" msgid "Bolívar soberano" msgstr "Bolívar soberano" msgid "Venezuelan bolívar" msgstr "bolívar Venezuela" msgid "Uzbekistani som" msgstr "Uzbekistani som" msgid "Uruguayan peso" msgstr "Uruguayan peso" msgid "United States (US) dollar" msgstr "Dolar Amerika Serikat (US)" msgid "Ugandan shilling" msgstr "Ugandan shilling" msgid "Ukrainian hryvnia" msgstr "Hryvnia Ukraina" msgid "Tanzanian shilling" msgstr "Tanzanian shilling" msgid "New Taiwan dollar" msgstr "New Taiwan dollar" msgid "Trinidad and Tobago dollar" msgstr "Trinidad and Tobago dollar" msgid "Turkish lira" msgstr "Lira Turki" msgid "Tongan paʻanga" msgstr "Tongan paʻanga" msgid "Tunisian dinar" msgstr "Tunisian dinar" msgid "Turkmenistan manat" msgstr "Turkmenistan manat" msgid "Tajikistani somoni" msgstr "Tajikistani somoni" msgid "Thai baht" msgstr "Baht Thailand" msgid "Swazi lilangeni" msgstr "Swazi lilangeni" msgid "Syrian pound" msgstr "Syrian pound" msgid "São Tomé and Príncipe dobra" msgstr "São Tomé and Príncipe dobra" msgid "South Sudanese pound" msgstr "South Sudanese pound" msgid "Surinamese dollar" msgstr "Surinamese dollar" msgid "Somali shilling" msgstr "Somali shilling" msgid "Sierra Leonean leone" msgstr "Sierra Leonean leone" msgid "Saint Helena pound" msgstr "Saint Helena pound" msgid "Singapore dollar" msgstr "Dolar Singapura" msgid "Swedish krona" msgstr "Krona Swedia" msgid "Sudanese pound" msgstr "Sudanese pound" msgid "Seychellois rupee" msgstr "Seychellois rupee" msgid "Solomon Islands dollar" msgstr "Solomon Islands dollar" msgid "Saudi riyal" msgstr "Riyal Saudi" msgid "Rwandan franc" msgstr "Rwandan franc" msgid "Russian ruble" msgstr "Rubel Rusia" msgid "Serbian dinar" msgstr "Serbian dinar" msgid "Romanian leu" msgstr "Leu Rumania" msgid "Qatari riyal" msgstr "Qatari riyal" msgid "Paraguayan guaraní" msgstr "Paraguayan guaraní" msgid "Transnistrian ruble" msgstr "Transnistrian ruble" msgid "Polish złoty" msgstr "Polish złoty" msgid "Pakistani rupee" msgstr "Rupee Pakistan" msgid "Philippine peso" msgstr "Peso Filipina" msgid "Papua New Guinean kina" msgstr "Papua New Guinean kina" msgid "Sol" msgstr "Sol" msgid "Panamanian balboa" msgstr "Panamanian balboa" msgid "Omani rial" msgstr "Omani rial" msgid "New Zealand dollar" msgstr "Dolar Selandia Baru" msgid "Nepalese rupee" msgstr "Nepalese rupee" msgid "Norwegian krone" msgstr "Krona Norwegia" msgid "Nicaraguan córdoba" msgstr "Nicaraguan córdoba" msgid "Nigerian naira" msgstr "Naira Nigeria" msgid "Namibian dollar" msgstr "Namibian dollar" msgid "Mozambican metical" msgstr "Metical Mozambik" msgid "Malaysian ringgit" msgstr "Ringgit Malaysia" msgid "Mexican peso" msgstr "Peso Meksiko" msgid "Malawian kwacha" msgstr "Kwacha Malawi" msgid "Maldivian rufiyaa" msgstr "Maldivian rufiyaa" msgid "Mauritian rupee" msgstr "Rupee Mauritius" msgid "Mauritanian ouguiya" msgstr "Mauritanian ouguiya" msgid "Macanese pataca" msgstr "Macanese pataca" msgid "Mongolian tögrög" msgstr "Tögrög Mongolia" msgid "Burmese kyat" msgstr "Kyat Burma" msgid "Macedonian denar" msgstr "Denar Makedonia" msgid "Malagasy ariary" msgstr "Ariary Malagasi" msgid "Moldovan leu" msgstr "Moldovan leu" msgid "Moroccan dirham" msgstr "Dirham Maroko" msgid "Libyan dinar" msgstr "Libyan dinar" msgid "Lesotho loti" msgstr "Lesotho loti" msgid "Liberian dollar" msgstr "Liberian dollar" msgid "Sri Lankan rupee" msgstr "Rupee Sri Lanka" msgid "Lebanese pound" msgstr "Pound Lebanon" msgid "Lao kip" msgstr "Kip Laos" msgid "Kazakhstani tenge" msgstr "Kazakhstani tenge" msgid "Cayman Islands dollar" msgstr "Cayman Islands dollar" msgid "Kuwaiti dinar" msgstr "Dinar Kuwait" msgid "South Korean won" msgstr "Won Korea Selatan" msgid "North Korean won" msgstr "North Korean won" msgid "Comorian franc" msgstr "Franc Komoro" msgid "Cambodian riel" msgstr "Riel Kamboja" msgid "Kyrgyzstani som" msgstr "Kyrgyzstani som" msgid "Kenyan shilling" msgstr "Shilling Kenya" msgid "Jordanian dinar" msgstr "Dinar Yordania" msgid "Jamaican dollar" msgstr "Jamaican dollar" msgid "Jersey pound" msgstr "Pound Jersey" msgid "Icelandic króna" msgstr "Icelandic króna" msgid "Iranian toman" msgstr "Toman Iran" msgid "Iranian rial" msgstr "Iranian rial" msgid "Iraqi dinar" msgstr "Dinar Irak" msgid "Indian rupee" msgstr "Rupee India" msgid "Manx pound" msgstr "Pound Manx" msgid "Israeli new shekel" msgstr "Shekel baru Israel" msgid "Indonesian rupiah" msgstr "Rupiah Indonesia" msgid "Hungarian forint" msgstr "Forint Hungaria" msgid "Haitian gourde" msgstr "Gourde Haiti" msgid "Croatian kuna" msgstr "Kroasia kuna" msgid "Honduran lempira" msgstr "Lempira Honduras" msgid "Hong Kong dollar" msgstr "Dolar Hong Kong" msgid "Guyanese dollar" msgstr "Guyanese dollar" msgid "Guatemalan quetzal" msgstr "Quetzal Guatemala" msgid "Guinean franc" msgstr "Guinean franc" msgid "Gambian dalasi" msgstr "Dalasi Gambia" msgid "Gibraltar pound" msgstr "Pound Gibraltar" msgid "Ghana cedi" msgstr "Cedi Ghana" msgid "Guernsey pound" msgstr "Guernsey pound" msgid "Georgian lari" msgstr "Lari Georgia" msgid "Pound sterling" msgstr "Pound Sterling" msgid "Falkland Islands pound" msgstr "Falkland Islands pound" msgid "Fijian dollar" msgstr "Dollar Fiji" msgid "Euro" msgstr "Euro" msgid "Ethiopian birr" msgstr "Ethiopian birr" msgid "Eritrean nakfa" msgstr "Eritrean nakfa" msgid "Egyptian pound" msgstr "Pound Mesir" msgid "Algerian dinar" msgstr "Algerian dinar" msgid "Dominican peso" msgstr "Peso Dominika" msgid "Danish krone" msgstr "Krona Denmark" msgid "Djiboutian franc" msgstr "Djiboutian franc" msgid "Czech koruna" msgstr "Koruna Ceko" msgid "Cape Verdean escudo" msgstr "Cape Verdean escudo" msgid "Cuban peso" msgstr "Peso Kuba" msgid "Cuban convertible peso" msgstr "Cuban convertible peso" msgid "Costa Rican colón" msgstr "Kolón Kosta Rika" msgid "Colombian peso" msgstr "Peso Kolombia" msgid "Chinese yuan" msgstr "Yuan Cina" msgid "Chilean peso" msgstr "Peso Chili" msgid "Swiss franc" msgstr "Franc Swiss" msgid "Congolese franc" msgstr "Franc Kongo" msgid "Canadian dollar" msgstr "Dolar Kanada" msgid "Belize dollar" msgstr "Belize dollar" msgid "Belarusian ruble" msgstr "Belarusian ruble" msgid "Belarusian ruble (old)" msgstr "Rubel Belarusia (lama)" msgid "Botswana pula" msgstr "Pula Botswana" msgid "Bhutanese ngultrum" msgstr "Ngultrum Bhutan" msgid "Bitcoin" msgstr "Bitcoin" msgid "Bahamian dollar" msgstr "Dollar Bahama" msgid "Brazilian real" msgstr "Real Brasil" msgid "Bolivian boliviano" msgstr "Bolivian boliviano" msgid "Brunei dollar" msgstr "Brunei dollar" msgid "Bermudian dollar" msgstr "Bermudian dollar" msgid "Burundian franc" msgstr "Franc Burundi" msgid "Bahraini dinar" msgstr "Dinar Bahrain" msgid "Bulgarian lev" msgstr "Lev Bulgaria" msgid "Bangladeshi taka" msgstr "Taka Bangladesh" msgid "Barbadian dollar" msgstr "Barbadian dollar" msgid "Bosnia and Herzegovina convertible mark" msgstr "Bosnia and Herzegovina convertible mark" msgid "Azerbaijani manat" msgstr "Manat Azerbaijan" msgid "Aruban florin" msgstr "Aruban florin" msgid "Australian dollar" msgstr "Dolar Australia" msgid "Argentine peso" msgstr "Peso Argentina" msgid "Angolan kwanza" msgstr "Kwanza Angola" msgid "Netherlands Antillean guilder" msgstr "Netherlands Antillean guilder" msgid "Armenian dram" msgstr "Armenian dram" msgid "Albanian lek" msgstr "Albanian lek" msgid "Afghan afghani" msgstr "Afghan afghani" msgid "United Arab Emirates dirham" msgstr "Dirham United Emirates Arab " msgid "action_args should not be overwritten when calling wc_get_template." msgstr "action_args tidak boleh ditimpa saat memanggil wc_get_template." msgid "%s does not exist." msgstr "%s tidak ada." msgid "Invalid products in request body." msgstr "Produk tidak valid dalam isi permintaan." msgid "Missing products in request body." msgstr "Produk kosong dalam isi permintaan." msgid "Server requirements not met, missing requirement(s): %s." msgstr "" "Persyaratan server belum terpenuhi, persyaratan yang belum dipenuhi: %s." msgid "Unknown product filename." msgstr "Nama file produk tidak diketahui." msgid "Could not find unpacked path." msgstr "Tidak dapat menemukan jalur tidak berpaket." msgid "Could not find download path." msgstr "Tidak dapat menemukan jalur unduhan." msgid "Could not find download url for the product." msgstr "Tidak dapat menemukan url unduhan untuk produk tersebut." msgid "Could not find product package." msgstr "Tidak dapat menemukan paket produk." msgid "Missing product subscription" msgstr "Langganan produk tidak ada" msgid "Failed to retrieve product info from" msgstr "Gagal mengambil info produk dari" msgid "[Remove]" msgstr "[Hapus]" msgid "Free shipping coupon" msgstr "Kupon pengiriman gratis" msgctxt "shipping packages" msgid "Shipping" msgstr "Pengiriman" msgctxt "shipping packages" msgid "Shipping %d" msgstr "Pengiriman %d" msgid "Continue shopping" msgstr "Lanjutkan Berbelanja" msgid "%s has been added to your cart." msgid_plural "%s have been added to your cart." msgstr[0] "%s telah ditambahkan ke keranjang Anda." msgstr[1] "" msgid "This product is protected and cannot be purchased." msgstr "Produk ini dilindungi dan tidak dapat dibeli." msgid "Could not update the attribute." msgstr "Tidak dapat menyunting atribut." msgid "Please, provide an attribute name." msgstr "Harap berikan nama atribut." msgctxt "edit-address-slug" msgid "shipping" msgstr "Pengiriman" msgctxt "edit-address-slug" msgid "billing" msgstr "Penagihan" msgid "" "Sorry, the order could not be found. Please contact us if you are having " "difficulty finding your order details." msgstr "" "Maaf, pesanan tidak dapat ditemukan. Silakan hubungi kami jika mengalami " "kesulitan menemukan detail pesanan Anda." msgid "Please enter a valid order ID" msgstr "Silakan masukkan ID pesanan yang valid" msgid "" "This key is invalid or has already been used. Please reset your password " "again if needed." msgstr "" "Kunci ini tidak valid atau sudah digunakan. Reset lagi kata sandi Anda jika " "perlu." msgid "Invalid username or email." msgstr "Nama pengguna atau e-mail tidak valid." msgid "" "Are you sure you want to log out? <a href=\"%s\">Confirm and log out</a>" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin logout? <a href=\"%s\">Konfirmasi dan logout</a>" msgid "Your password has been reset successfully." msgstr "Kata sandi Anda berhasil disetel ulang." msgid "" "The order totals have been updated. Please confirm your order by pressing " "the \"Place order\" button at the bottom of the page." msgstr "" "Total pesanan telah diperbarui. Silakan konfirmasi pesanan Anda dengan " "menekan tombol \"Buat Pesanan\" di bawah halaman ini." msgid "" "Sorry, \"%s\" is no longer in stock so this order cannot be paid for. We " "apologize for any inconvenience caused." msgstr "" "Maaf, stok \"%s\" tidak tersedia sehingga pesanan ini tidak bisa dibayar. " "Mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanan yang ditimbulkan." msgid "" "This order’s status is “%s”—it cannot be paid for. " "Please contact us if you need assistance." msgstr "" "Status pesanan ini adalah “%s” — pesanan ini tidak dapat " "dibayar. Silakan hubungi kami jika Anda memerlukan bantuan." msgid "" "This order cannot be paid for. Please contact us if you need assistance." msgstr "" "Pesanan ini tidak dapat dibayar. Hubungi kami jika Anda membutuhkan bantuan." msgid "" "You are paying for a guest order. Please continue with payment only if you " "recognize this order." msgstr "" "Anda membayar untuk pesanan sebagai tamu. Harap lanjutkan pembayaran hanya " "jika Anda mengenali pesanan ini." msgid "Please log in to your account below to continue to the payment form." msgstr "" "Silakan login ke akun Anda di bawah ini untuk melanjutkan ke formulir " "pembayaran." msgid "Sorry, this order is invalid and cannot be paid for." msgstr "Maaf, pesanan ini tidak valid dan tidak dapat dibayar." msgid "Shipping costs updated." msgstr "Biaya pengiriman diperbarui." msgid "Optional cost for local pickup." msgstr "Biaya tambahan untuk penjemputan lokal." msgid "" "Allow customers to pick up orders themselves. By default, when using local " "pickup store base taxes will apply regardless of customer address." msgstr "" "Izinkan konsumen mengambil barang sendiri. Secara standar, saat memakai " "pengambilan lokal, pajak dasar toko akan berlaku, terlepas dari alamat " "konsumen." msgid "What ZIP/post codes are available for local pickup?" msgstr "Kodepos mana saja yang disediakan untuk pengambilan lokal?" msgid "Local pickup" msgstr "Pengambilan lokal" msgid "Local pickup (legacy)" msgstr "Penjemputan lokal (legacy)" msgid "" "Separate codes with a comma. Accepts wildcards, e.g. <code>P*</code> will " "match a postcode of PE30. Also accepts a pattern, e.g. <code>NG1___</code> " "would match NG1 1AA but not NG10 1AA" msgstr "" "Pisahkan dengan koma. Wildcard diterima, misal <code>P*</code> akan cocok " "dengan PE30. Juga menerima pola, misal <code>NG1___</code> akan cocok dengan " "NG1 1AA tetapi tidak cocok dengan NG10 1AA" msgid "What ZIP/post codes are available for local delivery?" msgstr "Kode pos apa saja yang tersedia untuk pengiriman lokal?" msgid "Allowed ZIP/post codes" msgstr "Kode pos yang diizinkan" msgid "" "What fee do you want to charge for local delivery, disregarded if you choose " "free. Leave blank to disable." msgstr "" "Berapa biaya yang ingin Anda bebankan untuk pengiriman lokal, diabaikan jika " "Anda memilih gratis. Biarkan kosong untuk menonaktifkan." msgid "Delivery fee" msgstr "Biaya Pengiriman" msgid "Fixed amount per product" msgstr "Nilai tetap per produk" msgid "Percentage of cart total" msgstr "Persentase total keranjang" msgid "Fixed amount" msgstr "Nilai tetap" msgid "How to calculate delivery charges" msgstr "Bagaimana cara menghitung biaya pengiriman" msgid "Fee type" msgstr "Tipe biaya" msgid "Local delivery" msgstr "Pengiriman lokal" msgid "Local delivery (legacy)" msgstr "Pengiriman lokal (legacy)" msgid "Excluding selected countries" msgstr "Kecuali negara yang dipilih" msgid "Selected countries" msgstr "Pilih negara" msgid "International flat rate (legacy)" msgstr "Tarif flat internasional (legacy)" msgid "Method availability" msgstr "Metode yang ada" msgid "Free shipping (legacy)" msgstr "Pengiriman gratis (legacy)" msgid "" "Option name | Additional cost [+- Percents%] | Per cost type (order, class, " "or item)" msgstr "" "Nama Pilihan | Biaya Tambahan [+- Persen%] | Tipe Per Biaya (pesanan, kelas, " "atau produk)" msgid "" "One per line: Option name | Additional cost [+- Percents] | Per cost type " "(order, class, or item) Example: <code>Priority mail | 6.95 [+ 0.2%] | " "order</code>." msgstr "" "Satu per baris: Nama Pilihan | Biaya Tambahan [+- Persen] | Tipe Per Biaya " "(pesanan, kelas, atau produk) Contoh: <code>Surat prioritas | 6.95 [+ 0.2%] " "| pesanan</code>." msgid "" "These rates are extra shipping options with additional costs (based on the " "flat rate)." msgstr "" "Tarif ini merupakan pengaturan tambahan pengiriman dengan biaya tambahan " "(berdasarkan tarif flat)." msgid "Additional rates" msgstr "Tarif tambahan" msgid "Select some countries" msgstr "Pilih beberapa negara" msgid "Specific countries" msgstr "Negara tertentu" msgid "Specific Countries" msgstr "Negara Tertentu" msgid "All allowed countries" msgstr "Izinkan semua negara" msgid "Availability" msgstr "Ketersediaan" msgid "Once disabled, this legacy method will no longer be available." msgstr "Jika dinonaktifkan, metode legacy ini tidak akan tersedia lagi." msgid "" "Supports the following placeholders: <code>[qty]</code> = number of items, " "<code>[cost]</code> = cost of items, <code>[fee percent=\"10\" min_fee=" "\"20\"]</code> = Percentage based fee." msgstr "" "Mendukung placeholder berikut: <code>[qty]</code> = jumlah item, " "<code>[cost]</code> = harga item, <code>[fee percent=\"10\" min_fee=\"20\"]</" "code> = biaya berdasar persentase." msgid "" "This method is deprecated in 2.6.0 and will be removed in future versions - " "we recommend disabling it and instead setting up a new rate within your <a " "href=\"%s\">Shipping zones</a>." msgstr "" "Metode ini dihentikan di 2.6.0 dan akan dihapus di versi berikut - kami " "sarankan untuk dimatikan dan segera mengatur tarif baru dalam <a href=\"%s" "\">Zona Pengiriman</a> Anda" msgid "Flat rate (legacy)" msgstr "Tarif flat (lawas)" msgid "" "If checked, free shipping would be available based on pre-discount order " "amount." msgstr "" "Jika dicentang, pengiriman gratis akan tersedia berdasarkan jumlah pesanan " "pradiskon." msgid "Apply minimum order rule before coupon discount" msgstr "Terapkan peraturan pemesanan minimum sebelum diskon kupon" msgid "Coupons discounts" msgstr "Kupon diskon" msgid "" "Users will need to spend this amount to get free shipping (if enabled above)." msgstr "" "Pengguna diperlukan berbelanja sejumlah ini untuk mendapatkan pengiriman " "gratis (jika pengiriman gratis diaktifkan)." msgid "" "Free shipping is a special method which can be triggered with coupons and " "minimum spends." msgstr "" "Gratis Ongkir adalah metode spesial yang mana bisa digunakan dengan kupon " "dan pembelanjaan minimum." msgid "Per order: Charge shipping for the most expensive shipping class" msgstr "" "Per pesanan: Tetapkan biaya pengiriman untuk kelas pengiriman paling mahal" msgid "Per class: Charge shipping for each shipping class individually" msgstr "" "Per kelas: Tetapkan biaya pengiriman untuk setiap kelas pengiriman secara " "terpisah" msgid "Calculation type" msgstr "Tipe Perhitungan" msgid "No shipping class cost" msgstr "Tidak Ada Biaya Kelas Pengiriman" msgid "\"%s\" shipping class cost" msgstr "\"%s\" Biaya Kelas Pengiriman" msgid "" "These costs can optionally be added based on the <a href=\"%s\">product " "shipping class</a>." msgstr "" "Biaya ini secara opsional dapat ditambahkan berdasarkan <a href=\"%s\">kelas " "pengiriman produk</a>" msgid "Free shipping" msgstr "Pengiriman gratis" msgid "Shipping class costs" msgstr "Biaya Kelas Pengiriman" msgid "Method title" msgstr "Judul Metode" msgid "" "Use <code>[qty]</code> for the number of items, <br/><code>[cost]</code> for " "the total cost of items, and <code>[fee percent=\"10\" min_fee=\"20\" " "max_fee=\"\"]</code> for percentage based fees." msgstr "" "Gunakan <code>[qty]</code> untuk jumlah item, <br/><code>[cost]</code> untuk " "total biaya item, dan <code>[fee percent=\"10\" min_fee=\"20\" max_fee=" "\"\"]</code> untuk biaya berdasarkan persentase." msgid "Enter a cost (excl. tax) or sum, e.g. <code>10.00 * [qty]</code>." msgstr "Masukkan harga (tanpa pajak), Cth <code>10.00 * [qty]</code>." msgid "Lets you charge a fixed rate for shipping." msgstr "Anda dapat mengenakan tarif pengiriman tetap." msgid "Flat rate" msgstr "Tarif tetap" msgid "Default product category cannot be deleted." msgstr "Kategori produk asal tidak dapat dihapus." msgid "Taxonomy does not exist." msgstr "Taksonomi tidak ada." msgid "Shipping is disabled." msgstr "Pengiriman dinonaktifkan." msgid "An identifier for the group this setting belongs to." msgstr "Pengenal untuk grup dengan pengaturan ini." msgid "Attributes totals." msgstr "Total atribut." msgid "Tags totals." msgstr "Total tag." msgid "Categories totals." msgstr "Total kategori." msgid "Reviews totals." msgstr "Total ulasan." msgid "Coupons totals." msgstr "Total kupon." msgid "Customers totals." msgstr "Total pelanggan." msgid "Products totals." msgstr "Total produk." msgid "Orders totals." msgstr "Total pesanan." msgid "Amount of reviews." msgstr "Jumlah ulasan." msgid "Review type name." msgstr "Nama jenis ulasan." msgid "Amount of products." msgstr "Jumlah produk." msgid "Product type name." msgstr "Nama jenis produk." msgid "Amount of orders." msgstr "Jumlah pesanan." msgid "Order status name." msgstr "Nama status pesanan." msgid "Amount of customers." msgstr "Jumlah pelanggan." msgid "Customer type name." msgstr "Nama jenis pelanggan." msgid "Non-paying customer" msgstr "Pelanggan tidak membayar" msgid "Paying customer" msgstr "Pelanggan membayar" msgid "Amount of coupons." msgstr "Jumlah kupon." msgid "Coupon type name." msgstr "Nama jenis kupon." msgid "Variation status." msgstr "Status variasi." msgid "Cannot set attributes due to invalid parent product." msgstr "Tidak dapat menetapkan atribut karena produk induk tidak valid." msgid "Limit result set to products with specified stock status." msgstr "Membatasi rangkaian hasil ke produk dengan status stok tertentu." msgid "Controls the stock status of the product." msgstr "Mengatur status stok produk." msgid "Invalid review ID." msgstr "ID ulasan tidak valid." msgid "Limit result set to that from a specific author email." msgstr "" "Membatasi rangkaian hasil khusus yang berasal dari email penulis tertentu." msgid "Ensure result set excludes reviews assigned to specific user IDs." msgstr "" "Pastikan rangkaian hasil tidak mencakup ulasan yang ditetapkan untuk ID " "pengguna tertentu." msgid "Avatar URLs for the object reviewer." msgstr "URL avatar untuk pemberi ulasan objek." msgid "Status of the review." msgstr "Status tinjauan." msgid "Unique identifier for the product that the review belongs to." msgstr "Pengenal unik untuk produk yang menerima ulasan." msgid "The object cannot be deleted." msgstr "Objek tidak dapat dihapus." msgid "The object has already been trashed." msgstr "Obyek tersebut telah dihapus." msgid "The object does not support trashing. Set '%s' to delete." msgstr "Objek tidak mendukung pembuangan. Tetapkan '%s' untuk menghapus." msgid "Updating review failed." msgstr "Gagal memperbarui ulasan." msgid "Updating review status failed." msgstr "Gagal memperbarui status ulasan." msgid "Product review field exceeds maximum length allowed." msgstr "Bidang ulasan produk melebihi panjang maksimum yang diizinkan." msgid "Invalid review content." msgstr "Konten tinjauan tidak valid." msgid "Cannot create existing product review." msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat ulasan produk yang sudah ada." msgid "" "Limit response to reviews published before a given ISO8601 compliant date." msgstr "" "Membatasi tanggapan khusus ulasan yang diterbitkan sebelum tanggal berlaku " "ISO8601 yang telah ditentukan." msgid "Unique identifier for the product." msgstr "Pengidentifikasi unik untuk produk tersebut." msgid "Supported features for this payment gateway." msgstr "Fitur yang didukung untuk gateway pembayaran ini." msgid "Limit result set to orders which have specific statuses." msgstr "" "Batasi kumpulan hasil agar hanya menampilkan pesanan dengan status tertentu." msgid "" "If true, this note will be attributed to the current user. If false, the " "note will be attributed to the system." msgstr "" "Jika benar, catatan ini akan dikaitkan dengan pengguna yang sekarang. Jika " "salah, catatan ini akan dikaitkan dengan sistem." msgid "Order note author." msgstr "Penulis catatan pesanan." msgid "Full name of currency." msgstr "Nama lengkap mata uang." msgid "There are no currencies matching these parameters." msgstr "Tidak ada mata uang yang cocok dengan parameter ini." msgid "ISO4217 currency code." msgstr "Kode mata uang ISO4217." msgid "Data resource description." msgstr "Deskripsi sumber data." msgid "Data resource ID." msgstr "ID sumber data." msgid "List of supported currencies." msgstr "Daftar mata uang yang didukung." msgid "List of supported states in a given country." msgstr "Daftar negara bagian yang didukung di negara yang ditentukan." msgid "List of supported continents, countries, and states." msgstr "Daftar benua, negara, dan negara bagian yang didukung." msgid "The unit weights are defined in for this country." msgstr "Berat unit telah ditentukan untuk negara ini." msgid "Thousands separator for displayed prices in this country." msgstr "Pemisah nominal ribuan untuk tampilan harga di negara ini." msgid "Full name of state." msgstr "Nama lengkap negara bagian." msgid "List of states in this country." msgstr "Daftar negara bagian di negara ini." msgid "Number of decimal points shown in displayed prices for this country." msgstr "" "Angka poin desimal yang ditunjukkan pada tampilan harga untuk negara ini." msgid "Full name of country." msgstr "Nama lengkap negara." msgid "The unit lengths are defined in for this country." msgstr "Panjang unit telah ditentukan untuk negara ini." msgid "Decimal separator for displayed prices for this country." msgstr "Pemisah desimal untuk tampilan harga negara ini." msgid "Currency symbol position for this country." msgstr "Posisi simbol mata uang untuk negara ini." msgid "Default ISO4127 alpha-3 currency code for the country." msgstr "Kode mata uang 3 huruf asal ISO4127 untuk negara ini." msgid "ISO3166 alpha-2 country code." msgstr "Kode negara 2 huruf ISO3166." msgid "List of countries on this continent." msgstr "Daftar negara di benua ini." msgid "Full name of continent." msgstr "Nama lengkap benua." msgid "There are no locations matching these parameters." msgstr "Tidak ada lokasi yang cocok dengan parameter ini." msgid "2 character continent code." msgstr "Kode benua 2 karakter." msgid "List of delete resources." msgstr "Daftar sumber yang dihapus." msgid "List of updated resources." msgstr "Daftar sumber yang diperbarui." msgid "List of created resources." msgstr "Daftar sumber yang dibuat." msgid "The date the webhook was last modified, as GMT." msgstr "Tanggal webhook terakhir diubah, waktu GMT." msgid "The date the webhook was created, as GMT." msgstr "Tanggal pembuatan webhook, waktu GMT." msgid "The date the webhook delivery was logged, as GMT." msgstr "Tanggal pengiriman webhook dicatat, waktu GMT." msgctxt "Page setting" msgid "Terms and conditions" msgstr "Syarat dan ketentuan" msgctxt "Page setting" msgid "My account" msgstr "Akun saya" msgctxt "Page setting" msgid "Checkout" msgstr "Checkout" msgctxt "Page setting" msgid "Cart" msgstr "Keranjang" msgctxt "Page setting" msgid "Shop base" msgstr "Basis toko" msgid "cURL installed but unable to retrieve version." msgstr "cURL diinstal tetapi tidak dapat mengambil versi." msgid "Total post count." msgstr "Total jumlah pos." msgid "WooCommerce pages." msgstr "Halaman WooCommerce." msgid "Hide errors from visitors?" msgstr "Sembunyikan error dari pengunjung?" msgid "Terms in the product visibility taxonomy." msgstr "Istilah di taksonomi keterlihatan produk." msgid "Taxonomy terms for product/order statuses." msgstr "Taksonomi term untuk status produk/pesanan." msgid "Geolocation enabled?" msgstr "Geolokasi diaktifkan?" msgid "Number of decimals." msgstr "Jumlah desimal." msgid "Decimal separator." msgstr "Pemisah desimal." msgid "Thousand separator." msgstr "Pemisah nominal ribuan." msgid "Currency symbol." msgstr "Simbol mata uang." msgid "SSL forced?" msgstr "SSL diterapkan?" msgid "REST API enabled?" msgstr "REST API diaktifkan?" msgid "Parent theme author URL." msgstr "URL pembuat tema induk." msgid "Parent theme version." msgstr "Versi tema induk." msgid "Parent theme name." msgstr "Nama tema induk." msgid "Template overrides." msgstr "Template ditimpa." msgid "Does this theme have outdated templates?" msgstr "Apakah tema ini memiliki template usang?" msgid "Does the theme have a woocommerce.php file?" msgstr "Apakah tema tersebut memiliki file woocommerce.php?" msgid "Does the theme declare WooCommerce support?" msgstr "Apakah tema tersebut mendeklarasikan dukungan WooCommerce?" msgid "Is this theme a child theme?" msgstr "Apakah tema ini tema turunan?" msgid "Theme author URL." msgstr "URL pembuat tema" msgid "Latest version of theme." msgstr "Versi tema terbaru." msgid "Security." msgstr "Keamanan" msgid "Theme version." msgstr "Versi tema" msgid "Theme name." msgstr "Nama tema" msgid "Dropins & MU plugins." msgstr "Drop-in & plugin MU." msgid "Currency position." msgstr "Posisi mata uang." msgid "Inactive plugins." msgstr "Plugin tidak aktif." msgid "Active plugins." msgstr "Plugin aktif." msgid "Database tables." msgstr "Tabel database" msgid "Currency." msgstr "Mata uang." msgid "MaxMind GeoIP database." msgstr "Database MaxMind GeoIP." msgid "Settings." msgstr "Pengaturan" msgid "WC database version." msgstr "Versi database WC." msgid "Remote GET response." msgstr "Respon GET remote." msgid "Remote GET successful?" msgstr "GET remote berhasil?" msgid "Remote POST response." msgstr "Respon POST remote." msgid "Remote POST successful?" msgstr "POST remote berhasil?" msgid "Is mbstring enabled?" msgstr "Apakah mbstring diaktifkan?" msgid "Is GZip enabled?" msgstr "Apakah GZip diaktifkan?" msgid "Is DomDocument class enabled?" msgstr "Apakah kelas DomDocument diaktifkan?" msgid "Is SoapClient class enabled?" msgstr "Apakah kelas SoapClient diaktifkan?" msgid "Is fsockopen/cURL enabled?" msgstr "Apakah fsockopen/cURL diaktifkan?" msgid "Default timezone." msgstr "Zona waktu default." msgid "MySQL version string." msgstr "String versi MySQL." msgid "MySQL version." msgstr "Versi MySQL." msgid "Max upload size." msgstr "Ukuran unggahan maksimal." msgid "Theme." msgstr "Tema." msgid "PHP max input vars." msgstr "Variabel input maks. PHP." msgid "Database prefix." msgstr "Prefiks database." msgid "PHP max execution time." msgstr "Waktu eksekusi maks. PHP." msgid "Database." msgstr "Basis Data" msgid "Server info." msgstr "Info server." msgid "WordPress language." msgstr "Bahasa WordPress." msgid "Are WordPress cron jobs enabled?" msgstr "Apakah tugas cron WordPress diaktifkan?" msgid "cURL version." msgstr "Versi cURL" msgid "Is WordPress debug mode active?" msgstr "Apakah mode debug WordPress diaktifkan?" msgid "PHP post max size." msgstr "PHP post max size" msgid "PHP version." msgstr "Versi PHP" msgid "WordPress memory limit." msgstr "Batas memori WordPress." msgid "Is WordPress multisite?" msgstr "Apakah WordPress multisitus?" msgid "Is log directory writable?" msgstr "Apakah direktori log dapat ditulis?" msgid "Log directory." msgstr "Direktori log." msgid "WooCommerce version." msgstr "Versi WooCommerce." msgid "Home URL." msgstr "URL beranda." msgid "Environment." msgstr "Lingkungan." msgid "There was an error calling this tool. There is no callback present." msgstr "Ada error saat memanggil alat ini. Tidak ada panggilan balik." msgid "WordPress version." msgstr "Versi WordPress." msgid "Tool ran." msgstr "Alat dijalankan." msgid "There was an error calling %s" msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat memanggil %s" msgid "Verifying database... One or more tables are still missing: " msgstr "Memverifikasi database... Satu atau lebih tabel masih tidak ada:" msgid "Database verified successfully." msgstr "Database berhasil diverifikasi." msgid "You need WooCommerce 4.2 or newer to run this tool." msgstr "" "Anda membutuhkan WooCommerce versi 4.2 atau versi yang lebih baru untuk " "menjalankan alat ini." msgid "" "The active version of WooCommerce does not support template cache clearing." msgstr "Versi aktif WooCommerce tidak mendukung penghapusan cache template." msgid "Template cache cleared." msgstr "Cache template dihapus." msgid "Database upgrade routine has been scheduled to run in the background." msgstr "" "Rutinitas upgrade database telah dijadwalkan untuk berjalan di latar " "belakang." msgid "Thumbnail regeneration has been scheduled to run in the background." msgstr "" "Pembuatan ulang gambar mini telah dijadwalkan untuk berjalan di latar " "belakang." msgid "Tax rates successfully deleted" msgstr "Tarif pajak berhasil dihapus" msgid "All missing WooCommerce pages successfully installed" msgstr "Semua halaman WooCommerce yang hilang berhasil diinstal" msgid "Deleted all active sessions, and %d saved carts." msgstr "Semua sesi yang aktif telah dihapus, dan %d keranjang tersimpan." msgid "Terms successfully recounted" msgstr "Term berhasil dihitung ulang" msgid "Roles successfully reset" msgstr "Peran pengguna berhasil diatur ulang" msgid "Lookup tables are regenerating" msgstr "Tabel pencarian sedang dibuat ulang" msgid "%d permissions deleted" msgstr "%d izin dihapus" msgid "%d orphaned variations deleted" msgstr "%d variasi tanpa induk dihapus" msgid "%d transients rows cleared" msgstr "%d Baris Transien Telah Dihapus" msgid "Product transients cleared" msgstr "Transien Produk Telah Dihapus" msgid "Tool return message." msgstr "Pesan pengembalian alat." msgid "Did the tool run successfully?" msgstr "Apakah alat berhasil dijalankan?" msgid "Tool description." msgstr "Deskripsi alat." msgid "What running the tool will do." msgstr "Apa yang akan terjadi ketika menjalankan alat." msgid "Tool name." msgstr "Nama alat." msgid "A unique identifier for the tool." msgstr "Pengenal unik untuk alat." msgid "Invalid tool ID." msgstr "ID instrumen tidak valid." msgid "Verify if all base database tables are present." msgstr "Verifikasi apakah semua tabel database dasar sudah ada." msgid "Verify database" msgstr "Verifikasi database" msgid "Verify base database tables" msgstr "Verifikasi tabel database dasar" msgid "" "This tool will update your WooCommerce database to the latest version. " "Please ensure you make sufficient backups before proceeding." msgstr "" "Alat ini akan memperbarui database WooCommerce Anda ke versi terbaru. " "Pastikan Anda membuat cadangan yang mencukupi sebelum melanjutkan." msgid "" "This will regenerate all shop thumbnails to match your theme and/or image " "settings." msgstr "" "Tindakan ini akan membuat ulang semua gambar mini toko agar sesuai dengan " "tema dan/atau pengaturan gambar." msgid "Regenerate shop thumbnails" msgstr "Buat ulang gambar mini toko" msgid "" "This option will delete ALL of your tax rates, use with caution. This action " "cannot be reversed." msgstr "" "Pilihan ini akan menghapus SEMUA tarif pajak Anda, gunakan dengan berhati-" "hati. Tindakan ini tidak dapat dibatalkan." msgid "Delete tax rates" msgstr "Hapus tarif pajak" msgid "Delete WooCommerce tax rates" msgstr "Hapus tarif pajak WooCommerce" msgid "" "This tool will install all the missing WooCommerce pages. Pages already " "defined and set up will not be replaced." msgstr "" "Alat ini akan menginstal semua halaman WooCommerce yang tidak ada. Halaman " "yang sudah didefinisikan dan disiapkan tidak akan digantikan." msgid "Create default WooCommerce pages" msgstr "Buat halaman WooCommerce asal" msgid "This tool will empty the template cache." msgstr "Alat ini akan mengosongkan cache template." msgid "Clear template cache" msgstr "Hapus cache template" msgid "" "This tool will delete all customer session data from the database, including " "current carts and saved carts in the database." msgstr "" "Alat ini akan menghapus semua data sesi pelanggan dari database, termasuk " "keranjang saat ini dan keranjang yang disimpan dalam database." msgid "Clear customer sessions" msgstr "Hapus sesi pelanggan" msgid "" "This tool will reset the admin, customer and shop_manager roles to default. " "Use this if your users cannot access all of the WooCommerce admin pages." msgstr "" "Alat ini akan mengatur ulang peran admin, pelanggan, dan shop_manager ke " "standar. Gunakan ini jika pengguna Anda tidak dapat mengakses semua halaman " "admin WooCommerce." msgid "" "This tool will recount product terms - useful when changing your settings in " "a way which hides products from the catalog." msgstr "" "Alat ini akan menghitung ulang term produk - berguna ketika mengubah " "pengaturan Anda dengan cara yang menyembunyikan produk dari katalog." msgid "Term counts" msgstr "Jumlah term" msgid "" "This tool will regenerate product lookup table data. This process may take a " "while." msgstr "" "Alat ini akan membuat ulang data tabel pencarian produk. Proses ini dapat " "memerlukan waktu beberapa saat." msgid "Product lookup tables" msgstr "Tabel pencarian produk" msgid "" "This tool will delete expired download permissions and permissions with 0 " "remaining downloads." msgstr "" "Alat ini akan menghapus izin dan izin unduhan yang kadaluwarsa dengan 0 " "unduhan tersisa." msgid "Clean up download permissions" msgstr "Bersihkan izin unduhan" msgid "Used-up download permissions" msgstr "Izin unduhan yang digunakan" msgid "This tool will delete all variations which have no parent." msgstr "Alat ini akan menghapus semua variasi yang tidak memiliki induk." msgid "Delete orphaned variations" msgstr "Hapus variasi tanpa induk" msgid "Orphaned variations" msgstr "Variasi tanpa induk" msgid "This tool will clear ALL expired transients from WordPress." msgstr "" "Alat ini akan menghapus SEMUA transien yang kedaluwarsa dari WordPress." msgid "Expired transients" msgstr "Transien Kedaluwarsa" msgid "This tool will clear the product/shop transients cache." msgstr "Alat ini akan menghapus cache transien produk/toko." msgid "Clear transients" msgstr "Bersihkan transient" msgid "WooCommerce transients" msgstr "Transien WooCommerce" msgid "Shipping zones do not support trashing." msgstr "Zona pengiriman tidak mendukung pembuangan." msgid "" "Resource cannot be created. Check to make sure 'order' and 'name' are " "present." msgstr "" "Resource tidak bisa dibuat. Periksa untuk memastikan 'urutan' dan 'nama' ada." msgid "Shipping method settings." msgstr "Pengaturan metode pengiriman." msgid "Shipping method enabled status." msgstr "Status aktif metode pengiriman." msgid "Shipping method sort order." msgstr "Urutan sortir metode pengiriman." msgid "Shipping method customer facing title." msgstr "Judul metode pengiriman yang dilihat pelanggan." msgid "Shipping method instance ID." msgstr "ID item metode pengiriman." msgid "Shipping methods do not support trashing." msgstr "Metode pengiriman tidak mendukung pembuangan." msgid "Resource cannot be created." msgstr "Resource tidak bisa dibuat." msgid "Unique ID for the instance." msgstr "ID unik untuk item." msgid "Unique ID for the zone." msgstr "ID unik untuk zona." msgid "Shipping zone location type." msgstr "Jenis lokasi zona pengiriman." msgid "Shipping zone location code." msgstr "Kode lokasi zona pengiriman." msgid "" "The \"locations not covered by your other zones\" zone cannot be updated." msgstr "" "Zona \"lokasi tidak terjangkau oleh zona Anda yang lain\" tidak dapat " "diperbarui." msgid "Unique ID for the resource." msgstr "ID unik untuk sumber daya." msgid "Shipping method description." msgstr "Deskripsi metode pengiriman." msgid "Shipping method title." msgstr "Nama metode pengiriman." msgid "Method ID." msgstr "ID metode." msgid "IDs for settings sub groups." msgstr "ID untuk subgrup pengaturan." msgid "ID of parent grouping." msgstr "ID pembentukan grup induk." msgid "A unique identifier that can be used to link settings together." msgstr "Pengenal unik yang dapat digunakan untuk memadukan link pengaturan." msgid "No setting groups have been registered." msgstr "Tidak ada grup pengaturan yang didaftarkan." msgid "" "Array of options (key value pairs) for inputs such as select, multiselect, " "and radio buttons." msgstr "" "Array pilihan (pasangan nilai kunci) untuk input seperti tombol pilih, pilih " "banyak, dan radio." msgid "Invalid setting." msgstr "Pengaturan tidak valid." msgid "Invalid setting group." msgstr "Grup pengaturan tidak valid." msgid "Settings group ID." msgstr "ID grup pengaturan." msgid "Define if the variation is visible on the product's page." msgstr "Menentukan apakah variasi ditampilkan pada halaman produk." msgid "Variation description." msgstr "Deskripsi variasi." msgid "Parent product does not match current variation." msgstr "Produk induk tidak cocok dengan variasi saat ini." msgid "Limit result set to products based on a maximum price." msgstr "Membatasi rangkaian hasil ke produk berdasarkan harga maksimum." msgid "Limit result set to products based on a minimum price." msgstr "Membatasi rangkaian hasil ke produk berdasarkan harga minimum." msgid "Limit result set to products on sale." msgstr "Membatasi rangkaian hasil ke produk obral." msgid "Limit result set to products in stock or out of stock." msgstr "Membatasi rangkaian hasil ke produk dengan stok tersedia atau habis." msgid "Limit result set to products with a specific tax class." msgstr "Membatasi rangkaian hasil ke produk dengan kelas pajak tertentu." msgid "" "Limit result set to products with a specific attribute. Use the taxonomy " "name/attribute slug." msgstr "" "Batasi hasil yang ditetapkan untuk produk dengan atribut tertentu. Gunakan " "slug nama/atribut taksonomi." msgid "Limit result set to featured products." msgstr "Membatasi rangkaian hasil ke produk unggulan." msgid "" "Limit result set to products with specific SKU(s). Use commas to separate." msgstr "" "Membatasi rangkaian hasil ke produk dengan SKU tertentu. Gunakan koma untuk " "memisahkan." msgid "List of variations IDs." msgstr "Daftar ID variasi." msgid "List of up-sell products IDs." msgstr "Daftar ID produk up-sell." msgid "End date of sale price, as GMT." msgstr "Tanggal berakhir harga obral, waktu GMT." msgid "End date of sale price, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal berakhirnya harga obral, di zona waktu situs." msgid "Start date of sale price, as GMT." msgstr "Tanggal dimulainya harga obral, waktu GMT." msgid "Start date of sale price, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal dimulainya harga obral, di zona waktu situs." msgid "The date the product was last modified, as GMT." msgstr "Tanggal produk terakhir diubah, waktu GMT." msgid "The date the product was created, as GMT." msgstr "Tanggal produk dibuat, waktu GMT." msgid "The date the review was created, as GMT." msgstr "Tanggal pembuatan ulasan, waktu GMT." msgid "The date the image was last modified, as GMT." msgstr "Tanggal gambar terakhir diubah, waktu GMT." msgid "The date the image was created, as GMT." msgstr "Tanggal gambar dibuat, waktu GMT." msgid "Placeholder text to be displayed in text inputs." msgstr "Teks placeholder yang akan ditampilkan di input teks." msgid "Additional help text shown to the user about the setting." msgstr "" "Teks bantuan tambahan yang ditunjukkan kepada pengguna mengenai pengaturan." msgid "Default value for the setting." msgstr "Nilai asal untuk pengaturan." msgid "Setting value." msgstr "Nilai pengaturan." msgid "Type of setting." msgstr "Jenis pengaturan." msgid "A human readable description for the setting used in interfaces." msgstr "" "Deskripsi yang dapat dibaca manusia terkait pengaturan yang digunakan pada " "antarmuka." msgid "A human readable label for the setting used in interfaces." msgstr "" "Label yang dapat dibaca manusia terkait pengaturan yang digunakan pada " "antarmuka." msgid "Payment gateway settings." msgstr "Pengaturan gateway pembayaran." msgid "Payment gateway method description." msgstr "Deskripsi metode gateway pembayaran." msgid "Payment gateway method title." msgstr "Nama metode gateway pembayaran." msgid "Payment gateway enabled status." msgstr "Status aktif gateway pembayaran." msgid "Payment gateway sort order." msgstr "Urutan sortir gateway pembayaran." msgid "Payment gateway description on checkout." msgstr "Deskripsi gateway pembayaran saat checkout." msgid "Payment gateway title on checkout." msgstr "Nama gateway pembayaran saat checkout." msgid "Payment gateway ID." msgstr "ID gateway pembayaran." msgid "An invalid setting value was passed." msgstr "Nilai pengaturan tidak valid diberikan." msgid "Shipping instance ID." msgstr "ID item pengiriman." msgid "The date the order was completed, as GMT." msgstr "Tanggal pesanan diselesaikan, waktu GMT." msgid "The date the order was paid, as GMT." msgstr "Tanggal pesanan dibayar, waktu GMT." msgid "The date the order was last modified, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal pesanan terakhir diubah, sesuai zona waktu situs" msgid "The date the order was created, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal pesanan dibuat, sesuai zona waktu situs" msgid "When true, the payment gateway API is used to generate the refund." msgstr "" "Jika true, API gateway pembayaran digunakan untuk melakukan pengembalian " "dana." msgid "If the payment was refunded via the API." msgstr "Jika pembayaran dikembalikan melalui API." msgid "User ID of user who created the refund." msgstr "ID pengguna dari pengguna yang membuat pengembalian dana." msgid "The date the order refund was created, as GMT." msgstr "Tanggal pengembalian pesanan dibuat, waktu GMT." msgid "Limit result to customers or internal notes." msgstr "Membatasi hasil ke pelanggan atau catatan internal." msgid "" "If true, the note will be shown to customers and they will be notified. If " "false, the note will be for admin reference only." msgstr "" "Jika true, catatan akan ditunjukkan kepada pelanggan dan mereka akan " "diberitahu. Jika false, catatan akan ditujukan untuk referensi admin saja." msgid "The date the order note was created, as GMT." msgstr "Tanggal pembuatan catatan pesanan, waktu GMT." msgid "Order total formatted for locale" msgstr "Total pesanan diformat untuk lokal" msgid "Order Status" msgstr "Status pesanan" msgid "Name of the customer for the order" msgstr "Nama pelanggan untuk pesanan" msgid "URL to edit the order" msgstr "URL untuk menyunting pesanan" msgid "Blog id of the record on the multisite." msgstr "ID blog catatan pada multisitus." msgid "Is the customer a paying customer?" msgstr "Apakah pelanggan tersebut adalah pelanggan yang membayar?" msgid "Customer role." msgstr "Peran pelanggan." msgid "The date the customer was last modified, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal pelanggan terakhir kali diubah, dalam zona waktu situs." msgid "The date the customer was created, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal pelanggan dibuat, dalam zona waktu situs." msgid "The date when download access expires, as GMT." msgstr "Tanggal ketika akses unduh kedaluwarsa, waktu GMT." msgid "Download ID." msgstr "ID unduhan." msgid "Meta ID." msgstr "ID Meta." msgid "Meta data." msgstr "Meta data." msgid "The date the coupon expires, as GMT." msgstr "Tanggal kedaluwarsa kupon, waktu GMT." msgid "The date the coupon expires, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal kedaluwarsa kupon, di zona waktu situs." msgid "The date the coupon was last modified, as GMT." msgstr "Tanggal kupon terakhir diubah, waktu GMT." msgid "The date the coupon was created, as GMT." msgstr "Tanggal kupon dibuat, waktu GMT." msgid "The date the webhook was last modified, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal webhook terakhir kali diubah, di zona waktu situs." msgid "The date the webhook was created, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal pembuatan webhook, di zona waktu situs." msgid "" "Secret key used to generate a hash of the delivered webhook and provided in " "the request headers. This will default to a MD5 hash from the current user's " "ID|username if not provided." msgstr "" "Kunci rahasia yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan hash dari webhook yang " "dikirimkan dan disediakan di header permintaan. Ini akan menjadi hash MD5 " "standar dari ID | nama pengguna saat ini jika tidak disediakan." msgid "The URL where the webhook payload is delivered." msgstr "URL tempat muatan webhook dikirimkan." msgid "WooCommerce action names associated with the webhook." msgstr "Nama tindakan WooCommerce yang terkait dengan webhook." msgid "Webhook event." msgstr "Peristiwa webhook." msgid "Webhook resource." msgstr "Sumber webhook." msgid "Webhook status." msgstr "Status webhook." msgid "A friendly name for the webhook." msgstr "Nama yang mudah diingat untuk webhook." msgid "Webhook status must be valid." msgstr "Status Webhook harus valid." msgid "" "Webhook delivery URL must be a valid URL starting with http:// or https://." msgstr "" "URL pengiriman webhook harus berupa URL valid yang diawali dengan http:// " "atau https://." msgid "Invalid ID." msgstr "Id tidak valid." msgid "Webhook delivery URL." msgstr "URL pengiriman Webhook." msgid "Webhook topic." msgstr "Topik webhook." msgid "The date the webhook delivery was logged, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal pengiriman webhook dicatat, di zona waktu situs." msgid "The response body from the receiving server." msgstr "Isi respons dari server penerima." msgid "Array of the response headers from the receiving server." msgstr "Array header respons dari server penerima." msgid "The HTTP response message from the receiving server." msgstr "Pesan respons HTTP dari server penerima." msgid "The HTTP response code from the receiving server." msgstr "Kode respons HTTP dari server penerima." msgid "Request body." msgstr "Request body." msgid "Request headers." msgstr "Header permintaan." msgid "The URL where the webhook was delivered." msgstr "URL tempat webhook dikirimkan." msgid "" "A friendly summary of the response including the HTTP response code, " "message, and body." msgstr "Ringkasan respons termasuk kode respons HTTP, pesan, dan isi." msgid "The delivery duration, in seconds." msgstr "Durasi pengiriman, dalam detik." msgid "Invalid webhook ID." msgstr "ID webhook tidak valid." msgid "Unique identifier for the webhook." msgstr "Pengidentifikasi unik untuk webhook." msgid "Sort by tax class." msgstr "Urutkan berdasar kelas pajak" msgid "Indicates the order that will appear in queries." msgstr "Menunjukkan pesanan yang akan muncul dalam query." msgid "Whether or not this tax rate also gets applied to shipping." msgstr "Apakah tarif pajak ini juga berlaku untuk pengiriman atau tidak." msgid "Whether or not this is a compound rate." msgstr "Apakah pajak ini adalah tarif majemuk atau bukan." msgid "Tax priority." msgstr "Prioritas pajak." msgid "Tax rate name." msgstr "Nama tarif pajak." msgid "Postcode / ZIP." msgstr "Kode Pos." msgid "Country ISO 3166 code." msgstr "Kode ISO Negara 3166." msgid "Tax class name." msgstr "Nama kelas pajak." msgid "State code." msgstr "Kode provinsi." msgid "Unique slug for the resource." msgstr "Slug unik untuk sumber daya." msgid "Total number of purchases." msgstr "Jumlah pembelian." msgid "List of top sellers products." msgstr "Daftar produk terlaris." msgid "List of sales reports." msgstr "Daftar laporan penjualan." msgid "" "Return sales for a specific end date, the date need to be in the %s format." msgstr "" "Barang penjualan yang dikembalikan untuk tanggal akhir tertentu tanggal " "perlu dibuat dalam format %s." msgid "" "Return sales for a specific start date, the date need to be in the %s format." msgstr "" "Barang penjualan yang dikembalikan untuk tanggal awal tertentu, tanggal " "perlu dibuat dalam format %s." msgid "Report period." msgstr "Periode laporan." msgid "Totals." msgstr "Total" msgid "Group type." msgstr "Tipe grup." msgid "Total of coupons used." msgstr "Total kupon yang digunakan." msgid "Total of refunded orders." msgstr "Total order yang dikembalikan." msgid "Total charged for shipping." msgstr "Total biaya pengiriman." msgid "Total charged for taxes." msgstr "Total biaya pajak." msgid "Total of items purchased." msgstr "Total item yang telah dibeli." msgid "Total of orders placed." msgstr "Total pesanan yang dilakukan." msgid "Average net daily sales." msgstr "Rata-rata penjualan bersih harian." msgid "Net sales in the period." msgstr "Penjualan bersih di periode tersebut." msgid "Gross sales in the period." msgstr "Penjualan kotor di periode tersebut." msgid "" "Limit result set to products with a specific attribute term ID (required an " "assigned attribute)." msgstr "" "Batasi hasil untuk produk dengan ID term atribut tertentu (diperlukan " "atribut yang sudah digunakan)." msgid "Limit result set to products with a specific attribute." msgstr "Batasi kumpulan hasil ke produk dengan atribut khusus." msgid "Limit result set to products assigned a specific shipping class ID." msgstr "Batasi hasil untuk produk dengan ID kelas pengiriman tertentu." msgid "Limit result set to products assigned a specific category ID." msgstr "Batasi kumpulan hasil ke produk dengan kategori khusus." msgid "Menu order, used to custom sort products." msgstr "Urutan menu, digunakan untuk mengurutkan produk secara khusus." msgid "List of grouped products ID." msgstr "Daftar ID produk yang dikelompokkan." msgid "Variation image data." msgstr "Data gambar variasi." msgid "Variation height (%s)." msgstr "Tinggi variasi (%s)." msgid "Variation width (%s)." msgstr "Lebar variasi (%s)." msgid "Variation length (%s)." msgstr "Panjang variasi (%s)." msgid "Variation dimensions." msgstr "Dimensi variasi." msgid "Variation weight (%s)." msgstr "Berat variasi (%s)." msgid "Shows if the variation is on backordered." msgstr "Tampilkan jika variasi dalam proses inden." msgid "" "Controls whether or not the variation is listed as \"in stock\" or \"out of " "stock\" on the frontend." msgstr "" "Kontrol apakah variasi terdaftar sebagai \"stok ada\" atau \"stok habis\" di " "frontend." msgid "Stock management at variation level." msgstr "Manajemen stok pada tingkat variasi." msgid "If the variation is downloadable." msgstr "Jika variasi dapat diunduh." msgid "If the variation is virtual." msgstr "Jika variasi adalah virtual." msgid "If the variation is visible." msgstr "Jika variasinya terlihat." msgid "Shows if the variation can be bought." msgstr "Tampilkan jika variasi dapat dibeli" msgid "Shows if the variation is on sale." msgstr "Tampilkan jika variasi diobral" msgid "Variation sale price." msgstr "Harga obral variasi." msgid "Variation regular price." msgstr "Harga normal variasi." msgid "Current variation price." msgstr "Harga variasi saat ini." msgid "Variation URL." msgstr "URL variasi." msgid "The date the variation was last modified, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal variasi terakhir diubah, di zona waktu situs." msgid "The date the variation was created, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal variasi dibuat, di zona waktu situs." msgid "Variation ID." msgstr "ID variasi." msgid "List of variations." msgstr "Daftar variasi." msgid "Selected attribute term name." msgstr "Nama term atribut yang dipilih." msgid "Defaults variation attributes." msgstr "Atribut variasi standar." msgid "List of available term names of the attribute." msgstr "Daftar nama term atribut yang tersedia." msgid "Define if the attribute can be used as variation." msgstr "Tentukan jika atribut dapat digunakan sebagai variasi." msgid "" "Define if the attribute is visible on the \"Additional information\" tab in " "the product's page." msgstr "" "Tentukan jika atribut dapat dilihat pada tab \"Informasi tambahan\" di " "halaman produk." msgid "Attribute position." msgstr "Posisi atribut." msgid "List of attributes." msgstr "Daftar atribut." msgid "Image position. 0 means that the image is featured." msgstr "Posisi gambar. 0 berarti gambar diunggulkan." msgid "List of images." msgstr "Daftar gambar." msgid "Tag slug." msgstr "Slug tag." msgid "Tag ID." msgstr "ID tag." msgid "List of tags." msgstr "Daftar tag." msgid "Category ID." msgstr "ID kategori" msgid "List of categories." msgstr "Daftar kategori." msgid "Optional note to send the customer after purchase." msgstr "Catatan opsional untuk dikirimkan kepada pelanggan setelah pembelian." msgid "Product parent ID." msgstr "ID induk produk." msgid "List of cross-sell products IDs." msgstr "Daftar ID produk cross-sell." msgid "List of upsell products IDs." msgstr "Daftar ID produk upsell." msgid "List of related products IDs." msgstr "Daftar ID produk terkait." msgid "Amount of reviews that the product have." msgstr "Jumlah ulasan yang dimiliki produk." msgid "Reviews average rating." msgstr "Peringkat rata-rata ulasan." msgid "Allow reviews." msgstr "Izinkan ulasan." msgid "Shipping class ID." msgstr "ID kelas pengiriman." msgid "Shipping class slug." msgstr "Slug kelas pengiriman." msgid "Shows whether or not the product shipping is taxable." msgstr "Tampilkan apakah pengiriman produk kena pajak atau tidak." msgid "Shows if the product need to be shipped." msgstr "Tampilkan jika produk perlu dikirim." msgid "Product height (%s)." msgstr "Tinggi produk (%s)." msgid "Product width (%s)." msgstr "Lebar produk (%s)." msgid "Product length (%s)." msgstr "Panjang produk (%s)." msgid "Product dimensions." msgstr "Dimensi produk." msgid "Product weight (%s)." msgstr "Berat produk (%s)." msgid "Allow one item to be bought in a single order." msgstr "Izinkan satu barang dibeli dalam satu order." msgid "Shows if the product is on backordered." msgstr "Tampilkan jika produk menggunakan backorder." msgid "Shows if backorders are allowed." msgstr "Tunjukkan jika pemesanan di awal diizinkan." msgid "If managing stock, this controls if backorders are allowed." msgstr "Ketika mengelola stok, ini mengontrol apakah pemesanan awal diizinkan." msgid "Stock quantity." msgstr "Jumlah stok." msgid "Stock management at product level." msgstr "Manajemen stok di tingkat produk." msgid "Tax class." msgstr "Kelas pajak." msgid "Tax status." msgstr "Status pajak." msgid "Product external button text. Only for external products." msgstr "Teks tombol eksternal produk. Hanya untuk produk eksternal." msgid "Product external URL. Only for external products." msgstr "URL eksternal produk. Hanya untuk produk eksternal." msgid "Download type, this controls the schema on the front-end." msgstr "Jenis unduhan, ini mengontrol skema pada front-end." msgid "Number of days until access to downloadable files expires." msgstr "Jumlah hari hingga akses ke file yang dapat diunduh kedaluwarsa." msgid "Number of times downloadable files can be downloaded after purchase." msgstr "" "Jumlah pengunduhan yang diperbolehkan untuk file yang dapat diunduh setelah " "pembelian." msgid "File ID." msgstr "ID File." msgid "List of downloadable files." msgstr "Daftar berkas yang dapat diunduh." msgid "If the product is downloadable." msgstr "Jika produk dapat diunduh." msgid "If the product is virtual." msgstr "Jika produk adalah virtual." msgid "Amount of sales." msgstr "Jumlah penjualan." msgid "Shows if the product can be bought." msgstr "Tampilkan jika produk dapat dibeli." msgid "Shows if the product is on sale." msgstr "Tampilkan jika produk sedang diobral." msgid "Price formatted in HTML." msgstr "Harga dengan format dalam HTML" msgid "End date of sale price." msgstr "Tanggal akhir harga promo." msgid "Start date of sale price." msgstr "Tanggal awal harga promo." msgid "Product regular price." msgstr "Harga normal produk." msgid "Current product price." msgstr "Harga produk saat ini." msgid "Unique identifier." msgstr "Pengenal unik." msgid "Product short description." msgstr "Deskripsi singkat produk." msgid "Product description." msgstr "Deskripsi produk." msgid "Catalog visibility." msgstr "Visibilitas katalog." msgid "Product status (post status)." msgstr "Status produk (status pos)" msgid "Product type." msgstr "Tipe produk." msgid "The date the product was last modified, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal produk terakhir dimodifikasi, di zona waktu situs." msgid "The date the product was created, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal pembuatan produk, di zona waktu situs." msgid "Product URL." msgstr "URL produk." msgid "Product slug." msgstr "Slug produk." msgid "The %s has already been deleted." msgstr "%s sudah dihapus." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete %s." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diperbolehkan menghapus %s." msgid "" "To manipulate product variations you should use the /products/<" "product_id>/variations/<id> endpoint." msgstr "" "Untuk memanipulasi variasi produk, Anda harus menggunakan titik akhir /" "products/<product_id>/variations/<id>." msgid "#%s is an invalid image ID." msgstr "#%s s adalah ID gambar yang tidak valid." msgid "Shipping class name." msgstr "Nama kelas pengiriman." msgid "Shows if the reviewer bought the product or not." msgstr "Menunjukkan apakah pengulas membeli produk atau tidak." msgid "Reviewer email." msgstr "Email pengulas." msgid "Reviewer name." msgstr "Nama pengulas." msgid "Review rating (0 to 5)." msgstr "Nilai ulasan (0 sampai 5)." msgid "The date the review was created, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal pembuatan ulasan, di zona waktu situs." msgid "The content of the review." msgstr "Konten ulasan." msgid "The product review cannot be deleted." msgstr "Ulasan produk tidak dapat dihapus." msgid "The product review does not support trashing." msgstr "Ulasan produk tidak mendukung pembuangan." msgid "Invalid product review ID." msgstr "ID ulasan produk tidak valid." msgid "Updating product review failed." msgstr "Gagal memperbarui ulasan produk." msgid "Creating product review failed." msgstr "Gagal membuat ulasan produk." msgid "Invalid product ID." msgstr "ID produk tidak valid." msgid "Email of the reviewer." msgstr "Email peninjau." msgid "Name of the reviewer." msgstr "Nama peninjau." msgid "Review content." msgstr "Konten tinjauan." msgid "Unique identifier for the variation." msgstr "Pengenal unik untuk variasi." msgid "Unique identifier for the variable product." msgstr "Pengenal unik untuk produk variabel." msgid "Image alternative text." msgstr "Teks alternatif gambar." msgid "Image name." msgstr "Nama gambar." msgid "The date the image was last modified, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal gambar terakhir kali diubah, dalam zona waktu situs." msgid "The date the image was created, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal gambar dibuat, dalam zona waktu situs." msgid "Image ID." msgstr "ID gambar" msgid "Image data." msgstr "Data gambar." msgid "Category archive display type." msgstr "Jenis tampilan arsip kategori." msgid "Menu order, used to custom sort the resource." msgstr "Urutan menu, digunakan untuk mengurutkan sumber daya sesuai keinginan." msgid "Unique identifier for the attribute of the terms." msgstr "Pengenal unik untuk atribut ketentuan." msgid "Enable/Disable attribute archives." msgstr "Aktifkan/Nonaktifkan arsip atribut." msgid "Default sort order." msgstr "Susunan urutan default." msgid "Type of attribute." msgstr "Jenis atribut." msgid "Attribute name." msgstr "Nama atribut." msgid "Name for the resource." msgstr "Nama sumber daya." msgid "Refund total." msgstr "Total pengembalian" msgid "Refund reason." msgstr "Alasan pengembalian" msgid "List of refunds." msgstr "Daftar pengembalian" msgid "Discount total tax." msgstr "Total pajak diskon" msgid "Discount total." msgstr "Total diskon." msgid "Coupons line data." msgstr "Data baris kupon" msgid "Tax status of fee." msgstr "Status pajak biaya" msgid "Tax class of fee." msgstr "Kelas pajak biaya" msgid "Fee name." msgstr "Nama biaya" msgid "Fee lines data." msgstr "Data baris biaya" msgid "Shipping method ID." msgstr "ID metode pengiriman." msgid "Shipping method name." msgstr "Nama metode pengiriman" msgid "Shipping lines data." msgstr "Data baris pengiriman" msgid "Shipping tax total." msgstr "Total pajak pengiriman." msgid "Tax total (not including shipping taxes)." msgstr "Total pajak (tidak termasuk pajak pengiriman)." msgid "Show if is a compound tax rate." msgstr "Tampilkan apakah tarif pajak gabungan." msgid "Tax rate label." msgstr "Label tarif pajak." msgid "Tax rate code." msgstr "Kode tarif pajak." msgid "Tax lines data." msgstr "Data baris pajak." msgid "MD5 hash of cart items to ensure orders are not modified." msgstr "Campuran MD5 di keranjang untuk menjamin pesanan tak diubah" msgid "The date the order was paid, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal pesanan dibayar, dalam zona waktu situs." msgid "The date the order was completed, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal pesanan diselesaikan, dalam zona waktu situs." msgid "Note left by customer during checkout." msgstr "Catatan yang ditinggalkan oleh pelanggan saat checkout." msgid "Shows where the order was created." msgstr "Tampilkan dimana pesanan dibuat" msgid "User agent of the customer." msgstr "User agent pelanggan." msgid "Customer's IP address." msgstr "Alamat IP pelanggan." msgid "Unique transaction ID." msgstr "ID transaksi unik." msgid "" "Define if the order is paid. It will set the status to processing and reduce " "stock items." msgstr "" "Tentukan jika pesanan telah lunas, dan merubah status ke diproses dan " "mengurangi stok." msgid "Payment method title." msgstr "Judul metode pembayaran" msgid "Payment method ID." msgstr "ID metode pembayaran" msgid "Shipping address." msgstr "Alamat pengiriman" msgid "Country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format." msgstr "Kode Negara dalam format ISO 3166-1 apha-2" msgid "Sum of all taxes." msgstr "Jumlah semua pajak." msgid "Grand total." msgstr "Jumlah total:" msgid "Sum of line item taxes only." msgstr "Jumlah pajak item baris saja." msgid "Total shipping tax amount for the order." msgstr "Total biaya pajak pengiriman untuk pesanan" msgid "Total shipping amount for the order." msgstr "Total biaya pengiriman pesanan." msgid "Billing address." msgstr "Alamat penagihan." msgid "Total discount tax amount for the order." msgstr "Total jumlah pajak diskon untuk pesanan" msgid "Total discount amount for the order." msgstr "Total jumlah diskon untuk pesanan." msgid "User ID who owns the order. 0 for guests." msgstr "ID pengguna pemilik pesanan, 0 untuk tamu." msgid "The date the order was last modified, as GMT." msgstr "Tanggal pesanan terakhir diubah, waktu GMT." msgid "The date the order was created, as GMT." msgstr "Tanggal pesanan dibuat, waktu GMT." msgid "True the prices included tax during checkout." msgstr "Benar harga sudah termasuk pajak saat checkout." msgid "Version of WooCommerce which last updated the order." msgstr "Versi WooCommerce yang terakhir memperbarui pesanan." msgid "Currency the order was created with, in ISO format." msgstr "Mata uang untuk pesanan, dalam format ISO" msgid "Order number." msgstr "Nomor pesanan." msgid "Order status." msgstr "Status pesanan." msgid "Parent order ID." msgstr "ID pesanan induk." msgid "Fee name is required." msgstr "Nama biaya wajib diisi." msgid "Product ID or SKU is required." msgstr "ID atau SKU produk diperlukan." msgid "Number of decimal points to use in each resource." msgstr "Jumlah angka desimal yang digunakan dalam tiap sumber daya." msgid "Meta value." msgstr "Nilai meta" msgid "Meta label." msgstr "Label meta" msgid "Meta key." msgstr "Kunci meta" msgid "Line item meta data." msgstr "Meta data item baris." msgid "Tax subtotal." msgstr "Subtotal pajak." msgid "Tax total." msgstr "Total pajak" msgid "Tax rate ID." msgstr "ID tarif pajak." msgid "Line taxes." msgstr "Pajak baris." msgid "Line total tax (after discounts)." msgstr "Pajak total baris (setelah diskon)." msgid "Line total (after discounts)." msgstr "Total baris (setelah diskon)." msgid "Line subtotal tax (before discounts)." msgstr "Pajak subtotal baris (sebelum diskon)." msgid "Line subtotal (before discounts)." msgstr "Subtotal baris (sebelum diskon)." msgid "Product price." msgstr "Harga produk" msgid "Tax class of product." msgstr "Kelas pajak produk." msgid "Quantity ordered." msgstr "Jumlah yang dipesan." msgid "Variation ID, if applicable." msgstr "ID variasi, jika berlaku." msgid "Product SKU." msgstr "SKU produk." msgid "Product name." msgstr "Nama produk" msgid "Item ID." msgstr "ID item." msgid "Line items data." msgstr "Data item baris" msgid "Reason for refund." msgstr "Alasan pengembalian dana." msgid "Refund amount." msgstr "Jumlah pengembalian dana." msgid "The date the order refund was created, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal pengembalian dana pesanan dibuat, dalam zona waktu situs" msgid "Order is invalid" msgstr "Pesanan tidak valid." msgid "" "Shows/define if the note is only for reference or for the customer (the user " "will be notified)." msgstr "" "Tampilkan/tentukan apakah catatan hanya untuk referensi atau untuk pelanggan " "(pengguna akan diberi tahu)." msgid "Order note." msgstr "Catatan pesanan." msgid "The date the order note was created, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal catatan pesanan dibuat, dalam zona waktu situs" msgid "The %s cannot be deleted." msgstr "%s tidak dapat dihapus." msgid "Webhooks do not support trashing." msgstr "Webhooks tidak mendukung pemindahan ke kotak sampah." msgid "Invalid order ID." msgstr "ID pesanan tidak valid." msgid "Order note content." msgstr "Konten catatan pesanan." msgid "The order ID." msgstr "ID pesanan." msgid "List of shipping address data." msgstr "Daftar data alamat pengiriman." msgid "Limit result set to resources with a specific email." msgstr "Batasi kumpulan hasil ke sumber daya dengan email khusus." msgid "Phone number." msgstr "Nomor telepon." msgid "ISO code of the country." msgstr "Kode ISO negara." msgid "Postal code." msgstr "Kode pos" msgid "ISO code or name of the state, province or district." msgstr "Kode ISO atau nama negara bagian, provinsi atau distrik." msgid "City name." msgstr "Nama kota." msgid "Address line 2." msgstr "Baris alamat 2." msgid "Address line 1." msgstr "Baris alamat 1." msgid "Company name." msgstr "Nama perusahaan." msgid "List of billing address data." msgstr "Daftar data alamat penagihan." msgid "Total amount spent." msgstr "Total jumlah yang dihabiskan." msgid "Quantity of orders made by the customer." msgstr "Jumlah pesanan yang dibuat pelanggan." msgid "The date of the customer last order, as GMT." msgstr "Tanggal pesanan terakhir pelanggan, waktu GMT." msgid "Last order ID." msgstr "ID pesanan terakhir." msgid "Last order data." msgstr "Data pesanan terakhir." msgid "Customer password." msgstr "Kata sandi pelanggan." msgid "Customer login name." msgstr "Nama masuk pelanggan." msgid "Customer last name." msgstr "Nama belakang pelanggan." msgid "Customer first name." msgstr "Nama depan pelanggan." msgid "The date the customer was last modified, as GMT." msgstr "Tanggal pelanggan terakhir diubah, waktu GMT." msgid "The date the customer was created, as GMT." msgstr "Tanggal pelanggan dibuat, waktu GMT." msgid "ID to reassign posts to." msgstr "ID tujuan alokasi pos." msgid "New user password." msgstr "Kata sandi pengguna baru." msgid "New user username." msgstr "Nama pengguna baru." msgid "New user email address." msgstr "Alamat email pengguna baru." msgid "File URL." msgstr "URL Berkas" msgid "File details." msgstr "Detail file." msgid "The date when download access expires, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal saat akses unduhan berakhir, dalam zona waktu situs." msgid "Number of downloads remaining." msgstr "Jumlah unduhan yang tersisa." msgid "Order key." msgstr "Kunci pesanan." msgid "Downloadable file name." msgstr "Nama file yang bisa diunduh." msgid "Downloadable product ID." msgstr "ID produk yang bisa diunduh." msgid "Download ID (MD5)." msgstr "ID Unduhan (MD5)." msgid "Download file URL." msgstr "URL file unduhan." msgid "List of user IDs (or guest email addresses) that have used the coupon." msgstr "" "Daftar ID pengguna (atau alamat email tamu) yang telah menggunakan kupon." msgid "List of email addresses that can use this coupon." msgstr "Daftar alamat email yang bisa menggunakan kupon ini." msgid "Maximum order amount allowed when using the coupon." msgstr "Jumlah pesanan maksimal yang diperbolehkan saat menggunakan kupon." msgid "" "Minimum order amount that needs to be in the cart before coupon applies." msgstr "" "Jumlah pesanan minimal yang harus ada di keranjang agar kupon bisa berlaku." msgid "" "If true, this coupon will not be applied to items that have sale prices." msgstr "" "Jika true, kupon ini tidak akan diterapkan ke item yang memiliki harga jual." msgid "List of category IDs the coupon does not apply to." msgstr "Daftar ID kategori yang tidak bisa dibayar dengan kupon." msgid "List of category IDs the coupon applies to." msgstr "Daftar ID kategori yang bisa dibayar dengan kupon." msgid "" "If true and if the free shipping method requires a coupon, this coupon will " "enable free shipping." msgstr "" "Jika true dan jika metode pengiriman gratis memerlukan kupon, kupon ini akan " "mengaktifkan pengiriman gratis." msgid "Max number of items in the cart the coupon can be applied to." msgstr "Jumlah item maksimal dalam keranjang yang bisa dibayar dengan kupon." msgid "How many times the coupon can be used per customer." msgstr "Berapa kali setiap pelanggan bisa menggunakan kupon." msgid "How many times the coupon can be used in total." msgstr "Jumlah total penggunaan kupon yang diperbolehkan." msgid "List of product IDs the coupon cannot be used on." msgstr "Daftar ID produk yang tidak bisa dibayar dengan kupon." msgid "List of product IDs the coupon can be used on." msgstr "Daftar ID produk yang bisa dibayar dengan kupon." msgid "" "If true, the coupon can only be used individually. Other applied coupons " "will be removed from the cart." msgstr "" "Jika true, kupon hanya dapat digunakan secara individual. Kupon lain yang " "diterapkan akan dihapus dari keranjang." msgid "Number of times the coupon has been used already." msgstr "Berapa kali kupon sudah dipakai." msgid "UTC DateTime when the coupon expires." msgstr "Tanggal Waktu UTC saat kupon kedaluwarsa." msgid "" "The amount of discount. Should always be numeric, even if setting a " "percentage." msgstr "" "Jumlah diskon. Harus dalam format angka, walaupun pengaturannya persentase." msgid "Determines the type of discount that will be applied." msgstr "Tentukan jenis diskon yang akan diberlakukan." msgid "Coupon description." msgstr "Deskripsi kupon." msgid "The date the coupon was last modified, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal kupon terakhir kali diubah, dalam zona waktu situs." msgid "The date the coupon was created, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal kupon dibuat, dalam zona waktu situs." msgid "ID is invalid." msgstr "ID tidak valid." msgid "Cannot create existing %s." msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat %s yang sudah ada." msgid "Unique identifier for the resource." msgstr "Pengidentifikasi unik untuk sumber daya tersebut." msgid "Coupon code." msgstr "Kode kupon" msgid "" "The class attached to the \"woocommerce_queue_class\" does not implement the " "WC_Queue_Interface interface. The default %s class will be used instead." msgstr "" "Kelas yang dilampirkan di \"woocommerce_queue_class\" tidak menerapkan " "antarmuka WC_Queue_Interface. Kelas %s asal yang akan digunakan." msgid "This function should not be called before plugins_loaded." msgstr "Fungsi ini tidak boleh dipicu sebelum plugins_loaded." msgid "eCheck ending in %1$s" msgstr "eCheck berakhir pada %1$s" msgid "%1$s ending in %2$s (expires %3$s/%4$s)" msgstr "%1$s berakhir dalam %2$s (kedaluwarsa %3$s/%4$s)" msgid "This method should not be called before plugins_loaded." msgstr "Metode ini tidak boleh dipicu sebelum plugins_loaded." msgid "Visit %s admin area:" msgstr "Kunjungi area admin %s:" msgid "You have received the following WooCommerce log message:" msgid_plural "You have received the following WooCommerce log messages:" msgstr[0] "Anda telah menerima pesan log WooCommerce berikut:" msgstr[1] "Anda telah menerima pesan log WooCommerce berikut:" msgid "[%1$s] %2$s: %3$s WooCommerce log message" msgid_plural "[%1$s] %2$s: %3$s WooCommerce log messages" msgstr[0] "[%1$s] %2$s: Pesan log WooCommerce %3$s" msgstr[1] "[%1$s] %2$s: Pesan log WooCommerce %3$s" msgid "You do not have permission to read the tax classes count" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan membaca hitungan kelas pajak" msgid "Could not delete the tax class" msgstr "Tidak dapat menghapus kelas pajak" msgid "You do not have permission to create tax classes" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan membuat kelas pajak" msgid "Standard rate" msgstr "Tarif standar" msgid "You do not have permission to read tax classes" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan membaca kelas pajak" msgid "You do not have permission to read the taxes count" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan membaca hitungan pajak" msgid "Could not delete the tax rate" msgstr "Tidak dapat menghapus tarif pajak" msgid "A tax rate with the provided ID could not be found" msgstr "Tarif pajak dengan ID ini tidak ditemukan" msgid "Could not delete the shipping class" msgstr "Tidak dapat menghapus kelas pengiriman" msgid "You do not have permission to delete product shipping classes" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan menghapus kelas pengiriman produk" msgid "Could not edit the shipping class" msgstr "Tidak dapat mengedit kelas pengiriman" msgid "You do not have permission to edit product shipping classes" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan mengubah kelas pengiriman produk" msgid "Product shipping class parent is invalid" msgstr "Induk kelas pengiriman produk tak valid" msgid "You do not have permission to create product shipping classes" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan membuat kelas pengiriman produk" msgid "A product shipping class with the provided ID could not be found" msgstr "Kelas pengiriman produk dengan ID ini tidak ditemukan" msgid "Invalid product shipping class ID" msgstr "ID kelas pengiriman produk tidak valid" msgid "You do not have permission to read product shipping classes" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan membaca kelas pengiriman produk" msgid "You do not have permission to delete product attribute terms" msgstr "Anda tidak diiznkan menghapus atribut produk" msgid "A product attribute term with the provided ID could not be found" msgstr "Term atribut produk dengan ID yang diberikan tidak ditemukan" msgid "You do not have permission to read product attribute terms" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan membaca atribut produk" msgid "Could not delete the tag" msgstr "Tidak dapat menghapus tag" msgid "Could not edit the tag" msgstr "Tidak dapat mengedit tag" msgid "You do not have permission to edit product tags" msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki hak akses untuk menyunting tag-tag produk" msgid "You do not have permission to create product tags" msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki hak akses untuk membuat tag-tag produk" msgid "A product tag with the provided ID could not be found" msgstr "Tag produk dengan ID yang diberikan tidak dapat ditemukan" msgid "Invalid product tag ID" msgstr "ID tag produk tidak valid" msgid "You do not have permission to read product tags" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan membaca tag produk" msgid "Could not delete the category" msgstr "Tidak dapat menghapus kategori" msgid "You do not have permission to delete product category" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan menghapus kategori produk" msgid "Could not edit the category" msgstr "Tidak dapat mengubah kategori" msgid "You do not have permission to edit product categories" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan mengubah kategori produk" msgid "Product category parent is invalid" msgstr "Induk kategori produk tak valid" msgid "You do not have permission to create product categories" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan membuat kategori produk" msgid "Consumer Secret is invalid." msgstr "Rahasia Konsumen tidak valid." msgid "Invalid webhook delivery." msgstr "Penyampaian webhook tidak valid" msgid "Invalid webhook delivery ID." msgstr "ID penyampaian webhook tidak valid" msgid "Webhook topic must be valid." msgstr "Topik webhook harus valid." msgid "" "Webhook delivery URL must be a valid URL starting with http:// or https://" msgstr "" "URL penyampaian webhook harus URL yang valid, diawali dengan http:// atau " "https://" msgid "Webhook topic is required and must be valid." msgstr "Topik webhook diperlukan dan harus valid." msgid "You do not have permission to read the webhooks count" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk melihat jumlah webhooks" msgid "No %1$s found with the ID equal to %2$s" msgstr "Tidak ditemukan %1$s dengan ID yang sama dengan %2$s" msgid "Invalid product SKU" msgstr "SKU produk tidak valid" msgid "Could not delete the attribute" msgstr "Tidak dapat menghapus atribut" msgid "You do not have permission to delete product attributes" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk menghapus atribut produk" msgid "Could not edit the attribute" msgstr "Tidak dapat mengubah atribut" msgid "You do not have permission to edit product attributes" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengubah atribut produk" msgid "You do not have permission to create product attributes" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk membuat atribut produk" msgid "" "Invalid product attribute order_by type - the product attribute order_by " "type must be any of these: %s" msgstr "" "Tipe order_by atribut produk tidak valid - tipe order_by atribut produk yang " "valid: %s" msgid "" "Invalid product attribute type - the product attribute type must be any of " "these: %s" msgstr "Tipe atribut produk tidak valid - tipe atribut produk yang valid: %s" msgid "Slug \"%s\" is already in use. Change it, please." msgstr "Slug \"%s\" telah digunakan, silahkan diganti" msgid "" "Slug \"%s\" is not allowed because it is a reserved term. Change it, please." msgstr "" "Slug \"%s\" tidak diizinkan karena merupakan istilah yang dilindungi. " "Silakan diganti." msgid "Slug \"%s\" is too long (28 characters max). Shorten it, please." msgstr "" "Slug \"%s\" terlalu panjang (Maksimal 28 karakter), silakan diperpendek." msgid "A product attribute with the provided ID could not be found" msgstr "Atribut produk dengan ID yang diberikan tidak dapat ditemukan" msgid "Invalid product attribute ID" msgstr "ID atribut produk tidak valid" msgid "You do not have permission to read product attributes" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk melihat atribut produk" msgid "The SKU already exists on another product." msgstr "SKU sudah ada pada produk lain." msgid "A product category with the provided ID could not be found" msgstr "Kategori produk dengan ID yang diberikan tidak dapat ditemukan" msgid "Invalid product category ID" msgstr "ID kategori produk tidak valid" msgid "You do not have permission to read product categories" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk melihat kategori produk" msgid "Invalid product type - the product type must be any of these: %s" msgstr "Tipe produk tidak valid - tipe produk yang valid: %s" msgid "The order refund ID provided is not associated with the order." msgstr "" "Pengembalian dana pesanan dengan ID yang diberikan tidak sesuai dengan " "pesanan" msgid "" "An error occurred while attempting to create the refund using the payment " "gateway API." msgstr "" "Terjadi kesalahan saat mencoba membuat pengembalian dana menggunakan API " "gateway pembayaran." msgid "Cannot create order refund, please try again." msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat pengembalian dana pesanan, coba lagi." msgid "Refund amount must be positive." msgstr "Jumlah pengembalian dana harus bernilai positif" msgid "Refund amount is required." msgstr "Jumlah pengembalian dana harus diisi" msgid "You do not have permission to create order refunds" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk membuat pengembalian dana pesanan" msgid "An order refund with the provided ID could not be found." msgstr "" "Pengembalian dana pesanan dengan ID yang diberikan tidak dapat ditemukan" msgid "Invalid order refund ID." msgstr "ID pengembalian dana tidak valid." msgid "Permanently deleted order note" msgstr "Catatan pesanan telah dihapus selamanya" msgid "This order note cannot be deleted" msgstr "Catatan pesanan ini tidak dapat dihapus" msgid "The order note ID provided is not associated with the order" msgstr "ID catatan pesanan yang diberikan tidak sesuai dengan pesanan" msgid "Cannot create order note, please try again." msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat pesanan, coba lagi." msgid "Order note is required" msgstr "Catatan pesanan harus diisi" msgid "You do not have permission to create order notes" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk membuat catatan pesanan" msgid "An order note with the provided ID could not be found" msgstr "Catatan pesanan dengan ID yang diberikan tidak dapat ditemukan" msgid "Invalid order note ID" msgstr "ID catatan pesanan tidak valid" msgid "Cannot update coupon, try again." msgstr "Tidak dapat memperbarui kupon, coba lagi." msgid "Coupon code is required." msgstr "Kode kupon diperlukan." msgid "Coupon discount total must be a positive amount." msgstr "Total diskon kupon harus dalam jumlah positif." msgid "Cannot update fee, try again." msgstr "Tidak dapat memperbarui biaya, coba lagi." msgid "Fee tax class is required when fee is taxable." msgstr "Kelas pajak biaya diperlukan ketika biaya dikenakan pajak." msgid "Fee title is required" msgstr "Judul biaya diperlukan" msgid "Cannot update shipping method, try again." msgstr "Tidak dapat memperbarui metode pengiriman, coba lagi." msgid "Shipping method ID is required." msgstr "ID metode pengiriman diperlukan." msgid "Shipping total must be a positive amount." msgstr "Total pengiriman harus dalam jumlah positif." msgid "Cannot create line item, try again." msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat item baris, coba lagi." msgid "Product quantity is required." msgstr "Jumlah produk diperlukan." msgid "Product quantity must be a positive float." msgstr "Jumlah produk harus berupa bilangan positif." msgid "Product is invalid." msgstr "Produk tidak valid." msgid "The product variation is invalid" msgstr "Variasi produk tidak valid" msgid "Product ID provided does not match this line item" msgstr "Produk ID yang diberikan tidak cocok dengan produk yang bersangkutan" msgid "Product ID or SKU is required" msgstr "ID atau SKU harus diisi" msgid "Order item ID provided is not associated with order." msgstr "ID item pesanan yang disediakan tidak dihubungkan dengan pesanan." msgid "Provided order currency is invalid." msgstr "Mata uang pesanan yang diberikan tidak valid" msgid "Payment method ID and title are required" msgstr "ID dan nama metode pembayaran wajib diisi" msgid "Cannot create order: %s" msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat pesanan: %s" msgid "This resource cannot be created." msgstr "Sumber daya ini tidak bisa dibuat." msgid "Invalid customer email" msgstr "Email pelanggan tidak valid" msgid "Unable to accept more than %s items for this request." msgstr "Gagal menyimpan lebih dari %s produk untuk permohonan ini" msgid "No %1$s data specified to create/edit %1$s" msgstr "Tidak ada data %1$s yang ditentukan untuk membuat/mengubah %1$s" msgid "Failed to update coupon" msgstr "Gagal memperbarui kupon" msgid "No %1$s data specified to edit %1$s" msgstr "Tidak ada data %1$s yang ditentukan untuk mengubah %1$s" msgid "Invalid coupon type - the coupon type must be any of these: %s" msgstr "Tipe kupon tidak valid - tipe kupon harus salah satu dari ini: %s" msgid "No %1$s data specified to create %1$s" msgstr "Tidak ada data %1$s yang ditentukan untuk membuat %1$s" msgid "Unsupported request method" msgstr "Metode permintaan tidak didukung" msgid "Invalid authentication method" msgstr "Metode otentifikasi tidak valid" msgid "Permanently deleted %s" msgstr "%s telah dihapus selamanya" msgid "This %s cannot be deleted" msgstr "%s tidak dapat dihapus" msgid "The customer cannot be deleted" msgstr "Pelanggan tidak dapat dihapus" msgid "Permanently deleted customer" msgstr "Pelanggan telah dihapus selamanya" msgid "Invalid %s" msgstr "%s tidak valid" msgid "Invalid %s ID" msgstr "ID %s tidak valid" msgid "You do not have permission to read the products count" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk melihat jumlah produk" msgid "You do not have permission to read the orders count" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk melihat jumlah pesanan" msgid "JSONP support is disabled on this site" msgstr "Dukungan JSONP dinonaktifkan di situs ini" msgid "You do not have permission to read this customer" msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk membaca pelanggan ini" msgid "Invalid customer" msgstr "Pelanggan tidak valid" msgid "Invalid customer ID" msgstr "ID pelanggan tidak valid" msgid "You do not have permission to read the customers count" msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk membaca jumlah pelanggan" msgid "You do not have permission to read the coupons count" msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk membaca jumlah kupon" msgid "Invalid coupon ID" msgstr "ID kupon tidak valid" msgid "API user is invalid" msgstr "API pengguna tidak valid" msgid "%s parameter is missing" msgstr "Parameter %s tidak ditemukan" msgid "Consumer secret is missing." msgstr "Consumer Secret tidak ditemukan" msgid "Consumer key is missing." msgstr "Consumer Key tidak ditemukan" msgid "Variation #%1$s of %2$s" msgstr "Variasi #%1$s dari %2$s" msgid "Customer ID is invalid." msgstr "ID pelanggan tidak valid." msgid "The coupon code already exists" msgstr "Kode kupon sudah ada" msgid "The coupon code cannot be empty." msgstr "Kode kupon tidak boleh kosong." msgid "Product properties should not be accessed directly." msgstr "Properti produk tidak boleh diakses secara langsung." msgid "" "The location that the MaxMind database should be stored. By default, the " "integration will automatically save the database here." msgstr "" "Lokasi tempat database MaxMind akan disimpan. Secara default, integrasi akan " "otomatis menyimpan database di sini." msgid "Database File Path" msgstr "Jalur File Database" msgid "" "The key that will be used when dealing with MaxMind Geolocation services. " "You can read how to generate one in <a href=\"%1$s\">MaxMind Geolocation " "Integration documentation</a>." msgstr "" "Kunci yang akan digunakan ketika berkaitan dengan layanan Geolokasi MaxMind. " "Anda dapat membaca cara membuatnya di <a href=\"%1$s\">dokumentasi Integrasi " "Geolokasi MaxMind</a>." msgid "MaxMind License Key" msgstr "Kunci Lisensi MaxMind" msgid "" "An integration for utilizing MaxMind to do Geolocation lookups. Please note " "that this integration will only do country lookups." msgstr "" "Integrasi untuk memanfaatkan MaxMind untuk melakukan pencarian Geolokasi. " "Perlu dicatat bahwa integrasi ini hanya akan melakukan pencarian negara." msgid "MaxMind Geolocation" msgstr "Geolokasi MaxMind" msgid "Missing MaxMind Reader library!" msgstr "Pustaka Pembaca MaxMind tidak ada!" msgid "Failed to download the MaxMind database." msgstr "Gagal mengunduh database MaxMind." msgid "" "The MaxMind license key is invalid. If you have recently created this key, " "you may need to wait for it to become active." msgstr "" "Kunci lisensi MaxMind tidak valid. Jika Anda baru saja membuat kunci ini, " "Anda mungkin harus menunggu untuk menjadi aktif." msgid "No matching product exists to update." msgstr "Tidak ada produk yang cocok untuk diperbarui." msgid "A product with this SKU already exists." msgstr "Produk dengan SKU ini sudah ada." msgid "A product with this ID already exists." msgstr "Produk dengan ID ini sudah ada." msgid "SKU %s" msgstr "SKU %s" msgid "ID %d" msgstr "ID %d" msgid "Unable to use image \"%s\"." msgstr "Tidak dapat menggunakan gambar \"%s\"." msgid "Not able to attach \"%s\"." msgstr "Tidak dapat melampirkan \"%s\"." msgid "" "Variation cannot be imported: Parent product cannot be a product variation" msgstr "Variasi tidak dapat diimpor: Produk induk tidak boleh variasi produk" msgid "" "Variation cannot be imported: Missing parent ID or parent does not exist yet." msgstr "Variasi tidak dapat diimpor: ID induk hilang atau belum ada." msgid "Invalid product ID %d." msgstr "Produk dengan ID %d Tidak Sah." msgid "Invalid product type." msgstr "Tipe produk salah." msgid "Sandbox API signature" msgstr "Tanda tangan API Sandbox" msgid "Sandbox API password" msgstr "Kata sandi API Sandbox" msgid "Sandbox API username" msgstr "Nama pengguna API Sandbox" msgid "Live API signature" msgstr "Tanda tangan API Live" msgid "Live API password" msgstr "Kata sandi API Live" msgid "Get your API credentials from PayPal." msgstr "Dapatkan kredensial API Anda dari PayPal." msgid "Live API username" msgstr "Nama pengguna API Live" msgid "" "Enter your PayPal API credentials to process refunds via PayPal. Learn how " "to access your <a href=\"%s\">PayPal API Credentials</a>." msgstr "" "Masukkan kredensial API PayPal Anda untuk memproses pengembalian dana " "melalui PayPal. Pelajari cara mengakses <a href=\"%s\">Kredensial API " "PayPal</a> Anda." msgid "API credentials" msgstr "Kredensial API" msgid "" "Optionally enter the URL to a 150x50px image displayed as your logo in the " "upper left corner of the PayPal checkout pages." msgstr "" "Atau masukkan URL ke gambar 150x50px yang ditampilkan sebagai logo Anda di " "pojok kiri atas halaman checkout PayPal." msgid "Image url" msgstr "URL gambar" msgid "Capture" msgstr "Ambil dana" msgid "" "Choose whether you wish to capture funds immediately or authorize payment " "only." msgstr "" "Pilih apakah Anda ingin mendapatkan dana secepatnya atau mengizinkan " "pembayaran saja." msgid "Payment action" msgstr "Tindakan pembayaran" msgid "" "PayPal verifies addresses therefore this setting can cause errors (we " "recommend keeping it disabled)." msgstr "" "PayPal memverifikasi alamat, pengaturan ini dapat menyebabkan kesalahan " "(kami sarankan untuk tetap menonaktifkannya)." msgid "" "Enable \"address_override\" to prevent address information from being " "changed." msgstr "" "Aktifkan \"address_override\" untuk mencegah informasi alamat tidak berubah." msgid "Address override" msgstr "Timpa alamat" msgid "" "PayPal allows us to send one address. If you are using PayPal for shipping " "labels you may prefer to send the shipping address rather than billing. " "Turning this option off may prevent PayPal Seller protection from applying." msgstr "" "PayPal mengizinkan kami untuk mengirim ke satu alamat. Jika Anda menggunakan " "Paypal dengan label pengiriman, Anda dapat memilih untuk mengirim ke alamat " "pengiriman daripada ke penagihan. Menonaktifkan pilihan ini dapat mencegah " "perlindungan Penjual PayPal dari menerapkan kode kupon." msgid "Send shipping details to PayPal instead of billing." msgstr "Kirim rincian pengiriman ke Paypal, bukan ke penagihan." msgid "" "Please enter a prefix for your invoice numbers. If you use your PayPal " "account for multiple stores ensure this prefix is unique as PayPal will not " "allow orders with the same invoice number." msgstr "" "Silakan masukkan awalan untuk nomor faktur Anda. Jika Anda menggunakan akun " "PayPal Anda untuk beberapa toko, pastikan awalan ini unik karena PayPal " "tidak mengizinkan pesanan dengan nomor faktur yang sama." msgid "Invoice prefix" msgstr "Awalan faktur" msgid "" "Optionally enable \"Payment Data Transfer\" (Profile > Profile and Settings " "> My Selling Tools > Website Preferences) and then copy your identity token " "here. This will allow payments to be verified without the need for PayPal " "IPN." msgstr "" "Hanya opsional, aktifkan \"Transfer Data Pembayaran\" (Profil > Alat " "Penjualan Saya > Preferensi situs Web) dan kemudian salin token identitas " "Anda sini. Hal ini mengizinkan pembayaran dapat diverifikasi tanpa perlu IPN " "PayPal." msgid "PayPal identity token" msgstr "Token Identitas Paypal" msgid "" "If your main PayPal email differs from the PayPal email entered above, input " "your main receiver email for your PayPal account here. This is used to " "validate IPN requests." msgstr "" "Jika email utama PayPal Anda berbeda dengan email yang Anda tuliskan diatas, " "masukkan alamat email utama akun PayPal Anda disini. Ini digunakan untuk " "memvalidasi permintaan IPN." msgid "Receiver email" msgstr "Email Penerima" msgid "" "Send notifications when an IPN is received from PayPal indicating refunds, " "chargebacks and cancellations." msgstr "" "Kirim pemberitahuan ketika IPN telah diterima dari PayPal yang menunjukkan " "pengembalian dana, ongkos pengembalian, dan pembatalan." msgid "Enable IPN email notifications" msgstr "Aktifkan pemberitahuan email IPN" msgid "" "Log PayPal events, such as IPN requests, inside %s Note: this may log " "personal information. We recommend using this for debugging purposes only " "and deleting the logs when finished." msgstr "" "Catat peristiwa PayPal, seperti permintaan IPN, di dalam %s Catatan: ini " "dapat mencatat informasi pribadi. Kami merekomendasikan penggunaan ini hanya " "untuk keperluan debugging dan menghapus log setelah selesai." msgid "Enable logging" msgstr "Ijinkan pencatatan" msgid "Debug log" msgstr "Debug log" msgid "" "PayPal sandbox can be used to test payments. Sign up for a <a href=\"%s" "\">developer account</a>." msgstr "" "Kotak pasir PayPal bisa digunakan untuk menguji pembayaran. Mendaftar untuk " "<a href=\"%s\">akun pengembang</a>." msgid "Enable PayPal sandbox" msgstr "Aktifkan Paypal sandbox" msgid "PayPal sandbox" msgstr "PayPal sandbox" msgid "Advanced options" msgstr "Pengaturan lanjutan" msgid "" "Please enter your PayPal email address; this is needed in order to take " "payment." msgstr "" "Silakan masukan alamat email PayPal Anda; alamat email Anda dibutuhkan untuk " "melakukan pembayaran." msgid "PayPal email" msgstr "Email PayPal" msgid "" "Pay via PayPal; you can pay with your credit card if you don't have a PayPal " "account." msgstr "" "Bayar lewat PayPal; Anda dapat membayar dengan kartu kredit jika Anda tidak " "memiliki akun PayPal." msgid "This controls the description which the user sees during checkout." msgstr "" "Bagian ini mengatur apa yang dapat dilihat pengguna saat berada di halaman " "checkout." msgid "Enable PayPal Standard" msgstr "Aktifkan PayPal Standar" msgid "Shipping via %s" msgstr "Pengiriman via %s" msgid "PDT payment completed" msgstr "Pembayaran PDT selesai" msgid "Validation error: PayPal amounts do not match (amt %s)." msgstr "Kesalahan validasi: Jumlah PayPal tidak cocok (sejumlah %s)" msgid "" "Order #%1$s has had a reversal cancelled. Please check the status of payment " "and update the order status accordingly here: %2$s" msgstr "" "Pesanan #%1$s telah dipulihkan dari pembatalan. Silakan periksa status " "pembayaran dan perbarui status order yang sesuai dengan ini: %2$s" msgid "Reversal cancelled for order #%s" msgstr "Pemulihan pembatalan untuk pesanan #%s" msgid "" "Order #%1$s has been marked on-hold due to a reversal - PayPal reason code: " "%2$s" msgstr "" "Pesanan #%1$s telah ditandai ditahan karena pemulihan - kode alasan PayPal: " "%2$s" msgid "Payment for order %s reversed" msgstr "Pembayaran untuk pesanan #%s dipulihkan" msgid "Order #%1$s has been marked as refunded - PayPal reason code: %2$s" msgstr "" "Pesanan #%1$s telah ditandai dikembalikan dananya - kode alasan PayPal: %2$s" msgid "Payment for order %s refunded" msgstr "Pembayaran untuk pesanan %s telah dikembalikan" msgid "" "Order #%s has been marked paid by PayPal IPN, but was previously cancelled. " "Admin handling required." msgstr "" "Pesanan #%s telah ditandai dibayar oleh IPN PayPal, tetapi sebelumnya telah " "dibatalkan. Diperlukan penanganan admin." msgid "Payment for cancelled order %s received" msgstr "Pembayaran untuk pesanan yang dibatalkan %s telah diterima" msgid "Payment %s via IPN." msgstr "Pembayaran %s via IPN." msgid "Payment pending (%s)." msgstr "Pembayaran tertunda (%s)" msgid "" "Payment authorized. Change payment status to processing or complete to " "capture funds." msgstr "" "Pembayaran diotorisasi. Ubah status pembayaran menjadi sedang diproses atau " "selesai untuk menangkap dana." msgid "IPN payment completed" msgstr "Pembayaran IPN selesai" msgid "" "Validation error: PayPal IPN response from a different email address (%s)." msgstr "" "Kesalahan validasi: respons PayPal IPN dari alamat email yang berbeda (%s)" msgid "Validation error: PayPal amounts do not match (gross %s)." msgstr "Kesalahan validasi: jumlah pembayaran PayPal tidak cocok (gross %s)." msgid "Validation error: PayPal currencies do not match (code %s)." msgstr "Kesalahan validasi: mata uang PayPal tidak cocok (kode %s)." msgid "" "Thank you for your payment. Your transaction has been completed, and a " "receipt for your purchase has been emailed to you. Log into your PayPal " "account to view transaction details." msgstr "" "Terima kasih atas pembayaran Anda. Transaksi sudah selesai, dan tanda terima " "untuk pembelian Anda telah dikirim melalui email. Masuk ke akun PayPal untuk " "melihat detail transaksi." msgid "Payment could not be captured - Auth ID: %1$s, Status: %2$s" msgstr "Pembayaran tidak dapat diselesaikan - ID Otorisasi: %1$s, Status: %2$s" msgid "Payment of %1$s was captured - Auth ID: %2$s, Transaction ID: %3$s" msgstr "Pembayaran %1$s ditangkap - ID Otorisasi: %2$s, ID Transaksi: %3$s" msgid "Payment could not be captured: %s" msgstr "Pembayaran tidak dapat diterima: %s" msgid "Refunded %1$s - Refund ID: %2$s" msgstr "Dana Dikembalikan %1$s - ID Pengembalian: %2$s" msgid "Refund failed." msgstr "Pengembalian dana gagal" msgid "PayPal Standard does not support your store currency." msgstr "PayPal Standar tidak mendukung mata uang toko Anda." msgid "Gateway disabled" msgstr "Gateway dinonaktifkan" msgid "What is PayPal?" msgstr "Apa itu PayPal?" msgid "PayPal acceptance mark" msgstr "Tanda penerimaan PayPal" msgid "" "SANDBOX ENABLED. You can use sandbox testing accounts only. See the <a href=" "\"%s\">PayPal Sandbox Testing Guide</a> for more details." msgstr "" "SANDBOX DIAKTIFKAN. Anda hanya dapat menggunakan akun pengujian sandbox. " "Lihat <a href=\"%s\">Panduan Pengujian Sandbox PayPal</a> untuk detail lebih " "lanjut." msgid "" "PayPal Standard redirects customers to PayPal to enter their payment " "information." msgstr "" "Standar PayPal mengalihkan pelanggan ke PayPal untuk memasukkan informasi " "pembayaran." msgid "Proceed to PayPal" msgstr "Lanjutkan ke PayPal" msgid "Payment to be made upon delivery." msgstr "Pembayaran harus dilakukan pada saat penyerahan produk." msgid "Other locations" msgstr "Lokasi lain" msgid "Any "%1$s" method" msgstr "Metode \"%1$s\" apa pun" msgid "Accept COD if the order is virtual" msgstr "Terima COD untuk pesanan virtual" msgid "Accept for virtual orders" msgstr "Terima pesanan virtual" msgid "%1$s (#%2$s)" msgstr "%1$s (%2$s)" msgid "Select shipping methods" msgstr "Pilih metode pengiriman" msgid "" "If COD is only available for certain methods, set it up here. Leave blank to " "enable for all methods." msgstr "" "Jika COD hanya tersedia untuk metode tertentu, atur di sini. Biarkan kosong " "untuk mengaktifkan COD untuk semua metode." msgid "Enable for shipping methods" msgstr "Aktifkan untuk metode pengiriman" msgid "Instructions that will be added to the thank you page." msgstr "Instruksi yang akan ditambahkan ke halaman terima kasih." msgid "Pay with cash upon delivery." msgstr "Bayar di tempat saat penyerahan produk." msgid "Payment method description that the customer will see on your website." msgstr "" "Deskripsi metode pembayaran yang akan dilihat pelanggan di website Anda." msgid "Enable cash on delivery" msgstr "Aktifkan bayar di tempat" msgid "Have your customers pay with cash (or by other means) upon delivery." msgstr "" "Minta pelanggan Anda membayar dengan uang tunai (atau dengan cara lain) pada " "saat penyerahan produk." msgid "MM / YY" msgstr "MM / YY" msgid "Expiry (MM/YY)" msgstr "Kedaluwarsa (MM / YY)" msgid "Card code" msgstr "Kode kartu" msgctxt "Check payment method" msgid "Awaiting check payment" msgstr "Menunggu pembayaran cek" msgid "" "Please send a check to Store Name, Store Street, Store Town, Store State / " "County, Store Postcode." msgstr "" "Silahkan kirim cek ke Nama Toko, Alamat Toko, Kota Toko, Provinsi Toko, Kode " "Pos Toko." msgid "Enable check payments" msgstr "Aktifkan Pembayaran via Cek" msgid "" "Take payments in person via checks. This offline gateway can also be useful " "to test purchases." msgstr "" "Terima pembayaran secara langsung melalui cek. Gateway offline ini juga " "dapat berguna untuk mencoba pembelian." msgid "Branch code" msgstr "Kode Cabang" msgid "Bank code" msgstr "Kode Bank" msgid "Branch sort" msgstr "Nama cabang" msgid "IFSC" msgstr "IFSC" msgid "Bank transit number" msgstr "Nomor transit bank" msgid "BSB" msgstr "BSB" msgid "Awaiting BACS payment" msgstr "Menunggu pembayaran BACS" msgid "Our bank details" msgstr "Detail bank kami" msgid "BIC" msgstr "BIC" msgid "Remove selected account(s)" msgstr "Hapus rekening yang dipilih" msgid "Sort code" msgstr "Kode Pengurutan" msgid "Instructions that will be added to the thank you page and emails." msgstr "Instruksi yang akan ditambahkan ke halaman terima kasih dan e-mail." msgid "Account details:" msgstr "Rincian Akun" msgid "Instructions" msgstr "Instruksi" msgid "" "Make your payment directly into our bank account. Please use your Order ID " "as the payment reference. Your order will not be shipped until the funds " "have cleared in our account." msgstr "" "Lakukan pembayaran Anda langsung ke rekening bank kami. Silakan gunakan ID " "Pesanan Anda sebagai referensi pembayaran. Pesanan Anda tidak akan dikirim " "sampai dana telah berhasil diterima di rekening kami." msgid "Payment method description that the customer will see on your checkout." msgstr "" "Deskripsi metode pembayaran yang akan dilihat pelanggan di halaman checkout " "Anda." msgid "This controls the title which the user sees during checkout." msgstr "Ini mengontrol judul yang dilihat pengguna ketika melakukan checkout." msgid "Enable bank transfer" msgstr "Aktifkan transfer bank" msgid "Direct bank transfer" msgstr "Transfer Bank Langsung" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this template file?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin menghapus berkas template ini?" msgid "Hide template" msgstr "Sembunyikan template" msgid "View template" msgstr "Lihat template" msgid "File was not found." msgstr "Berkas tidak ditemukan" msgid "" "To override and edit this email template copy %1$s to your theme folder: " "%2$s." msgstr "" "Untuk menimpa dan menyunting template email ini, salin %1$s ke folder tema " "Anda: %2$s." msgid "Copy file to theme" msgstr "Salin berkas ke tema" msgid "" "This template has been overridden by your theme and can be found in: %s." msgstr "Template ini telah ditimpa oleh tema Anda dan dapat ditemukan di: %s." msgid "Delete template file" msgstr "Hapus berkas template" msgid "Plain text template" msgstr "Template plain text" msgid "HTML template" msgstr "Template HTML" msgid "Return to emails" msgstr "Kembali ke email" msgid "Template file deleted from theme." msgstr "Berkas template telah dihapus dari tema." msgid "Template file copied to theme." msgstr "Berkas template telah disalin ke tema." msgid "Could not write to template file." msgstr "Tidak dapat menulis ke berkas template." msgid "Multipart" msgstr "Multipart" msgid "Congratulations on the sale." msgstr "Selamat Anda telah menjual produk Anda." msgid "New Order: #{order_number}" msgstr "Pesanan Baru: #{order_number}" msgid "[{site_title}]: New order #{order_number}" msgstr "[{site_title}]: Pesanan baru #{order_number}" msgid "" "New order emails are sent to chosen recipient(s) when a new order is " "received." msgstr "" "Email pesanan baru dikirim ke penerima terpilih saat pesanan baru diterima." msgid "" "Hopefully they’ll be back. Read more about <a href=\"https://docs." "\">troubleshooting failed payments</" "a>." msgstr "" "Semoga mereka akan kembali. Baca selengkapnya tentang <a href=\"https://docs." "\">pemecahan masalah pembayaran " "yang gagal</a>." msgid "Order Failed: #{order_number}" msgstr "Pesanan Gagal: #{order_number}" msgid "[{site_title}]: Order #{order_number} has failed" msgstr "[{site_title}]: Pesanan #{order_number} gagal" msgid "" "Failed order emails are sent to chosen recipient(s) when orders have been " "marked failed (if they were previously pending or on-hold)." msgstr "" "Email pembatalan pesanan dikirim ke penerima terpilih ketika pesanan telah " "ditandai dibatalkan (jika sebelumnya diproses atau ditahan)." msgid "Password Reset Request" msgstr "Permintaan merubah kata sandi" msgid "Password Reset Request for {site_title}" msgstr "Permintaan merubah kata sandi untuk {site_title}" msgid "" "Customer \"reset password\" emails are sent when customers reset their " "passwords." msgstr "" "Email \"atur ulang kata sandi\" untuk pelanggan dikirimkan ketika ada " "pelanggan meminta pengaturan ulang kata sandi." msgid "Partial refund email heading" msgstr "Judul email pengembalian dana sebagian" msgid "Full refund email heading" msgstr "Judul email pengembalian dana penuh" msgid "Partial refund subject" msgstr "Subjek pengembalian dana sebagian" msgid "Full refund subject" msgstr "Subjek pengembalian dana penuh" msgid "We hope to see you again soon." msgstr "Kami tunggu kabar dari Anda secepatnya." msgid "Order Refunded: {order_number}" msgstr "Pesanan yang Dikembalikan Dananya: {order_number}" msgid "Partial Refund: Order {order_number}" msgstr "Pengembalian Dana Sebagian: Pesanan {order_number}" msgid "Your {site_title} order #{order_number} has been refunded" msgstr "Pesanan {site_title} Anda #{order_number} telah dikembalikan" msgid "Your {site_title} order #{order_number} has been partially refunded" msgstr "Pesanan {site_title} Anda #{order_number} telah dikembalikan sebagian" msgid "" "Order refunded emails are sent to customers when their orders are refunded." msgstr "" "Email pengembalian dana pesanan dikirimkan ke pelanggan saat pesanannya di " "tandai dikembalikan." msgid "" "This is an order notification sent to customers containing order details " "after payment." msgstr "" "Ini adalah pemberitahuan pesanan yang dikirimkan kepada pelanggan, yang " "berisi rincian pesanan mereka setelah melakukan pembayaran." msgid "We look forward to fulfilling your order soon." msgstr "Kami akan segera memenuhi pesanan Anda." msgid "Thank you for your order" msgstr "Terimakasih atas pesanan Anda" msgid "Your {site_title} order has been received!" msgstr "Pesanan {site_title} Anda telah diterima!" msgid "Order on-hold" msgstr "Pesanan ditahan" msgid "A note has been added to your order" msgstr "Catatan telah ditambahkan pada pesanan Anda" msgid "Note added to your {site_title} order from {order_date}" msgstr "" "Catatan telah ditambahkan ke pesanan {site_title} Anda untuk pesanan tanggal " "{order_date}" msgid "Customer note emails are sent when you add a note to an order." msgstr "" "Email catatan pelanggan dikirimkan ketika Anda menambah catatan baru pada " "pesanan." msgid "We look forward to seeing you soon." msgstr "Kami menantikan kabar dari Anda secepatnya." msgid "Welcome to {site_title}" msgstr "Selamat datang di {site_title}" msgid "Your {site_title} account has been created!" msgstr "Akun {site_title} Anda telah dibuat!" msgid "" "Customer \"new account\" emails are sent to the customer when a customer " "signs up via checkout or account pages." msgstr "" "Email untuk akun pelanggan baru yang dikirimkan apabila seorang pelanggan " "melakukan pendaftaran melalui halaman checkout atau halaman Akun Saya." msgid "Email heading (paid)" msgstr "Judul Email (terbayar)" msgid "Subject (paid)" msgstr "Subjek (berbayar)" msgid "Thanks for using {site_url}!" msgstr "Terima kasih telah menggunakan {site_url}!" msgid "Your invoice for order #{order_number}" msgstr "Faktur Anda untuk pesanan #{order_number}" msgid "Invoice for order #{order_number}" msgstr "Faktur pesanan #{order_number}" msgid "Your latest {site_title} invoice" msgstr "Faktur {site_title} terbaru Anda" msgid "Invoice for order #{order_number} on {site_title}" msgstr "Faktur untuk pesanan #{order_number} di {site_title}" msgid "" "Customer invoice emails can be sent to customers containing their order " "information and payment links." msgstr "" "Email faktur pelanggan dapat dikirim ke pelanggan, yang berisi informasi " "pesanan dan link pembayaran mereka." msgid "Customer invoice / Order details" msgstr "Faktur pelanggan/Detail pesanan" msgid "Thanks for shopping with us" msgstr "Terima kasih telah berbelanja di kami" msgid "Your {site_title} order is now complete" msgstr "Pesanan {site_title} Anda telah selesai" msgid "" "Order complete emails are sent to customers when their orders are marked " "completed and usually indicate that their orders have been shipped." msgstr "" "Email untuk pesanan yang telah dikirim ke pelanggan ketika pesanan mereka " "sudah ditandai selesai dan biasanya menunjukkan bahwa pesanan mereka telah " "dikirimkan." msgid "Choose which format of email to send." msgstr "Pilih format email yang akan dikirim." msgid "Email type" msgstr "Tipe email" msgid "Text to appear below the main email content." msgstr "Teks yang akan ditampilkan di bawah konten email utama." msgid "Additional content" msgstr "Konten tambahan" msgid "Email heading" msgstr "Judul E-mail" msgid "Enter recipients (comma separated) for this email. Defaults to %s." msgstr "" "Masukkan penerima (dipisahkan dengan koma) untuk e-mail ini. Memakai " "pengaturan awal %s." msgid "Enable this email notification" msgstr "Aktifkan notifikasi e-mail ini" msgid "Enable/Disable" msgstr "Aktifkan/Nonaktifkan" msgid "Thanks for reading." msgstr "Terima kasih telah membaca." msgid "Order Cancelled: #{order_number}" msgstr "Pesanan Dibatalkan: #{order_number}" msgid "[{site_title}]: Order #{order_number} has been cancelled" msgstr "[{site_title}]: Pesanan #{order_number} telah dibatalkan" msgid "" "Cancelled order emails are sent to chosen recipient(s) when orders have been " "marked cancelled (if they were previously processing or on-hold)." msgstr "" "Email pesanan dibatalkan dikirimkan ke penerima terpilih ketika pesanan " "telah ditandai sebagai dibatalkan (jika pesanan tersebut sebelumnya sedang " "diproses atau menunggu)." msgid "Invalid webhook." msgstr "Webhook tidak valid." msgid "" "Invalid product type: passed ID does not correspond to a product variation." msgstr "" "Tipe produk tidak valid: ID yang diberikan tidak cocok dengan variasi produk." msgid "Invalid product." msgstr "Produk tidak valid." msgid "Invalid payment token." msgstr "Token pembayaran tidak valid." msgid "Invalid or missing payment token fields." msgstr "Kolom token pembayaran tidak valid atau tidak ada." msgid "Invalid customer query." msgstr "Permintaan informasi pelanggan yang tidak valid." msgid "Invalid download log: not found." msgstr "Log unduhan tidak valid: tidak ditemukan." msgid "Invalid download log: no ID." msgstr "Log unduhan tidak valid: tidak ada ID." msgid "Unable to insert download log entry in database." msgstr "Tidak dapat menyisipkan entri log unduhan dalam database." msgid "Invalid download." msgstr "Unduhan tidak valid." msgid "Invalid customer." msgstr "Pelanggan tidak valid." msgid "Invalid coupon." msgstr "Kupon tidak valid." msgid "Invalid order item." msgstr "Barang pesanan tak valid" msgid "Order – %s" msgstr "Pesanan – %s" msgid "" "Optionally add some text for the terms checkbox that customers must accept." msgstr "" "Menambahkan beberapa teks secara opsional untuk kotak centang persyaratan " "yang harus diterima pelanggan." msgid "No page set" msgstr "Belum ada halaman yang ditetapkan" msgid "Highlight required fields with an asterisk" msgstr "Tandai bidang yang wajib diisi dengan tanda bintang" msgid "I have read and agree to the website %s" msgstr "Saya sudah membaca dan setuju dengan situs %s " msgid "%s field" msgstr "%s bidang" msgid "" "These options let you change the appearance of the WooCommerce checkout." msgstr "" "Pilihan ini memungkinkan Anda untuk mengubah tampilan checkout WooCommerce." msgid "Images will display using the aspect ratio in which they were uploaded" msgstr "" "Gambar akan ditampilkan menggunakan rasio aspek yang digunakan saat " "mengunggah" msgid "Images will be cropped to a custom aspect ratio" msgstr "Gambar akan dipotong menurut rasio aspek yang disesuaikan" msgid "Images will be cropped into a square" msgstr "Gambar akan dipotong menjadi persegi" msgid "1:1" msgstr "1:1" msgid "Thumbnail cropping" msgstr "Pemotongan gambar mini" msgid "Image size used for products in the catalog." msgstr "Ukuran gambar yang digunakan untuk produk dalam katalog." msgid "" "Image size used for the main image on single product pages. These images " "will remain uncropped." msgstr "" "Ukuran gambar yang digunakan untuk gambar utama pada satu halaman produk. " "Gambar ini akan tetap tidak dipotong." msgid "Main image width" msgstr "Lebar gambar utama" msgid "Product Images" msgstr "Gambar Produk" msgid "" "After publishing your changes, new image sizes may not be shown until you <a " "href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Regenerate Thumbnails</a>." msgstr "" "Setelah memublikasikan perubahan, ukuran gambar yang baru tidak akan " "ditampilkan hingga Anda <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Membuat Ulang " "Gambar Mini</a>." msgid "" "After publishing your changes, new image sizes may not be shown until you " "regenerate thumbnails. You can do this from the <a href=\"%1$s\" target=" "\"_blank\">tools section in WooCommerce</a> or by using a plugin such as <a " "href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\">Regenerate Thumbnails</a>." msgstr "" "Setelah memublikasikan perubahan yang dibuat, ukuran gambar yang baru tidak " "akan berubah sampai Anda membuat ulang gambar mini. Anda dapat melakukannya " "dari <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">bagian alat di WooCommerce</a> atau " "dengan menggunakan plugin seperti <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\">Buat " "Ulang Gambar Mini</a>." msgid "" "After publishing your changes, new image sizes will be generated " "automatically." msgstr "" "Setelah memublikasikan perubahan yang dibuat, ukuran gambar yang baru akan " "dibuat secara otomatis." msgid "How many rows of products should be shown per page?" msgstr "Berapa baris produk yang harus ditampilkan dalam satu halaman?" msgid "Rows per page" msgstr "Baris per halaman" msgid "How many products should be shown per row?" msgstr "Berapa produk yang harus ditampilkan per baris?" msgid "Products per row" msgstr "Produk per baris" msgid "How should products be sorted in the catalog by default?" msgstr "Bagaimana urutan asal produk dalam katalog?" msgid "Default product sorting" msgstr "Urutan produk asal" msgid "Show subcategories & products" msgstr "Tampilkan subkategori & produk" msgid "Show subcategories" msgstr "Tampilkan subkategori" msgid "Choose what to display on product category pages." msgstr "Pilih yang akan ditampilkan pada halaman kategori produk." msgid "Category display" msgstr "Tampilan kategori" msgid "Show categories & products" msgstr "Tampilkan kategori & produk" msgid "Show products" msgstr "Tampilkan produk" msgid "Choose what to display on the main shop page." msgstr "Pilih yang akan ditampilkan pada halaman utama toko." msgid "Shop page display" msgstr "Tampilan halaman toko" msgid "Product Catalog" msgstr "Katalog Produk" msgid "" "If enabled, this text will be shown site-wide. You can use it to show events " "or promotions to visitors!" msgstr "" "Jika diaktifkan, teks ini akan diaktifkan di seluruh situs. Anda dapat " "menggunakan teks ini untuk menampilkan acara atau promosi ke pengunjung!" msgid "Store notice" msgstr "Pemberitahuan Toko" msgid "" "This is a demo store for testing purposes — no orders shall be " "fulfilled." msgstr "" "Ini merupakan demo toko untuk keperluan percobaan — tidak ada pesanan " "yang akan diproses." msgid "Store Notice" msgstr "Pemberitahuan Toko" msgid "Sort by price (desc)" msgstr "Urutkan berdasarkan harga tertinggi" msgid "Sort by price (asc)" msgstr "Urutkan berdasarkan harga terendah" msgid "Sort by most recent" msgstr "Urutkan berdasarkan yang terbaru" msgid "Popularity (sales)" msgstr "Popularitas (penjualan)" msgid "Default sorting (custom ordering + name)" msgstr "Pengurutan standar (urutan khusus + nama)" msgid "The maximum allowed setting is %d" msgstr "Pengaturan maksimum yang diizinkan adalah %d" msgid "The minimum allowed setting is %d" msgstr "Pengaturan minimum yang diizinkan adalah %d" msgid "%1$d update functions completed. Database version is %2$s" msgstr "Pembaruan %1$d selesai. Versi basis data adalah %2$s" msgid "Updating database" msgstr "Memperbarui database" msgid "Found %1$d updates (%2$s)" msgstr "Menemukan %1$d pembaruan (%2$s)" msgid "No updates required. Database version is %s" msgstr "Tidak ada pembaruan yang diperlukan. Versi database adalah %s" msgid "Output just the id when the operation is successful." msgstr "Hanya menghasilkan ID ketika operasi berhasil." msgid "Render response in a particular format." msgstr "Merender respons dalam format tertentu." msgid "Get the value of an individual field." msgstr "Mendapatkan nilai kolom individual." msgid "Limit response to specific fields. Defaults to all fields." msgstr "Membatasi respons ke kolom tertentu. Pengaturan asal ke semua kolom." msgid "Instance ID." msgstr "Instance ID." msgid "Zone ID." msgstr "ID Zona." msgid "Attribute ID." msgstr "ID atribut." msgid "Refund ID." msgstr "ID pengembalian dana." msgid "Order ID." msgstr "ID pesanan." msgid "Customer ID." msgstr "ID pelanggan." msgid "Product ID." msgstr "ID produk." msgid "No schema title found for %s, skipping REST command registration." msgstr "" "Tidak ada judul skema yang ditemukan untuk %s, melewati registrasi REST." msgid "" "Make sure to include the --user flag with an account that has permissions " "for this action." msgstr "" "Pastikan untuk menyertakan bendera --user dengan akun yang memiliki izin " "terkait tindakan ini." msgid "" "Or you can download a pre-built version of the plugin from the <a href=\"%1$s" "\"> repository</a> or by visiting <a href=\"%2$s\">the releases " "page in the GitHub repository</a>." msgstr "" "Atau Anda dapat mengunduh versi pra-pasang plugin dari <a href=\"%1$s" "\">repositori</a> atau dengan mengunjungi <a href=\"%2$s" "\">halaman rilis di repositori GitHub</a>." msgid "%1$s in %2$s on line %3$s" msgstr "%1$s di %2$s pada baris %3$s" msgid "Error: Delivery URL returned response code: %s" msgstr "Eror: URL pengiriman mengembalikan kode balasan: %s" msgid "Error: Delivery URL cannot be reached: %s" msgstr "Eror: URL pengiriman tidak dapat dicapai: %s" msgid "Invalid field" msgstr "Kolom tidak valid" msgid "Tax class slug already exists" msgstr "Slug kelas pajak sudah ada" msgid "Tax class already exists" msgstr "Kelas pajak sudah ada" msgid "Tax class requires a valid name" msgstr "Kelas pajak mengharuskan nama valid" msgid "%s and %d other region" msgid_plural "%s and %d other regions" msgstr[0] "%s dan %d kawasan lainnya" msgstr[1] "%s dan %d kawasan lainnya" msgid "Customer matched zone \"%s\"" msgstr "Pelanggan mencocokkan zona \"%s\"" msgid "" "WooCommerce API. Use a consumer key in the username field and a consumer " "secret in the password field." msgstr "" "WooCommerce API. Gunakan kunci konsumen di bidang nama pengguna dan rahasia " "konsumen di bidang kata sandi." msgid "Unknown request method." msgstr "Metode permintaan tidak dikenal." msgid "The API key provided does not have write permissions." msgstr "Kunci API yang diberikan tidak memiliki izin tulis." msgid "The API key provided does not have read permissions." msgstr "Kunci API yang diberikan tidak memiliki izin baca." msgid "Invalid nonce - nonce has already been used." msgstr "Nonce tidak valid - nonce sudah terpakai." msgid "Invalid timestamp." msgstr "Keterangan waktu tidak valid." msgid "Invalid signature - provided signature does not match." msgstr "Tanda Tangan Tidak Valid - tanda tangan yang diberikan tidak cocok." msgid "Invalid signature - signature method is invalid." msgstr "Tanda Tangan Tidak Valid - metode tanda tangan tidak valid." msgid "Invalid signature - failed to sort parameters." msgstr "Tanda Tangan Tidak Valid - gagal mengurutkan parameter." msgid "Consumer key is invalid." msgstr "Kunci Konsumen tidak valid." msgid "Missing OAuth parameter %s" msgid_plural "Missing OAuth parameters %s" msgstr[0] "Parameter OAuth %s tidak ada" msgstr[1] "Parameter OAuth %s tidak ada" msgid "Consumer secret is invalid." msgstr "Consumer Secret tidak valid" msgid "Completed product image regeneration job." msgstr "Selesaikan pembuatan ulang gambar produk." msgid "Regenerating images for attachment ID: %s" msgstr "Membuat ulang gambar untuk ID lampiran: %s" msgid "Cancelled product image regeneration job." msgstr "Membatalkan membuat ulang gambar produk." msgid "Orders (page %d)" msgstr "Pesanan (halaman %d)" msgid "Pay for order" msgstr "Bayar untuk pesan" msgid "Select options for “%s”" msgstr "Pilih opsi untuk “%s”" msgid "Add “%s” to your cart" msgstr "Tambahkan “%s” ke keranjang Anda" msgid "View products in the “%s” group" msgstr "Lihat produk dalam grup “%s”" msgid "Buy “%s”" msgstr "Beli “%s”" msgid "External products cannot be backordered." msgstr "Produk eksternal tidak dapat dipesan balik." msgid "External products cannot be stock managed." msgstr "Produk eksternal tidak dapat dikelola stok." msgid "" "Please see the <a href=\"" "full\">PayPal Privacy Policy</a> for more details." msgstr "" "Silakan lihat <a href=\"" "\">Kebijakan Privasi PayPal</a> untuk lebih jelasnya." msgid "" "We accept payments through PayPal. When processing payments, some of your " "data will be passed to PayPal, including information required to process or " "support the payment, such as the purchase total and billing information." msgstr "" "Kami menerima pembayaran melalui PayPal. Saat memproses pembayaran, beberapa " "data Anda akan diteruskan ke PayPal, termasuk informasi yang diperlukan " "untuk memproses atau mendukung pembayaran, seperti total pembelian dan " "informasi penagihan." msgid "" "In this subsection you should list which third party payment processors " "you’re using to take payments on your store since these may handle customer " "data. We’ve included PayPal as an example, but you should remove this if " "you’re not using PayPal." msgstr "" "Di subbagian ini Anda harus mencantumkan prosesor pembayaran pihak ketiga " "mana yang Anda gunakan untuk melakukan pembayaran di toko Anda karena ini " "dapat menangani data pelanggan. Kami telah menyertakan PayPal sebagai " "contoh, tetapi Anda harus menghapus ini jika Anda tidak menggunakan PayPal." msgid "" "We share information with third parties who help us provide our orders and " "store services to you; for example --" msgstr "" "Kami berbagi informasi dengan pihak ketiga yang membantu kami menyediakan " "pesanan dan layanan toko kepada Anda; sebagai contoh --" msgid "" "In this section you should list who you’re sharing data with, and for what " "purpose. This could include, but may not be limited to, analytics, " "marketing, payment gateways, shipping providers, and third party embeds." msgstr "" "Di bagian ini Anda harus mendaftarkan dengan siapa Anda berbagi data, dan " "untuk tujuan apa. Ini dapat mencakup, tetapi mungkin tidak terbatas pada, " "analitik, pemasaran, gateway pembayaran, penyedia pengiriman, dan penyematan " "pihak ketiga." msgid "What we share with others" msgstr "Apa yang kami bagikan dengan orang lain" msgid "" "Our team members have access to this information to help fulfill orders, " "process refunds and support you." msgstr "" "Anggota tim kami memiliki akses ke informasi ini untuk membantu memenuhi " "pesanan, memproses pengembalian uang, dan membantu Anda." msgid "" "Customer information like your name, email address, and billing and shipping " "information." msgstr "" "Informasi pelanggan seperti nama Anda, alamat e-mail, dan informasi " "penagihan dan pengiriman." msgid "" "Order information like what was purchased, when it was purchased and where " "it should be sent, and" msgstr "" "Informasi pesanan seperti apa yang dibeli, kapan dibeli dan ke mana harus " "dikirim, dan" msgid "" "Members of our team have access to the information you provide us. For " "example, both Administrators and Shop Managers can access:" msgstr "" "Anggota tim kami memiliki akses ke informasi yang Anda berikan kepada kami. " "Misalnya, Administrator dan Manajer Toko dapat mengakses:" msgid "Who on our team has access" msgstr "Siapa di tim kami yang memiliki akses" msgid "We will also store comments or reviews, if you choose to leave them." msgstr "" "Kami juga akan menyimpan komentar atau ulasan, jika Anda memilih untuk " "meninggalkannya." msgid "" "We generally store information about you for as long as we need the " "information for the purposes for which we collect and use it, and we are not " "legally required to continue to keep it. For example, we will store order " "information for XXX years for tax and accounting purposes. This includes " "your name, email address and billing and shipping addresses." msgstr "" "Kami umumnya menyimpan informasi tentang Anda selama kami membutuhkan " "informasi tersebut untuk tujuan yang kami kumpulkan dan gunakan, dan kami " "tidak diharuskan secara hukum untuk terus menyimpannya. Misalnya, kami akan " "menyimpan informasi pesanan selama XXX tahun untuk tujuan pajak dan " "akuntansi. Ini termasuk nama Anda, alamat e-mail dan alamat penagihan dan " "pengiriman." msgid "" "If you create an account, we will store your name, address, email and phone " "number, which will be used to populate the checkout for future orders." msgstr "" "Jika Anda membuat akun, kami akan menyimpan nama, alamat, e-mail, dan nomor " "telepon Anda, yang akan digunakan untuk mengisi checkout untuk pesanan " "selanjutnya." msgid "Send you marketing messages, if you choose to receive them" msgstr "Kirim pesan pemasaran kepada Anda, jika Anda memilih untuk menerimanya" msgid "Improve our store offerings" msgstr "Tingkatkan penawaran toko kami" msgid "Comply with any legal obligations we have, such as calculating taxes" msgstr "" "Patuhi semua kewajiban hukum yang kita miliki, seperti menghitung pajak" msgid "Set up your account for our store" msgstr "Siapkan akun Anda untuk toko kami" msgid "Process payments and prevent fraud" msgstr "Proses pembayaran dan cegah penipuan" msgid "Respond to your requests, including refunds and complaints" msgstr "Tanggapi permintaan Anda, termasuk pengembalian uang dan keluhan" msgid "Send you information about your account and order" msgstr "Kirimi Anda informasi tentang akun dan pesanan Anda" msgid "" "When you purchase from us, we’ll ask you to provide information including " "your name, billing address, shipping address, email address, phone number, " "credit card/payment details and optional account information like username " "and password. We’ll use this information for purposes, such as, to:" msgstr "" "Ketika Anda membeli dari kami, kami akan meminta Anda untuk memberikan " "informasi termasuk nama Anda, alamat penagihan, alamat pengiriman, alamat e-" "mail, nomor telepon, detail pembayaran / kartu kredit dan informasi akun " "opsional seperti nama pengguna dan kata sandi. Kami akan menggunakan " "informasi ini untuk tujuan, seperti untuk:" msgid "" "Note: you may want to further detail your cookie policy, and link to that " "section from here." msgstr "" "Catatan: Anda mungkin ingin merinci lebih lanjut kebijakan cookie Anda, dan " "tautan ke bagian tersebut dari sini." msgid "" "We’ll also use cookies to keep track of cart contents while you’re browsing " "our site." msgstr "" "Kami juga akan menggunakan cookie untuk melacak konten keranjang saat Anda " "menjelajahi situs kami." msgid "" "Shipping address: we’ll ask you to enter this so we can, for instance, " "estimate shipping before you place an order, and send you the order!" msgstr "" "Alamat pengiriman: kami akan meminta Anda untuk memasukkan ini sehingga kami " "dapat, misalnya, memperkirakan pengiriman sebelum Anda melakukan pemesanan, " "dan mengirimkan pesanan kepada Anda!" msgid "" "Location, IP address and browser type: we’ll use this for purposes like " "estimating taxes and shipping" msgstr "" "Lokasi, alamat IP, dan jenis browser: kami akan menggunakan ini untuk tujuan " "seperti memperkirakan pajak dan pengiriman" msgid "While you visit our site, we’ll track:" msgstr "Saat Anda mengunjungi situs kami, kami akan melacak:" msgid "What we collect and store" msgstr "Apa yang kami kumpulkan dan simpan" msgid "" "We collect information about you during the checkout process on our store." msgstr "" "Kami mengumpulkan informasi tentang Anda selama proses checkout di toko kami." msgid "" "This sample language includes the basics around what personal data your " "store may be collecting, storing and sharing, as well as who may have access " "to that data. Depending on what settings are enabled and which additional " "plugins are used, the specific information shared by your store will vary. " "We recommend consulting with a lawyer when deciding what information to " "disclose on your privacy policy." msgstr "" "Contoh bahasa ini mencakup dasar-dasar seputar data pribadi apa yang mungkin " "dikumpulkan, disimpan, dan dibagikan, serta siapa yang mungkin memiliki " "akses ke data tersebut. Tergantung pada pengaturan apa yang diaktifkan dan " "plugin tambahan apa yang digunakan, informasi spesifik yang dibagikan oleh " "toko Anda akan bervariasi. Kami menyarankan berkonsultasi dengan pengacara " "ketika memutuskan informasi apa yang akan diungkapkan pada kebijakan privasi " "Anda." msgid "WooCommerce Customer Payment Tokens" msgstr "Token Pembayaran Pelanggan WooCommerce" msgid "WooCommerce Customer Downloads" msgstr "Unduhan Pelanggan WooCommerce" msgid "WooCommerce Customer Orders" msgstr "Pesanan Pelanggan WooCommerce" msgid "WooCommerce Customer Data" msgstr "Data Pelanggan WooCommerce" msgid "Token" msgstr "Token" msgid "User’s WooCommerce payment tokens data." msgstr "Data token pembayaran WooCommerce milik pengguna." msgid "Payment Tokens" msgstr "Token Pembayaran" msgid "Access granted" msgstr "Akses diberikan" msgid "Download count" msgstr "Jumlah unduhan" msgid "Order ID" msgstr "ID Pesanan" msgid "Payer PayPal address" msgstr "Alamat PayPal pembayar" msgid "Payer last name" msgstr "Nama belakang pembayar" msgid "Payer first name" msgstr "Nama depan pembayar" msgid "Shipping Address" msgstr "Alamat Pengiriman" msgid "Browser User Agent" msgstr "Agen Pengguna Perambah" msgid "Items Purchased" msgstr "Item yang Dibeli" msgid "Order Date" msgstr "Tanggal Pesanan" msgid "Download ID" msgstr "ID Unduhan" msgid "User’s WooCommerce access to purchased downloads data." msgstr "Akses WooCommerce pengguna ke data unduhan yang dibeli." msgid "Access to Purchased Downloads" msgstr "Akses ke Unduhan yang Dibeli" msgid "User’s WooCommerce purchased downloads data." msgstr "Data unduhan yang dibeli WooCommerce milik pengguna." msgid "Purchased Downloads" msgstr "Unduhan yang Dibeli" msgid "User’s WooCommerce orders data." msgstr "Data pesanan WooCommerce milik pengguna." msgid "User’s WooCommerce customer data." msgstr "Data pelanggan WooCommerce milik pengguna." msgid "Customer Data" msgstr "Data Pelanggan" msgid "Removed payment token \"%d\"" msgstr "Token pembayaran yang dihapus \"%d\"" msgid "Personal data removed." msgstr "Data pribadi dihapus." msgid "Customer download permissions have been retained." msgstr "Izin unduhan pelanggan telah dipertahankan." msgid "Removed access to downloadable files." msgstr "Akses dihapus ke file yang dapat diunduh." msgid "Personal data within order %s has been retained." msgstr "Data pribadi dalam pesanan %s telah dipertahankan." msgid "Removed personal data from order %s." msgstr "Data pribadi dihapus dari pesanan %s." msgid "Removed customer \"%s\"" msgstr "Pelanggan \"%s\" telah dihapus" msgid "Shipping Country / Region" msgstr "Negara/Wilayah pengiriman" msgid "Shipping State" msgstr "Status Pengiriman" msgid "Shipping Postal/Zip Code" msgstr "Kode Zip/Pos Pengiriman" msgid "Shipping City" msgstr "Kota Pengiriman" msgid "Shipping Address 2" msgstr "Alamat pengiriman 2" msgid "Shipping Address 1" msgstr "Alamat Pengiriman 1" msgid "Shipping Last Name" msgstr "Nama Belakang Pengiriman" msgid "Shipping First Name" msgstr "Nama Depan Pengiriman" msgid "Billing Country / Region" msgstr "Negara/Wilayah penagihan" msgid "Billing State" msgstr "Status Penagihan" msgid "Billing Postal/Zip Code" msgstr "Kode Zip/Pos Penagihan" msgid "Billing City" msgstr "Kota Penagihan" msgid "Billing Address 2" msgstr "Alamat Penagihan 2" msgid "Billing Address 1" msgstr "Alamat Penagihan 1" msgid "Billing Company" msgstr "Perusahaan Penagihan" msgid "Billing Last Name" msgstr "Nama Belakang Penagihan" msgid "Billing First Name" msgstr "Nama Depan Penagihan" msgctxt "Order status" msgid "Failed" msgstr "Gagal" msgctxt "Order status" msgid "Refunded" msgstr "Dana dikembalikan" msgctxt "Order status" msgid "Cancelled" msgstr "Dibatalkan" msgctxt "Order status" msgid "Completed" msgstr "Selesai" msgctxt "Order status" msgid "On hold" msgstr "Ditahan" msgctxt "Order status" msgid "Processing" msgstr "Sedang diproses" msgctxt "Order status" msgid "Pending payment" msgstr "Pembayaran tertunda" msgctxt "taxonomy term messages" msgid "%s not updated" msgstr "%s tidak diperbarui" msgctxt "taxonomy term messages" msgid "%s not added" msgstr "%s tidak ditambahkan" msgctxt "taxonomy term messages" msgid "%s updated" msgstr "%s diperbarui" msgctxt "taxonomy term messages" msgid "%s deleted" msgstr "%s dihapus" msgctxt "taxonomy term messages" msgid "%s added" msgstr "%s ditambahkan" msgid "" "This is where you can add new coupons that customers can use in your store." msgstr "" "Di sinilah Anda dapat menambahkan kupon baru yang dapat digunakan oleh " "pelanggan di toko Anda." msgid "Coupons list" msgstr "Daftar kupon" msgid "Coupons navigation" msgstr "Navigasi kupon" msgid "Filter coupons" msgstr "Saring kupon" msgid "Parent coupon" msgstr "Kupon Induk" msgid "Search coupons" msgstr "Cari Kupon" msgid "View coupon" msgstr "Lihat Kupon" msgid "New coupon" msgstr "Kupon Baru" msgid "Add new coupon" msgstr "Tambah Kupon Baru" msgctxt "Admin menu name" msgid "Coupons" msgstr "Kupon" msgid "This is where store orders are stored." msgstr "Di sinilah pesanan toko disimpan." msgid "Orders list" msgstr "Daftar pesanan" msgid "Orders navigation" msgstr "Navigasi pesanan" msgid "Filter orders" msgstr "Saring pesanan" msgid "Parent orders" msgstr "Pesanan induk" msgid "Add new order" msgstr "Tambahkan pesanan baru" msgid "Add order" msgstr "Tambahkan pesanan" msgctxt "shop_order post type singular name" msgid "Order" msgstr "Pesanan" msgid "Products list" msgstr "Daftar produk" msgid "Products navigation" msgstr "Navigasi produk" msgid "Filter products" msgstr "Saring produk" msgid "Uploaded to this product" msgstr "Diunggah ke produk ini" msgid "Insert into product" msgstr "Sisipkan ke dalam produk" msgid "Use as product image" msgstr "Gunakan sebagai gambar produk" msgid "Remove product image" msgstr "Hapus gambar produk" msgid "Set product image" msgstr "Atur gambar produk" msgid "No products found in trash" msgstr "Tidak ada produk di tempat sampah" msgid "No products found" msgstr "Tidak ada produk" msgid "View product" msgstr "Lihat produk" msgid "Add new product" msgstr "Tambah Produk Baru" msgctxt "Admin menu name" msgid "Products" msgstr "Produk" msgid "← Back to \"%s\" attributes" msgstr "← Kembali ke atribut \"%s\"" msgid "No "%s" found" msgstr ""%s" tidak ditemukan" msgid "Parent %s:" msgstr "Induk %s:" msgctxt "Product Attribute" msgid "Product %s" msgstr "Produk %s" msgid "New shipping class Name" msgstr "Nama Kelas Pengiriman Baru" msgid "Add new shipping class" msgstr "Tambah Kelas Pengiriman Baru" msgid "Update shipping class" msgstr "Perbarui Kelas Pengiriman" msgid "Edit shipping class" msgstr "Edit Kelas Pengiriman" msgid "Parent shipping class:" msgstr "Induk Kelas Pengiriman:" msgid "Parent shipping class" msgstr "Induk Kelas Pengiriman" msgid "All shipping classes" msgstr "Semua Kelas Pengiriman" msgid "Search shipping classes" msgstr "Cari Kelas Pengiriman" msgctxt "Admin menu name" msgid "Shipping classes" msgstr "Kelas Pengiriman" msgid "Product shipping classes" msgstr "Kelas pengiriman produk" msgid "Add new tag" msgstr "Tambahkan tag baru" msgid "Update tag" msgstr "Perbarui tag" msgid "All tags" msgstr "Semua tag" msgid "Search tags" msgstr "Cari tag" msgctxt "Admin menu name" msgid "Tags" msgstr "Tag" msgid "Edit category" msgstr "Sunting kategori" msgid "Parent category:" msgstr "Kategori induk" msgctxt "Admin menu name" msgid "Categories" msgstr "Kategori" msgctxt "Taxonomy name" msgid "Product visibility" msgstr "Keterlihatan produk" msgctxt "Taxonomy name" msgid "Product type" msgstr "Tipe produk" msgid "Refund – %s" msgstr "Pengembalian dana – %s" msgid "Error during status transition." msgstr "Terjadi error saat transisi status." msgid "Order status set to %s." msgstr "Status pesanan disetel ke %s." msgid "Order status changed from %1$s to %2$s." msgstr "Status pesanan berubah dari %1$s menjadi %2$s" msgid "Update status event failed." msgstr "Gagal memperbarui status acara." msgid "(includes %s)" msgstr "(termasuk %s)" msgid "Payment complete event failed." msgstr "Acara pembayaran lengkap gagal." msgid "Backordered" msgstr "Backorder" msgid "Invalid product" msgstr "Produk tidak valid" msgid "Invalid variation ID" msgstr "ID variasi tidak valid" msgid "Invalid tax class" msgstr "Kelas pajak tidak valid" msgid "%1$s was called with an invalid level \"%2$s\"." msgstr "%1$s dipicu dengan level \"%2$s\" yang tidak valid." msgid "The provided handler %1$s does not implement %2$s." msgstr "Penangan %1$s yang disediakan tidak menerapkan %2$s." msgid "" "%1$s was installed but could not be activated. <a href=\"%2$s\">Please " "activate it manually by clicking here.</a>" msgstr "" "%1$s telah di-install tetapi tidak dapat diaktifkan. <a href=\"%2$s" "\">Silahkan aktifkan secara manual dengan klik di sini.</a>" msgid "" "%1$s could not be installed (%2$s). <a href=\"%3$s\">Please install it " "manually by clicking here.</a>" msgstr "" "%1$s tidak dapat di-install (%2$s). <a href=\"%3$s\">Silahkan install secara " "manual dengan klik di sini.</a>" msgid "Premium support" msgstr "Bantuan Premium" msgid "Visit premium customer support" msgstr "Kunjungi dukungan pelanggan premium" msgid "Visit community forums" msgstr "Kunjungi forum komunitas" msgid "API docs" msgstr "Dokumentasi API" msgid "View WooCommerce API docs" msgstr "Lihat Dokumentasi API WooCommerce" msgid "Docs" msgstr "Dokumen" msgid "View WooCommerce documentation" msgstr "Lihat dokumentasi WooCommerce" msgid "View WooCommerce settings" msgstr "Lihat pengaturan WooCommerce" msgctxt "User role" msgid "Shop manager" msgstr "Manajer Toko" msgctxt "User role" msgid "Customer" msgstr "Pelanggan" msgid "Zero rate" msgstr "Tarif nol" msgid "Reduced rate" msgstr "Tarif diskon" msgctxt "Page title" msgid "My account" msgstr "Akun Saya" msgctxt "Page slug" msgid "my-account" msgstr "my-account" msgctxt "Page title" msgid "Checkout" msgstr "Checkout" msgctxt "Page slug" msgid "checkout" msgstr "checkout" msgctxt "Page title" msgid "Cart" msgstr "Keranjang" msgctxt "Page slug" msgid "cart" msgstr "cart" msgctxt "Page title" msgid "Shop" msgstr "Toko" msgctxt "Page slug" msgid "shop" msgstr "shop" msgid "Every 15 Days" msgstr "Setiap 15 Hari" msgid "Please enter a stronger password." msgstr "Silakan masukkan kata sandi yang lebih kuat." msgid "" "Sorry, this product is unavailable. Please choose a different combination." msgstr "Maaf, produk ini tidak tersedia. Mohon pilih kombinasi yang berbeda." msgid "" "Please select some product options before adding this product to your cart." msgstr "" "Silakan pilih beberapa pilihan produk sebelum menambahkan produk ini ke " "keranjang Anda." msgid "" "Sorry, no products matched your selection. Please choose a different " "combination." msgstr "" "Maaf, tidak ada produk yang cocok dengan pilihan Anda. Silakan pilih " "kombinasi yang berbeda." msgid "Error processing checkout. Please try again." msgstr "Kesalahan saat memproses checkout. Silakan coba lagi." msgid "Please select a rating" msgstr "Silakan pilih rating" msgid "" "Your account was created successfully. Your login details have been sent to " "your email address." msgstr "" "Akun Anda berhasil dibuat. Detail login Anda telah dikirim ke alamat email " "Anda." msgid "" "Your account was created successfully and a password has been sent to your " "email address." msgstr "" "Akun Anda berhasil dibuat dan kata sandi telah dikirim ke alamat email Anda." msgid "Please choose a product to add to your cart…" msgstr "Silakan pilih produk untuk ditambahkan ke keranjang Anda…" msgid "" "Please choose the quantity of items you wish to add to your cart…" msgstr "" "Silakan pilih jumlah produk yang ingin Anda tambahkan ke keranjang " "Anda…" msgid "" "Your order can no longer be cancelled. Please contact us if you need " "assistance." msgstr "" "Pesanan Anda tidak lagi dapat dibatalkan. Silakan hubungi kami jika Anda " "membutuhkan bantuan." msgid "Your order was cancelled." msgstr "Pesanan Anda dibatalkan." msgid "Order cancelled by customer." msgstr "Pesanan dibatalkan oleh pelanggan." msgid "Cart updated." msgstr "Keranjang diperbarui" msgid "You can only have 1 %s in your cart." msgstr "Anda hanya dapat memiliki 1 %s dalam keranjang Anda." msgid "%s removed." msgstr "%s dihapus." msgctxt "Item name in quotes" msgid "“%s”" msgstr "“%s”" msgid "This payment method was successfully set as your default." msgstr "Metode pembayaran ini telah sukses menjadi metode baku Anda." msgid "Payment method deleted." msgstr "Metode pembayaran dihapus." msgid "Unable to add payment method to your account." msgstr "Tidak dapat menambahkan metode pembayaran ke akun Anda." msgid "Payment method successfully added." msgstr "Metode pembayaran berhasil ditambahkan." msgid "Invalid payment gateway." msgstr "Gateway pembayaran tidak valid." msgid "" "You cannot add a new payment method so soon after the previous one. Please " "wait for %d second." msgid_plural "" "You cannot add a new payment method so soon after the previous one. Please " "wait for %d seconds." msgstr[0] "" "Anda tidak dapat menambahkan metode pembayaran yang baru terlalu cepat " "setelah menambahkan yang sebelumnya. Harap tunggu selama %d detik." msgstr[1] "" "Anda tidak dapat menambahkan metode pembayaran yang baru terlalu cepat " "setelah menambahkan yang sebelumnya. Harap tunggu selama %d detik." msgid "Account details changed successfully." msgstr "Detail akun berhasil diubah." msgid "Your current password is incorrect." msgstr "Kata sandi Anda saat ini salah." msgid "New passwords do not match." msgstr "Kata sandi yang baru tidak cocok." msgid "Please enter your current password." msgstr "Silakan masukkan kata sandi Anda saat ini." msgid "Please fill out all password fields." msgstr "Silakan isi semua kolom kata sandi." msgid "Display name" msgstr "Nama tampilan" msgid "Display name cannot be changed to email address due to privacy concern." msgstr "" "Nama tampilan tidak dapat diubah menjadi alamat email karena masalah privasi." msgid "Address changed successfully." msgstr "Alamat berhasil diubah" msgid "Please enter a valid postcode / ZIP." msgstr "Mohon masukkan kodepos yang valid." msgid "Please enter a valid Eircode." msgstr "Masukkan Eircode yang valid." msgid "Rated %s out of 5" msgstr "Dinilai %s dari 5" msgid "Error: %s" msgstr "Error: %s" msgid "Shipping methods" msgstr "Metode pengiriman" msgid "Shipping zones" msgstr "Zona pengiriman" msgid "Customer" msgstr "Pelanggan" msgid "Payment method:" msgstr "Metode pembayaran:" msgid "Load billing address" msgstr "Muat alamat penagihan" msgid "Shipping method" msgstr "Metode pengiriman" msgid "Automated Taxes" msgstr "Pajak Otomatis" msgid "Yes please" msgstr "Ya!" msgid "Shipping" msgid_plural "Shipping %d" msgstr[0] "Pengiriman" msgstr[1] "Pengiriman %d" msgid "Your settings have been saved." msgstr "Pengaturan Anda telah disimpan." msgid "Customers" msgstr "Pelanggan" msgid "Address line 1" msgstr "Baris alamat 1" msgid "%s order restored from the Trash." msgid_plural "%s orders restored from the Trash." msgstr[0] "%s pesanan dikembalikan dari Tempat Sampah." msgstr[1] "%s pesanan dikembalikan dari Tempat Sampah." msgid "%s order moved to the Trash." msgid_plural "%s orders moved to the Trash." msgstr[0] "%s pesanan dipindahkan ke Tempat Sampah" msgstr[1] "%s pesanan dipindahkan ke Tempat Sampah" msgid "Soria" msgstr "Soria" msgid "Cádiz" msgstr "Cádiz" msgid "Burgos" msgstr "Burgos" msgid "South Korea" msgstr "Korea Selatan" msgid "%1$s units of %2$s have been backordered in order #%3$s." msgstr "%1$s unit dari %2$s telah berhasil di-inden di pesanan #%3$s" msgid "Product backorder" msgstr "Backorder produk" msgid "%s is out of stock." msgstr "%s stok habis." msgid "Product out of stock" msgstr "Produk dengan stok habis" msgid "%1$s is low in stock. There are %2$d left." msgstr "Stok %1$s tinggal sedikit. Tersisa %2$d." msgid "Product low in stock" msgstr "Produk dengan stok rendah" msgid "Go to shop" msgstr "Pergi ke toko" msgid "No file defined" msgstr "Tidak ada berkas" msgid "This is not your download link." msgstr "Ini bukan tautan unduhan Anda" msgid "Log in to Download Files" msgstr "Login untuk Mengunduh Berkas" msgid "You must be logged in to download files." msgstr "Anda harus sudah login untuk mengunduh berkas." msgid "Sorry, this download has expired" msgstr "Maaf, unduhan ini telah kedaluwarsa" msgid "Sorry, you have reached your download limit for this file" msgstr "Maaf, Anda telah mencapai batas unduhan untuk berkas ini" msgid "Invalid order." msgstr "Pesanan tidak valid." msgid "Invalid download link." msgstr "Tautan unduhan tidak valid." msgid "Sorry, this coupon is not applicable to selected products." msgstr "Maaf, kupon ini tidak berlaku untuk produk yang dipilih." msgid "Invalid data store." msgstr "Penyimpanan data tidak valid." msgid "Invalid billing email address" msgstr "Alamat email penagihan tidak valid" msgctxt "display name" msgid "%1$s %2$s" msgstr "%1$s %2$s" msgid "Invalid permission ID." msgstr "ID izin tidak valid." msgid "Please enter a coupon code." msgstr "Silakan masukkan kode kupon." msgid "Coupon does not exist!" msgstr "Kupon tidak ada!" msgid "Sorry, this coupon is not valid for sale items." msgstr "Maaf, kupon ini tidak berlaku untuk barang obral." msgid "Sorry, this coupon is not applicable to the categories: %s." msgstr "Maaf, kupon ini tidak berlaku untuk kategori: %s." msgid "Sorry, this coupon is not applicable to the products: %s." msgstr "Maaf, kupon ini tidak berlaku untuk produk: %s." msgid "Sorry, this coupon is not applicable to your cart contents." msgstr "Maaf, kupon ini tidak berlaku untuk isi keranjang Anda." msgid "The maximum spend for this coupon is %s." msgstr "Belanja maksimum untuk kupon ini adalah %s." msgid "The minimum spend for this coupon is %s." msgstr "Belanja minimum untuk kupon ini adalah %s." msgid "This coupon has expired." msgstr "Kupon ini telah kedaluwarsa." msgid "Coupon usage limit has been reached." msgstr "Batas penggunaan kupon telah tercapai." msgid "" "Sorry, coupon \"%s\" has already been applied and cannot be used in " "conjunction with other coupons." msgstr "" "Maaf, kupon \"%s\" telah digunakan dan tidak dapat digunakan bersama dengan " "kupon lainnya." msgid "" "Sorry, it seems the coupon \"%s\" is not yours - it has now been removed " "from your order." msgstr "" "Maaf, sepertinya kupon \"%s\" bukan milik Anda - kupon telah dihapus dari " "pesanan Anda." msgid "" "Sorry, it seems the coupon \"%s\" is invalid - it has now been removed from " "your order." msgstr "" "Maaf, sepertinya kupon \"%s\" tidak valid - sekarang telah dihapus dari " "pesanan Anda." msgid "Coupon \"%s\" does not exist!" msgstr "Kupon \"%s\" tidak ada!" msgid "Coupon is not valid." msgstr "Kupon tidak valid." msgid "Coupon code removed successfully." msgstr "Kode kupon berhasil dihapus." msgid "Coupon code applied successfully." msgstr "Kode kupon berhasil diterapkan." msgid "Invalid email address restriction" msgstr "Batasan alamat email tidak valid" msgid "Invalid discount amount" msgstr "Jumlah diskon tidak valid" msgid "Invalid discount type" msgstr "Jenis diskon tidak valid" msgid "ZIP" msgstr "Kode Pos" msgid "Town / Village" msgstr "Kota/Desa" msgid "Municipality / District" msgstr "Kotamadya/Kecamatan" msgid "State / Zone" msgstr "Provinsi / Zona" msgid "Municipality" msgstr "Municipality" msgid "Prefecture" msgstr "Prefektur" msgid "Eircode" msgstr "Eircode" msgid "Town / District" msgstr "Town / District" msgid "Region" msgstr "Wilayah" msgid "District" msgstr "Distrik" msgid "Canton" msgstr "Canton" msgid "Postcode" msgstr "Kode pos" msgid "Suburb" msgstr "Suburb" msgid "Town / City" msgstr "Kota" msgid "House number and street name" msgstr "Nomor rumah dan nama jalan" msgid "Company name" msgstr "Nama perusahaan" msgid "Apartment, suite, unit, etc." msgstr "Apartemen, suit, unit, dll." msgid "Apartment, suite, unit, etc. (optional)" msgstr "Apartemen, suit, unit, dll. (opsional)" msgid "(ex. tax)" msgstr "(tidak termasuk pajak)" msgid "(ex. VAT)" msgstr "(tidak termasuk PPN)" msgid "(incl. tax)" msgstr "(termasuk pajak)" msgid "(incl. VAT)" msgstr "(termasuk PPN)" msgid "VAT" msgstr "PPN" msgid "the" msgstr " " msgid "Please rate the product." msgstr "Silakan beri penilaian untuk produk ini." msgid "" "Sorry, your session has expired. <a href=\"%s\" class=\"wc-backward\">Return " "to shop</a>" msgstr "" "Maaf, sesi Anda telah berakhir. <a href=\"%s\" class=\"wc-backward\">Kembali " "ke toko</a>" msgid "We were unable to process your order, please try again." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat memproses pesanan Anda, silakan coba lagi." msgid "" "No shipping method has been selected. Please double check your address, or " "contact us if you need any help." msgstr "" "Tidak ada metode pengiriman yang dipilih. Silakan periksa alamat Anda, atau " "hubungi kami jika Anda butuh bantuan." msgid "" "Unfortunately <strong>we do not ship %s</strong>. Please enter an " "alternative shipping address." msgstr "" "Sayang sekali <strong>kami tidak mengirim ke %s</strong>. Silakan masukkan " "alamat pengiriman alternatif." msgid "Please enter an address to continue." msgstr "Masukkan alamat untuk melanjutkan" msgid "" "Please read and accept the terms and conditions to proceed with your order." msgstr "" "Harap baca dan terima syarat dan ketentuan untuk melanjutkan dengan pesanan " "Anda." msgid "%1$s is not valid. Please enter one of the following: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s tidak valid. Cantumkan salah satu dari berikut: %2$s" msgid "%s is not a valid phone number." msgstr "%s bukan nomor telepon yang valid." msgid "%s is not a valid postcode / ZIP." msgstr "%s bukan kode pos yang valid." msgid "" "%1$s is not valid. You can look up the correct Eircode <a target=\"_blank\" " "href=\"%2$s\">here</a>." msgstr "" "%1$s tidak valid. Anda dapat melihat Eircode yang benar <a target=\"_blank\" " "href=\"%2$s\">di sini</a>." msgctxt "checkout-validation" msgid "Billing %s" msgstr "Penagihan %s" msgctxt "checkout-validation" msgid "Shipping %s" msgstr "Pengiriman %s" msgid "Create account password" msgstr "Buat kata sandi akun" msgid "Account username" msgstr "Nama pengguna akun" msgid "Notes about your order, e.g. special notes for delivery." msgstr "Catatan tentang pesanan Anda, misal: catatan khusus untuk pengiriman." msgid "Order notes" msgstr "Catatan Pesanan" msgid "Unserializing instances of this class is forbidden." msgstr "Kejadian yang tidak berhubungan dengan kelas ini dilarang." msgid "Cloning is forbidden." msgstr "Kloning dilarang." msgid "The cart has been filled with the items from your previous order." msgstr "Keranjang telah diisi dengan produk dari pesanan Anda sebelumnya." msgid "" "%d item from your previous order is currently unavailable and could not be " "added to your cart." msgid_plural "" "%d items from your previous order are currently unavailable and could not be " "added to your cart." msgstr[0] "" "%d item dari pesanan Anda sebelumnya saat ini tidak tersedia dan tidak bisa " "ditambahkan ke keranjang." msgstr[1] "" "%d item dari pesanan Anda sebelumnya saat ini tidak tersedia dan tidak bisa " "ditambahkan ke keranjang." msgid "" "%1$s has been removed from your cart because it has since been modified. You " "can add it back to your cart <a href=\"%2$s\">here</a>." msgstr "" "%1$s telah dihapus dari keranjang Anda karena sejak itu telah dimodifikasi. " "Anda dapat menambahkannya kembali ke keranjang Anda <a href=\"%2$s\">di " "sini</a>." msgid "" "%s has been removed from your cart because it can no longer be purchased. " "Please contact us if you need assistance." msgstr "" "%s sudah dihapus dari keranjang Anda karena sudah tidak dapat dibeli. " "Hubungi kami bila Anda membutuhkan bantuan." msgid "" "You cannot add that amount to the cart — we have %1$s in stock and you " "already have %2$s in your cart." msgstr "" "Anda tidak dapat menambahkan jumlah tersebut ke keranjang — kami " "memiliki %1$s dalam stok dan Anda sudah memiliki %2$s di keranjang Anda." msgid "" "You cannot add that amount of "%1$s" to the cart because there is " "not enough stock (%2$s remaining)." msgstr "" "Anda tidak dapat menambahkan "%1$s" dengan jumlah yang diminta ke " "dalam keranjang belanja karena stok tidak mencukupi (%2$s tersisa)." msgid "" "You cannot add "%s" to the cart because the product is out of " "stock." msgstr "" "Anda tidak dapat menambahkan "%s" tke keranjang karena stok habis." msgid "Sorry, this product cannot be purchased." msgstr "Maaf, produk ini tidak dapat dibeli." msgid "View cart" msgstr "Lihat keranjang" msgid "You cannot add another \"%s\" to your cart." msgstr "Anda tidak bisa menambahkan \"%s\" lagi ke keranjang." msgid "%s is a required field" msgid_plural "%s are required fields" msgstr[0] "%s wajib diisi" msgstr[1] "%s wajib diisi" msgid "Invalid value posted for %s" msgstr "Nilai tidak valid diposkan untuk %s" msgid "Please choose product options…" msgstr "Silakan tentukan pilihan produk…" msgid "" "Sorry, we do not have enough \"%1$s\" in stock to fulfill your order (%2$s " "available). We apologize for any inconvenience caused." msgstr "" "Maaf, stok \"%1$s\" kami tidak cukup untuk memenuhi pesanan Anda (%2$s " "tersedia). Mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanan yang ditimbulkan." msgid "" "Sorry, \"%s\" is not in stock. Please edit your cart and try again. We " "apologize for any inconvenience caused." msgstr "" "Maaf, \"%s\" tidak tersedia. Mohon edit keranjang Anda dan coba lagi. Kami " "mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanan yang ditimbulkan." msgid "An item which is no longer available was removed from your cart." msgstr "Barang yang tidak lagi tersedia dihapus dari keranjang Anda." msgid "Get cart should not be called before the wp_loaded action." msgstr "Get cart tidak boleh dipanggil sebelum aksi wp_loaded." msgid "Fee has already been added." msgstr "Biaya sudah ditambahkan." msgid "" "In order for <strong>database caching</strong> to work with WooCommerce you " "must add %1$s to the \"Ignored Query Strings\" option in <a href=\"%2$s\">W3 " "Total Cache settings</a>." msgstr "" "Agar <strong>cache database</strong> dapat digunakan bersama WooCommerce, " "Anda harus menambahkan %1$s ke pilihan \"String Permintaan Informasi yang " "Diabaikan\" di <a href=\"%2$s\">pengaturan W3 Total Cache</a>." msgid "Invalid nonce verification" msgstr "Verifikasi nonce tidak valid" msgid "" "An error occurred in the request and at the time were unable to send the " "consumer data" msgstr "" "Terjadi kesalahan dalam permintaan dan saat ini tidak dapat mengirim data " "pelanggan" msgid "The callback_url needs to be over SSL" msgstr "callback_url harus menggunakan SSL" msgid "The %s is not a valid URL" msgstr "%s bukan URL yang valid" msgid "Invalid scope %s" msgstr "Scope %s tidak valid" msgid "View and manage products" msgstr "Lihat dan kelola produk" msgid "View and manage orders and sales reports" msgstr "Lihat dan kelola laporan pesanan dan penjualan" msgid "View and manage customers" msgstr "Lihat dan kelola pelanggan" msgid "View and manage coupons" msgstr "Lihat dan kelola kupon" msgid "Create products" msgstr "Buat produk" msgid "Create orders" msgstr "Buat pesanan" msgid "Create customers" msgstr "Buat pelanggan" msgid "Create coupons" msgstr "Buat kupon" msgid "Create webhooks" msgstr "Buat webhook" msgid "View orders and sales reports" msgstr "Lihat laporan pesanan dan penjualan" msgid "View customers" msgstr "Lihat pelanggan" msgid "View coupons" msgstr "Lihat kupon" msgid "The Rest API is unavailable." msgstr "Rest API tidak tersedia." msgid "" "API Key generated successfully. Make sure to copy your new keys now as the " "secret key will be hidden once you leave this page." msgstr "" "Kunci API telah berhasil dibuat. Pastikan untuk menyalin kunci baru Anda " "sekarang karena kunci rahasia akan disembunyikan begitu Anda meninggalkan " "halaman ini." msgid "API Key updated successfully." msgstr "API Key berhasil diperbarui." msgid "You do not have permission to assign API Keys to the selected user." msgstr "" "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk menetapkan Kunci API ke pengguna yang dipilih." msgid "Permissions is missing." msgstr "Izin tidak ada." msgid "User is missing." msgstr "Pengguna tidak ada." msgid "Description is missing." msgstr "Deskripsi tidak ada." msgid "Error processing refund. Please try again." msgstr "Terjadi error saat memproses pengembalian dana. Coba lagi." msgid "Invalid refund amount" msgstr "Jumlah pengembalian dana tidak valid" msgid "Stock: %d" msgstr "Stok: %d" msgid "Order not editable" msgstr "Urutan tidak dapat disunting" msgid "Deleted %1$s and adjusted stock (%2$s)" msgstr "Menghapus %1$s dan menyesuaikan stok (%2$s)" msgid "Invalid items" msgstr "Item tidak valid" msgid "%s fee" msgstr "Biaya %s" msgid "Added line items: %s" msgstr "Menambahkan item baris: %s" msgid "%s is a variable product parent and cannot be added." msgstr "%s adalah induk produk variabel dan tidak dapat ditambahkan." msgid "Invalid order" msgstr "Pesanan tidak valid" msgid "Return to shop" msgstr "Kembali ke toko" msgid "Sorry, your session has expired." msgstr "Maaf, sesi Anda telah kedaluwarsa." msgid "Coupon has been removed." msgstr "Kupon telah dihapus." msgid "Sorry there was a problem removing this coupon." msgstr "Maaf ada masalah saat menghapus kupon ini." msgid "" "Variations (and their attributes) that do not have prices will not be shown " "in your store." msgstr "" "Variasi (dan atributnya) yang tidak memiliki harga tidak akan ditampilkan di " "toko Anda." msgid "%d variation does not have a price." msgid_plural "%d variations do not have prices." msgstr[0] "%d variasi tidak memiliki harga." msgstr[1] "%d variasi tidak memiliki harga." msgid "Adjusted stock: %s" msgstr "Stok yang disesuaikan: %s" msgid "This will change the stock status of all variations." msgstr "Ini akan mengubah status stok semua variasi." msgid "Learn how to upgrade" msgstr "Pelajari cara upgrade" msgid "" "Your store's uploads directory is <a href=\"%1$s\">browsable via the web</" "a>. We strongly recommend <a href=\"%2$s\">configuring your web server to " "prevent directory indexing</a>." msgstr "" "Direktori unggahan toko Anda <a href=\"%1$s\">dapat dicari melalui web</a>. " "Kami sangat menyarankan Anda untuk <a href=\"%2$s\">mengonfigurasi server " "web untuk mencegah pengindeksan direktori</a>." msgid "WooCommerce database update" msgstr "Pembaruan database WooCommerce" msgid "View affected templates" msgstr "Lihat template yang terpengaruh" msgid "Learn more about templates" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang template" msgid "" "If you copied over a template file to change something, then you will need " "to copy the new version of the template and apply your changes again." msgstr "" "Jika Anda menyalin file template untuk mengubah sesuatu, Anda perlu untuk " "menyalin versi baru template dan menerapkan lagi perubahannya." msgid "" "Update your theme to the latest version. If no update is available contact " "your theme author asking about compatibility with the current WooCommerce " "version." msgstr "" "Perbarui tema ke versi terbaru. Jika tidak tersedia pembaruan, hubungi " "pembuat tema Anda untuk menanyakan kompatibilitas tema dengan versi " "WooCommerce saat ini." msgid "" "<strong>Your theme (%s) contains outdated copies of some WooCommerce " "template files.</strong> These files may need updating to ensure they are " "compatible with the current version of WooCommerce. Suggestions to fix this:" msgstr "" "<strong>Tema Anda (%s) berisi salinan beberapa file template WooCommerce " "yang telah kedaluwarsa.</strong> File ini mungkin perlu diperbarui untuk " "memastikannya kompatibel dengan versi WooCommerce saat ini. Saran untuk " "memperbaiki ini:" msgid "" "Your store does not appear to be using a secure connection. We highly " "recommend serving your entire website over an HTTPS connection to help keep " "customer data secure. <a href=\"%s\">Learn more here.</a>" msgstr "" "Toko Anda sepertinya tidak menggunakan koneksi yang aman. Kami sangat " "menyarankan menyajikan keseluruhan situs web Anda melalui koneksi HTTPS " "untuk membantu menjaga keamanan data pelanggan. <a href=\"%s\">Pelajari " "selengkapnya di sini.</a>" msgid "" "Thumbnail regeneration is running in the background. Depending on the amount " "of images in your store this may take a while." msgstr "" "Pembuatan ulang gambar mini sedang berjalan di latar belakang. Tergantung " "jumlah gambar di toko Anda, hal ini mungkin akan memakan waktu cukup lama." msgid "Cancel thumbnail regeneration" msgstr "Batalkan pembuatan ulang gambar mini" msgid "" "Note: WP CRON has been disabled on your install which may prevent this " "update from completing." msgstr "" "Catatan: WP CRON dinonaktifkan di penginstalan Anda, yang dapat membuat " "pembaruan ini tidak dapat diselesaikan." msgid "" "Product display, sorting, and reports may not be accurate until this " "finishes. It will take a few minutes and this notice will disappear when " "complete." msgstr "" "Tampilan, pengurutan, dan laporan produk mungkin tidak akurat hingga proses " "ini selesai. Proses ini memerlukan waktu beberapa menit dan pemberitahuan " "ini akan hilang jika sudah selesai." msgid "WooCommerce is updating product data in the background" msgstr "WooCommerce sedang memperbarui data produk di latar belakang" msgid "View progress →" msgstr "Lihat kemajuan →" msgid "" "Customers will not be able to purchase physical goods from your store until " "a shipping method is available." msgstr "" "Pelanggan tidak akan dapat membeli barang fisik dari toko Anda sampai metode " "pengiriman tersedia." msgid "" "Shipping is currently enabled, but you have not added any shipping methods " "to your shipping zones." msgstr "" "Pengiriman saat ini diaktifkan, tapi Anda belum menambahkan metode " "pengiriman apa pun pada zona pengiriman Anda." msgid "Add shipping methods & zones" msgstr "Tambahkan Metode & Zona Pengiriman" msgid "" "You must enter a valid license key on the <a href=\"%1$s\">MaxMind " "integration settings page</a> in order to use the geolocation service. If " "you do not need geolocation for shipping or taxes, you should change the " "default customer location on the <a href=\"%2$s\">general settings page</a>." msgstr "" "Anda harus memasukkan kunci lisensi yang valid di <a href=\"%1$s\">halaman " "pengaturan integrasi MaxMind</a> agar dapat menggunakan layanan geolokasi. " "Jika Anda tidak membutuhkan geolokasi untuk pengiriman atau pajak, Anda " "harus mengubah lokasi default pelanggan di <a href=\"%2$s\">halaman " "pengaturan umum</a>." msgid "Geolocation has not been configured." msgstr "Geolokasi belum dikonfigurasi." msgid "Learn more about shipping zones" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang zona pengiriman" msgid "Setup shipping zones" msgstr "Atur zona pengiriman" msgid "" "Legacy shipping methods (flat rate, international flat rate, local pickup " "and delivery, and free shipping) are deprecated but will continue to work as " "normal for now. <b><em>They will be removed in future versions of " "WooCommerce</em></b>. We recommend disabling these and setting up new rates " "within shipping zones as soon as possible." msgstr "" "Metode pengiriman legacy (tarif datar, tarif datar internasional, jemput " "lokal dan pengiriman, dan pengiriman gratis) sudah dihentikan tapi akan " "berjalan secara normal untuk saat ini. <b><em>Fitur ini akan dihapus di " "versi WooCommerce selanjutnya</em></b>. Kami rekomendasikan untuk " "menonaktifkan fitur ini dan atur tarif baru dalam zona pengiriman secepat " "mungkin." msgid "" "a group of regions that can be assigned different shipping methods and rates." msgstr "" "suatu grup wilayah yang dapat dikenakan metode dan biaya pengiriman berbeda." msgid "New:" msgstr "Baru:" msgid "Skip setup" msgstr "Lewati pengaturan" msgid "Run the Setup Wizard" msgstr "Jalankan Panduan Pengaturan" msgid "" "<strong>Welcome to WooCommerce</strong> – You‘re almost ready to " "start selling :)" msgstr "" "<strong>Selamat Datang di WooCommerce</strong> – Anda hampir siap " "untuk mulai menjual :)" msgid "" "One or more tables required for WooCommerce to function are missing, some " "features may not work as expected. Missing tables: %1$s." msgstr "" "Tidak ada satu atau lebih tabel yang dibutuhkan agar WooCommerce dapat " "berfungsi, sejumlah fitur mungkin tidak dapat bekerja dengan normal. Tabel " "yang hilang: %1$s" msgid "" "One or more tables required for WooCommerce to function are missing, some " "features may not work as expected. Missing tables: %1$s. <a href=\"%2$s" "\">Check again.</a>" msgstr "" "Tidak ada satu atau lebih tabel yang dibutuhkan agar WooCommerce dapat " "berfungsi, sejumlah fitur mungkin tidak dapat bekerja dengan normal. Tabel " "yang hilang: %1$s. <a href=\"%2$s\">Periksa lagi.</a>" msgid "Decrease existing stock by:" msgstr "Kurangi stok yang ada sebanyak:" msgid "Increase existing stock by:" msgstr "Tambah stok yang ada sebanyak:" msgid "Stock qty" msgstr "Jml stok" msgid "Catalog" msgstr "Katalog" msgid "Catalog & search" msgstr "Katalog & pencarian" msgid "L/W/H" msgstr "P/L/T" msgid "Enter sale price (%s)" msgstr "Masukkan harga obral (%s)" msgid "Set to regular price decreased by (fixed amount or %):" msgstr "Setel ke harga reguler yang diturunkan sebesar (jumlah tetap atau %):" msgid "Decrease existing sale price by (fixed amount or %):" msgstr "Turunkan harga obral yang ada sebesar (jumlah tetap atau %):" msgid "Increase existing sale price by (fixed amount or %):" msgstr "Naikkan harga obral yang ada sebesar (jumlah tetap atau %):" msgid "Enter price (%s)" msgstr "Masukkan harga (%s)" msgid "Decrease existing price by (fixed amount or %):" msgstr "Turunkan harga yang ada dengan (jumlah tetap atau %):" msgid "Increase existing price by (fixed amount or %):" msgstr "Naikkan harga yang ada sebesar (jumlah tetap atau %):" msgid "— No change —" msgstr "— Tidak ada perubahan —" msgid "Learn how to update" msgstr "Pelajari cara memperbarui" msgid "Outdated templates" msgstr "Template lama" msgid "%1$s version %2$s is out of date. The core version is %3$s" msgstr "%1$s versi %2$s sudah lama. Versi inti adalah %3$s" msgid "Overrides" msgstr "Kesampingkan" msgid "" "Your theme has a woocommerce.php file, you will not be able to override the " "woocommerce/archive-product.php custom template since woocommerce.php has " "priority over archive-product.php. This is intended to prevent display " "issues." msgstr "" "Tema Anda memiliki berkas woocommerce.php, Anda tidak akan dapat menimpa " "template khusus woocommerce/archive-product.php karena woocommerce.php " "memiliki prioritas di atas archive-product.php. Ini dimaksudkan untuk " "mencegah masalah tampilan." msgid "Archive template" msgstr "Template Arsip" msgid "" "This section shows any files that are overriding the default WooCommerce " "template pages." msgstr "" "Bagian ini menunjukkan berkas apa saja yang mengesampingkan halaman template " "WooCommerce standar." msgid "Not declared" msgstr "Tidak dideklarasikan" msgid "" "Displays whether or not the current active theme declares WooCommerce " "support." msgstr "" "Tampilkan apakah tema yang aktif saat ini menyatakan dukungan terhadap " "WooCommerce atau tidak." msgid "WooCommerce support" msgstr "Bantuan WooCommerce" msgid "The parent theme developers URL." msgstr "URL developer tema induk." msgid "Parent theme author URL" msgstr "URL pembuat tema induk" msgid "The installed version of the parent theme." msgstr "Versi tema induk yang ter-install." msgid "Parent theme version" msgstr "Versi tema induk" msgid "The name of the parent theme." msgstr "Nama tema induk." msgid "Parent theme name" msgstr "Nama tema induk" msgid "" "If you are modifying WooCommerce on a parent theme that you did not build " "personally we recommend using a child theme. See: <a href=\"%s\" target=" "\"_blank\">How to create a child theme</a>" msgstr "" "Jika Anda memodifikasi WooCommerce pada tema induk yang tidak Anda buat " "secara pribadi, kami sarankan untuk menggunakan tema turunan. Lihat: <a href=" "\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Cara membuat tema turunan</a>" msgid "Displays whether or not the current theme is a child theme." msgstr "Tampilkan apakah tema saat ini adalah tema turunan atau tidak." msgid "Child theme" msgstr "Tema turunan" msgid "The theme developers URL." msgstr "URL developer tema." msgid "Author URL" msgstr "URL Author" msgid "The installed version of the current active theme." msgstr "The tema aktif yang ter-install saat ini." msgid "The name of the current active theme." msgstr "Nama tema yang aktif saat ini." msgid "Page visibility should be <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">public</a>" msgstr "Visibilitas halaman harus <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">publik</a>" msgid "Page ID is set, but the page does not exist" msgstr "ID halaman diatur, tetapi halaman itu tidak ditemukan" msgid "Page not set" msgstr "Halaman belum diatur" msgid "The URL of your %s page (along with the Page ID)." msgstr "URL halaman %s Anda (bersama dengan ID Halaman)." msgid "Edit %s page" msgstr "Sunting halaman %s" msgid "WooCommerce pages" msgstr "Halaman WooCommerce" msgid "Is your site connected to" msgstr "Apakah situs Anda terhubung dengan" msgid "A list of taxonomy terms used for product visibility." msgstr "Daftar istilah taksonomi yang digunakan untuk keterlihatan produk." msgid "Taxonomies: Product visibility" msgstr "Taksonomi: Keterlihatan produk" msgid "" "A list of taxonomy terms that can be used in regard to order/product " "statuses." msgstr "" "Daftar term taksonomi yang dapat digunakan terkait dengan status pesanan/" "produk." msgid "Taxonomies: Product types" msgstr "Taksonomi: Jenis produk" msgid "The number of decimal points shown in displayed prices." msgstr "Jumlah angka desimal dari harga yang ditampilkan." msgid "The decimal separator of displayed prices." msgstr "Pemisah desimal dari harga yang ditampilkan." msgid "The thousand separator of displayed prices." msgstr "Pemisah ribuan dari harga yang ditampilkan." msgid "The position of the currency symbol." msgstr "Posisi simbol mata uang." msgid "" "What currency prices are listed at in the catalog and which currency " "gateways will take payments in." msgstr "" "Harga mata uang apa yang tercantum dalam katalog dan gateway mata uang mana " "yang akan menerima pembayaran." msgid "Does your site force a SSL Certificate for transactions?" msgstr "Apakah situs Anda memaksa Sertifikat SSL dalam bertransaksi?" msgid "Force SSL" msgstr "Paksakan SSL" msgid "Does your site have REST API enabled?" msgstr "Apakah situs Anda mengaktifkan REST API?" msgid "API enabled" msgstr "API diaktifkan" msgid "Dropin Plugins" msgstr "Plugin Drop-in" msgid "Inactive plugins" msgstr "Plugin tidak aktif" msgid "Active plugins" msgstr "Plugin aktif" msgid "Error messages should not be shown to visitors." msgstr "Pesan error tidak boleh ditampilkan ke pengunjung." msgid "" "Error messages can contain sensitive information about your store " "environment. These should be hidden from untrusted visitors." msgstr "" "Pesan error dapat berisi informasi sensitif tentang lingkungan toko Anda. " "Hal ini harus disembunyikan dari pengunjung yang tidak tepercaya." msgid "Hide errors from visitors" msgstr "Sembunyikan error dari pengunjung" msgid "" "Your store is not using HTTPS. <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Learn more " "about HTTPS and SSL Certificates</a>." msgstr "" "Toko Anda tidak menggunakan HTTPS. <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Pelajari " "lebih lanjut tentang HTTPS dan Sertifikat SSL</a>." msgid "Is the connection to your store secure?" msgstr "Apakah koneksi ke toko Anda aman?" msgid "Secure connection (HTTPS)" msgstr "Koneksi aman (HTTPS)" msgid "Post Type Counts" msgstr "Jumlah Tipe Pos" msgid "" "Unable to retrieve database information. Usually, this is not a problem, and " "it only means that your install is using a class that replaces the WordPress " "database class (e.g., HyperDB) and WooCommerce is unable to get database " "information." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat mengambil informasi database. Biasanya, ini tidak menjadi " "masalah, dan ini hanya menandakan bahwa penginstalan Anda menggunakan kelas " "yang menggantikan kelas database WordPress (mis. HyperDB) dan WooCommerce " "tidak bisa mendapatkan informasi database." msgid "Database information:" msgstr "Informasi database:" msgid "Data: %1$.2fMB + Index: %2$.2fMB + Engine %3$s" msgstr "Data: %1$.2fMB + Indeks: %2$.2fMB + Mesin %3$s" msgid "Table does not exist" msgstr "Tabel tidak ada" msgid "Database Index Size" msgstr "Ukuran Indeks Database" msgid "Database Data Size" msgstr "Ukuran Data Database" msgid "Total Database Size" msgstr "Total Ukuran Database" msgid "How to update your database table prefix" msgstr "Cara memperbarui prefiks tabel database Anda" msgid "" "%1$s - We recommend using a prefix with less than 20 characters. See: %2$s" msgstr "" "%1$s - Sebaiknya gunakan prefiks dengan panjang kurang dari 20 karakter. " "Lihat: %2$s" msgid "WooCommerce database version" msgstr "Versi database WooCommerce" msgid "" "WooCommerce plugins may use this method of communication when checking for " "plugin updates." msgstr "" "Plugin WooCommerce dapat menggunakan metode komunikasi ini ketika memeriksa " "update plugin." msgid "Remote get" msgstr "Get jarak jauh" msgid "%s failed. Contact your hosting provider." msgstr "%s gagal. Hubungi penyedia hosting Anda." msgid "" "PayPal uses this method of communicating when sending back transaction " "information." msgstr "" "PayPal menggunakan metode komunikasi ini ketika mengirim kembali informasi " "transaksi." msgid "" "Your server does not support the %s functions - this is required for better " "character encoding. Some fallbacks will be used instead for it." msgstr "" "Server Anda tidak mendukung fungsi %s - ini diperlukan untuk pengkodean " "karakter yang lebih baik. Beberapa \"fallback\" akan digunakan sebagai " "gantinya." msgid "" "Multibyte String (mbstring) is used to convert character encoding, like for " "emails or converting characters to lowercase." msgstr "" "Multibyte String (mbstring) digunakan untuk mengkonversi pengkodean " "karakter, seperti untuk email atau mengkonversi karakter menjadi huruf kecil." msgid "Multibyte string" msgstr "String multibyte" msgid "" "Your server does not support the %s function - this is required to use the " "GeoIP database from MaxMind." msgstr "" "Server Anda tidak mendukung fungsi %s - ini dibutuhkan untuk menggunakan " "basis data GeoIP dari MaxMind." msgid "GZip (gzopen) is used to open the GEOIP database from MaxMind." msgstr "GZip (gzopen) digunakan untuk membuka basis data GEOIP dari MaxMind." msgid "GZip" msgstr "GZip" msgid "" "Your server does not have the %s class enabled - HTML/Multipart emails, and " "also some extensions, will not work without DOMDocument." msgstr "" "Server Anda tidak memiliki kelas %s diaktifkan - email HTML/Multipart, dan " "juga beberapa ekstensi, tidak akan berfungsi tanpa DOMDocument." msgid "" "HTML/Multipart emails use DOMDocument to generate inline CSS in templates." msgstr "" "E-mail HTML/Multipart menggunakan DOMDocument untuk menghasilkan CSS inline " "di template." msgid "DOMDocument" msgstr "DOMDocument" msgid "" "Your server does not have the %s class enabled - some gateway plugins which " "use SOAP may not work as expected." msgstr "" "Server Anda tidak memiliki kelas %s aktif - beberapa plugin yang memakai " "SOAP mungkin tidak bekerja baik. " msgid "" "Some webservices like shipping use SOAP to get information from remote " "servers, for example, live shipping quotes from FedEx require SOAP to be " "installed." msgstr "" "Beberapa layanan web seperti pengiriman menggunakan SOAP untuk mendapatkan " "informasi dari server remote, misalnya, hidup kutipan pengiriman dari FedEx " "memerlukan SOAP untuk diinstal." msgid "SoapClient" msgstr "SoapClient" msgid "" "Your server does not have fsockopen or cURL enabled - PayPal IPN and other " "scripts which communicate with other servers will not work. Contact your " "hosting provider." msgstr "" "Server Anda tidak memiliki fsockopen atau cURL diaktifkan - PayPal IPN dan " "skrip lainnya yang berkomunikasi dengan inang lain tidak akan berfungsi. " "Hubungi penyedia hosting Anda." msgid "" "Payment gateways can use cURL to communicate with remote servers to " "authorize payments, other plugins may also use it when communicating with " "remote services." msgstr "" "Gateway pembayaran dapat menggunakan cURL untuk berkomunikasi dengan server " "jarak jauh untuk mengesahkan pembayaran, plugin lain juga dapat " "menggunakannya saat berkomunikasi dengan layanan jarak jauh." msgid "fsockopen/cURL" msgstr "fsockopen/cURL" msgid "Default timezone is %s - it should be UTC" msgstr "Zona waktu standar adalah %s - seharusnya UTC" msgid "The default timezone for your server." msgstr "Zona waktu standar untuk server Anda." msgid "Default timezone is UTC" msgstr "Zona waktu asal adalah UTC" msgid "" "The largest filesize that can be uploaded to your WordPress installation." msgstr "" "Ukuran berkas terbesar yang dapat diunggah ke instalasi WordPress Anda." msgid "Max upload size" msgstr "Ukuran unggahan maksimal" msgid "WordPress requirements" msgstr "Persyaratan WordPress" msgid "%1$s - We recommend a minimum MySQL version of 5.6. See: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s - Kami menyarankan versi minimum MySQL 5.6. Lihat: %2$s" msgid "The version of MySQL installed on your hosting server." msgstr "Versi MySQL yang ter-instal pada server hosting Anda." msgid "MySQL version" msgstr "Versi MySQL" msgid "" "Suhosin is an advanced protection system for PHP installations. It was " "designed to protect your servers on the one hand against a number of well " "known problems in PHP applications and on the other hand against potential " "unknown vulnerabilities within these applications or the PHP core itself. If " "enabled on your server, Suhosin may need to be configured to increase its " "data submission limits." msgstr "" "Suhosin adalah sebuah sistem perlindungan canggih untuk instalasi PHP. " "Suhosin dirancang untuk melindungi server Anda di satu sisi terhadap " "sejumlah masalah yang diketahui di aplikasi PHP dan di sisi lain terhadap " "kerentanan yang tidak diketahui yang potensial dalam aplikasi ini atau inti " "PHP itu sendiri. Jika diaktifkan pada server Anda, Suhosin mungkin perlu " "dikonfigurasi untuk meningkatkan batas penyerahan datanya." msgid "SUHOSIN installed" msgstr "SUHOSIN diinstal" msgid "The version of cURL installed on your server." msgstr "Versi cURL yang ter-instal pada server Anda." msgid "" "The maximum number of variables your server can use for a single function to " "avoid overloads." msgstr "" "Jumlah maksimum variabel yang dapat digunakan oleh server Anda untuk satu " "fungsi tunggal untuk menghindari kelebihan beban." msgid "PHP max input vars" msgstr "Variasi input maks. PHP" msgid "" "The amount of time (in seconds) that your site will spend on a single " "operation before timing out (to avoid server lockups)" msgstr "" "Jumlah waktu (dalam detik) yang akan digunakan oleh situs Anda dalam satu " "operasi tunggal sebelum kehabisan waktu (untuk menghindari kemacetan server)" msgid "The largest filesize that can be contained in one post." msgstr "Ukuran berkas terbesar yang dapat dimuat dalam satu pos." msgid "" "We recommend using PHP version 7.2 or above for greater performance and " "security." msgstr "" "Kami sangat menyarankan agar menggunakan PHP versi 7.2 atau yang lebih " "tinggi untuk performa dan keamanan yang lebih baik." msgid "" "WooCommerce will run under this version of PHP, however, it has reached end " "of life. We recommend using PHP version 7.2 or above for greater performance " "and security." msgstr "" "WooCommerce akan berjalan dengan versi PHP ini, namun, versi ini sudah " "kedaluwarsa. Kami sangat menyarankan agar menggunakan PHP versi 7.2 atau " "yang lebih tinggi untuk performa dan keamanan yang lebih baik." msgid "" "WooCommerce will run under this version of PHP, however, some features such " "as geolocation are not compatible. Support for this version will be dropped " "in the next major release. We recommend using PHP version 7.2 or above for " "greater performance and security." msgstr "" "WooCommerce akan berjalan dengan versi PHP ini, namun, beberapa fitur " "seperti geolokasi tidak kompatibel. Dukungan untuk versi ini akan diberikan " "dalam rilis besar selanjutnya. Kami sangat menyarankan agar menggunakan PHP " "versi 7.2 atau yang lebih tinggi untuk performa dan keamanan yang lebih baik." msgid "How to update your PHP version" msgstr "Cara memperbarui versi PHP Anda" msgid "The version of PHP installed on your hosting server." msgstr "Versi PHP yang ter-instal di server hosting Anda." msgid "Information about the web server that is currently hosting your site." msgstr "Informasi tentang server web yang saat ini meng-hosting situs Anda." msgid "Server info" msgstr "Info server" msgid "Server environment" msgstr "Lingkungan server" msgid "Displays whether or not WordPress is using an external object cache." msgstr "" "Menampilkan apakah WordPress menggunakan eksternal tembolok objek atau tidak." msgid "External object cache" msgstr "Eksternal tembolok objek." msgid "The current language used by WordPress. Default = English" msgstr "" "Bahasa yang saat ini digunakan oleh WordPress. Standar = Bahasa Inggris" msgid "Displays whether or not WP Cron Jobs are enabled." msgstr "Tampilkan apakah WP Cron Jobs diaktifkan atau tidak." msgid "Displays whether or not WordPress is in Debug Mode." msgstr "Tampilkan apakah WordPress di Mode Debug atau tidak." msgid "WordPress debug mode" msgstr "Mode debug WordPress" msgid "Increasing memory allocated to PHP" msgstr "Meningkatkan memori yang dialokasikan ke PHP" msgid "%1$s - We recommend setting memory to at least 64MB. See: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s - Kami menyarankan memori pengaturan minimal 64 MB. Lihat: %2$s" msgid "The maximum amount of memory (RAM) that your site can use at one time." msgstr "" "Jumlah maksimum memori (RAM) yang dapat digunakan situs Anda pada satu waktu." msgid "WordPress memory limit" msgstr "Batas memori WordPress" msgid "Whether or not you have WordPress Multisite enabled." msgstr "Apakah Anda mengaktifkan WordPress Multisite atau tidak." msgid "WordPress multisite" msgstr "Multisitus WordPress" msgid "%1$s - There is a newer version of WordPress available (%2$s)" msgstr "%1$s - Versi terbaru WordPress sudah tersedia (%2$s)" msgid "The version of WordPress installed on your site." msgstr "Versi WordPress yang ter-install di situs Anda." msgid "To allow logging, make %1$s writable or define a custom %2$s." msgstr "" "Untuk mengizinkan pembuatan log, jadikan %1$s dapat ditulis atau definisikan " "%2$s khusus." msgid "" "Several WooCommerce extensions can write logs which makes debugging problems " "easier. The directory must be writable for this to happen." msgstr "" "Beberapa ekstensi WooCommerce dapat menulis log yang membuat debug masalah " "ebih mudah. Direktori ini harus dapat ditulisi agar hal ini dapat terjadi." msgid "Log directory writable" msgstr "Direktori log dapat ditulis" msgid "Unable to detect the Action Scheduler package." msgstr "Tidak dapat mendeteksi paket Penjadwal Tindakan." msgid "Action Scheduler package running on your site." msgstr "Paket Penjadwal Tindakan berjalan di situs Anda." msgid "Action Scheduler package" msgstr "Paket Penjadwal Tindakan" msgid "Unable to detect the Blocks package." msgstr "Tidak dapat mendeteksi paket Blok." msgid "The WooCommerce Blocks package running on your site." msgstr "Paket Blok WooCommerce berjalan di situs Anda." msgid "WooCommerce Blocks package" msgstr "Paket Blok WooCommerce" msgid "Unable to detect the REST API package." msgstr "Tidak dapat mendeteksi paket REST API." msgid "The WooCommerce REST API package running on your site." msgstr "Paket REST API WooCommerce dijalankan di situs Anda." msgid "WooCommerce REST API package" msgstr "Paket REST API WooCommerce" msgid "The version of WooCommerce installed on your site." msgstr "Versi WooCommerce yang ter-install di situs Anda." msgid "WooCommerce version" msgstr "Versi WooCommerce" msgid "The homepage URL of your site." msgstr "URL beranda situs Anda." msgid "The root URL of your site." msgstr "URL root situs Anda." msgid "WordPress environment" msgstr "Lingkungan WordPress" msgid "Copy for support" msgstr "Salin untuk dukungan" msgid "Understanding the status report" msgstr "Memahami laporan status" msgid "Get system report" msgstr "Dapatkan laporan sistem" msgid "" "Please copy and paste this information in your ticket when contacting " "support:" msgstr "" "Mohon salin dan tempel informasi ini di tiket Anda ketika menghubungi " "dukungan:" msgid "There are currently no logs to view." msgstr "Saat ini tidak ada log untuk dilihat." msgid "Are you sure you want to clear all logs from the database?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin menghapus semua log dari database?" msgid "Flush all logs" msgstr "Flush semua log" msgid "Generate CSV" msgstr "Buat CSV" msgid "Yes, export all custom meta" msgstr "Ya, ekspor semua meta khusus" msgid "Export custom meta?" msgstr "Ekspor meta khusus?" msgid "Export all categories" msgstr "Ekspor semua kategori" msgid "Which product category should be exported?" msgstr "Kategori produk mana yang perlu diekspor?" msgid "Product variations" msgstr "Variasi produk" msgid "Export all products" msgstr "Ekspor semua produk" msgid "Which product types should be exported?" msgstr "Jenis produk mana yang harus diekspor?" msgid "Export all columns" msgstr "Ekspor semua kolom" msgid "Which columns should be exported?" msgstr "Kolom mana yang harus diekspor?" msgid "" "This tool allows you to generate and download a CSV file containing a list " "of all products." msgstr "" "Alat ini memungkinkan Anda untuk membuat dan mengunduh file CSV yang terdiri " "dari daftar semua produk." msgid "Export products to a CSV file" msgstr "Ekspor produk ke file CSV" msgid "Export Products" msgstr "Ekspor Produk" msgid "Download & install" msgstr "Unduh & install" msgid "Read all about it" msgstr "Baca semua" msgid "" "Storefront is an intuitive, flexible and <strong>free</strong> WordPress " "theme offering deep integration with WooCommerce and many of the most " "popular customer-facing extensions." msgstr "" "Storefront adalah tema WordPress yang intuitif, fleksibel, dan " "<strong>gratis</strong> yang menawarkan integrasi mendalam dengan " "WooCommerce dan banyak ekstensi terpopuler yang terlihat oleh pelanggan." msgid "We recommend Storefront, the <em>official</em> WooCommerce theme." msgstr "Kami menyarankan Storefront, tema <em>resmi</em> WooCommerce." msgid "Looking for a WooCommerce theme?" msgstr "Sedang mencari tema WooCommerce?" msgid "" "Our catalog of WooCommerce Extensions can be found on here: " "<a href=\"%s\">WooCommerce Extensions Catalog</a>" msgstr "" "Katalog Ekstensi WooCommerce kami dapat ditemukan di disini: " "<a href=\"%s\">Katalog Ekstensi WooCommerce</a>" msgid "Itemized" msgstr "Terperinci" msgid "As a single total" msgstr "Sebagai total tunggal" msgid "Display tax totals" msgstr "Tampilkan pajak total" msgid "" "Define text to show after your product prices. This could be, for example, " "\"inc. Vat\" to explain your pricing. You can also have prices substituted " "here using one of the following: {price_including_tax}, " "{price_excluding_tax}." msgstr "" "Tentukan teks untuk ditampilkan setelah harga produk. Misalnya, \"Termasuk " "Pajak\" untuk menjelaskan harga. Anda juga dapat mengganti harga disini " "dengan menggunakan salah satu dari berikut: {price_including_tax}, " "{price_excluding_tax}." msgid "Price display suffix" msgstr "Sufiks tampilan harga" msgid "Display prices during cart and checkout" msgstr "Tampilkan harga di halaman keranjang dan checkout" msgid "Excluding tax" msgstr "Sebelum pajak" msgid "Including tax" msgstr "Termasuk pajak" msgid "Display prices in the shop" msgstr "Tampilkan harga di toko" msgid "" "List additional tax classes you need below (1 per line, e.g. Reduced Rates). " "These are in addition to \"Standard rate\" which exists by default." msgstr "" "Cantumkan kelas pajak tambahan yang Anda butuhkan di bawah (1 per baris, " "mis. Tarif Diskon). Ini merupakan tambahan untuk \"Tarif standar\" yang ada " "dari asal." msgid "Additional tax classes" msgstr "Kelas pajak tambahan" msgid "Round tax at subtotal level, instead of rounding per line" msgstr "Bulatkan pajak pada tingkat subtotal, tidak bulatkan per baris" msgid "Rounding" msgstr "Pembulatan" msgid "Shipping tax class based on cart items" msgstr "Kelas pajak pengiriman berdasarkan item di keranjang" msgid "" "Optionally control which tax class shipping gets, or leave it so shipping " "tax is based on the cart items themselves." msgstr "" "Secara opsional mengontrol kelas pajak mana yang dikenakan ke pengiriman, " "atau biarkan saja sehingga pajak pengiriman didasarkan pada produk-produk " "dalam keranjang belanja itu sendiri." msgid "Shipping tax class" msgstr "Kelas pajak pengiriman" msgid "This option determines which address is used to calculate tax." msgstr "" "Opsi ini menentukan alamat mana yang akan digunakan untuk menghitung pajak." msgid "Calculate tax based on" msgstr "Hitung pajak berdasarkan" msgid "No, I will enter prices exclusive of tax" msgstr "Tidak, saya akan memasukkan harga yang belum termasuk pajak" msgid "Yes, I will enter prices inclusive of tax" msgstr "Ya, saya akan memasukkan harga yang sudah termasuk pajak" msgid "" "This option is important as it will affect how you input prices. Changing it " "will not update existing products." msgstr "" "Opsi ini penting karena akan mempengaruhi bagaimana Anda memasukkan harga. " "Mengubahkan tidak akan memperbarui produk yang sudah ada." msgid "Prices entered with tax" msgstr "Harga dimasukkan dengan pajak" msgid "Updated at" msgstr "Diperbarui pada" msgid "Created at" msgstr "Dibuat pada" msgid "Webhook actions" msgstr "Tindakan webhook" msgid "Legacy API v3 (deprecated)" msgstr "API v3 lawas (cacat)" msgid "WP REST API Integration v%d" msgstr "WP REST API Integration v%d" msgid "REST API version used in the webhook deliveries." msgstr "Versi REST API yang digunakan di pengiriman webhook." msgid "API Version" msgstr "Versi API" msgid "" "The secret key is used to generate a hash of the delivered webhook and " "provided in the request headers." msgstr "" "Kunci rahasia digunakan untuk membuat hash dari webhook yang dikirim dan " "disediakan di header permintaan." msgid "Secret" msgstr "Rahasia" msgid "URL where the webhook payload is delivered." msgstr "URL dimana data webhook dikirimkan." msgid "Enter the action that will trigger this webhook." msgstr "Memasukkan tindakan yang akan memicu webhook ini." msgid "Action event" msgstr "Kejadian tindakan" msgid "Product restored" msgstr "Produk dipulihkan" msgid "Product updated" msgstr "Produk diperbarui" msgid "Product created" msgstr "Produk dibuat" msgid "Order restored" msgstr "Urutan dipulihkan" msgid "Order updated" msgstr "Pesanan diperbarui" msgid "Order created" msgstr "Pesanan dibuat" msgid "Customer deleted" msgstr "Pelanggan dihapus" msgid "Customer updated" msgstr "Pelanggan diperbarui" msgid "Customer created" msgstr "Pelanggan dibuat" msgid "Coupon restored" msgstr "Kupon dipulihkan" msgid "Coupon deleted" msgstr "Kupon Telah Dihapus" msgid "Coupon updated" msgstr "Kupon diperbarui" msgid "Coupon created" msgstr "Kupon dibuat" msgid "Select when the webhook will fire." msgstr "Pilih kapan webhook akan dipicu." msgid "" "The options are "Active" (delivers payload), "Paused" " "(does not deliver), or "Disabled" (does not deliver due delivery " "failures)." msgstr "" "Pilihannya adalah "Aktif" (mengirim muatan), "Dijeda" " "(tidak mengirim), or "Nonaktif" (tidak mengirim karena kegagalan " "pengiriman)." msgid "" "Friendly name for identifying this webhook, defaults to Webhook created on " "%s." msgstr "" "Nama mudah diingat untuk mengidentifikasi webhook ini, standarnya untuk " "Webhook dibuat pada %s." msgid "Webhook data" msgstr "Data webhook" msgctxt "Pagination" msgid "%1$s of %2$s" msgstr "%1$s dari %2$s" msgid "%s items" msgstr "%s bagian" msgid "No matching tax rates found." msgstr "Tidak menemukan tarif pajak yang cocok." msgid "Tax rate ID: %s" msgstr "ID tarif pajak: %s" msgid "Import CSV" msgstr "Impor CSV" msgid "Remove selected row(s)" msgstr "Hapus baris yang dipilih" msgid "Insert row" msgstr "Sisipkan baris" msgid "Choose whether or not this tax rate also gets applied to shipping." msgstr "Pilih apakah tarif pajak ini juga diterapkan ke pengiriman atau tidak." msgid "" "Choose whether or not this is a compound rate. Compound tax rates are " "applied on top of other tax rates." msgstr "" "Pilih apakah ini tarif gabungan atau tidak. Tarif pajak gabungan dikenakan " "diatas semua tarif pajak lainnya." msgid "" "Choose a priority for this tax rate. Only 1 matching rate per priority will " "be used. To define multiple tax rates for a single area you need to specify " "a different priority per rate." msgstr "" "Pilih prioritas untuk tarif pajak ini. Hanya 1 tarif yang sesuai per " "prioritas yang akan digunakan. Untuk menentukan banyak tarif pajak untuk " "satu wilayah tertentu Anda perlu untuk menetapkan prioritas yang berbeda per " "tarif." msgid "Enter a name for this tax rate." msgstr "Masukkan nama untuk tarif pajak ini." msgid "Enter a tax rate (percentage) to 4 decimal places." msgstr "Masukkan tarif pajak (persentase) hingga 4 angka desimal." msgid "Rate %" msgstr "Tarif %" msgid "" "Cities for this rule. Semi-colon (;) separate multiple values. Leave blank " "to apply to all cities." msgstr "" "Kota-kota untuk aturan ini. Titik-koma (;) untuk memisahkan nilai-nilainya. " "Biarkan kosong untuk menerapkan ke semua kota." msgid "" "Postcode for this rule. Semi-colon (;) separate multiple values. Leave blank " "to apply to all areas. Wildcards (*) and ranges for numeric postcodes (e.g. " "12345...12350) can also be used." msgstr "" "Kode pos untuk aturan ini. Titik koma (;) memisahkan 2 nilai. Kosongkan " "untuk terapkan ke semua. Wildcard (*) dan kode pos angka (mis 12345...12350) " "dapat dipakai juga." msgid "A 2 digit state code, e.g. AL. Leave blank to apply to all." msgstr "" "Kode provinsi 2 digit, misalnya JK. Biarkan kosong untuk diterapkan ke semua." msgid "A 2 digit country code, e.g. US. Leave blank to apply to all." msgstr "" "Kode negara 2 digit, misalnya ID. Biarkan kosong untuk diterapkan ke semua." msgid "Country code" msgstr "Kode Negara" msgid "\"%s\" tax rates" msgstr "Tarif pajak \"%s\"" msgid "Consumer secret" msgstr "Rahasia konsumen" msgid "Consumer key" msgstr "Kunci konsumen" msgid "Revoke key" msgstr "Batalkan kunci" msgid "Generate API key" msgstr "Buat Kunci API" msgid "Select the access type of these keys." msgstr "Pilih tipe akses untuk kunci-kunci ini." msgid "Search for a user…" msgstr "Cari pengguna…" msgid "Owner of these keys." msgstr "Pemilik kunci-kunci ini." msgid "Friendly name for identifying this key." msgstr "Nama yang mudah diingat untuk mengidentifikasi kunci ini." msgid "Key details" msgstr "Detail kunci" msgid "" "Add as many zones as you need – customers will only see the methods " "available for their address." msgstr "" "Tambahkan zona sebanyak yang Anda butuhkan – pelanggan hanya akan " "melihat metode yang tersedia untuk alamat mereka." msgid "Europe zone = Any country in Europe = Flat rate shipping" msgstr "Zona Eropa = Semua negara di Eropa = Pengiriman tarif sama" msgid "US domestic zone = All US states = Flat rate shipping" msgstr "Zona domestik AS = Semua negara bagian AS = Pengiriman tarif tetap" msgid "Local zone = California ZIP 90210 = Local pickup" msgstr "Zona Lokal = Kode Pos California 90210 = Pengambilan lokal" msgid "For example:" msgstr "Sebagai contoh:" msgid "" "A shipping zone is a geographic region where a certain set of shipping " "methods and rates apply." msgstr "" "Zona pengiriman adalah wilayah geografis di mana beberapa metode dan tarif " "pengiriman diberlakukan." msgid "" "This zone is <b>optionally</b> used for regions that are not included in any " "other shipping zone." msgstr "" "Zona ini digunakan secara <b>opsional</b> untuk wilayah yang tidak termasuk " "dalam zona pengiriman mana pun." msgid "Manage shipping methods" msgstr "Kelola metode pengiriman" msgid "Region(s)" msgstr "Wilayah" msgid "" "Drag and drop to re-order your custom zones. This is the order in which they " "will be matched against the customer address." msgstr "" "Seret-lepas untuk mengurutkan ulang zona khusus Anda. Ini adalah urutan di " "mana zona akan dicocokkan dengan alamat pelanggan." msgid "" "WooCommerce will match a customer to a single zone using their shipping " "address and present the shipping methods within that zone to them." msgstr "" "WooCommerce akan mencocokkan pelanggan dengan satu zona menggunakan alamat " "pengirimannya dan menyediakan metode pengiriman di dalam zona tersebut " "kepadanya." msgid "" "A shipping zone is a geographic region where a certain set of shipping " "methods are offered." msgstr "" "Zona pengiriman adalah wilayah geografis tempat rangkaian metode pengiriman " "tertentu ditawarkan." msgid "" "Choose the shipping method you wish to add. Only shipping methods which " "support zones are listed." msgstr "" "Pilih metode pengiriman yang ingin Anda tambahkan. Hanya metode pengiriman " "yang mendukung zona yang terdaftar di sini." msgid "" "You can add multiple shipping methods within this zone. Only customers " "within the zone will see them." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menambahkan beberapa metode pengiriman dalam zona ini. Hanya " "pelanggan dalam zona yang dapat melihatnya." msgid "" "The following shipping methods apply to customers with shipping addresses " "within this zone." msgstr "" "Metode pengiriman berikut berlaku untuk pelanggan dengan alamat pengiriman " "di dalam zona ini." msgid "List 1 postcode per line" msgstr "Cantumkan 1 kode pos per baris" msgid "Limit to specific ZIP/postcodes" msgstr "Batasi untuk ZIP/kode pos tertentu" msgid "Select regions within this zone" msgstr "Pilih wilayah dalam zona ini" msgid "" "These are regions inside this zone. Customers will be matched against these " "regions." msgstr "" "Berikut ini adalah wilayah di dalam zona ini. Pelanggan akan dicocokkan " "dengan wilayah ini." msgid "Zone regions" msgstr "Wilayah zona" msgid "This is the name of the zone for your reference." msgstr "Ini adalah nama zona untuk referensi Anda." msgid "Description for your reference" msgstr "Deskripsi untuk referensi Anda" msgid "Cancel changes" msgstr "Batalkan perubahan" msgid "Shipping class name" msgstr "Nama Kelas Pengiriman" msgid "No shipping classes have been created." msgstr "Tidak ada Kelas pengiriman yang dibuat" msgid "Add shipping class" msgstr "Tambah Kelas Pengiriman" msgid "Save shipping classes" msgstr "Simpan Kelas Pengiriman" msgid "" "Shipping classes can be used to group products of similar type and can be " "used by some Shipping Methods (such as \"Flat rate shipping\") to provide " "different rates to different classes of product." msgstr "" "Kelas pengiriman dapat digunakan untuk mengelompokkan produk dengan tipe " "yang sama dan dapat digunakan oleh beberapa Metode Pengiriman (seperti " "\"Pengiriman tarif rata\") untuk memberikan tarif yang berbeda untuk kelas " "produk yang berbeda." msgid "Compound" msgstr "Compound" msgid "Tax name" msgstr "Nama Pajak" msgid "No row(s) selected" msgstr "Tidak ada baris yang dipilih" msgid "%s rates" msgstr "Tarif %s" msgid "Standard rates" msgstr "Tarif standar" msgid "Tax options" msgstr "Pilihan pajak" msgid "Product count" msgstr "Jumlah Produk" msgid "Edit failed. Please try again." msgstr "Pengeditan gagal. Silakan coba lagi." msgid "This shipping method does not have any settings to configure." msgstr "Metode pengiriman ini tidak memiliki pengaturan untuk dikonfigurasi." msgid "Invalid shipping method!" msgstr "Metode pengiriman tidak valid!" msgid "No shipping methods offered to this zone." msgstr "Tidak ada metode pengiriman yang ditawarkan ke zona ini." msgid "" "Are you sure you want to delete this zone? This action cannot be undone." msgstr "" "Anda yakin ingin menghapus zona ini? Tindakan ini tidak dapat diurungkan." msgid "Zone" msgstr "Zona" msgid "Shipping method could not be added. Please retry." msgstr "Metode pengiriman tidak dapat ditambahkan. Coba lagi." msgid "Your changes were not saved. Please retry." msgstr "Perubahan Anda tidak dapat disimpan. Coba lagi." msgid "" "Do you wish to save your changes first? Your changed data will be discarded " "if you choose to cancel." msgstr "" "Apakah Anda ingin menyimpan perubahan Anda terlebih dahulu? Data Anda yang " "diubah akan dibuang jika Anda memilih untuk membatalkan." msgid "Your changed data will be lost if you leave this page without saving." msgstr "" "Data yang telah Anda ubah akan hilang jika Anda meninggalkan halaman ini " "tanpa menyimpan." msgid "Zone does not exist!" msgstr "Zona tidak ditemukan!" msgid "" "Enable shipping debug mode to show matching shipping zones and to bypass " "shipping rate cache." msgstr "" "Aktifkan mode debug pengiriman untuk menampilkan zona pengiriman yang sesuai " "dan bypass cache tingkat pengiriman." msgid "Enable debug mode" msgstr "Aktifkan mode debug" msgid "Debug mode" msgstr "Mode debug" msgid "Force shipping to the customer billing address" msgstr "Paksa pengiriman ke alamat penagihan pelanggan" msgid "Default to customer billing address" msgstr "Standar ke alamat penagihan pelanggan" msgid "Default to customer shipping address" msgstr "Standar ke alamat pengiriman pelanggan" msgid "This controls which shipping address is used by default." msgstr "Ini mengontrol alamat pengiriman standar mana yang digunakan." msgid "Shipping destination" msgstr "Tujuan pengiriman" msgid "Hide shipping costs until an address is entered" msgstr "Sembunyikan biaya pengiriman hingga alamat dimasukkan" msgid "Enable the shipping calculator on the cart page" msgstr "Aktifkan kalkulator pengiriman pada halaman keranjang" msgid "Calculations" msgstr "Perhitungan" msgid "Shipping classes" msgstr "Kelas pengiriman" msgid "Shipping options" msgstr "Pilihan pengiriman" msgid "Star ratings should be required, not optional" msgstr "Peringkat bintang semestinya wajib, bukan pilihan" msgid "Enable star rating on reviews" msgstr "Aktifkan peringkat bintang pada ulasan" msgid "Product ratings" msgstr "Rating Produk" msgid "Reviews can only be left by \"verified owners\"" msgstr "Ulasan hanya dapat dibuat oleh \"pemilik terverifikasi\"" msgid "Show \"verified owner\" label on customer reviews" msgstr "Tampilkan label \"pemilik terverifikasi\" pada ulasan pelanggan" msgid "Enable product reviews" msgstr "Aktifkan ulasan produk" msgid "yd" msgstr "yard" msgid "mm" msgstr "mm" msgid "cm" msgstr "cm" msgid "This controls what unit you will define lengths in." msgstr "Ini mengontrol satuan panjang apa yang akan Anda gunakan." msgid "oz" msgstr "oz" msgid "lbs" msgstr "lbs" msgid "g" msgstr "gram" msgid "kg" msgstr "kg" msgid "This controls what unit you will define weights in." msgstr "Ini mengontrol satuan berat apa yang akan Anda gunakan." msgid "" "This is the attachment ID, or image URL, used for placeholder images in the " "product catalog. Products with no image will use this." msgstr "" "Ini adalah ID lampiran atau URL gambar, yang digunakan untuk gambar " "placeholder di katalog produk. Produk tanpa gambar akan menggunakan ini." msgid "Enter attachment ID or URL to an image" msgstr "Masukkan URL atau ID lampiran ke gambar" msgid "Enable AJAX add to cart buttons on archives" msgstr "Aktifkan AJAX tombol tambah ke keranjang di halaman arsip" msgid "Redirect to the cart page after successful addition" msgstr "" "Alihkan ke halaman keranjang setelah berhasil menambahkan produk ke keranjang" msgid "Add to cart behaviour" msgstr "Perilaku tambah ke keranjang" msgid "" "This sets the base page of your shop - this is where your product archive " "will be." msgstr "" "Ini mengatur halaman basis toko Anda - ini adalah tempat halaman arsip " "produk Anda." msgid "" "The base page can also be used in your <a href=\"%s\">product permalinks</a>." msgstr "" "Halaman basis dapat juga dibuat di <a href=\"%s\">permalink produk</a> Anda." msgid "Shop page" msgstr "Halaman toko" msgid "Shop pages" msgstr "Halaman toko" msgid "" "Not required if your download directory is protected. <a href='%s'>See this " "guide</a> for more details. Files already uploaded will not be affected." msgstr "" "Tidak diperlukan jika direktori unduhan Anda dilindungi. <a href='%s'>Lihat " "panduan ini</a> untuk detail selengkapnya. File yang sudah diunggah tidak " "akan terpengaruh." msgid "Append a unique string to filename for security" msgstr "Tambahkan string unik ke nama file untuk pengamanan" msgid "Filename" msgstr "Nama file" msgid "" "Enable this option to grant access to downloads when orders are \"processing" "\", rather than \"completed\"." msgstr "" "Aktifkan pilihan ini untuk memberikan akses ke unduhan saat pesanan \"sedang " "diproses\", bukan \"selesai\"." msgid "Grant access to downloadable products after payment" msgstr "Berikan akses ke produk unduhan setelah pembayaran" msgid "This setting does not apply to guest purchases." msgstr "Pengaturan ini tidak berlaku untuk pembelian tamu." msgid "Downloads require login" msgstr "Unduhan membutuhkan login" msgid "Access restriction" msgstr "Batasan akses" msgid "Redirect only (Insecure)" msgstr "Hanya alihkan (Tidak aman)" msgid "Redirect only" msgstr "Redirect only" msgid "X-Accel-Redirect/X-Sendfile" msgstr "X-Accel-Redirect/X-Sendfile" msgid "Force downloads" msgstr "Paksa unduhan" msgid "" "If you are using X-Accel-Redirect download method along with NGINX server, " "make sure that you have applied settings as described in <a " "href='%s'>Digital/Downloadable Product Handling</a> guide." msgstr "" "Jika Anda menggunakan metode pengunduhan X-Accel-Redirect bersama dengan " "server NGINX, pastikan Anda telah menerapkan pengaturan sebagaimana yang " "dijelaskan dalam panduan <a href='%s'>Penanganan Produk Digital/Dapat " "Diunduh</a>." msgid "" "Forcing downloads will keep URLs hidden, but some servers may serve large " "files unreliably. If supported, %1$s / %2$s can be used to serve downloads " "instead (server requires %3$s)." msgstr "" "Pengunduhan paksa akan menyembunyikan URL, tetapi beberapa server mungkin " "menyajikan file berukuran besar secara tidak stabil. Jika didukung, %1$s / " "%2$s dapat digunakan untuk menyajikan unduhan sebagai gantinya (server " "memerlukan %3$s)." msgid "File download method" msgstr "Metode pengunduhan berkas" msgid "Never show quantity remaining in stock" msgstr "Jangan menunjukkan sisa stok" msgid "" "Only show quantity remaining in stock when low e.g. \"Only 2 left in stock\"" msgstr "" "Hanya tampilkan sisa stok jika tinggal sedikit, misalnya \"Stok tersisa 2\"" msgid "Always show quantity remaining in stock e.g. \"12 in stock\"" msgstr "Selalu tunjukkan sisa stok, misalnya \"Stok tersisa 12\"" msgid "This controls how stock quantities are displayed on the frontend." msgstr "Hal ini mengontrol cara kuantitas stok ditampilkan pada sisi depan." msgid "Stock display format" msgstr "Format tampilan stok" msgid "Hide out of stock items from the catalog" msgstr "Sembunyikan barang dengan stok habis dari katalog" msgid "Out of stock visibility" msgstr "Visibilitas stok habis" msgid "" "When product stock reaches this amount the stock status will change to \"out " "of stock\" and you will be notified via email. This setting does not affect " "existing \"in stock\" products." msgstr "" "Saat stok produk mencapai jumlah ini, status stok akan berubah menjadi " "\"stok habis\" dan Anda akan mendapatkan notifikasi via email. Pengaturan " "ini tidak memengaruhi produk dengan status \"stok ada\"." msgid "When product stock reaches this amount you will be notified via email." msgstr "" "Saat stok produk mencapai jumlah ini, Anda akan mendapatkan notifikasi via " "email." msgid "Enter recipients (comma separated) that will receive this notification." msgstr "" "Masukkan penerima (dipisahkan koma) yang akan menerima pemberitahuan ini." msgid "Notification recipient(s)" msgstr "Penerima pemberitahuan" msgid "Enable out of stock notifications" msgstr "Aktifkan notifikasi stok habis" msgid "Enable low stock notifications" msgstr "Aktifkan notifikasi stok rendah" msgid "" "Hold stock (for unpaid orders) for x minutes. When this limit is reached, " "the pending order will be cancelled. Leave blank to disable." msgstr "" "Tahan stok (untuk pesanan yang belum dibayar) selama x menit. Ketika batas " "ini tercapai, order yang tertunda akan dibatalkan. Biarkan kosong untuk " "menonaktifkan." msgid "Hold stock (minutes)" msgstr "Tahan stok (menit)" msgid "Enable stock management" msgstr "Aktifkan manajemen stok" msgid "Manage stock" msgstr "Kelola stok" msgid "The \"%s\" payment method is currently disabled" msgstr "Metode pembayaran \"%s\" saat ini tidak aktif" msgid "The \"%s\" payment method is currently enabled" msgstr "Metode pembayaran \"%s\" saat ini aktif" msgid "Set up the \"%s\" payment method" msgstr "Siapkan metode pembayaran \"%s\"" msgid "Manage the \"%s\" payment method" msgstr "Kelola metode pembayaran \"%s\"" msgid "Move the \"%s\" payment method down" msgstr "Geser metode pembayaran \"%s\" ke bawah" msgid "Move the \"%s\" payment method up" msgstr "Geser metode pembayaran \"%s” ke atas" msgctxt "Settings tab label" msgid "Payments" msgstr "Pembayaran" msgid "Integration" msgstr "Integrasi" msgid "This sets the number of decimal points shown in displayed prices." msgstr "" "Ini mengatur jumlah angka desimal yang ditampilkan di harga yang ditampilkan." msgid "Number of decimals" msgstr "Jumlah desimal" msgid "This sets the decimal separator of displayed prices." msgstr "Ini mengatur pemisah desimal dari harga yang ditampilkan." msgid "Decimal separator" msgstr "Pemisah desimal" msgid "This sets the thousand separator of displayed prices." msgstr "Ini mengatur pemisah ribuan dari harga yang ditampilkan." msgid "Thousand separator" msgstr "Pemisah ribuan" msgid "Right with space" msgstr "Kanan dengan spasi" msgid "Left with space" msgstr "Kiri dengan spasi" msgid "This controls the position of the currency symbol." msgstr "Ini mengontrol posisi simbol mata uang." msgid "" "This controls what currency prices are listed at in the catalog and which " "currency gateways will take payments in." msgstr "" "Ini mengontrol harga mata uang apa yang tercantum dalam katalog dan gateway " "mata uang mana yang akan menerima pembayaran." msgid "The following options affect how prices are displayed on the frontend." msgstr "Pilihan berikut ini mempengaruhi cara harga ditampilkan di front-end." msgid "Currency options" msgstr "Pilihan Mata Uang" msgid "" "When applying multiple coupons, apply the first coupon to the full price and " "the second coupon to the discounted price and so on." msgstr "" "Saat menggunakan beberapa kupon, terapkan kupon pertama dengan harga penuh " "dan kupon kedua dengan harga diskon dan seterusnya." msgid "Calculate coupon discounts sequentially" msgstr "Hitung diskon kupon secara berurutan" msgid "Coupons can be applied from the cart and checkout pages." msgstr "Kupon dapat diterapkan dari halaman keranjang dan checkout." msgid "Enable the use of coupon codes" msgstr "Aktifkan penggunaan kode kupon" msgid "Enable coupons" msgstr "Aktifkan kupon" msgid "" "Rates will be configurable and taxes will be calculated during checkout." msgstr "" "Tarif akan dapat dikonfigurasi dan pajak akan dihitung saat melakukan " "checkout." msgid "Enable tax rates and calculations" msgstr "Aktifkan tarif pajak dan penghitungan" msgid "Enable taxes" msgstr "Aktifkan pajak" msgid "Geolocate (with page caching support)" msgstr "Geolokasi (dengan dukungan cache halaman)" msgid "Geolocate" msgstr "Geolokasi" msgid "Shop base address" msgstr "Alamat basis toko" msgid "No location by default" msgstr "Tidak ada lokasi standard" msgid "" "This option determines a customers default location. The MaxMind GeoLite " "Database will be periodically downloaded to your wp-content directory if " "using geolocation." msgstr "" "Opsi ini menentukan lokasi standar pelanggan. Database MaxMind GeoLite akan " "diunduh secara berkala ke direktori wp-content jika Anda menggunakan " "geolokasi." msgid "Default customer location" msgstr "Lokasi Pelanggan Standar" msgid "Ship to specific countries" msgstr "Kirim ke Negara Tertentu" msgid "Disable shipping & shipping calculations" msgstr "Nonaktifkan pengiriman & kalkulasi pengiriman" msgid "Ship to specific countries only" msgstr "Kirim ke negara tertentu saja" msgid "Ship to all countries" msgstr "Kirim ke semua negara" msgid "Ship to all countries you sell to" msgstr "Kirim ke semua negara target penjualan Anda" msgid "" "Choose which countries you want to ship to, or choose to ship to all " "locations you sell to." msgstr "" "Pilih negara tempat Anda ingin mengirim barang, atau pilih untuk mengirim ke " "semua lokasi penjualan Anda." msgid "Shipping location(s)" msgstr "Lokasi Pengiriman" msgid "Sell to specific countries" msgstr "Jual ke Negara Tertentu" msgid "Sell to all countries, except for…" msgstr "Jual ke Semua Negara, Kecuali untuk…" msgid "Sell to all countries" msgstr "Jual ke semua negara" msgid "This option lets you limit which countries you are willing to sell to." msgstr "" "Pilihan ini memungkinkan Anda membatasi ke negara mana saja penjualan Anda." msgid "Selling location(s)" msgstr "Lokasi penjualan" msgid "The postal code, if any, in which your business is located." msgstr "Kode pos, jika ada, lokasi bisnis Anda." msgid "" "The country and state or province, if any, in which your business is located." msgstr "Negara dan negara bagian atau provinsi, jika ada, lokasi bisnis Anda." msgid "Country / State" msgstr "Negara/Negara Bagian" msgid "The city in which your business is located." msgstr "Kota lokasi bisnis Anda." msgid "An additional, optional address line for your business location." msgstr "Baris alamat tambahan opsional untuk lokasi bisnis Anda." msgid "The street address for your business location." msgstr "Alamat jalan lokasi bisnis Anda." msgid "" "This is where your business is located. Tax rates and shipping rates will " "use this address." msgstr "" "Ini adalah lokasi bisnis Anda. Tarif pajak dan ongkos kirim akan menggunakan " "alamat ini." msgid "Manually sent" msgstr "Dikirim secara manual" msgid "Recipient(s)" msgstr "Penerima" msgid "Content type" msgstr "Jenis konten" msgid "The main body text color. Default %s." msgstr "Warna teks isi utama. %s asal." msgid "The main body background color. Default %s." msgstr "Warna latar belakang isi utama. %s asal." msgid "Body background color" msgstr "Warna latar belakang isi" msgid "The background color for WooCommerce email templates. Default %s." msgstr "Warna latar belakang template email WooCommerce. %s asal." msgid "The base color for WooCommerce email templates. Default %s." msgstr "Warna dasar template email WooCommerce. %s asal." msgid "Available placeholders: %s" msgstr "Placehorder yang tersedia: %s" msgid "The text to appear in the footer of all WooCommerce emails." msgstr "Teks yang akan muncul di footer dari semua email WooCommerce." msgid "" "This section lets you customize the WooCommerce emails. <a href=\"%s\" " "target=\"_blank\">Click here to preview your email template</a>." msgstr "" "Bagian ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menyesuaikan email WooCommerce. <a href=" "\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Klik di sini untuk melihat pratinjau template email " "Anda</a>." msgid "Email template" msgstr "Template email" msgid "How the sender email appears in outgoing WooCommerce emails." msgstr "Bagaimana e-mail pengirim muncul di e-mail keluar WooCommerce." msgid "How the sender name appears in outgoing WooCommerce emails." msgstr "Bagaimana nama pengirim muncul di email keluar WooCommerce." msgid "\"From\" name" msgstr "Nama \"Dari\"" msgid "Email sender options" msgstr "Pilihan pengirim email" msgid "Email options" msgstr "Pilihan email" msgid "Emails" msgstr "E-mail" msgid "" "Start using new features that are being progressively rolled out to improve " "the store management experience." msgstr "" "Mulai gunakan fitur baru yang dirilis secara progresif untuk meningkatkan " "pengalaman manajemen toko." msgid "Enable the legacy REST API" msgstr "Aktifkan API REST lawas" msgid "" "Leave this box unchecked if you do not want to see suggested extensions." msgstr "Jangan centang kotak ini jika Anda tidak ingin melihat ekstensi saran." msgid "Display suggestions within WooCommerce" msgstr "Tampilkan saran di dalam WooCommerce" msgid "Show Suggestions" msgstr "Tampilkan Saran" msgid "" "We show contextual suggestions for official extensions that may be helpful " "to your store." msgstr "" "Kami menampilkan saran kontekstual untuk ekstensi resmi yang mungkin berguna " "untuk toko Anda." msgid "Marketplace suggestions" msgstr "Saran marketplace" msgid "" "To opt out, leave this box unticked. Your store remains untracked, and no " "data will be collected. Read about what usage data is tracked at: %s." msgstr "" "Untuk berhenti mengikuti, jangan centang kotak ini. Toko Anda tidak akan " "dilacak, dan tidak ada data yang dikumpulkan. Bacalah tentang data " "penggunaan yang dilacak di: %s." msgid "Allow usage of WooCommerce to be tracked" msgstr "Izinkan pelacakan penggunaan WooCommerce" msgid "Enable tracking" msgstr "Aktifkan pelacakan" msgid "" "Gathering usage data allows us to make WooCommerce better — your store will " "be considered as we evaluate new features, judge the quality of an update, " "or determine if an improvement makes sense." msgstr "" "Dengan mengumpulkan data penggunaan, kami dapat membuat WooCommerce lebih " "baik lagi. Toko Anda akan dipertimbangkan saat kami mengevaluasi fitur baru, " "menilai kualitas pembaruan, atau menentukan apakah suatu peningkatan sudah " "layak." msgid "Usage Tracking" msgstr "Pelacakan Penggunaan" msgid " Usage Tracking Documentation" msgstr "Dokumentasi Pelacakan Penggunaan" msgid "" "Endpoint for the triggering logout. You can add this to your menus via a " "custom link:" msgstr "" "Endpoint untuk memicu logout. Anda dapat menambahkan ini ke menu Anda " "melalui tautan khusus:" msgid "Endpoint for the \"My account → Lost password\" page." msgstr "Titik akhir untuk halaman \"Akun saya → Sandi hilang\"." msgid "Endpoint for the \"My account → Payment methods\" page." msgstr "Endpoint untuk halaman \"Akun saya → Metode pembayaran\"." msgid "Endpoint for the \"My account → Addresses\" page." msgstr "Titik akhir untuk halaman \"Akun saya → Alamat\"." msgid "Addresses" msgstr "Alamat" msgid "Endpoint for the \"My account → Edit account\" page." msgstr "Titik akhir untuk halaman \"Akun saya → Sunting akun\"." msgid "Edit account" msgstr "Edit akun" msgid "Endpoint for the \"My account → Downloads\" page." msgstr "Titik akhir untuk halaman \"Akun saya → Unduhan\"." msgid "Endpoint for the \"My account → View order\" page." msgstr "Titik akhir untuk halaman \"Akun saya → Lihat pesanan\"." msgid "View order" msgstr "Lihat pesanan" msgid "Endpoint for the \"My account → Orders\" page." msgstr "Titik akhir untuk halaman \"Akun saya → Pesanan\"." msgid "" "Endpoints are appended to your page URLs to handle specific actions on the " "accounts pages. They should be unique and can be left blank to disable the " "endpoint." msgstr "" "Endpoint ditambahkan ke URL halaman Anda untuk menangani tindakan spesifik " "pada halaman akun. Endpoint ini harus unik dan dapat dibiarkan kosong untuk " "menonaktifkannya." msgid "Account endpoints" msgstr "Titik akhir akun" msgid "Endpoint for the setting a default payment method page." msgstr "Endpoint untuk pengaturan halaman metode pembayaran standar." msgid "Set default payment method" msgstr "Atur Metode Pembayaran standar" msgid "Endpoint for the delete payment method page." msgstr "Titik Akhir untuk menghapus halaman metode pembayaran" msgid "Delete payment method" msgstr "Hapus Metode Pembayaran" msgid "Endpoint for the \"Checkout → Add payment method\" page." msgstr "" "Titik akhir untuk halaman \"Checkout → Tambahkan metode pembayaran\"." msgid "Endpoint for the \"Checkout → Order received\" page." msgstr "Titik akhir untuk halaman \"Checkout → Pesanan diterima\"." msgid "Order received" msgstr "Pesanan Diterima" msgid "Endpoint for the \"Checkout → Pay\" page." msgstr "Titik akhir untuk halaman \"Checkout → Bayar\"." msgid "Pay" msgstr "Bayar" msgid "" "Endpoints are appended to your page URLs to handle specific actions during " "the checkout process. They should be unique." msgstr "" "Endpoint ditambahkan ke URL halaman Anda untuk menangani tindakan spesifik " "selama proses checkout. Endpoint ini harus unik." msgid "Checkout endpoints" msgstr "Titik akhir checkout" msgid "Force HTTP when leaving the checkout" msgstr "Paksa HTTP saat meninggalkan checkout" msgid "" "Force SSL (HTTPS) on the checkout pages (<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">an " "SSL Certificate is required</a>)." msgstr "" "Paksa SSL (HTTPS) di halaman checkout (<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank" "\">diperlukan SSL Certificate</a>)." msgid "Force secure checkout" msgstr "Paksa checkout yang aman" msgid "" "If you define a \"Terms\" page the customer will be asked if they accept " "them when checking out." msgstr "" "Jika Anda mendefinisikan halaman \"Ketentuan\", pelanggan akan ditanya " "apakah mereka menyetujuinya saat checkout." msgid "Terms and conditions" msgstr "Syarat dan ketentuan" msgid "My account page" msgstr "Halaman akun saya" msgid "Checkout page" msgstr "Halaman Checkout" msgid "Page contents: [%s]" msgstr "Konten halaman: [%s]" msgid "Cart page" msgstr "Halaman keranjang" msgid "" "These pages need to be set so that WooCommerce knows where to send users to " "checkout." msgstr "" "Halaman-halaman ini perlu diatur agar WooCommerce tahu ke mana harus " "mengirim pengguna untuk checkout." msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Legacy API" msgstr "API Lawas" msgid "" "Retain completed orders for a specified duration before anonymizing the " "personal data within them." msgstr "" "Simpan pesanan yang sudah selesai untuk jangka waktu tertentu sebelum " "menganonimkan data pribadi di dalamnya." msgid "Retain completed orders" msgstr "Simpan pesanan yang sudah selesai" msgid "" "Cancelled orders are unpaid and may have been cancelled by the store owner " "or customer. They will be trashed after the specified duration." msgstr "" "Pesanan yang dibatalkan adalah pesan yang tidak dibayar dan mungkin telah " "dibatalkan oleh pemilik toko atau pelanggan. Pesanan ini akan dibuang ke " "tempat sampah setelah durasi yang ditentukan." msgid "Retain cancelled orders" msgstr "Simpan pesanan yang dibatalkan" msgid "" "Failed orders are unpaid and may have been abandoned by the customer. They " "will be trashed after the specified duration." msgstr "" "Pesanan yang gagal adalah pesan yang tidak dibayar dan mungkin telah " "ditinggalkan oleh pelanggan. Pesanan ini akan dibuang ke tempat sampah " "setelah durasi yang ditentukan." msgid "Retain failed orders" msgstr "Pertahankan pesanan yang gagal" msgid "" "Pending orders are unpaid and may have been abandoned by the customer. They " "will be trashed after the specified duration." msgstr "" "Pesanan tertunda adalah pesan yang tidak dibayar dan mungkin telah " "ditinggalkan oleh pelanggan. Pesanan ini akan dibuang ke tempat sampah " "setelah durasi yang ditentukan." msgid "Retain pending orders " msgstr "Simpan pesanan yang tertunda" msgid "" "Inactive accounts are those which have not logged in, or placed an order, " "for the specified duration. They will be deleted. Any orders will be " "converted into guest orders." msgstr "" "Akun non-aktif adalah akun yang belum login, atau melakukan pemesanan, " "selama durasi tertentu. Akun ini akan dihapus. Setiap pesanan akan diubah " "menjadi pesanan tamu." msgid "Retain inactive accounts " msgstr "Pertahankan akun yang tidak aktif" msgid "" "Choose how long to retain personal data when it's no longer needed for " "processing. Leave the following options blank to retain this data " "indefinitely." msgstr "" "Pilih berapa lama untuk menyimpan data pribadi ketika tidak lagi diperlukan " "untuk diproses. Biarkan pilihan berikut kosong untuk menyimpan data ini " "tanpa batas." msgid "Personal data retention" msgstr "Retensi data pribadi" msgid "" "Your personal data will be used to process your order, support your " "experience throughout this website, and for other purposes described in our " "%s." msgstr "" "Data pribadi Anda akan digunakan untuk memproses pesanan Anda, menunjang " "pengalaman Anda di seluruh situs web ini, dan untuk tujuan lain yang " "dijelaskan dalam %s kami." msgid "" "Optionally add some text about your store privacy policy to show during " "checkout." msgstr "" "Menambahkan beberapa teks tentang kebijakan privasi toko Anda untuk " "ditunjukkan saat melakukan checkout." msgid "Checkout privacy policy" msgstr "Kebijakan privasi checkout" msgid "" "Your personal data will be used to support your experience throughout this " "website, to manage access to your account, and for other purposes described " "in our %s." msgstr "" "Data pribadi Anda akan digunakan untuk menunjang pengalaman Anda di seluruh " "situs web ini, untuk mengelola akses ke akun Anda, dan untuk tujuan lain " "yang dijelaskan dalam %s kami." msgid "" "Optionally add some text about your store privacy policy to show on account " "registration forms." msgstr "" "Menambahkan beberapa teks tentang kebijakan privasi toko Anda untuk " "ditunjukkan pada formulir registrasi akun." msgid "Registration privacy policy" msgstr "Kebijakan privasi registrasi" msgid "" "This section controls the display of your website privacy policy. The " "privacy notices below will not show up unless a %s is set." msgstr "" "Bagian ini mengendalikan tampilan kebijakan privasi situs web Anda. " "Pemberitahuan privasi di bawah ini tidak akan muncul kecuali jika %s diatur." msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "kebijakan privasi" msgid "" "Adds an option to the orders screen for removing personal data in bulk. Note " "that removing personal data cannot be undone." msgstr "" "Menambahkan pilihan ke layar pesanan untuk menghapus data pribadi secara " "massal. Harap diingat bahwa penghapusan data pribadi tidak dapat diurungkan." msgid "Allow personal data to be removed in bulk from orders" msgstr "Izinkan data pribadi dihapus secara massal dari pesanan" msgid "Personal data removal" msgstr "Penghapusan data pribadi" msgid "" "When handling an %s, should access to downloadable files be revoked and " "download logs cleared?" msgstr "" "Saat menangani %s, apakah akses ke file yang dapat diunduh dicabut dan " "unduhan log dihapus?" msgid "Remove access to downloads on request" msgstr "Hapus akses ke unduhan menurut permintaan" msgid "" "When handling an %s, should personal data within orders be retained or " "removed?" msgstr "" "Saat menangani %s, apakah data pribadi dalam pesanan harus disimpan atau " "dihapus?" msgid "Remove personal data from orders on request" msgstr "Hapus data pribadi dari pesanan menurut permintaan" msgid "Account erasure requests" msgstr "Permintaan penghapusan akun" msgid "" "When creating an account, automatically generate an account username for the " "customer based on their name, surname or email" msgstr "" "Ketika membuat sebuah akun, buat otomatis nama pengguna akun untuk pelanggan " "berdasarkan nama, nama belakang, atau email mereka" msgid "Allow customers to create an account on the \"My account\" page" msgstr "Izinkan pelanggan membuat akun di halaman \"Akun saya\"" msgid "Allow customers to create an account during checkout" msgstr "Izinkan pelanggan membuat akun saat checkout" msgid "Account creation" msgstr "Pembuatan akun" msgid "Allow customers to log into an existing account during checkout" msgstr "" "Memungkinkan pelanggan login ke akun yang sudah ada saat melakukan checkout." msgid "Allow customers to place orders without an account" msgstr "Izinkan pelanggan melakukan pemesanan tanpa akun" msgid "Guest checkout" msgstr "Checkout tamu" msgid "privacy page" msgstr "halaman privasi" msgid "account erasure request" msgstr "permintaan penghapusan akun" msgid "Accounts & Privacy" msgstr "Akun & Privasi" msgid "Total sales minus shipping and tax." msgstr "Total penjualan dikurangi biaya pengiriman dan pajak." msgid "Net profit" msgstr "Laba bersih" msgid "This is the sum of the 'Shipping total' field within your orders." msgstr "Ini adalah jumlah dari kolom 'Total pengiriman' dalam pesanan Anda." msgid "Total shipping" msgstr "Total pengiriman" msgid "This is the sum of the 'Order total' field within your orders." msgstr "Ini adalah jumlah dari kolom 'Total pesanan' dalam pesanan Anda." msgid "No taxes found in this period" msgstr "Tidak ada pajak ditemukan dalam periode ini" msgid "This is the total tax for the rate (shipping tax + product tax)." msgstr "" "Ini adalah total pajak untuk tarif ini (pajak pengiriman + pajak produk)." msgid "" "This is the sum of the \"Tax rows\" shipping tax amount within your orders." msgstr "" "Ini adalah total jumlah pajak pengiriman dari \"Baris pajak\" dalam pesanan " "Anda." msgid "Shipping tax amount" msgstr "Jumlah pajak pengiriman" msgid "This is the sum of the \"Tax rows\" tax amount within your orders." msgstr "Ini adalah total jumlah pajak dari \"Baris pajak\" dalam pesanan Anda." msgid "Tax amount" msgstr "Jumlah pajak" msgid "Units in stock" msgstr "Unit tersedia" msgid "%s product" msgid_plural "%s products" msgstr[0] "%s Produk" msgstr[1] "%s Produk" msgid "Sales amount" msgstr "Jumlah penjualan" msgid "Choose a product to view stats" msgstr "Pilih produk untuk melihat statistiknya" msgid "Top earners" msgstr "Peraih teratas" msgid "Top freebies" msgstr "Gratisan teratas" msgid "No products found in range" msgstr "Tidak ada produk yang ditemukan dalam rentang ini" msgid "Top sellers" msgstr "Penjualan terbaik" msgid "Product search" msgstr "Pencarian produk" msgid "Showing reports for:" msgstr "Menampilkan laporan untuk:" msgid "%s purchases for the selected items" msgstr "%s pembelian untuk barang yang dipilih" msgid "%s sales for the selected items" msgstr "%s penjualan untuk barang yang dipilih" msgid "Net sales amount" msgstr "Jumlah penjualan bersih" msgid "Gross sales amount" msgstr "Jumlah penjualan kotor" msgid "Shipping amount" msgstr "Jumlah pengiriman" msgid "Average net sales amount" msgstr "Jumlah penjualan bersih rata-rata" msgid "Average gross sales amount" msgstr "Jumlah penjualan kotor rata-rata" msgid "Number of orders" msgstr "Jumlah pesanan" msgid "Number of items sold" msgstr "Jumlah barang yang terjual" msgid "%s worth of coupons used" msgstr "Kupon senilai %s digunakan" msgid "%s charged for shipping" msgstr "%s dibebankan untuk pengiriman" msgid "%1$s refunded %2$d order (%3$d item)" msgid_plural "%1$s refunded %2$d orders (%3$d items)" msgstr[0] "%1$s mengembalikan dana %2$d pesanan (%3$d item)" msgstr[1] "%1$s mengembalikan dana %2$d pesanan (%3$d item)" msgid "%s items purchased" msgstr "%s barang dibeli" msgid "%s orders placed" msgstr "%s pesanan dibuat" msgid "" "This is the sum of the order totals after any refunds and excluding shipping " "and taxes." msgstr "" "Ini adalah jumlah total pesanan setelah pengembalian uang dan tidak termasuk " "biaya pengiriman dan pajak." msgid "%s net sales in this period" msgstr "%s penjualan bersih dalam periode ini" msgid "" "This is the sum of the order totals after any refunds and including shipping " "and taxes." msgstr "" "Ini adalah jumlah total pesanan setelah pengembalian uang dan termasuk biaya " "pengiriman dan pajak." msgid "%s gross sales in this period" msgstr "%s penjualan kotor dalam periode ini" msgid "%s average net monthly sales" msgstr "%s rata-rata penjualan bulanan bersih" msgid "%s average gross monthly sales" msgstr "%s rata-rata penjualan bulanan kotor" msgid "%s average net daily sales" msgstr "%s rata-rata penjualan harian bersih" msgid "%s average gross daily sales" msgstr "%s rata-rata penjualan harian kotor" msgid "Choose a category to view stats" msgstr "Pilih kategori untuk melihat statistiknya" msgid "%1$s sales in %2$s" msgstr "%1$s penjualan dalam %2$s" msgid "No out of stock products found." msgstr "Tidak ditemukan produk dengan stok habis." msgid "No low in stock products found." msgstr "Tidak ditemukan produk dengan stok rendah." msgid "No customer downloads found." msgstr "Tidak ada unduhan pelanggan ditemukan." msgid "Filter by IP address" msgstr "Saring berdasarkan alamat IP" msgid "Filter by user" msgstr "Saring berdasarkan pengguna" msgid "Filter by order" msgstr "Saring berdasarkan pesanan" msgid "Filter by file" msgstr "Saring berdasarkan file" msgid "File does not exist" msgstr "File tidak tersedia" msgid "Filter by product" msgstr "Saring berdasarkan produk" msgid "Active filters" msgstr "Penyaring Aktif" msgid "Permission ID" msgstr "ID Izin" msgid "File ID" msgstr "ID File" msgid "Permission #%d not found." msgstr "Izin #%d tidak ditemukan." msgid "new users" msgstr "pengguna baru" msgid "guest orders" msgstr "pesanan tamu" msgid "customer orders" msgstr "pesanan pelanggan" msgid "Guest orders" msgstr "Pesanan tamu" msgid "Customer orders" msgstr "Pesanan pelanggan" msgid "Guest sales" msgstr "Penjualan tamu" msgid "Customer sales" msgstr "Penjualan pelanggan" msgid "%s signups in this period" msgstr "%s pendaftaran pada periode ini" msgid "Last order" msgstr "Pesanan terakhir" msgid "Money spent" msgstr "Uang yang dibelanjakan" msgid "Name (Last, First)" msgstr "Nama (Belakang, Depan)" msgid "Link previous orders" msgstr "Tautkan pesanan sebelumnya" msgid "View orders" msgstr "LIhat pesanan" msgctxt "hash before order number" msgid "#" msgstr "#" msgid "Search customers" msgstr "Cari pelanggan" msgid "Refreshed stats for %s" msgstr "Statistik disegarkan untuk %s" msgid "%s previous order linked" msgid_plural "%s previous orders linked" msgstr[0] "%s pesanan sebelumnya terkait" msgstr[1] "%s pesanan sebelumnya terkait" msgid "No customers found." msgstr "Tidak ada pelanggan ditemukan." msgid "Discount amount" msgstr "Jumlah diskon" msgid "Number of coupons used" msgstr "Jumlah kupon yang digunakan" msgid "Most discount" msgstr "Diskon terbesar" msgid "No coupons found in range" msgstr "Tidak ada kupon yang ditemukan dalam rentang ini" msgid "No used coupons found" msgstr "Tidak ditemukan kupon yang telah digunakan" msgid "All coupons" msgstr "Semua kupon" msgid "Choose coupons…" msgstr "Pilih kupon…" msgid "Filter by coupon" msgstr "Saring berdasarkan kupon" msgid "This month" msgstr "Bulan Ini" msgid "%s coupons used in total" msgstr "%s total kupon digunakan" msgid "%s discounts in total" msgstr "Total diskon %s" msgid "" "This report link has expired. %1$sClick here to view the filtered report%2$s." msgstr "" "Tautan laporan ini telah kedaluwarsa. %1$sKlik di sini untuk melihat laporan " "yang difilter%2$s." msgid "Sold %1$d item in the last %2$d days" msgid_plural "Sold %1$d items in the last %2$d days" msgstr[0] "Menjual %1$d item dalam %2$d hari terakhir" msgstr[1] "Menjual %1$d item dalam %2$d hari terakhir" msgid "Sold %1$s worth in the last %2$d days" msgstr "Menjual senilai %1$s dalam %2$d hari terakhir" msgid "" "The following active plugin(s) have not declared compatibility with " "WooCommerce %s yet and should be updated and examined further before you " "proceed:" msgstr "" "Plugin aktif berikut belum menyatakan kompatibilitas dengan WooCommerce %s " "dan harus diperbarui serta diperiksa lebih lanjut sebelum Anda melanjutkan " "proses:" msgid "Tested up to WooCommerce version" msgstr "Dites dengan versi WooCommerce" msgid "unknown" msgstr "Tidak diketahui" msgid "" "<strong>Heads up!</strong> The versions of the following plugins you're " "running haven't been tested with WooCommerce %s. Please update them or " "confirm compatibility before updating WooCommerce, or you may experience " "issues:" msgstr "" "<strong>Harap diketahui!</strong> Versi plugin yang Anda jalankan berikut " "ini belum dites dengan WooCommerce %s. Perbarui plugin atau pastikan " "kompatibilitasnya sebelum memperbarui WooCommerce, jika tidak, Anda mungkin " "mengalami masalah:" msgid "" "WooCommerce database update complete. Thank you for updating to the latest " "version!" msgstr "" "Pembaruan database WooCommerce selesai. Terima kasih telah memperbarui ke " "versi terbaru!" msgid "WooCommerce database update done" msgstr "Pembaruan database WooCommerce selesai" msgid "" "WooCommerce is updating the database in the background. The database update " "process may take a little while, so please be patient." msgstr "" "WooCommerce sedang memperbarui database di latar belakang. Proses pembaruan " "database mungkin memerlukan waktu beberapa saat, harap bersabar." msgid "WooCommerce database update in progress" msgstr "Pembaruan database WooCommerce sedang berlangsung" msgid "View progress →" msgstr "Lihat kemajuan →" msgid "You can manually run queued updates here." msgstr "Anda dapat secara manual menjalankan antrian pembaruan di sini." msgid "" "The database update process runs in the background and may take a little " "while, so please be patient. Advanced users can alternatively update via " "%1$sWP CLI%2$s." msgstr "" "Pembaruan database berjalan di latar belakang dan mungkin memerlukan waktu " "beberapa saat, harap bersabar. Pengguna tingkat lanjut dapat melakukan " "pembaruan dengan cara alternatif melalui %1$sWP CLI%2$s." msgid "" "WooCommerce has been updated! To keep things running smoothly, we have to " "update your database to the newest version." msgstr "" "WooCommerce telah diperbarui! Agar segalanya berjalan lancar, kami harus " "memperbarui database Anda ke versi terbaru." msgid "WooCommerce database update required" msgstr "Pembaruan database WooCommerce diperlukan" msgid "Update WooCommerce Database" msgstr "Memperbarui Database WooCommerce" msgid "Add file" msgstr "Tambahkan file" msgid "Enter an optional description for this variation." msgstr "Masukkan deskripsi opsional untuk variasi ini." msgid "Same as parent" msgstr "Sama seperti produk induk" msgid "Length x width x height in decimal form" msgstr "Panjang x lebar x tinggi dalam bentuk desimal" msgid "Dimensions (L×W×H) (%s)" msgstr "Dimensi (P×L×T) (%s)" msgid "" "Enter a number to set stock quantity at the variation level. Use a " "variation's 'Manage stock?' check box above to enable/disable stock " "management at the variation level." msgstr "" "Masukkan angka untuk menetapkan jumlah stok pada tingkat variasi. Gunakan " "kotak centang 'Kelola stok?' variasi di atas untuk mengaktifkan/" "menonaktifkan manajemen stok pada tingkat variasi." msgid "Sale end date" msgstr "Tanggal akhir obral" msgid "Sale start date" msgstr "Tanggal mulai obral" msgid "Cancel schedule" msgstr "Batalkan jadwal" msgid "Sale price (%s)" msgstr "Harga obral (%s)" msgid "Variation price (required)" msgstr "Harga variasi (wajib)" msgid "Regular price (%s)" msgstr "Harga normal (%s)" msgid "Enable this option to enable stock management at variation level" msgstr "Aktifkan opsi ini untuk mengaktifkan manajemen stok di tingkat variasi" msgid "" "Enable this option if a product is not shipped or there is no shipping cost" msgstr "" "Aktifkan opsi ini jika suatu produk tidak dikirim atau tidak ada biaya " "pengiriman" msgid "" "Enable this option if access is given to a downloadable file upon purchase " "of a product" msgstr "" "Aktifkan opsi ini jika akses diberikan ke file yang dapat diunduh saat " "membeli suatu produk" msgid "Any %s…" msgstr "Segala %s…" msgid "Drag and drop, or click to set admin variation order" msgstr "Seret-lepas, atau klik untuk mengatur urutan variasi admin" msgid "Insert file URL" msgstr "Masukkan URL berkas" msgid "http://" msgstr "http://" msgid "File name" msgstr "Nama file" msgctxt "number of pages" msgid "of" msgstr "dari" msgid "Select Page" msgstr "Pilih Halaman" msgid "Set Status - On backorder" msgstr "Status yang Ditetapkan - Dalam order tunda" msgid "Set Status - Out of stock" msgstr "Atur Status - Stok habis" msgid "Set Status - In stock" msgstr "Atur Status - Stok tersedia" msgid "Toggle "Manage stock"" msgstr "Beralih "Kelola stok"" msgid "Set scheduled sale dates" msgstr "Atur jadwal tanggal obral" msgid "Decrease sale prices (fixed amount or percentage)" msgstr "Turunkan harga obral (jumlah tetap atau persentase)" msgid "Increase sale prices (fixed amount or percentage)" msgstr "Naikkan harga obral (jumlah tetap atau persentase)" msgid "Set sale prices" msgstr "Tentukan harga obral" msgid "Decrease regular prices (fixed amount or percentage)" msgstr "Turunkan harga normal (jumlah tetap atau persentase)" msgid "Increase regular prices (fixed amount or percentage)" msgstr "Naikkan harga normal (jumlah tetap atau persentase)" msgid "Set regular prices" msgstr "Tetapkan harga normal" msgid "Toggle "Virtual"" msgstr "Beralih "Virtual"" msgid "Toggle "Downloadable"" msgstr "Beralih "Dapat Diunduh"" msgid "Toggle "Enabled"" msgstr "Beralih "Diaktifkan"" msgid "Delete all variations" msgstr "Hapus semua variasi" msgid "No default %s…" msgstr "Tidak ada pengaturan asal %s…" msgid "Default Form Values" msgstr "Nilai Formulir Standar" msgid "" "Shipping classes are used by certain shipping methods to group similar " "products." msgstr "" "Kelas pengiriman digunakan oleh metode pengiriman tertentu untuk " "mengelompokkan produk serupa." msgid "No shipping class" msgstr "Tidak ada kelas pengiriman" msgid "LxWxH in decimal form" msgstr "PxLxT dalam format desimal" msgid "Dimensions (%s)" msgstr "Dimensi (%s)" msgid "Weight in decimal form" msgstr "Berat dalam format desimal" msgid "Product Type" msgstr "Tipe Produk" msgid "" "Cross-sells are products which you promote in the cart, based on the current " "product." msgstr "" "Cross-sell adalah produk yang Anda promosikan dalam keranjang, berdasarkan " "produk saat ini." msgid "" "Upsells are products which you recommend instead of the currently viewed " "product, for example, products that are more profitable or better quality or " "more expensive." msgstr "" "Upsell adalah produk yang Anda rekomendasikan daripada produk yang sedang " "dilihat, misalnya, produk yang lebih menguntungkan atau kualitas lebih baik " "atau lebih mahal." msgid "This lets you choose which products are part of this group." msgstr "" "Hal ini memungkinkan Anda memilih produk yang menjadi bagian dari kelompok " "ini." msgid "Sold individually" msgstr "Jual terpisah" msgid "" "Controls whether or not the product is listed as \"in stock\" or \"out of " "stock\" on the frontend." msgstr "" "Kontrol apakah produk terdaftar sebagai \"stok tersedia\" atau \"stok habis" "\" di front-end." msgid "Stock status" msgstr "Status stok" msgid "" "If managing stock, this controls whether or not backorders are allowed. If " "enabled, stock quantity can go below 0." msgstr "" "Jika mengelola stok, ini mengontrol apakah backorder diizinkan atau tidak. " "Jika diaktifkan, jumlah stok bisa di bawah 0." msgid "Allow backorders?" msgstr "Izinkan backorder?" msgid "" "Stock quantity. If this is a variable product this value will be used to " "control stock for all variations, unless you define stock at variation level." msgstr "" "Jumlah stok. Jika ini adalah produk variabel, nilai ini akan digunakan untuk " "mengontrol stok untuk semua variasi, kecuali jika Anda menentukan stok pada " "tingkat variasi." msgid "Stock quantity" msgstr "Jumlah stok" msgid "Manage stock?" msgstr "Kelola stok?" msgid "" "SKU refers to a Stock-keeping unit, a unique identifier for each distinct " "product and service that can be purchased." msgstr "" "SKU mengacu pada unit penyimpanan stok, pengidentifikasi unik untuk setiap " "produk dan layanan berbeda yang dapat dibeli." msgid "Stock Keeping Unit" msgstr "Unit Penyimpanan Stok" msgid "" "Choose a tax class for this product. Tax classes are used to apply different " "tax rates specific to certain types of product." msgstr "" "Pilih kelas pajak untuk produk ini. Kelas pajak digunakan untuk menerapkan " "tarif pajak yang berbeda khusus untuk tipe produk tertentu." msgid "" "Define whether or not the entire product is taxable, or just the cost of " "shipping it." msgstr "" "Tentukan apakah seluruh produk kena pajak, atau hanya biaya pengiriman saja." msgctxt "Tax status" msgid "None" msgstr "Tidak Kena Pajak" msgid "Shipping only" msgstr "Hanya pengiriman" msgid "Taxable" msgstr "Kena Pajak" msgid "" "Enter the number of days before a download link expires, or leave blank." msgstr "" "Masukkan jumlah hari sebelum tautan unduhan kedaluwarsa, atau biarkan kosong." msgid "Download expiry" msgstr "Kedaluwarsa unduhan" msgid "Leave blank for unlimited re-downloads." msgstr "Biarkan kosong untuk pengunduhan ulang tanpa batas." msgid "Add File" msgstr "Tambahkan Berkas" msgid "" "This is the URL or absolute path to the file which customers will get access " "to. URLs entered here should already be encoded." msgstr "" "Ini adalah URL atau jalur absolut ke file yang dapat diakses oleh pelanggan. " "URL yang dimasukkan di sini harus sudah disandikan." msgid "This is the name of the download shown to the customer." msgstr "Ini adalah nama unduhan yang ditampilkan kepada pelanggan." msgid "Downloadable files" msgstr "Berkas Dapat Diunduh" msgid "" "The sale will start at 00:00:00 of \"From\" date and end at 23:59:59 of \"To" "\" date." msgstr "" "Obral akan dimulai pukul 00:00:00 pada tanggal \"Dari” dan berakhir pukul " "23:59:59 pada tanggal \"Sampai\"." msgctxt "placeholder" msgid "To…" msgstr "Untuk…" msgid "Sale price dates" msgstr "Tanggal Harga Diskon" msgid "This text will be shown on the button linking to the external product." msgstr "" "Teks ini akan ditampilkan pada tombol yang menghubungkan ke produk eksternal." msgctxt "placeholder" msgid "Buy product" msgstr "Beli produk" msgid "Enter the external URL to the product." msgstr "Masukkan URL eksternal ke produk" msgid "Product URL" msgstr "URL produk" msgid "Save attributes" msgstr "Simpan atribut" msgid "Custom ordering position." msgstr "Posisi pengurutan khusus." msgid "Enter an optional note to send the customer after purchase." msgstr "" "Masukkan catatan opsional untuk dikirim ke pelanggan setelah pembelian." msgid "Select terms" msgstr "Pilih term" msgid "Drag and drop to set admin attribute order" msgstr "Seret dan lepas untuk menetapkan urutan atribut admin." msgid "Shipping name" msgstr "Nama pengiriman" msgid "Refund #%1$s - %2$s" msgstr "Nomor pengembalian dana %1$s - %2$s" msgid "Refund #%1$s - %2$s by %3$s" msgstr "Pengembalian dana #%1$s - %2$s oleh %3$s" msgid "There are no notes yet." msgstr "Belum ada catatan." msgid "Delete note" msgstr "Hapus catatan" msgid "Or, enter tax rate ID:" msgstr "Atau, masukkan ID tarif pajak:" msgid "Rate %" msgstr "Tarif %" msgid "Rate code" msgstr "Kode tarif" msgid "Rate name" msgstr "Nama tarif" msgid "Refund %s manually" msgstr "Kembalikan dana %s secara manual" msgid "" "You will need to manually issue a refund through your payment gateway after " "using this." msgstr "" "Anda harus mengeluarkan pengembalian dana secara manual melalui gateway " "pembayaran Anda setelah menggunakan ini." msgid "Refund %1$s via %2$s" msgstr "Kembalikan dana %1$s via %2$s" msgid "Payment gateway" msgstr "Gateway pembayaran" msgid "Reason for refund (optional):" msgstr "Alasan pengembalian dana (opsional):" msgid "Note: the refund reason will be visible by the customer." msgstr "Catatan: alasan pengembalian dana akan terlihat oleh pelanggan." msgid "Refund amount" msgstr "Jumlah pengembalian dana" msgid "" "Refund the line items above. This will show the total amount to be refunded" msgstr "" "Kembalikan dana item baris di atas. Ini akan menampilkan jumlah dana total " "yang akan dikembalikan" msgid "Total available to refund" msgstr "Total tersedia untuk pengembalian dana" msgid "Amount already refunded" msgstr "Jumlah dana yang sudah dikembalikan" msgid "Restock refunded items" msgstr "Tambah stok barang yang sudah dikembalikan" msgid "Add tax" msgstr "Tambahkan pajak" msgid "Add shipping" msgstr "Tambahkan pengiriman" msgid "Add product(s)" msgstr "Tambahkan produk" msgid "Recalculate" msgstr "Hitung ulang" msgid "This order is no longer editable." msgstr "Pesanan ini tidak lagi dapat diedit." msgid "Add item(s)" msgstr "Tambahkan barang" msgid "Net Payment" msgstr "Pembayaran Bersih" msgid "%1$s via %2$s" msgstr "%1$s via %2$s" msgid "Order Total" msgstr "Total Pesanan" msgid "Coupon(s):" msgstr "Kupon:" msgid "Items Subtotal:" msgstr "Subtotal item:" msgid "Coupon(s)" msgstr "Kupon" msgid "Qty" msgstr "Jumlah" msgid "Edit item" msgstr "Edit item" msgid "After pre-tax discounts." msgstr "Setelah diskon sebelum pajak." msgid "Before discount" msgstr "Sebelum diskon" msgid "%s discount" msgstr "Diskon %s" msgid "%s (No longer exists)" msgstr "%s (Sudah tidak ada)" msgid "Variation ID:" msgstr "ID Variasi:" msgid "Add meta" msgstr "Tambahkan meta" msgid "Fee name" msgstr "Nama biaya" msgid "Customer download log" msgstr "Log unduhan pelanggan" msgid "" "Copying to clipboard failed. You should be able to right-click the button " "and copy." msgstr "" "Gagal menyalin ke clipboard. Anda seharusnya dapat mengklik kanan tombol dan " "menyalin." msgid "Customer download link" msgstr "Tautan unduhan pelanggan" msgid "Access expires" msgstr "Akses kedaluwarsa" msgid "Downloads remaining" msgstr "Sisa unduhan" msgid "Downloaded %s time" msgid_plural "Downloaded %s times" msgstr[0] "Diunduh %s kali" msgstr[1] "Diunduh %s kali" msgid "Revoke access" msgstr "Cabut akses" msgid "Add product gallery images" msgstr "Tambahkan gambar galeri produk" msgid "Add images to product gallery" msgstr "Tambahkan gambar ke galeri produk" msgid "" "The stock has not been updated because the value has changed since editing. " "Product %1$d has %2$d units in stock." msgstr "" "Stok belum diperbarui karena nilai telah berubah sejak penyuntingan. Produk " "%1$d tersedia sebanyak %2$d unit." msgid "Variations" msgstr "Variasi" msgid "Linked Products" msgstr "Produk Tertaut" msgid "Downloadable products give access to a file upon purchase." msgstr "" "Produk yang dapat diunduh memberikan akses ke sebuah berkas setelah " "pembelian." msgid "Virtual products are intangible and are not shipped." msgstr "Produk virtual adalah produk yang tidak berwujud dan tidak dikirimkan." msgid "Note to customer" msgstr "Catatan untuk pelanggan" msgid "Note type" msgstr "Jenis catatan" msgid "" "Add a note for your reference, or add a customer note (the user will be " "notified)." msgstr "" "Tambahkan catatan untuk referensi Anda, atau tambahkan catatan pelanggan " "(pengguna akan diberitahu)." msgid "Grant access" msgstr "Beri akses" msgid "Search for a downloadable product…" msgstr "Cari produk yang dapat diunduh…" msgid "File %d" msgstr "Berkas %d" msgid "Customer notes about the order" msgstr "Catatan pelanggan tentang pesanan" msgid "Customer provided note" msgstr "Catatan yang diberikan pelanggan" msgid "Customer provided note:" msgstr "Catatan yang diberikan pelanggan:" msgid "No shipping address set." msgstr "Tidak ada alamat pengiriman." msgid "No billing address set." msgstr "Tidak ada alamat penagihan." msgid "Profile →" msgstr "Profil →" msgid "View other orders →" msgstr "Lihat pesanan lainnya →" msgid "Customer payment page →" msgstr "Halaman pembayaran pelanggan →" msgid "Customer IP: %s" msgstr "IP pelanggan: %s" msgid "Paid on %1$s @ %2$s" msgstr "Dibayar pada %1$s jam %2$s" msgid "%1$s #%2$s details" msgstr "Detail nomor %1$s %2$s" msgid "Order details manually sent to customer." msgstr "Detail pesanan dikirim secara manual kepada pelanggan." msgid "Choose an action..." msgstr "Pilih tindakan..." msgid "Regenerate download permissions" msgstr "Buat ulang izin unduhan" msgid "Resend new order notification" msgstr "Kirim ulang pemberitahuan pesanan baru" msgid "Email invoice / order details to customer" msgstr "Kirim faktur/detail pesanan kepada pelanggan melalui email" msgid "" "Coupon code already exists - customers will use the latest coupon with this " "code." msgstr "" "Kode kupon sudah ada - pelanggan akan menggunakan kupon terbaru dengan kode " "ini." msgid "" "How many times this coupon can be used by an individual user. Uses billing " "email for guests, and user ID for logged in users." msgstr "" "Berapa kali kupon ini dapat digunakan oleh pengguna individu. Menggunakan e-" "mail penagihan untuk tamu, dan ID pengguna untuk pengguna yang sudah login." msgid "Usage limit per user" msgstr "Batas penggunaan per pengguna" msgid "" "The maximum number of individual items this coupon can apply to when using " "product discounts. Leave blank to apply to all qualifying items in cart." msgstr "" "Jumlah maksimum barang individual yang dapat diterapkan oleh kupon ini saat " "menggunakan diskon produk. Biarkan kosong untuk menerapkan ke semua barang " "yang memenuhi syarat dalam keranjang." msgid "Apply to all qualifying items in cart" msgstr "Terapkan ke semua item yang memenuhi syarat di keranjang" msgid "Limit usage to X items" msgstr "Batasi penggunaan hingga X barang" msgid "How many times this coupon can be used before it is void." msgstr "Berapa kali kupon ini dapat digunakan sebelum hangus." msgid "Usage limit per coupon" msgstr "Batas penggunaan per kupon" msgid "" "List of allowed billing emails to check against when an order is placed. " "Separate email addresses with commas. You can also use an asterisk (*) to " "match parts of an email. For example \"*\" would match all gmail " "addresses." msgstr "" "Daftar email penagihan yang diizinkan untuk pencocokan saat pesanan " "dilakukan. Pisahkan alamat email dengan koma. Anda juga dapat menggunakan " "tanda bintang (*) untuk mencocokkan bagian-bagian dari email. Misalnya " "\"*\" akan cocok dengan semua alamat gmail." msgid "No restrictions" msgstr "Tidak ada batasan" msgid "Allowed emails" msgstr "Email yang diizinkan" msgid "" "Product categories that the coupon will not be applied to, or that cannot be " "in the cart in order for the \"Fixed cart discount\" to be applied." msgstr "" "Kategori produk yang kuponnya tidak akan diterapkan, atau tidak dapat " "dimasukkan ke dalam keranjang agar \"Diskon keranjang tetap\" diterapkan." msgid "Exclude categories" msgstr "Kecualikan kategori" msgid "" "Product categories that the coupon will be applied to, or that need to be in " "the cart in order for the \"Fixed cart discount\" to be applied." msgstr "" "Kategori produk yang kuponnya akan diterapkan, atau yang perlu dimasukkan ke " "dalam keranjang agar \"Diskon keranjang tetap\" diterapkan." msgid "" "Products that the coupon will not be applied to, or that cannot be in the " "cart in order for the \"Fixed cart discount\" to be applied." msgstr "" "Produk yang kuponnya tidak akan diterapkan, atau tidak dapat dimasukkan ke " "dalam keranjang agar \"Diskon keranjang tetap\" diterapkan." msgid "Exclude products" msgstr "Kecualikan produk" msgid "" "Products that the coupon will be applied to, or that need to be in the cart " "in order for the \"Fixed cart discount\" to be applied." msgstr "" "Produk yang kuponnya akan diterapkan, atau yang perlu dimasukkan ke dalam " "keranjang agar \"Diskon keranjang tetap\" diterapkan." msgid "Search for a product…" msgstr "Cari produk…" msgid "" "Check this box if the coupon should not apply to items on sale. Per-item " "coupons will only work if the item is not on sale. Per-cart coupons will " "only work if there are items in the cart that are not on sale." msgstr "" "Centang kotak ini jika kupon tidak boleh berlaku untuk barang yang diobral. " "Kupon per-barang hanya akan berfungsi jika item tersebut tidak diobral. " "Kupon per-keranjang hanya akan berfungsi jika ada barang dalam keranjang " "yang tidak diobral." msgid "Exclude sale items" msgstr "Kecualikan barang obral" msgid "" "Check this box if the coupon cannot be used in conjunction with other " "coupons." msgstr "" "Centang kotak ini jika kupon tidak dapat digunakan bersamaan dengan kupon " "lainnya." msgid "Individual use only" msgstr "Hanya untuk penggunaan individu" msgid "" "This field allows you to set the maximum spend (subtotal) allowed when using " "the coupon." msgstr "" "Di kolom ini, Anda dapat menentukan batas pengeluaran (subtotal) maksimum " "yang diperbolehkan jika menggunakan kupon." msgid "No maximum" msgstr "Tanpa maksimum" msgid "Maximum spend" msgstr "Belanja maksimum" msgid "" "This field allows you to set the minimum spend (subtotal) allowed to use the " "coupon." msgstr "" "Di kolom ini, Anda dapat menentukan batas pengeluaran (subtotal) minimum " "yang diperbolehkan untuk menggunakan kupon." msgid "No minimum" msgstr "Tanpa minimum" msgid "Minimum spend" msgstr "Belanja minimum" msgid "The coupon will expire at 00:00:00 of this date." msgstr "Kupon akan kedaluwarsa dalam 00:00:00 pada tanggal ini." msgid "Coupon expiry date" msgstr "Tanggal kedaluwarsa kupon" msgid "" "Check this box if the coupon grants free shipping. A <a href=\"%s\" target=" "\"_blank\">free shipping method</a> must be enabled in your shipping zone " "and be set to require \"a valid free shipping coupon\" (see the \"Free " "Shipping Requires\" setting)." msgstr "" "Centang kotak ini jika kupon memberikan pengiriman gratis. Satu <a href=\"%s" "\" target=\"_blank\">metode pengiriman gratis</a> harus diaktifkan di zona " "pengiriman Anda dan disetel agar memerlukan \"kupon pengiriman gratis yang " "valid\" (lihat pengaturan \"Pengiriman Gratis Memerlukan\")." msgid "Allow free shipping" msgstr "Izinkan pengiriman gratis" msgid "Value of the coupon." msgstr "Nilai kupon." msgid "Discount type" msgstr "Tipe diskon" msgid "Usage limits" msgstr "Batas penggunaan" msgid "Usage restriction" msgstr "Batasan penggunaan" msgid "Browse the Marketplace" msgstr "Jelajahi Marketplace" msgid "" "Extensions can add new functionality to your product pages that make your " "store stand out" msgstr "" "Ekstensi dapat menambahkan fungsionalitas baru ke halaman produk Anda " "sehingga menjadikan toko Anda menonjol" msgid "Enhance your products" msgstr "Sempurnakan produk Anda" msgctxt "Marketplace suggestions" msgid "Get more options" msgstr "Dapatkan pilihan lainnya" msgid "Filter by stock status" msgstr "Saring menurut status stok" msgid "Virtual" msgstr "Virtual" msgid "Downloadable" msgstr "Dapat diunduh" msgid "Filter by product type" msgstr "Saring menurut jenis produk" msgid "In stock" msgstr "Tersedia" msgid "On backorder" msgstr "Dalam order tunda" msgid "Toggle featured" msgstr "Beralih unggulan" msgid "Create Product" msgstr "Buat Produk" msgid "Ready to start selling something awesome?" msgstr "Siap untuk mulai menjual sesuatu yang luar biasa?" msgid "Filter by registered customer" msgstr "Saring menurut pelanggan yang terdaftar" msgid "%1$s (#%2$s – %3$s)" msgstr "%1$s (nomor %2$s – %3$s)" msgid "Order status changed by bulk edit:" msgstr "Status pesanan diubah oleh edit massal:" msgid "Change status: " msgstr "Ubah status: " msgid "Change order status to completed" msgstr "Ubah status pesanan menjadi selesai" msgid "Change order status to processing" msgstr "Ubah status pesanan ke sedang diproses" msgid "Change order status to on-hold" msgstr "Ubah status pesanan menjadi ditahan" msgid "Edit this order" msgstr "Sunting pesanan ini" msgid "Payment via" msgstr "Pembayaran melalui" msgid "Order #%s" msgstr "Pesanan #%s" msgid "%d note" msgid_plural "%d notes" msgstr[0] "%d catatan" msgstr[1] "%d catatan" msgid "Plus %d other note" msgid_plural "Plus %d other notes" msgstr[0] "Di tambah %d catatan lainnya" msgstr[1] "Di tambah %d catatan lainnya" msgctxt "full name" msgid "%1$s %2$s" msgstr "%1$s %2$s" msgid "Remove personal data" msgstr "Hapus data pribadi" msgid "Change status to completed" msgstr "Ubah status ke selesai" msgid "Change status to on-hold" msgstr "Ubah status ke tertahan" msgid "Change status to processing" msgstr "Ubah status ke sedang diproses" msgid "Ship to" msgstr "Dikirim ke" msgid "When you receive a new order, it will appear here." msgstr "Ketika Anda menerima pesanan baru, pesanan itu akan muncul di sini." msgid "Usage / Limit" msgstr "Penggunaan / Batas" msgid "Product IDs" msgstr "ID Produk" msgid "Coupon amount" msgstr "Jumlah kupon" msgid "Coupon type" msgstr "Tipe kupon" msgid "Create your first coupon" msgstr "Buat kupon pertama Anda" msgid "" "Coupons are a great way to offer discounts and rewards to your customers. " "They will appear here once created." msgstr "" "Kupon adalah cara terbaik untuk menawarkan diskon dan hadiah kepada " "pelanggan Anda. Kupon akan muncul di sini setelah dibuat." msgid "Show advanced options" msgstr "Tampilkan opsi lanjutan" msgid "Hide advanced options" msgstr "Sembunyikan opsi lanjutan" msgid "Use previous column mapping preferences?" msgstr "Gunakan preferensi pemetaan kolom yang sebelumnya?" msgid "CSV Delimiter" msgstr "Pembatas CSV" msgid "Alternatively, enter the path to a CSV file on your server:" msgstr "Atau, masukkan jalur ke berkas CSV di server Anda:" msgid "" "Existing products that match by ID or SKU will be updated. Products that do " "not exist will be skipped." msgstr "" "Produk yang ada yang cocok dengan ID atau SKU akan diperbarui. Produk yang " "tidak ada akan dilewati." msgid "Update existing products" msgstr "Perbarui produk yang sudah ada" msgid "Choose a CSV file from your computer:" msgstr "Pilih berkas CSV dari komputer Anda:" msgid "" "This tool allows you to import (or merge) product data to your store from a " "CSV or TXT file." msgstr "" "Alat ini memungkinkan Anda untuk mengimpor (atau menggabungkan) data produk " "ke toko Anda dari file CSV atau TXT." msgid "Import products from a CSV file" msgstr "Impor produk dari file CSV" msgid "Your products are now being imported..." msgstr "Produk Anda sedang diimpor..." msgid "Importing" msgstr "Mengimpor" msgid "Run the importer" msgstr "Jalankan pengimpor" msgid "Do not import" msgstr "Jangan diimpor" msgid "Map to field" msgstr "Petakan ke bidang" msgid "Column name" msgstr "Nama kolom" msgid "" "Select fields from your CSV file to map against products fields, or to " "ignore during import." msgstr "" "Pilih bidang dari file CSV Anda untuk memetakan bidang produk, atau untuk " "mengabaikannya saat mengimpor." msgid "Map CSV fields to products" msgstr "Petakan bidang CSV ke produk" msgid "Import Products" msgstr "Impor Produk" msgid "View products" msgstr "Lihat produk" msgid "Reason for failure" msgstr "Alasan kegagalan" msgid "File uploaded: %s" msgstr "File diunggah: %s" msgid "View import log" msgstr "Lihat log impor" msgid "Failed to import %s product" msgid_plural "Failed to import %s products" msgstr[0] "Gagal mengimpor %s produk" msgstr[1] "Gagal mengimpor %s produk" msgid "%s product was skipped" msgid_plural "%s products were skipped" msgstr[0] "%s produk dilewati" msgstr[1] "%s produk dilewati" msgid "%s product updated" msgid_plural "%s products updated" msgstr[0] "%s produk diperbarui" msgstr[1] "%s produk diperbarui" msgid "%s product imported" msgid_plural "%s products imported" msgstr[0] "%s produk diimpor" msgstr[1] "%s produk diimpor" msgid "Parent SKU" msgstr "SKU Induk" msgid "Product Title" msgstr "Nama Produk" msgid "Delimiter" msgstr "Pembatas" msgid "OR enter path to file:" msgstr "ATAU masukkan jalur ke berkas:" msgid "" "Your CSV needs to include columns in a specific order. %1$sClick here to " "download a sample%2$s." msgstr "" "CSV Anda harus mencantumkan kolom dalam urutan tertentu. %1$sKlik di sini " "untuk mengunduh contoh%2$s." msgid "" "Hi there! Upload a CSV file containing tax rates to import the contents into " "your shop. Choose a .csv file to upload, then click \"Upload file and import" "\"." msgstr "" "Hai! Unggah berkas CSV yang berisi tarif pajak untuk mengimpor konten ke " "toko Anda. Pilih file .csv untuk diunggah, lalu klik \"Unggah berkas dan " "impor\"." msgid "Import tax rates" msgstr "Tarif pajak impor" msgid "View tax rates" msgstr "Lihat tarif pajak" msgid "Import complete - imported %s tax rates." msgstr "Impor selesai - mengimpor %s tarif pajak." msgid "The CSV is invalid." msgstr "CSV tidak valid." msgid "Import as meta data" msgstr "Impor sebagai data meta" msgid "Default attribute" msgstr "Atribut asal" msgid "Attribute visibility" msgstr "Visibilitas atribut" msgid "Is a global attribute?" msgstr "Termasuk atribut global?" msgid "Attribute value(s)" msgstr "Nilai atribut" msgid "Download name" msgstr "Unduh nama" msgid "Downloads" msgstr "Unduhan" msgid "External product" msgstr "Produk eksternal" msgid "Tags (space separated)" msgstr "Tag (dipisah spasi)" msgctxt "Quantity in stock" msgid "Stock" msgstr "Stok" msgid "Meta: %s" msgstr "Meta: %s" msgid "Download %d URL" msgstr "Unduh %d URL" msgid "Download %d name" msgstr "Unduh %d nama" msgid "Attribute %d default" msgstr "Atribut %d asal" msgid "Attribute %d global" msgstr "Atribut %d global" msgid "Attribute %d visible" msgstr "Atribut %d terlihat" msgid "Attribute %d value(s)" msgstr "Atribut %d nilai" msgid "Attribute %d name" msgstr "Atribut %d nama" msgid "External URL" msgstr "URL Eksternal" msgid "Grouped products" msgstr "Produk yang dikelompokkan" msgid "Cross-sells" msgstr "Cross-sells" msgid "Upsells" msgstr "Upsell" msgid "Download expiry days" msgstr "Unduh hari kedaluwarsa" msgid "Download limit" msgstr "Batas unduhan" msgid "Shipping class" msgstr "Kelas pengiriman" msgid "Regular price" msgstr "Harga normal" msgid "Sale price" msgstr "Harga obral" msgid "Allow customer reviews?" msgstr "Izinkan ulasan pelanggan?" msgid "Height (%s)" msgstr "Tinggi (%s)" msgid "Width (%s)" msgstr "Lebar (%s)" msgid "Length (%s)" msgstr "Panjang (%s)" msgid "Weight (%s)" msgstr "Berat (%s)" msgid "Sold individually?" msgstr "Dijual satu per satu?" msgid "Low stock amount" msgstr "Jumlah stok rendah" msgid "Backorders allowed?" msgstr "Izinkan pemesanan kembali?" msgid "In stock?" msgstr "Stok tersedia?" msgid "Tax class" msgstr "Kelas pajak" msgid "Tax status" msgstr "Status pajak" msgid "Date sale price ends" msgstr "Tanggal harga jual berakhir" msgid "Date sale price starts" msgstr "Tanggal harga jual mulai" msgid "Visibility in catalog" msgstr "Visibilitas dalam katalog" msgid "Is featured?" msgstr "Disorot?" msgid "SKU" msgstr "SKU" msgid "Upload a new file" msgstr "Unggah file baru" msgid "" "The file is empty or using a different encoding than UTF-8, please try again " "with a new file." msgstr "" "File kosong atau menggunakan pengkodean selain UTF-8, coba lagi dengan file " "baru." msgid "Please upload or provide the link to a valid CSV file." msgstr "Harap unggah atau berikan link ke file CSV yang valid." msgid "Invalid file type. The importer supports CSV and TXT file formats." msgstr "Jenis file tidak valid. Pengimpor mendukung format file CSV dan TXT." msgid "Column mapping" msgstr "Pemetaan kolom" msgid "Upload CSV file" msgstr "Unggah file CSV" msgid "Connected to" msgstr "Tersambung ke" msgid "Once connected, your purchases will be listed here." msgstr "" "Setelah terhubung, pembelian Anda akan dicantumkan di sini." msgid "" "Manage your subscriptions, get important product notifications, and updates, " "all from the convenience of your WooCommerce dashboard" msgstr "" "Mengatur pendaftaran Anda, mendapat notifikasi produk, dan update, semua " "dari dashboard WooCommerce" msgid "Feel free to reconnect again using the button below." msgstr "Jangan ragu untuk terhubung kembali menggunakan tombol di bawah ini." msgid "Sorry to see you go." msgstr "Kami sedih melihat Anda pergi." msgid "Installed Extensions without a Subscription" msgstr "Ekstensi yang Terinstal tanpa Langganan" msgid "Could not find any subscriptions on your account" msgstr "Tidak dapat menemukan langganan di akun Anda" msgid "Shared by %s" msgstr "Dibagikan oleh %s" msgid "Subscription: Unlimited" msgstr "Langganan: Tanpa Batas" msgid "Subscription: Using %1$d of %2$d sites available" msgstr "Langganan: Menggunakan %1$d dari %2$d situs yang tersedia" msgid "Subscription: Not available - %1$d of %2$d already in use" msgstr "Langganan: Tidak tersedia - %1$d of %2$d sudah digunakan" msgid "Expiring soon!" msgstr "Segera berakhir!" msgid "Expired :(" msgstr "Sudah kedaluwarsa :(" msgid "Lifetime Subscription" msgstr "Langganan Seumur Hidup" msgid "" "Below is a list of extensions available on your account. To " "receive extension updates please make sure the extension is installed, and " "its subscription activated and connected to your account. " "Extensions can be activated from the <a href=\"%s\">Plugins</a> screen." msgstr "" "Berikut adalah daftar ekstensi yang tersedia di akun Anda. " "Untuk mendapatkan pembaruan ekstensi, pastikan ekstensi telah diinstal, dan " "langganannya diaktifkan serta terhubung ke akun Anda. " "Ekstensi dapat diaktifkan dari layar <a href=\"%s\">Plugin</a>." msgid "WooCommerce Extensions" msgstr "Ekstensi WooCommerce" msgid "" "We've made things simpler and easier to manage moving forward. From now on " "you can manage all your WooCommerce purchases directly from the Extensions " "menu within the WooCommerce plugin itself. <a href=\"%s\">View and manage</" "a> your extensions now." msgstr "" "Kami menyederhanakan dan mempermudah pengelolaanl ke depannya. Mulai " "sekarang, Anda dapat mengelola semua pembelian WooCommerce secara langsung " "dari menu Ekstensi di dalam plugin WooCommerce. <a href=\"%s\">Lihat dan " "kelola</a> ekstensi Anda sekarang." msgid "Looking for the WooCommerce Helper?" msgstr "Mencari WooCommerce Helper?" msgid "" "Please visit the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">subscriptions page</a> and " "renew to continue receiving updates." msgstr "" "Harap kunjungi <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">halaman langganan</a> dan " "perbarui untuk terus menerima pembaruan." msgid "" "Note: You currently have <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$d paid extension</a> which " "should be updated first before updating WooCommerce." msgid_plural "" "Note: You currently have <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$d paid extensions</a> which " "should be updated first before updating WooCommerce." msgstr[0] "" "Catatan: Saat ini Anda memiliki <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$d ekstensi</a> yang " "harus diperbarui dahulu sebelum memperbarui WooCommerce." msgstr[1] "" "Catatan: Saat ini Anda memiliki <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$d ekstensi</a> yang " "harus diperbarui dahulu sebelum memperbarui WooCommerce." msgid "Authentication and subscription caches refreshed successfully." msgstr "Autentikasi dan cache langganan berhasil disegarkan." msgid "You have successfully disconnected your store from" msgstr "Anda telah berhasil memutuskan toko Anda dari" msgid "You have successfully connected your store to" msgstr "Anda telah berhasil menghubungkan toko Anda ke" msgid "" "An error has occurred when deactivating the extension %1$s. Please proceed " "to the <a href=\"%2$s\">Plugins screen</a> to deactivate it manually." msgstr "" "Terjadi error saat menonaktifkan ekstensi %1$s. Silakan lanjutkan ke <a href=" "\"%2$s\">layar Plugin</a> untuk menonaktifkannya secara manual." msgid "The extension %s has been deactivated successfully." msgstr "Ekstensi %s telah berhasil dinonaktifkan." msgid "" "An error has occurred when deactivating the subscription for %s. Please try " "again later." msgstr "" "Terjadi error saat menonaktifkan langganan untuk %s. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "" "Subscription for %1$s deactivated successfully. You will no longer receive " "updates for this product. <a href=\"%2$s\">Click here</a> if you wish to " "deactivate the plugin as well." msgstr "" "Langganan untuk %1$s berhasil dinonaktifkan. Anda tidak akan menerima " "pembaruan lagi untuk produk ini. <a href=\"%2$s\">Klik di sini</a> jika Anda " "ingin menonaktifkan plugin juga." msgid "" "Subscription for %s deactivated successfully. You will no longer receive " "updates for this product." msgstr "" "Langganan untuk %s berhasil dinonaktifkan. Anda tidak akan menerima " "pembaruan lagi untuk produk ini." msgid "An error has occurred when activating %s. Please try again later." msgstr "Terjadi error saat mengaktifkan %s. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "" "%s activated successfully. You will now receive updates for this product." msgstr "" "%s berhasil diaktifkan. Anda sekarang akan menerima pembaruan untuk produk " "ini." msgid "Expiring Soon" msgstr "Segera Berakhir" msgid "" "To receive updates and support for this extension, you need to " "<strong>purchase</strong> a new subscription or consolidate your extensions " "to one connected account by <strong><a href=\"%1$s\" title=\"Sharing Docs" "\">sharing</a> or <a href=\"%2$s\" title=\"Transferring Docs\">transferring</" "a></strong> this extension to this connected account." msgstr "" "Untuk menerima pembaruan dan dukungan untuk ekstensi ini, Anda perlu " "<strong>membeli</strong> langganan baru atau mengkonsolidasikan ekstensi " "Anda ke satu akun yang terhubung dengan <strong><a href=\"%1$s\" title=" "\"Berbagi Dokumen\"> berbagi</a> atau <a href=\"%2$s\" title=\"Transfer " "Dokumen\">mentransfer</a></strong> ekstensi ini ke akun yang terhubung ini." msgid "" "Version %s is <strong>available</strong>. To enable this update you need to " "<strong>purchase</strong> a new subscription." msgstr "" "Versi %s <strong>telah tersedia</strong>. Untuk mengaktifkan pembaruan, Anda " "harus <strong>membeli</strong> langganan yang baru." msgid "" "This subscription is expiring soon. Please <strong>renew</strong> to " "continue receiving updates and support." msgstr "" "Langganan ini akan segera berakhir. Silakan <strong>perpanjang</strong> " "untuk melanjutkan penerimaan pembaruan dan dukungan." msgid "Subscription is <strong>expiring</strong> soon." msgstr "Langganan akan segera <strong>kedaluwarsa</strong>." msgid "" "This subscription has expired. Please <strong>renew</strong> to receive " "updates and support." msgstr "" "Langganan ini telah berakhir. Tolong <strong>perbaharui</strong> untuk " "menerima update dan dukungan." msgid "" "This subscription has expired. Contact the owner to <strong>renew</strong> " "the subscription to receive updates and support." msgstr "" "Langganan ini telah berakhir. Hubungi pemiliknya untuk " "<strong>memperpanjang</strong> langganan agar bisa menerima pembaruan dan " "dukungan." msgid "" "To enable this update you need to <strong>purchase</strong> a new " "subscription." msgstr "" "Untuk mengaktifkan pembaruan ini, Anda perlu <strong>membeli</strong> " "langganan yang baru." msgid "" "To enable this update you need to <strong>activate</strong> this " "subscription." msgstr "" "Untuk mengaktifkan pembaruan ini, Anda perlu <strong>mengaktifkan</strong> " "langganan ini." msgid "Version %s is <strong>available</strong>." msgstr "Versi %s telah <strong>tersedia</strong>." msgid "WooCommerce Helper" msgstr "Bantuan WooCommerce" msgid "" "The WooCommerce Helper plugin is no longer needed. <a href=\"%s\">Manage " "subscriptions</a> from the extensions tab instead." msgstr "" "Plugin WooCommerce Helper sudah tidak diperlukan. <a href=\"%s\">Kelola " "langganan</a> dari tab ekstensi sebagai gantinya." msgid "Delete \"%s\" permanently" msgstr "Hapus permanen \"%s\"" msgid "Delivery URL" msgstr "URL Pengiriman" msgid "No webhooks found." msgstr "Tidak ada webhook yang ditemukan." msgid "Create a new webhook" msgstr "Buat webhook baru" msgid "" "Webhooks are event notifications sent to URLs of your choice. They can be " "used to integrate with third-party services which support them." msgstr "" "Webhook adalah pemberitahuan acara yang dikirimkan ke URL pilihan Anda. " "Mereka dapat digunakan untuk integrasi dengan layanan pihak ketiga yang " "mendukung." msgid "Search webhooks" msgstr "Cari Webhook" msgid "Webhook created successfully." msgstr "Webhook berhasil dibuat." msgid "Webhook updated successfully." msgstr "Webhook berhasil diperbarui." msgid "%d webhook permanently deleted." msgid_plural "%d webhooks permanently deleted." msgstr[0] "%d webhook dihapus secara permanen." msgstr[1] "%d webhook dihapus secara permanen." msgid "Webhook topic unknown. Please select a valid topic." msgstr "Topik Webhook tidak diketahui. Masukkan topik yang valid." msgid "Webhook created on %s" msgstr "Webhook dibuat pada %s" msgid "You do not have permission to update Webhooks" msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk memperbarui Webhook" msgid "" "This is the default category and it cannot be deleted. It will be " "automatically assigned to products with no category." msgstr "" "Ini adalah kategori asal dan tidak dapat dihapus. Hal ini akan secara " "otomatis ditetapkan ke produk tanpa kategori." msgid "Make default" msgstr "Jadikan standar" msgid "Make “%s” the default category" msgstr "Jadikan “%s” sebagai kategori asal" msgid "" "Attribute terms can be assigned to products and variations.<br/><br/" "><b>Note</b>: Deleting a term will remove it from all products and " "variations to which it has been assigned. Recreating a term will not " "automatically assign it back to products." msgstr "" "Term atribut dapat ditetapkan untuk produk dan variasi. <br/><br/" "><b>Catatan</b>: Menghapus term akan menghapusnya dari semua produk dan " "variasi yang telah ditetapkan. Membuat ulang sebuah term tidak akan secara " "otomatis menetapkannya kembali ke produk." msgid "" "Product categories for your store can be managed here. To change the order " "of categories on the front-end you can drag and drop to sort them. To see " "more categories listed click the \"screen options\" link at the top-right of " "this page." msgstr "" "Kategori produk untuk toko Anda dapat diatur di sini. Untuk mengganti urutan " "kategori di ujung depan, Anda dapat seret-lepas untuk mengurutkannya. Untuk " "melihat kategori lainnya klik tautan \"Opsi Layar\" pada bagian atas halaman." msgid "Use image" msgstr "Gunakan gambar" msgid "Upload/Add image" msgstr "Unggah/Tambah gambar" msgid "Subcategories" msgstr "Subkategori" msgid "Installed version not tested with active version of WooCommerce %s" msgstr "" "Versi yang terpasang tidak diuji dengan versi WooCommerce %s yang aktif" msgid "Network enabled" msgstr "Jaringan diaktifkan" msgid "%1$s (update to version %2$s is available)" msgstr "%1$s (pembaruan ke versi %2$s tersedia)" msgid "" "Missing base tables: %s. Some WooCommerce functionality may not work as " "expected." msgstr "" "Tabel dasar yang hilang: %s. Beberapa fungsi WooCommerce mungkin tidak dapat " "bekerja dengan normal." msgid "Tool does not exist." msgstr "Alat tidak ada." msgid "View & Customize" msgstr "Lihat & Sesuaikan" msgid "You can also:" msgstr "Anda juga dapat:" msgid "Transfer existing products to your new store — just import a CSV file." msgstr "" "Transfer produk yang ada ke toko baru Anda, cukup dengan mengimpor file CSV." msgid "Import products" msgstr "Impor produk" msgid "Have an existing store?" msgstr "Sudah punya toko?" msgid "You're ready to add products to your store." msgstr "Anda sekarang siap untuk menambahkan produk ke toko Anda." msgid "Create some products" msgstr "Buat beberapa produk" msgid "Next step" msgstr "Langkah selanjutnya" msgid "" "We're here for you — get tips, product updates, and inspiration straight to " "your mailbox." msgstr "" "Kami siap membantu Anda. Dapatkan tips, pembaruan produk, dan inspirasi, " "langsung di kotak surat Anda." msgid "You're ready to start selling!" msgstr "Anda siap mulai menjual!" msgid "" "Visit to learn more about <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank" "\">getting started</a>." msgstr "" "Kunjungi untuk mempelajari <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank" "\">memulai</a> lebih lanjut." msgid "" "Your site might be on a private network. Jetpack can only connect to public " "sites. Please make sure your site is visible over the internet, and then try " "connecting again 🙏." msgstr "" "Situs Anda mungkin menggunakan jaringan pribadi. Jetpack hanya bisa " "terhubung ke situs publik. Pastikan situs Anda dapat dilihat di internet, " "lalu coba hubungkan lagi 🙏." msgid "" "Sorry! We couldn't contact Jetpack just now 😭. Please make sure that your " "site is visible over the internet, and that it accepts incoming and outgoing " "requests via curl. You can also try to connect to Jetpack again, and if you " "run into any more issues, please contact support." msgstr "" "Maaf! Saat ini kami tidak bisa menghubungkan Jetpack 😭. Pastikan situs Anda " "dapat dilihat di internet, dan menerima permintaan masuk dan keluar melalui " "curl. Anda juga bisa mencoba menghubungkan ke Jetpack lagi, dan jika " "mengalami masalah lainnya, silakan hubungi dukungan." msgid "" "Sorry! We tried, but we couldn't install Jetpack for you 😭. Please go to the " "Plugins tab to install it, and finish setting up your store." msgstr "" "Maaf! Kami sudah mencoba, tetapi tidak dapat menginstal Jetpack untuk Anda " "😭. Buka tab Plugin untuk menginstalnya, dan selesaikan penyiapan toko Anda." msgid "" "Sorry! We tried, but we couldn't connect Jetpack just now 😭. Please go to " "the Plugins tab to connect Jetpack, so that you can finish setting up your " "store." msgstr "" "Maaf! Kami sudah mencoba, tetapi saat ini kami tidak dapat menghubungkan " "Jetpack 😭. Buka tab Plugin untuk menghubungkan Jetpack agar Anda dapat " "menyelesaikan penyiapan toko." msgid "Share new items on social media the moment they're live in your store." msgstr "" "Bagikan item baru di media sosial begitu item tersebut aktif di toko Anda." msgid "Product promotion" msgstr "Promosi produk" msgid "Get an alert if your store is down for even a few minutes." msgstr "" "Dapatkan pemberitahuan jika toko Anda tidak aktif walaupun hanya beberapa " "menit." msgid "Store monitoring" msgstr "Pemantauan toko" msgid "" "Get insights on how your store is doing, including total sales, top " "products, and more." msgstr "" "Dapatkan wawasan mengenai performa toko Anda, yang meliputi penjualan total, " "produk teratas, dan sebagainya." msgid "Protect your store from unauthorized access." msgstr "Lindungi toko Anda dari akses tanpa izin." msgid "Better security" msgstr "Keamanan lebih kuat" msgid "Reasons you'll love Jetpack" msgstr "Alasan Anda akan menyukai Jetpack" msgid "Bonus reasons you'll love Jetpack" msgstr "Alasan lain mengapa Anda akan menyukai Jetpack" msgid "" "By connecting your site you agree to our fascinating <a href=\"%1$s\" target=" "\"_blank\">Terms of Service</a> and to <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank" "\">share details</a> with" msgstr "" "Dengan menghubungkan situs, berarti Anda menyetujui <a href=\"%1$s\" target=" "\"_blank\">Ketentuan Layanan</a> kami yang menarik dan setuju untuk <a href=" "\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\">membagikan detail</a> kepada" msgid "Jetpack logo" msgstr "Logo Jetpack" msgid "Continue with WooCommerce Services" msgstr "Lanjutkan dengan Layanan WooCommerce" msgid "Connect your store to activate WooCommerce Services" msgstr "Hubungkan toko Anda untuk mengaktifkan Layanan WooCommerce" msgid "Continue with Jetpack" msgstr "Lanjutkan dengan Jetpack" msgid "Connect your store to Jetpack to enable extra features" msgstr "Hubungkan toko Anda ke Jetpack untuk mengaktifkan fitur ekstra" msgid "Connect your store to Jetpack" msgstr "Hubungkan toko Anda ke Jetpack" msgid "" "Thanks for using Jetpack! Your store is almost ready: to activate services " "like %s, just connect your store." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah menggunakan Jetpack! Toko Anda hampir siap: untuk " "mengaktifkan layanan seperti %s, cukup hubungkan toko Anda." msgid "" "Your store is almost ready! To activate services like %s, just connect with " "Jetpack." msgstr "" "Toko Anda hampir siap! Untuk mengaktifkan layanan seperti %s, cukup " "hubungkan situs ke Jetpack." msgid "Sorry, we couldn't connect your store to Jetpack" msgstr "Maaf, kami tidak dapat menghubungkan toko Anda ke Jetpack" msgid "discounted shipping labels" msgstr "label diskon pengiriman" msgid "automated taxes and discounted shipping labels" msgstr "pajak otomatis dan label diskon pengiriman" msgid "payment setup" msgstr "pengaturan pembayaran" msgid "payment setup and discounted shipping labels" msgstr "penyiapan pembayaran dan label diskon pengiriman" msgid "payment setup and automated taxes" msgstr "penyiapan pembayaran dan pajak otomatis" msgid "payment setup, automated taxes and discounted shipping labels" msgstr "penyiapan pembayaran, pajak otomatis, dan label diskon pengiriman" msgid "Facebook for WooCommerce" msgstr "Facebook untuk WooCommerce" msgid "Facebook icon" msgstr "Ikon Facebook" msgid "" "Enjoy all Facebook products combined in one extension: pixel tracking, " "catalog sync, messenger chat, shop functionality and Instagram shopping " "(coming soon)!" msgstr "" "Nikmati semua produk Facebook yang dipadukan dalam satu ekstensi: pelacakan " "piksel, sinkronisasi katalog, obrolan messenger, fungsionalitas toko, dan " "belanja di Instagram (segera hadir)!" msgid "Mailchimp for WooCommerce" msgstr "MailChimp untuk WooCommerce" msgid "Mailchimp icon" msgstr "Ikon MailChimp" msgid "" "Join the 16 million customers who use Mailchimp. Sync list and store data to " "send automated emails, and targeted campaigns." msgstr "" "Bergabung dengan 16 juta pelanggan yang menggunakan Mailchimp. Sinkronkan " "daftar dan data toko Anda untuk mengirim email otomatis, dan kampanye yang " "ditargetkan." msgid "WooCommerce Admin icon" msgstr "Ikon Admin WooCommerce" msgid "" "Manage your store's reports and monitor key metrics with a new and improved " "interface and dashboard." msgstr "" "Kelola laporan toko Anda dan pantau metrik utama dengan dasbor dan antarmuka " "baru yang telah ditingkatkan." msgid "automated taxes icon" msgstr "ikon pajak otomatis" msgid "" "Save time and errors with automated tax calculation and collection at " "checkout. Powered by WooCommerce Services and Jetpack." msgstr "" "Hemat waktu dan error dengan penghitungan dan pengumpulan pajak saat " "checkout. Didukung oleh Layanan WooCommerce dan Jetpack." msgid "Storefront icon" msgstr "Ikon Etalase" msgid "" "Design your store with deep WooCommerce integration. If toggled on, we’ll " "install <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" " "rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Storefront</a>, and your current theme <em>%s</" "em> will be deactivated." msgstr "" "Desain toko Anda dengan integrasi mendalam WooCommerce. Jika diaktifkan, " "kami akan menginstal <a href=\"\" target=" "\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Etalase</a>, dan tema Anda saat ini " "<em>%s</em> akan dinonaktifkan." msgid "Storefront Theme" msgstr "Tema Storefront" msgid "Enhance your store with these recommended free features." msgstr "Tingkatkan toko Anda dengan fitur gratis yang disarankan berikut." msgid "Recommended for All WooCommerce Stores" msgstr "Disarankan untuk Semua Toko WooCommerce" msgid "Collect payments from customers offline." msgstr "Terima pembayaran dari pelanggan secara offline." msgid "Offline Payments" msgstr "Pembayaran Offline:" msgid "" "WooCommerce can accept both online and offline payments. <a href=\"%s\" " "target=\"_blank\">Additional payment methods</a> can be installed later." msgstr "" "WooCommerce dapat menerima pembayaran online dan offline. <a href=\"%s\" " "target=\"_blank\">Metode pembayaran tambahan</a> bisa diinstal nanti." msgid "A simple offline gateway that lets you accept cash on delivery." msgstr "" "Gateway offline sederhana yang memungkinkan Anda menerima bayar di tempat." msgid "A simple offline gateway that lets you accept BACS payment." msgstr "" "Gateway offline sederhana yang memungkinkan Anda menerima pembayaran BACS " "(transfer bank)." msgid "Bank transfer (BACS) payments" msgstr "Pembayaran Transfer Bank (BACS)" msgid "" "A simple offline gateway that lets you accept a check as method of payment." msgstr "" "Gateway offline sederhana yang memungkinkan Anda menerima cek sebagai metode " "pembayaran." msgctxt "Check payment method" msgid "Check payments" msgstr "Pembayaran cek" msgid "" "The PayFast extension for WooCommerce enables you to accept payments by " "Credit Card and EFT via one of South Africa’s most popular payment gateways. " "No setup fees or monthly subscription costs." msgstr "" "Ekstensi PayFast untuk WooCommerce memungkinkan Anda menerima pembayaran " "menggunakan Kartu Kredit dan EFT melalui salah satu gateway pembayaran " "paling populer di Afrika Selatan. Tidak ada biaya penyiapan atau biaya " "langganan bulanan." msgid "WooCommerce PayFast Gateway" msgstr "WooCommerce PayFast Gateway" msgid "" "The eWAY extension for WooCommerce allows you to take credit card payments " "directly on your store without redirecting your customers to a third party " "site to make payment." msgstr "" "Ekstensi eWAY untuk WooCommerce memungkinkan Anda memilih kartu kredit " "secara langsung di toko Anda tanpa harus mengalihkan pelanggan Anda ke situs " "pihak ketiga untuk melakukan pembayaran." msgid "WooCommerce eWAY Gateway" msgstr "WooCommerce eWAY Gateway" msgid "WooCommerce Square" msgstr "WooCommerce Square" msgid "Klarna Payments for WooCommerce" msgstr "Klarna Payments untuk WooCommerce" msgid "Klarna Checkout for WooCommerce" msgstr "Klarna Checkout untuk WooCommerce" msgid "PayPal email address" msgstr "Alamat E-mail PayPal:" msgid "PayPal email address:" msgstr "Alamat email PayPal:" msgid "Accept payments via PayPal using account balance or credit card." msgstr "" "Terima pembayaran melalui PayPal menggunakan saldo akun atau kartu kredit." msgid "PayPal Standard" msgstr "Paypal Standar" msgid "Email address to receive payments" msgstr "Alamat email untuk menerima pembayaran" msgid "Direct payments to email address:" msgstr "Pembayaran langsung ke alamat email:" msgid "Set up PayPal for me using this email:" msgstr "Siapkan PayPal untuk saya menggunakan email ini:" msgid "WooCommerce PayPal Checkout Gateway" msgstr "Gateway Checkout PayPal WooCommerce" msgid "Stripe email address" msgstr "Alamat email Stripe" msgid "Stripe email address:" msgstr "Alamat email Stripe:" msgid "Set up Stripe for me using this email:" msgstr "Siapkan Stripe untuk saya menggunakan email ini:" msgid "" "Securely accept credit and debit cards with one low rate, no surprise fees " "(custom rates available). Sell online and in store and track sales and " "inventory in one place. <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Learn more about " "Square</a>." msgstr "" "Menerima kartu kredit dan debit dengan tarif rendah dan aman, tanpa biaya " "tak terduga (tersedia tarif khusus). Jual secara online dan offline serta " "lacak penjualan dan inventaris dalam satu tempat. <a href=\"%s\" target=" "\"_blank\">Pelajari selengkapnya tentang Square</a>." msgid "" "Choose the payment that you want, pay now, pay later or slice it. No credit " "card numbers, no passwords, no worries. <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank" "\">Learn more about Klarna</a>." msgstr "" "Pilih pembayaran yang Anda inginkan, bayar sekarang, bayar nanti, atau " "dicicil. Tanpa kartu kredit dan kata sandi. <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank" "\">Pelajari selengkapnya tentang Klarna</a>." msgid "" "Full checkout experience with pay now, pay later and slice it. No credit " "card numbers, no passwords, no worries. <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank" "\">Learn more about Klarna</a>." msgstr "" "Pengalaman checkout penuh dengan bayar sekarang, bayar nanti, atau dicicil. " "Tanpa kartu kredit dan kata sandi. <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Pelajari " "selengkapnya tentang Klarna</a>." msgid "" "Safe and secure payments using credit cards or your customer's PayPal " "account. <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Learn more</a>." msgstr "" "Pembayaran aman menggunakan kartu kredit atau akun PayPal pelanggan Anda. <a " "href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Pelajari selengkapnya tentang PayPal</a>." msgid "" "Accept debit and credit cards in 135+ currencies, methods such as Alipay, " "and one-touch checkout with Apple Pay. <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank" "\">Learn more</a>." msgstr "" "Menerima kartu debit dan kartu kredit dalam lebih dari 135 mata uang, metode " "seperti Alipay, dan checkout satu sentuhan dengan Apple Pay. <a href=\"%s\" " "target=\"_blank\">Pelajari selengkapnya</a>." msgid "We'll use %1$s for product weight and %2$s for product dimensions." msgstr "" "Kami menggunakan %1$s untuk berat produk dan %2$s untuk dimensi produk." msgid "" "A live rate is the exact cost to ship an order, quoted directly from the " "shipping carrier." msgstr "" "Tarif langsung adalah biaya pasti untuk mengirim pesanan, diberikan langsung " "dari pihak pengangkutan pengiriman." msgid "" "If you'd like to offer <span class=\"help_tip\" data-tip=\"%1$s\">live " "rates</span> from a specific carrier (e.g. UPS) you can find a variety of " "extensions available for WooCommerce <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank" "\">here</a>." msgstr "" "Jika Anda ingin menawarkan <span class=\"help_tip\" data-tip=\"%1$s\">tarif " "langsung</span> dari jasa pengangkutan tertentu (misalnya UPS) Anda dapat " "menemukan berbagai ekstensi yang tersedia untuk WooCommerce <a href=\"%2$s\" " "target=\"_blank\">di sini</a>." msgid "ShipStation" msgstr "ShipStation" msgid "ShipStation icon" msgstr "Ikon ShipStation" msgid "" "We recommend using ShipStation to save time at the post office by printing " "your shipping labels at home. Try ShipStation free for 30 days." msgstr "" "Kami menyarankan menggunakan ShipStation untuk menghemat waktu yang Anda " "habiskan di kantor pos dengan mencetak label pengiriman di rumah. Coba " "ShipStation gratis selama 30 hari." msgid "WooCommerce Services icon" msgstr "Ikon Layanan WooCommerce" msgid "" "Use WooCommerce Shipping (powered by WooCommerce Services & Jetpack) to save " "time at the post office by printing your shipping labels at home." msgstr "" "Gunakan Pengiriman WooCommerce (didukung oleh Layanan WooCommerce & Jetpack) " "untuk menghemat waktu di kantor pos dengan mencetak sendiri label pengiriman " "Anda di rumah." msgid "Did you know you can print shipping labels at home?" msgstr "Sudah tahu Anda bisa mencetak label pengiriman di rumah?" msgid "" "We've created two Shipping Zones - for %s and for the rest of the world. " "Below you can set Flat Rate shipping costs for these Zones or offer Free " "Shipping." msgstr "" "Kami telah membuat dua Zona Pengiriman - untuk %s dan untuk negara-negara " "lainnya di dunia. Di bawah ini, Anda dapat menetapkan biaya pengiriman Tarif " "Tetap untuk dua Zona ini atau menawarkan Pengiriman Gratis." msgid "Don't charge for shipping." msgstr "Tidak mengenakan ongkos kirim." msgid "What would you like to charge for flat rate shipping?" msgstr "Berapa yang ingin Anda kenakan untuk tarif tetap pengiriman?" msgid "Set a fixed price to cover shipping costs." msgstr "Tentukan harga tetap untuk menutup ongkos kirim." msgid "Flat Rate" msgstr "Tarif Tetap" msgid "The following plugins will be installed and activated for you:" msgstr "Plugin berikut ini akan diinstal dan diaktifkan untuk Anda:" msgid "Enable usage tracking and help improve WooCommerce" msgstr "Aktifkan pemantauan penggunaan dan bantu sempurnakan WooCommerce" msgid "" "Learn more about how usage tracking works, and how you'll be helping in our " "<a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">usage tracking documentation</a>." msgstr "" "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang cara kerja pemantauan penggunaan, dan " "bagaimana Anda akan membantu <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">dokumentasi " "pemantauan penggunaan</a> kami." msgid "Help improve WooCommerce with usage tracking" msgstr "Bantu sempurnakan WooCommerce dengan pemantauan penggunaan" msgid "I will also be selling products or services in person." msgstr "Saya juga akan menjual produk atau jasa secara langsung." msgid "I plan to sell digital products" msgstr "Saya berencana menjual produk digital" msgid "I plan to sell physical products" msgstr "Saya berencana menjual produk fisik" msgid "I plan to sell both physical and digital products" msgstr "Saya berencana menjual produk fisik dan digital" msgid "What type of products do you plan to sell?" msgstr "Jenis produk apa yang akan Anda jual?" msgid "Choose a currency…" msgstr "Pilih mata uang…" msgid "What currency do you accept payments in?" msgstr "Mata uang apa yang Anda gunakan sebagai pembayaran?" msgid "Choose a state…" msgstr "Pilih negara bagian…" msgid "Where is your store based?" msgstr "Di mana basis lokasi toko Anda?" msgid "" "The following wizard will help you configure your store and get you started " "quickly." msgstr "" "Wizard berikut akan membantu Anda mengonfigurasi toko dan memulai dengan " "cepat." msgid "WooCommerce Admin" msgstr "Admin WooCommerce" msgid "The \"WooCommerce Admin\" plugin will be installed and activated" msgstr "Plugin \"WooCommerce Admin\" akan diinstal dan diaktifkan" msgid "" "Get your store up and running more quickly with our new and improved setup " "experience" msgstr "" "Buat toko online Anda dan jalankan dengan lebih cepat melalui pengalaman " "penyiapan kami yang baru dan telah ditingkatkan" msgid "Welcome to" msgstr "Selamat datang di" msgid "Skip this step" msgstr "Lewati langkah ini" msgid "WooCommerce › Setup Wizard" msgstr "WooCommerce › Wizard Penyiapan" msgid "Year(s)" msgstr "Tahun" msgid "Month(s)" msgstr "Bulan" msgid "Week(s)" msgstr "Minggu" msgid "Day(s)" msgstr "Hari" msgid "Choose countries / regions…" msgstr "Pilih negara/wilayah…" msgid "Choose a country / region…" msgstr "Pilih negara/wilayah…" msgid "Hard crop?" msgstr "Potong Paksa?" msgid "" "The settings of this image size have been disabled because its values are " "being overwritten by a filter." msgstr "" "Pengaturan ukuran gambar ini telah dinonaktifkan karena nilainya ditimpa " "oleh filter." msgid "" "Selecting no country / region to sell to prevents from completing the " "checkout. Continue anyway?" msgstr "" "Tidak memilih negara/wilayah tujuan penjualan menyebabkan checkout tidak " "dapat diselesaikan. Tetap lanjutkan?" msgid "Item moved down" msgstr "Item digeser turun" msgid "Item moved up" msgstr "Item digeser naik" msgid "Taxes by date" msgstr "Pajak berdasarkan tanggal" msgid "Taxes by code" msgstr "Pajak berdasarkan kode" msgid "Most stocked" msgstr "Stok Terbanyak" msgid "Low in stock" msgstr "Stok rendah" msgid "Customer list" msgstr "Daftar Pelanggan" msgid "Customers vs. guests" msgstr "Pelanggan vs. Tamu" msgid "Customer downloads" msgstr "Unduhan pelanggan" msgid "Coupons by date" msgstr "Kupon berdasarkan tanggal" msgid "Sales by category" msgstr "Penjualan berdasarkan kategori" msgid "Sales by product" msgstr "Penjualan berdasarkan produk" msgid "Sales by date" msgstr "Penjualan berdasarkan tanggal" msgid "Copy from billing address" msgstr "Salin dari alamat penagihan" msgid "Customer shipping address" msgstr "Alamat pengiriman pelanggan" msgid "State / County or state code" msgstr "Provinsi/Wilayah atau kode provinsi" msgid "State / County" msgstr "Provinsi" msgid "Select a country / region…" msgstr "Pilih negara/wilayah…" msgid "Country / Region" msgstr "Negara/Wilayah" msgid "Postcode / ZIP" msgstr "Kode pos/ZIP" msgid "Customer billing address" msgstr "Alamat penagihan pelanggan" msgid "Terms and Conditions Page" msgstr "Halaman Syarat dan Ketentuan" msgid "My Account Page" msgstr "Halaman Akun Saya" msgid "Checkout Page" msgstr "Halaman Checkout" msgid "Cart Page" msgstr "Halaman Keranjang" msgid "Shop Page" msgstr "Halaman Toko" msgid "" "This is the WooCommerce shop page. The shop page is a special archive that " "lists your products. <a href=\"%s\">You can read more about this here</a>." msgstr "" "Ini adalah halaman toko WooCommerce. Halaman toko adalah arsip khusus yang " "mencantumkan semua produk Anda. <a href=\"%s\">Baca selengkapnya tentang hal " "ini di sini</a>." msgid "This is a featured product" msgstr "Ini adalah produk unggulan" msgid "This setting determines which shop pages products will be listed on." msgstr "Pengaturan ini menentukan halaman toko mana produk akan dicantumkan." msgid "Catalog visibility:" msgstr "Visibilitas katalog:" msgid "%s coupon permanently deleted." msgid_plural "%s coupons permanently deleted." msgstr[0] "%s kupon dihapus secara permanen." msgstr[1] "%s kupon dihapus secara permanen." msgid "%s coupon not updated, somebody is editing it." msgid_plural "%s coupons not updated, somebody is editing them." msgstr[0] "%s kupon tidak diperbarui, seseorang sedang mengeditnya." msgstr[1] "%s kupon tidak diperbarui, seseorang sedang mengeditnya." msgid "%s coupon updated." msgid_plural "%s coupons updated." msgstr[0] "%s kupon diperbarui." msgstr[1] "%s kupon diperbarui." msgid "%s order permanently deleted." msgid_plural "%s orders permanently deleted." msgstr[0] "%s pesanan dihapus secara permanen." msgstr[1] "%s pesanan dihapus secara permanen." msgid "%s order updated." msgid_plural "%s orders updated." msgstr[0] "%s pesanan diperbarui." msgstr[1] "%s pesanan diperbarui." msgid "%s product restored from the Trash." msgid_plural "%s products restored from the Trash." msgstr[0] "%s produk dikembalikan dari Tempat Sampah." msgstr[1] "%s produk dikembalikan dari Tempat Sampah." msgid "%s product moved to the Trash." msgid_plural "%s products moved to the Trash." msgstr[0] "%s produk dipindahkan ke Tong Sampah." msgstr[1] "%s produk dipindahkan ke Tong Sampah." msgid "%s product permanently deleted." msgid_plural "%s products permanently deleted." msgstr[0] "%s produk dihapus secara permanen." msgstr[1] "%s produk dihapus secara permanen." msgid "%s product not updated, somebody is editing it." msgid_plural "%s products not updated, somebody is editing them." msgstr[0] "%s produk tidak diperbarui, seseorang sedang mengeditnya." msgstr[1] "%s produk tidak diperbarui, seseorang sedang mengeditnya." msgid "%s product updated." msgid_plural "%s products updated." msgstr[0] "%s produk diperbarui." msgstr[1] "%s produk diperbarui." msgid "Coupon draft updated." msgstr "Konsep kupon diperbarui." msgid "Coupon scheduled for: %s." msgstr "Kupon terjadwal untuk: %s." msgid "Coupon submitted." msgstr "Kupon dikirimkan." msgid "Coupon saved." msgstr "Kupon disimpan." msgid "Coupon updated." msgstr "Kupon diperbaharui." msgid "Order updated and sent." msgstr "Pesanan diperbarui dan dikirim." msgid "Order draft updated." msgstr "Konsep pesanan diperbarui." msgid "Order scheduled for: %s." msgstr "Pesanan terjadwal untuk: %s." msgid "Order submitted." msgstr "Pesanan dikirimkan." msgid "Order saved." msgstr "Pesanan disimpan." msgid "Product saved." msgstr "Produk disimpan" msgid "Revision restored." msgstr "Revisi dipulihkan." msgid "Product updated." msgstr "Produk diperbarui." msgid "Product tags" msgstr "Tag Produk" msgid "Downloadable products" msgstr "Produk yang dapat diunduh" msgid "Product description" msgstr "Deskripsi Produk" msgid "Thank you for selling with WooCommerce." msgstr "Terimakasih telah berjualan dengan WooCommerce." msgid "Thanks :)" msgstr "Terima kasih :)" msgid "five star" msgstr "bintang lima" msgid "" "If you like %1$s please leave us a %2$s rating. A huge thanks in advance!" msgstr "" "Jika Anda suka %1$s, beri kami peringkat %2$s. Terima kasih banyak " "sebelumnya!" msgid "HTML email template" msgstr "Template email HTML" msgctxt "slug" msgid "product" msgstr "produk" msgid "" "Enter a custom base to use. A base must be set or WordPress will use default " "instead." msgstr "" "Masukkan basis khusus yang akan digunakan. Basis harus diatur atau WordPress " "akan menggunakan basis standar." msgid "Custom base" msgstr "Basis Khusus" msgid "Shop base with category" msgstr "Basis toko dengan kategori" msgid "Shop base" msgstr "Basis toko" msgctxt "default-slug" msgid "product" msgstr "product" msgctxt "default-slug" msgid "shop" msgstr "shop" msgid "" "If you like, you may enter custom structures for your product URLs here. For " "example, using <code>shop</code> would make your product links like <code>" "%sshop/sample-product/</code>. This setting affects product URLs only, not " "things such as product categories." msgstr "" "Jika menginginkan, Anda dapat memasukkan struktur khusus untuk URL produk di " "sini. Misalnya, menggunakan <code>shop</code> akan membuat tautan produk " "Anda seperti <code>%sshop/sample-product/</code>. Pengaturan ini hanya " "memengaruhi URL produk, bukan kategori produk." msgctxt "slug" msgid "product-tag" msgstr "tag-produk" msgctxt "slug" msgid "product-category" msgstr "kategori-produk" msgid "Product attribute base" msgstr "Basis atribut produk" msgid "Product tag base" msgstr "Basis tag produk" msgid "Product category base" msgstr "Basis kategori produk" msgid "Product permalinks" msgstr "Permalink produk" msgid "" "Update required: WooCommerce will soon require WordPress version %s or newer." msgstr "" "Pembaruan yang diperlukan: WooCommerce akan segera mensyaratkan WordPress " "versi %s atau yang lebih baru." msgid "Update required: WooCommerce will soon require PHP version %s or newer." msgstr "" "Pembaruan yang diperlukan: WooCommerce akan segera mensyaratkan PHP versi %s " "atau yang lebih baru." msgid "" "Update required: WooCommerce will soon require PHP version %1$s and " "WordPress version %2$s or newer." msgstr "" "Pembaruan yang diperlukan: WooCommerce akan segera mensyaratkan PHP versi " "%1$s dan WordPress versi %2$s atau yang lebih baru." msgid "Coupon data" msgstr "Data kupon" msgid "" "Note: Permissions for order items will automatically be granted when the " "order status changes to processing/completed." msgstr "" "Catatan: Izin untuk barang pesanan akan secara otomatis diberikan ketika " "status pesanan berubah menjadi sedang diproses/selesai." msgid "Downloadable product permissions" msgstr "Izin produk yang dapat diunduh" msgid "%s notes" msgstr "Catatan %s" msgid "%s data" msgstr "%s Data" msgid "Product gallery" msgstr "Galeri Produk" msgid "Product data" msgstr "Data Produk" msgid "Product short description" msgstr "Deskripsi Singkat Produk" msgid "Visit Store" msgstr "Kunjungi Toko" msgid "Add to menu" msgstr "Tambahkan ke Menu" msgid "WooCommerce endpoints" msgstr "WooCommerce endpoints" msgctxt "Admin menu name" msgid "Orders" msgstr "Pesanan" msgid "WooCommerce extensions" msgstr "Ekstensi WooCommerce" msgid "Extensions %s" msgstr "Ekstensi %s" msgid "WooCommerce status" msgstr "Status WooCommerce" msgid "WooCommerce settings" msgstr "Pengaturan WooCommerce" msgid "Sales reports" msgstr "Laporan penjualan" msgid "All sources" msgstr "Semua sumber" msgid "Filter by source" msgstr "Filter menurut sumber" msgid "Timestamp" msgstr "Stempel waktu" msgid "All levels" msgstr "Semua level" msgid "Filter by level" msgstr "Filter menurut level" msgid "Critical" msgstr "Kritis" msgid "Emergency" msgstr "Darurat" msgid "Insufficient privileges to import products." msgstr "Hak akses tidak cukup untuk mengimpor produk." msgid "Import <strong>tax rates</strong> to your store via a csv file." msgstr "Impor <strong>tarif pajak</strong> ke toko Anda melalui file csv." msgid "WooCommerce tax rates (CSV)" msgstr "Tarif Pajak WooCommerce (CSV)" msgid "Import <strong>products</strong> to your store via a csv file." msgstr "Impor <strong>produk</strong> ke toko Anda melalu file csv." msgid "WooCommerce products (CSV)" msgstr "Produk WooCommerce (CSV)" msgid "Product Import" msgstr "Impor Produk" msgid "Official extensions" msgstr "Ekstensi Resmi" msgid "Official theme" msgstr "Tema Resmi" msgid " project" msgstr "Proyek" msgid "About WooCommerce" msgstr "Tentang WooCommerce" msgid "" "If you need to access the setup wizard again, please click on the button " "below." msgstr "" "Jika Anda perlu mengakses panduan pengaturan lagi, silakan klik tombol di " "bawah ini." msgid "Setup wizard" msgstr "Panduan Pengaturan" msgid "Found a bug?" msgstr "Menemukan bug?" msgid " support" msgstr "Dukungan" msgid "System status" msgstr "Status sistem" msgid "" "Before asking for help, we recommend checking the system status page to " "identify any problems with your configuration." msgstr "" "Sebelum meminta bantuan, kami sarankan memeriksa halaman status sistem untuk " "mengidentifikasi masalah dengan konfigurasi Anda." msgid "" "For further assistance with WooCommerce core, use the <a href=\"%1$s" "\">community forum</a>. For help with premium extensions sold on WooCommerce." "com, <a href=\"%2$s\">open a support request at</a>." msgstr "" "Untuk bantuan lebih lanjut terkait inti WooCommerce, gunakan <a href=\"%1$s" "\">forum komunitas</a>. Untuk bantuan terkait ekstensi premium yang dijual " "di, <a href=\"%2$s\">buka permintaan dukungan di WooCommerce." "com</a>." msgid "" "Should you need help understanding, using, or extending WooCommerce, <a href=" "\"%s\">please read our documentation</a>. You will find all kinds of " "resources including snippets, tutorials and much more." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memerlukan bantuan dalam memahami, menggunakan, atau mengembangkan " "WooCommerce, <a href=\"%s\">silakan baca dokumentasi kami</a>. Anda akan " "menemukan semua jenis sumber daya termasuk cuplikan, tutorial dan masih " "banyak lagi." msgid "Insufficient privileges to export products." msgstr "Hak akses tidak cukup untuk mengekspor produk." msgid "Product Export" msgstr "Ekspor Produk" msgid "%s (Copy)" msgstr "%s (Salin)" msgid "Product creation failed, could not find original product: %s" msgstr "Gagal Membuat produk, tidak dapat menemukan produk orisinil: %s" msgid "No product to duplicate has been supplied!" msgstr "Belum ada produk yang akan digandakan!" msgid "Copy to a new draft" msgstr "Salin ke konsep baru" msgid "Make a duplicate from this product" msgstr "Buat duplikat dari produk ini" msgid "Loading network orders" msgstr "Memuat urutan jaringan" msgid "There are no product reviews yet." msgstr "Belum ada ulasan produk." msgid "reviewed by %s" msgstr "diulas oleh %s" msgid "%s out of 5" msgstr "%s dari 5" msgid "<strong>%s product</strong> out of stock" msgid_plural "<strong>%s products</strong> out of stock" msgstr[0] "<strong>%s produk</strong> dengan stok habis" msgstr[1] "<strong>%s produk</strong> dengan stok habis" msgid "<strong>%s product</strong> low in stock" msgid_plural "<strong>%s products</strong> low in stock" msgstr[0] "<strong>%s produk</strong> dengan stok rendah" msgstr[1] "<strong>%s produk</strong> dengan stok rendah" msgid "<strong>%s order</strong> on-hold" msgid_plural "<strong>%s orders</strong> on-hold" msgstr[0] "<strong>%s pesanan</strong> ditahan" msgstr[1] "<strong>%s pesanan</strong> ditahan" msgid "<strong>%s order</strong> awaiting processing" msgid_plural "<strong>%s orders</strong> awaiting processing" msgstr[0] "<strong>%s pesanan</strong> menanti pemrosesan" msgstr[1] "<strong>%s pesanan</strong> menanti pemrosesan" msgid "%1$s top seller this month (sold %2$d)" msgstr "%1$s penjualan terbaik bulan ini (terjual %2$d)" msgid "%s net sales this month" msgstr "Penjualan bersih %s bulan ini" msgid "WooCommerce Network Orders" msgstr "Order Jaringan WooCommerce" msgid "WooCommerce Status" msgstr "Status WooCommerce" msgid "WooCommerce Recent Reviews" msgstr "Ulasan Terbaru WooCommerce" msgid "WooCommerce Endpoint" msgstr "WooCommerce Endpoint" msgid "WooCommerce Endpoints" msgstr "WooCommerce Endpoints" msgid "Add attribute" msgstr "Tambahkan Fitur" msgid "Enable Archives?" msgstr "Aktifkan Halaman Arsip?" msgid "" "Attributes let you define extra product data, such as size or color. You can " "use these attributes in the shop sidebar using the \"layered nav\" widgets." msgstr "" "Atribut memungkinkan Anda menentukan data produk tambahan, seperti ukuran " "atau warna. Anda dapat menggunakan atribut di bilah sisi toko menggunakan " "widget \"navigasi berlapis\"." msgid "Add new attribute" msgstr "Tambahkan Fitur Baru" msgid "No attributes currently exist." msgstr "Tidak ada atribut saat ini." msgid "Configure terms" msgstr "Konfigurasi term" msgid "(Public)" msgstr "(Publik)" msgid "" "Determines the sort order of the terms on the frontend shop product pages. " "If using custom ordering, you can drag and drop the terms in this attribute." msgstr "" "Tentukan urutan pengurutan term pada halaman produk toko di front-end. Jika " "ingin menggunakan urutan khusus, Anda dapat melakukan seret-lepas term dalam " "atribut ini." msgid "Term ID" msgstr "ID Term" msgid "Name (numeric)" msgstr "Nama (angka)" msgid "Custom ordering" msgstr "Pengurutan khusus" msgid "Default sort order" msgstr "Urutan sortir default" msgid "Determines how this attribute's values are displayed." msgstr "Menentukan bagaimana nilai atribut ini ditampilkan." msgid "" "Enable this if you want this attribute to have product archives in your " "store." msgstr "" "Aktifkan ini jika Anda ingin atribut ini memiliki halaman arsip produk di " "toko Anda." msgid "Enable archives?" msgstr "Aktifkan arsip?" msgid "" "Unique slug/reference for the attribute; must be no more than 28 characters." msgstr "" "Slug/referensi yang unik untuk fitur; harus lebih kecil dari 28 karakter." msgid "Name for the attribute (shown on the front-end)." msgstr "Nama untuk atribut (ditampilkan di front-end)." msgid "Back to Attributes" msgstr "Kembali ke Atribut" msgid "Attribute updated successfully" msgstr "Atribut berhasil diperbarui" msgid "Error: non-existing attribute ID." msgstr "Kesalahan: ID atribut tidak ada." msgid "Edit attribute" msgstr "Edit fitur" msgid "Manage suggestions" msgstr "Kelola saran" msgid "Dismiss this suggestion" msgstr "Tutup saran ini" msgid "Are you sure you want to run this tool?" msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menjalankan alat ini?" msgid "Copying to clipboard failed. Please press Ctrl/Cmd+C to copy." msgstr "Menyalin ke clipboard gagal. Silakan tekan Ctrl/Cmd+C untuk menyalin." msgid "Enter a fixed amount or percentage to apply as a fee." msgstr "" "Masukkan jumlah tetap atau persentase yang akan diterapkan sebagai biaya." msgid "" "Enter a coupon code to apply. Discounts are applied to line totals, before " "taxes." msgstr "" "Masukkan kode kupon yang akan diterapkan. Diskon diterapkan untuk total " "baris, sebelum pajak." msgid "" "Are you sure you wish to delete this note? This action cannot be undone." msgstr "" "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus catatan ini? Tindakan ini tidak bisa " "dibatalkan." msgid "You cannot add the same tax rate twice!" msgstr "Anda tidak dapat menambahkan tarif pajak yang sama dua kali!" msgid "Are you sure you want to revoke access to this download?" msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin mencabut akses ke unduhan ini?" msgid "" "Could not grant access - the user may already have permission for this file " "or billing email is not set. Ensure the billing email is set, and the order " "has been saved." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat memberikan akses - pengguna mungkin sudah memiliki izin untuk " "file ini atau email tagihan tidak diatur. Pastikan email penagihan diatur, " "dan pesanan telah disimpan." msgid "No customer selected" msgstr "Tidak ada pelanggan yang dipilih" msgid "" "Load the customer's shipping information? This will remove any currently " "entered shipping information." msgstr "" "Muat informasi pengiriman pelanggan? Ini akan menghapus informasi pengiriman " "yang dimasukkan saat ini." msgid "" "Load the customer's billing information? This will remove any currently " "entered billing information." msgstr "" "Muat informasi penagihan pelanggan? Ini akan menghapus informasi penagihan " "yang dimasukkan saat ini." msgid "" "Copy billing information to shipping information? This will remove any " "currently entered shipping information." msgstr "" "Salin informasi penagihan ke informasi pengiriman? Ini akan menghapus " "informasi pengiriman yang dimasukkan saat ini." msgid "" "Recalculate totals? This will calculate taxes based on the customers country " "(or the store base country) and update totals." msgstr "" "Hitung ulang total? Ini akan menghitung pajak berdasarkan negara pelanggan " "(atau negara basis toko) dan memperbarui total." msgid "Enter a name for the new attribute term:" msgstr "Masukkan nama untuk term atribut baru:" msgid "Used for variations" msgstr "Digunakan untuk variasi" msgid "Visible on the product page" msgstr "Terlihat di halaman produk" msgid "Enter some text, or some attributes by pipe (|) separating values." msgstr "" "Masukkan beberapa teks, atau beberapa atribut yang dipisahkan dengan tanda " "pipa (|)." msgid "Value(s)" msgstr "Nilai" msgid "Remove this attribute?" msgstr "Hapus atribut ini?" msgid "Remove this item meta?" msgstr "Hapus meta barang ini?" msgid "" "Are you sure you wish to delete this tax column? This action cannot be " "undone." msgstr "" "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus kolom pajak ini? Tindakan ini tidak bisa " "dibatalkan." msgid "" "Are you sure you wish to delete this refund? This action cannot be undone." msgstr "" "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus pengembalian dana ini? Tindakan ini tidak " "bisa dibatalkan." msgid "" "Are you sure you wish to process this refund? This action cannot be undone." msgstr "" "Apakah Anda yakin ingin memproses pengembalian dana ini? Tindakan ini tidak " "bisa dibatalkan." msgid "Please select some items." msgstr "Mohon pilih beberapa barang." msgid "You may need to manually restore the item's stock." msgstr "Anda mungkin perlu mengisi kembali stok item secara manual." msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the selected items?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin menghapus item terpilih?" msgid "Generate coupon code" msgstr "Buat kode kupon" msgid "Value (required)" msgstr "Nilai (diwajibkan)" msgid "Select an option…" msgstr "Silahkan memilih pilihan…" msgid "%qty% variations" msgstr "%qty% variasi" msgid "Save changes before changing page?" msgstr "Simpan perubahan sebelum mengubah halaman?" msgid "Sale end date (YYYY-MM-DD format or leave blank)" msgstr "Tanggal akhir obral (format YYYY-MM-DD atau biarkan kosong)" msgid "Sale start date (YYYY-MM-DD format or leave blank)" msgstr "Tanggal mulai obral (format YYYY-MM-DD atau biarkan kosong)" msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this variation?" msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus variasi ini?" msgid "Set variation image" msgstr "Atur gambar variasi" msgid "Last warning, are you sure?" msgstr "Peringatan terakhir, apakah Anda yakin?" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all variations? This cannot be undone." msgstr "" "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus semua variasi? Ini tidak dapat dibatalkan." msgid "Enter a value (fixed or %)" msgstr "Masukkan nilai (tetap atau %)" msgid "Variation menu order (determines position in the list of variations)" msgstr "Susunan menu variasi (menentukan posisi dalam daftar variasi)" msgid "Enter a value" msgstr "Masukkan nilai" msgid "Enable reviews" msgstr "Aktifkan ulasan" msgid "" "This action cannot be reversed. Are you sure you wish to erase personal data " "from the selected orders?" msgstr "" "Tindakan ini tidak dapat diurungkan. Anda yakin ingin membuang data pribadi " "dari pesanan yang dipilih?" msgid "" "This product has produced sales and may be linked to existing orders. Are " "you sure you want to delete it?" msgstr "" "Produk ini telah menghasilkan penjualan dan dapat ditautkan ke pesanan yang " "sudah ada. Anda yakin ingin menghapusnya?" msgid "Please enter in a value less than the regular price." msgstr "Mohon masukkan nilai kurang dari harga reguler." msgid "Please enter in country code with two capital letters." msgstr "Silakan masukkan kode negara dengan dua huruf kapital." msgctxt "enhanced select" msgid "Searching…" msgstr "Mencari…" msgctxt "enhanced select" msgid "Loading more results…" msgstr "Muat hasil yang lebih banyak…" msgctxt "enhanced select" msgid "You can only select %qty% items" msgstr "Anda hanya dapat memilih %qty% barang" msgctxt "enhanced select" msgid "You can only select 1 item" msgstr "Anda hanya dapat memilih 1 barang" msgctxt "enhanced select" msgid "Please delete %qty% characters" msgstr "Silakan hapus %qty% karakter" msgctxt "enhanced select" msgid "Please delete 1 character" msgstr "Silakan hapus 1 karakter" msgctxt "enhanced select" msgid "Please enter %qty% or more characters" msgstr "Silakan masukan %qty% karakter atau lebih" msgctxt "enhanced select" msgid "Please enter 1 or more characters" msgstr "Silakan masukkan 1 karakter atau lebih" msgctxt "enhanced select" msgid "Loading failed" msgstr "Gagal memuat" msgctxt "enhanced select" msgid "No matches found" msgstr "Tidak ada yang cocok" msgid "Read/Write" msgstr "Baca/Tulis" msgid "Revoke" msgstr "Cabut" msgid "Revoke API key" msgstr "Batalkan Kunci API" msgid "View/Edit" msgstr "Lihat/Edit" msgid "ID: %d" msgstr "ID: %d" msgid "Last access" msgstr "Akses Terakhir" msgid "Consumer key ending in" msgstr "Kunci konsumen berakhir pada" msgid "No keys found." msgstr "Tidak ada kunci yang ditemukan." msgid "You do not have permission to revoke API Keys" msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk mencabut Kunci API" msgid "You do not have permission to revoke this API Key" msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk mencabut Kunci API ini" msgid "%d API key permanently revoked." msgid_plural "%d API keys permanently revoked." msgstr[0] "%d Kunci API dicabut permanen." msgstr[1] "%d Kunci API dicabut permanen." msgid "Create an API key" msgstr "Buat API key" msgid "" "The WooCommerce REST API allows external apps to view and manage store data. " "Access is granted only to those with valid API keys." msgstr "" "API REST WooCommerce memungkinkan aplikasi eksternal untuk melihat dan " "mengelola data toko. Akses telah diberikan hanya ke mereka yang memiliki API " "key yang valid." msgid "Search key" msgstr "Cari Kunci" msgid "Add key" msgstr "Tambahkan Kunci" msgid "REST API" msgstr "API REST" msgid "Free - Install now" msgstr "Gratis - Instal sekarang" msgid "Need a theme? Try Storefront" msgstr "Butuh tema? Coba Storefront" msgid "View more Storefront child themes" msgstr "Lihat lebih banyak tema turunan Storefront" msgid "Need a fresh look? Try Storefront child themes" msgstr "Butuh tampilan baru? Coba tema turunan Storefront" msgid "Available on backorder" msgstr "Tersedia di backorder" msgid "Read more about “%s”" msgstr "Baca lebih lanjut tentang “%s”" msgid "" "The downloadable file %s cannot be used as it does not exist on the server." msgstr "" "Berkas unduhan %s tidak dapat digunakan karena tidak ditemukan di server." msgid "" "The downloadable file %1$s cannot be used as it does not have an allowed " "file type. Allowed types include: %2$s" msgstr "" "File %1$s yang dapat diunduh tidak dapat digunakan karena tidak memiliki " "jenis file yang diperbolehkan. Jenis yang diperbolehkan meliputi: %2$s" msgid "Invalid product tax status." msgstr "Status pajak produk tidak valid." msgid "Invalid or duplicated SKU." msgstr "SKU duplikat atau tidak valid." msgid "Invalid catalog visibility option." msgstr "Pilihan visibilitas katalog tidak valid." msgid "Save to account" msgstr "Simpan ke Akun" msgid "Use a new payment method" msgstr "Gunakan metode pembayaran baru." msgid "Return to payments" msgstr "Kembali ke pembayaran" msgid "Discount:" msgstr "Diskon:" msgid "Subtotal:" msgstr "Subtotal" msgid "Free!" msgstr "Gratis!" msgid "via %s" msgstr "via %s" msgid "Coupon code already applied!" msgstr "Kode kupon sudah digunakan!" msgid "Invalid coupon" msgstr "Kupon tidak valid" msgid "Invalid coupon code" msgstr "Kode kupon tidak valid" msgid "" "You have used this coupon %s in another transaction during this checkout, " "and coupon usage limit is reached. Please remove the coupon and try again." msgstr "" "Anda telah menggunakan kupon ini %s di transaksi lain selama checkout ini, " "dan penggunaannya telah mencapai batas. Hapus kupon dan coba lagi." msgid "" "Coupon %s was used in another transaction during this checkout, and coupon " "usage limit is reached. Please remove the coupon and try again." msgstr "" "Kupon %s telah digunakan di transaksi lain selama checkout ini, dan " "penggunaannya telah mencapai batas. Hapus kupon dan coba lagi." msgid "An unexpected error happened while applying the Coupon %s." msgstr "Terjadi error tak terduga saat menerapkan Kupon %s." msgid "Invalid currency code" msgstr "Kode mata uang tidak valid" msgid "Invalid parent ID" msgstr "ID induk tidak valid" msgid "" "Generic add/update/get meta methods should not be used for internal meta " "data, including \"%s\". Use getters and setters." msgstr "" "Metode tambah/perbarui/dapatkan meta umum tidak boleh digunakan untuk data " "meta internal, termasuk \"%s\". Gunakan getter dan setter." msgid "Muchinga" msgstr "Muchinga" msgid "Copperbelt" msgstr "Copperbelt" msgid "Southern" msgstr "Selatan" msgid "North-Western" msgstr "Barat Laut" msgid "Luapula" msgstr "Luapula" msgid "Western Cape" msgstr "Western Cape" msgid "North West" msgstr "North West" msgid "Northern Cape" msgstr "Northern Cape" msgid "Mpumalanga" msgstr "Mpumalanga" msgid "Limpopo" msgstr "Limpopo" msgid "KwaZulu-Natal" msgstr "KwaZulu-Natal" msgid "Gauteng" msgstr "Gauteng" msgid "Free State" msgstr "Free State" msgid "Eastern Cape" msgstr "Eastern Cape" msgid "Armed Forces (AP)" msgstr "Armed Forces (AP)" msgid "Armed Forces (AE)" msgstr "Armed Forces (AE)" msgid "Armed Forces (AA)" msgstr "Armed Forces (AA)" msgctxt "US state of Georgia" msgid "Georgia" msgstr "Georgia" msgid "Wake Island" msgstr "Pulau Wake" msgid "Palmyra Atoll" msgstr "Atol Palmyra" msgid "Navassa Island" msgstr "Pulau Navassa" msgid "Midway Atoll" msgstr "Atol Midway" msgid "Kingman Reef" msgstr "Karang Kingman" msgid "Johnston Atoll" msgstr "Atol Johnston" msgid "Jarvis Island" msgstr "Pulau Jarvis" msgid "Howland Island" msgstr "Pulau Howland" msgid "Baker Island" msgstr "Pulau Baker" msgid "Zombo" msgstr "Zombo" msgid "Yumbe" msgstr "Yumbe" msgid "Wakiso" msgstr "Wakiso" msgid "Tororo" msgstr "Tororo" msgid "Soroti" msgstr "Soroti" msgid "Sironko" msgstr "Sironko" msgid "Sheema" msgstr "Sheema" msgid "Serere" msgstr "Serere" msgid "Sembabule" msgstr "Sembabule" msgid "Rukungiri" msgstr "Rukungiri" msgid "Rukiga" msgstr "Rukiga" msgid "Rubirizi" msgstr "Rubirizi" msgid "Rubanda" msgstr "Rubanda" msgid "Rakai" msgstr "Rakai" msgid "Pallisa" msgstr "Pallisa" msgid "Pakwach" msgstr "Pakwach" msgid "Pader" msgstr "Pader" msgid "Oyam" msgstr "Oyam" msgid "Otuke" msgstr "Otuke" msgid "Omoro" msgstr "Omoro" msgid "Nwoya" msgstr "Nwoya" msgid "Ntungamo" msgstr "Ntungamo" msgid "Ntoroko" msgstr "Ntoroko" msgid "Ngora" msgstr "Ngora" msgid "Nebbi" msgstr "Nebbi" msgid "Napak" msgstr "Napak" msgid "Namutumba" msgstr "Namutumba" msgid "Namisindwa" msgstr "Namisindwa" msgid "Namayingo" msgstr "Namayingo" msgid "Nakasongola" msgstr "Nakasongola" msgid "Nakaseke" msgstr "Nakaseke" msgid "Nakapiripirit" msgstr "Nakapiripirit" msgid "Nabilatuk" msgstr "Nabilatuk" msgid "Mukono" msgstr "Mukono" msgid "Mubende" msgstr "Mubende" msgid "Mpigi" msgstr "Mpigi" msgid "Moyo" msgstr "Moyo" msgid "Moroto" msgstr "Moroto" msgid "Mityana" msgstr "Mityana" msgid "Mitooma" msgstr "Mitooma" msgid "Mbarara" msgstr "Mbarara" msgid "Mbale" msgstr "Mbale" msgid "Mayuge" msgstr "Mayuge" msgid "Masindi" msgstr "Masindi" msgid "Masaka" msgstr "Masaka" msgid "Maracha" msgstr "Maracha" msgid "Manafwa" msgstr "Manafwa" msgid "Lyantonde" msgstr "Lyantonde" msgid "Lwengo" msgstr "Lwengo" msgid "Luwero" msgstr "Luwero" msgid "Luuka" msgstr "Luuka" msgid "Lira" msgstr "Lira" msgid "Lamwo" msgstr "Lamwo" msgid "Kyotera" msgstr "Kyotera" msgid "Kyenjojo" msgstr "Kyenjojo" msgid "Kyegegwa" msgstr "Kyegegwa" msgid "Kyankwanzi" msgstr "Kyankwanzi" msgid "Kween" msgstr "Kween" msgid "Kwania" msgstr "Kwania" msgid "Kumi" msgstr "Kumi" msgid "Kotido" msgstr "Kotido" msgid "Kole" msgstr "Kole" msgid "Koboko" msgstr "Koboko" msgid "Kitgum" msgstr "Kitgum" msgid "Kisoro" msgstr "Kisoro" msgid "Kiryandongo" msgstr "Kiryandongo" msgid "Kiruhura" msgstr "Kiruhura" msgid "Kikuube" msgstr "Kikuube" msgid "Kibuku" msgstr "Kibuku" msgid "Kiboga" msgstr "Kiboga" msgid "Kibaale" msgstr "Kibaale" msgid "Kayunga" msgstr "Kayunga" msgid "Katakwi" msgstr "Katakwi" msgid "Kasese" msgstr "Kasese" msgid "Kasanda" msgstr "Kasanda" msgid "Kapelebyong" msgstr "Kapelebyong" msgid "Kapchorwa" msgstr "Kapchorwa" msgid "Kanungu" msgstr "Kanungu" msgid "Kamwenge" msgstr "Kamwenge" msgid "Kamuli" msgstr "Kamuli" msgid "Kalungu" msgstr "Kalungu" msgid "Kaliro" msgstr "Kaliro" msgid "Kalangala" msgstr "Kalangala" msgid "Kakumiro" msgstr "Kakumiro" msgid "Kagadi" msgstr "Kagadi" msgid "Kaberamaido" msgstr "Kaberamaido" msgid "Kabarole" msgstr "Kabarole" msgid "Kabale" msgstr "Kabale" msgid "Kaabong" msgstr "Kaabong" msgid "Jinja" msgstr "Jinja" msgid "Isingiro" msgstr "Isingiro" msgid "Iganga" msgstr "Iganga" msgid "Ibanda" msgstr "Ibanda" msgid "Hoima" msgstr "Hoima" msgid "Gulu" msgstr "Gulu" msgid "Gomba" msgstr "Gomba" msgid "Dokolo" msgstr "Dokolo" msgid "Buyende" msgstr "Buyende" msgid "Buvuma" msgstr "Buvuma" msgid "Butebo" msgstr "Butebo" msgid "Butambala" msgstr "Butambala" msgid "Butaleja" msgstr "Butaleja" msgid "Bushenyi" msgstr "Bushenyi" msgid "Bunyangabu" msgstr "Bunyangabu" msgid "Bundibugyo" msgstr "Bundibugyo" msgid "Buliisa" msgstr "Buliisa" msgid "Bulambuli" msgstr "Bulambuli" msgid "Bukwa" msgstr "Bukwa" msgid "Bukomansimbi" msgstr "Bukomansimbi" msgid "Bukedea" msgstr "Bukedea" msgid "Buikwe" msgstr "Buikwe" msgid "Buhweju" msgstr "Buhweju" msgid "Bugweri" msgstr "Bugweri" msgid "Bugiri" msgstr "Bugiri" msgid "Bududa" msgstr "Bududa" msgid "Budaka" msgstr "Budaka" msgid "Arua" msgstr "Arua" msgid "Apac" msgstr "Apac" msgid "Amuru" msgstr "Amuru" msgid "Amuria" msgstr "Amuria" msgid "Amudat" msgstr "Amudat" msgid "Amolatar" msgstr "Amolatar" msgid "Alebtong" msgstr "Alebtong" msgid "Agago" msgstr "Agago" msgid "Adjumani" msgstr "Adjumani" msgid "Abim" msgstr "Abim" msgid "Simiyu" msgstr "Simiyu" msgid "Njombe" msgstr "Njombe" msgid "Katavi" msgstr "Katavi" msgid "Geita" msgstr "Geita" msgid "Manyara" msgstr "Manyara" msgid "Tanga" msgstr "Tanga" msgid "Tabora" msgstr "Tabora" msgid "Singida" msgstr "Singida" msgid "Shinyanga" msgstr "Shinyanga" msgid "Ruvuma" msgstr "Ruvuma" msgid "Rukwa" msgstr "Rukwa" msgid "Coast" msgstr "Pesisir" msgid "Mwanza" msgstr "Mwanza" msgid "Mtwara" msgstr "Mtwara" msgid "Morogoro" msgstr "Morogoro" msgid "Zanzibar West" msgstr "Zanzibar Barat" msgid "Mbeya" msgstr "Mbeya" msgid "Mara" msgstr "Mara" msgid "Lindi" msgstr "Lindi" msgid "Zanzibar South" msgstr "Zanzibar Selatan" msgid "Pemba South" msgstr "Pemba Selatan" msgid "Kilimanjaro" msgstr "Kilimanjaro" msgid "Kigoma" msgstr "Kigoma" msgid "Zanzibar North" msgstr "Zanzibar Utara" msgid "Pemba North" msgstr "Pemba Utara" msgid "Kagera" msgstr "Kagera" msgid "Iringa" msgstr "Iringa" msgid "Dodoma" msgstr "Dodoma" msgid "Arusha" msgstr "Arusha" msgid "Düzce" msgstr "Düzce" msgid "Osmaniye" msgstr "Osmaniye" msgid "Kilis" msgstr "Kilis" msgid "Karabük" msgstr "Karabük" msgid "Yalova" msgstr "Yalova" msgid "Iğdır" msgstr "Iğdır" msgid "Ardahan" msgstr "Ardahan" msgid "Bartın" msgstr "Bartın" msgid "Şırnak" msgstr "Şırnak" msgid "Batman" msgstr "Batman" msgid "Kırıkkale" msgstr "Kırıkkale" msgid "Karaman" msgstr "Karaman" msgid "Bayburt" msgstr "Bayburt" msgid "Aksaray" msgstr "Aksaray" msgid "Zonguldak" msgstr "Zonguldak" msgid "Yozgat" msgstr "Yozgat" msgid "Van" msgstr "Van" msgid "Uşak" msgstr "Uşak" msgid "Şanlıurfa" msgstr "Sanli Urfa" msgid "Tunceli" msgstr "Tunceli" msgid "Trabzon" msgstr "Trabzon" msgid "Tokat" msgstr "Tokat" msgid "Tekirdağ" msgstr "Tekirdağ" msgid "Sivas" msgstr "Sivas" msgid "Sinop" msgstr "Sinop" msgid "Siirt" msgstr "Siirt" msgid "Samsun" msgstr "Samsun" msgid "Sakarya" msgstr "Sakarya" msgid "Rize" msgstr "Rize" msgid "Ordu" msgstr "Ordu" msgid "Niğde" msgstr "Niğde" msgid "Nevşehir" msgstr "Nevşehir" msgid "Muş" msgstr "Muş" msgid "Muğla" msgstr "Muğla" msgid "Mardin" msgstr "Mardin" msgid "Kahramanmaraş" msgstr "Kahramanmaraş" msgid "Manisa" msgstr "Manisa" msgid "Malatya" msgstr "Malatya" msgid "Kütahya" msgstr "Kütahya" msgid "Konya" msgstr "Konya" msgid "Kocaeli" msgstr "Kocaeli" msgid "Kırşehir" msgstr "Kırşehir" msgid "Kırklareli" msgstr "Kırklareli" msgid "Kayseri" msgstr "Kayseri" msgid "Kastamonu" msgstr "Kastamonu" msgid "Kars" msgstr "Kars" msgid "İzmir" msgstr "İzmir" msgid "İstanbul" msgstr "Istanbul" msgid "İçel" msgstr "İçel" msgid "Isparta" msgstr "Isparta" msgid "Hatay" msgstr "Hatay" msgid "Hakkari" msgstr "Hakkari" msgid "Gümüşhane" msgstr "Gümüşhane" msgid "Giresun" msgstr "Giresun" msgid "Gaziantep" msgstr "Gaziantep" msgid "Eskişehir" msgstr "Eskişehir" msgid "Erzurum" msgstr "Erzurum" msgid "Erzincan" msgstr "Erzincan" msgid "Elazığ" msgstr "Elazığ" msgid "Edirne" msgstr "Edirne" msgid "Diyarbakır" msgstr "Diyarbakır" msgid "Denizli" msgstr "Denizli" msgid "Çorum" msgstr "Çorum" msgid "Çankırı" msgstr "Çankırı" msgid "Çanakkale" msgstr "Çanakkale" msgid "Bursa" msgstr "Bursa" msgid "Burdur" msgstr "Burdur" msgid "Bolu" msgstr "Bolu" msgid "Bitlis" msgstr "Bitlis" msgid "Bingöl" msgstr "Bingöl" msgid "Bilecik" msgstr "Bilecik" msgid "Balıkesir" msgstr "Balıkesir" msgid "Aydın" msgstr "Aydın" msgid "Artvin" msgstr "Artvin" msgid "Antalya" msgstr "Antalya" msgid "Ankara" msgstr "Ankara" msgid "Amasya" msgstr "Amasya" msgid "Ağrı" msgstr "Ağrı" msgid "Afyon" msgstr "Afyon" msgid "Adıyaman" msgstr "Adıyaman" msgid "Adana" msgstr "Adana" msgid "Yasothon" msgstr "Yasothon" msgid "Yala" msgstr "Yala" msgid "Uttaradit" msgstr "Uttaradit" msgid "Uthai Thani" msgstr "Uthai Thani" msgid "Udon Thani" msgstr "Udon Thani" msgid "Ubon Ratchathani" msgstr "Ubon Ratchathani" msgid "Trat" msgstr "Trat" msgid "Trang" msgstr "Trang" msgid "Tak" msgstr "Tak" msgid "Surin" msgstr "Surin" msgid "Surat Thani" msgstr "Surat Thani" msgid "Suphan Buri" msgstr "Suphan Buri" msgid "Sukhothai" msgstr "Sukhothai" msgid "Songkhla" msgstr "Songkhla" msgid "Sisaket" msgstr "Sisaket" msgid "Sing Buri" msgstr "Sing Buri" msgid "Satun" msgstr "Satun" msgid "Saraburi" msgstr "Saraburi" msgid "Samut Songkhram" msgstr "Samut Songkhram" msgid "Samut Sakhon" msgstr "Samut Sakhon" msgid "Samut Prakan" msgstr "Samut Prakan" msgid "Sakon Nakhon" msgstr "Sakon Nakhon" msgid "Sa Kaeo" msgstr "Sa Kaeo" msgid "Roi Et" msgstr "Roi Et" msgid "Rayong" msgstr "Rayong" msgid "Ratchaburi" msgstr "Ratchaburi" msgid "Ranong" msgstr "Ranong" msgid "Prachuap Khiri Khan" msgstr "Prachuap Khiri Khan" msgid "Prachin Buri" msgstr "Prachin Buri" msgid "Phuket" msgstr "Phuket" msgid "Phrae" msgstr "Phrae" msgid "Phitsanulok" msgstr "Phitsanulok" msgid "Phichit" msgstr "Phichit" msgid "Phetchaburi" msgstr "Phetchaburi" msgid "Phetchabun" msgstr "Phetchabun" msgid "Phayao" msgstr "Phayao" msgid "Phatthalung" msgstr "Phatthalung" msgid "Phang Nga" msgstr "Phang Nga" msgid "Pattani" msgstr "Pattani" msgid "Pathum Thani" msgstr "Pathum Thani" msgid "Nonthaburi" msgstr "Nonthaburi" msgid "Nong Khai" msgstr "Nong Khai" msgid "Nong Bua Lam Phu" msgstr "Nong Bua Lam Phu" msgid "Narathiwat" msgstr "Narathiwat" msgid "Nan" msgstr "Nan" msgid "Nakhon Si Thammarat" msgstr "Nakhon Si Thammarat" msgid "Nakhon Sawan" msgstr "Nakhon Sawan" msgid "Nakhon Ratchasima" msgstr "Nakhon Ratchasima" msgid "Nakhon Phanom" msgstr "Nakhon Phanom" msgid "Nakhon Pathom" msgstr "Nakhon Pathom" msgid "Nakhon Nayok" msgstr "Nakhon Nayok" msgid "Mukdahan" msgstr "Mukdahan" msgid "Maha Sarakham" msgstr "Maha Sarakham" msgid "Mae Hong Son" msgstr "Mae Hong Son" msgid "Lopburi" msgstr "Lopburi" msgid "Loei" msgstr "Loei" msgid "Lamphun" msgstr "Lamphun" msgid "Lampang" msgstr "Lampang" msgid "Krabi" msgstr "Krabi" msgid "Khon Kaen" msgstr "Khon Kaen" msgid "Kanchanaburi" msgstr "Kanchanaburi" msgid "Kamphaeng Phet" msgstr "Kamphaeng Phet" msgid "Kalasin" msgstr "Kalasin" msgid "Chumphon" msgstr "Chumphon" msgid "Chonburi" msgstr "Chonburi" msgid "Chiang Rai" msgstr "Chiang Rai" msgid "Chiang Mai" msgstr "Chiang Mai" msgid "Chanthaburi" msgstr "Chanthaburi" msgid "Chaiyaphum" msgstr "Chaiyaphum" msgid "Chai Nat" msgstr "Chai Nat" msgid "Chachoengsao" msgstr "Chachoengsao" msgid "Buri Ram" msgstr "Buri Ram" msgid "Bueng Kan" msgstr "Bueng Kan" msgid "Ayutthaya" msgstr "Ayutthaya" msgid "Ang Thong" msgstr "Ang Thong" msgid "Amnat Charoen" msgstr "Amnat Charoen" msgid "Vrancea" msgstr "Vrancea" msgid "Vaslui" msgstr "Vaslui" msgid "Vâlcea" msgstr "Vâlcea" msgid "Tulcea" msgstr "Tulcea" msgid "Timiș" msgstr "Timiș" msgid "Teleorman" msgstr "Teleorman" msgid "Suceava" msgstr "Suceava" msgid "Sibiu" msgstr "Sibiu" msgid "Satu Mare" msgstr "Satu Mare" msgid "Sălaj" msgstr "Sălaj" msgid "Prahova" msgstr "Prahova" msgid "Olt" msgstr "Olt" msgid "Neamț" msgstr "Neamț" msgid "Mureș" msgstr "Mureș" msgid "Mehedinți" msgstr "Mehedinți" msgid "Maramureș" msgstr "Maramureș" msgid "Ilfov" msgstr "Ilfov" msgid "Iași" msgstr "Iași" msgid "Ialomița" msgstr "Ialomița" msgid "Hunedoara" msgstr "Hunedoara" msgid "Harghita" msgstr "Harghita" msgid "Gorj" msgstr "Gorj" msgid "Giurgiu" msgstr "Giurgiu" msgid "Galați" msgstr "Galați" msgid "Dolj" msgstr "Dolj" msgid "Dâmbovița" msgstr "Dâmbovița" msgid "Covasna" msgstr "Covasna" msgid "Constanța" msgstr "Constanța" msgid "Cluj" msgstr "Cluj" msgid "Caraș-Severin" msgstr "Caraș-Severin" msgid "Buzău" msgstr "Buzău" msgid "București" msgstr "București" msgid "Brașov" msgstr "Brașov" msgid "Brăila" msgstr "Braila" msgid "Botoșani" msgstr "Botosani" msgid "Bistrița-Năsăud" msgstr "Bistrița-Năsăud" msgid "Bihor" msgstr "Bihor" msgid "Bacău" msgstr "Bacău" msgid "Argeș" msgstr "Argeș" msgid "Arad" msgstr "Arad" msgid "Alba" msgstr "Alba" msgid "Boquerón" msgstr "Boquerón" msgid "Alto Paraguay" msgstr "Alto Paraguay" msgid "Presidente Hayes" msgstr "Presidente Hayes" msgid "Canindeyú" msgstr "Canindeyú" msgid "Amambay" msgstr "Amambay" msgid "Ñeembucú" msgstr "Ñeembucú" msgid "Alto Paraná" msgstr "Alto Paraná" msgid "Paraguarí" msgstr "Paraguarí" msgid "Itapúa" msgstr "Itapúa" msgid "Caazapá" msgstr "Caazapá" msgid "Caaguazú" msgstr "Caaguazú" msgid "Guairá" msgstr "Guairá" msgid "Cordillera" msgstr "Cordillera" msgid "San Pedro" msgstr "San Pedro" msgid "Concepción" msgstr "Concepción" msgid "Asunción" msgstr "Asunción" msgid "Sindh" msgstr "Sindh" msgid "Khyber Pakhtunkhwa" msgstr "Khyber Pakhtunkhwa" msgid "Islamabad Capital Territory" msgstr "Wilayah Ibu Kota Islamabad" msgid "Gilgit Baltistan" msgstr "Gilgit Baltistan" msgid "FATA" msgstr "FATA" msgid "Balochistan" msgstr "Balochistan" msgid "Azad Kashmir" msgstr "Azad Kashmir" msgid "Metro Manila" msgstr "Metro Manila" msgid "Zamboanga Sibugay" msgstr "Zamboanga Sibugay" msgid "Zamboanga del Sur" msgstr "Zamboanga del Sur" msgid "Zamboanga del Norte" msgstr "Zamboanga del Norte" msgid "Zambales" msgstr "Zambales" msgid "Tawi-Tawi" msgstr "Tawi-Tawi" msgid "Tarlac" msgstr "Tarlac" msgid "Surigao del Sur" msgstr "Surigao del Sur" msgid "Surigao del Norte" msgstr "Surigao del Norte" msgid "Sulu" msgstr "Sulu" msgid "Sultan Kudarat" msgstr "Sultan Kudarat" msgid "Southern Leyte" msgstr "Southern Leyte" msgid "South Cotabato" msgstr "South Cotabato" msgid "Sorsogon" msgstr "Sorsogon" msgid "Siquijor" msgstr "Siquijor" msgid "Sarangani" msgstr "Sarangani" msgid "Samar" msgstr "Samar" msgid "Romblon" msgstr "Romblon" msgid "Rizal" msgstr "Rizal" msgid "Quirino" msgstr "Quirino" msgid "Quezon" msgstr "Quezon" msgid "Pangasinan" msgstr "Pangasinan" msgid "Pampanga" msgstr "Pampanga" msgid "Palawan" msgstr "Palawan" msgid "Oriental Mindoro" msgstr "Oriental Mindoro" msgid "Occidental Mindoro" msgstr "Occidental Mindoro" msgid "Nueva Vizcaya" msgstr "Nueva Vizcaya" msgid "Nueva Ecija" msgstr "Nueva Ecija" msgid "Northern Samar" msgstr "Northern Samar" msgid "Negros Oriental" msgstr "Negros Oriental" msgid "Negros Occidental" msgstr "Negros Occidental" msgid "Mountain Province" msgstr "Mountain Province" msgid "Misamis Oriental" msgstr "Misamis Oriental" msgid "Misamis Occidental" msgstr "Misamis Occidental" msgid "Masbate" msgstr "Masbate" msgid "Marinduque" msgstr "Marinduque" msgid "Maguindanao" msgstr "Maguindanao" msgid "Leyte" msgstr "Leyte" msgid "Lanao del Sur" msgstr "Lanao del Sur" msgid "Lanao del Norte" msgstr "Lanao del Norte" msgid "Laguna" msgstr "Laguna" msgid "La Union" msgstr "La Union" msgid "Kalinga" msgstr "Kalinga" msgid "Isabela" msgstr "Isabela" msgid "Iloilo" msgstr "Iloilo" msgid "Ilocos Sur" msgstr "Ilocos Sur" msgid "Ilocos Norte" msgstr "Ilocos Norte" msgid "Ifugao" msgstr "Ifugao" msgid "Guimaras" msgstr "Guimaras" msgid "Eastern Samar" msgstr "Eastern Samar" msgid "Dinagat Islands" msgstr "Dinagat Islands" msgid "Davao Oriental" msgstr "Davao Oriental" msgid "Davao Occidental" msgstr "Davao Occidental" msgid "Davao del Sur" msgstr "Davao del Sur" msgid "Davao del Norte" msgstr "Davao del Norte" msgid "Cotabato" msgstr "Cotabato" msgid "Compostela Valley" msgstr "Compostela Valley" msgid "Cebu" msgstr "Cebu" msgid "Cavite" msgstr "Cavite" msgid "Catanduanes" msgstr "Catanduanes" msgid "Camiguin" msgstr "Camiguin" msgid "Camarines Sur" msgstr "Camarines Sur" msgid "Camarines Norte" msgstr "Camarines Norte" msgid "Cagayan" msgstr "Cagayan" msgid "Bulacan" msgstr "Bulacan" msgid "Bukidnon" msgstr "Bukidnon" msgid "Bohol" msgstr "Bohol" msgid "Biliran" msgstr "Biliran" msgid "Benguet" msgstr "Benguet" msgid "Batangas" msgstr "Batangas" msgid "Batanes" msgstr "Batanes" msgid "Bataan" msgstr "Bataan" msgid "Basilan" msgstr "Basilan" msgid "Aurora" msgstr "Aurora" msgid "Apayao" msgstr "Apayao" msgid "Albay" msgstr "Albay" msgid "Aklan" msgstr "Aklan" msgid "Agusan del Sur" msgstr "Agusan del Sur" msgid "Agusan del Norte" msgstr "Agusan del Norte" msgid "Abra" msgstr "Abra" msgid "Ucayali" msgstr "Ucayali" msgid "Tumbes" msgstr "Tumbes" msgid "Tacna" msgstr "Tacna" msgid "San Martín" msgstr "San Martín" msgid "Puno" msgstr "Puno" msgid "Piura" msgstr "Piura" msgid "Pasco" msgstr "Pasco" msgid "Moquegua" msgstr "Moquegua" msgid "Madre de Dios" msgstr "Madre de Dios" msgid "Loreto" msgstr "Loreto" msgid "Lambayeque" msgstr "Lambayeque" msgid "La Libertad" msgstr "La Libertad" msgid "Junín" msgstr "Junín" msgid "Ica" msgstr "Ica" msgid "Huánuco" msgstr "Huánuco" msgid "Huancavelica" msgstr "Huancavelica" msgid "Cusco" msgstr "Cusco" msgid "Cajamarca" msgstr "Cajamarca" msgid "Ayacucho" msgstr "Ayacucho" msgid "Arequipa" msgstr "Arequipa" msgid "Apurímac" msgstr "Apurímac" msgid "Ancash" msgstr "Ancash" msgid "Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima" msgstr "Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima" msgid "El Callao" msgstr "El Callao" msgid "Southland" msgstr "Southland" msgid "Otago" msgstr "Otago" msgid "Canterbury" msgstr "Canterbury" msgid "West Coast" msgstr "West Coast" msgid "Tasman" msgstr "Tasman" msgid "Marlborough" msgstr "Marlborough" msgid "Nelson" msgstr "Nelson" msgid "Wellington" msgstr "Wellington" msgid "Manawatu-Wanganui" msgstr "Manawatu-Wanganui" msgid "Hawke’s Bay" msgstr "Hawke’s Bay" msgid "Gisborne" msgstr "Gisborne" msgid "Taranaki" msgstr "Taranaki" msgid "Bay of Plenty" msgstr "Bay of Plenty" msgid "Waikato" msgstr "Waikato" msgid "Northland" msgstr "Northland" msgid "Seti" msgstr "Seti" msgid "Sagarmatha" msgstr "Sagarmatha" msgid "Rapti" msgstr "Rapti" msgid "Narayani" msgstr "Narayani" msgid "Mechi" msgstr "Mechi" msgid "Mahakali" msgstr "Mahakali" msgid "Lumbini" msgstr "Lumbini" msgid "Koshi" msgstr "Koshi" msgid "Karnali" msgstr "Karnali" msgid "Janakpur" msgstr "Janakpur" msgid "Gandaki" msgstr "Gandaki" msgid "Dhaulagiri" msgstr "Dhaulagiri" msgid "Bheri" msgstr "Bheri" msgid "Bagmati" msgstr "Bagmati" msgid "Zamfara" msgstr "Zamfara" msgid "Yobe" msgstr "Yobe" msgid "Taraba" msgstr "Taraba" msgid "Sokoto" msgstr "Sokoto" msgid "Plateau" msgstr "Plateau" msgid "Oyo" msgstr "Oyo" msgid "Osun" msgstr "Osun" msgid "Ondo" msgstr "Ondo" msgid "Ogun" msgstr "Ogun" msgid "Nasarawa" msgstr "Nasarawa" msgid "Kwara" msgstr "Kwara" msgid "Kogi" msgstr "Kogi" msgid "Kebbi" msgstr "Kebbi" msgid "Katsina" msgstr "Katsina" msgid "Kano" msgstr "Kano" msgid "Kaduna" msgstr "Kaduna" msgid "Jigawa" msgstr "Jigawa" msgid "Imo" msgstr "Imo" msgid "Gombe" msgstr "Gombe" msgid "Enugu" msgstr "Enugu" msgid "Ekiti" msgstr "Ekiti" msgid "Edo" msgstr "Edo" msgid "Ebonyi" msgstr "Ebonyi" msgid "Delta" msgstr "Delta" msgid "Cross River" msgstr "Cross River" msgid "Borno" msgstr "Borno" msgid "Benue" msgstr "Benue" msgid "Bayelsa" msgstr "Bayelsa" msgid "Bauchi" msgstr "Bauchi" msgid "Anambra" msgstr "Anambra" msgid "Akwa Ibom" msgstr "Akwa Ibom" msgid "Adamawa" msgstr "Adamawa" msgid "Abuja" msgstr "Abuja" msgid "Abia" msgstr "Abia" msgid "Zambezi" msgstr "Zambezi" msgid "Otjozondjupa" msgstr "Otjozondjupa" msgid "Oshikoto" msgstr "Oshikoto" msgid "Oshana" msgstr "Oshana" msgid "Omusati" msgstr "Omusati" msgid "Omaheke" msgstr "Omaheke" msgid "Ohangwena" msgstr "Ohangwena" msgid "Kunene" msgstr "Kunene" msgid "Khomas" msgstr "Khomas" msgid "Kavango West" msgstr "Kavango West" msgid "Kavango East" msgstr "Kavango East" msgid "Karas" msgstr "Karas" msgid "Hardap" msgstr "Hardap" msgid "Erongo" msgstr "Erongo" msgid "Zambézia" msgstr "Zambézia" msgid "Tete" msgstr "Tete" msgid "Sofala" msgstr "Sofala" msgid "Niassa" msgstr "Niassa" msgid "Nampula" msgstr "Nampula" msgid "Maputo Province" msgstr "Provinsi Maputo" msgid "Manica" msgstr "Manica" msgid "Inhambane" msgstr "Inhambane" msgid "Cabo Delgado" msgstr "Cabo Delgado" msgid "Putrajaya" msgstr "Putrajaya" msgid "Terengganu" msgstr "Terengganu" msgid "Selangor" msgstr "Selangor" msgid "Sarawak" msgstr "Sarawak" msgid "Sabah" msgstr "Sabah" msgid "Perlis" msgstr "Perlis" msgid "Perak" msgstr "Perak" msgid "Penang (Pulau Pinang)" msgstr "Penang (Pulau Pinang)" msgid "Pahang" msgstr "Pahang" msgid "Negeri Sembilan" msgstr "Negeri Sembilan" msgid "Malacca (Melaka)" msgstr "Malacca (Melaka)" msgid "Labuan" msgstr "Labuan" msgid "Kelantan" msgstr "Kelantan" msgid "Kedah" msgstr "Kedah" msgid "Johor" msgstr "Johor" msgid "Yucatán" msgstr "Yucatán" msgid "San Luis Potosí" msgstr "San Luis Potosí" msgid "Querétaro" msgstr "Querétaro" msgid "Michoacán" msgstr "Michoacán" msgid "Estado de México" msgstr "Estado de México" msgid "Nuevo León" msgstr "Nuevo León" msgid "Ciudad de México" msgstr "Ciudad de Mexico" msgid "Ungheni" msgstr "Ungheni" msgid "Telenești" msgstr "Telenești" msgid "Taraclia" msgstr "Taraclia" msgid "Ștefan Vodă" msgstr "Ștefan Vodă" msgid "Șoldănești" msgstr "Șoldănești" msgid "Strășeni" msgstr "Strășeni" msgid "Soroca" msgstr "Soroca" msgid "Sîngerei" msgstr "Sîngerei" msgid "Rîșcani" msgstr "Rîșcani" msgid "Rezina" msgstr "Rezina" msgid "Orhei" msgstr "Orhei" msgid "Ocnița" msgstr "Ocnița" msgid "Nisporeni" msgstr "Nisporeni" msgid "Leova" msgstr "Leova" msgid "Ialoveni" msgstr "Ialoveni" msgid "Hîncești" msgstr "Hîncești" msgid "Glodeni" msgstr "Glodeni" msgid "UTA Găgăuzia" msgstr "UTA Găgăuzia" msgid "Florești" msgstr "Florești" msgid "Fălești" msgstr "Fălești" msgid "Edineț" msgstr "Edineț" msgid "Dubăsari" msgstr "Dubăsari" msgid "Drochia" msgstr "Drochia" msgid "Dondușeni" msgstr "Dondușeni" msgid "Criuleni" msgstr "Criuleni" msgid "Cimișlia" msgstr "Cimișlia" msgid "Căușeni" msgstr "Căușeni" msgid "Călărași" msgstr "Călărași" msgid "Cantemir" msgstr "Cantemir" msgid "Cahul" msgstr "Cahul" msgid "Briceni" msgstr "Briceni" msgid "Basarabeasca" msgstr "Basarabeasca" msgid "Anenii Noi" msgstr "Anenii Noi" msgid "Bălți" msgstr "Bălți" msgid "Chișinău" msgstr "Chișinău" msgid "Sinoe" msgstr "Sinoe" msgid "River Gee" msgstr "River Gee" msgid "Rivercess" msgstr "Rivercess" msgid "Nimba" msgstr "Nimba" msgid "Montserrado" msgstr "Montserrat" msgid "Margibi" msgstr "Margibi" msgid "Lofa" msgstr "Lofa" msgid "Grand Kru" msgstr "Grand Kru" msgid "Grand Gedeh" msgstr "Grand Gedeh" msgid "Grand Cape Mount" msgstr "Grand Cape Mount" msgid "Grand Bassa" msgstr "Grand Bassa" msgid "Gbarpolu" msgstr "Gbarpolu" msgid "Bong" msgstr "Bong" msgid "Bomi" msgstr "Bomi" msgid "Xaisomboun" msgstr "Xaisomboun" msgid "Xiangkhouang" msgstr "Xiangkhouang" msgid "Sekong" msgstr "Sekong" msgid "Sainyabuli" msgstr "Sainyabuli" msgid "Vientiane Province" msgstr "Provinsi Vientiane" msgid "Savannakhet" msgstr "Savannakhet" msgid "Salavan" msgstr "Salavan" msgid "Phongsaly" msgstr "Phongsaly" msgid "Oudomxay" msgstr "Oudomxay" msgid "Luang Prabang" msgstr "Luang Prabang" msgid "Luang Namtha" msgstr "Luang Namtha" msgid "Khammouane" msgstr "Khammouane" msgid "Houaphanh" msgstr "Houaphanh" msgid "Champasak" msgstr "Champasak" msgid "Bolikhamsai" msgstr "Bolikhamsai" msgid "Bokeo" msgstr "Bokeo" msgid "Attapeu" msgstr "Attapeu" msgid "West Pokot" msgstr "West Pokot" msgid "Wajir" msgstr "Wajir" msgid "Vihiga" msgstr "Vihiga" msgid "Uasin Gishu" msgstr "Uasin Gishu" msgid "Turkana" msgstr "Turkana" msgid "Trans Nzoia" msgstr "Trans Nzoia" msgid "Tharaka-Nithi" msgstr "Tharaka-Nithi" msgid "Tana River" msgstr "Tana River" msgid "Taita-Taveta" msgstr "Taita-Taveta" msgid "Siaya" msgstr "Siaya" msgid "Samburu" msgstr "Samburu" msgid "Nyeri" msgstr "Nyeri" msgid "Nyandarua" msgstr "Nyandarua" msgid "Nyamira" msgstr "Nyamira" msgid "Narok" msgstr "Narok" msgid "Nandi" msgstr "Nandi" msgid "Nakuru" msgstr "Nakuru" msgid "Nairobi County" msgstr "Nairobi" msgid "Murang’a" msgstr "Murang'a" msgid "Mombasa" msgstr "Mombasa" msgid "Migori" msgstr "Migori" msgid "Meru" msgstr "Meru" msgid "Marsabit" msgstr "Marsabit" msgid "Mandera" msgstr "Mandera" msgid "Makueni" msgstr "Makueni" msgid "Machakos" msgstr "Machakos" msgid "Lamu" msgstr "Lamu" msgid "Laikipia" msgstr "Laikipia" msgid "Kwale" msgstr "Kwale" msgid "Kitui" msgstr "Kitui" msgid "Kisumu" msgstr "Kisumu" msgid "Kisii" msgstr "Kisii" msgid "Kirinyaga" msgstr "Kirinyaga" msgid "Kilifi" msgstr "Kilifi" msgid "Kiambu" msgstr "Kiambu" msgid "Kericho" msgstr "Kerico" msgid "Kakamega" msgstr "Kakamega" msgid "Kajiado" msgstr "Kajiado" msgid "Isiolo" msgstr "Isiolo" msgid "Homa Bay" msgstr "Homa Bay" msgid "Garissa" msgstr "Garissa" msgid "Embu" msgstr "Embu" msgid "Elgeyo-Marakwet" msgstr "Elgeyo-Marakwet" msgid "Busia" msgstr "Busia" msgid "Bungoma" msgstr "Bungoma" msgid "Bomet" msgstr "Bomet" msgid "Baringo" msgstr "Baringo" msgid "Kochi" msgstr "Kochi" msgid "Gunma" msgstr "Gunma" msgid "Venezia" msgstr "Venezia" msgid "Torino" msgstr "Torino" msgid "Sud Sardegna" msgstr "Sardinia Selatan" msgid "Siracusa" msgstr "Siracusa" msgid "Roma" msgstr "Roma" msgid "Padova" msgstr "Padova" msgid "Napoli" msgstr "Napoli" msgid "Monza e della Brianza" msgstr "Monza e della Brianza" msgid "Milano" msgstr "Milano" msgid "Mantova" msgstr "Mantova" msgid "Genova" msgstr "Genova" msgid "Forlì-Cesena" msgstr "Forlì-Cesena" msgid "Firenze" msgstr "Firenze" msgid "Fermo" msgstr "Fermo" msgid "Bolzano" msgstr "Bolzano" msgid "Barletta-Andria-Trani" msgstr "Barletta-Andria-Trani" msgid "Sistan and Baluchestan (سیستان و بلوچستان)" msgstr "Sistan and Baluchestan (سیستان و بلوچستان)" msgid "Hormozgan (هرمزگان)" msgstr "Hormozgan (هرمزگان)" msgid "Markazi (مرکزی)" msgstr "Markazi (مرکزی)" msgid "Mazandaran (مازندران)" msgstr "Mazandaran (مازندران)" msgid "Gilan (گیلان)" msgstr "Gilan (گیلان)" msgid "Golestan (گلستان)" msgstr "Golestan (گلستان)" msgid "Kohgiluyeh and BoyerAhmad (کهگیلوییه و بویراحمد)" msgstr "Kohgiluyeh and BoyerAhmad (کهگیلوییه و بویراحمد)" msgid "Kurdistan / کردستان)" msgstr "Kurdistan / کردستان)" msgid "Qom (قم)" msgstr "Qom (قم)" msgid "Fars (فارس)" msgstr "Fars (فارس)" msgid "Semnan (سمنان)" msgstr "Semnan (سمنان)" msgid "North Khorasan (خراسان شمالی)" msgstr "Khorasan Utara (خراسان شمالی)" msgid "Razavi Khorasan (خراسان رضوی)" msgstr "Razavi Khorasan (خراسان رضوی)" msgid "South Khorasan (خراسان جنوبی)" msgstr "South Khorasan (خراسان جنوبی)" msgid "Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari (چهارمحال و بختیاری)" msgstr "Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari (چهارمحال و بختیاری)" msgid "West Azarbaijan (آذربایجان غربی)" msgstr "West Azarbaijan (آذربایجان غربی)" msgid "East Azarbaijan (آذربایجان شرقی)" msgstr "East Azarbaijan (آذربایجان شرقی)" msgid "Alborz (البرز)" msgstr "Alborz (البرز)" msgid "Luristan (لرستان)" msgstr "Luristan (لرستان)" msgid "Zanjan (زنجان)" msgstr "Zanjan (زنجان)" msgid "Ghazvin (قزوین)" msgstr "Ghazvin (قزوین)" msgid "Hamadan (همدان)" msgstr "Hamadan (همدان)" msgid "Kerman (کرمان)" msgstr "Kerman (کرمان)" msgid "Kermanshah (کرمانشاه)" msgstr "Kermanshah (کرمانشاه)" msgid "Yazd (یزد)" msgstr "Yazd (یزد)" msgid "Isfahan (اصفهان)" msgstr "Isfahan (اصفهان)" msgid "Ardabil (اردبیل)" msgstr "Ardabil (اردبیل)" msgid "Bushehr (بوشهر)" msgstr "Bushehr (بوشهر)" msgid "Ilaam (ایلام)" msgstr "Ilaam (ایلام)" msgid "Pondicherry (Puducherry)" msgstr "Pondicherry (Puducherry)" msgid "Lakshadeep" msgstr "Lakshadeep" msgid "Wicklow" msgstr "Wicklow" msgid "Wexford" msgstr "Wexford" msgid "Westmeath" msgstr "Westmeath" msgid "Waterford" msgstr "Waterford" msgid "Tipperary" msgstr "Tipperary" msgid "Sligo" msgstr "Sligo" msgid "Roscommon" msgstr "Roscommon" msgid "Offaly" msgstr "Offaly" msgid "Monaghan" msgstr "Monaghan" msgid "Mayo" msgstr "Mayo" msgid "Louth" msgstr "Louth" msgid "Longford" msgstr "Longford" msgid "Limerick" msgstr "Limerick" msgid "Leitrim" msgstr "Leitrim" msgid "Laois" msgstr "Laois" msgid "Kilkenny" msgstr "Kilkenny" msgid "Kildare" msgstr "Kildare" msgid "Galway" msgstr "Galway" msgid "Donegal" msgstr "Donegal" msgid "Cork" msgstr "Cork" msgid "Clare" msgstr "Clare" msgid "Cavan" msgstr "Cavan" msgid "Carlow" msgstr "Carlow" msgid "Papua Barat" msgstr "Papua Barat" msgid "Papua" msgstr "Papua" msgid "Maluku Utara" msgstr "Maluku Utara" msgid "Maluku" msgstr "Maluku" msgid "Gorontalo" msgstr "Gorontalo" msgid "Sulawesi Selatan" msgstr "Sulawesi Selatan" msgid "Sulawesi Barat" msgstr "Sulawesi Barat" msgid "Sulawesi Tenggara" msgstr "Sulawesi Tenggara" msgid "Sulawesi Tengah" msgstr "Sulawesi Tengah" msgid "Sulawesi Utara" msgstr "Sulawesi Utara" msgid "Kalimantan Utara" msgstr "Kalimantan Utara" msgid "Kalimantan Selatan" msgstr "Kalimantan Selatan" msgid "Kalimantan Timur" msgstr "Kalimantan Timur" msgid "Kalimantan Tengah" msgstr "Kalimantan Tengah" msgid "Kalimantan Barat" msgstr "Kalimantan Barat" msgid "Nusa Tenggara Timur" msgstr "Nusa Tenggara Timur" msgid "Nusa Tenggara Barat" msgstr "Nusa Tenggara Barat" msgid "Bali" msgstr "Bali" msgid "Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta" msgstr "Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta" msgid "Jawa Timur" msgstr "Jawa Timur" msgid "Jawa Tengah" msgstr "Jawa Tengah" msgid "Banten" msgstr "Banten" msgid "Jawa Barat" msgstr "Jawa Barat" msgid "DKI Jakarta" msgstr "DKI Jakarta" msgid "Lampung" msgstr "Lampung" msgid "Bengkulu" msgstr "Bengkulu" msgid "Bangka Belitung" msgstr "Bangka Belitung" msgid "Sumatera Selatan" msgstr "Sumatera Selatan" msgid "Jambi" msgstr "Jambi" msgid "Kepulauan Riau" msgstr "Kepulauan Riau" msgid "Riau" msgstr "Riau" msgid "Sumatera Barat" msgstr "Sumatera Barat" msgid "Sumatera Utara" msgstr "Sumatera Utara" msgid "Daerah Istimewa Aceh" msgstr "Daerah Istimewa Aceh" msgid "Zala" msgstr "Zala" msgid "Veszprém" msgstr "Veszprém" msgid "Vas" msgstr "Vas" msgid "Tolna" msgstr "Tolna" msgid "Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg" msgstr "Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg" msgid "Somogy" msgstr "Somogy" msgid "Pest" msgstr "Pest" msgid "Nógrád" msgstr "Nógrád" msgid "Komárom-Esztergom" msgstr "Komárom-Esztergom" msgid "Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok" msgstr "Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok" msgid "Heves" msgstr "Heves" msgid "Hajdú-Bihar" msgstr "Hajdú-Bihar" msgid "Győr-Moson-Sopron" msgstr "Győr-Moson-Sopron" msgid "Fejér" msgstr "Fejér" msgid "Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén" msgstr "Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén" msgid "Baranya" msgstr "Baranya" msgid "Békés" msgstr "Békés" msgid "Bács-Kiskun" msgstr "Bács-Kiskun" msgid "New Territories" msgstr "New Territories" msgid "Kowloon" msgstr "Kowloon" msgid "Hong Kong Island" msgstr "Pulau Hong Kong" msgid "South Aegean" msgstr "Aegea Selatan" msgid "North Aegean" msgstr "Aegea Utara" msgid "Peloponnese" msgstr "Peloponnesia" msgid "Central Greece" msgstr "Yunani Tengah" msgid "West Greece" msgstr "Yunani Barat" msgid "Ionian Islands" msgstr "Kepulauan Ionia" msgid "Thessaly" msgstr "Thessaly" msgid "Epirus" msgstr "Epirus" msgid "West Macedonia" msgstr "Makedonia Barat" msgid "Central Macedonia" msgstr "Makedonia Tengah" msgid "East Macedonia and Thrace" msgstr "Makedonia Timur dan Trasia" msgid "Attica" msgstr "Attica" msgid "Western North" msgstr "Western North" msgid "Western" msgstr "Barat" msgid "Volta" msgstr "Volta" msgid "Upper West" msgstr "Upper West" msgid "Upper East" msgstr "Upper East" msgid "Savannah" msgstr "Savannah" msgid "Oti" msgstr "Oti" msgid "Northern" msgstr "Utara" msgid "North East" msgstr "North East" msgid "Greater Accra" msgstr "Accra Raya" msgid "Eastern" msgstr "Timur" msgid "Central" msgstr "Central" msgid "Bono East" msgstr "Bono East" msgid "Bono" msgstr "Bono" msgid "Brong-Ahafo" msgstr "Brong-Ahafo" msgid "Ashanti" msgstr "Ashanti" msgid "Ahafo" msgstr "Ahafo" msgid "León" msgstr "León" msgid "Jaén" msgstr "Jaén" msgid "Baleares" msgstr "Baleares" msgid "Araba/Álava" msgstr "Araba/Álava" msgid "A Coruña" msgstr "A Coruña" msgid "Relizane" msgstr "Relizane" msgid "Ghardaïa" msgstr "Ghardaïa" msgid "Aïn Témouchent" msgstr "Aïn Témouchent" msgid "Naama" msgstr "Naama" msgid "Aïn Defla" msgstr "Aïn Defla" msgid "Mila" msgstr "Mila" msgid "Tipasa" msgstr "Tipasa" msgid "Souk Ahras" msgstr "Souk Ahras" msgid "Khenchela" msgstr "Khenchela" msgid "El Oued" msgstr "El Oued" msgid "Tissemsilt" msgstr "Tissemsilt" msgid "Tindouf" msgstr "Tindouf" msgid "El Tarf" msgstr "El Tarf" msgid "Boumerdès" msgstr "Boumerdès" msgid "Bordj Bou Arréridj" msgstr "Bordj Bou Arréridj" msgid "Illizi" msgstr "Illizi" msgid "El Bayadh" msgstr "El Bayadh" msgid "Oran" msgstr "Oran" msgid "Ouargla" msgstr "Ouargla" msgid "Mascara" msgstr "Mascara" msgid "M’Sila" msgstr "M’Sila" msgid "Mostaganem" msgstr "Mostaganem" msgid "Médéa" msgstr "Médéa" msgid "Constantine" msgstr "Konstantin" msgid "Guelma" msgstr "Guelma" msgid "Annaba" msgstr "Annaba" msgid "Sidi Bel Abbès" msgstr "Sidi Bel Abbès" msgid "Skikda" msgstr "Skikda" msgid "Saïda" msgstr "Saïda" msgid "Sétif" msgstr "Sétif" msgid "Jijel" msgstr "Jijel" msgid "Djelfa" msgstr "Jalfah" msgid "Tizi Ouzou" msgstr "Tizi Ouzou" msgid "Tiaret" msgstr "Tiaret" msgid "Tlemcen" msgstr "Tlemcen" msgid "Tébessa" msgstr "Tébessa" msgid "Tamanghasset" msgstr "Tamanghasset" msgid "Bouira" msgstr "Bouira" msgid "Blida" msgstr "Blida" msgid "Béchar" msgstr "Béchar" msgid "Biskra" msgstr "Biskra" msgid "Béjaïa" msgstr "Béjaïa" msgid "Batna" msgstr "Batna" msgid "Oum El Bouaghi" msgstr "Oum El Bouaghi" msgid "Laghouat" msgstr "Laghouat" msgid "Chlef" msgstr "Syilf" msgid "Adrar" msgstr "Adrar" msgid "Xinjiang / 新疆" msgstr "Xinjiang / 新疆" msgid "Tibet / 西藏" msgstr "Tibet / 西藏" msgid "Macao / 澳门" msgstr "Makau / 澳门" msgid "Ningxia Hui / 宁夏" msgstr "Ningxia Hui / 宁夏" msgid "Qinghai / 青海" msgstr "Qinghai / 青海" msgid "Gansu / 甘肃" msgstr "Gansu / 甘肃" msgid "Shaanxi / 陕西" msgstr "Shaanxi / 陕西" msgid "Guizhou / 贵州" msgstr "Guizhou / 贵州" msgid "Sichuan / 四川" msgstr "Sichuan / 四川" msgid "Chongqing / 重庆" msgstr "Chongqing / 重庆" msgid "Hainan / 海南" msgstr "Hainan / 海南" msgid "Guangxi Zhuang / 广西壮族" msgstr "Guangxi Zhuang / 广西壮族" msgid "Guangdong / 广东" msgstr "Guangdong / 广东" msgid "Hunan / 湖南" msgstr "Hunan / 湖南" msgid "Hubei / 湖北" msgstr "Hubei / 湖北" msgid "Henan / 河南" msgstr "Henan / 河南" msgid "Shandong / 山东" msgstr "Shandong / 山东" msgid "Jiangxi / 江西" msgstr "Jiangxi / 江西" msgid "Fujian / 福建" msgstr "Fujian / 福建" msgid "Anhui / 安徽" msgstr "Anhui / 安徽" msgid "Zhejiang / 浙江" msgstr "Zhejiang / 浙江" msgid "Jiangsu / 江苏" msgstr "Jiangsu / 江苏" msgid "Shanghai / 上海" msgstr "Shanghai / 上海" msgid "Heilongjiang / 黑龙江" msgstr "Heilongjiang / 黑龙江" msgid "Jilin / 吉林" msgstr "Jilin / 吉林" msgid "Liaoning / 辽宁" msgstr "Liaoning / 辽宁" msgid "Inner Mongolia / 內蒙古" msgstr "Inner Mongolia / 內蒙古" msgid "Shanxi / 山西" msgstr "Shanxi / 山西" msgid "Hebei / 河北" msgstr "Hebei / 河北" msgid "Tianjin / 天津" msgstr "Tianjin / 天津" msgid "Beijing / 北京" msgstr "Beijing / 北京" msgid "Yunnan / 云南" msgstr "Yunnan / 云南" msgid "Zürich" msgstr "Zürich" msgid "Zug" msgstr "Zug" msgid "Vaud" msgstr "Vaud" msgid "Valais" msgstr "Valais" msgid "Uri" msgstr "Uri" msgid "Ticino" msgstr "Ticino" msgid "Thurgau" msgstr "Thurgau" msgid "St. Gallen" msgstr "St. Gallen" msgid "Solothurn" msgstr "Solothurn" msgid "Schwyz" msgstr "Schwyz" msgid "Schaffhausen" msgstr "Schaffhausen" msgid "Obwalden" msgstr "Obwalden" msgid "Nidwalden" msgstr "Nidwalden" msgid "Neuchâtel" msgstr "Neuchâtel" msgid "Luzern" msgstr "Luzern" msgid "Jura" msgstr "Jura" msgid "Graubünden" msgstr "Graubünden" msgid "Glarus" msgstr "Glarus" msgid "Geneva" msgstr "Geneva" msgid "Fribourg" msgstr "Fribourg" msgid "Bern" msgstr "Bern" msgid "Basel-Stadt" msgstr "Basel-Stadt" msgid "Basel-Landschaft" msgstr "Basel-Landschaft" msgid "Appenzell Innerrhoden" msgstr "Appenzell Innerrhoden" msgid "Appenzell Ausserrhoden" msgstr "Appenzell Ausserrhoden" msgid "Aargau" msgstr "Aargau" msgid "São Paulo" msgstr "São Paulo" msgid "Rondônia" msgstr "Rondônia" msgid "Piauí" msgstr "Piauí" msgid "Paraná" msgstr "Paraná" msgid "Paraíba" msgstr "Paraíba" msgid "Pará" msgstr "Pará" msgid "Maranhão" msgstr "Maranhão" msgid "Goiás" msgstr "Goiás" msgid "Espírito Santo" msgstr "Espírito Santo" msgid "Ceará" msgstr "Ceará" msgid "Amapá" msgstr "Amapá" msgid "Tarija" msgstr "Tarija" msgid "Potosí" msgstr "Potosí" msgid "Pando" msgstr "Pando" msgid "Oruro" msgstr "Oruro" msgid "Cochabamba" msgstr "Cochabamba" msgid "Beni" msgstr "Beni" msgid "Chuquisaca" msgstr "Chuquisaca" msgid "Yambol" msgstr "Yambol" msgid "Vratsa" msgstr "Vratsa" msgid "Vidin" msgstr "Vidin" msgid "Veliko Tarnovo" msgstr "Veliko Tarnovo" msgid "Varna" msgstr "Varna" msgid "Targovishte" msgstr "Targovishte" msgid "Stara Zagora" msgstr "Stara Zagora" msgid "Sofia-Grad" msgstr "Sofia-Grad" msgid "Smolyan" msgstr "Smolyan" msgid "Sliven" msgstr "Sliven" msgid "Silistra" msgstr "Silistra" msgid "Shumen" msgstr "Shumen" msgid "Ruse" msgstr "Ruse" msgid "Razgrad" msgstr "Razgrad" msgid "Plovdiv" msgstr "Plovdiv" msgid "Pleven" msgstr "Pleven" msgid "Pernik" msgstr "Pernik" msgid "Pazardzhik" msgstr "Pazardzhik" msgid "Lovech" msgstr "Lovech" msgid "Kyustendil" msgstr "Kyustendil" msgid "Kardzhali" msgstr "Kardzhali" msgid "Haskovo" msgstr "Haskovo" msgid "Gabrovo" msgstr "Gabrovo" msgid "Dobrich" msgstr "Dobrich" msgid "Blagoevgrad" msgstr "Blagoevgrad" msgid "Thakurgaon" msgstr "Thakurgaon" msgid "Tangail" msgstr "Tangail" msgid "Sylhet" msgstr "Sylhet" msgid "Sunamganj" msgstr "Sunamganj" msgid "Sirajganj" msgstr "Sirajganj" msgid "Sherpur" msgstr "Sherpur" msgid "Shariatpur" msgstr "Shariatpur" msgid "Satkhira" msgstr "Satkhira" msgid "Rangpur" msgstr "Rangpur" msgid "Rangamati" msgstr "Rangamati" msgid "Rajshahi" msgstr "Rajshahi" msgid "Rajbari" msgstr "Rajbari" msgid "Pirojpur" msgstr "Pirojpur" msgid "Patuakhali" msgstr "Patuakhali" msgid "Panchagarh" msgstr "Panchagarh" msgid "Pabna" msgstr "Pabna" msgid "Noakhali" msgstr "Noakhali" msgid "Nilphamari" msgstr "Nilphamari" msgid "Netrakona" msgstr "Netrakona" msgid "Nawabganj" msgstr "Nawabganj" msgid "Natore" msgstr "Natore" msgid "Narsingdi" msgstr "Narsingdi" msgid "Narayanganj" msgstr "Narayanganj" msgid "Narail" msgstr "Narail" msgid "Naogaon" msgstr "Naogaon" msgid "Mymensingh" msgstr "Mymensingh" msgid "Munshiganj" msgstr "Munshiganj" msgid "Moulvibazar" msgstr "Moulvibazar" msgid "Meherpur" msgstr "Meherpur" msgid "Manikganj " msgstr "Manikganj" msgid "Magura" msgstr "Magura" msgid "Madaripur" msgstr "Madaripur" msgid "Lalmonirhat" msgstr "Lalmonirhat" msgid "Lakshmipur" msgstr "Lakshmipur" msgid "Kushtia" msgstr "Kushtia" msgid "Kurigram" msgstr "Kurigram" msgid "Kishoreganj" msgstr "Kishoreganj" msgid "Khulna" msgstr "Khulna" msgid "Khagrachhari" msgstr "Khagrachhari" msgid "Joypurhat" msgstr "Joypurhat" msgid "Jhenaidah" msgstr "Jhenaidah" msgid "Jhalokati" msgstr "Jhalokati" msgid "Jashore" msgstr "Jashore" msgid "Jamalpur" msgstr "Jamalpur" msgid "Habiganj" msgstr "Habiganj" msgid "Gopalganj" msgstr "Gopalganj" msgid "Gazipur" msgstr "Gazipur" msgid "Gaibandha" msgstr "Gaibandha" msgid "Feni" msgstr "Feni" msgid "Faridpur " msgstr "Faridpur" msgid "Dinajpur" msgstr "Dinajpur" msgid "Cumilla" msgstr "Cumilla" msgid "Cox's Bazar" msgstr "Cox's Bazar" msgid "Chuadanga" msgstr "Chuadanga" msgid "Chattogram" msgstr "Chattogram" msgid "Chandpur" msgstr "Chandpur" msgid "Brahmanbaria" msgstr "Brahmanbaria" msgid "Bogura" msgstr "Bogura" msgid "Bhola" msgstr "Bhola" msgid "Barishal" msgstr "Barishal" msgid "Barguna" msgstr "Barguna" msgid "Bandarban" msgstr "Bandarban" msgid "Bagerhat" msgstr "Bagerhat" msgid "Tucumán" msgstr "Tucumán" msgid "Tierra del Fuego" msgstr "Tierra del Fuego" msgid "Santiago del Estero" msgstr "Santiago del Estero" msgid "Santa Fe" msgstr "Santa Fe" msgid "Santa Cruz" msgstr "Santa Cruz" msgid "Río Negro" msgstr "Río Negro" msgid "Neuquén" msgstr "Neuquén" msgid "Misiones" msgstr "Misiones" msgid "La Pampa" msgstr "La Pampa" msgid "Formosa" msgstr "Formosa" msgid "Entre Ríos" msgstr "Entre Ríos" msgid "Corrientes" msgstr "Corrientes" msgid "Córdoba" msgstr "Kordoba" msgid "Chubut" msgstr "Chubut" msgid "Chaco" msgstr "Chaco" msgid "Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires" msgstr "Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires" msgid "Zaire" msgstr "Zaire" msgid "Uíge" msgstr "Uíge" msgid "Namibe" msgstr "Namibe" msgid "Moxico" msgstr "Moxico" msgid "Malanje" msgstr "Malanje" msgid "Lunda-Sul" msgstr "Lunda-Sul" msgid "Lunda-Norte" msgstr "Lunda-Norte" msgid "Kwanza-Sul" msgstr "Kwanza-Sul" msgid "Kwanza-Norte" msgstr "Kwanza-Norte" msgid "Kuando Kubango" msgstr "Kuando Kubango" msgid "Huíla" msgstr "Huíla" msgid "Huambo" msgstr "Huambo" msgid "Cunene" msgstr "Cunene" msgid "Cabinda" msgstr "Cabinda" msgid "Bié" msgstr "Bié" msgid "Benguela" msgstr "Benguela" msgid "Bengo" msgstr "Bengo" msgid "Virgin Islands (US)" msgstr "Kepulauan Virgin (AS)" msgid "Virgin Islands (British)" msgstr "Kepulauan Virgin (Inggris)" msgid "United States (US) Minor Outlying Islands" msgstr "Kepulauan Terluar Kecil Amerika Serikat" msgid "United States (US)" msgstr "Amerika Serikat" msgid "United Kingdom (UK)" msgstr "Inggris" msgid "South Sudan" msgstr "Sudan Selatan" msgid "South Georgia/Sandwich Islands" msgstr "Georgia Selatan / Kepulauan Sandwich" msgid "São Tomé and Príncipe" msgstr "São Tomé and Príncipe" msgid "Saint Martin (Dutch part)" msgstr "Saint Martin (Belanda)" msgid "Saint Martin (French part)" msgstr "Saint Martin (Prancis)" msgid "Saint Barthélemy" msgstr "Saint Barthélemy" msgid "Russia" msgstr "Rusia" msgid "Palestinian Territory" msgstr "Palestina" msgid "North Macedonia" msgstr "Makedonia Utara" msgid "Laos" msgstr "Laos" msgid "Ivory Coast" msgstr "Pantai Gading" msgid "Iran" msgstr "Iran" msgid "Falkland Islands" msgstr "Kepulauan Falkland" msgid "Curaçao" msgstr "Curaçao" msgid "Congo (Kinshasa)" msgstr "Kongo (Kinshasa)" msgid "Congo (Brazzaville)" msgstr "Kongo (Brazzaville)" msgid "Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba" msgstr "Bonaire, Saint Eustatius dan Saba" msgid "Belau" msgstr "Belau" msgid "South America" msgstr "Afrika Selatan" msgid "North America" msgstr "Amerika Utara" msgid "" "We launched new plans and individual products that allow you to purchase " "only the parts of Jetpack you need. You can select one of our new plans, or " "keep your current plan." msgstr "" "Kami meluncurkan paket baru dan produk individual yang memungkinkan Anda " "membeli sebagian fitur Jetpack yang Anda butuhkan. Anda dapat memilih salah " "satu paket baru kami, atau tetap menggunakan paket Anda saat ini." msgctxt "Jetpack Boost URL Report" msgid "Jetpack-Boost" msgstr "Jetpack-Boost" msgid "Jetpack Boost URL Report" msgstr "Laporan URL Jetpack Boost" msgid "%d scheduled task completed." msgid_plural "%d scheduled tasks completed." msgstr[0] "%d tugas terjadwal selesai." msgstr[1] "%d tugas terjadwal selesai." msgid "There was an error running the action scheduler: %s" msgstr "Terjadi error saat menjalankan pengatur jadwal tindakan: %s" msgid "%d batch executed." msgid_plural "%d batches executed." msgstr[0] "%d batch dijalankan." msgstr[1] "%d batch dijalankan." msgid "Found %d scheduled task" msgid_plural "Found %d scheduled tasks" msgstr[0] "Ditemukan %d tugas terjadwal" msgstr[1] "Ditemukan %d tugas terjadwal" msgid "Error processing action %1$s: %2$s" msgstr "Error saat memproses tindakan %1$s: %2$s" msgid "Completed processing action %1$s with hook: %2$s" msgstr "Selesai memproses tindakan %1$s dengan hook: %2$s" msgid "Started processing action %s" msgstr "Mulai memproses tindakan %s:" msgid "The claim has been lost. Aborting current batch." msgstr "Klaim telah hilang. Menghentikan batch aktif." msgid "Running %d action" msgid_plural "Running %d actions" msgstr[0] "Menjalankan %d tindakan" msgstr[1] "Menjalankan %d tindakan" msgid "There are too many concurrent batches." msgstr "Terlalu banyak batch dijalankan bersamaan." msgid "" "There are too many concurrent batches, but the run is forced to continue." msgstr "" "Terlalu banyak batch dijalankan bersamaan, namun prosesnya dipaksa untuk " "tetap lanjut." msgid "The %s class can only be run within WP CLI." msgstr "Kelas %s hanya dapat dijalankan di dalam WP CLI." msgid "Migrated action with ID %1$d in %2$s to ID %3$d in %4$s" msgstr "Tindakan termigrasi dengan ID %1$d di %2$s ke ID %3$d di %4$s" msgid "Migrating %d action" msgid_plural "Migrating %d actions" msgstr[0] "Melakukan migrasi %d tindakan" msgstr[1] "Melakukan migrasi %d tindakan" msgid "" "Action Scheduler migration in progress. The list of scheduled actions may be " "incomplete." msgstr "" "Migrasi Penjadwal Tindakan sedang dalam proses. Daftar tindakan terjadwal " "mungkin tidak lengkap." msgid "Destination logger must be configured before running a migration" msgstr "Logger tujuan harus dikonfigurasi sebelum menjalankan migrasi" msgid "Destination store must be configured before running a migration" msgstr "Toko tujuan harus dikonfigurasi sebelum menjalankan migrasi" msgid "Source logger must be configured before running a migration" msgstr "Logger sumber harus dikonfigurasi sebelum menjalankan migrasi" msgid "Source store must be configured before running a migration" msgstr "Toko sumber harus dikonfigurasi sebelum menjalankan migrasi" msgid "Unable to remove source migrated action %s" msgstr "Tidak dapat menghapus tindakan yang dimigrasi dari sumber %s" msgid "Action Group" msgstr "Grup Tindakan" msgid "No actions found" msgstr "Tidak ditemukan tindakan" msgid "Search Scheduled Actions" msgstr "Cari Tindakan Terjadwal" msgid "View Action" msgstr "Lihat Tindakan" msgid "New Scheduled Action" msgstr "Tindakan Terjadwal Baru" msgid "Edit Scheduled Action" msgstr "Edit Tindakan Terjadwal" msgid "Add New Scheduled Action" msgstr "Tambah Tindakan Terjadwal Baru" msgctxt "Admin menu name" msgid "Scheduled Actions" msgstr "Tindakan Terjadwal" msgid "Scheduled Action" msgstr "Tindakan Terjadwal" msgid "Scheduled actions are hooks triggered on a cetain date and time." msgstr "" "Tindakan terjadwal adalah hook yang dipicu pada tanggal dan waktu tertentu." msgid "In-Progress <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "In-Progress <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Sedang berlangsung <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Sedang berlangsung <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgctxt "post" msgid "In-Progress" msgstr "Sedang berlangsung" msgctxt "post" msgid "Failed" msgstr "Gagal" msgid "" "%s Support for strings longer than this will be removed in a future version." msgstr "" "%s Dukungan untuk string yang lebih panjang dari string ini akan dihapus di " "versi selanjutnya." msgid "Unable to mark failure on action %s. Database error." msgstr "Tidak dapat menandai kegagalan tindakan %s. Error database." msgid "Unable to unlock claim on action %s. Database error." msgstr "Tidak bisa mendapatkan klaim tindakan %s. Error database." msgid "Unable to unlock claim %s. Database error." msgstr "Tidak bisa mendapatkan klaim %s. Error database." msgid "Invalid schedule. Cannot save action." msgstr "Jadwal tidak valid. Tidak dapat menyimpan tindakan." msgid "Unable to save action." msgstr "Tidak dapat menyimpan tindakan." msgid "Unknown status found for action." msgstr "Status yang tidak diketahui ditemukan untuk tindakan." msgid "Invalid action ID. No status found." msgstr "ID tindakan tidak valid. Status tidak ditemukan." msgid "Unable to claim actions. Database error." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengklaim tindakan. Error database." msgid "The group \"%s\" does not exist." msgid_plural "The groups \"%s\" do not exist." msgstr[0] "Grup \"%s\" tidak ada." msgstr[1] "" msgid "Unidentified action %s" msgstr "Tindakan %s tidak teridentifikasi" msgid "Invalid value for select or count parameter. Cannot query actions." msgstr "" "Nilai tidak valid untuk parameter penghitungan atau pemilihan. Tidak dapat " "mengajukan kueri untuk tindakan." msgid "Error saving action: %s" msgstr "Error saat menyimpan tindakan: %s" msgid "" "Action Scheduler has migrated data to custom tables; however, orphaned log " "entries exist in the WordPress Comments table. %1$s <a href=\"%2$s\">Learn " "more »</a>" msgstr "" "Penjadwal Tindakan telah memigrasikan data untuk tabel khusus; namun, entri " "log yang ditinggalkan masih berada pada tabel Komentar WordPress. %1$s <a " "href=\"%2$s\">Pelajari selengkapnya »</a>" msgid "This data will be deleted in %s." msgstr "Data ini akan dihapus dalam %s." msgid "Newest Scheduled Date" msgstr "Tanggal Terjadwal Terbaru" msgid "Oldest Scheduled Date" msgstr "Tanggal Terjadwal Terlama" msgid "Action Status" msgstr "Status Tindakan" msgid "Data store:" msgstr "Penyimpanan data:" msgid "This section shows details of Action Scheduler." msgstr "Bagian ini menampilkan rincian Penjadwal Tindakan." msgid "Action Scheduler" msgstr "Penjadwal Tindakan" msgid "Search hook, args and claim ID" msgstr "Cari hook, args, dan ID klaim" msgid " (%s)" msgstr " (%s)" msgid " (%s ago)" msgstr " (%s lalu)" msgid "Could not process change for action: \"%1$s\" (ID: %2$d). Error: %3$s" msgstr "" "Tidak dapat memproses perubahan untuk tindakan: \"%1$s\" (ID: %2$d). Eror: " "%3$s" msgid "Successfully processed change for action: %s" msgstr "Berhasil memproses perubahan untuk tindakan: %s" msgid "Successfully canceled action: %s" msgstr "Berhasil membatalkan tindakan: %s" msgid "Successfully executed action: %s" msgstr "Berhasil menjalankan tindakan: %s" msgid "The next queue will begin processing in approximately %d seconds." msgstr "Antrean selanjutnya akan mulai diproses setidaknya dalam %d detik." msgid "" "A new queue has begun processing. <a href=\"%s\">View actions in-progress " "»</a>" msgstr "" "Antrean baru telah mulai diproses. <a href=\"%s\">Lihat tindakan yang sedang " "dalam proses »</a>" msgid "" "Maximum simultaneous queues already in progress (%s queue). No additional " "queues will begin processing until the current queues are complete." msgid_plural "" "Maximum simultaneous queues already in progress (%s queues). No additional " "queues will begin processing until the current queues are complete." msgstr[0] "" "Batas antre serentak maksimum sedang dalam proses (%s antrean). Tidak akan " "ada antrean tambahan yang dimulai sebelum antrean saat ini selesai." msgstr[1] "" "Batas antre serentak maksimum sedang dalam proses (%s antrean). Tidak akan " "ada antrean tambahan yang dimulai sebelum antrean saat ini selesai." msgid "" "It appears one or more database tables were missing. Attempting to re-create " "the missing table(s)." msgstr "" "Tampaknya satu atau beberapa tabel database tidak ada. Mencoba membuat ulang " "tabel yang tidak ada." msgid "Non-repeating" msgstr "Non-pengulangan" msgid "Now!" msgstr "Sekarang!" msgid "Cancel the action now to avoid it being run in future" msgstr "Batalkan tindakan sekarang agar tidak dijalankan di masa mendatang" msgid "Process the action now as if it were run as part of a queue" msgstr "" "Proses tindakan sekarang seolah itu telah dijalankan sebagai bagian dari " "antrean" msgid "Run" msgstr "Jalankan" msgid "Claim ID" msgstr "ID Klaim" msgid "" "Action [%1$s] has invalid arguments. It cannot be JSON decoded to an array. " "$args = %2$s" msgstr "" "Argumen tindakan [%1$s] tidak valid. Hal ini tidak dapat didekode dengan " "JSON ke array. $args = %2$s" msgid "Action [%1$s] has an invalid schedule: %2$s" msgstr "Tindakan [%1$s] memiliki jadwal yang tidak valid: %2$s" msgid "Attempting to reduce used memory..." msgstr "Mencoba mengurangi penggunaan memori..." msgid "Stopped the insanity for %d second" msgid_plural "Stopped the insanity for %d seconds" msgstr[0] "Menghentikan kegilaan selama %d detik" msgstr[1] "Menghentikan kegilaan selama %d detik" msgid "Activity log for the action." msgstr "Log aktivitas tindakan." msgid "The date/time the action is/was scheduled to run." msgstr "Tanggal/waktu saat tindakan dijadwalkan." msgid "The action's schedule frequency." msgstr "Frekuensi jadwal tindakan." msgid "Recurrence" msgstr "Pengulangan" msgid "Optional action group." msgstr "Kelompok tindakan opsional." msgid "Optional data array passed to the action hook." msgstr "Array data opsional diberikan ke kait tindakan." msgid "Arguments" msgstr "Argumen" msgid "Action statuses are Pending, Complete, Canceled, Failed" msgstr "Status tindakan adalah Ditunda, Selesai, Dibatalkan, Gagal" msgid "Name of the action hook that will be triggered." msgstr "Nama kait tindakan yang akan dipicu." msgid "Scheduled Action Columns" msgstr "Kolom Tindakan Terjadwal" msgid "" "Action Scheduler is a scalable, traceable job queue for background " "processing large sets of actions. Action Scheduler works by triggering an " "action hook to run at some time in the future. Scheduled actions can also be " "scheduled to run on a recurring schedule." msgstr "" "Penjadwal Tindakan merupakan antrean tugas yang dapat dilacak dan diukur " "untuk memproses serangkaian tindakan yang berjalan di latar belakang. " "Penjadwal Tindakan berfungsi dengan cara memicu kait tindakan untuk berjalan " "pada waktu tertentu di masa depan. Tindakan yang dijadwalkan juga dapat " "dijadwalkan untuk berjalan pada penjadwalan berulang." msgid "About Action Scheduler %s" msgstr "Tentang Penjadwal Tindakan %s" msgid "Scheduled Actions" msgstr "Tindakan Terjadwal" msgid "Invalid action - must be a recurring action." msgstr "Tindakan tidak valid - harus merupakan tindakan berulang." msgid "In-progress" msgstr "Sedang berlangsung" msgid "" "ActionScheduler_Action::$args too long. To ensure the args column can be " "indexed, action args should not be more than %d characters when encoded as " "JSON." msgstr "" "ActionScheduler_Action::$args terlalu panjang. Untuk memastikan bahwa kolom " "args dapat diindeks, args tindakan tidak boleh melebihi %d karakter saat " "dienkode sebagai JSON." msgid "%s() was called before the Action Scheduler data store was initialized" msgstr "%s() dipanggil sebelum penyimpanan data Penjadwal Tindakan dimulai" msgid "There was a failure scheduling the next instance of this action: %s" msgstr "Terjadi kegagalan saat menjadwalkan tindakan selanjutnya: %s" msgid "There was a failure fetching this action" msgstr "Terjadi kegagalan saat mengambil tindakan ini" msgid "There was a failure fetching this action: %s" msgstr "Terjadi kegagalan saat mengambil tindakan ini: %s" msgid "action ignored" msgstr "tindakan diabaikan" msgid "action ignored via %s" msgstr "tindakan diabaikan melalui %s" msgid "action reset" msgstr "pengaturan ulang tindakan" msgid "unexpected shutdown: PHP Fatal error %1$s in %2$s on line %3$s" msgstr "mati tak terduga: Error fatal PHP %1$s di %2$s pada baris %3$s" msgid "action failed: %s" msgstr "tindakan gagal: %s" msgid "action failed via %1$s: %2$s" msgstr "tindakan gagal melalui %1$s: %2$s" msgid "action complete" msgstr "tindakan selesai" msgid "action complete via %s" msgstr "tindakan selesai melalui %s" msgid "action started" msgstr "tindakan dimulai" msgid "action started via %s" msgstr "tindakan dimulai melalui %s" msgid "action canceled" msgstr "tindakan dibatalkan" msgid "action created" msgstr "tindakan dibuat" msgid "Video calls, docs, spreadsheets, and more" msgstr "Video call, dokumen, tabel, dan lainnya" msgid "30GB storage" msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan 30 GB" msgid "Email, calendars, and contacts" msgstr "Email, kalender dan kontak" msgid "Send and receive from your custom domain" msgstr "Kirim dan terima dari domain khusus Anda" msgid "Receive emails sent to your custom domain" msgstr "Terima email yang dikirim ke domain khusus Anda" msgid "No billing" msgstr "Tidak ada penagihan" msgid "Jetpack is now connected. Next select a plan." msgstr "Jetpack telah diaktifkan. Selanjutnya Anda dapat memilih paket." msgid "Connection failed" msgstr "Koneksi gagal" msgid "Provide your SSH, SFTP or FTP server credentials" msgstr "Daftarkan kredensial server SSH, SFTP atau FTP Anda" msgid "Verification" msgstr "Verifikasi" msgid "Credentials" msgstr "Kredensial" msgid "Host locator" msgstr "Pencari host" msgid "" "I don’t know / my host is not listed here / I have my server credentials" msgstr "" "Saya tidak tahu / host saya tidak terdaftar / saya memiliki kredensial server" msgid "If we had to guess your host, this would be it" msgstr "Jika kami harus mencari, maka berikut adalah host Anda." msgid "It looks like your host may be %(providerGuessName)s" msgstr "Host Anda mungkin adalah %(providerGuessName)s" msgid "Select your website host for %(siteSlug)s" msgstr "Pilih host situs web Anda untuk %(siteSlug)s" msgid "" "In order to restore your site, should something go wrong, you’ll need to " "provide your website’s {{strong}}SSH{{/strong}}, {{strong}}SFTP{{/strong}} " "or {{strong}}FTP{{/strong}} server credentials. We’ll guide you through it:" msgstr "" "Untuk memulihkan situs Anda, jika terdapat kendala, Anda harus mendaftarkan " "kredensial server {{strong}}SSH{{/strong}}, {{strong}}SFTP{{/strong}} atau " "{{strong}}FTP{{/strong}} pada situs Anda. Kami akan memandu Anda:" msgid "Turn your visitors into subscribers" msgstr "Tarik pengunjung jadi pelanggan Anda" msgid "Logo Maker" msgstr "Pembuat Logo" msgid "Explore by Topic" msgstr "Jelajahi berdasarkan Topik" msgid "Explore All Stories" msgstr "Jelajahi Semua Cerita" msgid "" "Your site is currently being powered by Jetpack. Don't forget to renew or " "your site could lose functionality." msgstr "" "Situs Anda saat ini didukung Jetpack. Jangan lupa memperbarui situs Anda " "agar tidak ada fungsi yang terganggu." msgid "Renew today to keep your site fully functional" msgstr "Perbarui sekarang agar situs Anda tetap fungsional" msgid "%1$d posts from %2$s" msgstr "%1$d pos dari %2$s" msgid "Receive donations and tips" msgstr "Terima donasi dan tip" msgid "You received a donation of %1$s, and your next payment will be on %2$s." msgstr "" "Anda menerima donasi sebesar %1$s, dan pembayaran Anda berikutnya jatuh pada " "tanggal %2$s." msgid "" "Great job! <strong>%1$s</strong> has just made a %2$s donation at <a href=" "\"%3$s\">%4$s</a>." msgstr "" "Kabar baik! <strong>%1$s</strong> baru saja memberikan donasi %2$s pada <a " "href=\"%3$s\">%4$s</a>." msgid "" "Great job! <strong>%1$s</strong> has just made a donation of %2$s at <a href=" "\"%3$s\">%4$s</a>." msgstr "" "Kabar baik! <strong>%1$s</strong> baru saja memberikan donasi sebesar %2$s " "pada <a href=\"%3$s\">%4$s</a>." msgid "Nice work! You have a new donation!" msgstr "Bagus! Anda menerima donasi baru!" msgid "%s new string was not imported due to an error." msgid_plural "%s new strings were not imported due to an error." msgstr[0] "%s string baru tidak diimpor karena terjadi eror." msgstr[1] "%s string baru tidak diimpor karena terjadi eror." msgid "Project not found!" msgstr "Project tidak ditemukan!" msgid "HTML representation of the widget admin form." msgstr "Tampilan HTML dari widget formulir admin" msgid "Inactive widgets" msgstr "Widget yang tidak aktif" msgid "HTML representation of the widget." msgstr "Representasi HTML dari widget." msgid "Description of the widget." msgstr "Deskripsi widget." msgid "Nested widgets." msgstr "Widget yang disusun." msgid "Status of sidebar." msgstr "Status sidebar." msgid "Description of sidebar." msgstr "Deskripsi sidebar." msgid "Unique name identifying the sidebar." msgstr "Nama unik yang mengidentifikasi sidebar." msgid "ID of sidebar." msgstr "ID sidebar." msgid "The id of a registered sidebar" msgstr "Id sidebar yang terdaftar" msgctxt "Adjective refers to subdomain" msgid "Free" msgstr "Gratis" msgid "Happy earning!" msgstr "Semoga sukses!" msgid "The %s constant is no longer supported." msgstr "Constant %s tidak didukung lagi." msgid "The \"%1$s\" value is smaller than \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Nilai \"%1$s\" lebih kecil dari \"%2$s\"" msgid "Environment type" msgstr "Tipe lingkungan" msgid "" "Automattic is the parent company of Jetpack, <a href=\"%1$s\" style=\"text-" "decoration:none;\"></a>, WooCommerce, Tumblr, and more. We work " "remote from all over the globe and we're <a href=\"%2$s\">always hiring</a>." msgstr "" "Automattic adalah perusahaan induk dari Jetpack, <a href=\"%1$s\" style=" "\"text-decoration:none;\"></a>, WooCommerce, Tumblr, dan " "lainnya. Kami bekerja dari banyak tempat di seluruh dunia dan kami <a href=" "\"%2$s\">selalu membuka lowongan</a>." msgid "" "Our Happiness Engineers are here to answer your questions and help you with " "anything you need." msgstr "" "Happiness Engineer selalu siap menjawab pertanyaan dan membantu apa pun yang " "Anda butuhkan." msgid "" "View site activity, moderate comments, get advanced stats,<br/>and restore " "your site from anywhere." msgstr "" "Lihat aktivitas situs, moderasi komentar, dapatkan statistik tingkat lanjut," "<br/>dan pulihkan situs Anda dari mana pun." msgid "Get Jetpack on the go" msgstr "Gunakan Jetpack dari mana pun" msgid "Upgrade your plan to increase your storage space." msgstr "Upgrade paket Anda untuk meningkatkan ruang penyimpanan." msgid "" "P.S. If you purchase the all-access Business plan and it doesn’t fit your " "needs, let us know at any time during the first 30 days for a full refund of " "the upgrade amount." msgstr "" "N.B. Jika Anda membeli paket Bisnis akses penuh tapi tidak sesuai dengan " "kebutuhan Anda, beri tahu kami kapan saja dalam 30 hari pertama untuk " "pengembalian dana upgrade sepenuhnya." msgid "" "Seedlet is a free WordPress theme. A two-column layout and classically " "elegant typography creates a refined site that gives your works and images " "space to breathe - and shine. Seedlet was built to be the perfect partner to " "the block editor, and supports all the latest blocks. Writing, audio, " "illustrations, photography, video - use Seedlet to engage and direct " "visitors' eyes, without your theme getting in the way. And the responsive " "design shifts naturally between desktop and mobile devices. Seedlet is a " "great option for professionals and creatives looking for a sophisticated " "vibe. Whether you're looking to create a blog or a robust site promoting " "your business, do with simplicity, style, and Seedlet." msgstr "" "Seedlet adalah tema WordPress gratis. Tata letak dua kolom dan jenis tulisan " "klasik yang elegan menciptakan situs yang sempurna yang memberi ruang pada " "karya dan gambar Anda untuk tampil dan bersinar. Seedlet dibangun untuk " "menjadi mitra yang sempurna bagi editor blok, dan mendukung semua blok " "terbaru. Tulisan, audio, ilustrasi, fotografi, video - gunakan Seedlet untuk " "menarik dan mengarahkan perhatian pengunjung, tanpa tema yang menghalangi. " "Dan desain responsifnya menyesuaikan secara alami antara desktop dan " "perangkat seluler. Seedlet adalah pilihan yang tepat untuk profesional dan " "kreator yang menginginkan kesan modern. Jika Anda ingin membuat blog atau " "situs yang andal untuk mempromosikan bisnis Anda, lakukan dengan " "kesederhanaan, style, dan Seedlet." msgid "" "We've finished setting up anti-spam, backups & malware scanning for you. You " "are now ready to finish the rest of your security checklist." msgstr "" "Kami sudah selesai menyiapkan anti-spam, pencadangan, dan pemindaian malware " "untuk Anda. Anda kini siap untuk menyelesaikan semua proses yang tercantum " "di daftar periksa keamanan." msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Complete" msgstr "Selamat datang di Jetpack Complete" msgid "Premium domain" msgstr "Domain premium" msgid "Excluded Post Types" msgstr "Tipe Pos yang Dikecualikan" msgctxt "Jetpack Complete Plan" msgid "Complete" msgstr "Complete" msgctxt "Jetpack Security Real-time Plan" msgid "Security Real-time" msgstr "Security Real time" msgctxt "Jetpack Security Daily Plan" msgid "Security Daily" msgstr "Security Harian" msgid "" "If you have already done this, please reply back to us and we’ll put " "together some next steps to help you get scans working and to fix the " "Jetpack connection." msgstr "" "Jika Anda sudah melakukan ini, harap kirim balasan kepada kami dan kami akan " "menginformasikan langkah selanjutnya untuk membantu Anda menjalankan fungsi " "pemindaian dan memperbaiki koneksi Jetpack." msgid "" "You may need to <a href=\"%1$s\">add your server credentials</a>. You can " "follow the steps in <a href=\"" "to-jetpack/\">our guide</a> to add SSH, SFTP, or FTP credentials, which " "should start those scans for you. " msgstr "" "Anda mungkin perlu <a href=\"%1$s\">menambahkan kredensial server</a>. Anda " "dapat mengikuti langkah-langkah dalam <a href=\"" "adding-credentials-to-jetpack/\">panduan kami</a> untuk menambahkan " "kredensial SSH, SFTP, atau FTP, yang akan memulai pemindaian tersebut. " msgid "" "Jetpack is having trouble connecting to <a href=\"%1$s\" >%2$s</a> to scan " "it. We’d like to help get this fixed!" msgstr "" "Jetpack mengalami masalah saat menghubungkan ke <a href=\"%1$s\" >%2$s</a> " "untuk memindainya. Kami ingin membantu Anda mengatasi masalah ini!" msgid "Alert: Jetpack is unable to scan %s" msgstr "Peringatan: Jetpack tidak dapat memindai %s" msgid "uncategorized" msgstr "tidak dikategorikan" msgid "Use's secure authentication" msgstr "Gunakan autentikasi aman" msgid "You do not have any available Quick Start sessions." msgstr "Anda tidak punya sesi Mulai Cepat." msgid "" "Help your site visitors find answers instantly so they keep reading and " "buying." msgstr "" "Bantu pengunjung situs agar langsung menemukan jawaban sehingga mereka akan " "tetap membaca dan membeli." msgid "Block spam automatically" msgstr "Blokir spam secara otomatis" msgid "Recommended for sites with lots of products or content" msgstr "Disarankan untuk situs dengan banyak produk atau konten" msgid "Get Anti-spam" msgstr "Dapatkan Anti-spam" msgid "Spelling correction" msgstr "Pengoreksi ejaan" msgid "Supports 29 languages" msgstr "Mendukung 29 bahasa" msgid "Powerful filtering" msgstr "Penyaringan yang andal" msgid "Block spam without CAPTCHAs" msgstr "Blokir spam tanpa CAPTCHA" msgid "Instant email notifications" msgstr "Notifikasi email instan" msgid "Instant search and indexing" msgstr "Pencarian dan pengindeksan instan" msgid "" "Real-time backups save every change and one-click restores get you back " "online quickly." msgstr "" "Pencadangan real time menyimpan setiap perubahan dan pemulihan dengan mudah " "yang membuat situs Anda dapat kembali online dengan cepat." msgid "Please update Jetpack to the latest version." msgstr "Silakan perbarui Jetpack ke versi terbaru." msgid "Your browser settings may cause issues while connecting Jetpack." msgstr "" "Pengaturan peramban Anda bisa menyebabkan masalah saat menghubungkan Jetpack." msgid "Get {{name/}}" msgstr "Dapatkan {{name/}}" msgid "Security {{em}}Daily{{/em}}" msgstr "Security {{em}}Harian{{/em}}" msgid "Log in with" msgstr "Log masuk dengan" msgid "" "P2 is powered by log in to your account (or create a new one) " "to continue." msgstr "" "P2 dihidupkan oleh login dengan akun Anda (atau buat akun " "baru) untuk melanjutkan." msgid "Change details" msgstr "Ubah rincian" msgid "For best-in-class WordPress sites" msgstr "Untuk situs WordPress terbaik" msgid "" "Jetpack Complete includes the best of everything Jetpack has to offer: real-" "time security, enhanced search, CRM, and marketing, growth, and design tools." msgstr "" "Semua yang terbaik tersedia di Jetpack Complete: keamanan real time, " "peningkatan pencarian, CRM, serta perangkat pemasaran, pertumbuhan, dan " "desain." msgid "CRM" msgstr "CRM" msgid "Activity log: 1-year archive" msgstr "Log aktivitas: arsip 1 tahun" msgid "Security {{em}}Real-time{{/em}}" msgstr "Security {{em}}Real time{{/em}}" msgid "Growth" msgstr "Pertumbuhan" msgid "Helpful resources for this section" msgstr "Sumber daya berguna untuk bagian ini" msgid "Manage plans" msgstr "Kelola paket" msgid "Consent" msgstr "Persetujuan" msgid "Can we send you an email from time to time?" msgstr "Bolehkah kami mengirimi Anda email sesekali?" msgid "" "By submitting your information, you're giving us permission to email you. " "You may unsubscribe at any time." msgstr "" "Dengan mengirimkan informasi Anda, Anda memberi kami izin untuk mengirim " "email kepada Anda. Anda dapat berhenti berlangganan kapan saja." msgid "<url /> is included" msgstr "<url /> disertakan" msgid "<url /> is not included" msgstr "<url /> tidak disertakan" msgid "Select a new plan" msgstr "Pilih paket baru" msgid "Please enter an amount of %s or greater." msgstr "Masukkan nilai %s atau lebih besar." msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Visit your payments dashboard</a> to manage donations and " "view earnings." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Kunjungi dasbor pembayaran Anda</a> untuk mengelola donasi " "dan memantau penghasilan." msgid "%1$s has just made a %2$s donation at %3$s." msgstr "%1$s baru saja memberikan donasi %2$s pada %3$s." msgid "%1$s has just made a donation at %2$s." msgstr "%1$s baru memberikan donasi pada %2$s." msgid "You have a new %s donation!" msgstr "Anda baru saja mendapatkan donasi %s!" msgid "You have a new donation!" msgstr "Anda baru saja mendapatkan donasi!" msgid "%1$s got its first donation. Keep up the great work!" msgstr "%1$s mendapatkan donasi pertama. Pertahankan kerja keras Anda!" msgid "Congratulations on your first donation!" msgstr "Selamat atas donasi pertama Anda!" msgid "A user has just made a donation" msgstr "Seorang pengguna baru saja melakukan donasi" msgid "Cha-ching! You have a new donation!" msgstr "Cring cring! Anda baru saja mendapatkan donasi!" msgid "You received a new donation!" msgstr "Anda baru saja mendapatkan donasi!" msgid "Congratulations! You received your first donation!" msgstr "Selamat! Anda baru saja menerima donasi pertama!" msgid "Thank you for your donation." msgstr "Terima kasih atas donasi Anda." msgid "Yearly donation" msgstr "Donasi tahunan" msgid "Monthly donation" msgstr "Donasi bulanan" msgid "One-time donation" msgstr "Donasi satu kali" msgid "Your donation receipt" msgstr "Tanda terima donasi" msgid "Thank you for donating to %s!" msgstr "Terima kasih telah mengirim donasi untuk %s!" msgid "" "In order to enable podcasting, you must set the site visibility to {{strong}}" "Public{{/strong}} first." msgstr "" "Untuk mengaktifkan fitur podcast, Anda harus mengatur visibilitas situs ke " "{{strong}}Publik{{/strong}} terlebih dahulu." msgid "The title parameter is required." msgstr "Parameter judul diperlukan." msgid "Get %s" msgstr "Dapatkan %s" msgid "Need help with Jetpack Security?" msgstr "Perlu bantuan dengan Jetpack Security?" msgid "Secure authentication" msgstr "Autentikasi aman" msgid "" "We automatically block attempts to hack your site from millions of known " "malicious attackers." msgstr "" "Kami secara otomatis memblokir upaya peretasan situs Anda dari jutaan " "penyerang jahat yang diketahui." msgid "An illustration showing a graph of the number of spam comments blocked" msgstr "Ilustrasi yang menunjukkan grafik jumlah komentar spam yang diblokir " msgid "An illustration showing a web site being scanned for security threats" msgstr "" "Ilustrasi yang menunjukkan proses pemindaian ancaman keamanan di situs web" msgid "" "An illustration showing a web site backup from today, with an option to " "download or restore it" msgstr "" "Ilustrasi yang menunjukkan pencadangan situs web hari ini dengan pilihan " "untuk mengunduh atau memulihkannya" msgid "You own this" msgstr "Anda sudah punya produk ini" msgid "Manage Subscription" msgstr "Kelola Langganan" msgid "Protect your cash flow by restoring their sites immediately." msgstr "" "Lindungi arus kas Anda dengan melakukan pemulihan situs klien dengan cepat." msgid "" "Save every single change and get back online quickly with one-click restores." msgstr "" "Simpan setiap perubahan dan segera kembali online dengan pemulihan sekali " "klik." msgid "" "{{productName/}} requires version {{strong}}%(minVersion)s{{/strong}} of the " "Jetpack plugin; your site is using version {{strong}}%(siteVersion)s{{/" "strong}}." msgstr "" "{{productName/}} membutuhkan plugin Jetpack versi {{strong}}%(minVersion)s{{/" "strong}}; situs Anda menggunakan versi {{strong}}%(siteVersion)s{{/strong}}." msgid "" "{{productName/}} requires version {{strong}}%(minVersion)s{{/strong}} of the " "Jetpack plugin." msgstr "" "{{productName/}} membutuhkan plugin Jetpack versi {{strong}}%(minVersion)s{{/" "strong}}." msgid "" "Country code is invalid. This payment method is only available in Brazil." msgstr "" "Kode negara tidak valid. Metode pembayaran ini hanya tersedia di Brasil." msgid "Why do I need security for my site?" msgstr "Mengapa saya membutuhkan keamanan untuk situs saya?" msgid "" "Stay one step ahead of security threats with automated malware scanning and " "one-click fixes." msgstr "" "Antisipasi ancaman keamanan dengan pemindaian malware otomatis dan perbaikan " "yang mudah." msgid "" "Save hours of time by automatically clearing spam from comments and forms." msgstr "" "Hemat waktu dengan menghapus spam secara otomatis dari komentar dan formulir." msgid "Never think about spam again" msgstr "Tidak perlu lagi memikirkan spam" msgid "Activity log — 30-day archive*" msgstr "Log aktivitas — arsip 30 hari" msgid "Jetpack Scan — daily scanning" msgstr "Jetpack Scan — pemindaian harian" msgid "Get Security Daily" msgstr "Dapatkan Security Harian" msgid "Jetpack Security Daily" msgstr "Jetpack Security Harian" msgid "Get Security Real-time" msgstr "Dapatkan Keamanan Real Time" msgid "Jetpack Security Real-time" msgstr "Jetpack Security Real time" msgid "expires %(date)s" msgstr "kedaluwarsa %(date)s" msgid "Watch the video" msgstr "Lihat video" msgid "Your domains" msgstr "Domain Anda" msgid "Plan subscription" msgstr "Paket berlangganan" msgid "Complete setup" msgstr "Selesaikan penyiapan" msgctxt "block category" msgid "Embeds" msgstr "Sematan" msgctxt "block category" msgid "Widgets" msgstr "Widget" msgctxt "block category" msgid "Design" msgstr "Desain" msgctxt "block category" msgid "Media" msgstr "Media" msgctxt "block category" msgid "Text" msgstr "Teks" msgid "Move %s box down" msgstr "Pindahkan kotak %s ke bawah" msgid "Move %s box up" msgstr "Pindahkan kotak %s ke atas" msgid "Connect with a different email" msgstr "Hubungkan dengan email lainnya" msgid "This email will expire in an hour. {{a}}Resend it{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Email ini akan kedaluwarsa dalam waktu satu jam. {{a}}Kirim ulang{{/a}}." msgid "Click the link in the email to connect your store." msgstr "Klik tautan pada email untuk menghubungkan toko Anda." msgid "We’ve just sent a magic link to {{b}}%(email)s{{/b}}" msgstr "Kami telah mengirimkan Magic Link ke {{b}}%(email)s{{/b}}" msgid "" "To continue setup, please use the link below below, and we'll connect %s to " "%s." msgstr "" "Untuk melanjutkan penyiapan, gunakan tautan di bawah ini, dan kami akan " "menghubungkan %s ke %s." msgid "" "To continue setup, click the \"Connect\" button below, and we'll connect %s " "to %s." msgstr "" "Untuk melanjutkan penyiapan, klik tombol \"Hubungkan\" di bawah ini, dan " "kami akan menghubungkan %s ke %s." msgid "Enable infinite scrolling" msgstr "Aktifkan guliran tak terbatas" msgid "Show sort selector" msgstr "Tampilkan pemilih penyortiran" msgid "Additional Jetpack Search Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Jetpack Search Tambahan " msgid "Choose how the search results look." msgstr "Pilih tampilan hasil pencarian." msgid "Result Format" msgstr "Format Hasil" msgid "Select when your overlay should appear." msgstr "Pilih kapan overlay Anda harus muncul." msgid "Default Sort" msgstr "Penyortiran Asal" msgid "Pick the initial sort for your search results." msgstr "Pilih penyortiran awal untuk hasil pencarian Anda." msgid "Select a theme for your search overlay." msgstr "Pilih tema untuk overlay pencarian Anda." msgid "Back to All Domains" msgstr "Kembali ke Semua Domain" msgid "Please consider writing more inclusive code." msgstr "Mohon untuk mempertimbangkan penulisan kode yang lebih inklusif." msgctxt "plugin" msgid "" "<strong>Error:</strong> Current WordPress version (%1$s) does not meet " "minimum requirements for %2$s. The plugin requires WordPress %3$s." msgstr "" "<strong>Eror:</strong> Versi WordPress sekarang (%1$s) tidak memenuhi " "persyaratan minimum untuk %2$s. Plugin ini membutuhkan WordPress versi %3$s." msgctxt "plugin" msgid "" "<strong>Error:</strong> Current PHP version (%1$s) does not meet minimum " "requirements for %2$s. The plugin requires PHP %3$s." msgstr "" "<strong>Eror:</strong> Versi PHP sekarang (%1$s) tidak memenuhi persyaratan " "minimum untuk %2$s. Plugin ini membutuhkan PHP versi %3$s." msgctxt "plugin" msgid "" "<strong>Error:</strong> Current versions of WordPress (%1$s) and PHP (%2$s) " "do not meet minimum requirements for %3$s. The plugin requires WordPress " "%4$s and PHP %5$s." msgstr "" "<strong>Eror:</strong> Versi WordPress (%1$s) dan PHP (%2$s) saat ini tidak " "memenuhi persyaratan minimum untuk %3$s. Plugin ini membutuhkan WordPress " "%4$s dan PHP %5$s." msgid "Jetpack Complete" msgstr "Jetpack Complete" msgid "Best for sites with frequent updates" msgstr "Terbaik untuk situs dengan pembaruan berfrekuensi tinggi" msgid "Best for sites with occasional updates" msgstr "Terbaik untuk situs dengan pembaruan berfrekuensi rendah" msgid "Restore original image" msgstr "Kembalikan Gambar Asli" msgctxt "comment" msgid "Not spam" msgstr "Bukan Spam" msgid "Error: Please type your reply text." msgstr "Eror: Silakan ketikkan komentar teks Anda." msgid "You cannot reply to a comment on a draft post." msgstr "Anda tidak bisa membalas komentar pada artikel konsep." msgid "" "That email address is already in use. If you have an existing account, {{a}}" "please log in{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Alamat email sudah digunakan. Jika Anda sudah memiliki akun, {{a}}silakan " "masuk{{/a}}." msgid "You'll use this email address to access your account later" msgstr "" "Anda akan menggunakan alamat email ini untuk mengakses akun di lain waktu" msgid "Use a working email address, so you can access your account." msgstr "Gunakan alamat email yang aktif agar Anda bisa mengakses akun." msgid "Enter a working email address, so you can access your account." msgstr "Masukkan alamat email yang aktif agar Anda bisa mengakses akun." msgid "" "This image cannot be displayed in a web browser. For best results convert it " "to JPEG before uploading." msgstr "" "Gambar berikut tidak dapat ditampilkan di browser web. Untuk hasil terbaik " "ubah ke JPEG sebelum mengunggah." msgid "URL to the edited image file." msgstr "URL dari berkas gambar yang diedit." msgid "Select poster image" msgstr "Pilih Gambar Poster" msgid "Crop image" msgstr "Pangkas Gambar" msgid "Cancel edit" msgstr "Batal Mengedit" msgid "Edit gallery" msgstr "Edit Galeri" msgid "Attachment details" msgstr "Detil Lampiran" msgid "Search media" msgstr "Cari Media" msgid "Add media" msgstr "Tambahkan Media" msgid "The theme's current version." msgstr "Versi tema saat ini." msgid "The URI of the theme's webpage, transformed for display." msgstr "URI dari halaman web tema, ditransformasikan untuk ditampilkan." msgid "The URI of the theme's webpage, as found in the theme header." msgstr "URL halaman web tema, juga terdapat dalam header tema." msgid "The URI of the theme's webpage." msgstr "URL halaman web tema." msgid "The theme's text domain." msgstr "Domain teks tema." msgid "The theme tags, transformed for display." msgstr "Tag tema yang ditampilkan." msgid "The theme tags, as found in the theme header." msgstr "Tag tema, juga terdapat dalam header tema." msgid "Tags indicating styles and features of the theme." msgstr "Tag mengindikasikan gaya dan fitur tema." msgid "The theme's screenshot URL." msgstr "URL tangkapan layar tema." msgid "The minimum WordPress version required for the theme to work." msgstr "Versi minimum WordPress yang diperlukan agar tema dapat bekerja." msgid "The minimum PHP version required for the theme to work." msgstr "Versi PHP minimum yang diperlukan agar tema dapat bekerja." msgid "The theme name, transformed for display." msgstr "Nama tema yang ditampilkan." msgid "The theme name, as found in the theme header." msgstr "Nama tema, juga terdapat dalam header tema." msgid "The name of the theme." msgstr "Nama tema." msgid "The theme description, transformed for display." msgstr "Deskripsi tema yang ditampilkan." msgid "The theme description, as found in the theme header." msgstr "Deskripsi tema, juga terdapat dalam header tema." msgid "A description of the theme." msgstr "Deskripsi tema." msgid "The website of the theme author, transformed for display." msgstr "Situs web pembuat tema yang ditampilkan." msgid "The website of the theme author, as found in the theme header." msgstr "Situs web penulis tema, ditemukan dalam header tema." msgid "The website of the theme author." msgstr "Situs web pembuat tema." msgid "HTML for the theme author, transformed for display." msgstr "HTMLuntuk penulis tema, ditransformasikan untuk ditampilkan." msgid "The theme author's name, as found in the theme header." msgstr "Nama pembuat tema, juga terdapat di header tema." msgid "The theme author." msgstr "Pembuat tema." msgid "" "The theme's template. If this is a child theme, this refers to the parent " "theme, otherwise this is the same as the theme's stylesheet." msgstr "" "Template tema. Jika ini adalah tema turunan, hal ini mengacu pada tema " "induk, jika tidak, ini sama dengan stylesheet tema." msgid "The theme's stylesheet. This uniquely identifies the theme." msgstr "Stylesheet tema. Ini secara unik mengidentifikasi tema." msgctxt "replying to parent comment" msgid "to" msgstr "ke" msgid "Could not update comment in the database." msgstr "Tidak dapat memperbarui komentar di basis data." msgctxt "comment" msgid "Mark as spam" msgstr "Tandai sebagai Spam" msgid "" "You cannot edit this comment because the associated post is in the Trash. " "Please restore the post first, then try again." msgstr "" "Anda tidak dapat mengedit komentar ini karena artikel terkait berada di " "Tempat Sampah. Harap pulihkan artikel terlebih dahulu, lalu coba lagi." msgid "" "Enter your server credentials to enable Jetpack to auto-fix threats. {{a}}" "Need help? Find your server credentials{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Masukkan kredensial server Anda untuk mengizinkan Jetpack menangani ancaman " "secara otomatis. {{a}}Perlu bantuan? Temukan kredensial server Anda{{/a}}" msgid "" "Enter your server credentials to enable one-click restores for backups. {{a}}" "Need help? Find your server credentials{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Masukkan kredensial server untuk mengaktifkan pemulihan satu klik untuk " "cadangan. {{a}}Perlu bantuan? Temukan kredensial server Anda{{/a}}" msgid "Latest backup on this day" msgstr "Cadangan terbaru hari ini" msgid "One-click restores and auto-fix threats are enabled." msgstr "Pemulihan satu klik dan penanganan ancaman otomatis diaktifkan." msgid "Auto-fix threats are enabled." msgstr "Penanganan ancaman otomatis diaktifkan." msgid "This plugin is already installed." msgstr "Plugin ini sudah dipasang." msgid "Could not insert attachment into the database." msgstr "Tidak dapat menambahkan lampiran ke basis data." msgid "Could not update attachment in the database." msgstr "Tidak dapat memperbarui lampiran dalam basis data." msgctxt "theme" msgid "Cannot Activate %s" msgstr "Tidak Dapat Mengaktifkan %s" msgid "Theme will no longer be auto-updated." msgstr "Tema tidak akan diperbarui secara otomatis." msgid "Theme will be auto-updated." msgstr "Tema akan diperbarui secara otomatis." msgid "" "Please note: Third-party themes and plugins, or custom code, may override " "WordPress scheduling." msgstr "" "Harap dicatat: Tema dan plugin pihak ketiga, atau kode khusus, dapat " "mengesampingkan penjadwalan WordPress." msgid "" "Auto-updates can be enabled or disabled for each individual theme. Themes " "with auto-updates enabled will display the estimated date of the next auto-" "update. Auto-updates depends on the WP-Cron task scheduling system." msgstr "" "Pembaruan otomatis dapat diaktifkan atau dinonaktifkan untuk setiap tema " "individu. Tema dengan pembaruan otomatis diaktifkan akan menampilkan " "perkiraan tanggal pembaruan otomatis berikutnya. Pembaruan otomatis " "tergantung pada sistem penjadwalan tugas WP-Cron." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to disable themes automatic updates." msgstr "" "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk menonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis tema." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to enable themes automatic updates." msgstr "" "Maaf, anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis pada tema." msgid "This theme does not work with your version of PHP." msgstr "Tema ini tidak berfungsi dengan versi PHP Anda." msgid "This theme does not work with your version of WordPress." msgstr "Tema ini tidak berfungsi dengan versi WordPress Anda." msgid "This theme does not work with your versions of WordPress and PHP." msgstr "Tema ini tidak berfungsi dengan versi WordPress dan PHP Anda." msgid "" "There is a new version of %s available, but it does not work with your " "versions of WordPress and PHP." msgstr "" "Tersedia %s versi baru, namun tidak dapat bekerja dengan versi WordPress dan " "PHP Anda." msgid "Update Incompatible" msgstr "Pembaruan tidak sesuai" msgid "Enable auto-updates" msgstr "Aktifkan pembaruan otomatis" msgid "Disable auto-updates" msgstr "Nonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis" msgid "Disable Auto-updates" msgstr "Nonaktifkan Pembaruan otomatis" msgid "Enable Auto-updates" msgstr "Aktifkan Pembaruan otomatis" msgid "Auto-updates Disabled <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Auto-updates Disabled <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Pembaruan Otomatis Dinonaktifkan <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Pembaruan Otomatis Dinonaktifkan <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "Auto-updates Enabled <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Auto-updates Enabled <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Pembaruan Otomatis Diaktifkan <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Pembaruan Otomatis Diaktifkan <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "No themes are currently available." msgstr "Saat ini tidak ada tema yang tersedia." msgid "To manage themes on your site, visit the Themes page: %s" msgstr "Untuk mengelola tema pada situs Anda, kunjungi halaman Tema: %s" msgid "To manage plugins on your site, visit the Plugins page: %s" msgstr "Untuk mengelola plugin pada situs Anda, kunjungi halaman Plugin: %s" msgid "These themes are now up to date:" msgstr "Tema ini sudah terbaru:" msgid "These plugins are now up to date:" msgstr "Plugin ini sudah terbaru:" msgid "These themes failed to update:" msgstr "Tema ini gagal diperbarui:" msgid "- %1$s version %2$s" msgstr "- %1$s versi %2$s" msgid "" "Please check your site now. It’s possible that everything is working. If " "there are updates available, you should update." msgstr "" "Silakan periksa situs Anda sekarang. Kemungkinan semuanya bekerja dengan " "baik. Jika ada pembaruan yang tersedia, Anda harus memperbarui." msgid "Howdy! Themes failed to update on your site at %s." msgstr "Halo! Tema gagal diperbarui di situs Anda pada %s." msgid "[%s] Some themes have failed to update" msgstr "[%s] Beberapa tema gagal diperbarui" msgid "Howdy! Plugins failed to update on your site at %s." msgstr "Halo! Plugin gagal diperbarui di situs Anda pada %s." msgid "[%s] Some plugins have failed to update" msgstr "[%s] Beberapa plugin gagal diperbarui" msgid "Howdy! Plugins and themes failed to update on your site at %s." msgstr "Halo! Plugin dan tema gagal diperbarui di situs Anda pada %s." msgid "[%s] Some plugins and themes have failed to update" msgstr "[%s] Beberapa plugin dan tema gagal diperbarui" msgid "" "Howdy! Some themes have automatically updated to their latest versions on " "your site at %s. No further action is needed on your part." msgstr "" "Halo! Beberapa tema telah diperbarui secara otomatis ke versi terbarunya di " "situs Anda pada %s. Anda tidak perlu melakukan tindakan lebih lanjut." msgid "[%s] Some themes were automatically updated" msgstr "[%s] Beberapa tema diperbarui secara otomatis" msgid "" "Howdy! Some plugins have automatically updated to their latest versions on " "your site at %s. No further action is needed on your part." msgstr "" "Halo! Beberapa plugin telah diperbarui secara otomatis ke versi terbarunya " "di situs Anda pada %s. Anda tidak perlu melakukan tindakan lebih lanjut." msgid "[%s] Some plugins were automatically updated" msgstr "[%s] Beberapa plugin diperbarui secara otomatis" msgid "" "Howdy! Some plugins and themes have automatically updated to their latest " "versions on your site at %s. No further action is needed on your part." msgstr "" "Halo! Beberapa plugin dan tema telah diperbarui secara otomatis ke versi " "terbaru mereka di situs Anda di %s. Anda tidak perlu melakukan tindakan " "lebih lanjut." msgid "[%s] Some plugins and themes have automatically updated" msgstr "[%s] Beberapa plugin dan tema telah diperbarui secara otomatis" msgid "Downgrading the theme…" msgstr "Menurunkan versi tema ..." msgid "Updating the theme…" msgstr "Memperbarui tema…" msgid "The active theme has the following error: \"%s\"." msgstr "Tema yang aktif memiliki kesalahan berikut: \"%s\"." msgid "" "You are updating a theme. Be sure to <a href=\"%s\">back up your database " "and files</a> first." msgstr "" "Anda sedang memperbarui tema. Pastikan untuk <a href=\"%s\"> mencadangkan " "basis data dan berkas Anda </a> terlebih dahulu." msgid "" "You are uploading an older version of the active theme. You can continue to " "install the older version, but be sure to <a href=\"%s\">back up your " "database and files</a> first." msgstr "" "Anda mengunggah versi lama dari tema yang aktif. Anda dapat terus menginstal " "versi lama, tetapi pastikan untuk <a href=\"%s\">mencadangkan basis data dan " "berkas Anda</a> terlebih dahulu." msgid "" "Your WordPress version is %1$s, however the uploaded theme requires %2$s." msgstr "" "Versi WordPress Anda adalah %1$s, namun tema yang diunggah membutuhkan %2$s." msgid "" "The PHP version on your server is %1$s, however the uploaded theme requires " "%2$s." msgstr "" "Versi PHP di server Anda adalah %1$s, namun tema yang diunggah membutuhkan " "%2$s." msgid "The theme cannot be updated due to the following:" msgstr "Tema tidak bisa diperbarui karena alasan berikut:" msgid "(not found)" msgstr "(tidak ditemukan)" msgid "Theme name" msgstr "Nama tema" msgid "Plugin downgraded successfully." msgstr "Plugin berhasil diturunkan." msgid "Plugin downgrade failed." msgstr "Plugin gagal diturunkan." msgid "Downgrading the plugin…" msgstr "Menurunkan versi plugin…" msgid "Updating the plugin…" msgstr "Memperbarui plugin…" msgid "Could not remove the current plugin." msgstr "Tidak dapat manghapus plugin." msgid "Removing the current plugin…" msgstr "Menghapus plugin saat ini…" msgid "The uploaded file has expired. Please go back and upload it again." msgstr "" "Berkas yang diunggah sudah kadaluarsa. Silakan kembali dan unggah lagi." msgid "Cancel and go back" msgstr "Batalkan dan kembali" msgctxt "theme" msgid "Replace active with uploaded" msgstr "Ganti tema aktif dengan yang diunggah" msgid "" "You are updating a plugin. Be sure to <a href=\"%s\">back up your database " "and files</a> first." msgstr "" "Anda sedang memperbarui plugin. Pastikan untuk <a href=\"%s\"> mencadangkan " "basis data dan berkas Anda </a> terlebih dahulu." msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "" "You are uploading an older version of a current plugin. You can continue to " "install the older version, but be sure to <a href=\"%s\">back up your " "database and files</a> first." msgstr "" "Anda mengupload versi lama dari plugin saat ini. Anda dapat terus memasang " "versi lama ini, tetapi pastikan untuk <a href=\"%s\">mencadangkan basis data " "dan berkas Anda</a> terlebih dahulu." msgid "" "Your WordPress version is %1$s, however the uploaded plugin requires %2$s." msgstr "" "Versi WordPress Anda adalah %1$s, namun plugin yang diunggah membutuhkan " "%2$s." msgid "" "The PHP version on your server is %1$s, however the uploaded plugin requires " "%2$s." msgstr "" "Versi PHP di server Anda adalah %1$s, namun plugin yang diunggah membutuhkan " "%2$s." msgid "The plugin cannot be updated due to the following:" msgstr "Plugin tidak bisa diperbarui karena alasan berikut:" msgid "Required PHP version" msgstr "Versi PHP yang dibutuhkan" msgid "Plugin name" msgstr "Nama plugin" msgid "Invalid data. The item does not exist." msgstr "Data tidak valid. Item tidak ada." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to modify themes." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengedit tema." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to modify plugins." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk memodifikasi plugin." msgid "Invalid data. Unknown type." msgstr "Data tidak valid. Tipe tidak dikenal." msgid "Invalid data. Unknown state." msgstr "Data tidak valid. Status tidak dikenal." msgid "Invalid data. No selected item." msgstr "Data tidak valid. Tidak ada item yang dipilih." msgid "" "Your site language is now %(language)s. Once you choose your theme, make " "sure it’s translated so the theme strings on your site show up in your " "language!" msgstr "" "Bahasa di situs Anda saat ini adalah %(language)s. Setelah memilih tema, " "pastikan sudah diterjemahkan agar string tema pada situs Anda ditampilkan " "dalam bahasa Anda!" msgid "Display interface in English" msgstr "Antarmuka tampilan dalam Bahasa Inggris" msgid "Tag to fetch posts for." msgstr "Tag untuk mengambil pos." msgid "Tag to fetch cards for." msgstr "Tag kartu yang ingin diambil." msgid "The post ID to attach the upload to." msgstr "ID pos untuk dilampiri unggahan." msgid "" "{{strong}}%(connectionOwner)s{{/strong}} owns this site's connection to " "" msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(connectionOwner)s{{/strong}} memiliki koneksi situs ini ke " "" msgid "Automatic update scheduled in %s." msgstr "Pembaruan otomatis dijadwalkan dalam %s." msgid "Automatic update overdue by %s. There may be a problem with WP-Cron." msgstr "" "Pembaruan otomatis terlambat selama %s. Mungkin ada masalah dengan WP-Cron." msgid "Automatic update not scheduled. There may be a problem with WP-Cron." msgstr "" "Pembaruan otomatis tidak dijadwalkan. Kemungkinan terjadi masalah dengan WP-" "Cron." msgid "" "There is a new version of %s available, but it does not work with your " "version of PHP." msgstr "" "Tersedia %s versi baru, namun tidak dapat berkerja dengan versi PHP Anda." msgid "" "There is a new version of %s available, but it does not work with your " "version of WordPress." msgstr "" "Tersedia %s versi baru, namun tidak dapat bekerja dengan versi WordPress " "Anda." msgid "<a href=\"%s\">Learn more about updating PHP</a>." msgstr "<a href=\"%s\">Pelajari selengkapnya tentang pembaruan PHP</a>." msgid "<a href=\"%s\">Please update WordPress</a>." msgstr "<a href=\"%s\">Perbarui WordPress</a>." msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Please update WordPress</a>, and then <a href=\"%2$s" "\">learn more about updating PHP</a>." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Perbarui WordPress</a>, kemudian <a href=\"%2$s\">pelajari " "selengkapnya tentang pembaruan PHP</a>." msgid "There appear to be no issues with plugin and theme auto-updates." msgstr "Tidak ada masalah dengan pembaruan otomatis plugin dan tema." msgid "" "Auto-updates for themes appear to be disabled. This will prevent your site " "from receiving new versions automatically when available." msgstr "" "Pembaruan otomatis untuk tema tampaknya dinonaktifkan. Ini akan mencegah " "situs Anda menerima versi baru secara otomatis ketika tersedia." msgid "" "Auto-updates for plugins appear to be disabled. This will prevent your site " "from receiving new versions automatically when available." msgstr "" "Pembaruan otomatis untuk plugin tampaknya dinonaktifkan. Ini akan mencegah " "situs Anda menerima versi baru secara otomatis ketika tersedia." msgid "" "Auto-updates for plugins and themes appear to be disabled. This will prevent " "your site from receiving new versions automatically when available." msgstr "" "Pembaruan otomatis untuk plugin dan tema tampaknya dinonaktifkan. Ini akan " "mencegah situs Anda menerima versi baru secara otomatis ketika tersedia." msgid "" "Auto-updates for plugins and/or themes appear to be disabled, but settings " "are still set to be displayed. This could cause auto-updates to not work as " "expected." msgstr "" "Sepertinya pembaruan otomatis untuk plugin dan/atau tema dinonaktifkan, tapi " "di pengaturan masih di atur untuk ditampilkan. Hal ini akan menyebabkan " "pembaruan otomatis tidak berfungsi seperti yang diharapkan." msgid "Plugin and theme auto-updates" msgstr "Pembaruan otomatis plugin dan tema" msgid "PHP Sessions" msgstr "Sesi PHP" msgid "" "The setting for %1$s is smaller than %2$s, this could cause some problems " "when trying to upload files." msgstr "" "Pengaturan untuk %1$s dan %2$s tidak sama, hal tersebut akan menjadi kendala " "saat mengunggah berkas." msgid "%1$s is set to %2$s. You won't be able to upload files on your site." msgstr "" "%1$s diatur ke %2$s. Anda tidak akan bisa mengunggah berkas ke situs Anda." msgid "" "The %s function has been disabled, some media settings are unavailable " "because of this." msgstr "" "Fungsi %s telah dinonaktifkan, beberapa pengaturan media tidak tersedia " "karena ini." msgid "" "The %1$s directive in %2$s determines if uploading files is allowed on your " "site." msgstr "" "Pengaturan %1$s di %2$s adalah untuk menentukan apakah pengunggahan berkas " "diperbolehkan pada situs Anda." msgid "Files can be uploaded" msgstr "Berkas dapat diunggah." msgid "Your site may have problems auto-updating plugins and themes" msgstr "" "Situs Anda mungkin mengalami masalah pada pembaruan otomatis plugin dan tema" msgid "" "Plugin and theme auto-updates ensure that the latest versions are always " "installed." msgstr "" "Pembaruan otomatis plugin dan tema memastikan bahwa versi terbaru selalu " "terpasang." msgid "Plugin and theme auto-updates appear to be configured correctly" msgstr "Pembaruan otomatis plugin dan tema dikonfigurasikan dengan benar" msgid "" "A PHP session was created by a %1$s function call. This interferes with REST " "API and loopback requests. The session should be closed by %2$s before " "making any HTTP requests." msgstr "" "Sesi PHP dibuat oleh pemanggilan fungsi %1$s. Ini mengganggu REST API dan " "permintaan loopback. Sesi ini harus ditutup oleh %2$s sebelum membuat " "permintaan HTTP apa pun." msgid "An active PHP session was detected" msgstr "Terdeteksi sesi PHP aktif" msgid "" "PHP sessions created by a %1$s function call may interfere with REST API and " "loopback requests. An active session should be closed by %2$s before making " "any HTTP requests." msgstr "" "Sesi PHP yang dibuat oleh panggilan fungsi %1$s dapat mengganggu REST API " "dan permintaan loopback. Sesi aktif harus ditutup oleh %2$s sebelum membuat " "permintaan HTTP apa pun." msgid "No PHP sessions detected" msgstr "Tak terdeteksi sesi PHP" msgid "Auto-update" msgstr "Pembaruan otomatis" msgid "Auto-updates" msgstr "Pembaruan otomatis" msgid "Auto-updates disabled" msgstr "Pembaruan otomatis dinonaktifkan" msgid "Auto-updates enabled" msgstr "Pembaruan otomatis diaktifkan" msgid "Are pretty permalinks supported?" msgstr "Apakah mendukung permalink cantik?" msgid "PHP memory limit (only for admin screens)" msgstr "Limit memori PHP (hanya untuk layar administrator)" msgid "Max effective file size" msgstr "Ukuran berkas efektif maksimal" msgid "Max size of an uploaded file" msgstr "Ukuran maksimal berkas diunggah" msgid "Max size of post data allowed" msgstr "Ukuran maksimal dari data pos yang diizinkan" msgid "File uploads" msgstr "Unggah berkas" msgid "File upload settings" msgstr "Pengaturan unggah berkas" msgid "Is this site discouraging search engines?" msgstr "Apakah situs ini menghalangi mesin pencari?" msgid "" "When registering a default meta value the data must match the type provided." msgstr "" "Saat mendaftarkan nilai meta standar, data harus sesuai dengan tipe yang " "disediakan." msgctxt "admin color scheme" msgid "Modern" msgstr "Modern" msgctxt "archive title" msgid "%1$s %2$s" msgstr "%1$s %2$s" msgctxt "taxonomy term archive title prefix" msgid "%s:" msgstr "%s:" msgctxt "post type archive title prefix" msgid "Archives:" msgstr "Arsip:" msgctxt "date archive title prefix" msgid "Day:" msgstr "Hari:" msgctxt "date archive title prefix" msgid "Month:" msgstr "Bulan:" msgctxt "date archive title prefix" msgid "Year:" msgstr "Tahun:" msgctxt "author archive title prefix" msgid "Author:" msgstr "Penulis:" msgctxt "tag archive title prefix" msgid "Tag:" msgstr "Tag:" msgctxt "category archive title prefix" msgid "Category:" msgstr "Kategori:" msgid "Unauthorized. You may remove the %s param to preview as frontend." msgstr "" "Tidak diberikan akses. Anda dapat menghapus parameter %s untuk melakukan " "pratinjau pada ujung depan." msgid "- Keep tabs on all site changes and who made them" msgstr "- Pantau semua perubahan situs dan siapa yang melakukannya" msgid "- Automate backups so you can set it and forget it" msgstr "" "- Otomatisasikan pencadangan agar Anda dapat mengaturnya dan pencadangan " "dilakukan secara otomatis" msgid "Keep tabs on all site changes and who made them" msgstr "Pantau semua perubahan situs dan siapa yang melakukannya" msgid "Restore from anywhere with the Jetpack mobile app." msgstr "Lakukan pemulihan dari mana saja dengan aplikasi seluler Jetpack." msgid "Automate backups so you can set it and forget it" msgstr "" "Otomatisasikan pencadangan agar Anda dapat mengaturnya dan pencadangan " "dilakukan secara otomatis" msgid "" "If your site goes down, it could mean an interruption to your business or " "cash flow. Set up your backup plan in just a few clicks with Jetpack Backup." msgstr "" "Jika situs Anda tidak aktif, maka bisnis dan keuangan Anda dapat terganggu. " "Siapkan paket pencadangan Anda dengan mudah dengan Jetpack Backup." msgid "" "Jetpack Backup saves every change so you can easily restore your site to any " "point." msgstr "" "Jetpack Backup menyimpan setiap perubahan sehingga Anda dapat memulihkan " "situs Anda ke titik mana pun." msgid "Do you have a backup plan?" msgstr "Apakah Anda punya rencana cadangan?" msgid "Github Issue Template" msgstr "Templat Masalah Github" msgid "" "Org and Repository are required. Select this block to open the form and fill " "them." msgstr "" "Organisasi dan repositori wajib diisi. Pilih blok berikut untuk membuka dan " "mengisi formulir." msgid "Create Issue" msgstr "Laporkan Masalah:" msgid "" "Return a %1$s or %2$s object from your callback when using the REST API." msgstr "" "Menghasilkan objek %1$s atau %2$s dari callback Anda ketika menggunakan REST " "API." msgctxt "unit symbol" msgid "B" msgstr "B" msgctxt "unit symbol" msgid "KB" msgstr "KB" msgctxt "unit symbol" msgid "MB" msgstr "MB" msgctxt "unit symbol" msgid "GB" msgstr "GB" msgctxt "unit symbol" msgid "TB" msgstr "TB" msgid "Download Now" msgstr "Unduh sekarang" msgid "The ID of the page that should be displayed on the front page" msgstr "ID halaman yang seharusnya ditampilkan di halaman depan" msgid "What to show on the front page" msgstr "Konten yang akan ditampilkan di halaman depan" msgid "Site logo." msgstr "Logo situs." msgid "%s is not a valid UUID." msgstr "%s merupakan UUID yang tidak sah." msgid "%1$s does not match pattern %2$s." msgstr "%1$s tidak sesuai pola %2$s." msgid "%1$s must be at most %2$s character long." msgid_plural "%1$s must be at most %2$s characters long." msgstr[0] "%1$s harus sepanjang setidaknya %2$s karakter." msgstr[1] "%1$s harus sepanjang setidaknya %2$s karakter." msgid "%1$s must be at least %2$s character long." msgid_plural "%1$s must be at least %2$s characters long." msgstr[0] "%1$s harus sepanjang setidaknya %2$s karakter." msgstr[1] "%1$s harus sepanjang setidaknya %2$s karakter." msgid "%1$s is a required property of %2$s." msgstr "%1$s adalah properti yang dibutuhkan dari %2$s." msgid "%s has duplicate items." msgstr "%s memiliki bagian yang sama." msgid "%1$s must contain at most %2$s item." msgid_plural "%1$s must contain at most %2$s items." msgstr[0] "%1$s harus terdiri atas paling banyak %2$s bagian." msgstr[1] "%1$s harus terdiri atas paling banyak %2$s bagian." msgid "%1$s must contain at least %2$s item." msgid_plural "%1$s must contain at least %2$s items." msgstr[0] "%1$s harus terdiri atas paling sedikit %2$s bagian." msgstr[1] "%1$s harus terdiri atas paling sedikit %2$s bagian." msgid "" "The \"type\" schema keyword for %1$s can only be one of the built-in types: " "%2$l." msgstr "" "Kata kunci skema \"tipe\" untuk %1$s hanya dapat tersedia pada tipe yang " "terintegrasi: %2$l." msgid "The \"type\" schema keyword for %s is required." msgstr "Dibutuhkan kata kunci skema \"tipe\" untuk %s." msgid "Cannot stabilize objects. Convert the object to an array first." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat menstabilkan objek. Ubah objek menjadi array terlebih dahulu." msgid "" "The \"type\" schema keyword for %1$s can only contain the built-in types: " "%2$l." msgstr "" "Kata kunci skema \"tipe\" untuk %1$s hanya dapat terdiri atas tipe yang " "terintegrasi: %2$l." msgid "" "The post types that support thumbnails or true if all post types are " "supported." msgstr "" "Jenis posting yang mendukung thumbnail atau benar, jika semua jenis posting " "didukung." msgid "" "Allows use of HTML5 markup for search forms, comment forms, comment lists, " "gallery, and caption." msgstr "" "Izinkan penggunaan markup html5 untuk formulir pencarian, formulir komentar, " "daftar komentar, galeri, dan keterangan." msgid "The \"%s\" must be a callable function." msgstr "\"%s\" harus berupa fungsi yang dapat dipanggil." msgid "" "When registering an \"object\" feature, the feature's schema must include " "the \"properties\" keyword." msgstr "" "Saat mendaftarkan fitur \"objek\", skema fitur harus menyertakan kata kunci " "\"properties\"." msgid "" "When registering an \"array\" feature, the feature's schema must include the " "\"items\" keyword." msgstr "" "Saat mendaftarkan fitur \"array\", skema fitur harus menyertakan kata kunci " "\"item\"" msgid "" "When registering an \"array\" or \"object\" feature to show in the REST API, " "the feature's schema must also be defined." msgstr "" "Saat mendaftarkan fitur \"array\" atau \"objek\" untuk ditampilkan di REST " "API, skema fitur juga harus ditentukan." msgid "" "When registering a \"variadic\" theme feature, the \"type\" must be an " "\"array\"." msgstr "" "Ketika mendaftarkan fitur tema \"variadic\", \"type\" wajib dalam bentuk " "\"array\"." msgid "The feature \"type\" is not valid JSON Schema type." msgstr "Fitur \"tipe\" bukan merupakan tipe Skema JSON yang valid." msgctxt "theme" msgid "" "<strong>Error:</strong> Current WordPress version does not meet minimum " "requirements for %s." msgstr "" "<strong>Eror:</strong> versi WordPress saat ini tidak memenuhi persyaratan " "minimal untuk %s." msgctxt "theme" msgid "" "<strong>Error:</strong> Current PHP version does not meet minimum " "requirements for %s." msgstr "" "<strong>Eror:</strong> Versi PHP saat ini tidak memenuhi persyaratan minimal " "untuk %s." msgctxt "theme" msgid "" "<strong>Error:</strong> Current WordPress and PHP versions do not meet " "minimum requirements for %s." msgstr "" "<strong>Eror:</strong> Versi WordPress dan PHP saat ini tidak memenuhi " "persyaratan minimal untuk %s." msgid "" "This username is invalid because it uses illegal characters. Please enter a " "valid username." msgstr "" "Nama pengguna ini tidak sah karena menggunakan karakter yang ilegal. Mohon " "masukkan nama pengguna yang sah." msgid "Please use %s to add new schema properties." msgstr "Mohon gunakan %s untuk menambahkan properti skema. " msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to manage network plugins." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengelola plugin jaringan." msgid "" "A list of the inner block's own inner blocks. This is a recursive definition " "following the parent innerBlocks schema." msgstr "" "Daftar blok bagian dalam yang memiliki blok-blok bagian dalam. Hal tersebut " "merupakan bentuk pengulangan yang mengikuti skema innerBlocks." msgid "The attributes of the inner block." msgstr "Atribut blok bagian dalam." msgid "The name of the inner block." msgstr "Nama blok bagian dalam." msgid "The list of inner blocks used in the example." msgstr "Daftar blok bagian dalam yang digunakan dalam contoh." msgid "The attributes used in the example." msgstr "Atribut yang digunakan dalam contoh." msgid "Contains the handle that defines the block style." msgstr "Berisi handle yang mendefinisikan style blok." msgid "Inline CSS code that registers the CSS class required for the style." msgstr "" "Kode CSS inline yang mendaftarkan kelas CSS yang diperlukan untuk style." msgid "The human-readable label for the style." msgstr "Label yang mudah dibaca untuk style." msgid "Unique name identifying the style." msgstr "Nama unik untuk mengidentifikasi gaya." msgid "Extended view" msgstr "Tampilan diperluas" msgid "Compact view" msgstr "Tampilan ringkas" msgctxt "site" msgid "Not spam" msgstr "Bukan Spam" msgid "Grid view" msgstr "Tampilan Kisi" msgid "List view" msgstr "Tampilan Daftar" msgctxt "theme" msgid "Activate “%s”" msgstr "Aktifkan “%s”" msgid "" "You currently own Jetpack %(plan)s. The product you are about to purchase, " "{{product/}}, is already included in this plan." msgstr "" "Saat ini Anda memiliki Jetpack %(plan)s. Produk yang akan Anda beli, " "{{product/}}, sudah tercakup dalam paket ini." msgid "This P2 is private" msgstr "P2 ini bersifat tertutup" msgid "Hide features" msgstr "Sembunyikan fitur" msgid "Secure your site" msgstr "Amankan situs Anda" msgid "CVC" msgstr "CVC" msgid "A long-legged theme that inhabits wetlands, forests and plains." msgstr "Tema informal yang menampilkan lahan basah, hutan, dan dataran." msgid "" "If the payment is not accepted by <strong>%s</strong> it will automatically " "be returned by PayPal." msgstr "" "Jika tidak diterima oleh <strong>%s</strong> pembayaran akan secara otomatis " "dikembalikan oleh PayPal." msgid "" "A notification has been sent to your PayPal email at <strong>%s</strong>. " "You may need to take action to accept the payment." msgstr "" "Notifikasi telah dikirim ke email PayPal Anda di <strong>%s</strong>. Anda " "mungkin perlu mengambil tindakan untuk menerima pembayaran." msgid "" "Your WordAds site <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> has received a payment for " "<strong>$%3$.2f</strong>!" msgstr "" "Situs WordAds Anda <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> telah menerima pembayaran untuk " "<strong>$%3$.2f</strong>!" msgid "WordAds payment" msgstr "Pembayaran WordAds" msgid "You've received a WordAds payment for <strong>%s</strong>!" msgstr "Anda telah menerima pembayaran WordAds untuk <strong>%s</strong>!" msgid "" "Please verify your PayPal account at <strong>%1$s</strong> is in good " "standing and <a href=\"%2$s\">contact us</a> to reschedule payment." msgstr "" "Mohon verifikasi bahwa akun PayPal Anda di <strong>%1$s</strong> fungsional " "dan <a href=\"%2$s\">hubungi kami</a> untuk menjadwalkan ulang pembayaran." msgid "" "We attempted to send a payment of <strong>$%1$.2f</strong> for your WordAds " "site <a href=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a>, but encountered a PayPal error: \"%4$s.\"" msgstr "" "Kami berusaha mengirim pembayaran <strong>$%1$.2f</strong> untuk situs " "WordAds Anda <a href=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a>, tapi terjadi error pada PayPal: " "\"%4$s.\"" msgid "WordAds payment error" msgstr "Error pembayaran WordAds" msgid "A WordAds payment failed for <strong>%s</strong>." msgstr "Pembayaran WordAds gagal untuk <strong>%s</strong>!" msgid "WordAds Payment" msgstr "Pembayaran WordAds" msgid "The admin email verification page will reappear after %s." msgstr "Halaman verifikasi e-mail admin akan muncul kembali setelah %s." msgctxt "theme" msgid "Cannot Install" msgstr "Tidak Dapat Memasang" msgid "Block Editor Patterns" msgstr "Pola Editor Blok" msgctxt "theme" msgid "Update %s now" msgstr "Perbarui %s sekarang" msgctxt "theme" msgid "Cannot Activate" msgstr "Tidak Dapat Mengaktifkan" msgid "" "<strong>Error:</strong> Passwords do not match. Please enter the same " "password in both password fields." msgstr "" "<strong>Eror</strong>: Kata sandi tidak sesuai. Silakanmasukkan kata sandi " "yang sama di kedua bidang sandi." msgid "You can change your free subdomain later under Domain Settings." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengubah subdomain gratis Anda nanti di bawah Pengaturan Domain." msgid "Professional domains" msgstr "Domain profesional" msgid "Keep sub-domain" msgstr "Pertahankan subdomain" msgid "Change Frequency" msgstr "Ubah Frekuensi" msgid "Number of URLs in this XML Sitemap: %s." msgstr "Jumlah URL dalam Peta Situs XML ini: %s." msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "" "This XML Sitemap is generated by WordPress to make your content more visible " "for search engines." msgstr "" "Peta situs XML berikut dihasilkan oleh WordPress untuk membuat konten Anda " "dapat terlihat oleh mesin pencarian." msgid "Could not generate XML sitemap due to missing %s extension" msgstr "Tidak dapat menghasilkan peta situs XML karena ekstensi %s hilang" msgid "Fields other than %s are not currently supported for sitemaps." msgstr "Ruas-ruas selain %s saat ini tidak didukung untuk peta situs." msgid "Fields other than %s are not currently supported for the sitemap index." msgstr "Ruas-ruaas selain %s saat ini tidak didukung untuk indeks peta situs." msgctxt "plugin" msgid "Install %s" msgstr "Memasang %s" msgid "Connect to another site" msgstr "Hubungkan ke situs lain" msgid "See my backups on" msgstr "Lihat cadangan saya di" msgid "You can access them on your VaultPress Dashboard." msgstr "Anda dapat mengaksesnya di Dasbor VaultPress Anda." msgid "Your backups are powered by VaultPress" msgstr "Cadangan Anda didukung oleh VaultPress" msgid "Parked" msgstr "Diparkir" msgctxt "media item" msgid "Success" msgstr "Berhasil" msgid "" "Make money each time someone visits your site by displaying ads on your " "posts and pages." msgstr "" "Dapatkan penghasilan dari setiap kunjungan ke situs dengan menampilkan iklan " "di semua pos dan halaman Anda." msgid "<strong>Error:</strong> There was a problem creating site entry." msgstr "<strong>Eror</strong>: Ditemukan kendala saat membuat entri situs." msgid "<strong>Error:</strong> Site URL you’ve entered is already taken." msgstr "<strong>Eror</strong>: URL situs yang Anda masukkan tidak tersedia. " msgid "Bulk actions" msgstr "Tindakan Massal" msgid "Error in deleting the item." msgstr "Eror dalam menghapus item." msgid "Error in deleting the attachment." msgstr "Eror dalam menghapus lampiran." msgid "Error in restoring the item from Trash." msgstr "Eror dalam memulihkan item dari Tempat Sampah." msgid "Error in moving the item to Trash." msgstr "Eror saat memindahkan item ke Tempat Sampah." msgid "" "Read the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Debugging a WordPress Network</a> " "article. Some of the suggestions there may help you figure out what went " "wrong." msgstr "" "Baca artikel <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Debugging Jaringan WordPress</" "a>. Beberapa saran yang ada di sana mungkin dapat membantu Anda menemukan " "masalah yang terjadi." msgid "Error retrieving media" msgstr "Error saat mengambil media" msgid "" "There is an existing CNAME for {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}. If you want " "to map this subdomain, you should remove the conflicting CNAME DNS record " "first." msgstr "" "Sebuah CNAME sudah ada untuk {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}. Jika Anda " "ingin memetakan subdomain ini, Anda harus menghapus catatan DNS CNAME yang " "bertentangan terlebih dahulu." msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Visit your payments dashboard</a> to manage subscriptions, " "view earnings, and see your subscribers." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Kunjungi dasbor pembayaran Anda</a> untuk mengelola " "langganan, memeriksa pendapatan, dan melihat pelanggan Anda." msgid "%1$s has just signed up to your %2$s at %3$s." msgstr "%1$s baru saja mendaftar ke %2$s Anda di %3$s." msgid "Next Payment" msgstr "Pembayaran berikutnya" msgid "%1$s got its first purchase. Keep up the great work!" msgstr "%1$s mendapatkan pembelian pertama. Tetap semangat!" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Visit payments dashboard</a> to connect " "Stripe to your site." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Kunjungi dasbor pembayaran</a> untuk " "menghubungkan Stripe ke situs Anda." msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Visit your Stripe dashboard</a> to make sure all account " "details are up to date." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Kunjungi dasbor Stripe Anda</a> untuk memastikan semua " "detail akun telah diperbarui." msgid "" "It seems your network is running with Nginx web server. <a href=\"%s\">Learn " "more about further configuration</a>." msgstr "" "Kelihatannya jaringan anda berjalan dengan web server Nginx. <a href=\"%s" "\">Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang konfigurasi</a>." msgid "This notice was triggered by the %s handle." msgstr "Peringatan berikut dipicu oleh handle %s. " msgid "People can’t buy\\rwhat they can’t find." msgstr "" "Siapa pun tidak dapat membeli\\rjika mereka tidak menemukan yang ingin " "dibeli." msgid "People don’t read what they can’t find." msgstr "" "Siapa pun tidak akan membaca jika mereka tidak menemukan yang ingin dibaca." msgid "Create a beautiful, simple website in minutes" msgstr "Buat situs web yang menarik dan unik dengan mudah" msgctxt "Masked credit card number" msgid "**** %s" msgstr "**** %s" msgctxt "default vertical name" msgid "Business" msgstr "Bisnis" msgctxt "default company name" msgid "Your Company Name" msgstr "Nama Perusahaan Anda" msgctxt "default phone number" msgid "555-555-5555" msgstr "555-555-5555" msgctxt "default address" msgid "123 Main St" msgstr "123 Main St" msgctxt "block style" msgid "Default" msgstr "Asal" msgid "Send code via text message" msgstr "Kirimkan kode melalui pesan teks " msgid "Premium Content" msgstr "Konten Premium" msgid "Select a plan" msgstr "Pilih paket" msgid "Uncropped" msgstr "Tidak dipotong" msgid "Minimum height" msgstr "Tinggi minimum" msgid "Show date" msgstr "Tampilkan tanggal" msgid "Paused" msgstr "Dijeda" msgid "One-Time" msgstr "Satu Kali" msgid "Connect to Stripe to use this block on your site." msgstr "Sambungkan ke Stripe untuk menggunakan blok ini di situs Anda" msgid "Donations" msgstr "Donasi" msgid "Donate yearly" msgstr "Berikan donasi tahunan" msgid "Donate monthly" msgstr "Berikan donasi bulanan" msgid "Your contribution is appreciated." msgstr "Kontribusi Anda sangat dihargai." msgid "Or enter a custom amount" msgstr "Atau masukkan jumlah tertentu" msgid "Make a yearly donation" msgstr "Berikan donasi tahunan" msgid "Make a monthly donation" msgstr "Berikan donasi bulanan" msgid "Make a one-time donation" msgstr "Berikan donasi satu kali" msgid "reader" msgstr "pembaca" msgid "plugin" msgstr "plugin" msgid "" "Give your site visitors a better experience by removing annoying comments " "and protecting them from scams." msgstr "" "Berikan pengalaman yang lebih baik kepada pengunjung situs Anda dengan " "menghapus komentar yang mengganggu dan melindungi mereka dari penipuan." msgid "Save time by blocking spam automatically" msgstr "Hemat waktu dengan memblokir spam secara otomatis" msgid "Tags to fetch cards for." msgstr "Tag kartu yang ingin diambil." msgid "Business Name Generator" msgstr "Pembuat Nama Bisnis" msgid "" "Bring it all to life with a beautiful website that grows with your idea." msgstr "" "Hidupkan segalanya dengan situs web menarik yang berkembang dengan pemikiran " "Anda." msgid "Get online." msgstr "Mari masuk online." msgid "Get your domain name before someone else does." msgstr "Dapatkan nama domain Anda sebelum orang lain mendapatkannya." msgid "Register your domain." msgstr "Daftarkan domain Anda." msgid "The company name generator will generate dozens of creative options." msgstr "Pembuat nama perusahaan akan menghasilkan banyak pilihan kreatif." msgid "Pick your name." msgstr "Pilih nama Anda." msgid "Start by entering a few relevant keywords for your business or brand." msgstr "" "Mulailah dengan memasukkan beberapa kata kunci yang relevan untuk bisnis " "atau merek Anda." msgid "Start brainstorming." msgstr "Mulailah memikirkannya." msgid "" "Are you starting a new online store? A brick-and-mortar salon? Your " "freelance gig? No matter what you’re creating, the business name generator " "can help you find a name. Plus it’s free and easy to use." msgstr "" "Apakah Anda sedang membuka toko online baru? Salon konvensional? Usaha " "freelance? Apa pun yang Anda buat, pembuat nama bisnis dapat membantu Anda " "menemukan nama yang tepat. Selain itu, ini gratis dan mudah digunakan." msgid "" "You’ve got an idea. Now it needs a name. The company name " "generator is a one-stop tool to get you started." msgstr "" "Anda mendapat ide baru. Sekarang ide tersebut membutuhkan nama. Pembuat nama " "perusahaan adalah alat yang tepat untuk memulai." msgid "The business name generator" msgstr "Pembuat nama bisnis" msgid "" "All domains on this site will redirect here as long as this domain is set as " "your primary domain. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}" msgstr "" "Seluruh domain di situs ini akan diarahkan ke sini selama domain ini " "ditetapkan sebagai domain utama Anda. {{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih " "lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}" msgid "Customize buttons" msgstr "Sesuaikan tombol" msgid "Let’s get started" msgstr "Ayo kita mulai" msgid "" "This blog already has an Akismet plan which supersedes the one you're trying " "to purchase." msgstr "" "Blog berikut memiliki paket Akismet yang lebih lengkap dibandingkan paket " "yang akan Anda beli." msgid "" "There was an unknown error purchasing your plan. Please contact support." msgstr "" "Terjadi error yang tidak dikenali saat membeli paket. Silakan hubungi " "dukungan." msgid "Please enter a valid team or project name." msgstr "Silakan masukkan nama tim atau proyek yang valid." msgid "" "Generate creative company and brand names using the power of " "Use our free business name generator to search for the right name, buy a " "custom domain, and start building your next big idea." msgstr "" "Dapatkan nama branding dan perusahaan yang kreatif menggunakan fitur " " Gunakan pembuat nama bisnis gratis kami untuk mencari nama " "yang tepat, membeli domain khusus, dan mulai mewujudkan ide besar berikutnya." msgid "regions" msgstr "wilayah" msgid "" "Increase engagement with instant search -- at least three times faster and " "search ranking based on your site's stats." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan keterlibatan dengan pencarian instan, setidaknya tiga kali lebih " "cepat dan peringkat pencarian berdasarkan statistik situs Anda." msgid "New: Add Jetpack Search to your site." msgstr "Baru: Tambahkan Jetpack Search ke situs Anda." msgid "" "We're sorry, Jetpack Scan is not compatible with multisite WordPress " "installations at this time." msgstr "" "Mohon maaf, Jetpack Scan tidak kompatibel dengan penginstalan Wordpress " "multisitus saat ini." msgid "" "We're sorry, Jetpack VaultPress Backup is not compatible with multisite " "WordPress installations at this time." msgstr "" "Mohon maaf, Jetpack VaultPress Backup tidak kompatibel dengan penginstalan " "Wordpress multisitus saat ini." msgid "WordPress multi-sites are not supported" msgstr "Multisitus WordPress tidak didukung" msgid "<a href=\"%s\">Please take a moment to review the changes</a>." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\">Silakan meluangkan waktu sejenak untuk meninjau perubahan</a>." msgid "" "As of July 16th, 2020 Automattic has updated the <a href=\"%s\">Ads Terms of " "Service</a>. We have included more clarifications on prohibited content." msgstr "" "Pada tanggal 16 Juli 2020, Automattic telah memperbarui <a href=\"%s" "\">Ketentuan Layanan Iklan</a>. Kami telah memberikan penjelasan lebih " "lanjut mengenai konten yang dilarang." msgid "WordAds notification" msgstr "Pemberitahuan WordAds" msgid "Please take a moment to review the changes." msgstr "Silakan meluangkan waktu sejenak untuk meninjau perubahan." msgid "The Automattic Ads Terms of Service have been updated." msgstr "Ketentuan Layanan Iklan Automattic telah diperbarui." msgctxt "The Terms of Service legal document." msgid "Automattic Ads TOS Update" msgstr "Pembaruan Ketentuan Layanan Iklan Automattic" msgid "Get Jetpack CRM" msgstr "Dapatkan Jetpack CRM" msgid "" "The most productive of all WordPress CRMs. Manage your customer " "relationships simply, make more profit, and maintain happier business " "relations." msgstr "" "Yang paling produktif dari semua CRM WordPress. Kelola hubungan pelanggan " "dengan mudah, hasilkan lebih banyak keuntungan, dan pertahankan hubungan " "bisnis yang lebih baik." msgid "Manage your business contacts effortlessly" msgstr "Kelola kontak usaha Anda dengan mudah" msgid "Jetpack CRM" msgstr "Jetpack CRM" msgid "Add new post" msgstr "Tambahkan pos baru" msgid "Search P2 Patterns" msgstr "Cari Pola P2" msgid "P2 Pattern" msgstr "Pola P2" msgid "P2 Patterns" msgstr "Pola P2" msgid "P2 Block Patterns" msgstr "Pola blok P2" msgid "Block Inserter" msgstr "Penyisip Blok" msgid "Custom Introduction" msgstr "Pengenalan Khusus" msgid "Follow this link to claim your discount:" msgstr "Ikuti tautan ini untuk mendapatkan diskon Anda:" msgid "" "Don’t miss your chance to claim this limited-time discount for new purchases." msgstr "" "Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk mendapatkan diskon terbatas saat melakukan " "pembelian baru." msgid "Only site administrators can upgrade to access VaultPress Backup." msgstr "" "Hanya administrator situs yang dapat melakukan upgrade untuk mengakses " "VaultPress Backup." msgid "" "In no time you'll be able to enjoy more peace of mind and provide a better " "experience to your visitors." msgstr "" "Anda akan segera merasa tenang dan memberi pengalaman yang lebih baik kepada " "pengunjung situs Anda." msgid "We're setting up Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam for you right now." msgstr "Kami menyiapkan Jetpack Akismet Anti-Spam untuk Anda sekarang." msgid "Say goodbye to spam!" msgstr "Selamat tinggal spam!" msgid "Another downloadable file is being created" msgstr "File lain yang dapat diunduh sedang dibuat" msgid "Date created" msgstr "Situs telah dibuat" msgid "" "To use the classic block, click on the <InserterIconImage /> button at the " "top of the screen, search for Classic and insert the block." msgstr "" "Untuk menggunakan blok klasik, klik tombol <InserterIconImage /> pada bagian " "atas layar, cari menu Klasik dan masukkan blok." msgid "Add the Classic block" msgstr "Tambahkan blok Klasik" msgid "" "The <a>block editor</a> is now the default editor for all your sites, but " "you can still use the Classic block, if you prefer." msgstr "" "<a>Blok editor</a> telah menjadi editor standar untuk semua situs Anda, akan " "tetapi Anda masih dapat menggunakan blok Klasik." msgid "Meet the Classic block" msgstr "Perkenalkan blok Klasik" msgid "inserter" msgstr "penyisip" msgid "Scope of support" msgstr "Ruang lingkup bantuan" msgid "Border color (in hex format):" msgstr "Warna batas tepi (dalam format hex):" msgid "Show scrollbar" msgstr "Tampilkan bilah gulir" msgid "Show footer" msgstr "Tampilkan footer" msgid "Show header" msgstr "Tampilkan header" msgid "Maximum width (in pixels; 220 to 1200):" msgstr "Lebar maksimal (220 hingga 1200 piksel):" msgid "Number of tweets in the timeline (1 to 20):" msgstr "Jumlah tweet di linimasa (1 hingga 20):" msgid "Height (in pixels; at least 200):" msgstr "Tinggi (paling sedikit 200 piksel):" msgid "Dynamic" msgstr "Dinamis" msgid "" "%1$s payments are managed at <a href=\"%2$s\" style=\"text-decoration: none;" "\"></a>." msgstr "" "Pembayaran %1$s dikelola di <a href=\"%2$s\" style=\"text-decoration: none;" "\"></a>." msgid "Payment details" msgstr "Detail pembayaran" msgid "" "By clicking “Pay Now”, you agree to create a account or use " "your existing account to manage this payment. You agree to our " "<a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Terms of " "Service</a> and authorize us to charge you once." msgstr "" "Dengan mengeklik \"Bayar Sekarang\", Anda setuju untuk membuat akun " " atau menggunakan akun yang sudah ada untuk " "mengelola pembayaran ini. Anda menyetujui <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" " "rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Ketentuan Layanan</a> dan mengizinkan kami untuk " "menagih Anda satu kali." msgid "The %1$s file will be removed from the Jetpack plugin in version %2$s." msgstr "File %1$s akan dihapus dari plugin Jetpack pada versi %2$s." msgid "" "The %1$s function will be removed from the Jetpack plugin in version %2$s." msgstr "Fungsi %1$s akan dihapus dari plugin Jetpack pada versi %2$s." msgid "Layout not found!" msgstr "Tata Letak tidak ditemukan!" msgid "Cannot deduce `ftp_host` from `siteurl` because `siteurl` is empty." msgstr "Tidak dapat melacak `ftp_host` dari `siteurl` karena `siteurl` kosong." msgid "Accept one-time, monthly, or annual payments on your website." msgstr "" "Terima pembayaran satu kali, bulanan, atau tahunan pada situs web Anda." msgid "This blog is an Atomic blog and cannot purchase this item." msgstr "Blog ini adalah blog Atom dan tidak dapat membeli item ini." msgid "" "Sorry, there were no matches. Here are some of the most searched for help " "pages for this section:" msgstr "" "Maaf, tidak ada hasil yang sesuai. Berikut adalah beberapa hal yang paling " "sering dicari di laman bantuan untuk hal tersebut:" msgid "Show me where to" msgstr "Tunjukkan kepada saya tempat untuk" msgid "This might interest you" msgstr "Topik yang mungkin bermanfaat bagi Anda" msgctxt "Jetpack Anti-Spam Solution" msgid "Anti-Spam" msgstr "Anti-Spam" msgid "View contact form messages" msgstr "Lihat pesan formulir kontak" msgid "Verify my site with Google" msgstr "Verifikasi situs saya melalui Google" msgid "I cannot find my site on Google" msgstr "Saya tidak dapat menemukan situs saya di Google" msgid "Manage my pages" msgstr "Kelola halaman saya" msgid "View my drafted pages" msgstr "Lihat draf halaman saya" msgid "Manage my blog posts" msgstr "Kelola pos blog saya" msgid "View my drafted posts" msgstr "Lihat draf pos saya" msgid "Download the app for my device" msgstr "Unduh aplikasi untuk perangkat saya" msgid "View my purchase and billing history" msgstr "Lihat riwayat pembelian dan penagihan saya" msgid "Close my account permanently" msgstr "Tutup akun saya secara permanen" msgid "" "Update the language of the interface you see across as a whole." msgstr "" "Perbarui bahasa antarmuka yang Anda lihat di secara " "keseluruhan." msgid "Switch the interface language" msgstr "Ubah bahasa antarmuka" msgid "Change the dashboard color scheme" msgstr "Ganti skema warna dasbor" msgid "Update my username or email address" msgstr "Perbarui nama pengguna atau alamat email" msgid "Update your name, profile image, and about text." msgstr "Perbarui nama, gambar profil, dan teks tentang saya." msgid "Update my profile" msgstr "Perbarui profil saya " msgid "Manage SEO and traffic settings" msgstr "Kelola pengaturan SEO dan lalu lintas situs" msgid "Set up a podcast" msgstr "Siapkan podcast" msgid "Edit my site title, tagline, or logo" msgstr "Edit judul situs, tagline, atau logo" msgid "Manage post categories" msgstr "Kelola kategori pos" msgid "Manage how users can comment on my site" msgstr "Kelola bagaimana pengguna dapat memberi komentar di situs saya" msgid "Approve or delete comments" msgstr "Terima atau hapus komentar" msgid "Install, manage, and search for site Plugins" msgstr "Instal, kelola, dan cari Plugin situs" msgid "Add sharing buttons to my site" msgstr "Tambahkan tombol berbagi ke situs saya" msgid "Manage sharing and social media connections" msgstr "Kelola fitur berbagi dan koneksi media sosial" msgid "Export posts, pages and more from your site." msgstr "Ekspor pos, halaman, dan lebih banyak lagi dari situs Anda." msgid "Export my site's content and media library" msgstr "Ekspor konten dan pustaka media situs saya" msgid "Change my site's footer text" msgstr "Ubah teks footer situs saya" msgid "Set a site icon" msgstr "Pasang ikon situs" msgid "Delete a site or a site's content" msgstr "Hapus situs atau konten situs" msgid "Switch your site from private to public." msgstr "Alihkan situs Anda dari privat menjadi publik." msgid "Change my site's timezone" msgstr "Ubah zona waktu situs saya" msgid "Invite new users to my site" msgstr "Undang pengguna baru ke situs saya" msgid "Invite new users and edit existing ones." msgstr "Undang pengguna baru dan edit pengguna lama." msgid "Manage my site's users" msgstr "Kelola pengguna situs saya" msgid "Learn how to market my site" msgstr "Pelajari cara memasarkan situs saya" msgid "Earn money from my site" msgstr "Dapatkan penghasilan dari situs saya" msgid "Import content from another site" msgstr "Impor konten dari situs lain" msgid "Upload an image, video, audio or document" msgstr "Unggah gambar, video, audio, atau dokumen" msgid "View my site's latest stats" msgstr "Lihat statistik terkini situs saya" msgid "View my site activity" msgstr "Lihat aktivitas situs saya" msgid "Renew my domain" msgstr "Perpanjang domain saya" msgid "Renew my plan" msgstr "Perpanjang paket saya" msgid "Upgrade my plan" msgstr "Upgrade paket saya" msgid "Cancel my plan" msgstr "Batalkan paket saya" msgid "Find a plan to suit my site" msgstr "Temukan paket yang sesuai untuk situs saya" msgid "Set a site logo" msgstr "Pasang logo situs" msgid "Edit my menu" msgstr "Edit menu" msgid "Change my homepage" msgstr "Ubah halaman beranda" msgid "Customize my site's theme" msgstr "Sesuaikan tema situs" msgid "Change my site's theme" msgstr "Ubah tema situs" msgid "Change my password" msgstr "Ubah kata sandi" msgid "Redirect your site to another domain." msgstr "Arahkan situs Anda ke domain lainnya." msgid "Add a site redirect" msgstr "Tambahkan pengalihan situs" msgid "Change my site address" msgstr "Ubah alamat situs" msgid "Manage my domain settings" msgstr "Kelola pengaturan domain" msgid "Create an income stream with payments" msgstr "Ciptakan sumber penghasilan dengan menerima pembayaran" msgid "" "Whether you want to sell baked goods to your neighbors, accept donations for " "a local organization, or collect repeat contributions from your supporters, " " makes taking payments a breeze. Our Pay with PayPal button " "allows you to take credit or debit card payments from any page with minimal " "setup." msgstr "" "Jika Anda ingin menjual kue buatan sendiri ke tetangga, menerima donasi " "untuk organisasi setempat, atau mengumpulkan iuran berulang dari pendukung " "Anda, dapat membantu Anda untuk menerima pembayaran tersebut. " "Tombol Bayar dengan PayPal memungkinkan Anda menerima pembayaran menggunakan " "kartu kredit atau debit dari halaman mana pun dengan pengaturan yang mudah." msgid "Accept one-time, monthly or annual payments on your website." msgstr "Terima pembayaran satu kali, bulanan, atau tahunan di situs web Anda." msgid "Automatically clear spam from comments and forms" msgstr "Hapus spam secara otomatis dari komentar dan formulir." msgid "Anti-Spam" msgstr "Anti-Spam" msgctxt "Block pattern category" msgid "Headers" msgstr "Header" msgid "Pattern content must be a string." msgstr "Konten pola harus berupa string." msgid "Pattern title must be a string." msgstr "Judul pola harus berupa string." msgid "" "%s%% of the web is built on WordPress. More bloggers, small businesses, and " "Fortune 500 companies use WordPress than all other options combined. Join " "the millions of people that call home." msgstr "" "%s%% web dibangun dengan WordPress. Lebih banyak bloger, usaha kecil, dan " "perusahaan Fortune 500 yang menggunakan WordPress dibandingkan dengan jumlah " "seluruh situs yang menggunakan platform lain. Bergabunglah dengan jutaan " "orang yang menjadikan seperti rumah sendiri." msgid "" "{{line1}}Welcome to the world’s most{{/line1}}{{line2}}popular website " "builder.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Selamat datang di pembuat situs web{{/line1}}{{line2}}terpopuler di " "dunia.{{/line2}}" msgid "The requested Instagram connection is not available anymore." msgstr "Koneksi Instagram yang diminta tidak tersedia lagi." msgid "Bancontact" msgstr "Bancontact" msgid "Whether to automatically add top level pages to this menu." msgstr "" "Apakah akan menambahkan halaman tingkat atas ke menu berikut secara otomatis." msgid "Unable to crop this image." msgstr "Tidak dapat memotong gambar ini." msgid "Unable to rotate this image." msgstr "Tidak dapat memutar gambar ini." msgid "Unable to edit this image." msgstr "Tidak dapat menyunting gambar ini." msgid "The image was not edited. Edit the image before applying the changes." msgstr "Gambar tidak disunting. Sunting gambar sebelum menerapkan perubahan." msgid "This type of file cannot be edited." msgstr "Tipe berkas ini tidak dapat disunting." msgid "Unable to get meta information for file." msgstr "Tidak dapat menemukan informasi meta untuk berkas." msgid "Your name must contain at least 3 characters" msgstr "Nama Anda harus memuat paling sedikit 3 karakter" msgid "EPS e-Pay" msgstr "EPS e-Pay" msgid "Included in your plan" msgstr "Termasuk dalam paket Anda" msgid "Subdomain" msgstr "Subdomain" msgid "" "A page handle, returned from a previous API call as a next_page_handle " "property. This is the most efficient way to fetch the next page of results." msgstr "" "Penanganan halaman, dikembalikan dari panggilan API sebelumnya sebagai " "properti penanganan_halaman_selanjutnya. Ini adalah cara yang paling efisien " "untuk membuka halaman hasil berikutnya." msgid "Alipay" msgstr "Alipay" msgid "Blog pages" msgstr "Halaman Blog" msgid "" "%1$s — and lots of other websites — runs on Your donation " "comes with a account you can use to manage donations across " "all websites." msgstr "" "%1$s dan banyak situs web lainnya, yang dijalankan di Donasi " "Anda dilengkapi dengan akun yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk " "mengelola donasi di seluruh situs web" msgid "" "%1$s donations are managed at <a href=\"%2$s\" style=\"text-decoration: none;" "\"></a>. To avoid being charged again, cancel your donation " "before the renewal date listed above." msgstr "" "Donasi %1$s dikelola di <a href=\"%2$s\" style=\"text-decoration: none;" "\"></a>. Untuk mencegah agar tidak ditagih lagi, batalkan " "donasi Anda sebelum tanggal pembaruan yang tercantum di atas." msgid "Manage donations" msgstr "Kelola donasi" msgid "Manage my donations" msgstr "Kelola donasi saya" msgid "Next Donation Date" msgstr "Tanggal Donasi Berikutnya" msgid "Donation Type" msgstr "Tipe Donasi" msgid "Donation Amount" msgstr "Jumlah Donasi" msgid "Thanks for your %1$s donation to %2$s!" msgstr "Terima kasih atas donasi %1$s Anda ke %2$s!" msgid "Thanks for your donation to %s!" msgstr "Terima kasih atas donasi Anda ke %s!" msgid "You’ve donated to %s" msgstr "Anda telah berdonasi ke %s" msgid "" "Thank you! You’ve just donated to <strong><a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a></strong>." msgstr "" "Terima kasih! Anda baru saja memberikan donasi ke <strong><a href=\"%1$s\">" "%2$s</a></strong>." msgid "one-time" msgstr "satu kali" msgid "yearly" msgstr "tahunan" msgid "monthly" msgstr "bulanan" msgid "" "Unable to purchase G Suite for '%s' because of missing users data. Please " "contact support." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat membeli G Suite untuk '%s' karena ada data pengguna yang hilang. " "Silakan hubungi dukungan." msgid "" "Unable to purchase G Suite for '%s' because of missing customer data. Please " "contact support." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat membeli G Suite untuk '%s' karena ada data pelanggan yang " "hilang. Silakan hubungi dukungan." msgid "Sofort" msgstr "Sofort" msgid "" "Error \"%s\" has occurred on the server and our developers have been alerted." msgstr "" "Terjadi error \"%s\" pada server dan pengembang kami telah diberi tahu." msgid "Turn off auto-renew" msgstr "Nonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis" msgid "Add to list of allowed IPs" msgstr "Tambahkan ke daftar alamat IP yang diizinkan" msgid "Already in list of allowed IPs" msgstr "Sudah berada dalam daftar alamat IP yang diizinkan" msgid "Disallowed comments" msgstr "Komentar yang tidak diizinkan" msgid "**** %s" msgstr "**** %s" msgid "Privacy Notice for California Users" msgstr "Pemberitahuan Privasi untuk Pengguna di California" msgid "California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)" msgstr "Undang-Undang Privasi Konsumen California (CCPA)" msgid "You are not connected to that service." msgstr "Anda tidak terhubung dengan layanan tersebut." msgid "- %(discountAmount)s" msgstr "- %(discountAmount)s" msgid "Coupon: %(couponCode)s" msgstr "Kupon: %(couponCode)s" msgid "Continue to next step" msgstr "Lanjutkan ke langkah berikutnya" msgid "Don’t miss this great deal on new purchases." msgstr "Jangan lewatkan penawaran hebat saat melakukan pembelian baru." msgid "" "Discount applies to the first payment of an annual plan, but does not apply " "to future recurring payments. Discount may not be applied to previous " "purchases, renewals, subscription upgrades, or combined with any other offer." msgstr "" "Diskon berlaku untuk pembayaran pertama paket tahunan, tetapi tidak berlaku " "untuk pembayaran berulang berikutnya. Diskon tidak dapat digunakan untuk " "pembelian, perpanjangan, upgrade langganan, atau digabungkan dengan " "penawaran lainnya." msgid "" "Don’t miss your chance to claim <br />this limited-time discount for new " "purchases." msgstr "" "Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk mendapatkan <br />diskon terbatas saat " "melakukan pembelian baru." msgid "Please Wait" msgstr "Silakan Tunggu" msgid "Take me there!" msgstr "Saya mau lihat!" msgid "One time sale" msgstr "Penjualan satu kali" msgid "Want to work with us?" msgstr "Ingin bekerja dengan kami?" msgid "Samuel the Dog" msgstr "Samuel si Anjing" msgid "Juan Pérez" msgstr "Juan Pérez" msgid "Sally Smith" msgstr "Sally Smith" msgid "" "We are a small team of talented professionals with a wide range of skills " "and experience. We love what we do, and we do it with passion. We look " "forward to working with you." msgstr "" "Kami adalah tim kecil beranggotakan para profesional berbakat dengan cakupan " "keterampilan dan pengalaman yang luas. Kami mencintai apa yang kami lakukan, " "dan kami melakukannya dengan penuh dedikasi. Kami tidak sabar untuk bekerja " "sama dengan Anda." msgid "Email me: <a href=\"mailto:%1$s\">%1$s</a>" msgstr "Kirimkan email ke saya: <a href=\"mailto:%1$s\">%1$s</a>" msgid "" "A short bio with personal history, key achievements, or an interesting fact." msgstr "" "Biografi singkat berisi riwayat diri, pencapaian utama, atau fakta menarik." msgid "Position or Job Title" msgstr "Posisi atau Gelar Jabatan" msgid "Strategy" msgstr "Strategi" msgid "" "We offer a range of services to help you achieve the results you're after. " "Not sure what you need, or what it costs? We can explain what services are " "right for you and tell you more about our fees. Get in touch below." msgstr "" "Kami menawarkan berbagai macam layanan untuk membantu Anda mencapai hasil " "yang diinginkan. Tidak yakin dengan apa yang Anda butuhkan, atau berapa " "biayanya? Kami dapat menjelaskan layanan yang tepat untuk Anda dan " "memberikan info lebih lanjut tentang biayanya. Hubungi di bawah ini." msgid "A short description of the services you offer." msgstr "Deskripsi singkat layanan yang Anda tawarkan." msgid "A description of the project and the works presented." msgstr "Deskripsi proyek dan pekerjaan yang ditampilkan." msgid "" "My portfolio showcases various projects created throughout my career. See my " "contact information below and get in touch." msgstr "" "Portofolio saya menampilkan berbagai proyek yang saya hasilkan sepanjang " "karier. Lihat informasi kontak di bawah ini dan hubungi." msgid "(555) 555-1234" msgstr "(555) 555 1234" msgid "City, 10100" msgstr "Kota, 10100" msgid "10 Street Road" msgstr "Jalan No. 10" msgid "" "'Let's talk 👋 Don't hesitate to reach out with the contact information " "below, or send a message using the form." msgstr "" "Ayo bicara 👋 Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami melalui informasi kontak di " "bawah ini, atau kirimkan pesan menggunakan formulir." msgid "Let’s Build Something Together" msgstr "Ayo Buat Sesuatu Bersama" msgid "Dr. Seuss" msgstr "Dr. Seuss" msgid "Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened." msgstr "" "Jangan menangis karena sesuatu itu berakhir, tetapi tersenyumlah karena itu " "terjadi." msgid "J.K. Rowling" msgstr "J.K. Rowling" msgid "" "It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our " "abilities." msgstr "" "Harry, yang menunjukkan jati diri kita adalah pilihan yang kita ambil, jauh " "melebihi kemampuan yang kita tunjukkan." msgid "What People Say" msgstr "Pendapat Orang" msgid "" "This is sample content, included with the template to illustrate its " "features. Remove or replace it with your own words and media." msgstr "" "Ini adalah konten contoh, yang disertakan bersama template untuk " "mengilustrasikan fiturnya. Hapus atau ganti dengan kata-kata dan media Anda " "sendiri." msgid "" "Visitors will want to know who is on the other side of the page. Use this " "space to write about yourself, your site, your business, or anything you " "want. Use the testimonials below to quote others, talking about the same " "thing – in their own words." msgstr "" "Pengunjung mungkin ingin tahu sosok di balik halaman ini. Gunakan bagian ini " "untuk menulis tentang diri Anda, situs, bisnis, atau apa pun yang Anda " "inginkan. Gunakan testimoni di bawah ini untuk mencantumkan kutipan orang " "lain, membicarakan tentang hal yang sama – dengan kata-kata mereka sendiri." msgid "Get in Touch" msgstr "Terhubung" msgid "Service pages" msgstr "Halaman layanan" msgid "Portfolio pages" msgstr "Halaman portofolio" msgid "Contact pages" msgstr "Halaman kontak" msgid "Build a website. Sell your stuff. Write a blog. And so much more." msgstr "Buat situs web. Jual barang Anda. Tulis blog. Dan banyak lagi." msgid "Site Domains" msgstr "Domain Situs" msgid "" "Add a button to any post or page to collect PayPal payments for physical " "products, services, or donations." msgstr "" "Tambahkan tombol ke pos atau halaman mana pun dan terima pembayaran melalui " "PayPal untuk produk fisik, barang digital, layanan, atau donasi." msgid "Collect PayPal payments" msgstr "Kumpulkan pembayaran PayPal" msgid "Subscriber-only content and Pay with PayPal buttons" msgstr "Konten khusus pelanggan dan tombol Bayar dengan PayPal" msgid "Learn more about Pay with PayPal." msgstr "Pelajari selengkapnya tentang Bayar dengan PayPal." msgid "" "Including premium themes, advanced design and monetization options, Pay with " "PayPal buttons, and a custom domain name for one year." msgstr "" "Termasuk tema premium, pilihan desain dan monetisasi tingkat lanjut, tombol " "Bayar dengan PayPal, dan nama domain khusus selama satu tahun." msgid "Limits results to plugins with the given status." msgstr "Batasi hasil untuk plugin dengan status yang diberikan." msgid "The plugin's text domain." msgstr "Domain teks plugin." msgid "Minimum required version of PHP." msgstr "Versi PHP minimum yang diperlukan." msgid "Minimum required version of WordPress." msgstr "Versi WordPress minimum yang diperlukan." msgid "Whether the plugin can only be activated network-wide." msgstr "Jika plugin hanya dapat diaktifkan untuk seluruh jaringan." msgid "The plugin version number." msgstr "Nomor versi plugin." msgid "The plugin description formatted for display." msgstr "Deskripsi plugin diformat untuk tampilan." msgid "The raw plugin description." msgstr "Deskripsi plugin yang belum diproses." msgid "The plugin description." msgstr "Deskripsi plugin." msgid "Plugin author's website address." msgstr "Alamat situs web plugin developer" msgid "The plugin author." msgstr "Penulis plugin." msgid "The plugin's website address." msgstr "Alamat situs web penulis plugin." msgid "The plugin name." msgstr "Nama plugin." msgid "The plugin file." msgstr "Berkas plugin." msgid "The filesystem is currently unavailable for managing plugins." msgstr "Filesystem untuk mengelola plugin saat ini tidak tersedia." msgid "Network only plugin must be network activated." msgstr "Plugin khusus untuk jaringan wajib diaktifkan pada jaringan." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to deactivate this plugin." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan menonaktifkan plugin ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to activate this plugin." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan mengaktifkan plugin ini." msgid "Cannot delete an active plugin. Please deactivate it first." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat menghapus plugin aktif. Silakan non-aktifkan plugin lebih dahulu." msgid "Unable to determine what plugin was installed." msgstr "Tidak dapat menentukan plugin yang telah terpasang." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to activate plugins." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengaktifkan plugin." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to manage this plugin." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengelola plugin ini." msgid "Plugin not found." msgstr "Plugin tidak ditemukan." msgid "The plugin activation status." msgstr "Status aktivasi plugin." msgid " plugin directory slug." msgstr "Slug direktori plugin" msgid "Context values inherited by blocks of this type." msgstr "Nilai konteks diwarisi oleh blok tipe ini." msgid "Context provided by blocks of this type." msgstr "Konteks disediakan oleh blok tipe ini." msgid "Block name." msgstr "Nama blok." msgid "Limit result set to blocks matching the search term." msgstr "" "Batasi hasil yang telah diatur untuk menghalangi penyesuaian istilah " "pencarian." msgid "" "The date when the block was last updated, in fuzzy human readable format." msgstr "" "Tanggal pembaruan blok terakhir, dalam format yang cukup dapat dibaca " "manusia." msgid "The block icon." msgstr "Ikon blok." msgid "The username of the block author." msgstr "Nama pengguna dari penulis blok." msgid "The number of blocks published by the same author." msgstr "Jumlah blok yang dibuat oleh penyusun yang sama." msgid "The average rating of blocks published by the same author." msgstr "Peringkat rata-rata blok yang diterbitkan oleh penyusun yang sama." msgid "The number sites that have activated this block." msgstr "Jumlah situs yang sudah mengaktifkan blok ini." msgid "The number of ratings." msgstr "Jumlah peringkat:" msgid "The star rating of the block." msgstr "Peringkat bintang pada blok." msgid "The block slug." msgstr "Slug blok" msgid "A short description of the block, in human readable format." msgstr "Deskripsi singkat untuk blok, dalam format yang dapat dibaca manusia." msgid "The block title, in human readable format." msgstr "Judul blok, dalam format yang dapat dibaca manusia." msgid "The block name, in namespace/block-name format." msgstr "Nama blok, dalam format namespace/nama blok." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to browse the block directory." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk menjelajahi direktori blok." msgid "Please enter your site address." msgstr "Silakan masukkan alamat situs Anda." msgid "" "Your site address is a subdomain ( You " "can register a new custom domain or transfer an existing one to your free " "site, which will redirect visitors to your subdomain." msgstr "" "Alamat situs Anda adalah subdomain ( " "Anda dapat mendaftarkan domain khusus baru atau mentransfer domain yang Anda " "miliki ke situs gratis Anda, sehingga pengunjung akan dialihkan ke subdomain " "Anda." msgid "Skip Setup" msgstr "Lewati Penyiapan" msgid "Select a page…" msgstr "Pilih halaman…" msgid "You don’t have permission to do this." msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk memutuskan melakukan ini." msgid "Action failed. Please refresh the page and retry." msgstr "Proses gagal. Silakan refresh halaman dan coba lagi." msgid "" "If your site is loading but you’re still seeing this error, this guide will " "help you troubleshoot the Jetpack connection." msgstr "" "Apabila situs Anda sedang dimuat, tetapi Anda masih melihat pesan error ini, " "panduan ini akan membantu Anda menyelesaikan masalah koneksi Jetpack." msgid "Telangana" msgstr "Telangana" msgid "%s is now active" msgstr "%s sekarang sudah aktif" msgid "iDEAL" msgstr "iDEAL" msgid "" "There is an issue activating %s. Please contact our support team for help." msgstr "" "Ada masalah saat melakukan aktivasi %s. Hubungi tim dukungan kami untuk " "mendapatkan bantuan." msgid "You have a password configured, but can change it at any time." msgstr "Anda telah membuat kata sandi, dan Anda dapat mengubahnya kapan pun." msgid "Security Checklist" msgstr "Daftar Periksa Keamanan" msgid "" "This site is currently not eligible for %s. Please contact our support team " "for help." msgstr "" "Situs ini sekarang tidak tersedia untuk %s. Hubungi tim dukungan kami untuk " "mendapatkan bantuan." msgid "" "Your free website includes a subdomain ( You can " "register a new custom domain or transfer an existing one to your free site, " "but you’ll need a paid plan to use it as your site’s main " "address. Without a plan, your custom domain will simply redirect visitors to " "your free subdomain." msgstr "" "Situs web gratis Anda mencakup sebuah subdomain ( " "Anda dapat mendaftarkan domain khusus baru atau menghubungkan yang Anda " "miliki ke situs web gratis Anda, tetapi Anda membutuhkan paket berbayar " " untuk menggunakannya sebagai alamat situs web utama Anda. " "Tanpa paket, domain khusus Anda hanya akan mengarahkan pengunjung ke " "subdomain gratis Anda." msgid "Locale of the client." msgstr "Lokasi klien." msgid "Page number of the posts to return." msgstr "Nomor halaman pos yang akan dikembalikan." msgid "Number of posts to return." msgstr "Jumlah pos yang akan dikembalikan." msgid "Tags to fetch posts for." msgstr "Tag untuk mengambil pos." msgid "Movies" msgstr "Film" msgid "decorating" msgstr "Mendekorasi" msgid "Dance" msgstr "Tarian" msgid "Only site administrators can edit Payments settings." msgstr "Hanya administrator situs yang dapat menyunting pengaturan Pembayaran." msgid "Disconnect Payments from Stripe" msgstr "Putuskan Payments dari Stripe" msgid "Add a new payment plan" msgstr "Tambahkan paket pembayaran baru" msgid "Renew monthly" msgstr "Perbarui setiap bulan" msgid "" "Updating the price will not affect existing subscribers, who will pay what " "they were originally charged on renewal." msgstr "" "Memperbarui harga tidak akan memengaruhi pelanggan Anda saat ini, mereka " "akan membayar sesuai yang semula dibebankan saat pembaruan." msgid "Updated \"%s\" payment plan." msgstr "Paket pembayaran %s diperbarui." msgid "Added \"%s\" payment plan." msgstr "Paket pembayaran %s ditambahkan." msgid "" "Earn money on your site by displaying ads and collecting payments or " "donations." msgstr "" "Dapatkan penghasilan dari situs Anda melalui iklan dan menerima pembayaran " "atau donasi." msgid "" "Jetpack activity log is a free record of everything that happens on your " "site." msgstr "" "Catatan aktivitas Jetpack adalah catatan bebas mengenai semua yang terjadi " "pada situs Anda." msgid "Keep a closer eye on your site" msgstr "Pantau situs Anda lebih jauh" msgid "" "Download our free mobile app to view stats, moderate comments, create and " "edit posts, and upload media -- anywhere, any time." msgstr "" "Unduh aplikasi seluler gratis kami untuk melihat statistik, memoderasi " "komentar, membuat dan menyunting pos, dan mengunggah media di mana pun, " "kapan pun." msgid "Explore Jetpack Premium" msgstr "Jelajahi Jetpack Premium" msgid "" "<strong>Scan your website daily with Jetpack Premium.</strong> Also included " "are auto-fixes and support from Jetpack. We’re here to help if we find any " "malicious code or vulnerabilities. You’ll also get <strong>daily backups</" "strong> so you don’t lose your hard work." msgstr "" "<strong>Pindai situs web Anda setiap hari dengan Jetpack Premium.</strong> " "Perbaikan otomatis dan bantuan dari Jetpack juga tersedia. Kami siap " "membantu jika ditemukan kode berbahaya atau kerentanan. Anda juga akan " "memperoleh <strong>pencadangan harian</strong>, agar Anda tidak kehilangan " "hasil kerja keras Anda." msgid "Scan and Backup <em>%1$s</em> with Jetpack Premium" msgstr "Pindai dan Cadangkan <em>%1$s</em> dengan Jetpack Premium" msgid "" "<strong>Update:</strong> <a href=\"%1$s\">Auto-update plugins</a> to keep " "them secure and running the latest patches." msgstr "" "<strong>Pembaruan:</strong> <a href=\"%1$s\">Plugin pembaruan otomatis</a> " "untuk menjaga agar situs web tetap aman dan menjalankan patch terbaru." msgid "" "<strong>Backup:</strong> Jetpack Backup will make sure you never lose your " "hard work." msgstr "" "<strong>Pencadangan:</strong> Jetpack Backup akan memastikan Anda tidak " "pernah kehilangan konten Anda." msgid "" "<strong>Scan:</strong> Jetpack Scan will alert you of plugin and theme " "vulnerabilities while regularly scanning your site for malicious files." msgstr "" "<strong>Pemindaian:</strong> Jetpack Scan akan mengirimkan notifikasi jika " "ditemukan kerentanan plugin dan tema saat memindai situs Anda secara berkala " "untuk mencari berkas yang berbahaya." msgid "The three most important takeaways are:" msgstr "Tiga hal terpenting adalah:" msgid "" "While WordPress is inherently very secure, installing new themes and plugins " "can still increase vulnerability. Check out this article on <a " "href=\"%1$s\">Upgrading your WordPress Security</a>." msgstr "" "Walau WordPress sangat aman, menginstal tema dan plugin baru dapat " "menimbulkan kerentanan. Pelajari artikel berikut tentang cara <a " "href=\"%1$s\">Meningkatkan Keamanan WordPress Anda</a>." msgid "" "Jetpack has partnered with Bluehost to bring you an even better Jetpack " "experience." msgstr "" "Jetpack telah bekerja sama dengan Bluehost untuk menghadirkan pengalaman " "Jetpack yang lebih baik." msgid "Secure the plugins and themes on <em>%1$s</em>" msgstr "Amankan plugin dan tema pada <em>%1$s</em>" msgid "Security tips for installing new plugins and themes" msgstr "Petunjuk keamanan instalasi plugin dan tema" msgid "" "The great news is that you can upgrade today and try the %(planName)s Plan " "risk-free thanks to our {{b}}%(days)d-day money-back guarantee{{/b}}." msgstr "" "Kabar baiknya, Anda bisa melakukan upgrade sekarang juga dan mencoba Paket " "%(planName)s bebas risiko berkat {{b}}garansi uang kembali %(days)d hari{{/" "b}} dari kami." msgid "Forever" msgstr "Selamanya" msgid "For a week" msgstr "Selama satu minggu" msgid "For a day" msgstr "Selama satu hari" msgid "Hide this" msgstr "Sembunyikan" msgid "Social Logins" msgstr "Login dari Media Sosial" msgid "" "You have {{strong}}%(socialLoginCount)d social login enabled{{/strong}}." msgid_plural "" "You have {{strong}}%(socialLoginCount)d social logins enabled{{/strong}}." msgstr[0] "" "Anda mengaktifkan {{strong}}%(socialLoginCount)dlogin di media sosial{{/" "strong}}." msgstr[1] "" "Anda mengaktifkan {{strong}}%(socialLoginCount)dlogin di media sosial{{/" "strong}}." msgid "You do not have any social logins enabled." msgstr "Anda belum mengaktifkan login di media sosial." msgid "Marketing tactic" msgstr "Tip Pemasaran yang Ampuh" msgid "" "Automated scanning and one‑click fixes to keep your site ahead of security " "threats." msgstr "" "Pemindaian otomatis dan perbaikan‑sekali klik memastikan situs Anda siap " "menghadapi ancaman keamanan." msgid "Beta" msgstr "Beta" msgid "Expand all plans" msgstr "Tampilkan semua paket" msgid "Collapse all plans" msgstr "Tutup semua paket" msgid "This tag is already on the list" msgstr "Tag ini sudah ada dalam daftar" msgid "A list with that title already exists" msgstr "Daftar dengan judul tersebut sudah ada" msgid "The title is missing" msgstr "Judul tidak ada" msgid "The list is private" msgstr "Daftar ini bersifat pribadi" msgid "Invalid request input" msgstr "Input permintaan tidak valid" msgid "List item not found" msgstr "Daftar item tidak ditemukan" msgid "Only the owner of a list may delete it" msgstr "Hanya pemilik daftar yang dapat menghapusnya" msgid "" "An active access token must be used to query information about the current " "user" msgstr "" "Token akses yang aktif harus digunakan untuk meminta informasi mengenai " "pengguna saat ini" msgid "" "A domain name is the site address people type in their browser to visit your " "site." msgstr "" "Nama domain adalah alamat situs yang diketik di browser untuk mengunjungi " "situs Anda." msgid "View more results" msgstr "Lihat hasil lainnya" msgid "" "Welcome to %s and Please use the link below to confirm your " "email address and activate your account." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di %s dan! Gunakan tautan di bawah ini untuk " "mengonfirmasi alamat email dan mengaktifkan akun Anda." msgid "" "Welcome to %s and Please click the button below to confirm " "your email address and activate your account." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di %s dan! Klik tombol di bawah ini untuk " "mengonfirmasi alamat email dan mengaktifkan akun Anda." msgid "Confirm your email" msgstr "Konfirmasikan e-mail Anda" msgid "Create new list" msgstr "Buat daftar baru" msgid "A simple, text-driven, single-column block-based theme." msgstr "Tema sederhana, berbasis teks dan blok satu kolom." msgid "Find out more about Jetpack." msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai Jetpack." msgid "" "Jetpack is a feature-rich plugin for WordPress sites. Because your site is " "hosted with us at, you already have access to most Jetpack’s " "features." msgstr "" "Jetpack adalah plugin yang kaya fitur untuk situs WordPress. Karena situs " "Anda dikelola oleh, Anda dapat menggunakan sebagian besar " "fitur Jetpack." msgid "What is Jetpack?" msgstr "Apa itu Jetpack?" msgid "Sorry, there was an error loading this page." msgstr "Maaf, terjadi kesalahan saat memuat halaman ini." msgid "" "Unlock more granular control over your site, with the ability to restore it " "to any previous state, and export it at any time." msgstr "" "Kontrol lebih detail situs Anda, dengan kemampuan mengembalikannya ke " "keadaan sebelumnya dan mengekspornya setiap saat." msgid "Pay with PayPal makes it easier to accept credit card payments." msgstr "" "Bayar Dengan PayPal memudahkan Anda untuk menerima pembayaran kartu kredit." msgid "Add a Pay with PayPal button as a Widget." msgstr "Tambahkan tombol Bayar dengan PayPal sebagai Widget." msgid "Select a Pay with PayPal button:" msgstr "Pilih tombol Bayar dengan PayPal:" msgid "List updated successfully." msgstr "Daftar berhasil diperbarui!" msgid "%s is not included" msgstr "%s tidak disertakan" msgid "Pick a free domain (1 year)" msgstr "Pilih domain gratis (1 tahun)" msgid "Here's a few options to try before you permanently delete your account." msgstr "" "Berikut beberapa pilihan yang dapat Anda coba sebelum menghapus akun Anda " "secara permanen." msgid "Delete a site" msgstr "Hapus situs" msgid "Change your password" msgstr "Ubah kata sandi Anda" msgid "Change your username" msgstr "Ubah nama pengguna Anda" msgid "" "You can export this list to use on other services. The file will be in OPML " "format." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengekspor daftar ini untuk digunakan pada layanan lainnya. File " "akan memiliki format OPML." msgid "Manage %(listName)s" msgstr "Kelola %(listName)s" msgid "What's your list about?" msgstr "Daftar Anda berisi hal apa?" msgid "" "Don't worry, posts from private sites will only appear to those with access. " "Adding a private site to a public list will not make posts from that site " "accessible to everyone." msgstr "" "Jangan khawatir, pos dari situs pribadi hanya dapat terlihat oleh mereka " "yang memiliki akses. Menambahkan situs pribadi ke daftar publik tidak akan " "membuat pos dari situs tersebut dapat diakses oleh semua orang." msgid "Only I can view this list" msgstr "Hanya saya yang dapat melihat daftar ini" msgid "Everyone can view this list" msgstr "Semua orang dapat melihat daftar ini" msgid "The name of the list." msgstr "Nama daftar." msgid "Sorry, all upcoming sessions are full." msgstr "Maaf, semua sesi mendatang sudah penuh" msgid "" "Scan gives you automated scanning and one-click fixes to keep your site " "ahead of security threats." msgstr "" "Pemindaian dilakukan secara otomatis dan terdapat juga perbaikan sekali klik " "untuk memastikan situs Anda lebih siap menghadapi ancaman keamanan." msgid "" "A complete record of everything that happens on your site, with history that " "spans over 30 days." msgstr "" "Catatan lengkap mengenai semua yang terjadi pada situs Anda, dengan rentang " "waktu hingga 30 hari." msgid "" "Granular control over your site, with the ability to restore it to any " "previous state, and export it at any time." msgstr "" "Kontrol detail atas situs Anda, dengan kemampuan mengembalikannya ke keadaan " "sebelumnya dan mengekspornya setiap saat." msgid "Unable to remove tag from list." msgstr "Tidak dapat menghapus tag dari daftar" msgid "Unable to remove site from list." msgstr "Tidak dapat menghapus situs dari daftar" msgid "Unable to remove feed from list." msgstr "Tidak dapat menghapus feed dari daftar" msgid "I don't understand" msgstr "Saya tidak mengerti" msgid "" "You have great content. We have a great way for you to make money with it. " "Specify certain content as Premium and require visitors to pay a monthly or " "annual fee to access it." msgstr "" "Anda memiliki konten yang luar biasa. Kami menyediakan cara mudah untuk " "mendapatkan penghasilan dari konten tersebut. Jadikan konten tertentu " "sebagai konten Premium dan tetapkan biaya bulanan atau tahunan untuk " "pengunjung yang mengaksesnya." msgid "Two-Step Backup Codes" msgstr "Kode Cadangan Dua Langkah" msgid "" "You have {{strong}}not verified your backup codes{{/strong}} for two-step " "authentication." msgstr "" "Anda {{strong}}belum melakukan verifikasi kode cadangan Anda{{/" "strong}} untuk autentikasi dua langkah." msgid "You have verified your backup codes for two-step authentication." msgstr "" "Anda telah memverifikasi kode cadangan Anda untuk autentikasi dua langkah." msgid "WooCommerce logo" msgstr "Logo WooCommerce" msgid "Approve your connection" msgstr "Setujui koneksi Anda" msgid "Enter your email address to get started" msgstr "Masukkan alamat email Anda untuk memulai" msgid "" "Your account will enable you to start using the features and benefits " "offered by %(pluginName)s" msgstr "" "Dengan akun, Anda bisa mulai menggunakan fitur dan manfaat yang ditawarkan " "oleh %(pluginName)s" msgid "Create a new account or connect as a different user" msgstr "Buat akun baru atau hubungkan sebagai pengguna lain" msgid "Get help setting up %(pluginName)s" msgstr "Dapatkan bantuan untuk menyiapkan %(pluginName)s" msgid "Request access" msgstr "Minta akses" msgid "" "Note: You may be seeing this error because you don’t have admin permissions " "for this site.{{br/}}If you think you should, contact your site " "administrator." msgstr "" "Catatan: Anda mungkin melihat error ini karena Anda tidak memiliki izin " "admin untuk situs ini.{{br/}}Jika Anda ingin memperoleh izin admin, hubungi " "administrator situs Anda." msgid "" "If you’re no longer using Jetpack and/or WordPress for your site, or you’ve " "taken your site down, it’s time to disconnect Jetpack." msgstr "" "Apabila Anda tidak menggunakan Jetpack dan/atau WordPress lagi untuk situs " "Anda atau Anda menonaktifkan situs Anda, kini saatnya memutuskan hubungan " "Jetpack." msgid "Troubleshoot Jetpack" msgstr "Pemecahan Masalah Jetpack." msgid "" "Visit your site to make sure it loads properly. If there’s an issue, fix " "your site before worrying about Jetpack! That may resolve this error." msgstr "" "Kunjungi situs Anda untuk memastikan situs tersebut dimuat dengan benar. " "Apabila terdapat masalah, perbaiki situs Anda terlebih dahulu sebelum " "memperhatikan Jetpack! Hal ini mungkin dapat mengatasi error." msgid "Confirm that your site loads" msgstr "Konfirmasi apakah situs Anda dapat dimuat." msgid "" "Jetpack wasn’t able to connect to {{strong}}%(siteSlug)s{{/strong}}.{{br/}}" "Let’s figure out why — there are a few things to try." msgstr "" "Jetpack tidak dapat terhubung dengan {{strong}}%(siteSlug)s{{/strong}}." "{{br/}}Ayo cari penyebabnya — ada beberapa hal yang dapat dilakukan." msgid "Your site, {{strong}}%(siteName)s{{/strong}}, cannot be accessed" msgstr "Situs Anda, {{strong}}%(siteName)s{{/strong}}, tidak dapat diakses" msgid "I’d like to fix this now" msgstr "Saya ingin memperbaikinya sekarang" msgid "" "With it’s easy to collect payments on your website. You can " "sell physical or digital goods, accept monthly donations, and provide access " "to exclusive content to paying subscribers. Your premium content can also be " "delivered automatically to your followers’ inboxes as a paid newsletter. Set " "up subscriptions with automated payments and no third-party billing. " "Subscribers can cancel easily, anytime. It’s a simpler way to turn your " "audience into a business." msgstr "" "Dengan, Anda dapat menerima pembayaran di situs web Anda " "dengan mudah. Anda dapat menjual barang fisik atau digital, menerima donasi " "bulanan, dan menyediakan akses ke konten eksklusif bagi pelanggan yang " "membayar. Konten premium Anda juga dapat dikirimkan secara otomatis ke inbox " "penggemar Anda sebagai buletin berbayar. Kelola langganan dengan pembayaran " "otomatis tanpa penagihan oleh pihak ketiga. Pelanggan dapat membatalkan " "dengan mudah kapan pun. Cara mudah untuk menjadikan penggemar Anda sebagai " "sumber penghasilan." msgid "Email premium content to paying subscribers." msgstr "Kirimkan konten premium kepada pelanggan berbayar melalui email." msgid "Paid Newsletters" msgstr "Buletin Berbayar" msgid "Compare pricing and plans" msgstr "Bandingkan harga dan paket" msgid "Sorry, you don't have permission to export this list." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk mengekspor daftar ini." msgid "No Jetpack configuration is required." msgstr "Konfigurasi Jetpack tidak diperlukan." msgid "" "In order to simplify your experience we've moved these to their dedicated " "section under the Jetpack settings tab." msgstr "" "Untuk menyederhanakan pengalaman Anda, kami telah memindahkan hal ini ke " "bagian khusus dalam bilah pengaturan Jetpack." msgid "Looking for Jetpack backups and security scans settings?" msgstr "Mencari pengaturan pemindaian keamanan dan pencadangan Jetpack?" msgid "You do not have two-step authentication enabled." msgstr "Anda belum mengaktifkan autentikasi dua langkah." msgid "" "You have two-step authentication {{strong}}enabled{{/strong}} using SMS " "messages to {{strong}}%(phoneNumber)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Anda telah {{strong}}mengaktifkan{{/strong}} autentikasi dua langkah " "menggunakan pesan SMS ke {{strong}}%(phoneNumber)s{{/strong}}." msgid "" "You have two-step authentication {{strong}}enabled{{/strong}} using an app." msgstr "" "Anda telah {{strong}}mengaktifkan{{/strong}} autentikasi dua langkah " "menggunakan aplikasi." msgid "Recovery SMS Number" msgstr "Nomor SMS Pemulihan" msgid "" "You have set {{strong}}%(recoveryPhoneNumber)s{{/strong}} as your recovery " "SMS number." msgstr "" "Anda telah menetapkan {{strong}}%(recoveryPhoneNumber)s{{/strong}} sebagai " "nomor SMS pemulihan Anda." msgid "You do not have a recovery SMS number." msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki nomor SMS pemulihan." msgid "" "You have set {{strong}}%(recoveryEmailAddress)s{{/strong}} as your recovery " "email address." msgstr "" "Anda telah mendaftarkan {{strong}}%(recoveryEmailAddress)s{{/strong}} " "sebagai alamat email pemulihan Anda." msgid "You do not have a recovery email address." msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki alamat email pemulihan." msgid "Account Email" msgstr "Email Akun" msgid "Your account email address is {{strong}}%(emailAddress)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "Alamat email akun Anda adalah {{strong}}%(emailAddress)s{{/strong}}." msgid "" "Your account email address is {{strong}}%(emailAddress)s{{/strong}}, but is " "not verified yet." msgstr "" "Alamat email akun Anda adalah {{strong}}%(emailAddress)s{{/strong}}, namun " "belum diverifikasi." msgid "You currently have %(numberOfApps)d connected application." msgid_plural "You currently have %(numberOfApps)d connected applications." msgstr[0] "Anda memiliki %(numberOfApps)d aplikasi yang terhubung." msgstr[1] "Anda memiliki %(numberOfApps)d aplikasi yang terhubung." msgid "You do not have any connected applications." msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki aplikasi apa pun yang terhubung." msgid "Block namespace." msgstr "Namespace blok." msgid "Block example." msgstr "Contoh blok." msgid "Block keywords." msgstr "Kata kunci blok." msgid "Parent blocks." msgstr "Blok induk." msgid "Public text domain." msgstr "Domain teks publik" msgid "Block style variations." msgstr "Variasi gaya blok." msgid "Public facing style handles." msgstr "Handle style untuk publik." msgid "Editor style handles." msgstr "Handle style editor." msgid "Public facing script handles." msgstr "Handle script untuk publik." msgid "Editor script handles." msgstr "Handle editor script." msgid "Is the block dynamically rendered." msgstr "Jika blok dirender secara dinamis." msgid "Block category." msgstr "Kategori blok." msgid "Block supports." msgstr "Dukungan blok." msgid "Block attributes." msgstr "Fitur-fitur blok." msgid "Icon of block type." msgstr "Ikon jenis blok" msgid "Description of block type." msgstr "Deskripsi jenis blok." msgid "Unique name identifying the block type." msgstr "Nama unik sebagai identifikasi jenis blok." msgid "Title of block type." msgstr "Judul tipe blok." msgid "Invalid block type." msgstr "Tipe blok tidak valid." msgid "Wide Blocks" msgstr "Blok Lebar" msgid "Block Editor Styles" msgstr "Style Editor Blok" msgid "Default Site Domain" msgstr "Domain Situs Sumber" msgid "" "%1$s — and lots of other websites — runs on Your subscription " "comes with a account you can use to manage subscriptions " "across all websites." msgstr "" "%1$s — dan banyak situs web lainnya — berbasis Langganan Anda " "juga memiliki akun yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk mengelola " "langganan di seluruh situs web" msgid "Wait, why" msgstr "Tunggu, kenapa" msgid "" "%1$s subscriptions are managed at <a href=\"%2$s\" style=\"text-decoration: " "none;\"></a>. To avoid being charged again, cancel your " "subscription before the renewal date listed above. <a href=\"%3$s\" style=" "\"text-decoration: none;\">Learn more</a>" msgstr "" "%1$s langganan dikelola di <a href=\"%2$s\" style=\"text-decoration: none;" "\"></a>. Agar tidak dikenai biaya tambahan, batalkan langganan " "Anda sebelum tanggal pembaruan yang disebutkan di bawah. <a href=\"%3$s\" " "style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Pelajari lebih lanjut</a>" msgid "Renewal Period" msgstr "Periode Perpanjangan" msgid "Subscription Price" msgstr "Harga Langganan" msgid "" "<strong style=\"font-weight: 600;\">%1$s</strong> at <a href=\"%3$s\" style=" "\"text-decoration: none;\">%2$s</a>" msgstr "" "<strong style=\"font-weight: 600;\">%1$s</strong> di <a href=\"%3$s\" style=" "\"text-decoration: none;\">%2$s</a>" msgid "A message from %1$s:" msgstr "Pesan dari %1$s:" msgid "Thanks for subscribing to %s!" msgstr "Terima kasih telah berlangganan %s!" msgid "Ability to set a custom domain as your primary site address." msgstr "" "Kemampuan untuk menetapkan domain khusus sebagai alamat situs utama Anda." msgid "eCommerce marketing tools for emails and social networks" msgstr "Perangkat pemasaran eCommerce untuk email dan jejaring media sosial" msgid "Unlimited products or services for your online store" msgstr "Produk atau layanan tak terbatas untuk toko online Anda" msgid "Real-time backups and activity logs" msgstr "Pencadangan dan pencatatan aktivitas real time" msgid "Subscriber-only content and payment buttons" msgstr "Konten khusus pelanggan dan tombol pembayaran" msgid "Unlimited access to our library of Premium Themes" msgstr "Akses tidak terbatas ke pustaka Tema Premium" msgid "You cannot call this method until Jetpack Config is configured" msgstr "" "Anda tidak dapat menggunakan metode ini hingga Jetpack Config dikonfigurasi" msgid "Redirecting to PayPal…" msgstr "Mengarahkan kembali ke PayPal..." msgid " Credits: %(amount)s available" msgstr "Kredit %(amount)s tersedia" msgid "Invite Link" msgstr "Tautan Undangan" msgid "Generate new link" msgstr "Hasilkan tautan baru" msgid "Disable invite link" msgstr "Nonaktifkan tautan undangan" msgid "" "Once this invite link is disabled, nobody will be able to use it to join " "your team. Are you sure?" msgstr "" "Setelah tautan undangan ini dinonaktifkan, tidak ada yang dapat " "menggunakannya lagi untuk bergabung dengan tim Anda. Apakah Anda yakin?" msgid "Jetpack Scan Realtime" msgstr "Jetpack Scan Realtime" msgctxt "Jetpack Scan Solution" msgid "Daily Scan" msgstr "Scan Harian" msgid "Jetpack Scan Daily" msgstr "Jetpack Scan Harian" msgid "An image of the back of the card where you find the security code" msgstr "Gambar di bagian belakang kartu tempat Anda melihat kode keamanan" msgid "Enter your name as it's written on the card" msgstr "Masukkan nama Anda sesuai yang tertulis pada kartu" msgid "Cardholder name" msgstr "Nama pemegang kartu" msgid "Expiry date" msgstr "Tanggal kedaluwarsa" msgid "Card number" msgstr "Nomor kartu" msgid "Expiry:" msgstr "Kedaluwarsa:" msgid "Apple Pay" msgstr "Apple Pay" msgid "Select a payment card" msgstr "Pilih kartu pembayaran" msgid "Loading checkout" msgstr "Memuat checkout" msgid "There was an error with this step." msgstr "Terjadi error pada langkah ini." msgid "Continue to the next step" msgstr "Lanjutkan ke langkah berikutnya" msgid "There was a problem with the submit button." msgstr "Terjadi masalah pada tombol kirim." msgid "Redirecting to payment partner…" msgstr "Mengarahkan kembali ke mitra pembayaran..." msgid "" "An error occurred while redirecting to the payment partner. Please try again " "or contact support." msgstr "" "Terjadi error ketika mengarahkan kembali ke mitra pembayaran. Harap coba " "lagi atau hubungi dukungan." msgid "There was a problem with the payment method: %s" msgstr "Terjadi masalah dengan metode pembayaran: %s" msgid "There was a problem with this payment method." msgstr "Terjadi masalah dengan metode pembayaran ini." msgid "" "Everyone can register a new domain or map an existing one to their site. Use " "it as your site’s main address with any paid plan." msgstr "" "Semua orang dapat mendaftarkan domain baru atau memetakan domain yang sudah " "ada ke situs mereka. Gunakan domain tersebut sebagai alamat situs utama Anda " "dengan setiap paket berbayar." msgid "Custom domain as default web address" msgstr "Domain khusus sebagai alamat situs web" msgid "Introducing the new Jetpack Scan" msgstr "Memperkenalkan Jetpack Scan yang baru" msgid "Failed to retrieve all domains" msgstr "Gagal mengambil semua domain" msgid "We could not scan your site because it appears to be offline" msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat memindai situs Anda karena situsnya sepertinya offline" msgid "" "We ran into an issue scanning up your site, but we're aware of the issue and " "working on fixing it" msgstr "" "Kami mengalami masalah saat memindai situs Anda, tapi kami sudah mengetahui " "masalah tersebut dan sedang berusaha memperbaikinya" msgid "Scan failed" msgstr "Pemindaian gagal" msgid "Initial scan complete" msgstr "Pemindaian awal berhasil" msgid "Scan complete" msgstr "Pemindaian berhasil" msgid "Initial backup complete" msgstr "Pencadangan awal berhasil" msgid "Backup and scan complete" msgstr "Pencadangan dan pemindaian selesai" msgid "Your great idea deserves a great domain name." msgstr "Ide hebat Anda layak mendapatkan nama domain yang sama hebatnya." msgid "" "We learn about the newest security threats first and use that information to " "better protect your site" msgstr "" "Kami mempelajari ancaman keamanan terbaru lebih dahulu dan menggunakan " "informasi tersebut untuk melindungi situs Anda" msgid "Jetpack monitors millions of websites for vulnerabilities" msgstr "Jetpack mengawasi kerentanan keamanan pada miliaran situs web" msgid "<a href=\"%1$s\">Mentioned you in a comment on “%2$s”</a>" msgstr "<a href=\"%1$s\">Menyebut Anda pada komentar di “%2$s”</a>" msgid "%(number)d {{span}}threat{{/span}}" msgid_plural "%(number)d {{span}}threats{{/span}}" msgstr[0] "%(number)d {{span}}ancaman{{/span}}" msgstr[1] "%(number)d {{span}}ancaman{{/span}}" msgid "Pexels free photos" msgstr "Foto gratis Pexels" msgid "Media library" msgstr "Pustaka Media" msgid "Track your stats with Google Analytics" msgstr "Telusuri statistik situs dengan Google Analytics" msgid "Drive traffic to your site with our advanced SEO tools" msgstr "Tingkatkan aktivitas situs Anda dengan perangkat SEO tingkat lanjut" msgid "Could not retrieve source URL." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengambil URL sumber." msgid "An unknown error has occurred. Please try again later." msgstr "Terjadi galat tak dikenal. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "Media data to copy." msgstr "Data media untuk disalin." msgid "Number of media items in the request" msgstr "Jumlah item media dalam permintaan" msgid "Media collection search term." msgstr "Istilah pencarian koleksi media." msgid "An error occurred while trying to empty the Feedback spam folder." msgstr "Terjadi error saat mengosongkan folder spam Umpan Balik." msgid "You aren’t authorized to do that." msgstr "Anda tidak diotorisasi untuk melakukannya." msgid "Emptying Spam (%1$s%)" msgstr "Mengosongkan Spam (%1$s%)" msgid "New comment on" msgstr "Komentar baru di" msgid "New mention on" msgstr "Penyebutan baru di" msgid "<a href=\"%1$s\">Mentioned you in “%2$s”</a>" msgstr "<a href=\"%1$s\">Menyebut Anda pada “%2$s”</a>" msgid "Would you like to join %1$s?" msgstr "Apakah Anda tertarik bergabung dengan %1$s?" msgid "You’ve joined %1$s!" msgstr "Anda telah bergabung dengan %1$s!" msgid "<a href=\"%1$s\">Commented on “%2$s</a>”" msgstr "<a href=\"%1$s\">Berkomentar di “%2$s</a>”" msgctxt "context: noun" msgid "Restore" msgstr "Pulihkan" msgid "Security, performance, and marketing tools for WordPress" msgstr "Alat keamanan, performa, dan pemasaran untuk WordPress" msgid "Protect your site" msgstr "Lindungi situs Anda" msgid "Get Scan" msgstr "Dapatkan Scan" msgid "How to Protect Your Small Business from Cyber Attacks" msgstr "Cara Melindungi Bisnis Anda Dari Serangan Siber" msgid "Do You Need a Security Upgrade for Your WordPress Website?" msgstr "" "Apakah Anda Membutuhan Peningkatan Keamanan Untuk Situs Web WordPress Anda?" msgid "Chris Coyier, Web Design Expert" msgstr "Chris Coyier, Ahli Desain Web" msgid "" "With automatic, behind-the-scenes scanning and instant email notifications, " "you can focus on running your business." msgstr "" "Dengan pemindaian otomatis yang tersembunyi dan notifikasi email instan, " "Anda dapat fokus menjalankan bisnis." msgid "Set it and forget it" msgstr "Siapkan dan percayakan pada kami" msgid "" "Scanning takes place on our servers, so you can access your site even when " "it goes down." msgstr "" "Pemindaian dilakukan di server kami, sehingga Anda dapat mengakses situs " "Anda bahkan ketika situs Anda offline." msgid "Decentralized scanning" msgstr "Pemindaian terdesentralisasi" msgid "" "You’ve got enough things to worry about. Get peace of mind that we’re " "looking after your site." msgstr "" "Banyak hal lain yang harus Anda kerjakan. Kami akan menjaga situs Anda agar " "Anda dapat berfokus pada bisnis Anda." msgid "Don’t think twice about security" msgstr "Percayakan keamanan situs Anda pada kami" msgid "" "Our easy-to-read interface means that you don’t need to be a security " "expert. We’ll guide you through any issues quickly and clearly, and help you " "resolve many threats with one click." msgstr "" "Tampilan antarmuka kami mudah dipahami sehingga Anda tidak perlu menjadi " "ahli keamanan. Kami akan memandu Anda mengatasi setiap masalah dengan cepat " "dan mudah, dan membantu Anda menghilangkan banyak ancaman dengan mudah." msgid "Simple, yet powerful" msgstr "Sederhana, namun berguna" msgid "" "When your site is your business, you can’t afford for it to go offline. " "We’ll alert you immediately to any new threats, bad actors, or suspicious " "behavior so you can keep the customers flowing." msgstr "" "Ketika situs Anda menjadi bisnis Anda, maka situs Anda tidak boleh offline. " "Kami akan segera memberitahukan jika ditemukan ancaman, perusak, atau " "perilaku mencurigakan, sehingga Anda tetap dapat melayani pelanggan." msgid "There’s no time for downtime" msgstr "Tidak ada waktu untuk downtime" msgid "Secure your site for free" msgstr "Amankan situs Anda secara gratis" msgid "We guard your site. You run your business." msgstr "Kami melindungi situs Anda. Anda menjalankan bisnis Anda." msgid "Automated real-time scanning" msgstr "Pemindaian real time otomatis" msgid "" "Recommended for e-commerce stores, news and membership sites, forums, and " "other active sites" msgstr "" "Direkomendasikan untuk toko e-commerce, situs berita dan keanggotaan, forum, " "dan situs aktif lainnya" msgid "Real-time scanning" msgstr "Pemindaian real time" msgid "Automated daily scanning" msgstr "Pemindaian harian otomatis" msgid "Get daily scanning" msgstr "Lakukan pemindaian harian" msgid "" "Ideal for brochure and resume sites, portfolios, restaurants, offices, and " "other static sites." msgstr "" "Ideal untuk situs brosur dan resume, portofolio, restoran, perkantoran, dan " "situs statis lainnya." msgid "Daily scanning" msgstr "Pemindaian harian" msgid "" "Modify your <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">subscription options</a>." msgstr "Ubah pilihan <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">langganan Anda</a>." msgid "" "Need to host multiple sites? Design, build and launch multiple WordPress " "websites on a managed hosting platform running on the same network as " "" msgstr "" "Anda memerlukan hosting untuk banyak situs? Rancang, buat, dan luncurkan " "banyak situs web WordPress menggunakan platform hosting terkelola pada " "jaringan yang sama dengan jaringan" msgid "Receive faster support from our WordPress experts - weekends included." msgstr "" "Dapatkan dukungan yang lebih cepat dari para ahli WordPress kami, termasuk " "di akhir pekan." msgid "" "This certificate from Let's Encrypt ensures the privacy and safety of all " "traffic to and from your site." msgstr "" "Sertifikat dari Let’s Encrypt ini memastikan privasi dan keamanan semua lalu " "lintas ke dan dari situs Anda." msgid "P2" msgstr "P2" msgid "Followed A8C Sites" msgstr "Mengikuti Situs A8C" msgid "" "Sell just about anything to your visitors — physical items, digital " "downloads, memberships, exclusive content, and more." msgstr "" "Tawarkan apa pun kepada pengunjung Anda — barang fisik, produk digital, " "keanggotaan, konten eksklusif, dan lainnya." msgid "Start making money" msgstr "Mulai dapatkan penghasilan" msgid "" "Accept credit and debit card payments on your website for just about " "anything." msgstr "" "Terima pembayaran kartu kredit dan debit pada situs web Anda untuk apa saja." msgid "Make money from your website" msgstr "Dapatkan penghasilan dari situs web Anda" msgid "Landpack" msgstr "Landpack" msgid "Authorize your account to sign into %1$s." msgstr "Izinkan akun Anda untuk masuk ke %1$s." msgid "TXT records may not exceed 2048 characters." msgstr "Rekaman TXT tidak boleh lebih dari 2.048 karakter." msgid "TXT records may not be empty" msgstr "Rekaman TXT tidak boleh kosong" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">Unsubscribe</a> or modify your <a href=" "\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\">subscription options</a>." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">Batalkan langganan</a> atau ubah <a href=" "\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\">opsi langganan</a> Anda." msgid "Jetpack Boost" msgstr "Jetpack Boost" msgid "Close Checkout" msgstr "Tutup Pembayaran" msgid "Your order" msgstr "Pesanan Anda" msgid "" "Please note: to receive a {{refundsSupportPage}}refund for a domain " "renewal{{/refundsSupportPage}}, you must {{cancelDomainSupportPage}}cancel " "your domain{{/cancelDomainSupportPage}} within 96 hours of the renewal " "transaction. Canceling the domain means it will be deleted and you may not " "be able to recover it." msgstr "" "Harap diperhatikan: untuk mendapatkan {{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian " "dana untuk pembaruan domain{{/refundsSupportPage}}, Anda harus " "{{cancelDomainSupportPage}}membatalkan domain{{/cancelDomainSupportPage}} " "dalam 96 jam setelah transaksi pembaruan. Membatalkan domain berarti domain " "akan dihapus dan Anda tidak dapat mengembalikannya." msgid "Submit Survey" msgstr "Kirim Survei" msgid "" "Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback helps " "us improve and maintain the quality of our user interface." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah meluangkan waktu untuk mengisi survei berikut. Masukan " "Anda akan membantu kami meningkatkan dan menjaga kualitas user interface " "kami." msgid "Language Quality Survey" msgstr "Survei Kualitas Bahasa" msgid "Sign up to with a account." msgstr "Daftar ke dengan akun" msgid "Howdy! Log in to with your account." msgstr "Apa kabar! Login ke dengan akun" msgid "P2 is the new working." msgstr "P2 adalah pekerjaan baru." msgid "" "Learn more about using P2 on <a href=\"\" " "target=\"_blank\">our help docs</a>." msgstr "" "Pelajari lebih lanjut cara menggunakan P2 di <a href=\"https://p2help." "\" target=\"_blank\">dokumen bantuan kami</a>." msgid "Manage your team" msgstr "Kelola tim Anda" msgid "Your P2 has a new member" msgstr "P2 Anda memiliki anggota baru" msgid "Check our help docs" msgstr "Periksa dokumen bantuan kami" msgid "Rather difficult to understand" msgstr "Cenderung sulit dipahami" msgid "You can now close this window." msgstr "Anda dapat menutup jendela berikut sekarang." msgid "Survey Complete" msgstr "Survei Selesai" msgid "Correctness" msgstr "Ketepatan" msgid "Readability" msgstr "Keterbacaaan" msgid "Thank you for subscribing!" msgstr "Terima kasih telah berlangganan!" msgid "Search support articles" msgstr "Cari artikel bantuan" msgid "" "Share with friends, family, and website visitors. For every " "paying customer you send our way, you’ll both earn US$25 in free credits. By " "clicking “Earn free credits”, you agree to {{a}}these terms{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Bagikan dengan teman, keluarga, dan pengunjung situs web. " "Untuk setiap pelanggan yang membayar yang Anda kirimkan kepada kami, Anda " "berdua akan memperoleh US$25 dalam bentuk kredit gratis. Dengan memilih " "“Dapatkan kredit gratis”, Anda menyetujui {{a}}ketentuan berikut{{/a}}." msgid "Unlimited activity log" msgstr "Log aktivitas tanpa batas" msgid "One-click security fixes" msgstr "Perbaikan keamanan sekali klik" msgid "All Free features" msgstr "Semua fitur Gratis" msgid "Expanded activity log" msgstr "Log aktivitas yang diperluas" msgid "Unlimited image CDN" msgstr "CDN gambar tanpa batas" msgid "Basic activity log" msgstr "Log aktivitas dasar" msgid "Update your site redirect" msgstr "Perbarui pengalihan situs Anda" msgid "Redirect settings" msgstr "Pengaturan pengalihan" msgctxt "Block pattern category" msgid "Testimonials" msgstr "Testimoni" msgctxt "Block pattern category" msgid "Featured" msgstr "Unggulan" msgctxt "Block pattern category" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "Galeri" msgctxt "Block pattern category" msgid "Buttons" msgstr "Tombol" msgctxt "Block pattern category" msgid "Columns" msgstr "Kolom" msgctxt "Block pattern category" msgid "Audio" msgstr "Audio" msgctxt "Block pattern category" msgid "Text" msgstr "Teks" msgid "Block pattern category name must be a string." msgstr "Nama kategori pola blok harus berupa string." msgid "Mark as seen" msgstr "Tandai sebagai telah dilihat" msgid "Mark all as seen" msgstr "Tandai semua sebagai telah dilihat" msgid "Mark as unseen" msgstr "Tandai sebagai belum dilihat" msgid "Mark all as unseen" msgstr "Tandai semua sebagai belum dilihat" msgid "" "Instant search and filtering to help visitors quickly find relevant answers " "and explore your site." msgstr "" "Pencarian dan pemfilteran instan untuk membantu pengunjung menemukan jawaban " "yang relevan dengan cepat dan menjelajahi situs Anda." msgid "Open when results are available" msgstr "Buka saat hasil tersedia" msgid "Pick a domain" msgstr "Pilih domain" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s subscription is renewing %(relativeRenewDate)s. Would " "you like to renew it now?" msgstr "" "Langganan %(purchaseName)s Anda diperpanjang pada %(relativeRenewDate)s. " "Apakah Anda ingin memperpanjang sekarang?" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s plan is renewing %(relativeRenewDate)s. Would you like " "to renew it now?" msgstr "" "Paket %(purchaseName)s Anda diperpanjang pada %(relativeRenewDate)s. Apakah " "Anda ingin memperpanjang sekarang?" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s domain is renewing %(relativeRenewDate)s. Would you " "like to renew it now?" msgstr "" "Domain %(purchaseName)s Anda diperpanjang pada %(relativeRenewDate)s. Apakah " "Anda ingin memperpanjang sekarang?" msgid "Show connection details" msgstr "Tampilkan detail koneksi" msgid "Hide connection details" msgstr "Sembunyikan detail koneksi" msgid "View scan results" msgstr "Lihat hasil pemindaian" msgid "View backups" msgstr "Lihat cadangan" msgid "View Scan" msgstr "Lihat Pemindaian" msgid "Could not process the payment." msgstr "TIdak dapat memproses pembayaran." msgid "Available Domain Names" msgstr "Nama Domain yang Tersedia" msgid "Recent “%s” Articles" msgstr "Artikel “%s” Terkini" msgid "Popular “%s” Articles" msgstr "Artikel “%s” Populer" msgid "Trending Stories" msgstr "Berita Sedang Ngetren" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Log in</a> or <a href=\"%2$s\">create a " "account</a> to start sharing and blogging." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Login</a> atau <a href=\"%2$s\">buat akun</a> " "untuk mulai berbagi dan membuat blog." msgid "Stories Tagged “%s”" msgstr "Berita dengan Tag “%s”" msgid "" "Please visit the website below to verify your email address as soon as " "possible, or your sites and emails that use these domains will stop working." msgstr "" "Harap kunjungi situs web di bawah ini untuk memverifikasi alamat email Anda " "secepatnya, atau situs dan email yang menggunakan domain ini akan berhenti " "berfungsi." msgid "" "Please visit the website below to verify your email address as soon as " "possible, or your sites and emails that use this domain will stop working." msgstr "" "Harap kunjungi situs web di bawah ini untuk memverifikasi alamat email Anda " "secepatnya, atau situs dan email yang menggunakan domain ini akan berhenti " "berfungsi." msgid "" "Please click the following button to verify your email address as soon as " "possible, or your sites and emails that use these domains will stop working." msgstr "" "Harap klik tombol berikut untuk memverifikasi alamat email Anda secepatnya, " "atau situs dan email yang menggunakan domain ini akan berhenti berfungsi." msgid "" "Please click the following button to verify your email address as soon as " "possible, or your sites and emails that use this domain will stop working." msgstr "" "Harap klik tombol berikut untuk memverifikasi alamat email Anda secepatnya, " "atau situs dan email yang menggunakan domain ini akan berhenti berfungsi." msgid "" "ICANN, the organization responsible for the stability of the Internet, " "requires you to verify the email address associated with your domain " "registration to make sure you receive important notifications about your " "domain." msgstr "" "ICANN, organisasi yang bertanggung jawab atas stabilitas Internet, meminta " "Anda memverifikasi alamat email yang terkait dengan registrasi domain untuk " "memastikan bahwa Anda menerima pemberitahuan penting terkait domain." msgid "Choose Design" msgstr "Pilih desain" msgid "Expected %1$d value(s) for filter but found %2$d" msgstr "Nilai %1$d diharapkan untuk penyaring tetapi yang ditemukan %2$d" msgid "Invalid filter, please check the field and operator" msgstr "Penyaring tidak valid. Harap periksa kolom dan operator" msgid "Invalid match option, make sure you are using one of: %s" msgstr "" "Pilihan pencocokan tidak valid, pastikan Anda menggunakan salah satu dari " "berikut: %s" msgid "" "Welcome to Jetpack. Authorize with your credentials to get " "started." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di Jetpack. Izinkan dengan kredensial Anda " "untuk memulai." msgid "Video details" msgstr "Detail video" msgid "Show comments area in carousel" msgstr "Tampilkan area komentar di carousel" msgid "Daily Webinars" msgstr "Webinar Harian" msgid "Alternate email address" msgstr "Alamat Email Alternatif" msgid "Privacy Policy URL" msgstr "URL Kebijakan Privasi" msgid "Do Not Sell Link" msgstr "Tautan Jangan Jual" msgid "Privacy and Consent" msgstr "Privasi dan Persetujuan" msgid "14-day money-back guarantee" msgstr "Garansi 14 hari uang kembali" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s subscription is expiring %(expiry)s. Would you like to " "renew it now?" msgstr "" "Langganan %(purchaseName)s Anda kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s. Apakah Anda " "ingin memperpanjang sekarang?" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s plan is expiring %(expiry)s. Would you like to renew " "it now?" msgstr "" "Paket %(purchaseName)s Anda kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s. Apakah Anda ingin " "memperpanjang sekarang?" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s domain is expiring %(expiry)s. Would you like to renew " "it now?" msgstr "" "Domain %(purchaseName)s Anda kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s. Apakah Anda ingin " "memperpanjang sekarang?" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s subscription expired %(expiry)s. Would you like to " "renew it now?" msgstr "" "Langganan %(purchaseName)s Anda kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s. Apakah Anda " "ingin memperpanjang sekarang?" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s plan expired %(expiry)s. Would you like to renew it " "now?" msgstr "" "Paket %(purchaseName)s Anda kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s. Apakah Anda ingin " "memperpanjang sekarang?" msgid "" "Your %(purchaseName)s domain expired %(expiry)s. Would you like to renew it " "now?" msgstr "" "Domain %(purchaseName)s Anda kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s. Apakah Anda ingin " "memperpanjang sekarang?" msgid "" "You have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} for %(siteName)s that are available " "for renewal. Would you like to renew them now?" msgstr "" "Anda memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} untuk %(siteName)s yang " "tersedia untuk diperpanjang. Apakah Anda ingin memperpanjang sekarang?" msgid "Renew your products together" msgstr "Perpanjang produk secara bersamaan" msgid "Subscriber Only Content" msgstr "Konten Khusus Pelanggan" msgid "" "Welcome to Jetpack Scan! We're scoping out your site, setting up to do a " "full scan. We'll let you know if we spot any issues that might impact a " "scan, then your first full scan will start." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di Jetpack Scan! Kami mengamati situs Anda untuk " "mempersiapkan pemindaian menyeluruh. Kami akan memberi tahu Anda jika kami " "menemukan kendala yang mungkin memengaruhi proses pemindaian, berikutnya " "pemindaian menyeluruh Anda akan dimulai." msgid "(Only administrators and the post author will see this message.)" msgstr "(Hanya administrator dan penyusun pos yang akan melihat pesan ini.)" msgid "" "An error occurred in the Latest Instagram Posts block. Please try again " "later." msgstr "" "Terjadi error pada blok Pos Instagram Terbaru. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "" "Google Workspace has been removed from your cart because it is no longer " "valid (you may have removed the associated domain)." msgstr "" "Google Workspace telah dihapus dari keranjang Anda karena tidak lagi valid " "(Anda mungkin telah menghapus domain yang terkait)." msgid "" "The “%s” cannot use the domain name of the Google Workspace " "account you plan to purchase." msgstr "" "“%s” tidak dapat menggunakan nama domain akun Google Workplace yang ingin " "Anda beli." msgid "Need help? Find your server credentials" msgstr "Butuh bantuan? Temukan kredensial server Anda" msgid "" "Jetpack is unable to auto fix this threat as we currently do not have access " "to your website's server. Please supply your SFTP/SSH credentials to enable " "auto fixing. Alternatively, you will need go back and {{strong}}fix the " "threat manually{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Jetpack tidak dapat memperbaiki ancaman ini secara otomatis karena saat ini " "kami tidak memiliki akses ke server situs web Anda. Harap berikan kredensial " "SFTP/SSH Anda untuk mengaktifkan perbaikan otomatis. Untuk cara lainnya, " "Anda harus kembali lalu {{strong}}memperbaiki ancaman secara manual{{/" "strong}}." msgid "You have selected to fix a discovered threat" msgstr "Anda memilih untuk memperbaiki ancaman yang ditemukan" msgid "Invalid `properties`. Must be an ojbect with string keys" msgstr "`Properties` tidak valid. Harus berupa objek dengan kunci string" msgid "Invalid `properties`. Must be an ojbect." msgstr "`Properties` tidak valid. Harus berupa objek." msgid "" "By \"appropriate\" we mean how correct the word choice is given the context " "of the text and where it is displayed." msgstr "" "\"Tepat\" yang dimaksud adalah pilihan kata yang digunakan tepat sesuai " "konteks dari teksnya dan letak kata tersebut ditampilkan." msgid "" "We successfully retrieved a backup of your site from " "{{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Kami berhasil mengambil cadangan situs Anda dari " "{{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/strong}}." msgid "Error fixing threats. Please contact support." msgstr "Terjadi error saat memperbaiki ancaman. Silakan hubungi dukungan." msgid "" "We're hard at work fixing these threats in the background. Please check back " "shortly." msgstr "" "Kami yang ada di balik layar berusaha keras untuk memperbaiki ancaman ini. " "Harap periksa kembali sesaat lagi." msgid "Fixing all threats…" msgstr "Memperbaiki semua ancaman…" msgid "Site setup complete!" msgstr "Penyiapan situs selesai!" msgid "" "You finished your site setup. We'll guide you on the next steps to start " "growing your site." msgstr "" "Anda menyelesaikan penyiapan situs. Kami akan memandu Anda ke langkah " "selanjutnya untuk memulai mengembangkan situs." msgid "" "You finished importing your site. We'll guide you on the next steps to start " "growing your site." msgstr "" "Anda selesai mengimpor situs. Kami akan memandu Anda ke langkah selanjutnya " "untuk memulai mengembangkan situs." msgid "Skip site setup" msgstr "Lewati penyiapan situs" msgid "" "Don't forget to share your hard work with everyone. Then keep working " "through your site setup list." msgstr "" "Jangan lupa untuk membagikan hasil kerja keras Anda kepada semua orang. " "Kemudian lanjutkan ke langkah berikutnya untuk menyelesaikan penyiapan situs " "Anda." msgid "" "Don't forget to share your hard work with everyone. Keep up the momentum " "with some guidance on what to do next." msgstr "" "Jangan lupa untuk membagikan kerja keras Anda kepada semua orang. " "Pertahankan momentum dengan beberapa panduan terkait apa saja yang harus " "dilakukan selanjutnya." msgid "Show site setup" msgstr "Tampilkan penyiapan situs" msgid "Show me what's next" msgstr "Tunjukkan apa yang harus dilakukan selanjutnya" msgid "Next, we'll guide you through setting up and launching your site." msgstr "" "Selanjutnya, kami akan memandu Anda untuk menyiapkan dan meluncurkan situs " "Anda." msgid "Please enter a valid Google API Key." msgstr "Masukkan kunci API Google yang valid." msgid "" "Lunch: 11am - 2pm \n" "Dinner: M-Th 5pm - 11pm, Fri-Sat:5pm - 1am" msgstr "" "Makan siang: 11.00 - 14.00 \n" "Makan malam: S-Sl 17.00 - 23.00, Jum-Sab:17.00 - 1.00" msgctxt "Example of a phone number" msgid "1-202-555-1212" msgstr "1-202-555-1212" msgid "" "3999 Mission Boulevard,\n" "San Diego CA 92109" msgstr "" "3999 Mission Boulevard,\n" "San Diego CA 92109" msgid "Hours & Info" msgstr "Jam Layanan & Info" msgid "Site: %(siteName)s" msgstr "Situs: %(siteName)s" msgid "Upcoming renewals" msgstr "Perpanjangan yang akan datang" msgid "expires %(expiry)s" msgstr "kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s" msgid "expired %(expiry)s" msgstr "kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s" msgid "renews %(renewDate)s" msgstr "diperpanjang pada %(renewDate)s" msgid "Renew all" msgstr "Perpanjang semua" msgid "More backups from this day" msgstr "Cadangan lainnya dari hari ini" msgid "Failed to retrieve email accounts" msgstr "Gagal mengambil akun email" msgid "Is Languagename your native language?" msgstr "Apakah bahasa Indonesia merupakan bahasa asli Anda?" msgid "An error occurred while trying to retrieve the activity" msgstr "Terjadi error saat mencoba mengambil aktivitas" msgid "The activity referenced by %(rewindId)s is not rewindable." msgstr "Aktivitas yang dirujuk oeh %(rewindId)s tidak dapat diundur kembali." msgid "The activity referenced by %(rewindId)s does not exist." msgstr "Aktivitas yang dirujuk oeh %(rewindId)s tidak ada." msgid "We've automatically turned on VaultPress." msgstr "Kami secara otomatis mengaktifkan VaultPress." msgid "We're automatically turning on VaultPress." msgstr "Kami secara otomatis mengaktifkan VaultPress." msgid "" "The scanner was unable to check all files and errored before completion. " "Deal with the threats found above and run the {{runScan}}scan again{{/" "runScan}}. If the error persists, we are {{linkToSupport}}here to help{{/" "linkToSupport}}." msgstr "" "Pemindai tidak dapat memeriksa semua file dan mengalami error sebelum proses " "selesai. Atasi ancaman yang ditemukan di atas dan jalankan {{runScan}}" "pemindaian kembali{{/runScan}}. Jika error masih ada, kami {{linkToSupport}}" "siap membantu{{/linkToSupport}}." msgid "" "Jetpack Scan is currently not supported on WordPress multi-site networks." msgstr "" "Jetpack Scan saat ini tidak didukung di jaringan beberapa situs WordPress." msgid "Your site does not support Jetpack Scan" msgstr "Situs Anda tidak mendukung Jetpack Scan" msgid "free forever" msgstr "gratis selamanya" msgid "" "Incredibly powerful and customizable, Jetpack Search helps your visitors " "instantly find the right content. The price of this subscription is based on " "the number of records you have on your site. " msgstr "" "Jetpack Search, yang sangat andal dan dapat disesuaikan oleh pengguna, " "membantu pengunjung Anda agar dapat langsung menemukan konten yang tepat. " "Biaya berlangganan berdasarkan jumlah tipe pos yang Anda miliki di situs " "Anda." msgid "Help your visitors find answers so they keep reading and buying" msgstr "" "Bantu pengunjung Anda menemukan jawaban sehingga mereka tetap membaca dan " "membeli" msgid "Get Backup" msgstr "Dapatkan Backup" msgid "" "{{strong}}Best for organizations:{{/strong}} The most powerful WordPress " "sites: real-time backups and premium themes." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Terbaik untuk organisasi:{{/strong}} Situs WordPress paling andal: " "pencadangan real-time dan tema premium." msgid "" "{{strong}}Best for personal use:{{/strong}} Security essentials for your " "WordPress site, including automated backups and priority support." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Terbaik untuk Penggunaan Pribadi:{{/strong}}Keamanan penting untuk " "situs WordPress Anda, termasuk pencadangan otomatis dan dukungan prioritas." msgid "" "{{strong}}Best for small businesses:{{/strong}} Comprehensive, automated " "scanning for security vulnerabilities, fast video hosting, and marketing " "automation." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Terbaik untuk Bisnis Kecil:{{/strong}}Pemindaian yang lengkap dan " "otomatis untuk mendeteksi kerentanan keamanan, hosting video cepat, dan " "otomatisasi pemasaran." msgid "" "{{strong}}Best for freelancers:{{/strong}} Build a unique website with " "advanced design tools, CSS editing, lots of space for audio and video, " "Google Analytics support, and the ability to monetize your site with ads." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Terbaik untuk Pekerja Lepas:{{/strong}} Buat situs web yang unik " "dengan perangkat desain canggih, penyuntingan CSS, ruang penyimpanan yang " "besar untuk audio dan video, Google Analytics, dan kemampuan untuk " "menghasilkan uang dengan iklan." msgid "" "{{strong}}Best for online stores:{{/strong}} Sell products or services with " "this powerful, all-in-one online store experience. This plan includes " "premium integrations and is extendable, so it’ll grow with you as your " "business grows." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Terbaik untuk Toko Online:{{/strong}} Jual produk atau jasa dengan " "fitur toko online yang andal dan lengkap. Paket berikut mencakup ekstensi " "dengan lebih banyak fitur yang dapat ditambahkan untuk menyesuaikan " "perkembangan bisnis Anda." msgid "" "Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere. Post, read, check stats, and more " "with the WordPress app at your fingertips." msgstr "" "Inspirasi bisa datang kapan saja, di mana saja. Pos, baca periksa statistik, " "dan hal lainnya dengan aplikasi WordPress yang kini dapat diakses dengan " "mudah." msgid "Update and manage on the go" msgstr "Perbarui dan kelola situs di mana saja" msgctxt "Jetpack Scan Solution" msgid "Realtime Scan" msgstr "Scan Real Time" msgid "Retry scan" msgstr "Coba pindai kembali" msgid "Contact support {{externalIcon/}}" msgstr "Hubungi pihak dukungan {{externalIcon/}}" msgid "Rating: %1$s out of %2$s." msgstr "Rating: %1$s dari %2$s." msgid "disabled" msgstr "Dinonaktifkan" msgid "Learn more about selling products on" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang menjual produk dengan" msgid "HTTPS encryption" msgstr "Enkripsi HTTPS" msgid "301 redirects for all HTTP requests to HTTPS" msgstr "301 mengalihkan semua permintaan HTTP ke HTTPS" msgid "Improved Google search rankings" msgstr "Peringkat pencarian Google yang andal" msgid "Protection against hackers trying to mimic your site" msgstr "Perlindungan terhadap peretas yang mencoba meniru situs Anda" msgid "Safe shopping experience with secure payments" msgstr "Pengalaman berbelanja yang aman dengan pembayaran yang aman" msgid "Secure data transmission for all your forms" msgstr "Transmisi data yang aman untuk semua formulir Anda" msgid "Trust indicators that reassure your visitors your site is safe " msgstr "Indikator terpercaya yang meyakinkan pengunjung bahwa situs Anda aman " msgid "" "Strong encryption is critical to ensure the privacy and security of your " "site. This is what you get with HTTPS encryption on" msgstr "" "Enkripsi yang kuat sangat penting untuk memastikan privasi dan keamanan " "situs Anda. Berikut adalah manfaat yang Anda peroleh dengan enkripsi HTTPS " "dengan" msgid "" "We have disabled HTTPS encryption because your domain has expired and is no " "longer active. Renew your domain to reactivate it and turn on HTTPS " "encryption." msgstr "" "Kami menonaktifkan enkripsi HTTPS karena domain Anda sudah kedaluwarsa dan " "tidak lagi aktif. Perpanjang domain Anda untuk mengaktifkannya kembali lalu " "aktifkan enkripsi HTTPS." msgid "" "Due to some changes to your domain, we need to generate a new SSL " "certificate to activate your HTTPS encryption. This process should only take " "a couple hours at most. If you’re running into delays please let us know so " "we can help you out." msgstr "" "Karena terdapat beberapa perubahan pada domain Anda, kami harus membuat " "sertifikat SSL baru untuk mengaktifkan enkripsi HTTPS. Proses ini paling " "lama hanya memakan waktu beberapa jam. Jika Anda mengalami jeda, harap beri " "tahu kami sehingga kami dapat membantu." msgid "Provisioning" msgstr "Penetapan" msgid "Domain security" msgstr "Keamanan domain" msgid "" "To select your custom domain, follow {{domainRegistrationLink}}the " "registration instructions{{/domainRegistrationLink}}." msgstr "" "Untuk memilih domain khusus, ikuti {{domainRegistrationLink}}petunjuk " "pendaftaran{{/domainRegistrationLink}}." msgid "" "After the first year, you’ll continue to have access to your " "plan features but will need to renew the domain name." msgstr "" "Setelah tahun pertama, Anda akan terus memiliki akses untuk fitur paket " " Tetapi, Anda harus memperpanjang nama domain." msgid "" "Purchasing a two-year subscription to a plan gives you two " "years of access to your plan’s features and one year of a custom domain name." msgstr "" "Membeli langganan paket selama dua tahun maka Anda mendapatkan " "akses untuk fitur paket Anda selama dua tahun dan nama domain khusus selama " "satu tahun." msgid "" "Purchasing a one-year subscription to a plan gives you one " "year of access to your plan’s features and one year of a custom domain name." msgstr "" "Membeli langganan paket selama satu tahun maka Anda " "mendapatkan akses untuk fitur paket Anda selama satu tahun dan nama domain " "khusus selama satu tahun." msgid "" "Help your visitors instantly find the right content – right when they need " "it." msgstr "" "Bantu pengunjung untuk langsung menemukan konten yang tepat – tepat saat " "mereka membutuhkannya." msgid "View Privacy Policy" msgstr "Melihat Kebijakan Privasi" msgid "" "After you opt-out you may still see ads, including personalized ones, on " "this site and other sites - they just won't be personalized based on " "information from your visits to this site." msgstr "" "Setelah memilih untuk tidak ikut serta, Anda mungkin masih melihat iklan, " "termasuk iklan yang dipersonalisasi, pada situs ini dan situs lainnya - " "iklan tidak akan dipersonalisasi berdasarkan informasi dari kunjungan Anda " "ke situs ini." msgid "" "This opt-out is managed through cookies, so if you delete cookies, your " "browser is set to delete cookies automatically after a certain length of " "time, or if you visit this site with a different browser, you'll need to " "make this selection again." msgstr "" "Pilihan untuk tidak ikut serta ini dikelola melalui cookie, jadi jika Anda " "menghapus cookie, perambah Anda akan diatur untuk menghapus cookie secara " "otomatis setelah jangka waktu tertentu, atau jika Anda mengunjungi situs ini " "dengan perambah yang berbeda, Anda harus memilih pilihan ini lagi." msgid "" "We never share information that identifies you personally, like your name or " "email address, as part of the advertising program." msgstr "" "Kami tidak pernah membagikan informasi yang mengidentifikasi Anda secara " "pribadi, seperti nama atau alamat email Anda, sebagai bagian dari program " "iklan." msgid "" "An error occurred while restoring your site. Please {{button}}try your " "restore again{{/button}} or contact our support team to resolve the issue." msgstr "" "Terjadi error saat memulihkan situs Anda. Harap {{button}}coba pulihkan " "kembali{{/button}} atau hubungi tim dukungan untuk memecahkan masalah." msgid "Restore failed: %s" msgstr "Pemulihan gagal: %s" msgid "" "An error occurred while creating your downloadable backup. Please {{button}}" "try your download again{{/button}} or contact our support team to resolve " "the issue." msgstr "" "Terjadi error saat membuat cadangan yang dapat diunduh. Harap {{button}}coba " "unduh kembali{{/button}} atau hubungi tim dukungan untuk memecahkan masalah." msgid "Download failed: %s" msgstr "Gagal mengunduh: %s" msgid "In the next hour" msgstr "Pada satu jam berikutnya" msgid "Only site owners are eligible to activate WordAds." msgstr "Hanya pemilik situs yang berhak mengaktifkan WordAds." msgid "Upload media" msgstr "Unggah media" msgid "Very satisfied" msgstr "Sangat puas" msgid "Rather satisfied" msgstr "Cenderung puas" msgid "Neither satisfied or dissatisfied" msgstr "Tidak keduanya" msgid "Rather dissatisfied" msgstr "Cenderung tidak puas" msgid "Very dissatisfied" msgstr "Sangat tidak puas" msgid "" "Your site already is protected by VaultPress. You can find a link to your " "VaultPress dashboard below." msgstr "" "Situs Anda sudah dilindungi oleh VaultPress. Anda dapat menemukan tautan ke " "dasbor VaultPress di bawah ini." msgid "Your site has VaultPress" msgstr "Situs Anda memiliki VaultPress" msgid "" "You accepted %1$s's invitation to contribute to their team, <a href=\"%2$s\">" "%3$s</a>." msgstr "" "Anda menerima undangan %1$s’untuk berkontribusi ke tim mereka, <a href=\"%2$s" "\">%3$s</a>." msgid "Plan Subscription" msgstr "Langganan Paket" msgid "First year free" msgstr "Tahun pertama gratis" msgid "billed annually" msgstr "penagihan tahunan" msgid "" "We were unable to connect to the external service. Please try again later." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat terhubung ke layanan eksternal. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "" "We were unable to connect to the Pexels service. Please try again later." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat terhubung ke layanan Pexels. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "Entering your billing information helps us prevent fraud." msgstr "Mendaftarkan informasi penagihan Anda membantu kami mencegah penipuan." msgid "" "Check out the {{a}}backups help guide{{/a}} or contact our support team to " "resolve the issue." msgstr "" "Baca {{a}}panduan bantuan pencadangan{{/a}} atau hubungi tim dukungan untuk " "memecahkan masalah." msgid "Manage your site and domain all in one place" msgstr "Kelola situs dan domain dalam satu tempat" msgid "Change your email address" msgstr "Ubah alamat email Anda" msgid "Unable to decode response from remote site" msgstr "Tidak dapat mendekodekan respons dari situs jarak jauh" msgid "Error contacting remote site." msgstr "Error saat menghubungi situs jarak jauh." msgid "Free domain for One Year" msgstr "Gratis domain selama Satu Tahun" msgid "Available" msgstr "Tersedia" msgid "Commerce" msgstr "eCommerce" msgid "" "Change your site's appearance in a few clicks, with an expanded selection of " "fonts and colors." msgstr "" "Ubah tampilan situs Anda dengan mudah, dengan beragam pilihan font dan warna." msgid "" "Jetpack Scan couldn't complete a scan of your site. Please check to see if " "your site is down – if it's not, try again. If it is, or if Jetpack Scan is " "still having problems, contact our support team." msgstr "" "Jetpack Scan tidak dapat menyelesaikan pemindaian untuk situs Anda. Harap " "periksa jika situs Anda sedang tidak aktif – jika masih aktif, coba lagi. " "Jika tidak aktif, atau jika Jetpack Scan masih mengalami masalah, hubungi " "tim bantuan kami." msgid "Can read and comment on posts and pages." msgstr "Dapat membaca dan memberi komentar pada pos dan halaman." msgid "Can write and edit their own posts but can't publish them." msgstr "" "Dapat menulis dan menyunting pos yang mereka tulis tetapi tidak dapat " "memublikasikannya." msgid "Can write, upload photos to, edit, and publish their own posts." msgstr "" "Dapat menulis, mengunggah foto, menyunting, dan memublikasikan pos yang " "mereka tulis." msgid "Can write, upload files to, edit, and publish their own posts." msgstr "" "Dapat menulis, mengunggah file untuk, menyunting, dan memublikasikan pos " "mereka sendiri." msgid "Has access to all posts and pages." msgstr "Memiliki akses ke semua pos dan halaman." msgid "Has access to all posts and pages (recommended)." msgstr "Memiliki akses ke semua pos dan halaman (direkomendasikan)." msgid "" "Full power over the site: can invite people, modify the site settings, etc." msgstr "" "Kekuasaan penuh atas situs: dapat mengirim undangan, memodifikasi pengaturan " "situs, dll." msgid "How many Instagram posts?" msgstr "Berapa banyak pos Instagram?" msgid "An Instagram Keyring access token." msgstr "Token Akses Gantungan Kunci Instagram." msgid "Making Money From Your Website" msgstr "Dapatkan Penghasilan dari Situs Web Anda" msgid "Alert: potential security threat detected on %s" msgid_plural "Alert: potential security threats detected on %s" msgstr[0] "Awas: terdeteksi potensi ancaman keamanan di %s" msgstr[1] "Awas: terdeteksi potensi ancaman keamanan di %s" msgid "" "You are receiving this email because you have Jetpack Scan active. When " "contacting support please use the following reference number:<span style=" "\"font-weight: bold\" >[%s]</span>." msgstr "" "Anda menerima email berikut karena Jetpack Scan Anda aktif. Jika Anda " "membutuhkan bantuan, harap gunakan nomor referensi berikut:<span style=" "\"font-weight: bold\" >[%s]</span>." msgid "What's new" msgstr "Apa yang baru" msgid "Import Content" msgstr "Impor Konten Anda" msgid "Average per day" msgstr "Rata-rata per Hari" msgid "Months and years" msgstr "Bulan dan Tahun" msgid "Site icon" msgstr "Ikon situs" msgid "Default post format" msgstr "Format pos standar" msgid "Manage contact information" msgstr "Kelola informasi kontak" msgid "Block emails" msgstr "Blokir Email" msgid "Infinite scroll" msgstr "Gulir Tanpa Batas" msgid "Footer credit" msgstr "Keterangan Footer" msgid "Comment moderation" msgstr "Pengelolaan komentar" msgid "blocked sites" msgstr "Situs yang Diblokir" msgid "App name" msgstr "Nama Aplikasi" msgid "All apps" msgstr "Semua Aplikasi" msgid "Order summary" msgstr "Rincian Pesanan" msgid "View receipt" msgstr "Lihat Resi" msgid "Primary site" msgstr "Situs utama" msgid "Reschedule" msgstr "Jadwalkan Ulang" msgid "Your scheduled Quick Start support session:" msgstr "Sesi dukungan Mulai Cepat Anda yang dijadwalkan:" msgid "All Business features" msgstr "Semua fitur Bisnis" msgid "Expanded site activity" msgstr "Aktivitas Situs yang Diperluas" msgid "3 GB storage space" msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan 3 GB" msgid "Site monetization" msgstr "Monetisasi situs" msgid "Advanced social media" msgstr "Media sosial tingkat lanjut" msgid "Jetpack advanced features" msgstr "Fitur Jetpack tingkat lanjut" msgid "Jetpack essential features" msgstr "Fitur Jetpack tingkat lanjut" msgid "Dozens of free themes" msgstr "Puluhan tema gratis" msgid "Upload themes and plugins" msgstr "Unggah tema dan plugin" msgid "Video tutorial:" msgstr "Tutorial video" msgid "An EU Trademark number is 9 digits." msgstr "Nomor Merek Dagang EU berjumlah 9 digit." msgid "" "The SIREN/SIRET field must be either a 9 digit SIREN number or a 14 digit " "SIRET number." msgstr "" "Kolom SIREN/SIRET harus diisi nomor SIREN 9 digit atau nomor SIRET 14 digit." msgid "" "The VAT Number field is a pattern of letters and numbers that depends on the " "country, but it always starts with a two letter country code." msgstr "" "Kolom Nomor PPN merupakan pola berisi huruf dan angka yang bergantung pada " "negara, tetapi nomor PPN selalu dimulai dengan dua huruf dari kode negara." msgid "ignored" msgstr "diabaikan" msgid "Save credentials" msgstr "Simpan kredensial" msgid "" "The last Jetpack scan ran {{strong}}%s{{/strong}} and everything looked " "great.{{br/}}Run a manual scan now or wait for Jetpack to scan your site " "later today." msgstr "" "Pemindaian Jetpack terakhir dilakukan {{strong}}%s{{/strong}} dan tidak " "ditemukan kendala. {{br/}} Lakukan pemindaian manual sekarang atau tunggu " "Jetpack memindai situs Anda hari ini." msgid "" "Free, live video webinars led by our experts teach you to build a website, " "start a blog, or make money with your site." msgstr "" "Webinar video langsung yang gratis dipandu oleh pakar kami akan mengajarkan " "kepada Anda cara membuat situs web, memulai blog, atau menghasilkan uang " "dengan situs Anda." msgid "Learn from the pros" msgstr "Belajar dari ahlinya" msgid "Latest Backup" msgstr "Cadangan Terbaru" msgid "Latest backups" msgstr "Cadangan terbaru" msgid "Sending email…" msgstr "Mengirim email…" msgid "Limit content to paying subscribers." msgstr "Batasi konten untuk membayar pelanggan." msgid "Subscriber-only content" msgstr "Konten khusus pelanggan" msgid "" "This price is based on %1$s records indexed by Jetpack Search on your site " "(<a href=\"%2$s\">learn more</a>)." msgstr "" "Harga berikut berdasarkan %1$s tipe pos yang diindeks oleh Jetpack Search di " "situs Anda (<a href=\"%2$s\">pelajari lebih lanjut</a>)." msgid "" "This price is based on %1$s records indexed by Jetpack Search on your site, " "and it is more than the price you previously paid because your search usage " "has increased to a higher tier (<a href=\"%2$s\">learn more</a>)." msgstr "" "Harga berikut berdasarkan %1$s tipe pos yang diindeks oleh Jetpack Search di " "situs Anda, dan angkanya lebih tinggi dari harga yang sebelumnya Anda " "bayarkan karena penggunaan pencarian Anda meningkat ke tingkat yang lebih " "tinggi (<a href=\"%2$s\">pelajari lebih lanjut</a>)." msgid "description" msgstr "deskripsi" msgctxt "Module Description" msgid "" "Help visitors quickly find answers with highly relevant instant search " "results and powerful filtering." msgstr "" "Bantu pengunjung agar cepat menemukan jawaban dengan hasil pencarian yang " "sangat relevan dan pemfilteran yang canggih." msgid "" "Learn about the monetization options available with your plan" msgstr "" "Pelajari pilihan monetisasi yang tersedia pada paket Anda" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Click here to check the schedule</a> and register for the " "latest insights on growing your website." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Klik di sini untuk memeriksa jadwal</a> dan daftar untuk " "memperoleh informasi terkini tentang pengembangan situs web." msgid "" "<strong>NEW!</strong> We just released a series of webinars helping " "customers like you make money from your site using’s " "monetization features. " msgstr "" "<strong>BARU!</strong> Kami baru merilis rangkaian webinar yang membantu " "pelanggan seperti Anda untuk mendapatkan penghasilan dari situs web " "menggunakan fitur monetisasi " msgid "Learn More About Monetizing Your Site - For Free!" msgstr "Pelajari Lebih Lanjut Tentang Memonetisasi Situs Anda - Gratis!" msgid "Upgrade my site and start selling" msgstr "Upgrade situs saya dan mulai menjual" msgid "" "An eCommerce store is available only on sites with a Business or eCommerce " "plan." msgstr "" "Toko eCommerce hanya tersedia untuk situs dengan paket Bisnis atau eCommerce." msgid "" "Set up a full ecommerce store right inside your website! Get " "secure payments, configurable shipping options, manage inventory, and more." msgstr "" "Siapkan toko e-commerce lengkap di situs web Anda! Dapatkan " "pembayaran yang aman, pilihan pengiriman yang dapat disesuaikan, fitur " "pengelola inventaris, dan lainnya." msgid "Create a Store and Manage Inventory" msgstr "Buat Toko dan Kelola Inventaris" msgid "" "Pay with PayPal is perfect for one-time payments such as selling digital or " "physical products, or charging fees for services, tips, and donations." msgstr "" "Bayar dengan PayPal adalah pilihan yang tepat untuk melakukan pembayaran " "satu kali, seperti penjualan produk digital atau fisik, atau menagih biaya " "layanan, tip, dan donasi." msgid "" "There are a variety of monetization options available with your WordPress." "com plan -- here’s some guidance so you can decide which opportunity is " "right for you." msgstr "" "Paket Anda menawarkan beragam pilihan monetisasi -- berikut " "beberapa panduan agar Anda dapat menentukan pilihan yang paling tepat." msgid "Whatever your goals, is here to help you achieve them!" msgstr "Apa pun tujuannya, akan membantu Anda untuk meraihnya!" msgid "Start earning money now with your site!" msgstr "Dapatkan penghasilan dengan situs Anda, sekarang!" msgid "Understand every site change" msgstr "Pahami setiap perubahan situs" msgid "Keep your clients in business" msgstr "Jaga keberlangsungan bisnis klien Anda" msgid "Never lose a word, image, page, or time worrying about your site" msgstr "" "Tidak ada kata, gambar, laman, atau waktu yang hilang karena mengkhawatirkan " "situs Anda " msgid "Travel & Transit" msgstr "Wisata Satu Malam" msgid "Shopping & Commerce" msgstr "Belanja & Perdagangan" msgid "Real Estate & Home" msgstr "Real Estat & Rumah" msgid "Marketing & Media" msgstr "Pemasaran & Media" msgid "International" msgstr "Internasional" msgid "Generic/Personal" msgstr "Umum/Pribadi" msgid "Fashion & Beauty" msgstr "Fesyen & Kecantikan" msgid "published %(displayedTime)s" msgstr "dipublikasikan pada %(displayedTime)s" msgid "published on %(displayedTime)s" msgstr "dipublikasikan pada %(displayedTime)s" msgid "draft last modified %(displayedTime)s" msgstr "konsep terakhir dimodifikasi pada %(displayedTime)s" msgid "draft last modified on %(displayedTime)s" msgstr "konsep terakhir dimodifikasi pada %(displayedTime)s" msgid "trashed %(displayedTime)s" msgstr "dibuang pada %(displayedTime)s" msgid "trashed on %(displayedTime)s" msgstr "dibuang pada %(displayedTime)s" msgid "[tomorrow at] LT" msgstr "[besok pukul] LT" msgid "" "Records are all posts, pages, custom post types, and other types of content " "indexed by Jetpack Search." msgstr "" "Tipe pos merupakan pos, halaman, tipe pos khusus, dan tipe konten lainnya " "yang diindeks oleh Jetpack Search." msgid "" "We've created the basics, now it's time for you to update the images and " "text. Make a great first impression. Everything you do can be changed " "anytime." msgstr "" "Kami telah menyiapkan desain dasar, sekarang saatnya Anda memperbarui gambar " "dan teksnya. Ciptakan kesan pertama yang tidak terlupakan. Semua hal yang " "Anda lakukan dapat diubah kapan pun." msgid "Verify email" msgstr "Verifikasi email" msgid "Scanning files" msgstr "Memindai file" msgid "Vulnerable Theme %(themeSlug)s (version %(version)s)" msgstr "Tema Rentan %(themeSlug)s (versi %(version)s)" msgid "Vulnerable Plugin: %(pluginSlug)s (version %(version)s)" msgstr "Plugin Rentan: %(pluginSlug)s (versi %(version)s)" msgid "Infected core file: %s" msgstr "File inti yang terinfeksi: %s" msgid "Fix all threats" msgstr "Perbaiki semua ancaman" msgid "Jetpack Scan will update to a newer version." msgstr "Jetpack Scan akan memperbarui ke versi yang lebih baru." msgid "Threat found %(signature)s" msgstr "Ancaman ditemukan %(signature)s" msgid "Sorry, an active connection must be used to access this resource." msgstr "Maaf, akses ke objek ini harus menggunakan sambungan aktif." msgid "Looks like there have been no new site changes since your last backup." msgstr "" "Sepertinya tidak ada perubahan situs yang baru sejak pencadangan Anda yang " "terakhir." msgid "" "Showcase your art, track your assignments, get a jumpstart on your career — " "all on your own site, where you’re in control instead of some algorithm. Do " "it with free hosting, unique domains, eye-catching themes, and support from " "WordPress experts." msgstr "" "Menunjukkan karya, memantau tugas, melejitkan karier lebih cepat — semua itu " "dapat dimulai dari situs Anda sendiri, tempat Anda, bukan algoritme rumit, " "yang mengendalikan segalanya. Buat situs dengan hosting gratis, domain unik, " "tema menarik, serta dukungan dari pakar WordPress." msgid "" "{{line1}}Create your website, and make your voice heard. {{/" "line1}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Buatlah situs web dan berjuanglah agar suara Anda " "dapat didengar. {{/line1}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}Claim your corner of the internet.{{/line1}} {{line2}}Build a new " "website with a few clicks.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Gapai ujung Internet.{{/line1}} {{line2}}Buat situs web baru hanya " "dengan beberapa klik.{{/line2}}" msgid "Updating cart…" msgstr "Memperbarui keranjang…" msgid "Enable instant search experience (recommended)" msgstr "Aktifkan pengalaman pencarian instan (direkomendasikan)" msgid "Allow your visitors to get search results as soon as they start typing." msgstr "" "Izinkan pengunjung Anda segera mendapatkan hasil pencarian saat mereka " "mengetik." msgid "Total visitors" msgstr "Total pengunjung" msgid "Top page" msgstr "Halaman teratas" msgid "Top post" msgstr "Pos teratas" msgid "" "Stats can help you optimize for the right keywords, and feature content your " "readers are interested in." msgstr "" "Statistik dapat membantu Anda mengoptimalkan kata kunci yang tepat, dan " "menampilkan konten yang mungkin diminati pembaca Anda." msgid "No traffic this week, but don't give up!" msgstr "Tidak ada kunjungan minggu ini, tetapi jangan menyerah!" msgid "Learn about stats." msgstr "Pelajari tentang statistik." msgid "Launch your site to see a snapshot of traffic and insights." msgstr "Luncurkan situs Anda untuk melihat gambaran aktivitas dan data." msgid "In order to continue using this widget you must reconnect to Instagram." msgstr "" "Agar dapat tetap menggunakan widget ini, Anda harus menghubungkan kembali ke " "Instagram." msgid "" "In order to continue using this widget you must <a href=\"%s\">reconnect to " "Instagram</a>." msgstr "" "Untuk terus menggunakan widget ini, Anda harus <a href=\"%s\">menghubungkan " "kembali ke Instagram</a>." msgid "Whether the menu item represents an object that no longer exists." msgstr "Apakah item menu merepresentasikan objek yang tidak tersedia." msgid "Check It Out at %s" msgstr "Lihat di %s" msgid "" "Howdy! We wanted to let you know that your %1$s site on %2$s now uses " "Jetpack Backup" msgstr "" "Halo! Kami ingin memberi tahu Anda bahwa situs %1$s Anda di %2$s sekarang " "menggunakan Jetpack Backup" msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Backup" msgstr "Selamat datang di Jetpack Backup" msgid "You can manage all your backups via your site's Activity Log" msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengelola semua pencadangan melalui Log Aktivitas situs Anda." msgid "" "Access a history of events on your site - from published posts to user-role " "changes. When you need to figure out what happened and when, you can get " "answers in seconds." msgstr "" "Dapatkan catatan aktivitas situs Anda - mulai dari pos yang dipublikasikan " "hingga perubahan peran pengguna. Saat Anda perlu mengetahui apa dan kapan " "sebuah aktivitas terjadi, Anda dapat memperoleh jawabannya dengan mudah." msgid "" "If you lose a file, get hacked, or simply make some changes you don't like, " "you can restore your site with the click of a button." msgstr "" "Jika Anda kehilangan berkas, diretas, atau hanya ingin membuat perubahan, " "Anda dapat memulihkan situs dengan sangat mudah." msgid "Explore Jetpack Backup" msgstr "Jelajahi Jetpack Backup" msgid "" "Howdy! We wanted to let you know that your %1$s site on <a href=\"%2$s\">" "%3$s</a> now uses Jetpack Backup" msgstr "" "Halo! Kami ingin memberi tahu bahwa situs Anda %1$s pada <a href=\"%2$s\">" "%3$s</a> sekarang menggunakan Jetpack Backup" msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Backup!" msgstr "Selamat datang di Jetpack Backup!" msgid "Find a domain" msgstr "Mencari domain" msgid "Hide content" msgstr "Sembunyikan konten" msgid "Switch site" msgstr "Alih Situs" msgid "View this document on Scribd" msgstr "Lihat dokumen ini di Scribd" msgid "An organization name is required for Canadian legal entities." msgstr "" "Untuk badan hukum yang berkedudukan di Kanada, nama organisasi wajib " "dicantumkan." msgid "A legal type is required for .ca domains." msgstr "Jenis legal diperlukan untuk domain .ca." msgid "Spread the word." msgstr "Bagikan cerita." msgid "An access token has previously been granted for this user." msgstr "Token akses telah diberikan untuk pengguna ini sebelumnya." msgid "Please enter a valid PayPal email address." msgstr "Masukkan alamat email PayPal yang valid." msgid "Remove payment method" msgstr "Hapus metode pembayaran" msgid "Payment method deleted successfully" msgstr "Metode pembayaran berhasil dihapus" msgid "" "Our free photo library integrates your site with over 40,000 beautiful " "copyright-free photos to create stunning designs." msgstr "" "Pustaka foto gratis kami mengintegrasikan situs Anda dengan lebih dari " "40.000 foto terbaik yang bebas hak cipta untuk menciptakan desain yang " "memukau." msgid "The free photo library" msgstr "Pustaka foto gratis" msgid "Money back guarantee" msgstr "Jaminan uang kembali" msgid "Included with your purchase" msgstr "Disertakan bersama pembelian Anda" msgid "Purchase Details" msgstr "Detail Pembelian" msgid "%(number)d %" msgstr "%(number)d %" msgid "" "The disputed charge was for %1$s. This amount, plus the %2$s fee will be " "returned to your %3$s account within a day." msgstr "" "Biaya yang dilaporkan adalah untuk %1$s. Dana dengan nilai tersebut " "sekaligus %2$s akan dikembalikan ke akun %3$s Anda dalam waktu satu hari." msgid "" "We’re glad to inform you that you won the dispute over a payment made to " "your business with a customer’s bank" msgstr "" "Kami senang dapat memberitahukan bahwa Anda memenangkan sengketa atas " "pembayaran yang dilakukan ke bisnis Anda menggunakan data rekening bank " "pelanggan" msgid "" "The disputed charge is for %1$s. This amount, plus a %2$s fee has already " "been deducted from your %3$s account." msgstr "" "Biaya yang dilaporkan adalah untuk %1$s. Dana dengan nilai tersebut serta " "biaya %2$s telah dipotong dari akun %3$s Anda." msgid "" "We’re sorry to inform you that you lost the dispute over a payment made to " "your business with a customer’s bank" msgstr "" "Dengan berat hati kami informasikan bahwa Anda kalah dalam sengketa atas " "pembayaran yang dilakukan ke bisnis Anda menggunakan data rekening bank " "pelanggan" msgid "You lost a dispute for %1$s (%2$s)" msgstr "Anda kalah dalam sengketa senilai %1$s (%2$s)" msgid "You won a dispute for %1$s (%2$s)" msgstr "Anda memenangkan sengketa senilai %1$s (%2$s)" msgid "Congratulations on your new site." msgstr "Selamat atas situs baru Anda." msgid "Update your preferences" msgstr "Perbarui preferensi Anda" msgid "This field cannot be longer than 100 characters." msgstr "Bidang ini tidak boleh lebih dari 100 karakter." msgid "An organization name is required for this registrant type." msgstr "Nama organisasi diperlukan untuk tipe pendaftar ini." msgid "[space]" msgstr "[spasi]" msgid "Print page" msgstr "Cetak halaman" msgid "Action needed: the Jetpack Mobile Theme feature is now retired." msgstr "Perlu tindakan: Fitur Tema Seluler Jetpack kini dihentikan." msgid "" "Pick your favorite homepage layout. You can customize or change it later." msgstr "" "Pilih tata letak halaman beranda favorit Anda. Anda akan dapat menyesuaikan " "atau mengubahnya kembali di kemudian hari." msgid "Upgrade your plan to access this feature and more" msgstr "Upgrade paket Anda untuk mengakses fitur ini dan banyak lainnya" msgid "Jetpack Scan will resolve the threat." msgstr "Jetpack Scan akan mengatasi ancaman tersebut." msgid "Jetpack Scan will update to a newer version (%(version)s)." msgstr "Jetpack Scan akan memperbarui ke versi yang lebih baru.(%(version)s)." msgid "Jetpack Scan will delete the affected file or directory." msgstr "Jetpack Scan akan menghapus berkas atau direktori yang terdampak." msgid "Jetpack Scan will replace the affected file or directory." msgstr "Jetpack Scan akan mengganti berkas atau direktori yang terdampak." msgid "Database threat" msgstr "Ancaman database" msgid "Threat found in file:" msgstr "Ancaman yang ditemukan di file:" msgid "" "Use it on a device that has the app installed. It only takes one tap. Enjoy!" msgstr "" "Gunakan pada perangkat yang sudah memasang aplikasinya. Hanya butuh sekali " "ketuk. Nikmati!" msgid "Howdy! Here’s the link you requested to log in to the %s mobile app." msgstr "" "Halo! Berikut tautan yang Anda minta untuk login ke %s aplikasi seluler." msgid "Click to access %1$s" msgstr "Klik untuk mengakses %1$s" msgid "" "Integrate your site with social media to automatically post your content and " "drive traffic to your site." msgstr "" "Integrasikan situs Anda dengan media sosial untuk memublikasikan konten " "secara otomatis dan mendorong kunjungan ke situs Anda." msgid "4 minutes" msgstr "4 menit" msgid "" "Select the service which you'd like to connect. Whenever you publish a new " "post, your social media followers will receive an update." msgstr "" "Pilih layanan yang ingin dihubungkan. Setiap kali memublikasikan pos baru, " "pengikut media sosial Anda akan menerima pembaruan." msgid "What's new?" msgstr "Apa yang baru?" msgid "Successfully cleared object cache." msgstr "Berhasil menghapus cache objek." msgid "Clear cache" msgstr "Hapus Cache" msgid "Manage your site" msgstr "Kelola situs Anda" msgid "Page views" msgstr "Kunjungan halaman" msgid "GSTIN (optional)" msgstr "GSTIN (opsional)" msgid "GSTIN - GST identification number" msgstr "GSTIN - Nomor identifikasi GST" msgid "Prioritized results based on your site stats" msgstr "Hasil yang diprioritaskan berdasarkan statistik situs Anda." msgid "Outbound transfer initiated" msgstr "Transfer keluar dimulai" msgid "" "You have successfully expedited your domain transfer. There is nothing else " "you need to do." msgstr "" "Anda berhasil mempercepat transfer domain. Tidak ada lagi yang perlu " "dilakukan." msgid "Content Blogging" msgstr "Blogging Konten" msgid "WordPress Webinars: Get Expert Training & Build Your Website" msgstr "Webinar WordPress: Ikuti Latihan Tingkat Ahli & Bangun Situs Web Anda" msgid "Register for free" msgstr "Daftar gratis" msgid "" "Whether you’re getting started or need to do more with your site, these free " "video guides from the experts at show you the way, step by " "step." msgstr "" "Baik Anda baru memulai atau butuh melakukan peningkatan untuk situs, video " "panduan gratis yang berasal dari pakar di ini akan menunjukkan " "caranya selangkah demi selangkah." msgid "" "Your <strong>%1$d purchase</strong> for %2$s renewed on " "<strong>%3$s</strong>. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%4$s</strong>." msgid_plural "" "Your <strong>%1$d purchases</strong> for %2$s renewed on " "<strong>%3$s</strong>. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%4$s</strong>." msgstr[0] "" "<strong>%1$dPembelian Anda</strong> untuk %2$s diperpanjang " "pada <strong>%3$s</strong>. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>%4$s</" "strong>." msgstr[1] "" "<strong>%1$dPembelian Anda</strong> untuk %2$s diperpanjang " "pada <strong>%3$s</strong>. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>%4$s</" "strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>%1$d purchase</strong> for %2$s renewed on " "<strong>%3$s</strong>, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another two years. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%4$s</strong>." msgid_plural "" "Your <strong>%1$d purchases</strong> for %2$s renewed on " "<strong>%3$s</strong>, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another two years. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%4$s</strong>." msgstr[0] "" "<strong>%1$dPembelian Anda</strong> untuk %2$s diperpanjang " "pada <strong>%3$s</strong>, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua alat dan " "fitur hebat selama dua tahun ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>" "%4$s</strong>." msgstr[1] "" "<strong>%1$dPembelian Anda</strong> untuk %2$s diperpanjang " "pada <strong>%3$s</strong>, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua alat dan " "fitur hebat selama dua tahun ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>" "%4$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>%1$d purchase</strong> for %2$s renewed on " "<strong>%3$s</strong>, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another month. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%4$s</strong>." msgid_plural "" "Your <strong>%1$d purchases</strong> for %2$s renewed on " "<strong>%3$s</strong>, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another month. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%4$s</strong>." msgstr[0] "" "<strong>%1$dPembelian Anda</strong> untuk %2$s diperpanjang " "pada <strong>%3$s</strong>, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua alat dan " "fitur hebat untuk satu bulan ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>" "%4$s</strong>." msgstr[1] "" "<strong>%1$dPembelian Anda</strong> untuk %2$s diperpanjang " "pada <strong>%3$s</strong>, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua alat dan " "fitur hebat untuk satu bulan ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>" "%4$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>%1$s upgrade</strong> for %2$s renewed on <strong>%3$s</" "strong>. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%4$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>%1$sUpgrade</strong> untuk %2$s diperpanjang pada <strong>%3$s</" "strong>. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>%4$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>%1$s upgrade</strong> for %2$s renewed on <strong>%3$s</" "strong>, so your site has all its great tools and features for another two " "years. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%4$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>%1$sUpgrade Anda</strong> untuk %2$s diperpanjang pada <strong>%3$s</" "strong>, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua alat dan fitur hebat selama dua " "tahun ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>%4$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>%1$s upgrade</strong> for %2$s renewed on <strong>%3$s</" "strong>, so your site has all its great tools and features for another " "month. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%4$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>%1$sUpgrade Anda</strong> untuk %2$s diperpanjang pada <strong>%3$s</" "strong>, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua alat dan fitur hebat untuk satu " "bulan ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>%4$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>G Suite accounts</strong> renewed on <strong>%1$s</strong>. " "Your next renewal will be on <strong>%2$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Akun G Suite Anda</strong> diperpanjang pada <strong>%1$s</strong>. " "Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>%2$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>G Suite accounts</strong> renewed on <strong>%1$s</strong>, so " "your site has all its great tools and features for another two years. Your " "next renewal will be on <strong>%2$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Akun G Suite Anda</strong> diperpanjang pada <strong>%1$s</strong>, " "sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua alat dan fitur hebat selama dua tahun ke " "depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>%2$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>G Suite accounts</strong> renewed on <strong>%1$s</strong>, so " "your site has all its great tools and features for another month. Your next " "renewal will be on <strong>%2$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Akun G Suite Anda</strong> diperpanjang pada <strong>%1$s</strong>, " "sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua alat dan fitur hebat untuk satu bulan ke " "depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>%2$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>%1$d G Suite license</strong> for <strong>%2$s</strong> renewed " "on <strong>%3$s</strong>. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%4$s</strong>." msgid_plural "" "Your <strong>%1$d G Suite licenses</strong> for <strong>%2$s</strong> " "renewed on <strong>%3$s</strong>. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%4$s</" "strong>." msgstr[0] "" "<strong>%1$dLisensi G Suite Anda</strong> untuk <strong>%2$s</strong> " "diperpanjang pada <strong>%3$s</strong>. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada " "<strong>%4$s</strong>." msgstr[1] "" "<strong>%1$dLisensi G Suite Anda</strong> untuk <strong>%2$s</strong> " "diperpanjang pada <strong>%3$s</strong>. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada " "<strong>%4$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>%1$d G Suite license</strong> for <strong>%2$s</strong> renewed " "on <strong>%3$s</strong>, so your site has all its great tools and features " "for another two years. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%4$s</strong>." msgid_plural "" "Your <strong>%1$d G Suite licenses</strong> for <strong>%2$s</strong> " "renewed on <strong>%3$s</strong>, so your site has all its great tools and " "features for another two years. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%4$s</" "strong>." msgstr[0] "" "<strong>%1$dLisensi G Suite Anda</strong> untuk <strong>%2$s</strong> " "diperpanjang pada <strong>%3$s</strong>, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua " "alat dan fitur hebat selama dua tahun ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada " "<strong>%4$s</strong>." msgstr[1] "" "<strong>%1$dLisensi G Suite Anda</strong> untuk <strong>%2$s</strong> " "diperpanjang pada <strong>%3$s</strong>, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua " "alat dan fitur hebat selama dua tahun ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada " "<strong>%4$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>%1$d G Suite license</strong> for <strong>%2$s</strong> renewed " "on <strong>%3$s</strong>, so your site has all its great tools and features " "for another month. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%4$s</strong>." msgid_plural "" "Your <strong>%1$d G Suite licenses</strong> for <strong>%2$s</strong> " "renewed on <strong>%3$s</strong>, so your site has all its great tools and " "features for another month. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%4$s</" "strong>." msgstr[0] "" "<strong>%1$dLisensi G Suite Anda</strong> untuk <strong>%2$s</strong> " "diperpanjang pada <strong>%3$s</strong>, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua " "alat dan fitur hebat untuk satu bulan ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada " "<strong>%4$s</strong>." msgstr[1] "" "<strong>%1$dLisensi G Suite Anda</strong> untuk <strong>%2$s</strong> " "diperpanjang pada <strong>%3$s</strong>, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua " "alat dan fitur hebat untuk satu bulan ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada " "<strong>%4$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>G Suite license</strong> for <strong>%1$s</strong> renewed on " "<strong>%2$s</strong>. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Lisensi G Suite</strong> Anda untuk <strong>%1$s</strong> " "diperpanjang pada <strong>%2$s</strong>. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada " "<strong>%3$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>G Suite license</strong> for <strong>%1$s</strong> renewed on " "<strong>%2$s</strong>, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another two years. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Lisensi G Suite Anda</strong> untuk <strong>%1$s</strong> " "diperpanjang pada <strong>%2$s</strong>, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua " "alat dan fitur hebat selama dua tahun ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada " "<strong>%3$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>G Suite license</strong> for <strong>%1$s</strong> renewed on " "<strong>%2$s</strong>, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another month. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Lisensi G Suite Anda</strong> untuk <strong>%1$s</strong> " "diperpanjang pada <strong>%2$s</strong>, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua " "alat dan fitur hebat untuk satu bulan ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada " "<strong>%3$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>domain mapping</strong> subscriptions for %1$s renewed on " "<strong>%2$s</strong>. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgstr "" "Langganan <strong>pemetaan domain</strong> Anda untuk %1$s diperpanjang pada " "<strong>%2$s</strong>. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>domain mapping</strong> subscriptions for %1$s renewed on " "<strong>%2$s</strong>, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another two year. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgstr "" "Langganan <strong>pemetaan domain</strong> Anda untuk %1$s diperpanjang pada " "<strong>%2$s</strong>, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua alat dan fitur " "hebat selama dua tahun ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>%3$s</" "strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>domain mapping</strong> subscriptions for %1$s renewed on " "<strong>%2$s</strong>, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another month. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgstr "" "Langganan <strong>pemetaan domain</strong> Anda untuk %1$s diperpanjang pada " "<strong>%2$s</strong>, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua alat dan fitur " "hebat untuk satu bulan ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>%3$s</" "strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>domain mapping</strong> for <strong>%1$s</strong> renewed on " "<strong>%2$s</strong>. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Pemetaan domain Anda</strong> untuk <strong>%1$s</strong> " "diperpanjang pada <strong>%2$s</strong>. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada " "<strong>%3$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>domain mapping</strong> for <strong>%1$s</strong> renewed on " "<strong>%2$s</strong>, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another two years. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Pemetaan domain Anda</strong> untuk <strong>%1$s</strong> " "diperpanjang pada <strong>%2$s</strong>, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua " "alat dan fitur hebat selama dua tahun ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada " "<strong>%3$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>domain mapping</strong> for <strong>%1$s</strong> renewed on " "<strong>%2$s</strong>, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another month. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Pemetaan domain Anda</strong> untuk <strong>%1$s</strong> " "diperpanjang pada <strong>%2$s</strong>, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua " "alat dan fitur hebat untuk satu bulan ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada " "<strong>%3$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>domain registrations</strong> for %1$s renewed on <strong>%2$s</" "strong>. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Registrasi domain Anda</strong> untuk %1$s diperpanjang pada <strong>" "%2$s</strong>. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>domain registrations</strong> for %1$s renewed on <strong>%2$s</" "strong>, so your site has all its great tools and features for another two " "years. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Registrasi domain</strong> untuk %1$s diperpanjang pada <strong>" "%2$s</strong>, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua alat dan fitur hebat " "selama dua tahun ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>%3$s</" "strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>domain registrations</strong> for %1$s renewed on <strong>%2$s</" "strong>, so your site has all its great tools and features for another " "month. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Registrasi domain</strong> untuk %1$s diperpanjang pada <strong>" "%2$s</strong>, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua alat dan fitur hebat untuk " "satu bulan ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>domain registration</strong> for <strong>%1$s</strong> renewed " "on <strong>%2$s</strong>. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Registrasi domain</strong> untuk <strong>%1$s</strong> diperpanjang " "pada <strong>%2$s</strong>. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>%3$s</" "strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>domain registration</strong> for <strong>%1$s</strong> renewed " "on <strong>%2$s</strong>, so your site has all its great tools and features " "for another two years. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Registrasi domain</strong> untuk <strong>%1$s</strong> diperpanjang " "pada <strong>%2$s</strong>, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua alat dan " "fitur hebat selama dua tahun ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>" "%3$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>domain registration</strong> for <strong>%1$s</strong> renewed " "on <strong>%2$s</strong>, so your site has all its great tools and features " "for another month. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Registrasi domain</strong> untuk <strong>%1$s</strong> diperpanjang " "pada <strong>%2$s</strong>, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua alat dan " "fitur hebat untuk satu bulan ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>" "%3$s</strong>." msgid "" "The renewal for your <strong>%1$s plan</strong> for %2$s renewed on <strong>" "%3$s</strong>. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%4$s</strong>." msgstr "" "Perpanjangan <strong>%1$spaket</strong> Anda untuk %2$s diperpanjang pada " "<strong>%3$s</strong>. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>%4$s</strong>." msgid "" "The renewal for your <strong>%1$s plan</strong> for %2$s renewed on <strong>" "%3$s</strong>, so your site has all its great tools and features for another " "two years. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%4$s</strong>." msgstr "" "Perpanjangan <strong>%1$spaket</strong> Anda untuk %2$s diperpanjang pada " "<strong>%3$s</strong>, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua alat dan fitur " "hebat selama dua tahun ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>%4$s</" "strong>." msgid "" "The renewal for your <strong>%1$s plan</strong> for %2$s renewed on <strong>" "%3$s</strong>, so your site has all its great tools and features for another " "month. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%4$s</strong>." msgstr "" "Perpanjangan <strong>%1$spaket</strong> Anda untuk %2$s diperpanjang pada " "<strong>%3$s</strong>, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua alat dan fitur " "hebat untuk satu bulan ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>%4$s</" "strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>%1$s plan</strong> and <strong>custom domain</strong> for %2$s " "renewed on <strong>%3$s</strong>. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%4$s</" "strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>%1$sPaket</strong> dan <strong>domain khusus</strong> Anda untuk " "%2$s diperpanjang pada <strong>%3$s</strong>. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada " "<strong>%4$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>%1$s plan</strong> and <strong>custom domain</strong> for %2$s " "renewed on <strong>%3$s</strong>, so your site has all its great tools and " "features for another two years. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%4$s</" "strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>%1$sPaket</strong> dan <strong>domain khusus</strong> Anda untuk " "%2$s diperpanjang pada <strong>%3$s</strong>, sehingga situs Anda memiliki " "semua perangkat dan fitur hebat selama dua tahun ke depan. Perpanjangan " "berikutnya pada <strong>%4$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>%1$s plan</strong> and <strong>custom domain</strong> for %2$s " "renewed on <strong>%3$s</strong>, so your site has all its great tools and " "features for another month. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%4$s</" "strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>%1$sPaket</strong> dan <strong>domain khusus</strong> Anda untuk " "%2$s diperpanjang pada <strong>%3$s</strong>, sehingga situs Anda memiliki " "semua perangkat dan fitur hebat untuk satu bulan ke depan. Perpanjangan " "berikutnya pada <strong>%4$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>Jetpack upgrades</strong> for %1$s renewed on <strong>%2$s</" "strong>. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Upgrade Jetpack</strong> Anda untuk %1$s diperpanjang pada <strong>" "%2$s</strong>. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>Jetpack upgrades</strong> for %1$s renewed on <strong>%2$s</" "strong>, so your site has all its great tools and features for another two " "years. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Upgrade Jetpack</strong> Anda untuk %1$s diperpanjang pada <strong>" "%2$s</strong>, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua alat dan fitur hebat " "selama dua tahun ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>%3$s</" "strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>Jetpack upgrades</strong> for %1$s renewed on <strong>%2$s</" "strong>, so your site has all its great tools and features for another " "month. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Upgrade Jetpack</strong> Anda untuk %1$s diperpanjang pada <strong>" "%2$s</strong>, sehingga situs Anda memiliki semua alat dan fitur hebat untuk " "satu bulan ke depan. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgid "Page %(page)d of %(numberOfPages)d" msgstr "Halaman %(page)d dari %(numberOfPages)d" msgid "Pager controls" msgstr "Kontrol pager" msgid "Allow people to submit comments on new posts" msgstr "Izinkan pembaca mengirim komentar pada pos baru" msgid "Default post settings" msgstr "Pengaturan pos standar" msgid "" "The DB ID of the nav_menu_item that is this item's menu parent, if any, " "otherwise 0." msgstr "" "ID BD nav_menu_item yang merupakan item menu induk berikut, jika ada; jika " "tidak, nilainya 0. " msgid "" "This is the complete event history for your site. Filter by date range and/" "or activity type." msgstr "" "Ini adalah riwayat peristiwa lengkap untuk situs Anda. Saring menurut " "rentang tanggal dan/atau tipe aktivitas." msgid "" "Unable to load class %1$s. Please add the package that contains it using " "composer and make sure you are requiring the Jetpack autoloader" msgstr "" "Tidak dapat memuat kelas %1$s. Harap tambahkan paket yang berisi situs " "menggunakan composer dan pastikan Anda mengharuskan Jetpack autoloader" msgid "Please review and accept the CIRA Registrant Agreement." msgstr "Harap tinjau dan terima Perjanjian Pendaftar CIRA." msgid "scheduled for %(displayedTime)s" msgstr "dijadwalkan pada %(displayedTime)s" msgid "ll [at] LT" msgstr "ll [at] LT" msgid "Get a backup plan for your business’ most important asset" msgstr "Dapatkan perencanaan pencadangan untuk aset terpenting bisnis Anda" msgid "Protect your investment" msgstr "Lindungi investasi Anda" msgid "Using the activity log" msgstr "Menggunakan log aktivitas" msgid "Diagnose issues with the activity log" msgstr "Diagnosis masalah dengan log aktivitas" msgid "Six ways people break their sites" msgstr "Enam cara situs Anda dapat rusak" msgid "Website backups 101" msgstr "Serba-Serbi Pencadangan Situs Web" msgid "Why backups?" msgstr "Mengapa harus dicadangkan?" msgid "Questions? We’ve got you covered." msgstr "Anda bertanya. Kami berikan solusinya." msgid "" "Get back online in one click even if you’re not at your desk with Jetpack " "Backup and the WordPress mobile app." msgstr "" "Aktifkan kembali dengan mudah bahkan jika Anda sedang tidak di meja kerja " "dengan Jetpack Backup dan aplikasi seluler WordPress." msgid "Restore your site from anywhere" msgstr "Pulihkan situs Anda dari mana saja" msgid "" "Find out exactly which action (or person) broke your store with the <a href=" "\"%s\">activity log</a>." msgstr "" "Cari tahu apa (atau siapa) yang membobol toko Anda dengan <a href=\"%s\"> " "log aktivitas</a>." msgid "Understand every change" msgstr "Pahami setiap perubahan" msgid "Oli, Developer" msgstr "Oli, Pengembang" msgid "" "It took just one click to restore my WooCommerce store. It was a great " "interface and it did the job. Jetpack Backup saved my site really quickly.”" msgstr "" "Saya dapat dengan mudah memulihkan toko WooCommerce saya dengan antarmuka " "yang andal dan bekerja dengan baik. Jetpack Backup menyelamatkan situs saya " "dengan sangat cepat.\"" msgid "Peace of mind starting at %s per month" msgstr "Amankan situs Anda mulai dari %s per bulan" msgid "" "Jetpack and WooCommerce are both <a href=\"%s\">Automattic</a> companies, so " "plugins are fully compatible and you can work with a single support team." msgstr "" "JetPack dan WooCommerce merupakan perusahaan <a href=\"%s\">Automattic</a>, " "sehingga plugin kompatibel sepenuhnya dan Anda dapat bekerja dengan satu tim " "dukungan." msgid "Plugins made for each other " msgstr "Plugin dibuat agar cocok satu sama lain " msgid "" "Protecting customer data is harder than ever with persistent hackers, plugin " "vulnerabilities, and even human error. Jetpack Backup saves your data in " "multiple places around the globe to ensure your business is always safe." msgstr "" "Melindungi data pelanggan semakin sulit dengan semakin banyak peretas, " "kerentanan plugin, atau bahkan eror manusia. Jetpack Backup menyimpan data " "Anda di banyak tempat di seluruh dunia untuk memastikan bisnis Anda selalu " "aman." msgid "Protect your data" msgstr "Lindungi data Anda" msgid "" "* DataFoundry - <a href=\"%s\">How to Calculate the True Cost of Downtime</a>" msgstr "" "* DataFoundry - <a href=\"%s\">Bagaimana Cara Menghitung Biaya Sebenarnya " "pada Masa Nonaktif</a>" msgid "" "One minute of downtime costs small e-commerce businesses an average of " "almost $9,000*. Jetpack Backup gives you the tools to get your WooCommerce " "store back online in minutes." msgstr "" "Jika terjadi downtime selama satu menit, bisnis e-commerce kecil rata-rata " "akan terbebani hampir $9.000*. Jetpack Backup memberi Anda perangkat untuk " "mengaktifkan kembali toko WooCommerce Anda dalam hitungan menit." msgid "Store downtime means lost sales" msgstr "Toko tidak aktif sama dengan kehilangan peluang transaksi" msgid "Back up your store" msgstr "Cadangkan data toko Anda" msgid "" "Real-time backups save every sale and one-click restores get you back online " "quickly" msgstr "" "Pencadangan real-time menyimpan setiap penjualan dan pemulihan satu klik " "membuat situs Anda dapat kembali online dengan cepat." msgid "Protect your WooCommerce store with VaultPress Backup" msgstr "Lindungi toko WooCommerce Anda dengan VaultPress Backup" msgid "One-click restore from desktop or mobile" msgstr "Pemulihan yang mudah dari desktop atau perangkat seluler" msgid "Restore from any backup point" msgstr "Pulihkan dari titik pencadangan mana pun" msgid "Quick links" msgstr "Tautan cepat" msgid "" "Last daily backup: {{link}}%(lastBackupDay)s %(lastBackupTime)s{{/link}}" msgstr "" "Pencadangan harian terakhir: {{link}}%(lastBackupDay)s %(lastBackupTime)s{{/" "link}}" msgid "In the next %d hour" msgid_plural "In the next %d hours" msgstr[0] "%d jam dari sekarang" msgstr[1] "%d jam dari sekarang" msgid "Yesterday " msgstr "Kemarin " msgid "" "But don’t worry, it was likely completed in the early hours the next " "morning. Check the following day, {{link}}%(displayNextDate)s{{/link}} or " "contact support if you still need help." msgstr "" "Namun jangan khawatir, pencadangan akan selesai dini hari esok. Periksa hari " "berikutnya, {{link}}%(displayNextDate)s{{/link}} atau hubungi dukungan jika " "Anda masih memerlukan bantuan." msgid "The backup attempt for %(displayDate)s was delayed." msgstr "Percobaan pencadangan untuk %(displayDate)s telah ditunda." msgid "No backup" msgstr "Tidak ada pencadangan" msgid "Latest: %s" msgstr "Terbaru: %s" msgid "Today, %s" msgstr "Hari ini %s" msgid "" "Your site hasn't been launched yet. It is hidden from visitors behind a " "\"Coming Soon\" notice until it is launched." msgstr "" "Situs Anda belum diluncurkan. Pengunjung hanya melihat notifikasi “Akan " "Segera Hadir” hingga situs Anda diluncurkan." msgid "" "Your site is only visible to you and logged-in members you approve. Everyone " "else will see a log in screen." msgstr "" "Situs Anda hanya dapat dilihat oleh Anda dan anggota yang telah login dan " "Anda setujui. Orang lain akan melihat layar login." msgid "" "Your site is hidden from visitors behind a \"Coming Soon\" notice until it " "is ready for viewing." msgstr "" "Situs Anda belum dapat dilihat pengunjung dan masih bertuliskan “Akan " "Segera Hadir”." msgid "" "The sooner you claim your domain, the better. They can disappear fast, so " "don’t let somebody else snag the domain of your dreams! " msgstr "" "Klaim domain Anda. Semakin cepat, semakin baik. Domain dapat menghilang " "dengan cepat, jadi jangan biarkan orang lain merebut domain impian Anda! " msgid "Affordable Start with Room to Grow" msgstr "Langkah Awal yang Terjangkau dengan Ruang untuk Berkembang" msgid "" "You’ll find everything from .art to .zone including all the options you’d " "expect — like .com or .org — with plenty of new options too: .blog, ." "design, .shop, and .club, to name a few." msgstr "" "Anda akan menemukan semua TLD mulai dari .art hingga .zone, termasuk semua " "pilihan yang Anda inginkan — seperti .com atau .org — dengan berbagai " "pilihan baru, di antaranya: .blog, .design, .shop, dan .club." msgid "" " offers more than 300 different domain extensions (also known " "as top level domains) to choose from." msgstr "" " menawarkan lebih dari 300 ekstensi domain yang berbeda (juga " "dikenal sebagai domain tingkat atas atau TLD) yang dapat Anda pilih." msgid "Over 300 TLDs Available" msgstr "Tersedia Lebih Dari 300 TLD" msgid "Find your domain now!" msgstr "Temukan domain Anda sekarang!" msgid "" "Starting today you can register a domain name and forward it to %1$s for as " "little as %2$s." msgstr "" "Mulai hari ini, Anda dapat mendaftarkan nama domain dan meneruskannya ke " "%1$s seharga %2$s." msgid "" "Custom domains make it easier to share your site on social media, in person, " "and on business cards. They also look more professional and help customers " "remember your site name." msgstr "" "Domain khusus memungkinkan Anda berbagi situs ke media sosial, secara " "langsung perorangan, dan pada kartu nama. Domain khusus juga terlihat lebih " "profesional dan membantu pelanggan mengingat nama situs Anda." msgid "Introducing a new domain offer" msgstr "Penawaran domain baru untuk Anda" msgid "There were no changes on this day. Your daily backup is above." msgstr "Tidak ada perubahan hari ini. Pencadangan harian Anda ada di atas." msgid "" "Your site is backed up in real time (as you make changes) as well as in one " "daily backup." msgstr "" "Situs Anda dicadangkan dalam waktu nyata (selagi Anda membuat perubahan) " "serta dalam satu pencadangan harian." msgid "" "This is the complete event history for your site. Filter by date range and/ " "or activity type." msgstr "" "Ini adalah riwayat peristiwa lengkap untuk situs Anda. Saring berdasarkan " "rentang tanggal dan/atau jenis aktivitas." msgid "Find a backup or restore point" msgstr "Temukan titik pemulihan atau pencadangan" msgid "" "Building an effective navigation menu makes it easier for someone to find " "what they're looking for and improve search engine rankings." msgstr "" "Membuat menu navigasi yang efektif akan memudahkan pengunjung situs untuk " "menemukan yang mereka cari dan meningkatkan peringkat mesin pencarian." msgid "View tutorial" msgstr "Lihat tutorial" msgid "sport" msgstr "olahraga" msgid "food" msgstr "makanan" msgid "design" msgstr "desain" msgid "marketing" msgstr "pemasaran" msgid "travel" msgstr "perjalanan" msgid "Start over" msgstr "Mulai lagi" msgid "Step %(currentStep)d of %(totalSteps)d" msgstr "Langkah %(currentStep)d dari %(totalSteps)d" msgid "Applying design" msgstr "Mengaplikasikan desain" msgid "Getting your domain" msgstr "Mencari domain Anda" msgid "Already have an account?" msgstr "Sudah memiliki akun?" msgid "%s is available" msgstr "%s tersedia" msgid "%s/year" msgstr "%s/tahun" msgid "Free for the first year with annual paid plans." msgstr "Gratis selama satu tahun pertama dengan paket berbayar tahunan." msgid "Choose a domain" msgstr "Pilih domain" msgid "Search for a domain" msgstr "Cari domain" msgid "This plugin is not supported on" msgstr " Plugin ini tidak didukung di" msgid "Incompatible Plugin" msgstr "Plugin tidak cocok" msgid "Select a blog" msgstr "Pilih blog" msgid "(Select site)" msgstr "(Pilih situs)" msgid "%d GB of storage space for images, documents, audio, and much more." msgstr "" "Ruang penyimpanan sebesar %d GB untuk gambar, dokumen, audio, dan banyak " "lagi." msgid "" "We’ve always believed in giving strong support to our customers. If you have " "any questions or problems, we’re working 24/7 to help." msgstr "" "Kami selalu mengedepankan dukungan yang andal untuk para pelanggan. Jika " "Anda memiliki pertanyaan atau masalah, kami bekerja selama 24/7 untuk " "membantu Anda." msgid "" "If you’ve also registered a domain with, you’ll receive " "separate renewal notifications regarding your domain name, which must be " "promptly renewed to maintain it by ICANN regulations." msgstr "" "Jika Anda juga telah mendaftarkan domain dengan, Anda akan " "menerima pemberitahuan pembaruan terpisah terkait nama domain, yang harus " "segera diperbarui untuk mempertahankannya sesuai dengan undang-undang ICANN." msgid "" "Your plan will renew on the new date at the full price, and " "you’ll receive emails about the renewal as it comes closer." msgstr "" "Paket Anda akan diperbarui pada tanggal yang ditentukan dengan " "harga penuh, dan Anda akan menerima email terkait pembaruan saat mendekati " "tanggal tersebut." msgid "" "Because we appreciate your business, we’re extending your plan " "by %1$s months. Your new expiration date will be %2$s." msgstr "" "Karena kami menghargai bisnis Anda, kami memperpanjang paket " "Anda selama %1$s bulan. Tanggal kedaluwarsa Anda yang baru adalah %2$s." msgid "" "The discount won’t be applied automatically to either renewal, so be sure to " "use it before your plan auto renews at the regular price." msgstr "" "Harga diskon tidak akan diterapkan secara otomatis pada pembaruan tersebut, " "harap pastikan untuk menggunakannya sebelum paket Anda diperbarui dengan " "harga normal." msgid "" "If you have a domain registered with, you’re welcome to apply " "the coupon to that renewal as well." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memiliki domain yang telah didaftarkan dengan, Anda " "dapat menggunakan kupon untuk memperbarui domain tersebut." msgid "Here’s the coupon code: <strong>%1$s</strong>" msgstr "Berikut adalah kode kupon Anda: <strong>%1$s</strong>" msgid "" "To take advantage of it, go to <a href=\"%1$s\">Manage Purchases</a>, click " "“Renew Now” and enter the coupon code on the right side of the screen under " "“Have a coupon code?”" msgstr "" "Untuk memanfaatkannya, buka <a href=\"%1$s\">Kelola Pembelian</a>, klik " "“Perbarui Sekarang” dan masukkan kode kupon pada bagian kanan layar di bawah " "“Punya kode kupon?”" msgid "" "We’d like to offer you a %1$s%% discount on the upcoming annual renewal of " "your %2$s plan. " msgstr "" "Kami ingin menawarkan diskon sebesar %1$s%% untuk pembaruan tahunan paket " " %2$s Anda yang akan datang. " msgid "" "At we want to make sure you know that your success is " "important to us." msgstr "" "Di kami ingin memastikan Anda tahu bahwa kesuksesan Anda " "penting bagi kami." msgid "" "The world is battling COVID-19. This might include you, your friends and " "family, or your customers or readers. " msgstr "" "Dunia sedang berperang melawan COVID-19. Mungkin termasuk Anda, teman dan " "keluarga, atau pelanggan maupun pembaca Anda. " msgid "Important information about your plan" msgstr "Informasi penting terkait paket Anda" msgid "Podcast audio is an invalid type." msgstr "Audio Podcast merupakan tipe yang tidak valid." msgid "" "Your Podcast couldn't be embedded as it doesn't contain any tracks. Please " "double check your URL." msgstr "" "Podcast Anda tidak dapat disematkan karena tidak memiliki trek. Harap " "periksa lagi URL Anda." msgid "Add payment method" msgstr "Tambahkan metode pembayaran" msgid "" "We currently don't have any payment details on file for this purchase to " "automatically renew it for you. Please add a payment method so we can " "continue your service without interruptions." msgstr "" "Saat ini kami tidak memiliki detail pembayaran tersedia untuk pembelian ini " "agar diperbarui secara otomatis untuk Anda. Harap tambahkan metode " "pembayaran agar kami dapat melanjutkan layanan tanpa gangguan." msgid "Turn on auto-renew" msgstr "Aktifkan pembaruan otomatis" msgid "Privacy protection off" msgstr "Perlindungan privasi: tidak aktif" msgid "Sharing posts to your Facebook page." msgid_plural "Sharing posts to your Facebook pages." msgstr[0] "Membagikan pos ke halaman Facebook Anda." msgstr[1] "Membagikan pos ke halaman Facebook Anda." msgid "Latest backup" msgstr "Cadangan terbaru" msgid "Latest: Today, %s" msgstr "Terbaru: Hari ini %s" msgid "" "Your %(planName)s Plan includes:{{list/}}Consider removing conflicting " "products." msgstr "" "Paket %(planName)s meliputi:{{list/}}Pertimbangkan untuk menghapus produk " "yang bertentangan." msgid "Looking for specific features? We've got you covered." msgstr "Mencari fitur tertentu? Kami punya solusinya." msgid "Loading restore status…" msgstr "Memuat status pemulihan…" msgid "An error occurred while restoring the post." msgstr "Terjadi error saat memulihkan pos." msgid "" "We are restoring your site back to {{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/" "strong}}." msgstr "" "Kami memulihkan situs Anda kembali ke tanggal " "{{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/strong}}." msgid "Chris Coyier, Web Design Expert" msgstr "Chris Coyier, Ahli Desain Web" msgid "" "Records are all posts, pages, custom post types and other types of content " "indexed by Jetpack Search." msgstr "" "Tipe pos merupakan pos, halaman, tipe pos khusus, dan tipe konten lainnya " "yang diindeks oleh Jetpack Search." msgid "Get Jetpack Search" msgstr "Dapatkan Jetpack Search" msgid "Quick and accurate spelling correction" msgstr "Koreksi ejaan dengan cepat dan akurat" msgid "Instant search and filtering without reloading the page" msgstr "Pemfilteran dan pencarian instan tanpa memuat ulang halaman" msgid "Boosted and prioritized results based on your site stats" msgstr "" "Hasil yang ditingkatkan dan diprioritaskan berdasarkan statistik situs Anda" msgid "Highly relevant results with modern ranking algorithms" msgstr "Hasil yang sangat relevan dengan algoritme peringkat modern" msgid "" "Give your visitors instant search results and powerful filtering to help " "them find answers and stay on your site longer." msgstr "" "Memberi pengunjung hasil pencarian instan dan pemfilteran canggih untuk " "membantu mereka menemukan jawaban dan mengakses situs Anda lebih lama." msgid "Coming soon:" msgstr "Segera hadir!" msgid "See checklist" msgstr "Lihat daftar centang" msgid "Add server credentials now" msgstr "Tambahkan kredensial server sekarang" msgid "There's also a checklist to help you get the most out of Jetpack." msgstr "" "Selain itu terdapat daftar centang yang membantu Anda mengoptimalkan Jetpack." msgid "" "Please add your server information to set up automated and one-click fixes. " msgstr "" "Harap tambahkan informasi server Anda untuk menyiapkan perbaikan otomatis " "dan sekali klik. " msgid "We just finished setting up automated malware scanning for you." msgstr "" "Kami baru saja selesai menyiapkan pemindaian malware otomatis untuk Anda." msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Scan!" msgstr "Selamat datang di Jetpack Scan!" msgid "" "With it’s easy to collect recurring payments on your website. " "Now you can set up a subscription for your fans, accept monthly donations, " "sell yearly access to exclusive content – and do it all with an automated " "payment system. No third-party billing. No complicated reporting. And " "subscribers can cancel easily, anytime, from their accounts. " "It’s a simpler way to turn your audience into a business." msgstr "" "Dengan, Anda mudah untuk menerima pembayaran yang berulang. " "Anda dapat menyiapkan langganan untuk para pembaca, menerima donasi bulanan, " "dan menjual akses tahunan ke konten eksklusif - dengan sistem pembayaran " "otomatis. Tanpa penagihan dari pihak ketiga. Tanpa laporan yang rumit. " "Pelanggan dapat membatalkan langganan dengan mudah kapan pun dari akun " " mereka. Dapatkan cara yang lebih mudah untuk menjadikan " "pembaca Anda sebagai pelanggan Anda." msgid "Create an income stream with Recurring Payments" msgstr "Terima pemasukan dengan Recurring Payments" msgid "" "Whether you want to sell baked goods to your neighbors, accept donations for " "a local organization, or collect repeat contributions from your supporters, " " makes taking payments a breeze. Our Simple Payments button " "allows you to take credit or debit card payments from any page with minimal " "setup." msgstr "" "Baik Anda ingin menjual kue buatan sendiri, menerima donasi untuk sebuah " "organisasi, atau mengumpulkan iuran dari anggota perkumpulan, " "dapat membantu Anda untuk menerima pembayaran. Tombol Simple Payments " "memungkinkan Anda menerima pembayaran kartu kredit atau debit dari halaman " "mana pun dengan pengaturan yang mudah." msgid "Backup Scheduled" msgstr "Pencadangan Dijadwalkan:" msgid "" "Incredibly powerful and customizable, Jetpack Search helps your visitors " "instantly find the right content – right when they need it." msgstr "" "Jetpack Search, andal dan dapat disesuaikan, membantu pengunjung Anda untuk " "langsung menemukan konten yang tepat – saat dibutuhkan." msgid "Cancel transfer" msgstr "Batalkan transfer" msgid "" "We were unable to complete the transfer of {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}. " "You can remove the transfer from your account or try to start the transfer " "again. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat menyelesaikan transfer dari {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/" "strong}}. Anda dapat menghapus transfer dari akun Anda atau mencoba memulai " "transfer kembali. {{a}}Pelajari selengkapnya{{/a}}" msgid "" "Your transfer has been started and is waiting for authorization from your " "current domain provider. This process can take up to 7 days. If you need to " "cancel or expedite the transfer please contact them for assistance." msgstr "" "Proses transfer Anda sudah dimulai dan menunggu otorisasi dari penyedia " "domain Anda saat ini. Proses ini dapat memakan waktu hingga 7 hari. Jika " "Anda harus membatalkan atau mempercepat proses transfer, harap hubungi " "mereka untuk meminta bantuan." msgid "Start transfer" msgstr "Mulai transfer" msgid "Transfer in progress" msgstr "Transfer sedang dalam proses" msgid "Transfer failed" msgstr "Transfer gagal" msgid " Navigation Menu" msgstr "Menu Navigasi" msgid " Navigation" msgstr "Navigasi" msgid "" "Power your business with custom plugins & themes, 50 GB storage, and 24/7 " "live chat." msgstr "" "Perkuat bisnis Anda dengan plugin & tema khusus, ruang penyimpanan 50 GB, " "dan obrolan langsung setiap saat." msgid "Remote Jobs" msgstr "Pekerjaan dari Jarak Jauh" msgid "Careers" msgstr "Karier" msgid "Auto-renew (…)" msgstr "Perpanjangan otomatis (…)" msgid "" "Thank you for attending the webinar! Save %s%% on any plan " "using coupon code <code>{{coupon_code}}</code> at checkout. Happy " "WordPressing! :)" msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah menghadiri webinar! Hemat %s%% untuk pembelian paket " " mana pun dengan menggunakan kode kupon <code>{{coupon_code}}</" "code> saat checkout. Selamat ber-WordPress ria! :)" msgid "Please enter your team or project name." msgstr "Harap masukkan nama tim atau proyek." msgid "The episode title." msgstr "Judul episode." msgid "The episode description, in plaintext." msgstr "Deskripsi episode, dalam teks polos." msgid "The mime type of the episode." msgstr "Tipe MIME episode." msgid "The audio file URL of the episode." msgstr "URL file audio episode." msgid "The external link for the episode." msgstr "Tautan eksternal untuk episode tersebut." msgid "The episode id. Generated per request, not globally unique." msgstr "ID episode. Dihasilkan sesuai permintaan, tidak unik secara global." msgid "Latest episodes of the podcast." msgstr "Episode podcast terbaru." msgid "The URL of the podcast cover image." msgstr "URL gambar sampul podcast." msgid "The URL of the podcast website." msgstr "URL situs web podcast." msgid "The title of the podcast." msgstr "Judul podcast." msgid "Connect your domain" msgstr "Hubungkan domain Anda" msgid "Update visibility" msgstr "Perbarui visibilitas" msgid "" "A backup for your site was attempted on %(displayDate)s at %(displayTime)s " "and was not able to be completed." msgstr "" "Pencadangan untuk situs Anda dilaksanakan pada tanggal %(displayDate)s pukul " "%(displayTime)s dan tidak dapat diselesaikan." msgid "" "In the meantime, we have configured Jetpack Search on your site — you should " "try customizing it in your traditional WordPress dashboard." msgstr "" "Untuk sementara waktu, kami telah mengonfigurasi Jetpack Search di situs " "Anda — Anda harus mencoba menyesuaikannya di dasbor WordPress tradisional." msgid "We are currently indexing your site." msgstr "Saat ini kami sedang mengindeks situs Anda." msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Search!" msgstr "Selamat datang di Jetpack Search!" msgctxt "Blog" msgid "" "Choose from a wide variety of styles and layouts for your personal or " "professional blog." msgstr "" "Pilih dari beraneka ragam gaya dan tata letak untuk blog pribadi atau " "profesional Anda." msgid "Export page" msgstr "Ekspor halaman" msgid "Changes in this backup" msgstr "Perubahan di cadangan ini" msgid "Added" msgstr "Ditambahkan" msgid "Save credentials and fix" msgstr "Simpan kredensial dan perbaiki" msgid "" "Jetpack is unable to auto fix these threats as we currently do not have " "access to your website's server. Please supply your SFTP/SSH credentials to " "enable auto fixing. Alternatively, you will need go back and {{strong}}fix " "the threats manually{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Jetpack tidak dapat memperbaiki otomatis ancaman ini karena saat ini kami " "tidak memiliki akses ke server situs web Anda. Harap berikan kredensial SFTP/" "SSH Anda untuk mengaktifkan perbaikan otomatis. Atau, Anda harus kembali dan " "{{strong}}memperbaiki ancaman secara manual{{/strong}}." msgid "You have selected to fix all discovered threats" msgstr "Anda telah memilih untuk memperbaiki semua ancaman yang ditemukan" msgid "" "{{a}}Enter your server credentials{{/a}} to enable one-click restores from " "your backups." msgstr "" "{{a}}Masukkan kredensial server Anda{{/a}} untuk mengaktifkan pemulihan " "sekali klik dari pencadangan Anda." msgid "%(filteredPercent)d%% complete" msgstr "%(filteredPercent)d%% selesai" msgid "The locations assigned to the menu." msgstr "Lokasi yang ditetapkan pada menu." msgid "The ID of the assigned menu." msgstr "ID menu yang ditetapkan." msgid "The description of the menu location." msgstr "Deskripsi lokasi menu." msgid "The name of the menu location." msgstr "Nama lokasi menu." msgid "Invalid menu location." msgstr "Lokasi menu invalid." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to view menu locations." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk melihat lokasi menu." msgid "An alphanumeric identifier for the menu location." msgstr "Pengenal alfanumerik untuk lokasi menu." msgid "The XFN relationship expressed in the link of this menu item." msgstr "Hubungan XFN yang ditunjukkan dalam tautan item menu berikut." msgid "The URL to which this menu item points." msgstr "URL yang ditunjuk item menu berikut." msgid "The singular label used to describe this type of menu item." msgstr "" "Label tunggal digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan jenis dari item menu berikut." msgid "The target attribute of the link element for this menu item." msgstr "Atribut target dari elemen tautan untuk item menu berikut." msgid "The description of this menu item." msgstr "Deskripsi item menu." msgid "Class names for the link element of this menu item." msgstr "Nama kelas untuk elemen tautan pada item menu berikut." msgid "Text for the title attribute of the link element for this menu item." msgstr "Teks untuk atribut judul pada elemen tautan untuk item menu berikut. " msgid "" "The family of objects originally represented, such as \"post_type\" or " "\"taxonomy\"." msgstr "" "Kelompok objek yang awalnya direpresentasikan, seperti \"tipe_artikel\" atau " "\"taksonomi\"." msgid "Get linked object." msgstr "Dapatkan objek yang ditautkan." msgid "Menu items do not support trashing. Set '%s' to delete." msgstr "" "Item menu tidak mendukung pemindahan ke tempat sampah. Gunakan '%s' untuk " "menghapus." msgid "Pattern \"%s\" not found." msgstr "Pola \"%s\" tidak ditemukan." msgid "Pattern name must be a string." msgstr "Nama pola harus berupa string." msgid "Return to My Home" msgstr "Kembali ke Beranda Saya" msgid "Common" msgstr "Umum" msgid "Connect Instagram Account" msgstr "Otorisasi Akses Instagram" msgid "" "Instagram is currently experiencing connectivity issues, please try again " "later to connect." msgstr "" "Instagram sedang mengalami masalah konektivitas, silakan coba lagi nanti " "untuk menghubungkan." msgid "The Podcast RSS feed URL." msgstr "URL feed RSS Podcast." msgid "" "Enrich your posts and pages with video or audio. Upload up to 13 GB of media " "directly to your site." msgstr "" "Perkaya pos dan halaman Anda dengan video atau audio. Unggah media hingga 13 " "GB langsung ke situs Anda." msgid "Refer-a-Friend Program" msgstr "Program Rujukan pada Teman" msgid "Connect to your Instagram account" msgstr "Hubungkan dengan akun Instagram Anda" msgid "Preview unavailable, {{a}}click here to open the file directly{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Pratinjau tidak tersedia, {{a}}klik di sini untuk membuka file secara " "langsung{{/a}}." msgid "Make your site public and continue" msgstr "Ubah status situs Anda menjadi publik dan lanjutkan" msgid "To activate Performance Features you'll need to:" msgstr "Untuk mengaktifkan Fitur Performa, Anda harus:" msgid "Only you and those you invite can view your site." msgstr "Hanya Anda dan orang yang Anda undang yang dapat melihat situs Anda." msgid "Make your site public" msgstr "Ubah status situs Anda menjadi publik" msgid "" "A %(importerName)s export file is a ZIP file containing several HTML files " "with your stories. {{supportLink/}}" msgstr "" "Berkas ekspor %(importerName)s adalah berkas ZIP yang berisi beberapa berkas " "HTML dengan cerita Anda. {{supportLink/}}" msgid "Enter the URL of your Wix site. {{supportLink/}}" msgstr "Masukkan URL situs Wix Anda. {{supportLink/}}" msgid "Need help exporting your content?" msgstr "Perlu bantuan untuk mengekspor konten Anda?" msgid "" "A WordPress export is an XML file with your page and post content, or a zip " "archive containing several XML files. {{supportLink/}}" msgstr "" "File ekspor WordPress berupa XML dengan konten halaman dan pos Anda, atau " "arsip zip yang berisi beberapa file XML. {{supportLink/}}" msgid "" "Don't want to wait? For your convenience, we'll email you when your site has " "been fully restored." msgstr "" "Tidak ingin menunggu? Demi kemudahan Anda, kami akan mengirimkan email saat " "situs Anda sudah dipulihkan sepenuhnya." msgid "View your website" msgstr "Lihat situs web Anda" msgid "" "All of your selected items are now restored back to " "{{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Semua item yang dipulih kini dipulihkan kembali ke " "{{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/strong}}." msgid "" "{{strong}}WP-content directory{{/strong}} (excludes themes, plugins, and " "uploads)" msgstr "" "{{strong}}Direktori konten-WP{{/strong}} (tidak termasuk tema, plugin, dan " "unggahan)" msgid "" "{{strong}}WordPress root{{/strong}} (includes wp-config php and any non " "WordPress files)" msgstr "" "{{strong}}WordPress Root{{/strong}} (termasuk wp-config php dan file non " "WordPress mana pun)" msgid "{{strong}}WordPress plugins{{/strong}}" msgstr "{{strong}}Plugin WordPress{{/strong}}" msgid "{{strong}}WordPress themes{{/strong}}" msgstr "{{strong}}Tema WordPress{{/strong}}" msgid "%(number)d threat" msgid_plural "%(number)d threats" msgstr[0] "%(number)d ancaman" msgstr[1] "%(number)d ancaman" msgid "More backups from today" msgstr "Cadangan lainnya dari hari ini" msgid "See content" msgstr "Lihat konten" msgid "" "You are not allowed to set a custom primary domain for private a8c blogs." msgstr "" "Anda tidak diizinkan mengatur domain utama khusus untuk blog a8c pribadi." msgid "Privacy & Cookies" msgstr "Privasi & Cookie" msgid "" "This site uses cookies. By continuing, you agree to their use. <a target=" "\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Learn more</a>, including how to control cookies." msgstr "" "Situs ini menggunakan cookie. Dengan melanjutkan, Anda setuju dengan " "penggunaan mereka. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Pelajari selengkapnya</" "a>, termasuk cara mengontrol cookie." msgid "Confirm transfer" msgstr "Konfirmasi transfer" msgid "Create site" msgstr "Buat situs" msgid "Transfer domain" msgstr "Transfer domain" msgid "DNS records" msgstr "DNS record" msgid "Delete site" msgstr "Hapus situs" msgid "Preparing to scan" msgstr "Bersiap memindai" msgid "" "For your convenience, we've emailed you a link to your downloadable backup " "file." msgstr "" "Demi kemudahan Anda, kami telah mengirimkan email berisi tautan ke file " "cadangan Anda yang dapat diunduh." msgid "Download file" msgstr "Unduh file" msgid "" "We successfully created a backup of your site from " "{{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Kami berhasil membuat cadangan situs Anda dari " "{{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/strong}}." msgid "Your backup is now available for download." msgstr "Cadangan Anda sudah dapat diunduh." msgid "For your convenience, we'll email you when your file is ready." msgstr "" "Demi kemudahan Anda, kami akan mengirimkan email saat file Anda sudah siap." msgid "" "We're creating a downloadable backup of your site from " "{{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Kami membuat cadangan situs yang dapat diunduh dari " "{{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/strong}}." msgid "Create downloadable file" msgstr "Buat file yang dapat diunduh" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/strong}} is the selected point to create a " "downloadable backup. " msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/strong}} merupakan titik yang dipilih " "untuk membuat cadangan yang dapat diunduh. " msgid "" "There was an error validating your contact information. Please contact " "support." msgstr "" "Terjadi error saat memvalidasi informasi kontak Anda. Silakan hubungi " "dukungan." msgid "Do you really want to ignore this threat?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin mengabaikan ancaman ini?" msgid "Let’s do this." msgstr "Ayo kita mulai." msgid "You forgot something." msgstr "Anda melupakan sesuatu." msgid "" "Enter your server credentials to enable one-click restores for backups and " "to auto-fix threats. {{a}}Need help? Find your server credentials{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Masukkan kredensial server Anda untuk mengaktifkan pemulihan dengan mudah " "untuk pencadangan dan memperbaiki ancaman secara otomatis. {{a}}Butuh " "bantuan? Temukan kredensial server Anda{{/a}}" msgid "Server status: Not connected" msgstr "Status server: Tidak terhubung" msgid "One-click restores are enabled." msgstr "Pemulihan satu klik diaktifkan." msgid "Server status: Connected" msgstr "Status server: Terhubung" msgid "Server connection details" msgstr "Detail koneksi server" msgid "How we will fix it?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara memperbaikinya?" msgid "Unlock this feature" msgstr "Buka fitur berikut" msgid "Use Small Header" msgstr "Gunakan Header Kecil" msgid "" "You need to have Jetpack installed on your site to be able to import " "everything. {{jetpackInstallLink}}Install Jetpack{{/jetpackInstallLink}}." msgstr "" "Anda harus menginstal Jetpack di situs agar dapat mengimpor segalanya. " "{{jetpackInstallLink}}Instal Jetpack{{/jetpackInstallLink}}." msgctxt "currency" msgid "Indonesian Rupiah" msgstr "Rupiah Indonesia" msgid "Complete domain setup" msgstr "Selesaikan penyiapan domain" msgid "" "Action required: Please contact your domain registrar to point " "{{strong}}%(domainName)s's{{/strong}} name server records to" msgstr "" "Tindakan diperlukan: Hubungi registrar domain Anda untuk menunjuk " "{{strong}}%(domainName)s's{{/strong}} rekaman nameserver ke" msgid "Podcast audio RSS feed has no tracks." msgstr "Feed RSS audio podcast tidak memiliki trek." msgid "Your podcast couldn't be embedded. Please double check your URL." msgstr "Podcast Anda tidak dapat disematkan. Harap periksa lagi URL Anda." msgid "No tracks available to play." msgstr "Tidak ada trek yang dapat diputar." msgid "" "Your podcast URL is invalid and couldn't be embedded. Please double check " "your URL." msgstr "" "URL podcast Anda tidak valid dan tidak dapat disematkan. Harap periksa lagi " "URL Anda." msgid "No Podcast URL provided. Please enter a valid Podcast RSS feed URL." msgstr "" "Tidak ada URL Podcast yang diberikan. Masukkan URL feed RSS Podcast yang " "valid." msgid "" "Note: WordPress credentials are not the same as credentials. " "Be sure to enter the username and password for your self-hosted WordPress " "site." msgstr "" "Catatan: Kredensial WordPress tidak sama dengan kredensial " "Pastikan anda memasukkan nama pengguna dan kata sandi untuk situs WordPress " "yang dihosting sendiri." msgid "WordPress password" msgstr "Kata sandi WordPress" msgid "WordPress username or email" msgstr "Nama pengguna atau email WordPress" msgid "" "Your login credentials are used for the purpose of securely auto-installing " "Jetpack and will not be stored." msgstr "" "Kredensial login Anda digunakan untuk tujuan penginstalan otomatis Jetpack " "secara aman dan tidak akan disimpan." msgid "Add your self-hosted WordPress credentials (wp-admin)" msgstr "Tambahkan kredensial WordPress yang dihosting sendiri (wp-admin)" msgid "Not you?{{br/}}Log in with {{link}}another account{{/link}}" msgstr "Bukan Anda?{{br/}}Login dengan {{link}}akun lainnya{{/link}}" msgid "" "Yes! In fact, most website owners on have never built websites " "before. If this is your first time too, you’re in good company. With a large " "variety of templates, a host of plugins, and a flexible platform you’ll " "never outgrow, everything you need to create the website you want is at your " "fingertips. No coding necessary." msgstr "" "Ya! Sebagian besar pemilik situs web belum pernah membuat " "situs web sebelumnya. Jika Anda baru pertama kali membuat situs web, Anda " "telah membuat pilihan yang tepat. Dengan berbagai template, plugin, dan " "platform fleksibel yang selalu terdepan, semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk " "membuat situs web impian tersedia untuk Anda. Anda tidak perlu menulis kode." msgid "ticket" msgid_plural "tickets" msgstr[0] "tiket" msgstr[1] "tiket" msgid "" "The at-a-glance and activity list makes it easy to track changes and updates " "to your site." msgstr "" "Selayang pandang dan daftar aktivitas memudahkan pelacakan perubahan dan " "pembaruan pada situs Anda." msgid "Collect payments" msgstr "Terima pembayaran" msgid "" "Create a Google business listing, connect with customers, and discover how " "customers find you on Google by connecting to a Google Business Profile " "location." msgstr "" "Buat daftar bisnis Google, jalin hubungan dengan pelanggan, dan pelajari " "cara pelanggan menemukan Anda di Google dengan terhubung ke lokasi Profil " "Bisnis Google." msgid "" "Access a diverse selection of beautifully designed premium themes included " "with your plan." msgstr "" "Akses berbagai pilihan tema premium menarik yang termasuk di paket Anda." msgid "" "Enjoy more control over your site’s look and feel by writing your own CSS." msgstr "" "Nikmati lebih banyak kontrol atas tampilan dan suasana situs Anda dengan " "menulis CSS Anda sendiri." msgid "" "Schedule a one-on-one orientation session to set up your site and learn more " "about Jetpack." msgstr "" "Jadwalkan sesi orientasi empat mata untuk menyiapkan situs Anda dan " "mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang Jetpack." msgid "" "Schedule a one-on-one session with a expert to get your site " "up and running quickly." msgstr "" "Jadwalkan sesi khusus dengan tenaga ahli agar situs Anda dapat " "segera beroperasi." msgid "" "All advertising has been removed from your site so your brand " "can stand out without distractions." msgstr "" "Semua iklan telah dihapus dari situs Anda sehingga branding " "Anda dapat tampil mengemuka." msgid "Akismet is not configured. Please enter an API key." msgstr "Akismet belum dikonfigurasi. Harap masukkan kunci API." msgid "Copy post" msgstr "Salin pos" msgid "Clear all accepted" msgstr "Hapus semua yang diterima" msgid "Clear all" msgstr "Hapus semua" msgid "Manage plan" msgstr "Kelola paket" msgid "Copy link" msgstr "Salin tautan" msgid "Copy page" msgstr "Salin halaman" msgid "" "This site's visibility is currently set to {{strong}}Coming Soon{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Visibilitas situs saat ini diatur ke {{strong}}Segera Hadir{{/strong}}." msgid "" "SEO settings aren't recognized by search engines while your site is Coming " "Soon." msgstr "" "Pengaturan SEO tidak dikenali oleh mesin pencari jika visibilitas situs " "Segera Hadir." msgid "" "Sorry, an import from this site is still in progress: we can't start a new " "one." msgstr "" "Maaf, proses impor dari situs ini masih berlangsung: kami tidak dapat " "memulai proses impor baru." msgid "NIK - Indonesia Identity Card Number" msgstr "NIK - Nomor KTP Indonesia" msgid "task" msgstr "tugas" msgid "Create task items and check them when completed." msgstr "Buat item tugas dan centang bila sudah selesai." msgid "Task" msgstr "Tugas" msgid "Add task…" msgstr "Tambahkan tugas…" msgid "Assignment" msgstr "Penugasan" msgid "Display a task overview of the status of a project." msgstr "Tampilkan ringkasan tugas dari status sebuah proyek." msgid "Project status" msgstr "Status proyek" msgid "Time Estimate" msgstr "Estimasi Waktu" msgid "Team Assignment" msgstr "Penugasan Tim" msgid "We were unable to automatically generate a username from your email" msgstr "Kami tidak dapat membuat nama pengguna secara otomatis dari email Anda" msgid "Continue with" msgstr "Lanjutkan dengan" msgid "Choose an account to set up Jetpack." msgstr "Pilih akun untuk menyiapkan Jetpack." msgid "" "An account with this email address already exists. Please log in using your " " email and password." msgstr "" "Akun dengan alamat email ini sudah ada. Silakan login menggunakan email dan " "kata sandi Anda." msgid "Connecting your social account" msgstr "Menghubungkan akun media sosial Anda" msgid "" "Congratulations! Your %1$s site, %2$s, now has Jetpack Premium. Your Jetpack " "Premium subscription builds on the powerful features of Jetpack with a " "bundle of security, anti-spam, and growth tools." msgstr "" "Selamat! Situs %1$s Anda, %2$s, kini memiliki langganan Jetpack Premium. " "Langganan Jetpack Premium dibangun dengan berbagai fitur andal dari Jetpack, " "antara lain paket keamanan, anti-spam, dan perangkat untuk berkembang." msgid "" "Congratulations! Your %1$s site, %2$s, now has Jetpack Personal. Your " "Jetpack Personal subscription builds on the powerful features of Jetpack " "with a bundle of security, anti-spam, and growth tools." msgstr "" "Selamat! Situs %1$s Anda, %2$s, kini memiliki langganan Jetpack Personal. " "Langganan Jetpack Personal dibangun dengan berbagai fitur andal dari " "Jetpack, antara lain paket keamanan, anti-spam, dan perangkat untuk " "berkembang." msgid "" "Congratulations! Your %1$s site, %2$s, now has Jetpack Professional. Your " "Jetpack Professional subscription builds on the powerful features of Jetpack " "with a bundle of security, anti-spam, and growth tools." msgstr "" "Selamat! Situs %1$s Anda, %2$s, kini memiliki langganan Jetpack " "Professional. Langganan Jetpack Professional dibangun dengan berbagai fitur " "andal dari Jetpack, antara lain paket keamanan, anti-spam, dan perangkat " "untuk berkembang." msgid "" "Congratulations! Your %1$s site, <a href=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a>, now has Jetpack " "Premium. Your Jetpack Premium subscription builds on the powerful features " "of Jetpack with a bundle of security, anti-spam, and growth tools." msgstr "" "Selamat! Situs %1$s Anda, <a href=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a>, kini memiliki langganan " "Jetpack Premium. Langganan Jetpack Premium dibangun dengan berbagai fitur " "andal dari Jetpack, antara lain paket keamanan, anti-spam, dan perangkat " "untuk berkembang." msgid "" "Congratulations! Your %1$s site, <a href=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a>, now has Jetpack " "Personal. Your Jetpack Personal subscription builds on the powerful features " "of Jetpack with a bundle of security, anti-spam, and growth tools." msgstr "" "Selamat! Situs %1$s Anda, <a href=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a>, kini memiliki langganan " "Jetpack Personal. Langganan Jetpack Personal dibangun dengan berbagai fitur " "andal dari Jetpack, antara lain paket keamanan, anti-spam, dan perangkat " "untuk berkembang." msgid "" "Congratulations! Your %1$s site, <a href=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a>, now has Jetpack " "Professional. Your Jetpack Professional subscription builds on the powerful " "features of Jetpack with a bundle of security, anti-spam, and growth tools." msgstr "" "Selamat! Situs %1$s Anda, <a href=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a>, kini memiliki langganan " "Jetpack Professional. Langganan Jetpack Professional dibangun dengan " "berbagai fitur andal dari Jetpack, antara lain paket keamanan, anti-spam, " "dan perangkat untuk berkembang." msgid "Restoring to {{sp}}%(targetSiteDomain)s{{/sp}}" msgstr "Memulihkan ke {{sp}}%(targetSiteDomain)s{{/sp}}" msgid "Backing up {{sp}}%(sourceSiteDomain)s{{/sp}}" msgstr "Mencadangkan {{sp}}%(sourceSiteDomain)s{{/sp}}" msgid "Backup of {{sp}}%(sourceSiteDomain)s{{/sp}} completed" msgstr "Pencadangan {{sp}}%(sourceSiteDomain)s{{/sp}} selesai" msgid "G Suite is currently active on that domain." msgstr "G Suite saat ini aktif di domain tersebut." msgid "G Suite has already been purchased for that domain." msgstr "G Suite telah dibeli untuk domain tersebut." msgid "G Suite is not available for that particular domain" msgstr "G Suite tidak tersedia untuk domain khusus tersebut" msgid "G Suite is not available in your current region." msgstr "G Suite tidak tersedia di wilayah Anda saat ini." msgid "G Suite is only available for custom domains" msgstr "G Suite hanya tersedia untuk domain khusus" msgid "" "Your account has been blocked as a security precaution. To continue, you " "must {{a}}reset your password{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Akun Anda telah diblokir sebagai tindakan pencegahan keamanan. Untuk " "melanjutkan, Anda harus {{a}}mereset kata sandi{{/a}}." msgid "" "Everything you need to build and run best-in-class customer experiences at " "scale." msgstr "" "Semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk menciptakan dan mewujudkan pengalaman " "pelanggan yang terbaik di kelasnya sesuai kebutuhan." msgid "From $1,700 per month, billed yearly." msgstr "Mulai $1.700 per bulan, penagihan tahunan." msgid "Shop" msgstr "Toko" msgid "Add server credentials to enable restoring" msgstr "Tambahkan kredensial server untuk mengaktifkan pemulihan" msgid "" "We just sent you a verification code to your phone number on file, please " "enter the code below." msgstr "" "Kami baru saja mengirimkan kode verifikasi ke nomor telepon Anda, harap " "masukkan kode di bawah ini." msgid "" "The scanning history contains a record of all previously active threats on " "your site." msgstr "" "Riwayat pemindaian berisi catatan semua ancaman yang sebelumnya aktif di " "situs Anda." msgid "The technical details" msgstr "Rincian teknis" msgid "How did Jetpack fix it?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara Jetpack memperbaikinya?" msgid "Threat found on %s" msgstr "Ancaman yang ditemukan pada %s" msgid "You are about to remove your coupon from the cart" msgstr "Anda akan menghapus kupon dari keranjang belanja" msgid "" "Premium themes available for use on your site with built-in advanced " "customization tools." msgstr "" "Tema premium yang bisa digunakan di situs Anda dengan alat penyesuaian " "canggih yang sudah ada di dalamnya." msgid "Premium WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema premium WordPress" msgid "" "You can also drag-and-drop image and video files from your computer into " "your Media Library." msgstr "" "Anda juga dapat menyeret dan meletakkan file gambar dan video dari komputer " "ke Pustaka Media." msgid "Welcome to your Media Library!" msgstr "Selamat datang di Pustaka Media Anda!" msgid "" "We could not validate your contact information. Please review and update all " "the highlighted fields." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat memvalidasi informasi kontak Anda. Harap tinjau ulang dan " "perbarui semua bidang yang disorot." msgid "" "You need to upgrade to a paid plan in order to be able to make this your " "primary domain." msgstr "" "Anda perlu melakukan upgrade ke paket berbayar untuk bisa menjadikan ini " "domain utama Anda." msgid "Remove %(plan)s" msgstr "Hapus %(plan)s" msgid "Remove Plan" msgstr "Hapus Paket" msgid "" "Great job! <strong>%1$s</strong> has just signed up to your %2$s at <a href=" "\"%3$s\">%4$s</a>." msgstr "" "Bagus! <strong>%1$s</strong> baru saja mendaftar ke %2$s Anda pada <a href=" "\"%3$s\">%4$s</a>." msgid "" "Your first subscriber, <strong>%1$s</strong>, purchased your %2$s at %3$s! " "This subscription was sold for %4$s, and your next payment is on %5$s." msgstr "" "Pelanggan pertama Anda, <strong>%1$s</strong>, membeli %2$s Anda pada %3$s! " "Langganan ini dijual dengan untuk %4$s, dan pembayaran Anda yang selanjutnya " "yaitu pada %5$s." msgid "Congratulations" msgstr "Selamat" msgid "Unable to process subscription." msgstr "Tidak dapat memproses langganan." msgid "Subscription Failed" msgstr "Langganan Gagal" msgid "Account Disabled" msgstr "Akun Tidak Aktif" msgid "Your site may be at risk" msgstr "Situs Anda mungkin berada dalam risiko" msgid "Share your thoughts" msgstr "Bagikan pendapat Anda" msgid "Export selected content" msgstr "Ekspor Konten Terpilih" msgid "Add domains" msgstr "Tambah domain" msgid "Add new application password" msgstr "Tambah Kata Sandi Aplikasi Baru" msgid "Scan now" msgstr "Pindai sekarang" msgid "Don’t worry about a thing" msgstr "Jangan khawatir" msgid "Earn free credits" msgstr "Dapatkan kredit gratis" msgid "Display \"Powered by Jetpack\"" msgstr "Tampilkan \"Didukung oleh Jetpack\"" msgid "Choose a color to highlight matching search terms." msgstr "Pilih warna untuk menyoroti istilah pencarian yang cocok." msgid "Highlight Search Terms" msgstr "Sorot Istilah Pencarian" msgid "Customize the sidebar inside the Jetpack Search overlay" msgstr "Atur sidebar di dalam overlay Jetpack Search" msgid "Jetpack Search Sidebar" msgstr "Sidebar Jetpack Search" msgid "" "Make {{em}}%(domain)s{{/em}} the primary address that your visitors see when " "they come to your site." msgstr "" "Jadikan {{em}}%(domain)s{{/em}} alamat utama yang dilihat orang saat mereka " "mengunjungi situs Anda." msgid "Make your domain your primary address" msgstr "Jadikan domain Anda sebagai alamat utama" msgid "All posts, pages, comments and media will be lost on %(targetDomain)s." msgstr "" "Semua pos, halaman, komentar, dan media akan hilang pada %(targetDomain)s." msgid "Import and replace everything on this site?" msgstr "Impor dan ganti semua yang ada di situs ini?" msgctxt "Show like and sharing buttons on" msgid "Portfolio Items" msgstr "Item Portofolio" msgctxt "Show like and sharing buttons on" msgid "Media" msgstr "Media" msgctxt "Show like and sharing buttons on" msgid "Pages" msgstr "Laman" msgctxt "Show like and sharing buttons on" msgid "Posts" msgstr "Pos" msgctxt "Show like and sharing buttons on" msgid "Front Page, Archive Pages, and Search Results" msgstr "Laman Depan, Laman Arsip, dan Hasil Pencarian" msgid "Renew Your Plan" msgstr "Perpanjang Paket Anda" msgid "This domain is being forwarded to %(primaryDomain)s" msgstr "Domain ini diteruskan ke %(primaryDomain)s" msgid "" "Your site’s health is looking good, but there are still some things " "you can do to improve its performance and security." msgstr "" "Kesehatan situs Anda terlihat bagus, tetapi masih ada beberapa hal yang bisa " "Anda lakukan untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan keamanannya." msgid "" "Site health checks will automatically run periodically to gather information " "about your site. You can also <a href=\"%s\">visit the Site Health screen</" "a> to gather information about your site now." msgstr "" "Pemeriksaan kesehatan situs akan secara otomatis berjalan secara berkala " "untuk mengumpulkan informasi tentang situs Anda. Anda juga dapat <a href=\"%s" "\">mengunjungi layar Kesehatan Situs</a> untuk mengumpulkan informasi " "tentang situs Anda saat ini." msgid "Subscriber User ID missing" msgstr "ID Pengguna Pelanggan kosong" msgid "You have to be an administrator of the site to delete subscriptions." msgstr "Anda harus menjadi administrator situs untuk bisa menghapus langganan." msgid "" "DNS records are special settings that change how your domain works. They let " "you connect to third-party services, like an email provider. " "{{customDnsLink}}Learn more{{/customDnsLink}}." msgstr "" "DNS records adalah pengaturan khusus yang mengubah cara domain Anda bekerja. " "DNS records memungkinkan Anda terhubung dengan layanan pihak ketiga, seperti " "provider email. {{customDnsLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/customDnsLink}}." msgid "" "Log into your Stripe account to resolve an issue. Until it's resolved we " "will be unable to process any payments." msgstr "" "Masuk ke akun Stripe untuk mengatasi masalah. Sebelum masalah teratasi, " "kami tidak dapat memproses pembayaran apa pun." msgid "" " Payments is using Stripe to process payments on your sites." msgstr "" "Pembayaran menggunakan Stripe untuk memproses pembayaran di " "situs Anda." msgid "Your Stripe account needs action." msgstr "Diperlukan tindakan untuk akun Stripe Anda." msgid "" "Action Needed! Update your Stripe account information to continue processing " "Payments" msgstr "" "Tindakan Diperlukan! Perbarui informasi akun Stripe Anda untuk melanjutkan " "proses Pembayaran" msgid "" "Your Stripe account has stopped processing payments. Your action is needed." msgstr "" "Akun Stripe Anda telah berhenti memproses pembayaran. Diperlukan tindakan " "dari Anda." msgid "Update Stripe account to continue processing payments" msgstr "Perbarui akun Stripe untuk melanjutkan proses pembayaran" msgid "Action Needed! Failed to process recurring payment." msgstr "Tindakan Diperlukan! Gagal memproses pembayaran berulang." msgid "" "Please enter your username or email address. You will receive an email " "message with instructions on how to reset your password." msgstr "" "Silakan masukkan nama pengguna atau alamat email Anda. Anda akan menerima " "pesan email dengan instruksi tentang cara mengatur ulang kata sandi Anda." msgid "User’s Session Tokens data." msgstr "Data Token Sesi Pengguna" msgid "Session Tokens" msgstr "Token Sesi" msgid "Last Login" msgstr "Login terakhir" msgid "User Agent" msgstr "Agen pengguna" msgid "" "User’s location data used for the Community Events in the WordPress " "Events and News dashboard widget." msgstr "" "Data lokasi pengguna yang digunakan untuk Kegiatan Komunitas di widget " "dasbor: Kegiatan WordPress dan Berita." msgid "Community Events Location" msgstr "Lokasi Kegiatan Komunitas" msgid "Longitude" msgstr "Garis bujur" msgid "Latitude" msgstr "Garis lintang" msgid "Filter %s returned items with reserved names." msgstr "Penyaring %s menampilkan hasil dengan nama yang sudah dipakai." msgid "Previous and next months" msgstr "Bulan sebelumnya dan selanjutnya" msgid "Stripe account is disconnected." msgstr "Akun Stripe tidak terhubung." msgid "Please wait, disconnecting Stripe…" msgstr "Harap tunggu, sedang memutus Stripe\\u2026" msgid "P.S. We can’t wait to see what you create!" msgstr "N.B. Kami tidak sabar melihat karya Anda!" msgid "" "And if you need help putting the finishing touches on your site, you can <a " "href=\"%1$s\">upgrade your plan</a> for unlimited, 24/7 support from our " "expert Happiness Engineers." msgstr "" "Dan jika Anda perlu bantuan untuk memberikan sentuhan akhir pada situs Anda, " "Anda dapat <a href=\"%1$s\">melakukan upgrade paket</a> untuk mendapatkan " "bantuan setiap saat dari Happiness Engineer." msgid "Publish your site" msgstr "Publikasikan situs Anda" msgid "" "In fact, our most successful customers get their sites online " "early and edit often. Plus, putting your idea out there feels great. We " "promise." msgstr "" "Faktanya, pelanggan kami yang paling sukses meluncurkan situs " "mereka dengan cepat, lalu sering melakukan penyuntingan. Selain itu, " "menuangkan ide untuk dibagikan kepada dunia akan terasa menyenangkan. Kami " "jamin." msgid "" "Sharing your site only takes a few clicks and it doesn’t have to be perfect " "at first." msgstr "" "Anda dapat dengan mudah membagikan situs Anda dan tidak harus sempurna pada " "awalnya." msgid "" "Now it’s time to publish your site for the world to see. Or you can stick to " "sharing with friends and family for now – it’s ok to start small. " msgstr "" "Sekarang saatnya memublikasikan situs Anda agar dunia dapat melihatnya. Atau " "Anda dapat membagikannya hanya dengan teman dan keluarga untuk saat ini – " "Anda tidak perlu terburu-buru." msgid "Congratulations on your new account." msgstr "Selamat atas akun baru Anda." msgid "Send code via text message" msgstr "Kirimkan kode via pesan teks" msgid "" "The disputed charge is for %1$s. This amount, plus a %2$s fee will be " "deducted from your %3$s account within a day." msgstr "" "Biaya yang dilaporkan adalah untuk %1$s. Dana dengan nilai tersebut serta " "biaya %2$s akan dipotong dari akun %3$s Anda dalam waktu satu hari." msgid "You have a disputed payment for %1$s" msgstr "Anda memiliki sengketa pembayaran sebesar %1$s" msgid "" "When registering an \"array\" setting to show in the REST API, you must " "specify the schema for each array item in \"show_in_rest.schema.items\"." msgstr "" "Saat mendaftarkan pengaturan \"array\" untuk ditampilkan di REST API, Anda " "harus menentukan skema untuk setiap bagian array di \"show_in_rest.schema." "items\"." msgid "Error: %1$s (%2$s)" msgstr "Galat: %1$s (%2$s)" msgid "" " Would you like to {{newAccountLink}}create a new account{{/newAccountLink}}?" msgstr "" " Apakah Anda ingin {{newAccountLink}}membuat akun baru{{/newAccountLink}}?" msgid "" "{{supportLink}}Contact us{{/supportLink}} so we can figure out exactly what " "needs adjusting, or try again." msgstr "" "{{supportLink}}Hubungi kami{{/supportLink}} agar kami dapat mencari tahu " "secara pasti apa yang perlu disesuaikan, atau coba lagi." msgid "There was an error communicating with Stripe. Please contact support." msgstr "" "Terjadi error saat berkomunikasi dengan Stripe. Silakan hubungi dukungan." msgid "" "There was an error retrieving your subscription. Please contact support." msgstr "Terjadi error saat mengambil langganan Anda. Silakan hubungi dukungan." msgid "The domain is currently in maintenance. Please try again later." msgstr "Saat ini domain sedang dalam pemeliharaan. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "" "Ready to see how your website, blog, or business benefits from the right " "domain extension? Get your .ca domain, create your online presence with " ", and get ready to give’r." msgstr "" "Siap melihat bagaimana situs web, blog, atau bisnis Anda mendapatkan manfaat " "dari ekstensi domain yang tepat? Dapatkan domain .ca, buat eksistensi Anda " "di internet dengan, dan bersiaplah untuk totalitas." msgid "Choose a .ca domain, and start growing" msgstr "Pilih domain .ca, dan mulai berkembang" msgid "" "Got questions about domains and WordPress websites? Our Happiness Engineers " "have answers and are happy to help at any time!" msgstr "" "Punya pertanyaan seputar domain dan situs web WordPress? Happiness Engineer " "kami memiliki jawabannya dan siap membantu setiap saat!" msgid "Expert support 24/7" msgstr "Dukungan ahli 24/7" msgid "" "Discover our user-friendly website building experience with mobile-friendly " "themes, social media integration, SEO tools, and much more." msgstr "" "Temukan pengalaman membangun situs web yang ramah pengguna dengan tema yang " "cocok untuk digunakan di seluler, integrasi media sosial, alat SEO, dan " "banyak lainnya." msgid "The right tools for the job" msgstr "Alat yang tepat untuk tugas Anda" msgid "" "It’s estimated as many as half of businesses in Canada still don’t have a " "website. is an ideal place to start building yours." msgstr "" "Diperkirakan hingga setengah dari seluruh bisnis di Kanada masih belum " "memiliki situs web. merupakan tempat yang ideal untuk mulai " "membangun situs web Anda." msgid "Gain a competitive edge" msgstr "Dapatkan keunggulan kompetitif" msgid "Explore the possibilities of a website" msgstr "Jelajahi berbagai kemungkinan situs web" msgid "" "Canadians love Canada. So it’s no surprise that a 2019 Strategic Counsel " "survey found Canadians prefer a .ca domain extension on websites where they " "shop online and read about current events. A ccTLD also makes it more likely " "that people in Canada will discover your website on search engines like " "Google. Want the right people to find and trust you? A .ca domain name makes " "perfect sense." msgstr "" "Orang Kanada mencintai Kanada. Sehingga tidak heran jika survei Strategic " "Counsel 2019 menemukan bahwa orang Kanada lebih menyukai domain .ca di situs " "web tempat mereka berbelanja online dan membaca seputar acara terkini. ccTLD " "juga membuat peluang orang-orang di Kanada menemukan situs web Anda di mesin " "pencari seperti Google menjadi lebih besar. Ingin agar orang yang tepat bisa " "menemukan dan memercayai Anda? Nama domain .ca solusinya." msgid "Why owning a .ca domain name matters" msgstr "Alasan pentingnya memiliki nama domain .ca" msgid "" "Getting a Canadian country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for your site is a " "smart move. You’re based in Canada. Your customers and readers are Canadian. " "A .ca domain makes it obvious who you are and who you serve. Even if you " "already have a generic domain extension (.com, .net, .org), you can add a ." "ca domain extension to protect your brand and show your Canadian pride. It’s " "the perfect final touch — like a toque for your website." msgstr "" "Mendapatkan country code top-level domain (ccTLD) Kanada untuk situs Anda " "adalah langkah yang cerdas. Anda berbasis di Kanada. Para pelanggan dan " "pembaca Anda adalah orang Kanada. Domain .ca akan memperjelas siapa Anda dan " "siapa yang Anda layani. Meskipun telah memiliki ekstensi domain umum (.com, ." "net, .org), Anda dapat menambahkan ekstensi domain .ca untuk melindungi " "merek Anda dan menunjukkan kebanggaan Anda sebagai warga Kanada. Sentuhan " "akhir yang sempurna — layaknya topi musim dingin untuk situs web Anda." msgid "Is your website as Canadian as it can be?" msgstr "Apakah situs Anda sudah maksimal mencerminkan Kanada?" msgid "" "Find an available .ca domain name for your Canadian business website or " "blog. Starting at sale price %1$s (free for a year with a paid plan!)" msgstr "" "Temukan nama domain .ca yang tersedia untuk blog atau situs web bisnis " "Kanada Anda. Mulai harga obral %1$s (gratis selama satu tahun dengan paket " "berbayar!)" msgid "" "Find an available .ca domain name for your Canadian business website or " "blog. Starting at %1$s (free for a year with a paid plan!)" msgstr "" "Temukan nama domain .ca yang tersedia untuk blog atau situs web bisnis " "Kanada Anda. Mulai harga %1$s (gratis selama satu tahun dengan paket " "berbayar!)" msgid "Your Canadian website needs a .ca domain name" msgstr "Situs web Kanada Anda membutuhkan nama domain .ca" msgid "" "Secure and register a country-specific .ca domain name to make an important " "statement about your Canada-based website. Search for available options now." msgstr "" "Amankan dan daftarkan nama domain .ca khusus negara untuk membuat pernyataan " "penting tentang situs web Anda yang berbasis di Kanada. Cari opsi yang " "tersedia sekarang." msgid "Get a .ca Domain Name for Your Canadian Website" msgstr "Dapatkan Nama Domain .ca untuk Situs Web Kanada Anda" msgid "Sorry, we couldn't complete the import." msgstr "Maaf, kami tidak dapat menyelesaikan proses impor." msgid "Import and overwrite" msgstr "Impor dan timpa" msgid "Renew now for {{strong}}%(price)s{{/strong}}" msgstr "Perpanjang sekarang dengan harga {{strong}}%(price)s{{/strong}}" msgid "Reactivate for {{strong}}%(price)s{{/strong}}" msgstr "Aktifkan kembali dengan harga {{strong}}%(price)s{{/strong}}" msgid "HTTP redirect status code must be a redirection code, 3xx." msgstr "Kode status pengalihan HTTP harus berupa kode pengalihan, 3xx." msgctxt "minimum input length for searching post links" msgid "3" msgstr "3" msgid "Receive faster support from our WordPress experts — weekends included." msgstr "" "Dapatkan bantuan yang lebih cepat dari tim ahli WordPress kami, di akhir " "pekan sekali pun." msgid "24/7 Priority Live Chat Support" msgstr "Bantuan Live Chat Prioritas 24/7" msgid "" "Get all the help you need to build your site, 24 hours a day, 5 days a week." msgstr "" "Dapatkan semua bantuan yang Anda butuhkan untuk membangun situs, 24 jam " "sehari, 5 hari seminggu." msgid "Email & Basic Live Chat Support" msgstr "Bantuan Email & Live Chat Tingkat Awal" msgid "Edit the contact details" msgstr "Edit detail kontak" msgid "Pick a plan" msgstr "Pilih paket" msgid "Sorry, the post could not be deleted." msgstr "Maaf, pos berikut tidak dapat dihapus." msgid "Sorry, the post could not be created." msgstr "Maaf, pos berikut tidak dapat dibuat." msgid "Sorry, the post could not be updated." msgstr "Maaf, pos berikut tidak dapat diperbarui." msgid "Tutorials" msgstr "Tutorial" msgid "Sorry, this method is not supported." msgstr "Maaf, metode ini tidak didukung." msgid "Sorry, the category could not be created." msgstr "Maaf, kategori tidak dapat dibuat." msgid "More by" msgstr "Lainnya oleh" msgid "ABOUT THE AUTHOR" msgstr "TENTANG PENULIS" msgid "RECOMMENDED ARTICLES" msgstr "REKOMENDASI ARTIKEL" msgid "digital-marketing" msgstr "pemasaran-digital" msgid "Content & Blogging" msgstr "Konten & Pembuatan Blog" msgid "content-blogging" msgstr "konten-pembuatan-blog" msgid "web-design" msgstr "desain-web" msgid "Website Building" msgstr "Membangun Situs Web" msgid "website-building" msgstr "membangun-situs-web" msgid "" "Missing one of: `site_id` + `blog_id`, or `host`. One of these must be given." msgstr "" "Tidak memiliki salah satu dari berikut ini: `site_id` + `blog_id`, atau " "`host`. Salah satu dari ini harus diberikan." msgid "Invalid `extra`. Must be <= 262144 bytes." msgstr "`extra` tidak valid. Harus <= 262144 byte." msgid "Invalid `extra`. Must be an ojbect, array, or scalar value." msgstr "`extra` tidak valid. Harus berupa nilai objek, array, atau skalar." msgid "Invalid `user_ua`. Must be a string <= 255 bytes." msgstr "`user_ua` tidak valid. Harus berupa string <= 255 byte." msgid "Invalid `user_id`. Must be an integer >= 0." msgstr "`user_id` tidak valid. Harus berupa bilangan bulat >= 0." msgid "Invalid `message`. Must be a string <= 262144 bytes." msgstr "`message` tidak valid. Harus berupa string <= 262144 byte." msgid "Invalid `feature` string. Not in whitelist." msgstr "String `feature` tidak valid. Tidak termasuk dalam daftar putih." msgid "Invalid `feature`. Must be a string <= 255 bytes." msgstr "`feature` tidak valid. Harus berupa string <= 255 byte." msgid "Invalid `severity`. Must be a string <= 255 bytes." msgstr "`severity` tidak valid. Harus berupa string <= 255 byte." msgid "Invalid `host`. Must be a string <= 255 bytes." msgstr "`host` tidak valid. Harus berupa string <= 255 byte." msgid "Invalid `blog_id`. Must be an integer > 0." msgstr "`blog_id` tidak valid. Harus berupa bilangan bulat > 0." msgid "Invalid `site_id`. Must be an integer > 0." msgstr "`site_id` tidak valid. Harus berupa bilangan bulat > 0." msgid "Original image:" msgstr "Gambar orisinil:" msgid "Sorry, you cannot import from this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat mengimpor dari situs ini." msgid "Empty template" msgstr "Template kosong." msgid "No matching template found." msgstr "Tidak ditemukan templat yang cocok." msgid "Select a site to open {{strong}}{{/strong}}" msgstr "Pilih situs untuk membuka {{strong}}{{/strong}}" msgid "" "Take a look at the <strong>%1$d item</strong> on the <a href=\"%2$s\">Site " "Health screen</a>." msgid_plural "" "Take a look at the <strong>%1$d items</strong> on the <a href=\"%2$s\">Site " "Health screen</a>." msgstr[0] "" "Lihat <strong>%1$d masalah</strong> di <a href=\"%2$s\">layar Kesehatan " "Situs</a>." msgstr[1] "" "Lihat <strong>%1$d masalah</strong> di <a href=\"%2$s\">layar Kesehatan " "Situs</a>." msgid "Great job! Your site currently passes all site health checks." msgstr "" "Kerja bagus! Situs Anda saat ini lolos semua pemeriksaan kesehatan situs." msgid "" "Your site has critical issues that should be addressed as soon as possible " "to improve its performance and security." msgstr "" "Situs Anda memiliki masalah kritis yang harus diatasi sesegera untuk " "meningkatkan kinerja dan keamanannya." msgid "No information yet…" msgstr "Belum ada informasi…" msgid "Expires on %(date)s" msgstr "Kedaluwarsa pada %(date)s" msgid "Last name (optional)" msgstr "Nama belakang… (Opsional)" msgid "First name (optional)" msgstr "Nama depan… (Opsional)" msgid "A test is unavailable" msgstr "Tes tidak tersedia" msgid "" "Your site is running on an older version of PHP (%s), which should be updated" msgstr "" "Situs Anda menjalankan PHP (%s) versi yang lebih lama, yang harus diperbarui" msgid "Your site is running on an older version of PHP (%s)" msgstr "Situs Anda menjalankan PHP (%s) versi yang lebih lama" msgid "Your site is running a recommended version of PHP (%s)" msgstr "Situs Anda menjalankan PHP (%s) versi saat ini" msgid "Resend confirmation requests" msgstr "Kirim Ulang Permintaan Konfirmasi" msgid "Delete requests" msgstr "Hapus Permintaan" msgid "On-boarding unavailable." msgstr "Penyiapan tidak tersedia." msgid "Launch your site and continue" msgstr "Luncurkan situs Anda dan lanjutkan" msgid "" "<strong>Error:</strong> The %s options page is not in the allowed options " "list." msgstr "" "<strong>Eror</strong>: Halaman pilihan %s tidak ditemukan dalam daftar " "pilihan yang diizinkan." msgid "Domain owners are required to provide correct contact information." msgstr "Pemilik domain harus memberikan informasi kontak yang benar." msgid "Free Purchase" msgstr "Pembelian Gratis" msgid "Your site has been imported!" msgstr "Situs Anda telah diimpor!" msgid "The import failed to start." msgstr "Proses impor gagal dimulai." msgid "" "The post status %1$s is not registered, so it may not be reliable to check " "the capability %2$s against a post with that status." msgstr "" "Status pos %1$s tidak terdaftar, sehingga mungkin tidak tepat untuk " "memeriksa kemampuan \"%2$s\" terhadap pos dengan status tersebut." msgid "eg. ns%(index) (optional)" msgstr "misalnya, ns%(index) (opsional)" msgid "eg. ns%(index)" msgstr "misalnya, ns%(index)" msgid "User is not permitted to force onboarding." msgstr "Pengguna tidak diizinkan untuk memaksakan penyiapan." msgid "Limit result set based on relationship between multiple taxonomies." msgstr "" "Batasi hasil yang ditetapkan berdasarkan hubungan antara beberapa taksonomi." msgid "" "The \"%1$s\" taxonomy \"%2$s\" property (%3$s) conflicts with an existing " "property on the REST API Posts Controller. Specify a custom \"rest_base\" " "when registering the taxonomy to avoid this error." msgstr "" "Konflik (%3$s) properti \"%2$s\" taksonomi \"%1$s\" dengan properti yang ada " "di REST API Pengontrol Pos. Tentukan \"rest_base\" khusus saat mendaftarkan " "taksonomi untuk menghindari eror." msgid "Whether theme opts in to default WordPress block styles for viewing." msgstr "Apakah tema menyertakan style blok WordPress standar untuk melihat." msgid "Whether the theme can manage the document title tag." msgstr "Apakah tema dapat mengelola tag judul dokumen." msgid "Whether theme opts in to the editor styles CSS wrapper." msgstr "Jika tema menyertakan wrapper CSS style editor." msgid "Custom gradient presets if defined by the theme." msgstr "Preset gradien khusus jika ditentukan oleh tema." msgid "Custom font sizes if defined by the theme." msgstr "Ukuran font khusus jika ditentukan oleh tema." msgid "Custom color palette if defined by the theme." msgstr "Palet warna khusus jika ditentukan oleh tema." msgid "Whether the theme disables custom gradients." msgstr "Apakah tema menonaktifkan gradien khusus." msgid "Whether the theme disables custom font sizes." msgstr "Apakah tema menonaktifkan ukuran font khusus." msgid "Whether the theme disables custom colors." msgstr "Apakah tema menonaktifkan warna khusus." msgid "Whether theme opts in to the dark editor style UI." msgstr "Jika tema menyertakan UI style editor gelap." msgid "" "Whether the theme enables Selective Refresh for Widgets being managed with " "the Customizer." msgstr "" "Apakah tema mengaktifkan Penyegaran Selektif untuk Widget yang dikelola " "dengan Customizer." msgid "Custom logo if defined by the theme." msgstr "Logo khusus jika ditentukan oleh tema." msgid "Custom background if defined by the theme." msgstr "Latar belakang khusus jika ditentukan oleh tema." msgid "Custom header if defined by the theme." msgstr "Header khusus jika ditentukan oleh tema." msgid "Whether posts and comments RSS feed links are added to head." msgstr "" "Apakah pos dan tautan feed RSS komentar ditambahkan ke head (dalam berkas " "(HTML)." msgid "Whether theme opts in to wide alignment CSS class." msgstr "Apakah tema menyertakan class CSS untuk deretan melebar." msgctxt "Search Plan" msgid "Search" msgstr "Search" msgctxt "Jetpack Search Plan" msgid "Search" msgstr "Search" msgid "Unexpected server error." msgstr "Server mengalami error tak terduga." msgid "Unknown fields present in query: " msgstr "Kolom tak dikenal ada dalam permintaan informasi: " msgid "" "An error occurred, please try again or use an alternate authentication " "method." msgstr "" "Terjadi error, harap coba lagi atau gunakan metode autentikasi alternatif." msgid "Continue with your authenticator app" msgstr "Lanjutkan dengan aplikasi pengautentikasi Anda" msgid "Use your security key to finish logging in." msgstr "Gunakan kunci keamanan Anda untuk menyelesaikan proses masuk." msgid "Upgrade and import" msgstr "Upgrade dan impor" msgid "Your active plugins" msgstr "Plugin aktif Anda" msgid "%(number)d more" msgstr "%(number)d lagi" msgid "Your custom themes" msgstr "Tema khusus Anda" msgid "" "To import your themes, plugins, users, and settings from " "%(sourceSiteDomain)s we need to upgrade your site." msgstr "" "Untuk mengimpor tema, plugin, pengguna, dan pengaturan Anda dari " "%(sourceSiteDomain)s kami perlu meng-upgrade situs Anda." msgid "Import Everything" msgstr "Impor Semuanya" msgid "" "This email is to confirm that the process started. However, as the domain " "has been entered the redemption period, it will take up to 7 days to get it " "back. It's also possible it's too late to get it back - in which case you'll " "receive a full refund." msgstr "" "Email ini ditujukan untuk mengonfirmasi bahwa proses sedang berlangsung. " "Namun, karena domain telah memasuki masa tenggang, diperlukan hingga 7 hari " "untuk mendapatkannya kembali. Mungkin saja sudah terlambat untuk " "mendapatkannya kembali - maka Anda akan menerima pengembalian dana penuh." msgid "" "Our records show that you recently requested to restore your domain name " "%1$s associated with your account." msgstr "" "Catatan kami menunjukkan bahwa baru-baru ini Anda meminta untuk memulihkan " "nama domain %1$s yang terhubung dengan akun" msgid "The process to restore your domain %1$s has been started" msgstr "Proses untuk memulihkan domain %1$s Anda telah dimulai" msgid "Get two months free with yearly pricing" msgstr "Dapatkan dua bulan gratis dengan harga tahunan" msgid "Yearly Billing" msgstr "Penagihan tahunan" msgid "Monthly Billing" msgstr "Penagihan bulanan" msgctxt "Describes the amount of money per year, e.g. \"$10 per year\"" msgid "%1$s per year" msgstr "%1$s per tahun" msgid "Whether to bypass Trash and force deletion." msgstr "Apakah lewati Tong Sampah dan paksakan penghapusan." msgid "Once Weekly" msgstr "Sekali Seminggu" msgid "" "File is empty. Please upload something more substantial. This error could " "also be caused by uploads being disabled in your %1$s file or by %2$s being " "defined as smaller than %3$s in %1$s." msgstr "" "Berkas kosong. Mohon unggah sesuatu yang lebih substansial. Eror ini juga " "dapat disebabkan oleh pengunggahan yang dinonaktifkan di berkas %1$s Anda " "atau oleh %2$s yang lebih kecil dari %3$s dalam %1$s." msgid "%1$s %2$d – %3$s %4$d, %5$d" msgstr "%2$d %1$s – %4$d %3$s, %5$d" msgctxt "upcoming events year format" msgid "Y" msgstr "Y" msgctxt "upcoming events day format" msgid "j" msgstr "j" msgid "%1$s %2$d–%3$d, %4$d" msgstr "%2$d–%3$d %1$s %4$d" msgctxt "upcoming events month format" msgid "F" msgstr "F" msgid "Manage Sites" msgstr "Kelola Situs" msgid "Scanner" msgstr "Pemindai" msgid "Jetpack Cloud Dashboard" msgstr "Dasbor Cloud Jetpack" msgid "Action required" msgstr "Tindakan diperlukan" msgctxt "Describes the amount of money per month, e.g. \"$10 per month\"" msgid "%1$s per month" msgstr "%1$s per bulan" msgctxt "theme" msgid "Previewing:" msgstr "Pratinjau:" msgid "Block \"%1$s\" does not contain a style named \"%2$s\"." msgstr "Blok \"%1$s\" tidak mengandung style bernama \"%2$s\"." msgid "" "Enter a URL and we'll help you move your site to If you " "already have a WordPress export file, you can {{uploadFileLink}}upload it to " "import content{{/uploadFileLink}}." msgstr "" "Masukkan URL dan kami akan membantu memindahkan situs Anda ke " "Jika Anda memiliki berkas ekspor WordPress, Anda dapat {{uploadFileLink}}" "mengunggahnya untuk mengimpor konten{{/uploadFileLink}}." msgid "What WordPress site do you want to import?" msgstr "Situs WordPress apa yang ingin Anda impor?" msgid "Import from WordPress" msgstr "Impor dari WordPress" msgid "This is not a WordPress site" msgstr "Ini bukan situs WordPress" msgid "This site is already hosted on" msgstr "Situs ini telah dihosting di" msgid "Import posts, pages, comments, and media." msgstr "Impor pos, halaman, komentar, dan media." msgid "Content only" msgstr "Hanya konten" msgid "All your site's content, themes, plugins, users and settings" msgstr "Semua konten, tema, plugin, pengguna, dan pengaturan situs Anda." msgid "Everything" msgstr "Semuanya" msgid "What do you want to import?" msgstr "Apa yang ingin Anda impor?" msgid "Import your entire site with the %(planName)s plan." msgstr "Impor seluruh situs Anda dengan paket %(planName)s." msgid "" "Your site will keep working, but your dashboard will be locked " "during importing." msgstr "" "Situs Anda akan tetap berfungsi, tetapi dasbor akan dikunci " "selama proses impor." msgid "Theme, plugins, and settings" msgstr "Tema, plugin, dan pengaturan" msgid "All users and roles" msgstr "Semua pengguna dan peran" msgid "All posts, pages, comments, and media" msgstr "Semua pos, halaman, komentar, dan media" msgid "" "Import everything from %(sourceSiteDomain)s and overwrite everything on " "%(targetSiteDomain)s?" msgstr "" "Impor semuanya dari %(sourceSiteDomain)s dan timpa semuanya di " "%(targetSiteDomain)s?" msgid "Import in progress" msgstr "Impor sedang dalam proses" msgid "" "We're moving everything from {{sp}}%(sourceSiteDomain)s{{/sp}} to " "{{sp}}%(targetSiteDomain)s{{/sp}}." msgstr "" "Kami sedang memindahkan semuanya dari {{sp}}%(sourceSiteDomain)s{{/sp}} ke " "{{sp}}%(targetSiteDomain)s{{/sp}}." msgid "There was an error with your import." msgstr "Terjadi error saat proses impor." msgid "Your import has completed successfully." msgstr "Impor Anda telah berhasil diselesaikan." msgid "Select a site to import into" msgstr "Pilih situs tujuan impor" msgid "Comment by %s moved to the Trash." msgstr "Komentar dari %s telah dipindahkan ke Tong Sampah." msgid "No media files found in Trash." msgstr "Tidak ada berkas media di Tong Sampah." msgid "No comments found in Trash." msgstr "Tidak ada komentar ditemukan di Tong Sampah" msgid "Error queueing restore. Error: %s" msgstr "Terjadi error saat mengantrekan pemulihan. Error: %s" msgid "" "By activating hosting access the following change will be made to the site:" msgid_plural "" "By activating hosting access the following changes will be made to the site:" msgstr[0] "" "Dengan mengaktifkan akses host, perubahan berikut akan diterapkan pada situs:" msgstr[1] "" "Dengan mengaktifkan akses host, perubahan berikut akan diterapkan pada situs:" msgid "By installing a theme the following change will be made to the site:" msgid_plural "" "By installing a theme the following changes will be made to the site:" msgstr[0] "" "Dengan menginstal tema, perubahan berikut akan diterapkan pada situs:" msgstr[1] "" "Dengan menginstal tema, perubahan berikut akan diterapkan pada situs:" msgid "By proceeding the following change will be made to the site:" msgid_plural "By proceeding the following changes will be made to the site:" msgstr[0] "Dengan melanjutkan, perubahan berikut akan diterapkan pada situs:" msgstr[1] "Dengan melanjutkan, perubahan berikut akan diterapkan pada situs:" msgid "One month" msgstr "Satu bulan" msgid "Partners" msgstr "Mitra" msgid "Go: Expert Tips" msgstr "Petunjuk Para Ahli" msgid "Enterprise Solutions" msgstr "Solusi Enterprise" msgid "l jS \\o\\f F Y, h:ia" msgstr "l jS \\o\\f F Y, h:ia" msgid "" "Security, performance, and growth tools made for WordPress sites by the " "WordPress experts." msgstr "" "Keamanan, performa, dan alat pengembangan khusus untuk situs WordPress dari " "para pakar WordPress." msgid "Safer. Faster. More traffic." msgstr "Lebih aman. Lebih cepat. Lebih banyak interaksi." msgid "Up to %d%% off!" msgstr "Diskon hingga %d%%!" msgid "" "Your question will be sent to the right folks based on the site selected, so " "be sure to choose the right one!" msgstr "" "Pertanyaan Anda akan dikirimkan ke orang yang tepat berdasarkan situs yang " "dipilih, jadi pastikan untuk memilih dengan tepat!" msgid "Coupon: %s" msgstr "Kupon: %s" msgid "The domain is currently in maintenance - please try again in %s." msgstr "Saat ini domain sedang dalam pemeliharaan - harap coba lagi dalam %s." msgid "" "Welcome, FreshBooks Customers! Save %s%% on any plan using " "coupon code <code>{{coupon_code}}</code> at checkout. Depending on the plan, " "premium features include a custom URL, more storage, 24/7 live chat support, " "advanced design customization, ecommerce integration, integrated payments, " "and more. Happy WordPressing! :-)" msgstr "" "Selamat datang, Pelanggan FreshBooks! Dapatkan diskon %s%% untuk paket " " apa pun menggunakan kode kupon <code>{{coupon_code}}</code> " "saat checkout. Sesuai dengan paket yang Anda pilih, fitur premium " "diantaranya adalah URL khusus, lebih banyak ruang penyimpanan, bantuan live " "chat setiap saat, pengaturan desain tingkat lanjut, integrasi ecommerce, " "pembayaran terintegrasi, dan lainnya. Selamat berkarya dengan WordPress! :-)" msgid "" "Welcome, GSVlabs Members! Save %s%% on any plan using coupon " "code <code>{{coupon_code}}</code> at checkout. Happy WordPressing! :)" msgstr "" "Selamat datang, Anggota GSVlabs! Dapatkan diskon %s%% untuk paket WordPress." "com apa pun menggunakan kode kupon <code>{{coupon_code}}</code> saat " "checkout. Selamat menggunakan WordPress! :)" msgid "Data processing addendum" msgstr "Adendum Pemrosesan Data" msgid "View dispute" msgstr "Lihat sengketa" msgid "Reason for the dispute:" msgstr "Alasan sengketa:" msgid "Your payment has been disputed." msgstr "Pembayaran Anda telah disengketakan." msgid "Unrecognized" msgstr "Tidak dikenali" msgid "Product unacceptable" msgstr "Produk tidak dapat diterima" msgid "Product not received" msgstr "Produk tidak diterima" msgid "Insufficient funds" msgstr "Dana tidak cukup" msgid "Incorrect account details" msgstr "Detail akun salah" msgid "Debit not authorized" msgstr "Debit tidak diizinkan" msgid "Customer initiated" msgstr "Diusulkan oleh pelanggan" msgid "Credit not processed" msgstr "Kredit tidak diproses" msgid "Check returned" msgstr "Cek dikembalikan" msgid "" "We've updated our {{a}}Terms of Service{{/a}}. Please take a few moments to " "read them. By accepting, you agree to the new Terms of Service." msgstr "" "Kami telah memperbarui {{a}}Ketentuan Layanan{{/a}}. Harap meluangkan waktu " "beberapa saat untuk membacanya. Dengan mengeklik terima, Anda menyetujui " "Ketentuan Layanan yang baru." msgid "" "We've updated our <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer" "\">Terms of Service <span class=\"dashicons dashicons-external\"></span></" "a>. Please take a few moments to read them. By accepting, you agree to the " "new Terms of Service." msgstr "" "Kami telah memperbarui <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener " "noreferrer\">Ketentuan Layanan <span class=\"dashicons dashicons-external" "\"></span></a>. Harap meluangkan waktu beberapa saat untuk membacanya. " "Dengan mengeklik terima, Anda menyetujui Ketentuan Layanan yang baru." msgid "Request a DPA" msgstr "Ajukan permohonan DPA" msgid "" "Having a DPA does not change any of our privacy and security practices for " "site visitors. Everyone using our service gets the same high standards of " "privacy and security." msgstr "" "Memiliki DPA tidak mengubah praktik keamanan dan privasi apa pun untuk " "pengunjung situs. Setiap orang yang menggunakan layanan kami mendapatkan " "standar privasi dan keamanan tinggi yang sama." msgid "Note: most free site owners or hobbyists do not need a DPA." msgstr "" "Catatan: sebagian besar pemilik situs gratis atau pehobi situs tidak " "memerlukan DPA." msgid "" "A Data Processing Addendum (DPA) allows web sites and companies to assure " "customers, vendors, and partners that their data handling complies with the " "law." msgstr "" "Adendum Pemrosesan Data (DPA) memungkinkan situs web dan perusahaan " "meyakinkan pelanggan, vendor, dan partner bahwa penanganan data mereka telah " "mematuhi hukum." msgid "There was an error requesting a DPA" msgstr "Terjadi error saat mengajukan DPA" msgid "Request successful! We are sending you our DPA via email" msgstr "Pengajuan berhasil! Kami mengirim DPA Anda melalui email" msgid "" "We've updated our <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener " "noreferrer\">Terms of Service</a>. Please take a few moments to read them. " "By accepting, you agree to the updated Terms of Service." msgstr "" "Kami telah memperbarui <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener " "noreferrer\">Ketentuan Layanan</a>. Harap meluangkan waktu beberapa saat " "untuk membacanya. Dengan mengeklik terima, Anda menyetujui Ketentuan Layanan " "yang diperbarui." msgid "Updated Terms of Service" msgstr "Ketentuan Layanan yang diperbarui" msgid "Email Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Email" msgid "Create Deliverable" msgstr "Buat Konten yang Dapat Dikirimkan" msgid "Enter a title:" msgstr "Masukkan judul:" msgid "%d string found." msgid_plural "%d strings found." msgstr[0] "%d string ditemukan." msgstr[1] "%d string ditemukan." msgid "Ciudad de Mexico" msgstr "Ciudad de Mexico" msgid "<strong>13 GB</strong> Storage Space" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan <strong>13 GB</strong>" msgid "<strong>6 GB</strong> Storage Space" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan <strong>6 GB</strong> " msgid "Learn More on" msgstr "Pelajari selengkapnya di" msgid "Start Earning Income from Your Site" msgstr "Mulai Dapatkan Penghasilan dari Situs Anda" msgid "With a custom domain" msgstr "Dengan domain khusus" msgid "Native" msgstr "Bahasa asli" msgid "Fluent" msgstr "Ahli" msgid "Moderate" msgstr "Menengah" msgid "Rate the level of your reading skills in English." msgstr "Berikan peringkat atas kemampuan Anda membaca dalam bahasa Inggris." msgid "These questions help us better understand your answers." msgstr "Pertanyaan berikut membantu kami memahami jawaban Anda." msgid "Optional Questions" msgstr "Pertanyaan Tambahan" msgid "" "How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the quality of language in the " " interface when using Languagename?" msgstr "" "Seberapa puas atau tidak puas Anda dengan kualitas bahasa di antarmuka " " saat menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia?" msgid "" "How often do you encounter text that is not in your language in the " " interface?" msgstr "" "Seberapa sering Anda menjumpai teks yang tidak tertulis dalam bahasa " "Indonesia di antarmuka" msgid "" "How often do you encounter text that does not make sense in the text used in " "the interface?" msgstr "" "Seberapa sering Anda menjumpai kalimat yang tidak masuk akal pada teks yang " "digunakan di antarmuka" msgid "" "How often do you encounter typos / spelling errors in the text used in the " " interface?" msgstr "" "Seberapa sering Anda menjumpai salah tulis/kesalahan pengejaan pada teks " "yang digunakan di antarmuka" msgid "Rarely" msgstr "Jarang" msgid "Sometimes" msgstr "Kadang-kadang" msgid "Often" msgstr "Sering" msgid "" "How often do you encounter grammatical errors in the text used in the " " interface?" msgstr "" "Seberapa sering Anda menjumpai kesalahan susunan kata pada teks yang " "digunakan di antarmuka" msgid "" "These questions relate to the correctness of language used on" msgstr "" "Pertanyaan berikut terkait dengan ketepatan bahasa yang digunakan di " "" msgid "Very appropriate" msgstr "Sangat tepat" msgid "Rather appropriate" msgstr "Cenderung tepat" msgid "Neither inappropriate nor appropriate" msgstr "Tidak keduanya" msgid "Rather inappropriate" msgstr "Cenderung tidak tepat" msgid "Very inappropriate" msgstr "Sangat tidak tepat" msgid "" "How appropriate or inappropriate do you consider the text in the WordPress." "com interface?" msgstr "" "Menurut Anda, seberapa tepat atau tidak tepatkah teks yang digunakan di " "antarmuka" msgid "Very easy to understand" msgstr "Sangat mudah dipahami" msgid "Rather easy to understand" msgstr "Cenderung mudah dipahami" msgid "Neither difficult nor easy to understand" msgstr "Tidak keduanya" msgid "Very difficult to understand" msgstr "Sangat sulit dipahami" msgid "" "How easy or difficult to understand is the text used in the " "interface?" msgstr "" "Seberapa mudah atau sulitkah Anda memahami teks yang digunakan di antarmuka " "" msgid "Very natural" msgstr "Sangat natural" msgid "Rather natural" msgstr "Cenderung natural" msgid "Neither unnatural nor natural" msgstr "Tidak keduanya" msgid "Rather unnatural" msgstr "Cenderung tidak natural" msgid "Very unnatural" msgstr "Sangat tidak natural" msgid "" "Natural here means that the language used represents the way people normally " "speak to each other." msgstr "" "\"Natural\" yang dimaksud adalah bahasa yang digunakan mewakili bahasa yang " "umum digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari." msgid "" "How natural or unnatural is the text used in the interface?" msgstr "" "Seberapa natural atau tidak natural teks yang digunakan di antarmuka " "" msgid "Extremely professional" msgstr "Luar biasa profesional" msgid "Very professional" msgstr "Sangat profesional" msgid "Moderately professional" msgstr "Cukup profesional" msgid "Slightly professional" msgstr "Sedikit profesional" msgid "Not at all professional" msgstr "Tidak profesional sama sekali" msgid "" "By \"professional\" we mean that the language is well-written and shows that " " cares about quality." msgstr "" "\"Profesional\" yang dimaksud adalah bahasa yang digunakan ditulis dengan " "baik dan menunjukkan bahwa menjaga kualitas bahasa." msgid "How professional is the text used in the interface?" msgstr "Seberapa profesional teks yang digunakan di antarmuka" msgid "Very friendly" msgstr "Sangat ramah" msgid "Rather friendly" msgstr "Cenderung ramah" msgid "Neither unfriendly nor friendly " msgstr "Tidak keduanya " msgid "Rather unfriendly" msgstr "Cenderung tidak ramah" msgid "Very unfriendly" msgstr "Sangat tidak ramah" msgid "" "By \"friendly\" we mean that the language used shows that " "respects and likes their users." msgstr "" "\"Ramah\" yang dimaksud adalah bahasa yang digunakan menunjukkan bahwa " " menghormati dan menghargai penggunanya." msgid "" "How friendly or unfriendly is the text used in the interface?" msgstr "" "Seberapa ramah atau tidak ramah teks yang digunakan di antarmuka WordPress." "com?" msgid "" "These questions relate to the tone and readability of the language on " "" msgstr "" "Pertanyaan berikut terkait nada dan keterbacaan bahasa di" msgid " backup verification codes for %s" msgstr "Kode verifikasi cadangan untuk %s" msgid " Backup Verification Codes" msgstr "Kode Verifikasi Cadangan" msgid "" "This renewal costs %s. This price does not include any applicable taxes " "which will vary based on your billing address." msgstr "" "Perpanjangan akan dikenakan biaya sebesar %s. Harga tidak termasuk pajak " "yang berlaku, yang besarnya berbeda sesuai dengan alamat penagihan Anda." msgid "" "Your domain mapping — visitors to %s will no longer see your site." msgstr "" "Pemetaan domain Anda — pengunjung ke %s tidak akan lagi melihat situs Anda." msgid "" "Your domain mappings — visitors will no longer see your site at %1$s " "or %2$s." msgstr "" "Pemetaan domain Anda — pengunjung tidak akan lagi melihat situs Anda di %1$s " "atau %2$s." msgid "" "Your domain mappings — visitors will no longer see your site at %1$s, " "or %2$s." msgstr "" "Pemetaan domain Anda — pengunjung tidak akan lagi melihat situs Anda di " "%1$s, atau %2$s." msgid "Includes: %s" msgstr "Termasuk: %s" msgid "Are you sure you want to discard your unsaved changes?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin membuang perubahan yang belum tersimpan?" msgid "Activate & Save" msgstr "Aktifkan & Simpan" msgid "Launch" msgstr "Luncurkan" msgid "" "This plan was purchased by a different account. To manage this " "plan, log in to that account or contact the account owner." msgstr "" "Paket berikut dibeli oleh akun yang berbeda. Untuk mengelola " "paket, login ke akun tersebut atau hubungi pemilik akun." msgid "Sorry, you can't import from this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat mengimpor dari situs ini." msgid "" "Enable Jetpack Stats to see detailed information about your traffic, likes, " "comments, and subscribers." msgstr "" "Aktifkan Statistik Jetpack untuk melihat detail informasi tentang lalu " "lintas kunjungan, suka, komentar, dan pelanggan Anda." msgid "The status code of the URL's response." msgstr "Kode status respons URL." msgid "Register on Eventbrite" msgstr "Daftar di Eventbrite" msgid "See all stats" msgstr "Lihat semua statistik" msgid "The source of the API key. Defaults to \"site\"" msgstr "Sumber tombol API. Atur ke default menjadi \"situs\"" msgid "The purchase can't be completed." msgstr "Pembelian tidak dapat diselesaikan." msgid "The purchase can't be completed because the site has been deleted." msgstr "Pembelian tidak dapat diselesaikan karena situs telah dihapus." msgid "" "The purchase can't be completed since we couldn't retrieve your site's " "information." msgstr "" "Pembelian tidak dapat diselesaikan karena kami tidak bisa mendapatkan " "informasi situs Anda." msgid "Make sure your site is backed up before uploading a new plugin." msgstr "Pastikan situs Anda telah dicadangkan sebelum mengunggah plugin baru." msgid "Make sure your site is backed up before installing a new plugin." msgstr "Pastikan situs Anda telah dicadangkan sebelum menginstal plugin baru." msgid "Make sure your site is backed up before changing your theme." msgstr "Pastikan situs Anda telah dicadangkan sebelum mengubah tema." msgid "Schedule time with me" msgstr "Atur jadwal waktu bersama saya" msgid "" "Your site is being backed up every day and regularly scanned for security " "threats." msgstr "" "Situs Anda dicadangkan setiap hari dan dipindai secara rutin agar terbebas " "dari ancaman keamanan." msgid "" "New plugins can lead to unexpected changes. Ensure you can restore your site " "if something goes wrong." msgstr "" "Plugin baru dapat menyebabkan perubahan tak terduga. Pastikan Anda dapat " "memulihkan situs jika terjadi kesalahan." msgid "" "Installing a new theme can lead to unexpected changes. Ensure you can " "restore your site if something goes wrong." msgstr "" "Memasang tema baru dapat menyebabkan perubahan tak terduga. Pastikan Anda " "dapat memulihkan situs jika terjadi kesalahan." msgid "Back up your site before changing your theme." msgstr "Cadangkan situs Anda sebelum mengubah tema." msgid "Your site is visible to everyone." msgstr "Situs Anda terlihat oleh semua orang" msgid "Get backups" msgstr "Dapatkan Pencadangan" msgid "" "The selected payment method has been deleted from our system. Please re-" "enter your payment details or try a different payment method." msgstr "" "Metode pembayaran yang dipilih telah dihapus dari sistem kami. Harap " "masukkan kembali detail pembayaran atau coba metode pembayaran lain." msgid "The site you're migrating from must run Jetpack version 7.9 or newer" msgstr "" "Situs yang ingin Anda impor harus menjalankan Jetpack versi 7.9 atau lebih " "baru" msgid "Sorry, your site needs a plan that supports plugins." msgstr "Maaf, situs anda membutuhkan paket yang mendukung plugin" msgid "Upgrade to remove the footer credit, use advanced SEO tools and more" msgstr "" "Lakukan upgrade untuk menghapus keterangan di footer, menggunakan perangkat " "SEO tingkat lanjut, dan lainnya" msgid "Enter your contact information" msgstr "Masukkan informasi kontak anda" msgid "Contact information" msgstr "Informasi kontak" msgid "You are probably offline." msgstr "Anda mungkin sedang offline." msgid "" "Eventbrite has shut down a service on which relies for data. " "No new connections can be made as of Dec 12, 2019, and all existing " "connections will shut down on February 20, 2020." msgstr "" "Eventbrite telah mematikan layanan tempat memercayakan data. " "Tidak ada koneksi baru yang dapat dibuat per 12 Des 2019, dan semua koneksi " "yang ada akan dimatikan pada tanggal 20 Februari 2020." msgid "Password must be between %d and %d characters." msgstr "Kata sandi harus antara %d dan %d karakter." msgid "" "Certificate installation in progress. Hold tight! We are setting up a " "digital certificate to allow secure browsing on your site using \"HTTPS\"." msgstr "" "Penginstalan sertifikat sedang berlangsung. Tunggu! Kami sedang menyiapkan " "sertifikat digital agar penelusuran di situs Anda aman menggunakan \"HTTPS\"." msgid "" "There's an ongoing site dispute. Contact us to review your site's standing " "and resolve the dispute." msgstr "" "Terdapat sengketa situs yang sedang berlangsung. Hubungi kami untuk meninjau " "performa situs Anda dan mengatasi sengketanya." msgid "Sorry, you seem to be trying too many imports at the same time." msgstr "" "Maaf, anda nampak melakukan terlalu banyak proses impor dalam saat yang " "bersamaan." msgid "Sorry, there was a problem resetting your import." msgstr "Maaf, ada masalah saat mereset impor Anda." msgid "There's a problem setting up the import on your Jetpack site." msgstr "Ada masalah saat menyiapkan impor pada situs Jetpack Anda." msgid "There's a problem getting your import's status." msgstr "Terdapat masalah dalam mengambil status impor situs anda" msgid "" "Sorry, an import to this site is still in progress: we can't start a new one." msgstr "" "Maaf, proses impor ke situs ini masih berlangsung: kami tidak dapat memulai " "proses impor baru." msgid "You can't import from this site." msgstr "Anda tidak dapat mengimpor dari situs ini" msgid "You can't import to this site." msgstr "Anda tidak dapat mengimpor ke situs ini" msgid "You can't import to or from this kind of site." msgstr "Anda tidak dapat mengimpor ke ataupun dari situs sejenis ini." msgid "There's a problem starting your import." msgstr "Terdapat masalah dalam memulai proses impor" msgid "All Domains" msgstr "Semua Domain" msgid "Attribute name" msgstr "Nama atribut" msgid "Plugin" msgstr "Plugin" msgid "Removed" msgstr "Dihapus" msgid "HTML element" msgstr "Elemen HTML" msgid "Context" msgstr "Konteks" msgid "Experiences" msgstr "Pengalaman" msgid "Uploaded to this item" msgstr "Telah terunggah ke item ini" msgid "Redirecting…" msgstr "Mengalihkan…" msgid "To install plugins you'll need to:" msgstr "Untuk menginstal plugin, Anda harus:" msgid "Upgrade and continue" msgstr "Upgrade dan lanjutkan" msgid "This site is eligible to continue." msgstr "Situs ini memenuhi syarat untuk melanjutkan." msgid "This site is eligible to activate hosting access." msgstr "Situs ini memenuhi syarat untuk mengaktifkan akses hosting." msgid "To activate hosting access you'll need to:" msgstr "Untuk mengaktifkan akses hosting, Anda harus:" msgid "To install themes you'll need to:" msgstr "Untuk menginstal tema, Anda harus:" msgid "To continue you'll need to:" msgstr "Untuk melanjutkan, Anda harus:" msgid "" "Installation in progress. Just a minute! Please wait until the installation " "is finished, then try again." msgstr "" "Penginstalan sedang berlangsung. Sebentar! Harap tunggu sampai penginstalan " "selesai, lalu coba lagi." msgid "" "This site is not currently eligible to install themes and plugins, or " "activate hosting access. Please contact our support team for help." msgstr "" "Saat ini situs tidak memenuhi syarat untuk menginstal tema dan plugin, atau " "aktifkan akses hosting. Hubungi tim dukungan kami untuk mendapatkan bantuan." msgid "" "You'll also get to install custom themes, have more storage, and access live " "support." msgstr "" "Anda juga dapat menginstal tema khusus, memiliki lebih banyak ruang " "penyimpanan, dan akses ke bantuan langsung." msgid "" "You'll also get to install custom plugins, have more storage, and access " "live support." msgstr "" "Anda juga dapat menginstal plugin khusus, memiliki lebih banyak ruang " "penyimpanan, dan akses ke bantuan langsung." msgid "" "And when you renew for two years, you’ll save up to 15%. That’s 24 more " "months of uninterrupted service for your visitors – with a plan designed to " "keep growing with your website." msgstr "" "Saat Anda memperpanjang selama dua tahun, Anda menghemat 15%. 24 bulan " "layanan tanpa gangguan untuk pengunjung Anda – dengan paket yang dirancang " "agar dapat terus mengembangkan situs web Anda." msgid "Easier access to %1$sstock imagery%2$s" msgstr "Akses lebih mudah ke %1$sgambar stok%2$s" msgid "Now your plan lets you do even more than ever, including:" msgstr "Dengan paket, Anda dapat melakukan lebih banyak hal yang meliputi:" msgid "" "Improved earning potential with a completely new way to automatically accept " "%1$srecurring payments%2$s from your customers" msgstr "" "Meningkatkan potensi keuntungan dengan cara baru untuk menerima " "%1$spembayaran berulang%2$s secara otomatis dari pelanggan Anda" msgid "" "More flexibility and control over your media files and database with " "%1$sSFTP access%2$s" msgstr "" "Fleksibilitas dan kontrol lebih atas file media dan database Anda dengan " "%1$sakses SFTP%2$s" msgid "" "An easier, more powerful way to edit, create, and post with our %1$snew " "block editor%2$s" msgstr "" "Cara yang lebih mudah dan andal untuk menyunting, membuat, dan membuat pos " "dengan %1$seditor blok yang baru%2$s" msgid "" "And it gets better. Over the last two years, we’ve introduced some brand new " "features and functionality to make sure you can build the site you need, " "including:" msgstr "" "Dan semuanya jadi makin baik. Selama dua tahun terakhir, kami memperkenalkan " "fiur dan fungsi baru untuk memastikan Anda membuat situs yang Anda butuhkan, " "termasuk:" msgid "" "It’s time to renew your %s plan. And when you renew for two years, you’ll " "save up to 15%%. That’s 24 more months of uninterrupted service for your " "visitors – with a plan designed to keep growing with your website." msgstr "" "Waktunya memperpanjang paket %s Anda. Dan saat Anda memperpanjang selama dua " "tahun, Anda akan menghemat 15%%. 24 bulan layanan tanpa gangguan untuk " "pengunjung Anda – dengan paket yang dirancang agar dapat terus mengembangkan " "situs web Anda." msgid "Load more posts" msgstr "Muat Lebih Banyak Pos" msgid " Subdomains" msgstr "Subdomain" msgid "" "The ability to let readers subscribe to your blog using PushPress will no " "longer be available." msgstr "" "Kemampuan untuk memungkinkan pembaca berlangganan ke blog menggunakan " "PushPress tidak lagi tersedia." msgid "" "You will no longer be able to copy posts or seek feedback via the Writing " "Helper." msgstr "" "Anda tidak dapat lagi menyalin pos atau meminta umpan balik melalui Writing " "Helper." msgid "" "The ability to reply to comments directly from comment notifications email " "will no longer be available." msgstr "" "Kemampuan untuk membalas komentar langsung dari email pemberitahuan komentar " "tidak lagi tersedia." msgid "" "You will no longer have access to the Follow widget to offer other WordPress." "com users a way to follow your site via the Reader." msgstr "" "Anda tidak dapat lagi mengakses widget Ikuti untuk menawarkan jalan kepada " "pengguna lainnya untuk mengikuti situs Anda melalui Pembaca." msgid "" "You will no longer have access to the Eventbrite widget for displaying a " "calendar of upcoming events." msgstr "" "Anda tidak dapat lagi mengakses widget Eventbrite untuk menampilkan kalender " "yang berisi acara mendatang." msgid "" "You will no longer have access to the Blogs I Follow widgets for sharing " "your favorite sites with your readers." msgstr "" "Anda tidak dapat lagi mengakses widget Blog yang Saya Ikuti untuk berbagi " "situs favorit kepada pembaca Anda." msgid "" "You will no longer have access to the BandPage widget for embedding BandPage " "extensions into your site." msgstr "" "Anda tidak dapat lagi mengakses widget BandPage untuk menyematkan ekstensi " "BandPage ke situs Anda." msgid "HURRY, this is a <strong>Limited time introductory price!</strong>" msgstr "" "SEGERA, ambil kesempatan <strong>Harga perkenalan dengan jangan waktu " "terbatas!</strong>" msgctxt "" "%d is the percentage value, and to represent the percentage symbol it " "requires to write symbol twice %%" msgid "Up to %d%% off!" msgstr "Diskon hingga %d%% !" msgid "Get more with Personal" msgstr "Dapatkan lebih banyak dengan Personal" msgid "" "Note: You have two free sessions with your plan. If you are unable to attend " "a session, you may cancel or reschedule it at least one hour in advance so " "that it does not count towards your session total." msgstr "" "Catatan: Anda memiliki dua sesi gratis bersamaan dengan paket Anda. Jika " "tidak dapat menghadiri sesi, Anda dapat membatalkan atau mengganti jadwal " "setidaknya satu jam sebelumnya sehingga tidak terhitung ke dalam total sesi " "Anda." msgid "" "Please follow the steps in our documentation to ensure your theme is mobile " "ready before you deactivate this feature." msgstr "" "Harap ikuti langkah-langkah dalam dokumentasi untuk memastikan tema siap " "diakses di perangkat seluler sebelum menonaktifkan fitur ini." msgid "" "Share what you’ve made and grow your audience with automated social media " "connections, subscriptions, and built-in SEO." msgstr "" "Bagikan apa saja yang Anda buat dan tingkatkan audiens Anda dengan koneksi " "media sosial otomatis, langganan, dan SEO bawaan." msgid "Spread the word" msgstr "Sebarkan kabar ini" msgid "" "Find an eye-catching website template and personalize it to your liking." msgstr "" "Cari template situs web yang enak dipandang dan sunting sesuka hati Anda." msgid "Stand out" msgstr "Menonjol" msgid "" "Reliable WordPress experts are ready for your questions. Most plans include " "live chat and email support." msgstr "" "Pakar WordPress yang dapat diandalkan siap menjawab pertanyaan Anda. " "Sebagian besar paket menyertakan fitur obrolan langsung dan dukungan email." msgid "Help when you need it" msgstr "Bantuan saat Anda membutuhkannya" msgid "" "The intuitive WordPress editor was made for DIY website owners, with " "multiple ways to add text and media in seconds." msgstr "" "Editor WordPress yang intuitif dibuat untuk pemilik situs web DIY, dengan " "beberapa cara untuk menambahkan teks dan media dalam hitungan detik." msgid "User-friendly publishing" msgstr "Publikasi yang ramah pengguna" msgid "" "More than a third of all websites are built with WordPress. Power your ideas " "with the web’s leading platform." msgstr "" "Sepertiga dari seluruh situs web di dunia dibuat dengan WordPress. " "Realisasikan ide Anda menggunakan platform yang terdepan di Internet." msgid "Built on trust" msgstr "Membangun berdasarkan kepercayaan" msgid "" "Get a website with must-have features for speed, security, and " "searchability. Start creating in a matter of minutes." msgstr "" "Dapatkan situs web yang memiliki fitur wajib demi kecepatan, keamanan, dan " "pencarian yang mudah. Mulai buat situs dalam hitungan menit." msgid "All the essentials" msgstr "Semua yang penting ada di sini" msgid "" " has your back. Start for free and keep your site as long as " "you like: no credit card needed. Expand your ideas and your website when the " "time is right. Choose from flexible plans that take you to the next level " "with advanced customization, plugins, and monetization options." msgstr "" " dapat membantu Anda. Mulai dengan gratis dan pertahankan situs " "Anda selama yang Anda mau: tidak perlu kartu kredit. Kembangkan ide dan " "situs web Anda di waktu yang tepat. Pilih paket fleksibel yang membantu Anda " "mengembangkan situs; manfaatkan serangkaian fitur seperti kustomisasi " "lanjutan, plugin, dan pilihan monetisasi." msgid "" "Deciding to build a personal website can be a little scary. We get it. " "You’re putting yourself out there for the world to see. But it doesn’t have " "to feel that way." msgstr "" "Memutuskan untuk membuat situs web personal merupakan keputusan yang tidak " "mudah. Kami tahu itu. Anda memutuskan untuk memublikasikan diri dan konten " "Anda agar dapat dilihat oleh seluruh orang di dunia. Tetapi Anda tidak perlu " "khawatir, ada kami di sini." msgid "Stop waiting. Start creating." msgstr "Berhenti menunggu. Mulai berkreasi." msgid "" "Whether you’re building a fun place online for family and friends, or a " "professional portfolio that turns heads and highlights your skills, " " can stretch and grow to meet your needs. Use responsive, " "mobile-ready themes, built-in optimization for speed and search engines, " "social media sharing, and all the support you need along the way." msgstr "" "Baik membuat tempat yang menyenangkan di dunia maya untuk teman dan " "keluarga, atau portofolio profesional yang menarik perhatian dan memamerkan " "kemampuan Anda, dapat disesuaikan untuk memenuhi segala " "kebutuhan Anda. Gunakan tema responsif yang siap diakses perangkat seluler, " "optimasi bawaan untuk kecepatan dan mesin pencarian, pembagian ke media " "sosial, dan semua dukungan yang Anda butuhkan untuk mencapai sasaran." msgid "It’s your website — your choice." msgstr "Situs web Anda, pilihan Anda." msgid "" "There are so many ways for you to create on Make your voice " "heard with a blog, display your best work, or launch your next project with " "style." msgstr "" "Ada banyak cara untuk berkreasi Suarakan opini Anda lewat " "blog, pamerkan karya terbaik Anda, atau luncurkan proyek Anda selanjutnya " "dengan gemilang." msgid "" "{{line1}}Publish anything you can dream up with our user-friendly website " "builder.{{/line1}} {{line2}}Get all you need to create the website you want, " "from free hosting and your{{/line2}} {{line3}}own domain to versatile design " "options.{{/line3}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Publikasi semua yang Anda impikan dengan pembuat situs web yang " "ramah pengguna.{{/line1}} {{line2}}Dapakan semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk " "membuat situs web yang Anda mau, mulai dari hosting gratis{{/line2}} " "{{line3}}dan domain Anda sendiri sampai pilihan desain yang variatif.{{/" "line3}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}What will you make{{/line1}}{{line2}}with{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Apa yang akan Anda buat{{/line1}}{{line2}}di{{/" "line2}}" msgid "Start building" msgstr "Mulai mendesain" msgid "" "Manage different user roles on your site, and get your team involved—they’ll " "love working with the fast and intuitive WordPress editor." msgstr "" "Kelola berbagai peran pengguna di situs Anda, dan libatkan tim Anda—mereka " "akan menikmati pengalaman bekerja dengan editor WordPress yang bekerja cepat " "dan intuitif." msgid "True teamwork" msgstr "Kerja sama yang nyata" msgid "" "Spark growth with SEO and social media tools that make your business visible " "and findable online." msgstr "" "Kembangkan situs dengan SEO dan alat media sosial yang membuat bisnis Anda " "terlihat dan mudah dicari di Internet." msgid "" "Create a beautiful site and a streamlined user experience tailored to your " "specific business needs." msgstr "" "Buat situs yang indah dan sederhanakan pengalaman pengguna agar sesuai " "dengan kebutuhan bisnis Anda." msgid "Design flexibility" msgstr "Fleksibilitas desain" msgid "" "Gain access to 24/7 support from actual human beings who know WordPress " "better than anyone." msgstr "" "Dapatkan akses dukungan 24/7 dari manusia (bukan bot!) yang tahu betul seluk-" "beluk WordPress lebih dari siapa pun." msgid "Real help from real people" msgstr "Bantuan nyata dari orang yang nyata" msgid "" "Whether it’s a product or service, physical or digital, plans " "offer multiple ways to turn a profit on your website." msgstr "" "Baik itu produk atau layanan, fisik atau digital, paket " "menawarkan beberapa cara untuk menghasilkan untung di situs web Anda." msgid "Solutions for selling online" msgstr "Solusi untuk berjualan online" msgid "" "Demo videos, product images, custom plugins and themes—there’s room for it " "all without compromising on site speed." msgstr "" "Video demo, gambar produk, plugin khusus, dan tema—tersedia ruang untuk " "semuanya tanpa harus mengorbankan kecepatan situs." msgid "Robust web hosting" msgstr "Web hosting yang kokoh" msgid "" "Take advantage of multiple site-monetization options, from recurring " "payments to full eCommerce functionality. Integrate Google Analytics to " "uncover valuable insights, and improve search engine visibility with " "powerful SEO tools. Get personalized support from WordPress experts whenever " "you need it. Grow your business with a website that works." msgstr "" "Manfaatkan beberapa pilihan monetisasi situs, mulai dari pembayaran berulang " "hingga fitur eCommerce penuh. Integrasikan Google Analytics untuk menemukan " "data yang bernilai, dan tingkatkan visibilitas mesin pencarian dengan " "perangkat SEO yang andal. Dapatkan bantuan yang dipersonalisasi dari tim " "ahli WordPress kapan pun Anda butuhkan. Kembangkan bisnis Anda dengan situs " "web yang andal." msgid "" "From freelancers and startups to online stores and enterprise organizations, " "every business is unique and deserves a web presence that reflects its " "strengths and values." msgstr "" "Mulai dari pekerja lepas, startup, toko online, sampai organisasi " "perusahaan, tiap bisnis punya keunikan masing-masing dan membutuhkan " "kehadiran web yang mencerminkan keunggulan dan nilai yang dimilikinya." msgid "There’s no business like your business." msgstr "Tidak ada bisnis yang menyerupai bisnis Anda." msgid "" "Your site is safe and secure here. Focus on your work while automated, real-" "time backups provide peace of mind. Bring your vision to life with premium " "themes and advanced customization. Add any functionality you need on your " "site with unlimited access to plugins." msgstr "" "Situs Anda aman dan terjamin di sini. Fokus pada pekerjaan Anda selagi " "pencadangan otomatis dalam waktu nyata memberikan ketenangan jiwa. Hidupkan " "impian Anda dengan tema premium dan kustomisasi lanjutan. Tambahkan fungsi " "yang Anda butuhkan di situs dengan akses tidak terbatas ke plugin." msgid "" "There’s a reason WordPress powers more than a third of all websites. At " ", you’ll discover an ideal experience for building a " "professional online presence with guidance from experts." msgstr "" "Ada alasannya mengapa kekuatan WordPress lebih dari sepertiga situs web di " "dunia. Di, Anda akan menemukan pengalaman ideal untuk membuat " "kehadiran online profesional dengan panduan dari pakarnya." msgid "" "Where you build a business website is just as important as a physical " "location. It’s your digital real estate. You need a reliable partner that " "provides the best tools, advice, and support. has your back." msgstr "" "Tempat Anda membuat situs web bisnis sama pentingnya dengan lokasi fisik. " "Lokasi tersebut merupakan real estat digital Anda. Anda butuh mitra " "tepercaya yang memberikan alat, saran, dan dukungan terbaik. " "membantu Anda." msgid "Built on trust." msgstr "Bangun dengan kepercayaan." msgid "Create your business website" msgstr "Buat situs web bisnis Anda" msgid "" "{{line1}} understands what it takes to build a business online." "{{/line1}} {{line2}}Choose secure and reliable hosting, unlimited plugins, " "expert support,{{/line2}} {{line3}}and a website builder with all the power " "you need to grow.{{/line3}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}} memahami apa saja yang dibutuhkan untuk membangun " "bisnis di Internet.{{/line1}} {{line2}}Pilih hosting yang aman dan dapat " "dipercaya, plugin tanpa batas, dukungan pakar,{{/line2}} {{line3}}dan " "pembuat situs web dengan semua kekuatan yang Anda butuhkan untuk berkembang." "{{/line3}}" msgid "Open for business." msgstr "Bisnis sudah dibuka." msgctxt "h4-lp-option-prefix" msgid "I need a" msgstr "Saya butuh" msgctxt "h4-lp-option-prefix" msgid "I want a" msgstr "Saya ingin" msgid "What kind of website do you want to build?" msgstr "Situs web jenis apa yang ingin Anda buat?" msgid "" "Already on <a id=\"lpc-site-type-modal-login\" href=\"%s" "\">Log in</a>" msgstr "" "Sudah di <a id=\"lpc-site-type-modal-login\" href=\"%s" "\">Login</a>" msgid "Build your business" msgstr "Bangun bisnis Anda" msgid "All the features and plugins you need to start selling today." msgstr "" "Semua fitur dan plugin yang Anda butuhkan untuk mulai berjualan hari ini." msgctxt "h4-lp-option-divider" msgid "or" msgstr "atau" msgid "Start for free and grow when you’re ready." msgstr "Mulai gratis dan kembangkan saat sudah siap." msgid "Sorry, that site address is unavailable." msgstr "Maaf, alamat situs tersebut tidak tersedia." msgid "" "The block editor includes experimental features that are useable while " "they're in development. Select the ones you'd like to enable. These features " "are likely to change, so avoid using them in production." msgstr "" "Editor blok menyertakan fitur percobaan yang dapat digunakan saat masih " "dalam tahap pengembangan. Pilih yang ingin Anda aktifkan. Fitur berikut " "masih dapat berubah. Hindari penggunaan fitur berikut dalam proses produksi. " msgid "Experimental settings" msgstr "Pengaturan eksperimental" msgid "Upload more images, audio, and documents to your website." msgstr "Unggah lebih banyak gambar, audio, dan dokumen ke situs web." msgid "" "Optimize your site for better SEO, faster-loading pages, and protection from " "spam." msgstr "" "Optimalkan situs dengan SEO yang lebih baik, halaman dengan pemuatan yang " "lebih cepat, dan perlindungan dari spam." msgid "Upload more images, videos, audio, and documents to your website." msgstr "Unggah lebih banyak gambar, video, audio, dan dokumen ke situs web." msgid "" "Access extended color schemes, backgrounds, and CSS, giving you complete " "control over how your site looks." msgstr "" "Akses skema warna yang beragam, latar belakang, dan CSS, memberi Anda " "kontrol penuh atas penampilan situs Anda." msgid "Jetpack Search not supported in Offline Mode" msgstr "Jetpack Search tidak didukung dalam Mode Offline" msgid "Unable to update privacy protection for your domain." msgstr "Tidak dapat memperbarui perlindungan privasi untuk domain Anda." msgid "Enter your new site address" msgstr "Masukkan alamat situs baru Anda" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(newDomainName)s{{/strong}}%(newDomainSuffix)s will be your new " "site address." msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(newDomainName)s{{/strong}}%(newDomainSuffix)s akan menjadi " "alamat situs baru Anda." msgid "" "{{strong}}%(currentDomainPrefix)s{{/strong}}%(currentDomainSuffix)s will be " "removed and unavailable for use." msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(currentDomainPrefix)s{{/strong}}%(currentDomainSuffix)s akan " "dihapus dan tidak dapat digunakan." msgid "" "Your site runs on the best WordPress hosting environment on " "earth. No patches, no upgrades, no‑nonsense, no matter the plan." msgstr "" "Situs Anda dijalankan di lingkungan hosting WordPress terbaik " "di muka bumi. Tidak ada patch, upgrade, dan kerumitan lain, apa pun paketnya." msgid "%1$sExplore plans%2$s ›" msgstr "%1$sPelajari paketnya%2$s ›" msgid "%1$sFind your domain%2$s ›" msgstr "%1$sTemukan domain Anda%2$s ›" msgid "%1$sStart building%2$s ›" msgstr "%1$sMulai membuat%2$s ›" msgid "%1$sFind your theme%2$s ›" msgstr "%1$sTemukan tema Anda%2$s ›" msgid "Automated Backup & One-Click Rewind" msgstr "Pencadangan Otomatis & One-Click Rewind" msgid "" "Download a backup of your site, or restore it to its exact state in a " "specific moment in time." msgstr "" "Unduh cadangan situs Anda, atau pulihkan ke dalam kondisi semula pada momen " "waktu tertentu." msgid "" "These hosting plans provide the best WordPress experiences on the web, " "whether you’re just getting started on your own or you’re ready to go pro." msgstr "" "Paket hosting ini memberikan pengalaman WordPress terbaik di web, baik Anda " "baru mulai membuat situs atau bersiap untuk menjadi seorang yang profesional." msgid "" "While we love hosting you here with us at, we also understand " "that there are situations where a self-hosted %1$ site%2$s may " "be a better choice." msgstr "" "Meskipun kami lebih suka jika Anda meng-hosting di, kami " "maklum apabila Anda merasa bahwa meng-hosting %1$ssitus$s " "sendiri merupakan pilihan yang lebik baik." msgid "Looking to Migrate to a Self-Hosted WordPress Site?" msgstr "Ingin Mgrasi ke Situs WordPress yang Di-Hosting Sendiri?" msgid "Session dashboard" msgstr "Dasbor sesi" msgid "Submitting..." msgstr "Mengirimkan..." msgid "Picture of lock for secured website" msgstr "Gambar gembok untuk situs web yang aman" msgid "Person exercising at the gym" msgstr "Orang yang sedang berolahraga di pusat kebugaran" msgid "Chef working in a restaurant" msgstr "Koki yang sedang bekerja di restoran" msgid "Teacher teaching kids at school" msgstr "Guru yang sedang mengajar muridnya di sekolah" msgid "Writer looking outside the window" msgstr "Penulis yang melihat ke luar jendela" msgid "Person playing music" msgstr "Seseorang sedang bermain musik" msgid "Small business owner setting up her studio" msgstr "Pemilik bisnis kecil sedang menata studio" msgid "Example list of domain names to choose from" msgstr "Daftar contoh nama domain yang dapat dipilih" msgid "Support team standing together in a group waving" msgstr "Tim dukungan yang berdiri bersama dan melambaikan tangan" msgid "Picture of mobile version of app" msgstr "Gambar dari versi seluler aplikasi" msgid "Picture of website stats and SEO dashboard" msgstr "Gambar dari statistik situs web dan dasbor SEO" msgid "Woman holding flowers for her business" msgstr "Wanita memegang bunga untuk bisnisnya" msgid "Icons of WordPress plugins" msgstr "Ikon plugin WordPress" msgid "Dalston personal portfolio theme layout" msgstr "Tata letak tema portofolio pribadi Dalston" msgid "Rivington real estate theme layout" msgstr "Tata letak tema real estat Rivington" msgid "Balasana business theme layout" msgstr "Tata letak tema bisnis Balasana" msgid "Rockfield restaurant theme layout" msgstr "Tata letak tema restoran Rockfield" msgid "Mayland theme layout" msgstr "Tata letak tema Mayland" msgid "Couture fashion theme layout" msgstr "Tata letak tema adibusana" msgid "Ovation music theme layout" msgstr "Tata letak tema musik Ovation" msgid "" "{{line1}}Build a site.{{/line1}}{{line2}}Sell your stuff.{{/line2}}{{line3}}" "Start a blog.{{/line3}}{{line4}}And so much more.{{/line4}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Buat situs.{{/line1}}{{line2}}Jual produk.{{/line2}}{{line3}}Mulai " "blog.{{/line3}}{{line4}}Dan banyak lagi.{{/line4}}" msgid "Mobile friendly theme layout " msgstr "Tata letak tema ramah seluler " msgid "Picture of easy to create homepage " msgstr "Gambar halaman beranda yang mudah dibuat " msgid "Mobile friendly tablet theme layout" msgstr "Tata letak tema tablet ramah seluler" msgid "Which backup option is best for me?" msgstr "Yang mana pilihan pencadangan yang terbaik untuk saya?" msgid "" "Live chat is available 24 hours a day from Monday through Friday. You can " "also email us any day of the week for personalized support." msgstr "" "Obrolan langsung tersedia 24 jam sehari, mulai dari hari Senin sampai Jumat. " "Anda juga dapat mengirimi kami email di hari apa pun untuk mendapatkan " "dukungan yang dipersonalisasi." msgid "" "With the option to upload themes, you can give your site a professional " "polish that will help it stand out among the rest." msgstr "" "Dengan fitur pengunggah tema, Anda dapat memberikan nuansa profesional ke " "situs. Sehingga situs Anda akan tampil lebih baik dari yang lainnya." msgid "" "Plugins extend the functionality of your site and open up endless " "possibilities for presenting your content and interacting with visitors." msgstr "" "Plugin memperluas fungsionalitas situs Anda dan menciptakan berbagai " "kemungkinan untuk menyajikan konten dan berinteraksi dengan pengunjung." msgid "" "Track your site's stats with Google Analytics for a deeper understanding of " "your visitors and customers." msgstr "" "Pantau statistik situs dengan Google Analytics untuk mendapatkan pemahaman " "yang lebih mendalam tentang pengunjung dan pelanggan Anda." msgid "" "Boost traffic to your site with tools that make your content more findable " "on search engines and social media." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan kunjungan ke situs dengan alat yang membuat konten Anda semakin " "mudah dicari di mesin pencari dan media sosial." msgid "" "Access to a wide range of professional themes so you can find a design " "that's just right for your site." msgstr "" "Akses ke banyak pilihan tema profesional sehingga Anda dapat menemukan " "desain yang cocok untuk situs Anda." msgid "" "We’ll help you get started, customize your site, and add features with " "1‑on‑1 QuickStart sessions, live chat, or email." msgstr "" "Kami membantu Anda memulai, mengatur situs, dan menambahkan fitur melalui " "sesi QuickStart perorangan, live chat, atau email." msgid "" "{{line1}}Your website is just the beginning. We’ve got the service and{{/" "line1}}{{line2}}tools you need to keep growing.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Situs web Anda adalah sebuah awal. Kami memiliki layanan dan{{/" "line1}}{{line2}}perangkat yang Anda butuhkan untuk terus berkembang.{{/" "line2}}" msgid "%1$siOS%2$s / %3$sAndroid%4$s ›" msgstr "%1$siOS%2$s/%3$sAndroid%4$s ›" msgid "Download our apps:" msgstr "Unduh aplikasi kami:" msgid "" "Keep tabs on your site with real‑time notifications and analytics. Or " "publish a post, manage sales, reply to comments, update your homepage — all " "from your phone, tablet, or browser." msgstr "" "Pantau situs dengan informasi dan notifikasi real time. Atau publikasi pos, " "kelola penjualan, balas komentar, perbarui beranda — lakukan semuanya dari " "ponsel, tablet, atau browser Anda." msgid "Mobile apps" msgstr "Aplikasi seluler" msgid "" "Rely on built‑in SEO tools, Mailchimp, Google Analytics integrations, and " "more to market what you make. It’s everything you need to find your " "audience, market smarter, and put your website front and center." msgstr "" "Manfaatkan perangkat SEO terintegrasi, Mailchimp, Google Analytics, dan " "lainnya untuk memasarkan produk Anda. Semua perangkat yang Anda butuhkan " "untuk menemukan pelanggan, memasarkan dengan lebih cerdas, dan menempatkan " "situs web Anda menjadi yang terdepan." msgid "Built‑in marketing" msgstr "Pemasaran terintegrasi" msgid "" "Showcase your products and services. Accept one‑time or recurring payments. " "And do it all globally. Whether you’re selling studded cat collars or " "ongoing access to your content, do it with a completely customizable " "ecommerce platform that lets you open shop and grow your store alongside " "your business." msgstr "" "Tampilkan produk dan layanan Anda. Terima pembayaran satu kali atau " "berulang. Dan jangkau pasar global. Baik menjual perlengkapan hewan " "peliharaan atau pun akses eksklusif ke konten Anda, lakukan dengan platform " "e-commerce yang dapat disesuaikan sepenuhnya, yang memungkinkan Anda membuka " "toko dan mengembangkannya bersama dengan bisnis Anda." msgid "Turn your site into a store." msgstr "Ubah situs Anda menjadi sebuah toko." msgid "" "Thousands of easy‑to‑install add‑ons mean you’ll never outgrow your website. " "Collect leads, create contact forms, create subscriptions, automatically " "backup your site, and a whole lot more. No matter what you want to do, " "there’s a plugin for that." msgstr "" "Situs Anda dapat terus berkembang, dengan ribuan add-on yang mudah diinstal. " "Kumpulkan calon pelanggan, buat formulir kontak, buat langganan, cadangkan " "situs secara otomatis, dan lainnya. Gunakan plugin untuk semua yang Anda " "butuhkan." msgid "" "{{line1}}The potential for a bigger and better site — and a bigger{{/line1}}" "{{line2}}and better audience — is built right in.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Potensi untuk membuat situs yang lebih besar dan andal — serta " "pengunjung{{/line1}}{{line2}}yang lebih banyak dan berkualitas — hanya untuk " "Anda.{{/line2}}" msgid "{{line1}}Grow{{/line1}}{{line2}}without limits.{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}Berkembanglah{{/line1}}{{line2}}tanpa batas.{{/line2}}" msgid "Build with blocks." msgstr "Kembangkan dengan blok." msgid "" "Photo carousels, tiled image galleries, maps, forms — add them to your site " "with a click and know they’ll look great." msgstr "" "Koleksi foto, galeri gambar, peta, formulir — tambahkan semua ke situs Anda " "dengan mudah dengan tampilan yang menarik." msgid "" "{{line1}}Create any kind of website. No code,{{/line1}}{{line2}}no manuals, " "no limits.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Buat berbagai jenis situs web. Tanpa kode,{{/line1}}{{line2}}" "pedoman, tanpa batas.{{/line2}}" msgid "All on " msgstr "Semuanya dengan " msgid "Error Details: %s" msgstr "Detil Galat:%s" msgid "You need to register your Jetpack before connecting it." msgstr "Anda perlu mendaftarkan Jetpack Anda sebelum menghubungkannya." msgid "An administrator for this blog must set up the Jetpack connection." msgstr "Seorang administrator blog ini harus mengatur hubungan Jetpacknya." msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Full Site Editing" msgstr "Pengeditan Situs Lengkap" msgctxt "post author" msgid " and " msgstr " dan " msgctxt "post author" msgid "by" msgstr "oleh" msgid "Something went wrong. Please refresh the page and/or try again." msgstr "Terjadi masalah. Harap segarkan halaman dan/atau coba lagi." msgid "Return to Hosting" msgstr "Kembali ke Hosting" msgid "Reset the password for the SFTP user %1$s" msgstr "Reset kata sandi untuk pengguna SFTP %1$s" msgid "SFTP password reset" msgstr "Reset kata sandi SFTP" msgid "Created new SFTP user %1$s" msgstr "Membuat pengguna SFTP baru %1$s" msgid "SFTP user created" msgstr "Pengguna SFTP dibuat" msgid "PHP Default Timezone" msgstr "Zona Waktu Asal PHP" msgid "" "PHP default timezone was changed after WordPress loading by a %s function " "call. This interferes with correct calculations of dates and times." msgstr "" "Zona waktu asal PHP diubah setelah WordPress memuat panggilan fungsi %s. Hal " "ini mengganggu perhitungan tanggal dan waktu yang tepat." msgid "PHP default timezone is invalid" msgstr "Zona waktu asal PHP invalid" msgid "" "PHP default timezone was configured by WordPress on loading. This is " "necessary for correct calculations of dates and times." msgstr "" "Zona waktu asal PHP dikonfigurasikan oleh WordPress saat memuat. Hal ini " "diperlukan agar perhitungan tanggal dan waktu lebih tepat." msgid "PHP default timezone is valid" msgstr "Zona waktu asal PHP valid" msgid "Continue Browsing Plugins" msgstr "Lanjutkan Pencarian Plugin" msgid "Continue with email" msgstr "Lanjutkan dengan email" msgid "For security reasons, you must reset your password to view it." msgstr "" "Untuk alasan keamanan, Anda harus mereset kata sandi agar dapat melihatnya." msgid "" "Save your password somewhere safe. You will need to reset it to view it " "again." msgstr "" "Simpan kata sandi Anda di tempat yang aman. Akan harus meresetnya untuk " "melihatnya lagi." msgid "Accessed the database %1$d times from %2$s" msgstr "Mengakses database %1$d kali dari %2$s" msgid "%1$d users accessed the database %2$d times from %3$s" msgstr "%1$d pengguna mengakses database %2$d kali dari %3$s" msgid "Accessed the database from %1$s" msgstr "Mengakses database dari %1$s" msgid "Database accessed" msgstr "Database diakses" msgid "" "Tell us your site's name or a few keywords, and we'll come up with some " "suggestions." msgstr "" "Beri tahu kami nama situs Anda atau beberapa kata kunci, dan kami akan " "memberikan Anda beberapa saran." msgid "Let's get your site a domain!" msgstr "Temukan domain untuk situs Anda!" msgid "Review our plans to get started" msgstr "Lihat pilihan paket untuk memulai" msgid "You can claim your free custom domain later if you aren't ready yet." msgstr "Anda dapat mengklaim domain khusus gratis saat Anda memerlukannya." msgid "" "We'll pay the registration fees for your new domain when you choose a paid " "plan during the next step." msgstr "" "Bebas biaya pendaftaran untuk domain baru saat Anda memilih paket berbayar " "di langkah selanjutnya." msgid "Get a free one-year domain registration with any paid plan." msgstr "" "Dapatkan registrasi domain gratis satu tahun untuk paket berbayar mana pun." msgid "Manage Backups" msgstr "Kelola Pencadangan" msgctxt "Active plan or product" msgid "Active" msgstr "Aktif" msgid "Solution removed" msgstr "Solusi dihapus" msgid "Solution purchased" msgstr "Solusi dibeli" msgid "You launched your site!" msgstr "Anda telah meluncurkan situs Anda!" msgid "Download mobile app" msgstr "Unduh aplikasi seluler" msgid "Page Layouts" msgstr "Tata Letak Halaman" msgid "Edit homepage" msgstr "Edit beranda" msgid "This feature cannot be enabled prior to account activation." msgstr "Fitur ini tidak bisa diaktifkan sebelum aktivasi akun." msgid "This setting cannot be changed prior to account activation." msgstr "Pengaturan ini tidak bisa diaktifkan sebelum aktivasi akun." msgid "Restore Site" msgstr "Pulihkan Situs" msgid "Restore to any event" msgstr "Pulihkan acara apa pun" msgid "Confirm Restore" msgstr "Konfirmasi Pemulihan" msgid "Restore to this point" msgstr "Pulihkan ke titik waktu berikut" msgid "An error occurred during your purchase." msgstr "Terjadi error saat pembelian." msgid "No account found for this site." msgstr "Tidak menemukan akun untuk situs ini." msgid "There are no recent backups for your site." msgstr "Tidak ada pencadangan terkini untuk situs Anda." msgid "" "If you restore your site using this backup, you'll lose any changes made " "after that date." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memulihkan situs menggunakan pencadangan ini, perubahan yang " "dibuat setelah tanggal tersebut akan hilang." msgid "Last backup was on:" msgstr "Pencadangan terakhir pada:" msgid "Site backup" msgstr "Pencadangan situs" msgid "" "Access and edit your website's files directly by creating SFTP credentials " "and using an SFTP client." msgstr "" "Akses dan edit berkas situs web Anda secara langsung dengan membuat " "kredensial SFTP dan menggunakan SFTP client." msgid "" "Managing a database can be tricky and it’s not necessary for your site to " "function." msgstr "" "Mengelola database bisa jadi menyulitkan dan itu akan menghambat fungsi " "situs Anda." msgid "What is phpMyAdmin?" msgstr "Apa itu phpMyAdmin?" msgid "Access your website’s database and more advanced settings." msgstr "Akses database situs web Anda dan pengaturan lanjutan lainnya." msgid "There was an error activating hosting features." msgstr "Terjadi error saat mengaktifkan fitur hosting." msgid "Please wait while we activate the hosting features." msgstr "Harap tunggu selagi kami mengaktifkan fitur hosting." msgid "Activate Hosting Features" msgstr "Aktifkan Fitur Hosting" msgid "An unexpected exception occurred" msgstr "Terjadi pengecualian tidak terduga" msgid "" "Tweak your design to match your vision, upload custom themes and plugins " "directly to your site, and manage your database with phpMyAdmin." msgstr "" "Sesuaikan desain agar sejalan dengan visi Anda, unggah tema khusus dan " "plugin langsung ke situs, dan kelola database Anda dengan phpMyAdmin." msgid "SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) and Database Access" msgstr "SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) dan Akses Database" msgid "Put your site to work and earn through ad revenue." msgstr "Manfaatkan situs Anda dan hasilkan uang melalui pendapatan iklan." msgid "Accept monthly or annual payments on your website." msgstr "Terima pembayaran bulanan atau tahunan di situs web Anda." msgid "" "Registering a domain name requires valid contact information. Privacy " "Protection is included for all eligible domains to protect your personal " "information." msgstr "" "Mendaftarkan nama domain memerlukan informasi kontak yang valid. " "Perlindungan Privasi disertakan pada semua domain yang memenuhi syarat untuk " "melindungi informasi pribadi Anda." msgid "" "Upgrade your site to access additional features, including spam protection " "and priority support." msgstr "" "Upgrade situs Anda untuk mengakses fitur tambahan, termasuk perlindungan " "spam dan dukungan prioritas." msgid "" "Upgrade your site to access additional features, including spam protection, " "security scanning, and priority support." msgstr "" "Lakukan upgrade pada situs Anda untuk mengakses fitur tambahan, termasuk " "perlindungan spam, pencadangan real time, dan bantuan prioritas." msgid "%(price)s for your first year" msgstr "%(price)s untuk tahun pertama" msgid "%(price)s billed annually" msgstr "%(price)s ditagih setiap tahun" msgctxt "recipe" msgid "Prep Time" msgstr "Waktu Persiapan" msgctxt "recipe" msgid "Cook Time" msgstr "Waktu Masak" msgctxt "recipe" msgid "Nutrition" msgstr "Nutrisi" msgctxt "recipe" msgid "Rating" msgstr "Rating" msgid "My Solutions" msgstr "Solusi Saya" msgid "" "This is the <a href=\"%s\">standard price</a> for your Jetpack plan, which " "may be higher than the price you previously paid." msgstr "" "Ini adalah <a href=\"%s\">harga standar</a> untuk paket Jetpack Anda, yang " "mungkin lebih tinggi dari harga yang Anda bayar sebelumnya." msgid "Only the site administrators can use this feature." msgstr "Hanya administrator situs yang dapat menggunakan fitur ini." msgid "Site administrator only" msgstr "Hanya administrator situs" msgid "My Checklist" msgstr "Daftar Periksa Saya" msgid "Add your server credentials" msgstr "Tambahkan kredensial server Anda" msgid "Update PHP version" msgstr "Perbarui Versi PHP" msgid "%s (recommended)" msgstr "%s (disarankan)" msgid "PHP version successfully set to %(version)s." msgstr "Versi PHP berhasil diatur ke %(version)s." msgid "Failed to set PHP version." msgstr "Gagal mengatur versi PHP." msgid "This state or region is not permitted at this time." msgstr "Negara bagian atau wilayah ini tidak diizinkan saat ini." msgid "This postal code is not permitted at this time." msgstr "Kode pos in tidak diizinkan saat ini." msgid "Your account has been closed" msgstr "Akun Anda telah ditutup" msgid "Your account is being deleted" msgstr "Akun Anda sedang dihapus" msgid "What is SFTP?" msgstr "Apa itu SFTP?" msgid "SFTP credentials" msgstr "Kredensial SFTP" msgid "" "For the tech-savvy, manage your database with phpMyAdmin and run a wide " "range of operations with MySQL." msgstr "" "Untuk pemahaman yang lebih tentang teknologi, kelola database dengan " "PHPMyAdmin dan jalankan berbagai operasi dengan MySQL." msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Store" msgstr "Toko" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Social Menu" msgstr "Menu Sosial" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Global Styles" msgstr "Gaya Global" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Fixed Menu" msgstr "Menu Tetap" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Blog Excerpts" msgstr "Kutipan Blog" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Block Editor Styles" msgstr "Style Editor Blok" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Auto Loading Homepage" msgstr "Halaman Beranda Muat Otomatis" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Grid Layout" msgstr "Tata Letak Petak" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Learning" msgstr "Belajar" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Navy" msgstr "Angkatan Laut" msgid "Continue with the entered contact details" msgstr "Lanjutkan dengan detail kontak yang dimasukkan" msgid "Continue with the selected payment method" msgstr "Lanjutkan dengan metode pembayaran terpilih" msgid "Edit the payment method" msgstr "Sunting metode pembayaran" msgid "Review your order" msgstr "Tinjau pesanan Anda" msgid "You are about to remove your product from the cart" msgstr "Anda akan menghapus produk dari keranjang belanja" msgid "You are about to remove your plan from the cart" msgstr "Anda akan menghapus paket dari keranjang belanja" msgid "Two years" msgstr "Dua tahun" msgid "One year" msgstr "Satu tahun" msgid "Enter your coupon code" msgstr "Masukkan kode kupon Anda" msgid "Back to page" msgstr "Kembali ke halaman" msgid "Please activate the hosting access to begin using these features." msgstr "Harap aktifkan akses hosting untuk mulai menggunakan fitur ini." msgid "Hosting Configuration" msgstr "Konfigurasi Hosting" msgid "Template part" msgstr "Bagian templat" msgid "Template parts to include in your templates." msgstr "Komponen template untuk disertakan dalam template Anda." msgid "Uploaded to this template part" msgstr "Diunggah ke komponen template berikut" msgid "Insert into template part" msgstr "Masukkan ke komponen template" msgid "Template part archives" msgstr "Arsip komponen template" msgid "Parent Template Part:" msgstr "Komponen Template Induk:" msgid "Verify the email address for your domain before launching your site." msgstr "" "Verifikasikan alamat email untuk domain Anda sebelum meluncurkan situs." msgid "Verify the email address for your domains" msgstr "Verifikasikan alamat email untuk domain Anda" msgid "Verify the email address for %(domainName)s" msgstr "Verifikasikan alamat email untuk %(domainName)s" msgid "" "We need to check your contact information to make sure you can be reached. " "Please verify your details using the email we sent you, or your domain will " "stop working." msgstr "" "Kami perlu memeriksa informasi kontak Anda untuk memastikan Anda dapat " "dihubungi. Harap verifikasi rincian Anda menggunakan email yang kami " "kirimkan, jika tidak, domain Anda akan berhenti bekerja." msgid "" "Always-on backups ensure you never lose your site. Choose from real-time or " "daily backups." msgstr "" "Pencadangan yang selalu aktif memastikan Anda tidak akan kehilangan situs. " "Pilih dari pencadangan real time atau harian." msgid "E.g., Vail Renovations or Stevie's blog" msgstr "Contohnya, Renovasi Vail atau Blog Stevie" msgid "Launch my site" msgstr "Luncurkan situs saya" msgid "WordPress cron" msgstr "Cron WordPress" msgid "Set as Regular Page" msgstr "Tetapkan sebagai Halaman Biasa" msgid "This domain name is already renewed to the allowed maximum of %d years." msgstr "" "Nama domain ini telah diperpanjang sampai batas maksimum yang diperbolehkan " "sepanjang %d tahun." msgid "YouTube Error: empty URL args" msgstr "Error YouTube: arg URL kosong" msgid "YouTube Error: bad URL entered" msgstr "Error YouTube: URL yang dimasukkan tidak valid" msgid "Continue Installing Theme" msgstr "Lanjutkan Penginstalan Tema" msgid "Continue Installing Plugin" msgstr "Lanjutkan Penginstalan Plugin" msgctxt "Social Menu" msgid "" "Displays a built-in social menu with icons that link to social profiles." msgstr "" "Menampilkan menu sosial bawaan dengan ikon yang tertaut ke profil sosial." msgctxt "RTL Language Support" msgid "Supports languages that are read from right to left." msgstr "Mendukung bahasa yang dibaca dari kanan ke kiri." msgctxt "Global Styles" msgid "Lets you choose fonts for your site in the block editor." msgstr "Memungkinkan Anda memilih font untuk situs Anda dengan editor blok." msgctxt "Full Width Template" msgid "Create single-column pages without any sidebars." msgstr "Membuat halaman satu kolom tanpa bilah sisi." msgctxt "Fixed Menu" msgid "" "Menus that remain fixed in place – either at the top, bottom, or side – " "while visitors scroll through the site." msgstr "" "Menu yang posisinya tetap sama – baik di bagian atas, bawah, atau samping – " "saat pengunjung menggulir situs." msgctxt "Featured Images" msgid "" "Lets you set a specific image to represent each post (the position and size " "of the images varies by theme)." msgstr "" "Memungkinkan Anda menetapkan gambar spesifik untuk mewakili tiap pos (posisi " "dan ukuran gambar berbeda-beda, bergantung pada tema)." msgctxt "Blog Excerpts" msgid "" "Displays excerpts on the blog page – either add custom text, or let the " "theme automatically show the beginning of each post." msgstr "" "Menampilkan kutipan di halaman blog – baik menambahkan teks khusus, atau " "memungkinkan tema secara otomatis menampilkan kutipan di awal setiap pos." msgctxt "Block Editor Styles" msgid "" "This theme fully supports use of the new block editor to create and edit " "your content." msgstr "" "Tema berikut sepenuhnya mendukung penggunaan editor blok baru untuk membuat " "dan menyunting konten Anda." msgctxt "Auto Loading Homepage" msgid "" "Adds homepage template automatically to your site with theme activation." msgstr "" "Menambahkan template halaman beranda secara otomatis ke situs Anda dengan " "aktivasi tema." msgctxt "Accessibility Ready" msgid "" "Adheres to accessibility best practices like color contrast, keyboard " "navigation, and form/link focus." msgstr "" "Mematuhi praktik terbaik aksesibilitas seperti kontras warna, navigasi " "keyboard, dan fokus formulir/tautan." msgctxt "Responsive Layout" msgid "" "Themes that automatically adjust their layouts to make reading and " "navigation easy as screens get smaller." msgstr "" "Tema yang otomatis menyesuaikan tata letak demi memudahkan membaca dan " "navigasi karena layar semakin kecil." msgctxt "Grid Layout" msgid "Themes that lay out posts in a grid for a clean, organized appearance." msgstr "Tema yang menampilkan pos dalam petak demi tampilan yang tertata rapi." msgctxt "Fluid Layout" msgid "" "Themes that get narrower or wider depending on screen size, but keep the " "same basic layout." msgstr "" "Tema yang semakin sempit atau lebar bergantung pada ukuran layar, tetapi " "tetap menjaga tata letak dasar." msgctxt "Fixed Layout" msgid "Themes that keep the exact same layout on every screen size." msgstr "Tema yang tetap menjaga tata letak di berbagai ukuran layar." msgctxt "Portfolio" msgid "" "Themes that support WordPress’ Portfolio post type, many with added features " "like front-page sliders, immersive slideshows, and elegant galleries to help " "viewers engage with your work." msgstr "" "Tema yang mendukung tipe pos Portofolio WordPress, banyak yang menambahkan " "fitur seperti slider halaman depan, tayangan slide yang imersif, dan galeri " "yang elegan untuk membantu pengunjung melihat-lihat karya Anda." msgctxt "Business" msgid "" "WordPress business themes with professional designs for your company or " "organization: display contact info, feature your products or services, share " "testimonials, and engage customers with a blog. " msgstr "" "Tema bisnis WordPress dengan desain profesional untuk perusahaan atau " "organisasi Anda: perlihatkan info kontak, tampilkan produk atau layanan, " "bagikan testimoni, dan berkomunikasi dengan pelanggan di blog. " msgid "Export your content" msgstr "Ekspor Konten Anda" msgid "Marketing and Integrations" msgstr "Pemasaran dan Integrasi" msgid "Remind me later" msgstr "Ingatkan saya nanti" msgid "The email is correct" msgstr "Emailnya benar" msgid "This email may be different from your personal email address." msgstr "Email ini boleh berbeda dari alamat email pribadi Anda." msgid "Current administration email: %s" msgstr "Email administrasi saat ini: %s" msgid "Why is this important?" msgstr "Mengapa ini penting?" msgid "" "" "address" msgstr "" "" msgid "" "Please verify that the <strong>administration email</strong> for this " "website is still correct." msgstr "" "Harap verifikasi bahwa <strong>email administrasi</strong> untuk situs web " "ini benar." msgid "Administration email verification" msgstr "Verifikasi email administrasi" msgid "Confirm your administration email" msgstr "Konfirmasikan email administrasi Anda" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "" "<strong>Error</strong>: The email could not be sent. Your site may not be " "correctly configured to send emails. <a href=\"%s\">Get support for " "resetting your password</a>." msgstr "" "<strong>Eror</strong>: Email tidak dapat dikirim. Situs Anda mungkin tidak " "diatur dengan benar supaya dapat mengirim email. <a href=\"%s\">Dapatkan " "bantuan untuk mengatur ulang kata sandi Anda</a>." msgctxt "Theme Showcase filter name" msgid "Style" msgstr "Gaya" msgctxt "Theme Showcase filter name" msgid "Subject" msgstr "Subjek" msgctxt "Theme Showcase filter name" msgid "Columns" msgstr "Kolom" msgctxt "Theme Showcase filter name" msgid "Layout" msgstr "Tampilan" msgctxt "Theme Showcase filter name" msgid "Feature" msgstr "Fitur" msgid "You do not have access to this resource." msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki akses ke sumber daya berikut." msgid "Restore failed" msgstr "Pemulihan gagal" msgid "Restore complete" msgstr "Pemulihan selesai" msgid "" "Our default theme for 2020 is designed to take full advantage of the " "flexibility of the block editor. Organizations and businesses have the " "ability to create dynamic landing pages with endless layouts using the group " "and column blocks. The centered content column and fine-tuned typography " "also makes it perfect for traditional blogs. Complete editor styles give you " "a good idea of what your content will look like, even before you publish. " "You can give your site a personal touch by changing the background colors " "and the accent color in the Customizer. The colors of all elements on your " "site are automatically calculated based on the colors you pick, ensuring a " "high, accessible color contrast for your visitors." msgstr "" "Tema standar kami untuk 2020 didesain untuk memanfaatkan fleksibilitas " "editor blok dengan maksimal. Sehingga pengelola situs web organisasi dan " "bisnis mampu membuat landing page yang dinamis dengan tata letak tanpa batas " "dengan menggunakan fitur kelompok dan kolom blok. Fitur kolom penengahan " "konten dan pemilihan tipografi yang tepat menjadikan 2020 sesuai untuk blog " "tradisional. Fitur editor style yang lengkap memberikan gambaran yang " "terbaik atas konten Anda, bahkan dapat dilihat langsung sebelum Anda " "memublikasikannya. Anda dapat menyesuaikan situs sesuai selera dengan cara " "mengubah warna latar belakang dan warna aksen dari Customizer. Warna semua " "elemen situs akan otomatis menyesuaikan dengan warna pilihan Anda dan " "menentukan tingkat kontras yang tinggi dan nyaman dilihat oleh pengunjung. " msgid "View in context" msgstr "Lihat konteksnya" msgid "Top comment" msgstr "Komen teratas" msgid "Display my contact information in public WHOIS" msgstr "Menampilkan informasi kontak saya di WHOIS publik" msgid "" "You need to verify the contact information for the domain before you can " "disclose it publicly." msgstr "" "Anda harus memverifikasi informasi kontak untuk domain sebelum dapat " "mengungkapnya secara publik." msgid "Unknown error when updating the domain privacy settings" msgstr "" "Terjadi error yang tidak diketahui saat memperbarui pengaturan privasi domain" msgid "Your contact information is now redacted!" msgstr "Informasi kontak Anda kini dihapus!" msgid "Your contact information is now publicly visible!" msgstr "Informasi kontak Anda kini dapat dilihat oleh publik!" msgid "" "You can return to your traditional WordPress dashboard anytime by using the " "link at the bottom of the sidebar." msgstr "" "Anda dapat kembali menggunakan WordPress Dashboard tradisional kapan saja " "lewat tautan di bagian bawah bilah sisi." msgid "" "Next, we’ll take a look at your new dashboard. You can manage " "your backups under “Tools > Activity” in the sidebar. There’s also a " "checklist to help you get the most out of your Jetpack plan." msgstr "" "Selanjutnya, mari kita lihat dasbor baru Anda. Anda dapat " "mengelola pencadangan pada “Alat > Aktivitas” di bilah sisi. Selain itu ada " "juga daftar centang untuk membantu Anda mengoptimalkan penggunaan paket " "Jetpack." msgid "We just finished setting up backups for you." msgstr "Kami baru saja selesai mengatur pencadangan Anda." msgid "Hello backups!" msgstr "Halo, cadangan!" msgid "" "By adding credentials, you are providing us with access to your server to " "perform automatic actions (such as backing up or restoring your site), " "manually access your site in case of an emergency, and troubleshoot your " "support requests." msgstr "" "Dengan menambahkan kredensial, Anda memberi kami akses ke server Anda untuk " "menjalankan tindakan otomatis (seperti pencadangan atau pemulihan situs), " "akses situs Anda secara manual dalam keadaan darurat, dan pemecahan masalah " "untuk permintaan dukungan Anda." msgid "" "Your server credentials can be found with your hosting provider. Their " "website should explain how to get the credentials you need. {{link}}Learn " "how to find and enter your credentials{{/link}}." msgstr "" "Kredensial server Anda dapat ditemukan bersama penyedia hosting. Situs web " "mereka menjelaskan cara untuk mendapatkan kredensial yang Anda butuhkan. " "{{link}}Pelajari cara menemukan dan memasukkan kredensial Anda{{/link}}." msgid "The original post is located at:" msgstr "Pos asli terletak di:" msgid "We've automatically turned on Akismet Anti-spam." msgstr "Kami telah mengaktifkan Akismet Anti-spam secara otomatis." msgid "We're automatically turning on Akismet Anti-spam." msgstr "Kami mengaktifkan Akismet Anti-spam secara otomatis." msgid "" "Install plugins to extend your site’s capabilities. Customize any of our " "beautiful themes or install your own. With you never have to " "worry about data loss, bandwidth, updates, or upgrades." msgstr "" "Instal plugin agar kemampuan situs Anda semakin luas. Sesuaikan berbagai " "tema memukau dari kami atau instal tema Anda sendiri. Dengan, " "Anda tidak perlu mengkhawatirkan data hilang, bandwidth, pembaruan, atau " "upgrade." msgid "" "The biggest collection of WordPress sites on the internet is hosted here." msgstr "Koleksi situs WordPress terlengkap di internet ada di sini." msgid "" "Managed hosting by WordPress experts, with 24/7/365 live chat or email " "support. We’ve got your back." msgstr "" "Hosting dikelola oleh tim ahli WordPress, dengan bantuan live chat atau " "email setiap saat. Kami selalu ada untuk Anda." msgid "" "Sorry, we had a problem retrieving your sftp user details. Please refresh " "the page and try again." msgstr "" "Maaf, kami mengalami masalah saat mengambil detail pengguna sftp Anda. " "Refresh halaman ini dan coba lagi." msgid "Requirements Not Met" msgstr "Tidak Memenuhi Persyaratan" msgid "Unknown Plugin Update Failure" msgstr "Kegagalan Pembaruan Plugin Tidak Diketahui" msgid "Every minute" msgstr "Setiap menit" msgid "" "Sync has been blocked from because it would cause an identity " "crisis" msgstr "" "Sinkronisasi diblokir dari karena dapat menyebabkan krisis " "identitas" msgid "Sync has been aborted because the IXR client is missing." msgstr "Sinkronisasi telah dihentikan karena klien IXR tidak ada." msgid "" "As always, feel free to <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener " "noreferrer\">contact our support team</a> if you have any questions." msgstr "" "Seperti biasa, jangan segan untuk <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=" "\"noopener noreferrer\">menghubungi tim dukungan kami</a> jika Anda " "mempunyai pertanyaan apa pun." msgid "" "<a href='%s' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Learn more</a> about " "the connection owner and what will break if you do not have one." msgstr "" "<a href='%s' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Pelajari " "selengkapnya</a> tentang pemilik koneksi dan apa yang akan terganggu jika " "Anda tidak memilikinya." msgid "" "Every Jetpack site needs at least one connected admin for the features to " "work properly. Please connect to your account via the button " "below. Once you connect, you may refresh this page to see an option to " "change the connection owner." msgstr "" "Setiap situs Jetpack memerlukan setidaknya satu admin terhubung agar fitur " "bisa berfungsi dengan benar. Hubungkan ke akun Anda melalui " "tombol di bawah. Setelah terhubung, Anda dapat menyegarkan halaman ini guna " "melihat pilihan untuk mengubah pemilik koneksi." msgid "Set new connection owner" msgstr "Tetapkan pemilik koneksi baru" msgid "" "You can choose to transfer connection ownership to one of these already-" "connected admins:" msgstr "" "Anda dapat memilih untuk mengalihkan kepemilikan koneksi ke salah satu admin " "yang telah terhubung ini:" msgid "" "Warning! You are about to delete the Jetpack connection owner (%s) for this " "site, which may cause some of your Jetpack features to stop working." msgstr "" "Peringatan! Anda akan menghapus pemilik koneksi Jetpack (%s) untuk situs " "ini, yang dapat menyebabkan beberapa fitur Jetpack Anda berhenti berfungsi." msgid "Important notice about your Jetpack connection:" msgstr "Pemberitahuan penting tentang koneksi Jetpack Anda:" msgid "New free service: Show Canada Post shipping rates on your store!" msgstr "" "Layanan gratis baru: Tampilkan tarif pengiriman Canada Post di toko Anda!" msgid "" "New free service: Show USPS shipping rates on your store! Added bonus: print " "shipping labels without leaving WooCommerce." msgstr "" "Layanan gratis baru: Tampilkan tarif pengiriman USPS di toko Anda! Bonus " "tambahan: mencetak label pengiriman tanpa keluar dari WooCommerce." msgid "The Client ID/ Blog ID of this site" msgstr "ID Klien/ID Blog di situs ini" msgid "Jetpack Plugin Version" msgstr "Versi Plugin Jetpack" msgid "The number of sites of the connected user" msgstr "Jumlah situs dari pengguna yang terhubung" msgid "The user email of the connected user" msgstr "Email pengguna dari pengguna yang terhubung" msgid "The username of the connected user" msgstr "Nama pengguna dari pengguna yang terhubung" msgid "The user ID of the connected user" msgstr "ID pengguna dari pengguna yang terhubung" msgid "" "Domain `%1$s` just failed is_usable_domain check as it is a subdomain of " "" msgstr "" "Domain `%1$s` baru gagal dalam pemeriksaan is_usable_domain karena merupakan " "subdomain dari" msgid "" "Domain `%1$s` just failed is_usable_domain check as it uses an invalid top " "level domain." msgstr "" "Domain `%1$s` baru gagal dalam pemeriksaan is_usable_domain karena " "menggunakan domain level atas yang tidak valid." msgid "" "Domain `%1$s` just failed is_usable_domain check as it is in the forbidden " "array." msgstr "" "Domain `%1$s` baru gagal dalam pemeriksaan is_usable_domain karena array " "yang dilarang." msgid "Domain `%1$s` just failed is_usable_domain check as it is empty." msgstr "" "Domain `%1$s` baru gagal dalam pemeriksaan is_usable_domain karena kosong." msgid "Secret mismatch" msgstr "Ketidaksesuaian kode rahasia" msgid "Verification secrets are incomplete" msgstr "Kode rahasia verifikasi tidak lengkap" msgid "Verification secrets are empty" msgstr "Kode rahasia verifikasi kosong" msgid "Verification took too long" msgstr "Verifikasi terlalu lama" msgid "Verification secrets not found" msgstr "Kode rahasia verifikasi tidak ditemukan" msgid "" "Error Details: Jetpack ID begins with a numeral. Do not publicly post this " "error message! %s" msgstr "" "Rincian Galat: ID Jetpack dimulai dengan angka. Jangan mempublikasikan pesan " "galat ini! %s" msgid "" "Error Details: Jetpack ID is not a scalar. Do not publicly post this error " "message! %s" msgstr "" "Rincian Galat: ID Jetpack bukanlah sebuah skalar. Jangan mempublikasikan " "pesan galat ini! %s" msgid "" "Error Details: Jetpack ID is empty. Do not publicly post this error message! " "%s" msgstr "" "Rincian Galat: ID Jetpack kosong. Jangan mempublikasikan pesan galat ini! %s" msgid "" "PHP's XML extension is not available. Jetpack requires the XML extension to " "communicate with Please contact your hosting provider to " "enable PHP's XML extension." msgstr "" "Ekstensi XML PHP tidak tersedia. Jetpack mengharuskan ekstensi XML " "berkomunikasi dengan Hubungi penyedia hosting Anda untuk " "mengaktifkan ekstensi XML PHP." msgid "The required \"local_user\" parameter is missing." msgstr "Parameter “local_user” yang dibutuhkan hilang." msgid "Failed to fetch user token from" msgstr "Gagal memperoleh token pengguna dari" msgid "A non-empty nonce must be supplied." msgstr "Nonce yang tidak kosong harus disediakan." msgid "Valid user is required." msgstr "Pengguna yang valid diperlukan." msgid "Jetpack is already connected." msgstr "Jetpack sudah tersambung." msgid "There was an unspecified error registering the site" msgstr "Terjadi error yang tidak ditentukan saat mendaftarkan situs Anda" msgid "There was an issue validating this request." msgstr "Terjadi masalah saat memvalidasi permintaan ini." msgid "The required \"nonce\" parameter is missing." msgstr "Parameter “nonce” yang dibutuhkan hilang." msgid "Valid user is required" msgstr "Pengguna yang valid dibutuhkan" msgid "Invalid user identifier." msgstr "Pengidentifikasi pengguna tidak valid." msgid "%1$s needs to be a %2$s object." msgstr "%1$s harus berupa objek %2$s." msgid "The final destination of the URL being checked for redirects." msgstr "Tujuan akhir URL yang diperiksa untuk pengalihan." msgid "The URL to check for redirects." msgstr "URL yang akan diperiksa untuk pengalihan." msgid "Use text chats or video calls, with built in screen sharing." msgstr "" "Gunakan text chat atau panggilan video, dengan fitur berbagi layar " "terintegrasi." msgid "Video calls" msgstr "Panggilan video" msgid "" "Confirm you have a <a href=\"%s\"> account</a> and not " "" msgstr "" "Pastikan Anda memiliki akun <a href=\"%s\"></a> dan bukan " "" msgid "" "If you believe your account is suspended in error please <a href=\"%s" "\">contact us</a>" msgstr "" "Apabila menurut Anda terjadi kesalahan pemblokiran pada akun Anda, silakan " "<a href=\"%s\">hubungi kami</a>" msgid "" "If you set up two factor authentication, you can provide a current code from " "your authenticator app here to prove ownership. <a target=\"_blank\" href=" "\"%s\">More information.</a>" msgstr "" "Jika Anda mengatur otentikasi dua faktor, Anda dapat memberikan kode saat " "ini dari aplikasi pengautentikasi untuk membuktikan kepemilikan. <a target=" "\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Informasi selengkapnya.</a>" msgid "" "When you sign up, we email you a unique activation link or key to verify " "your account. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">More information.</a>" msgstr "" "Saat Anda mendaftar, kami mengirimkan tautan aktivasi unik atau kunci " "melalui email untuk memverifikasi. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s" "\">Informasi selengkapnya.</a>" msgid "" "Sorry but the website you gave does not exist on <strong></" "strong>. Is it a self-hosted <a href=\"%s\"></a> website?" msgstr "" "Maaf, namun situs web yang Anda berikan tidak ada di <strong></" "strong>. Apakah situs web <a href=\"%s\">tersebut</a> " "dihosting sendiri?" msgid "" "Sorry, we had a problem restoring your database password. Please try again." msgstr "" "Maaf, kami mengalami masalah saat memulihkan kata sandi database Anda. Coba " "lagi." msgid "Your database password has been restored." msgstr "Kata sandi database Anda telah dipulihkan." msgid "Are you sure you want to restore the default password of your database?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin memulihkan kata sandi asal dari database Anda?" msgid "Restore database password" msgstr "Pulihkan kata sandi database" msgid "Sign in to %(clientTitle)s" msgstr "Masuk ke %(clientTitle)s" msgid "email is required." msgstr "email wajib diisi." msgid "Token scope must be \"jetpack-partner\"" msgstr "Cakupan token harus \"jetpack-partner\"" msgid "Missing Authorization Header" msgstr "Judul Otorisasi Tidak Ada" msgid "Confirm Login to" msgstr "Konfirmasi Login ke" msgid "Pre-Installed SSL Certificate" msgstr "Sertifikat SSL yang Diinstal Sebelumnya" msgid "" "This certificate from Let’s Encrypt ensures the privacy and safety of all " "traffic to and from your site." msgstr "" "Sertifikat dari Let’s Encrypt ini memastikan privasi dan keamanan semua lalu " "lintas ke dan dari situs Anda." msgid "" "Please note: You have a %s plan connected to this custom domain that renews " "separately. If your plan is not set to auto-renew, you may get a separate " "email reminding you to update your payment method for your plan." msgstr "" "Harap diperhatikan: Anda memiliki paket %s yang terhubung ke domain khusus " "berikut dan diperpanjang secara terpisah. Jika paket diatur untuk tidak " "diperpanjang secara otomatis, Anda dapat membuat email terpisah yang " "mengingatkan Anda agar dapat memperbarui metode pembayaran untuk paket Anda." msgid "" "Built-in SEO, automated social sharing, add-ons to keep people sticking " "around on your site—we help you build a site, and we help you grow it." msgstr "" "SEO bawaan, berbagi otomatis di media sosial, add-on untuk menarik perhatian " "pengunjung sehingga betah di situs Anda. Kami membantu Anda membuat situs " "dan mengembangkannya." msgid "When you need real help from actual humans, we’ve got you covered." msgstr "Jika Anda butuh bantuan manusia, kami siap membantu Anda." msgid "" "Product demo videos. Family photos. Your band’s latest track. Upload as much " "as you want—we don’t limit your storage." msgstr "" "Video demo produk. Foto keluarga. Lagu terbaru dari band Anda. Unggah " "sebanyak yang Anda mau, kami tidak membatasi ruang penyimpanan." msgid "" "{{line1}} gives you everything you need to start your website " "today. Free hosting, your own domain, a world-class support team, and so " "much more.{{/line1}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}} memberikan semua yang Anda perlukan untuk memulai " "situs web sekarang juga. Hosting gratis, domain sendiri, tim dukungan kelas " "dunia, dan banyak lagi lainnya.{{/line1}}" msgid "Start with A2" msgstr "Mulai dengan A2" msgid "Start with A2 hosting" msgstr "Mulai dengan hosting A2" msgid "Starting at $9.78 / mo" msgstr "Mulai dari $9,78/bulan" msgid "A2 is based out of The United States of America" msgstr "A2 bermarkas di Amerika Serikat dan beroperasi di berbagai lokasi" msgid "" "Welcome, NYC educators! Save %s%% on any plan using coupon " "code <code>{{coupon_code}}</code> at checkout. Happy WordPressing! :)" msgstr "" "Selamat datang, pengajar NYC! Hemat %s%% untuk paket mana pun " "menggunakan kode kupon <code>{{coupon_code}}</code> saat checkout. Selamat " "menggunakan WordPress! :)" msgid "" "There are multiple authors on your site. Please reassign the authors of the " "imported items to an existing user on {{b}}%(destinationSiteTitle)s{{/b}}, " "then click {{em}}Start import{{/em}}." msgstr "" "Terdapat beberapa penulis di situs Anda. Harap tetapkan ulang penulis item " "yang diimpor ke pengguna yang sudah ada di {{b}}%(destinationSiteTitle)s{{/" "b}}, lalu klik {{em}}Mulai impor{{/em}}." msgid "Screenshot of your site." msgstr "Tangkapan layar situs Anda." msgid "I want to import content from:" msgstr "Saya ingin mengimpor konten dari:" msgid "Importing content from:" msgstr "Mengimpor konten dari:" msgid "Choose from full list" msgstr "Pilih dari daftar lengkap" msgid "Success! Your content has been imported." msgstr "Berhasil! Konten Anda telah diimpor." msgid "" "You can safely navigate away from this page if you need to; we'll send you a " "notification when it's done." msgstr "" "Anda dapat meninggalkan halaman ini dengan aman jika merasa perlu; kami akan " "mengirim pemberitahuan kepada Anda ketika selesai." msgid "" "Import posts, pages, and media from your site to " "{{b}}%(siteTitle)s{{/b}}." msgstr "" "Impor pos, halaman, dan media dari situs Anda ke " "{{b}}%(siteTitle)s{{/b}}." msgid "" "Import posts, tags, images, and videos from a Medium export file to " "{{b}}%(siteTitle)s{{/b}}." msgstr "" "Impor pos, tag, gambar, dan video dari berkas ekspor Medium ke " "{{b}}%(siteTitle)s{{/b}}." msgid "" "Import posts, pages, and media from a WordPress export file to " "{{b}}%(siteTitle)s{{/b}}." msgstr "" "Impor postingan, halaman, dan media dari WordPress export\\u00A0file ke " "{{b}}%(siteTitle)s{{/b}}." msgid "" "What can you do here? A whole lot. Here are some of the brands and people " "building a better web with WordPress." msgstr "" "Apa yang dapat Anda lakukan di sini? Banyak. Berikut beberapa merek dan " "orang yang membuat web dengan lebih baik via WordPress." msgid "There are thousands of ways to WordPress" msgstr "Ada ribuan cara untuk menggunakan WordPress" msgid "" "Your site runs on the best WordPress hosting environment on " "earth. No patches, no upgrades, no-nonsense, no matter the plan." msgstr "" "Situs Anda dijalankan di lingkungan hosting WordPress terbaik " "di muka bumi ini. Tidak ada patch, upgrade, dan kerepotan lainnya, apa pun " "paketnya." msgid "Serious security." msgstr "Keamanan yang andal." msgid "Got a question? ›" msgstr "Ada pertanyaan? ›" msgid "" "We’ll help you get started, customize your site, and add features with 1-" "on-1 concierge sessions, live chat, or email." msgstr "" "Kami membantu Anda memulai, menyesuaikan situs, dan menambahkan fitur " "melalui sesi concierge langsung, obrolan langsung, atau email." msgid "Real support from real people." msgstr "Bantuan nyata dari para ahli." msgid "Find your domain ›" msgstr "Temukan domain Anda ›" msgid "" "From .com to .club, or whatever else you can dream up, there’s a memorable — " "and apt! — domain for your site." msgstr "" "Mulai dari .com hingga .club, atau apa pun yang Anda impikan, temukan domain " "yang mudah diingat — dan tepat! — untuk situs Anda." msgid "Domains for anything." msgstr "Domain untuk semua." msgid "Explore plans ›" msgstr "Pelajari paket ›" msgid "" "We’ve got plans for book clubs, businesspeople, bird fanciers, Bond " "impersonators, bed and breakfast owners, and anyone else who wants to get " "online." msgstr "" "Kami menyediakan paket untuk klub pembaca buku, pebisnis, pencinta burung, " "peniru James Bond, pemilik losmen, atau siapa pun yang ingin tampil di dunia " "maya." msgid "Plans for everyone." msgstr "Paket untuk semua." msgid "" "Your website is just the beginning. We’ve got the service and tools you need " "to keep growing." msgstr "" "Situs web Anda itu baru permulaan. Kami memiliki layanan dan alat yang " "mendorong Anda agar tetap berkembang." msgid "You’re covered." msgstr "Kami ada untuk membantu Anda." msgid "Download our apps ›" msgstr "Unduh aplikasi kami ›" msgid "" "Publish a blog post, manage sales, reply to comments, update your homepage — " "all from your phone, tablet, or browser." msgstr "" "Publikasi pos blog, kelola penjualan, balas komentar, perbarui halaman " "beranda — lakukan semuanya dari ponsel, tablet, atau peramban Anda." msgid "Take the best website builder anywhere with you everywhere." msgstr "Bawa pembuat situs web terbaik ke mana pun Anda pergi." msgid "" "Rely on built-in SEO tools, Mailchimp, Google Analytics integrations, and " "more to market what you make." msgstr "" "Manfaatkan alat SEO bawaan, Mailchimp, integrasi Google Analytics, dan " "lainnya untuk memasarkan apa yang Anda buat." msgid "Find your fans." msgstr "Temukan penggemar Anda." msgid "" "Showcase your products and services. Accept one-time or recurring payments. " "And do it all globally." msgstr "" "Tampilkan produk dan layanan Anda. Terima pembayaran satu kali atau " "berulang. Dan lakukan segalanya secara global." msgid "Turn your site into a store" msgstr "Ubah situs Anda menjadi toko" msgid "Explore more plugins ›" msgstr "Pelajari plugin lainnya ›" msgid "" "Thousands of easy-to-install add-ons mean you’ll never outgrow your website." msgstr "" "Dengan adanya ribuan add-on yang mudah dipasang, Anda tidak akan pernah " "berhenti untuk mengembangkan situs web Anda." msgid "Infinite combinations, infinite possibility." msgstr "Kombinasi tidak terhingga, kemungkinan tidak terbatas." msgid "" "The potential for a bigger and better site — and a bigger and better " "audience — is built right in." msgstr "" "Potensi untuk membuat situs yang lebih besar dan baik — serta audiens yang " "lebih banyak dan baik — langsung dibangun." msgid "Grow without limits." msgstr "Berkembang tanpa batas." msgid "Learn about blocks ›" msgstr "Pelajari tentang blok ›" msgid "" "Insert text, photos, forms, Yelp reviews, testimonials, maps, and more. Move " "them. Delete them. Play until it’s perfect. You already know how to do it!" msgstr "" "Sisipkan teks, foto, formulir, ulasan Yelp, testimoni, peta, dan lainnya. " "Pindah. Hapus. Cari kombinasi yang sempurna. Anda dapat melakukannya!" msgid "Drag and drop. And you’re done." msgstr "Seret dan lepas. Dan semua kerjaan Anda akan kelar." msgid "Start building ›" msgstr "Mulai membuat ›" msgid "" "Photo carousels, tiled image galleries, maps, forms — add them with a click " "and know they’ll look great." msgstr "" "Karosel foto, galeri gambar berpetak, peta, formulir — tambahkan dengan " "sekali klik dan semuanya akan terlihat keren." msgid "Design without a designer." msgstr "Desain tanpa desainer." msgid "Find your theme ›" msgstr "Temukan tema Anda ›" msgid "" "No matter your site or your style, there’s a beautiful, pro layout waiting " "for you." msgstr "" "Apa pun situsnya, Anda akan menemukan tema profesional yang menarik dan " "sesuai dengan gaya Anda." msgid "Stand out with professionally-designed themes." msgstr "" "Tampilkan keunikan situs Anda dengan tema yang dirancang secara profesional." msgid "Create any kind of website. No code, no manuals, no limits." msgstr "Buat berbagai jenis situs web. Tanpa kode, tanpa pedoman, tanpa batas." msgid "Build simply." msgstr "Buat dengan mudah." msgid "Create a website. Sell your stuff. Write a blog." msgstr "Buat situs web. Jual produk Anda. Tulis blog Anda." msgid "Come find out why." msgstr "Penasaran? Coba cari tahu alasannya." msgid "%s%% of the internet does it with WordPress." msgstr "%s%% internet membuat situs dengan WordPress." msgid "Universal time is %s." msgstr "Waktu universal adalah %s." msgid "" "Choose either a city in the same timezone as you or a %s (Coordinated " "Universal Time) time offset." msgstr "" "Pilih salah satu kota di zona waktu yang sama dengan anda atau %s offset " "waktu (UTC) Waktu Universal Terkoordinasi." msgid "Administration Email Address" msgstr "Alamat Email Administrasi" msgid "" "<a href=\"" "screen/\">Documentation on General Settings</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"" "\">Dokumentasi tentang Pengaturan Umum</a>" msgid "" "It’s never a bad time to claim a memorable domain for your site, but sooner " "is better than later! Make sure no one else snaps up the domain that’s " "perfect for you." msgstr "" "Tidak ada waktu khusus untuk menggunakan domain yang mudah diingat untuk " "situs Anda, tetapi lebih cepat lebih baik! Pastikan tidak ada orang lain " "yang merebut domain yang sempurna untuk Anda." msgid "" "Your domain creates your site’s first impression, and it’s how people " "remember you." msgstr "" "Domain Anda berperan dalam memberikan kesan pertama, dan salah satu cara " "untuk mengingat Anda." msgid "" "With over 15,000 new domains being claimed every day, their value is no " "secret." msgstr "" "Dengan lebih dari 15.000 domain baru yang diklaim setiap hari, artinya " "domain sangat dibutuhkan dan bernilai tinggi." msgid "" "A unique domain is one of the most effective elements of any successful " "website – and it’s how people will remember your website." msgstr "" "Domain unik adalah salah satu elemen paling efektif dari sebuah situs web " "yang sukses – dan inilah cara untuk mengingat situs web Anda." msgid "%d upload" msgid_plural "%d uploads" msgstr[0] "%d unggahan" msgstr[1] "%d unggahan" msgid "%d theme" msgid_plural "%d themes" msgstr[0] "%d tema" msgstr[1] "%d tema" msgid "%d plugin" msgid_plural "%d plugins" msgstr[0] "%d plugin" msgstr[1] "%d plugin" msgid "Test mode flag used to indicate whether client is in test mode." msgstr "" "Tanda mode pengujian digunakan untuk menunjukkan jika klien menggunakan mode " "pengujian." msgid "Nav menu locations must be strings." msgstr "Lokasi menu navigasi harus berupa untaian." msgid "" "This page can show you every detail about the configuration of your " "WordPress website. For any improvements that could be made, see the <a href=" "\"%s\">Site Health Status</a> page." msgstr "" "Halaman ini dapat menunjukkan kepada Anda setiap detail tentang konfigurasi " "situs web WordPress Anda. Untuk informasi peningkatan yang dapat dilakukan, " "lihat halaman <a href=\"%s\">Status Kesehatan Situs</a>." msgid "Results are still loading…" msgstr "Hasil sedang dimuat…" msgid "" "The scheduled event, %s, is late to run. Your site still works, but this may " "indicate that scheduling posts or automated updates may not work as intended." msgstr "" "Event yang dijadwalkan, %s, terlambat dijalankan. Situs Anda masih " "berfungsi, tetapi ini mungkin menunjukkan bahwa penjadwalan pos atau " "pembaruan otomatis mungkin tidak berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya." msgid "A scheduled event is late" msgstr "Event yang dijadwalkan terlambat" msgid "" "An HTTPS connection is a more secure way of browsing the web. Many services " "now have HTTPS as a requirement. HTTPS allows you to take advantage of new " "features that can increase site speed, improve search rankings, and gain the " "trust of your visitors by helping to protect their online privacy." msgstr "" "Koneksi HTTPS adalah cara yang lebih aman untuk menjelajahi situs web. " "Banyak layanan sekarang menjadikan HTTPS sebagai persyaratan wajib. HTTPS " "memungkinkan Anda memanfaatkan fitur baru yang dapat meningkatkan kecepatan " "situs, meningkatkan peringkat pencarian, dan mendapatkan kepercayaan " "pengunjung Anda karena membantu melindungi privasi online mereka." msgid "Your version of WordPress (%s) is up to date" msgstr "Versi WordPress Anda (%s) adalah terbaru" msgid "Database collation" msgstr "Kolase basis data" msgid "Database charset" msgstr "Charset basis data " msgid "Inactive Themes" msgstr "Tema tidak aktif" msgid "Parent Theme" msgstr "Tema Induk" msgid "" "Drop-ins are single files, found in the %s directory, that replace or " "enhance WordPress features in ways that are not possible for traditional " "plugins." msgstr "" "Drop-ins adalah berkas tunggal, yang ada di direktori %s, yang menggantikan " "atau meningkatkan fitur WordPress dengan cara yang tidak mungkin dilakukan " "pada plugin-plugin lama." msgid "Update your payment details and renew your subscription" msgstr "Perbarui detail pembayaran dan perpanjang langganan Anda" msgid "" "You can downgrade and get a partial refund of %(amount)s or continue to the " "next step and cancel the plan." msgstr "" "Anda bisa downgrade dan menerima pengembalian sebagian dana sebesar " "%(amount)s atau lanjut ke langkah berikutnya dan membatalkan paket." msgid "" "%(plan)s still gives you access to fast support, removal of ads, and more — " "and for 50% of the cost of your current plan." msgstr "" "%(plan)s masih memberikan akses ke dukungan cepat, penghapusan iklan, dan " "fitur-fitur lainnya — seharga 50% dari biaya paket Anda saat ini." msgid "Migrate" msgstr "Migrasi" msgid "" "Get everything your site needs, in one package — so you can focus on your " "business." msgstr "" "Dapatkan semua yang dibutuhkan situs Anda, dalam satu paket — jadi Anda bisa " "fokus pada bisnis." msgid "Real-Time Backups" msgstr "Pencadangan Real Time" msgid "Could not update the meta value of %s in database." msgstr "Tidak dapat memperbarui nilai meta %s di basis data." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete revisions of this post." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan menghapus revisi pos ini." msgid "Whether posts of this status may have floating published dates." msgstr "Jika pos dari status ini memiliki tanggal publikasi yang tidak pasti." msgid "List of the missing image sizes of the attachment." msgstr "Daftar ukuran gambar yang hilang dari lampiran. " msgid "" "Credit Card processing requires the latest version of the " "desktop app. Please update your app and try again." msgstr "" "Pemrosesan Kartu Kredit memerlukan versi terbaru aplikasi desktop WordPress." "com. Perbarui aplikasi Anda dan coba lagi." msgid "" "Unexpected response from the server. The file may have been uploaded " "successfully. Check in the Media Library or reload the page." msgstr "" "Respons yang tidak terduga dari server. File mungkin berhasil diunggah. " "Periksa di Pustaka Media atau muat ulang halaman." msgid "" "The %1$s, %2$s, and %3$s values can be edited to set the video track " "language and kind." msgstr "" "Nilai %1$s, %2$s, dan %3$s dapat disunting untuk menentukan bahasa track " "video dan semacamnya." msgid "Image size in pixels" msgstr "Ukuran gambar dalam piksel" msgid "Media title…" msgstr "Judul media…" msgid "Media title" msgstr "Judul media" msgid "Audio title…" msgstr "Judul audio…" msgid "Audio title" msgstr "Judul audio" msgid "Video title…" msgstr "Judul video…" msgid "Caption…" msgstr "Penjelas…" msgid "Attachment Preview" msgstr "Pratinjau Lampiran" msgid "Your browser cannot upload files" msgstr "Peramban Anda tidak dapat mengunggah file" msgid "Selected media actions" msgstr "Tindakan media terpilih" msgctxt "media modal menu" msgid "Menu" msgstr "Menu" msgctxt "media modal menu actions" msgid "Actions" msgstr "Tindakan" msgid "User’s media data." msgstr "Data media pengguna." msgid "Media list" msgstr "Daftar media" msgid "Filter media" msgstr "Saring Media" msgid "No media items found. Try a different search." msgstr "Item media tidak ditemukan. Coba pencarian lainnya." msgid "Number of media items found: %d" msgstr "Jumlah item media yang ditemukan: %d" msgid "The attached file cannot be found." msgstr "File terlampir tidak dapat ditemukan." msgid "Connect to your Google Drive" msgstr "Hubungkan ke Google Drive Anda" msgid "Play Slideshow" msgstr "Putar Slideshow" msgid "Go to slide %d" msgstr "Buka slide %d" msgid "Global Styles" msgstr "Gaya Global" msgid "Link copied to clipboard." msgstr "Tautan disalin ke clipboard." msgid "Uploaded to this template" msgstr "Diunggah ke template berikut" msgid "Insert into template" msgstr "Masukkan ke template" msgid "Template archives" msgstr "Arsip template" msgid "Parent Template:" msgstr "Template Induk:" msgid "No matching template found" msgstr "Tidak ditemukan templat yang cocok" msgid "" "The image cannot be rotated because the embedded meta data cannot be updated." msgstr "" "Gambar tidak dapat diputar karena metadata yang disematkan tidak dapat " "diperbarui." msgid "Cannot resize the image. Both width and height are not set." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat mengubah ukuran gambar. Lebar dan tinggi keduanya tidak diatur." msgid "Show Timeline" msgstr "Tampilkan Linimasa" msgid "" "<a href=\"" "screen/\">Documentation on Menus</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"" "screen/\">Dokumentasi tentang Menu</a>" msgid "" "The seventh parameter passed to %s should be numeric representing menu " "position." msgstr "" "Parameter ketujuh yang dilanjutkan ke %s harus berupa bilangan bulat yang " "mewakili posisi menu." msgid "Your translations are all up to date." msgstr "Terjemahan Anda sudah paling baru." msgid "" "Only you and those you invite can view your site. Launch your site to make " "it visible to the public." msgstr "" "Hanya Anda dan orang yang Anda undang yang dapat melihat situs Anda. " "Luncurkan situs agar dapat dilihat oleh publik." msgctxt "file type group" msgid "Archives" msgstr "Arsip" msgid "Unknown email address. Check again or try your username." msgstr "Alamat email tidak dikenal. Periksa lagi atau coba nama pengguna Anda." msgid "Manage Archives" msgstr "Kelola Arsip" msgid "Manage Spreadsheets" msgstr "Kelola Spreadsheets" msgid "Spreadsheets" msgstr "Spreadsheets" msgid "Manage Documents" msgstr "Kelola Dokumen" msgid "User’s comment data." msgstr "Data komentar pengguna." msgid "" "When registering an \"array\" meta type to show in the REST API, you must " "specify the schema for each array item in \"show_in_rest.schema.items\"." msgstr "" "Saat mendaftarkan tipe meta \"array\" untuk ditampilkan di REST API, Anda " "harus menentukan skema untuk setiap item array di \"show_in_rest.schema.items" "\"." msgid "" "" "your-permalink-structure" msgstr "" "" "permalink-structure" msgctxt "excerpt_length" msgid "55" msgstr "55" msgctxt "comment_excerpt_length" msgid "20" msgstr "20" msgctxt "draft_length" msgid "10" msgstr "10" msgid "3 GB Storage Space" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan 3 GB" msgid "" "<a href=\"" "\">Documentation on Tags</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"" "\">Dokumentasi tentang Tag</a>" msgid "" "<a href=\"" "screen/\">Documentation on Categories</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"" "\">Dokumentasi tentang Kategori</a>" msgid "Your timezone is set to %1$s (Coordinated Universal Time %2$s)." msgstr "Zona waktu Anda diatur ke %1$s (Coordinated Universal Time %2$s)." msgid "" "Your timezone is set to %1$s (%2$s), currently %3$s (Coordinated Universal " "Time %4$s)." msgstr "" "Zona waktu Anda diatur ke %1$s (%2$s), saat ini %3$s (Coordinated Universal " "Time %4$s)." msgid "" "Build a unique site with advanced design tools, custom CSS, and Google " "Analytics support." msgstr "" "Bangun situs yang unik dengan perangkat desain yang andal, CSS khusus, dan " "integrasi Google Analytics." msgid "" "Power your business with custom plugins & themes, 50 GB storage, and live " "support." msgstr "" "Perkuat bisnis Anda dengan plugin & tema khusus, ruang penyimpanan 50 GB, " "dan dukungan langsung." msgid "" "Power your business website with unlimited premium and business theme " "templates, 50 GB storage, and the ability to remove branding." msgstr "" "Perkuat situs bisnis Anda dengan template tema premium dan bisnis tanpa " "batas, ruang penyimpanan 50 GB, serta fitur untuk menghapus branding " "" msgid "Upgrade to %(productName)s" msgstr "Upgrade menjadi %(productName)s" msgid "" "This page allows direct access to your site settings. You can break things " "here. Please be cautious!" msgstr "" "Halaman ini memungkinkan akses langsung ke pengaturan situs Anda. Pengaturan " "sebelumnya berpotensi terganggu. Harap berhati-hati!" msgid "" "" "#managing-comments" msgstr "" "" "comments" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "" "" "#comments" msgstr "" "" msgid "Publish on: %s" msgstr "Terbitkan pada: %s" msgid "Scheduled for: %s" msgstr "Dijadwalkan pada: %s" msgid "" "Build a unique website with advanced design tools, CSS editing, lots of " "space for audio and video, Google Analytics support, and the ability to " "monetize your site with ads." msgstr "" "Bangun situs web unik dengan perangkat desain tingkat lanjut, penyuntingan " "CSS, ruang penyimpanan yang besar untuk audio dan video, integrasi Google " "Analytics, serta kemampuan menghasilkan uang dengan iklan." msgid "Open phpMyAdmin" msgstr "Buka PHPMyAdmin" msgid "" "WordAds is the leading advertising optimization platform for WordPress " "sites, where the internet’s top ad suppliers bid against each other to " "deliver their ads to your site, maximizing your revenue.{{br/}}{{br/}}{{em}}" "Because you have a paid plan, you can skip the review process and activate " "%(program)s instantly.{{/em}}{{br/}}{{br/}}{{a}}Learn more about the " "program{{/a}}" msgstr "" "WordAds adalah platform pengoptimalan iklan terkemuka untuk situs WordPress, " "tempat para pemasok iklan teratas di internet saling bersaing untuk " "menyajikan iklan mereka di situs Anda, sehingga memaksimalkan pendapatan " "Anda.{{br/}}{{br/}}{{em}}Karena memiliki paket berbayar, Anda dapat " "melewatkan proses peninjauan dan langsung mengaktifkan %(program)s.{{/em}}" "{{br/}}{{br/}}{{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang program ini{{/a}}" msgid "Apply to Join WordAds" msgstr "Daftar untuk Bergabung dengan WordAds" msgid "" "I have read and agree to the {{a}}Automattic Ads Terms of Service{{/a}}. " "{{br/}}I agree to post only {{b}}family-friendly content{{/b}} and will not " "purchase non-human traffic." msgstr "" "Saya telah membaca dan menyetujui {{a}}Ketentuan Layanan Iklan Automattic{{/" "a}}. {{br/}}Saya hanya akan memublikasikan {{b}}konten yang sesuai untuk " "keluarga{{/b}} dan tidak akan membeli aktivitas yang bukan dilakukan manusia." msgctxt "page label" msgid "Privacy Policy Page" msgstr "Halaman Kebijakan Privasi" msgctxt "page label" msgid "Posts Page" msgstr "Halaman Pos" msgctxt "page label" msgid "Front Page" msgstr "Halaman Muka" msgctxt "post status" msgid "Sticky" msgstr "Lekat" msgctxt "post status" msgid "Customization Draft" msgstr "Penyesuaian Konsep" msgctxt "post status" msgid "Password protected" msgstr "Dilindungi kata sandi" msgid "Please enter your credentials." msgstr "Masukkan kredensial Anda." msgid "Thank you for your submission!" msgstr "Terima kasih atas kiriman Anda!" msgid "" "Your subscription expired %d day ago. You need to complete this process " "right away to avoid losing it." msgid_plural "" "Your subscription expired %d days ago. You need to complete this process " "right away to avoid losing it." msgstr[0] "" "Langganan Anda berakhir %d hari lalu. Anda perlu menyelesaikan proses ini " "sekarang juga agar tidak kehilangan langganan." msgstr[1] "" "Langganan Anda berakhir %d hari lalu. Anda perlu menyelesaikan proses ini " "sekarang juga agar tidak kehilangan langganan." msgid "" "Your subscription expires today! Complete this process right away to avoid " "losing your subscription." msgstr "" "Langganan Anda berakhir hari ini! Selesaikan proses ini sekarang juga agar " "tidak kehilangan langganan Anda." msgid "Manage subscription" msgstr "Kelola Langganan" msgid "Allow people to submit comments on new posts." msgstr "Izinkan orang mengirimkan komentar pada pos baru." msgid "All automatic updates are disabled." msgstr "Semua pembaruan otomatis dinonaktifkan." msgid " Website Builder | Solutions for Students" msgstr "Pembuat Situs Web | Solusi untuk Pelajar" msgid "" "Choose from hundreds of themes and customize them to your taste. Build the " "website of your dreams without hiring a professional designer." msgstr "" "Pilih dari ratusan tema dan atur sesuai selera. Buat situs web impian Anda " "tanpa perlu mempekerjakan desainer profesional." msgid "Find a theme for any project that reflects your personality" msgstr "Temukan tema untuk proyek apa pun yang mencerminkan kepribadian Anda" msgid "" "Live on your phone? Update your website on the move with mobile, or go full-" "screen with desktop apps for iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, and Linux." msgstr "" "Langsung dari ponsel Anda? Perbarui situs web dalam perjalanan dengan " "ponsel, atau buka layar penuh dengan aplikasi desktop untuk iOS, Android, " "Mac, Windows, dan Linux." msgid "" "Grow your audience and track your progress. Activate essential features for " "site stats, SEO, social media sharing, and more." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan audiens dan lacak progres Anda. Aktifkan fitur dasar untuk " "statistik situs, SEO, berbagi di media sosial, dan banyak lainnya." msgid "Elevate your online presence" msgstr "Tonjolkan kehadiran Anda di internet" msgid "" "Adding images to posts and pages is as easy as drag-and-drop. Quickly create " "galleries or embed audio, video, documents and more." msgstr "" "Menambahkan gambar ke pos dan halaman semudah melakukan seret dan lepas. " "Buat galeri atau sematkan audio, video, dokumen, dan sebagainya dengan cepat." msgid "Add media with ease" msgstr "Tambahkan media dengan mudah" msgid "" "Discover the breezy experience of the WordPress editor. It’s fast, " "intuitive, and constantly saves your work so you don’t lose a thing." msgstr "" "Temukan pengalaman editor WordPress yang mudah. Cepat, intuitif, dan " "menyimpan hasil kerja Anda secara otomatis sehingga tidak ada yang terlewat." msgid "Effortless editing" msgstr "Penyuntingan praktis" msgid "" "Start blogging, display photography, launch a business. It’s up to you. The " "internet’s your oyster with" msgstr "" "Mulai membuat blog, menampilkan fotografi, meluncurkan bisnis. Terserah " "Anda. Anda bisa melakukan apa pun yang diinginkan di internet dengan " "" msgid "You decide what to build" msgstr "Anda yang menentukan akan membuat apa" msgid "" "Find a plan that fits your needs, including extra storage space, advanced " "customization and premium themes. Or start for free." msgstr "" "Temukan paket yang cocok dengan kebutuhan Anda, termasuk ruang penyimpanan " "ekstra, kustomisasi canggih, dan tema tanpa batas. Atau mulai gratis." msgid "Budget-friendly choices" msgstr "Pilihan hemat" msgid "" "{{line1}}The features and flexibility you need{{/line1}} {{line2}}in a world-" "class website builder{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Fitur dan fleksibilitas yang Anda butuhkan{{/line1}} {{line2}}di " "pembuat situs web kelas dunia{{/line2}}" msgid "" "Look like a pro with an email address using your custom domain that forwards " "messages straight to G-suite and other email services." msgstr "" "Terlihat profesional dengan alamat email yang menggunakan domain khusus yang " "meneruskan pesan langsung ke G-suite dan layanan email lainnya." msgid "Custom email addresses" msgstr "Alamat email khusus" msgid "" "It’s <strong>your</strong> website. Keep the focus on what you want. Every " "paid plan with is free of unwanted advertising." msgstr "" "Ini situs web <strong>Anda</strong>. Fokus pada apa yang Anda inginkan. " "Setiap paket berbayar dengan bebas dari iklan yang tidak " "diinginkan." msgid "No ads and no clutter" msgstr "Bebas iklan dan bebas gangguan" msgid "" "Register a domain name for your student site that’s memorable and unique. " "Already have a domain? Point it to in a few steps." msgstr "" "Daftarkan nama domain untuk situs pelajar yang unik dan berkesan. Sudah " "punya domain? Arahkan ke dalam beberapa langkah." msgid "Name your domain" msgstr "Namai domain Anda" msgid "Custom domains for ad-free student websites" msgstr "Domain khusus untuk situs web pelajar yang bebas iklan" msgid "Transfer your domain to" msgstr "Transfer domain ke" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Host Managed Plan" msgstr "Paket yang Dikelola Host" msgid "" "Our support team are a guiding hand that can take you from start to finish " "to get your domains and website up and running. Reach us by phone, email or " "Livechat in English, French, German or Spanish." msgstr "" "Tim dukungan kami siap mendampingi Anda dari awal hingga akhir untuk memulai " "dan menjalankan domain dan situs Anda. Hubungi kami lewat telepon, email, " "atau Livechat dalam bahasa Inggris, Prancis, Jerman, atau Spanyol." msgid "Knowledgeable and multilingual support staff" msgstr "Staf dukungan yang berwawasan luas dan menguasai berbagai bahasa" msgid "" "Our managed WordPress hosting solutions feature one-click installation. " "What’s more, when your domain names reside with us, you’ll also have the " "option to automatically configure your free SSL certificate." msgstr "" "Solusi hosting WordPress terkelola dari kami dapat diinstal dengan sekali " "klik saja. Jika nama domain Anda ada di kami, Anda juga bisa mengonfigurasi " "sertifikat SSL gratis Anda secara otomatis." msgid "Secure WordPress installation in one click" msgstr "Instalasi WordPress aman dengan sekali klik" msgid "" "Every great WordPress website starts with the perfect domain name. With free " "SSL, email and DNS, we’re the ideal partner for all your website and domain " "name needs. With over 800 domain extensions to choose from, the sky's the " "limit." msgstr "" "Situs WordPress yang hebat diawali dengan nama domain yang tepat. Dengan SSL " "gratis, email, dan DNS, kamilah mitra ideal untuk semua kebutuhan situs dan " "nama domain Anda. Tak ada yang mustahil dengan lebih dari 800 pilihan " "ekstensi domain." msgid "Perfect website… meet the perfect domain name!" msgstr "Situs hebat... dengan nama domain tepat!" msgid "" "Our managed WordPress hosting solutions enable you to build your secure " "website in no time, without the need to worry about maintenance." msgstr "" "Dengan solusi hosting WordPress terkelola dari kami, Anda bisa membangun " "situs yang aman dengan cepat tanpa khawatir soal pemeliharaan." msgid "You build, we manage." msgstr "Anda membangun, kami mengelola." msgid "Start with EuroDNS" msgstr "Mulai dengan EuroDNS" msgid "Starting at $6.38 / mo" msgstr "Mulai dari $6,38/bulan" msgid "" "Managed WordPress hosting solutions for hobbyists, bloggers and businesses " "with free SSL. <a href=\"#\" class=\"host-prtnr-show-details\">Learn more</a>" msgstr "" "Solusi hosting WordPress terkelola dengan SSL gratis untuk para pehobi, " "blogger, dan untuk bisnis. <a href=\"#\" class=\"host-prtnr-show-details" "\">Baca lebih lanjut</a>" msgid "EuroDNS is based out of Europe" msgstr "EuroDNS bermarkas di Eropa dan beroperasi di berbagai lokasi" msgid "" "Your theme determines how content is displayed in browsers. <a href=\"%s" "\">Learn more about feeds</a>." msgstr "" "Tema Anda menentukan cara konten ditampilkan di browser. <a href=\"%s" "\">Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang feed</a>." msgid "For each post in a feed, include" msgstr "Untuk setiap pos dalam feed, sertakan" msgid "" "<strong>Warning:</strong> these pages should not be the same as your Privacy " "Policy page!" msgstr "" "<strong>Peringatan:</strong> halaman ini tidak boleh sama dengan halaman " "Kebijakan Privasi Anda!" msgid "" "<a href=\"" "screen/\">Documentation on Reading Settings</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"" "\">Dokumentasi tentang Pengaturan Bacaan</a>" msgid "Main" msgstr "Utama" msgid "" "<strong>Format</strong> — Post Formats designate how your theme will " "display a specific post. For example, you could have a <em>standard</em> " "blog post with a title and paragraphs, or a short <em>aside</em> that omits " "the title and contains a short text blurb. Your theme could enable all or " "some of 10 possible formats. <a href=\"" "advanced-administration/wordpress/post-formats/#supported-formats\">Learn " "more about each post format</a>." msgstr "" "<strong>Format</strong> — Format Artikel menunjukkan bagaimana tema " "Anda akan menampilkan artikel tertentu. Sebagai contoh, Anda bisa membuat " "sebuah artikel <em>standar</em> dengan sebuah judul dan beberapa paragraf, " "atau sebuah <em>catatan</em> pendek tanpa judul dan hanya memiliki teks " "uraian pendek. Tema Anda dapat mengaktifkan semua atau hanya sebagian saja " "dari 10 jenis format. <a href=\"" "post-formats/#supported-formats\">Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang masing-" "masing format artikel</a>." msgid "" "<a href=\"" "\">Documentation on Editing Pages</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"\">Dokumentasi " "tentang Penyuntingan Laman</a>" msgid "" "<a href=\"" "\">Documentation on Adding New Pages</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"" "\">Dokumentasi tentang Penambahan Laman Baru</a>" msgctxt "publish box time format" msgid "H:i" msgstr "H:i" msgctxt "publish box date format" msgid "M j, Y" msgstr "j M Y" msgid "Enter your billing information" msgstr "Masukkan informasi penagihan Anda" msgid "Pick a payment method" msgstr "Pilih metode pembayaran" msgid "Your password is strong enough to be saved." msgstr "Kata sandi Anda cukup kuat untuk disimpan." msgid "You successfully changed your plan" msgstr "Anda berhasil mengganti paket" msgid "You imported from another site. How did the import go?" msgstr "Anda mengimpor dari situs lain. Bagaimana berjalannya impor?" msgid "I didn't have the functionality I have on my existing site." msgstr "" "Sebelumnya, saya tidak memiliki fungsionalitas seperti yang saya miliki di " "situs yang ada saat ini." msgid "Not enough of my content was imported." msgstr "Tidak banyak dari konten saya yang diimpor." msgid "" "Most of my content was imported, but it was too hard to get things looking " "right." msgstr "" "Sebagian besar konten saya diimpor, namun terlalu sulit membuat semuanya " "terlihat baik." msgid "I was happy." msgstr "Saya senang." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to import content into this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan mengimpor konten ke situs ini." msgid "" "Mabuhay, WeWork Philippines members! Enjoy a %s%% discount off any WordPress." "com upgrade as part of your WeWork membership. Enter <code>{{coupon_code}}</" "code> at checkout today." msgstr "" "Mabuhay, anggota WeWork Filipina! Nikmati diskon %s%% untuk upgrade " " apa pun sebagai bagian dari keanggotaan WeWork Anda. Masukkan " "<code>{{coupon_code}}</code> saat checkout hari ini." msgid "" "Welcome Kit by Visa members! Save %s%% today on Business and " "eCommerce plans using promo code <code>{{coupon_code}}</code> at checkout " "today." msgstr "" "Paket Selamat Datang oleh anggota Visa! Hemat %s%% hari ini untuk paket " "Bisnis dan eCommerce dengan menggunakan kode promo " "<code>{{coupon_code}}</code> saat checkout hari ini." msgid "" "Welcome, Shaw Academy students! Save %s%% on any plan using " "coupon code <code>{{coupon_code}}</code> at checkout. Happy WordPressing! :)" msgstr "" "Selamat datang, siswa Shaw Academy! Dapatkan diskon %s%% untuk paket " " apa pun menggunakan kode kupon <code>{{coupon_code}}</code> " "saat checkout. Selamat menggunakan WordPress! :)" msgid "Please turn off merge tags in Mailchimp:" msgstr "Harap matikan tag gabungan di Mailchimp:" msgid "A token error has occurred." msgstr "Terjadi error pada token." msgid "An API error has occurred." msgstr "Terjadi error pada API." msgid "An unknown error has occurred." msgstr "Terjadi error yang tidak diketahui." msgid "Mailchimp has not been configured for this site." msgstr "Mailchimp belum dikonfigurasi untuk situs ini." msgid "Invalid site." msgstr "Situs tidak valid." msgid "{{smallerPrice/}}-{{higherPrice/}}" msgstr "{{smallerPrice/}}-{{higherPrice/}}" msgid "%(smallerPrice)s-%(higherPrice)s" msgstr "%(smallerPrice)s-%(higherPrice)s" msgid "Entries feed" msgstr "Feed entri" msgid "PHP version %s" msgstr "Versi PHP %s" msgid "Current plugin: %1$s (version %2$s)" msgstr "Plugin saat ini: %1$s (versi %2$s)" msgid "Active theme: %1$s (version %2$s)" msgstr "Tema aktif: %1$s (versi %2$s)" msgid "" "<a href=\"" "\">Documentation on Managing Pages</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"\">Dokumentasi " "tentang Pengelolaan Halaman</a>" msgid "" "<a href=\"" "\">Documentation on Managing Posts</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"\">Dokumentasi " "tentang Pengelolaan Pos</a>" msgid "Refund amount must be greater than zero." msgstr "Jumlah pengembalian dana harus lebih dari nol." msgid "Add image" msgstr "Tambahkan gambar" msgid "Unable to create order." msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat pesanan." msgid "Clocks" msgstr "Jam" msgid "Gift" msgstr "Hadiah" msgid "merchandise" msgstr "barang dagangan" msgid "Travel Packages" msgstr "Paket Perjalanan" msgid " Stripe" msgstr "Stripe" msgid "View all stats" msgstr "Lihat semua statistik" msgid "Referrals" msgstr "Referral" msgid "Conversion rate" msgstr "Tingkat konversi" msgid "Out of stock" msgstr "Stok habis" msgid "Out of stock threshold" msgstr "Ambang batas stok habis" msgid "Low stock threshold" msgstr "Ambang batas stok tinggal sedikit" msgid "Order deleted" msgstr "Pesanan dihapus" msgid "Dimensions unit" msgstr "Satuan Dimensi" msgid "Weight unit" msgstr "Unit berat" msgid "Yards" msgstr "Yard" msgid "Inches" msgstr "Inci" msgid "Millimeters" msgstr "Milimeter" msgid "Centimeters" msgstr "Sentimeter" msgid "Meters" msgstr "Meter" msgid "Kilograms" msgstr "Kilogram" msgid "Ounces" msgstr "Ons" msgid "Billing details" msgstr "Detail Tagihan" msgid "Activity log" msgstr "Log aktivitas" msgid "Pick another product" msgstr "Pilih produk lainnya" msgid "Powered by {{WooCommerceLogo /}}" msgstr "Didukung oleh {{WooCommerceLogo /}}" msgctxt "percent" msgid "%(percentage)s%% " msgstr "%(percentage)s%% " msgid "Add to cart" msgstr "Tambah ke keranjang" msgid "Close Store" msgstr "Tutup Toko" msgid "Order details" msgstr "Rincian Pesanan" msgid "" "Add a logo to display on your site. No logo? Buy a pro one today — Click " "“Create logo” to start." msgstr "" "Tambahkan logo untuk ditampilkan pada situs Anda. Jika Anda tidak memiliki " "logo, dapatkan logo profesional segera. Klik \"Buat logo\" untuk memulai." msgid "Your Stripe account" msgstr "Akun Stripe Anda" msgid "Your Stripe account currently holds <b>%s</b> of unclaimed funds." msgstr "" "Akun Stripe Anda saat ini memiliki dana yang belum diklaim sebesar <b>%s</b>." msgid "Existing subscribers (%dx)" msgstr "Pelanggan yang ada (%dx)" msgid "New purchases (%dx)" msgstr "Pembelian baru (%dx)" msgid "" "Amounts reported are estimates based on currency exchange rates on the day " "of the purchase before Stripe and transaction fees are applied." msgstr "" "Jumlah yang dilaporkan adalah perkiraan berdasarkan nilai tukar mata uang " "pada hari pembelian sebelum penerapan biaya transaksi Stripe dan WordPress." "com." msgid "See my subscribers and stats" msgstr "Lihat pelanggan dan statistik saya" msgid "" "Estimated renewals in %1$s. If nobody cancels their subscription, you should " "earn this much in %1$s.<br/> Go and create!" msgstr "" "Perkiraan perpanjangan pada bulan %1$s. Jika tidak ada yang membatalkan " "langganannya, Anda akan memperoleh sebanyak ini pada bulan %1$s.<br/> " "Berkreasilah!" msgid " commission" msgstr "Komisi" msgid "%1$s Sales Report for %2$s" msgstr "%1$s Laporan Penjualan untuk %2$s" msgid "" "<a href=\"" "screen/\">Documentation on User Profiles</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"" "\">Dokumentasi tentang Profil Pengguna</a>" msgid "" "<a href=\"" "\">Documentation on Media Library</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"" "\">Dokumentasi tentang Pustaka Media</a>" msgid "" "<a href=\"" "\">Documentation on Comments</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"" "\">Dokumentasi tentang Komentar</a>" msgid "A calendar of your site’s posts." msgstr "Kalender dari pos-pos situs Anda." msgid "" "<a href=\"" "screen/\">Documentation on Discussion Settings</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"" "\">Dokumentasi tentang Pengaturan Diskusi</a>" msgid "[%s] Delete My Site" msgstr "[%s] Hapus Situs Saya" msgid "" "<a href=\"" "\">Documentation on Edit Media</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"\">Dokumentasi " "tentang Penyuntingan Media</a>" msgid "" "<a href=\"" "\">Documentation on Import</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"" "\">Dokumentasi tentang Impor</a>" msgid "" "Business plans allows you to sell online with access to thousands of plugins " "and themes!" msgstr "" "Paket Bisnis memungkinkan Anda menjual secara online dengan akses ke ribuan " "plugin dan tema!" msgid "" " brings the power of building beautiful, secure, mobile- and " "SEO-friendly websites in few simple steps." msgstr "" " menghadirkan kekuatan membuat situs web yang menyenangkan, " "aman, dan mobile, serta menghasilkan situs web yang ramah SEO dengan " "beberapa langkah mudah." msgid "Easily create your amazing website" msgstr "Buat situs web yang luar biasa dengan mudah" msgid "" "Our Happiness Engineers work 24*7 through live chat, email, support pages, " "and forums to answer any questions you have." msgstr "" "Happiness Engineer kami bekerja 24/7 untuk menjawab pertanyaan Anda melalui " "live chat, email, laman bantuan, dan forum." msgid "" "<a href=\"" "\">Descriptions of Roles and Capabilities</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"" "\">Penjelasan tentang Peran dan Kemampuan</a>" msgid "" "<a href=\"" "\">Documentation on Managing Users</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"\">Dokumentasi " "tentang Pengelolaan Pengguna</a>" msgid "" "<a href=\"" "\">Documentation on Adding New Users</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"" "\">Dokumentasi tentang Penambahan Pengguna Baru</a>" msgid "" "<a href=\"" "\">Documentation on Using Themes</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"\">Dokumentasi " "tentang Penggunaan Tema</a>" msgid "" "<a href=\"\">Revisions " "Management</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"\">Manajemen " "Revisi</a>" msgid "Unchanged:" msgstr "Tidak diubah:" msgid "Added:" msgstr "Ditambahkan:" msgid "Quick Start session" msgstr "Sesi Mulai Cepat" msgid " Quick Start Session Scheduler" msgstr "Pengatur Jadwal Sesi Mulai Cepat" msgid "Cancelling your Quick Start session…" msgstr "Membatalkan sesi Mulai Cepat…" msgid "Priority & One-On-One Support" msgstr "Prioritas & Dukungan Langsung" msgid "Please try a different card." msgstr "Coba kartu yang lain." msgid "" "<a href=\"" "\">Documentation on Uploading Media Files</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"" "\">Dokumentasi tentang Pengunggahan Berkas Media</a>" msgid "" "<a href=\"" "\">Documentation on Export</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"" "\">Dokumentasi tentang Ekspor</a>" msgid "Learn more about debugging in WordPress." msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang debugging di WordPress." msgid "There has been a critical error on this website." msgstr "Ditemukan eror serius pada situs web berikut." msgid "" "There has been a critical error on this website. Please check your site " "admin email inbox for instructions." msgstr "" "Ditemukan eror serius pada situs web berikut. Silakan periksa inbox pada " "email admin situs Anda untuk mendapatkan panduan." msgid "" "There has been a critical error on this website, putting it in recovery " "mode. Please check the Themes and Plugins screens for more details. If you " "just installed or updated a theme or plugin, check the relevant page for " "that first." msgstr "" "Ditemukan eror serius pada situs Anda, mode pemulihan otomatis diaktifkan. " "Untuk penjelasan lengkap silakan periksa halaman administrasi Tema dan " "Plugin. Jika Anda baru saja menginstal atau memperbarui tema/plugin, baca " "informasi pembaruan dari masing-masing tema/plugin tersebut." msgid "Custom post description to be used in HTML <meta /> tag." msgstr "Deskripsi pos khusus yang akan digunakan dalam HTML <meta /> tag." msgid "Database Access" msgstr "Akses Database" msgid "Hosting" msgstr "Hosting" msgid "When?" msgstr "Kapan?" msgid "Start session" msgstr "Mulai sesi" msgid "" "A link to start the session will appear here a few minutes before the session" msgstr "Tautan untuk memulai sesi akan muncul beberapa menit sebelum sesi" msgid "Session link" msgstr "Tautan sesi" msgid "Your scheduled Quick Start session details are:" msgstr "Detail sesi Mulai Cepat yang terjadwal meliputi:" msgid "Reschedule or cancel" msgstr "Jadwalkan ulang atau batalkan" msgid "View your session dashboard" msgstr "Lihat dasbor sesi Anda" msgid "Secure checkout" msgstr "Pembayaran yang aman" msgid "" "Jetpack has finished preparing a downloadable backup of your site, %1$s. " "Head over to the <a href=\"%2$s\" type=\"stat\" site=\"%3$d\">site’s " "Backups</a> to download it." msgstr "" "Jetpack telah selesai menyiapkan cadangan situs Anda yang dapat diunduh, " "%1$s. Buka <a href=\"%2$s\" type=\"stat\" site=\"%3$d\">Pencadangan situs</" "a> untuk mengunduhnya." msgid "" "Jetpack has finished preparing a downloadable backup of your site, %1$s, as " "requested by %2$s. Head over to the <a href=\"%3$s\" type=\"stat\" site=" "\"%4$d\">site’s Backups</a> to download it." msgstr "" "Jetpack telah selesai menyiapkan cadangan situs Anda yang dapat diunduh, " "%1$s, seperti yang diminta oleh %2$s. Buka <a href=\"%3$s\" type=\"stat\" " "site=\"%4$d\">Pencadangan situs</a> untuk mengunduhnya." msgid "User’s profile data." msgstr "Data profil pengguna." msgid "Not enough data to create this user." msgstr "Data tidak cukup untuk membuat pengguna ini." msgid "Sorry, marking a user as spam is only supported on Multisite." msgstr "Maaf, menandai pengguna sebagai spam hanya berfungsi pada Multisitus." msgid "" "<a href=\"" "\">Documentation on Tools</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"\">Dokumentasi " "tentang Alat</a>" msgid "" "The directives (lines) between \"BEGIN %1$s\" and \"END %1$s\" are\n" "dynamically generated, and should only be modified via WordPress filters.\n" "Any changes to the directives between these markers will be overwritten." msgstr "" "Arahan (baris) antara `BEGIN %1$s` dan `END %1$s`\n" "dihasilkan secara dinamis, dan hanya dapat dimodifikasi melalui filter " "WordPress.\n" "Setiap perubahan pada arahan di antara penanda berikut akan ditimpa." msgid "It’s time for liftoff for your website!" msgstr "Waktunya memperbarui tampilan situs web Anda!" msgid "" " has hundreds of versatile designs and customizable themes. " "Choose a layout that catches your eye, and add personal touches to make " "your .me site your own." msgstr "" " memiliki ratusan desain fleksibel dan tema yang dapat " "disesuaikan. Pilih tata letak yang menarik dan tambahkan sentuhan personal " "agar situs .me mencerminkan kepribadian Anda." msgid "Your content deserves a stunning theme" msgstr "Konten Anda layak diiringi tema yang memukau" msgid "" "Let the story begin. For your short stories, photography, visual art, and " "more, a .me domain is as personal as it gets. Create a home for your " "narrative. Find the best .me URL that fits you and your project!" msgstr "" "Mulai kisahnya. Untuk cerita pendek, fotografi, seni visual, dan karya Anda " "lainnya, domain .me adalah yang paling personal. Ciptakan rumah bagi narasi " "Anda. Temukan URL .me yang sesuai untuk Anda dan proyek Anda!" msgid "It’s all you, with a .me domain" msgstr "Dengan domain .me, semuanya mencerminkan diri Anda" msgid "A .me domain: Put the spotlight on you" msgstr "Domain .me: Anda yang menjadi pusat perhatian" msgid "" "The right domain name makes all the difference. Let us help with the " "perfect .me domain." msgstr "" "Nama domain yang tepat sangatlah penting. Biarkan kami membantu Anda dengan " "domain .me yang sempurna." msgid "" "Your content, .fr domain and design create the perfect union for your site. " "Why wait? We’ll make a landing page to welcome visitors, even if your page " "is still being built. It’s the way to go: Pick a .fr domain now and get " "ready to launch your page, with WordPress." msgstr "" "Konten Anda, domain .fr, dan desain menciptakan perpaduan yang sempurna " "untuk situs Anda. Tunggu apa lagi? Kami akan membuatkan halaman landas untuk " "menyambut pengunjung, meskipun halaman Anda masih dibuat. Begini caranya: " "Pilih domain .fr sekarang dan bersiaplah meluncurkan halaman Anda dengan " "WordPress." msgid "Come and see what WordPress can do for you" msgstr "Lihat sendiri apa yang bisa dilakukan WordPress untuk Anda" msgid "" "Designs and themes add life to your content. Communicate in more than words " "can say with a stellar choice of themes provided by WordPress. Bring your " "words to life! Put the polish on your page when you pair a .fr domain with " "the WordPress theme that helps it shine." msgstr "" "Desain dan tema menambahkan nyawa pada konten Anda. Sampaikan ide dengan " "cara yang melampaui kata-kata melalui beragam pilihan teman luar biasa yang " "disediakan oleh WordPress. Tiupkan nyawa pada kata-kata Anda! Sempurnakan " "halaman Anda dengan memasangkan domain .fr dan tema WordPress yang " "membuatnya bersinar." msgid "Your narrative, in a theme that helps it go" msgstr "Narasi Anda, dalam tema yang mewujudkannya" msgid "" "From the beginning, your .fr domain tells visitors they’re in the right " "spot. From fine cuisine to fantastic travel to the best of French football, " "a .fr domain undeniably gives your site presence. Let a WordPress URL tie " "your site together." msgstr "" "Dari awal, domain .fr Anda menunjukkan kepada pengunjung bahwa mereka ada di " "tempat yang tepat. Mulai dari hidangan mewah, wisata fantastis, hingga " "sorotan terbaik dari sepakbola Prancis, domain .fr pasti menghadirkan " "eksistensi bagi situs Anda. Biarkan URL WordPress memadukan situs Anda." msgid "Instant authority: a .fr domain says it all" msgstr "Otoritas seketika: domain .fr menjawab segalanya" msgid "How to make an entrance: A .fr domain" msgstr "Buat kehadiran Anda menonjol: Domain .fr" msgid "" "Now that’s a good start: What do your visitors see first? Your domain name, " "of course. Find the .fr domain name that fits just right." msgstr "" "Itu baru awal yang bagus: Apa yang dilihat pertama kali oleh pengunjung " "Anda? Nama domain, tentu saja. Temukan nama domain .fr yang terbaik untuk " "Anda." msgid "" "There's no need to wait! You can get a site up and running by setting up a " "landing page now. Visitors can get a preview of what you have to share while " "you work behind the scenes to perfect your site. Get started with WordPress." "com and your own .com page today." msgstr "" "Tak perlu menunggu! Anda dapat mulai menjalankan situs dengan menyiapkan " "halaman landas sekarang juga. Pengunjung bisa mendapatkan pratinjau konten " "yang Anda sajikan selagi Anda berusaha menyempurnakan situs. Mulai dengan " " dan halaman .com Anda sendiri sekarang juga." msgid "Ready to launch your .com site?" msgstr "Siap meluncurkan situs .com Anda?" msgid "" "Make a beautiful site with a thoughtfully designed theme from " "Whether you're blogging about your life, publishing recipes, posting videos, " "or creating a space to promote your business, you can find a theme on " " that will suit all your needs." msgstr "" "Buatlah situs yang indah dengan tema berdesain istimewa dari " "Baik Anda menulis blog tentang kehidupan, berbagi resep, memajang video, " "atau membuat ruang untuk promosi bisnis, Anda dapat menemukan tema di " " yang cocok dengan kebutuhan Anda." msgid "What about a knockout theme to go with that domain name?" msgstr "Ingin melengkapi nama domain dengan tema yang luar biasa?" msgid "" "So you want to start a website. Nice! You’ve come to the right place for " "your domain name. It’s a big deal: Not only is it the name of your site, " "but it’ll go on business cards, T-shirts and anything else you might dream " "up to promote your space." msgstr "" "Jadi Anda ingin memulai situs web. Bagus! Anda datang ke tempat yang tepat " "untuk memperoleh nama domain. Ini penting: Lebih dari sekadar nama situs, " "ini juga akan menjadi kartu nama bisnis, kaus, dan hal lain yang mungkin " "terpikir sebagai wadah promosi ruang Anda." msgid "Get your domain name set in a jiffy" msgstr "Siapkan nama domain Anda dengan mudah" msgid "Make your presence known online with a .com domain" msgstr "Buat keberadaan Anda dikenal secara online dengan domain .com" msgid "" "Your domain name is the first impression you make online. Let us help you " "make a great one with a .com domain." msgstr "" "Nama domain adalah kesan pertama yang Anda ciptakan di dunia maya. Izinkan " "kami membantu Anda menciptakan kesan yang bagus dengan domain .com." msgid "" "Even if your page is under construction, we’ll create a great landing page " "to show your visitors they’re in the right spot. Your URL, theme, and design " "come together to show what your site is about! Choose your domain " "today and get your page underway, straight away." msgstr "" "Walaupun halaman Anda masih disusun, kami akan membuatkan halaman landas " "untuk memberi tahu pengunjung bahwa mereka berada di tempat yang tepat. URL, " "tema, dan desain Anda dipadukan untuk menunjukkan inti dari situs Anda! " "Pilih domain sekarang dan jalankan situs Anda dengan cepat." msgid "Let’s get started on your website today" msgstr "Ayo mulai membuat situs web Anda sekarang" msgid "" "Choose from the keenest designs and fitting themes from a name you can " "trust: WordPress. Let our designs convey perfectly what words alone cannot! " "Your site’s visual brand is crucial — and an opportunity to allow your " "content to shine." msgstr "" "Pilih dari desain terbaik dan tema yang paling cocok dari nama tepercaya: " "WordPress. Biarkan desain kami menyampaikan sesuatu yang tak bisa diwakili " "oleh kata-kata! Merek visual situs Anda sangatlah penting, dan merupakan " "peluang untuk menjadikan konten Anda bersinar." msgid "Your tale, your domain — your theme!" msgstr "Kisah Anda, domain Anda, tema Anda!" msgid "" "Start off on the right note with a URL from As visitors come to your " "site, the domain name says it all. Attract readers with confidence! " "Rely on us to help you find the domain name that tops your page with " "style." msgstr "" "Mulai dengan tepat bersama URL dari Saat pengunjung tiba di situs " "Anda, nama domain menunjukkan kelasnya. Tarik perhatian pembaca " "dengan penuh keyakinan! Anda dapat mengandalkan kami untuk menemukan nama " "domain yang memberikan sentuhan penuh gaya pada halaman Anda." msgid "A sovereign site, with a domain" msgstr "Situs yang berkuasa, dengan domain" msgid "A gateway to your site: A domain" msgstr "Gerbang menuju situs Anda: Domain" msgid "" "Your domain name is your proper introduction to your readers. We’ll help you " "find just the right one, with a domain." msgstr "" "Nama domain adalah pengantar yang tepat bagi pembaca Anda. Kami akan " "membantu Anda menemukan yang terbaik dengan domain" msgid "" "Choosing your .co domain and theme brings your page to life. Even if your " "site is still under construction, we can set up a landing page to greet your " "visitors. Make the connection now with your readers! Let’s get started " "building something beautiful today." msgstr "" "Memilih domain .co dan tema akan membuat halaman Anda lebih menarik. " "Meskipun situs masih disusun, kami dapat menyiapkan halaman landas untuk " "menyambut pengunjung. Jalin koneksi sekarang dengan pembaca Anda! Mari mulai " "membangun sesuatu yang indah sekarang juga." msgid "There’s a .co domain waiting for you" msgstr "Ada domain .co yang menunggu Anda" msgid "" "Your site theme should reflect the vibrancy of its content. Make a splash " "with a stellar theme and design from From classic to " "contemporary, there’s an array of looks to choose from, and they’re " "customizable, too. Which one helps tell your story best?" msgstr "" "Tema situs seharusnya mencerminkan kehebatan kontennya. Tampil menonjol " "dengan tema dan desain istimewa dari Mulai dari yang klasik " "hingga kontemporer, ada beragam tampilan yang bisa Anda pilih, dan semuanya " "dapat disesuaikan. Mana yang akan membantu menyampaikan kisah Anda sebaik " "mungkin?" msgid "Your theme speaks volumes, too" msgstr "Tema Anda juga berperan penting" msgid "" "The domain name is your billboard sign. It can tell visitors who you are, " "and where you’re from. It can also show your cutting-edge style. Identify " "with readers who think outside the box with a .co domain. Businesses love ." "co. It’s easy to remember and easy to type! Choose from thousands of " "available premium names, too. Think .co as in cool." msgstr "" "Nama domain adalah papan pengumuman Anda. Nama domain memberi tahu " "pengunjung mengenai siapa Anda, dan dari mana Anda berasal. Ini juga dapat " "menunjukkan gaya Anda yang unik. Jalin ikatan dengan pembaca yang tidak " "biasa dengan domain .co. Bisnis suka domain .co karena mudah diingat dan " "diketik! Pilih dari ribuan nama premium yang tersedia." msgid "Location matters, even on the web!" msgstr "Lokasi penting, bahkan di web!" msgid "Forge your own way with a .co domain" msgstr "Buka jalan Anda dengan domain .co" msgid "" "Your domain name is the first impression you give online. Let us help you " "find just the right fit with a .co domain." msgstr "" "Nama domain adalah kesan pertama yang Anda ciptakan di dunia maya. Izinkan " "kami membantu Anda menemukan domain .co yang tepat." msgid "" "Ready to launch your site? That’s where WordPress comes in. Even if you’re " "still working on it, let us build a neat landing page that signals to your " "visitors what’s to come. What happens when you combine your ideal URL, theme " "and design? Endless possibilities! Let’s get started, today." msgstr "" "Siap meluncurkan situs? WordPress siap membantu. Walaupun Anda masih " "menyelesaikan situs, kami dapat membuatkan halaman landas yang menarik untuk " "memberi tahu pengunjung mengenai konten yang akan datang. Apa yang akan " "terjadi saat Anda memadukan URL, tema, dan desain ideal? Kemungkinan tanpa " "batas! Ayo mulai sekarang." msgid "Commence liftoff for your website now" msgstr "Berikan sentuhan baru pada situs web Anda sekarang" msgid "" "Image is everything. WordPress has hundreds of the sharpest designs and the " "most versatile themes. Choose the theme that catches your eye, then " "customize it in a way befitting of the .art URL! Explore the endless " "possibilities of a WordPress theme and design." msgstr "" "Gambar adalah segalanya. WordPress memiliki ratusan desain terbaik dan tema " "paling fleksibel. Pilih tema yang menarik perhatian Anda, lalu sesuaikan " "dengan cara yang cocok dengan URL .art! Jelajahi kemungkinan tanpa batas " "dari tema dan desain WordPress." msgid "Your epic tales deserve an epic theme!" msgstr "Kisah dahsyat Anda layak diiringi tema yang dahsyat!" msgid "" "What is your medium? Share your art with the world in the new and " "recognizable domain name in the art community. It’s both distinctive and " "community-building. A .art domain is a fun way to show the world where " "you’re coming from - and what you’ve created!" msgstr "" "Apa medium Anda? Tunjukkan karya seni Anda kepada dunia dalam nama domain " "yang baru dan diakuo di komunitas seni. Nama domain ini unik dan juga " "membangun komunitas. Domain .art adalah cara yang menyenangkan untuk " "menunjukkan asal dan hasil karya Anda kepada dunia!" msgid "Express yourself with a .art URL" msgstr "Ekspresikan diri dengan URL .art" msgid "As individual as your work: Select your .art domain" msgstr "Sama uniknya dengan hasil karya Anda: Pilih domain .art Anda" msgid "" "If a picture’s worth a thousand words, a domain name is worth a thousand " "clicks (and then some!) Go with a .art domain today and explore the " "possibilities." msgstr "" "Jika sebuah gambar bermakna ribuan kata, sebuah nama domain bermakna ribuan " "klik (dan lebih!) Pilih domain .art sekarang dan jelajahi kemungkinannya." msgid "Unable to send personal data export email." msgstr "Tak dapat mengirim email ekspor data pribadi." msgid "" "Howdy,\n" "\n" "Your request for an export of personal data has been completed. You may\n" "download your personal data by clicking on the link below. For privacy\n" "and security, we will automatically delete the file on ###EXPIRATION###,\n" "so please download it before then.\n" "\n" "###LINK###\n" "\n" "Regards,\n" "All at ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgstr "" "Halo,\n" "\n" "Permintaan Anda untuk mengekspor data pribadi telah selesai. Anda dapat\n" "mengunduh data pribadi Anda dengan mengklik tautan di bawah. Demi keamanan " "dan privasi, kami akan menghapus berkas tersebut secara otomatis pada " "###EXPIRATION###, jadi silakan mengunduhnya sebelum tanggal tersebut.\n" "\n" "###LINK###\n" "\n" "Salam,\n" "Dari ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgid "[%s] Personal Data Export" msgstr "[%s] Ekspor Data Pribadi" msgid "Invalid request ID when sending personal data export email." msgstr "ID permintaan tidak sah saat mengirim email ekspor data pribadi." msgid "Unable to open export file (archive) for writing." msgstr "Tidak dapat membuka berkas ekspor (arsip) untuk menulis." msgctxt "date/time" msgid "On" msgstr "Pada" msgctxt "website URL" msgid "At URL" msgstr "Di URL" msgctxt "website name" msgid "For site" msgstr "Untuk situs" msgctxt "email address" msgid "Report generated for" msgstr "Laporan dibuat untuk" msgctxt "personal data group description" msgid "Overview of export report." msgstr "Ikhtisar laporan ekspor." msgctxt "personal data group label" msgid "About" msgstr "Tentang" msgid "Personal Data Export" msgstr "Ekspor Data Pribadi" msgid "Personal Data Export for %s" msgstr "Ekspor Data Pribadi untuk %s" msgid "Data erasure has failed." msgstr "Penghapusan Data gagal." msgid "Force erasure has failed." msgstr "Penghapusan Paksa gagal." msgid "Erasure completed." msgstr "Penghapusan selesai." msgid "" "Need an enterprise solution? WordPress VIP provides everything you need to " "build and run powerful, performant applications at scale." msgstr "" "Butuh solusi enterprise? WordPress VIP menyediakan semua yang Anda butuhkan " "untuk membangun dan mengelola aplikasi yang andal dan berkinerja tinggi " "sesuai kebutuhan." msgid "Redirect" msgstr "Dialihkan" msgid "" "<a href=\"" "screen/\">Documentation on Writing Settings</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"" "\">Dokumentasi tentang Pengaturan Penulisan</a>" msgid "" "<a href=\"" "\">Documentation on Media Settings</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"" "\">Dokumentasi tentang Pengaturan Media</a>" msgid "" "<a href=\"" "\">Documentation on Dashboard</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"" "\">Dokumentasi tentang Dasbor</a>" msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Professional. Here's how to get the most out of %s" msgstr "" "Selamat datang di Jetpack Professional. Berikut ini cara memaksimalkan %s" msgid "" "Just for you: schedule a personalized orientation for %s with a Jetpack " "expert." msgstr "" "Hanya untuk Anda: jadwalkan orientasi yang dipersonalisasi untuk %s dengan " "ahli Jetpack." msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Premium. Here's how to get the most out of %s" msgstr "Selamat datang di Jetpack Premium. Berikut ini cara memaksimalkan %s" msgid "Jetpack needs your site credentials for %s to create backups." msgstr "Jetpack memerlukan kredensial situs %s untuk membuat cadangan." msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Personal. Here's how to get the most out of %s" msgstr "Selamat datang di Jetpack Personal. Berikut ini cara memaksimalkan %s" msgid "Industry" msgstr "Industri" msgid "Contact us to learn more" msgstr "Hubungi kami untuk mendapatkan informasi selengkapnya." msgid "Learn more: " msgstr "Pelajari selengkapnya: " msgid "Templates to include in your theme." msgstr "Template untuk disertakan di tema Anda." msgid "" "Sorry, something went wrong when trying to create your account. Please try " "again." msgstr "Maaf, terjadi kesalahan saat mencoba membuat akun Anda. Coba lagi." msgid "" "Get quick access to WordPress experts who have hands-on experience with " "WordPress design, marketing, and troubleshooting. Available 24/7 via phone, " "chat, or ticket." msgstr "" "Dapatkan bantuan segera dari para pakar WordPress yang berpengalaman " "langsung dalam desain, pemasaran, dan pemecahan masalah WordPress. Tersedia " "24 jam via telepon, obrolan, atau tiket." msgid "Expert WordPress Support" msgstr "Dukungan Ahli WordPress" msgid "" "Managing your website shouldn’t be confusing. Bluehost takes the guesswork " "out of WordPress management by offering an easy-to-use customer dashboard " "with all the tools and features needed to build, maintain, and secure a " "beautiful WordPress website." msgstr "" "Kelola situs Anda dengan mudah. Bluehost mempermudah pengelolaan WordPress " "dengan menawarkan dasbor pelanggan yang mudah digunakan dengan semua alat " "dan fitur untuk membuat, memelihara, dan mengamankan situs WordPress yang " "menarik." msgid "Intuitive Customer Dashboard" msgstr "Dasbor Pelanggan Intuitif" msgid "" "Bluehost makes getting started with WordPress quick and easy with an " "automatic, secure installation of the latest WordPress version upon account " "creation. Enjoy ongoing automatic updates to maintain your website’s " "security and performance." msgstr "" "Bersama Bluehost, memulai WordPress jadi cepat dan mudah dengan instalasi " "WordPress versi terbaru secara aman dan otomatis setelah akun dibuat. " "Nikmati pembaruan otomatis terus-menerus untuk menjaga keamanan dan performa " "situs Anda." msgid "Automatic WordPress Installs and Updates" msgstr "Instalasi dan Pembaruan WordPress Otomatis" msgid "" "Premier WordPress hosting and management tools backed by industry-leading " "expert support." msgstr "" "Alat manajemen dan hosting WordPress premium dengan dukungan ahli terkemuka " "di industri." msgid "" "Get started quickly and securely with a top recommended WordPress provider. " "<a href=\"#\" class=\"host-prtnr-show-details\">Learn more</a>" msgstr "" "Mulailah dengan cepat dan aman bersama penyedia WordPress terbaik. <a href=" "\"#\" class=\"host-prtnr-show-details\">Baca lebih lanjut</a>" msgid "Choose a template" msgstr "Pilih templat" msgid "" "Make your online portfolio impressively awesome with Dalston. With the " "ability to beautifully highlight your illustration and other projects, " "Dalston is also versatile enough to be your personal site too." msgstr "" "Jadikan portofolio online Anda sangat mengagumkan dengan Dalston. Dengan " "kemampuan untuk menampilkan ilustrasi Anda dan proyek lainnya dengan indah, " "Dalston dapat menjadi situs pribadi Anda juga." msgid "Remove key" msgstr "Hapus kunci" msgid "Continue with your security key" msgstr "Lanjutkan dengan kunci\\u00A0keamanan" msgid "Continue with security key" msgstr "Lanjutkan dengan kunci keamanan" msgid "Connect and touch your security key to log in." msgstr "Hubungkan dan sentuh kunci keamanan Anda untuk login." msgid "" "Insert your security key into your USB port. Then tap the button or gold " "disc." msgstr "" "Masukkan kunci keamanan ke port USB Anda. Lalu ketuk tombol atau disk gold." msgid "Waiting for security key" msgstr "Menunggu kunci keamanan" msgid "Register key" msgstr "Daftarkan kunci" msgid "Security key" msgstr "Kunci Keamanan" msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this security key?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin menghapus kunci keamanan ini?" msgid "Security key has been successfully registered." msgstr "Kunci keamanan berhasil didaftarkan." msgid "Security key registration error." msgstr "Registrasi kunci keamanan mengalami error." msgid "Security key interaction canceled." msgstr "Interaksi kunci keamanan dibatalkan." msgid "Security key interaction timed out or canceled." msgstr "Waktu tunggu interaksi kunci keamanan habis atau dibatalkan." msgid "Security key has already been registered." msgstr "Kunci keamanan sudah didaftarkan." msgid "Connecting as %s" msgstr "Menghubungkan sebagai %s" msgid "" "Usage of the title attribute on the login logo is not recommended for " "accessibility reasons. Use the link text instead." msgstr "" "Penggunaan atribut judul pada logo login tidak direkomendasikan karena " "alasan aksesibilitas. Gunakan teks link sebagai gantinya." msgid "Receive an email the instant Jetpack detects your site is down." msgstr "Terima email tepat saat Jetpack mendeteksi situs Anda tidak aktif." msgid "Site Name: %s" msgstr "Nama Situs: %s" msgid "" "Barnsbury is an earthy and friendly theme design with farming and " "agriculture businesses in mind." msgstr "" "Barnsbury adalah desain tema yang bersahaja dan bersahabat yang sesuai untuk " "bisnis dan kegiatan pertanian." msgid "Cannot generate a unique username" msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat nama pengguna unik" msgid "Add a domain" msgstr "Tambah domain" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "" "Sorry, Google Workspace cannot be added to this domain. The domain name " "servers are not pointing to" msgstr "" "Maaf, Google Workspace tidak dapat ditambahkan ke domain ini. Server nama " "domain tidak mengarah ke" msgid " Book" msgstr "Buku" msgid "Install theme" msgstr "Instal tema" msgid "Problem installing theme" msgstr "Masalah saat memasang tema" msgid "Install plugins" msgstr "Instal plugin" msgid "Install themes" msgstr "Instal tema" msgid "200GB Storage Space" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan 200 GB" msgid "" "You have exceeded the DPA request limit, you can try again in %d minutes. " "Trying again before that will only increase the time you have to wait before " "the ban is lifted." msgstr "" "Anda telah melebihi batas permintaan DPA, coba lagi dalam %d menit. Mencoba " "lagi sebelum waktu yang ditentukan hanya akan menambah waktu untuk menunggu " "sebelum pemblokiran dihapus." msgid "" "{{line1}} is the best way to experience it.{{/line1}} {{line2}}" "Start building your website today.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}} adalah cara terbaik untuk mencoba pengalaman ini.{{/" "line1}} {{line2}}Mulai bangun situs web Anda sekarang juga.{{/line2}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}WordPress powers{{/line1}} {{line2}}%s%% of the internet.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}WordPress mendukung{{/line1}} {{line2}}%s%% internet.{{/line2}}" msgid "" "Please take a moment to <a href=\"%1$s\">visit your site</a> and check that " "everything is in order. If things don't look like you expected them to, " "please <a href=\"\">contact " "support</a> so we can lend a hand." msgstr "" "Harap luangkan waktu untuk <a href=\"%1$s\">mengunjungi situs Anda</a> dan " "memastikan segalanya berjalan dengan baik. Jika Anda menemukan kendala pada " "situs web Anda, silakan <a href=\"" "rel=support\">hubungi tim bantuan</a> agar kami dapat membantu." msgid "Jetpack has successfully restored your website" msgstr "Jetpack berhasil memulihkan situs web Anda" msgid "Powerful website hosting." msgstr "Hosting yang andal." msgid "or contact Jetpack Support" msgstr "atau hubungi Dukungan Jetpack" msgid "We couldn't connect to (404)." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat terhubung ke (404)." msgid "collapsed" msgstr "diciutkan" msgid "expanded" msgstr "terbentang" msgctxt "URL, message" msgid "Alert: %s is still offline or unresponsive" msgstr "Peringatan: %s masih tidak aktif atau tidak responsif" msgctxt "URL, message" msgid "Alert: %s appears to be offline or unresponsive" msgstr "Peringatan: %s tidak aktif atau tidak responsif" msgid "Your site appears to be down" msgstr "Situs Anda tidak aktif" msgid "Your site still appears to be down." msgstr "Situs Anda masih tidak aktif." msgid "There is an error with your Google Business Profile account." msgstr "Terjadi error pada akun Profil Bisnis Google Anda." msgid "We’ll help." msgstr "Kami bisa bantu." msgid "Launch a business." msgstr "Meluncurkan bisnis." msgid "Design your portfolio." msgstr "Mendesain portofolio." msgid "" "Make your online portfolio wonderfully uncluttered with Mayland. Gracefully " "highlight your photography and other projects. Mayland is versatile enough " "to be your personal site too." msgstr "" "Jadikan portofolio online Anda terstruktur dengan Mayland. Tampilkan proyek " "fotografi Anda dan lainnya dengan anggun. Mayland dapat menjadi situs " "pribadi Anda." msgid "" "You can still retain the domain name by renewing it as soon as possible via " "your dashboard If you do not " "renew your domain name soon, additional fees (redemption fees) may apply. " "Your domain name may also become available for someone else to register, in " "which case you will no longer be able to renew or use the domain name." msgstr "" "Anda masih dapat mempertahankan nama domain dengan melakukan perpanjangan " "segera melalui dasbor Jika " "perpanjangan nama domain tidak segera dilakukan, biaya tambahan (biaya " "penukaran) mungkin akan dikenakan. Nama domain Anda juga akan terbuka untuk " "didaftarkan oleh orang lain, dan Anda tidak akan dapat memperpanjang atau " "menggunakan nama domain tersebut kembali." msgid "" "If your subscription is set to automatically renew, we will " "attempt to renew your domain name before expiration. If we are unable to do " "so, or you do not have your subscription set to automatically " "renew, you will have to manually renew the domain name to prevent any " "service disruption." msgstr "" "Jika langganan Anda diatur untuk diperpanjang otomatis, kami " "akan mencoba memperpanjang nama domain sebelum tanggal berakhirnya. Jika " "kami tidak dapat melakukannya, atau Anda tidak mengatur langganan WordPress." "com untuk diperpanjang otomatis, Anda harus memperpanjang nama domain secara " "manual agar layanan tidak terganggu." msgid "" "You can still retain the domain name by renewing it as soon as possible via " "your <a href=\"%1$s\"> dashboard</a>. If you do not renew your " "domain name soon, additional fees (redemption fees) may apply. Your domain " "name may also become available for someone else to register, in which case " "you will no longer be able to renew or use the domain name." msgstr "" "Anda masih dapat mempertahankan nama domain dengan melakukan perpanjangan " "segera melalui <a href=\"%1$s\">dasbor</a>. Jika perpanjangan " "nama domain tidak segera dilakukan, biaya tambahan (biaya penukaran) mungkin " "akan dikenakan. Nama domain Anda juga akan terbuka untuk didaftarkan oleh " "orang lain, dan Anda tidak akan dapat memperpanjang atau menggunakan nama " "domain tersebut kembali." msgid "Man with Shadow" msgstr "Pria dengan Bayangan" msgctxt "comments title" msgid "%1$s thought on “%2$s”" msgid_plural "%1$s thoughts on “%2$s”" msgstr[0] "%1$s pendapat di “%2$s”" msgstr[1] "%1$s pendapat di “%2$s”" msgid "One thought on “%1$s”" msgstr "Satu pendapat di “%1$s”" msgid "{{strong}}Hooray!{{/strong}} Your site will be ready shortly." msgstr "{{strong}}Hore!{{/strong}} Situs Anda akan segera tersedia." msgctxt "" "Option in image editor used to crop images using freeform aspect ratio" msgid "Freeform" msgstr "Bentuk bebas" msgid "In this article" msgstr "Di artikel ini" msgid "Search tips" msgstr "Tips pencarian" msgid "My Home" msgstr "Beranda Saya" msgid "Rivington is a robust theme designed for single property real estate." msgstr "" "Rivington adalah tema yang solid dan dirancang untuk real estat properti " "tunggal." msgid "Or create an account using:" msgstr "Atau buat akun menggunakan:" msgid "Load more tips" msgstr "Muat lebih banyak tips" msgid "" "Shawburn is the ideal choice for creating an online presence for your " "business." msgstr "" "Shawburn adalah pilihan ideal untuk membangun kehadiran online untuk bisnis " "Anda." msgid "" "Maywood is a refined theme designed for restaurants and food-related " "businesses seeking a modern look." msgstr "" "Maywood adalah tema memukau yang dirancang untuk restoran dan bisnis di " "industri makanan yang membutuhkan tampilan modern." msgid "" "Balasana is a clean and minimalist business theme designed with health and " "wellness-focused sites in mind." msgstr "" "Balasana adalah tema bisnis yang lugas dan minimalis serta dirancang untuk " "menjadikan situs yang berfokus pada kesehatan dan kebugaran." msgid "" "%(purchaseName)s will expire and be removed from your site %(expiry)s. " "Please renew before expiry so you don't lose out on your paid features!" msgstr "" "%(purchaseName)s akan kedaluwarsa dan akan dihapus dari situs Anda " "%(expiry)s. Perpanjang sebelum kedaluwarsa agar Anda tidak kehilangan fitur " "berbayar!" msgid "An error occurred while updating the name" msgstr "Tejadi error saat memperbarui nama" msgid "Add a tag" msgstr "Tambahkan tag" msgid "Add new site" msgstr "Tambah situs baru" msgid "%(numResources)s post, page, or media file left to import" msgid_plural "%(numResources)s posts, pages, and media files left to import" msgstr[0] "" "Sisa %(numResources)s file pos, halaman, atau media file untuk diimpor" msgstr[1] "" "Sisa %(numResources)s file pos, halaman, dan media file untuk diimpor" msgid "" "Until then you can log in any time using your username or email address, " "<strong>%s</strong>, and we’ll email you a secure login link." msgstr "" "Anda dapat login kapan pun dengan nama pengguna atau alamat e-mail<strong>" "%s</strong>, dan kami akan mengirimkan tautan login aman melalui e-mail." msgid "" "We also recommend that you set up an account password. You can do that in " "your <a href=\"%s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"account-security\" data-tracks-" "not-unsub=\"1\">Account Security</a> settings." msgstr "" "Kami juga menyarankan Anda untuk membuat kata sandi untuk akun Anda. Kata " "sandi dapat dibuat di pengaturan <a href=\"%s\" data-tracks-link-desc=" "\"account-security\" data-tracks-not-unsub=\"1\">Keamanan Akun</a>." msgid "" "Once you’ve activated your account, you can change your username any time in " "your <a href=\"%s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"account-settings\" data-tracks-" "not-unsub=\"1\">Account Settings</a>." msgstr "" "Setelah mengaktifkan akun, Anda dapat mengubah nama pengguna kapan saja di " "<a href=\"%s\" data-tracks-link-desc=\"account-settings\" data-tracks-not-" "unsub=\"1\">Pengaturan Akun</a>." msgid "This username is your public handle in the community." msgstr "" "Nama pengguna tersebut adalah nama Anda yang muncul di komunitas WordPress." "com." msgid "" "Since you’ve signed up using your email address, we’ve created a temporary " "username for you: <strong>%s</strong>" msgstr "" "Karena Anda mendaftar dengan alamat e-mail, kami membuatkan nama pengguna " "sementara untuk Anda: <strong>%s</strong>" msgid "Important information about your new account" msgstr "Informasi penting tentang akun baru Anda" msgid "" "{{time/}} is the selected point to create a download backup. You will get a " "notification when the backup is ready to download." msgstr "" "{{time/}} merupakan titik yang dipilih untuk membuat cadangan yang dapat " "diunduh. Anda akan mendapatkan pemberitahuan saat cadangan siap diunduh." msgid "{{time/}} is the selected point for your site restore." msgstr "{{time/}} adalah titik yang dipilih untuk Putar Balik situs." msgid "This will override and remove all content created after this point." msgstr "" "Ini akan menimpa dan menghapus semua konten yang dibuat setelah titik ini." msgid "Please select at least one item to restore." msgstr "Pilih setidaknya satu item untuk diputar balik." msgid "Choose the items you wish to include in the download:" msgstr "Pilih item yang ingin Anda sertakan dalam unduhan:" msgid "Choose the items you wish to restore:" msgstr "Pilih item yang ingin Anda putar balik:" msgid "Support articles" msgstr "Artikel bantuan" msgid "Crowdsignal (previously Polldaddy)" msgstr "Crowdsignal (sebelumnya Polldaddy)" msgid "%s200 GB%s Storage Space" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan %s200 GB%s" msgid "" "Get your new eCommerce site hosted by Business. Install " "WooCommerce, custom themes, and thousands of other plugins. Also includes " "Google Analytics, 200 GB storage for media files, and real-time one-on-one " "support." msgstr "" "Dapatkan situs eCommerce baru yang dikelola oleh Bisnis. " "Instal WooCommerce, tema khusus, dan ribuan plugin lainnya. Mencakup juga " "Google Analytics, ruang penyimpanan 200 GB untuk media, dan bantuan langsung " "real time." msgid "200 GB Storage Space" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan 200 GB" msgid "" "Get the best that Jetpack has to offer, from real-time backups and security " "scanning to social media automation and monetization tools. Install premium " "or custom themes and thousands of plugins with 200 GB storage space." msgstr "" "Dapatkan yang terbaik dari Jetpack, mulai dari pencadangan dan pemindaian " "keamanan real time hingga perangkat monetisasi dan otomatisasi media sosial. " "Instal tema premium atau khusus dan ribuan plugin dengan ruang penyimpanan " "200 GB." msgid "" "200 GB storage space. That’s a lot! After all, your dreams shouldn’t be " "limited by file sizes." msgstr "" "Ruang penyimpanan 200 GB. Sangat besar! Karena mimpi Anda tidak dibatasi " "oleh ukuran file." msgid "200 GB Storage" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan 200 GB" msgid "200 GB" msgstr "200 GB" msgid "<strong>200 GB</strong> Storage Space" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan <strong>200 GB</strong>" msgid "" "Power your business website with unlimited premium and business theme " "templates, Google Analytics support, 200 GB storage, and the ability to " "remove branding." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan situs web bisnis Anda dengan tema bisnis dan premium yang tidak " "terbatas, integrasi Google Analytics, ruang penyimpanan 200 GB, dan " "kemampuan untuk menghapus branding" msgid "" "Invent the world’s greatest cat food, save a rainforest, start a needlepoint " "club. Whatever it is, it’s going to need a website—that’s where we come in." msgstr "" "Ciptakan makanan kucing terbaik sedunia, selamatkan hutan hujan, mulai klub " "menyulam. Apa pun itu, Anda akan memerlukan situs web, dan di sinilah peran " "kami dimulai." msgid "You can. You will." msgstr "Anda dapat melakukannya. Anda akan melakukannya." msgid "" "This is where experts share their knowledge on building and growing " "a successful web presence." msgstr "" "Di sinilah para ahli berbagi pengetahuan dalam membangun dan " "menumbuhkan kehadiran web yang sukses." msgid "Welcome to Go by" msgstr "Selamat datang di Go by" msgid "Edit <span class=\"screen-reader-text\">%s</span>" msgstr "Edit <span class=\"screen-reader-text\">%s</span>" msgctxt "list item separator" msgid ", " msgstr ", " msgid "View your cart" msgstr "Lihat keranjang belanja Anda" msgid "" "P.S. Remember all upgrades are RISK FREE. If you decide your new plan isn’t " "for you, simply contact us within 30 days of purchase (96 hours for domains) " "and we’ll issue you a full refund." msgstr "" "N.B. Ingatlah bahwa semua upgrade BEBAS RISIKO. Jika Anda memutuskan bahwa " "paket yang baru tidak cocok, cukup hubungi kami dalam waktu 30 hari sejak " "pembelian (96 jam untuk domain) dan kami akan mengembalikan uang Anda " "seutuhnya." msgid "Get %1$s off ANY site upgrade when you enter code %2$s at checkout!" msgstr "" "Dapatkan diskon %1$s untuk SEMUA upgrade situs dengan memasukkan kode %2$s " "saat checkout!" msgid "" "Still haven’t upgraded your WordPress.​com site? Hurry, the sale ends " "in just a few hours." msgstr "" "Belum upgrade situs Anda? Jangan tunda lagi, promo ini akan " "berakhir beberapa jam lagi." msgid "Final reminder: The sale ends in a few hours." msgstr "" "Pengingat terakhir: Promo akan berakhir dalam beberapa jam." msgid "" "P.S.: All plan upgrades include a 30-day money-back guarantee (96 hours for " "domains). " msgstr "" "N.B.: Semua upgrade paket mencakup garansi 30 hari uang kembali (96 jam " "untuk domain). " msgid "" "This is a friendly reminder that TODAY is the LAST DAY of our " "sale and your last chance to save %1$s on all site upgrades!" msgstr "" "Sekadar mengingatkan bahwa HARI INI adalah HARI TERAKHIR promo " "dan kesempatan terakhir Anda berhemat %1$s untuk semua upgrade situs!" msgid "" "This is the LAST DAY of our huge sale and your last chance to " "snag big savings on ANY site upgrade!" msgstr "" "Ini adalah HARI TERAKHIR promo dahsyat dan kesempatan terakhir " "Anda berhemat besar-besaran untuk SEMUA upgrade situs!" msgid "" "And remember, all plan upgrades include a 30-day money-back guarantee (96 " "hours for domains). " msgstr "" "Dan, semua upgrade paket termasuk garansi 30 hari uang kembali (96 jam untuk " "domain). " msgid "" "Because for a limited-time only, you can take %1$s off ANY site upgrade!" msgstr "" "Karena untuk waktu terbatas, Anda bisa mendapatkan diskon %1$s untuk SEMUA " "upgrade situs!" msgid "The sale ends TOMORROW " msgstr "Promo berakhir BESOK " msgid "The sale ends tomorrow" msgstr "Promo berakhir besok" msgid "" "And remember, we’re in the middle of a very limited-time sale, so you can " "take %1$s of any site upgrade!" msgstr "" "Dan ingat, kami sedang mengadakan promo berbatas waktu, jadi Anda bisa " "mendapatkan diskon %1$s untuk semua upgrade situs!" msgid "" "We proudly stand behind the quality of WordPress.​com. All of our " "plans include a full 30 day money-back guarantee (96 hours for domains). " msgstr "" "Kami bangga dengan kualitas Semua paket mencakup garansi 30 " "hari uang kembali (96 jam untuk domain). " msgid "" "That's pretty hard to remember, right? So upgrading your site to get a " "custom domain name of your choice is a no-brainer." msgstr "" "Apakah sulit untuk diingat? Maka upgrade situs untuk mendapatkan nama domain " "khusus yang Anda sukai adalah pilihan yang pasti menguntungkan." msgid "" "Our limited-time sale is almost over! This sale gives you %1$s off any site " "upgrade. Use code %2$s at checkout." msgstr "" "Promo berbatas waktu dari kami hampir berakhir! Promo ini memberikan diskon " "%1$s untuk segala upgrade situs. Gunakan kode %2$s saat checkout." msgid "" "So if you’re even thinking of upgrading to a paid plan, you should do it now " "before this %1$s discount expires." msgstr "" "Jadi jika Anda ingin melakukan upgrade ke paket berbayar, sebaiknya lakukan " "sekarang sebelum diskon %1$s berakhir." msgid "" "Plans start at just %1$s per month, and all purchases are protected by our " "30-day full money-back guarantee (96 hours for domains)." msgstr "" "Harga paket mulai dengan hanya %1$s per bulan, dan semua pembelian " "dilindungi oleh garansi uang kembali sepenuhnya selama 30 hari (96 jam untuk " "domain)." msgid "" "Make money with your site by tapping into numerous ways to accept payment " "and generate income from your visitors." msgstr "" "Hasilkan uang dari situs Anda dengan memanfaatkan banyak cara untuk menerima " "pembayaran dan menghasilkan pendapatan dari pengunjung Anda." msgid "For a very limited time..." msgstr "Dalam waktu terbatas..." msgid "Take 20% off any site upgrade today" msgstr "Dapatkan diskon 20% untuk semua upgrade situs sekarang juga" msgctxt "URL, message" msgid "%s is back online!" msgstr "%s kembali online!" msgid "Let’s fix it" msgstr "Ayo kita perbaiki." msgid "" "Jetpack has finished restoring <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> to a previous " "version." msgstr "" "Jetpack telah selesai memulihkan <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> ke versi " "sebelumnya." msgid "" "You recently requested a backup of your site <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a>. " "Jetpack has prepared your files and you can download them now. <span style=" "\"font-weight:bold;\">This link will expire in 7 days.</span>" msgstr "" "Baru-baru ini Anda meminta cadangan situs Anda <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a>. " "Jetpack telah menyiapkan filenya dan Anda bisa mengunduhnya sekarang. <span " "style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Tautan ini akan kedaluwarsa dalam waktu 7 hari.</" "span>" msgid "Your website backup is ready to download" msgstr "Cadangan situs web Anda siap diunduh" msgid "Turn on Jetpack Search" msgstr "Aktifkan Jetpack Search" msgid "Keep visitors on your site longer with smarter, faster search results. " msgstr "" "Pastikan pengunjung berada di situs Anda lebih lama dengan hasil pencarian " "yang lebih cerdas dan cepat. " msgid "Relax and enjoy the peace of mind of real-time backups" msgstr "" "Dengan pencadangan real time, Anda dapat bersantai dan tidak perlu " "mengkhawatirkan apa pun" msgid "" "We’re keeping an eye on suspicious activity. If anything happens, one-click " "fixes for most issues get your site up and running fast." msgstr "" "Kami memantau aktivitas yang mencurigakan. Jika ada yang terjadi, perbaikan " "satu klik untuk sebagian besar masalah akan mengembalikan situs Anda dengan " "cepat." msgid "Manage spam settings" msgstr "Kelola pengaturan spam" msgid "" "Automatic spam protection is on the job clearing spam from your comments and " "forms." msgstr "" "Perlindungan spam otomatis siap membersihkan spam dari komentar dan formulir " "Anda." msgid "Manage backups" msgstr "Kelola pencadangan" msgid "Relax and enjoy the peace of mind of daily backups." msgstr "" "Dengan pencadangan harian, Anda dapat bersantai dan tidak perlu " "mengkhawatirkan apa pun." msgid "" "Never worry about losing your site. Get peace of mind with real-time backups." msgstr "" "Jangan pernah khawatir akan kehilangan situs Anda. Bebaskan pikiran dengan " "pencadangan real-time." msgid "Activate these features to get the most from Jetpack:" msgstr "Aktifkan fitur berikut untuk memaksimalkan Jetpack:" msgid "Take your site speed and security to the next level" msgstr "Tingkatkan kecepatan dan keamanan situs Anda lebih tinggi lagi" msgid "View site activity" msgstr "Lihat aktivitas situs Anda" msgid "" "Manage, debug, and repair your site with logs of the most recent events on " "your site." msgstr "" "Kelola, debug, dan perbaiki situs dengan log kejadian terbaru di situs Anda." msgid "Site activity" msgstr "Aktivitas situs" msgid "" "You are now protected from unwanted logins from malicious bots and " "distributed attacks." msgstr "" "Kini Anda mendapatkan perlindungan dari login yang tidak diinginkan dari bot " "berbahaya dan serangan yang menyebar." msgid "Explore Jetpack" msgstr "Jelajahi Jetpack" msgid "View the checklist" msgstr "Lihat daftar periksa" msgid "" "Use our checklist to set up the essentials and make sure your site is safe " "and optimized for speed." msgstr "" "Gunakan daftar periksa kami untuk menyiapkan hal-hal yang penting dan " "memastikan situs Anda aman serta dioptimalkan untuk kecepatan." msgid "Finish setting up your site" msgstr "Selesaikan penyiapan situs Anda" msgid "" "Your Jetpack plan comes with email support. <a class=\"jetpack-footer-color-" "link\" href=\"\">Upgrade</a> to get priority " "chat support right when you need it." msgstr "" "Paket Jetpack Anda dilengkapi dukungan email. <a class=\"jetpack-footer-" "color-link\" href=\"\">Upgrade</a> untuk " "mendapatkan dukungan obrolan prioritas saat Anda membutuhkannya." msgid "" "Your plan comes with priority support so you can skip the line and chat with " "us immediately." msgstr "" "Paket Anda dilengkapi dukungan prioritas sehingga Anda tidak perlu mengantre " "dan langsung mengobrol dengan kami." msgid "Need help? Let’s chat!" msgstr "Butuh bantuan? Hubungi kami!" msgid "" "Download our free mobile app to view stats, moderate comments, create and " "edit posts, and upload media – anywhere, any time." msgstr "" "Unduh aplikasi seluler gratis kami untuk melihat statistik, memoderasi " "komentar, membuat dan menyunting pos, serta mengunggah media di mana pun, " "kapan pun." msgid "Manage your site on the go" msgstr "Kelola situs Anda dari mana pun" msgid "<a href=\"%s\">You can change your profile picture on Gravatar</a>." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\">Anda dapat mengubah gambar profil Anda melalui Gravatar</a>." msgid "" "Convincing design for your charity or organization’s online presence. " "Highlight your actions, causes and projects, Alves is versatile enough to be " "your personal site too." msgstr "" "Desain yang meyakinkan untuk kehadiran online penggalangan dana atau " "organisasi Anda. Tampilkan kegiatan, tujuan, dan proyek Anda, Alves dapat " "menjadi situs pribadi Anda juga." msgid "" "Make your online presence as striking and stylish as your business with " "Exford." msgstr "" "Jadikan kehadiran online Anda menarik dan bergaya seperti bisnis Anda dengan " "Exford." msgid "Manage comments" msgstr "Kelola komentar" msgid "Finishing up" msgstr "Hampir selesai" msgid "" "You'll need an account to complete your purchase and manage your subscription" msgstr "" "Anda akan memerlukan akun untuk menyelesaikan pembelian dan mengelola " "langganan" msgid "" "Log in to with your account to connect your " "store and manage your extensions" msgstr "" "Login ke dengan akun Anda untuk menghubungkan " "toko dan mengelola ekstensi" msgid "Log in with a account" msgstr "Login dengan akun" msgid "" "Sorry, {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is a premium domain. We don't support " "purchasing this premium domain on, but if you purchase the " "domain elsewhere, you can {{a}}map it to your site{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Maaf, {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} adalah domain premium. Kami tidak " "mendukung pembelian domain premium di, tetapi jika Anda " "membeli domain tersebut di tempat lain, Anda dapat {{a}}mengarahkannya ke " "situs Anda{{/a}}." msgid "Logging in" msgstr "Sedang login" msgid "Privacy settings" msgstr "Pengaturan privasi" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is not eligible to register or transfer " "since it is in {{redemptionLink}}redemption{{/redemptionLink}}. If you own " "this domain, please contact your current registrar to {{aboutRenewingLink}}" "redeem the domain{{/aboutRenewingLink}}." msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} tidak layak didaftarkan atau ditransfer " "karena sedang dalam {{redemptionLink}}penebusan{{/redemptionLink}}. Jika " "Anda memiliki domain ini, harap hubungi registrar Anda saat ini untuk " "{{aboutRenewingLink}}menebus domain tersebut{{/aboutRenewingLink}}." msgid "I'm going to renew the %(productType)s, but will do it manually." msgstr "Saya akan memperpanjang %(productType)s, tetapi secara manual." msgid "I'm going to let this %(productType)s expire." msgstr "Saya akan membiarkan %(productType)s ini kedaluwarsa." msgid "plan" msgid_plural "plans" msgstr[0] "paket" msgstr[1] "" msgid "domain" msgstr "domain" msgid "" "{{line1}}Free to start,{{/line1}}{{line2}}with {{plans-count/}} ways to grow." "{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Mulai gratis,{{/line1}}{{line2}}dan dapatkan {{plans-count/}} " "kesempatan untuk berkembang.{{/line2}}" msgid "App Store" msgstr "App Store" msgid "Edit menus" msgstr "Edit menu" msgid "Write blog post" msgstr "Tulis pos blog" msgid "Add a page" msgstr "Tambah laman" msgid "Customer note" msgstr "Catatan pelanggan" msgid "This page is not available on this site." msgstr "Halaman ini tidak tersedia untuk situs ini." msgid "" "This link is included in post ID %(postId)d and %(revCount)d associated " "revision." msgid_plural "" "This link is included in post ID %(postId)d and %(revCount)d associated " "revisions." msgstr[0] "" "Tautan ini termasuk dalam ID pos %(postId)d dan %(revCount)d yang terkait " "dengan perbaikan." msgstr[1] "" "Tautan ini termasuk dalam ID pos %(postId)d dan %(revCount)d yang terkait " "dengan perbaikan." msgid "%(urlCount)d suspicious link on post" msgid_plural "%(urlCount)d suspicious links on post" msgstr[0] "%(urlCount)d tautan mencurigakan di pos" msgstr[1] "%(urlCount)d tautan mencurigakan di pos" msgid "Jetpack identified %(threatCount)d threat in your database." msgid_plural "Jetpack identified %(threatCount)d threats in your database." msgstr[0] "" "Jetpack mengidentifikasi %(threatCount)d ancaman dalam database Anda." msgstr[1] "" "Jetpack mengidentifikasi %(threatCount)d ancaman dalam database Anda." msgid "" "Rockfield is a refined theme designed for restaurants and food-related " "businesses seeking a classic, elegant look." msgstr "" "Rockfield adalah tema memukau yang dirancang untuk restoran dan bisnis di " "industri makanan yang membutuhkan tampilan klasik dan elegan." msgid "" "Stratford is the perfect design for your business or educational institutes " "online presence. Highlight your products and services, Stratford is " "versatile enough to be your personal blog too." msgstr "" "Stratford adalah desain yang sempurna untuk menunjukkan kehadiran bisnis " "online atau lembaga pendidikan Anda. Tampilkan produk dan layanan Anda, " "Stratford juga dapat menjadi blog pribadi Anda." msgid "" "This email is to confirm that your domain has been deleted. As a reminder, " "once a domain is deleted, you no longer own it and forfeit any remaining " "time left in the original registration term. Once the deletion is processed " "by the registry, it can become more costly, or in some cases, not possible, " "to recover the domain." msgstr "" "Email ini untuk mengonfirmasi bahwa domain Anda telah dihapus. Sebagai " "pengingat, setelah domain dihapus, Anda tidak lagi memilikinya dan " "kehilangan waktu yang tersisa dalam ketentuan registrasi asli. Setelah " "penghapusan diproses oleh registri, proses pemulihan domain bisa jadi makin " "mahal, atau dalam kasus tertentu, tidak memungkinkan." msgid "" "Our records show that you recently completed a request to delete your domain " "name %1$s associated with your account." msgstr "" "Data kami menunjukkan bahwa Anda baru-baru ini menyelesaikan permintaan " "untuk menghapus nama domain %1$s yang dikaitkan dengan akun " "Anda." msgid "Your domain %1$s has been deleted" msgstr "Domain %1$s Anda telah dihapus" msgid "" "To approve or cancel your transfer, please go to our Transfer Management " "page: %1$s" msgstr "" "Untuk menyetujui atau membatalkan transfer, harap buka halaman Manajemen " "Transfer kami: %1$s" msgid "" "If you wish to cancel your transfer, you must do so by %1$s. Otherwise, the " "transfer will proceed." msgstr "" "Jika ingin membatalkan transfer, Anda harus melakukannya dengan %1$s. Jika " "tidak, proses transfer akan dilanjutkan." msgid "" "Approving the transfer may reduce the amount of time the transfer takes to " "complete but is not necessary for the transfer to process." msgstr "" "Menyetujui transfer mungkin mengurangi jumlah waktu penyelesaian transfer, " "tetapi hal ini tidak memengaruhi proses transfer." msgid "" "To approve or cancel your transfer, please go to our <a href=\"%1$s" "\">Transfer Management page</a>." msgstr "" "Untuk menyetujui atau membatalkan transfer, harap buka <a href=\"%1$s" "\">halaman Manajemen Transfer</a> kami." msgctxt "Default page title" msgid "Contact" msgstr "Kontak" msgid "The template cannot be deleted." msgstr "Template tidak dapat dihapus." msgid "" "Get a new domain name for your blog, business, portfolio, or website in just " "a few clicks. Get started with your new domain name in seconds!" msgstr "" "Dapatkan nama domain baru untuk blog, bisnis, portofolio atau situs web Anda " "hanya dengan beberapa langkah. Buat nama domain baru segera!" msgid "We will not call you — this is so that we can send you a reminder." msgstr "" "Kami tidak akan menelepon Anda. Ini hanya agar kami dapat mengirimkan " "pengingat kepada Anda." msgid "Experiments Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Eksperimen" msgctxt "" "Translators: This is the billing agreement for PayPal Express yearly " "agreement and is limited to 127 single-byte characters" msgid "" "Your subscription will automatically renew each year. You may disable auto " "renew at any time from your dashboard." msgstr "" "Langganan Anda akan diperpanjang secara otomatis setiap tahun. Anda dapat " "menonaktifkan perpanjangan otomatis kapan saja melalui dasbor" msgctxt "" "Translators: This is the billing agreement for PayPal Express monthly " "agreement and is limited to 127 single-byte characters" msgid "" "Your subscription will automatically renew monthly. You may disable auto " "renew at any time from your dashboard." msgstr "" "Langganan Anda akan diperpanjang secara otomatis per bulan. Anda dapat " "menonaktifkan perpanjangan otomatis kapan saja melalui dasbor" msgctxt "" "Translators: This is the billing agreement for PayPal Express one-time " "purchase and is limited to 127 single-byte characters" msgid "This is a one time purchase and does not renew." msgstr "Ini adalah pembelian satu kali dan tidak diperpanjang." msgid "" "Welcome, GeneaBloggers! Save %s%% today on plans, Jetpack, and " "any other Automattic paid products using promo code <code>{{coupon_code}}</" "code> at checkout today." msgstr "" "Selamat datang, GeneaBloggers! Hemat %s%% untuk paket, " "Jetpack, dan produk berbayar lainnya dari Automattic menggunakan kode promo " "<code>{{coupon_code}}</code> saat checkout hari ini." msgid "" "Welcome to the Rebrand Cities Community! You are joining hundreds of other " "business owners who have introduced their brand to the world through the " " platform. Use promo code <code>{{coupon_code}}</code> at " "checkout today to save %1$s%% off any, Jetpack, or WooCommerce " "product. Copy the code now and begin your journey <a href=\"%2$s\">here</a>." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di Rebrand Cities Community! Anda akan bergabung dengan " "ratusan pemilik bisnis lainnya yang telah memperkenalkan merek mereka ke " "dunia melalui platform Gunakan kode promo " "<code>{{coupon_code}}</code> saat checkout hari ini untuk menghemat %1$s%% " "atas pembelian produk, Jetpack, atau WooCommerce. Salin kode " "ini sekarang dan mulai perjalanan Anda <a href=\"%2$s\">di sini</a>." msgid "" "Welcome Alt Oasis Family! Save %1$s%% on plans, Jetpack, and " "any other Automattic paid products using promo code <code>{{coupon_code}}</" "code> at checkout today. And if you’re interested in becoming an Affiliate, " "sign-up <a href=\"%2$s\">here</a>!" msgstr "" "Selamat datang di Alt Oasis Family! Hemat %1$s%% untuk paket, " "Jetpack, dan produk berbayar lainnya dari Automattic menggunakan kode promo " "<code>{{coupon_code}}</code> saat checkout hari ini. Dan jika Anda tertarik " "menjadi Afiliasi, daftar <a href=\"%2$s\">di sini</a>!" msgid "" "Your site is already entitled to unlimited premium themes. You can activate " "this theme for free instead of purchasing it." msgstr "" "Situs Anda sudah memiliki akses ke tema premium tanpa batas. Anda dapat " "mengaktifkan tema ini secara gratis, tidak perlu membelinya." msgid "Failed to add card." msgstr "Gagal menambahkan kartu." msgid "Auto-renewal has been turned off successfully." msgstr "Perpanjangan otomatis berhasil dinonaktifkan." msgid "Sell online" msgstr "Berjualan online" msgid "" "Morden is a functional and responsive multi-purpose theme that is the " "perfect solution for your business's online presence." msgstr "" "Morden adalah tema serbaguna yang fungsional dan responsif serta solusi " "sempurna untuk kehadiran online bisnis Anda." msgid "Something went wrong. Please check the URL and try again." msgstr "Terjadi masalah. Periksa URL dan coba lagi." msgid "We couldn't reach that site. Please check the URL and try again." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat menjangkau situs tersebut. Periksa URL dan coba lagi." msgid "Add a payment plan" msgstr "Tambahkan Rencana Pembayaran" msgid "" "Congrats! Your site is now connected to Stripe. You can now add your first " "payment plan." msgstr "" "Selamat! Situs Anda kini terhubung ke Stripe. Sekarang Anda dapat " "menambahkan rencana pembayaran pertama Anda." msgid "" "Explore the powerful website building features in Customize " "as much or as little as you want — and get the help you need, when you need " "it." msgstr "" "Jelajahi fitur pembuatan situs web yang andal dari Atur " "sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda dan dapatkan bantuan saat dibutuhkan." msgid " Pricing – Compare WordPress Plans" msgstr "Harga – Bandingkan Paket WordPress" msgid "" "{{line1}} gives you everything you need to create your website " "today. Free hosting, your own domain, a world‑class support team, and so " "much more.{{/line1}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}} memberikan semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk membuat " "situs web sekarang juga. Hosting gratis, domain milik Anda, tim bantuan " "kelas dunia, dan lainnya.{{/line1}}" msgid "" "{{line1}} gives you everything you need to create your website " "today.{{/line1}} {{line2}}Free hosting, your own domain, a world-class " "support team, and so much more.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}} memberikan semua yang Anda perlukan untuk membuat " "situs web sekarang juga.{{/line1}} {{line2}}Hosting gratis, domain sendiri, " "tim dukungan kelas dunia, dan banyak lagi lainnya.{{/line2}}" msgid "Compare Pricing and Plans" msgstr "Bandingkan Harga dan Paket" msgid "" " pricing is simple -- We bundle hosting, domains, privacy, and " "security into one low price with plans for anyone. Compare plans today!" msgstr "" "Paket sangat terjangkau. Pilihannya mencakup hosting, domain, " "privasi dan keamanan sesuai kebutuhan Anda. Bandingkan paket!" msgid "Free Website Builder — Free Website —" msgstr "Pembuat Situs Web Gratis — Situs Web Gratis —" msgid "" "Ready to create your free website or blog? Get started now with a free " "builder by, a website builder that scales with your needs." msgstr "" "Ingin blog atau situs web gratis? Mulai sekarang dengan, " "pembuat situs web yang dapat menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda." msgid "Not your average results" msgstr "Bukan hasil pencarian biasa" msgid "" "People on eCommerce sites are <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">2x more " "likely</a> to purchase something when they search" msgstr "" "Orang-orang yang mengakses situs eCommerce <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank" "\">punya kemungkinan 2 kali lipat</a> untuk membeli sesuatu saat mereka " "melakukan penelusuran" msgid "People can’t buy what they can’t find" msgstr "" "Siapa pun tidak dapat membeli jika mereka tidak menemukan yang ingin dibeli" msgid "" "I like having a search experience that is sortable, filterable, and feels " "like it's integrated natively into the site. Jetpack Search does all of " "this, but most importantly, it returns great results without heavy " "configuration.”" msgstr "" "Saya menyukai pengalaman pencarian jika hasilnya dapat diurutkan, disaring, " "dan terlihat seperti terintegrasi langsung di situsnya. Jetpack Search " "memberikan semuanya, tetapi yang lebih penting, Jetpack Search memberikan " "hasil yang berkualitas tanpa banyak konfigurasi.”" msgid "Search no further" msgstr "Anda telah menemukan" msgid "Set as Posts Page" msgstr "Atur sebagai Halaman Pos" msgid "Professional Website Builder —" msgstr "Pembuat Situs Web Profesional —" msgid "" "{{line1}}A professional website builder{{/line1}} {{line2}}that scales with " "your needs.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Pembuat situs web profesional{{/line1}} {{line2}}yang dapat " "menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda.{{/line2}}" msgid "" " Premium is the professional website builder you need to " "succeed online. Get a custom domain, advanced design tools, and plenty of " "storage." msgstr "" " Premium adalah pembuat situs web profesional. Dapatkan domain " "khusus, perangkat desain yang andal, dan ruang penyimpanan tanpa batas.\n" " " msgid "" "{{line1}}Create your blog and{{/line1}} {{line2}}share your voice in minutes." "{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Buat blog dan{{/line1}} {{line2}}bagikan cerita Anda sekarang{{/" "line2}}" msgid "We encountered an error. Please retry your purchase." msgstr "Terjadi error. Coba ulangi pembelian Anda." msgid "Start your site" msgstr "Buat situs Anda" msgid "" "Jetpack Search is completely customizable, front to back, so your visitors " "get a search experience that blends in seamlessly with your site design." msgstr "" "Jetpack Search sepenuhnya bisa disesuaikan, dari depan hingga belakang, " "sehingga pengunjung Anda mendapatkan pengalaman mencari yang menyatu mulus " "dengan desain situs Anda." msgid "Finely-tuned search for your site" msgstr "Pencarian yang dibuat khusus untuk situs Anda" msgid "" "Do you have a site with thousands of posts, pages, and products? No problem. " "Jetpack Search helps visitors find exactly what they’re looking for — fast." msgstr "" "Apakah Anda memiliki situs dengan ribuan pos, halaman, dan produk? Bukan " "masalah. Jetpack Search membantu pengunjung menemukan apa yang mereka cari — " "dengan cepat." msgid "Less digging, more finding" msgstr "Sedikit mencari, lebih banyak menemukan" msgid "Keep people reading and buying" msgstr "Ajak pengunjung untuk terus membaca dan membeli" msgid "14-day money-back guarantee." msgstr "Garansi 14 hari uang kembali." msgid "" "Your site is private and only visible to you. When you're ready, launch your " "site to make it public." msgstr "" "Situs Anda saat ini privat dan hanya dapat dilihat oleh Anda. Saat Anda " "siap, luncurkan situs Anda agar dapat dilihat publik." msgid "Checklist" msgstr "Daftar Periksa" msgid "The email address we currently have on file is: %1$s." msgstr "Alamat email yang ada dalam catatan kami: %1$s." msgid "" "You are receiving this message because you recently registered or changed " "the contact information for the following domain: %1$s." msgstr "" "Anda menerima pesan berikut karena Anda mendaftarkan atau mengubah informasi " "kontak untuk domain berikut: %1$s." msgid "" "You are receiving this message because you recently registered or changed " "the contact information for one or more of the following domains: %1$s." msgstr "" "Anda menerima pesan berikut karena Anda mendaftarkan atau mengubah informasi " "kontak untuk satu atau beberapa domain berikut: %1$s." msgid "" "Please verify your email address as soon as possible, or sites and emails " "that use these domains will stop working." msgstr "" "Verifikasikan alamat email Anda secepatnya. Jika tidak, situs dan email yang " "menggunakan domain tersebut akan berhenti berfungsi." msgid "" "Please verify your email address as soon as possible, or sites and emails " "that use this domain will stop working." msgstr "" "Verifikasikan alamat email Anda secepatnya. Jika tidak, situs dan email yang " "menggunakan domain ini akan berhenti berfungsi." msgid "The email address we currently have on file is: <strong>%1$s</strong>." msgstr "Alamat email yang ada dalam catatan kami: <strong>%1$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your email has to be verified so we can get in touch with you when needed." msgstr "" "Email Anda harus diverifikasi agar kami dapat menghubungi Anda saat " "diperlukan." msgid "" "You are receiving this message because you recently registered or changed " "the contact information for one or more of the following domains: <strong>" "%1$s</strong>." msgstr "" "Anda menerima pesan berikut karena Anda mendaftarkan atau mengubah informasi " "kontak untuk satu atau beberapa domain berikut: <strong>%1$s</strong>." msgid "Important! Please verify your contact information for %1$s" msgstr "Penting! Harap verifikasi informasi kontak Anda untuk %1$s" msgid " Important! Please verify the contact info for your domains." msgstr " Penting! Harap verifikasi info kontak untuk domain Anda." msgid "" "Auto-renewal is now off. Before you go, we'd love to know: are you letting " "this %(productType)s expire completely, or do you think you'll renew it " "manually?" msgstr "" "Perpanjangan otomatis kini nonaktif. Sebelum Anda pergi, kami ingin tahu: " "apakah Anda membiarkan %(productType)s ini kedaluwarsa sepenuhnya, atau " "apakah Anda akan memperpanjang secara manual?" msgid "I'm not sure." msgstr "Saya tidak yakin." msgid "" "We couldn't find an account using %s. Let's create a new account for you." msgstr "" "Kami tidak bisa menemukan akun dengan %s. Ayo buat akun baru untuk Anda." msgid "An account with this email address already exists." msgstr "Akun dengan alamat email ini sudah ada." msgid "View ad dashboard" msgstr "Lihat dasbor iklan" msgid "eCommerce Website Builder —" msgstr "Pembuat Situs Web eCommerce —" msgid "Business Website Builder —" msgstr "Pembuat Situs Web Bisnis —" msgid "" "The business website builder you need to meet your business needs. Design a " "professional website with professional themes, plugins, 24/7 support, and " "more." msgstr "" "Pembuat situs web untuk kebutuhan bisnis Anda. Buat desain situs web yang " "profesional dengan tema dan plugin profesional, bantuan setiap saat dan " "lainnya." msgid "We're having trouble backing up your site" msgstr "Kami mengalami masalah saat mencadangkan situs Anda" msgid "" "Outstanding amount of %(amountOwed)s will be paid approximately 45 days " "following the end of the month in which it was earned." msgstr "" "Jumlah belum dibayar sebesar $%(amountOwed)s akan dibayarkan sekitar 45 hari " "setelah akhir bulan pendapatan diperoleh." msgid "" "Check out your ad earnings history, including total earnings, total paid to " "date, and the amount that you've still yet to be paid." msgstr "" "Lihat riwayat pendapatan iklan Anda, termasuk pendapatan total, pembayaran " "total hingga hari ini, dan jumlah yang masih belum dibayar." msgid "Earn ad revenue" msgstr "Dapatkan penghasilan dari iklan" msgid "Collect recurring payments" msgstr "Terima pembayaran berulang" msgid "Collect one-time payments" msgstr "Terima pembayaran satu kali" msgid "" "A bold and clean theme - Stow is the ideal choice for creating an online " "presence for your business." msgstr "" "Tema yang berani dan simpel - Stow adalah pilihan ideal untuk menciptakan " "kehadiran online untuk bisnis Anda." msgid "" "A fully responsive theme, ideal for creating a strong — yet beautiful — " "online presence for your business." msgstr "" "Jadikan kehadiran online Anda menarik dan bergaya seperti bisnis Anda dengan " "Exford." msgid "Sorry, we couldn’t send the email." msgstr "Maaf, kami tidak dapat mengirimkan email." msgid "Email Sent. Check your mail app!" msgstr "Email Telah Dikirim. Periksa aplikasi email Anda!" msgid "Explore the Plugin Directory" msgstr "Jelajahi Direktori Plugin" msgid "Try searching plugins for 'redirect'." msgstr "Coba cari plugin untuk 'pengalihan'." msgid "Site Redirects are not available for this site." msgstr "Pengalihan Situs tidak tersedia untuk situs ini." msgid "Block style name must be a string." msgstr "Nama gaya blok harus berupa untaian." msgid "" "By continuing, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}}." msgstr "" "Dengan melanjutkan, berarti Anda menyetujui {{tosLink}}Ketentuan Layanan{{/" "tosLink}} kami." msgid "Explore WordAds" msgstr "Jelajahi WordAds" msgid "WordAds is not enabled on your site" msgstr "WordAds tidak diaktifkan di situs Anda" msgctxt "" "Alternative link under login/site-selection header, leads to site frontend." msgid "or visit {{siteLink/}}" msgstr "atau kunjungi {{siteLink/}}" msgid "Download a current backup" msgstr "Unduh cadangan terbaru" msgid "Please let us know why you're disabling Jetpack." msgstr "Beri tahu kami alasan Anda menonaktifkan Jetpack." msgid "Disable Jetpack" msgstr "Nonaktifkan Jetpack" msgid "Other:" msgstr "Lainnya:" msgid "I'm deleting/migrating my site." msgstr "Saya menghapus/memindahkan situs saya." msgid "I don't know what it does." msgstr "Saya tidak tahu fungsinya." msgid "It's buggy." msgstr "Banyak bug." msgid "It slowed down my site." msgstr "Jetpack membuat situs saya jadi lambat." msgid "I can't get it to work." msgstr "Saya tidak bisa membuatnya berfungsi." msgid "Your feedback will help us improve the product." msgstr "Umpan balik Anda akan membantu kami memperbaiki produk." msgid "What would you like your domain name to be?" msgstr "Nama domain seperti apa yang Anda inginkan?" msgid "Available plans to choose from" msgstr "Paket tersedia yang dapat dipilih" msgid "" "A colorful, typography driven, Gutenberg-ready theme meant to grab the " "attention of potential customers and market or sell products to them." msgstr "" "Tema yang penuh warna, berdasarkan tipografi, dan sesuai untuk Gutenberg, " "untuk menarik perhatian pelanggan yang potensial dan memasarkan atau menjual " "produk." msgid "" "Running a business is no small task. But with the right tools and support, " "creating a website doesn’t have to be another chore on your to-do list: " "enter Brompton, a simple yet powerful theme for small-business owners and " "entrepreneurs." msgstr "" "Menjalankan bisnis bukanlah hal yang mudah. Namun, dengan alat dan sarana " "pendukung yang tepat, membuat situs web tidak akan menjadi beban tambahan di " "daftar tugas Anda: perkenalkan Brompton, tema ringkas yang kaya fitur untuk " "pemilik bisnis dan pengusaha kecil." msgid "A design system for WordPress sites built with Gutenberg." msgstr "Sistem desain untuk situs WordPress yang dibuat menggunakan Gutenberg." msgid "Error ignoring threat. Please contact support." msgstr "Terjadi error saat mengabaikan ancaman. Silakan hubungi dukungan." msgid "Threat ignored." msgstr "Ancaman diabaikan." msgid "Ignoring threat…" msgstr "Mengabaikan ancaman..." msgid "Error fixing threat. Please contact support." msgstr "Terjadi error saat memperbaiki ancaman. Silakan hubungi dukungan." msgid "" "We're hard at work fixing this threat in the background. Please check back " "shortly." msgstr "" "Kami sulit memperbaiki ancaman ini di latar belakang. Harap periksa kembali " "sesaat lagi." msgid "Fixing threat…" msgstr "Memperbaiki ancaman..." msgid "You will be refunded %(cost)s." msgstr "Anda akan menerima pengembalian dana sebesar %(cost)s." msgid "" "Welcome, Travel Massive Members! Save %s%% today on plans, " "Jetpack, and any other Automattic paid products using promo code " "<code>{{coupon_code}}</code> at checkout today." msgstr "" "Selamat datang, Anggota Travel Massive! Dapatkan diskon %s%% hari ini untuk " "paket, Jetpack, serta produk berbayar lainnya dari Automattic " "menggunakan kode promo <code>{{coupon_code}}</code> saat checkout hari ini." msgid "Final reminder: the Business plan sale ends tonight." msgstr "Pengingat terakhir: Diskon paket Bisnis berakhir malam ini." msgid "Last chance! The Business plan sale ends today" msgstr "Kesempatan terakhir! Diskon paket Bisnis berakhir hari ini" msgid "The Business plan sale expires tomorrow!" msgstr "Diskon paket Bisnis berakhir besok!" msgid "Learn About Google Photos" msgstr "Lebih Lanjut tentang Google Photos" msgid "Learn About Google Docs" msgstr "Lebih Lanjut tentang Google Docs" msgid "Learn About Google Analytics" msgstr "Lebih Lanjut tentang Google Analytics" msgid "Learn About Mobile Pages (AMP)" msgstr "Pelajari Tentang Halaman Seluler (AMP)" msgid "A suspicious link has been found in table %1$s" msgstr "Tautan mencurigakan ditemukan di tabel %1$s" msgid " includes everything you need to start your website today." msgstr "" " memberikan semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk memulai situs web " "dengan mudah." msgid "Create a free website today." msgstr "Buat situs web gratis dengan" msgid "Create a beautiful, simple website in minutes." msgstr "Buat situs web yang menarik dan unik dengan mudah." msgid "" "Share your ideas, start a business, or run a store. You can do it all on " " Find a great fit and start telling the world exactly what you " "do." msgstr "" "Berbagi ide, memulai bisnis, atau mengelola toko. Anda bisa melakukan " "semuanya di Temukan paket yang cocok dan mulai tunjukkan " "karya Anda kepada dunia." msgid "Your great idea deserves an equally great domain name." msgstr "Ide hebat Anda layak mendapatkan nama domain yang sama hebatnya." msgid "Reach your audience with a domain name that’s perfect for you." msgstr "Jangkau audiens dengan nama domain yang sempurna untuk Anda." msgid "Your next big idea starts here ..." msgstr "Ide besar Anda dimulai di sini ..." msgid "Popular Domain Search —" msgstr "Pencarian Domain Populer —" msgid "" "In addition to our analytics tool, we use other tracking tools, including " "some from third parties. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Read about these{{/" "cookiePolicyLink}} and how to control them." msgstr "" "Selain perangkat analitik, kami menggunakan perangkat pelacakan lainnya, " "termasuk beberapa dari pihak ketiga. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Baca tentang hal " "tersebut{{/cookiePolicyLink}} dan cara mengontrolnya." msgid "Checkout ‹ Plan Upgrade" msgstr "Checkout ‹ Upgrade Paket" msgid "" "A variable-based design system for WordPress sites built with Gutenberg." msgstr "" "Sistem desain berbasis variabel untuk situs WordPress yang dibuat " "menggunakan Gutenberg." msgid "" "P.S. Upgrading your plan is risk-free! If you decide for any reason that you " "don't love your upgrade, we'll give you a full refund within 30 days of " "purchase (96 hours for domains)." msgstr "" "N.B.: Upgrade paket Anda tanpa risiko! Jika Anda tidak menyukai upgrade " "tersebut, kami akan memberikan pengembalian dana penuh dalam waktu 30 hari " "sejak tanggal pembelian (96 jam untuk domain)." msgid "All plans include a 30-day money-back guarantee (96 hours for domains)." msgstr "" "Semua paket mencakup garansi 30 hari uang kembali (96 jam untuk domain)." msgid "Uploading audio requires a paid plan." msgstr "Diperlukan paket berbayar untuk mengunggah audio." msgid "Uploading video requires a paid plan." msgstr "Diperlukan paket berbayar untuk mengunggah video." msgid "Unable to fetch site. Please try again." msgstr "Gagal mengambil data situs. Coba lagi." msgid "Site url is not valid." msgstr "Url situs tidak valid." msgid "The URL of the site to check if importing is supported." msgstr "URL situs untuk memeriksa apakah pengimporan didukung." msgid "Yes! I want to claim this huge savings!" msgstr "Ya! Saya ingin mengklaim penghematan besar ini!" msgid "" "You don’t want to miss this chance to save %1$s on the Business plan AND " "receive a free 30 minute onboarding call." msgstr "" "Jangan lewatkan kesempatan berhemat %1$s untuk paket Bisnis, DAN dapatkan " "sesi panggilan penyiapan gratis selama 30 menit." msgid "Claim this huge savings now!" msgstr "Klaim penghematan besar-besaran ini sekarang juga!" msgid "Introducing our largest Business plan sale ever..." msgstr "Kami menghadirkan obral paket Bisnis terbesar yang pernah ada..." msgid "" "And today's the perfect day to upgrade because it's the start of our largest " "Business plan sale ever!" msgstr "" "Dan sekarang adalah saat yang tepat untuk upgrade karena ini adalah awal " "obral paket Bisnis terbesar yang pernah kami selenggarakan!" msgid "" "Create a smooth, uninterrupted reading experience by loading more content as " "visitors scroll to the bottom of your archive pages." msgstr "" "Hadirkan pengalaman membaca yang lancar dan bebas gangguan dengan memuat " "lebih banyak konten saat pengunjung menggulir ke bawah halaman arsip Anda." msgid "" "We previously flagged the plugin <em>wordpress-seo-premium</em> as having a " "known vulnerability in version 11.6. This was a mistake, there are no known " "vulnerabilities at this time." msgstr "" "Sebelumnya kami menandai plugin <em>wordpress-seo-premium</em> karena " "terdapat kerentanan yang dikenali di versi 11.6. Ini adalah kesalahan, tidak " "ada kerentanan yang dikenali saat ini." msgid "Perfect for WooCommerce" msgstr "Sempurna untuk WooCommerce" msgid "Domain maintenance in progress" msgstr "Pemeliharaan domain sedang berlangsung" msgid "" "Our domain management system is currently undergoing maintenance and we " "can't process your request right now. Please try again later." msgstr "" "Sistem manajemen domain kami sedang menjalani pemeliharaan dan kami tidak " "dapat memproses permintaan Anda saat ini. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "" "Our domain management system is currently undergoing maintenance and we " "can't process your request right now. Please try again %(when)s." msgstr "" "Sistem manajemen domain kami sedang menjalani pemeliharaan dan kami tidak " "dapat memproses permintaan Anda saat ini. Coba lagi %(when)s." msgid "" "{{line1}}Join the network serving{{/line1}} {{line2}}more than 20 billion{{/" "line2}} {{line3}}pageviews a month{{/line3}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Bergabunglah dengan jaringan{{/line1}} {{line2}}yang melayani lebih " "dari 20 miliar{{/line2}} {{line3}}pageview dalam sebulan{{/line3}}" msgid "" "Drag-and‑drop images into posts and pages. Create designer‑worthy photo " "galleries. Embed audio, video, documents, and more." msgstr "" "Tarik dan letakkan gambar ke pos dan laman. Buat galeri foto sekelas " "desainer. Sematkan audio, video, dokumen, dan lainnya." msgid "" "{{line1}}Every feature you need{{/line1}} {{line2}}to create a powerful " "website{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Semua fitur yang Anda butuhkan{{/line1}} {{line2}}untuk membuat " "situs web yang andal{{/line2}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}You’re just a few clicks away from{{/line1}} {{line2}}the website " "you’ve always wanted.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Selangkah lagi untuk mewujudkan{{/line1}} {{line2}}situs web impian " "Anda.{{/line2}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}Start your blogging{{/line1}}{{line2}}adventure today{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Mulai petualangan blogging Anda{{/line1}}{{line2}}sekarang juga{{/" "line2}}" msgid "People Love" msgstr "Semua Orang Menyukai" msgid "Browse all themes" msgstr "Jelajahi semua tema" msgid "" "Enjoy website design, domain registration, hassle‑free automatic software " "updates, and secure hosting on servers spread across multiple data centers." msgstr "" "Nikmati desain situs web, registrasi domain, pembaruan perangkat lunak " "otomatis yang mudah, dan hosting yang aman di server yang tersebar di " "beberapa pusat data." msgid "" " has built‑in SEO, social media integration, and sharing " "features. Plug into our high‑traffic network and reach new readers." msgstr "" " menyediakan perangkat SEO terintegrasi, integrasi media " "sosial, dan fitur berbagi. Manfaatkan jaringan kami yang aktif dan jangkau " "pembaca baru." msgid "" "{{line1}}Every feature you need{{/line1}} {{line2}}to create a powerful " "blog{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Semua fitur yang Anda butuhkan{{/line1}} {{line2}}untuk membuat " "blog yang andal{{/line2}}" msgid "Start your blog" msgstr "Mulai blog Anda" msgid "" "{{line1}} makes it easy for you to start your own blog.{{/" "line1}} {{line2}}Signup for free to start sharing your ideas.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}} membuat blogging lebih mudah.{{/line1}} {{line2}}" "Daftar gratis sekarang dan mulai bagikan cerita Anda.{{/line2}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}Create a blog and share{{/line1}} {{line2}}your voice in minutes{{/" "line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Buat blog dan bagikan{{/line1}} {{line2}}cerita Anda dengan mudah{{/" "line2}}" msgid "" "There is already another verification email queued to be sent for this email " "address. Please wait a few minutes before trying again." msgstr "" "Sudah ada email verifikasi lain dalam antrean pengiriman untuk alamat email " "ini. Tunggulah beberapa menit sebelum mencoba lagi." msgid "Step 2: Now tap to log in. It’s that easy." msgstr "Langkah 2: Sekarang, ketuk untuk login. Semudah itu." msgid "Get the %s app" msgstr "Dapatkan aplikasi %s" msgid "Step 1: If you don’t have the %s mobile app, install it now." msgstr "Langkah 1: Jika belum punya aplikasi seluler %s, instal sekarang." msgid "" "Howdy! Here are the links you requested to install and log in to the %s " "mobile app. Use them from your mobile device. Enjoy!" msgstr "" "Halo! Berikut ini tautan yang Anda minta untuk menginstal dan login ke " "aplikasi seluler %s. Gunakan di perangkat seluler Anda. Selamat menikmati!" msgid "Choose my domain later" msgstr "Pilih domain saya nanti" msgid "The Akismet Team" msgstr "Tim Akismet" msgid "Per Year" msgstr "Per Tahun" msgid "Per Month" msgstr "Per Bulan" msgid "Renewal Date" msgstr "Tanggal Perpanjangan" msgid "Account ID" msgstr "ID Akun" msgid "" "Your subscription at %1$s needs your attention. Although it is set to renew " "on %2$s, it does not have an associated payment method." msgstr "" "Paket langganan %1$s Anda perlu diperpanjang. Meski pun telah diatur untuk " "diperpanjang pada %2$s, metode pembayaran yang terhubung dengan paket " "langganan Anda tidak tersedia." msgid "Daily backups" msgstr "Pencadangan harian" msgid "Real-time backups" msgstr "Pencadangan real time" msgid "Cannot deduce `ssh_host` from `siteurl` because `siteurl` is empty." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat menyimpulkan `ssh_host` dari `siteurl` karena `siteurl` kosong." msgid "Both `%1$s` and `%2$s` cannot be blank." msgstr "`%1$s` dan `%2$s` tidak boleh kosong." msgid "`%s` cannot be blank." msgstr "`%s` tidak boleh kosong." msgid "`%s` cannot be blank. Please upgrade to Jetpack 7.5." msgstr "`%s` tidak boleh kosong. Upgrade ke Jetpack 7.5." msgid "" "Manual backups take time, and you’ve got more important things to do. " "Jetpack Backup works behind the scenes, so you don’t have to." msgstr "" "Pencadangan manual akan memakan waktu, dan Anda memiliki hal lain yang lebih " "penting untuk dilakukan. Jetpack Backup bekerja di belakang layar, ketika " "Anda melakukan hal lainnya." msgid "Let us do the heavy lifting" msgstr "Kami yang akan bekerja keras" msgid "Keep your store safe" msgstr "Jaga agar situs Anda tetap aman" msgid "" "You don't want to find out from your customers that your site has a problem. " "It’s much better to let Jetpack be on the lookout and let you know the " "second it sees something you should be aware of." msgstr "" "Anda tentu tidak ingin pelanggan Anda mengabarkan bahwa situs Anda " "bermasalah. Maka percayakan pada Jetpack untuk menjaga dan segera memberi " "tahu Anda saat ditemukan masalah yang harus ditangani." msgid "Instant email notifications when threats are detected" msgstr "Notifikasi email instan saat ancaman terdeteksi" msgid "One-click fixes for most issues" msgstr "Perbaikan yang mudah untuk sebagian besar kendala" msgid "" "Automatic scanning and one-click fixes keep your site one step ahead of " "security threats." msgstr "" "Pemindaian otomatis dan perbaikan yang mudah untuk memastikan situs Anda " "siap menghadapi ancaman keamanan." msgid "Find threats early and fix them fast" msgstr "Temukan masalah lebih awal dan perbaiki dengan cepat" msgid "" "Automatically clear spam from comments and forms. Save time, get more " "responses, give your visitors a better experience - all without " "lifting a finger." msgstr "" "Hapus spam secara otomatis dari komentar dan formulir. Hemat waktu, dapatkan " "lebih banyak respons, berikan pengalaman yang lebih baik kepada pengunjung " "situs Anda, semuanya tanpa mengangkat satu jari pun." msgid "Log in with an existing account" msgstr "Login dengan akun yang ada" msgid "CHRIS COYIER, Web Design Expert" msgstr "CHRIS COYIER, Pakar Desain Web" msgid "" "Use this checkbox to flag users who are not a part of your organization." msgstr "" "Gunakan kotak centang ini untuk menandai pengguna yang bukan bagian dari " "organisasi Anda." msgid "This user is a contractor, freelancer, consultant, or agency." msgstr "" "Pengguna berikut adalah kontraktor, pekerja lepas, konsultan, atau agensi." msgid "This user is a freelancer, consultant, or agency." msgstr "Pengguna ini adalah pekerja lepas, konsultan, atau agensi." msgctxt "Noun: A user role" msgid "Contractor" msgstr "Kontraktor" msgid " log in" msgstr "Proses login" msgid "" "No more spam means visitors can comment and engage distraction-free — " "without being sidetracked, duped, or just annoyed." msgstr "" "Tidak ada spam artinya pengunjung dapat meninggalkan komentar dan terhubung " "tanpa gangguan — tanpa teralihkan, tertipu, atau terganggu." msgid "An experience they'll all love" msgstr "Sebuah pengalaman yang disukai para pengunjung" msgid "" "No more CAPTCHAs, so visitors submit more forms and you won't waste time on " "fake responses." msgstr "" "Tidak lagi memerlukan CAPTCHA, sehingga pengunjung dapat mengisi formulir " "lebih banyak dan Anda tidak perlu membuang waktu." msgid "Verify less, convert more" msgstr "Sedikit verifikasi, lebih banyak konversi" msgid "" "Manually reviewing spammy form submissions eats up time — time you " "could spend growing your business." msgstr "" "Memeriksa spam secara manual sangat memakan waktu — waktu yang dapat Anda " "gunakan untuk mengembangkan bisnis Anda." msgid "No more approving or vetting" msgstr "Tidak perlu lagi menyeleksi atau memeriksa" msgid "Advanced stats" msgstr "Statistik tingkat lanjut" msgid "" "Automatically clear spam from comments and forms. Save time, get more " "responses, give your visitors a better experience - all without lifting a " "finger." msgstr "" "Hapus spam secara otomatis dari komentar dan formulir. Hemat waktu, dapatkan " "lebih banyak respon, berikan pengalaman yang lebih baik untuk pengunjung " "Anda - semuanya dengan lebih mudah." msgid "Could not determine the registrar for this domain." msgstr "Tidak dapat menentukan registrar untuk domain ini." msgid "This is not a valid domain name." msgstr "Nama domain ini tidak valid." msgid "If you don’t have the %s mobile app, install it now." msgstr "Jika belum punya aplikasi seluler %s, instal sekarang." msgid "If you don’t have the %1$s mobile app, %2$s install it now. %3$s" msgstr "Jika belum punya aplikasi seluler %1$s, %2$s instal sekarang. %3$s" msgid "" "For extra security, the link above will expire in one hour, and you can only " "use it once." msgstr "" "Untuk menjaga keamanan, tautan di atas hanya dapat digunakan satu kali dalam " "waktu satu jam. " msgid "Log in to the app" msgstr "Login ke aplikasi" msgid "" "Howdy! Here’s the link you requested to log in to the %s mobile app. Use it " "on a device that has the app installed. It only takes one tap. Enjoy!" msgstr "" "Halo! Berikut tautan yang Anda minta untuk login ke aplikasi seluler %s. " "Gunakan pada perangkat yang telah memiliki aplikasi seluler " "Mulai dengan mudah dan selamat berkreasi!" msgid "Log in to the %s app on your mobile device" msgstr "Login ke aplikasi %s pada perangkat seluler Anda" msgid "Allow users to log in to this site using accounts" msgstr "" "Izinkan pengguna untuk login ke situs berikut menggunakan akun" msgid "%1$s posted on %3$s: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s mengirim pos di %3$s: %2$s" msgid "Verify site ownership with third-party services" msgstr "Verifikasi kepemilikan situs dengan layanan pihak ketiga" msgid "" "The feature helps visitors find more of your content by displaying related " "posts at the bottom of each post." msgstr "" "Fitur ini membantu pengunjung menemukan lebih banyak konten Anda dengan " "menampilkan pos terkait di bawah setiap pos." msgid "Comment form introduction" msgstr "Pengenalan formulir komentar" msgid "Generate shortened URLs for simpler sharing." msgstr "Buat URL singkat untuk berbagi lebih mudah." msgid "" "The toolbar replaces the default WordPress admin toolbar. It " "offers one-click access to notifications, your profile and " "your other Jetpack and websites. You can also catch up on the " "sites you follow in the Reader." msgstr "" "Bilah peralatan menggantikan bilah peralatan admin asal " "WordPress. Bilah peralatan ini menawarkan akses sekali klik ke " "pemberitahuan, profil, serta situs web Jetpack dan WordPress." "com Anda yang lain. Anda juga bisa mengetahui kabar terbaru situs yang Anda " "ikuti di Pembaca." msgid "Jetpack Anti-Spam" msgstr "Jetpack Anti-Spam" msgid "" "Get alerts if your site goes offline. We’ll let you know when it’s back up, " "too." msgstr "" "Dapatkan pemberitahuan jika situs Anda offline. Akan kami beri tahu juga " "jika situs dicadangkan." msgid "" "Jetpack will continuously monitor your site, and alert you the moment " "downtime is detected." msgstr "" "Jetpack akan terus memantau situs Anda, dan mengirimkan pemberitahuan saat " "waktu tidak aktif terdeteksi." msgid "Highlight related content with a heading" msgstr "Sorot konten terkait melalui judul" msgid "Send your new posts to this email address:" msgstr "Kirimkan pos baru Anda ke alamat email berikut:" msgid "Enable the \"subscribe to comments\" option on your comment form" msgstr "Aktifkan pilihan “berlangganan komentar” di formulir komentar" msgid "Enable the \"subscribe to site\" option on your comment form" msgstr "Aktifkan pilihan “berlangganan situs” di formulir komentar" msgid "Let visitors subscribe to new posts and comments via email" msgstr "Izinkan pengunjung berlangganan pos baru dan komentar melalui email" msgid "M j, Y" msgstr "j M Y" msgid "An" msgstr "An" msgid "I'll keep it" msgstr "Saya akan mempertahankannya" msgid "We've failed to disable auto-renewal for you. Please try again." msgstr "Kami gagal menonaktifkan perpanjangan otomatis untuk Anda. Coba lagi." msgid "We've failed to enable auto-renewal for you. Please try again." msgstr "Kami gagal mengaktifkan perpanjangan otomatis untuk Anda. Coba lagi." msgctxt "verb" msgid "Design" msgstr "Desain" msgid "" "I don't need a backup OR I already have a backup. Cancel my auto-renewal." msgstr "" "Saya tidak membutuhkan pencadangan ATAU saya sudah memiliki cadangan. " "Batalkan perpanjangan otomatis." msgid "" "Before you continue, we recommend downloading a backup of your site – that " "way, you'll have your content to use on any future websites you create." msgstr "" "Sebelum lanjut, kami sarankan Anda mengunduh cadangan situs – dengan begitu, " "konten Anda bisa digunakan di situs web mana pun di masa mendatang." msgid "" "By canceling auto-renewal, your %(planName)s plan for %(siteDomain)s will " "expire on %(expiryDate)s. When it expires, plugins, themes and design " "customizations will be deactivated. To avoid that, turn auto-renewal back on " "or manually renew your plan before the expiration date." msgstr "" "Dengan membatalkan perpanjangan otomatis, paket %(planName)s Anda untuk " "%(siteDomain)s akan kedaluwarsa pada %(expiryDate)s. Saat paket kedaluwarsa, " "plugin, tema, dan penyesuaian desain akan dinonaktifkan. Agar ini tidak " "terjadi, aktifkan kembali perpanjangan otomatis atau perpanjang paket Anda " "secara manual sebelum tanggal berakhirnya." msgid "" "By canceling auto-renewal, your domain %(domain)s will expire on " "%(expiryDate)s. Once your domain expires, there is no guarantee that you'll " "be able to get it back – it could become unavailable and be impossible to " "purchase here, or at any other domain registrar. To avoid that, turn auto-" "renewal back on or manually renew your domain before the expiration date." msgstr "" "Dengan membatalkan perpanjangan otomatis, domain %(domain)s Anda akan " "kedaluwarsa pada %(expiryDate)s. Begitu domain Anda kedaluwarsa, tidak ada " "jaminan bahwa Anda akan bisa mendapatkannya kembali – bisa jadi domain tidak " "tersedia dan tidak bisa dibeli di sini, atau di registrar domain mana pun. " "Agar ini tidak terjadi, aktifkan kembali perpanjangan otomatis atau " "perpanjang domain Anda secara manual sebelum tanggal berakhirnya." msgid "Checkout ‹ Quick Start Session" msgstr "Checkout ‹ Sesi Mulai Cepat" msgid "Try it" msgstr "Cobalah" msgid "Change Payment Method" msgstr "Ubah Metode Pembayaran" msgid "We're automatically protecting you from brute force login attacks." msgstr "Kami secara otomatis melindungi Anda dari serangan login paksa." msgid "" "No templates available. Skipped showing modal window with template selection." msgstr "" "Tidak tersedia templat. Melewati menampilkan jendela modal dengan pilihan " "templat." msgid "Couldn't resend verification email. Please try again." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengirim ulang email verifikasi. Coba lagi." msgid "" "Video hosting is active on your site. Ready to move to the next feature?" msgstr "Hosting video di situs Anda aktif. Siap lanjut ke fitur selanjutnya?" msgid "" "Flip this toggle to use our servers to host your videos — " "they'll be fast {{em}}and{{/em}} ad-free." msgstr "" "Geser tombol ini agar bisa menggunakan server kami untuk " "menghosting video — cepat {{em}}dan{{/em}} bebas iklan." msgid "" "Site Accelerator is active on your site. Next up: faster video loading. " "Ready to move on?" msgstr "" "Akselerator Situs di situs Anda aktif. Meningkat: memuat video lebih cepat. " "Siap melanjutkan?" msgid "" "Flip this toggle to enable Site Accelerator — it optimizes your images and " "loads them from our super-powerful servers, taking the load off yours." msgstr "" "Geser tombol ini untuk mengaktifkan Akselerator Situs — mengoptimalkan " "gambar Anda dan memuatnya dari server superampuh, menjadikannya milik Anda." msgid "" "%(purchaseName)s will expire and be removed from your site %(expiry)s. " "Please enable auto-renewal so you don't lose out on your paid features!" msgstr "" "%(purchaseName)s akan kedaluwarsa dan akan dihapus dari situs Anda " "%(expiry)s. Aktifkan perpanjangan otomatis agar Anda tidak kehilangan fitur " "berbayar!" msgid "This endpoint limited to 5 requests per email address per hour." msgstr "" "Titik akhir ini terbatas untuk 5 permintaan per alamat email setiap jamnya." msgid "User is not able to use login link via email." msgstr "Pengguna tidak dapat menggunakan tautan login melalui email." msgid "Could not find user." msgstr "Tidak dapat menemukan pengguna." msgid "Bad amount in request." msgstr "Jumlah dalam permintaan salah." msgid "Platform request failure." msgstr "Pengajuan platform gagal." msgid "Jetpack news, announcements, and product spotlights." msgstr "Berita, pengumuman, dan artikel khusus tentang produk Jetpack." msgid " news, announcements, and product spotlights." msgstr "Berita, pengumuman, dan artikel khusus tentang produk" msgid "Jetpack Newsletter" msgstr "Buletin Jetpack" msgid "Find out more" msgstr "Cari tahu selengkapnya" msgid "" "Sell more bookings by presenting a calendar or schedule of available slots " "in a page or post." msgstr "" "Jual lebih banyak pemesanan dengan menampilkan kalender atau jadwal slot " "yang tersedia di halaman atau pos!" msgid "Continue with your authenticator app" msgstr "Lanjutkan dengan aplikasi autentikator" msgid "" "Check your email for a message we sent you when you signed up. Click the " "link inside to confirm your email address. You may have to check your email " "client's spam folder." msgstr "" "Periksa email untuk melihat pesan yang kami kirimkan setelah Anda mendaftar. " "Klik tautan di dalamnya untuk mengonfirmasi alamat email Anda. Mungkin Anda " "perlu memeriksa folder spam klien email Anda." msgid "" "Your domain is not properly set up to point to your site. Reset your " "domain's A records in the Domains section to fix this." msgstr "" "Domain Anda tidak disiapkan dengan tepat untuk mengarah ke situs Anda. Reset " "data A domain Anda di bagian Domain untuk memperbaiki." msgid "Domain pointing to a different site" msgstr "Domain mengarah ke situs lain" msgid "" "Change your site's Privacy settings to \"Public\" or \"Hidden\" (not " "\"Private.\")" msgstr "" "Ubah pengaturan Privasi situs Anda menjadi \"Publik\" atau \"Tersembunyi" "\" (bukan \"Privat\".)" msgid "Public site needed" msgstr "Memerlukan situs Publik" msgid "" "%(errorDescription)s{{br/}}Make sure you are using a valid export file in " "XML or ZIP format. {{cs}}Still need help{{/cs}}?" msgstr "" "%(errorDescription)s{{br/}}Pastikan Anda menggunakan file ekspor yang valid " "dalam format XML atau ZIP. {{cs}}Butuh bantuan lainnya{{/cs}}?" msgid "Oops! We ran into an unexpected error while uploading your file." msgstr "Ups! Terjadi error yang tidak terduga saat mengunggah file Anda." msgid "{{b}}Last update: %(time)s{{/b}} (Updates every 30 minutes)" msgstr "{{b}}Pembaruan terakhir: %(time)s{{/b}} (Diperbarui setiap 30 menit)" msgid "" "You are in recovery mode. This means there may be an error with a theme or " "plugin. To exit recovery mode, log out or use the Exit button. <a href=\"%s" "\">Exit Recovery Mode</a>" msgstr "" "Anda berada dalam mode pemulihan. Ini berarti mungkin terjadi eror pada tema " "atau plugin. Untuk keluar dari mode pemulihan, keluar log atau gunakan " "tombol Keluar dari Mode Pemulihan. <a href=\"%s\">Keluar dari Mode " "Pemulihan</a>" msgid "" "To update your password enter a new one below. Strong passwords have at " "least six characters, and use upper and lower case letters, numbers, and " "symbols like ! ” ? $ % ^ & )." msgstr "" "Untuk memperbarui kata sandi Anda, masukkan kata sandi yang baru di bawah " "ini. Kata sandi yang aman memiliki setidaknya enam karakter, dan menggunakan " "huruf besar dan kecil, angka, serta simbol seperti ! ” ? $ % ^ & )." msgid "No followers yet." msgstr "Belum ada pengikut" msgid "No one is following you by email yet." msgstr "Belum ada yang mengikuti Anda melalui email." msgid "Update your homepage" msgstr "Perbarui beranda Anda" msgid "Scroll back up to continue." msgstr "Gulir kembali ke atas untuk lanjut." msgid "" "Scroll down to see how your site will look. You can customize it with your " "own text and photos when we're done with the setup basics." msgstr "" "Gulir ke bawah untuk melihat tampilan situs Anda. Anda dapat menyesuaikannya " "dengan teks dan foto Anda sendiri setelah kami selesai dengan dasar " "penyiapan." msgid "Domain Transfer Management" msgstr "Pengelolaan Transfer Domain" msgid "" "Congratulations!{{br/}}{{br/}}You have successfully cancelled your domain " "transfer. There is nothing else you need to do." msgstr "" "Selamat!{{br/}}{{br/}}Anda telah berhasil membatalkan transfer domain. Tidak " "ada lagi yang perlu dilakukan." msgid "" "Congratulations!{{br/}}{{br/}}You have successfully expedited your domain " "transfer. There is nothing else you need to do." msgstr "" "Selamat!{{br/}}{{br/}}Anda telah berhasil mempercepat transfer domain. Tidak " "ada lagi yang perlu dilakukan." msgid "" "If you're having trouble managing your domain transfer, please {{a}}" "{{strong}}contact support{{/strong}}{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Jika Anda kesulitan mengelola transfer domain, silakan {{a}}{{strong}}" "hubungi dukungan{{/strong}}{{/a}}." msgid "" "This domain is no longer pending transfer.{{br/}}{{br/}}If your transfer has " "completed successfully or you previously cancelled your domain transfer, " "there is nothing else you need to do." msgstr "" "Domain ini bukan lagi transfer tertunda.{{br/}}{{br/}}Apabila transfer Anda " "telah berhasil atau jika sebelumnya Anda membatalkan transfer domain, tidak " "ada lagi yang perlu dilakukan." msgid "Domain not awaiting transfer." msgstr "Domain tidak menunggu transfer." msgid "" "This email has expired.{{br/}}{{br/}}If it has been over seven days since " "you have started your transfer and it has not yet completed, please {{a}}" "{{strong}}contact support{{/strong}}{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Email ini sudah kedaluwarsa.{{br/}}{{br/}}Jika sudah lebih dari tujuh hari " "sejak Anda memulai dan transfer belum selesai, silakan {{a}}{{strong}}" "hubungi dukungan{{/strong}}{{/a}}." msgid "" "Something went wrong.{{br/}}{{br/}}We couldn't get the transfer status for " "your domain.{{br/}}Please try again in a few hours." msgstr "" "Terjadi kesalahan.{{br/}}{{br/}}Kami tidak bisa mendapatkan status transfer " "untuk domain Anda.{{br/}}Silakan coba lagi dalam beberapa jam." msgid "" "This email address is different from the one we have on record for " "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Alamat email ini berbeda dengan yang ada di data {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/" "strong}} kami." msgid "" "You have requested to transfer {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} away from " " to another registration provider.{{br/}}{{br/}}If you take no " "action, the domain transfer will process automatically within seven days of " "when it was started.{{br/}}{{br/}}To cancel this transfer and keep your " "domain at, click the “Cancel Transfer” button.{{br/}}{{br/}}To " "process this transfer immediately instead of waiting, click the “Accept " "Transfer” button." msgstr "" "Anda telah meminta untuk mentransfer {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} dari " " ke penyedia registrasi lainnya.{{br/}}{{br/}}Jika Anda tidak " "melakukan apa pun, transfer domain akan secara otomatis diproses dalam tujuh " "hari sejak transfer dimulai.{{br/}}{{br/}}Untuk membatalkan transfer ini dan " "mempertahankan domain Anda di, klik tombol “Batalkan Transfer”." "{{br/}}{{br/}}Untuk memproses transfer ini segera tanpa perlu menunggu, klik " "tombol “Terima Transfer”." msgid "Manage your Domain Transfer" msgstr "Kelola Transfer Domain" msgid "The domain name you entered does not match." msgstr "Nama domain yang Anda masukkan tidak cocok." msgctxt "Domain name" msgid "Type your domain name to proceed" msgstr "Ketik nama domain untuk lanjut" msgid "File Downloads" msgstr "Unduhan File" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for file downloads." msgid "Files" msgstr "File" msgctxt "Stats: title of module" msgid "File downloads" msgstr "Berkas Unduhan" msgid "High-speed, high-definition, and ad-free video hosting is enabled." msgstr "" "Hosting video bebas iklan, berdefinisi tinggi, dan berkecepatan tinggi " "diaktifkan." msgid "" "Enable fast, high-definition, ad-free video hosting through our global CDN " "network." msgstr "" "Aktifkan hosting video cepat, definisi tinggi, dan bebas iklan melalui CDN " "global kami." msgid "Upload images" msgstr "Mengunggah gambar" msgid "" "Site accelerator is serving your images and static files through our global " "CDN." msgstr "" "Akselerator situs menampilkan gambar dan file statis Anda melalui CDN global " "kami." msgid "" "Serve your images and static files through our global CDN and watch your " "page load time drop." msgstr "" "Sajikan gambar dan file statis Anda melalui CDN global kami dan nikmati " "waktu muat halaman yang lebih cepat." msgid "Site Accelerator" msgstr "Akselerator Situs" msgid "Import Your Content" msgstr "Impor Konten Anda" msgid "You may like to search for one of these terms instead:" msgstr "Anda mungkin ingin mencari salah satu istilah berikut:" msgid "No search results could be found. Please try another word or phrase." msgstr "Hasil pencarian tidak ditemukan. Coba kata atau frasa lain." msgid "Page not found, perhaps one of the search results below can help?" msgstr "" "Halaman tidak ditemukan. Mungkin salah satu hasil pencarian di bawah ini " "dapat membantu?" msgid "Alternatively, perhaps one of the search results below can help?" msgstr "Atau, mungkin salah satu hasil pencarian di bawah ini dapat membantu?" msgid "" "This content has not been translated to %1$s yet. You can read the <a href=" "\"%2$s\">original version in English</a> or you might like to try a <a href=" "\"%3$s\">Google Translate version</a> of the page." msgstr "" "Konten ini belum diterjemahkan ke bahasa %1$s. Anda dapat membaca <a href=" "\"%2$s\">versi asli dalam bahasa Inggris</a> atau mungkin Anda ingin mencoba " "<a href=\"%3$s\">versi Google Terjemahan</a> halaman tersebut." msgid "" "After you're done setting everything up, you can return to your WordPress " "admin here or continue using this dashboard." msgstr "" "Setelah selesai menyiapkan semuanya, Anda dapat kembali ke admin WordPress " "di sini atau tetap menggunakan dasbor ini." msgid "" "This is your security checklist that'll help you quickly set up Jetpack. " "Pick and choose the features that you want." msgstr "" "Ini adalah daftar periksa keamanan yang akan membantu Anda menyiapkan " "Jetpack dengan cepat. Pilih fitur yang Anda inginkan." msgid "Recurring Payments" msgstr "Recurring Payments" msgid "We are sorry, the sales on this site are currently off." msgstr "Maaf, penjualan di situs ini sedang tidak tersedia." msgid "Sales disabled" msgstr "Penjualan dinonaktifkan" msgid "Plan not found" msgstr "Paket tidak ditemukan" msgid "Sign-ups disabled" msgstr "Pendaftaran dinonaktifkan" msgid "" "The attempt to connect to Stripe has been cancelled. You can connect again " "at any time." msgstr "" "Upaya menyambungkan ke Stripe telah dibatalkan. Anda dapat menyambungkan " "lagi kapan saja." msgid "" "{{line1}}Find everything you need{{/line1}} {{line2}}to build anything you " "want on{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Temukan semua yang Anda perlukan{{/line1}} {{line2}}untuk membuat " "apa pun yang Anda inginkan di{{/line2}}" msgid "" "You work on your website in the evenings, on weekends, during break times. " "That’s why offers 24/7 support, via email and chat." msgstr "" "Anda bekerja di malam hari, di akhir pekan, bahkan saat libur untuk " "membangun situs web. Itulah alasan menawarkan bantuan setiap " "saat, melalui email dan sesi chat." msgid "" "Get your questions answered and grow your website with a global community, " "local events, online courses, forums, and more." msgstr "" "Dapatkan jawaban atas pertanyaan Anda dan bangun situs web Anda bersama " "komunitas global, kegiatan di kota terdekat, kursus online, forum, dan " "lainnya." msgid "" "Your site only runs on the Weebly platform — it’s not easy to move your " "content to another host (and there’s no guarantee that you can build an " "equivalent site)." msgstr "" "Situs Anda hanya dapat dikelola di platform Weebly. Tidak mudah untuk " "memindahkan konten ke penyedia hosting lain (dan tidak ada jaminan Anda " "dapat membuat situs serupa)." msgid "" "Choose from hundreds of beautiful, mobile-friendly designs, and add a plan " "to access thousands more." msgstr "" "Pilih dari ratusan desain yang menarik dan mobile-friendly, serta tambahkan " "paket untuk mengakses ribuan desain lainnya." msgid "Every paid plan includes a custom domain, free for the first year." msgstr "" "Setiap paket berbayar mencakup satu domain khusus dan gratis untuk tahun " "pertama." msgid "" "{{line1}}Finalizing your business plan?{{/line1}} {{line2}}Learn how " " sets you up for success.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Sedang menyusun rencana bisnis?{{/line1}} {{line2}} Cari tahu cara " " membantu Anda meraih kesuksesan.{{/line2}}" msgid "The power to build the website you need for the business you want." msgstr "" "Kekuatan untuk membuat situs web yang diperlukan untuk bisnis yang Anda " "inginkan." msgid "" "{{line1}}Build your website on the platform that{{/line1}} {{line2}}gives " "you everything you need to do anything you want.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Buat situs web Anda di platform yang{{/line1}} {{line2}}memberikan " "semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk melakukan apa pun yang Anda inginkan.{{/" "line2}}" msgid "Chat support is available, but only during limited hours." msgstr "Sesi chat tersedia, namun dengan waktu yang terbatas." msgid "Get 24/7 support via email or live chat." msgstr "Dapatkan bantuan setiap saat melalui email atau live chat." msgid "" "A few websites, and Reddit. More extensive resources are only available to " "power users with at least three websites." msgstr "" "Beberapa situs web, dan Reddit. Sumber daya yang lebih luas hanya tersedia " "bagi yang memiliki setidaknya tiga situs web." msgid "" "Joining means joining a friendly, global community with local " "events, online courses, forums, and more." msgstr "" "Bergabung dengan artinya Anda bergabung ke dalam komunitas " "global yang aktif dengan kegiatan di berbagai kota, kursus online, forum, " "dan lainnya." msgid "" "Your site only runs on the Squarespace platform — it’s not easy to move your " "content to another host (and there’s no guarantee that you can build an " "equivalent site)." msgstr "" "Situs Anda hanya dapat dikelola di platform Squarespace. Tidak mudah untuk " "memindahkan konten ke penyedia hosting lain (dan tidak ada jaminan Anda " "dapat membuat situs serupa)." msgid "" "Your website — and everything on it — is yours. Stay on, or " "move to a self-hosted WordPress website at any time. Keep your content, keep " "your design, keep your add-ons." msgstr "" "Situs Anda dan semua isinya adalah milik Anda. Tetap dengan, " "atau pindah ke penyedia hosting lain yang mengelola WordPress website kapan " "pun. Konten, desain, dan fitur tambahan, tetap milik Anda." msgid "" "Your site is limited to the built-in features and templates offered by " "Squarespace, and a limited number of third-party extensions." msgstr "" "Situs Anda hanya memiliki fitur terintegrasi yang ditawarkan oleh " "Squarespace, serta ekstensi pihak ketiga dalam jumlah terbatas." msgid "" "All plans include Jetpack features, and Business plan customers can " "customize their sites even more with thousands of add-ons and designs." msgstr "" "Semua paket mencakup fitur Jetpack, dan pemilik paket Bisnis dapat mengelola " "situsnya lebih lanjut dengan ribuan fitur tambahan dan desain." msgid "" "No free option. Any site requires a paid plan at %1$s%2$s a month, minimum." msgstr "" "Tidak ada pilihan gratis. Semua situs harus menggunakan paket berbayar " "seharga minimum %1$s%2$s per bulan." msgid "" "{{line1}}Comparing your options?{{/line1}} {{line2}}Here’s how " "is better value, more power, and more support than %1$s.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Belum mengambil keputusan?{{/line1}} {{line2}} " "memberikan nilai lebih baik, kekuatan lebih besar, dan bantuan lebih banyak " "daripada %1$s.{{/line2}}" msgid "" "Build your dream website with more freedom, more flexibility, and more " "features." msgstr "" "Buat situs web impian dengan lebih bebas, lebih fleksibel, dan dengan lebih " "banyak fitur." msgid "" "{{line1}}Publish your content on a{{/line1}} {{line2}}powerful and " "customizable platform.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Publikasikan cerita Anda di{{/line1}} {{line2}}platform yang andal " "dan terbaik.{{/line2}}" msgid "" " plans come with personalized, 24/7 support via email and chat." msgstr "" "Paket menawarkan bentuan perorangan setiap saat melalui email " "dan live chat." msgid "" "You can move websites built on to another WordPress host at " "any time." msgstr "" "Anda dapat memindahkan situs web yang dibuat di ke penyedia " "hosting WordPress lain setiap saat." msgid "" "Medium offers very limited customization options — your page will look " "similar to any other Medium page." msgstr "" "Medium menawarkan pengaturan yang sangat terbatas - halaman Anda akan " "terlihat mirip dengan halaman lainnya di Medium." msgid "" "Make your site your own with a wide selection of designs, media embeds, and " "the option to use custom code." msgstr "" "Buat situs yang mengangkat keunikan Anda dengan pilihan desain, penyematan " "media, dan pilihan untuk menggunakan kode khusus." msgid "" "Medium doesn’t offer custom domains for individual authors or publications." msgstr "" "Medium tidak menawarkan domain khusus untuk penulis individu atau publikasi." msgid "Limited ability to attract readers beyond manual social media shares." msgstr "" "Kemampuan menarik pembaca yang terbatas dengan hanya berbagi di media sosial " "secara manual." msgid "" "Build your audience with powerful SEO tools, browsable categories and tags, " "and built-in social sharing — all on a platform optimized for speed and " "performance." msgstr "" "Jangkau audiens baru dengan menggunakan perangkat SEO andal, kategori dan " "tag yang dapat ditelusuri, serta fitur berbagi di media sosial terintegrasi " "- semua dalam platform yang dirancang dengan kecepatan dan performa terbaik." msgid "" "Visitors must pay %1$s%2$s per month or %1$s%3$s a year for unlimited access " "to premium content." msgstr "" "Pengunjung harus membayar %1$s%2$s per bulan atau %1$s%3$s per tahun untuk " "mendapatkan akses konten premium tidak terbatas." msgid "" "{{line1}}Want to share your story with the world?{{/line1}} {{line2}}Here’s " "why you should choose over %1$s.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Ingin bercerita pada dunia?{{/line1}} {{line2}}Pilih " "daripada %1$s.{{/line2}}" msgid "All the tools you need to reach your readers." msgstr "Perangkat lengkap untuk menjangkau lebih banyak pembaca." msgid "" "{{line1}}Create your blog on the platform{{/line1}} {{line2}}that gives you " "everything you need to build anything you want.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Buat blog Anda di platform yang{{/line1}} {{line2}}memberikan semua " "yang Anda butuhkan untuk membuat apa pun yang Anda inginkan.{{/line2}}" msgid "" "Help when you need it, from real people. has 24/7 support — " "email or chat with a Happiness Engineer whenever you have a question." msgstr "" "Bantuan setiap saat, langsung dari tim ahli. memiliki bantuan " "yang tersedia setiap saat melalui email maupun sesi chat dengan Happiness " "Engineer kapan pun Anda memiliki pertanyaan." msgid "Limited to the online-only Blogger Buzz blog." msgstr "Terbatas untuk blog Blogger Buzz online saja." msgid "" "Join a huge, global WordPress community — attend local events, take online " "courses, or join forums and blogging communities." msgstr "" "Bergabung dengan komunitas WordPress global di mana pun, ikuti berbagai " "kegiatan di kota terdekat, kursus online, atau bergabung dengan forum dan " "komunitas blog." msgid "" "Your blog’s design is limited to the built-in themes provided by Blogger — " "there are a few dozen." msgstr "" "Desain blog Anda terbatas hanya dengan tema bawaan yang disediakan oleh " "Blogger, dan jumlahnya hanya beberapa puluh." msgid "" "Create the perfect look with hundreds of customizable designs, If you know " "CSS code, you can push your design even further. Either way, you’ll have a " "site that’s uniquely you." msgstr "" "Ciptakan tampilan sempurna dengan ratusan desain yang dapat disesuaikan " "untuk menampilkan keunikan Anda. Jika memahami kode CSS, Anda juga dapat " "menyesuaikan desain lebih lanjut. " msgid "" "{{line1}}Still weighing your decision?{{/line1}} {{line2}} " "gives you more.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Belum mengambil keputusan?{{/line1}} {{line2}} " "memiliki banyak keunggulan.{{/line2}}" msgid "" "Why instead of %1$s? For a more flexible, functional blog with " "a custom domain name. For beautiful designs (thousands!) and 24/7 support. " "For a website as wide-reaching as your dreams." msgstr "" "Mengapa memilih dibandingkan %1$s? Untuk blog yang lebih " "fleksibel dan fungsional dengan nama domain khusus. Untuk (ribuan!) desain " "yang menarik dan bantuan setiap saat. Untuk situs web dengan jangkauan " "seluas mimpi Anda." msgid "" "Your self-expression is boundless. Your website and blog should be, too." msgstr "Ekspresikan diri Anda, juga situs web dan blog Anda, tanpa batas." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to view stats on this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengumpulkan tweet di situs ini." msgid "" "Gutenberg requires WordPress %s or later to function properly. Please " "upgrade WordPress before activating Gutenberg." msgstr "" "Gutenberg membutuhkan WordPress %s atau yang lebih baru untuk berfungsi " "dengan baik. Silakan lakukan upgrade WordPress sebelum mengaktifkan " "Gutenberg." msgid "" "Let it all come together in a beautiful fusion of content and design. Not " "quite finished with your page? No worries. We'll put together a great " "landing page to inform your visitors that they're in the right place. Pick " "your .org domain and WordPress theme today!" msgstr "" "Tuangkan semuanya dalam satu perpaduan konten dan desain yang menawan. Belum " "selesai menyusun halaman? Jangan khawatir. Kami akan membuatkan halaman " "landas yang bagus untuk memberi tahu pengunjung bahwa mereka berada di " "tempat yang tepat. Pilih domain .org dan tema WordPress sekarang juga!" msgid "Let's get going on your site today!" msgstr "Ayo mulai membangun situs Anda sekarang!" msgid "" "Quality design and a website name you can trust -- how can you beat that? " " offers a selection of smart, sharp themes to carry your site's " "visual brand. There's a theme to fit any purpose, whether your site focuses " "on video, ecommerce, or written content." msgstr "" "Desain berkualitas dan nama situs web tepercaya. Bagaimana mengalahkannya? " " menawarkan rangkaian pilihan tema yang cerdas dan tajam untuk " "menyajikan merek visual situs Anda. Selalu ada tema yang cocok untuk segala " "tujuan, apa pun fokus situs Anda -- video, e-commerce, maupun konten tulisan." msgid "The story continues with your theme" msgstr "Lanjutkan kisahnya dengan tema Anda" msgid "" "What does your URL say about your content? Like a storefront window, a " "domain name can set the tone. There's a degree of trust that comes with a ." "org URL. Show visitors they're in a place of trust — and trust us to help " "you choose the .org domain that fits you best!" msgstr "" "Apa yang ditunjukkan oleh URL Anda terkait konten di dalamnya? Seperti " "halnya jendela depan di suatu toko, nama domain dapat menentukan suasana. " "Ada level kepercayaan tertentu yang dihadirkan oleh URL .org. Tunjukkan " "kepada pengunjung bahwa mereka berada di tempat yang tepercaya, dan " "percayalah kepada kami untuk membantu Anda memilih domain .org yang paling " "cocok!" msgid "Get instant authority with a .org domain" msgstr "Dapatkan otoritas instan dengan domain .org" msgid "Your organization deserves its own .org domain" msgstr "Organisasi Anda layak memiliki domain .org sendiri" msgid "" "Your domain name establishes your online identity. Let us help you find just " "the right fit with a .org domain." msgstr "" "Nama domain menentukan identitas online Anda. Izinkan kami membantu Anda " "menemukan domain .org yang tepat." msgid "" "With the right domain name and theme, all that's left is to get started on " "your page. If your site is under construction, we'll furnish a free, chic " "parking page to welcome visitors. Get the domain name that says all you need " "to say, today. It's as easy as one click." msgstr "" "Dengan nama domain dan tema yang tepat, selanjutnya Anda hanya perlu mulai " "mengurus halaman. Jika situs sedang diperbaiki, kami akan menampilkan " "halaman parkir gratis dan menarik untuk menyambut pengunjung. Dapatkan nama " "domain yang mencerminkan semua yang ingin Anda sampaikan, sekarang juga, " "cukup dengan satu klik." msgid "Cast your .net today" msgstr "Dapatkan .net Anda sekarang" msgid "" "Combine the direction of a .net domain with the right theme. " "offers themes to fit your site with the same authority as your .net domain. " "Browse the features and layouts for the one that says what your words are, " "in graphic elements. See themes for ecommerce, blogging, photography and " "more. A crafted theme puts the finishing touch on your site." msgstr "" "Padukan arah domain .net dengan tema yang tepat. menawarkan " "sejumlah tema yang sesuai dengan situs Anda dengan otoritas yang sama " "seperti domain .net Anda. Telusuri fitur dan tata letak dan temukan yang " "mencerminkan pemikiran Anda dalam unsur grafis. Lihat tema e-commerce, blog, " "fotografi, dan sebagainya. Tema yang disesuaikan memberikan sentuhan akhir " "pada situs Anda." msgid "Wrap it all up with the perfect theme" msgstr "Kemas semuanya dengan tema yang sempurna" msgid "" "Your web domain is the first impression web searchers get for your page, " "even before they enter. Be sure it delivers what your page is all about. " "With a .net domain, you convey right away a sense of authority and trust. " "Trust us to provide a .net domain to fit your site." msgstr "" "Domain web adalah kesan pertama yang didapat oleh pencari web dari halaman " "Anda, bahkan sebelum masuk ke situs. Pastikan domain mencerminkan isi " "halaman Anda. Dengan domain .net, Anda akan langsung menunjukkan kadar " "otoritas dan kepercayaan. Percayalah kepada kami untuk menyediakan domain ." "net yang cocok dengan situs Anda." msgid "All the words on your website matter" msgstr "Semua kata di situs web Anda memiliki makna" msgid "Get the last word first for your website: .net" msgstr "Tonjolkan garis besar situs web Anda: .net" msgid "" "Your domain name is the first impression you give online. Let us help you " "find just the right fit, with a .net domain." msgstr "" "Nama domain adalah kesan pertama yang Anda ciptakan di dunia maya. Izinkan " "kami membantu Anda menemukan domain .net yang tepat." msgid "" "Grab a domain name that fits — and get writing! If you haven't built your " "site, no problem. We'll give you a free, temporary welcome page for " "visitors. Get the ball rolling. Let's find a domain name that channels the " "message you're ready to share with the world." msgstr "" "Dapatkan nama domain yang tepat dan mulailah menulis! Jika Anda belum " "membuat situs, tidak masalah. Kami akan memberikan halaman sambutan " "sementara dan gratis untuk menyambut pengunjung. Mulailah dari sana. Ayo " "cari nama domain yang mencerminkan pesan yang siap Anda bagikan kepada dunia." msgid "Get posting with your .blog now" msgstr "Mulai memposkan dengan .blog Anda" msgid "" "What makes a blog stellar? SO many things. Find all the elements you need " "with Check out the styles and themes available. Which one " "helps tell your story best? Whether it's pictures, products, recipes, or a " "little of everything, let your blog theme set the scene." msgstr "" "Apa yang membuat suatu blog istimewa? SANGAT banyak faktor. Temukan semua " "unsur yang Anda butuhkan dengan Lihat gaya dan tema yang " "tersedia. Manakah yang paling tepat untuk membantu menyampaikan kisah Anda? " "Baik itu gambar, produk, resep, atau pernak-pernik lainnya, biarkan tema " "blog yang menentukan nuansanya." msgid "A theme that says it all" msgstr "Tema yang menyampaikan semuanya" msgid "" "Words count. That's why you write a blog! Your web domain is your blog's " "portal into the world. Make sure you welcome your visitors in style. Pick a ." "blog domain name to tell your story the right way." msgstr "" "Kata-kata itu penting. Itulah mengapa Anda menulis blog! Domain web adalah " "portal blog Anda menuju dunia. Pastikan Anda menyambut pengunjung dengan " "penuh gaya. Pilih nama domain .blog untuk menyampaikan kisah Anda secara " "langsung." msgid "All the words on your blog count" msgstr "Semua kata di blog Anda penting" msgid "Bring the story of your blog to life" msgstr "Buat kisah di blog Anda menjadi lebih hidup" msgid "" "Your domain name is like the title of your blog story. Let us help you find " "just the right fit with a .blog domain." msgstr "" "Nama domain bisa dibilang adalah judul kisah blog Anda. Izinkan kami " "membantu Anda menemukan domain .blog yang tepat." msgid ".%s domain names for your website |" msgstr "Nama domain .%s untuk situs web Anda |" msgid "Recurring Payments plans" msgstr "Paket Pembayaran Berulang" msgid "Powered by <a %s></a>" msgstr "Didukung oleh <a %s></a>" msgid "555-555-5555" msgstr "555-555-5555" msgid "123 Main St" msgstr "123 Main St" msgid "(Your Name)" msgstr "(Nama Anda)" msgid "Start with a free plan" msgstr "Mulai dengan paket gratis" msgid "Not sure yet?" msgstr "Belum yakin?" msgid "Painter" msgstr "Pelukis" msgid "Graphic Design" msgstr "Desain Grafis" msgid "Banking" msgstr "Perbankan" msgid "Baking" msgstr "Membuat kue" msgid "Motel" msgstr "Motel" msgid "Hotel" msgstr "Hotel" msgid "Woodworker" msgstr "Pengrajin Kayu" msgid "Window Stylist" msgstr "Penata Gaya Jendela" msgid "Wedding Coordinator" msgstr "Koordinator Pernikahan" msgid "Wedding Consultant" msgstr "Konsultan Pernikahan" msgid "Visual Designer" msgstr "Desainer Visual" msgid "Video Game Art Director" msgstr "Sutradara Seni Video Game" msgid "Video Editor" msgstr "Editor Video" msgid "UX/UI Designer" msgstr "Desainer UX/UI" msgid "University Professor" msgstr "Profesor Universitas" msgid "Type Designer" msgstr "Desainer Rupa Huruf" msgid "Textile Designer" msgstr "Desainer Tekstil" msgid "Technical Writer" msgstr "Penulis Teknis" msgid "Technical Designer" msgstr "Desainer Teknis" msgid "Stunt Performer" msgstr "Penampil Ketangkasan" msgid "Studio Photographer" msgstr "Fotografer Studio" msgid "Sports Photographer" msgstr "Fotografer Olahraga" msgid "Speechwriter" msgstr "Penyusun Pidato" msgid "Sound Designer" msgstr "Desainer Suara" msgid "Songwriter" msgstr "Penulis Lagu" msgid "Singer-Songwriter" msgstr "Penyanyi-Penulis Lagu" msgid "Singer" msgstr "Penyanyi" msgid "Set Designer" msgstr "Desainer Latar" msgid "Sculptor" msgstr "Pemahat" msgid "Screenwriter" msgstr "Penulis Skenario" msgid "Retail Designer" msgstr "Desainer Retail" msgid "Radio Producer" msgstr "Produser Radio" msgid "Project Manager" msgstr "Manajer Proyek" msgid "Program Manager" msgstr "Manajer Program" msgid "Professional Gamer" msgstr "Pemain Game Profesional" msgid "Production Designer" msgstr "Desainer Produksi" msgid "Product Designer" msgstr "Desainer Produk" msgid "Producer" msgstr "Produser" msgid "Poet" msgstr "Pujangga" msgid "Podcaster" msgstr "Penyiar Podcast" msgid "Playwright" msgstr "Penulis Drama" msgid "Photojournalist" msgstr "Jurnalis Foto" msgid "Philatelist" msgstr "Filatelis" msgid "Patternmaker" msgstr "Pembuat Pola" msgid "Pastry Chef" msgstr "Koki Pastry" msgid "Music Producer" msgstr "Produser Musik" msgid "Motion Designer" msgstr "Desainer Gerakan" msgid "Model Maker" msgstr "Pembuat Model" msgid "Metal Worker" msgstr "Pekerja Logam" msgid "Makeup Artist" msgstr "Perias" msgid "Logo Designer" msgstr "Desainer Logo" msgid "Interpreter" msgstr "Juru Bahasa" msgid "Interior Decorator" msgstr "Dekorator Interior" msgid "Interaction Designer" msgstr "Desainer Interaksi" msgid "Home Stager" msgstr "Penata Rumah" msgid "Hair Dresser" msgstr "Penata Rambut" msgid "Graphic Production Artist" msgstr "Seniman Produksi Grafis" msgid "Graphic Artist" msgstr "Seniman Grafis" msgid "Furniture Designer" msgstr "Desainer Perabotan" msgid "Front End Developer" msgstr "Pengembang Ujung Depan" msgid "Floral Designer" msgstr "Desainer Bunga" msgid "Fitness Model" msgstr "Model Kebugaran" msgid "Film And Tv Director" msgstr "Sutradara Film dan TV" msgid "Fashion Photographer" msgstr "Fotografer Fashion" msgid "Fashion Model" msgstr "Model Fashion" msgid "Fashion Illustrator" msgstr "Ilustrator Fashion" msgid "Fashion Coordinator" msgstr "Koordinator Fashion" msgid "Educator" msgstr "Pengajar" msgid "Editorial Photographer" msgstr "Fotografer Editorial" msgid "Editorial Designer" msgstr "Desainer Editorial" msgid "Display Designer" msgstr "Desainer Tampilan" msgid "Data Analyst" msgstr "Analis Data" msgid "Curator" msgstr "Kurator" msgid "Creative Director" msgstr "Sutradara Kreatif" msgid "Creative" msgstr "Kreatif" msgid "Craft Artist" msgstr "Seniman Keterampilan" msgid "Costume Designer" msgstr "Desainer Kostum" msgid "Copywriter" msgstr "Penulis Naskah Iklan" msgid "Cook" msgstr "Ahli Masak" msgid "Content Strategist" msgstr "Ahli Strategi Konten" msgid "Content Manager" msgstr "Manajer Konten" msgid "Concept Artist" msgstr "Seniman Konsep" msgid "Community Manager" msgstr "Manajer Komunitas" msgid "Commercial Photographer" msgstr "Fotografer Komersial" msgid "Comics Artist" msgstr "Seniman Komik" msgid "Comedian" msgstr "Komedian" msgid "Clown" msgstr "Badut" msgid "Clockmaker" msgstr "Pembuat Jam" msgid "Circus Performer" msgstr "Penampil Sirkus" msgid "Choreographer" msgstr "Koreografer" msgid "Children's Author" msgstr "Penulis Buku Anak" msgid "Chef" msgstr "Koki" msgid "Character Designer" msgstr "Desainer Karakter" msgid "Cgi Artist" msgstr "Seniman CGI" msgid "Cartoonist" msgstr "Kartunis" msgid "Camera Operator" msgstr "Operator Kamera" msgid "Calligraphy Artist" msgstr "Seniman Kaligrafi" msgid "Broadcast Engineer" msgstr "Teknisi Siaran" msgid "Brewer" msgstr "Pembuat Bir" msgid "Brand Designer" msgstr "Desainer Merek" msgid "Bedding Designer" msgstr "Desainer Tempat Tidur" msgid "Audio Producer" msgstr "Produser Audio" msgid "Art Director" msgstr "Sutradara Seni" msgid "Art Class Model" msgstr "Model Kelas Seni" msgid "Announcer" msgstr "Penyiar" msgid "Animator" msgstr "Animator" msgid "Actor" msgstr "Aktor" msgid "3D Modeler" msgstr "Pembuat Model 3D" msgid "Youth Organizations" msgstr "Organisasi Pemuda" msgid "Wu Wei" msgstr "Wu Wei" msgid "Wrestling" msgstr "Gulat" msgid "Women's Rights" msgstr "Hak Wanita" msgid "Winter Sports" msgstr "Olahraga Musim Dingin" msgid "Winemaking" msgstr "Pembuatan Anggur" msgid "Webcomic" msgstr "Komik Web" msgid "Web Development" msgstr "Pengembangan Web" msgid "Water Sports" msgstr "Olahraga Air" msgid "Volleyball" msgstr "Bola Voli" msgid "Visual Arts" msgstr "Seni Visual" msgid "Venture Capital" msgstr "Modal Usaha" msgid "Vegan" msgstr "Vegan" msgid "User Experience Design" msgstr "Desain Pengalaman Pengguna" msgid "Urbanism" msgstr "Urbanisme" msgid "Trivia" msgstr "Trivia" msgid "Theology" msgstr "Teologi" msgid "Theatre" msgstr "Bioskop" msgid "Tennis" msgstr "Tenis" msgid "Television" msgstr "Televisi" msgid "Swimming" msgstr "Berenang" msgid "Sustainability" msgstr "Keberlanjutan" msgid "Surfing" msgstr "Selancar" msgid "Stationery" msgstr "Alat Tulis" msgid "Stamp Collecting" msgstr "Koleksi Perangko" msgid "Sociology" msgstr "Sosiologi" msgid "Social Justice" msgstr "Keadilan Sosial" msgid "Sobriety" msgstr "Kesadaran" msgid "Snowboarding" msgstr "Seluncur Salju" msgid "Skiing" msgstr "Ski" msgid "Skateboarding" msgstr "Seluncur Papan" msgid "Sign Language" msgstr "Bahasa Isyarat" msgid "Shooting" msgstr "Pengambilan Gambar" msgid "Shoes" msgstr "Sepatu" msgid "Sexuality" msgstr "Seksualitas" msgid "Science Fiction" msgstr "Fiksi Ilmiah" msgid "Rugby" msgstr "Rugbi" msgid "Retirement" msgstr "Pensiun" msgid "Restoration" msgstr "Restorasi" msgid "Recreation" msgstr "Rekreasi" msgid "Recovery" msgstr "Pemulihan" msgid "Raising Kids" msgstr "Merawat Anak" msgid "Quilting" msgstr "Membuat Quilt" msgid "Queer" msgstr "Queer" msgid "Publishing" msgstr "Publikasi" msgid "Public Relations" msgstr "Hubungan Masyarakat" msgid "Psychology" msgstr "Psikologi" msgid "Psychiatry" msgstr "Psikiatri" msgid "Programming" msgstr "Pemrograman" msgid "Professional Development" msgstr "Pengembangan Profesional" msgid "Productivity" msgstr "Produktivitas" msgid "Print Making" msgstr "Pembuatan Karya Cetak" msgid "Prepardeness" msgstr "Persiapan" msgid "Prayer" msgstr "Doa" msgid "Pottery" msgstr "Tembikar" msgid "Political Science" msgstr "Ilmu Politik" msgid "Plastic Surgery" msgstr "Bedah Plastik" msgid "Pilates" msgstr "Pilates" msgid "Piercing" msgstr "Tindik" msgid "Piano" msgstr "Piano" msgid "Physics" msgstr "Fisika" msgid "Philanthropy" msgstr "Filantrofi" msgid "Opinions" msgstr "Opini" msgid "Opera" msgstr "Opera" msgid "Open Source" msgstr "Sumber Terbuka" msgid "Olympics" msgstr "Olimpiade" msgid "Occult" msgstr "Hal Gaib" msgid "Nursing" msgstr "Perawatan" msgid "Nightlife" msgstr "Kehidupan Malam" msgid "Neuroscience" msgstr "Ilmu Saraf" msgid "Neurodiversity" msgstr "Keanekaragaman Saraf" msgid "Motorsports" msgstr "Olahraga Motor" msgid "Motorcycle Racing" msgstr "Balap Motor" msgid "Motorbikes" msgstr "Sepeda Motor" msgid "Money" msgstr "Uang" msgid "Model Making" msgstr "Pembuatan Model" msgid "Mindfulness" msgstr "Kesadaran Diri" msgid "Memes" msgstr "Meme" msgid "Math" msgstr "Matematika" msgid "Masculinity" msgstr "Maskulinitas" msgid "Magic" msgstr "Sulap" msgid "Liqueur" msgstr "Minuman Keras" msgid "Linguistics" msgstr "Linguistik" msgid "LGBTQ" msgstr "LGBTQ" msgid "Lesbian" msgstr "Lesbian" msgid "Lacrosse" msgstr "Lacrosse" msgid "Knowledge Management" msgstr "Manajemen Pengetahuan" msgid "Knitting" msgstr "Merajut" msgid "K-Beauty" msgstr "Kecantikan Korea" msgid "Judaism" msgstr "Yudaisme" msgid "Jazz" msgstr "Jazz" msgid "Interior Decoration" msgstr "Dekorasi Interior" msgid "Information Theory" msgstr "Teori Informasi" msgid "Information Security" msgstr "Keamanan Informasi" msgid "Information Architecture" msgstr "Arsitektur Informasi" msgid "Industrial Design" msgstr "Desain Industri" msgid "Identity" msgstr "Identitas" msgid "Ice Skating" msgstr "Seluncur Es" msgid "Humanities" msgstr "Kemanusiaan" msgid "Human Rights" msgstr "Hak Asasi Manusia" msgid "Horror" msgstr "Horor" msgid "Homeowner Association" msgstr "Ikatan Pemilik Rumah" msgid "Homemaking" msgstr "Penataan Rumah" msgid "Hockey" msgstr "Hoki" msgid "Hi-Fi" msgstr "Hi-Fi" msgid "Gymnastics" msgstr "Senam" msgid "Guitar" msgstr "Gitar" msgid "Guides" msgstr "Panduan" msgid "Growing Up" msgstr "Tumbuh Kembang" msgid "Grief" msgstr "Duka" msgid "Grammar" msgstr "Tata Bahasa" msgid "Gig Economy" msgstr "Ekonomi Gig" msgid "Geography" msgstr "Geografi" msgid "Gay" msgstr "Gay" msgid "Gardening" msgstr "Berkebun" msgid "Gambling" msgstr "Judi" msgid "Gadgets" msgstr "Gadget" msgid "Frugality" msgstr "Kesederhanaan" msgid "Freeganism" msgstr "Freeganisme" msgid "Folklore" msgstr "Cerita Rakyat" msgid "Firearms" msgstr "Senjata Api" msgid "Finance" msgstr "Keuangan" msgid "Fiction" msgstr "Fiksi" msgid "Fencing" msgstr "Anggar" msgid "Femininity" msgstr "Femininitas" msgid "Fasting" msgstr "Puasa" msgid "Fantasy Sports" msgstr "Olahraga Fantasi" msgid "Fantasy" msgstr "Fantasi" msgid "Family History" msgstr "Riwayat Keluarga" msgid "Extreme Sports" msgstr "Olahraga Ekstrem" msgid "Exhibitions" msgstr "Pameran" msgid "Esports" msgstr "Olahraga Elektronik" msgid "Environmentalism" msgstr "Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup" msgid "Emerging Markets" msgstr "Pasar Baru" msgid "Electrical Engineering" msgstr "Rekayasa Listrik" msgid "Ecotourism" msgstr "Wisata Ramah Lingkungan" msgid "Economics" msgstr "Ekonomi" msgid "Earth Sciences" msgstr "Ilmu Bumi" msgid "Divorce" msgstr "Perceraian" msgid "Digital Art" msgstr "Seni Digital" msgid "Defense" msgstr "Pertahanan" msgid "Dancing" msgstr "Dansa" msgid "Cybersecurity" msgstr "Keamanan Dunia Maya" msgid "Cryptography" msgstr "Kriptografi" msgid "Crime" msgstr "Kriminal" msgid "Cricket" msgstr "Kriket" msgid "Counter Culture" msgstr "Budaya Tandingan" msgid "Consumer Electronics" msgstr "Elektronik Konsumen" msgid "Computer Science" msgstr "Ilmu Komputer" msgid "Computer Hardware" msgstr "Perangkat Keras Komputer" msgid "Classical Studies" msgstr "Studi Klasik" msgid "Classical Music" msgstr "Musik Klasik" msgid "Classic Cars" msgstr "Mobil Klasik" msgid "Chemistry" msgstr "Kimia" msgid "Cheerleading" msgstr "Pemandu Sorak" msgid "Cartoons" msgstr "Kartun" msgid "Card Games" msgstr "Permainan Kartu" msgid "Camping" msgstr "Kemah" msgid "Calligraphy" msgstr "Kaligrafi" msgid "Brewing" msgstr "Pembuatan Bir" msgid "Boxing" msgstr "Tinju" msgid "Bowling" msgstr "Bowling" msgid "Bodybuilding" msgstr "Binaraga" msgid "Body Positivity" msgstr "Opini Positif terkait Tubuh" msgid "Body Modification" msgstr "Modifikasi Tubuh" msgid "Body Art" msgstr "Seni Tubuh" msgid "Board Games" msgstr "Permainan Papan" msgid "Blogging" msgstr "Penulisan Blog" msgid "Blockchain" msgstr "Blockchain" msgid "Bisexual" msgstr "Biseksual" msgid "Biotech" msgstr "Bioteknologi" msgid "Biology" msgstr "Biologi" msgid "Baseball" msgstr "Bisbol" msgid "Bacon" msgstr "Daging Bakon" msgid "Aviation" msgstr "Penerbangan" msgid "Auto Racing" msgstr "Balap Mobil" msgid "Augmented Reality" msgstr "Realitas Tertambah" msgid "Astrology" msgstr "Astrologi" msgid "ASMR" msgstr "ASMR" msgid "Artificial Intelligence" msgstr "Kecerdasan Buatan" msgid "Art History" msgstr "Sejarah Seni" msgid "Archaeology" msgstr "Arkeologi" msgid "Anthropology" msgstr "Antropologi" msgid "Animated Gifs" msgstr "Animasi GIF" msgid "Alcoholic Drinks" msgstr "Minuman Beralkohol" msgid "Agritourism" msgstr "Wisata Agrikultur" msgid "Affirmation" msgstr "Afirmasi" msgid "Affiliate Marketing" msgstr "Pemasaran Afiliasi" msgid "Advocacy" msgstr "Advokasi" msgid "Advice" msgstr "Saran" msgid "Adventure Travel" msgstr "Wisata Petualangan" msgid "ADHD" msgstr "ADHD" msgid "Addiction" msgstr "Kecanduan" msgid "Accounting" msgstr "Akuntansi" msgid "Accessibility" msgstr "Aksesibilitas" msgid "Abuse Recovery" msgstr "Pemulihan Penyalahgunaan Zat" msgid "Yoga Studio" msgstr "Studio Yoga" msgid "Vacation Homes" msgstr "Rumah Liburan" msgid "Spa Resort" msgstr "Resor Spa" msgid "Ski Resort" msgstr "Resor Ski" msgid "RV Park" msgstr "Taman RV" msgid "Portfolio " msgstr "Portofolio " msgid "Pilates Studio" msgstr "Studio Pilates" msgid "Lodging" msgstr "Tempat Penginapan" msgid "Lodge" msgstr "Penginapan" msgid "Guest House" msgstr "Rumah Tamu" msgid "Golf Resort" msgstr "Resor Golf" msgid "Dude Ranch" msgstr "Peternakan Wisata" msgid "Campground" msgstr "Bumi Perkemahan" msgid "Camp" msgstr "Perkemahan" msgid "Boxing Gym" msgstr "Arena Tinju" msgid "Boarding House" msgstr "Asrama" msgid "Bed & Breakfast" msgstr "Penginapan & Sarapan" msgid "Beach Resort" msgstr "Resor Pantai" msgid "Engineer" msgstr "Teknisi" msgid "Architect" msgstr "Arsitek" msgid "Tutor" msgstr "Pembimbing" msgid "Film" msgstr "Film" msgid "Promotional Discount" msgstr "Diskon Promo" msgid "This field can't be longer than %s characters." msgstr "Bidang ini tidak boleh lebih dari %s karakter." msgid "" "In your Settings page, expand the Tools section in the menu, then click on " "the Marketing tab, where you can:" msgstr "" "Di halaman Pengaturan, pilih bagian Perangkat di menu, lalu klik tab " "Pemasaran, tempat Anda dapat:" msgid "" "Encourage your community by giving readers the ability to show appreciation " "for one another's comments." msgstr "" "Aktifkan komunitas Anda dengan memungkinkan pembaca menunjukkan apresiasi " "terhadap komentar satu sama lain." msgid "Give your readers the ability to show appreciation for your posts." msgstr "Izinkan pembaca menunjukkan apresiasi terhadap pos Anda." msgid "Jetpack Promotions" msgstr "Jetpack Promotions" msgid "Jetpack Research" msgstr "Jetpack Research" msgid "Jetpack Suggestions" msgstr "Jetpack Suggestions" msgid "" "Removing followers makes them stop receiving updates from your site. If they " "choose to, they can still visit your site, and follow it again." msgstr "" "Menghapus pengikut membuat mereka berhenti menerima pembaruan dari situs " "Anda. Jika mereka memilih untuk tidak mengikuti, mereka masih tetap dapat " "mengunjungi situs Anda, dan mengikuti situs Anda kembali." msgid "" "If you have any questions or comments regarding ICANN's policy, please visit " "<a href=\"%1$s\">this link</a>." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan atau komentar terkait kebijakan ICANN, silakan " "klik <a href=\"%1$s\">tautan ini</a>." msgid "" "To ensure that your actual contact information is correct, please log into " "your account and visit the Domain Management page. <a href=" "\"%1$s\">These instructions</a> will provide you with further details on how " "to view your information and edit it if necessary." msgstr "" "Untuk memastikan bahwa informasi kontak terkini Anda sudah tepat, silakan " "login ke akun WordPress dan kunjungi halaman Pengelolaan Domain. <a href=" "\"%1$s\">Petunjuk ini</a> akan memberikan informasi lengkap mengenai cara " "melihat profil Anda dan menyuntingnya jika perlu." msgid "" "The current registrar, <strong></strong>, has rejected the " "transfer away request you submitted for <strong>%1$s</strong>." msgstr "" "Registrar saat ini, <strong></strong>, telah menolak permintaan " "transfer keluar yang Anda ajukan untuk <strong>%1$s</strong>." msgid "Expiration Date: %1$s" msgstr "Tanggal Berakhir: %1$s" msgid "Nameservers: %1$s" msgstr "Server Nama: %1$s" msgid "Domain Name: %1$s" msgstr "Nama Domain: %1$s" msgid "" "You've requested to transfer the domain %1$s to, but the " "current registrar has rejected the transfer request." msgstr "" "Anda telah meminta untuk mentransfer domain %1$s ke, tetapi " "registrar saat ini menolak permintaan transfer." msgid "" "We couldn't transfer the domain %1$s to The administrative " "contact has rejected the transfer request we sent." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat mentransfer domain %1$s ke Kontak " "administratif telah menolak permintaan transfer yang kami kirimkan." msgid "" "If you'd like to check the status of the transfer at any time you can visit " "your domains dashboard on %s" msgstr "" "Jika ingin memeriksa status transfer sewaktu-waktu, Anda dapat mengunjungi " "dasbor domain di %s" msgid "" "We wanted to let you know that you've successfully accepted a request to " "transfer your domain %1$s to" msgstr "" "Kami ingin menginformasikan bahwa Anda berhasil menerima permintaan transfer " "domain %1$s ke" msgid "" "The registrant for %1$s has declined the request to transfer the domain away " "from" msgstr "" "Pendaftar untuk %1$s telah menolak permintaan transfer domain keluar dari " "" msgid "" "When you get the email, please click the link and complete the steps to " "authorize the transfer. We can't start the transfer process until you do! If " "you don't authorize within 5 days the transfer will be canceled." msgstr "" "Setelah Anda mendapatkan email tersebut, silakan klik tautan yang diberikan " "dan selesaikan beberapa langkah yang diperlukan untuk memberikan otorisasi " "transfer. Kami tidak dapat memulai proses transfer hingga Anda menyelesaikan " "langkah tersebut! Jika Anda tidak memberikan otorisasi dalam waktu 5 hari, " "transfer akan dibatalkan." msgid "We need you to take action on an important email sent to %1$s." msgstr "" "Kami membutuhkan Anda menyelesaikan langkah penting yang dijelaskan di dalam " "email yang kami kirimkan ke %1$s." msgid "" "There's just one more thing we need from you before we can start the " "transfer of %1$s to" msgstr "" "Kami membutuhkan Anda melakukan langkah berikut sebelum memulai transfer " "%1$s ke" msgid "The auth-code for %1$s is:" msgstr "Kode otorisasi untuk %1$s adalah:" msgid "To renew, go to your domains dashboard on" msgstr "Untuk memperpanjang, buka dasbor domain Anda di" msgid "Verify Now: %s" msgstr "Verifikasi Sekarang: %s" msgid "" "You are receiving this message because you recently registered the domain " "%1$s or changed the contact information for this domain." msgstr "" "Anda menerima pesan ini karena baru mendaftarkan domain %1$s atau mengubah " "informasi kontak untuk domain ini." msgid "We received a request to transfer ownership of %1$s from %2$s to you." msgstr "" "Kami menerima permintaan untuk mentransfer kepemilikan %1$s dari %2$s kepada " "Anda." msgid "You asked us to transfer ownership of %1$s from you to %2$s." msgstr "" "Anda meminta kami untuk mentransfer kepemilikan %1$s dari Anda kepada %2$s." msgid "%1$s has been successfully transferred from %2$s to %3$s." msgstr "%1$s telah berhasil ditransfer dari %2$s ke %3$s." msgid "<strong>Expiration Date:</strong> %1$s" msgstr "<strong>Tanggal Akhir Masa Berlaku:</strong> %1$s" msgid "<strong>Registration Date:</strong> %1$s" msgstr "<strong>Tanggal Pendaftaran:</strong> %1$s" msgid "<strong>Nameservers:</strong> %1$s" msgstr "<strong>Server Nama:</strong> %1$s" msgid "Email: %1$s" msgstr "Email: %1$s" msgid "Fax: %1$s" msgstr "Faks: %1$s" msgid "Phone: %1$s" msgstr "Telepon: %1$s" msgid "Country: %1$s" msgstr "Negara: %1$s" msgid "Postal Code: %1$s" msgstr "Kode Pos: %1$s" msgid "City: %1$s" msgstr "Kota: %1$s" msgid "Address: %1$s %2$s" msgstr "Alamat: %1$s %2$s" msgid "Organization: %1$s " msgstr "Organisasi: %1$s " msgid "Name: %1$s %2$s" msgstr "Nama: %1$s %2$s" msgid "<strong>Domain Name:</strong> %1$s" msgstr "<strong>Nama Domain:</strong> %1$s" msgid "Thank you for choosing us as your domain provider." msgstr "Terima kasih telah memilih kami sebagai penyedia domain Anda." msgid "" "If you'd like to check the status of the transfer at any time you can <a " "href=\"%1$s\">visit your domains dashboard</a> on" msgstr "" "Jika ingin memeriksa status transfer sewaktu-waktu, Anda dapat <a href=\"%1$s" "\">mengunjungi dasbor domain</a> di" msgid "" "Your current domain provider might send you a separate email to confirm your " "wish to move your domain to After that, the only thing left " "to do is sit back and wait. This process can take up to 10 days, so we " "appreciate your patience." msgstr "" "Penyedia domain Anda yang sekarang mungkin mengirimkan email terpisah untuk " "mengonfirmasi keinginan Anda memindahkan domain ke " "Selanjutnya, Anda hanya perlu menunggu. Proses ini dapat memerlukan waktu " "hingga 10 hari, jadi kami sangat menghargai kesabaran Anda." msgid "" "We're waiting for your current domain provider to authorize the request." msgstr "" "Kami menunggu penyedia domain Anda yang sekarang untuk memberikan otorisasi " "terhadap permintaan." msgid "" "We wanted to let you know that you've successfully accepted a request to " "transfer your domain <strong>%1$s</strong> to" msgstr "" "Kami ingin menginformasikan bahwa Anda berhasil menerima permintaan transfer " "domain <strong>%1$s</strong> ke" msgid "" "If you want to proceed with this transfer, you do not need to respond to " "this message." msgstr "Jika ingin melanjutkan transfer, Anda tidak perlu membalas pesan ini." msgid "" " received notification on %1$s that you have requested a " "transfer of %2$s to another domain name registrar." msgstr "" " menerima pemberitahuan pada %1$s bahwa Anda meminta transfer " "%2$s ke registrar nama domain lain." msgid "" "To renew, go to your <a href=\"%s\">domains dashboard</a> on" msgstr "" "Untuk memperpanjang, buka <a href=\"%s\">dasbor domain</a> Anda di WordPress." "com." msgid "<strong>%1$s</strong> - <em>expired on %2$s</em>" msgstr "<strong>%1$s</strong> - <em>telah berakhir pada %2$s</em>" msgid "Domain transfer successfully confirmed for %1$s" msgstr "Transfer domain berhasil dikonfirmasi untuk %1$s" msgid "Transfer away request for the domain %1$s" msgstr "Permintaan transfer keluar untuk domain %1$s" msgid "Change of ownership for %1$s is complete" msgstr "Perubahan kepemilikan %1$s selesai" msgid "" "This is your new dashboard. You can manage your site here, or " "return to your self-hosted WordPress dashboard using the link at the bottom " "of your checklist." msgstr "" "Ini dasbor baru Anda. Anda bisa mengelola situs Anda di sini, " "atau kembali ke dasbor WordPress yang di-hosting sendiri menggunakan tautan " "di bawah daftar periksa." msgid "Regards, <br /> The Team" msgstr "Salam,<br />Tim" msgid "Opportunities to participate in Jetpack research and surveys." msgstr "Kesempatan untuk berpartisipasi dalam riset dan survei Jetpack." msgid "Tips for getting the most out of Jetpack." msgstr "Kiat menggunakan Jetpack lebih maksimal." msgid "Email from Jetpack" msgstr "Email dari Jetpack" msgid "Tag Dimensions:" msgstr "Dimensi Tag:" msgid "Insert an ad unit wherever you can place a widget." msgstr "Sisipkan unit iklan di mana pun Anda bisa meletakkan widget." msgid "" "By canceling auto-renewal, your %(planName)s plan for %(siteDomain)s will " "expire on %(expiryDate)s. When it does, you'll lose access to key features " "you may be using on your site. To avoid that, turn auto-renewal back on or " "manually renew your plan before the expiration date." msgstr "" "Dengan membatalkan perpanjangan otomatis, paket %(planName)s Anda untuk " "%(siteDomain)s akan berakhir pada %(expiryDate)s. Itu berarti Anda akan " "kehilangan akses ke fitur utama yang mungkin Anda gunakan pada situs. Agar " "ini tidak terjadi, aktifkan kembali perpanjangan otomatis atau perpanjang " "paket Anda secara manual sebelum tanggal berakhirnya." msgid "" "Unfortunately, we can't modify files on your site, so you'll need to set up " "your plan features manually." msgstr "" "Sayangnya, kami tidak dapat mengubah file di situs Anda, sehingga Anda perlu " "menyiapkan fitur paket secara manual." msgid "Set up features" msgstr "Siapkan fitur" msgid "Don't worry. We'll quickly guide you through the setup process." msgstr "" "Jangan khawatir. Kami akan memandu Anda melewati proses penyiapan dengan " "cepat ." msgid "" "Unfortunately, your site is part of a multi-site network, but is not the " "main network site. You'll need to set up your plan features manually." msgstr "" "Sayangnya, situs Anda adalah bagian dari jaringan multisitus, tetapi bukan " "situs jaringan utamanya. Anda perlu menyiapkan fitur paket secara manual." msgid "Upgrade Jetpack" msgstr "Upgrade Jetpack" msgid "" "You can also reach out to our support team directly if you have questions " "about this or anything else related to your account in the future:" msgstr "" "Anda juga dapat menghubungi tim dukungan kami secara langsung jika punya " "pertanyaan mengenai ini atau hal apa pun lainnya yang terkait dengan akun " "Anda di masa mendatang:" msgid "" "During a routine check, we noticed you were charged more than once for the " "same service:" msgstr "" "Saat pemeriksaan rutin, kami mendapati bahwa Anda dikenakan tagihan lebih " "dari satu kali untuk layanan yang sama." msgid "Possible Duplicate Payment Detected" msgstr "Kemungkinan Pembayaran Duplikat Terdeteksi" msgid "We have a question about a recent purchase" msgstr "Kami punya pertanyaan terkait pembelian terakhir" msgid "Send export link" msgstr "Kirim Tautan Ekspor" msgid "Erase personal data list" msgstr "Hapus daftar data pribadi" msgid "Erase personal data list navigation" msgstr "Hapus daftar navigasi data pribadi" msgid "Filter erase personal data list" msgstr "Saring daftar penghapusan data pribadi" msgid "Export personal data list" msgstr "Ekspor daftar data pribadi" msgid "Export personal data list navigation" msgstr "Ekspor navigasi daftar data pribadi." msgid "Filter export personal data list" msgstr "Saring daftar ekspor data pribadi" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to perform this action." msgstr "Maaf, anda tidak diizinkan melakukan tindakan ini." msgid "Create a account" msgstr "Buat akun" msgid "Additional images added to this gallery: %s" msgstr "Gambar-gambar baru telah ditambahkan ke galeri ini: %s" msgid "The current image has no alternative text. The file name is: %s" msgstr "Gambar saat ini tidak memiliki teks alternatif (alt). Nama berkas: %s" msgid "Select Site Icon" msgstr "Pilih ikon situs" msgid "Please connect again to continue using Google Photos." msgstr "Hubungkan lagi untuk terus menggunakan Google Foto." msgid "Your Google Photos connection is being upgraded!" msgstr "Sambungan Google Foto Anda sedang di-upgrade!" msgid "Keep widget settings and move it to the inactive widgets" msgstr "Simpan pengaturan widget dan pindahkan ke widget yang tidak aktif" msgid "Subscription Renewal" msgstr "Perpanjangan Langganan" msgid "" "You can manage or cancel all your subscriptions <a href=\"%1$s\">here</a>, " "but you’ll need to do so before your %2$s billing date to avoid subsequent " "charges. <a href=\"%3$s\">Learn more</a>." msgstr "" "Anda bisa mengelola atau membatalkan semua langganan Anda <a href=\"%1$s" "\">di sini</a>, namun Anda harus melakukannya sebelum tanggal penagihan %2$s " "agar tidak dikenakan biaya susulan. <a href=\"%3$s\">Pelajari selengkapnya</" "a>." msgid "" "Congratulations! You’ve just subscribed to <strong>%1$s</strong> at " "<strong><a href=\"%3$s\">%2$s</a></strong>." msgstr "" "Selamat! Anda baru saja berlangganan <strong>%1$s</strong> pada <strong><a " "href=\"%3$s\">%2$s</a></strong>." msgid "" "You just sold a subscription for %1$s, and your next payment will be on %2$s." msgstr "" "Anda baru saja menjual langganan untuk %1$s, dan pembayaran selanjutnya " "yaitu pada %2$s." msgid "Congratulations on your first sale!" msgstr "Selamat atas penjualan pertama Anda!" msgid "Your %1$s verification code is: <strong>%2$s</strong>" msgstr "Kode verifikasi %1$s Anda: <strong>%2$s</strong>" msgid "Thank you for signing up to %1$s!" msgstr "Terima kasih telah mendaftar %1$s!" msgid "Cha-ching! You have a new subscriber!" msgstr "Cring cring! Anda memiliki pelanggan baru!" msgid "Congratulations! You made your first sale!" msgstr "Selamat! Anda telah melakukan penjualan pertama Anda!" msgid "A user has just subscribed to your %s subscription." msgstr "Seorang pengguna baru saja berlangganan %s Anda." msgid "Nice work! You have a new subscriber!" msgstr "Bagus! Anda memiliki pelanggan baru!" msgid "Congratulations on your subscription!" msgstr "Selamat atas langganan Anda!" msgid "You’ve subscribed to %1$s at %2$s!" msgstr "Anda telah berlangganan %1$s pada %2$s!" msgid "Type your verification code in the checkout flow." msgstr "Ketikkan kode verifikasi Anda pada alur checkout." msgid "Thank you for subscribing to %1$s!" msgstr "Terima kasih karena telah berlangganan %1$s!" msgid "" "We attempted to renew your “%1$s” subscription at “%2$s,” however something " "went wrong and we weren’t able to take payment. Your subscription has now " "been cancelled. Please re-subscribe to keep supporting the site." msgstr "" "Kami mencoba memperpanjang langganan “%1$s” Anda pada “%2$s,” namun terjadi " "kesalahan dan kami tidak dapat mengambil pembayaran. Langganan Anda kini " "telah dibatalkan. Harap berlangganan ulang untuk terus mendukung situs " "tersebut." msgid "Unsuccessful Renewal." msgstr "Perpanjangan Gagal." msgid "" "You can manage or cancel all your <a href=\"%1$s\">subscriptions here</a>. " "Learn <a href=\"%2$s\">more</a> about cancellation." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengelola atau membatalkan semua <a href=\"%1$s\">langganan Anda " "di sini</a>. Pelajari <a href=\"%2$s\">selengkapnya</a> tentang pembatalan." msgid "Subscription renewal" msgstr "Perpanjangan langganan" msgid "Keep your subscription to %s!" msgstr "Tetap berlangganan %s!" msgid "Unsuccessful renewal of your %s subscription" msgstr "Perpanjangan langganan %s Anda gagal" msgid "An unrecognized value was provided for `language`." msgstr "Terdapat nilai yang tidak dikenali untuk `bahasa`." msgid "Log in to create a site for your existing account." msgstr "Login dan buat situs untuk akun yang sudah ada." msgid "Once connected we'll continue setting up your store" msgstr "Begitu tersambung, kami akan lanjut menyiapkan toko Anda" msgid "" "Your account will enable you to start using the features and benefits " "offered by Jetpack & WooCommerce Services." msgstr "" "Dengan akun, Anda bisa mulai menggunakan fitur dan manfaat yang ditawarkan " "oleh Jetpack & Layanan WooCommerce." msgid "Connecting your store" msgstr "Menyambungkan ke toko Anda" msgid "Create a Jetpack account" msgstr "Buat akun Jetpack" msgctxt "designating the post author (eg: by John Doe" msgid "by" msgstr "oleh" msgid "There are currently no posts to display." msgstr "Saat ini tidak ada pos untuk ditampilkan." msgid "" "Custom domains make your site look pro — and search engines like Google and " "Bing prefer custom domain names, putting them higher in search results. " "Since you’re already on a %s plan, you are entitled to one free domain " "credit for a year." msgstr "" "Domain khusus membuat situs Anda terlihat profesional, dan mesin pencarian " "seperti Google dan Bing akan menampilkan nama domain khusus lebih dulu di " "hasil pencarian. Karena Anda memiliki paket %s, Anda berhak mendapatkan satu " "kredit domain gratis selama satu tahun." msgid "" "Custom domains are included in all our paid plans for one year, along with a " "number of other great features. Upgrade today, then search for a unique, " "memorable domain name for your site." msgstr "" "Domain khusus termasuk di dalam semua paket berbayar kami selama satu tahun, " "juga fitur andal lainnya. Upgrade sekarang, dan temukan nama domain yang " "unik dan mudah diingat untuk situs Anda." msgid "A custom domain name — free for one year!" msgstr "Nama domain khusus — gratis selama satu tahun!" msgid "Please input a name." msgstr "Masukkan nama." msgid "Please enter a price higher than %s" msgstr "Masukkan harga di atas %s" msgid "\"%s\" was deleted." msgstr "\"%s\" dihapus." msgid "We've automatically begun to protect your site from attacks." msgstr "Kami secara otomatis sudah mulai melindungi situs Anda dari serangan." msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Free!" msgstr "Selamat Datang di Jetpack Gratis!" msgid "" "The WordPress Hosting Team maintains a list of those modules, both " "recommended and required, in <a href=\"%1$s\" %2$s>the team handbook%3$s</a>." msgstr "" "Tim Hosting WordPress memelihara daftar modul-modul tersebut, keduanya " "direkomendasikan dan diwajibkan, di <a href=\"%1$s\" %2$s>the team handbook " "%3$s</a>." msgid "" "The auth code you entered is invalid. Please verify you’re entering the " "correct code, or see {{a}}this support document{{/a}} for more " "troubleshooting steps." msgstr "" "Kode autentikasi yang Anda masukkan tidak valid. Pastikan Anda memasukkan " "kode yang benar, atau lihat {{a}}dokumen pendukung ini{{/a}} untuk menemukan " "langkah pemecahan masalah lainnya." msgid "Open this email to get a custom domain free for a year." msgstr "" "Buka e-mail berikut untuk mendapatkan domain khusus (gratis selama satu " "tahun)." msgid "" "There was a problem with your payment. Please submit your payment details " "again." msgstr "" "Ada masalah dengan pembayaran Anda. Harap kirimkan detail pembayaran Anda " "lagi." msgid "" "If you'd still like to transfer your domain to, please contact " "your current registrar. They can usually provide you with additional " "information around their decision, which can help you determine your next " "steps." msgstr "" "Jika Anda masih ingin mentransfer domain ke, silakan hubungi " "registrar Anda saat ini. Biasanya mereka dapat memberikan informasi tambahan " "mengenai keputusan mereka, yang dapat membantu Anda menentukan langkah " "berikutnya." msgid "" "Since the current registrar's approval is required to complete a domain " "transfer, this transfer request has been canceled." msgstr "" "Karena persetujuan dari registrar saat ini diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan " "transfer domain, permintaan transfer ini telah dibatalkan." msgid "" "You've requested to transfer the domain <strong>%1$s</strong> to WordPress." "com, but the current registrar has rejected the transfer request." msgstr "" "Anda meminta transfer domain <strong>%1$s</strong> ke, tetapi " "registrar saat ini telah menolak permintaan transfer." msgid "" "We couldn't transfer the domain <strong>%1$s</strong> to The " "administrative contact has rejected the transfer request we sent." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat mentransfer domain <strong>%1$s</strong> ke " "Kontak administratif telah menolak permintaan transfer yang kami kirimkan." msgid "Thank you for choosing to register your domain with us." msgstr "Terima kasih telah memilih untuk mendaftarkan domain Anda dengan kami." msgid "Transfer request declined for the domain %1$s" msgstr "Permintaan transfer ditolak untuk domain %1$s" msgid "Domain transfer completed successfully for %1$s" msgstr "Transfer domain berhasil diselesaikan untuk %1$s" msgid "Waiting to complete" msgstr "Menunggu penyelesaian" msgid "" "Welcome Learn from Fiverr students! Save %s%% on plans using " "coupon code <code>{{coupon_code}}</code> at checkout. Happy learning :)" msgstr "" "Selamat datang, siswa Learn from Fiverr! Hemat %s%% untuk paket WordPress." "com menggunakan kode kupon <code>{{coupon_code}}</code> saat checkout. " "Selamat belajar :)" msgid "" "The current registrar,, has rejected the transfer away request " "you submitted for %1$s." msgstr "" "Registrar saat ini,, telah menolak permintaan transfer keluar " "yang Anda ajukan untuk %1$s." msgid "" "The registrant for <strong>%1$s</strong> has declined the request to " "transfer the domain away from" msgstr "" "Pendaftar untuk <strong>%1$s</strong> telah menolak permintaan transfer " "domain keluar dari" msgid "Transfer away request for the domain %1$s has been declined" msgstr "Permintaan transfer jarak jauh untuk domain %1$s ditolak" msgid "Are you a bot?" msgstr "Apakah Anda robot?" msgid "" "Please contact our <a href=\"%1$s\"> VIP</a>, <a href=\"%2$s" "\">Jetpack</a>, or <a href=\"%3$s\">WooCommerce</a> teams directly. To learn " "more about building a integration, visit our <a href=\"%4$s" "\">Developer page</a>. To become an affiliate, please visit our <a href=" "\"%5$s\">Affiliate Program</a>." msgstr "" "Silakan hubungi tim <a href=\"%1$s\"> VIP</a>, <a href=\"%2$s" "\">Jetpack</a>, atau <a href=\"%3$s\">WooCommerce</a> langsung. Untuk " "mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang cara membangun integrasi, " "kunjungi <a href=\"%4$s\">halaman Developer</a>. Untuk menjadi afiliasi, " "silakan kunjungi <a href=\"%5$s\">Program Afiliasi</a>." msgid "" "{{line1}}If you’ve got an idea, a product, or a business{{/line1}} {{line2}}" "that can make the web a better place to{{/line2}} {{line3}}publish and " "share, we’re all ears.{{/line3}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Jika Anda memiliki ide, produk, atau bisnis{{/line1}} {{line2}} " "agar web menjadi lebih baik untuk{{/line2}} {{line3}}berkarya dan berbagi, " "kami siap bermitra.{{/line3}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}Let’s partner to make{{/line1}} {{line2}}the web a better place.{{/" "line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Mari bermitra untuk jadikan{{/line1}} {{line2}}web ruang yang lebih " "baik.{{/line2}}" msgid "" " is completely free to start, with plenty of room to grow. " "After all, the only things that should stand between you and whatever you " "want to do are your ideas and ambition." msgstr "" "Anda dapat memulai gratis, dan dapatkan kesempatan untuk " "berkembang, karena satu-satunya hal yang membatasi Anda dan impian Anda " "adalah ide dan ambisi." msgid "" "{{line1}}You focus on your website.{{/line1}}{{line2}}We’ve got hosting " "covered.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Anda membangun situs web impian.{{/line1}}{{line2}}Kami mengelola " "hosting terbaik.{{/line2}}" msgid "" "Complimentary training session included, led by a WordPress expert who will " "help you get started with your site fast." msgstr "" "Sesi pelatihan tambahan gratis, dengan tim ahli WordPress yang akan membantu " "Anda membuat situs dengan mudah." msgid "Training" msgstr "Sesi Pelatihan" msgid "" "Apply to take part in the successful WordAds advertising network, the " "easiest way to earn money with your website." msgstr "" "Daftar untuk jadi bagian dari jaringan iklan WordAds yang andal, cara " "termudah untuk mendapatkan penghasilan melalui situs web." msgid "Earn Money" msgstr "Dapatkan Penghasilan" msgid "" "Access to all of our premium themes, many of which were specifically " "designed with businesses in mind." msgstr "Akses ke semua tema premium, banyak tema didesain khusus untuk bisnis." msgid "Revert to previous states of your site in a snap — just in case." msgstr "Kembali ke keadaan situs sebelumnya dengan mudah, jika diperlukan." msgid "Backups and Rewind" msgstr "Pencadangan dan Putar Balik" msgid "" "Get an online address, so your customers can find you. We’ll pay for the " "first year." msgstr "" "Dapatkan alamat online agar pelanggan dapat terhubung dengan Anda. Gratis " "untuk tahun pertama." msgid "Free Domain" msgstr "Domain Gratis" msgid "" "With our global content delivery network, your customers never have to wait." msgstr "" "Dengan jaringan pendistribusian konten global, pelanggan Anda tidak perlu " "menunggu." msgid "Content Delivery Network" msgstr "Jaringan Pendistribusian Konten" msgid "Help and support when you need it — through email and live chat." msgstr "Bantuan setiap saat, melalui email dan live chat." msgid "Live Chat & Email Support" msgstr "Bantuan Live Chat & Email" msgid "Powerful SEO tools that help customers find you." msgstr "Perangkat SEO andal yang membawa para pelanggan terhubung dengan Anda." msgid "Search Engine Optimization" msgstr "Optimasi Mesin Pencarian" msgid "" "Install the themes and plugins you’d like, and to take your data with you " "whenever you like." msgstr "Instal tema dan plugin apa pun sesuai kebutuhan situs Anda." msgid "Themes & Plugins" msgstr "Tema & Plugin" msgid "Our world-class hosting is built into your site from day one." msgstr "Anda mendapatkan layanan hosting profesional sejak awal." msgid "Less Hassle" msgstr "Lebih Praktis" msgid "Unlimited capacity means you can build, update, and build some more." msgstr "" "Kapasitas tanpa batas artinya Anda dapat membuat, memperbarui, dan membuat " "lebih banyak lagi." msgid "More Bandwidth" msgstr "Bandwidth Lebih Besar" msgid "We’ve got your back with enterprise-grade security that’s always on." msgstr "" "Kami memperkuat situs Anda dengan keamanan tingkat tinggi yang selalu aktif." msgid "More Security" msgstr "Keamanan Lebih Terjamin" msgid "Get faster load times, and less lag time." msgstr "Dapatkan waktu muat lebih cepat, dan waktu tunda lebih sedikit." msgid "More Speed" msgstr "Kecepatan Lebih Tinggi" msgid "" "Our <strong>Business Plan</strong> comes with a lot of web hosting benefits." msgstr "<strong>Paket Bisnis</strong> kami menawarkan banyak keunggulan." msgid "Faster. Safer. Smarter." msgstr "Lebih Cepat. Aman. Cerdas." msgid "" "{{line1}}Simple, secure, fast{{/line1}}{{line2}}WordPress hosting{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Hosting WordPress{{/line1}}{{line2}}mudah, cepat, dan aman{{/line2}}" msgid "" "With web hosting on, speed, security, and reliability all come " "built-in. So you can focus on your website." msgstr "" "Hosting menyediakan kecepatan, keamanan dan keandalan " "terintegrasi. Anda dapat mengelola situs web lebih profesional." msgid "" "Partner with to make the web a better place. If you’ve got an " "idea, a product, or a business that can make the web a better place to " "publish and share, we’re all ears." msgstr "" "Bermitra dengan untuk menjadikan web lebih baik. Jika Anda " "memiliki ide, produk, atau bisnis untuk web yang lebih baik, kami siap " "mendengar." msgid "%(numberPeople)d user has accepted your invite" msgid_plural "%(numberPeople)d users have accepted your invites" msgstr[0] "%(numberPeople)d pengguna menerima undangan Anda" msgstr[1] "%(numberPeople)d pengguna menerima undangan Anda" msgid "You have a pending invite for %(numberPeople)d user" msgid_plural "You have pending invites for %(numberPeople)d users" msgstr[0] "Anda memiliki undangan tertunda untuk %(numberPeople)d pengguna" msgstr[1] "Anda memiliki undangan tertunda untuk %(numberPeople)d pengguna" msgid "(Optional) Enter a custom message to be sent with your invitation." msgstr "" "(Opsional) Masukkan pesan khusus untuk disertakan di dalam undangan Anda." msgid "Enter up to 10 usernames or email addresses at a time." msgstr "" "Masukkan hingga 10 nama pengguna atau alamat email sekaligus." msgid "" "P.P.S: The WordPress.​com Ultimate Traffic Guide is yours to keep, " "even if you decide to cancel your paid plan and get a refund. So you’ve got " "nothing to lose, and a lot to gain, just for giving our paid plans a spin." msgstr "" "P.P.S: Anda dapat tetap menyimpan Panduan Lalu Lintas Terbaik WordPress.​com, " "walaupun memutuskan untuk membatalkan paket berbayar dan mendapatkan " "pengembalian dana. Jadi Anda tidak akan rugi apa pun jika mencoba paket " "berbayar dari kami." msgid "" "But time is running out, so click here now and upgrade while you still can." msgstr "" "Namun waktunya hampir habis, jadi klik di sini sekarang dan upgrade selagi " "masih bisa." msgid "" "Those bonuses are worth literally thousands of dollars, and you’ll get them " "for free if you upgrade your site to any of our paid plans today." msgstr "" "Rangkaian bonus ini setara dengan ribuan dolar, dan Anda bisa mendapatkannya " "secara gratis jika upgrade situs ke salah satu paket berbayar sekarang juga." msgid "" "Bonus 3: Access to our flagship Jetpack tool suite ($39 per year value)." msgstr "" "Bonus 3: Akses ke rangkaian alat Jetpack unggulan kami (senilai $39 per " "tahun)." msgid "" "If you upgrade today, you’re also going to receive an incredible array of " "free bonuses worth thousands of dollars, making this hands-down the best " "deal we’ve offered." msgstr "" "Jika upgrade hari ini, Anda juga akan menerima begitu banyak bonus gratis " "senilai ribuan dolar, yang menjadikannya penawaran terbaik dari kami." msgid "" "We don’t have much time left before this offer expires tonight, so let me " "get straight to the point with a quick recap of everything you’ll get if you " "upgrade your WordPress.​com plan today." msgstr "" "Penawaran berakhir malam ini, dan karena tidak banyak waktu yang tersisa, " "saya akan langsung ke poin utamanya dengan rangkuman singkat tentang semua " "yang akan Anda dapatkan dengan upgrade paket WordPress.​com hari ini." msgid "That’s it!" msgstr "Selesai!" msgid "Click here and select your plan now!" msgstr "Klik di sini dan pilih paket Anda sekarang!" msgid "" "You’ll see a new “Contact Us” option that allows you to chat with our " "support team! This tool will connect you directly to a support expert who " "will take care of everything." msgstr "" "Anda akan melihat opsi “Hubungi Kami” baru yang memungkinkan Anda mengobrol " "dengan tim dukungan kami! Alat ini akan langsung menghubungkan Anda dengan " "pakar dukungan yang akan menangani segalanya." msgid "P.S.: Here’s how to claim your free bonuses:" msgstr "P.S.: berikut ini cara mengklaim bonus gratis Anda:" msgid "Upgrade your site today to unlock these three free bonuses:" msgstr "" "Upgrade situs Anda sekarang juga untuk mendapatkan tiga bonus gratis ini:" msgid "But don’t delay, because this offer expires tomorrow." msgstr "Jangan tunda lagi, karena penawaran akan berakhir besok." msgid "" "AND receive an in-depth marketing guide that reveals my time-tested approach " "for sending thousands of visitors to your site every day..." msgstr "" "DAN mendapatkan panduan pemasaran lebih lanjut dengan pendekatan yang teruji " "untuk mendatangkan ribuan pengunjung ke situs Anda setiap hari..." msgid "" "Upgrade your WordPress.​com Account Today and Claim Three Free Bonuses" msgstr "Upgrade Akun WordPress. com Anda Hari ini dan Klaim Tiga Bonus Gratis" msgid "" "<b>P.P.S:</b> The WordPress.​com Ultimate Traffic Guide is yours to " "keep, even if you decide to cancel your paid plan and get a refund. So " "you’ve got nothing to lose, and a lot to gain, just for giving our paid " "plans a spin." msgstr "" "<b>P.P.S:</b> Anda dapat tetap menyimpan Panduan Lalu Lintas Terbaik " "WordPress.​com, walaupun memutuskan untuk membatalkan paket berbayar dan " "mendapatkan pengembalian dana. Jadi Anda tidak akan rugi apa pun jika " "mencoba paket berbayar dari kami." msgid "Click here and select your site upgrade now!" msgstr "Klik di sini dan pilih upgrade situs Anda sekarang!" msgid "Ready to get started and claim this deal? " msgstr "Siap memulai dan mengklaim penawaran ini? " msgid "And that’s it!" msgstr "Dan selesai!" msgid "" "If you’re still trying to find the perfect theme for your site, you can use " "this chance to ask for help as well." msgstr "" "Jika masih mencari tema yang sempurna untuk situs, Anda dapat menggunakan " "kesempatan ini untuk meminta bantuan." msgid "" "Introduce yourself, tell them you just upgraded your site, and that you’d " "like to claim your free “New Customer Bonuses”." msgstr "" "Perkenalkan diri Anda, sampaikan bahwa Anda baru saja upgrade situs, dan " "bahwa Anda ingin mengklaim “Bonus Pelanggan Baru” gratis." msgid "" "You’ll see a new “Contact Us” option that allows you to chat with our " "support team. This tool will connect you directly to a support expert who " "will take care of everything." msgstr "" "Anda akan melihat opsi “Hubungi Kami” baru yang memungkinkan Anda mengobrol " "dengan tim dukungan kami. Alat ini akan langsung menghubungkan Anda dengan " "pakar dukungan yang akan menangani segalanya." msgid "" "After you upgrade, go to your site builder tools and click the question mark " "icon in the lower-right of your screen." msgstr "" "Setelah upgrade, buka alat pembuat situs Anda dan klik ikon tanda tanya di " "kanan bawah layar." msgid "Step 2: Claim your free bonuses." msgstr "Langkah 2: Klaim bonus gratis Anda." msgid "Find the plan that’s right for you and purchase that option." msgstr "Temukan paket yang tepat untuk Anda dan beli opsi tersebut." msgid "Click here to explore the plan options." msgstr "Klik di sini untuk menjelajahi opsi paket Anda." msgid "Step 1: Upgrade your site." msgstr "Langkah 1: Upgrade situs Anda." msgid "<b>IMPORTANT:</b> How to Claim Your Free Bonuses" msgstr "<b>PENTING:</b> Cara Mengklaim Bonus Gratis" msgid "Add it all up and you’re saving literally thousands." msgstr "Tambahkan semuanya dan Anda akan menghemat ribuan dolar." msgid "It’s an essential add-on for popular sites, and you’ll get it for free." msgstr "" "Ini adalah add-on penting untuk situs populer, dan Anda akan mendapatkannya " "secara gratis." msgid "" "Jetpack is like an invisible “miracle machine” that automatically enhances " "and improves the WordPress engine. Jetpack makes images load faster, " "protects you from hackers, creates real-time backups, provides traffic " "stats, hosts videos, and so much more." msgstr "" "Jetpack diibaratkan sebagai “mesin keajaiban” yang tidak terlihat dan secara " "otomatis meningkatkan dan menyempurnakan mesin WordPress. Jetpack menjadikan " "pemuatan gambar lebih cepat, melindungi Anda dari peretas, membuat cadangan " "real time, menyediakan statistik, mengelola video, dan lainnya." msgid "Bonus 3: Access to our flagship Jetpack service ($39 per year value)." msgstr "" "Bonus 3: Akses ke layanan Jetpack unggulan kami (senilai $39 per tahun)." msgid "" "Print it out and keep it by your desk, because you’re going to consult this " "guide often." msgstr "" "Cetak dan simpan di meja karena Anda akan sering memerlukan panduan ini." msgid "" "This goldmine of traffic tips and how-tos reveals the exact “Breakthrough " "Traffic” process I’ve developed over the past decade." msgstr "" "Sumber kiat dan panduan terkait lalu lintas ini mengungkap proses “Lalu " "Lintas Inovatif” yang saya kembangkan selama satu dekade ini." msgid "" "I know you might need a little help getting started, so here’s an incredible " "value. 250 hours is more than you’ll ever need, so this bonus will cover you " "for life!" msgstr "" "Saya tahu Anda akan membutuhkan sedikit bantuan untuk memulai, jadi ini " "adalah nilai yang luar biasa. 250 jam ini lebih dari yang Anda butuhkan " "kapan pun, jadi bonus ini akan cukup untuk Anda selamanya!" msgid "Bonus 2: The WordPress.​com Ultimate Traffic Guide." msgstr "Bonus 2: Panduan Lalu Lintas Terbaik WordPress. com." msgid "Bonus 1: 250 HOURS of one-on-one live chat support ($5,000 value)." msgstr "Bonus 1: 250 JAM dukungan obrolan langsung (senilai $5.000)." msgid "" "If you upgrade your site today, to any upgraded plan, you’re going to " "receive an incredible array of features and free bonuses that make this " "hands-down the best deal we’ve offered:" msgstr "" "Jika upgrade situs hari ini ke paket berbayar apa pun, Anda akan menerima " "begitu banyak fitur dan bonus gratis yang menjadikannya penawaran terbaik " "dari kami:" msgid "" "If you’ve read this far it means you’re considering upgrading your site, but " "you’re still on the fence for one reason or another." msgstr "" "Jika Anda telah membaca sejauh ini, artinya Anda mempertimbangkan upgrade " "situs, namun masih ragu karena satu dan lain hal." msgid "Here’s what I came up with..." msgstr "Berikut ini yang saya temukan..." msgid "" "Which is no surprise because our site upgrades are jam-packed with great " "features designed to help your site attract more viewers, make more sales, " "share more content, and much more." msgstr "" "Itu bukan hal yang mengejutkan karena upgrade situs kami penuh dengan fitur " "hebat yang dirancang untuk membantu situs Anda menarik lebih banyak " "pengunjung, meningkatkan penjualan, berbagi lebih banyak konten, dan banyak " "lagi." msgid "" "You see, our data reveals that the vast majority of our successful customers " "upgraded their site within two weeks of starting their site." msgstr "" "Begini, data kami mengungkap bahwa sebagian besar pelanggan sukses kami meng-" "upgrade situs mereka dalam waktu dua minggu sejak memulai situs." msgid "" "Because it turns out that the one-week anniversary marks a turning point for " "the sites that are “most likely to succeed.”" msgstr "" "Karena ternyata peringatan satu minggu menjadi titik balik bagi situs yang " "“paling berpeluang sukses”." msgid "" "I’ve sent you a lot of information this week, and I hope it has helped you " "make progress." msgstr "" "Saya sudah mengirimkan banyak informasi kepada Anda minggu ini, dan saya " "harap informasi tersebut membantu Anda untuk terus maju." msgid "" "Congratulations, your site is officially more than a week old. Hard to " "believe, right?" msgstr "" "Selamat, situs Anda resmi berusia lebih dari satu minggu. Sulit dipercaya, " "bukan?" msgid "Best," msgstr "Salam," msgid "" "Use any WordPress plugin or theme you want (Business and eCommerce plans)." msgstr "" "Gunakan plugin atau tema WordPress yang Anda inginkan (paket Bisnis dan " "eCommerce)." msgid "" "Edit your site’s design with custom CSS (Premium, Business, and eCommerce " "plans)." msgstr "" "Tambahkan penyesuaian pada desain situs Anda dengan CSS khusus (paket " "Premium, Bisnis, dan eCommerce)." msgid "Return to WP Admin" msgstr "Kembali ke WP Admin" msgid "Return to your self-hosted WordPress dashboard." msgstr "Kembali ke dasbor WordPress yang Anda hosting sendiri." msgid "You have %(number)d follower receiving updates by email" msgid_plural "You have %(number)d followers receiving updates by email" msgstr[0] "" "Anda memiliki %(number)d pengikut yang menerima pembaruan melalui email" msgstr[1] "" "Anda memiliki %(number)d pengikut yang menerima pembaruan melalui email" msgid "Partner With Us" msgstr "Bermitra dengan Kami" msgid "By checking out:" msgstr "Saat Anda menyelesaikan pembayaran, maka:" msgid "BUSINESS" msgstr "BISNIS" msgid "PREMIUM" msgstr "PREMIUM" msgid "PERSONAL" msgstr "PERSONAL" msgid "" "Please note that if you accept our offer for a free domain when you upgrade, " "we simply ask you that you cover the costs for registering the domain if you " "decide to cancel your plan with us. The domain is yours to keep!" msgstr "" "Dengan catatan, jika Anda menerima tawaran domain gratis kami saat melakukan " "upgrade, kami hanya meminta Anda membayar biaya pendaftaran domain jika Anda " "memutuskan untuk membatalkan paket berbayar. Domain tersebut dapat tetap " "menjadi milik Anda!" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Idempotency key for this request" msgstr "Kunci indempotensi untuk permintaan ini" msgid "Sorry, you cannot access this resource." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat mengakses sumber daya ini." msgid "Acknowledge Trademark" msgstr "Akui Merek Dagang" msgid "Choose Another Domain" msgstr "Pilih Domain Lainnya" msgid "Register this domain" msgstr "Daftarkan domain ini" msgid "" "We didn't find any trademark claims for this domain. Click the button below " "to continue with domain registration." msgstr "" "Kami tidak menemukan klaim merek dagang apa pun untuk domain ini. Klik " "tombol di bawah untuk melanjutkan registrasi domain." msgid "%(domain)s has no trademark claims" msgstr "%(domain)s tidak memiliki klaim merek dagang" msgid "" "Please wait a moment while we check for any trademark claims that affect the " "registration of this domain name." msgstr "" "Harap tunggu beberapa saat selagi kami memeriksa klaim merek dagang yang " "memengaruhi registrasi nama domain ini." msgid "Checking for trademark claims on %(domain)s" msgstr "Memeriksa klaim merek dagang di %(domain)s" msgid "Show Trademark Notice" msgstr "Tampilkan Pemberitahuan Merek Dagang" msgid "" "To continue, you must agree not to infringe on the trademark holders' " "rights. Please review and acknowledge the following notice." msgstr "" "Untuk melanjutkan, Anda harus setuju untuk tidak melanggar hak pemegang " "merek dagang. Tinjau dan setujui pemberitahuan berikut." msgid "%(domain)s matches a trademark." msgstr "%(domain)s cocok dengan sebuah merek dagang." msgid "" "Congratulations on your new blog, %1$s. We're excited that you chose us to " "help you continue your online journey — we wouldn't be here without loyal " "customers like you! You're probably eager to begin, so we want to share some " "resources that might help you in your new endeavor." msgstr "" "Selamat untuk blog baru Anda, %1$s. Kami senang karena Anda memilih kami " "untuk membantu melanjutkan perjalanan online Anda. Kami tidak akan dapat " "sampai di sini tanpa pelanggan yang setia seperti Anda! Mungkin Anda sudah " "ingin memulai, jadi kami ingin membagikan beberapa sumber daya yang mungkin " "dapat membantu usaha baru Anda." msgid "" "Need inspiration? Check out your favorite three websites like yours. Which " "pages do they have? List them. How do they organize their pages into menus " "to form site navigation? Check out %sMeasure Twice, Cut Once%s, an article " "that covers site pages and content planning, for more ideas." msgstr "" "Butuh inspirasi? Lihat tiga situs web favorit yang mirip dengan situs Anda. " "Halaman mana yang mereka miliki? Catat halamannya. Bagaimana mereka mengatur " "halaman ke dalam menu untuk membuat navigasi situs? Lihat %sMeasure Twice, " "Cut Once%s, sebuah artikel yang membahas perencanaan konten dan halaman " "situs, untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak ide." msgid "" "Starting out, you might think that your site's design is the primary " "consideration when building a successful website. In reality, your site's " "content — the information and photos on your pages — does all the talking " "for you when you can't be there to speak with your visitors in person." msgstr "" "Saat memulai, Anda mungkin berpikir bahwa desain situs merupakan " "pertimbangan utama saat membuat situs web yang sukses. Kenyataannya, konten " "situs — informasi dan foto di halaman Anda — yang menjelaskan segalanya saat " "Anda tidak dapat berbicara dengan pengunjung secara langsung." msgid "" "Congratulations on your new eCommerce site, %1$s, which is " "powered by the world’s most popular online store-builder, WooCommerce." msgstr "" "Selamat untuk situs eCommerce baru Anda, %1$s, yang didukung " "oleh pembuat toko online terpopuler di dunia, WooCommerce." msgid "View Privacy Policy Guide." msgstr "Lihat Panduan Kebijakan Privasi." msgid "" "Need help putting together your new Privacy Policy page? Check out our guide " "for recommendations on what content to include, along with policies " "suggested by your plugins and theme." msgstr "" "Butuh bantuan untuk menyusun halaman Kebijakan Privasi baru? Lihat panduan " "kami untuk rekomendasi konten yang perlu disertakan, dengan kebijakan yang " "disarankan oleh plugin dan tema Anda." msgid "MM/YY" msgstr "BB/TT" msgid "" "Something is wrong with your Wufoo shortcode. Try following the instructions " "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">here</a> to " "embed a form on your site." msgstr "" "Ada masalah dengan shortcode Wufoo Anda. Coba ikuti petunjuk <a href=\"%s\" " "target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">di sini</a> untuk menyematkan " "formulir di situs Anda." msgid "Could not connect to" msgstr "Tidak dapat terhubung ke" msgid "Please connect your user account to" msgstr "Harap hubungkan akun pengguna Anda ke" msgid "Download list as CSV" msgstr "Unduh data dalam format CSV" msgid "" "You can request a code via SMS once per minute. Please wait and try again." msgstr "" "Anda dapat meminta kode melalui SMS sekali setiap menit. Harap menunggu dan " "coba kembali." msgid "" "You can request a code once every two minutes. Please wait and try again." msgstr "" "Anda dapat meminta kode sekali setiap dua menit. Harap menunggu dan coba " "kembali." msgid "Partner with" msgstr "Bermitra dengan" msgid "Message exceeds max of 500kbs." msgstr "Ukuran pesan lebih dari batas maksimal 500 kb." msgid "Missing message." msgstr "Pesan tidak ada." msgid "Email address is too long." msgstr "Alamat email terlalu panjang." msgid "Name is too long." msgstr "Nama terlalu panjang." msgid "Missing name." msgstr "Nama tidak ada." msgid "Invalid referrer." msgstr "Pengarah tidak valid." msgid "… and thanks!" msgstr "… dan terima kasih!" msgid "" "Please tell us more about yourself and your interest in partnering with " " We review every single inquiry and should respond to you " "within a week." msgstr "" "Ceritakan tentang diri Anda lebih jauh kepada kami dan minat Anda untuk " "bermitra dengan Kami membaca semua permintaan dan berusaha " "memberi tanggapan dalam waktu satu minggu." msgid "All set? Contact us!" msgstr "Anda siap bermitra? Hubungi kami!" msgid "{{line1}}%dM+{{/line1}} {{line2}}New comments per month{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}%dM+{{/line1}} {{line2}}Komentar baru per bulan{{/line2}}" msgid "{{line1}}%dB+{{/line1}} {{line2}}Monthly page views{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}%dB+{{/line1}} {{line2}}Pageview per bulan{{/line2}}" msgid "{{line1}}%dM+{{/line1}} {{line2}}New posts per month{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}%dM+{{/line1}} {{line2}}Pos baru per bulan{{/line2}}" msgid "To begin a conversation, <a href=\"%s\">use the form below</a>." msgstr "" "Untuk berdiskusi dengan kami, <a href=\"%s\">isi formulir di bawah</a>." msgid "" "As an open source platform, collaboration has been the bedrock of our " "growth, ensuring a strong community and product. We continue this model by " "partnering with companies, organizations, and individuals in a variety of " "ways. If you have technology or product features, are a marketing or " "publishing platform, offer a service our customers might benefit from, or " "simply want to discuss something else, we’d love to hear about it." msgstr "" "Sebagai platform open source, selain memastikan komunitas dan produk yang " "tangguh, kolaborasi adalah landasan bagi kami untuk tumbuh dan berkembang. " "Kami juga menerapkan pendekatan yang sama ketika bermitra dengan perusahaan, " "organisasi, dan individu. Jika Anda memiliki teknologi atau produk, " "merupakan platform penerbitan atau pemasaran, atau menawarkan jasa yang " "bermanfaat bagi pelanggan kami, atau memiliki ide lain, kami tertarik untuk " "berdiskusi dengan Anda." msgid "Partnering with us" msgstr "Bermitra dengan kami" msgid "{{line1}}%dM+{{/line1}} {{line2}}New comments/mo{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}%dM+{{/line1}} {{line2}}Komentar baru setiap bulan{{/line2}}" msgid "{{line1}}%dB+{{/line1}} {{line2}}Pageviews/mo{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}%dB+{{/line1}} {{line2}}Pageview setiap bulan{{/line2}}" msgid "{{line1}}%dM+{{/line1}} {{line2}}New posts/mo{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}%dM+{{/line1}} {{line2}}Pos baru setiap bulan{{/line2}}" msgid "{{line1}}%dM+{{/line1}} {{line2}}People{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}%dM+{{/line1}} {{line2}}Orang{{/line2}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}Powers{{/line1}} {{line2}}%d%%{{/line2}} {{line3}}of the Internet{{/" "line3}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Menghidupi{{/line1}} {{line2}}%d%%{{/line2}} {{line3}}Internet{{/" "line3}}" msgid "These stats are current as of %s." msgstr "Data terkini per %s." msgid "" "Started in 2005, the network welcomes more than %1$d+ million " "people viewing more than %2$d billion pages each month. Our users publish " "about %3$d+ million new posts and leave %4$d+ million new comments each " "month." msgstr "" "Dimulai pada tahun 2005, jaringan telah mengantar lebih dari " "%1$d+ juta orang yang mengunjungi lebih dari %2$d miliar halaman situs web " "setiap bulan. Pengguna kami memublikasikan sekitar %3$d+ juta pos baru dan " "menuliskan %4$d+ juta komentar baru setiap bulan." msgid "{{line1}}Build anything with{{/line1}}{{line2}}{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}Wujudkan bersama{{/line1}}{{line2}}{{/line2}}" msgid "Please <a href=\"%s\">try again</a>." msgstr "Harap <a href=\"%s\">coba lagi</a>." msgid "View security dashboard" msgstr "Lihat dasbor keamanan" msgid "View spam stats" msgstr "Lihat statistik spam" msgid "" "Ad buyers block sites with missing data. To ensure you are not losing any " "revenue please have an administrator update your ads.txt right now." msgstr "" "Pembeli iklan memblokir situs yang datanya hilang. Untuk memastikan Anda " "tidak kehilangan pendapatan, silakan minta administrator memperbarui ads.txt " "Anda sekarang." msgid "We noticed your ads.txt file is not configured for WordAds." msgstr "Tampaknya file ads.txt Anda tidak dikonfigurasi untuk WordAds." msgid "" "Your Quick Start session is booked for %s. Check your email " "for connection details." msgstr "" "Sesi Mulai Cepat Anda dijadwalkan untuk %s. Periksa email Anda " "untuk detail koneksi." msgid "Upgrade to %(planName)s" msgstr "Upgrade ke %(planName)s" msgid "Please specify a Soundcloud URL." msgstr "Harap tentukan URL Soundcloud." msgid "Creating product has failed." msgstr "Gagal membuat produk." msgid "These upgrades are set to expire <nobr>on %s</nobr>." msgstr "Upgrade berikut akan berakhir <nobr>pada %s</nobr>." msgid "Schedule my session" msgstr "Jadwalkan sesi saya" msgid "" "In honor of <a href=\"\">Safer Internet Day</a>, and in " "partnership with <a href=\"\">Google Registry</a>, " "save %s%% using promo code <code>{{coupon_code}}</code> at checkout. Offer " "valid for a limited time." msgstr "" "Untuk merayakan <a href=\"\">Hari Internet Aman</a>, serta " "kemitraan dengan <a href=\"\">Google Registry</a>, hemat %s" "%% dengan menggunakan kode promo <code>{{coupon_code}}</code> saat checkout. " "Penawaran valid dalam waktu terbatas." msgid "Attribute all content to another user" msgstr "Atributkan semua konten ke pengguna lain" msgid "Create a logo" msgstr "Buat logo" msgctxt "Forecast for the subscriptions due in the next 30 days" msgid "Next month" msgstr "Bulan selanjutnya" msgctxt "Sum of earnings over last 30 days" msgid "Last 30 days" msgstr "30 hari terakhir" msgid "Memberships" msgstr "Keanggotaan" msgid "These upgrades are set to expire on %s." msgstr "Upgrade berikut akan berakhir pada %s." msgid "%1$s costs %2$s, and it is set to expire on %3$s." msgstr "%1$s seharga %2$s, dan akan berakhir pada %3$s." msgid "Urgent! Your %1$s plan for %2$s has expired" msgstr "Penting! Paket %1$s Anda untuk %2$s telah berakhir" msgid "Your %s products will renew soon" msgstr "Produk %s Anda akan segera diperpanjang" msgid "PAN - Permanent account number" msgstr "PAN - Permanent account number/Nomor akun permanen" msgid "You did not provide a valid Medium URL." msgstr "Anda belum memberikan URL Medium yang valid." msgid "View at" msgstr "Lihat di" msgid "View this collection on" msgstr "Lihat koleksi ini di" msgid "Start sharing" msgstr "Mulai berbagi" msgid "Get social, and share your blog posts where the people are" msgstr "" "Perluas jangkauan sosial dan bagikan pos blog Anda di tempat yang banyak " "dikunjungi" msgid "Error occurred on a non-protected endpoint." msgstr "Terjadi error pada endpoint yang tidak terproteksi." msgid "In this case, WordPress caught an error with your theme, %s." msgstr "Pada kasus ini, WordPress menemukan sebuah error pada tema Anda, %s" msgid "In this case, WordPress caught an error with one of your plugins, %s." msgstr "" "Pada kasus ini, WordPress menemukan sebuah error pada salah satu dari plugin " "Anda, %s." msgid "" "Howdy!\n" "\n" "WordPress has a built-in feature that detects when a plugin or theme causes " "a fatal error on your site, and notifies you with this automated email.\n" "###CAUSE###\n" "First, visit your website (###SITEURL###) and check for any visible issues. " "Next, visit the page where the error was caught (###PAGEURL###) and check " "for any visible issues.\n" "\n" "###SUPPORT###\n" "\n" "If your site appears broken and you can't access your dashboard normally, " "WordPress now has a special \"recovery mode\". This lets you safely login to " "your dashboard and investigate further.\n" "\n" "###LINK###\n" "\n" "To keep your site safe, this link will expire in ###EXPIRES###. Don't worry " "about that, though: a new link will be emailed to you if the error occurs " "again after it expires.\n" "\n" "When seeking help with this issue, you may be asked for some of the " "following information:\n" "###DEBUG###\n" "\n" "###DETAILS###" msgstr "" "Apa kabar!\n" "\n" "Pada versi WordPress 5.2 ini telah disertakan fitur untuk mendeteksi apakah " "plugin atau tema menyebabkan error yang fatal pada situs Anda, dan otomatis " "akan memberitahu Anda melalui email seperti ini.\n" "###CAUSE###\n" "Pertama, kunjungi situs Anda (###SITEURL###) dan cek apakah ada masalah yang " "terlihat. Selanjutnya, kunjungi halaman dimana kesalahan telah terdeteksi " "(###PAGEURL###) dan cek apakah ada masalah yang terlihat.\n" "\n" "###SUPPORT###\n" "\n" "Jika situs Anda terlihat rusak dan Anda tidak bisa mengakses halaman dasbor " "Anda secara normal, saat ini WordPress telah memiliki fitur spesial yaitu " "\"mode pemulihan\". Dengan ini, Anda bisa masuk ke dasbor Anda dan " "menginvestigasi lebih lanjut.\n" "\n" "###LINK###\n" "\n" "Untuk membuat situs Anda aman, tautan berikut akan berakhir pada " "###EXPIRES###. Namun anda tidak perlu khawatir tentang hal ini, tautan yang " "baru akan dikirimkan ke email Anda apabila kesalahan terjadi lagi setelah " "tautan berakhir.\n" "\n" "Ketika meminta bantuan terkait masalah ini, Anda mungkin akan dimintai " "informasi berikut: \n" "###DEBUG###\n" "\n" "###DETAILS###" msgid "" "Please contact your host for assistance with investigating this issue " "further." msgstr "" "Silakan kontak penyedia layanan hosting Anda untuk bantuan investigasi " "masalah ini lebih lanjut." msgid "Jetpack Advanced Features" msgstr "Fitur Tingkat Lanjut Jetpack" msgid "" "Speed up your site’s performance and protect it from spammers. Access " "detailed records of all activity on your site and restore your site to a " "previous point in time with just a click! While you’re at it, improve your " "SEO with our Advanced SEO Tools and automate social media sharing." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan performa situs Anda dan lindungi dari serangan spammer. Akses " "laporan detail mengenai semua aktivitas di situs Anda dan pulihkan situs ke " "titik waktu sebelumnya hanya dengan mudah! Tingkatkan SEO Anda dengan " "Perangkat SEO Tingkat Lanjut dan nikmati fitur berbagi otomatis di media " "sosial." msgid "" "This theme failed to load properly and was paused within the admin backend." msgstr "" "Tema ini gagal dimuat dengan sempurna dan diberhentikan di backend admin." msgid "The Gist ID you provided is not valid. Please try a different one." msgstr "ID Gist yang Anda berikan tidak valid. Harap coba yang lain." msgid "Please specify a Gist URL or ID." msgstr "Harap sebutkan URL atau ID Gist." msgid "Good news! sites already have Jetpack." msgstr "Kabar baik! Situs sudah dilengkapi dengan Jetpack." msgid "Manage email" msgstr "Mengelola email" msgid "Manage domain" msgstr "Mengelola domain" msgid "" "The Google Video embed service is not available anymore, it has been " "replaced by YouTube." msgstr "" "Layanan Google Video tidak tersedia, dan telah digantikan oleh Youtube." msgid "" "Videos are not displayed in this email and must be <a href=\"%s\">viewed on " "the website</a>." msgstr "" "Video tidak ditampilkan dalam email ini dan harus <a href=\"%s\">dilihat di " "situs web</a>." msgid "" "Images are not displayed in this email and must be <a href=\"%s\">viewed on " "the website</a>." msgstr "" "Gambar tidak ditampilkan dalam email ini dan harus <a href=\"%s\">dilihat di " "situs web</a>." msgid "" "Media is not displayed in this email and must be <a href=\"%s\">viewed on " "the website</a>." msgstr "" "Media tidak ditampilkan dalam email ini dan harus <a href=\"%s\">dilihat di " "situs web</a>." msgid "Restore from Trash" msgstr "Pulihkan dari Tong Sampah" msgctxt "Site Health" msgid "Info" msgstr "Info" msgctxt "Site Health" msgid "Status" msgstr "Status" msgid "Recovery Mode — %s" msgstr "Mode Pemulihan — %s" msgid "All formats" msgstr "Semua format" msgid "Filter by post format" msgstr "Saring berdasarkan format pos" msgid "Theme resumed." msgstr "Tema dilanjutkan." msgid "" "There is a new version of %1$s available, but it does not work with your " "version of PHP. <a href=\"%2$s\" %3$s>View version %4$s details</a> or <a " "href=\"%5$s\">learn more about updating PHP</a>." msgstr "" "Tersedia versi baru %1$s, tetapi tidak berfungsi pada versi PHP Anda. <a " "href=\"%2$s\" %3$s>Lihat rincian versi %4$s</a> atau <a href=\"%5$s" "\">pelajari lebih lanjut tentang memperbarui PHP</a>." msgid "" "All domains ending in {{strong}}%(tld)s{{/strong}} require an SSL " "certificate to host a website. When you host this domain at an " "SSL certificate is included. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Semua domain yang berakhiran {{strong}}%(tld)s{{/strong}} memerlukan " "sertifikat SSL untuk menghosting situs web. Jika Anda menghosting domain ini " "di, sertifikat SSL sudah disertakan. {{a}}Pelajari " "selengkapnya{{/a}}." msgid "Best for getting started" msgstr "Terbaik untuk memulai" msgid "Your contribution" msgstr "Kontribusi Anda" msgid "Go to the Plugins screen" msgstr "Menuju halaman Plugin" msgid "You can find more details and make changes on the Plugins screen." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menemukan rincian lebih lengkap dan membuat perubahan pada layar " "Plugin." msgid "One or more plugins failed to load properly." msgstr "Satu atau beberapa plugin gagal dimuat dengan benar." msgid "Could not resume the plugin." msgstr "Tidak dapat melanjutkan plugin." msgid "Custom PHP fatal error handler." msgstr "Pengatur eror fatal PHP khusus. " msgid "Custom PHP error message." msgstr "Pesan eror PHP khusus." msgid "[%s] Network Admin Email Changed" msgstr "[%s] Alamat Email Admin Jaringan Dirubah" msgid "[%s] Network Admin Email Change Request" msgstr "[%s] Permohonan Perubahan Email Admin Jaringan" msgid "[%s] Admin Email Changed" msgstr "[%s] Email Admin Dirubah" msgid "30GB of cloud storage" msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan cloud 30 GB" msgid "Monthly subscription" msgstr "Langganan bulanan" msgid "[%s] Login Details" msgstr "[%s] Rincian Login" msgid "[%s] Background Update Finished" msgstr "[%s] Pembaruan Tertutup Selesai" msgid "[%s] Background Update Failed" msgstr "[%s] Pembaruan Tertutup Gagal" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "" "Enable widget visibility controls to display widgets only on particular " "posts or pages" msgstr "" "Aktifkan kontrol visibilitas widget untuk menampilkan widget hanya pada pos " "atau halaman tertentu" msgid "" "Widget visibility lets you decide which widgets appear on which pages, so " "you can finely tailor widget content." msgstr "" "Visibilitas widget memungkinkan Anda menentukan widget yang muncul di " "halaman, sehingga Anda dapat menyesuaikan konten widget dengan baik." msgid "" "Generates shorter links so you can have more space to write on social media " "sites." msgstr "" "Menghasilkan tautan yang lebih pendek agar ada lebih banyak ruang untuk " "menulis di situs media sosial." msgid "View %(domain)s" msgstr "Lihat %(domain)s" msgctxt "A navigation label." msgid "There is %(numberPeople)d person in your team" msgid_plural "There are %(numberPeople)d people in your team" msgstr[0] "Terdapat %(numberPeople)d orang di tim Anda" msgstr[1] "Terdapat %(numberPeople)d orang di tim Anda" msgid "You have %(number)d follower" msgid_plural "You have %(number)d followers" msgstr[0] "Anda memiliki %(number)d pengikut" msgstr[1] "Anda memiliki %(number)d pengikut" msgid "Exit Recovery Mode" msgstr "Keluar dari Mode Pemulihan" msgid "Go to the Themes screen" msgstr "Kunjungi panel Tema" msgid "You can find more details and make changes on the Themes screen." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menemukan rincian lebih lengkap dan membuat perubahan pada layar " "Tema." msgid "One or more themes failed to load properly." msgstr "Satu atau beberapa tema gagal dimuat dengan benar." msgid "Could not resume the theme." msgstr "Tidak dapat melanjutkan tema." msgid "Eraser callback is not valid: %s." msgstr "Eraser callback tidak valid: %s." msgid "Eraser does not include a callback: %s." msgstr "Eraser tidak mengandung callback: %s." msgid "%s Comment in moderation" msgid_plural "%s Comments in moderation" msgstr[0] "%s komentar perlu moderasi" msgstr[1] "%s komentar perlu moderasi" msgid "Enhance CSS customization panel" msgstr "Tingkatkan panel penyesuaian CSS" msgid "" "Adds names for CSS preprocessor use, disabling the theme's CSS, or custom " "image width." msgstr "" "Menambahkan nama untuk penggunaan praprosesor CSS, penonaktifan CSS tema, " "atau lebar gambar kustom." msgid "Crowdsignal" msgstr "Crowdsignal" msgid "Compare vs. Weebly for Your New Site" msgstr "Bandingkan dan Weebly untuk Situs Baru Anda" msgid "Compare vs. Squarespace for Your New Site" msgstr "Bandingkan dan Squarespace untuk Situs Baru Anda" msgid "Compare vs. Blogger for Your New Site" msgstr "Bandingkan dan Blogger untuk Situs Baru Anda" msgid "" "{{line1}}Start today, and see why more people{{/line1}} {{line2}}prefer " " over %1$s.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Mulai sekarang dan temukan alasan semakin banyak orang {{/line1}} " "{{line2}}memilih dibandingkan %1$s.{{/line2}}" msgid "Chat and email support is limited to certain business hours." msgstr "Sesi chat dan e-mail terbatas pada jam kerja yang ditentukan." msgid "Limited to the Weebly forums." msgstr "Hanya tersedia forum Weebly." msgid "Only built-in site stats are available." msgstr "Data situs hanya yang tersedia." msgid "" "See advanced site statistics right in your WordPress dashboard, or add a " "paid plan and connect to Google Analytics for in-depth reporting." msgstr "" "Lihat data situs tingkat lanjut langsung di dasbor WordPress Anda, atau " "tambahkan paket berbayar dan sambungkan ke Google Analytics untuk data lebih " "mendalam." msgid "" "Your site is limited to the built-in themes and customization options " "offered by Weebly." msgstr "" "Situs Anda dibatasi dengan tema dan pilihan penyesuaian yang ditawarkan oleh " "Weebly." msgid "You’ll pay an additional monthly cost to connect a domain to your site." msgstr "" "Anda dikenai biaya bulanan tambahan untuk menghubungkan domain ke situs Anda." msgid "" "Choose over %1$s and get a personalized domain, beautiful " "designs, and powerful eCommerce options. Plans start at just %2$s%3$s per " "month." msgstr "" "Pilih dibandingkan %1$s dan dapatkan domain yang " "dipersonalisasi, desain yang menarik, dan pilihan eCommerce yang andal. " "Paket mulai dari %2$s%3$s per bulan." msgid "" "{{line1}}Start today to find out why more people{{/line1}} {{line2}}prefer " " over %1$s.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Mulai sekarang dan temukan alasan semakin banyak orang{{/line1}} " "{{line2}}memilih dibandingkan %1$s.{{/line2}}" msgid "Extra features" msgstr "Fitur tambahan" msgid "Free to start with paid plans starting at just %1$s%2$s per month." msgstr "Mulai gratis, dan pilih paket berbayar mulai dari %1$s%2$s per bulan." msgid "" "Choose instead of %1$s and get a custom domain, 24/7 support, " "and a creative community millions strong. Plans start at just %2$s%3$s per " "month." msgstr "" "Pilih dibandingkan %1$s dan dapatkan domain khusus, bantuan " "setiap saat, dan kesempatan bergabung dengan komunitas WordPress. Paket " "mulai dari %2$s%3$s per bulan." msgid "" "{{line1}}Start today, and find out why{{/line1}} {{line2}}more bloggers " "prefer{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Mulai sekarang dan temukan alasan{{/line1}} {{line2}}semakin banyak " "blogger memilih{{/line2}}" msgid "" "There is no direct way of contacting Blogger support. Help is limited to " "online forums and FAQs." msgstr "" "Tidak ada cara untuk mendapatkan bantuan langsung dari Blogger. Bantuan " "terbatas pada forum online dan Tanya Jawab Umum (FAQ)." msgid "" "You can display Google AdSense ads. No other ad network is supported, and " "you can’t take payments or sell products." msgstr "" "Anda hanya dapat menampilkan iklan Google AdSense. Tidak ada jaringan iklan " "lain yang didukung, dan Anda tidak dapat melakukan pembayaran atau menjual " "produk." msgid "" "Make money by displaying targeted ads from multiple networks, taking " "payments or donations, and even selling digital or physical goods." msgstr "" "Dapatkan penghasilan dengan menampilkan iklan yang ditargetkan dari berbagai " "jaringan, menerima pembayaran atau donasi, dan bahkan menjual barang atau " "produk digital." msgid "Limited to blog posts only." msgstr "Terbatas hanya untuk pos blog." msgid "" "Create a blog, a website, a portfolio, an online store — or any combination " "you can think of." msgstr "" "Buat blog, situs web, portofolio, toko online, atau kombinasi apa pun yang " "dapat Anda pikirkan." msgid "Expert Tips" msgstr "Tip Pakar" msgid "" "Trying to decide between and Weebly for building your website? " "Here’s how the two compare." msgstr "" "Sedang memilih antara dan Weebly untuk membuat situs web? " "Berikut perbandingannya." msgid "" "Trying to decide between and Squarespace for building your " "website? Here’s how the two compare." msgstr "" "Sedang memilih antara dan Squarespace untuk membuat situs web? " "Berikut perbandingannya." msgid "" "Trying to decide between and Blogger for building your " "website? Here’s how the two compare." msgstr "" "Sedang memilih antara dan Blogger untuk membuat situs web? " "Berikut perbandingannya." msgid "" "With increased storage space you’ll be able to upload more images, audio, " "and documents to your website. On the Premium, Business, and eCommerce plans " "you can upload videos, too." msgstr "" "Dengan ruang penyimpanan lebih besar Anda akan dapat mengunggah lebih banyak " "gambar, audio, dan dokumen ke situs web Anda. Pada paket Premium, Bisnis, " "dan eCommerce Anda juga dapat mengunggah video." msgid "" "Every store that’s been migrated to Liquid Web has had their performance " "improved 2-8x." msgstr "" "Performa toko yang telah bermigrasi ke Liquid Web meningkat 2–8 kali lipat." msgid "We Speed up WooCommerce Stores" msgstr "Kami Meningkatkan Kecepatan Toko WooCommerce" msgid "" "Regardless of the challenge or hour, our support will surprise and delight " "you." msgstr "" "Apa pun masalahnya, kapan pun diperlukan, dukungan kami akan membuat Anda " "puas." msgid "The Most Helpful Humans in Hosting" msgstr "Kamilah Orang-Orang Paling Membantu dalam Hosting" msgid "" "With $1800 – $6600 of bundled themes, plugins and SaaS, you’ll find no " "better deal." msgstr "" "Inilah penawaran terbaik untuk Anda: bundel tema, plugin, dan SaaS, dengan " "harga $1.800–6.600." msgid "The Best Value in WooCommerce Hosting" msgstr "Paling Untung untuk Hosting WooCommerce" msgid "" "We’ve built a dedicated platform for conversions, whether you’re starting or " "growing your online store." msgstr "" "Kami membuat platform khusus untuk konversi, baik untuk toko online yang " "baru buka atau yang sedang berkembang." msgid "The Best Place To Run Your WooCommerce Store" msgstr "Tempat Terbaik untuk Menjalankan Toko WooCommerce Anda" msgid "Start with Liquid Web" msgstr "Mulai dengan Liquid Web" msgid "Starting at $69.00 / mo" msgstr "Mulai dari $69,00/bulan" msgid "" "Liquid Web knows WooCommerce, and WooCommerce stores run better with Jetpack " "Professional. <a href=\"#\" class=\"host-prtnr-show-details\">Learn more</a>" msgstr "" "Liquid Web paham soal WooCommerce dan paham bahwa toko WooCommerce berjalan " "lebih baik dengan Jetpack Professional. <a href=\"#\" class=\"host-prtnr-" "show-details\">Baca lebih lanjut</a>" msgid "Liquid Web Hosting is based out of The United States of America" msgstr "" "Hosting Liquid Web bermarkas di Amerika Serikat dan beroperasi di berbagai " "lokasi" msgid "Liquid Web Logo" msgstr "Logo Liquid Web" msgid "%s item with no issues detected" msgid_plural "%s items with no issues detected" msgstr[0] "%s hal tanpa masalah terdeteksi" msgstr[1] "%s hal tanpa masalah terdeteksi" msgid "Passed tests" msgstr "Tes terselesaikan" msgid "%s recommended improvement" msgid_plural "%s recommended improvements" msgstr[0] "%s perbaikan yang disarankan" msgstr[1] "%s perbaikan yang disarankan" msgid "%s critical issue" msgid_plural "%s critical issues" msgstr[0] "masalah kritis %s" msgstr[1] "masalah kritis %s" msgid "" "The site health check shows information about your WordPress configuration " "and items that may need your attention." msgstr "" "Pemeriksaan kesehatan situs menunjukkan informasi tentang konfigurasi " "WordPress Anda dan aspek-aspek yang mungkin perlu Anda perhatikan." msgid "Everything is running smoothly here." msgstr "Semuanya berjalan dengan lancar di sini." msgid "Great job!" msgstr "Kerja bagus!" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to access site health information." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan mengakses informasi kesehatan situs." msgid "Site Health Status" msgstr "Status Kesehatan Situs" msgid "Copy site info to clipboard" msgstr "Salin info situs ke papan klip" msgid "" "If you want to export a handy list of all the information on this page, you " "can use the button below to copy it to the clipboard. You can then paste it " "in a text file and save it to your device, or paste it in an email exchange " "with a support engineer or theme/plugin developer for example." msgstr "" "Jika Anda ingin mengekspor informasi bermanfaat yang ada di halaman ini, " "Anda dapat menggunakan tombol di bawah ini untuk menyalinnya ke papan klip. " "Anda kemudian dapat menempelkannya di berkas teks dan menyimpannya ke hard " "drive Anda, atau menempelkannya di e-mail yang bisa anda kirim ke staf " "layanan bantuan atau pengembang tema/plugin, misalnya." msgid "The Site Health check requires JavaScript." msgstr "Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Situs memerlukan JavaScript." msgid "Site Health" msgstr "Kesehatan Situs" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to access this endpoint." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan mengakses endpoint ini." msgid "Site Health Info" msgstr "Info Kesehatan Situs" msgid "The loopback request to your site completed successfully." msgstr "Permintaan loopback ke situs Anda telah berhasil." msgid "" "The loopback request returned an unexpected http status code, %d, it was not " "possible to determine if this will prevent features from working as expected." msgstr "" "Permintaan loopback menghasilkan kode status http yang tidak terduga,%d, " "sehingga tidak mungkin untuk menentukan apakah hal ini akan mencegah fitur " "berfungsi seperti yang diharapkan." msgid "" "The loopback request to your site failed, this means features relying on " "them are not currently working as expected." msgstr "" "Permintaan loopback ke situs Anda gagal, ini berarti fitur terkait loopback " "saat ini tidak berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya." msgid "No scheduled events exist on this site." msgstr "Tidak ada event terjadwal di situs ini." msgid "REST API availability" msgstr "Ketersediaan REST API" msgid "Loopback request" msgstr "Permintaan loopback" msgid "Debugging enabled" msgstr "Debugging diaktifkan" msgid "HTTP Requests" msgstr "Permintaan HTTP" msgid "Scheduled events" msgstr "Event terjadwal" msgid "Secure communication" msgstr "Komunikasi aman" msgid "HTTPS status" msgstr "Status HTTPS" msgid "PHP Extensions" msgstr "Ekstensi PHP" msgid "Database Server version" msgstr "Versi Server Basis Data" msgid "PHP Version" msgstr "Versi PHP" msgid "Theme Versions" msgstr "Versi Tema" msgid "Plugin Versions" msgstr "Versi Plugin" msgid "The REST API did not process the %s query parameter correctly." msgstr "REST API tidak memproses parameter kueri %s dengan benar." msgid "The REST API did not behave correctly" msgstr "REST API tidak berjalan sebagaimana mestinya" msgid "The REST API encountered an unexpected result" msgstr "REST API memberikan hasil yang tidak terduga" msgid "The REST API encountered an error" msgstr "Terjadi eror pada REST API" msgid "" "The REST API is one way that WordPress and other applications communicate " "with the server. For example, the block editor screen relies on the REST API " "to display and save your posts and pages." msgstr "" "REST API adalah sebuah cara WordPress dan aplikasi lain berkomunikasi dengan " "server. Salah satu contohnya adalah, layar editor blok yang mengandalkan " "REST API untuk menampilkan dan menyimpan pos dan laman Anda." msgid "The REST API is available" msgstr "Tersedia REST API" msgid "" "HTTP requests have been blocked by the %1$s constant, with some allowed " "hosts: %2$s." msgstr "" "Permintaan HTTP telah diblokir oleh konstan %1$s, terkecuali beberapa host: " "%2$s." msgid "HTTP requests are partially blocked" msgstr "Permintaan HTTP sebagian diblokir" msgid "" "HTTP requests have been blocked by the %s constant, with no allowed hosts." msgstr "" "Permintaan HTTP telah diblokir oleh konstan %s, tanpa host yang diizinkan." msgid "HTTP requests are blocked" msgstr "Permintaan HTTP diblokir" msgid "" "It is possible for site maintainers to block all, or some, communication to " "other sites and services. If set up incorrectly, this may prevent plugins " "and themes from working as intended." msgstr "" "Pemelihara situs dapat memblokir semua, atau sebagian komunikasi ke situs " "dan layanan lainnya. Jika pengaturannya tidak benar, akan mengakibatkan " "plugin dan tema tidak dapat berfungsi secara normal. " msgid "HTTP requests seem to be working as expected" msgstr "Permintaan HTTP tampaknya berfungsi seperti yang diharapkan" msgid "Your site could not complete a loopback request" msgstr "Situs Anda tidak dapat menyelesaikan permintaan loopback" msgid "" "Loopback requests are used to run scheduled events, and are also used by the " "built-in editors for themes and plugins to verify code stability." msgstr "" "Permintaan loopback digunakan untuk menjalankan event terjadwal, serta " "digunakan oleh editor yang terintegrasi agar tema dan plugin dapat " "memverifikasi stabilitas kode." msgid "Your site can perform loopback requests" msgstr "Situs Anda dapat menjalankan permintaan loopback" msgid "Background updates may not be working properly" msgstr "Pembaruan tertutup mungkin tidak berfungsi dengan baik" msgid "Background updates are not working as expected" msgstr "Pembaruan tertutup tidak berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya" msgid "Passed" msgstr "Lolos" msgid "" "Background updates ensure that WordPress can auto-update if a security " "update is released for the version you are currently using." msgstr "" "Pembaruan tertutup memastikan bahwa WordPress dapat memperbarui secara " "otomatis ketika peningkatan keamanan dirilis untuk versi yang sedang Anda " "gunakan." msgid "Background updates are working" msgstr "Pembaruan tertutup berfungsi normal" msgid "" "The scheduled event, %s, failed to run. Your site still works, but this may " "indicate that scheduling posts or automated updates may not work as intended." msgstr "" "Event yang dijadwalkan, %s, gagal dijalankan. Situs Anda masih berfungsi, " "namun hal ini menunjukkan bahwa penerbitan terjadwal atau pembaruan otomatis " "mungkin tidak berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya." msgid "A scheduled event has failed" msgstr "Event yang dijadwalkan telah gagal" msgid "" "While trying to test your site’s scheduled events, the following error " "was returned: %s" msgstr "" "Saat mencoba menguji event terjadwal situs Anda, muncul pesan eror berikut: " "%s" msgid "It was not possible to check your scheduled events" msgstr "Tidak dapat memeriksa event yang dijadwalkan" msgid "" "Scheduled events are what periodically looks for updates to plugins, themes " "and WordPress itself. It is also what makes sure scheduled posts are " "published on time. It may also be used by various plugins to make sure that " "planned actions are executed." msgstr "" "Event terjadwal adalah mekanisme agar sistem secara periodik mencari " "pembaruan tema, plugin dan WordPress itu sendiri. Dan memastikan penerbitan " "terjadwal dapat berlangsung tepat waktu. Serta digunakan oleh beberapa " "plugin untuk menjalankan aksi/fungsi terencana." msgid "Scheduled events are running" msgstr "Event terjadwal sedang berjalan" msgid "Talk to your web host about OpenSSL support for PHP." msgstr "" "Harap hubungi layanan hosting web Anda dan tanyakan apakah OpenSSL mendukung " "untuk PHP." msgid "Your site is unable to communicate securely with other services" msgstr "Situs Anda tidak dapat berkomunikasi dengan aman dengan layanan lain" msgid "Your site can communicate securely with other services" msgstr "Situs Anda dapat berkomunikasi dengan aman dengan layanan lain" msgid "" "Securely communicating between servers are needed for transactions such as " "fetching files, conducting sales on store sites, and much more." msgstr "" "Komunikasi antar server yang aman diperlukan untuk fungsi transaksi seperti " "mengambil berkas, memproses penjualan di situs e-commerce, dan sebagainya." msgid "Your website does not use HTTPS" msgstr "Situs Anda tidak menggunakan HTTPS" msgid "" "You are accessing this website using HTTPS, but your <a href=\"%s\">Site " "Address</a> is not set up to use HTTPS by default." msgstr "" "Anda mengakses situs web berikut menggunakan HTTPS, akan tetapi <a href=\"%s" "\">Alamat Situs</a> Anda tidak diatur secara otomatis untuk menggunakan " "HTTPS." msgid "Learn more about why you should use HTTPS" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang mengapa Anda harus menggunakan HTTPS" msgid "Your website is using an active HTTPS connection" msgstr "Situs web Anda menggunakan koneksi HTTPS aktif." msgid "" "The value, %1$s, has either been enabled by %2$s or added to your " "configuration file. This will make errors display on the front end of your " "site." msgstr "" "Nilai %1$s, telah diaktifkan dari %2$s atau ditambahkan ke dalam berkas " "konfigurasi Anda. Pengaturan ini akan memperlihatkan eror (jika ada) pada " "tampilan muka situs Anda." msgid "Your site is set to display errors to site visitors" msgstr "" "Situs Anda diatur supaya dapat menampilkan pesan eror kepada pengunjung situs" msgid "" "The value, %s, has been added to this website’s configuration file. " "This means any errors on the site will be written to a file which is " "potentially available to all users." msgstr "" "Nilai, %s, telah ditambahkan ke berkas konfigurasi situs web berikut. Maka, " "setiap eror pada situs akan ditulis ke berkas yang dapat tersedia untuk " "semua pengguna." msgid "Your site is set to log errors to a potentially public file" msgstr "" "Situs Anda diatur untuk merekam kesalahan ke sebuah berkas yang mungkin " "dapat diakses publik." msgid "" "Debug mode is often enabled to gather more details about an error or site " "failure, but may contain sensitive information which should not be available " "on a publicly available website." msgstr "" "Mode debug sering diaktifkan guna memperoleh rincian eror atau kegagalan " "situs, namun mungkin menampilkan informasi sensitif yang seharusnya tidak " "tersedia di situs web yang dapat diakses publik. " msgid "Your site is not set to output debug information" msgstr "Situs Anda tidak diatur untuk menampilkan informasi debug" msgid "Get help resolving this issue." msgstr "Dapatkan bantuan dalam menyelesaikan masalah ini." msgid "" "Your site is unable to reach at %1$s, and returned the error: " "%2$s" msgstr "" "Situs Anda tidak dapat menjangkau pada %1$s, dan menghasilkan " "eror: %2$s" msgid "Could not reach" msgstr "Tidak dapat menjangkau" msgid "" "Communicating with the WordPress servers is used to check for new versions, " "and to both install and update WordPress core, themes or plugins." msgstr "" "Komunikasi dengan server WordPress diperlukan untuk memeriksa versi baru, " "menginstal dan memperbarui kode inti WordPress, tema, atau plugin." msgid "Can communicate with" msgstr "Dapat berkomunikasi dengan" msgid "" "You are using a %1$s drop-in which might mean that a %2$s database is not " "being used." msgstr "" "Anda menggunakan drop-in %1$s yang berarti kemungkinan basis data %2$s " "sedang tidak digunakan." msgid "" "WordPress requires %1$s version %2$s or higher. Contact your web hosting " "company to correct this." msgstr "" "WordPress membutuhkan %1$s versi %2$s atau lebih tinggi. Hubungi perusahaan " "hosting web Anda untuk memperbaikinya." msgid "Severely outdated SQL server" msgstr "SQL server yang terlalu usang" msgid "" "For optimal performance and security reasons, you should consider running " "%1$s version %2$s or higher. Contact your web hosting company to correct " "this." msgstr "" "Untuk kinerja yang optimal dan alasan keamanan, Anda dapat menggunakan %1$s " "versi %2$s atau lebih tinggi. Hubungi perusahaan hosting web Anda untuk " "memperbaikinya." msgid "Outdated SQL server" msgstr "Server SQL telah usang" msgid "Learn more about what WordPress requires to run." msgstr "Baca lebih rinci tentang persyaratan yang diperlukan WordPress." msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "" "The SQL server is a required piece of software for the database WordPress " "uses to store all your site’s content and settings." msgstr "" "Server SQL adalah perangkat lunak yang dibutuhkan untuk basis data WordPress " "yang digunakan untuk menyimpan semua konten dan pengaturan situs Anda." msgid "SQL server is up to date" msgstr "Server SQL sudah terbaru" msgid "One or more required modules are missing" msgstr "Satu atau beberapa modul yang diwajibkan tidak ditemukan" msgid "One or more recommended modules are missing" msgstr "Satu atau beberapa modul yang direkomendasikan tidak ditemukan" msgid "The optional module, %s, is not installed, or has been disabled." msgstr "Modul opsional, %s, tidak diinstal, atau telah dinonaktifkan." msgid "The required module, %s, is not installed, or has been disabled." msgstr "Modul yang diwajibkan, %s, tidak diinstal, atau telah dinonaktifkan." msgid "" "" "extensions" msgstr "" "" "extensions" msgid "" "PHP modules perform most of the tasks on the server that make your site run. " "Any changes to these must be made by your server administrator." msgstr "" "Modul-modul PHP menjalankan semua tugas pada server sehingga situs Anda " "dapat berfungsi. Perubahan pada modul-modul ini dilakukan oleh administrator " "server Anda." msgid "Required and recommended modules are installed" msgstr "Modul yang diwajibkan dan direkomendasikan terpasang" msgid "" "Your site does not have any default theme. Default themes are used by " "WordPress automatically if anything is wrong with your chosen theme." msgstr "" "Situs Anda tidak memiliki tema asal. Tema asal digunakan oleh WordPress " "secara otomatis jika terdapat kendala pada tema yang Anda pilih." msgid "Have a default theme available" msgstr "Tersedia tema dasar" msgid "" "Your site has %1$d inactive theme, other than %2$s, the default WordPress " "theme, and %3$s, your active theme." msgid_plural "" "Your site has %1$d inactive themes, other than %2$s, the default WordPress " "theme, and %3$s, your active theme." msgstr[0] "" "Situs Anda memiliki %1$d tema tidak aktif, selain %2$s, tema dasar " "WordPress, dan%3$s, tema aktif Anda." msgstr[1] "" "Situs Anda memiliki %1$d tema tidak aktif, selain %2$s, tema dasar " "WordPress, dan%3$s, tema aktif Anda." msgid "" "You should consider removing any unused themes to enhance your site’s " "security." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menghapus tema yang tidak digunakan untuk meningkatkan keamanan " "situs Anda." msgid "Your site has %1$d inactive theme, other than %2$s, your active theme." msgid_plural "" "Your site has %1$d inactive themes, other than %2$s, your active theme." msgstr[0] "" "Situs Anda memiliki %1$d tema tidak aktif, selain %2$s, tema aktif Anda." msgstr[1] "" "Situs Anda memiliki %1$d tema tidak aktif, selain %2$s, tema aktif Anda." msgid "" "To enhance your site’s security, you should consider removing any " "themes you are not using. You should keep %1$s, the default WordPress theme, " "%2$s, your active theme, and %3$s, its parent theme." msgstr "" "Untuk meningkatkan keamanan situs, sebaiknya hapus semua tema yang tidak " "Anda gunakan. Jangan hapus %1$s, tema standar WordPress, %2$s, tema aktif " "Anda saat ini, dan %3$s, tema induknya." msgid "" "To enhance your site’s security, you should consider removing any " "themes you are not using. You should keep your active theme, %1$s, and %2$s, " "its parent theme." msgstr "" "Untuk meningkatkan keamanan situs Anda, sebaiknya hapus semua tema yang " "tidak Anda gunakan. Jangan hapus tema Anda yang aktif saat ini, %1$s, dan " "%2$s, tema induknya." msgid "Your site has %d inactive theme." msgid_plural "Your site has %d inactive themes." msgstr[0] "Situs Anda memiliki %d tema tidak aktif." msgstr[1] "Situs Anda memiliki %d tema tidak aktif." msgid "You should remove inactive themes" msgstr "Anda disarankan menghapus tema yang tidak aktif" msgid "Your site has %d installed theme, and it is up to date." msgid_plural "Your site has %d installed themes, and they are all up to date." msgstr[0] "Ada %d tema terinstal di situs Anda, dan semuanya terbaru." msgstr[1] "Ada %d tema terinstal di situs Anda, dan semuanya terbaru." msgid "Your site has 1 installed theme, and it is up to date." msgstr "Situs Anda memiliki 1 tema yang terinstal dengan versi terbaru." msgid "Your site has %d theme waiting to be updated." msgid_plural "Your site has %d themes waiting to be updated." msgstr[0] "Terdapat %d tema di situs Anda yang menunggu untuk diperbarui." msgstr[1] "Terdapat %d tema di situs Anda yang menunggu untuk diperbarui." msgid "You have themes waiting to be updated" msgstr "Terdapat beberapa tema yang menunggu untuk diperbarui" msgid "Manage your themes" msgstr "Kelola tema anda" msgid "" "Themes add your site’s look and feel. It’s important to keep " "them up to date, to stay consistent with your brand and keep your site " "secure." msgstr "" "Tema mempercantik tampilan dan nuansa situs Anda. Sangat penting untuk " "selalu memperbaruinya, supaya tetap konsisten dengan jenama dan menjaga " "keamanan situs Anda." msgid "Your themes are all up to date" msgstr "Tema Anda semuanya terbaru" msgid "Manage inactive plugins" msgstr "Kelola plugin yang tidak aktif" msgid "" "Inactive plugins are tempting targets for attackers. If you are not going to " "use a plugin, you should consider removing it." msgstr "" "Plugin yang tidak aktif adalah target potensial bagi peretas situs. Jika " "Anda tidak menggunakan plugin tertentu, kami sarankan Anda menghapusnya." msgid "Your site has %d inactive plugin." msgid_plural "Your site has %d inactive plugins." msgstr[0] "Situs Anda memiliki %d plugin tidak aktif." msgstr[1] "Situs Anda memiliki %d plugin tidak aktif." msgid "You should remove inactive plugins" msgstr "Anda disarankan menghapus plugin yang tidak aktif" msgid "Your site has %d active plugin, and it is up to date." msgid_plural "Your site has %d active plugins, and they are all up to date." msgstr[0] "Situs Anda memiliki %d plugin aktif, dan semuanya terbaru." msgstr[1] "Situs Anda memiliki %d plugin aktif, dan semuanya terbaru." msgid "Your site has 1 active plugin, and it is up to date." msgstr "Situs Anda memiliki 1 plugin yang aktif dengan versi terbaru." msgid "Update your plugins" msgstr "Perbarui plugin Anda" msgid "Your site has %d plugin waiting to be updated." msgid_plural "Your site has %d plugins waiting to be updated." msgstr[0] "Situs Anda memiliki %d plugin yang menunggu untuk diperbarui." msgstr[1] "Situs Anda memiliki %d plugin yang menunggu untuk diperbarui." msgid "You have plugins waiting to be updated" msgstr "Ada beberapa plugin yang menunggu untuk diperbarui" msgid "Manage your plugins" msgstr "Kelola plugin Anda" msgid "" "Plugins extend your site’s functionality with things like contact " "forms, ecommerce and much more. That means they have deep access to your " "site, so it’s vital to keep them up to date." msgstr "" "Plugin memperluas fungsionalitas situs Anda dengan fitur-fitur seperti " "formulir kontak, toko online, dan banyak lagi. Artinya, plugin memiliki " "akses yang dalam ke situs Anda, jadi pastikan untuk selalu memperbaruinya." msgid "Your plugins are all up to date" msgstr "Semua plugin Anda sudah terbaru" msgid "" "You are currently running the latest version of WordPress available, keep it " "up!" msgstr "" "Anda menjalankan versi terbaru WordPress yang tersedia saat ini, lanjutkan!" msgid "" "A new minor update is available for your site. Because minor updates often " "address security, it’s important to install them." msgstr "" "Tersedia sedikit pembaruan untuk situs Anda. Karena pembaruan ini seringkali " "berkaitan dengan peningkatan keamanan, jadi penting untuk menginstalnya." msgid "A new version of WordPress is available." msgstr "Tersedia WordPress versi baru." msgid "Install the latest version of WordPress" msgstr "Instal WordPress versi terbaru" msgid "WordPress update available (%s)" msgstr "Tersedia Pembaruan WordPress (%s)" msgid "Check for updates manually" msgstr "Periksa pembaruan manual" msgid "Unable to check if any new versions of WordPress are available." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat memeriksa jika tersedia versi baru WordPress." msgid "WordPress version %s" msgstr "Versi WordPress %s" msgid "" "WordPress security and maintenance releases are blocked by the %s filter." msgstr "Rilis keamanan dan pemeliharaan WordPress diblokir oleh filter %s." msgid "WordPress security and maintenance releases are blocked by %s." msgstr "Rilis keamanan dan pemeliharaan WordPress diblokir oleh %s." msgid "WordPress development updates are blocked by the %s filter." msgstr "Pembaruan pengembangan WordPress diblokir oleh filter %s." msgid "WordPress development updates are blocked by the %s constant." msgstr "Pembaruan pengembangan WordPress diblokir oleh konstan %s." msgid "All of your WordPress files are writable." msgstr "Semua berkas WordPress Anda dapat ditulisi." msgid "Some files are not writable by WordPress:" msgstr "Beberapa berkas tidak dapat ditulisi oleh WordPress:" msgid "This could mean that connections are failing to" msgstr "Ini berarti mungkin koneksi ke gagal." msgid "Couldn't retrieve a list of the checksums for WordPress %s." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengambil daftar checksum untuk WordPress %s." msgid "" "Your installation of WordPress does not require FTP credentials to perform " "updates." msgstr "" "Instalasi WordPress Anda tidak memerlukan kredensial FTP untuk melakukan " "pembaruan." msgid "" "(Your site is performing updates over FTP due to file ownership. Talk to " "your hosting company.)" msgstr "" "(Situs Anda sedang melakukan pembaruan melalui FTP yang disebabkan oleh " "masalah kepemilikan file. Harap hubungi perusahaan hosting Anda.)" msgid "" "Your installation of WordPress prompts for FTP credentials to perform " "updates." msgstr "" "Instalasi WordPress Anda meminta kredensial FTP untuk melakukan pembaruan." msgid "No version control systems were detected." msgstr "Tidak terdeteksi ketersedian sistem kontrol versi." msgid "The folder %1$s was detected as being under version control (%2$s)." msgstr "Folder %1$s terdeteksi di bawah kendali versi (%2$s)." msgid "" "The folder %1$s was detected as being under version control (%2$s), but the " "%3$s filter is allowing updates." msgstr "" "Terdapat folder %1$s di bawah kontrol versi (%2$s), tetapi filter %3$s " "mengizinkan pembaruan." msgid "A previous automatic background update could not occur." msgstr "Pembaruan otomatis tertutup sebelumnya tidak bekerja." msgid "The error code was %s." msgstr "Kode eror adalah %s." msgid "" "When you've been able to update using the \"Update now\" button on Dashboard " "> Updates, this error will be cleared for future update attempts." msgstr "" "Saat Anda dapat memperbarui menggunakan tombol \"Perbarui Sekarang\" di " "Dasbor > Pembaruan, eror ini akan dibersihkan pada upaya pembaruan mendatang." msgid "You would have received an email because of this." msgstr "Anda akan menerima e-mail karena hal ini." msgid "" "A previous automatic background update ended with a critical failure, so " "updates are now disabled." msgstr "" "Terjadi kegagalan kritis pada pembaruan otomatis tertutup sebelumnya, " "sehingga pembaruan sekarang dinonaktifkan." msgid "The %s filter is enabled." msgstr "Filter %s diaktifkan." msgid "A plugin has prevented updates by disabling %s." msgstr "Sebuah plugin menangkal pembaruan dengan menonaktifkan %s." msgid "" "Total size is not available. Some errors were encountered when determining " "the size of your installation." msgstr "" "Total ukuran tidak tersedia. Beberapa eror terjadi saat mendapatkan ukuran " "instalasi Anda." msgid "" "The directory size calculation has timed out. Usually caused by a very large " "number of sub-directories and files." msgstr "" "Penghitungan ukuran direktori telah kehabisan waktu. Biasanya disebabkan " "oleh jumlah sub-direktori dan file yang sangat besar." msgid "" "The size cannot be calculated. The directory is not accessible. Usually " "caused by invalid permissions." msgstr "" "Ukuran tidak dapat dihitung. Direktori tidak dapat diakses. Biasanya " "disebabkan oleh izin akses yang tidak valid." msgid "The must use plugins directory" msgstr "Direktori plugin yang wajib digunakan" msgid "Theme directory location" msgstr "Lokasi direktori tema" msgid "Theme features" msgstr "Fitur tema" msgid "Parent theme" msgstr "Tema induk" msgid "Author website" msgstr "Situs web penulis" msgid "Version %1$s by %2$s" msgstr "Versi %1$s oleh %2$s" msgid "No version or author information is available." msgstr "Tidak ada informasi versi atau penulis. " msgid "Client version" msgstr "Versi klien" msgid "Server version" msgstr "Versi server" msgid "Extension" msgstr "Ekstensi" msgid "Your %s file contains only core WordPress features." msgstr "Berkas %s Anda hanya berisi fitur inti WordPress." msgid "Custom rules have been added to your %s file." msgstr "Aturan khusus telah ditambahkan ke berkas %s Anda." msgid ".htaccess rules" msgstr "Aturan .htaccess" msgid "Is the Imagick library available?" msgstr "Apakah tersedia library Imagick?" msgid "Is SUHOSIN installed?" msgstr "Apakah SUHOSIN terinstal?" msgid "cURL version" msgstr "Versi cURL" msgid "PHP post max size" msgstr "PHP post max size" msgid "Upload max filesize" msgstr "Ukuran berkas maksimal untuk diunggah" msgid "Max input time" msgstr "Waktu input maksimal" msgid "PHP memory limit" msgstr "Batas memori PHP" msgid "PHP time limit" msgstr "Batas waktu PHP" msgid "PHP max input variables" msgstr "PHP max input variables" msgid "" "Unable to determine some settings, as the %s function has been disabled." msgstr "" "Beberapa pengaturan tidak dapat digunakan, karena fungsi %s telah " "dinonaktifkan." msgid "Server settings" msgstr "Pengaturan server" msgid "PHP SAPI" msgstr "PHP SAPI" msgid "PHP version" msgstr "Versi PHP" msgid "Unable to determine what web server software is used" msgstr "Tidak dapat memastikan perangkat lunak server web apa yang digunakan" msgid "Web server" msgstr "Server web" msgid "Unable to determine server architecture" msgstr "Tidak dapat memastikan arsitektur server" msgid "Server architecture" msgstr "Arsitektur server" msgid "(Does not support 64bit values)" msgstr "(Tidak mendukung nilai 64bit)" msgid "(Supports 64bit values)" msgstr "(Mendukung nilai 64bit)" msgid "Ghostscript version" msgstr "Versi Ghostscript" msgid "Unable to determine if Ghostscript is installed" msgstr "Tidak dapat memastikan apakah Ghostscript terinstal" msgid "GD version" msgstr "Versi GD" msgid "Imagick Resource Limits" msgstr "Batas Sumber Daya Imagick" msgid "ImageMagick version string" msgstr "Versi string ImageMagick" msgid "ImageMagick version number" msgstr "Nomor versi ImageMagick" msgid "Active editor" msgstr "Editor aktif" msgid "Total installation size" msgstr "Ukuran total instalasi" msgid "Database size" msgstr "Ukuran basis data" msgid "Plugins directory size" msgstr "Ukuran direktori plugin" msgid "Plugins directory location" msgstr "Lokasi direktori plugin" msgid "Themes directory size" msgstr "Ukuran direktori tema" msgid "Themes directory location" msgstr "Lokasi direktori tema" msgid "Uploads directory size" msgstr "Ukuran direktori unggahan" msgid "Uploads directory location" msgstr "Lokasi direktori unggahan" msgid "WordPress directory size" msgstr "Ukuran direktori WordPress" msgid "WordPress directory location" msgstr "Lokasi direktori WordPress" msgid "Unable to reach at %1$s: %2$s" msgstr "Tidak dapat menjangkau pada %1$s: %2$s" msgid " is reachable" msgstr " dapat dijangkau" msgid "Communication with" msgstr "Komunikasi dengan" msgid "Network count" msgstr "Jumlah jaringan" msgid "Site count" msgstr "Jumlah situs" msgid "User count" msgstr "Jumlah pengguna" msgid "The themes directory" msgstr "Direktori tema" msgid "The plugins directory" msgstr "Direktori plugin" msgid "The uploads directory" msgstr "Direktori unggahan" msgid "The wp-content directory" msgstr "Direktori wp-content" msgid "Not writable" msgstr "Tidak bisa ditulisi" msgid "Writable" msgstr "Dapat ditulisi" msgid "The main WordPress directory" msgstr "Direktori utama WordPress" msgid "" "Shows whether WordPress is able to write to the directories it needs access " "to." msgstr "" "Menunjukkan apakah WordPress dapat menulis ke direktori-direktori yang perlu " "diakses." msgid "Filesystem Permissions" msgstr "Izin Sistem File" msgid "These settings alter where and how parts of WordPress are loaded." msgstr "" "Pengaturan berikut mengubah di mana dan cara komponen WordPress dimuat." msgid "WordPress Constants" msgstr "WordPress Constants" msgid "Undefined" msgstr "Tidak Terdefinisi" msgid "Database" msgstr "Basis Data" msgid "" "The options shown below relate to your server setup. If changes are " "required, you may need your web host’s assistance." msgstr "" "Opsi yang ditunjukkan di bawah ini berkaitan dengan pengaturan server Anda. " "Jika perlu perubahan, Anda dapat meminta bantuan dari perusahaan hosting web " "Anda." msgid "Server" msgstr "Server" msgid "Media Handling" msgstr "Penanganan Media" msgid "Inactive Plugins" msgstr "Plugin Tidak Aktif" msgid "Active Plugins" msgstr "Plugin Aktif" msgid "Must Use Plugins" msgstr "Plugin yang Wajib Digunakan" msgid "Drop-ins" msgstr "Drop-ins" msgid "Directories and Sizes" msgstr "Direktori dan Ukuran" msgid "Is this a multisite?" msgstr "Apakah ini multisitus?" msgctxt "comment status" msgid "Closed" msgstr "Ditutup" msgctxt "comment status" msgid "Open" msgstr "Buka" msgid "Default comment status" msgstr "Status baku komentar" msgid "Can anyone register on this site?" msgstr "Dapatkah orang lain mendaftar di situs ini?" msgid "Is this site using HTTPS?" msgstr "Apakah situs ini menggunakan HTTPS?" msgid "No permalink structure set" msgstr "Tidak ada struktur permalink yang ditetapkan" msgid "Permalink structure" msgstr "Struktur permalink" msgid "User Language" msgstr "Bahasa Pengguna" msgid "(Latest version: %s)" msgstr "(Versi terbaru: %s)" msgid "" "The Email Subscribe shortcode is now available as a block in the Block " "editor." msgstr "Shortcode Email Subscribe tersedia sebagai blok di editor Blok." msgid "The Digg API was shut down in 2014." msgstr "Digg API telah dihentikan pada 2014." msgid "Compose using shortcodes to embed media from popular sites" msgstr "Tulis menggunakan shortcode untuk menyematkan media dari situs populer" msgid "" "Shortcodes are WordPress-specific markup that let you add media from popular " "sites. This feature is no longer necessary as the editor now handles media " "embeds rather gracefully." msgstr "" "Shortcode adalah markup khusus WordPress yang memungkinkan Anda menambahkan " "media dari situs populer. Fitur tersebut sekarang tidak lagi diperlukan " "karena editor menangani penyematan media dengan lancar." msgid "" "Use the LaTeX markup language to write mathematical equations and formulas" msgstr "" "Gunakan bahasa markup LaTeX untuk menulis persamaan dan rumus matematika" msgid "" "LaTeX is a powerful markup language for writing complex mathematical " "equations and formulas." msgstr "" "LaTeX adalah bahasa markup yang sangat berguna untuk menulis persamaan dan " "rumus matematika yang kompleks." msgid "" "Make extra widgets available for use on your site including images and " "Twitter streams" msgstr "" "Jadikan widget tambahan tersedia untuk digunakan di situs Anda, termasuk " "gambar dan aliran Twitter" msgid "Provides additional widgets for use on your site." msgstr "Menyediakan widget tambahan untuk digunakan di situs Anda." msgid "VIP (enterprise WordPress)" msgstr "VIP (WordPress untuk perusahaan)" msgid "Pressable (managed WordPress)" msgstr "Pressable (penyedia hosting WordPress)" msgid "" "An error of type %1$s was caused in line %2$s of the file %3$s. Error " "message: %4$s" msgstr "" "Tipe eror %1$s disebabkan oleh baris %2$s pada berkas %3$s. Pesan eror: %4$s" msgid "Failed to exit recovery mode. Please try again later." msgstr "Gagal keluar dari mode pemulihan. Mohon coba kembali." msgid "Exit recovery mode link expired." msgstr "Tautan mode pemulihan keluar telah kedaluwarsa." msgid "Failed to store the error." msgstr "Gagal menyimpan eror." msgid "Error not caused by a plugin or theme." msgstr "Eror bukan disebabkan oleh plugin atau tema." msgid "Recovery key expired." msgstr "Kunci pemulihan telah kedaluwarsa." msgid "Invalid recovery key." msgstr "Kunci pemulihan tidak valid." msgid "Invalid recovery key format." msgstr "Format kunci pemulihan tidak valid." msgid "Recovery Mode not initialized." msgstr "Mode Pemulihan tidak berhasil dimulai." msgid "[%s] Your Site is Experiencing a Technical Issue" msgstr "[%s] Situs Anda mengalami Gangguan Teknis" msgid "" "A recovery link was already sent %1$s ago. Please wait another %2$s before " "requesting a new email." msgstr "" "Tautan pemulihan telah dikirim %1$s yang lalu. Mohon tunggu selama %2$s " "sebelum meminta email yang baru." msgid "" "The email could not be sent. Possible reason: your host may have disabled " "the %s function." msgstr "" "Email tidak dapat dikirim. Mungkin disebabkan oleh: layanan penyedia hosting " "Anda menonaktifkan fungsi %s." msgid "Could not update the email last sent time." msgstr "Tidak dapat memperbarui email saat terakhir dikirim." msgid "Invalid cookie." msgstr "Cookie tidak valid." msgid "Cookie expired." msgstr "Cookie kedaluwarsa." msgid "Invalid cookie format." msgstr "Format cookie tidak valid." msgid "No cookie present." msgstr "Tidak ada cookie." msgid "" "Sorry, the page you were looking for doesn't exist or has been moved. Read " "the <a href='//'> blog</a>, <a href='//" "'>compare plans</a>, or just search for something else." msgstr "" "Maaf, halaman yang Anda cari tidak ada atau telah dipindahkan. Baca <a " "href='//'>blog</a>, <a href='//wordpress." "com/pricing/'>bandingkan paket</a>, atau cari hal lain." msgid "<a href=\"\">Support</a>" msgstr "<a href=\"\">Bantuan</a>" msgid "" "An incomplete personal data request for this email address already exists." msgstr "" "Permintaan data pribadi yang tidak lengkap untuk alamat email berikut telah " "dibuat." msgid "[%s] Email Change Request" msgstr "[%s] Permintaan Perubahan Email" msgid "[%s] Email Changed" msgstr "[%s] Email Dirubah" msgid "Hold tight, your site is being upgraded." msgstr "Tunggu, situs Anda sedang di-upgrade." msgid "" "Power your business website with custom plugins and themes, unlimited " "premium and business theme templates, 200 GB storage, and the ability to " "remove branding." msgstr "" "Lengkapi situs web bisnis Anda dengan tema dan plugin khusus, template tema " "premium dan bisnis tanpa batas, ruang penyimpanan 200 GB, serta kemampuan " "untuk menghapus branding" msgid "per month, billed annually" msgstr "per bulan, penagihan tahunan" msgid "Hide message" msgstr "Sembunyikan pesan" msgid "G Suite Business" msgstr "G Suite Bisnis" msgid "Domain Contact Verification" msgstr "Verifikasi Kontak Domain" msgid "That's all for now. We'll see you again soon." msgstr "Sementara ini selesai. Kita akan berjumpa lagi." msgid "Check your email." msgstr "Periksa email Anda." msgid "Email sent!" msgstr "Email terkirim!" msgid "Hmm. Something went wrong." msgstr "Hmm. Terjadi masalah." msgid "" "If you're having trouble verifying your contact information, please {{a}}" "{{strong}}contact support{{/strong}}{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Jika Anda kesulitan memverifikasi informasi kontak, silakan {{a}}{{strong}}" "hubungi dukungan{{/strong}}{{/a}}." msgid "Sorry, we weren't able to re-send the email." msgstr "Maaf, kami tidak dapat mengirim ulang email." msgid "Already verified." msgstr "Sudah diverifikasi." msgid "" "{{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}} is different from the email we have on record " "for {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}} berbeda dengan email yang ada di catatan kami " "untuk {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}." msgid "" "This email has expired.{{br/}}Please resend the verification email and try " "again." msgstr "" "Email ini sudah kedaluwarsa.{{br/}}Silakan kirim ulang email verifikasi dan " "coba lagi." msgid "All done. You can close this window now." msgstr "Sudah selesai. Anda dapat menutup jendela ini sekarang." msgid "Verifying your contact information…" msgstr "Memverifikasi informasi kontak Anda…" msgid "" "If you've arrived here after clicking a link from a email, " "please {{a}}{{strong}}contact support{{/strong}}{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tiba di sini setelah mengeklik tautan dari email, " "silakan {{a}}{{strong}}hubungi dukungan{{/strong}}{{/a}}." msgid "" "PHP’s XML extension is not available. Please contact your hosting provider " "to enable PHP’s XML extension." msgstr "" "Ekstensi XML PHP tidak tersedia. Harap hubungi penyedia hosting Anda untuk " "mengaktifkan ekstensi XML PHP." msgid "" "You may also receive this notice if we have issues with sending messages to " "your email address on record." msgstr "" "Anda juga menerima pemberitahuan yang sama jika terdapat kendala saat kami " "mengirim pesan ke alamat email Anda yang terdata." msgid "Verify Now" msgstr "Verifikasi Sekarang" msgid "" "Please verify your information as soon as possible, or sites and emails that " "use this domain will stop working." msgstr "" "Verifikasikan informasi Anda secepatnya. Jika tidak, situs dan email yang " "menggunakan domain ini akan berhenti berfungsi." msgid "The contact information we currently have on file:" msgstr "Informasi kontak yang ada dalam catatan kami:" msgid "" "Your contact information has to be verified so we can get in touch with you " "when needed." msgstr "" "Informasi kontak Anda harus diverifikasi agar kami dapat menghubungi Anda " "saat diperlukan." msgid "" "You are receiving this message because you recently registered the domain " "<strong>%1$s</strong> or changed the contact information for this domain." msgstr "" "Anda menerima pesan ini karena baru mendaftarkan domain <strong>%1$s</" "strong> atau mengubah informasi kontak untuk domain ini." msgid "Important! Please verify your contact information for domain %1$s" msgstr "Penting! Lakukan verifikasi informasi kontak Anda untuk domain %1$s" msgid "" "Get %1$s off Business plan upgrades when you enter code %2$s at checkout!" msgstr "" "Dapatkan diskon %1$s untuk upgrade paket Bisnis dengan memasukkan kode %2$s " "saat checkout!" msgid "" "Still haven’t upgraded your site to the Business plan? Hurry, the sale ends " "in just a few hours." msgstr "" "Belum upgrade situs ke paket Bisnis? Jangan tunda lagi, promo ini akan " "berakhir beberapa jam lagi." msgid "P.S.: Don’t forget to enter code %1$s at checkout." msgstr "N.B.: Jangan lupa masukkan kode %1$s saat checkout." msgid "" "Your upgrade comes with our 30-day money-back guarantee. So if you decide to " "not keep the Business plan for any reason, just let us know and we’ll give " "you a full refund" msgstr "" "Upgrade Anda dilengkapi garansi 30 hari uang kembali. Jadi jika Anda " "memutuskan tidak ingin melanjutkan penggunaan paket Bisnis, cukup beri tahu " "kami dan kami akan mengembalikan uang Anda seutuhnya" msgid "" "So if you even <em>think</em> you might want to upgrade to the Business " "plan, I encourage you to do it today while you can get this big discount." msgstr "" "Jadi jika Anda pernah <em>berpikir</em> untuk upgrade ke paket Bisnis, " "sebaiknya lakukan hari ini selagi masih ada kesempatan untuk mendapatkan " "diskon besar." msgid "" "<b>But please note:</b> If you try to upgrade tomorrow, the coupon code " "won’t work and you’ll have to pay the plan’s full price." msgstr "" "<b>Ingat:</b> Jika Anda mencoba upgrade besok, kode kupon tidak akan dapat " "digunakan dan Anda harus membayar paket dengan harga normal." msgid "" "If you upgrade your WordPress.​com site to the Business plan today, " "you’ll receive a %1$s discount when you apply code %2$s at checkout." msgstr "" "Jika meng-upgrade situs WordPress.​com Anda ke paket Bisnis hari ini, Anda " "akan mendapatkan diskon %1$s dengan memasukkan kode %2$s saat checkout." msgid "" "I want to keep this quick, because you only have a few hours before this " "offer expires." msgstr "" "Ini tidak akan lama, karena Anda hanya punya waktu beberapa jam sebelum " "penawaran ini berakhir." msgid "TAKE %1$s OFF the WordPress.​com Business Plan" msgstr "DISKON %1$s untuk Paket WordPress.​com Bisnis" msgid "%1$s Discount Expires Today" msgstr "Diskon %1$s Berakhir Hari Ini" msgid "" "P.S.: And remember, if you realize the WordPress.​com Business plan " "doesn’t fit your needs, just let us know any time during the first 30 days " "and you'll receive a full refund." msgstr "" "N.B.: Dan ingat, jika nantinya Anda merasa paket WordPress.​com Bisnis tidak " "cocok dengan kebutuhan Anda, cukup beri tahu kami kapan saja selama 30 hari " "pertama dan uang Anda akan kembali seutuhnya." msgid "Upgrade today and claim this %1$s discount!" msgstr "Upgrade sekarang dan klaim diskon %1$s ini!" msgid "But don’t take too long to decide, because this offer expires tomorrow!" msgstr "Jangan tunggu terlalu lama, karena penawaran ini berakhir besok!" msgid "" "And to sweeten the deal even more, we're including a free 30 minute " "onboarding call with a support expert to walk you through the Business " "plan's amazing features!" msgstr "" "Dan untuk membuat penawaran ini semakin menarik, kami menyertakan panggilan " "penyiapan gratis selama 30 menit dengan pakar dukungan untuk memandu Anda " "dalam memahami berbagai fitur hebat dari paket Bisnis!" msgid "" "So I’m offering you this %1$s discount to encourage you to give the Business " "plan a try." msgstr "" "Jadi saya menawarkan diskon %1$s ini untuk mendorong Anda agar mencoba paket " "Bisnis." msgid "" "Your current plan doesn’t have access to plugins, which means you’re missing " "out on a lot of great features." msgstr "" "paket Anda saat ini tidak memiliki akses ke plugin, yang artinya Anda " "melewatkan banyak fitur hebat." msgid "" "Upgrading to the WordPress.​com Business plan grants you access to the " "entire library of over 50,000 WordPress plugins." msgstr "" "Dengan upgrade ke paket WordPress.​com Bisnis, Anda mendapatkan akses ke " "seluruh pustaka yang berisi lebih dari 50.000 plugin WordPress." msgid "" "In case you missed my email yesterday, I wanted to make sure you hear about " "this opportunity to tap into the power of plugins. " msgstr "" "Apabila Anda melewatkan email yang saya kirim kemarin, saya ingin memastikan " "Anda mengetahui kesempatan untuk memanfaatkan plugin. " msgid "Click here to claim this huge savings now." msgstr "Klik di sini untuk mengklaim diskon besar-besaran ini." msgid "Be sure to use coupon code %1$s during checkout." msgstr "Pastikan Anda menggunakan kode kupon %1$s saat checkout." msgid "TAKE %1$s OFF the WordPress.​com Business Plan...!" msgstr "DISKON %1$s untuk Paket WordPress.​com Bisnis...!" msgid "Just Two Days Left" msgstr "Tinggal Dua Hari Lagi" msgid "" "Time is running out on your chance to claim a big discount on our most " "powerful service." msgstr "" "Waktu Anda hampir habis untuk mengklaim diskon besar pada layanan kami yang " "paling andal." msgid "Click here to upgrade now, before time runs out!" msgstr "" "Klik di sini untuk melakukan upgrade sekarang, sebelum penawaran berakhir!" msgid "" "P.S. And remember, if you realize the Business plan doesn’t " "fit your needs at the moment, just let us know any time during the first 30 " "days (48 hours for domains) and you’ll receive a full refund." msgstr "" "N.B. Dan ingat, jika nantinya Anda merasa paket Bisnis tidak " "cocok dengan kebutuhan Anda saat ini, cukup beri tahu kami kapan saja selama " "30 hari pertama (48 jam untuk domain) dan uang Anda akan kembali seutuhnya." msgid "And be sure to use coupon code %1$s during checkout." msgstr "Dan pastikan Anda menggunakan kode kupon %1$s saat checkout." msgid "Simply click the link below to get started." msgstr "Cukup klik tautan di bawah untuk memulai." msgid "" "You have to act quickly though, because this special offer is about to " "expire." msgstr "" "Tetapi Anda harus gerak cepat, karena penawaran spesial ini segera berakhir." msgid "" "The Business plan also includes unlimited storage space for media, unlimited " "bandwidth, and video hosting." msgstr "" "Paket Bisnis juga mencakup penyimpanan tanpa batas untuk media, bandwidth " "tanpa batas, dan hosting video." msgid "A 30 minute one-on-one onboarding call with a support expert." msgstr "Panggilan penyiapan langsung 30 menit dengan pakar dukungan." msgid "Exclusive search engine optimization (SEO) tools." msgstr "Alat optimasi mesin pencari (SEO) eksklusif." msgid "Google Analytics integration." msgstr "Integrasi dengan Google Analytics." msgid "Access to any WordPress theme." msgstr "Akses ke semua tema WordPress." msgid "Ability to install any WordPress plugin." msgstr "Kemampuan menginstal segala plugin WordPress." msgid "" "Upgrading your site to the Business plan unlocks great marketing and design " "features not included in any other plan, including:" msgstr "" "Upgrade situs ke paket Bisnis akan membuka berbagai fitur pemasaran dan " "desain hebat yang tidak ada di paket lainnya, termasuk:" msgid "" "Now’s your chance to gain full access to our most powerful service at an " "incredible price." msgstr "" "Sekarang kesempatan Anda untuk mendapatkan akses penuh ke layanan kami yang " "paling andal dengan harga istimewa." msgid "" "PLUS we'll give you a free 30 minute onboarding call with a support expert!" msgstr "" "PLUS kami akan memberikan panggilan penyiapan gratis selama 30 menit dengan " "pakar dukungan!" msgid "TAKE %1$s OFF the<br /> WordPress.​com Business Plan" msgstr "DISKON %1$s untuk<br /> Paket WordPress.​com Bisnis" msgid "" "If you’ve been waiting for the right moment to upgrade your site, now’s the " "time to finally take action." msgstr "" "Jika Anda menunggu waktu yang tepat untuk upgrade situs, sekaranglah " "waktunya bertindak." msgid "Our annual Spring Sale has arrived" msgstr "Obral Musim Semi tahunan kami telah tiba" msgid "Use code %1$s at checkout to apply the discount." msgstr "Gunakan kode %1$s saat checkout untuk menerapkan diskon." msgid "" "AND we'll give you a free 30 minute onboarding call with a support expert!" msgstr "" "DAN kami akan memberikan panggilan penyiapan gratis selama 30 menit dengan " "pakar dukungan!" msgid "Which means you’ll save %1$s on your Business plan upgrade." msgstr "Ini artinya Anda bisa hemat %1$s untuk upgrade paket Bisnis." msgid "" "<b>Yoast SEO:</b> The #1 search engine optimization plugin for WordPress." msgstr "<b>Yoast SEO:</b> Plugin optimasi mesin pencari #1 untuk WordPress." msgid "Here are just a few of the more popular plugins:" msgstr "Berikut ini sedikit contoh plugin yang lebih populer:" msgid "" "As I write this, there are 54,897 WordPress plugins available to help turn " "your site into a powerful platform for your business. " msgstr "" "Selagi saya menulis ini, sudah ada 54.897 plugin WordPress untuk membantu " "mengubah situs Anda menjadi platform yang andal bagi bisnis Anda. " msgid "Here’s how it works:" msgstr "Begini caranya:" msgid "We have for well over a year, but many people still don't know." msgstr "" "Ini sudah berlangsung lebih dari satu tahun, namun banyak yang belum tahu." msgid "WordPress.​com now supports plugins! " msgstr " kini mendukung plugin! " msgid "" "Before I can explain the big number I put in the subject line, I need to " "give you an update about WordPress.​com:" msgstr "" "Sebelum menjelaskan angka besar yang saya tulis di baris subjek, saya perlu " "memberi tahu Anda mengenai WordPress.​com:" msgid "" "This must-have resource should be at the fingertips of all serious website " "owners." msgstr "" "Sumber daya wajib punya ini seharusnya ada di ujung jari semua pemilik situs " "web yang bersungguh-sungguh dengan situsnya." msgid "Here are 54,897 ways to grow your business" msgstr "Berikut ini 54.897 cara untuk menumbuhkan bisnis" msgid "" "P.S. Remember all upgrades are RISK FREE. If you decide your new plan isn’t " "for you, simply contact us within 30 days of purchase (48 hours for domains) " "and we’ll issue you a full refund." msgstr "" "N.B. Ingatlah bahwa semua upgrade BEBAS RISIKO. Jika Anda memutuskan bahwa " "paket yang baru tidak cocok, cukup hubungi kami dalam waktu 30 hari sejak " "pembelian (48 jam untuk domain) dan kami akan mengembalikan uang Anda " "seutuhnya." msgid "" "Say YES to an upgraded site sure to impress your friends and family, at a " "price too good to pass up." msgstr "" "Ucapkan YA untuk upgrade situs dan buat teman serta keluarga Anda terkesan, " "dengan harga yang saya untuk dilewatkan." msgid "Claim your discount before it expires!" msgstr "Klaim diskon Anda sebelum terlambat!" msgid "Get %1$s off all plans when you enter code %2$s at checkout!" msgstr "" "Dapatkan diskon %1$s untuk semua paket dengan memasukkan kode %2$s saat " "checkout!" msgid "" "Still haven’t upgraded your WordPress.​com plan? Hurry, the sale ends " "in just a few hours." msgstr "" "Belum upgrade paket WordPress Anda? Jangan tunda lagi, promo ini akan " "berakhir beberapa jam lagi." msgid "Final reminder: the Spring Sale ends tonight." msgstr "Pengingat terakhir: Obral Musim Semi berakhir malam ini." msgid "" "P.S.: All plan upgrades include a 30-day money-back guarantee (48 hours for " "domains). " msgstr "" "N.B.: Semua upgrade paket mencakup garansi 30 hari uang kembali (48 jam " "untuk domain). " msgid "Redeem your coupon NOW!" msgstr "Tebus kupon Anda SEKARANG!" msgid "Simply use code %1$s for %2$s off at checkout." msgstr "Cukup gunakan kode %1$s untuk diskon %2$s saat checkout." msgid "" "Click the link below to discover the WordPress.​com plan that's right " "for you." msgstr "" "Klik tautan di bawah ini untuk menemukan paket yang cocok " "dengan kebutuhan Anda." msgid "" "Upgraded plans are jam-packed with great features designed to help your site " "attract more viewers, make more sales, share more content, and much more." msgstr "" "Paket upgrade penuh dengan fitur hebat yang dirancang untuk membantu situs " "Anda menarik lebih banyak pengunjung, meningkatkan penjualan, berbagi lebih " "banyak konten, dan banyak lagi lainnya." msgid "" "This is a friendly reminder that TODAY is the LAST DAY of our Spring Sale " "and your last chance to save %1$s on all site upgrades!" msgstr "" "Sekadar mengingatkan bahwa HARI INI adalah HARI TERAKHIR Obral Musim Semi " "kami dan kesempatan terakhir Anda berhemat %1$s untuk semua upgrade situs!" msgid "" "This is the LAST DAY of our Spring Sale and your last chance to snag big " "savings on any upgraded plan!" msgstr "" "Ini adalah HARI TERAKHIR Obral Musim Semi kami dan kesempatan terakhir Anda " "berhemat besar-besaran untuk semua upgrade paket!" msgid "Time is running out" msgstr "Waktu hampir habis" msgid "Click here and upgrade your site today while this offer is still valid!" msgstr "" "Klik di sini dan upgrade situs Anda hari ini saat penawaran masih berlaku!" msgid "So what are you waiting for?" msgstr "Jadi, tunggu apa lagi?" msgid "" "If the site upgrade isn’t right for you, no problem! Just let us know and " "we’ll give you a full refund. " msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak puas dengan upgrade situs yang Anda pilih, jangan khawatir! " "Kabari kami segera dan kami akan mengembalikan uang Anda sepenuhnya." msgid "" "Which means you can upgrade your site today RISK FREE while this offer is " "still valid. " msgstr "" "Artinya Anda dapat melakukan upgrade situs hari ini TANPA RISIKO ketika " "penawaran masih berlaku. " msgid "" "And remember, all plan upgrades include a 30-day money-back guarantee (48 " "hours for domains). " msgstr "" "Dan ingat, semua upgrade paket mencakup garansi 30 hari uang kembali (48 jam " "untuk domain). " msgid "%1$sClick here to see site upgrade options%2$s." msgstr "%1$sKlik di sini untuk melihat pilihan upgrade situs%2$s." msgid "" "Because for a limited-time only, you can take %1$s off ALL site upgrades!" msgstr "" "Karena untuk waktu terbatas, Anda bisa mendapatkan diskon %1$s untuk SEMUA " "upgrade situs!" msgid "Then right now is the perfect time to upgrade." msgstr "Jadi sekarang adalah waktu yang tepat untuk upgrade." msgid "AND get a custom domain for your site... " msgstr "DAN dapatkan domain khusus untuk situs Anda... " msgid "" "And get one-on-one professional guidance to help you set up your site..." msgstr "" "Mendapatkan panduan profesional secara langsung untuk membantu menyiapkan " "situs Anda..." msgid "" "If you’ve wanted to try WordPress.​com’s premium features risk free..." msgstr "Jika Anda ingin mencoba fitur premium WordPress.​com tanpa risiko..." msgid "The Spring Sale ends TOMORROW " msgstr "Obral Musim Semi berakhir BESOK " msgid "Now’s the time to act if you want to upgrade your site." msgstr "Sekarang waktu yang tepat untuk bertindak jika ingin upgrade situs." msgid "The Spring Sale ends tomorrow" msgstr "Obral Musim Semi berakhir besok" msgid "The WordPress.​com team" msgstr "Tim" msgid "Hope to hear from you soon," msgstr "Kami tunggu kabar dari Anda," msgid "" "And remember, we’re in the middle of our Spring Sale, so you can take %1$s " "of any site upgrade!" msgstr "" "Dan ingat, Obral Musim Semi masih berlangsung, jadi Anda bisa mendapatkan " "diskon %1$s untuk segala upgrade situs!" msgid "" "If you are, the next steps are easy. Simply click the link below and select " "the WordPress.​com plan that’s right for you." msgstr "" "Jika sudah siap, langkah selanjutnya mudah. Cukup klik tautan di bawah dan " "pilih paket yang cocok untuk Anda." msgid "Are Your Ready to Upgrade Now?" msgstr "Siap Upgrade Sekarang?" msgid "Finally, to end this email I have just one question for you..." msgstr "" "Terakhir, sebagai penutup email ini, saya punya satu pertanyaan untuk Anda..." msgid "" "Upgrade your site today, then click the question mark in the lower-right of " "your site tools. Then click the “Contact Us” link and send any question you " "have." msgstr "" "Upgrade situs Anda hari ini, lalu klik tanda tanya di kanan bawah alat situs " "Anda. Lalu klik tautan “Hubungi Kami” dan kirimkan pertanyaan apa pun." msgid "Give it a shot!" msgstr "Cobalah!" msgid "" "Upgrading your site will grant you direct access to our customer service " "team. We call them Happiness Engineers, because their mission is to make " "sure you are a satisfied customer who stays with us for many years. Our " "Happiness Engineers provide you with round-the-clock support via live chat " "and email." msgstr "" "Dengan upgrade situs, Anda akan mendapatkan akses langsung ke tim layanan " "pelanggan. Kami menyebutnya Happiness Engineer, karena misi mereka adalah " "memastikan Anda sebagai pelanggan merasa puas dan setia dengan layanan kami " "selama bertahun-tahun. Happiness Engineer kami memberikan dukungan kepada " "Anda setiap saat melalui obrolan langsung dan email." msgid "" "While unlocking custom domains is the most common reason people upgrade, " "access to our incredible customer support team is a huge reason why people " "stay!" msgstr "" "Walaupun alasan paling umum untuk upgrade adalah mendapatkan domain khusus, " "namun akses ke tim bantuan pelanggan kami yang luar biasa merupakan alasan " "besar mengapa pelanggan kami terus setia!" msgid "Can you help me build my site?" msgstr "Dapatkah Anda membantu saya membuat situs?" msgid "Question #5:" msgstr "Pertanyaan #5:" msgid "" "So you can join today, make as many customizations, posts, and edits as " "you'd like over the next 30 days and still get 100% of your money back if " "you aren't happy for any reason." msgstr "" "Jadi Anda dapat bergabung hari ini, membuat penyesuaian sebanyak-banyaknya, " "posting, dan menyunting sesuka hati selama 30 hari ke depan dan juga " "mendapatkan 100% uang kembali jika Anda tidak puas karena alasan apa pun." msgid "" "We proudly stand behind the quality of WordPress.​com. All of our " "plans include a full 30 day money-back guarantee (48 hours for domains). " msgstr "" "Kami bangga dengan kualitas Semua paket mencakup garansi 30 " "hari uang kembali (48 jam untuk domain). " msgid "" "We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can try any site upgrade 100% " "risk free." msgstr "" "Kami menawarkan garansi 30 hari uang kembali, jadi Anda dapat mencoba " "upgrade situs yang mana saja, 100% bebas risiko." msgid "What if I’m not sure I want to upgrade?" msgstr "Bagaimana jika saya tidak yakin apakah saya harus meng-upgrade?" msgid "Question #4:" msgstr "Pertanyaan #4:" msgid "" "Consider it this way: For about the same cost as a single fancy coffee from " "Starbucks, you’ll gain access to the same software, engineering team, and " "technical infrastructure that’s used by some of the most popular sites on " "the internet." msgstr "" "Anggap saja begini: Dengan biaya yang kurang lebih sama dengan segelas kopi " "Starbucks, Anda akan mendapatkan akses ke perangkat lunak, tim teknis, dan " "infrastruktur teknis yang sama dengan yang digunakan oleh beberapa situs " "paling populer di internet." msgid "Site upgrades start at just %1$s per month." msgstr "Upgrade situs mulai dari %1$s per bulan." msgid "How much do site upgrades cost?" msgstr "Berapa harga upgrade situs?" msgid "" "For example, upgrading your account gets you access to things like a custom " "domain name and advanced SEO tools, which search engines love." msgstr "" "Misalnya, dengan melakukan upgrade, Anda akan mendapatkan akses ke nama " "domain khusus dan perangkat SEO tingkat lanjut, yang disukai mesin pencarian." msgid "" "Site upgrades won’t automatically earn your site more traffic, but they can " "provide a big marketing assist." msgstr "" "Upgrade situs tidak akan serta merta memberi Anda lalu lintas kunjungan yang " "lebih tinggi, namun Anda akan mendapatkan bantuan besar untuk pemasaran." msgid "Will upgrading my site boost my site traffic?" msgstr "Apakah upgrade situs akan meningkatkan lalu lintas situs saya?" msgid "Question #3:" msgstr "Pertanyaan #3:" msgid "What benefits do I get from a site upgrade?" msgstr "Manfaat apa yang saya dapatkan dari upgrade situs?" msgid "Question #2:" msgstr "Pertanyaan #2:" msgid "" "But if you’re building something more than a hobby site, upgrading to get " "your custom domain name is a no-brainer." msgstr "" "Namun, jika Anda ingin membuat sesuatu yang lebih dari sekadar situs hobi, " "upgrade untuk mendapatkan nama domain khusus adalah pilihan terbaik." msgid "That’s perfectly fine if you’re building this site for fun." msgstr "Tidak masalah jika Anda membuat situs hanya untuk iseng." msgid "" "Your domain name is the first thing visitors see about your brand. And right " "now, your website address is %1$s. " msgstr "" "Nama domain Anda adalah hal pertama yang dilihat pengunjung dari merek Anda. " "Dan sekarang, alamat situs web Anda adalah %1$s. " msgid "It’s no mystery why." msgstr "Alasannya sudah jelas." msgid "" "But by far the most common reason people upgrade to a paid account is to " "unlock the ability to use a custom domain (your own URL) with your site. " msgstr "" "Akan tetapi, alasan paling umum untuk upgrade ke akun berbayar adalah " "mendapatkan kesempatan menggunakan domain khusus (URL Anda sendiri) untuk " "situs Anda. " msgid "" "Our site upgrades offer many great features, and we’ll address some of the " "bigger ones later in this email..." msgstr "" "Upgrade situs kami menawarkan beragam fitur hebat, dan kami akan menjelaskan " "beberapa fitur utama di email ini..." msgid "" "Why should I pay for an upgrade when WordPress.​com offers so much for " "free?" msgstr "" "Mengapa saya harus membayar untuk upgrade jika WordPress.​com menawarkan " "banyak hal secara gratis?" msgid "Question #1:" msgstr "Pertanyaan #1:" msgid "With that reminder out of the way, let’s move on to the questions!" msgstr "Setelah mengetahui pengingat itu, mari kita lanjutkan ke pertanyaan!" msgid "Click here to review our site upgrade options." msgstr "Klik di sini untuk melihat pilihan upgrade situs kami." msgid "" "Our annual Spring Sale is almost over! This sale gives you %1$s off any site " "upgrade. Use code %2$s at checkout." msgstr "" "Obral Musim Semi kami hampir berakhir! Obral ini memberikan diskon %1$s " "untuk segala upgrade situs. Gunakan kode %2$s saat checkout." msgid "Important reminder before I jump into the Q&A:" msgstr "Pengingat penting sebelum masuk ke Tanya Jawab:" msgid "" "If you’re anything like me, you might be asking yourself, “why should I " "upgrade to a paid plan when offers so much for free?”" msgstr "" "Jika Anda seperti saya, Anda mungkin bertanya kepada diri sendiri, “mengapa " "saya harus upgrade ke paket berbayar jika menawarkan begitu " "banyak hal gratis?”" msgid "Time for a little Q&A about site upgrades" msgstr "Waktunya Tanya Jawab singkat tentang upgrade situs" msgid "The WordPress.​com Team" msgstr "Tim" msgid "" "Simply click the link below, select the plan that’s right for you, and enter " "code %1$s during checkout to receive your discount." msgstr "" "Klik tautan di bawah, pilih paket yang tepat untuk Anda, lalu gunakan kode " "%1$s saat checkout untuk mendapatkan diskon." msgid "" "So if you’re even thinking of upgrading to a paid plan, you should do it now " "while you can still claim this %1$s discount before it expires." msgstr "" "Jadi jika Anda ingin melakukan upgrade ke paket berbayar, sebaiknya lakukan " "sekarang saat Anda masih dapat mengklaim diskon %1$s sebelum promo berakhir." msgid "" "Depending on the plan you choose, you’ll also get advanced search engine " "optimization (SEO) tools, built-in credit card processing capabilities, " "access to the WordPress plugin library, and so much more." msgstr "" "Bergantung pada paket yang dipilih, Anda juga bisa mendapatkan alat optimasi " "mesin pencari (SEO) canggih, kemampuan bawaan untuk pemrosesan kartu kredit, " "akses ke koleksi plugin WordPress, dan banyak lagi lainnya." msgid "And that’s just the beginning. " msgstr "Dan itu hanya awalnya. " msgid "" "Access to Gutenberg, the revolutionary site editing and customization tool " "we just released." msgstr "" "Akses ke Gutenberg, yaitu alat revolusioner yang baru kami luncurkan untuk " "penyuntingan dan pengaturan situs." msgid "" "UNLIMITED traffic and bandwidth on our blazing fast servers (you’ll never " "have to worry about a slow site)." msgstr "" "Aktivitas dan bandwidth TANPA BATAS di server kami yang luar biasa cepat " "(Anda tidak perlu khawatir situs Anda bekerja lambat)." msgid "" "UNLIMITED and free access to more than 150 premium themes that often cost " "$99 each (easily a $1,000 value), starting at the Premium plan level." msgstr "" "Akses TANPA BATAS dan gratis ke lebih dari 150 tema premium yang biasanya " "seharga $99 per tema (penghematan setara $1000), mulai dari tingkat paket " "Premium." msgid "" "UNLIMITED email and live chat support from our team of highly-trained " "experts." msgstr "" "Dukungan obrolan langsung dan email TANPA BATAS dari tim pakar kami yang " "terlatih." msgid "" "Unlock custom domain names for your site AND we’ll pay the registration fees " "for your first year." msgstr "" "Dapatkan nama domain khusus untuk situs Anda DAN kami akan membayar biaya " "registrasi tahun pertama." msgid "" "FREE access to the world’s most popular website building tool, WordPress." msgstr "Akses GRATIS ke alat pembuat situs web terpopuler di dunia, WordPress." msgid "" "Our plan upgrades are jam-packed with great features designed to help your " "site attract more viewers, make more sales, share more content, and much " "more:" msgstr "" "Upgrade paket kami penuh dengan fitur hebat yang dirancang untuk membantu " "situs Anda menarik lebih banyak pengunjung, meningkatkan penjualan, berbagi " "lebih banyak konten, dan banyak lagi lainnya:" msgid "Click here to view site upgrade options" msgstr "Klik di sini untuk melihat pilihan upgrade situs" msgid "Use code: %1$s" msgstr "Gunakan kode: %1$s" msgid "%1$s Off All Upgrades" msgstr "Diskon %1$s untuk Semua Upgrade" msgid "Introducing our annual Spring Sale" msgstr "Memperkenalkan Obral Musim Semi tahunan kami" msgid "" "Now you can claim a big discount on any site upgrade and unlock your site’s " "full potential." msgstr "" "Sekarang Anda bisa mengklaim diskon besar untuk segala upgrade situs dan " "membuka potensi penuh dari situs Anda." msgid "Our annual Spring Sale has finally arrived" msgstr "Obral Musim Semi tahunan kami akhirnya tiba" msgid "" "If you did not request this e-mail, please be advised that there may be an " "unauthorized attempt to log into your site and you can ignore this e-mail." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak meminta email ini, harap diketahui bahwa mungkin ada " "seseorang yang mencoba login tanpa izin ke situs Anda dan Anda dapat " "mengabaikan email ini." msgid "These security features ensure that your site is secured and backed up." msgstr "Fitur keamanan ini memastikan situs Anda aman dan dicadangkan." msgid "" "Let's start by securing your site with a few essential security features" msgstr "" "Mari kita mulai dengan mengamankan situs Anda menggunakan beberapa fitur " "keamanan penting" msgid "You turned on Downtime Monitoring." msgstr "Anda mengaktifkan Monitor Downtime." msgid "" "The content of your latest posts page is automatically generated and cannot " "be edited." msgstr "" "Konten halaman pos terbaru Anda dibuat secara otomatis dan tidak dapat " "disunting." msgid "" "{{line1}}Start today to find out why more creators{{/line1}} {{line2}}prefer " " over %1$s.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Mulai sekarang dan temukan alasan semakin banyak kreator {{/line1}} " "{{line2}} memilih dibandingkan %1$s.{{/line2}}" msgid "" "Choose instead of %1$s for an ad-free site, a personalized " "domain, and your own custom design. Start building now for free, or get more " "features starting at %2$s%3$s per month." msgstr "" "Pilih daripada %1$s dan dapatkan situs bebas iklan, domain " "yang dipersonalisasi, dan desain yang menarik. Buat gratis segera, atau " "dapatkan lebih banyak fitur mulai dari %2$s%3$s per bulan." msgid "" "Use this field to add your billing information (eg. VAT number, business " "address) before printing." msgstr "" "Gunakan kolom ini untuk menambahkan informasi tagihan (mis. nomor PPN, " "alamat bisnis) sebelum mencetak." msgid "" "By connecting your site, you agree to <a href='%1$s'>share details</a> " "between and %2$s." msgstr "" "Dengan menghubungkan situs, Anda bersedia untuk <a href='%1$s'>berbagi " "detail</a> antara dan %2$s." msgid "Connecting as <strong>%s</strong>" msgstr "Menghubungkan sebagai <strong>%s</strong>" msgid "" "Connect your new plan to your account to take advantage of the " "benefits WooCommerce has to offer." msgstr "" "Hubungkan paket baru Anda ke akun untuk mendapatkan manfaat " "yang ditawarkan WooCommerce." msgid "Connect your account" msgstr "Hubungkan akun Anda" msgid "In progress" msgstr "Sedang berlangsung" msgid "Not sure where to start? Head on over to {{a}}Learn WordPress{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Tidak tahu harus mulai dari mana? Lanjutkan untuk {{a}}Mempelajari " "WordPress{{/a}}." msgid "Problem downloading theme" msgstr "Masalah saat mengunduh tema" msgid "Problem creating file for theme download" msgstr "Masalah saat membuat file untuk unduhan tema" msgid "" "Sign up today with code <code>%1$s</code> and receive a %2$s%% discount on " "all plans." msgstr "" "Daftar sekarang dengan kode <code>%1$s</code> dan dapatkan diskon %2$s%% " "untuk semua paket." msgid "" "As a global partner of CreativeMornings, we help you make your ideas happen. " "Share your vision with the world with a business website, professional " "portfolio, or blog." msgstr "" "Sebagai mitra global CreativeMornings, kami membantu mewujudkan ide Anda. " "Bagikan visi Anda kepada dunia dengan situs web bisnis, portofolio " "profesional, atau blog." msgid "" "Interested in working with us? We’re hiring — check out our <a href=\"%s" "\">open positions</a>!" msgstr "" "Tertarik bekerja dengan kami? Kami sedang membuka lowongan. Lihat <a href=" "\"%s\">lowongan kerja</a> kami!" msgid "" "Welcome CreativeMornings community! Save %s%% using promo code " "<code>{{coupon_code}}</code> at checkout today." msgstr "" "Selamat datang, komunitas CreativeMornings! Hemat %s%% dengan kode promo " "<code>{{coupon_code}}</code> saat checkout hari ini." msgid "You agree to our {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}." msgstr "Anda menyetujui {{link}}Ketentuan Layanan{{/link}} kami." msgid "" "You agree to the {{domainRegistrationAgreementLink}}Domain Registration " "Agreement{{/domainRegistrationAgreementLink}} for %(domainsList)s." msgstr "" "Anda menyetujui {{domainRegistrationAgreementLink}}Perjanjian Pendaftaran " "Domain{{/domainRegistrationAgreementLink}} untuk %(domainsList)s." msgid "You agree to the following domain name registration legal agreements:" msgstr "Anda menyetujui perjanjian hukum registrasi nama domain berikut:" msgid "" "View the {{domainRegistrationAgreementLink}}%(legalAgreementName)s{{/" "domainRegistrationAgreementLink}} for %(domainsList)s." msgstr "" "Lihat {{domainRegistrationAgreementLink}}%(legalAgreementName)s{{/" "domainRegistrationAgreementLink}} untuk %(domainsList)s." msgid "Domain Registration Agreement" msgstr "Perjanjian Registrasi Domain" msgid "Apostrophe Theme" msgstr "Tema Apostrophe" msgid "Altofocus Theme" msgstr "Tema Altofocus" msgid "Dyad Theme" msgstr "Tema Dyad" msgid "" "If you have any questions or comments regarding ICANN's policy, please visit " "this link: %1$s" msgstr "" "Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan atau komentar terkait kebijakan ICANN, silakan " "klik tautan ini: %1$s" msgid "" "Please remember that under the terms of your registration agreement, the " "provision of false WHOIS information can be grounds for cancellation of your " "domain name registration." msgstr "" "Ingatlah bahwa sesuai dengan ketentuan dalam perjanjian registrasi Anda, " "pemberian informasi WHOIS palsu dapat dijatuhi sanksi berupa pembatalan " "registrasi nama domain Anda." msgid "If everything is correct, no further action is required on your part." msgstr "" "Jika semuanya sudah benar, Anda tidak perlu melakukan tindakan lebih lanjut." msgid "" "To ensure that your actual contact information is correct, please log into " "your account and visit the Domain Management page. These " "instructions will provide you with further details on how to view your " "information and edit it if necessary: %1$s" msgstr "" "Untuk memastikan informasi kontak aktual sudah benar, silakan login ke akun " " Anda dan buka halaman Pengelolaan Domain. Instruksi ini berisi " "detail selengkapnya mengenai cara melihat informasi Anda dan menyuntingnya " "jika perlu: %1$s" msgid "Registration Date: %1$s" msgstr "Tanggal Registrasi: %1$s" msgid "Registrant/Administrative/Technical Contact" msgstr "Kontak Pendaftar/Administratif/Teknis" msgid "" "ICANN, the organization responsible for the stability of the Internet, " "requires that each domain name registrant be given the opportunity to " "correct any inaccurate contact data (WHOIS data) associated with a domain " "name registration. Our records for your domain are as follows:" msgstr "" "ICANN, organisasi yang bertanggung jawab atas stabilitas internet, " "mengharuskan pendaftar nama domain diberi kesempatan untuk mengoreksi data " "kontak (data WHOIS) yang tidak akurat, yang terkait dengan registrasi nama " "domain. Catatan kami untuk domain Anda adalah sebagai berikut:" msgid "Verify your contact information for %1$s" msgstr "Verifikasi informasi kontak Anda untuk %1$s" msgid "two years" msgstr "dua tahun" msgid "%.2f%% VAT" msgstr "PPN %.2f%%" msgid "" "{{line1}}Whether you want to share your ideas, start a business,{{/line1}} " "{{line2}}or run a store, you can do it all on{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}} dapat membantu Anda{{/line1}} {{line2}}berbagi " "cerita, memulai bisnis, atau mengelola toko.{{/line2}}" msgid "There’s a plan for you." msgstr "Paket terbaik untuk Anda." msgid "" "Whether you want to share your ideas, start a business, or run a store, you " "can do it all on" msgstr "" " membantu Anda berbagi cerita, memulai bisnis, atau mengelola " "toko." msgid "" "{{line1}}Free to start,{{/line1}}{{line2}}with 5 ways to grow.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Mulai gratis,{{/line1}}{{line2}}dengan 5 pilihan untuk meraih " "sukses.{{/line2}}" msgid "Best for Freelancers" msgstr "Terbaik untuk Pekerja Lepas" msgid "Create a beautiful, simple website in minutes." msgstr "Buat situs web yang menarik dan unik dengan mudah." msgid "" "Open your online store with a powerful, flexible platform designed to grow " "with you." msgstr "" "Buka toko online dengan platform yang andal dan lengkap serta dirancang " "untuk berkembang bersama bisnis Anda." msgid "" "Power your business with a professional design, Google Analytics, and live " "support." msgstr "" "Perkuat bisnis Anda dengan desain profesional, Google Analytics, dan bantuan " "langsung." msgid "Customize your blog with a .blog domain and start sharing your ideas." msgstr "Sesuaikan blog Anda dengan domain .blog dan mulailah berbagi ide." msgid "Pick One" msgstr "Pilih Satu" msgid "Advanced eCommerce Features" msgstr "Fitur eCommerce Tingkat Lanjut" msgid "Business Class Features" msgstr "Fitur Kelas Bisnis" msgid "Marketing and Monetization Tools" msgstr "Perangkat Pemasaran dan Monetisasi" msgid "Site Customization" msgstr "Pengaturan Situs" msgid "13 GB" msgstr "13 GB" msgid "6 GB" msgstr "6 GB" msgid "3 GB" msgstr "3 GB" msgid "Unavailable" msgstr "Tidak tersedia" msgid "for Business" msgstr "untuk Bisnis" msgid "for Premium" msgstr "untuk Premium" msgid "for Personal" msgstr "untuk Pribadi" msgid "for Blogger" msgstr "untuk Blogger" msgid "for Free" msgstr "Gratis" msgid "" "Every plan includes hassle-free updates, reliable hosting, and " "spam protection." msgstr "" "Setiap paket mencakup pembaruan yang mudah, hosting yang " "andal, dan perlindungan spam." msgid "Oops! An error has occurred while setting up your plan." msgstr "Ups! Terjadi error saat menyiapkan paket Anda." msgid "" "We're setting up spam filters and site backups for you first. Once that's " "done, our security checklist will guide you through the next steps." msgstr "" "Kami menyiapkan filter spam dan pencadangan situs terlebih dahulu. Setelah " "selesai, daftar centang keamanan kami akan memandu Anda untuk menjalani " "langkah-langkah selanjutnya." msgid "Now let's make sure your site is protected." msgstr "Sekarang mari pastikan bahwa situs Anda sudah terlindungi." msgid "You're now ready to finish the rest of the checklist." msgstr "" "Anda kini siap untuk menyelesaikan semua proses yang tercantum di daftar " "centang." msgid "We've finished setting up spam filtering and backups for you." msgstr "Kami sudah selesai menyiapkan filter spam dan pencadangan untuk Anda." msgid "So long spam, hello backups!" msgstr "Selamat tinggal, spam! Selamat datang, pencadangan!" msgid "" "Activate Jetpack's site accelerator tools and watch your page load times and " "hosting costs drop -- we'll optimize your images and serve them from our own " "powerful global network of servers." msgstr "" "Aktifkan perangkat akselerator situs Jetpack dan nikmati waktu membuka " "halaman dan biaya hosting yang lebih rendah. Kami mengoptimalkan gambar dan " "menyajikannya dari jaringan server global kami yang andal." msgid "Enhanced Performance" msgstr "Performa yang Ditingkatkan" msgid "" "Jetpack adds essential security and performance tools to your WordPress site " "— no matter where you build it." msgstr "" "Jetpack menambahkan perangkat pengamanan dan performa penting untuk situs " "WordPress Anda — di mana pun situs web Anda dibuat." msgid "" "{{line1}}%sJetpack{{/line1}}{{line2}}Security & Performance for " "WordPress{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}%sJetpack{{/line1}}{{line2}}Pengamanan & Performa untuk " "WordPress{{/line2}}" msgid "Secure" msgstr "Amankan" msgid "" "We know committing to a new service is a big change. With Jetpack, you can " "modify your plan at any time. If for any reason you're not satisfied, we " "will issue a full refund within thirty days of purchase. No questions asked." msgstr "" "Kami memahami bahwa menggunakan layanan baru adalah sebuah perubahan besar. " "Dengan Jetpack, Anda dapat mengubah paket kapan pun. Jika Anda tidak puas " "dengan alasan apa pun, kami akan mengembalikan uang Anda sepenuhnya dalam " "waktu tiga puluh hari sejak pembelian. Tanpa kami pertanyakan." msgid "Jetpack's satisfaction guarantee" msgstr "Garansi kepuasan Jetpack" msgid "Illustration showing a person looking at a faster site" msgstr "Ilustrasi yang menampilkan orang melihat situs yang lebih cepat" msgid "Make it fast" msgstr "Tambah kecepatan situs Anda" msgid "" "One WordPress plugin packed with powerful tools to help you reach your goals" msgstr "" "Satu plugin WordPress yang dikemas dengan perangkat yang andal untuk " "membantu Anda mencapai tujuan Anda" msgid "Thanks for flying with" msgstr "Terima kasih telah menjelajah bersama" msgid "" "You can update the name servers yourself with the steps outlined in this " "support guide:" "#change-your-domains-name-servers, or contact your domain registrar and ask " "them to do it." msgstr "" "Anda dapat memperbarui sendiri server nama dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah " "yang dijelaskan dalam panduan dukungan berikut:" "support/domains/connect-existing-domain/#change-your-domains-name-servers, " "atau hubungi registrar domain Anda dan minta mereka melakukannya." msgid "" "Once the name servers or A records are updated it can take up to 72 hours " "for the changes to take effect, so things might not seem to work " "instantaneously -- that's normal! You can monitor the status of the update " "from My Site -> Upgrades -> Domains." msgstr "" "Setelah name server atau A record diperbarui, diperlukan waktu hingga 72 jam " "untuk menerapkan perubahan, maka beberapa fitur mungkin tidak dapat langsung " "bekerja. Jangan khawatir. Anda dapat memantau status pembaruan pada Situs " "Saya -> Upgrade -> Domain." msgid "" "You can update the name servers yourself with the steps outlined in this <a " "href=\"%1$s\">support guide</a>, or contact your domain registrar and ask " "them to do it." msgstr "" "Anda dapat memperbarui name server langsung dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah " "yang dijelaskan dalam <a href=\"%1$s\">panduan bantuan</a> berikut, atau " "hubungi domain registrar Anda dan minta mereka untuk melakukannya." msgid "" "These must be changed with your domain registrar -- the company you " "purchased your domain from." msgstr "" "Name server harus diubah oleh domain registrar Anda, yaitu perusahaan tempat " "Anda membeli domain." msgid "" "You're almost set! There's one last setting you'll need to update to get " "this change to take effect: updating the name servers for %1$s. Name servers " "are what link your domain to your website, so you'll need to set your name " "servers to connect to" msgstr "" "Anda hampir selesai! Satu pengaturan yang harus Anda perbarui untuk melihat " "perubahan yang diterapkan: memperbarui name server untuk %1$s. Name server " "menautkan domain Anda ke situs web Anda, maka Anda harus mengatur name " "server Anda agar terhubung ke" msgid "We noticed that you're connecting the %1$s domain to your site, %2$s." msgstr "" "Kami mendapatkan informasi bahwa Anda mengarahkan domain %1$s ke situs Anda, " "%2$s." msgid "[] ACTION REQUIRED - Domain connection for %s" msgstr "[] DIPERLUKAN TINDAKAN - Koneksi domain untuk %s" msgid "This will appear at the top of your site and can be changed at anytime." msgstr "Ini akan muncul di bagian atas situs dan dapat diubah kapan saja." msgid "%(productName)s was removed from {{domain/}}." msgstr "%(productName)s dihapus dari {{domain/}}." msgid "For questions, please contact us at" msgstr "" "Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, silakan hubungi kami di" msgid "IMPORTANT" msgstr "PENTING" msgid "The domain name that has expired is:" msgstr "Nama domain yang telah berakhir masa berlakunya:" msgid "" "Please note that your domain name below has expired, and email or website " "services are no longer available." msgstr "" "Nama domain Anda di bawah ini telah berakhir masa berlakunya, dan layanan e-" "mail atau situs web telah dihentikan." msgid "" "Please note that the Prior Registrant has previously opted out of the 60-day " "registrar transfer lock period." msgstr "" "Harap diperhatikan bahwa Pendaftar Sebelumnya telah keluar dari masa " "penguncian transfer registrar 60 hari." msgid "" "Please note that after the completion of this Change of Registrant request, " "the domain has now entered a 60-day transfer lock period. During this " "period, the domain name can not be transferred to another registrar." msgstr "" "Harap diperhatikan bahwa setelah penyelesaian permintaan Perubahan Pendaftar " "ini, domain kini telah masuk masa penguncian transfer 60 hari. Selama jangka " "waktu ini, nama domain tidak dapat ditransfer ke registrar lain." msgid "" "The new registrant, as listed above, is now the owner of the domain name." msgstr "" "Pendaftar yang baru, sebagaimana disebutkan di atas, kini menjadi pemilik " "nama domain tersebut." msgid "" "We were asked to change the registrant of this domain name from the prior " "registrant:" msgstr "" "Kami diminta mengubah pendaftar nama domain ini dari pendaftar sebelumnya:" msgid "" "<strong>%1$s</strong> has been successfully transferred from <strong>%2$s</" "strong> to <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>%1$s</strong> telah berhasil ditransfer dari <strong>%2$s</strong> " "ke <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgid "%1$s expired 3 days ago" msgstr "%1$s berakhir masa berlakunya 3 hari lalu" msgid "" "To confirm this request or cancel it, visit the link below and follow the " "instructions provided." msgstr "" "Untuk mengonfirmasi atau membatalkan permintaan berikut, kunjungi tautan di " "bawah dan ikuti instruksi yang diberikan." msgid "You will no longer be the owner of this domain name." msgstr "Anda sudah bukan pemilik nama domain ini." msgid "To the new registrant:" msgstr "Menjadi:" msgid "" "We will change the registrant of this domain name from the current " "registrant:" msgstr "Kami akan mengubah nama pendaftar domain berikut dari:" msgid "" "We received a request to transfer ownership of <strong>%1$s</strong> from " "<strong>%2$s</strong> to you." msgstr "" "Kami menerima permintaan untuk mengalihkan kepemilikan <strong>%1$s</strong> " "dari <strong>%2$s</strong> kepada Anda." msgid "" "You asked us to transfer ownership of <strong>%1$s</strong> from you to " "<strong>%2$s</strong>." msgstr "" "Anda meminta kami untuk mengalihkan kepemilikan <strong>%1$s</strong> dari " "Anda kepada <strong>%2$s</strong>." msgid "Confirm the change of ownership for %1$s" msgstr "Konfirmasi perubahan kepemilikan untuk %1$s" msgid "" "Please ensure your domain is renewed during the next 30 days. If your domain " "is not renewed on time, sites and emails that use it will stop working - " "which we'd hate to see!." msgstr "" "Pastikan domain Anda diperpanjang dalam 30 hari ke depan. Jika domain tidak " "diperpanjang tepat waktu, situs dan email yang menggunakannya akan berhenti " "berfungsi. Tentu kita tidak mau itu!" msgid "Domain name due for renewal:" msgstr "Nama domain yang harus diperpanjang:" msgid "" "We wanted to send you a friendly reminder that your domain will expire in 30 " "days. We suggest renewing it now, to make absolutely sure there's no " "disruption to your service." msgstr "" "Kami ingin mengingatkan bahwa domain Anda akan berakhir masa berlakunya " "dalam 30 hari. Sebaiknya perpanjang sekarang untuk memastikan tidak ada " "gangguan layanan." msgid "" "Our 24/7 support is powered by actual people. We call them Happiness " "Engineers." msgstr "" "Kami menyediakan bantuan setiap saat melalui staf kami yang dikenal sebagai " "Happiness Engineer." msgid "Your site is not eligible for this product at this time." msgstr "Situs Anda tidak memenuhi syarat untuk produk ini sekarang." msgid "Advertise on Google" msgstr "Pasang iklan di Google" msgid "" "Welcome Alt Oasis Family! Save %1$s%% on plans, Jetpack, and " "any other Automattic paid product using promo code <code>{{coupon_code}}</" "code> at checkout today. And if you’re interested in becoming an Affiliate, " "sign-up <a href=\"%2$s\">here</a>!" msgstr "" "Selamat datang, Keluarga Alt Oasis! Hemat %1$s%% untuk paket, " "Jetpack, dan produk berbayar lainnya dari Automattic menggunakan kode promo " "<code>{{coupon_code}}</code> saat checkout hari ini. Dan jika Anda tertarik " "menjadi Afiliasi, daftarlah <a href=\"%2$s\">di sini</a>!" msgid "Please make these merge fields not required in Mailchimp: %s" msgstr "Harap atur agar kolom gabungan ini tidak diperlukan di Mailchimp: %s" msgid "Finish Setup" msgstr "Selesaikan Penyiapan" msgid "Collaborate in real-time with documents, spreadsheets and slides." msgstr "Kolaborasi secara real time dalam dokumen, lembar kerja, dan slide." msgid "Docs, spreadsheets and more" msgstr "Dokumen, tabel, dan lainnya" msgid "A custom @%(domain)s email address" msgstr "Alamat email @%(domain)s khusus" msgid "Get unlimited storage for all your files synced across devices." msgstr "" "Dapatkan penyimpanan tanpa batas untuk semua file Anda yang disinkronkan di " "semua perangkat." msgid "I was unable to activate or use it." msgstr "Saya tidak dapat mengaktifkan atau menggunakannya." msgid "I purchased it by mistake." msgstr "Saya tidak sengaja membelinya." msgid "I don't need it." msgstr "Saya tidak memerlukannya." msgid "It's too expensive." msgstr "Terlalu mahal." msgid "" "Please renew your domain during the next five days. If your domain is not " "renewed on time, sites and emails that use it will stop working." msgstr "" "Perpanjang domain Anda dalam lima hari ke depan. Jika domain tidak " "diperpanjang tepat waktu, situs dan email yang menggunakannya akan berhenti " "berfungsi." msgid "" "Look out - your domain name will expire in five days. Renew now to ensure " "that any sites and emails you have remain accessible at this domain." msgstr "" "Perhatian - nama domain Anda akan berakhir masa berlakunya dalam lima hari. " "Perpanjang sekarang untuk memastikan semua situs dan email yang Anda miliki " "tetap dapat diakses di domain ini." msgid "%1$s will expire in %2$s days" msgstr "%1$s akan berakhir masa berlakunya dalam %2$s hari" msgid "%(cost)s per year plus registration costs at your current provider" msgstr "%(cost)s per tahun plus biaya registrasi di penyedia Anda saat ini" msgid "Renews at %(cost)s" msgstr "Diperpanjang seharga %(cost)s" msgid "Sale price is %(cost)s" msgstr "Harga obral %(cost)s" msgid "Renews for %(cost)s {{small}}/year{{/small}}" msgstr "Perpanjang dengan harga %(cost)s {{small}}/tahun{{/small}}" msgid "Renews at: %s /year" msgstr "Perpanjang langganan dengan harga: %s /tahun" msgid "Sale" msgstr "Obral" msgid "Find your .%1$s, starting at sale price of %2$s or free with paid plans" msgstr "" "Temukan .%1$s Anda, dengan harga obral %2$s atau gratis dengan berlangganan " "paket berbayar" msgid "Save up to 15% with a two-year plan!" msgstr "Hemat hingga 15% dengan paket dua tahun!" msgid "Hooray for deals." msgstr "Semua suka promo." msgid "Why not have both?" msgstr "Mengapa tidak pilih keduanya?" msgid "You have a great website. You love a great deal (who doesn’t!)." msgstr "Anda punya situs web yang bagus. Anda suka promo (semua juga suka!)." msgid "Please view this post in your web browser to complete the quiz." msgstr "Lihat pos ini di perambah web Anda untuk menyelesaikan kuis." msgid "Automatic Security Fixes" msgstr "Perbaikan Keamanan Otomatis" msgid "See all the activity happening on your site." msgstr "Lihat semua aktivitas yang terjadi di situs Anda." msgid "" "Take the guesswork out of site management and debugging with a filterable " "record of all the activity happening on your site." msgstr "" "Dengan data berisi semua aktivitas di situs Anda yang dapat disaring, kini " "Anda tak perlu lagi menebak-nebak saat mengelola dan melakukan debug situs." msgid "Expanded Site Activity" msgstr "Aktivitas Situs yang Diperluas" msgid "" "Automated and immediate resolution for a large percentage of known security " "vulnerabilities or threats." msgstr "" "Resolusi otomatis dan cepat untuk sebagian besar kerentanan atau ancaman " "keamanan yang diketahui." msgid "You have the full suite of security and performance tools." msgstr "Anda memiliki rangkaian lengkap alat keamanan dan performa." msgid "" "P.S. Upgrading your plan is risk-free! If you decide for any reason that you " "don't love your upgrade, we'll give you a full refund within 30 days of " "purchase (48 hours for domains)." msgstr "" "P.S. Upgrade paket Anda tanpa risiko! Jika Anda tidak menyukai upgrade " "tersebut, kami akan memberikan pengembalian dana penuh dalam waktu 30 hari " "sejak tanggal pembelian (48 jam untuk domain)." msgid "The Team" msgstr "Tim" msgid "Click here to claim your discount now!" msgstr "Klik di sini untuk mengklaim diskon sekarang juga!" msgid "Enter this coupon code at checkout:" msgstr "Gunakan kode kupon berikut saat checkout:" msgid "" "Attract more viewers, make more sales, share more content, and much more, " "all when you upgrade your site today." msgstr "" "Dapatkan minat lebih banyak pengunjung, hasilkan lebih banyak penjualan, " "bagikan lebih banyak konten, dan lainnya. Dapatkan semuanya dengan melakukan " "upgrade situs Anda sekarang." msgid "" "Upgraded plans are jam-packed with powerful features and support you'll LOVE." msgstr "" "Paket upgrade penuh dengan fitur andal dan bantuan yang pasti Anda SUKA." msgid "Don’t miss this great deal." msgstr "Jangan lewatkan promo hebat." msgid "FLASH SALE ENDS SOON" msgstr "FLASH SALE SEGERA BERAKHIR" msgid "Your coupon is expiring..." msgstr "Kupon Anda akan segera kedaluwarsa..." msgid "Save big on an upgraded site before it’s too late." msgstr "Hemat besar-besaran untuk upgrade situs sebelum terlambat." msgid "Time is running out! Hurry, you can still cash in on today’s flash sale" msgstr "Waktunya hampir habis, segera dapatkan flash sale hari ini" msgid "Hurry, this offer expires at the end of the day today!" msgstr "Cepat, penawaran akan berakhir di penghujung hari!" msgid "Click here to claim your discount." msgstr "Klik di sini untuk mengklaim diskon Anda." msgid "Enter this coupon code at checkout: " msgstr "Gunakan kode kupon berikut saat checkout: " msgid "All plans include a 30-day money-back guarantee (48 hours for domains)." msgstr "" "Semua paket mencakup garansi 30 hari uang kembali (48 jam untuk domain)." msgid "Use any WordPress plugin or theme you want (Business plans)." msgstr "Gunakan plugin atau tema WordPress yang Anda inginkan (paket Bisnis)." msgid "Choose from over 100 professionally designed templates." msgstr "" "Ada lebih dari 100 template berdesain profesional yang bisa Anda pilih." msgid "Gain live chat access to our all-star customer service team." msgstr "Dapatkan akses live chat dengan tim layanan pelanggan terbaik kami." msgid "" "Use your own domain name (instead of having in your URL). " msgstr "" "Gunakan nama domain Anda sendiri (sebagai pengganti domain di " "URL Anda). " msgid "Don’t miss your chance to claim <br />this limited-time discount." msgstr "Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk mengklaim <br />diskon terbatas." msgid "FLASH SALE! %d%% OFF ALL PLANS!" msgstr "FLASH SALE! DISKON %d%% UNTUK SEMUA PAKET!" msgid "Tap into exclusive website features when you upgrade today." msgstr "" "Nikmati sejumlah fitur situs web eksklusif jika Anda melakukan upgrade hari " "ini." msgid "Flash sale – today only! Save big on upgraded plans" msgstr "" "Flash sale – hanya hari ini! Hemat besar-besaran untuk upgrade paket " "" msgctxt "verb, to Cancel an operation" msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Batal" msgid "" "Please keep this authorization code secure at all times, as it can be used " "to move your domain between providers. Also, please keep your contact " "details for this domain name up to date at all times." msgstr "" "Harap selalu simpan kode otorisasi ini dengan aman, karena kode ini dapat " "digunakan untuk memindahkan domain Anda ke penyedia lain. Selain itu, harap " "pastikan detail kontak Anda untuk nama domain ini selalu terbaru." msgid "The auth-code for <strong>%1$s</strong> is:" msgstr "Kode otorisasi untuk <strong>%1$s</strong> adalah:" msgid "Domain Auth-Code For %1$s" msgstr "Kode Otorisasi Domain untuk %1$s" msgid "" "Helpful reminder: At any time, log into your account with your username, %s, " "or your email address." msgstr "" "Catatan penting: Anda dapat login ke akun Anda setiap saat dengan " "menggunakan nama pengguna, %s, atau alamat email Anda." msgid "" "Welcome to Jetpack and Please use the link below to confirm " "your email address and activate your account." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di Jetpack dan Gunakan tautan di bawah ini " "untuk mengonfirmasi alamat email dan mengaktifkan akun Anda." msgid "Confirm now" msgstr "Konfirmasi sekarang" msgid "" "Welcome to Jetpack and Please click the button below to " "confirm your email address and activate your account." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di Jetpack dan Klik tombol di bawah ini untuk " "mengonfirmasi alamat email dan mengaktifkan akun Anda." msgid "Activate your account" msgstr "Aktifkan akun Anda" msgid "Pay with PayPal" msgstr "Bayar dengan PayPal" msgid "Placeholder image" msgstr "Gambar placeholder" msgid "Connect account" msgstr "Hubungkan akun" msgid "Customize your website" msgstr "Sesuaikan situs Anda" msgid " Learn more " msgstr " Baca selengkapnya " msgid "masonry" msgstr "pekerjaan tukang batu" msgid "Clarendon" msgstr "Clarendon" msgid "sell" msgstr "jual" msgid "shop" msgstr "beli" msgid "Back to sites" msgstr "Kembali ke Situs" msgid "There was a problem communicating with the Jetpack site." msgstr "Ada masalah saat berkomunikasi dengan situs Jetpack." msgid "Jetpack connection for this site is not active. Please reactivate it." msgstr "Koneksi Jetpack untuk situs ini tidak aktif. Harap aktifkan ulang." msgid "Access photos stored in your Google Photos library" msgstr "Akses foto yang disimpan di pustaka Google Photos Anda." msgid "Access photos stored in your Google Photos library." msgstr "Akses foto yang disimpan di pustaka Foto Google Anda." msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize connect unavailable button label" msgid "Unavailable" msgstr "Tidak tersedia" msgid "Lytro has been shut down since March 2019." msgstr "Lytro sudah ditutup sejak Maret 2019." msgid "The service has been shut down since August 20th, 2015." msgstr "Layanan sudah dihentikan sejak 20 Agustus 2015." msgid "Could not retrieve site data." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengambil data situs." msgid "Update PHP" msgstr "Perbaharui PHP" msgid "Update Jetpack or" msgstr "Perbarui Jetpack atau" msgid "New order for %1$s on %2$s" msgstr "Pesanan baru untuk %1$s di %2$s" msgid "Earn money from your content and traffic." msgstr "Hasilkan uang dari konten dan lalu lintas kunjungan Anda." msgid "Instantly enroll into the WordAds network." msgstr "Segeralah mendaftar ke jaringan WordAds." msgid "Are Likes enabled?" msgstr "Apakah fitur Suka diaktifkan?" msgid "Are sharing buttons enabled?" msgstr "Apakah tombol berbagi diaktifkan?" msgid "%1$s has shut down" msgstr "%1$s telah dihentikan" msgid "Automatic WordPress updates" msgstr "Pembaruan otomatis WordPress" msgid "This is your current free site address." msgstr "Ini adalah alamat situs gratis Anda yang sekarang" msgid "Skip Purchase" msgstr "Lewati Pembelian" msgid "Keep this plan" msgstr "Pertahankan paket ini" msgid "Successfully sent confirmation email for %(email)s to %(destination)s." msgstr "Berhasil mengirim email konfirmasi untuk %(email)s to %(destination)s." msgid "" "Our 99.9% server uptime guarantee ensures that your website will always be " "online for your visitors." msgstr "" "Garansi waktu aktif server 99,9% dari kami akan memastikan situs Anda selalu " "online untuk pengunjung." msgid "99.9% Uptime Guarantee" msgstr "Garansi Waktu Aktif 99,9%" msgid "" "Take advantage of the pre-installed WordPress hosting with improved " "reliability, stability, and security." msgstr "" "Manfaatkan hosting WordPress terinstal yang lebih andal, lebih stabil, dan " "lebih aman." msgid "Optimized WordPress Experience" msgstr "Pengalaman WordPress yang Optimal" msgid "" "PapaSquad WordPress experts are standing by 24/7 to help you through any " "challenges that may arise." msgstr "" "Para pakar WordPress di PapaSquad siaga setiap saat untuk mengatasi segala " "masalah." msgid "24/7 Expert Support" msgstr "Dukungan Ahli 24 Jam" msgid "" "Get everything you need to build the most hassle-free WordPress website with " "optimized performance and speed." msgstr "" "Dapatkan semua yang diperlukan untuk membuat situs WordPress tanpa ribet " "dengan performa dan kecepatan optimal." msgid "HostPapa Optimized WordPress Hosting" msgstr "Hosting WordPress Optimal dari HostPapa" msgid "Start with HostPapa" msgstr "Mulai dengan HostPapa" msgid "Starting at $3.95 / mo" msgstr "Mulai dari $3,95/bulan" msgid "" "Realize your digital ambitions with Jetpack and Optimized WordPress Hosting " "from HostPapa, including 24/7 expert WordPress support. <a href=\"#\" class=" "\"host-prtnr-show-details\">Learn more</a>" msgstr "" "Wujudkan ambisi digital Anda dengan Jetpack dan Hosting WordPress yang " "Optimal dari HostPapa, termasuk dukungan ahli WordPress 24 jam setiap hari. " "<a href=\"#\" class=\"host-prtnr-show-details\">Baca lebih lanjut</a>" msgid "HostPapa is based out of Canada" msgstr "HostPapa bermarkas di Kanada dan beroperasi di berbagai lokasi" msgid "Sakura" msgstr "Sakura" msgid "schedule" msgstr "jadwal" msgid "in response to a comment by %1$s:" msgstr "menanggapi komentar oleh %1$s:" msgid "" "<strong class=\"author-display-name\">%1$s</strong> <a href=\"%2$s" "\">commented</a> on <a href=\"%3$s\">%4$s</a>." msgstr "" "<strong class=\"author-display-name\">%1$s</strong> <a href=\"%2$s" "\">berkomentar</a> pada <a href=\"%3$s\">%4$s</a>." msgid "" "Start building your mailing list by adding the Mailchimp block to your posts " "and pages. " msgstr "" "Mulailah membangun daftar email dengan menambahkan blok Mailchimp ke pos dan " "halaman Anda. " msgid "WooCommerce Bookings" msgstr "WooCommerce Bookings" msgid "Nightfall" msgstr "Malam Hari" msgid "" "An error has occurred on the server and our developers have been alerted." msgstr "Terjadi error pada server dan pengembang kami telah diberi tahu." msgid "Powder Snow" msgstr "Serbuk Salju" msgid "Disability" msgstr "Disabilitas" msgid "visitors" msgstr "pengunjung" msgid "traffic" msgstr "lalu lintas" msgid "Pause Slideshow" msgstr "Jeda Slideshow" msgid "" "%(description)s is invalid. Must be in format: 111.444.777-XX or " "11.444.777/0001-XX" msgstr "" "%(description)s tidak valid. Harus dalam format: 111.444.777-XX atau " "11.444.777/0001-XX" msgid "(+%(taxText)s tax)" msgstr "(+ pajak %(taxText)s)" msgid "(includes %(taxAmount)s tax)" msgstr "(termasuk pajak %(taxAmount)s)" msgid "Yay, privacy has been successfully enabled!" msgstr "Hore, privasi berhasil diaktifkan!" msgid "Privacy has been successfully disabled!" msgstr "Privasi berhasil dinonaktifkan!" msgid "remoteRegister method not found on remote site." msgstr "Metode remoteRegister tidak ditemukan di situs jarak jauh." msgid "Unable to submit this form, please try again." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengirim form ini, silakan coba lagi." msgid "My Network" msgstr "Jaringan saya" msgid "The %s table is not installed. Please run the network database upgrade." msgstr "Tabel %s belum diinstal. Silakan lakukan upgrade basis data jaringan." msgid "The site appears to be already uninitialized." msgstr "Situs ini sepertinya belum pernah dibuat." msgid "Site %d" msgstr "Situs %d" msgid "The site appears to be already initialized." msgstr "Situs ini sepertinya sudah diinisialisasi." msgid "Site with the ID does not exist." msgstr "Situs dengan ID tersebut tidak ada." msgid "Both registration and last updated dates must be valid dates." msgstr "Semua tanggal pendaftaran dan terakhir pembaruan harus valid." msgid "Both registration and last updated dates must be provided." msgstr "Tanggal pendaftaran dan terakhir update harus dicantumkan." msgid "Site network ID must be provided." msgstr "ID jaringan situs harus disediakan." msgid "Site path must not be empty." msgstr "Lokasi situs tidak boleh kosong." msgid "Site domain must not be empty." msgstr "Domain situs wajib tidak kosong." msgid "Could not delete site from the database." msgstr "Tidak dapat menghapus situs dari database." msgid "Could not update site in the database." msgstr "Tidak dapat memperbarui situs di database." msgid "Site does not exist." msgstr "Situs tidak ada." msgid "Site ID must not be empty." msgstr "ID situs tidak boleh kosong." msgid "Unable to refund a domain credit" msgstr "Tidak dapat mengembalikan dana kredit domain" msgid "Create a Account" msgstr "Buat Akun" msgid "Sign up for Crowdsignal" msgstr "Mendaftar ke Crowdsignal" msgid "" "By creating an account via any of the options below, {{br/}}you agree to our " "{{a}}Terms of Service{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Dengan membuat akun melalui salah satu dari pilihan di bawah ini,{{br/}}Anda " "menyetujui {{a}}Ketentuan Layanan{{/a}} kami." msgid "Sign in with" msgstr "Mendaftar ke" msgid "Connect an existing account:" msgstr "Hubungkan akun yang sudah ada:" msgid "" "You revoked access to your account from %s sign-in. View your login settings " "<a href=\"%s\">here</a>." msgstr "" "Anda menolak akses ke akun Anda dari metode masuk %s. Lihat pengaturan login " "Anda <a href=\"%s\">di sini</a>." msgid "Access Removed" msgstr "Akses Dihapus" msgid "%s Sign-in" msgstr "Masuk %s" msgid "%s Sign-in Access Removed" msgstr "Akses Masuk %s Dihapus" msgid "" "You signed in with the %s account %s for the first time. View your login " "settings <a href=\"%s\">here</a>." msgstr "" "Anda masuk dengan akun %s %s untuk pertama kalinya. Lihat pengaturan login " "Anda <a href=\"%s\">di sini</a>." msgid "New Social Login Connection!" msgstr "Koneksi Login di Media Sosial Baru!" msgid "%s Sign-in from %s" msgstr "Masuk %s dari %s" msgid "New %s Sign-in" msgstr "Masuk %s Baru" msgid "Sale ends %s." msgstr "Diskon berlaku hingga %s." msgid "" "Welcome, GeneaBloggers! Save %s%% today on plans, Jetpack, and " "any other Automattic paid product using promo code <code>{{coupon_code}}</" "code> at checkout today." msgstr "" "Selamat datang, GeneaBloggers! Dapatkan diskon %s%% hari ini untuk paket " ", Jetpack, serta produk berbayar lainnya dari Automattic " "menggunakan kode promo <code>{{coupon_code}}</code> saat checkout hari ini." msgid "" "{{span}}%(product)s is {{/span}}built by the people behind" msgstr "" "{{span}}%(product)s {{/span}}dibuat oleh orang-orang di balik" msgid "" "These settings won't apply to {{a}}related posts added using the block " "editor{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Pengaturan berikut tidak berlaku untuk {{a}}pos terkait yang ditambahkan " "menggunakan editor blok{{/a}}." msgid "Renews at %s" msgstr "Diperpanjang seharga %s" msgid "Adds one year of domain registration for free with your plan." msgstr "Menambahkan satu tahun registrasi domain bebas biaya dengan paket Anda" msgid "Renews in one year at: %(cost)s {{small}}/year{{/small}}" msgstr "" "Diperpanjang dalam satu tahun seharga: %(cost)s {{small}}/tahun{{/small}}" msgid "" "Your %s connection needs to be reauthenticated to continue working – head to " "Sharing to take care of it." msgstr "" "Koneksi %s Anda perlu diautentikasi ulang agar dapat terus digunakan – pergi " "ke Berbagi untuk mengelolanya." msgid "" "Your LinkedIn connection needs to be reauthenticated to continue working – " "head to Sharing to take care of it." msgstr "" "Koneksi LinkedIn Anda perlu diautentikasi ulang agar dapat terus digunakan – " "buka Berbagi untuk mengelolanya." msgid "Add widget: %s" msgstr "Tambahkan widget: %s" msgid "Add to: %s" msgstr "Tambahkan ke: %s" msgid "Task complete" msgstr "Tugas selesai" msgid "Credit card details seem to be wrong. Please try again." msgstr "Detail kartu kredit sepertinya salah. Coba lagi." msgid "That code is invalid. Please try again" msgstr "Kode tersebut tidak valid. Coba lagi" msgid "product_type parameter is unknown" msgstr "parameter product_type tidak diketahui" msgid "Unable to send personal data export confirmation email." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengirim email konfirmasi ekspor data pribadi." msgid "" "<strong>Error</strong>: There is no account with that username or email " "address." msgstr "" "<strong>Eror</strong>: Tidak ada akun dengan nama pengguna atau alamat email " "tersebut." msgid "" "By clicking submit, you agree to share your email address with the site " "owner and Mailchimp to receive marketing, updates, and other emails from the " "site owner. Use the unsubscribe link in those emails to opt out at any time." msgstr "" "Dengan mengeklik kirim, Anda setuju menunjukkan alamat email Anda kepada " "pemilik situs dan MailChimp untuk menerima email pemasaran, pembaruan, dan " "email lainnya dari pemilik situs. Gunakan tautan berhenti berlangganan di " "email tersebut untuk menyisih kapan saja." msgid "%1$s by %2$s pixels" msgstr "%1$s x %2$s piksel" msgid "Unique VideoPress ID" msgstr "ID VideoPress unik" msgid "" "Need help with Jetpack? <a href=\"%s\">Get in touch with our support team</" "a>." msgstr "" "Butuh bantuan terkait Jetpack? <a href=\"%s\">Hubungi tim dukungan kami</a>." msgid "Promote Jetpack, earn money." msgstr "Promosikan Jetpack, dapatkan hadiah." msgid "Report this ad" msgstr "Laporkan iklan ini" msgid "" "Whoops! There was an error and we couldn't process your subscription. Please " "reload the page and try again." msgstr "" "Ups! Terjadi error dan kami tidak dapat memproses langganan Anda. Muat ulang " "halaman ini dan coba lagi." msgid "Success! You're on the list." msgstr "Sukses! Kamu ada dalam daftar." msgid "" "This resource is provided by your web host, and is specific to your site. " "For more information, <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">see the official " "WordPress documentation</a>." msgstr "" "Sumber daya ini disediakan oleh penyedia hosting Anda, dan khusus untuk " "situs Anda. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"> " "lihat dokumentasi WordPress resmi </a>." msgctxt "localized PHP upgrade information page" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Find the perfect domain" msgstr "Temukan domain yang sempurna" msgid "Create better content with AI." msgstr "Buat konten yang lebih baik dengan AI." msgid "Add menu items" msgstr "Tambahkan item menu" msgid "" "or <a href=\"%s\">create a new menu</a>. Do not forget to save your changes!" msgstr "" "atau <a href=\"%s\">membuat menu baru </a>. Jangan lupa menyimpan perubahan " "Anda!" msgid "Click the Save Menu button to save your changes." msgstr "Klik tombol Simpan Menu untuk menyimpan perubahan Anda." msgid "" "Edit your menu below, or <a href=\"%s\">create a new menu</a>. Do not forget " "to save your changes!" msgstr "" "Sunting menu Anda di bawah ini, atau <a href=\"%s\">buat menu baru</a>. " "Jangan lupa menyimpan perubahan Anda!" msgid "" "Fill in the Menu Name and click the Create Menu button to create your first " "menu." msgstr "" "Isi Nama Menu dan klik tombol Buat Menu untuk membuat menu pertama Anda." msgid "Create your first menu below." msgstr "Buat menu pertama Anda di bawah ini." msgid "Mailchimp" msgstr "Mailchimp" msgid "Sorry, something is wrong with your Jetpack connection." msgstr "Maaf, ada yang salah dengan koneksi Jetpack Anda." msgid "" "WooCommerce opens up a world of possibilities for customizing your store, " "selling unique products, and making sales. <a href='%s'>Learn more about the " "world of opportunity at your fingertips</a>." msgstr "" "WooCommerce menghadirkan begitu banyak kemungkinan untuk menyesuaikan toko, " "menjual produk yang unik, dan meningkatkan penjualan. <a href='%s'>Pelajari " "lebih lanjut tentang beragam kemungkinan di ujung jari Anda</a>." msgid "" "In order to get updates for the extensions included in your plan, you’ll " "first need to verify your email address." msgstr "" "Untuk mendapatkan pembaruan ekstensi yang termasuk dalam paket Anda, " "verifikasi alamat email terlebih dahulu." msgid "WooCommerce is included in your %s plan!" msgstr "WooCommerce termasuk dalam paket %s Anda!" msgid "Learn more about updating PHP" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang memperbarui PHP" msgid "What is PHP and how does it affect my site?" msgstr "Apa itu PHP dan bagaimana pengaruhnya terhadap situs saya?" msgid "Failed to create access token" msgstr "Gagal membuat token akses" msgid "" "product_type is required to provide context for newly created " "accounts." msgstr "" "product_type diperlukan untuk memberikan konteks ke akun yang " "baru dibuat." msgid "%s is not whitelisted for allowing user creation." msgstr "" "%s tidak masuk dalam daftar putih untuk memungkinkan pembuatan pengguna." msgid "Includes Sales Tax" msgstr "Termasuk Pajak Penjualan" msgid "Includes %.1f%% Sales Tax" msgstr "Termasuk Pajak Penjualan %.1f%%" msgid "Track %s." msgstr "Lacak %s." msgctxt "post format" msgid "Formats" msgstr "Format" msgctxt "comments" msgid "Mine <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Mine <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Saya <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Saya <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "All the best," msgstr "Semua yang terbaik," msgid "" "Again, please accept our apology and do let us know if you have any " "questions." msgstr "" "Sekali lagi, kami mohon maaf dan beri tahu kami jika Anda memiliki " "pertanyaan." msgid "" "There's nothing more that you need to do here as the refund has already been " "issued. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to reply to " "this email or contact us at %s." msgstr "" "Tidak ada lagi yang perlu Anda lakukan karena pengembalian dana telah " "diterbitkan. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan tentang hal tersebut, silakan " "balas email ini atau hubungi kami di %s." msgid "" "You will find the refund receipts in your dashboard, here:" msgstr "" "Anda akan menemukan tanda terima pengembalian dana di dasbor " "Anda, di sini:" msgid "You will find the refund receipt in your dashboard, here:" msgstr "" "Anda akan menemukan tanda terima pengembalian dana di dasbor " "Anda, di sini:" msgid "" "You recently cancelled your plan for %s. When this " "cancellation happened, you were only refunded a portion of the total cost, " "which we calculated incorrectly. We're truly sorry for any inconvenience " "that this may have caused." msgstr "" "Anda baru saja membatalkan paket Anda untuk %s. Jika terjadi " "pembatalan, Anda hanya mengembalikan sebagian dari total biaya, yang kami " "hitung dengan keliru. Kami benar-benar mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanan yang " "ditimbulkan oleh hal ini." msgid "" "We recently discovered an error here on where certain upgrade " "cancellations were not refunded the correct amount. We have fixed this error " "and have issued you an additional refund of %s." msgstr "" "Kami baru saja menemukan error di yang mengakibatkan kesalahan " "jumlah pengembalian dana untuk pembatalan upgrade tertentu. Kami telah " "memperbaiki error ini dan memberi Anda pengembalian dana tambahan sebesar %s." msgid "Could not remove the old translation." msgstr "Tidak dapat menghapus terjemahan yang lama." msgid "Removing the old version of the translation…" msgstr "Menghapus terjemahan versi lama…" msgid "" "It’s your time to shine. Once you create your own secure website on .page, ." "app, or .dev, enter Google Registry’s website competition. See details at <a " "href=\"\"></a>." msgstr "" "Inilah waktunya Anda bersinar. Setelah membuat situs web Anda sendiri yang " "aman di .page, .app, atau .dev, ikuti kompetisi situs web Google Registry. " "Baca selengkapnya di <a href=\"\"></a>." msgid "Sales Tax" msgstr "Pajak Penjualan" msgid "%.2f%% Sales Tax" msgstr "Pajak Penjualan %.2f%%" msgid "" "Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview; your comment will be " "visible after it has been approved." msgstr "" "Komentar anda sedang menunggu dimoderasi. Ini adalah sebuah pratinjau, " "komentar Anda akan tampil setelah disetujui." msgid "" "Only .blog domains are included with your plan, to use a different tld " "upgrade to a %(planName)s plan." msgstr "" "Hanya domain .blog yang disertakan dalam paket Anda. Untuk menggunakan " "domain level atas lainnya, upgrade ke paket %(planName)s." msgid "" "Save %s%% using promo code <code>{{coupon_code}}</code> at checkout today." msgstr "" "Hemat %s%% dengan menggunakan kode promo <code>{{coupon_code}}</code> saat " "checkout hari ini." msgid "" "<strong>WordPress Events and News</strong> — Upcoming events near you " "as well as the latest news from the official WordPress project and the <a " "href=\"%s\">WordPress Planet</a>." msgstr "" "<strong>Kegiatan dan Berita WordPress</strong> — Kegiatan mendatang di " "dekat Anda beserta berita terbaru dari proyek WordPress resmi dan <a href=" "\"%s\">Planet WordPress</a>." msgid "Dismissing restore failed. Please reload and try again." msgstr "Gagal membuang pemulihan. Muat ulang dan coba kembali." msgid "" "This widget needs updating. <a href=\"%1$s\">Click here</a> and then click " "\"Publish\" to update the widget. That's it!" msgstr "" "Widget ini perlu diperbarui. <a href=\"%1$s\">Klik di sini</a> lalu klik " "\"Publikasikan\" untuk memperbarui widget. Selesai!" msgid "cell" msgstr "seluler" msgid "telephone" msgstr "telepon" msgid "mobile" msgstr "ponsel" msgid "address" msgstr "alamat" msgid "phone" msgstr "telepon" msgid "massage" msgstr "pijat" msgid "" "We are moving to a new and faster Google Photos service. You will need to " "disconnect and reconnect to continue accessing your photos." msgstr "" "Kami beralih ke layanan Google Photos yang baru dan lebih cepat. Anda harus " "memutus sambungan dan menyambungkan lagi agar dapat terus mengakses foto-" "foto Anda." msgid "Sell online with WooCommerce and" msgstr "Bangun toko online dengan WooCommerce dan" msgid "" "The last two options require the purchase of hosting and/or the free " "software from <a href=\"%s\">Learn more about</a> the " "difference between and" msgstr "" "Dua pilihan terakhir memerlukan pembelian hosting dan/atau perangkat lunak " "gratis dari <a href=\"%s\">Baca lebih lanjut tentang</a> " "perbedaan antara dan" msgid "" "{{line1}}Want to learn more about selling online with WooCommerce?{{/line1}}" "{{line2}}<a href=\"%s\">Visit</a> for a detailed overview.{{/" "line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Ingin tahu lebih lanjut tentang berjualan online dengan WooCommerce?" "{{/line1}}{{line2}}<a href=\"%s\">Kunjungi</a> untuk " "informasi selengkapnya.{{/line2}}" msgid "" "Start selling online today with the world’s most customizable eCommerce " "platform." msgstr "" "Mulai toko online Anda sekarang dengan platform eCommerce yang paling mudah " "dikelola." msgid "" "The last two options require the purchase of hosting and/or the free " "software from <a href=\"%1$s\">Learn more about</a> the " "difference between and" msgstr "" "Dua pilihan terakhir memerlukan pembelian hosting dan/atau perangkat lunak " "gratis dari <a href=\"%1$s\">Baca lebih lanjut tentang</a> " "perbedaan antara dan" msgid "" "Build it exactly how you want it by purchasing server space from one of our " "recommended hosts. Install the WooCommerce plugin, extensions, and themes on " "a brand new site." msgstr "" "Buat toko seperti yang Anda inginkan dengan membeli ruang server dari salah " "satu penyedia hosting yang kami rekomendasikan. Instal tema, ekstensi, dan " "plugin WooCommerce di situs baru Anda." msgid "Best for WordPress Experts" msgstr "Terbaik untuk Ahli WordPress" msgid "Start from scratch" msgstr "Mulai dari awal" msgid "" "If you already have a self-hosted WordPress website, you can download and " "install WooCommerce for free. Purchase and upload additional extensions to " "add new product types, increase your shipping capabilities, and further " "enhance your eCommerce experience." msgstr "" "Jika memiliki situs web WordPress yang dikelola sendiri, Anda dapat " "mengunduh dan menginstal WooCommerce gratis. Beli dan unggah ekstensi " "tambahan untuk menggunakan produk baru, meningkatkan kemampuan pengiriman " "dan pengalaman eCommerce." msgid "Best for Self-Hosted Sites" msgstr "Terbaik untuk Situs Dikelola Sendiri" msgid "Download the plugin" msgstr "Unduh plugin" msgid "" "Get your new eCommerce site hosted by Business. Install " "WooCommerce, custom themes, and thousands of other plugins. Also includes " "Google Analytics, unlimited storage for media files, and real-time one-on-" "one support." msgstr "" "Dapatkan situs eCommerce baru yang dikelola oleh Bisnis. " "Instal WooCommerce, tema khusus, dan ribuan plugin lainnya. Mencakup juga " "Google Analytics, ruang penyimpanan tidak terbatas untuk media, dan bantuan " "langsung real time." msgid "Best for New Businesses" msgstr "Terbaik untuk Usaha Baru" msgid "Start immediately" msgstr "Mulai segera" msgid "Build your eCommerce site the way you like it." msgstr "Buat situs eCommerce sesuai keinginan Anda." msgid "Start selling now." msgstr "Mulai toko online Anda sekarang." msgid "Visit the WooCommerce Showcase" msgstr "Kunjungi Etalase WooCommerce" msgid "" "Millions of entrepreneurs, small businesses, developers, and agencies trust " "WooCommerce to power their online stores." msgstr "" "Jutaan pengusaha, bisnis kecil, pengembang, dan agensi memercayai " "WooCommerce untuk memperkuat toko online mereka." msgid "" "WooCommerce is built exclusively for WordPress, the content management " "system that powers more than 30% of the web. With regular security audits " "and frequent updates, you’ll rest easy knowing your data is always safe." msgstr "" "WooCommerce dibuat khusus untuk WordPress, sistem manajemen konten yang " "menghidupi lebih dari 30% web. Dengan audit keamanan rutin dan pembaruan " "berkala, Anda akan merasa nyaman karena data Anda selalu aman." msgid "Trusted by millions." msgstr "Dipercaya oleh jutaan orang." msgid "Visit the WooCommerce Marketplace" msgstr "Kunjungi WooCommerce Marketplace" msgid "" "WooCommerce’s core capabilities can be enhanced with hundreds of extensions. " "Download an extension from the official marketplace to add " "popular payment providers, flexible shipping solutions, new product types—" "like memberships, bookings, and subscriptions—and much more." msgstr "" "Kemampuan inti WooCommerce dapat ditingkatkan dengan ratusan ekstensi. Unduh " "ekstensi dari marketplace resmi untuk menambahkan penyedia " "layanan pembayaran, solusi jasa ekspedisi, jenis produk baru, seperti sistem " "keanggotaan, pemesanan, dan berlangganan." msgid "Enhance your store with extensions." msgstr "Kembangkan toko Anda dengan ekstensi." msgid "" "Change everything from your theme’s CSS to the code that runs your store—" "there’s no limit to what you can design, sell, and ship." msgstr "" "Ubah apa pun mulai dari CSS tema hingga kode di balik toko online Anda, " "tidak ada batasan untuk Anda mendesain, menjual dan mengirim barang dari " "toko online Anda." msgid "Customize it any way you like." msgstr "Kelola toko seperti yang diinginkan." msgid "" "WooCommerce is the world’s most customizable eCommerce solution. Sell " "physical or digital goods, set up subscriptions, accept online bookings, or " "even teach a class. Ship locally, globally, or accept pickups in-store." msgstr "" "WooCommerce adalah solusi eCommerce yang paling mudah dikelola. Menjual " "barang atau produk digital, mengatur sistem berlangganan, menerima pesanan, " "atau memberikan pelatihan online. Mengirim barang ke dalam kota, ke luar " "negeri, atau menerima pengambilan barang di toko." msgid "Your store, your way." msgstr "Toko Anda, impian Anda." msgid "" "With over 45 million downloads, WooCommerce is the world’s most customizable " "eCommerce platform." msgstr "" "Dengan lebih dari 45 juta unduhan, WooCommerce adalah platform eCommerce " "yang paling mudah dikelola sedunia." msgid "" "{{line1}}Flexible eCommerce.{{/line1}}{{line2}}Built for WordPress.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}eCommerce yang Fleksibel.{{/line1}}{{line2}}Khusus untuk WordPress." "{{/line2}}" msgid "" "Deleting a category does not delete the posts in that category. Instead, " "posts that were only assigned to the deleted category are set to the default " "category %s. The default category cannot be deleted." msgstr "" "Menghapus kategori tidak akan menghapus tulisan dalam kategori tersebut. Pos " "dengan kategori yang dihapus akan otomatis dipindahkan ke kategori dasar %s. " "Kategori dasar tidak dapat dihapus. " msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "" "Don’t worry, you don’t have to do anything; your renewals happen " "automatically. You will be charged a total of %1$s for these renewals. This " "price does not include any applicable taxes which will vary based on your " "billing address. The charge will appear in your statement as WPCHRG.COM." msgstr "" "Jangan khawatir, Anda tidak perlu melakukan apa pun karena perpanjangan " "dilakukan otomatis. Anda akan ditagih sejumlah %1$s. Harga tersebut belum " "termasuk pajak yang berlaku dan besarnya bervariasi berdasarkan alamat " "penagihan Anda. Penagihan akan muncul dalam rekening mutasi Anda sebagai " "WPCHRG.COM." msgid "" "Your site hasn't been launched yet. It's private; only you can see it until " "it is launched." msgstr "" "Situs Anda belum diluncurkan dan masih dengan pengaturan privat. Hanya Anda " "yang dapat melihat situs Anda sebelum diluncurkan." msgid "" "In honor of <a href=\"\">Safer Internet Day</a>, and in " "partnership with <a href=\"\">Google Registry</a>, " "save %s%% using promo code <code>{{coupon_code}}</code> at checkout. Offer " "valid until April 30, 2019." msgstr "" "Untuk merayakan <a href=\"\">Hari Internet Aman</a>, serta " "kemitraan dengan <a href=\"\">Google Registry</a>, hemat %s" "%% dengan menggunakan kode promo <code>{{coupon_code}}</code> saat checkout. " "Penawaran valid sampai 30 April 2019." msgid "" "This price does not include any applicable taxes which will vary based on " "your billing address." msgstr "" "Harga di atas belum termasuk pajak yang berlaku dan besarnya bervariasi " "berdasarkan alamat penagihan Anda." msgid "user_id is required" msgstr "user_id diperlukan" msgid "Your service has been disconnected. Please reconnect to continue." msgstr "" "Sambungan layanan Anda telah diputus. Sambungkan kembali untuk melanjutkan." msgid "" "We are moving to a new and faster Photos from Google service. Please " "reconnect to continue accessing your photos." msgstr "" "Kami beralih ke layanan Foto dari Google yang baru dan lebih cepat. " "Sambungkan kembali agar dapat terus mengakses foto-foto Anda." msgid "Your subscription renews on %1$s, for %2$s." msgstr "Langganan Anda akan diperpanjang pada %1$s, dengan biaya sebesar %2$s." msgid "" "By clicking “Pay Now,” you agree to create a account or use " "your existing account to manage this subscription, agree to " "our <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Terms of " "Service</a>, and authorize us to charge you on a recurring basis until you " "cancel, which you can do at any time. You understand <a href=\"%2$s\" target=" "\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"> how your subscription works and how " "to cancel</a>." msgstr "" "Dengan mengeklik “Bayar Sekarang,” Anda setuju untuk membuat akun WordPress." "com atau menggunakan akun Anda yang sudah ada untuk mengelola " "langganan ini. Anda juga menyetujui <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=" "\"noopener noreferrer\">Ketentuan Layanan</a> kami dan mengizinkan kami " "menagih Anda secara berulang hingga Anda membatalkannya kapan saja. Anda " "memahami <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"> " "cara kerja langganan Anda dan cara membatalkannya</a>." msgid "New Card" msgstr "Kartu Baru" msgid "It will not renew" msgstr "Ini tidak akan diperpanjang" msgid "" "We could not find this payment plan on <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">" "%2$s</a> site." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat menemukan rencana pembayaran ini di situs <a href=\"%1$s\" " "target=\"_blank\">%2$s</a>." msgid "" "We are sorry, the subscription system is undergoing routine maintenance." msgstr "Maaf, sistem langganan sedang dalam pemeliharaan rutin." msgid "It will renew every %1$s of %2$s until you cancel it." msgstr "" "Langganan Anda akan diperbarui setiap tanggal %1$s bulan %2$s sampai Anda " "membatalkannya." msgid "jS" msgstr "jS" msgid "It will renew %s of every month until you cancel it." msgstr "" "Langganan Anda akan diperbarui pada tanggal %s tiap bulan sampai Anda " "membatalkannya." msgid "Clear date selection" msgstr "Hapus pilihan tanggal" msgid "Sign me up to receive exclusive member updates." msgstr "Saya ingin mendaftar untuk menerima kabar terbaru khusus anggota." msgid "" "This site can't be connected to because it violates our {{a}}" "Terms of Service{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Situs ini tidak dapat terhubung ke karena melanggar {{a}}" "Ketentuan Layanan{{/a}} kami." msgid "See all stories" msgstr "Lihat semua cerita" msgid "" "Build a community, start a newspaper, create a world of difference. Here’s " "how people everywhere are turning their dreams into reality." msgstr "" "Bangun komunitas, mulai buat surat kabar, ciptakan perbedaan. Simak cara " "orang-orang di berbagai penjuru dunia mewujudkan mimpi mereka." msgid "What would you do if you could do anything?" msgstr "Apa yang akan Anda lakukan jika dapat melakukan apa pun?" msgid "Your Company Name" msgstr "Nama Perusahaan Anda" msgid "Filter events by type and date." msgstr "Saring kegiatan berdasarkan jenis dan tanggal." msgid "Access full activity for the past 30 days." msgstr "Akses aktivitas lengkap selama 30 hari terakhir" msgid "" "With your free plan, you can monitor the 20 most recent events on your site. " "Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock powerful features:" msgstr "" "Dengan paket gratis, Anda dapat memantau 20 acara paling baru di situs Anda. " "Upgrade ke paket berbayar untuk membuka fitur yang lebih lengkap:" msgid "Unlock more activities now" msgstr "Buka lebih banyak aktivitas sekarang" msgid "Welcome to your site’s activity" msgstr "Selamat datang ke aktivitas situs Anda" msgid "Unlimited cloud storage (or 1TB per user if fewer than 5 users)" msgstr "" "Penyimpanan cloud yang tidak terbatas (atau 1TB per pengguna jika lebih dari " "5 pengguna)" msgid "Please select a Facebook Page to publish updates." msgstr "Pilih Halaman Facebook untuk memublikasikan pembaruan." msgctxt "Domain suggestion is not available for registration" msgid "Unavailable" msgstr "Tidak tersedia" msgid "" "Sorry, the domain name you selected is not available. Please choose another " "domain." msgstr "" "Maaf, nama domain yang Anda pilih tidak tersedia. Harap pilih domain lain." msgid "" "Select the account you'd like to connect. All your new blog posts will be " "automatically shared to this account. You'll be able to change this option " "in the editor sidebar when you're writing a post." msgstr "" "Pilih akun yang ingin Anda hubungkan. Semua pos blog baru Anda akan " "dibagikan secara otomatis ke akun berikut. Anda akan dapat mengubah pilihan " "berikut di bilah sisi editor ketika Anda menulis pos." msgid "" "Is this the account you'd like to connect? All your new blog posts will be " "automatically shared to this account. You'll be able to change this option " "in the editor sidebar when you're writing a post." msgstr "" "Apakah akun berikut yang ingin Anda hubungkan? Semua pos blog baru Anda akan " "dibagikan secara otomatis ke akun berikut. Anda akan dapat mengubah pilihan " "berikut di bilah sisi editor ketika Anda menulis pos." msgid "" "Put WooCommerce in your pocket to manage orders, receive sales " "notifications, and view key metrics – wherever you are. Available on iOS and " "Android." msgstr "" "Bawa WooCommerce di saku Anda agar dapat mengelola pesanan, menerima " "pemberitahuan penjualan, dan melihat metrik utama – di mana pun Anda berada. " "Tersedia di iOS dan Android." msgid "Try the new WooCommerce Mobile App (free)" msgstr "Coba Aplikasi Seluler WooCommerce baru (gratis)" msgid "e.g. Fashion, travel, design, plumbing" msgstr "misalnya, Mode, wisata, desain, tukang leding" msgid "" "If you're not yet using these valuable services included with Jetpack " "Premium, you're missing out!" msgstr "" "Jika belum menggunakan layanan istimewa yang disertakan bersama Jetpack " "Premium, Anda melewatkan hal bagus!" msgid "Next month (%s)" msgstr "Bulan selanjutnya (%s)" msgid "Previous month (%s)" msgstr "Bulan sebelumnya (%s)" msgctxt "Date range text for DateRange input trigger" msgid "%(startDateText)s - %(endDateText)s" msgstr "%(startDateText)s - %(endDateText)s" msgid "{{icon/}} reset selected dates" msgstr "{{icon/}} reset tanggal yang dipilih" msgid "{{icon/}} Please select the {{em}}last{{/em}} day." msgstr "{{icon/}} Harap pilih hari {{em}}terakhir{{/em}}." msgid "{{icon/}} Please select the {{em}}first{{/em}} day." msgstr "{{icon/}} Harap pilih hari {{em}}pertama{{/em}}." msgid "" "Welcome, LinkedIn Learning Students! Save %s%% today on any " "plan using promo code <code>{{coupon_code}}</code> at checkout today." msgstr "" "Selamat datang, Siswa Pelatihan LinkedIn! Hemat %s%% untuk paket WordPress." "com apa pun dengan menggunakan kode promo <code>{{coupon_code}}</code> saat " "checkout hari ini." msgid "Real Estate Agent" msgstr "Agen Real Estate" msgid "Sign in request from %1$s using %2$s" msgstr "Permintaan masuk dari %1$s menggunakan %2$s" msgid "Sign in request from %1$s using %2$s (%3$s)" msgstr "Permintaan masuk dari %1$s menggunakan %2$s (%3$s)" msgid "Sign in request from %s" msgstr "Permintaan masuk dari %s" msgid "Animal Welfare" msgstr "Kesejahteraan Hewan" msgid "Digital Marketing" msgstr "Pemasaran Digital" msgid "" "With eCommerce, you have the freedom to create a beautiful " "store that meets your needs. The only limit is your imagination." msgstr "" "Dengan eCommerce, Anda memiliki keleluasaan dalam membuat toko " "yang menarik dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda. Satu-satunya batas adalah " "imajinasi Anda." msgid "Learn more about orders" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang pesanan" msgid "Site Database (SQL)" msgstr "Database Situs (SQL)" msgid "WP-Content Directory (excluding themes, plugins, and uploads)" msgstr "Direktori Konten WP (tidak termasuk tema, plugin, dan unggahan)" msgid "WordPress Root (includes wp-config.php and any non-WordPress files)" msgstr "" "WordPress Root (termasuk wp-config.php dan file apa pun selain WordPress)" msgid "Media Uploads" msgstr "Unggahan Media" msgid "WordPress Plugins" msgstr "Plugin WordPress" msgid "" "These hosting plans provide the best Jetpack and WordPress experiences on " "the web, whether you’re just getting started or going pro." msgstr "" "Paket hosting ini menyediakan pengalaman Jetpack dan WordPress terbaik di " "web, untuk Anda yang baru saja mulai atau menjadi seorang profesional." msgid "Jetpack, the fastest way to achieve your WordPress goals." msgstr "Jetpack, cara tercepat mencapai target WordPress Anda." msgid "" "Our responses will go to %1$s, the address associated with your WordPress." "com account. To change that email address, <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank" "\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">click here</a>." msgstr "" "Respons kami akan masuk ke %1$s, alamat yang terhubung dengan akun WordPress." "com Anda. Untuk mengubah alamat email tersebut, <a href=\"%2$s\" target=" "\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">klik di sini</a>." msgid "Enable site visitors to sign up for your Mailchimp content." msgstr "Izinkan pengunjung situs mendaftar untuk konten MailChimp Anda." msgid "Allow users to sign up to your Mailchimp mailing list." msgid_plural "Allow users to sign up to your Mailchimp mailing lists." msgstr[0] "Izinkan pengguna mendaftar ke milis MailChimp Anda." msgstr[1] "Izinkan pengguna mendaftar ke milis MailChimp Anda." msgid "Do not save subscribers to Mailchimp for this site" msgstr "Jangan simpan pelanggan ke MailChimp untuk situs ini" msgid "" "Subscribers will not be added to Mailchimp for this site. Please select a " "list to sign them up for your Mailchimp content" msgstr "" "Pelanggan tidak akan ditambahkan ke MailChimp untuk situs ini. Pilih daftar " "yang ingin didaftarkan untuk konten MailChimp Anda" msgid "What Mailchimp list should subscribers be added to?" msgstr "Pelanggan sebaiknya ditambahkan ke daftar MailChimp apa?" msgid "To another user" msgstr "Ke pengguna lain" msgid "View plans" msgstr "Lihat paket" msgid "" "Should you have any additional questions or require further assistance, " "please feel free to <a href=\"%s\">contact our support team</a>." msgstr "" "Bila Anda memiliki pertanyaan lain atau memerlukan bantuan lebih lanjut, " "jangan ragu untuk <a href=\"%s\">menghubungi tim dukungan kami</a>." msgid "We have charged your credit card on file %s for postage discrepancies." msgstr "" "Kami telah menagih kartu kredit Anda yang tercatat sebesar %s karena " "kesalahan perangko." msgid "Adjustment for Order #%1$s<br />Tracking #: %2$s<br /><em>%3$s</em>" msgstr "" "Penyesuaian untuk Nomor Pesanan %1$s<br />Nomor Pelacakan: %2$s<br /><em>" "%3$s</em>" msgid "Session used on %s" msgstr "Sesi digunakan pada %s" msgid "Session used on" msgstr "Sesi digunakan pada" msgid "This session has been used." msgstr "Sesi ini telah digunakan." msgid "One-on-one Support" msgstr "Dukungan Langsung" msgid "Dashboard color scheme" msgstr "Skema warna dasbor" msgid "" "The block widgets require JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript in your " "browser settings, or install the <a href=\"%s\">Classic Widgets plugin</a>." msgstr "" "Editor blok memerlukan JavaScript. Silakan aktifkan JavaScript pada " "pengaturan perambah Anda, atau coba <a href=\"%s\">plugin Editor Klasik</a>." msgctxt "settings screen" msgid "Performance" msgstr "Performa" msgid "Success Message Text:" msgstr "Teks Pesan Berhasil:" msgid "Subscribe Button:" msgstr "Tombol Berlangganan:" msgid "Subscribe Placeholder:" msgstr "Berlangganan Placeholder:" msgid "Optional text to display to your readers:" msgstr "Teks opsional untuk ditampilkan bagi pembaca Anda:" msgid "Subscribe to Blog via Email" msgstr "Berlangganan ke Blog via Email" msgid "Spam Filtering (by Akismet)" msgstr "Penyaringan Spam (oleh Akismet)" msgid "" "<strong>%s</strong> is looking great! Congrats on finishing your Next Steps " "-- doesn't it feel good to cross things off a list?" msgstr "" "<strong>%s</strong> terlihat bagus! Selamat! Anda telah menyelesaikan " "Langkah Berikutnya. Bukankah menyenangkan rasanya saat mencoret satu hal " "dari daftar?" msgid "" "You've finished the Next Steps checklist for <strong>%s</strong>. Congrats!" msgstr "" "Anda telah menyelesaikan daftar periksa Langkah Berikutnya untuk <strong>%s</" "strong>. Selamat!" msgid "" "Our 2019 default theme is designed to show off the power of the block " "editor. It features custom styles for all the default blocks, and is built " "so that what you see in the editor looks like what you'll see on your " "website. Twenty Nineteen is designed to be adaptable to a wide range of " "websites, whether you’re running a photo blog, launching a new business, or " "supporting a non-profit. Featuring ample whitespace and modern sans-serif " "headlines paired with classic serif body text, it's built to be beautiful on " "all screen sizes." msgstr "" "Tema standar 2019 kami dirancang untuk mengangkat kekuatan editor blok. " "Twenty Nineteen mengangkat fitur style khusus untuk semua blok standar, dan " "dirancang agar yang Anda lihat di editor terlihat seperti di situs web Anda. " "Twenty Nineteen dirancang agar dapat beradaptasi dengan berbagai situs web, " "baik Anda menjalankan blog foto, meluncurkan bisnis baru, atau mendukung " "organisasi nirlaba. Dengan menampilkan ruang kosong yang luas dan tajuk sans-" "serif modern yang dipasangkan dengan teks classic serif, Twenty Nineteen " "dibangun untuk terlihat proporsional di semua ukuran layar." msgid "" "A one-on-one session with a member of the expert support team." msgstr "Sesi pribadi dengan anggota tim dukungan ahli" msgid "" "Your site already has an unused session. Please use your current session " "before purchasing another." msgstr "" "Situs Anda sudah memiliki satu sesi yang belum digunakan. Silakan gunakan " "sesi yang sudah ada sebelum membeli sesi lain." msgctxt "currency" msgid "Turkish Lira" msgstr "Lira Turki" msgid "" "Sorry, there was an error fetching the nameservers for " "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Maaf, terjadi error saat mengambil server nama untuk {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/" "strong}}." msgid "Export status message." msgstr "Ekspor pesan status." msgid "Use the tool below to book your in-depth support session." msgstr "Gunakan alat di bawah untuk memesan sesi dukungan mendalam Anda." msgid "" "Sessions are %(durationInMinutes)d minutes long and in %(defaultLanguage)s." msgstr "" "Sesi berdurasi %(durationInMinutes)d menit dalam bahasa %(defaultLanguage)s." msgid "Sessions are %(durationInMinutes)d minutes long." msgstr "Sesi berdurasi %(durationInMinutes)d menit." msgid "Your session has been rescheduled!" msgstr "Sesi Anda telah dijadwalkan ulang!" msgid "Cancel your session" msgstr "Membatalkan sesi" msgid "Your session has been cancelled." msgstr "Sesi Anda telah dibatalkan." msgid "Your session is booked!" msgstr "Sesi Anda dipesan!" msgid "Choose Session" msgstr "Pilih Sesi" msgid "" "You have made too many domain suggestions requests in a short time. Please " "wait a few minutes and try again." msgstr "" "Anda mengirim terlalu banyak permintaan domain dalam waktu singkat. " "Tunggulah beberapa menit, lalu coba lagi." msgid "No matter what you want to do, we’ll help you build it right here." msgstr "" "Apa pun yang ingin Anda lakukan, kami akan membantu mewujudkannya di sini." msgid "Built for every dream." msgstr "Dibuat untuk semua impian." msgid "Start for free" msgstr "Mulai gratis" msgid "" " is completely free to start, with plenty of room to grow. " "After all, the only things that should stand between you and whatever you " "want to do are your ideas and ambition. Certainly not your website." msgstr "" "Anda bisa memulai tanpa biaya sama sekali, dengan banyak ruang " "untuk berkembang, karena seharusnya satu-satunya hal yang membatasi diri " "Anda dan impian Anda adalah ide dan ambisi, bukan situs web." msgid "Read the story >" msgstr "Baca kisahnya >" msgid "Read their story" msgstr "Baca kisah mereka" msgid "" "We’re helping anyone with an idea, product, or a can-do spirit build a " "website on the world’s most flexible, all-in-one platform." msgstr "" "Kami membantu siapa pun yang memiliki ide, produk, atau semangat berkarya " "untuk membuat situs web dengan platform lengkap dan paling fleksibel di " "dunia." msgid "Code has to consist of 4 digits." msgstr "Kode harus terdiri dari 4 digit." msgid "" "For security reasons we just emailed you an 4 digit code. Please enter that " "4 digit code below:" msgstr "" "Demi keamanan, kami baru saja mengirimkan kode 4 digit kepada Anda melalui " "email. Harap masukkan kode 4 digit tersebut di bawah ini:" msgid "Check your email" msgstr "Periksa email Anda" msgid "once" msgstr "satu kali" msgid "/ month" msgstr "/bulan" msgid "Your upcoming appointment" msgstr "Janji temu mendatang" msgid "" "The following settings will impact all related posts on your site, except " "for those you created via the block editor:" msgstr "" "Pengaturan berikut akan memengaruhi semua pos terkait di situs Anda, kecuali " "pos yang Anda buat melalui editor blok:" msgid "" "Ship physical products in a snap - show live rates from shipping carriers " "like UPS and other shipping options" msgstr "" "Kirim produk fisik dalam sekejap - tampilkan tarif langsung dari operator " "pengiriman seperti UPS dan opsi pengiriman lainnya" msgid "Tell us about your site" msgstr "Beri tahu kami tentang situs Anda" msgid "" "Invent the world’s greatest cat food, save a rainforest, start a needlepoint " "club. Whatever it is, it’s going to need a website — that’s where we come in." msgstr "" "Racik makanan kucing terbaik di dunia, selamatkan hutan lindung, mulai klub " "menyulam. Apa pun itu, Anda akan memerlukan sebuah situs web, dan kami dapat " "membantu Anda." msgid "{{line1}}You can. You will.{{/line1}}{{line2}}We’ll help.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Anda bisa wujudkan mimpi.{{/line1}}{{line2}}Kami akan bantu Anda.{{/" "line2}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}AVAILABLE{{/line1}}{{line2}}24/7{{/line2}}{{line3}}Instantly{{/" "line3}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}TERSEDIA{{/line1}}{{line2}}24 jam sehari, 7 hari seminggu{{/line2}}" "{{line3}}Setiap saat{{/line3}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}MORE THAN{{/line1}}{{line2}}300{{/line2}}{{line3}}Humans{{/line3}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}LEBIH DARI{{/line1}}{{line2}}300{{/line2}}{{line3}}Orang{{/line3}}" msgid "" "From configuring settings to publishing pages to helping you pick the " "perfect design, they’re all ears, all smiles, and all human. Happiness " "Engineers also work all around the world—and around the clock, so there’s " "always someone there when you need them." msgstr "" "Mulai dari menyelaraskan pengaturan, memublikasikan halaman, hingga memilih " "desain yang tepat, mereka akan membantu Anda. Happiness Engineer bekerja " "dari seluruh dunia sehingga mereka selalu siaga kapan pun Anda membutuhkan " "bantuan." msgid "" "Our 24/7 support is powered by actual people.<br /> We call them Happiness " "Engineers." msgstr "" "Dukungan sepanjang waktu dari kami didukung oleh staf manusia.<br /> Kami " "menyebut mereka Happiness Engineer." msgid "{{line1}}Engineering{{/line1}}{{line2}}happiness.{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}Menciptakan{{/line1}}{{line2}}kebahagiaan.{{/line2}}" msgid "" "Thousands of themes means there’s a layout that’s just right for you, while " "storage and design options ensure you can upload anything you need to and " "give your work the stage it deserves." msgstr "" "Anda akan temukan rancangan yang tepat dari ribuan tema yang tersedia. " "Pilihan penyimpanan dan desain membantu Anda mengunggah semua yang " "dibutuhkan untuk menampilkan karya Anda." msgid "Design a portfolio." msgstr "Rancang sebuah portofolio." msgid "" "Everyone has a point of view. Make your mark online with the world’s " "greatest blogging tool, and join a community millions strong that’s waiting " "to hear what you have to say." msgstr "" "Semua orang punya cerita. Sebarkan cerita Anda secara online dengan alat " "blogging terhebat di dunia, dan gabung dengan komunitas dengan jutaan " "anggota yang ingin mendengar cerita Anda." msgid "Start a blog." msgstr "Buat sebuah blog." msgid "" "Process payments, configure taxes and shipping, build a marketing plan—you " "make the widgets, we’ll make the website." msgstr "" "Proses pembayaran, pengaturan pajak dan pengiriman, rencana pemasaran - Anda " "hanya membuat widget, kami yang mengelola situs web Anda." msgid "Open a store." msgstr "Buka toko online." msgid "" "Promote your products, use advanced statistics and SEO tools, and connect " "with built-in audiences on social media to grow your business." msgstr "" "Promosikan produk Anda, gunakan perangkat SEO dan statistik tingkat lanjut, " "serta terhubung dengan audiens melalui media sosial yang terintegrasi untuk " "mengembangkan bisnis Anda." msgid "Build a fan base." msgstr "Cari pelanggan setia." msgid "" "{{line1}} gives you everything you need to create anything you " "want.{{/line1}}{{line2}}It’s flexible, secure, and powerful, just like you " "want your business to be.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}} menyediakan semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk membuat " "apa pun yang Anda inginkan.{{/line1}}{{line2}}Berbagai pilihan, aman, dan " "andal, sesuai untuk bisnis Anda.{{/line2}}" msgid "What can you do on" msgstr "Apa yang dapat lakukan untuk Anda?" msgid "Open Navigation" msgstr "Buka Navigasi" msgid "Bottom Navigation Links" msgstr "Tautan Navigasi Bawah" msgid "Could not load a product class" msgstr "Tidak dapat memuat kelas produk" msgid "Are you sure you wish to delete this item?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin menghapus item ini?" msgid "" "If you let your plan or domain expire, your site will lose its features and " "it might be impossible to revert it back. Keep your site running smoothly by " "renewing now." msgstr "" "Jika masa berlaku paket atau domain habis, fitur-fitur di situs Anda akan " "hilang dan mungkin tidak dapat dipulihkan. Pastikan situs Anda terus aktif " "dengan memperpanjang paket langganan Anda sekarang." msgid "subscribe" msgstr "langganan" msgid " Everything you need to build anything you want." msgstr " Semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk wujudkan impian " msgid "" "WordPress powers more than %s%% of the web, from brand new bloggers to the " "world’s biggest brands. Start a site for free today." msgstr "" "WordPress menghidupi lebih dari %s%% web, mulai dari bloger pemula hingga " "branding terbesar di dunia. Mulai buat situs sekarang, gratis." msgid "" "{{line1}}There are a thousand{{/line1}}{{line2}}ways to WordPress.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Ada seribu{{/line1}}{{line2}}cara untuk menggunakan WordPress.{{/" "line2}}" msgid "" "We do site-building differently, with plans designed to fit your business " "and your budget today while giving it room to grow tomorrow. Blog, store, " "multinational corporation—there’s a plan for you." msgstr "" " adalah yang terbaik, dengan paket yang dirancang untuk " "memenuhi kebutuhan bisnis dan anggaran Anda saat ini, serta mengikuti " "perkembangan bisnis Anda di masa mendatang. Blog, toko, perusahaan " "multinasional - kami punya paket terbaik untuk Anda." msgid "An innovative New York City hair salon." msgstr "Salon inovatif di New York City." msgid "" "People all over the world are doing all sorts of amazing things on WordPress." msgstr "" "Semua orang dari seluruh dunia melakukan hal yang luar biasa dengan " "WordPress." msgid "{{line1}}You’re in{{/line1}}{{line2}}good company.{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}Anda membuat{{/line1}}{{line2}}pilihan yang tepat.{{/line2}}" msgid "Getting started is easy." msgstr "Mulai dengan mudah, sekarang." msgid "" "Update your site from anywhere with mobile and desktop apps for iOS, " "Android, Mac, Windows, and Linux systems." msgstr "" "Perbarui situs Anda dari mana pun dengan aplikasi seluler dan desktop untuk " "sistem iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, dan Linux." msgid "" "Drag and drop images into posts and pages. Create designer-worthy photo " "galleries. Embed audio, video, documents, and more." msgstr "" "Tarik dan letakkan gambar ke dalam pos dan halaman. Buat galeri foto sekelas " "desainer. Sematkan audio, video, dokumen, dan lainnya." msgid "" "Our editor is fast, intuitive, and includes HTML and Markdown support. " "Autosave grabs your work every few seconds, even if you’re offline, so you " "never miss a word." msgstr "" "Editor kami bekerja cepat, intuitif, dan mencakup bantuan HTML dan Markdown. " "Fitur simpan otomatis menyimpan pekerjaan Anda setiap beberapa detik, walau " "Anda bekerja offline, sehingga tidak ada yang terlewat." msgid "" "Plumbers. Knitting groups. Graphic designers. Refugee advocates. Corgi " "aficionados. Whatever your site’s for, there’s a design to help it stand out." msgstr "" "Penyedia air bersih. Grup merajut. Desainer grafis. Pendamping pengungsi. " "Penggemar anjing corgi. Apa pun tujuan situs Anda, temukan desain menarik " "yang sesuai." msgid "Customizable design" msgstr "Desain yang fleksibel" msgid "" "Built-in SEO, automated social sharing, add-ons to keep people sticking " "around on your site—we help you build a site, and we help you grow it." msgstr "" "SEO terintegrasi, berbagi di media sosial secara otomatis, fitur tambahan " "untuk menarik perhatian pengunjung agar menghabiskan waktu lebih lama di " "situs Anda. Kami membantu Anda membuat dan mengembangkannya." msgid "Built-in marketing tools" msgstr "Perangkat pemasaran terintegrasi" msgid "When you need real help from actual humans, we’ve got you covered." msgstr "Jika Anda butuh bantuan langsung, kami siap membantu Anda." msgid "" "Write about your life, create a beautiful portfolio of your work, or build a " "robust business site, do all three—it’s up to you." msgstr "" "Tulis kisah hidup, susun portofolio yang menarik, atau buat situs bisnis " "yang andal, lakukan ketiganya - Anda yang menentukan." msgid "" "Product demo videos. Family photos. Your band’s latest track. Upload as much " "as you want—we don’t limit your storage." msgstr "" "Video demo produk. Foto keluarga. Lagu terbaru dari band Anda. Unggah " "sebanyak yang Anda mau, ruang penyimpanan tidak kami batasi." msgid "Unlimited hosting" msgstr "Hosting tanpa batas" msgid "" "Run a store from your living room. Write a blog post from the bus. We’re " "mobile-ready, optimized for search engines, and packed with features and " "tools—all you need is an idea and an internet connection. We’ll take care of " "the rest." msgstr "" "Kelola toko dari ruang tamu Anda. Tulis pos blog dari atas bus. Kami " "sediakan aplikasi seluler yang dioptimalkan untuk mesin pencarian, dan penuh " "dengan fitur serta perangkat canggih. Anda menyiapkan ide dan sambungan " "internet. Kami yang mengelola." msgid "" "{{line1}}Everything you need to{{/line1}}{{line2}}build anything you want.{{/" "line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk{{/line1}}{{line2}}membuat yang Anda " "inginkan.{{/line2}}" msgid "Sign up for free" msgstr "Daftar gratis" msgid "Launch, create, grow." msgstr "Luncurkan, ciptakan, kembangkan." msgid "Watch Annette’s story" msgstr "Simak cerita Annette" msgid "" "We’re helping anyone with an idea, product, or a can-do spirit build a " "website on the world’s most flexible, all-in-one platform." msgstr "" "Kami membantu siapa pun yang memiliki ide, produk, atau semangat berkarya " "untuk membuat situs web dengan platform paling lengkap dan fleksibel di " "dunia." msgid "Edit in Block Editor" msgstr "Sunting di Editor Blok" msgid "" "You can also <a href=\"%s\">browse previous revisions</a> and restore a " "version of the post before it was edited in the Block Editor." msgstr "" "Anda juga dapat <a href=\"%s\">menelusuri perubahan sebelumnya</a> dan " "memulihkan versi pos sebelum pos tersebut disunting di Editor Blok." msgid "" "This post was previously edited in the Block Editor. You can continue in the " "Classic Editor, but you may lose data and formatting." msgstr "" "Pos berikut telah disunting dengan Editor Blok. Anda dapat tetap menyunting " "di Editor Klasik, akan tetapi beberapa data dan format mungkin akan hilang." msgid "Block Editor" msgstr "Editor Blok" msgid "Edit “%s” in the Classic Editor" msgstr "Sunting “%s” di Editor Klasik" msgctxt "Editor Name" msgid "Classic Editor" msgstr "Editor Klasik" msgid "Best for Entrepreneurs & Freelancers:" msgstr "Terbaik untuk Pengusaha & Pekerja Lepas:" msgid "Start with Free ›" msgstr "Mulai Gratis ›" msgid "" "A free site includes a subdomain, community " "support, dozens of free themes, basic design customization, and more." msgstr "" "Situs gratis meliputi subdomain, bantuan " "komunitas, lusinan tema gratis, pengaturan desain dasar, dan lainnya." msgid "" "Schedule your social media updates in advance and promote your posts when " "it’s best for you." msgstr "" "Jadwalkan pembaruan media sosial Anda di awal dan promosikan pos Anda di " "saat yang terbaik bagi Anda." msgid "" "Just turn it on. With AMP active, all posts will have AMP-compatible " "versions available automatically. Optimization doesn’t get easier than that." msgstr "" "Aktifkan AMP. Dengan AMP yang aktif, semua pos akan memiliki versi yang " "kompatibel dengan AMP secara otomatis. Proses optimasi yang paling mudah. " msgid "Easy integration" msgstr "Integrasi mudah" msgid "" "Faster load times mean more page views, and more page views can result in " "more sales, ad views, product purchases, repeat visits, and more." msgstr "" "Waktu memuat lebih cepat artinya lebih banyak halaman yang dilihat, dan akan " "menghasilkan lebih banyak penjualan, penayangan iklan, pembelian produk, " "kunjungan berulang, dan lainnya." msgid "Increased conversion" msgstr "Peningkatan konversi" msgid "" "Just over half of all web traffic globally comes from mobile devices. AMP " "was built for that ever-growing audience who want faster results on the go." msgstr "" "Lebih dari setengah aktivitas web global berasal dari perangkat seluler. AMP " "dibuat untuk pengguna seluler yang semakin banyak, dan menginginkan hasil " "lebih cepat di mana pun." msgid "" "Behind the scenes, AMP simplifies your website’s code to prioritize content " "and get users to what they want to see quickly." msgstr "" "Di balik layar, AMP menyederhanakan kode situs web Anda untuk " "memprioritaskan konten dan mengarahkan pengunjung ke konten yang mereka " "ingin lihat segera." msgid "Instant gratification" msgstr "Gratifikasi instan" msgid "<strong>Act now!</strong> Your <strong>%s plan</strong> failed to renew" msgstr "" "<strong>Ambil tindakan sekarang!</strong> Paket <strong>%s Anda</strong> " "gagal diperpanjang" msgid "Your %1$s plan for %2$s renews soon" msgstr "Paket %1$s Anda untuk %2$s segera diperpanjang" msgid "" "Create an all-in-one online store with advanced marketing tools, payment " "options, and shipping solutions." msgstr "" "Buat toko online serba ada menggunakan peralatan pemasaran, opsi pembayaran, " "dan solusi pengiriman barang yang canggih." msgid "Ability to sell unlimited products or services on your site." msgstr "" "Kemampuan untuk menjual produk dan layanan tidak terbatas di situs Anda." msgid "Access to SEO tools to make your site stand out in search results." msgstr "" "Akses alat SEO untuk membuat situs Anda tampil menonjol di hasil pencarian." msgid "Ability to install plugins to give your site more functionality." msgstr "" "Kemampuan untuk menginstal plugin untuk memberikan lebih banyak fungsi pada " "situs Anda." msgid "Access to email support." msgstr "Akses ke dukungan email." msgid "Best plan for Bloggers." msgstr "Paket terbaik untuk para Blogger." msgid "Card Number" msgstr "Nomor Kartu" msgid "Sports Club" msgstr "Klub Olahraga" msgid "Real Estate Agencies" msgstr "Agen Real Estat" msgid "Sports Cars" msgstr "Mobil Sport" msgid "Website Designer" msgstr "Desainer Situs Web" msgid "Collectibles" msgstr "Barang Koleksi" msgid "Greeting Cards" msgstr "Kartu Ucapan" msgid "Sports Memorabilia" msgstr "Memorabilia Olahraga" msgid "Karate Schools" msgstr "Sekolah Karate" msgid "Archery" msgstr "Panahan" msgid "caterer" msgstr "jasa katering" msgid "Swimwear" msgstr "Pakaian Renang" msgid "Cabin Rental Agency" msgstr "Agen Persewaan Kabin" msgid "Modern Art Museum" msgstr "Museum Seni Modern" msgid "Maternity" msgstr "Ibu Hamil dan Menyusui" msgid "Sunglasses" msgstr "Kacamata" msgid "Public Swimming Pools" msgstr "Kolam Renang Publik" msgid "Cabinetmaker" msgstr "Penata Lemari" msgid "Physicians" msgstr "Tenaga Medis" msgid "Fine Dining" msgstr "Restoran Mewah" msgid "Ski Shops" msgstr "Toko Ski" msgid "Grade Schools" msgstr "Sekolah Dasar" msgid "Towing Services" msgstr "Layanan Mobil Derek" msgid "Hobby Shops" msgstr "Toko Hobi" msgid "Costumes" msgstr "Kostum" msgid "candy" msgstr "permen" msgid "Cameras & Photography" msgstr "Kamera & Fotografi" msgid "Art Museum" msgstr "Museum Seni" msgid "Sporting Goods" msgstr "Barang-Barang Olahraga" msgid "Chambers of Commerce" msgstr "Kamar Dagang" msgid "Tobacco Shops" msgstr "Toko Tembakau" msgid "Skating" msgstr "Seluncur" msgid "Osteopaths" msgstr "Osteopati" msgid "Travel Agency" msgstr "Agen Perjalanan" msgid "Fashion Designer" msgstr "Desainer Mode" msgid "kindergarten" msgstr "taman kanak-kanak" msgid "Dry Cleaners" msgstr "Pencuci Kering" msgid "draft" msgstr "konsep" msgid "Fast Food" msgstr "Makanan Cepat Saji" msgid "Footwear" msgstr "Alas Kaki" msgid "Restaurants" msgstr "Restoran" msgid "Cardholder Name" msgstr "Nama Pemegang Kartu" msgid "" "For now, you can still post to Google Plus using existing connections, but " "you cannot add new connections. The ability to post will be removed in early " "2019." msgstr "" "Untuk saat ini, Anda masih dapat membuat pos ke Google Plus menggunakan " "koneksi yang sudah ada, namun Anda tidak dapat menambahkan koneksi baru. " "Kemampuan untuk membuat pos akan dihapus di awal tahun 2019." msgid "" "Google recently {{a}}announced{{/a}} that Google Plus is shutting down in " "April 2019, and access via third-party tools like Jetpack will cease in " "March 2019." msgstr "" "Baru-baru ini Google {{a}}mengumumkan{{/a}} bahwa Google Plus dihentikan " "pada bulan April 2019, dan akses melalui alat pihak ketiga seperti Jetpack " "akan dihentikan pada bulan Maret 2019." msgid "Google Plus support is being removed" msgstr "Dukungan Google Plus sedang dihapus" msgid "Use code %1$s at checkout." msgstr "Gunakan kode %1$s saat checkout." msgid "Enter code <strong>%s</strong> at checkout." msgstr "Masukkan kode <strong>%s</strong> saat checkout." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to view this item." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan menampilkan item ini." msgid "A variable mismatch has been detected." msgstr "Terdeteksi ketidakcocokan variabel." msgid "Support Session" msgstr "Sesi Dukungan" msgid "A post type mismatch has been detected." msgstr "Terdeteksi ketidakcocokan tipe pos." msgid "A post ID mismatch has been detected." msgstr "Terdeteksi ketidakcocokan ID pos." msgid "Your next big idea starts here." msgstr "Ide besar Anda dimulai di sini." msgid "" "Included in annual paid plans, but registration costs at your current " "provider still apply" msgstr "" "Termasuk di dalam paket berbayar tahunan, akan tetapi biaya pendaftaran pada " "penyedia hosting Anda masih berlaku" msgid "Forget something?" msgstr "Ada yang lupa?" msgid "Enter your email" msgstr "Masukkan alamat e-mail Anda" msgid "Join my email list" msgstr "Gabung ke daftar email saya" msgid "The transaction was declined. Please try another payment method." msgstr "Transaksi ditolak. Silakan coba metode pembayaran lainnya." msgid "Schedule your Quick Start Session now (instructions inside)" msgstr "Buat jadwal sesi Mulai Cepat Anda sekarang (instruksi ada di dalam)" msgctxt "noun: Post Type" msgid "%s automatically deleted after 30 days in the Trash" msgstr "%s dihapus secara otomatis setelah 30 hari berada di Tong Sampah" msgid "Portfolio automatically deleted after 30 days in the Trash" msgstr "" "Portofolio dihapus secara otomatis setelah 30 hari berada di Tong Sampah" msgid "Testimonial automatically deleted after 30 days in the Trash" msgstr "" "Testimonial dihapus secara otomatis setelah 30 hari berada di Tong Sampah" msgid "Post automatically deleted after 30 days in the Trash" msgstr "Pos dihapus secara otomatis setelah 30 hari berada di Tong Sampah" msgid "Page automatically deleted after 30 days in the Trash" msgstr "Halaman dihapus secara otomatis setelah 30 hari berada di Tong Sampah" msgid "The subdomain can only contain lowercase letters (a-z) and numbers." msgstr "Subdomain hanya dapat mengandung huruf kecil (a-z) dan angka saja." msgid "Map your domain" msgstr "Arahkan Domain Anda" msgid "Your New Website" msgstr "Situs Web Baru Anda" msgid "Type this verification code in the checkout flow." msgstr "Ketik kode verifikasi ini pada alur checkout." msgid "Your verification code" msgstr "Kode verifikasi Anda" msgid "Your %s login code" msgstr "Kode login %s Anda" msgid "Thank you for flying with Jetpack." msgstr "Terima kasih telah menjelajah bersama Jetpack." msgid "You can further explore Jetpack Personal and all of its benefits at %s." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menjelajahi lebih lanjut Jetpack Personal dan semua manfaatnya di " "%s." msgid "" "You can further explore Jetpack Professional and all of its benefits at %s." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menjelajahi lebih lanjut Jetpack Profesional dan semua manfaatnya " "di %s." msgid "Speed up your site with AMP mobile pages at" msgstr "Tingkatkan kecepatan situs dengan halaman mobile AMP di" msgid "" "Streamline your website and improve your mobile user experience when you add " "Google AMP to your WordPress site." msgstr "" "Atur kembali web Anda dan tingkatkan pengalaman pengguna seluler dengan " "menambahkan Google AMP ke situs WordPress Anda." msgid "WordPress and Google. Better together." msgstr "WordPress dan Google. Bersama lebih baik." msgid "" "Google research shows that 53 percent of people will leave a site that fails " "to load in three seconds or less. With Google AMP (accelerated mobile pages) " "integration, you can ensure your site loads quickly, and your users stick " "around." msgstr "" "Penelitian Google menunjukkan bahwa 53 persen pengunjung situs akan " "meninggalkan situs yang gagal memuat dalam waktu paling lama tiga detik. " "Dengan integrasi Google AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages), Anda dapat " "memastikan situs Anda memuat dengan cepat, tanpa membuat pengunjung menunggu." msgid "Don’t lose to loads" msgstr "Tingkatkan kecepatan memuat situs Anda" msgid "Use Google AMP integration to boost your mobile pages." msgstr "" "Gunakan integrasi Google AMP untuk meningkatkan kecepatan seluler situs Anda." msgid "Speed up your site with AMP." msgstr "Tingkatkan kecepatan situs Anda dengan AMP." msgid "" "Use Google AMP integration for a mobile speed boost in your " "website." msgstr "" "Gunakan integrasi Google AMP untuk meningkatkan kecepatan seluler di situs " "web Anda." msgid "Temple" msgstr "Kuil" msgid "Real Estate" msgstr "Real Estat" msgid "Aquarium" msgstr "Akuarium" msgid "Casino" msgstr "Kasino" msgid "Model" msgstr "Model" msgid "internet" msgstr "Internet" msgid "Zoo" msgstr "Kebun Binatang" msgid "Park" msgstr "Taman" msgid "Rivers" msgstr "Rivers" msgid "Women's Health" msgstr "Kesehatan Wanita" msgid "Mental Health" msgstr "Kesehatan Mental" msgid "Brewery" msgstr "Tempat Pembuatan Bir" msgid "Pub" msgstr "Pub" msgid "Mexican Restaurant" msgstr "Restoran Meksiko" msgid "Fast Food Restaurant" msgstr "Restoran Cepat Saji" msgid "Non Profit" msgstr "Nirlaba" msgid "Business & Services" msgstr "Bisnis & Jasa" msgid "Parking Garages" msgstr "Garasi Parkir" msgid "Orchestra" msgstr "Orkestra" msgid "Movie Theater" msgstr "Bioskop" msgid "Start with a blank site." msgstr "Mulai dengan situs kosong." msgid "Blank Canvas" msgstr "Kanvas Kosong" msgid "Showcase your portfolio, skills or work." msgstr "Tampilkan portofolio, keterampilan, dan hasil karya Anda." msgid "What type of products do you sell?" msgstr "Jenis produk apa yang Anda jual?" msgid "What type of work do you do?" msgstr "Jenis pekerjaan apa yang Anda lakukan?" msgid "What type of business do you have?" msgstr "Jenis bisnis apa yang Anda miliki?" msgid "What will your blog be about?" msgstr "Blog Anda akan berisi tentang apa?" msgid "" "The connection to could not be established. Please refer to <a " "href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">our guide about firewalls</a> and check your " "server configuration." msgstr "" "Koneksi ke tidak dapat dibuat. Silakan merujuk ke <a href=\"%s\" " "target=\"_blank\">panduan firewall kami</a> dan cek konfigurasi server Anda." msgid "The API key you entered could not be verified." msgstr "Kunci API yang Anda masukkan tidak dapat diverifikasi." msgid "Would you like to <a href=\"%s\">check pending comments</a>?" msgstr "Apakah Anda ingin <a href=\"%s\">memeriksa komentar tertunda</a>?" msgid "You don’t have an Akismet plan." msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki paket Akismet." msgid "Your Akismet subscription is suspended." msgstr "Langganan Akismet Anda ditangguhkan." msgid "Your Akismet plan has been cancelled." msgstr "Langganan Akismet Anda telah dibatalkan." msgid "" "We cannot process your payment. Please <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank" "\">update your payment details</a>." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat memproses pembayaran Anda. Harap <a href=\"%s\" target=" "\"_blank\">perbarui rincian pembayaran Anda</a>." msgid "Please update your payment information." msgstr "Harap perbarui informasi pembayaran Anda." msgid "" "Your firewall may be blocking Akismet from connecting to its API. Please " "contact your host and refer to <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">our guide " "about firewalls</a>." msgstr "" "Firewall Anda mungkin telah memblokir Akismet untuk menghubungi API-nya. " "Harap hubungi penyedia host Anda dan rujuk ke <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank" "\">panduan firewall kami</a>." msgid "Your site can’t connect to the Akismet servers." msgstr "Situs Anda tidak dapat terhubung dengan server Akismet." msgid "Set up your Akismet account" msgstr "Atur akun Akismet Anda" msgid "Classic Block Keyboard Shortcuts" msgstr "Pintasan Kibor Blok Klasik" msgid "starting price varies" msgstr "harga awal bervariasi" msgid "" " offers a full range of eCommerce options, from one-click " "payment buttons to a fully customizable online store." msgstr "" " menawarkan berbagai pilihan eCommerce, mulai dari sistem " "pembayaran yang mudah, hingga toko online yang dapat diatur sesuai kebutuhan." msgid "Get Started with eCommerce" msgstr "Mulai eCommerce" msgid "Create an eCommerce website with" msgstr "Buat situs web eCommerce dengan" msgid "" "You’re almost there! Take one moment to check your email and verify your " "address to complete set up of your eCommerce store" msgstr "" "Hampir jadi! Sejenak periksa email dan verifikasikan alamat Anda untuk " "menyelesaikan penyiapan toko eCommerce Anda" msgid "Best for Online Stores:" msgstr "Terbaik untuk Toko Online:" msgid "Start with eCommerce" msgstr "Mulai dengan eCommerce" msgid "Best for Small Businesses:" msgstr "Terbaik untuk Usaha Kecil:" msgid "" "Boost your website with a custom domain name, and remove all " "advertising. Get access to high-quality email and live chat support." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan situs web Anda dengan nama domain khusus, dan hapus semua iklan " " Dapatkan email berkualitas tinggi dan bantuan live chat." msgid "" "Quickly get up and running with a beautiful store theme and additional " "design options that you can easily make your own." msgstr "" "Mulai mendesain dan selesaikan secepatnya dengan tema toko yang indah dan " "pilihan desain tambahan sesuai keinginan Anda." msgid "" "Optimize your store for sales by adding in email and social integrations " "with Facebook and Mailchimp, and more." msgstr "" "Optimalkan penjualan di toko Anda dengan mengintegrasikan email dan media " "sosial menggunakan Facebook dan Mailchimp, serta yang lainnya." msgid "" "Grow your store as big as you want with the ability to add and sell " "unlimited products and services." msgstr "" "Kembangkan toko Anda sebesar mungkin dengan kemampuan menambahkan dan " "menjual produk dan layanan yang tanpa batas." msgid "" "Ship physical products in a snap - show live rates from shipping carriers " "like UPS and other shipping options." msgstr "" "Kirim produk fisik dalam sekejap - tampilkan tarif langsung dari jasa " "ekspedisi seperti UPS dan pilihan pengiriman lainnya." msgid "" "Built-in payment processing from leading providers like Stripe, PayPal, and " "more. Accept payments from customers all over the world." msgstr "" "Pemrosesan pembayaran bawaan dari penyedia terkemuka seperti Stripe, PayPal, " "dan sebagainya. Terima pembayaran dari pelanggan di seluruh penjuru dunia." msgid "" "High quality email support to help you get your website up and running and " "working how you want it." msgstr "" "Dukungan email berkualitas tinggi untuk membantu Anda memulai situs web dan " "menjalankannya sesuai keinginan." msgid "" "Including email and live chat support, an ad-free experience for your " "visitors, increased storage space, and a custom domain name for one year." msgstr "" "Termasuk bantuan email dan live chat, pengalaman bebas iklan untuk " "pengunjung Anda, ruang penyimpanan yang lebih besar, dan nama domain khusus " "untuk satu tahun." msgid "Best for personal use" msgstr "Terbaik untuk pribadi" msgid "Renews on %1$s." msgstr "Diperpanjang pada %1$s." msgid "%1$s. Price %2$s." msgstr "%1$s. Harga %2$s." msgid "" "You’re getting closer to your anniversary — congrats! I wanted " "to thank you for being a valuable member of our community and remind you " "that the following subscriptions will renew automatically:" msgstr "" "Hari jadi Anda semakin dekat. Selamat! Saya ingin mengucapkan " "terima kasih atas kontribusi Anda untuk komunitas. Saya juga ingin " "mengingatkan bahwa langganan berikut akan diperpanjang secara otomatis:" msgid "Premium store themes" msgstr "Tema toko premium" msgid "Live shipping rates" msgstr "Tarif pengiriman langsung" msgid "13GB Storage Space" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan 13 GB" msgid "" "Sell products or services with this powerful, all-in-one online store " "experience. This plan includes premium integrations and is extendable, so " "it’ll grow with you as your business grows." msgstr "" "Jual produk atau layanan dengan pengalaman toko online yang andal dan " "multifungsi. Paket berikut mencakup integrasi premium dan dapat ditambahkan, " "sehingga akan tumbuh seiring dengan perkembangan bisnis Anda." msgid "Best for Online Stores" msgstr "Terbaik untuk Toko Online" msgid "" "If you just want to start creating, get a free site and be on your way to " "publishing in less than five minutes." msgstr "" "Jika Anda akan memulai situs web, dapatkan situs gratis dan mulai " "publikasikan konten Anda dengan mudah." msgid "Domain mappings are included in your plan price." msgstr "Domain mapping termasuk di dalam harga paket Anda." msgid "Get the apps and run your store on the go" msgstr "Unduh aplikasinya dan kelola toko Anda dari mana pun" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to read blocks as this user." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan membaca blok sebagai pengguna ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to read blocks of this post." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan membaca blok dari pos ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to view autosaves of this post." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diijinkan untuk melihat autosave dari postingan ini." msgid "" "Thank you for purchasing the Pro plan on %s! We would like to offer a 30 " "minute Quick Start session with one of our Happiness Engineers to help set " "up your site." msgstr "" "Terima kasih sudah membeli paket Pro di %s! Kami ingin menawarkan sesi Mulai " "Cepat berdurasi 30 menit bersama salah satu Happiness Engineer kami untuk " "membantu Anda menyiapkan situs." msgid "Can't connect to Mapbox" msgstr "Tidak dapat terhubung ke Mapbox" msgid "API key deleted successfully." msgstr "Kunci API berhasil dihapus." msgid "API key updated successfully." msgstr "Kunci API berhasil diperbarui." msgid "Invalid API Key" msgstr "Kunci API Tidak Valid" msgid "API key retrieved successfully." msgstr "Kunci API berhasil diambil." msgid "User friendly message" msgstr "Fitur pesan yang mudah digunakan" msgid "The API key used by the service. Empty if none has been set yet" msgstr "" "Tombol API yang digunakan oleh layanan. Kosongkan jika belum membuat " "pengaturan" msgid "The name of the service in question" msgstr "Nama layanan yang dimaksud" msgid "" "Displays success if the operation was successfully executed and an error " "code if it was not" msgstr "" "Menampilkan berhasil jika operasi telah berhasil diterapkan dan kode error " "jika tidak berhasil" msgid "" "You do not have the correct user permissions to perform this action.\n" "\t\t\tPlease contact your site admin if you think this is a mistake." msgstr "" "Anda tidak memiliki izin pengguna yang tepat untuk melakukan tindakan ini.\n" "\t\t\tHubungi admin situs jika Anda yakin ini adalah sebuah kesalahan." msgid "The current user can post unfiltered HTML markup and JavaScript." msgstr "" "Pengguna saat ini dapat memposkan markup HTML dan JavaScript tanpa filter." msgid "Version of the content block format used by the post." msgstr "Versi dari format blok konten yang digunakan oleh pos." msgid "Slug automatically generated from the post title." msgstr "Slug yang otomatis dihasilkan dari judul pos." msgid "Permalink template for the post." msgstr "Template permalink untuk pos." msgid "" "As a new WordPress user, you should go to <a href=\"%s\">your dashboard</a> " "to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!" msgstr "" "Sebagai pengguna baru WordPress, Anda harus membuka <a href=\"%s\">dasbor " "Anda</a> untuk menghapus laman ini dan membuat laman-laman baru untuk konten " "Anda. Have fun!" msgid "" "The XYZ Doohickey Company was founded in 1971, and has been providing " "quality doohickeys to the public ever since. Located in Gotham City, XYZ " "employs over 2,000 people and does all kinds of awesome things for the " "Gotham community." msgstr "" "Perusahaan Doohickey XYZ didirikan pada tahun 1971, dan telah menyediakan " "doohickey berkualitas untuk masyarakat umum sejak saat itu. Terletak di Kota " "Gotham, XYZ mempekerjakan lebih dari 2.000 orang dan melakukan segala macam " "hal luar biasa untuk komunitas Gotham." msgid "...or something like this:" msgstr "...atau seperti ini:" msgid "" "Hi there! I'm a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night, and this is " "my website. I live in Los Angeles, have a great dog named Jack, and I like " "piña coladas. (And gettin' caught in the rain.)" msgstr "" "Hai yang disana! Saya seorang kurir bersepeda di siang hari, di malam hari " "bermimpi menjadi seorang aktor, dan ini adalah situs web saya. Saya tinggal " "di Los Angeles, punya anjing besar bernama Jack, dan saya suka piña " "minuman Colada. (Dan terjebak dalam hujan.)" msgid "" "This is an example page. It's different from a blog post because it will " "stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). " "Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site " "visitors. It might say something like this:" msgstr "" "Ini adalah halaman contoh. Halaman ini berbeda dari pos blog karena akan " "tetap di satu tempat dan akan muncul di navigasi situs Anda (di sebagian " "besar tema). Kebanyakan orang memulai dengan halaman \"Tentang\" yang " "bertujuan untuk mengenalkan mereka kepada pengunjung potensial situs. " "Biasanya berisi seperti ini:" msgid "" "Welcome to %s. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start " "writing!" msgstr "" "Selamat datang di %s. Ini adalah pos pertama Anda. Edit atau hapus pos " "berikut, dan mulailah menulis!" msgid "See your real-time stats anytime, anywhere." msgstr "Lihat statistik real time Anda di mana pun, kapan pun." msgid "Catch up with new posts on the go or save them to read offline." msgstr "Baca pos terbaru di mana saja atau simpan untuk dibaca secara offline." msgid "Reason for the extension not being available" msgstr "Alasan ekstensi tidak tersedia" msgid "Whether the extension is available" msgstr "Apakah ekstensi tersedia" msgid "" "A security scan detected malware in the <em>%1$s</em> theme. The entire " "theme has been automatically removed from your site." msgstr "" "Pemindaian keamanan mendeteksi malware di tema <em>%1$s</em>. Semua tema " "telah dihapus secara otomatis dari situs Anda." msgid "" "A security scan detected malware in the <em>%1$s</em> plugin. The entire " "plugin has been automatically removed from your site." msgstr "" "Pemindaian keamanan mendeteksi malware di plugin <em>%1$s</em>. Semua plugin " "telah dihapus secara otomatis dari situs Anda." msgid "Please open the <a href=\"%s\">classic editor</a> to use this meta box." msgstr "" "Silakan buka <a href=\"%s\">editor klasik</a> untuk menggunakan kotak meta " "berikut." msgid "" "Please activate the <a href=\"%s\">Classic Editor plugin</a> to use this " "meta box." msgstr "" "Silakan aktifkan <a href=\"%s\">plugin Editor Klasik</a> untuk menggunakan " "kotak meta berikut." msgid "" "Please install the <a href=\"%s\">Classic Editor plugin</a> to use this meta " "box." msgstr "" "Silakan instal <a href=\"%s\">plugin Editor Klasik</a> untuk menggunakan " "kotak meta berikut." msgid "This meta box is not compatible with the block editor." msgstr "Kotak meta berikut tidak kompatibel dengan editor blok." msgid "" "This meta box, from the %s plugin, is not compatible with the block editor." msgstr "" "Kotak meta berikut, dari plugin %s, tidak kompatibel dengan editor blok." msgid "All Business plan features" msgstr "Semua fitur paket Bisnis" msgid "All Business Features" msgstr "Semua Fitur Bisnis" msgid "Premium customizable starter themes" msgstr "Tema pengantar premium yang dapat disesuaikan" msgid "Premium Customizable Starter Themes" msgstr "Tema Pengantar Premium yang dapat Disesuaikan" msgid "eCommerce marketing tools" msgstr "Perangkat pemasaran eCommerce" msgid "eCommerce Marketing Tools" msgstr "Perangkat Pemasaran eCommerce" msgid "Unlimited products or services" msgstr "Produk atau layanan tanpa batas" msgid "Unlimited Products or Services" msgstr "Produk atau Jasa Tanpa Batas" msgid "Integrations with top shipping carriers" msgstr "Integrasi dengan jasa ekspedisi terkemuka" msgid "Integrations with Top Shipping Carriers" msgstr "Integrasi dengan Jasa Ekspedisi Terkemuka" msgid "Accept payments in 60+ countries" msgstr "Terima pembayaran di lebih dari 60 negara" msgid "Accept Payments in 60+ Countries" msgstr "Terima Pembayaran di Lebih dari 60 Negara" msgid "The plan for small businesses" msgstr "Paket yang cocok untuk bisnis kecil" msgctxt "Google Font Name and Variants" msgid "Noto Serif:400,400i,700,700i" msgstr "Noto Serif:400,400i,700,700i" msgid "Top toolbar" msgstr "Bilah Peralatan Atas" msgid "%(description)s is invalid. Must be a 5 digit number" msgstr "%(description)s tidak valid. Harus berupa 5 digit angka" msgid "" "The offset number requested is larger than or equal to the number of " "available revisions." msgstr "" "Jumlah offset yang diminta lebih besar dari atau sama dengan jumlah revisi " "yang tersedia." msgid "Speed up static file load times" msgstr "Mempercepat waktu pemuatan file statis" msgid "Speed up image load times" msgstr "Mempercepat waktu pemuatan gambar" msgid "Enable site accelerator" msgstr "Aktifkan akselerator situs" msgid "" "Load pages faster by allowing Jetpack to optimize your images and serve your " "images and static files (like CSS and JavaScript) from our global network of " "servers." msgstr "" "Muat halaman lebih cepat dengan mengizinkan Jetpack mengoptimalkan gambar " "dan menyajikan gambar serta file statis Anda (seperti CSS dan JavaScript) " "Anda dari jaringan server global kami." msgid "" "Jetpack's global Content Delivery Network (CDN) optimizes files and images " "so your visitors enjoy the fastest experience regardless of device or " "location." msgstr "" "Jaringan Pendistribusian Konten (CDN) global Jetpack mengoptimalkan file dan " "gambar sehingga pengunjung situs dapat menikmati pengalaman tercepat, " "terlepas dari perangkat maupun lokasinya." msgid "Performance & speed" msgstr "Performa & kecepatan" msgid "" "With increased storage space you’ll be able to upload more images, audio, " "and documents to your website." msgstr "" "Dengan tambahan ruang penyimpanan, Anda akan dapat mengunggah lebih banyak " "gambar, audio, dan dokumen ke situs web Anda." msgid "" "Access to a wide range of professional theme templates for your website so " "you can find the exact design you’re looking for." msgstr "" "Akses ke banyak pilihan template tema profesional untuk situs web sehingga " "Anda dapat menemukan desain yang Anda cari." msgid "" "Keep the focus on your site’s brand by removing the footer " "branding." msgstr "" "Pertahankan fokus pada merek situs Anda dengan menghapus branding footer " "" msgid "" "Adds tools to enhance your site’s content for better results on search " "engines and social media." msgstr "" "Perangkat tambahan untuk menyempurnakan konten situs Anda untuk hasil yang " "lebih baik pada mesin pencarian dan media sosial." msgid "" "With increased storage space you’ll be able to upload more images, videos, " "audio, and documents to your website." msgstr "" "Dengan tambahan ruang penyimpanan, Anda dapat mengunggah lebih banyak " "gambar, video, audio, dan dokumen ke situs web Anda." msgid "View Navigation Menu" msgstr "Lihat Menu Navigasi" msgid " logo" msgstr "Logo" msgid "Sell your collection of products online." msgstr "Jual semua produk Anda secara online. " msgid "Improve your WordPress experience with Jetpack" msgstr "Tingkatkan pengalaman WordPress Anda dengan Jetpack" msgid "Build exactly the kind of site you need." msgstr "Buat situs tepat seperti yang Anda inginkan." msgid "Find a host" msgstr "Cari penyedia hosting" msgid "" "Build it exactly how you want it by purchasing server space from one of our " "recommended hosts. Install the Jetpack plugin, additional plugins, and " "custom themes on a brand new site. Upgrade to the plan that suits you and " "your site best." msgstr "" "Buat situs seperti yang Anda inginkan dengan membeli ruang server dari salah " "satu penyedia hosting yang kami rekomendasikan. Instal plugin Jetpack, " "plugin tambahan, dan tema khusus di situs Anda. Upgrade ke paket yang paling " "sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan rencana Anda." msgid "Best for Self-hosted Sites:" msgstr "Terbaik untuk Situs Dikelola Sendiri:" msgid "Jetpack<br>Plugin" msgstr "Plugin<br>Jetpack" msgid "" "Get the best that Jetpack has to offer, from real-time backups and security " "scanning to social media automation and monetization tools. Install premium " "or custom themes and thousands of plugins with unlimited storage space." msgstr "" "Dapatkan yang terbaik dari Jetpack, mulai dari pencadangan real time dan " "pemindaian keamanan hingga otomatisasi media sosial dan perangkat " "monetisasi. Instal tema premium atau khusus dan ribuan plugin dengan ruang " "penyimpanan tanpa batas." msgid "" "Start with the premium Jetpack experience — get access to professional " "WordPress themes, fast hosting for images and videos, daily backups, and " "payment buttons. Customize your site with a domain name and remove the " " branding." msgstr "" "Mulai dengan Jetpack premium — dapatkan tema WordPress profesional, " "hosting cepat untuk gambar dan video, pencadangan harian, dan tombol " "pembayaran. Lengkapi situs Anda dengan nama domain dan hapus branding " "" msgid "<br>Premium" msgstr "<br>Premium" msgid "Choose your Jetpack flavor" msgstr "Pilih paket Jetpack Anda" msgid "" "Have a question about Jetpack? Get help when you need it from our WordPress " "experts via chat, email, or the community forums." msgstr "" "Punya pertanyaan tentang Jetpack? Dapatkan bantuan yang Anda butuhkan dari " "ahli WordPress kami melalui live chat, e-mail, atau forum komunitas." msgid "" "Jetpack is for everyone, including WordPress developers. Customize your " "installation with hooks and filters, and try out our beta program to " "experiment with new features before they’re released." msgstr "" "Jetpack ada untuk semua orang, termasuk para pengembang WordPress. Atur " "instalasi dengan hook dan filter, dan coba program beta untuk bereksperimen " "dengan berbagai fitur baru sebelum dirilis." msgid "Developer-friendly" msgstr "Developer-friendly" msgid "" "Brute force login protection comes built in to every Jetpack-powered site. " "Upgrade your plan to get additional features like offsite backups with " "automated restores, spam protection, and security scans." msgstr "" "Perlindungan menyeluruh yang terintegrasi di semua situs dengan Jetpack. " "Upgrade paket Anda untuk mendapatkan fitur tambahan seperti pencadangan di " "luar sistem dengan pemulihan otomatis, perlindungan terhadap spam, dan " "pemindaian keamanan." msgid "Robust security" msgstr "Pengamanan tangguh" msgid "" "Bring new visitors to your site by promoting your content. Use built-in " "marketing features like automated social media sharing, and keep track of " "your success with built-in site stats." msgstr "" "Bawa pengunjung baru ke situs Anda dengan mempromosikan konten. Gunakan " "fitur pemasaran terintegrasi seperti berbagi media sosial otomatis, dan " "pantau perkembangan situs web Anda dengan statistik terintegrasi." msgid "Marketing tools" msgstr "Perangkat pemasaran" msgid "" "Jetpack includes free access to hundreds of professionally designed " "WordPress themes, all optimized for desktop and mobile users. Themes can be " "customized with your images, unlimited widgets, and custom CSS." msgstr "" "Jetpack dilengkapi dengan ratusan tema WordPress profesional gratis, yang " "dioptimalkan untuk pengguna desktop dan perangkat seluler. Tema dapat " "disesuaikan dengan gambar yang Anda miliki, widget tak terbatas, dan CSS " "khusus." msgid "Beautiful designs" msgstr "Desain menarik" msgid "" "Jetpack gives you the power to choose from different plans with features " "that meet your unique needs. Upgrade to get tools like spam filtering, real-" "time backups, premium themes, an improved site search, and much more." msgstr "" "Jetpack membantu Anda memilih paket dengan fitur yang sesuai dengan " "kebutuhan Anda. Lakukan upgrade untuk mendapatkan berbagai perangkat seperti " "penyaringan spam, pencadangan real time, tema premium, pencarian situs, dan " "lainnya." msgid "" "Already have your own website? The Jetpack features that come baked into " " are available to everyone. If you’re already using WordPress " "with another host, you can get built-in site stats, free themes, login " "monitoring, and more by installing the Jetpack plugin." msgstr "" "Sudah punya situs web sendiri? Fitur Jetpack yang terintegrasi di dalam " " tersedia untuk siapa pun. Jika Anda sudah menggunakan " "WordPress dengan penyedia hosting lain, Anda bisa mendapatkan statistik " "terintegrasi, tema gratis, pemantauan login, dan lainnya dengan menginstal " "plugin Jetpack." msgid "Bring Jetpack to your favorite host." msgstr "Bawa Jetpack ke penyedia hosting favorit Anda." msgid "Get started ›" msgstr "Mulai ›" msgid "" "With Jetpack and, you can monitor your site’s performance with " "stats, share your posts on social media, or optimize for search engines with " "WordPress essential SEO tools — all without the hassles of plugin " "installation and maintenance." msgstr "" "Dengan Jetpack dan, Anda dapat memantau performa situs dengan " "statistik, membagikan pos di media sosial, atau mengoptimalkan mesin pencari " "dengan perangkat SEO dasar — dengan mudah tanpa menginstal dan " "mengelola plugin." msgid "" "When you sign up for, you automatically get access to Jetpack. " "Your new site includes the most popular, powerful, and functional WordPress " "features available anywhere." msgstr "" "Jika Anda menggunakan, secara otomatis Anda mendapatkan fitur " "Jetpack. Situs baru Anda mencakup berbagai fitur WordPress paling populer, " "andal, dan berguna yang tersedia di mana pun." msgid "Create your own success story." msgstr "Wujudkan kisah sukses Anda." msgid "Classic Bright" msgstr "Terang Klasik" msgid "Classic Blue" msgstr "Biru Klasik" msgid "" "Shorter load times can lead to happier readers, more page views, and — if " "you’re running a store — improved sales." msgstr "" "Waktu muat yang cepat membuat pembaca lebih nyaman, pageview lebih banyak, " "dan — jika Anda memiliki toko online — akan meningkatkan penjualan." msgid "%1$s Team" msgstr "Tim %1$s" msgid "" "If you have any questions, our %1$sHappiness Engineers%2$s will be happy to " "assist you." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, %1$sHappiness Engineer%2$s kami selalu siap " "membantu Anda dengan senang hati." msgid "" "For a limited time, you can lock in your existing renewal price of %1$s for " "your %2$s plan, which includes both a plan and a custom domain name for one " "more year, instead of paying the additional %3$s." msgid_plural "" "For a limited time, you can lock in your existing renewal price of %1$s for " "your %2$s plan, which includes both a plan and a custom domain name for two " "more years, instead of paying the additional %3$s." msgstr[0] "" "Untuk waktu terbatas, Anda dapat tetap menikmati harga perpanjangan saat ini " "sebesar %1$s untuk paket %2$s, yang mencakup paket dan nama domain khusus " "selama satu tahun lagi, dan Anda tidak perlu membayar. %3$s." msgstr[1] "" "Untuk waktu terbatas, Anda dapat tetap menikmati harga perpanjangan saat ini " "sebesar %1$s untuk paket %2$s, yang mencakup paket dan nama domain khusus " "selama dua tahun lagi, Anda tidak perlu membayar. %3$s." msgid "Offer Valid Till %1$s" msgstr "Penawaran Berlaku Hingga %1$s" msgid "" "This domain credit change will take effect on your next billing date and you " "will be charged %1$s for your domain %2$s and %3$s for your %4$s plan." msgstr "" "Perubahan kredit domain ini akan berlaku pada tanggal penagihan berikutnya " "dan Anda akan ditagih sebesar %1$s untuk domain %2$s dan %3$s untuk paket " "%4$s." msgid "" "We’re giving you this advance notice, before the change takes place, and " "also offering you a <strong>limited-time chance to renew your plan now (and " "get your domain free for another year)</strong>." msgid_plural "" "We’re giving you this advance notice, before the change takes place, and " "also offering you a <strong>limited-time chance to renew your plan now (and " "get your domain free for another two years)</strong>." msgstr[0] "" "Kami memberikan pemberitahuan awal ini sebelum perubahan diberlakukan, dan " "juga menawarkan <strong>kesempatan berbatas waktu untuk memperpanjang paket " "Anda sekarang (dan mendapatkan domain gratis selama satu tahun lagi)</" "strong>." msgstr[1] "" "Kami memberikan pemberitahuan awal ini sebelum perubahan diberlakukan, dan " "juga menawarkan <strong>kesempatan berbatas waktu untuk memperpanjang paket " "Anda sekarang (dan mendapatkan domain gratis selama dua tahun lagi)</strong>." msgid "" "Your site, the tools, and benefits you get from your plan will remain " "unchanged. This policy change only impacts your domain registration." msgstr "" "Situs, alat, dan kelebihan yang Anda dapatkan dari paket tidak berubah. " "Perubahan kebijakan ini hanya memengaruhi registrasi domain Anda." msgid "" "We are writing to tell you about an important change to your subscription " "plan that’s coming soon. As of %1$s, plans will no longer " "include a free domain credit for renewals." msgstr "" "Kami memberitahukan kepada Anda mengenai perubahan penting terkait paket " "langganan Anda yang akan segera berlaku. Per %1$s, paket tidak " "lagi mencakup kredit domain gratis untuk perpanjangan." msgid "Limited-time offer: Lock in your current plan prices" msgstr "" "Penawaran berbatas waktu: Pertahankan harga paket Anda saat ini" msgid "WordAds Stats" msgstr "Statistik WordAds" msgid "Average CPM" msgstr "CPM Rata-Rata" msgid "Avg. CPM" msgstr "Rata-rata CPM" msgid "WordAds - Years" msgstr "WordAds - Tahun" msgid "WordAds - Months" msgstr "WordAds - Bulan" msgid "WordAds - Weeks" msgstr "WordAds - Minggu" msgid "WordAds - Days" msgstr "WordAds - Hari" msgid "" "{{strong}}Best for bloggers:{{/strong}} Brand your blog with a custom .blog " "domain name, and remove all advertising. Receive additional " "storage space and customer support via email." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Terbaik untuk bloger:{{/strong}} Buat branding blog Anda dengan " "nama domain .blog khusus, dan hapus semua iklan Dapatkan " "ruang penyimpanan tambahan dan bantuan pelanggan melalui email." msgid "Best for bloggers" msgstr "Terbaik untuk blogger" msgid "" "Due to recent contact information updates, this domain has a transfer lock " "that expires on {{strong}}%(date)s{{/strong}}. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn more." "{{/learnMoreLink}}" msgstr "" "Karena pembaruan informasi kontak, domain ini memiliki pemblokiran transfer " "yang berakhir pada {{strong}}%(date)s.{{/strong}}. {{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari " "selengkapnya.{{/learnMoreLink}}" msgid "Choose" msgstr "Pilih" msgid "mail" msgstr "mail" msgid "%s pattern restored from the Trash." msgid_plural "%s patterns restored from the Trash." msgstr[0] "%s pola dikembalikan dari Tempat Sampah." msgstr[1] "%s pola dikembalikan dari Tempat Sampah." msgid "Allow Blocks" msgstr "Izinkan Blok" msgid "%s blocks deselected." msgstr "%s blok batal dipilih." msgid "Start writing with text or HTML" msgstr "Mulai menulis dengan teks atau HTML" msgid "Type text or HTML" msgstr "Ketikkan teks atau HTML" msgid "To edit the featured image, you need permission to upload media." msgstr "Untuk menyunting gambar andalan, Anda perlu izin mengunggah media." msgid "To edit this block, you need permission to upload media." msgstr "Untuk menyunting blok ini, Anda perlu izin mengunggah media." msgid "Block tools" msgstr "Peralatan blok" msgid "Align text right" msgstr "Ratakan teks ke kanan" msgid "Align items center" msgstr "Ratakan item ke tengah" msgid "Align text left" msgstr "Ratakan teks ke kiri" msgid "Start writing or type / to choose a block" msgstr "Mulai menulis atau ketik / untuk memilih blok" msgid "Empty block; start writing or type forward slash to choose a block" msgstr "Blok kosong; mulai menulis atau ketik garis miring untuk memilih blok" msgid "Stack on mobile" msgstr "Stack di seluler" msgid "This image has an empty alt attribute" msgstr "Gambar ini memiliki atribut alt kosong" msgid "This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is %s" msgstr "Gambar ini memiliki atribut alt kosong; nama filenya adalah %s" msgid "HTML / XHTML / XML / XSLT" msgstr "HTML / XHTML / XML / XSLT" msgid "Ruby / Ruby on Rails" msgstr "Ruby / Ruby on Rails" msgid "diff / patch" msgstr "diff / patch" msgid "Delphi / Pascal" msgstr "Delphi / Pascal" msgid "C / C++" msgstr "C / C++" msgid "BASH / Shell" msgstr "BASH / Shell" msgid "Free domain included for the first year of your site upgrade." msgstr "Termasuk domain gratis selama tahun pertama upgrade situs Anda." msgid "Error adding credit card. Please Contact Support quoting error %s." msgstr "" "Terjadi error saat menambahkan kartu kredit. Hubungi Dukungan dengan " "mengutip error %s." msgctxt "Concierge session" msgid "Schedule" msgstr "Jadwal" msgid "%s is not a valid email address." msgstr "%s bukan alamat email yang valid." msgid "Tokenized Payment Data" msgstr "Data Pembayaran dengan Token" msgid "wallet" msgstr "Dompet" msgid "Whether `enable` can be changed for this post/connection" msgstr "Apakah `enable` dapat diubah untuk pos/koneksi" msgid "Whether to share to this connection" msgstr "Apakah membagikan ke koneksi ini" msgid "" "All plans are risk-free and include a money-back guarantee – 30 days for " "plans and 48 hours for domains." msgstr "" "Semua paket bebas risiko dan termasuk garansi uang kembali, 30 hari untuk " "paket dan 48 jam untuk domain." msgid "" "Complete control of your site’s design with custom CSS (Premium and Business " "plans)." msgstr "" "Kontrol penuh atas desain situs dengan CSS khusus (paket Premium dan Bisnis)." msgid "Hundreds of professionally designed templates." msgstr "Ratusan template dengan desain profesional." msgid "Access to live chat support." msgstr "Akses ke dukungan obrolan langsung." msgid "" "Plans start at just %1$s per month, and all purchases are protected by our " "30-day full money-back guarantee (48 hours for domains)." msgstr "" "Harga paket mulai dengan hanya %1$s per bulan, dan semua pembelian " "dilindungi oleh garansi uang kembali sepenuhnya selama 30 hari (48 jam untuk " "domain)." msgid "" "The ability to make money from your site with more advertising and payment " "options." msgstr "" "Kemampuan untuk menghasilkan uang dari situs dengan lebih banyak iklan dan " "pilihan pembayaran." msgid "Access to many more professionally-designed site templates." msgstr "Akses ke lebih banyak template situs dengan desain profesional." msgid "" "One-on-one technical support to answer your most pressing site questions." msgstr "" "Dukungan teknis secara langsung untuk menjawab pertanyaan paling mendesak " "terkait situs Anda." msgid "Enhanced plans include:" msgstr "Paket yang ditingkatkan meliputi:" msgid "" "All plan upgrades are risk-free and include a money-" "back guarantee — 30 days for plans and 48 hours for domains." msgstr "" "Semua upgrade paket bebas risiko dan termasuk garansi " "uang kembali, 30 hari untuk paket dan 48 jam untuk domain." msgid "Removal of ads." msgstr "Penghapusan iklan." msgid "Enhanced security features." msgstr "Fitur keamanan ditingkatkan." msgid "Additional storage space." msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan tambahan." msgid "Expert support." msgstr "Dukungan ahli." msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Get the app" msgstr "Dapatkan aplikasinya" msgid "Jetpacks come pocket-sized, too!" msgstr "Jetpack juga tersedia dalam ukuran saku!" msgid "" "Image showing interface that allows users to update plugins on their sites " "using mobile devices" msgstr "" "Antarmuka menampilkan gambar yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk memperbarui " "plugin pada situs mereka menggunakan perangkat seluler" msgid "" "Jetpack monitors your site for downtime — if anything’s off, it instantly " "sends a push notification to the mobile app." msgstr "" "Jetpack mengawasi downtime situs Anda - jika ditemukan fungsi yang tidak " "aktif, Jetpack akan mengirimkan notifikasi langsung melalui ponsel Anda." msgid "" "Ensure your site’s security by staying up to date with the latest versions " "of plugins and themes. Update them anytime from the app, or turn autoupdates " "on let Jetpack do the work." msgstr "" "Pastikan keamanan situs Anda dengan mendapatkan notifikasi tentang plugin " "dan tema versi terbaru. Perbarui kapan saja dari ponsel Anda, atau aktifkan " "pembaruan otomatis dari Jetpack." msgid "Jetpack makes sure your site is always online, up to date, and secure." msgstr "Jetpack memastikan situs Anda selalu online, terbaru, dan aman." msgid "" "Image showing interface that allows users to see stats and site activity " "using mobile devices" msgstr "" "Antarmuka menampilkan gambar yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk melihat " "statistik dan aktivitas situs menggunakan perangkat seluler" msgid "" "Check notifications to keep conversations flowing with your followers, and " "keep your finger on the pulse of your site with a full record of every " "update and change." msgstr "" "Dapatkan pemberitahuan untuk berinteraksi dengan pengunjung situs Anda " "setiap saat, dan dapatkan informasi terkini dan lengkap dari situs Anda " "tentang pembaruan dan perubahan yang terjadi." msgid "" "Sneak a peek at your stats on your morning commute. Discover where your " "readers come during your lunch break." msgstr "" "Lihat statistik situs Anda dari mana pun. Temukan informasi tentang negara " "asal pengunjung situs Anda kapan pun." msgid "Keep up with your site’s activity, even when away from your desk." msgstr "" "Pantau aktivitas situs Anda, bahkan saat Anda tidak sedang berada di meja " "kerja." msgid "" "Image showing interface that allows users to create and publish content on " "their site using mobile devices" msgstr "" "Antar muka menampilkan gambar yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk membuat dan " "memublikasikan konten pada situs mereka menggunakan perangkat seluler" msgid "" "Use our mobile apps to publish new content, upload photos directly from your " "device’s camera, or fix that typo you missed." msgstr "" "Gunakan aplikasi seluler untuk memublikasikan konten baru, mengunggah foto " "langsung dari kamera ponsel, atau memperbaiki kesalahan ketik." msgid "" "Have a seamless WordPress experience across your desktop, tablet, and " "smartphone." msgstr "" "Dapatkan pengalaman WordPress terbaik pada desktop, tablet, dan ponsel " "pintar Anda." msgid "Make updates to your Jetpack site at any time, from any device." msgstr "" "Buat pembaruan pada situs Jetpack Anda kapan pun, dari perangkat apa pun." msgid "Manage your WordPress site on the go with our fully-featured app." msgstr "" "Kelola situs WordPress Anda dari mana saja dengan aplikasi yang andal dan " "lengkap." msgid "" "Image showing a full-screen slideshow with a photo of mountains and lakes" msgstr "Gambar menampilkan slideshow layar penuh dengan foto gunung dan danau" msgid "" "Use Google Photos to manage your WordPress media, or find the right image " "for your story with our free stock-image library provided by Pexels." msgstr "" "Gunakan Google Photos untuk mengelola media WordPress Anda, atau cari gambar " "yang tepat untuk cerita Anda dengan koleksi gambar gratis dari Pexels." msgid "" "Create beautiful experiences with carousels, tiled galleries, and full-" "screen slideshows. Embed anything from a video to a tweet to a recipe " "directly onto your site." msgstr "" "Ciptakan pengalaman berkesan dengan carousel, galeri, dan tampilan slide " "layar penuh. Sematkan apa pun, mulai dari video, tweet, hingga resep makanan " "langsung ke situs Anda." msgid "Showcase your portfolio and make articles shine using rich media." msgstr "" "Tampilkan portofolio Anda dan buat artikel lebih menarik dengan rich media." msgid "" "Brand your blog with a custom .blog domain name, and remove all WordPress." "com advertising. Receive additional storage space and email support." msgstr "" "Bangun branding untuk blog Anda dengan nama domain .blog khusus, dan hapus " "semua iklan Dapatkan ruang penyimpanan tambahan dan bantuan " "melalui email." msgid "Start with Blogger" msgstr "Mulai dengan Blogger" msgid "Stores and Business Sites" msgstr "Toko dan Situs Bisnis" msgid "A personal touch goes a long way." msgstr "Sentuhan personal bisa membuat perubahan besar." msgid "Make your blog stand out from the rest" msgstr "Jadikan blog Anda tampil beda." msgid "Make your blog an audience magnet." msgstr "Jadikan blog Anda layaknya magnet yang menarik audiens." msgid "Avoid the #1 mistake new bloggers make" msgstr "Hindari kesalahan yang sering dilakukan oleh blogger baru." msgid "Your audience wants to know more about you!" msgstr "Audiens ingin mengenal Anda lebih jauh!" msgid "Create an irresistible “About” page" msgstr "Buat halaman “Tentang” yang menarik." msgid "Get started creating today." msgstr "Mulai berkreasi sekarang." msgid "Congrats on your new blog! Here’s what to do next" msgstr "Selamat atas blog baru Anda! " msgid "Sorry, we couldn't process your transfer. Please try again later." msgstr "" "Maaf, kami tidak dapat memproses transfer Anda. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "" "Ask our Happiness Engineers questions in this app anytime you need, or chat " "with us live at" msgstr "" "Ajukan pertanyaan pada Happiness Engineer kami di aplikasi ini kapan saja, " "atau ngobrol langsung dengan kami di" msgid "" "Ask our Happiness Engineers questions in this app anytime you need, or at " "" msgstr "" "Ajukan pertanyaan pada Happiness Engineer kami di aplikasi ini kapan saja, " "atau di" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to access Jetpack AI help on this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan mengakses data Publikasikan pada situs ini." msgid "Is this connection available to all users?" msgstr "Apakah koneksi ini tersedia bagi semua pengguna?" msgid "Username of the connected account" msgstr "Nama pengguna dari akun yang terhubung" msgid "You are not allowed to access the '%s' field." msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk mengakses kolom '%s'." msgid "Property '%s' must be overridden." msgstr "Properti '%s' harus ditimpa." msgid "map" msgstr "peta" msgid "Remove key?" msgstr "Hapus kunci?" msgid "Your last name" msgstr "Nama belakang Anda" msgid "Your first name" msgstr "Nama depan Anda" msgid "Invalid extra.last_name input" msgstr "Masukan extra.last_name tidak valid" msgid "Invalid extra.first_name input" msgstr "Masukan extra.first_name tidak valid" msgid "Send to another email address" msgstr "Kirim ke alamat email lain" msgid "Launch your site" msgstr "Luncurkan situs Anda" msgid "Drag images, upload new ones or select files from your library." msgstr "Seret gambar, unggah gambar baru atau pilih file dari pustaka Anda." msgctxt "blocks" msgid "Most used" msgstr "Paling Banyak Digunakan" msgctxt "imperative verb" msgid "Resolve" msgstr "Perbaiki" msgctxt "font size name" msgid "Huge" msgstr "Besar" msgctxt "font size name" msgid "Large" msgstr "Besar" msgctxt "font size name" msgid "Medium" msgstr "Sedang" msgctxt "font size name" msgid "Small" msgstr "Kecil" msgctxt "font size name" msgid "Normal" msgstr "Normal" msgctxt "button label" msgid "Download" msgstr "Unduh" msgctxt "button label" msgid "Embed" msgstr "Sematkan" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Embed" msgstr "Sematkan" msgid "Link edited." msgstr "Tautan telah disunting" msgid "Link removed." msgstr "Tautan dihapus." msgid "media" msgstr "media" msgid "Double-check your settings before publishing." msgstr "Periksa kembali pengaturan Anda sebelum memublikasikan." msgid "Generating preview…" msgstr "Menyiapkan pratinjau…" msgid "Navigate to the nearest toolbar." msgstr "Arahkan ke bilah alat terdekat." msgid "Resize for smaller devices" msgstr "Atur ukuran untuk perangkat yang lebih kecil" msgid "" "This embed may not preserve its aspect ratio when the browser is resized." msgstr "" "Sematan ini mungkin tidak akan mempertahankan rasio aspeknya saat ukuran " "perambah diubah." msgid "This embed will preserve its aspect ratio when the browser is resized." msgstr "" "Sematan ini akan mempertahankan rasio aspeknya saat ukuran perambah diubah." msgid "Embed an Animoto video." msgstr "Sematkan video Animoto." msgid "Embed a TikTok video." msgstr "Sematkan video TikTok." msgid "Embed Flickr content." msgstr "Sematkan konten Flickr." msgid "Embed Spotify content." msgstr "Sematkan konten Spotify." msgid "Embed SoundCloud content." msgstr "Sematkan konten SoundCloud." msgid "Embed a WordPress post." msgstr "Sematkan pos WordPress." msgid "Embed an Instagram post." msgstr "Sematkan pos Instagram." msgid "Embed a Facebook post." msgstr "Sematkan pos Facebook." msgid "Embed a video." msgstr "Sematkan video" msgid "Embed a VideoPress video." msgstr "Sematkan video VideoPress." msgid "Embed a Tumblr post." msgstr "Sematkan pos Tumblr." msgid "Embed a TED video." msgstr "Sematkan video TED." msgid "Embed Speaker Deck content." msgstr "Sematkan konten Speaker Deck." msgid "Embed a YouTube video." msgstr "Sematkan video YouTube." msgid "Embed SmugMug content." msgstr "Sematkan konten SmugMug." msgid "Embed Scribd content." msgstr "Sematkan konten Scribd." msgid "Embed Screencast content." msgstr "Sematkan konten Screencast." msgid "Embed ReverbNation content." msgstr "Sematkan konten ReverbNation." msgid "Embed a Reddit thread." msgstr "Sematkan utasan Reddit." msgid "Embed Mixcloud content." msgstr "Sematkan konten Mixcloud." msgid "Embed Kickstarter content." msgstr "Sematkan konten Kickstarter." msgid "Embed Issuu content." msgstr "Sematkan konten Issuu." msgid "Embed Imgur content." msgstr "Sematkan konten Imgur." msgid "Embed a Dailymotion video." msgstr "Sematkan video Dailymotion." msgid "Embed CollegeHumor content." msgstr "Sematkan konten CollegeHumor." msgid "Embed Cloudup content." msgstr "Sematkan konten Cloudup." msgid "Display a list of all categories." msgstr "Tampilkan daftar semua kategori." msgid "Stats response could not be decoded." msgstr "Tanggapan statistik tidak dapat diterjemahkan." msgid "Currently unable to fetch stats. Please try again." msgstr "Saat ini tidak dapat mengambil statistik. Silakan coba lagi." msgid "API key must be set to fetch stats." msgstr "Kunci API harus disetel untuk mengambil statistik." msgctxt "title" msgid "Free domain for one year" msgstr "Domain gratis selama satu tahun" msgctxt "title" msgid "Free .blog Domain for one year" msgstr "Domain .blog gratis Selama Satu Tahun" msgid "Free domain for one year" msgstr "Domain gratis selama satu tahun" msgid "" " Premium includes a free custom domain name for one year. " "Register a domain name that matches your branding, blog, or small business." msgstr "" " Premium dilengkapi dengan nama domain khusus gratis selama " "satu tahun. Daftarkan nama domain yang sesuai dengan branding, blog, atau " "bisnis Anda." msgid "" " Personal includes a free custom domain name for one year. " "Register a domain name that matches your branding, blog, or business." msgstr "" " Personal dilengkapi dengan nama domain khusus gratis selama " "satu tahun. Daftarkan nama domain yang sesuai dengan branding, blog, atau " "bisnis Anda." msgid "Get a free domain for one year." msgstr "Dapatkan domain gratis selama satu tahun." msgid "Get dedicated support" msgstr "Dapatkan dukungan khusus" msgid "" "This plan includes unlimited premium themes, monetizing and SEO tools, " "access to third-party plugins, and live chat with our Happiness Engineers." msgstr "" "Paket ini mencakup tema premium tanpa batas, alat SEO dan monetisasi, akses " "ke plugin pihak ketiga, dan obrolan langsung dengan Happiness Engineer kami." msgid "" "This plan includes unlimited premium themes, monetizing tools, and immediate " "access to live chat with our Happiness Engineers." msgstr "" "Paket ini mencakup tema premium tanpa batas, alat monetisasi, akses cepat ke " "obrolan langsung dengan Happiness Engineer kami." msgid "" "This plan includes custom design tools, storage space for your photos and " "videos, and access to live chat with our Happiness Engineers." msgstr "" "Paket ini mencakup alat Custom Design, ruang penyimpanan untuk foto dan " "video, dan akses ke obrolan langsung dengan Happiness Engineer kami." msgid "Free Domain for One Year" msgstr "Domain Gratis Selama Satu Tahun" msgid "Free .blog Domain for One Year" msgstr "Domain .blog gratis Selama Satu Tahun" msgid "" "Get a free domain for one year. Premium domains not included. Your domain " "will renew at its regular price." msgstr "" "Dapatkan domain gratis selama satu tahun. Domain premium tidak termasuk. " "Domain Anda akan diperpanjang dengan harga regulernya." msgid "" "Get a free custom .blog domain for one year. Premium domains not included. " "Your domain will renew at its regular price." msgstr "" "Dapatkan domain .blog gratis selama satu tahun. Tidak termasuk domain " "premium. Domain Anda akan diperpanjang dengan harga regulernya." msgid "Free .blog domain for one year" msgstr "Domain .blog gratis Selama Satu Tahun" msgid "" "Choose a theme, customize, and launch your site. A free domain for one year " "is included with all annual plans." msgstr "" "Pilih tema, sesuaikan, dan luncurkan situs Anda. Domain gratis selama satu " "tahun disertakan di dalam semua paket tahunan. " msgid "Your plan includes a free custom domain for one year. Grab this one!" msgstr "" "Paket Anda mencakup domain khusus gratis selama satu tahun. Dapatkan segera!" msgid "" "Your plan includes a free custom domain for one year, which gives your site " "a more professional, branded feel." msgstr "" "Paket Anda mencakup domain khusus gratis selama satu tahun, yang dapat " "memberikan situs Anda tampilan lebih profesional dan elegan." msgid "" "Your plan includes a free .blog domain for one year, which gives your site a " "more professional, branded feel." msgstr "" "Paket Anda mencakup domain .blog gratis selama satu tahun, yang memberikan " "kesan lebih profesional dan elegan pada situs Anda." msgid "Remove citation" msgstr "Hapus kutipan" msgid "Add caption" msgstr "Tambahkan keterangan" msgid "" "%1$s plan and domain name \"%2$s\" will automatically renew in %1$d day." msgstr "" "Paket %1$s dan nama domain \"%2$s\" akan diperpanjang otomatis %1$d hari " "lagi." msgid "" "%1$s plan and domain name \"%2$s\" will automatically renew in %1$d days." msgstr "" "Paket %1$s dan nama domain \"%2$s\" akan diperpanjang otomatis %1$d hari " "lagi." msgid "%1$s plan and domain name for <b>%2$s</b> will be renewed automatically" msgstr "Paket %1$s dan nama domain <b>%2$s</b> akan diperpanjang otomatis" msgid "Renewing your domain name \"%1$s\" costs %2$s." msgstr "Perpanjangan nama domain Anda \"%1$s\" seharga %2$s." msgid "Your domain name %1$s is due for renewal" msgstr "Saatnya nama domain Anda %1$s diperpanjang" msgid "We were attempting to renew your custom domain for your site %1$s" msgstr "Kami berusaha memperpanjang domain khusus untuk situs %1$s Anda" msgid "" "This is Anne from and I was just notified that your plan and " "domain renewals for %1$s didn’t go through. This is most likely because the " "card we have on file is expired." msgstr "" "Saya Anne dari, dan saya mendapatkan notifikasi bahwa " "perpanjangan paket dan domain Anda untuk %1$s tidak berhasil. Hal ini " "mungkin terjadi karena kartu yang didaftarkan telah berakhir masa berlakunya." msgid "" "I wanted to thank you for being a valuable member of our community and " "remind you that your %1$s plan will renew in %2$d days." msgstr "" "Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas kontribusi Anda untuk komunitas. " "Saya juga ingin mengingatkan bahwa paket %1$s Anda akan diperpanjang %2$d " "hari lagi." msgid "" "I wanted to thank you for being a valuable member of our community and " "remind you that your %1$s plan will renew in %2$d day." msgstr "" "Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas kontribusi Anda untuk komunitas. " "Saya juga ingin mengingatkan bahwa paket %1$s Anda akan diperpanjang %2$d " "hari lagi." msgid "" "I wanted to thank you for being a valuable member of our community and " "remind you that your %1$s plan and domain name \"%2$s\" will renew in %3$d " "days." msgstr "" "Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas kontribusi Anda untuk komunitas. " "Saya juga ingin mengingatkan bahwa paket %1$s dan nama domain Anda \"%2$s\" " "akan diperpanjang %3$d hari lagi." msgid "" "I wanted to thank you for being a valuable member of our community and " "remind you that your %1$s plan and domain name \"%2$s\" will renew in %3$d " "day." msgid_plural "" "I wanted to thank you for being a valuable member of our community and " "remind you that your %1$s plan and domain name \"%2$s\" will renew in %3$d " "days." msgstr[0] "" "Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas kontribusi Anda untuk komunitas. " "Saya juga ingin mengingatkan bahwa paket %1$s dan nama domain Anda \"%2$s\" " "akan diperpanjang %3$d hari lagi." msgstr[1] "" "Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas kontribusi Anda untuk komunitas. " "Saya juga ingin mengingatkan bahwa paket %1$s dan nama domain Anda \"%2$s\" " "akan diperpanjang %3$d hari lagi." msgid "" "You will be charged %1$s for your %2$s plan renewal and %3$s for your domain " "name \"%4$s\" on %5$s." msgstr "" "Anda akan ditagih sebesar %1$s untuk perpanjangan paket %2$s dan %3$s untuk " "nama domain \"%4$s\" pada tanggal %5$s." msgid "" "Note: Effective %1$s, domain renewals are no longer included in the price of " "your plan subscription and your domain name will renew at an additional cost " "per year. You will receive a separate email about your domain subscription." msgstr "" "Catatan: Mulai tanggal %1$s, perpanjangan domain tidak lagi masuk ke dalam " "harga langganan paket, dan nama domain Anda akan diperpanjang dengan biaya " "tambahan setiap tahun. Anda akan menerima e-mail terpisah mengenai langganan " "domain." msgid "" "If this upgrade expires, all of the %1$s features will be removed from your " "site %2$s." msgstr "" "Jika masa berlaku upgrade berakhir, semua fitur %1$s akan dihapus dari situs " "%2$s Anda." msgid "" "This upgrade includes custom design features, no ads, and 24/7 customer " "support." msgstr "" "Upgrade meliputi fitur design khusus, tanpa iklan, dan bantuan setiap saat." msgid "Act now to save your important site features!" msgstr "" "Ambil tindakan sekarang untuk mempertahankan fitur penting di situs Anda!" msgid "" "For a limited time, you can lock in your existing renewal price of %1$s for " "both a plan and a domain for one more year. Click the button below to lock " "in your rate before this offer expires." msgstr "" "Untuk waktu terbatas, Anda dapat tetap menikmati harga perpanjangan saat ini " "sebesar %1$s untuk paket dan domain selama satu tahun lagi. Klik tombol di " "bawah untuk mempertahankan tarif sebelum penawaran ini berakhir." msgid "" "Note: Effective %1$s, domain renewals are no longer included in the price of " "your plan subscription and your domain name will renew at an additional cost " "per year." msgstr "" "Catatan: Mulai tanggal %1$s, perpanjangan domain tidak lagi masuk dalam " "harga langganan paket, dan nama domain Anda akan diperpanjang dengan biaya " "tambahan setiap tahun." msgid "" "If these subscriptions expire, all of the %1$s features will be removed, and " "your site will no longer be available at %2$s." msgstr "" "Jika langganan ini berakhir, semua fitur %1$s akan dihapus, dan situs Anda " "tidak akan tersedia lagi di %2$s." msgid "Your domain name %1$s. Price: %2$s" msgstr "Nama domain Anda %1$s. Harga: %2$s" msgid "" "%1$s, which includes custom design features, no ads, and 24/7 customer " "support. Price: %2$s" msgstr "" "%1$s, yang meliputi fitur custom design, tanpa iklan, serta dukungan " "pelanggan sepanjang waktu. Harga: %2$s" msgid "As of %1$s, the following subscription will expire:" msgstr "Per %1$s, langganan berikut akan berakhir:" msgid "As of %1$s, the following subscriptions will expire:" msgstr "Per %1$s, langganan berikut akan berakhir:" msgid "[] %1$s plan and domain will expire in %2$d days" msgstr "Paket [] %1$s dan domain akan berakhir %2$d hari lagi" msgid "[] %1$s plan and domain will expire in %2$d day" msgstr "Paket [] %1$s dan domain akan berakhir %2$d hari lagi" msgid "SMS Sent. Go check your messages!" msgstr "SMS Terkirim. Periksa pesan Anda!" msgid "We couldn’t send the SMS — double check your number." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat mengirimkan SMS — periksa lagi nomor Anda." msgid "Promote products and services." msgstr "Promosikan produk dan jasa." msgid "Share and discuss ideas, updates, or creations." msgstr "Bagikan dan diskusikan ide, kabar terbaru, atau kreasi." msgid "You're sending too many messages. Please slow down." msgstr "Anda mengirim terlalu banyak pesan. Harap lebih sabar." msgid "" "And don’t forget about your store’s category pages, which can improve your " "SEO and boost your sales." msgstr "" "Dan jangan lupa dengan halaman kategori toko Anda, yang dapat meningkatkan " "SEO dan penjualan Anda." msgid "Customize My Store" msgstr "Kelola Toko Saya" msgid "Simple payments; status." msgstr "Pembayaran simpel; status." msgid "Simple payments button; paypal email." msgstr "Tombol Pembayaran simpel; email paypal." msgid "Simple payments; allow multiple items" msgstr "Pembayaran simpel; izinkan banyak item" msgid "Simple payments; text with \"Buy\" or other CTA" msgstr "Pembayaran simpel; teks dengan \"Beli\" atau CTA lain" msgid "Simple payments; currency code." msgstr "Pembayaran simpel; kode mata uang." msgid "Simple payments; price." msgstr "Pembayaran simpel; harga." msgid "{{span}}No comments{{/span}} - add the first!" msgstr "{{span}}Tidak ada komentar{{/span}} - tambahkan yang pertama!" msgid "Blogs and Personal Sites" msgstr "Blog dan Situs Pribadi" msgid "Unlimited video hosting" msgstr "Hosting video tanpa batas" msgid "Video hosting" msgstr "Hosting video" msgid "Image hosting" msgstr "Hosting gambar" msgid "Static file hosting" msgstr "Hosting file statis" msgid "" "This is the last email in the getting started series, but there are many " "ways to keep learning and get help when you need it:" msgstr "" "Ini adalah e-mail terakhir dari rangkaian e-mail pendahuluan, namun Anda " "dapat terus belajar dan mendapatkan bantuan saat Anda membutuhkannya:" msgid "" "We look forward to seeing you build and launch the store of your dreams. " "Thank you again for choosing the eCommerce plan!" msgstr "" "Kami harap Anda dapat segera membangun dan meluncurkan toko impian Anda. " "Terima kasih telah memilih paket eCommerce dari!" msgid "Find the information you need" msgstr "Temukan informasi yang Anda butuhkan" msgid "" "Get some inspiration from <a href=\"%1$s\">Discover</a>, which showcases " "some of the best content published with WordPress and highlights interesting " "people and sites in the community." msgstr "" "Dapatkan inspirasi dari <a href=\"%1$s\">Discover</a>, yang menampilkan " "sejumlah konten terbaik yang dipublikasikan dengan dan " "menyoroti beberapa individu yang menginsipirasi serta situs menarik." msgid "" "Visit <a href=\"%1$s\"></a>, where experts share their " "knowledge on building and growing a successful web presence. It’s a treasure " "trove of resources on a wide range of topics, from picking the right fonts " "to securing small-business funding to increasing your traffic." msgstr "" "Kunjungi <a href=\"%1$s\"></a>, tempat para pakar membagikan " "pengetahuan mereka tentang membangun dan memperkuat eksistensi web yang " "sukses. Anda dapat memanfaatkan kumpulan berbagai topik penting, mulai dari " "memilih model tulisan yang tepat hingga memilih strategi yang tepat bagi " "usaha kecil untuk meningkatkan aktivitas pengunjung." msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\"> Support</a> has great documentation that " "includes videos, screenshots, and walkthroughs." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Bantuan</a> memiliki dokumentasi yang " "bervariasi antara lain video, gambar, dan penelusuran." msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">WooCommerce Documentation</a> contains a wealth of " "information, reference materials, and tutorials about managing your store." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Dokumentasi WooCommerce</a> mencakup banyak informasi, " "referensi, dan tutorial tentang pengelolaan toko online." msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Connect</a> with one of our Happiness Engineers when you " "have a question, and get an answer quickly via email." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Hubungi</a> salah satu Happiness Engineer kami jika Anda " "memiliki pertanyaan, dan dapatkan jawaban langsung melalui email." msgid "" "Thanks for choosing to power your online store. We’ve sent you " "lots of information these past few days, and we hope that it’s been useful " "for building your eCommerce presence." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah memilih untuk membangun toko online Anda. " "Kami telah membagikan informasi penting dalam beberapa hari terakhir. Kami " "harap informasi tersebut bermanfaat untuk membangun eksistensi eCommerce " "Anda." msgid "Reach out to us anytime" msgstr "Hubungi Kami Kapan Pun" msgid "Get all the help you need, whenever you need it." msgstr "" "Dapatkan semua bantuan yang Anda butuhkan, kapan pun Anda membutuhkannya." msgid "" "Need to dive deeper into SEO? Check out <a href=\"%1$s\">four in-depth SEO " "video tutorials by WordPress experts</a>. If you have a specific question, " "reach out to us for <a href=\"%2$s\">expert support</a>." msgstr "" "Butuh pemahaman SEO yang lebih mendalam? Lihat <a href=\"%1$s\">empat " "tutorial video SEO komprehensif dari pakar WordPress</a>. Jika Anda punya " "pertanyaan spesifik, hubungi kami untuk mendapatkan <a href=\"%2$s" "\">dukungan ahli</a>." msgid "" "Want to know why and how customers are drawn to your store? Google Analytics " "support on is available as a feature of your eCommerce plan. " "Funnel reports help you track the path visitors take through your store, and " "goal conversion lets you measure how visitors complete specific tasks (like " "reaching a product page or contact form). Visit <strong>Marketing → " "Tools → Traffic</strong> under My Sites to enable Google Analytics." msgstr "" "Ingin tahu mengapa dan bagaimana pelanggan tertarik ke toko Anda? Dukungan " "Google Analytics di tersedia sebagai fitur paket eCommerce " "Anda. Laporan funnel membantu Anda melacak jalur yang diambil pengunjung di " "toko dan konversi target memungkinkan Anda untuk mengukur cara pengunjung " "melakukan tugas tertentu (seperti menjangkau halaman produk atau formulir " "kontak). Buka <strong>Pemasaran → Alat → Traffic</strong> di Situs Saya " "untuk mengaktifkan Google Analytics." msgid "View the guide" msgstr "Lihat panduannya" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">This practical guide to SEO for store owners</a> is full of " "tips on maximizing your store’s search-engine appeal. It’s better to invest " "time in essential SEO best practices now, so you can save yourself the " "trouble of resorting to costly tactics in the future." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Panduan praktis SEO untuk pemilik toko</a> terdiri atas " "rekomendasi untuk memaksimalkan peringkat toko Anda pada mesin pencarian. " "Anda dapat membaca praktik SEO terbaik yang penting bagi Anda untuk " "menghindari penggunaan taktik SEO yang lebih mahal di kemudian hari." msgid "Prioritize making your store and all its pages easily accessible." msgstr "Jadikan toko dan semua halaman mudah diakses sebagai prioritas." msgid "Make sure other websites are linking to yours." msgstr "Pastikan situs web lain terhubung ke situs Anda." msgid "Provide useful, valuable, and unique content." msgstr "Sajikan konten yang berguna, berharga, dan unik." msgid "" " offers great search engine optimization (SEO) right out of the " "box, so you’re already off to a great start! There are also a few other " "fundamentals that will boost your visibility in search results." msgstr "" " menawarkan pengoptimalan mesin pencarian (SEO) yang andal, " "untuk Anda memulai dengan langkah yang tepat! Anda juga dapat menggunakan " "beberapa fitur penting lainnya yang akan mendorong visibilitas pada hasil " "pencarian." msgid "" "Most shoppers look for information online before making a purchase — it’s " "why “Google” is now a verb, and why you need to make your store as search-" "engine friendly as possible." msgstr "" "Pada umumnya calon pembeli mencari informasi secara online tentang produk " "yang akan dibeli. Inilah alasan “Google” sekarang menjadi sebuah kata kerja, " "dan Anda perlu memastikan toko online Anda dapat ditemukan dengan mesin " "pencarian semudah mungkin." msgid "Create a Store Search Engines Love" msgstr "Buat Toko Online yang Mudah Ditemukan dengan Mesin Pencarian" msgid "Build a store that search engines love." msgstr "Membangun toko yang disukai mesin pencari." msgid "Help search engines — and customers! — find your store" msgstr "Jadikan toko online Anda mudah ditemukan oleh calon pelanggan! " msgid "" "If you have any additional questions about your shipping options, please " "reach out to us for <a href=\"%1$s\">expert support</a>." msgstr "" "Jika ada pertanyaan lain tentang pilihan pengiriman, hubungi kami untuk " "mendapatkan <a href=\"%1$s\">dukungan ahli</a>." msgid "Get prepared to set up and ship" msgstr "Persiapan untuk mengatur dan mengirim" msgid "" "Save time, money, and energy. Learn what items you need to take care of " "first when you set up shipping on your online store." msgstr "" "Hemat waktu, uang, dan tenaga. Pelajari hal yang perlu Anda tangani lebih " "dahulu saat mengatur pengiriman di toko online Anda." msgid "Factors to Consider When You Set Up Shipments" msgstr "Beberapa Hal yang Perlu Dipertimbangkan Saat Mengatur Pengiriman" msgid "Get the guide" msgstr "Dapatkan panduannya" msgid "" "Find out the key tasks you need to complete, from choosing a carrier to " "configuring delivery options." msgstr "" "Pelajari hal utama yang perlu Anda lakukan, mulai dari memilih operator " "hingga mengatur pilihan pengiriman." msgid "The ABCs of Shipping and Fulfillment" msgstr "Dasar-Dasar Pengiriman dan Pemenuhan" msgid "" "But shipping covers more than just delivery rates, and that’s where these " "guides come in — they’ll help you pick the shipping strategy that’s right " "for you." msgstr "" "Akan tetapi pengiriman bukan hanya tentang tarif pengiriman. Anda memerlukan " "sebuah panduan yang dapat membantu Anda memahami semua hal terkait " "pengiriman. Panduan ini akan membantu Anda memilih strategi pengiriman yang " "tepat." msgid "" "You want your customers to pay the right fee; luckily, your plan ensures " "they always do. With the eCommerce plan, you can access live shipping rates " "from leading carriers in your region. After a short setup process, your " "store will automatically calculate the cost to ship your products, and will " "show that fee to customers during checkout." msgstr "" "Anda tentu ingin pelanggan membayar biaya yang sesuai. Jangan khawatir, " "paket Anda akan selalu memastikannya. Dengan paket eCommerce, Anda dapat " "memperoleh tarif pengiriman terkini dari operator terkemuka di wilayah Anda. " "Setelah proses pengaturan singkat, toko Anda secara otomatis akan menghitung " "biaya pengiriman produk, dan menampilkannya saat checkout." msgid "" "Now that you’ve started building your online store, you should think about " "the logistics of your business — namely, shipping." msgstr "" "Setelah Anda mulai membangun toko online, sebaiknya Anda mulai juga " "memikirkan tentang logistik usaha Anda, yaitu pengiriman." msgid "Setting Up Your Shipment Options: Cover the Basics" msgstr "Mengelola Pilihan Pengiriman: Pelajari Dasar-Dasarnya" msgid "Take a look at some useful shipping strategies." msgstr "Lihat beberapa strategi pengiriman yang berguna." msgid "A beginner's guide to eCommerce shipping and fulfillment" msgstr "Panduan pengiriman dan pemenuhan eCommerce untuk pemula" msgid "" "Do you have more questions on setting up category and product pages or " "creating product add-ons? Reach out to us via <a href=\"%1$s\">email</a>." msgstr "" "Ada pertanyaan lain mengenai penyiapan halaman kategori dan produk atau " "pembuatan add-on produk? Hubungi kami melalui <a href=\"%1$s\">email</a>." msgid "" "Another special feature in your plan is the ability to offer add-ons for " "your products. Encourage shoppers to add a personal card, choose gift-" "wrapping, or upgrade to a premium fabric, and you’ll see them come back to " "make more purchases. <a href=\"%1$s\">With the Product Add-Ons extension</a> " "in your %2$s plan, you can offer special options to your customers in a snap." msgstr "" "Satu lagi fitur spesial dalam paket Anda adalah kemampuan untuk menawarkan " "add-on pada produk Anda. Ajak pembeli untuk menambahkan kartu pribadi, " "memilih bungkus kado, atau melakukan upgrade ke bahan kain premium, dan " "pastilah mereka akan kembali untuk berbelanja lebih banyak. <a href=\"%1$s" "\">Dengan ekstensi Add-On Produk</a> dalam paket %2$s, Anda dapat menawarkan " "pilihan spesial kepada pembeli dalam sekejap." msgid "Level up your store’s Category Pages" msgstr "Tingkatkan kualitas Halaman Kategori toko Anda" msgid "What makes a great Product Page" msgstr "Panduan membuat Halaman Produk yang menarik" msgid "" "One of the benefits of your eCommerce plan is that you can feature an " "unlimited number of products, and showcase them in the way that’s right for " "you and your business. To put your best foot forward, you’ll need to think " "about what information you’re sharing and when." msgstr "" "Salah satu keuntungan dari paket eCommerce adalah Anda dapat menampilkan " "produk dalam jumlah tak terbatas, dan memajangnya dengan cara yang tepat " "untuk Anda dan usaha Anda. Langkah pertama yang perlu Anda lakukan adalah " "memilih informasi yang akan ditampilkan dan waktu yang tepat untuk " "membagikannya." msgid "" "Your store is where you introduce potential customers to your products, your " "brand, and your story — and where you get the chance to convince them to " "make a purchase. Everything in your store, from category pages to product " "pages, should tell a story about who you are and why people should buy from " "you." msgstr "" "Toko Anda adalah tempat untuk memperkenalkan produk, branding, dan kisah " "Anda kepada calon pelanggan, serta kesempatan bagi Anda untuk meyakinkan " "mereka untuk berbelanja. Semua yang ada di toko Anda, mulai dari halaman " "kategori hingga halaman produk, adalah cara untuk menyampaikan pesan tentang " "Anda dan alasan calon pelanggan untuk berbelanja dari toko Anda." msgid "Optimize Your Store to Meet Your Goals" msgstr "Optimalkan Toko Anda untuk Mencapai Target" msgid "How to refine your store so it accomplishes your goals" msgstr "Cara menyempurnakan toko untuk meraih target Anda" msgid "Build a store where every page counts" msgstr "Bangun toko online yang informatif dan andal " msgid "Have fun customizing your store’s design!" msgstr "Selamat berkreasi dengan desain toko online Anda!" msgid "" "If you need any help setting up your store, you can get <a href=\"%1$s" "\">expert support</a>." msgstr "" "Jika butuh bantuan menyiapkan toko, Anda bisa mendapatkan <a href=\"%1$s" "\">dukungan ahli</a>." msgid "" "Custom layouts for the content of your store, and total control over which " "elements to display on specific pages." msgstr "" "Tata letak khusus untuk konten toko Anda, dan kendali penuh atas elemen yang " "ditampilkan di halaman tertentu." msgid "Five different checkout options." msgstr "Lima pilihan checkout berbeda." msgid "" "Styling (fonts and colors) for any part of your store, including the entire " "collection of Google Fonts." msgstr "" "Gaya (model tulisan dan warna) untuk semua bagian toko, termasuk seluruh " "koleksi Google Fonts." msgid "" "Don’t forget! The <a href=\"%1$s\">Storefront Powerpack</a> gives you " "creative control of style and layout options for your theme:" msgstr "" "Jangan lupa! Dengan <a href=\"%1$s\">Storefront Powerpack</a> Anda dapat " "berkreasi dengan pilihan gaya dan tata letak tema:" msgid "" "Your plan also includes Storefront premium options, including <a href=\"%1$s" "\">Storefront Powerpack design options</a> and the <a href=\"%2$s" "\">Galleria</a>, <a href=\"%3$s\">Homestore</a>, and <a href=\"%4$s" "\">Bookshop</a> child themes, which are custom versions of Storefront " "tailored for specific business needs. Galleria is best suited to a fashion-" "focused store, Homestore to home goods, and Bookshop to bookstores or any " "traditional business. Take a look at the setup instructions of each option " "to make the most of it. " msgstr "" "Paket Anda mencakup pilihan premium Storefront, antara lain <a href=\"%1$s" "\">pilihan desain Storefront Powerpack</a> dan <a href=\"%2$s\">Galleria</" "a>, <a href=\"%3$s\">Homestore</a>, serta tema turunan <a href=\"%4$s" "\">Bookshop</a>, yang merupakan versi khusus dari Storefront yang " "disesuaikan untuk kebutuhan usaha. Galleria sesuai untuk toko yang berfokus " "pada mode, Homestore sesuai untuk peralatan rumah tangga, dan Bookshop untuk " "toko buku atau usaha lainnya. Baca instruksi setiap pilihan untuk " "memaksimalkan penggunaannya. " msgid "" "Remember to create a seamless experience for your customers — one that " "matches the purpose of your store. For example, if you’re in the fashion " "industry, your customers will expect large, attractive photos of your " "products on a sleek homepage." msgstr "" "Ciptakan pengalaman tidak terlupakan bagi pelanggan Anda, sesuai dengan " "tujuan toko Anda. Misalnya, jika Anda berkecimpung di industri mode, " "pelanggan Anda akan mengharapkan beranda toko yang penuh dengan foto-foto " "unik berukuran besar yang ditata dengan menarik." msgid "Choose a color palette that represents your brand." msgstr "Pilih palet warna yang mewakili branding Anda." msgid "Create a tagline or motto and integrate it into your design." msgstr "Buat slogan atau moto dan integrasikan ke desain Anda." msgid "Upload a logo." msgstr "Unggah logo." msgid "Add the name of your store." msgstr "Tambahkan nama toko." msgid "" "For business owners like you, time is often the most precious resource. To " "expedite the store-building process, your eCommerce plan comes with the fast " "and flexible <a href=\"%1$s\">Storefront theme</a> — the most popular choice " "for WooCommerce stores. But your new online store is still a blank canvas. " "Customize and infuse it with your brand to help it stand out:" msgstr "" "Bagi pengusaha seperti Anda, waktu adalah hal yang sangat berharga. Untuk " "mempercepat proses pembuatan toko online Anda, paket eCommerce dilengkapi " "dengan <a href=\"%1$s\">tema Storefront</a> yang andal dan fleksibel - " "pilihan terpopuler dari WooCommerce. Selanjutnya Anda dapat mengaturnya dan " "menyesuaikan dengan branding Anda agar tampil berbeda:" msgid "Customize your store to represent your brand." msgstr "Sesuaikan toko untuk mewakili merek Anda." msgid "Design a beautiful, powerful eCommerce store" msgstr "Rancang toko eCommerce yang andal dan menarik" msgid "Thanks for being here. We’re excited to see what you accomplish!" msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah memilih Kami harap Anda segera meraih " "kesuksesan!" msgid "" "We’ll be in touch soon with more tips on creating a store that meets your " "goals — if you need assistance in the meantime, you can reach us through <a " "href=\"%1$s\">email</a>." msgstr "" "Kami akan berikan beberapa tip untuk membuat toko yang memenuhi target Anda. " "Jika butuh bantuan, silakan hubungi kami lewat <a href=\"%1$s\">email</a>." msgid "" "For store management - manage store orders, receive sales notifications, and " "view key store metrics, download the <a href=\"%1$s\">WooCommerce app</a>. " "For your overall website management — to create blog posts, upload photos, " "and moderate comments while on the go — <a href=\"%2$s\">download the " "WordPress app</a> to your mobile device." msgstr "" "Unduh <a href=\"%1$s\">aplikasi WooCommerce</a>, untuk mengelola toko online " "Anda - mengatur pesanan, menerima notifikasi penjualan, dan melihat data " "utama toko. <a href=\"%2$s\">Unduh aplikasi WordPress</a> dari perangkat " "seluler Anda, untuk mengelola situs web secara umum — buat pos, unggah foto, " "dan moderasi komentar dari mana pun." msgid "Complete my setup task list" msgstr "Lengkapi daftar persiapan" msgid "" "We’ll be checking in over the next few days with advice and resources " "that’ll help you create a successful online business. As a first step, visit " "your store’s <a href=\"%1$s\">setup task list</a> -- complete it and you’ll " "already be on the path to success." msgstr "" "Kami akan menghubungi Anda kembali untuk memberikan saran dan " "merekomendasikan sumber daya yang dapat membantu Anda membangun usaha online " "yang sukses. Langkah pertama, buka <a href=\"%1$s\">daftar persiapan</a> " "untuk toko Anda -- lengkapi daftar ini dan Anda akan berada di jalur yang " "tepat menuju kesuksesan." msgid "" "Your plan gives you access to powerful tools and capabilities, including " "Google Analytics support, 200 GB worth of storage space, industry-leading " "payments and shipping options, and the ability to use third-party services. " "We’re excited to be your partner as you build your store." msgstr "" "Paket Anda memberikan akses ke alat dan kemampuan penting, termasuk dukungan " "Google Analytics, ruang penyimpanan sebesar 200 GB, opsi pembayaran dan " "pengiriman dari perusahaan terkemuka, dan kemampuan untuk menggunakan " "layanan pihak ketiga. Kami senang menjadi partner Anda selagi Anda " "mengembangkan toko." msgid "" "Welcome to! From small businesses to Fortune 500 companies, " "millions use WordPress for their online presence. And your eCommerce plan is " "powered by the world’s most popular online store-builder, WooCommerce. " "You’re in good hands!" msgstr "" "Selamat datang di! Mulai dari usaha kecil hingga perusahaan " "besar yang termasuk di dalam daftar Fortune 500, jutaan orang memilih " "WordPress untuk membangun eksistensi online mereka. Paket eCommerce Anda " "didukung oleh pembuat toko online terpopuler di dunia, WooCommerce. Pilihan " "Anda adalah yang terbaik!" msgid "Let’s Start Building Your Online Business" msgstr "Ayo Mulai Bangun Usaha Online Anda" msgid "Start building your successful online store" msgstr "Mulai bangun toko online yang sukses" msgid "" "@%(user)s owns following domain used on this site: {{strong}}%(domains)s{{/" "strong}}. This domain will have to be transferred to a different site, " "transferred to a different registrar, or canceled before removing or " "deleting @%(user)s." msgid_plural "" "@%(user)s owns following domains used on this site: {{strong}}%(domains)s{{/" "strong}}. These domains will have to be transferred to a different site, " "transferred to a different registrar, or canceled before removing or " "deleting @%(user)s." msgstr[0] "" "@%(user)s adalah pemilik domain berikut yang digunakan di situs ini: " "{{strong}}%(domains)s{{/strong}}. Domain ini perlu ditransfer ke situs lain, " "ditransfer ke registrar lain, atau dibatalkan sebelum mengeluarkan atau " "menghapus @%(user)s." msgstr[1] "" "@%(user)s adalah pemilik domain berikut yang digunakan di situs ini: " "{{strong}}%(domains)s{{/strong}}. Domain berikut perlu ditransfer ke situs " "lain, ditransfer ke registrar lain, atau dibatalkan sebelum mengeluarkan " "atau menghapus @%(user)s." msgid "This domain is a reserved staging domain" msgstr "Domain ini adalah domain perencanaan yang sudah dipesan" msgid "The domain is a reserved staging domain." msgstr "" "Domain tersebut adalah domain perencanaan yang sudah dipesan." msgid "Best for online stores" msgstr "Terbaik untuk toko online" msgid "Launching your site…" msgstr "Meluncurkan situs Anda…" msgid "" "{{line1}}Start your website for free today{{/line1}} {{line2}}or upgrade " "your plan to access powerful features.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Mulai situs web Anda sekarang juga, gratis{{/line1}} {{line2}}atau " "upgrade paket Anda untuk mengakses berbagai fitur andal.{{/line2}}" msgid "Choose the perfect plan for your website." msgstr "Pilih paket yang cocok untuk situs web Anda." msgid "" "{{line1}}You’re just a few clicks away{{/line1}} {{line2}}from the website " "you’ve always wanted.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Selangkah lagi{{/line1}} {{line2}}untuk mewujudkan situs web impian." "{{/line2}} " msgid "" "{{line1}} gives you everything you need to start your website " "today.{{/line1}} {{line2}}Free hosting, your own domain, a world-class " "support team, and so much more.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}} memberikan semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk memulai " "situs web sekarang.{{/line1}} {{line2}}Hosting gratis, domain Anda sendiri, " "tim bantuan profesional, dan lainnya.{{/line2}}" msgid "{{line1}}Create a website{{/line1}} {{line2}}in minutes.{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}Buat situs web{{/line1}} {{line2}}dengan mudah.{{/line2}}" msgid "Start Your Blog" msgstr "Buat Blog Anda" msgid "" "{{line1}} makes it easy for you to start your own blog.{{/" "line1}} {{line2}}Sign up for free to start sharing your ideas.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}} membuat blogging lebih mudah.{{/line1}} {{line2}}" "Daftar gratis sekarang dan mulai bagikan cerita Anda.{{/line2}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}Create a blog and{{/line1}} {{line2}}share your voice in minutes.{{/" "line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Buat blog dan{{/line1}} {{line2}}bagikan cerita Anda segera!{{/" "line2}}" msgid "Shortlink copied to clipboard." msgstr "Tautan pendek disalin ke clipboard." msgid "Send me a link" msgstr "Kirim tautan untuk saya" msgid "Download on the App Store" msgstr "Unduh di App Store" msgid "" "{{line1}} provides everything{{/line1}}{{line2}}you need to get " "online today.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}} menyediakan semua{{/line1}}{{line2}}yang Anda " "butuhkan untuk online sekarang juga.{{/line2}}" msgid "{{line1}}Create a website{{/line1}}{{line2}}with WordPress.{{/line2}}" msgstr "{{line1}}Buat situs web{{/line1}}{{line2}}dengan WordPress.{{/line2}}" msgid "Your site has been launched; now you can share it with the world!" msgstr "" "Situs Anda telah diluncurkan. Sekarang Anda dapat membagikannya kepada dunia!" msgid "todo" msgstr "todo" msgid "Task List" msgstr "Daftar Tugas" msgid "Link this post to sequential posts in a series of related posts." msgstr "Tautkan pos ini ke pos-pos selanjutnya dalam rangkaian pos terkait." msgid "Prev/Next Links" msgstr "Tautan Sblm/Brkt" msgid "Add prev/next links to related posts in a series." msgstr "Tambahkan tautan sblm/brkt ke pos terkait dalam suatu rangkaian." msgid "A small-business theme for the WordPress Editor." msgstr "Tema usaha kecil untuk Editor WordPress." msgid "" "Sorry, an error occurred when checking the availability of this domain. " "Please try again in a few minutes." msgstr "" "Maaf, terjadi error saat memeriksa ketersediaan domain ini. Coba kembali " "beberapa menit lagi." msgid "" "Download all the media library files (images, videos, audio and documents) " "from your site." msgstr "" "Unduh semua berkas pustaka media (gambar, video, audio, dan dokumen) dari " "situs Anda." msgid "Page published privately." msgstr "Halaman diterbitkan secara privat." msgid "Limit result set to themes assigned one or more statuses." msgstr "" "Batasan hasil diatur hingga pada tema yang memiliki satu atau lebih status." msgid "Whether the theme supports responsive embedded content." msgstr "Jika tema mendukung konten tersemat yang responsif." msgid "Post formats supported." msgstr "Format pos didukung." msgid "Features supported by this theme." msgstr "Fitur-fitur yang tersedia di tema ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to view themes." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk melihat tema." msgid "Paste or type URL" msgstr "Tempel atau ketik URL" msgid "Focus on one block at a time" msgstr "Fokus pada blok satu per satu" msgid "Access all block and document tools in a single place." msgstr "Akses semua alat blok dan dokumen di satu tempat" msgid "Hours" msgstr "Jam" msgid "Media area" msgstr "Area media" msgid "Show media on right" msgstr "Tampilkan media di sisi kanan" msgid "Show media on left" msgstr "Tampilkan media di sisi kiri" msgid "Close Settings" msgstr "Tutup Pengaturan" msgid "Create logo" msgstr "Buat logo" msgid "Customer must be at least 16 years old." msgstr "Pelanggan harus berusia minimal 16 tahun." msgid "" "Jetpack can not load necessary XML manipulation libraries. Please ask your " "hosting provider to refer to our server requirements at" "support/server-requirements/ ." msgstr "" "Jetpack tidak dapat memuat pustaka manipulasi XML yang diperlukan. Mintalah " "penyedia hosting Anda untuk merujuk pada >persyaratan server kami di https://" " ." msgid "" "Read posts from all the sites you follow, find great new reads, and stay up-" "to-date on comments and replies in one convenient place: the " "Reader." msgstr "" "Baca pos dari semua situs yang Anda ikuti, temukan bacaan baru yang " "berkualitas, dan pantau komentar serta balasan terbaru dalam satu tempat " "yang mudah diakses: Pembaca" msgid "Keep track of all your favorite sites in one place" msgstr "Ikuti kabar terbaru dari semua situs favorit Anda di satu tempat" msgid "" "When a post generates an active discussion, you can stay up-to-date on the " "latest comments — or leave a few yourself." msgstr "" "Saat suatu pos menghasilkan diskusi aktif, Anda dapat memantau komentar " "terbaru, atau menuliskan komentar Anda." msgid "Lively conversations made easy" msgstr "Menghidupkan percakapan dengan mudah" msgid "Screenshot of Reader Conversations" msgstr "Tangkapan Layar Percakapan Pembaca" msgid "" "Access the Reader on the go with the WordPress app, available for iOS or " "Android devices." msgstr "" "Akses Pembaca di mana saja dengan aplikasi WordPress, tersedia untuk " "perangkat iOS atau Android." msgid "Dive into your reading from any mobile device" msgstr "Fokus pada bacaan Anda di segala perangkat seluler" msgid "Person holding a tablet and using Reader" msgstr "Seseorang memegang tablet dan menggunakan Pembaca" msgid "" "Whether you’re on your laptop, tablet, or smartphone, set up notifications " "to get word when a new post appears on a site you follow." msgstr "" "Baik Anda menggunakan laptop, tablet, atau ponsel cerdas, aktifkan " "pemberitahuan agar selalu tahu saat ada pos baru di situs yang Anda ikuti." msgid "Never miss a post from your favorite sites" msgstr "Tak ada lagi pos yang terlewatkan dari situs favorit Anda" msgid "Screenshot of Reader notifications" msgstr "Tangkapan Layar pemberitahuan Pembaca" msgid "" "Head to the Reader’s Discover section to browse recommended sites, editors’ " "picks, and site-building resources." msgstr "" "Buka bagian Reader’s Discover untuk menelusuri situs yang direkomendasikan, " "pilihan penyunting, dan sumber daya pembuatan situs." msgid "Explore the best content on WordPress" msgstr "Jelajahi konten terbaik di WordPress" msgid "Screenshot of Reader Discover" msgstr "Tangkapan Layar Temukan Pembaca" msgid "Start using the Reader" msgstr "Mulai menggunakan Pembaca" msgid "Unblock site" msgstr "Buka blokir situs" msgid "" "You cannot move %s as it has pending domain transfer, please complete the " "domain transfer and try again." msgstr "" "Anda tidak dapat memindahkan %s karena transfer domain masih ditunda. Harap " "selesaikan transfer domain lalu coba lagi." msgid "" "Sorry, an error occurred and we can't determine the availability of the " "domain you're trying to register. Please try again in a few minutes." msgstr "" "Maaf, terjadi error dan kami tidak dapat menentukan ketersediaan domain yang " "ingin Anda daftarkan. Coba kembali beberapa menit lagi." msgid "" "Sorry, we weren't able to generate any domain name suggestions for that " "search term. Please try a different set of keywords." msgstr "" "Maaf, kami tidak dapat membuat saran nama domain untuk istilah pencarian " "tersebut. Cobalah rangkaian kata kunci yang lain." msgid "The submitted card number is not on file with the card-issuing bank." msgstr "Nomor kartu yang dikirimkan tidak tercatat di bank penerbit kartu." msgid "View your site activity" msgstr "Lihat aktivitas situs Anda" msgid "" "Speed up your site’s performance and protect it from spammers. Access " "detailed records of all activity on your site. While you’re at it, improve " "your SEO and automate social media sharing." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan kecepatan performa situs Anda dan lindungi dari serangan spammer. " "Akses laporan mendetail terkait semua aktivitas di situs Anda. Selagi " "melakukannya, tingkatkan SEO dan otomatiskan berbagi di media sosial." msgid "Site Activity" msgstr "Aktivitas Situs" msgid "You haven't blocked any sites yet." msgstr "Anda belum memblokir situs apa pun." msgid "" "Blocked sites will not appear in your Reader and will not be recommended to " "you." msgstr "" "Situs yang diblokir tidak akan muncul di Reader dan tidak akan " "direkomendasikan kepada Anda." msgid "Blocked Sites" msgstr "Situs yang Diblokir" msgid "" "Create a test or staging site, migrate your site, or just back up your data " "for safekeeping — it's up to you!" msgstr "" "Membuat situs pengujian atau perencanaan, memigrasikan situs, atau hanya " "mencadangkan data untuk berjaga-jaga, semua terserah Anda!" msgid "" "To clone your site, you will need the {{strong}}server credentials{{/" "strong}} for the destination, which must be a WordPress site." msgstr "" "Untuk kloning situs, Anda memerlukan {{strong}}kredensial server{{/strong}} " "untuk tujuannya, yang harus merupakan situs WordPress." msgid "" "You're about to clone {{strong}}%(originSiteSlug)s{{/strong}}. All content, " "plugins, and themes will be copied to the destination site." msgstr "" "Anda akan mengkloning {{strong}}%(originSiteSlug)s{{/strong}}. Semua konten, " "plugin, dan tema akan disalin ke situs tujuan." msgid "Subscriber emails will be saved to the %s Mailchimp list" msgstr "Email pengikut akan disinkronkan ke daftar MailChimp %s" msgid "Subscriber emails will not be saved to Mailchimp any more" msgstr "Email pengikut tidak akan disinkronkan ke daftar MailChimp lagi" msgid "Second address field must have at least 2 characters" msgstr "Kolom alamat kedua harus berisi setidaknya 2 karakter" msgid "First address field must have at least 2 characters" msgstr "Kolom alamat pertama harus berisi setidaknya 2 karakter" msgid " Blocks" msgstr "Blok" msgid "People love" msgstr "Semua orang menyukai" msgid "Disconnect Blog" msgstr "Putuskan Sambungan Blog" msgid "You have disconnected Jetpack" msgstr "Anda telah memutuskan sambungan Jetpack" msgid "" "You are about to disconnect the Jetpack-powered site %s and this will " "disable Jetpack features on this site." msgstr "" "Anda akan memutus sambungan situs yang didukung oleh Jetpack %s dan tindakan " "ini akan menonaktifkan fitur Jetpack pada situs tersebut." msgid "Disconnect Jetpack Blog" msgstr "Putuskan Sambungan Blog Jetpack" msgid "Build an amazing website using WordPress" msgstr "Buat situs web hebat menggunakan WordPress" msgid "Downtime Monitor" msgstr "Monitor Downtime" msgid "" "Your account has already been created. You can change your email, username, " "and password later." msgstr "" "Akun Anda sudah dibuat. Anda dapat mengubah email, nama pengguna, dan kata " "sandi di lain waktu." msgid "A platform you won't outgrow" msgstr "Platform yang selalu mampu mengikuti perkembangan Anda" msgid "You're a few steps closer to creating a great website" msgstr "Anda akan segera memiliki sebuah situs web yang andal" msgid "Your work will be published at the specified date and time." msgstr "" "Hasil kerja Anda akan dipublikasikan di tanggal dan waktu yang telah " "ditentukan." msgid "Are you ready to schedule?" msgstr "Siap untuk menjadwalkan?" msgid "Always show pre-publish checks." msgstr "Selalu menampilkan pemeriksaan sebelum publikasi." msgid "" "Another user is currently working on this post (<PreviewLink />), which " "means you cannot make changes, unless you take over." msgstr "" "Pengguna lain sedang mengerjakan pos ini (<PreviewLink />), artinya Anda " "tidak dapat membuat perubahan, kecuali Anda mengambil alih." msgid "" "Another user now has editing control of this post (<PreviewLink />). Don’t " "worry, your changes up to this moment have been saved." msgstr "" "Pengguna lain sekarang memegang kontrol pengeditan pos ini (<PreviewLink /" ">). Jangan khawatir, perubahan yang telah Anda buat sejauh ini telah " "disimpan." msgid "This post is already being edited" msgstr "Pos ini telah disunting." msgid "Someone else has taken over this post" msgstr "Seseorang mengambil alih pos ini." msgid "Block contains unexpected or invalid content." msgstr "Blok berisi konten yang tidak terduga atau tidak valid." msgid "Resolve Block" msgstr "Perbaiki Blok" msgid "Convert to HTML" msgstr "Konversi ke HTML" msgid "Enable pre-publish checks" msgstr "Aktifkan pemeriksaan pra-publikasi" msgid "This block can only be used once." msgstr "Blok ini hanya dapat digunakan satu kali." msgid "Exit code editor" msgstr "Keluar dari Editor Kode" msgid "Editing code" msgstr "Kode Penyuntingan" msgid "Write HTML…" msgstr "Tulis HTML…" msgid "Overlay" msgstr "Overlay" msgid "Export “%s” as JSON" msgstr "Ekspor “%s” sebagai JSON" msgid "" "Looks like you've not set up any Mailchimp lists yet. Head to your Mailchimp " "admin to add a list." msgstr "" "Sepertinya Anda belum menyiapkan daftar MailChimp. Buka admin MailChimp Anda " "untuk menambahkan daftar." msgid "All of your site activity will appear here." msgstr "Semua aktivitas situs Anda akan ditampilkan di sini." msgid "Welcome to Activity" msgstr "Selamat datang di Aktivitas" msgid "Launch site" msgstr "Luncurkan situs" msgid "" "Please enter the full URL and include the part that comes after " "%(hostname)s. See example below." msgstr "" "Masukkan URL lengkap dan sertakan bagian setelah %(hostname)s. Lihat " "contohnya di bawah." msgid "" "You've entered a URL for the Wix editor. Please enter your site's public " "URL. See examples below." msgstr "" "Anda telah memasukkan URL untuk editor Wix. Masukkan URL publik situs Anda. " "Lihat contohnya di bawah." msgid "" "All plan upgrades are risk-free and include a money-back " "guarantee — 30 days for plan upgrades." msgstr "" "Semua upgrade paket bebas risiko dan termasuk garansi uang " "kembali, 30 hari untuk upgrade paket." msgid "" "2) With 2 year plans, you do not have to worry about any price changes and " "lock in with the lowest prices available for the awesome features you are " "using." msgstr "" "2) Dengan paket 2 tahun, Anda tidak perlu memikirkan perubahan harga dan " "selalu mendapatkan harga terendah yang ditawarkan untuk berbagai fitur " "menakjubkan yang Anda gunakan." msgid "" "I'm writing to let you know that we recently unveiled new " "plans and you can now get an even better deal. Here's how:" msgstr "" "Dengan ini kami menyampaikan bahwa baru-baru ini kami telah memperkenalkan " "beberapa paket baru dan kini Anda akan mendapatkan penawaran " "yang lebih baik lagi. Begini caranya:" msgid "" "P.S. Hurry — this limited-time offer expires at midnight, %s. Don't " "let this deal pass you by." msgstr "" "N.B. Jangan tunggu lagi. Penawaran berbatas waktu ini akan berakhir tengah " "malam, %s. Jangan sampai terlewat." msgid "Opportunities are knocking. What are you waiting for?" msgstr "Kesempatan sudah datang. Apa lagi yang Anda tunggu?" msgid "Extend Now!" msgstr "Perpanjang Sekarang!" msgid "" "This is our way of thanking you for choosing and " "congratulating you on your first month as a paying member." msgstr "" "Ini adalah cara kami berterima kasih karena Anda telah memilih " "dan mengucapkan selamat karena atas bulan pertama Anda sebagai anggota " "berbayar." msgid "Add those two things together and you'll get your discount right away." msgstr "" "Gabungkan kedua hal tersebut dan Anda akan langsung mendapatkan diskon." msgid "" "2) This email includes a 15%% Off coupon. Simply use code %s at checkout." msgstr "" "2) Email ini mencakup kupon diskon 15%%. Cukup gunakan kode %s saat checkout." msgid "" "1) Extend your subscription to a two-year term. That comes with a big " "discount, so you can lock-in savings right away." msgstr "" "1) Perpanjang langganan Anda ke periode dua tahun. Anda akan mendapatkan " "diskon besar sehingga dapat langsung berhemat." msgid "" "I'm writing to let you know that we recently unveiled new " "plans and you can now get an even better deal. Actually, this email will " "save you more than 20%. Here's how:" msgstr "" "Dengan ini kami menyampaikan bahwa baru-baru ini kami telah memperkenalkan " "beberapa paket baru dan kini Anda akan mendapatkan penawaran " "yang lebih baik lagi. Sebenarnya, Anda dapat berhemat lebih dari 20% melalui " "email ini. Caranya:" msgid "" "You will also lose access to the following premium themes you have purchased:" msgstr "" "Anda juga akan kehilangan akses ke tema premium berikut yang telah Anda beli:" msgid "" "It’s been a great privilege and a life-changing experience. I’m grateful to " " for providing an affordable and user-friendly platform for " "individuals to launch projects and be heard in this way." msgstr "" "Sebuah kebanggaan dan pengalaman yang luar biasa bagi saya. Terima kasih " "! Karena telah menyediakan sebuah platform yang terjangkau dan " "mudah digunakan oleh siapa pun untuk memulai sebuah proyek dan meraih " "kesuksesan." msgid "" " works really well with Google for a great SEO ranking. I can " "also embed YouTube videos, Google Maps, and other content easily and without " "any coding ability." msgstr "" " dan Google bekerja sama untuk menghasilkan peringkat SEO yang " "tinggi. Saya dapat menyematkan video YouTube, Google Maps, dan konten lain " "dengan mudah, tanpa perlu menulis kode." msgid "" "I looked into what other bloggers whom I admired were using, and the " "Cadillac of platforms is, hands down. The themes are " "breathtaking — even the free ones! — and all of the supporting " "infrastructure and information is top shelf." msgstr "" "Saya mencari tahu platform yang digunakan oleh para bloger favorit saya, dan " "ternyata platform terbaik adalah Pilihan temanya sangat " "memukau — bahkan yang gratis sekalipun! — dan semua infrastruktur pendukung " "serta informasinya juga selalu terdepan." msgid "Clone failed" msgstr "Kloning gagal" msgid "Your site was cloned to %1$s on %2$s at <a href=\"%3$s\">%4$s</a>" msgstr "Situs Anda dikloning ke %1$s di %2$s pada <a href=\"%3$s\">%4$s</a>" msgid "Clone complete" msgstr "Kloning selesai" msgid "%1$d modifications to a comment on %2$s" msgstr "%1$d modifikasi pada komentar di %2$s" msgid "%1$d modifications to a <a %2$s>comment</a> on %3$s" msgstr "%1$d modifikasi pada <a %2$s>komentar</a> di %3$s" msgid "Email sent" msgstr "Email terkirim" msgid "%1$s attachments uploaded to %2$s" msgstr "%1$s lampiran diunggah ke %2$s" msgid "Welcome to the community." msgstr "Selamat datang di komunitas" msgid "" "Export all (or specific) text content (pages, posts, feedback) from your " "site." msgstr "" "Ekspor semua (atau sebagian) konten teks (halaman, pos, umpan balik) dari " "situs Anda." msgid "Show readers you can be trusted with a news domain" msgstr "Tingkatkan kepercayaan pembaca dengan domain berita" msgid "Promote your marketing business with a unique domain" msgstr "Promosikan bisnis pemasaran Anda dengan domain yang unik" msgid "Capture your audience’s attention with a photography domain" msgstr "Dapatkan perhatian audiens dengan domain fotografi" msgid "Shine a little brighter with an entertainment domain" msgstr "Tampil beda dengan domain hiburan" msgid "A domain name that shows you mean business" msgstr "Nama domain yang profesional" msgid "Get down to business with a professional domain." msgstr "Jalani bisnis dengan domain profesional." msgid "B2B organizations" msgstr "Organisasi B2B" msgid "Professionals who want to stand out from hobbyists" msgstr "" "Profesional yang ingin menunjukkan dirinya berbeda dengan penggiat hobi" msgid "Startups" msgstr "Usaha rintisan" msgid "Small, medium, or large businesses" msgstr "Usaha kecil, menengah, atau besar" msgid "Business domains are perfect for:" msgstr "Domain bisnis cocok untuk:" msgid "" "Business domains show customers that you take your company — and your " "customers — seriously. Domains like <code>.SERVICES</code>, <code>.COMPANY</" "code>, <code>.SOLUTIONS</code>, or even <code>.BUSINESS</code> make a solid " "first impression." msgstr "" "Domain bisnis menunjukkan kepada pelanggan bahwa Anda bersungguh-sungguh " "dalam menjalankan perusahaan dan melayani pelanggan. Domain seperti <code>." "SERVICES</code>, <code>.COMPANY</code>, <code>.SOLUTIONS</code>, atau bahkan " "<code>.BUSINESS</code> memberikan kesan pertama yang mantap." msgid "The domain with a professional edge" msgstr "Domain dengan sentuhan profesional" msgid "" "There’s a difference between a run-of-the-mill website and a standout online " "presence that advances your strategic business goals. Part of that " "difference?" msgstr "" "Ada perbedaan antara situs web yang biasa saja dengan kehadiran online " "istimewa yang mendukung target bisnis strategis Anda. Sebagian dari " "perbedaan tersebut?" msgid "" "{{line1}}A domain name that shows{{/line1}} {{line2}}you mean business.{{/" "line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Nama domain yang menunjukkan{{/line1}} {{line2}}Anda bersungguh-" "sungguh.{{/line2}}" msgid "Stand out in the stream of media sites with a news domain." msgstr "Tampil beda di tengah derasnya situs media dengan domain berita." msgid "Startups and non-profits" msgstr "Usaha rintisan dan nirlaba" msgid "Review sites" msgstr "Tinjau situs" msgid "News publications" msgstr "Publikasi berita" msgid "News and information domains are perfect for:" msgstr "Domain berita dan informasi cocok untuk:" msgid "" "Specific domain extensions like <code>.NEWS</code>, <code>.MEDIA</code>, " "<code>.TODAY</code>, and <code>.CHAT</code> immediately clue your visitors " "in. These memorable extensions make it easy for visitors to remember your " "domain name — and to come back for more." msgstr "" "Ekstensi domain yang spesifik seperti <code>.NEWS</code>, <code>.MEDIA</" "code>, <code>.TODAY</code>, dan <code>.CHAT</code> memberikan petunjuk yang " "jelas bagi pengunjung. Ekstensi yang mudah diingat ini memudahkan pengunjung " "mengingat nama domain Anda, dan kembali lagi untuk melihat konten Anda yang " "lainnya." msgid "Keep your readers up to date" msgstr "Berikan kabar terbaru kepada pembaca" msgid "" "There’s no shortage of news sites on the internet, and, there’s no better " "way to make yours stand out than with a unique, trustworthy domain name. " "Whether you’re reporting on the latest global crisis, sharing neighborhood " "news on a personal blog, or publishing product reviews, there’s a news and " "information domain name available to captivate your audience." msgstr "" "Ada begitu banyak situs berita di internet, dan cara terbaik untuk " "menjadikan situs Anda menonjol adalah dengan menggunakan nama domain yang " "unik dan tepercaya. Baik Anda melaporkan krisis global terkini, berbagi " "berita di lingkungan sekitar melalui blog personal, atau memublikasikan " "ulasan produk, pasti ada nama domain berita dan informasi yang tersedia " "untuk menarik perhatian audiens Anda." msgid "" "{{line1}}Show readers you can be trusted{{/line1}} {{line2}}with a news " "domain.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Dengan domain berita, tunjukkan kepada pembaca{{/line1}} {{line2}}" "bahwa Anda dapat dipercaya.{{/line2}}" msgid "Build a stronger online presence with a marketing domain." msgstr "Perkuat kehadiran online Anda dengan domain pemasaran." msgid "Marketing blogs, news, and event sites" msgstr "Blog pemasaran, berita, bahkan situs acara." msgid "Promotional product businesses" msgstr "Bisnis produk promosi" msgid "Marketing agencies, consultants, and specialists" msgstr "Agen, konsultan, dan spesialis pemasaran" msgid "Marketing domains are perfect for:" msgstr "Domain pemasaran cocok untuk:" msgid "" "Marketing domains like <code>.AGENCY</code>, <code>.MEDIA</code>, <code>." "DIGITAL</code>, or even <code>.MARKETING</code> differentiate your brand in " "a competitive online space. From the moment they see your domain name, your " "audience will know you have something that others don’t — and they’ll want " "your marketing skills on their side." msgstr "" "Domain pemasaran seperti <code>.AGENCY</code>, <code>.MEDIA</code>, <code>." "DIGITAL</code>, atau bahkan <code>.MARKETING</code> membuat merek Anda " "menonjol di ranah online dengan persaingan yang ketat. Sejak pertama kali " "melihat nama domain Anda, audiens akan mengetahui bahwa Anda memiliki " "sesuatu yang tidak ada di tempat lain, dan mereka akan menginginkan " "keterampilan pemasaran Anda untuk membantu mereka." msgid "Marketing domains are built for your brand " msgstr "Domain pemasaran dibuat untuk merek Anda " msgid "" "You know there’s no cookie-cutter solution for great marketing. A marketing " "domain shows that you’re an innovator: you’re up to date on the latest " "trends, and you know how to reinforce your brand at every touchpoint." msgstr "" "Anda sudah tahu bahwa tidak ada satu solusi yang sama untuk pemasaran yang " "hebat. Domain pemasaran menunjukkan bahwa Anda adalah seorang inovator. Anda " "mengikuti tren terkini dan mengetahui cara memperkuat posisi merek di semua " "titik interaksi dengan pelanggan." msgid "" "{{line1}}Promote your marketing business{{/line1}} {{line2}}with a unique " "domain.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Promosikan bisnis pemasaran Anda{{/line1}} {{line2}}dengan domain " "yang unik.{{/line2}}" msgid "Focus your audience’s attention with a photography domain." msgstr "Pusatkan perhatian audiens dengan domain fotografi." msgid "Specialty photography or camera retailers" msgstr "Fotografi dengan spesialisasi tertentu atau peritel kamera" msgid "Passionate photography hobbyists" msgstr "Penggiat hobi fotografi dengan minat tinggi" msgid "Wedding photographers" msgstr "Fotografer pernikahan" msgid "Gallery owners" msgstr "Pemilik galeri" msgid "Professional photographers" msgstr "Fotografer profesional" msgid "Photography domains are perfect for:" msgstr "Domain fotografi cocok untuk:" msgid "" "A photography domain extension gets your business out of the dark. Show your " "website visitors how committed you are to your craft, and get them excited " "to see themselves through your lens." msgstr "" "Ekstensi domain fotografi membuat bisnis Anda menyeruak ke permukaan. " "Tunjukkan kepada pengunjung situs web bahwa Anda berkomitmen terhadap karya " "Anda, dan buat mereka terkesan hingga ingin difoto oleh Anda." msgid "Develop a dedicated following" msgstr "Bangun basis pengikut yang setia" msgid "" "Everyone’s sharing photos online. But when potential customers are on the " "search for a pro, you want to stand out as a master of your trade. Using a " "<code>.PHOTOGRAPHY</code>, <code>.PHOTOS</code>, <code>.CAMERA</code> or " "<code>.GALLERY</code> domain sets you apart as a skilled professional." msgstr "" "Semua orang saat ini berbagi foto secara online. Namun saat calon pelanggan " "mencari seorang profesional, Anda pasti ingin tampil terdepan sebagai " "ahlinya di bidang ini. Gunakan domain <code>.PHOTOGRAPHY</code>, <code>." "PHOTOS</code>, <code>.CAMERA</code> atau <code>.GALLERY</code> untuk membuat " "diri Anda menonjol di antara yang lainnya sebagai profesional dengan " "keahlian tinggi." msgid "" "{{line1}}Capture your audience’s attention{{/line1}} {{line2}}with a " "photography domain.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Dapatkan perhatian audiens{{/line1}} {{line2}}dengan domain " "fotografi.{{/line2}}" msgid "Become the next household name with entertainment domain name." msgstr "Jadilah nama terkenal berikutnya dengan nama domain hiburan." msgid "Soloists and music groups" msgstr "Solois dan grup musik" msgid "Movie producers and studios" msgstr "Produser dan studio film" msgid "Video game creators" msgstr "Pembuat video game" msgid "Live streaming sites" msgstr "Situs live streaming" msgid "Entertainment domains are perfect for:" msgstr "Domain hiburan cocok untuk:" msgid "" "Entertainment domain extensions such as <code>.LIVE</code>, <code>.ROCKS</" "code>, <code>.VIDEO</code>, or <code>.STUDIO</code> make it clear to your " "visitors that you’re ready to entertain. Whether it’s live video, a sneak " "peak into your next performance, or a place for fans to follow every leg of " "your world tour, an entertainment domain makes you the fan favorite." msgstr "" "Ekstensi domain hiburan seperti <code>.LIVE</code>, <code>.ROCKS</code>, " "<code>.VIDEO</code>, atau <code>.STUDIO</code> memberikan petunjuk yang " "jelas kepada pengunjung bahwa Anda siap menghibur. Baik itu dengan video " "langsung, cuplikan penampilan Anda berikutnya, atau tempat penggemar Anda " "dapat mengikuti setiap penampilan selama tur dunia Anda, domain hiburan akan " "membuat penggemar semakin mencintai Anda." msgid "Set the stage for success" msgstr "Buka jalan menuju panggung kesuksesan" msgid "" "Choose a domain name that tells people you’re serious about showing them a " "good time: an entertainment domain tells your visitors that your site is a " "great place to sit back, relax, and enjoy the show." msgstr "" "Pilih nama domain yang menunjukkan bahwa Anda bersungguh-sungguh dalam " "menghibur pengunjung. Domain hiburan memberikan petunjuk kepada pengunjung " "bahwa situs Anda adalah tempat yang bagus untuk bersantai dan menikmati " "pertunjukan." msgid "" "{{line1}}Shine a little brighter{{/line1}} {{line2}}with an entertainment " "domain.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Tampil beda{{/line1}} {{line2}}dengan domain hiburan.{{/line2}}" msgid "%1$s users logged out" msgstr "%1$s pengguna sudah logout" msgid "%1$s users logged in" msgstr "%1$s pengguna sudah login" msgid "%1$d comments trashed from %2$s" msgstr "%1$d komentar dibuang dari %2$s" msgid "%1$d comments awaiting approval on %2$s" msgstr "%1$d komentar menunggu persetujuan di %2$s" msgid "%1$d comments deleted from %2$s" msgstr "%1$d komentar dihapus dari %2$s" msgid "%1$d comments published on %2$s" msgstr "%1$d komentar dipublikasikan di %2$s" msgid "%1$d comments approved on %2$s" msgstr "%1$d komentar disetujui di %2$s" msgid "%1$s attachments uploaded" msgstr "%1$s lampiran diunggah" msgid "No sitemap found. The system will try to build it again in %s." msgstr "" "Tidak menemukan peta situs. Sistem akan mencoba membuatnya lagi dalam %s." msgid "No sitemap found. Please try again later." msgstr "Tidak menemukan peta situs. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "Showing %(number)d of %(total)d activities" msgstr "Menampilkan %(number)d of %(total)d aktivitas" msgid "%1$d updates made to %2$s" msgstr "%1$d pembaruan terhadap %2$s" msgid "There are %1$d \"%2$s\" events" msgstr "Terdapat %1$d acara \"%2$s\"" msgid "" "We couldn't export your media library at the moment. Please try again later." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat mengekspor pustaka media Anda saat ini. Silakan coba lagi " "nanti." msgid "Export media library" msgstr "Ekspor pustaka media" msgid "[] Security Key Added" msgstr "[] Kunci Keamanan Ditambahkan" msgid "[] Security Key Deleted" msgstr "[] Kunci Keamanan Dihapus" msgid "A security key has been deleted for \"%s\"." msgstr "Kunci keamanan telah dihapus untuk \"%s\"." msgid "Security Key Deleted" msgstr "Kunci Keamanan Dihapus" msgid "A security key has been added for \"%s\"." msgstr "Kunci keamanan telah ditambahkan untuk \"%s\"." msgid "Security Key Added" msgstr "Kunci Keamanan Ditambahkan" msgid "A security key has been deleted for <strong>%s</strong>." msgstr "Kunci keamanan telah dihapus untuk <strong>%s</strong>." msgid "" "To log into your account, you will need your security key or your other two-" "step authentication methods. Keep your key safe!" msgstr "" "Untuk login ke akun, Anda akan memerlukan kunci keamanan atau metode " "autentikasi dua langkah lainnya. Pastikan kunci Anda selalu aman!" msgid "A security key has been added for <strong>%s</strong>." msgstr "Kunci keamanan telah ditambahkan untuk <strong>%s</strong>." msgid "client_data required" msgstr "client_data diperlukan" msgid "Failed to generate challenge" msgstr "Gagal membuat tantangan" msgid "Add subscribers to Mailchimp" msgstr "Tambahkan pelanggan ke MailChimp" msgid "" "Hmm, that key doesn't seem to work. Please double-check your key and try " "again." msgstr "" "Hmm, sepertinya kunci tersebut tidak berfungsi. Periksa lagi kunci Anda dan " "coba lagi." msgid "client_data required." msgstr "diperlukan client_data." msgid "Connect to your Mailchimp list" msgstr "Hubungkan ke daftar Mailchimp Anda" msgid "[%1$s] Export failed" msgstr "Ekspor %1$s gagal" msgid "" "You can try the export again, or <a href=\"%1$s\">contact us</a> for further " "help." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mencoba lagi, atau <a href=\"%1$s\">hubungi kami</a> untuk " "mendapatkan bantuan lebih lanjut." msgid "" "Unfortunately, there was an error exporting your site <a href=\"%2$s\">%1$s</" "a>." msgstr "Terjadi eror saat mengekspor situs Anda <a href=\"%2$s\">%1$s</a>." msgid "Your export files will be available for the next %1$s days." msgstr "Berkas ekspor Anda akan tersedia selama %1$s hari ke depan." msgid "We have finished exporting your site <a href=\"%2$s\">%1$s</a>!" msgstr "Kami telah mengekspor situs Anda <a href=\"%2$s\">%1$s</a>!" msgid "Take Our Poll" msgstr "Ikuti Polling Kami" msgid "Processing your file. Please wait a few moments." msgstr "Memproses file Anda. Harap tunggu beberapa saat." msgid "" "This form may only be used for content hosted at The site " "you’ve identified is not running on, and therefore we are " "unable to assist in this matter." msgstr "" "Formulir ini hanya boleh digunakan untuk konten yang di-hosting di WordPress." "com. Situs yang Anda sebutkan tidak di-hosting di, sehingga " "kami tidak dapat membantu Anda untuk persoalan ini." msgid "We also offer <a href=\"%s\">paid plans</a> for more specific needs." msgstr "" "Kami menawarkan <a href=\"%s\">paket berbayar</a> untuk kebutuhan khusus." msgid "Customers love" msgstr "Pelanggan menyukai" msgid "" "{{line1}}The best WordPress{{/line1}}{{line2}}experiences start here.{{/" "line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Pengalaman WordPress{{/line1}}{{line2}}terbaik berawal di sini.{{/" "line2}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}WordPress powers{{/line1}}{{line2}}%s%% of the internet.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}WordPress menghidupi{{/line1}}{{line2}}%s%% dari internet.{{/line2}}" msgid "…and so much more" msgstr "...dan masih banyak lagi" msgid "Custom domain name" msgstr "Nama domain khusus" msgid "24/7 live support" msgstr "Dukungan sepanjang waktu" msgid "" "Create a basic site that’s free forever—no credit card required. When you’re " "ready, upgrade your site to one of our affordable plans to get more features:" msgstr "" "Buat sebuah situs dasar yang selamanya gratis - tidak memerlukan kartu " "kredit. Ketika Anda siap, upgrade situs Anda dengan salah satu paket kami " "yang terjangkau untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak fitur." msgid "" "{{line1}}Thousands of third-party{{/line1}}{{line2}}plugins and themes{{/" "line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Ribuan{{/line1}}{{line2}}plugin dan tema pihak ketiga{{/line2}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}Ways to directly{{/line1}}{{line2}}monetize your site{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Beragam cara untuk{{/line1}}{{line2}}monetisasi situs secara " "langsung{{/line2}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}Built on free software{{/line1}}{{line2}}to power even the smallest " "dreams.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Dibuat dengan dasar perangkat lunak gratis{{/line1}}{{line2}}untuk " "mendukung mimpi terkecil sekalipun.{{/line2}}" msgid "The Luxury Travel Expert, %s" msgstr "Pakar Wisata Mewah, %s" msgid "" "“ allowed me to create a website in a very easy way. All I need " "to do is write articles, while the layout is very easy to set up for someone " "like me who is not very experienced with computers.”" msgstr "" "“ memungkinkan saya membuat situs web dengan mudah. Saya hanya " "perlu menulis artikel, sedangkan tata letaknya sangat mudah diatur untuk " "seseorang seperti saya yang tidak terlalu berpengalaman dengan komputer.”" msgid "Can I really do this on my own?" msgstr "Apakah saya dapat merancang situs saya sendiri?" msgid "And in case you’re still wondering..." msgstr "Jika Anda masih ragu..." msgid "" "Helpful tutorials, forums, and FAQs are just a click away, whenever you need " "them. Customers on a paid plan also enjoy access to 24/7 live " "chat (Business and eCommerce subscribers) and email support." msgstr "" "Tutorial, forum, dan Tanya Jawab Umum (FAQ) yang bermanfaat dapat diakses " "dengan mudah setiap saat. Pelanggan dengan paket berbayar " "juga dapat menikmati akses ke bantuan live chat (untuk pelanggan paket " "Business dan eCommerce) dan bantuan email setiap saat." msgid "The support you need, whenever you need it" msgstr "Bantuan yang Anda butuhkan, tersedia setiap saat" msgid "" "With, you're getting a proven platform that can support your " "website, no matter how large and popular it grows." msgstr "" "Dengan WordPress.​com, Anda mendapatkan platform tepercaya yang akan " "mendukung situs web Anda, seberapa pun besar dan populer situs Anda nanti." msgid "Ernie K, %s" msgstr "Ernie K, %s" msgid "" "“The platform has made it simple and effective to publish " "stories with no developer efforts. We also have confidence it’s secure and " "maintenance-free compared to a self-hosted solution we would have to " "maintain ourselves.”" msgstr "" "“Platform WordPress.​com telah membuat proses publikasi menjadi mudah dan " "efektif, tanpa harus menjadi seorang developer. Kami juga percaya dengan " "keamanan dan kemudahannya. Kami tidak perlu lagi mengelola dan memelihara " "situs sendiri.”" msgid "" "But you don’t have to take our word for it. Here’s what one of our customers " "had to say:" msgstr "" "Berikut adalah pernyataan salah satu pelanggan kami untuk memperkuat " "pernyataan kami:" msgid "" "You made a great choice when you signed up for You can have " "your brand new site up and running in just a few, quick steps. And the great " "news is… you’re already on your way!" msgstr "" "Anda membuat pilihan yang baik ketika mendaftar di Anda akan " "mendapatkan situs baru Anda aktif hanya dalam beberapa langkah singkat. Dan " "berita baiknya adalah... Anda telah mengambil langkah pertama!" msgid "Lorilin, %s" msgstr "Lorilin, %s" msgid "" "“ has allowed me to present my content in an attractive way. " "It’s given me a platform to reach thousands of people. I’ve been able to " "communicate, bond, and connect. With my site, I feel like a " "professional.”" msgstr "" "“ memungkinkan saya menampilkan konten dengan cara yang " "menarik. memberikan platform untuk menjangkau ribuan orang. " "Saya dapat berkomunikasi, mendekatkan diri, dan terhubung dengan orang lain. " "Dengan situs, saya merasa seperti seorang profesional.”" msgid "" "If you need any help along the way, you’ll have access to unmatched support " "via’s support forums and access to 24/7 live chat and email " "support when you upgrade your site." msgstr "" "Kapan pun Anda membutuhkan bantuan, Anda memiliki akses ke bantuan terbaik " "melalui forum bantuan, live chat dan email setiap saat (24/7) " "jika Anda melakukan upgrade situs." msgid "" "The vast majority of website owners using aren’t developers " "and don’t know how to code. We handle the technical details so you can focus " "on what you do best — whether that’s telling your story, working with your " "clients, or growing your business." msgstr "" "Sebagian besar pemilik situs web yang menggunakan bukan " "developer dan tidak menulis kode. Kami mengelola aspek teknisnya agar Anda " "dapat fokus pada kemampuan terbaik Anda, baik menuliskan cerita, bekerja " "dengan klien, atau pun mengembangkan bisnis." msgid "" "What if I’ve never built a website before? What if I don’t know how to code?" msgstr "" "Bagaimana jika saya belum pernah membuat situs web sebelumnya? Bagaimana " "jika saya tidak dapat menulis kode?" msgid "" "With, you're getting a proven platform that can support your " "website, no matter how large and popular it becomes." msgstr "" "Dengan, Anda mendapatkan platform tepercaya yang akan " "mendukung situs web Anda, seberapa pun besar dan populer situs Anda nanti." msgid "More than %s%% of the Internet uses WordPress" msgstr "Lebih dari %s%% dunia internet menggunakan WordPress" msgid "" "In a matter of minutes, you can have your website up and running. Just tell " "us a bit more about the type of website you need and we’ll make it for you " "immediately." msgstr "" "Dalam hitungan menit, situs web Anda akan siap dan aktif. Apa pun jenis " "situs web yang Anda butuhkan, kami akan segera membuatkannya untuk Anda." msgid "" "Time-tested: over 30% of the Internet uses WordPress (and you should too)" msgstr "" "Teruji oleh waktu: lebih dari 30% dunia internet menggunakan WordPress (dan " "sebaiknya Anda juga)" msgid "Finish creating your site" msgstr "Selesaikan pembuatan situs Anda" msgid "You're just a few steps away from a site." msgstr "Hanya beberapa langkah untuk menyelesaikan situs Anda." msgid "An unknown error occurred when uploading the file" msgstr "Terjadi eror yang tidak diketahui ketika mengunggah berkas " msgid "No file was uploaded" msgstr "Tidak ada file yang diunggah." msgid "File was not fully uploaded" msgstr "File tidak sepenuhnya diunggah." msgid "File is too large" msgstr "Ukuran file terlalu besar" msgid "Add Free .blog Domain" msgstr "Tambahkan Domain .blog Gratis" msgid "%s includes a free credit to register a new .blog domain to your site." msgstr "" "%s mencakup kredit gratis untuk mendaftarkan domain .blog baru ke situs Anda." msgid "Get a Free .blog Domain" msgstr "Dapatkan Domain. blog Gratis" msgid "" "Your site’s domain name lets people know where to find you — and what you " "have to offer." msgstr "" "Nama domain situs Anda menunjukkan keberadaan Anda dan apa yang Anda " "tawarkan kepada audiens." msgid "Create a memorable brand" msgstr "Ciptakan branding yang berkesan." msgid "Use your first blog post to introduce yourself." msgstr "Gunakan pos blog pertama untuk memperkenalkan diri Anda." msgid "You’ve got a site up and running — now it’s time to post." msgstr "Situs Anda sudah siap - sekarang saatnya menulis." msgid "" "Personalize your contact page so that people know how and when they can " "contact you." msgstr "" "Personalisasikan halaman kontak Anda agar orang lain mengetahui cara dan " "waktu yang tepat untuk menghubungi Anda." msgid "Encourage visitors to get in touch with you" msgstr " Ajak para pembaca untuk menyapa Anda." msgid "Personalize your posts and comments with a custom avatar." msgstr "Personalisasikan pos dan komentar Anda dengan avatar khusus." msgid "Don’t forget to upload your profile picture!" msgstr "Unggah foto profil Anda!" msgid "Create a catchy tagline for your site." msgstr "Buat slogan menarik untuk situs Anda." msgid "Update your site icon." msgstr "Perbarui ikon situs Anda." msgid "Help people recognize your site in browser tabs" msgstr "Jadikan situs Anda mudah ditemukan di tab perambah." msgid "Make a great first impression — update your site title!" msgstr "" "Ciptakan kesan pertama yang tak terlupakan — perbarui judul situs Anda!" msgid "Backtick" msgstr "Tanda Aksen Nontirus" msgid "Comma" msgstr "Koma" msgid "Change type of %d block" msgid_plural "Change type of %d blocks" msgstr[0] "Mengganti jenis %d blok" msgstr[1] "Mengganti jenis %d blok" msgid "current" msgstr "Saat Ini" msgid "After Conversion" msgstr "Setelah Konversi" msgid "Change text alignment" msgstr "Mengganti Perataan Teks" msgid "%d Block" msgid_plural "%d Blocks" msgstr[0] "%d Blok" msgstr[1] "%d Blok" msgid "escape" msgstr "Tombol esc" msgid "Forward-slash" msgstr "Garis miring" msgid "Export as JSON" msgstr "Ekspor sebagai JSON" msgid "%(number_over_thousand)d K+" msgstr "%(number_over_thousand)d K+" msgid "Unable to retrieve a verification meta tag from Google" msgstr "Tidak dapat mengambil tag meta verifikasi dari Google" msgid "Learn more about the power of Jetpack" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut kekuatan Jetpack" msgid "Learn more about your Jetpack plan benefits" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut manfaat paket Jetpack Anda" msgid "" "Jetpack offers dozens of tools to help you customize, market, and secure " "your website. With Jetpack, you now have the freedom to build your own " "success story." msgstr "" "Jetpack menawarkan lusinan alat untuk membantu Anda menyesuaikan, " "memasarkan, dan mengamankan situs web Anda. Dengan Jetpack, kini Anda " "memiliki kebebasan untuk merangkai sendiri kisah kesuksesan Anda." msgid "" "Whether your site is a one-person show or you have dozens of contributors, " "you’ll want to make sure that logins to your site are safe and that " "passwords are not easily guessed. Secure Authentication with optional two-" "step (or two-factor) will safeguard your website against undesired login " "attempts." msgstr "" "Baik situs Anda dikelola oleh satu orang atau ada belasan kontributor, Anda " "pasti ingin memastikan proses login ke situs Anda selalu aman dan kata " "sandinya tidak mudah ditebak. Autentikasi Aman dengan dua langkah (atau dua " "faktor) opsional akan melindungi situs web Anda terhadap upaya login yang " "tidak diinginkan." msgid "Secure authentication for a safer website" msgstr "Autentikasi aman untuk situs web yang lebih aman" msgid "" "Make updates to your Jetpack-powered site at any time, from any device. Get " "the same seamless Jetpack experience from your tablet or smartphone. Use our " "mobile apps to view your latest stats, create and publish new content, " "interact with visitors, or upload photos directly from your device’s camera. " "After you verify your email above, <a href='%s'>download the Jetpack apps " "here</a>." msgstr "" "Buat pembaruan pada situs Anda yang didukung Jetpack, kapan pun, dari " "perangkat apa pun. Dapatkan pengalaman penggunaan Jetpack yang lancar dari " "tablet atau smartphone Anda. Gunakan aplikasi seluler kami untuk melihat " "statistik terkini, membuat dan memublikasikan konten baru, berinteraksi " "dengan pengunjung, atau mengunggah foto langsung dari kamera perangkat Anda. " "Setelah melakukan verifikasi email Anda di atas, <a href='%s'>unduh aplikasi " "Jetpack di sini</a>." msgid "WordPress mobile app" msgstr "Aplikasi seluler WordPress" msgid "Here are a few Jetpack features you might like to explore" msgstr "Berikut ini beberapa fitur Jetpack yang mungkin ingin Anda jelajahi" msgid "" "In order to utilize your Jetpack features, we just need to verify your email " "in order to connect your WordPress-powered website. Jetpack is one of the " "most popular design, marketing, and security tools for WordPress and it’s " "included with your %s account." msgstr "" "Untuk memanfaatkan fitur Jetpack, kami hanya perlu memverifikasi email Anda " "untuk menghubungkan situs web Anda yang didukung WordPress. Jetpack adalah " "salah satu alat desain, pemasaran, dan keamanan yang paling populer untuk " "WordPress dan sudah disertakan bersama akun %s Anda." msgid "" "In order to utilize your %1$s features, we just need to verify your email in " "order to connect your WordPress-powered website. Jetpack is one of the most " "popular design, marketing, and security tools for WordPress and it’s " "included with your %2$s account." msgstr "" "Untuk memanfaatkan fitur %1$s, kami hanya perlu memverifikasi email Anda " "untuk menghubungkan situs web Anda yang didukung WordPress. Jetpack adalah " "salah satu alat desain, pemasaran, dan keamanan yang paling populer untuk " "WordPress dan sudah disertakan bersama akun %2$s Anda." msgid "Jetpack is included with your %s account at no additional cost!" msgstr "Jetpack disertakan bersama akun %s Anda tanpa biaya tambahan!" msgid "%1$s is included with your %2$s account at no additional cost!" msgstr "%1$s disertakan bersama akun %2$s Anda tanpa biaya tambahan!" msgid "" "Of course! %1$sUse these ten tips%2$s to help you choose the perfect domain " "name for your website. You’ll be well on your way to solidifying your " "reputation as a professional site owner in no time." msgstr "" "%1$sIkuti sepuluh tips berikut%2$s untuk memilih nama domain yang tepat " "untuk situs web Anda. Dengan nama domain yang terbaik, Anda dapat membangun " "reputasi sebagai pemilik situs profesional." msgid "I’m not sure what my domain name should be! Do you have any advice?" msgstr "Bagaimana memilih nama domain yang tepat?" msgid "Start searching for a unique, memorable domain name for your site!" msgstr "Mulai cari nama domain yang unik dan mudah diingat untuk situs Anda!" msgid "" "Custom domains make your site look pro — and search engines like Google and " "Bing prefer custom domain names, putting them higher in search results." msgstr "" "Domain khusus membuat situs Anda terlihat profesional, dan mesin pencarian " "seperti Google dan Bing akan menampilkan nama domain khusus lebih dulu di " "hasil pencarian." msgid "Your site + your custom domain: Some things are better together." msgstr "Situs Anda + domain khusus: Perpaduan yang terbaik." msgid "I want my audience to reach out to me!" msgstr "Saya ingin terhubung dengan para pembaca!" msgid "" "With a contact form, you can ask questions, collect feedback, and more. " "%1$sTake a look%2$s at how some businesses and freelancers use it." msgstr "" "Dengan formulir kontak, Anda dapat mencantumkan beberapa pertanyaan, " "mengumpulkan tanggapan, dan lainnya. %1$sLihat%2$s cara beberapa perusahaan " "dan pekerja lepas menggunakan formulir kontak." msgid "Want to gather more info?" msgstr "Ingin lebih banyak informasi?" msgid "" "In the toolbar, click the ⌄ next to the ⊕ add symbol, and then the option to " "add a <strong>Contact Form</strong> will appear. Update the form, and then " "hit Publish." msgstr "" "Di bilah peralatan, klik ⌄ di sebelah tanda tambah ⊕, kemudian akan muncul " "pilihan untuk menambahkan <strong>Formulir Kontak</strong>. Perbarui " "formulirnya, lalu klik Publikasikan." msgid "" "If you don’t have a contact form, go to <strong>My Site(s)</strong> and " "click on <strong>Pages → Add</strong>." msgstr "" "Jika Anda belum pernah mencoba formulir kontak, segera klik <strong>Situs " "Saya</strong> lalu klik <strong>Halaman → Tambah</strong>." msgid "" "Putting your email address on a site is easy — but we don’t recommend it, " "because spammers often search websites to collect email addresses or phone " "numbers. Instead, use a %1$scontact form%2$s." msgstr "" "Mencantumkan alamat email memang mudah, namun tidak kami rekomendasikan, " "karena orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab biasanya mengumpulkan alamat email " "atau nomor telepon untuk mengirimkan spam. Maka kami menyarankan Anda untuk " "menggunakan %1$sformulir kontak%2$s." msgid "What should be on my contact page?" msgstr "Informasi apa yang harus dicantumkan di halaman kontak?" msgid "Customize your contact page" msgstr "Atur halaman kontak" msgid "" "A <strong>Contact page</strong> is an effective way for readers to get in " "touch with you privately. If you’re a business owner, it’s also a great way " "to generate leads." msgstr "" "<strong>Halaman Kontak</strong> adalah cara yang efektif bagi para pembaca " "untuk menghubungi Anda. Jika Anda adalah pemilik usaha kecil, maka hal ini " "juga merupakan kesempatan untuk Anda menciptakan sebuah peluang bisnis." msgid "Encourage visitors to get in touch with a custom Contact page" msgstr "Ajak para pembaca untuk menyapa Anda melalui halaman Kontak" msgid "" "My tagline ‘Around the world in fifty nifty millimeters’ reflects my " "penchant for documenting my life and travels using a fifty millimeter lens, " "known as the ‘nifty fifty’ in photographic circles." msgstr "" "Slogan saya ‘Menjelajahi dunia dalam fifty nifty milimeter’ mencerminkan " "kegemaran saya dalam mendokumentasikan kehidupan dan perjalanan saya " "menggunakan sebuah lensa 50mm, yang dikenal sebagai ‘nifty fifty’ di " "kalangan fotografer." msgid "" "For iOS: Tap <strong>My Site → Site Name → Settings → Tagline</strong>." msgstr "" "Untuk iOS: Klik <strong>Situs Saya → Nama Situs → Pengaturan → Slogan</" "strong>." msgid "For Android: Tap <strong>My Site → Settings → Tagline</strong>." msgstr "Untuk Android: Klik <strong>Situs Saya → Pengaturan → Slogan</strong>." msgid "I’m ready to share my tagline with the world!" msgstr "Saya ingin mengenalkan slogan saya kepada dunia!" msgid "" "Be original. Think about what distinguishes your site: your location? Your " "perspective? Your personality?" msgstr "" "Buat yang orisinal. Apa yang unik dari situs Anda: Lokasi? Perspektif? " "Karakter?" msgid "" "Keep it short and sweet. Thirty word taglines are twenty words too many." msgstr "" "Buat sesingkat dan semenarik mungkin. Slogan cukup dengan hanya 10 kata." msgid "" "Avoid repeating your site title. Your tagline is an opportunity to give more " "context." msgstr "" "Jangan menggunakan judul situs. Slogan adalah alat untuk menjelaskan isi " "situs Anda lebih jauh." msgid "I have no idea how to write a creative tagline. Any tips?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara menulis slogan yang kreatif?" msgid "" "We all make snap decisions about what websites to read — a tagline tells " "visitors what your site is about without having to read all your content, so " "it helps people decide to stick around." msgstr "" "Kita memilih situs web yang ingin dikunjungi dengan cepat — slogan " "memberikan gambaran tentang isi sebuah situs tanpa harus membaca isinya. " "Slogan membantu pengunjung membuat keputusan untuk mengunjungi sebuah situs." msgid "Why should I add a tagline?" msgstr "Mengapa saya harus menambahkan slogan?" msgid "Update my site tagline" msgstr "Perbarui slogan situs" msgid "" "Taglines are short descriptions or catchy phrases to describe what your site " "is about. Add one in <strong>My Site → Settings → General</strong>, in the " "<strong>Site Tagline</strong> field." msgstr "" "Slogan adalah deskripsi pendek atau frasa menarik untuk menjelaskan isi " "situs Anda. Tambahkan slogan di <strong>Situs Saya → Pengaturan → Umum</" "strong>, di <strong>Slogan Situs</strong>." msgid "Grab your audience’s attention with a catchy tagline" msgstr "Dapatkan perhatian para pembaca dengan slogan yang menarik" msgid "I’m on the mobile app. What do I do?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara memulai dengan menggunakan aplikasi seluler?" msgid "" "<strong>P.S.</strong> With the discount you’ll be getting for %2$s, you’ll " "be investing only <strong>%1$s per day</strong> into the success of your " "website." msgstr "" "<strong>N.B.</strong> Dengan diskon untuk %2$s, Anda hanya perlu " "berinvestasi sebesar <strong>%1$s per hari</strong> agar situs web Anda " "mencapai kesuksesan." msgid "" "Because you’ve built your site %1$s with in the past, we " "wanted to offer you a <strong>25%%</strong> discount on a one-year " "subscription to %3$s, bringing the cost down to just %2$s for an entire year." msgstr "" "Karena Anda pernah membuat situs %1$s dengan, kami ingin " "menawarkan diskon <strong>25%%</strong> untuk langganan %3$s selama satu " "tahun, sehingga biayanya turun menjadi %2$s selama setahun penuh." msgid "Open the Customizer" msgstr "Membuka Customizer..." msgid "Get a free custom domain if you upgrade today." msgstr "Dapatkan domain khusus gratis jika upgrade hari ini." msgid "{{icon/}} clear" msgstr "{{icon/}} hapus" msgid "{{icon/}} select all" msgstr "{{icon/}} pilih semua" msgid "Compare vs. Medium for Your New Site" msgstr "Bandingkan dan Medium untuk Situs Anda" msgid "" "Visitors don’t have to pay anything to read, like, share, or comment on any " "of your content." msgstr "" "Pengunjung tidak perlu membayar sepeser pun untuk membaca, menyukai, " "berkomentar, atau membagikan konten Anda." msgid "Cost to visitors" msgstr "Biaya bagi pengunjung" msgid "" "Trying to decide between and Medium for building your website? " "Here’s how the two compare." msgstr "" "Sedang memilih antara dan Medium untuk membuat situs web? " "Berikut perbandingannya." msgid "A faster and more advanced sitewide search." msgstr "Pencarian tingkat situs lebih cepat dan canggih." msgid "" "Welcome Kit by Visa members! Save %s%% today on any plan using " "promo code <code>{{coupon_code}}</code> at checkout today." msgstr "" "Selamat datang, anggota Kit by Visa! Berhemat %s%% sekarang untuk paket " " yang mana saja dengan kode promo <code>{{coupon_code}}</code> " "saat checkout hari ini." msgid "" "Instantly unlock more themes and storage space, advanced customization, " "video support, and more when you upgrade." msgstr "" "Langsung dapatkan tema yang lebih banyak, ruang penyimpanan yang lebih " "besar, penyesuaian tingkat lanjut, dukungan video, dan banyak lagi saat Anda " "melakukan upgrade." msgid "%(count)s recent view in the past 30 days" msgid_plural "%(count)s recent views in the past 30 days" msgstr[0] "%(count)s kali dilihat dalam 30 hari terakhir" msgstr[1] "%(count)s kali dilihat dalam 30 hari terakhir" msgid "%(count)s Recent View{{srText}}in the past 30 days{{/srText}}" msgid_plural "%(count)s Recent Views{{srText}}in the past 30 days{{/srText}}" msgstr[0] "%(count)s Kali Dilihat{{srText}}dalam 30 hari terakhir{{/srText}}" msgstr[1] "%(count)s Kali Dilihat{{srText}}dalam 30 hari terakhir{{/srText}}" msgid "No activities recorded in the selected date range." msgstr "Tidak ada aktivitas yang tercatat dalam rentang tanggal yang dipilih." msgid "Try adjusting your date range or activity type filters" msgstr "Coba sesuaikan rentang tanggal atau penyaring jenis aktivitas" msgid "Limited to email support." msgstr "Hanya tersedia bantuan email." msgid "No community events or forums are currently available." msgstr "Saat ini tidak ada kegiatan komunitas atau forum yang tersedia." msgid "" "Join a large community that offers local events, online courses, forums, and " "more." msgstr "" "Bergabung dengan berbagai kegiatan komunitas pengguna WordPress mulai di " "tingkat lokal, kegiatan online, forum, dan lainnya." msgid "Your site only runs on the Medium platform at a URL." msgstr "Situs Anda hanya dikelola di platform Medium dengan URL" msgid "Flexible hosting" msgstr "Hosting dengan mudah" msgid "Site design" msgstr "Desain situs" msgid "Bring your own domain name, or get one as part of a paid plan." msgstr "Bawa nama domain Anda, atau dapatkan dengan memilih paket berbayar." msgid "No archives to show." msgstr "Tidak ada arsip untuk ditampilkan." msgid "%s: Sorry, this file type is not supported here." msgstr "%s: Maaf, jenis file ini tidak didukung di sini." msgid "Fullscreen mode" msgstr "Mode layar penuh" msgid "Sidebar filtering by tags, categories, and dates" msgstr "Penyaringan bilah sisi menurut tag, kategori, dan tanggal" msgid "Fast, highly relevant results in any language" msgstr "Hasil yang cepat dan sangat relevan dalam berbagai bahasa" msgid "" "WordPress' built-in search is fine for small sites, but becomes slow and " "inefficient as they grow. Jetpack Search replaces the built-in search and " "includes:" msgstr "" "Pencarian terintegrasi WordPress sesuai untuk situs kecil, namun akan " "melambat dan tidak efisien bagi situs yang mulai berkembang. Jetpack Search " "dapat menggantikan pencarian terintegrasi dan menyertakan:" msgid "Jetpack Search for WordPress" msgstr "Jetpack Search untuk WordPress" msgid "%s / mo" msgstr "%s/bln" msgid "Last day to claim your %s%% discount" msgstr "Hari terakhir untuk mengklaim diskon %s%% Anda" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" type=\"%2$s\" context=\"%3$s\">Renew the upgrade now</a> to " "keep your custom domain connected to your site — and to keep your site " "memorable!" msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" type=\"%2$s\" context=\"%3$s\">Perpanjang upgrade sekarang</" "a> agar domain khusus Anda tetap terhubung ke situs dan situs Anda selalu " "mudah diingat!" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" type=\"%2$s\" context=\"%3$s\">Renew the upgrade now</a> to " "save your domain name, and keep your site memorable!" msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" type=\"%2$s\" context=\"%3$s\">Perpanjang upgrade sekarang</" "a> untuk menyimpan nama domain dan agar situs Anda mudah diingat!" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" type=\"%2$s\" context=\"%3$s\">Keep your site</a> as-is by " "updating your credit card information and renewing it now." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" type=\"%2$s\" context=\"%3$s\">Pertahankan situs</a> agar " "tidak berubah dengan memperbarui informasi kartu kredit dan memperpanjang " "langganan sekarang." msgid "" "We need your input! Please <a href=\"%1$s\" type=\"%2$s\" context=\"%3$s" "\">add a payment method and renew your site</a> to keep access to your " "site’s upgrades." msgstr "" "Kami membutuhkan masukan dari Anda! Harap <a href=\"%1$s\" type=\"%2$s\" " "context=\"%3$s\">tambahkan metode pembayaran dan perpanjang langganan situs</" "a> untuk mempertahankan akses ke upgrade situs Anda." msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" type=\"%2$s\" context=\"%3$s\">Renew now</a> to keep access " "to the key features of your site!" msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" type=\"%2$s\" context=\"%3$s\">Perpanjang sekarang</a> " "untuk mempertahankan akses ke fitur utama situs Anda!" msgid "You do not have the capability to access this site keyring" msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki kemampuan untuk mengakses keyring situs ini" msgid "Unable to find a Google Site Verification access token for this site." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat menemukan token akses Verifikasi Google Site untuk situs ini." msgid "Unable to find a Google Site Verification access token for this user." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat menemukan token akses Verifikasi Google Site untuk pengguna ini." msgid "Connect to your Google account to verify a site" msgstr "Hubungkan ke akun Google Anda untuk memverifikasi situs" msgid "" "The Media Library is a useful tool to help you manage, search, and edit your " "photos, videos, documents, and other media." msgstr "" "Pustaka Media adalah alat yang berguna untuk membantu Anda mengelola, " "mencari, dan menyunting foto, video, dokumen, serta media Anda yang lain." msgid "Learn Media Library Basics" msgstr "Pelajari Dasar-Dasar Pustaka Media" msgid "Find out how to change your theme." msgstr "Cari tahu cara mengubah tema Anda." msgid "Change Your Website Theme on" msgstr "Mengubah Tema Situs Web Anda di" msgid "" "Find out how to add a photo gallery on your and Jetpack-" "enabled website." msgstr "" "Cari tahu cara menambahkan galeri foto di dan situs web yang " "mengaktifkan Jetpack." msgid "Add a Photo Gallery" msgstr "Menambahkan ke Galeri Foto" msgid "" "Find out how to change your page or post visibility settings" msgstr "" "Cari tahu cara mengubah pengaturan visibilitas pos atau halaman Anda di " "" msgid "Change Your Post or Page Visibility Settings" msgstr "Mengubah Pengaturan Visibilitas Halaman atau Pos Anda" msgid "Find out how to add testimonials to your website or blog." msgstr "" "Cari tahu cara menambahkan testimoni ke blog atau situs web " "Anda." msgid "" "Find out how to show related posts on your site, which you can " "also do on a Jetpack-enabled WordPress blog." msgstr "" "Cari tahu cara menampilkan pos terkait di situs, yang juga " "dapat Anda lakukan di blog WordPress yang mengaktifkan Jetpack." msgid "Show Related Posts on Your WordPress Blog" msgstr "Menampilkan Pos Terkait di Blog WordPress Anda" msgid "" "By default, your new website displays your latest posts. Find " "out how to create a static homepage instead." msgstr "" "Dari asal, situs web Anda menampilkan pos terbaru Anda. Cari " "tahu cara membuat beranda statis." msgid "Configure a Static Homepage" msgstr "Mengonfigurasi Beranda Statis" msgid "" "Find out how to use a custom menu in a widget on your or " "Jetpack-enabled WordPress site." msgstr "" "Cari tahu cara menggunakan menu khusus dalam sebuah widget di " "atau situs WordPress yang mengaktifkan Jetpack milik Anda." msgid "Use a Custom Menu in a Widget" msgstr "Gunakan Menu Khusus dalam Sebuah Widget" msgid "Find out how to create a post on" msgstr "Cari tahu cara membuat pos di" msgid "Find out how to create a page on your site." msgstr "Cari tahu cara membuat halaman di situs" msgid "Find out how to create a blog on in five steps." msgstr "Cari tahu cara membuat blog di dalam lima langkah." msgid "Set Up a Blog in 5 Steps" msgstr "Menyiapkan Blog dalam 5 Langkah" msgid "Find out how to create a website on in five steps." msgstr "Cari tahu cara membuat situs web di dalam lima langkah." msgid "Set Up a Website in 5 Steps" msgstr "Menyiapkan Situs Web dalam 5 Langkah" msgid "" "Find out how to create a one-page website or landing page on your WordPress." "com site." msgstr "" "Cari tahu cara membuat situs web satu halaman atau halaman landing di situs " "" msgid "Create a Landing Page" msgstr "Membuat Halaman Landing" msgid "" "Find out how to add an image widget to your website or blog." msgstr "" "Cari tahu cara menambahkan widget gambar ke blog atau situs web WordPress." "com Anda." msgid "Add an Image Widget" msgstr "Menambahkan Widget Gambar" msgid "" "Find out how to use the Featured Content option on your " "website or blog." msgstr "" "Cari tahu cara menambahkan pilihan Konten Unggulan di blog atau situs web " " Anda." msgid "Use Featured Content" msgstr "Menggunakan Konten Unggulan" msgid "" "Find out how to add an image gallery widget to your website or " "blog." msgstr "" "Cari tahu cara menambahkan widget galeri gambar ke blog atau situs web " " Anda." msgid "Add a Gallery Widget" msgstr "Menambahkan Widget Galeri" msgid "Find out how to change the fonts on your website or blog." msgstr "" "Cari tahu cara mengubah font di blog atau situs web Anda." msgid "Change Your Site Fonts" msgstr "Mengubah Font Situs Anda" msgid "Find out how to add a custom background to your site." msgstr "" "Cari tahu cara menambahkan latar belakang khusus untuk situs " "Anda." msgid "Add a Custom Background" msgstr "Tambahkan Latar Belakang Khusus" msgid "Find out how to add a widget to your website." msgstr "Cari tahu cara menambahkan widget ke situs web Anda." msgid "" "Find out how to create a custom menu on your or Jetpack-" "enabled WordPress site." msgstr "" "Cari tahu cara membuat menu khusus di atau situs WordPress " "yang menggunakan Jetpack." msgid "Create a Custom Website Menu" msgstr "Buat Menu Situs Web Khusus" msgid "" "Find out how to add a custom header image to your website or " "blog." msgstr "" "Cari tahu cara menambahkan gambar header khusus ke blog atau situs web " " Anda." msgid "Add a Custom Header Image" msgstr "Menambahkan Gambar Header Khusus" msgid "Find out how to change your account email address on" msgstr "Cari tahu cara mengubah alamat email akun Anda di" msgid "Change Your Account Email Address" msgstr "Mengubah Alamat Email Akun Anda" msgid "Find out how to change your display name on" msgstr "Cari tahu cara mengubah nama tampilan Anda di" msgid "Change Your Display Name" msgstr "Mengubah Nama Tampilan Anda" msgid "Find out how to change your username on" msgstr "Cari tahu cara mengubah nama pengguna Anda di" msgid "Change Your Username" msgstr "Mengubah Nama Pengguna Anda" msgid "Find out how to change your account password on" msgstr "Pelajari cara mengubah kata sandi akun Anda di" msgid "Change Your Password" msgstr "Ubah Kata Sandi Anda" msgid "" "Find out how to activate free email forwarding from an address using a " "custom domain registered through" msgstr "" "Cari tahu cara mengaktifkan penerusan email gratis dari alamat menggunakan " "domain khusus yang didaftarkan melalui" msgid "Activate Free Email Forwarding" msgstr "Mengaktifkan Penerusan Email Gratis" msgid "" "Find out how to change your blog or website language and your interface " "language settings on" msgstr "" "Cari tahu cara mengubah bahasa blog atau situs web dan pengaturan bahasa " "antarmuka di" msgid "Change Your Language Settings" msgstr "Mengubah Pengaturan Bahasa Anda" msgid "" "Find out how to customize your content options on select " "themes." msgstr "" "Cari tahu cara menyesuaikan pilihan konten di tema tertentu." msgid "Customize Your Content Options" msgstr "Menyesuaikan Pilihan Konten Anda" msgid "Find out how to create a multilingual site on" msgstr "Cari tahu cara membuat situs multilingual di" msgid "Create a Multilingual Site" msgstr "Membuat Situs Multilingual" msgid "Find out how to add a site icon on" msgstr "Cari tahu cara menambahkan ikon situs di" msgid "Add a Site Icon" msgstr "Tambahkan Ikon Situs" msgid "Find out how to change your website privacy settings on" msgstr "" "Cari tahu cara mengubah pengaturan privasi situs web Anda di" msgid "" "Find out how to update the Title and Tagline of your site, " "which you can also do on your Jetpack-enabled WordPress site." msgstr "" "Cari tahu cara memperbarui Judul dan Slogan dari situs, yang " "juga dapat Anda lakukan di situs WordPress yang mengaktifkan Jetpack." msgid "Update Your Website Title and Tagline" msgstr "Memperbarui Judul dan Slogan Situs Anda" msgid "Find out how to add a custom logo to your site." msgstr "Cari tahu cara menambahkan logo khusus ke situs Anda." msgid "Add a Site Logo" msgstr "Menambahkan Logo Situs" msgid "" "Find out how to share blog posts directly on Twitter from your " "or Jetpack-enabled WordPress site." msgstr "" "Cari tahu cara membagikan pos blog secara langsung di Twitter dari WordPress." "com atau situs WordPress yang mengaktifkan Jetpack milik Anda." msgid "Share Blog Posts Directly on Twitter" msgstr "Membagikan Pos Blog secara Langsung di Twitter" msgid "" "Find out how to embed a Facebook update in your content (including posts, " "pages, and even comments) on your or Jetpack-enabled WordPress " "website or blog." msgstr "" "Cari tahu cara menyematkan pembaruan Facebook di konten Anda (termasuk pos, " "halaman, dan bahkan komentar) di atau blog atau situs web " "WordPress yang mengaktifkan Jetpack milik Anda." msgid "Embed a Facebook Update in Your Website" msgstr "Menyematkan Pembaruan Facebook di Situs Web Anda" msgid "" "Find out how to embed an Instagram photo in your content (including posts " "and pages) on your or Jetpack-enabled WordPress website or " "blog." msgstr "" "Cari tahu cara menyematkan foto Instagram di konten Anda (termasuk pos dan " "halaman) di atau blog atau situs web WordPress yang " "mengaktifkan Jetpack milik Anda." msgid "Embed an Instagram Photo in Your Website" msgstr "Menyematkan Foto Instagram di Situs Web Anda" msgid "" "Find out how to embed a Tweet in your content (including posts and pages) on " "your or Jetpack-enabled WordPress website or blog." msgstr "" "Cari tahu cara menyematkan Tweet di konten Anda (termasuk pos dan halaman) " "di atau blog atau situs web WordPress yang mengaktifkan " "Jetpack milik Anda." msgid "Embed a Tweet from Twitter in Your Website" msgstr "Menyematkan Tweet dari Twitter di Situs Web Anda" msgid "" "Find out how to set up the social media icons widget on your " "or Jetpack-enabled WordPress site." msgstr "" "Cari tahu cara menyiapkan widget ikon media sosial di atau " "situs WordPress yang mengaktifkan Jetpack milik Anda." msgid "Set Up a Social Media Icons Widget" msgstr "Menyiapkan Widget Ikon Media Sosial" msgid "" "Find out how to display your Twitter timeline on your or " "Jetpack-enabled WordPress site." msgstr "" "Cari tahu cara menampilkan linimasa Twitter di atau situs " "WordPress yang mengaktifkan Jetpack milik Anda." msgid "Embed a Twitter Timeline in your Sidebar" msgstr "Menyematkan Linimasa Twitter di Bilah Sisi Anda" msgid "" "Find out how to set up a social links menu on your or Jetpack-" "enabled WordPress site." msgstr "" "Cari tahu cara menyiapkan menu tautan sosial di atau situs " "WordPress yang mengaktifkan Jetpack milik Anda." msgid "Set Up the Social Links Menu" msgstr "Menyiapkan Menu Tautan Sosial" msgid "" "Find out how to display your latest Instagram photos right on your WordPress." "com site." msgstr "" "Cari tahu cara menampilkan foto Instagram terbaru secara langsung di situs " " Anda." msgid "" "Find out how to share blog posts directly on Facebook from your WordPress." "com site, which you can also do on a Jetpack-enabled WordPress site." msgstr "" "Cari tahu cara membagikan pos blog secara langsung di Facebook dari situs " ", yang juga dapat Anda lakukan di blog WordPress yang " "mengaktifkan Jetpack." msgid "" "Find out how to add social sharing buttons to your site, which " "you can also do with a Jetpack-enabled WordPress site." msgstr "" "Cari tahu cara menambahkan tombol berbagi sosial ke situs, " "yang juga dapat Anda lakukan di blog WordPress yang mengaktifkan Jetpack." msgid "Add Social Sharing Buttons to Your Website" msgstr "Menambahkan Tombol Berbagi Sosial ke Situs Web Anda" msgid "Managing plugins" msgstr "Mengelola plugin" msgid "" "Have a question or need to change something about a purchase you have made? " "Learn how." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan atau keperluan untuk mengubah pembelian yang " "Anda lakukan, Anda dapat pelajari caranya." msgid "Purchase a custom domain for your site." msgstr "Beli domain khusus untuk situs Anda." msgid "Your plan includes a free custom domain. Grab this one!" msgstr "Paket Anda mencakup domain kustom gratis. Gunakan paket ini!" msgid "Activity type" msgstr "Jenis Aktivitas" msgid "Start with WPWebHost" msgstr "Mulai dengan WPWebHost" msgid "Start with MilesWeb" msgstr "Mulai dengan MilesWeb" msgid "Start with InMotion" msgstr "Mulai dengan InMotion" msgid "Start with Dreamhost" msgstr "Mulai dengan DreamHost" msgid "Starting at $25.00 / mo" msgstr "Mulai dari $25,00/bulan" msgid "" "Create a powerful business or eCommerce website with %s. Install plugins, " "upload your own themes, start an online store, and fully own your customer " "experience." msgstr "" "Buat situs web bisnis atau eCommerce yang unggul dengan %s. Instal plugin, " "unggah tema, buka toko online, dan maksimalkan pengalaman pelanggan Anda." msgid "Install custom plugins and themes" msgstr "Instal plugin dan tema khusus" msgid "" "With the Pro plan you can get support whenever you need it from our " "WordPress experts. Ask questions via email or live chat and get the answers " "you need quickly." msgstr "" "Dengan paket Pro, Anda akan mendapatkan bantuan setiap saat dari tim ahli " "WordPress kami. Ajukan pertanyaan melalui e‑mail atau live chat dan dapatkan " "jawaban yang Anda butuhkan segera." msgid "" "Embed image galleries, video and audio files, documents, and more. With 50 " "GB of storage space in our Pro plan, you can upload and instantly share " "media with followers and potential customers." msgstr "" "Sematkan gambar, video, audio, dokumen, dan lainnya. Dengan ruang " "penyimpanan 50 GB di paket Pro kami, Anda dapat mengunggah dan berbagi " "dengan mudah ke para pengikut dan calon pelanggan." msgid "Plenty of space" msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan besar" msgid "" "WordPress Pro includes automated daily backups, daily security scans for " "malware and viruses, spam filtering, and reliable hosting on distributed " "servers." msgstr "" "WordPress Pro mencakup pencadangan harian otomatis, pemindaian keamanan " "harian untuk mendeteksi malware dan virus, penyaringan spam, dan hosting " "yang andal di server yang terdistribusi." msgid "Advanced security features" msgstr "Pengamanan tingkat lanjut" msgid "" "Choosing a Pro plan, you can make money with your website using embeddable " "Simple Payment Buttons, or collect passive income with our WordAds " "advertising program." msgstr "" "Dengan memilih paket Pro, situs web Anda dapat menghasilkan uang dengan " "menggunakan Simple Payment Button, atau memperoleh pendapatan pasif dengan " "program periklanan WordAds kami." msgid "Monetization options" msgstr "Peluang monetisasi" msgid "" " has Jetpack essential features built in, including site " "statistics, a content delivery network for image and video files, and " "automated social media sharing." msgstr "" " dilengkapi dengan fitur Jetpack terintegrasi, mencakup " "statistik, jaringan pengantaran konten untuk gambar dan video, dan berbagi " "otomatis di media sosial." msgid "" "Start with one of hundreds of professional WordPress themes. Make it your " "own with custom CSS and HTML. Your visitors will enjoy a seamless experience " "on any device." msgstr "" "Pilih dari ratusan tema WordPress profesional. Selaraskan dengan CSS Khusus " "dan HTML. Pengunjung situs Anda akan menikmati pengalaman yang lancar di " "perangkat apa pun." msgid "Advanced design options" msgstr "Desain tingkat lanjut" msgid "" "With your %s plan, you get 13 GB of storage space for all your files. Upload " "photos, videos, documents, and more. Embed them in galleries, pages, and " "posts for easy access by your visitors and customers." msgstr "" "Dengan paket %s, Anda mendapatkan ruang penyimpanan 13 GB untuk semua file " "Anda. Unggah foto, video, dokumen, dan lainnya. Sematkan di galeri, halaman, " "dan pos agar mudah diakses oleh pengunjung dan pelanggan Anda." msgid "Plenty of room for what matters." msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan besar untuk konten Anda." msgid "" "Already have a domain? Good news: you can use it with your new site in just " "a few simple steps." msgstr "" "Sudah punya domain? Tidak masalah. Anda dapat menggunakannya pada situs web " "baru Anda dengan mudah." msgid "" "Create a professional WordPress website or blog with a custom domain name, " "advanced design tools, plenty of storage space, and 24/7 support." msgstr "" "Buat situs web profesional atau blog WordPress dengan nama domain khusus, " "perangkat desain tingkat lanjut, ruang penyimpanan yang besar, dan bantuan " "setiap saat." msgid "{{line1}}More power.{{/line1}} {{line2}}More possibilities.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Lebih banyak fitur.{{/line1}} {{line2}}Lebih banyak peluang.{{/" "line2}}" msgid "Build Your New Website with" msgstr "Buat Situs Web Baru Anda dengan" msgid "" "WordPress powers more than %s%% of the web, from family-run blogs to " "thriving online stores. Build with us and join a growing community." msgstr "" "WordPress mendukung lebih dari %s%% web, mulai dari blog yang dikelola oleh " "keluarga hingga toko online yang terus berkembang. Bangun situs web bersama " "kami dan gabung dengan komunitas yang terus berkembang." msgid "Build your website with the world’s favorite platform." msgstr "Buat situs web dengan platform terfavorit di dunia." msgid "" "Whatever you create on is yours alone. Export your pages and " "posts at any time — wherever life takes you, your content follows." msgstr "" "Semua yang Anda buat di adalah milik Anda. Apa pun rencana " "Anda di masa depan, Anda dapat mengekspor konten milik Anda ke mana pun." msgid "" "Make it easy for potential customers to find you with built-in SEO. All you " "have to do is publish — we’ll take care of the rest." msgstr "" "Permudah calon pelanggan menemukan Anda dengan SEO terintegrasi. Anda hanya " "perlu memublikasikan konten - kami yang akan menangani selebihnya." msgid "Features you’ll love." msgstr "Berbagai fitur andal untuk membantu Anda." msgid "" "If you have a bigger budget, you can choose from one of three plans with " "more features. With each plan you’ll get a custom domain name, more space " "for your files, and 24/7 support. You can also use advanced design tools, " "add payment buttons, and upload custom WordPress plugins or themes." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memerlukan fitur lainnya, pilih dari tiga paket yang " "terjangkau. Anda akan mendapatkan nama domain khusus dari paket mana pun, " "lebih banyak ruang penyimpanan, serta bantuan setiap saat. Beberapa paket " "juga mencakup pengaturan desain tingkat lanjut, tombol pembayaran, dan " "kemampuan mengunggah berbagai plugin atau tema WordPress." msgid "" "No matter how much you want to spend, has a plan that works " "for you. Build a website for free and get access to professional themes, 3 " "GB of storage space, and support from our community of experts." msgstr "" "Berapa pun anggarannya, menawarkan paket yang sesuai dengan " "kebutuhan Anda. Buat situs web gratis dan dapatkan akses ke berbagai pilihan " "tema, ruang penyimpanan sebesar 3 GB, bantuan dari komunitas, dan lainnya." msgid "Budget-friendly plans." msgstr "Paket yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan" msgid "" "With, you can use our beautiful themes, a fast, intuitive " "editor, and flexible customization tools to build the exact kind of site you " "need — and in less time than it would take on another platform." msgstr "" "Dengan, Anda mendapatkan berbagai pilihan tema yang menarik, " "editor yang bekerja cepat dan intuitif, dan perangkat pengaturan untuk " "membuat situs yang Anda butuhkan dengan mudah." msgid "" " allows you to build a website that meets your needs, no matter " "what they are. Whether you want to start a simple blog, create a site for " "your business, display your work in a portfolio, or build a robust online " "store, we have the tools and features you need to get started today." msgstr "" " memudahkan Anda membuat situs web untuk memenuhi kebutuhan apa " "pun. Buat sebuah blog, situs bisnis, portofolio, atau toko online, kami " "menawarkan perangkat dan fitur yang dibutuhkan untuk memulainya dengan mudah." msgid "The website of your dreams." msgstr "Situs web impian Anda." msgid "" "With, you can build a website, start a community, open a " "store, and much more. It’s the world’s most popular — and flexible — " "platform." msgstr "" "Dengan, Anda dapat membuat situs web, memulai komunitas, " "membuka toko, dan lainnya. Inilah platform yang terbaik dan paling populer." msgid "Build anything, for anyone." msgstr "Buat apa pun, untuk siapa pun." msgid "%1$s attached to %2$s" msgstr "%1$s dilampirkan ke %2$s" msgid "Attachment attached" msgstr "Lampiran dilampirkan" msgid "Image attached" msgstr "Gambar dilampirkan" msgid "Document attached" msgstr "Dokumen dilampirkan" msgid "Video attached" msgstr "Video dilampirkan" msgid "Audio attached" msgstr "Audio dilampirkan" msgid "Successful renewal on %s" msgstr "Perpanjangan berhasil pada %s" msgid "" "Until then, have fun with your site! And remember: if you need any help, our " "Happiness Engineers are a <a href=\"%1$s\" type=\"%2$s\" context=\"%3$s" "\">click away</a>." msgstr "" "Sementara itu, silakan bersenang-senang dengan situs Anda! Dan ingat: jika " "perlu bantuan, Happiness Engineer kami siap membantu hanya dengan <a href=" "\"%1$s\" type=\"%2$s\" context=\"%3$s\">sekali klik</a>." msgid "Successful Renewal" msgstr "Perpanjangan Berhasil" msgid "" "Your <strong>%1$d purchase</strong> for %2$s renewed on " "<strong>%3$s</strong>, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another year. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%4$s</strong>." msgid_plural "" "Your <strong>%1$d purchases</strong> for %2$s renewed on " "<strong>%3$s</strong>, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another year. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%4$s</strong>." msgstr[0] "" "<strong>%1$d pembelian</strong> Anda untuk %2$s diperpanjang " "pada <strong>%3$s</strong>, jadi semua alat dan fitur hebat tersedia di " "situs Anda untuk satu tahun mendatang. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>" "%4$s</strong>." msgstr[1] "" "<strong>%1$d pembelian</strong> Anda untuk %2$s diperpanjang " "pada <strong>%3$s</strong>, jadi semua alat dan fitur hebat tersedia di " "situs Anda untuk satu tahun mendatang. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>" "%4$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>%1$s upgrade</strong> for %2$s renewed on <strong>%3$s</" "strong>, so your site has all its great tools and features for another year. " "Your next renewal will be on <strong>%4$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>%1$s upgrade</strong> Anda untuk %2$s diperpanjang pada <strong>" "%3$s</strong>, jadi semua alat dan fitur hebat tersedia di situs Anda untuk " "satu tahun mendatang. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>%4$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>G Suite accounts</strong> renewed on <strong>%1$s</strong>, so " "your site has all its great tools and features for another year. Your next " "renewal will be on <strong>%2$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Akun G Suite</strong> Anda diperpanjang pada <strong>%1$s</strong>, " "jadi semua alat dan fitur hebat tersedia di situs Anda untuk satu tahun " "mendatang. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>%2$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>%1$d G Suite license</strong> for <strong>%2$s</strong> renewed " "on <strong>%3$s</strong>, so your site has all its great tools and features " "for another year. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%4$s</strong>." msgid_plural "" "Your <strong>%1$d G Suite licenses</strong> for <strong>%2$s</strong> " "renewed on <strong>%3$s</strong>, so your site has all its great tools and " "features for another year. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%4$s</" "strong>." msgstr[0] "" "<strong>%1$d lisensi G Suite</strong> Anda untuk <strong>%2$s</strong> " "diperpanjang pada <strong>%3$s</strong>, jadi semua alat dan fitur hebat " "tersedia di situs Anda untuk satu tahun mendatang. Perpanjangan berikutnya " "pada <strong>%4$s</strong>." msgstr[1] "" "<strong>%1$d lisensi G Suite</strong> Anda untuk <strong>%2$s</strong> " "diperpanjang pada <strong>%3$s</strong>, jadi semua alat dan fitur hebat " "tersedia di situs Anda untuk satu tahun mendatang. Perpanjangan berikutnya " "pada <strong>%4$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>G Suite license</strong> for <strong>%1$s</strong> renewed on " "<strong>%2$s</strong>, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another year. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Lisensi G Suite</strong> untuk <strong>%1$s</strong> diperpanjang " "pada <strong>%2$s</strong>, jadi semua alat dan fitur hebat tersedia di " "situs Anda untuk satu tahun mendatang. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>" "%3$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>domain mapping</strong> subscriptions for %1$s renewed on " "<strong>%2$s</strong>, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another year. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgstr "" "Langganan <strong>pemetaan domain</strong> Anda untuk %1$s diperpanjang pada " "<strong>%2$s</strong>, jadi semua alat dan fitur hebat tersedia di situs " "Anda untuk satu tahun mendatang. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>%3$s</" "strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>domain mapping</strong> for <strong>%1$s</strong> renewed on " "<strong>%2$s</strong>, so your site has all its great tools and features for " "another year. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Pemetaan domain</strong> Anda untuk <strong>%1$s</strong> " "diperpanjang pada <strong>%2$s</strong>, jadi semua alat dan fitur hebat " "tersedia di situs Anda untuk satu tahun mendatang. Perpanjangan berikutnya " "pada <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>domain registrations</strong> for %1$s renewed on <strong>%2$s</" "strong>, so your site has all its great tools and features for another year. " "Your next renewal will be on <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Registrasi domain</strong> Anda untuk %1$s diperpanjang pada <strong>" "%2$s</strong>, jadi semua alat dan fitur hebat tersedia di situs Anda untuk " "satu tahun mendatang. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>domain registration</strong> for <strong>%1$s</strong> renewed " "on <strong>%2$s</strong>, so your site has all its great tools and features " "for another year. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Registrasi domain</strong> Anda untuk <strong>%1$s</strong> " "diperpanjang pada <strong>%2$s</strong>, jadi semua alat dan fitur hebat " "tersedia di situs Anda untuk satu tahun mendatang. Perpanjangan berikutnya " "pada <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgid "" "The renewal for your <strong>%1$s plan</strong> for %2$s renewed on <strong>" "%3$s</strong>, so your site has all its great tools and features for another " "year. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%4$s</strong>." msgstr "" "Perpanjangan <strong>paket %1$s</strong> Anda untuk %2$s diperpanjang pada " "<strong>%3$s</strong>, jadi semua alat dan fitur hebat tersedia di situs " "Anda untuk satu tahun mendatang. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>%4$s</" "strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>%1$s plan</strong> and <strong>custom domain</strong> for %2$s " "renewed on <strong>%3$s</strong>, so your site has all its great tools and " "features for another year. Your next renewal will be on <strong>%4$s</" "strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Paket %1$s</strong> dan <strong>domain khusus</strong> Anda untuk " "%2$s diperpanjang pada <strong>%3$s</strong>, jadi semua perangkat dan fitur " "hebat tersedia di situs Anda untuk satu tahun mendatang. Perpanjangan " "berikutnya pada <strong>%4$s</strong>." msgid "" "Your <strong>Jetpack upgrades</strong> for %1$s renewed on <strong>%2$s</" "strong>, so your site has all its great tools and features for another year. " "Your next renewal will be on <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Upgrade Jetpack</strong> Anda untuk %1$s diperpanjang pada <strong>" "%2$s</strong>, jadi semua alat dan fitur hebat tersedia di situs Anda untuk " "satu tahun mendatang. Perpanjangan berikutnya pada <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgid "" "Successful Renewal!</strong> Thanks for renewing your <strong>%1$d WordPress." "com purchase" msgid_plural "" "Successful Renewal!</strong> Thanks for renewing your <strong>%1$d WordPress." "com purchases" msgstr[0] "" "Perpanjangan Berhasil!</strong> Terima kasih telah memperpanjang <strong>" "%1$d pembelian Anda" msgstr[1] "" "Perpanjangan Berhasil!</strong> Terima kasih telah memperpanjang <strong>" "%1$d pembelian Anda" msgid "" "Successful Renewal!</strong> Thanks for renewing your <strong>%1$s purchase" msgstr "" "Perpanjangan Berhasil!</strong> Terima kasih telah memperpanjang <strong>" "%1$s pembelian Anda" msgid "" "Successful Renewal!</strong> Thanks for renewing your <strong> " "G Suite accounts" msgstr "" "Perpanjangan Berhasil!</strong> Terima kasih telah memperpanjang " "<strong>akun G Suite Anda" msgid "" "Successful Renewal!</strong> Thanks for renewing your <strong>%1$d G Suite " "license" msgid_plural "" "Successful Renewal!</strong> Thanks for renewing your <strong>%1$d G Suite " "licenses" msgstr[0] "" "Perpanjangan Berhasil!</strong> Terima kasih telah memperpanjang <strong>" "%1$d lisensi G Suite Anda" msgstr[1] "" "Perpanjangan Berhasil!</strong> Terima kasih telah memperpanjang <strong>" "%1$dlisensi G Suite Anda" msgid "" "Successful Renewal!</strong> Thanks for renewing your <strong> " "G Suite account" msgstr "" "Perpanjangan Berhasil!</strong> Terima kasih telah memperpanjang " "<strong>akun G Suite Anda" msgid "" "Successful Renewal!</strong> Thanks for renewing your <strong> " "domain mapping</strong> subscriptions" msgstr "" "Perpanjangan Berhasil!</strong> Terima kasih telah memperpanjang langganan " "<strong>pemetaan domain</strong> Anda" msgid "" "Successful Renewal!</strong> Thanks for renewing your <strong> " "domain mapping</strong> subscription" msgstr "" "Perpanjangan Berhasil!</strong> Terima kasih telah memperpanjang langganan " "<strong>pemetaan domain</strong> Anda" msgid "" "Successful Renewal!</strong> Thanks for renewing your <strong> " "domains" msgstr "" "Perpanjangan Berhasil!</strong> Terima kasih telah memperpanjang " "<strong>domain Anda" msgid "" "Successful Renewal!</strong> Thanks for renewing your <strong> " "domain" msgstr "" "Perpanjangan Berhasil!</strong> Terima kasih telah memperpanjang " "<strong>domain Anda" msgid "" "Successful Renewal!</strong> Thanks for renewing your <strong> " "plan" msgstr "" "Perpanjangan Berhasil!</strong> Terima kasih telah memperpanjang " "<strong>paket Anda" msgid "" "Successful Renewal!</strong> Thanks for renewing your <strong>Jetpack " "upgrades" msgstr "" "Perpanjangan Berhasil!</strong> Terima kasih telah memperpanjang " "<strong>upgrade Jetpack Anda" msgid "" "Successful Renewal!</strong> Thanks for renewing your <strong>%1$s upgrade" msgstr "" "Perpanjangan Berhasil!</strong> Terima kasih telah memperpanjang <strong>" "%1$s upgrade Anda" msgid "Select your .blog domain" msgstr "Pilih domain .blog Anda" msgid "Action required on %s" msgstr "Tindakan diperlukan pada %s" msgid "Posts and Pages" msgstr "Postingan dan Halaman" msgid "Jetpack Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Jetpack" msgid "Use code <strong>%1$s</strong> to save %2$s%% now." msgstr "" "Gunakan kode <strong>%1$s</strong> untuk berhemat %2$s%% sekarang juga." msgid "" "All plan upgrades are risk-free and include a money-back " "guarantee — 30 days for plans and 48 hours for domains." msgstr "" "Semua upgrade paket bebas risiko dan termasuk garansi uang " "kembali, 30 hari untuk paket dan 48 jam untuk domain." msgid "" "This offer for %s%% off any plan upgrade expires in just a few " "hours!" msgstr "" "Penawaran diskon %s%% untuk semua upgrade paket ini akan " "berakhir dalam beberapa jam!" msgid "Final reminder: Your %s%% off discount expires in just a few hours" msgstr "Pengingat terakhir: Diskon %s%% Anda akan berakhir beberapa jam lagi" msgid "" "P.S. Hurry — this limited-time offer expires at midnight September 20th. " "Don’t let this deal pass you by." msgstr "" "N.B. Jangan tunggu lagi. Penawaran berbatas waktu ini akan berakhir tanggal " "20 September tengah malam. Jangan sampai terlewat." msgid "" "Plan upgrades unlock more free themes, more customization tools, more " "storage, better support — and we’re just getting started. Simply use code " "<strong>%1$s</strong> for %2$s%% off at checkout." msgstr "" "Upgrade paket akan menghadirkan lebih banyak tema gratis, alat kustomisasi, " "penyimpanan, dukungan yang lebih baik, dan ini baru awalnya. Cukup gunakan " "kode <strong>%1$s</strong> untuk mendapatkan diskon %2$s%% saat checkout." msgid "" "To celebrate your commitment to your website, we’re offering you %s%% off " "ANY upgraded plan. But don’t delay, because this discount " "expires soon." msgstr "" "Sebagai penghargaan atas komitmen Anda terhadap situs web Anda, kami " "menawarkan diskon %s%% untuk SEMUA paket upgrade Tetapi " "jangan tunggu terlalu lama, karena diskon ini segera berakhir." msgid "Apply this discount towards any site upgrade of your choice." msgstr "Terapkan diskon ini untuk upgrade situs apa pun yang Anda pilih." msgid "Limited-time sale: Get %s%% off site upgrades!" msgstr "Obral berbatas waktu: Dapatkan diskon %s%% untuk upgrade situs!" msgid "" "Elasticsearch is a trademark of Elasticsearch BV, registered in the U.S. and " "in other countries." msgstr "" "Elasticsearch adalah merek dagang dari Elasticsearch BV, terdaftar di A.S. " "dan negara lainnya." msgid "%(displayType)s ****%(digits)s" msgstr "%(displayType)s ****%(digits)s" msgid "UnionPay" msgstr "UnionPay" msgid "JCB" msgstr "JCB" msgid "Diners Club" msgstr "Diners Club" msgid "Email Support" msgstr "Bantuan Email" msgid "" "<strong>Action Required:</strong> Your <strong> domains</" "strong> expire on <strong>%1$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Tindakan Diperlukan:</strong> <strong>Domain</strong> " "Anda kedaluwarsa pada <strong>%1$s</strong>." msgid "" "<strong>Act now!</strong> Your <strong> domains</strong> failed " "to renew" msgstr "" "<strong>Ambil tindakan sekarang!</strong> <strong>Domain</" "strong> Anda gagal diperpanjang" msgid "" "<strong>Act now!</strong> Your <strong> domain</strong> failed " "to renew" msgstr "" "<strong>Ambil tindakan sekarang!</strong> <strong>Domain</" "strong> Anda gagal diperpanjang" msgid "" "Welcome Rocket Lawyer members! Save %s%% using promo code " "<code>{{coupon_code}}</code> at checkout today." msgstr "" "Selamat datang, anggota Rocket Lawyer! Hemat %s%% dengan kode promo " "<code>{{coupon_code}}</code> saat checkout hari ini." msgid "" "Welcome SBDC Community! Save %s%% using promo code <code>{{coupon_code}}</" "code> at checkout today." msgstr "" "Selamat datang, Komunitas SBDC! Hemat %s%% dengan kode promo " "<code>{{coupon_code}}</code> saat checkout hari ini." msgid "" "Welcome Patreon Creators! Save %s%% using promo code <code>{{coupon_code}}</" "code> at checkout today." msgstr "" "Selamat datang, Kreator Patreon! Hemat %s%% dengan kode promo " "<code>{{coupon_code}}</code> saat checkout hari ini." msgid "Beautiful landscape" msgstr "Bentang alam yang indah" msgid "Close panel" msgstr "Tutup panel" msgid "Convert to Classic Block" msgstr "Ubah ke Blok Klasik" msgid "Row count" msgstr "Jumlah Baris" msgid "Column count" msgstr "Jumlah Kolom" msgid "Change the block type after adding a new paragraph." msgstr "Ubah jenis blok setelah menambahkan paragraf baru." msgid "Spotlight mode" msgstr "Mode Sorotan" msgid "" "<strong>Act now!</strong> Your <strong>%1$d G Suite license</strong> failed " "to renew" msgid_plural "" "<strong>Act now!</strong> Your <strong>%1$d G Suite licenses</strong> failed " "to renew" msgstr[0] "" "<strong>Ambil tindakan sekarang!</strong> <strong>%1$d lisensi G Suite</" "strong> Anda gagal diperpanjang" msgstr[1] "" "<strong>Ambil tindakan sekarang!</strong> <strong>%1$d lisensi G Suite</" "strong> Anda gagal diperpanjang" msgid "" "You’ve got <strong>%1$d day</strong> to renew before your subscription " "expires on %2$s." msgid_plural "" "You’ve got <strong>%1$d days</strong> to renew before your subscription " "expires on %2$s." msgstr[0] "" "Anda memiliki waktu <strong>%1$d hari</strong> untuk memperpanjang sebelum " "langganan berakhir pada %2$s." msgstr[1] "" "Anda memiliki waktu <strong>%1$d hari</strong> untuk memperpanjang sebelum " "langganan berakhir pada %2$s." msgid "Renewal Reminder" msgstr "Pengingat Perpanjangan" msgid "" "The renewal for your <strong>%1$d purchase</strong> for %2$s " "is about to expire." msgid_plural "" "The renewal for your <strong>%1$d purchases</strong> for %2$s " "is about to expire." msgstr[0] "" "Perpanjangan <strong>%1$d pembelian</strong> Anda untuk %2$s " "akan segera kedaluwarsa." msgstr[1] "" "Perpanjangan <strong>%1$d pembelian</strong> Anda untuk %2$s " "akan segera kedaluwarsa." msgid "" "The renewal for your <strong>%1$s upgrade</strong> for %2$s is about to " "expire." msgstr "" "Perpanjangan <strong>%1$s upgrade</strong> Anda untuk %2$s akan segera " "kedaluwarsa." msgid "" "The renewal for your <strong>G Suite accounts</strong> is about to expire." msgstr "" "Perpanjangan <strong>akun G Suite</strong> Anda akan segera kedaluwarsa." msgid "" "The renewal for your <strong>%1$d G Suite license</strong> for <strong>%2$s</" "strong> is about to expire." msgid_plural "" "The renewal for your <strong>%1$d G Suite licenses</strong> for <strong>" "%2$s</strong> is about to expire." msgstr[0] "" "Perpanjangan <strong>%1$d lisensi G Suite</strong> Anda untuk <strong>%2$s</" "strong> akan segera kedaluwarsa." msgstr[1] "" "Perpanjangan <strong>%1$d lisensi G Suite</strong> Anda untuk <strong>%2$s</" "strong> akan segera kedaluwarsa." msgid "" "The renewal for the <strong>G Suite license</strong> for <strong>%s</strong> " "is about to expire." msgstr "" "Perpanjangan <strong>lisensi G Suite</strong> Anda untuk <strong>%s</strong> " "akan segera kedaluwarsa." msgid "" "The renewal for the <strong>domain mapping</strong> subscriptions for %s is " "about to expire." msgstr "" "Perpanjangan langganan <strong>pemetaan domain</strong> Anda untuk %s akan " "segera kedaluwarsa." msgid "" "The renewal for the <strong>domain mapping</strong> for <strong>%s</strong> " "is about to expire." msgstr "" "Perpanjangan <strong>pemetaan domain</strong> Anda untuk <strong>%s</strong> " "akan segera kedaluwarsa." msgid "" "The renewal for the <strong>domain registrations</strong> for %s is about to " "expire." msgstr "" "Perpanjangan <strong>registrasi domain</strong> Anda untuk %s akan segera " "kedaluwarsa." msgid "" "The renewal for the <strong>domain registration</strong> for <strong>%s</" "strong> is about to expire." msgstr "" "Perpanjangan <strong>registrasi domain</strong> Anda untuk <strong>%s</" "strong> akan segera kedaluwarsa." msgid "" "The renewal for your <strong>%1$s plan</strong> for %2$s is about to expire." msgstr "" "Perpanjangan <strong>%1$s paket</strong> Anda untuk %2$s akan segera " "kedaluwarsa." msgid "" "The renewal for your <strong>%1$s plan</strong> and <strong>custom domain</" "strong> for %2$s is about to expire." msgstr "" "Perpanjangan <strong>%1$s paket</strong> dan <strong>domain khusus</strong> " "Anda untuk %2$s akan segera kedaluwarsa." msgid "" "The renewal for your <strong>Jetpack upgrades</strong> for %s is about to " "expire." msgstr "" "Perpanjangan <strong>upgrade Jetpack</strong> Anda untuk %s akan segera " "kedaluwarsa." msgid "" "<strong>Action Required:</strong> Your <strong> G Suite " "accounts</strong> expire on <strong>%s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Tindakan Diperlukan:</strong> <strong>Akun G Suite</" "strong> Anda kedaluwarsa pada <strong>%s</strong>." msgid "" "<strong>Action Required:</strong> Your <strong> domain mapping</" "strong> subscriptions expire on <strong>%1$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Tindakan Diperlukan:</strong> Langganan <strong>pemetaan domain " "</strong> Anda berakhir pada <strong>%1$s</strong>." msgid "" "<strong>Action Required:</strong> Your <strong> domain mapping</" "strong> subscription expires on <strong>%1$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Tindakan Diperlukan:</strong> Langganan <strong>pemetaan domain " "</strong> Anda berakhir pada <strong>%1$s</strong>." msgid "" "<strong>Action Required:</strong> Your <strong> G Suite " "account</strong> expires on <strong>%1$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Tindakan Diperlukan:</strong> <strong>Akun G Suite</" "strong> Anda kedaluwarsa pada <strong>%1$s</strong>." msgid "" "<strong>Action Required:</strong> Your <strong>%1$d G Suite license</strong> " "expires on <strong>%2$s</strong>." msgid_plural "" "<strong>Action Required:</strong> Your <strong>%1$d G Suite licenses</" "strong> expire on <strong>%2$s</strong>." msgstr[0] "" "<strong>Tindakan Diperlukan:</strong> <strong>%1$d lisensi G Suite</strong> " "Anda kedaluwarsa pada <strong>%2$s</strong>." msgstr[1] "" "<strong>Tindakan Diperlukan:</strong> <strong>%1$d lisensi G Suite</strong> " "Anda kedaluwarsa pada <strong>%2$s</strong>." msgid "" "<strong>Action Required:</strong> Your <strong>Jetpack upgrades</strong> " "expire on <strong>%s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Tindakan Diperlukan:</strong> <strong>Upgrade Jetpack</strong> Anda " "kedaluwarsa pada <strong>%s</strong>." msgid "" "On mobile? To open and pay with the WeChat Pay app directly, {{a}}click " "here{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Menggunakan perangkat seluler? Untuk membuka dan membayar langsung melalui " "aplikasi WeChat Pay, {{a}}klik di sini{{/a}}." msgid "" "Please scan the barcode using the WeChat Pay application to confirm your " "%(price)s payment." msgstr "" "Pindai barcode menggunakan aplikasi WeChat Pay untuk mengonfirmasi " "pembayaran sebesar %(price)s." msgid "Payment failed. Please check your account and try again." msgstr "Pembayaran gagal. Periksa akun Anda dan coba lagi." msgid "WeChat Pay" msgstr "WeChat Pay" msgid "Start Your Website or Blog with Personal" msgstr "Buat Situs Web atau Blog dengan Paket Personal" msgid "" "Create a powerful business website with Business. Install " "plugins, upload your own themes, get access to powerful tools, and fully own " "your customer experience." msgstr "" "Buat situs web bisnis yang andal dengan Bisnis. Instal plugin, " "unggah tema Anda, dapatkan akses ke berbagai perangkat yang berguna, dan " "maksimalkan pengalaman pelanggan Anda." msgid "Install WordPress plugins" msgstr "Instal Plugin WordPress" msgid "" "Upgrade to Premium for access to unlimited premium WordPress " "templates, including themes tailored to your business. Further customize " "your site’s appearance with CSS and make it your own." msgstr "" "Pilih Premium untuk mendapatkan fitur WordPress premium, yang " "mencakup tema khusus untuk bisnis. Sesuaikan tampilan situs web Anda dengan " "CSS dan tampilkan desain Anda sepenuhnya." msgid "Customize your design" msgstr "Selaraskan desain Anda" msgid "" "{{line1}}A versatile website builder{{/line1}} {{line2}}that scales with " "your needs.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Pembuat situs web terbaik{{/line1}} {{line2}}yang dapat " "menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda.{{/line2}}" msgid "" "Get support whenever you need it from our WordPress experts. Ask questions " "via email or live chat and get the answers you need quickly." msgstr "" "Dapatkan bantuan dari ahli WordPress kami saat Anda membutuhkannya. Ajukan " "pertanyaan melalui email atau obrolan langsung dan dapatkan jawaban yang " "Anda butuhkan dalam waktu singkat." msgid "" "Choosing a plan will remove the advertising from your site, " "allowing you to stay on-brand from start to finish." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menghapus iklan, sehingga Anda dapat menampilkan " "branding Anda sepenuhnya." msgid "Your site, your branding" msgstr "Situs Anda, branding Anda" msgid "" "Embed image galleries, presentations, documents, and more. With 50 GB of " "storage space in our paid plans, you’ll be able to upload and share media " "with your friends, followers, and potential customers." msgstr "" "Sematkan galeri gambar, presentasi, dokumen, dan lainnya. Dengan ruang " "penyimpanan 50 GB di paket berbayar, Anda dapat mengunggah dan berbagi file " "media dengan mudah ke teman, pengikut, dan calon pelanggan." msgid "Plenty of storage" msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan besar" msgid "" "Includes daily backups, brute force login protection, automated spam " "filtering, and reliable hosting on servers spread across multiple data " "centers." msgstr "" "Mencakup pencadangan data setiap hari, perlindungan login menyeluruh, " "penyaringan spam otomatis, dan hosting yang andal di sejumlah server yang " "tersebar di berbagai pusat data." msgid "Secure from day one" msgstr "Aman setiap saat" msgid "" "Start with one of dozens of free WordPress themes and customize it with your " "logo, content, and more. Your visitors will enjoy a seamless experience on " "any device." msgstr "" "Pilih dari puluhan tema WordPress gratis dan tambahkan logo, konten, dan " "lainnya. Pengunjung situs web Anda akan menikmati pengalaman dengan lancar " "di perangkat apa pun." msgid "" "Already have a domain? No problem — you can use it with your new website in " "just a few steps." msgstr "" "Sudah punya domain? Tidak masalah. Anda dapat menggunakannya pada situs web " "baru Anda dengan mudah." msgid "Your domain, your way." msgstr "Domain Anda, tentang Anda." msgid "A site that’s all you." msgstr "Situs web, hanya untuk Anda." msgid "" "Whether your business is big or small, gives you the tools for " "success." msgstr "" "Apa pun bisnis Anda, hadir untuk membantu Anda meraih " "kesuksesan." msgid "Everything you need to attract new customers and make money online." msgstr "" "Semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk mendapatkan pelanggan baru dan menghasilkan " "uang secara online." msgid "" "Get support around the clock from our team of WordPress experts. Priority " "support is offered via email and live chat." msgstr "" "Dapatkan bantuan setiap saat dari tim ahli WordPress kami. Bantuan prioritas " "ditawarkan melalui e-mail atau live chat." msgid "24/7 support" msgstr "Bantuan setiap saat" msgid "" " Pro keeps your business secure with automated real-time " "backups, security scans, spam filtering, and reliable hosting on servers " "spread across multiple data centers." msgstr "" " Pro menjamin keamanan bisnis Anda dengan pencadangan real time " "yang otomatis, pemindaian keamanan, penyaringan spam, dan hosting yang andal " "di sejumlah server yang tersebar di berbagai pusat data." msgid "Best-in-class security" msgstr "Perangkat keamanan terbaik " msgid "" "Monetize your business website with tools like Simple Payment Buttons or " "WordAds, or create a full-fledged ecommerce experience with WooCommerce." msgstr "" "Monetisasi situs web bisnis Anda dengan perangkat seperti Simple Payment " "Buttons atau WordAds, atau ciptakan pengalaman eCommerce terbaik dengan " "WooCommerce." msgid "Explore monetization tools" msgstr "Manfaatkan perangkat monetisasi" msgid "" "%s has Jetpack essential features built in, including powerful site " "statistics, advanced SEO tools, social media scheduling, and enhanced site " "search." msgstr "" "%s memiliki fitur utama bawaan Jetpack, termasuk statistik situs yang " "unggul, alat SEO canggih, penjadwalan media sosial, dan penyempurnaan " "pencarian situs." msgid "Accelerate your growth" msgstr "Percepat perkembangan bisnis Anda" msgid "" "Start with one of hundreds of professional WordPress themes to get started, " "or you can upload your own. Add your logo, colors, media, and more. Your " "visitors will enjoy a fast, seamless experience on any device." msgstr "" "Pilih dari ratusan tema WordPress profesional untuk memulai, atau Anda dapat " "mengunggahnya sendiri. Tambahkan logo, warna, media, dan lainntya. " "Pengunjung situs Anda akan menikmati pengalaman yang lancar dan cepat di " "perangkat apa pun." msgid "Designed for business" msgstr "Dirancang untuk bisnis" msgid "" "With unlimited plugins at your disposal, you can build the perfect site for " "your business — and your customers." msgstr "" "Dengan plugin yang tak terbatas, Anda dapat membuat situs yang terbaik untuk " "bisnis dan pelanggan Anda." msgid "" "With %s, you can upload WordPress plugins to make your site even more " "powerful. Add a store with WooCommerce, improve the mobile experience with " "AMP, or try advanced SEO strategies with Yoast." msgstr "" "Dengan %s, Anda dapat mengunggah plugin WordPress agar situs Anda makin " "prima. Tambahkan toko dengan WooCommerce, tingkatkan pengalaman seluler " "dengan AMP, atau coba strategi SEO tingkat lanjut dengan Yoast." msgid "Build it better with plugins." msgstr "Buat situs web yang terbaik dengan plugin." msgid "" "Already have a design in mind? Your %s plan lets you upload unlimited " "WordPress themes." msgstr "" "Sudah punya gambaran desain? Paket %s memungkinkan Anda untuk mengunggah " "tema WordPress sepuasnya." msgid "" "%s gives you access to everything you need to design a professional website. " "Try unlimited premium WordPress templates, and customize them with CSS until " "you're satisfied." msgstr "" "%s memberikan akses ke semua yang Anda perlukan untuk menciptakan situs " "profesional. Coba templat WordPress premium sepuasnya, dan sesuaikan dengan " "CSS sesuka hati Anda." msgid "" "{{line1}}Designed to meet{{/line1}} {{line2}}your business needs.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Dirancang untuk memenuhi{{/line1}} {{line2}}kebutuhan bisnis Anda." "{{/line2}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}Create a WordPress website for your business with{{/line1}} " "{{line2}}a custom domain name, best-in-class hosting,{{/line2}} {{line3}}" "unlimited plugins, and 24/7 support.{{/line3}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Buat situs web WordPress untuk bisnis Anda dengan{{/line1}} " "{{line2}}nama domain khusus, hosting terbaik,{{/line2}} {{line3}}plugin yang " "tidak terbatas, dan bantuan setiap saat.{{/line3}}" msgid "Get down to business." msgstr "Mulai bisnis Anda." msgid "" "Get up and running quickly with Personal and your own custom " "domain name, built-in security, and 24/7 support." msgstr "" "Mulai segera dengan Personal dan nama domain khusus, keamanan " "terintegrasi, dan bantuan setiap saat." msgid "" "Ready to create your website or blog? Get started for free with WordPress." "com, a website builder that scales with your needs." msgstr "" "Siap membuat situs web atau blog? Mulai dengan paket Gratis dari WordPress." "com, pembuat situs web yang dapat menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda." msgid "Switched %1$s to %2$s" msgstr "Mengganti %1$s menjadi %2$s" msgid "Your %s subscription" msgstr "Langganan %s Anda" msgid "Thank you for supporting publishers on Payments." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah mendukung para penerbit di Pembayaran" msgid "%1$s: %2$s subscription." msgstr "Langganan %1$s: %2$s." msgid "" "You currently have email delivery turned off. Visit your {{a}}Notification " "Settings{{/a}} to turn it back on." msgstr "" "Saat ini pengiriman email Anda dinonaktifkan. Buka {{a}}Pengaturan " "Pemberitahuan{{/a}} untuk mengaktifkannya." msgid "Notification settings" msgstr "Pengaturan pemberitahuan" msgid "" "Create a mobile-friendly site with a click, or choose from a selection of " "responsive themes that look great everywhere." msgstr "" "Buat situs yang mobile-friendly dengan mudah, atau pilih dari koleksi tema " "responsif dengan tampilan menarik." msgid " Blogger" msgstr " Blogger" msgid "" "Please visit <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">our support site</a> for more " "answers." msgstr "" "Silakan kunjungi <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">situs bantuan kami</a> " "untuk informasi lebih lanjut." msgid "Where can I learn more?" msgstr "Di mana saya dapat mempelajari lebih lanjut?" msgid "" "It is possible to import your blog content from a variety of other blogging " "platforms, including Blogger, LiveJournal, Movable Type, Tumblr, Wix, " "Typepad, Xanga, and more. You can also import your content from a self-" "hosted WordPress site." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengimpor konten blog dari berbagai platform blogging, termasuk " "Blogger, LiveJournal, Movable Type, Tumblr, Wix, Typepad, Xanga, dan " "lainnya. Anda juga dapat mengimpor konten dengan mudah dari situs WordPress " "yang Anda kelola sendiri." msgid "" "You can sell individual items on your site using your PayPal account. For " "more opportunities to monetize, upgrade to the <a href=\"%1$s\" target=" "\"_blank\"> Premium plan</a> to sell products and services " "using the Simple Payment button. For more eCommerce features, like an online " "store, consider starting with a <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\">WordPress." "com Business plan</a>." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menjual barang di situs Anda dengan menggunakan akun PayPal. " "Jika Anda ingin situs web Anda \n" "lebih menghasilkan, lakukan upgrade ke <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank" "\">paket Premium</a> untuk menjual barang dan jasa menggunakan " "tombol Simple Payments. Untuk fitur eCommerce lainnya, seperti toko online, " "Anda dapat membeli <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\">paket " "Bisnis</a>." msgid "Will I have to pay for my custom domain?" msgstr "Apakah saya harus membayar untuk membuat domain khusus?" msgid "" "Absolutely. You can change your Site Language, which is the language your " "readers will experience at your site. You can also change the language you " "see while working on your site in the dashboard. The language you write on " "your website is up to you!" msgstr "" "Tentu saja. Anda dapat mengubah bahasa untuk situs Anda, yang dapat terlihat " "langsung oleh para pembaca. Anda juga dapat mengubah bahasa yang digunakan " "untuk bekerja dari dasbor Anda. Pilih bahasa yang terbaik untuk situs web " "Anda!" msgid "Join the platform you’ll never outgrow." msgstr "Bergabunglah dengan platform terbaik" msgid "" "Customize your website even further with Business. Leverage " "the power of countless WordPress plugins, upload your own themes, and " "completely remove branding." msgstr "" "Perkuat situs web Anda dengan paket Bisnis dari Rasakan " "manfaat dari berbagai plugin WordPress, unggah tema Anda, dan hapus branding " "" msgid "" "Upgrade to Premium to take advantage of our WordPress " "templates and themes specifically tailored for business. Customize your look " "with CSS and remove ads." msgstr "" "Pilih paket Premium untuk memperoleh templat dan tema " "WordPress khusus untuk bisnis dari kami. Sesuaikan tampilan situs Anda " "dengan CSS dan hapus iklan" msgid "Own your brand" msgstr "Tampilkan branding Anda" msgid "" "Every site comes with a free subdomain. If you already own a " "domain, or you’d like to register a new one, you can add a custom domain to " "your site starting with a Personal Plan." msgstr "" " dilengkapi dengan subdomain gratis. Jika Anda sudah memiliki " "domain, atau ingin mendaftarkan yang baru, Anda dapat menambahkan domain " "khusus ke situs Anda mulai dengan Paket Personal." msgid "Connect your own domain" msgstr "Hubungkan domain Anda" msgid "" "{{line1}}A free website builder{{/line1}} {{line2}}that scales with your " "needs.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Mulai dengan situs web gratis{{/line1}} {{line2}}lalu sesuaikan " "dengan kebutuhan Anda.{{/line2}}" msgid "No credit card required" msgstr "Tidak perlu kartu kredit" msgid "Supported by community" msgstr "Didukung oleh komunitas" msgid "Hosted for ease and security" msgstr "Dikelola untuk kemudahan dan keamanan" msgid "" "Embed image galleries, presentations, and spreadsheets. With 3 GB of storage " "space, you’ll be able to upload and share them effortlessly with all your " "friends, followers, and potential customers." msgstr "" "Sematkan gambar, presentasi, dan tabel. Dengan ruang penyimpanan 3 GB, Anda " "dapat mengunggah dan berbagi dengan mudah dengan para pembaca, atau pun " "calon pelanggan." msgid "Equipped with storage" msgstr "Dilengkapi ruang penyimpanan" msgid "" "Every single week, thousands of people start their journey with a free " "WordPress website." msgstr "" "Setiap minggu, ribuan orang mewujudkan mimpi mereka dengan situs WordPress " "gratis." msgid "" "{{line1}}A stepping stone to{{/line1}} {{line2}}your powerful website.{{/" "line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Titik awal untuk{{/line1}} {{line2}}situs web yang andal.{{/line2}}" msgid "" "Our Support Team's reputation didn't come from bad service or putting issues " "back on the user." msgstr "" "Tim Dukungan kami punya pamor karena pelayanannya yang memuaskan dan " "dedikasinya dalam menuntaskan masalah pengguna." msgid "5-star support for all" msgstr "Dukungan bintang 5 untuk semua" msgid "" "Every plan includes automated Content Delivery Network so your site loads " "quickly anywhere." msgstr "" "Setiap paket sudah termasuk Jaringan Pendistribusian Konten (CDN) otomatis " "sehingga situs Anda dimuat lebih cepat di mana pun juga." msgid "Global CDN for all" msgstr "CDN Global untuk semua" msgid "" "Every plan is backed by high-speed, 12-server redundant architecture " "powering your site experience." msgstr "" "Setiap paket didukung dengan arsitektur pencadangan 12 server berkecepatan " "tinggi yang menunjang pengalaman situs Anda." msgid "Enterprise architecture For all" msgstr "Arsitektur perusahaan untuk semua" msgid "We make WordPress work best so you can do what you do best." msgstr "" "Kami mengoptimalkan fungsi WordPress agar maksimal menunjang kerja Anda." msgid "Pressable Managed WordPress Hosting" msgstr "Hosting WordPress terkelola dari Pressable" msgid "" "Amplify your Jetpack Premium Experience with 5-Star managed WordPress " "support & access to enterprise architecture for all. <a href=\"#\" class=" "\"host-prtnr-show-details\">Learn more</a>" msgstr "" "Tingkatkan Pengalaman Jetpack Premium Anda dengan dukungan WordPress " "terkelola kualitas terbaik serta akses ke arsitektur perusahaan untuk " "semua. <a href=\"#\" class=\"host-prtnr-show-details\">Baca lebih lanjut</a>" msgid " and Google Docs" msgstr " dan Google Docs" msgid " and Google Photos" msgstr " dan Google Photos" msgid "" "With your Google Photos account linked to your WordPress site, you can " "seamlessly share the pictures you take on your phone, or any device " "connected to your Google Photos account." msgstr "" "Dengan menautkan akun Google Photos ke situs WordPress, Anda dapat " "membagikan gambar dengan mudah dari ponsel, atau perangkat apa pun yang " "terhubung ke akun Google Photos Anda." msgid "" "Access isn’t limited to just your photos. Download images from your shared " "albums and libraries too. Perfect for teams working across multiple devices." msgstr "" "Anda tidak hanya dapat melihat foto Anda saja. Anda juga dapat mengunduh " "gambar dari album dan pustaka lain. Sesuai untuk tim yang bekerja " "menggunakan banyak perangkat." msgid "Access every picture" msgstr "Lihat semua gambar" msgid "" "Google Photos stores more than still images. You can also share videos, " "animations and collages created through the app." msgstr "" "Google Photos tidak hanya menyimpan gambar. Anda juga dapat membagikan " "video, animasi, dan kolase yang dibuat pada aplikasi Google Photos." msgid "More than photos" msgstr "Bukan hanya foto" msgid "" "When you share multiple photos at once from your Google Photos library " "they’ll be copied over to your WordPress library, making it easier for you " "to use throughout the site on other pages and posts." msgstr "" "Saat membagikan foto dari pustaka Google Photos Anda, foto tersebut akan " "tersimpan pada pustaka WordPress, sehingga dapat digunakan untuk halaman dan " "pos pada situs Anda dengan mudah." msgid "Copy to your library" msgstr "Salin ke pustaka foto Anda" msgid "" "Link your Google Photos account to your WordPress site and get access to " "your whole photo library. Pull up your last 10 images, or search your entire " "catalog. It’s a quick and easy way to go from shooting to sharing." msgstr "" "Tautkan akun Google Photos ke situs WordPress Anda dan dapatkan akses ke " "seluruh koleksi foto. Ambil 10 gambar terbaru, atau telusuri seluruh " "katalog. Cara yang mudah dan cepat untuk mengambil foto dan membagikannya." msgid "Share on your site" msgstr "Bagikan di situs Anda" msgid "" "Google Photos is an easy way to store and back up your photos. Get the app " "on your phone, take some photos, and access them later online. No manual " "uploading required." msgstr "" "Google Photos memudahkan Anda menyimpan dan mencadangkan foto. Instal " "aplikasinya di ponsel, ambil foto apa pun, dan lihat hasilnya kapan pun " "secara online. Anda tidak perlu mengunggah foto secara manual." msgid "All of your pictures in the cloud." msgstr "Simpan foto Anda di cloud." msgid "" "They’re worth a thousand words, and with our Google Photos integration, " "they’re even easier to share." msgstr "" "Setiap foto bermakna ribuan kata, dan Google Photos membantu Anda berbagi " "dengan mudah." msgid "Let your pictures tell the story." msgstr "Biarkan foto Anda yang bercerita." msgid "" "Streamline your writing process—collaborate, edit and publish to your " "WordPress site directly through Google Docs." msgstr "" "Sederhanakan proses penulisan. Berkolaborasi, sempurnakan, dan publikasikan " "pada situs WordPress Anda langsung dari Google Docs." msgid "" "With Google Docs’ offline mode you can work on your next post even when " "you’re disconnected, then publish it the next time you’re online." msgstr "" "Dengan mode offline pada Google Docs, Anda dapat menulis pos baru walaupun " "tidak terhubung dengan internet, lalu memublikasikannya saat terhubung " "dengan internet." msgid "Work offline" msgstr "Bekerja secara offline" msgid "" "You can limit the number of site logins you have to create or distribute " "when you work with Google Docs. Save the actual posting for those with admin " "privileges." msgstr "" "Anda dapat membatasi jumlah login yang dibuat atau didistribusikan dengan " "Google Docs. Simpan pos utama yang hanya dapat diakses oleh administrator." msgid "Enhanced security" msgstr "Kemanan terjamin" msgid "" "Ditch the tedium of the copy and paste dance between tabs. With your " "formatting intact, you can publish your posts faster." msgstr "" "Anda tidak perlu menyalin dan menempel setiap paragraf. Dengan format yang " "tidak berubah, Anda dapat memublikasikan pos lebih cepat." msgid "Faster publishing" msgstr "Publikasi lebih cepat" msgid "" "Use the collaborative writing tools of Google Docs to fine tune a post as a " "team, then push it to the website when it’s ready. No more sending docs back " "and forth." msgstr "" "Gunakan perangkat penulisan dari Google Docs untuk menyempurnakan dokumen " "yang dikerjakan dengan berkolaborasi. Anda dapat langsung tampilkan pada " "situs web, tanpa perlu mengirim dokumen berulang kali." msgid "Easier collaboration" msgstr "Kolaborasi lebih mudah" msgid "" "Post directly to your WordPress site with the <a href=\"https://chrome." "" "baibkfjlahbcogbckhjljjenalhamjbp?hl=en\"> for Google Docs " "plugin</a>, or embed documents (and Sheets, Presentations, and more) into " "your blog with the embed code." msgstr "" "Tulis langsung pada situs WordPress Anda dengan <a href=\"https://chrome." "" "baibkfjlahbcogbckhjljjenalhamjbp?hl=en\">plugin untuk Google " "Docs</a>, atau sematkan dokumen (tabel, presentasi, dan lainnya) ke blog " " Anda dengan kode sematan." msgid "Create with more flexibility." msgstr "Anda bebas berkarya." msgid "" "Start writing in Google Docs and immediately post it to WordPress, with your " "formatting intact." msgstr "" "Mulai menulis di Google Docs, dan tampilkan di situs WordPress langsung " "dengan format yang sama." msgid "Write here. Write there. Write anywhere." msgstr "Menulis apa pun, kapan pun dan di mana pun." msgid "" "Our award-winning US-based experts are available to help when you get stuck " "- anytime, day or night." msgstr "" "Tim ahli kami, para peraih penghargaan yang bermarkas di AS, siap membantu " "jika Anda mengalami masalah. Kapan pun, nonstop." msgid "" "Our custom control panel, 1-click WordPress install, and automatic updates " "makes managing your site easy." msgstr "" "Pengelolaan situs Anda jadi mudah dengan panel kontrol kustom, instalasi " "WordPress sekali klik, dan pembaruan otomatis." msgid "" "We get it - your website is a big deal, that's why we are passionate about " "doing things right to ensure your success." msgstr "" "Kami mengerti bahwa situs Anda sangat penting. Jadi, kami bersungguh-sungguh " "demi memastikan keberhasilan Anda." msgid "" "We make sure your WordPress website is fast, secure & always up - guaranteed." msgstr "" "Kami pastikan bahwa situs WordPress Anda cepat, aman, dan selalu aktif. Kami " "jamin." msgid "WordPress hosting by Dreamhost" msgstr "Hosting WordPress dari Dreamhost" msgid "" "Power your purpose with DreamHost WordPress Hosting & Jetpack. <a href=\"#\" " "class=\"host-prtnr-show-details\">Learn more</a>" msgstr "" "Apa pun situs Anda, jalankan dengan Hosting WordPress dari DreamHost & " "Jetpack. <a href=\"#\" class=\"host-prtnr-show-details\">Baca lebih lanjut</" "a>" msgid "" "The credit card you’re using with has expired in <strong>%1$s</" "strong> — before your renewal for %2$s on <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgstr "" "Kartu kredit yang Anda gunakan di telah habis masa berlakunya " "pada <strong>%1$s</strong> — sebelum perpanjangan %2$s Anda pada <strong>" "%3$s</strong>." msgid "" "<strong>Action Required:</strong> The credit card ending with <strong>%1$s</" "strong> expired in <strong>%2$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Tindakan diperlukan:</strong> Kartu kredit berakhiran <strong>%1$s</" "strong> habis masa berlakunya pada <strong>%2$s</strong>." msgid "Expired Credit Card" msgstr "Kartu Kredit Habis Masa Berlakunya" msgid "" "The credit card you’re using with is going to expire in " "<strong>%1$s</strong> — before your renewal for %2$s on <strong>%3$s</" "strong>." msgstr "" "Kartu kredit yang Anda gunakan di akan habis masa berlakunya " "dalam <strong>%1$s</strong> — sebelum perpanjangan %2$s Anda pada <strong>" "%3$s</strong>." msgid "" "<strong>Action Required:</strong> The credit card ending with <strong>%1$s</" "strong> is about to expire in <strong>%2$s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Tindakan diperlukan:</strong> Kartu kredit berakhiran <strong>%1$s</" "strong> akan habis masa berlakunya dalam <strong>%2$s</strong>." msgid "Expiring Credit Card" msgstr "Kartu Kredit Akan Habis Masa Berlakunya" msgid "" "<strong>Action Required:</strong> We can't process the renewal for <strong>" "%s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Tindakan Diperlukan:</strong> Kami tidak dapat memproses " "perpanjangan untuk <strong>%s</strong>." msgid "Add Payment Method" msgstr "Tambahkan Metode Pembayaran" msgid "" "You’ve got <strong>%1$d day</strong> to update your payment details before " "your subscription expires on %2$s." msgid_plural "" "You’ve got <strong>%1$d days</strong> to update your payment details before " "your subscription expires on %2$s." msgstr[0] "" "Anda memiliki waktu <strong>%1$d hari</strong> untuk memperbarui detail " "pembayaran sebelum langganan berakhir pada %2$s." msgstr[1] "" "Anda memiliki waktu <strong>%1$d hari</strong> untuk memperbarui detail " "pembayaran sebelum langganan berakhir pada %2$s." msgid "Renewal Failed" msgstr "Perpanjangan Gagal" msgid "" "Your <strong>%1$d purchase</strong> for %2$s is set to renew " "on <strong>%3$s</strong>, but without any payment details from you, we can’t " "process the renewal and your subscription will lapse." msgid_plural "" "Your %1$d purchases for %2$s are set to renew on %3$s, but " "without any payment details from you, we can’t process the renewal and your " "subscriptions will lapse." msgstr[0] "" "<strong>Pembelian %1$d</strong> Anda untuk %2$s akan " "diperpanjang pada <strong>%3$s</strong>, tetapi tanpa detail pembayaran dari " "Anda, kami tidak dapat memproses perpanjangan dan langganan Anda akan " "berakhir." msgstr[1] "" "Pembelian %1$d Anda untuk %2$s akan diperpanjang pada %3$s, " "tetapi tanpa detail pembayaran dari Anda, kami tidak dapat memproses " "perpanjangan dan langganan Anda akan berakhir." msgid "" "Your <strong>%1$s upgrade</strong> for %2$s is set to renew on <strong>%3$s</" "strong>, but without any payment details from you, we can’t process the " "renewal and your subscription will lapse." msgstr "" "<strong>Upgrade %1$s</strong> Anda untuk %2$s akan diperpanjang pada <strong>" "%3$s</strong>, tetapi tanpa detail pembayaran dari Anda, kami tidak dapat " "memproses perpanjangan dan langganan Anda akan berakhir." msgid "" "Your <strong>G Suite accounts</strong> are set to renew on <strong>%s</" "strong>, but without any payment details from you, we can’t process the " "renewal and your subscriptions will lapse." msgstr "" "<strong>Akun G Suite</strong> Anda akan diperpanjang pada <strong>%s</" "strong>, tetapi tanpa detail pembayaran dari Anda, kami tidak dapat " "memproses perpanjangan dan langganan Anda akan berakhir." msgid "" "Your <strong>%1$d G Suite license</strong> for <strong>%2$s</strong> is set " "to renew on <strong>%3$s</strong>, but without any payment details from you, " "we can’t process the renewal and your subscription will lapse." msgid_plural "" "Your <strong>%1$d G Suite licenses</strong> for <strong>%2$s</strong> are " "set to renew on <strong>%3$s</strong>, but without any payment details from " "you, we can’t process the renewal and your subscriptions will lapse." msgstr[0] "" "<strong>Lisensi G Suite %1$d</strong> Anda untuk <strong>%2$s</strong> akan " "diperpanjang pada <strong>%3$s</strong>, tetapi tanpa detail pembayaran dari " "Anda, kami tidak dapat memproses perpanjangan dan langganan Anda akan " "berakhir." msgstr[1] "" "<strong>Lisensi G Suite %1$d</strong> Anda untuk <strong>%2$s</strong> akan " "diperpanjang pada <strong>%3$s</strong>, tetapi tanpa detail pembayaran dari " "Anda, kami tidak dapat memproses perpanjangan dan langganan Anda akan " "berakhir." msgid "" "The <strong>G Suite license</strong> for <strong>%1$s</strong> is set to " "renew on <strong>%2$s</strong>, but without any payment details from you, we " "can’t process the renewal and your subscription will lapse." msgstr "" "<strong>Lisensi G Suite</strong> Anda untuk <strong>%1$s</strong> akan " "diperpanjang pada <strong>%2$s</strong>, tetapi tanpa detail pembayaran dari " "Anda, kami tidak dapat memproses perpanjangan dan langganan Anda akan " "berakhir." msgid "" "The <strong>domain mapping</strong> subscriptions for %1$s are set to renew " "on <strong>%2$s</strong>, but without any payment details from you, we can’t " "process the renewal and your subscriptions will lapse." msgstr "" "Langganan <strong>pemetaan domain</strong> untuk %1$s akan diperpanjang pada " "<strong>%2$s</strong>, tetapi tanpa detail pembayaran dari Anda, kami tidak " "dapat memproses perpanjangan dan langganan Anda akan berakhir." msgid "" "The <strong>domain mapping</strong> for <strong>%1$s</strong> is set to " "renew on <strong>%2$s</strong>, but without any payment details from you, we " "can’t process the renewal and your subscription will lapse." msgstr "" "<strong>Pemetaan domain</strong> untuk <strong>%1$s</strong> akan " "diperpanjang pada <strong>%2$s</strong>, tetapi tanpa detail pembayaran dari " "Anda, kami tidak dapat memproses perpanjangan dan langganan Anda akan " "berakhir." msgid "" "The <strong>domain registrations</strong> for %1$s are set to renew on " "<strong>%2$s</strong>, but without any payment details from you, we can’t " "process the renewal and your subscriptions will lapse." msgstr "" "<strong>Registrasi domain</strong> untuk %1$s akan diperpanjang pada <strong>" "%2$s</strong>, tetapi tanpa detail pembayaran dari Anda, kami tidak dapat " "memproses perpanjangan dan langganan Anda akan berakhir." msgid "" "The <strong>domain registration</strong> for %1$s is set to renew on <strong>" "%2$s</strong>, but without any payment details from you, we can’t process " "the renewal and your subscription will lapse." msgstr "" "<strong>Registrasi domain</strong> untuk %1$s akan diperpanjang pada <strong>" "%2$s</strong>, tetapi tanpa detail pembayaran dari Anda, kami tidak dapat " "memproses perpanjangan dan langganan Anda akan berakhir." msgid "" "Your <strong>%1$s plan</strong> for %2$s is set to renew on <strong>%3$s</" "strong>, but without any payment details from you, we can’t process the " "renewal and your subscription will lapse." msgstr "" "<strong>Paket %1$s</strong> Anda untuk %2$s akan diperpanjang pada <strong>" "%3$s</strong>, tetapi tanpa detail pembayaran dari Anda, kami tidak dapat " "memproses perpanjangan dan langganan Anda akan berakhir." msgid "" "Your <strong>%1$s plan</strong> and <strong>custom domain</strong> for %2$s " "are set to renew on <strong>%3$s</strong>, but without any payment details " "from you, we can’t process the renewal and your subscriptions will lapse." msgstr "" "<strong>Paket %1$s</strong> dan <strong>domain khusus</strong> Anda untuk " "%2$s akan diperpanjang pada <strong>%3$s</strong>, tetapi tanpa detail " "pembayaran dari Anda, kami tidak dapat memproses perpanjangan dan langganan " "Anda akan berakhir." msgid "" "Your <strong>Jetpack upgrades</strong> for %1$s are set to renew on <strong>" "%2$s</strong>, but without any payment details from you, we can’t process " "the renewal and your subscriptions will lapse." msgstr "" "<strong>Upgrade Jetpack</strong> Anda untuk %1$s akan diperpanjang pada " "<strong>%2$s</strong>, tetapi tanpa detail pembayaran dari Anda, kami tidak " "dapat memproses perpanjangan dan langganan Anda akan berakhir." msgid "" "The renewal for your <strong>%1$d purchase</strong> for %2$s " "didn’t go through, probably because the credit card we have on file is " "expired." msgid_plural "" "The renewal for your <strong>%1$d purchases</strong> for %2$s " "didn’t go through, probably because the credit card we have on file is " "expired." msgstr[0] "" "Perpanjangan <strong>%1$d pembelian</strong> Anda untuk %2$s " "tidak berhasil, mungkin karena kartu kredit yang tercatat di data kami telah " "habis masa berlakunya." msgstr[1] "" "Perpanjangan <strong>pembelian %1$d</strong> Anda untuk %2$s " "tidak berhasil, mungkin karena kartu kredit yang tercatat di data kami telah " "habis masa berlakunya." msgid "" "The renewal for your <strong>%1$s upgrade</strong> for %2$s didn’t go " "through, probably because the credit card we have on file is expired." msgstr "" "Perpanjangan <strong>upgrade %1$s</strong> Anda untuk %2$s tidak berhasil, " "mungkin karena kartu kredit yang tercatat di data kami telah habis masa " "berlakunya." msgid "" "The renewal for your <strong>G Suite accounts</strong> didn’t go through, " "probably because the credit card we have on file is expired." msgstr "" "Perpanjangan <strong>akun G Suite</strong> Anda tidak berhasil, mungkin " "karena kartu kredit yang tercatat di data kami telah habis masa berlakunya." msgid "" "The renewal for your <strong>%1$d G Suite license</strong> for <strong>%2$s</" "strong> didn’t go through, probably because the credit card we have on file " "is expired." msgid_plural "" "The renewal for your <strong>%1$d G Suite licenses</strong> for <strong>" "%2$s</strong> didn’t go through, probably because the credit card we have on " "file is expired." msgstr[0] "" "Perpanjangan <strong> lisensi G Suite %1$d</strong> Anda untuk <strong>%2$s</" "strong> tidak berhasil, mungkin karena kartu kredit yang tercatat di data " "kami telah habis masa berlakunya." msgstr[1] "" "Perpanjangan <strong>lisensi G Suite %1$d</strong> Anda untuk <strong>%2$s</" "strong> tidak berhasil, mungkin karena kartu kredit yang tercatat di data " "kami telah habis masa berlakunya." msgid "" "The renewal for the <strong>G Suite license</strong> for <strong>%s</strong> " "didn’t go through, probably because the credit card we have on file is " "expired." msgstr "" "Perpanjangan <strong>lisensi G Suite</strong> Anda untuk <strong>%s</strong> " "tidak berhasil, mungkin karena kartu kredit yang tercatat di data kami telah " "habis masa berlakunya." msgid "" "The renewal for the <strong>domain mapping</strong> subscriptions for %s " "didn’t go through, probably because the credit card we have on file is " "expired." msgstr "" "Perpanjangan langganan <strong>pemetaan domain</strong> Anda untuk %s tidak " "berhasil, mungkin karena kartu kredit yang tercatat di data kami telah habis " "masa berlakunya." msgid "" "The renewal for the <strong>domain mapping</strong> for <strong>%s</strong> " "didn’t go through, probably because the credit card we have on file is " "expired." msgstr "" "Perpanjangan <strong>pemetaan domain</strong> untuk <strong>%s</strong> " "tidak berhasil, mungkin karena kartu kredit yang tercatat di data kami telah " "habis masa berlakunya." msgid "" "The renewal for the <strong>domain registrations</strong> for %s didn’t go " "through, probably because the credit card we have on file is expired." msgstr "" "Perpanjangan <strong>registrasi domain</strong> untuk %s tidak berhasil, " "mungkin karena kartu kredit yang tercatat di data kami telah habis masa " "berlakunya." msgid "" "The renewal for the <strong>domain registration</strong> for <strong>%s</" "strong> didn’t go through, probably because the credit card we have on file " "is expired." msgstr "" "Perpanjangan <strong>registrasi domain</strong> untuk <strong>%s</strong> " "tidak berhasil, mungkin karena kartu kredit yang tercatat di data kami telah " "habis masa berlakunya." msgid "" "The renewal for your <strong>%1$s plan</strong> for %2$s didn’t go through, " "probably because the credit card we have on file is expired." msgstr "" "Perpanjangan <strong>paket %1$s</strong> Anda untuk %2$s tidak berhasil, " "mungkin karena kartu kredit yang tercatat di data kami telah habis masa " "berlakunya." msgid "" "The renewal for your <strong>%1$s plan</strong> and <strong>custom domain</" "strong> for %2$s didn’t go through, probably because the credit card we have " "on file is expired." msgstr "" "Perpanjangan <strong>paket %1$s</strong> dan <strong>domain khusus</strong> " "Anda untuk %2$s tidak berhasil, mungkin kartu kredit yang terdaftar di data " "kami telah habis masa berlakunya." msgid "" "The renewal for your <strong>Jetpack upgrades</strong> for %s didn’t go " "through, probably because the credit card we have on file is expired." msgstr "" "Perpanjangan <strong>upgrade Jetpack</strong> Anda untuk %s tidak berhasil, " "mungkin karena kartu kredit yang tercatat di data kami telah habis masa " "berlakunya." msgid "" "<strong>Act now!</strong> Your <strong>%1$d purchase</strong> " "failed to renew" msgid_plural "" "<strong>Act now!</strong> Your <strong>%1$d purchases</strong> " "failed to renew" msgstr[0] "" "<strong>Ambil tindakan sekarang!</strong> <strong>%1$d pembelian WordPress." "com</strong> Anda gagal diperpanjang" msgstr[1] "" "<strong>Ambil tindakan sekarang!</strong> <strong>%1$d pembelian WordPress." "com</strong> Anda gagal diperpanjang" msgid "" "<strong>Act now!</strong> Your <strong>%1$s purchase</strong> failed to renew" msgstr "" "<strong>Ambil tindakan sekarang!</strong> <strong>%1$s pembelian</strong> " "Anda gagal diperpanjang" msgid "" "<strong>Act now!</strong> Your <strong> G Suite accounts</" "strong> failed to renew" msgstr "" "<strong>Ambil tindakan sekarang!</strong> <strong>Akun G Suite WordPress." "com</strong> Anda gagal diperpanjang" msgid "" "<strong>Act now!</strong> Your <strong> domain mapping</strong> " "subscriptions failed to renew" msgstr "" "<strong>Ambil tindakan sekarang!</strong> Langganan <strong>pemetaan domain " "</strong> Anda gagal diperpanjang" msgid "" "<strong>Act now!</strong> Your <strong> domain mapping</strong> " "subscription failed to renew" msgstr "" "<strong>Ambil tindakan sekarang!</strong> Langganan <strong>pemetaan domain " "</strong> Anda gagal diperpanjang" msgid "" "<strong>Act now!</strong> Your <strong> G Suite account</" "strong> failed to renew" msgstr "" "<strong>Ambil tindakan sekarang!</strong> <strong>Akun G Suite WordPress." "com</strong> Anda gagal diperpanjang" msgid "" "<strong>Act now!</strong> Your <strong> plan</strong> failed to " "renew" msgstr "" "<strong>Ambil tindakan sekarang!</strong> <strong>Paket</" "strong> Anda gagal diperpanjang" msgid "" "<strong>Act now!</strong> Your <strong>Jetpack upgrades</strong> failed to " "renew" msgstr "" "<strong>Ambil tindakan sekarang!</strong> <strong>Upgrade Jetpack</strong> " "Anda gagal diperpanjang" msgid "" "<strong>Act now!</strong> Your <strong>%1$s upgrade</strong> failed to renew" msgstr "" "<strong>Ambil tindakan sekarang!</strong> <strong>%1$s upgrade</strong> Anda " "gagal diperpanjang" msgid "Jetpack Search" msgstr "Jetpack Search" msgid "Updating settings…" msgstr "Memperbarui pengaturan…" msgid "Your fastfood restaurant deserves a website" msgstr "Restoran cepat saji Anda layak memiliki sebuah situs web" msgid "Start building for free" msgstr "Mulai membuat secara gratis" msgid "Browse themes built for websites like yours" msgstr "Telusuri tema yang dibuat untuk situs web seperti milik Anda" msgid "Build your next website" msgstr "Buat situs web Anda berikutnya" msgid "Thanks for testing Gutenberg!" msgstr "Terima kasih telah mencoba Gutenberg!" msgid "Help build Gutenberg" msgstr "Bantu tingkatkan Gutenberg" msgid "" "If you want to learn more about how to build additional blocks, or if you " "are interested in helping with the project, head over to the <a href=\"%s" "\">GitHub repository</a>." msgstr "" "Jika Anda ingin mempelajari lebih lanjut mengenai cara membuat blok " "tambahan, atau jika Anda tertarik membantu dalam proyek terkait, buka <a " "href=\"%s\">repositori GitHub</a>." msgid "The WordPress community" msgstr "Komunitas WordPress" msgid "" "You can build any block you like, static or dynamic, decorative or plain. " "Here’s a pullquote block:" msgstr "" "Blok dapat dibuat sesuka Anda, statis atau dinamis, dekoratif atau polos. " "Berikut adalah blok pullquote:" msgid "" "Any block can opt into these alignments. The embed block has them also, and " "is responsive out of the box:" msgstr "" "Semua blok dapat diatur perataannya. Blok sematan juga dapat diatur, dan " "sangat responsif:" msgid "" "The above is a gallery with just two images. It’s an easier way to " "create visually appealing layouts, without having to deal with floats. You " "can also easily convert the gallery back to individual images again, by " "using the block switcher." msgstr "" "Tampilan di atas adalah galeri dengan hanya dua gambar. Cara tersebut lebih " "mudah untuk membuat tampilan tata letak yang menarik dengan mudah. Anda juga " "dapat mengembalikan galeri ke satu gambar dengan menggunakan pengalih blok." msgid "" "Sure, the full-wide image can be pretty big. But sometimes the image is " "worth it." msgstr "" "Tentu, gambar dengan lebar penuh akan sangat besar. Namun terkadang efeknya " "sangat dibutuhkan." msgid "" "Accessibility is important — don’t forget image alt attribute" msgstr "" "Aksesibilitas merupakan hal yang penting — jangan lupa atribut alt " "gambar" msgid "" "If you combine the new <strong>wide</strong> and <strong>full-wide</strong> " "alignments with galleries, you can create a very media rich layout, very " "quickly:" msgstr "" "Jika mengombinasikan perataan <strong>lebar</strong> dan <strong>lebar " "penuh</strong> baru dengan galeri, Anda dapat membuat tata letak media yang " "sangat kaya dengan sangat cepat:" msgid "Media Rich" msgstr "Media Rich" msgid "" "You can change the amount of columns in your galleries by dragging a slider " "in the block inspector in the sidebar." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengubah jumlah kolom dalam galeri dengan menarik slider pada " "pemeriksa blok di sidebar." msgid "" "Blocks can be anything you need. For instance, you may want to add a subdued " "quote as part of the composition of your text, or you may prefer to display " "a giant stylized one. All of these options are available in the inserter." msgstr "" "Blok dapat mengakomodasi segala kebutuhan Anda. Misalnya, Anda ingin " "menambahkan kutipan kecil terpisah dalam komposisi teks, atau Anda memilih " "untuk menampilkannya dengan ukuran sangat besar. Semua pilihan tersebut " "tersedia dalam penyisip." msgid "" "The information corresponding to the source of the quote is a separate text " "field, similar to captions under images, so the structure of the quote is " "protected even if you select, modify, or remove the source. It’s " "always easy to add it back." msgstr "" "Informasi terkait sumber kutipan merupakan ruas teks terpisah, serupa dengan " "keterangan di bawah gambar, sehingga struktur kutipan tetap terlindungi " "meskipun Anda memilih, mengubah, atau menghapus sumber. Anda juga dapat " "dengan mudah menambahkannya." msgid "Matt Mullenweg, 2017" msgstr "Matt Mullenweg, 2017" msgid "" "The editor will endeavor to create a new page and post building experience " "that makes writing rich posts effortless, and has “blocks” to make it easy " "what today might take shortcodes, custom HTML, or “mystery meat” embed " "discovery." msgstr "" "Editor akan berusaha untuk menciptakan pengalaman membuat halaman dan " "artikel baru yang kaya menjadi lebih mudah. Dan \"blok\" memudahkan " "penelusuran kode singkat, HTML khusus, atau sematan \"komponen misterius\"." msgid "" "A huge benefit of blocks is that you can edit them in place and manipulate " "your content directly. Instead of having fields for editing things like the " "source of a quote, or the text of a button, you can directly change the " "content. Try editing the following quote:" msgstr "" "Manfaat utama blok adalah Anda dapat langsung menyunting dan mengubah " "konten. Anda tidak perlu menggunakan kolom untuk menyunting sumber kutipan, " "atau teks tombol, karena Anda dapat langsung mengubah kontennya. Silakan " "coba sunting kutipan berikut:" msgid "Visual Editing" msgstr "Penyuntingan Visual" msgid "And <em>Lists</em> like this one of course :)" msgstr "Dan tentunya seperti<em>Daftar</em> berikut :)" msgid "Layout blocks, like Buttons, Hero Images, Separators, etc." msgstr "Blok Tata Letak, seperti Tombol, Gambar Hero, Pemisah, dll." msgid "Embeds, like YouTube, Tweets, or other WordPress posts." msgstr "Sematan, seperti YouTube, Twit, atau artikel WordPress lain." msgid "Images & Videos" msgstr "Gambar & Video" msgid "Text & Headings" msgstr "Teks & Judul" msgid "" "Go give it a try, you may discover things WordPress can already add into " "your posts that you didn’t know about. Here’s a short list of " "what you can currently find there:" msgstr "" "Silakan mencoba, Anda mungkin menemukan banyak hal baru yang dapat dilakukan " "WordPress untuk memperkaya artikal Anda. Berikut daftar singkat yang dapat " "Anda temukan saat ini:" msgid "" "Imagine everything that WordPress can do is available to you quickly and in " "the same place on the interface. No need to figure out HTML tags, classes, " "or remember complicated shortcode syntax. That’s the spirit behind the " "inserter—the <code>(+)</code> button you’ll see around the editor—" "which allows you to browse all available content blocks and add them into " "your post. Plugins and themes are able to register their own, opening up all " "sort of possibilities for rich editing and publishing." msgstr "" "Bayangkan semua yang dapat dilakukan WordPress tersedia untuk Anda dengan " "cepat, dari satu tempat di antarmuka. Tidak perlu memikirkan tag dan kelas " "HTML, maupun mengingat sintaks kode singkat yang rumit. Inilah fungsi " "penyisip—tombol<code>(+)</code> yang akan sering Anda lihat dalam editor—" "yang mempermudah Anda menelusuri semua blok konten yang tersedia dan " "menambahkannya ke dalam artikel. Plugin dan tema dapat terdaftar secara " "mandiri, menawarkan semua kemungkinan penyuntingan dan penerbitan yang kaya." msgid "The <em>Inserter</em> Tool" msgstr "Alat <em>Penyisip</em>" msgid "" "Try selecting and removing or editing the caption, now you don’t have " "to be careful about selecting the image or other text by mistake and ruining " "the presentation." msgstr "" "Coba pilih lalu hapus atau sunting keterangan, Anda tidak perlu khawatir " "salah membuat pilihan gambar atau teks lain yang dapat merusak presentasi." msgid "" "If your theme supports it, you’ll see the \"wide\" button on the image " "toolbar. Give it a try." msgstr "" "Jika tema Anda mendukung, Anda dapat melihat tombol \"lebar\" pada toolbar " "gambar. Silakan mencoba." msgid "" "Handling images and media with the utmost care is a primary focus of the new " "editor. Hopefully, you’ll find aspects of adding captions or going " "full-width with your pictures much easier and robust than before." msgstr "" "Penanganan gambar dan media dengan sangat hati-hati merupakan fokus utama " "editor baru. Semoga penambahan keterangan atau melebarkan gambar secara " "penuh menjqdi jauh lebih mudah dan cepat dari sebelumnya." msgid "A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words" msgstr "Satu Gambar Mampu Mengungkap Seribu Kata" msgid "" "Headings are separate blocks as well, which helps with the outline and " "organization of your content." msgstr "" "Judul merupakan blok terpisah, yang membantu menata dan mengatur konten Anda." msgid "... like this one, which is right aligned." msgstr "... seperti berikut ini, rata kanan." msgid "" "What you are reading now is a <strong>text block</strong> the most basic " "block of all. The text block has its own controls to be moved freely around " "the post..." msgstr "" "Saat ini Anda membaca <strong>blok teks</strong>, blok paling dasar. Blok " "teks memiliki kontrol tersendiri yang dapat dipindahkan dengan bebas di " "seputar artikel..." msgid "" "The goal of this new editor is to make adding rich content to WordPress " "simple and enjoyable. This whole post is composed of <em>pieces of content</" "em>—somewhat similar to LEGO bricks—that you can move around and interact " "with. Move your cursor around and you’ll notice the different blocks " "light up with outlines and arrows. Press the arrows to reposition blocks " "quickly, without fearing about losing things in the process of copying and " "pasting." msgstr "" "Tujuan editor baru adalah membuat penambahan konten yang kaya ke WordPress " "menjadi sederhana dan menyenangkan. Seluruh artikel terdiri atas " "<em>potongan konten</em>—seperti halnya LEGO—yang dapat dipindahkan dan " "dimainkan sesuka Anda. Gerakkan kursor dan Anda akan melihat beberapa blok " "dengan garis luar dan tanda panah yang lebih terang. Tekan tanda panah untuk " "mengatur posisi blok dengan cepat, tanpa khawatir konten akan terhapus saat " "melakukan proses salin-tempel." msgid "Of Mountains & Printing Presses" msgstr "Tentang Pegunungan dan Mesin Cetak" msgid "No comments to show." msgstr "Tidak ada komentar untuk ditampilkan." msgid "Continue to Classic Editor" msgstr "Lanjutkan ke Editor Klasik" msgid "" "Because this post does not have revisions, you will not be able to revert " "any changes you make in the Classic Editor." msgstr "" "Karena pos berikut tidak memiliki revisi, Anda tidak dapat mengembalikan " "perubahan apa pun yang Anda buat di Editor Klasik." msgid "Welcome to the Gutenberg Editor" msgstr "Selamat Datang di Editor Gutenberg" msgid "Invalid type parameter." msgstr "Jenis parameter tidak sah." msgid "Limit results to items of one or more object subtypes." msgstr "Batasi hasil dari satu atau lebih subtipe objek." msgid "Limit results to items of an object type." msgstr "Batasi hasil dari sebuah tipe objek." msgid "Object subtype." msgstr "Subtipe objek." msgid "Internal search handler error." msgstr "Eror handler pencarian internal." msgid "REST search handlers must extend the %s class." msgstr "Handler pencari REST harus memperluas kelas %s." msgid "XL" msgstr "XL" msgid "S" msgstr "S" msgid "" "Tags help users and search engines navigate your site and find your content. " "Add a few keywords to describe your post." msgstr "" "Tag membantu pengguna dan mesin pencarian menavigasi situs dan menemukan " "konten Anda. Tambahkan beberapa kata kunci untuk mendeskripsikan pos Anda." msgid "Apply the \"%1$s\" format." msgstr "Terapkan format \"%1$s\"." msgid "" "Your theme uses post formats to highlight different kinds of content, like " "images or videos. Apply a post format to see this special styling." msgstr "" "Tema Anda menggunakan format pos untuk menyoroti beragam konten, seperti " "gambar atau video. Terapkan format pos untuk melihat gaya khusus ini." msgid "Use a post format" msgstr "Gunakan format pos" msgid "Move %1$d blocks from position %2$d right by one place" msgstr "Geser %1$d blok satu tingkat ke kanan dari posisi %2$d" msgid "Move %1$d blocks from position %2$d up by one place" msgstr "Geser %1$d blok satu tingkat ke atas dari posisi %2$d" msgid "Move %1$s block from position %2$d up to position %3$d" msgstr "Pindahkan blok %1$s ke atas dari posisi %2$d ke posisi %3$d" msgid "Move %1$s block from position %2$d right to position %3$d" msgstr "Geser blok %1$s ke kanan dari posisi %2$d ke posisi %3$d" msgid "Keep as HTML" msgstr "Pertahankan sebagai HTML" msgid "Reusable blocks" msgstr "Blok Pakai Ulang" msgid "movie" msgstr "film" msgid "Muted" msgstr "Suara Dimatikan" msgid "Number of comments" msgstr "Jumlah Komentar" msgid "Display avatar" msgstr "Tampilkan Avatar" msgid "Edit URL" msgstr "Sunting URL" msgid "The response is not a valid JSON response." msgstr "The response is not a valid JSON response." msgid "Editor publish" msgstr "Publikasikan editor" msgid "Insert a new block before the selected block(s)." msgstr "Masukkan blok baru sebelum blok terpilih." msgid "Move the selected block(s) up." msgstr "Geser blok yang dipilih ke atas." msgid "Duplicate the selected block(s)." msgstr "Duplikasi blok terpilih." msgid "Block shortcuts" msgstr "Pintasan blok" msgid "Select all text when typing. Press again to select all blocks." msgstr "Pilih semua teks saat mengetik. Tekan lagi untuk memilih semua blok." msgid "Selection shortcuts" msgstr "Pintasan pilihan" msgid "Switch between visual editor and code editor." msgstr "Peralihan antara Editor Visual dan Editor Kode." msgid "Navigate to the previous part of the editor." msgstr "Arahkan ke bagian sebelumnya dari editor." msgid "Navigate to the next part of the editor." msgstr "Arahkan ke bagian sesudahnya dari editor." msgid "Show or hide the Settings sidebar." msgstr "Tampilkan atau sembunyikan bilah sisi pengaturan." msgid "Redo your last undo." msgstr "Batalkan undo terakhir." msgid "Undo your last changes." msgstr "Batalkan perubahan terakhir." msgid "Global shortcuts" msgstr "Pintasan umum" msgid "Remove a link." msgstr "Hilangkan tautan." msgid "Convert the selected text into a link." msgstr "Konversikan teks terpilih ke tautan." msgid "Underline the selected text." msgstr "Garis bawahi teks terpilih." msgid "Make the selected text italic." msgstr "Jadikan teks terpilih miring." msgid "Make the selected text bold." msgstr "Jadikan teks terpilih tebal." msgid "Text formatting" msgstr "Pengaturan format teks" msgid "Insert a new block after the selected block(s)." msgstr "Masukkan blok baru setelah blok terpilih." msgid "Editor top bar" msgstr "Bilah atas editor" msgid "%1$s uploaded to %2$s" msgstr "%1$s diunggah ke %2$s" msgid "You're logged in as %(email)s." msgstr "Anda sudah login sebagai %(email)s." msgid "Site icon changed" msgstr "Ikon situs diganti" msgid "Log in to update your payment details and renew your subscription" msgstr "" "Login untuk memperbarui detail pembayaran dan memperpanjang langganan Anda." msgid "Custom ads.txt entries added" msgstr "Entri ads.txt khusus ditambahkan" msgid "Custom ads.txt entries cleared" msgstr "Entri ads.txt khusus dikosongkan" msgid "Custom ads.txt entries updated" msgstr "Entri ads.txt khusus diperbarui" msgid "" "You can transfer your domain's registration to and renew your " "domain and site from the same place. {{a}}Learn more about domain " "transfers{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mentransfer registrasi domain ke serta memperbarui " "domain dan situs dari tempat yang sama. {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang " "transfer domain{{/a}}." msgid "" "We'll add your domain and help you change its settings so it points to your " "site. Keep your domain renewed with your current provider. (They'll remind " "you when it's time.) {{a}}Learn more about mapping a domain{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Kami akan menambahkan domain dan membantu mengubah pengaturan agar domain " "mengarah ke situs Anda. Pastikan domain terus diperbarui dengan penyedia " "Anda saat ini. (Mereka akan mengingatkan Anda jika sudah waktunya " "diperbarui.) {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang domain mapping{{/a}}" msgid "Invalid Video GUID!" msgstr "GUID Video tidak valid!" msgid "User email" msgstr "Email pengguna" msgid "Term name." msgstr "Nama term." msgid "Unique identifier for the post." msgstr "Pengidentifikasi unik untuk pos." msgid "File name." msgstr "Nama file." msgid "Project Name" msgstr "Nama Proyek" msgid "A unique identifier for the setting." msgstr "Pengenal unik untuk pengaturan." msgid "Starting at $1.00 / mo" msgstr "Mulai dari $1,00/bulan" msgid "" "Help is always here for you from in-house WordPress experts available around " "the clock." msgstr "" "Para pakar WordPress internal kami selalu siap membantu Anda setiap saat." msgid "24/7 WordPress Support" msgstr "Dukungan WordPress 24 Jam" msgid "" "Enjoy a worry-free WordPress with automatic updates, security patching, and " "hack protection." msgstr "" "Nikmati WordPress dengan santai bersama pembaruan otomatis, patch keamanan, " "dan perlindungan dari peretasan." msgid "Managed Security and Updates" msgstr "Keamanan dan Pembaruan Terkelola" msgid "" "Fine-tuned for blazing fast WordPress websites with server-level caching, " "NIGINX and more." msgstr "" "Disempurnakan untuk situs WordPress secepat kilat dengan penyimpanan cache " "tingkat server, NIGINX, dan masih banyak lagi." msgid "Optimized Performance" msgstr "Performa Optimal" msgid "" "Scalable managed WordPress Hosting fine-tuned for unbeatable performance and " "reliability." msgstr "" "Hosting WordPress terkelola dengan kemampuan penambahan skala dan " "disempurnakan untuk performa dan keandalan tanpa tanding." msgid "InMotion Hosting" msgstr "Hosting InMotion" msgid "" "Reliable WordPress optimized hosting that includes Jetpack Personal or " "Jetpack Professional. <a href=\"#\" class=\"host-prtnr-show-details\">Learn " "more</a>" msgstr "" "Hosting WordPress yang andal dan optimal, sudah termasuk Jetpack Personal " "atau Jetpack Professional. <a href=\"#\" class=\"host-prtnr-show-details" "\">Baca lebih lanjut</a>" msgid "InMotion Hosting is based out of The United States of America" msgstr "" "Hosting InMotion bermarkas di Amerika Serikat dan beroperasi di berbagai " "lokasi" msgid "" "Automatic daily backup, malware scanning & patching included top up with " "FREE SSL Certificate." msgstr "" "Sudah mencakup pencadangan harian otomatis, pemindaian malware, patch, plus " "Sertifikat SSL GRATIS." msgid "Enhanced Security & Backup Protection" msgstr "Peningkatan Keamanan & Perlindungan Pencadangan" msgid "" "Run your WordPress with blazing fast loading speed with the latest " "technology of PHP 7.x, HTTP/2, NGINX & caching." msgstr "" "Muat WordPress Anda secepat kilat menggunakan teknologi terbaru PHP 7.x, " "HTTP/2, NGINX, dan penyimpanan cache." msgid "Performance Optimized Environment" msgstr "Lingkungan Optimal untuk Performa Lebih" msgid "" "Manage your WordPress effortlessly with 1-Click Security Hardening & Debug " "Management." msgstr "" "Kelola WordPress Anda tanpa repot dengan Peningkatan Keamanan & Pengelolaan " "Debug Sekali Klik." msgid "Powerful WordPress Toolkit" msgstr "Toolkit WordPress yang Andal" msgid "" "Build, Secure & Run a professional WordPress website with the Managed " "WordPress Hosting by WPWebHost." msgstr "" "Buat, amankan, dan jalankan situs WordPress profesional dengan Hosting " "WordPress Terkelola dari WPWebHost." msgid "Managed WordPress Hosting by WPWebHost" msgstr "Hosting WordPress Terkelola dari WPWebHost" msgid "" "Supercharge your WordPress website with the all-in-one toolkit powered by " "Jetpack Personal & Professional. <a href=\"#\" class=\"host-prtnr-show-" "details\">Learn more</a>" msgstr "" "Tingkatkan keandalan situs WordPress Anda dengan toolkit lengkap yang " "didukung oleh Jetpack Personal & Professional. <a href=\"#\" class=\"host-" "prtnr-show-details\">Baca lebih lanjut</a>" msgid "24/7/365 Guru Crew Support offered on ultra-reliable servers." msgstr "" "Dukungan Kru Ahli 24 jam setiap hari sepanjang tahun dan server superandal." msgid "Expert WordPress Management" msgstr "Pengelolaan WordPress Tingkat Ahli" msgid "Featuring fine tuned servers, free SSL & free Jetpack license!" msgstr "" "Dengan server yang disempurnakan, SSL gratis, dan lisensi Jetpack gratis!" msgid "Optimized WordPress Environment" msgstr "Lingkungan WordPress yang Optimal" msgid "" "Featuring up to 20X faster page loads compared to competing WordPress " "Hosting providers." msgstr "" "Mmeuat halaman 20 kali lebih cepat ketimbang penyedia hosting WordPress " "lainnya." msgid "20X Faster Turbo Servers" msgstr "Server Turbo 20X Lebih Cepat" msgid "High Performance Managed WordPress Hosting." msgstr "Hosting WordPress Terkelola dengan Performa Tinggi" msgid "" "High-powered managed WordPress hosting featuring a free Jetpack " "subscription. <a href=\"#\" class=\"host-prtnr-show-details\">Learn more</a>" msgstr "" "Hosting WordPress Terkelola bertenaga tinggi dengan langganan Jetpack " "gratis. <a href=\"#\" class=\"host-prtnr-show-details\">Baca lebih lanjut</a>" msgid "" "Day or night, our dedicated team of WordPress professionals are on hand to " "help whenever you need them." msgstr "Tim profesional WordPress siap membantu Anda kapan saja." msgid "" "Latest-generation Xeon Processors, enterprise-class SSDs, Cloudflare CDN, " "Railgun, LiteSpeed Caching, PHP7, HTTP/2." msgstr "" "Prosesor Xeon generasi terbaru, SSD kelas enterprise, CDN Cloudflare, " "Railgun, Penyimpanan Cache LiteSpeed, PHP7, HTTP/2." msgid "High Performance" msgstr "Performa Tinggi" msgid "" "Account isolation with guaranteed CPU and RAM for every WordPress website." msgstr "" "Pemisahan akun dengan jaminan CPU dan RAM untuk setiap situs WordPress." msgid "Lightweight Virtualized Environment" msgstr "Lingkungan Virtual Ringan" msgid "" "We take care of heavy lifting server management tasks, so you can focus on " "growing your business." msgstr "" "Kami menangani pengelolaan server yang berat sehingga Anda dapat fokus " "mengembangkan bisnis Anda." msgid "High Performance WordPress Hosting" msgstr "Hosting WordPress Performa Tinggi" msgid "" "Fully managed WordPress hosting in India/US. Pre-installed Jetpack, securely " "hosted and backed by 24/7 support. <a href=\"#\" class=\"host-prtnr-show-" "details\">Learn more</a>" msgstr "" "Hosting WordPress yang terkelola sepenuhnya di India/AS. Jetpack terinstal, " "di-hosting dengan aman, lengkap dengan dukungan nonstop 24 jam. <a href=\"#" "\" class=\"host-prtnr-show-details\">Baca lebih lanjut</a>" msgid "" "Extend your site with plugins. Choose from thousands of community plugins to " "add features like spam protection, custom galleries, in-depth analytics, and " "more." msgstr "" "Kembangkan situs Anda dengan plugin. Pilih dari ribuan plugin yang dibangun " "oleh komunitas untuk menambah berbagai fitur seperti perlindungan terhadap " "spam, galeri khusus, analitik terperinci dan lainnya." msgid "" "Get support right from the experts. Access documents, forums, videos, or get " "1-on-1 help by e-mail or live chat." msgstr "" "Dapatkan bantuan langsung dari ahlinya. Akses dokumen, forum, video, atau " "dapatkan bantuan perorangan melalui email atau live chat." msgid "Embed podcast episodes directly from your media library." msgstr "Sematkan episode podcast langsung dari pustaka media Anda." msgid "Reach your audience with %s and" msgstr "Jangkau audiens dengan %s dan" msgid "" "Your great idea deserves an equally great name. Now with %s you can find a " "perfect fit and start telling the world exactly what you do." msgstr "" "Ide hebat Anda layak mendapatkan nama yang sama hebatnya. Kini dengan %s, " "Anda bisa menemukan nama domain yang sempurna dan memberi tahu pada dunia " "tentang apa yang Anda lakukan." msgid "" "Upgrade to any paid plan and get a specialty %s domain " "included free." msgstr "" "Upgrade ke paket berbayar apa pun dan dapatkan domain %s " "istimewa yang disertakan gratis." msgid "Claim your free %s domain today!" msgstr "Klaim domain %s gratis Anda sekarang juga!" msgid " and Google's Workspace Business Email" msgstr " dan Email Bisnis Workspace dari Google" msgid " and Google Analytics" msgstr " dan Google Analytics" msgid "" "Adding G Suite to the domain you’re using with is fast and " "easy. Start using your personalized services today." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menambahkan G Suite ke domain yang Anda gunakan bersama WordPress." "com dengan cepat dan mudah. Manfaatkan layanan terpersonalisasi untuk Anda." msgid "Work anywhere" msgstr "Bekerja dari mana pun" msgid "Simplify your workflow" msgstr "Sederhanakan alur kerja" msgid "" "Add G Suite to your site and get the professional look of a personalized " "email address, along with the versatility of Google’s G Suite products." msgstr "" "Tambahkan G Suite ke situs Anda dan dapatkan e-mail yang bekerja secara " "profesional sesuai kebutuhan, dilengkapi dengan fitur bermanfaat G Suite " "lainnya dari Google." msgid "Get the right tools for the job." msgstr "Perangkat yang tepat untuk situs web Anda." msgid "" "Google Analytics’ advanced features compliment’s built-in " "stats, telling you how and why people come to your site. Get a boost to your " "business data at no added cost." msgstr "" "Berbagai fitur canggih dari Google Analytics melengkapi statistik " "terintegrasi, yang memberikan informasi tentang cara dan " "alasan orang mengunjungi situs Anda. Dapatkan tambahan data untuk bisnis " "Anda tanpa tambahan biaya." msgid "" "Google Analytics integration is included as part of Premium. " "Simply enable it in your settings to start tracking your traffic." msgstr "" "Integrasi Google Analytics termasuk di dalam paket Premium. " "Aktifkan fitur dan langsung pantau aktivitas situs Anda." msgid "Use it free" msgstr "Gunakan dengan gratis " msgid "" "There’s huge overlap between the Google and support " "communities. You’ll find tutorials, videos, tips and more to help you get " "the most from your data." msgstr "" "Google dan memiliki komunitas yang sangat besar dan saling " "melengkapi. Anda akan mendapatkan tutorial, video, petunjuk, dan lainnya " "untuk mengoptimalkan data Anda." msgid "" "Measure how visitors complete specific tasks, like reaching a product page " "or form, and tweak your website to remove speedbumps." msgstr "" "Pahami bagaimana pengunjung situs web Anda mengakhiri aktivitas mereka, " "seperti membuka halaman produk atau formulir, dan atur situs web Anda untuk " "menambah kenyamanan para pengunjung." msgid "Measure conversions" msgstr "Ukur konversi" msgid "" "Use funnel reports to track the path visitors take through your site and " "discover trends that can help you optimize their experience." msgstr "" "Gunakan laporan funnel untuk memantau aktivitas pengunjung situs web Anda " "dan pahami tren yang dapat membantu mengoptimalkan pengalaman mereka." msgid "" "Narrow the gap between your website’s intent and its actual impact. Harness " "the power of Google’s powerful analytics software, and use real data to make " "informed decisions." msgstr "" "Sesuaikan tujuan situs web Anda dengan dampak yang dihasilkan. Manfaatkan " "kekuatan perangkat lunak analitik andal dari Google, dan gunakan data yang " "lengkap untuk membuat keputusan terbaik." msgid "" "{{line1}}Better analytics,{{/line1}} {{line2}}better decisions.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Analisis lebih baik,{{/line1}} {{line2}}keputusan lebih baik.{{/" "line2}}" msgid "" "By integrating Google Analytics with WordPress, you can learn more about " "your audience without writing a single line of code." msgstr "" "Melalui integrasi Google Analytics dengan WordPress, Anda dapat mempelajari " "pengunjung situs web Anda tanpa menulis kode apa pun." msgid "Get to know your visitors." msgstr "Kenali pengunjung situs web Anda." msgid "" "{{line1}}WordPress powers more than %s%% of the web, from{{/line1}} {{line2}}" "brand new bloggers to the world’s biggest brands.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}WordPress menghidupi lebih dari %s%% web, mulai dari{{/line1}} " "{{line2}}bloger baru hingga branding terbesar di dunia.{{/line2}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}Create a website with{{/line1}} {{line2}}the world’s favorite " "platform.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Buat situs web dengan{{/line1}} {{line2}}platform terfavorit di " "dunia.{{/line2}}" msgid "Compare our plans ›" msgstr "Bandingkan paket kami ›" msgid "" "If you need more features, you can choose from one of three affordable " "plans. With each plan you’ll get a custom domain name, more space for your " "files, and priority support. Some plans also include advanced design " "customization, monetization tools, and the ability to upload custom " "WordPress plugins or themes." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memerlukan fitur lainnya, pilih dari tiga paket berbayar WordPress." "com yang terjangkau. Anda akan mendapatkan nama domain khusus dari paket " "mana pun, ruang penyimpanan yang lebih besar, serta bantuan prioritas. " "Beberapa paket juga mencakup pengaturan desain tingkat lanjut, perangkat " "monetisasi, dan kemampuan mengunggah berbagai plugin atau tema WordPress." msgid "" "No matter the size of your budget, has a plan that’s right for " "you. Create a free website and get access to professional themes, 3 GB of " "storage space, community support, and more." msgstr "" "Berapa pun anggarannya, menawarkan paket yang sesuai dengan " "kebutuhan Anda. Buat situs web gratis dan dapatkan akses ke berbagai pilihan " "tema, ruang penyimpanan sebesar 3 GB, bantuan dari komunitas, dan lainnya." msgid "Plans that fit your needs." msgstr "Paket yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan." msgid "" "With built-in optimization and responsive, mobile-ready themes, there’s no " "limit to who you can reach with your new website. Create a simple website " "for your family or sell products around the world—it’s up to you." msgstr "" "Dengan optimasi terintegrasi dan tema yang responsif dan mobile-ready, Anda " "dapat menjangkau siapa pun dan di mana pun dengan situs web Anda. Buat situs " "web dengan mudah untuk keluarga atau jual produk ke seluruh dunia - apa pun " "mimpi Anda." msgid "" " allows you to build a website that meets your unique needs. " "Start a blog, business site, portfolio, online store, or anything else you " "can imagine." msgstr "" " memudahkan Anda membuat situs web untuk memenuhi kebutuhan " "Anda. Buat sebuah blog, situs bisnis, portofolio, toko online, atau apa pun " "yang Anda inginkan." msgid "Create anything, for anyone." msgstr "Buat situs web apa pun, untuk siapa pun." msgid "" "{{line1}}Create a website{{/line1}} {{line2}}that works for you.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Buat situs web{{/line1}} {{line2}}yang cocok untuk Anda.{{/line2}}" msgid "But the best options are disappearing." msgstr "Namun opsi yang terbaik akan menghilang." msgid "Your free domain is still available" msgstr "Domain gratis Anda masih tersedia" msgid " Team" msgstr "Tim" msgid "Our <a href=\"%s\">Happiness Engineers</a> are standing by." msgstr "<a href=\"%s\">Happiness Engineer</a> kami selalu siap setiap saat." msgid "Any questions?" msgstr "Anda memiliki pertanyaan?" msgid "And much more!" msgstr "Dan lainnya!" msgid "" "Storage space - without it you won't be able to store as many photos, audio " "files, or documents." msgstr "" "Ruang penyimpanan - Anda memerlukannya untuk menyimpan banyak foto, berkas " "audio, atau dokumen." msgid "" "Access to WordPress experts when you need immediate support and answers." msgstr "" "Akses ke para ahli WordPress saat memerlukan bantuan dan jawaban dengan " "segera." msgid "" "Removal of ads from your site — visitors will now see " "your site with advertisements." msgstr "" "Penghapusan iklan dari situs Anda. Saat ini pengunjung situs " "Anda akan melihat situs Anda dengan iklan" msgid "" "Access to professionally-designed, premium themes — your premium theme " "will switch to one of's free options which will change the " "look of your site." msgstr "" "Akses ke tema premium dengan desain profesional — tema premium Anda akan " "dialihkan ke salah satu pilihan gratis yang akan mengubah " "tampilan situs." msgid "<a href=\"%s\">Renew now</a> to keep your plan features" msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\">Perpanjang sekarang</a> agar fitur paket Anda tetap aktif" msgid "%1$s, your %2$s subscription for %3$s expired!" msgstr "%1$s, langganan %2$s Anda untuk %3$s telah berakhir!" msgid "One more update available" msgid_plural " %(updates)s more updates available" msgstr[0] "Satu pembaruan lain tersedia" msgstr[1] " %(updates)s pembaruan lainnya tersedia" msgid "Complete" msgstr "Selesai" msgid "<a %1$s>Comment</a> by %2$s on %3$s: %4$s" msgstr "<a %1$s>Komentar</a> oleh %2$s di %3$s: %4$s" msgid "Excerpt unavailable because comment content has been removed." msgstr "Kutipan tidak tersedia karena konten komentar telah dihapus." msgid "Excerpt unavailable because comment has been deleted." msgstr "Kutipan tidak tersedia karena komentar telah dihapus." msgid "Image uploaded" msgstr "Gambar diunggah" msgid "Document uploaded" msgstr "Dokumen diunggah" msgid "Video uploaded" msgstr "Video diunggah" msgid "Audio uploaded" msgstr "Audio diunggah" msgid "Image updated" msgstr "Gambar diperbarui" msgid "Document updated" msgstr "Dokumen diperbarui" msgid "Video updated" msgstr "Video diperbarui" msgid "Audio updated" msgstr "Audio diperbarui" msgid "Image deleted" msgstr "Gambar dihapus" msgid "Document deleted" msgstr "Dokumen dihapus" msgid "Video deleted" msgstr "Video dihapus" msgid "Audio deleted" msgstr "Audio dihapus" msgid "Cyan bluish gray" msgstr "Abu-abu kebiru-biruan sian" msgid "Vivid cyan blue" msgstr "Biru sian terang" msgid "Pale cyan blue" msgstr "Biru sian pucat" msgid "Vivid green cyan" msgstr "SIan hijau terang" msgid "Light green cyan" msgstr "Sian hijau muda" msgid "Luminous vivid amber" msgstr "Amber terang berkilau" msgid "Luminous vivid orange" msgstr "Oranye terang berkilau" msgid "Vivid red" msgstr "Merah terang" msgid "Pale pink" msgstr "Merah muda pucat" msgid "Inline image" msgstr "Gambar Inline" msgid "Available block types" msgstr "Jenis blok yang tersedia" msgid "Transform to" msgstr "Ubah menjadi" msgid "Open publish panel" msgstr "Buka panel publikasikan" msgid "Show download button" msgstr "Tampilkan Tombol Unduh" msgid "document" msgstr "dokumen" msgid "Copy URL" msgstr "Salin URL" msgid "Write file name…" msgstr "Tulis nama file…" msgid "Playback controls" msgstr "Kontrol Pemutaran Ulang" msgid "Contact %s" msgstr "Hubungi %s" msgid "You have a new subscriber!" msgstr "Anda memiliki pelanggan baru!" msgid "" "Full name must have at least 4 characters for .uk domains. Try expanding " "initials." msgstr "" "Nama lengkap harus terdiri dari minimal 4 karakter untuk domain .uk. Coba " "perluas inisial." msgid " phone recovery validation code: %s" msgstr "Kode validasi pemulihan melalui telepon: %s" msgid "No partners found" msgstr "Mitra tidak ditemukan" msgid "Increase storage space" msgstr "Tambah Ruang Penyimpanan" msgid "" "Keep tabs on all your site's activity — plugin and theme updates, user " "logins, setting modifications, and more." msgstr "" "Pantau semua aktivitas situs Anda, termasuk pembaruan tema dan plugin, login " "pengguna, modifikasi pengaturan, dan lainnya." msgid "To your success,<br />The Team" msgstr "Semoga sukses,<br />Tim" msgid "Upgrade and grab your domain" msgstr "Upgrade dan dapatkan domain Anda" msgid "" "We’re committed to your site’s success, and a great domain is part of that. " "That’s why we’re offering our valued customers a <strong>free domain for one " "year</strong> when you upgrade to <strong>any plan.</strong>" msgstr "" "Kami berkomitmen untuk mendukung kesuksesan situs Anda, dan domain yang baik " "merupakan bagian dari upaya tersebut. Inilah alasan kami menawarkan kepada " "pelanggan yang terhormat <strong>domain gratis selama satu tahun</strong> " "saat Anda melakukan upgrade ke <strong>paket apa pun.</strong>" msgid "" " has Jetpack essential features built in, including site " "statistics, basic SEO, and social media sharing." msgstr "" " dilengkapi berbagai fitur berguna dari Jetpack, antara lain " "statistik, SEO dasar, dan berbagi di media sosial." msgid "" "Drag-and-drop images into posts and pages. Create designer-worthy photo " "galleries. Embed audio, video, documents, and more." msgstr "" "Tarik dan letakkan gambar ke pos dan laman. Buat galeri foto yang menarik. " "Sematkan audio, video, dokumen, dan lainnya." msgid "" "Our editor is fast, intuitive, and includes HTML and Markdown support. We " "save your work every few seconds, so you’ll never miss a word." msgstr "" "Editor kami bekerja cepat, intuitif, dan mencakup bantuan HTML dan " "Markdown. Pekerjaan Anda akan tersimpan setiap beberapa detik, sehingga " "tidak ada yang terlewat." msgid "Intuitive editor" msgstr "Editor yang intuitif" msgid "" "Build a blog, a full website, or a combination of both. Write about your " "life, build a beautiful portfolio of your work, or build a robust business " "site — it’s up to you." msgstr "" "Sebuah blog, situs web yang lengkap, atau kombinasi keduanya. Tulis kisah " "hidup Anda, susun portofolio yang memukau, atau buat situs bisnis yang " "andal. Apa pun yang Anda inginkan." msgid "" "Start for free and get your website running quickly. Upgrade for advanced " "customization and themes, additional storage space, and business tools." msgstr "" "Daftar gratis dan buat situs web Anda. Lakukan upgrade paket untuk " "mendapatkan fitur dan tema lebih banyak, ruang penyimpanan lebih besar, dan " "perangkat bisnis lainnya." msgid "" "{{line1}}Every feature you need to{{/line1}} {{line2}}create a powerful " "website{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Semua fitur yang Anda butuhkan untuk{{/line1}} {{line2}}membuat " "situs web yang andal{{/line2}}" msgid "" "{{line1}}Every feature you need to{{/line1}} {{line2}}create a powerful " "blog{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Semua fitur yang Anda butuhkan untuk{{/line1}} {{line2}}membuat " "blog yang andal{{/line2}}" msgid "" "Use your custom domain in your email address by activating email forwarding, " "G Suite, or other email services." msgstr "" "Gunakan domain khusus untuk alamat email dengan mengaktifkan penerusan " "email, G Suite, atau layanan email lainnya." msgid "%d%% Off All Plans" msgstr "%d%% Diskon untuk Semua Paket" msgid "Attachment uploaded" msgstr "Lampiran diunggah" msgid "Attachment updated" msgstr "Lampiran diperbarui" msgid "Attachment deleted" msgstr "Lampiran dihapus" msgid "" "You have exceeded the transfer auth code check limit, you can try again in " "%d minutes. Trying again before that will only increase the time you have to " "wait before the ban is lifted." msgstr "" "Anda telah melebihi batas pemeriksaan kode otorisasi transfer, coba lagi " "dalam %d menit. Mencoba lagi sebelum waktu yang ditentukan hanya akan " "menambah waktu untuk menunggu sebelum pemblokiran dihapus." msgid "You must be logged in to verify an auth code." msgstr "Anda harus login untuk memverifikasi kode otorisasi." msgid "13 GB of storage space for images, documents, audio, and much more." msgstr "" "Ruang penyimpanan sebesar 13 GB untuk gambar, dokumen, audio, dan banyak " "lagi lainnya." msgid "" "You will not be able to log in to any other Automattic Services that use " "your account as a login. This includes, " ", and Once your " "account is closed, these services will also be closed and you will lose " "access to any orders or support history you may have." msgstr "" "Anda tidak akan bisa login ke Layanan Automattic lainnya yang menggunakan " "akun Anda untuk login. Layanan tersebut mencakup WooCommerce." "com,,, dan Setelah akun " " Anda ditutup, layanan tersebut juga akan ditutup dan Anda " "tidak dapat mengakses pesanan atau riwayat dukungan apa pun yang mungkin " "Anda miliki." msgid "plugin checks require a Jetpack site." msgstr "pemeriksaan plugin memerlukan situs Jetpack." msgid "" "Jetpack is your all-in-one WordPress toolkit for hassle-free design, " "marketing, and security. Whether you’re building your site with WordPress." "com or creating it on your own server, Jetpack gives you the tools you need " "to succeed — all in one place." msgstr "" "Jetpack menyediakan perangkat lengkap WordPress yang mudah digunakan untuk " "desain, pemasaran, dan keamanan. Membuat situs di atau di " "server Anda sendiri, Jetpack memberikan perangkat lengkap yang Anda butuhkan " "untuk meraih kesuksesan." msgid "Share your thoughts." msgstr "Bagikan pendapat Anda." msgid "Autoupdates" msgstr "Pembaruan otomatis" msgid "" "Transfers cannot be initiated in a support session - please ask the user to " "do it instead." msgstr "" "Transfer tidak dapat dimulai dalam sesi dukungan. Mintalah pengguna untuk " "melakukannya." msgid "Connections to %s have a permanent issue which prevents sharing." msgstr "" "Sambungan ke %s mengalami masalah permanen yang menyebabkan tidak dapat " "berbagi." msgid "Sorry, there was a problem dismissing that site." msgstr "Maaf, ada masalah saat membuang situs tersebut." msgid "We won't recommend this site to you again." msgstr "Kami tidak akan merekomendasikan situs ini lagi kepada Anda." msgid "Search (Powered by Jetpack)" msgstr "Pencarian (Didukung oleh Jetpack)" msgid "Upload custom themes and plugins on your site." msgstr "Unggah tema dan plugin khusus ke situs Anda." msgid "Also includes all features offered in the free plan." msgstr "Juga menyertakan semua fitur yang ditawarkan di paket Gratis." msgid "Log out of" msgstr "Logout dari" msgid "Not you? Log out" msgstr "Bukan Anda? Logout" msgid "Take our survey" msgstr "Berpartisipasi dalam survei kami" msgid "There are updates available." msgstr "Ada pembaruan." msgid "There is a theme update available." msgid_plural "There are theme updates available." msgstr[0] "Ada pembaruan tema." msgstr[1] "Ada beberapa pembaruan tema." msgid "Connections to Facebook profiles ceased to work on August 1st." msgstr "Sambungan ke profil Facebook dihentikan mulai 1 Agustus." msgid "" "The transfer of {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is in progress. It should " "complete by %(transferFinishDate)s. We are waiting for authorization from " "your current domain provider to proceed. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Transfer {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} sedang berlangsung. Proses akan " "selesai selambat-lambatnya %(transferFinishDate)s. Kami menunggu otorisasi " "dari penyedia domain Anda saat ini untuk melanjutkan. {{a}}Pelajari " "selengkapnya{{/a}}" msgid "Find your .%1$s, starting at %2$s or free with paid plans" msgstr "" "Dapatkan domain .%1$s, mulai dari %2$s atau gratis dengan berlangganan paket " "berbayar" msgid "" "Enter your site's name or some keywords that describe it to get started." msgstr "" "Tuliskan nama situs Anda atau beberapa kata kunci yang menggambarkan situs " "Anda." msgid "WordPress Version" msgstr "Versi WordPress" msgid "" "As of August 1, 2018, Facebook no longer allows direct sharing of posts to " "Facebook Profiles. Connections to Facebook Pages remain unchanged. {{a}}" "Learn more{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Per 1 Agustus 2018, Facebook tak lagi mengizinkan berbagi pos langsung ke " "Profil Facebook. Sambungan ke Halaman Facebook tidak berubah. {{a}}Pelajari " "selengkapnya{{/a}}" msgid "Data you entered are not valid" msgstr "Data yang Anda masukkan tidak valid" msgctxt "Sharing: Jetpack Social connection error" msgid "" "The Facebook connection could not be made because this account does not have " "access to any Pages." msgstr "" "Sambungan Facebook tidak dapat dilakukan karena akun ini tidak memiliki " "akses ke Halaman apa pun." msgid "" "To celebrate your commitment to your website, we’re pleased to offer you %1$s" "%% off ANY upgraded plan." msgstr "" "Untuk merayakan komitmen Anda terhadap situs web Anda, kami dengan senang " "hati menawarkan diskon %1$s%% untuk paket upgrade APA PUN." msgid "" "Your plan doesn't include Pay with PayPal. <a href=\"%s\" rel=\"noopener " "noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Learn more and upgrade</a>." msgstr "" "Paket Anda tidak termasuk Bayar dengan PayPal. <a href=\"%s\" rel=\"noopener " "noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Pelajari lebih lanjut dan upgrade</a>." msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Edit</a> or <a href=\"%2$s\">view</a> your Privacy Policy " "page content." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Edit</a> atau <a href=\"%2$s\">lihat</a> konten laman " "Kebijakan Privasi Anda." msgid "[%1$s] Action Confirmed: %2$s" msgstr "[%1$s] Tindakan Terkonfirmasi: %2$s" msgid "" "P.S. We can’t wait to support you in building (and growing) the website of " "your dreams." msgstr "" "N.B. Kami tak sabar mendukung Anda dalam membuat (dan mengembangkan) situs " "web impian Anda." msgid "—The Team" msgstr "—Tim" msgid "Redeem Coupon" msgstr "Tebus Kupon" msgid "Use code %1$s to cash in on %2$s%% savings now." msgstr "Gunakan kode %1$s untuk mendapatkan diskon sebesar %2$s%% sekarang." msgid "" "If you’re curious about how premium features and services can help transform " "your website, now’s the time to give it a try — RISK FREE. That’s right, if " "you decide your upgraded site isn’t for you within the first 30 days of " "purchase (or 48 hours for domain registrations) simply request a refund and " "we’ll revert you back to your original plan." msgstr "" "Jika ingin tahu cara fitur dan layanan premium membantu Anda mengubah situs " "web Anda menjadi lebih baik, sekarang saatnya mencoba — TANPA RISIKO. Benar, " "jika Anda memutuskan bahwa upgrade situs tidak cocok untuk Anda dalam waktu " "30 hari sejak tanggal pembelian (atau 48 jam sejak registrasi domain), cukup " "ajukan permintaan pengembalian dana dan kami akan mengembalikan paket asli " "Anda." msgid "" "We hope you’re having a great week! This is a courtesy reminder to let you " "know that your limited-time offer for %1$s%% off any upgraded " "plan expires at midnight. That’s just hours away!" msgstr "" "Semoga minggu Anda menenangkan! Kami ingin mengingatkan Anda bahwa penawaran " "diskon berbatas waktu %1$s%% untuk paket upgrade apa pun akan " "berakhir tengah malam ini. Tinggal beberapa jam lagi!" msgid "Claim your savings before it’s too late." msgstr "Klaim diskon Anda sekarang sebelum terlambat." msgid "Hurry! Your %1$s%% off discount expires in just a few hours" msgstr "Cepat! Diskon %1$s%% Anda akan berakhir beberapa jam lagi." msgid "" "P.S. Hurry — this limited-time offer expires in a couple of days. Don’t let " "this deal pass you by!" msgstr "" "N.B. Jangan tunggu lagi. Penawaran berbatas waktu ini akan berakhir dalam " "beberapa hari. Jangan sampai terlewat!" msgid "Redeem Offer Now!" msgstr "Tebus Kupon Sekarang!" msgid "What are you waiting for?" msgstr "Apa yang Anda tunggu?" msgid "" "Select from upgraded plans, all with advanced features and support so you " "can build and grow the site of your dreams. With an upgraded plan you’ll " "unlock more free themes, get more customization, more storage, better " "support — and we’re just getting started. Simply use code %1$s for %2$s%% " "off at checkout." msgstr "" "Pilih paket upgrade, semua dilengkapi berbagai fitur dan dukungan tingkat " "lanjut untuk membantu Anda membuat dan mengembangkan situs impian. Dengan " "paket upgrade, Anda dapat menemukan lebih banyak tema gratis, kustomisasi, " "penyimpanan, dukungan yang lebih baik, dan itu baru awalnya. Cukup gunakan " "kode %1$s untuk mendapatkan diskon %2$s%% saat checkout." msgid "Use code %1$s." msgstr "Gunakan kode %1$s." msgid "" "Take advantage of this limited time discount on valuable website features " "and support." msgstr "" "Manfaatkan diskon berbatas waktu ini untuk mendapatkan berbagai fitur situs " "web serta dukungan yang bernilai." msgid "Get %1$s%% off an upgraded site!" msgstr "Dapatkan diskon %1$s%% untuk upgrade situs!" msgid "This Jetpack Social service only supports setting an external user ID." msgstr "" "Layanan Jetpack Social ini hanya mendukung pengaturan ID pengguna eksternal." msgid "Plan upgraded" msgstr "Paket diupgrade" msgid "Gutenberg" msgstr "Gutenberg" msgid "Saratov" msgstr "Saratov" msgid "Yangon" msgstr "Yangon" msgid "Famagusta" msgstr "Famagusta" msgid "Atyrau" msgstr "Atyrau" msgid "Punta Arenas" msgstr "Punta Arenas" msgid "m/Y" msgstr "m/Y" msgid "F d, Y" msgstr "d F Y" msgid "We'll use this to personalize your site and experience." msgstr "" "Kami akan menggunakannya untuk personalisasi situs dan pengalaman Anda." msgid "Your Subscription" msgstr "Langganan Anda" msgid "Select a category to enable podcasting." msgstr "Pilih kategori untuk mengaktifkan layanan podcast." msgid "Create Episode" msgstr "Buat Episode" msgid "" "Jetpack will now autoupdate for you. Would you like to continue setting up " "the security essential features for your site?" msgstr "" "Jetpack kini diperbarui secara otomatis. Apakah Anda ingin melanjutkan " "penyiapan fitur keamanan penting untuk situs?" msgid "" "Let's activate autoupdates for Jetpack to ensure you're always up to date " "with the latest features and security fixes." msgstr "" "Aktifkan pembaruan otomatis Jetpack untuk memastikan Anda selalu mendapatkan " "fitur dan perbaikan keamanan terbaru." msgid "The current user can create terms in the %s taxonomy." msgstr "Pengguna ini dapat membuat istilah pada taksonomi %s" msgid "The current user can assign terms in the %s taxonomy." msgstr "Pengguna ini dapat menetapkan istilah pada taksonomi %s." msgid "Click here for video on how to create a new page for your site" msgstr "" "Klik di sini untuk melihat video cara membuat halaman baru di situs Anda" msgid "Yours," msgstr "Salam," msgid "" "While Facebook is introducing this change to improve their platform and " "prevent the misuse\n" "of personal profiles, we’re sorry that this might cause a disruption in the " "way you and your\n" "Facebook followers interact. If you’d like to share your concerns with " "Facebook,\n" "head to %s." msgstr "" "Selagi Facebook memperkenalkan perubahan ini untuk meningkatkan platformnya " "dan mencegah penyalahgunaan\n" "profil pribadi, kami mohon maaf jika hal ini mengganggu interaksi Anda dan\n" "pengikut Facebook Anda. Jika ingin menyampaikan masalah terkait Facebook,\n" "kunjungi %s." msgid "" "\n" "First, you could go the manual route: once you publish a new post,\n" "copy its URL and share the link in a new Facebook post.\n" "The other option is to %1$sconvert your Facebook Profile to a Page%2$s.\n" "This might not be the right solution for everyone, but it’s something to " "consider if your website\n" "focuses on your business, organization, or brand.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Pertama, Anda bisa mencoba cara manual: setelah mempublikasikan pos baru,\n" "salin URL-nya dan bagikan tautan di pos baru di Facebook.\n" "Pilihan lainnya adalah dengan %1$smengonversi Profil Facebook menjadi Halaman" "%2$s.\n" "Solusi ini mungkin tidak cocok untuk sebagian orang, namun dapat " "dipertimbangkan jika situs web Anda\n" "berfokus pada bisnis, organisasi, atau merek.\n" msgid "" "\n" "If you’ve previously used Publicize to connect a Facebook Profile to your " "website and still want\n" "your Facebook followers to see your posts, you have two options.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Jika sebelumnya Anda menggunakan Publikasikan untuk menghubungkan Profil " "Facebook ke situs web dan masih ingin agar\n" "pengikut di Facebook dapat melihat pos Anda, ada dua pilihan yang dapat Anda " "coba.\n" msgid "" "\n" "If you’ve previously connected a Facebook Profile to your site " "and still want\n" "your Facebook followers to see your posts, you have two options.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Jika sebelumnya Anda menghubungkan Profil Facebook ke situs " "dan masih ingin agar\n" "pengikut di Facebook dapat melihat pos Anda, ada dua pilihan yang dapat Anda " "coba.\n" msgid "" "\n" "Will this affect your ability to share content on Facebook? It depends.\n" "If you’ve connected a Facebook %1$sProfile%2$s to your site, then yes:\n" "Publicize will no longer be able to share your posts to Facebook.\n" "On the other hand, nothing will change if you keep a Facebook %1$sPage%2$s " "connected to your site\n" "-- all your content should still appear directly on Facebook via Publicize.\n" "(Not sure what the difference is between a Page and a Profile? Here’s " "%3$sFacebook’s explanation%4$s.)\n" "You can review and change your social sharing settings by heading to %1$sMy " "Site(s) → Sharing%2$s.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Apakah ini akan memengaruhi kemampuan Anda untuk berbagi konten di Facebook? " "Tergantung.\n" "Jika Anda telah menautkan %1$sProfil%2$s Facebook ke situs, jawabannya " "adalah ya:\n" "Fitur Publikasikan tak lagi bisa membagikan pos Anda ke Facebook.\n" "Di sisi lain, tidak ada yang berubah jika Anda tetap menghubungkan " "%1$sHalaman%2$s Facebook ke situs\n" "-- semua konten Anda masih akan ditampilkan secara langsung di Facebook " "melalui Publikasikan.\n" "(Tidak tahu bedanya Halaman dan Profil? Berikut ini %3$spenjelasan dari " "Facebook%4$s.)\n" "Anda dapat meninjau dan mengubah pengaturan berbagi di media sosial dengan " "membuka %1$sSitus Saya → Berbagi%2$s.\n" msgid "" "\n" "Will this affect your ability to share content on Facebook? It depends.\n" "If you’ve connected a Facebook %1$sProfile%2$s to your site, then yes:\n" "Publicize will no longer be able to share your posts to Facebook.\n" "On the other hand, nothing will change if you keep a Facebook %1$sPage%2$s " "connected to your site\n" "-- all your content should still appear directly on Facebook via Publicize.\n" "(Not sure what the difference is between a Page and a Profile? Here’s " "%3$sFacebook’s explanation%4$s.)\n" "You can review and change your social sharing settings by heading to %1$sMy " "Site(s) → Sharing%2$s on\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Apakah ini akan memengaruhi kemampuan Anda untuk berbagi konten di Facebook? " "Tergantung.\n" "Jika Anda telah menautkan %1$sProfil%2$s Facebook ke situs, jawabannya " "adalah ya:\n" "Fitur Publikasikan tak lagi bisa membagikan pos Anda ke Facebook.\n" "Di sisi lain, tidak ada yang berubah jika Anda tetap menghubungkan " "%1$sHalaman%2$s Facebook ke situs\n" "-- semua konten Anda masih akan ditampilkan secara langsung di Facebook " "melalui Publikasikan.\n" "(Tidak tahu bedanya Halaman dan Profil? Berikut ini %3$spenjelasan dari " "Facebook%4$s.)\n" "Anda dapat meninjau dan mengubah pengaturan berbagi di media sosial dengan " "membuka %1$sSitus Saya → Berbagi%2$s di\n" msgid "" "\n" "Starting August 1, 2018, third-party tools can no longer share posts " "automatically to Facebook Profiles.\n" "This includes Publicize, the Jetpack tool that connects your site to major " "social media platforms\n" "(like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook).\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Mulai tanggal 1 Agustus 2018, alat pihak ketiga tak lagi bisa membagikan pos " "secara otomatis ke Profil Facebook.\n" "Hal ini mencakup Publikasikan, alat Jetpack yang menghubungkan situs Anda " "dengan berbagai platform media sosial besar\n" "(seperti Twitter, LinkedIn, dan Facebook).\n" msgid "" "\n" "Starting August 1, 2018, third-party tools can no longer share posts " "automatically to Facebook Profiles.\n" "This includes Publicize, the tool that connects your site to " "major social media platforms\n" "(like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook).\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Mulai tanggal 1 Agustus 2018, alat pihak ketiga tak lagi bisa membagikan pos " "secara otomatis ke Profil Facebook.\n" "Hal ini mencakup Publikasikan, alat yang menghubungkan situs " "Anda dengan berbagai platform media sosial besar\n" "(seperti Twitter, LinkedIn, dan Facebook).\n" msgid "" "\n" "We wanted to update you about an upcoming change Facebook is introducing to " "their platform,\n" "and which affects how you may share posts from your Jetpack-connected " "website to your Facebook account.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Kami ingin memberi tahu Anda mengenai perubahan mendatang yang diperkenalkan " "oleh Facebook di platformnya,\n" "dan yang memengaruhi cara Anda dalam berbagi pos dari situs web yang " "terhubung dengan Jetpack ke akun Facebook Anda.\n" msgid "" "\n" "We wanted to update you about an upcoming change Facebook is introducing to " "their platform,\n" "and which affects how you may share posts from your website to your Facebook " "account.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Kami ingin memberi tahu Anda mengenai perubahan mendatang yang diperkenalkan " "oleh Facebook di platformnya,\n" "dan yang memengaruhi cara Anda dalam berbagi pos dari situs web ke akun " "Facebook Anda.\n" msgid "Hello %s," msgstr "Halo %s," msgid "Automatic sharing to Facebook Profiles will no longer be available." msgstr "Berbagi otomatis ke Profil Facebook akan dihentikan." msgid "Your website’s connection to Facebook is changing soon" msgstr "Koneksi situs web Anda ke Facebook akan segera berubah" msgid "Enabled sharing to %1$s as <em>\"%2$s\"</em>" msgstr "Mengaktifkan berbagi ke %1$s sebagai <em>\"%2$s\"</em>" msgid "Enabled sharing to %1$s as <em>\"<a href=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a>\"</em>" msgstr "" "Mengaktifkan berbagi ke %1$s sebagai <em>\"<a href=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a>\"</em>" msgid "%s import completed successfully" msgstr "Impor %s berhasil diselesaikan" msgid "Import completed successfully" msgstr "Impor berhasil diselesaikan" msgid "Import complete" msgstr "Impor selesai" msgid "\".%(tld)s\" is a common extension" msgstr "\".%(tld)s\" adalah ekstensi yang umum" msgid "\".com\" is the most common extension" msgstr "\".com\" adalah ekstensi yang paling umum" msgid "" "You're receiving these emails because it's important, and you have a " " account." msgstr "" "Anda menerima email berikut karena pesan yang kami sampaikan penting, dan " "Anda memiliki akun" msgid "Have problems or questions?" msgstr "Anda menemui kendala atau memiliki pertanyaan?" msgid "Live chat support to help you get started with your site." msgstr "Bantuan live chat untuk membantu Anda mulai mengelola situs." msgid "Comment waiting approval" msgstr "Komentar menunggu persetujuan" msgid "Lovely summer photos" msgstr "Foto-foto musim panas yang indah" msgid "My journey through Asia" msgstr "Perjalananku di Asia" msgid "Page title structure for posts changed from \"%1$s\" to theme default" msgstr "" "Struktur judul halaman untuk pos diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi pengaturan " "asal tema" msgid "Page title structure for posts changed from theme default to \"%s\"" msgstr "" "Struktur judul halaman untuk pos diubah dari pengaturan asal tema menjadi " "\"%s\"" msgid "Page title structure for pages changed from \"%1$s\" to theme default" msgstr "" "Struktur judul halaman untuk halaman diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi pengaturan " "asal tema" msgid "Page title structure for pages changed from theme default to \"%s\"" msgstr "" "Struktur judul halaman untuk halaman diubah dari pengaturan asal tema " "menjadi \"%s\"" msgid "Page title structure for groups changed from \"%1$s\" to theme default" msgstr "" "Struktur judul halaman untuk grup diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi pengaturan " "asal tema" msgid "Page title structure for groups changed from theme default to \"%s\"" msgstr "" "Struktur judul halaman untuk grup diubah dari pengaturan asal tema menjadi " "\"%s\"" msgid "" "Page title structure for front page changed from \"%1$s\" to theme default" msgstr "" "Struktur judul halaman untuk halaman depan diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi " "pengaturan asal tema" msgid "" "Page title structure for front page changed from theme default to \"%s\"" msgstr "" "Struktur judul halaman untuk halaman depan diubah dari pengaturan asal tema " "menjadi \"%s\"" msgid "" "Page title structure for archives changed from \"%1$s\" to theme default" msgstr "" "Struktur judul halaman untuk arsip diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi pengaturan " "asal tema" msgid "Page title structure for archives changed from theme default to \"%s\"" msgstr "" "Struktur judul halaman untuk arsip diubah dari pengaturan asal tema menjadi " "\"%s\"" msgid "Shop the sale" msgstr "Dapatkan Diskonnya" msgid "Upload up to 3 GB of photos." msgstr "Unggah foto hingga 3 GB" msgid " Advertising and Banners" msgstr "Iklan dan Spanduk" msgid "" "A free site includes a subdomain, WordAds, " "community support, and more." msgstr "" "Sebuah situs gratis mencakup subdomain, WordAds, " "dukungan komunitas, dan banyak lagi." msgid "…or pick one of our powerful plans." msgstr "…atau pilih salah satu paket kami yang luar biasa." msgid "Create your free site" msgstr "Buat situs gratis Anda" msgid "" "{{line1}}A free builder that{{/line1}} {{line2}}scales with your needs{{/" "line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Pembuat situs gratis yang{{/line1}} {{line2}}dapat " "disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda{{/line2}}" msgid "Personal Plan" msgstr "Paket Personal" msgid "Free Plan" msgstr "Paket Gratis" msgid "" "{{line1}}Build on the platform that powers{{/line1}} {{line2}}more than %s%% " "of the internet.{{/line2}}" msgstr "" "{{line1}}Buat situs web dengan platform yang telah{{/line1}} {{line2}}" "menghidupi lebih dari %s%% internet.{{/line2}}" msgid "Join the platform you won’t outgrow." msgstr "Bergabung dengan platform terbaik." msgid "Best for Getting Started" msgstr "Terbaik untuk Pemula" msgid "" "On our free plan, we sometimes display advertisements on your blog to help " "pay the bills. This keeps free features free!" msgstr "" "Pada paket gratis, terkadang kami menampilkan iklan di blog Anda untuk " "membantu pembayaran biaya pengelolaan. Hal inilah yang membuat fitur gratis " "bisa gratis!" msgid "%s Year" msgid_plural "%s Years" msgstr[0] "%s Tahun" msgstr[1] "%s Tahun" msgid "Core update available" msgstr "Pembaruan inti tersedia" msgid "User email changed" msgstr "Email pengguna diubah" msgid "Confirmed email change to \"<em>%1$s</em>\"" msgstr "Email yang dikonfirmasi diubah menjadi \"<em>%1$s</em>\"" msgid "Give your site a descriptive name to entice visitors." msgstr "Beri nama yang menggambarkan situs Anda untuk menarik pengunjung." msgid "Pique readers’ interest with a little more detail about your site." msgstr "Pancing minat pembaca dengan lebih banyak detail tentang situs Anda." msgid "" "Discover the easiest way to use Google tools and services on your WordPress " "website. No need to pick and\n" " choose. Get the best of the web on" msgstr "" "Temukan perangkat dan layanan Google pada situs web WordPress Anda. Gunakan " "dengan mudah dan rasakan manfaatnya pada" msgid "" "Everything comes with a price tag these days. Please add a your product " "price." msgstr "Sekarang ini, semua ada harganya. Tambahkan harga produk Anda." msgid "" "This widget adds a payment button of your choice to your sidebar. To create " "or edit the payment buttons themselves, <a href=\"%s\">use the Customizer</" "a>." msgstr "" "Widget ini menambahkan tombol pembayaran yang Anda pilih ke bilah sisi. " "Untuk membuat atau menyunting tombol pembayaran itu sendiri, <a href=\"%s" "\">gunakan Customizer</a>." msgid "Delete Product" msgstr "Hapus Produk" msgid "Select an image" msgstr "Pilih gambar" msgid "Product image" msgstr "Gambar produk" msgid "Edit Selected" msgstr "Sunting Pilihan" msgid "" "Looks like you don't have any products. You can create one using the Add New " "button below." msgstr "" "Sepertinya Anda belum punya produk. Anda bisa membuatnya menggunakan tombol " "Tambahkan Baru di bawah." msgid "Disabled sharing to %s" msgstr "Menonaktifkan berbagi ke %s" msgid "Enabled sharing to %s" msgstr "Mengaktifkan berbagi ke %s" msgid "You're all set to keep accessing these benefits for another year!" msgstr "" "Anda berhak untuk terus merasakan manfaat di atas selama satu tahun lagi!" msgid "Learn more ›" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut ›" msgid "6 GB of storage space for images, documents, audio, and more." msgstr "" "Ruang penyimpanan sebesar 6 GB untuk gambar, dokumen, audio, dan lainnya." msgid "Your plan gives you some awesome features" msgstr "Paket yang Anda pilih menghadirkan serangkaian fitur istimewa" msgid "" "Don't worry, you don't have to do anything; your renewals happen " "automatically." msgstr "" "Jangan khawatir, Anda tidak perlu melakukan apa pun, karena perpanjangan " "dilakukan secara otomatis." msgid "" "I wanted to thank you for being a valuable member of our community and " "remind you that your %1$s plan for %2$s will renew in %3$d day." msgid_plural "" "I wanted to thank you for being a valuable member of our community and " "remind you that your %1$s plan for %2$s will renew in %3$d days." msgstr[0] "" "Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas kontribusi Anda untuk komunitas. " "Saya juga ingin mengingatkan bahwa paket %1$s Anda untuk %2$s akan " "diperpanjang dalam %3$d hari." msgstr[1] "" "Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas kontribusi Anda untuk komunitas. " "Saya juga ingin mengingatkan bahwa paket %1$s Anda untuk %2$s akan " "diperpanjang dalam %3$d hari." msgid "" "You're getting closer to your anniversary — congrats!" msgstr "Hari jadi Anda semakin dekat. Selamat!" msgid "Click here to learn more ›" msgstr "Klik di sini untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut ›" msgid "Download the free mobile app" msgstr "Unduh aplikasi seluler gratis" msgid "Organization name must have at least 3 letters" msgstr "Nama organisasi harus terdiri dari minimal 3 huruf" msgid "reading settings" msgstr "pengaturan bacaan" msgctxt "term" msgid "Remove %s" msgstr "Hapus %s" msgctxt "term" msgid "%s removed" msgstr "%s dihapus" msgctxt "term" msgid "%s added" msgstr "%s ditambahkan" msgctxt "imperative verb" msgid "Preview" msgstr "Pratinjau" msgid "Error while uploading file %s to the media library." msgstr "Terdapat error saat mengunggah file %s ke pustaka media." msgid "View the autosave" msgstr "Lihat penyimpanan otomatis" msgid "" "There is an autosave of this post that is more recent than the version below." msgstr "" "Ada simpanan otomatis dari pos ini yang lebih baru dari versi di bawah." msgid "Trashing failed" msgstr "Gagal membuang" msgid "Scheduling failed." msgstr "Gagal menjadwalkan" msgid "Publishing failed." msgstr "Gagal menerbitkan" msgid "Post published privately." msgstr "Pos diterbitkan secara privat." msgid "HTML anchor" msgstr "Anchor HTML" msgid "You have unsaved changes. If you proceed, they will be lost." msgstr "" "Ada perubahan yang belum disimpan. Jika Anda melanjutkan, perubahan tersebut " "akan hilang." msgid "Reset the template" msgstr "Reset template" msgid "Keep it as is" msgstr "Pertahankan apa adanya" msgid "" "The content of your post doesn’t match the template assigned to your post " "type." msgstr "" "Konten pos Anda tidak cocok dengan template yang ditetapkan ke tipe pos Anda." msgid "" "Resetting the template may result in loss of content, do you want to " "continue?" msgstr "Reset template dapat menyebabkan konten hilang. Ingin melanjutkan?" msgid "Document Outline" msgstr "Outline Dokumen" msgid "Paragraphs" msgstr "Paragraf" msgid "Document Statistics" msgstr "Statistik Dokumen" msgid "Skip to the selected block" msgstr "Lewati sampai blok yang dipilih" msgid "Only visible to site admins and editors." msgstr "Hanya dapat dilihat oleh admin dan penyunting situs." msgid "Visible to everyone." msgstr "Dapat dilihat oleh semua orang." msgid "Would you like to privately publish this post now?" msgstr "Ingin memublikasikan pos ini dengan pengaturan privat sekarang?" msgid "Use a secure password" msgstr "Gunakan kata sandi yang aman" msgid "Parent Term" msgstr "Istilah Induk" msgid "Switch to draft" msgstr "Beralih ke Konsep" msgid "Immediately" msgstr "Segera" msgid "Autosaving" msgstr "Menyimpan Secara Otomatis" msgid "Publish:" msgstr "Publikasi:" msgid "" "When you’re ready, submit your work for review, and an Editor will be able " "to approve it for you." msgstr "" "Jika Anda sudah siap, kirim hasil kerja Anda untuk ditinjau, lalu Penyunting " "akan dapat menyetujuinya untuk Anda." msgid "Are you ready to submit for review?" msgstr "Sudah siap mengirim untuk tinjauan?" msgid "Are you ready to publish?" msgstr "Siap memublikasikan?" msgid "What’s next?" msgstr "Apa langkah selanjutnya?" msgid "is now live." msgstr "sudah ditampilkan." msgid "is now scheduled. It will go live on" msgstr "sudah dijadwalkan. Konten akan ditampilkan pada" msgid "Replace image" msgstr "Ganti gambar" msgid "Learn more about manual excerpts" msgstr "Pelajari selengkapnya tentang kutipan manual" msgid "Write an excerpt (optional)" msgstr "Tulis kutipan (opsional)" msgid "Search for blocks" msgstr "Cari blok" msgid "Copy Error" msgstr "Salin Error" msgid "Attempt recovery" msgstr "Upaya Pemulihan" msgid "(Multiple H1 headings are not recommended)" msgstr "(Judul H1 yang banyak tidak direkomendasikan)" msgid "(Your theme may already use a H1 for the post title)" msgstr "(Tema Anda mungkin telah menggunakan H1 untuk judul pos)" msgid "(Incorrect heading level)" msgstr "(Level judul tidak benar)" msgid "(Empty heading)" msgstr "(Judul kosong)" msgid "Add block" msgstr "Tambahkan blok" msgid "Blocks styles" msgstr "Gaya blok" msgid "Convert to blocks" msgstr "Konversi ke blok" msgid "Edit visually" msgstr "Sunting secara visual" msgid "Duplicate" msgstr "Duplikat" msgid "Blocks cannot be moved down as they are already at the bottom" msgstr "Blok tidak dapat diturunkan karena sudah berada di paling bawah" msgid "Blocks cannot be moved up as they are already at the top" msgstr "Blok tidak dapat dinaikkan karena sudah berada di paling atas" msgid "Block %1$s is at the beginning of the content and can’t be moved right" msgstr "Blok %1$s berada di awal konten dan tidak dapat digeser ke kanan" msgid "Block %1$s is at the end of the content and can’t be moved right" msgstr "Blok %1$s berada di akhir konten dan tidak dapat digeser ke kanan" msgid "Block %s is the only block, and cannot be moved" msgstr "Blok %s merupakan blok satu-satunya, dan tidak dapat dipindahkan" msgid "Edit as HTML" msgstr "Sunting sebagai HTML" msgid "Convert to Blocks" msgstr "Konversi ke Blok" msgid "Block: %s" msgstr "Blok: %s" msgid "This block has encountered an error and cannot be previewed." msgstr "Blok ini mengalami error dan tidak dapat dipratinjau." msgid "No block selected." msgstr "Tidak ada blok yang dipilih." msgid "Coming Soon" msgstr "Segera Hadir" msgid "Wide width" msgstr "Tampilan lebar" msgid "Code editor selected" msgstr "Editor kode dipilih" msgid "Visual editor selected" msgstr "Editor visual dipilih" msgid "Find original" msgstr "Cari yang asli" msgid "Select or Upload Media" msgstr "Pilih atau Unggah Media" msgid "Document" msgstr "Dokumen" msgid "Document settings" msgstr "Pengaturan dokumen" msgid "Status & visibility" msgstr "Status & Keterlihatan" msgid "Pin to toolbar" msgstr "Sematkan ke bilah peralatan" msgid "Unpin from toolbar" msgstr "Lepas sematan dari bilah peralatan" msgid "Close plugin" msgstr "Tutup plugin" msgid "Edit your plugins" msgstr "Edit plugin Anda" msgid "Editor settings" msgstr "Pengaturan penyunting" msgid "Edit your content" msgstr "Edit konten Anda" msgid "Code editor" msgstr "Penyunting Kode" msgid "1 video" msgstr "1 video" msgid "poetry" msgstr "puisi" msgid "New Column" msgstr "Kolom Baru" msgid "Edit table" msgstr "Sunting Tabel" msgid "Fixed width table cells" msgstr "Lebar sel tabel tetap" msgid "Write shortcode here…" msgstr "Tulis kode singkat di sini…" msgid "Separator" msgstr "Pemisah" msgid "Write preformatted text…" msgstr "Tulis teks praformat…" msgid "Toggle to show a large initial letter." msgstr "Tombol untuk menampilkan huruf inisial berukuran besar." msgid "Showing large initial letter." msgstr "Menampilkan huruf inisial berukuran besar." msgid "Indent list item" msgstr "Buat item daftar menjorok ke dalam" msgid "Outdent list item" msgstr "Buat item daftar menjorok ke luar" msgid "Convert to ordered list" msgstr "Ubah ke daftar yang diurutkan" msgid "Convert to unordered list" msgstr "Ubah ke daftar yang tidak diurutkan" msgid "photo" msgstr "foto" msgid "Text alignment" msgstr "Perataan Teks" msgid "Heading %d" msgstr "Judul %d" msgid "Level" msgstr "Level" msgid "Upload an image" msgstr "Unggah gambar" msgid "Classic" msgstr "Klasik" msgid "music" msgstr "musik" msgid "Embedded content from %s" msgstr "Konten disematkan dari %s" msgid "Enter URL to embed here…" msgstr "Masukkan URL yang ingin disematkan di sini…" msgid "%s URL" msgstr "URL %s" msgid "Write title…" msgstr "Tulis judul…" msgid "Fixed background" msgstr "Latar Belakang Tetap" msgid "Edit image" msgstr "Sunting gambar" msgid "Write code…" msgstr "Tulis kode…" msgid "Add text…" msgstr "Tambahkan teks…" msgid "Block has been deleted or is unavailable." msgstr "Blok telah dihapus atau tidak tersedia." msgid "Error loading block: %s" msgstr "Terjadi error saat memuat blok: %s" msgid "Number of items" msgstr "Jumlah item" msgid "Z → A" msgstr "Z → A" msgid "A → Z" msgstr "A → Z" msgid "Oldest to newest" msgstr "Terlama ke Terbaru" msgid "Newest to oldest" msgstr "Terbaru ke Terlama" msgid "Dismiss this notice" msgstr "Tutup pemberitahuan ini" msgid "Remove item" msgstr "Hapus item" msgid "Item removed." msgstr "Item dihapus." msgid "Color code: %s" msgstr "Kode warna: %s" msgid "Color: %s" msgstr "Warna: %s" msgid "Custom color picker." msgstr "Pemilih warna khusus" msgid "No results." msgstr "Tak ada hasil." msgid "%d result found, use up and down arrow keys to navigate." msgid_plural "%d results found, use up and down arrow keys to navigate." msgstr[0] "" "%d hasil ditemukan, gunakan tombol panah atas dan bawah untuk menavigasi." msgstr[1] "" "%d hasil ditemukan, gunakan tombol panah atas dan bawah untuk menavigasi." msgid "" "You can now sign into your Jetpack site with your account. " "Would you like to continue setting up the security essential features for " "your site?" msgstr "" "Sekarang Anda bisa masuk ke situs Jetpack dengan akun Apakah " "Anda ingin melanjutkan penyiapan fitur keamanan penting untuk situs?" msgid "" "Let's enable sign in using's secure authentication for easy " "login by activating the toggle switch above." msgstr "" "Ayo aktifkan proses masuk menggunakan autentikasi aman untuk " "kemudahan login dengan mengaktifkan tombol pengalih di atas." msgid "Today’s the final day to save 15% on upgrades for your site" msgstr "Hari terakhir diskon 15% untuk upgrade paket" msgid "Here’s my best tip" msgstr "Rekomendasi terbaik untuk Anda" msgid "Two easy ways to make money with your site" msgstr "Dua cara mudah agar situs Anda menghasilkan" msgid "" "You already have an upcoming appointment. A second can not be scheduled yet." msgstr "" "Anda sudah memiliki janji temu mendatang. Janji temu kedua belum bisa " "dijadwalkan." msgid "" "You can also broadcast your latest posts as tweets and Facebook page updates " "with %1$sJetpack Social%2$s. One click on the <strong>Publish</strong> " "button on your site can automatically push your content to many other social " "networks." msgstr "" "Anda juga dapat menyiarkan pos terbaru sebagai cuitan dan pembaruan halaman " "Facebook menggunakan %1$sJetpack Social%2$s. Sekali klik pada tombol " "<strong>Publikasikan</strong> di situs Anda dapat menyebarkan konten ke " "banyak jaringan sosial lainnya." msgid "" "If you change categories, you'll need to resubmit your feed to Apple " "Podcasts and any other podcasting services." msgstr "" "Jika mengubah kategori, Anda harus mengirimkan ulang feed ke Apple Podcasts " "dan layanan podcast lainnya." msgid "" "Want to dive deeper into search engine optimization? %1$sLearn more about " "SEO on$s. As a Premium plan user, you can access %3$sEmail " "or Live Chat Support%4$s to set up or troubleshoot your site and learn about " "the features you can use." msgstr "" "Jika Anda ingin menggunakan pengoptimalan mesin pencarian dengan maksimal, " "Anda dapat %1$smempelajari selengkapnya tentang SEO di$s. " "Sebagai pengguna paket Premium, Anda dapat mengakses %3$sBantuan melalui E-" "mail atau Live Chat %4$s untuk memulai situs atau menyelesaikan kendala pada " "situs Anda dan menggunakan berbagai fitur andal." msgid "" "In the Settings page, you can verify your site with several search engines " "and social networks, and see your sitemap, which contains the information " "Google looks for when indexing your site." msgstr "" "Di halaman Pengaturan, Anda dapat melakukan verifikasi situs dengan beberapa " "mesin pencarian dan jejaring media sosial, serta melihat sitemap yang berisi " "informasi yang dicari Google ketika melakukan index pada situs Anda." msgid "" "Want to dive deeper into search engine optimization? %1$sLearn more about " "SEO on$s. As a %5$s plan user, you can access %3$sEmail or " "Live Chat Support%4$s to set up or troubleshoot your site and learn about " "the features you can use." msgstr "" "Ingin lebih mendalami optimisasi mesin pencari? %1$sBaca selengkapnya " "tentang SEO di$s. Sebagai pengguna paket %5$s, Anda dapat " "mengakses %3$sDukungan Email atau Obrolan Langsung%4$s untuk menyiapkan atau " "memecahkan masalah situs Anda dan mempelajari fitur-fitur yang dapat " "digunakan." msgid "" "Boost your website’s traffic by adjusting settings in the Traffic section of " "your Settings page." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan aktivitas situs web Anda dengan menyesuaikan pengaturan Lalu " "Lintas pada halaman Pemasaran." msgid "" "Promote your site to people who are looking for information about your topic." msgstr "" "Promosikan situs Anda ke para pembaca yang mencari informasi tentang topik " "yang Anda angkat." msgid "" " Premium offers great search engine optimization (SEO) right " "out of the box. However, there are a few fundamentals you can take care of " "to make sure that you’re as visible as possible in search results." msgstr "" "Paket Premium menawarkan pengoptimalan mesin pencarian (SEO) " "yang terbaik. Namun, ada pengaturan dasar yang dapat diterapkan untuk " "memastikan situs Anda ditemukan dengan mudah melalui mesin pencarian." msgid "Publish useful, original posts at a consistent rhythm." msgstr "" "Publikasikan pos yang berguna dan orisinal dengan frekuensi yang konsisten." msgid "" "Need some guidance on social sharing? %1$sLearn more about how to use " "Jetpack Social%2$s. As a Premium plan user, you can access %3$sEmail or Live " "Chat Support%4$s to help you connect your site to all your social accounts " "and transform your site into your main hub on the web." msgstr "" "Butuh panduan cara berbagi di media sosial? %1$sBaca selengkapnya cara " "menggunakan Jetpack Social%2$s. Dengan paket Premium, Anda dapat mengakses " "%3$sDukungan Email atau Obrolan Langsung%4$s untuk menghubungkan situs Anda " "ke semua akun media sosial dan menjadikan situs Anda sebagai pusat kegiatan " "di web." msgid "" "Need some guidance on social sharing? %1$sLearn more about how to use " "Jetpack Social%2$s. As a %s plan user, you can access %3$sEmail or Live Chat " "Support%4$s to help you connect your site to all your social accounts and " "transform your site into your main hub on the web." msgstr "" "Butuh panduan berbagi ke media sosial? %1$sBaca selengkapnya tentang cara " "menggunakan Jetpack Social%2$s. Sebagai pengguna paket %s, Anda dapat " "mengakses %3$sDukungan Email atau Obrolan Langsung%4$s untuk membantu " "menghubungkan situs Anda ke semua akun media sosial Anda dan menjadikan " "situs Anda sebagai pusat kegiatan Anda di dunia online." msgid "" "Want a walk-through of how to install themes? Check out our %1$sstep-by-step " "guide%2$s, which also contains a free video tutorial. As a Premium Plan " "user, you are also entitled to %3$sEmail or Live Chat Support%4$s to get " "help setting up and customizing your theme." msgstr "" "Jika Anda membutuhkan panduan cara menginstal tema, Anda dapat melihat " "%1$spanduan langkah demi langkah%2$s, yang berisi tutorial video gratis. " "Dengan Paket Premium, Anda mendapatkan %3$sBantuan melalui E-mail atau Live " "Chat%4$s untuk menyiapkan dan mengatur tema." msgid "" "Want a walk-through of how to install themes? Check out our %1$sstep-by-step " "guide%2$s, which also contains a free video tutorial. As a %5$s plan user, " "you are also entitled to %3$sEmail or Live Chat Support%4$s to get help " "setting up and customizing your theme." msgstr "" "Butuh panduan menginstal tema? Lihat %1$spanduan lengkap%2$s kami dengan " "tutorial video gratis. Sebagai pengguna paket %5$s, Anda dapat mengakses " "%3$sEmail atau Dukungan Obrolan Langsung%4$s yang akan membantu Anda " "menyiapkan dan menyesuaikan tema." msgid "" "Since you’re on the Premium plan, you can try an unlimited " "number of themes until you find the perfect fit for you, so feel free to " "experiment. Need some inspiration? Check out %1$sfour homepages, four " "different ways%2$s." msgstr "" "Karena Anda memiliki paket Premium, Anda dapat mencoba " "berbagai tema tidak terbatas hingga Anda menemukan yang tepat, maka jangan " "ragu untuk bereksperimen. Jika Anda memerlukan inspirasi, Anda dapat melihat " "%1$sempat beranda, empat cara yang berbeda%2$s." msgid "" "When you select a theme, ask yourself: how do you want your site to be " "perceived? Would it be professional yet friendly, or sophisticated and " "exclusive? Perhaps something else entirely? Brainstorm a few words and then " "enter those descriptors into the search box at the %1$sTheme Showcase%2$s." msgstr "" "Saat memilih tema, tanya kembali: bagaimana Anda ingin para pengunjung " "memahami situs Anda? Apakah Anda ingin situs Anda dianggap profesional namun " "bersahabat, atau modern dan eksklusif? Mungkin sesuatu yang berbeda? " "Pikirkan beberapa kata yang menggambarkan situs ideal Anda, kemudian " "masukkan ke kotak pencarian di %1$sEtalase Tema%2$s." msgid "" "Ready to unlock more great features for your site, like the ability to " "install plugins or integrate Google Analytics? Check out the %1$sWordPress." "com Business plan%2$s to see if an upgrade is right for you." msgstr "" "Ingin tahu berbagai fitur andal untuk situs Anda, misalnya menginstal plugin " "atau menggunakan Google Analytics? Lihat %1$spaket Bisnis$s " "untuk mengetahui apakah Anda perlu melakukan upgrade." msgid "" "If you’re not sure how to get started, check out our %1$sfree video tutorials" "%2$s. As a Premium plan user, you are also entitled to %3$sEmail or Live " "Chat Support%4$s to set up or troubleshoot your site and learn about the " "features you can use." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak yakin memulai dari mana, lihat %1$stutorial video gratis%2$s " "kami. Sebagai pengguna paket Premium, Anda mendapatkan %3$sBantuan melalui E-" "mail atau Live Chat%4$s untuk memulai situs atau menyelesaikan kendala pada " "situs Anda dan menggunakan berbagai fitur andal." msgid "" "Welcome to Premium! With millions of personal bloggers, small " "businesses, and large Fortune 500 companies using WordPress to power their " "online presence, you’re in good hands." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di paket Premium! Jutaan blogger, usaha kecil, " "dan perusahaan besar yang termasuk di dalam daftar Fortune 500 menggunakan " "WordPress untuk memperkuat eksistensi online mereka. Maka, Anda telah " "membuat pilihan yang tepat." msgid "" "Need some guidance on social sharing? %1$sLearn more about how to use " "Jetpack Social%2$s. As a Personal plan user, you can access %3$sEmail or " "Live Chat Support%4$s to help you connect your site to all your social " "accounts and transform your site into your main hub on the web." msgstr "" "Butuh panduan cara berbagi di media sosial? %1$sBaca selengkapnya cara " "menggunakan Jetpack Social%2$s. Dengan paket Personal, Anda dapat mengakses " "%3$sDukungan Email atau Obrolan Langsung%4$s untuk menghubungkan situs Anda " "ke semua akun media sosial dan menjadikan situs Anda sebagai pusat kegiatan " "di web." msgid "" "The more you extend yourself on social media, the bigger your network will " "grow, and the more visitors you’ll gain." msgstr "" "Semakin luas jangkauan situs Anda di media sosial, semakin besar jaringan " "terbangun, dan semakin banyak orang akan mengunjungi situs Anda." msgid "Enable Social Sharing" msgstr "Berbagi di Media Sosial" msgid "" "Want a walk-through of how to install themes? Check out our %1$sstep-by-step " "guide%2$s, which also contains a free video tutorial. As a Personal plan " "user, you are also entitled to %3$sEmail or Live Chat Support%4$s to get " "help setting up and customizing your theme." msgstr "" "Jika Anda membutuhkan panduan cara menginstal tema, Anda dapat melihat " "%1$spanduan langkah demi langkah%2$s, yang berisi tutorial video gratis. " "Dengan Paket Personal, Anda mendapatkan %3$sBantuan melalui E-mail atau Live " "Chat%4$s untuk menyiapkan dan mengatur tema." msgid "" "You can try dozens of themes until you find the perfect fit for you, so feel " "free to experiment. Need some inspiration? Check out %1$sfour homepages, " "four different ways%2$s." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mencoba puluhan tema hingga Anda menemukan yang paling tepat, " "jadi jangan ragu untuk bereksperimen. Jika Anda memerlukan inspirasi, Anda " "dapat melihat melihat %1$sempat beranda, empat cara yang berbeda%2$s." msgid "Explore Themes" msgstr "Jelajahi Tema" msgid "" "When you select a theme, ask yourself: how do you want your blog or website " "to be perceived? Would it be professional yet friendly, or sophisticated and " "exclusive? Perhaps something else entirely? Brainstorm a few words and then " "enter those descriptors into the search box at the %1$s Theme Showcase%2$s." msgstr "" "Saat memilih tema, tanya kembali: bagaimana Anda ingin para pengunjung " "memahami blog atau situs Anda? Apakah Anda ingin blog atau situs Anda " "dianggap profesional namun bersahabat, atau modern dan eksklusif? Mungkin " "sesuatu yang berbeda? Pikirkan beberapa kata, kemudian masukkan ke kotak " "pencarian di %1$sEtalase Tema%2$s." msgid "" "Create a beautiful website represents what you stand for. Start by picking " "your website theme, which determines the overall design and appearance of " "your site. After all, your website’s look and feel is a big part of your " "success." msgstr "" "Buat situs web yang menarik yang mencerminkan visi Anda. Mulai dengan " "memilih tema situs web yang menentukan keseluruhan desain dan tampilan " "situs. Tampilan dan kesan dari situs web sangat penting untuk meraih sukses." msgid "" "Ready to unlock more great features for your site, like unlimited premium " "themes or the ability to monetize your site? Check out the %1$ " "Premium and Business plans%2$s to see if an upgrade is right for you." msgstr "" "Ingin mendapatkan fitur andal untuk situs Anda, seperti tema premium tidak " "terbatas atau kemampuan menghasilkan uang? Lihat %1$spaket Premium dan " "Bisnis$s untuk mengetahui jika Anda perlu melakukan upgrade." msgid "" "If you’re not sure how to get started, check out our %1$sfree video tutorials" "%2$s. As a %5$s plan user, you are also entitled to %3$sEmail or Live Chat " "Support%4$s to set up or troubleshoot your site and learn about the features " "you can use." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak yakin memulai dari mana, lihat %1$stutorial video gratis" "%2$s. Sebagai pengguna paket %5$s, Anda berhak mengakses %3$sDukungan Email " "atau Obrolan Langsung%4$s untuk menyiapkan atau memecahkan masalah situs " "Anda dan mempelajari fitur-fitur yang dapat digunakan." msgid "How to build a successful website" msgstr "Bangun situs web yang andal" msgid "Update My Settings to Get Me Found" msgstr "Perbarui Pengaturan Situs " msgid "" "%s offers great search engine optimization (SEO) right out of the box. " "However, there are a few fundamentals you can take care of to make sure that " "you’re as visible as possible in search results." msgstr "" "%s menyediakan optimisasi mesin pencari (SEO) yang siap pakai. Namun, ada " "beberapa hal mendasar yang dapat diatur untuk memastikan situs Anda " "ditemukan dengan mudah melalui mesin pencarian." msgid "Create a Site Search Engines Love" msgstr "Buat Situs yang Mudah Ditemukan dengan Mesin Pencarian" msgid "Ensure your website will be found." msgstr "Pastikan situs web Anda akan ditemukan." msgid "Help your customers find your site on search engines" msgstr "Permudah pencarian situs Anda " msgid "How to build a site that search engines love" msgstr "Cara membuat situs yang disukai mesin pencarian" msgid "Share your thoughts!" msgstr "Bagikan pendapat Anda!" msgid "" "You can also broadcast your latest posts as tweets and Facebook page updates " "with %1$s Jetpack Social%2$s. One click on the <strong>Publish</strong> " "button on your site can automatically push your content to many other social " "networks." msgstr "" "Anda juga dapat menyiarkan pos terbaru sebagai cuitan dan pembaruan halaman " "Facebook menggunakan %1$sJetpack Social%2$s. Sekali klik pada tombol " "<strong>Publikasikan</strong> di situs Anda dapat menyebarkan konten ke " "banyak jaringan sosial lain." msgid "" "Use the power of social networks to get social networks to draw more " "visitors to your website! Add sharing buttons to your pages and blog posts " "so readers can share your content to their audience on social media." msgstr "" "Gunakan kekuatan media sosial untuk menarik lebih banyak pengunjung! " "Tambahkan tombol berbagi pada halaman dan pos blog Anda agar para pembaca " "dapat membagikan konten Anda." msgid "Boost Your Website Views with Social Media" msgstr "Promosikan Situs Web dengan Media Sosial" msgid "Draw more people to your site by using the power of social media." msgstr "" "Jangkau lebih banyak orang untuk mengunjungi situs Anda dengan memanfaatkan " "kekuatan media sosial." msgid "How to get more website visitors" msgstr "Dapatkan pengunjung lebih banyak" msgid "Have fun selecting your website’s beautiful new theme!" msgstr "Selamat memilih tema baru yang memukau untuk situs web Anda!" msgid "Explore Unlimited Themes" msgstr "Jelajahi Tema Tak Terbatas" msgid "Experiment: Find the Right Look" msgstr "Eksperimen: Temukan Tampilan yang Tepat" msgid "" "Create a beautiful website that also brings you more business. Start by " "picking your website theme, which determines the overall design and " "appearance of your site. After all, a look that matches your brand can have " "a direct effect on the success of your business." msgstr "" "Buat situs web yang menarik untuk membuka peluang bisnis lebih banyak. Mulai " "dengan memilih tema situs web yang menentukan keseluruhan desain dan " "tampilan situs. Tampilan situs yang sesuai dengan branding Anda akan " "berdampak pada kesuksesan bisnis." msgid "Design a beautiful and powerful business website." msgstr "Buat desain situs web bisnis yang indah dan berkesan." msgid "Pick a website theme you love" msgstr "Pilih tema situs web yang tepat" msgid "Find the perfect look for your site" msgstr "Temukan tampilan yang sempurna untuk situs Anda" msgid "Was this content helpful?" msgstr "Apakah konten ini bermanfaat?" msgid "Get WordPress apps for any device." msgstr "Dapatkan aplikasi WordPress untuk perangkat apa pun." msgid "Inspiration strikes anytime, anywhere." msgstr "Inspirasi bisa datang kapan saja, di mana saja." msgid "Thanks for being here, and we’re excited to see what you accomplish!" msgstr "Terima kasih telah memilih!" msgid "Start Personalizing Your Site Now" msgstr "Mulai Kelola Situs Anda Sekarang" msgid "When you’re ready, click <strong>Publish</strong> -- and you’re done!" msgstr "Jika sudah siap, klik <strong>Publikasikan</strong> -- dan selesai!" msgid "" "You’ll land on the <strong>Editor</strong>, where you can add text, media, " "embeds, contact forms, or any other content your page calls for." msgstr "" "Anda akan diarahkan ke <strong>Editor</strong>, untuk Anda menambahkan teks, " "media, sematan, formulir kontak, atau konten lain yang sesuai dengan halaman " "Anda." msgid "" "Log in to your account, navigate to <strong>My Site(s)</strong> (the link is " "always at the top-left corner of your screen), then click <strong>Add</" "strong> next to <strong>Pages</strong>." msgstr "" "Login ke akun Anda, buka <strong>Situs Saya</strong> (tautannya selalu " "berada di sudut kiri atas layar Anda), lalu klik <strong>Tambah</strong> di " "sebelah <strong>Halaman</strong>." msgid "You can publish your page in just a few clicks:" msgstr "Anda dapat memublikasikan halaman hanya dengan 3 langkah:" msgid "Create Your First Page in 3 Steps" msgstr "Membuat Halaman Pertama dalam 3 Langkah" msgid "" "You can begin with an About page where you introduce yourself and your work, " "create a Contact page if you’d like to give people a direct way to reach " "you, or add your address and hours of operation to a new page if you’re a " "brick-and-mortar business." msgstr "" "Anda dapat membuat halaman Tentang untuk memperkenalkan diri dan karya Anda, " "membuat halaman Kontak jika ingin para pelanggan menghubungi Anda langsung, " "atau menambahkan alamat serta jam operasional di halaman baru jika bisnis " "Anda memiliki bangunan toko atau kantor." msgid "" "Get started by creating your site’s first page. Your site’s content — the " "information and photos visitors see — does all the talking for you when you " "can’t be there to speak with your customers in person." msgstr "" "Mulai dengan membuat halaman pertama untuk situs Anda. Konten situs Anda, " "yaitu informasi dan foto, akan mewakili Anda untuk menyapa langsung para " "pelanggan yang mengunjungi situs Anda." msgid "" "Welcome to %s! With millions of personal bloggers, small businesses, and " "large Fortune 500 companies using WordPress to power their online presence, " "you’re in good hands." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di %s. Jutaan blogger, usaha kecil, dan perusahaan besar yang " "termasuk di dalam daftar Fortune 500 menggunakan WordPress untuk memperkuat " "eksistensi online mereka. Anda membuat pilihan yang tepat." msgid "Getting Started is Simple" msgstr "Mulai dengan Mudah" msgid "Use Your Own Domain" msgstr "Gunakan Domain Anda Sendiri" msgid "Not sure what works best for you? {{a}}We're happy to help!{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Anda ingin menemukan pilihan yang paling tepat? {{a}}Kami siap membantu!{{/" "a}}" msgid "{{a}}Learn more about domain mapping{{/a}}" msgstr "{{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang domain mapping{{/a}}" msgid "Requires changes to the domain's DNS" msgstr "Memerlukan perubahan pada DNS domain" msgid "" "Manage some domain settings at your current provider and some at WordPress." "com" msgstr "" "Kelola beberapa pengaturan domain di penyedia hosting yang Anda gunakan saat " "ini dan beberapa di" msgid "Domain registration and billing will remain at your current provider" msgstr "" "Registrasi domain dan penagihan tetap berada di penyedia hosting yang Anda " "gunakan saat ini" msgid "Map your domain without moving it from your current registrar." msgstr "" "Mengarahkan domain tanpa memindahkannya dari registrar yang saat ini Anda " "gunakan." msgid "{{a}}Learn more about domain transfers{{/a}}" msgstr "{{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang transfer domain{{/a}}" msgid "Extends registration by one year" msgstr "Memperpanjang registrasi selama satu tahun" msgid "Manage your domain and site from your dashboard" msgstr "Kelola domain dan situs dari dasbor Anda" msgid "" "Domain registration and billing will be moved from your current provider to " "" msgstr "" "Registrasi domain dan penagihan akan dipindahkan dari penyedia yang saat ini " "Anda gunakan ke" msgid "Transfer your domain away from your current registrar." msgstr "Mentransfer domain Anda dari registrar yang saat ini Anda gunakan." msgid "" "Free with your plan, but registration costs at your current provider still " "apply" msgstr "" "Gratis dengan pembelian paket Anda, tetapi biaya registrasi di penyedia yang " "saat ini Anda gunakan tetap berlaku" msgid "24/7 expert WordPress support" msgstr "Dukungan ahli WordPress 24 jam" msgid "Site fonts changed" msgstr "Font situs diubah" msgid "Starting at $2.59 / mo" msgstr "Mulai dari $2,59/bulan" msgid "Pressable is based out of The United States of America" msgstr "" "Pressable bermarkas di Amerika Serikat dan beroperasi di berbagai lokasi" msgid "Starting at $5.00 / mo" msgstr "Mulai dari $5,00/bulan" msgid "MilesWeb is based out of India" msgstr "MilesWeb bermarkas di India dan beroperasi di berbagai lokasi" msgid "MilesWeb Logo" msgstr "Logo MilesWeb" msgid "Start with DreamPress by Dreamhost" msgstr "Mulai dengan DreamPress dari Dreamhost" msgid "Starting at %s a month" msgstr "Mulai dari %s per bulan" msgid "Dreamhost is based out of The United States of America" msgstr "" "Dreamhost bermarkas di Amerika Serikat dan beroperasi di berbagai lokasi" msgid "Starting at $4.99 / mo" msgstr "Mulai dari $4,99/bulan" msgid "Bluehost is based out of The United States of America" msgstr "" "Bluehost bermarkas di Amerika Serikat dan beroperasi di berbagai lokasi" msgid "Renew interval" msgstr "Interval perpanjangan" msgid "Stopping this subscription" msgstr "Menghentikan langganan ini" msgid "Every %s" msgstr "Setiap %s" msgid "Renews %s" msgstr "Diperpanjang %s" msgid "Footer credit changed" msgstr "Kredit footer diubah" msgid "Footer credit hidden" msgstr "Kredit footer disembunyikan" msgid "Footer credit set to \"%1$s\"" msgstr "Kredit footer diatur menjadi \"%1$s\"" msgid "" "If you’re building a brand new site, you might be wondering if you need a " "website, a blog, or a website with a blog. At, you can create " "all of these options easily, right in your dashboard." msgstr "" "Saat membuat situs baru, Anda mungkin berpikir jika Anda memerlukan situs " "web, blog, atau situs web dengan blog. Dengan, Anda dapat " "membuat semua pilihan tersebut dengan mudah, langsung dari dasbor Anda." msgid "Do I Need a Website, a Blog, or a Website with a Blog?" msgstr "Apakah Saya Memerlukan Situs Web, Blog, atau Situs Web dengan Blog?" msgid "Posts will now appear on \"%s\"" msgstr "Pos kini akan muncul di \"%s\"" msgid "" "Comments including the words, URL, email, or IP \"%s\" require moderator " "approval" msgstr "" "Komentar yang mencakup kata-kata, URL, email, atau IP \"%s\" memerlukan " "persetujuan moderator" msgid "Disabled categories and tags in Related Posts" msgstr "Menonaktifkan kategori dan tag di Pos Terkait" msgid "Enabled categories and tags in Related Posts" msgstr "Mengaktifkan kategori dan tag di Pos Terkait" msgid "Jetpack mobile theme disabled" msgstr "Tema seluler Jetpack dinonaktifkan" msgid "Jetpack mobile theme enabled" msgstr "Tema seluler Jetpack diaktifkan" msgid "Set to load additional posts when visitors click a button" msgstr "Atur untuk memuat pos tambahan ketika pengunjung mengeklik tombol" msgid "Set to load additional posts automatically" msgstr "Atur untuk memuat pos tambahan secara otomatis" msgid "Number of comments per page changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Jumlah komentar per halaman diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Comments will not close automatically" msgstr "Komentar tidak akan ditutup secara otomatis" msgid "Comments will now close automatically" msgstr "Komentar kini akan ditutup secara otomatis" msgid "Number of days comments remain open changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "" "Jumlah hari komentar terus dibuka diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Comments including \"%s\" are now blacklisted" msgstr "Komentar yang menyertakan \"%s\" kini akan masuk dalam daftar hitam" msgid "" "Note: you cannot undo this action. Going forward, only the new Plan " "Purchaser can initiate a change." msgstr "" "Catatan: Anda tidak dapat mengurungkan tindakan ini. Selanjutnya, hanya " "Pembeli Paket yang baru yang dapat memulai perubahan." msgid "Are you sure you want to change the Plan Purchaser to {{user /}}?" msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin mengganti Pembeli Paket menjadi {{user /}}?" msgid "" "Note: you cannot undo this action. Going forward, only the new Site Owner " "can initiate a transfer." msgstr "" "Catatan: Anda tidak dapat mengurungkan tindakan ini. Selanjutnya, hanya " "Pemilik Situs yang baru yang dapat memulai transfer." msgid "Click here to upgrade your site today!" msgstr "Klik di sini untuk melakukan upgrade sekarang juga!" msgid "" "Which means you can upgrade today and try one of our paid plans for 30 days, " "completely risk free. If you decide the upgraded plan isn’t for you, simply " "contact us and we’ll give you a full refund." msgstr "" "Anda dapat melakukan upgrade hari ini dan mencoba salah satu paket berbayar " "kami selama 30 hari. Jika Anda memutuskan bahwa paket tersebut tidak sesuai " "dengan kebutuhan Anda, silakan hubungi kami dan kami akan mengembalikan " "penuh uang Anda." msgid "" "And that’s just the beginning. Depending on the plan you choose, you’ll also " "get advanced search engine optimization (SEO) tools, built-in credit card " "processing capabilities, access to the WordPress plugin library, and so much " "more." msgstr "" "Selain itu, sesuai dengan paket yang dipilih, Anda juga akan mendapatkan " "perangkat pengoptimalan mesin pencari (SEO) yang andal, kemampuan pemrosesan " "kartu kredit yang terintegrasi, akses ke koleksi plugin WordPress, dan " "lainnya." msgid "Place ads and payment options on your site." msgstr "Tambahkan iklan dan fitur pembayaran di situs Anda." msgid "Privacy Policy page updated successfully." msgstr "Laman Kebijakaan Privasi telah berhasil diperbarui." msgid "" "The suggested privacy policy content should be added by using the %s (or " "later) action. Please see the inline documentation." msgstr "" "Konten Kebijakan Privasi yang disarankan harus ditambahkan dengan " "menggunakan tindakan %s (atau terbaru). Silakan lihat dokumentasi terkait." msgid "" "The suggested privacy policy content should be added only in wp-admin by " "using the %s (or later) action." msgstr "" "Konten Kebijakan Privasi yang disarankan hanya untuk ditambahkan di wp-admin " "dengan menggunakan tindakan %s (atau terbaru)." msgid "Recurring payments" msgstr "Pembayaran berulang" msgid "Site icon removed" msgstr "Ikon situs dihapus" msgid "Learn more about Jetpack ›" msgstr "Baca lebih lanjut tentang Jetpack ›" msgid "If you need any help, please reach out - we'd love to help you: %s" msgstr "" "Jika perlu bantuan, hubungi kami. Kami siap membantu dengan senang hati: %s" msgid "View all of the %1$s plan features you have access to: %2$s" msgstr "Lihat semua fitur paket %1$s yang bisa Anda akses: %2$s" msgid "" "If no action is taken, your %1$s plan will expire on your plan expiration " "date of %2$s and you will lose access to all of the features you are " "currently using." msgstr "" "Jika tidak ada tindakan yang dilakukan, paket %1$s Anda akan berakhir masa " "berlakunya pada %2$s dan Anda tidak dapat mengakses fitur-fitur yang " "digunakan saat ini." msgid "Jetpack needs updated payment information for your site, %1$s (%2$s)." msgstr "" "Jetpack memerlukan informasi pembayaran terbaru untuk situs Anda, %1$s " "(%2$s)." msgid "" "If you need any help, please <a href=\"%s\">reach out</a> - we'd love to " "help you." msgstr "" "Jika perlu bantuan, <a href=\"%s\">hubungi kami</a>. Kami siap membantu " "dengan senang hati." msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">View</a> all of the %2$s plan features you have access to." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Lihat</a> semua fitur paket %2$s yang bisa Anda akses." msgid "" "Jetpack needs updated payment information for your site, <a href=\"%1$s\">" "%2$s</a>. <strong>If no action is taken, your %3$s plan will expire on your " "plan expiration date of %4$s</strong> and you will lose access to all of the " "features you are currently using." msgstr "" "Jetpack memerlukan informasi pembayaran terbaru untuk situs Anda, <a href=" "\"%1$s\">%2$s</a>. <strong>Jika tidak ada tindakan yang dilakukan, paket " "%3$s Anda akan berakhir masa berlakunya pada %4$s</strong> dan Anda tidak " "dapat mengakses fitur-fitur yang digunakan saat ini." msgid "Jetpack needs updated payment information" msgstr "Jetpack memerlukan informasi pembayaran terbaru" msgid "Plan purchaser" msgstr "Pembeli paket" msgid "Somebody else is the plan purchaser for this site." msgstr "Pembeli paket untuk situs ini adalah orang lain." msgid "Yes, change the plan purchaser" msgstr "Ya, ganti pembeli paketnya" msgid "" "Usually these are the same person, but sometimes they can differ. E.g., " "developers may be a Site owner, because they set up the website and " "connected Jetpack to and their clients may be Plan purchasers " "who use their billing information to purchase the plan for the site." msgstr "" "Biasanya ini adalah orang yang sama, namun terkadang bisa berbeda. Misalnya, " "pengembang mungkin adalah Pemilik situs, karena mereka menyiapkan situs web " "dan menyambungkan Jetpack ke dan kliennya mungkin adalah " "Pembeli paket yang menggunakan informasi penagihannya untuk membeli paket " "situs." msgid "" "<strong>Plan purchasers</strong> are users who purchased a paid plan for the " "site." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Pembeli paket{{/strong}} adalah pengguna yang membeli paket " "berbayar untuk situs." msgid "" "<strong>Site owners</strong> are users who have connected Jetpack to " "" msgstr "" "{{strong}}Pemilik situs{{/strong}} adalah pengguna yang telah menyambungkan " "Jetpack ke" msgid "" "To take advantage of the 15%% discount, use the promo code %s when you check " "out." msgstr "Untuk memanfaatkan diskon 15%%, gunakan kode promo %s saat membayar." msgid "Welcome, %s listeners! " msgstr "Selamat datang, pendengar %s! " msgid "Podcasting topic 2 set to \"%s\"" msgstr "Topik podcast 2 diatur menjadi \"%s\"" msgid "Podcasting topic 1 set to \"%s\"" msgstr "Topik podcast 1 diatur menjadi \"%s\"" msgid "Podcasting hosts/artist/producer changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Host/artis/produser podcast diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Podcasting hosts/artist/producer set to \"%s\"" msgstr "Host/artis/produser podcast diatur menjadi \"%s\"" msgid "Podcasting cover image changed" msgstr "Gambar sampul podcast diubah" msgid "Podcasting cover image removed" msgstr "Gambar sampul podcast dihapus" msgid "Podcast explicit content setting changed" msgstr "Pengaturan konten eksplisit podcast diubah" msgid "Podcast set not to contain explicit content" msgstr "Podcast diatur untuk tidak berisi konten eksplisit" msgid "Podcast set to contain explicit content" msgstr "Podcast diatur untuk berisi konten eksplisit" msgid "Podcasting email address set to \"%s\"" msgstr "Alamat email podcast diatur menjadi \"%s\"" msgctxt "None podcasting topic chosen." msgid "None" msgstr "Tidak Ada" msgid "Changed podcasting category" msgstr "Kategori podcast diubah" msgid "Changed podcasting category from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Mengubah kategori podcast dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Enabled podcasting and set podcasting category to \"%s\"" msgstr "Mengaktifkan podcast dan mengatur kategori podcast menjadi \"%s\"" msgid "" "See how customers find you on Google -- and whether they visited your site " "and looked for more info on your business -- by connecting to a Google " "Business Profile location." msgstr "" "Lihat cara pelanggan menemukan Anda di Google -- dan apakah mereka " "mengunjungi situs Anda serta mencari tahu lebih lanjut tentang bisnis Anda " "-- dengan terhubung ke lokasi Profil Bisnis Google." msgid "billed yearly" msgstr "penagihan tahunan" msgid "" "Disabled requiring Two-Step Authentication for logging in with " "accounts" msgstr "" "Menonaktifkan kebutuhan Autentikasi Dua Langkah untuk login dengan akun " "" msgid "" "Enabled requiring Two-Step Authentication for logging in with " "accounts" msgstr "" "Mengaktifkan kebutuhan Autentikasi Dua Langkah untuk login dengan akun " "" msgid "" "Disabled matching accounts for login using email addresses" msgstr "" "Menonaktifkan upaya pencocokan akun untuk login menggunakan " "alamat email" msgid "Enabled matching accounts for login using email addresses" msgstr "" "Mengaktifkan upaya pencocokan akun untuk login menggunakan " "alamat email" msgid "Disabled allowing users to log in using accounts" msgstr "" "Menonaktifkan upaya mengizinkan pengguna login menggunakan akun" msgid "Enabled allowing users to log in using accounts" msgstr "" "Mengaktifkan upaya mengizinkan pengguna login menggunakan akun" msgid "Your site has been successfully restored." msgstr "Situs Anda berhasil dipulihkan." msgid "" "We're cloning your site to %(dateTime)s. You'll be notified once it's " "complete." msgstr "" "Kami mengkloning situs Anda ke %(dateTime)s. Anda akan diberi tahu setelah " "selesai." msgid "Away we go! Your site is being cloned." msgstr "Ayo mulai! Situs Anda sedang dikloning." msgid "" "We're restoring your site back to %(dateTime)s. You'll be notified once it's " "complete." msgstr "" "Kami memutar balik situs Anda ke %(dateTime)s. Anda akan diberi tahu setelah " "selesai." msgid "Away we go! Your site is being restored." msgstr "Ayo mulai! Situs Anda sedang diputar balik." msgid "" "We're creating a downloadable backup of your site at %(dateTime)s. You'll be " "notified once it's complete." msgstr "" "Kami membuat cadangan situs yang dapat diunduh untuk Anda pada %(dateTime)s. " "Anda akan diberi tahu setelah selesai." msgid "Away we go! Your download is being created." msgstr "Ayo mulai! Unduhan Anda sedang dibuat." msgid "Buy Professional" msgstr "Beli Profesional" msgid "Best for organizations." msgstr "Terbaik untuk organisasi." msgid "Accept PayPal payments" msgstr "Menerima pembayaran PayPal" msgid "Scheduled social media posting" msgstr "Pengiriman ke media sosial terjadwal" msgid "Automated malware scanning" msgstr "Pemindaian malware otomatis" msgid "30-day archive" msgstr "Arsip 30 hari" msgid "or %s yearly" msgstr "atau %s setiap tahun" msgid "%s <sub>/mo</sub>" msgstr "%s <sub>/bln</sub>" msgid "Best for hobbyists." msgstr "Terbaik untuk penghobi." msgid "Automated social media posting" msgstr "Pengiriman ke media sosial otomatis" msgid "Downtime monitoring" msgstr "Pemantauan downtime" msgid "Brute force attack protection" msgstr "Perlindungan terhadap serangan paksa" msgid "Compare our plans to help you determine which one is right for you." msgstr "Bandingkan paket kami untuk membantu Anda menentukan paket yang tepat." msgid "Powerful features in every Jetpack plan" msgstr "Fitur-fitur andal tersedia untuk semua paket Jetpack" msgid "" "We've partnered with several world-class hosting companies who are committed " "to providing you with the best-in-class WordPress and Jetpack experience." msgstr "" "Kami bekerja sama dengan beberapa perusahaan hosting kelas dunia yang " "berkomitmen memberikan pengalaman WordPress dan Jetpack terbaik." msgid "Launch your WordPress + Jetpack website today" msgstr "Luncurkan situs WordPress + Jetpack Anda hari ini" msgid "" "You need WordPress to run Jetpack, and to run WordPress you need a great web " "host." msgstr "" "Anda perlu WordPress untuk menjalankan Jetpack, dan untuk menjalankan " "WordPress Anda perlu host web yang hebat." msgid "The software trusted by %s%% of the internet, now even better." msgstr "" "Perangkat lunak yang dipercaya oleh %s%% warga internet, kini lebih baik " "lagi." msgid "" "As the new plan purchaser, you will need to update your <a href=\"%s" "\">billing information</a>." msgstr "" "Sebagai pembeli paket yang baru, Anda perlu memperbarui <a href=\"%s" "\">informasi penagihan</a>." msgid "You are now the plan purchaser for %s." msgstr "Anda sekarang adalah pembeli paket untuk %s." msgid "Jetpack Plans" msgstr "Paket Jetpack" msgid "The plan purchaser for %s has been updated to %s." msgstr "Pembeli paket untuk %s telah diperbarui menjadi %s." msgid "An error occurred while migrating backups to the new plan purchaser." msgstr "Terjadi error saat memindahkan cadangan ke pembeli paket yang baru." msgid "" "To use this domain on your site, you can register it elsewhere first and " "then add it here. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Untuk menggunakan domain ini di situs, Anda dapat mendaftarkannya di tempat " "lain terlebih dahulu, lalu menambahkannya di sini. {{a}}Pelajari " "selengkapnya{{/a}}." msgid "Download our free mobile app today!" msgstr "Unduh aplikasi seluler gratis dari kami sekarang juga!" msgid "Update Services changed from %1$s to %2$s" msgstr "Layanan Pembaruan diubah dari %1$s menjadi %2$s" msgid "Keep ownership" msgstr "Mempertahankan kepemilikan" msgid "Transfer ownership" msgstr "Mengalihkan kepemilikan" msgid "Are you sure you want to transfer site ownership to {{user /}}?" msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin mengalihkan kepemilikan situs ke {{user /}}?" msgid "" "If it's a post on a private site, you need be a member of the site to view " "the post." msgstr "" "Jika pos ini berada di situs pribadi, Anda harus menjadi anggota situs agar " "dapat melihat pos." msgid "This post exists, but you don't have permission to read it." msgstr "Pos ini ada, tetapi Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk membacanya." msgid "Site owner changed to %(user)s." msgstr "Pemilik situs diganti menjadi %(user)s." msgid "Disabled emailing admin whenever somebody follows the site" msgstr "Menonaktifkan pengiriman email ke admin saat ada yang mengikuti situs" msgid "Enabled emailing admin whenever somebody follows the site" msgstr "Mengaktifkan pengiriman email ke admin saat ada yang mengikuti situs" msgid "Disabled emailing admin whenever a post is reblogged" msgstr "Menonaktifkan email ke admin saat ada pos yang di-reblog" msgid "Enabled emailing admin whenever a post is reblogged" msgstr "Mengaktifkan email ke admin saat ada pos yang di-reblog" msgid "Twitter username changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Nama pengguna Twitter diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Twitter username set to \"%s\"" msgstr "Nama pengguna Twitter diatur menjadi \"%s\"" msgid "Enabled showing the Reblog button" msgstr "Mengaktifkan upaya menampilkan tombol Reblog" msgid "Disabled showing the Reblog button" msgstr "Menonaktifkan upaya menampilkan tombol Reblog" msgid "We successfully cloned your site to the state as of %(date)s!" msgstr "Kami berhasil mengkloning situs ke keadaannya pada tanggal %(date)s!" msgid "%(value)d action on the week of %(monday)s" msgid_plural "%(value)d actions on the week of %(monday)s" msgstr[0] "%(value)d tindakan pada minggu %(monday)s" msgstr[1] "%(value)d tindakan pada minggu %(monday)s" msgid "%(value)d view on the week of %(monday)s" msgid_plural "%(value)d views on the week of %(monday)s" msgstr[0] "%(value)d penayangan pada minggu %(monday)s" msgstr[1] "%(value)d penayangan pada minggu %(monday)s" msgid "Plan removed" msgstr "Paket dihapus" msgid "Plan purchased" msgstr "Paket dibeli" msgid "Disabled Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)" msgstr "Menonaktifkan Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)" msgid "Enabled Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)" msgstr "Mengaktifkan Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)" msgid "Site owner" msgstr "Pemilik situs" msgid "Remove ads" msgstr "Hapus iklan" msgid "Purchase Membership" msgstr "Beli Keanggotaan" msgid "Your cart is awaiting payment." msgstr "Anda belum membayar produk di keranjang belanja Anda." msgid "Front page meta description set to \"%s\"" msgstr "Deskripsi meta halaman depan diatur menjadi \"%s\"" msgid "" "To help your site with transparency under privacy laws like the GDPR, " "Akismet can display a notice to your users under your comment forms. This " "feature is disabled by default, however, you can turn it on above." msgstr "" "Untuk melindungi situs Anda dengan transparansi yang tercantum dalam undang-" "undang privasi seperti GDPR, Akismet dapat menampilkan pemberitahuan kepada " "pengguna Anda di bawah formulir komentar Anda. Fitur ini secara default " "dinonaktifkan tetapi Anda dapat mengaktifkannya di atas." msgid "Plan purchaser has been changed successfully." msgstr "Pembeli paket berhasil diubah." msgctxt "button label" msgid "Close account" msgstr "Tutup akun" msgctxt "button label" msgid "Manage purchases" msgstr "Kelola Pembelian" msgid "" "A code has been sent to your device via SMS. You may request another code " "after one minute." msgstr "" "Kode telah dikirimkan ke perangkat Anda melalui SMS. Anda dapat meminta kode " "lainnya setelah satu menit." msgid "" " password reset code: %s. If you did not request your password " "to be reset, ignore this message." msgstr "" "%s adalah kode reset kata sandi Anda. Jika Anda tidak " "mengajukan permintaan untuk mereset kata sandi, abaikan pesan ini." msgid "" "Publish blog posts in the {{strong}}%s{{/strong}} category to add new " "episodes." msgstr "" "Publikasikan pos blog dalam kategori {{strong}}%s{{/strong}} untuk " "menambahkan episode baru." msgid "Manage emails" msgstr "Kelola email" msgid "" "Copy your feed URL and submit it to Apple Podcasts and other podcasting " "services." msgstr "" "Salin URL feed Anda dan kirim ke Podcast Apple serta layanan podcast lainnya." msgid "{{a}}Learn more{{/a}}" msgstr "{{a}}Pelajari selengkapnya{{/a}}" msgid "Please enter a server path." msgstr "Masukkan jalur server." msgid "%(value)d view on %(day)s" msgid_plural "%(value)d views on %(day)s" msgstr[0] "%(value)d penayangan pada %(day)s" msgstr[1] "%(value)d penayangan pada %(day)s" msgid "%(value)d action on %(day)s" msgid_plural "%(value)d actions on %(day)s" msgstr[0] "%(value)d tindakan pada %(day)s" msgstr[1] "%(value)d tindakan pada %(day)s" msgid "" "Let's enable monitoring of your site's uptime by activating the toggle " "switch for Jetpack Monitor." msgstr "" "Mari aktifkan pemantauan masa aktif situs Anda dengan mengaktifkan tombol " "pengalih untuk Jetpack Monitor." msgid "" "Downtime Monitoring has been enabled. Would you like to continue setting up " "the security essential features for your site?" msgstr "" "Monitor Downtime telah diaktifkan. Apakah Anda ingin melanjutkan penyiapan " "fitur keamanan penting untuk situs?" msgid "Yes, let's do it." msgstr "Ya, ayo lakukan." msgid "" "An error occurred while changing the plan purchaser. Please try again later." msgstr "Terjadi error saat mengubah pembeli paket. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "You are not allowed to change the plan purchaser of this site." msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengubah pembeli paket situs ini." msgid "Plan purchaser can be changed only for Jetpack plans." msgstr "Pembeli paket hanya dapat diubah untuk paket Jetpack." msgid "Only administrator users can be plan purchasers." msgstr "Hanya pengguna administrator yang bisa menjadi pembeli paket." msgid "" "The user needs to be connected to Jetpack in order to become the plan " "purchaser." msgstr "Pengguna harus terhubung ke Jetpack untuk menjadi pembeli paket." msgid "" "You must be connected to this site in order to change its plan purchaser." msgstr "Anda harus terhubung ke situs ini untuk mengubah pembeli paketnya." msgid "You are already the purchaser of this plan." msgstr "Anda sudah menjadi pembeli paket ini." msgid "You currently don't have an active plan for this site." msgstr "Anda saat ini tidak memiliki paket yang aktif untuk situs ini." msgid "Changing the plan purchaser is not allowed for this site." msgstr "Mengubah pembeli paket tidak diizinkan untuk situs ini." msgid "The plan purchaser has been updated successfully." msgstr "Pembeli paket berhasil diperbarui." msgid "You need to specify a valid user ID of the new plan purchaser." msgstr "" "Anda harus menentukan ID pengguna yang valid untuk pembeli paket yang baru." msgid "" "We’d like to offer you a small token of our support and encouragement — " "<strong>enjoy %1$s%% off</strong> any plan upgrade when you " "enter code %2$s at checkout." msgstr "" "Kami ingin menawarkan sedikit tanda dukungan dan dorongan dari kami — " "<strong>nikmati diskon %1$s%%</strong> untuk semua upgrade paket WordPress." "com saat Anda memasukkan kode %2$s saat checkout." msgid "No posts data returned by remote." msgstr "Tidak ada data pos yang dihasilkan dari jarak jauh." msgid "Invalid site information returned from remote." msgstr "Informasi situs tidak valid dihasilkan dari server jarak jauh." msgid "Invalid remote response." msgstr "Respons jarak jauh tidak valid." msgid "An error occurred fetching the remote data." msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat mengambil data jarak jauh." msgid "Detailed information" msgstr "Informasi terperinci" msgid "An error occurred while downloading blog information" msgstr "Masalah terjadi saat mengunduh informasi blog" msgid "An error occurred while downloading blog posts list" msgstr "Masalah terjadi saat mengunduh daftar pos blog" msgid "You must specify a valid blog URL!" msgstr "Anda harus menentukan URL blog yang valid!" msgid "Cannot load blog posts at this time." msgstr "Tidak dapat memuat pos blog pada saat ini." msgid "Cannot load blog information at this time." msgstr "Tidak dapat memuat informasi blog pada saat ini." msgid "The Blog URL is not properly setup in the widget." msgstr "URL Blog tidak disiapkan dengan benar pada widget." msgid "Management of podcast settings are not supported on this site." msgstr "Manajemen pengaturan podcast tidak didukung pada situs ini." msgid "" "Disable to stop publishing your podcast feed. You can always set it up again." msgstr "" "Nonaktifkan untuk menghentikan publikasi feed podcast Anda. Anda bisa " "menyiapkannya lagi kapan pun." msgid "Hide an additional, second ad below posts" msgstr "Sembunyikan iklan kedua tambahan di bawah pos" msgid "Display an additional, second ad below posts" msgstr "Tampilkan iklan kedua tambahan di bawah pos" msgid "Hide ads below posts" msgstr "Sembunyikan iklan di bawah pos" msgid "Display ads below posts" msgstr "Tampilkan iklan di bawah pos" msgid "Hide ads below pages" msgstr "Sembunyikan iklan di bawah halaman" msgid "Display ads below pages" msgstr "Tampilkan iklan di bawah halaman" msgid "Hide ads below posts on front page" msgstr "Sembunyikan iklan di bawah pos pada halaman depan" msgid "Display ads below posts on front page" msgstr "Tampilkan iklan di bawah pos pada halaman depan" msgid "Hide ads below archives" msgstr "Sembunyikan iklan di bawah arsip" msgid "Display ads below archives" msgstr "Tampilkan iklan di bawah arsip" msgid "Disabled ads" msgstr "Menonaktifkan iklan" msgid "Enabled ads" msgstr "Mengaktifkan iklan" msgid "Hide additional ad on top of each page" msgstr "Sembunyikan iklan tambahan di atas tiap halaman" msgid "Display additional ad on top of each page" msgstr "Tampilkan iklan tambahan di atas tiap halaman" msgid "Cannot find site keyring connection to update." msgstr "Tidak dapat menemukan koneksi keyring situs yang akan diperbarui." msgid "Cannot find site keyring connection to delete." msgstr "Tidak dapat menemukan koneksi keyring situs yang akan dihapus." msgid "Keyring ID should be an integer" msgstr "ID keyring harus berupa bilangan bulat" msgid "" "<strong>%s</strong> is looking great! Congrats on finishing the Quick Start " "tour -- doesn't it feel good to cross things off a list?" msgstr "" "<strong>%s</strong> terlihat bagus! Selamat! Anda telah menyelesaikan tur " "Mulai Cepat. Pasti Anda merasa lega karena telah mencoret beberapa hal dari " "daftar, bukan?" msgid "Quick Start Completed" msgstr "Mulai Cepat Selesai" msgid "Quick Start" msgstr "Mulai Cepat" msgid "" "You've finished the Quick Start checklist for <strong>%s</strong>. Congrats!" msgstr "" "Anda telah menyelesaikan daftar periksa Mulai Cepat untuk <strong>%s</" "strong>. Selamat!" msgid "" "Oops! You don't have permission to manage Podcasting settings on this site." msgstr "" "Ups! Anda tidak punya izin untuk mengelola pengaturan Podcast di situs ini." msgid "" "Try changing to a different site or contacting this site's administrator." msgstr "Coba pindah ke situs lain atau hubungi administrator situs." msgid "Don't show photo Exif metadata in carousel slideshow" msgstr "Jangan tampilkan metadata Exif foto di slideshow karosel" msgid "Show photo Exif metadata in carousel slideshow" msgstr "Tampilkan metadata Exif foto di slideshow karosel" msgid "Carousel slideshow color scheme changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Skema warna slideshow karosel diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Carousel slideshow color scheme set to \"%s\"" msgstr "Skema warna slideshow karosel diatur menjadi \"%s\"" msgid "Timezone changed to \"%s\"" msgstr "Zona waktu diubah menjadi \"%s\"" msgctxt "momentjs format string (day)" msgid "MMM D" msgstr "D MMM" msgctxt "momentjs format string (week)" msgid "MMM D" msgstr "D MMM" msgid "Plugin installed manually" msgid_plural "Plugins installed manually" msgstr[0] "Plugin diinstal secara manual" msgstr[1] "Plugin diinstal secara manual" msgid "Podcasting email address changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Alamat email podcast diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Podcasting topic 3 set to \"%s\"" msgstr "Topik podcast 3 diatur menjadi \"%s\"" msgid "" "Make sure the credentials you enter are for the destination site, %(site)s." msgstr "Pastikan Anda memasukkan kredensial untuk situs tujuan, %(site)s." msgid "Destination Server Address" msgstr "Alamat Server Tujuan" msgid "Destination WordPress Path" msgstr "Jalur WordPress Tujuan" msgid "" "Before we can start cloning your site, we need the server credentials for " "%(destination)s." msgstr "" "Sebelum memulai kloning situs Anda, kami memerlukan kredensial server untuk " "%(destination)s." msgid "WordPress address (site url) set to \"%1$s\"" msgstr "Alamat WordPress (URL situs) diatur menjadi \"%1$s\"" msgid "Website address (home url) set to \"%1$s\"" msgstr "Alamat situs web (URL beranda) diatur menjadi \"%1$s\"" msgid "Keep your site secure" msgstr "Jaga situs Anda agar tetap aman" msgid "" "Now is your chance to invest in yourself. Be confident that your website has " "what it takes to build a lasting audience, rake in more sales, solicit more " "clients, and showcase your best work." msgstr "" "Sekarang adalah kesempatan Anda untuk berinvestasi pada diri sendiri. " "Percayalah bahwa situs web Anda mampu mendapatkan pengunjung setia, menambah " "penghasilan, mendapatkan lebih banyak pelanggan, dan menampilkan karya " "terbaik Anda." msgid "Redeem Offer!" msgstr "Penawaran Klaim!" msgid "And much, much more!" msgstr "Dan masih banyak lagi!" msgid "" "<strong>Grow your site</strong> with unlimited storage space, security " "protection and backup, and unlock third party plugin capabilities." msgstr "" "<strong>Mengembangkan situs</strong> dengan ruang penyimpanan tanpa batas, " "perlindungan keamanan dan pencadangan, serta akses ke fitur dan fungsi " "tambahan." msgid "" "<strong>Tailor your site</strong> with advanced custom design, monetization " "capabilities, and video support." msgstr "" "<strong>Merancang situs</strong> dengan desain khusus tingkat lanjut, " "kemampuan monetisasi, dan menampilkan video." msgid "" "<strong>Build your site</strong> with a custom domain, free themes, and " "expert 24/7 support." msgstr "" "<strong>Membuat situs</strong> dengan domain khusus, tema gratis, dan " "bantuan setiap saat dari tim ahli kami." msgid "" "Getting a new website up and running can be challenging, but you’re on your " "way — and we’re here to help with everything you need to build and grow your " "site. With an upgraded plan you can:" msgstr "" "Membuat situs web baru dan menjalankannya merupakan sebuah tantangan, tetapi " "Anda telah memulai langkah menuju kesuksesan — dan kami hadir untuk membantu " "Anda dengan semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk membuat dan mengembangkan situs " "Anda. Dengan upgrade paket, Anda akan dapat:" msgid "" "Congratulations! You’ve been the proud owner of %1$s for two whole weeks." msgstr "Selamat! Anda telah menjalankan %1$s selama dua minggu penuh." msgid "You’ve made progress on your new site, but what now?" msgstr "" "Anda membuat perkembangan pada situs baru, tapi apa langkah selanjutnya?" msgid "Happy 2 week anniversary of %1$s! Here’s what to do next" msgstr "" "Selamat, umur situs Anda sudah 2 minggu %1$s! Berikut adalah hal yang harus " "Anda lakukan selanjutnya" msgid "" "This is an XML News Sitemap generated by <a href=\"%1$s\" rel=\"noopener " "noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Jetpack</a>, meant to be consumed by search " "engines like <a href=\"%2$s\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank" "\">Google</a> or <a href=\"%3$s\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank" "\">Bing</a>." msgstr "" "Ini adalah Peta Situs Berita XML yang dibuat oleh <a href=\"%1$s\" rel=" "\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Jetpack</a>, ditujukan untuk " "diindeks oleh mesin pencari seperti <a href=\"%2$s\" rel=\"noopener " "noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Google</a> atau <a href=\"%3$s\" rel=" "\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Bing</a>." msgid "" "This is an XML Video Sitemap generated by <a href=\"%1$s\" rel=\"noopener " "noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Jetpack</a>, meant to be consumed by search " "engines like <a href=\"%2$s\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank" "\">Google</a> or <a href=\"%3$s\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank" "\">Bing</a>." msgstr "" "Ini adalah Peta Situs Video XML yang dibuat oleh <a href=\"%1$s\" rel=" "\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Jetpack</a>, ditujukan untuk " "diindeks oleh mesin pencari seperti <a href=\"%2$s\" rel=\"noopener " "noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Google</a> atau <a href=\"%3$s\" rel=" "\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Bing</a>." msgid "" "This is an XML Image Sitemap generated by <a href=\"%1$s\" rel=\"noopener " "noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Jetpack</a>, meant to be consumed by search " "engines like <a href=\"%2$s\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank" "\">Google</a> or <a href=\"%3$s\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank" "\">Bing</a>." msgstr "" "Ini adalah Peta Situs Gambar XML yang dibuat oleh <a href=\"%1$s\" rel=" "\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Jetpack</a>, ditujukan untuk " "diindeks oleh mesin pencari seperti <a href=\"%2$s\" rel=\"noopener " "noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Google</a> atau <a href=\"%3$s\" rel=" "\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Bing</a>." msgid "" "This is an XML Sitemap Index generated by <a href=\"%1$s\" rel=\"noopener " "noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Jetpack</a>, meant to be consumed by search " "engines like <a href=\"%2$s\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank" "\">Google</a> or <a href=\"%3$s\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank" "\">Bing</a>." msgstr "" "Ini adalah Indeks Peta Situs XML yang dibuat oleh <a href=\"%1$s\" rel=" "\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Jetpack</a>, ditujukan untuk " "diindeks oleh mesin pencari seperti <a href=\"%2$s\" rel=\"noopener " "noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Google</a> atau <a href=\"%3$s\" rel=" "\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Bing</a>." msgid "" "Generated by <a href=\"%s\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank" "\">Jetpack for WordPress</a>" msgstr "" "Dibuat oleh <a href=\"%s\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank" "\">Jetpack untuk WordPress</a>" msgid "" "You can find more information on XML sitemaps at <a href=\"%1$s\" rel=" "\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\"></a>" msgstr "" "Anda dapat mencari lebih banyak informasi tentang peta situs XML di <a href=" "\"%1$s\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\"></a>" msgid "" "This is an XML Sitemap generated by <a href=\"%1$s\" rel=\"noopener " "noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Jetpack</a>, meant to be consumed by search " "engines like <a href=\"%2$s\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank" "\">Google</a> or <a href=\"%3$s\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank" "\">Bing</a>." msgstr "" "Ini adalah Peta situs XML yang dibuat oleh <a href=\"%1$s\" rel=\"noopener " "noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Jetpack</a>, ditujukan untuk diindeks oleh " "mesin pencari seperti <a href=\"%2$s\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=" "\"_blank\">Google</a> atau <a href=\"%3$s\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" " "target=\"_blank\">Bing</a>." msgid "" "An error occured while redirecting to your domain provider. If the issue " "persists please contact our support staff." msgstr "" "Terjadi error saat mengalihkan penyedia domain Anda. Jika masalah berlanjut, " "hubungi staf dukungan kami." msgid "Success! Your domain is configured to work with" msgstr "" "Berhasil! Domain Anda dikonfigurasikan untuk berfungsi dengan" msgid "" "Success! Your domain is configured to work with Please note " "that there may be a delay before the new settings take effect at your domain " "provider." msgstr "" "Berhasil! Domain Anda dikonfigurasikan untuk berfungsi dengan " "Harap diperhatikan bahwa ada jeda sebelum pengaturan baru diterapkan pada " "penyediaan domain Anda." msgid "" "Your domain provider supports automatically configuring your domain to use " "it with" msgstr "" "Dukungan penyedia domain Anda otomatis mengonfigurasi domain untuk " "menggunakannya dengan" msgid "" "Clicking the button below redirects you to your domain provider where you " "may be asked to log in. Once you confirm your settings and the process is " "complete, your domain will be connected to your site and you " "will be redirected back to" msgstr "" "Mengklik tombol di bawah akan mengalihkan Anda ke penyedia domain tempat " "Anda diminta untuk login. Setelah mengonfirmasi pengaturan dan prosesnya " "sudah selesai, domain akan terhubung ke situs dan Anda akan " "dialihkan kembali ke" msgid "Configure Your Domain Settings" msgstr "Konfigurasikan Pengaturan Domain Anda" msgid "Connect Your Domain" msgstr "Hubungkan Domain Anda" msgid "Your site has been successfully cloned" msgstr "Situs Anda berhasil dikloning" msgid "Currently cloning your site" msgstr "Sedang mengkloning situs Anda" msgid "The cloning process will start in a moment." msgstr "Proses kloning akan dimulai sebentar lagi." msgid "Preview link for the post." msgstr "Tautan pratinjau dari pos." msgid "There is no autosave revision for this post." msgstr "Tidak ada revisi yang tersimpan otomatis untuk pos ini." msgid "Please provide a name for your site." msgstr "Silakan masukkan nama situs Anda." msgid "Please provide the destination URL." msgstr "Silakan masukkan URL tujuan Anda." msgid "" "Import posts, pages, comments, tags, and images from a %(importerName)s " "export file." msgstr "" "Impor pos, halaman, komentar, tag, dan gambar dari file ekspor " "%(importerName)s." msgid "Site owner could not be changed to %(user)s. Please contact support." msgstr "" "Pemilik situs tidak dapat diubah menjadi %(user)s. Silakan hubungi dukungan." msgid "Show a thumbnail image where available" msgstr "Tampilkan gambar thumbnail jika tersedia" msgid "The Twitter username of the owner of this site's domain." msgstr "Nama pengguna Twitter dari pemilik domain situs ini." msgid "Twitter Site Tag" msgstr "Tag Situs Twitter" msgid "" "This option requires the purchase of hosting and the free software from " " <a href=\"%1$s\">Learn more</a> about the difference between " " and" msgstr "" "Pilihan berikut memerlukan pembelian hosting dan perangkat lunak gratis dari " " <a href=\"%1$s\">Baca lebih lanjut</a> tentang perbedaan antara " " dan" msgid "Bring the power of Jetpack %1$s to your favorite host" msgstr "Bawa ketangguhan Jetpack %1$s ke penyedia hosting favorit Anda" msgid "" "Account closure cannot be undone. It will remove your account along with all " "your sites and all their content." msgstr "" "Penutupan akun tidak dapat diurungkan. Tindakan ini akan menghapus akun " "beserta semua situs dan kontennya." msgid "" "You will not be able to open a new account using the same " "email address for 30 days." msgstr "" "Anda tidak dapat membuka akun baru menggunakan alamat email " "yang sama selama 30 hari." msgid "" "If you have any questions at all about what happens when you close an " "account, please {{a}}chat with someone from our support team{{/a}} first. " "They'll explain the ramifications and help you explore alternatives. " msgstr "" "Jika ada pertanyaan terkait apa yang terjadi saat menutup akun, silakan {{a}}" "berbicara dengan salah satu anggota dari tim dukungan kami{{/a}} dahulu. " "Mereka akan menjelaskan konsekuensinya dan membantu Anda mempelajari langkah-" "langkah alternatif. " msgid "When you're ready to proceed, use the \"Close account\" button." msgstr "Saat Anda siap untuk melanjutkan, gunakan tombol “Tutup akun” ." msgid "Manage purchase" msgstr "Kelola Pembelian" msgid "Language set to \"%1$s\"" msgstr "Bahasa diatur menjadi \"%1$s\"" msgid "" "This site's visibility is currently set to {{strong}}Private{{/strong}}." msgstr "Visibilitas situs saat ini diatur ke {{strong}}Privat{{/strong}}." msgid "Go to Privacy settings" msgstr "Lihat pengaturan Privasi" msgid "Project published and sharing project on %1$s." msgstr "Proyek diterbitkan dan proyek dibagikan di %1$s." msgid "Post published, sending emails to subscribers and sharing post on %1$s." msgstr "" "Pos diterbitkan, email dikirimkan ke langganan dan pos dibagikan di %1$s." msgid "Post published and sharing on %1$s." msgstr "Pos diterbitkan dan %1$s." msgid "New user default role was changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Peran asal pengguna baru diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "New user default role set to \"%s\"" msgstr "Peran asal pengguna baru diatur menjadi \"%s\"" msgid "Changed %1$s verification code from \"%2$s\" to \"%3$s\"" msgstr "Mengubah kode verifikasi %1$s dari \"%2$s\" menjadi \"%3$s\"" msgid "Removed %s verification code" msgstr "Menghapus kode verifikasi %s" msgid "Set new verification code for %1$s as \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Mengatur kode verifikasi baru untuk %1$s sebagai \"%2$s\"" msgid "Update Service removed %s" msgid_plural "Update Services removed %s" msgstr[0] "Layanan Pembaruan menghapus %s" msgstr[1] "Layanan Pembaruan menghapus %s" msgid "Update Service set to %s" msgid_plural "Update Services set to %s" msgstr[0] "Layanan Pembaruan diatur menjadi %s" msgstr[1] "Layanan Pembaruan diatur menjadi %s" msgid "" "A domain name is the site address people type into their browser to visit " "your site." msgstr "" "Nama domain adalah alamat situs yang ditulis di browser oleh pengunjung " "situs untuk menemukan situs Anda." msgid "" "Not sure where to begin? Check out your top three competitors' websites. " "Which pages do they have? List them. How do they organize their pages into " "menus to form site navigation? Looking for further inspiration? Check out " "%sMeasure Twice, Cut Once%s, an article that covers site pages and content " "planning." msgstr "" "Anda tidak yakin harus mulai dari mana? Kunjungi tiga situs web teratas " "pesaing Anda. Lihat halaman yang mereka miliki dan buat catatan. Pelajari " "cara mereka mengatur halaman ke dalam menu untuk membuat navigasi situs. " "Jika Anda membutuhkan inspirasi, lihat %sMeasure Twice, Cut Once%s, artikel " "yang membahas halaman situs dan perencanaan konten." msgid "" "Please wait while we redirect you back to the service provider's site to " "finalize this update." msgstr "" "Harap tunggu selagi kami mengalihkan Anda kembali ke situs penyedia layanan " "untuk menyelesaikan pembaruan ini." msgid "Jetpack Free" msgstr "Jetpack Gratis" msgid "Jetpack setting changed" msgstr "Pengaturan Jetpack diubah" msgid "Disabled user subscriptions to posts and comments" msgstr "Menonaktifkan langganan pengguna untuk pos dan komentar" msgid "Enabled user subscriptions to posts and comments" msgstr "Mengaktifkan langganan pengguna untuk pos dan komentar" msgid "Disabled sitemaps for search engine indexing" msgstr "Menonaktifkan peta situs untuk pengindeksan mesin pencarian" msgid "Enabled sitemaps for search engine indexing" msgstr "Mengaktifkan peta situs untuk pengindeksan mesin pencarian" msgid "Disabled share buttons on posts" msgstr "Menonaktifkan tombol berbagi di pos" msgid "Enabled share buttons on posts" msgstr "Mengaktifkan tombol berbagi di pos" msgid "Disabled SEO Tools for search engine optimization" msgstr "Menonaktifkan Alat SEO untuk pengoptimalan mesin pencarian" msgid "Enabled SEO Tools for search engine optimization" msgstr "Mengaktifkan Alat SEO untuk pengoptimalan mesin pencarian" msgid "Disabled enhanced site search" msgstr "Menonaktifkan pencarian situs yang ditingkatkan" msgid "Enabled enhanced site search" msgstr "Mengaktifkan pencarian situs yang ditingkatkan" msgid "Disabled optimized image serving" msgstr "Menonaktifkan penyajian gambar yang dioptimalkan" msgid "Enabled optimized image serving" msgstr "Mengaktifkan penyajian gambar yang dioptimalkan" msgid "Disabled the Toolbar" msgstr "Menonaktifkan Bilah Peralatan" msgid "Enabled the Toolbar" msgstr "Mengaktifkan Bilah Peralatan" msgid "Disabled lazy-loading images" msgstr "Menonaktifkan lazy-load gambar" msgid "Enabled lazy-loading images" msgstr "Mengaktifkan lazy-load gambar" msgid "Disabled comment \"Likes\"" msgstr "Menonaktifkan \"Suka\" pada komentar" msgid "Enabled comment \"Likes\"" msgstr "Mengaktifkan \"Suka\" pada komentar" msgid "Disabled transforming image galleries into slideshows" msgstr "Menonaktifkan upaya mengubah galeri gambar menjadi slideshow" msgid "Enabled transforming image galleries into slideshows" msgstr "Mengaktifkan upaya mengubah galeri gambar menjadi slideshow" msgid "Disabled Google Analytics" msgstr "Menonaktifkan Google Analytics" msgid "Enabled Google Analytics" msgstr "Mengaktifkan Google Analytics" msgid "Start with Jetpack" msgstr "Mulai dengan Jetpack" msgid "Create Your Website" msgstr "Buat Situs Web Anda" msgid "with powerful, flexible WordPress plugins." msgstr "dengan plugin WordPress yang andal dan terdepan." msgid "Build exactly the kind of site you need" msgstr "Buat situs yang Anda inginkan" msgid "" "This option requires the purchase of hosting and the free software from " " <a href=\"%1$s\">Learn more</a> about the difference between " " and" msgstr "" "Pilihan berikut memerlukan pembelian hosting dan perangkat lunak gratis dari " " <a href=\"%1$s\">Baca lebih lanjut</a> tentang perbedaan " "antara dan" msgid "" "Purchase your own server space from one of our recommended hosts. Install " "the Jetpack plugin and bring the power of to your self-hosted " "site." msgstr "" "Beli ruang server dari salah satu penyedia hosting yang kami rekomendasikan. " "Instal plugin Jetpack dan bawa ketangguhan ke situs yang Anda " "kelola sendiri." msgid "Best for WordPress Experts:" msgstr "Terbaik untuk WordPress Expert:" msgid "Best for Bloggers:" msgstr "Terbaik untuk Bloger:" msgid "Learn More about Jetpack" msgstr "Baca Lebih Lanjut tentang Jetpack" msgid "" "The performance monitoring, social sharing, SEO, and other features that " "come baked into are available to everyone. If you’re using " "WordPress with another host, you can get these same features simply by " "installing Jetpack." msgstr "" "Pemantauan performa, berbagi di media sosial, SEO, dan berbagai fitur yang " "ada di tersedia untuk siapa pun. Jika Anda menggunakan " "WordPress dengan penyedia hosting lain, Anda tetap dapat menikmati fitur " "yang ada di hanya dengan menginstal Jetpack." msgid "" "With unlimited WordPress plugins, you can build anything you can imagine, " "and customize it to meet your specific needs." msgstr "" "Dengan plugin WordPress yang tidak terbatas, Anda dapat membangun situs web " "sesuai imajinasi, dan mengubahnya sesuai kebutuhan." msgid "" "With Business, you can install any of the thousands of free " "plugins available. Add a store with WooCommerce, try advanced SEO strategies " "with Yoast, or support multiple languages with Polylang." msgstr "" "Dengan paket Bisnis dari, Anda dapat menginstal plugin apa pun " "dari ribuan plugin gratis yang tersedia. Tambahkan toko online dengan " "WooCommerce, terapkan strategi SEO terdepan dengan Yoast, atau gunakan " "bermacam bahasa dengan Polylang." msgid "Choose from thousands of %1$s custom plugins" msgstr "Pilih dari ribuan %1$s plugin khusus " msgid "Media embeds" msgstr "Sematan media" msgid "Advanced galleries" msgstr "Galeri tingkat lanjut" msgid "Learn More about Included Features" msgstr "Baca Lebih Lanjut tentang Fitur yang Tersedia" msgid "" "Monitor your site’s performance with stats, optimize for search engines with " "WordPress essential SEO tools, or scan for spam and security threats — " "all without the hassles of plugin installation and maintenance." msgstr "" "Pantau performa situs Anda dengan statistik, optimalkan mesin pencari dengan " "perangkat SEO WordPress, atau pindai spam dan ancaman keamanan dengan mudah " "tanpa harus menginstal dan mengelola plugin." msgid "" "Not ready to install plugins? Not sure what you need? No problem. When you " "sign up for, you automatically get access to the most popular, " "powerful, and functional WordPress features available via Jetpack." msgstr "" "Belum siap menginstal plugin? Tidak yakin dengan apa yang dibutuhkan? Tidak " "masalah. Jika Anda menggunakan, secara otomatis Anda " "mendapatkan akses ke fitur WordPress yang populer, andal dan berguna dari " "Jetpack." msgid "A better WordPress, %1$s powered by Jetpack." msgstr "WordPress yang lebih tangguh, %1$s dengan kekuatan Jetpack." msgid "" "No matter what kind of site you’re building, has a solution " "for everyone." msgstr "" " membantu Anda membangun situs web apa pun yang Anda impikan. " msgid "Unlimited potential." msgstr "Potensi tak terbatas." msgid "Unlimited WordPress plugins." msgstr "Plugin WordPress tanpa batas." msgid "(Only administrators will see this message.)" msgstr "(Hanya administrator yang akan melihat pesan ini.)" msgid "" "The Twitter Timeline widget can't display tweets based on searches or " "hashtags. To display a simple list of tweets instead, change the Widget ID " "to a Twitter username. Otherwise, delete this widget." msgstr "" "Widget Kronologi Twitter tidak akan menampilkan tweet yang berdasarkan " "pencarian atau hashtag lagi. Untuk menampilkan daftar tweet yang sederhana, " "ubah ID Widget menjadi nama pengguna Twitter. Jika tidak, hapus widget ini." msgid "Integrate Your Website with Google Tools" msgstr "Integrasikan Situs Web dengan Google Tools" msgid "Premium and Free WordPress Plugins for Your Website" msgstr "Plugin Premium dan Gratis untuk Situs Web Anda" msgid "Create a Website with" msgstr "Buat Situs Web dengan" msgid "Create a Blog with" msgstr "Buat Blog dengan" msgid " vs Hosting Options" msgstr "Pilihan Hosting dan" msgid "" " offers simple pricing. We bundle hosting, domains, privacy, " "and security into one low price. Join the platform that powers %s%% of " "websites." msgstr "" "Paket sangat terjangkau, mencakup hosting, domain, privasi dan " "keamanan. Segera gabung dengan platform yang telah memperkuat %s%% internet." msgid "" " gives you the easiest way to use Google tools and services on " "your WordPress website." msgstr "" " memberikan cara termudah untuk Anda menggunakan perangkat dan " "layanan Google di situs web WordPress Anda." msgid "" "Choose from some of the best WordPress plugins to customize your WordPress." "com blog or site." msgstr "" "Pilih dari beberapa plugin WordPress terbaik untuk mengelola situs atau blog " " Anda." msgid "" "Trying to decide which type of WordPress hosting is best for your site? " "Discover the best hosting option for you and join the platform that runs %s%" "% of websites." msgstr "" "Sedang mencari hosting WordPress terbaik? Temukan pilihan hosting dari " ", platform yang telah memperkuat %s%% situs web." msgid "" "Build your free website on Choose the best all-in-one " "solution for building your site on the platform that powers %s%% of the web." msgstr "" "Buat situs web gratis di Pilih solusi lengkap terbaik untuk " "membuat situs web di platform yang telah memperkuat %s%% situs web." msgid "" "Create your free blog on Choose for an all-in-" "one solution for your blog, including all the WordPress plugins and themes " "you need." msgstr "" "Buat blog gratis di Pilih untuk solusi lengkap " "blog Anda, mencakup semua plugin dan tema WordPress yang Anda butuhkan." msgid "" "Create a free website or build a blog with ease on Dozens of " "free, customizable, mobile-ready designs and themes. Free hosting and " "support." msgstr "" "Buat situs web atau blog dengan mudah di Puluhan desain dan " "tema gratis, mobile-ready dan dapat disesuaikan. Dapatkan hosting dan " "bantuan gratis." msgid "Close menu" msgstr "Menu tutup" msgid "Auth Code" msgstr "Kode Otorisasi" msgid "Let's clone %(origin)s" msgstr "Mari kita kloning %(origin)s" msgid "" "Any content on %(destinationSiteName)s, where you want to clone your " "content, will be overridden. Is this okay?" msgstr "" "Semua konten di %(destinationSiteName)s, tempat Anda ingin mengkloning " "konten Anda, akan ditimpa. Anda yakin?" msgid "Yep! Begin cloning" msgstr "Ya! Mulai kloning" msgid "Ready to clone!" msgstr "Siap mengkloning!" msgid "Clone current state" msgstr "Kloning status saat ini" msgid "Create a clone of your site as it is right now." msgstr "Buat kloning situs Anda seperti sekarang." msgid "Clone previous state" msgstr "Kloning status sebelumnya" msgid "Browse your event history and choose an earlier state to clone from." msgstr "" "Jelajahi riwayat acara Anda dan pilih status sebelumnya untuk dikloning." msgid "Clone point" msgstr "Titik kloning" msgid "Which point in your site's history would you like to clone from?" msgstr "Titik mana di riwayat situs Anda yang ingin Anda kloning?" msgid "Terms of Service." msgstr "Ketentuan Layanan." msgid "By continuing, you agree to our {{TOS /}}" msgstr "Dengan melanjutkan, Anda setuju dengan {{TOS /}}" msgid "Getting started" msgstr "Mulai" msgid "" "Let's get started. What would you like to name your destination site and " "where is it located?" msgstr "" "Mari memulai. Akan Anda beri nama apa situs tujuan Anda dan di mana Anda " "akan meletakkannya?" msgid "Enter your server credentials" msgstr "Masukkan kredensial server Anda" msgid "" "Alrighty, Jetpack is cloning your site. You will be notified when the clone " "process is finished or you can watch the progress in real-time on the " "Activity Log." msgstr "" "Jetpack sedang mengkloning situs Anda. Kami akan memberi kabar jika proses " "kloning selesai, atau Anda dapat melihat progres secara real time di Log " "Aktivitas." msgid "To the Activity Log!" msgstr "Buka Log Aktivitas!" msgid "We're cloning %(originSiteName)s — sit tight!" msgstr "Kami sedang mengkloning %(originSiteName)s — harap tunggu!" msgid "Fix threat" msgstr "Perbaiki ancaman" msgid "Ignore threat" msgstr "Abaikan ancaman" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Clone" msgstr "Kloning" msgid "Clone your existing site and all its data to a new location." msgstr "" "Kloning situs Anda yang sudah ada dan semua datanya ke lokasi yang baru." msgid "" "{{strong}}.%(tld)s{{/strong}} domains are temporarily not offered on " " Please try again later or choose a different extension." msgstr "" "Domain {{strong}}.%(tld)s{{/strong}} untuk sementara tidak ditawarkan di " " Coba lagi nanti atau pilih ekstensi yang berbeda." msgid "No matching events found." msgstr "Tidak ditemukan acara yang cocok." msgid "Updating %(item)s on %(siteName)s." msgstr "Memperbarui %(item)s di %(siteName)s." msgid "An error occurred while updating %(item)s on %(siteName)s." msgstr "Terjeadi error saat memperbarui %(item)s di %(siteName)s." msgid "Successfully updated %(item)s on %(siteName)s." msgstr "Berhasil memperbarui %(item)s di %(siteName)s." msgid "" "This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=" "\"nofollow noopener\">Learn how your comment data is processed</a>." msgstr "" "Situs ini menggunakan Akismet untuk mengurangi spam. <a href=\"%s\" target=" "\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">Pelajari bagaimana data komentar Anda " "diproses</a>." msgid "" "We collect information about visitors who comment on Sites that use our " "Akismet Anti-spam service. The information we collect depends on how the " "User sets up Akismet for the Site, but typically includes the commenter's IP " "address, user agent, referrer, and Site URL (along with other information " "directly provided by the commenter such as their name, username, email " "address, and the comment itself)." msgstr "" "Kami mengumpulkan informasi tentang pengunjung yang mengomentari Situs yang " "menggunakan layanan antispam Akismet kami. Informasi yang kami kumpulkan " "tergantung pada bagaimana Pengguna mengatur Akismet untuk Situs, tetapi " "biasanya termasuk alamat IP komentator, agen pengguna, perujuk, dan URL " "Situs (bersama dengan informasi lain yang secara langsung disediakan oleh " "komentator seperti nama, nama pengguna, alamat surel, dan komentar itu " "sendiri)." msgid "Do not display privacy notice." msgstr "Jangan tampilkan pemberitahuan privasi." msgid "Display a privacy notice under your comment forms." msgstr "Tampilkan pemberitahuan privasi di bawah formulir komentar Anda." msgid "Akismet privacy" msgstr "Privasi Akismet" msgid "Akismet Privacy" msgstr "Privasi Akismet" msgid "" "To help improve your search page ranking, you can customize how the content " "titles appear for your site. You can reorder items such as ‘Site Name’ and " "‘Tagline’, and also add custom separators between the items." msgstr "" "Untuk membantu meningkatkan peringkat halaman pencarian Anda, Anda dapat " "menyesuaikan cara judul konten muncul di situs Anda. Anda dapat menyusun " "ulang item seperti ‘Nama Situs’ dan ‘Slogan’, serta menambahkan pemisah " "khusus di antara item." msgid "Gorgeous full-screen photo browsing experience." msgstr "Pengalaman penelusuran foto layar penuh yang memukau." msgid "Hovercards appear when you place your mouse over any Gravatar." msgstr "Hovercards muncul saat Anda meletakkan kursor mouse di atas Gravatar." msgid "" "Comment Likes are a fun, easy way to demonstrate your appreciation or " "agreement." msgstr "" "Komentar dan Suka adalah cara yang menyenangkan dan mudah untuk menunjukkan " "apresiasi dan persetujuan Anda." msgid "" "Reports help you track the path visitors take through your site, and goal " "conversion lets you measure how visitors complete specific tasks." msgstr "" "Laporan membantu Anda melacak jalur yang diambil pengunjung melalui situs " "Anda, dan konversi sasaran memungkinkan Anda mengukur cara pengunjung " "menyelesaikan tugas tertentu." msgid "" "With Google Search Console integration, you can see your site like a search " "engine does. Get detailed reports that show how visitors are searching for " "you, what they’re clicking on, who is linking to your site, and much more. " "Optimize your site for more traffic and better discoverability." msgstr "" "Dengan Google Search Console, Anda dapat melihat situs Anda seperti sebuah " "mesin pencarian. Dapatkan laporan terperinci tentang cara situs Anda " "ditemukan, konten yang diklik oleh pengunjung, pengunjung yang terhubung ke " "situs Anda, dan lainnya. Tingkatkan performa situs Anda untuk mendapatkan " "lebih banyak pengunjung dan agar lebih mudah ditemukan." msgid "Make your site easier to find with Search Console" msgstr "Search Console menjadikan situs Anda lebih mudah ditemukan" msgid "Search Console" msgstr "Search Console" msgid "Feedback ID %d could not be removed at this time." msgstr "ID Umpan Balik %d saat ini tidak dapat dihapus." msgid "" "Add a professional Gmail address, Drive, Docs, Calendars, and Hangouts to " "your account. Our integration with G Suite improves your " "site’s performance and your workflow – no software required." msgstr "" "Tambahkan alamat email Gmail profesional, Drive, Docs, Calendars, dan " "Hangouts pada akun Anda. Integrasi dengan G " "Suite meningkatkan performa situs dan alur kerja Anda, tanpa tambahan " "perangkat lunak apa pun." msgid "Is this your site?" msgstr "Apakah ini situs Anda?" msgid "We will import:" msgstr "Kami akan mengimpor:" msgid "Unable to load site preview. Please try again later." msgstr "Tidak dapat memuat pratinjau situs. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "" "An error occured while sending you the Personal Data Consent Link. If the " "issue persists please contact our support staff." msgstr "" "Terjadi error saat mengirimi Anda Tautan Persetujuan Data Pribadi. Jika " "masalah berlanjut, hubungi staf dukungan kami." msgid "" "Personal Data Consent Link was successfully sent to the domain owner email." msgstr "" "Tautan Persetujuan Data Pribadi berhasil dikirimkan ke email pemilik domain." msgid "" "You can view or change your consent for how we use or share personally " "identifiable data related to your domain registration at any time." msgstr "" "Anda dapat melihat atau mengubah persetujuan cara kami menggunakan atau " "membagikan secara pribadi data teridentifikasi terkait registrasi domain " "Anda kapan saja." msgid "" "Click the button below to receive an email with a unique link to manage your " "consent options. Please note that this email will be sent to the registrant " "contact email address, which may be different than your " "account email address." msgstr "" "Klik tombol di bawah ini untuk menerima email dengan tautan unik untuk " "mengelola opsi persetujuan Anda. Harap diingat bahwa email ini akan " "dikirimkan ke alamat email kontak pendaftar, yang mungkin berbeda dengan " "alamat email akun Anda." msgid "Request Consent Management Email" msgstr "Email Manajemen Persetujuan Permintaan" msgid "Manage Consent for Personal Data Use" msgstr "Mengelola Persetujuan untuk Penggunaan Data Pribadi" msgid "" "The domain {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} requires explicit user consent to " "complete the registration." msgstr "" "Domain {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} memerlukan persetujuan pengguna " "eksplisit untuk menyelesaikan registrasi." msgid "" "The domain {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is still pending registration. " "Please check the domain owner email since explicit consent is required for " "the registration to complete or go to the {{a}}Consent Management{{/a}} page " "for more details." msgstr "" "Domain {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} masih menunggu registrasi. Periksa " "email pemilik domain karena persetujuan eksplisit diperlukan untuk " "menyelesaikan registrasi atau buka halaman {{a}}Manajemen Persetujuan{{/a}} " "untuk detail selengkapnya." msgid "" "Some domains require explicit user consent to complete the registration." msgstr "" "Beberapa domain memerlukan persetujuan pengguna eksplisit untuk " "menyelesaikan registrasi." msgid "" "Some domains are still pending registration. Please check the domain owner " "email to give explicit consent before the registration can be completed." msgstr "" "Beberapa domain masih menunggu registrasi. Periksa email pemilik domain " "untuk memberikan persetujuan eksplisit sebelum registrasi selesai." msgid "Privacy Information" msgstr "Informasi Privasi" msgid "" "Our websites and dashboards use cookies. By continuing, you agree to their " "use. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Learn more</a>, including how to " "control cookies." msgstr "" "Situs web dan dasbor kami menggunakan cookie. Dengan melanjutkan, Anda " "menyetujui penggunaannya. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Pelajari lebih " "lanjut</a>, termasuk cara mengontrol cookie." msgid "" "This account has been closed. If you believe your account was closed in " "error, please {{a}}contact us{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Akun ini telah ditutup. Jika Anda yakin akun Anda ditutup karena error, {{a}}" "hubungi kami{{/a}}." msgid "Project tag list" msgstr "Daftar tag proyek" msgid "Project tag list navigation" msgstr "Navigasi daftar tag proyek" msgid "Project type list" msgstr "Daftar jenis proyek" msgid "Project type list navigation" msgstr "Navigasi daftar jenis proyek" msgid "Projects list" msgstr "Daftar proyek" msgid "Project list navigation" msgstr "Navigasi daftar proyek" msgid "Filter projects list" msgstr "Filter daftar proyek" msgctxt "" "Message on a chart in Stats where an error was occured while loading data" msgid "Error loading data" msgstr "Terjadi error saat memuat data" msgctxt "%1s = shipping service name, %2d = order id" msgid "Shipping Label: %1$s for Order #%2$d" msgstr "Label Pengiriman: %1$s untuk No. Pesanan %2$d" msgid "" "This page includes partners who are committed to working directly with us to " "provide a best-in-class WordPress + Jetpack hosting experience, which " "includes:" msgstr "" "Halaman ini menyertakan mitra yang berkomitmen untuk bekerja secara langsung " "dengan kami untuk memberikan pengalaman hosting WordPress + Jetpack terbaik " "di kelasnya, yang meliputi:" msgid "Best for Organizations" msgstr "Terbaik untuk Organisasi" msgid "" "Hi,\n" "\n" "You are receiving this email because you closed your Account - " "\"%1$s\".\n" "\n" "Your account has been closed and sites that you owned have also been " "deleted, the content will be removed after 30 days.\n" "\n" "If this action was accidental or you have any questions please let us know " "by replying to this email.\n" "\n" "Thanks,\n" "\n" "The Team." msgstr "" "Hai,\n" "\n" "Anda menerima email ini karena Anda menutup akun Anda - \"%1$s" "\".\n" "\n" "Akun Anda telah ditutup dan situs yang Anda miliki juga telah dihapus, lalu " "kontennya akan dihapus setelah 30 hari.\n" "\n" "Apabila tindakan ini tidak disengaja atau Anda memiliki pertanyaan, silakan " "beri tahu kami dengan membalas email ini.\n" "\n" "Terima kasih,\n" "\n" "Tim" msgid "Your user account at has been closed" msgstr "Akun pengguna Anda di telah ditutup" msgctxt "action" msgid "Consent expires after" msgstr "Persetujuan berakhir setelah" msgid "" "Visitors must provide consent by clicking the dismiss button when WordAds is " "turned on." msgstr "" "Pengunjung harus memberikan persetujuan dengan mengklik tombol tutup saat " "WordAds diaktifkan." msgctxt "action" msgid "Capture consent & hide the banner" msgstr "Tangkap persetujuan & sembunyikan banner" msgid "Link text" msgstr "Teks tautan" msgid "" "For GDPR compliance, please make sure your policy contains <a href=\"%s\" " "target=\"_blank\">privacy information relating to WordAds</a>." msgstr "" "Untuk kepatuhan GDPR, pastikan kebijakan Anda berisi <a href=\"%s\" target=" "\"_blank\">informasi kebijakan terkait WordAds</a>." msgid "" "The default policy URL only covers cookies set by If you’re " "running other plugins, custom cookies, or third-party tracking technologies, " "you should create and link to your own cookie statement." msgstr "" "URL kebijakan standar hanya mencakup cookie yang ditetapkan oleh WordPress." "com. Jika Anda menggunakan plugin lain, cookie khusus, atau teknologi " "pelacakan dari pihak ketiga, Anda harus membuat dan menautkan ke pernyataan " "cookie Anda sendiri." msgid "Custom URL:" msgstr "URL Khusus:" msgid "Privacy Policy Link" msgstr "Tautan Kebijakan Privasi" msgid "" "Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this " "website, you agree to their use. \n" "To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here:" msgstr "" "Privasi & Cookie: Situs ini menggunakan cookie. Dengan melanjutkan " "menggunakan situs web ini, Anda setuju dengan penggunaan mereka. \n" "Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut, termasuk cara mengontrol cookie, lihat di " "sini:" msgid "Cookie Policy" msgstr "Kebijakan Cookie" msgid "Display a banner for EU Cookie Law and GDPR compliance." msgstr "Tampilkan banner untuk Hukum Cookie UE dan kepatuhan GDPR." msgid "Cookies & Consents Banner" msgstr "Banner dan Persetujuan Cookie" msgid "" "Thank you for helping %1$s keep the web free from spam. You are an important " "part of the %2$s Community." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah membantu %1$s memastikan web bebas dari spam. Anda " "merupakan bagian penting dari Komunitas %2$s." msgid "" "Occasionally, some of your visitors may see an advertisement here, <br />as " "well as a <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Privacy & Cookies banner</a> at " "the bottom of the page." msgstr "" "Terkadang, beberapa pengunjung situs Anda akan melihat iklan di sini, <br /" ">serta <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">spanduk Privasi & Cookie</a> di " "bagian bawah halaman." msgid "Visit article" msgstr "Lihat Artikel" msgid "Clone from here" msgstr "Kloning dari sini" msgid "Don't see the listing you are trying to connect?" msgstr "Tidak menemukan daftar yang ingin Anda hubungkan?" msgid "Add your Business" msgstr "Tambahkan Bisnis Anda" msgid "Learn More about SEO" msgstr "Pelajari selengkapnya tentang SEO" msgid "Use another Google Account" msgstr "Gunakan Akun Google yang lain" msgid "Email invitation to follow blog changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "" "Undangan email untuk mengikuti blog diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Email invitation to follow blog set to \"%s\"" msgstr "Undangan email untuk mengikuti blog diatur menjadi \"%s\"" msgid "Email invitation to follow comments changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "" "Undangan email untuk mengikuti komentar diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Email invitation to follow comments set to \"%s\"" msgstr "Undangan email untuk mengikuti komentar diatur menjadi \"%s\"" msgid "Page title structure for posts changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Struktur judul halaman untuk pos diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "DATE" msgstr "TANGGAL" msgid "GROUP TITLE" msgstr "JUDUL GRUP" msgid "PAGE TITLE" msgstr "JUDUL HALAMAN" msgid "TAG LINE" msgstr "SLOGAN" msgid "SITE NAME" msgstr "NAMA SITUS" msgid "POST TITLE" msgstr "JUDUL POS" msgid "Page title structure for pages changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "" "Struktur judul halaman untuk halaman diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Page title structure for groups changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "" "Struktur judul halaman untuk grup diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Page title structure for front page changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "" "Struktur judul halaman untuk halaman depan diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi " "\"%2$s\"" msgid "Page title structure for archives changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "" "Struktur judul halaman untuk arsip diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Front page meta description changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Deskripsi meta halaman depan diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Keyring ID is missing" msgstr "ID keyring hilang" msgid "You still have active purchases on your account." msgstr "Anda masih memiliki pembelian aktif di akun Anda." msgid "The current user can sticky this post." msgstr "Pengguna ini dapat menyematkan pos ini." msgid "The current user can publish this post." msgstr "Pengguna ini dapat menerbitkan pos ini." msgid "The current user can change the author on this post." msgstr "Pengguna ini dapat mengubah penulis pada pos ini." msgid "Whether to show the taxonomy in the quick/bulk edit panel." msgstr "Pilihan untuk menampilkan taksonomi di panel edit cepat/massal." msgid "" "Whether to make the taxonomy available for selection in navigation menus." msgstr "Untuk menjadikan taksonomi tersedia untuk dipilih dalam menu navigasi." msgid "" "Whether to allow automatic creation of taxonomy columns on associated post-" "types table." msgstr "" "Untuk memperbolehkan pembuatan kolom taksonomi secara otomatis pada tabel " "tipe-pos terkait." msgid "Whether to generate a default UI for managing this taxonomy." msgstr "Gunakan UI bawaan untuk mengelola taksonomi ini." msgid "Whether the taxonomy is publicly queryable." msgstr "Taksonomi dapat dikueri secara publik." msgid "" "Whether a taxonomy is intended for use publicly either via the admin " "interface or by front-end users." msgstr "" "Gunakan taksonomi untuk publik, baik dalam antarmuka admin atau oleh " "pengguna front-end." msgid "The visibility settings for the taxonomy." msgstr "Pengaturan visibilitas untuk taksonomi." msgid "Embed Handler" msgstr "Handler Sematan" msgid "Add title" msgstr "Tambahkan judul" msgid "The rendered block." msgstr "Blok hasil render." msgid "Invalid block." msgstr "Blok tidak valid." msgid "ID of the post context." msgstr "ID dari konteks pos." msgid "Attributes for the block." msgstr "Atribut untuk blok" msgid "Unique registered name for the block." msgstr "Nama terdaftar unik untuk blok." msgid "Block type \"%s\" is not registered." msgstr "Tipe blok \"%s\" tidak terdaftar." msgid "Block type \"%s\" is already registered." msgstr "Tipe blok \"%s\" sudah terdaftar." msgid "" "Block type names must contain a namespace prefix. Example: my-plugin/my-" "custom-block-type" msgstr "" "Nama jenis blok harus diawali dengan namespace. Contoh: my-plugin/my-custom-" "block-type" msgid "Block type names must not contain uppercase characters." msgstr "Nama jenis blok tidak boleh mengandung huruf besar." msgid "Block type names must be strings." msgstr "Nama jenis blok harus berupa untaian." msgid "Toggle editor selection menu" msgstr "Aktifkan/nonaktifkan menu pilihan penyunting" msgid "Classic Editor" msgstr "Editor Klasik" msgid "Threat {{threatSignature/}} found in file:" msgstr "Ancaman {{threatSignature/}} ditemukan dalam file:" msgid "Got It!" msgstr "Saya Setuju!" msgid "Disabled showing a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form" msgstr "" "Menonaktifkan upaya menampilkan pilihan \"ikuti komentar\" di formulir " "komentar" msgid "Enabled showing a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form" msgstr "" "Mengaktifkan upaya menampilkan pilihan \"ikuti komentar\" di formulir " "komentar" msgid "Disabled showing a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form" msgstr "" "Menonaktifkan upaya menampilkan pilihan \"ikuti blog\" di formulir komentar" msgid "Enabled showing a \"follow blog\" option in the comment form" msgstr "" "Mengaktifkan upaya menampilkan pilihan \"ikuti blog\" di formulir komentar" msgid "" "Words (or URL, email, ip) requiring comment moderation changed from \"%1$s\" " "to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "" "Kata-kata (atau URL, email, IP) yang memerlukan moderasi komentar diubah " "dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Comment blacklist changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Daftar hitam komentar diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Add unique types of products to your store with these handy extensions." msgstr "" "Tambahkan jenis produk yang unik ke toko Anda dengan ekstensi praktis ini." msgid "Sell anything from subscriptions to memberships to appointments." msgstr "Jual apa pun mulai dari langganan, keanggotaan, hingga penugasan." msgid "Browse Extensions" msgstr "Jelajahi Ekstensi" msgid "" "Sorry, there was a problem closing your account. Please contact support." msgstr "Maaf, ada masalah saat menutup akun Anda. Hubungi dukungan." msgid "Disabled Google Analytics anonymizing of visitors's IP address" msgstr "" "Menonaktifkan Google Analytics yang menjadikan alamat IP pengunjung anonim" msgid "Enabled Google Analytics anonymizing of visitors's IP address" msgstr "" "Mengaktifkan Google Analytics yang menjadikan alamat IP pengunjung anonim" msgid "" "Google Analytics Tracking ID code changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\" and " "disabled anonymizing of visitors's IP address" msgstr "" "Kode ID Pelacakan Google Analytics diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\" dan " "menonaktifkan upaya menjadikan alamat IP pengunjung anonim" msgid "" "Google Analytics Tracking ID code changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\" and " "enabled anonymizing of visitors's IP address" msgstr "" "Kode ID Pelacakan Google Analytics diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\" dan " "mengaktifkan upaya menjadikan alamat IP pengunjung anonim" msgid "Google Analytics Tracking ID code changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "" "Kode ID Pelacakan Google Analytics diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "" "Google Analytics Tracking ID code set to \"%s\" and disabled anonymizing of " "visitors's IP address" msgstr "" "Kode ID Pelacakan Google Analytics diatur menjadi \"%s\" dan menonaktifkan " "upaya menjadikan alamat IP pengunjung anonim" msgid "" "Google Analytics Tracking ID code set to \"%s\" and enabled anonymizing of " "visitors's IP address" msgstr "" "Kode ID Pelacakan Google Analytics diatur menjadi \"%s\" dan mengaktifkan " "upaya menjadikan alamat IP pengunjung anonim" msgid "Google Analytics Tracking ID code set to \"%s\"" msgstr "Kode ID Pelacakan Google Analytics diatur menjadi \"%s\"" msgid "Google Analytics code changed" msgstr "Kode Google Analytics diubah" msgid "Co-branded Jetpack and %(partnerName)s logo" msgstr "Logo merek bersama Jetpack dan %(partnerName)s" msgid "Podcasting title changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Judul podcast diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Podcasting title set to \"%s\"" msgstr "Judul podcast diatur menjadi \"%s\"" msgid "Podcasting summary changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Ringkasan podcast diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Podcasting summary set to \"%s\"" msgstr "Ringkasan podcast diatur menjadi \"%s\"" msgid "Podcasting subtitle changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Subtitel podcast diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Podcasting subtitle set to \"%s\"" msgstr "Subtitel podcast diatur menjadi \"%s\"" msgid "Podcasting keywords changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Kata kunci podcast diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Podcasting keywords set to \"%s\"" msgstr "Kata kunci podcast diatur menjadi \"%s\"" msgid "Podcasting copyright changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Hak cipta podcast diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Podcasting copyright set to \"%s\"" msgstr "Hak cipta podcast diatur menjadi \"%s\"" msgid "Disabled podcasting" msgstr "Menonaktifkan podcast" msgid "Enabled podcasting" msgstr "Mengaktifkan podcast" msgid "Podcasting topic 3 changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Topik podcast 3 diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Podcasting topic 2 changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Topik podcast 2 diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Podcasting topic 1 changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Topik podcast 1 diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "If your company fits the criteria — or wants to —" msgstr "" "Jika perusahaan Anda memenuhi kriteria — atau ingin memenuhi kriteria —" msgid "Cover Image" msgstr "Gambar Sampul" msgid "(billed yearly)" msgstr "(penagihan tahunan)" msgid "Monetize Your Website" msgstr "Monetisasi Situs Web Anda" msgid "Dozens of Free Themes" msgstr "Puluhan Tema Gratis" msgid "Sign up as" msgstr "Daftar sebagai" msgid "Go with" msgstr "Jalankan dengan" msgid "" "If you just want to start creating, get a free site and be on your way to " "publishing in less than five minutes." msgstr "" "Jika Anda akan memulai situs web, dapatkan situs gratis dan mulai " "publikasikan konten Anda dengan mudah." msgid "Best for Small Business" msgstr "Terbaik untuk Usaha Kecil" msgid "Best for Entrepreneurs and Freelancers" msgstr "Terbaik untuk Pengusaha dan Pekerja Lepas" msgid "" "Boost your website with a custom domain name, and remove all " "advertising. Get access to high quality email and live chat support." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan situs web Anda dengan nama domain khusus, dan hapus semua iklan " " Dapatkan e-mail berkualitas tinggi dan bantuan live chat." msgid "Best for Personal Use" msgstr "Terbaik untuk Pribadi" msgid "Choose your plan: %s" msgstr "Pilih paket Anda: %s" msgctxt "type of layout" msgid "Grid" msgstr "Kolom" msgctxt "type of layout" msgid "List" msgstr "Daftar" msgid "Related Posts headline changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Tajuk utama Pos Terkait diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Related Posts layout changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Tata letak Pos Terkait diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Number of related posts changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Jumlah pos terkait diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Disabled thumbnails in Related Posts" msgstr "Menonaktifkan gambar mini di Pos Terkait" msgid "Enabled thumbnails in Related Posts" msgstr "Mengaktifkan gambar mini di Pos Terkait" msgid "Disabled headline in Related Posts" msgstr "Menonaktifkan tajuk utama di Pos Terkait" msgid "Enabled headline in Related Posts" msgstr "Mengaktifkan tajuk utama di Pos Terkait" msgid "Disabled date in Related Posts" msgstr "Menonaktifkan tanggal di Pos Terkait" msgid "Enabled date in Related Posts" msgstr "Mengaktifkan tanggal di Pos Terkait" msgid "Related Posts layout changed" msgstr "Tata letak Pos Terkait diubah" msgid "Personal details" msgstr "Detail pribadi" msgid "Contact support" msgstr "Dapatkan bantuan" msgid "Close your account" msgstr "Tutup akun Anda" msgid "Confirm account closure" msgstr "Konfirmasi penutupan akun" msgid "Show details" msgstr "Tampilkan detail" msgid "Match all conditions" msgstr "Cocok untuk segala kondisi" msgctxt "Shown between widget visibility conditions." msgid "and" msgstr "dan" msgid "Post type Archives:" msgstr "Arsip Tipe pos:" msgid "Disabled feature images on mobile themes" msgstr "Menonaktifkan gambar andalan di tema seluler" msgid "Enabled feature images on mobile themes" msgstr "Mengaktifkan gambar andalan di tema seluler" msgid "Mobile theme set to use full posts on front page and archives" msgstr "" "Tema seluler diatur untuk menggunakan pos secara penuh di halaman depan dan " "arsip" msgid "Mobile theme set to use excerpts on front page and archives" msgstr "" "Tema seluler diatur untuk menggunakan kutipan di halaman depan dan arsip" msgid "Disabled displaying WordPress mobile app ad in mobile theme footer" msgstr "" "Menonaktifkan upaya menampilkan iklan aplikasi seluler WordPress di footer " "tema seluler" msgid "Enabled displaying WordPress mobile app ad in mobile theme footer" msgstr "" "Mengaktifkan upaya menampilkan iklan aplikasi seluler WordPress di footer " "tema seluler" msgid "" "Disabled tracking each scroll load as a separate page view in Google " "Analytics" msgstr "" "Menonaktifkan upaya melacak setiap guliran yang dimuat sebagai tampilan " "halaman terpisah di Google Analytics" msgid "" "Enabled tracking each scroll load as a separate page view in Google Analytics" msgstr "" "Mengaktifkan upaya melacak setiap guliran yang dimuat sebagai tampilan " "halaman terpisah di Google Analytics" msgid "privacy-policy" msgstr "kebijakan-privasi" msgid "Monthly Subscription" msgstr "Langganan Bulanan" msgid "Start with" msgstr "Mulai dengan" msgid "Unlimited Storage Space" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan Tanpa Batas" msgid "Dozens of free themes." msgstr "Puluhan tema gratis." msgid "Comment Author" msgstr "Penulis Komentar" msgid "" "Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment." msgstr "" "Simpan nama, email, dan situs web saya pada peramban ini untuk komentar saya " "berikutnya." msgid "Comment %d contains personal data but could not be anonymized." msgstr "Komentar %d mengandung data pribadi tapi dapat dianonimkan." msgid "Comment URL" msgstr "URL Komentar" msgid "Comment Content" msgstr "Konten Komentar" msgid "Comment Date" msgstr "Tanggal Komentar" msgid "Comment Author User Agent" msgstr "Agen Pengguna Penulis Komentar" msgid "Comment Author URL" msgstr "URL Penulis Komentar" msgid "Comment Author Email" msgstr "Email Penulis Komentar" msgid "WordPress Comments" msgstr "Komentar WordPress" msgid "Maximum number of filters (1-50):" msgstr "Jumlah maksimum penyaring (1-50):" msgid "Choose an interval:" msgstr "Pilih interval:" msgid "Modified GMT" msgstr "Waktu GMT yang dimodifikasi" msgid "Date GMT" msgstr "Tanggal GMT" msgid "Choose a field:" msgstr "Pilih bidang:" msgctxt "A label for a taxonomy selector option" msgid "%1$s (%2$s)" msgstr "%1$s (%2$s)" msgid "Choose a taxonomy:" msgstr "Pilih taksonomi:" msgid "Filter Type:" msgstr "Tipe Penyaring:" msgid "Why aren't my filters appearing?" msgstr "Kenapa penyaring saya tidak muncul?" msgid "Adding filters requires JavaScript!" msgstr "Menambahkan penyaring memerlukan JavaScript!" msgid "Add a filter" msgstr "Tambahkan penyaring" msgid "Default sort order:" msgstr "Urutan penyortiran asal:" msgid "Post types to search (minimum of 1):" msgstr "Jenis pos yang akan dicari (minimal 1):" msgid "Show sort selection dropdown" msgstr "Tampilkan pilihan penyortiran menu buka ke bawah" msgid "Show search box" msgstr "Tampilkan kotak pencarian" msgid "Oldest first" msgstr "Paling lama dulu" msgid "Newest first" msgstr "Paling baru dulu" msgid "Relevance (recommended)" msgstr "Relevansi (disarankan)" msgid "We've automatically protected you from brute force login attacks." msgstr "Kami secara otomatis telah melindungi Anda dari serangan login paksa." msgid "" "Connect your site's server to Jetpack to perform backups, restores, and " "security scans." msgstr "" "Hubungkan server situs Anda ke Jetpack untuk melakukan pencadangan, " "pemulihan, dan pemindaian keamanan." msgid "Choose which WordPress plugins you want to keep automatically updated." msgstr "Pilih plugin WordPress yang ingin terus Anda perbarui secara otomatis." msgid "You turned on automatic plugin updates." msgstr "Anda mengaktifkan pembaruan plugin otomatis." msgid "Manage your log in preferences and two-factor authentication settings." msgstr "Kelola preferensi login dan pengaturan autentikasi dua faktor Anda." msgid "You completed your sign in preferences." msgstr "Anda telah melengkapi preferensi masuk." msgid "Disabled Markdown syntax in posts and pages" msgstr "Menonaktifkan sintaks Markdown di pos dan halaman" msgid "Enabled Markdown syntax in posts and pages" msgstr "Mengaktifkan sintaks Markdown di pos dan halaman" msgid "Disabled Markdown syntax in comments" msgstr "Menonaktifkan sintaks Markdown di komentar" msgid "Enabled Markdown syntax in comments" msgstr "Mengaktifkan sintaks Markdown di komentar" msgid "" "Includes a subdomain, community support, dozens of free " "themes, basic design customization, and more." msgstr "" "Meliputi subdomain, dukungan komunitas, puluhan tema gratis, " "kustomisasi desain dasar, dan sebagainya." msgid "" "If you just want to start creating, get started with a free site and be on " "your way to publishing in less than five minutes." msgstr "" "Jika Anda akan memulai situs web, dapatkan situs gratis dan mulai " "publikasikan konten Anda dengan mudah." msgid "Power up your website or blog with a powerful plan that works for you." msgstr "" "Aktifkan situs web atau blog Anda dengan paket hebat yang cocok untuk Anda" msgid "Choose your flavor" msgstr "Pilih cita rasa Anda" msgid "" "Publish content and sell products from a dedicated store on your site with " "the Store on" msgstr "" "Publikasikan konten dan jual produk dari toko khusus di situs Anda dengan " "Toko di" msgid "Add a store to your site" msgstr "Tambahkan toko ke situs Anda" msgid "" "Taking payments for goods or accepting donations is a breeze with the Simple " "Payments button. Simply insert it into any page on your site to take credit " "or debit card payments." msgstr "" "Mengambil pembayaran barang atau menerima donasi jadi mudah dengan tombol " "Pembayaran Simpel. Cukup masukkan tombol tersebut ke halaman di situs Anda " "untuk menerima pembayaran melalui kartu kredit atau debit." msgid "Take payments in seconds" msgstr "Terima pembayaran dalam hitungan detik" msgid "" "Experts are available with quality 24/7 email or live chat support. Turn pro " "with guided courses, events, and forum conversations with customers in our " "global community." msgstr "" "Dukungan berkualitas dari para ahli selalu sedia setiap saat melalui email " "atau obrolan langsung. Jadilah profesional melalui panduan kursus, acara, " "dan percakapan forum dengan pelanggan di komunitas global." msgid "Join the community" msgstr "Gabung dengan komunitas" msgid "" "Add extra features to your site like advanced galleries, forms, email " "subscriptions, polls, comments, and much more." msgstr "" "Tambahkan fitur ekstra ke situs Anda seperti galeri lanjutan, formulir, " "langganan lewat email, jajak pendapat, komentar, dan banyak lagi." msgid "Install plugins & custom themes" msgstr "Instal plugin & tema khusus" msgid "" "Your site is secure and automatically backed up. Every site " "has built-in spam protection." msgstr "" "Situs Anda aman dan dicadangkan secara otomatis. Setiap situs " "memiliki perlindungan spam bawaan." msgid "Count on our security" msgstr "Andalkan keamanan kami" msgid "" "Attract, engage, and grow your following with comprehensive marketing tools " "for search, social media, and paid advertising. Start with $100 in " "advertising credits, on us." msgstr "" "Menarik dan memikat pelanggan, serta mengembangkan peluang dengan alat " "pemasaran yang komprehensif untuk pencarian, media sosial, dan iklan " "berbayar. Mulai dengan kredit Iklan senilai US$100, gratis." msgid "Build your audience" msgstr "Perbanyak pengunjung Anda" msgid "" "Display your photos, videos, and documents in sophisticated galleries. Enjoy " "as much storage space as you need." msgstr "" "Tampilkan foto, video, dan dokumen Anda di galeri yang keren. Nikmati ruang " "penyimpanan sebanyak mungkin yang Anda butuhkan." msgid "Spotlight your media" msgstr "Buat media yang mengesankan" msgid "" "Set up an elegant and unique site that will build your brand with ease. Work " "with thoughtfully chosen fonts, colors, and images — or add your own." msgstr "" "Siapkan situs yang keren dan unik untuk mengembangkan merek Anda dengan " "mudah. Pertimbangkan baik-baik pilihan huruf, warna, dan gambar, atau " "tambahkan sendiri milik Anda." msgid "Impress your visitors" msgstr "Buat pengunjung terkesan" msgid "Connecting your site" msgstr "Menyambungkan ke situs Anda" msgid "Create your site" msgstr "Buat situs Anda" msgid "" "Start, update, and view your site seamlessly from any device. Access desk-" "free productivity wherever you have internet connectivity." msgstr "" "Mulai, perbarui, dan lihat situs Anda dari perangkat apa pun tanpa mengalami " "masalah. Ciptakan produktivitas di mana pun berada selama Anda memiliki " "koneksi internet." msgid "Create and edit on the go" msgstr "Buat dan edit di perjalanan" msgid "Working directly with our teams to provide expert support." msgstr "Bekerja langsung dengan tim kami untuk memberikan dukungan ahli." msgid "Committing to improve the WordPress experience for everyone." msgstr "Berkomitmen untuk meningkatkan pengalaman WordPress bagi semua orang." msgid "" "A genuine commitment to open source, to WordPress, and to the community." msgstr "" "Komitmen yang tulus terhadap sumber terbuka, WordPress, dan masyarakat. " msgid "" "Working directly with our development teams to ensure Jetpack compatibility." msgstr "" "Bekerja langsung dengan tim pengembangan kami untuk memastikan " "kompatibilitas Jetpack." msgid "Committing to constantly monitoring and improving security practices." msgstr "Berkomitmen untuk terus memantau dan meningkatkan praktik keamanan." msgid "" "Offering a dedicated WordPress and Jetpack installation and hosting service." msgstr "Menawarkan layanan instalasi dan hosting WordPress dan Jetpack khusus." msgid "" "This page includes partners who are committed to working directly with us to " "provide a best-in-class WordPress + Jetpack hosting experience. This " "includes:" msgstr "" "Halaman ini menyertakan mitra yang berkomitmen untuk bekerja secara langsung " "dengan kami untuk memberikan pengalaman hosting WordPress + Jetpack terbaik " "di kelasnya. Bagian ini mencakup:" msgid "Learn about our criteria for recommending WordPress hosts." msgstr "Pelajari kriteria kami untuk merekomendasikan host WordPress." msgid "Best for small business." msgstr "Terbaik untuk bisnis kecil." msgid "Email server url changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "URL server email diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Email server url set to \"%s\"" msgstr "URL server email diubah menjadi \"%s\"" msgid "Email server port changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Port server email diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Email server port set to \"%s\"" msgstr "Port server email diatur menjadi \"%s\"" msgid "Email server password changed" msgstr "Kata sandi server email diubah" msgid "Email server login name changed" msgstr "Nama login server email diubah" msgid "Default post format changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Format pos asal diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Default post format changed to \"%s\"" msgstr "Format pos asal diubah menjadi \"%s\"" msgid "WordPress Media" msgstr "Media WordPress" msgid "Pending site admin email address changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "" "Alamat email admin situs yang sedang menunggu diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi " "\"%2$s\"" msgid "Site admin email address changed to \"%s\" pending confirmation" msgstr "Alamat email admin situs diubah menjadi \"%s\" menunggu konfirmasi" msgid "" "Pending site admin email address deleted. Change of address was either " "confirmed or canceled" msgstr "" "Alamat email admin situs yang sedang menunggu dihapus. Perubahan alamat " "telah dikonfirmasi atau dibatalkan" msgid "Site admin email address changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Alamat email admin situs diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Site admin email address changed to \"%s\"" msgstr "Alamat email admin situs diubah menjadi \"%s\"" msgid "Privacy Policy Guide" msgstr "Panduan Kebijakan Privasi" msgid "There are no pages." msgstr "Tidak ada halaman." msgctxt "media items" msgid "Mine" msgstr "Mine" msgid "A valid email address must be given." msgstr "Harus memasukkan alamat email yang sah." msgid "Disabled organizing uploads into month and year based folders" msgstr "" "Menonaktifkan penataan unggahan ke dalam folder berdasarkan bulan dan tahun" msgid "Enabled organizing uploads into month and year based folders" msgstr "" "Mengaktifkan penataan unggahan ke dalam folder berdasarkan bulan dan tahun" msgid "Maximum thumbnail width changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Lebar gambar mini maksimum diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Maximum thumbnail width changed to \"%1$s\"" msgstr "Lebar maksimum gambar mini diubah menjadi \"%1$s\"" msgid "Maximum thumbnail height changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Tinggi maksimum gambar mini diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Maximum thumbnail height changed to \"%1$s\"" msgstr "Tinggi gambar mini maksimum diubah menjadi \"%1$s\"" msgid "Disabled cropping media thumbnails to exact dimensions" msgstr "Menonaktifkan pemotongan gambar mini media menjadi dimensi yang sesuai" msgid "Enabled cropping media thumbnails to exact dimensions" msgstr "Mengaktifkan pemotongan gambar mini media menjadi dimensi yang sesuai" msgid "Maximum medium-size media width changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "" "Lebar maksimum media berukuran sedang diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Maximum medium-size media width changed to \"%1$s\"" msgstr "Lebar maksimum media berukuran sedang diubah menjadi \"%1$s\"" msgid "Maximum medium-size media height changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "" "Tinggi maksimum media berukuran sedang diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Maximum medium-size media height changed to \"%1$s\"" msgstr "Tinggi maksimum media berukuran sedang diubah menjadi \"%1$s\"" msgid "Maximum large-size media width changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "" "Lebar maksimum media berukuran besar diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Maximum large-size media width changed to \"%1$s\"" msgstr "Lebar maksimum media berukuran besar diubah menjadi \"%1$s\"" msgid "Maximum large-size media height changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "" "Tinggi maksimum media berukuran besar diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Maximum large-size media height changed to \"%1$s\"" msgstr "Tinggi maksimum media berukuran besar diubah menjadi \"%1$s\"" msgid "More %s" msgstr "Lainnya %s" msgid "Comment color scheme changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Skema warna komentar diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgctxt "Adjective describing a color scheme: A light color scheme" msgid "light" msgstr "terang" msgid "Comment color scheme set to \"%s\"" msgstr "Skema warna komentar diatur menjadi \"%s\"" msgid "Confirmed" msgstr "Terkonfirmasi" msgctxt "request status" msgid "Completed" msgstr "Tuntas" msgctxt "request status" msgid "Failed" msgstr "Gagal" msgctxt "request status" msgid "Confirmed" msgstr "Terkonfirmasi" msgctxt "request status" msgid "Pending" msgstr "Tertahan" msgid "User Request" msgstr "Permohonan Pengguna" msgid "User Requests" msgstr "Permohonan Pengguna" msgid "Time format changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Format waktu diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Comment avatars disabled" msgstr "Avatar komentar dinonaktifkan" msgid "Comment avatars enabled" msgstr "Avatar komentar diaktifkan" msgid "Disabled Gravatar hovercards" msgstr "Menonaktifkan hovercard Gravatar" msgid "Enabled Gravatar hovercards" msgstr "Mengaktifkan hovercard Gravatar" msgid "Date format changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Format tanggal diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Maximum avatar rating changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Peringkat avatar maksimum diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Maximum avatar rating changed to \"%1$s\"" msgstr "Peringkat avatar maksimum diubah menjadi \"%1$s\"" msgid "Default comment avatar changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Avatar komentar asal diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Default comment avatar changed to \"%1$s\"" msgstr "Avatar komentar asal diubah menjadi \"%1$s\"" msgid "This content was deleted by the author." msgstr "Konten ini sudah dihapus oleh penulisnya." msgid "[deleted]" msgstr "[terhapus]" msgid "Week start changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Hari awal pekan diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Testimonials shown per page changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "" "Testimonial yang ditampilkan per halaman diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s" "\"" msgid "Portfolio projects shown per page changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "" "Proyek portofolio yang ditampilkan per halaman diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi " "\"%2$s\"" msgid "Site title was changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Judul situs diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Site description was changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Deskripsi situs diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "" "Provide your readers with the option to translate your site into their " "preferred language." msgstr "" "Menyediakan pilihan bagi pembaca untuk menerjemahkan situs Anda ke dalam " "bahasa yang diinginkan." msgid "We were attempting to renew your %1$s plan for your site %2$s" msgstr "Kami berusaha memperpanjang paket %1$s untuk situs %2$s Anda" msgid "Privacy policy page moved from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Halaman kebijakan privasi dipindah dari \"%1$s\" ke \"%2$s\"" msgid "Privacy policy page set to \"%s\"" msgstr "Halaman kebijakan privasi diatur menjadi \"%s\"" msgid "Close your account permanently" msgstr "Tutup akun Anda secara permanen" msgid "Delete all of your sites, and close your account completely." msgstr "Hapus semua situs Anda, dan tutup akun sepenuhnya." msgid "" "The suggested privacy policy text has changed. Please <a href=\"%s\">review " "the guide</a> and update your privacy policy." msgstr "" "Teks kebijakan privasi yang disarankan telah berubah. Harap <a href=\"%s" "\">tinjau panduan</a> dan perbarui kebijakan privasi Anda." msgid "Disabled threaded comments" msgstr "Menonaktifkan komentar berutas" msgid "Enabled threaded comments" msgstr "Mengaktifkan komentar berutas" msgid "Changed threaded comment depth from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Mengubah panjang komentar berutas dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Allowed anonymous comments" msgstr "Mengizinkan komentar anonim" msgid "Required comment authors to provide name and email" msgstr "Perlu penulis komentar untuk menyediakan nama dan email" msgid "Disabled emailing admin when a comment requires moderation" msgstr "" "Menonaktifkan email ke admin saat ada komentar yang memerlukan penengah" msgid "Enabled emailing admin when a comment requires moderation" msgstr "Mengaktifkan email ke admin saat ada komentar yang memerlukan penengah" msgid "" "Disabled displaying notifications when other blogs link to articles " "(pingbacks and trackbacks)" msgstr "" "Menonaktifkan upaya menampilkan pemberitahuan saat ada blog lain yang " "menautkan ke artikel (pingback dan trackback)" msgid "" "Enabled displaying notifications when other blogs link to articles " "(pingbacks and trackbacks)" msgstr "" "Mengaktifkan upaya menampilkan pemberitahuan saat ada blog lain yang " "menautkan ke artikel (pingback dan trackback)" msgid "" "Disabled notifying other blogs about links to them from articles (pingbacks)" msgstr "" "Menonaktifkan upaya memberi tahu blog lain terkait tautan ke blog mereka " "dari artikel (pingback)" msgid "" "Enabled notifying other blogs about links to them from articles (pingbacks)" msgstr "" "Mengaktifkan upaya memberi tahu blog lain terkait tautan ke blog mereka dari " "artikel (pingback)" msgid "Disallowed commenting on new articles" msgstr "Tidak mengizinkan berkomentar pada artikel baru" msgid "Allowed commenting on new articles" msgstr "Mengizinkan berkomentar pada artikel baru" msgid "Changed paged comments to display oldest comments by default" msgstr "" "Mengubah komentar berhalaman untuk menampilkan komentar yang paling lama " "sebagai pengaturan asal" msgid "Changed paged comments to display newest comments by default" msgstr "" "Mengubah komentar berhalaman untuk menampilkan komentar yang paling baru " "sebagai pengaturan asal" msgid "Commenting changed to no longer require a previously approved comment" msgstr "" "Berkomentar diubah menjadi tidak lagi memerlukan komentar yang disetujui " "sebelumnya" msgid "Commenting changed to require a previously approved comment" msgstr "" "Berkomentar diubah menjadi memerlukan komentar yang disetujui sebelumnya" msgid "Disabled emailing admin when a comment is received" msgstr "Menonaktifkan email ke admin saat ada komentar diterima" msgid "Enabled emailing admin when a comment is received" msgstr "Mengaktifkan email ke admin saat ada komentar diterima" msgid "Show newer comments at the top of each page" msgstr "Menampilkan komentar yang lebih baru di bagian atas setiap halaman" msgid "Show older comments at the top of each page" msgstr "Menampilkan komentar yang lebih lama di bagian atas setiap halaman" msgid "" "Number of links requiring comment moderation changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s" "\"" msgstr "" "Jumlah tautan yang memerlukan penengah komentar diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi " "\"%2$s\"" msgid "Unified" msgstr "Terpadu" msgid "Membership was changed to prohibit anyone from registering" msgstr "Keanggotaan diubah menjadi melarang siapa pun untuk mendaftar" msgid "Number of posts shown per page changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "" "Jumlah pos yang ditampilkan per halaman diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "" "Let us help you achieve your goals. Get custom 24/7 support and more when " "you upgrade your plan." msgstr "" "Kami dapat membantu Anda menggapai mimpi. Dapatkan bantuan khusus setiap " "saat dan lainnya saat Anda melakukan upgrade paket." msgid "" "Jump up to Premium or Business for even more features, like the ability to " "monetize your site and advanced SEO and social sharing options!" msgstr "" "Anda dapat langsung melakukan upgrade ke paket Premium atau Bisnis untuk " "mendapatkan lebih banyak fitur, seperti kemampuan untuk memonetisasi situs " "Anda, SEO tingkat lanjut, dan pilihan berbagi sosial!" msgid "Removal of WordPress.​com ads." msgstr "Penghapusan iklan" msgid "6 GB of storage space." msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan 6 GB." msgid "" "Paid plans start at just %1$s a month, and specialized support isn’t the " "only benefit. You’ll also get:" msgstr "" "Paket berbayar mulai dengan hanya %1$s per bulan. Selain bantuan khusus, " "Anda juga akan mendapatkan:" msgid "" "Want more hands-on, customized support for your website than what a quick " "Google search can offer? With a WordPress.​com paid plan, you’ll get " "access to 24/7 personalized support from WordPress.​com experts via " "email and live chat." msgstr "" "Ingin mendapatkan lebih banyak bantuan langsung, khusus untuk situs web Anda " "dan lebih cepat dari mesin pencarian Google? Dengan paket berbayar WordPress." "​com, Anda akan mendapatkan akses ke bantuan perorangan setiap saat " "dari ahli WordPress.​com melalui e-mail dan live chat." msgid "Get live chat & email support and so much more." msgstr "Dapatkan bantuan live chat dan email serta lainnya." msgid "Don’t go it alone! Upgrade your plan to get the help you need." msgstr "" "Jangan melakukannya sendirian! Upgrade paket Anda untuk mendapatkan bantuan " "yang Anda butuhkan." msgid "Get expert support 24/7 for your new site" msgstr "Dapatkan bantuan dari ahlinya setiap saat " msgid "Invalid option" msgstr "Tindakan tidak sah" msgid "[%1$s] Confirm Action: %2$s" msgstr "[%1$s] Konfirmasi Tindakan: %2$s" msgid "" "Howdy,\n" "\n" "A request has been made to perform the following action on your account:\n" "\n" " ###DESCRIPTION###\n" "\n" "To confirm this, please click on the following link:\n" "###CONFIRM_URL###\n" "\n" "You can safely ignore and delete this email if you do not want to\n" "take this action.\n" "\n" "Regards,\n" "All at ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgstr "" "Halo,\n" "\n" "Sebuah permohonan disampaikan untuk melakukan tindakan berikut di akun " "Anda:\n" "\n" " ###DESCRIPTION###\n" "\n" "Untuk mengkonfirmasi ini, silakan klik tautan berikut ini:\n" "###CONFIRM_URL###\n" "\n" "Anda dapat abaikan dan hapus email ini jika tidak menginginkan untuk " "melakukan tindakan di atas.\n" "\n" "Email ini terkirim ke ###EMAIL###.\n" "\n" "Salam,\n" "Semua di ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgid "Confirm the \"%s\" action" msgstr "Konfirmasi tindakan \"%s\"" msgid "Invalid action name." msgstr "Nama aksi tidak sah." msgid "" "The site administrator has been notified. You will receive an email " "confirmation when they erase your data." msgstr "" "Admin situs telah diberi tahu. Anda akan menerima konfirmasi email ketika " "mereka menghapus data Anda." msgid "Thanks for confirming your erasure request." msgstr "Terima kasih telah mengkonfirmasi permintaan penghapusan data Anda." msgid "" "The site administrator has been notified. You will receive a link to " "download your export via email when they fulfill your request." msgstr "" "Administrator situs telah diberi tahu. Anda akan menerima tautan untuk " "mengunduh ekspor Anda melalui email ketika mereka memenuhi permintaan Anda." msgid "Thanks for confirming your export request." msgstr "Terima kasih telah mengkonfirmasi permintaan ekspor Anda." msgid "" "The site administrator has been notified and will fulfill your request as " "soon as possible." msgstr "" "Administrator situs sudah diberitahu dan akan memenuhi permohonan Anda " "sesegera mungkin." msgid "Action has been confirmed." msgstr "Tindakan telah dikonfirmasi." msgid "" "Howdy,\n" "\n" "Your request to erase your personal data on ###SITENAME### has been " "completed.\n" "\n" "If you have any follow-up questions or concerns, please contact the site " "administrator.\n" "\n" "For more information, you can also read our privacy policy: " "###PRIVACY_POLICY_URL###\n" "\n" "Regards,\n" "All at ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgstr "" "Halo,\n" "\n" "Permohonan untuk menghapus data personal Anda pada situs ###SITENAME### " "telah selesai.\n" "\n" "Jika Anda ada pertanyaan tambahan atau kekhawatiran, silakan hubungi " "administrator situs.\n" "\n" "Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, Anda dapat baca pada kebijakan privasi kami: " "###PRIVACY_POLICY_URL###\n" "\n" "Salam,\n" "Kami semua di ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgid "" "Howdy,\n" "\n" "Your request to erase your personal data on ###SITENAME### has been " "completed.\n" "\n" "If you have any follow-up questions or concerns, please contact the site " "administrator.\n" "\n" "Regards,\n" "All at ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgstr "" "Halo,\n" "\n" "Permohonan untuk menghapus data personal Anda pada situs ###SITENAME### " "telah selesai.\n" "\n" "Jika Anda ada pertanyaan tambahan atau kekhawatiran, silakan hubungi " "administrator situs.\n" "\n" "Salam,\n" "Kami semua di ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgid "[%s] Erasure Request Fulfilled" msgstr "[%s] Permintaan Penghapusan Terpenuhi" msgid "" "Howdy,\n" "\n" "A user data privacy request has been confirmed on ###SITENAME###:\n" "\n" "User: ###USER_EMAIL###\n" "Request: ###DESCRIPTION###\n" "\n" "You can view and manage these data privacy requests here:\n" "\n" "###MANAGE_URL###\n" "\n" "Regards,\n" "All at ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgstr "" "Halo,\n" "\n" "Permohonan data privasi telah dikonfirmasi pada ###SITENAME###:\n" "\n" "Pengguna: ###USER_EMAIL###\n" "Permohonan: ###DESCRIPTION###\n" "\n" "Anda dapat melihat dan mengatur permohonan privasi data di sini:\n" "\n" "###MANAGE_URL###\n" "\n" "Salam,\n" "Semua di ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgid "User Last Name" msgstr "Nama Belakang Pengguna" msgid "User First Name" msgstr "Nama Depan Pengguna" msgid "User Nickname" msgstr "Nama panggilan Pengguna" msgid "User Display Name" msgstr "Nama Tampilan Pengguna" msgid "User Registration Date" msgstr "Tanggal Pendaftaran Pengguna" msgid "User URL" msgstr "URL Pengguna" msgid "User Email" msgstr "Email Pengguna" msgid "User Nice Name" msgstr "Nama Keren Pengguna" msgid "User Login Name" msgstr "Nama Login Pengguna" msgid "User ID" msgstr "ID Pengguna" msgid "Squarespace" msgstr "Squarespace" msgid "Erasing data..." msgstr "Menghapus data..." msgid "Force erase personal data" msgstr "Hapus Paksa Data Pribadi" msgid "Email could not be sent." msgstr "Email tidak terkirim." msgid "Email sent." msgstr "Email terkirim." msgid "Sending email..." msgstr "Mengirimkan Email..." msgid "Waiting for confirmation" msgstr "Menunggu konfirmasi" msgid "Download personal data again" msgstr "Unduh Data Pribadi Sekali Lagi" msgid "Downloading data..." msgstr "Mengunduh Data..." msgid "Download personal data" msgstr "Unduh Data Pribadi" msgid "Resend email" msgstr "Kirim ulang email" msgid "Requested" msgstr "Dimohon" msgid "Requester" msgstr "Pemohon" msgid "Add Data Erasure Request" msgstr "Tambahkan Permintaan Penghapusan Data" msgid "Erase Personal Data" msgstr "Hapus Data Pribadi" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to erase personal data on this site." msgstr "" "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk menghapus data personal pada situs berikut." msgid "Search Requests" msgstr "Permohonan Pencarian" msgid "Send Request" msgstr "Kirim Permohonan" msgid "Add Data Export Request" msgstr "Tambah Permohonan Ekspor Data" msgid "Export Personal Data" msgstr "Ekspor Data Pribadi" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to export personal data on this site." msgstr "" "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengekspor data pribadi pada situs ini." msgid "Confirmation request initiated successfully." msgstr "Permohonan konfirmasi berhasil dimulai." msgid "" "Unable to add this request. A valid email address or username must be " "supplied." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat menambahkan permohonan ini. Sebuah alamat email atau pengguna " "yang sah dibutuhkan." msgid "Confirmation request sent again successfully." msgstr "Pengiriman permohonan konfirmasi berhasil dikirim ulang." msgid "Unable to initiate confirmation request." msgstr "Tidak dapat memulai permohonan konfirmasi." msgid "" "If you are a member of a regulated industry, or if you are subject to " "additional privacy laws, you may be required to disclose that information " "here." msgstr "" "Jika Anda anggota industri yang diatur, atau jika Anda tunduk pada undang-" "undang privasi tambahan, Anda mungkin diminta untuk mengungkapkan informasi " "itu di sini." msgid "Industry regulatory disclosure requirements" msgstr "Persyaratan pengungkapan regulasi industri" msgid "" "If your website provides a service which includes automated decision making " "- for example, allowing customers to apply for credit, or aggregating their " "data into an advertising profile - you must note that this is taking place, " "and include information about how that information is used, what decisions " "are made with that aggregated data, and what rights users have over " "decisions made without human intervention." msgstr "" "Jika situs web Anda menyediakan layanan yang mencakup pengambilan keputusan " "otomatis - misalnya, memungkinkan pelanggan untuk mengajukan kredit, atau " "menggabungkan data mereka ke dalam profil iklan - Anda harus mencatat bahwa " "ini terjadi, dan termasuk informasi tentang bagaimana informasi tersebut " "digunakan, keputusan apa yang dibuat dengan data agregat itu, dan apa yang " "dimiliki pengguna hak atas keputusan yang dibuat tanpa campur tangan manusia." msgid "What automated decision making and/or profiling we do with user data" msgstr "" "Apa pengambilan keputusan otomatis dan/atau profil yang kami lakukan dengan " "data pengguna" msgid "" "If your website receives data about users from third parties, including " "advertisers, this information must be included within the section of your " "privacy policy dealing with third party data." msgstr "" "Jika situs web Anda menerima data tentang pengguna dari pihak ketiga, " "termasuk pengiklan, informasi ini harus dimasukkan dalam bagian kebijakan " "privasi Anda yang berhubungan dengan data pihak ketiga." msgid "What third parties we receive data from" msgstr "Pihak ketiga mana saja data yang kami terima berasal" msgid "" "In this section you should explain what procedures you have in place to deal " "with data breaches, either potential or real, such as internal reporting " "systems, contact mechanisms, or bug bounties." msgstr "" "Di bagian ini, Anda harus menjelaskan prosedur apa yang Anda miliki untuk " "menangani pelanggaran data, baik yang potensial atau nyata, seperti sistem " "pelaporan internal, mekanisme kontak, atau karunia bug." msgid "What data breach procedures we have in place" msgstr "Apa prosedur kebocoran data yang kami miliki" msgid "" "In this section you should explain what measures you have taken to protect " "your users’ data. This could include technical measures such as " "encryption; security measures such as two factor authentication; and " "measures such as staff training in data protection. If you have carried out " "a Privacy Impact Assessment, you can mention it here too." msgstr "" "Di bagian ini, Anda harus menjelaskan tindakan apa yang telah Anda lakukan " "untuk melindungi pengguna Anda ’ data. Ini bisa termasuk langkah-" "langkah teknis seperti enkripsi; langkah-langkah keamanan seperti otentikasi " "dua faktor; dan langkah-langkah seperti pelatihan staf dalam perlindungan " "data. Jika Anda telah melakukan Penilaian Dampak Privasi, Anda dapat " "menyebutkannya di sini juga." msgid "How we protect your data" msgstr "Bagaimana kami melindungi data Anda" msgid "" "If you use your site for commercial purposes and you engage in more complex " "collection or processing of personal data, you should note the following " "information in your privacy policy in addition to the information we have " "already discussed." msgstr "" "Jika Anda menggunakan situs Anda untuk tujuan komersial dan Anda terlibat " "dalam pengumpulan atau pemrosesan data pribadi yang lebih kompleks, Anda " "harus mencatat informasi berikut dalam kebijakan privasi Anda di samping " "informasi yang telah kami bahas." msgid "Additional information" msgstr "Informasi tambahan" msgid "" "In this section you should provide a contact method for privacy-specific " "concerns. If you are required to have a Data Protection Officer, list their " "name and full contact details here as well." msgstr "" "Pada bagian ini, Anda wajib menyertakan metode kontak untuk urusan yang " "berhubungan dengan privasi. Jika Anda diwajibkan memiliki Data Protection " "Officer, daftarkan nama-nama mereka dan detil lengkap kontak mereka di sini " "juga." msgid "Edit contact information" msgstr "Edit informasi kontak" msgid "" "Visitor comments may be checked through an automated spam detection service." msgstr "" "Komentar pengunjung dapat diperiksa melalui layanan deteksi spam otomatis." msgid "" "European data protection law requires data about European residents which is " "transferred outside the European Union to be safeguarded to the same " "standards as if the data was in Europe. So in addition to listing where data " "goes, you should describe how you ensure that these standards are met either " "by yourself or by your third party providers, whether that is through an " "agreement such as Privacy Shield, model clauses in your contracts, or " "binding corporate rules." msgstr "" "Hukum perlindungan data Eropa memerlukan data mengenai penduduk Eropa yang " "pindah di luar Uni Eropa untuk diamankan dengan standard yang sama seperti " "jika ia berada di Eropa. Maka dalam pendataan, anda harus mendeskripsikan " "bagaimana anda dapat memastikan standard-standard ini terpenuhi baik oleh " "anda sendiri atau pihak ketiga, apakah itu melalui sebuah perjanjian seperti " "Perlindungan Privasi, klausul model dalam kontrak anda, atau peraturan " "perusahaan yang mengikat." msgid "" "In this section you should list all transfers of your site data outside the " "European Union and describe the means by which that data is safeguarded to " "European data protection standards. This could include your web hosting, " "cloud storage, or other third party services." msgstr "" "Di bagian ini anda harus membuat daftar semua perpindahan data di luar Uni " "Eropa dan menjelaskan tujuan data tersebut diamankan oleh standard keamanan " "data Eropa. Hal ini termasuk web hosting anda, penyimpanan cloud, atau " "layanan pihak ketiga." msgid "" "If you have an account on this site, or have left comments, you can request " "to receive an exported file of the personal data we hold about you, " "including any data you have provided to us. You can also request that we " "erase any personal data we hold about you. This does not include any data we " "are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes." msgstr "" "Jika anda mempunyai akun di situs ini, atau telah meninggalkan komentar, " "anda dapat meminta untuk mendapat data personal dalam file export dari kami, " "termasuk data yang anda berikan kepada kami. Anda juga dapat meminta kami " "menghapus data personal mengenai anda. Ini tidak termasuk data yang wajib " "kami simpan untuk keperluan administratif, hukum, atau keamanan." msgid "" "In this section you should explain what rights your users have over their " "data and how they can invoke those rights." msgstr "" "Di bagian ini anda harus menjelaskan apa hak-hak yang pengguna anda dapatkan " "dari data mereka dan bagaimana mereka dapat meminta hak-hak tersebut." msgid "What rights you have over your data" msgstr "Hak apa yang Anda miliki atas data ANda" msgid "" "For users that register on our website (if any), we also store the personal " "information they provide in their user profile. All users can see, edit, or " "delete their personal information at any time (except they cannot change " "their username). Website administrators can also see and edit that " "information." msgstr "" "Untuk pengguna yang mendaftar pada website kami (jika ada), kami juga " "menyimpan informasi pribadi yang mereka berikan dalam profil pengguna " "mereka. Semua pengguna dapat melihat, mengedit, atau menghapus informasi " "pribadi mereka kapan saja (kecuali mereka tidak dapat mengubah nama pengguna " "mereka). Administrator situs juga dapat melihat dan mengedit informasi " "tersebut." msgid "" "If you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata are retained " "indefinitely. This is so we can recognize and approve any follow-up comments " "automatically instead of holding them in a moderation queue." msgstr "" "Jika Anda meninggalkan komentar, komentar dan metadatanya dipertahankan " "tanpa batas. Ini agar kami dapat mengenali dan menyetujui komentar tindak " "lanjut secara otomatis dan tidak menahannya dalam antrean moderasi." msgid "" "In this section you should explain how long you retain personal data " "collected or processed by the website. While it is your responsibility to " "come up with the schedule of how long you keep each dataset for and why you " "keep it, that information does need to be listed here. For example, you may " "want to say that you keep contact form entries for six months, analytics " "records for a year, and customer purchase records for ten years." msgstr "" "Di bagian ini, Anda harus menjelaskan berapa lama Anda menyimpan data " "pribadi yang dikumpulkan atau diproses oleh situs web. Meskipun Anda " "bertanggung jawab untuk membuat jadwal berapa lama Anda menyimpan setiap " "dataset dan mengapa Anda menyimpannya, informasi itu memang perlu " "dicantumkan di sini. Misalnya, Anda mungkin ingin mengatakan bahwa Anda " "menyimpan entri formulir kontak selama enam bulan, catatan analisis selama " "setahun, dan catatan pembelian pelanggan selama sepuluh tahun." msgid "How long we retain your data" msgstr "Berapa lama kami menyimpan data Anda" msgid "By default WordPress does not share any personal data with anyone." msgstr "" "Secara bawaan, WordPress tidak membagi data pribadi Anda dengan siapapun." msgid "" "In this section you should name and list all third party providers with whom " "you share site data, including partners, cloud-based services, payment " "processors, and third party service providers, and note what data you share " "with them and why. Link to their own privacy policies if possible." msgstr "" "Pada bagian ini Anda harus menyebutkan dan mendata semua provider pihak " "ketiga yang dibagikan data dari situs Anda, termasuk partner, layanan " "berbasis cloud, pemroses pembayaran, dan penyedia layanan pihak ketiga " "lainnya, lalu catat data apa saja yang Anda bagikan kepada mereka dan " "mengapa. Tautkan ke kebijakan privasi mereka masing-masing jika memungkinkan." msgid "Who we share your data with" msgstr "Dengan siapa kami membagi data Anda" msgid "" "By default WordPress does not collect any analytics data. However, many web " "hosting accounts collect some anonymous analytics data. You may also have " "installed a WordPress plugin that provides analytics services. In that case, " "add information from that plugin here." msgstr "" "Secara bawaan WordPress tidak mengumpulkan data analitik. Namun, banyak akun " "web hosting mengumpulkan beberapa data analitik anonim. Anda mungkin juga " "sudah memasang sebuah plugin WordPress yang menyediakan layanan analitik. " "Untuk itu, tambahkan informasi dari plugin tersebut di sini." msgid "" "In this subsection you should note what analytics package you use, how users " "can opt out of analytics tracking, and a link to your analytics " "provider’s privacy policy, if any." msgstr "" "Dalam subbagian ini Anda harus mencatat paket analitik apa yang Anda " "gunakan, bagaimana pengguna dapat memilih keluar dari pelacakan analitik, " "dan tautan ke kebijakan analitik penyedia ’s kebijakan privasi Anda, " "jika ada." msgid "" "These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional " "third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded " "content, including tracking your interaction with the embedded content if " "you have an account and are logged in to that website." msgstr "" "Situs-situs web ini dapat mengumpulkan data tentang Anda, menggunakan " "cookies, menanamkan pelacak dari pihak ketiga, dan memonitor interaksi Anda " "dengan muatan tertanam, termasuk menggunakannya untuk melacak interaksi Anda " "jika Anda memiliki sebuah akun dan masuk ke dalam situs web tersebut." msgid "" "Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, " "articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves in the exact " "same way as if the visitor has visited the other website." msgstr "" "Artikel-artikel di dalam situs ini dapat menyertakan konten terembed " "(seperti video, gambar, artikel, dll). Konten terembed dari situs web lain " "akan berlaku sama dengan pengunjung yang mengunjungi situs web lain." msgid "Embedded content from other websites" msgstr "Konten yang disematkan dari situs web lain" msgid "" "If you edit or publish an article, an additional cookie will be saved in " "your browser. This cookie includes no personal data and simply indicates the " "post ID of the article you just edited. It expires after 1 day." msgstr "" "Jika Anda menyunting atau menerbitkan artikel, cookie tambahan akan disimpan " "di perambah Anda. Cookie ini tidak menyertakan data pribadi dan hanya " "menunjukkan ID pos dari artikel yang baru saja Anda sunting. Kadaluwarsa " "setelah 1 hari." msgid "" "When you log in, we will also set up several cookies to save your login " "information and your screen display choices. Login cookies last for two " "days, and screen options cookies last for a year. If you select "" "Remember Me", your login will persist for two weeks. If you log out of " "your account, the login cookies will be removed." msgstr "" "Saat Anda login, kami akan menyiapkan beberapa cookie untuk menyimpan " "informasi login Anda dan tampilan yang Anda pilih. Cookie login berlaku " "selama dua hari, dan cookie pengaturan tampilan berlaku selama satu tahun. " "Jika Anda memilih "Ingatkan Saya", login anda akan bertahan selama " "dua minggu. Jika Anda logout dari akun, cookie login akan dihapus." msgid "" "If you visit our login page, we will set a temporary cookie to determine if " "your browser accepts cookies. This cookie contains no personal data and is " "discarded when you close your browser." msgstr "" "Jika Anda mengunjungi halaman login, kami akan mengaktifkan cookie sementara " "untuk menentukan jika perambah Anda menerima cookie. Cookie tersebut tidak " "mengandung data pribadi dan dibuang ketika Anda menutup perambah Anda." msgid "" "If you leave a comment on our site you may opt-in to saving your name, email " "address and website in cookies. These are for your convenience so that you " "do not have to fill in your details again when you leave another comment. " "These cookies will last for one year." msgstr "" "Jika Anda meninggalkan komentar di situs kami, Anda dapat memilih untuk " "menyimpan nama, alamat email, dan situs web Anda dalam cookie. Ini untuk " "kenyamanan Anda sehingga Anda tidak perlu mengisi detail Anda lagi ketika " "Anda meninggalkan komentar lain. Cookie ini akan bertahan selama satu tahun." msgid "" "In this subsection you should list the cookies your website uses, including " "those set by your plugins, social media, and analytics. We have provided the " "cookies which WordPress installs by default." msgstr "" "Dalam sub bagian ini Anda harus mencantumkan cookie yang digunakan situs web " "Anda, termasuk yang ditetapkan oleh plugin Anda, media sosial, dan analitik. " "Kami telah menyediakan cookie yang menginstal WordPress secara bawaan." msgid "" "By default, WordPress does not include a contact form. If you use a contact " "form plugin, use this subsection to note what personal data is captured when " "someone submits a contact form, and how long you keep it. For example, you " "may note that you keep contact form submissions for a certain period for " "customer service purposes, but you do not use the information submitted " "through them for marketing purposes." msgstr "" "Secara default, WordPress tidak menyertakan formulir kontak. Jika Anda " "menggunakan plugin formulir kontak, gunakan sub bagian ini untuk mencatat " "data pribadi apa yang diambil ketika seseorang mengirimkan formulir kontak, " "dan berapa lama Anda menyimpannya. Misalnya, Anda mungkin mencatat bahwa " "Anda menyimpan formulir kontak pengiriman untuk jangka waktu tertentu untuk " "tujuan layanan pelanggan, tetapi Anda tidak menggunakan informasi yang " "dikirimkan melalui mereka untuk tujuan pemasaran." msgid "Contact forms" msgstr "Formulir kontak" msgid "" "If you upload images to the website, you should avoid uploading images with " "embedded location data (EXIF GPS) included. Visitors to the website can " "download and extract any location data from images on the website." msgstr "" "Jika Anda mengunggah gambar ke situs web, Anda harus menghindari mengunggah " "gambar dengan data lokasi tertanam (GPS EXIF) yang disertakan. Pengunjung ke " "situs web dapat mengunduh dan mengekstrak data lokasi apa pun dari gambar di " "situs web." msgid "" "In this subsection you should note what information may be disclosed by " "users who can upload media files. All uploaded files are usually publicly " "accessible." msgstr "" "Dalam sub bagian ini Anda harus mencatat informasi apa yang mungkin " "diungkapkan oleh pengguna yang dapat mengunggah berkas media. Semua berkas " "yang diunggah biasanya dapat diakses publik." msgid "" "An anonymized string created from your email address (also called a hash) " "may be provided to the Gravatar service to see if you are using it. The " "Gravatar service privacy policy is available here:" "privacy/. After approval of your comment, your profile picture is visible to " "the public in the context of your comment." msgstr "" "String anonim yang dibuat dari alamat email Anda (juga disebut hash) dapat " "diberikan ke layanan Gravatar untuk melihat apakah Anda menggunakannya. " "Kebijakan privasi layanan Gravatar tersedia di sini:" "privacy/. Setelah persetujuan atas komentar Anda, gambar profil Anda dapat " "dilihat oleh publik dalam konteks komentar Anda." msgid "" "When visitors leave comments on the site we collect the data shown in the " "comments form, and also the visitor’s IP address and browser user " "agent string to help spam detection." msgstr "" "Saat pengunjung meninggalkan komentar pada situs, kita mengumpulkan data " "yang ditampilkan pada form komentar, alamat IP pengunjung dan user agent " "browser untuk membantu pendeteksian spam." msgid "" "In this subsection you should note what information is captured through " "comments. We have noted the data which WordPress collects by default." msgstr "" "Dalam sub bagian ini Anda harus mencatat informasi apa yang diambil melalui " "komentar. Kami telah mencatat data yang dikumpulkan oleh WordPress secara " "bawaan." msgid "" "By default WordPress does not collect any personal data about visitors, and " "only collects the data shown on the User Profile screen from registered " "users. However some of your plugins may collect personal data. You should " "add the relevant information below." msgstr "" "Secara default, WordPress tidak mengumpulkan data pribadi apa pun tentang " "pengunjung, dan hanya mengumpulkan data yang ditampilkan di layar Profil " "Pengguna dari pengguna terdaftar. Namun beberapa plugin Anda mungkin " "mengumpulkan data pribadi. Anda harus menambahkan informasi yang relevan di " "bawah ini." msgid "" "Personal data is not just created by a user’s interactions with your " "site. Personal data is also generated from technical processes such as " "contact forms, comments, cookies, analytics, and third party embeds." msgstr "" "Data pribadi tidak hanya dibuat oleh interaksi user’s dengan situs " "Anda. Data pribadi juga dihasilkan dari proses teknis seperti formulir " "kontak, komentar, cookie, analisis, dan penyematan pihak ketiga." msgid "" "In addition to listing what personal data you collect, you need to note why " "you collect it. These explanations must note either the legal basis for your " "data collection and retention or the active consent the user has given." msgstr "" "Selain mencantumkan data pribadi apa yang Anda kumpulkan, Anda perlu " "mencatat mengapa Anda mengambilnya. Penjelasan ini harus mencatat dasar " "hukum untuk pengumpulan dan retensi data Anda atau persetujuan aktif yang " "telah diberikan oleh pengguna." msgid "" "You should also note any collection and retention of sensitive personal " "data, such as data concerning health." msgstr "" "Anda juga harus mencatat koleksi dan retensi data pribadi yang sensitif, " "seperti data tentang kesehatan." msgid "" "In this section you should note what personal data you collect from users " "and site visitors. This may include personal data, such as name, email " "address, personal account preferences; transactional data, such as purchase " "information; and technical data, such as information about cookies." msgstr "" "Di bagian ini Anda harus mencatat data pribadi apa yang Anda kumpulkan dari " "pengguna dan pengunjung situs. Ini mungkin termasuk data pribadi, seperti " "nama, alamat email, preferensi akun pribadi; data transaksional, seperti " "informasi pembelian; dan data teknis, seperti informasi tentang cookie." msgid "What personal data we collect and why we collect it" msgstr "Data pribadi apa yang kami kumpulkan dan mengapa kami mengumpulkannya" msgid "Our website address is: %s." msgstr "Alamat situs web kami adalah: %s." msgid "" "The amount of information you may be required to show will vary depending on " "your local or national business regulations. You may, for example, be " "required to display a physical address, a registered address, or your " "company registration number." msgstr "" "Jumlah informasi yang mungkin perlu Anda tunjukkan akan bervariasi " "tergantung pada peraturan bisnis lokal atau nasional Anda. Anda mungkin, " "misalnya, diminta untuk menampilkan alamat fisik, alamat terdaftar, atau " "nomor registrasi perusahaan Anda." msgid "" "In this section you should note your site URL, as well as the name of the " "company, organization, or individual behind it, and some accurate contact " "information." msgstr "" "Di bagian ini Anda harus mencatat URL situs Anda, serta nama perusahaan, " "organisasi, atau individu di belakangnya, dan beberapa informasi kontak yang " "akurat." msgid "Who we are" msgstr "Tentang kami" msgid "Suggested text:" msgstr "Teks yang disarankan:" msgid "" "It is your responsibility to write a comprehensive privacy policy, to make " "sure it reflects all national and international legal requirements on " "privacy, and to keep your policy current and accurate." msgstr "" "Ini adalah tanggung jawab anda menulis kebijakan privasi yang komprehensif, " "untuk memastikan bahwa ini mencerminkan semua persyaratan hukum nasional dan " "internasional tentang privasi, dan untuk menjaga kebijakan anda saat ini dan " "berakurat." msgid "" "Please edit your privacy policy content, making sure to delete the " "summaries, and adding any information from your theme and plugins. Once you " "publish your policy page, remember to add it to your navigation menu." msgstr "" "Harap edit konten kebijakan privasi Anda, pastikan untuk menghapus " "ringkasan, dan menambahkan informasi apa pun dari tema dan plugin Anda. " "Setelah Anda menerbitkan halaman kebijakan Anda, jangan lupa untuk " "menambahkannya ke menu navigasi Anda." msgid "" "The template contains a suggestion of sections you most likely will need. " "Under each section heading, you will find a short summary of what " "information you should provide, which will help you to get started. Some " "sections include suggested policy content, others will have to be completed " "with information from your theme and plugins." msgstr "" "Template memiliki pilihan bagian-bagian yang Anda perlukan. Pada setiap " "bagian, Anda akan menemukan ringkasan singkat tentang informasi apa yang " "harus Anda sediakan, yang akan membantu Anda untuk memulai. Beberapa bagian " "termasuk konten kebijakan yang disarankan, yang lain dilengkapi dengan " "informasi dari tema dan plugin Anda." msgid "" "This text template will help you to create your website’s privacy " "policy." msgstr "" "Templet teks ini akan membantu Anda untuk menciptakan kebijakan privasi di " "situs Anda." msgid "Copy suggested policy text from %s." msgstr "Salin teks kebijakan yang disarankan dari %s." msgid "Source: %s" msgstr "Sumber: %s" msgid "Updated %s." msgstr "Diperbarui %s." msgid "You deactivated this plugin on %s and may no longer need this policy." msgstr "" "Anda menonaktifkan plugin ini di %s dan mungkin tidak lagi memerlukan " "kebijakan ini." msgid "Removed %s." msgstr "%s sudah dihapus." msgid "(opens in a new tab)" msgstr "(buka di tab baru)" msgid "" "Need help putting together your new Privacy Policy page? <a href=\"%1$s\" " "%2$s>Check out our privacy policy guide%3$s</a> for recommendations on what " "content to include, along with policies suggested by your plugins and theme." msgstr "" "Butuh bantuan untuk menyusun halaman Kebijakan Privasi baru Anda? <a href=" "\"%1$s\" %2$s>Lihat panduan Kebijakan Privasi kami%3$s</a> sebagai " "rekomendasi mengenai konten yang perlu disertakan, dan kebijakan yang " "disarankan oleh plugin dan tema Anda." msgid "We are committed to your privacy and security." msgstr "Kami berkomitmen untuk menjaga privasi dan keamanan situs Anda." msgid "" "Share information with our analytics tool about your use of services while " "logged in to your account. {{cookiePolicyLink}}Learn more{{/" "cookiePolicyLink}}." msgstr "" "Kirim informasi ke perangkat analitik tentang penggunaan " "layanan Anda saat login ke akun {{cookiePolicyLink}}Baca " "lebih lanjut{{/cookiePolicyLink}}." msgid "" "The information you choose to share helps us improve our products, make " "marketing to you more relevant, personalize your experience, " "and more as detailed in our {{privacyPolicyLink}}privacy policy{{/" "privacyPolicyLink}}." msgstr "" "Informasi yang Anda pilih untuk dibagikan membantu kami menyempurnakan " "produk, membuat pemasaran kepada Anda lebih relevan, menyesuaikan pengalaman " " Anda, dan lainnya seperti yang dijelaskan dalam " "{{privacyPolicyLink}}kebijakan privasi{{/privacyPolicyLink}} kami." msgid "Click here to disable filters for more results" msgstr "Klik di sini untuk menonaktifkan penyaring untuk lebih banyak hasil" msgid "Don't email admin whenever someone likes a post" msgstr "Hentikan pengiriman email ke admin saat ada yang menyukai pos" msgid "Email admin whenever someone likes a post" msgstr "Kirim email ke admin saat ada yang menyukai pos" msgid "Changed RSS feed format from \"summary\" to \"full text\"" msgstr "Mengubah format feed RSS dari \"ringkasan\" menjadi \"teks penuh\"" msgid "Changed RSS feed format from \"full text\" to \"summary\"" msgstr "Mengubah format feed RSS dari \"teks penuh\" menjadi \"ringkasan\"" msgid "" "Number of posts shown per syndication feed page changed from \"%1$s\" to " "\"%2$s\"" msgstr "" "Jumlah pos yang ditampilkan per halaman feed gabungan diubah dari \"%1$s\" " "menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "your latests posts" msgstr "pos terbaru Anda" msgid "a static page" msgstr "halaman statis" msgid "Homepage display changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Tampilan beranda diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Page on front changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Halaman di bagian depan diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Page on front changed to \"%s\"" msgstr "Halaman di bagian depan diubah menjadi \"%s\"" msgid "Page for posts changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Halaman untuk pos diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Default email category changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Kategori email asal diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Default email category changed to \"%s\"" msgstr "Kategori email asal diubah menjadi \"%s\"" msgid "Default post category changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Kategori pos asal diubah dari \"%1$s\" menjadi \"%2$s\"" msgid "Default post category changed to \"%s\"" msgstr "Kategori pos asal diubah menjadi \"%s\"" msgid "" "Upload once, share anywhere. With Google Photos for WordPress, you can " "manage your media easily and save on web storage. Rather than uploading " "twice, browse, search, and copy photos from your Google account right into " "your blog posts and pages." msgstr "" "Unggah sekali, bagikan di mana pun. Dengan Google Photos pada WordPress, " "Anda dapat mengelola dan menyimpan media dengan mudah di ruang penyimpanan " "web. Anda tidak perlu mengunggah dua kali, menelusuri, mencari, dan menyalin " "foto dari akun Google ke pos dan halaman blog" msgid "Streamline your workflow with Google Photos for WordPress." msgstr "Sederhanakan alur kerja Anda dengan Google Photos pada WordPress." msgid "Google Photos" msgstr "Google Photos" msgid "Enjoy the most popular Google products right at your fingertips." msgstr "Nikmati produk Google paling populer dengan mudah." msgid "" "Google Docs for lets you write, edit, and collaborate in Docs, " "then save it as a blog post on any site. Your images and most " "formatting will carry over from Docs to WordPress too. No more copy-and-" "paste headaches." msgstr "" "Google Docs pada memudahkan Anda menulis, mengedit, dan " "berkolaborasi di Google Docs, serta menyimpannya sebagai pos blog pada situs " " mana pun. Gambar dan sebagian besar format akan terbawa dari " "Google Docs ke WordPress. Anda dapat menulis lebih mudah." msgid "Embrace collaborative editing for your WordPress website." msgstr "" "Manfaatkan proses penyuntingan yang kolaboratif pada situs web WordPress " "Anda." msgid "Google Docs" msgstr "Google Docs" msgid "" "Build your site with our Business Plan to add Google tools and services, no " "installation required." msgstr "" "Buat situs Anda dengan Paket Bisnis untuk menambahkan perangkat dan layanan " "Google, tanpa menginstal apa pun." msgid "" "Get the best web performance for your business site with the power of Google " "on " msgstr "" "Dapatkan performa web terbaik untuk situs bisnis Anda dengan keandalan " "Google pada " msgid "" "Add Google Analytics to your Business site to track " "performance. Get timely and detailed statistics about where your visitors " "are coming from, how they’re interacting with your site, and whether they’re " "responding to your marketing efforts." msgstr "" "Gunakan Google Analytics pada situs bisnis Anda untuk memantau " "performa. Dapatkan statistik terkini dan terperinci tentang asal pengunjung, " "interaksi mereka dengan situs Anda, dan respon mereka terhadap upaya " "pemasaran Anda." msgid "Inform your business decisions with in-depth data – powered by Google." msgstr "" "Gunakan data yang lengkap untuk mengambil keputusan bisnis – dengan Google " "Analytics." msgid "" "AMP is Google’s way to allow browsers to load sites quickly on mobile " "devices. All sites support AMP for WordPress, which means " "readers will get your web content even faster on mobile when they come to " "your site from Google search or other apps." msgstr "" "AMP adalah cara Google memungkinkan browser memuat situs dengan cepat pada " "perangkat seluler. Semua situs mendukung AMP untuk WordPress, " "yang berarti pembaca akan dapat membaca konten web Anda lebih cepat di " "perangkat seluler saat mereka mengakses situs Anda dari pencarian Google " "atau aplikasi lainnya." msgid "Use the Google-approved way to load beautiful web content, faster." msgstr "" "Gunakan cara yang disetujui Google untuk memuat konten web yang indah, dan " "lebih cepat." msgid "" "If you have any other problems or questions, don't hesitate %1$sto contact " "Support%2$s" msgstr "" "Jika Anda memiliki masalah atau pertanyaan lainnya, tak perlu merasa ragu " "%1$suntuk menghubungi Dukungan%2$s" msgid "" "Having difficulty accessing your account? Please follow %1$sthese " "instructions%2$s." msgstr "Mengalami kesulitan mengakses akun Anda? Ikuti %1$sinstruksi ini%2$s." msgid "" "P.S. To make sure you never again have to worry about your plan expiring, " "you can choose to have your plan %1$sauto renew%2$s each year. This way, " "your site will continue running without a hitch!" msgstr "" "N.B. Untuk memastikan Anda tidak perlu khawatir paket Anda kedaluwarsa lagi, " "Anda dapat memilih agar paket Anda %1$sdiperpanjang otomatis%2$s setiap " "tahun. Dengan demikian, situs Anda akan terus aktif tanpa masalah." msgid "" "We've loved being your website partner for the last %1$d year. Here's to the " "next %1$d!" msgid_plural "" "We've loved being your website partner for the last %1$d years. Here's to " "the next %1$d!" msgstr[0] "" "Kami senang menjadi mitra situs web Anda selama %1$d tahun terakhir. Semoga " "terus berlanjut untuk %1$d tahun berikutnya!" msgstr[1] "" "Kami senang menjadi mitra situs web Anda selama %1$d tahun terakhir. Semoga " "berlanjut untuk %1$d tahun berikutnya!" msgid "" "We've loved being your website partner for the last year. Here's to the next " "one!" msgid_plural "" "We've loved being your website partner for the last %1$d years. Here's to " "the next %1$d!" msgstr[0] "" "Kami senang menjadi mitra situs web Anda selama setahun terakhir. Semoga " "berlanjut untuk tahun berikutnya!" msgstr[1] "" msgid "" "Remember: if you let your membership expire, your site loses all the %s plan " "features." msgstr "" "Ingat: Jika Anda membiarkan keanggotaan Anda kedaluwarsa, situs Anda akan " "kehilangan semua %s fitur paket." msgid "" "Renew today — use the code %s at checkout — to enjoy another " "year of's professionally designed themes, custom domain name, " "and easy access to our live chat and support team." msgstr "" "Perpanjang sekarang — gunakan kode %s saat checkout — untuk menikmati tema " " yang didesain secara profesional pada tahun berikutnya, nama " "domain khusus, dan akses mudah ke live chat dan tim bantuan." msgid "" "To celebrate, here's a present from us: a limited-time offer of %1$d%% off " "your %2$s plan." msgstr "" "Untuk merayakannya, berikut adalah hadiah dari kami: penawaran diskon " "berbatas waktu %1$d%% dari paket %2$s Anda." msgid "" "Your anniversary with — and your plan renewal! — " "is in just 10 days." msgstr "" "Hari jadi Anda dengan — dan perpanjangan paket Anda! — hanya " "dalam 10 hari." msgid "Offer expires in" msgstr "Penawaran berakhir dalam" msgid "Use code: %s" msgstr "Gunakan kode: %s" msgid "" "%1$s, claim a <b>%2$d%% discount</b> on your annual %3$s plan membership for " "%4$s now! " msgstr "" "%1$s, klaim diskon <b>%2$d%% </b> untuk keanggotaan paket tahunan %3$s Anda " "untuk %4$s sekarang! " msgid "Happy WordPress anniversary, %s! Here's a present just for you" msgstr "Selamat hari jadi dengan WordPress, %s! Ini hadiah khusus untuk Anda" msgid "Play button" msgstr "Tombol Putar" msgid "Choose your host" msgstr "Pilih host Anda" msgid "Export CSV" msgstr "Ekspor CSV" msgid "Rewind requires a paid Jetpack plan or a WPCOM business plan" msgstr "Putar balik memerlukan paket Jetpack berbayar atau paket bisnis WPCOM" msgid "Display all comments on single page" msgstr "Menampilkan semua komentar dalam satu halaman" msgid "Paginate comments" msgstr "Pemberian nomor halaman komentar" msgid "Commenting available to anonymous users" msgstr "Berkomentar tersedia untuk pengguna anonim" msgid "Commenting limited to logged in users" msgstr "Berkomentar dibatasi hanya untuk pengguna yang sudah login" msgid "Comments will not require manual approval" msgstr "Komentar tidak memerlukan persetujuan secara manual" msgid "Comments now require manual approval" msgstr "Komentar kini memerlukan persetujuan manual" msgid "Copy HTML" msgstr "Salin HTML" msgid "Copy Text" msgstr "Salin Teks" msgid "Copy your customized policy content when ready." msgstr "Salin konten kebijakan yang disesuaikan ketika siap" msgid "" "Your location has not been verified. Statistics are not available until you " "have {{a}}verified your location{{/a}} with Google." msgstr "" "Lokasi Anda belum terverifikasi. Statistik tidak tersedia sampai Anda {{a}}" "memverifikasi lokasi Anda{{/a}} dengan Google." msgid "Contact" msgstr "Kontak" msgid "The file {{filename/}} has been modified from its original." msgstr "File {{filename/}} telah dimodifikasi dari file yang asli." msgid "The file {{filename/}} contains a malicious code pattern." msgstr "File {{filename/}} berisi pola kode jahat." msgid "" "The plugin {{pluginSlug/}} (version {{version/}}) has a publicly known " "vulnerability." msgstr "" "Plugin {{pluginSlug/}} (versi {{version/}}) memiliki kerentanan yang " "diketahui secara umum." msgid "" "The theme {{themeSlug/}} (version {{version/}}) has a publicly known " "vulnerability." msgstr "" "Tema {{themeSlug/}} (versi {{version/}}) memiliki kerentanan yang diketahui " "secara umum." msgid "Vulnerability found in WordPress" msgstr "Kerentanan ditemukan dalam WordPress" msgid "Threat found ({{signature/}})" msgstr "Ancaman ditemukan ({{signature/}})" msgid "Vulnerability found in plugin" msgstr "Kerentanan ditemukan dalam Plugin" msgid "Vulnerability found in theme" msgstr "Kerentanan ditemukan dalam Tema" msgid "Miscellaneous vulnerability" msgstr "Kerentanan lain-lain" msgid "Testimonials shown per page set to \"%s\"" msgstr "Testimonial yang ditampilkan per halaman diatur menjadi \"%s\"" msgid "Portfolio projects shown per page set to \"%s\"" msgstr "Proyek portofolio yang ditampilkan per halaman diatur menjadi \"%s\"" msgid "Changed site's privacy setting" msgstr "Mengubah pengaturan privasi situs" msgid "Site was made private" msgstr "Situs diubah menjadi pribadi" msgid "" "Your translation has been submitted. You can view it on {{a}}translate." "{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Terjemahan Anda telah dikirim. Anda dapat melihatnya di {{a}}translate." "{{/a}}" msgid "This application no longer has access to your account." msgstr "" "Aplikasi ini sudah tidak memiliki akses lagi ke akun Anda." msgid "The connected application was not disconnected. Please try again." msgstr "Aplikasi yang terhubung tidak terputus. Coba lagi." msgid "Add Field" msgstr "Tambahkan Kolom" msgid "Contact form fields" msgstr "Kolom formulir kontak" msgid "Which email address should we send the submissions to?" msgstr "Alamat email mana yang menjadi tujuan pengiriman kiriman?" msgid "What would you like the subject of the email to be?" msgstr "Subjek apa yang akan Anda tuliskan di email?" msgid "Contact form information" msgstr "Informasi formulir kontak" msgid "Delete Field" msgstr "Hapus Kolom" msgid "Add new option..." msgstr "Tambahkan pilihan baru..." msgid "Delete Option" msgstr "Hapus Pilihan" msgid "Form Field" msgstr "Kolom Formulir" msgid "Add contact form" msgstr "Tambahkan formulir kontak" msgid "contact form" msgstr "formulir kontak" msgid "" "Are you sure you'd like to stop editing this form without saving your " "changes?" msgstr "" "Anda yakin ingin berhenti menyunting formulir ini tanpa menyimpan perubahan " "yang Anda buat?" msgid "We're hard at work on the issue. Please check back %(timePeriod)s." msgstr "" "Kami berupaya keras menangani masalah ini. Harap periksa kembali " "%(timePeriod)s." msgid "" "Domains ending with {{strong}}.%(tld)s{{/strong}} are undergoing " "maintenance. Please try a different extension or check back " "%(maintenanceEnd)s." msgstr "" "Domain berakhiran {{strong}}.%(tld)s{{/strong}} sedang dalam pemeliharaan " "Harap coba ekstensi yang lain atau periksa kembali %(maintenanceEnd)s." msgid "shortly" msgstr "sesaat lagi" msgid "" "Domain registration is unavailable at this time. Please select a free " "subdomain or check back %(maintenanceEnd)s." msgstr "" "Registrasi domain tidak tersedia untuk saat ini. Harap pilih domain gratis " " atau periksa kembali %(maintenanceEnd)s." msgid "Compare All Plans" msgstr "Bandingkan Semua Paket" msgid "Can I make money off my website?" msgstr "Apakah situs web saya dapat menghasilkan uang?" msgid "Get support when you need it through our user community forums." msgstr "" "Dapatkan bantuan setiap saat melalui forum komunitas pengguna" msgid "" "Enjoy hassle-free updates, spam protection, and reliable hosting on servers " "spread across multiple data centers." msgstr "" "Nikmati pembaruan yang mudah, perlindungan spam, dan hosting tepercaya di " "server yang tersebar di beberapa pusat data." msgid "" "Start with one of dozens of free WordPress themes and customize it with your " "content and brand. Your visitors will enjoy a fast, seamless experience on " "any device." msgstr "" "Pilih dari puluhan tema gratis WordPress dan sesuaikan dengan konten dan " "branding Anda. Pengunjung Anda akan menikmati pengalaman yang cepat dan " "lancar dengan perangkat apa pun." msgid "" "You can stay on for free as long as you need. As you grow and " "succeed, our plans will enable your site to scale with your needs." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menggunakan dengan gratis selama dibutuhkan. Kami " "menyediakan paket yang sesuai dengan perkembangan situs web Anda." msgid "" " has Jetpack essential features including basic SEO, site " "statistics, and social media sharing features. You can get even more site " "tools with a paid plan." msgstr "" " dilengkapi dengan fitur Jetpack yang mencakup SEO dasar, " "statistik, dan fitur berbagi media sosial. Anda dapat menggunakan lebih " "banyak fitur dengan paket berbayar." msgid "" "Embed image galleries, presentations, and spreadsheets. With 500MBs of " "storage space in our Free plan, you’ll be able to upload and share them " "effortlessly with all your friends, followers, and potential customers." msgstr "" "Sematkan galeri gambar, presentasi, and spreadsheet. Dengan ruang " "penyimpanan 500MB di paket Gratis, Anda dapat mengunggah dan membagikannya " "dengan mudah ke semua teman, pengikut, dan calon pelanggan." msgid "Learn" msgstr "Pelajari" msgid "Naureen" msgstr "Naureen" msgid "Chandan Sinha" msgstr "Chandan Sinha" msgid "You asked, we answered" msgstr "Anda bertanya, kami menjawab" msgid "Browse All Themes" msgstr "Lihat Semua Tema" msgid "" " features hundreds of high–quality designs. You don’t need to " "learn web design to create the blog of your dreams." msgstr "" " memiliki ratusan desain yang unik dan berbeda. Anda tidak " "perlu menguasai desain web untuk membuat blog impian." msgid "Find a unique style for your site:" msgstr "Temukan keunikan situs Anda:" msgid "" "Already have a domain name? Point it to your website in a few " "easy steps." msgstr "" "Anda punya nama domain? Arahkan ke situs web Anda dengan mudah." msgid "" "Register a domain for your site to make it easier to remember and easier to " "share." msgstr "" "Daftarkan domain untuk situs Anda agar lebih mudah diingat dan dibagikan." msgid "" "Unable to retrieve metrics for Google My Business location because of error: " "%s" msgstr "" "Tidak dapat mengambil metrik lokasi Google My Business karena error: %s" msgid "Setting changed" msgstr "Pengaturan diubah" msgid "" "With %s, you have the freedom to create a beautiful store that meets your " "needs. The only limit is your imagination." msgstr "" "Dengan %s, Anda bebas membuat toko yang menawan sesuai kebutuhan Anda. Satu-" "satunya batasan adalah imajinasi Anda." msgid "Learn more about forms on" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang formulir dengan" msgid "" " gives you all the tools you need to publish content and sell " "products from the same platform. Create a powerful online store and install " "more plugins to help you customize products, attract customers, and increase " "your sales." msgstr "" " memberikan semua yang dibutuhkan untuk memublikasikan konten " "dan menjual produk dari platfrom yang sama. Membuat toko online yang andal " "dan menginstal lebih banyak plugin untuk membantu Anda mengelola produk, " "menarik pelanggan, dan meningkatkan penjualan." msgid "Create an online store" msgstr "Buat toko online" msgid "Start taking payments in seconds" msgstr "Terima pembayaran dengan mudah" msgid "Best for Small Businesses" msgstr "Terbaik untuk Usaha Kecil" msgid "Everything you need for a powerful, profitable site." msgstr "" "Semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk toko online yang andal dan menguntungkan. " msgid "Use This Page" msgstr "Gunakan Halaman Ini" msgid "Select a Privacy Policy page" msgstr "Pilih sebuah halaman Kebijakan Privasi" msgid "Change your Privacy Policy page" msgstr "Ubah halaman Kebijakan Privasi Anda" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Edit</a> or <a href=\"%2$s\">preview</a> your Privacy " "Policy page content." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Edit</a> or <a href=\"%2$s\">tinjau</a> konten laman " "Kebijakan Privasi Anda." msgid "" "You should also review your privacy policy from time to time, especially " "after installing or updating any themes or plugins. There may be changes or " "new suggested information for you to consider adding to your policy." msgstr "" "Anda seharusnya meninjau ulang Kebijakan Privasi Anda dari waktu ke waktu, " "terutama setelah memasang atau memperbarui tema atau plugin apa pun. Mungkin " "ada perubahan atau informasi baru yang disarankan untuk Anda pertimbangkan " "untuk ditambahkan ke dalam kebijakan Anda." msgid "" "However, it is your responsibility to use those resources correctly, to " "provide the information that your privacy policy requires, and to keep that " "information current and accurate." msgstr "" "Namun, Anda bertanggung jawab menggunakan sumber daya tersebut dengan benar, " "memberikan informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh Kebijakan Privasi Anda, dan " "menjaga informasi tersebut tetap terkini dan akurat." msgid "The new page will include help and suggestions for your privacy policy." msgstr "" "Laman baru akan mencakup bantuan serta saran-saran untuk Kebijakan Privasi " "Anda." msgid "" "If you already have a Privacy Policy page, please select it below. If not, " "please create one." msgstr "" "Jika Anda sudah memiliki laman Kebijakan Privasi, silakan pilih di bawah " "ini. Jika tidak, silakan buat satu." msgid "" "As a website owner, you may need to follow national or international privacy " "laws. For example, you may need to create and display a privacy policy." msgstr "" "Sebagai pemilik situs web, Anda mungkin harus mengikuti hukum privasi " "nasional atau internasional. Contohnya, Anda mungkin harus membuat dan " "menampilkan laman Kebijakan Privasi." msgid "Privacy policy page" msgstr "Halaman Kebijakan Privasi" msgid "" "The currently selected Privacy Policy page is in the Trash. Please create or " "select a new Privacy Policy page or <a href=\"%s\">restore the current page</" "a>." msgstr "" "Laman Kebijakan Privasi yang dipilih sekarang ada di dalam sampah. Silakan " "buat atau pilih laman Kebijakan Privasi baru atau <a href=\"%s\">kembalikan " "laman ini</a>." msgid "" "The currently selected Privacy Policy page does not exist. Please create or " "select a new page." msgstr "" "Laman Kebijakan Privasi yang dipilih saat ini tidak ada. Silakan buat atau " "pilih sebuah laman baru." msgid "Unable to create a Privacy Policy page." msgstr "Tidak bisa membuat sebuah laman Kebijakan Privasi." msgid "" "Privacy Policy page setting updated successfully. Remember to <a href=\"%s" "\">update your menus</a>!" msgstr "" "Pengaturan halaman Kebijakan Privasi berhasil diperbarui. Segera <a href=\"%s" "\">perbarui menu Anda</a>!" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to manage privacy options on this site." msgstr "" "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengelola pilihan privasi pada situs " "berikut." msgid "Menu updated" msgstr "Menu diperbarui" msgid "Menu added" msgstr "Menu ditambahkan" msgid "Sell online with PayPal" msgstr "Jualan online dengan PayPal" msgid "Navigating away will cancel remaining updates" msgstr "Menutup halaman ini akan membatalkan pembaruan yang tersisa" msgid "You have %(updates)s update available" msgid_plural "You have %(updates)s updates available" msgstr[0] "Anda memiliki %(updates)s pembaruan yang tersedia" msgstr[1] "Anda memiliki %(updates)s pembaruan yang tersedia" msgid "You have one update available" msgstr "Anda memiliki satu pembaruan yang tersedia" msgid "Manage plugins" msgstr "Kelola plugin" msgid "Dismiss all" msgstr "Tutup semua" msgid "Limit result set to users who are considered authors." msgstr "Batasi kumpulan hasil kepada pengguna yang dianggap penulis." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to query users by this parameter." msgstr "" "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mencari pengguna menggunakan parameter ini." msgid "Whether or not the post type can be viewed." msgstr "Apakah pos dapat dilihat atau tidak." msgid "Authorization required" msgstr "Memerlukan otorisasi" msgid "Just now" msgstr "sekarang saja" msgid "[ more ]" msgstr "[ lainnya ]" msgid "Thanks for contributing!" msgstr "Terima kasih atas kontribusinya!" msgid "Sorry, we couldn't find the translation for this string." msgstr "Maaf, kami tidak dapat menemukan terjemahan untuk string ini." msgid "Sorry, we couldn't submit the translation for this string." msgstr "Maaf, kami tidak dapat mengirimkan terjemahan untuk string ini." msgid "Sorry, we've encountered an error." msgstr "Maaf, terjadi error." msgid "Translate to %(localeName)s" msgstr "Terjemahkan ke %(localeName)s" msgid "Open this translation in" msgstr "Buka terjemahan ini di" msgid "You cannot enable Rewind for a multisite" msgstr "Anda tidak dapat mengaktifkan Putar Balik untuk multisitus" msgid "Download our mobile apps" msgstr "Unduh aplikasi seluler kami" msgid "" "Manage all your sites from a single dashboard: publish content, track stats, " "moderate comments, and more." msgstr "" "Kelola semua situs Anda dari satu dasbor: publikasi konten, pantau " "statistik, moderasi komentar, dan lainnya." msgid "Get the apps" msgstr "Dapatkan aplikasinya" msgid "" "Find a host, install plugins, and get your hands dirty. We can help with " "services like Jetpack for security and backups." msgstr "" "Pilih penyedia hosting, instal plugin, dan kelola semuanya sendiri. Kami " "dapat membantu dengan layanan seperti Jetpack untuk keamanan dan pencadangan." msgid "" "Build a site in minutes. We host your site, register your domain, and offer " "built-in plugins including automated software updates and security." msgstr "" "Buat situs dengan mudah. Kami akan mengelola situs dan mendaftarkan domain " "Anda, serta menawarkan plugin terintegrasi termasuk pembaruan perangkat " "lunak dan keamanan otomatis." msgid "Learn more about each option to choose the one that’s best for you." msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut untuk menentukan yang terbaik bagi Anda." msgid "" "Hosting, security, backups, and spam protection are all included. Pick from " "more than 300 themes, activate our powerful features inspired by the best " "plugins, and get a custom domain with a plan." msgstr "" "Mencakup hosting, keamanan, pencadangan, dan perlindungan terhadap spam. " "Pilih dari 300 tema lebih, aktifkan berbagai fitur andal yang diinspirasi " "oleh plugin terbaik, dan dapatkan domain khusus dari paket yang Anda pilih. " msgid "" "Choose for the fastest, easiest way to start your website." msgstr "" "Pilih untuk memulai situs web Anda dengan cepat dengan mudah." msgid "Build your site with the software trusted by %s%% of the internet." msgstr "" "Bangun situs Anda dengan perangkat lunak yang dipercaya oleh %s%% pengguna " "internet." msgid "Choose for the fastest, easiest way to start your website" msgstr "" "Pilih untuk cara tercepat dan termudah dalam memulai situs Web " "Anda" msgid "Posts in this category are included in your Podcast feed" msgstr "Pos dalam kategori ini dimasukkan ke feed Podcast Anda" msgid "Included in your Podcast feed" msgstr "Dimasukkan ke feed Podcast Anda" msgid "Try a premium theme" msgstr "Coba tema premium" msgid "1 Month" msgstr "1 Bulan" msgid "1 year" msgstr "1 Tahun" msgid "Unsupported language" msgstr "Bahasa tidak didukung" msgid "Jetpack, in partnership with %(host)s" msgstr "Jetpack, bermitra dengan %(host)s" msgid "Delete this tag" msgstr "Hapus tag ini" msgid "This user cannot be banned from the support forums" msgstr "Pengguna ini tidak dapat dicabut aksesnya ke forum dukungan." msgid "/month, billed every two years" msgstr "/bulan, penagihan setiap dua tahun" msgid "Tagged for staff" msgstr "Ditandai untuk diperiksa staf" msgid "Dismiss from FR Queue" msgstr "Hapus dari Antrean FR" msgid "" "This email address will be displayed in the feed and is required for some " "services such as Google Play." msgstr "" "Alamat e-mail ini akan ditampilkan dalam feed dan diperlukan untuk beberapa " "layanan seperti Google Play." msgid "Workflow" msgstr "Alur Kerja" msgid "Choose a parent page." msgstr "Pilih halaman induk" msgid "Disable to select a %(parentTerm)s" msgstr "Nonaktifkan untuk memilih %(parentTerm)s" msgid "Choose a %(parentTerm)s" msgstr "Pilih %(parentTerm)s" msgid "Threat Found" msgid_plural "Threats found" msgstr[0] "Ancaman Ditemukan" msgstr[1] "Ancaman ditemukan" msgid "Menu items list" msgstr "Daftar item menu" msgid "Menu item list navigation" msgstr "Navigasi daftar item menu" msgid "Filter menu items list" msgstr "Filter daftar item menu" msgid "Menu section list" msgstr "Daftar bagian menu" msgid "Menu section list navigation" msgstr "Navigasi daftar bagian menu" msgid "Menu item labels list" msgstr "Daftar label item menu" msgid "Menu item label list navigation" msgstr "Navigasi daftar label item menu" msgid "This key has reached its activation limit for product %s" msgstr "Kunci ini telah mencapai batas aktivasi untuk produk %s" msgid "" "P.S.: If the site upgrade isn’t for you, no problem! Just let us know within " "30 days and we’ll give you a full refund. If you decide to cancel your plan " "after you’ve already accepted the free domain, the domain is yours to keep. " "We simply ask that you cover our costs for the registration." msgstr "" "N.B.: Jika situs yang diupgrade bukan milik Anda, tidak masalah! Cukup beri " "tahu kami dalam waktu 30 hari dan kami akan mengembalikan uang Anda. Jika " "Anda memutuskan untuk membatalkan paket setelah menerima domain gratis, " "domain itu adalah milik Anda. Kami hanya meminta Anda membayar biaya " "pendaftaran domain." msgid "%1$sClick here to claim your %2$s%% discount now!%3$s" msgstr "%1$sKlik di sini untuk mengklaim diskon %2$s%% sekarang juga!%3$s" msgid "All plans include a 30-day money-back guarantee." msgstr "Semua paket mencakup garansi 30 hari uang kembali." msgid "Use any WordPress plugin or theme you want (Business plan only)." msgstr "" "Gunakan plugin atau tema WordPress yang Anda inginkan (Khusus paket Bisnis)." msgid "Edit your site’s design with custom CSS (Premium and Business plans)." msgstr "" "Sunting desain situs Anda dengan CSS khusus (paket Premium dan Bisnis)." msgid "Choose from hundreds of professionally designed templates." msgstr "Pilih dari ratusan template yang didesain secara profesional." msgid "Gain live chat access to our all star customer service team." msgstr "" "Dapatkan fasilitas live chat dari tim layanan pelanggan terbaik dari " "" msgid "Use your own domain name (instead of having in your URL)." msgstr "" "Gunakan nama domain Anda sendiri (sebagai pengganti domain di " "URL Anda)." msgid "Upgrade today and unlock these great features:" msgstr "Upgrade sekarang dan aktifkan banyak fitur andal:" msgid "Use code <strong>%s</strong>" msgstr "Gunakan kode <strong>%s</strong>" msgid "Discount available for all plan upgrades." msgstr "Diskon tersedia untuk semua upgrade paket" msgid "%s%% OFF" msgstr "DISKON %s%%" msgid "Mother’s Day Sale" msgstr "Promo Hari Ibu" msgid "Mother’s Day sale: %s%% off all plans" msgstr "Promo Hari Ibu: diskon %s%% untuk semua paket" msgid "You must specify a local WordPress user ID" msgstr "Anda harus menentukan ID pengguna WordPress lokal" msgid "Modlook" msgstr "Modlook" msgid "Blog is not a Jetpack site" msgstr "Blog bukan situs Jetpack" msgid "Bad client ID returned from site" msgstr "ID klien buruk ditampilkan dari situs" msgid "Business profile picture" msgstr "Foto profil bisnis" msgid "These items require your immediate attention" msgstr "Item ini memerlukan perhatian Anda segera" msgid "in forum %s" msgstr "dalam forum %s" msgid "Schedule interview" msgstr "Jadwalkan wawancara" msgid "unknown post, last known ID %s" msgstr "pos tidak dikenal, ID terakhir yang diketahui %s" msgid "Problem preparing your file" msgstr "Terjadi masalah saat menyiapkan file Anda" msgid "There was a problem preparing your backup for downloading." msgstr "Terjadi masalah saat menyiapkan pencadangan Anda untuk diunduh." msgid "Invalid value" msgstr "Nilai tidak valid" msgid "Week start changed from %1$s to %2$s" msgstr "Hari awal pekan diubah dari %1$s menjadi %2$s" msgid "Sorry, we didn't find any matching FAQs." msgstr "Maaf, kami tidak menemukan Tanya Jawab Umum (FAQ) yang sesuai." msgid "Oops, the credentials you entered were invalid. Please try again" msgstr "Ups, kredensial yang Anda masukkan tidak valid. Coba lagi" msgid "Username or email does not exist. Please try again." msgstr "Nama pengguna atau email tidak ada. Harap coba lagi." msgid "Feedback pending" msgstr "Menunggu feedback" msgid "Feedback received" msgstr "Umpan balik diterima" msgid "No staff replies" msgstr "Belum ada balasan dari staf" msgid "(Support Forums) Workflow" msgstr "(Forum Dukungan) Alur kerja" msgid "" "<br />Try using a different phrase or use the contact form below to send us " "an email." msgstr "" "<br />Cobalah frasa lain atau gunakan formulir kontak di bawah untuk " "mengirimkan email kepada kami." msgid "Auto-activated?" msgstr "Aktifkan otomatis?" msgid "Continue with Google" msgstr "Lanjutkan dengan Google" msgid "Do you have" msgstr "Sudah punya" msgid "Thank you" msgstr "Terima kasih" msgid "Search our support documentation for quick answers" msgstr "Telusuri dokumentasi dukungan kami untuk menemukan jawaban cepat" msgid "Short description of your problem (80 characters)" msgstr "Deskripsi singkat mengenai masalah Anda (80 karakter)" msgid "Your website URL where your Jetpack problem is happening:" msgstr "URL situs web Anda yang mengalami masalah Jetpack:" msgid "Publication Date" msgstr "Tanggal Penerbitan" msgid "XML News Sitemap" msgstr "Peta Situs Berita XML" msgid "XML Video Sitemap" msgstr "Peta Situs Video XML" msgid "Page URL" msgstr "URL Halaman" msgid "XML Image Sitemap" msgstr "Peta Situs Gambar XML" msgid "Sitemap URL" msgstr "URL Peta Situs" msgid "XML Sitemap Index" msgstr "Indeks Peta Situs XML" msgid "XML Sitemap" msgstr "Peta Lokasi XML" msgid "Sitemap Interval" msgstr "Interval Peta Situs" msgid "Invalid stat_type parameter" msgstr "Parameter stat_type tidak valid" msgid "No Google Business Profile location associated with this site." msgstr "Tidak ada lokasi Profil Bisnis Google yang terhubung dengan situs ini." msgid "Unable to find a Google Business Profile access token for this site." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat menemukan token akses Profil Bisnis Google untuk situs ini." msgid "You must be logged-in to view stats." msgstr "Anda harus login untuk melihat statistik." msgid "Remote site returned an invalid site ID" msgstr "Situs jarak jauh menampilkan ID situs yang tidak valid" msgctxt "moment format string" msgid "LL[ — Today]" msgstr "LL[ — Hari Ini]" msgid "Storage" msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan" msgid "Global community" msgstr "Komunitas global" msgid "Wix" msgstr "Wix" msgid "The requested URL is not an embed." msgstr "URL yang diminta bukan sematan." msgid "Only one embed can be rendered at a time." msgstr "Hanya satu sematan yang dapat di-render." msgid "The embed_url parameter must be a valid URL." msgstr "Parameter embed_url harus berupa URL yang valid." msgid "Your token must have permission to post on this blog." msgstr "Token Anda harus memiliki izin untuk membuat pos di blog ini." msgid "Sorry, we were unable to change your site address. Please try again." msgstr "Maaf, kami tidak dapat mengubah alamat situs Anda. Coba lagi." msgid "Your new site address is ready to go!" msgstr "Alamat situs Anda yang baru sudah siap!" msgid "Try typing an @username into the text input below." msgstr "Coba masukkan @username ke input teks di bawah ini." msgid "Extension \".%(tld)s\" matches your query" msgstr "Ekstensi \".%(tld)s\" cocok dengan permintaan informasi Anda" msgid "Extension \".%(tld)s\" closely matches your query" msgstr "Ekstensi \".%(tld)s\" sangat cocok dengan permintaan informasi Anda" msgid "Exact match" msgstr "Sama persis" msgid "Close match" msgstr "Sangat cocok" msgid "Invitee unknown" msgstr "Pemberi undangan tidak dikenal" msgid "Also display tagged posts outside the Featured Content area." msgstr "Juga menampilkan pos yang ditandai di luar area Konten Unggulan." msgid "Do not display tag in post details and tag clouds." msgstr "Jangan tampilkan tag dalam detail pos dan cloud tag." msgid "%(dataTotal)d Total Views" msgstr "%(dataTotal)d Total Tampilan" msgid "%(dataTotal)d Total Actions" msgstr "%(dataTotal)d Total Tindakan" msgid "Listings On Maps" msgstr "Daftar Pada Peta" msgid "Listings On Search" msgstr "Daftar Pada Pencarian" msgid "Visit Your Website" msgstr "Kunjungi Situs Web Anda" msgid "Request Directions" msgstr "Minta Arahan" msgid "Call You" msgstr "Memanggil Anda" msgid "Good news, that site address is available!" msgstr "Kabar bagus, alamat situs tersebut tersedia!" msgid "Try Installing Manually" msgstr "Coba Instal Secara Manual" msgid "" "We were unable to install Jetpack. Don't worry—you can either install " "Jetpack manually or contact support for help." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat memasang Jetpack. Jangan khawatir—Anda dapat menginstal " "Jetpack secara manual atau menghubungi dukungan untuk bantuan." msgid "" "We were unable to activate Jetpack. Don't worry—you can either install " "Jetpack manually or contact support for help." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat mengaktifkan Jetpack. Jangan khawatir—Anda dapat menginstal " "Jetpack secara manual atau menghubungi dukungan untuk bantuan." msgid "Contact your site Administrator" msgstr "Hubungi administrator situs Anda" msgid "" "We were unable to install Jetpack because you do not have permissions to " "install plugins. Please contact your site's Administrator to continue with " "installing Jetpack or try installing Jetpack manually." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat menginstal Jetpack karena Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk " "menginstal plugin. Hubungi Administrator situs Anda untuk melanjutkan dengan " "menginstal Jetpack atau menginstal Jetpack secara manual." msgid "We were unable to install Jetpack because something went wrong." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat menginstal Jetpack karena terjadi kesalahan." msgid "Select Province" msgstr "Pilih Wilayah" msgid "" "The value provided is not valid for %s. Please use a valid ISO 3166-2 " "identifier." msgstr "" "Nilai yang dimasukkan tidak valid untuk %s. Harap gunakan pengenal ISO " "3166-2 yang valid." msgid "This field must contain letters." msgstr "Bidang ini harus berisi huruf." msgid "" "This field can only contain the following characters: “%1$s”." msgstr "Bidang ini hanya dapat berisi karakter berikut: “%1$s”." msgid "This field is limited to %d characters." msgstr "Bidang ini dibatasi maksimal %d karakter." msgid "Only the site owner can edit this domain name." msgstr "Hanya pemilik situs yang dapat mengedit nama domain ini." msgid "" "Only the site owner ({{strong}}%(ownerInfo)s{{/strong}}) can edit this " "domain name." msgstr "" "Hanya pemilik situs ({{strong}}%(ownerInfo)s{{/strong}}) yang dapat mengedit " "nama domain ini." msgid "Yes! Start import" msgstr "Ya! Mulai impor" msgid "" "Jetpack had some trouble connecting to your site, but that problem has been " "resolved." msgstr "" "Jetpack mengalami masalah saat menghubungkan ke situs Anda, namun masalah " "tersebut sudah diatasi." msgid "Error while linking your site to %(service)s." msgstr "Terjadi error saat menautkan situs Anda ke %(service)s." msgid "Confirm this is the location you wish to connect to" msgstr "Pastikan bahwa ini adalah lokasi yang ingin Anda hubungkan." msgid "Select the location you wish to connect your site to." msgstr "Pilih lokasi untuk menghubungkan situs Anda." msgid "Sorry, we couldn't process your payment. Please try again later." msgstr "" "Maaf, kami tidak dapat memproses pembayaran Anda. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again later." msgstr "Ups! Terjadi masalah. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "Save %(percent)s%%" msgstr "Hemat %(percent)s%%" msgid "Domains require updating" msgstr "Domain perlu diperbarui" msgid "" "To make your newly transferred domains work with, you need to " "update the nameservers." msgstr "" "Agar domain yang baru Anda transfer dapat digunakan dengan, " "Anda perlu memperbarui nameserver." msgid "Domain requires updating" msgstr "Domain perlu diperbarui" msgid "Annual subscription" msgstr "Langganan tahunan" msgid "" "The email address \"%(email)s\" is associated with a account. " "Log in to connect it to your Google profile, or choose a different Google " "profile." msgstr "" "Alamat email \"%(email)s\" dikaitkan dengan akun Login untuk " "menghubungkannya ke profil Google Anda, atau pilih profil Google lain." msgid "" "The email address is associated with a account. Log in to " "connect it to your Google profile, or choose a different Google profile." msgstr "" "Alamat email dikaitkan dengan akun Login untuk " "menghubungkannya ke profil Google Anda, atau pilih profil Google lain." msgid "Almost there – we're currently finalizing your order." msgstr "Hampir selesai – kami sedang menyelesaikan pesanan Anda." msgid "Update Listing" msgstr "Perbarui Listingan" msgid "How customers search for your business" msgstr "Cara pelanggan mencari bisnis Anda" msgid "%(dataTotal)d Total Searches" msgstr "%(dataTotal)d Total Pencarian" msgid "Where your customers view your business on Google" msgstr "Tempat pelanggan melihat bisnis Anda di Google" msgid "The Google services that customers use to find your business" msgstr "Layanan Google yang digunakan pelanggan untuk menemukan bisnis Anda" msgid "Customer Actions" msgstr "Tindakan Pelanggan" msgid "The most common actions that customers take on your listing" msgstr "Tindakan yang paling sering dilakukan pelanggan pada listingan Anda" msgid "Direct" msgstr "Langsung" msgid "" "Customers who find your listing searching for you business name or address" msgstr "" "Pelanggan yang menemukan listingan Anda dengan mencari nama atau alamat " "bisnis Anda" msgid "Discovery" msgstr "Penemuan" msgid "" "Customers who find your listing searching for a category, product, or service" msgstr "" "Pelanggan yang menemukan listingan Anda dengan mencari kategori, produk, " "atau layanan" msgid "" "The site's downtime lasted %1$s. We're happy to report your site was back " "online as of %2$s on %3$s." msgstr "" "Waktu tidak aktif situs berlangsung selama %1$s. Kami dengan senang hati " "melaporkan bahwa situs Anda sudah kembali aktif pada %2$s di %3$s." msgid "Good news! <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> is now up and running again." msgstr "Kabar baik! <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> sudah kembali aktif." msgid "There was a problem creating your account. Please contact support." msgstr "Ada masalah saat membuat akun Anda. Hubungi dukungan." msgid "Bad source name supplied, consult documentation for valid format" msgstr "" "Nama sumber yang diberikan buruk, lihat dokumentasi untuk mengetahui format " "yang valid" msgid "Bad flow name supplied, consult documentation for valid format" msgstr "" "Nama alur yang diberikan buruk, lihat dokumentasi untuk mengetahui format " "yang valid" msgid "Site option %1$s was changed from %2$s to %3$s" msgstr "Pilihan situs %1$s diubah dari %2$s menjadi %3$s" msgid "Membership was changed to disallow anyone to register" msgstr "Keanggotaan diubah menjadi tidak mengizinkan siapa pun untuk mendaftar" msgid "Membership was changed to allow anyone to register" msgstr "Keanggotaan diubah menjadi mengizinkan siapa pun untuk mendaftar" msgid "Testimonials shown per page changed from %1$s to %2$s" msgstr "Testimonial yang ditampilkan per halaman diubah dari %1$s menjadi %2$s" msgid "Testimonials disabled for this site" msgstr "Testimonial dinonaktifkan untuk situs berikut" msgid "Testimonials enabled for this site" msgstr "Testimonial diaktifkan untuk situs berikut" msgid "Portfolio projects shown per page changed from %1$s to %2$s" msgstr "" "Proyek portofolio yang ditampilkan per halaman diubah dari %1$s menjadi %2$s" msgid "Portfolio projects disabled for this site" msgstr "Proyek portofolio dinonaktifkan untuk situs ini" msgid "Portfolio projects enabled for this site" msgstr "Proyek portofolio diaktifkan untuk situs ini" msgid "Encouraged search engines to index the site" msgstr "Memudahkan mesin pencarian untuk mengindeks situs ini" msgid "Discouraged search engines from indexing the site" msgstr "Mencegah mesin pencarian untuk mengindeks situs ini" msgid "Site description was changed from %1$s to %2$s" msgstr "Deskripsi situs diubah dari %1$s menjadi %2$s" msgid "Site title was changed from %1$s to %2$s" msgstr "Judul situs diubah dari %1$s menjadi %2$s" msgid "Site option %1$s was set to %2$s" msgstr "Pilihan situs %1$s diatur menjadi %2$s" msgid "Testimonials shown per page set to %1$s" msgstr "Testimonial yang ditampilkan per halaman diatur menjadi %1$s" msgid "Portfolio projects shown per page set to %1$s" msgstr "Proyek portofolio yang ditampilkan per halaman diatur menjadi %1$s" msgid "Verified" msgstr "Terverifikasi" msgid "Connect Location" msgstr "Hubungkan Lokasi" msgid "Select the listing you would like to connect to:" msgstr "Pilih daftar yang ingin Anda hubungkan:" msgid "Show more results" msgstr "Tampilkan lebih banyak hasil" msgid "Show me how to print shipping labels" msgstr "Tunjukkan cara mencetak label pengiriman" msgid "" "WooCommerce Shipping is ready to use on your next order! Get discounted " "rates and print shipping labels yourself." msgstr "" "WooCommerce Shipping siap digunakan untuk pesanan selanjutnya! Dapatkan " "diskon dan cetak label pengiriman sendiri." msgid "Ready to print a shipping label?" msgstr "Siap mencetak label pengiriman?" msgid "Setting up…" msgstr "Menyiapkan…" msgid "Set up Jetpack on your self-hosted WordPress" msgstr "Siapkan Jetpack di WordPress Anda yang dihosting sendiri" msgid "Get help setting up Jetpack" msgstr "Dapatkan bantuan untuk menyiapkan Jetpack" msgid "You're all set!" msgstr "Semuanya telah diatur!" msgid "Completing setup" msgstr "Menyelesaikan penyiapan" msgid "You are moments away from a better WordPress." msgstr "Sebentar lagi Anda bisa menikmati WordPress yang baru." msgid "Jetpack is finishing setup" msgstr "Jetpack sedang menyelesaikan penyiapan" msgid "< Clear Filters" msgstr "< Hapus Penyaring" msgctxt "label for filtering posts" msgid "Post Types" msgstr "Jenis Pos" msgctxt "label for filtering posts" msgid "Month" msgstr "Bulan" msgctxt "label for filtering posts" msgid "Month Updated" msgstr "Bulan Diperbarui" msgctxt "label for filtering posts" msgid "Year" msgstr "Tahun" msgctxt "label for filtering posts" msgid "Year Updated" msgstr "Tahun Diperbarui" msgid "Nonce was not able to be created. Please try again." msgstr "Nonce tidak dapat dibuat. Silakan coba lagi." msgid "The required \"siteurl\" argument is missing." msgstr "Argumen “siteurl” yang dibutuhkan hilang." msgid "" "Your site address should be between %(minimumLength)s and %(maximumLength)s " "characters in length." msgstr "" "Alamat situs Anda harus berisi antara %(minimumLength)s dan " "%(maximumLength)s karakter." msgid "" "I understand that I won't be able to undo this change to my site address." msgstr "" "Saya memahami bahwa saya tidak dapat membatalkan perubahan berikut pada " "alamat situs saya." msgid "Disable Podcast" msgstr "Nonaktifkan Podcast" msgid "Fix credentials" msgstr "Perbaiki kredensial" msgid "Recommended Marketing Tools" msgstr "Alat Pemasaran yang Direkomendasikan" msgid "" "Optimize your store for sales — including discount and coupon options, " "email and social integrations, and more powerful reporting." msgstr "" "Optimalkan toko Anda untuk penjualan — termasuk pilihan diskon dan kupon, " "integrasi media sosial dan email, serta pelaporan yang lebih hebat." msgid "Recommended marketing tools, customization options, and services" msgstr "Alat pemasaran, opsi kustomisasi, dan layanan yang direkomendasikan" msgid "Sorry, we couldn't find receipt #%s." msgstr "Maaf, kami tidak dapat menemukan tanda terima#%s." msgid "Sorry, we weren't able to load the requested receipt." msgstr "Maaf, kami tidak dapat memuat tanda terima yang diminta." msgid "" "Loads the next posts automatically when the reader approaches the bottom of " "the page." msgstr "" "Memuat pos berikutnya secara otomatis saat pembaca hampir sampai di bagian " "bawah halaman." msgid "" "Allows readers to subscribe to your posts or comments, and receive " "notifications of new content by email." msgstr "" "Memungkinkan pengguna berlangganan pos dan komentar Anda serta menerima " "pemberitahuan konten baru melalui email." msgid "" "Allows registered users to log in to your site with their " "accounts." msgstr "" "Memungkinkan pengguna yang terdaftar untuk login ke situs Anda dengan akun " " mereka." msgid "Removes spam from comments and contact forms." msgstr "Menghapus spam dari komentar dan formulir kontak." msgid "" "Automatically generates the files required for search engines to index your " "site." msgstr "" "Membuat secara otomatis file yang diperlukan bagi mesin pencari untuk " "mengindeks situs Anda." msgid "" "Provides the necessary hidden tags needed to verify your WordPress site with " "various services." msgstr "" "Menyediakan tag tersembunyi yang diperlukan untuk memverifikasi situs " "WordPress Anda dengan berbagai layanan." msgid "" "Allows you to publish new posts by sending an email to a special address." msgstr "" "Memungkinkan Anda untuk memublikasikan pos dengan mengirim email ke alamat " "khusus." msgid "Hosts your video files on the global servers." msgstr "Host file video Anda pada server global." msgid "" "Adds a toolbar with links to all your sites, notifications, your WordPress." "com profile, and the Reader." msgstr "" "Menambahkan bilah peralatan dengan tautan ke semua situs, pemberitahuan, " "profil Anda, dan Pembaca." msgid "" "Displays information on your site activity, including visitors and popular " "posts or pages." msgstr "" "Menampilkan informasi pada aktivitas situs Anda, termasuk pengunjung, dan " "pos atau halaman populer." msgid "" "Adds the Testimonial custom post type, allowing you to collect, organize, " "and display testimonials on your site." msgstr "" "Menambahkan tipe pos khusus Testimoni, memungkinkan Anda mengumpulkan, " "mengelola, dan menampilkan testimoni di situs Anda." msgid "" "Adds the Portfolio custom post type, allowing you to manage and showcase " "projects on your site." msgstr "" "Menambahkan tipe pos khusus Portofolio, memungkinkan Anda mengelola dan " "menampilkan proyek di situs Anda." msgid "" "Replaces the standard WordPress comment form with a new comment system that " "includes social media login options." msgstr "" "Menggantikan formulir komentar standar WordPress dengan sistem komentar baru " "yang mencakup pilihan login media sosial." msgid "" " is home to everyone from small businesses, to bloggers, to " "large sites like Time, Variety, TechCrunch, and more. All together, " " sites reach more than 409 million visitors each month." msgstr "" " adalah rumah bagi semua jenis situs web, mulai dari usaha " "kecil, bloger hingga situs besar seperti Time, Variety, TechCrunch, dan " "lainnya. Secara keseluruhan, situs yang menggunakan menjangkau " "lebih dari 409 juta pengunjung setiap bulan." msgid "Reason #8:<br><strong>WordPress powers 30% of the internet.</strong>" msgstr "Alasan #8:<br><strong>WordPress menghidupi 30% internet.</strong>" msgid "" "Reason #6:<br><strong>You can choose from 288 design templates for your site." "</strong>" msgstr "" "Alasan #6:<br><strong>Anda dapat memilih dari 288 fitur desain untuk situs " "Anda.</strong>" msgid "Local business illustration" msgstr "Ilustrasi bisnis lokal" msgid "It looks like you might be new to Google Business Profile" msgstr "Sepertinya Anda masih baru di Profil Bisnis Google" msgid "" "Google Business Profile lists your local business on Google Search and " "Google Maps. It works for businesses that have a physical location, or serve " "a local area." msgstr "" "Profil Bisnis Google mencantumkan bisnis lokal Anda di Pencarian Google dan " "Peta Google. Fitur ini cocok untuk bisnis yang memiliki tempat usaha fisik " "atau melayani daerah setempat." msgid "" "Upload your videos directly into the WordPress editor and we'll " "automatically embed them into our custom video player. Never worry about " "large videos taking up space and using up bandwidth from your hosting plan " "again." msgstr "" "Unggah langsung video Anda ke editor WordPress dan kami akan sematkan secara " "otomatis ke pemutar video khusus. Anda tidak perlu khawatir dengan ukuran " "video yang akan menghabiskan ruang penyimpanan dan bandwidth dari paket " "hosting Anda." msgid "%s domains found" msgstr "%s domain ditemukan" msgid "View all features" msgstr "Lihat semua fitur" msgid "Image of the Jetpack video player" msgstr "Gambar pemutar video Jetpack" msgid "" "Image of a Jetpack photo gallery with our free image content delivery network" msgstr "" "Gambar galeri foto Jetpack dengan jaringan pengantaran konten gambar gratis " "kami" msgid "" "Display images at the right resolution automatically and at lightning fast " "speeds from a global content delivery network." msgstr "" "Tampilkan gambar dengan resolusi yang tepat secara otomatis dan secepat " "kilat dari jaringan pengantaran konten global." msgid "Let your visitors see your images and videos at blazing-fast speeds." msgstr "" "Pengunjung dapat melihat gambar dan video di situs Anda dengan cepat dan " "lancar." msgid "" "If you need help, our <a href=\"\">public " "forums</a> are always there when you need them. Personalized support is also " "available with a <a href=\"\">plan upgrade</a>." msgstr "" "Jika Anda perlu bantuan, <a href=\"" "\">forum publik</a> kami selalu siap membantu Anda. Dukungan yang " "dipersonalisasi juga tersedia dengan <a href=\"" "\">upgrade paket</a>." msgid "" "You also don’t want to sacrifice quality by compressing or resizing your " "graphics or photos." msgstr "" "Anda pasti juga ingin mempertahankan kualitas gambar dan foto terbaik pada " "situs Anda untuk dinikmati para pengunjung." msgid "" "If your site has an abundance of photos, you don’t want to drive visitors " "away by making them wait for your content to load." msgstr "" "Jika situs Anda memiliki banyak foto, Anda pasti ingin pengunjung dapat " "melihat isi situs Anda dengan cepat dan lancar." msgid "" "Upload your videos directly into the WordPress editor and we'll embed " "them into our custom video player, automatically." msgstr "" "Unggah langsung video Anda ke editor WordPress dan kami akan sematkan ke " "pemutar video khusus secara otomatis." msgid "" "Jetpack’s video-hosting service uses the same high-speed content delivery " "network we use for photos, and is completely ad-free." msgstr "" "Layanan hosting video dari Jetpack menggunakan jaringan pengantaran konten " "berkecepatan tinggi yang sama dengan yang kami gunakan untuk foto, dan " "bebas iklan." msgid "" "Jetpack,s unlimited video-hosting service uses the same high-speed CDN " "we use for photos, and is completely ad-free." msgstr "" "Layanan hosting video tanpa batas dari Jetpack menggunakan CDN kecepatan " "tinggi yang sama dengan yang kami gunakan untuk foto, dan bebas iklan." msgid "" "Upload unlimited photos to the free Jetpack Content Delivery Network (CDN) " "and we'll handle delivering them to visitors at the proper resolution " "and at blazing-fast speeds." msgstr "" "Unggah berapa pun foto ke Jaringan Pendistribusian Konten (CDN) Jetpack " "dengan gratis. Kami akan tampilkan foto Anda dengan cepat dan resolusi yang " "tepat untuk dilihat pengunjung Anda." msgid "" "Site load time can affect you in multiple ways, from visitors leaving " "quickly to search engine penalizing your rankings for slow speeds." msgstr "" "Waktu muat situs akan memengaruhi aktivitas pengunjung situs. Mesin " "pencarian pun dapat menurunkan peringkat situs Anda karena waktu muat yang " "lama." msgid "" "Embed high-resolution photos on any page without slowing down your site." msgstr "" "Sematkan foto dengan resolusi tinggi di halaman mana pun tanpa memperlambat " "situs Anda." msgid "An emphasis on performance" msgstr "Tingkatkan performa situs Anda" msgid "Enable Product Add-ons" msgstr "Aktifkan Add-on Produk" msgid "" "From personal messages and donations to laser engraving — allow " "customer input to customize products." msgstr "" "Mulai dari pesan pribadi dan donasi hingga motif laser — izinkan masukan " "pelanggan untuk menyesuaikan produk." msgid "Let customers design and personalize their orders" msgstr "Biarkan pelanggan mendesain dan menyesuaikan pesanan mereka" msgid "" "{{strong}}Connect{{/strong}} to view stats and other useful information from " "your Google Business Profile account inside" msgstr "" "{{strong}}Hubungkan{{/strong}} untuk menampilkan statistik dan informasi " "penting lainnya dari akun Profil Bisnis Google Anda dalam" msgid "Login via %s" msgstr "Login melalui %s" msgid "" "Essential tools to customize, market, and manage your photography website" msgstr "" "Alat penting untuk menyesuaikan, memasarkan, dan mengelola situs web " "fotografi Anda" msgid "Jetpack for Photographers" msgstr "Jetpack untuk Fotografer" msgid "" "Choose how your podcast should be categorized within Apple Podcasts and " "other podcasting services." msgstr "" "Pilih bagaimana podcast Anda dikategorikan dalam Apple Podcasts dan layanan " "podcast lainnya." msgid "Posts published in this category will be included in your podcast feed." msgstr "" "Pos yang dipublikasikan dalam kategori ini akan dimasukkan ke feed podcast " "Anda." msgid "Enter your credentials" msgstr "Masukkan kredensial Anda" msgid "" "You're all set to receive authentication codes at {{strong}}%(smsNumber)s{{/" "strong}}. Want to switch to a different number? No problem! You'll need to " "disable two-step authentication, then complete the setup process again on " "another device." msgstr "" "Anda sudah siap menerima kode autentikasi di {{strong}}%(smsNumber)s{{/" "strong}}. Ingin beralih ke nomor yang berbeda? Tidak masalah! Anda perlu " "menonaktifkan Autentikasi Dua Langkah, lalu menyelesaikan proses penyiapan " "lagi pada perangkat yang lain." msgid "" "You've enabled two-step authentication on your account — smart move! When " "you log in to, you'll need to enter your username and " "password, as well as a unique passcode generated by an app on your mobile " "device." msgstr "" "Anda telah mengaktifkan Autentikasi Dua Langkah pada akun Anda — langkah " "yang tepat! Saat Anda login ke, Anda harus memasukkan nama " "pengguna dan kata sandi, serta kode sandi unik yang dibuat oleh aplikasi " "pada perangkat seluler Anda." msgid "" "This will also disable your application passwords, though you can access " "them again if you ever re-enable two-step authentication. If you decide to " "re-enable two-step authentication, keep in mind you'll need to generate new " "backup codes." msgstr "" "Hal ini juga akan menonaktifkan Kata Sandi Aplikasi Anda, meskipun Anda " "dapat mengaksesnya lagi jika Anda sudah pernah mengaktifkan kembali " "Autentikasi Dua Langkah. Jika Anda memutuskan untuk mengaktifkan kembali " "Autentikasi Dua Langkah, harap diingat bahwa Anda harus membuat kode " "pencadangan yang baru." msgid "The site's primary language." msgstr "Bahasa utama situs." msgid "Screenshot of the %(themeName)s theme" msgstr "Tangkapan layar tema %(themeName)s" msgid "Press" msgstr "Media" msgid "This does not appear to be a valid URL or website address." msgstr "Sepertinya ini bukan URL atau alamat situs web yang valid." msgid "We can't wait to see what you create with us. ❤️" msgstr "Kami tak sabar melihat karya Anda bersama kami. ❤️" msgid "" "If you need help, our <a href=\"" "\">Happiness Engineers</a> are always there when you need them." msgstr "" "Jika Anda butuh bantuan, <a href=\"" "\">Happiness Engineer</a> kami selalu siap membantu kapan pun Anda butuhkan." msgid "" "Looking for answers? Our <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">support " "documentation</a> contains helpful information about plans, features, and " "next steps." msgstr "" "Mencari jawaban? <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Dokumen pendukung</a> kami " "berisi informasi yang berguna terkait paket, fitur, dan langkah berikutnya." msgid "The link you followed has expired." msgstr "Tautan yang Anda ikuti telah kadaluwarsa." msgid "We could not back up your site because it appears to be offline" msgstr "Kami tidak dapat mencadangkan situs Anda karena tampaknya offline" msgid "" "Jetpack is unable to connect to your site. Please update your server " "credentials" msgstr "" "Jetpack tidak dapat terhubung ke situs Anda. Harap perbarui kredensial " "server Anda" msgid "" "We ran into an issue backing up your site, but we're aware of the issue and " "working on fixing it" msgstr "" "Kami mengalami masalah saat mencadangkan situs Anda, tapi kami sudah " "mengetahui masalah tersebut dan sedang berupaya memperbaikinya" msgid "Podcast Topics" msgstr "Topik Podcast" msgid "Hosts/Artist/Producer" msgstr "Host/Artis/Produser" msgid "You need a higher level of permission." msgstr "Anda membutuhkan izin yang lebih tinggi." msgid "The secret parameter is missing" msgstr "Parameter rahasia tidak ditemukan" msgid "Unexpected hostname" msgstr "Nama hosting yang tidak diharapkan" msgid "Unexpected response" msgstr "Tanggapan tidak diharapkan" msgid "Invalid JSON" msgstr "JSON tidak valid" msgid "The response parameter is invalid or malformed" msgstr "Parameter tanggapan tidak valid atau salah dibuat" msgid "The secret parameter is invalid or malformed" msgstr "Parameter rahasia tidak valid atau salah dibuat" msgid "" "View your <a href=\"%s\" type=\"activity\" site=\"%d\">site’s Activity</a> " "to investigate when and perhaps why it went down." msgstr "" "Lihat <a href=\"%s\" type=\"activity\" site=\"%d\">aktivitas situs</a> Anda " "untuk menyelidiki waktu dan mungkin juga penyebab situs tidak beroperasi." msgid "" "This is a follow up to a recent Jetpack Monitor alert you received. It " "appears that <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> is still not loading and has been " "offline since %3$s, %4$s." msgstr "" "Ini adalah tindak lanjut dari peringatan Jetpack Monitor yang Anda terima " "baru-baru ini. Sepertinya <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> masih tidak dimuat dan " "sudah offline sejak %3$s, %4$s." msgid "" "We will continue monitoring your site, and will let you know when it’s " "online again." msgstr "" "Kami akan terus memantau situs Anda, dan akan memberi tahu Anda jika situs " "sudah kembali online." msgid "" "If you continue seeing downtime, you should get in touch with your hosting " "provider for help." msgstr "" "Jika situs masih tidak aktif, hubungi penyedia hosting Anda untuk " "mendapatkan bantuan." msgid "<a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> did not load when we checked on %3$s, %4$s" msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> tidak dapat memuat saat kami memeriksanya pada " "%3$s, %4$s" msgid "Support documentation" msgstr "Dokumen pendukung" msgid "" "{{strong}}Need help?{{/strong}} Search our support site to find out about " "your site, your account, and how to make the most of WordPress." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Butuh bantuan?{{/strong}} Telusuri situs dukungan kami untuk " "menemukan informasi tentang situs Anda, akun Anda, dan cara memanfaatkan " "WordPress semaksimal mungkin." msgid "" "WordAds lets you earn money by displaying promotional content. Start earning " "today. " msgstr "" "WordAds memungkinkan Anda mendapatkan penghasilan dengan menampilkan konten " "promosi. Raihlah hasil sekarang juga. " msgid "jetpack search" msgstr "Jetpack search" msgid "" "Schedule unlimited tweets, Facebook posts, and other social posts in advance." msgstr "" "Jadwalkan tweet, pos Facebook, dan pos media sosial lainnya tanpa batas di " "awal." msgid "Premium themes" msgstr "Tema premium" msgid "Deleting…" msgstr "Menghapus…" msgid "Failed to delete page." msgstr "Gagal menghapus halaman." msgid "Trashing…" msgstr "Membuang…" msgid "Page trashed." msgstr "Halaman dibuang." msgid "Failed to trash page." msgstr "Gagal membuang halaman." msgid "Failed to restore page." msgstr "Gagal memulihkan halaman." msgid "Failed to publish page." msgstr "Gagal memublikasikan halaman." msgid "" "You are not logged in. <strong><a href='%s'>Please login now</a></strong> " "with your account so we can best support you." msgstr "" "Anda belum login. <strong><a href='%s'>Login sekarang</a></strong> dengan " "akun Anda agar kami dapat memberikan dukungan terbaik." msgid "Reply and close the topic" msgstr "Balas lalu tutup topik" msgid "Pingback marked as not spam" msgstr "Pingback ditandai sebagai bukan spam" msgid "Pingback unapproved" msgstr "Pingback tidak disetujui" msgid "Pingback trashed" msgstr "Pingback dibuang" msgid "Pingback marked as spam" msgstr "Pingback ditandai sebagai spam" msgid "Pingback restored" msgstr "Pingback dipulihkan" msgid "Pingback received" msgstr "Pingback diterima" msgid "Pingback awaiting approval" msgstr "Pingback menunggu persetujuan" msgid "Pingback to %1$s from %2$s" msgstr "Pingback ke %1$s dari %2$s" msgid "Pingback deleted" msgstr "Pingback dihapus" msgid "Pingback approved" msgstr "Pingback disetujui" msgid "Comment marked as not spam" msgstr "Komentar yang ditandai bukan spam" msgid "Comment restored" msgstr "Komentar dipulihkan" msgid "Comment by %1$s on %2$s: %3$s" msgstr "Komentar oleh %1$s di %2$s: %3$s" msgid "Value must be a whole number" msgstr "Nilai harus berupa angka" msgid "Please correct any errors above" msgstr "Harap perbaiki semua error di atas" msgid "Max Characters" msgstr "Karakter Maks" msgid "Show exact matches only" msgstr "Hanya tampilkan yang sama persis" msgid "Our international team of Happiness Engineers are ready to help!" msgstr "Tim Happiness Engineer kami dari berbagai negara siap membantu!" msgid "Did we mention world-class support?" msgstr "Apakah Anda sudah dengar tentang bantuan profesional dari WordPress?" msgid "Jetpack world-class support" msgstr "Dukungan kelas dunia Jetpack" msgid "Explore the benefits of Jetpack" msgstr "Pelajari semua manfaat Jetpack" msgid "Jetpack installed" msgstr "Jetpack sudah terpasang" msgid "%1$s disconnected from Jetpack." msgstr "%1$s terputus dari Jetpack." msgid "User disconnected" msgstr "Pengguna terputus" msgid "%1$s connected to Jetpack. Welcome!" msgstr "%1$s tersambung ke Jetpack. Selamat Datang!" msgid "User connected" msgstr "Pengguna tersambung" msgid "" "You might want to follow our guess: {{button}}Select %(timezoneName)s{{/" "button}}" msgstr "" "Anda mungkin ingin mengikuti rekomendasi kami: {{button}}Pilih " "%(timezoneName)s{{/button}}" msgid "Account login with an e-mail link" msgstr "Login akun dengan tautan email" msgctxt "" "Title saying that there has been a pingback, or someone linked to a post" msgid "Link" msgstr "Tautan" msgid "And More!" msgstr "Dan Banyak Lainnya!" msgid "You have blocked this site." msgstr "Anda telah memblokir situs ini." msgid "Unblock it if you'd like to see posts from {{em}}%s{{/em}} again." msgstr "Buka blokir situs jika ingin melihat pos dari {{em}}%s{{/em}} lagi." msgid "Enable SEO Tools to optimize your site for search engines" msgstr "" "Aktifkan Perangkat SEO untuk mengoptimalkan situs Anda di mesin pencari" msgid "" "This domain expired recently. To get it back please {{a}}contact support{{/" "a}}." msgstr "" "Masa aktif domain ini baru berakhir. Untuk mendapatkannya kembali {{a}}" "hubungi dukungan{{/a}}." msgid "All sessions are in English (%(language)s is not available)" msgstr "Semua sesi menggunakan bahasa Inggris (%(language)s tidak tersedia)" msgid "Please respond in English." msgstr "Harap menjawab dalam bahasa Inggris." msgid "" "Click the green “Install Jetpack” button below. You'll be redirected to the " "Jetpack plugin page on your site’s wp-admin dashboard, where you'll then " "click the blue “Install Now” button." msgstr "" "Klik tombol “Pasang Jetpack” berwarna hijau di bawah. Anda akan diarahkan ke " "halaman plugin Jetpack di dasbor wp-admin situs Anda, lalu klik tombol " "“Pasang Sekarang” berwarna biru." msgid "Next, click the blue “Activate Plugin” button to activate Jetpack." msgstr "" "Selanjutnya, klik tombol “Aktifkan Plugin” berwarna biru untuk mengaktifkan " "Jetpack." msgid "Finally, click the “Set up Jetpack” button to finish the process." msgstr "Terakhir, klik tombol “Siapkan Jetpack” untuk menyelesaikan proses." msgid "" "You'll be redirected to the Plugins page on your site’s wp-admin dashboard, " "where you'll then Click the blue “Activate” link. " msgstr "" "Anda akan diarahkan ke halaman Plugin di dasbor wp-admin situs Anda, lalu " "Klik tautan “Aktifkan” berwarna biru. " msgid "Then click the “Set up Jetpack” button to finish the process." msgstr "Lalu klik tombol “Siapkan Jetpack” untuk menyelesaikan proses." msgid "Connect Jetpack to" msgstr "Sambungkan Jetpack ke" msgid "Set up Jetpack" msgstr "Siapkan Jetpack" msgid "{{a}}All Personal features{{/a}}" msgstr "{{a}}Semua fitur Personal{{/a}}" msgid "" "Easy video uploads, and a fast, unbranded, customizable video player, " "enhanced with rich stats and unlimited storage space. " msgstr "" "Pengunggahan video yang mudah serta pemutar video yang cepat, tanpa cap, dan " "dapat disesuaikan, disempurnakan dengan statistik yang mendalam dan ruang " "penyimpanan tanpa batas. " msgid "Site Monetization" msgstr "Monetisasi Situs" msgid "" "Put your site to work and earn through ad revenue, easy-to-add PayPal " "buttons, and more." msgstr "" "Manfaatkan situs Anda dan hasilkan uang melalui pendapatan iklan, tombol " "PayPal yang bisa ditambahkan dengan mudah, dan lainnya." msgid "" "Automatic daily backups of your entire site, with unlimited, WordPress-" "optimized secure storage." msgstr "" "Pencadangan harian otomatis untuk seluruh situs, dengan penyimpanan aman, " "tanpa batas, dan dioptimalkan untuk WordPress." msgctxt "Verb. Button to invite more users." msgid "Invite" msgstr "Undang" msgid "Back to %(hostname)s" msgstr "Kembali ke %(hostname)s" msgid "Must be a physical address." msgstr "Harus alamat fisik." msgid "Try our new backup service" msgstr "Coba layanan pencadangan baru kami" msgid "Get real-time backups with one-click restores to any event in time." msgstr "" "Dapatkan pencadangan real time dengan pemulihan sekali klik kapan saja." msgid "" "I’m writing you today because I noticed that you have an unclaimed credit on " "your account — a credit that will allow you to secure a custom site " "address of your choice completely free of charge for the first year." msgstr "" "Saya mengirim e-mail berikut karena saya melihat Anda memiliki kesempatan " "baik yang belum dimanfaatkan. Kesempatan tersebut adalah berupa bonus untuk " "mendapatkan alamat situs khusus, gratis untuk tahun pertama." msgid "" "<b>P.S.</b> When you <a href='%s'>select a new site address for free</a>, " "we’ll automatically redirect traffic from your old domain to " "your new one, so you won’t lose a single follower." msgstr "" "<b>N.B.</b> Saat Anda <a href='%s'>memilih alamat situs baru dengan gratis</" "a>, kami akan mengalihkan kunjungan situs dari domain Anda " "yang lama ke domain yang baru, sehingga Anda tidak akan kehilangan satu pun " "pembaca." msgid "Claim my free site address" msgstr "Klaim alamat situs gratis saya" msgid "Click below to secure the address of your choice." msgstr "Klik di bawah ini untuk mendapatkan alamat pilihan Anda." msgid "" "And the best thing is, because you already have a plan, you " "can claim a new site address right now, entirely free of charge for one year." msgstr "" "Dan bagian terbaiknya, karena Anda memiliki paket, Anda dapat " "mengklaim alamat situs yang baru sekarang juga, gratis untuk satu tahun." msgid "" "But if you’re building something more than a hobby site, I encourage you to " "claim a site address that doesn’t include “”." msgstr "" "Namun, jika Anda ingin membuat sesuatu lebih dari sekadar hobi, saya " "sarankan untuk mengklaim alamat situs tanpa “”." msgid "" "With one of these addresses, you can make a more unique, lasting impression " "on your visitors and possibly rank higher in search results." msgstr "" "Dengan salah satu dari alamat ini, Anda dapat membuat kesan yang lebih unik " "dan abadi pada pengunjung dan mungkin akan tampil paling atas dalam hasil " "pencarian." msgid "" "But if you’re building something more than a hobby site, I encourage you to " "claim a site address that doesn’t include “”. Here are a few " "options we would suggest for your site:" msgstr "" "Namun, jika Anda ingin membuat sesuatu yang lebih dari sekadar situs hobi, " "saya anjurkan untuk mengklaim alamat situs tanpa “”. Berikut " "adalah beberapa pilihan yang kami sarankan untuk situs Anda:" msgid "" "You see, your site address (we call it a “domain name”) is the first thing " "visitors notice about your brand. And right now, your website address is %s. " "That’s perfectly fine if you’re building this site for fun." msgstr "" "Alamat situs Anda (kami menyebutnya “nama domain”) adalah hal pertama yang " "dilihat pengunjung tentang branding Anda. Alamat situs Anda saat ini adalah " "%s. Nama tersebut bukan masalah jika sekadar untuk hobi." msgid "" "If you’re in search of ideas for growing your brand and driving more traffic " "to your site, I’m here today with a tip that has helped hundreds of " "thousands of site owners do just that." msgstr "" "Jika Anda sedang mencari ide untuk mengembangkan branding dan mendorong " "kunjungan ke situs Anda, saya dengan senang hati memberikan rekomendasi yang " "telah membantu ratusan ribu pemilik situs." msgid "Reminder: you've got credit" msgstr "Ingat: Anda memiliki bonus!" msgid "You have a free, unclaimed perk!" msgstr "Anda memiliki bonus gratis yang belum dimanfaatkan!" msgid "Included in paid plans" msgstr "Disertakan dalam Paket Berbayar" msgid "Your site is securely backed up on off-site servers." msgstr "Situs Anda telah dicadangkan dengan aman di server off-site." msgid "All Premium Features" msgstr "Semua Fitur Premium" msgid "All Personal Features" msgstr "Semua Fitur Personal" msgid "All Free Features" msgstr "Semua Fitur Gratis" msgid "Experiencing connection issues? Try to go back and restore your site." msgstr "Mengalami masalah koneksi? Kembalilah dan putar balik situs Anda." msgid "Unset Preference" msgstr "Batalkan Preferensi" msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Preferensi" msgid "No Preferences" msgstr "Tidak Ada Preferensi" msgid "Jetpack Plugin" msgstr "Plugin Jetpack" msgid "Server username" msgstr "Nama pengguna server" msgid "Server password" msgstr "Kata sandi server" msgid "Clear All Accepted" msgstr "Hapus Semua yang Diterima" msgid "Are you sure you wish to clear all accepted invites?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin menghapus semua undangan yang diterima?" msgid "Your site address can only contain letters and numbers." msgstr "Alamat situs hanya dapat menggunakan huruf dan angka." msgid "" "Once you change your site address, %(currentDomainName)s will no longer be " "available." msgstr "" "Setelah diubah, alamat situs Anda %(currentDomainName)s tidak akan tersedia " "lagi." msgid "Check the box to confirm" msgstr "Centang kotak untuk mengonfirmasi" msgid "Upgrading adds powerful features to help grow your business" msgstr "" "Upgrade menghadirkan berbagai fitur andal untuk membantu menumbuhkan bisnis " "Anda" msgid "" "A functional and responsive theme perfect for your business’s online " "presence." msgstr "" "Tema fungsional dan responsif yang sempurna untuk kehadiran bisnis online " "Anda." msgid "" "A clean and polished theme with a light color scheme, bold typography, and " "full-width images. It’s designed to enhance your content and provide an " "immersive experience for your readers." msgstr "" "Tema yang rapi dan mewah dengan skema warna terang, tipografi tebal, dan " "gambar lebar penuh. Tema ini dirancang untuk meningkatkan konten dan " "memberikan pengalaman yang mendalam untuk pembaca Anda." msgid "" "A stylish, classic design for your personal blogging and longform writing." msgstr "Desain klasik dan modis untuk blog pribadi dan tulisan panjang." msgid "A fresh, stylish design for sharing your writing." msgstr "Desain modis dan segar untuk membagikan tulisan Anda." msgid "" "Ideal for showcasing a mix of longform writing, beautiful images, and " "inspiring quotes." msgstr "" "Sangat cocok untuk menampilkan campuran tulisan panjang, gambar cantik, dan " "kutipan yang menginspirasi." msgid "" "The annual WordPress theme for 2015 is super-clean, content-focused, and " "designed to bring a little more simplicity to our blogs." msgstr "" "Tema tahunan WordPress untuk tahun 2015 ini sangat bersih, fokus pada " "konten, dan dirancang untuk menghadirkan sedikit unsur kesederhanaan ke blog " "kami." msgid "" "A stunning option for your personal blog. Bold featured images act as the " "backdrop to your text, giving you a high-contrast, readable theme that’s " "perfect for making your content pop." msgstr "" "Pilihan yang memukau untuk blog personal Anda. Gambar fitur tebal bertindak " "sebagai latar belakang teks Anda, memberikan efek kontras tinggi, tema mudah " "dibaca yang sempurna untuk menonjolkan konten Anda." msgid "" "A simple theme with clean typography, created with entrepreneurs and small " "business owners in mind." msgstr "" "Tema sederhana dengan tipografi yang bersih, dibuat dengan pertimbangan " "wirausahawan dan pemilik bisnis kecil." msgid "" "A business theme with clean, streamlined design, ideal for health and " "wellness-focused websites." msgstr "" "Tema bisnis dengan desain yang ramping dan bersih, sangat cocok untuk situs " "web yang berfokus di kesehatan dan kebugaran." msgid "" "Lodestar is a modern one-page parallax theme designed with startups and " "small-business ventures in mind." msgstr "" "Lodestar adalah tema parallax modern satu halaman yang dirancang dengan " "mengutamakan usaha rintisan dan bisnis kecil." msgid "" "Elegant tiles help artists, photobloggers, and other creatives showcase " "their talents." msgstr "" "Ubin yang elegan membantu seniman, photoblogger, dan orang-orang kreatif " "lainnya memamerkan bakat mereka." msgid "" "Simple and clean, Apostrophe 2 shines in the little details: bold type, " "bright color, and big images." msgstr "" "Sederhana dan bersih, Apostrophe 2 bersinar di setiap detailnya: huruf " "tebal, warna cerah, dan gambar besar." msgid "" "Displays words and images in perfect balance: a post’s featured image and " "text excerpt get equal billing on the main blog page, while single posts and " "pages size and position images dynamically, depending on the screen size." msgstr "" "Menampilkan kata-kata dan gambar dalam keseimbangan yang sempurna: gambar " "andalan pos dan kutipan teks mendapatkan porsi yang sama pada halaman blog " "utama, sementara pos dan halaman tunggal menyesuaikan ukuran dan memosisikan " "gambar secara dinamis, tergantung ukuran layarnya." msgid "" "A clean and flexible theme perfectly suited for minimalist magazine-style " "sites, personal blogs, or any content-rich site." msgstr "" "Tema yang bersih dan fleksibel, sangat cocok untuk situs bergaya majalah " "minimalis, blog pribadi, atau situs yang kaya konten." msgid "" "A minimalist portfolio theme that helps you create a strong — yet beautiful " "— online presence." msgstr "" "Tema portofolio minimalis yang membantu Anda membuat kehadiran online yang " "kuat, namun tetap cantik." msgid "" "A flexible and versatile theme perfect for magazines, news sites, and blogs." msgstr "" "Tema serbaguna dan fleksibel yang cocok untuk majalah, situs berita, dan " "blog." msgid "" "An elegant blog and magazine theme that features full-screen Featured Images." msgstr "" "Tema blog dan majalah elegan yang menampilkan Gambar Andalan layar penuh." msgid "Which type of business are you?" msgstr "Bisnis seperti apa yang Anda jalankan?" msgid "" "{{link}}Google Business Profile{{/link}} lists your local business on Google " "Search and Google Maps. It works for businesses that have a physical " "location, or serve a local area." msgstr "" "{{link}}Profil Bisnis Google{{/link}} mencantumkan bisnis lokal Anda di " "Pencarian Google dan Peta Google. Fitur ini cocok untuk bisnis yang memiliki " "tempat usaha fisik atau melayani daerah setempat." msgid "Physical Location or Service Area" msgstr "Lokasi Fisik atau Area Layanan" msgid "" "Your business has a physical location customers can visit, or provides goods " "and services to local customers, or both." msgstr "" "Bisnis anda memiliki lokasi fisik yang dapat dikunjungi pelanggan, atau " "menyediakan barang dan layanan ke pelanggan setempat, atau keduanya." msgid "Create Listing" msgstr "Buat Daftar Saya" msgid "Online Only" msgstr "Hanya Online" msgid "" "Don't provide in-person services? Learn more about reaching your customers " "online." msgstr "" "Tidak menyediakan layanan langsung? Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai cara " "menjangkau pelanggan Anda secara online." msgid "By continuing, you agree to our {{button}}Terms of Service{{/button}}." msgstr "" "Dengan melanjutkan, Anda menyetujui {{button}}Ketentuan Layanan{{/button}} " "kami." msgctxt "A type of receipt issued for a user action." msgid "Update Card" msgstr "Perbarui Kartu" msgctxt "A type of receipt issued for a user action." msgid "Start Trial" msgstr "Mulai Uji Coba" msgctxt "A type of receipt issued for a user action." msgid "Refund" msgstr "Pengembalian dana" msgctxt "A type of receipt issued for a user action." msgid "Recurring" msgstr "Berulang" msgctxt "A type of receipt issued for a user action." msgid "New Purchase" msgstr "Pembelian Baru" msgctxt "" "Translators: This is the billing agreement for PayPal Express biyearly " "agreement and is limited to 127 single-byte characters" msgid "" "Your subscription will auto-renew every 2 years. You may disable auto-renew " "at any time from your dashboard." msgstr "" "Langganan Anda akan diperpanjang otomatis setiap 2 tahun. Anda dapat " "menonaktifkan perpanjangan otomatis kapan saja melalui dasbor" msgctxt "noun: Post Type" msgid "%s pending review modified" msgstr "%s yang menunggu tinjauan dimodifikasi" msgid "Portfolio pending review modified" msgstr "Portofolio yang menunggu tinjauan dimodifikasi" msgid "Testimonial pending review modified" msgstr "Testimonial yang menunggu tinjauan dimodifikasi" msgid "Post pending review modified" msgstr "Pos yang menunggu tinjauan dimodifikasi" msgid "Page pending review modified" msgstr "Halaman yang menunggu tinjauan dimodifikasi" msgctxt "noun: Post Type" msgid "Scheduled %s modified" msgstr "%s terjadwal dimodifikasi" msgid "Scheduled Portfolio modified" msgstr "Portofolio terjadwal dimodifikasi" msgid "Scheduled Testimonial modified" msgstr "Testimonial terjadwal dimodifikasi" msgid "Scheduled Post modified" msgstr "Pos terjadwal dimodifikasi" msgid "Scheduled Page modified" msgstr "Halaman terjadwal dimodifikasi" msgctxt "noun: Post Type" msgid "%s draft modified" msgstr "Konsep %s dimodifikasi" msgid "Portfolio draft modified" msgstr "Konsep portofolio dimodifikasi" msgid "Testimonial draft modified" msgstr "Draf testimoni dimodifikasi" msgid "Post draft modified" msgstr "Konsep pos dimodifikasi" msgid "Page draft modified" msgstr "Konsep halaman dimodifikasi" msgid "%1$s logged out at IP Address %2$s" msgstr "%1$s sudah logout di Alamat IP %2$s" msgid "%1$s successfully logged in" msgstr "%1$s berhasil login" msgid "%1$s successfully logged in from IP Address %2$s" msgstr "%1$s berhasil login dari Alamat IP %2$s" msgid "Failed login attempt from IP Address: %1$s" msgstr "Upaya login gagal dari Alamat IP: %1$s" msgid "%1$s had a failed login attempt from IP Address: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s memiliki upaya login gagal dari Alamat IP: %2$s" msgid "" "Press the button below to request an SMS verification code. Once you receive " "our text message at your phone number ending with " "{{strong}}%(smsLastFour)s{{/strong}} , enter the code below." msgstr "" "Tekan tombol di bawah ini untuk meminta kode verifikasi SMS. Setelah " "menerima pesan teks kami di nomor ponsel Anda yang berakhiran " "{{strong}}%(smsLastFour)s{{/strong}}, masukkan kode di bawah ini." msgid "Hello!" msgstr "Halo!" msgid "Pick a plan that fits your needs." msgstr "Pilih paket yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda." msgid "Please select a category from the provided list." msgstr "Pilih satu kategori dari daftar yang disediakan." msgid "Explore our Jetpack plans" msgstr "Jelajahi paket Jetpack kami" msgid "Now that you're set up, pick a plan that fits your needs." msgstr "Setelah situs siap, pilih paket yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda." msgid "Visit site admin" msgstr "Kunjungi admin situs" msgid "WordAds" msgstr "WordAds" msgid "" "Your site is being backed up because it is set up with Jetpack Premium at no " "additional cost to you." msgstr "" "Situs Anda sedang dicadangkan karena disiapkan dengan paket Jetpack Premium " "tanpa tambahan biaya." msgid "" "Finish setting up Jetpack and your site is ready to be transformed into the " "site of your dreams." msgstr "" "Selesaikan penyiapan Jetpack dan situs Anda siap diubah menjadi situs impian." msgid "Showing %(shown)d invite of %(found)d." msgid_plural "Showing %(shown)d invites of %(found)d." msgstr[0] "Menampilkan %(shown)d undangan dari %(found)d." msgstr[1] "Menampilkan %(shown)d undangan dari %(found)d." msgid "To view more invites, clear some of your existing invites first." msgstr "" "Untuk melihat undangan lainnya, hapus beberapa undangan yang ada terlebih " "dahulu." msgid "Revoke invite" msgstr "Cabut Undangan" msgid "An error occurred while deleting the invite for %s." msgstr "Terjadi error saat menghapus undangan untuk %s." msgid "Your email address must be verified." msgstr "Alamat email Anda harus diverifikasi." msgid "Direct support from our professional theme designers." msgstr "Dukungan langsung dari desainer tema profesional kami." msgid "Enjoy a $100 coupon for WooCommerce extensions." msgstr "Nikmati kupon $100 untuk ekstensi WooCommerce." msgid "Woo Extensions" msgstr "Ekstensi Woo" msgid "" "Premium WordPress themes for all kinds of businesses, available for free." msgstr "Tema WordPress Premium untuk semua jenis bisnis, gratis." msgid "Best value for WordPress themes, support, and security." msgstr "Nilai terbaik untuk tema, dukungan, dan keamanan WordPress." msgid "Best for organizations and online stores." msgstr "Sangat baik untuk organisasi dan toko online." msgid "Fast, ad-free video hosting." msgstr "Hosting video cepat dan bebas iklan" msgid "One-click resolution of common malware threats." msgstr "Resolusi ancaman malware umum sekali klik." msgid "automated taxes" msgstr "pajak otomatis" msgid "Automatic detection of malicious code inserted into your site." msgstr "Deteksi kode jahat yang dimasukkan ke situs Anda secara otomatis." msgid "Easily generate income with ads and a simple payment button." msgstr "" "Menghasilkan pendapatan dengan iklan dan tombol pembayaran yang simpel." msgid "Security, marketing, and revenue tools to grow WordPress sites." msgstr "" "Keamanan, pemasaran, dan alat pendapatan untuk mengembangkan situs WordPress " "Anda." msgid "Best for small businesses." msgstr "Terbaik untuk usaha kecil." msgid "Get faster resolution to your questions." msgstr "Dapatkan resolusi cepat atas pertanyaan Anda." msgid "" "Instantly restore your site to a previous point in time with a single click." msgstr "" "Pulihkan situs Anda secara instan ke titik waktu sebelumnya dengan sekali " "klik." msgid "Instant Restore" msgstr "Pulihkan Secara Instan" msgid "Restore your site to any point in time." msgstr "Pulihkan situs Anda ke titik waktu mana pun." msgid "Backup Archive History" msgstr "Riwayat Arsip Cadangan" msgid "Regardless of size, we back up your entire site." msgstr "Berapa pun ukurannya, kami akan mencadangkan seluruh situs Anda." msgid "Off-site backups for every site." msgstr "Pencadangan off-site untuk semua situs." msgid "Automatic filtering and suppression of spam." msgstr "Filter dan penekanan spam otomatis." msgid "Security essentials every WordPress site needs." msgstr "Keamanan penting yang diperlukan setiap situs WordPress." msgid "Best for your personal site." msgstr "Terbaik untuk situs pribadi Anda." msgid "Contact us with any questions you may have about Jetpack." msgstr "Hubungi kami jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan tentang Jetpack." msgid "Basic Email Support" msgstr "Dukungan Email Dasar" msgid "" "Speed up your site by only loading images when they appear in the browser." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan kecepatan situs Anda hanya dengan memuat gambar saat mereka " "muncul di perambah." msgid "Lazy Images" msgstr "Lazy Images" msgid "Reduce load times with blazing fast image hosting on our free CDN." msgstr "" "Kurangi waktu pemuatan dengan hosting gambar sangat cepat di CDN gratis kami." msgid "Keep tabs on what’s happening under-the-hood." msgstr "Pantau apa yang terjadi di balik kap." msgid "Secure logins with optional two factor authentication." msgstr "Mengamankan login dengan autentikasi dua faktor opsional." msgid "Prevent unauthorized users from logging into your site." msgstr "Cegah pengguna tanpa izin login ke situs Anda." msgid "Keep all your plugins automatically up-to-date." msgstr "Selalu perbarui plugin Anda secara otomatis." msgid "Get instant notifications when your site is down." msgstr "Dapatkan pemberitahuan secara instan saat situs Anda tidak aktif." msgid "Downtime Monitoring" msgstr "Pemantauan Downtime" msgid "" "Edit your site’s metadata, page titles, and see previews for a better SEO " "experience." msgstr "" "Edit metadata situs Anda, judul halaman, dan lihat pratinjau untuk " "pengalaman SEO yang lebih baik." msgid "Verify your site with Google and other search engines." msgstr "Pastikan situs Anda dengan Google dan mesin pencari lainnya." msgid "Automated posting" msgstr "Pengeposan otomatis" msgid "" "Make it easy for your visitors to share your posts, pages, and products." msgstr "Memudahkan pengunjung Anda untuk membagikan pos, halaman, atau produk." msgid "Sharing Tools" msgstr "Alat Berbagi" msgid "Create a mailing list and keep in touch with your readers." msgstr "Buat milis dan tetap berhubungan dengan pembaca Anda." msgid "Increase page views with automatically generated related content." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan penayangan halaman Anda dengan konten terkait yang dibuat secara " "otomatis." msgid "" "Simple and clear data on your site’s visitors, popular content, and searches." msgstr "" "Data yang simpel dan jelas tentang pengunjung situs Anda, konten populer, " "dan pencarian." msgid "Embed simple and versatile contact forms on any page you like." msgstr "" "Cantumkan formulir kontak sederhana dan serbaguna di halaman mana pun yang " "Anda suka." msgid "Publish, edit, and customize from the official WordPress mobile apps." msgstr "" "Publikasikan, edit, dan sesuaikan dari aplikasi seluler resmi WordPress." msgid "Mobile Publishing" msgstr "Publikasi Seluler" msgid "Create and embed rich content of all kinds." msgstr "Buat dan sematkan konten yang kaya dari semua jenis." msgid "Rich Media" msgstr "Media Kaya" msgid "" "Simple, code-free tools to make your site look and feel exactly how you want " "it to." msgstr "" "Alat tanpa kode yang simpel untuk membuat situs Anda terlihat dan terasa " "tepat seperti yang Anda inginkan." msgid "" "Hundreds of professional themes for business, blogs, portfolios, and online " "stores" msgstr "" "Ratusan tema profesional untuk bisnis, blog, portofolio, dan toko online" msgid "Free Themes" msgstr "Tema Gratis" msgid "Everything you need to get started with WordPress." msgstr "Semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk memulai WordPress." msgid "Get started with WordPress." msgstr "Mulailah dengan WordPress." msgid "Beta Program" msgstr "Program Beta" msgid "Security Library" msgstr "Pustakan Keamanan" msgid "Knowledge Base" msgstr "Basis Pengetahuan" msgid "Use a domain you already own with your new site." msgstr "" "Gunakan domain yang Anda miliki dengan situs Anda yang baru." msgid "Rotate your device to view this chart" msgstr "Putar perangkat untuk melihat diagram ini" msgctxt "noun - username from noun - old_role to noun - new_role" msgid "%1$s from %2$s to %3$s" msgstr "%1$s dari %2$s ke %3$s" msgid "Automated Backups" msgstr "Pencadangan Otomatis" msgid "Automated website backups" msgstr "Pencadangan situs otomatis" msgid "" "Oops, something went wrong. We've been notified and are working on resolving " "this issue." msgstr "" "Ups, terjadi kesalahan. Kami telah diberi tahu dan sedang berupaya " "menyelesaikan masalah ini." msgid "" "Oops, something went wrong. Please try again soon or contact support for " "help." msgstr "" "Ups, terjadi kesalahan. Coba lagi nanti atau hubungi dukungan untuk bantuan." msgid "Now let's get your domain transferred." msgstr "Mari kita transfer domain Anda." msgid "First address field requires at least 1 non-numeric character." msgstr "Bidang alamat pertama membutuhkan setidaknya 1 karakter non-numerik." msgid "This field must be at least %d characters." msgstr "Bidang ini harus berisi setidaknya %d karakter." msgid "Organization name must have at least 4 characters." msgstr "Nama organisasi harus berisi setidaknya 4 karakter." msgid "We can't back up or restore your site until it has been reconnected." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat mencadangkan atau memutar balik situs Anda sampai situs " "dihubungkan kembali." msgid "World-class Support" msgstr "Dukungan Kelas Dunia" msgid "Jetpack World-class support" msgstr "Dukungan Kelas Dunia Jetpack" msgid "Jetpack Security tools for WordPress" msgstr "Perangkat Jetpack Security untuk WordPress" msgid "Jetpack Marketing tools for WordPress" msgstr "Alat Pemasaran Jetpack untuk WordPress" msgid "View your site's backups and activity" msgstr "Lihat pencadangan dan aktivitas situs Anda" msgid "On-demand" msgstr "Sesuai permintaan" msgid "Unlimited Archive" msgstr "Arsip Tanpa Batas" msgid "Log in or create a account to set up Jetpack" msgstr "Login atau buat akun Anda untuk menyiapkan Jetpack" msgid "Set up your store" msgstr "Menyiapkan toko Anda" msgid "What may we call you?" msgstr "Kami harus memanggil Anda apa?" msgid "Optionally, please tell us your last name." msgstr "Tolong beri tahu kami nama belakang Anda (opsional)." msgid "" "Sell products and services? Generate leads? Something else entirely? Be as " "specific as you can! It helps us provide the information you're looking for." msgstr "" "Menjual produk dan jasa? Mencari peluang? Sesuatu yang lain? Mohon jelaskan " "dengan spesifik! Hal ini akan membantu kami memberikan informasi yang Anda " "cari." msgid "30 Day Archive" msgstr "Arsip 30 Hari" msgid "Themes Support" msgstr "Dukungan Tema" msgid "Security Support" msgstr "Dukungan Keamanan" msgid "Product Support" msgstr "Dukungan Produk" msgid "Auto Fixes" msgstr "Perbaikan Otomatis" msgid "Site Migration Tools" msgstr "Alat Migrasi Situs" msgid "Automated Site Restores" msgstr "Pemulihan Situs Otomatis" msgid "Backup Storage Size" msgstr "Ukuran Penyimpanan Cadangan" msgid "Site Backups & Restores" msgstr "Pencadangan & Pemulihan Situs" msgid "Plugin Auto-updates" msgstr "Pembaruan Otomatis Plugin" msgid "Easy Plugin Management" msgstr "Manajemen Plugin yang Mudah" msgid "Secure Authentication" msgstr "Autentikasi Aman" msgid "Site Monitoring" msgstr "Pemantauan Situs" msgid "Brute-force Attack Protection" msgstr "Perlindungan Terhadap Peretasan Kata Sandi" msgid "Core Security Features" msgstr "Fitur Keamanan Inti" msgid "Security Tools" msgstr "Alat Keamanan" msgid "Ad Program" msgstr "Program Iklan" msgid "Easy Payment Buttons" msgstr "Tombol Pembayaran Mudah" msgid "Custom Titles" msgstr "Judul Khusus" msgid "Custom META data tools" msgstr "Perangkat data META khusus" msgid "Live Preview: Twitter" msgstr "Pratinjau Langsung: Twitter" msgid "Live Preview: Facebook" msgstr "Pratinjau Langsung: Facebook" msgid "Live Preview: Google" msgstr "Pratinjau Langsung: Google" msgid "Site Verification" msgstr "Verifikasi Situs" msgid "Social Share Scheduling" msgstr "Penjadwalan Berbagi di Media Sosial" msgid "Auto Social Resharing" msgstr "Membagikan Ulang Otomatis di Media Sosial" msgid "Auto Social Sharing" msgstr "Berbagi Otomatis di Media Sosial" msgid "Post Sharing Tools" msgstr "Alat Berbagi Pos" msgid "Automation" msgstr "Otomatisasi" msgid "Post Sharing History" msgstr "Riwayat Berbagi Pos" msgid "Advertising Stats" msgstr "Statistik Periklanan" msgid "Traffic & Insights" msgstr "Lalu Lintas Situs & Informasi" msgid "Marketing Tools" msgstr "Perangkat Pemasaran" msgid "Video CDN" msgstr "CDN Video" msgid "Image CDN" msgstr "CDN Gambar" msgid "Performance" msgstr "Performa" msgid "Easy Contact Forms" msgstr "Formulir Kontak yang Mudah" msgid "Custom Comments" msgstr "Komentar Khusus" msgid "Write Posts by Email" msgstr "Menulis Pos melalui Email" msgid "Special Content Embeds" msgstr "Sematan Konten Khusus" msgid "Custom Sidebars" msgstr "Bilah Sisi Khusus" msgid "Gallery & Slideshow Tools" msgstr "Alat Galeri & Slideshow" msgid "Customization" msgstr "Penyesuaian" msgid "Starter Themes" msgstr "Tema Pemula" msgid "Design Tools" msgstr "Alat Desain" msgid "Jetpack Design Tools for WordPress" msgstr "Alat Desain Jetpack untuk WordPress" msgid "" "We can't accept credentials for the root user. Please provide or create " "credentials for another user with access to your server." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat menerima kredensial dari pengguna root. Harap berikan atau " "buat kredensial untuk pengguna lain dengan akses ke server Anda." msgid "<strong>Enhanced</strong> Site Search" msgstr "Pencarian Situs yang <strong>Ditingkatkan</strong>" msgid "" "Schedule a personalized call with one of our engineers and receive ongoing " "priority support from our global team." msgstr "" "Jadwalkan panggilan pribadi dengan salah satu teknisi kami dan dapatkan " "dukungan prioritas yang berkelanjutan dari tim global kami." msgid "" "Enable a superior Elasticsearch-powered search for your visitors that " "delivers faster and more relevant results." msgstr "" "Mengaktifkan pencarian superior yang didukung oleh Elasticsearch untuk " "pengunjung situs demi menghadirkan hasil pencarian yang lebih cepat dan " "relevan." msgid "Enhanced Site Search" msgstr "Pencarian Situs yang Ditingkatkan" msgctxt "noun - type of widget: proper noun - name of widget" msgid "%1$s: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s: %2$s" msgid "Store Services" msgstr "Layanan Toko" msgid "" "Enhance your site search with an Elasticsearch-powered service for faster " "and better results." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan kualitas pencarian situs Anda dengan layanan Elasticsearch untuk " "hasil yang lebih cepat dan akurat." msgid "Upgrade to Professional" msgstr "Upgrade ke paket Professional" msgid "I no longer want to transfer my domain." msgstr "Saya sudah tidak ingin mentransfer domain." msgid "Something went wrong and I could not complete the transfer." msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan dan kami tidak dapat menyelesaikan proses transfer." msgid "I’m going to use my domain with without transferring it." msgstr "" "Saya akan menggunakan domain saya dengan tanpa mentransfernya." msgid "Create an account to set up Jetpack" msgstr "Buat akun untuk menyiapkan Jetpack" msgid "Your site has been created!" msgstr "Situs Anda telah dibuat!" msgid "Only non-encrypted private keys are supported." msgstr "Hanya mendukung kunci pribadi yang tidak dienkripsi." msgid "Invite people to follow your site or help you manage it." msgstr "" "Kirim undangan untuk mengikuti situs Anda atau membantu mengelola situs." msgid "Site credentials deleted" msgstr "Kredensial situs dihapus" msgid "Checking domain lock status." msgstr "Memeriksa status kunci domain." msgid "Please wait while we check the lock staus of your domain." msgstr "Harap tunggu selagi kami memeriksa status kunci domain Anda." msgid "Site credentials updated" msgstr "Kredensial situs diperbarui" msgid "We'll need you to complete a few manual steps." msgstr "Anda perlu menyelesaikan beberapa langkah manual." msgid "Invite" msgstr "Undangan" msgid "" "We need you to complete a couple of steps before we can transfer " "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} from your current domain provider to " " Your domain will stay at your current provider until the " "transfer is completed." msgstr "" "Kami membutuhkan Anda untuk menyelesaikan beberapa langkah sebelum kami " "dapat mentransfer {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} dari penyedia domain Anda " "saat ini ke Anda akan tetap menggunakan domain dari penyedia " "saat ini sampai proses transfer selesai." msgid "We were unable to start the transfer." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat memulai proses transfer." msgid "Action Required:" msgstr "Tindakan Diperlukan" msgid "Domain transfer waiting" msgstr "Transfer domain menunggu" msgid "" "Your domain {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is waiting for you to start the " "transfer. {{a}}More info{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Domain {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} Anda sedang menunggu untuk memulai " "transfer. {{a}}Info selengkapnya{{/a}}" msgid "" "Your domain will stay at your current provider until the transfer is " "started. If you're not ready yet, the transfer will be canceled after 14 " "days." msgstr "" "Anda akan tetap menggunakan domain dari penyedia saat ini sampai proses " "transfer dimulai. Jika Anda belum siap, transfer akan dibatalkan setelah 14 " "hari." msgid "" "When you created your new site, <strong>%1$s</strong>, you purchased a " "domain transfer upgrade. We need you to complete a few preliminary steps to " "initiate and authorize the transfer." msgstr "" "Saat Anda membuat situs yang baru, <strong>%1$s</strong>, Anda membeli " "upgrade transfer domain. Anda harus menyelesaikan beberapa langkah awal " "untuk memulai dan memberi otorisasi transfer." msgid "Start Domain Transfer" msgstr "Mulai Transfer Domain" msgid "" "This is just a friendly reminder you still need to start your domain " "transfer for <strong>%1$s</strong>." msgstr "" "Kami ingin mengabarkan kembali bahwa Anda harus memulai transfer domain " "untuk <strong>%1$s</strong>." msgid "Don't forget to transfer %1$s" msgstr "Segera lakukan transfer %1$s" msgid "" "Your domain transfer won't start until you complete a few preliminary steps." "<br/> <a href=\"%s\">Get started now</a>" msgstr "" "Transfer domain tidak akan dimulai sebelum Anda menyelesaikan beberapa " "langkah awal.<br/>\n" "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href=\"%s\">Mulai sekarang</a>" msgid "We need you to start the domain transfer!" msgstr "Anda perlu memulai transfer domain!" msgid "" "<a href=\"%s\">Follow these instructions</a> to complete your domain setup." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\">Ikuti petunjuk berikut</a> untuk menyelesaikan penyiapan " "domain Anda." msgid "Your action is needed." msgstr "Tindakan Anda diperlukan." msgid "" "Your site is being backed up in real time and regularly scanned for security " "threats." msgstr "" "Situs Anda telah dicadangkan secara real time dan dipindai secara berkala " "untuk mendeteksi ancaman keamanan." msgid "SSH/SFTP" msgstr "SSH/SFTP" msgid "Unable to send more invitations. You can try again in a few minutes." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat mengirimkan lebih banyak undangan. Anda dapat mencoba lagi dalam " "beberapa menit." msgid "" "Did something come up and you can't make it? No worries! You can %sreschedule" "%s or %scancel%s your session." msgstr "" "Ada keperluan mendadak sehingga Anda tidak bisa ikut? Jangan khawatir! Anda " "bisa %smenjadwal ulang%s atau %smembatalkan%s sesi." msgid "View your activity" msgstr "Lihat aktivitas Anda" msgid "Site credentials" msgstr "Kredensial situs" msgid "" "We'll guide you through the process of finding and entering your site's " "credentials." msgstr "" "Kami akan memandu Anda melalui proses menemukan dan memasukkan kredensial " "situs Anda." msgid "Continue setup" msgstr "Lanjutkan penyiapan" msgid "Welcome to Jetpack's new backups and security" msgstr "Selamat datang di pencadangan dan keamanan Jetpack yang baru" msgid "" "Backing up and securing your site should be a breeze. Our new seamless " "system makes it possible to see all your site's activity from one convenient " "dashboard." msgstr "" "Mencadangkan dan mengamankan situs Anda menjadi mudah. Sistem tanpa kendala " "kami yang baru memungkinkan melihat semua aktivitas situs Anda dari satu " "dasbor yang nyaman." msgid "What else can it do?" msgstr "Apa lagi yang dapat dilakukannya?" msgid "" "As soon as you switch over, we will start tracking every change made to your " "site and allow you to restore to any past event. If you lose a file, get " "hacked, or just liked your site better before some changes, you can restore " "with a click of a button." msgstr "" "Segera setelah Anda beralih, kami akan mulai melacak setiap perubahan yang " "Anda buat pada situs dan memungkinkan Anda memutar baliknya kapan saja. Jika " "Anda kehilangan file, diretas, atau lebih suka dengan situs Anda yang " "sebelumnya, Anda dapat memutar baliknya dengan sekali klik." msgid "Stay on top of your site's security" msgstr "Tetap di atas keamanan situs Anda" msgid "" "When something happens to your website you want to know it immediately. And " "you will—we'll send you instant alerts based on our 24/7 monitoring of " "advanced threats." msgstr "" "Ketika terjadi sesuatu pada situs web dan Anda ingin segera mengetahuinya. " "Anda dapat melakukannya—kami akan mengirimi Anda pemberitahuan instan " "berdasarkan pemantauan selama 24/7 terhadap ancaman lanjutan kami." msgid "Log all events on your site" msgstr "Mencatat semua acara pada situs Anda" msgid "" "Access a new, streamlined history of events on your site—from published " "posts to user-role changes. If you ever need to figure out what happened " "when, now you can get the answer in seconds." msgstr "" "Akses riwayat acara baru yang disederhanakan pada situs Anda—mulai dari pos " "yang diterbitkan hingga perubahan peran pengguna. Jika Anda perlu memikirkan " "apa yang akan terjadi, sekarang Anda bisa mendapatkan jawabannya dalam " "hitungan detik." msgid "Success! Please visit your new registrar to complete the transfer." msgstr "Berhasil! Kunjungi registrar baru kami untuk menyelesaikan transfer." msgid "Success! Contact your new registrar to complete the transfer." msgstr "Berhasil! Hubungi registrar baru kami untuk menyelesaikan transfer." msgid "" "Please enter the IPS tag of the registrar you wish to transfer " "{{strong}}%(selectedDomainName)s{{/strong}} to." msgstr "" "Masukkan tag IPS registrar yang ingin Anda transfer " "{{strong}}%(selectedDomainName)s{{/strong}} to." msgid "Start typing an IPS tag…" msgstr "Mulai mengetik tag IPS…" msgid "Yes, Submit!" msgstr "Ya, Kirim!" msgid "Transfer Confirmation" msgstr "Konfirmasi Transfer" msgid "" "Please verify you wish to set the registrar for " "{{strong}}%(selectedDomainName)s{{/strong}} to the following:" msgstr "" "Verifikasi bahwa Anda ingin mengatur registrar " "{{strong}}%(selectedDomainName)s{{/strong}} untuk hal-hal berikut:" msgid "" "After submitting this tag change, the domain will no longer be in our " "system. You will need to contact the new registrar to complete the transfer " "and regain control of the domain." msgstr "" "Setelah mengirim perubahan tag ini, domain tidak lagi akan ada di sistem " "kami. Anda akan perlu menghubungi registrar yang baru untuk menyelesaikan " "transfer dan mendapatkan kembali kontrol domain." msgid "" "{{strong}}.uk{{/strong}} domains are transferred by setting the domain's IPS " "tag here to the value provided by the new registrar and then contacting the " "{{em}}new registrar{{/em}} to complete the transfer." msgstr "" "Domain {{strong}}.uk{{/strong}} ditransfer dengan mengatur tag IPS domain di " "sini ke nilai yang disediakan oleh registrar baru lalu menghubungi {{em}}" "registrar baru{{/em}} untuk menyelesaikan transfer." msgid "IPS tag save failed!" msgstr "Gagal menyimpan tag IPS!" msgid "" "Jetpack will optimize your images and serve them from the server location " "nearest\n" "\t\tto your visitors. Using our global content delivery network will boost " "the loading speed of your site." msgstr "" "Jetpack akan mengoptimalkan gambar Anda dan menyajikannya dari lokasi server " "terdekat ke pengunjung Anda. Dengan menggunakan jaringan pengiriman konten " "global, kami akan meningkatkan kecepatan pemuatan situs Anda." msgid "Lazy load images" msgstr "Gambar \"Lazy-load\"" msgid "Speed up your site" msgstr "Meningkatkan kecepatan situs Anda" msgid "Click here to start now!" msgstr "Klik di sini untuk memulai sekarang!" msgid "" "Simply click the link below and select the Business plan option to upgrade " "today. Once you upgrade, you’ll have 30 days to evaluate the plan and decide " "if it’s right for you." msgstr "" "Klik tautan di bawah dan pilih paket Bisnis untuk melakukan upgrade " "sekarang. Setelah upgrade, Anda punya waktu 30 hari untuk mengevaluasi paket " "dan memutuskan apakah paket tersebut sesuai untuk Anda." msgid "" "The good news is that you can upgrade your plan today and try the Business " "plan risk-free thanks to our 30-day money-back guarantee." msgstr "" "Kabar baiknya, Anda bisa upgrade paket sekarang juga dan mencoba paket " "Bisnis bebas risiko berkat garansi uang kembali 30 hari dari kami." msgid "" "<b>But please note:</b> you don’t currently have access to this incredible " "selection of WordPress plugins because they are only available to Business " "plan customers and you haven’t upgraded yet." msgstr "" "<b>Namun harap diperhatikan:</b> saat ini, Anda tidak memiliki akses ke " "jajaran plugin WordPress yang luar biasa ini karena hanya tersedia untuk " "pelanggan paket Bisnis, dan Anda belum melakukan upgrade." msgid "" "Like I mentioned, there are more than 50,000 plugins available. So no matter " "what you’re trying to accomplish, I bet there’s a plugin to help you achieve " "that goal." msgstr "" "Seperti yang sudah saya sebutkan, ada lebih dari 50.000 plugin. Jadi apa pun " "yang ingin Anda lakukan, saya yakin ada plugin yang bisa membantu Anda " "meraihnya." msgid "" "Do you want to create a private, customer-only section on your site? There’s " "a plugin for that, too." msgstr "" "Ingin membuat bagian rahasia khusus pelanggan di situs Anda? Plugin untuk " "itu juga ada." msgid "" "Do you want to connect your site to Salesforce? There’s a plugin for that." msgstr "" "Ingin menghubungkan situs Anda ke Salesforce? Ada plugin untuk melakukannya." msgid "And that’s barely scratching the surface." msgstr "Dan itu hanya contoh yang sangat kecil." msgid "<b>OptinMonster:</b> Turn your site into a lead generation powerhouse." msgstr "" "<b>OptinMonster:</b> Ubah situs Anda menjadi sumber penghasil prospek yang " "andal." msgid "" "<b>Appointments+:</b> Let your customers book and pay for appointments by " "themselves." msgstr "" "<b>Appointments+:</b> Beri kemampuan pada pelanggan untuk memesan dan " "membayar janji temu mereka sendiri." msgid "<b>Gallery:</b> Add beautiful photo galleries and albums to your site." msgstr "<b>Gallery:</b> Tambahkan galeri dan album foto indah ke situs Anda." msgid "" "Installing plugins on your site is a bit like downloading an app on your " "phone. Except, instead of getting a new game or productivity tool, you get " "new features and functionality for your site." msgstr "" "Menginstal plugin di situs mirip dengan mengunduh aplikasi ke ponsel. " "Bedanya, sebagai ganti game atau alat produktivitas baru, Anda mendapatkan " "fitur dan fungsionalitas baru untuk situs." msgid "If you’re not, here’s why it’s such a big deal: " msgstr "Jika belum, berikut ini alasan plugin sangat penting: " msgid "" "If you’re familiar with WordPress plugins, you know why that’s exciting." msgstr "" "Jika Anda sudah mengenal plugin WordPress, Anda tahu mengapa ini menarik." msgid "This site is disconnected from Jetpack" msgstr "Situs ini terputus dari Jetpack" msgid "Site disconnected" msgstr "Situs tidak terhubung" msgid "Site connected" msgstr "Situs terhubung" msgid "No annual stats recorded" msgstr "Tidak ada statistik tahunan yang tercatat" msgid "" "Before enabling these, turn on eCommerce in your Google Analytics dashboard." msgstr "" "Sebelum mengaktifkan, aktifkan eCommerce dalam dasbor Google Analytics Anda." msgid "" "Something seems to be missing — please fill out all the required fields." msgstr "Sepertinya ada yang hilang — silakan isi semua bidang yang wajib." msgid "" "The information you entered seems to be incorrect. Let's take another look " "to ensure everything is in the right place." msgstr "" "Informasi yang Anda masukkan sepertinya salah. Mari kita lihat lagi untuk " "memastikan semuanya ada di tempat yang tepat." msgid "" "It looks like your server is read-only. To create backups and restore your " "site, we need permission to write to your server. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Sepertinya server Anda diatur ke mode hanya baca. Untuk membuat pencadangan " "dan memulihkan situs Anda, kami perlu izin untuk menulis ke server Anda. " "{{a}}Baca selengkapnya{{/a}}" msgid "" "We tried to access your WordPress installation through its publicly " "available URL, but it didn't work. Please make sure the directory is " "accessible and try again." msgstr "" "Kami mencoba mengakses instalasi WordPress Anda melalui URL yang tersedia " "untuk umum, namun tidak berhasil. Pastikan direktori dapat diakses, lalu " "coba lagi." msgid "Dozens of Free Themes" msgstr "Puluhan Tema Gratis" msgid "Search for help…" msgstr "Cari bantuan…" msgid "Switch now" msgstr "Beralih sekarang" msgid "%s is already customizing this changeset. Do you want to take over?" msgstr "%s sudah menyesuaikan changeset ini. Apakah Anda ingin mengambil alih?" msgid "" "%s is already customizing this changeset. Please wait until they are done to " "try customizing. Your latest changes have been autosaved." msgstr "" "%s sudah menyesuaikan changeset ini. Silakan tunggu sampai mereka selesai " "mencoba menyesuaikan. Perubahan terbaru Anda telah disimpan secara otomatis." msgid "WordPress installation path" msgstr "Jalur Instalasi WordPress" msgid "Advanced settings" msgstr "Pengaturan tingkat lanjut" msgid "" "Thank you for using WooCommerce Shipping to ship your products. We are proud " "to be part of your business." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah menggunakan WooCommerce Shipping untuk mengirim produk " "Anda. Kami bangga jadi bagian bisnis Anda." msgid "%1$sClick here to learn more%2$s." msgstr "%1$sKlik di sini untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut%2$s." msgid "View stats, moderate comments, create and edit posts, and upload media." msgstr "" "Lihat statistik, moderasi komentar, tulis dan edit pos, serta unggah media." msgid "Download our free mobile app today." msgstr "Unduh aplikasi seluler dari gratis." msgid "We could not find your appointment. Please try again later." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat menemukan janji temu Anda. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "" "To reschedule your session, let us know your timezone and preferred day." msgstr "" "Untuk menjadwalkan ulang sesi, beri tahu kami zona waktu dan hari pilihan " "Anda." msgid "" "If you prefer not to cancel the dispute or it is too late, you will be " "refunded once the payment provider has completed the dispute resolution, " "which can take up to 75 days. In this case, a $10 fee must be paid if you’d " "like to start a new subscription." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak ingin membatalkan sengketa atau sudah terlambat, Anda akan " "mendapatkan pengembalian dana setelah penyedia pembayaran menyelesaikan " "resolusi sengketa, yang bisa memerlukan waktu hingga 75 hari. Dalam hal ini, " "Anda harus membayar $10 jika ingin memulai langganan baru." msgid "" "If you have any questions about the dispute process, or if we can help " "further, please let us know." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan mengenai kendala pembayaran, atau jika ada " "yang dapat kami bantu lebih lanjut, silakan hubungi kami." msgid "" "If you prefer not to cancel the dispute or it is too late, you will be " "refunded once the payment provider has completed the dispute resolution, " "which can take up to 75 days. In this case, a $20 fee must be paid if you’d " "like to start a new subscription." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak ingin membatalkan kendala pembayaran atau sudah terlambat, " "Anda akan mendapatkan pengembalian dana setelah penyedia layanan pembayaran " "menyelesaikan proses resolusi, yang dapat memakan waktu hingga 75 hari. " "Maka, Anda harus membayar $20 jika ingin memulai langganan baru." msgid "" "If the dispute was done recently, you might be able to cancel the dispute " "with your bank. Once you’ve canceled the dispute, please reply to this " "email, and we’ll assist\tyou in restoring the subscription." msgstr "" "Jika kendala baru terjadi, Anda mungkin dapat membatalkannya. Setelah Anda " "membatalkannya, Anda dapat membalas e-mail ini, dan kami akan membantu\tAnda " "memulihkan langganan Anda." msgid "If you would like to continue using your subscription:" msgstr "Jika Anda ingin melanjutkan paket langganan Anda:" msgid "" "If you prefer not to cancel the dispute or it is too late, you will be " "refunded once the payment provider has completed the dispute resolution, " "which can take up to 75 days." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak ingin membatalkan kendala pembayaran atau sudah terlambat, " "Anda akan menerima pengembalian dana setelah penyedia layanan pembayaran " "menyelesaikan proses resolusi, yang dapat memakan waktu hingga 75 hari." msgid "" "While the dispute is active we do not have the option to issue a refund." msgstr "" "Selama kendala belum terselesaikan, kami tidak dapat melakukan pengembalian " "dana." msgid "" "If you no longer intend to use this subscription and would like a direct " "refund, please cancel the dispute on the payment through your bank or credit " "card, so that we have the option to\trefund the charge." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak berminat meneruskan paket langganan Anda dan ingin menerima " "pengembalian dana, Anda dapat membatalkan kendala pembayaran melalui bank " "atau kartu kredit Anda, sehingga kami dapat mengembalikan dana Anda." msgid "While the charge is in dispute, your subscription has been suspended." msgstr "" "Karena pembayaran Anda bermasalah, maka kami telah menangguhkan langganan " "Anda." msgid "" "When this happens, the transaction is reported as unauthorized or " "fraudulent, and we are fined $20 by our payment processor." msgstr "" "Saat ini, transaksi dilaporkan sebagai tidak sah atau penipuan, dan kami " "dikenakan denda sebesar $20 oleh penyedia layanan pembayaran kami." msgid "" "Your recent purchase for the following order was disputed through your bank " "or credit card company, and the original payment was reversed." msgstr "" "Pembelian Anda untuk pesanan berikut mengalami kendala pada bank atau " "perusahaan kartu kredit Anda, sehingga pembayaran Anda dikembalikan." msgid "Payment Dispute" msgstr "Kendala Pembayaran" msgid "There was a problem with your %s subscription payment" msgstr "Pembayaran langganan %s Anda terkendala" msgid "Transfer different domain" msgstr "Transfer domain lain" msgid "Africa and Middle East" msgstr "Afrika dan Timur Tengah" msgid "Americas" msgstr "Amerika" msgid "Asia-Pacific" msgstr "Asia-Pasifik" msgid "Eastern Europe" msgstr "Eropa Timur" msgid "Western Europe" msgstr "Eropa Barat" msgid "unknown comment author" msgstr "penulis komentar tidak dikenal" msgid "Something happened and we were unable to restore your site." msgstr "Terjadi error tidak terduga, kami tidak dapat memulihkan situs Anda." msgid "Please try again or contact support." msgstr "Harap coba lagi atau hubungi dukungan." msgid "Resend Invite" msgstr "Kirim Ulang Undangan" msgid "Your name cannot be empty" msgstr "Nama tidak boleh kosong" msgid "Fines" msgstr "Denda" msgid "Start setup" msgstr "Mulai penyiapan" msgid "Teacher" msgstr "Guru" msgid "Customer:" msgstr "Pelanggan:" msgid "Shop manager" msgstr "Manajer Toko" msgid "Plugins overview" msgstr "Ikhtisar plugin" msgid "L" msgstr "L" msgid "The key could not be deleted. Please try again later." msgstr "Kunci ini tidak dapat dihapus. Coba lagi nanti." msgid "Job Listings" msgstr "Daftar Pekerjaan" msgid "Purchase note" msgstr "Catatan Pembelian" msgid "Print shipping labels" msgstr "Cetak label pengiriman" msgid "Invalid IP address" msgstr "Alamat IP tidak valid" msgid "package" msgstr "paket" msgid "Items" msgstr "Item" msgid "Choose a different site" msgstr "Pilih situs lain" msgid "Email receipt" msgstr "Email Tanda Terima" msgid "Mastercard" msgstr "Mastercard" msgid "VISA" msgstr "VISA" msgid "Shipping Label" msgstr "Label Pengiriman" msgid "This field is required" msgstr "Kolom ini harus diisi" msgid "Legal" msgstr "Hukum" msgid "Select none" msgstr "Kosongkan pilihan" msgid "Locations not covered by your other zones" msgstr "Lokasi tidak tercakup oleh zone Anda lainnya." msgid "Cancel Payment" msgstr "Batalkan Pembayaran" msgid "Saving path settings" msgstr "Menyimpan pengaturan jalur" msgid "Create a product" msgstr "Buat produk" msgid "USA" msgstr "AS" msgid "District Of Columbia" msgstr "District Of Columbia" msgid "Newfoundland and Labrador" msgstr "Newfoundland dan Labrador" msgid "Uh oh. Page not found." msgstr "Aduh. Halaman tidak ditemukan." msgid "Sorry, the page you were looking for doesn't exist or has been moved." msgstr "Maaf, halaman yang Anda cari tidak ada atau telah dipindahkan." msgid "Test mode" msgstr "Mode pengujian" msgid "Select one" msgstr "Pilih satu" msgid "Average rating" msgstr "Rating rata-rata" msgid "Cash on delivery" msgstr "Bayar di tempat" msgid "Payment failed." msgstr "Pembayaran gagal." msgid "On-hold" msgstr "Tertahan" msgid "Province" msgstr "Provinsi" msgid "+ Add address line 2" msgstr "+ Tambahkan baris alamat 2" msgid "Street address" msgstr "Alamat jalan" msgid "Postal code" msgstr "Kode pos" msgid "Stat" msgstr "Statistik" msgid "Trend" msgstr "Tren" msgid "Products Purchased" msgstr "Produk Dibeli" msgid "Products Per Order" msgstr "Produk Per Pemesanan" msgid "Coupons Used" msgstr "Kupon Digunakan" msgid "Most Popular Products" msgstr "Produk Paling Populer" msgid "No products found." msgstr "Tidak ada produk yang ditemukan." msgid "No categories found" msgstr "Tidak ada kategori yang ditemukan" msgid "Most Used Coupons" msgstr "Kupon Paling Sering Digunakan" msgid "Average order value." msgstr "Nilai pesanan rata-rata." msgid "Store Address" msgstr "Alamat Toko" msgid "Total tax" msgstr "Total pajak" msgid "Tax rate." msgstr "Tarif pajak." msgid "Zone name" msgstr "Nama Zona" msgid "Add shipping method" msgstr "Tembahkan metode pengiriman" msgid "All locations" msgstr "Semua lokasi" msgid "Add shipping zone" msgstr "Tambahkan zona pengiriman" msgid "Minimum order amount" msgstr "Jumlah pesanan minimum" msgid "Free shipping requires..." msgstr "Pengiriman gratis membutuhkan..." msgid "A valid free shipping coupon" msgstr "Kupon pengiriman gratis yang valid" msgid "A minimum order amount" msgstr "Jumlah minimal pesanan" msgid "A minimum order amount OR a coupon" msgstr "Jumlah pesanan minimum ATAU kupon" msgid "A minimum order amount AND a coupon" msgstr "Jumlah pesanan minimum DAN kupon" msgid "Shipping zone order." msgstr "Urutan zona pengiriman." msgid "Shipping zone name." msgstr "Nama zona pengiriman." msgid "Shipping method(s)" msgstr "Metode pengiriman" msgid "Shipping Zone" msgstr "Zona Pengiriman" msgid "Store Currency" msgstr "Mata Uang Toko" msgid "Method" msgstr "Metode" msgid "Fees" msgstr "Biaya" msgid "Account name" msgstr "Nama Rekening" msgid "Bank name" msgstr "Nama Bank" msgid "Routing number" msgstr "Kode Routing" msgid "Account number" msgstr "Nomor Rekening" msgid "IBAN" msgstr "IBAN" msgid "BIC / Swift" msgstr "BIC / Swift" msgid "There was a problem assigning that payment method. Please try again." msgstr "" "Terjadi masalah saat menetapkan metode pembayaran ini. Harap coba lagi." msgid "Payments" msgstr "Pembayaran" msgid "Store name" msgstr "Nama toko" msgid "\"From\" address" msgstr "Alamat \"Dari\"" msgid "Cancelled order" msgstr "Pesanan dibatalkan" msgid "Failed order" msgstr "Pesanan gagal" msgid "Processing order" msgstr "Pesanan diproses" msgid "Completed order" msgstr "Pesanan selesai" msgid "Refunded order" msgstr "Pesanan dikembalikan" msgid "New account" msgstr "Akun baru" msgid "Custom Notification" msgstr "Pemberitahuan Kustom" msgid "End date cannot be before start date" msgstr "Tanggal selesai tidak boleh sebelum tanggal mulai" msgid "Product sale price." msgstr "Harga obral produk." msgid "Cannot be combined with other coupons" msgstr "Tidak dapat digabungkan dengan kupon lain" msgid "Product discounts:" msgstr "Diskon produk:" msgid "Percentage discount" msgstr "Diskon persentase" msgid "Free Shipping" msgstr "Pengiriman gratis" msgid "Add your first product" msgstr "Tambahkan produk pertama Anda" msgid "Edit product" msgstr "Edit produk" msgid "SKU:" msgstr "SKU:" msgid "Weight" msgstr "Berat" msgid "Inventory" msgstr "Inventaris" msgid "Allow, but notify customer" msgstr "Diizinkan, namun beritahu pelanggan." msgid "Product Details" msgstr "Rincian Produk" msgid "Back to dashboard" msgstr "Kembali ke dasbor" msgid "Search products" msgstr "Cari produk" msgid "No product categories exist." msgstr "Kategori produk tidak ada." msgid "Search orders" msgstr "Cari pesanan" msgid "Quantity" msgstr "Jumlah" msgid "Tax" msgstr "Pajak" msgid "Fee" msgstr "Biaya" msgid "Refunded" msgstr "Dana dikembalikan" msgid "Add fee" msgstr "Tambahkan biaya" msgid "Copy billing address" msgstr "Salin alamat penagihan" msgid "Load shipping address" msgstr "Muat alamat pengiriman" msgid "Shipping details" msgstr "Detail Pengiriman" msgid "Add a site" msgstr "Tambahkan situs" msgid "Add note" msgstr "Tambahkan catatan" msgid "Activity Log" msgstr "Log Aktivitas" msgid "Edit order" msgstr "Edit pesanan" msgid "Resend invite" msgstr "Kirim ulang undangan" msgid "\"%s\" successfully created." msgstr "\"%s\" berhasil dibuat." msgid "Orders" msgstr "Pesanan" msgid "Add a product" msgstr "Tambah produk" msgid "Review payment" msgstr "Tinjau pembayaran" msgid "Set up payments" msgstr "Siapkan pembayaran" msgid "WooCommerce" msgstr "WooCommerce" msgid "WooCommerce Stripe Gateway" msgstr "WooCommerce Stripe Gateway" msgid "WooCommerce Services" msgstr "Layanan WooCommerce" msgid "Building your site" msgstr "Membuat situs Anda" msgid "Looking for stats?" msgstr "Mencari statistik?" msgid "Store Locator" msgstr "Pencari Lokasi Toko" msgid "Store setup" msgstr "Penyiapan toko" msgid "Add credentials: %1$s" msgstr "Tambahkan kredensial: %1$s" msgid "" "Jetpack Premium now provides <strong>unlimited</strong> use of our video " "CDN. Save on hosting storage and bandwidth costs by streaming fast, ad-free " "video from our global network." msgstr "" "Jetpack Premium kini menyediakan penggunaan <strong>tanpa batas</strong> " "untuk CDN Video kami. Hemat penyimpanan hosting dan biaya bandwidth dengan " "streaming video cepat dan bebas iklan dari jaringan global kami." msgid "Load previous comments from %(commenterName)s and others" msgstr "Muat komentar sebelumnya dari %(commenterName)s dan lainnya" msgid "Load previous comments from %(commenterName)s" msgstr "Muat komentar sebelumnya dari %(commenterName)s" msgid "Load previous comment from %(commenterName)s" msgstr "Muat komentar sebelumnya dari %(commenterName)s" msgid "Invitation accepted" msgstr "Undangan diterima" msgid "The Site Language setting is disabled due to insufficient permissions." msgstr "" "Pengaturan Bahasa Situs ini dinonaktifkan karena tidak memiliki cukup izin." msgid "" "The Site Language setting is disabled because your site has the WPLANG " "constant set." msgstr "" "Pengaturan Bahasa Situs ini dinonaktifkan karena situs Anda memiliki set " "konstanta WPLANG." msgid "User role changed" msgstr "Peran pengguna diubah" msgid "User role and password changed" msgstr "Peran pengguna dan kata sandi diubah" msgid "User password changed" msgstr "Kata sandi pengguna diubah" msgid "User capabilities changed" msgstr "Kemampuan pengguna diubah" msgid "" "Add the Search widget to your sidebar to configure advanced search filters." msgstr "" "Tambahkan widget Pencarian ke bilah sisi Anda untuk mengonfigurasi filter " "tingkat lanjut." msgid "" "We're sorry to hear the %(productName)s plan didn't fit your current needs, " "but thank you for giving it a try." msgstr "" "Maaf karena paket %(productName)s tidak memenuhi kebutuhan Anda saat ini. " "Terima kasih sudah mencoba." msgid "" "You'll receive a partial refund of %(refundAmount)s -- the cost of the " "%(productName)s plan, minus %(domainCost)s for the domain. There will be no " "change to your domain registration, and you're free to use it on WordPress." "com or transfer it elsewhere." msgstr "" "Anda akan menerima pengembalian dana sebagian dari %(refundAmount)s -- harga " "dari %(productName)s paket, dikurangi%(domainCost)s untuk domain. Tidak akan " "ada lagi perubahan pada registrasi domain Anda, dan Anda bebas menggunakan " " atau mentransfernya ke tempat yang lain." msgid "" "You'll receive a full refund of %(planCost)s. The domain will be cancelled, " "and it's possible you'll lose it permanently." msgstr "" "Anda akan menerima pengembalian dana penuh dari %(planCost)s. Domain akan " "dibatalkan, dan mungkin akan hilang untuk selamanya." msgid "Build your stunning website on" msgstr "Buat situs web yang menarik di" msgid "Let's Build" msgstr "Ayo Buat" msgid "" "This is the time to form a platform, community, business, or try something " "new." msgstr "" "Ini adalah waktu yang tepat untuk membuat platform, komunitas, bisnis, atau " "mencoba hal baru." msgid "Idea to Reality" msgstr "Wujudkan Ide Anda" msgid "Your refund has been processed." msgstr "Pengembalian dana Anda sedang diproses." msgid "" "Your %s subscription needs your attention. Although it is set to renew on " "%s, it does not have an associated payment method." msgstr "" "Langganan %s perlu perhatian Anda. Walaupun sudah diatur untuk diperbarui " "pada %s, langganan ini tidak memiliki metode pembayaran terkait." msgid "Missing payment information" msgstr "Informasi pembayaran tidak tersedia" msgid "Your subscription will be renewed shortly." msgstr "Langganan Anda akan segera diperbarui." msgid "Set up your services." msgstr "Menyiapkan layanan Anda." msgid "Update payment method" msgstr "Perbarui metode pembayaran" msgid "Your credit card is expiring!" msgstr "Kartu kredit Anda habis masa berlakunya!" msgid "You can also reschedule your session. What would you like to do?" msgstr "" "Anda juga dapat menjadwalkan ulang sesi Anda. Apa yang ingin Anda lakukan?" msgid "Reschedule session" msgstr "Menjadwalkan ulang sesi" msgid "Cancel session" msgstr "Membatalkan sesi" msgid "%1$s, %2$s and %3$d more as %4$s" msgstr "%1$s, %2$s, dan %3$d lainnya sebagai %4$s" msgid "%1$s, %2$s and %3$s as %4$s" msgstr "%1$s, %2$s, dan %3$s sebagai %4$s" msgid "%1$s and %2$s as %3$s" msgstr "%1$s dan %2$s sebagai %3$s" msgid "This session is no longer available. Please select a different time." msgstr "Sesi ini sudah tidak tersedia. Pilih waktu yang lain." msgid "" "{{strong}}Ads Served{{/strong}} is the number of ads we attempted to display " "on your site (page impressions x available ad slots)." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Iklan yang Ditampilkan{{/strong}} adalah jumlah iklan yang kami " "coba tampilkan di situs Anda (penayangan halaman x slot iklan yang tersedia)." msgid "" "Jetpack Professional provides the design, tools, and support to bring your " "website to life." msgstr "" "Jetpack Professional menyediakan desain, alat, dan dukungan untuk mewujudkan " "situs web Anda." msgid "" "The threat known as <em>%1$s</em> has been found in %2$s around lines %3$d - " "%4$d" msgstr "" "Ancaman yang dikenal sebagai <em>%1$s</em> telah ditemukan di %2$s di " "sekitar baris %3$d - %4$d" msgid "" "A URL on this site has been flagged in Google's Safe Browsing database, " "which attempts to identify sites that may be phishing sites, hosting " "malware, or otherwise malicious" msgstr "" "URL di situs ini telah ditandai di database Safe Browsing Google, yang " "berusaha mengidentifikasi situs yang mungkin berupa situs pengelabuan, " "malware hosting, atau tindakan berbahaya lainnya" msgid "" "The WordPress core file %1$s has been modified; if you did not modify this " "file you should review it and replace it" msgstr "" "File inti WordPress %1$s telah dimodifikasi, jika Anda tidak memodifikasi " "file ini, sebaiknya tinjau dan ganti file" msgid "" "%1$s <em>%2$s</em> has a known vulnerability in version %3$s; you should " "update or uninstall it, and consider enabling autoupdates" msgstr "" "%1$s <em>%2$s</em> memiliki kerentanan yang diketahui di versi %3$s; " "sebaiknya perbarui atau hapus instalannya, dan pertimbangkan untuk " "mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis" msgid "The threat known as <em>%1$s</em> is no longer present in %2$s: %3$s" msgstr "" "Ancaman yang dikenal sebagai <em>%1$s</em> sudah tidak lagi muncul di %2$s: " "%3$s" msgid "" "URLs from this site are no longer present in Google's Safe Browsing database" msgstr "URL dari situs ini tidak lagi muncul di database Safe Browsing Google" msgid "The WordPress core file %1$s is no longer modified: %2$s" msgstr "File inti WordPress %1$s sudah tidak dimodifikasi: %2$s" msgid "The extension in %1$s is no longer vulnerable: %2$s" msgstr "Ekstensi di %1$s sudah tidak rentan: %2$s" msgid "Purchase management is not available. Please check back shortly." msgstr "Manajemen pembelian tidak tersedia. Harap periksa kembali sesaat lagi." msgid "Connect to" msgstr "Hubungkan ke" msgid "Notify me of new posts" msgstr "Beri tahu saya ketika ada pos baru" msgid "Email me new posts" msgstr "Kirimkan pos baru melalui e-mail" msgid "Browser Info" msgstr "Info Browser" msgid "(Support Forums) Browser Info" msgstr "(Forum Dukungan) Info Browser" msgid "Browser details for the support forums" msgstr "Informasi browser untuk forum dukungan" msgid "%s participant" msgid_plural "%s participants" msgstr[0] "%s participant" msgstr[1] "%s participants" msgid "" "Learn more about transferring a domain to at the following " "link:" msgstr "" "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang transfer domain ke di tautan " "berikut:" msgid "" "We refunded %1$s for the domain transfer on \"%2$s\". It may take 7-10 " "business days for the refund to appear in your account." msgstr "" "Kami mengembalikan dana %1$s untuk transfer domain pada \"%2$s\". Mungkin " "perlu 7-10 hari kerja hingga pengembalian dana muncul di akun Anda." msgid "" "Learn more about <a href=\"%s\">transferring a domain to</a>." msgstr "" "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang <a href=\"%s\">transfer domain ke WordPress." "com</a>." msgid "" "If you still want to transfer the domain, you can start the transfer again. " "The transfer has to be confirmed within five days. Make sure to follow the " "instructions in the confirmation email, sent to the domain's administrative " "contact." msgstr "" "Jika masih ingin mentransfer domain, Anda dapat memulai transfer lagi. " "Transfer harus dikonfirmasi dalam waktu lima hari. Ikuti petunjuk dalam " "email konfirmasi, yang dikirim ke kontak administratif domain." msgid "" "We refunded <b>%1$s</b> for the domain transfer on <a href=\"%2$s\">%3$s</" "a>. It may take 7-10 business days for the refund to appear in your account." msgstr "" "Kami mengembalikan dana <b>%1$s</b> untuk transfer domain pada <a href=\"%2$s" "\">%3$s</a>. Mungkin perlu 7-10 hari kerja hingga pengembalian dana muncul " "di akun Anda." msgid "" "You asked to transfer the domain %s to The transfer was not " "confirmed on time, so it was canceled automatically. There was no change to " "your domain." msgstr "" "Anda meminta untuk mentransfer domain %s ke Transfer tidak " "dikonfirmasi tepat waktu, sehingga otomatis dibatalkan. Tidak ada perubahan " "pada domain Anda." msgid "%s domain transfer cancelled" msgstr "Transfer domain %s dibatalkan" msgid "%s domain transfer cancelled and refunded" msgstr "Transfer domain %s dibatalkan dan dana telah dikembalikan" msgid "This option has moved. You can now manage it %1$shere%2$s." msgstr "" "Pilihan telah dipindahkan. Anda sekarang dapat mengelolanya %1$sdi sini%2$s." msgid "Portfolio trashed" msgstr "Portofolio dibuang" msgid "Testimonial trashed" msgstr "Testimonial dibuang" msgid "Post trashed" msgstr "Pos dibuang" msgid "Page trashed" msgstr "Halaman dibuang" msgctxt "noun: Post Type" msgid "%s scheduled" msgstr "%s terjadwal" msgid "Portfolio scheduled" msgstr "Portofolio terjadwal" msgid "Testimonial scheduled" msgstr "Testimonial terjadwal" msgctxt "noun: Post Type" msgid "%s restored" msgstr "%s dipulihkan" msgid "Portfolio restored" msgstr "Portofolio dipulihkan" msgid "Testimonial restored" msgstr "Testimonial dipulihkan" msgid "Post restored" msgstr "Pos dipulihkan" msgid "Page restored" msgstr "Halaman dipulihkan" msgid "Portfolio published" msgstr "Portofolio dipublikasikan" msgid "Testimonial published" msgstr "Testimonial dipublikasikan" msgid "Portfolio modified" msgstr "Portofolio dimodifikasi" msgid "Testimonial modified" msgstr "Testimonial dimodifikasi" msgid "Post modified" msgstr "Pos dimodifikasi" msgid "Page modified" msgstr "Halaman dimodifikasi" msgctxt "noun: Post Type" msgid "%s deleted" msgstr "%s dihapus" msgid "Portfolio deleted" msgstr "Portofolio dihapus" msgid "Testimonial deleted" msgstr "Testimonial dihapus" msgid "Post deleted" msgstr "Pos dihapus" msgid "Page deleted" msgstr "Halaman dihapus" msgid "" "Not every ad served will result in a paid impression. This can happen when:" msgstr "" "Tidak semua iklan yang ditampilkan akan menghasilkan penayangan berbayar. " "Hal ini dapat terjadi apabila:" msgid "A visitor is using an ad blocker, preventing ads from showing." msgstr "" "Pengunjung menggunakan pemblokir iklan, sehingga iklan tidak dapat " "ditampilkan." msgid "A visitor leaves your site before ads can fully load in their browser." msgstr "" "Pengunjung meninggalkan situs Anda sebelum iklan dimuat selengkapnya di " "perambah mereka." msgid "" "There were no advertisers who bid higher than the minimum price required to " "display their ad." msgstr "" "Tidak ada pengiklan yang mengajukan penawaran lebih tinggi daripada harga " "minimum yang diharuskan untuk menampilkan iklan." msgid "Earnings fluctuate based on real-time bidding from advertisers." msgstr "" "Pendapatan berfluktuasi berdasarkan penawaran (bidding) real time dari " "pengiklan." msgid "Ads Served" msgstr "Iklan yang Ditampilkan" msgid "Foreign Individual" msgstr "Individu Asing" msgid "UK Sole Trader" msgstr "Pebisnis Tunggal Inggris" msgid "UK Partnership" msgstr "Kemitraan Inggris" msgid "UK Limited Liability Partnership" msgstr "Kemitraan Liabilitas Terbatas Inggris" msgid "UK Corporation by Royal Charter" msgstr "Perusahaan Inggris oleh Royal Charter" msgid "Non-UK Corporation" msgstr "Perusahaan Selain Inggris" msgid "UK Industrial/Provident Registered Company" msgstr "Perusahaan Industrial/Provident Terdaftar Inggris" msgid "UK Limited Company" msgstr "Perusahaan Terbatas Inggris" msgid "UK Public Limited Company" msgstr "Perusahaan Terbatas Publik Inggris" msgid "UK School" msgstr "Sekolah Inggris" msgid "UK Government Body" msgstr "Lembaga Pemerintahan Inggris" msgid "UK Registered Charity" msgstr "Badan Amal Terdaftar Inggris" msgid "UK Statutory Body" msgstr "Badan Legislasi Inggris" msgid "UK Entity that does not fit another category" msgstr "Entitas Inggris yang tidak termasuk dalam kategori lainnya" msgid "Non-UK Entity that does not fit another category" msgstr "Entitas Selain Inggris yang tidak termasuk dalam kategori lainnya" msgid "Trading Name" msgstr "Nama Dagang" msgid "Registration Number" msgstr "Nomor Registrasi" msgid "There was a problem with this field." msgstr "Ada masalah dengan kolom ini." msgid "" "Choose the option that best describes your presence in the United Kingdom:" msgstr "Pilih pilihan yang paling mendekati posisi Anda di Inggris:" msgid "" "We sent an email to {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}} to confirm the transfer " "of {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}. {{a}}More Info{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Kami telah mengirimkan email ke {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}} untuk " "mengonfirmasi transfer {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}. {{a}}Informasi " "Selengkapnya{{/a}}" msgid "Now click the {{editButton/}} button." msgstr "Kemudian klik tombol {{editButton/}}." msgid "" "Need to adjust your image? Click {{editImageButton/}} to perform basic " "tweaks." msgstr "" "Ingin menyesuaikan ukuran gambar Anda? Klik {{editImageButton/}} untuk " "melakukan perubahan dasar." msgid "" "Click {{doneButton /}} to go back to your full library. Happy uploading!" msgstr "" "Klik {{doneButton /}} untuk kembali ke pustaka penuh Anda. Selamat " "mengunggah!" msgid "Just another WordPress site" msgstr "Satu lagi situs WordPress" msgid "Reschedule to this date" msgstr "Jadwalkan ulang ke tanggal ini" msgid "Would you like to schedule a new session?" msgstr "Apakah Anda ingin menjadwalkan sesi baru?" msgid "Control how additional posts are loaded." msgstr "Kontrol cara pemuatan pos tambahan." msgid "" "Load posts as you scroll. Disable to show a clickable button to load posts." msgstr "" "Memuat pos saat Anda menggulirkan. Nonaktifkan untuk menampilkan tombol " "untuk memuat pos." msgid "" "Your site has a \"footer\" widget enabled so buttons will always be used. " "{{link}}Customize your site{{/link}}" msgstr "" "Situs Anda memiliki widget “footer” yang diaktifkan untuk selalu menggunakan " "tombol. {{link}}Kelola situs Anda{{/link}}" msgid "Feed settings" msgstr "Pengaturan feed" msgid "Display {{field /}} most recent blog posts" msgstr "Tampilkan {{field /}} pos blog terbaru" msgid "" "The number of posts to include in your site's feed. {{link}}Learn more about " "feeds{{/link}}" msgstr "" "Jumlah pos yang disertakan di feed situs Anda. {{link}}Baca lebih lanjut " "tentang feed{{/link}}" msgid "Limit feed to excerpt only" msgstr "Batasi feed hanya untuk menampilkan kutipan" msgid "" "Enable this to include only an excerpt of your content. Users will need to " "visit your site to view the full content." msgstr "" "Aktifkan fitur berikut untuk menyertakan kutipan konten Anda saja. Pembaca " "harus mengunjungi situs Anda untuk melihat konten lebih lengkap." msgid "The domain has been transferred away and cannot be renewed." msgstr "Domain telah ditransfer dan tidak dapat diperpanjang." msgid "Business address" msgstr "Alamat bisnis" msgid "Theme update available" msgid_plural "Theme updates available" msgstr[0] "Pembaruan tema tersedia" msgstr[1] "Pembaruan tema tersedia" msgid "Get the App" msgstr "Dapatkan Aplikasinya" msgid "" "This email address is the new owner contact listed for %1$s. It might be " "different from your account." msgstr "" "Alamat email berikut adalah kontak pemilik baru yang terdaftar untuk %1$s " "dan mungkin berbeda dengan akun Anda." msgid "" "We need you to take action on an important email sent to <strong>%1$s</" "strong>." msgstr "" "Kami membutuhkan Anda menyelesaikan langkah penting yang dijelaskan di dalam " "e-mail yang kami kirimkan ke <strong>%1$s</strong>." msgid "Important! Action required to transfer your domain %1$s" msgstr "Penting! Lakukan langkah berikut untuk mentransfer domain Anda %1$s" msgid "%(cardType)s ending in %(cardNum)s" msgstr "%(cardType)s berakhiran %(cardNum)s" msgid "Your card number is incorrect." msgstr "Nomor kartu Anda salah." msgid "You cannot enable Rewind for a free Jetpack site" msgstr "Anda tidak dapat mengaktifkan Putar Balik untuk situs Jetpack gratis" msgid "abuse" msgstr "Kekerasan" msgid "accessories" msgstr "Aksesori" msgid "Accountant" msgstr "Akuntan" msgid "Activism" msgstr "Aktivisme" msgid "Adventure" msgstr "Petualangan" msgid "Advertising" msgstr "Periklanan" msgid "Affiliate" msgstr "Afiliasi" msgid "Agriculture" msgstr "Agrikultur" msgid "Allergies" msgstr "Alergi" msgid "Animals" msgstr "Hewan" msgid "Anime" msgstr "Anime" msgid "Antique" msgstr "Antik" msgid "App" msgstr "Aplikasi" msgid "Apparel" msgstr "Pakaian" msgid "Architecture" msgstr "Arsitektur" msgid "Army" msgstr "Tentara" msgid "Art Schools" msgstr "Sekolah Seni" msgid "Astronomy" msgstr "Astronomi" msgid "Autism" msgstr "Autisme" msgid "Bakery" msgstr "Toko roti" msgid "Making" msgstr "Kreasi" msgid "barber" msgstr "Potong rambut" msgid "Basketball" msgstr "Bola basket" msgid "Beauty" msgstr "Kecantikan" msgid "Beauty Salons" msgstr "Salon Kecantikan" msgid "Beer" msgstr "Bir" msgid "Bible" msgstr "Alkitab" msgid "bookbinding" msgstr "Penjilidan buku" msgid "Bookkeeping" msgstr "Pembukuan" msgid "bread" msgstr "Roti" msgid "Buddhism" msgstr "Buddhisme" msgid "Business Consultant" msgstr "Konsultan bisnis" msgid "Dancer" msgstr "Penari" msgid "Cannabis" msgstr "Cannabis" msgid "Car Audio" msgstr "Audio mobil" msgid "Cats" msgstr "Kucing" msgid "Ceramics" msgstr "Keramik" msgid "Charity" msgstr "Amal" msgid "Christianity" msgstr "Kristen" msgid "Church" msgstr "Gereja" msgid "Cleaning Services" msgstr "Jasa kebersihan" msgid "clinic" msgstr "Klinik" msgid "clothes" msgstr "Pakaian" msgid "clothing" msgstr "Baju" msgid "coach" msgstr "Pelatih" msgid "Coffee" msgstr "Kopi" msgid "Coffee Shops" msgstr "Kedai Kopi" msgid "College" msgstr "Kampus" msgid "Comedy" msgstr "Komedi" msgid "commercial" msgstr "Komersial" msgid "computer" msgstr "Komputer" msgid "Computer repair" msgstr "Perbaikan Komputer" msgid "conference" msgstr "Konferensi" msgid "Construction" msgstr "Bangunan" msgid "Consultant" msgstr "Konsultan" msgid "Consulting" msgstr "Konsultasi" msgid "Cosmetics" msgstr "Kosmetik" msgid "Counseling" msgstr "Konseling" msgid "Counseling Services" msgstr "Layanan konseling" msgid "Crafting" msgstr "Kerajinan tangan" msgid "Creative Writing" msgstr "Naskah kreatif" msgid "Crowdfunding" msgstr "Pendanaan massal" msgid "Cryptocurrency" msgstr "Mata uang kripto" msgid "Current Affairs" msgstr "Peristiwa terkini" msgid "Cycling" msgstr "Bersepeda" msgid "DIY" msgstr "Swakriya (DIY)" msgid "DJ" msgstr "DJ" msgid "Daycare" msgstr "Penitipan anak" msgid "Depression" msgstr "Depresi" msgid "Desserts" msgstr "Hidangan Penutup" msgid "Dogs" msgstr "Anjing" msgid "Drawing" msgstr "Menggambar" msgid "Dresses" msgstr "Gaun" msgid "Drums" msgstr "Drum" msgid "E-Books" msgstr "E-buku" msgid "Additional websites" msgstr "Situs tambahan" msgid "Electrician" msgstr "Teknisi listrik" msgid "Electronic Components" msgstr "Komponen elektronik" msgid "electronic" msgstr "elektronik" msgid "Engineering" msgstr "Rekayasa teknik" msgid "Entrepreneur" msgstr "Entrepreneur" msgid "Entrepreneurship" msgstr "Kewiraswastaan" msgid "Environment" msgstr "Lingkungan" msgid "Equestrian" msgstr "Berkuda" msgid "Expiration" msgstr "Kedaluwarsa" msgid "Eye Doctors" msgstr "Dokter Mata" msgid "Faith" msgstr "Keyakinan" msgid "Fan Fiction" msgstr "Fiksi penggemar" msgid "Farm" msgstr "Pertanian" msgid "Farming" msgstr "Bertani" msgid "Festival" msgstr "Festival" msgid "Financial" msgstr "Keuangan" msgid "financial services" msgstr "Layanan keuangan" msgid "Fishing" msgstr "Memancing" msgid "Fitness" msgstr "Kebugaran" msgid "Florist" msgstr "Perangkai bunga" msgid "Football" msgstr "Sepakbola" msgid "Furniture" msgstr "Perabotan" msgid "Games" msgstr "Game" msgid "Gaming" msgstr "Permainan game" msgid "Genealogy" msgstr "Genealogi" msgid "Golf" msgstr "Golf" msgid "Graphic Designer" msgstr "Desainer Grafis" msgid "Gym" msgstr "Gym" msgid "HVAC" msgstr "HVAC" msgid "packing" msgstr "kemasan" msgid "Hardware" msgstr "Perangkat keras" msgid "Health" msgstr "Kesehatan" msgid "Health and beauty" msgstr "Kesehatan dan kecantikan" msgid "healthcare" msgstr "Perawatan kesehatan" msgid "Hinduism" msgstr "Hinduisme" msgid "Hobbies" msgstr "Hobi" msgid "Home decor" msgstr "Dekorasi rumah" msgid "Horses" msgstr "Kuda" msgid "How To" msgstr "Petunjuk cara" msgid "Hunting" msgstr "Berburu" msgid "Illustrator" msgstr "Ilustrator" msgid "Inspiration" msgstr "Inspirasi" msgid "Insurance" msgstr "Asuransi" msgid "Interior Designer" msgstr "Desainer interior" msgid "Investing" msgstr "Investasi" msgid "Islam" msgstr "Islam" msgid "Jewelry" msgstr "Perhiasan" msgid "Jobs" msgstr "Pekerjaan" msgid "Journalism" msgstr "Jurnalistik" msgid "Journalist" msgstr "Jurnalis" msgid "Law" msgstr "Hukum" msgid "Leadership" msgstr "Kepemimpinan" msgid "Weather" msgstr "Cuaca" msgid "Life" msgstr "Kehidupan" msgid "Life Coach" msgstr "Pelatih kehidupan" msgid "Lifestyle" msgstr "Gaya hidup" msgid "Literature" msgstr "Sastra" msgid "diving" msgstr "menyelam" msgid "Local News" msgstr "Berita lokal" msgid "More stories" msgstr "Cerita lainnya" msgid "Makeup" msgstr "Rias wajah" msgid "Maps" msgstr "Peta" msgid "Mathematics" msgstr "Matematika" msgid "Mechanic" msgstr "Ahli mesin" msgid "medical" msgstr "Medis" msgid "medicine" msgstr "Obat" msgid "meditation" msgstr "meditasi" msgid "Men" msgstr "Pria" msgid "Military" msgstr "Militer" msgid "Motivation" msgstr "Motivasi" msgid "Dating services" msgstr "Layanan kencan" msgid "Networking" msgstr "Jaringan" msgid "Newspapers" msgstr "Koran" msgid "Online store" msgstr "Toko online" msgid "Optician" msgstr "Ahli kacamata" msgid "Optometrist" msgstr "Ahli kacamata" msgid "Outdoors" msgstr "Outdoor" msgid "Printer" msgstr "Pencetakan" msgid "Painting" msgstr "Lukisan" msgid "Paranormal" msgstr "Paranormal" msgid "Parenting" msgstr "Pengasuhan anak" msgid "Performance Arts" msgstr "Seni Pertunjukan" msgid "Performer" msgstr "Penampil" msgid "Personal Development" msgstr "Pengembangan pribadi" msgid "Personal Finance" msgstr "Keuangan pribadi" msgid "Personal Website" msgstr "Situs web pribadi" msgid "Philosophy" msgstr "Filosofi" msgid "Photographer" msgstr "Fotografer" msgid "Physical Therapy" msgstr "Terapi fisik" msgid "Plumber" msgstr "Tukang pipa" msgid "Poetry" msgstr "Puisi" msgid "Politics" msgstr "Politik" msgid "pollution" msgstr "Polusi" msgid "Printing" msgstr "Pencetakan" msgid "Product Reviews" msgstr "Tinjauan produk" msgid "Product Page" msgstr "Halaman Produk" msgid "professional services" msgstr "Layanan profesional" msgid "property" msgstr "Properti" msgid "psychotherapy" msgstr "Psikoterapi" msgid "Quiz" msgstr "Kuis" msgid "Recipes" msgstr "Resep" msgid "Relationships" msgstr "Hubungan" msgid "Reporter" msgstr "Pelaporan" msgid "Resort" msgstr "Resor" msgid "Restaurant" msgstr "Restoran" msgid "Reviews" msgstr "Ulasan" msgid "Robotics" msgstr "Robotika" msgid "Romance" msgstr "Percintaan" msgid "Running" msgstr "Pelarian" msgid "Sales" msgstr "Penjualan" msgid "salon" msgstr "Salon" msgid "Science" msgstr "Sains" msgid "Sewing" msgstr "Jahit-menjahit" msgid "Skirts" msgstr "Rok" msgid "Shows" msgstr "Pertunjukan" msgid "Shopping" msgstr "Perbelanjaan" msgid "Short Stories" msgstr "Cerita pendek" msgid "skincare" msgstr "Perawatan kulit" msgid "Soccer" msgstr "Sepak bola" msgid "Software" msgstr "Perangkat lunak" msgid "Solutions" msgstr "Solusi" msgid "Spirituality" msgstr "Kerohanian" msgid "Storefront" msgstr "Etalase" msgid "Stylist" msgstr "Penata rambut" msgid "supplement" msgstr "suplemen" msgid "supplies" msgstr "Persediaan" msgid "TV" msgstr "TV" msgid "Tattoos" msgstr "Tato" msgid "Taxes" msgstr "Pajak" msgid "telecommunication" msgstr "telekomunikasi" msgid "therapy" msgstr "Terapi" msgid "Toys" msgstr "Mainan" msgid "Translation Services" msgstr "Layanan terjemahan" msgid "transport" msgstr "Angkutan" msgid "Travel Agent" msgstr "Agen perjalanan" msgid "tutorials" msgstr "Tutorial" msgid "Veterans" msgstr "Veteran" msgid "Veterans' Affairs" msgstr "Perihal veteran" msgid "Virtual Reality" msgstr "Realitas maya" msgid "Watches" msgstr "Jam tangan" msgid "Web Design" msgstr "Desain web" msgid "Web Designer" msgstr "Desainer web" msgid "Web Developer" msgstr "Pengembang web" msgid "Wedding Planner" msgstr "Perencana acara pernikahan" msgid "Weight Loss" msgstr "Penurunan berat badan" msgid "well-being" msgstr "Kesejahteraan" msgid "Wellness" msgstr "Kesehatan" msgid "Wine" msgstr "Anggur" msgid "Women" msgstr "Wanita" msgid "World News" msgstr "Berita dunia" msgid "Yoga" msgstr "Yoga" msgid "YouTube video" msgstr "Video YouTube" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} can be transferred in " "%(transferDelayInDays)s days." msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} dapat ditransfer dalam " "%(transferDelayInDays)s hari." msgid "" "You don't have to wait though. Connect your domain to your site now, without " "transferring it. {{a}}Learn how{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Anda tidak perlu menunggu. Hubungkan domain ke situs Anda sekarang, tanpa " "proses transfer. {{a}}Pelajari caranya{{/a}}." msgid "" "Transferring this domain would extend the registration period beyond the " "maximum allowed term of %(termMaximumInYears)d years. It can be transferred " "starting %(transferEligibleDate)s." msgstr "" "Mentransfer domain ini akan memperpanjang masa registrasi melampaui batas " "maksimum yang diperbolehkan selama %(termMaximumInYears)d tahun. Hal ini " "bisa ditransfer mulai %(transferEligibleDate)s." msgid "Connect domain without transferring" msgstr "Hubungkan domain tanpa transfer." msgid "Can't get the domain's lock status." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengambil status kunci domain Anda." msgid "Status unavailable" msgstr "Status tidak tersedia" msgid "" "Sorry, we had a problem subscribing you to notifications. Please try again." msgstr "" "Maaf, kami mengalami masalah saat berlangganan ke pemberitahuan. Coba lagi." msgid "" "Sorry, we had a problem unsubscribing you from notifications. Please try " "again." msgstr "" "Maaf, kami mengalami masalah saat berhenti berlangganan ke pemberitahuan. " "Coba lagi." msgid "A registration number is required for this registrant type." msgstr "Nomor registrasi diperlukan untuk tipe pendaftar ini." msgid "%1$s Learn more about <a type=\"external\" href=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a>." msgstr "" "%1$s Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang <a type=\"external\" href=\"%2$s\">%3$s</" "a>." msgid "Nominet does not permit PO Boxes for .uk domains." msgstr "Nominet tidak mengizinkan PO Box untuk domain .uk." msgid "" "Upgrade your site to access additional features, including spam protection, " "backups, and priority support." msgstr "" "Upgrade situs Anda untuk mengakses fitur tambahan, termasuk perlindungan " "spam, pencadangan, dan dukungan prioritas." msgid "Total posts" msgstr "Total Pos" msgid "Total comments" msgstr "Total Komentar" msgid "Avg comments per post" msgstr "Rata-rata Komentar per Pos" msgid "Total likes" msgstr "Total Suka" msgid "Avg likes per post" msgstr "Rata-rata Suka per Pos" msgid "Total words" msgstr "Total Kata" msgid "Avg words per post" msgstr "Rata-rata Kata per Pos" msgid "No annual stats recorded for this year" msgstr "Tidak ada statistik tahunan yang tercatat untuk tahun ini" msgid "Widgets reordered" msgstr "Widget disusun ulang" msgid "Widget removed" msgstr "Widget dihapus" msgid "Unknown widget" msgstr "Widget tidak dikenal" msgid "Widget deactivated" msgstr "Widget dinonaktifkan" msgid "All inactive widgets" msgstr "Semua widget yang tidak aktif" msgid "Widgets removed" msgstr "Widget dihapus" msgid "Widget modified" msgstr "Widget dimodifikasi" msgid "Widget added" msgstr "Widget ditambahkan" msgid "Please enter a valid Antispam API key." msgstr "Masukkan kunci API Anti-spam yang valid." msgid "Moderators only: this is a mature blog." msgstr "Hanya moderator: ini adalah blog dewasa." msgid "Unable to resend ICANN verification email." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengirim ulang email verifikasi ICANN." msgid "" ".uk domains can only be registered by a company or resident of Great " "Britain, Guernsey, Jersey or the Isle of Man" msgstr "" "Domain .uk hanya dapat didaftarkan oleh perusahaan atau penduduk Inggris " "Raya, Guernsey, Jersey, atau Pulau Man" msgid "" "{{notice}}We couldn't get the lock status of your domain from your current " "registrar.{{/notice}} If you're sure your domain is unlocked then, you can " "continue to the next step. If it's not unlocked, then the transfer won't " "work. {{a}}Here are instructions to make sure your domain is unlocked.{{/a}}" msgstr "" "{{notice}}Kami tidak bisa mendapatkan status kunci domain Anda dari " "registrar Anda saat ini.{{/notice}} Jika yakin kunci domain Anda dibuka, " "Anda dapat melanjutkan ke langkah selanjutnya. Jika domain belum dibuka, " "transfer tidak dapat dilakukan. {{a}}Berikut adalah petunjuk untuk " "memastikan kunci domain Anda dibuka.{{/a}}" msgid "We could not book your appointment. Please try again later." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat memesan janji temu Anda. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "You did it!" msgstr "Anda berhasil!" msgid "{{a}}Manage connections{{/a}}" msgstr "{{a}}Kelola koneksi{{/a}}" msgid "Excessive use detected." msgstr "Penggunaan berlebihan terdeteksi." msgid "You’re not allowed to request a login link for this account." msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan meminta tautan login untuk akun ini." msgid "%(numberOfChanges)d change" msgid_plural "%(numberOfChanges)d changes" msgstr[0] "%(numberOfChanges)d perubahan" msgstr[1] "%(numberOfChanges)d perubahan" msgid "WordPress autoupdated to version %1$s" msgstr "WordPress diperbarui secara otomatis ke versi %1$s" msgid "User modified" msgstr "Pengguna dimodifikasi" msgid "User removed" msgstr "Pengguna dihapus" msgid "User registered" msgstr "Pengguna terdaftar" msgid "Logout succeeded" msgstr "Berhasil logout" msgid "Login succeeded" msgstr "Berhasil login" msgid "User added" msgstr "Pengguna ditambahkan" msgid "Theme enabled across network" msgstr "Tema diaktifkan di seluruh jaringan" msgid "Theme disabled across network" msgstr "Tema dinonaktifkan di seluruh jaringan" msgid "Theme installed" msgstr "Tema diinstal" msgid "Theme modified" msgstr "Tema dimodifikasi" msgid "Theme deleted" msgstr "Tema dihapus" msgid "Threat found" msgstr "Ancaman ditemukan" msgid "Threat resolved" msgstr "Ancaman terselesaikan" msgctxt "" "Restored to Time (g:i a) on Date (F j): Restored is a past-tense verb of " "restore." msgid "Restored to %1$s on %2$s" msgstr "Memulihkan ke %1$s pada %2$s" msgid "Backup failed" msgstr "Pencadangan gagal" msgid "Backup complete" msgstr "Pencadangan selesai" msgctxt "noun: Post Type" msgid "%s modified" msgstr "%s dimodifikasi" msgctxt "noun: Post Type" msgid "%s trashed" msgstr "%s dibuang" msgctxt "noun: Post Type" msgid "%s published" msgstr "%s dipublikasikan" msgid "Plugin deactivated across network" msgstr "Plugin dinonaktifkan di seluruh jaringan" msgid "Plugin activated across network" msgstr "Plugin diaktifkan di seluruh jaringan" msgid "Plugin installed" msgstr "Plugin diinstal" msgid "Plugin modified" msgstr "Plugin dimodifikasi" msgid "Plugin deletion failed" msgstr "Penghapusan plugin gagal" msgid "Plugin deleted" msgstr "Plugin dihapus" msgid "%1$s, %2$s and %3$d more" msgstr "%1$s, %2$s, dan %3$d lainnya" msgctxt "(plugin name:noun) autoupdated to (version:number)" msgid "%1$s autoupdated to %2$s" msgstr "%1$s diperbarui secara otomatis ke %2$s" msgid "Plugin autoupdated" msgid_plural "Plugins autoupdated" msgstr[0] "Plugin diperbarui secara otomatis" msgstr[1] "Plugin diperbarui secara otomatis" msgid "" "Oops, we forgot to add a description for this event - check back later for " "more or contact support!" msgstr "" "Ups, kami lupa menambahkan deskripsi untuk acara ini - periksa lagi nanti " "untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya atau hubungi dukungan!" msgctxt "context: group title, noun" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Tidak diketahui" msgid "WordPress version %1$s is available" msgstr "WordPress versi %1$s tersedia" msgid "WordPress reinstalled" msgstr "WordPress diinstal ulang" msgid "WordPress successfully reinstalled" msgstr "WordPress berhasil diinstal ulang" msgid "WordPress network updated to version %1$s" msgstr "Jaringan WordPress diperbarui ke versi %1$s" msgid "Network update complete" msgstr "Pembaruan jaringan selesai" msgid "Comment unapproved" msgstr "Komentar tidak disetujui" msgid "Comment awaiting approval" msgstr "Komentar menunggu persetujuan" msgid "Comment deleted" msgstr "Komentar dihapus" msgid "Comment modified" msgstr "Komentar dimodifikasi" msgid "Comment approved" msgstr "Komentar disetujui" msgid "Hosts" msgstr "host" msgid "Self-hosted WordPress options:" msgstr "Opsi WordPress yang di-hosting sendiri:" msgid "" "Get a custom domain, tons of features, and 24/7 expert support from %s/ mo." msgstr "" "Dapatkan domain khusus, berbagai fitur, dan bantuan setiap saat mulai dari " "%s/bln." msgid "Go: Growth Content" msgstr "Go: Growth Content" msgid "woocommerce" msgstr "Woocommerce" msgid "Other WordPress solutions" msgstr "Solusi WordPress lainnya" msgid "" "Get support from our experts 24/7 through email or live chat. Connect with a " "community of users through forums, guided courses, and events around the " "world." msgstr "" "Dapatkan dukungan ahli kami sepanjang waktu melalui email atau obrolan " "langsung. Terhubung dengan komunitas pengguna melalui forum, kursus " "berpemandu, dan berbagai acara di seluruh dunia." msgid "Find help whenever you need it" msgstr "Dapatkan bantuan kapan pun Anda membutuhkannya" msgid "What will your site be about?" msgstr "Akan berisi tentang apa situs Anda nanti?" msgid "Type of gallery." msgstr "Jenis galeri." msgid "" "Translations of the core experience vary for your language. If " "you’d like to help us, check out <a href=%s></a>" msgstr "" "Terjemahan pengalaman utama bervariasi untuk bahasa Anda. Jika " "Anda ingin membantu kami, kunjungi <a href=%s></a>" msgid "Why am I receiving this email?" msgstr "Kenapa saya menerima email ini?" msgid "The following fields are also required for payments in %(countryName)s" msgstr "Bidang berikut juga diperlukan untuk pembayaran di %(countryName)s" msgid "Street Number" msgstr "Nomor Jalan" msgid "Use the search above to find free photos!" msgstr "Gunakan pencarian di atas untuk mencari foto gratis!" msgid "Search for free photos…" msgstr "Cari foto gratis…" msgid "Photos provided by {{a}}Pexels{{/a}}" msgstr "Foto yang disediakan oleh {{a}}Pexels{{/a}}" msgid "Could not send magic link." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengirim tautan ajaib." msgid "" "Let people know where else they can find you online. Update these links with " "the full URLs to your other online properties." msgstr "" "Beri tahu orang tempat lain Anda bisa ditemukan di internet. Perbarui tautan " "ini dengan URL penuh yang mengarah ke halaman milik Anda lainnya di internet." msgid "Get a coupon code" msgstr "Dapatkan kode kupon" msgid "Review for %s" msgstr "Ulasan untuk %s" msgid "" "Almost done — every time you make a change, it needs to be saved. Let’s save " "your changes and then see what’s next on our list." msgstr "" "Hampir selesai — setiap kali membuat perubahan, Anda harus menyimpannya. " "Simpan perubahan yang Anda buat dan lihat yang harus Anda lakukan " "selanjutnya di daftar kami." msgid "Good job, looks great!" msgstr "Kerja bagus, terlihat keren!" msgid "" "Your changes have been saved. Let’s move on and see what’s next on our " "checklist." msgstr "" "Perubahan Anda telah disimpan. Mari kita lanjutkan dan lihat yang " "selanjutnya di daftar periksa kami." msgid "All done, continue" msgstr "Semua selesai, lanjutkan" msgid "Excellent, you’re done!" msgstr "Sangat baik, Anda sudah selesai!" msgid "Return to the checklist" msgstr "Kembali ke daftar centang" msgid "What's your timezone?" msgstr "Apa zona waktu anda?" msgid "What are you hoping to accomplish with your site?" msgstr "Apa yang ingin anda capai dengan situs anda?" msgid "Continue to calendar" msgstr "Lanjut ke kalender" msgid "We will send you an email with information on how to prepare." msgstr "" "Kami akan mengirimkan email yang berisi informasi cara mempersiapkan diri." msgid "Receive web and mobile notifications for new posts from this site." msgstr "Terima pemberitahuan web dan seluler untuk pos baru dari situs ini." msgid "" "There's just one more thing we need from you before we can start the " "transfer of <strong>%1$s</strong> to" msgstr "" "Kami membutuhkan Anda melakukan langkah berikut sebelum transfer <strong>" "%1$s</strong> ke dapat dilakukan." msgid "ZIP code" msgstr "Kode Pos" msgid "" "The sooner we get your site credentials, the sooner we can start backing up " "your site. If there’s anything we can do to lend a hand, just let us know!" msgstr "" "Semakin cepat kami mendapatkan kredensial situs Anda, semakin cepat kami " "dapat mulai mencadangkan situs Anda. Jika ada hal yang dapat kami bantu, " "beri tahu kami!" msgid "" "If you can’t locate your SSH credentials, your host should be able to help " "you. You can also contact Jetpack support for assistance." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak dapat menemukan kredensial SSH, host Anda seharusnya dapat " "membantu. Anda juga dapat menghubungi dukungan Jetpack untuk memperoleh " "bantuan." msgid "" "Jetpack needs credentials from your host so it can perform automatic actions " "on your behalf, including backing up and rewinding your site." msgstr "" "Jetpack memerlukan kredensial dari host Anda agar dapat melakukan tindakan " "otomatis atas nama Anda, termasuk mencadangkan dan memutar balik situs." msgid "Provide Jetpack with server credentials" msgstr "Berikan kredensial server kepada Jetpack" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} can't be transferred. You can {{a}}manually " "connect it{{/a}} if you still want to use it for your site." msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} tidak dapat ditransfer. Anda dapat {{a}}" "menghubungkan secara manual{{/a}} jika masih ingin menggunakannya untuk " "situs Anda." msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is already connected to a site." msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} sudah terhubung dengan situs" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is already connected to this site, but " "registered somewhere else. Do you want to move it from your current domain " "provider to so you can manage the domain and the site " "together? {{a}}Yes, transfer it to{{/a}}" msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} sudah terhubung ke situs ini, tetapi " "terdaftar di tempat lain. Apakah Anda ingin memindahkannya dari penyedia " "domain saat ini ke agar Anda dapat mengelola domain dan situs " "secara bersamaan? {{a}}Ya, transfer ke{{/a}}" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is already connected to your site %(site)s. " "If you want to connect it to this site instead, we will be happy to help you " "do that. {{a}}Contact us.{{/a}}" msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} sudah terhubung dengan situs Anda %(site)s. " "Jika Anda ingin menghubungkannya ke situs ini, kami akan dengan senang hati " "membantu Anda. {{a}}Hubungi kami.{{/a}}" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is pending transfer. {{a}}Check the transfer " "status{{/a}} to learn more." msgstr "" "Transfer {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} menunggu keputusan. {{a}}Periksa " "status transfer{{/a}} untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut." msgid "Unresolved topics" msgstr "Topik belum terpecahkan" msgid "Resolved topics" msgstr "Topik terpecahkan" msgid "Non-support topics" msgstr "Topik nondukungan" msgid "Reply and mark as resolved" msgstr "Balas dan tandai sebagai terpecahkan" msgid "<strong>ERROR</strong>: That is not a valid topic resolution!" msgstr "<strong>ERROR</strong>: Pemecahan topik tersebut tidak valid!" msgid "<strong>ERROR</strong>: No topic was found!" msgstr "<strong>ERROR</strong>: Tidak ada topik yang ditemukan!" msgid "Status: %s" msgstr "Status: %s" msgid "This topic is not a support question" msgstr "Topik ini bukan pertanyaan terkait dukungan" msgid "Topic is resolved." msgstr "Topik ini sudah terpecahkan." msgid "Writer" msgstr "penulis" msgid "dairy" msgstr "produk susu" msgid "Get Started Today" msgstr "Mulai Hari Ini" msgid "Not right now" msgstr "Jangan sekarang" msgid "View %(count)s comment for this post" msgid_plural "View %(count)s comments for this post" msgstr[0] "Lihat %(count)s komentar untuk pos ini" msgstr[1] "Lihat %(count)s komentar untuk pos ini" msgctxt "Noun: a site name" msgid "Jetpack has finished backing up %1$s" msgstr "Jetpack telah berhasil mencadangkan %1$s" msgctxt "Noun: a site name" msgid "Jetpack has finished backing up %1$s, as requested by %2$s" msgstr "" "Jetpack telah berhasil mencadangkan %1$s, seperti yang diminta oleh %2$s" msgid "" "Your site, %1$s, has been fully restored, as requested by %2$s, and is ready " "to use." msgstr "" "Situs Anda, %1$s, telah dipulihkan sepenuhnya, seperti yang diminta oleh " "%2$s, dan siap digunakan." msgctxt "Site name, full date-time pair, requesting user_login" msgid "" "Your site, %1$s, has been fully restored to %2$s, as requested by %3$s, and " "is ready to use." msgstr "" "Situs Anda, %1$s, telah dipulihkan sepenuhnya ke %2$s, seperti yang diminta " "oleh %3$s, dan siap digunakan." msgctxt "Noun: a site name" msgid "Jetpack has restored %1$s as requested by %2$s" msgstr "Jetpack telah memulihkan %1$s seperti yang diminta oleh %2$s" msgid "" "Transfer your domain away from your current provider to so you " "can update settings, renew your domain, and more – right in your dashboard. " "We'll renew it for another year when the transfer is successful. {{a}}Learn " "more about domain transfers.{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Transfer domain Anda ke agar Anda dapat memperbarui pengaturan " "dan domain, serta gunakan fitur lain yang tersedia di dasbor. Kami akan " "memperbaruinya untuk satu tahun ke depan setelah transfer berhasil. {{a}}" "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang transfer domain{{/a}}" msgctxt "Upgrades: Register domain description" msgid "You can use it as your site's address." msgstr "Anda dapat menggunakannya sebagai alamat situs Anda." msgid "North American phone numbers are 10 digits excluding the country-code." msgstr "" "Nomor telepon Amerika Utara terdiri dari 10 digit tidak termasuk kode negara." msgid "" "To be sure your subscription will renew, click the button below and update " "your payment details. You can also update your information directly in your " " dashboard at %s." msgstr "" "Untuk memastikan paket langganan Anda diperpanjang, klik tombol di bawah ini " "untuk memperbarui informasi pembayaran. Anda juga dapat memperbarui " "informasi pembayaran langsung pada dasbor melalui %s." msgid "" "Your subscription at %s needs your attention. Although it is set to renew " "on %s, it does not have an associated payment method." msgstr "" "Paket langganan %s Anda perlu diperpanjang. Meski pun telah diatur untuk " "diperpanjang pada %s, metode pembayaran yang terhubung dengan paket " "langganan Anda tidak tersedia." msgid "Your subscription will expire if you do not take action." msgstr "" "Paket langganan Anda akan berakhir jika Anda tidak segera melengkapi " "informasi pembayaran." msgid "Missing Payment Information" msgstr "Informasi Pembayaran Tidak Tersedia" msgid "Missing payment information for your %s subscription" msgstr "Informasi pembayaran tidak tersedia untuk langganan %s Anda" msgid "People need to know what they're paying for! Please add a brief title." msgstr "" "Orang-orang perlu mengetahui apa yang mereka beli! Tambahkan judul singkat." msgid "" "We want to make sure payments reach you, so please add an email address." msgstr "" "Kami ingin memastikan pembayaran berhasil Anda terima, jadi mohon tambahkan " "alamat email." msgid "Backups and security scans are configured and active." msgstr "Pencadangan dan pemindaian keamanan telah diatur dan sudah aktif." msgid "Open activity log" msgstr "Buka log aktivitas" msgid "You can further explore Jetpack Premium and all of its benefits at %s." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menjelajahi Jetpack Premium lebih lanjut dan semua manfaatnya di " "%s." msgid "" "You can further explore Jetpack Premium and all of its benefits <a href=\"%s" "\">here</a>." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menjelajahi Jetpack Premium lebih lanjut dan semua manfaatnya <a " "href=\"%s\">di sini</a>." msgid "This comment contains links." msgstr "Komentar ini berisi tautan." msgid "SEO Tools & Google Analytics " msgstr "Alat SEO & Google Analytics " msgid "Third-Party Plugins and Themes" msgstr "Plugin dan Tema Pihak Ketiga" msgid "Everything in Premium" msgstr "Semua yang ada dalam paket Premium" msgid "Advanced Design Customization" msgstr "Pengaturan Desain Tingkat Lanjut" msgid "Everything in Personal" msgstr "Semua yang ada dalam paket Personal" msgid "Everything in Free" msgstr "Semua yang ada dalam paket Gratis" msgid "Feature-packed plans at competitive prices" msgstr "Paket berfitur lengkap dengan harga bersaing" msgid "Install custom plugins and themes on your site." msgstr "Instal plugin dan tema khusus di situs Anda." msgid "Includes everything in the Premium plan." msgstr "Mencakup semua yang ada dalam paket Premium." msgid "Includes everything in the Personal plan." msgstr "Mencakup semua yang ada dalam paket Personal." msgid "Includes everything in the Free plan." msgstr "Mencakup semua yang ada dalam paket Gratis." msgid "" "When you get the email, please click the link and complete the steps to " "authorize the transfer. We can't start the transfer process until you do! " "<strong>If you don't authorize within 5 days the transfer will be canceled.</" "strong>" msgstr "" "Setelah Anda mendapatkan e-mail tersebut, silakan klik tautan yang diberikan " "dan selesaikan beberapa langkah yang diperlukan untuk memberikan otorisasi " "transfer. Kami tidak dapat memulai proses transfer hingga Anda menyelesaikan " "langkah tersebut! <strong>Jika Anda tidak memberikan otorisasi dalam waktu 5 " "hari, transfer akan dibatalkan.</strong>" msgid "" "An important email was sent to %1$s to verify this domain transfer. It might " "take up to a few hours to arrive." msgstr "" "Kami telah mengirimkan e-mail penting ke %1$s untuk melakukan verifikasi " "transfer domain berikut. E-mail tersebut mungkin membutuhkan waktu hingga " "beberapa jam untuk tiba di inbox Anda." msgid "" "An important email was sent to <strong>%1$s</strong> to verify this domain " "transfer. It might take up to a few hours to arrive." msgstr "" "Kami telah mengirimkan e-mail penting ke <strong>%1$s</strong> untuk " "melakukan verifikasi transfer domain berikut. E-mail tersebut mungkin " "membutuhkan waktu hingga beberapa jam untuk tiba di inbox Anda." msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Personal." msgstr "Selamat datang di Jetpack Personal." msgid "" "Congratulations! You're now ready to enjoy the many great features of " "Jetpack Personal." msgstr "" "Selamat! Anda sekarang dapat menikmati fitur-fitur hebat dari paket Jetpack " "Personal." msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Personal. Brought to you by %s." msgstr "Selamat datang di Jetpack Personal. Dipersembahkan oleh %s." msgid "" "Jetpack Professional includes the Akismet and VaultPress plugins, which have " "been installed and configured automatically for you." msgstr "" "Jetpack Professional menyertakan plugin Akismet dan VaultPress, yang telah " "terinstal dan dikonfigurasi secara otomatis untuk Anda." msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Professional." msgstr "Selamat datang di Jetpack Professional." msgid "" "Congratulations! You're now ready to enjoy the many great features of " "Jetpack Professional." msgstr "" "Selamat! Anda sekarang dapat menikmati fitur-fitur hebat dari paket Jetpack " "Professional." msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Professional. Brought to you by %s." msgstr "Selamat datang di Jetpack Professional. Dipersembahkan oleh %s." msgid "share your experience…" msgstr "bagikan pengalaman Anda..." msgid "Your new site is ready to share." msgstr "Situs baru Anda siap dibagikan." msgid "Site setup" msgstr "Pengaturan situs" msgid "" "Generate revenue from your site with high-quality ads and payment options." msgstr "" "Dapatkan penghasilan dari situs Anda dengan iklan berkualitas tinggi dan " "pilihan metode pembayaran." msgid "Your backup is ready for download" msgstr "Cadangan Anda siap diunduh" msgctxt "context: noun" msgid "Download Backup" msgstr "Unduh Cadangan" msgid "Enable Enhanced eCommerce" msgstr "Aktifkan eCommerce yang Ditingkatkan" msgid "" "Before enabling, turn on enhanced eCommerce in your Google Analytics " "dashboard." msgstr "" "Sebelum mengaktifkan, aktifkan eCommerce yang ditingkatkan di dasbor Google " "Analytics Anda." msgid "Remove from Cart events" msgstr "Hapus dari acara Keranjang" msgid "Product impressions from listing pages" msgstr "Tayangan produk dari halaman daftar" msgid "Product clicks from listing pages" msgstr "Jumlah klik produk dari halaman daftar" msgid "Product detail views" msgstr "Rincian penayangan produk" msgid "Checkout process initiated" msgstr "Proses checkout dimulai" msgid "Enhanced store analytics" msgstr "Analitik toko yang ditingkatkan" msgid "" "Howdy! Here is the link you requested from the WordPress mobile app. It will " "let you sign up to your account with just one tap. Enjoy!" msgstr "" "Apa kabar! Berikut tautan yang Anda minta dari aplikasi seluler WordPress. " "Anda dapat mendaftar dengan mudah melalui tautan di bawah ini. Selamat " "berkreasi!" msgid "It will let you create your account and login instantly. Enjoy!" msgstr "" "Dengan tautan ini, Anda bisa membuat akun dan login dalam sekejap. Selamat " "menikmati!" msgid "" "Howdy! Here’s the link you requested from the WordPress mobile app. It will " "let you sign up to your account with just one tap. Enjoy!" msgstr "" "Apa kabar! Berikut tautan yang Anda minta dari aplikasi seluler WordPress. " "Anda dapat mendaftar dengan mudah melalui tautan di bawah ini. Selamat " "berkreasi!" msgid "User with this email already has an account." msgstr "Pengguna dengan email ini sudah memiliki akun." msgid "Create account on your mobile device" msgstr "Buat akun di perangkat seluler Anda" msgid "Important: Verify Your Email Address" msgstr "Penting: Verifikasi Alamat Email Anda" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is pending transfer and can't be connected " "to right now. {{a}}Learn More.{{/a}}" msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} adalah transfer yang tertunda dan tidak " "dapat dihubungkan ke sekarang. {{a}}Pelajari selengkapnya{{/" "a}}." msgid "" "Your site's server was automatically connected to Jetpack to perform " "backups, restores, and security scans. You do not have to configure anything " "further, but you may revoke the credentials if necessary." msgstr "" "Server situs Anda secara otomatis terhubung ke Jetpack untuk menjalankan " "pencadangan, memutar ulang, dan memindai keamanan. Anda tidak perlu " "mengonfigurasi apa pun lagi, namun Anda dapat mencabut kredensial jika perlu." msgid "Revoke credentials" msgstr "Cabut kredensial" msgid "Stay connected" msgstr "Tetap tersambung" msgid "" "This domain is still active and is not available to map yet. Please try " "again later or contact support." msgstr "" "Domain ini tetap aktif dan belum tersedia untuk dipetakan. Harap coba lagi " "nanti atau hubungi dukungan." msgid "" "To see your backups, visit your <a href=\"%s\">site’s Backups</a>. This is " "where you’ll find all of the events that have taken place on your site, and " "can restore it to any previous state in just a few clicks." msgstr "" "Untuk melihat pencadangan Anda, kunjungi <a href=\"%s\">Pencadangan situs</" "a>. Di sini adalah tempat Anda menemukan semua kejadian yang terjadi di " "situs, dan Anda dapat memulihkannya ke keadaan sebelumnya hanya dengan " "beberapa klik." msgid "" "We’ve got a full backup of your site, and will continue to create daily " "backups automatically." msgstr "" "Kami memiliki salinan lengkap situs Anda, dan akan melanjutkan untuk membuat " "pencadangan harian secara otomatis." msgctxt "Site name" msgid "Your site, %1$s, is safe with Jetpack." msgstr "Situs Anda, %1$s, aman dengan Jetpack." msgid "You can now roll back accidental changes or recover from data loss" msgstr "" "Anda sekarang dapat memutar kembali perubahan yang tidak disengaja atau " "memulihkan data yang hilang." msgctxt "context: action" msgid "Backup complete" msgstr "Pencadangan selesai" msgctxt "Noun" msgid "Product Review" msgstr "Ulasan Produk" msgid "%1$s left a review on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s memberikan ulasan di %2$s" msgid "Feature Comparison" msgstr "Perbandingan Fitur" msgid "Plan Guide" msgstr "Panduan Paket" msgid "" "Keep full, real-time backups of your WordPress site and contents with no " "storage limits." msgstr "" "Simpan cadangan real time dan lengkap untuk situs dan konten WordPress Anda " "tanpa batasan penyimpanan." msgid "" "Automatic defense against hacks, malware, spam, data loss, and downtime." msgstr "" "Perlindungan otomatis terhadap peretasan, malware, spam, kehilangan data, " "dan downtime" msgid "" "Automatically show your readers related content to increase page views and " "time on site." msgstr "" "Tampilkan konten terkait secara otomatis agar pembaca Anda berkunjung lebih " "lama dan untuk meningkatkan pageview." msgid "" "Schedule promotions of your content to social media sites in advance to save " "time and hassle." msgstr "" "Jadwalkan promosi konten pada situs media sosial Anda sejak awal dengan " "mudah." msgid "Reach more people and earn money with automated marketing tools." msgstr "" "Perluas jangkauan dan dapatkan penghasilan dari perangkat pemasaran otomatis." msgid "Increase traffic and revenue" msgstr "Tingkatkan aktivitas situs dan penghasilan Anda" msgid "Work With Us" msgstr "Bekerja Bersama Kami" msgid "folder" msgstr "folder" msgid "Custom installation script." msgstr "Script instalasi khusus." msgid "Sub-domain Installation" msgstr "Instalasi sub-domain" msgid "Sub-directory Installation" msgstr "Instalasi sub-direktori" msgid "The constant %s cannot be defined when creating a network." msgstr "Konstanta %s tidak bisa didefiniskan ketika sedang membuat jaringan." msgid "" "Enter the same address here unless you <a href=\"%s\">want your site home " "page to be different from your WordPress installation directory</a>." msgstr "" "Masukkan alamat di sini jika Anda <a href=\"%s\">menginginkan beranda situs " "Anda berbeda dengan direktori pemasangan WordPress</a>." msgid "%s is currently editing this post." msgstr "%s sedang menyunting pos berikut." msgid "%s is currently editing this post. Do you want to take over?" msgstr "%s sedang menyunting pos berikut. Apakah Anda ingin mengambil alih?" msgid "View posts by %s" msgstr "Tampilkan pos oleh %s" msgid "No description" msgstr "Tanpa deskripsi" msgctxt "name" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Tidak Diketahui" msgid "No sessions available" msgstr "Tidak ada sesi yang tersedia" msgid "Choose a starting time" msgstr "Pilih waktu mulai" msgid "Book this session" msgstr "Pesan sesi ini" msgid "Add credentials : %1$s" msgstr "Tambahkan kredensial: %1$s" msgid "need credentials:" msgstr "perlu kredensial:" msgid "" "If you add your server credentials, we can start backing up your site and " "scanning it for malware immediately." msgstr "" "Jika Anda menambahkan kredensial server, kami dapat mulai mencadangkan situs " "dan memindainya untuk mendeteksi malware dalam sekejap." msgid "need credentials" msgstr "perlu kredensial" msgid "Start backing up your site" msgstr "Mulai cadangkan situs Anda" msgid "" "Jetpack, a plugin already on your site, can back up and secure your site at " "no extra cost to you thanks to our partnership with Pressable. To start " "backing up your site, we need the credentials for your site's server. Do you " "want to give Jetpack access to your host's server to perform backups?" msgstr "" "Jetpack, yaitu plugin yang sudah ada di situs Anda, dapat mencadangkan dan " "mengamankan situs Anda tanpa tambahan biaya berkat kemitraan kami dengan " "Pressable. Untuk mulai mencadangkan situs, kami perlu kredensial server " "situs Anda. Apakah Anda ingin memberikan akses kepada Jetpack ke server host " "Anda untuk melakukan pencadangan?" msgid "" "If you don't share credentials with Jetpack, your site won't be backed up. " "Our support staff is available to answer any questions you might have." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak membagikan kredensial kepada Jetpack, situs Anda tidak dapat " "dicadangkan. Staf dukungan kami siap menjawab segala pertanyaan Anda." msgid "Share credentials" msgstr "Bagikan kredensial" msgid "Your site is set up and ready!" msgstr "Situs Anda sudah siap!" msgid "" "Add your unique Measurement ID to monitor your site's performance in Google " "Analytics." msgstr "" "Tambahkan ID Pengukuran unik Anda untuk memantau performa situs di Google " "Analytics." msgid "Get the details" msgstr "Dapatkan detailnya" msgid "Organization Name" msgstr "Nama Organisasi" msgid "Dismissing backup failed. Please reload and try again." msgstr "Gagal membuang cadangan. Muat ulang dan coba kembali." msgid "This user is registered; the name can't be edited." msgstr "Pengguna ini sudah terdaftar; nama tidak dapat disunting." msgid "This user is registered; the URL can't be edited." msgstr "Pengguna ini sudah terdaftar; URL tidak dapat disunting." msgid "" "We'll send an email shortly to confirm the transfer of " "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}. {{a}}More Info{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Kami akan segera mengirim email untuk mengonfirmasi transfer dari " "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}. {{a}}Info Selengkapnya{{/a}}" msgid "" "Your domain is locked to prevent unauthorized transfers. You'll need to " "unlock it at your current domain provider before we can move it. {{a}}Here " "are instructions for unlocking it{{/a}}. It might take a few minutes for any " "changes to take effect." msgstr "" "Domain Anda dikunci untuk mencegah transfer tanpa izin. Anda harus membuka " "kuncinya di penyedia domain yang Anda gunakan saat ini agar kami dapat " "memindahkannya. {{a}}Berikut ini instruksi untuk membuka kuncinya{{/a}}. " "Mungkin perlu waktu beberapa menit hingga perubahan diterapkan." msgid "Get the coupon code" msgstr "Dapatkan kode kupon" msgid "Add credentials" msgstr "Tambahkan kredensial" msgid "Liked by %d people" msgstr "Disukai oleh %d orang" msgid "Liked by one person" msgstr "Disukai oleh satu orang" msgid "Liked by you and %d other people" msgstr "Disukai oleh Anda dan %d orang lainnya" msgid "Liked by you and one other person" msgstr "Disukai oleh Anda dan satu orang lainnya" msgid "" "You recently requested a downloadable backup of your site %s. Jetpack has " "finished preparing your files and they’re ready for download now." msgstr "" "Baru-baru ini Anda meminta cadangan yang dapat diunduh untuk situs %s. " "Jetpack telah selesai mempersiapkan file dan Anda sudah bisa mengunduhnya " "sekarang." msgid "Download your site backup" msgstr "Unduh cadangan situs Anda" msgid "Your backup of %s is ready for download" msgstr "Cadangan %s Anda siap diunduh" msgid "" "Transfers an existing domain from another provider to, helping " "you manage your site and domain in one place." msgstr "" "Mentransfer domain yang ada dari penyedia lain ke, sehingga " "memudahkan Anda mengelola situs dan domain di satu tempat." msgid "Customize site" msgstr "Sesuaikan situs" msgid "Estimated time:" msgstr "Perkiraan waktu:" msgid "Mark as uncompleted" msgstr "Ditandai belum dicentang" msgid "Mark as completed" msgstr "Ditandai sudah dicentang" msgid "Your setup list" msgstr "Daftar penyiapan Anda" msgid "" "Choose the date, time, or specific event you want to restore your site to, " "then roll back in just a few clicks." msgstr "" "Tentukan tanggal, waktu, atau saat tertentu yang Anda inginkan, lalu " "kembalikan situs Anda ke kondisi tersebut dengan mudah." msgid "Easily restore your site to a previous state if you make a mistake." msgstr "" "Kembalikan situs ke keadaan semula dengan mudah jika Anda melakukan " "kesalahan." msgid "" "Guard your site against brute force login attacks, spam, and harmful malware " "injections." msgstr "" "Lindungi situs Anda dari serangan untuk meretas kata sandi, spam, dan " "malware berbahaya." msgid "" "Get alerted again when the downtime ends, along with information on how long " "your site was inaccessible." msgstr "" "Dapatkan juga pemberitahuan saat downtime berakhir, serta durasi terjadinya " "downtime." msgid "Be alerted about any unexpected downtime the moment it happens." msgstr "Dapatkan pemberitahuan saat terjadinya downtime." msgid "" "Take payments for goods and services or accept donations with simple, easy-" "to-use PayPal buttons." msgstr "" "Terima pembayaran atas barang dan jasa atau terima donasi dengan tombol " "PayPal yang mudah digunakan." msgid "" "Show unintrusive ads to your visitors on the pages and locations of your " "choice." msgstr "" "Tampilkan iklan yang tidak mengganggu di halaman dan lokasi pilihan Anda." msgid "Generate revenue from your site with in-line ads and payment options." msgstr "" "Hasilkan pendapatan dari situs Anda dengan iklan sebaris dan pilihan " "pembayaran." msgid "" "Add additional social shares for previously published posts, and schedule " "them for the days and times that work best for your audience." msgstr "" "Bagikan pos yang sudah dipublikasikan pada media sosial Anda, dan jadwalkan " "pada hari dan waktu yang paling sesuai dengan pembaca Anda." msgid "" "Schedule promotions of your newest content in advance to save time and " "hassle." msgstr "" "Jadwalkan promosi konten terbaru Anda di awal untuk menghemat waktu dan " "tenaga." msgid "" "Explore detailed insights on your most successful posts, or identify missing " "content your site visitors are already searching for." msgstr "" "Dapatkan informasi terperinci tentang pos yang paling sukses, atau cari tahu " "konten yang dicari oleh pengunjung tetapi tidak tersedia di situs Anda." msgid "" "Get updates on site traffic, successful posts, site searches, and comments, " "all in real time." msgstr "" "Dapatkan pembaruan real time tentang aktivitas situs, pos terfavorit, " "pencarian situs, dan komentar." msgid "" "Keep an eye on your success with simple, concise, and mobile-friendly stats." msgstr "" "Pantau kesuksesan Anda dengan statistik yang sederhana, ringkas, dan mobile-" "friendly." msgid "" "Publish, edit, and manage your content from native mobile apps or any mobile " "browser." msgstr "" "Publikasikan, sunting, dan kelola konten dari aplikasi seluler asli atau " "perambah seluler apa pun." msgid "" "Get the same seamless WordPress experience from your desktop, tablet, or " "smartphone." msgstr "" "Dapatkan pengalaman penggunaan WordPress yang lancar dari desktop, tablet, " "maupun ponsel cerdas." msgid "Make updates to your Jetpack-powered site at any time, from any device." msgstr "" "Buat pembaruan pada situs Anda yang didukung Jetpack, kapan pun, dari " "perangkat apa pun." msgid "" "Display images at the right resolution automatically and at lightning fast " "speeds from a global content delivery network" msgstr "" "Tampilkan gambar dengan resolusi yang tepat secara otomatis dan secepat " "kilat dari jaringan pengantaran konten global" msgid "" "Stream all your videos in high quality and without any watermarks or ads." msgstr "" "Streaming semua video dengan kualitas tinggi dan tanpa watermark maupun " "iklan." msgid "" "Automatically upload new media to the Jetpack content delivery network to " "deliver it to visitors in the proper resolution and at blazing fast speeds." msgstr "" "Unggah media baru secara otomatis ke jaringan pengantaran konten Jetpack " "untuk ditampilkan dengan cepat dan resolusi yang tepat, untuk dilihat " "pengunjung situs Anda." msgid "" "Embed high-resolution photos and videos on any page without slowing down " "your site." msgstr "" "Sematkan foto dan video dengan resolusi tinggi di halaman apa pun tanpa " "memperlambat situs." msgid "Jetpack Theme Showcase" msgstr "Etalase Tema Jetpack" msgid "" "Customize your site with endless widget options, image galleries, and " "embedded media — all without touching any code." msgstr "" "Atur situs Anda dengan pilihan widget, galeri gambar, dan sematan media yang " "tak terbatas, semuanya tanpa menggunakan kode." msgid "" "Preview changes to a theme’s colors, content, and layout before making them " "permanent." msgstr "" "Lihat perubahan terhadap warna tema, konten, dan tata letak sebelum " "ditetapkan." msgid "" "Choose a professional theme perfect for any blog, portfolio, or business " "website." msgstr "" "Pilih tema profesional yang cocok untuk blog, portofolio, atau situs web " "bisnis apa pun." msgid "Widgets need to be registered using %s, before they can be displayed." msgstr "" "Widget-widget harus didaftarkan menggunakan %s, sebelum mereka dapat " "ditampilkan." msgid "Your backup is now available for download" msgstr "Cadangan Anda sudah dapat diunduh" msgid "Author: %1$s (IP address: %2$s, %3$s)" msgstr "Penulis: %1$s (Alamat IP: %2$s, %3$s)" msgid "Website: %1$s (IP address: %2$s, %3$s)" msgstr "Situs web: %1$s (alamat IP: %2$s, %3$s)" msgid "Earn" msgstr "Pendapatan" msgid "Measure" msgstr "Ukur" msgid "Update anyway, even though it might break your site?" msgstr "Tetap perbarui, meskipun bisa merusak situs Anda?" msgid "" "Now that the rewind process is completed, please take a moment to visit %1$s " "and take a look around. There shouldn't be any problems, but if things don't " "look like you expected, please contact support at" "contact so we can lend a hand." msgstr "" "Proses memutar ulang sudah selesai, luangkan waktu sejenak untuk mengunjungi " "%1$s dan melihat-lihat. Seharusnya tidak ada masalah, tetapi jika hasilnya " "tidak seperti yang Anda harapkan, hubungi dukungan di" "help/contact agar kami dapat membantu." msgid "Jetpack has successfully rewound your site %1$s." msgstr "Jetpack telah berhasil memutar ulang situs Anda %1$s." msgid "Your site has been rewound." msgstr "Situs Anda telah diputar ulang." msgid "" "Please take a moment to <site site=\"%1$d\" id=\"%2$d\" href=\"%3$s\">visit " "your site</site> and ensure that everything looks as expected. If it doesn't " "look right or if you need any help, feel free to <a href=\"https://wordpress." "com/help/contact\">contact support</a> for a helping hand." msgstr "" "Harap luangkan waktu sejenak untuk <site site=\"%1$d\" id=\"%2$d\" href=" "\"%3$s\">mengunjungi situs Anda</site> dan memastikan segalanya sesuai " "dengan yang diharapkan. Jika ada yang salah atau Anda memerlukan bantuan, " "silakan <a href=\"\">hubungi dukungan</a> " "untuk mendapatkan bantuan dari kami." msgid "Your site, %1$s, has been fully restored and is ready to use." msgstr "Situs Anda, %1$s, telah sepenuhnya dipulihkan dan siap digunakan." msgctxt "Site name, full date-time pair" msgid "Your site, %1$s, has been fully restored to %2$s and is ready to use." msgstr "" "Situs Anda, %1$s, telah sepenuhnya dipulihkan ke %2$s dan siap digunakan." msgid "Your site should now be up and running" msgstr "Situs Anda sudah berjalan dengan normal" msgctxt "Noun: a site name" msgid "Jetpack has restored %1$s" msgstr "Jetpack telah memulihkan %1$s" msgid "%s has been successfully restored" msgstr "%s telah berhasil dipulihkan" msgid "Display ads below posts on" msgstr "Tampilkan iklan di bawah pos pada" msgid "Additional ad placements" msgstr "Penempatan iklan tambahan" msgid "Top of each page" msgstr "Di bagian atas setiap halaman" msgid "Second ad below post" msgstr "Iklan kedua di bawah pos" msgid "I've unlocked my domain" msgstr "Saya sudah membuka kunci domain" msgid "Locked" msgstr "Terkunci" msgid "Check my authorization code" msgstr "Lihat kode otorisasi saya" msgid "Let's get {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} ready to transfer." msgstr "Mari menyiapkan {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} untuk transfer." msgid "← Go to Categories" msgstr "← Lihat Kategori" msgctxt "tags" msgid "Most Used" msgstr "Paling Banyak Digunakan" msgid "← Go to Link Categories" msgstr "← Lihat Kategori Tautan" msgid "Active Child Theme" msgstr "Tema Anak Aktif" msgid "Active Theme" msgstr "Tema yang Aktif" msgid "testing" msgstr "menguji" msgid "Optimize" msgstr "Optimalkan" msgid "Manage your domain and site together on" msgstr "Kelola domain serta situs Anda di" msgid "" "We don't support transfers for domains ending with {{strong}}.%(tld)s{{/" "strong}}, but you can {{a}}map it{{/a}} instead." msgstr "" "Kami tidak mendukung transfer untuk domain berakhiran {{strong}}.%(tld)s{{/" "strong}}, tetapi Anda dapat {{a}}memetakannya{{/a}}." msgid "" "The transfer of {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} has failed. {{a}}More info{{/" "a}}" msgstr "" "Transfer {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} gagal. {{a}}Info selengkapnya{{/a}}" msgid "" "Your theme can display menus in one location. Select which menu you would " "like to use." msgstr "" "Tema Anda dapat menampilkan beberapa menu dalam satu lokasi. Pilih menu mana " "yang ingin Anda gunakan." msgid "Installation failed." msgstr "Instalasi gagal." msgid "" "You will not be able to install new themes from here yet since your install " "requires SFTP credentials. For now, please <a href=\"%s\">add themes in the " "admin</a>." msgstr "" "Kamu tidak akan dapat menambahkan tema baru dari sini karena kamu instalasi " "kamu menggunakan SFTP. Untuk saat ini, silakan <a href=\"%s\">tambahkan tema " "melalui admin</a>." msgid "" "Sorry, you cannot preview new themes when you have changes scheduled or " "saved as a draft. Please publish your changes, or wait until they publish to " "preview new themes." msgstr "" "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat melakukan pratinjau tema baru ketika Anda memiliki " "perubahan yang sudah terjadwal atau pos yang masih berstatus konsep. Silakan " "terbitkan pos Anda atau tunggu sampai pos tersebut diterbitkan untuk dapat " "melakukan pratinjau tema baru." msgid "" "Schedule your customization changes to publish (\"go live\") at a future " "date." msgstr "" "Jadwalkan perubahan penataan untuk diterbitkan (\"secara langsung\") pada " "tanggal mendatang." msgid "Homepage and posts page must be different." msgstr "Halaman depan dan halaman blog harus berbeda." msgid "" "There is a more recent autosave of your changes than the one you are " "previewing. <a href=\"%s\">Restore the autosave</a>" msgstr "" "Ada banyak peyimpanan otomatis pada pengubahan Anda dari satu yang sedang " "Anda tampilkan. <a href=\"%s\">Kembalikan penyimpanan otomatis</a>" msgid "%s has taken over and is currently customizing." msgstr "%s telah mengambil alih dan sedang mengkustomisasi." msgid "Are you sure you want to discard your unpublished changes?" msgstr "Anda yakin akan mengabaikain perubahan yang tidak diterbitkan?" msgid "Reverting unpublished changes…" msgstr "Mengembalikan perubahan yang tidak diterbitkan…" msgid "Setting up your live preview. This may take a bit." msgstr "Aturlah pratinjau langsung Anda. Hanya sebentar saja." msgid "Downloading your new theme…" msgstr "Mengunduh tema baru Anda…" msgid "" "Looks like something’s gone wrong. Wait a couple seconds, and then try " "again." msgstr "" "Sepertinya telah terjadi sebuah kesalahan. Tunggu beberapa detik, lalu coba " "lagi." msgid "Discard changes" msgstr "Abaikan perubahan" msgid "Please save your changes in order to share the preview." msgstr "Silakan simpan perubahan Anda untuk dibagikan pratinjaunya." msgctxt "customizer changeset status" msgid "Scheduled" msgstr "Terjadwal" msgid "Filter themes (%s)" msgstr "Saring tema (%s)" msgid "Filter themes" msgstr "Saring tema" msgid "Go to theme sources" msgstr "Kunjungi sumber tema" msgid "Search themes" msgstr "Mencari tema" msgid "No themes found. Try a different search, or %s." msgstr "Tidak ada tema ditemukan. Coba pencarian yang berbeda, atau %s." msgctxt "theme" msgid "Installed" msgstr "Terpasang" msgid "New version available. %s" msgstr "Versi baru telah tersedia. %s" msgid "Install and preview theme: %s" msgstr "Pasang dan tinjau tema: %s" msgid "Live preview theme: %s" msgstr "Pratinjau langsung tema: %s" msgid "Customize theme: %s" msgstr "Sesuaikan tema: %s" msgid "Details for theme: %s" msgstr "Rincian untuk tema: %s" msgid "+ Create New Menu" msgstr "+ Buat Menu Baru" msgid "Create a menu for this location" msgstr "Buat menu di lokasi ini" msgid "" "Time to add some links! Click “%s” to start putting pages, " "categories, and custom links in your menu. Add as many things as you would " "like." msgstr "" "Saatnya untuk menambah beberapa tautan! Klik “%s” untuk mulai " "menambahkan halaman, kategori dan tautan khusus pada menu Anda. Tambahkan " "sebanyak yang Anda inginkan." msgid "Choose file" msgstr "Pilih berkas" msgid "Choose image" msgstr "Pilih gambar" msgid "Change audio" msgstr "Ganti audio" msgid "" "Click “Add New Image” to upload an image file from your " "computer. Your theme works best with an image with a header height of %s " "pixels — you’ll be able to crop your image once you upload it " "for a perfect fit." msgstr "" "Klik “Tambah gambar baru” untuk mengunggah berkas gambar dari " "komputer Anda. Tema Anda bekerja paling baik dengan gambar tajuk tinggi %s " "piksel, Anda bisa memangkasnya sekali setelah di unggah untuk menyesuaikan " "ukurannya." msgid "" "Click “Add New Image” to upload an image file from your " "computer. Your theme works best with an image with a header width of %s " "pixels — you’ll be able to crop your image once you upload it " "for a perfect fit." msgstr "" "Klik “Tambah gambar baru” untuk mengunggah berkas gambar dari " "komputer Anda. Tema Anda bekerja paling baik dengan gambar tajuk lebar %s " "piksel, Anda bisa memangkasnya sekali setelah di unggah untuk menyesuaikan " "ukurannya." msgid "" "Click “Add New Image” to upload an image file from your " "computer. Your theme works best with an image with a header size of %s " "pixels — you’ll be able to crop your image once you upload it " "for a perfect fit." msgstr "" "Klik “Tambah gambar baru” untuk mengunggah berkas gambar dari " "komputer Anda. Tema Anda bekerja paling baik dengan gambar tajuk ukuran %s " "piksel, Anda bisa memangkasnya sekali setelah di unggah untuk menyesuaikan " "ukurannya." msgid "" "Click “Add New Image” to upload an image file from your " "computer. Your theme works best with an image that matches the size of your " "video — you’ll be able to crop your image once you upload it for " "a perfect fit." msgstr "" "Klik “Tambah gambar baru” untuk mengunggah berkas gambar dari " "komputer Anda. Tema Anda bekerja paling baik dengan ukuran gambar yang " "sesuai dengan ukuran video, Anda bisa memangkasnya sekali setelah di unggah " "untuk menyesuaikan ukurannya." msgid "" "The theme defines itself as its parent theme. Please check the %s header." msgstr "Tema menetukan sendiri induk temanya. Silakan periksa tajuk ini %s." msgctxt "Name for the Visual editor tab" msgid "Visual" msgstr "Visual" msgid "Create New Menu" msgstr "Buat Menu Baru" msgid "" "You’ll create a menu, assign it a location, and add menu items like " "links to pages and categories. If your theme has multiple menu areas, you " "might need to create more than one." msgstr "" "Anda akan membuat sebuah menu, menentukan lokasinya, dan menambahkan anak " "menu seperti tautan ke beberapa halaman atau kategori. Jika tema yang Anda " "memiliki beberapa area menu, mungkin Anda perlu membuat lebih dari satu " "lokasi menu." msgid "" "It does not look like your site has any menus yet. Want to build one? Click " "the button to start." msgstr "" "Sepertinya website Anda belum memiliki menu apapun. Ingin membuat menu? Klik " "tombol untuk memulai." msgid "Click “Next” to start adding links to your new menu." msgstr "Klik “Selanjutnya” to start adding links to your new menu." msgid "New Menu" msgstr "Menu Baru" msgctxt "menu locations" msgid "View All Locations" msgstr "Lihat Semua Lokasi" msgctxt "menu locations" msgid "View Location" msgstr "Lihat Lokasi" msgid "" "If your theme has widget areas, you can also add menus there. Visit the <a " "href=\"%s\">Widgets panel</a> and add a “Navigation Menu widget” " "to display a menu in a sidebar or footer." msgstr "" "Jika tema Anda memiliki area widget, Anda dapat juga menambah menu di area " "tersebut. Kunjungi <a href=\"%s\">panel Widget</a> dan tambahkan “" "widget Menu Navigasi” untuk menampilkan menu pada sidebar atau footer." msgid "" "If your theme has multiple menus, giving them clear names will help you " "manage them." msgstr "" "Jika tema Anda memiliki banyak menu, pemberian nama yang jelas akan menolong " "Anda ketika menatanya." msgid "Your theme can display menus in %s location." msgid_plural "Your theme can display menus in %s locations." msgstr[0] "Tema Anda dapat menampilkan menu di %s lokasi." msgstr[1] "Tema Anda dapat menampilkan menu di %s lokasi." msgid "Your theme can display menus in one location." msgstr "Tema Anda dapat menampilkan menu di satu lokasi." msgid "CSS code" msgstr "Kode CSS" msgid "" "Add your own CSS code here to customize the appearance and layout of your " "site." msgstr "" "Tambahkan kode CSS Anda sendiri untuk menata penampilan dan tata letak situs " "Anda." msgid " themes" msgstr "Tema" msgid "" "While previewing a new theme, you can continue to tailor things like widgets " "and menus, and explore theme-specific options." msgstr "" "Sementara meninjau tema baru, Anda dapat melanjutkan menyesuaikan beberapa " "hal seperti widget dan menu, dan menjelajahi pilihan-pilihan khusus pada " "tema." msgid "" "Looking for a theme? You can search or browse the theme " "directory, install and preview themes, then activate them right here." msgstr "" "Sedang mencari sebuah tema? Anda dapat mencari atau menjelajahi direktori " "tema, memasang dan meninjau tema-tema, lalu mengaktifkannya di " "sini." msgid "Showing details for theme: %s" msgstr "Menampilkan rincian untuk tema: %s" msgid "Displaying %d themes" msgstr "Menampilkan %d tema" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this theme?" msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus tema ini?" msgctxt "customizer changeset action/button label" msgid "Schedule" msgstr "Jadwalkan" msgid "Preview Link" msgstr "Tautan Pratinjau" msgid "" "See how changes would look live on your website, and share the preview with " "people who can't access the Customizer." msgstr "" "Lihatlah bagaimana perubahan akan tampak langsung di website Anda, dan " "bagikan pratinjaunya dengan orang yang tidak bisa mengakses Customizer." msgid "Share Preview Link" msgstr "Berbagi Tautan Pratinjau" msgid "" "%s is already customizing this site. Please wait until they are done to try " "customizing. Your latest changes have been autosaved." msgstr "" "%s sedang menyesuaikan situs ini. Harap tunggu sampai dia selesai melakukan " "penyesuaian. Perubahan Anda sudah disimpan otomatis." msgid "%s is already customizing this site. Do you want to take over?" msgstr "%s sedang mengkustomisasi situs ini. Apakah Anda ingin mengambil alih?" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to take over." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan untuk mengambil alih." msgid "No changeset found to take over" msgstr "Tidak ditemukan perubahan untuk diambil alih" msgid "Security check failed." msgstr "Gagal memeriksa keamanan." msgid "Unable to save due to %s invalid setting." msgid_plural "Unable to save due to %s invalid settings." msgstr[0] "Tidak bisa menyimpan selama ada %s kekeliruan pengaturan." msgstr[1] "Tidak bisa menyimpan selama ada sejumlah %s kekeliruan pengaturan." msgid "You must supply a future date to schedule." msgstr "Anda harus menentukan tanggal tertentu untuk penjadwalan." msgid "" "The previous set of changes has already been published. Please try saving " "your current set of changes again." msgstr "" "Beberapa setelan perubahan sebelumnya sudah diterbitkan. Silakan mencoba " "untuk menyimpan setelan perubahan Anda lagi." msgid "Changeset is being edited by other user." msgstr "Changeset sedang disunting oleh pengguna lain." msgid "View User" msgstr "Tampilkan Pengguna" msgid "Install & Preview" msgstr "Memasang & Pratinjau" msgid "(%s ratings)" msgstr "(%s rating)" msgid "" "Likely direct inclusion of %1$s in order to use %2$s. This is very wrong. " "Hook the %2$s call into the %3$s action instead." msgstr "" "Kemungkinan penyertaan langsung %1$s agar bisa menggunakan %2$s. Ini sangat " "salah. Sebaiknya kaitkan %2$s dengan Action %3$s." msgid "Customization Draft" msgstr "Draf Kustomisasi" msgctxt "categories" msgid "Most Used" msgstr "Paling Banyak Digunakan" msgid "Uploaded on: %s" msgstr "Diunggah pada: %s" msgctxt "post action/button label" msgid "Schedule" msgstr "Jadwalkan" msgid "" "This draft comes from your <a href=\"%s\">unpublished customization changes</" "a>. You can edit, but there is no need to publish now. It will be published " "automatically with those changes." msgstr "" "Konsep ini berasal dari <a href=\"%s\">perubahan kustomisasi yang tidak " "diterbitkan</a> Anda. Anda bisa mengeditnya, tetapi tidak perlu menerbitkan " "lagi sekarang. Hal itu akan diterbitkan secara otomatis termasuk " "perubahannya." msgid "Activate & Publish" msgstr "Aktifkan & Publikasikan" msgid "This changeset cannot be further modified." msgstr "Changeset ini tidak dapat dimodifikasi lebih lanjut." msgid "Your scheduled changes just published" msgstr "Perubahan terjadwal Anda baru saja diterbitkan" msgid "Disable syntax highlighting when editing code" msgstr "Matikan penyorot sintaks saat menyunting kode" msgid "Syntax Highlighting" msgstr "Penyorot Syntax" msgid "" "By setting up Jetpack you agree to our {{tosLinkText}}Terms of Service{{/" "tosLinkText}} and to sync {{syncLinkText}}certain data and settings{{/" "syncLinkText}} to" msgstr "" "Dengan menyiapkan Jetpack, Anda setuju dengan {{tosLinkText}}Ketentuan " "Layanan{{/tosLinkText}} dan menyinkronkan {{syncLinkText}}data dan " "pengaturan tertentu{{/syncLinkText}} ke" msgid "Unlocked" msgstr "Kunci dibuka" msgid "Check again" msgstr "Periksa kembali" msgid "" "A domain authorization code is a unique code linked only to your domain — " "kind of like a password for your domain. Log in to your current domain " "provider to get one. We call it a domain authorization code, but it might be " "called a secret code, auth code, or EPP code. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Kode otorisasi domain adalah kode unik yang tertaut ke domain Anda saja. Ini " "seperti kata sandi untuk domain. Login ke penyedia domain Anda saat ini " "untuk mendapatkannya. Kami menyebutnya kode otorisasi domain, tetapi ada " "juga yang menyebutnya kode rahasia, kode otorisasi, atau kode EPP. {{a}}" "Pelajari selengkapnya{{/a}}." msgid "" "Log into your current domain provider to complete a few preliminary steps." msgstr "" "Login ke penyedia domain Anda saat ini untuk menyelesaikan beberapa langkah " "awal." msgid "" "Note: These changes can take some time to take effect. Need help? {{a}}Get " "in touch with one of our Happiness Engineers{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Catatan: Penerapan perubahan ini mungkin memerlukan waktu beberapa saat. " "Perlu bantuan? {{a}}Hubungi salah satu Happiness Engineer kami{{/a}}." msgid "" "WordPress is not notifying any <a href=\"%1$s\">Update Services</a> because " "of your site’s <a href=\"%2$s\">visibility settings</a>." msgstr "" "WordPress tidak memberitahukan <a href=\"%1$s\">Layanan Pembaruan</a> " "dikarenakan <a href=\"%2$s\">pengaturan visibilitas</a> situs Anda." msgid "Homepage: %s" msgstr "Beranda: %s" msgid "Your homepage displays" msgstr "Tampilan Beranda Anda" msgid "Compare Jetpack plans" msgstr "Bandingkan paket Jetpack" msgid "Jetpack - Hassle-free design, marketing, and security for WordPress" msgstr "Jetpack - Desain, pemasaran, dan keamanan yang mudah untuk WordPress" msgctxt "Load revision in editor" msgid "Load" msgstr "Memuat" msgctxt "post revisions: minor changes" msgid "minor" msgstr "minor" msgid "Comment Permalink" msgstr "Permalink Komentar" msgid "Welcome to the Editor! " msgstr "Selamat Datang di Editor! " msgid "Click {{strong}}Next{{/strong}} to learn how to add a payment button." msgstr "" "Klik {{strong}}Berikutnya{{/strong}} untuk mempelajari cara menambahkan " "tombol pembayaran." msgid "" "Hi,\n" "\n" "This notice confirms that the network admin email address was changed on " "###SITENAME###.\n" "\n" "The new network admin email address is ###NEW_EMAIL###.\n" "\n" "This email has been sent to ###OLD_EMAIL###\n" "\n" "Regards,\n" "All at ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgstr "" "Hai,\n" "\n" "Peringatan ini mengkonfirmasi bahwa alamat email admin jaringan telah diubah " "di ###SITENAME###.\n" "\n" "Alamat email admin jaringan baru sekarang adalah ###NEW_EMAIL###.\n" "\n" "Email ini telah dikirim ke ###OLD_EMAIL###\n" "\n" "Hotmat kami,\n" "Tim ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgid "" "Hi,\n" "\n" "This notice confirms that the admin email address was changed on " "###SITENAME###.\n" "\n" "The new admin email address is ###NEW_EMAIL###.\n" "\n" "This email has been sent to ###OLD_EMAIL###\n" "\n" "Regards,\n" "All at ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgstr "" "Hai,\n" "\n" "Peringatan ini mengkonfirmasi bahwa alamat email admin telah diubah di " "###SITENAME###.\n" "\n" "Alamat email admin baru sekarang adalah ###NEW_EMAIL###.\n" "\n" "Email ini telah dikirim ke ###OLD_EMAIL###\n" "\n" "Hotmat kami,\n" "Tim ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgid "Also includes all features offered in the free version of Jetpack." msgstr "Juga menyertakan semua fitur yang ditawarkan di Jetpack versi gratis." msgid "Also includes all features offered in the Personal plan." msgstr "Juga menyertakan semua fitur yang ditawarkan di paket Personal." msgid "Also includes all features offered in the Premium plan." msgstr "Juga menyertakan semua fitur yang ditawarkan di paket Premium." msgid "" "Edit your page titles and meta descriptions, and preview how your content " "will appear on social media." msgstr "" "Sunting judul halaman dan deskripsi meta, serta pratinjau tampilan konten " "Anda di media sosial." msgid "Comment on {{span}}%(postTitle)s{{/span}}" msgid_plural "Comments on {{span}}%(postTitle)s{{/span}}" msgstr[0] "Komentar di {{span}}%(postTitle)s{{/span}}" msgstr[1] "Komentar di {{span}}%(postTitle)s{{/span}}" msgid "Theme installation failed." msgstr "Gagal memasang tema." msgid "Plugin installation failed." msgstr "Gagal memasang plugin." msgid "Downloading installation package from %s…" msgstr "Mengunduh paket instalasi dari %s…" msgid "Downloading translation from %s…" msgstr "Mengunduh terjemahan dari %s…" msgid "Downloading update from %s…" msgstr "Mengunduh pembaruan dari %s…" msgid "" "We take privacy and transparency very seriously. To learn more about what " "data we collect, and how we use it, please visit <a href=\"%s\">our Privacy " "Policy</a>." msgstr "" "Kami menanggapi masalah privasi dan transparansi dengan sangat serius. Untuk " "mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang data yang kami kumpulkan, dan cara kami " "menggunakannya, kunjungi <a href=\"%s\">Kebijakan Privasi kami</a>." msgid "" "This data is used to provide general enhancements to WordPress, which " "includes helping to protect your site by finding and automatically " "installing new updates. It is also used to calculate statistics, such as " "those shown on the <a href=\"%s\"> stats page</a>." msgstr "" "Data ini digunakan untuk menyediakan peningkatan umum untuk WordPress, yang " "meliputi bantuan untuk memproteksi website Anda dengan menemukan dan " "memasang pembaruan secara otomatis. Juga digunakan untuk menghitung " "statistik, seperti yang ditampilan di <a href=\"%s\">laman statistik " "</a>." msgid "" "From time to time, your WordPress site may send data to " "— including, but not limited to — the version you are using, and " "a list of installed plugins and themes." msgstr "" "Secara berkala, WordPress Anda mengirimkan data ke, seperti, " "namun tidak terbatas untuk versi WordPress yang Anda gunakan, dan daftar " "Plugin dan Tema yang terpasang." msgid "You are browsing %s" msgstr "Anda sedang menelusuri %s" msgctxt "menu locations" msgid "" "Here’s where this menu appears. If you would like to change that, pick " "another location." msgstr "" "Berikut adalah tempat menu akan ditampilkan. Jika Anda ingin mengubahnya, " "pilih lokasi lain." msgctxt "menu locations" msgid "" "(If you plan to use a menu <a href=\"%1$s\" %2$s>widget%3$s</a>, skip this " "step.)" msgstr "" "(Jika Anda ingin menggunakan <a href=\"%1$s\" %2$s>widget%3$s</a> menu, " "lewati langkah ini.)" msgctxt "menu locations" msgid "Where do you want this menu to appear?" msgstr "Anda ingin menampilkan menu ini di mana?" msgid "Meridian" msgstr "Meridian" msgid "Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead." msgstr "" "Penggunaan level pengguna sudah tidak berlaku lagi. Gunakan kapabilitas " "sebagai penggantinya." msgid "" "Clicking the link below will allow you to either attempt additional login " "attempts or change your password for your WordPress site for %1$s minutes." msgstr "" "Dengan mengeklik tautan di bawah ini, Anda dapat melakukan upaya login " "tambahan atau mengganti kata sandi situs WordPress Anda dalam %1$s menit." msgid "Unlock your site" msgstr "Membuka kunci situs Anda" msgid "The site has been successfully blocked." msgstr "Situs ini berhasil diblokir." msgid "The site has been successfully unblocked." msgstr "Situs ini berhasil dibuka." msgid "" "City names may not contain numerals. Please remove them or spell them out." msgstr "" "Nama kota tidak boleh berisi angka. Hapus angka atau eja dalam bentuk kata." msgid "City names may not have a space after a punctuation character (.,'-)" msgstr "" "Nama kota tidak boleh menggunakan spasi setelah karakter tanda baca (.,’-)" msgctxt "" "label for button in the gallery widget; should not be longer than ~13 " "characters long" msgid "Edit Gallery" msgstr "Sunting Galeri" msgctxt "" "label for button in the gallery widget; should not be longer than ~13 " "characters long" msgid "Add Images" msgstr "Tambah Gambar" msgid "No images selected" msgstr "Tidak ada gambar dipilih" msgid "Displays an image gallery." msgstr "Tampilkan di galeri gambar." msgid "Custom HTML Widget" msgstr "Widget Racikan HTML" msgid "" "Screen reader users: when in forms mode, you may need to press the Esc key " "twice." msgstr "" "Layar baca pengguna: pada mode formulir, Anda harus menekan tombol Esc dua " "kali." msgid "To move away from this area, press the Esc key followed by the Tab key." msgstr "" "Untuk meninggalkan area ini, tekan tombol Esc diikuti dengan tombol Tab." msgid "In the editing area, the Tab key enters a tab character." msgstr "Di area penyuntingan, tombol Tab akan megetikan karakter tab." msgid "When using a keyboard to navigate:" msgstr "Ketika menggunakan papan ketik untuk menjelajah:" msgid "" "The edit field automatically highlights code syntax. You can disable this in " "your <a href=\"%1$s\" %2$s>user profile%3$s</a> to work in plain text mode." msgstr "" "Bidang edit otomatis menyoroti kode sintak. Anda bisa mematikan ini pada <a " "href=\"%1$s\" %2$s>profil pengguna%3$s</a> Anda untuk bekerja dengan mode " "teks biasa." msgid "" "Use the Custom HTML widget to add arbitrary HTML code to your widget areas." msgstr "" "Gunakan widget HTML Khusus untuk menambahkan sembarang kode HTML ke dalam " "area widget." msgid "There is %d error which must be fixed before you can save." msgid_plural "There are %d errors which must be fixed before you can save." msgstr[0] "" "Ada %d kesalahan yang harus Anda perbaiki sebelum dapat menyimpan pos." msgstr[1] "" "Ada %d kesalahan yang harus Anda perbaiki sebelum dapat menyimpan pos." msgid "Gallery (Original)" msgstr "Galeri (Asli)" msgid "Scrape key check failed. Please try again." msgstr "Pemeriksaan kunci scrape gagal. Silakan coba kembali." msgid "" "Make sure you have your <strong>domain authorization code</strong> from your " "current registrar. This is sometimes called a secret code, EPP code, or auth " "code. You'll need to enter this code after clicking the link to initiate the " "transfer to" msgstr "" "Pastikan Anda memiliki <strong>kode otorisasi domain</strong> dari domain " "registrar Anda. Kode tersebut kadang disebut kode rahasia, kode EPP, atau " "kode otorisasi. Anda harus memasukkan kode tersebut setelah mengklik tautan " "untuk memulai transfer ke" msgid "" "Your search term can only contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, dots, or " "hyphens." msgstr "" "Istilah pencarian Anda hanya boleh berisi karakter alfanumerik, spasi, " "titik, atau tanda hubung." msgid "" "There was a problem validating your contact details: {{firstErrorName/}} " "required. Please try again or {{contactSupportLink}}contact support{{/" "contactSupportLink}}." msgstr "" "Ada masalah saat memvalidasi rincian kontak Anda: {{firstErrorName/}} wajib " "diisi. Harap coba lagi atau {{contactSupportLink}}hubungi dukungan{{/" "contactSupportLink}}." msgid "Keep your site safe, 24/7" msgstr "Pastikan situs Anda aman, sepanjang waktu" msgid "Bring your ideas to life with elegant and professional designs." msgstr "Wujudkan ide Anda dengan desain yang elegan dan profesional." msgid "Design the perfect website" msgstr "Rancang situs web terbaik" msgid "Download backup" msgstr "Unduh cadangan" msgid "Create downloadable backup" msgstr "Buat cadangan yang dapat diunduh" msgid "Create download" msgstr "Buat unduhan" msgid "We successfully created a backup of your site as of %(date)s!" msgstr "Kami berhasil membuat cadangan situs Anda hingga %(date)s!" msgid "Download your backup" msgstr "Unduh cadangan Anda" msgid "Currently creating a downloadable backup of your site" msgstr "Sedang membuat cadangan situs Anda yang dapat diunduh" msgid "The creation of your backup will start in a moment." msgstr "Pembuatan cadangan Anda akan segera dimulai." msgid "" "Hmm, we can't update the status of your backup. Please refresh this page." msgstr "" "Hmm, kami tidak dapat memperbarui status pencadangan Anda. Harap segarkan " "halaman ini." msgid "Changes trashed successfully." msgstr "Perubahan berhasil dibuang." msgid "Changes have already been trashed." msgstr "Perubahan sudah berhasil dibuang." msgid "No changes saved yet, so there is nothing to trash." msgstr "Belum ada perubahan yang disimpan, jadi tidak ada yang dibuang." msgid "There was an authentication problem. Please reload and try again." msgstr "Ada masalah otentikasi. Silakan dimuat ulang dan dicoba kembali." msgid "" "Grab your domain now so you don't have to compromise later. Every domain " "comes with a free, elegant parking page to welcome visitors in case you " "haven't built your website yet." msgstr "" "Dapatkan domain Anda sekarang juga agar tak perlu berkompromi di kemudian " "hari. Setiap domain dilengkapi halaman parkir yang elegan dan gratis untuk " "menyambut pengunjung apabila Anda belum membuat situs web." msgid "" "Get expert live chat support from our Happiness Engineers. Whether you’re " "adding a site to your domain or editing advanced DNS settings, we're here to " "help." msgstr "" "Dapatkan bantuan live chat dari Happiness Engineer kami. Baik Anda " "menambahkan situs ke domain atau menyunting pengaturan DNS tingkat lanjut, " "kami siap membantu." msgid "" "A user-friendly platform that takes care of performance and security, so you " "can stay focused on your goals." msgstr "" "Platform yang mudah digunakan untuk menangani performa dan keamanan, agar " "Anda dapat fokus meraih target." msgid "" "Built-in SEO tools, social-media integration, and easy sharing options make " "your website ready to launch (and grow!) in no time." msgstr "" "Perangkat SEO internal, integrasi media sosial, dan pilihan berbagi dengan " "mudah menjadikan situs web Anda siap diluncurkan (dan berkembang!) dalam " "waktu singkat." msgid "Optimized for success" msgstr "Dioptimalkan untuk kesuksesan" msgid "Powerful websites that grow with you" msgstr "Situs web andal yang berkembang bersama Anda" msgid "" "Just one click and your domain is a website. It's your new blog. Or your " "company's website. Or a place to showcase your best work. Get the design, " "features, and support you need to bring your idea to life." msgstr "" "Jadikan domain sebagai gerbang terbaik menuju situs web Anda. Sebuah blog " "baru, situs web perusahaan, atau kumpulan karya terbaik Anda. Apa pun situs " "web yang Anda inginkan. Dapatkan desain, fitur, serta bantuan yang Anda " "butuhkan untuk mewujudkan imajinasi Anda." msgid "Reach your audience with .%s and" msgstr "Jangkau audiens Anda dengan .%s dan" msgid "Find a domain that's perfect for you" msgstr "Temukan domain yang sempurna untuk Anda" msgid "" "From crust to toppings, every detail counts when it comes to your pizza. " "That includes the right name to help people find you online. Grab a perfect " "slice of the web with a custom .pizza domain. When you’re ready, create a " "powerful website or blog for your .pizza business." msgstr "" "Mulai dari pinggiran hingga taburan, setiap detail sangatlah penting ketika " "berkaitan dengan pizza Anda. Termasuk nama yang tepat agar siapa pun mudah " "menemukan Anda secara online. Dapatkan potongan web yang sempurna dengan " "domain .pizza khusus. Saat Anda sudah siap, buat situs web atau blog yang " "andal untuk bisnis .pizza Anda." msgid "Have a slice of .pizza" msgstr "Nikmati sepotong .pizza" msgid "Recommended by the biggest names in WordPress" msgstr "Direkomendasikan oleh beberapa situs terbesar di WordPress" msgid "Jetpack is recommended by the biggest names in WordPress" msgstr "Jetpack direkomendasikan oleh beberapa situs terbesar di WordPress" msgid "Contribute to Jetpack" msgstr "Berkontribusi pada Jetpack" msgid "About Jetpack" msgstr "Tentang Jetpack" msgid "" "We found a account with the email address \"%(email)s\". Log " "in to this account to connect it to your %(service)s profile, or choose a " "different %(service)s profile." msgstr "" "Kami menemukan akun dengan alamat email \"%(email)s\". Login " "ke akun ini untuk menyambungkannya ke profil %(service)s Anda, atau pilih " "profil %(service)s lain." msgid "Email Address or Username" msgstr "Alamat Email atau Nama Pengguna" msgid "Email address or username" msgstr "Alamat email atau nama pengguna" msgid "" "Prepare for holiday shopping and end-of-year donations: add a {{strong}}" "payment button{{/strong}} to sell products and services or accept donations " "on your site!" msgstr "" "Persiapan belanja untuk liburan dan donasi akhir tahun: tambahkan {{strong}}" "tombol pembayaran{{/strong}} untuk menjual produk dan layanan atau menerima " "donasi di situs Anda!" msgid "To add a payment button, create a page." msgstr "Untuk menambahkan tombol pembayaran, buatlah halaman." msgid "Click {{strong}}Add{{/strong}} to continue." msgstr "Klik {{strong}}Tambah{{/strong}} untuk melanjutkan." msgid "" "Click the {{icon/}} and choose the {{strong}}Payment Button{{/strong}}. You " "will be able to set a price, upload a photo, and describe your product or " "cause." msgstr "" "Klik {{icon/}} dan pilih {{strong}}Tombol Pembayaran{{/strong}}. Anda akan " "dapat menentukan harga, mengunggah foto, dan menjelaskan produk atau " "inisiatif Anda." msgid "Give your page a title here." msgstr "Beri judul untuk halaman Anda di sini." msgid "" "Happy with your new page? Click {{strong}}Publish{{/strong}} to start " "collecting payments!" msgstr "" "Puas dengan halaman baru Anda? Klik {{strong}}Publikasikan{{/strong}} untuk " "mulai mengumpulkan pembayaran!" msgid "" "Remember: add your page to your site navigation so visitors can find it " "easily" msgstr "" "Ingat: tambahkan halaman ke navigasi situs Anda agar pengunjung dapat " "menemukannya dengan mudah" msgid "Learn about managing menus" msgstr "Pelajari tentang cara mengelola menu" msgid "Report a bug" msgstr "Laporkan bug" msgid "Press This is not available. Please contact your site administrator." msgstr "Press This tidak tersedia. Silakan hubungi administrator situs Anda." msgid "Installation Required" msgstr "Diperlukan Pemasangan" msgid "The Press This plugin is required." msgstr "Membutuhkan plugin Press This." msgid "" "Press This is not installed. Please install Press This from <a href=\"%s" "\">the main site</a>." msgstr "" "Press This belum terpasang. Silakan instal Press This dari <a href=\"%s" "\">situs utama</a>." msgid "Activate Press This" msgstr "Aktifkan Press This" msgid "Activate Plugin & Go to Press This" msgstr "Aktifkan Plugin & Lihat Press This" msgid "Live Broadcast" msgstr "Siaran Langsung" msgid "Skip forward {1} seconds" msgstr "Maju {1} detik" msgid "" "You are using a browser that does not have Flash player enabled or " "installed. Please turn on your Flash player plugin or download the latest " "version from" msgstr "" "Anda menggunakan peramban yang tidak terinstal pemutar Flash. Silakan " "hidupkan plugin pemutar Flash Anda atau unduh versi terakhirnya dari https://" "" msgid "Get started for free" msgstr "Mulai gratis" msgid "Illustration showing two people looking at stats" msgstr "Ilustrasi yang menunjukkan dua orang sedang melihat statistik" msgid "Grow your audience" msgstr "Perbanyak audiens Anda" msgid "Hassle-free design, marketing, and security for WordPress" msgstr "Desain, pemasaran, dan keamanan yang mudah untuk WordPress" msgid "Showing %(displayedPosts)d post of %(totalPosts)d." msgid_plural "Showing %(displayedPosts)d posts of %(totalPosts)d." msgstr[0] "Menampilkan %(displayedPosts)d pos dari %(totalPosts)d." msgstr[1] "Menampilkan %(displayedPosts)d pos dari %(totalPosts)d." msgid "To view more posts, {{a}}switch to a specific site{{/a}}." msgstr "Untuk melihat pos lainnya, {{a}}beralih ke situs tertentu{{/a}}." msgid "Bank" msgstr "Bank" msgid "New order" msgstr "Pesanan baru" msgctxt "remaining number of items for an order" msgid "...and %s more item" msgid_plural "... and %s more items" msgstr[0] "...dan %s item lainnya" msgstr[1] "... dan %s item lainnya" msgid "Multiple variations" msgstr "Banyak variasi" msgctxt "Product name, quantity" msgid "%1$s × %2$s" msgstr "%1$s × %2$s" msgid "Products" msgstr "Produk" msgid "" "Many of our most successful customers were in your shoes not too long ago. " "Their sites cover topics all over the spectrum, but there’s one thing they " "all have in common: they got to work." msgstr "" "Hampir semua pelanggan kami yang telah meraih kesuksesan pernah berada di " "posisi Anda saat ini. Situs mereka mengangkat berbagai macam topik, tetapi " "satu hal yang sama: mereka semua bekerja keras." msgid "ℹ️ View Order" msgstr "ℹ️ Lihat Pesanan" msgid "Shipping Method" msgstr "Metode Pengiriman" msgid "Order Number" msgstr "Nomor Pesanan" msgid "New Order" msgstr "Pesanan Baru" msgid "Hope to hear from you soon,<br>The team" msgstr "Kami tunggu kabar dari Anda,<br>Tim" msgid "Click here to get started now." msgstr "Klik di sini untuk mulai sekarang." msgid "" "If you are, the next steps are easy. Simply click the button below and " "select the plan that’s right for you:" msgstr "" "Jika iya, langkah selanjutnya mudah. Cukup klik tombol di bawah dan pilih " "paket yang sesuai untuk Anda." msgid "<strong>Are You Ready to Upgrade Now?</strong>" msgstr "<strong>Apakah Anda Siap Melakukan Upgrade Sekarang?</strong>" msgid "Now with all that said, I have just one question for you..." msgstr "Sekarang, saya punya satu pertanyaan untuk Anda..." msgid "" "Don’t let that happen to you! Take a bold step forward by upgrading your " "account right now, then commit to making serious progress on your site " "tonight before you go to bed." msgstr "" "Jangan biarkan hal itu terjadi! Ambil langkah berani untuk memulai dengan " "melakukan upgrade akun sekarang, lalu buatlah komitmen untuk bersungguh-" "sungguh membangun situs impian Anda." msgid "" "First you tell yourself you’ll decide tomorrow. Then tomorrow becomes next " "week. Then before you know it, the dreams of your new site are long " "forgotten." msgstr "" "Pada mulanya Anda meyakinkan diri sendiri bahwa Anda akan membuat keputusan " "besok. Besok mundur menjadi minggu depan. Dan tanpa disadari, impian untuk " "memiliki situs baru terlupakan." msgid "" "Our data shows that our most successful customers got started right away. In " "fact, the odds are good that if you don’t take the leap now, you never will." msgstr "" "Data kami menunjukkan bahwa pelanggan yang paling sukses adalah yang berani " "untuk memulai. Faktanya, hampir pasti jika Anda tidak memulai sekarang, Anda " "tidak akan pernah memulai." msgid "" "Reason #9:<br><strong>Because the best time to start is <u>right now</u>.</" "strong>" msgstr "" "Alasan #9:<br><strong>Karena saat terbaik untuk memulai adalah <u>sekarang</" "u>.</strong>" msgid "Finally, to end with perhaps the most important reason of all..." msgstr "Sebagai penutup, alasan terpenting adalah..." msgid "" "With you’re getting a proven platform that can support your " "website, no matter how large and popular it grows." msgstr "" "Dengan WordPress.​com, Anda mendapatkan platform tepercaya yang akan " "mendukung situs web Anda, seberapa pun besar dan populer situs Anda nanti." msgid "" " is home to everyone from small businesses, to bloggers, to " "large sites like Time, CNN, TechCrunch, and more. All together, WordPress." "com-powered sites reach more than 409 million visitors each month." msgstr "" " adalah rumah bagi semua jenis situs web, mulai dari usaha " "kecil, bloger hingga situs besar seperti Time, Variety, TechCrunch, dan " "lainnya. Secara keseluruhan, situs yang menggunakan menjangkau " "lebih dari 409 juta pengunjung setiap bulan." msgid "" "Your upgraded account also gives you direct access to our customer service " "team. We call them Happiness Engineers, because their mission is to make " "sure you are a satisfied customer who stays with us for many years. Our " "Happiness Engineers provide you with round-the-clock support via live chat " "and email." msgstr "" "Akun berbayar juga memberikan akses langsung ke tim layanan pelanggan. Kami " "menyebutnya Happiness Engineer, karena misi mereka adalah memastikan Anda " "sebagai pelanggan selalu merasa puas dan setia dengan kami. Happiness " "Engineer memberikan bantuan setiap saat melalui live chat dan email." msgid "" "Reason #7:<br><strong>You’ll get round-the-clock live chat and email support." "</strong>" msgstr "" "Alasan #7:<br><strong>Anda akan mendapatkan bantuan live chat dan e-mail " "setiap saat.</strong>" msgid "" "What’s more, if you select either the Premium or Business plan when you " "upgrade, you’ll even gain free and unlimited access to ALL of our Premium " "templates, which typically sell for between $50 - $100 each." msgstr "" "Selain itu, jika Anda memilih paket Premium atau Bisnis, Anda akan " "mendapatkan akses gratis dan tidak terbatas ke SEMUA fitur desain Premium, " "yang biasanya dijual antara $50 - $100 per desain." msgid "" "Your upgraded account gives you access to hundreds of professionally-" "designed and easy-to-use themes for any kind of business, portfolio, or blog." msgstr "" "Akun berbayar Anda memberikan akses ke ratusan tema yang didesain secara " "profesional dan mudah digunakan untuk segala jenis bisnis, portofolio, atau " "blog." msgid "In other words, upgrading is 100% risk free." msgstr "Jadi, upgrade yang Anda lakukan adalah 100% bebas risiko." msgid "" "We proudly stand behind the quality of All of our plans " "include a full 30-day money-back-guarantee. So you can join today, make as " "many customizations, posts, and edits as you’d like over the next 30 days " "and still get 100% of your money back if you aren’t happy for any reason." msgstr "" "Kami bangga dengan kualitas Semua paket mencakup garansi 30 " "hari uang kembali. Anda dapat bergabung segera, mencoba pengaturan sebanyak-" "banyaknya, menulis pos, dan menyunting sesuka hati selama 30 hari ke depan, " "dan mendapatkan 100% uang kembali jika Anda tidak puas karena alasan apa pun." msgid "Reason #5:<br><strong>We offer a 30-day money-back-guarantee.</strong>" msgstr "" "Alasan #5:<br><strong>Kami menawarkan garansi 30 hari uang kembali.</strong>" msgid "" "And in case %s per month isn’t already a good enough deal to make upgrading " "an easy choice, I’m going to sweeten the deal by offering you a free domain " "of your choice for one year when you upgrade to a paid account." msgstr "" "Dan jika %s per bulan bukan penawaran yang menarik bagi Anda untuk melakukan " "upgrade, kami akan meningkatkannya dengan memberikan satu domain pilihan " "Anda, gratis selama satu tahun, jika Anda melakukan upgrade ke akun berbayar." msgid "" "Reason #4:<br><strong>We’ll give you a free domain for one year if you don’t " "have one yet.</strong>" msgstr "" "Alasan #4:<br><strong>Kami akan memberikan domain gratis jika Anda belum " "memiliki domain.</strong>" msgid "" "At just %s per month, is an incredible value. Consider it this " "way: for less than the cost of a single Pumpkin Spiced Latte from Starbucks, " "you’ll gain access to the same software, engineering team, and technical " "infrastructure that’s used by some of the most popular sites on the internet " "(more about that in Reason #8)." msgstr "" "Dengan hanya %s per bulan, memberikan nilai yang luar biasa. " "Maksudnya adalah dengan biaya yang lebih murah dibandingkan secangkir kopi " "dari Starbucks, Anda akan mendapatkan akses ke perangkat lunak, tim teknik, " "dan infrastruktur teknis yang sama dengan yang digunakan oleh beberapa situs " "paling populer di internet (Selengkapnya ada di #8)." msgid "Reason #3:<br><strong>Upgrading costs only %s per month.</strong>" msgstr "Alasan #3:<br><strong>Biaya upgrade hanya %s per bulan.</strong>" msgid "" "And because is the easiest way to use WordPress, you can spend " "your time building your site, rather than worrying about SEO." msgstr "" "Dan karena adalah cara termudah untuk menggunakan WordPress, " "Anda dapat lebih berfokus pada situs Anda, dan tidak mengkhawatirkan SEO." msgid "" "Upgrading your account gets you access to things like a custom domain name " "and advanced SEO tools, which search engines love." msgstr "" "Dengan melakukan upgrade, Anda akan mendapatkan akses ke berbagai fitur " "premium seperti nama domain khusus dan perangkat SEO tingkat lanjut, yang " "disukai mesin pencari." msgid "" "<i>WordPress automatically solves a ton of SEO issues…. By using WordPress " "you’ve already taken the first big step. WordPress is a fantastic piece of " "software.</i><br>—Matt Cutts, Google’s most well-known in-house SEO expert." msgstr "" "<i>WordPress mengatasi banyak masalah SEO secara otomatis…. Dengan " "menggunakan WordPress, Anda telah mengambil langkah besar pertama. WordPress " "adalah perangkat lunak yang fantastis.</i><br>—Matt Cutts, pakar SEO " "internal Google yang paling terkenal." msgid "" "<i>A source at Google told me that WordPress offers \"the best out-of-the-" "box SEO imaginable,\" which is probably why it runs nearly 30% of the " "Internet.</i><br>—Tim Ferriss , famous author, investor, blogger, and " "podcast host." msgstr "" "<i>Sumber dari Google mengatakan bahwa WordPress menawarkan \"paket SEO " "terbaik yang dapat Anda bayangkan,\" yang mungkin adalah alasan WordPress " "menghidupi hampir 30% Internet.</i><br>—Tim Ferriss, penulis terkenal, " "investor, bloger, dan penyiar podcast." msgid "" "<i>WordPress is the absolute best platform to use as the foundation of your " "SEO success story.</i><br>—Search Engine Journal, the largest trade " "publication for the SEO industry." msgstr "" "<i>WordPress adalah platform terbaik sebagai dasar untuk kisah keberhasilan " "SEO Anda.</i><br>—Search Engine Journal, publikasi perdagangan terbesar " "untuk industri SEO." msgid "" "You don’t have to take my word for it. Here are a few of the many accolades " "WordPress has received from industry experts:" msgstr "" "Anda mungkin tidak yakin dengan hal tersebut. Namun, berikut beberapa " "penilaian terhadap WordPress dari para ahli di bidangnya:" msgid "" "Search engines can send you massive amounts of highly qualified and free " "traffic if they like your site. That’s where WordPress’s search engine " "optimization (SEO) tools come in, because they automatically “bake in” the " "most important SEO best practices." msgstr "" "Mesin pencari dapat mendatangkan banyak kunjungan yang berkualitas dan " "gratis, jika situs Anda mudah ditemukan dari sana. Itulah manfaat fitur " "optimisasi mesin pencari (SEO) yang sudah terintegrasi di situs WordPress " "dengan implementasi SEO yang terbaik." msgid "Reason #2:<br><strong>World-class SEO experts love WordPress.</strong>" msgstr "" "Alasan #2:<br><strong>Pakar SEO kelas dunia menyukai WordPress.</strong>" msgid "" "But if you’re building something more than a hobby site, upgrading to get " "your custom domain name is a no-brainer, especially since plans start at " "just %1$s per month. %2$sClick here to see a full description of our plans" "%3$s." msgstr "" "Namun jika Anda membangun sesuatu yang lebih dari sekadar hiburan, Anda " "sebaiknya melakukan upgrade untuk mendapatkan nama domain khusus. Harga " "paket berbayar mulai dari hanya %1$s per bulan. %2$sKlik di sini untuk " "membaca penjelasan lengkap tentang paket berbayar%3$s." msgid "" "Your domain name is the first thing visitors see about your brand. And right " "now, your website address is %s. That’s perfectly fine if you’re building " "this site for fun." msgstr "" "Nama domain adalah hal pertama yang dilihat pengunjung situs tentang " "branding Anda. Dan saat ini, alamat situs Anda adalah %s. Anda tidak perlu " "menggantinya jika situs Anda hanya sebagai hiburan." msgid "" "Think of all the sites you love to visit. I bet they all have a memorable or " "unique domain name, right?" msgstr "" "Ingat kembali semua situs yang sering Anda kunjungi. Pasti semua situs " "tersebut memiliki nama domain yang mudah diingat atau unik, bukan?" msgid "" "This is by far the most common reason people upgrade to a paid account. It’s " "no mystery why." msgstr "" "Hal ini adalah alasan paling umum banyak orang melakukan upgrade ke akun " "berbayar. Alasannya sangat jelas." msgid "" "Reason #1:<br><strong>Upgrading is the only way to use a custom domain name " "with your site.</strong>" msgstr "" "Alasan #1:<br><strong>Upgrade adalah satu-satunya cara untuk menggunakan " "nama domain khusus pada situs Anda.</strong>" msgid "" "Great question! To answer, here are 9 provable facts – not empty marketing " "hype – to tell you why you should upgrade today:" msgstr "" "Pertanyaan bagus! Jawabannya adalah 9 fakta yang dapat dibuktikan – bukan " "hanya tren pemasaran belaka – yang menjelaskan mengapa Anda harus melalukan " "upgrade sekarang." msgid "" "%s, if you’re anything like me, you might be asking yourself, “why should I " "upgrade to a paid plan when offers so much for free?”" msgstr "" "%s, Anda mungkin bertanya-tanya, \"mengapa saya harus melakukan upgrade ke " "paket berbayar, sedangkan begitu banyak hal gratis yang ditawarkan WordPress." "com?\"" msgid "" "The 9 undeniable reasons you should upgrade your account today" msgstr "" "9 alasan utama Anda harus melakukan upgrade akun hari ini" msgid "" "<i>I just can’t keep myself away from WordPress. It has had such a positive " "influence on my life since I started becoming an active member of the " "community.</i><br>—Britta" msgstr "" "<i>Saya tidak bisa lepas dari WordPress karena pengaruhnya yang begitu " "positif terhadap hidup saya sejak saya mulai menjadi anggota aktif komunitas " "WordPress.</i><br>—Britta" msgid "" "<i>Refocusing our business meant an extensive rebrand and rename. WordPress." "com made it easy to implement the changes we needed for a social media first " "impression.</i><br>—Jeri" msgstr "" "<i>Menata ulang fokus bisnis artinya mengubah branding dan nama secara " "keseluruhan. membantu kami mengaplikasikan perubahan yang " "dibutuhkan untuk menciptakan jangkauan media sosial yang luas.</i><br>—Jeri" msgid "Did you know WordPress powers %s%% of the internet?" msgstr "Tahukah Anda jika WordPress menghidupi %s%% internet?" msgid "" "Thanks for choosing, we’re thrilled to count you as the newest " "member of our global community!" msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah memilih, kami senang melihat Anda bergabung " "sebagai anggota terbaru komunitas global WordPress!" msgid "Click here to <strong>Confirm Now</strong>" msgstr "Klik di sini untuk <strong>Konfirmasi Sekarang</strong>" msgid "While you’re exploring everything has to offer..." msgstr "Selagi Anda menelusuri semua fiturnya, menawarkan..." msgid "One last thing for your site" msgstr "Satu hal lagi untuk situs Anda" msgid "Please select your bank." msgstr "Pilih bank Anda." msgid "User Info" msgstr "Informasi Pengguna" msgid "Use My Own Domain" msgstr "Gunakan Domain Saya Sendiri" msgid "Transfer" msgstr "Transfer" msgid "Transfer a Domain" msgstr "Transfer Domain" msgid "Transfer confirmation required" msgstr "Memerlukan konfirmasi transfer" msgid "" "The transfer of {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is in progress. We are " "waiting for authorization from your current domain provider to proceed. {{a}}" "Learn more{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Transfer {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} sedang berlangsung. Kami menunggu " "otorisasi dari penyedia domain Anda saat ini untuk melanjutkan. {{a}}" "Pelajari selengkapnya{{/a}}" msgid "Domain transfer failed" msgstr "Transfer domain gagal" msgid "Domain is unlocked." msgstr "Domain tidak dikunci." msgid "Unlock the domain." msgstr "Buka kunci domain." msgid "Your domain is unlocked at your current registrar." msgstr "Domain Anda tidak dikunci di registrar saat ini." msgid "Get a domain authorization code." msgstr "Dapatkan kode otorisasi domain." msgid "Refresh stats" msgstr "Segarkan statistik" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Transfer to" msgstr "Transfer ke" msgctxt "Domain transfer or mapping suggestion button" msgid "Use a domain I own" msgstr "Gunakan domain milik saya" msgid "Backups and Restores" msgstr "Pencadangan dan pemulihan" msgid "Add server credentials" msgstr "Tambahkan kredensial server" msgid "Please enter a valid server address." msgstr "Masukkan alamat server yang valid." msgid "Please enter a valid server port." msgstr "Masukkan port server yang valid." msgid "Port number must be numeric." msgstr "Nomor port harus dalam format angka." msgid "Please enter your server username." msgstr "Masukkan nama pengguna server Anda." msgid "Please enter your server password." msgstr "Masukkan kata sandi server Anda." msgid "Credential Type" msgstr "Jenis Kredensial" msgid "SFTP" msgstr "SFTP" msgid "Port Number" msgstr "Nomor Port" msgid "Testing connection…" msgstr "Menguji koneksi..." msgid "Your site is now connected." msgstr "Situs Anda sekarang terhubung!" msgid "Error saving. Please check your credentials and try again." msgstr "Error saat menyimpan. Periksa kredensial Anda dan coba lagi." msgid "Obtaining your credentials…" msgstr "Memperoleh kredensial Anda…" msgid "Your credentials have been auto configured." msgstr "Kredensial Anda telah dikonfigurasikan secara otomatis." msgid "Error auto configuring your credentials." msgstr "Error saat mengonfigurasikan kredensial Anda secara otomatis." msgid "Get help from our Happiness Engineers" msgstr "Dapatkan bantuan dari Happiness Engineer kami" msgid "Troubleshooting — I'll be reconnecting afterwards." msgstr "Pemecahan Masalah - Saya akan menghubungkan kembali setelahnya" msgid "" "If you're not able to successfully reconnect, or if you have other questions " "about Jetpack you'd like answered, you can get in touch with support</a> for " "help at any time" msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak berhasil menghubungkan kembali, atau jika ada pertanyaan " "lain tentang Jetpack, hubungi dukungan</a> untuk mendapatkan bantuan kapan " "saja" msgid "" "Reconnecting your site can be done in just a few clicks. Just visit " "Jetpack's debug page and follow the instructions under step #5" msgstr "" "Menghubungkan kembali situs Anda dapat dilakukan hanya dalam beberapa klik. " "Kunjungi halaman debug Jetpack dan ikuti instruksi di bawah langkah #5" msgid "Get help reconnecting your site" msgstr "Dapatkan bantuan untuk menghubungkan kembali situs Anda" msgid "" "If you're not able to successfully reconnect, or if you have other questions " "about Jetpack you'd like answered, you can <a href=\"%s\">get in touch with " "support</a> for help at any time." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak berhasil menghubungkan kembali, atau jika ada pertanyaan " "lain tentang Jetpack, <a href=\"%s\">hubungi dukungan</a> untuk mendapatkan " "bantuan kapan saja." msgid "" "Reconnecting your site can be done in just a few clicks. Just visit <a href=" "\"%s\">Jetpack's debug page</a> and follow the instructions under step #5." msgstr "" "Menghubungkan kembali situs Anda dapat dilakukan hanya dalam beberapa klik. " "Kunjungi <a href=\"%s\">halaman debug Jetpack</a> dan ikuti instruksi di " "bawah langkah #5." msgid "" "Jetpack is currently disconnected from your site, %s. This means you no " "longer have access to site stats, design tools, or brute force login " "protection." msgstr "" "Jetpack tidak terhubung dengan situs Anda, %s. Ini berarti Anda tidak lagi " "dapat mengakses statistik situs, alat desain, atau perlindungan terhadap " "login paksa." msgid "We're having trouble connecting to your site." msgstr "Kami mengalami masalah saat menghubungkan ke situs Anda." msgid "" "Your great idea deserves an equally great name. Now with .%s you can find a " "perfect fit and start telling the world exactly what you do." msgstr "" "Ide hebat Anda layak mendapatkan nama yang sama hebatnya. Sekarang dengan ." "%s, Anda dapat menemukan nama yang cocok dan mulai berbagi kisah Anda kepada " "dunia." msgid "Table Of Contents" msgstr "Daftar Isi" msgid "Choose a store theme." msgstr "Pilih tema toko." msgctxt "Themes step subheader in Signup" msgid "Pick one of our store themes to start with. You can change this later." msgstr "" "Pilih salah satu tema toko kami untuk memulai. Anda dapat mengubahnya di " "lain waktu." msgid "The conversation has been successfully unfollowed." msgstr "Berhasil berhenti mengikuti percakapan." msgid "" "Sorry, we had a problem unfollowing that conversation. Please try again." msgstr "" "Maaf, kami mengalami masalah saat berhenti mengikuti percakapan itu. Coba " "lagi." msgid "" "Let's take a look and help you resolve any connection errors between your " "site and Jetpack." msgstr "" "Kami akan memeriksa dan membantu Anda mengatasi error koneksi antara situs " "Anda dan Jetpack." msgid "Jetpack is having trouble connecting to your site" msgstr "Jetpack mengalami masalah saat menghubungkan ke situs Anda" msgid "Credit or debit card" msgstr "Kartu kredit atau debit" msgid "Did you know you’re running an outdated version of Jetpack?" msgstr "Tahukah Anda bahwa Anda menjalankan Jetpack versi lama?" msgid "" "Update Jetpack now for better performance and access to the latest and " "greatest features." msgstr "" "Perbarui Jetpack sekarang untuk performa yang lebih baik dan akses ke fitur " "terbaru dan terhebat." msgid "Start your website" msgstr "Buat situs web Anda" msgid "So are we. Let’s make something together." msgstr "Begitu pula dengan kami. Mari kita ciptakan sesuatu bersama." msgid "You’re really good<br>at what you do" msgstr "Anda sangat terampil<br>dalam hal yang Anda kerjakan" msgid "Your Friends at" msgstr "Teman Anda di" msgid "" "Make sure you have your domain authorization code from your current " "registrar. This is sometimes called a secret code, EPP code, or auth code. " "You'll need to enter this code after clicking the link to initiate the " "transfer to" msgstr "" "Pastikan Anda memiliki kode otorisasi domain dari domain registrar Anda. " "Kode tersebut kadang disebut kode rahasia, kode EPP, atau kode otorisasi. " "Anda harus memasukkan kode tersebut setelah mengklik tautan untuk memulai " "transfer ke" msgid "The conversation has been successfully followed." msgstr "Berhasil mengikuti percakapan." msgid "Sorry, we had a problem following that conversation. Please try again." msgstr "Maaf, kami mengalami masalah saat mengikuti percakapan itu. Coba lagi." msgid ".%s Domain Search —" msgstr ".%s Pencarian Domain —" msgid "" "To keep your domain registrations, they have to be renewed yearly. Renewing " "expired domain registrations becomes more costly and complicated as time " "goes by. Renew your domain registrations now before it’s too late." msgstr "" "Untuk mempertahankan domain, Anda harus memperpanjang registrasinya setiap " "tahun. Memperpanjang registrasi domain yang sudah habis masa berlakunya " "lebih mahal dan rumit seiring berjalannya waktu. Perpanjang registrasi " "domain Anda sekarang sebelum terlambat." msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Renew now <small>for one more year</small></a> or <a href=" "\"%2$s\">cancel this subscription</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Perpanjang sekarang <small>untuk satu tahun ke depan</" "small></a> atau <a href=\"%2$s\">batalkan langganan ini</a>" msgid "" "{{strong}}Welcome to Conversations.{{/strong}} You can read and reply to all " "your conversations in one place. WordPress posts you've liked or commented " "on will appear when they have new comments." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Selamat datang di Percakapan.{{/strong}} Anda dapat membaca dan " "membalas semua percakapan dalam satu tempat. Pos WordPress yang Anda sukai " "atau komentari akan muncul ketika ada komentar baru." msgid "Anonymize IP addresses" msgstr "Anonimkan alamat IP" msgid "" "Enabling this option is mandatory in certain countries due to national " "privacy laws." msgstr "" "Pilihan berikut wajib diaktifkan di negara tertentu karena berlaku undang-" "undang privasi nasional. " msgid "Purchase transactions" msgstr "Transaksi pembelian" msgid "Add to cart events" msgstr "Kejadian tambahkan ke keranjang" msgid "Basic store analytics" msgstr "Analitik toko dasar" msgid "Manage your purchases" msgstr "Kelola pembelian Anda" msgid "This upgrade didn’t include what I needed." msgstr "Upgrade ini tidak memiliki apa yang saya butuhkan." msgid "Confirm Disconnection" msgstr "Konfirmasi Pemutusan Hubungan" msgid "Your new plan requires a connection to" msgstr "Paket baru Anda memerlukan sambungan ke" msgid "What is this payment for?" msgstr "Pembayaran ini untuk apa?" msgid "" "For example: event tickets, charitable donations, training courses, coaching " "fees, etc." msgstr "Misalnya: tiket acara, donasi, kursus pelatihan, biaya pelatihan, dll." msgid "Add contact" msgstr "Tambahkan kontak" msgid "Payment Button" msgstr "Tombol Pembayaran" msgid "Find posts to follow" msgstr "Temukan Pos untuk Diikuti" msgid "Welcome to Conversations" msgstr "Selamat datang di Percakapan" msgid "" "When WordPress posts spark lively conversations, they'll appear here. To get " "started, like or comment on some posts." msgstr "" "Ketika pos WordPress memicu percakapan yang ramai, pos itu akan muncul di " "sini. Untuk memulai, sukai atau komentari beberapa pos." msgid "User %(email)s is blocked and can no longer comment on your site." msgstr "" "Pengguna %(email)s diblokir dan tidak lagi dapat mengomentari situs Anda." msgid "Got it, thanks!" msgstr "Mengerti, terima kasih!" msgid "Add a navigation menu to your sidebar." msgstr "Tambah menu navigasi pada bilah sisi Anda." msgid "" "There were no new purchases on %1$s this month. For ideas on how to boost " "your sales, check out the resources below." msgstr "" "Tidak ada pembelian baru di %1$s bulan ini. Untuk mengetahui cara " "meningkatkan penjualan, lihat sumber daya di bawah ini." msgid "" "Automattic is the parent company of Jetpack, <a href=\"%1$s\" style=\"text-" "decoration:none;\"></a>, WooCommerce, and more. We're %2$s " "people working from %3$s countries and we're <a href=\"%4$s\">always hiring</" "a>." msgstr "" "Automattic adalah perusahaan induk dari Jetpack, <a href=\"%1$s\" style=" "\"text-decoration:none;\"></a>, WooCommerce, dan lainnya. Kami " "terdiri atas %2$s orang yang bekerja dari %3$s negara dan kami <a href=\"%4$s" "\">selalu membuka lowongan</a>." msgid "Open up to learn how to get a custom domain name." msgstr "Buka untuk mempelajari cara mendapatkan nama domain khusus." msgid "Get more visitors to %s" msgstr "Dapatkan lebih banyak pengunjung untuk %s" msgid "Open up to learn how to monetize your site." msgstr "Buka untuk mempelajari cara monetisasi situs." msgid "Looking to monetize your site?" msgstr "Anda ingin situs yang menghasilkan?" msgid "How to grow your site traffic" msgstr "Cara meningkatkan aktivitas situs Anda" msgid "The following domains will also renew:" msgstr "Domain di bawah ini juga akan diperpanjang:" msgid "Your domain %s will also renew." msgstr "Domain %s Anda juga akan diperpanjang." msgid "Your %1$s mailbox for %2$s will also renew." msgstr "Email %1$s Anda untuk %2$s juga akan diperpanjang." msgid "Your %1$s purchase for %2$s will renew automatically in %3$d day." msgid_plural "" "Your %1$s purchase for %2$s will renew automatically in %3$d days." msgstr[0] "" "Pembelian %1$s Anda untuk %2$s akan diperpanjang secara otomatis dalam %3$d " "hari." msgstr[1] "" "Pembelian %1$s Anda untuk %2$s akan diperpanjang secara otomatis dalam %3$d " "hari." msgid "" "The following domain mapping subscriptions will renew automatically in %1$d " "day: %2$s" msgid_plural "" "The following domain mapping subscriptions will renew automatically in %1$d " "days: %2$s" msgstr[0] "" "Langganan pemetaan domain berikut juga akan diperpanjang secara otomatis " "dalam %1$d hari: %2$s" msgstr[1] "" "Langganan pemetaan domain berikut juga akan diperpanjang secara otomatis " "dalam %1$d hari: %2$s" msgid "The following domains will renew automatically in %1$d day: %2$s" msgid_plural "" "The following domains will renew automatically in %1$d days: %2$s" msgstr[0] "" "Domain berikut juga akan diperpanjang secara otomatis dalam %1$d hari: %2$s" msgstr[1] "" "Domain berikut juga akan diperpanjang secara otomatis dalam %1$d hari: %2$s" msgid "" "The %1$s plan and domain mapping on your site \"%2$s\" will renew " "automatically in %3$d day." msgid_plural "" "The %1$s plan and domain mapping on your site \"%2$s\" will renew " "automatically in %3$d days." msgstr[0] "" "Paket %1$s dan pemetaan domain pada situs \"%2$s\" Anda akan diperpanjang " "secara otomatis dalam %3$d hari." msgstr[1] "" "Paket %1$s dan pemetaan domain pada situs \"%2$s\" Anda akan diperpanjang " "secara otomatis dalam %3$d hari." msgid "" "The %1$s plan and custom domain on your site \"%2$s\" will renew " "automatically in %3$d day." msgid_plural "" "The %1$s plan and custom domain on your site \"%2$s\" will renew " "automatically in %3$d days." msgstr[0] "" "Paket %1$s dan domain khusus pada situs \"%2$s\" Anda akan diperpanjang " "secara otomatis dalam %3$d hari." msgstr[1] "" "Paket %1$s dan domain khusus pada situs \"%2$s\" Anda akan diperpanjang " "secara otomatis dalam %3$d hari." msgid "Your domain mapping subscriptions for %s renew soon" msgstr "" "Langganan pemetaan domain Anda untuk %s akan diperpanjang " "dalam waktu dekat" msgid "Your domain mapping subscription for %s renews soon" msgstr "" "Langganan pemetaan domain Anda untuk %s akan diperpanjang " "dalam waktu dekat" msgid "We were attempting to renew your %1$d purchase for %2$s." msgid_plural "" "We were attempting to renew your %1$d purchases for %2$s." msgstr[0] "" "Kami berusaha memperpanjang pembelian %1$d Anda untuk %2$s." msgstr[1] "" "Kami berusaha memperpanjang pembelian %1$d Anda untuk %2$s." msgid "We were attempting to renew your %1$s upgrade for %2$s." msgstr "Kami berusaha memperpanjang upgrade %1$s Anda untuk %2$s." msgid "We were attempting to renew the domain mapping subscriptions for %s." msgstr "Kami berusaha memperpanjang langganan pemetaan domain Anda untuk %s." msgid "We were attempting to renew the domain mapping for %s." msgstr "Kami berusaha memperpanjang pemetaan domain Anda untuk %s." msgid "We were attempting to renew the domain registrations for %s." msgstr "Kami berusaha memperpanjang registrasi domain Anda untuk %s." msgid "We were attempting to renew the domain registration for %s." msgstr "Kami berusaha memperpanjang registrasi domain Anda untuk %s." msgid "We were attempting to renew your %1$s plan for your site %2$s." msgstr "Kami berusaha memperpanjang paket %1$s untuk situs %2$s Anda." msgid "" "We were attempting to renew your %1$s plan and custom domain for your site " "%2$s." msgstr "" "Kami berusaha memperpanjang paket %1$s dan domain khusus untuk situs %2$s " "Anda." msgid "We were attempting to renew your Jetpack upgrades for %s." msgstr "Kami berusaha memperpanjang upgrade Jetpack Anda untuk %s." msgid "%1$s (%3$s) expires on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s (%3$s) akan berakhir pada %2$s" msgid "" "The domain connection for %1$s will expire on %2$s. Visitors to %1$s will " "not see \"%3$s\"." msgstr "" "Koneksi domain untuk %1$s akan kedaluwarsa pada %2$s. Pengunjung %1$s tidak " "akan melihat \"%3$s\"." msgid "" "The domain connection for %1$s will expire on %2$s. Visitors to %1$s will " "not see this site." msgstr "" "Koneksi domain untuk %1$s akan kedaluwarsa pada %2$s. Pengunjung %1$s tidak " "akan melihat situs ini." msgid "%1$s isn't working! Oh no!" msgstr "%1$s tidak berfungsi. Aduh!" msgid "" "To address this issue, renew your domain subscriptions, or cancel and remove " "them from your site. Renewing a domain subscription will ensure your site " "will be available on it for another year." msgstr "" "Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, perpanjang langganan domain, atau batalkan dan " "hapus domain dari situs Anda. Memperpanjang langganan domain akan memastikan " "situs Anda tersedia untuk satu tahun ke depan." msgid "<strong>%1$s</strong> domain subscriptions have expired! Oh no!" msgstr "Langganan domain <strong>%1$s</strong> sudah berakhir! Oh tidak!" msgid "%1$s (%3$s) expired on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s (%3$s) telah berakhir pada %2$s" msgid "<strong>%1$s</strong> isn’t working! Oh no!" msgstr "<strong>%1$s</strong> tidak berfungsi! Oh tidak!" msgid "" "The domain connection for %1$s expired on %2$s. Visitors to %1$s will not " "see \"%3$s\"." msgstr "" "Koneksi domain untuk %1$s kedaluwarsa pada %2$s. Pengunjung %1$s tidak akan " "melihat \"%3$s\"." msgid "" "The domain connection for %1$s expired on %2$s. Visitors to %1$s will not " "see this site." msgstr "" "Koneksi domain untuk %1$s kedaluwarsa pada %2$s. Pengunjung %1$s tidak akan " "melihat situs ini." msgid "The site is not the main network site" msgstr "Situs ini bukan situs jaringan utama" msgid "Multi network install are not supported." msgstr "Instalasi multijaringan tidak didukung." msgid "Jetpack version is less then 3.3, please update to the latest" msgstr "Versi Jetpack di bawah 3.3, perbarui ke versi yang terbaru" msgid "User does not have permission to view plugins." msgstr "Pengguna tidak memiliki izin untuk melihat plugin." msgid "" "We've checked %s, and Jetpack Premium is working smoothly. Here's a " "complimentary breakdown of how your site is being secured:" msgstr "" "Kami sudah memeriksa %s, dan Jetpack Premium berfungsi dengan baik. Berikut " "adalah rincian gratis mengenai cara pengamanan situs Anda:" msgid "" "Now that %s is up and running with Jetpack Premium, let's make sure you're " "up to speed on the other important services included with your plan." msgstr "" "Karena %s telah aktif dengan Jetpack Premium, mari kita pastikan Anda " "memahami layanan penting lainnya yang disertakan dalam paket Anda." msgid "" "We've checked %s, and Jetpack Personal is working smoothly. Here's a " "complimentary breakdown of how your site is being secured:" msgstr "" "Kami sudah memeriksa %s, dan Jetpack Personal berfungsi dengan baik. Berikut " "adalah rincian gratis mengenai cara pengamanan situs Anda:" msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Premium" msgstr "Selamat datang di Jetpack Premium" msgid "Your Jetpack upgrades are due for renewal" msgstr "Beberapa upgrade Jetpack Anda perlu diperbarui" msgid "Response was not 200: %s %s" msgstr "Respons bukan 200: %s %s" msgid "Check it out" msgstr "Pelajari caranya" msgid "" "Get to know Jetpack even better with our new, intuitive guide on making the " "most of its features and services." msgstr "" "Pahami Jetpack lebih dalam dengan panduan kami yang baru dan intuitif " "mengenai cara memanfaatkan fitur dan layanan dengan maksimal." msgid "Need some extra help?" msgstr "Perlu bantuan lain?" msgid "" "Every site needs a backup plan. Get yours today with a %1$s discount off " "your first year<sup>*</sup> of Jetpack Premium using the <strong>%2$s</" "strong> coupon code." msgstr "" "Setiap situs memerlukan paket cadangan. Dapatkan Jetpack Premium Anda " "sekarang juga dengan diskon %1$s untuk tahun pertama<sup>*</sup> menggunakan " "kode kupon <strong>%2$s</strong>." msgid "Please check your Primary Site's Jetpack connection" msgstr "Periksa sambungan Jetpack Situs Utama Anda" msgid "The uploaded file is not a compatible plugin." msgstr "File yang diunggah bukan plugin yang kompatibel." msgid "The uploaded file is not a valid zip." msgstr "File yang diunggah bukan zip yang valid." msgid "The uploaded file is not a valid plugin." msgstr "File yang diunggah bukan plugin yang valid." msgctxt "button label" msgid "Update %(numUpdates)d Plugin" msgid_plural "Update %(numUpdates)d Plugins" msgstr[0] "Perbarui %(numUpdates)d Plugin" msgstr[1] "Perbarui %(numUpdates)d Plugin" msgid "You're now a new member of: {{site/}}" msgstr "Anda sekarang anggota baru di: {{site/}}" msgid "{{em}}(No title){{/em}}" msgstr "{{em}}(Tanpa judul){{/em}}" msgid "" "“%1$s” is not a valid organization name for .ca domains. Please " "leave blank if registering the domain for an individual. If registering the " "domain for a corporation or other legal entity, please be sure to use the " "official name including the legal structure (Inc., LLC, ULC, Partnership, " "etc.)" msgstr "" "“%1$s” bukan nama organisasi yang valid untuk domain .ca. Biarkan kosong " "jika mendaftarkan domain untuk perorangan. Jika mendaftarkan domain untuk " "perusahaan atau entitas hukum lainnya, pastikan Anda menggunakan nama resmi " "yang mencakup struktur hukum (Inc., LLC, ULC, Rekanan, dsb.)" msgid "We couldn't load the countries list." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat memuat daftar negara." msgid "%s cannot be empty." msgstr "%s tidak boleh kosong." msgid "Update to Jetpack %s" msgstr "Perbarui ke Jetpack %s" msgid "Visit your site" msgstr "Kunjungi situs Anda" msgid "Auto-managed on this site" msgstr "Dikelola secara otomatis di situs ini" msgid "Confirm that you want to disconnect your site from" msgstr "" "Konfirmasikan bahwa Anda benar-benar ingin memutus sambungan situs dari " "" msgid "Learn more about Search" msgstr "Pelajari selengkapnya tentang Pencarian." msgid "Problem uploading the plugin." msgstr "Masalah saat mengunggah plugin." msgid "Clickable SectionHeader" msgstr "Header Bagian yang Bisa Diklik" msgid "User %(email)s unblocked." msgstr "Pengguna %(email)s dibatalkan blokirnya." msgid "No email address" msgstr "Tidak ada alamat email" msgid "No website" msgstr "Tidak ada situs web" msgid "No IP address" msgstr "Tidak ada alamat IP" msgid "" "Anonymous messages can't be blocked individually, but you can update your " "{{a}}settings{{/a}} to only allow comments from registered users." msgstr "" "Pesan anonim tidak bisa diblokir satu per satu, tetapi Anda bisa memperbarui " "{{a}}pengaturan{{/a}} agar hanya mengizinkan komentar dari pengguna " "terdaftar." msgid "Learn more about Simple Payments" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang Simple Payments" msgid "Payment did not execute successfully" msgstr "Pembayaran tidak berhasil." msgid "If you did not perform this action, <a href=\"%s\">contact us</a>." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak melakukan tindakan ini, <a href=\"%s\">hubungi kami</a>." msgid "Review your account settings" msgstr "Tinjau pengaturan akun Anda" msgid "" "Someone logged into your account with an E-mail login link. Please make sure " "your e-mail account is secure!" msgstr "" "Seseorang sudah login ke akun Anda dengan tautan login Email. Pastikan akun " "email Anda aman!" msgid "Heads up! Someone logged into your account with an E-mail login link." msgstr "" "Harap diketahui! Seseorang sudah login ke akun Anda dengan tautan login " "Email." msgid "no title" msgstr "tanpa judul" msgid "Your page has not received any views yet!" msgstr "Belum ada yang melihat halaman Anda!" msgid "There are no likes on this page yet." msgstr "Belum ada yang menyukai halaman ini." msgid "Write a message for your audience here." msgstr "Tulis pesan untuk audiens Anda di sini." msgid "Your site has been successfully restored" msgstr "Situs Anda berhasil dipulihkan" msgid "Your site was successfully reset" msgstr "Situs Anda berhasil diatur ulang" msgid "" "You attempted to login with the username {{em}}admin{{/em}} on" msgstr "" "Anda mencoba login dengan nama pengguna {{em}}admin{{/em}} di" msgid "" "If you were trying to access your self hosted {{a}}{{/a}} site, " "try {{strong}}{{/strong}} instead." msgstr "" "Jika Anda mencoba mengakses situs {{a}}{{/a}} yang di-hosting " "sendiri, coba {{strong}}{{/strong}} sebagai gantinya." msgid "" "If you can’t remember your username, you can {{a}}reset your " "password{{/a}} by providing your email address." msgstr "" "Jika lupa nama pengguna, Anda dapat melakukan {{a}}reset kata " "sandi{{/a}} dengan memberikan alamat email Anda." msgid "Your comment has been updated." msgstr "Komentar Anda telah diperbarui." msgid "" "Once you upload media files, you can edit them — change titles, do basic " "image editing, and more — and they'll be ready and waiting for you to add to " "posts and pages." msgstr "" "Setelah mengunggah file media, Anda dapat menyunting — mengubah judul, " "melakukan penyuntingan gambar dasar, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya — dan " "semua itu akan siap ditambahkan ke pos dan halaman." msgid "" "This account is associated with a account which has Two-Step " "Authentication enabled." msgstr "" "Akun ini dikaitkan dengan akun yang memiliki Autentikasi Dua " "Langkah aktif." msgid "Your domain is using name servers" msgstr "Domain tidak menggunakan name server" msgid "This site's API key is hardcoded and cannot be deleted." msgstr "Kunci API situs ini adalah hardcode dan tidak dapat dihapus." msgid "The value provided is not a valid and registered API key." msgstr "Nilai yang diberikan bukan kunci API yang valid dan terdaftar." msgid "This site's API key is hardcoded and cannot be changed via the API." msgstr "" "Kunci API situs ini adalah hardcode dan tidak dapat diubah melalui API." msgid "" "The time period for which to retrieve stats. Options: 60-days, 6-months, all" msgstr "" "Periode waktu untuk mengambil statistik. Pilihan: 60 hari, 6 bulan, semuanya" msgid "" "If true, show the number of approved comments beside each comment author in " "the comments list page." msgstr "" "Jika benar, perlihatkan jumlah komentar yang disetujui di sebelah setiap " "penulis komentar di halaman daftar komentar." msgid "" "If true, Akismet will automatically discard the worst spam automatically " "rather than putting it in the spam folder." msgstr "" "Jika benar, Akismet akan secara otomatis membuang spam terburuk dari pada " "memasukkannya ke folder spam." msgid "A 12-character Akismet API key. Available at" msgstr "Kunci API Akismet 12 karakter. Tersedia di" msgid "Uploading custom plugins and themes" msgstr "Mengunggah plugin dan tema khusus" msgid "Your website wants to pay you back." msgstr "Situs web Anda ingin membalas jasa." msgid "Add Plugin" msgstr "Tambahkan Plugin" msgid "A custom domain name for %s a month" msgstr "Nama domain khusus seharga %s per bulan" msgid "" "This is the language of the interface you see across as a " "whole." msgstr "" "Berikut adalah bahasa antarmuka yang Anda lihat di secara " "keseluruhan." msgid "" "Amounts reported are estimates based on currency exchange rates on the day " "of the purchase before PayPal transaction fees are applied." msgstr "" "Jumlah yang dilaporkan adalah perkiraan berdasarkan nilai tukar mata uang " "pada hari pembelian sebelum penerapan biaya transaksi PayPal." msgid "" "Not sure what this is all about? {{a}}We can help clear that up for you.{{/" "a}}" msgstr "" "Tidak yakin apa maksudnya? {{a}}Kami bisa membantu menjelaskannya.{{/a}}" msgid "Sign up for %(clientTitle)s with a account" msgstr "Mendaftar untuk %(clientTitle)s dengan akun" msgid "" "VideoPress support that lets you upload videos directly to your site without " "needing to embed them from another service." msgstr "" "Bantuan VideoPress memudahkan Anda mengunggah video langsung tanpa " "menyematkan video dari layanan lain." msgid "" "13 GB of storage space so you can keep your visitors tuned in with even more " "video and audio uploads." msgstr "" "Ruang penyimpanan sebesar 13 GB agar Anda dapat menarik perhatian pengunjung " "dengan lebih banyak konten video dan audio." msgid "" "Advanced Design Customization that gives you the power to create a site that " "attracts and engages your audience." msgstr "" "Pengaturan Desain Tingkat Lanjut yang memberi Anda kemampuan untuk membuat " "situs yang menarik bagi pengunjung situs Anda ." msgid "" "In addition to the ability to monetize your site, you’ll also be getting:" msgstr "Selain kemampuan monetisasi situs, Anda juga akan mendapatkan:" msgid "" "Once you set it up, all you have to do is let it run, and keep doing what " "you normally do on your site. We’ll send you your money through PayPal as " "soon as you earn your first $100." msgstr "" "Setelah Anda siapkan, Anda tidak perlu melakukan apapun. Anda dapat " "melanjutkan aktivitas di situs Anda seperti biasanya. Kami akan mengirimkan " "uang Anda melalui PayPal begitu Anda meraih $100 pertama." msgid "" "One of the top priorities for many site owners is to better " "monetize their sites, so I’d like to introduce you to an opportunity to earn " "more through the content you publish." msgstr "" "Salah satu prioritas utama bagi para pemilik situs adalah " "monetisasi situs dengan lebih baik, maka saya ingin memperkenalkan sebuah " "cara bagi Anda untuk menghasilkan uang lebih banyak melalui konten yang Anda " "publikasikan." msgid "" "It’s Anne from the team with a tip to help you achieve your " "goals." msgstr "" "Saya Anne dari tim, dan saya ingin berbagi kiat untuk Anda " "mencapai target monetisasi situs." msgid "" "Make sure you claim your discount before it expires by clicking the button " "above!" msgstr "" "Pastikan Anda mengklaim diskon sebelum masa berlakunya habis dengan menekan " "tombol di atas!" msgid "Claim My 25% Discount" msgstr "Klaim Diskon 25% Saya" msgid "" "If you’re interested, click the button below before your discount expires." msgstr "" "Jika tertarik, klik tombol di bawah sebelum masa berlaku diskon Anda " "berakhir." msgid "" "Today, we’d like to give you the opportunity to join the hundreds of " "thousands of site owners already growing their audience." msgstr "" "Maka, kami ingin memberi Anda kesempatan untuk bergabung dengan ratusan ribu " "pemilik situs yang telah memiliki pengunjung lebih banyak." msgid "" "Did you know that sites with a paid plan have <strong>34% more " "monthly page views</strong> than sites without one?" msgstr "" "Tahukah Anda bahwa situs dengan paket berbayar memiliki " "<strong>kunjungan halaman tiap bulan 34% lebih banyak</strong> dibandingkan " "dengan situs yang menggunakan paket gratis?" msgid "" "It’s Anne from with a tip to help you boost the traffic to %s." msgstr "" "Saya Anne dari, dan saya ingin berbagi kiat untuk Anda " "meningkatkan pengunjung situs %s." msgid "So click the button above, and we’ll see you inside!" msgstr "Langsung klik tombol di atas dan kita akan bertemu kembali!" msgid "Claim My 50% Discount" msgstr "Klaim Diskon 50% Saya" msgid "" "If you’re interested, click the button below to claim your discount before " "it expires!" msgstr "" "Jika tertarik, klik tombol di bawah untuk mengklaim diskon sebelum berakhir " "masa berlakunya!" msgid "" "Search and Social Previews help you tailor your message to your target " "audience." msgstr "" "Pencarian dan Pratinjau Sosial membantu Anda menyesuaikan pesan untuk target " "pembaca Anda." msgid "" "Edit your site’s metadata in just two clicks, and your page will show up in " "search just the way you like." msgstr "" "Sunting metadata situs hanya dengan dua kali klik, dan halaman Anda akan " "muncul di pencarian sesuai keinginan Anda." msgid "" "SEO tools that will make your pages pop out more in search engines. That " "way, people can see all your hard work!" msgstr "" "Perangkat SEO yang akan membuat halaman Anda lebih banyak muncul di mesin " "pencarian. Cara tersebut akan membuat hasil kerja keras Anda dilihat oleh " "lebih banyak orang!" msgid "" "Whatever your aspirations are for your site, we want to help you achieve " "them." msgstr "Apa pun aspirasi untuk situs Anda, kami ingin membantu Anda meraihnya." msgid "" "From bloggers to freelancers to large and small businesses, " "has helped thousands of people build their websites and grow their traffic." msgstr "" "Mulai dari bloger, pekerja lepas, hingga bisnis berskala besar dan kecil, " " telah membantu ribuan orang membuat situs web dan meningkatkan " "kunjungan pembacanya." msgid "" "One of the best ways to do that is through SEO, or Search Engine " "Optimization." msgstr "" "Salah satu cara terbaik untuk melakukannya adalah melalui SEO, atau Search " "Engine Optimization (Pengoptimalan Mesin Pencarian)." msgid "" "I’m Anne and my job here at is to help site owners like you " "spread your message to more people." msgstr "" "Saya Anne dan tugas saya di adalah membantu pemilik situs " "seperti Anda untuk menyebarkan cerita ke lebih banyak orang." msgid "" "Are you sure you want to delete this item? Deleted media will no longer " "appear anywhere on your website, including all posts, pages, and widgets. " "This cannot be undone." msgid_plural "" "Are you sure you want to delete these items? Deleted media will no longer " "appear anywhere on your website, including all posts, pages, and widgets. " "This cannot be undone." msgstr[0] "" "Anda yakin ingin menghapus media berikut? Media yang dihapus tidak akan " "muncul di mana pun pada situs web Anda, termasuk semua pos, halaman, dan " "widget. Tindakan berikut tidak dapat dibatalkan." msgstr[1] "" "Anda yakin ingin menghapus media berikut? Media yang dihapus tidak akan " "muncul di mana pun pada situs web Anda, termasuk semua pos, halaman, dan " "widget. Tindakan berikut tidak dapat dibatalkan." msgid "Please enter the verification code generated by your authenticator app." msgstr "" "Masukkan kode verifikasi yang dibuat dari aplikasi pengautentikasi Anda." msgid "Enter the code generated by your authenticator app." msgstr "Masukkan kode yang dibuat dari aplikasi pengautentikasi Anda." msgid "Product Tour" msgstr "Tentang Jetpack" msgid "" "For more information about how to set up Simple Payments and what it can do " "for you, check out our %1$sFAQ page%2$s." msgstr "" "Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang cara menyiapkan Simple Payments dan " "manfaatnya untuk Anda, lihat %1$shalaman Tanya Jawab Umum (FAQ)%2$s kami." msgid "Upgrade My Site + Start Selling" msgstr "Upgrade Situs Saya + Mulai Menjual" msgid "" "To use this brand new feature and start selling products and services " "directly from %s, upgrade to Premium today. " msgstr "" "Untuk menggunakan fitur baru ini dan mulai menjual produk dan layanan secara " "langsung dari %s, upgrade ke Premium sekarang juga. " msgid "" "Upload a button image and enter a description of whatever you’re selling, " "provide your email address, and you’re ready to sell. The setup is quick, so " "you can focus on your real priority — running your business." msgstr "" "Unggah gambar tombol dan masukkan deskripsi tentang apa pun yang Anda jual, " "cantumkan alamat email, dan Anda siap menjual. Penyiapannya cepat, sehingga " "Anda bisa fokus pada prioritas yang sesungguhnya, yaitu menjalankan bisnis." msgid "" "With Simple Payments from, you now have a way to easily create " "and embed credit and debit card payment buttons on your site in a matter of " "seconds." msgstr "" "Dengan Simple Payments dari, kini Anda memiliki cara untuk " "membuat dan menyematkan tombol pembayaran kartu kredit dan debit dengan " "mudah di situs Anda dalam hitungan detik." msgid "" "But what if it could? What if your labor of love — your product, your " "service, your art, your skill — could also be your livelihood? It changes " "your life. It frees you." msgstr "" "Tetapi bagaimana jika itu memungkinkan? Bagaimana jika buah cinta Anda — " "produk, layanan, karya seni, kemampuan — juga bisa menjadi sumber " "penghasilan? Hal ini mengubah hidup Anda, memberi Anda kebebasan." msgid "" "You have passions. You also have bills to pay, and passion doesn’t " "necessarily pay them." msgstr "" "Anda memiliki minat. Anda juga punya tagihan yang harus dibayar, dan minat " "saja tidak selalu bisa melunasinya." msgid "Open up to find out how." msgstr "Bukalah untuk mengetahui caranya." msgid "Start selling on %s in seconds" msgstr "Mulai menjual di %s dalam hitungan detik" msgid "%1$s logged out" msgstr "%1$s sudah logout" msgid "%1$s failed login attempts" msgstr "%1$s upaya login gagal" msgid "Powered by {{jetpackLogo /}}" msgstr "Didukung oleh {{jetpackLogo /}}" msgid "" "Sorry, this user account does not own the product you are trying to renew." msgstr "Maaf, akun pengguna ini bukan pemilik produk yang akan Anda perbarui." msgid "" "You’ll be able to log in faster by linking your account with " "the following third-party services. We’ll never post without your permission." msgstr "" "Anda akan dapat login lebih cepat dengan menautkan akun Anda " "ke layanan pihak ketiga berikut. Kami tidak akan memublikasikan apa pun " "tanpa izin Anda." msgid "If you didn't request a login link, you can just delete this email." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak meminta tautan untuk login, Anda dapat menghapus email " "berikut." msgid "%1$s modified a comment on post %2$s" msgstr "%1$s memodifikasi komentar di pos %2$s" msgid "Close post sharing" msgstr "Tutup berbagi pos" msgid "This account is not connected to %s" msgstr "Akun ini tidak terhubung ke %s" msgid "Automatic Updates" msgstr "Pembaruan Otomatis" msgid "" "Your site is being secured and you have access to marketing tools and " "priority support." msgstr "" "Situs Anda sedang diamankan dan Anda dapat mengakses alat pemasaran serta " "dukungan prioritas." msgid "" "Your data is being securely backed up and you have access to priority " "support." msgstr "" "Data Anda sedang dicadangkan secara aman dan Anda dapat mengakses dukungan " "prioritas." msgid "Invalid OAuth2 redirect url" msgstr "URL pengalihan OAuth2 tidak valid" msgid "WordPress updated to version %1$s" msgstr "WordPress diperbarui ke versi %1$s" msgid " verification code" msgstr "Kode verifikasi" msgid "Add a Plugin" msgstr "Tambah Plugin" msgid "" "Search and add plugins right from your dashboard, or upload a plugin from " "your computer with a drag-and-drop interface." msgstr "" "Cari dan tambah plugin langsung dari dasbor Anda, atau unggah plugin dari " "komputer dengan antarmuka tarik-lepas." msgid "Upload a plugin now" msgstr "Unggah plugin sekarang" msgid "Delete these comments permanently?" msgstr "Hapus komentar berikut secara permanen?" msgid "%(changes)d word added" msgid_plural "%(changes)d words added" msgstr[0] "%(changes)d kata ditambahkan" msgstr[1] "%(changes)d kata ditambahkan" msgid "%(changes)d word removed" msgid_plural "%(changes)d words removed" msgstr[0] "%(changes)d kata dihapus" msgstr[1] "%(changes)d kata dihapus" msgid "" "Complement's stats with Google's in-depth look at your " "visitors and traffic patterns." msgstr "" "Lengkapi statistik Anda dengan informasi lebih detail dari " "Google tentang pengunjung dan pola aktivitas kunjungan." msgid "Not on {{signupLink}}Create an Account{{/signupLink}}." msgstr "" "Tidak menggunakan {{signupLink}}Buat Akun{{/signupLink}}." msgid "Social Login" msgstr "Login di Media Sosial" msgid "User must have a Matticspace record to be added to an Automattic blog." msgstr "" "Pengguna harus memiliki data Matticspace untuk ditambahkan ke blog " "Automattic." msgid "User not allowed" msgstr "Pengguna tidak diizinkan" msgid "Did you know?" msgstr "Tahukah Anda?" msgid "Item" msgstr "Produk" msgid "" "Another month is in the books! Here are the payments you’ve received on %1$s " "in %2$s." msgstr "" "Bulan baru sudah dibukukan! Berikut ini pembayaran yang telah Anda terima di " "%1$s dalam bulan %2$s." msgid "%s Sales Report" msgstr "Laporan Penjualan %s" msgid "User cannot be added to this site." msgstr "Pengguna tidak bisa ditambahkan di situs ini." msgid "User has been created, but could not be added to this site." msgstr "Pengguna telah dibuat, tapi tidak dapat ditambahkan ke situs ini." msgid "That user could not be added to this site." msgstr "Pengguna tersebut tidak bisa ditambahkan ke situs ini." msgid "Choose media library source" msgstr "Pilih sumber pustaka media" msgid "" "We've canceled your domain transfer and Privacy Protection has been re-" "enabled." msgstr "" "Kami telah membatalkan transfer domain Anda dan Perlindungan Privasi telah " "diaktifkan kembali." msgid "We've canceled your domain transfer and re-locked your domain." msgstr "" "Kami telah membatalkan transfer domain Anda dan mengunci kembali domain Anda." msgid "We've canceled your domain transfer. " msgstr "Kami telah membatalkan transfer domain Anda. " msgid "Send Transfer Code" msgstr "Kirim Kode Transfer" msgid "The registry for your domain requires a special process for transfers. " msgstr "" "Pendaftaran untuk domain Anda memerlukan proses khusus untuk transfer. " msgid "" "Our Happiness Engineers have been notified about your transfer request and " "will be in touch shortly to help you complete the process." msgstr "" "Para Happiness Engineer kami sudah diberi tahu tentang permintaan transfer " "Anda dan akan segera menghubungi Anda untuk membantu menyelesaikan proses " "ini." msgid "" "Please request an authorization code to notify our Happiness Engineers of " "your intention." msgstr "" "Mintalah kode otorisasi untuk memberi tahu Happiness Engineer kami mengenai " "maksud Anda." msgid "" "We have sent the transfer authorization code to the domain registrant's " "email address." msgstr "" "Kami telah mengirimkan kode otorisasi transfer ke alamat email pendaftar " "domain." msgid "Please press the button to request a transfer authorization code." msgstr "Tekan tombol untuk meminta kode otorisasi transfer." msgid "" "You must provide your new registrar with your domain name and transfer code " "to complete the transfer process." msgstr "" "Anda harus menyediakan registrar baru Anda dengan nama domain dan kode " "transfer untuk menyelesaikan proses transfer." msgid "Sending request…" msgstr "Mengirim permintaan…" msgid "Comment discarded." msgstr "Komentar dibuang." msgid "Upgrade your plan" msgstr "Upgrade paket Anda!" msgid "Share on" msgstr "Berbagi di" msgid "Back to %(clientTitle)s" msgstr "Kembali ke %(clientTitle)s" msgid "Marketing Automation" msgstr "Otomatisasi Pemasaran" msgid "Howdy! Log in to %(clientTitle)s with your account." msgstr "Apa kabar! Login ke %(clientTitle)s dengan akun Anda." msgid "Oops! You don't have permission to manage comments." msgstr "Ups! Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk mengelola komentar." msgid "" "Hooray! You’ve just received your first payment, %1$s for %2$s! Check your " "email." msgstr "" "Horeee! Anda baru saja menerima pembayaran pertama Anda, %1$s untuk %2$s! " "Periksa email Anda." msgid "" "Are you sure you want to delete this item? It will be disabled and removed " "from all locations where it currently appears." msgstr "" "Anda yakin ingin menghapus item ini? Item ini akan dinonaktifkan dan dihapus " "dari semua lokasi tempat item ini muncul." msgid "" "This account is not configured for authenticating with the WordPress mobile " "app." msgstr "" "Akun berikut tidak dikonfigurasikan untuk diautentikasi dengan aplikasi " "seluler WordPress." msgid "" "This social account is already associated with an existing " "account." msgstr "Akun media sosial berikut telah terhubung dengan akun" msgid "SMS Authentication is unavailable." msgstr "Autentikasi SMS tidak tersedia." msgid "" "We were unable to send the push notification. Please try a different " "authentication method." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat mengirim push notification. Silakan mencoba metode " "autentikasi yang lain." msgid "Push authentication is unavailable." msgstr "Push authentication tidak tersedia." msgid "" "You can only request a code via SMS once per minute. Please wait and try " "again." msgstr "" "Anda hanya dapat meminta kode melalui SMS satu kali dalam satu menit. Mohon " "tunggu dan coba lagi." msgid "" "Upload media — photos, documents, audio files, and more — by clicking the " "{{addNewButton/}} button." msgstr "" "Unggah media — foto, dokumen, file audio, dan yang lainnya — dengan mengklik " "tombol {{addNewButton/}}." msgid "" "Once you upload a file, you can edit its title, add a caption, and even do " "basic photo editing." msgstr "" "Setelah mengunggah file, Anda dapat mengedit judul file, menambahkan " "keterangan, bahkan melakukan pengeditan dasar." msgid "To find these options, click on this file to select it." msgstr "Untuk menemukan pilihan ini, klik file ini untuk memilihnya." msgid "" "Here you can edit the title, add a caption, find the media URL, and see " "other details." msgstr "" "Di sini Anda dapat mengedit judul, menambahkan keterangan, menemukan URL " "media, dan melihat detail lainnya." msgid "Got it, I'm ready to explore!" msgstr "Saya sudah paham dan siap menjelajahi!" msgid "{{strong}}One moment, please…{{/strong}} loading your site." msgstr "{{strong}}Harap tunggu sebentar…{{/strong}} memuat situs Anda." msgid "We just emailed you a link." msgstr "Kami baru saja mengirimi Anda tautan lewat email." msgid "Please check your inbox and click the link to log in." msgstr "Harap periksa inbox Anda dan klik tautan yang diberikan untuk login." msgctxt "post author" msgid "Written by %s" msgstr "Ditulis oleh %s" msgctxt "Used before tag names." msgid "Tags" msgstr "Tag" msgctxt "Used before project type names." msgid "Project Types" msgstr "Jenis Proyek" msgctxt "Used before publish date." msgid "Posted on" msgstr "Diposkan pada" msgctxt "post date" msgid "Posted on" msgstr "Diterbitkan di" msgctxt "post date" msgid "Posted on %s" msgstr "Diposkan pada %s" msgctxt "post author" msgid "Posted by %s" msgstr "Diposkan oleh %s" msgctxt "suffix for paged archive titles" msgid "Page %s" msgstr "Halaman %s" msgctxt "comments title" msgid "One thought" msgstr "Satu komentar" msgctxt "post date" msgid "on %s" msgstr "pada %s" msgctxt "Used before category names." msgid "Categories" msgstr "Kategori" msgctxt "Used before post author name." msgid "Author" msgstr "Penulis" msgctxt "Parent post link" msgid "" "<span class=\"meta-nav\">Published in</span><span class=\"post-title\">" "%title</span>" msgstr "" "<span class=\"meta-nav\">Diterbitkan di</span><span class=\"post-title\">" "%title</span>" msgctxt "post date" msgid "%s" msgstr "%s" msgctxt "post author" msgid "%s" msgstr "%s" msgid "Year:" msgstr "Tahun:" msgid "Results for: %s" msgstr "Hasil untuk: %s" msgid "Previous Slide" msgstr "Slide Sebelumnya" msgid "No posts found. Try a different search?" msgstr "Tulisan tidak ditemukan. Coba cari yang lainnya." msgid "Next Slide" msgstr "Slide Berikutnya" msgid "Edit %s" msgstr "Sunting %s" msgid "" "Continue reading <span class=\"screen-reader-text\">%1$s</span> <span class=" "\"meta-nav\" aria-hidden=\"true\">→</span>" msgstr "" "Lanjutkan membaca <span class=\"screen-reader-text\">%1$s</span> <span class=" "\"meta-nav\" aria-hidden=\"true\">→</span>" msgid "Close Menu" msgstr "Tutup Menu" msgid "" "Live chat, support pages, guided courses, and real-time one-on-one support—" "we’re in the business of helping your business succeed online." msgstr "" "Live chat, laman bantuan, kursus terpandu, dan bantuan langsung real time - " "misi kami adalah membantu bisnis Anda sukses secara online." msgid "No pending comments." msgstr "Tidak ada komentar tertunda." msgctxt "post author" msgid "by %s" msgstr "oleh %s" msgid "Leave a Comment<span class=\"screen-reader-text\"> on %s</span>" msgstr "" "Tinggalkan sebuah Komentar<span class=\"screen-reader-text\"> pada %s</span>" msgid "" "Know what your visitors are viewing, where they’re coming from and how they " "found you. Make informed decisions about what’s resonating on your site." msgstr "" "Ketahui apa yang dilihat pengunjung Anda, dari mana asal mereka, dan " "bagaimana mereka menemukan Anda. Buat keputusan matang dengan informasi yang " "memadai terkait hal yang disukai di situs Anda." msgid "" "Get a website that works wherever your customers are. Download the WordPress " "apps for iOS and Android and manage your website anywhere, any time." msgstr "" "Dapatkan situs web yang aktif di mana pun pelanggan berada. Unduh aplikasi " "WordPress untuk iOS dan Android, serta kelola situs web Anda di mana pun, " "kapan pun." msgid "" "A user-friendly platform, plus domain registration, website design, and " "hosting means you can stay focused on your business." msgstr "" "Platform yang mudah digunakan, serta registrasi domain, desain situs web, " "dan hosting agar Anda dapat berfokus dalam menjalankan bisnis." msgid "" "Built-in SEO tools, social-media integration, and easy sharing options make " "your website ready\n" "to launch (and grow!) in no time." msgstr "" "Perangkat SEO internal, integrasi media sosial, dan pilihan berbagi dengan " "mudah menjadikan situs web Anda siap \n" "diluncurkan (dan berkembang!) dalam waktu singkat." msgid "" "Plugins are helpful add-ons—like mini programs—that make your website even\n" "better, and we’ve got thousands to choose from." msgstr "" "Plugin adalah add-on bermanfaat—seperti program mini—yang menjadikan situs " "web Anda semakin\n" "baik lagi, dan kami memiliki ribuan plugin yang bisa Anda pilih." msgid "Build it better with plugins" msgstr "Buat situs web terbaik dengan plugin" msgid "Feature-rich websites that grow with your business" msgstr "Situs web kaya fitur yang tumbuh bersama bisnis Anda" msgid "Choose from one of our beautiful themes, or design and upload your own." msgstr "" "Pilih salah satu dari tema kami yang memukau, atau buat desain dan unggah " "tema Anda sendiri." msgid "" "Already have a domain? Bring it to! We’ll help you move it " "with no disruption to your current site." msgstr "" "Sudah punya domain? Bawa ke! Kami akan membantu memindahkannya " "tanpa mengganggu situs yang Anda miliki." msgid "Or bring your own" msgstr "Atau bawa situs Anda sendiri" msgid "" "Carve out your niche with a name that’s uniquely you. Secure your one-of-a-" "kind domain name right here." msgstr "" "Tunjukkan spesialisasi Anda dengan nama unik yang menggambarkan diri Anda. " "Miliki nama domain spesial Anda di sini." msgid "Find the right domain" msgstr "Temukan domain yang tepat" msgid "It starts with a domain that’s perfect for you" msgstr "Semua ini dimulai dengan domain yang sempurna untuk Anda" msgid "Simplicity, speed, flexibility." msgstr "Kemudahan, kecepatan, fleksibilitas" msgid "%(size)s uploaded, unlimited storage available" msgstr "%(size)s diunggah, penyimpanan tanpa batas tersedia" msgid "" "Congratulations! <strong>%1$s</strong> has sent you <strong>%2$s</strong> " "for <strong>%3$s</strong>." msgstr "" "Selamat! <strong>%1$s</strong> mengirimi Anda <strong>%2$s</strong> untuk " "<strong>%3$s</strong>." msgid "Your money has arrived!" msgstr "Uang Anda telah tiba!" msgid "Shipping address:" msgstr "Alamat pengiriman:" msgid "Paypal status:" msgstr "Status Paypal:" msgid "Paypal ID:" msgstr "ID Paypal:" msgid "Customer email:" msgstr "Email pembeli:" msgid "Customer name:" msgstr "Nama pembeli:" msgid "Quantity:" msgstr "Jumlah:" msgid "You sold \"%2$s\" for %3$s." msgid_plural "You sold %1$s of \"%2$s\" for %3$s each." msgstr[0] "Anda menjual \"%2$s\" seharga %3$s." msgstr[1] "Anda menjual %1$s dari \"%2$s\" seharga %3$s per unit." msgid "Buyer at %1$s" msgstr "Pembeli di %1$s" msgid "You've received a payment, %1$s for %2$s. Check your email!" msgstr "Anda menerima pembayaran, %1$s seharga %2$s. Periksa email Anda!" msgid "Ready to invest in the success of your site?" msgstr "Siap berinvestasi untuk kesuksesan situs Anda?" msgid "Our #1 tip for taking your site to the next level" msgstr "Kiat #1 dari kami untuk membawa situs Anda ke level berikutnya" msgid "Our tips for building a following of loyal fans." msgstr "Kiat dari kami untuk membangun kelompok penggemar yang setia." msgid "Turn your site into a community" msgstr "Ubah situs Anda menjadi sebuah komunitas" msgid "Turn your website into a source of income." msgstr "Ubah situs web Anda menjadi sumber pendapatan." msgid "Five ways to monetize your site" msgstr "Lima cara monetisasi situs Anda" msgid "It’s easier than you think to increase your website views." msgstr "" "Meningkatkan kunjungan situs web sebenarnya lebih mudah dari yang Anda kira." msgid "Our tips for getting more people to your site" msgstr "Kiat kami untuk meningkatkan jumlah orang yang mengunjungi situs Anda" msgid "Visit WP Admin to install your plugin." msgstr "Kunjungi WP Admin untuk menginstal plugin." msgid "Go to WP Admin" msgstr "Buka WP Admin" msgid "We couldn't approve this comment." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat menyetujui komentar ini." msgid "We couldn't unapprove this comment." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat batal menyetujui komentar ini." msgid "We couldn't mark this comment as spam." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat menandai komentar ini sebagai spam." msgid "We couldn't move this comment to trash." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat memindahkan komentar ini ke sampah." msgid "We couldn't update this comment." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat memperbarui komentar ini." msgid "We are unable to retrieve your full media library." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat mengambil pustaka media lengkap Anda." msgctxt "currency" msgid "Thai Baht" msgstr "Baht Thailand" msgctxt "currency" msgid "New Taiwan Dollars" msgstr "Dolar Baru Taiwan" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Singapore Dollars" msgstr "Dolar Singapura" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Polish Zloty" msgstr "Zloty Polandia" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Philippine Peso" msgstr "Peso Filipina" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Norway Kroner" msgstr "Krona Norwegia" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Hong Kong Dollars" msgstr "Dolar Hong Kong" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Denmark Kroner" msgstr "Krona Denmark" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Czech Koruna" msgstr "Koruna Ceko" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Swiss Francs" msgstr "Franc Swiss" msgid " | Creative Mornings | Create Your Website Now" msgstr " | Creative Mornings | Buat Situs Web Anda Sekarang" msgid "" "As a global partner of CreativeMornings, we help you make your ideas happen. " "Share your vision with the world with a business website, professional " "portfolio, or blog.<br><br>Sign up today with code ‘WPlovesCM’ and receive a " "15% discount on all plans." msgstr "" "Sebagai mitra global CreativeMornings, kami membantu mewujudkan ide Anda. " "Bagikan visi Anda kepada dunia dengan situs web bisnis, portofolio " "profesional, atau blog.<br><br>Daftar sekarang dengan kode ‘WPlovesCM’ dan " "dapatkan diskon 15% untuk semua paket." msgid "Your Ideas Start Here" msgstr "Ide Anda Berawal di Sini" msgid "" "Interested in working with us? We're hiring—check out our %sopen " "positions%s!" msgstr "" "Tertarik bekerja dengan kami? Kami sedang membuka lowongan—lihat %slowongan " "kerja%s kami!" msgid "Shipping address" msgstr "Alamat pengiriman" msgid "" "Contact <strong>%s</strong> to let them know you’re working on their order." msgstr "" "Hubungi <strong>%s</strong> untuk memberi tahunya bahwa Anda sedang " "mengerjakan pesanannya." msgid "Your next step" msgstr "Langkah berikutnya" msgid "" "<strong>%s</strong> has sent you <strong>%s</strong> for <strong>%s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>%s</strong> mengirimi Anda <strong>%s</strong> untuk <strong>%s</" "strong>." msgid "Share this awesome news." msgstr "Bagikan kabar bagus ini." msgid "Hooray! You’ve just received your first payment." msgstr "Hore! Anda baru saja menerima pembayaran pertama Anda." msgid "Contact the Buyer" msgstr "Hubungi Pembeli" msgid "View the Payment" msgstr "Lihat Pembayaran" msgid "View tag '%(currentTagName)s'" msgstr "Lihat tag '%(currentTagName)s'" msgid "View list '%(currentListName)s'" msgstr "Lihat daftar '%(currentListName)s'" msgid "You must verify your email to register new domains." msgstr "Anda harus memverifikasi email agar dapat mendaftarkan domain baru." msgid "" "Hey there, looks like you just pasted HTML into the “Visual” tab " "of the Text widget. You may want to paste your code into the “" "Text” tab instead. Alternately, try out the new “Custom " "HTML” widget!" msgstr "" "Hai, sepertinya Anda baru saja menempelkan kode HTML ke dalam tab “" "Visual” dalam Widget teks. Anda mungkin ingin menempelnya pada tab " "“Text” sebenarnya. Jika tidak, cobalah widget “HTML " "Khusus” yang baru!" msgid "Did you just paste HTML?" msgstr "Apakah Anda baru saja menempelkan HTML?" msgid "" "Did you know there is a “Custom HTML” widget now? You can find " "it by scanning the list of available widgets on this screen. Check it out to " "add some custom code to your site!" msgstr "" "Tahukan Anda bahwa kami memiliki widget “HTML Khusus”? Anda " "dapat menemukannya dengan memperhatikan daftar widget yang tersedia di " "halaman berikut. Cobalah untuk menambahkan beberapa kode khusus ke situs " "Anda!" msgid "" "Did you know there is a “Custom HTML” widget now? You can find " "it by pressing the “<a class=\"add-widget\" href=\"#\">Add a Widget</" "a>” button and searching for “HTML”. Check it out to add " "some custom code to your site!" msgstr "" "Tahukan Anda bahwa kami memiliki widget “HTML Khusus”? Anda " "dapat menemukannya dengan menekan tombol “<a class=\"add-widget\" href=" "\"#\">Tambahkan Widget</a>” dan cari “HTML”. Cobalah untuk " "menambahkan beberapa kode khusus ke situs Anda!" msgid "New Custom HTML Widget" msgstr "Widget HTML Khusus Baru" msgid "" "This widget may have contained code that may work better in the “" "Custom HTML” widget. If you have not yet, how about trying that widget " "instead?" msgstr "" "Widget berikut mungkin mengandung kode yang akan bekerja lebih baik di " "widget “HTML Khusus”. Jika belum, silakan mencoba widget " "tersebut." msgid "" "This widget may contain code that may work better in the “Custom " "HTML” widget. How about trying that widget instead?" msgstr "" "Widget berikut mungkin memuat kode yang berfungsi lebih baik dalam widget " "“HTML Khusus”. Silakan mencoba widget tersebut." msgid "Arbitrary text." msgstr "Teks arbitrer." msgid "Some HTML tags are not permitted, including:" msgstr "Beberapa tanda HTML tidak diizinkan, meliputi:" msgid "Custom HTML" msgstr "HTML Khusus" msgid "Arbitrary HTML code." msgstr "Kode HTML arbitrer." msgid "Best for freelancers" msgstr "Terbaik untuk pekerja lepas" msgid "Best for students" msgstr "Terbaik untuk pelajar" msgid "Best for small businesses" msgstr "Terbaik untuk usaha kecil" msgid "All free features" msgstr "Semua fitur paket Gratis" msgid "All Personal features" msgstr "Semua fitur Personal" msgid "All Premium features" msgstr "Semua fitur Premium" msgid "Free custom domain" msgstr "Domain kustom gratis" msgid "Unlimited premium themes" msgstr "Tema premium tanpa batas" msgid "Monetize your site with ads" msgstr "Monetisasi situs Anda dengan iklan" msgid "Upload Themes and Plugins" msgstr "Unggah tema dan plugin" msgid " subdomain" msgstr "Subdomain" msgid "Unlimited backup storage" msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan pencadangan tanpa batas" msgid "Free WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress Gratis" msgid "Start with DreamHost" msgstr "Mulai dengan DreamHost" msgid "Award-winning WordPress Hosting" msgstr "Hosting WordPress yang Memenangkan Penghargaan" msgid "" "If you sign up with one of our recommended partners we have a commercial " "affiliate relationship with them." msgstr "" "Jika Anda mendaftar di salah satu mitra yang direkomendasikan, kami memiliki " "hubungan afiliasi komersial dengan mereka." msgid "" "Out of all of the hosts in the world we've chosen to recommend %s and %s as " "the two we think are best." msgstr "" "Dari semua host yang ada, kami memilih untuk merekomendasikan %s dan %s " "sebagai dua pilihan terbaik menurut kami." msgid "Your Site" msgstr "Situs Anda" msgid "" "Sorry, there was a problem loading the image. Please close this editor and " "try selecting the image again." msgstr "" "Maaf, ada masalah saat memuat gambar. Tutup editor, kemudian coba pilih " "gambar lagi." msgid "" "Request an invitation to view it and we'll send your username to the site " "owner for their approval." msgstr "" "Minta undangan untuk melihat ini dan kami akan mengirimkan nama pengguna " "Anda ke pemilik situs untuk meminta persetujuan mereka." msgid "Request Invitation" msgstr "Minta Undangan" msgid "" "Log in to to proceed. If you are not a member of this site, " "we'll send your username to the site owner for approval." msgstr "" "Login ke untuk melanjutkan. Jika Anda bukan anggota situs ini, " "kami akan mengirimkan nama pengguna Anda ke pemilik situs untuk meminta " "persetujuan mereka." msgid "This is a private site" msgstr "Ini adalah situs pribadi." msgid "" "To change the aspect ratio, the height and width must be bigger than " "{{strong}}%(width)dpx{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Untuk mengubah rasio aspek, tinggi dan lebar harus lebih dari " "{{strong}}%(width)dpiksel{{/strong}}." msgid "" "It is possible to import your blog content from a variety of other blogging " "platforms, including Medium, Blogger, LiveJournal, Movable Type, Tumblr, " "Typepad, and more. You can also easily import your content from a self-" "hosted WordPress site." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengimpor konten blog Anda dari berbagai platform blogging, " "termasuk Medium, Blogger, LiveJournal, Movable Type, Tumblr, Typepad, dan " "banyak lagi lainnya. Anda juga dapat mengimpor konten dengan mudah dari " "situs WordPress yang di-hosting sendiri." msgid "Unsupported domain." msgstr "Domain tidak didukung." msgid "Please visit {{a}}{{/a}} to search for a domain." msgstr "" "Silakan kunjungi {{a}}{{/a}} untuk mencari domain." msgid "Your site has been removed from WordAds." msgstr "Situs Anda telah dihapus dari WordAds." msgid "Manage your connection" msgstr "Kelola koneksi Anda" msgid "" "Sync your site content for a faster experience, change site owner, repair or " "terminate your connection." msgstr "" "Sinkronkan konten situs Anda untuk pengalaman yang lebih cepat, ubah pemilik " "situs, perbaiki atau hentikan koneksi Anda." msgid "Simple Payments products" msgstr "Produk Pembayaran Simpel" msgid "Simple Payments orders" msgstr "Pemesanan Pembayaran Simpel" msgctxt "Sharing options: Header" msgid "Like" msgstr "Suka" msgid "You've posted %1$s days in a row! Keep up the good work." msgid_plural "You've posted %1$s days in a row! Keep up the good work." msgstr[0] "" "Anda sudah memposting %1$s hari berturut-turut! Pertahankan prestasi ini." msgstr[1] "" "Anda sudah memposting %1$s hari berturut-turut! Pertahankan prestasi ini." msgid "" "<strong>Thank you, %s!</strong><br/>Your purchase was successful. <br />We " "just sent you a confirmation email to <em>%s</em>." msgstr "" "<strong>Terima kasih, %s!</strong><br/>Pembelian Anda berhasil. <br />Kami " "telah mengirim email konfirmasi ke <em>%s</em>." msgid "You've successfully installed the %(plugin)s plugin." msgstr "Anda berhasil memasang plugin %(plugin)s." msgid "This plugin is already installed on your site." msgstr "Plugin ini sudah terinstal di situs Anda." msgid "The plugin zip file must be smaller than 10MB." msgstr "File zip plugin harus kurang dari 10 MB." msgid "An incompatible plugin." msgstr "Sebuah plugin yang tidak cocok." msgid "Upload problem: %(error)s." msgstr "Masalah saat mengunggah: %(error)s." msgid "Problem installing the plugin." msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat menginstal plugin." msgid "Your profile photo is public." msgstr "Foto profil Anda untuk dipublikasikan." msgid "Disconnect from" msgstr "Tidak terhubung dengan" msgid "" "Your site will no longer send data to and Jetpack features " "will stop working." msgstr "" "Situs Anda akan berhenti mengirim data ke dan fitur Jetpack " "akan berhenti berfungsi." msgid "Oops! You don't have permission to manage plugins." msgstr "Ups! Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk mengelola plugin." msgid "If you think you should, contact this site's administrator." msgstr "Jika seharusnya Anda memiliki izin, hubungi administrator situs ini." msgid "" "Connect your account to your %(service)s profile. You will be " "able to use %(service)s to log in to" msgstr "" "Sambungkan akun Anda ke profil %(service)s . Anda akan dapat " "menggunakan %(service)s untuk login ke" msgid "Connect your %(service)s account" msgstr "Sambungkan akun %(service)s Anda." msgid "There are no media items uploaded to this post." msgstr "Tidak ada item media yang diunggah ke pos ini." msgid "You don't have any images." msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki gambar apa pun." msgid "You don't have any videos." msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki video apa pun." msgid "You don't have any audio files." msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki berkas audio apa pun." msgid "You don't have any documents." msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki dokumen apa pun." msgid "You don't have any media." msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki media apa pun." msgid "Search media uploaded to this post…" msgstr "Cari media yang diunggah ke pos ini…" msgid "This Post" msgstr "Pos Ini" msgid "Unincorporated Association" msgstr "Asosiasi Tidak Terkait" msgid "Aboriginal Peoples" msgstr "Suku Aborigin" msgid "Could not delete the comment." msgstr "Tidak dapat menghapus komentar." msgid "Data synchronization" msgstr "Sinkronisasi data" msgid "Diagnose a connection problem" msgstr "Diagnosis masalah koneksi" msgid "" "Jetpack Sync keeps your dashboard up to date. Data is sent " "from your site to the dashboard regularly to provide a faster " "experience. " msgstr "" "Jetpack Sync memastikan dasbor Anda selalu terbaru. Data " "dikirim dari situs Anda ke dasbor secara berkala demi " "pengalaman penggunaan yang lebih cepat. " msgid "" "If you suspect some data is missing, you can {{link}}initiate a sync " "manually{{/link}}." msgstr "" "Jika Anda menduga ada data yang hilang, Anda dapat {{link}}memulai " "sinkronisasi secara manual{{/link}}." msgid "" "A streamlined editor with faster, simpler image uploading? Check and mate." msgstr "" "Editor yang terpadu dengan pengunggahan gambar yang lebih cepat dan mudah? " "Semua ada di sini." msgid "" "Is your new post a hit? With push notifications, see reactions as they roll " "in." msgstr "" "Apakah pos baru Anda banyak dikunjungi? Dengan pemberitahuan push, lihat " "berbagai reaksi yang masuk." msgid "Invalid price" msgstr "Harga tidak valid" msgid "Unable to connect account to social account." msgstr "Tidak dapat menghubungkan akun ke akun sosial." msgid "This social account is already associated with a account." msgstr "Akun sosial ini sudah dikaitkan dengan akun" msgid "" "Jetpack brings free themes, security services, and essential marketing tools " "to your self-hosted WordPress site." msgstr "" "Jetpack menghadirkan tema baru, layanan keamanan, dan alat pemasaran penting " "ke situs WordPress yang di-hosting sendiri." msgctxt "currency" msgid "Indian Rupees" msgstr "Rupee India" msgid "Estimated Impressions" msgstr "Perkiraan Impresi" msgid "" "Business plans now offer access to thousands of WordPress plugins and themes!" msgstr "" "Paket Bisnis kini menawarkan akses ke ribuan plugin dan tema WordPress!" msgid "" "Find a unique style for your site: features hundreds of " "beautiful themes.<br> <span class=\"lp-feature__hightlight\">Purchased a " "WordPress theme elsewhere? No problem: the Business plan lets you install " "any theme you’d like.</span>" msgstr "" "Temukan gaya yang unik untuk situs Anda: menyajikan ratusan " "tema memukau.<br> <span class=\"lp-feature__hightlight\">Sudah membeli tema " "WordPress di tempat lain? Tak masalah. Dengan paket Bisnis, Anda bisa " "menginstal tema apa pun yang disukai.</span>" msgid "Learn more about P2" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang P2" msgid "Enable ads and display an ad below each post" msgstr "Aktifkan iklan dan tampilkan iklan di bawah setiap pos" msgid "Compare our plans" msgstr "Bandingkan paket" msgid "" "You have to verify the email address used to register this domain before you " "are able to update the name servers for your domain. Look for the " "verification message in your email inbox." msgstr "" "Anda harus memverifikasi alamat email yang digunakan untuk mendaftarkan " "domain ini terlebih dahulu agar bisa memperbarui server nama domain. Cari " "pesan verifikasi di kotak masuk email Anda." msgid "Check your email — instructions sent to %(email)s." msgstr "Periksa email Anda — instruksi dikirimkan ke %(email)s." msgid "Sent to %(email)s. Check your email to verify." msgstr "Dikirimkan ke %(email)s. Periksa email Anda untuk memverifikasi." msgid "Send Again" msgstr "Kirim Lagi" msgid "Choose the platform that gives you more." msgstr "Pilih platform yang menyajikan kinerja lebih baik." msgid "" "Google and social media previews, Google Analytics integration, optional ad " "revenue, and social media scheduling." msgstr "" "Pratinjau Google dan media sosial, integrasi Google Analytics, pendapatan " "iklan opsional, dan penjadwalan media sosial." msgid "" "High-speed, ad-free video CDN means your viewers don't see irrelevant ads " "and you don't eat into your hosting bandwidth." msgstr "" "Dengan adanya CDN video berkecepatan tinggi dan bebas iklan, pengunjung " "situs Anda tidak akan melihat iklan yang tidak relevan dan Anda tidak menyia-" "nyiakan bandwidth hosting." msgid "Unlimited Video Hosting" msgstr "Hosting Video Tanpa Batas" msgid "" "Your site is entirely backed up and scanned in real-time with unlimited " "storage and backup archive." msgstr "" "Situs Anda sepenuhnya dicadangkan dan dipindai secara real time dengan arsip " "cadangan dan ruang penyimpanan tanpa batas." msgid "Business Class Security" msgstr "Keamanan Kelas Bisnis" msgid "" "200+ premium themes available for use on your site with built-in advanced " "customization tools." msgstr "" "200 lebih tema premium yang bisa digunakan di situs Anda dengan alat " "penyesuaian canggih yang sudah ada di dalamnya." msgid "Professional WordPress sites from start to finish." msgstr "Situs WordPress profesional dari awal sampai akhir." msgid "Comment approved and reply submitted." msgstr "Komentar disetujui dan balasan dikirim." msgid "Reply submitted." msgstr "Balasan dikirim." msgid "Reply to comment…" msgstr "Balas komentar…" msgid "Concierge Setup Service" msgstr "Layanan Penyiapan Pengawas" msgid "Automatic Threat Resolution" msgstr "Resolusi Ancaman Otomatis" msgid "<strong>Priority</strong> Support" msgstr "Dukungan <strong>Prioritas</strong>" msgid "<strong>Unlimited</strong> Video Hosting" msgstr "Hosting Video <strong>Tanpa Batas</strong>" msgid "<strong>Unlimited</strong> Storage and Archive" msgstr "Penyimpanan dan Arsip <strong>Tanpa Batas</strong>" msgid "<strong>Real-time</strong> Backups" msgstr "Pencadangan <strong>Real time</strong>" msgid "Jetpack Professional" msgstr "Jetpack Professional" msgid "Design, build, grow, and secure your site from start to finish." msgstr "" "Mendesain, membentuk, menumbuhkan, dan mengamankan situs Anda dari awal " "sampai akhir." msgid "Professional Sites:" msgstr "Situs Profesional:" msgid "" "We give priority to our paying customers when responding to support requests " "which means you will get a faster resolution." msgstr "" "Kami memprioritaskan pelanggan berbayar saat menanggapi permintaan dukungan, " "yang artinya Anda akan mendapatkan resolusi lebih cepat." msgid "What is priority support?" msgstr "Apa itu dukungan prioritas?" msgid "" "Everything you need to create and manage a professional WordPress site from " "start to finish.<br><br>Create your business site with unlimited premium " "themes, customization tools, SEO tools, and unlimited video CDN.<br><br>Keep " "it secure and always online with real-time backups, spam filtering, malware " "scanning, automated fixes, and priority support." msgstr "" "Semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk membuat dan mengelola situs WordPress " "profesional dari awal hingga akhir.<br><br>Buat situs bisnis Anda dengan " "tema premium tanpa batas, perangkat costumization, perangkat SEO, dan CDN " "video tanpa batas.<br><br>Tetap aman dan selalu online dengan pencadangan " "real time, filter spam, pemindaian malware, perbaikan otomatis, dan bantuan " "prioritas." msgid "Professional WordPress Sites" msgstr "Situs WordPress Profesional" msgid "Start with Professional" msgstr "Mulai dengan Professional" msgid "" "Jetpack Premium immediately puts you a step ahead of the game.<br><br>Your " "entire site is securely backed up, spam is automatically filtered, and all " "your code is scanned for malware daily.<br><br>You also get high-speed and " "ad-free video hosting and pre-approval to our ad program." msgstr "" "Dengan Jetpack Premium, Anda langsung menjadi yang terdepan.<br><br>Seluruh " "situs Anda dicadangkan dengan aman, spam disaring secara otomatis, dan semua " "kode Anda dipindai setiap hari untuk mendeteksi malware.<br><br>Anda juga " "mendapatkan hosting video berkecepatan tinggi dan bebas iklan serta " "persetujuan awal untuk program iklan kami." msgid "Elevate Your Online Presence" msgstr "Tonjolkan Kehadiran Online Anda" msgid "Upgrade to Yearly" msgstr "Upgrade ke Tahunan" msgid "Billed yearly, credit card expiring soon" msgstr "Penagihan tahunan, kartu kredit kedaluwarsa dalam waktu dekat" msgid "Billed yearly, renews on %s" msgstr "Penagihan tahunan, diperpanjang pada %s" msgid "Billed yearly, expires on %s" msgstr "Penagihan tahunan, kedaluwarsa pada %s" msgid "Billed yearly, expired %(timeSinceExpiry)s" msgstr "Penagihan tahunan, kedaluwarsa %(timeSinceExpiry)s" msgid "Billed yearly" msgstr "Penagihan tahunan" msgid "Billed monthly" msgstr "Penagihan bulanan" msgid "Upgrade to yearly billing" msgstr "Upgrade ke penagihan tahunan" msgid "Billing period" msgstr "Periode penagihan" msgid "Automated malware scanning, secure video hosting, and more." msgstr "" "Pemindaian malware otomatis, hosting video aman, dan banyak lagi lainnya." msgid "Advanced Security:" msgstr "Keamanan Tingkat Lanjut:" msgid "" "After losing a whole site, I looked into backing it up. For about the price " "of a Big Mac, I get peace of mind every month.<br><br>I had a small issue " "when reinstalling WordPress and Jetpack support fixed it extremely quickly " "and were A1 helpful.<br><br>I sleep easy at night knowing they’ve got my " "back." msgstr "" "Setelah kehilangan sebuah situs, saya berusaha mencadangkannya. Dengan harga " "setara satu Big Mac, saya mendapatkan ketenangan setiap bulan.<br><br>Saya " "mengalami masalah kecil saat menginstal ulang WordPress dan dukungan Jetpack " "memperbaikinya begitu cepat dan sangat membantu.<br><br>Saya bisa tidur " "nyenyak setiap malam karena mereka selalu siap membantu saya." msgid "" "We completed a theme upgrade and Google realized something was wrong and " "dropped us from their rankings within 10 minutes.<br><br>We used Jetpack's " "site restore for the first time and it worked quickly and perfectly. What " "little we have invested doesn’t compare to its value tonight alone. THANK " "YOU VERY MUCH." msgstr "" "Kami melakukan upgrade tema dan Google menemukan suatu kesalahan sehingga " "mengeluarkan kami dari peringkat mereka dalam 10 menit.<br><br>Kami " "menggunakan pemulihan situs Jetpack untuk pertama kalinya dan semua berjalan " "sangat cepat dan tanpa masalah. Investasi kecil yang kami buat tidak " "sebanding dengan nilai yang kami dapatkan untuk malam ini saja. TERIMA KASIH " "BANYAK." msgid "Our users love Jetpack" msgstr "Pengguna kami menyukai Jetpack" msgid "Safeguard your online presence with Jetpack." msgstr "Lindungi kehadiran online Anda dengan Jetpack." msgid "" "<span class=\"no-widows\">Security Essentials</span><span class=\"no-widows" "\">for WordPress Sites" msgstr "" "<span class=\"no-widows\">Kebutuhan Keamanan Dasar</span><span class=\"no-" "widows\">untuk Situs WordPress" msgid "Log in here" msgstr "Login di sini" msgid "Keep your site secure and ready to restore at any time." msgstr "Menjaga keamanan situs Anda dan siap memulihkan kapan saja." msgid "" "Protects your site from unwanted attention. Get expert support and instant " "restores should something go wrong." msgstr "" "Lindungi situs Anda dari perhatian yang tidak diinginkan. Dapatkan dukungan " "ahli dan pemulihan seketika ketika ada masalah." msgid "" "Everything you need to make sure your site is always online and ready to " "serve your readers and customers." msgstr "" "Semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk memastikan situs selalu online dan siap " "melayani pembaca serta pelanggan Anda." msgid "Safeguard Your Online Presence" msgstr "Lindungi Kehadiran Online Anda" msgid "" "Purchases can be canceled and refunded during the refund period. You can " "also unsubscribe at any time if you don’t want your subscription to renew." msgstr "" "Pembelian bisa dibatalkan dan dikembalikan dananya selama masa berlaku " "pengembalian dana. Anda juga bisa berhenti langganan kapan saja jika tidak " "ingin memperpanjang langganan." msgid "" "Plans renew annually and we take care of everything. If your payment " "information needs updating, we’ll let you know." msgstr "" "Paket diperbarui setiap tahun dan kami yang akan menanganinya. Jika " "informasi pembayaran Anda perlu diperbarui, kami akan memberitahukannya." msgid "" "You can pay for your Jetpack plan in the Store checkout using any major " "credit card, debit card, or PayPal." msgstr "" "Anda dapat membayar paket Jetpack di proses pembayaran Toko menggunakan " "kartu kredit dari penerbit besar, kartu debit, atau PayPal." msgid "" "We check whether your site is online and avaiable every two minutes and will " "notify you if it seems to be offline." msgstr "" "Kami memeriksa apakah situs Anda online dan tersedia setiap dua menit dan " "akan memberi tahu Anda jika situs terlihat offline." msgid "" "Protect your site from unauthorized login attempts, brute force attacks, and " "automated botnets." msgstr "" "Lindungi situs dari upaya login tanpa izin, serangan paksa, dan botnet " "otomatis." msgid "Attack Protection" msgstr "Perlindungan Terhadap Serangan" msgid "" "Easily restore your site with one click to a previously backed up version or " "migrate it to another host from an existing backup." msgstr "" "Pulihkan situs dengan mudah, hanya satu klik untuk mengembalikan ke versi " "cadangan sebelumnya atau memigrasikan ke host lain dari cadangan yang ada." msgid "Restore and Migrate" msgstr "Pemulihan dan Migrasi" msgid "" "Get priority, expert assistance from our global support team for any Jetpack " "or WordPress security issue." msgstr "" "Dapatkan panduan ahli dan prioritas dari tim dukungan global kami untuk " "segala masalah terkait keamanan Jetpack atau WordPress." msgid "" "State-of-the-art spam filtering stops spammers and affiliate marketers from " "taking advantage of your site traffic." msgstr "" "Penyaringan spam yang canggih mampu menghentikan penyebar spam dan marketer " "afiliasi yang berusaha memanfaatkan lalu lintas kunjungan situs Anda." msgid "Spam Filtering" msgstr "Penyaringan Spam" msgid "" "Your entire site is backed up daily including all settings, themes, content, " "and media. We have no storage limit." msgstr "" "Seluruh situs Anda dicadangkan setiap hari, termasuk semua pengaturan, tema, " "konten, dan media. Tidak ada batas penyimpanan." msgid "Automated Backup" msgstr "Pencadangan Otomatis" msgid "Trusted by millions of WordPress professionals." msgstr "Dipercaya oleh jutaan profesional WordPress." msgid "The safest way to be online with WordPress" msgstr "Cara paling aman untuk online dengan WordPress" msgid "" "Our data centers span the globe and already serve millions of WordPress " "sites of all shapes and sizes.<br><br>Trusting us with your site security " "means working with a proven infrastrucure and team." msgstr "" "Pusat data kami tersebar di seluruh dunia dan sudah melayani jutaan situs " "WordPress dengan berbagai bentuk dan ukuran.<br><br>Dengan mempercayakan " "keamanan situs kepada kami, Anda akan bekerja dengan infrastruktur dan tim " "yang telah terbukti keandalannya." msgid "Global Infrastructure" msgstr "Infrastruktur Global" msgid "Get faster support than free users from our WordPress security experts." msgstr "" "Dapatkan dukungan lebih cepat daripada pengguna gratis dari para pakar " "keamanan WordPress kami." msgid "No matter how large your site is we back up all of it at no extra cost." msgstr "" "Seberapa besar pun situs Anda, kami mencadangkan semuanya tanpa biaya lebih." msgid "Back up all your site content, themes, and data on schedule every day." msgstr "" "Mencadangkan semua konten, tema, dan data situs Anda sesuai jadwal setiap " "hari." msgid "Peace of Mind Comes Standard" msgstr "Ketenangan Anda adalah Standar Kami" msgid "" "This account is already connected to another user on this " "site. Please login to another account to complete the " "connection." msgstr "" "Akun ini sudah terhubung ke pengguna lain di situs ini. Harap " "login ke akun lain untuk menyelesaikan koneksi." msgid "Allow people to buy more than one item at a time." msgstr "Buat agar orang bisa membeli lebih dari satu item sekaligus." msgid "" "This is where PayPal will send your money. To claim a payment, you'll need a " "<a href=\"%1$s\" %2$s>PayPal account</a> connected to a bank account." msgstr "" "Ini adalah tempat PayPal akan mengirimkan uang Anda. Untuk mengklaim " "pembayaran, Anda perlu <a href=\"%1$s\" %2$s>akun PayPal</a> yang terhubung " "ke rekening bank." msgid "The site is not connected." msgstr "Situs tidak terhubung." msgid "" "Your site is in Development Mode, so it can not be connected to WordPress." "com." msgstr "" "Situs Anda berada dalam Mode Pengembangan sehingga tidak dapat disambungkan " "ke" msgid "You are the owner of this site's connection to" msgstr "Anda adalah pemilik koneksi situs ini ke" msgid "Site ownership" msgstr "Kepemilikan situs" msgid "" "This plan includes mapping for the domain %(mappedDomain)s. Cancelling will " "remove all the plan's features from your site, including the domain." msgstr "" "Paket ini mencakup pemetaan domain %(mappedDomain)s. Pembatalan akan " "menghapus semua fitur paket dari situs Anda, termasuk domain." msgid "" "Your site will no longer be available at %(mappedDomain)s. Instead, it will " "be at %(wordpressSiteUrl)s" msgstr "" "Situs Anda akan menjadi tidak tersedia di %(mappedDomain)s. Situs Anda akan " "tersedia di %(wordpressSiteUrl)s" msgid "" "The domain %(mappedDomain)s itself is not canceled. Only the connection " "between and your domain is removed. %(mappedDomain)s is " "registered elsewhere and you can still use it with other sites." msgstr "" "Domain %(mappedDomain)s tidak dibatalkan. Koneksi antara dan " "domain Anda saja yang dihapus. %(mappedDomain)s telah terdaftar di tempat " "lain dan Anda masih bisa menggunakannya dengan situs lain." msgid "Payment Buttons" msgstr "Tombol Pembayaran" msgid "Could not unlike this comment" msgstr "Tidak bisa batal menyukai komentar ini" msgid "Conversations" msgstr "Percakapan" msgid "Your restore will start in a moment." msgstr "Pemulihan akan dimulai sesaat lagi." msgid "Enable comment likes" msgstr "Aktifkan menyukai komentar" msgid "Could not like this comment" msgstr "Tidak bisa menyukai komentar ini" msgid "" "Hmm, we can't update the status of your restore. Please refresh this page." msgstr "" "Hmm, kami tidak bisa memperbarui status pemulihan Anda. Harap segarkan " "halaman ini." msgctxt "Themes step subheader in Signup" msgid "" "Pick one of our popular themes to get started or choose from hundreds more " "after you sign up." msgstr "" "Pilih salah satu tema populer kami untuk memulai atau pilih dari ratusan " "tema lainnya setelah Anda mendaftar." msgid "Access photos in your Google Account for use in posts and pages" msgstr "Akses foto di Akun Google Anda untuk penggunaan di pos dan halaman" msgid "Reply to %(commentAuthor)s…" msgstr "Balas ke %(commentAuthor)s…" msgid "WordPress Security Essentials" msgstr "Fitur Keamanan Penting dari WordPress" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Upgrade on:" msgstr "Upgrade pada:" msgid "Domain is pending contact information update." msgstr "Domain sedang menunggu pembaruan informasi kontak" msgid "" "Your change will be reflected shortly. Please note that if you made a change " "to your name, organization, or email address, you must confirm the change by " "clicking the confirmation link(s) in the email(s) sent to you. If you have " "any questions or issues, please refer to our {{supporta}}support page{{/" "supporta}} or {{a}}contact support{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Perubahan yang Anda lakukan akan ditampilkan sesaat lagi. Harap diketahui " "bahwa jika Anda mengubah nama, organisasi, atau alamat email, Anda harus " "mengonfirmasi perubahan tersebut dengan mengeklik link konfirmasi di dalam " "email yang dikirimkan kepada Anda. Jika ada pertanyaan atau masalah, silakan " "lihat {{supporta}}halaman dukungan{{/supporta}} kami atau {{a}}hubungi " "dukungan{{/a}}." msgid "Apple App Store download badge" msgstr "Lencana unduhan Apple App Store" msgid "Google Play Store download badge" msgstr "Lencana unduhan Google Play Store" msgid "Get WordPress apps for all your screens." msgstr "Dapatkan aplikasi WordPress untuk semua perangkat Anda." msgid "Requires Mac OS X 10.11+. " msgstr "Memerlukan Mac OS X 10.11 atau yang lebih baru. " msgid "Requires a 64-bit kernel. " msgstr "Memerlukan kernel 64-bit. " msgid "Requires Windows 7+. " msgstr "Memerlukan Windows 7 atau yang lebih baru. " msgid "Desktop App for Mac" msgstr "Aplikasi Desktop untuk Mac" msgid "Desktop App for Linux" msgstr "Aplikasi Desktop untuk Linux" msgid "Desktop App for Windows" msgstr "Aplikasi Desktop untuk Windows" msgid "1. Payment Button" msgstr "1. Tombol Pembayaran" msgid "Simple Payments" msgstr "Simple Payments" msgid "Sell anything with a simple PayPal button." msgstr "Jual apa pun dengan tombol PayPal yang simpel." msgctxt "currency" msgid "Hungarian Forints" msgstr "Forint Hongaria" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Swedish Kronor" msgstr "Krona Swedia" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Mexican Pesos" msgstr "Peso Meksiko" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Russian Rubles" msgstr "Rubel Rusia" msgctxt "currency" msgid "New Israeli Shekels" msgstr "Shekel Baru Israel" msgid "Unable to show your site here" msgstr "Tidak bisa menampilkan situs Anda di sini" msgid "To view your site, click the button below" msgstr "Untuk melihat situs Anda, klik tombol di bawah" msgid "6 GB of storage space for images, documents, and audio." msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan sebesar 6 GB untuk gambar, dokumen, dan audio." msgid "(Only admins can see this message)" msgstr "(Hanya admin yang dapat melihat pesan ini)" msgid "" "There are no photos to display. Make sure your Flickr feed URL is correct, " "and that your pictures are publicly accessible." msgstr "" "Tidak ada foto untuk ditampilkan. Pastikan URL feed Flickr Anda benar dan " "gambar Anda dapat diakses secara publik." msgid "" "Leave the Flickr RSS URL field blank to display <a target=\"_blank\" href=" "\"%s\">interesting</a> Flickr photos." msgstr "" "Kosongkan kolom URL RSS Flickr untuk menampilkan foto-foto Flickr yang <a " "target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">menarik</a>." msgid "" "To find your Flickr RSS URL, go to your photostream, add \"?details=1\" to " "the URL, and hit enter. Scroll down until you see the RSS icon or the " "\"Latest\" link. Right-click on either options and copy the URL. Paste into " "the box above." msgstr "" "Untuk menemukan URL RSS Flickr Anda, buka photostream Anda, klik \"Lainnya\" " "pada menu, kemudian klik \"Sunting\". Gulir ke bawah hingga Anda melihat " "ikon RSS atau link \"Terbaru\". Klik kanan ikon atau link dan salin URL-nya. " "Tempelkan ke kotak di atas." msgid "Customize your site without needing to know any code." msgstr "Sesuaikan situs tanpa perlu memahami kode apa pun." msgid "The single most underrated feature for new websites." msgstr "Satu fitur andal untuk situs web baru." msgid "Start publishing with a few short sentences." msgstr "Mulai publikasi dengan beberapa kalimat singkat." msgid "The first page every site owner should customize." msgstr "Halaman pertama yang harus diperhatikan oleh pemilik situs." msgid "The first thing all site owners should do." msgstr "Hal pertama yang harus dilakukan oleh pemilik situs." msgid "Social Media Icons (Deprecated)" msgstr "Ikon Media Sosial (Cacat)" msgid "%d share" msgid_plural "%d shares" msgstr[0] "%d item dibagikan" msgstr[1] "%d item dibagikan" msgid "… and %d more share" msgid_plural "… and %d more shares" msgstr[0] "… dan %d item lainnya dibagikan" msgstr[1] "… dan %d item lainnya dibagikan" msgid "Advanced Social Media" msgstr "Media Sosial Tingkat Lanjut" msgid "" "Schedule your social media updates in advance and promote your posts when " "it's best for you." msgstr "" "Jadwalkan pembaruan media sosial Anda di awal dan promosikan pos Anda di " "saat yang terbaik bagi Anda." msgid "Schedule a complimentary, one-on-one consultation with a Jetpack expert" msgstr "Jadwalkan konsultasi pribadi gratis dengan pakar Jetpack" msgid "" "<strong>Just for you:</strong> <a href=\"%s\">Click here</a> to schedule a " "complimentary, one-on-one consultation with a Jetpack expert." msgstr "" "<strong>Khusus untuk Anda:</strong> <a href=\"%s\">Klik di sini</a> untuk " "menjadwalkan konsultasi pribadi gratis dengan pakar Jetpack." msgid "Install third-party themes and plugins." msgstr "Instal tema dan plugin dari pihak ketiga." msgid "Go to %s" msgstr "Buka %s" msgid "Your receipt for %s." msgstr "Tanda terima Anda untuk %s." msgid "Monthly billing" msgstr "Penagihan bulanan" msgid "Choose the option that best describes your Canadian presence:" msgstr "" "Pilih pilihan yang paling mendekati status persyaratan Canadian Presence " "Anda:" msgid "" "The maximum number of allowed reports for this blog has been surpassed and " "no new reports are permitted at this time." msgstr "" "Jumlah maksimum laporan yang diizinkan untuk blog ini telah terlampaui, " "sehingga laporan baru tidak diizinkan untuk saat ini." msgid "Post Publicized" msgstr "Pos yang Dipublikasikan" msgid "Your post %1$s has just been shared on \"%2$s\" %3$s account." msgstr "Pos Anda %1$s baru saja dibagikan di akun %3$s \"%2$s\"." msgid "Scheduled %s update" msgstr "Pembaruan %s terjadwal" msgid "We just shared your post %1$s on %2$s." msgstr "Kami baru saja membagikan pos Anda %1$s di %2$s." msgid "" "It looks like you were <i>this</i> close to investing in an upgrade for your " " site, %s. What a great decision you were about to make!" msgstr "" "Anda telah melangkah <i>cukup jauh</i> untuk melakukan upgrade situs " " Anda, %s. Anda akan segera membuat sebuah investasi yang luar " "biasa!" msgid "Copy to media library" msgstr "Salin media ke perpustakaan media" msgid "Could not add a reply to “%(postTitle)s”" msgstr "Tidak dapat menambahkan balasan ke “%(postTitle)s”" msgid "Could not add a reply to this post" msgstr "Tidak dapat menambahkan balasan ke pos ini." msgid "Uh oh. That method isn't supported." msgstr "Aduh. Metode itu tidak didukung." msgid "" "Check with the service provider that sent you here for more information." msgstr "" "Periksa ke penyedia layanan yang membawa Anda ke sini untuk informasi lebih " "lanjut." msgid "" "Choose from hundreds of beautiful designs and customize them for your " "business site, blog, or portfolio. <strong>Purchased a WordPress theme " "elsewhere? No problem: the Business plan lets you install any " "theme you’d like.</strong>" msgstr "" "Pilih dari ratusan desain cantik dan sesuaikan untuk situs bisnis, blog, " "atau portfolio mereka. <strong>Pernah membeli tema WordPress di tempat lain? " "Bukan masalah: dengan paket Bisnis, Anda dapat menginstal tema " "apa pun yang Anda suka.</strong>" msgid "Your Ideas. Your Brand. Your Domain." msgstr "Ide Anda. Merek Anda. Domain Anda." msgid "Find the domain that defines you." msgstr "Temukan domain Anda." msgid "Delete this comment permanently?" msgstr "Hapus komentar ini secara permanen?" msgid "… and %(moreEvents)d more post" msgid_plural "… and %(moreEvents)d more posts" msgstr[0] "… dan %(moreEvents)d pos lainnya" msgstr[1] "… dan %(moreEvents)d pos lainnya" msgid "Easy monetization options" msgstr "Pilihan monetisasi yang mudah" msgid "Unlimited premium themes." msgstr "Tema premium tanpa batas." msgid "" "Almost done! We need some extra details to register your %(tld)s domain." msgstr "" "Hampir selesai! Kami memerlukan beberapa detail tambahan untuk mendaftarkan " "domain %(tld)s Anda." msgid "Activate Rewind" msgstr "Aktifkan Putar Mundur" msgid "Activity for {{period/}}" msgstr "Aktivitas untuk {{period/}}" msgid "Don't forget to enter a password." msgstr "Jangan lupa untuk memasukkan kata sandi." msgid "Enter a username of your choice." msgstr "Masukkan nama pengguna pilihan Anda." msgid "Enter a working email address, so you can receive our messages." msgstr "" "Masukkan alamat email yang aktif agar Anda bisa menerima pesan dari kami." msgid "Email me a login link." msgstr "Kirimkan tautan login melalui email." msgid "Don't forget to enter your password." msgstr "Jangan lupa untuk memasukkan kata sandi Anda." msgid "" "We aren't able to set up the service with the information given. Please " "check with your service provider to make sure they provided all the correct " "data." msgstr "" "Kami tidak bisa menyiapkan layanan dengan informasi yang diberikan. Tanyakan " "kepada penyedia layanan Anda untuk memastikan mereka menyediakan semua data " "yang benar." msgid "Hurray! Your new service is now all set up." msgstr "Hore! Layanan baru Anda sudah siap." msgid "" "We weren't able to add the DNS records needed for this service. Please try " "again." msgstr "" "Kami tidak bisa menambahkan data DNS yang diperlukan untuk layanan ini. Coba " "lagi." msgid "Authorize DNS Changes for %(domain)s" msgstr "Beri otorisasi Perubahan DNS untuk %(domain)s" msgid "We're going to remove or replace these records:" msgstr "Kami akan menghapus atau mengganti data berikut:" msgid "" "The services that these records were used for may no longer work if they are " "removed. If you are trying to switch from one service provider to another " "this is probably what you want to do." msgstr "" "Layanan yang menggunakan data ini mungkin tak lagi berfungsi jika data " "dihapus. Jika Anda mencoba untuk beralih ke penyedia layanan lain, mungkin " "Anda ingin melakukan tindakan ini." msgid "We're going add these records:" msgstr "Kami akan menambahkan data berikut:" msgid "Hide Changes." msgstr "Sembunyikan Perubahan." msgid "View Changes." msgstr "Lihat Perubahan." msgid "" "To set up this service, we're going to make some changes to the the DNS " "records for your domain." msgstr "" "Untuk menyiapkan layanan ini, kami akan melakukan beberapa perubahan " "terhadap data DNS untuk domain Anda." msgid "" "When you're ready to proceed, click %(confirm)s. If this isn't what you " "meant to do, click %(cancel)s and we won't make any changes." msgstr "" "Saat Anda siap melanjutkan, klik %(confirm)s. Jika Anda tidak bermaksud " "melakukan tindakan ini, klik %(cancel)s dan kami tidak akan mengubah apa pun." msgid "" "There seems to be a problem with the information we received about the " "service you're trying to set up. Contact your service providers support and " "let them know about this error message." msgstr "" "Sepertinya ada masalah dengan informasi yang kami terima terkait layanan " "yang sedang Anda siapkan. Hubungi dukungan penyedia layanan Anda dan beri " "tahu mereka mengenai pesan error ini." msgid "Real-time Backups" msgstr "Pencadangan Real time" msgid "Site migration functionality" msgstr "Fungsionalitas migrasi situs" msgid "Site Restores & Migrations" msgstr "Pemulihan & Migrasi Situs" msgid "" "We automatically scan your entire site every day for security threats and " "vulnerabilities. We'll thoroughly check for any suspicious activity or code, " "provide you with instant notifications and details when we find an issue, " "and help you resolve any harmful threats.\n" msgstr "" "Kami akan memindai keseluruhan situs Anda setiap hari secara otomatis " "terkait ancaman dan kerentanan keamanan. Kami akan memeriksa semua aktivitas " "atau kode yang mencurigakan, memberi Anda pemberitahuan dan rincian instan " "saat kami menemukan masalah, dan membantu Anda mengatasi ancaman berbahaya.\n" msgid "Video hosting (Unlimited)" msgstr "Hosting video (Tanpa batas)" msgid "SEO tools" msgstr "Perangkat SEO" msgid "One-click malware fixer" msgstr "Perbaiki malware hanya dengan satu klik" msgid "Video hosting (13 GB)" msgstr "Hosting video (13 GB)" msgid "Revenue generation" msgstr "Perolehan pendapatan" msgid "" "Engage your readers with ad-free, high-speed, and unbranded video content. " "Fully optimized for WordPress and featuring direct integration with your " "post editor and media library. Detailed stats help you track views and plays." msgstr "" "Libatkan pembaca Anda dengan konten video yang bebas iklan, berkecepatan " "tinggi, dan tanpa branding. Dioptimalkan sepenuhnya untuk WordPress dan " "menampilkan integrasi langsung dengan editor pos serta pustaka media Anda. " "Statistik terperinci yang akan membantu Anda melacak views dan pemutaran." msgid "" "Painlessly monetize your site. Deliver relevant, high-quality promotional " "content to your readers using our custom advertising program that's " "optimized for WordPress sites and themes." msgstr "" "Monetisasi situs Anda dengan mudah. Memberikan konten promosi berkualitas " "tinggi yang relevan ke pembaca Anda menggunakan program iklan khusus kami " "yang dioptimalkan untuk situs dan tema WordPress." msgid "" "We automatically scan your entire site every day for security threats and " "vulnerabilities. We'll thoroughly check for any suspicious activity or code, " "provide you with instant notifications and details when we find an issue, " "and help you resolve any harmful threats." msgstr "" "Kami akan memindai keseluruhan situs Anda setiap hari secara otomatis " "terkait ancaman dan kerentanan keamanan. Kami akan memeriksa semua aktivitas " "atau kode yang mencurigakan, memberi Anda pemberitahuan dan rincian instan " "saat kami menemukan masalah, dan membantu Anda mengatasi ancaman berbahaya." msgid "Site migration tools" msgstr "Alat migrasi situs" msgid "Spam defense" msgstr "Pertahanan spam" msgid "Backup restore tools" msgstr "Alat pemulihan pencadangan" msgid "30-day backup archive" msgstr "Arsip pencadangan 30 hari" msgid "active" msgstr "aktif" msgid "" "We've checked %s, and Jetpack Professional is working smoothly. Here's a " "complimentary breakdown of how your site is being secured:" msgstr "" "Kami sudah memeriksa %s, dan Jetpack Professional berfungsi dengan baik. " "Berikut adalah rincian gratis mengenai cara pengamanan situs Anda:" msgid "Good news!" msgstr "Kabar baik!" msgid "" "Easily move your site to a different host, duplicate it for testing " "purposes, or restore a previous backup to any location. You'll also get " "priority migration support from our team of WordPress experts if you run " "into any problems." msgstr "" "Memindahkan situs Anda dengan mudah ke host lain, menduplikatnya untuk " "tujuan pengujian, atau memulihkan pencadangan sebelumnya ke lokasi mana pun. " "Anda juga akan mendapatkan dukungan migrasi prioritas dari tim ahli " "WordPress kami jika Anda menemui masalah." msgid "Site Restores & Migration" msgstr "Pemulihan & Migrasi Situs" msgid "Get to know your plan." msgstr "Kenali paket Anda." msgid "Learn more about your plan" msgstr "Pelajari selengkapnya tentang paket Anda" msgid "" "With expedited support from our team of WordPress experts, We can help you " "resolve any security problems or concerns, and we can walk you through all " "of the Jetpack features to help you succeed with your site." msgstr "" "Dengan dukungan yang cepat dari tim pakar WordPress kami, Kami dapat " "membantu Anda mengatasi masalah keamanan atau masalah apa pun, dan kami " "dapat memandu Anda melalui semua fitur Jetpack untuk membantu Anda sukses " "dengan situs Anda." msgid "" "We offer the industry-leading anti-spam solution for WordPress. Jetpack is " "built to thwart the latest tactics from spammers — and we stop them before " "they get a chance to ruin your site and search engine rankings." msgstr "" "Kami menawarkan solusi industri anti-spam terkemuka untuk WordPress. Jetpack " "dibangun untuk menggagalkan taktik terbaru dari spammer — dan kami " "menghentikannya sebelum mereka mendapatkan kesempatan untuk menghancurkan " "situs dan peringkat mesin pencari Anda." msgid "" "Jetpack offers automatic backups of your entire site and all of its content, " "with unlimited storage. Your content is safely stored on our secure network. " "It's all optimized for WordPress and always available to get you back up and " "running as quickly as possible." msgstr "" "Jetpack menawarkan pencadangan otomatis seluruh situs Anda dan semua konten " "di dalamnya, dengan penyimpanan tanpa batas. Konten Anda telah disimpan " "dengan aman di jaringan kami yang aman. Semuanya dioptimalkan untuk " "WordPress dan selalu siap membuat Anda bangkit kembali dan berlari secepat " "mungkin." msgid "Daily Backups" msgstr "Pencadangan Harian" msgid "" "%s is in good hands! Here are the important security services included with " "your plan:" msgstr "" "%s berada di tangan yang tepat! Berikut adalah layanan keamanan penting yang " "disertakan dalam paket Anda:" msgid "" "Preview your site's content as it will appear on Facebook, Twitter, and the " " Reader." msgstr "" "Pratinjau konten situs Anda yang nantinya akan muncul di Facebook, Twitter, " "dan Pembaca" msgid "" "Control how page titles will appear on Google search results and social " "networks." msgstr "" "Kontrol tampilan judul halaman di hasil pencarian Google dan di jaringan " "sosial." msgid "" "Customize your front page meta data to change how your site appears to " "search engines." msgstr "" "Sesuaikan meta data halaman depan untuk mengubah tampilan situs Anda di " "mesin pencari." msgid "" "Get a better idea of how your Jetpack Professional subscription is working " "hard to keep your site and content safe." msgstr "" "Dapatkan pemikiran yang lebih baik tentang bagaimana langganan Jetpack " "Professional Anda bekerja keras agar situs dan konten Anda tetap aman." msgid "Jetpack Professional has secured %s. Here is how it's keeping you safe." msgstr "" "Jetpack Professional memiliki %s yang aman. Berikut ini cara fitur tersebut " "menjaga keamanan Anda." msgid "" "If you're not yet using these valuable services included with Jetpack " "Professional, you're missing out!" msgstr "" "Jika Anda belum menggunakan layanan berharga yang disertakan dalam Jetpack " "Professional ini, Anda ketinggalan!" msgid "Don't forget about these important Jetpack Professional services for %s" msgstr "Jangan lupakan layanan Jetpack Professional yang penting ini untuk %s" msgid "" "Your site is now in good hands. Let us show you how to get the most from " "your Jetpack Professional subscription." msgstr "" "Situs Anda sekarang berada di tangan yang baik! Izinkan kami menunjukkan " "cara memaksimalkan langganan Jetpack Professional Anda." msgid "" "Get a better idea of how your Jetpack Premium subscription is working hard " "to keep your site and content safe." msgstr "" "Dapatkan pemikiran yang lebih baik tentang bagaimana langganan Jetpack " "Premium Anda bekerja keras agar situs dan konten Anda tetap aman." msgid "Jetpack Premium has secured %s. Here is how it's keeping you safe." msgstr "" "Jetpack Premium memiliki %s yang aman. Berikut ini cara fitur tersebut " "menjaga keamanan Anda." msgid "Don't forget about these important Jetpack Premium services for %s" msgstr "Jangan lupakan layanan Jetpack Premium yang penting ini untuk %s" msgid "" "Your site is now in good hands. Let us show you how to get the most from " "your Jetpack Premium subscription." msgstr "" "Situs Anda sekarang berada di tangan yang baik! Izinkan kami menunjukkan " "cara memaksimalkan langganan Jetpack Premium Anda." msgid "" "Get a better idea of how your Jetpack Personal subscription is working hard " "to keep your site and content safe." msgstr "" "Dapatkan pemikiran yang lebih baik tentang bagaimana langganan Jetpack " "Personal Anda bekerja keras agar situs dan konten Anda tetap aman." msgid "Jetpack Personal has secured %s. Here is how it's keeping you safe." msgstr "" "Jetpack Personal memiliki %s yang aman. Berikut ini cara fitur tersebut " "menjaga keamanan Anda." msgid "" "If you're not yet using these valuable services included with Jetpack " "Personal, you're missing out!" msgstr "" "Jika Anda belum menggunakan layanan berharga yang disertakan dalam Jetpack " "Personal ini, Anda ketinggalan!" msgid "Don't forget about these important Jetpack Personal services for %s" msgstr "Jangan lupakan layanan Jetpack Personal yang penting ini untuk %s" msgid "" "Your site is now in good hands. Let us show you how to get the most from " "your Jetpack Personal subscription." msgstr "" "Situs Anda sekarang berada di tangan yang baik! Izinkan kami menunjukkan " "cara memaksimalkan langganan Jetpack Personal Anda." msgid "We are unable to edit this video." msgstr "Kami tidak bisa menyunting video ini." msgid "Select a frame to use as the poster image or upload your own." msgstr "" "Pilih bingkai untuk digunakan sebagai gambar poster atau unggah gambar Anda " "sendiri." msgid "Happy one-month birthday to %s!" msgstr "Selamat hari jadi yang ke-1 bulan untuk %s!" msgid "Order alphabetically" msgstr "Urutkan menurut abjad" msgid "Order chronologically" msgstr "Urutkan menurut urutan waktu" msgid "We couldn't load your notification settings, please try again." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat memuat pengaturan pemberitahuan Anda, coba lagi nanti." msgid "Search & Social" msgstr "Pencarian & Sosial" msgid "Start My Subscription" msgstr "Mulai Langganan Saya" msgid "" "So if you want to start generating ad revenue from your site, click the " "button below to start your %s subscription." msgstr "" "Jika Anda ingin mendapatkan penghasilan dari situs Anda, klik tombol di " "bawah untuk mulai langganan %s Anda." msgid "" "A small business idea is often built with little steps made one by one, " "WordPress makes it easy to do so." msgstr "" "Sebuah ide bisnis sering kali berawal dari langkah kecil yang dimulai pelan-" "pelan, dan membantu saya melakukannya dengan lebih mudah." msgid "" "With the professional looking website, I was even able to sell my board " "games and gain exposure to resellers. You can now find my games in brick and " "mortar shops around Australia. WordPress allowed me to add pages to my " "website when I needed them." msgstr "" "Dengan situs web yang terlihat profesional, saya dapat menjual board game " "saya dan mendapatkan para penyalur. Sekarang board game saya dapat ditemukan " "di banyak toko di seluruh Australia. Dengan WordPress saya dapat menambahkan " "halaman ke situs web saya ketika dibutuhkan." msgid "" "Having my own blog gave me a platform to show my work. Once I started " "getting some attention, I paid for the Premium Plan, which meant I could be " "more creative with how my blog looked. I have been really happy with the " "result and since I have updated my blog I have had lots more attention. I " "now have about 6000 followers, all over the world." msgstr "" "Memiliki blog sendiri membuat saya memiliki sebuah platform untuk " "menunjukkan karya saya. Setelah saya mendapatkan perhatian dari pengunjung " "situs, saya membeli Paket Premium yang berarti saya dapat lebih kreatif " "dengan tampilan blog saya. Saya sangat senang dengan hasilnya dan karena " "saya telah memperbarui blog saya sehingga semakin ramai pengunjung. Saya " "sekarang memiliki sekitar 6000 pengikut di seluruh dunia." msgid "" "Perfect for entrepreneurs and freelancers who are looking for a little extra " "cash on the side" msgstr "" "Tepat untuk pengusaha dan pekerja lepas yang ingin mencari penghasilan " "tambahan" msgid "" "13 GB of storage space for photos, videos, and audio files that will help " "you spread your message" msgstr "" "Ruang penyimpanan 13 GB untuk foto, video, dan audio yang membantu Anda " "menyebarkan cerita lebih luas" msgid "The ability to monetize your website with ads" msgstr "Kemampuan untuk memonetisasi situs web Anda dengan iklan" msgid "" "Remember, when you sign up for %s, you’ll be well on your way to creating an " "awesome website that attracts lots of visitors and makes you money." msgstr "" "Ketika Anda mendaftar %s, Anda akan berada di jalan yang tepat untuk " "membangun situs web yang menginspirasi, menarik perhatian banyak pengunjung, " "dan memberikan pendapatan untuk Anda." msgid "Complete My Upgrade" msgstr "Selesaikan Upgrade Saya" msgid "To finish upgrading your site to %s, click the button below." msgstr "Untuk menyelesaikan upgrade situs Anda ke %s, klik tombol berikut." msgid "Perfect for bloggers who want to grow their audience" msgstr "Tepat untuk bloger yang ingin memperbesar jumlah pembacanya" msgid "" "6 GB of storage space for images, documents, and audio so you can spread " "your message in different formats" msgstr "" "Ruang penyimpanan sebesar 6 GB untuk gambar, dokumen, dan audio agar Anda " "dapat menyebarkan pesan dalam berbagai format" msgid "" "Then, you’ll be well on your way to creating the site you’ve always wanted " "and that attracts lots of visitors every day." msgstr "" "Selanjutnya, Anda akan berada di jalan yang tepat untuk membangun situs yang " "selalu Anda impikan dan dapat menarik banyak pengunjung setiap hari." msgid "All you have to do is finish putting in your information." msgstr "Anda hanya perlu melengkapi informasi yang dibutuhkan." msgid "" "It looks like you were <i>this</i> close to upgrading your site to %s. What " "a great decision you were about to make!" msgstr "" "Anda telah melangkah <i>cukup jauh</i> untuk melakukan upgrade situs Anda, " "%s. Anda akan segera membuat sebuah investasi yang luar biasa!" msgid "Activate My Subscription" msgstr "Aktifkan Langganan Saya" msgid "" "So if you want to start attracting more visitors to your site, click the " "link below to activate your %s subscription." msgstr "" "Jika Anda ingin mendapatkan lebih banyak pengunjung ke situs Anda, klik " "tautan di bawah untuk mengaktifkan langganan %s Anda." msgid "" "A small business idea is often built with little steps made one by one, " " makes it easy to do so." msgstr "" "Sebuah ide bisnis sering kali berawal dari langkah kecil yang dimulai pelan-" "pelan, dan membantu saya melakukannya dengan lebih mudah." msgid "" "With the professional looking website, I was even able to sell my board " "games and gain exposure to resellers. You can now find my games in brick and " "mortar shops around Australia. allowed me to add pages to my " "website when I needed them." msgstr "" "Dengan situs web yang terlihat profesional, saya dapat menjual board game " "saya dan mendapatkan para penyalur. Sekarang board game saya dapat ditemukan " "di banyak toko di seluruh Australia. Dengan saya dapat " "menambahkan halaman ke situs web saya ketika dibutuhkan." msgid "" " was a great choice of platform to start a blog. The platform " "grew with my ideas and I was able to build a website around my blog in just " "a few clicks." msgstr "" " adalah pilihan platform yang tepat untuk memulai sebuah blog. " "Platform ini tumbuh sejalan dengan ide-ide saya sehingga saya dapat " "membangun sebuah situs web yang bermula dari sebuah blog dengan mudah." msgid "" " is very user-friendly. It’s pretty intuitive, and it creates " "beautiful websites." msgstr "" " sangat mudah digunakan. Cukup intuitif dan sehingga saya dapat " "membuat situs web yang saya impikan." msgid "Just check out what some of our users have to say:" msgstr "Berikut pengalaman beberapa pengguna kami:" msgid "" "All the tools that come with Personal and Premium, including a " "custom domain name and the ability to monetize your site with ads" msgstr "" "Semua perangkat yang berasal dari Personal dan Premium, " "termasuk nama domain khusus dan kemampuan untuk memonetisasi situs Anda " "dengan iklan" msgid "" "Install third-party plugins and themes so you can get the exact look and " "functionality you want" msgstr "" "Instal plugin dan tema dari pihak ketiga agar Anda mendapatkan tampilan dan " "fungsionalitas yang Anda inginkan" msgid "" "Advanced SEO tools that help you beat your competition on the search engines" msgstr "" "Perangkat SEO tingkat lanjut yang membantu Anda mengalahkan kompetitor Anda " "di mesin pencarian" msgid "That’s because you’ll get:" msgstr "Karena Anda akan mendapatkan:" msgid "" "Remember, when you sign up for %s, you’ll be well on your way to ranking " "higher in search engines, attracting more visitors, and making more money." msgstr "" "Ketika Anda mendaftar %s, Anda akan berada di jalan yang tepat untuk " "memiliki peringkat yang lebih tinggi di mesin pencarian, menarik lebih " "banyak pengunjung, dan mendapatkan penghasilan lebih banyak." msgid "" "Looks like you were <i>this close</i> to taking your site to the next level " "with the advanced SEO tools in %s. What a great decision you were about to " "make!" msgstr "" "Anda telah melangkah <i>cukup jauh</i> untuk membawa situs Anda ke level " "berikutnya dengan alat SEO tingkat lanjut di %s. Anda akan segera membuat " "sebuah investasi yang luar biasa!" msgid "Choose the software powering %s%% of the internet." msgstr "Pilih perangkat lunak yang mendukung %s%% dari internet." msgid "%s plans now offer access to thousands of WordPress plugins and themes!" msgstr "" "%s paket sekarang menawarkan akses ke ribuan plugin dan tema WordPress!" msgid "Display {{field /}} per page" msgstr "Tampilkan {{field /}} per halaman" msgid "All selected comments approved." msgstr "Semua komentar yang dipilih disetujui." msgid "All selected comments unapproved." msgstr "Semua komentar yang dipilih tidak disetujui." msgid "All selected comments marked as spam." msgstr "Semua komentar yang dipilih ditandai sebagai spam." msgid "All selected comments moved to trash." msgstr "Semua komentar yang dipilih dipindahkan ke sampah." msgid "All selected comments deleted permanently." msgstr "Semua komentar yang dipilih dihapus secara permanen." msgid "Show tag counts" msgstr "Tampilkan jumlah tag" msgid "URL to the %s video source file" msgstr "URL menuju %s berkas sumber video" msgid "Video Widget" msgstr "Widget Video" msgid "Video Widget (%d)" msgid_plural "Video Widget (%d)" msgstr[0] "Widget Video (%d)" msgstr[1] "Widget Video (%d)" msgctxt "" "label for button in the video widget; should preferably not be longer than " "~13 characters long" msgid "Edit Video" msgstr "Edit Video" msgctxt "" "label for button in the video widget; should preferably not be longer than " "~13 characters long" msgid "Replace Video" msgstr "Ganti Video" msgctxt "label for button in the video widget" msgid "Add Video" msgstr "Tambah Video" msgid "" "Displays a video from the media library or from YouTube, Vimeo, or another " "provider." msgstr "" "Menampilkan video dari pustaka media atau dari YouTube, Vimeo, atau penyedia " "layanan lainnya." msgid "Title for the widget" msgstr "Judul untuk widget" msgid "URL to the media file" msgstr "URL berkas media" msgid "Attachment post ID" msgstr "ID lampiran post" msgid "" "Looks like this is not the correct kind of file. Please link to an " "appropriate file instead." msgstr "" "Sepertinya ini bukan merupakan jenis berkas yang sesuai. Harap tautkan " "berkas yang sesuai. " msgid "Media Widget" msgstr "Widget Media" msgid "Media Widget (%d)" msgid_plural "Media Widget (%d)" msgstr[0] "Widget Media (%d)" msgstr[1] "Widget Media (%d)" msgid "Add to Widget" msgstr "Tambahkan ke Widget" msgctxt "" "label for button in the media widget; should preferably not be longer than " "~13 characters long" msgid "Edit Media" msgstr "Edit Media" msgctxt "" "label for button in the media widget; should preferably not be longer than " "~13 characters long" msgid "Replace Media" msgstr "Ubah Media" msgctxt "label for button in the media widget" msgid "Add Media" msgstr "Tambah Media" msgid "No media selected" msgstr "Tidak ada media terpilih" msgid "A media item." msgstr "Sebuah berkas media." msgid "Current image: %s" msgstr "Gambar saat ini: %s" msgid "Image Widget" msgstr "Widget Gambar" msgid "Image Widget (%d)" msgid_plural "Image Widget (%d)" msgstr[0] "Widget Gambar (%d)" msgstr[1] "Widget Gambar (%d)" msgctxt "" "label for button in the image widget; should preferably not be longer than " "~13 characters long" msgid "Edit Image" msgstr "Edit Gambar" msgctxt "" "label for button in the image widget; should preferably not be longer than " "~13 characters long" msgid "Replace Image" msgstr "Ganti Gambar" msgctxt "label for button in the image widget" msgid "Add Image" msgstr "Tambah Gambar" msgid "Displays an image." msgstr "Tampilkan sebuah gambar." msgid "Unable to preview media due to an unknown error." msgstr "Tidak dapat melakukan pratinjau gambar karena kesalahan tak diketahui." msgid "URL to the %s audio source file" msgstr "URL menuju %s berkas sumber audio" msgid "" "Looks like this is not the correct kind of file. Please link to an audio " "file instead." msgstr "" "Sepertinya ini bukan merupakan jenis berkas yang sesuai. Harap tautkan " "berkas audio yang sesuai." msgid "Audio Widget" msgstr "Widget Audio" msgid "Audio Widget (%d)" msgid_plural "Audio Widget (%d)" msgstr[0] "Widget Audio (%d)" msgstr[1] "Widget Audio (%d)" msgctxt "" "label for button in the audio widget; should preferably not be longer than " "~13 characters long" msgid "Edit Audio" msgstr "Edit Audio" msgctxt "" "label for button in the audio widget; should preferably not be longer than " "~13 characters long" msgid "Replace Audio" msgstr "Ganti Audio" msgctxt "label for button in the audio widget" msgid "Add Audio" msgstr "Tambah Audio" msgid "No audio selected" msgstr "Tidak ada audio terpilih" msgid "Displays an audio player." msgstr "Tampilkan sebuah pemutar audio." msgctxt "plugin" msgid "Install %s now" msgstr "Instal %s sekarang" msgid "Plugins update failed" msgstr "Pembaruan plugin gagal" msgctxt "plugin" msgid "Update %s now" msgstr "Memperbarui %s sekarang" msgid "Theme updated!" msgstr "Tema diperbarui!" msgid "%1$s must be less than or equal to %2$d" msgstr "%1$s must be less than or equal to %2$d" msgid "%1$s must be less than %2$d" msgstr "%1$s must be less than %2$d" msgid "%1$s must be greater than or equal to %2$d" msgstr "%1$s must be greater than or equal to %2$d" msgid "%1$s must be greater than %2$d" msgstr "%1$s must be greater than %2$d" msgid "Limit result set to users with one or more specific slugs." msgstr "Limit result set to users with one or more specific slugs." msgid "Limit result set to terms with one or more specific slugs." msgstr "Limit result set to terms with one or more specific slugs." msgid "All features, supported by the post type." msgstr "All features, supported by the post type." msgid "The page number requested is larger than the number of pages available." msgstr "" "The page number requested is larger than the number of pages available." msgid "" "The password for the parent post of the comment (if the post is password " "protected)." msgstr "" "The password for the parent post of the comment (if the post is password " "protected)." msgctxt "page" msgid "Remove featured image" msgstr "Hapus gambar unggulan" msgctxt "post" msgid "Remove featured image" msgstr "Hapus gambar unggulan" msgid "%1$s is deprecated. The callback from %2$s is used instead." msgstr "%1$s tidak berlaku. Callback dari %2$s digunakan sebagai gantinya." msgid "Suggested image dimensions: %1$s by %2$s pixels." msgstr "Ukuran gambar yang disarankan: %1$s x %2$s piksel." msgid "" "You are about to permanently delete these items from your site.\n" "This action cannot be undone.\n" " 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete." msgstr "" "Anda akan menghapus secara permanen item ini dari situs Anda.\n" "Tindakan ini tidak bisa dibatalkan.\n" "'Batal' untuk berhenti, 'OK' untuk menghapus." msgid "" "You are about to permanently delete this item from your site.\n" "This action cannot be undone.\n" " 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete." msgstr "" "Anda akan menghapus secara permanen item ini dari situs Anda.\n" "Tindakan ini tidak dapat dikembalikan.\n" "'Cancel' untuk membatalkan, 'OK' untuk menghapus. " msgid "(no author)" msgstr "(tanpa penulis)" msgid "Sorry, comments are not allowed for this item." msgstr "Maaf, komentar tidak diizinkan untuk item ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to make proxied oEmbed requests." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan membuat permintaan oEmbed terproxy." msgid "" "Whether to perform an oEmbed discovery request for unsanctioned providers." msgstr "" "Penentuan jika akan dilakukan permintaan deteksi oEmbed bagi penyedia yang " "tidak diizinkan." msgid "The maximum height of the embed frame in pixels." msgstr "Ketinggian maksimal frame lampiran dalam satuan piksel." msgid "The maximum width of the embed frame in pixels." msgstr "Lebar maksimal frame lampiran dalam satuan piksel." msgid "The oEmbed format to use." msgstr "Format oEmbed yang akan digunakan." msgid "The URL of the resource for which to fetch oEmbed data." msgstr "URL dari sumber dimana data oEmbed akan diperoleh." msgid "" "You can navigate to other pages on your site while using the Customizer to " "view and edit the widgets displayed on those pages." msgstr "" "Anda dapat berpindah ke halaman lain dari situs Anda ketika menggunakan " "Customizer untuk melihat dan menyunting widget yang ditampilkan pada halaman " "tersebut." msgid "" "Your theme has %s widget area, but this particular page does not display it." msgid_plural "" "Your theme has %s widget areas, but this particular page does not display " "them." msgstr[0] "" "Tema Anda memiliki %s lokasi widget, tapi halaman ini tidak menampilkannya." msgstr[1] "" "Tema Anda memiliki %s lokasi widget, tapi halaman ini tidak menampilkannya." msgid "" "Your theme has 1 widget area, but this particular page does not display it." msgstr "" "Tema Anda memiliki 1 lokasi widget, tapi halaman ini tidak menampilkannya." msgid "" "Your theme has %s other widget area, but this particular page does not " "display it." msgid_plural "" "Your theme has %s other widget areas, but this particular page does not " "display them." msgstr[0] "" "Tema Anda memiliki %s lokasi widget lainnya, tapi halaman ini tidak " "menampilkannya." msgstr[1] "" "Tema Anda memiliki %s lokasi widget lainnya, tapi halaman ini tidak " "menampilkannya." msgid "" "Your theme has 1 other widget area, but this particular page does not " "display it." msgstr "" "Tema Anda memiliki 1 lokasi widget lainnya, namun laman ini tidak " "menampilkannya." msgid "Edit widget: %s" msgstr "Edit widget: %s" msgid "Your Recent Drafts" msgstr "Draf Terbaru Anda" msgid "" "Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, " "would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band." msgstr "" "Tetapkan sebuah terma induk untuk membuat sebuah hirarki. Terma Jazz, " "contohnya, akan menjadi induk dari Bebop dan Big Band." msgid "" "Verity - Portfolio Slash Blog WordPress Theme is a minimalistic modern theme " "for bloggers and creative professionals, who are looking for a simple-yet-" "stylish online presence. We have sacrificed over-the-top design elements so " "that your website looks sleek and straightforward, allowing visitors to " "concentrate on the content you are offering and the value they can get from " "it. It comes with necessary tools and features, like Featured Content and " "displaying multiple portfolios, to empower webmasters of any skill level to " "create quality websites in a short amount of time, without having to write a " "line of code at any point." msgstr "" "Verity - Portofolio Slash Blog WordPress Theme adalah tema modern minimalis " "untuk bloger dan profesional kreatif, yang bertujuan menciptakan tampilan " "online yang sederhana tetapi penuh gaya. Kami mengurangi elemen desain yang " "berlebihan sehingga situs web Anda terlihat simpel dan lugas, memungkinkan " "pengunjung untuk berkonsentrasi pada konten yang Anda tawarkan dan nilai " "yang terkandung. Disertakan juga perangkat dan fitur yang diperlukan, " "seperti Konten Andalan dan penampilan beberapa portofolio, untuk " "memberdayakan webmaster dengan tingkat keahlian apa pun dalam membuat situs " "web berkualitas dalam waktu singkat, tanpa harus menulis sebaris kode." msgid "" "Howdy! Here’s the link you requested from the %s mobile app. Open it using " "the device on which the app is installed. It will allow you to log in to " "your account with just one tap. Enjoy!" msgstr "" "Apa kabar! Ini adalah tautan yang Anda minta dari aplikasi seluler %s. Buka " "dengan menggunakan perangkat yang sudah terinstal aplikasi. Anda akan dapat " "login ke akun dengan satu ketukan saja. Selamat menikmati!" msgid "" "%(selectedDomainName)s has been transferred to site: %(targetSiteTitle)s" msgstr "%(selectedDomainName)s telah ditransfer ke situs: %(targetSiteTitle)s" msgid "Transfer to another user" msgstr "Transfer ke pengguna lain" msgid "Problem deactivating rewind: %(message)s" msgstr "Masalah dalam menonaktifkan putar mundur: %(message)s" msgid "Problem activating rewind: %(message)s" msgstr "Masalah dalam mengaktifkan putar mundur: %(message)s" msgid "Restore site" msgstr "Pulihkan Situs" msgid "We successfully restored your site back to %(date)s!" msgstr "Kami telah berhasil memulihkan kembali situs Anda ke %(date)s!" msgid "Currently restoring your site" msgstr "Sedang memulihkan situs Anda" msgid "Problem restoring your site" msgstr "Ada masalah saat memulihkan situs Anda" msgid "We came across a problem while trying to restore your site." msgstr "Kami mengalami masalah saat mencoba memulihkan situs Anda." msgid "Can I install plugins?" msgstr "Apakah saya dapat menginstal plugin?" msgid "Upload Themes" msgstr "Unggah Tema" msgid "" "Create a professional business website that works for you with" msgstr "Buat situs web bisnis terbaik dengan" msgid "Best Plan" msgstr "Paket Terbaik" msgid "Questions about your new website? We’ve got answers." msgstr "Pertanyaan mengenai situs web baru Anda? Kami punya jawabannya." msgid "" "Launch your business' online presence with a feature-packed " "website." msgstr "" "Luncurkan kehadiran online bisnis Anda dengan fitur paket situs web " "" msgid "Let's get down to business" msgstr "Ayo kita mulai berbisnis" msgid "Watch Kay's story" msgstr "Simak cerita Kay" msgid "" "WordPress teamed with Rebrand Cities to help launch their effort to get 100 " "small businesses online with websites. Real people, real websites, real " "growth. Watch their story, then start your own." msgstr "" "WordPress bekerja sama dengan Rebrand Cities untuk membantu meluncurkan " "usaha mereka untuk membantu 100 usaha kecil beroperasi online dengan situs " "web. Orang, situs web, dan pertumbuhan yang nyata. Simak cerita mereka, " "kemudian mulai ceritamu sendiri." msgid "Reshaping Detroit, with love" msgstr "Membentuk Detroit baru dengan cinta" msgid "Start Your Website" msgstr "Buat Situs Web Anda" msgid "" "Retail, corporate, hospitality, restaurants, creative services—there's a " "WordPress site for every business. Elegant themes and feature-rich tools " "help you make a website that fits what you do." msgstr "" "Ritel, perusahaan, perhotelan, restoran, jasa kreatif— tersedia " "untuk bisnis apa pun. Tema unik dan perangkat yang kaya fitur memudahkan " "Anda membuat situs web yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan." msgid "Built for the business you're in" msgstr "Bangun untuk bisnis yang Anda miliki" msgid "" "Live chat, email, support pages, forums, guided courses, expert advice—we’re " "in the business of helping your business succeed online." msgstr "" "Obrolan langsung, email, halaman dukungan, forum, kursus berpemandu, saran " "pakar—bisnis kami adalah membantu bisnis Anda sukses secara online." msgid "" "From phones to laptops, our websites look good on every device. Download the " "app for iOS, Android, and Mac desktop and manage and update your website " "anywhere, any time." msgstr "" "Mulai dari ponsel sampai laptop, situs web kami terlihat bagus di semua " "perangkat. Unduh aplikasi untuk iOS, Android, dan desktop Mac kemudian " "kelola dan perbarui situs web Anda kapan saja dan di mana saja." msgid "" "Know what your visitors are viewing, where they’re coming from and how they " "found you. Useful charts and stats help you keep your finger on the pulse." msgstr "" "Ketahui apa yang dilihat pengunjung Anda, dari mana asalnya, dan bagaimana " "mereka menemukan Anda. Grafik dan statistik yang berguna membantu Anda agar " "cepat tanggap terhadap perkembangan." msgid "Powerful insights" msgstr "Wawasan yang kuat" msgid "" "Choose from hundreds of modern, sophisticated themes that look great on any " "size screen. Get a professional-looking design without hiring a professional " "designer." msgstr "" "Pilih dari ratusan tema modern dan canggih yang terlihat bagus di setiap " "ukuran layar. Dapatkan desain yang tampak profesional tanpa harus menyewa " "desainer profesional." msgid "Professional design" msgstr "Desain profesional" msgid "" "Stake your claim and register your domain name right on " "Choose from .com, .org, .net, .info, .biz, and more. Get the name that’s " "right for you." msgstr "" "Ajukan klaim Anda dan daftarkan nama domain Anda di Pilih ." "com, .org, .net, .info, .biz, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Pilih nama yang " "sesuai untuk Anda." msgid "Your place on the internet" msgstr "Tempat Anda di internet." msgid "" "A simple, intuitive platform, plus all-in-one domain registration, website " "design, and hosting, means you can stay focused on your business." msgstr "" "Platform sederhana, intuitif, serta registrasi domain, desain situs web, dan " "hosting all-in-one agar Anda dapat berfokus dalam menjalankan bisnis." msgid "Why you'll love" msgstr "Alasan Anda akan menyukai" msgid "Get the tools you need with" msgstr "Dapatkan alat yang Anda butuhkan dengan" msgid "" "Not a social media profile. More than a page with a logo. This is your " "business, online." msgstr "" "Bukan profil media sosial. Lebih dari sekadar halaman dengan logo. Ini " "adalah bisnis Anda, online." msgid "Get a website that works." msgstr "Dapatkan situs web yang efektif." msgid "Watch our journey in Detroit" msgstr "Saksikan perjalanan kami di Detroit" msgid "Professional ad-free email that works with most email clients." msgstr "" "Email bebas iklan yang profesional yang sesuai dengan sebagian besar klien " "email." msgid "Keep all your files secure" msgstr "Menjaga semua berkas Anda tetap aman" msgid "Get 30GB of storage for all your files synced across devices." msgstr "" "Dapatkan ruang penyimpanan 30 GB untuk semua berkas yang Anda selaraskan " "pada seluruh perangkat." msgid "Connect with your team" msgstr "Terhubung dengan tim Anda" msgid "" "{{strong}}No setup or software required.{{/strong}} {{a}}Learn more about " "integrating %(googleMailService)s with your site.{{/a}}" msgstr "" "{{strong}}Tidak diperlukan penyiapan atau perangkat lunak.{{/strong}} {{a}}" "Pelajari selengkapnya tentang mengintegrasikan %(googleMailService)s dengan " "situs Anda.{{/a}}" msgid "Create Your Site" msgstr "Buat Situs Anda" msgid "Features you’ll need" msgstr "Fitur yang Akan Anda Butuhkan" msgid "Your passion. Our tools. A global community waiting to find you." msgstr "Minat Anda. Alat kami. Komunitas global menanti menemukan Anda." msgid "Share What You Love" msgstr "Bagikan yang Anda Sukai" msgid "This site does not have any professional features." msgstr "Situs ini tidak memiliki fitur profesional." msgid "Enter the code from the text message we sent you." msgstr "Masukkan kode dari pesan teks yang kami kirimkan." msgid "Please enter a verification code." msgstr "Harap masukkan kode verifikasi." msgid "Message sent to phone number ending in %(phoneNumber)s" msgstr "" "Pesan telah terkirim ke nomor telepon yang berakhiran dengan %(phoneNumber)s" msgid "“%1$s” is not a valid %2$s for .ca domains." msgstr "“%1$s” tidak valid %2$s untuk domain .ca." msgid "" "There are no events scheduled near you at the moment. Would you like to <a " "href=\"%s\">organize a WordPress event</a>?" msgstr "" "Tidak ada kegiatan yang terjadwal di sekitar Anda saat ini. Apakah Anda " "ingin <a href=\"%s\">menyelenggarakan kegiatan WordPress</a>?" msgid "" "There are no events scheduled near %1$s at the moment. Would you like to <a " "href=\"%2$s\">organize a WordPress event</a>?" msgstr "" "Tidak ada kegiatan yang terjadwal di sekitar %1$s saat ini. Apakah Anda " "ingin <a href=\"%2$s\">menyelenggarakan kegiatan WordPress</a>?" msgid "" "%s could not be located. Please try another nearby city. For example: Kansas " "City; Springfield; Portland." msgstr "" "%s tidak dapat ditemukan. Silakan coba kota lain di sekitar. Contoh: " "Jakarta; Denpasar; Surabaya." msgid "Attend an upcoming event near %s." msgstr "Hadiri sebuah acara terdekat yang akan datang %s." msgid "Cincinnati" msgstr "Jakarta" msgid "An error occurred. Please try again." msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan. Silakan coba lagi." msgid "WordPress Events and News" msgstr "Acara dan Berita WordPress" msgid "l, M j, Y" msgstr "l, j M Y" msgid "Invalid API response code (%d)." msgstr "Kode respon API tak valid (%d)" msgid "" "Sorry, %s files are not supported — please make sure your image is in JPG, " "GIF, or PNG format." msgstr "" "Maaf, %s file tidak didukung — pastikan gambar Anda dalam format JPG, GIF, " "atau PNG." msgid "" "Sorry, images of that filetype are not supported — please make sure your " "image is in JPG, GIF, or PNG format." msgstr "" "Maaf, gambar dengan format file tersebut tidak didukung — pastikan gambar " "dalam format JPG, GIF, atau PNG." msgid "Verify your email" msgstr "Verifikasi email Anda" msgid "Hmm, your new profile photo was not saved. Please try uploading again." msgstr "Hmm, foto profil baru Anda belum disimpan. Coba unggah lagi." msgid "You successfully uploaded a new profile photo — looking sharp!" msgstr "Anda berhasil mengunggah foto profil baru — keren!" msgid "Your queue is clear." msgstr "Tidak ada data untuk ditampilkan." msgid "No approved comments." msgstr "Tidak ada komentar yang disetujui." msgid "No spam comments." msgstr "Tidak ada komentar spam." msgid "No deleted comments." msgstr "Tidak ada komentar yang dihapus." msgid "Could not find blog" msgstr "Tidak dapat menemukan blog" msgid "" "<strong>Important: You must first click Publish to activate this widget " "<em>before</em> connecting your account.</strong> After saving the widget, " "click the button below to connect your Instagram account." msgstr "" "<strong>Penting: Anda harus mengeklik Terbitkan terlebih dahulu untuk " "mengaktifkan widget ini <em>sebelum</em> menghubungkan akun Anda.</strong> " "Setelah menyimpan widget, klik tombol di bawah ini untuk menghubungkan akun " "Instagram." msgid "Change My Photo" msgstr "Ganti Foto Saya" msgid "Comment approved." msgstr "Komentar disetujui." msgid "Comment unapproved." msgstr "Komentar tidak disetujui." msgid "Comment marked as spam." msgstr "Komentar ditandai sebagai spam." msgid "Comment moved to trash." msgstr "Komentar dipindahkan ke sampah." msgid "Comment deleted permanently." msgstr "Komentar dihapus secara permanen." msgid "Manual" msgstr "Manual" msgid "Who's this domain for?" msgstr "Domain ini untuk siapa?" msgid "An individual" msgstr "Perorangan" msgid "A company or organization" msgstr "Perusahaan atau organisasi" msgid "EU Trademark Number" msgstr "Nomor Merek Dagang Uni Eropa" msgid "Could not retrieve comments for “%(postTitle)s”" msgstr "Tidak bisa mengambil komentar untuk “%(postTitle)s”" msgid "Temporarily disabled." msgstr "Dinonaktifkan sementara." msgid "Plugin update available" msgid_plural "Plugin updates available" msgstr[0] "Pembaruan Plugin Tersedia" msgstr[1] "" msgid "Security Scans" msgstr "Pemindaian Keamanan" msgid "Plugin updated" msgid_plural "Plugins updated" msgstr[0] "Plugin Diperbarui" msgstr[1] "" msgid "Theme activated" msgstr "Tema Diaktifkan" msgid "Plan renewed" msgstr "Paket Diperbarui" msgid "%d Event" msgid_plural "%d Events" msgstr[0] "%d Peristiwa" msgstr[1] "%d Peristiwa" msgid "Delete scheduled share" msgstr "Hapus berbagi yang dijadwalkan" msgid "Do you want to delete the scheduled share?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin menghapus berbagi yang dijadwalkan?" msgctxt "Short for blue in RGB" msgid "B" msgstr "B" msgctxt "Short for green in RGB" msgid "G" msgstr "G" msgctxt "Short for red in RGB" msgid "R" msgstr "R" msgid "Insert/edit media" msgstr "Sisipkan/edit media" msgid "Insert/edit code sample" msgstr "Sisipkan/edit contoh kode" msgid "Date/time" msgstr "Tanggal/waktu" msgctxt "Id for link anchor (TinyMCE)" msgid "Id" msgstr "Id" msgid "" "Id should start with a letter, followed only by letters, numbers, dashes, " "dots, colons or underscores." msgstr "" "Id harus dimulai dengan huruf, diikuti hanya oleh huruf, angka, setrip, " "titik, kurung atau garis bawah." msgid "Your session has expired, please go back to the login screen." msgstr "Sesi Anda telah kedaluwarsa, silakan kembali ke halaman login." msgid "Your Antispam key is valid." msgstr "Kunci Anti-spam Anda valid." msgid "Your site is protected from spam." msgstr "Situs Anda terlindungi dari spam." msgid "Your site needs an Antispam key." msgstr "Situs Anda memerlukan kunci Anti-spam." msgid "Your API Key" msgstr "Kunci API Anda" msgid "" "If you don't already have an API key, then {{link}}get your API key here{{/" "link}}, and you'll be guided through the process of getting one in a new " "window." msgstr "" "Jika belum memiliki kunci API, {{link}}dapatkan kunci API di sini{{/link}}, " "Anda akan dipandu untuk melalui proses mendapatkan kunci API di jendela baru." msgid "Spam filtering" msgstr "Penyaringan spam" msgid "Schedule post" msgstr "Jadwalkan pos" msgid "We are writing your shares to the calendar…" msgstr "Kami menjadwalkan daftar berbagi Anda di kalender…" msgid "Scheduling share failed. Please don't be mad." msgstr "Gagal menjadwalkan berbagi. Jangan marah ya." msgid "Your SEO settings are managed by the following plugin: %(pluginName)s" msgstr "Pengaturan SEO Anda dikelola oleh plugin berikut: %(pluginName)s" msgid "View Plugin" msgstr "Lihat Plugin" msgid "Version %(newPluginVersion)s is available" msgstr "Versi %(newPluginVersion)s tersedia" msgid "Existing site" msgstr "Situs yang sudah ada" msgid "Choose your site?" msgstr "Pilih situs Anda?" msgid "<strong>Manage</strong> DNS records using the Domain Connect API." msgstr "<strong>Kelola</strong> DNS record menggunakan API Domain Connect." msgid "Domain Connect" msgstr "Domain Connect" msgid "Automate Spam Blocking" msgstr "Otomatiskan Pemblokiran Spam" msgid "Failed to retrieve comments for site “%(siteName)s”" msgstr "Gagal mengambil komentar untuk situs “%(siteName)s”" msgid "Failed to retrieve comments for your site" msgstr "Gagal mengambil komentar untuk situs Anda" msgid "Powered by VaultPress" msgstr "Didukung oleh VaultPress" msgid "Powered by Akismet" msgstr "Diperkuat oleh Akismet" msgid "Spam Defense" msgstr "Pertahanan terhadap Spam" msgid "%(price)s per year" msgstr "%(price)s per tahun" msgid "" "To claim your discount now and jumpstart your site, click the button below " "and enter the code BIZA25 at checkout." msgstr "" "Untuk mengklaim diskon dan memulai situs Anda sekarang, klik tombol di bawah " "dan masukkan kode BIZA25 saat checkout." msgid "" "Normally, it costs $299 a year, but we’re happy to offer you a " "<strong>25% discount</strong> on a one-year subscription today, bringing " "the total cost down to $224.25." msgstr "" "Harga normalnya $299 per tahun, namun kami dengan senang hati menawarkan " "<strong>diskon 25%</strong> untuk langganan satu tahun hari ini, " "sehingga total biaya menjadi $224,25." msgid "These features are now available in the Business plan." msgstr "Fitur ini sekarang tersedia di paket Bisnis." msgid "Claim my 25% discount" msgstr "Klaim diskon 25% saya" msgid "" "To claim your discount now and jumpstart your site, click the button below " "and enter the code BIZWB25 at checkout." msgstr "" "Untuk mengklaim diskon dan memulai situs Anda sekarang, klik tombol di bawah " "dan masukkan kode BIZWB25 saat checkout." msgid "" "That’s just $.60 a day you’d be investing into the growth of your website!" msgstr "" "Anda hanya perlu investasi $0,60 per hari untuk pertumbuhan situs web Anda!" msgid "" "These features are available to sites on the Business plan — " "normally, it costs $299 a year, but since you’ve purchased a " "plan for your site %s in the past, we’d like to offer you a <strong>25% " "discount</strong> on a one-year subscription, bringing the total cost down " "to $224.25." msgstr "" "Fitur ini tersedia di paket Bisnis — harga normalnya $299 per " "tahun, namun karena Anda pernah membeli paket untuk situs %s, " "kami ingin menawarkan <strong>diskon 25%</strong> untuk langganan satu " "tahun, sehingga total biaya menjadi $224,25." msgid "" "Connect to use photos stored in your Google Photos library directly inside " "the editor" msgstr "" "Hubungkan untuk menggunakan foto yang tersimpan di akun Google Photos secara " "langsung di editor" msgid "" "{{strong}}Connect{{/strong}} to use photos stored in your Google Photos " "library directly inside the editor." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Hubungkan{{/strong}} untuk menggunakan foto yang tersimpan di " "pustaka Google Photos Anda secara langsung." msgid "Connect to your GitHub account" msgstr "Hubungkan ke akun Github Anda" msgid "The plugin is not installed or active" msgstr "Plugin belum diinstal atau tidak aktif" msgid "Share your site address" msgstr "Bagikan alamat situs Anda" msgid "Delete your site permanently" msgstr "Hapus situs Anda secara permanen" msgid "Site tools" msgstr "Perangkat situs" msgid "" "Delete all your posts, pages, media, and data, and give up your site's " "address." msgstr "" "Hapus semua pos, halaman, media dan data, serta hentikan penggunaan alamat " "situs Anda." msgid "User blocked invites" msgstr "Undangan yang diblokir pengguna" msgid "Already a member" msgstr "Sudah jadi anggota" msgid "Already following" msgstr "Sudah mengikuti" msgid "We weren't able to add DNS records for this service. Please try again." msgstr "" "Kami tidak bisa menambahkan data DNS untuk layanan ini. Silakan coba lagi." msgid "Hooray! We've successfully added DNS records for this service." msgstr "Horeee! Kami berhasil menambahkan data DNS untuk layanan ini." msgid "" "SEO settings aren't recognized by search engines while your site is Private." msgstr "" "Pengaturan SEO tidak dikenali oleh mesin pencari jika situs Anda bersifat " "Pribadi." msgid "" "SEO settings aren't recognized by search engines while your site is Hidden." msgstr "" "Pengaturan SEO tidak dikenali oleh mesin pencarian jika situs Anda bersifat " "Tersembunyi." msgid "Please enter a username or email address." msgstr "Masukkan nama pengguna atau alamat email." msgid "Oops, that's not the right password. Please try again!" msgstr "Ups, kata sandi salah. Silakan coba lagi!" msgid "" "Hmm, that's not a valid verification code. Please double-check your app and " "try again." msgstr "" "Hmm, kode verifikasi tersebut tidak valid. Periksa lagi aplikasi Anda dan " "coba lagi." msgid "Oops, looks like that's not the right address. Please try again!" msgstr "Ups, sepertinya alamatnya salah. Coba lagi!" msgid "" "We don't seem to have an account with that name. Double-check the spelling " "and try again!" msgstr "" "Kami tidak memiliki akun dengan nama tersebut. Periksa lagi ejaannya dan " "coba lagi!" msgid "" "This account hasn't been activated yet — check your email for a message from " " and click the activation link. You'll be able to log in after " "that." msgstr "" "Akun ini belum diaktifkan — cari pesan di email Anda dari dan " "klik link aktivasinya. Setelah itu, Anda bisa login." msgid "Sending you a text message…" msgstr "Mengirimkan pesan teks…" msgid "" "See detailed information about your traffic, likes, comments, and " "subscribers." msgstr "" "Lihat informasi lebih detil tentang kunjungan, suka, komentar, dan pelanggan " "Anda." msgid "We don't support internationalized domains yet." msgstr "Kami belum mendukung domain internasional." msgid "A user with the given email address already exists." msgstr "Pengguna dengan alamat email yang diberikan sudah ada." msgid "This service is not supported." msgstr "Layanan ini tidak didukung." msgid "Drop to upload profile photo" msgstr "Jatuhkan di sini untuk mengunggah foto profil" msgid "Learn more about Featured Images" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang Gambar Andalan" msgid "View likes on <post id=%1$d site=%2$d href=\"%3$s\">your post</post>." msgstr "Lihat suka di <post id=%1$d site=%2$d href=\"%3$s\">pos Anda</post>." msgid "" "Log in with your %s account to find amazing content from publishers around " "the world.</p>" msgstr "" "Login ke akun %s Anda untuk menemukan konten yang luar biasa dari para " "penerbit di seluruh dunia.</p>" msgid "" "Welcome to, the most dynamic community of bloggers, website " "creators, and intrepid readers on the web." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di, komunitas paling dinamis di web yang " "terdiri dari para blogger, pembuat situs web, dan pembaca yang suka " "tantangan." msgid "" "<strong>P.S.</strong> If you’d like help with these new features, you can " "read more about %1$suploading a theme%2$s or %3$sinstalling a plugin%2$s, or " "start a live chat with one of our Happiness Engineers." msgstr "" "<strong>N.B.</strong> Jika membutuhkan bantuan terkait fitur baru tersebut, " "silakan baca selengkapnya tentang %1$smengunggah tema%2$s atau " "%3$smenginstal plugin%2$s, atau mulai obrolan langsung dengan salah satu " "Happiness Engineer kami." msgid "Upload a Custom Theme" msgstr "Mengunggah Tema Khusus" msgid "Install a Plugin" msgstr "Menginstal Plugin" msgid "" "Since your site is on the Business plan, you have instant " "access to these new features — click the buttons below to take them " "for a test drive." msgstr "" "Karena situs Anda menggunakan paket Bisnis, Anda memiliki " "akses instan ke sejumlah fitur baru berikut ini — klik tombol di bawah untuk " "mencobanya." msgid "and many more!" msgstr "dan banyak lagi lainnya!" msgid "" "Looking to launch an email newsletter, try out popular search engine " "optimization tools, or build an online store? Check, check, and check. You " "now have access to thousands of third-party plugins like:" msgstr "" "Ingin meluncurkan buletin email, mencoba alat pengoptimalan mesin pencari " "populer, atau membuat toko online? Bisa, bisa, dan bisa. Sekarang Anda " "memiliki akses ke ribuan plugin pihak ketiga seperti:" msgid "Already have a WordPress theme? No problem." msgstr "Sudah punya tema WordPress? Bukan masalah." msgid "" "Keep on enjoying the features, security, and support of, but " "add more freedom and possibility! (Do we seem excited? It’s because we are!)" msgstr "" "Terus nikmati fitur, keamanan, dan dukungan, namun dengan " "kebebasan dan kemungkinan yang lebih luas! (Kami terdengar bersemangat? " "Memang!)" msgid "" "You can now choose from a whole universe of themes and plugins and easily " "add them to your existing site." msgstr "" "Sekarang Anda bisa memilih dari segudang koleksi tema dan plugin dan " "menambahkannya dengan mudah ke situs Anda yang sudah ada." msgid "" "Over the years, many of you have told us that in order to build the site of " "your dreams, you need the ability to install themes and plugins. Well, as of " "today, you can!" msgstr "" "Selama bertahun-tahun, banyak dari Anda yang menyampaikan kepada kami bahwa " "untuk membangun situs impian, Anda memerlukan kemampuan untuk menginstal " "tema dan plugin. Dan sekarang Anda bisa melakukannya!" msgid "A whole universe of themes and plugins awaits." msgstr "Segudang tema dan plugin menanti Anda." msgid "The Wait is Over! Upload any Plugin or Theme" msgstr "Penantian Telah Berakhir! Unggah Plugin atau Tema apa pun" msgid "Set up %(providerName)s" msgstr "Siapkan %(providerName)s" msgid "Unblock user" msgstr "Hapus blokir pengguna" msgid "Block user" msgstr "Blokir pengguna" msgid "Upgrade Now: " msgstr "Upgrade Sekarang: " msgid "Complete the survey" msgstr "Selesaikan survei" msgid "I can't access my phone" msgstr "Saya tidak bisa mengakses ponsel saya" msgid "" "If you can't access your phone enter one of the 10 backup codes that were " "provided when you set up two-step authentication to continue." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak bisa mengakses ponsel, masukkan salah satu dari 10 kode " "cadangan yang diberikan saat Anda menyiapkan autentikasi dua langkah untuk " "melanjutkan." msgid "Backup code" msgstr "Kode cadangan" msgid "" "If you lose your device, accidentally remove the authenticator app, or are " "otherwise locked out of your account, the only way to get back in to your " "account is by using a backup code." msgstr "" "Jika perangkat Anda hilang, aplikasi pengautentikasi terhapus, atau akun " "terkunci, satu-satunya cara untuk masuk kembali ke akun adalah dengan " "menggunakan kode cadangan." msgid "Set up" msgstr "Siapkan" msgid "Sorry, no sites match {{italic}}%s.{{/italic}}" msgstr "Maaf, tidak ada situs yang cocok dengan {{italic}}%s.{{/italic}}" msgid "Schedule your social messages in advance." msgstr "Jadwalkan pesan sosial Anda di awal." msgid "Remove all advertising from your site." msgstr "Hapus semua iklan dari situs Anda." msgid "Enjoy live chat support." msgstr "Nikmati dukungan obrolan langsung." msgid "I'll Keep It" msgstr "Saya Akan Mempertahankannya" msgid "We hope to hear from you soon," msgstr "Kami tunggu kabar baik dari Anda," msgid "Removal of ads on your site." msgstr "Penghapusan iklan dari situs Anda." msgid "Add instant credibility and personality to your site." msgstr "Tambahkan sentuhan pribadi dan kredibilitas instan ke situs Anda." msgid "Open up for tools to help you spread your message." msgstr "Buka untuk mendapatkan alat guna membantu Anda menyebarkan pesan." msgid "Search or enter URL to follow…" msgstr "Cari atau masukkan URL yang akan diikuti…" msgid "Enable fast, ad-free video hosting" msgstr "Dapatkan hosting video cepat dan bebas iklan" msgid "The homepage is showing your latest posts." msgstr "Halaman beranda menampilkan pos terbaru Anda." msgid "Logging In…" msgstr "Sedang Login..." msgid "" "Ready for more? Search our %1$sextensive support knowledge base%2$s, watch a " "%3$sshort tutorial video%4$s about the most popular features, or just hit " "reply and tell us how we can help!" msgstr "" "Siap untuk hal yang lebih besar? Telusuri %1$spusat bantuan kami yang lengkap" "%2$s, tonton %3$svideo tutorial singkat%4$s tentang fitur yang paling " "populer, atau langsung klik balas dan hubungi kami jika membutuhkan bantuan!" msgid "your site" msgstr "situs Anda" msgid "Hi %1$s," msgstr "Halo %1$s," msgid "" "Jetpack Premium includes the Akismet and VaultPress plugins, which have been " "installed and configured automatically for you." msgstr "" "Jetpack Premium menyertakan plugin Akismet dan VaultPress, yang telah " "terinstal dan dikonfigurasi secara otomatis untuk Anda." msgid "New site" msgstr "Situs baru" msgid "Just buy a domain" msgid_plural "Just buy domains" msgstr[0] "Beli domain saja" msgstr[1] "" msgid "Show a \"coming soon\" notice on your domain. Add a site later." msgstr "" "Tampilkan pemberitahuan \"segera hadir\" di domain Anda. Tambahkan situs " "nanti." msgid "Please check back shortly." msgstr "Harap periksa kembali sesaat lagi." msgid "We are currently undergoing maintenance." msgstr "Kami sedang melakukan pemeliharaan." msgid "" "{{strong}}%s{{/strong}} is currently under maintenance. Try one of these " "suggestions instead." msgstr "" "{{strong}}%s{{/strong}} sedang dalam pemeliharaan. Cobalah salah satu saran " "berikut sebagai gantinya." msgid "" "We don't offer domains with the {{strong}}%s{{/strong}} ending. Try one of " "these suggestions instead." msgstr "" "Kami tidak menawarkan domain dengan akhiran {{strong}}%s{{/strong}}. Cobalah " "salah satu saran berikut sebagai gantinya." msgid "Protect your site from data loss." msgstr "Lindungi situs Anda dari kehilangan data." msgid "Check out the %sTraffic section%s of your Settings page where you can:" msgstr "Lihat %sBagian lalu lintas%s di halaman Pengaturan, tempat Anda bisa:" msgid "On blog pages, the number of posts to show per page." msgstr "Jumlah pos yang ditampilkan per halaman pada laman blog." msgid "Hello," msgstr "Halo," msgid "Account URL" msgstr "URL Akun" msgid "Backups & Security, Powered by VaultPress" msgstr "Pencadangan & Keamanan, Didukung oleh VaultPress" msgid "Spam Defense, Powered by Akismet" msgstr "Pertahanan Spam, Didukung oleh Akismet" msgid "" "In case you ever need to manually reactivate your services, please refer to " "the following registration keys:" msgstr "" "Jika Anda perlu mengaktifkan kembali layanan Anda secara manual, pelajari " "kunci pendaftaran berikut:" msgid "" "Jetpack Personal includes the Akismet and VaultPress plugins, which have " "been installed and configured automatically for you." msgstr "" "Jetpack Personal mencakup plugin Akismet dan VaultPress, yang sudah diinstal " "dan dikonfigurasi secara otomatis untuk Anda." msgid "" "Congratulations! You're now ready to enjoy the many great features of " "Jetpack Premium." msgstr "" "Selamat! Anda sekarang dapat menikmati fitur-fitur hebat dari paket Premium " "Jetpack." msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Premium. Brought to you by %s." msgstr "Selamat datang di Jetpack Premium. Dipersembahkan oleh %s." msgid "View available icons" msgstr "Lihat ikon yang tersedia" msgid "Weddings are in the spotlight now with VideoPress for weddings." msgstr "" "Pesta pernikahan jadi lebih berkesan dengan VideoPress untuk pernikahan." msgid "Writing is new again in Android with the new WordPress app." msgstr "Menulis dengan cara baru di Android dengan aplikasi WordPress baru." msgid "In \"Mobile\"" msgstr "Di \"Mobile\"" msgid "It is that time of the year when devices are shiny again." msgstr "Sekarang saatnya perangkat kembali berkilau." msgid "Show context (category or tag)" msgstr "Tampilkan konteks (kategori atau tag)" msgid "Show entry date" msgstr "Tampilkan tanggal entri" msgid "" "Once you're done working together, we'd appreciate it if you sent us your " "rating of the experience — your feedback helps us improve our support." msgstr "" "Setelah Anda selesai bekerja sama, kami sangat menghargai jika Anda " "mengirimkan peringkat pengalaman Anda kepada kami — masukan Anda membantu " "kami meningkatkan dukungan kami." msgid "Please rate your support experience." msgstr "Silakan memberi nilai pengalaman dukungan Anda." msgid "Add an icon" msgstr "Tambahkan ikon" msgid "Add social-media icons to your site." msgstr "Tambahkan ikon media sosial ke situs Anda." msgid "" "To start using custom themes or plugins and to keep growing your audience, " "please renew your subscription today before it expires tomorrow." msgid_plural "" "To start using custom themes or plugins and to keep growing your audience, " "please renew your subscription today before it expires on %s." msgstr[0] "" "Untuk menggunakan tema atau plugin khusus serta terus meningkatkan " "pengunjung situs web Anda, perbarui langganan Anda hari ini sebelum berakhir " "besok." msgstr[1] "" "Untuk menggunakan tema atau plugin khusus serta terus meningkatkan " "pengunjung situs web Anda, perbarui langganan Anda hari ini sebelum berakhir " "pada %s." msgid "Your domain (%s) is included with this plan." msgstr "Domain Anda (%s) sudah termasuk dalam paket ini." msgid "EventBrite: Event Calendar/Listing" msgstr "EventBrite: Daftar/Acara Kalender" msgid "%(siteDomain)s is being deleted." msgstr "%(siteDomain)s sedang dihapus." msgid "%(siteDomain)s has been deleted." msgstr "%(siteDomain)s sudah dihapus." msgid "Inviting users requires sign in" msgstr "Anda harus masuk ke akun agar dapat mengundang pengguna" msgid "The user was created, but could not be connected to " msgstr "Pengguna sudah dibuat, namun tidak bisa terhubung ke " msgid "We were unable to create a user on the remote site" msgstr "Kami tidak bisa membuat pengguna di situs jarak jauh" msgid "Thank you for using!" msgstr "Terima kasih telah menggunakan!" msgid "Update my information" msgstr "Perbarui Informasi Saya" msgid "" "Click the button below to update that information (it takes less than a " "minute!), and you’ll be all set to continue delivering your message to the " "world." msgstr "" "Klik tombol di bawah untuk memperbarui informasi kartu Anda (kurang dari " "satu menit!), kemudian Anda dapat melanjutkan berbagi cerita pada dunia." msgid "According to our records, you’ve got %d day to complete this process." msgid_plural "" "According to our records, you’ve got %d days to complete this process." msgstr[0] "" "Menurut catatan kami, Anda memiliki %d hari tersisa untuk menyelesaikan " "proses ini." msgstr[1] "" "Menurut catatan kami, Anda memiliki %d hari tersisa untuk menyelesaikan " "proses ini." msgid "" "I wanted to give you a quick heads up so you can change your payment " "information and continue running your website without a hitch. That way, " "your fans won’t miss a beat!" msgstr "" "Ini adalah pemberitahuan awal agar Anda dapat mengubah informasi pembayaran " "dan terus menjalankan situs Anda tanpa hambatan. Dengan demikian, penggemar " "situs Anda tidak akan ketinggalan kabar apa pun!" msgid "Remove all filters" msgstr "Hapus semua penyaring" msgid "Filter by" msgstr "Filter dari" msgid "Incompatible plugin: This plugin is not supported on" msgstr "Plugin tidak cocok: Plugin ini tidak didukung di" msgid "Manage Plan" msgstr "Kelola Paket" msgid "Upgrade your plan and save" msgstr "Upgrade paket Anda untuk berhemat" msgid "" "Your %1$s plan requires a connection between your site and to " "take advantage of the benefits Jetpack has to offer." msgstr "" "Paket %1$s Anda memerlukan sambungan antara situs Anda dengan " "agar bisa memanfaatkan kelebihan yang ditawarkan Jetpack." msgid "Sign in to to connect your %1$s site" msgstr "Masuk ke untuk menghubungkan situs %1$s Anda" msgid "Connect your %1$s site to" msgstr "Hubungkan situs %1$s Anda ke" msgid "Welcome to %s! You now have special access to a bunch of new features." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di %s! Anda sekarang memiliki akses khusus ke berbagai fitur " "baru." msgid "" "Ovation helps you create a well-considered, immersive website that extends " "beyond just the homepage. Highlights include a front page section layout, " "media-rich header, and parallax-like scrolling effect." msgstr "" "Ovation membantu Anda membuat situs web tingkat lanjut yang direncanakan " "dengan baik lebih dari sekadar beranda. Sorotan mencakup tata letak bagian " "halaman depan, header dengan berbagai macam media, dan efek pengguliran " "seperti paralaks." msgid "Load more posts using the default theme behavior" msgstr "Muat lebih banyak pos dengan perilaku tema asal" msgid "Load more posts in page with a button" msgstr "Muat lebih banyak pos dalam halaman dengan tombol" msgid "Load more posts as the reader scrolls down" msgstr "Muat lebih banyak pos selagi pembaca menggulir halaman ke bawah" msgid "Learn more about XML sitemaps." msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang peta situs XML." msgid "Generating sitemap…" msgstr "Membuat peta situs…" msgid "Generate XML sitemaps" msgstr "Membuat peta situs XML" msgid "The DNS record has not been updated." msgstr "Data DNS belum diperbarui." msgid "" "By connecting your site to, <a href='%s'>your site's content</" "a> will be shared with us and protected by <a href='%s'>our own privacy " "policy</a>." msgstr "" "Dengan menghubungkan situs Anda ke, <a href='%s'>konten situs " "Anda</a> akan dibagikan dan dilindungi oleh <a href='%s'>kebijakan privasi " "kami sendiri</a>." msgid "This theme is retired" msgstr "Tema ini sudah dihentikan" msgid "" "We invite you to try out a newer theme; start by browsing our WordPress " "theme directory." msgstr "" "Kami mengundang Anda untuk mencoba tema terbaru kami; mulailah dengan " "menelusuri direktori tema WordPress." msgid "Select language" msgstr "Pilih Bahasa" msgid "Search languages…" msgstr "Cari bahasa…" msgid "Learn more about anchors" msgstr "Baca selengkapnya tentang anchor" msgid "Enable the toolbar" msgstr "Aktifkan bilah peralatan" msgid " toolbar" msgstr "Bilah peralatan" msgid "Connected to your Instagram account." msgstr "Terhubung dengan akun Instagram Anda." msgid "Add a New Site" msgstr "Tambah Situs Baru" msgid "Create a new site" msgstr "Buat situs baru" msgid "Enable pop-up business cards over commenters’ Gravatars" msgstr "Aktifkan kartu nama pop-up pada Gravatar pemberi komentar" msgid "Welcome to Jetpack Premium." msgstr "Selamat datang di Jetpack Premium." msgid "Continue with %(service)s" msgstr "Lanjutkan dengan %(service)s" msgid "" "Install problem: Theme may not be valid. Check that your zip file contains " "only the theme you are trying to install." msgstr "" "Masalah pemasangan: Tema mungkin tidak valid. Pastikan file zip hanya berisi " "tema yang akan Anda pasang." msgid "Zip file is too large. Please upload a file under 50 MB." msgstr "File zip terlalu besar. Harap unggah file berukuran kurang dari 50 MB." msgid "" "From quickly updating our page to implementing our online store, our " " site has become the online center for everything we do. We " "know our page is successful when guests tell us that our page is easy to use " "and our content is engaging." msgstr "" "Mulai dari proses pembaruan halaman yang cepat hingga pengaturan toko " "online, situs kami telah menjadi pusat dari semua hal yang " "kami lakukan secara online. Kami tahu halaman kami berfungsi dengan baik " "ketika pengunjung memberi tahu bahwa halaman yang kami bangun mudah " "digunakan dan kontennya menarik." msgid "" "Success for me means when I manage to inspire people, when someone on the " "other end of the world embraces today a bit more, because he/she looked at " "my blog. allowed me to give my creativity a platform. It has " "enabled an amazing democratization of entrepreneurship, where an individual, " "independent from status and institution, has the power to reach out to " "millions of readers if he/she creates great content." msgstr "" "Bagi saya, sukses adalah ketika saya berhasil menginspirasi banyak orang, " "ketika seseorang di belahan dunia mana pun dapat melalui harinya dengan " "lebih baik setelah membaca blog saya. Dengan, saya memiliki " "wadah untuk menampung kreativitas. telah memberikan kebebasan " "berusaha yang luar biasa, tempat seseorang, terlepas dari status dan " "institusinya, memiliki kekuatan untuk menjangkau jutaan pembaca dengan " "menciptakan konten yang bermanfaat." msgid "" "<strong>P.S.</strong> If you’re wondering what a upgrade can " "do for you, just check out what some of our users have to say:" msgstr "" "<strong>N.B.</strong> Jika ingin tahu manfaat dari melakukan upgrade " ", berikut pendapat dari sejumlah pengguna kami:" msgid "Click Here to Finish Upgrading Your Site" msgstr "Klik di Sini untuk Menyelesaikan Upgrade Situs" msgid "" "Feel free to click the link below to finish your upgrade and to build the " "site you’ve always wanted." msgstr "" "Silakan klik tautan di bawah untuk menyelesaikan upgrade dan membuat situs " "impian Anda." msgid "If so, no worries. We just wanted to shoot you a quick reminder." msgstr "Jika iya, jangan khawatir. Kami hanya mengingatkan Anda." msgid "Did you forget to finish putting in your information?" msgstr "Apakah Anda lupa menyelesaikan pengisian informasi yang dibutuhkan?" msgid "Complete your information to finish your upgrade." msgstr "Lengkapi informasi Anda untuk menyelesaikan upgrade." msgid "Oops, did you forget this important step?" msgstr "Oh, apakah Anda lupa dengan langkah penting ini?" msgid "Install problem: Theme zip must be under 10MB." msgstr "Masalah pemasangan: Ukuran file zip tema harus kurang dari 10 MB." msgid "Sorry, we had a problem updating that subscription. Please try again." msgstr "" "Maaf, kami mengalami masalah saat memperbarui langganan tersebut. Silakan " "coba lagi." msgid "Sorry, we had a problem subscribing. Please try again." msgstr "" "Maaf, kami mengalami masalah saat memulai langganan. Silakan coba lagi." msgid "Sorry, we had a problem unsubscribing. Please try again." msgstr "" "Maaf, kami mengalami masalah saat menghentikan langganan. Silakan coba lagi." msgid "by {{author/}}" msgstr "oleh {{author/}}" msgid "Find your domain" msgstr "Temukan domain Anda" msgid "" "Find the domain name that defines you and your next big idea. Grab a domain " "now even if it's not quite time to start a site. Your domain will be ready " "when you are." msgstr "" "Temukan nama domain yang sesuai dengan visi dan ide Anda. Dapatkan domain " "Anda sekarang. Domain Anda akan tersedia setiap saat untuk situs web yang " "Anda imajinasikan." msgid "Start with a domain" msgstr "Mulai dengan domain" msgid "Domain renews on" msgstr "Pembaruan domain pada" msgid "Subscription renews on" msgstr "Pembaruan langganan pada" msgid "No exact matches exist for %s." msgstr "Tidak ada kecocokan yang sama persis untuk %s." msgid "Take the next step" msgstr "Ambil langkah selanjutnya" msgid "" "Ready to grow your audience and spread your message? Click the button below " "to see which plan is right for you." msgstr "" "Sudah siap untuk meningkatkan kunjungan situs dan menyebarkan pesan Anda? " "Klik tombol di bawah ini untuk melihat paket mana yang cocok " "dengan kebutuhan Anda." msgid "Email me" msgstr "Kirimkan email ke saya" msgid "Whoops, something went wrong. %(message)s Please try again." msgstr "Ups, ada masalah. %(message)s Silakan coba lagi." msgid "Sorry, there was a problem creating your export file." msgstr "Maaf, ada masalah saat membuat file ekspor Anda." msgid "" "For extra security, the link can only be used one time and expires in one " "hour." msgstr "" "Untuk menjaga keamanan, tautan di atas hanya dapat digunakan satu kali dalam " "waktu satu jam. " msgid "Hello! Here's the link you requested from" msgstr "Halo! Berikut adalah tautan yang Anda minta dari" msgid "" "{{em}}%(name)s{{/em}} has been received. You'll get an email when your " "import is complete." msgstr "" "{{em}}%(name)s{{/em}} sudah diterima. Anda akan mendapatkan email saat impor " "selesai." msgid "" "{{strong}}Welcome!{{/strong}} Reader is a custom magazine. {{link}}Follow " "your favorite sites{{/link}} and their latest posts will appear here. " "{{span}}Read, like, and comment in a distraction-free environment.{{/span}}" msgstr "" "{{strong}}Selamat datang!{{/strong}} Pembaca adalah majalah khusus. {{link}}" "Ikuti situs favorit Anda{{/link}} dan posting terbaru mereka akan muncul di " "sini. {{span}}Membaca, menyukai, dan memberi komentar dalam lingkungan yang " "bebas gangguan.{{/span}}" msgid "Start with %s" msgstr "Mulai dengan %s" msgid "Types of pages to display:" msgstr "Jenis halaman yang ditampilkan:" msgid "Join our affiliate program now" msgstr "Ikuti program afiliasi kami sekarang juga" msgid "" "Earn top commissions by promoting the Jetpack products WordPress " "professionals love." msgstr "" "Raih komisi teratas dengan mempromosikan berbagai produk Jetpack yang " "disukai oleh para profesional WordPress." msgid "Partner with us." msgstr "Bermitra dengan kami." msgid "" "Independent Publisher 2 is a clean and polished theme with a light color " "scheme, bold typography, and full-width images." msgstr "" "Independent Publisher 2 adalah tema simpel dan memukau dengan skema warna " "terang, tipografi tebal, dan gambar lebar penuh." msgid "Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)" msgstr "Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)" msgid "Log in to your account" msgstr "Login ke akun Anda." msgid "A blogging theme for WordPress" msgstr "Tema blogging untuk WordPress" msgid "Automatically use first image in post" msgstr "Otomatis menggunakan gambar pertama dalam pos" msgid "" "Add, organize, and display {{link}}testimonials{{/link}}. If your theme " "doesn’t support testimonials yet, you can display them using the shortcode " "[testimonials]." msgstr "" "Tambahkan, atur, dan tampilkan {{link}}testimoni{{/link}}. Jika tema Anda " "belum dapat menampilkan testimoni, Anda dapat menampilkannya dengan " "menggunakan shortcode [testimonials]." msgid "" "Add, organize, and display {{link}}portfolio projects{{/link}}. If your " "theme doesn’t support portfolio projects yet, you can display them using the " "shortcode [portfolio]." msgstr "" "Tambahkan, atur, dan tampilkan {{link}}proyek portofolio{{/link}}. Jika tema " "Anda belum dapat menampilkan proyek portofolio, Anda dapat menampilkannya " "dengan menggunakan shortcode [portfolio]." msgid "Problem fetching theme filters." msgstr "Masalah saat mengambil filter tema." msgid "" "Jetpack cannot be deactivated from {{link}}Manage " "connection{{/link}}" msgstr "" "Jetpack tidak dapat dinonaktifkan dari {{link}}Kelola " "koneksi{{/link}}" msgid "%(siteName)s failed to disconnect" msgstr "%(siteName)s gagal memutus sambungan" msgid "Backups and security scanning API key" msgstr "Kunci API pencadangan dan pemindaian keamanan" msgid "Last fully synced %(ago)s" msgstr "Terakhir disinkronkan menyeluruh %(ago)s" msgid "Unable to complete request" msgstr "Tidak dapat memenuhi permintaan" msgid "Could not get results for query: %(query)s" msgstr "Tidak bisa mendapatkan hasil untuk permintaan informasi: %(query)s" msgid "The marked connection will be replaced with your selection." msgstr "Koneksi yang ditandai akan diganti dengan pilihan Anda." msgid "I'd rather not answer" msgstr "Saya tidak ingin menjawab" msgid "Your thoughts are needed." msgstr "Kami memerlukan pendapat Anda." msgid "" "Before you go, please answer a few quick questions to help us improve " "%(productName)s." msgstr "" "Sebelum beranjak pergi, silakan jawab beberapa pertanyaan singkat untuk " "membantu kami meningkatkan %(productName)s." msgid "Sorry, we had a problem fetching your Reader subscriptions." msgstr "Maaf, kami mengalami masalah saat mengambil langganan Pembaca Anda." msgid "Not sure? Start here." msgstr "Tidak yakin? Mulai di sini." msgid "Try for Free" msgstr "Coba Gratis" msgid "Register for" msgstr "Mendaftar untuk" msgid "Connecting as" msgstr "Terhubung sebagai" msgid "" "Get a link sent to the email address associated with your account to log in " "instantly without your password." msgstr "" "Dapatkan tautan yang dikirim ke alamat email yang terhubung dengan akun Anda " "untuk login langsung tanpa memasukkan kata sandi Anda." msgid "Enter a password instead" msgstr "Masukkan kata sandi sebagai gantinya" msgid "Continue to" msgstr "Lanjut ke" msgid "Continue to on your WordPress app" msgstr "Lanjut ke pada aplikasi WordPress Anda" msgid "Logging in as %(emailAddress)s" msgstr "Login sebagai %(emailAddress)s" msgid "NOTE: You are already logged in as user: %(user)s" msgstr "CATATAN: Anda sudah login sebagai pengguna: %(user)s" msgid "Continuing will switch users." msgstr "Melanjutkan akan beralih pengguna." msgid "Check your email!" msgstr "Periksa Email Anda!" msgid "Return to" msgstr "Kembali ke" msgid "Maybe try resetting your password instead" msgstr "Coba reset kata sandi sebagai gantinya" msgid "Login link is expired or invalid" msgstr "Link login sudah kedaluwarsa atau tidak valid" msgid "Put your domain to work." msgstr "Maksimalkan domain Anda." msgid "Start a Site Now" msgstr "Buat Situs Sekarang Juga" msgid "" "When your great idea is ready for the world, start a website or blog with a " "single click. Choose from hundreds of gorgeous customizable themes." msgstr "" "Ketika Anda siap berbagi ide besar dengan dunia, mulai bangun situs web atau " "blog hanya dengan sekali klik. Pilih dari ratusan tema memukau yang bisa " "disesuaikan." msgid "Start a site" msgstr "Buat situs" msgid "Email me a login link" msgstr "Kirimkan tautan login melalui email" msgid "Social Previews" msgstr "Pratinjau Sosial" msgid "" "This is how your post will appear when people view or share it on any of the " "networks below" msgstr "" "Seperti inilah tampilan pos Anda ketika orang melihat atau membagikannya di " "jaringan berikut" msgid "Change Language" msgstr "Ubah Bahasa" msgid "" "You now have the tools to secure your site, grow your traffic, and build " "your online presence." msgstr "" "Kini Anda memiliki alat untuk mengamankan situs, meningkatkan lalu lintas " "kunjungan, serta membangun kehadiran online Anda." msgid "" "Previous purchase is not completed. Please try again later, or contact " "support." msgstr "" "Pembelian sebelumnya belum selesai. Coba lagi nanti atau hubungi dukungan." msgid "" "<strong>P.S.</strong> If you’re still interested in speeding up your " "website’s growth through SEO or with custom plugins and themes, make sure " "you claim your 50% Business Plan discount before it expires." msgstr "" "<strong>N.B.</strong> Jika Anda masih tertarik untuk mempercepat " "perkembangan situs web Anda menggunakan SEO atau dengan plugin dan tema " "khusus, jangan lupa klaim diskon 50% untuk Paket Bisnis sebelum kedaluwarsa." msgid "" "Just released! Install the custom themes and plugins you need to help you " "grow, engage and retain your audience." msgstr "" "Baru dirilis! Instal plugin dan tema khusus yang Anda butuhkan untuk " "membantu meningkatkan, melibatkan, dan mempertahankan pengunjung situs Anda." msgid "" "To start using custom themes or plugins and to keep growing your audience, " "please renew your subscription today before it expires on %s." msgstr "" "Untuk menggunakan tema atau plugin khusus serta terus meningkatkan " "pengunjung situs web Anda, perbarui langganan Anda hari ini sebelum berakhir " "pada %s." msgid "" "In addition, Business users now have the ability to install " "custom themes and plugins! From E-commerce to email newsletters to " "memberships, thousands of plugins are now at your fingertips to help you " "grow your business." msgstr "" "Selain itu, pengguna Bisnis sekarang dapat menginstal plugin " "dan tema khusus! Mulai E-commerce hingga buletin email dan keanggotaan, " "ribuan plugin sekarang tersedia untuk membantu Anda mengembangkan bisnis." msgid "Voices from our community" msgstr "Dukungan dari komunitas kami" msgid "Choose a plan that fits your needs" msgstr "Pilih paket yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda" msgid "This year, make your website happen." msgstr "Wujudkan situs web Anda tahun ini." msgid "" "There’s never been a better time <span class=\"no-widows\">to share your " "story.</span>" msgstr "" "Tidak ada waktu yang lebih baik <span class=\"no-widows\">untuk berbagi " "cerita Anda.</span>" msgid "Choose a plan to create the website you've always wanted." msgstr "Pilih sebuah paket untuk membuat situs yang selalu anda inginkan." msgid "Make your move." msgstr "Buat perubahan Anda." msgid "" "Find a unique style for your site, features hundreds of high " "quality designs. You don’t need to learn web design to create the website of " "your dreams." msgstr "" "Temukan keunikan situs Anda, memiliki ratusan desain yang unik " "dan berbeda. Anda tidak perlu menguasai desain web untuk membuat blog impian." msgid "" "Find a unique style for your site:\ features hundreds of high–" "quality designs. You don’t need to learn web design to create the blog of " "your dreams." msgstr "" "Temukan desain yang unik untuk situs Anda: menawarkan ratusan " "desain yang unik dan berbeda. Anda tidak perlu menguasai desain web untuk " "mewujudkan blog impian." msgid "Sharing…" msgstr "Berbagi..." msgid "Site stats" msgstr "Statistik situs" msgid "Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar" msgstr "" "Meletakkan bagan yang menunjukkan tampilan selama 48 jam pada bilah admin" msgid "Hide the stats smiley face image" msgstr "Menyembunyikan gambar wajah smiley statistik" msgid "The image helps collect stats, but should work when hidden." msgstr "" "Gambar tersebut akan membantu mengumpulkan statistik, tetapi masih dapat " "berfungsi bila disembunyikan." msgid "Count logged in page views from" msgstr "Hitungan tampilan halaman login dari" msgid "Allow stats reports to be viewed by" msgstr "Memungkinkan laporan statistik untuk dilihat oleh" msgid "checking availability" msgstr "memeriksa ketersediaan" msgid "Getting more domain ideas for you…" msgstr "Mencari pilihan domain lain untuk Anda…" msgid "Howdy %s," msgstr "Halo %s" msgid "" "Schedule a personalized orientation session with one of our Happiness " "Engineers." msgstr "" "Jadwalkan sesi orientasi pribadi bersama salah satu Happiness Engineer." msgid "" "Just for you: schedule a personalized orientation with a Jetpack expert." msgstr "" "Khusus untuk Anda: jadwalkan orientasi yang dipersonalisasi dengan ahli " "Jetpack." msgid "Could not follow tag: %(tag)s" msgstr "Tidak dapat mengikuti tag: %(tag)s" msgid "Could not unfollow tag: %(tag)s" msgstr "Tidak dapat berhenti mengikuti tag: %(tag)s" msgid "Could not load tag, try refreshing the page" msgstr "Tidak dapat memuat tag, coba segarkan halaman" msgid "Could not load your followed tags, try refreshing the page" msgstr "Tidak dapat memuat tag yang Anda ikuti, coba segarkan halaman" msgid " has not been able to reach %(siteSlug)s for a while." msgstr " tidak dapat menjangkau %(siteSlug)s untuk sementara." msgid "Remove Site" msgstr "Hapus Situs" msgid "Disconnect from" msgstr "Putuskan hubungan dengan" msgid "" "By disconnecting %(siteSlug)s from you will no longer have " "access to the following:" msgstr "" "Dengan memutus sambungan %(siteSlug)s dari, Anda tak lagi " "dapat mengakses:" msgid "Read more about Jetpack benefits" msgstr "Baca lebih lanjut mengenai kelebihan Jetpack" msgid "Manage Connection" msgstr "Kelola Koneksi" msgid "Manage connections" msgstr "Kelola koneksi" msgid "Change my settings" msgstr "Ubah pengaturan saya" msgid "" "You're receiving this email because you're a Business site " "owner. %sUnsubscribe%s from our helpful tip emails." msgstr "" "Anda menerima email ini karena Anda adalah pemilik situs " "Bisnis. %sBerhenti berlangganan%s email yang berisi tips bermanfaat dari " "kami." msgid "" "You're receiving this email because it's important, and you have a WordPress." "com account." msgstr "" "Anda menerima email ini karena hal ini penting dan Anda memiliki akun " "" msgid "Six SEO Factors You Should Know" msgstr "Enam Faktor SEO yang Harus diketahui" msgid "SEO and Your Blog" msgstr "SEO dan Blog Anda" msgid "Here's some further reading on how SEO works with sites:" msgstr "" "Berikut adalah beberapa artikel tentang cara kerja SEO di situs WordPress." "com:" msgid "Click here to learn more about SEO controls for your site" msgstr "" "Klik di sini untuk belajar lebih lanjut mengenai kendali SEO untuk situs anda" msgid "" "See a preview of how your site will look when shared on social media like " "Facebook and Twitter." msgstr "" "Melihat pratinjau tampilan situs Anda saat dibagikan di media sosial seperti " "Facebook dan Twitter." msgid "" "Tweak your %smeta descriptions%s and see what your search engine listings " "will look like." msgstr "" "Mengubah %sdeskripsi meta%s Anda dan melihat daftar hasil penelusuran mesin " "pencarian." msgid "Verify your site with several search engines and social networks." msgstr "" "Melakukan verifikasi situs Anda dengan beberapa mesin pencarian dan jejaring " "media sosial." msgid "" "Though your site offers great %sSearch Engine Optimization%s " "(SEO) right out of the box, there are a few fundamentals you can examine to " "make sure that you're presenting your site in the best possible way to " "search engines who come crawling." msgstr "" "Meskipun menawarkan %sPengoptimalan Mesin Pencari%s (SEO) yang " "andal, Anda dapat memastikan situs Anda agar mudah ditemukan dengan mesin " "pencarian melalui beberapa langkah." msgid "Create a Site Search Engines Will Love" msgstr "Buat Situs yang Mudah Ditemukan dengan Mesin Pencarian" msgid "" "In our next and final email, we'll share a bit of information on SEO — how " "to optimize your site to improve your site's rank in search results. If you " "have any questions while you're working on your site, we'd love to help." msgstr "" "Di email terakhir, kami akan membagikan informasi tentang SEO — cara " "mengoptimalkan situs Anda agar muncul di peringkat pertama hasil " "penelusuran. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, kami siap membantu." msgid "Have questions?" msgstr "Ada pertanyaan?" msgid "How to connect your site to Instagram" msgstr "Cara menghubungkan situs Anda dengan Instagram" msgid "How to connect your site to Twitter" msgstr "Cara menghubungkan situs Anda dengan Twitter" msgid "How to connect your site to Facebook" msgstr "Cara menghubungkan situs Anda dengan Facebook" msgid "Tips on social media and your site" msgstr "Tentang menggunakan media sosial" msgid "" "Here's more on how to connect your website to social media, making it your " "online hub:" msgstr "" "Berikut adalah beberapa cara untuk menghubungkan situs web Anda ke media " "sosial dan menjadikannya pusat kegiatan online Anda:" msgid "Click here for a video on how to connect your site to Facebook" msgstr "Klik di sini untuk video cara menghubungkan situs Anda ke Facebook" msgid "" "Not sure how to get started? Be sure to display social media widgets on your " "site so visitors know where to find you online. Add sharing buttons to your " "pages and blog posts so readers can share your content to their audience on " "social media." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak yakin memulai dari mana? Pastikan Anda menampilkan widget " "media sosial di situs Anda agar para pengunjung dapat menemukan Anda di " "dunia maya. Tambahkan tombol berbagi di halaman dan pos blog agar para " "pembaca dapat membagikan konten Anda melalui jaringan media sosial mereka." msgid "" "Take advantage of social networks to find your audience and drive more " "traffic to your website. With %sJetpack Social%s, you can broadcast your " "latest posts as tweets and Facebook status updates. Your site becomes the " "%shub%s; where you write once, and share that content to many other social " "networks automatically." msgstr "" "Manfaatkan jaringan sosial untuk menemukan audiens dan meningkatkan lalu " "lintas kunjungan ke situs web Anda. Dengan %sJetpack Social%s, Anda dapat " "menyiarkan pos terbaru sebagai cuitan dan pembaruan status Facebook. Situs " "Anda menjadi %shub%s; tempat Anda menulis dan membagikan konten ke sejumlah " "jaringan sosial lain secara otomatis." msgid "Draw Traffic with Social Media" msgstr "Tingkatkan Aktivitas Situs dengan Media Sosial" msgid "" "In our next email, we will be sharing tips on how to grow your audience " "through social media. In the meantime, if you have any questions we'd love " "to help." msgstr "" "Di email berikutnya, kami akan membahas cara memperbanyak pengunjung melalui " "media sosial. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, kami dengan senang hati akan " "menjawabnya." msgid "Click here for video on how to change your website theme" msgstr "Klik di sini untuk video mengenai bagaimana mengubah tema situs anda" msgid "" "You can try an unlimited number of themes, until you find the perfect fit " "for your business, so experiment away! Need some inspiration? Check out <a " "href=\"%1$s\">our recommended themes</a>." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mencoba beberapa tema hingga Anda temukan yang sesuai untuk situs " "web bisnis Anda, selamat mencoba!! Jika Anda memerlukan inspirasi, Anda " "dapat melihat <a href=\"%1$s\">rekomendasi tema kami</a>." msgid "" "When you select a theme, ask yourself: how do you want your business to be " "perceived? What words would you use to describe it? Would it be professional " "yet friendly, or sophisticated and exclusive? Perhaps something else " "entirely? Brainstorm a few words and then enter those descriptors into the " "search box at the %sTheme Showcase%s. For example, here's a list of themes " "returned by the term, %s." msgstr "" "Ketika Anda memilih sebuah tema, tanyakan hal berikut pada diri Anda: " "Bagaimana Anda ingin kostumer melihat bisnis Anda? Istilah apa yang Anda " "gunakan untuk menggambarkannya? Apakah Anda ingin bisnis Anda berkesan " "profesional tetapi ramah, atau canggih dan eksklusif? Mungkin hal lain yang " "jauh berbeda? Pikirkan beberapa kata kemudian masukkan gambaran tersebut ke " "dalam kotak pencarian di %sEtalase Tema%s. Sebagai contoh, berikut ini " "adalah daftar tema yang ditampilkan berdasarkan istilah, %s." msgid "Experiment: find the right look" msgstr "Eksperimen: temukan tampilan yang tepat" msgid "" "On, your theme determines the overall design and appearance of " "your site, including things like page layout, widget locations, and default " "font and color choices. Your website's look and feel is a big part of your " "business' success, and we've got some resources to help you get it looking " "just right." msgstr "" "Di, tema menentukan keseluruhan desain dan tampilan situs, " "termasuk hal lain seperti tata letak halaman, lokasi widget, serta pilihan " "font dan warna. Tampilan dan nuansa situs web Anda adalah salah satu bagian " "terbesar dari kesuksesan bisnis Anda, dan kami memiliki sumber daya untuk " "membantu Anda menampilkannya dengan benar." msgid "" "In our next email, we will be sharing tips on how to pick the perfect theme " "to showcase your content. In the meantime, if you have any questions we'd " "love to help." msgstr "" "Di email berikutnya, kami akan membahas cara memilih tema yang terbaik untuk " "menampilkan konten Anda. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, kami dengan senang " "hati akan menjawabnya." msgid "Need a hand?" msgstr "Butuh bantuan?" msgid "" "Click here for video on how to create a custom navigation menu for your site" msgstr "Klik di sini untuk video cara membuat menu navigasi khusus situs Anda" msgid "Organize your pages with a navigation menu" msgstr "Kelola halaman dengan menu navigasi" msgid "Add new pages to your site" msgstr "Tambah halaman baru " msgid "" "Learn more about how to create pages and navigation menus to structure your " "site:" msgstr "" "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang cara membuat halaman dan menu navigasi untuk " "membuat situs Anda lebih terstruktur:" msgid "" "Starting out, you might think that your site's design is the primary " "consideration when building a successful website. In reality, your site's " "content — the information and photos on your pages — does all " "the talking for you when you can't be there to speak with your customers in " "person." msgstr "" "Saat memulai, Anda mungkin berpikir bahwa desain situs merupakan " "pertimbangan utama saat membuat situs web yang sukses. Kenyataannya, konten " "situs — informasi dan foto di halaman Anda — yang menjelaskan segalanya saat " "Anda tidak dapat berbicara langsung dengan para pelanggan." msgid "" "Welcome to! We want to share some resources to help you build " "the perfect site for your business." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di! Kami ingin berbagi beberapa sumber daya " "untuk membantu Anda membuat situs yang sempurna bagi bisnis Anda." msgid "How to Plan for a Successful Website" msgstr "Menyiapkan Situs Web yang Sukses" msgid "Getting Started %s" msgstr "Memulai %s" msgid "" "Learn how to optimize your site using meta descriptions and other SEO tools." msgstr "" "Pelajari cara mengoptimalkan situs Anda dengan deskripsi meta dan alat SEO " "lainnya." msgid "How to build a site search engines love" msgstr "Cara membuat situs Anda mudah ditemukan." msgid "" "Connect social media accounts like Facebook and Twitter to increase your " "traffic." msgstr "" "Sambungkan ke akun media sosial seperti Facebook dan Twitter untuk " "meningkatkan lalu lintas kunjungan situs Anda." msgid "The secret to growing your audience" msgstr "Tingkatkan jumlah pengunjung situs Anda." msgid "Learn all about themes and how they work with your site." msgstr "Pelajari segalanya tentang tema dan cara kerjanya di situs Anda." msgid "How to find the perfect look for your site" msgstr "Temukan tampilan terbaik untuk situs Anda." msgid "Find out why planning is pivotal for building a successful site." msgstr "" "Cari tahu alasan pentingnya perencanaan untuk membuat situs yang sukses." msgid "The first thing all site owners should do" msgstr "Hal pertama yang semua pemilik situs sebaiknya lakukan" msgid "What do you need help with?" msgstr "Anda perlu bantuan mengenai apa?" msgid "" "Your domain mapping remains active until it expires on " "%(subscriptionEndDate)s." msgstr "" "Pemetaan domain Anda akan tetap aktif sampai tanggal %(subscriptionEndDate)s." msgid "" "Your plan's features remain active until your subscription expires on " "%(subscriptionEndDate)s." msgstr "" "Fitur paket Anda akan tetap aktif sampai langganan Anda berakhir pada " "%(subscriptionEndDate)s." msgid "Clear Search" msgstr "Hapus Pencarian" msgid "Learn more ›" msgstr "Baca lebih lanjut › " msgid "" "Get yours for only $39 per year with <strong>Jetpack Personal</strong>. " "Daily backups, spam protection, priority support, and much more." msgstr "" "Dapatkan hanya dengan $39 per tahun dengan <strong>Jetpack Personal</" "strong>. Pencadangan harian, proteksi spam, dukungan prioritas, dan banyak " "lagi lainnya." msgid "Everyone needs a backup plan." msgstr "Setiap orang membutuhkan paket cadangan." msgid "Install problem: Not a valid zip file" msgstr "Masalah pemasangan: File zip tidak valid" msgid "Learn more. Get Jetpack Protect." msgstr "Baca selengkapnya. Dapatkan Jetpack Protect." msgid "Try using a different site." msgstr "Coba menggunakan situs yang berbeda." msgid "" "Designed and built to run WordPress like a dream. Exclusive technology gives " "you the proven performance, reliability, and functionality you need." msgstr "" "Dirancang dan dibangun untuk menjalankan WordPress dengan mudah. Teknologi " "terdepan yang memberikan performa, keandalan, dan fungsi yang dibutuhkan." msgid "The Easiest Place to Get Started" msgstr "Tempat Termudah untuk Memulai" msgid "Your new website is waiting..." msgstr "Situs web baru Anda sedang bersiap untuk Anda." msgid "A custom domain name." msgstr "Nama domain khusus." msgid "Reach your audience." msgstr "Jangkau audiens Anda" msgid "Bring your ideas to life." msgstr "Realisasikan ide Anda." msgid "Week starts on %s" msgstr "Pekan dimulai pada hari %s" msgid "Learn more about date and time formatting." msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai format tanggal dan waktu." msgid "Week starts on" msgstr "Pekan dimulai pada " msgid "Preview: %s" msgstr "Pratinjau: %s" msgid "Theme not yet available for this site" msgstr "Tema belum tersedia untuk situs ini" msgid "Click to change photo" msgstr "Klik untuk mengganti foto" msgid "Attend Professional Webinars" msgstr "Menghadiri Webinar Profesional" msgid "Monetize your Site" msgstr "Monetisasi Situs Anda" msgid "%s13GB%s Storage Space" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan %s13 GB%s" msgid "%sUnlimited%s Premium Themes" msgstr "Tema Premium %sTanpa Batas%s" msgid "Best for Business Owners" msgstr "Terbaik untuk Pemilik Bisnis" msgid "Buy Business" msgstr "Beli Bisnis" msgid "Best for Entrepreneurs & Freelancers" msgstr "Terbaik untuk Pengusaha & Pekerja Lepas" msgid "Buy Premium" msgstr "Beli Premium" msgid "Best for Bloggers" msgstr "Terbaik untuk Bloger" msgid "Buy Personal" msgstr "Beli Personal" msgid "All looking good?" msgstr "Semuanya baik-baik saja?" msgid "Here's the site!" msgstr "Inilah situsnya!" msgid "Find your new domain" msgstr "Cari domain Anda" msgid "Start the search for your perfect domain." msgstr "Dapatkan domain yang tepat untuk Anda." msgid "Bring your idea to life" msgstr "Wujudkan mimpi Anda." msgid "" "Get support from our experts through email or live chat. Whether you're " "adding a site to your domain or editing your DNS records, we can help. We're " "excited to help you see your vision come to life." msgstr "" "Dapatkan bantuan dari para ahli melalui e-mail atau live chat. Menambahkan " "situs ke domain atau menyunting rekaman DNS. Kami selalu siap membantu " "mewujudkan visi Anda." msgid "Here to help" msgstr "Siap untuk membantu." msgid "" "Our powerful and easy to use tools make domain management effortless. " "Everything you need in a simple interface." msgstr "" "Perangkat kami yang andal dan mudah digunakan membantu Anda mengelola " "domain. Antarmuka yang sederhana menyediakan semua yang Anda butuhkan." msgid "Powerful advanced settings" msgstr "Pengaturan tingkat lanjut yang andal" msgid "" "Grab your domain name now so you don't have to compromise later. Every " "domain includes a beautiful temporary placeholder page, that you can replace " "with a full site whenever you're ready." msgstr "" "Dapatkan nama domain Anda sekarang agar domain khusus untuk Anda tersedia " "ketika dibutuhkan. Setiap domain mencakup halaman placeholder sementara yang " "menarik, yang bisa Anda bangun menjadi sebuah situs setiap saat." msgid "Ready when you are" msgstr "Tersedia setiap saat" msgid "Own your identity" msgstr "Tampilkan identitas Anda" msgid "" "Just one click and your domain is a website. It's your new blog. Or your " "company's website. Or a portfolio of your work. Or anything you can imagine. " "Start a new site in seconds and get the design, features, and support you " "need to bring your idea to life." msgstr "" "Jadikan domain sebagai gerbang terbaik menuju situs web Anda. Apa pun yang " "Anda inginkan. Sebuah blog baru, situs web perusahaan, atau portofolio karya " "Anda. Anda dapat membuat sebuah situs dengan mudah dan mendapatkan desain, " "fitur, serta bantuan yang Anda butuhkan untuk mewujudkan imajinasi Anda." msgid "The right domain is all you need" msgstr "Domain yang tepat adalah kunci sukses Anda!" msgid "Find the domain that defines you" msgstr "Temukan domain Anda" msgid "Your next big idea starts here" msgstr "Ide besar Anda dimulai di sini" msgid "Domain Search —" msgstr "Pencarian Domain —" msgid "More ideas:" msgstr "Lebih banyak ide lagi:" msgid "Looking for a specific domain?" msgstr "Mencari domain tertentu?" msgid "Show more exact matches" msgstr "Tampilkan kecocokan persis lainnya" msgid "Show more alternative suggestions" msgstr "Tampilkan saran alternatif lainnya" msgid "Best Alternative" msgstr "Alternatif Terbaik" msgid "Taken" msgstr "Diambil" msgid "Buy Domain" msgstr "Beli Domain" msgid "" "Want more traffic? Read about <a href=\"%s\">how you can expand your blog's " "audience</a>." msgstr "" "Ingin lalu lintas lebih banyak? Baca tentang <a href=\"%s\">cara " "mengembangkan pemirsa blog Anda</a>." msgid "This site is eligible to install plugins and upload themes." msgstr "Situs ini memenuhi syarat untuk menginstal plugin dan mengunggah tema." msgid "Transform standard image galleries into full-screen slideshows" msgstr "Ubah galeri gambar standar menjadi tampilan slide layar penuh" msgid "" "Your refund has been sent to the method of payment that you used for your " "original purchase. You will receive it in 7-10 business days.\n" "\t\t\tIf you paid with a credit card, this may appear as a credit/refund on " "your statement, or the original charge will show as reversed, which\n" "\t\t\twould simply remove the original charge from your statement - " "depending on your bank. If you paid via PayPal, you’ll see the refund in\n" "\t\t\tyour transaction history." msgstr "" "Pengembalian dana Anda telah dikirim melalui metode pembayaran yang Anda " "gunakan saat pembelian. Anda akan menerimanya dalam waktu 7-10 hari kerja.\n" "\t\t\tJika Anda membayar dengan kartu kredit, maka di dalam laporan yang " "Anda terima akan muncul sebagai kredit/pengembalian dana, atau jumlah yang " "dikenakan saat pembelian akan dikembalikan, yang\n" "\t\t\takan membatalkan jumlah yang dikenakan di dalam laporan, tergantung " "bank Anda. Jika Anda membayar melalui PayPal, Anda akan melihat pengembalian " "dana di\n" "\t\t\triwayat transaksi." msgid "Jetpack Sites" msgstr "Situs Jetpack" msgid "Match accounts using email addresses" msgstr "Cocokkan akun menggunakan alamat email" msgid "Require two-step authentication" msgstr "Memerlukan autentikasi dua langkah" msgid " sign in" msgstr "Proses masuk" msgid "Some features are disabled because your site is in development mode." msgstr "" "Beberapa fitur dinonaktifkan karena situs Anda dalam mode pengembangan." msgid "This action cannot be undone." msgstr "Tindakan ini tidak dapat dibatalkan." msgid "%(count)d posts" msgstr "%(count)d pos" msgid "Display comment link" msgstr "Tampilkan tautan komentar" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete that user." msgstr "Maaf, anda tidak diizinkan menghapus pengguna tersebut." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete users." msgstr "Maaf, anda tidak diizinkan menghapus pengguna." msgid "Sorry, trackbacks are closed for this item." msgstr "Maaf, lacakbalik ditutup untuk item ini." msgid "I really need an ID for this to work." msgstr "Sebuah ID betul-betul dibutuhkan untuk tindakan ini." msgid "RSS Error:" msgstr "Galat RSS" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "" "This is an example of a homepage section. Homepage sections can be any page " "other than the homepage itself, including the page that shows your latest " "blog posts." msgstr "" "Ini adalah contoh bagian dari laman pangkal. Bagian-bagian laman pangkal " "bisa merupakan laman lain selain laman pangkal itu sendiri, termasuk laman " "yang menampilkan pos blog terbaru Anda." msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "A homepage section" msgstr "Sebuah bagian dari beranda." msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "News" msgstr "Berita" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Blog" msgstr "Blog" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "" "This is a page with some basic contact information, such as an address and " "phone number. You might also try a plugin to add a contact form." msgstr "" "Ini laman dengan informasi kontak dasar, seperti alamat dan nomor telepon. " "Anda juga bisa mencoba plugin untuk menambahkan formulir kontak." msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Contact" msgstr "Kontak" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "" "You might be an artist who would like to introduce yourself and your work " "here or maybe you are a business with a mission to describe." msgstr "" "Mungkin Anda seorang seniman yang ingin memperkenalkan diri dan karya Anda " "di sini, atau barangkali Anda punya bisnis dengan sebuah misi yang harus " "disampaikan." msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "About" msgstr "Tentang" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "" "Welcome to your site! This is your homepage, which is what most visitors " "will see when they come to your site for the first time." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di situs Anda! Ini adalah laman beranda yang akan dilihat " "oleh kebanyakan pengunjung saat pertama datang ke sini." msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "YouTube" msgstr "YouTube" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Yelp" msgstr "Yelp" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Twitter" msgstr "Twitter" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Pinterest" msgstr "Pinterest" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "LinkedIn" msgstr "LinkedIn" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Instagram" msgstr "Instagram" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "GitHub" msgstr "GitHub" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Foursquare" msgstr "Foursquare" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Facebook" msgstr "Facebook" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Email" msgstr "Email" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Home" msgstr "Beranda" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Search" msgstr "Pencarian" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Recent Posts" msgstr "Tulisan Terbaru" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Recent Comments" msgstr "Komentar Terbaru" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Meta" msgstr "Meta" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Categories" msgstr "Kategori" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Calendar" msgstr "Kalender" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Archives" msgstr "Arsip" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "" "This may be a good place to introduce yourself and your site or include some " "credits." msgstr "" "Di sini bisa jadi ruang yang tepat untuk memperkenalkan diri dan situs Anda, " "atau menuliskan kredit." msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "About This Site" msgstr "Tentang Situs Ini" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Saturday & Sunday: 11:00AM–3:00PM" msgstr "Sabtu & Minggu: 11:00AM–3:00PM" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Monday–Friday: 9:00AM–5:00PM" msgstr "Senin – Jumat: 09:00 – 17:00" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Hours" msgstr "Jam" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "New York, NY 10001" msgstr "New York, NY 10001" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "123 Main Street" msgstr "123 Main Street" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Address" msgstr "Alamat" msgctxt "Theme starter content" msgid "Find Us" msgstr "Temukan Kami" msgid "Video is playing." msgstr "Video sedang diputar." msgid "Video is paused." msgstr "Video dijeda." msgctxt "label for hide controls button without length constraints" msgid "Show Controls" msgstr "Tampilkan Kontrol" msgid "Item selected." msgstr "Item terpilih." msgid "Invalid JSONP callback function." msgstr "Fungsi callback JSONP tidak valid." msgid "" "The REST API can no longer be completely disabled, the %s filter can be used " "to restrict access to the API, instead." msgstr "" "REST API tidak dapat sepenuhnya dinonaktifkan kembali, akan tetapi filter %s " "dapat digunakan untuk membatasi akses ke API." msgid "Invalid JSON body passed." msgstr "Invalid JSON body passed." msgid "%1$s %2$s, %3$s ago (%4$s)" msgstr "%1$s %2$s, %3$s yang lalu (%4$s)" msgid "Invalid page template." msgstr "Templat laman tidak valid." msgid "Post Attributes" msgstr "Atribut Pos" msgid "No changesets found in Trash." msgstr "Tak ditemukan changesets di Tong Sampah." msgid "No changesets found." msgstr "Tak ada changeset yang ditemukan." msgid "Search Changesets" msgstr "Cari Changesets" msgid "All Changesets" msgstr "All Changesets" msgid "Edit Changeset" msgstr "Edit Changeset" msgid "New Changeset" msgstr "Changeset Baru" msgid "Add New Changeset" msgstr "Tambahkan Changeset Baru" msgctxt "post type singular name" msgid "Changeset" msgstr "Changeset" msgid "Attachment Attributes" msgstr "Atribut Lampiran" msgid "" "Allow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks) on new " "articles." msgstr "" "Izinkan pemberitahuan tautan dari blog lain (pingbalik dan lacakbalik) pada " "artikel baru." msgid "Default post category." msgstr "Kategori pos standar." msgid "Site tagline." msgstr "Slogan situs." msgctxt "New user notification email subject" msgid "[%1$s] Activate %2$s" msgstr "[%1$s] Aktifkan %2$s" msgctxt "New site notification email subject" msgid "[%1$s] Activate %2$s" msgstr "[%1$s] Aktifkan %2$s" msgid "Document Preview" msgstr "Pratinjau Dokumen" msgctxt "next set of posts" msgid "Next" msgstr "Selanjutnya" msgctxt "previous set of posts" msgid "Previous" msgstr "Sebelumnya" msgid "Username or Email Address" msgstr "Nama Pengguna atau Alamat Email" msgid "Click to edit this element." msgstr "Klik untuk menyunting elemen ini." msgid "Click to edit the site title." msgstr "Klik untuk mengedit judul situs." msgid "Click to edit this widget." msgstr "Klik untuk mengedit widget ini." msgid "Click to edit this menu." msgstr "Klik untuk mengedit menu ini." msgid "Comment author name and email are required." msgstr "Nama dan email penulis komentar wajib diisi." msgid "Comment is required." msgstr "Komentar diwajibkan." msgid "Sorry, the comment could not be updated." msgstr "Maaf, komentar tidak dapat diperbarui." msgid "Invalid role." msgstr "Peran tidak valid." msgid "Sorry, the term could not be created." msgstr "Maaf, istilah tidak dapat disimpan." msgid "No widgets found." msgstr "Widget tidak ditemukan." msgid "Number of widgets found: %d" msgstr "Jumlah widget yang ditemukan: %d" msgid "%1$s could not be created: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s tidak bisa dibuat: %2$s" msgid "Empty title." msgstr "Judul kosong" msgid "Please enter a valid YouTube URL." msgstr "Silakan masukkan URL YouTube yang valid." msgid "" "Only %1$s or %2$s files may be used for header video. Please convert your " "video file and try again, or, upload your video to YouTube and link it with " "the option below." msgstr "" "Hanya file %1$s atau %2$s yang bisa dipakai sebagai video tajuk. Silakan " "konversikan file video Anda can coba lagi, atau, unggah video Anda ke " "YouTube dan tautkan dengan opsi di bawah ini." msgid "" "This video file is too large to use as a header video. Try a shorter video " "or optimize the compression settings and re-upload a file that is less than " "8MB. Or, upload your video to YouTube and link it with the option below." msgstr "" "File video ini terlalu besar untuk dipakai sebagai video tajuk. Cobalah " "video yang lebih pendek atau optimalkan pengaturan kompresi dan unggah ulang " "video di bawah 8MB. Atau, unggah video Anda ke YouTube dan tautkan dengan " "opsi di bawah ini." msgid "Learn more about CSS" msgstr "Pelajari lanjut tentang CSS" msgid "Additional CSS" msgstr "CSS Tambahan" msgctxt "Custom Preset" msgid "Custom" msgstr "Kustom" msgctxt "Repeat Image" msgid "Repeat" msgstr "Berulang" msgctxt "Default Preset" msgid "Default" msgstr "Standar" msgctxt "Background Preset" msgid "Preset" msgstr "Preset" msgid "Or, enter a YouTube URL:" msgstr "Atau, masukkan URL YouTube:" msgid "No video selected" msgstr "Tidak ada video yang dipilih" msgid "Change video" msgstr "Ubah Video" msgid "Header Video" msgstr "Video Tajuk" msgid "" "Upload your video in %1$s format and minimize its file size for best " "results. Your theme recommends a height of %2$s pixels." msgstr "" "Unggah video Anda dalam format %1$s dan perkecil ukuran berkasnya untuk " "hasil terbaik. Tema Anda menyarankan tinggi video %2$s piksel." msgid "" "Upload your video in %1$s format and minimize its file size for best " "results. Your theme recommends a width of %2$s pixels." msgstr "" "Unggah video Anda dalam format %1$s dan minimalkan ukurannya untuk hasil " "terbaik. Tema Anda menyarankan lebar video %2$s piksel." msgid "" "Upload your video in %1$s format and minimize its file size for best " "results. Your theme recommends dimensions of %2$s pixels." msgstr "" "Unggah video Anda dalam format %1$s dan minimalkan ukurannya untuk hasil " "terbaik. Tema Anda menyarankan dimensi %2$s piksel." msgid "" "This theme does not support video headers on this page. Navigate to the " "front page or another page that supports video headers." msgstr "" "Tema ini tidak mendukung tajuk video di laman ini. Beralih ke beranda atau " "laman lainnya yang mendukung tajuk video." msgid "" "If you add a video, the image will be used as a fallback while the video " "loads." msgstr "" "Jika Anda menambahkan video, gambar tersebut akan ditampilkan sementara " "video dimuat." msgid "Header Media" msgstr "Media Tajuk" msgid "Unauthorized to modify setting due to capability." msgstr "Tak diizinkan memodifikasi pengaturan lantaran kapabilitas." msgid "Setting does not exist or is unrecognized." msgstr "Pengaturan tidak ada atau tidak dikenali." msgid "This form is not live-previewable." msgstr "Formulir ini tak dapat dipratinjau langsung." msgid "This link is not live-previewable." msgstr "Tautan ini tak bisa dipratinjau langsung." msgid "Non-existent changeset UUID." msgstr "Non-existent changeset UUID." msgid "Invalid changeset UUID" msgstr "Invalid changeset UUID" msgid "New page title" msgstr "Judul halaman baru" msgid "Howdy, %s" msgstr "Halo, %s" msgid "" "ID #%1$s: %2$s <strong>Sorry, you are not allowed to remove this user.</" "strong>" msgstr "" "ID #%1$s: %2$s <strong>Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan menghapus pengguna ini.</" "strong>" msgid "New version available." msgstr "Versi baru tersedia." msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Display location" msgstr "Lokasi penayangan" msgid "Collapse Main menu" msgstr "Tutup Menu utama" msgid "Current Background Image" msgstr "Gambar Latar Belakang Saat Ini" msgid "Current Header Image" msgstr "Gambar Tajuk Saat Ini" msgid "Invalid date." msgstr "Tanggal tidak valid." msgid "%s Sites" msgstr "Situs-situs %s" msgid "Set status" msgstr "Setel status" msgid "“%s” is locked" msgstr "“%s” terkunci" msgid "Search media items..." msgstr "Cari item media..." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to attach files to this post." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan melampirkan berkas ke pos ini." msgctxt "short (~12 characters) label for hide controls button" msgid "Hide Controls" msgstr "Tutup Kontrol" msgctxt "label for hide controls button without length constraints" msgid "Hide Controls" msgstr "Sembunyikan Kontrol" msgid "Customize New Changes" msgstr "Sesuaikan Perubahan Baru" msgid "Scroll with Page" msgstr "Bergulir bersama Laman" msgctxt "Background Scroll" msgid "Scroll" msgstr "Bergulir" msgctxt "Background Repeat" msgid "Repeat" msgstr "Mengulang" msgid "Fill Screen" msgstr "Penuhi Layar" msgid "Fit to Screen" msgstr "Sesuaikan dengan Layar" msgctxt "Original Size" msgid "Original" msgstr "Asli" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit the %s custom field." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan menyunting bidang khusus %s." msgid "" "Limit result set to users matching at least one specific role provided. " "Accepts csv list or single role." msgstr "" "Limit result set to users matching at least one specific role provided. " "Accepts csv list or single role." msgid "Limit result set to resources with a specific slug." msgstr "Batasi kumpulan hasil ke sumber daya dengan slug tertentu." msgid "Avatar URLs for the user." msgstr "URL avatar untuk pengguna." msgid "Any extra capabilities assigned to the user." msgstr "Kapabilitas tambahan yang ditetapkan bagi pengguna." msgid "All capabilities assigned to the user." msgstr "Seluruh kapabilitas yang ditetapkan bagi pengguna." msgid "Password for the user (never included)." msgstr "Password untuk pengguna (tak pernah disertakan)." msgid "Roles assigned to the user." msgstr "Peran yang ditetapkan untuk pengguna." msgid "Registration date for the user." msgstr "Tanggal pendaftaran untuk pengguna." msgid "An alphanumeric identifier for the user." msgstr "An alphanumeric identifier for the user." msgid "The nickname for the user." msgstr "Nama panggilan untuk pengguna." msgid "Locale for the user." msgstr "Lokal untuk pengguna." msgid "Author URL of the user." msgstr "URL penulis untuk pengguna." msgid "Description of the user." msgstr "Deskripsi pengguna." msgid "URL of the user." msgstr "URL pengguna." msgid "The email address for the user." msgstr "Alamat email untuk pengguna." msgid "Last name for the user." msgstr "Nama belakang untuk pengguna." msgid "First name for the user." msgstr "Nama depan untuk pengguna." msgid "Display name for the user." msgstr "Nama tampilan untuk pengguna." msgid "Login name for the user." msgstr "Nama login untuk pengguna." msgid "Passwords cannot contain the \"%s\" character." msgstr "Kata sandi tidak dapat berisi karakter \"%s\"." msgid "Passwords cannot be empty." msgstr "Password tak boleh kosong." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to give users that role." msgstr "Sorry, you are not allowed to give users that role." msgid "Invalid user ID for reassignment." msgstr "ID pengguna yang hendak dialihkan tidak valid." msgid "Users do not support trashing. Set '%s' to delete." msgstr "Users do not support trashing. Set '%s' to delete." msgid "The user cannot be deleted." msgstr "Pengguna tidak dapat dihapus." msgid "Invalid slug." msgstr "Slug tidak valid." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit roles of this user." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan mengubah peran pengguna ini." msgid "Error creating new user." msgstr "Terjadi galat ketika membuat pengguna baru." msgid "Cannot create existing user." msgstr "Tak bisa membuat pengguna yang sudah ada." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create new users." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan membuat pengguna baru." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to order users by this parameter." msgstr "Sorry, you are not allowed to order users by this parameter." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to list users." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan melihat daftar pengguna." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to filter users by role." msgstr "" "Maaf, Anda tidak diperbolehkan untuk menyaring pengguna berdasarkan peranan." msgid "Invalid user parameter(s)." msgstr "Parameter pengguna tak valid." msgid "Reassign the deleted user's posts and links to this user ID." msgstr "Alihkan pos dan tautan pengguna yang dihapus ke ID pengguna ini." msgid "Required to be true, as users do not support trashing." msgstr "Required to be true, as users do not support trashing." msgid "Unique identifier for the user." msgstr "Identifikasi unik untuk pengguna tersebut." msgid "Limit result set to resources with a specific role." msgstr "Batasi kumpulan hasil ke sumber daya dengan peran tertentu." msgid "Limit result set to terms assigned to a specific post." msgstr "Batasi set hasil untuk terma-terma dengan pos tertentu." msgid "Limit result set to terms assigned to a specific parent." msgstr "Batasi set hasil untuk terma-terma dengan induk tertentu." msgid "Whether to hide terms not assigned to any posts." msgstr "Apakah akan menyembunyikan terma-terma tanpa pos apapun." msgid "Sort collection by term attribute." msgstr "Urutkan koleksi berdasarkan atribut terma." msgid "The parent term ID." msgstr "ID induk terma." msgid "Type attribution for the term." msgstr "Type attribution for the term." msgid "An alphanumeric identifier for the term unique to its type." msgstr "An alphanumeric identifier for the term unique to its type." msgid "HTML title for the term." msgstr "Judul HTML untuk terma." msgid "URL of the term." msgstr "URL terma." msgid "HTML description of the term." msgstr "HTML description dari terma tersebut." msgid "Number of published posts for the term." msgstr "Jumlah pos yang terbit untuk terma tersebut." msgid "The term cannot be deleted." msgstr "Terma tidak dapat dihapus." msgid "Terms do not support trashing. Set '%s' to delete." msgstr "Terms do not support trashing. Set '%s' to delete." msgid "Cannot set parent term, taxonomy is not hierarchical." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengatur induk terma, taksonomi tidak hirarkis." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create new pages." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan membuat halaman baru." msgid "Term does not exist." msgstr "Terma tidak ada." msgid "Required to be true, as terms do not support trashing." msgstr "Required to be true, as terms do not support trashing." msgid "Unique identifier for the term." msgstr "Identitas unik untuk terma." msgid "Limit results to taxonomies associated with a specific post type." msgstr "" "Batasi hasil hanya untuk taksonomi yang terkait dengan tipe pos tertentu." msgid "REST base route for the taxonomy." msgstr "REST base route for the taxonomy." msgid "Types associated with the taxonomy." msgstr "Tipe-tipe yang diasosiasikan dengan taksonomi." msgid "The title for the taxonomy." msgstr "Judul untuk taksonomi." msgid "Human-readable labels for the taxonomy for various contexts." msgstr "" "Label yang terbaca manusia untuk taksonomi tersebut untuk berbagai konteks." msgid "Whether or not the taxonomy should have children." msgstr "Apakah taksonomi tersebut harus punya anak atau tidak." msgid "A human-readable description of the taxonomy." msgstr "Deskripsi yang terbaca manusia untuk taksonomi tersebut." msgid "All capabilities used by the taxonomy." msgstr "Semua kapabilitas yang digunakan oleh taksonomi tersebut." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to manage terms in this taxonomy." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan mengelola terma-terma dalam taksonomi ini." msgid "An alphanumeric identifier for the taxonomy." msgstr "Sebuah identitas alfanumerik untuk taksonomi." msgid "" "The %s property has an invalid stored value, and cannot be updated to null." msgstr "" "The %s property has an invalid stored value, and cannot be updated to null." msgid "Revisions do not support trashing. Set '%s' to delete." msgstr "Revisions do not support trashing. Set '%s' to delete." msgid "Invalid revision ID." msgstr "ID revisi tidak valid." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to view revisions of this post." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan menampilkan revisi pos ini." msgid "Required to be true, as revisions do not support trashing." msgstr "Required to be true, as revisions do not support trashing." msgid "REST base route for the post type." msgstr "Rute awal REST untuk tipe pos." msgid "Taxonomies associated with post type." msgstr "Taksonomi yang terkait dengan tipe pos ini." msgid "The title for the post type." msgstr "Judul untuk tipe pos." msgid "Human-readable labels for the post type for various contexts." msgstr "Label-label yang mudah dibaca untuk tipe pos dalam berbagai konteks." msgid "Whether or not the post type should have children." msgstr "Apakah tipe pos bisa mempunyai anak atau tidak." msgid "A human-readable description of the post type." msgstr "Deskripsi yang mudah dibaca dari tipe pos." msgid "All capabilities used by the post type." msgstr "Semua kapabilitas yang digunakan oleh tipe pos." msgid "Cannot view post type." msgstr "Tidak dapat melihat tipe pos." msgid "An alphanumeric identifier for the post type." msgstr "Sebuah identitas alfanumerik untuk tipe pos." msgid "Whether posts with this status should be publicly-queryable." msgstr "Apakah pos-pos dengan status ini harus bisa dibaca dengan kueri umum." msgid "" "Whether posts of this status should be shown in the front end of the site." msgstr "" "Apakah pos-pos dengan staus ini harus ditampilkan di bagian muka situs." msgid "Whether posts with this status should be protected." msgstr "Apakah pos-pos dengan status ini harus dilindungi." msgid "Whether posts with this status should be private." msgstr "Apakah pos-pos dengan status ini harus privat." msgid "The title for the status." msgstr "Judul untuk status." msgid "Cannot view status." msgstr "Tidak dapat melihat status." msgid "An alphanumeric identifier for the status." msgstr "Sebuah identitas alfanumerik untuk status." msgid "Limit result set to posts assigned one or more statuses." msgstr "Limit result set to posts assigned one or more statuses." msgid "Limit result set to posts with one or more specific slugs." msgstr "Limit result set to posts with one or more specific slugs." msgid "Limit result set to all items except those of a particular parent ID." msgstr "" "Batasi hasil hanya untuk semua item di luar item-item dengan ID induk " "tertentu." msgid "Limit result set to posts with a specific menu_order value." msgstr "Batasi set hasil untuk pos-pos dengan nilai menu_order tertentu." msgid "" "Limit response to posts published before a given ISO8601 compliant date." msgstr "" "Batasi set hasil untuk pos yang diterbitkan sebelum tanggal tertentu sesuai " "ISO8601." msgid "Limit response to posts published after a given ISO8601 compliant date." msgstr "" "Batasi set hasil untuk pos-pos yang diterbitkan setelah tanggal tertentu " "sesuai ISO8601." msgid "The ID for the author of the post." msgstr "ID untuk penulis pos." msgid "Invalid featured media ID." msgstr "ID media andalan tidak valid." msgid "Invalid post parent ID." msgstr "ID induk pos tidak valid." msgid "The post does not support trashing. Set '%s' to delete." msgstr "The post does not support trashing. Set '%s' to delete." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to assign the provided terms." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan menetapkan terma yang tersedia." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to make posts sticky." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan membuat pos menempel." msgid "Limit result set to comments assigned to specific post IDs." msgstr "Batasi set hasil untuk komentar dengan ID pos tertentu." msgid "Ensure result set excludes specific parent IDs." msgstr "Pastikan set hasil mengecualikan ID induk tertentu." msgid "Limit result set to comments of specific parent IDs." msgstr "Batasi set hasil untuk komentar dengan ID induk tertentu." msgid "Limit result set to specific IDs." msgstr "Batasi set hasil untuk ID tertentu." msgid "Ensure result set excludes specific IDs." msgstr "Pastikan set hasil mengecualikan ID tertentu." msgid "" "Limit response to comments published before a given ISO8601 compliant date." msgstr "" "Batasi set hasil untuk komentar yang diterbikan sebelum tanggal tertentu " "sesuai ISO8601." msgid "" "Ensure result set excludes comments assigned to specific user IDs. Requires " "authorization." msgstr "" "Pastikan set hasil mengecualikan komentar dengan ID pengguna tertentu. " "Membutuhkan otorisasi." msgid "" "Limit result set to comments assigned to specific user IDs. Requires " "authorization." msgstr "" "Batasi set hasil untuk komentar dengan ID pengguna tertentu. Membutuhkan " "otorisasi." msgid "" "Limit response to comments published after a given ISO8601 compliant date." msgstr "" "Batasi set hasil untuk komentar yang diterbikan sesudah tanggal tertentu " "sesuai ISO8601." msgid "The ID of the associated post object." msgstr "ID object pos terkait." msgid "The ID for the parent of the object." msgstr "ID induk object." msgid "The ID of the user object, if author was a user." msgstr "ID object pengguna, jika penulis adalah pengguna." msgid "Invalid comment author ID." msgstr "ID penulis komentar tak valid." msgid "The comment does not support trashing. Set '%s' to delete." msgstr "The comment does not support trashing. Set '%s' to delete." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this comment." msgstr "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this comment." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to change the comment type." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengganti tipe komentar." msgid "Comment field exceeds maximum length allowed." msgstr "Ruas komentar melampau panjang maksimum yang diizinkan." msgid "Invalid comment content." msgstr "Isi komentar tidak valid." msgid "Cannot create a comment with that type." msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat komentar menggunakan tipe ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create a comment on this post." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan mengomentari pos ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create this comment without a post." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan membuat komentar ini tanpa sebuah pos." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit '%s' for comments." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan mengedit '%s' untuk komentar." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to read this comment." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan membaca komentar ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to read comments without a post." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan membaca komentar tanpa sebuah pos." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to read the post for this comment." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan membaca pos dengan komentar ini." msgid "URL to the original attachment file." msgstr "URL untuk berkas lampiran asli." msgid "The ID for the associated post of the attachment." msgstr "The ID for the associated post of the attachment." msgid "Details about the media file, specific to its type." msgstr "Rincian tentang berkas media, spesifik untuk tipenya." msgid "The attachment MIME type." msgstr "Tipe MIME lampiran." msgid "Attachment type." msgstr "Attachment type." msgid "HTML description for the attachment, transformed for display." msgstr "Deskripsi HTML untuk lampiran, diubah untuk ditampilkan." msgid "Description for the attachment, as it exists in the database." msgstr "Deskripsi untuk objek, seperti yang tersedia di basis data." msgid "The attachment description." msgstr "Deskripsi lampiran." msgid "HTML caption for the attachment, transformed for display." msgstr "HTML caption untuk lampiran, ditransformasikan untuk penampilan." msgid "Caption for the attachment, as it exists in the database." msgstr "Caption untuk lampiran, yang tersimpan dalam basis data." msgid "The attachment caption." msgstr "Penjelas lampiran." msgid "Alternative text to display when attachment is not displayed." msgstr "Alternative text to display when attachment is not displayed." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to upload media to this post." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan mengunggah media ke pos ini." msgid "" "PHP's XML extension is not available. Please contact your hosting provider " "to enable PHP's XML extension." msgstr "" "Ekstensi XML PHP tak tersedia. Silakan hubungi provider hosting Anda untuk " "mengaktifkan ekstensi XML PHP." msgid "Markup is not allowed in CSS." msgstr "Markup tak diizinkan di CSS." msgid "Error: [%1$s] %2$s" msgstr "Galat: [%1$s] %2$s" msgid "Rollback Error: [%1$s] %2$s" msgstr "Galat Pengembalian: [%1$s] %2$s" msgid "" "BETA TESTING?\n" "=============\n" "\n" "This debugging email is sent when you are using a development version of " "WordPress.\n" "\n" "If you think these failures might be due to a bug in WordPress, could you " "report it?\n" " * Open a thread in the support forums:" "alphabeta\n" " * Or, if you're comfortable writing a bug report: https://core.trac." "\n" "\n" "Thanks! -- The WordPress Team" msgstr "" "BETA TESTING?\n" "=============\n" "\n" "This debugging email is sent when you are using a development version of " "WordPress.\n" "\n" "If you think these failures might be due to a bug in WordPress, could you " "report it?\n" " * Open a thread in the support forums:" "alphabeta\n" " * Or, if you're comfortable writing a bug report: https://core.trac." "\n" "\n" "Thanks! -- The WordPress Team" msgid "FAILED: %s" msgstr "GAGAL: %s" msgid "The following translations failed to update:" msgstr "Terjemahan berikut gagal diperbarui:" msgid "The following themes failed to update:" msgstr "Tema berikut gagal diperbarui:" msgid "The following plugins failed to update:" msgstr "Plugin berikut gagal diperbarui:" msgid "SUCCESS: %s" msgstr "SUKSES: %s" msgid "The following translations were successfully updated:" msgstr "Terjemahan berikut berhasil diperbarui:" msgid "The following themes were successfully updated:" msgstr "Tema berikut berhasil diperbarui:" msgid "The following plugins were successfully updated:" msgstr "Plugin berikut berhasil diperbarui:" msgid "FAILED: WordPress failed to update to %s" msgstr "GAGAL: WordPress gagal diperbarui ke %s" msgid "SUCCESS: WordPress was successfully updated to %s" msgstr "SUKSES: WordPress berhasil diperbarui ke %s" msgid "" "The WordPress team is willing to help you. Forward this email to %s and the " "team will work with you to make sure your site is working." msgstr "" "Tim WordPress siap untuk membantu Anda. Teruskan email ini ke %s dan tim " "kami akan bekerja bersama Anda untuk memastikan situs Anda berjalan." msgid "Backups and security scans" msgstr "Pencadangan dan pemindaian keamanan" msgid "The connection could not be made because no account was selected." msgstr "Tidak dapat dihubungkan karena tidak ada akun yang dipilih." msgid "Get a custom domain, no ads, and support from %s/ mo." msgstr "Dapatkan domain khusus, bebas iklan, dan bantuan mulai dari %s/bulan." msgid " is the easiest place to get started." msgstr " adalah tempat termudah untuk memulai." msgid "Join the global community." msgstr "Bergabunglah dengan komunitas global." msgid "" "We'll still attempt to charge the card we have on file, but if you wish to " "keep this subscription, please update your card details or arrange another " "payment method." msgstr "" "Kami akan mencoba menagih kartu Anda kembali. Akan tetapi, agar langganan " "Anda tetap aktif, sebaiknya segera perbarui informasi kartu kredit Anda " "melalui tombol di bawah atau pilih metode pembayaran lainnya." msgid "" "We'll still attempt to charge the card we have on file, but the best way to " "keep your subscription is to click the button below and update your credit " "card details." msgstr "" "Kami akan mencoba menagih kartu Anda kembali. Agar langganan Anda tetap " "aktif, sebaiknya segera perbarui informasi kartu kredit Anda melalui tombol " "di bawah." msgid "" "If you don’t have access to {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}}, we will also " "email you at {{strong}}%(wpcomEmail)s{{/strong}}, as backup." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak bisa mengakses {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}}, kami juga " "akan mengirimkan email kepada Anda di {{strong}}%(wpcomEmail)s{{/strong}}, " "sebagai cadangan." msgid "Request Confirmation" msgstr "Konfirmasi Permintaan" msgid "" "We’ll email you at {{strong}}%(oldEmail)s{{/strong}} and " "{{strong}}%(newEmail)s{{/strong}} with a link to confirm the new details. " "The change won’t go live until we receive confirmation from both emails." msgstr "" "Kami akan mengirimkan email kepada Anda di {{strong}}%(oldEmail)s{{/strong}} " "dan {{strong}}%(newEmail)s{{/strong}} yang berisi link untuk mengonfirmasi " "detail baru. Perubahan tidak akan ditayangkan hingga kami menerima " "konfirmasi dari kedua email." msgid "" "We’ll email you at {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}} with a link to confirm the " "new details. The change won't go live until we receive confirmation from " "this email." msgstr "" "Kami akan mengirimkan email kepada Anda di {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}} " "yang berisi link untuk mengonfirmasi detail baru. Perubahan tidak akan " "ditayangkan hingga kami menerima konfirmasi dari email ini." msgid "Confirmation Needed" msgstr "Memerlukan Konfirmasi" msgid "Failed to cancel subscription" msgstr "Gagal membatalkan langganan" msgid "" "Lodestar is a trendy one-page theme designed with startups and small " "business ventures in mind." msgstr "" "Lodestar adalah tema satu halaman yang trendi dan dirancang yang sesuai " "untuk perusahaan rintisan dan usaha kecil." msgid "Not available for multi site" msgstr "Tidak tersedia untuk multisitus" msgid "Use the WP Admin interface instead" msgstr "Gunakan antarmuka WP Admin sebagai gantinya" msgid "Open WP Admin" msgstr "Buka WP Admin" msgid "Learn more about Hosting" msgstr "Baca selengkapnya tentang Hosting" msgid "" "You are now the proud owner of <strong>%s</strong>! Time to update your " "business cards." msgstr "" "Anda sekarang adalah pemilik resmi dari <strong>%s</strong>! Saatnya " "memperbarui kartu nama Anda." msgid "The plan was too expensive." msgstr "Paket terlalu mahal." msgid "Schedule a chat" msgstr "Jadwalkan obrolan" msgid "" "Thank you for purchasing the Business plan on %1$s! We would like to offer a " "30 minute Quick Start session with one of our Happiness Engineers to help " "set up your site." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah membeli paket Bisnis pada %1$s! Kami ingin menawarkan " "sesi Mulai Cepat berdurasi 30 menit bersama salah satu Happiness Engineer " "kami untuk membantu Anda menyiapkan situs." msgid "New Business Plan" msgstr "Paket Bisnis Baru" msgid "Let us personally help you set up your site at %1$s!" msgstr "" "Biarkan kami membantu Anda secara personal untuk menyiapkan situs di %1$s!" msgctxt "Legend label in stats all-time views table" msgid "Fewer Views" msgstr "Tampilan Lebih Sedikit" msgctxt "Legend label in stats all-time views table" msgid "More Views" msgstr "Tampilan Lebih Banyak" msgid "All-time views." msgstr "Tampilan Sepanjang Waktu" msgid "A simple photography theme" msgstr "Sebuah tema fotografi sederhana" msgid "Your feedback helps us improve our support." msgstr "Feedback Anda dapat membantu meningkatkan dukungan kami." msgid "How would you rate this experience?" msgstr "Seberapa baik pengalaman ini menurut Anda?" msgid "Thanks for interacting with us!" msgstr "Terima kasih telah berkomunikasi dengan kami!" msgid "A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment." msgstr "" "Tambahkan sepatah dua patah kata yang menarik untuk memancing komentar " "pembaca." msgid "Transparent" msgstr "Transparan" msgid "Uploaded by %s" msgstr "Diunggah oleh %s" msgid "Extra License for G Suite" msgstr "Lisensi Ekstra untuk G Suite" msgid "Keep my subscription" msgstr "Perpanjang paket langganan saya" msgid "Fill out my Wufoo form!" msgstr "Isi formulir Wufoo saya!" msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize connection confirmation" msgid "An error occurred while connecting the account." msgstr "Terjadi error saat menghubungkan akun." msgid "Manage your account" msgstr "Kelola akun anda" msgid "" "Our Happiness Engineers are here to answer your questions & help you set up " "your site." msgstr "" "Happiness Engineer kami siap menjawab pertanyaan & membantu menyiapkan situs " "Anda." msgid "" "Our Happiness Engineers are here to answer your questions and help you with " "your plan." msgstr "Happiness Engineer selalu siap menjawab pertanyaan dan membantu Anda." msgid "" "A 60-minute overview course with two of our Happiness Engineers. In this " "live group session, we provide an overview of, discuss " "features of the %(planName)s plan, provide a basic setup " "overview to help you get started with your site, and show you where to find " "additional resources and help in the future." msgstr "" "Tutorial berisi penjelasan umum selama 60 menit dengan dua Happiness " "Engineer kami. Di sesi grup secara langsung ini, kami menyampaikan ikhtisar " "tentang, membahas paket %(planName)s, memberikan " "ikhtisar penyiapan dasar untuk membantu Anda memulai membangun situs, dan " "menunjukkan lokasi sumber daya tambahan dan bantuan di masa mendatang." msgid "Purchase this design" msgstr "Beli desain ini" msgid "Customize this design" msgstr "Sesuaikan desain ini" msgctxt "Logged out theme support message" msgid "Pick this design and start a site with us, we can help!" msgstr "Pilih desain ini dan mulai buat situs dengan kami. Kami siap membantu!" msgid "Share your site" msgstr "Bagikan situs Anda" msgid "Only single .zip files are accepted." msgstr "Hanya berkas .zip tunggal yang diterima." msgid "" "To take advantage of the %1$s discount you heard about on the show, use the " "promo code %2$s when you check out." msgstr "" "Untuk memanfaatkan diskon %1$s yang Anda dengar di acara, gunakan kode promo " "%2$s saat membayar." msgid "Build your website or blog today." msgstr "Buat situs web atau blog Anda sekarang juga." msgid "Create a premium site that's all you." msgstr "Buat situs premium yang mencerminkan Anda sepenuhnya." msgid "Your post has not received any views yet!" msgstr "Pos Anda belum mendapatkan penayangan sama sekali!" msgid "Learn some tips to attract more visitors" msgstr "Pelajari beberapa tips untuk menarik lebih banyak pelanggan." msgid "Get more traffic!" msgstr "Dapatkan lebih banyak lalu lintas!" msgid "" "%(purchaseName)s will expire and be removed from your site in " "%(daysToExpiry)d days." msgstr "" "%(purchaseName)s akan kedaluwarsa dan dihapus dari situs Anda dalam " "%(daysToExpiry)d hari." msgid "" "Check to load posts as you scroll. Uncheck to show clickable button to load " "posts" msgstr "" "Centang untuk memuat pos selagi Anda menggulir. Hapus centang untuk " "menampilkan tombol dapat diklik guna memuat pos" msgid "Infinite Scroll Behavior" msgstr "Perilaku Gulir Tanpa Batas" msgid "Sorry, there was a problem blocking that site." msgstr "Maaf, ada masalah saat memblokir situs tersebut." msgid "Sorry, there was a problem unblocking that site." msgstr "Maaf, ada masalah saat membuka blokir situs tersebut." msgid "Are you sure you want to delete %(themeName)s from %(siteTitle)s?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin menghapus %(themeName)s dari %(siteTitle)s?" msgid "Delete %(themeName)s" msgstr "Hapus %(themeName)s" msgid "Jetpack Personal" msgstr "Jetpack Personal" msgid "Highest hourly views %(highestViews)s" msgstr "Jam penayangan tertinggi %(highestViews)s" msgid "" "You are now the proud owner of <strong>%s</strong>! Adding a site is just " "one click away." msgstr "" "Anda sekarang adalah pemilik resmi dari <strong>%s</strong>! Buat situs web " "dengan mudah." msgid "Everything starts with a name." msgstr "Semua berawal dari nama." msgid "Upload themes" msgstr "Unggah tema" msgid "Upload custom themes on your site." msgstr "Unggah tema khusus ke situs Anda." msgid "Could not find the thumbnail" msgstr "Tidak bisa menemukan gambar mini" msgid "" "You will receive a partial refund of %(refundAmount)s which is %(planCost)s " "for the plan minus %(domainCost)s for the domain." msgstr "" "Anda akan menerima pengembalian sebagian dana sebesar %(refundAmount)s " "dengan rincian %(planCost)s untuk paket dikurangi %(domainCost)s untuk " "domain." msgid "" "With bold featured images and bright, cheerful colors, Dara is ready to get " "to work for your business." msgstr "" "Dengan gambar fitur tebal dan warna yang cerah ceria, Dara siap bekerja " "untuk bisnis Anda." msgid "Select a point to copy" msgstr "Pilih titik yang akan disalin" msgid "Regenerate address" msgstr "Buat ulang alamat" msgid "Publish posts by sending an email" msgstr "Publikasikan pos dengan mengirim email." msgid "Publishing Tools" msgstr "Perangkat Publikasi" msgid "Total of WordPress and Email Subscribers" msgstr "Total Pelanggan Email dan WordPress" msgid "Add Image" msgstr "Tambahkan Gambar" msgid "Visit forum" msgstr "Kunjungi forum" msgid "Theme enhancements" msgstr "Peningkatan tema" msgid "Copy Codes" msgstr "Salin Kode" msgid "Print Codes" msgstr "Cetak Kode" msgid "Site Backups" msgstr "Cadangan Situs" msgid "Revenue Generation" msgstr "Perolehan Pendapatan" msgid "You have blocked %(site_name)s." msgstr "Anda telah memblokir %(site_name)s." msgid "Undo?" msgstr "Urungkan?" msgid "with a powerful website." msgstr "dengan situs web yang andal." msgid "Design your success story " msgstr "Buat desain kisah keberhasilan Anda " msgctxt "Themes: Theme delete confirmation" msgid "Deleted theme %(themeName)s." msgstr "Menghapus tema %(themeName)s." msgctxt "Themes: Theme delete failure" msgid "Problem deleting %(themeId)s. Check theme is not active." msgstr "Ada masalah saat menghapus %(themeId)s. Periksa tema tidak aktif." msgid "" "Your server is not responding to our monitoring requests. Your site may have " "PHP fatal errors, database connectivity issues, or other server-level " "problems. You might be able to figure out what is causing the problem using " "this information %s" msgstr "" "Server Anda tidak menanggapi permintaan pemantauan kami. Situs Anda mungkin " "memiliki eror fatal PHP, masalah konektivitas basis data, atau masalah di " "tingkat server lainnya. Anda mungkin dapat mencari tahu penyebab eror " "menggunakan informasi berikut %s" msgid "" "Your site is returning a 403 error, which normally indicates that your " "host's security measures are blocking our monitoring requests. Please have " "them confirm that they are not blocking any requests from our user agent " "(See %s for more information)." msgstr "" "Situs Anda memberikan error 403, yang biasanya menandakan bahwa tindakan " "keamanan host Anda memblokir permintaan pemantauan kami. Harap konfirmasikan " "tidak ada tindakan keamanan yang memblokir permintaan dari agen pengguna " "kami (Lihat %s untuk informasi selengkapnya)." msgid "Good news - your site %s is now loading!" msgstr "Kabar baik - situs %s Anda sudah bisa dimuat!" msgid "More about Monitor: %s" msgstr "Selengkapnya tentang Monitor: %s" msgid "" "We will continue monitoring your site, and let you know when it comes online " "again." msgstr "" "Kami akan terus mengawasi situs Anda, dan akan memberitahu Anda kapan situs " "aktif kembali." msgid "" "This is a follow up on the recent Jetpack Monitor alert you received. It " "appears that your site %1$s is still down, and has been offline for %2$s." msgstr "" "Ini adalah tindak lanjut dari peringatan Jetpack Monitor yang Anda terima " "baru-baru ini. Sepertinya situs Anda %1$s masih tidak aktif dan sudah " "offline selama %2$s." msgid "Upgrade for %s" msgstr "Upgrade untuk %s" msgid "I found a better plugin or service." msgstr "Saya menemukan plugin atau layanan yang lebih baik." msgid "Any particular reason(s)?" msgstr "Ada alasan tertentu?" msgid "I'm moving my site off of WordPress." msgstr "Saya memindahkan situs saya keluar dari WordPress." msgid "Day Summary" msgstr "Ringkasan Harian" msgid "Week Summary" msgstr "Ringkasan Mingguan" msgid "Month Summary" msgstr "Ringkasan Bulanan" msgid "Year Summary" msgstr "Ringkasan Tahunan" msgctxt "Date range for which stats are being displayed" msgid "%(number)s days ending %(endDate)s (Summarized)" msgstr "%(number)s hari sampai %(endDate)s (Ringkasan)" msgid "" "This site timezone (%(timezoneText)s) will be used for publishing. You can " "change it in {{a}}General Settings{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Zona waktu situs ini (%(timezoneText)s) akan digunakan untuk publikasi. Anda " "dapat mengubahnya di {{a}}Pengaturan Umum{{/a}}." msgid "This site timezone is %(diff)sh from your local timezone." msgstr "Zona waktu situs ini berbeda %(diff)s jam dari zona waktu lokal Anda." msgid "Uploaded themes" msgstr "Tema-tema terunggah" msgid "Everything You Need to Know About SEO and Marketing for Your Website" msgstr "" "Semua yang Perlu Anda Ketahui Tentang SEO dan Pemasaran untuk Situs Web Anda" msgid "" "You will leave this 60-minute session with a plan for optimizing your site " "for search engines and an overview of basic tactics for increasing your " "traffic. Our Happiness Engineers will provide a foundation for making sure " "that your site meets current SEO standards. We'll also discuss how to " "maximize tools like Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools." msgstr "" "Setelah mengikuti sesi berdurasi 60 menit ini, Anda akan memiliki paket " "untuk mengoptimalkan situs Anda untuk mesin pencarian dan ringkasan taktik " "dasar untuk meningkatkan lalu-lintas situs. Happiness Engineer kami akan " "memberikan panduan dasar untuk memastikan situs Anda memenuhi standar SEO " "terkini. Kita juga akan membahas cara memaksimalkan berbagai alat seperti " "Google Analytics dan Webmaster Tools." msgid "Advertisements" msgstr "Iklan" msgid "Get Personalized Help" msgstr "Dapatkan Bantuan Perorangan Langsung" msgid "Start earning" msgstr "Dapatkan penghasilan" msgid "" "Schedule a one-on-one orientation with a Happiness Engineer to set up your " "site and learn more about" msgstr "" "Jadwalkan orientasi satu lawan satu dengan Happiness Engineer untuk " "menyiapkan situs Anda dan mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang" msgid "Schedule a session" msgstr "Jadwalkan sesi" msgid "Advertising removed" msgstr "Penghapusan Iklan" msgid "See pricing" msgstr "Lihat Harga" msgid "Learn about the benefits of using your account" msgstr "Pelajari keuntungan menggunakan akun Anda" msgid "Log in with a different account" msgstr "Login dengan akun yang berbeda" msgid "Sorry, the domain you are trying to add is no longer available." msgstr "Maaf, domain yang sedang Anda coba tambahkan sudah tidak tersedia." msgid "Visit Your Reader" msgstr "Kunjungi Pembaca Anda" msgid "Jetpack AI" msgstr "Jetpack AI" msgid "These short videos will demonstrate some of our most popular features." msgstr "" "Video pendek berikut menampilkan beberapa fitur kami yang paling populer." msgid "Discount for first year" msgstr "Diskon untuk tahun pertama" msgctxt "Stats: title of module" msgid "Countries" msgstr "Negara" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for views by country." msgid "Country" msgstr "Negara" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for number of views from a country." msgid "Views" msgstr "Tampilan" msgid "TXT Record has non-ASCII data" msgstr "Catatan TXT memiliki data non-ASCII" msgid "These items were added successfully:" msgstr "Item berikut berhasil ditambahkan:" msgid "" "We added credits to your account, so you can try adding these items again. " "If the problem persists, please don't hesitate to {{a}}contact support{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Kami telah menambahkan kredit ke akun, sehingga Anda bisa mencoba " "menambahkan item ini lagi. Jika masalah berlanjut, jangan ragu untuk {{a}}" "menghubungi dukungan{{/a}}." msgid "" "Your server is not responding to our monitoring requests. Your site may have " "PHP fatal errors, database connectivity issues, or other server-level " "problems. <a href=\"%s\">This page</a> might help you figure out what is " "causing the problem." msgstr "" "Server Anda tidak merespons permintaan pemantauan kami. Situs Anda mungkin " "mengalami error PHP fatal, masalah konektivitas database, atau masalah " "lainnya di tingkat server. <a href=\"%s\">Halaman ini</a> mungkin bisa " "membantu Anda mencari tahu penyebab masalah." msgid "" "Your site is returning a 403 error, which normally indicates that your " "host's security measures are blocking our monitoring requests. Please have " "them confirm that they are not blocking any requests from our <a href=\"%s\" " "type=\"external\">user agent</a>." msgstr "" "Situs Anda memberikan error 403, yang biasanya menandakan bahwa tindakan " "keamanan host Anda memblokir permintaan pemantauan kami. Harap konfirmasikan " "tidak ada tindakan keamanan yang memblokir permintaan dari <a href=\"%s\" " "type=\"external\">agen pengguna</a> kami." msgid "" "Our monitoring requests are not being handled correctly by your site. This " "might mean that your site requires authentication, or that your DNS is " "misconfigured." msgstr "" "Permintaan pemantauan kami tidak ditangani dengan benar oleh situs Anda. " "Bisa jadi situs Anda memerlukan autentikasi, atau konfigurasi DNS Anda tidak " "tepat." msgid "" "Our requests are being redirected too many times. This normally happens when " "your site is misconfigured, and is redirecting users in a loop, or through a " "series of URLs. To avoid loops, we only follow 2 redirects." msgstr "" "Permintaan kami terlalu sering dialihkan. Biasanya ini terjadi ketika " "konfigurasi situs Anda tidak tepat, dan situs mengalihkan pengguna berulang-" "ulang, atau melalui serangkaian URL. Untuk menghindari pengulangan, kami " "hanya mengikuti 2 pengalihan." msgid "" "Your site is responding intermittently, or extremely slowly. This can " "indicate an overloaded, under-powered, or misconfigured server. Your site is " "probably loading for some users, but not for everyone." msgstr "" "Respons situs Anda terputus-putus, atau sangat lambat. Hal ini dapat " "menandakan server yang kelebihan beban, kekurangan daya, atau salah " "konfigurasi. Situs Anda mungkin bisa dimuat oleh sebagian pengguna, tetapi " "tidak semuanya." msgid "" "We will continue monitoring your site, and alert you if it goes down again." msgstr "" "Kami akan terus memantau situs Anda dan memperingatkan Anda apabila situs " "kembali tidak aktif." msgid "Your site was down for approximately %1$s, but is up again as of %2$s." msgstr "" "Situs Anda down selama kurang lebih %1$s, namun sudah kembali lagi pada %2$s." msgid "Good news — your site %s is now loading!" msgstr "Kabar baik — situs Anda %s kini termuat!" msgid "" "If you continue seeing downtime, you should get in touch with your hosting " "provider for help. You will receive another alert when your site is online " "again." msgstr "" "Jika situs masih tidak aktif, hubungi penyedia hosting Anda untuk " "mendapatkan bantuan. Anda akan menerima peringatan lagi ketika situs Anda " "sudah online." msgid "%1$s did not load when we checked, on %2$s." msgstr "%1$s tidak dimuat ketika kami memeriksanya pada %2$s." msgid "Read more about Monitor." msgstr "Baca selengkapnya tentang Monitor." msgid "" "This is a follow up on the recent Jetpack Monitor alert you received. It " "appears that your site %1$s is still not loading, and has been offline for " "%2$s." msgstr "" "Ini adalah tindak lanjut dari peringatan Jetpack Monitor yang Anda terima " "baru-baru ini. Sepertinya situs Anda %1$s masih tidak dimuat dan sudah " "offline selama %2$s." msgid "Hi %s," msgstr "Hi %s," msgid "Welcome, %s listeners!" msgstr "Selamat datang, pendengar %s!" msgid "" "An email has been sent to {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}}. Please confirm it " "to finish this process." msgstr "" "Sebuah email telah dikirim ke {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}}. Harap " "konfirmasikan email tersebut untuk menyelesaikan proses ini." msgid "" "Emails have been sent to {{strong}}%(oldEmail)s{{/strong}} and " "{{strong}}%(newEmail)s{{/strong}}. Please ensure they're both confirmed to " "finish this process." msgstr "" "Beberapa email telah dikirim ke {{strong}}%(oldEmail)s{{/strong}} dan " "{{strong}}%(newEmail)s{{/strong}}. Pastikan keduanya dikonfirmasi untuk " "menyelesaikan proses ini." msgid "There are no likes on this post yet." msgstr "Belum ada suka untuk pos ini." msgid "Please define an SVG icon filename." msgstr "Tentukan nama file ikon SVG." msgid "Please define default parameters in the form of an array." msgstr "Tentukan parameter asal dalam bentuk array." msgid "Connect an account to get started." msgstr "Hubungkan akun untuk memulai." msgid "SEO tools are not enabled for this site." msgstr "Alat SEO tidak diaktifkan untuk situs ini." msgid "I was unable to activate or use the product." msgstr "Saya tidak bisa mengaktifkan atau menggunakan produk." msgid "Mind telling us which one(s)?" msgstr "Maukah Anda memberitahu kami yang mana?" msgid "view document" msgstr "lihat dokumen" msgid "Your recovery SMS number has been validated successfully." msgstr "Nomor SMS pemulihan Anda berhasil divalidasi." msgid "" "There was a problem validating your recovery SMS number. Please try again " "later." msgstr "" "Ada masalah saat memvalidasi nomor SMS pemulihan Anda. Silakan coba lagi " "nanti." msgid "Validating" msgstr "Memvalidasi" msgid "Validate" msgstr "Validasi" msgid "" "Please validate your recovery SMS number. Check your phone for a validation " "code." msgstr "" "Lakukan validasi nomor SMS pemulihan Anda. Periksa ponsel Anda untuk melihat " "kode validasi." msgid "view pdf" msgstr "lihat pdf" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} needs to be verified. You should receive an " "email shortly with more information." msgstr "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} harus diverifikasi. Sesaat lagi Anda akan " "menerima email berisi informasi selengkapnya." msgid "Please verify ownership of domains:" msgstr "Harap verifikasi kepemilikan domain:" msgid "Verification required for domains" msgstr "Verifikasi diperlukan untuk domain." msgid "Get it on Amazon" msgstr "Dapatkan di Amazon" msgid "expiring %(cardExpiry)s" msgstr "akan kedaluwarsa %(cardExpiry)s" msgid "Maybe later" msgstr "Mungkin nanti" msgid "Yes please!" msgstr "Ya!" msgid "Successfully added. Please check your phone for the validation code." msgstr "Berhasil ditambahkan. Periksa ponsel Anda untuk melihat kode validasi." msgid "Successfully updated. Please check your phone for the validation code." msgstr "Berhasil diperbarui. Periksa ponsel Anda untuk melihat kode validasi." msgid "Successfully added. Please check your mailbox for the validation email." msgstr "" "Berhasil ditambahkan. Periksa kotak masuk Anda untuk melihat email validasi." msgid "" "Successfully updated. Please check your mailbox for the validation email." msgstr "Berhasil diperbarui. Periksa inbox Anda untuk melihat email validasi." msgid "" "The validation code has been resent successfully. Please check your phone." msgstr "Kode validasi berhasil dikirim ulang. Periksa ponsel Anda." msgid "" "The validation email has been resent successfully. Please check your mailbox." msgstr "Email validasi berhasil dikirim ulang. Periksa kotak masuk Anda." msgid "The validation has been resent successfully." msgstr "Validasi berhasil dikirim ulang." msgid "" "We've encountered a problem sending you the validation code. Please try " "again later." msgstr "" "Kami mengalami masalah saat mengirimkan kode validasi kepada Anda. Silakan " "coba lagi nanti." msgid "" "We've encountered a problem sending you the validation email. Please try " "again later." msgstr "" "Kami mengalami masalah saat mengirimkan email validasi kepada Anda. Silakan " "coba lagi nanti." msgid "We've encountered a problem. Please try again later." msgstr "Kami mengalami masalah. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "" "Please verify your recovery email address. Check your inbox for a " "confirmation link." msgstr "" "Lakukan verifikasi alamat email pemulihan Anda. Periksa inbox Anda untuk " "melihat tautan konfirmasi." msgid "Please click the button below to confirm your recovery email address." msgstr "" "Klik tombol di bawah untuk melakukan konfirmasi alamat email pemulihan Anda." msgid "" "Howdy %1$s, you have recently updated your recovery mail. Please click the " "button below to validate the ownership." msgstr "" "Apa kabar %1$s, Anda baru saja memperbarui alamat email pemulihan. Klik " "tombol di bawah untuk memvalidasi kepemilikan." msgid "This recovery email validation link is expired." msgstr "Link validasi email pemulihan ini sudah kedaluwarsa." msgid "We have failed to validate your recovery email." msgstr "Kami gagal memvalidasi email pemulihan Anda." msgid "Your recovery email has been validated successfully." msgstr "Email pemulihan Anda berhasil divalidasi." msgid "Recovery Email Validation." msgstr "Validasi Email Pemulihan." msgid "[] Please Validate Your Recovery Email" msgstr "[] Harap Validasi Email Pemulihan Anda" msgid "Click to view gallery" msgstr "Klik untuk melihat galeri" msgid "Link (⌘-shift-a)" msgstr "Tautan (⌘-shift-a)" msgid "Italics (ctrl/⌘-i)" msgstr "Miring (ctrl/⌘-i)" msgid "Bold (ctrl/⌘-b)" msgstr "Tebal (ctrl/⌘-b)" msgid "You are not allowed to stick or unstick this post." msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan unntuk melekatkan atau melepas lekatan pos ini." msgid "go to the previous post or comment" msgstr "ke pos atau komentar sebelumnya" msgid "go to the next post or comment" msgstr "ke pos atau komentar selanjutnya" msgid "Select point to copy" msgstr "Pilih titik yang akan disalin" msgid "Create a site with WordPress" msgstr "Buat situs dengan WordPress" msgid "download" msgstr "unduh" msgid "Create a site with WordPress." msgstr "Buat situs web Anda dengan WordPress." msgid "Start with Pressable" msgstr "Mulai dengan Pressable" msgid "Start with Bluehost" msgstr "Mulai dengan Bluehost" msgid "Start with" msgstr "Mulai dengan" msgid "" "The Site Icon is used as a browser and app icon for your site. Icons must be " "square, and at least %s pixels wide and tall. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Ikon Situs digunakan sebagai ikon browser dan aplikasi untuk situs Anda. " "Ikon harus berbentuk persegi dan setidaknya memiliki lebar dan tinggi %s " "piksel. {{a}}Baca selengkapnya{{/a}}." msgid "Customize site icon" msgstr "Sesuaikan ikon situs" msgid "" "This option has moved. You can now manage your site icon from the Customizer." msgstr "" "Pilihan berikut telah dipindahkan. Anda dapat mengelola ikon situs Anda dari " "Customizer." msgid "Successfully updated the recovery option." msgstr "Berhasil memperbaharui pilihan pemulihan." msgid "Successfully removed the recovery option." msgstr "Berhasil menghapus pilihan pemulihan." msgid "%s coming your way!" msgstr "%s segera tiba!" msgid "We've got your website covered." msgstr "Kami siap menangani semua kebutuhan situs web Anda." msgid "" "Upload an image (<strong>JPG</strong> or <strong>PNG</strong>) to use as " "your site icon across You can crop it after uploading." msgstr "" "Unggah sebuah gambar (<strong>JPG</strong> atau <strong>PNG</strong>) untuk " "digunakan sebagai ikon situs Anda di Gambar bisa dipangkas " "setelah diunggah." msgid "Use synchronized data to boost performance" msgstr "Gunakan data yang telah disinkronkan untuk meningkatkan kinerja." msgid "Number of posts to show (1 to 15):" msgstr "Jumlah pos untuk ditampilkan (1 sampai 15):" msgctxt "the Internet Defense League" msgid "Learn more about the %s" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai %s" msgid "Which badge would you like to display?" msgstr "Lencana mana yang Anda suka untuk ditampilkan?" msgid "" "It looks like the WordPress site URL is incorrectly configured. Please check " "it in your widget settings." msgstr "" "Sepertinya terdapat kesalahan pada konfigurasi URL situs WordPress. Periksa " "di pengaturan widget Anda." msgid "Display your site's most recent comments" msgstr "Tampilkan komentar terbaru situs Anda" msgid "" "Sites optimized for peak performance, automatic security and backups, up to " "20x daily traffic scaling, experts on call to help round the clock." msgstr "" "Situs yang dirancang untuk performa terbaik, keamanan dan pencadangan " "otomatis, pemantauan aktivitas situs web hingga 20x setiap hari, para ahli " "yang siap membantu setiap saat." msgid "" "Pick from thousands of community themes and plugins and manage your own " "security and software updates on your preferred hosting provider. Choose " "optional dedicated WordPress hosting for increased performance." msgstr "" "Pilih dari ribuan tema dan plugin komunitas dan kelola pembaruan perangkat " "lunak serta keamanan Anda sendiri di penyedia hosting pilihan Anda. Pilih " "hosting WordPress khusus opsional untuk peningkatan performa." msgid "" "Choose a custom WordPress installation for the ultimate control over your " "website." msgstr "" "Pilih instalasi WordPress khusus dengan pengendalian penuh atas situs web " "Anda." msgid "" "Hosting, security, backups, software updates, and spam protection are all " "included. Pick from more than 300 designs, activate our powerful features " "inspired by the best plugins, and get a custom domain with a plan." msgstr "" "Hosting, keamanan, pencadangan, pembaruan perangkat lunak, dan perlindungan " "terhadap spam termasuk di dalamnya. Pilih dari 300 desain lebih, aktifkan " "fitur andal kami yang terinspirasi dari berbagai plugin terbaik, dan " "dapatkan domain khusus beserta paketnya." msgid "Choose for the easiest way to create a website or blog." msgstr "Pilih untuk cara termudah membuat situs web atau blog." msgid "Find help from the wider WordPress community through support forums." msgstr "" "Dapatkan bantuan dari komunitas WordPress yang lebih luas melalui forum " "bantuan." msgid "" "Have complete control over your design and code. Install and customize any " "WordPress theme you want or build your own with PHP and CSS." msgstr "" "Pegang kendali penuh atas desain dan kode Anda. Instal dan gunakan tema " "WordPress apa pun yang Anda inginkan atau buat tema baru dengan PHP dan CSS." msgid "" "Find a host, install plugins, and get your hands dirty. We can help with " "services like VaultPress for security and backups." msgstr "" "Temukan host, instal plugin, dan kelola semuanya sendiri. Kami dapat " "membantu dengan layanan seperti VaultPress untuk keamanan dan pencadangan." msgid "More control — you install and host your site." msgstr "Pengendalian penuh - Anda menginstal dan mengelola situs Anda." msgid "" "Reach a wider audience and find new readers. Sync your content to Facebook " "and Twitter and connecting with millions of people using" msgstr "" "Perluas jangkauan situs web Anda dan dapatkan pembaca baru. Selaraskan " "konten ke Facebook dan Twitter serta terhubung dengan jutaan pengguna " "" msgid "" "Build a site, no installation required. We host your site and offer built-in " "plugins and free benefits including software updates and security. Register " "your domain easily and get started in minutes." msgstr "" "Buat situs, tanpa menginstal apa pun. Kami akan mengelola situs Anda dan " "menawarkan plugin terintegrasi serta berbagai fitur gratis, termasuk " "pembaruan perangkat lunak dan keamanan. Daftarkan domain Anda dan mulai " "dengan mudah." msgid "Total simplicity — we take care of everything." msgstr "Kemudahan total - Kami akan mengelola situs Anda." msgid "Learn more about each option to make your choice." msgstr "" "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang setiap pilihan untuk menentukan yang terbaik " "untuk Anda." msgid "Need help deciding?" msgstr "Butuh bantuan memilih?" msgid "" "Enter a valid country code followed by a dot (for example +1.6285550199)." msgstr "" "Masukan kode negara diikuti dengan tanda titik. (contoh: +1.6285550199)." msgid "Click for more information" msgstr "Klik untuk informasi lengkap." msgid "Count items in sub-categories toward parent total." msgstr "Menghitung item di subkategori terhadap total induk." msgid "Height in pixels:" msgstr "Tinggi dalam piksel:" msgid "Width in pixels:" msgstr "Lebar dalam piksel:" msgid "" "Image missing or invalid URL. Please check the Image widget URL in your <a " "href=\"%s\">widget settings</a>." msgstr "" "Gambar hilang atau URL tidak valid. Periksa URL widget Gambar di <a href=\"%s" "\">pengaturan widget</a>." msgid "Maximum: %s" msgstr "Maksimal: %s" msgid "Minimum: %s" msgstr "Minimal: %s" msgid "Contact Info & Map" msgstr "Informasi Kontak & Peta" msgctxt "Terms: Add term error message" msgid "Parent item required when \"Top level\" is unchecked" msgstr "Item induk diperlukan jika \"Top level\" tidak dicentang." msgid "<strong>6GB</strong> Storage Space" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan <strong>6 GB</strong> " msgid "Recommended Reading" msgstr "Rekomendasi Bacaan" msgid "There is an issue connecting to %s." msgstr "Terjadi masalah saat menyambungkan ke %s." msgid "One of your IP Addresses was invalid. Please try again." msgstr "Salah satu Alamat IP Anda tidak valid. Silakan coba lagi." msgid "There was a problem saving your changes. Please try again." msgstr "Terjadi masalah saat menyimpan perubahan Anda. Silakan coba lagi." msgid "Post shared. Please check your social media accounts." msgstr "Pos dibagikan. Periksa akun media sosial Anda." msgid "Only the owner of the domain can map its subdomains." msgstr "Hanya pemilik domain yang dapat memetakan subdomainnya." msgid "%s, gardener and writer" msgstr "%s, tukang kebun dan penulis" msgid "International Fertilizer Development Center" msgstr "Pusat Pengembangan Pupuk Internasional" msgid "Are you sure you want to permanently delete '%(name)s'?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin menghapus '%(name)s' secara permanen?" msgid "Manage Plans" msgstr "Kelola Paket" msgid "" "Automattic is the parent company of, Jetpack, WooCommerce, " "and more. We’re %1$s people working from %2$s countries, and " "we’re <a href=\"%3$s\" style=\"color: inherit;\">always " "hiring</a>." msgstr "" "Automattic adalah perusahaan induk dari, Jetpack, WooCommerce, " "dan lainnya. Kami terdiri atas %1$s orang, yang bekerja dari %2$s negara, " "dan kami <a href=\"%3$s\" style=\"color: inherit;\">selalu membuka lowongan</" "a>." msgid "Email requires action" msgid_plural "Emails require action" msgstr[0] "Email memerlukan tindakan" msgstr[1] "Beberapa email memerlukan tindakan" msgid "Get WordPress Apps for any screen" msgstr "Dapatkan aplikasi WordPress untuk berbagai ukuran layar" msgid "Have you tried our apps?" msgstr "Sudah mencoba aplikasi kami?" msgid "" "Our resolution for 2017 is to tell the stories of those who feed the world — " "smallholder farmers. We want to share our mission: helping farmers grow and " "sell more food using agricultural technologies in a way that sustains, not " "harms, the environment." msgstr "" "Resolusi kami di tahun 2017 adalah berbagi kisah tentang mereka yang memberi " "makan dunia, para petani. Kami ingin berbagi misi: membantu petani " "menumbuhkan dan menjual lebih banyak bahan pangan menggunakan teknologi " "agrikultur dengan cara yang melestarikan, bukannya membahayakan, lingkungan." msgid "" "To purchase a Guided Transfer, please disable any custom fonts and make sure " "to select a non-premium theme." msgstr "" "Untuk membeli Transfer Berpemandu, nonaktifkan segala font khusus dan " "pastikan untuk memilih tema non-premium." msgid "" "Thanks for using the Personal Plan! Today we've increased your storage space " "to 6 GB so you'll be able to upload more images, videos, audio, and " "documents to your site. Enjoy!" msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah menggunakan Paket Personal! Kini kami menambah ruang " "penyimpanan Anda menjadi 6 GB sehingga Anda akan dapat mengunggah lebih " "banyak gambar, video, audio, dan dokumen ke situs. Selamat menikmati!" msgid "The storage for %s has been upgraded to 6 GB." msgstr "Penyimpanan untuk %s di-upgrade menjadi 6 GB." msgid "Storage Upgrade!" msgstr "Ada Upgrade Penyimpanan!" msgid "Your site URL" msgstr "URL situs Anda" msgid "Username mentions" msgstr "Penyebutan nama pengguna" msgid "Install plugin" msgstr "Pasang plugin" msgid "Multiple users" msgstr "Banyak pengguna" msgid "Private note" msgstr "Catatan pribadi" msgid "Resolve" msgstr "Perbaiki" msgid "" "By clicking <strong>Save Changes</strong>, you agree to the <a href=\"%s\" " "target=\"_blank\">applicable Domain Registration Agreement</a> and confirm " "that the Transferee has agreed in writing to be bound by the same agreement. " "You authorize the respective registrar to act as your <a href=\"%s\" target=" "\"_blank\">Designated Agent</a>." msgstr "" "Dengan mengklik <strong>Simpan Perubahan</strong>, Anda menyetujui <a href=" "\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Perjanjian Registrasi Domain yang berlaku</a> dan " "menyatakan bahwa pihak Penerima Transfer secara tertulis telah sepakat untuk " "terikat dalam perjanjian yang sama. Anda memberikan kuasa kepada registrar " "yang bersangkutan untuk menjadi <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Agen yang " "Dipilih</a>." msgid "Error authorizing. Page is refreshing for another attempt." msgstr "Error saat otorisasi. Halaman diperbarui untuk upaya lain." msgid "In some cases, authorization can take a few attempts. Please try again." msgstr "" "Dalam beberapa kasus, otorisasi dapat memerlukan upaya beberapa kali. " "Silakan coba lagi." msgid "Installing your theme…" msgstr "Memasang tema Anda…" msgid "Configuring your site…" msgstr "Mengonfigurasi situs Anda…" msgid "This year, make your website happen with" msgstr "Tahun ini, wujudkan situs web Anda dengan" msgid "Your new adventure awaits." msgstr "Petualangan baru telah menanti Anda." msgid "" "My readers love nature, curiosities, and creativity. They make me laugh. I " "thank my lucky stars I’m blogging in this thoughtful community." msgstr "" "Pembaca saya menyukai alam, keingintahuan, dan kreativitas. Mereka membuat " "saya tertawa. Saya merasa sangat beruntung bisa blogging di dalam komunitas " "yang bijaksana ini." msgctxt "%1$s is working again after being broken" msgid "It was down for %s." msgstr "Situs tidak aktif selama %s" msgid "Welcome to Reader" msgstr "Selamat Datang di Pembaca" msgid "Find sites to follow" msgstr "Temukan Situs untuk Diikuti" msgid "Composing" msgstr "Penyusunan" msgid "%(selectedDomainName)s has been transferred to %(selectedUserDisplay)s" msgstr "%(selectedDomainName)s telah ditransfer ke %(selectedUserDisplay)s" msgid "" "Failed to transfer %(selectedDomainName)s, please try again or contact " "support." msgstr "" "Gagal mentransfer %(selectedDomainName)s, coba lagi atau hubungi dukungan." msgid "Confirm Transfer" msgstr "Konfirmasi Transfer" msgid "" "Do you want to transfer the ownership of {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} " "to {{strong}}%(selectedUserDisplay)s{{/strong}}?" msgstr "" "Apakah Anda ingin mentransfer kepemilikan {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/" "strong}} ke {{strong}}%(selectedUserDisplay)s{{/strong}}?" msgid "" "Transferring a domain to another user will give all the rights of the domain " "to that user. Please choose an administrator to transfer " "{{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} to." msgstr "" "Mentransfer domain ke pengguna lain akan memberikan semua hak domain kepada " "pengguna tersebut. Pilih administrator untuk mentransfer " "{{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}}." msgid "" "You can transfer this domain to any administrator on this site. If the user " "you want to transfer is not currently an administrator, please {{a}}add them " "to the site first{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mentransfer domain ini ke administrator situs yang terdaftar. " "Jika pengguna yang ingin Anda transfer belum menjadi administrator, {{a}}" "tambahkan mereka sebagai administrator lebih dahulu{{/a}}." msgid "-- Site has no other administrators --" msgstr "-- Situs tidak memiliki administrator lain --" msgid "Transfer to another registrar" msgstr "Transfer ke registrar yang lain" msgid "Upload up to 6 GB of photos, or music." msgstr "Unggah foto atau musik hingga 6 GB." msgid "" "If you have any problems or questions, please do not hesitate to <a href=" "\"\">contact Support</a>." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memiliki kendala atau pertanyaan, jangan ragu untuk <a href=" "\"\">menghubungi Bantuan</a>." msgid "Dismiss this recommendation" msgstr "Tutup rekomendasi ini" msgid "This plugin is already registered with another plan." msgstr "Plugin ini sudah didaftarkan dengan paket lain." msgid "No, thanks." msgstr "Tidak, terima kasih." msgid "Got it" msgstr "Saya mengerti" msgid "Send notifications via notification" msgstr "Kirim pemberitahuan via pemberitahuan" msgid "%(postCount)d '%(name)s' post" msgid_plural "%(postCount)d '%(name)s' posts" msgstr[0] "%(postCount)d '%(name)s' pos" msgstr[1] "%(postCount)d '%(name)s' pos" msgid "Post unavailable" msgstr "Pos tidak tersedia" msgid "Sorry, we can't display that post right now." msgstr "Maaf, kami tidak dapat menampilkan pos saat ini." msgctxt "10 posts published by John on May 30, 2012" msgid "%1$s post published by %2$l on %3$s" msgid_plural "%1$s posts published by %2$l on %3$s" msgstr[0] "%1$s pos dipublikasikan oleh %2$l pada %3$s" msgstr[1] "%1$s pos dipublikasikan oleh %2$l pada %3$s" msgctxt "10 posts publishes by John during May 2012" msgid "%1$s post published by %2$l during %3$s" msgid_plural "%1$s posts published by %2$l during %3$s" msgstr[0] "%1$s pos dipublikasikan oleh %2$l selama %3$s" msgstr[1] "%1$s pos dipublikasikan oleh %2$l selama %3$s" msgctxt "10 posts published by John in the year 2012" msgid "%1$s post published by %2$l in the year %3$s" msgid_plural "%1$s posts published by %2$l in the year %3$s" msgstr[0] "%1$s pos dipubikasikan oleh %2$l pada tahun %3$s" msgstr[1] "%1$s pos dipubikasikan oleh %2$l pada tahun %3$s" msgid "Manage %(taxonomy)s" msgstr "Kelola %(taxonomy)s" msgctxt "%s is working again after being broken" msgid "%s is back online!" msgstr "%s kembali online" msgid "Jetpack Monitor still can't reach %s" msgstr "Jetpack Monitor masih belum mampu menjangkau %s" msgctxt "Site %s continues to be down/broken" msgid "%s is still down" msgstr "%s masih tidak aktif" msgid "Jetpack Monitor can't reach %s" msgstr "Jetpack Monitor tidak dapat menjangkau %s" msgctxt "Site %s is down/broken" msgid "%s is down" msgstr "%s tidak aktif" msgid "Uptime monitor" msgstr "Pemantauan Waktu Aktif" msgid "Create a new site" msgstr "Buat situs baru" msgid "Sorry! We can't connect %1$s because you have no sites." msgstr "" "Maaf! Kami tidak bisa menyambungkan %1$s karena Anda tidak memiliki situs " "" msgid "Successfully uploaded theme %(name)s" msgstr "Berhasil mengunggah tema %(name)s" msgid "Install problem: Theme already installed on site." msgstr "Masalah pemasangan: Tema sudah dipasang di situs." msgid "Install problem: Incompatible theme." msgstr "Masalah pemasangan: Tema tidak kompatibel." msgid "Uploading your theme…" msgstr "Mengunggah tema Anda…" msgid "Uploading progress" msgstr "Kemajuan pengunggahan" msgid "" "You can select the language you wish to use while using the WordPress " "administration screen without affecting the language site visitors see." msgstr "" "Anda bisa memilih bahasa yang Anda gunakan ketika sedang menggunakan layar " "administrasi WordPress tanpa mempengaruhi bahasa yang pengunjung lihat." msgid "Follow tag" msgstr "Ikuti Tag" msgid "Following tag" msgstr "Tag yang Diikuti" msgid "" "AltoFocus is a theme for photographers, artists, and other creative types in " "search of a simple and easy way to display their work." msgstr "" "AltoFocus adalah tema untuk fotografer, seniman, dan kreator lainnya yang " "mencari cara sederhana dan mudah untuk menampilkan karya mereka." msgid "Unable to register this address. Please choose another one." msgstr "Tidak dapat mendaftarkan alamat berikut. Silakan pilih alamat lain." msgid "The address must be between 3 and 63 characters in length." msgstr "Panjang alamat harus di antara 3 dan 63 karakter." msgid "" "This subdomain is unsupported at the moment. Please try a different " "subdomain." msgstr "" "Subdomain berikut saat ini tidak didukung. Silakan mencoba subdomain yang " "lain." msgid "This address is already taken. Please choose another one." msgstr "Alamat ini sudah digunakan. Pilih alamat yang lainnya." msgid "<li>%1$s %2$s was updated to version %3$s</li>" msgstr "<li>%1$s %2$s diperbarui ke versi %3$s</li>" msgid "<em>The following plugins were updated:<em>" msgstr "<em>Plugin berikut diperbarui:<em>" msgid "Plugin Autoupdates" msgstr "Pembaruan Otomatis Plugin" msgid "We've updated <strong>%1$s plugin</strong> on %2$s!" msgid_plural "We've updated <strong>%1$s plugins</strong> on %2$s!" msgstr[0] "Kami telah memperbarui <strong>%1$s plugin</strong> di %2$s!" msgstr[1] "Kami telah memperbarui <strong>%1$s plugin</strong> di %2$s!" msgid "An error occurred while fetching your account recovery settings." msgstr "Terjadi error saat mengambil pengaturan pemulihan akun Anda." msgid "An error occurred while updating your account recovery phone number." msgstr "Terjadi error saat memperbarui nomor telepon pemulihan akun Anda." msgid "An error occurred while updating your account recovery email." msgstr "Terjadi error saat memperbarui email pemulihan akun Anda." msgid "An error occurred while updating your account recovery options." msgstr "Terjadi error saat memperbarui pilihan pemulihan akun Anda." msgid "An error occurred while deleting your account recovery phone number." msgstr "Terjadi error saat menghapus nomor telepon pemulihan akun Anda." msgid "An error occurred while deleting your account recovery email." msgstr "Terjadi error saat menghapus email pemulihan akun Anda." msgid "Set as default" msgstr "Atur sebagai asal" msgid "Please drop a single zip file" msgstr "Masukkan satu file zip" msgid "Drop files or click here to install" msgstr "Unggah berkas atau klik di sini untuk menginstal" msgid "Upload a theme" msgstr "Unggah tema" msgctxt "default site language" msgid "Site Default" msgstr "Bawaan Situs" msgid "PayPal" msgstr "PayPal" msgid "Display on pages" msgstr "Tampilkan di halaman" msgid "Display on single projects" msgstr "Tampilkan pada proyek tunggal" msgctxt "label for terms marked as default" msgid "default" msgstr "asal" msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize connection confirmation" msgid "The %(service)s account was successfully disconnected." msgstr "Akun %(service)s berhasil diputuskan." msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize connection confirmation" msgid "The %(service)s account was unable to be disconnected." msgstr "Akun %(service)s tidak dapat diputuskan." msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize connection confirmation" msgid "The %(service)s account was successfully updated." msgstr "Akun %(service)s berhasil diperbarui." msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize reconnection confirmation" msgid "The %(service)s account was unable to be updated." msgstr "Akun %(service)s tidak dapat diperbarui." msgid "Advanced SEO tools" msgstr "Perangkat SEO tingkat lanjut" msgid "Get Personal" msgstr "Dapatkan Personal" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Change" msgstr "Ubah" msgid "Install custom plugins on your site." msgstr "Instal plugin khusus di situs Anda." msgid "Jetpack by" msgstr "Jetpack oleh" msgid "Invalid Token" msgstr "Token Tidak Valid" msgid "Priority Support" msgstr "Dukungan Prioritas" msgid "This path is not available." msgstr "Jalur ini tidak tersedia." msgid "%1$d Like" msgid_plural "%1$d Likes" msgstr[0] "%1$d Suka" msgstr[1] "%1$d Suka" msgid "We couldn't save that image — please try another one." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat menyimpan gambar tersebut, coba gambar lain" msgid "Need help? Chat with us" msgstr "Perlu bantuan? Hubungi kami!" msgid "Grow Your Site" msgstr "Tingkatkan Situs Anda" msgid "Website Performance" msgstr "Performa Situs Web" msgid "Responsive Site" msgstr "Situs yang Responsif" msgid "Website SEO" msgstr "SEO Situs Web" msgid "Personalize Your Free Site" msgstr "Personalisasikan Situs Gratis Anda" msgid "WordPress VIP Partners" msgstr "Mitra VIP WordPress" msgid "Write Your Content" msgstr "Tulis Konten Anda" msgid "WordPress Mobile App" msgstr "Aplikasi Seluler WordPress" msgid "Website Social Media" msgstr "Media Sosial Situs Web" msgid "Website RSS" msgstr "RSS Situs Web" msgid "Discover Your Website" msgstr "Temukan Situs Web Anda" msgid "Blog Support" msgstr "Dukungan Blog" msgid "Mobile Blog App" msgstr "Aplikasi Blog Seluler" msgid "Promote Blog on Social" msgstr "Promosikan Blog di Media Sosial" msgid "Write for Your Blog" msgstr "Tulis untuk Blog Anda" msgid "Go back to your site" msgstr "Kembali ke situs Anda" msgid "Actual price" msgstr "Harga sebenarnya" msgid "Display on blog and archives" msgstr "Tampilkan di halaman arsip dan blog" msgid "An error occurred while deleting your account recovery options." msgstr "Terjadi error saat menghapus pilihan pemulihan akun Anda." msgid "Play Video" msgstr "Putar Video" msgctxt "recipe" msgid "Source" msgstr "Sumber" msgid "" "Keep your finger on the pulse of your blog’s activity with website " "statistics. Colorful charts and graphs help you understand what your readers " "like and how they found you." msgstr "" "Pantau aktivitas blog Anda dengan statistik. Bagan dan grafik berwarna " "membantu Anda memahami semua hal yang disukai oleh para pembaca dan cara " "mereka menemukan situs web Anda." msgid "" " has built-in SEO, social media integration, and sharing " "features. Plug into our high-traffic network and reach new readers." msgstr "" " memiliki SEO dan media sosial terintegrasi, serta fitur " "berbagi. Manfaatkan jaringan kami yang aktif dan jangkau pembaca baru." msgctxt "Jetpack Personal Plan" msgid "Personal" msgstr "Personal" msgid "" "I absolutely love the WordPress community of fellow bloggers you can learn " "and share with. Anyone can get started very easily." msgstr "" "Saya sangat suka komunitas blogger WordPress yang dapat diajak belajar " "bersama dan berbagi. Siapa pun dapat memulai blogging dengan mudah." msgid "" "WordPress is simply awesome. With lots of features and elegant themes to " "choose from, it leads the blogging front." msgstr "" "WordPress memang keren. Berbagai fitur dan tema yang unik tersedia sebagai " "pilihan sehingga WordPress menjadi yang terdepan dalam dunia blogging." msgid "Restore Original" msgstr "Kembalikan yang Asli" msgid "Create a blog with" msgstr "Buat blog dengan" msgid "Create Your Blog" msgstr "Buat Blog" msgid "Start your blogging adventure today" msgstr "Mulai petualangan blogging Anda sekarang" msgid "" "Yes! You can sell individual items on your blog using your PayPal account " "and a button directing your readers to the PayPal payment screen. You can " "also publish sponsored posts or use affiliate links in your content, and " "apply to join WordAds, our advertising program." msgstr "" "Ya! Anda dapat menjual sebuah produk dan menggunakan akun PayPal serta " "tombol yang mengarahkan para pembaca ke layar pembayaran PayPal. Anda juga " "dapat memublikasikan pos yang disponsori atau menggunakan tautan kerja sama " "dalam konten Anda, serta mencoba WordAds yaitu program periklanan kami." msgid "Can I make money off my blog?" msgstr "Apakah blog saya bisa menghasilkan uang?" msgid "" "Absolutely. You can change your blog language, which is how your readers " "will experience your site and the Interface Language, which changes the " "admin tools language. The language you use on your blog is up to you!" msgstr "" "Tentu saja. Anda dapat mengubah bahasa untuk blog Anda, yang akan terlihat " "oleh para pembaca. Anda juga dapat mengubah Bahasa Antarmuka, yang mengubah " "bahasa perangkat administrator. Anda dapat menentukan bahasa yang terbaik " "untuk blog Anda!" msgid "Can I create a blog in another language?" msgstr "Apakah saya dapat membuat blog dalam bahasa lain?" msgid "Choose your plan" msgstr "Pilih paket Anda" msgid "" "With our responsive themes and mobile and desktop apps, you’ll enjoy a " "seamless experience on any device and so will your blog visitors." msgstr "" "Dengan tema yang responsif, serta aplikasi seluler dan desktop, Anda dan " "pengunjung blog Anda dapat merasakan kenyamanan dalam berbagi cerita dan " "ide. " msgid "" "Start with a modern site design and customize it with your branding, " "content, and features. All Premium blogs include custom CSS." msgstr "" "Mulai dengan desain situs yang modern dan sesuaikan dengan branding Anda, " "konten, dan fitur. Semua blog Premium mencakup CSS yang dapat disesuaikan." msgid "Share your world online by starting a video blog." msgstr "Berbagi dunia di sekitar Anda secara online dengan memulai blog video." msgid "Share your world online by starting a travel blog." msgstr "" "Berbagi dunia di sekitar Anda secara online dengan memulai blog perjalanan." msgid "Share your expertise by starting a tech blog." msgstr "Berbagi keahlian dengan memulai blog teknologi." msgid "Create a space for your passion by starting a science blog." msgstr "Sediakan ruang untuk minat Anda dengan memulai blog ilmu pengetahuan." msgid "Create a school blog and connect your community." msgstr "Buat blog sekolah dan terhubung dengan komunitas Anda." msgid "Make a politics blog and share your voice with the world." msgstr "Buat blog politik dan bagikan pendapatmu dengan dunia." msgid "Create a poetry blog and share your voice with the world." msgstr "Buat blog puisi dan bagikan pendapatmu dengan dunia." msgid "Create a photo blog and share your talent with the world." msgstr "Buat blog foto dan tunjukkan talenta Anda kepada dunia." msgid "Create a news blog and share your voice with the world." msgstr "Buat blog berita dan bagikan pendapatmu dengan dunia." msgid "Create a music blog and share your passion with the world." msgstr "Buat blog musik dan berbagi minat dengan dunia." msgid "Create a movie blog and share your passion." msgstr "Buat blog tentang film dan berbagi minat." msgid "Create a law blog and share your expertise online." msgstr "Buat blog hukum dan bagikan keahlian Anda secara online." msgid "Create a home blog and share your expertise." msgstr "Buat blog tentang rumah dan bagikan keahlian Anda." msgid "Share your expertise with the world by starting a health blog." msgstr "Buat blog kesehatan untuk berbagi keahlian dengan dunia." msgid "Create a game blog and share your passion with the world." msgstr "Buat blog game dan berbagi minat dengan dunia." msgid "Create a food blog and share your passion with the world." msgstr "Buat blog makanan dan berbagi minat dengan dunia." msgid "Create a fitness blog and share your expertise with the world." msgstr "Buat blog kebugaran dan berbagi keahlian dengan dunia." msgid "Create a finance blog and share your expertise with the world." msgstr "Buat blog keuangan dan berbagi keahlian dengan dunia." msgid "Create a fashion blog and share your passion with the world." msgstr "Buat blog fashion dan berbagi minat dengan dunia." msgid "Create a family blog and share your world." msgstr "Buat blog tentang keluarga dan bagikan dunia Anda." msgid "Create a code blog and share your expertise with the world." msgstr "Buat blog tentang penulisan kode dan berbagi keahlian dengan dunia." msgid "Create a cars blog and share your passion with the world." msgstr "Buat blog tentang mobil dan berbagi minat dengan dunia." msgid "Tell your story by starting a business blog." msgstr "Ceritakan kisah Anda dengan memulai blog bisnis." msgid "Share your talent with the world by starting an art blog." msgstr "Buat blog kesenian untuk berbagi talenta dengan dunia." msgid "Failed to validate the recovery phone by the given code." msgstr "Gagal memvalidasi nomor telepon pemulihan dengan kode yang diberikan." msgid "The recovery phone number for this account is not set." msgstr "Nomor telepon pemulihan untuk akun ini belum ditetapkan." msgid "The recovery email number for this account is not set." msgstr "Alamat email pemulihan untuk akun ini belum ditetapkan." msgid "Create a space for your passion by starting a sports blog." msgstr "Sediakan ruang untuk minat Anda dengan memulai blog olahraga." msgid "" "This domain was recently in use by someone else and is not available to map " "yet. Please try again later or contact support." msgstr "" "Domain ini baru digunakan oleh orang lain dan belum tersedia di peta. Harap " "coba lagi nanti atau hubungi dukungan." msgid "" "If you have purchased any upgrades on, this number will be in " "your email receipt, on your credit card statement, or (if you paid with " "PayPal) in your PayPal account. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Help me " "find my transaction id.</a>" msgstr "" "Jika Anda sudah membeli upgrade di, nomor ini akan dicantumkan " "di email tanda terima, pada laporan mutasi kartu kredit, atau (jika membayar " "dengan PayPal) di akun PayPal Anda. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Bantu " "saya menemukan ID transaksi.</a>" msgid "SEO Tools" msgstr "Perangkat SEO" msgid "Get Jetpack Personal" msgstr "Dapatkan Jetpack Personal" msgid "Create your blog" msgstr "Buat blog Anda" msgid "Self-hosted WordPress site?" msgstr "Situs WordPress hosting sendiri" msgid "Google Translate" msgstr "Google Terjemahan" msgid "Unrecognized background setting." msgstr "Pengaturan latar belakang tak dikenal." msgid "Invalid value for background size." msgstr "Nilai untuk ukuran latar belakang tidak valid." msgid "Invalid value for background position Y." msgstr "Nilai untuk posisi Y latar belakang tidak valid." msgid "Invalid value for background position X." msgstr "Nilai untuk posisi X latar belakang tidak valid." msgid "Invalid value for background attachment." msgstr "Nilai untuk lampiran latar belakang tidak valid." msgid "Invalid value for background repeat." msgstr "Nilai untuk perulangan latar belakang tidak valid." msgid "Sending…" msgstr "Mengirim…" msgid "%(filtered)s of %(total)s" msgstr "%(filtered)s dari %(total)s" msgid "" "This is a second <a href=\"%1$s\">testimonial</a>. Click the Edit link to " "modify or delete it, or <a href=\"%2$s\">add a new testimonial</a>." msgstr "" "Ini adalah <a href=\"%1$s\">testimonial</a> kedua Klik tautan Sunting untuk " "mengubah atau menghapusnya, atau <a href=\"%2$s\">tambah testimonial baru</" "a>." msgid "" "This is a <a href=\"%1$s\">testimonial</a>. Click the Edit link to modify or " "delete it, or <a href=\"%2$s\">add a new testimonial</a>." msgstr "" "Ini adalah <a href=\"%1$s\">testimonial</a>. Klik tautan Sunting untuk " "mengubah atau menghapusnya, atau <a href=\"%2$s\">tambah testimonial baru</" "a>." msgid "A big fan of yours" msgstr "Penggemar berat Anda" msgid "This is the excerpt for a project." msgstr "Ini adalah kutipan proyek." msgid "" "This is a <a href=\"%1$s\">project</a>. Click the Edit link to modify or " "delete it, or <a href=\"%2$s\">add a new project</a>." msgstr "" "Ini adalah <a href=\"%1$s\">proyek</a>. Klik tautan Sunting untuk mengubah " "atau menghapusnya, atau <a href=\"%2$s\">tambah proyek baru</a>." msgid "Project #%d" msgstr "Proyek #%d" msgid "Payment expired, please try again." msgstr "Pembayaran kedaluwarsa, coba lagi." msgctxt "Noun: title of mention notification" msgid "New Post" msgstr "Pos Baru" msgid "Do more" msgstr "Lakukan lebih banyak hal" msgid "Discover what your website can do with more power " msgstr "" "Temukan apa yang dapat dilakukan situs web Anda dengan lebih banyak kekuatan " msgid "Compare plans" msgstr "Bandingkan paket" msgid "Design customization" msgstr "Kustomisasi Desain" msgid "Email & Live Chat Support" msgstr "Dukungan Obrolan Langsung & Email" msgid "" "I just can’t keep myself away from WordPress. It has had such a positive " "influence on my life since I started becoming an active member of the " "community." msgstr "" "Saya tidak bisa lepas dari WordPress karena pengaruhnya yang begitu positif " "terhadap hidup saya sejak saya mulai menjadi anggota aktif komunitas " "WordPress." msgid "" "Refocusing our business meant an extensive rebrand and rename. " "made it easy to implement the changes we needed for a social media first " "impression." msgstr "" "Menata ulang fokus bisnis artinya mengubah branding dan nama secara " "keseluruhan. mempermudah proses perubahan yang kami butuhkan " "untuk menciptakan jangkauan media sosial yang luas." msgid "Our users love" msgstr "Pengguna kami menyukai" msgid "" "Add extra features to your site like advanced galleries, forms, email " "subscriptions, polls, sophisticated comments, and much more." msgstr "" "Tambahkan fitur tambahan ke situs Anda seperti galeri lanjutan, formulir, " "langganan lewat email, jajak pendapat, komentar canggih, dan banyak lagi." msgid "Do more with features" msgstr "Lakukan lebih banyak hal dengan fitur yang ada" msgid "" "Your site will always be available, secure, and automatically backed up. " "Anti-spam protection is built in to every site." msgstr "" "Situs Anda akan selalu tersedia, aman, dan dicadangkan secara otomatis. " "Setiap situs dilengkapi dengan perlindungan anti-spam." msgid "A secure website you can count on" msgstr "Situs web aman yang dapat diandalkan" msgid "" "Get support from our experts through email or live chat. Connect with a " "community of users through forums, guided courses, and events around the " "world." msgstr "" "Dapatkan dukungan dari ahli kami melalui email atau obrolan langsung. " "Terhubung dengan komunitas pengguna melalui forum, kursus berpemandu, dan " "acara-acara di seluruh dunia." msgid "Find help when you need it" msgstr "Cari bantuan jika membutuhkannya" msgid "" "Use our social media syndication, sharing buttons, SEO tools, and insightful " "site statistics to increase your traffic and monitor your growth. Start with " "$100 in ad credits, on us." msgstr "" "Gunakan sindikasi media sosial, tombol berbagi, alat SEO, dan statistik " "situs yang berwawasan untuk meningkatkan lalu lintas dan memantau " "perkembangan. Mulai $100 untuk kredit iklan, pada kami." msgid "Build an audience" msgstr "Perbanyak pengunjung" msgid " apps" msgstr "Aplikasi" msgid "" "Start a website on your mobile phone and update it seamlessly from any " "device. Choose from a wide selection of responsive themes that look great " "everywhere." msgstr "" "Mulai situs web di ponsel dan perbarui dengan lancar dari perangkat apa pun. " "Pilih dari berbagai pemilihan tema responsif yang terlihat keren di mana-" "mana." msgid "Create everywhere and anywhere" msgstr "Buat kapan saja dan di mana saja" msgid "" "Display your media in sophisticated galleries and upload tons of photos, " "videos, and documents with our generous file storage." msgstr "" "Tampilkan media Anda di galeri canggih dan unggah ribuan foto, video, dan " "dokumen dengan penyimpanan file yang berlimpah." msgid "Your media" msgstr "Media" msgid "" "Impress your visitors with an elegant and unique site. Choose fonts, colors, " "and add your logo and custom CSS to make your website your own." msgstr "" "Buat pengunjung terkesan dengan situs yang unik dan elegan. Pilih font, " "warna, serta tambahkan logo dan CSS khusus untuk membuat situs web sesuai " "dengan keinginan Anda." msgid "Your look" msgstr "Tampilan" msgid "Your domain." msgstr "Domain" msgid "" "Choose from more than 350 easy-to-use themes for any type of business, " "portfolio, or blog." msgstr "" "Pilih dari lebih dari 350 tema yang mudah digunakan untuk jenis bisnis, " "portofolio, atau blog apa pun." msgid "Make a website that's your own" msgstr "Buat situs web sesuai dengan keinginan Anda" msgid "Start a blog" msgstr "Mulai membuat blog" msgid "" "Plug into the biggest community of publishers online. has " "millions of users waiting to find you. All the features you need and more. " "Choose the most popular blogging software on the web for your online home." msgstr "" "Bergabunglah dengan komunitas penerbit online terbesar. " "memiliki jutaan pengguna yang menanti menemukan Anda. Semua fitur yang Anda " "butuhkan dan banyak lagi. Pilih perangkat lunak blog yang paling disukai " "orang di web sebagai rumah online." msgid "Create your blog and share your voice" msgstr "Buat blog dan bagikan ide Anda" msgid "Build a website" msgstr "Buat situs web" msgid "" "Every website starts with an idea. provides the design, " "features, and support to bring it to life. Choose your theme, pick a domain, " "select a plan, and start building your future." msgstr "" "Setiap situs web dimulai dengan sebuah ide. menyediakan " "desain, fitur, dan dukungan untuk meramaikannya. Pilih tema, tentukan " "domain, pilih paket, dan mulai bangun masa depan Anda." msgid "Design your success story with a powerful website" msgstr "Rancang cerita keberhasilan Anda dengan situs web yang luar biasa" msgid "Pricing" msgstr "Harga" msgid " Create a Free Website or Blog" msgstr " Buat Situs Web atau Blog Gratis" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create private posts in this post type." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk membuat pos privat pada tipe pos ini." msgid "%1$s must be between %2$d (inclusive) and %3$d (inclusive)" msgstr "%1$s must be between %2$d (inclusive) and %3$d (inclusive)" msgid "%1$s must be between %2$d (exclusive) and %3$d (inclusive)" msgstr "%1$s must be between %2$d (exclusive) and %3$d (inclusive)" msgid "%1$s must be between %2$d (inclusive) and %3$d (exclusive)" msgstr "%1$s must be between %2$d (inclusive) and %3$d (exclusive)" msgid "%1$s must be between %2$d (exclusive) and %3$d (exclusive)" msgstr "%1$s must be between %2$d (exclusive) and %3$d (exclusive)" msgid "%s is not a valid IP address." msgstr "%s bukan alamat IP yang valid." msgid "%1$s is not of type %2$s." msgstr "%1$s is not of type %2$s." msgid "%1$s is not one of %2$s." msgstr "%1$s is not one of %2$s." msgid "Blog pages show at most." msgstr "Tampilan maksimum laman blog." msgid "Default post format." msgstr "Format pos bawaan." msgid "Convert emoticons like :-) and :-P to graphics on display." msgstr "Konversikan emotikon seperti :-) dan :-P ke grafik saat ditampilkan." msgid "WordPress locale code." msgstr "Kode lokal WordPress." msgid "A day number of the week that the week should start on." msgstr "Urutan hari dalam seminggu yang menjadi mulainya minggu." msgid "A time format for all time strings." msgstr "Format waktu untuk semua string waktu." msgid "A date format for all date strings." msgstr "Format tanggal untuk semua string tanggal." msgid "A city in the same timezone as you." msgstr "Kota dalam zona waktu yang sama dengan Anda." msgid "Site URL." msgstr "URL Situs." msgid "Meta fields." msgstr "Meta fields." msgid "Could not delete meta value from database." msgstr "Could not delete meta value from database." msgid "You do not have permission to edit this customer" msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk mengedit pelanggan ini" msgid "Limit result set to items that are sticky." msgstr "Batasi hasil hanya untuk item-item yang tertempel." msgid "" "Limit result set to items except those with specific terms assigned in the " "%s taxonomy." msgstr "" "Batasi hasil yang ditetapkan untuk beberapa bagian kecuali yang memiliki " "istilah spesifik yang ditetapkan di dalam taksonomi %s." msgid "A password to protect access to the content and excerpt." msgstr "Password untuk melindungi akses atas konten dan nukilan." msgid "Whether the excerpt is protected with a password." msgstr "Apakah nukilan tersebut dilindungi dengan password." msgid "Whether the content is protected with a password." msgstr "Apakah konten dilindungi dengan password." msgid "Incorrect post password." msgstr "Password pos keliru." msgid "You need to define a search term to order by relevance." msgstr "" "Anda harus menentukan terma pencarian untuk disusun berdasarkan relevansinya." msgid "The password for the post if it is password protected." msgstr "Password untuk pos jika pos tersebut dilindungi password." msgid "" "Limit response to resources published after a given ISO8601 compliant date." msgstr "" "Batasi respons pada sumber daya yang dipublikasikan setelah tanggal tertentu " "yang sesuai dengan ISO8601." msgid "Creating a comment requires valid author name and email values." msgstr "Creating a comment requires valid author name and email values." msgid "Limit result set to attachments of a particular MIME type." msgstr "Batasi set hasil untuk lampiran dengan tipe MIME tertentu." msgid "Limit result set to attachments of a particular media type." msgstr "Batasi set hasil untuk lampiran dengan tipe media tertentu." msgid "" "There was a problem with your payment. Please try again. If the problem " "persists, please contact support quoting error %s." msgstr "" "Kami menemukan kendala dengan pembayaran Anda. Silakan coba kembali. Jika " "berlanjut, hubungi tim bantuan dengan menyebutkan eror %s." msgid "" "Your subscription will automatically renew. You may disable auto renew at " "any time from your dashboard." msgstr "" "Langganan Anda akan diperpanjang secara otomatis. Anda dapat menonaktifkan " "perpanjangan otomatis kapan saja melalui dasbor." msgid "Your payment was not processed." msgstr "Pembayaran Anda tidak diproses." msgid "This purchase may be already paid for." msgstr "Pembelian ini mungkin sudah dibayar." msgid "Return to Settings" msgstr "Kembali ke Pengaturan" msgid "An error occurred while creating the template." msgstr "Terjadi error saat membuat templat." msgid "Set as Homepage" msgstr "Atur sebagai Beranda" msgid "This page is set as your site's homepage" msgstr "Halaman ini diatur sebagai beranda situs Anda" msgid "Jetpack Essential Features" msgstr "Fitur Jetpack yang Andal" msgctxt "Terms: Term description label" msgid "Description" msgstr "Deskripsi" msgid "" "All plan features - spam filtering, backups, and security screening - will " "be removed from your site and you will be refunded %(cost)s." msgstr "" "Semua fitur paket - filter spam, cadangan, dan pemeriksaan keamanan - akan " "dihapus dari situs dan Anda akan mendapatkan pengembalian dana sebesar " "%(cost)s." msgid "Create a site" msgstr "Buat situs" msgid "Jetpack sync is not allowed for versions less than 4.2" msgstr "Sinkronisasi Jetpack tidak dapat dilakukan untuk versi di bawah 4.2" msgid "Need help setting up your theme?" msgstr "Butuh bantuan untuk menyiapkan tema Anda?" msgid "Learn more about Security" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang Keamanan" msgid "Digests" msgstr "Intisari" msgid "A step-by-step guide to getting familiar with the platform." msgstr "Panduan langkah demi langkah untuk mengenali platform ini." msgid "Change site plan" msgstr "Ubah paket situs" msgid "Old Domain Admin" msgstr "Admin Domain Lama" msgid "" "Build a unique website with advanced design tools, CSS editing, lots of " "space for audio and video and the ability to monetize your site with ads." msgstr "" "Bangun situs web unik dengan alat desain lanjutan, pengeditan CSS, banyak " "ruang untuk audio dan video serta kemampuan untuk memonetasi situs dengan " "iklan." msgid "" "Build a unique website with advanced design tools, CSS editing, lots of " "space for audio and video, and the ability to monetize your site with ads." msgstr "" "Buat situs web yang unik dengan alat desain lanjutan, pengeditan CSS, banyak " "ruang untuk audio dan video, serta kemampuan untuk memonetasi situs dengan " "iklan." msgid "" "Welcome to, the most dynamic community of bloggers, website " "creators, and intrepid readers on the web. You’re all set to begin crafting " "the site of your dreams and sharing your voice on the web. Take a peek at " "our <a href=\"%s\">new user guides</a> for tips on getting started." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di, komunitas paling dinamis di web yang " "terdiri dari para blogger, pembuat situs web, dan pembaca yang suka " "tantangan. Anda sudah siap untuk mulai membuat situs impian dan unjuk suara " "di web. Lihat <a href=\"%s\">panduan pengguna baru</a> kami untuk " "mendapatkan kiat memulai." msgid "Professional services" msgstr "Layanan Profesional" msgid "Sports and recreation" msgstr "Olahraga / Rekreasi" msgid "office" msgstr "Kantor" msgid "Elementary School" msgstr "Sekolah Dasar" msgid "Your domain is pending transfer." msgstr "Transfer domain Anda menunggu keputusan." msgid "Invalid SEO meta description value." msgstr "Nilai deskripsi meta SEO tidak valid." msgid "Storage space for adding images and documents to your website." msgstr "" "Ruang penyimpanan untuk menambahkan gambar dan dokumen ke situs web Anda." msgid "More on {{wpLink}}{{/wpLink}}" msgstr "Selengkapnya di {{wpLink}}{{/wpLink}}" msgctxt "Success message after a user has been modified." msgid "Successfully removed @%(user)s" msgstr "Berhasil menghapus @%(user)s" msgid "A theme for independent publishers" msgstr "Sebuah tema untuk penerbit independen" msgid "" "Your subscription could not be activated. It may have expired, or the email " "address you subscribed with is not attached to your account." msgstr "" "Langganan Anda tidak dapat diaktifkan. Langganan tersebut mungkin sudah " "berakhir, atau alamat email langganan Anda tidak dilampirkan ke akun " " Anda." msgid "You must verify your email to sign in with" msgstr "Anda harus memverifikasi email agar dapat masuk dengan" msgid "Attend Live Courses" msgstr "Sesi Bantuan Khusus" msgid "" "By upgrading to the %(planName)s plan, you'll enable VideoPress support on " "your site." msgstr "" "Dengan melakukan upgrade ke Paket %(planName)s, Anda akan mengaktifkan " "dukungan VideoPress untuk situs Anda. " msgid "Audio upload support" msgstr "Dukungan Unggahan Audio" msgid "" "The easiest way to upload audio files that use any major audio file format. " msgstr "" "Cara mudah untuk mengunggah file audio yang menggunakan format file audio " "utama. " msgid "Something went wrong. Please don't be mad." msgstr "Terjadi masalah. Jangan marah." msgid "Share post" msgstr "Bagikan pos" msgid "Already have a account? <a href=\"%s\">Log in now.</a>" msgstr "Sudah punya akun <a href=\"%s\">Login sekarang.</a>" msgid "Podcasts" msgstr "Podcast" msgctxt "Stats: title of module" msgid "Clients" msgstr "Klien" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for number of downloads per file." msgid "downloads" msgstr "Unduhan" msgid "Order ID is invalid" msgstr "ID pesanan tidak valid" msgid "Ample storage space to upload images and documents to your website." msgstr "" "Ruang penyimpanan yang cukup untuk mengunggah gambar dan dokumen ke situs " "web." msgid "" "Power your business website with unlimited premium and business theme " "templates, Google Analytics support, unlimited storage, and the ability to " "remove branding." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan situs web bisnis Anda dengan berbagai tema premium dan bisnis " "yang tidak terbatas, integrasi Google Analytics, ruang penyimpanan tidak " "terbatas, dan kemampuan untuk menghapus branding" msgid "Best for Small Business:" msgstr "Terbaik untuk Usaha Kecil:" msgid "" "Build a unique website with advanced design tools, CSS editing, lots of " "space for audio and video, and the ability to monetize your site with ads." msgstr "" "Buat situs web yang unik dengan perangkat desain yang canggih, pengeditan " "CSS, ruang penyimpanan yang besar untuk audio dan video, dan kemampuan untuk " "menghasilkan uang dengan iklan." msgid "Best for Entrepreneurs & Freelancers:" msgstr "Terbaik untuk Pengusaha & Pekerja Lepas:" msgid "" "Boost your website with a custom domain name, and remove all " "advertising. Get access to high quality email and live chat support." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan situs web Anda dengan nama domain khusus, dan hapus semua iklan " " Dapatkan e-mail berkualitas tinggi dan bantuan live chat." msgid "Best for Personal Use:" msgstr "Terbaik untuk Pribadi:" msgid "Sending email" msgstr "Mengirim email" msgid "Email us" msgstr "Kirim email ke kami" msgid "Completing your purchase" msgstr "Menyelesaikan pembelian Anda" msgid "More in {{ siteLink /}}" msgstr "Selengkapnya di {{ siteLink /}}" msgid "%s on" msgstr "%s pada" msgid "" "If Jetpack support is closed or not available to the current user, what " "message should be displayed to users?" msgstr "" "Jika dukungan Jetpack tertutup atau tidak tersedia untuk pengguna tertentu, " "pesan apa yang sebaiknya ditampilkan kepada pengguna?" msgid "Jetpack Plan Users Only" msgstr "Hanya Pengguna Paket Jetpack" msgid "No Users (Closed)" msgstr "Tidak Ada Pengguna (Tertutup)" msgid "All Users (Open)" msgstr "Semua Pengguna (Terbuka)" msgid "“%s” does not appear to be a valid domain." msgstr "“%s” tampaknya bukan domain yang valid." msgid "" "Adds tools to enhance your site\\'s content for better results on search " "engines and social media." msgstr "" "Menambahkan berbagai alat bantu untuk menyempurnakan konten situs Anda untuk " "hasil yang lebih baik pada mesin pencarian dan media sosial." msgid "The transaction was declined. Please contact support quoting error %s." msgstr "Transaksi ditolak. Hubungi dukungan dengan menyebutkan error %s." msgid "" "With increased storage space you'll be able to upload more images, audio, " "and documents to your website." msgstr "" "Dengan tambahan ruang penyimpanan, Anda dapat mengunggah lebih banyak " "gambar, audio, dan dokumen ke situs web Anda." msgid "A title for this course" msgstr "Judul untuk kursus ini" msgid "List of courses" msgstr "Daftar kursus" msgctxt "site" msgid "← Go to %s" msgstr "← Kembali ke %s" msgid "Unable to retrieve the error message from MySQL" msgstr "Tak mampu mengambil pesan galat dari MySQL" msgid "Deleted:" msgstr "Terhapus:" msgctxt "password strength" msgid "Password strength unknown" msgstr "Kekuatan password tak diketahui" msgid "" "Use Left/Right Arrow keys to advance one second, Up/Down arrows to advance " "ten seconds." msgstr "" "Gunakan tuts Panah Kanan/Kiri untuk melompat satu detik, panah Atas/Bawah " "untuk melompat sepuluh detik." msgid "Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume." msgstr "Gunakan tuts Panah Atas/Bawah untuk menaikkan atau menurunkan volume." msgid "Volume Slider" msgstr "Penggeser Volume" msgid "Video Player" msgstr "Pemutar Video" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to preview drafts." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan meninjau draf." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to do that." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan melakukannya." msgid "Password changed for user: %s" msgstr "Password untuk pengguna: %s telah diubah" msgid "Image crop area preview. Requires mouse interaction." msgstr "Pratinjau area pangkasan gambar. Membutuhkan interaksi mouse." msgid "Do not pass %1$s tags to %2$s." msgstr "Jangan masukkan tag-tag %1$s ke %2$s." msgid "" "A structure tag is required when using custom permalinks. <a href=\"%s" "\">Learn more</a>" msgstr "" "Tag struktur diperlukan saat menggunakan permalink khusus. <a href=\"%s" "\">Pelajari lebih lanjut</a>" msgctxt "Comment number declension: on or off" msgid "off" msgstr "off" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to publish this page." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan menerbitkan laman ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to publish this post." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan menerbitkan pos ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to access user data on this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan mengakses data pengguna pada situs ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this category." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan menghapus kategori." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to add a category." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan menambahkan kategori." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit your profile." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan mengedit profil Anda." msgid "Inexistent terms." msgstr "Terma-terma yang tidak ada." msgid "" "Warning: the link has been inserted but may have errors. Please test it." msgstr "" "Peringatan: tautan telah disisipkan tetapi mungkin mengandung galat. Silakan " "diuji." msgid "Rich Text Area. Press Control-Option-H for help." msgstr "Area Teks Kaya Fitur. Tekan Control-Option-H untuk bantuan." msgid "Rich Text Area. Press Alt-Shift-H for help." msgstr "Area Teks Kaya. Tekan Alt-Shift-H untuk bantuan." msgid "Invalid value." msgstr "Invalid value." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to remove users." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan menghapus pengguna." msgid "" "New users are automatically assigned a password, which they can change after " "logging in. You can view or edit the assigned password by clicking the Show " "Password button. The username cannot be changed once the user has been added." msgstr "" "Pengguna baru secara otomatis diberi sandi, yang bisa mereka ubah setelah " "masuk log. Anda bisa menampilkan atau mengedit sandi tsb dengan mengklik " "tombol Tampilkan Sandi. Nama pengguna tak bisa diubah sesudah pengguna " "ditambahkan." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create users." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan membuat pengguna." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to add users to this network." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan menambahkan pengguna ke jaringan ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this user." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan mengedit pengguna ini." msgctxt "theme" msgid "Activate %s" msgstr "Aktifkan %s" msgid "" "New version available. <button class=\"button-link\" type=\"button\">Update " "now</button>" msgstr "" "Tersedia versi baru. <button class=\"button-link\" type=\"button\">Perbarui " "sekarang</button>" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to assign this term." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan menerapkan terma ini." msgid "" "Sorry, you are not allowed to modify unregistered settings for this site." msgstr "" "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan memodifikasi pengaturan tak terdaftar untuk situs " "ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to manage options for this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan mengelola opsi-opsi untuk situs ini." msgid "Manage with Live Preview" msgstr "Kelola dengan Pratinjau Langsung" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to add links to this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan menambahkan tautan ke situs ini." msgid "" "Hi, this is a comment.\n" "To get started with moderating, editing, and deleting comments, please visit " "the Comments screen in the dashboard.\n" "Commenter avatars come from <a href=\"%s\">Gravatar</a>." msgstr "" "Hai, ini merupakan sebuah komentar.\n" "Untuk mulai memoderasi, mengedit, dan menghapus komentar, silakan kunjungi " "layar Komentar di dasbor.\n" "Avatar komentator diambil dari <a href=\"%s\">Gravatar</a>." msgid "A WordPress Commenter" msgstr "Seorang Komentator WordPress" msgctxt "theme" msgid "%s was successfully deleted." msgstr "%s berhasil dihapus." msgctxt "plugin" msgid "%s was successfully deleted." msgstr "%s berhasil dihapus." msgid "" "There is a new version of %1$s available. <a href=\"%2$s\" %3$s>View version " "%4$s details</a>. <em>Automatic update is unavailable for this plugin.</em>" msgstr "" "Tersedia versi baru dari %1$s. <a href=\"%2$s\" %3$s>Tampilkan rincian versi " "%4$s</a>. <em>Pembaruan otomatis tidak tersedia untuk plugin ini.</em>" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">WordPress %2$s</a> is available! Please notify the site " "administrator." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">WordPress %2$s</a> tersedia! Mohon beritahukan " "administrator situs." msgid "Please update WordPress now" msgstr "Mohon perbarui WordPress sekarang" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">WordPress %2$s</a> is available! <a href=\"%3$s\" aria-" "label=\"%4$s\">Please update now</a>." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">WordPress %2$s</a> tersedia! <a href=\"%3$s\" aria-label=" "\"%4$s\">Mohon perbarui sekarang</a>." msgid "Grid Layout" msgstr "Tataletak Kisi" msgid "" "There is a new version of %1$s available. <a href=\"%2$s\" %3$s>View version " "%4$s details</a> or <a href=\"%5$s\" %6$s>update now</a>." msgstr "" "Tersedia versi baru dari %1$s. <a href=\"%2$s\" %3$s>Tampilkan rincian versi " "%4$s</a> atau <a href=\"%5$s\" %6$s>perbarui sekarang</a>." msgid "" "There is a new version of %1$s available. <a href=\"%2$s\" %3$s>View version " "%4$s details</a>." msgstr "" "Tersedia versi baru dari %1$s. <a href=\"%2$s\" %3$s>Tampilkan rincian versi " "%4$s</a>." msgid "" "This will replace the current editor content with the last backup version. " "You can use undo and redo in the editor to get the old content back or to " "return to the restored version." msgstr "" "Ini akan mengubah konten dalam editor saat ini dengan versi cadangan " "sebelumnya. Anda bisa menggunakan undo dan redo dalam editor untuk " "menampilkan konten sebelumnya atau kembali ke konten berikutnya." msgid "Restore the backup" msgstr "Kembalikan cadangan" msgid "Close media attachment panel" msgstr "Tutup panel lampiran media." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit pages." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan mengedit laman." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create posts as this user." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan membuat pos sebagai pengguna ini." msgid "That’s all, stop editing! Happy publishing." msgstr "Demikian, selesaikan menyunting! Selamat menulis." msgid "" "Add the following to your %1$s file in %2$s <strong>above</strong> the line " "reading %3$s:" msgstr "" "Tambahkan berikut ini ke file %1$s Anda dalam %2$s <strong>di atas</strong> " "baris %3$s:" msgid "Need help? Use the Help tab above the screen title." msgstr "Butuh bantuan? Gunakan tab Bantuan di atas judul laman." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan mengakses laman ini." msgid "Import posts & media from Tumblr using their API." msgstr "Impor pos-pos & media dari Tumblr menggunakan API mereka." msgid "Import posts from an RSS feed." msgstr "Impor pos-pos dari umpan RSS." msgid "Import posts and comments from a Movable Type or TypePad blog." msgstr "Impor pos dan komentar dari blog Movable Type atau TypePad." msgctxt "theme" msgid "Delete %s" msgstr "Hapus %s" msgid "The %s stylesheet does not contain a valid theme header." msgstr "Stylesheet %s tidak memuat header tema yang valid." msgid "The theme is missing the %s stylesheet." msgstr "Tema ini tidak memiliki %s stylesheet." msgid "Live Preview “%s”" msgstr "Pratinjau Langsung “%s”" msgid "Update progress" msgstr "Progres pembaruan" msgid "The language pack is missing either the %1$s, %2$s, or %3$s files." msgstr "Paket bahasa ini tidak memiliki berkas %1$s, %2$s, atau %3$s." msgid "Another update is currently in progress." msgstr "Pembaruan lain sedang berlangsung." msgid "Hide Details" msgstr "Sembunyikan Detail" msgid "Show Details" msgstr "Tampilkan Detail" msgid "An error occurred while updating %1$s: %2$s" msgstr "Terjadi galat saat memperbarui %1$s: %2$s." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit the links for this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan mengedit tautan untuk situs ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to manage plugins for this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan mengelola plugin untuk situs ini." msgid "Plugin could not be deleted." msgstr "Plugin tak bisa dihapus." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete plugins for this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan menghapus plugin di situs ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to update plugins for this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan memperbarui plugin untuk situs ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to install plugins on this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan menginstal plugin ke situs ini." msgid "No plugin specified." msgstr "Tak ada plugin yang ditentukan." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to install themes on this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan menginstal tema ke situs ini." msgid "No theme specified." msgstr "Tak ada tema yang ditentukan." msgid "Run Importer" msgstr "Jalankan Pengimpor" msgid "Run %s" msgstr "Jalankan %s" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to export the content of this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan mengekspor konten dari situs ini." msgid "" "You can filter the list of posts by post status using the text links above " "the posts list to only show posts with that status. The default view is to " "show all posts." msgstr "" "Anda bisa menyaring daftar pos berdasarkan status pos menggunakan tautan " "teks di atas daftar pos untuk hanya menampilkan pos-pos dengan status " "tertentu. Tampilan bawaan adalah menampilkan semua pos." msgid "Close the Customizer and go back to the previous page" msgstr "Tutup Customizer dan kembali ke laman sebelumnya." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to customize this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan mengustomisasi situs ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to customize headers." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan mengustomisasi header." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to upload files." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan mengunggah file." msgid "Post on the go" msgstr "Kirim Pos dari Mana Pun" msgid "The power of publishing in your pocket" msgstr "Kekuatan publikasi di saku Anda" msgid "" "Don't forget you can also <a href=\"%s\">get Jetpack apps for iOS and " "Android</a>." msgstr "" "Jangan lupa Anda juga bisa <a href=\"%s\">mendapatkan aplikasi Jetpack untuk " "iOS dan Android</a>." msgid "" "Your download should start shortly. If it doesn't, <a href=\"%s\">click here " "to try again</a>." msgstr "" "Pengunduhan akan segera dimulai. Jika tidak, <a href=\"%s\">klik di sini " "untuk mencoba lagi</a>." msgid "Thanks for downloading the desktop app!" msgstr "Terima kasih telah mengunduh aplikasi desktop!" msgid "" "The desktop app will scale to any size. Do you need a small " "window on the side to keep your eye on notifications, or do you want to " "expand to truly full-screen for a zen writing experience? Take your pick." msgstr "" "Aplikasi desktop akan menyesuaikan dengan ukuran apa pun. " "Butuh jendela kecil di samping agar bisa tetap melihat pemberitahuan, atau " "ingin menampilkan layar penuh agar bisa fokus menulis? Tinggal pilih." msgid "Not one size fits all" msgstr "Beda kebutuhan, beda ukuran" msgid "" "The desktop app builds upon the already fast by bundling the " "entire site as a local copy. You get near-instant page-loads and less " "waiting around." msgstr "" "Aplikasi desktop dibangun dengan fondasi yang terbukti cepat " "dengan mengemas seluruh situs menjadi salinan lokal. Sehingga Anda dapat " "mengakses seluruh fitur dengan cepat, tanpa perlu menunggu lama." msgid "Speed is a feature" msgstr "Kecepatan adalah fitur" msgid "Speed" msgstr "Kecepatan" msgid "Focus on your content" msgstr "Fokus pada konten Anda" msgid "Focus" msgstr "Fokus" msgid "Also available for:" msgstr "Juga tersedia untuk:" msgid "A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home in your taskbar." msgstr "" "Aplikasi desktop yang memberikan tempat permanen bagi WordPress di bilah " "tugas Anda." msgid "A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home in your dock." msgstr "" "Aplikasi desktop yang memberikan WordPress tempat permanen di layar Anda." msgid "Header Links" msgstr "Tautan Header" msgid "It looks like nothing was found at this location." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat menemukan yang Anda cari." msgid "" "We’ve sent a message to {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}}. Please check your " "email to confirm your address." msgstr "" "Kami telah mengirimkan pesan ke {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}}. Periksa " "email Anda untuk mengonfirmasi alamat." msgid "Now that we've taken care of the plan, it's time to see your new site." msgstr "Paket Anda sudah beres, sekarang saatnya melihat situs baru Anda." msgid "" "Unable to buy privacy protection, the domain %s is purchased by different " "user." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat membeli perlindungan privasi, domain %s telah dibeli pengguna " "lain." msgid "Tag or Category Name" msgstr "Nama Kategori atau Tag" msgid "Don't have Jetpack installed?" msgstr "Belum memasang Jetpack?" msgid "" "Attend live courses led by Happiness Engineers to get the most out of your " "site." msgstr "" "Ikuti sesi bantuan khusus yang dipandu oleh Happiness Engineer untuk " "memaksimalkan situs Anda." msgid "No receipts found." msgstr "Tidak ditemukan tanda terima." msgid "Get in touch with our support team" msgstr "Hubungi tim dukungan kami" msgid "Get help from volunteers and staff" msgstr "Dapatkan bantuan dari sukarelawan dan staf" msgid "Have a question about this theme?" msgstr "Ada pertanyaan tentang tema ini?" msgid "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is pending transfer." msgstr "Transfer {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} menunggu keputusan." msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is pending transfer. You must wait for the " "transfer to finish, and then update the settings at the new registrar." msgstr "" "Transfer {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} menunggu keputusan. Anda harus " "menunggu hingga transfer selesai, lalu perbarui pengaturan di registrar yang " "baru." msgid "This upgrade adds the domain \"%1$s\" to your site." msgstr "Upgrade ini menambahkan domain \"%1$s\" ke situs Anda." msgid "" "The domain upgrade for <b>%1$s</b> associated with your blog <b>%2$s</b> is " "about to expire." msgstr "" "Upgrade domain untuk <b>%1$s</b> yang dikaitkan dengan blog Anda <b>%2$s</b> " "akan habis masa berlakunya." msgid "Click to edit this menu" msgstr "Klik untuk menyunting menu berikut" msgid "Click to edit the footer credit" msgstr "Klik untuk menyunting keterangan footer" msgid "Click to edit the site title" msgstr "Klik untuk menyunting judul situs" msgid "" "%(hiddenSitesCount)d more hidden site. {{a}}Change{{/a}}.{{br/}}Use search " "to access it." msgid_plural "" "%(hiddenSitesCount)d more hidden sites. {{a}}Change{{/a}}.{{br/}}Use search " "to access them." msgstr[0] "" "%(hiddenSitesCount)d situs tersembunyi lainnya. {{a}}Ubah{{/a}}.{{br/}}" "Gunakan pencarian untuk mengaksesnya." msgstr[1] "" "%(hiddenSitesCount)d situs tersembunyi lainnya. {{a}}Ubah{{/a}}.{{br/}}" "Gunakan pencarian untuk mengaksesnya." msgid "Create a free blog —" msgstr "Buat blog gratis —" msgid "Create a free website —" msgstr "Buat situs web gratis —" msgid "Discover great reads —" msgstr "Temukan bacaan hebat —" msgid "" "There was a problem with your payment. Please contact support quoting error " "%s." msgstr "" "Ada masalah dengan pembayaran Anda. Hubungi dukungan dengan menyebutkan " "error %s." msgctxt "Expired domain notice" msgid "{{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} expired %(timeSince)s." msgstr "{{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} kedaluwarsa %(timeSince)s." msgctxt "Expired domain notice" msgid "" "The domain {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} expired %(timeSince)s. It can " "be renewed by the user {{strong}}%(owner)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Domain {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} kedaluwarsa %(timeSince)s. Domain " "ini dapat diperbarui oleh pengguna {{strong}}%(owner)s{{/strong}}." msgctxt "Expiring soon domain notice" msgid "{{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} is expiring %(timeUntil)s." msgstr "{{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} kedaluwarsa %(timeUntil)s." msgctxt "Expiring soon domain notice" msgid "" "The domain {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} will expire %(timeUntil)s. It " "can be renewed by the user {{strong}}%(owner)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Domain {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} akan kedaluwarsa %(timeUntil)s. " "Domain ini dapat diperbarui oleh pengguna {{strong}}%(owner)s{{/strong}}." msgctxt "Expiring domain notice" msgid "" "Some domains on this site are about to expire. They can be renewed by their " "owners." msgstr "" "Beberapa domain di situs ini segera kedaluwarsa. Domain tersebut dapat " "diperbarui oleh pemiliknya." msgid "" "Your domain {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} may be suspended because your " "email address is not verified." msgstr "" "Domain Anda {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} mungkin ditangguhkan karena " "alamat email Anda belum diverifikasi." msgid "" "Your domains may be suspended because your email address is not verified." msgstr "" "Domain Anda mungkin ditangguhkan karena alamat email Anda belum diverifikasi." msgid "Issues with your domains" msgstr "Masalah pada domain Anda." msgid "" "The domain {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} may be suspended because the " "owner, {{strong}}%(owner)s{{/strong}}, has not verified their contact " "information." msgstr "" "Domain {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} mungkin ditangguhkan karena " "pemiliknya, {{strong}}%(owner)s{{/strong}}, belum memverifikasi informasi " "kontak." msgid "" "Some domains on this site are about to be suspended because their owner has " "not verified their contact information." msgstr "" "Beberapa domain di situs ini akan ditangguhkan karena pemiliknya belum " "memverifikasi informasi kontak." msgid "Issues with domains on this site" msgstr "Masalah pada domain di situs ini." msgid "Expires on %1$s" msgstr "Kedaluwarsa pada %1$s" msgid "Latest course" msgstr "Kursus terakhir" msgid "%(commentCount)d comment" msgid_plural "%(commentCount)d comments" msgstr[0] "%(commentCount)d komentar" msgstr[1] "%(commentCount)d komentar" msgid "" "Upgrade to access webinars and courses to learn how to make the most of your " "site" msgstr "" "Tingkatkan untuk mengakses webinar dan kursus guna mempelajari cara " "memaksimalkan situs Anda" msgid "How to Make a Business Site on" msgstr "Cara Membangun Situs Bisnis di" msgid "" "A 60-minute overview course with two of our Happiness Engineers. In this " "live group session, we will provide an overview of, discuss " "features of the Business plan, provide a basic setup overview " "to help you get started with your site, and show you where to find " "additional resources and help in the future." msgstr "" "Kursus penjelasan umum selama 60 menit dengan dua dari para Happiness " "Engineers kami. Di sesi grup langsung ini, kami akan memberikan gambaran " "umum mengenai, mendiskusikan fitur rencana bisnis WordPress." "com, memberikan gambaran umum persiapan dasar untuk membantu Anda memulai " "membangun situs, dan menunjukkan kepada Anda tempat untuk mencari sumber " "daya tambahan dan bantuan di masa mendatang." msgid "New course" msgstr "Kursus baru" msgid "%(date)s at %(time)s" msgstr "%(date)s pada %(time)s" msgid "" "Add advertising to your site through our WordAds program and earn money from " "impressions." msgstr "" "Tambahkan iklan ke situs Anda melalui program WordAds kami dan dapatkan uang " "dari penayangan." msgid "Error authorizing your site. Please {{link}}contact support{{/link}}." msgstr "" "Kesalahan dalam mengotorisasi situs Anda. Silakan {{link}}hubungi dukungan{{/" "link}}." msgid "Error Details" msgstr "Detail Galat" msgid "We had trouble connecting." msgstr "Kami mengalami masalah dalam penyambungan." msgid "" " was unable to reach your site and approve the connection. Try " "again by clicking the button above; if that doesn't work you may need to " "{{link}}contact support{{/link}}." msgstr "" " tidak dapat menjangkau situs Anda dan menyetujui sambungan " "tersebut. Coba lagi dengan mengklik tombol di atas; jika tetap tidak bisa, " "Anda mungkin perlu {{link}}menghubungi dukungan{{/link}}." msgid "" "Looking for other options? <a class=\"%1$s\" target=\"%2$s\" id=\"%3$s\" " "href=\"%4$s\">See more plans</a>." msgstr "" "Mencari pilihan lain? <a class=\"%1$s\" target=\"%2$s\" id=\"%3$s\" href=" "\"%4$s\">Lihat paket lainnya</a>." msgid "Page scheduled." msgstr "Laman dijadwalkan!" msgid "View Preview" msgstr "Lihat Pratinjau" msgid "Price per month, billed yearly*" msgstr "Harga per bulan, ditagih tahunan" msgid "Courses" msgstr "Kursus" msgid "Comment not found." msgstr "Tidak ditemukan komentar." msgid "Error authorizing credit card. Please Contact Support quoting error %s." msgstr "" "Error saat proses otorisasi kartu kredit. Hubungi Dukungan dengan " "menyebutkan error %s." msgid "Payment methods" msgstr "Metode pembayaran" msgid "Hi there %s," msgstr "Halo %s," msgid "No error details provided." msgstr "Tidak ada detail error yang diberikan." msgid "Show Previews" msgstr "Lihat Pratinjau" msgid "See how this will look on Google, Facebook, and X." msgstr "Lihat tampilan di Google, Facebook, dan X." msgid "Page Title Structure" msgstr "Struktur Judul Halaman" msgid "" "You can set the structure of page titles for different sections of your " "site. Doing this will change the way your site title is displayed in search " "engines, social media sites, and browser tabs." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengatur struktur judul halaman untuk bagian situs yang berbeda. " "Jika Anda melakukannya maka tampilan judul situs Anda di mesin pencarian, " "situs media sosial, dan tab browser akan berubah." msgid "Website Meta" msgstr "Meta Website" msgid "" "Craft a description of your Website up to 160 characters that will be used " "in search engine results for your front page, and when your website is " "shared on social media sites." msgstr "" "Buat deskripsi situs web Anda sepanjang maksimal 160 karakter yang akan " "digunakan di hasil mesin pencarian untuk halaman depan Anda, dan ketika " "situs web Anda dibagikan di situs media sosial." msgid "" "VaultPress has detected a potential security threat on your site %1$s. " "Please visit your <a href=\"%2$s\">VaultPress dashboard</a> for further " "details." msgstr "" "VaultPress telah mendeteksi ancaman keamanan potensial di situs Anda %1$s. " "Kunjungi <a href=\"%2$s\">dasbor VaultPress</a> Anda untuk detail " "selengkapnya." msgid "VaultPress Security: Threat Found" msgstr "Keamanan VaultPress: Ancaman Ditemukan" msgid "VaultPress has detected a potential security threat on your site %s." msgstr "" "VaultPress telah mendeteksi ancaman keamanan potensial di situs Anda %s." msgid "" "By connecting your site, you agree to {{detailsLink}}share details{{/" "detailsLink}} between %(companyName)s and %(siteName)s." msgstr "" "Dengan menghubungkan situs, Anda bersedia untuk {{detailsLink}}berbagi " "detail{{/detailsLink}} antara %(companyName)s dan %(siteName)s." msgid "Your %1$s upgrade for %2$s is due for renewal" msgstr "Upgrade %1$s Anda untuk %2$s perlu diperbarui" msgid "" "The %1$d upgrades added to your site \"%2$s\" will renew automatically in " "%3$d day." msgid_plural "" "The %1$d upgrades added to your site \"%2$s\" will renew automatically in " "%3$d days." msgstr[0] "" "Upgrade %1$d yang ditambahkan ke situs Anda \"%2$s\" akan diperbarui secara " "otomatis dalam waktu %3$d hari." msgstr[1] "" "Upgrade %1$d yang ditambahkan ke situs Anda \"%2$s\" akan diperbarui secara " "otomatis dalam waktu %3$d hari." msgid "" "The %1$s upgrade added to your site \"%2$s\" will renew automatically in " "%3$d day." msgid_plural "" "The %1$s upgrade added to your site \"%2$s\" will renew automatically in " "%3$d days." msgstr[0] "" "Upgrade %1$s yang ditambahkan ke situs Anda \"%2$s\" akan diperbarui secara " "otomatis dalam waktu %3$d hari." msgstr[1] "" "Upgrade %1$s yang ditambahkan ke situs Anda \"%2$s\" akan diperbarui secara " "otomatis dalam waktu %3$d hari." msgid "Your %1$s purchase for %2$s renews soon" msgstr "Pembelian %1$s Anda untuk %2$s akan diperpanjang dalam waktu dekat" msgid "Remove branding" msgstr "Hapus branding" msgid "Google Analytics integration" msgstr "Integrasi Google Analytics" msgid "Versatile plans and pricing" msgstr "Harga dan paket serba guna" msgid " Create a free website or blog" msgstr " Buat situs web atau blog gratis" msgid "Desktop Apps" msgstr "Aplikasi Desktop" msgid "" "Your site has been identified as serving mature content. Our advertisers " "would like to include only family-friendly sites in the program." msgstr "" "Situs Anda teridentifikasi menyajikan konten untuk dewasa. Pengiklan kami " "hanya ingin menyertakan situs yang sesuai untuk keluarga di dalam program " "ini." msgid "" "Your site has been identified as serving automatically created or copied " "content. We cannot serve WordAds on these kind of sites." msgstr "" "Situs Anda teridentifikasi menyajikan konten salinan atau yang dibuat secara " "otomatis. Kami tidak dapat menyajikan WordAds pada situs semacam ini." msgid "" "Your site is marked as private. It needs to be public so that visitors can " "see the ads." msgstr "" "Situs Anda ditandai sebagai pribadi. Situs harus berstatus publik agar " "pengunjung dapat melihat iklan ini." msgid "Change privacy settings" msgstr "Ubah pengaturan privasi" msgid "Your site cannot participate in the WordAds program." msgstr "Situs Anda tidak dapat berpartisipasi dalam program WordAds." msgid "Starting at" msgstr "Mulai dari" msgid "/mo" msgstr "/bln" msgid "Welcome to %s." msgstr "Selamat datang di %s." msgid "" "%s includes access to Jetpack Anti-spam.<br/><br/>If you were unable to use " "our automatic installation tool during checkout, we've put together a step-" "by-step guide to help you get up and running." msgstr "" "%s mencakup akses ke Jetpack Anti-spam.<br/><br/>Jika Anda tidak dapat " "menggunakan alat instalasi otomatis saat checkout, kami menyediakan panduan " "untuk membantu Anda menyiapkannya." msgid "" "Welcome to %s. You now have access to state-of-the-art WordPress security " "services, as well as expert support." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di %s. Kini Anda memiliki akses ke layanan keamanan WordPress " "yang canggih, serta dukungan ahli." msgid "Post about %(title)s" msgstr "Pos tentang %(title)s" msgid "Your site is not permitted in WordAds." msgstr "Situs Anda tidak diizinkan di WordAds" msgid "" "<strong>%1$s</strong> subscriptions are expiring in <em>less than 7 days</" "em>! Uh oh!" msgstr "" "Langganan <strong>%1$s</strong> akan berakhir dalam waktu <em>kurang dari 7 " "hari</em>! Gawat!" msgid "" "Some of your domain subscriptions will expire soon. Visitors may not be able " "to reach your site." msgstr "" "Beberapa langganan domain Anda akan berakhir sebentar lagi. Pengunjung " "mungkin tidak dapat mengunjungi situs Anda." msgid "<strong>%1$s</strong> expires in <em>less than 7 days</em>! Uh oh!" msgstr "" "<strong>%1$s</strong> akan kedaluwarsa dalam waktu <em>kurang dari 7 hari</" "em>! Gawat!" msgid "" "The domain %1$s will expire on %2$s. Visitors to %1$s will not see \"%3$s\"." msgstr "" "Domain %1$s akan kedaluwarsa pada tanggal %2$s. Pengunjung %1$s tidak akan " "melihat \"%3$s\"." msgid "" "The domain %1$s will expire on %2$s. Visitors to %1$s will not see this site." msgstr "" "Domain %1$s akan kedaluwarsa pada tanggal %2$s. Pengunjung %1$s tidak akan " "melihat situs ini." msgid "" "To keep your registrations, they have to be renewed yearly. Renewing expired " "registrations becomes more costly and complicated as time goes by. Renew " "your registrations now before it’s too late." msgstr "" "Untuk mempertahankannya, registrasi harus diperpanjang setiap tahun. " "Memperpanjang registrasi yang sudah habis masa berlakunya lebih mahal dan " "rumit seiring berjalannya waktu. Perpanjang registrasi Anda sekarang sebelum " "terlambat." msgid "and %1$d more..." msgstr "dan %1$d lainnya..." msgid "" "Some of your domain subscriptions have expired. Visitors may not be able to " "reach your site." msgstr "" "Beberapa langganan domain Anda telah berakhir. Pengunjung mungkin tidak " "dapat mengunjungi situs Anda." msgid "" "To address this issue, renew your domain, or cancel and remove it from your " "site. Renewing will ensure your ownership of this domain for another year. " "Canceling will immediately remove the domain from your site, and it will " "eventually be available for public registration again. Only cancel this " "domain if you are sure you will never need it in the future." msgstr "" "Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, perbarui domain, atau batalkan dan hapus domain " "dari situs Anda. Memperbarui domain akan mengamankan kepemilikan Anda atas " "domain tersebut selama satu tahun ke depan. Membatalkan akan langsung " "menghapus domain dari situs Anda, dan pada akhirnya akan kembali tersedia " "bagi pendaftaran publik. Batalkan domain ini saja jika Anda yakin tidak akan " "membutuhkannya lagi di waktu mendatang." msgid "<strong>%1$s</strong> has expired! Oh no!" msgstr "<strong>%1$s</strong> sudah kedaluwarsa! Oh tidak!" msgid "" "To keep your domain, it has to be renewed yearly. Renewing expired domains " "becomes more costly and complicated as time goes by. Renew this domain now " "before it’s too late." msgstr "" "Untuk mempertahankan domain Anda, domain harus diperbarui setiap tahun. " "Memperbarui domain yang kedaluwarsa lebih mahal dan rumit seiring " "berjalannya waktu. Perbarui domain ini sekarang sebelum terlambat." msgid "" "The domain %1$s expired on %2$s. Visitors to %1$s will not see \"%3$s\"." msgstr "" "Domain %1$s kedaluwarsa pada %2$s. Pengunjung %1$s tidak akan melihat \"%3$s" "\"." msgid "" "The domain %1$s expired on %2$s. Visitors to %1$s will not see this site." msgstr "" "Domain %1$s kedaluwarsa pada %2$s. Pengunjung %1$s tidak akan melihat situs " "ini." msgid "" "Get a free website and be on your way to publishing your first post in less " "than five minutes." msgstr "" "Dapatkan situs web gratis dan pilih cara menerbitkan pos pertama Anda kurang " "dari lima menit." msgid "That's too short. Enter a full phone number." msgstr "Nomor terlalu pendek. Masukkan nomor telepon lengkap." msgid "Enter your last name." msgstr "Masukkan nama belakang Anda." msgid "Enter your first name." msgstr "Masukkan nama depan Anda." msgid "Enter your address." msgstr "Masukan alamat Anda." msgid "" "Choose between a full post or an excerpt for the blog and archive pages, or " "opt for the theme's default combination of excerpt and full post." msgstr "" "Pilih antara pos penuh atau kutipan blog dan laman terarsip, atau pilih " "untuk kombinasi default tema antara kutipan dan pos penuh." msgid "" "Adds tools to enhance your site's content for better results on search " "engines and social media." msgstr "" "Menambahkan berbagai alat bantu untuk menyempurnakan konten situs Anda untuk " "hasil yang lebih baik pada mesin pencarian dan media sosial." msgid "The transaction was declined." msgstr "Transaksi ditolak." msgctxt "Notice for mapped subdomain that has DNS records need to set up" msgid "" "{{strong}}%(domainName)s's{{/strong}} DNS records need to be configured." msgstr "Data DNS {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} harus dikonfigurasikan." msgctxt "Notice for mapped subdomain that has DNS records need to set up" msgid "Some of your domains' DNS records need to be configured." msgstr "Beberapa data DNS domain Anda harus dikonfigurasikan." msgctxt "Mapped domain notice with NS records pointing to somewhere else" msgid "Some of your domains' name server records need to be configured." msgstr "Beberapa data server nama domain Anda harus dikonfigurasikan." msgid "Fix" msgstr "Perbaiki" msgid "Select your custom domain" msgstr "Pilih domain khusus Anda" msgid "Quit" msgstr "Keluar" msgid "Vendor" msgstr "Vendor" msgid "" "<strong>Sync</strong> some of your data and site settings to " "<a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">Learn more.</a>" msgstr "" "<strong>Selaraskan</strong> beberapa pengaturan data dan situs dengan " " <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">Pelajari selengkapnya.</a>" msgid "No user found for this email address" msgstr "Tidak menemukan pengguna untuk alamat email ini" msgid "No accounts found for this domain." msgstr "Tidak menemukan akun untuk domain ini." msgid "" "Google now requires an API key to use their maps on your site. <a href=\"%s" "\">See our documentation</a> for instructions on acquiring a key." msgstr "" "Sekarang Google memerlukan kunci API untuk menggunakan peta mereka di situs " "Anda. <a href=\"%s\">Lihat dokumentasi kami</a> untuk mengetahui petunjuk " "tentang terkait mendapatkan kunci." msgid "Google Maps API Key" msgstr "Kunci API Google Maps" msgid "Invitation failed to resend." msgstr "Undangan gagal dikirim" msgid "Log" msgstr "Log" msgid "%(count)s Like" msgid_plural "%(count)s Likes" msgstr[0] "%(count)s Suka" msgstr[1] "%(count)s Suka" msgid "" "Trouble activating your account? Just click this button and we'll resend the " "activation for you." msgstr "" "Mengalami masalah saat mengaktifkan akun? Klik tombol ini dan kami akan " "mengirimkan aktivasi lagi untuk Anda." msgid "Primary Action" msgstr "Tindakan Utama" msgid "Team" msgstr "Tim" msgid "You dropped: %s" msgstr "Anda melepaskan: %s" msgid "This is a droppable area" msgstr "Ini adalah area yang dapat dilepaskan" msgid "" "Ask our Happiness Engineers questions in this app, or find answers in our " "community forum." msgstr "" "Ajukan pertanyaan pada Happiness Engineer kami di aplikasi ini, atau temukan " "jawaban di forum komunitas kami." msgid "Build a website that’s truly your own." msgstr "Buat situs web yang sepenuhnya milik Anda." msgid "Build your website or blog today" msgstr "Buat situs web atau blog Anda sekarang juga" msgid "A site that's all you" msgstr "Situs yang mencerminkan Anda sepenuhnya" msgid "Post on" msgstr "Pos pada" msgid "Discover Challenge: " msgstr "Tantangan Penemuan: " msgid "Photo Challenge: " msgstr "Tantangan Foto: " msgid "Full sync will begin shortly" msgstr "Sinkronisasi penuh segera dimulai" msgid "Manage all of your WordPress sites from one location." msgstr "Kelola semua situs WordPress Anda dari satu lokasi." msgid "Centralized Dashboard" msgstr "Dasbor Terpusat" msgid "" "Build and engage your audience with more than a dozen optimization tools." msgstr "" "Bangun dan libatkan audiens Anda dengan lebih dari selusin alat " "pengoptimalan." msgid "Traffic and Promotion Tools" msgstr "Alat Promosi dan Lalu-lintas Kunjungan" msgid "The most important metrics for your site." msgstr "Metrik paling penting untuk situs Anda." msgid "" "Brute force protection, downtime monitoring, secure sign on, and automatic " "updates for your plugins." msgstr "" "Perlindungan terhadap serangan keras, pemantauan downtime, proses masuk " "aman, dan pembaruan otomatis untuk plugin Anda." msgid "Standard security tools" msgstr "Alat Keamanan Standar" msgid "" "The features most needed by WordPress sites — perfectly packaged and " "optimized for everyone." msgstr "" "Fitur yang paling banyak dibutuhkan oleh situs WordPress — dikemas sempurna " "dan dioptimalkan untuk semua orang." msgid "Application Name" msgstr "Nama Aplikasi" msgid " Plans" msgstr "Paket" msgid "Previous Step" msgstr "Langkah Sebelumnya" msgid "" "Get instant notifications for new comments and likes, even when you are not " "actively using" msgstr "" "Dapatkan notifikasi instan untuk komentar baru dan suka, walaupun Anda tidak " "sedang aktif menggunakan" msgid "Always allow on this site" msgstr "Selalu izinkan di situs ini" msgid "Notifications: Ask by default" msgstr "Pemberitahuan: Tanyakan sebagai pengaturan asal" msgid "Create a website with" msgstr "Buat situs web dengan" msgid "<strong>13GB</strong> Storage Space" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan <strong>13 GB</strong>" msgid "Start with Free" msgstr "Mulai Gratis" msgid "VideoPress support" msgstr "Integrasi VideoPress" msgid "Monetize your site" msgstr "Monetisasi situs Anda" msgid "<strong>Unlimited</strong> Storage Space" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan <strong>Tanpa Batas</strong>" msgid "<strong>Unlimited</strong> Premium Themes" msgstr "Tema Premium <strong>Tanpa Batas</strong>" msgid "" "Keep the focus on your site\\'s brand by removing the footer " "branding." msgstr "" "Pertahankan fokus pada merek situs Anda dengan menghapus merek footer " "" msgid "" "With increased storage space you\\'ll be able to upload more images, videos, " "audio, and documents to your website." msgstr "" "Dengan tambahan ruang penyimpanan, Anda dapat mengunggah lebih banyak " "gambar, video, audio, dan dokumen ke situs web Anda." msgid "" "Access to a wide range of professional theme templates for your website so " "you can find the exact design you\\'re looking for." msgstr "" "Akses ke banyak pilihan template tema profesional untuk situs web sehingga " "Anda dapat menemukan desain yang Anda cari." msgid "Claim your domain" msgstr "Klaim domain Anda" msgid "" "Once you've allowed notifications, you may need to refresh your browser." msgstr "Setelah mengizinkan pemberitahuan, Anda perlu menyegarkan perambah." msgid " personal" msgstr " Personal" msgid "" "Whether you’re creating a hobby blog, portfolio or a business site, get " "started easily with" msgstr "" "Ingin membuat blog tentang hobi, situs portofolio ataupun bisnis, mulailah " "dengan mudah bersama" msgid "" "Everything you need to create your personal website or blog is included in " "our Personal Plan. Choose your custom domain, pick a theme, personalize it " "with your designs and content, and impress your visitors." msgstr "" "Semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk membuat situs web atau blog pribadi " "disertakan dalam Paket Personal. Pilih domain khusus, pilih tema, " "personalisasikan dengan desain dan konten Anda, buat pengunjung terkesan." msgid "Start with Personal" msgstr "Mulai dengan Personal" msgid "Upgrade to Personal" msgstr "Upgrade ke Personal" msgid "Create your dazzling website or blog today." msgstr "Buat situs web atau blog yang mengagumkan sekarang juga." msgid "Front page & Posts page must be different." msgstr "Halaman Depan & halaman Pos harus berbeda." msgid "" "Open the link we sent you to log in using your account. If " "you’re on another device or the link doesn’t work, enter the code from the " "email below." msgstr "" "Buka link yang kami kirimkan untuk login menggunakan akun " "Anda. Jika Anda menggunakan perangkat lain atau link tidak dapat dibuka, " "masukkan kode dari email di bawah ini." msgid "Transaction ID" msgstr "ID Transaksi" msgid " Creator" msgstr " Creator" msgid "" "Below you'll find previews that represent how your post will look when it's " "found or shared across a variety of networks." msgstr "" "Di bawah ini terdapat pratinjau yang menunjukkan seperti apa tampilan pos " "Anda ketika ditemukan atau dibagikan di berbagai jaringan." msgid "External previews" msgstr "Pratinjau eksternal" msgid "Jetpack is active - now make it work for your site." msgstr "Jetpack Anda aktif - manfaatkan segera untuk situs Anda." msgid "Configure Jetpack: %s" msgstr "Konfigurasikan Jetpack: %s" msgid "" "Visit your dashboard to explore and activate the features you need, from " "stats to spam protection." msgstr "" "Buka dasbor Anda untuk menjelajahi dan mengaktifkan fitur yang dibutuhkan, " "mulai dari statistik hingga perlindungan terhadap spam." msgid "" "With Jetpack, you now have the tools to secure your site, grow your traffic, " "and build your online presence." msgstr "" "Dengan Jetpack, kini Anda memiliki alat untuk mengamankan situs, " "meningkatkan lalu lintas kunjungan, serta membangun kehadiran online Anda." msgid "" "Welcome to Jetpack, a powerful WordPress experience and a community of over " "two million site owners." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di Jetpack, pengalaman WordPress yang luar biasa dan sebuah " "komunitas yang berisi lebih dari dua juta pemilik situs." msgid "Welcome to a better way of managing WordPress." msgstr "Sambutlah cara yang lebih baik dalam mengelola WordPress." msgid "" "Our next-generation WordPress interface is free for every Jetpack site. Use " "it to view stats, manage plugins and themes, enable auto-updates, and more." msgstr "" "Antarmuka WordPress generasi baru kami tersedia gratis untuk setiap situs " "Jetpack. Gunakan untuk melihat statistik, mengelola plugin dan tema, " "mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis, dan banyak lagi lainnya." msgid "The New WordPress Experience" msgstr "Pengalaman WordPress Baru" msgid "Malware scanning and removal" msgstr "Pemindaian dan penghapusan malware." msgctxt "verb" msgid "Upgrade" msgstr "Lakukan upgrade" msgid "Content type unsupported" msgstr "Jenis konten tidak didukung" msgid "Your site does not support this content type" msgstr "Situs Anda tidak mendukung jenis konten ini" msgid "Activate custom content types in your site settings" msgstr "Aktifkan jenis konten khusus di pengaturan situs Anda" msgid "Testimonials are not enabled" msgstr "Testimonial tidak diaktifkan" msgid "Portfolios are not enabled" msgstr "Portofolio tidak diaktifkan" msgid "Ask your site administrator to grant you access" msgstr "Mintalah akses kepada administrator situs Anda" msgid "You need permission to manage this post type" msgstr "Anda memerlukan izin untuk mengelola jenis pos ini" msgid "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this post?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin menghapus pos ini secara permanen?" msgid "There's been an error. Please try again later." msgstr "Terdapat error. Harap coba lagi nanti." msgid "Activation email sent. Please check your inbox." msgstr "Email aktivasi dikirim. Silakan periksa inbox Anda." msgctxt "Terms: New term being created is top level" msgid "Top level %(term)s" msgstr "Level teratas %(term)s" msgctxt "Terms: Add term error message - duplicate term name exists" msgid "Name already exists" msgstr "Nama sudah ada" msgid "Display tags" msgstr "Tampilkan tag" msgid "Post Details" msgstr "Detail Pos" msgid "" "Choose between a full post or an excerpt for the blog and archive pages." msgstr "Pilih antara pos penuh atau kutipan blog dan laman terarsip." msgid "Blog Display" msgstr "Tampilan Blog" msgid "Content Options" msgstr "Opsi Konten" msgid "Published by %s" msgstr "Diterbitkan oleh %s" msgid "Get support through our user community forums." msgstr "Dapatkan dukungan melalui forum komunitas pengguna kami." msgid "" "Your site address will use a subdomain (sitename.wordpress." "com)." msgstr "" "Alamat situs Anda akan menggunakan subdomain (namasitus." "" msgid "Sign in now" msgstr "Login sekarang" msgid "Hooray!" msgstr "Horeee!" msgid "Post successfully restored" msgstr "Pos berhasil dipulihkan" msgid "An error occurred while restoring the post" msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat memulihkan pos" msgid "An error occurred while restoring \"%s\"" msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat memulihkan \"%s\"" msgid "" "A well designed, blogging theme with multiple layouts and theme options." msgstr "" "Tema blogging yang dirancang dengan baik dilengkapi dengan beberapa tata " "letak dan pilihan tema." msgid "Thanks, got it!" msgstr "Terima kasih, saya mengerti!" msgid "" "Click the <strong>Preview</strong> icon to preview your site appearance " "before saving." msgstr "" "Klik ikon <strong>Pratinjau</strong> untuk melihat pratinjau tampilan situs " "Anda sebelum menyimpan." msgid "" "Here you can control the design of your site. Change your site title, update " "the colors and fonts, and even add a header image. Explore widgets to find " "new features and content to add to your website." msgstr "" "Di sini Anda dapat mengontrol desain situs Anda. Ubah judul situs, perbarui " "warna dan font, dan bahkan tambahkan gambar header Anda. Jelajahi widget " "untuk menemukan fitur dan konten baru untuk ditambahkan ke situs web Anda." msgid "Cooking" msgstr "Memasak" msgid "Blurred Lights" msgstr "Cahaya Kabur" msgid "An error occurred while deleting the post" msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat menghapus pos" msgid "An error occurred while deleting \"%s\"" msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat menghapus \"%s\"" msgid "Check connection" msgstr "Periksa koneksi" msgid "There was an error scheduling a full sync." msgstr "Ada kesalahan saat menjadwalkan sinkronisasi penuh." msgctxt "Button to select a paid plan by plan name, e.g., \"Select Personal\"" msgid "Select %(plan)s" msgstr "Pilih %(plan)s" msgid "Full sync in progress" msgstr "Sinkronisasi penuh sedang berjalan" msgid "SiteGround" msgstr "SiteGround" msgid "Return to %(sitename)s" msgstr "Kembali ke %(sitename)s" msgid "Preparing authorization" msgstr "Menyiapkan otorisasi" msgid "Bluehost" msgstr "Bluehost" msgid "Account Info" msgstr "Info Akun" msgid "Change footer credit" msgstr "Ubah keterangan footer" msgid "" "You can customize your website by changing the footer credit in customizer." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengelola situs web Anda dengan mengubah keterangan footer di " "customizer." msgid "" "Keep the focus on your site's brand by removing the footer " "branding." msgstr "" "Pertahankan fokus pada merek situs Anda dengan menghapus merek footer " "" msgid "Activate this design" msgstr "Aktifkan desain" msgid "{{strong}}200 GB{{/strong}} storage space" msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan {{strong}}200 GB{{/strong}}" msgid "Repair any security issues found on your site with just a single click." msgstr "" "Memperbaiki segala masalah keamanan yang ditemukan di situs Anda hanya " "dengan sekali klik." msgid "" "Automated security scanning with the option to run complete site scans at " "any time." msgstr "" "Pemindaian keamanan otomatis dengan opsi untuk menjalankan pemindaian situs " "lengkap kapan pun." msgid "" "Comprehensive, automated scanning for security vulnerabilities or threats on " "your site." msgstr "" "Pemindaian komprehensif dan otomatis untuk segala kerentanan keamanan atau " "ancaman di situs Anda." msgid "Easily and quickly move or duplicate your site to any location." msgstr "" "Memindahkan atau menduplikasi situs Anda ke segala lokasi dengan mudah dan " "cepat." msgid "Restore your site from any available backup with a single click." msgstr "" "Memulihkan situs dari cadangan apa pun yang tersedia hanya dengan sekali " "klik." msgid "Absolutely no limits on storage space for your backups." msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan tanpa batas untuk cadangan Anda." msgid "Browse or restore any backup made since you activated the service." msgstr "" "Menjelajah atau memulihkan cadangan yang dibuat sejak Anda mengaktifkan " "layanan." msgid "Browse or restore any backup made within the past 30 days." msgstr "" "Menjelajah atau memulihkan cadangan yang dibuat dalam waktu 30 hari terakhir." msgid "" "Automatic real-time backups of every single aspect of your site. Stored " "safely and optimized for WordPress." msgstr "" "Cadangan realtime otomatis untuk setiap aspek situs Anda. Disimpan secara " "aman dan dioptimalkan untuk WordPress." msgid "State-of-the-art spam defense, powered by Akismet." msgstr "Pertahanan terhadap spam paling canggih yang didukung oleh Akismet." msgid "" "High quality support to help you get your website up and running and working " "how you want it." msgstr "" "Dukungan berkualitas tinggi untuk membantu Anda memulai situs web dan " "menjalankannya sesuai keinginan." msgid "Email & Live Chat Support" msgstr "Bantuan email dan live chat" msgid "6GB Storage Space" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan 6 GB" msgid "3GB Storage Space" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan 3 GB" msgid "" "Access to a wide range of professional theme templates for your website so " "you can find the exact design you're looking for." msgstr "" "Akses ke banyak pilihan template tema profesional untuk situs web sehingga " "Anda dapat menemukan desain yang Anda cari." msgid "Remove Branding" msgstr "Hapus Branding" msgid "" "Allow your visitors to visit and read your website without seeing any " " advertising." msgstr "" "Buat agar pengunjung dapat mengunjungi dan membaca situs web Anda tanpa " "melihat iklan apa pun." msgid "Remove Ads" msgstr "Hapus Iklan" msgid "" "Customize your selected theme template with extended color schemes, " "background designs, and complete control over website CSS." msgstr "" "Sesuaikan template tema pilihan Anda dengan skema warna yang diperluas, " "desain latar belakang, dan kontrol penuh atas CSS situs web." msgid "%sAdvanced%s Design Customization" msgstr "Kustomisasi Desain %sTingkat Lanjut%s" msgid "" "Customize your selected theme template with pre-set color schemes, " "background designs, and font styles." msgstr "" "Sesuaikan template tema pilihan Anda dengan skema warna yang diatur " "sebelumnya, desain latar belakang, dan gaya font." msgid "Basic Design Customization" msgstr "Pengaturan Desain Tingkat Dasar" msgid "" "The easiest way to upload videos to your website and display them using a " "fast, unbranded, customizable player with rich stats." msgstr "" "Cara termudah untuk mengunggah video ke situs web Anda dan menampilkannya " "menggunakan pemutar yang cepat, tanpa merek, dan dapat disesuaikan dengan " "statistik yang lengkap." msgid "VideoPress Support" msgstr "Integrasi VideoPress" msgid "" "Unlimited access to all of our advanced premium theme templates, including " "templates specifically tailored for businesses." msgstr "" "Akses tanpa batas ke semua template tema premium tingkat lanjut, termasuk " "template yang disesuaikan secara khusus untuk bisnis Anda." msgid "Custom Domain Name" msgstr "Nama Domain Khusus" msgid "" "With increased storage space you'll be able to upload more images, videos, " "audio, and documents to your website." msgstr "" "Dengan tambahan ruang penyimpanan, Anda akan dapat mengunggah lebih banyak " "gambar, video, audio, dan dokumen ke situs web Anda." msgid "" "Track website statistics with Google Analytics for a deeper understanding of " "your website visitors and customers." msgstr "" "Lacak statistik situs web dengan Google Analytics untuk pemahaman yang lebih " "mendalam tentang pengunjung dan pelanggan situs web Anda." msgid "My Plan" msgstr "Paket Saya" msgid "Anti-spam" msgstr "Anti-spam" msgid "View your backups" msgstr "Lihat cadangan Anda" msgid "Backups & Security" msgstr "Cadangan & Keamanan" msgid "Jetpack Subscriptions:" msgstr "Langganan Jetpack" msgid "Post successfully published" msgstr "Pos berhasil dipublikasikan" msgid "" "Removing this record will delete your current {{a}}Email Forwards{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Menghapus catatan ini akan menghapus {{a}}Penerusan Email{{/a}} terbaru." msgid "Keep Records and Email Forwards" msgstr "Simpan Catatan dan Penerusan Email" msgid "Deactivate Email Forwards and Remove Records" msgstr "Nonaktifkan Penerusan Email dan Hapus Catatan" msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Didukung oleh" msgid "A Website" msgstr "Situs Web" msgid "Create a website or blog at" msgstr "Buat situs web atau blog di" msgid "Footer Credit" msgstr "Keterangan Footer" msgid "" "There were some issues installing your plugins. It may be possible to fix " "this by {{a}}manually installing{{/a}} the plugins." msgstr "" "Terjadi masalah saat memasang plugin Anda. Hal ini mungkin dapat diperbaiki " "{{a}}secara manual dengan memasang{{/a}} plugin." msgid "" "There was an issue installing %(plugin)s. It may be possible to fix this by " "{{a}}manually installing{{/a}} the plugin." msgstr "" "Terjadi masalah saat memasang %(plugin)s. Hal ini mungkin dapat diperbaiki " "{{a}}secara manual dengan memasang{{/a}} plugin." msgid "We can't install plugins on multi-network sites." msgstr "Kami tidak bisa memasang plugin di situs multijaringan." msgid "We can't install plugins on multisite sites." msgstr "Kami tidak bisa memasang plugin di situs multisitus." msgid "There was a problem retrieving stored cards." msgstr "Terjadi masalah saat mengambil informasi kartu yang disimpan." msgid "There was a problem deleting the stored card." msgstr "Terjadi masalah saat menghapus kartu yang disimpan." msgid "Post successfully moved to trash." msgstr "Pos berhasil dipindahkan ke sampah" msgid "Private whois upgrade not deleted." msgstr "Peningkatan whois pribadi tidak dihapus." msgid "Number of Shares" msgstr "Berapa Kali Dibagikan" msgid "" "Only numbers, letters, dashes, underscores, apostrophes and periods are " "allowed." msgstr "" "Angka, huruf, tanda hubung, garis bawah, tanda petik tunggal, dan titik " "boleh digunakan, selain itu tidak diperbolehkan." msgid "This field can't be shorter than %s characters." msgstr "Bidang ini tidak boleh kurang dari %s karakter." msgid "Blues" msgstr "Blues" msgid "smoke" msgstr "Smoke" msgid "Grace" msgstr "Grape" msgid "Kerry" msgstr "Kerry" msgid "Email support" msgstr "Bantuan e-mail" msgid "Invalid SEO title format." msgstr "Format judul SEO tidak valid." msgid "" "Many of Jetpack's core features make use of the cloud. In " "order to make sure everything works correctly, Jetpack requires you to " "connect a free account. If you don't already have an account " "you can easily create one during the connection process." msgstr "" "Banyak fitur inti Jetpack yang memanfaatkan layanan cloud " "Untuk memastikan semuanya berjalan dengan baik, Jetpack mengharuskan Anda " "untuk menghubungkan akun (gratis). Jika Anda belum memiliki " "akun, Anda dapat membuatnya selama proses koneksi." msgid "Why do I need a account?" msgstr "Mengapa saya memerlukan akun" msgid "What are the hosting requirements?" msgstr "Apa saja syarat untuk hosting?" msgid "%(cost)s per year" msgstr "%(cost)s per tahun" msgid "Where is your next adventure taking you?" msgstr "Ke mana lagi petualangan Anda berlanjut?" msgid "I no longer need a website or blog." msgstr "Saya tidak lagi membutuhkan situs web atau blog." msgid "What will you do instead?" msgstr "Apa yang akan Anda lakukan?" msgid "I'm going to use a different service for my website or blog." msgstr "Saya ingin menggunakan layanan lain untuk situs web atau blog saya." msgid "Mind telling us which one?" msgstr "Maukah Anda memberitahu kami yang mana?" msgid "I'm going to use WordPress somewhere else." msgstr "Saya ingin menggunakan WordPress di situs lain." msgid "Mind telling us where?" msgstr "Maukah Anda memberitahu kami ke mana?" msgid "I'm staying here and using the free plan." msgstr "Saya tetap di sini dan menggunakan paket gratis." msgid "How can we improve our upgrades?" msgstr "Bagaimana kami dapat meningkatkan upgrade?" msgid "This upgrade didn't include what I needed." msgstr "Upgrade ini tidak mencakup apa yang saya butuhkan." msgid "What are we missing that you need?" msgstr "Apa yang kurang dari kami?" msgid "Where did you run into problems?" msgstr "Di mana Anda menemukan masalah?" msgid "" "Sorry, you cannot access this resource without providing an authorization " "token." msgstr "" "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat mengakses sumber daya ini tanpa menyediakan token " "otorisasi." msgid "Get back to Jetpack Connect screen" msgstr "Kembali ke layar Jetpack Connect" msgid "Incompatible Archive. The package could not be installed." msgstr "Arsip Tidak Cocok. Paket idak dapat dipasang." msgid "New tag name" msgstr "Nama tag baru" msgid "Already have Jetpack installed?" msgstr "Sudah memasang Jetpack?" msgid "Daily and on-demand malware scanning" msgstr "Pemindaian Malware Harian dan Sesuai Permintaan" msgid "Daily Malware Scanning" msgstr "Pemindaian Malware Harian" msgid "Unlimited backup storage space" msgstr "Memori Cadangan Tak Terbatas" msgctxt "Term Selector: term search/listing results" msgid "You may want to {{a}}create a new item{{/a}}." msgstr "Anda mungkin ingin {{a}}membuat item baru{{/a}}." msgid "Have more questions?" msgstr "Apakah Anda memiliki pertanyaan lain?" msgid "Can I install my own theme?" msgstr "Apakah saya dapat menginstal tema saya sendiri?" msgid "Your plan" msgstr "Paket Anda" msgid "Try & Customize on:" msgstr "Coba & Sesuaikan di:" msgid "Promotions" msgstr "Promosi" msgid "Get Professional" msgstr "Dapatkan Professional" msgid "What is the oldest version of Jetpack supported?" msgstr "Versi terlama Jetpack yang mana yang didukung?" msgid "Closed for the holidays" msgstr "Tutup selama liburan" msgid "Closed for a Meetup" msgstr "Tutup untuk Meetup" msgid "Support is Open!" msgstr "Dukungan Tersedia!" msgid "Write a description" msgstr "Tulis deskripsi…" msgid "Must specify Twitter Timeline id or username." msgstr "Harus menetapkan ID dan nama pengguna Twitter Timeline." msgid "Ready for activation" msgstr "Siap untuk aktivasi" msgid "Latest Drafts" msgstr "Draft Terbaru" msgid "Use your own domain and establish your online presence without ads." msgstr "" "Gunakan domain Anda sendiri dan dirikan keberadaan online Anda tanpa iklan." msgid " Personal" msgstr " Personal" msgctxt "Jetpack Professional Plan" msgid "Professional" msgstr "Profesional" msgid "Professional" msgstr "Profesional" msgid "1TB of storage" msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan sebesar 1 TB" msgid "50GB of storage" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan 50GB" msgid " Subdomain" msgstr "Subdomain" msgid "Manual Installation" msgstr "Pemasangan Manual" msgid "" "Due to {{a1}}trademark policy{{/a1}}, we are not able to allow domains " "containing {{strong}}WordPress{{/strong}} to be registered or mapped here. " "Please {{a2}}contact support{{/a2}} if you have any questions." msgstr "" "Dikarenakan adanya {{a1}}kebijakan merk dagang{{/a1}}, kami tidak " "mengizinkan domain yang mengandung {{strong}}WordPress{{/strong}} untuk di " "daftarkan atau di petakan disini. silakan {{a2}}hubungi layanan bantuan{{/" "a2}} jika ada pertanyaan." msgid "per month, billed monthly" msgstr "per bulan, penagihan bulanan" msgid "Malware Scanning" msgstr "Pemindaian Malware" msgid "Backup Storage Space" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan Cadangan" msgid "Backup Archive" msgstr "Arsip Cadangan" msgid "One-click threat resolution" msgstr "Resolusi ancaman sekali klik" msgid "On-demand malware scanning" msgstr "Pemindaian malware sesuai permintaan" msgid "Real-time, offsite backups" msgstr "Pencadangan off-site waktu nyata" msgid "The best way to WordPress." msgstr "Cara terbaik untuk mengoptimalkan WordPress." msgid "Easy site migration" msgstr "Migrasi situs yang mudah" msgid "Daily malware scanning" msgstr "Pemindaian malware harian" msgid "Daily, offsite backups" msgstr "Cadangan harian situs" msgid "checkout" msgstr "bayar" msgid "Email confirmed!" msgstr "Email telah dikonfirmasi!" msgid "" "Booklet is an elegant, magazine-style theme that lets you quickly and easily " "create a beautiful site with any content. Booklet includes one, two and " "three column layouts, a customizable logo and header, finely-crafted " "typography and a snappy featured content drawer." msgstr "" "Booklet adalah tema bergaya majalah yang elegan agar Anda dapat menciptakan " "situs yang indah dengan konten apa pun dengan cepat dan mudah. Booklet " "menyertakan satu, dua, hingga tiga tata letak kolom, logo dan header khusus, " "tipografi yang dibuat dengan cermat dan lemari konten fitur yang praktis." msgid "" "Ippo is a clean, responsive theme for all creatives, especially interior " "designers and fashion bloggers. Ippo puts your photos and lifestyle mood " "boards front and center." msgstr "" "Ippo adalah tema yang responsif dan ceria untuk semua blogger yang kreatif, " "terutama untuk desainer dan fashion. Ippo menempatkan foto dan gaya hidup di " "bagian depan dan tengah." msgctxt "Domain mapping suggestion button" msgid "Select" msgstr "Pilih" msgctxt "Domain mapping suggestion button with plan upgrade" msgid "Upgrade" msgstr "Upgrade" msgid "You have joined the WordAds program. Please review these settings:" msgstr "" "Anda telah bergabung dengan program WordAds. Harap tinjau pengaturan ini:" msgid "Selected start date is later than the end date" msgstr "Tanggal mulai yang dipilih lebih lama dari tanggal berakhir" msgid "" "Ahoy! Tortuga is a flexible and adventurous WordPress theme for your " "magazine, personal blog, or any news-related website. It supports a grid " "layout for posts, an optional sidebar, and a beautiful featured-post slider. " "Arrr!" msgstr "" "Tortuga adalah tema WordPress yang fleksibel dan berani untuk majalah bajak " "laut Anda atau situs bertemakan berita lainnya. Mendukung tiga tata letak " "yang berbeda, dua skema bilah sisi dan sebuah slider postingan fitur yang " "indah. Arrr!" msgid "We've set up your plugin, your site is powered up!" msgid_plural "We've set up your plugins, your site is powered up!" msgstr[0] "Kami telah menginstal plugin Anda, situs Anda aktif!" msgstr[1] "Kami telah menginstal plugin Anda, situs Anda aktif!" msgid "Get Jetpack Professional" msgstr "Dapatkan Jetpack Profesional" msgid "" "This theme has been inspired by \"Living on One Dollar\" documentary we " "watched one night. We were deeply touched and wanted to somehow contribute " "to the whole project. As theme developers we decided to develop a WordPress " "theme to help spread the word about it. Pena is modern, responsive and " "mobile friendly theme." msgstr "" "Tema ini terinspirasi dari film dokumenter \"Living on One Dollar\" yang " "kami tonton di suatu malam. Kami tersentuh dan ingin berkontribusi pada " "keseluruhan proyek. Sebagai pengembang tema kami memutuskan untuk " "mengembangkan tema WordPress yang dapat membantu menyebarkannya. Pena adalah " "tema yang modern, responsif dan ramah perangkat mobile." msgid "Get Jetpack Premium" msgstr "Dapatkan Jetpack Premium" msgid "Successfully installed & configured." msgstr "Berhasil diinstal & dikonfigurasi." msgid "We haven't finished installing your plugins." msgstr "Kami belum selesai menginstal plugin Anda." msgctxt "Jetpack Connect install plugin instructions, install button" msgid "Install Now" msgstr "Instal Sekarang" msgctxt "Jetpack Connect activate plugin instructions, activate link" msgid "Activate Plugin" msgstr "Aktifkan Plugin" msgctxt "Jetpack Connect activate plugin instructions, activate link" msgid "Activate" msgstr "Aktifkan" msgctxt "Jetpack Connect activate plugin instructions, plugin title" msgid "Jetpack by" msgstr "Jetpack oleh" msgid "Join WordAds" msgstr "Gabung dengan WordAds" msgid "Monetize Your Site" msgstr "Monetisasi Situs Anda" msgid "Testimonial Archive Featured Image" msgstr "Gambar Andalan Arsip Testimoni" msgid "Testimonial Archive Content" msgstr "Konten Arsip Testimoni" msgid "Testimonial Archive Title" msgstr "Judul Arsip Testimoni" msgid "Portfolio Archive Featured Image" msgstr "Gambar Andalan Arsip Portofolio" msgid "Portfolio Archive Content" msgstr "Konten Arsip Portofolio" msgid "Portfolio Archive Title" msgstr "Judul Arsip Portofolio" msgid "Your %1$d purchase for %2$s renew soon" msgid_plural "Your %1$d purchases for %2$s renew soon" msgstr[0] "" "Pembelian %1$d Anda untuk %2$s akan diperpanjang dalam waktu " "dekat" msgstr[1] "" "Pembelian %1$d Anda untuk %2$s akan diperpanjang dalam waktu " "dekat" msgid "The charge failed on your %1$s %2$s." msgstr "Tagihan gagal pada %1$s %2$s Anda." msgid "Click to continue." msgstr "Klik untuk melanjutkan." msgid "" "By logging in you agree to {{detailsLink}}share details{{/detailsLink}} " "between and %(siteName)s." msgstr "" "Dengan masuk, Anda menyetujui {{detailsLink}}detail berbagi{{/detailsLink}} " "antara dan %(siteName)s." msgid "" "When you approve logging in with, we will send the following " "details to your site." msgstr "" "Jika Anda setuju untuk masuk dengan, kami akan mengirimkan " "detail berikut ke situs Anda." msgctxt "Used in a button. Similar phrase would be, \"I understand\"." msgid "Got it" msgstr "Saya mengerti" msgid "Need Help?" msgstr "Butuh Bantuan?" msgid "Custom domain" msgstr "Domain khusus" msgid "Expand your reach." msgstr "Perluas jangkauan Anda" msgid "Manage pages" msgstr "Kelola halaman" msgid "Build your website." msgstr "Buat situs Anda." msgid "" "Welcome to, the most dynamic community of website creators, " "bloggers, and intrepid readers on the web. You’re all set to begin crafting " "the website of your dreams. Take a peek at our <a href=\"%s\">website setup " "checklist</a> for tips on getting started." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di, komunitas paling dinamis di web yang " "terdiri dari para pembuat situs web, blogger, dan pembaca yang suka " "tantangan. Anda sekarang sudah siap untuk menyusun situs impian Anda. Lihat " "<a href=\"%s\">daftar periksa penyiapan situs web</a> untuk mendapatkan kiat " "memulai." msgid "" "Welcome to, the most dynamic community of bloggers, website " "creators, and intrepid readers on the web. You’re all set to begin crafting " "the site of your dreams and sharing your voice on the web. Take a peek at " "our <a href=\"%s\">new user guides</a> for tips on getting started.</p>" msgstr "" "Selamat datang di, komunitas blogger, pencipta situs web, dan " "pembaca yang dinamis di internet. Semua tersedia bagi Anda untuk membuat " "situs impian dan membagikan suara Anda di internet. Coba lihat <a href=\"%s" "\">panduan pengguna baru</a> kami untuk tips bagaimana untuk memulai.</p>" msgid "Download the app" msgstr "Unduh aplikasinya" msgid "Recommended for you" msgstr "Disarankan untuk Anda" msgid "Meet the Reader." msgstr "Inilah Pembaca." msgid "" "Log in to your account with your username, <strong>%s</strong>, or your " "email address to find amazing content from writers around the world." msgstr "" "Login ke akun dengan nama pengguna Anda, <strong>%s</strong>, atau alamat " "email Anda untuk menemukan konten berkualitas dari penulis di seluruh dunia." msgid "" "Welcome to, the most dynamic community of bloggers, website " "creators, and intrepid readers on the web. Explore! Cozy up with a great new " "read while you get inspired to share <em>your</em> voice on the web." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di, komunitas paling dinamis di web yang " "terdiri dari para blogger, pembuat situs web, dan pembaca yang suka " "tantangan. Telusuri! Dapatkan kenyamanan dengan bacaan yang bagus saat Anda " "tertarik untuk membagikan <em>pendapat Anda</em> di web." msgid "" "Write and design with no other browser tabs to distract you. Switch easily " "between managing your WordPress sites and your favorite desktop apps." msgstr "" "Tulis dan desain tanpa ada gangguan tab browser lain. Beralih dengan mudah " "antara mengelola situs WordPress dan aplikasi desktop favorit Anda." msgid "Visit stats" msgstr "Lihat Statistik" msgid "Drive traffic to your site" msgstr "Tingkatkan kunjungan ke situs Anda" msgid "Go to Sharing settings" msgstr "Buka pengaturan Berbagi" msgid "Manage posts" msgstr "Kelola pos" msgid "" "Log in to your account with your username, <strong>%s</strong>, or your " "email address to manage your blog and to find amazing content from " "publishers around the world." msgstr "" "Login ke akun dengan nama pengguna Anda, <strong>%s</strong>, atau alamat " "email Anda untuk mengelola blog dan menemukan konten berkualitas dari " "penayang di seluruh dunia." msgid "" "Welcome to, the most dynamic community of bloggers, website " "creators, and intrepid readers on the web. You’re all set to begin crafting " "the blog of your dreams and sharing your voice on the web. Take a peek at " "our <a href=\"%s\">blog setup checklist</a> for tips on getting started." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di, komunitas paling dinamis di web yang " "terdiri dari para blogger, pembuat situs web, dan pembaca yang suka " "tantangan. Anda sudah siap untuk mulai membuat blog impian dan unjuk suara " "di web. Lihat <a href=\"%s\">daftar periksa blog</a> kami untuk mendapatkan " "kiat memulai." msgid "Log in to" msgstr "Login ke" msgid "" "Log in to your account with your username, <strong>%s</strong>, or your " "email address to manage your site and to find amazing content from " "publishers around the world." msgstr "" "Masuk ke akun dengan nama pengguna Anda, <strong>%s</strong>, atau alamat " "email Anda untuk mengelola situs dan menemukan konten berkualitas dari " "penayang di seluruh dunia." msgid "" "Welcome to, the most dynamic community of bloggers, website " "creators, and intrepid readers on the web. You’re all set to begin crafting " "the site of your dreams and sharing your voice on the web." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di, komunitas paling dinamis di web yang " "terdiri dari para blogger, pembuat situs web, dan pembaca yang suka " "tantangan. Anda sudah siap untuk mulai membuat situs impian dan unjuk suara " "di web." msgid "To stop receiving these emails from" msgstr "Untuk berhenti menerima email ini dari" msgid "Grow your site traffic" msgstr "Tingkatkan aktivitas situs Anda" msgid "Build your site" msgstr "Buat Situs Anda" msgid "Testimonials list" msgstr "Daftar testimonial" msgid "Testimonial list navigation" msgstr "Navigasi daftar testimoni" msgid "Filter Testimonials list" msgstr "Filter Daftar testimonial" msgid "Post not found" msgstr "Pos Tidak Ditemukan" msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize" msgid "Connection available to all administrators, editors, and authors" msgstr "Tersedia sambungan ke semua administrator, editor, dan penulis" msgid "There was an error while getting the update data for this site." msgstr "Ada kesalahan saat mengambil data pembaruan untuk situs ini." msgid "Only site owners can request WordAds activation." msgstr "Hanya pemilik situs yang bisa mengajukan aktivasi WordAds." msgctxt "User Field" msgid "Two-Step Authentication" msgstr "Autentikasi Dua-Langkah" msgid "" "Unlock the full potential of your site with all the features included in " "your plan." msgstr "Tampilkan seluruh potensi situs Anda dengan semua fitur yang tersedia." msgid "3:2" msgstr "3:2" msgid "4:3" msgstr "4:3" msgid "16:9" msgstr "16:9" msgid "Please wait…" msgstr "Harap tunggu…" msgid "Oops, something went wrong." msgstr "Maaf, terjadi kesalahan." msgid "Your %1$d purchase for %2$s renews soon." msgid_plural "Your %1$d purchases for %2$s renew soon." msgstr[0] "Pembelian %1$d Anda untuk %2$s segera diperpanjang." msgstr[1] "Pembelian %1$d Anda untuk %2$s segera diperpanjang." msgid "Your domain %s renews soon" msgstr "Domain Anda %s segera diperbarui" msgid "" "The domain mapping for %1$s, mapped to the site \"%2$s\", will renew " "automatically in %3$d day." msgid_plural "" "The domain mapping %1$s, mapped to the site \"%2$s\", will renew " "automatically in %3$d days." msgstr[0] "" "Domain mapping untuk %1$s, diarahkan ke situs \"%2$s\" akan diperpanjang " "secara otomatis dalam %3$d hari." msgstr[1] "" "Domain mapping untuk %1$s, diarahkan ke situs \"%2$s\" akan diperpanjang " "secara otomatis dalam %3$d hari." msgid "" "The domain %1$s on the site \"%2$s\" will renew automatically in %3$d day." msgid_plural "" "The domain %1$s on the site \"%2$s\" will renew automatically in %3$d days." msgstr[0] "" "Domain %1$s situs \"%2$s\" akan segera diperpanjang secara otomatis dalam " "waktu %3$d hari." msgstr[1] "" "Domain %1$s situs \"%2$s\" akan segera diperpanjang secara otomatis dalam " "waktu %3$d hari." msgid "Your domains for %s renew soon" msgstr "Domain Anda untuk %s akan diperpanjang dalam waktu dekat" msgid "" "The %1$s plan on your site \"%2$s\" will renew automatically in %3$d day." msgid_plural "" "The %1$s plan on your site \"%2$s\" will renew automatically in %3$d days." msgstr[0] "" "Paket %1$s di situs Anda \"%2$s\" akan diperbarui secara otomatis dalam " "waktu %3$d hari." msgstr[1] "" "Paket %1$s di situs Anda \"%2$s\" akan diperbarui secara otomatis dalam " "waktu %3$d hari." msgid "Your plan for %s renews soon" msgstr "Paket Anda untuk %s segera diperbarui" msgid "Happy WordPressing!" msgstr "Selamat ber-WordPress ria!" msgid "" "See all your purchases and manage them under <a href=\"%s\">your account</a>." msgstr "" "Lihat semua pembelian Anda dan kelola semuanya di bagian <a href=\"%s\">akun " "Anda</a>." msgctxt "post (post name) is visible on (site name)" msgid "Your scheduled post %1$s is now published on %2$s. Spread the word!" msgstr "" "Pos terjadwal Anda %1$s kini dipublikasikan di %2$s. Sebarkan kabar ini!" msgctxt "site name" msgid "Your scheduled post is now published on %1$s." msgstr "Pos yang dijadwalkan telah dipublikasikan di %1$s." msgid "Create an outstanding website" msgstr "Ciptakan situs yang luar biasa" msgid "Create a unique blog" msgstr "Membuat blog yang unik" msgid "The domain %1$s is already mapped to another site." msgstr "Domain %1$s sudah dipetakan ke situs lain." msgid "Browser notifications" msgstr "Notifikasi Browser" msgid "" "{{instructionsButton}}View Instructions to Enable{{/instructionsButton}}" msgstr "" "{{instructionsButton}}Lihat Instruksi untuk Mengaktifkan{{/" "instructionsButton}}" msgid "" "Your browser is currently set to block notifications from" msgstr "" "Browser Anda saat ini disetel untuk memblokir notifikasi dari" msgid "Click the lock icon in your address bar." msgstr "Klik ikon kunci di bar alamat." msgid "Enable browser notifications" msgstr "Aktifkan Notifikasi Browser" msgid "View the showcase" msgstr "Lihat pajangan" msgid "Check our theme showcase" msgstr "Lihat pajangan tema kami" msgid "Looking for great WordPress designs?" msgstr "Mencari desain WordPress yang luar biasa?" msgid "Try & Customize" msgstr "Coba & Sesuaikan" msgid "" "To use Single Sign-On, needs to be able to connect to your " "account on %(siteName)s." msgstr "" "Untuk menggunakan Single Sign-On, harus tersambung ke akun " "Anda pada %(siteName)s." msgid "" "Your site's appearance will revert to its previously selected theme and you " "will be refunded %(cost)s." msgstr "" "Tampilan situs Anda akan kembali ke tema yang dipilih sebelumnya dan Anda " "akan mendapatkan pengembalian dana %(cost)s." msgid "" "All plan features and custom changes will be removed from your site and you " "will be refunded %(cost)s." msgstr "" "Semua fitur paket dan perubahan khusus akan dihapus dari situs dan Anda akan " "mendapatkan pengembalian dana %(cost)s." msgid "Upgrade your plan to register a custom domain." msgstr "Tingkatkan paket Anda untuk mendaftarkan domain." msgid "{{span}}%(domain)s{{/span}} is available!" msgstr "{{span}}%(domain)s{{/span}} tersedia!" msgid "Invalid site verification tag." msgstr "Tag verifikasi situs tidak valid." msgid "Verification code should be copied and pasted into this field." msgstr "Kode verifikasi harus disalin dan ditempel ke bidang ini." msgid "Free domain available" msgstr "Domain gratis tersedia" msgctxt "" "Shown during a jetpack authorization process, while we retrieve the info we " "need to show the last page" msgid "Finishing up!" msgstr "Hampir selesai!" msgid "HTML tags are not allowed." msgstr "Tag HTML tidak diperbolehkan." msgid "Oh no! We can't install plugins on this site." msgstr "Oh tidak! Kami tidak bisa memasang plugin di situs ini." msgid "" "This page has been translated from %1$s. Read <a href=\"%2$s\" title=\"%3$s" "\">the original page</a>." msgstr "" "Halaman ini diterjemahkan dari %1$s. Baca <a href=\"%2$s\" title=\"%3$s" "\">halaman aslinya</a>." msgid "" "This post has been translated from %1$s. Read <a href=\"%2$s\" title=\"%3$s" "\">the original post</a>." msgstr "" "Postingan ini diterjemahkan dari %1$s. Baca <a href=\"%2$s\" title=\"%3$s" "\">postingan aslinya</a>." msgid "" "Sorry, you cannot view this resource without a valid token for this blog." msgstr "" "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat melihat sumber daya ini tanpa token yang valid untuk " "blog ini." msgid "Marketing" msgstr "Pemasaran" msgid "Oops, that's us." msgstr "Ups, kesalahan kami." msgid "Jetpack is currently disconnected." msgstr "Jetpack tidak tersambung." msgid "That's not a valid url." msgstr "URL tersebut tidak valid." msgid "Yandex" msgstr "Yandex" msgid "Bing" msgstr "Bing" msgid "Site verification services" msgstr "Layanan verifikasi situs" msgid "" "Your sitemap is automatically sent to all major search engines for indexing." msgstr "" "Peta situs Anda dikirim secara otomatis ke semua mesin pencari utama untuk " "dilakukan index." msgid "XML Sitemaps" msgstr "XML Sitemaps" msgid "Front Page Meta Description" msgstr "Deskripsi Meta Halaman Depan" msgid "View settings" msgstr "Lihat Pengaturan" msgid "Invalid site verification tag entered." msgstr "Tag verifikasi situs yang dimasukkan tidak valid." msgid "Read Single Sign-On Documentation" msgstr "Baca Dokumentasi Single Sign-On" msgid "" "Please click the {{em}}Log in with button{{/em}} on your " "Jetpack site." msgstr "" "Harap klik {{em}}tombol Masuk dengan{{/em}} di situs Jetpack " "Anda." msgid "Oops, this URL should not be accessed directly" msgstr "Ups, URL ini tidak boleh diakses secara langsung" msgid "No location or theme ID provided in the untappd-menu shortcode." msgstr "" "Tidak ada lokasi atau ID tema yang disediakan di kode singkat menu untappd." msgid "End Date…" msgstr "Tanggal Selesai…" msgid "Start Date…" msgstr "Tanggal Mulai…" msgid "Status…" msgstr "Status…" msgid "Author…" msgstr "Penulis…" msgid "Start Installation" msgstr "Mulai Pemasangan" msgid "Authorizing your connection" msgstr "Mangotorisasi koneksi Anda" msgid "Return to your site" msgstr "Kembali ke situs Anda" msgid "Thank you for flying with Jetpack" msgstr "Terima kasih telah menjelajah bersama Jetpack" msgid "Create your account" msgstr "Buat akun Anda" msgid "" "This site is already connected to a different user, you need " "to disconnect that user before you can connect another." msgstr "" "Situs ini telah tersambung dengan pengguna lain. Anda harus " "memutus sambungan pengguna tersebut agar dapat menyambungkan yang lainnya." msgid "" "You may receive another email regarding the renewal status of your upgrade. " "This confirms that this upgrade is set to auto-renew." msgstr "" "Anda mungkin menerima e-mail terkait status perpanjangan upgrade paket Anda. " "E-mail tersebut mengonfirmasi bahwa upgrade akan diperpanjang secara " "otomatis." msgctxt "User Field" msgid "External User ID" msgstr "ID Pengguna Eksternal" msgid "" "It is possible to import your blog content from a variety of other blogging " "platforms, including Blogger, LiveJournal, Movable Type, Tumblr, Typepad, " "Xanga, and more. You can also easily import your content from a self-hosted " "WordPress site." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengimpor konten blog dari berbagai platform blogging, termasuk " "Blogger, LiveJournal, Movable Type, Tumblr, Typepad, Xanga, dan lainnya. " "Anda juga dapat mengimpor konten dengan mudah dari situs WordPress yang Anda " "kelola sendiri." msgid "Can I import content from another service?" msgstr "Apakah saya dapat mengimpor konten dari layanan lain?" msgid "" "Premium themes are paid themes with exciting options for customization and " "exclusive support from theme authors themselves. Choose the Premium Plan or " "Business Plan for unlimited Premium Themes." msgstr "" "Tema Premium adalah tema berbayar dengan pilihan menarik untuk melakukan " "penyesuaian dan mendapatkan bantuan eksklusif dari pembuat tema langsung. " "Pilih Paket Premium atau Bisnis untuk mendapatkan Tema Premium tanpa batas." msgid "What is a premium theme?" msgstr "Apa yang dimaksud dengan tema premium?" msgid "" "Yes! You can sell individual items on your site using your PayPal account " "and a button directing your readers to the PayPal payment screen. We're " "working on fuller eCommerce features, stay tuned!" msgstr "" "Ya! Anda dapat menjual item individual di situs Anda dengan menggunakan akun " "PayPal dan tombol yang mengarahkan pembaca ke layar pembayaran PayPal. Kami " "segera meluncurkan fitur eCommerce yang lebih lengkap, jadi bersiaplah!" msgid "Will I be able to sell online?" msgstr "Apakah saya dapat berjualan online?" msgid "" "Absolutely. You can change your Blog Language, which is how your readers " "will experience your site and the Interface Language, which changes the " "admin tools language. The language your write on your website is up to you!" msgstr "" "Tentu saja. Anda dapat mengubah Bahasa Blog Anda, yang akan terlihat oleh " "pembaca situs web, dan Bahasa Antarmuka, yang mengubah bahasa perangkat " "administrator. Anda dapat memilih Bahasa apa pun untuk menulis di situs web " "Anda!" msgid "Can I create a website in another language?" msgstr "Apakah saya dapat membuat situs web dalam bahasa lain?" msgid "" "On, we provide e-mail forwarding, but if you’d rather have " "full email hosting, you can connect another provider to your custom domain." msgstr "" "Di, kami menyediakan penerusan email, tetapi jika Anda " "memerlukan hosting email yang lengkap, Anda dapat menghubungkan provider " "lain dengan domain khusus Anda." msgid "Can I get an email account?" msgstr "Apakah saya mendapatkan akun email?" msgid "" "Purchases made on can be canceled and refunded during the " "refund period. You can also unsubscribe at any time if you don’t want your " "subscription to renew." msgstr "" "Pembelian yang dilakukan di dapat dibatalkan dan dana " "dikembalikan selama periode pengembalian dana. Anda juga dapat berhenti " "berlangganan kapan pun jika Anda tidak ingin memperpanjang langganan." msgid "Can I cancel my plan?" msgstr "Apakah saya dapat membatalkan paket saya?" msgid "" "Plans and domains renew annually and we take care of everything. We charge " "your account one month before the end of the subscription period. If your " "payment information needs updating, we’ll let you know." msgstr "" "Paket dan domain diperpanjang setiap tahun. Kami akan menagihkan biaya " "perpanjangan satu bulan sebelum berakhirnya periode berlangganan. Jika " "detail pembayaran Anda memerlukan pembaruan, kami akan mengabarkan Anda." msgid "Does my plan auto-renew?" msgstr "Apakah paket saya diperpanjang otomatis?" msgid "" "You can pay for your brand new plan, add-ons, and domains in " "the Store checkout using any major credit card, debit card, or PayPal." msgstr "" "Anda dapat membayar paket, add-on, dan domain Anda dengan " "menggunakan kartu kredit dan kartu debit internasional, atau PayPal." msgid "How do I pay for my plan?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara saya membayar paket?" msgid "Pick the plan you need to do great things" msgstr "Pilih paket yang Anda perlukan untuk melakukan hal-hal hebat" msgid "Choose the platform that does more." msgstr "Pilih platform yang menghadirkan kinerja lebih baik." msgid "" "Keep your finger on the pulse with website statistics. Colorful charts and " "graphs help you understand what your readers like and how they found you." msgstr "" "Tetap aktif dengan statistik situs web. Bagan dan grafik warna-warni " "membantu Anda memahami apa yang disukai oleh pembaca Anda dan bagaimana " "mereka menemukan Anda." msgid "" "With our responsive themes and mobile and desktop apps, you’ll enjoy a " "seamless experience on any device and so will your website visitors." msgstr "" "Dengan tema kami yang responsif, serta aplikasi seluler dan desktop kami, " "Anda akan merasakan pengalaman tanpa kendala pada berbagai perangkat, begitu " "pula dengan pengunjung situs web Anda." msgid "" "Our Happiness Engineers work night and day through live chat, email, support " "pages, videos, and forums to answer any questions you have." msgstr "" "Happiness Engineer kami bekerja siang dan malam untuk menjawab pertanyaan " "Anda melalui live chat, email, laman bantuan, video, dan forum." msgid "" "Enjoy website design, domain registration, hassle-free automatic software " "updates, and secure hosting on servers spread across multiple data centers." msgstr "" "Nikmati desain situs web, registrasi domain, pembaruan perangkat lunak " "otomatis yang mudah, dan hosting yang aman di server yang tersebar di " "beberapa pusat data." msgid "All-in-one hosting" msgstr "Hosting lengkap" msgid "" " has built-in SEO, social media integration, and sharing " "features. Plug into our high-traffic network and reach new customers." msgstr "" " memiliki SEO dan media sosial terintegrasi, serta fitur " "berbagi. Manfaatkan jaringan kami yang aktif dan jangkau pembaca baru." msgid "Optimized for growth" msgstr "Dirancang untuk berkembang" msgid "" "Start with a modern site design and customize it with your branding, " "content, and features. All Premium and Business websites include custom CSS." msgstr "" "Mulai dengan desain situs modern dan sesuaikan dengan branding, konten, dan " "fitur Anda. Semua situs web Premium dan Bisnis mencakup CSS khusus." msgid "Designed for success" msgstr "Dirancang untuk sukses" msgid "Choose the platform that does more" msgstr "Pilih platform yang menghadirkan kinerja lebih baik" msgid "Every feature you need to create a powerful website" msgstr "Semua fitur yang Anda butuhkan untuk membuat situs web yang andal" msgid "Create a website that's a work of art." msgstr "Buat situs web yang selaras." msgid "Your creativity, everywhere." msgstr "Kreativitas Anda, di mana pun berada." msgid "Create a powerful website for your brand." msgstr "Buat situs web yang tangguh untuk merek Anda." msgid "Your expertise, everywhere." msgstr "Keahlian Anda, di mana pun berada." msgid "Create a website that works as hard as you do." msgstr "Buat situs web yang tangguh seperti halnya Anda." msgid "Your business, everywhere." msgstr "Bisnis Anda, di mana pun berada." msgid "<span>Start</span> Business" msgstr "<span>Mulai </span>Bisnis" msgid "<span>Start</span> Premium" msgstr "<span>Mulai</span> Premium" msgid "" "Have more questions? Find your answers in our <a class=\"cta\" target=" "\"_blank\" id=\"faq_support_link\" href=\"%1$s\">support site</a>." msgstr "" "Punya pertanyaan lainnya? Temukan jawaban di <a class=\"cta\" target=\"_blank" "\" id=\"faq_support_link\" href=\"%1$s\">situs bantuan kami</a>." msgid "You have unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to close?" msgstr "Anda membatalkan penyimpanan perubahan. Anda yakin ingin menutup?" msgid "Flip" msgstr "Balik" msgid "Rotate" msgstr "Putar" msgid " Done " msgstr " Selesai " msgid "Setting up your %(plan)s Plan" msgstr "Menyiapkan Paket %(plan)s Anda" msgid "We need to install a few plugins for you. It won't take long!" msgstr "Kami perlu menginstal beberapa plugin. Tidak butuh waktu lama!" msgid "Working…" msgstr "Berjalan…" msgid "Almost done" msgstr "Hampir selesai" msgid "An error occured." msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan." msgid "An error occurred when configuring %(plugin)s." msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat mengonfigurasi %(plugin)s." msgid "An error occurred when activating %(plugin)s." msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat mengaktifkan %(plugin)s." msgid "An error occurred when installing %(plugin)s." msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat memasang %(plugin)s." msgid "Waiting to install" msgstr "Menunggu diinstal" msgid "Return to %(siteName)s" msgstr "Kembali ke %(siteName)s" msgid "Log in as {{strong}}%s{{/strong}}" msgstr "Masuk sebagai {{strong}}%s{{/strong}}" msgid "This charge will appear on your statement as WPCHRG.COM." msgstr "Penagihan akan muncul pada laporan mutasi Anda sebagai WPCHRG.COM." msgid "%s Renewal Problem" msgstr "%s Masalah Perpanjangan Langganan" msgid "Daily Prompt: " msgstr "Pertanyaan Harian: " msgid "This domain is already mapped to a site." msgstr "Domain ini telah dipetakan ke situs" msgid "" "Subdomains starting with 'www.' cannot be mapped to a blog" msgstr "" "Subdomain yang dimulai dengan 'www.' tidak dapat dipetakan ke blog WordPress." "com" msgid "" "Domain cannot be mapped to a blog because of disallowed term." msgstr "" "Domain tidak dapat dipetakan ke blog karena mengandung istilah " "yang dilarang." msgid "The last 5 characters of “%s” must not be a dot." msgstr "5 karakter terakhir dari “%s” tidak boleh titik." msgid "Need extra help?" msgstr "Butuh bantuan lebih?" msgid "Recommended Posts" msgstr "Pos yang Disarankan" msgid "hide %(numOfReplies)d reply" msgid_plural "hide %(numOfReplies)d replies" msgstr[0] "sembunyikan %(numOfReplies)d balasan" msgstr[1] "sembunyikan %(numOfReplies)d balasan" msgid "show %(numOfReplies)d reply" msgid_plural "show %(numOfReplies)d replies" msgstr[0] "perlihatkan %(numOfReplies)d balasan" msgstr[1] "tampilkan %(numOfReplies)d balasan" msgid "Load more comments (Showing %(shown)d of %(total)d)" msgstr "Muat lebih banyak komentar (Menampilkan %(shown)d dari %(total)d)" msgid "This email address is invalid" msgstr "Alamat email ini tidak valid" msgid "You must be logged in to use SSO." msgstr "Anda harus login untuk menggunakan SSO." msgid "Returning to your site" msgstr "Mengembalikan ke situs Anda" msgid "Oops, that took a while. You'll have to try again." msgstr "Ups, perlu beberapa saat. Anda harus mencoba lagi." msgid "Add a payment method" msgstr "Tambahkan metode pembayaran" msgid "" "You bet! You can change themes as often as you want. When you change themes, " "all of your content stays with you but may have to reconfigure your custom " "menus and widgets. Premium themes are purchased individually, but if you " "like switching themes often or want unlimited access to the newest premium " "theme offerings, you might like the Business upgrade." msgstr "" "Tentu! Anda dapat mengubah tema sesering yang Anda inginkan. Saat Anda " "mengubah tema, semua konten tidak hilang tetapi Anda harus mengonfigurasi " "ulang menu dan widget khusus Anda. Tema Premium dibeli secara terpisah, " "tetapi jika Anda sering mengganti tema atau menginginkan akses tanpa batas " "ke penawaran tema premium terbaru, Anda mungkin perlu melakukan upgrade ke " "paket Bisnis." msgid "Blueprint" msgstr "Blueprint" msgctxt "Toolbar" msgid "Log In" msgstr "Masuk" msgctxt "Toolbar" msgid "Sign Up" msgstr "Mendaftar" msgid "Cancelling" msgstr "Membatalkan" msgid "Prevent ads from showing on your site." msgstr "Kelola agar iklan tidak terlihat di situs Anda." msgid "Activate Jetpack" msgstr "Aktifkan Jetpack" msgid "2. Connect Jetpack" msgstr "2. Menyambungkan Jetpack" msgid "1. Activate Jetpack" msgstr "1. Aktifkan Jetpack" msgid "3. Connect Jetpack" msgstr "3. Menyambungkan Jetpack" msgid "2. Activate Jetpack" msgstr "2. Aktifkan Jetpack" msgid "1. Install Jetpack" msgstr "1. Memasang Jetpack" msgid "Ready for installation" msgstr "Siap memasang" msgid "You must update Jetpack before connecting." msgstr "Anda harus memperbarui Jetpack sebelum menyambungkan." msgid "Email and live chat support" msgstr "Bantuan email dan live chat" msgid "Included in Premium" msgstr "Disertakan dalam Premium" msgid "" "Shoreditch is a functional and responsive theme perfect for your business’s " "online presence. Although its main purpose is business, Shoreditch looks " "great as a personal blog theme too." msgstr "" "Shoreditch adalah tema fungsional dan responsif yang sempurna untuk " "kehadiran bisnis online Anda. Walaupun tujuan utamanya adalah bisnis, " "Shoreditch juga cocok untuk tema blog personal." msgid "Claim" msgstr "Klaim" msgid "Learn More about Pro" msgstr "Pelajari selengkapnya tentang Pro" msgid "Imported" msgstr "Pengimpor" msgid "Backup" msgstr "Backup" msgid "Security Scanning" msgstr "Pemindaian Keamanan" msgid "Essential SEO" msgstr "Perangkat SEO" msgid "Sorry, we couldn't find that list." msgstr "Maaf, kami tidak dapat menemukan daftar itu." msgid "Back to Followed Sites" msgstr "Kembali ke Situs yang Diikuti" msgid "The file does not appear to be a valid export file." msgstr "Berkas ekspor sepertinya tidak valid." msgid "month, billed yearly" msgstr "bulan, penagihan tahunan" msgid ", billed yearly" msgstr ", penagihan tahunan" msgctxt "dashboard" msgid "%1$s %2$s" msgstr "%1$s %2$s" msgid "Restore this comment from the spam" msgstr "Kembalikan komentar ini dari spam" msgid "Your session has expired. Please log in to continue where you left off." msgstr "" "Sesi Anda telah berakhir. Silakan login untuk melanjutkan sesi sebelumnya." msgctxt "user dropdown" msgid "%1$s (%2$s)" msgstr "%1$s (%2$s)" msgid "" "<strong>Error:</strong> The password you entered for the email address %s is " "incorrect." msgstr "" "<strong>GALAT</strong>: Password yang Anda masukkan untuk alamat email %s " "keliru." msgid "<strong>Error:</strong> The email field is empty." msgstr "<strong>GALAT</strong>: Kolom email kosong." msgid "Unregistering a built-in taxonomy is not allowed." msgstr "Tak diizinkan menghapus taksonomi bawaan." msgid "(Untitled)" msgstr "(Tanpa judul)" msgid "Link inserted." msgstr "Tautan tersisipkan." msgid "Link selected." msgstr "Tautan terpilih." msgid "No search results." msgstr "Tak ada hasil pencarian." msgctxt "post password form" msgid "Enter" msgstr "Masukkan" msgid "Unregistering a built-in post type is not allowed" msgstr "Tak diizinkan menghapus tipe pos bawaan." msgctxt "post status" msgid "Trash" msgstr "Terhapus" msgctxt "post status" msgid "Draft" msgstr "Draf" msgctxt "post status" msgid "Scheduled" msgstr "Terjadwal" msgctxt "post status" msgid "Published" msgstr "Telah terbit" msgid "" "<strong>Error:</strong> Invalid username, email address or incorrect " "password." msgstr "" "<strong>GALAT</strong>: Nama pengguna atau alamat email tidak valid, atau " "password keliru." msgid "" "The constant %1$s <strong>is deprecated</strong>. Use the boolean constant " "%2$s in %3$s to enable a subdomain configuration. Use %4$s to check whether " "a subdomain configuration is enabled." msgstr "" "Konstanta %1$s <strong>telah usang</strong>. Pergunakan konstanta boolean " "%2$s dalam %3$s untuk mengaktifkan konfigurasi subdomain. Pergunakan %4$s " "untuk memeriksa apakah konfigurasi subdomain diaktifkan." msgid "%1$s %2$s %3$s %4$s Feed" msgstr "Feed %1$s %2$s %3$s %4$s" msgid "html_lang_attribute" msgstr "id-ID" msgid "Close dialog" msgstr "Tutup dialog" msgid "" "The called constructor method for %1$s class in %2$s is <strong>deprecated</" "strong> since version %3$s! Use %4$s instead." msgstr "" "Metode constructor yang ditulis untuk %1$s di %2$s sudah <strong>usang</" "strong> sejak versi %3$s! Sebagai gantinya, gunakan %4$s." msgid "“%1$s” — %2$s" msgstr "“%1$s” — %2$s" msgid "%s is forbidden" msgstr "%s dilarang" msgid "<strong>Error:</strong> Your comment is too long." msgstr "<strong>GALAT</strong>: komentar Anda terlalu panjang." msgid "<strong>Error:</strong> Your URL is too long." msgstr "<strong>GALAT</strong>: url Anda terlalu panjang." msgid "<strong>Error:</strong> Your email address is too long." msgstr "<strong>GALAT</strong>: alamat email Anda terlalu panjang." msgid "<strong>Error:</strong> Your name is too long." msgstr "<strong>GALAT</strong>: nama Anda terlalu panjang." msgctxt "comment status" msgid "Trash" msgstr "Dibuang" msgid "" "Template is missing. Standalone themes need to have a %1$s or %2$s template " "file. <a href=\"%3$s\">Child themes</a> need to have a %4$s header in the " "%5$s stylesheet." msgstr "" "Template hilang. Tema harus memiliki berkas template %1$s atau %2$s. <a href=" "\"%3$s\">Tema turunan</a> harus mempunyai header %4$s di stylesheet %5$s." msgid "Invalid object type." msgstr "Tipe object tidak sah" msgid "%s is required to strip image meta." msgstr "%s dibutuhkan untuk menghapus meta gambar." msgid "" "The next group of formatting shortcuts are applied as you type or when you " "insert them around plain text in the same paragraph. Press Escape or the " "Undo button to undo." msgstr "" "Rumpun pintasan pemformatan berikutnya akan diterapkan saat Anda " "menyisipkannya di antara teks dalam sebuah paragraf. Klik Escape atau tombol " "Undo untuk membatalkan." msgid "Link options" msgstr "Opsi tautan" msgid "Paste URL or type to search" msgstr "Tempelkan URL atau ketik untuk mencari" msgid "No logo selected" msgstr "Tidak ada logo yang dipilih" msgid "Select logo" msgstr "Pilih logo" msgid "Enter mobile preview mode" msgstr "Masuki mode pratinjau seluler" msgid "Enter tablet preview mode" msgstr "Masuki mode pratinjau tablet" msgid "Enter desktop preview mode" msgstr "Masuki mode pratinjau desktop" msgid "" "Removing %1$s manually will cause PHP warnings. Use the %2$s filter instead." msgstr "" "Menghapus %1$s secara manual akan memicu peringatan PHP. Pergunakan %2$s " "saja." msgid "Shift-click to edit this element." msgstr "Tekan Shift-klik untuk menyunting elemen ini." msgid "Comment Submission Failure" msgstr "Kegagalan Pengiriman Komentar" msgid "Error while saving the new email address. Please try again." msgstr "Galat saat menyimpan alamat email baru. Silakan coba lagi." msgid "Error saving media file." msgstr "Galat menyimpan file media." msgid "%s media file restored from the Trash." msgid_plural "%s media files restored from the Trash." msgstr[0] "%s file media dikembalikan dari bak sampah." msgstr[1] "%s file media dikembalikan dari bak sampah." msgid "%s media file moved to the Trash." msgid_plural "%s media files moved to the Trash." msgstr[0] "%s file media dipindahkan ke bak sampah." msgstr[1] "%s file media dipindahkan ke bak sampah." msgid "%s media file permanently deleted." msgid_plural "%s media files permanently deleted." msgstr[0] "%s file media terhapus selamanya." msgstr[1] "%s file media terhapus selamanya." msgid "%s media file detached." msgid_plural "%s media files detached." msgstr[0] "%s file media dilepas dari lampiran." msgstr[1] "%s file media dilepas dari lampiran." msgid "Media file detached." msgstr "File media dilepas dari lampiran." msgid "%s media file attached." msgid_plural "%s media files attached." msgstr[0] "%s file media terlampirkan." msgstr[1] "%s file media terlampirkan." msgid "Media file attached." msgstr "File media terlampirkan." msgid "" "You can narrow the list by file type/status or by date using the dropdown " "menus above the media table." msgstr "" "Anda bisa mengerucutkan daftar berdasarkan tipe/status file atau berdasarkan " "tanggal menggunakan menu dropdown di atas tabel media." msgid "The following themes are installed but incomplete." msgstr "Tema-tema berikut ini terinstal namun tak lengkap." msgid "New theme activated." msgstr "Tema baru teraktifkan." msgid "Settings saved and theme activated." msgstr "Pengaturan tersimpan dan tema teraktivasi." msgid "There is a pending change of the admin email to %s." msgstr "Perubahan email admin ke %s tertunda." msgid "Dismiss the welcome panel" msgstr "Tutup panel selamat datang" msgid "View %1$s version %2$s details" msgstr "Lihat rincian %1$s versi %2$s" msgctxt "post status" msgid "Pending" msgstr "Tertunda" msgid "Attach to existing content" msgstr "Lampirkan ke konten yang ada" msgid "Click the image to edit or update" msgstr "Klik gambar untuk menyunting atau memperbarui" msgid "" "Custom fields can be used to add extra metadata to a post that you can <a " "href=\"%s\">use in your theme</a>." msgstr "" "Custom fields bisa dimanfaatkan untuk menambahkan metadata ekstra ke dalam " "pos yang bisa Anda <a href=\"%s\">pakai di dalam tema</a>." msgid "" "Trackbacks are a way to notify legacy blog systems that you’ve linked " "to them. If you link other WordPress sites, they’ll be notified " "automatically using <a href=\"%s\">pingbacks</a>, no other action necessary." msgstr "" "Lacakbalik adalah cara untuk memberitahukan sistem blog lawas saat Anda " "menautkan ke mereka. Jika Anda menautkan ke situs WordPress lain, situs tsb " "akan diberitahukan secara otomatis dengan <a href=\"%s\">pingbalik</a>, tak " "perlu upaya lain lagi." msgid "" "Excerpts are optional hand-crafted summaries of your content that can be " "used in your theme. <a href=\"%s\">Learn more about manual excerpts</a>." msgstr "" "Ringkasan adalah tulisan ringkas buatan tangan opsional dari konten yang " "bisa Anda gunakan dalam tema. <a href=\"%s\">Pelajari mengenai ringkasan " "manual</a>." msgid "Thumbnail Settings Help" msgstr "Bantuan Pengaturan Thumbnail" msgid "selection height" msgstr "tinggi seleksi" msgid "selection width" msgstr "lebar seleksi" msgid "crop ratio height" msgstr "tinggi rasio pemangkasan" msgid "crop ratio width" msgstr "lebar rasio pemangkasan" msgid "Image Crop Help" msgstr "Bantuan Pemangkasan Gambar" msgid "scale height" msgstr "tinggi skala" msgid "New dimensions:" msgstr "Dimensi baru:" msgid "Scale Image Help" msgstr "Bantuan Menskala Gambar" msgid "Dismiss the browser warning panel" msgstr "Tutup panel peringatan browser" msgid "View more comments" msgstr "Lihat komentar lainnya" msgctxt "dashboard" msgid "%1$s on %2$s %3$s" msgstr "%1$s pada %2$s %3$s" msgid "From %1$s %2$s" msgstr "Dari %1$s %2$s" msgid "View “%s” archive" msgstr "Tampilkan arsip “%s”" msgid "Delete “%s”" msgstr "Hapus “%s”" msgid "Quick edit “%s” inline" msgstr "Edit cepat “%s”" msgid "Deleted %s" msgstr "%s dihapus" msgid "Disable %s" msgstr "Nonaktifkan %s" msgid "Network Enable %s" msgstr "Aktifkan Jaringan %s" msgid "Enable %s" msgstr "Aktifkan %s" msgid "Restore “%s” from the Trash" msgstr "Kembalikan “%s” dari Tong Sampah" msgid "Delete “%s” permanently" msgstr "Hapus “%s” selamanya" msgid "Move “%s” to the Trash" msgstr "Pindahkan “%s” ke Tong Sampah" msgid "Attach “%s” to existing content" msgstr "Lampirkan “%s” ke konten yang telah ada" msgid "“%s” (Edit)" msgstr "“%s” (Edit)" msgid "No media files found." msgstr "File media tak ditemukan." msgctxt "attachment filter" msgid "Trash" msgstr "Tong Sampah" msgid "Quick edit this comment inline" msgstr "Edit cepat komentar ini" msgid "Edit this comment" msgstr "Edit komentar ini" msgid "Delete this comment permanently" msgstr "Hapus komentar ini selamanya" msgid "Edit menu item" msgstr "Edit item menu" msgctxt "user autocomplete result" msgid "%1$s (%2$s)" msgstr "%1$s (%2$s)" msgid "The %s importer is invalid or is not installed." msgstr "Pengimpor %s tidak sah atau tidak terinstal." msgctxt "comment status" msgid "Spam" msgstr "Spam" msgctxt "comment status" msgid "Pending" msgstr "Menunggu Persetujuan" msgctxt "comment status" msgid "Approved" msgstr "Disetujui" msgid "" "<strong>Publish</strong> — You can set the terms of publishing your " "post in the Publish box. For Status, Visibility, and Publish (immediately), " "click on the Edit link to reveal more options. Visibility includes options " "for password-protecting a post or making it stay at the top of your blog " "indefinitely (sticky). The Password protected option allows you to set an " "arbitrary password for each post. The Private option hides the post from " "everyone except editors and administrators. Publish (immediately) allows you " "to set a future or past date and time, so you can schedule a post to be " "published in the future or backdate a post." msgstr "" "<strong>Terbitkan</strong> — Anda bisa mengatur metode penerbitan pos " "di boks Terbitkan. Untuk Status, Kenampakan, dan Terbitkan (langsung), klik " "tautan Edit untuk menampilkan lebih banyak opsi. Kenampakan meliputi opsi " "untuk melindungi pos dengan sandi atau membuatnya tetap tertempel di bagian " "atas blog Anda. Opsi perlindungan sandi memampukan Anda menentukan sandi " "untuk masing-masing pos. Opsi Privat menyembunyikan pos dari semua orang " "kecuali para editor dan administrator. Terbitkan (langsung) memampukan Anda " "menentukan tanggal mendatang atau lampau, sehingga Anda bisa menjadwalkan " "pos untuk diterbitkan di waktu mendatang atau waktu lampau." msgid "" "The Text mode allows you to enter HTML along with your post text. Note that " "<p> and <br> tags are converted to line breaks when switching to " "the Text editor to make it less cluttered. When you type, a single line " "break can be used instead of typing <br>, and two line breaks instead " "of paragraph tags. The line breaks are converted back to tags automatically." msgstr "" "Mode Teks memampukan Anda mengetikkan HTML dalam teks pos Anda. Ingatlah " "bahwa tag <p> dan <br> dikonversi ke spasi baris baru saat " "beralih ke editor Teks untuk membuatnya lebih rapi. Saat Anda mengetik, satu " "spasi baris bisa digunakan untuk menggantikan <br> dan dua spasi baris " "untuk tag paragraf. Spasi baris akan dikonversi ulang ke tag secara otomatis." msgid "" "Visual mode gives you an editor that is similar to a word processor. Click " "the Toolbar Toggle button to get a second row of controls." msgstr "" "Mode visual menyajikan editor yang mirip dengan pengolah kata. Klik tombol " "Toolbar Toggle untuk menampilkan baris kendali kedua." msgid "Media file updated." msgstr "File media terbarukan." msgid "Suggested height is %s." msgstr "Tinggi yang disarankan %s." msgid "Suggested width is %s." msgstr "Lebar yang disarankan %s." msgid "Images should be at least %s tall." msgstr "Tinggi gambar setidaknya harus %s." msgid "Images should be at least %s wide." msgstr "Lebar gambar setidaknya harus %s." msgctxt "recipe" msgid "Directions" msgstr "Arahan" msgctxt "recipe" msgid "Ingredients" msgstr "Bahan" msgid "View Support Interaction" msgstr "Lihat Interaksi Dukungan" msgid "You have feedback" msgstr "Anda memiliki masukan" msgid "%s has given you feedback" msgstr "%s telah memberi Anda masukan" msgid "Save settings" msgstr "Simpan pengaturan" msgid "" "\n" "We recently helped you out with your support request. Once you're done " "working together, we'd appreciate it if you sent us your rating of the " "experience -- your feedback helps us improve our support." msgstr "" "\n" "Kami baru saja membantu Anda soal permintaan dukungan Anda. Setelah Anda " "selesai bekerja sama, kami sangat menghargai jika Anda mengirimi kami " "peringkat pengalaman Anda -- masukan Anda membantu kami meningkatkan " "dukungan kami." msgid "Rate your support experience" msgstr "Beri peringkat pengalaman dukungan Anda" msgid "Note: Support is only available in English at the moment." msgstr "Catatan: Saat ini bantuan hanya tersedia dalam bahasa Inggris." msgid "View site in Reader" msgstr "Lihat situs dalam Pembaca" msgid "Let’s do it!" msgstr "Ayo lakukan!" msgid "Search all receipts…" msgstr "Cari semua tanda terima…" msgid "Go to site" msgstr "Buka situs" msgid "No posts found for {{query /}} for your language." msgstr "Tidak ditemukan pos untuk {{query /}} untuk bahasa Anda." msgid "Tagalog" msgstr "Tagalog" msgid "Slovenian" msgstr "Slovenian" msgid "Korean" msgstr "Korean" msgid "French (Canada)" msgstr "Prancis (Kanada)" msgid "Image uploading…" msgstr "Mengunggah gambar…" msgid "" "You have exceeded the login limit, you can try again in %d minutes. Trying " "again before that will only increase the time you have to wait before the " "ban is lifted." msgstr "" "Anda telah melebihi batas login, coba lagi dalam %d menit. Mencoba lagi " "sebelum waktu yang ditentukan hanya akan menambah waktu untuk menunggu " "sebelum pemblokiran dihapus." msgid "Add Google Analytics" msgstr "Tambahkan Google Analytics" msgid "Click to share on WhatsApp" msgstr "Klik untuk berbagi di WhatsApp" msgctxt "share to" msgid "WhatsApp" msgstr "WhatsApp" msgid "WhatsApp" msgstr "WhatsApp" msgid "See Plans" msgstr "Lihat Paket" msgctxt "Media upgrade promo" msgid "To upload audio and video files to your site, upgrade your plan." msgstr "" "Untuk mengunggah file audio dan video ke situs Anda, upgrade paket Anda." msgctxt "Media upgrade promo" msgid "To upload audio files to your site, upgrade your plan." msgstr "Untuk mengunggah file audio ke situs Anda, upgrade paket Anda." msgctxt "Media upgrade promo" msgid "To upload video files to your site, upgrade your plan." msgstr "Untuk mengunggah berkas video ke situs Anda, lakukan upgrade paket." msgctxt "Media upload plan needed" msgid "Upload Media" msgstr "Unggah Media" msgctxt "Media upload plan needed" msgid "Upload Audio" msgstr "Unggah Audio" msgctxt "Media upload plan needed" msgid "Upload Videos" msgstr "Unggah Video" msgid "by %(author)s" msgstr "oleh %(author)s" msgid "%(themeName)s Theme" msgstr "%(themeName)s Tema" msgid "Click to share on Telegram" msgstr "Klik untuk berbagi di Telegram" msgctxt "share to" msgid "Telegram" msgstr "Telegram" msgid "Telegram" msgstr "Telegram" msgid "No thanks." msgstr "Tidak, terima kasih" msgid "Email & Live Chat" msgstr "Email & Obrolan Langsung" msgid "Cancel subscription" msgstr "Batalkan langganan" msgid "" "Since domain cancellation can cause your site to stop working, we’d like to " "make sure we help you take the right action. Please select the best option " "below." msgstr "" "Karena pembatalan domain dapat menyebabkan situs Anda berhenti berfungsi, " "kami ingin memastikan membantu Anda dalam mengambil tindakan tepat. Harap " "pilih opsi terbaik di bawah ini." msgid "Canceling %(domain)s" msgstr "Membatalkan %(domain)s" msgid "" "If you misspelled the domain name you were attempting to purchase, it’s " "likely that others will as well, and you might want to consider keeping the " "misspelled domain." msgstr "" "Jika Anda salah mengeja nama domain yang coba Anda beli, orang lain akan " "menyesuaikan, dan Anda sebaiknya pertimbangkan mempertahankan domain salah " "eja itu." msgid "%(purchaseName)s was successfully cancelled and refunded." msgstr "%(purchaseName)s berhasil dibatalkan dan dikembalikan dananya." msgid "" "Unable to cancel your purchase. Please try again later or contact support." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat membatalkan pembelian Anda. Harap coba lagi nanti atau hubungi " "dukungan." msgid "You successfully canceled your purchase" msgstr "Anda berhasil membatalkan pembelian Anda" msgid "No user exists with that email." msgstr "Tidak ada pengguna dengan email tersebut." msgid "Subscription expired on" msgstr "Langganan kedaluwarsa pada" msgid "Domain expired on" msgstr "Domain kedaluwarsa pada" msgid "Subscription expires on" msgstr "Tanggal Kedaluwarsa" msgid "Domain expires on" msgstr "Domain kedaluwarsa pada" msgid "" "When you cancel your subscription, you'll be able to use %(productName)s " "until your subscription expires. Once it expires, it will be automatically " "removed from your site." msgstr "" "Saat membatalkan langganan, Anda akan dapat menggunakan %(productName)s " "hingga langganan Anda kedaluwarsa. Setelah kedaluwarsa, itu akan otomatis " "dihapus dari situs Anda." msgid "" "When you cancel your domain, it will remain registered and active until the " "registration expires, at which point it will be automatically removed from " "your site." msgstr "" "Saat Anda membatalkan domain Anda, itu akan tetap terdaftar dan aktif hingga " "registrasi kedaluwarsa, yang lantas akan otomatis dihapus dari situs Anda." msgid "" "When you cancel this purchase within %(refundPeriodInDays)d days of " "purchasing, you'll receive a refund and it will be removed from your site " "immediately." msgstr "" "Saat Anda membatalkan pembelian ini dalam waktu %(refundPeriodInDays)d hari " "sejak pembelian, Anda akan menerima pengembalian dana dan itu akan segera " "dihapus dari situs Anda." msgid "" "When you cancel your subscription within %(refundPeriodInDays)d days of " "purchasing, you'll receive a refund and it will be removed from your site " "immediately." msgstr "" "Saat Anda membatalkan langganan Anda dalam waktu %(refundPeriodInDays)d hari " "sejak pembelian, Anda akan menerima pengembalian dana dan itu akan segera " "dihapus dari situs Anda." msgid "" "When you cancel your domain within %(refundPeriodInDays)d days of " "purchasing, you'll receive a refund and it will be removed from your site " "immediately." msgstr "" "Saat Anda membatalkan domain Anda dalam waktu %(refundPeriodInDays)d hari " "sejak pembelian, Anda akan menerima pengembalian dana dan itu akan segera " "dihapus dari situs Anda." msgctxt "refundText is of the form \"[currency-symbol][amount]\" i.e. \"$20\"" msgid "%(refundText)s to be refunded" msgstr "%(refundText)s akan dikembalikan dana" msgctxt "Hint for the 'Handled by' field of a MX record" msgid "" "Please use a domain name here (e.g. %(domain)s) - an IP address (e.g. " "%(ipAddress)s) will {{strong}}not{{/strong}} work." msgstr "" "Gunakan nama domain di sini (mis. %(domain)s) - alamat IP (mis. " "%(ipAddress)s) {{strong}}tidak{{/strong}} akan berfungsi." msgid "Upgrade Plan" msgstr "Upgrade Paket" msgid "" "%(occurrences)d file could not be uploaded because you have reached your " "plan storage limit." msgid_plural "" "%(occurrences)d files could not be uploaded because you have reached your " "plan storage limit." msgstr[0] "" "%(occurrences)d file tidak dapat diunggah karena Anda telah mencapai batas " "penyimpanan paket Anda." msgstr[1] "" "%(occurrences)d file tidak dapat diunggah karena Anda telah mencapai batas " "penyimpanan paket Anda." msgid "" "%(occurrences)d file could not be uploaded because there is not enough space " "left." msgid_plural "" "%(occurrences)d files could not be uploaded because there is not enough " "space left." msgstr[0] "" "%(occurrences)d file tidak bisa diunggah karena ruang yang tersisa tidak " "cukup." msgstr[1] "" "%(occurrences)d file tidak bisa diunggah karena ruang yang tersisa tidak " "cukup." msgid "" "For extra security, the link above will expire in one hour and can only be " "used one time." msgstr "" "Untuk menjaga keamanan, tautan di atas hanya dapat digunakan satu kali dalam " "waktu satu jam. " msgid "" "Howdy! Here is the link you requested from the Jetpack mobile app. It will " "let you sign up to your account with just one tap. Enjoy!" msgstr "" "Apa kabar! Berikut tautan yang Anda minta dari aplikasi seluler Jetpack. " "Anda dapat mendaftar akun hanya dengan sekali ketuk. Selamat menikmati!" msgid "Fix now" msgstr "Perbaiki sekarang" msgid "Something went wrong and we couldn't change your primary domain." msgstr "Terdapat kesalahan dan kami tidak dapat mengubah Domain Utama Anda." msgid "" "Primary domain changed: all domains will redirect to {{em}}%(domainName)s{{/" "em}}." msgstr "" "Domain Utama diubah: Semua domain akan dialihkan ke {{em}}%(domainName)s{{/" "em}}." msgid "Choose a city in your timezone." msgstr "Pilih sebuah kota di dalam zona waktu Anda." msgid "Site timezone" msgstr "Zona waktu situs" msgid "" "Rosalie is an elegant, minimalistic and responsive modern WordPress theme " "built specifically for bloggers who love craft, lifestyle, fashion and " "generally are cool people. Designed for" msgstr "" "Rosalie adalah sebuah tema WordPress modern yang elegan, minimal, dan " "responsif yang dibuat khusus untuk blogger yang mencintai kerajinan, gaya " "hidup, fashion dan biasanya mereka adalah orang-orang keren. Dirancang untuk " "" msgid "" "Failed to resend verification email for email forwarding record %(email)s. " "Please try again or {{contactSupportLink}}contact support{{/" "contactSupportLink}}." msgstr "" "Gagal mengirim ulang email verifikasi untuk catatan penerusan email " "%(email)s. Harap coba lagi atau {{contactSupportLink}}hubungi dukungan{{/" "contactSupportLink}}." msgid "%(percent)f%% of %(max)s used" msgstr "%(percent)f%% dari %(max)s terpakai" msgid "%(planName)s Plan" msgstr "Paket %(planName)s" msgid "Subscription Cancelled" msgstr "Langganan Dibatalkan" msgid "Elegant, simple, and powerful. Get started now." msgstr "Gratis, sederhana, dan kuat. Mulailah dari sekarang." msgid "A beautiful website awaits" msgstr "Sebuah situs yang indah menunggu" msgid "Scalable and secure to handle even your biggest traffic spikes." msgstr "" "Terukur dan aman untuk menangani lonjakan kunjungan terbesar sekali pun." msgid "Rich insights into visitor behavior and your site’s performance." msgstr "Kaya informasi tentang perilaku pengunjung dan kinerja situs Anda." msgid "" "Fully responsive so your site looks great on all devices - big and small." msgstr "" "Sepenuhnya responsif sehingga situs Anda akan terlihat menarik di semua " "perangkat - besar dan kecil." msgid "Optimized for SEO and social sharing to drive traffic to your site." msgstr "" "Dioptimalkan untuk SEO dan berbagi di media sosial untuk meningkatkan " "kunjungan ke situs Anda." msgid "" "Choose from hundreds of gorgeous website templates or build your own design " "using HTML and CSS." msgstr "" "Pilih dari ratusan template situs yang indah atau rancang desain Anda " "sendiri menggunakan HTML dan CSS." msgid "No design skills needed" msgstr "Keterampilan desain tidak dibutuhkan" msgid "" "Have complete control over the look and feel of your website, from its " "domain name to its layout, colors, and content." msgstr "" "Dapatkan kontrol penuh atas tampilan dan kesan situs web Anda, dari nama " "domain hingga tata letak, warna, dan kontennya." msgid "Personalize your brand" msgstr "Personalisasi merek Anda" msgid "" "We welcome thousands of new sites every day, from small business websites, " "artist portfolios, and blogs to giant media websites like TIME and CNN." msgstr "" "Kami menyambut ribuan situs baru setiap hari, mulai dari situs web usaha " "kecil, portofolio seniman, dan blog hingga situs media besar seperti TIME " "dan CNN." msgid "Simple tools to create your home on the web. " msgstr "Alat-alat sederhana untuk menciptakan rumah Anda di web. " msgid "" "Build the perfect site for your business, personal brand, event, or " "portfolio. It’s fun and simple." msgstr "" "Buat situs yang sempurna untuk bisnis, merek pribadi, acara, atau portofolio " "Anda. Mudah dan menyenangkan." msgid "The best content on the web delivered right to you." msgstr "Konten terbaik di situs web dihadirkan tepat untuk Anda." msgid "Cozy up with a good read" msgstr "Dapatkan kenyamanan dengan bacaan yang baik" msgid "" "When inspiration strikes, write and share your own content on your very own " "blog." msgstr "" "Saat inspirasi hadir, tulis dan bagikan konten Anda di blog Anda sendiri." msgid "" "Browse your feed or explore new topics on the go with the " "mobile app." msgstr "" "Cari kabar Anda atau jelajahi topik baru saat Anda bepergian dengan aplikasi " "seluler" msgid "Engage with authors and fellow readers to discuss what matters to you." msgstr "" "Selalu terhubung dengan penulis dan pembaca lain untuk membahas apa yang " "penting untuk Anda." msgid "Follow blogs from and beyond in your Reader or via email." msgstr "" "Ikuti blog dari dan tempat lain di Pembaca Anda atau melalui " "email." msgid "" "Our editors hand select amazing blog posts and community favorites to " "surface the best content from and beyond." msgstr "" "Tangan editor kami memilih pos blog yang mengagumkan dan favorit komunitas " "untuk menampilkan konten terbaik dari dan lainnya." msgid "Curated by experts" msgstr "Dikurasi oleh para pakar" msgid "" "Read, like, and comment on your favorite articles in one place. Follow " "topics or create reading lists to personalize your feed." msgstr "" "Baca, sukai, dan komentari artikel favorit di satu tempat. Ikuti topik-topik " "atau buat daftar bacaan untuk mempersonalkan kabar Anda." msgid "Explore and engage" msgstr "Jelajahi dan berinteraksi" msgid "Love what you read" msgstr "Cintai apa yang Anda baca" msgid "" "Instantly access millions of blog posts, essays, illustrations, photos, " "poems, and journals published daily on" msgstr "" "Akses secara instan jutaan pos blog, esai, ilustrasi, foto, puisi, dan " "jurnal yang diterbitkan setiap hari di" msgid "The best content on the web" msgstr "Konten terbaik di web" msgid "" "Read the best content on the web. Discover new writers, follow your favorite " "blogs, and dig into topics that interest you." msgstr "" "Baca konten terbaik di web. Temukan penulis-penulis baru, ikuti blog " "favorit Anda, dan gali ke dalam topik yang menarik bagi Anda." msgid "Discover great reads" msgstr "Temukan bacaan-bacaan hebat" msgid "Join millions of amazing bloggers today." msgstr "Ikut jutaan blogger yang menakjubkan hari ini." msgid "Start telling your story" msgstr "Mulai ceritakan kisah Anda" msgid "" "From community forums to individualized live-chat, 24/7 help is always here." msgstr "" "Dari forum komunitas hingga obrolan-live perorangan, kami siap membantu Anda " "24/7." msgid "Mobile apps let you engage, publish, and view stats from anywhere." msgstr "" "Aplikasi seluler memungkinkan Anda berinteraksi, menerbitkan, dan melihat " "statistik dari mana saja." msgid "" "Social features encourage rich interactions and help grow your audience." msgstr "" "Fitur sosial mendorong interaksi yang kaya dan membantu menumbuhkan pemirsa " "Anda." msgid "Multiple author support and custom user settings foster collaboration." msgstr "" "Beberapa pengaturan bantuan penulis dan pengguna khusus membantu membangun " "kolaborasi." msgid "" "Change the layout, colors, and background of your blog, and add powerful " "widgets to engage with followers, fans, and friends." msgstr "" "Ubah tata letak, warna, dan latar belakang blog Anda, dan tambahkan widget " "yang kuat untuk berinteraksi dengan pengikut, penggemar, dan teman-teman." msgid "Perfectly personalized" msgstr "Dipersonalisasikan secara sempurna" msgid "" "Select from hundreds of beautiful and customizable blog themes to give your " "blog a unique look." msgstr "" "Pilih dari ratusan tema blog yang cantik dan dapat Anda ubah sendiri untuk " "memberi blog Anda tampilan yang unik." msgid "Personal or professional" msgstr "Pribadi atau profesional" msgid "A home for your brand" msgstr "Sebuah rumah untuk merek Anda" msgid "" "Students, parents. Poets, photographers. Scientists, activists. Millions of " "bloggers tell their stories on" msgstr "" "Murid, orang tua. Puisi, fotografi. Ilmuwan, aktivis. Jutaan blogger " "mengisahkan cerita mereka di" msgid "Powerful publishing platform" msgstr "Platform penerbitan yang hebat" msgid "" "Start publishing in seconds. Instantly create the personal or professional " "blog of your dreams to share your ideas on the web." msgstr "" "Mulai menerbitkan dalam waktu detik. Segera ciptakan blog pribadi atau " "profesional yang Anda idamkan untuk membagi ide-ide Anda di web." msgid "Configure Jetpack" msgstr "Konfigurasikan Jetpack" msgid "Manage all your email subscriptions" msgstr "Kelola semua langganan email Anda" msgid "You will no longer receive updates for this mailing list." msgstr "Anda tidak akan menerima pembaruan lagi untuk milis ini." msgid "We'll send you updates for this mailing list." msgstr "Kami akan mengirimi Anda pembaruan untuk milis ini." msgid "We've unsubscribed your email." msgstr "Kami telah membatalkan langganan email Anda." msgid "You're subscribed" msgstr "Anda sudah berlangganan" msgid "Unsubscribed from {{em}}%(categoryName)s{{/em}}" msgstr "Berhenti berlangganan dari {{em}}%(categoryName)s{{/em}}" msgid "Subscribed to {{em}}%(categoryName)s{{/em}}" msgstr "Berlangganan ke {{em}}%(categoryName)s{{/em}}" msgid "Oops, only administrators can invite other people" msgstr "Ups, hanya administrator dapat mengundang orang lainnya" msgctxt "Displayed in a notice when some invitations failed to send." msgid "An invitation failed to send" msgid_plural "Some invitations failed to send" msgstr[0] "Undangan gagal dikirim" msgstr[1] "Beberapa undangan gagal dikirim" msgctxt "Displayed in a notice when all invitations failed to send." msgid "Invitation failed to send" msgid_plural "Invitations failed to send" msgstr[0] "Undangan gagal dikirim" msgstr[1] "Undangan gagal dikirim" msgid "This site is already connected" msgstr "Situs ini sudah terhubung!" msgid "That's not a WordPress site." msgstr "Itu bukan situs WordPress." msgid "Create a new account" msgstr "Buat akun baru" msgid "Connecting as %(user)s" msgstr "Terhubung sebagai %(user)s" msgid "Already have an account? Sign in" msgstr "Sudah memiliki akun? Masuk" msgid "Get in touch" msgstr "Hubungi kami" msgid "Most Helpful Articles" msgstr "Artikel Paling Bermanfaat" msgid "Limit your site’s visibility or make it completely private." msgstr "" "Batasi visibilitas situs Anda atau jadikan situs Anda tertutup sepenuhnya." msgid "" "No matter what kind of site you want to build, our five-step checklists will " "get you set up and ready to publish." msgstr "" "Jenis situs apa pun yang ingin Anda bangun, daftar periksa lima langkah kami " "akan membantu Anda menyiapkan pengaturan dan mulai memublikasi." msgid "" "Set up your domain whether it’s registered with or elsewhere." msgstr "" "Atur domain Anda baik yang terdaftar dengan atau penyedia " "hosting lain." msgid "See what’s new" msgstr "Lihat yang baru" msgid "" "Sorry, this activation code has expired and is no longer valid. Please " "contact the site administrator for a new invite." msgstr "" "Maaf, kode aktivasi ini telah kedaluwarsa dan sudah tidak valid. Silakan " "hubungi administrator situs untuk mendapatkan undangan baru." msgid "" "Your recent domain purchase is deducted from the price (%s), since the plan " "includes a free domain." msgstr "" "Pembelian domain terbaru Anda dikurangkan dari harga (%s), karena paket " "tersebut berisi domain gratis." msgid "Your recent plan purchase is deducted from the price (%s)." msgstr "Pembelian paket terbaru Anda dikurangkan dari harga (%s)." msgid "Field Type" msgstr "Tipe bidang" msgid "Field Label" msgstr "Label Kolom" msgid "Dropdown" msgstr "Menu Buka Bawah" msgid "e.g. %(example)s" msgstr "mis. %(example)s" msgid "Create your site in a few easy steps" msgstr "Buat situs Anda dalam beberapa langkah mudah" msgid "" "Customize your website or blog and publish content from anywhere with our " "suite of apps." msgstr "" "Kustomisasikan situs web atau blog Anda dan terbitkan konten dari mana saja " "dengan berbagai aplikasi kami." msgid "Customize and publish" msgstr "Kustomisasikan dan terbitkan" msgid "Everything you need for your website is just an upgrade away." msgstr "Semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk situs web cukup dengan upgrade." msgid "Choose a plan" msgstr "Pilih paket" msgid "" "Choose a free url, register a new domain, or map your domain." msgstr "" "Pilih url gratis, daftarkan domain baru, atau arahkan domain " "Anda." msgid "Choose from hundreds of beautifully designed themes. " msgstr "Pilih dari ratusan tema yang didesain dengan indah." msgid "Pick a theme" msgstr "Pilih tema" msgid "<span>Create your site</span> in a few easy steps:" msgstr "" "<span>Buat situs Anda</span> dalam beberapa langkah mudah:" msgid "" "Start blogging in seconds with our fastest post editor yet. Your gorgeous " "blog posts are made even better with built-in SEO, sharing tools, and site " "statistics." msgstr "" "Mulailah blogging dalam hitungan detik dengan editor pos tercepat kami. Pos " "blog keren Anda dibuat semakin baik dengan SEO bawaan, alat berbagi, dan " "statistik situs." msgid "Publish great content" msgstr "Terbitkan konten hebat" msgid "Join the network serving more than 20 billion pageviews a month" msgstr "" "Bergabung dengan jaringan dengan lebih dari 20 miliar pageview setiap bulan" msgid "Can I change themes down the road?" msgstr "Dapatkah saya mengganti tema di kemudian hari?" msgid "" "Absolutely. Get started on for free and upgrade whenever you " "need. You can also try our Premium and Business Plans for 30 days. If you’re " "not satisfied, we’ll refund your money. Note that for the domain " "registration-related portion of the upgrade, the refund window is 96 hours." msgstr "" "Tentu saja. Mulai di secara gratis dan upgrade kapan saja Anda " "perlukan. Anda juga dapat mencoba Paket Premium dan Bisnis kami selama 30 " "hari. Jika Anda tidak puas, kami akan mengembalikan uang Anda. Perhatikan " "bahwa untuk bagian upgrade yang terkait dengan registrasi domain, interval " "pengembalian dana adalah 96 hari." msgid "Can I upgrade my plan later?" msgstr "Dapatkah saya melakukan upgrade pada paket saya nanti?" msgid "" "It is possible to import your blog content from a variety of other blogging " "platforms, including Blogger, LiveJournal, Movable Type, Posterous, " "Storylane, Tumblr, Typepad,,, Xanga, and Yahoo! " "If we do not have an importing tool for your particular platform, you may " "try to convert it to an accepted format to use the importer " "tool." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengimpor konten blog Anda dari berbagai platform blogging " "lainnya, termasuk Blogger, Israblog, LiveJournal, Movable Type, Posterous, " "Storylane, Tumblr, Typepad,,, Xanga, dan Yahoo! " "Jika kami tidak memiliki alat pengimporan untuk platform tertentu Anda itu, " "Anda dapat mencoba untuk mengonversi ke format yang diterima untuk " "menggunakan alat pengimpor" msgid "Can I import my content from another website?" msgstr "Apakah saya dapat mengimpor konten saya dari situs web lain?" msgid "You asked, we answered!" msgstr "Anda bertanya, kami menjawab!" msgid "Get Premium" msgstr "Dapatkan Premium" msgid "Automated daily backups with one-click restores." msgstr "Pencadangan harian otomatis dengan pemulihan sekali klik." msgid "Other tools" msgstr "Alat lain" msgid "Uptime Monitoring" msgstr "Pemantauan waktu aktif" msgid "Jetpack CRM Free" msgstr "Jetpack CRM Gratis" msgid "Change primary domain" msgstr "Ubah domain utama" msgid "Verify your email address" msgstr "Verifikasi alamat email Anda" msgid "Finish setting up your store" msgstr "Selesaikan pengaturan toko online Anda" msgid "Ask a question" msgstr "Ajukan pertanyaan" msgid "Pick this design" msgstr "Pilih desain ini" msgid "%(title)s Theme" msgstr "Tema %(title)s " msgid "Or Install Jetpack on a Self-Hosted Site" msgstr "Atau pasang Jetpack di Situs Self-Hosting" msgid "Jetpack is connected." msgstr "Jetpack tersambung." msgid "Jetpack is not connected" msgstr "Jetpack tidak tehubung." msgid "Start a site on" msgstr "Mulai situs di" msgid "" "We'll be installing the Jetpack plugin so can communicate with " "your self-hosted WordPress site." msgstr "" "Kami akan menginstal plugin Jetpack agar dapat terhubung ke " "situs WordPress hosting sendiri." msgid "Connect now" msgstr "Hubungkan Sekarang" msgid "" "This message was sent by a user who entered your email address " "or username to invite you. You can <a href='%s' data-tracks-link-" "desc='remove-subscription'>unsubscribe</a> if you'd prefer not to receive " "invitation emails in future. Please do not reply to this message; it was " "sent from an unmonitored email address. For help with, please " "visit <a href='' data-tracks-link-" "desc='wordpress-support'> Support</a>" msgstr "" "Pesan ini dikirimkan oleh pengguna yang memasukkan alamat " "email dan nama pengguna Anda untuk mengundang Anda. Anda dapat <a href='%s' " "data-tracks-link-desc='remove-subscription'>berhenti berlangganan</a> jika " "tidak ingin menerima email undangan lagi. Jangan balas pesan ini; ini " "dikirimkan dari alamat email yang tidak terpantau. Untuk mendapatkan bantuan " "terkait, harap kunjungi <a href='' " "data-tracks-link-desc='wordpress-support'>Dukungan</a>" msgid "" "Personalize your site with the Customizer. Choose fonts, colors, add your " "logo, and more to make your website your own. Take it to the next level with " "the custom CSS upgrade." msgstr "" "Personalisasikan situs Anda dengan Costumizer. Pilih font, warna, tambahkan " "logo, dan lainnya untuk menjadikan situs web Anda unik. Tingkatkan ke level " "berikutnya dengan upgrade CSS khusus." msgid "Customize your site " msgstr "Kustomisasikan situs Anda " msgid "" "You don’t need to learn web design to create the website of your dreams." msgstr "Anda tidak perlu menguasai desain web untuk membuat situs web impian." msgid "Pick from hundreds of themes for any kind of project" msgstr "Ratusan tema pilihan untuk proyek Anda" msgid "Faq entry content" msgstr "Konten entri tanya jawab umum" msgid "Faq entry title" msgstr "Judul entri tanya jawab umum" msgid "" "Use your custom domain in your email address by activating email forwarding, " "Google Workspace, or other email services." msgstr "" "Gunakan domain kustom Anda di alamat email Anda dengan mengaktifkan " "penerusan email, Google Workspace, atau layanan email lainnya." msgid "Connect your email" msgstr "Hubungkan email Anda" msgid "Bring your own domain" msgstr "Gunakan domain Anda" msgid "" "Register a domain to your site to make it easier to remember and easier to " "share." msgstr "" "Daftarkan domain untuk situs Anda agar lebih mudah diingat dan dibagikan." msgid "Customize your domain name" msgstr "Buat nama domain Anda" msgid "Open links in new window/tab:" msgstr "Buka tautan di jendela/tab baru:" msgid "<b>Upgrade</b> Now" msgstr "<b>Upgrade</b> Sekarang" msgid "" "Don't worry, you can upgrade now to reclaim those features and your custom " "changes. Otherwise, thanks for giving it a try." msgstr "" "Jangan khawatir, Anda dapat melakukan upgrade sekarang untuk mengklaim " "kembali fitur tersebut dan perubahan khusus Anda. Jika tidak, terima kasih " "sudah mencoba." msgid "" "Your free trial of <strong> %1$s </strong> on %2$s just ended. The plan's " "features have been removed from your account :(" msgstr "" "Uji coba gratis <strong> %1$s </strong> Anda pada %2$s baru saja berakhir. " "Fitur paket ini sudah dihapus dari akun Anda :(" msgid "Your %s trial just ended." msgstr "Uji coba %s Anda baru saja berakhir." msgid "" "Your free trial of <strong>%1$s</strong> on %2$s ends tomorrow. Upgrade now " "to keep using all of the awesome <a href=\"%3$s\">%1$s features</a>." msgstr "" "Uji coba gratis <strong>%1$s</strong> Anda pada %2$s akan berakhir besok. " "Upgrade sekarang untuk terus menggunakan semua <a href=\"%3$s\">%1$s fitur</" "a> menakjubkan ini." msgid "Your %s trial ends tomorrow." msgstr "Percobaan %s Anda berakhir besok." msgid "View the status of your trial." msgstr "Lihat status uji coba Anda." msgid "" "Hooray! Your 14 day free trial of <strong>%1$s</strong> on %2$s just started." msgstr "" "Horeee! Uji coba 14 hari <strong>%1$s</strong> Anda pada %2$s baru saja " "dimulai." msgid "Free trial started" msgstr "Uji coba gratis dimulai" msgid "Your free trial" msgstr "Uji coba gratis Anda" msgid "Your %s trial just started." msgstr "Percobaan %s Anda baru saja dimulai." msgid "All charges inclusive of VAT, if any." msgstr "Semua harga termasuk PPN, jika ada" msgid "This charge will show up on your statement as %s." msgstr "*Penagihan akan muncul pada laporan mutasi Anda sebagai %s." msgid "That e-mail address is already being used." msgstr "Alamat email sudah dipergunakan." msgid "The e-mail address entered is not allowed." msgstr "Alamat emal yang sudah dimasukkan tidak diperbolehkan." msgid "" "The current user cannot change the e-mail address of the specified user." msgstr "Pengguna terkini tidak dapat mengubah alamat email pengguna tertentu." msgid "Sorry, you cannot view this resource without a valid token." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat melihat sumber daya ini tanpa token yang valid." msgid "" "Your posts on %s will be transferred to the new owner and will no longer be " "authored by your account." msgstr "" "Pos Anda pada %s akan ditransfer ke pemilik baru dan tidak bisa ditulis lagi " "dengan akun Anda." msgid "" "Arcane is a clean, responsive, retina ready and modern WordPress theme " "suitable for personal blogs or small and medium sized magazine websites. It " "comes with theme customizer, sidebar positions, sticky menu, sticky sidebar, " "featured posts, custom widgets, and many other options which make your work " "easier. We hope you will enjoy it and have a good time publishing your " "articles." msgstr "" "Arcane adalah tema WordPress yang bersih, responsif, siap untuk retina dan " "modern yang cocok untuk blog pribadi atau situs web majalah berukuran kecil " "dan menengah. Muncul dengan penyesuai tema, posisi bilah sisi, menu tempel, " "bilah sisi yang lengket, pos andalan, widget khusus, dan banyak opsi lain " "yang membuat pekerjaan Anda lebih mudah. Kami harap Anda akan menikmatinya " "dan bersenang-senang menerbitkan artikel Anda." msgid "Invitation sent successfully" msgid_plural "Invitations sent successfully" msgstr[0] "Undangan berhasil dikirim" msgstr[1] "Undangan berhasil dikirim" msgid "Some invitations failed to send" msgstr "Beberapa undangan gagal dikirim" msgid "Try it now" msgstr "Coba sekarang" msgctxt "Stats: No change in stats value from prior period" msgid "No change" msgstr "Tidak ada perubahan" msgid "" " has millions of users waiting to find you. The " "Reader lets them — and helps you find fascinating new reads." msgstr "" " memiliki jutaan pengguna yang menanti menemukan Anda. Pembaca " " memungkinkan mereka — dan membantu Anda menemukan bacaan baru " "yang menarik." msgid "The biggest community of online publishers" msgstr "Komunitas penerbit online terbesar" msgid "" "Make it easy for new fans to find you with built-in SEO. All you have to do " "is publish." msgstr "" "Mudahkan penggemar baru untuk menemukan Anda dengan SEO bawaan. Anda hanya " "perlu menerbitkan." msgid "" "Learn more about your visitors — where they’re from, what they read, when " "they visit — with rich, easy-to-read stats." msgstr "" "Pelajari selengkapnya tentang pengunjung Anda — dari mana asal mereka, apa " "bacaan mereka, dan waktu kunjungan mereka — dengan statistik kaya yang mudah " "dibaca." msgid "" "Automatically send new posts to Twitter, Facebook, and more, and add social " "tools to help readers share their favorites." msgstr "" "Otomatis kirim pos terbaru ke Twitter, Facebook, dan lain-lain, dan " "tambahkan alat sosial untuk membantu pembaca berbagi favorit mereka." msgid "" "Whatever you create on is yours alone. Export your content at " "any time — wherever life takes you, your content follows." msgstr "" "Semua yang Anda buat di hanya milik Anda seorang. Ekspor " "konten Anda kapan saja — ke mana pun Anda pergi, konten Anda terus mengikuti." msgid "" "Update your site from anywhere with mobile and desktop apps for iOS, " "Android, Mac, Windows, and Linux systems." msgstr "" "Perbarui situs Anda dari mana pun dengan aplikasi seluler dan desktop untuk " "sistem iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, dan Linux." msgid "" "Drag-and-drop images into posts and pages. Create designer-worthy photo " "galleries. Embed audio, video, and more." msgstr "" "Tarik dan letakkan gambar di dalam pos dan halaman. Buat galeri foto " "berkelas. Sematkan audio, video, dokumen, dan lainnya." msgid "" "Our editor is fast, intuitive, and saves your work every few seconds, so you " "never miss a word." msgstr "" "Editor kami bekerja cepat, intuitif, dan menyimpan kerja Anda setiap " "beberapa detik, sehingga tidak ada yang terlewat." msgid "" "Support is available 24-7 via email and our community forums. For folks with " "an upgraded plan, Happiness Engineers are available via live chat for real-" "time assistance." msgstr "" "Dukungan tersedia 24 jam/7 hari melalui email dan forum komunitas kami. Bagi " "sobat dengan paket upgrade, Happiness Engineer tersedia melalui obrolan " "langsung untuk bantuan real time." msgid "Help when you want it" msgstr "Bantuan setiap saat" msgid "" "Get friendly, expert help — our team of Happiness Engineers is standing by." msgstr "" "Dapatkan bantuan pakar yang ramah — tim Happiness Engineer kami selalu " "siaga. " msgid "" "Create a mobile-friendly site with a click, or choose from a wide selection " "of responsive themes that look great everywhere." msgstr "" "Buat situs ramah perangkat seluler dengan sekali klik, atau pilih dari " "berbagai pilihan tema responsif yang terlihat keren di mana-mana." msgid "Choose from hundreds of customizable themes, with new additions weekly." msgstr "" "Pilih dari ratusan tema yang dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan, dan tema " "baru setiap minggu." msgid "" "Over %d%% of the web runs on WordPress. is home to everyone " "from brand-new bloggers to Time, CNN, TechCrunch, and more." msgstr "" "Lebih dari %d%% web dijalankan di WordPress. adalah rumah " "bagi semua orang dari blogger yang benar-benar baru hingga Time, CNN, " "TechCrunch, dan lain-lain." msgid "You’re in good company" msgstr "Pilihan terbaik untuk Anda. " msgid "" "Add a custom domain to carve out your own space on the web, and manage it " "right from" msgstr "" "Tambahkan domain khusus untuk menciptakan ruang Anda di dunia maya, dan " "kelola langsung dari" msgid "" "Start free. Upgrade for advanced customizing or business tools. Or stay free!" msgstr "" "Mulailah secara gratis. Upgrade untuk alat kustomisasi atau bisnis lanjutan. " "Atau tetap gratis!" msgid "" "Build a blog, a full website, or a combo. Personal blog, portfolio, business " "site — it’s up to you." msgstr "" "Bangun blog, situs web penuh, atau kombinasi. Blog pribadi, portofolio, " "situs bisnis — terserah Anda." msgid "Select a site to open {{strong}}%(path)s{{/strong}}" msgstr "Pilih situs untuk dibuka {{strong}}%(path)s{{/strong}}" msgid "staff-" msgstr "staf" msgid "Purchase and activate" msgstr "Beli dan aktifkan" msgid "Select a site to start writing" msgstr "Pilih situs untuk mulai menulis" msgid "Nutrition" msgstr "Nutrisi" msgid "Men's Health" msgstr "Kesehatan Pria" msgid "Homeschooling" msgstr "Sekolah rumah" msgid "Special Education" msgstr "Pendidikan Khusus" msgid "Pets" msgstr "Piaraan" msgid "Food & Drink" msgstr "Makanan & Minuman" msgid "Home & Garden" msgstr "Rumah & Taman" msgid "Automotive" msgstr "Otomotif" msgid "Arts & Entertainment" msgstr "Seni & Hiburan" msgctxt "" "Placeholder shown when entering the optional subdomain part of a new DNS " "record" msgid "Enter subdomain" msgstr "Masukkan subdomain" msgctxt "" "Placeholder shown when entering the required subdomain part of a new DNS " "record" msgid "Enter subdomain (required)" msgstr "Masukkan subdomain (wajib)" msgid "Resend verification email" msgstr "Kirim ulang email verifikasi" msgid "Video and audio posts" msgstr "Pos video dan audio" msgid "Start customizing" msgstr "Mulai menyesuaikan" msgid "Customize your store" msgstr "Sesuaikan toko Anda" msgid "Connect Google Analytics" msgstr "Hubungkan Google Analytics" msgid "Claim your free domain" msgstr "Klaim domain gratis Anda" msgid "Get a custom domain" msgstr "Dapatkan domain khusus" msgid "There was a problem retrieving your receipt." msgstr "Ada masalah saat mengambil tanda terima Anda." msgid "" "We have sent the transfer authorization code to the domain registrant's " "email address. If you don't receive the email shortly, please check your " "spam folder." msgstr "" "Kami sudah mengirimkan kode otorisasi transfer ke alamat email pendaftar " "domain. Jika Anda tidak langsung email, harap periksa folder spam Anda." msgid "Take our poll" msgstr "Ikuti polling kami" msgid "There was a problem with your payment" msgstr "Terjadi masalah dengan pembayaran Anda" msgid "Small Business" msgstr "Bisnis Kecil" msgid "Start Free" msgstr "Mulai Gratis" msgid "Search engine optimized" msgstr "Mesin pencarian terbaik" msgid "In-depth stats" msgstr "Statistik terperinci" msgid "Built-in social sharing" msgstr "Media sosial terintegrasi" msgid "Find your fans" msgstr "Temukan penggemar Anda" msgid "Own your content" msgstr "Konten milik Anda" msgid "Mobile and desktop apps" msgstr "Aplikasi seluler dan desktop" msgid "Upload or embed media" msgstr "Unggah atau sematkan media" msgid "Write without worry" msgstr "Tulis apa pun, kapan pun" msgid "Tell your story" msgstr "Ceritakan kisah Anda" msgid "Fast, friendly support" msgstr "Bantuan yang ramah yang cepat" msgid "Mobile friendly" msgstr "Ramah perangkat seluler" msgid "Hundreds of themes" msgstr "Ratusan tema" msgid "Realize your vision" msgstr "Wujudkan visi Anda" msgid "Plans for any budget" msgstr "Paket yang terjangkau" msgid "Blog, website, or both" msgstr "Blog, situs web, atau keduanya" msgid "Create your new blog or website for free" msgstr "Buat situs web Anda secara gratis" msgid "" "Choose a plan that works for you. Customize as much or as little as you " "want. Get help when you need it. Tell your story." msgstr "" "Pilih paket yang tepat untuk Anda. Kustomisasikan sesuai dengan keinginan " "Anda. Dapatkan bantuan saat Anda butuhkan. Ceritakan kisah Anda." msgid "Features to help you publish anything, anywhere." msgstr "Fitur untuk membantu Anda menerbitkan apa pun, di mana pun." msgid "%s username:" msgstr "Nama pengguna %s:" msgid "Discover what your website or blog can do with a powerful plan" msgstr "" "Temukan yang dapat dilakukan situs web atau blog Anda dengan paket hebat" msgid "Choose your flavor " msgstr "Pilih cita rasa Anda " msgid " Plans | Store" msgstr "Paket | Toko" msgid "Dismiss message" msgstr "Tolak pesan" msgid "You can hide ads completely by upgrading to one of our paid plans." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menyembunyikan iklan tersebut sepenuhnya dengan melakukan upgrade " "ke salah satu paket berbayar kami." msgctxt "" "Checkbox on Widget Visibility if children of the selected page should be " "included in the visibility rule." msgid "Include children" msgstr "Termasuk anak-anak" msgid "From your pals at" msgstr "Dari kawan-kawan Anda di" msgid "" "Helpful reminder: At any time, log into your account with your username, " "<strong>%s</strong>, or your <strong>email address</strong>." msgstr "" "Catatan penting: Anda dapat login ke akun Anda setiap saat dengan " "menggunakan nama pengguna, <strong>%s</strong>, atau <strong>alamat email</" "strong> Anda." msgid "" "Welcome to Please click the button below to confirm your " "email address and activate your account." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di Klik tombol di bawah untuk mengonfirmasi " "alamat e-mail Anda dan mengaktifkan akun Anda." msgid "Priority support" msgstr "Bantuan prioritas" msgid "Exclusive access to our best themes. Try as many as you like." msgstr "" "Akses eksklusif ke tema-tema terbaik kami. Cobalah sebanyak yang Anda mau." msgid "Upload and host videos on your site without advertising." msgstr "Unggah dan hosting di situs Anda tanpa iklan." msgid "Video storage & hosting" msgstr "Penyimpanan & hosting video" msgid "Change your theme's font, colors, and CSS for a unique look" msgstr "Ubah font, warna, dan CSS tema Anda untuk tampilan unik." msgid "Custom fonts, colors, & CSS" msgstr "Font, warna, dan CSS yang bisa diubahsuaikan" msgid "Unlimited media storage" msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan tanpa batas" msgid "Upload up to 13 GB of photos, videos, or music." msgstr "Unggah foto, video, atau musik hingga 13 GB." msgid "Expanded media storage" msgstr "Perluasan penyimpanan media" msgid "Media storage" msgstr "Penyimpanan media" msgid "Make your site easier to find and easier to remember." msgstr "Permudah orang menemukan dan mengingat situs Anda." msgid "Your own space to create posts and pages with basic customization." msgstr "Ruang Anda untuk membuat kiriman dan halaman dengan kustomisasi dasar." msgid "Included with all plans:" msgstr "Disertakan dengan semua paket:" msgid "Includes Premium features:" msgstr "Mencakup fitur-fitur Premium:" msgid "Perfect for power users, business websites and blogs" msgstr "Sempurna untuk power user, situs web bisnis, dan blog" msgid "Included with all plans" msgstr "Disertakan dengan semua paket" msgid "Perfect for bloggers, creatives, and other professionals" msgstr "Sempurna untuk blogger, tim kreatif, dan profesional lainnya" msgid "Perfect for anyone creating a basic blog or site" msgstr "Sempurna untuk setiap orang yang membuat blog dan situs dasar" msgctxt "Noun" msgid "User" msgstr "Pengguna" msgid "Logged Out" msgstr "Keluar" msgid "Logged In" msgstr "Teridentifikasi" msgid "" "There was a problem preparing your export file. Please check your connection " "and try again, or contact support." msgstr "" "Terjadi masalah dalam mempersiapkan\n" "\t\t\t\t\t\tfile ekspor Anda. Harap periksa koneksi internet Anda dan coba " "lagi\n" "\t\t\t\t\t\tlagi, atau hubungi dukungan." msgid "Skip for now" msgstr "Lewati dulu" msgid "" "Check out <a href=\"%1$s\">posts</a> or <a href=\"%2$s\">pages</a> to see " "your imported content." msgstr "" "Periksa <a href=\"%1$s\">pos</a> atau <a href=\"%2$s\">halaman</a> untuk " "melihat konten yang Anda impor." msgctxt "blogname" msgid "Your import from %1$s to %2$s has finished." msgstr "Impor Anda dari %1$s ke %2$s sudah selesai." msgid "Checkbox with Multiple Items" msgstr "Kotak centang dengan Beberapa Item" msgid "%s requires at least one selection" msgstr "%s membutuhkan setidaknya satu pilihan" msgid "Oceania" msgstr "Oseania" msgid "Share this site" msgstr "Bagikan situs ini" msgid "" "If you have any problems or questions, please contact support through the " "following link: " msgstr "" "Jika Anda memiliki masalah atau pertanyaan, hubungi dukungan melalui tautan " "berikut: " msgid "" "If you have any problems or questions, please do not hesitate to <a href=\"%s" "\">contact Support</a>." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memiliki kendala atau pertanyaan, jangan ragu untuk <a href=\"%s" "\">menghubungi Bantuan</a>." msgid "" "There are multiple authors on your %(sourceType)s site. Please reassign the " "authors of the imported items to an existing user on " "{{b}}%(destinationSiteTitle)s{{/b}}, then click {{em}}Start import{{/em}}." msgstr "" "Terdapat beberapa penulis di situs %(sourceType)s Anda. Harap tetapkan ulang " "penulis item yang diimpor ke pengguna yang sudah ada di " "{{b}}%(destinationSiteTitle)s{{/b}}, lalu klik {{em}}Mulai impor{{/em}}." msgid "" "There are multiple authors on your %(sourceType)s site. Because you're the " "only author on {{b}}%(destinationSiteTitle)s{{/b}}, all imported content " "will be assigned to you. Click {{em}}Start import{{/em}} to proceed." msgstr "" "Terdapat beberapa penulis di situs %(sourceType)s Anda. Karena Anda satu-" "satunya penulis di {{b}}%(destinationSiteTitle)s{{/b}}, semua konten yang " "diimpor akan ditugaskan kepada Anda. Klik {{em}}Mulai impor{{/em}} untuk " "melanjutkan." msgid "" "There is one author on your %(sourceType)s site. Because you're the only " "author on {{b}}%(destinationSiteTitle)s{{/b}}, all imported content will be " "assigned to you. Click Start import to proceed." msgstr "" "Terdapat satu penulis di situs %(sourceType)s Anda. Karena Anda satu-satunya " "penulis di {{b}}%(destinationSiteTitle)s{{/b}}, semua konten yang diimpor " "akan ditugaskan kepada Anda. Klik Mulai Impor untuk melanjutkan." msgid "Would you like to accept the invite with a different account?" msgstr "Apakah Anda ingin menerima undangan dengan akun berbeda?" msgctxt "button" msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Batalkan" msgctxt "Button label" msgid "Send invitation" msgid_plural "Send invitations" msgstr[0] "Kirim Undangan" msgstr[1] "Kirim Undangan" msgid "Custom message" msgstr "Pesan khusus" msgid "Usernames or emails" msgstr "Nama Pengguna atau Email" msgid "Invite People" msgstr "Kirim Undangan" msgctxt "Role that is displayed in a select" msgid "Follower" msgstr "Pengikut" msgctxt "Role that is displayed in a select" msgid "Viewer" msgstr "Pengamat" msgid "You must cancel any active subscriptions prior to deleting your site." msgstr "Anda harus membatalkan langganan aktif sebelum menghapus situs Anda." msgid "Finishing up the import." msgstr "Menyelesaikan impor" msgid "An unspecified error occured during the import." msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan selama proses impor." msgid "Loading options…" msgstr "Memuat opsi…" msgid "" "Thanks to {{a}}all our community members who helped translate to " "{{language/}}{{/a}}!" msgstr "" "Terima kasih kepada {{a}}semua anggota komunitas yang telah membantu " "menerjemahkan {{language/}}{{/a}}!" msgid "The DNS record has not been added." msgstr "Rekaman DNS belum ditambahkan." msgid "Give your site a name" msgstr "Beri nama untuk situs Anda" msgid "Hi!" msgstr "Halo!" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to view menus." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk melihat menu." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this user." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan penghapus pengguna ini." msgid "The date you provided is invalid." msgstr "Tanggal yang diberikan tidak valid" msgid "%1$s is not of type %2$s" msgstr "%1$s bukan tipe %2$s" msgid "%1$s is not one of %2$l." msgstr "%1$s bukan salah satu dari %2$l." msgid "The email address for the customer." msgstr "Alamat email untuk pelanggan." msgid "The role %s does not exist." msgstr "Peran %s tidak ada." msgid "Invalid resource id for reassignment." msgstr "Id sumber daya invalid untuk penetapan ulang." msgid "Taxes do not support trashing." msgstr "Pajak tidak mendukung pemindahan ke kotak sampah." msgid "Username isn't editable." msgstr "Nama pengguna tak bisa diubah." msgid "Email address is invalid." msgstr "Alamat email tidak valid." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this resource." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan menghapus sumber ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit users." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan mengedit pengguna." msgid "Cannot create existing resource." msgstr "Tidak bisa membuat sumber daya yang ada." msgid "You are not currently logged in." msgstr "Saat ini Anda belum login." msgid "Sorry, you cannot view this resource." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat melihat sumber ini." msgid "Invalid resource ID." msgstr "ID sumber daya tidak valid." msgid "Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific product." msgstr "Batasi hasil untuk sumber yang digunakan untuk produk tertentu." msgid "Whether to hide resources not assigned to any products." msgstr "" "Apakah akan menyembunyikan sumber yang tidak digunakan untuk produk apa pun." msgid "Sort collection by resource attribute." msgstr "Urutkan koleksi berdasarkan atribut sumber." msgid "The ID for the parent of the resource." msgstr "ID untuk induk objek." msgid "An alphanumeric identifier for the resource unique to its type." msgstr "Pengenal alfanumerik untuk sumber daya yang unik sesuai jenisnya." msgid "HTML description of the resource." msgstr "Deskripsi HTML sumber daya." msgid "Number of published products for the resource." msgstr "Jumlah produk yang dipublikasikan untuk sumber daya." msgid "Unique identifier for the widget." msgstr "Identifikasi unik untuk widget." msgid "Resource does not support trashing." msgstr "Sumber tidak mendukung pemindahan ke kotak sampah." msgid "Sorry, you cannot delete this resource." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat menghapus sumber daya ini." msgid "Sorry, you cannot list resources." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak bisa mendaftar sumber daya." msgid "Can not set resource parent, taxonomy is not hierarchical." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengatur induk sumber, taksonomi tidak hierarkis." msgid "Sorry, you cannot create new resource." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak bisa membuat sumber daya baru." msgid "Resource does not exist." msgstr "Sumber daya tidak ada." msgid "Required to be true, as resource does not support trashing." msgstr "" "Harus benar, karena sumber daya tidak mendukung pemindahan ke kotak sampah." msgid "Whether or not the term cloud should be displayed." msgstr "Apakah awan terma harus ditampilkan atau tidak." msgid "A human-readable description of the resource." msgstr "Deskripsi sumber daya yang bisa dibaca manusia." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to manage post statuses." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan mengelola status pos." msgid "An alphanumeric identifier for the resource." msgstr "Pengenal alfanumerik untuk sumber daya." msgid "Whether to include posts in the edit listing for their post type." msgstr "" "Apakah akan menyertakan pos dalam daftar penyuntingan dalam tipe posnya." msgid "The id for the resource." msgstr "ID untuk resource." msgid "Status is forbidden." msgstr "Status ini terlarang." msgid "" "Use WP Query arguments to modify the response; private query vars require " "appropriate authorization." msgstr "" "Gunakan argumen WP Query untuk memodifikasi respons; variasi permintaan " "pribadi membutuhkan otorisasi yang sesuai." msgid "Limit result set to reviews assigned a specific status." msgstr "Membatasi rangkaian hasil khusus ulasan dengan status tertentu." msgid "Limit result set to those of particular parent IDs." msgstr "Batasi hasil hanya untuk yang memiliki ID induk tertentu." msgid "Offset the result set by a specific number of items." msgstr "Offset set hasil dengan jumlah item tertentu." msgid "Ensure result set excludes posts assigned to specific authors." msgstr "Pastikan set hasil mengecualikan pos-pos dengan penulis tertentu." msgid "Limit result set to posts assigned to specific authors." msgstr "Batasi set hasil untuk pos-pos dengan penulis tertentu." msgid "The terms assigned to the object in the %s taxonomy." msgstr "Terma-terma yang ditentukan untuk object di dalam taksonomi %s." msgid "The theme file to use to display the post." msgstr "Berkas tema yang digunakan untuk menampilkan pos." msgid "Whether or not the post should be treated as sticky." msgstr "Apakah pos harus diatur sebagai pos lekat." msgid "The format for the post." msgstr "Format untuk pos." msgid "Whether or not the post can be pinged." msgstr "Apakah pos dapat dilakukan ping." msgid "Whether or not comments are open on the post." msgstr "Apakah komentar dibuka di pos." msgid "The ID of the featured media for the post." msgstr "ID media unggulan untuk pos." msgid "HTML excerpt for the post, transformed for display." msgstr "Kutipan HTML untuk pos, ditransformasikan untuk ditampilkan." msgid "Excerpt for the post, as it exists in the database." msgstr "Kutipan untuk pos, sesuai dengan basis data." msgid "The excerpt for the post." msgstr "Kutipan untuk pos." msgid "HTML title for the object, transformed for display." msgstr "HTML title untuk object, ditransformasikan untuk penampilan." msgid "Title for the object, as it exists in the database." msgstr "Judul untuk object, sebagaimana tersimpan dalam basis data." msgid "The title for the object." msgstr "The title for the object." msgid "A named status for the object." msgstr "Status bernama untuk object." msgid "An alphanumeric identifier for the post unique to its type." msgstr "Pengidentifikasi alfanumerik untuk pos sesuai dengan jenisnya." msgid "The date the post was last modified, as GMT." msgstr "Tanggal saat pos terakhir dimodifikasi, sesuai GMT." msgid "The date the post was last modified, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal saat pos terakhir dimodifikasi, dalam zona waktu situs." msgid "GUID for the post, transformed for display." msgstr "GUID untuk pos, ditransformasikan untuk ditampilkan." msgid "Title for the post, as it exists in the database." msgstr "GUID untuk pos, sesuai dengan basis data." msgid "The globally unique identifier for the post." msgstr "Pengidentifikasi unik global untuk pos." msgid "The date the post was published, as GMT." msgstr "Tanggal saat pos dipublikasikan, sesuai GMT." msgid "The date the post was published, in the site's timezone." msgstr "Tanggal saat pos dipublikasikan, di dalam zona waktu situs." msgid "A password protected post can not be set to sticky." msgstr "Pos yang terlindungi password tak bisa ditempelkan." msgid "A sticky post can not be password protected." msgstr "Pos yang ditempelkan tak bisa dilindungi password." msgid "A post can not be sticky and have a password." msgstr "Sebuah pos tak bisa ditempelkan dan dilindungi password sekaligus." msgid "The post has already been deleted." msgstr "Pos telah dihapus." msgid "The %s does not support trashing." msgstr "%s tidak mendukung pemindahan ke kotak sampah." msgid "Cannot create existing post." msgstr "Cannot create existing post." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to publish posts in this post type." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan menerbitkan pos dalam tipe pos ini." msgid "" "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response." msgstr "" "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response." msgid "Limit results to those matching a string." msgstr "Limit results to those matching a string." msgid "Maximum number of items to be returned in result set." msgstr "Jumlah maksimal item yang akan dimunculkan dalam set hasil." msgid "Current page of the collection." msgstr "Laman koleksi saat ini." msgid "Method '%s' not implemented. Must be overridden in subclass." msgstr "Metode '%s' tidak diimplementasikan. Harus ditimpa di subclass." msgid "" "Limit result set to comments assigned a specific type. Requires " "authorization." msgstr "" "Batasi set hasil untuk komentar dengan tipe tertentu. Membutuhkan otorisasi." msgid "" "Limit result set to comments assigned a specific status. Requires " "authorization." msgstr "" "Batasi set hasil untuk komentar dengan status tertentu. Membutuhkan " "otorisasi." msgid "Limit result set to reviews assigned to specific product IDs." msgstr "Membatasi rangkaian hasil khusus ulasan dengan ID produk tertentu." msgid "Sort collection by object attribute." msgstr "Sortir koleksi berdasarkan atribut object." msgid "Order sort attribute ascending or descending." msgstr "Urutkan atribut penyortiran naik atau menurun." msgid "Limit result set to specific ids." msgstr "Batasi hasil yang diatur untuk id tertentu." msgid "" "Limit result set to that from a specific author email. Requires " "authorization." msgstr "" "Batasi set hasil hanya dari email penulis tertentu. Membutuhkan otorisasi." msgid "State of the comment." msgstr "Status komentar." msgid "The ID for the parent of the comment." msgstr "ID induk komentar." msgid "URL to the object." msgstr "URL ke object." msgid "The date the revision was published, as GMT." msgstr "Tanggal saat revisi dipublikasikan, dalam GMT." msgid "HTML content for the post, transformed for display." msgstr "Konten HTML untuk pos, ditransformasikan untuk ditampilkan." msgid "Content for the post, as it exists in the database." msgstr "Konten untuk pos, sesuai dengan basis data." msgid "The content for the post." msgstr "Konten untuk pos." msgid "User agent for the comment author." msgstr "Agen pengguna untuk penulis komentar." msgid "Display name for the comment author." msgstr "Nama tampilan untuk penulis komentar." msgid "IP address for the comment author." msgstr "Alamat IP untuk penulis komentar." msgid "Email address for the comment author." msgstr "Alamat email untuk penulis komentar." msgid "Avatar URLs for the comment author." msgstr "URL avatar untuk penulis komentar." msgid "Unique identifier for the object." msgstr "Pengidentifikasi unik untuk object." msgid "Avatar URL with image size of %d pixels." msgstr "Avatar URL with image size of %d pixels." msgid "The comment cannot be deleted." msgstr "Komentar tersebut tak bisa dihapus." msgid "The comment has already been trashed." msgstr "Komentar tersebut telah dibuang." msgid "Updating comment failed." msgstr "Pembaruan komentar gagal." msgid "Updating comment status failed." msgstr "Pembaruan status komentar gagal." msgid "Creating comment failed." msgstr "Pembuatan komentar gagal." msgid "Cannot create existing comment." msgstr "Tak bisa menyimpan komentar yang sudah ada." msgid "Sorry, you must be logged in to comment." msgstr "Maaf, Anda harus login untuk berkomentar." msgid "Invalid comment" msgstr "Komentar tidak valid" msgid "Query parameter not permitted: %s" msgstr "Parameter kueri tak diizinkan: %s" msgid "Whether to bypass trash and force deletion." msgstr "Whether to bypass trash and force deletion." msgid "Could not open file handle." msgstr "Could not open file handle." msgid "Content hash did not match expected." msgstr "Hash konten tidak sesuai dengan yang diinginkan." msgid "" "Invalid Content-Disposition supplied. Content-Disposition needs to be " "formatted as `attachment; filename=\"image.png\"` or similar." msgstr "" "Content-Disposition tidak valid. Content-Disposition harus diformat seperti " "`attachment; filename=\"image.png\"` atau sejenisnya." msgid "No Content-Disposition supplied." msgstr "Tak ada Content-Disposition." msgid "No data supplied." msgstr "Tak ada data." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to batch manipulate this resource." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak boleh memodifikasi massal sumberdaya ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to upload media on this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan mengunggah media ke situs ini." msgid "File is private and cannot be imported" msgstr "Berkas berstatus pribadi dan tidak dapat diimpor" msgid "Upgrade your site to remove ads and unlock more power" msgstr "" "Upgrade situs Anda untuk menghilangkan iklan dan buka " "fasilitas-fasilitas penting lainnya" msgid "Create your stunning website on" msgstr "Buat situs web yang menarik di" msgid "" " allows you to build any kind of site you want: business site, " "blog, portfolio, the sky is the limit!" msgstr "" " memungkinkan Anda membangun berbagai macam situs yang Anda " "inginkan: Situs bisnis, blog, portofolio, langitlah batasnya!" msgid "Create anything" msgstr "Buat sesuatu" msgid "Trusted by some of the world's biggest brands and industries." msgstr "Dipercaya oleh beberapa merek dan industri terbesar di dunia." msgid "Upgrade your site to remove ads and unlock more power" msgstr "" "Upgrade situs Anda untuk menghilangkan iklan dan buka fasilitas-fasilitas " "penting lainnya" msgid "" "We display ads sparingly on free sites to help cover costs without " "interfering with the browsing experience.</p><p>If you would like to " "permanently remove ads from your site, please consider upgrading to a paid " "plan." msgstr "" "Kami menampilkan iklan secukupnya di situs gratis untuk membantu menutup " "biaya tanpa mengganggu kenyamanan Anda.</p><p>Jika Anda ingin menghilangkan " "iklan secara permanen dari situs Anda, pertimbangkan melakukan upgrade ke " "paket berbayar." msgid "Remove ads on your site completely" msgstr "Hilangkan iklan di situs Anda sepenuhnya" msgid "<span>Start </span>Free<span> plan</span>" msgstr "<span>Mulai paket </span>Gratis<span></span>" msgid "" "<strong>Site, supercharged:</strong> get your own domain name, powerful " "customization options and lots of space for audio and video." msgstr "" "<strong>Situs, dipercantik:</strong> dapatkan nama domain Anda sendiri, opsi " "kustomisasi yang hebat, dan ruang yang lega untuk audio dan video." msgid "<span>Start </span>Business" msgstr "<span>Mulai </span>Bisnis" msgid "<span>Start </span>Premium" msgstr "<span>Mulai</span> Premium" msgid "" "Just start creating: get a free site and be on your way to publishing your " "content in less than five minutes." msgstr "" "Cukup mulai membuat: dapatkan situs gratis dan pilih cara menerbitkan konten " "Anda kurang dari lima menit." msgid "" "Go beyond basic with a supercharged website. Personalize your " "design, pick a custom domain name, enjoy more space for your media, and " "benefit from superior email support. The same easy-to-use, now " "with more power and more possibility." msgstr "" "Jadikan situs Anda tampil beda dengan situs web yang " "dipercantik. Ubah desain sesuai selera Anda, pilih nama domain khusus, " "nikmati ruang yang lebih luas untuk media Anda, dan manfaatkan bantuan email " "lebih lanjut. Semudah menggunakan, sekarang dengan kekuatan " "dan kesempatan yang lebih besar." msgid "Your site, supercharged" msgstr "Situs Anda, dipercantik" msgid "" "Get a free site and be on your way to publishing your content in less than " "five minutes." msgstr "" "Dapatkan situs gratis dan pilih cara menerbitkan konten Anda kurang dari " "lima menit." msgid "Community support" msgstr "Dukungan komunitas" msgid "Start for Free" msgstr "Mulai Gratis" msgid "" "More features, space, customization, plus the power of live chat support. " "Engage your customers and attract new ones with our most powerful WordPress." "com plan. Your online presence begins with your website. Make it count by " "choosing the best of" msgstr "" "Lebih banyak fitur, ruang, kustomisasi, ditambah kehebatan dukungan obrolan " "live. Tingkatkan interaksi dengan pelanggan lama dan tarik perhatian " "pelanggan baru dengan paket paling hebat kami. Eksistensi " "online Anda dimulai dari situs web Anda. Maksimalkan dengan memilih yang " "terbaik dari" msgid "The best of" msgstr "Terbaik dari" msgid "Advanced design customization" msgstr "Pengaturan desain tingkat lanjut" msgid "Looking for a free account?" msgstr "Mencari akun gratis?" msgid "Upgrade your website to unlock more power" msgstr "" "Upgrade situs web Anda untuk membuka fasilitas-fasilitas penting lainnya" msgid "" " powers beautiful websites <span>for businesses, professionals, " "and bloggers.</span>" msgstr "" " mendukung situs web yang cantik <span>untuk bisnis, " "profesional, dan blogger.</span>" msgid "Create your <span>stunning website</span>" msgstr "Buat <span>situs web hebat</span> Anda sendiri" msgid "" "With our responsive and mobile themes, we make sure your site looks good on " "any device. Update your website on the go with mobile apps for iOS and " "Android." msgstr "" "Dengan tema responsif dan seluler kami, kami memastikan bahwa situs Anda " "nampak cantik di berbagai perangkat. Perbarui situs web Anda di mana saja " "dengan aplikasi seluler untuk iOS dan Android." msgid "" "Our Happiness Engineers work night and day through live chat, email, support " "pages, and forums to answer any questions you have." msgstr "" "Happiness Engineer kami bekerja siang dan malam untuk menjawab pertanyaan " "Anda melalui live chat, email, laman bantuan, dan forum." msgid "" "Keep your finger on the pulse and learn more about your readers. See where " "they’re from and how they found you, with colourful maps and graphs that " "beautifully present your stats." msgstr "" "Selalu aktif dan pelajari selengkapnya tentang pembaca Anda. Lihat dari mana " "mereka berasal dan bagaimana mereka menemukan Anda, dengan peta dan grafik " "warna yang menyajikan statistik Anda secara jelas." msgid "" "Find a unique style for your site, features hundreds of high " "quality themes." msgstr "" "Temukan gaya yang unik untuk situs Anda, menampilkan ratusan " "tema berkualitas tinggi." msgid "" "Register a unique .com, .net, .org, or .me domain and start using it in " "seconds. You can also map your existing domain name to in a " "few easy steps." msgstr "" "Daftarkan domain unik .com, .net, .org, atau .me dan langsung menggunakannya " "dalam beberapa detik kemudian. Anda dapat memetakan nama domain yang ada " "saat ini ke dalam beberapa langkah mudah." msgid "" "Creating and managing your website is simple with’s powerful " "platform. Get started in minutes and make changes to your site easily." msgstr "" "Membuat dan mengelola situs web semudah menggunakan platform hebat WordPress." "com. Mulai dalam beberapa menit dan lakukan perubahan untuk situs Anda " "dengan mudah." msgid "Features you'll love" msgstr "Fitur yang akan membuat Anda jatuh cinta" msgid "Browse themes" msgstr "Telusuri tema" msgid "The best support" msgstr "Dukungan terbaik" msgid "Powerful statistics" msgstr "Statistik yang andal" msgid "Outstanding design" msgstr "Desain yang berbeda" msgid "Your own domain name" msgstr "Nama domain Anda sendiri" msgid "Start with Business" msgstr "Mulai dengan Bisnis" msgid "Start with Premium" msgstr "Mulai dengan Premium" msgid "Discover plans that mean business " msgstr "Temukan paket yang tepat untuk bisnis " msgid "Your business, your website." msgstr "Bisnis Anda, situs web Anda." msgid "User is already subscribed to this blog." msgstr "Pengguna sudah berlangganan blog ini." msgid "Sign in to continue:" msgstr "Masuk untuk melanjutkan:" msgid "Backup codes have been verified" msgstr "Kode cadangan sudah diverifikasi." msgid "New backup codes have just been generated, but need to be verified." msgstr "Kode cadangan baru sudah dibuat, tetapi Anda harus diverifikasi." msgid "Backup codes have not been verified." msgstr "Kode Cadangan belum diverifikasi." msgid "Type a Backup Code to Verify" msgstr "Ketik Kode Cadangan untuk Melakukan Verifikasi" msgid "" "The registry for your domain requires a special process for transfers. Our " "Happiness Engineers have been notified about your transfer request and will " "be in touch shortly to help you complete the process." msgstr "" "Pendaftaran untuk domain Anda memerlukan proses khusus untuk transfer. Para " "Happiness Engineer kami sudah diberi tahu tentang permintaan transfer Anda " "dan akan segera menghubungi Anda untuk membantu menyelesaikan proses ini." msgid "Resend Transfer Code" msgstr "Kirim Ulang Kode Transfer" msgid "Cancel Transfer" msgstr "Batalkan Transfer" msgid "" "We've canceled your domain transfer. Your domain is now re-locked and " "Privacy Protection has been enabled." msgstr "" "Kami telah membatalkan transfer domain Anda. Domain Anda sekarang dikunci " "dan Perlindungan Privasi Anda sudah diaktifkan." msgid "Update settings and continue" msgstr "Perbarui Pengaturan dan Lanjutkan" msgid "Learn more " msgstr "Baca selengkapnya " msgid "" "We sent the ICANN verification email to your email address. Please check " "your inbox and click the link in the email." msgstr "" "Kami mengirimkan email verifikasi ICANN ke alamat email Anda. Harap periksa " "kotak masuk Anda dan klik tautan di email." msgid "<p>Continue reading → %s</p>" msgstr "<p>Lanjutkan membaca → %s</p>" msgctxt "%s = human-readable time difference" msgid "%s ago" msgstr "%s yang lalu" msgid "There was an error removing the purchase." msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat menghapus pembelian." msgid "Remove %(productName)s" msgstr "Hapus %(productName)s" msgid "Manage Account" msgstr "Kelola Akun" msgid "Code:" msgstr "Kode:" msgid "MailChimp Subscriber Popup" msgstr "Popup Pelanggan MailChimp" msgid "Allows displaying a popup subscription form to visitors." msgstr "Memungkinkan munculnya formulir langganan popup untuk pengunjung." msgid "This invite is only valid for %(email)s." msgstr "Undangan ini hanya valid untuk %(email)s." msgid "Switch Accounts" msgstr "Ganti Akun" msgctxt "button" msgid "Register as %(email)s" msgstr "Daftar sebagai %(email)s" msgctxt "button" msgid "Sign In as %(email)s" msgstr "Masuk sebagai %(email)s" msgid "Oh no! You need to select a Jetpack site to be able to setup your plan" msgstr "" "Oh tidaaak! Anda harus memilih situs jetpack agar dapat menyiapkan paket Anda" msgid "" "You agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and authorize your " "payment method to be charged on a recurring basis until you cancel, which " "you can do at any time. You understand {{autoRenewalSupportPage}}how your " "subscription works{{/autoRenewalSupportPage}} and " "{{faqCancellingSupportPage}}how to cancel{{/faqCancellingSupportPage}}." msgstr "" "Anda menyetujui {{tosLink}}Ketentuan Layanan{{/tosLink}} kami dan memberikan " "otorisasi metode pembayaran Anda untuk ditagih secara berulang hingga Anda " "membatalkannya, yang dapat dilakukan kapan saja. Anda memahami " "{{autoRenewalSupportPage}}cara kerja langganan{{/autoRenewalSupportPage}} " "dan {{faqCancellingSupportPage}}cara berhenti berlangganan{{/" "faqCancellingSupportPage}}." msgid "Security scanning" msgstr "Pemindaian keamanan" msgid "Automated restores" msgstr "Pemulihan Otomatis" msgid "Spam protection" msgstr "Perlindungan spam" msgid "Unlimited backup archive" msgstr "Arsip pencadangan tanpa batas" msgid "" "We’ve made a change to make your site visible, but you can adjust its " "visibility in <a href=\"%s\">Settings</a>." msgstr "" "Kami sudah melakukan perubahan untuk membuat situs Anda nampak, tetapi Anda " "dapat menyesuaikan visibilitasnya di <a href=\"%s\">Pengaturan</a>." msgid "" "We discovered your site, <strong>%s</strong>, was hidden from search engines " "by default." msgstr "" "Kami menemukan bahwa situs Anda, <strong>%s</strong>, sudah disembunyikan " "dari mesin pencarian secara default." msgid " Discover" msgstr " Discover" msgid " Features" msgstr "Fitur-fitur" msgid " Blog" msgstr "Blog" msgid "Your site %s can now be seen by search engines." msgstr "Situs Anda %s sekarang dapat ditemukan oleh mesin pencari." msgid "We've made your site public" msgstr "Kami telah menjadikan situs Anda menjadi publik" msgid "Error updating %(plugin)s on %(site)s. %(additionalExplanation)s" msgstr "" "Kesalahan saat memperbarui %(plugin)s di %(site)s. %(additionalExplanation)s" msgid "Error installing %(plugin)s on %(site)s. %(additionalExplanation)s" msgstr "" "Kesalahan saat memasang %(plugin)s di %(site)s. %(additionalExplanation)s" msgid "The checksum of the files don't match." msgstr "Checksum file tidak cocok." msgid "Plugin is already installed." msgstr "Plugin sudah dipasang." msgid "The site could not be reached." msgstr "Situs tidak dapat dijangkau." msgid "Update all" msgstr "Perbarui semua" msgid "Remove Now" msgstr "Hapus Sekarang" msgid "Website: %s" msgstr "Situs web: %s" msgid "More information about the comment source" msgstr "Informasi selengkapnya tentang sumber komentar" msgid "Whois: %s (IP: %s)" msgstr "Whois: %s (IP: %s)" msgid "Website: %1$s (IP: %2$s)" msgstr "Situs web: %1$s (IP: %2$s)" msgid ": %s" msgstr ": %s" msgctxt "Message that is displayed to users when an invitation is invalid." msgid "We weren't able to verify that invitation." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat memverifikasi undangan itu." msgctxt "" "Title that is display to users when attempting to accept an invalid invite." msgid "Oops, that invite is not valid" msgstr "Aduh, undangan itu tidak valid." msgid "Follow by email subscription only." msgstr "Ikuti dengan langganan email saja." msgid "Sign Up & Join" msgstr "Daftar & Gabung" msgid "Sign Up & View" msgstr "Daftar & Lihat" msgid "Sign Up & Follow" msgstr "Daftar & Ikuti" msgid "Join as {{usernameWrap}}%(username)s{{/usernameWrap}}" msgstr "Bergabung sebagai {{usernameWrap}}%(username)s{{/usernameWrap}}" msgid "Follow as {{usernameWrap}}%(username)s{{/usernameWrap}}" msgstr "Ikuti sebagai {{usernameWrap}}%(username)s{{/usernameWrap}}" msgctxt "button" msgid "Join" msgstr "Gabung" msgctxt "button" msgid "Joining…" msgstr "Bergabung…" msgctxt "button" msgid "Follow" msgstr "Ikuti" msgctxt "button" msgid "Following…" msgstr "Mengikuti…" msgid "Accept Invite" msgstr "Terima Undangan" msgid "You're now a Subscriber of: {{site/}}" msgstr "Anda sekarang Pelanggan dari: {{site/}}" msgid "" "This is your site dashboard where you can write and manage your own posts." msgstr "" "Ini adalah dasbor situs Anda, tempat Anda dapat menulis dan mengelola pos " "Anda sendiri." msgid "You're now a Contributor of: {{site/}}" msgstr "Anda sekarang Kontributor dari: {{site/}}" msgid "" "This is your site dashboard where you can publish and edit your own posts as " "well as upload media." msgstr "" "Ini adalah dasbor situs Anda, tempat Anda dapat menerbitkan dan menyunting " "pos Anda sendiri serta mengunggah media." msgid "You're now an Author of: {{site/}}" msgstr "Anda sekarang Penulis dari: {{site/}}" msgid "" "This is your site dashboard where you can publish and manage your own posts " "and the posts of others, as well as upload media." msgstr "" "Ini adalah dasbor situs Anda, tempat Anda dapat menerbitkan dan mengelola " "pos Anda sendiri dan pos orang lain, serta mengunggah media." msgid "You're now an Editor of: {{site/}}" msgstr "Anda sekarang Editor dari: {{site/}}" msgid "" "This is your site dashboard where you will be able to manage all aspects of " "%(site)s" msgstr "" "Ini adalah dasbor situs Anda, tempat Anda dapat mengelola semua aspek " "%(site)s" msgid "You're now an Administrator of: {{site/}}" msgstr "Anda sekarang Administrator dari: {{site/}}" msgid "You are now a viewer of: {{site/}}" msgstr "Anda sekarang pemirsa dari: {{site/}}" msgid "" "As a contributor, you will be able to write and manage your own posts, but " "you will not be able to publish." msgstr "" "Sebagai kontributor, Anda akan dapat menulis dan mengelola pos Anda sendiri, " "tapi Anda tidak akan dapat menerbitkan." msgid "" "As an author, you will be able to publish and edit your own posts as well as " "upload media." msgstr "" "Sebagai penulis, Anda akan dapat menerbitkan dan menyunting pos Anda sendiri " "serta mengunggah media." msgid "" "As an editor, you will be able to publish and manage your own posts and the " "posts of others, as well as upload media." msgstr "" "Sebagai editor, Anda akan dapat menerbitkan dan mengelola pos Anda sendiri " "dan pos orang lain, serta mengunggah media." msgid "" "Would you like to join {{siteLink/}} as: {{strong}}%(siteRole)s{{/strong}}?" msgstr "" "Maukah Anda bergabung dengan {{siteLink/}} sebagai: {{strong}}%(siteRole)s{{/" "strong}}?" msgid "Would you like to become a follower of {{siteLink/}}?" msgstr "Maukah Anda menjadi pengikut {{siteLink/}}?" msgid "Would you like to be able to view {{siteLink/}}?" msgstr "Maukah Anda dapat melihat {{siteLink/}}?" msgid "" "Would you like to start following {{siteLink/}} in the Reader?" msgstr "Maukah Anda mulai mengikuti {{siteLink/}} di Pembaca" msgid "Would you like to start contributing to {{siteLink/}}?" msgstr "Maukah Anda mulai berkontribusi untuk {{siteLink/}}?" msgid "Would you like to start writing for {{siteLink/}}?" msgstr "Maukah Anda mulai menulis untuk {{siteLink/}}?" msgid "Would you like to start editing {{siteLink/}}?" msgstr "Maukah Anda mulai menyunting {{siteLink/}}?" msgid "Would you like to start managing {{siteLink/}}?" msgstr "Maukah Anda mulai mengelola {{siteLink/}}?" msgid "Sign up to join {{siteLink/}} as: {{strong}}%(siteRole)s{{/strong}}." msgstr "" "Daftar untuk bergabung dengan {{siteLink/}} sebagai: " "{{strong}}%(siteRole)s{{/strong}}." msgid "Sign up to start following {{siteLink/}} in the Reader." msgstr "Daftar untuk mulai mengikuti {{siteLink/}} di Pembaca" msgid "Sign up to begin viewing {{siteLink/}}." msgstr "Daftar untuk mulai melihat {{siteLink/}}." msgid "Sign up to start your subscription to {{siteLink/}}." msgstr "Daftar untuk memulai langganan Anda pada {{siteLink/}}." msgid "Sign up to start contributing to {{siteLink/}}." msgstr "Daftar untuk mulai berkontribusi pada {{siteLink/}}." msgid "Sign up to start writing for {{siteLink/}}." msgstr "Daftar untuk mulai menulis untuk {{siteLink/}}." msgid "Sign up to start editing {{siteLink/}}." msgstr "Daftar untuk mulai menyunting {{siteLink/}}." msgid "Sign up to start managing {{siteLink/}}." msgstr "Daftar untuk mulai mengelola {{siteLink/}}." msgid "" "Hi there,\n" "\n" "We recently received a request to change the email address for the WordPress." "com user ###USERNAME### from ###OLDEMAIL### to ###NEWEMAIL###.\n" "\n" "If this is correct, please click on the following link to change it:\n" "###ADMIN_URL###\n" "\n" "You can safely ignore and delete this email if you do not want to\n" "take this action.\n" "\n" "This email has been sent to ###NEWEMAIL###\n" "\n" "Regards,\n" "All at ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgstr "" "Halo, \n" "\n" "Kami baru saja menerima permintaan untuk mengubah alamat email pengguna " " ###NAMAPENGGUNA### dari ###EMAILLAMA### menjadi " "###EMAILBARU###.\n" "\n" "Jika sudah benar, silakan klik pada tautan berikut untuk mengubahnya:\n" "###ADMIN_URL###\n" "\n" "Anda dapat mengabaikan dan menghapus email ini jika tidak ingin mengubahnya\n" "ambil tindakan ini.\n" "\n" "Email ini telah dikirimkan ke ###EMAILBARU###\n" "\n" "Salam,\n" "Semua di ###NAMASITUS###\n" "###URLSITUS###" msgid "" "Or, if you're looking to get a refund or cancel a recent purchase, you can " "do so <a href='%s'>here</a>." msgstr "" "Atau, jika Anda ingin mendapat pengembalian dana atau membatalkan pembelian " "saat ini, Anda dapat melakukannya <a href='%s'>di sini</a>." msgid "" "Please contact us by re-sending your request through our <a " "href='%s'>contact form</a>, where staff members are available for live chat " "between 7:00am and 8:00pm Eastern Standard time. During other times, you can " "use the contact form to send us a short email." msgstr "" "Harap hubungi kami dengan mengirim kembali permintaan Anda melalui <a " "href='%s'>formulir kontak</a> kami, dan anggota staf kami siaga untuk " "obrolan langsung antara pukul 7.00 pagi hingga 8.00 malam waktu Standar " "Timur. Di luar waktu itu, Anda dapat menggunakan formulir kontak untuk " "mengirimkan email pendek kepada kami." msgid "You sent an email to us at an unmonitored email address." msgstr "" "Anda mengirimkan email kepada kami di alamat email yang tidak dipantau." msgid "Invalid Support Email" msgstr "Email Dukungan Tidak Valid" msgid "I don't have any products yet." msgstr "Anda belum mempunyai produk." msgid "per month, billed yearly" msgstr "per bulan, penagihan tahunan" msgid "Export %(siteTitle)s" msgstr "Ekspor %(siteTitle)s" msgid "Want to export your site?" msgstr "Ingin mengekspor situs Anda?" msgid "Get it on Google Play" msgstr "Dapatkan di Google Play" msgid "Mobile app" msgstr "Aplikasi seluler" msgid "Linux" msgstr "Linux" msgid "Window" msgstr "Jendela" msgid "Get Apps" msgstr "Dapatkan Aplikasi" msgid "" "This subscription was originally purchased by another user. Please ask the " "subscription owner to renew the subscription." msgstr "" "Langganan ini aslinya dibeli oleh pengguna lain. Harap memohon pemilik " "langganan untuk memperbarui langganan." msgid "" "Get the most out of Jetpack by activating its most valuable WordPress " "services and features" msgstr "" "Maksimalkan Jetpack dengan mengaktifkan layanan dan fitur WordPress yang " "paling penting" msgid "Automated plugin updates" msgstr "Pembaruan plugin otomatis" msgid "Unsubscribe from these emails" msgstr "Batalkan berlangganan dari email tersebut" msgid "Ask a Happiness Engineer" msgstr "Tanya Happiness Engineer." msgid "Thank you for using Jetpack!" msgstr "Terima kasih telah menggunakan Jetpack!" msgid "Security Essentials:" msgstr "Kebutuhan Keamanan Dasar:" msgid "Welcome to Jetpack!" msgstr "Selamat datang di Jetpack!" msgid "Happiness Engineer" msgstr "Happiness Engineer" msgid "Thanks for using Jetpack" msgstr "Terima kasih telah menggunakan Jetpack" msgid "" "Use our powerful, streamlined editor to craft and publish posts and pages " "across all your sites." msgstr "" "Gunakan editor kami yang andal dan terpadu untuk membuat dan memublikasikan " "pos dan halaman di semua situs Anda." msgid "Activate Auto-Updates" msgstr "Aktifkan Pembaruan Otomatis" msgid "" "With only a single click, enable automatic updates for all of your plugins. " "Jetpack will take care of the rest." msgstr "" "Hanya dengan sekali klik, aktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk semua plugin " "Anda. Jetpack akan menangani selanjutnya." msgid "" "Running the latest version of a WordPress plugin greatly reduces your " "security risks." msgstr "" "Menjalankan versi terbaru dari plugin WordPress sangat mengurangi risiko " "keamanan Anda." msgid "Automatic Plugin Updates" msgstr "Pembaruan Plugin Otomatis" msgid " Activate Traffic Tools" msgstr " Aktifkan Alat Lalu-Lintas" msgid "" "Jetpack's <strong>Site Stats</strong> gives you the numbers, and tools like " "<strong>Publicize</strong> and <strong>Related Posts</strong> help you grow " "them." msgstr "" "<strong>Statistik Situs</strong> Jetpack memberi Anda angka, dan alat " "seperti <strong>Publikasikan</strong> dan <strong>Pos Terkait</strong> " "membantu Anda membesarkannya." msgid "" "Having reliable stats about your traffic and attracting more visitors is at " "the core of running a successful website." msgstr "" "Memiliki statistik yang dapat diandalkan tentang lalu-lintas Anda dan " "menarik lebih banyak pengunjung ada di inti dalam menjalankan situs web yang " "sukses." msgid "Popular Traffic Tools" msgstr "Alat Lalu-Lintas Populer" msgid "Activate Security Essentials" msgstr "Aktifkan Intisari Keamanan" msgid "" "To activate these services, visit your Jetpack dashboard and click the " "toggle so that it turns green and says <strong>Active</strong>. You can " "configure advanced settings for each one by clicking the little green cog " "icon." msgstr "" "Untuk mengaktifkan layanan tersebut, kunjungi dasbor Jetpack Anda dan klik " "toggle sehingga berubah hijau dan tertulis <strong>Aktif</strong>. Anda " "dapat mengonfigurasi pengaturan lanjutan untuk masing-masing dengan " "mengeklik ikon roda gigi hijau kecil." msgid "" "Jetpack includes three must-have security services that benefit any " "WordPress site: <strong>brute force log-in protection</strong>, " "<strong>single sign on</strong>, and <strong>uptime monitoring</strong>." msgstr "" "Jetpack menyertakan tiga layanan keamanan wajib punya yang menguntungkan " "situs WordPress: <strong>perlindungan masuk brute force</strong>, " "<strong>single sign on</strong>, dan <strong>pemantauan waktu aktif</strong>." msgid "Security Essentials" msgstr "Intisari Keamanan" msgid "Welcome to Jetpack" msgstr "Selamat datang di Jetpack" msgid "Unsubscribe from this email" msgstr "Berhenti berlangganan email" msgid "%(count)s Comment" msgid_plural "%(count)s Comments" msgstr[0] "%(count)s Komentar" msgstr[1] "%(count)s Komentar" msgid "Sign in as a different user" msgstr "Masuk sebagai pengguna yang berbeda" msgid "" "Your export was successful! A download link has also been sent to your email." msgstr "" "Ekspor Anda berhasil!\n" "\t\t\t\t\t\tTautan unduhan juga berhasil dikirimkan ke email Anda." msgid "Import your content" msgstr "Impor konten Anda" msgid "Export all" msgstr "Ekspor Semua" msgid "Exporting…" msgstr "Mengekspor..." msgid "Select specific content to export" msgstr "Pilih konten khusus untuk diekspor" msgid "%s word" msgid_plural "%s words" msgstr[0] "%s kata" msgstr[1] "%s kata" msgid "Someone has requested a password reset for the following account:" msgstr "Seseorang telah meminta reset password untuk akun berikut: " msgid "Are you sure the database server is not under particularly heavy load?" msgstr "" "Apakah Anda yakin server database tidak sedang mengalami beban tinggi? " msgid "" "This means that the contact with the database server at %s was lost. This " "could mean your host’s database server is down." msgstr "" "Ini artinya kontak dengan server database di %s telah hilang. Bisa juga " "berarti server database hosting Anda sedang down." msgid "Error reconnecting to the database" msgstr "Galat menghubungkan ulang ke basis data" msgid "" "If you are unsure what these terms mean you should probably contact your " "host. If you still need help you can always visit the <a href=\"%s" "\">WordPress support forums</a>." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak yakin apa arti terma-terma berikut, sebaiknya Anda " "menghubungi host Anda. Jika Anda masih butuh bantuan, silakan kunjungi <a " "href=\"%s\">Forum Dukungan WordPress</a>." msgid "Are you sure the database server is running?" msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin server database sedang bekerja?" msgid "Are you sure you have typed the correct hostname?" msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin telah memasukkan nama host dengan tepat?" msgid "Are you sure you have the correct username and password?" msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin bahwa username dan password sudah benar?" msgid "" "This either means that the username and password information in your %1$s " "file is incorrect or that contact with the database server at %2$s could not " "be established. This could mean your host’s database server is down." msgstr "" "Ini berarti bahwa informasi nama pengguna dan kata sandi dalam berkas %1$s " "Anda salah atau kontak dengan server basis data pada %2$s tidak dapat " "dibuat. Mungkin server basis data penyedia hosting Anda sedang mati." msgid "" "If you do not know how to set up a database you should <strong>contact your " "host</strong>. If all else fails you may find help at the <a href=\"%s" "\">WordPress support forums</a>." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tak tahu cara menyiapkan database, Anda harus <strong>menghubungi " "host Anda</strong>. Jika semuanya gagal, Anda mungkin bisa memperoleh " "bantuan di <a href=\"%s\">Forum Dukungan WordPress</a>." msgid "" "On some systems the name of your database is prefixed with your username, so " "it would be like <code>username_%1$s</code>. Could that be the problem?" msgstr "" "Pada beberapa sistem, nama database Anda diawali dengan username Anda, jadi " "semacam <code>username_%1$s</code>. Apa mungkin itu masalahnya?" msgid "Does the user %1$s have permission to use the %2$s database?" msgstr "Apakah pengguna %1$s memiliki izin untuk menggunakan database %2$s?" msgid "Are you sure it exists?" msgstr "Anda yakin itu ada?" msgid "Term meta cannot be added to terms that are shared between taxonomies." msgstr "" "Meta terma tak bisa ditambahkan ke terma-terma yang digunakan bersama oleh " "beberapa taksonomi." msgid "Categories list" msgstr "Daftar kategori" msgid "Tags list" msgstr "Daftar tag" msgid "Categories list navigation" msgstr "Navigasi daftar kategori" msgid "Tags list navigation" msgstr "Navigasi daftar tag" msgid "" "Invalid shortcode name: %1$s. Do not use spaces or reserved characters: %2$s" msgstr "" "Nama shortcode invalid: %1$s. Jangan gunakan spasi atau karakter terlarang: " "%2$s" msgid "Invalid shortcode name: Empty name given." msgstr "Nama shortcode invalid: Diberikan nama kosong." msgid "%1$s (since %2$s; %3$s)" msgstr "%1$s (sejak %2$s; %3$s)" msgid "%1$s (since %2$s; no alternative available)" msgstr "%1$s (sejak %2$s; tak ada alternatif)" msgid "%1$s (since %2$s; use %3$s instead)" msgstr "%1$s (sejak %2$s; gunakan %3$s saja)" msgid "The specified namespace could not be found." msgstr "Namespace yang ditentukan tak bisa ditemukan." msgid "No route was found matching the URL and request method" msgstr "Tidak ada rute yang sesuai dengan metode URL dan permintaan" msgid "The handler for the route is invalid" msgstr "Handler untuk rute tidak valid" msgid "The JSONP callback function is invalid" msgstr "JSONP callback function tidak valid." msgid "JSONP support is disabled on this site." msgstr "Dukungan JSONP dinonaktifkan pada situs ini." msgid "Invalid parameter(s): %s" msgstr "Parameter invalid: %s" msgid "Invalid parameter." msgstr "Parameter tidak sah." msgid "Missing parameter(s): %s" msgstr "Parameter yang kurang: %s" msgid "Pages list" msgstr "Daftar laman" msgid "Posts list" msgstr "Daftar pos" msgid "Pages list navigation" msgstr "Navigasi daftar laman" msgid "Posts list navigation" msgstr "Navigasi daftar pos" msgid "Filter pages list" msgstr "Sortir daftar laman" msgid "Filter posts list" msgstr "Saring daftar pos" msgid "The menu name %s conflicts with another menu name. Please try another." msgstr "" "Nama menu %s bertabrakan dengan nama menu lain. Silakan coba nama lain." msgid "" "This site has not been activated yet. If you are having problems activating " "your site, please contact %s." msgstr "" "Situs belum diaktifkan. Jika Anda mengalami masalah saat mengaktifkan situs " "Anda, silakan hubungi %s." msgid "Site names can only contain lowercase letters (a-z) and numbers." msgstr "Nama situs hanya dapat meliputi huruf kecil (a-z) dan angka. " msgid "Sorry, that username is not allowed." msgstr "Maaf, nama pengguna tersebut tidak diperbolehkan." msgctxt "genitive" msgid "December" msgstr "Desember" msgctxt "genitive" msgid "November" msgstr "November" msgctxt "genitive" msgid "October" msgstr "Oktober" msgctxt "genitive" msgid "September" msgstr "September" msgctxt "genitive" msgid "August" msgstr "Agustus" msgctxt "genitive" msgid "July" msgstr "Juli" msgctxt "genitive" msgid "June" msgstr "Juni" msgctxt "genitive" msgid "May" msgstr "Mei" msgctxt "genitive" msgid "April" msgstr "April" msgctxt "genitive" msgid "March" msgstr "Maret" msgctxt "genitive" msgid "February" msgstr "Februari" msgctxt "genitive" msgid "January" msgstr "Januari" msgid "" "Please see <a href=\"%s\">Debugging in WordPress</a> for more information." msgstr "" "Silakan lihat <a href=\"%s\">Debugging di WordPress</a> untuk informasi " "lebih lanjut." msgctxt "decline months names: on or off" msgid "off" msgstr "off" msgid "Use the %s filter instead." msgstr "Pergunakan penyaring %s saja." msgid "Oops! That embed cannot be found." msgstr "Ups! Embed tsb tak ditemukan." msgid "Copy and paste this code into your site to embed" msgstr "Salin dan tempelkan kode ini ke dalam situs Anda untuk embed" msgid "Copy and paste this URL into your WordPress site to embed" msgstr "Salin dan tempelkan URL ini ke dalam WordPress Anda untuk embed" msgid "HTML Embed" msgstr "HTML Embed" msgid "WordPress Embed" msgstr "WordPress Embed" msgid "Sharing options" msgstr "Opsi berbagi" msgid "" "When in reorder mode, additional controls to reorder widgets will be " "available in the widgets list above." msgstr "" "Pada mode pengurutan ulang, kontrol tambahan untuk mengurutkan ulang widget " "akan tersedia di daftar widget di atas." msgctxt "menu location" msgid "(Current: %s)" msgstr "(Saat ini: %s)" msgid "Medium-Large size image height" msgstr "Tinggi gambar Sedang-Besar" msgid "Medium-Large size image width" msgstr "Lebar gambar Sedang-Besar" msgid "Use %s instead." msgstr "Gunakan %s saja." msgid "Term ID is shared between multiple taxonomies" msgstr "Term ID digunakan bersama oleh beberapa taksonomi." msgid "Reorder widgets" msgstr "Urutkan ulang widget" msgctxt "menu" msgid "(Currently set to: %s)" msgstr "(Saat ini diatur ke: %s)" msgid "Post Type Archive" msgstr "Arsip Tipe Pos" msgid "Live Preview: %s" msgstr "Pratinjau Langsung: %s" msgid "%1$s is deprecated. Use %2$s instead." msgstr "%1$s telah usang. Gunakan %2$s saja." msgid "Use %s instead if you do not want the value echoed." msgstr "Pergunakan %s saja jika Anda tak ingin value-nya di-echo." msgid "" "This will clear all items from the inactive widgets list. You will not be " "able to restore any customizations." msgstr "" "Ini akan menghapus semua item dari daftar widget tak aktif. Anda tak akan " "bisa mengembalikan kustomisasi yang pernah diterapkan." msgid "Clear Inactive Widgets" msgstr "Bersihkan Widget Tak Aktif" msgid "Users list navigation" msgstr "Navigasi daftar pengguna" msgid "Filter users list" msgstr "Saring daftar pengguna" msgid "Send the new user an email about their account" msgstr "Kirimkan email ke pengguna baru tentang akunnya." msgid "Send User Notification" msgstr "Kirim Notifikasi Pengguna" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Profile Picture" msgstr "Foto Profil" msgid "Media items list" msgstr "Daftar item media" msgid "Media items list navigation" msgstr "Navigasi daftar item media" msgid "Filter media items list" msgstr "Saring daftar item media" msgid "Install Parent Theme" msgstr "Instal Tema Induk" msgid "Default is %s" msgstr "Bawaannya adalah %s" msgid "Standard time begins on: %s." msgstr "Waktu Standard dimulai pada: %s." msgid "Daylight saving time begins on: %s." msgstr "Waktu Daylight saving dimulai pada: %s." msgctxt "menu location" msgid "(Currently set to: %s)" msgstr "(Saat ini diletakkan di: %s)" msgid "<strong>Error:</strong> Sorry, that username is not allowed." msgstr "" "<strong>GALAT</strong>: Maaf, nama pengguna tersebut tidak diperbolehkan." msgid "Toggle panel: %s" msgstr "Buka panel: %s" msgid "Edit permalink" msgstr "Edit permalink" msgid "" "Because you are using %1$s, the sites in your WordPress network must use sub-" "directories. Consider using %2$s if you wish to use sub-domains." msgstr "" "Karena Anda menggunakan %1$s, situs-situs dalam jaringan WordPress Anda " "harus memakai sub-direktori. Pertimbangkan untuk menggunakan %2$s jika Anda " "ingin memakai sub-domain." msgid "You cannot change this later." msgstr "Anda nanti tidak bisa mengubahnya lagi." msgid "" "Please choose whether you would like sites in your WordPress network to use " "sub-domains or sub-directories." msgstr "" "Silakan tentukan apakah Anda menginginkan situs-situs dalam jaringan " "WordPress Anda memakai sub-domain atau sub-direktori." msgid "" "If %1$s is disabled, ask your administrator to enable that module, or look " "at the <a href=\"%2$s\">Apache documentation</a> or <a href=\"%3$s" "\">elsewhere</a> for help setting it up." msgstr "" "Jika %1$s dinonaktifkan, minta administrator Anda untuk mengaktifkan modul " "tersebut, atau lihat di <a href=\"%2$s\">dokumentasi Apache</a> atau <a href=" "\"%3$s\">di tempat lain</a> untuk bantuan menyiapkannya." msgid "It looks like the Apache %s module is not installed." msgstr "Nampaknya modul %s Apache tidak terinstal. " msgid "" "Please make sure the Apache %s module is installed as it will be used at the " "end of this installation." msgstr "" "Pastikan modul Apache %s terinstal, sebab ia akan dijalankan pada akhir " "proses instalasi ini." msgid "%s has been updated." msgstr "%s telah diperbarui." msgid "The Walker class named %s does not exist." msgstr "Walker class dengan nama %s tidak ada." msgid "You are about to delete %s." msgstr "Anda akan menghapus %s." msgid "Invalid image URL." msgstr "URL gambar tidak valid " msgctxt "no user roles" msgid "None" msgstr "Tidak ada" msgid "No role" msgstr "Tanpa peran" msgid "%s column" msgid_plural "%s columns" msgstr[0] "%s kolom" msgstr[1] "%s kolom" msgid "Additional settings" msgstr "Pengaturan tambahan" msgid "Items list" msgstr "Daftar item" msgid "Items list navigation" msgstr "Navigasi daftar item" msgid "Filter items list" msgstr "Saring daftar item" msgid "End date:" msgstr "Tanggal akhir:" msgid "Content to export" msgstr "Konten yg hendak diekspor" msgid "" "You can view posts in a simple title list or with an excerpt using the " "Screen Options tab." msgstr "" "Anda bisa menampilkan pos-pos dalam bentuk daftar judul sederhana atau " "dengan blurb menggunakan tab Opsi Layar." msgid "Comments list" msgstr "Daftar komentar" msgid "Comments list navigation" msgstr "Navigasi daftar komentar" msgid "Filter comments list" msgstr "Saring daftar komentar" msgid "%s is a required field." msgstr "%s wajib diisi" msgid "This is a required field." msgstr "Bidang ini wajib diisi." msgid "You are now following {{site/}}" msgstr "Anda sekarang mengikuti {{site/}}" msgid "Removing from %(count)s site" msgid_plural "Removing from %(count)s sites" msgstr[0] "Menghapus dari %(count)s situs" msgstr[1] "Menghapus dari %(count)s situs" msgid "Removing" msgstr "Menghapus" msgid "Contact us" msgstr "Hubungi kami" msgid "See more from Jetpack Documentation…" msgstr "Lihat selengkapnya dari Dokumentasi Jetpack…" msgid "Jetpack Documentation" msgstr "Dokumentasi Jetpack" msgid "See more from Community Forum…" msgstr "Lihat selengkapnya dari Forum Komunitas…" msgid "Community Answers" msgstr "Jawaban Komunitas" msgid "See more from Documentation…" msgstr "Lihat selengkapnya dari Dokumentasi…" msgid " Documentation" msgstr "Dokumentasi" msgid "No results found for {{em}}%(searchQuery)s{{/em}}" msgstr "Tidak ditemukan hasil untuk {{em}}%(searchQuery)s{{/em}}" msgid "Ask in the forums" msgstr "Tanyakan di forum" msgid "Posting in the forums" msgstr "Mengeposkan di forum" msgid "" "We've received your message, and you'll hear back from one of our Happiness " "Engineers shortly." msgstr "" "Kami telah menerima pesan Anda, dan Anda akan segera mendapat balasan dari " "salah satu Happiness Engineer kami." msgid "We're on it!" msgstr "Kami sudah siap!" msgid "Inset" msgstr "Inset" msgid "Something's broken" msgstr "Terjadi eror" msgid "" "An error occurred while trying to send the Domain Transfer code: " "{{strong}}%s{{/strong}} Please {{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Kesalahan terjadi saat mencoba mengirim kode Transfer Domain: {{strong}}%s{{/" "strong}} Harap {{a}}Hubungi Dukungan{{/a}}." msgid "" "Privacy Protection could not be disabled. The transfer will most likely fail " "due to this error." msgstr "" "Perlindungan Privasi tidak dapat dinonaktifkan. Transfer kemungkinan besar " "akan gagal karena kesalahan ini." msgid "" "The domain could not be unlocked. The transfer will most likely fail due to " "this error." msgstr "" "Domain tidak dapat dibuka. Transfer kemungkinan besar akan gagal karena " "kesalahan ini." msgid "" "The domain could not be unlocked. Additionally, Privacy Protection could not " "be disabled. The transfer will most likely fail due to these errors." msgstr "" "Domain tidak dapat dibuka. Selain itu, Perlindungan Privasi tidak dapat " "dinonaktifkan. Transfer kemungkinan besar akan gagal karena kesalahan " "tersebut." msgid "Expired today" msgstr "Kedaluwarsa hari ini" msgid "You can upload unlimited photos, videos, or music." msgstr "Anda dapat mengunggah foto, video, atau musik tanpa batas." msgid " ads will not display on your site." msgstr "Iklan tidak akan muncul di situs Anda." msgid "Google Analytics Integration" msgstr "Integrasi Google Analytics" msgctxt "Removed email address from this blog" msgid "Successfully unsubscribed <strong>%s</strong> from <strong>%s</strong>." msgstr "" "Berhasil berhenti berlangganan <strong>%s</strong> dari <strong>%s</strong>." msgid "Successfully unsubscribed." msgstr "Berhasil berhenti berlangganan." msgid "Successfully updated your options." msgstr "Berhasil memperbarui pilihan Anda." msgid "Successfully updated your subscription!" msgstr "Berhasil memperbarui langganan Anda!" msgid "We are only able to accept American Express payments in USD" msgstr "Kami hanya dapat menerima pembayaran American Express dalam USD" msgid "Invalid credit card CVV number" msgstr "Nomor CVV kartu kredit tidak valid." msgid "" "Invalid credit card number: Only Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and AMEX are " "accepted" msgstr "" "Nomor kartu kredit tidak valid: Hanya Visa, Mastercard, Discover, dan AMEX " "yang diterima." msgid "The card expired earlier this year." msgstr "Kartu ini berakhir awal tahun ini." msgid "Invalid year entered." msgstr "Tahun yang dimasukkan tidak valid." msgid "Expiry month must be a number between 1 and 12." msgstr "Bulan masa berlaku harus berupa angkat antara 1 dan 12." msgid "" "We've recently made some updates to Jetpack Social. Please visit the <a " "href='%s'> sharing page</a> to manage your publicize " "connections or use the button below." msgstr "" "Kami baru saja membuat beberapa pembaruan untuk Jetpack Social. Silakan " "kunjungi <a href='%s'>halaman berbagi</a> untuk mengelola " "koneksi publikasikan Anda atau gunakan tombol di bawah ini." msgid "" "Want to grow your readership in %d? Join our free <a %s>Blogging University</" "a> and learn how to build a more successful blog." msgstr "" "Ingin menumbuhkan jumlah pembaca di %d? Gabung dengan <a %s>Blogging " "University (Universitas Blogging)</a> gratis kami dan pelajari cara membuat " "blog yang berhasil." msgid "Blogging U" msgstr "Blogging U (Universitas Blogging)" msgid "Use coupon code \"%s\" at checkout and <a %s>take 20%% off</a>." msgstr "" "Gunakan kode kupon \"%s\" saat proses pembayaran dan <a %s>dapatkan diskon " "20%%</a>." msgid "" "Your website deserves the best security tools and support. Our premium add-" "ons come with real-time backups, automated restores, security scanning and " "top of the line support." msgstr "" "Situs web Anda berhak mendapatkan alat dan dukungan keamanan terbaik. Add-on " "premium kami dilengkapi dengan pencadangan real time, pemulihan otomatis, " "pemindaian keamanan, dan dukungan teratas." msgid "PREMIUM ADD-ONS" msgstr "ADD-ON PREMIUM" msgid "" "Now you can even access these great tools from your desktop with the new <a " "%s>Mac, Windows, and Linux apps</a>." msgstr "" "Sekarang Anda dapat mengakses alat hebat ini dari desktop dengan <a " "%s>aplikasi Mac, Windows, and Linux</a> baru." msgid "" "<a %s></a> replaces your admin for one convenient place to " "publish posts, upload photos, and manage your Jetpack sites." msgstr "" "<a %s></a> mengganti admin Anda demi tempat yang nyaman untuk " "menerbitkan pos, mengunggah foto, dan mengelola situs Jetpack Anda." msgid "" "Our team is constantly improving our security algorithms, and offers you " "fast, friendly support for your sites." msgstr "" "Tim kami sealu berupaya menyempurnakan algoritme keamanan kami, dan " "menawarkan dukungan yang cepat dan bersahabat untuk situs web Anda." msgid "" "Jetpack offers free <a %s>brute force protection</a>, <a %s>uptime " "monitoring</a>, and <a %s>secured logins</a>. We've already blocked 3.8 " "billion malicious login attempts." msgstr "" "Jetpack menawarkan <a %s>perlindungan brute force gratis</a>, <a " "%s>pemantauan waktu aktif</a>, dan <a %s>login aman</a>. Kami sudah " "memblokir 3,8 miliar upaya login berbahaya." msgid "JETPACK SECURITY" msgstr "JETPACK SECURITY" msgid "" "Follow blogs that match <a %s>your interests</a> in the Reader or <a " "%s>discover something new</a>. " msgstr "" "Ikuti blog yang sesuai dengan <a %s>minat Anda</a> di Pembaca atau <a " "%s>temukan sesuatu yang baru</a>. " msgid "Redirects to {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}" msgstr "Pengalihan ke {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}" msgctxt "button label" msgid "Edit All" msgstr "Sunting Semua" msgid "Sites {{count/}}" msgstr "Situs {{count/}}" msgid "" "If you don't want to renew, you can cancel this subscription at Me > Manage " "Purchases in your dashboard." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak ingin memperbarui, Anda dapat membatalkan langganan ini di " "Saya > Kelola Pembelian di dasbor Anda." msgid "" "To manage your purchases or view your billing history, visit <a href='%s'>Me " "> Manage Purchases</a> in your account." msgstr "" "Untuk mengelola pembelian atau melihat riwayat penagihan, kunjungi <a " "href='%s'>Saya > Kelola Pembelian</a> di akun Anda." msgid "" "If you don't want to renew, you can cancel this subscription at <a " "href='%s'>Me > Manage Purchases</a> in your account." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak ingin memperbarui, Anda dapat membatalkan langganan ini di " "<a href='%s'>Saya > Kelola Pembelian</a> di akun" msgid "Cannot hide this blog" msgstr "Tidak dapat menyembunyikan blog ini" msgid "Options cannot be changed for your primary blog" msgstr "Opsi untuk blog utama Anda tidak dapat diubah" msgid "All plugins on %(siteName)s are {{span}}up to date.{{/span}}" msgstr "Semua plugin pada %(siteName)s sudah {{span}}yang terbaru.{{/span}}" msgid "Email address can not be empty." msgstr "Alamat email tidak boleh kosong." msgid "" "The transaction was declined. If this error persists, please contact support " "quoting error %s." msgstr "" "Transaksi ditolak. Jika error berlanjut, segera Hubungi dukungan dengan " "menyebutkan error %s." msgid "Then enter the six digit code provided by the app:" msgstr "Lalu ketikkan kode enam digit yang diberikan oleh aplikasi:" msgid "Your free trial has expired" msgstr "Masa uji coba Anda telah kedaluwarsa" msgid "View original post" msgstr "Lihat pos aslinya" msgid "Croatian" msgstr "Kroasia" msgid "Finnish" msgstr "Bahasa Finlandia" msgctxt "" "this goes next to an icon that displays if site is in a state where it can't " "modify has \"Removal Disabled\" " msgid "Removal Disabled" msgstr "Penghapusan Dinonaktifkan" msgid "%(pluginName)s cannot be removed. %(reason)s" msgstr "%(pluginName)s tidak dapat dihapus. %(reason)s" msgid "%(pluginName)s cannot be removed:" msgstr "%(pluginName)s tidak dapat dihapus:" msgid "" "%(pluginName)s cannot be removed because %(site)s is not the main site of " "the multi-site installation." msgstr "" "%(pluginName)s tidak dapat dihapus karena %(site)s bukan situs utama " "pemasangan multisitus." msgid "Popular plugins" msgstr "Plugin Populer" msgid "Add URL" msgstr "Tambah URL" msgid "Debug site!" msgstr "Debug situs!" msgid "%(site)s is unresponsive." msgstr "%(site)s tidak responsif." msgid "Plugin install is not available for %(site)s. %(reason)s" msgstr "Pasang plugin tidak tersedia untuk %(site)s. %(reason)s" msgid "Plugin install is not available for %(site)s:" msgstr "Pasang plugin tidak tersedia untuk %(site)s:" msgid "You don't have any scheduled pages yet." msgstr "Anda belum memiliki halaman terjadwal." msgid "Pick" msgstr "Pilih" msgid "You declined to join." msgstr "Anda menolak untuk bergabung" msgid "" "Purchases are currently disabled. Please {{a}}contact us{{/a}} to re-enable " "purchases." msgstr "" "Saat ini pembelian dinonaktifkan. Harap {{a}}hubungi kami{{/a}} untuk " "mengaktifkan kembali pembelian." msgid "Purchases are currently disabled. Please %1$s to re-enable purchases." msgstr "" "Saat ini pembelian dinonaktifkan. Harap %1$s untuk mengaktifkan kembali " "pembelian." msgid "Site unreachable" msgstr "Situs tidak dapat dijangkau" msgid "Processing…" msgstr "Memproses..." msgid "Autoupdates are not available for %(site)s. %(reason)s" msgstr "Pembaruan otomatis tidak tersedia untuk %(site)s. %(reason)s" msgid "Autoupdates are not available for %(site)s:" msgstr "Pembaruan otomatis tidak tersedia untuk %(site)s:" msgid "" "Only the main site on a multi-site installation can enable autoupdates for " "plugins." msgstr "" "Hanya situs utama dalam pemasangan multisitus yang dapat mengaktifkan " "pembaruan otomatis untuk plugin." msgid "" "%(site)s is part of a multi-network installation, which is not currently " "supported." msgstr "" "%(site)s merupakan bagian dari pemasangan multi-jaringan, yang saat ini " "tidak didukung." msgid "" "This plugin is not in the plugin repository, so we can't " "autoupdate it." msgstr "" "Plugin ini tidak berada di penyimpanan, jadi kami tidak dapat " "memperbarui otomatis." msgid "File modifications are explicitly disabled by a site administrator." msgstr "" "Modifikasi file secara eksplisit dinonaktifkan oleh administrator situs." msgid "Core autoupdates are explicitly disabled by a site administrator." msgstr "" "Pembaruan inti secara eksplisit dinonaktifkan oleh administrator situs." msgid "Any autoupdates are explicitly disabled by a site administrator." msgstr "Pembaruan secara eksplisit dinonaktifkan oleh administrator situs." msgid "The file permissions on this host prevent editing files." msgstr "Izin file di host ini mencegah penyuntingan file." msgid "Weekly digest for %1$s, on %2$s" msgstr "Ringkasan mingguan untuk %1$s, pada %2$s" msgid "Daily digest for %1$s, on %2$s" msgstr "Ringkasan harian untuk %1$s, pada %2$s" msgid "" "<strong>Connect</strong> social media services to automatically share new " "posts and <strong>manage</strong> sharing buttons on a site." msgstr "" "<strong>Hubungkan</strong> ke layanan media sosial untuk membagikan pos Anda " "secara otomatis dan <strong>mengelola</strong> tombol berbagi di situs Anda." msgid "Mission complete. Message %s deleted." msgstr "Misi selesai. Pesan %s terhapus." msgid "Posted title:" msgstr "Judul pos:" msgid "" "The tag cloud will not be displayed since there are no taxonomies that " "support the tag cloud widget." msgstr "" "Awan tag tak akan ditampilkan sebab tak ada taksonomi yang mendukung widget " "awan tag." msgid "" "<strong>Error:</strong> The password you entered for the username %s is " "incorrect." msgstr "" "<strong>GALAT</strong>: Password yang Anda masukkan untuk pengguna %s keliru." msgid "In %1$s, use the %2$s method, not the %3$s function. See %4$s." msgstr "Di %1$s, gunakan metode %2$s, bukan fungsi %3$s. Lihat %4$s." msgid "Invalid taxonomy: %s." msgstr "Taksonomi tidak valid: %s." msgid "Posts published on %s" msgstr "Pos diterbitkan pada %s" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to moderate or edit this comment." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan memoderasi atau mengedit komentar ini." msgid "Local time is %s." msgstr "Waktu setempat adalah %s" msgid "<strong>Error:</strong> Please enter a nickname." msgstr "<strong>ERROR</strong>: Mohon tuliskan nama panggilan." msgid "Get Version %s" msgstr "Dapatkan Versi %s" msgid "The %1$s plugin header is deprecated. Use %2$s instead." msgstr "Header plugin %1$s telah usang. Gunakan %2$s saja." msgid "These unique authentication keys are also missing from your %s file." msgstr "Kunci-kunci autentikasi unik berikut juga tidak ada di berkas %s Anda." msgid "This unique authentication key is also missing from your %s file." msgstr "Kunci autentikasi unik juga tidak ada di berkas %s Anda." msgid "The internet address of your network will be %s." msgstr "Alamat internet jaringan Anda adalah %s." msgid "" "You should consider changing your site domain to %1$s before enabling the " "network feature. It will still be possible to visit your site using the %3$s " "prefix with an address like %2$s but any links will not have the %3$s prefix." msgstr "" "Kami menyarankan Anda mengubah domain situs Anda ke %1$s sebelum " "mengaktifkan fitur jaringannya. Sangat mungkin untuk mengunjungi situs Anda " "menggunakan prefiks %3$s dengan alamat seperti %2$s, tetapi tautan apa pun " "tidak akan memiliki prefiks %3$s." msgctxt "column name" msgid "Submitted on" msgstr "Diserahkan Pada" msgctxt "comments" msgid "Trash <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Trash <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Dibuang <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Dibuang <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgctxt "comments" msgid "Approved <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Approved <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Disetujui <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Disetujui <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "User %s added" msgstr "Pengguna %s ditambahkan" msgid "" "Deleting a category does not delete the products in that category. Instead, " "products that were only assigned to the deleted category are set to the " "category %s." msgstr "" "Menghapus sebuah kategori tidak akan menghapus produk dalam kategori " "tersebut. Namun, produk yang berada dalam kategori yang dihapus akan " "dipindahkan ke kategori %s." msgid "Submitted on: %s" msgstr "Diserahkan pada: %s" msgid "Page draft updated." msgstr "Konsep halaman telah diperbarui." msgid "Page scheduled for: %s." msgstr "Halaman dijadwalkan untuk: %s." msgid "Page submitted." msgstr "Laman dikirimkan." msgid "Page published." msgstr "Laman telah diterbitkan." msgid "Post draft updated." msgstr "Konsep pos telah diperbarui." msgid "Post scheduled for: %s." msgstr "Pos dijadwalkan untuk: %s." msgid "Post submitted." msgstr "Pos dikirimkan." msgid "Preview page" msgstr "Pratinjau halaman" msgid "Preview post" msgstr "Pratinjau pos" msgid "" "In the <strong>Submitted on</strong> column, the date and time the comment " "was left on your site appears. Clicking on the date/time link will take you " "to that comment on your live site." msgstr "" "Dalam kolom <strong>Dikirimkan Pada</strong>, tanggal dan jam pengiriman " "komentar diperlihatkan. Mengklik pada tautan tanggal/jam akan membawa Anda " "ke komentar tersebut pada situs aktif Anda." msgid "" "In the <strong>Comment</strong> column, hovering over any comment gives you " "options to approve, reply (and approve), quick edit, edit, spam mark, or " "trash that comment." msgstr "" "Pada kolom <strong>Komentar</strong>, melayangkan kursor di atas suatu " "komentar akan memberikan Anda pilihan untuk menyetujui, membalas (dan " "menyetujui), menyunting cepat, menyunting, menandai sebagai spam, atau hapus " "komentar tersebut." msgid "In reply to %s." msgstr "Sebagai balasan untuk %s." msgid "" "Twenty Sixteen is a modernized take on an ever-popular WordPress layout — " "the horizontal masthead with an optional right sidebar that works perfectly " "for blogs and websites. It has custom color options with beautiful default " "color schemes, a harmonious fluid grid using a mobile-first approach, and " "impeccable polish in every detail. Twenty Sixteen will make your WordPress " "look beautiful everywhere." msgstr "" "Twenty Sixteen adalah bentuk modern dari tata letak WordPress yang selalu " "populer — masthead horizontal dengan bilah sisi kanan yang dapat dipilih dan " "berfungsi sempurna untuk blog dan situs web. Twenty Sixteen memiliki " "pilihan warna khusus dengan skema warna standar yang indah, grid yang " "menyatu dan harmonis menggunakan pendekatan mobile-first, dan polesan " "sempurna di setiap detail. Twenty Sixteen akan membuat WordPress Anda " "terlihat menarik di perangkat apa pun." msgid "" "There was a problem fetching site plans. Please try again later or contact " "support." msgstr "" "Ada masalah saat mengambil paket ini. Harap coba lagi nanti atau hubungi " "dukungan." msgid "" "There was a problem canceling %(purchaseName)s. Please try again later or " "contact support." msgstr "" "Ada masalah saat membatalkan %(purchaseName)s. Harap coba lagi nanti atau " "hubungi dukungan." msgid "" "%(purchaseName)s was successfully cancelled. It will be available for use " "until it expires on %(subscriptionEndDate)s." msgstr "" "%(purchaseName)s berhasil dibatalkan. Ini akan tersedia untuk digunakan " "hingga kedaluwarsa pada %(subscriptionEndDate)s." msgid "Your card has expired." msgstr "Kartu Anda telah kedaluwarsa." msgid "The postal code you supplied failed validation." msgstr "Gagal memvalidasi kode pos yang Anda masukkan." msgid "Install Disabled" msgstr "Pemasangan Dinonaktifkan" msgid "Nicename may not be longer than 50 characters." msgstr "Nama panggilan tak boleh lebih dari 50 karakter." msgid "Credit card" msgstr "Kartu kredit" msgid "Contact our support team." msgstr "Hubungi tim dukungan kami." msgid "" "Would you like to try and read a <a href=\"%s\">machine translated version</" "a> of the document?" msgstr "" "Anda ingin coba membaca <a href=\"%s\">versi terjemahan mesin</a> dokumen " "ini?" msgid "Maybe the following search results can help:" msgstr "Mungkin hasil pencarian berikut dapat membantu:" msgid "Google Analytics:" msgstr "Google Analytics:" msgid "404 Error Message:" msgstr "Pesan Error 404:" msgid "Search Provider:" msgstr "Penyedia Pencarian:" msgid "Support Options" msgstr "Pilihan Dukungan" msgid "" "If you believe that content hosted on infringes your " "trademark, you may send us an infringement notice by following the " "instructions at: %s" msgstr "" "Jika yakin bahwa konten yang dihosting di melanggar merek " "dagang, Anda dapat mengirimkan pemberitahuan pelanggaran merek dagang dengan " "mengikuti instruksi di: %s" msgid "Trademark Policy" msgstr "Kebijakan Merk Dagang" msgid "Invalid product id" msgstr "ID produk tidak valid" msgid "How can we help?" msgstr "Apa yang dapat kami bantu?" msgid "Please %1$slogin%2$s to contact us" msgstr "Harap %1$slogin%2$s untuk menghubungi kami" msgid "Select a domain" msgstr "Pilih domain" msgid "Learn more about coupons" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai kupon." msgid "Current plan" msgstr "Paket saat ini" msgid "The DNS record has been added." msgstr "Rekaman DNS sudah ditambahkan." msgid "" "The post type %1$s is not registered, so it may not be reliable to check the " "capability %2$s against a post of that type." msgstr "" "Tipe pos %1$s tidak terdaftar, jadi mungkin tidak tepat jika hendak " "memeriksa kapabilitas \"%2$s\" terhadap pos tipe tersebut." msgctxt "comment" msgid "Permalink:" msgstr "Permalink:" msgid "Connect social media services to automatically share new posts." msgstr "" "Sambungkan dengan layanan media sosial untuk berbagi pos baru secara " "otomatis." msgid "Site profile" msgstr "Profil situs" msgid "Survey results etc." msgstr "Hasil survei dll." msgid "" "Use the options below to select a specific content type to download. You can " "select Posts, Pages, or Feedback, and filter by the listed parameters. After " "making your selection you can download your content in an .xml file." msgstr "" "Gunakan pilihan di bawah untuk memilih jenis konten spesifik untuk diunduh. " "Anda dapat memilih Pos, Halaman, dan Umpan Balik, atau menyaring berdasarkan " "parameter yang tercantum. Setelah membuat pilihan, Anda dapat mengunduh " "konten dalam format .xml." msgctxt "December abbreviation" msgid "Dec" msgstr "Des" msgctxt "November abbreviation" msgid "Nov" msgstr "Nov" msgctxt "October abbreviation" msgid "Oct" msgstr "Okt" msgctxt "September abbreviation" msgid "Sep" msgstr "Sep" msgctxt "August abbreviation" msgid "Aug" msgstr "Agu" msgctxt "July abbreviation" msgid "Jul" msgstr "Jul" msgctxt "June abbreviation" msgid "Jun" msgstr "Jun" msgctxt "May abbreviation" msgid "May" msgstr "Mei" msgctxt "April abbreviation" msgid "Apr" msgstr "Apr" msgctxt "March abbreviation" msgid "Mar" msgstr "Mar" msgctxt "February abbreviation" msgid "Feb" msgstr "Feb" msgctxt "January abbreviation" msgid "Jan" msgstr "Jan" msgctxt "Saturday initial" msgid "S" msgstr "S" msgctxt "Friday initial" msgid "F" msgstr "J" msgctxt "Thursday initial" msgid "T" msgstr "K" msgctxt "Wednesday initial" msgid "W" msgstr "R" msgctxt "Tuesday initial" msgid "T" msgstr "S" msgctxt "Monday initial" msgid "M" msgstr "S" msgctxt "Sunday initial" msgid "S" msgstr "M" msgid "Saving revision…" msgstr "Menyimpan revisi…" msgid "" "Add the following to your %1$s file in %2$s, <strong>replacing</strong> " "other WordPress rules:" msgstr "" "Tambahkan yang berikut ini ke file %1$s Anda di %2$s, <strong>menggantikan</" "strong> aturan WordPress lainnya:" msgid "" "Once you hit “Confirm Deletion”, these users will be permanently " "removed." msgstr "" "Saat Anda mengklik “Konfirmasi Penghapusan”, para pengguna " "berikut akan dihapus secara permanen." msgid "" "Once you hit “Confirm Deletion”, the user will be permanently " "removed." msgstr "" "Saat Anda mengklik “Konfirmasi Penghapusan”, pengguna tersebut " "akan dihapus secara permanen." msgid "User has no sites or content and will be deleted." msgstr "Pengguna tidak memiliki situs atau konten dan akan dihapus." msgid "Select a user" msgstr "Pilih seorang pengguna" msgid "What should be done with content owned by %s?" msgstr "Apa yang harus dilakukan pada konten yang dimiliki oleh %s?" msgid "" "You have chosen to delete the following users from all networks and sites." msgstr "" "Anda telah memilih untuk menghapus para pengguna berikut dari seluruh " "jaringan dan situs." msgid "You have chosen to delete the user from all networks and sites." msgstr "" "Anda telah memilih untuk menghapus pengguna dari semua jaringan dan situs. " msgctxt "verb" msgid "View" msgstr "Lihat" msgid "Create account" msgstr "Buat akun" msgid "Verification code" msgstr "Kode verifikasi" msgid "" "Error unsubscribing from {{em}}%(categoryName)s{{/em}} mailing list! Try " "again later." msgstr "" "Kesalahan saat membatalkan langganan dari milis {{em}}%(categoryName)s{{/" "em}}! Coba lagi nanti." msgid "" "Error subscribing to {{em}}%(categoryName)s{{/em}} mailing list! Try again " "later." msgstr "" "Kesalahan saat langganan milis {{em}}%(categoryName)s{{/em}}! Coba lagi " "nanti." msgid "Import into %(title)s" msgstr "Impor ke %(title)s" msgid "Visit your site's wp-admin for all your import and export needs." msgstr "Kunjungi admin-wp situs Anda untuk semua kebutuhan impor dan ekspor." msgid "Want to import into your site?" msgstr "Ingin mengimpor ke situs Anda?" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to manage block types." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan mengelola tipe blok." msgid "Site Preview" msgstr "Pratinjau Situs" msgctxt "playlist item title" msgid "“%s”" msgstr "“%s”" msgid "One of the selected users is not a member of this site." msgstr "Salah satu dari pengguna terpilih bukan anggota situs ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit theme options on this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan mengedit opsi tema pada situs ini." msgid "The active theme does not support a flexible sized header image." msgstr "" "Tema saat ini tidak mendukung gambar header dengan ukuran yang fleksibel." msgid "The active theme does not support uploading a custom header image." msgstr "Tema saat ini tidak mendukung pengunggahan gambar header khusus." msgid "" "Dyad pairs your written content and images together in perfect balance. The " "theme is geared towards photographers, foodies, artists, and anyone who is " "looking for a strong photographic presence on their website." msgstr "" "Dyad memadukan konten tertulis dan gambar dalam keseimbangan yang sempurna. " "Dyad ditujukan untuk fotografer, pecinta kuliner, seniman, dan siapa pun " "yang menginginkan kehadiran fotografi yang kuat di situs web mereka." msgid "" "{{author}}%(authorFirstName)s{{/author}} {{label}}left a comment on " "%(siteName)s, cross-posted to{{/label}} {{blogNames/}}" msgstr "" "{{author}}%(authorFirstName)s{{/author}} {{label}}menulis komentar di " "%(siteName)s, lintas-pos ke{{/label}} {{blogNames/}}" msgid "%(purchaseName)s will expire and be removed from your site %(expiry)s." msgstr "" "%(purchaseName)s akan kedaluwarsa dan akan dihapus dari situs Anda " "%(expiry)s." msgctxt "" "timeSinceExpiry is of the form \"[number] [time-period] ago\" i.e. \"3 days " "ago\"" msgid "Expired %(timeSinceExpiry)s" msgstr "Kedaluwarsa %(timeSinceExpiry)s" msgid "Visit %(url)s" msgstr "Kunjungi %(url)s" msgid "<strong>Error:</strong> Please enter an email address." msgstr "<strong>ERROR</strong>: Mohon masukkan alamat email." msgid "The email could not be sent." msgstr "Email tidak dapat dikirimkan." msgid "<strong>Error:</strong> Please enter a username or email address." msgstr "<strong>GALAT</strong>: Masukkan nama pengguna atau alamat email." msgid "A term with the name provided already exists in this taxonomy." msgstr "Sebuah terma dengan nama dan slug telah ada dalam takson ini." msgid "Comment author must fill out name and email" msgstr "Penulis komentar harus mengisi nama dan alamat email" msgid "Comments (%1$s) on “%2$s”" msgstr "Komentar-komentar (%1$s) pada “%2$s”" msgid "" "There was a problem fetching site domains. Please try again later or contact " "support." msgstr "" "Ada masalah saat mengambil domain situs ini. Coba lagi nanti atau hubungi " "dukungan." msgid "" "There was a problem fetching site products. Please try again later or " "contact support." msgstr "" "Ada masalah saat mengambil produk situs ini. Coba lagi nanti atau hubungi " "dukungan." msgid "" "Galleries can only include images. All other uploads will be added to your " "media library." msgstr "" "Galeri hanya dapat menyertakan gambar. Semua unggahan lain dapat ditambahkan " "ke perpustakaan media Anda." msgid "Got it!" msgstr "Saya setuju!" msgid "Close preview" msgstr "tutup pratinjau" msgid "SMS codes can only be requested once per minute." msgstr "Kode SMS hanya dapat diminta sekali per menit." msgctxt "Noun" msgid "Reply" msgstr "Balasan" msgctxt "Noun" msgid "Mention" msgstr "Sebutan" msgid "Change your site address" msgstr "Ubah alamat situs Anda" msgid "" "%(occurrences)d file could not be uploaded because it exceeds the maximum " "upload size." msgid_plural "" "%(occurrences)d files could not be uploaded because they exceed the maximum " "upload size." msgstr[0] "" "%(occurrences)d file tidak dapat diunggah karena telah melebihi ukuran " "unggah maksimal." msgstr[1] "" "%(occurrences)d file tidak dapat diunggah karena telah melebihi ukuran " "unggah maksimal." msgid "View plan" msgstr "Lihat Paket" msgid "Email from" msgstr "Email dari" msgid "" "Further uploads will be blocked. Please delete some media files or <a href=" "\"%s\">purchase a plan</a> that includes additional media storage in order " "to upload more files." msgstr "" "Unggahan berikutnya akan diblokir. Harap hapus beberapa file media atau <a " "href=\"%s\">beli paket</a> yang mencakup penyimpanan media tambahan agar " "dapat mengunggah lebih banyak file." msgid "Disk Quota Full" msgstr "Kuota Disk Penuh" msgid "The disk quota for %s is full." msgstr "Kuota disk untuk %s penuh." msgid "" "%(errorDescription)s{{br/}}{{a}}Try again{{/a}} or {{cs}}get help{{/cs}}." msgstr "" "%(errorDescription)s{{br/}}{{a}}Coba lagi{{/a}} atau {{cs}}hubungi " "dukungan{{/cs}}." msgctxt "verb" msgid "Copy" msgstr "Salin" msgid "Copied!" msgstr "Telah disalin!" msgid "Manage Purchases" msgstr "Kelola Pembelian" msgid "%s has been logged out." msgstr "%s sudah logout." msgid "You are now logged out everywhere else." msgstr "Anda telah log keluar dari semua lokasi lain." msgid "Could not log out user sessions. Please try again." msgstr "Tak bisa log keluar sesi-sesi pengguna. Silakan coba lagi." msgid "" "Publish text, photos, music, and videos by email using our <a href=\"%s" "\">Post by Email</a> feature." msgstr "" "Terbitkan teks, foto, musik, dan video dengan email menggunakan fitur <a " "href=\"%s\">Pos dengan Email</a> kami." msgctxt "verb" msgid "Edit" msgstr "Edit" msgid "Confirm Now" msgstr "Konfirmasi Sekarang" msgid "You can not use an invitation that you have created for someone else." msgstr "" "Anda tidak bisa menggunakan undangan yang sudah pernah dibuat untuk orang " "lain." msgid "" "The invite has already been used. Please ask the site owner to send another." msgstr "" "Undangan sudah pernah digunakan. Mintalah pemilik situs untuk mengirimkan " "yang baru." msgid "This purchase has expired and is no longer in use." msgstr "Pembelian ini telah kedaluwarsa dan tidak lagi digunakan." msgid "Caption this image…" msgstr "Beri keterangan pada gambar ini…" msgid "" "You are attempting to purchase new products with renewals. Please purchase " "them separately." msgstr "" "Anda berusaha membeli produk baru dengan perpanjangan. Mohon dibeli secara " "terpisah." msgid "%(revisions)d revision" msgid_plural "%(revisions)d revisions" msgstr[0] "%(revisions)d revisi" msgstr[1] "%(revisions)d revisi" msgid "Content…" msgstr "Konten..." msgid "Manage domains" msgstr "Kelola domain" msgid "View all drafts" msgstr "Lihat semua konsep" msgid "" "Our plans give your site the power to thrive. Find the plan that works for " "you." msgstr "" "Paket kami memberi situs Anda kekuatan untuk berkembang. Temukan paket yang " "tepat untuk Anda." msgid "Looking to upgrade?" msgstr "Ingin melakukan upgrade?" msgid "" "You can now manage and live-preview Custom Header in the <a href=\"%s" "\">Customizer</a>." msgstr "" "Anda sekarang dapat mengelola dan melihat langsung Header Khusus melalui <a " "href=\"%s\">Customizer</a>." msgid "" "You can now manage and live-preview Custom Backgrounds in the <a href=\"%s" "\">Customizer</a>." msgstr "" "Anda sekarang dapat mengelola dan melihat langsung Latar Belakang Khusus " "melalui <a href=\"%s\">Customizer</a>." msgid "Site Language" msgstr "Bahasa Situs" msgid "" "An error occurred while trying to send the Domain Transfer code. Please try " "again or {{a}}Contact Support{{/a}} if you continue to have trouble." msgstr "" "Kesalahan terjadi saat mencoba mengirim kode Transfer Domain. Harap coba " "lagi atau {{a}}Hubungi Dukungan{{/a}} jika Anda masih mengalami masalah ini." msgid "" "Oops! Something went wrong and your request could not be processed. Please " "try again or {{contactLink}}Contact Support{{/contactLink}} if you continue " "to have trouble." msgstr "" "Maaf! Ada yang salah dan permintaan Anda tidak dapat diproses. Coba lagi " "atau {{contactLink}}Hubungi Dukungan{{/contactLink}} jika Anda terus " "mengalami kesulitan." msgid "Renews with Plan" msgstr "Perpanjangan dengan Paket" msgid "Included with Plan" msgstr "Termasuk dalam Paket" msgid "Sale: %(productName)s" msgstr "Penjualan: %(productName)s" msgid "Email me new comments" msgstr "Kirimkan komentar baru melalui e-mail" msgid "Setup" msgstr "Penyiapan" msgid "" "Shares count the number of times someone clicked on the sharing button for a " "post on Manual shares done elsewhere are not counted here." msgstr "" "Jumlah berbagi adalah jumlah berapa kali seseorang mengeklik tombol berbagi " "untuk pos di Berbagi manual yang di lakukan di tempat lain " "tidak akan dihitung." msgid "These posts on your site were shared the most." msgstr "Pos ini di situs Anda dibagikan paling banyak." msgid "Payment Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Pembayaran" msgid "There was an error retrieving email followers" msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat mengambil data pengikut email" msgid "There was an error retrieving followers" msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat mengambil data pengikut" msgid "There was an error retrieving users" msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat mengambil data pengguna" msgid "%s Space Upgrade" msgstr "Upgrade Ruang %s " msgid "User’s Gravatar" msgstr "Gravatar Pengguna" msgctxt "Success message after a user has been modified." msgid "Successfully deleted @%(user)s" msgstr "Berhasil menghapus @%(user)s" msgctxt "Success message after a user has been modified." msgid "Successfully updated @%(user)s" msgstr "Berhasil memperbarui @%(user)s" msgctxt "Error message after A site has failed to perform actions on a user." msgid "There was an error removing @%(user)s" msgstr "Terjadi error saat menghapus @%(user)s" msgctxt "Error message after A site has failed to perform actions on a user." msgid "There was an error deleting @%(user)s" msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat menghapus @%(user)s" msgctxt "Error message after A site has failed to perform actions on a user." msgid "There was an error updating @%(user)s" msgstr "Terjadi error saat memperbarui @%(user)s" msgid "Update cart" msgstr "Perbarui keranjang belanja" msgid "Payment method" msgstr "Metode pembayaran" msgid "Site Plan" msgstr "Paket Situs" msgid "Manage purchases" msgstr "Kelola pembelian" msgid "Purchases" msgstr "Pembelian" msgid "Cancel %(purchaseName)s" msgstr "Batalkan %(purchaseName)s" msgid "Cancel Purchase" msgstr "Batalkan Pembelian" msgid "Yay, the name servers have been successfully updated!" msgstr "Hore, server nama berhasil diperbarui!" msgid "Save custom name servers" msgstr "Simpan name server khusus" msgid "Page updated" msgstr "Halaman telah diperbarui!" msgid "Post updated" msgstr "Pos telah diperbarui!" msgid "Invalid signature" msgstr "Tanda tangan tidak valid" msgid "Unknown email requested" msgstr "Email yang tidak diketahui diminta" msgid "A password reset link is not a valid activation url." msgstr "" "Tautan pengaturan ulang kata sandi bukan merupakan url aktivasi yang valid." msgid "A domain is not a valid activation url or key." msgstr "" "Domain bukan merupakan kunci atau url aktivasi yang valid." msgctxt "Confirm Remove viewer button text." msgid "Remove" msgstr "Hapus" msgid "Would you still like to remove this viewer?" msgstr "Apakah anda masih ingin menghapus pengunjung ini?" msgid "" "If you remove this viewer, he or she will not be able to visit this site." msgstr "" "Jika Anda menghapus penampil ini, dia tidak dakan dapat mengunjungi situs " "ini." msgctxt "" "How long a user has been subscribed to a blog. Example: \"Since Sep 16, " "2015\"" msgid "Since %(formattedDate)s" msgstr "Sejak %(formattedDate)s" msgid "Please provide at least one item of Proof of Ownership." msgstr "Mohon berikan setidaknya satu item Bukti Kepemilikan." msgid "The two-factor authentication code is not valid." msgstr "Kode autentikasi dua faktor tidak valid." msgid "The activation key does not appear to be valid." msgstr "Kunci aktivasi tampaknya tidak valid." msgctxt "Confirm Remove follower button text." msgid "Remove" msgstr "Hapus" msgid "Processing uploaded file…" msgstr "Memproses file yang diunggah…" msgid "Drag a file here, or click to upload a file" msgstr "Tarik berkas ke sini, atau klik untuk mengunggah berkas" msgid "We're here to help." msgstr "Kami di sini untuk membantu!" msgid "Have a question?" msgstr "Ada pertanyaan?" msgid "Some notifications" msgstr "beberapa pemberitahuan" msgid "All notifications" msgstr "Semua notifikasi" msgid "Set date and time" msgstr "Setel tanggal dan waktu" msgid "Domain Mapping for %s" msgstr "Pemetaan Domain untuk %s" msgctxt "Verb: Remove a user or follower from the blog." msgid "Remove" msgstr "Hapus" msgid "Research" msgstr "Penelitian" msgid "Tips for getting the most out of" msgstr "Kiat menggunakan lebih maksimal." msgid "Close sharing dialog" msgstr "Tutup dialog berbagi" msgid "Open sharing dialog" msgstr "Buka dialog berbagi" msgid "%s <span class=\"screen-reader-text\">Comment</span>" msgid_plural "%s <span class=\"screen-reader-text\">Comments</span>" msgstr[0] "%s <span class=\"screen-reader-text\">Komentar</span>" msgstr[1] "%s <span class=\"screen-reader-text\">Komentar</span>" msgid "Invalid URL." msgstr "URL tidak valid." msgid "" "Successfully installed and activated %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on " "%(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "" "Berhasil memasang dan mengaktifkan %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di " "%(numberOfSites)d situs." msgid "" "Successfully installed and activated %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "" "Berhasil memasang dan mengaktifkan %(plugin)s di %(numberOfSites)d situs." msgid "" "Successfully installed and activated %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "" "Berhasil memasang dan mengaktifkan %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di %(site)s." msgid "Successfully installed and activated %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "Berhasil memasang dan mengaktifkan %(plugin)s di %(site)s." msgid "Recommended sites" msgstr "Situs-Situs yang Direkomendasikan" msgid "" "Please use a working email for the forwarding address, so you can receive " "the forwarded messages" msgstr "" "Harap gunakan email yang berfungsi untuk alamat penerusan agar Anda dapat " "menerima pesan yang diteruskan" msgid "%(posts)d post" msgid_plural "%(posts)d posts" msgstr[0] "%(posts)d pos" msgstr[1] "%(posts)d pos" msgid "" "There was a problem fetching site features. Please try again later or " "contact support." msgstr "" "Terjadi masalah saat mengambil fitur situs ini. Coba lagi nanti atau hubungi " "tim dukungan." msgid "PayPal E-mail Address" msgstr "Alamat Email PayPal" msgid "Pause ads (no revenue)" msgstr "Hentikan iklan untuk sementara (tidak ada pendapatan)" msgid "Run ads only for logged-out users (less revenue)" msgstr "" "Tayangkan iklan hanya untuk pengguna yang keluar (pendapatan lebih kecil)" msgid "Run ads for all users" msgstr "Tayangkan iklan untuk semua pengguna" msgid "Ads Visibility" msgstr "Visibilitas Iklan" msgid "Adjustments History" msgstr "Sejarah Penyesuaian" msgid "Sponsored Content History" msgstr "Riwayat Konten Bersponsor" msgid "Earnings history" msgstr "Daftar Pendapatan" msgctxt "Sum earnings left unpaid" msgid "Outstanding amount" msgstr "Jumlah yang belum dibayar" msgctxt "Sum of earnings that have been distributed" msgid "Total paid" msgstr "Jumlah yang telah dibayarkan" msgctxt "Sum of earnings" msgid "Total earnings" msgstr "Jumlah pendapatan" msgid "" "Payment processing has failed due to invalid PayPal address. You can correct " "the PayPal address in the settings screen." msgstr "" "Pemrosesan pembayaran gagal karena alamat PayPal tidak valid. Anda dapat " "memperbaiki alamat PayPal di layar pengaturan." msgid "" "Payment is pending due to missing information. You can provide tax " "information in the settings screen." msgstr "" "Pembayaran ditunda karena informasi kosong. Anda dapat memberikan informasi " "pajak di layar pengaturan." msgid "Payment has been processed through PayPal." msgstr "Pembayaran telah diproses melalui PayPal." msgid "Payment is on hold until the end of the current month." msgstr "Pembayaran ditangguhkan hingga akhir bulan berjalan." msgid "" "Outstanding amount of $%(amountOwed)s does not exceed the minimum $100 " "needed to make the payment. Payment will be made as soon as the total " "outstanding amount has reached $100." msgstr "" "Jumlah belum dibayar sebesar $%(amountOwed)s tidak melebihi minimum $100 " "yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan pembayaran. Pembayaran akan dilakukan ketika " "jumlah belum dibayar telah mencapai $100." msgid "Pending (Invalid PayPal)" msgstr "Tertunda (PayPal tidak valid)" msgid "Pending (Missing Tax Info)" msgstr "Tertunda (Info Pajak Kosong)" msgid "Unpaid" msgstr "Belum Dibayarkan" msgid "%(wordads)s Settings" msgstr "Setelan %(wordads)s" msgid "%(wordads)s Earnings" msgstr "%(wordads)s Pendapatan" msgid "WordAds settings saved successfully!" msgstr "Pengaturan WordAds berhasil disimpan!" msgid "Territories" msgstr "Provinsi" msgid "States" msgstr "Negara Bagian" msgid "Burgundy" msgstr "Burgundy" msgid "Start a new post" msgstr "Mulai pos baru" msgid "Click to edit this widget" msgstr "Klik untuk menyunting widget berikut" msgid "Visit Site Settings" msgstr "Kunjungi Pengaturan Situs" msgid "" "Only private sites can have viewers. You can make your site private by " "changing its visibility settings." msgstr "" "Hanya situs pribadi yang dapat memiliki pemirsa. Anda dapat membuat situs " "Anda tetap pribadi dengan mengubah pengaturan visibilitasnya." msgid "Oops, Jetpack sites don't support viewers." msgstr "Ups, situs Jetpack tidak mendukung pemirsa." msgid "You don't have any favorites yet." msgstr "Anda belum memiliki favorit." msgctxt "Expiring domain notice" msgid "Some of your domains are expiring soon." msgstr "Beberapa domain Anda segera kedaluwarsa." msgctxt "Expired domain notice" msgid "Some of your domains have expired." msgstr "Beberapa domain Anda telah kedaluwarsa." msgctxt "Call to action link for renewing an expiring/expired domain" msgid "Renew it now." msgid_plural "Renew them now." msgstr[0] "Perpanjang sekarang." msgstr[1] "Perpanjang semuanya sekarang." msgid "" "You can only purchase domains for sites hosted on at this time." msgstr "" "Anda hanya dapat membeli domain untuk situs yang dihosting di " "pada waktu sekarang." msgid "Domains are not available for this site." msgstr "Domain tidak tersedia untuk situs ini." msgid "Successfully removed recovery SMS number." msgstr "Berhasil menghapus nomor SMS pemulihan." msgid "Successfully removed recovery email address." msgstr "Berhasil menghapus alamat email pemulihan." msgid "%(numberPeople)d Follower Matching {{em}}\"%(searchTerm)s\"{{/em}}" msgid_plural "" "%(numberPeople)d Followers Matching {{em}}\"%(searchTerm)s\"{{/em}}" msgstr[0] "%(numberPeople)d Pengikut Cocok {{em}}\"%(searchTerm)s\"{{/em}}" msgstr[1] "%(numberPeople)d Pengikut Cocok {{em}}\"%(searchTerm)s\"{{/em}}" msgctxt "Filter label for people list" msgid "Email Followers" msgstr "Pengikut via Email" msgid "Delete %(username)s" msgstr "Hapus %(username)s" msgid "Delete User" msgstr "Hapus Pengguna" msgctxt "Call to action link for renewing an expiring/expired domain" msgid "Renew" msgstr "Perpanjang" msgid "" "We are setting up {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} for you. It should " "start working immediately, but may be unreliable during the first 30 " "minutes. {{domainsLink}}Learn more{{/domainsLink}} about your new domain, or " "{{tryNowLink}} try it now{{/tryNowLink}}." msgstr "" "Kami menyiapkan {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} untuk Anda yang " "seharusnya sudah aktif, tetapi mungkin tidak dapat berfungsi maksimal selama " "30 menit pertama. {{domainsLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/domainsLink}} " "tentang domain baru Anda, atau {{tryNowLink}} coba sekarang{{/tryNowLink}}." msgid "" "We are setting up your new domains for you. They should start working " "immediately, but may be unreliable during the first 30 minutes. " "{{domainsLink}}Learn more{{/domainsLink}}." msgstr "" "Kami menyiapkan domain baru untuk Anda. Seharusnya segera berfungsi, tetapi " "mungkin kurang bisa diandalkan selama 30 menit pertama. {{domainsLink}}" "Pelajari selengkapnya{{/domainsLink}}." msgid "" "{{pNode}}We are setting up {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} for you. It " "should start working immediately, but may be unreliable during the first 30 " "minutes.{{/pNode}}{{pNode}}If you are unable to access your site at " "{{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}}, try setting the primary domain to a " "domain you know is working. {{domainsLink}}Learn more{{/domainsLink}} about " "setting the primary domain, or {{tryNowLink}}try {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/" "strong}} now.{{/tryNowLink}}{{/pNode}}" msgstr "" "{{pNode}}Kami menyiapkan {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} untuk Anda yang " "seharusnya sudah aktif, tetapi mungkin tidak dapat berfungsi maksimal selama " "30 menit.{{/pNode}}{{pNode}}Jika Anda tidak dapat mengakses situs " "{{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}}, coba atur domain utama ke domain yang " "menurut Anda berfungsi. {{domainsLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/domainsLink}} " "tentang pengaturan domain utama, atau {{tryNowLink}}coba " "{{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} sekarang.{{/tryNowLink}}{{/pNode}}" msgid "" "{{pNode}}We are setting up your new domains for you. They should start " "working immediately, but may be unreliable during the first 30 minutes.{{/" "pNode}}{{pNode}}If you are unable to access your site at %(primaryDomain)s, " "try setting the primary domain to a domain you know is working. " "{{domainsLink}}Learn more{{/domainsLink}} about setting the primary domain." "{{/pNode}}" msgstr "" "{{pNode}}Kami menyiapkan domain baru untuk Anda yang seharusnya sudah aktif, " "tetapi mungkin tidak dapat berfungsi maksimal selama 30 menit.{{/pNode}}" "{{pNode}}Jika Anda tidak dapat mengakses situs %(primaryDomain)s, coba atur " "domain utama ke domain yang menurut Anda berfungsi. {{domainsLink}}Pelajari " "lebih lanjut {{/domainsLink}} tentang mengatur domain utama.{{/pNode}}" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Manage Followed Sites" msgstr "Kelola Situs yang Diikuti" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Followed Sites" msgstr "Situs yang Diikuti" msgid "Manage Followed Sites" msgstr "Kelola Situs yang Diikuti" msgid "Followed Sites" msgstr "Situs yang Diikuti" msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "" "Disabling autoupdates for %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(numberOfSites)d " "sites." msgstr "" "Menonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di " "%(numberOfSites)d situs." msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Disabling autoupdates for %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "" "Menonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(plugin)s di %(numberOfSites)d situs." msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Disabling autoupdates for %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "" "Menonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di " "%(site)s." msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Disabling autoupdates for %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "Menonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(plugin)s di %(site)s." msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "" "Enabling autoupdates for %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(numberOfSites)d " "sites." msgstr "" "Mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di " "%(numberOfSites)d situs." msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Enabling autoupdates for %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "" "Mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(plugin)s di %(numberOfSites)d situs." msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Enabling autoupdates for %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "" "Mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di %(site)s." msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Enabling autoupdates for %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "Mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(plugin)s di %(site)s." msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Deactivating %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "Menonaktifkan %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di %(numberOfSites)d situs." msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Deactivating %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "Menonaktifkan %(plugin)s di %(numberOfSites)d situs." msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Deactivating %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "Menonaktifkan %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di %(site)s." msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Deactivating %(plugin)s on %(site)s" msgstr "Menonaktifkan %(plugin)s di %(site)s" msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Activating %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "Mengaktifkan %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di %(numberOfSites)d situs." msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Activating %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "Mengaktifkan %(plugin)s di %(numberOfSites)d situs." msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Activating %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "Mengaktifkan %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di %(site)s." msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Activating %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "Mengaktifkan %(plugin)s di %(site)s." msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Updating %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "Memperbarui %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di %(numberOfSites)d situs." msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Updating %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "Memperbarui %(plugin)s di %(numberOfSites)d situs." msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Updating %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "Memperbarui %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di %(site)s." msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Updating %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "Memperbarui %(plugin)s di %(site)s." msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Installing %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "Memasang %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di %(numberOfSites)d situs." msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Installing %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "Memasang %(plugin)s di %(numberOfSites)d situs." msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Installing %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "Memasang %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di %(site)s." msgctxt "In progress message" msgid "Installing %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "Memasang %(plugin)s di %(site)s." msgid "Already own a domain?" msgstr "Sudah punya domain?" msgid "" "This is a very common password. Choose something that will be harder for " "others to guess." msgstr "" "Ini adalah kata sandi yang sangat umum. Pilihlah yang sulit ditebak oleh " "orang lain." msgid "Add letters, at least one more." msgstr "Tambahkan huruf, paling sedikit satu lagi." msgid "Choose a longer username, at least four characters." msgstr "Pilih nama pengguna yang lebih panjang, paling sedikit empat karakter." msgid "Choose a different username. This one is not allowed." msgstr "Pilih nama pengguna yang berbeda. Yang ini tidak diperbolehkan." msgid "Choose a different username. This one is not available." msgstr "Pilihlah nama pengguna yang berbeda. Yang ini tidak tersedia." msgid "Username is required." msgstr "Nama pengguna wajib diisi." msgid "" "Use a different email address. This email provider blocks some of our emails." msgstr "" "Gunakan alamat email yang berbeda. Penyedia email ini memblokir beberapa " "email kami." msgid "Use a working email address, so you can receive our messages." msgstr "" "Gunakan alamat e-mail yang aktif agar Anda bisa menerima pesan-pesan kami." msgid "A valid email address is required." msgstr "Alamat email diwajibkan." msgid "Viewers" msgstr "Pembaca" msgid "There was an error retrieving viewers" msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat mengambil data pemirsa" msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the SMS number?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin menghapus nomor SMS?" msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the email address?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin menghapus alamat email?" msgid "Individual Images" msgstr "Gambar Individual" msgid "Choose a theme." msgstr "Pilih tema." msgid "Weddings" msgstr "Pernikahan" msgid "Sports & Recreation" msgstr "Olahraga & Rekreasi" msgid "Real Estate & Property" msgstr "Real Estat & Properti" msgid "photograph" msgstr "foto" msgid "Maintenance Services" msgstr "Layanan Pemeliharaan" msgid "Health & Wellness" msgstr "Kesehatan & Kebugaran" msgid "Food and drink" msgstr "Makanan dan minuman" msgid "Business Services" msgstr "Bisnis & Jasa" msgid "Advertising & Marketing" msgstr "Iklan & Pemasaran" msgid "Please enter a domain name or keyword." msgstr "Mohon masukkan sebuah nama domain atau kata kunci." msgid "Brazilian Portuguese" msgstr "Portugis Brasil" msgid "%1$s and %2$s others liked your post on %3$s" msgstr "%1$s dan %2$s lainnya menyukai pos Anda pada %3$s" msgid "Your post on %s" msgstr "Pos Anda pada %s" msgid "%1$s and %2$s liked your post on %3$s" msgstr "%1$s dan %2$s menyukai pos Anda pada %3$s" msgctxt "Button label" msgid "Delete user" msgstr "Hapus pengguna" msgid "Delete all content created by this user" msgstr "Hapus semua konten yang dibuat oleh pengguna ini" msgid "Delete all content created by %(username)s" msgstr "Hapus semua konten yang dibuat oleh %(username)s" msgid "" "You have the option of reassigning all content created by this user, or " "deleting the content entirely." msgstr "" "Anda memiliki opsi untuk menetapkan ulang semua konten yang dibuat oleh " "pengguna ini, atau menghapus konten secara keseluruhan." msgid "" "You have the option of reassigning all content created by %(username)s, or " "deleting the content entirely." msgstr "" "Anda memiliki opsi untuk menetapkan ulang semua konten yang dibuat oleh " "%(username)s, atau menghapus konten secara keseluruhan." msgid "Would you still like to remove this user?" msgstr "Apakah Anda masih ingin menghapus pengguna ini?" msgid "" "If you remove this user, he or she will no longer be able to access this " "site, but any content that was created by this user will remain on the site." msgstr "" "Jika Anda menghapus pengguna ini, ia tidak dapat lagi mengakses situs ini, " "namun semua konten yang ia buat akan tetap berada di situs ini." msgid "" "If you remove %(username)s, that user will no longer be able to access this " "site, but any content that was created by %(username)s will remain on the " "site." msgstr "" "Jika Anda menghapus %(username)s, pengguna tersebut tidak akan dapat lagi " "mengakses situs ini, tetapi konten yang tidak dibuat oleh %(username)s akan " "tetap berada di situs tersebut." msgid "Free with your plan" msgstr "Gratis dengan paket anda" msgid "%(days)dd ago" msgstr "%(days)dh yang lalu" msgid "%(hours)dh ago" msgstr "%(hours)d jam yang lalu" msgid "%(minutes)dm ago" msgstr "%(minutes)dm yang lalu" msgctxt "Site address, domain" msgid "Add custom address" msgstr "Tambah alamat domain khusus" msgid "Available on" msgstr "Tersedia di" msgid "Add a custom domain" msgstr "Tambahkan domain khusus" msgid "%(numberPeople)d Person Matching {{em}}\"%(searchTerm)s\"{{/em}}" msgid_plural "%(numberPeople)d People Matching {{em}}\"%(searchTerm)s\"{{/em}}" msgstr[0] "%(numberPeople)d Orang Cocok {{em}}\"%(searchTerm)s\"{{/em}}" msgstr[1] "%(numberPeople)d Orang Cocok {{em}}\"%(searchTerm)s\"{{/em}}" msgid "No results found for {{em}}%(searchTerm)s{{/em}}" msgstr "Tidak ditemukan hasil untuk {{em}}%(searchTerm)s{{/em}}" msgid "Remove %(username)s" msgstr "Hapus %(username)s" msgctxt "Button label that prompts user to save form" msgid "Save changes" msgstr "Simpan perubahan" msgctxt "Text that is displayed in a label of a form." msgid "Public Display Name" msgstr "Nama Tampilan Publik" msgctxt "Text that is displayed in a label of a form." msgid "Last Name" msgstr "Nama Belakang" msgctxt "Text that is displayed in a label of a form." msgid "First Name" msgstr "Nama Depan" msgid "%(installs)s downloads" msgstr "%(installs)s unduhan" msgid "%(numberOfRatings)s ratings" msgstr "%(numberOfRatings)s rating" msgid "%(ratingTier)s star" msgid_plural "%(ratingTier)s stars" msgstr[0] "%(ratingTier)s bintang" msgstr[1] "%(ratingTier)s bintang" msgid "Based on %(ratingsNumber)s rating" msgid_plural "Based on %(ratingsNumber)s ratings" msgstr[0] "Berdasarkan %(ratingsNumber)s rating" msgstr[1] "Berdasarkan %(ratingsNumber)s rating" msgctxt "Verb. Presented to user as a label for a button." msgid "Remove" msgstr "Hapus" msgid "An error occurred while removing %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat menghapus %(plugin)s di %(site)s." msgid "Error removing %(plugin)s on %(site)s, remote management is off." msgstr "" "Kesalahan saat menghapus %(plugin)s pada %(site)s, manajemen jarak jauh " "nonaktif." msgid "" "There were errors removing %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(numberOfSites)d " "sites." msgstr "" "Ada kesalahan saat menghapus %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di %(numberOfSites)d " "situs." msgid "There were errors removing %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "Ada kesalahan menghapus %(plugin)s di %(numberOfSites)d situs." msgid "There were errors removing %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "Ada kesalahan menghapus %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di %(site)s." msgid "Removing %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "Menghapus %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di %(numberOfSites)d situs." msgid "Removing %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "Menghapus %(plugin)s di %(numberOfSites)d situs." msgid "Removing %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "Menghapus %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di %(site)s." msgid "Removing %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "Menghapus %(plugin)s di %(site)s." msgid "" "Successfully removed %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "" "Berhasil menghapus %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di %(numberOfSites)d situs." msgid "Successfully removed %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "Berhasil menghapus %(plugin)s di %(numberOfSites)d situs." msgid "Successfully removed %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "Berhasil menghapus %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di %(site)s." msgid "Successfully removed %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "Berhasil menghapus %(plugin)s di %(site)s." msgctxt "Legend label in stats post trends visualization" msgid "More Posts" msgstr "Lebih Banyak Pos" msgctxt "Legend label in stats post trends visualization" msgid "Fewer Posts" msgstr "Lebih Sedikit Pos" msgctxt "search label" msgid "Find Author…" msgstr "Cari Penulis..." msgid "" "This domain is currently using Privacy Protection to keep your information " "from showing up in public record searches. If you need to make a change to " "your domain's contact info, please {{a}}turn privacy off{{/a}} first." msgstr "" "Sekarang, domain ini menggunakan Perlindungan Privasi agar informasi Anda " "tidak terlihat di pencarian rekaman publik. Jika Anda ingin mengubah info " "kontak domain, harap {{a}}nonaktifkan privasi{{/a}} terlebih dahulu." msgid "Security & performance" msgstr "Keamanan & performa" msgid "Registration confirmation will be emailed to you." msgstr "Konfirmasi pendaftaran akan dikirimkan pada Anda via email." msgctxt "password mismatch" msgid "Mismatch" msgstr "Tidak sama" msgctxt "password strength" msgid "Strong" msgstr "Kuat" msgctxt "password strength" msgid "Weak" msgstr "Lemah" msgctxt "password strength" msgid "Very weak" msgstr "Sangat lemah" msgid "To set your password, visit the following address:" msgstr "Untuk mengatur password Anda, kunjungi alamat di bawah ini:" msgid "Show password" msgstr "Tampilkan password" msgid "Log %s out of all locations." msgstr "Log %s keluar dari semua lokasi." msgid "Log Out Everywhere" msgstr "Log Keluar dari Manapun" msgid "" "Did you lose your phone or leave your account logged in at a public " "computer? You can log out everywhere else, and stay logged in here." msgstr "" "Anda kehilangan hp atau lupa logout di komputer publik? Anda bisa logout " "dari semua perangkat lain dan hanya login di sini." msgid "You are only logged in at this location." msgstr "Anda hanya login dari lokasi ini." msgid "Log Out Everywhere Else" msgstr "Log Keluar dari Semua Perangkat Lain" msgid "Sessions" msgstr "Sesi" msgid "Confirm use of weak password" msgstr "Konfirmasi penggunaan kata sandi yang lemah" msgid "Cancel password change" msgstr "Batalkan perubahan kata sandi" msgid "Hide password" msgstr "Sembunyikan password" msgid "Account Management" msgstr "Pengelolaan Akun" msgid "" "You are using the auto-generated password for your account. Would you like " "to change it?" msgstr "" "Anda menggunakan password yang diciptakan otomatis untuk akun Anda. Apakah " "Anda ingin mengubahnya?" msgid "Thanks for letting us know!" msgstr "Terima kasih telah memberi tahu kami!" msgid "And more..." msgstr "Dan lebih banyak lagi..." msgid "Centralized site management:" msgstr "Pengelolaan situs terpusat" msgid "" "Access attempt with insufficient privileges detected. If you believe that " "you have reached this page in error, please contact Jetpack Support at %s" msgstr "" "Terdeteksi upaya akses dengan hak akses tidak cukup. Jika Anda meyakini " "halaman ini mengalami masalah, harap hubungi Dukungan Jetpack di %s" msgid "Always use https when visiting the admin" msgstr "Selalu gunakan https ketika mengunjungi admin" msgid "Use https" msgstr "Gunakan https" msgid "Preview as an app icon" msgstr "Pratinjau sebagai ikon aplikasi" msgid "Preview as a browser icon" msgstr "Pratinjau sebagai ikon browser" msgid "Site Identity" msgstr "Identitas Situs" msgid "Image could not be processed." msgstr "Gambar tidak dapat diproses." msgid "Use the new and improved Email Forwarding manager" msgstr "Gunakan pengelola Penerusan Email yang sudah disempurnakan" msgid "Email Forwarding is now part of the new" msgstr "Penerusan Email sekarang menjadi bagian dari baru." msgid "Use the Facebook Page Plugin to connect visitors to your Facebook Page" msgstr "" "Gunakan Plugin Halaman Facebook untuk menyambungkan pengunjung dengan " "Halaman Facebook Anda" msgid "Facebook Page Plugin" msgstr "Plugin Halaman Facebook" msgid "Clear Results" msgstr "Bersihkan Hasil Pencarian" msgid "Remove Menu Item: %1$s (%2$s)" msgstr "Hapus Item Menu: %1$s (%2$s)" msgid "You have specified this user for removal:" msgstr "Anda telah menentukan pengguna ini untuk dihapus:" msgid "Hungarian" msgstr "Hongaria" msgid "You are not authorized to view this page" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk melihat halaman berikut" msgctxt "Noun: A user role displayed in a badge" msgid "Viewer" msgstr "Pembaca" msgctxt "Noun: A user role displayed in a badge" msgid "Contributor" msgstr "Kontributor" msgctxt "Noun: A user role displayed in a badge" msgid "Author" msgstr "Penulis" msgctxt "Noun: A user role displayed in a badge" msgid "Editor" msgstr "Penyunting" msgctxt "Noun: A user role displayed in a badge" msgid "Admin" msgstr "Administrator" msgctxt "Noun: A user role displayed in a badge" msgid "Super Admin" msgstr "Super Admin" msgid "The redirect settings were updated successfully." msgstr "Pengaturan pengalihan berhasil diperbarui." msgid "" "There was a problem retrieving the redirect settings. Please try again later " "or contact support." msgstr "" "Ada masalah dalam mengambil pengaturan pengalihan. Harap coba lagi nanti " "atau hubungi dukungan." msgctxt "Placeholder text while fetching users." msgid "Loading Users" msgstr "Memuat Pengguna" msgid "Success! File uploaded." msgstr "Berhasil! File telah diunggah." msgid "Uploading %(filename)s…" msgstr "Mengunggah %(filename)s…" msgid "Ready to take your site to the next level?" msgstr "Siap menjadikan situs Anda lebih baik?" msgid "Recovery SMS number" msgstr "Nomor SMS Pemulihan" msgid "" "Keep your account safe by adding a backup email address and phone number. If " "you ever have problems accessing your account, will use what " "you enter here to verify your identity." msgstr "" "Amankan akun Anda dengan menambahkan alamat email cadangan dan nomor " "telepon. Jika Anda mengalami kesulitan mengakses akun Anda, " "akan menggunakan informasi yang Anda daftarkan untuk melakukan verifikasi " "identitas Anda." msgid "Save Number" msgstr "Simpan Nomor" msgid "" "You have entered your primary email address. Please enter a different email " "address." msgstr "" "Anda telah memasukkan alamat email utama Anda. Mohon masukkan alamat email " "yang berbeda." msgid "Your primary email address is {{email/}}" msgstr "Alamat email utama Anda adalah {{email/}}" msgctxt "Welcome panel" msgid "Welcome" msgstr "Selamat Datang" msgid "No items" msgstr "Tidak ada item" msgid "No media items found." msgstr "Media tidak ditemukan." msgid "Invalid Target Port" msgstr "Port Target Tidak Valid" msgid "Invalid Weight" msgstr "Bobot Tidak Valid" msgid "Invalid Service" msgstr "Layanan Tidak Valid" msgid "Invalid Priority" msgstr "Prioritas Tidak Valid" msgid "Invalid Mail Server" msgstr "Server Email Tidak Valid" msgid "Invalid Target Host" msgstr "Host Target Tidak Valid" msgid "Invalid IP" msgstr "IP Tidak Valid" msgid "Invalid Name" msgstr "Nama Tidak Valid" msgctxt "Post editor sharing message counter explanation" msgid "" "The length includes space for the link to your post and an attached image." msgstr "" "Panjang termasuk spasi untuk tautan ke postingan Anda dan gambar lampiran." msgctxt "Input length" msgid "%d character remaining" msgid_plural "%d characters remaining" msgstr[0] "%d karakter tersisa" msgstr[1] "%d karakter tersisa" msgid "" "%(occurrences)d file could not be uploaded because an error occurred while " "uploading." msgid_plural "" "%(occurrences)d files could not be uploaded because errors occurred while " "uploading." msgstr[0] "" "%(occurrences)d file tidak dapat diunggah karena terjadi error saat " "mengunggah." msgstr[1] "" "%(occurrences)d file tidak dapat diunggah karena terjadi error saat " "mengunggah." msgid "" "%(occurrences)d file could not be uploaded because no image exists at the " "specified URL." msgid_plural "" "%(occurrences)d files could not be uploaded because no images exist at the " "specified URLs" msgstr[0] "" "%(occurrences)d file tidak dapat diunggah karena tidak ditemukan gambar di " "URL yang ditetapkan." msgstr[1] "" "%(occurrences)d file tidak dapat diunggah karena tidak ditemukan gambar di " "URL yang ditetapkan." msgid "" "The following formatting shortcuts are replaced when pressing Enter. Press " "Escape or the Undo button to undo." msgstr "" "Pintasan pemformatan berikut akan diganti saat mengklik Enter. Klik Escape " "atau tombol Undo untuk membatalkan." msgid "Add to menu: %1$s (%2$s)" msgstr "Tambahkan ke menu: %1$s (%2$s)" msgid "Add New Image" msgstr "Tambahkan gambar baru" msgid "Add New Header Image" msgstr "Tambahkan gambar header baru" msgid "Hide image" msgstr "Sembunyikan gambar" msgid "Hide header image" msgstr "Sembunyikan gambar header" msgid "%s approved comment" msgid_plural "%s approved comments" msgstr[0] "%s komentar yang disetujui" msgstr[1] "%s komentar disetujui" msgid "Let's go!" msgstr "Ayo!" msgid "" "Keep your account safe by adding and verifying your contact information. It " "only takes a few minutes." msgstr "" "Jaga akun Anda tetap aman dengan menambahkan dan memverifikasi informasi " "kontak Anda. Hanya butuh beberapa menit." msgid "Secure your account in only a few minutes." msgstr "Amankan akun Anda hanya dalam beberapa menit." msgid "Time for your security checkup." msgstr "Waktunya untuk pemeriksaan keamanan Anda." msgid "Dutch" msgstr "Belanda" msgid "Galician" msgstr "Galician" msgid "Estonian" msgstr "Estonia" msgid "Afrikaans" msgstr "Afrikaans" msgid "See all of your post's <post id=%d site=%d href=\"%s\">reblogs</post>." msgstr "" "Lihat semua postingan Anda <post id=%d site=%d href=\"%s\">reblogging</post>." msgid "" "See all of your <a href=\"%1$s\" site=\"%2$d\" type=\"follow\">subscribers</" "a>." msgstr "" "Lihat semua <a href=\"%1$s\" site=\"%2$d\" type=\"follow\">pelanggan</a> " "Anda." msgid "See all of your <comment id=%d post=%d site=%d href=\"%s\">likers</a>." msgstr "" "Lihat semua <comment id=%d post=%d site=%d href=\"%s\">penyuka</a> Anda." msgid "You <comment %s>replied</comment> to this comment." msgstr "Anda <comment %s>membalas</comment> komentar ini." msgid "You <comment %s>replied</comment> to this post." msgstr "Anda <comment %s>membalas</comment> pos ini." msgid "Username may not be longer than 60 characters." msgstr "Nama pengguna tidak boleh lebih dari 60 karakter." msgid "" "When starting a new paragraph with one of these formatting shortcuts " "followed by a space, the formatting will be applied automatically. Press " "Backspace or Escape to undo." msgstr "" "Saat memulai paragraf baru dengan salah satu pintasan pemformatan ini " "diikuti dengan sebuah spasi, pemformatan akan diterapkan secara otomatis. " "Klik Backspace atau Escape untuk membatalkan." msgid "Menus can be displayed in locations defined by your theme." msgstr "Menu dapat ditampilkan di lokasi yang ditentukan oleh tema Anda." msgid "" "Menus can be displayed in locations defined by your theme or in <a href=\"%s" "\">widget areas</a> by adding a “Navigation Menu” widget." msgstr "" "Menu-menu bisa ditampilkan di lokasi yang ditentukan oleh tema atau di <a " "href=\"%s\">area widget</a> Anda dengan menambahkan widget “Menu " "Navigasi”." msgid "Reorder mode closed" msgstr "Mode pengaturan urutan ditutup" msgid "Reorder mode enabled" msgstr "Mode penyusunan ulang diaktifkan" msgctxt "Missing menu name." msgid "(unnamed)" msgstr "(tanpa nama)" msgid "" "When in reorder mode, additional controls to reorder menu items will be " "available in the items list above." msgstr "" "Ketika dalam mode menyusun ulang, kontrol tambahan untuk menyusun ulang item " "menu akan tersedia dalam daftar item di atas." msgid "Close reorder mode" msgstr "Tutup mode penyusunan ulang" msgid "Reorder menu items" msgstr "Susun ulang item menu" msgid "Show more details" msgstr "Tampilkan rincian" msgctxt "plugin" msgid "Deactivating" msgstr "Menonaktifkan" msgctxt "plugin" msgid "Activating" msgstr "Mengaktifkan" msgctxt "plugin" msgid "Updating" msgstr "Memperbarui" msgctxt "media" msgid "Remove video track" msgstr "Buang track video" msgid "Remove poster image" msgstr "Hapus gambar poster" msgid "Remove video source" msgstr "Hapus sumber video" msgid "Remove audio source" msgstr "Hapus sumber audio" msgid "[] %1$s will expire in %2$d day" msgid_plural "[] %1$s will expire in %2$d days" msgstr[0] "[] %1$s akan berakhir dalam %2$d hari" msgstr[1] "[] %1$s akan berakhir dalam %2$d hari" msgid "Ctrl + letter:" msgstr "Ctrl + huruf:" msgid "Cmd + letter:" msgstr "Cmd + huruf:" msgid "Shift + Alt + letter:" msgstr "Shift + Alt + huruf:" msgid "Ctrl + Alt + letter:" msgstr "Ctrl + Alt + huruf:" msgid "Inline toolbar (when an image, link or preview is selected)" msgstr "Inline toolbar (saat menyeleksi suatu gambar, tautan, atau pratinjau)" msgid "Additional shortcuts," msgstr "Pintasan tambahan," msgid "Default shortcuts," msgstr "Pintasan bawaan," msgid "More actions" msgstr "Tindakan Lainnya" msgid "Date and time" msgstr "Tanggal dan waktu" msgid "" "Beautiful reader-focused theme with a clean and responsive layout, ideal for " "personal bloggers. It has great readability with a large font, and also " "provides full width post cover images, which are perfect to showcase your " "content." msgstr "" "Tema indah yang berfokus pada pembaca dengan tata letak yang bersih dan " "responsif, ideal untuk bloger pribadi. Tema berikut memiliki keterbacaan " "yang baik dengan font besar, dan menyediakan gambar sampul pos lebar penuh, " "yang sempurna untuk menampilkan konten Anda." msgid "Disabling autoupdates" msgstr "Menonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis" msgid "Enabling autoupdates" msgstr "Mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Upload" msgstr "Unggah" msgctxt "Media upload" msgid "Add via URL" msgstr "Tambah via URL" msgid "-- The Team" msgstr "-- Tim" msgid "" "We noticed a recent change to the account settings for your " "account, %s." msgstr "" "Kami mendapati perubahan terkini pada pengaturan akun untuk akun WordPress." "com Anda, %s." msgid "" "If you did not request this change, please respond to this email immediately." msgstr "Jika bukan Anda yang meminta perubahan ini, segera balas email ini." msgid "" "We noticed a recent change to the account settings for your " "account, <strong>%s</strong>." msgstr "" "Kami mendapati perubahan terkini pada pengaturan akun untuk akun WordPress." "com Anda, <strong>%s</strong>." msgid "The <strong>recovery email address</strong> on file was removed." msgstr "<strong>Alamat email pemulihan</strong> pada file telah dihapus." msgid "The <strong>recovery SMS number</strong> on file was removed." msgstr "<strong>Nomor SMS pemulihan</strong> pada file telah dihapus." msgid "[] Recovery SMS number removed" msgstr "[] Nomor SMS pemulihan dihapus" msgid "" "The <strong>recovery email address</strong> on file was changed to <strong>" "%s</strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Alamat email pemulihan</strong> pada file telah diubah menjadi " "<strong>%s</strong>." msgid "" "The <strong>recovery SMS number</strong> on file was changed to <strong>%s</" "strong>." msgstr "" "<strong>Nomor SMS pemulihan</strong> pada file telah diubah menjadi <strong>" "%s</strong>." msgid "[] Recovery SMS number changed" msgstr "[] Nomor SMS pemulihan diubah" msgid "Attempting to parse a shortcode without a valid callback: %s" msgstr "Attempting to parse a shortcode without a valid callback: %s" msgid "Close code tag" msgstr "Tutup tag kode" msgid "Close list item tag" msgstr "Tutup tag item daftar" msgid "Close numbered list tag" msgstr "Tutup tag daftar bernomor" msgid "Close bulleted list tag" msgstr "Tutup tag daftar tak bernomor" msgid "Close inserted text tag" msgstr "Tutup tag teks sisipan" msgid "Inserted text" msgstr "Teks yang disisipkan" msgid "Close deleted text tag" msgstr "Tutup tag tulisan yang dihapus" msgid "Deleted text (strikethrough)" msgstr "Teks yang dihapus (coret)" msgid "Close blockquote tag" msgstr "Tutup tag blockquote" msgid "Close italic tag" msgstr "Tutup tag italic" msgid "Close bold tag" msgstr "Tutup tag bold" msgid "Move one level down" msgstr "Turunkan satu tingkat" msgid "Move one level up" msgstr "Naikkan satu tingkat" msgid "Loading more results... please wait." msgstr "Memuat lebih banyak hasil... mohon tunggu." msgid "Additional items found: %d" msgstr "Item tambahan yang ditemukan: %d" msgid "Number of items found: %d" msgstr "Jumlah item yang ditemukan: %d" msgid "User Dashboard: %s" msgstr "Dasbor Pengguna: %s" msgid "popular" msgstr "populer" msgid "" "If you are looking to paste rich content from Microsoft Word, try turning " "this option off. The editor will clean up text pasted from Word " "automatically." msgstr "" "Jika Anda ingin menempelkan konten kaya dari Microsoft Word, coba " "nonaktifkan opsi ini. Editor akan otomatis menghapus teks yang ditempelkan " "dari Word." msgctxt "HTML tag" msgid "Preformatted" msgstr "Terformat" msgid "" "Please contact support, and we'll get everything fixed:\n" "\n" "%s" msgstr "" "Harap hubungi dukungan, dan kami akan perbaiki semuanya:\n" "\n" "%s" msgid "" "If you're still having trouble, please contact support, and we'll get " "everything fixed:\n" "\n" "%s" msgstr "" "Jika Anda masih mengalami masalah, hubungi dukungan, dan kami akan perbaiki " "semuanya:\n" "\n" "%s" msgid "" "Please contact support, mention error code %s, and we'll get everything " "fixed:\n" "\n" "%s" msgstr "" "Harap hubungi dukungan, sebutkan kode kesalahan %s, dan kami akan perbaiki " "semuanya:\n" "\n" "%s" msgid "Long-term token submitted; only short-term tokens can be exchanged." msgstr "" "Token jangka panjang dikirimkan; hanya token jangka panjang yang dapat " "dipertukarkan." msgid "Add your domain" msgstr "Tambahkan domain Anda" msgctxt "Filter label for people list" msgid "Viewers" msgstr "Pembaca" msgctxt "Filter label for people list" msgid "Team" msgstr "Tim" msgctxt "Filter label for people list" msgid "Followers" msgstr "Pengikut" msgid "Remove Phone Number" msgstr "Hapus Nomor Telepon" msgid "Please enter a valid phone number." msgstr "Mohon masukkan nomor telepon yang valid." msgid "Recovery email address" msgstr "Alamat Email Pemulihan" msgid "Information on courses and events (online and in-person)." msgstr "" "Informasi tentang kursus dan kegiatan (online dan tatap muka)." msgid "Opportunities to participate in research and surveys." msgstr "Kesempatan untuk berpartisipasi dalam riset dan survei" msgid "" "We'll always send important emails regarding your account, security, " "privacy, and purchase transactions, but you can get some helpful extras, too." msgstr "" "Kami akan selalu mengirimkan email penting terkait akun Anda, keamanan, " "privasi, dan transaksi pembelian, tetapi Anda juga dapat memperoleh tambahan " "yang berguna." msgid "Site achievements" msgstr "Capaian situs" msgid "Likes on my posts" msgstr "Suka pada pos saya" msgid "Likes on my comments" msgstr "Suka untuk komentar saya" msgid "Comments on my site" msgstr "Komentar di situs saya" msgid "There is a plugin update available." msgid_plural "There are plugin updates available." msgstr[0] "Ada pembaruan plugin tersedia." msgstr[1] "Ada pembaruan plugin tersedia." msgid "" "There was a problem updating your contact info. Please try again later or " "contact support." msgstr "" "Ada kesalahan memperbarui info kontak Anda. Harap coba lagi nanti atau " "hubungi dukungan." msgid "" "The contact info has been updated. There may be a short delay before the " "changes show up in the public records." msgstr "" "Info kontak telah diperbarui. Mungkin ada jeda beberapa saat sebelum " "perubahan ditampilkan dalam rekaman publik." msgid "Back to My Site" msgstr "Kembali ke situs saya" msgid "Upload Date" msgstr "Tanggal Diunggah" msgid "Duration" msgstr "Durasi" msgid "Height in pixels" msgstr "Tinggi dalam piksel" msgid "Width in pixels" msgstr "Lebar dalam piksel" msgid "Add new category" msgstr "Tambahkan kategori baru" msgid "Logs" msgstr "Log" msgid "Backups" msgstr "Pencadangan" msgctxt "Action shown in stats to download data as csv." msgid "Download data as CSV" msgstr "Unduh data dalam format CSV" msgid "{{strong}}%(price)s{{/strong}} /user /month" msgstr "{{strong}}%(price)s{{/strong}} per pengguna/bulan" msgid "" "%(occurrences)d file could not be uploaded because the file type is not " "supported." msgid_plural "" "%(occurrences)d files could not be uploaded because their file types are " "unsupported." msgstr[0] "" "%(occurrences)d file tidak dapat diunggah karena tipe file tidak didukung." msgstr[1] "" "%(occurrences)d file tidak dapat diunggah karena tipe file tidak didukung." msgid "Expand this bar" msgstr "Perluas bilah ini" msgid "Collapse this bar" msgstr "Ciutkan bilah ini" msgid "This category already exists." msgstr "Kategori ini sudah ada." msgid "Add Menu Items" msgstr "Tambahkan Item Menu" msgid "Add a menu" msgstr "Tambahkan menu" msgid "Menu Locations" msgstr "Lokasi Menu" msgid "" "Your theme can display menus in %s location. Select which menu you would " "like to use." msgid_plural "" "Your theme can display menus in %s locations. Select which menu appears in " "each location." msgstr[0] "" "Tema Anda dapat menampilkan menu di %s lokasi. Pilih menu yang ingin Anda " "gunakan." msgstr[1] "" "Tema Anda dapat menampilkan menu di %s lokasi. Pilih menu yang ingin Anda " "tampilkan di masing-masing lokasi." msgid "" "This panel is used for managing navigation menus for content you have " "already published on your site. You can create menus and add items for " "existing content such as pages, posts, categories, tags, formats, or custom " "links." msgstr "" "Panel berikut digunakan untuk mengelola menu navigasi untuk konten yang " "telah Anda terbitkan. Anda dapat membuat menu dan menambahkan beberapa hal " "untuk konten yang tersedia, seperti halaman, pos, kategori, tag, format, " "atau tautan khusus." msgid "Menu item is now a sub-item" msgstr "Item menu menjadi sub-item" msgid "Menu item moved out of submenu" msgstr "Item menu dikeluarkan dari submenu" msgid "Menu item moved down" msgstr "Item menu digeser ke bawah" msgid "Menu item moved up" msgstr "Item menu dinaikkan" msgid "Menu deleted" msgstr "Menu terhapus" msgid "Menu created" msgstr "Menu berhasil dibuat" msgid "Menu item deleted" msgstr "Item menu dihapus" msgid "Menu item added" msgstr "Item menu ditambahkan" msgid "Menu Location" msgstr "Lokasi menu" msgid "Delete menu" msgstr "Hapus menu" msgid "Add Items" msgstr "Tambahkan Item" msgid "Menu Options" msgstr "Pilihan Menu" msgid "Set a different content width for full size images." msgstr "Atur lebar konten yang berbeda untuk gambar ukuran penuh." msgid "This upgrade is not available for Jetpack site." msgstr "Upgrade ini tidak akan tersedia untuk situs Jetpack." msgctxt "Comma-separated list of replacement words in your language" msgid "" "’tain’t,’twere,’twas,’tis,’twill,’" "til,’bout,’nuff,’round,’cause,’em" msgstr "" "’tain’t,’twere,’twas,’tis,’twill,’" "til,’bout,’nuff,’round,’cause,’em" msgctxt "Comma-separated list of words to texturize in your language" msgid "'tain't,'twere,'twas,'tis,'twill,'til,'bout,'nuff,'round,'cause,'em" msgstr "'tain't,'twere,'twas,'tis,'twill,'til,'bout,'nuff,'round,'cause,'em" msgid "In response to: %s" msgstr "Tanggapan terhadap: %s" msgid "Comment status" msgstr "Status komentar" msgid "Cancel Now" msgstr "Batalkan Sekarang" msgid "" "Your post sent by email was published but some attachments were rejected for " "the following reasons:" msgstr "" "Pos yang Anda kirim melalui email telah diterbitkan namun beberapa lampiran " "ditolak karena beberapa alasan berikut:" msgid "" "New posts from this site will now appear in your <a href=\"https://wordpress." "com/read\">Reader</a>" msgstr "" "Pos baru dari situs berikut sekarang akan muncul di <a href=\"https://" "\">Reader</a> Anda" msgid "Get theme" msgstr "Dapatkan tema" msgid "Previewing theme" msgstr "Meninjau tema" msgid "Last page" msgstr "Halaman terakhir" msgid "Recovery Email" msgstr "Email Pemulihan" msgid "Save Email" msgstr "Simpan Email" msgid "" "There was a problem updating the redirect settings. Please try again later " "or contact support." msgstr "" "Ada masalah saat memperbarui pengaturan pengalihan. Harap coba lagi nanti " "atau hubungi dukungan." msgid "Plugins are updated automatically on %(siteName)s." msgstr "Plugin diperbarui secara otomatis pada %(siteName)s." msgid "Plugins can't be updated on %(siteName)s." msgstr "Plugin tidak dapat diperbarui pada %(siteName)s." msgid "All Plugins" msgstr "Semua Plugin" msgid "All plugins are up to date." msgstr "Semua plugin sudah yang terbaru." msgctxt "Filter label for plugins list" msgid "Updates" msgstr "Pembaruan" msgid "" "<b>Warning:</b> Changes to your domain contact information will prevent you " "from transferring it to another registrar for 60 days" msgstr "" "<b>Peringatan:</b> Perubahan informasi domain Anda akan membuatnya tidak " "bisa ditransfer ke registrar lain selama 60 hari ke depan" msgid "Customizing" msgstr "Kustomisasi" msgid "Customizing ▸ %s" msgstr "Menyesuaikan ▸ %s" msgid "View Team Member" msgstr "Lihat Anggota Tim" msgid "Import complete!" msgstr "Impor selesai!" msgid "Security Checkup" msgstr "Pemeriksaan Keamanan" msgid "Save contact info" msgstr "Simpan informasi kontak" msgid "" "Allow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks) on new " "posts" msgstr "" "Izinkan notifikasi tautan dari blog lain (pingbalik dan lacakbalik) pada pos " "baru" msgctxt "The country code for the phone for the user." msgid "Country code" msgstr "Kode negara" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Purchase" msgstr "Beli" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Preview" msgstr "Pratinjau" msgid "Update Site Redirect" msgstr "Perbarui Pengalihan Situs" msgid "Redirect To" msgstr "Dialihkan Ke" msgid "Redirect Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Pengalihan" msgid "The DNS record has been deleted." msgstr "Rekaman DNS sudah dihapus." msgid "The DNS record has not been deleted." msgstr "Rekaman DNS belum dihapus." msgid "More Options" msgstr "Opsi lainnya" msgctxt "Input length" msgid "%d character" msgid_plural "%d characters" msgstr[0] "%d karakter" msgstr[1] "%d karakter" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Purchase on:" msgstr "Beli pada:" msgid "This site has not posted anything yet. Try back later." msgstr "Situs ini belum memposting sesuatu. Coba kembali lagi nanti." msgid "The sites in this list have not posted anything recently." msgstr "Situs dalam daftar ini belum memposting sesuatu." msgid "Posts that you like will appear here." msgstr "Postingan yang Anda sukai akan muncul di sini." msgid "No likes yet" msgstr "Belum Ada Suka" msgid "Back to Following" msgstr "Kembali ke Mengikuti" msgid "Recent posts from sites you follow will appear here." msgstr "Pos terbaru dari situs yang Anda ikuti akan muncul di sini." msgid "This site has not posted anything recently." msgstr "Situs ini belum memposting sesuatu baru-baru ini." msgid "No recent posts" msgstr "Tidak ada pos terbaru" msgid "Invalid title" msgstr "Judul tidak valid" msgid "" "The transaction was declined. Please try again. If this error persists, " "please contact support quoting error %s, or your credit card company." msgstr "" "Transaksi ditolak. Coba lagi. Jika error ini berlanjut, hubungi dukungan " "dengan menyebutkan error %s, atau perusahaan penyedia kartu kredit." msgid "" "Take it for a spin! You have 14 days to try out all of the new features you " "now have access to." msgstr "" "Mari mencobanya! Anda memiliki 14 hari percobaan gratis semua fitur baru " "yang Anda akses saat ini." msgid "Your free trial of %s starts today!" msgstr "Percobaan gratis %s Anda dimulai hari ini!" msgid "Verify with code instead" msgstr "Verifikasi dengan kode saja" msgid "" "Or, type in the verification code generated by your authenticator app or " "sent via text." msgstr "" "Atau, ketikkan kode verifikasi yang dibuat oleh aplikasi Pengautentikasi " "atau yang dikirim melalui SMS." msgid "" "We just sent a push notification to your <strong>WordPress mobile app</" "strong>. Swipe or tap to open and verify your login." msgstr "" "Kami baru saja mengirimkan pemberitahuan push ke <strong>aplikasi seluler " "WordPress Anda</strong>. Gesek atau ketuk untuk membuka dan memverifikasi " "informasi login Anda." msgid "Creating your site…" msgstr "Membuat situs Anda..." msgctxt "singular noun, the currently active theme" msgid "Active" msgstr "Aktif" msgid "[] Recovery email address removed" msgstr "[] Alamat email pemulihan dihapus" msgid "[] Recovery email address changed" msgstr "[] Alamat email pemulihan diubah" msgid "Marina" msgstr "Marina" msgid "Emailing receipt…" msgstr "Mengirimkan Tanda Terima lewat E-mail.…" msgid "" "There was a problem sending your receipt. Please try again later or contact " "support." msgstr "" "Terjadi masalah saat mengirimkan tanda terima Anda. Harap coba lagi nanti " "atau hubungi dukungan." msgid "Your receipt was sent by email successfully." msgstr "Tanda terima Anda sudah berhasil dikirimkan melalui email." msgctxt "Dns Record TXT" msgid "Text" msgstr "Teks" msgctxt "Dns Record" msgid "Target Port" msgstr "Port Target" msgctxt "Dns Record" msgid "Target Host" msgstr "Host Target" msgctxt "Dns Record" msgid "Weight" msgstr "Bobot" msgctxt "Dns Record" msgid "Priority" msgstr "Prioritas" msgctxt "Dns Record" msgid "Protocol" msgstr "Protokol" msgctxt "Dns Record" msgid "Service" msgstr "Layanan" msgctxt "MX Dns Record" msgid "Priority" msgstr "Prioritas" msgctxt "MX Dns Record" msgid "Handled by" msgstr "Dikelola oleh" msgid "" "Service %(service)s (%(protocol)s) on target %(target)s:%(port)s, with " "priority %(aux)s and weight %(weight)s" msgstr "" "Layanan %(service)s (%(protocol)s) pada target %(target)s:%(port)s, dengan " "prioritas %(aux)s dan bobot %(weight)s" msgid "Mail handled by %(data)s with priority %(aux)s" msgstr "Email yang ditangani oleh %(data)s dengan prioritas %(aux)s" msgid "Alias of %(data)s" msgstr "Alias dari %(data)s" msgid "Points to %(data)s" msgstr "Arahkan ke %(data)s" msgid "Mail handled by email forwarding" msgstr "Email yang ditangani oleh penerusan email" msgid "DNS Records" msgstr "DNS Record" msgctxt "DNS Record" msgid "Type" msgstr "Jenis" msgid "Points To" msgstr "Arahkan Ke" msgctxt "Dns Record" msgid "Name" msgstr "Nama" msgid "" "Lucky you! Your theme designers chose specific fonts for you that you can’t " "pick otherwise. If you aren’t happy with these fonts, uncheck the checkbox " "below and click \"Save\" to choose other fonts." msgstr "" "Beruntunglah Anda! Desainer tema Anda memilih font khusus untuk Anda yang " "sebaliknya tidak dapat Anda pilih. Jika Anda tidak suka dengan tema ini, " "hapus centang pada kotak di bawah dan klik \"Simpan\" untuk memilih font " "lain." msgid "Uncheck to disable" msgstr "Hapus centang untuk menonaktifkan" msgid "Step %(stepNumber)d of %(stepTotal)d" msgstr "Langkah %(stepNumber)d dari %(stepTotal)d" msgid "Setting up your site" msgstr "Mengatur situs Anda" msgid "Creating your account" msgstr "Membuat akun Anda" msgid "Customize on:" msgstr "Ubahsuai di:" msgid "Activate on:" msgstr "Aktivasi di:" msgid "%d word {{Time/}}" msgid_plural "%d words {{Time/}}" msgstr[0] "%d kata {{Time/}}" msgstr[1] "%d kata {{Time/}}" msgctxt "An approximate time to read something, in minutes" msgid "~%d min" msgstr "~%d menit" msgid "" "The owner of this site only allows us to show a brief summary of their " "content. To view the full post, you'll have to visit their site." msgstr "" "Pemilik situs ini hanya mengizinkan kami menampilkan ringkasan isi situsnya. " "Untuk melihat kiriman lengkap, Anda harus mengunjungi situsnya." msgid "Visit {{siteName/}} for the full post." msgstr "Kunjungi {{siteName/}} untuk pos lengkap." msgid "Start writing" msgstr "Mulai menulis" msgid "<strong>Provide</strong> you with powerful customization tools." msgstr "<strong>Memberikan</strong> alat penyesuai yang tangguh." msgid "Pick a plan that's right for you." msgstr "Pilih paket yang sesuai untuk Anda." msgid "Oops! We can't find this plugin!" msgstr "Ups! Kami tidak dapat menemukan plugin ini!" msgid "Browse all plugins" msgstr "Telusuri semua plugin." msgid "" "You have active paid upgrades on your site. Please cancel your upgrades " "prior to deleting your site." msgstr "" "Anda memiliki upgrade berbayar aktif pada situs Anda. Batalkan peningkatan " "sebelum menghapus situs Anda." msgid "There was an error retrieving purchases." msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat mengambil data pembelian" msgid "Use custom name servers:" msgstr "Gunakan server server khusus:" msgid "Look up the name servers for popular hosts." msgstr "Lihat server nama untuk penyedia hosting yang populer." msgid "Not sure what name servers to use?" msgstr "Tidak yakin server nama apa yang akan digunakan?" msgid "Visit site" msgstr "Kunjungi situs" msgid "Back to themes" msgstr "Kembali ke tema" msgid "No plugins are inactive." msgstr "Tidak ada plugin yang tidak aktif." msgid "No plugins are active." msgstr "Tidak ada plugin yang aktif." msgid "" "Buy a {{domainSearchLink}}custom domain{{/domainSearchLink}}, " "{{mapDomainLink}}map{{/mapDomainLink}} a domain you already own, or " "{{redirectLink}}redirect{{/redirectLink}} this site." msgstr "" "Beli {{domainSearchLink}}domain khusus{{/domainSearchLink}}, " "{{mapDomainLink}}arahkan{{/mapDomainLink}} domain yang telah dimiliki, atau " "{{redirectLink}}alihkan{{/redirectLink}} situs berikut." msgid "Content not yet translated" msgstr "Konten belum diterjemahkan" msgid "" "Apologies, but this content has not been translated to %1$s yet. Read the <a " "href=\"%2$s\">original version in English</a>." msgstr "" "Maaf, konten ini belum diterjemahkan ke %1$s. Baca <a href=\"%2$s\">versi " "aslinya dalam bahasa Inggris</a>." msgid "" "{{readerLink}}Use the Reader{{/readerLink}} to adjust delivery settings for " "your existing subscriptions." msgstr "" "{{readerLink}}Gunakan Reader{{/readerLink}} untuk menyesuaikan pengaturan " "pengiriman untuk langganan Anda." msgid "Enter your site address:" msgstr "Masukkan alamat situs Anda" msgctxt "Navigation item" msgid "Other Notes" msgstr "Catatan Lainnya" msgctxt "Navigation item" msgid "Changelog" msgstr "Log perubahan" msgctxt "Navigation item" msgid "Installation" msgstr "Pemasangan" msgctxt "Navigation item" msgid "Description" msgstr "Deskripsi" msgid "Will Be Forwarded To" msgstr "Akan Diteruskan Ke" msgid "The site has been successfully added." msgstr "Situs telah berhasil ditambahkan." msgid "Stats for just this video: %s" msgstr "Statistik untuk video ini saja: %s" msgctxt "Default page title" msgid "About" msgstr "Tentang" msgid "How do I fix this?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara memperbaiki ini?" msgid "files affected" msgstr "File Terpengaruh" msgid "Stop All Subscriptions" msgstr "Hentikan Semua Langganan" msgid "…or get rid of all emails" msgstr "…or menyingkirkan semua email" msgid "Delete Subscription" msgstr "Hapus Langganan" msgid "" "Jetpack's Carousel has been disabled, because another plugin or your theme " "is overriding the [gallery] shortcode." msgstr "" "Carousel Jetpack telah dinonaktifkan, karena plugin atau tema Anda yang lain " "menolak kode [gallery]." msgid "Create your site." msgstr "Buat situs Anda." msgid "Back up your site" msgstr "Cadangkan situs Anda" msgid "" "A stylish, classic look for your personal blog or long-form writing site. " "The main navigation bar stays fixed to the top while your visitors read, " "keeping your most important content at hand, while three footer widget areas " "give your secondary content a comfortable home." msgstr "" "Tampilan bergaya dan klasik untuk blog pribadi atau situs penulisan panjang " "Anda. Bilah navigasi utama tetap berada di atas saat pengunjung Anda " "membaca, menjaga konten terpenting Anda, sementara tiga area widget footer " "memberi konten sekunder Anda rumah yang nyaman." msgctxt "plugin" msgid "Activate %s" msgstr "Aktifkan %s" msgid "Take it to the next level" msgstr "Bawa ke level berikutnya" msgid "Supercharge your site" msgstr "Percantik situs Anda" msgid "Just get started" msgstr "Baru saja memulai" msgid "<strong>View</strong> video information." msgstr "<strong>Lihat</strong> informasi video." msgctxt "Post format" msgid "Audio" msgstr "Suara" msgctxt "Post format" msgid "Video" msgstr "Video" msgctxt "Post format" msgid "Status" msgstr "Status" msgctxt "Post format" msgid "Quote" msgstr "Kutipan" msgctxt "Post format" msgid "Image" msgstr "Gambar" msgctxt "Post format" msgid "Link" msgstr "Taut" msgctxt "Post format" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "Galeri" msgctxt "Post format" msgid "Chat" msgstr "Obrolan" msgctxt "Post format" msgid "Aside" msgstr "Sampingan" msgctxt "Post format" msgid "Standard" msgstr "Standar" msgid "Error:" msgstr "Eror:" msgid "Categories: " msgstr "Kategori:" msgid "Reactivate" msgstr "Aktifkan kembali" msgid "Renews on" msgstr "Diperbarui pada" msgid "Notice: " msgstr "Perhatian:" msgid "Activate" msgstr "Aktifkan" msgid "Title: " msgstr "Judul:" msgid "Activate: " msgstr "Aktifkan" msgid "Post Format Link" msgstr "Tautan Format Pos" msgid "Error" msgstr "Galat" msgid "Create My Site" msgstr "Buat Situs Saya" msgid "Site created - Go to next step" msgstr "Situs dibuat - Lanjut ke langkah berikutnya" msgid "Installing…" msgstr "Memasang…" msgid "Jetpack plugin" msgstr "Plugin Jetpack" msgctxt "button label" msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Batal" msgid "An error occurred while installing %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat memasang %(plugin)s di %(site)s." msgid "Error installing %(plugin)s on %(site)s, remote management is off." msgstr "" "Kesalahan saat memasang %(plugin)s pada %(site)s, manajemen jarak jauh " "nonaktif." msgid "" "There were errors installing %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on " "%(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "" "Ada kesalahan memasang %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di %(numberOfSites)d situs." msgid "There were errors installing %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "Ada kesalahan memasang %(plugin)s di %(numberOfSites)d situs." msgid "There were errors installing %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "Ada kesalahan memasang %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di %(site)s." msgid "" "Successfully installed %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(numberOfSites)d " "sites." msgstr "" "Berhasil memasang %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di %(numberOfSites)d situs." msgid "Successfully installed %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "Berhasil memasang %(plugin)s di %(numberOfSites)d situs." msgid "Successfully installed %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "Berhasil memasang %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di %(site)s." msgid "Successfully installed %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "Berhasil memasang %(plugin)s di %(site)s." msgid "contact us" msgstr "hubungi kami" msgid "" "Don’t worry if your domain is not working right away! It can take up " "to 72 hours for your domain setup to complete." msgstr "" "Jangan khawatir jika domain Anda belum langsung aktif! Penyiapan domain " "memerlukan waktu hingga 72 jam." msgctxt "noun, defines the color scheme of the widget having dark colors" msgid "Dark" msgstr "Gelap" msgctxt "noun, defines the color scheme of the widget having light colors" msgid "Light" msgstr "Terang" msgctxt "Add new subset (greek, cyrillic, devanagari, vietnamese)" msgid "no-subset" msgstr "latin" msgid "DMCA copyright infringement notices" msgstr "Pemberitahuan pelanggaran hak cipta DMCA" msgid "" "This blog has been deactivated after receipt of multiple %1$s. If you " "believe those notices may have been incorrect or invalid, please %2$s to " "find out how to file a formal dispute." msgstr "" "Blog ini telah dinonaktifkan setelah penerimaan beberapa %1$s. Jika Anda " "yakin pemberitahuan itu salah atau tidak valid, harap %2$s untuk mencari " "tahu cara mengajukan sengketa formal." msgid "" "Your site has been suspended from for violating the %1$s. If " "you believe this was done in error, please %2$s to have the suspension " "reviewed." msgstr "" "Situs Anda telah diskorsing dari karena melanggar %1$s. Jika " "Anda yakin ini terjadi karena kesalahan, harap %2$s agar penskorsingan " "ditinjau kembali." msgid "%1$s has been suspended." msgstr "%1$s telah dibekukan." msgid "" "One or more transactions linked to your site were refunded due to a " "contested charge. To resolve the issue and re-enable posting, please go to " "the %1$s and pay the chargeback fine. For questions, %2$s." msgstr "" "Satu atau beberapa transaksi yang terkait dengan situs Anda telah " "dikembalikan dananya karena adanya pertentangan. Untuk menyelesaikan masalah " "ini dan mengaktifkan kembali pembuatan postingan, buka %1$s dan bayar denda " "pengembalian dana. Untuk pertanyaan, %2$s." msgid "contact us" msgstr "hubungi kami" msgid "" "We have a concern about some of the content on your site. Please %1$s to " "resolve the issue." msgstr "" "Kami mempermasalahkan sebagian konten pada situs Anda. Harap %1$s untuk " "menyelesaikan masalah ini." msgid "Posting disabled on %1$s." msgstr "Posting dinonaktifkan pada %1$s." msgid "Posting Disabled" msgstr "Posting Dinonaktifkan" msgid "" "It is your own responsibility to ensure that your site complies with the " "relevant laws." msgstr "" "Anda bertanggung jawab memastikan bahwa situs Anda mematuhi hukum yang " "relevan." msgid "Banner text" msgstr "Teks Banner" msgid "after this amount of time" msgstr "setelah jangka waktu ini:" msgid "after the user scrolls the page" msgstr "setelah pengguna menggulir halaman" msgid "after the user clicks the dismiss button" msgstr "setelah pengguna mengklik tombol tutup" msgid "Close and accept" msgstr "Tutup dan terima" msgid "Web Hosting" msgstr "Hosting Web" msgid "Access scope" msgstr "Cakupan akses" msgid "This connection is not allowed to manage any of your blogs." msgstr "Koneksi berikut tidak diizinkan untuk mengelola blog Anda." msgid "" "This connection is allowed to manage all of your blogs on, " "including any Jetpack blogs that are connected to your account." msgstr "" "Koneksi berikut diizinkan untuk mengelola semua blog Anda di, " "termasuk blog Jetpack yang terhubung dengan akun Anda." msgid "Authentication" msgstr "Autentikasi" msgid "Registered Domain" msgstr "Domain Terdaftar" msgid "Registered on" msgstr "Terdaftar pada" msgid "%s new post" msgid_plural "%s new posts" msgstr[0] "%s pos baru" msgstr[1] "%s pos baru" msgid "Loading Site" msgstr "Memuat Situs" msgid "Loading list" msgstr "Memuat daftar" msgid "An error occurred loading this post." msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat memuat pos ini." msgid "Error fetching feed" msgstr "Kesalahan saat mengambil umpan" msgid "Loading Feed" msgstr "Memuat Feed" msgid "%s ‹ Reader" msgstr "%s ‹ Pembaca" msgid "Sorry - there was a problem posting your comment." msgstr "Maaf - ada masalah saat mengirimkan komentar Anda." msgid "Duplicate comment detected. It looks like you've already said that!" msgstr "Terdeteksi komentar duplikat. Sepertinya Anda sudah mengatakan itu!" msgid "Sorry, we can't find that site." msgstr "Maaf, kami tidak dapat menemukan situs itu." msgid "Subscription Manager" msgstr "Pengelola Langganan" msgid "" "You already have several pending email subscriptions. Approve or delete a " "few through your %s before attempting to subscribe to more blogs." msgstr "" "Anda sudah memiliki banyak langganan email tertunda. Setujui atau hapus " "beberapa melalui %s sebelum mencoba mendaftar beberapa blog lainnya." msgid "" "The “%s” field cannot begin with a number for domains." msgstr "Bidang “%s” tidak boleh berawalan angka untuk domain .com." msgid "" "Having trouble migrating your site to a self-hosted WordPress install? Learn " "more about our handy <a href=\"%1$s\">Guided Transfer</a> service, or <a " "href=\"%2$s\">add it to your cart</a>." msgstr "" "Mengalami masalah saat memindahkan situs ke penginstalan WordPress yang " "dihosting sendiri? Pelajari selengkapnya tentang layanan <a href=\"%1$s" "\">Transfer Berpemandu</a> yang praktis, atau <a href=\"%2$s\">tambahkan ke " "keranjang</a>." msgid "VaultPress Backup" msgstr "VaultPress Backup" msgid "Spam Protection" msgstr "Perlindungan Spam" msgctxt "Jetpack Free Plan" msgid "Free" msgstr "Gratis" msgctxt "Jetpack Premium Plan" msgid "Premium" msgstr "Premium" msgid "Choose a password" msgstr "Pilih kata sandi" msgid "Choose a username" msgstr "Pilih nama pengguna" msgid "These items will be deleted" msgstr "Bagian berikut akan dihapus" msgid "{{strong}}%(siteDomain)s{{/strong}} will be unavailable in the future." msgstr "{{strong}}%(siteDomain)s{{/strong}} akan terhapus selamanya." msgid "Export content" msgstr "Ekspor konten" msgid "Export content first" msgstr "Ekspor konten lebih dahulu" msgid "Confirm delete site" msgstr "Konfirmasi Penghapusan Situs" msgid "Register a new domain or change your site's address." msgstr "Daftar domain baru atau ubah alamat situs Anda." msgid "site" msgid_plural "sites" msgstr[0] "situs" msgstr[1] "" msgid "" "{{strong}}Warning:{{/strong}} One or more transactions linked to this site " "were refunded due to a contested charge. This may have happened because of a " "chargeback by the credit card holder or a PayPal investigation. Each " "contested charge carries a fine. To resolve the issue and re-enable posting, " "please {{a}}pay for the chargeback fine{{/a}}." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Peringatan:{{/strong}} Satu atau beberapa transaksi yang terkait " "dengan situs ini dikembalikan dananya karena adanya pertentangan. Ini sudah " "terjadi karena pengembalian dana oleh pemegang kartu kredit atau investigasi " "PayPal. Setiap biaya yang disengketakan akan menyebabkan denda. Untuk " "memecahkan masalah dan mengaktifkan kembali posting, harap {{a}}bayar denda " "pengembalian dana{{/a}}." msgid "" "{{requestButton}}Re-send your confirmation email{{/requestButton}} or " "{{changeButton}}change the email address on your account{{/changeButton}}." msgstr "" "{{requestButton}}Kirim ulang email konfirmasi Anda{{/requestButton}} atau " "{{changeButton}}ubah alamat email di akun Anda{{/changeButton}}." msgid "" "To post and keep using you need to confirm your email address. " "Please click the link in the email we sent to %(email)s." msgstr "" "Untuk mengepos dan terus menggunakan, Anda harus mengonfirmasi " "alamat email Anda. Harap klik tautan di email yang kami kirimkan di " "%(email)s." msgid "We sent another confirmation email to %(email)s." msgstr "Kami telah mengirim email konfirmasi ke %(email)s." msgid "Credit Card CVV Code" msgstr "Kode CVV Kartu Kredit" msgid "Credit Card Expiration Date" msgstr "Tanggal Kadaluarsa Kartu Kredit" msgid "%s is not connected." msgstr "%s tidak terhubung." msgid "%s is connected." msgstr "%s telah terhubung." msgid "%s is not a Jetpack blog." msgstr "%s bukan blog Jetpack." msgid "Click to share on %s" msgstr "Klik untuk berbagi di %s" msgid "" "One or more transactions linked to this site were refunded due to a " "contested charge." msgstr "" "Satu atau beberapa transaksi yang terkait dengan situs ini dikembalikan " "dananya karena adanya pertentangan." msgid "We could not update your SSH credentials status. Please try again." msgstr "Kami tidak bisa memperbarui status kredensial SSH Anda. Coba lagi." msgid "Start Import" msgstr "Mulai Impor" msgid "A minimal portfolio theme." msgstr "Sebuah tema portfolio minimal." msgid "Sorry, purchasing multiple Plans of the same kind isn't possible." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat membeli dua Paket dengan jenis yang sama." msgid "Error fetching plugins on %(numberOfSites)d site." msgid_plural "Error fetching plugins on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr[0] "Kesalahan saat mengambil plugin di %(numberOfSites)d situs." msgstr[1] "Kesalahan mengambil plugin di %(numberOfSites)d situs." msgctxt "Media upload" msgid "Add new" msgstr "Tambah Baru" msgid "Jetpack Scan" msgstr "Jetpack Scan" msgid "Updates from" msgstr "Perbarui dari" msgid "Control your notification settings when you comment on other blogs." msgstr "" "Kelola pengaturan notifikasi Anda saat memberi komentar pada blog lain." msgid "Comments on other sites" msgstr "Komentar di situs lain" msgid "Replies to my comments" msgstr "Balasan untuk komentar saya" msgid "Complete your profile" msgstr "Lengkapi Profil Anda" msgid "Create a Site" msgstr "Buat Situs" msgid "notifications" msgstr "Notifikasi" msgid "Select State" msgstr "Pilih Provinsi" msgid "This site cannot be accessed." msgstr "Situs ini tidak dapat diakses." msgid "Send notifications to your {{a}} email address{{/a}}" msgstr "Kirim pemberitahuan ke {{a}}alamat e-mail {{/a}} Anda." msgid "Base Font" msgstr "Font Dasar" msgid "Macintosh uses Ctrl + Alt + letter." msgstr "Macintosh menggunakan Ctrl + Alt + huruf." msgid "You're on a %1$s-day streak on %2$s!" msgid_plural "You're on a %1$s-day streak on %2$s!" msgstr[0] "Anda telah %1$s hari berturut-turut pada %2$s!" msgstr[1] "Anda telah %1$s hari berturut-turut pada %2$s!" msgid "A clean, no-nonsense magazine theme" msgstr "Tema majalah yang bersih dan lugas" msgid "unknown location" msgstr "lokasi tidak dikenal" msgid "Continue " msgstr "Lanjutkan " msgid "<strong>View</strong> and <strong>manage</strong> a site's menus." msgstr "" "<strong>Melihat</strong> dan <strong>mengelola</strong> menu sebuah situs." msgid "Confirm your email address" msgstr "Konfirmasi alamat e-mail Anda" msgid "Accepted! Logging you in..." msgstr "Diterima! Sedang login…" msgid "Suggested image #%d" msgstr "Gambar yang disarankan #%d" msgid "Suggested embed #%d" msgstr "Embed yang disarankan #%d" msgid "Connection lost or the server is busy. Please try again later." msgstr "Koneksi terputus atau server sedang sibuk. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "Open Press This" msgstr "Buka Press This" msgid "Direct link (best for mobile)" msgstr "Tautan langsung (cocok untuk perangkat mobile)" msgid "" "If you can’t drag the bookmarklet to your bookmarks, copy the " "following code and create a new bookmark. Paste the code into the new " "bookmark’s URL field." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tak bisa menarik bookmarklet ke bilah bookmarks, salin kode " "berikut untuk membuat bookmark baru. Tempelkan kode ke bidang URL bookmark " "baru." msgid "Copy “Press This” bookmarklet code" msgstr "Salin kode bookmarklet “Press This”" msgid "" "Drag the bookmarklet below to your bookmarks bar. Then, when you’re on " "a page you want to share, simply “press” it." msgstr "" "Tarik bookmarklet di bawah ini ke bilah bookmarks Anda. Lalu, saat Anda " "membuka laman web yang hendak dibagikan, cukup klik menu bookmark tersebut." msgid "Install Press This" msgstr "Instal Press This" msgid "" "Press This is a little tool that lets you grab bits of the web and create " "new posts with ease." msgstr "" "Press This adalah sebuah perkakas sederhana yang memampukan Anda mengambil " "sepotong konten dari web dan membuat pos baru dengan mudah." msgid "Standard Editor" msgstr "Penyunting Standar" msgid "Back to post options" msgstr "Kembali ke opsi pos" msgid "Suggested media" msgstr "Media yang disarankan" msgid "Scan" msgstr "Scan" msgid "Enter a URL to scan" msgstr "Masukkan sebuah URL untuk dipindai" msgid "Scan site for content" msgstr "Pindai konten dalam situs" msgid "Hide post options" msgstr "Sembunyikan opsi pos" msgid "Show post options" msgstr "Tampilkan opsi pos" msgid "Press This!" msgstr "Press This!" msgctxt "Used in Press This to indicate where the content comes from." msgid "Source:" msgstr "Sumber:" msgid "Search categories" msgstr "Cari kategori" msgid "Search categories by name" msgstr "Cari kategori berdasarkan nama" msgid "Toggle add category" msgstr "Tampilkan menu penambahan kategori" msgid "Error while adding the category. Please try again later." msgstr "Terjadi galat saat menambahkan kategori. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "This category cannot be added. Please change the name and try again." msgstr "Kategori ini tak bisa ditambahkan. Silakan ubah namanya dan coba lagi." msgid "Invalid post." msgstr "Pos tidak sah" msgid "Missing post ID." msgstr "ID pos hilang." msgid "Application website" msgstr "Situs web aplikasi" msgid "Posting activity" msgstr "Aktivitas pos" msgid "Most popular hour" msgstr "Jam paling populer" msgctxt "Stats: Percentage of views" msgid "%(percent)d%% of views" msgstr "%(percent)d%% tampilan" msgid "Most popular day" msgstr "Hari paling populer" msgid "Choose a site address" msgstr "Pilih alamat situs" msgid "Autosave encountered an unexpected error" msgstr "Simpan otomatis mengalami kesalahan tak terduga" msgid "Error fetching plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "Kesalahan mengambil plugin di %(site)s." msgid "Disconnecting %(siteName)s." msgstr "Memutuskan %(siteName)s." msgid "Enabling autoupdates on %(count)s site" msgid_plural "Enabling autoupdates on %(count)s sites" msgstr[0] "Mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis di %(count)s situs" msgstr[1] "mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis di %(count)s situs" msgid "Deactivating on %(count)s site" msgid_plural "Deactivating on %(count)s sites" msgstr[0] "Menonaktifkan di %(count)s situs" msgstr[1] "menonaktifkan di %(count)s situs" msgid "Activating on %(count)s site" msgid_plural "Activating on %(count)s sites" msgstr[0] "Mengaktifkan di %(count)s situs" msgstr[1] "mengaktifkan di %(count)s situs" msgid "Updating on %(count)s site" msgid_plural "Updating on %(count)s sites" msgstr[0] "Memperbarui di %(count)s situs" msgstr[1] "memperbarui di %(count)s situs" msgid "There were errors updating %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "Ada kesalahan saat memperbarui %(plugin)s di %(numberOfSites)d situs." msgid "" "Successfully disabled autoupdates for %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on " "%(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "" "Berhasil menonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin " "di %(numberOfSites)d situs." msgid "" "Successfully disabled autoupdates for %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "" "Berhasil menonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(plugin)s di " "%(numberOfSites)d situs." msgid "" "Successfully disabled autoupdates for %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on " "%(site)s." msgstr "" "Berhasil menonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin " "di %(site)s." msgid "Successfully disabled autoupdates for %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "" "Berhasil menonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(plugin)s di %(site)s." msgid "" "Successfully enabled autoupdates for %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on " "%(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "" "Berhasil mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di " "%(numberOfSites)d situs." msgid "" "Successfully enabled autoupdates for %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "" "Berhasil mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(plugin)s di " "%(numberOfSites)d situs." msgid "" "Successfully enabled autoupdates for %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "" "Berhasil mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di " "%(site)s." msgid "Successfully enabled autoupdates for %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "Berhasil mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(plugin)s di %(site)s." msgid "" "Successfully deactivated %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(numberOfSites)d " "sites." msgstr "" "Berhasil menonaktifkan %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di %(numberOfSites)d situs." msgid "Successfully deactivated %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "Berhasil menonaktifkan %(plugin)s di %(numberOfSites)d situs." msgid "Successfully deactivated %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "Berhasil menonaktifkan %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di %(site)s." msgid "Successfully deactivated %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "Berhasil menonaktifkan %(plugin)s di %(site)s." msgid "" "Successfully activated %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(numberOfSites)d " "sites." msgstr "" "Berhasil mengaktifkan %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di %(numberOfSites)d situs." msgid "Successfully activated %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "Berhasil mengaktifkan %(plugin)s di %(numberOfSites)d situs." msgid "Successfully activated %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "Berhasil mengaktifkan %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di %(site)s." msgid "Successfully activated %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "Berhasil mengaktifkan %(plugin)s di %(site)s." msgid "" "Successfully updated %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "" "Berhasil memperbarui %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di %(numberOfSites)d situs." msgid "Successfully updated %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "Berhasil memperbarui %(plugin)s di %(numberOfSites)d situs." msgid "Successfully updated %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "Berhasil memperbarui %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di %(site)s." msgid "Successfully updated %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "Berhasil memperbarui %(plugin)s di %(site)s." msgid "There is a problem adding Site Redirect that points to %(domain)s." msgstr "Ada masalah menambahkan Pengalihan Situs yang mengarah ke %(domain)s." msgid "" "You already have Site Redirect upgrade in the Shopping Cart and can't add " "another one" msgstr "" "Anda telah memiliki upgrade Pengalihan Situs di Keranjang Belanja dan tidak " "dapat menambahkan satu lagi" msgid "" "You already have Site Redirect upgrade and can't add another one to the same " "site." msgstr "" "Anda sudah memiliki upgrade Pengalihan Situs dan tidak dapat menambahkan " "satu lagi ke situs yang sama." msgctxt "Upgrades: Label for adding Site Redirect" msgid "Go" msgstr "Ayo" msgid "Redirect {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} to this domain" msgstr "Alihkan {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} ke domain ini" msgid "Redirect a Site" msgstr "Alihkan Situs" msgid "Select a site to add Site Redirect" msgstr "Pilih situs untuk menambahkan Pengalihan Situs" msgid "Huge" msgstr "Besar" msgid "Normal Size" msgstr "Ukuran Normal" msgid "Tiny" msgstr "Kecil" msgid "Unknown post type requested." msgstr "Jenis pos yang tidak diketahui diminta." msgid "An active access token must be used to retrieve post counts." msgstr "Token akses aktif harus digunakan untuk mengambil jumlah pos." msgid "Sorry, you can't purchase two Site Redirect products" msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat membeli dua produk Peralihan Situs" msgid "Contrast" msgstr "Kontras" msgid "Page restored." msgstr "Halaman telah Dipulihkan" msgid "Trashed" msgstr "Dibuang" msgid "Future" msgstr "Masa Depan" msgid "" "Invalid User ID, please verify and re-enter your Goodreads numeric user ID." msgstr "" "ID Pengguna tidak valid, harap verifikasi dan masukkan kembali ID pengguna " "numerik Goodreads Anda." msgid "View your post" msgstr "Lihat pos Anda" msgid "Share on Twitter" msgstr "Bagikan di Twitter" msgid "Security management is automatic for sites." msgstr "Manajemen keamanan adalah otomatis untuk situs" msgid "No security configuration is required." msgstr "Tidak diperlukan konfigurasi keamanan." msgid "Manage general settings for %(site)s" msgstr "Kelola pengaturan umum untuk %(site)s" msgid "" "No %1$s was set in the arguments array for the \"%2$s\" sidebar. Defaulting " "to \"%3$s\". Manually set the %1$s to \"%3$s\" to silence this notice and " "keep existing sidebar content." msgstr "" "Tak ada %1$s pada arguments array untuk bilah sisi \"%2$s\". Kembali ke " "default \"%3$s\". Silakan atur %1$s untuk menggantikan \"%3$s\" secara " "manual untuk menutup notifikasi ini dan tetap menjaga konten bilah sisi." msgid "At least two distinct nameservers required!" msgstr "Setidaknya dua nama server yang berbeda!" msgid "Thank you for contacting us." msgstr "Terima kasih telah menghubungi kami" msgid "" "We will try to redeem <em>%s</em>, we will contact you as soon as we have " "the outcome of the redemption." msgstr "" "Kami akan mencoba menebus <em>%s</em>, kami akan segera menghubungi Anda " "jika kami mendapatkan hasil penebusan tersebut." msgid "" "Goodreads numeric user ID <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">(instructions)</" "a>:" msgstr "" "ID pengguna numerik Goodreads <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">(petunjuk)</" "a>:" msgid "Frequently Asked Questions" msgstr "Tanya Jawab Umum" msgid "1 post not updated, somebody is editing it." msgstr "1 pos tidak bisa diperbarui, seseorang sedang menyuntingnya." msgid "%1$s response to %2$s" msgid_plural "%1$s responses to %2$s" msgstr[0] "%1$s tanggapan untuk %2$s" msgstr[1] "%1$s tanggapan untuk %2$s" msgid "Dismiss this notice." msgstr "Tutup pemberitahuan ini." msgid "What should be done with content owned by these users?" msgstr "Apa yang harus dilakukan dengan konten milik pengguna ini?" msgid "" "The search for installed themes will search for terms in their name, " "description, author, or tag." msgstr "" "Pencarian tema terinstal akan mencari terma-terma yang ada dalam nama, " "deskripsi, pengembang, atau tag." msgid "The search results will be updated as you type." msgstr "Hasil pencarian akan diperbarui saat Anda mengetik." msgid "Number of Themes found: %d" msgstr "Jumlah Tema yang ditemukan: %d" msgid "Custom time format:" msgstr "Format waktu khusus:" msgid "enter a custom time format in the following field" msgstr "masukkan format waktu khusus di bidang berikut" msgid "example:" msgstr "Contoh:" msgid "Custom date format:" msgstr "Format tanggal khusus:" msgid "enter a custom date format in the following field" msgstr "masukkan format tanggal khusus di bidang berikut" msgctxt "Active plugin installations" msgid "%s+ Million" msgid_plural "%s+ Million" msgstr[0] "%s+ juta" msgstr[1] "%s+ juta" msgid "M j, Y @ H:i" msgstr "j M Y @ H:i" msgid "The topic contains invalid characters." msgstr "Topik ini berisi karakter yang tidak valid." msgid "Learn more in My Jetpack" msgstr "Pelajari selengkapnya di My Jetpack" msgid "<strong>Enable</strong> robust traffic and security features." msgstr "<strong>Aktifkan</strong> fitur keamanan dan lalu lintas kuat." msgid "<strong>Manage</strong> multiple sites and plugins centrally." msgstr "<strong>Kelola</strong> beberapa situs dan plugin secara terpusat." msgid "<strong>Speed up</strong> your images and photos." msgstr "<strong>Percepat</strong> gambar dan foto Anda." msgid "<strong>Protect</strong> you from brute force attacks." msgstr "<strong>Lindungi</strong> diri Anda dari serangan brute force." msgid "<strong>Monitor</strong> stats to help you analyze your traffic." msgstr "" "<strong>Pantau</strong> statistik untuk memudahkan menganalisa lalu lintas " "situs Anda." msgid "This will allow Jetpack to:" msgstr "Tindakan ini memungkinkan Jetpack untuk:" msgid "Switch account" msgstr "Ganti akun" msgid "Connecting as: %s" msgstr "Menghubungkan sebagai: %s" msgid "Account %s activated" msgstr "Akun %s diaktifkan" msgid "Howdy! Jetpack would like to connect to your account." msgstr "Apa kabar! Jetpack ingin terhubung ke akun Anda." msgid "Update Jetpack Now" msgstr "Perbarui Jetpack Sekarang" msgid "" "You are using an older version of Jetpack. To connect, please update to the " "latest version." msgstr "" "Anda menggunakan Jetpack versi lebih lama. Untuk menghubungkan, harap " "perbarui ke versi terbaru." msgid "Howdy! Please update Jetpack before connecting." msgstr "Apa kabar! Harap perbarui Jetpack sebelum menyambungkan." msgctxt "settings screen" msgid "Security" msgstr "Keamanan" msgid "Select a site to add a domain" msgstr "Pilih sebuah situs untuk menambahkan domain" msgid "Free with Plan" msgstr "Gratis dengan Paket" msgid "Custom Links" msgstr "Taut Tersuai" msgid "Please enter a valid credit card number." msgstr "Mohon masukkan nomor kartu kredit yang valid." msgid "Register %(domain)s" msgstr "Daftarkan @%(domain)s" msgid "" "If you would like to keep the domain you should renew it immediately to " "avoid a late registration fee or losing it permanently when it expires." msgstr "" "Jika Anda ingin mempertahankan domain tersebut, Anda harus segera " "memperpanjangnya untuk menghindari biaya keterlambatan mendaftar atau Anda " "akan kehilangan secara permanen saat kedaluwarsa." msgid "Your password must be at least six characters long." msgstr "Kata sandi Anda setidaknya harus sepanjang enam karakter." msgid "Welcome to the best place for your WordPress website." msgstr "Selamat datang di tempat terbaik untuk situs web WordPress Anda." msgid "Enter a domain" msgstr "Masukkan domain" msgid "%(cost)s {{small}}/year{{/small}}" msgstr "%(cost)s {{small}}/tahun{{/small}}" msgid "password" msgstr "Kata sandi" msgid "Your %s can be saved" msgstr "%s Anda dapat disimpan" msgid "Enter a domain or keyword" msgstr "Masukkan domain atau kata kunci" msgid "Domain registration is unavailable" msgstr "Pendaftaran domain tidak tersedia" msgid "Number of items per page:" msgstr "Jumlah item per laman:" msgid "Submitted on" msgstr "Diterima pada" msgid "Detach" msgstr "Lepaskan" msgid "Submitting" msgstr "Mengirimkan" msgid "Address Line 2" msgstr "Alamat Baris 2" msgid "Deactivating" msgstr "Menonaktifkan" msgid "Enable email notifications" msgstr "Aktifkan pemberitahuan lewat email" msgctxt "Filter label for posts list" msgid "Everyone" msgstr "Semua" msgctxt "Filter group label for segmented" msgid "Author" msgstr "Penulis" msgctxt "Filter group label for tabs" msgid "Status" msgstr "Status" msgid "Total views" msgstr "Total view" msgctxt "A button label to let a user get the SMS code sent again." msgid "Resend Code" msgstr "Kirim Ulang Kode" msgctxt "button label" msgid "Close Search" msgstr "Tutup Pencarian" msgctxt "button label" msgid "Open Search" msgstr "Buka Pencarian" msgid "Responsive modern theme." msgstr "Tema responsif modern." msgid "Recipient E-mail Address:" msgstr "Alamat Email Penerima:" msgid "" "You have pending subscriptions. Please click <a href=\"\">here</a> and " "approve or delete pending subscriptions to before attempting to subscribe to " "more blogs." msgstr "" "Anda memiliki langganan tertunda. Klik <a href=\"\">di sini</a> lalu setujui " "atau hapus langganan tertunda sebelum mencoba berlangganan ke blog lainnya." msgid "" "You have several pending subscriptions and cannot subscribe to more blogs " "until you have activated or deleted them. Please visit the <a href=\"%s" "\">Pending</a> section to manage these subscriptions." msgstr "" "Anda memiliki beberapa langganan tertunda dan tidak dapat berlangganan ke " "blog lain hingga Anda mengaktifkan atau menghapusnya. Silakan kunjungi " "bagian <a href=\"%s\">Tertunda</a> untuk mengelola langganan ini." msgid "Disable Multi User Access" msgstr "Nonaktifkan Akses Multi Pengguna" msgid "Multi User Access" msgstr "Akses Multi Pengguna" msgid "Creating Your Account…" msgstr "Membuat Akun Anda…" msgid "Phone number" msgstr "Nomor telepon" msgid "Usernames cannot be changed prior to account activation." msgstr "Nama pengguna tidak bisa diubah sebelum aktivasi akun." msgid "Testimonial pages display at most %1$s testimonials" msgstr "Halaman testimonial ditampilkan di sebagian besar testimonial %1$s" msgid "Enable Testimonials for this site." msgstr "Aktifkan Testimonial untuk situs ini." msgid "Your theme supports Testimonials" msgstr "Tema Anda mendukung Testimonial" msgid "Sorry, there is a problem adding your product to cart." msgstr "Maaf, ditemukan masalah saat menambahkan produk ke keranjang belanja." msgid "Romanian" msgstr "Romania" msgid "You are currently editing the page that shows your latest posts." msgstr "Anda sedang menyunting laman yang menampilkan pos-pos terbaru." msgid "Hebrew" msgstr "Ibrani" msgid "Turkish" msgstr "Turki" msgid "Danish" msgstr "Dansk" msgid "Czech" msgstr "Ceko" msgid "Taxonomy names must be between 1 and 32 characters in length." msgstr "Nama taksonomi harus memiliki antara 1 sampai 32 karakter." msgid "Post type names must be between 1 and 20 characters in length." msgstr "Nama tipe pos harus memiliki 1 sampai 20 karakter." msgid "Size in megabytes" msgstr "Ukuran dalam megabyte" msgid "1 Comment<span class=\"screen-reader-text\"> on %s</span>" msgstr "1 Komentar<span class=\"screen-reader-text\"> pada %s</span>" msgid "Could not split shared term." msgstr "Tak bisa memecah terma yang dipakai bersama." msgid "Comments Off<span class=\"screen-reader-text\"> on %s</span>" msgstr "" "Komentar Dinonaktifkan<span class=\"screen-reader-text\"> pada %s</span>" msgid "Show Cover Photo" msgstr "Perlihatkan Foto Sampul" msgid "Show Page Posts." msgstr "Perlihatkan Pos Halaman." msgid "The widget only works with Facebook Pages." msgstr "Widget hanya bekerja dengan Halaman Facebook." msgid "Free subdomain." msgstr "Subdomain gratis." msgctxt "theme" msgid "Change" msgstr "Ubah" msgid "" "Your theme supports %s menu. Select which menu appears in each location." msgid_plural "" "Your theme supports %s menus. Select which menu appears in each location." msgstr[0] "" "Tema Anda mendukung %s menu. Pilih menu mana yang akan ditampilkan pada tiap " "lokasi." msgstr[1] "" "Tema Anda mendukung %s menu. Pilih menu mana yang akan ditampilkan pada tiap " "lokasi." msgid "Close details dialog" msgstr "Tutup boks rincian" msgid "Shown publicly when you comment on blogs." msgstr "Dipublikasikan ketika Anda menulis komentar." msgid "You don't have any viewers yet." msgstr "Anda belum memiliki pemirsa." msgid "Last updated %(ago)s" msgstr "Terakhir diperbarui %(ago)s" msgctxt "Media no search results" msgid "No media files match your search for {{searchTerm/}}." msgstr "" "Tidak ada file media yang cocok dengan pencarian Anda untuk {{searchTerm/}}." msgctxt "Media no search results" msgid "No documents match your search for {{searchTerm/}}." msgstr "" "Tidak ada dokumen yang cocok dengan pencarian Anda untuk {{searchTerm/}}." msgctxt "Media no search results" msgid "No audio files match your search for {{searchTerm/}}." msgstr "" "Tidak ada file audio yang cocok dengan pencarian Anda untuk {{searchTerm/}}." msgctxt "Media no search results" msgid "No videos match your search for {{searchTerm/}}." msgstr "" "Tidak ada video yang cocok dengan pencarian Anda untuk {{searchTerm/}}." msgctxt "Media no search results" msgid "No images match your search for {{searchTerm/}}." msgstr "" "Tidak ada gambar yang cocok dengan pencarian Anda untuk {{searchTerm/}}." msgctxt "A button label used during Two-Step setup." msgid "Enable" msgstr "Aktifkan" msgctxt "A button label used during Two-Step setup." msgid "Enabling…" msgstr "Mengaktifkan…" msgid "Enter the code you receive via SMS:" msgstr "Masukkan kode yang Anda terima melalui SMS:" msgid "" "Unable to obtain authorization application setup information. Please try " "again later." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat memperoleh informasi penyiapan aplikasi otorisasi. Harap coba " "lagi nanti." msgid "" "Backup codes let you access your account if your phone is lost, stolen, or " "if you run it through the washing machine and the bag of rice trick doesn't " "work." msgstr "" "Kode cadangan memungkinkan Anda mengakses akun Anda jika ponsel Anda hilang, " "dicuri, atau terendam di air dan trik direndam di sekantung beras tidak " "dapat memulihkannya." msgid "Verifying…" msgstr "Memverifikasi…" msgid "Didn't Print The Codes?" msgstr "Tidak Dapat Mencetak Kode?" msgid "Unable to validate codes right now. Please try again later." msgstr "Tidak dapat memvalidasi kode sekarang. Harap coba lagi nanti." msgid "Create a Page" msgstr "Buat Halaman" msgid "Loading Connected Applications" msgstr "Memuat Aplikasi Terhubung" msgid "" "With Two-Step Authentication active, you can generate a custom password for " "each third-party application you authorize to use your " "account. You can revoke access for an individual application here if you " "ever need to." msgstr "" "Dengan aktifnya Autentikasi Dua-Langkah, Anda dapat membuat kata sandi " "khusus untuk setiap aplikasi pihak ketiga yang Anda berikan otorisasi untuk " "menggunakan akun Anda dapat mencabut akses setiap aplikasi " "dari sini jika diperlukan." msgid "Active Passwords" msgstr "Kata Sandi Aktif" msgid "Add New Application Password" msgstr "Tambah Kata Sandi Aplikasi Baru" msgctxt "" "The user presses the All Finished button at the end of Two-Step setup." msgid "All finished!" msgstr "Semua Selesai!" msgctxt "The codes are the backup codes for Two-Step Authentication." msgid "I have printed or saved these codes" msgstr "Saya telah mencetak atau menyimpan kode ini" msgid "Printed: %(datePrinted)s" msgstr "Dicetak: %(datePrinted)s" msgid "Please disable your pop-up blocker and try again." msgstr "Harap nonaktikfan pemblokir pop-up dan coba lagi." msgid "Verification code entered correctly. Logging you in…" msgstr "Kode verifikasi yang dimasukkan dengan benar. Memasukkan Anda…" msgid "A verification code was sent to %s." msgstr "Kode verifikasi telah dikirim ke %s." msgid "" "We couldn't find an account using %s. If you enter the validation code we've " "just sent, we will create a new account for you." msgstr "" "Kami tidak bisa menemukan akun dengan %s. Jika Anda memasukkan kode validasi " "yang kami kirim, kami akan membuat akun baru untuk Anda." msgid "I've added my account information" msgstr "Saya telah menambahkan informasi akun saya" msgid "Originally posted on %s" msgstr "Semula diposkan pada %s" msgid "Originally posted by %1$s on %2$s" msgstr "Semula diposkan oleh %1$s pada %2$s" msgid "Services" msgstr "Layanan" msgid "Connected as %1$s | " msgstr "Terhubung sebagai %1$s | " msgid "Only Display Public Events" msgstr "Hanya Tampilkan Peristiwa Publik" msgid "See all features" msgstr "Lihat semua fitur..." msgid "" "<strong>View</strong> and <strong>manage</strong> a Business " "site's plugins." msgstr "" "<strong>Lihat</strong> dan <strong>kelola</strong> plugin situs WordPress." "com Bisnis." msgid " Plugins" msgstr "Plugin" msgid "Your verification code is: %s" msgstr "Kode verifikasi Anda adalah: %s" msgid "Tiled Columns" msgstr "Kolom Berpetak" msgid "" "Could not associate provided external user ID with provided Keyring token. " "No Jetpack Social connection created." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat mencocokkan ID pengguna eksternal tersebut dengan token Keyring " "yang dimasukkan. Tidak ada koneksi Jetpack Social yang dibuat." msgid "" "This Jetpack Social service does not support setting an external user ID." msgstr "" "Layanan Jetpack Social ini tidak mendukung pengaturan ID pengguna eksternal." msgid "The provided keyring token is not for a Jetpack Social service." msgstr "Token Keyring yang dimasukkan bukan untuk layanan Jetpack Social." msgid "Invalid blog ID or Jetpack Social is disabled for this blog." msgstr "ID blog tidak valid atau Jetpack Social dinonaktifkan untuk blog ini." msgid "" "This user is not authorized to globalize this Jetpack Social connection." msgstr "" "Pengguna ini tidak diizinkan untuk mengglobalkan koneksi Jetpack Social ini." msgid "" "A Jetpack Social connection for this blog ID and Keyring connection ID " "already exists. You should be able to find it via the `/sites/$site/" "publicize-connections` endpoint." msgstr "" "Koneksi Jetpack Social untuk ID blog dan ID koneksi Keyring ini sudah ada. " "Koneksi tersebut dapat ditemukan melalui endpoint `/sites/$site/publicize-" "connections`." msgid "" "A Jetpack Social connection could not be created for this user, blog and " "Keyring connection ID." msgstr "" "Koneksi Jetpack Social tidak dapat dibuat untuk pengguna, blog, dan ID " "koneksi Keyring ini." msgid "" "This user is not authorized to create global Jetpack Social connections on " "this site." msgstr "" "Pengguna ini tidak diizinkan untuk membuat koneksi Jetpack Social global di " "situs ini." msgid "This user is not authorized to access this Jetpack Social connection." msgstr "" "Pengguna ini tidak diizinkan untuk mengakses koneksi Jetpack Social ini." msgid "" "The Jetpack Social module must be activated in order to use this endpoint." msgstr "" "Modul Jetpack Social harus diaktifkan agar endpoint ini bisa digunakan." msgid "" "This user is not authorized to access Jetpack Social connections on this " "site." msgstr "" "Pengguna ini tidak diizinkan untuk mengakses koneksi Jetpack Social di situs " "ini." msgid "" "An active access token must be used to access Jetpack Social connections." msgstr "" "Untuk mengakses koneksi Jetpack Social, token akses yang aktif harus " "digunakan." msgid "Deleting" msgstr "Menghapus" msgid "Card deleted successfully" msgstr "Kartu berhasil dihapus" msgid "Two factor authentication is already enabled for the current user." msgstr "Autentikasi dua faktor telah diaktifkan untuk pengguna ini." msgid "Edit selected menu" msgstr "Edit menu terpilih" msgid "Select Post" msgstr "Pilih Pos" msgid "Select Week" msgstr "Pilih Minggu" msgid "%s Billing Information Updated" msgstr "Informasi Tagihan %s Telah Diperbarui" msgid "%s Refund Processed" msgstr "Pengembalian Dana %s Telah Diproses" msgid "Ownership ID" msgstr "Id Kepemilikan" msgid "You can get started with the {{link}}WordPress mobile apps!{{/link}}" msgstr "Anda dapat memulai dengan {{link}}aplikasi seluler WordPress!{{/link}}" msgid "You haven't connected any apps yet." msgstr "Anda belum menghubungkan aplikasi apa pun." msgid "<a href=\"%1$s\" id=\"%2$s\">%3$s bloggers</a> like this." msgstr "<a href=\"%1$s\" id=\"%2$s\">%3$s blogger</a> menyukai ini." msgid "You and <a href=\"%1$s\" id=\"%2$s\">%3$s other bloggers</a> like this." msgstr "" "Anda dan <a href=\"%1$s\" id=\"%2$s\">%3$s blogger lainnya</a> menyukai ini." msgid "" "You have allowed general emails for your blogs. To stop receiving them, " "click <a href=\"%s\">here</a>." msgstr "" "Anda telah mengizinkan email umum untuk blog Anda. Untuk berhenti menerima " "kiriman, klik <a href=\"%s\">di sini</a>." msgid "" "You will no longer receive general emails for your blogs - to allow these " "emails again, click <a href=\"%s\">here</a>." msgstr "" "Anda tidak akan menerima email umum lagi untuk blog Anda - untuk mengizinkan " "email ini lagi, klik <a href=\"%s\">di sini</a>." msgid "Your current IP address: {{strong}}%(IP)s{{/strong}}{{br/}}" msgstr "Alamat IP Anda saat ini adalah {{strong}}%(IP)s{{/strong}}{{br/}}" msgid "Unknown IP address" msgstr "Alamat IP tidak diketahui" msgid "No results. Please try a different search." msgstr "Tak ada hasil. Harap coba pencarian lain." msgid "Search images…" msgstr "Cari gambar..." msgid "" "Two-Step Authentication adds an extra layer of security to your account. " "Once enabled, logging in to will require you to enter a unique " "passcode generated by an app on your mobile device or sent via text message, " "in addition to your username and password." msgstr "" "Autentikasi Dua-Langkah semakin mengamankan akun Anda. Setelah diaktifkan, " "masuk ke WordPress akan mengharuskan Anda memasukkan kode sandi unik yang " "dibuat aplikasi di perangkat seluler Anda atau dikirim melalui pesan teks, " "selain nama pengguna dan kata sandi Anda." msgid "Disable two-step authentication" msgstr "Nonaktifkan Autentikasi Dua-Langkah" msgid "Your password was saved successfully." msgstr "Kata sandi Anda berhasil disimpan." msgid "Not connected. Some information may be out of sync." msgstr "Tidak terhubung. Beberapa informasi mungkin tidak disinkronkan." msgid "Connection restored." msgstr "Koneksi dipulihkan." msgid "Add Professional Email @%(domain)s" msgstr "Tambahkan Professional Email @%(domain)s" msgid "Complete Checkout" msgstr "Selesaikan Checkout" msgid "Brute force protection" msgstr "Perlindungan brute force" msgid "Would you like to upload something?" msgstr "Apakah Anda ingin mengunggah sesuatu?" msgid "Documents" msgstr "Dokumen" msgid "Search all media…" msgstr "Cari semua media..." msgid "Search documents…" msgstr "Cari dokumen..." msgid "Search audio files…" msgstr "Cari file audio…" msgid "Loading chart…" msgstr "Memuat diagram…" msgid "Country code" msgstr "Kode Negara" msgid "Enter Phone Number" msgstr "Masukkan Nomor Telepon" msgid "Enable Two-Step" msgstr "Aktifkan Dua-Langkah" msgid "Enabling Two-Step…" msgstr "Mengaktifkan Dua-Langkah…" msgid "Verify" msgstr "Verifikasi" msgid "" "You have no sites in your profile links. You may add sites if you'd like." msgstr "" "Anda tidak memiliki situs dalam tautan profil Anda. Anda dapat menambahkan " "situs kalau mau." msgid "Jabber subscription delivery" msgstr "Pengiriman Langganan Jabber" msgid "Print Receipt" msgstr "Cetak Tanda Terima" msgid "" "Changing your username will also affect your Gravatar profile and " "IntenseDebate profile addresses." msgstr "" "Mengubah nama pengguna Anda juga akan mempengaruhi profil Gravatar Anda dan " "alamat profil IntenseDebate." msgid "Would you like a matching blog address too?" msgstr "Anda juga ingin alamat blog yang sesuai?" msgid "Confirm new username" msgstr "Konfirmasikan nama pengguna baru" msgid "Please re-enter your new username to confirm it." msgstr "Harap masukkan kembali nama pengguna baru Anda untuk mengonfirmasinya." msgid "Thanks for confirming your new username!" msgstr "Terima kasih telah mengonfirmasi nama pengguna baru Anda!" msgid "Usernames can only contain lowercase letters (a-z) and numbers." msgstr "Username hanya dapat meliputi huruf kecil (a-z) dan angka. " msgid "Valid phone number" msgstr "Nomor telepon valid" msgid "Phone numbers cannot contain special characters" msgstr "Nomor telepon tidak boleh berisi karakter khusus" msgid "Phone numbers cannot contain letters" msgstr "Nomor telepon tidak boleh berisi huruf" msgid "This number is too short" msgstr "Nomor ini terlalu pendek" msgid "Please enter a phone number" msgstr "Harap masukkan nomor telepon" msgid "Drag and drop to reorder media files." msgstr "Seret dan lepas untuk mengurutkan file media." msgid "Connect to Eventbrite" msgstr "Hubungkan ke Eventbrite" msgid "This is the page where users will find your site's blog" msgstr "Ini adalah halaman tempat pengguna akan menemukan blog situs Anda" msgctxt "Next post" msgid "Next" msgstr "Berikutnya" msgctxt "Previous post" msgid "Previous" msgstr "Sebelumnya" msgid "View %1$s’s profile on %2$s" msgstr "Tampilkan %1$s’s profil di %2$s" msgid "A simple widget that displays social media icons." msgstr "Widget sederhana yang menampilkan ikon media sosial." msgid "" "You can log out of other devices, such as your phone or a public computer, " "by clicking the Log Out Everywhere Else button." msgstr "" "Anda bisa log keluar dari perangkat lainnya, misalnya hp atau komputer " "publik, dengan mengklik tombol Log Keluar dari Semua Perangkat Lainnya." msgid "Protect" msgstr "Melindungi" msgctxt "Event date and time. %1$s = start time, %2$s = end time" msgid "%1$s - %2$s" msgstr "%1$s - %2$s" msgctxt "" "%1$s: time, %2$s: venue, %3$s: organizer, %4$s: event details (only on index " "views)" msgid "%1$s%2$s%3$s%4$s" msgstr "%1$s%2$s%3$s%4$s" msgid "Notification Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Notifikasi" msgid "Moderator Emeritus" msgstr "Moderator Emeritus" msgid "We could not save your SSH credentials. Please try again." msgstr "Kami tidak bisa menyimpan kredensial SSH Anda. Coba lagi." msgid "Post reverted to draft." msgstr "Pos dikembalikan ke draf." msgid "Copied" msgstr "Disalin" msgid "Copy shortlink" msgstr "Salin shortlink" msgid "" "{{status}}Status:{{/status}} Two-step authentication is currently {{onOff}}" "off{{/onOff}}." msgstr "" "{{status}}Status:{{/status}} Autentikasi Dua-Langkah saat ini {{onOff}}" "mati{{/onOff}}." msgid "" "{{status}}Status:{{/status}} Two-step authentication is currently {{onOff}}" "on{{/onOff}}." msgstr "" "{{status}}Status:{{/status}} Autentikasi Dua-Langkah saat ini {{onOff}}" "aktif{{/onOff}}." msgid "" "You've enabled two-step authentication. While enabled, logging in to " " requires you to enter a unique passcode, sent via text " "message, in addition to your username and password." msgstr "" "Akun Anda saat ini dilindungi oleh Autentikasi Dua-Langkah. Saat diaktifkan, " "masuk ke mengharuskan Anda memasukkan kode sandi unik, yang " "dikirimkan melalui SMS, selain nama pengguna dan kata sandi Anda." msgid "Successfully enabled Two-Step Authentication." msgstr "Berhasil mengaktifkan Autentikasi Dua-Langkah." msgid "Disable Two-Step" msgstr "Nonaktifkan Dua-Langkah" msgid "Disabling Two-Step…" msgstr "Menonaktifkan Dua-Langkah…" msgid "Send Code via SMS" msgstr "Kirim Kode melalui SMS" msgid "Resend Code" msgstr "Kirim Ulang Kode" msgid "" "To verify that you wish to disable two-step authentication, enter the " "verification code from your device or a backup code, and click \"Disable two-" "step.\"" msgstr "" "Untuk memastikan bahwa Anda ingin menonaktifkan Autentikasi Dua-Langkah, " "harap masukkan kode verifikasi dari perangkat Anda atau kode cadangan dan " "klik \"Nonaktifkan Dua-Langkah.\"" msgid "Successfully disabled Two-Step Authentication." msgstr "Berhasil menonaktifkan Autentikasi Dua-Langkah." msgid "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later." msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan tidak terduga. Coba lagi nanti." msgid "" "Unable to request a code via SMS right now. Please try again after one " "minute." msgstr "" "Saat ini tak dapat meminta kode melalui SMS. Coba lagi setelah satu menit." msgid "" "Please enter the URL and description of the site you want to add to your " "profile." msgstr "" "Masukkan URL dan keterangan situs yang ingin ditambahkan ke profil Anda." msgid "That link is already in your profile links. No changes were made." msgstr "" "Tautan tersebut sudah ada di tautan profil Anda. Tak ada perubahan yang " "dibuat." msgid "A theme for collecting internet things." msgstr "Sebuah tema untuk mengumpulkan konten internet." msgctxt "Date range for which stats are being displayed" msgid "%(startDate)s - %(endDate)s" msgstr "%(startDate)s - %(endDate)s" msgid "Example:" msgstr "Misalnya:" msgid "Status: Enabled" msgstr "Status: Dinonaktifkan" msgid "Submitting…" msgstr "Mengirimkan..." msgid "" "Add a {{link}}sharing button{{/link}} to your posts so readers can share " "your story with their friends." msgstr "" "Tambahkan {{link}}tombol berbagi{{/link}} ke pos Anda agar para pembaca " "dapat membagikannya." msgid "See All" msgstr "Lihat Semua" msgid "Successfully disconnected %(siteName)s." msgstr "Berhasil memutuskan %(siteName)s." msgctxt "Jetpack: Action user takes to disconnect Jetpack site from .com" msgid "Disconnect" msgstr "Putuskan" msgid "Remember for 30 days." msgstr "Ingat selama 30 hari." msgid "SMS codes are limited to once per minute. Please wait and try again." msgstr "" "Kode SMS dibatasi hanya sekali per menit. Mohon tunggu sebelum mencoba lagi." msgid "You entered an invalid code. Please try again." msgstr "Anda memasukkan kode yang tidak valid. Harap coba lagi." msgid "Please select one or more sites to add to your profile." msgstr "Pilih satu atau beberapa situs untuk ditambahkan ke profil Anda." msgid "There was a problem saving your changes." msgstr "Terjadi masalah saat menyimpan perubahan Anda." msgid "There is a pending change of your email to %s." msgstr "Ada penggantian email Anda yang menunggu persetujuan ke %s." msgid "Joined %(month)s %(year)s" msgstr "Bergabung sejak %(month)s %(year)s" msgid "The email change has been successfully canceled." msgstr "Perubahan email telah berhasil dibatalkan." msgid "There was a problem canceling the email change. Please, try again." msgstr "Ada masalah dalam membatalkan perubahan email. Harap coba lagi." msgid "Choose site" msgstr "Pilih situs" msgid "Widget moved down" msgstr "Widget digeser ke bawah" msgid "Widget moved up" msgstr "Widget digeser ke atas" msgid "No image selected" msgstr "Tak ada gambar yg terseleksi" msgid "No file selected" msgstr "Tak ada berkas terpilih" msgid "Please provide a phone number" msgstr "Harap berikan nomor telepon Anda" msgid "The End" msgstr "Selesai" msgid "Older than a month" msgstr "Lebih lama dari 1 bulan" msgid "Older than a week" msgstr "Lebih lama dari 1 minggu" msgid "Older than 2 days" msgstr "Lebih lama dari 2 hari" msgid "No new likes to show yet." msgstr "Belum ada suka baru untuk ditampilkan." msgid "Get noticed: comment on posts you've read." msgstr "Agar diperhatikan: komentari pos yang sudah Anda baca." msgid "No new followers to report yet." msgstr "Belum ada pengikut baru yang dapat dilaporkan." msgid "" "Join a conversation: search for blogs that share your interests in the " "Reader." msgstr "" "Bergabung dengan percakapan: cari blog yang memiliki minat yang sama dengan " "Anda di Reader." msgid "No new comments yet!" msgstr "Belum ada komentar baru!" msgid "Reignite the conversation: write a new post." msgstr "Mulai kembali percakapan: tulis pos baru." msgid "You're all caught up!" msgstr "Anda semua terperangkap!" msgid "Get active! Comment on posts from blogs you follow." msgstr "Aktiflah! Komentari pos dari blog-blog yang Anda ikuti." msgid "No notifications yet." msgstr "Belum ada notifikasi." msgid "Write your response in order to submit" msgstr "Tuliskan respons untuk mengirimkan" msgctxt "verb: imperative" msgid "Send" msgstr "Kirim" msgid "Duplicate comment; you've already said that!" msgstr "Komentar duplikat; Anda sudah pernah menuliskannya!" msgid "Remove like from post" msgstr "Hapus suka dari pos" msgid "Remove like from comment" msgstr "Hapus suka dari komentar" msgctxt "verb: imperative" msgid "Edit" msgstr "Sunting" msgid "You {{a}}replied{{/a}} to this post." msgstr "Anda {{a}}membalas{{/a}} pos ini." msgid "You {{a}}replied{{/a}} to this comment." msgstr "Anda {{a}}membalas{{/a}} komentar ini." msgid "Reply to %(username)s…" msgstr "Balas %(username)s..." msgid "%s per month" msgstr "%s per bulan" msgctxt "(user commenting) on (post title)" msgid "%1$s on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s pada %2$s" msgid "SMS codes are limited to once per minute" msgstr "Kode SMS dibatasi hanya sekali per menit" msgid "View your comment." msgstr "Lihat komentar Anda." msgid "Reply posted!" msgstr "Balasan diposkan!" msgid "WordPress powers %s%% of the internet." msgstr "WordPress menghidupi %s%% internet" msgid "Ecommerce" msgstr "E-commerce" msgid "<strong>Advanced</strong> Design Customization" msgstr "Kustomisasi Desain <strong>Tingkat Lanjut</strong>" msgid "" "You have allowed Press Publish promotional e-mails. To stop receiving them, " "please <a href=\"%s\">click here</a>." msgstr "" "Anda telah mengizinkan email promosi Press Publish. Untuk berhenti menerima " "kiriman, silakan <a href=\"%s\">klik di sini</a>." msgid "" "You will no longer receive Press Publish promotional e-mails. To allow these " "emails again, please <a href=\"%s\">click here</a>." msgstr "" "Anda tidak akan menerima email promosi Press Publish lagi. Untuk mengizinkan " "email ini lagi, silakan <a href=\"%s\">klik di sini</a>." msgid "Posts Published" msgstr "Pos Diterbitkan" msgid "Uploading…" msgstr "Mengunggah…" msgid "You are not authorized to manage sharing settings for this site." msgstr "" "Anda tidak berwenang untuk mengelola pengaturan bersama untuk situs ini." msgid "Add / Remove" msgstr "Tambah / Hapus" msgctxt "Sharing: Buttons editor instructions" msgid "Drag and drop to reorder the buttons." msgstr "Seret dan letakkan untuk menata ulang tombol." msgctxt "Sharing: Buttons editor instructions" msgid "Tap the button you would like to move. Then tap the desired arrow." msgstr "" "Ketuk tombol yang ingin Anda pindahkan. Lalu ketuk panah yang Anda inginkan." msgctxt "Sharing: Buttons" msgid "This text won't appear until you add at least one sharing button." msgstr "" "Teks ini tidak akan muncul hingga Anda menambahkan setidaknya satu tombol " "berbagi." msgid "Enable the in-page translator where available. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}" msgstr "" "Aktifkan penerjemah in-page jika tersedia. {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}}" msgid "Access permissions" msgstr "Izin akses" msgid "" "{{detailTitle}}Authorized on{{/detailTitle}}{{detailDescription}}%(date)s{{/" "detailDescription}}" msgstr "" "{{detailTitle}}Diberikan otorisasi pada{{/detailTitle}}" "{{detailDescription}}%(date)s{{/detailDescription}}" msgid "Removing…" msgstr "Menghapus…" msgid "Move previous" msgstr "Pindah ke sebelumnya" msgid "You've posted %1$s days in a row on %2$s! Keep up the good work." msgid_plural "You've posted %1$s days in a row on %2$s! Keep up the good work." msgstr[0] "" "Anda sudah memposting %1$s hari berturut-turut di %2$s! Pertahankan kerja " "bagus tersebut." msgstr[1] "" "Anda sudah memposting %1$s hari berturut-turut di %2$s! Pertahankan kerja " "bagus tersebut." msgid "Ready to get started?" msgstr "Siap untuk memulai?" msgid "You have successfully updated your billing information." msgstr "Anda berhasil memperbarui informasi tagihan Anda." msgid "We have processed your refund." msgstr "Kami telah memproses pengembalian dana Anda." msgid "%s subscription due for renewal" msgstr "Berlangganan %s berakhir dan menunggu perpanjangan" msgid "%1$s Subscription Stopped #%2$d" msgstr "Paket Langganan %1$s Telah Dihentikan #%2$d" msgid "We have cancelled your subscription." msgstr "Kami telah membatalkan paket langganan Anda." msgid "%1$s Cancellation #%2$d" msgstr "Pembatalan %1$s #%2$d" msgid "Your site just got even better." msgstr "Situs Anda kini lebih baik." msgid "" "Domains are renewed 30 days early to avoid the domain accidentally expiring, " "which can make it more difficult and more expensive to renew." msgstr "" "Domain diperbarui 30 hari lebih awal untuk mencegah langganan domain Anda " "berakhir tiba-tiba, karena pembaruan domain akan lebih sulit dan mahal." msgid "All About Domains" msgstr "Semua Tentang Domain" msgid "" "You can create and publish both posts and pages on your site. If you are new " "to WordPress­­.com, check out our tutorials for a detailed walkthrough." msgstr "" "Anda dapat membuat dan memublikasikan pos dan halaman pada situs Anda. Jika " "Anda baru menggunakan WordPress­­.com, manfaatkan tutorial kami untuk " "mendapatkan panduan yang lebih lengkap." msgid "Start Customizing" msgstr "Mulai Pengaturan" msgid "" "With %s you can change fonts, colors, and CSS for your theme and preview " "your changes in real‑time." msgstr "" "Dengan %s Anda dapat mengubah jenis huruf, warna, dan CSS pada tema Anda dan " "melakukan pratinjau perubahan secara langsung." msgid "Add Free Domain" msgstr "Tambahkan Domain Gratis" msgid "" "%s includes a free credit to add a new domain to your site. You can register " "a new domain or add a domain you already own." msgstr "" "%s memberikan kesempatan bagi Anda untuk menambahkan sebuah domain, gratis. " "Anda dapat mendaftarkan sebuah domain baru atau menambahkan domain yang " "telah Anda miliki." msgid "Get a Free Domain" msgstr "Dapatkan Domain Gratis" msgid "" "Welcome to %s! You now have special access to a bunch of new features, as " "well as a free domain." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di %s! Sekarang Anda dapat menggunakan sejumlah fitur baru, " "termasuk domain gratis." msgid "" "Welcome to Custom CSS!\n" "\n" "To learn how this works, see" msgstr "" "Selamat datang di CSS Khusus!\n" "\n" "Untuk mempelajari cara kerjanya, kunjungi" msgid "Are you sure you want to move %d item to the trash ?" msgid_plural "Are you sure you want to move %d items to the trash ?" msgstr[0] "Apakah Anda yakin ingin memindahkan %d item ke tempat sampah?" msgstr[1] "Apakah Anda yakin ingin memindahkan %d item ke tempat sampah?" msgid "Views Per Visitor" msgstr "Tampilan Per Pengunjung" msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize connection confirmation" msgid "" "The %(service)s connection could not be made because all available accounts " "are already connected." msgstr "" "Koneksi %(service)s tidak bisa dibuat karena seluruh akun yang tersedia " "telah terkoneksi." msgid "Default delivery via Jabber instant message" msgstr "Pengiriman asal dengan pesan instan Jabber" msgid "Send email every week" msgstr "Kirim email tiap minggu" msgid "Send email daily" msgstr "Kirimkan email tiap hari" msgid "Send email instantly" msgstr "Langsung kirimkan email" msgid "Never send email" msgstr "Jangan kirimkan email" msgctxt "Hour range between which subscriptions are delivered" msgid "%(fromHour)s - %(toHour)s" msgstr "%(fromHour)s - %(toHour)s" msgid "Generating Password…" msgstr "Membuat Kata Sandi…" msgid "" "There was a problem creating your application password. Please try again." msgstr "Ada masalah saat membuat password aplikasi Anda. Silakan coba lagi." msgid "" "The application password was not successfully deleted. Please try again." msgstr "Password aplikasi belum berhasil dihapus. Silakan coba lagi." msgid "Total Refunded" msgstr "Total Pengembalian Dana" msgid "Refund Summary" msgstr "Ringkasan Pengembalian Dana" msgid "" "Our Happiness Engineers are here to answer your questions & help you set " "up your site." msgstr "" "Tim Happiness Engineer kami siap untuk menjawab pertanyaan dan membantu " "menyiapkan situs Anda." msgid "Need help? No problem!" msgstr "Butuh bantuan? Tidak masalah!" msgid "Subtotal" msgstr "Subtotal" msgid "Billed To" msgstr "Penagihan dikirim kepada" msgid "Previously Billed To" msgstr "Penagihan sebelumnya dikirim ke" msgid "Cancelled On" msgstr "Dibatalkan pada" msgid "" "This is an example of a page. Unlike posts, which are displayed on your " "blog’s front page in the order they’re published, pages are better suited " "for more timeless content that you want to be easily accessible, like your " "About or Contact information. Click the Edit link to make changes to this " "page or <a title=\"Direct link to Add New Page in your Dashboard\" href=\"%s" "\">add another page</a>." msgstr "" "Ini adalah contoh halaman. Tidak seperti pos, yang ditampilkan di halaman " "depan blog Anda dengan urutan penerbitannya, halaman lebih cocok untuk " "konten yang tidak memiliki batas waktu yang Anda inginkan untuk dapat " "diakses dengan mudah, seperti informasi Tentang atau Kontak. Klik tautan " "Sunting untuk melakukan perubahan pada halaman ini atau <a title=\"Tautan " "langsung untuk Menambahkan Halaman Baru di Dasbor\" href=\"%s\">tambahkan " "halaman lain</a>." msgid "No SMS? Check your email for the password reset email." msgstr "" "Tidak menerima SMS? Periksa email Anda untuk mendapatkan email reset kata " "sandi." msgid "SMS Password Reset" msgstr "Reset Kata Sandi SMS" msgid "" "A newer version of WordPress is available. {{link}}Update to %(version)s{{/" "link}}" msgstr "" "WordPress versi baru sudah tersedia. {{link}}Perbarui ke %(version)s{{/link}}" msgid "Unauthorized" msgstr "Tidak terotorisasi" msgid "" "No site exists at that address, did you want to <a target=\"_blank\" href=" "\"%1$s\">change your site address</a>?" msgstr "" "Tidak ada situs di alamat tersebut, apakah Anda ingin <a target=\"_blank\" " "href=\"%1$s\">mengubah alamat situs Anda</a>?" msgctxt "Sharing: Buttons editor instructions" msgid "Tap the buttons you would like to add or remove." msgstr "Ketuk tombol yang ingin Anda tambahkan atau hapus." msgctxt "Filter label for plugins list" msgid "Active" msgstr "Aktif" msgid "Sorry, %(domain)s does not end with a valid domain extension." msgstr "Maaf, %(domain)s tidak memiliki ekstensi domain yang valid." msgid "Sorry, %(domain)s does not appear to be a valid domain name." msgstr "Maaf, %(domain)s tampaknya bukan nama domain yang valid." msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize" msgid "There is an issue connecting to %(service)s." msgstr "Ditemukan kendala saat menghubungkan ke %(service)s." msgctxt "Sharing: Buttons editor instructions" msgid "These will be shown in a dropdown under the “More” button." msgstr "" "Ini semua akan ditampilkan dalam menu buka-bawah di bawah tombol " "“Selengkapnya”." msgctxt "Sharing: Buttons edit label" msgid "Add “More” button" msgstr "Tambahkan tombol “Selengkapnya”" msgctxt "Sharing: Buttons edit label" msgid "Add sharing buttons" msgstr "Tambahkan tombol berbagi" msgctxt "Sharing: Buttons edit label" msgid "Edit sharing buttons" msgstr "Edit tombol berbagi" msgctxt "Sharing options: Comment Likes" msgid "On for all posts" msgstr "Tampilkan untuk semua pos" msgid "Order Summary" msgstr "Rincian Pesanan" msgid "Google Analytics" msgstr "Google Analytics" msgid "" "<strong>Take it to the next level:</strong> get everything included with " "Premium, as well as live chat support and the ability to install custom " "plugins and themes." msgstr "" "<strong>Bawa ke level berikutnya:</strong> dapatkan semuanya dengan paket " "Premium, termasuk dukungan obrolan langsung dan fitur untuk menginstal " "plugin dan tema khusus." msgid "" "<strong>Blog, supercharged:</strong> get your own domain name, powerful " "customization options and lots of space for audio and video." msgstr "" "<strong>Blog, dipercantik:</strong> dapatkan nama domain Anda sendiri, opsi " "kustomisasi yang hebat, dan ruang yang lega untuk audio dan video." msgid "" "<strong>Just start creating:</strong> get a free site and be on your way to " "publishing your content in less than five minutes." msgstr "" "<strong>Baru saja mulai blogging:</strong> dapatkan blog gratis dan pilih " "cara menerbitkan kiriman pertama Anda kurang dari lima menit." msgid "Free <em>for life</em>" msgstr "Gratis <em>seumur hidup</em>" msgid "Setting up your plan" msgstr "Menyiapkan paket Anda" msgid "An identical profile link already exists." msgstr "Link profil yang sama sudah ada." msgctxt "noun: a quantity of goods or items purchased or sold" msgid "Order" msgstr "Pesanan" msgctxt "%1$s = price; %2$s = date" msgid "You will be charged %1$s again on %2$s." msgstr "Anda akan ditagih %1$s lagi pada %2$s." msgid "This is a monthly subscription." msgstr "Ini adalah langganan bulanan." msgid "This is an annual subscription." msgstr "Ini adalah langganan tahunan." msgctxt "Sharing: connections" msgid "Connected by %(username)s" msgstr "Disambungkan oleh %(username)s" msgctxt "Sharing: Buttons editor instructions" msgid "Click the buttons you would like to add or remove." msgstr "Klik tombol yang ingin Anda tambahkan atau Anda hapus." msgctxt "Sharing: Buttons editor heading" msgid "Edit “More” buttons" msgstr "Edit tombol “Selengkapnya”" msgctxt "Sharing: Buttons editor heading" msgid "Edit visible buttons" msgstr "Edit tombol terlihat" msgctxt "Sharing: Buttons edit label" msgid "Edit “More” buttons" msgstr "Edit tombol “Selengkapnya”" msgctxt "Sharing: Buttons edit label" msgid "Edit visible buttons" msgstr "Edit tombol terlihat" msgctxt "Sharing: Buttons edit label" msgid "Edit label text" msgstr "Edit teks label" msgid "" "This will be included in tweets when people share using the %(service)s " "button." msgstr "" "Ini akan disertakan di tweet ketika orang-orang berbagi menggunakan tombol " "%(service)s." msgid "Change the text of the sharing buttons label" msgstr "Ubah teks label tombol berbagi" msgctxt "Sharing: buttons" msgid "Edit label text" msgstr "Edit teks label" msgid "Go to My Site" msgstr "Buka Situs Saya" msgid "Password was not specified with password key." msgstr "Kata sandi tidak ditetapkan dengan kunci kata sandi." msgid "Simple View" msgstr "Tampilan Sederhana" msgid "Business Tools" msgstr "Perangkat Bisnis" msgid "Live chat support" msgstr "Bantuan live chat" msgid "<br>Business" msgstr "<br>Bisnis" msgid "Create Website" msgstr "Buat Situs Web" msgid "Business Name" msgstr "Nama Bisnis" msgctxt "date is of the form MM/YY" msgid "Expires %(date)s" msgstr "Kedaluwarsa %(date)s" msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize connection confirmation" msgid "The %(service)s account was successfully connected." msgstr "Akun %(service)s berhasil dihubungkan." msgid "Learn more about using {{a}}Google Analytics with{{/a}}." msgstr "" "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang menggunakan {{a}}Google Analytics dengan " "{{/a}}." msgid "" "Google Analytics is a free service that complements our {{a}}built-in " "stats{{/a}} with different insights into your traffic. Jetpack Stats and " "Google Analytics use different methods to identify and track activity on " "your site, so they will normally show slightly different totals for your " "visits, views, etc." msgstr "" "Google Analytics adalah layanan gratis yang melengkapi {{a}}statistik " "bawaan{{/a}} kami dengan wawasan berbeda tentang lalu lintas situs Anda. " "Statistik dan Google Analytics menggunakan metode yang berbeda " "untuk mengidentifikasi dan melacak aktivitas di situs Anda, sehingga " "biasanya akan memperlihatkan jumlah total yang berbeda untuk kunjungan yang " "berasal dari luar (visits), berapa kali halaman ditayangkan oleh browser " "(views), dsb." msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize reconnection confirmation" msgid "The %(service)s account was unable to be reconnected." msgstr "Akun %(service)s tidak dapat dihubungkan kembali." msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize connection confirmation" msgid "" "The %(service)s connection could not be made because no account was selected." msgstr "" "%(service)s tidak dapat dihubungkan karena tidak ada akun yang dipilih." msgid "" "Add a {{link}}BandPage widget{{/link}} to display your music, photos, videos " "bio, and event listings." msgstr "" "Tambahkan {{link}}widget BandPage{{/link}} untuk menampilkan musik, foto, " "bio video, dan daftar acara." msgid "Add a BandPage widget" msgstr "Tambahkan widget BandPage" msgid "" "Add a {{link}}sharing button{{/link}} to your posts so readers can share " "your story with their followers." msgstr "" "Tambahkan {{link}}tombol berbagi{{/link}} ke pos Anda agar pembaca dapat " "membagikan cerita Anda." msgid "" "{{strong}}Connect{{/strong}} to automatically share posts to your Tumblr " "blog." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Sambungkan{{/strong}} untuk berbagi pos secara otomatis ke blog " "Tumblr Anda." msgid "Share posts to your Tumblr blog" msgstr "Bagikan pos ke blog Tumblr Anda" msgid "" "Add a {{link}}sharing button{{/link}} to your posts so readers can share " "your story with their connections." msgstr "" "Tambahkan {{link}}tombol berbagi{{/link}} ke pos Anda agar pembaca dapat " "berbagi berita Anda dengan koneksi mereka." msgid "" "{{strong}}Connect{{/strong}} to automatically share posts with your LinkedIn " "connections." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Sambungkan{{/strong}} untuk berbagi pos secara otomatis kepada " "koneksi LinkedIn Anda." msgid "Share posts with your LinkedIn connections" msgstr "Bagikan pos kepada koneksi LinkedIn Anda" msgid "" "Add a {{link}}Twitter Timeline Widget{{/link}} to display your latest tweets " "on your site." msgstr "" "Tambahkan {{link}}Widget Linimasa Twitter{{/link}} untuk menampilkan tweet " "terbaru di situs web Anda." msgid "Add a Twitter Timeline Widget" msgstr "Tambahkan Widget Linimasa Twitter" msgid "" "{{strong}}Connect{{/strong}} to automatically share posts with your Twitter " "followers." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Sambungkan{{/strong}} untuk berbagi pos secara otomatis kepada " "pengikut Twitter Anda." msgid "Share posts to your Twitter followers" msgstr "Bagikan pos kepada pengikut Twitter Anda" msgid "" "{{strong}}Connect{{/strong}} to automatically share posts on your Facebook " "page." msgstr "" "{{strong}}Sambungkan{{/strong}} untuk berbagi pos secara otomatis di halaman " "Facebook Anda." msgid "" "Hi there,\n" "\n" "We recently received a request to change the email address for the WordPress." "com user ###USERNAME### from ###OLDEMAIL### to ###NEWEMAIL###.\n" "\n" "If you made this request, you can safely ignore and delete this email.\n" "\n" "If you did not request this change, please respond to this email " "immediately.\n" "\n" "Regards,\n" "All at ###SITENAME###\n" "\n" "###SITEURL###" msgstr "" "Halo\n" "!\n" "Kami baru saja menerima permintaan untuk mengubah alamat email pengguna " " ###NAMAPENGGUNA### dari ###EMAILLAMA### menjadi " "###EMAILBARU###.\n" "\n" "Jika Anda yang mengirim permintaan tersebut, silakan abaikan dan hapus email " "ini.\n" "\n" "Jika bukan Anda yang meminta perubahan ini, segera balas email ini.\n" "\n" "Salam,\n" "Semua di ###NAMASITUS###\n" "\n" "###URLSITUS###" msgctxt "site setting" msgid "Google Analytics Measurement ID" msgstr "ID Pengukuran Google Analytics" msgctxt "Sharing: Tip in settings" msgid "" "You can also add a {{widgetLink}}Twitter Timeline Widget{{/widgetLink}} to " "display any public timeline on your site." msgstr "" "Anda juga dapat menambahkan {{widgetLink}}Widget Linimasa Twitter{{/" "widgetLink}} untuk menampilkan linimasa publik pada situs Anda." msgctxt "Sharing: Tip in settings" msgid "" "You can also add a {{pagePluginWidgetLink}}Page Plugin Widget{{/" "pagePluginWidgetLink}}, a {{shareButtonLink}}share button{{/" "shareButtonLink}}, or {{embedLink}}embed{{/embedLink}} your page or profile " "on your site." msgstr "" "Anda juga dapat menambahkan {{pagePluginWidgetLink}}Widget Plugin Halaman{{/" "pagePluginWidgetLink}} dan {{shareButtonLink}}tombol berbagi{{/" "shareButtonLink}} atau {{embedLink}}menyematkan{{/embedLink}} halaman atau " "profil Anda di situs." msgctxt "Sharing: Sharing button option heading" msgid "Button style" msgstr "Tampilan tombol" msgctxt "Sharing: Sharing button option label" msgid "Official Buttons" msgstr "Tombol Resmi" msgctxt "Sharing: Sharing button option label" msgid "Text Only" msgstr "Hanya Teks" msgctxt "Sharing: Sharing button option label" msgid "Icon Only" msgstr "Hanya Ikon" msgctxt "Sharing: Sharing button option label" msgid "Icon & Text" msgstr "Ikon & Teks" msgctxt "Sharing options: Header" msgid "Show like and sharing buttons on" msgstr "Tampilkan tombol suka dan berbagi pada" msgctxt "Sharing options: Checkbox label" msgid "Show like button" msgstr "Tampilkan tombol suka" msgctxt "Sharing options: Checkbox label" msgid "Show reblog button" msgstr "Tampilkan tombol reblog" msgctxt "verb: imperative" msgid "Submit reply" msgstr "Kirimkan balasan" msgctxt "verb: imperative" msgid "Trash comment" msgstr "Buang komentar" msgctxt "verb: imperative" msgid "Mark comment as spam" msgstr "Tandai komentar sebagai spam" msgctxt "verb: imperative" msgid "Like post" msgstr "Sukai pos" msgctxt "verb: imperative" msgid "Like comment" msgstr "Sukai komentar" msgctxt "verb: imperative" msgid "Edit comment" msgstr "Edit komentar" msgctxt "verb: imperative" msgid "Approve comment" msgstr "Setujui komentar" msgctxt "verb: imperative" msgid "Unapprove comment" msgstr "Tidak setujui komentar" msgid "Submitting Comment" msgstr "Mengirimkan Komentar" msgctxt "Stats: Main stats page heading" msgid "Stats for {{period/}}" msgstr "Statistik untuk {{period/}}" msgctxt "Stats: Action to undo marking an item as spam" msgid "Mark as Not Spam" msgstr "Tandai sebagai Bukan Spam" msgctxt "Stats: Action to mark an item as spam" msgid "Mark as Spam" msgstr "Tandai sebagai Spam" msgctxt "Sharing options: Header" msgid "Reblog & Like" msgstr "Reblog & Suka" msgctxt "Sharing options: Header" msgid "Comment Likes" msgstr "Suka Komentar" msgid "%(description)s is invalid" msgstr "%(description)s tidak valid" msgid "Missing required %(description)s field" msgstr "Bidang wajib %(description)s belum diisi" msgid "Vietnam" msgstr "Vietnam" msgid "Tanzania" msgstr "Tanzania" msgid "North Korea" msgstr "Korea Utara" msgid "Palestine" msgstr "Palestina" msgid "Micronesia" msgstr "Mikronesia" msgid "Macedonian" msgstr "Macedonian" msgid "" "Error enabling autoupdates for %(plugin)s on %(site)s, remote management is " "off." msgstr "" "Kesalahan saat mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(plugin)s di %(site)s, " "manajemen jarak jauh nonaktif." msgid "Error deactivating %(plugin)s on %(site)s, remote management is off." msgstr "" "Kesalahan menonaktifkan %(plugin)s pada %(site)s, manajemen jarak jauh " "nonaktif." msgid "" "An error occurred while disabling autoupdates for %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "" "Terjadi kesalahan saat menonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(plugin)s di " "%(site)s." msgid "" "An error occurred while enabling autoupdates for %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "" "Terjadi kesalahan saat mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk %(plugin)s di " "%(site)s." msgid "craft" msgstr "kerajinan" msgid "Loading Stats" msgstr "Memuat Statistik" msgctxt "Sharing: Tip in settings" msgid "" "You can also add an {{widgetLink}}Instagram Widget{{/widgetLink}} to display " "your latest Instagram photos on your site." msgstr "" "Anda juga dapat menambahkan {{widgetLink}}Widget Instagram{{/widgetLink}} " "untuk menampilkan koleksi foto Instagram terbaru ke situs Anda." msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize connect pending button label" msgid "Connect" msgstr "Hubungkan" msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize reconnect pending button label" msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "Hubungkan kembali" msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize disconnect button label" msgid "Disconnect" msgstr "Batalkan" msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize disconnect button label" msgid "Disconnect All" msgstr "Putuskan Semua" msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize connect pending button label" msgid "Connecting…" msgstr "Menghubungkan…" msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize reconnect pending button label" msgid "Reconnecting…" msgstr "Menghubungkan kembali…" msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize disconnect pending button label" msgid "Disconnecting…" msgstr "Memutuskan hubungan…" msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize status pending button label" msgid "Loading…" msgstr "Memuat…" msgctxt "Sharing: Publicize connection confirmation" msgid "Connecting %(service)s" msgstr "Menyambungkan %(service)s" msgid "1 like" msgstr "1 Suka" msgctxt "Page title: Plugin detail" msgid "%(pluginName)s Plugin" msgstr "%(pluginName)s Plugin" msgid "Don't show again" msgstr "Jangan tampilkan lagi" msgid "" "You have now enabled the translator. Right click the text to translate it." msgstr "" "Anda telah mengaktifkan penerjemah. Klik kanan pada teks untuk menerjemahkan." msgid "A minimalistic square theme." msgstr "Tema kotak-kotak minimalis." msgid "Discover" msgstr "Temukan" msgid "The site home" msgstr "Beranda situs" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for views of a given search in search terms." msgid "Views" msgstr "Tampilan" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for search in search terms." msgid "Search term" msgstr "Istilah Pencarian" msgctxt "Stats: title of module" msgid "Search terms" msgstr "Istilah Pencarian" msgid "" "When a comment contains any of these words in its content, name, URL, e-" "mail, or IP, it will be put in the trash. One word or IP per line. It will " "match inside words, so \"press\" will match \"WordPress\"." msgstr "" "Apabila sebuah komentar memuat kata-kata berikut di dalam konten, nama, URL, " "email, atau IP, maka akan ditandai sebagai spam. Satu kata atau IP per " "baris. Fungsi berikut akan disesuaikan ke dalam beberapa kata, contohnya " "\"press\" akan dianggap dengan \"WordPress\"." msgctxt "Upgrades: Register domain header" msgid "Already own a domain?" msgstr "Anda sudah memiliki domain?" msgctxt "Upgrades: Label for mapping an existing domain" msgid "Add" msgstr "Tambah" msgctxt "Upgrades: Description in domain registration" msgid "Map this domain to use it as your site address." msgstr "Arahkan domain berikut untuk digunakan sebagai alamat situs Anda." msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the publicize module is empty" msgid "No publicize subscribers recorded" msgstr "Tidak ada pelanggan Publikasikan yang tercatat" msgctxt "Message on empty bar chart in Stats" msgid "No activity this period" msgstr "Tidak ada aktivitas pada periode berikut" msgctxt "Demo content for related posts" msgid "Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings" msgstr "Fokus Upgrade: VideoPress Untuk Pernikahan" msgctxt "Demo content for related posts" msgid "The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift" msgstr "Desain WordPress untuk Aplikasi Android Mengalami Perubahan Besar" msgctxt "Demo content for related posts" msgid "Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available" msgstr "Tersedia Pembaruan Besar untuk iPhone/iPad" msgid "Show or hide panel information" msgstr "Perlihatkan atau sembunyikan informasi panel" msgid "Loading My Sites…" msgstr "Memuat Situs Saya…" msgid "New Item" msgstr "Item baru" msgid "Community Translator" msgstr "Penerjemah Komunitas" msgid "Disable Translator" msgstr "Nonaktifkan Penerjemah" msgid "Enable Translator" msgstr "Aktifkan Penerjemah" msgid "%1$s replied to a comment %2$s" msgstr "%1$s membalas komentar %2$s" msgid "" "<a class=\"subscribe-footer-link\" style=\"color: #555 !important; font-" "size: 14px; text-decoration: none !important;\" href=\"%1$s\">Thanks for " "flying with <img src=\"%2$s\" alt=\"\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\" " "width=\"16\" height=\"16\" /></a>" msgstr "" "<a class=\"subscribe-footer-link\" style=\"color: #555 !important; font-" "size: 14px; text-decoration: none !important;\" href=\"%1$s\">Terima kasih " "telah menjelajah bersama <img src=\"%2$s\" alt=\"\" style=\"vertical-align: " "middle;\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" /></a>" msgid "You cannot redirect your blog to" msgstr "Anda tidak dapat mengalihkan blog Anda ke" msgid "You cannot redirect your blog to" msgstr "Anda tidak dapat mengalihkan blog Anda ke" msgid "Jetpack Security" msgstr "Jetpack Security" msgid "Jetpack Backup" msgstr "Jetpack Backup" msgid "Total:" msgstr "Total:" msgid "Start free trial" msgstr "Mulai Coba Gratis" msgid "Polish" msgstr "Polski" msgctxt "" "Something went wrong in the process of creating an Annual Report recap post, " "this is the error message the user sees." msgid "Unable to create a Recap post. Please try again." msgstr "Gagal membuat pos Rekap. Silakan coba lagi." msgctxt "Stats: module row header for number of subscribers on the service." msgid "Subscribers" msgstr "Pelanggan" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for publicize service." msgid "Service" msgstr "Layanan" msgctxt "Stats: title of module" msgid "Publicize" msgstr "Publikasikan" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for number of views per tag or category." msgid "Views" msgstr "Tampilan" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for tags and categories." msgid "Topic" msgstr "Topik" msgctxt "Stats: title of module" msgid "Tags & categories" msgstr "Tag & Kategori" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for number of views per video." msgid "Views" msgstr " Penayangan" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for videos." msgid "Video" msgstr "Video" msgctxt "Stats: title of module" msgid "Videos" msgstr "Video" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for number of views per author." msgid "Views" msgstr "Dilihat" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for authors." msgid "Author" msgstr "Penulis" msgctxt "Stats: title of module" msgid "Authors" msgstr "Penulis" msgctxt "" "Stats: module row header for number of clicks on a given link in a post." msgid "Clicks" msgstr "Klik" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for links in posts." msgid "Link" msgstr "Tautan" msgctxt "Stats: title of module" msgid "Clicks" msgstr "Klik" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for number of post views by referrer." msgid "Views" msgstr "Dilihat" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for post referrer." msgid "Referrer" msgstr "Perujuk" msgctxt "Stats: title of module" msgid "Referrers" msgstr "Perujuk" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for number of post views." msgid "Views" msgstr "Tampilan" msgctxt "Stats: module row header for post title." msgid "Title" msgstr "Judul" msgctxt "Stats: title of module" msgid "Posts & pages" msgstr "Pos & Laman" msgid "Jetpack Stats" msgstr "Statistik Jetpack" msgid "Sharing posts to your Tumblr blog." msgid_plural "Sharing posts to your Tumblr blogs." msgstr[0] "Membagikan pos ke blog Tumblr Anda." msgstr[1] "Membagikan pos ke blog Tumblr Anda." msgid "Sharing posts to your connections." msgstr "Membagikan pos ke koneksi Anda." msgid "Comment and share to your profile." msgstr "Komentari dan bagikan ke profil Anda." msgid "Commenting and sharing to your profile." msgid_plural "Commenting and sharing to your profiles." msgstr[0] "Mengomentari dan membagikan ke profil Anda." msgstr[1] "Mengomentari dan membagikan ke profil Anda." msgid "Share posts to your Mastodon feed." msgstr "Bagikan pos ke feed Mastodon Anda." msgid "Sharing posts to your Twitter feed." msgid_plural "Sharing posts to your Twitter feeds." msgstr[0] "Membagikan pos ke feed Twitter Anda." msgstr[1] "Membagikan pos ke feed Twitter Anda." msgid "Share posts to your Threads feed." msgstr "Bagikan pos ke feed Threads." msgid "Disconnect blog" msgstr "Putuskan sambungan blog" msgid "View all plans" msgstr "Tampilkan semua paket" msgid "Change Visibility" msgstr "Ubah Visibilitas" msgid "To manage it here, set it to visible." msgid_plural "To manage them here, set them to visible." msgstr[0] "Untuk mengelolanya di sini, atur ke tampak." msgstr[1] "Untuk mengelolanya di sini, atur ke tampak." msgid "Popular languages" msgstr "Bahasa populer" msgid "DNS CNAME for %1$s needs to point to %2$s." msgstr "DNS CNAME untuk %1$s harus diarahkan ke %2$s." msgid "You're on a %1$s-day streak!" msgid_plural "You're on a %1$s-day streak!" msgstr[0] "Anda telah %1$s hari berturut-turut!" msgstr[1] "Anda telah %1$s hari berturut-turut!" msgid "Activating" msgstr "Mengaktifkan" msgid "Pain Management" msgstr "Manajemen nyeri" msgid "Sorry, %s has already been used!" msgstr "Maaf, %s telah terpakai!" msgid "%(cost)s/year" msgstr "%(cost)s/tahun" msgid "+ Add organization name" msgstr "+ Tambahkan Nama Organisasi" msgid "Jetpack Connect" msgstr "Jetpack Connect" msgctxt "post status" msgid "Private" msgstr "Privat" msgid "Would you like to publish your first page?" msgstr "Apakah Anda ingin menerbitkan halaman pertama Anda?" msgid "You haven't published any pages yet." msgstr "Anda belum menerbitkan halaman sama sekali." msgid "You don't have any pages in your trash folder." msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki halaman sama sekali di folder tong sampah Anda." msgid "No pages match your search for {{searchTerm/}}." msgstr "" "Tidak ada halaman yang cocok dengan pencarian Anda untuk {{searchTerm/}}." msgid "Sorry, you do not have enough permissions to customize this site" msgstr "" "Maaf, Anda tidak memiliki izin yang mencukupi untuk mengkustomisasi situs ini" msgid "Sorry, the customizing tools did not load correctly" msgstr "Maaf, alat kustomisasi tidak dapat memuat dengan benar" msgctxt "%d = year" msgid "" "To kick off the new year, we’d like to share with you data on %s’s activity " "in %d. You may start scrolling!" msgstr "" "Untuk mengawali tahun baru, kami ingin berbagi dengan Anda data tentang " "aktivitas %s di %d. Anda boleh mulai menggulir!" msgctxt "%d = year" msgid "" "To kick off the new year, we’d like to share with you data on your blog’s " "activity in %d. Start scrolling!" msgstr "" "Untuk mengawali tahun baru, kami ingin berbagi mengenai aktivitas blog Anda " "di %d. Mulai menggulir!" msgctxt "%d = year" msgid "%d Report" msgstr "Laporan %d" msgctxt "%d = year" msgid "" "Thanks for taking a look at this annual report. If you like, you could start " "your own blog in %d!" msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah meninjau laporan tahunan ini. Jika Anda menghendaki, Anda " "dapat memulai blog Anda sendiri di %d!" msgctxt "%d = year" msgid "We want to help you make %d even better on" msgstr "Kami ingin membantu Anda menjadikan %d semakin baik di" msgctxt "%d = year" msgid "We look forward to serving you again in %d! Happy New Year!" msgstr "Kami berharap melayani Anda lagi di %d! Selamat Tahun Baru!" msgctxt "%d = year" msgid "Thanks for flying with Jetpack in %d." msgstr "Terima kasih telah menjelajah bersama Jetpack di %d." msgctxt "%d = year" msgid "Thanks for flying with in %d." msgstr "Terima kasih telah menjelajah bersama di tahun %d." msgctxt "%d = year" msgid "See you in %d" msgstr "Sampai jumpa di %d" msgctxt "%d = year" msgid "The top referring sites in %d were:" msgstr "Situs pereferensi teratas di %d adalah:" msgctxt "%d = year" msgid "" "Some of your most popular posts were written before %d. Your writing has " "staying power! Consider writing about those topics again." msgstr "" "Beberapa pos paling populer Anda ditulis sebelum %d. Tulisan Anda terus " "abadi! Pertimbangkan menulis tentang topik itu lagi." msgctxt "%s = blog name; %d = year" msgid "These are the posts that got the most views on %s in %d." msgstr "Berikut adalah pos yang paling banyak dilihat pada %s di %d." msgctxt "%d = year" msgid "Attractions in %d" msgstr "Atraksi di %d" msgctxt "%d = number of posts" msgid "with %d posts total" msgstr "dengan total %d pos" msgctxt "example: Your site in 2014" msgid "Your site in %d" msgstr "Situs Anda di %d" msgctxt "example: 2014 in blogging" msgid "%d in blogging" msgstr "%d dalam blogging" msgid "" "Visit <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\"></a> from your " "phone or tablet." msgstr "" "Kunjungi <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\"></a> dari ponsel " "atau tablet Anda." msgid "" "Go to <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\"></a> to try out " "the new features." msgstr "" "Kunjungi <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\"></a> untuk " "mencoba fitur baru." msgctxt "noun: a generic user name" msgid "Someone" msgstr "Seseorang" msgid "" "Our 2015 default theme is clean, blog-focused, and designed for clarity. " "Twenty Fifteen's simple, straightforward typography is readable on a wide " "variety of screen sizes, and suitable for multiple languages. We designed it " "using a mobile-first approach, meaning your content takes center-stage, " "regardless of whether your visitors arrive by smartphone, tablet, laptop, or " "desktop computer." msgstr "" "Tema standar 2015 kami sangat simpel, berorientasi blog, dan dirancang untuk " "kejernihan. Tipografi Twenty Fifteen yang sederhana dan tegas mudah dibaca " "pada berbagai ukuran layar, dan sesuai untuk berbagai bahasa. Kami " "merancangnya dengan pendekatan mobile-first, artinya konten Anda berada di " "area tengah jika diakses menggunakan perangkat baik ponsel pintar, tablet, " "laptop, maupun komputer meja." msgid "" "A theme for bloggers who want their content to take center stage. Radcliffe " "features responsive design, retina-ready assets, full width header images, " "beautiful design and typography, support for custom logo, support for custom " "accent color, three widget areas, editor style and translation-ready code. " "Included translations: Swedish/svenska." msgstr "" "Sebuah tema untuk bloger yang ingin konten mereka menjadi pusat perhatian. " "Radcliffe menampilkan desain responsif, aset retina-ready, gambar header " "lebar penuh, desain dan tipografi yang indah, fitur untuk logo khusus, fitur " "untuk warna aksen khusus, tiga area widget, gaya editor, dan kode yang dapat " "diterjemahan. Termasuk terjemahan: Swedia/svenska." msgid "" "We couldn't validate your site address. Type your address again or follow " "manual installation instructions below." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat memvalidasi alamat situs Anda. Ketikkan kembali alamat Anda " "atau ikuti petunjuk pemasangan manual di bawah ini." msgid "On the next page, click \"Install\" again on the bottom right." msgstr "Di halaman berikutnya, klik \"Pasang\" lagi di kanan bawah." msgid "Update Jetpack now..." msgstr "Perbarui Jetpack sekarang..." msgid "" "With Jetpack connected you can experience a fully responsive posting UI that " "works on any device." msgstr "" "Dengan Jetpack yang terhubung, Anda dapat merasakan UI pos yang benar-benar " "responsif, yang dapat digunakan di berbagai perangkat." msgid "POST FROM ANYWHERE" msgstr "MEMPOSKAN DARI MANA SAJA" msgid "" "You can now manage all your sites – wherever they're hosted – and their " "plugins from one central dashboard." msgstr "" "Anda sekarang dapat mengelola semua situs Anda – di mana pun lokasi " "servernya – dan pluginnya dari satu dasbor pusat." msgid "CENTRAL DASHBOARD" msgstr "DASBOR SENTRAL" msgid "" "Jetpack is faster than ever.<br /><br />We put in a lot of work last summer " "to reduce the bandwidth Jetpack uses and speed up Related Posts caching. Let " "us know what you think!" msgstr "" "Jetpack lebih cepat daripada sebelumnya.<br /><br />Kami mengerjakan banyak " "hal musim panas lalu untuk mengurangi bandwidth yang digunakan Jetpack dan " "mempercepat penggunaan cache Pos Terkait. Beri tahu kami pendapat Anda!" msgid "SPEED IMPROVEMENTS" msgstr "PENINGKATAN KECEPATAN" msgid "The Latest Jetpack" msgstr "Jetpack Terbaru" msgctxt "%d = year" msgid "" "To kick off the new year, we’d like to share with you data on your site’s " "activity in %d. Start scrolling!" msgstr "" "Untuk mengawali tahun baru, kami ingin berbagi dengan Anda data tentang " "aktivitas situs Anda di %d. Mulai menggulir!" msgid "Jetpack presents" msgstr "Jetpack menyajikan" msgid "Longest Streak" msgstr "Coretan Terpanjang" msgid "Posting Patterns" msgstr "Pola Pos" msgid "An error occurred while activating %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat mengaktifkan %(plugin)s di %(site)s." msgid "Error activating %(plugin)s on %(site)s, remote management is off." msgstr "" "Kesalahan saat mengaktifkan %(plugin)s di %(site)s, manajemen jarak jauh " "nonaktif" msgid "An error occurred while updating %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat memperbarui %(plugin)s di %(site)s." msgid "Error updating %(plugin)s on %(site)s, remote management is off." msgstr "" "Kesalahan saat memperbarui %(plugin)s di %(site)s, manajemen jarak jauh " "nonaktif." msgid "Post scheduled." msgstr "Pos dijadwalkan!" msgid "Publish immediately" msgstr "Terbitkan segera" msgid "pending review" msgstr "menunggu peninjauan" msgid "View Plans" msgstr "Lihat Paket" msgid "Important!" msgstr "Penting!" msgid "Choose your theme" msgstr "Pilih tema Anda" msgctxt "Label for hidden menu in a list on the Stats page." msgid "Show Actions" msgstr "Tampilkan Tindakan" msgctxt "Stats: Button label to expand a panel" msgid "View all" msgstr "Lihat Semua" msgid "Some stats didn't load in time. Please try again later." msgstr "Beberapa statistik tidak dapat memuat tepat waktu. Coba lagi nanti." msgctxt "Stats panel action" msgid "Show or hide panel information" msgstr "Perlihatkan atau sembunyikan informasi panel" msgctxt "Stats panel action" msgid "Expand or collapse panel" msgstr "Perluas atau ciutkan panel" msgctxt "noun" msgid "Comments" msgstr "Komentar" msgctxt "noun" msgid "Likes" msgstr "Suka" msgctxt "noun" msgid "Visitors" msgstr "Pengunjung" msgctxt "noun" msgid "Views" msgstr "Tampilan" msgctxt "Stats ARIA label: View content in a new window" msgid "View in a new window" msgstr "Lihat di jendela baru" msgctxt "Stats action tooltip: View content in a new window" msgid "View in a new window" msgstr "Lihat di jendela baru" msgctxt "Stats: List item action to view content" msgid "View" msgstr "Lihat" msgctxt "Stats ARIA label: View content in new window action" msgid "View content in a new window" msgstr "Lihat konten di jendela baru" msgctxt "Stats action tooltip: View content in a new window" msgid "View content in a new window" msgstr "Lihat konten di jendela baru" msgid "Update now" msgstr "Perbarui sekarang" msgid "There is an update available." msgid_plural "There are updates available." msgstr[0] "Ada pembaruan yang tersedia." msgstr[1] "Ada pembaruan yang tersedia." msgid "Pending review" msgstr "Menunggu peninjauan" msgid "Add item" msgstr "Tambahkan Item" msgctxt "calypso stats survey" msgid "Thanks for your feedback." msgstr "Terima kasih atas masukan Anda." msgctxt "calypso stats survey" msgid "Vote" msgstr "Pilih" msgctxt "calypso stats survey" msgid "I'm used to it." msgstr "Saya menggunakannya." msgctxt "calypso stats survey" msgid "It's less confusing." msgstr "Lebih jelas." msgctxt "calypso stats survey" msgid "It shows more information." msgstr "Menunjukkan lebih banyak informasi." msgctxt "calypso stats survey" msgid "It's faster." msgstr "Lebih cepat." msgctxt "calypso stats survey" msgid "Why do you prefer this Stats page?" msgstr "Mengapa Anda memilih halaman Statistik?" msgid "No thanks" msgstr "Tidak, terima kasih" msgid "Easy to use" msgstr "Mudah digunakan" msgid "" " is the best place for your personal blog or business site." msgstr "" " adalah tempat terbaik untuk blog personal atau situs bisnis " "Anda." msgid "Unsupported Browser" msgstr "Browser Tidak Didukung" msgid "" "To move focus to other buttons use Tab or the arrow keys. To return focus to " "the editor press Escape or use one of the buttons." msgstr "" "Untuk memindahkan fokus ke tombol lainnya, gunakan tuts Tab atau panah. " "Untuk mengembalikan fokus ke penyunting, tekan Escape atau salah satu tombol." msgid "Elements path" msgstr "Path elemen." msgid "Editor toolbar" msgstr "Bilah perkakas penyunting" msgid "Editor menu (when enabled)" msgstr "Menu penyunting (jika diaktifkan)" msgid "Image toolbar (when an image is selected)" msgstr "Bilah perkakas gambar (jika sebuah gambar diseleksi)" msgid "Focus shortcuts:" msgstr "Pintasan fokus:" msgid "" "The following values do not describe a valid date: month %1$s, day %2$s." msgstr "Nilai berikut tidak menunjukkan data yang sah: bulan %1$s, hari %2$s." msgid "Enable full-height editor and distraction-free functionality." msgstr "" "Aktifkan penyunting ketinggian penuh dan fungsionalitas bebas distraksi." msgid "" "You can enable distraction-free writing mode using the icon to the right. " "This feature is not available for old browsers or devices with small " "screens, and requires that the full-height editor be enabled in Screen " "Options." msgstr "" "Anda bisa mengaktifkan mode menulis bebas-distraksi dengan ikon di sebelah " "kanan. Fitur ini tidak tersedia pada browser lawas atau perangkat dengan " "layar kecil, dan mengharuskan editor layar-penuh diaktifkan via Opsi Layar." msgid "" "You can insert media files by clicking the button above the post editor and " "following the directions. You can align or edit images using the inline " "formatting toolbar available in Visual mode." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menambahkan berkas media dengan menekan tombol di atas penyunting " "pos dan mengikuti petunjuknya. Anda dapat mengatur posisi atau menyunting " "gambar dengan toolbar pemformatan pada mode Visual." msgid "" "<strong>Post editor</strong> — Enter the text for your post. There are " "two modes of editing: Visual and Text. Choose the mode by clicking on the " "appropriate tab." msgstr "" "<strong>Penyunting pos</strong> — Masukkan teks untuk pos Anda. Ada " "dua mode penyuntingan: Visual dan Teks. Pilih mode dengan mengklik tab yang " "sesuai." msgid "" "The following values do not describe a valid date: year %1$s, month %2$s, " "day %3$s." msgstr "" "Nilai berikut ini tidak menunjukkan tanggal yang sah: tahun %1$s, bulan " "%2$s, hari %3$s." msgid "" "Invalid value %1$s for %2$s. Expected value should be between %3$s and %4$s." msgstr "" "Nilai tidak sah %1$s untuk %2$s. Seharusnya nilainya antara %3$s dan %4$s." msgctxt "verb: imperative" msgid "Trash" msgstr "Buang" msgctxt "verb: imperative" msgid "Approve" msgstr "Setujui" msgid "Comment trashed" msgstr "Komentar dibuang" msgid "Comment posted" msgstr "Komentar sudah diposkan!" msgid "Reply Failed: Please, try again." msgstr "Balasan Gagal: Harap coba lagi." msgctxt "verb: Mark as Spam" msgid "Spam" msgstr "Spam" msgctxt "verb: past-tense" msgid "Liked" msgstr "Disukai" msgctxt "verb: past-tense" msgid "Approved" msgstr "Disetujui" msgid "Have you tried the upgraded stats page?" msgstr "Apakah Anda sudah mencoba melakukan upgrade halaman statistik Anda?" msgctxt "vertical table cell alignment" msgid "V Align" msgstr "Perataan vertikal" msgctxt "horizontal table cell alignment" msgid "H Align" msgstr "Perataan horisontal" msgid "Add to Dictionary" msgstr "Tambahkan ke Kamus" msgctxt "label for custom color" msgid "Custom..." msgstr "Kustom..." msgid "Domain Search" msgstr "Pencarian Domain" msgid "A domain, quite soon…" msgstr "Sebuah domain, tidak lama lagi…" msgid "Loading a page of Pages…" msgstr "Memuat sebuah halaman dari Halaman…" msgctxt "Toolbar, must be shorter than ~12 chars" msgid "My Profile" msgstr "Profil Saya" msgid "No alignment" msgstr "Tanpa perataan" msgid "This preview is unavailable in the editor." msgstr "Pratinjau ini tak tersedia di penyunting." msgid "Restoring…" msgstr "Memulihkan" msgid "Compare Plans" msgstr "Bandingkan Paket" msgctxt "recipe" msgid "Print" msgstr "Cetak" msgctxt "recipe" msgid "Difficulty" msgstr "Kesulitan" msgctxt "recipe" msgid "Time" msgstr "Waktu" msgctxt "recipe" msgid "Servings" msgstr "Sajian" msgid "An error occurred while deactivating %(plugin)s on %(site)s." msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat menonaktifkan %(plugin)s di %(site)s" msgid "" "Error disabling autoupdates for %(plugin)s on %(site)s, remote management is " "off." msgstr "" "Terjadi kesalahan saat menonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis %(plugin)s di " "%(site)s, manajemen jarak jauh nonaktif." msgid "Get your own domain" msgstr "Dapatkan domain Anda" msgid "Visit Your Site" msgstr "Tampilkan Situs Anda" msgid "Back to Plans" msgstr "Kembali ke Paket" msgid "Use a new credit card" msgstr "Gunakan Kartu Kredit Baru" msgid "+ Add Address Line 2" msgstr "+ Tambahkan Baris Alamat 2" msgid "Your followers" msgstr "Pengikut Anda" msgid "Since" msgstr "Sejak" msgctxt "noun" msgid "Post" msgstr "Pos" msgctxt "pagination" msgid "" "Showing %(startIndex)s - %(endIndex)s of %(total)s %(itemType)s subscribers" msgstr "" "Menampilkan %(startIndex)s - %(endIndex)s dari %(total)s %(itemType)s " "pelanggan" msgid "Jetpack Protect" msgstr "Jetpack Protect" msgid "" "Hold a comment in the queue if it contains {{numberOfLinks /}} or more " "links. (A common characteristic of comment spam is a large number of " "hyperlinks.)" msgstr "" "Tahan komentar dalam antrean jika mengandung {{numberOfLinks /}} atau lebih " "tautan. (Karakteristik umum spam komentar adalah berisi tautan yang sangat " "banyak.)" msgid "" "Comments should be displayed with the older comments at the top of each page" msgstr "" "Komentar ditampilkan dengan komentar sebelumnya di bagian atas setiap halaman" msgid "" "Break comments into pages with {{numComments /}} top level comments per page " "and the {{firstOrLast /}} page displayed by default" msgstr "" "Pisahkan komentar dalam halaman dengan {{numComments /}} komentar teratas " "per halaman dan halaman {{firstOrLast /}} ditampilkan secara otomatis." msgid "Enable threaded (nested) comments up to {{number /}} levels deep" msgstr "Aktifkan komentar berutas (bertumpuk) hingga tumpukan ke {{number /}}" msgid "" "Automatically close comments on articles older than {{numberOfDays /}} day" msgid_plural "" "Automatically close comments on articles older than {{numberOfDays /}} days" msgstr[0] "" "Tutup komentar secara otomatis pada artikel yang ditulis lebih dari " "{{numberOfDays /}} hari" msgstr[1] "" "Tutup komentar secara otomatis pada artikel yang ditulis lebih dari " "{{numberOfDays /}} hari" msgid "Manage all my sites" msgstr "Kelola semua situs Anda" msgid "Visit %(siteUrl)s" msgstr "Kunjungi %(siteUrl)s" msgid "Connect accounts" msgstr "Hubungkan akun" msgid "Share posts to your Facebook page" msgstr "Bagikan pos ke halaman Facebook Anda" msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "Hubungkan kembali" msgid "Reconnecting…" msgstr "Menghubungkan kembali…" msgid "Add a sharing button" msgstr "Tambahkan tombol berbagi" msgid "Nevermind" msgstr "Tak apa" msgid "" "Allow readers to easily share your posts with others by adding sharing " "buttons throughout your site." msgstr "" "Izinkan pembaca membagikan pos Anda dengan mudah dengan menambahkan tombol " "berbagi pada situs Anda." msgid "Everything you write is solid gold." msgstr "Semua tulisan Anda sempurna." msgid "Would you like to create one?" msgstr "Ingin membuat sebuah draf?" msgid "You don't have any drafts." msgstr "Anda belum memiliki satu draf pun." msgid "More options" msgstr "Pilihan lainnya " msgid "Select options" msgstr "Tentukan pilihan" msgid "Update available" msgstr "Pembaruan tersedia" msgid "Autoupdate" msgstr "Perbarui otomatis" msgctxt "plugin status" msgid "Active" msgstr "Aktif" msgid "View %(title)s" msgstr "Tampilkan %(title)s" msgid "Edit %(title)s" msgstr "Sunting %(title)s" msgid "Delete permanently" msgstr "Hapus Secara Permanen" msgid "Child of {{PageTitle/}}" msgstr "Turunan dari {{PageTitle/}}" msgid "Receipt ID" msgstr "ID Penerimaan" msgid "Multiple items" msgstr "Beberapa item" msgid "Manage your notifications" msgstr "Kelola pemberitahuan Anda" msgid "Update your profile, personal settings, and more" msgstr "perbarui profil Anda, pengaturan pribadi, dan lainnya" msgid "My Likes" msgstr "Kesukaan Saya" msgid "Congratulations! You now have access to Custom Design." msgstr "Selamat! Anda sekarang dapat mengakses Custom Design." msgid "Media Width:" msgstr "Lebar Media:" msgid "Media Width" msgstr "Lebar Media" msgid "Buy Premium Plan" msgstr "Beli Paket Premium" msgid "The Premium Plan comes with the following Custom Design features:" msgstr "Paket Premium hadir dengan fitur Desain Khusus berikut ini:" msgid "" "Did you know that you can upload videos and embed them directly on your blog " "with VideoPress included in our <a href=\"%s\">%2$s Plan</a>?" msgstr "" "Tahukah Anda bahwa video dapat diunggah lalu disematkan langsung ke blog " "dengan VideoPress yang termasuk dalam <a href=\"%s\">%2$sPaket</a>?" msgid "Coupon discount applied to cart." msgstr "Kupon diskon digunakan di kereta belanja." msgctxt "post format archive title" msgid "Audio" msgstr "Audio" msgid "Mystery Person" msgstr "Orang Misterius" msgid "Customization options" msgstr "Pilihan penyesuaian" msgid "Take Our Survey" msgstr "Ikuti Survei Kami" msgid "This blog is public" msgstr "Blog ini adalah publik" msgid "Publish your posts to your Tumblr blog." msgstr "Terbitkan pos Anda di blog Tumblr Anda." msgid "Publish your posts to your LinkedIn profile." msgstr "Terbitkan pos Anda di profil LinkedIn Anda." msgid "Publish your posts to your Twitter account." msgstr "Terbitkan pos Anda di akun Twitter Anda." msgid "Publish your posts to your Facebook timeline or page." msgstr "Terbitkan pos Anda di kronologi atau halaman Facebook Anda." msgid "Writing & Blogging" msgstr "Menulis & Blogging" msgid "Sports & Gaming" msgstr "Olahraga & Permainan" msgid "Science & Nature" msgstr "Sains & Alam" msgid "Religion" msgstr "Agama" msgid "News & Current Events" msgstr "Berita & Peristiwa Aktual" msgid "Musings & Personal" msgstr "Renungan & Personal" msgid "Magazines" msgstr "Majalah" msgid "Longreads" msgstr "Bacaan Panjang" msgid "Health & Wellness" msgstr "Kesehatan & Kebugaran" msgid "Fiction & Poetry" msgstr "Fiksi & Puisi" msgid "Crafts & Fashion" msgstr "Kerajinan & Busana" msgid "Business & Technology" msgstr "Bisnis & Teknologi" msgid "" "This Top Level Domain (TLD) requires that we manually request a transfer " "code on your behalf. After we have received it, we will email it to you." msgstr "" "Top Level Domain (TLD) ini mewajibkan kami meminta kode transfer secara " "manual atas nama Anda. Setelah menerimanya, kami akan mengirimkan kepada " "Anda melalui email." msgid "" "Our support team has been notified and will contact you once we receive the " "transfer code for this domain." msgstr "" "Tim dukungan kami telah diberi tahu dan akan menghubungi Anda setelah kami " "menerima kode transfer untuk domain ini." msgid "Billing" msgstr "Penagihan" msgctxt "Help and Support Page Title" msgid "Help and Support" msgstr "Bantuan dan Dukungan" msgctxt "Account Settings Page Title" msgid "Account Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Akun" msgctxt "%1$s: who, %2$s: when" msgid "%1$s said %2$s ago" msgstr "%1$s mengatakan %2$s yang lalu" msgctxt "person who did an action" msgid "You" msgstr "Anda" msgctxt "comments skipped" msgid "... %d skipped ..." msgstr "... %d dilewati ..." msgctxt "%1$s: post title, %2$s: post author" msgid "%1$s by %2$s" msgstr "%1$s oleh %2$s" msgctxt "Noun: title of mention notification" msgid "Mention" msgstr "Sebutan" msgid "toggle comment visibility" msgstr "ubah visibilitas komentar" msgid "" "We are sorry, but there was an error while performing your blog import to " "%s\n" "\n" "If you deleted the import file from your media library, this may have caused " "the problem. In this case, please try the import once more without deleting " "the import file. Don't worry -- the importer will delete the file " "automatically once the import has finished.\n" "\n" "If you're still having trouble, please <a href='%s'>contact support</a>, and " "we'll get everything fixed.\n" msgstr "" "Mohon maaf, terjadi kesalahan saat melakukan impor blog Anda ke %s\n" "\n" "Jika Anda telah menghapus file impor dari pustaka media Anda, hal ini " "mungkin menyebabkan masalah. Jika ini terjadi, cobalah mengimpor sekali lagi " "tanpa menghapus file impor. Jangan khawatir -- pengimpor akan menghapus file " "tersebut secara otomatis setelah proses impor selesai.\n" "\n" "Jika Anda masih mengalami masalah, silakan <a href='%s'>hubungi dukungan</" "a>, dan kami akan memperbaiki semuanya.\n" msgid "" "We are sorry, but there was an error while performing your blog import to " "%s\n" "Please <a href='%s'>contact support</a>, and we'll get everything fixed.\n" msgstr "" "Mohon maaf, terjadi kesalahan saat melakukan impor blog Anda ke %s\n" "Silakan <a href='%s'>hubungi dukungan</a>, dan kami akan memperbaiki " "semuanya.\n" msgid "Your WordPress content import for <a href='%s'>%s</a> was successful." msgstr "" "Impor konten WordPress Anda untuk <a href='%s'>%s</a> berhasil dijalankan." msgid "" "We are sorry, but there was an error while performing your blog import to <a " "href='%s'>%s</a><br>Please <a href='%s'>contact support</a>, and we'll get " "everything fixed." msgstr "" "Mohon maaf, terjadi kesalahan saat melakukan impor blog Anda ke <a href='%s'>" "%s</a><br>Silakan <a href='%s'>hubungi dukungant</a>, dan kami akan " "memperbaiki semuanya." msgid "Howdy! Log in to %1$s with your %2$s account." msgstr "Apa kabar! Login ke %1$s dengan akun %2$s Anda." msgctxt "Declaration" msgid "Notification" msgstr "Notifikasi" msgctxt "Declaration" msgid "New Notification" msgstr "Notifikasi Baru" msgid "Only logged in users may change resolved status" msgstr "Hanya pengguna yang login yang dapat mengubah status terselesaikan" msgid "Please log in to change post states." msgstr "Harap login untuk mengubah status pos." msgid "" "<strong>View</strong> and <strong>manage</strong> a shopping cart to buy " "upgrades or plans." msgstr "" "<strong>Lihat</strong> dan <strong>kelola</strong> keranjang belanja untuk " "membeli upgrade atau paket." msgid "<strong>Manage</strong> a site's domains." msgstr "<strong>Kelola</strong> domain sebuah situs." msgid "<strong>Manage</strong> a site's media library." msgstr "<strong>Mengelola</strong> pustaka media sebuah situs." msgid "<strong>View</strong> stats for a site." msgstr "<strong>Melihat</strong> statistik untuk sebuah situs." msgid "<strong>Search</strong> within a site." msgstr "<strong>Cari</strong> di dalam sebuah situs." msgid "" "<strong>Manage</strong> and <strong>view</strong> a user's subscriptions to " "the Reader." msgstr "" "<strong>Kelola</strong> dan <strong>lihat</strong> langgana pengguna untuk " "Pembaca" msgid "" "<strong>View</strong> information for installing and updating themes from " "" msgstr "" "<strong>Lihat</strong> informasi untuk menginstal dan memperbarui tema dari " "" msgid "<strong>View</strong> analytics for your application." msgstr "<strong>Lihat</strong> analitik aplikasi Anda." msgid "" "<strong>View</strong> and <strong>manage</strong> a user's notifications." msgstr "" "<strong>Melihat</strong> dan <strong>mengelola</strong> notifikasi pengguna." msgid "" "<strong>View</strong> Freshly Pressed posts from the homepage." msgstr "<strong>Lihat</strong> pos Freshly Pressed dari beranda" msgid "<strong>View</strong> information about blog groups." msgstr "<strong>Lihat</strong> informasi mengenai grup blog." msgid "<strong>Follow</strong> and <strong>unfollow</strong> blogs." msgstr "" "<strong>Mengikuti</strong> dan <strong>berhenti mengikuti</strong> blog." msgid "" "<strong>View</strong> and <strong>manage</strong> a site's tags and " "categories." msgstr "" "<strong>Melihat</strong> dan <strong>mengelola</strong> tag dan kategori " "sebuah situs." msgid "<strong>View</strong> and <strong>manage</strong> a post's comments." msgstr "" "<strong>Melihat</strong> dan <strong>mengelola</strong> komentar sebuah pos." msgid "" "<strong>View</strong> and <strong>manage</strong> posts including reblogs " "and likes." msgstr "" "<strong>Melihat</strong> dan <strong>mengelola</strong> pos, termasuk reblog " "dan suka." msgid "<strong>View</strong> general site information and options." msgstr "<strong>Lihat</strong> informasi dan pilihan situs umum." msgid "Video Embeds" msgstr "Sematan Video" msgid "" "Email verified! Now that you've confirmed your email address you can publish " "posts on your blog." msgstr "" "Email terverifikasi! Sekarang karena Anda sudah mengonfirmasi alamat email, " "Anda dapat menerbitkan pos di blog Anda." msgid "Filter by comment type" msgstr "Saring menurut tipe komentar" msgid "New comment by someone" msgstr "Komentar baru dari seseorang" msgid "Customize the message to %s and %s more" msgstr "Sesuaikan pesan menjadi %s dan %s lagi" msgid "Customize the message to %s" msgstr "Sesuaikan pesan menjadi %s" msgid "Get a link" msgstr "Dapatkan tautan" msgctxt "added on {creation_date}" msgid "added on %s" msgstr "ditambahkan pada %s" msgid "Anonymous link" msgstr "Tautan anonim" msgid "I am ready!" msgstr "Saya siap!" msgid "Sending Feedback..." msgstr "Mengirim Umpan balik..." msgid "Send Feedback" msgstr "Kirim Umpan Balik" msgid "Internal Server Error: %s" msgstr "Kesalahan Server Internal: %s" msgid "The feedback text should be at least %d character long." msgid_plural "The feedback text should be at least %d characters long." msgstr[0] "Panjang teks umpan balik minimal %d karakter." msgstr[1] "Panjang teks umpan balik minimal %d karakter." msgid "" "Howdy!\n" "\n" "Recently you were kind enough to give feedback on my draft \"%1$s\".\n" "\n" "It is now published! Thanks so much for your help.\n" "\n" "Here’s the published version, and please share if you wish:\n" "%2$s\n" "\n" "Regards,\n" "%3$s" msgstr "" "Apa kabar!\n" "\n" "Baru-baru ini Anda sudah berbaik hati memberikan umpan balik untuk konsep " "saya yang berjudul \"%1$s\".\n" "\n" "Konsep ini sudah dipublikasikan! Terima kasih banyak atas bantuan Anda.\n" "\n" "Ini versi yang sudah dipublikasikan. Silakan dibagikan jika Anda mau:\n" "%2$s\n" "\n" "Salam hangat,\n" "%3$s" msgid "Untested with your version of WordPress" msgstr "Belum diuji dengan versi WordPress Anda" msgid "Learn more about %s" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang %s" msgid "Log in with a different account" msgstr "Masuk dengan akun yang berbeda" msgid "This will allow %s to:" msgstr "Ini memungkinkan %s untuk:" msgid "Authorize an application to connect with %s" msgstr "Otorisasikan aplikasi untuk menyambungkan ke %s" msgid "Not on %s?" msgstr "Tidak di %s?" msgid "I forgot my password" msgstr "Saya lupa kata sandi saya" msgid "Howdy! Would you like to log in to %1$s using your %2$s account?" msgstr "Apa kabar! Apakah Anda ingin masuk ke %1$s menggunakan akun %2$s Anda?" msgid "your site" msgstr "situs anda" msgid "Howdy! %1$s would like to connect to %2$s." msgstr "Apa kabar! %1$s ingin terhubung ke %2$s." msgid "" "This account has not been activated. Please check your email for an " "activation link." msgstr "" "Akun ini belum diaktifkan. Mohon periksa email Anda untuk tautan pengaktifan." msgid "Invalid username or password." msgstr "Nama pengguna atau kata sandi tidak valid." msgid "The username field is empty." msgstr "Kolom nama pengguna kosong." msgid "The password field is empty." msgstr "Kolom kata sandi kosong." msgid "notification settings" msgstr "pengaturan notifikasi" msgid "Don't want these emails?" msgstr "Anda tidak ingin menerima email berikut?" msgctxt "noun" msgid "Trash" msgstr "Tong Sampah" msgid "Publicize your posts on Google+." msgstr "Publikasikan pos Anda di Google+." msgid "" "<strong>Manage</strong> payment methods and purchase process of a shopping " "cart." msgstr "" "<strong>Kelola</strong> metode pembayaran dan proses pembelian dari " "keranjang belanja." msgid "Checkout" msgstr "Checkout" msgid "Shopping cart" msgstr "Keranjang belanja" msgid "An error occurred while moving the item to the trash: %s" msgstr "Terjadi error saat memindahkan item ke tempat sampah: %s" msgid "3GB" msgstr "3 GB" msgid "Avatar URL." msgstr "URL avatar." msgid "Dec" msgstr "Des" msgid "Nov" msgstr "Nov" msgid "Oct" msgstr "Okt" msgid "Sep" msgstr "Sep" msgid "Aug" msgstr "Agu" msgid "Jul" msgstr "Jul" msgid "Jun" msgstr "Jun" msgid "Apr" msgstr "Apr" msgid "Mar" msgstr "Mar" msgid "Feb" msgstr "Feb" msgid "Jan" msgstr "Jan" msgctxt "Filter label for plugins list" msgid "Inactive" msgstr "Tidak Aktif" msgctxt "Filter label for plugins list" msgid "All" msgstr "Semua" msgctxt "Filter label for posts list" msgid "Me" msgstr "Saya" msgid "By %(author)s" msgstr "Oleh %(author)s" msgid "The best place to ask a question related to" msgstr "Tempat terbaik untuk bertanya mengenai" msgid "" "Your starting point for finding and sharing solutions with " "users around the world." msgstr "" "Titik awal Anda untuk mencari dan berbagi solusi dengan pengguna WordPress." "com di seluruh dunia." msgid "" "View your achievements here. <br /><a href=\"%s\">Write a " "post</a> to earn your first trophy." msgstr "" "Lihat capaian Anda di sini. <br /><a href=\"%s\">Tulis sebuah " "pos</a> untuk menerima trofi pertama." msgid "" "View your achievements here. <br /><a href=\"%s\">Create a " "site</a> and start writing to earn trophies." msgstr "" "Lihat capaian Anda di sini. <br /><a href=\"%s\">Buat sebuah " "situs</a> dan mulai menulis untuk menerima trofi." msgid "" "My, aren't you a prolific publisher! Take a look at all the achievements " "you've earned so far. Maybe you should blog about 'em." msgstr "" "Pasti Anda seorang penerbit yang produktif! Lihat semua capaian yang sudah " "Anda terima sejauh ini. Sepertinya Anda perlu menuliskannya di blog Anda." msgid "cancel edit post or comment" msgstr "batalkan penyuntingan pos atau komentar" msgid "esc" msgstr "esc" msgid "" "You don't have any upgrades yet. <a href=\"%s\">Try one of our plans.</a>" msgstr "" "Anda belum memiliki upgrade. <a href=\"%s\">Coba salah satu dari paket kami." "</a>" msgid "" "Harmonic makes your content sing. No matter if you are a band looking to get " "a record deal, a travel blogger wanting to document your trip around the " "world or just someone that wants to make their home on WordPress." msgstr "" "Keharmonisan membuat konten Anda jadi lebih hidup. Tidak peduli apakah Anda " "seorang anak band yang sedang mencari produser rekaman, blogger jalan-jalan " "yang ingin mendokumentasikan perjalanan Anda di seluruh dunia, atau hanya " "orang biasa yang ingin membuat beranda di WordPress." msgid "This comment was deleted." msgstr "Komentar ini telah dihapus." msgid "This comment was trashed." msgstr "Komentar ini telah dibuang." msgid "Untrashing that comment failed." msgstr "Gagal mengembalikan komentar tersebut." msgid "Trashing that comment failed." msgstr "Gagal membuang komentar tersebut." msgid "Comment has already been deleted by another session." msgstr "Komentar telah dihapus oleh sesi yang lain." msgctxt "Noun, as in: \"The user role of that can access this widget is...\"" msgid "Role" msgstr "Peran" msgid "" "You must verify your email address through the ICANN verification email " "before you can transfer this domain." msgstr "" "Anda harus memverifikasi alamat email Anda melalui email verifikasi ICANN " "sebelum dapat mentransfer domain ini." msgid "Account suspended" msgstr "Akun Dibekukan" msgid "Share on Tumblr" msgstr "Berbagi di Tumblr" msgid " (Opens in new window)" msgstr "(Membuka di jendela yang baru)" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Login to</a> to download %2$s for your self-" "hosted WordPress site." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Silakan login ke</a> untuk mengunduh %2$s " "untuk situs WordPress yang Anda kelola sendiri." msgid "Bookmarklet" msgstr "Bookmarklet" msgid "" "Sign up for a free account on where you can create a free " "website or easily build a blog." msgstr "" "Dapatkan akun gratis di, untuk Anda membuat situs web atau " "blog dengan mudah dan gratis." msgid "Streak" msgstr "Streak" msgid "" "You've posted at least ten times in the past month. Keep up the great work." msgstr "" "Anda sudah memposting paling sedikit sepuluh kali dalam bulan terakhir. " "Pertahankan kerja hebat tersebut." msgid "Select your site" msgstr "Pilih situs Anda" msgid "Another reason…" msgstr "Alasan lainnya..." msgid "Unable to trash changes." msgstr "Tidak bisa membuang perubahan." msgid "Contact Jetpack support" msgstr "Hubungi dukungan Jetpack" msgid "Sorry, we didn't find anything on that topic." msgstr "Maaf, kami tidak menemukan apa pun terkait topik tersebut." msgid "Change to:" msgstr "Ubah menjadi:" msgid "" "Create a free website or easily build a blog on Hundreds of " "free, customizable, mobile-ready designs and themes. Free hosting and " "support." msgstr "" "Buat situs atau blog gratis di Ratusan desain dan tema yang " "gratis, mudah dikustomisasi, dan siap untuk mobile. Hosting dan dukungan " "gratis." msgid "Start publishing now." msgstr "Mulai menerbitkan sekarang." msgid "Don’t have an account?" msgstr "Tidak memiliki akun?" msgid "Thanks! Your feedback will help improve search results" msgstr "Terima kasih! Saran Anda akan membantu memperbaiki hasil pencarian" msgid "Did you find what you were looking for?" msgstr "Apakah Anda menemukan apa yang Anda cari?" msgid "Help us improve these results" msgstr "Bantu kami memperbaiki hasil pencarian ini" msgid "See more results for <strong>%s</strong> from %s" msgstr "Lihat lebih banyak hasil untuk <strong>%s</strong> dari %s" msgid "Are you sure want to delete this list?" msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus daftar ini?" msgid "Countries" msgstr "Negara" msgctxt "topic post is located in" msgid "In \"Upgrade\"" msgstr "Di \"Upgrade\"" msgid "Upgrade Focus, VideoPress for weddings" msgstr "Fokus Upgrade: VideoPress Untuk Pernikahan" msgid "The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift" msgstr "Desain WordPress untuk Aplikasi Android Mengalami Perubahan Besar" msgctxt "topic post is located in" msgid "In \"Mobile\"" msgstr "Di \"Seluler\"" msgid "Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available" msgstr "Tersedia Pembaruan Besar untuk iPhone/iPad" msgctxt "settings screen" msgid "Discussion" msgstr "Diskusi" msgctxt "settings screen" msgid "Writing" msgstr "Publikasi" msgctxt "name of browser bookmarklet tool" msgid "Press This" msgstr "Press This" msgid "" "This option does not block access to your site — it is up to search engines " "to honor your request." msgstr "" "Catatan: Pilihan berikut tidak menghalangi akses menuju situs Anda — mesin " "pencari akan memutuskan untuk memenuhi permintaan Anda atau tidak." msgid "You can also modify your interface's language in your profile." msgstr "Anda juga dapat mengubah bahasa antarmuka pada profil Anda." msgctxt "site setting" msgid "Site Tag" msgstr "Tag Situs" msgid "" "When a comment contains any of these words in its content, name, URL, e-" "mail, or IP, it will be held in the {{link}}moderation queue{{/link}}. One " "word or IP per line. It will match inside words, so \"press\" will match " "\"WordPress\"." msgstr "" "Apabila sebuah komentar memuat kata-kata berikut di dalam konten, nama, URL, " "email, atau IP, maka akan disimpan di {{link}}antrean komentar{{/link}}. " "Satu kata atau IP per baris. Fungsi berikut akan disesuaikan ke dalam " "beberapa kata, contohnya \"press\" akan dianggap \"WordPress\"." msgid "Break comments into pages" msgstr "Bagi komentar-komentar menjadi halaman-halaman dengan" msgid "Settings saved successfully!" msgstr "Pengaturan berhasil disimpan!" msgctxt "Filter label for posts list" msgid "Trashed" msgstr "Dibuang" msgctxt "Filter label for posts list" msgid "Drafts" msgstr "Draf" msgctxt "Filter label for posts list" msgid "Scheduled" msgstr "Terjadwal" msgctxt "Filter label for posts list" msgid "Published" msgstr "Diterbitkan" msgid "" "Create a free website or easily build a blog on Dozens of " "free, customizable, mobile-ready designs and themes. Free hosting and " "support." msgstr "" "Buat situs web atau blog dengan mudah di Puluhan desain dan " "tema gratis, mobile-ready dan dapat disesuaikan. Dapatkan hosting dan " "bantuan gratis." msgid "" "Eventbrite is the world’s largest self-serve event ticketing and event " "registration platform. Once connected, this widget will sync your list of " "upcoming events to your page in a list and calendar." msgstr "" "Eventbrite adalah platform registrasi acara dan pengurusan tiket acara " "swalayan terbesar di dunia. Setelah terhubung, widget ini akan menyinkronkan " "daftar acara mendatang ke halaman Anda di daftar dan kalender." msgid "Hide private events" msgstr "Sembunyikan acara pribadi" msgid "Private Events:" msgstr "Peristiwa Privat:" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Domains" msgstr "Domain" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Edit Draft" msgstr "Sunting Draf" msgid "Email: %s" msgstr "Email: %s" msgid "Tickets available soon" msgstr "Tiket akan segera tersedia" msgctxt "%1$s: name of ticket, %2$s: price with currency code" msgid "%1$s: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s: %2$s" msgid "" "The term you tried to add sanitizes down to nothing, and cannot be used." msgstr "" "Istilah yang hendak Anda masukkan menjadi kosong setelah dibersihkan, " "sehingga tidak dapat digunakan." msgid "Schedule for: %s" msgstr "Jadwal untuk: %s" msgid "Mark New Posts \"To Do\"" msgstr "Tandai Pos Baru \"Perlu Ditindaklanjuti\"" msgid "Enable \"To Do\" Module" msgstr "Aktifkan Modul \"Perlu Ditindaklanjuti\"" msgctxt "resolved/unresolved posts" msgid "Posts Marked Done (%d)" msgstr "Pos Ditandai Selesai (%d)" msgctxt "resolved/unresolved posts" msgid "Posts Marked To Do (%d)" msgstr "Pos Ditandai Perlu Ditindaklanjuti (%d)" msgid "To Do" msgstr "Perlu Ditindaklanjuti" msgid "o2 To Do" msgstr "o2 Daftar Tugas" msgid "Display an (optionally filtered) list of posts marked to do" msgstr "" "Tampilkan daftar pos (yang disaring secara opsional) yang ditandai perlu " "ditindaklanjuti" msgid "" "You can also delete individual items and access the extended edit screen " "from the details dialog." msgstr "" "Anda juga bisa menghapus masing-masing item dan mengakses laman penyuntingan " "lengkap dari dialog rincian." msgid "" "Use the arrow buttons at the top of the dialog, or the left and right arrow " "keys on your keyboard, to navigate between media items quickly." msgstr "" "Gunakan tombol panah di atas kotak dialog, atau tuts panah kanan-kiri pada " "keyboard Anda, untuk menavigasi antar item media dengan cepat." msgid "" "Clicking an item will display an Attachment Details dialog, which allows you " "to preview media and make quick edits. Any changes you make to the " "attachment details will be automatically saved." msgstr "" "Mengklik sebuah item akan menampilkan dialog Rincian Lampiran, yang " "memampukan Anda untuk melihat pratinjau dan melakukan penyuntingan cepat. " "Seluruh perubahan yang Anda lakukan pada rincian lampiran akan tersimpan " "secara otomatis." msgid "" "To delete media items, click the Bulk Select button at the top of the " "screen. Select any items you wish to delete, then click the Delete Selected " "button. Clicking the Cancel Selection button takes you back to viewing your " "media." msgstr "" "Untuk menghapus item-item media, klik Pilih Sekaligus di bagian atas layar. " "Pilih item-item yang ingin dihapus, lalu klik Hapus Terpilih. Klik Batalkan " "Pilihan akan menampilkan media Anda kembali." msgid "" "You can view your media in a simple visual grid or a list with columns. " "Switch between these views using the icons to the left above the media." msgstr "" "Anda bisa menampilkan media Anda di dalam kisi-kisi visual atau pada sebuah " "daftar dengan kolom. Ubahlah antara kedua tampilan tersebut dengan ikon-ikon " "di sebelah kiri atas media." msgid "" "All the files you’ve uploaded are listed in the Media Library, with " "the most recent uploads listed first." msgstr "" "Semua berkas yang sudah Anda unggah akan didaftar di Pustaka Media dengan " "unggahan terbaru berada di urutan awal." msgid "Invalid translation type." msgstr "Tipe transaksi tidak sah." msgid "Sorry, file not uploaded (unrecognized file type)." msgstr "Maaf, file tidak terunggah (jenis file tidak dikenali)." msgid "Sorry, %1$s files are not allowed." msgstr "Maaf, file %1$s tidak diperbolehkan." msgid "%1$s was not uploaded (unrecognized file type)." msgstr "%1$s tidak terunggah (jenis file tidak dikenali)." msgid "%1$s was not uploaded (%2$s files are not allowed)." msgstr "%1$s tidak terunggah (%2$s file tidak diizinkan)." msgid "" "You successfully updated the primary domain to <strong class=\"domain" "\">{{domain}}</strong>." msgstr "" "Anda berhasil memperbarui domain primer ke <strong class=\"domain" "\">{{domain}}</strong>." msgctxt "verb, imperative" msgid "Comment" msgstr "Komentar" msgid "Goal!" msgstr "Gol!" msgid "Boom!" msgstr "Dor!" msgid "Achievement" msgstr "Pencapaian" msgid "Continue to checkout" msgstr "Lanjutkan ke Pemeriksaan Akhir" msgid "%s Like" msgid_plural "%s Likes" msgstr[0] "%s Suka" msgstr[1] "%s Suka" msgid "%1$s mentioned %3$s on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s disebut %3$s di %2$s" msgid "A versatile business theme designed with purpose." msgstr "Tema yang dirancang bagi aneka bisnis" msgctxt "Customize this theme" msgid "Customize" msgstr "Sesuaikan" msgid "" "Support for the %s theme on, including documentation and " "frequently asked questions." msgstr "" "Dukungan untuk tema %s di, mencakup dokumentasi dan pertanyaan " "yang sering diajukan." msgctxt "Theme name" msgid "Support for the %s Theme on" msgstr "Dukungan untuk tema %s di" msgid "Your transaction was declined. Please try another card." msgstr "Transaksi anda ditolak. Mohon gunakan kartu lain." msgid "%1$s and %2$s others reblogged your post %3$s" msgstr "%1$s dan %2$s orang lainnya telah me-reblog pos anda %3$s" msgid "%s Reblog" msgid_plural "%s Reblogs" msgstr[0] "%s Reblog" msgstr[1] "%s Reblog" msgid "%1$s commented on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s telah mengomentari %2$s" msgid "%1$s remarked on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s dikomentari %2$s" msgid "%1$s and %2$s liked your post %3$s" msgstr "%1$s dan %2$s menyukai pos Anda %3$s" msgid "%d user account" msgid_plural "%d user accounts" msgstr[0] "%d akun pengguna" msgstr[1] "%d akun pengguna" msgid "New Draft" msgstr "Konsep Baru" msgid "Save draft" msgstr "Simpan konsep" msgid "Oops! Something went wrong." msgstr "Maaf! Terjadi masalah." msgid "Post successfully deleted" msgstr "Kiriman berhasil dihapus." msgid "Page reverted to draft." msgstr "Halaman dikembalikan ke draf." msgid "Free and premium designs for your site" msgstr "Desain gratis dan premium untuk situs Anda" msgctxt "WordPress THEME-TYPE themes — Themes for Blogs at" msgid "WordPress %s Themes — Themes for Blogs at" msgstr "Tema %s WordPress — Tema untuk Blog di" msgctxt "WordPress THEME-TYPE Themes" msgid "WordPress %sThemes" msgstr "Tema %sWordPress" msgid "get in touch." msgstr "Hubungi kami." msgid "There was an error trashing that page. Please try again in a moment." msgstr "" "Terjadi kesalahan saat membuang halaman tersebut. Silakan coba beberapa saat " "lagi." msgid "There was an error trashing that post. Please try again in a moment." msgstr "" "Terjadi error saat membuang pos tersebut. Silakan coba beberapa saat lagi." msgid "This page is being trashed." msgstr "Halaman ini sedang dibuang." msgid "This post is being trashed." msgstr "Pos ini sedang dibuang." msgid "This page was trashed. You will be redirected home now." msgstr "Halaman ini telah dibuang. Anda akan dialihkan ke beranda." msgid "This post was trashed. You will be redirected home now." msgstr "Pos ini telah dibuang. Anda akan dialihkan ke beranda." msgid "Untrash" msgstr "Kembalikan dari Bak Sampah" msgid "Bulk select" msgstr "Pilih Semua" msgid "Discover %s WordPress Themes for Blogs at" msgstr "Temukan %s Tema WordPress untuk Blog di" msgctxt "Theme name" msgid "%s Theme — WordPress Themes for Blogs at" msgstr "%s Tema — Tema WordPress untuk Blog di" msgctxt "go back (like the back button in a browser)" msgid "Back" msgstr "Kembali" msgctxt "noun: plural" msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Notifikasi" msgctxt "an error: this page could not be found" msgid "Not Found" msgstr "Tidak Ditemukan" msgctxt "noun: a single notification" msgid "Note" msgstr "Catatan" msgctxt "verb: imperative" msgid "Follow" msgstr "Ikuti" msgctxt "you are following" msgid "Following" msgstr "Mengikuti" msgctxt "verb: imperative" msgid "Undo" msgstr "Urungkan" msgctxt "verb: imperative" msgid "Like" msgstr "Suka" msgid "" "Beautiful, responsive, free and premium WordPress themes for your " "photography site, portfolio, magazine, business website, or blog." msgstr "" "Tema WordPress yang cantik, responsif, dan gratis untuk situs fotografi, " "portofolio, majalah, situs web bisnis, atau blog Anda." msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Edit Post" msgstr "Edit Pos" msgid "" "If you are having trouble with connections, please <a href=\"%s\" target=" "\"_blank\">try these troubleshooting steps</a>." msgstr "" "Jika koneksi Anda bermasalah, silakan <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">coba " "langkah-langkah pemecahan masalah ini</a>." msgid "Hide this screen and don’t show it again." msgstr "Sembunyikan layar ini dan jangan tampilkan lagi." msgid "" "This password is too easy to guess: you can improve it by adding additional " "uppercase letters, lowercase letters, or numbers." msgstr "" "Kata sandi terlalu mudah ditebak: Anda dapat memperkuatnya dengan memberi " "tambahan huruf besar, huruf kecil, atau angka." msgid "%1$s mentioned you: \"%2$s\"" msgstr "%1$s menyebut Anda: \"%2$s\"" msgid "" "A clean, responsive portfolio theme with options for a custom site logo, a " "featured content slider, and lots of room to share your work." msgstr "" "Sebuah tema portfolio rapi dan responsif dengan opsi logo khusus untuk " "situs, slider konten utama, dan sejumlah besar ruang untuk berbagi karya " "Anda." msgid "Close uploader" msgstr "Tutup pengunggah" msgid "Search or use up and down arrow keys to select an item." msgstr "" "Lakukan pencarian atau gunakan tuts panah atas-bawah untuk memilih sebuah " "item." msgctxt "Number/count of items" msgid "Count" msgstr "Jumlah" msgid "Update %s now" msgstr "Perbarui %s sekarang" msgid "Install %s now" msgstr "Instal %s sekarang" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Translation ready" msgstr "Terjemahan sudah siap" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "RTL Language Support" msgstr "Dukungan Bahasa RTL" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Full Width Template" msgstr "Templat Lebar Penuh" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Featured Images" msgstr "Gambar Andalan" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Editor Fonts" msgstr "Font Editor" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Custom menu" msgstr "Menu Khusus" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Accessibility Ready" msgstr "Aksesibilitas Siap" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Responsive Layout" msgstr "Tata Letak Responsif" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Fluid Layout" msgstr "Tata Letak Fleksibel" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Fixed Layout" msgstr "Tata Letak Tetap" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Two Columns" msgstr "Dua Kolom" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Three Columns" msgstr "Tiga Kolom" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Right Sidebar" msgstr "Sidebar Kanan" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "One Column" msgstr "Satu Kolom" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Left Sidebar" msgstr "Sidebar Kiri" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Four Columns" msgstr "Empat Kolom" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Yellow" msgstr "Kuning" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "White" msgstr "Putih" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Tan" msgstr "Cokelat Muda" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Silver" msgstr "Silver" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Red" msgstr "Merah" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Purple" msgstr "Ungu" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Pink" msgstr "Merah Muda" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Orange" msgstr "Jingga" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Light" msgstr "Terang" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Green" msgstr "Hijau" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Gray" msgstr "Abu-Abu" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Brown" msgstr "Cokelat" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Blue" msgstr "Biru" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Black" msgstr "Hitam" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Whimsical" msgstr "Brilian" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Vibrant" msgstr "Cemerlang" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Urban" msgstr "Urban" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Traditional" msgstr "Tradisional" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Textured" msgstr "Bertekstur" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Tech" msgstr "Tekno" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Sophisticated" msgstr "Canggih" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Simple" msgstr "Simpel" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Retro" msgstr "Retro" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Professional" msgstr "Profesional" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Playful" msgstr "Riang" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Natural" msgstr "Alami" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Modern" msgstr "Modern" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Minimal" msgstr "Minimal" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Industrial" msgstr "Industrial" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Burgundy" msgstr "Burgundy" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Geometric" msgstr "Geometrik" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Formal" msgstr "Formal" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Flamboyant" msgstr "Flamboyan" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Game" msgstr "Permainan" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Elegant" msgstr "Elegan" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Dark" msgstr "Gelap" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Contemporary" msgstr "Kontemporer" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Conservative" msgstr "Konservatif" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Colorful" msgstr "Warna-Warni" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Clean" msgstr "Bersih" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Bright" msgstr "Cerah" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Artistic" msgstr "Artistik" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Abstract" msgstr "Abstrak" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Wedding" msgstr "Pernikahan" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Brand" msgstr "Brand" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Real Estate" msgstr "Perumahan" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Portfolio" msgstr "Portofolio" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Newsletter" msgstr "Buletin" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Podcast" msgstr "Podcast" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Events" msgstr "Acara" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Magenta" msgstr "Magenta" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Magazine" msgstr "Majalah" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Cream" msgstr "Krem" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Brutalist" msgstr "Brutalist" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Music" msgstr "Musik" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Education" msgstr "Education" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Business" msgstr "Bisnis" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Blog" msgstr "Blog" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "About" msgstr "Tentang" msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name" msgid "Entertainment" msgstr "Hiburan" msgctxt "future time" msgid "in %s" msgstr "dalam %s" msgid "Learn how" msgstr "Pelajari caranya" msgid "Update your About page" msgstr "Perbarui halaman Tentang Anda" msgid "%1$s invites you to contribute to <a href=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a>:" msgstr "%1$s mengundang Anda untuk berkontribusi di <a href=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a>:" msgid "%1$s invites you to view <a href=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a>:" msgstr "%1$s mengundang Anda untuk melihat <a href=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a>:" msgid "%1$s invites you to follow <a href=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a>:" msgstr "%1$s mengundang Anda untuk mengikuti <a href=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a>:" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress" msgid "Open link in a new tab" msgstr "Buka tautan di tab baru" msgctxt "Navigation item" msgid "FAQs" msgstr "Tanya Jawab Umum" msgid "Discover Premium WordPress Themes on the Theme Showcase." msgstr "Temukan Tema WordPress Premium di Etalase Tema" msgid "Discover Free WordPress Themes on the Theme Showcase." msgstr "Temukan Tema WordPress Gratis di Etalase Tema" msgid "Premium WordPress Themes at" msgstr "Tema WordPress Premium di" msgid "Free WordPress Themes at" msgstr "Tema WordPress Gratis di" msgid "" "We attempted to renew your %s subscription but experienced a problem taking " "payment. If you wish to continue with the subscription please log in to your " "account and <a href=\"%s\">update your card details</a>. Your subscription " "will be cancelled if payment cannot be made." msgstr "" "Kami berupaya memperpanjang berlangganan %s Anda, tetapi mengalami masalah " "saat memproses pembayaran. Jika Anda ingin melanjutkan dengan berlangganan " "tersebut, silakan masuk ke akun Anda dan <a href=\"%s\">perbarui rincian " "kartu Anda</a>. Berlangganan Anda akan dibatalkan jika pembayaran tidak " "dapat dilakukan." msgid "Renewal Problem" msgstr "Masalah Perpanjangan Berlangganan" msgid "Create your website at" msgstr "Buat situs web Anda di" msgid "" "You need to enter your numeric user ID for the <a href=\"%1$s\">Goodreads " "Widget</a> to work correctly. <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\">Full " "instructions</a>." msgstr "" "Anda harus memasukkan ID pengguna numerik Anda untuk <a href=\"%1$s\">Widget " "Goodreads</a> agar dapat berfungsi dengan benar. <a href=\"%2$s\">Petunjuk " "lengkap</a>." msgid "Start a Blog" msgstr "Memulai  Blog" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Connect Jetpack" msgstr "Menyambungkan Jetpack" msgid "File Type" msgstr "Tipe File" msgid "Close modal panel" msgstr "Tutup panel modal" msgid "Select bulk action" msgstr "Pilih tindakan sekaligus" msgid "" "Admin not a valid username on, please try again with the " "correct username." msgstr "" "Admin bukan nama pengguna yang valid di, mohon coba lagi " "dengan nama pengguna yang benar." msgid "A WordPress blog post" msgstr "Sebuah pos blog WordPress" msgctxt "Purchase THEME-NAME for" msgid "Purchase %s for" msgstr "Pembelian %s senilai" msgctxt "Preview THEME-NAME on" msgid "Preview %s on" msgstr "Pratinjau %s pada" msgctxt "Activate THEME-NAME on" msgid "Activate %s on" msgstr "Aktifkan %s pada" msgid "" "The transaction was declined. Please try again. If this error persists, " "please contact support quoting error %s." msgstr "" "Transaksi ditolak. Coba lagi. Jika error berlanjut, hubungi dukungan dengan " "menyebutkan error %s." msgid "See All Themes" msgstr "Lihat Semua Tema" msgid "Included with plan" msgstr "Disertai paket" msgid "Uploaded on:" msgstr "Diunggah pada:" msgid "%s: %l." msgstr "%s: %l." msgctxt "missing menu item navigation label" msgid "(no label)" msgstr "(tanpa label)" msgid "Uploaded to:" msgstr "Diunggah Ke" msgid "Edit more details" msgstr "Sunting rincian" msgid "View attachment page" msgstr "Tampilkan laman lampiran" msgid "Edit next media item" msgstr "Sunting item media berikutnya" msgid "Edit previous media item" msgstr "Sunting item media sebelumnya" msgid "Bitrate Mode" msgstr "Mode Bitrate" msgid "Bitrate" msgstr "Bitrate" msgid "" "Widgets are independent sections of content that can be placed into " "widgetized areas provided by your theme (commonly called sidebars)." msgstr "" "Widget adalah bagian-bagian independen dari konten yang bisa ditempatkan di " "dalam area-area widget yang disediakan oleh tema Anda (umumnya dinamakan " "bilah sisi)." msgid "" "<strong>Error:</strong> The comment could not be saved. Please try again " "later." msgstr "" "<strong>GALAT</strong>: Komentar tak dapat disimpan, Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "Add the user without sending an email that requires their confirmation" msgstr "" "Tambahkan pengguna tanpa mengirimkan email yang meminta konfirmasi dari " "mereka." msgid "" "The grid view for the Media Library requires JavaScript. <a href=\"%s" "\">Switch to the list view</a>." msgstr "" "Tampilan kisi-kisi untuk Pustaka Media membutuhkan JavaScript. <a href=\"%s" "\">Ubah ke tampilan daftar</a>." msgid "Minute" msgstr "Menit" msgid "More details" msgstr "Rincian Lengkap" msgid "%s failed to embed." msgstr "%s gagal menanamkan." msgid "You are customizing %s" msgstr "Anda sedang menyesuaikan %s" msgid "Premium theme" msgstr "Tema premium" msgid "Privacy protection on" msgstr "Proteksi privasi aktif" msgid "domain mapping" msgstr "Domain Mapping" msgid "This upgrade will expire in %s" msgstr "Upgrade paket Anda akan berakhir dalam %s" msgid "This upgrade will renew in %s" msgstr "Pemutakhiran ini akan diperbarui dalam %s" msgid "%s Year Anniversary Achievement" msgstr "Pencapaian Perayaan %s Tahun" msgid "Act now! <a href=\"//%1$s\">%2$s</a> expired" msgstr "Lakukan sekarang! <a href=\"//%1$s\">%2$s</a> kedaluwarsa" msgctxt "renew a domain" msgid "Renew %s" msgstr "Perbarui %s" msgid "" "Act now! Your %1$s <a href=\"//%2$s\">%3$s</a> expired. Renew it now to keep " "your site available at that address." msgstr "" "Lakukan sekarang! %1$s <a href=\"//%2$s\">%3$s</a> Anda kedaluwarsa. " "Perbarui itu sekarang agar situs Anda tetap tersedia pada alamat itu." msgctxt "noun - someone's domain name" msgid "domain" msgstr "domain" msgid "" "Your blog, %1$s, appears to be getting more traffic than usual! %2$s hourly " "views - %3$s hourly views on average" msgstr "" "Blog Anda, %1$s, sepertinya mendapat lebih banyak kunjungan daripada " "biasanya! %2$s tayangan per jam - %3$s tayangan per jam rata-rata" msgid "Your stats are booming! Looks like %s is getting lots of traffic." msgstr "Statistik Anda meledak! Sepertinya %s mendapat banyak kunjungan." msgid "Here's what you posted." msgstr "Ini yang Anda poskan." msgid "You met your posting goal for this %s." msgstr "Anda memenuhi tujuan posting Anda untuk %s ini." msgid "Old Record: %s" msgstr "Rekor Lama: %s" msgid "Current Record: %s" msgstr "Rekor Saat Ini: %s" msgid "%1$s and %2$s others liked your post %3$s" msgstr "%1$s dan %2$s lainnya menyukai pos Anda %3$s" msgid "%1$s and %2$s liked your comment on %3$s" msgstr "%1$s dan %2$s menyukai komentar Anda di %3$s" msgctxt "Pending status, username, post title" msgid "%1$s linked to your post %2$s." msgstr "%1$s dihubungkan ke postingan Anda %2$s." msgid "First posts" msgstr "Pos pertama" msgid "Congratulations on writing your first post on %2$s!" msgid_plural "Congratulations on writing %1$s posts on %2$s!" msgstr[0] "Selamat atas penulisan pos pertama Anda di %2$s!" msgstr[1] "Selamat atas penulisan %1$s pos Anda di %2$s!" msgid "You've made your first post on %2$s." msgid_plural "You've made %1$s posts on %2$s." msgstr[0] "Anda telah membuat pos pertama pada %2$s." msgstr[1] "Anda telah membuat %1$s pos di %2$s." msgid "That's pretty awesome, well done!" msgstr "Itu sangat menakjubkan, selamat!" msgctxt "date, time period, blog title" msgid "" "On %1$s, you surpassed your previous record of most likes in one %2$s for " "your posts on %3$s." msgstr "" "Pada %1$s, Anda lampaui rekor suka terbanyak sebelumnya dalam satu %2$s " "untuk postingan Anda pada %3$s." msgctxt "Date (F j) : blog title" msgid "%1$s: Your best day for likes on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s: Hari terbaik Anda untuk suka pada %2$s" msgid "Congratulations on getting your first like on %2$s." msgid_plural "Congratulations on getting %1$s total likes on %2$s." msgstr[0] "Selamat karena mendapat suka pertama Anda di %2$s." msgstr[1] "Selamat telah mendapat %1$s total suka pada %2$s." msgid "You've received %1$s like on %2$s" msgid_plural "You've received %1$s likes on %2$s" msgstr[0] "Anda menerima %1$s suka pada %2$s" msgstr[1] "Anda menerima %1$s suka pada %2$s" msgid "Install Jetpack manually" msgstr "Pasang Jetpack Secara Manual" msgid "Something's Wrong" msgstr "Ada yang Salah" msgid "" "Your site is safely hosted at which means you already have " "most of the Jetpack goodness right out of the box. Have you considered <a " "href=''>upgrading your Plan?</" "a>" msgstr "" "Situs Anda aman dihosting di yang artinya Anda sudah langsung " "mendapatkan keunggulan Jetpack. Sudah pertimbangkan <a href='http://store." "'>mengupgrade Paket Anda?</a>" msgid "Great News!" msgstr "Berita Bagus!" msgid "[%1$s] %2$s changed: %3$s" msgstr "[%1$s] %2$s diubah: %3$s" msgctxt "post title @ date and time" msgid "%1$s @ %2$s" msgstr "%1$s @ %2$s" msgid "" "%1$s made the following changes to the “%2$s” %3$s %4$s on %5$s" msgstr "%1$s membuat perubahan berikut menjadi “%2$s” %3$s %4$s pada %5$s" msgctxt "post type" msgid "Current %s" msgstr "%s saat ini" msgid "Current post" msgstr "Kiriman saat ini" msgctxt "time format for when a post was modified" msgid "j F, Y \\a\\t G:i \\U\\T\\C" msgstr "j F, Y \\a\\t G:i \\U\\T\\C" msgid "Max %s" msgstr "Maksimum %s" msgid "Close this screen" msgstr "Tutup layar ini" msgid "Hide this screen" msgstr "Sembunyikan layar ini" msgid "Remind Me Later" msgstr "Ingatkan Saya Nanti" msgid "Hide this screen, but show it again, tomorrow" msgstr "Sembunyikan layar ini, tetapi perlihatkan lagi besok" msgid "In your dashboard:" msgstr "Di dasbor Anda:" msgid "Some helpful resources:" msgstr "Beberapa sumber daya yang membantu:" msgid "" "Have any technical questions? <a class=\"%1$s\" href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank" "\">Our documentation pages are open 24/7</a>" msgstr "" "Apakah Anda memiliki pertanyaan teknis? <a class=\"%1$s\" href=\"%2$s\" " "target=\"_blank\">Halaman dokumentasi kami buka 24 sehari, 7 hari " "seminggu</a>" msgid "" "Need help getting started? <a class=\"%1$s\" href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank" "\">Visit our zero-to-hero guide</a>" msgstr "" "Butuh bantuan untuk mempersiapkan? <a class=\"%1$s\" href=\"%2$s\" target=" "\"_blank\">Kunjungi panduan zero-to-hero kami</a>" msgid "Your dashboard address is only visible to you and it’s at:" msgstr "" "Alamat dasbor Anda hanya dapat dilihat oleh Anda dan dapat ditemukan di:" msgid "" "Although your site address is <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a>, keep in mind that " "your dashboard address is <a href=\"%3$s\">%4$s</a>." msgstr "" "Meskipun alamat situs Anda adalah <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a>, perlu untuk " "diperhatikan bahwa alamat dasbor Anda adalah <a href=\"%3$s\">%4$s</a>." msgid "" "You are now in your blog’s “dashboard” where you can write " "new posts and control lots of important settings and features." msgstr "" "Sekarang Anda sedang membuka “dasbor” blog Anda, yang bisa Anda gunakan " "untuk menulis kiriman baru dan mengontrol berbagai pengaturan dan fitur " "penting." msgid "" "Please read carefully. This will change your site's address (currently %s). " "This process cannot be reversed." msgstr "" "Mohon baca dengan hati-hati. Tindakan ini akan mengubah alamat situs Anda " "(saat ini %s). Proses ini tidak dapat dikembalikan." msgid "" "This domain is currently unlocked and could be pending a transfer, if you " "have started the domain transfer process you will need to complete the " "renewal with your new registrar." msgstr "" "Domain ini sekarang sudah terbuka dan bisa menunggu transfer, jika Anda " "sudah memulai proses transfer domain, Anda harus menyelesaikan pembaruan " "dengan registrar baru." msgid "" "Stats on support requests receives every month. We make it as " "easy as possible to contact our support team and we respond to every request." msgstr "" " memiliki data tentang permintaan bantuan setiap bulan. Tim " "bantuan kami dapat dihubungi setiap saat dengan mudah untuk membantu Anda." msgid "" "Stats on how many unique posts use “shortcodes” that make it easy for people " "to embed partner services on" msgstr "" "Data tentang berapa banyak posting unik menggunakan \"shortcode\" yang " "memudahkan Anda untuk menampilkan layanan mitra di" msgid "" "You’re in good company if you use WordPress to publish on the web. Here’s a " "sampler of well-known sites that are powered by WordPress." msgstr "" "Anda mengambil langkah yang tepat dengan memilih WordPress. Berikut contoh " "situs terkenal yang didukung oleh WordPress." msgid "" "Posts published from blogs we host here on, both on subdomains " "and their own domains, or externally-hosted blogs that use our Jetpack " "plugin." msgstr "" "Pos dari blog yang dikelola di, dengan subdomain dan domain " "sendiri, atau yang dikelola eksternal dengan menggunakan plugin Jetpack." msgid "" "Pageviews across blogs we host here on, both on subdomains and " "their own domains, or externally-hosted blogs that use our Jetpack plugin." msgstr "" "Pageview di semua blog yang dikelola di, dengan subdomain dan " "domain sendiri, atau yang dikelola eksternal dengan menggunakan plugin " "Jetpack." msgid "" "With the Automattic service you can publish the website of " "your dreams. When you do, you’ll agree to these fascinating terms of service." msgstr "" "Dengan dari Automattic, Anda dapat memiliki situs web impian. " "Jika situs web Anda terwujud, Anda akan menyetujui ketentuan layanan yang " "terbaik." msgid "" "At, our mission is to democratize publishing one website at a " "time. Automattic, Inc, is passionate about making the web a better place." msgstr "" "Misi adalah mendemokrasikan publikasi setiap situs web. " "Automattic, Inc, ingin menjadikan web sebagai ruang yang lebih baik untuk " "semua." msgid "" "We think is awesome, but don’t take our word for it. With some " "of our favorite features you can learn how to build the site of your dreams." msgstr "" " sangat luar biasa. Anda dapat membuktikan sendiri. Dengan " "beberapa fitur favorit kami, Anda dapat belajar cara membangun situs impian " "Anda." msgid "" "A collection of stats from around that we’ve decided to share " "with the world. Our mission is to democratize publishing one website at a " "time." msgstr "" "Kumpulan data dari seluruh yang kami dibagikan kepada dunia. " "Misi kami adalah mendemokrasikan publikasi setiap situs web." msgid "" "Some comments have not yet been checked for spam by Akismet. They have been " "temporarily held for moderation and will automatically be rechecked later." msgstr "" "Beberapa komentar belum menjalani pemeriksaan spam oleh Akismet. Komentar-" "komentar tersebut untuk sementara ditangguhkan untuk moderasi dan nanti akan " "diperiksa secara otomatis." msgid "" "We’ve changed this option to a click-to-scroll version for you since " "you have footer widgets in Appearance → Widgets, or your theme uses " "click-to-scroll as the default behavior." msgstr "" "Kami telah mengubah pilihan ini untuk versi klik-untuk-gulir karena Anda " "memiliki widget footer di Penampilan → Widget, atau tema Anda menggunakan " "klik-untuk-gulir sebagai perilaku default." msgid "Renews on %s" msgstr "Diperbarui tanggal %s" msgid "" "Sorry, there was a problem processing your request. Please try again in a " "few minutes." msgstr "" "Maaf, ada masalah saat memproses permintaan Anda. Harap dicoba beberapa " "menit lagi." msgctxt "event" msgid "Add New" msgstr "Tambahkan Baru" msgid "There was an error when updating the primary domain." msgstr "Ada kesalahan saat memperbarui domain utama." msgid "Renews on " msgstr "Diperbarui tanggal " msgid "Edit this step" msgstr "Sunting langkah berikut" msgid "No logo set" msgstr "Tidak ada set logo" msgid "Change logo" msgstr "Ganti logo" msgid "Set as logo" msgstr "Jadikan logo" msgid "Hi there," msgstr "Halo!" msgid "Learn More about Business" msgstr "Baca lebih lanjut tentang paket Bisnis dari" msgid "Learn more about ›" msgstr "Baca lebih lanjut tentang ›" msgid "Premium Plan" msgstr "Paket Premium" msgid "Learn more about updates" msgstr "Pelajari selengkapnya tentang pembaruan" msgid "Create your website" msgstr "Buat situs web Anda" msgid "An error occurred while uploading the file." msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat mengunggah file." msgid "An error occurred while restoring the posts." msgstr "Terjadi error saat memulihkan pos." msgid "An error occurred while updating." msgstr "Terjadi error saat memperbarui." msgid "Something went wrong." msgstr "Ada yang salah!" msgid "Install Jetpack" msgstr "Instal Jetpack" msgid "" "You haven't written anything yet, but that's easy for you to do later! " "Here's your chance to get your site looking just the way you want it to " "before the words start flowing. Some inspiration from someone who knew a " "thing or two about writing:" msgstr "" "Anda belum menulis apa pun, tetapi Anda bisa melakukannya nanti! Berikut " "adalah kesempatan Anda untuk mendapatkan situs Anda terlihat seperti apa " "yang Anda inginkan sebelum kata-kata mengalir. Beberapa inspirasi dari " "seseorang yang mengetahui sedikit tentang menulis:" msgid "" "In order to publish posts, please verify your email address by clicking the " "link in the confirmation email that we sent to %s." msgstr "" "Untuk dapat menerbitkan kiriman, verifikasikan alamat email dengan mengeklik " "tautan di email konfirmasi yang dikirimkan ke %s." msgid "to-do" msgstr "daftar-tugas" msgid "done" msgstr "Selesai" msgid "Learn more about why tags are important." msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai mengapa tag itu penting." msgid "Register a new domain" msgstr "Daftarkan domain baru" msgid "Add a new domain" msgstr "Tambahkan domain baru" msgctxt "resolved/unresolved posts" msgid "%s Posts (%d)" msgstr "%s Kiriman (%d)" msgid "Name servers" msgstr "Name server" msgid "Clear to-do" msgstr "Hapus perlu ditindaklanjuti" msgid "Mark as done" msgstr "Tandai sebagai sudah selesai" msgid "To-do" msgstr "Akan dilakukan" msgid "Settings -> Domains" msgstr "Pengaturan -> Domain" msgid "Show comment threads" msgstr "Tampilkan utas komentar" msgid "Unstick post from home" msgstr "Lepaskan lekatan pos dari beranda" msgid "Stick post to home" msgstr "Lekatkan postingan ke halaman utama" msgid "Activate license" msgstr "Aktifkan lisensi" msgid "Here’s your license key:" msgstr "Ini kunci lisensi Anda:" msgid "View support forum" msgstr "Lihat forum dukungan" msgid "Getting Started" msgstr "Memulai" msgid "Widgets in this area will be shown on the right-hand side." msgstr "Widget di area ini akan ditampilkan di sisi kanan." msgid "find out more" msgstr "Cari tahu lebih" msgid "Activate Now" msgstr "Aktifkan sekarang" msgid "Please provide a brief description of your reasons for canceling:" msgstr "Mohon berikan penjelasan singkat alasan pembatalan Anda:" msgid "Previous: " msgstr "Sebelumnya:" msgid "About pages" msgstr "Halaman Tentang" msgctxt "comments title" msgid "%1$s thought on “%2$s”" msgid_plural "%1$s thoughts on “%2$s”" msgstr[0] "%1$s tanggapan untuk “%2$s”" msgstr[1] "%1$s tanggapan untuk “%2$s”" msgid "Boost Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Boost" msgid "Handled by" msgstr "Ditangani oleh" msgid "Stick Post to Home" msgstr "Rekatkan Pos ke Laman Pangkal" msgid "Unstick Post from Home" msgstr "Lepaskan rekatan Pos dari Laman Pangkal" msgid "<a href=\"%1$s\">Clear filters</a> maybe?" msgstr "Mau <a href=\"%1$s\">membersihkan saringan</a>?" msgid "Sorry, there are no themes for this search." msgstr "Maaf, tak ada tema untuk pencarian ini." msgid "" "This subscription is no longer active on your account, if you would like to " "keep this upgrade please re-purchase it." msgstr "" "Berlangganan ini sudah tidak aktif lagi di akun Anda, jika Anda ingin tetap " "memutakhirkan, silakan membeli ulang." msgid "Post Actions" msgstr "Tindakan untuk Pos" msgid "" "A clean and simple responsive blogging theme with lots of room for your " "photos." msgstr "" "Tema blogging responsif yang simpel dan bersih dengan ruang luas untuk foto-" "foto Anda." msgid "Get Unlimited Themes" msgstr "Dapatkan Tema Tanpa Batas" msgid "Get the Unlimited Themes plan and change to any theme, any time." msgstr "Dapatkan Paket Tema Tanpa Batas dan gunakan tema apapun, kapanpun." msgid "Experiments" msgstr "Eksperimen" msgid "Trusted by some of the world's biggest brands and industries" msgstr "Dipercaya oleh sejumlah brand dan industri terbesar dunia" msgid "Create a website on today" msgstr "Buat situs web di segera" msgid "" "Antenna is a responsive and beautiful magazine theme for all those who need " "a great looking website. Antenna is focused on clean and modern design that " "supports boxed and full width layout. It is really easy to setup via theme " "customizer." msgstr "" "Antenna adalah tema majalah yang responsif dan indah bagi mereka yang " "menginginkan situs web terlihat bagus. Antenna berfokus pada desain yang " "bersih dan modern, yang mendukung tata letak berkotak dan lebar penuh. Tema " "ini benar-benar mudah disiapkan dengan menggunakan penyelaras tema." msgid "Select Category:" msgstr "Pilih Kategori:" msgctxt "Noto Sans font: on or off" msgid "on" msgstr "nyala" msgid "A colorful theme for personal bloggers" msgstr "Sebuah tema penuh warna untuk blogger pribadi" msgid "Please tell us <a href=\"%1$s\">what you’re looking for</a>." msgstr "Beri tahu kami <a href=\"%1$s\">apa yang sedang Anda cari</a>." msgid "Can’t find anything that works?" msgstr "Belum ketemu yang cocok?" msgid "See more →" msgstr "Lihat lebih banyak →" msgctxt "1: category name" msgid "%1$s themes" msgstr "%1$s tema" msgid "Looking for more alternatives?" msgstr "Mencari alternatif lebih banyak?" msgid "Connection Status:" msgstr "Status Sambungan:" msgid "Manage Blog" msgstr "Kelola Blog" msgid "" "If an author specified in the import doesn't exist, their items will be " "reassigned to you." msgstr "" "Jika penulis yang dicantumkan dalam berkas impor tidak ada, itemnya akan " "menjadi milik Anda." msgid "Register new domain" msgstr "Daftarkan domain baru" msgid "Maximum upload file size: %s." msgstr "Ukuran maksimal unggahan berkas: %s." msgid "" "Congrats, you’re subscribed! You’ll get an email with the details of your " "subscription and an unsubscribe link" msgstr "" "Selamat, Anda telah berlangganan! Anda akan memperoleh email dengan rincian " "langganan Anda dan sebuah tautan untuk berhenti berlangganan" msgid "" "You already have a pending subscription, we just sent you another email, " "click the link or <a href=\"" "\">contact us</a> if you don’t get it" msgstr "" "Anda telah memiliki penangguhan langganan, kami baru saja mengirimkan email " "lagi untuk Anda, klik link tersebut atau <a href=\"" "\">hubungi kami</a> jika Anda belum mendapatkannya" msgid "You’re already subscribed to this site!" msgstr "Anda telah berlangganan situs ini!" msgid "" "Jetpack is a plugin for self-hosted installations of WordPress. If your blog " "is hosted on, you do not need Jetpack. Its features are built " "in!" msgstr "" "Jetpack adalah plugin untuk instalasi WordPress yang dihosting sendiri. Jika " "blog Anda dihosting di, Anda tidak memerlukan Jetpack. Fitur-" "fiturnya sudah disertakan!" msgid "" "We take security very seriously at Automattic and greatly appreciate " "receiving private notification from security researchers before full " "disclosure to the public. If you believe you have found a security issue, " "please <a href=\"%s\">submit your findings</a>." msgstr "" "Kami sangat serius menangani keamanan di Automattic, dan sangat menghargai " "pemberitahuan pribadi dari peneliti keamanan sebelum mengungkapkannya secara " "penuh ke publik. Jika Anda yakin telah menemukan masalah keamanan, mohon <a " "href=\"%s\">kirimkan temuan Anda</a>." msgid "Paid" msgstr "Dibayar" msgid " Site" msgstr "Situs" msgid "Monitor" msgstr "Mengawasi" msgid "Write posts or pages in plain text Markdown syntax." msgstr "Tulis pos atau laman dalam sintaks Markdown teks biasa." msgid "Ask a question or enter a search term…" msgstr "Ajukan pertanyaan atau masukkan istilah pencarian…" msgid "What can we help you with today?" msgstr "Apa yang dapat kami bantu untuk Anda hari ini?" msgid "(unknown or deleted)" msgstr "(tak dikenal atau telah dihapus)" msgid "Sorry, but <strong>%s</strong> registrations are temporarily disabled" msgstr "Maaf, <strong>%s</strong> untuk sementara pendaftaran dinonaktifkan" msgid "This site is no longer available." msgstr "Situs ini tak lagi tersedia." msgid "Resend ICANN Verification Email" msgstr "Kirim Email Verifikasi ICANN" msgid "" "We successfully resent the ICANN verification email to your email address on " "file." msgstr "" "Kami berhasil mengirim ulang email verifikasi ICANN ke alamat email Anda di " "file." msgid "" "We were unable to resend the ICANN verification email. Please <a href=\"%s" "\">contact support</a> and provide the following error message:" msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat mengirim ulang email verifikasi ICANN. Harap <a href=\"%s" "\">hubungi dukungan</a> dan berikan pesan kesalahan berikut ini:" msgid "" "You must verify your email address through the ICANN verification email " "before you are able to update the name servers for your domain." msgstr "" "Anda harus memverifikasi alamat email melalui email verifikasi ICANN sebelum " "Anda dapat memperbarui nameserver untuk domain Anda." msgid "" "This site has an existing site redirect. To update its redirect location, " "use the Change Redirect Location button below." msgstr "" "Sudah ada pengalihan situs pada situs ini. Untuk memperbarui lokasi " "pengalihan, gunakan tombol Ubah Lokasi Pengalihan di bawah." msgid "" "If you wish to keep this subscription, please update your card details or " "arrange another payment method." msgstr "" "Jika Anda ingin tetap berlangganan ini, harap perbarui rincian kartu Anda " "atau atur metode pembayaran lainnya." msgid "" "A credit card used to renew your subscription has expired or is going to " "expire before the next renewal on %s" msgstr "" "Kartu kredit yang digunakan untuk memperbarui langganan Anda telah atau akan " "berakhir masa berlakunya sebelum perpanjangan langganan berikutnya pada %s" msgid "Card Expiring" msgstr "Kartu Anda Segera Berakhir" msgid "Your card used at %s is expiring" msgstr "Kartu yang Anda daftarkan pada %s akan berakhir masa berlakunya" msgid "Lost password" msgstr "Sandi hilang" msgid "" "Your browser does not support direct access to the clipboard. Please use " "keyboard shortcuts or your browser’s edit menu instead." msgstr "" "Peramban Anda tidak medukung akses langsung ke papan klip. Silakan gunakan " "pintasan keyboard atau menu edit peramban Anda." msgid "" "Your follower migration has been queued. You will receive an email to " "indicate when it starts and finishes." msgstr "" "Migrasi pengikut Anda telah diantrekan. Anda akan menerima email untuk yang " "memberi tahu bahwa proses dimulai dan selesai." msgid "See more" msgstr "Lihat Selengkapnya" msgid "Continue reading %s <span class=\"meta-nav\">→</span>" msgstr "Lanjutkan membaca %s <span class=\"meta-nav\">→</span>" msgid "Jetpack Starter" msgstr "Jetpack Starter" msgid "Edit site design" msgstr "Edit desain situs" msgid "Write your first post" msgstr "Tulis pos pertama Anda" msgid "" "Need extra help? Visit the <a href=\"%1$s\" data-theme=\"%2$s\">%3$s support " "forum</a>." msgstr "" "Perlu bantuan lebih lanjut? Kunjungi forum dukungan <a href=\"%1$s\" data-" "theme=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a>." msgid " Credits" msgstr "Kredit" msgid "Your past location data is not shared with your visitors." msgstr "Lokasi terbaru anda tidak dibagikan dengan pengunjung." msgid "Clear All" msgstr "Bersihkan Semua" msgid "" "You’ll get an email with a link to confirm your sub. If you don’t get it, " "please <a href=\"\">contact us</a>" msgstr "" "Anda akan mendapatkan email yang berisi link untuk mengonfirmasi langganan. " "Jika Anda tidak mendapatkannya, <a href=\"" "contact/\">hubungi kami</a>" msgid "The connection to the server has been interrupted. Please reconnect." msgstr "Sambungan ke server telah terputus. Silakan sambungkan lagi." msgid "" "A single-column, grid-based theme with large featured images and a post " "slider, perfect for a photoblogging or travel site." msgstr "" "Sebuah kolom-tunggal, tema portofolio berbasis grid dengan gambar andalan " "besar dan postingan slider, cocok untuk blogging foto atau situs portofolio." msgid "Add logo" msgstr "Tambahkan logo" msgid "%d result found." msgid_plural "%d results found." msgstr[0] "%d hasil pencarian ditemukan" msgstr[1] "%d hasil pencarian ditemukan" msgid "Learn more." msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut." msgid "Remove image" msgstr "Hapus Gambar" msgid "Custom color" msgstr "Warna khusus" msgid "Toggle menu" msgstr "Pengalih menu" msgid "%s themes" msgstr "%s tema" msgid "Join the conversation" msgstr "Ikuti percakapan ini" msgid "Download %d" msgstr "Unduh %d" msgid "Continue reading<span class=\"screen-reader-text\"> \"%s\"</span>" msgstr "Lanjutkan membaca<span class=\"screen-reader-text\"> \"%s\"</span>" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "My Upgrades" msgstr "Upgrade Saya" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "My Domains" msgstr "Domain Saya" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Domain Registration" msgstr "Pendaftaran Domain" msgid "In the meantime, we recommend our guide for getting more site views:" msgstr "" "Sementara itu, kami menyarankan panduan kami untuk mendapatkan tampilan " "situs lebih banyak lagi:" msgid "" "Our advertising partners have minimum traffic requirements, and when your " "site traffic meets these requirements, we’ll be in touch." msgstr "" "Kebutuhan lalu lintas rekan iklan kami minimum, dan ketika lalu lintas situs " "Anda bertemu dengan kebutuhan tersebut, kita akan berhubungan." msgid "" "Hi, %s. Thank you for your interest in WordAds. We review all sites for " "inclusion in our WordAds program. However, because of the volume of " "applications, we are unable at this time to reply individually to all " "applicants." msgstr "" "Hai, %s. Terima kasih atas minat Anda pada WordAds. Kami meninjau semua " "situs untuk disertakan dalam program WordAds kami. Namun, karena volume " "aplikasi, untuk saat ini kami tidak bisa membalas satu-persatu ke semua " "pelamar." msgid "Thanks for applying to WordAds!" msgstr "Terima kasih telah mendaftar ke WordAds!" msgid "Comment by %1$s" msgstr "Dikomentari oleh %1$s" msgid "Post by %1$s" msgstr "Ditulis oleh %1$s" msgid "Take a look at our support document." msgstr "Lihat dokumen dukungan kami." msgid "Select Site" msgstr "Pilih Situs" msgid "" "Your subscriber migration has been queued. You will receive an email to " "indicate when it starts and finishes." msgstr "" "Migrasi pengikut Anda telah diantrekan. Anda akan menerima email untuk yang " "memberi tahu saat proses dimulai dan selesai." msgid "Plans" msgstr "Paket" msgid "Expired" msgstr "Berakhir" msgid "Congratulations on your purchase!" msgstr "Selamat atas pembelian Anda!" msgid "Image Margins" msgstr "Margin Gambar" msgid "Image Border" msgstr "Tepi Gambar" msgid "Create a free website or blog at" msgstr "Buat situs web atau blog gratis di" msgid "Create a free website at" msgstr "Buat situs web gratis di" msgid "Scroll to comments" msgstr "Gulir ke komentar" msgid "Tap the new post control below to begin writing your first post." msgstr "" "Ketuk kontrol pos baru di bawah ini untuk mulai menulis pos pertama Anda." msgid "Disconnect Jetpack" msgstr "Putus dengan Jetpack" msgid "Please login to %s directly to disconnect it from your account." msgstr "" "Silakan login ke %s secara langsung untuk memutus hubungannya dari akun Anda." msgid "%s has been disconnected." msgstr "%s telah diputuskan." msgid "Settings Saved" msgstr "Pengaturan Tersimpan!" msgid "Or go to <a href=\"%1$s\">manage your site</a>." msgstr "Atau buka <a href=\"%1$s\">kelola situs Anda</a>." msgid "Have questions? Stop by our <a href=\"%1$s\">support forums</a>." msgstr "Ada pertanyaan? Kunjungi <a href=\"%1$s\">forum dukungan</a> kami." msgid "Discover this theme’s <a href=\"%1$s\">awesome features</a>." msgstr "Temukan <a href=\"%1$s\">fitur-fitur mengagumkan</a> pada tema ini." msgctxt "Link to Customizer" msgid "Customize your site" msgstr "Ubah-suaikan situs Anda" msgctxt "1: Theme. 2: Author." msgid "Thanks for choosing %1$s by %2$s" msgstr "Terima kasih telah memilih %1$s oleh %2$s" msgid "Shift-click to edit this widget." msgstr "Shift-klik untuk mengedit widget ini." msgid "Your subscription for %s has renewed." msgstr "Langganan Anda untuk %s telah diperpanjang." msgid "There is a problem with your API key." msgstr "Ada masalah dengan kunci Anda." msgid "No Subscriptions found" msgstr "Langganan tidak ditemukan" msgid "Missing" msgstr "Tak ditemukan" msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Ditangguhkan" msgid "Canceled" msgstr "Dibatalkan" msgctxt "placeholder" msgid "From…" msgstr "Dari…" msgid "This domain can't be set as primary for the requested site." msgstr "" "Domain ini tidak bisa ditetapkan sebagai domain utama untuk situs yang Anda " "minta." msgctxt "HTML tag" msgid "Address" msgstr "Alamat" msgid "<strong>Expired</strong>" msgstr "<strong>Kadaluwarsa</strong>" msgid "" "Hemingway Rewritten is a classic blog theme with a parallax-scrolling header " "effect and a minimal, elegant design. The large featured header images make " "this theme great for photographers, or any users who want to share their " "visuals in a bold way." msgstr "" "Hemingway Rewritten adalah tema blog klasik dengan efek header parallax-" "scrolling serta desain yang minimalis dan elegan. Gambar header sorotan " "besar membuat tema berikut sangat sesuai untuk para fotografer, atau " "pengguna yang ingin berbagi visual mereka dengan cara yang tegas." msgctxt "Noun, as in: \"This post has one taxonomy.\"" msgid "Taxonomy" msgstr "Taksonomi" msgid "All taxonomy pages" msgstr "Semua halaman taksonomi" msgid "Always put spam in the Spam folder for review." msgstr "Selalu masukkan spam ke folder Spam untuk saya tinjau." msgid "Silently discard the worst and most pervasive spam so I never see it." msgstr "" "Buang spam terburuk dan terulet secara diam-diam agar saya tak pernah " "melihatnya." msgid "The e-mail address entered does not appear to be valid." msgstr "Alamat email yang dimasukkan tidak valid." msgid "" "The following Top Level Domains (TLDs) are available for registration: %l." msgstr "Domain Tingkat Atas (TLD) berikut tersedia untuk pendaftaran: %l." msgid "Submit translation" msgstr "Kirim terjemahan" msgid "" "A portfolio theme for designers and photographers. Great for showing off " "your image oriented projects to the world." msgstr "" "Suatu tema portofolio untuk desainer dan fotografer. Sangat keren untuk " "memamerkan proyek orientasi foto Anda ke seluruh dunia." msgid "A minimalist portfolio theme." msgstr "Tema portofolio minimalis." msgctxt "Verb, to post" msgid "Post" msgstr "Pos" msgid "" "Yep. You can enter multiple email addresses in the Email address field, and " "separate them with commas. A notification email will then be sent to each " "email address." msgstr "" "Ya. Anda dapat memasukkan beberapa alamat email di kolom alamat Email, dan " "pisahkan dengan koma. Sebuah email pemberitahuan akan dikirim ke masing-" "masing alamat email." msgid "Can I send a notification to more than one person?" msgstr "Dapatkah saya mengirimkan pemberitahuan kepada lebih dari satu orang?" msgid "Choose Images" msgstr "Pilih Gambar" msgid "Portfolio pages display at most %1$s projects" msgstr "Halaman portofolio menampilkan paling banyak %1$s proyek" msgid "Use these settings to display different types of content on your site." msgstr "" "Gunakan pengaturan ini untuk menampilkan berbagai jenis konten di situs Anda." msgid "Portfolio Projects" msgstr "Portofolio" msgid "A multi-song music player" msgstr "Pemutir musik banyak lagu" msgid "" "Add a follow button to allow people to follow your blog easier" msgstr "" "Tambahkan tombol ikuti agar orang lain bisa mengikuti blog " "Anda dengan mudah" msgid "Add/remove code tag" msgstr "Tambah/hapus tag kode" msgid "Save and preview changes before publishing them." msgstr "Simpan dan pratinjau perubahan sebelum menerbitkannya." msgid "" "Keyboard users: When you are working in the visual editor, you can use %s to " "access the toolbar." msgstr "" "Pengguna keyboard: Saat Anda bekerja dengan editor visual, Anda dapat " "menggunakan %s untuk mengakses bilah peralatan." msgid "Subscription Due" msgstr "Jatuh Tempo Langganan" msgid "Payment Problem" msgstr "Masalah Pembayaran" msgid "" "Thank you for using %s to secure your site. We are proud to be part of your " "business." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah menggunakan %s untuk mengamankan situs Anda. Kami bangga " "menjadi bagian dari bisnis Anda." msgid "Thank you for flying with %s, a better way to blog." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah menjelajah bersama %s, sebuah cara yang lebih baik untuk " "berbagi mimpi." msgid "" "Thank you for using %s to better communicate with your audience. We are " "proud to be part of your business." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah menggunakan %s demi komunikasi lebih baik dengan pemirsa " "Anda. Kami bangga jadi bagian bisnis Anda." msgid "" "<strong>Error:</strong> Cookies are blocked due to unexpected output. For " "help, please see <a href=\"%1$s\">this documentation</a> or try the <a href=" "\"%2$s\">support forums</a>." msgstr "" "<strong>GALAT</strong>: Cookies diblokir akibat keluaran yang tak terduga. " "Untuk bantuan, silakan baca <a href=\"%1$s\">dokumentasi ini</a> atau " "kunjungi <a href=\"%2$s\">forum dukungan</a>." msgid "Show Video List" msgstr "Tampilkan Daftar Video" msgid "Add to Audio Playlist" msgstr "Tambahkan ke Daftar Putar Audio" msgid "Add to audio playlist" msgstr "Tambahkan ke Daftar Putar Audio" msgid "Update audio playlist" msgstr "Perbarui Daftar Putar Audio" msgid "Insert audio playlist" msgstr "Masukkan Daftar Putar Audio" msgid "Edit audio playlist" msgstr "Edit Daftar Putar Audio" msgid "There has been an error cropping your image." msgstr "Terjadi galat saat memangkas gambar Anda." msgctxt "video or audio" msgid "Length" msgstr "Durasi" msgid "Artist" msgstr "Artis" msgctxt "table cell alignment attribute" msgid "None" msgstr "Tanpa perataan" msgid "Set image" msgstr "Atur gambar" msgid "No themes found. Try a different search." msgstr "Tema tidak ditemukan. Cobalah pencarian lain." msgid "Displayed on attachment pages." msgstr "Ditampilkan pada laman lampiran." msgid "" "You can edit the image while preserving the thumbnail. For example, you may " "wish to have a square thumbnail that displays just a section of the image." msgstr "" "Anda bisa mengedit gambar sekaligus menjaga thumbnail. Misalnya jika Anda " "ingin memiliki thumbnail bujur sangkar yang menampilkan sebagian gambar." msgid "" "Once you have made your selection, you can adjust it by entering the size in " "pixels. The minimum selection size is the thumbnail size as set in the Media " "settings." msgstr "" "Setelah Anda menentukan seleksi, Anda bisa mengaturnya dengan memasukkan " "ukuran dalam piksel. Ukuran seleksi minimum adalah ukuran thumbnail yang " "ditentukan di pengaturan Media." msgid "" "The aspect ratio is the relationship between the width and height. You can " "preserve the aspect ratio by holding down the shift key while resizing your " "selection. Use the input box to specify the aspect ratio, e.g. 1:1 (square), " "4:3, 16:9, etc." msgstr "" "Rasio aspek adalah relasi antara lebar dan tinggi. Anda bisa menjaga rasio " "aspek dengan menekan Shift saat mengatur ukuran seleksi Anda. Pergunakan " "kotak masukan untuk menentukan rasio aspek, misalnya 1:1 (bujur sangkar), " "4:3, 16:9, dsb." msgid "To crop the image, click on it and drag to make your selection." msgstr "" "Untuk memangkas gambar, klik gambar tersebut dan seret untuk menentukan " "seleksi Anda." msgid "" "You can proportionally scale the original image. For best results, scaling " "should be done before you crop, flip, or rotate. Images can only be scaled " "down, not up." msgstr "" "Anda bisa mengatur skala gambar asli secara proporsional. Untuk hasil " "terbaik, pengaturan skala harus dilakukan sebelum Anda memangkas, membalik, " "atau memutar gambar. Gambar hanya bisa diperkecil, tidak diperbesar." msgid "" "Alto is a content-focused theme that channels the best of digital " "publishing. Sharp lettering and simple organization provide an engrossing " "reader experience, all easily tuned to fit your content perfectly. A subtle " "mix of traditional and contemporary aesthetics, Alto is a perfect frame for " "blogs and magazines." msgstr "" "Alto merupakan tema berfokus konten yang menyalurkan penerbitan digital " "terbaik. Tulisan yang tajam dan organisasi yang sederhana memberikan " "pengalaman mengasyikkan pada pembaca, semuanya mudah disetel guna " "menyesuaikan konten Anda dengan sempurna. Sebuah perpaduan lembut estetika " "tradisional dan kontemporer, Alto adalah bingkai sempurna untuk blog, " "portofolio, dan majalah." msgid "Link CSS Class" msgstr "Tautkan CSS Class" msgid "Image CSS Class" msgstr "CSS Class Gambar" msgid "Image Title Attribute" msgstr "Atribut Judul Gambar" msgid "Custom Size" msgstr "Ukuran Tersuai" msgid "Edit Original" msgstr "Edit Lampiran Asli" msgid "" "(You will still have access to this product for the period that you " "originally paid for)" msgstr "" "(Anda masih tetap memiliki akses ke produk berikut untuk periode yang telah " "Anda bayarkan)" msgid "Please follow the link below:" msgstr "Silakan mengikuti tautan di bawah:" msgid "" "If you wish to continue using your subscription after this time then you " "will need to update your payment details." msgstr "" "Jika Anda ingin tetap menggunakan berlangganan Anda setelah ini, maka Anda " "harus memperbarui rincian pembayaran Anda." msgid "Refunded To" msgstr "Dana Dikembalikan Kepada" msgid "" "We attempted to renew your subscription but experienced a problem taking " "payment. If you wish to continue with the subscription please log in to your " "account and update your card details. Your subscription will be cancelled if " "payment cannot be made." msgstr "" "Kami berupaya memperbaui berlangganan Anda, tetapi mengalami masalah saat " "memproses pembayaran. Jika Anda ingin melanjutkan dengan berlangganan " "tersebut, silakan masuk ke akun Anda dan perbarui rincian kartu Anda. " "Berlangganan Anda akan dibatalkan jika pembayaran tidak dapat dilakukan." msgid "" "If you do not wish to be charged then please log in to your account and " "cancel the auto-renewal." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak ingin ditagih, silakan masuk ke akun Anda dan batalkan " "perpanjangan otomatis." msgid "" "This is a reminder that your subscription is due to be renewed on %s and a " "charge will be made on the card detailed below." msgstr "" "Ini adalah peringatan bahwa berlangganan Anda akan diperpanjang pada %s dan " "tagihan akan dibuat pada kartu dengan rincian di bawah." msgid "" "You can view your billing history or cancel your purchase on each service " "below." msgstr "" "Anda dapat melihat riwayat penagihan Anda atau membatalkan pembelian Anda " "pada masing-masing layanan di bawah." msgid "Thank you for using both Akismet & Vaultpress to secure your site." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah menggunakan Akismet & Vaultpress untuk mengamankan situs " "Anda." msgid "" "Automattic is the parent company of, Crowdsignal, " "Akismet, VaultPress, Gravatar, and more. We’re %1$s people working " "from %2$s countries, and we’re <br/><a href=\"%3$s\">always hiring</a>." msgstr "" "Automattic adalah perusahaan induk dari, Crowdsignal, Akismet, " "VaultPress, Gravatar, dan lainnya. Kami terdiri atas %1$s orang yang bekerja " "dari %2$s negara, dan kami <br/><a href=\"%3$s\">selalu membuka lowongan</a>." msgid "" "You can view your billing history or cancel your purchase on each service " "below." msgstr "" "Anda dapat melihat riwayat penagihan Anda atau membatalkan pembelian Anda " "pada masing-masing layanan di bawah." msgid "Thank you for using both Akismet & Vaultpress to secure your site" msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah menggunakan Akismet & Vaultpress untuk mengamankan situs " "Anda" msgid "EU Intra-community supply of services subject to VAT reverse charge." msgstr "Penyediaan layanan komunitas Intra Uni Eropa dikenakan biaya PPN." msgid "Click on this box to edit it and add your own information." msgstr "Klik kotak ini untuk menyunting dan menambahkan informasi Anda." msgid "Billed to" msgstr "Ditagih kepada" msgid "Cancellation Details" msgstr "Rincian Pembatalan" msgid "(You can still access this product until %s)" msgstr "(Anda masih dapat mengakses produk ini hingga %s)" msgid "" "If you wish to continue using your subscription after this time then you " "will need to update your payment details. Please follow the link below:" msgstr "" "Jika Anda ingin tetap menggunakan berlangganan Anda setelah ini, maka Anda " "harus memperbarui rincian pembayaran Anda. Silakan mengikuti tautan di bawah:" msgid "" "Your subscription will stop on %s because we could not take a recurring " "payment from your credit card." msgstr "" "Berlangganan Anda akan dihentikan pada %s karena kami tidak dapat memproses " "pembayaran berulang dari kartu kredit Anda." msgid "Action required!" msgstr "Tindakan diperlukan!" msgid "Receipt ID:" msgstr "ID Tanda Terima:" msgid "Subscription Stopped" msgstr "Paket Langganan Dihentikan" msgid "Receipt Type:" msgstr "Jenis Tanda Terima:" msgid "Global" msgstr "Global" msgid "your current plan" msgstr "paket saat ini" msgid "" "Get a free site and be on your way to publishing content in less than five " "minutes." msgstr "" "Dapatkan situs gratis dan mulai publikasikan konten dalam waktu kurang dari " "lima menit." msgid "Upgrade to Business" msgstr "Upgrade ke Bisnis" msgctxt "noun" msgid "View" msgid_plural "Views" msgstr[0] "Tampilan" msgstr[1] "Tampilan" msgctxt "Your stats are booming! $blog_title is getting lots of traffic." msgid "Your stats are booming! %1$s is getting lots of traffic." msgstr "Statistik Anda meledak! %1$s mendapat banyak kunjungan." msgid "Location Not Found" msgstr "Lokasi Tak ditemukan" msgid "" "Worldview is a responsive photoblogging theme that makes displaying your " "photography dead simple and amazingly beautiful. Worldview offers crisp " "typography with great readability and resizable media for any device or " "screen size." msgstr "" "Worldview merupakan tema blog foto responsif yang menjadikan tampilan " "fotografi Anda sangat sederhana dan indah. Worldview menawarkan tipografi " "jelas yang sangat mudah dibaca dan mudah diubah uyang bisa diubah ukurannya " "untuk semua perangkat atau ukuran layar." msgid "Social Menu" msgstr "Menu Sosial" msgid "Feedback discarded." msgstr "Masukan dibuang." msgid "WordPress %1$s running %2$s theme." msgstr "WordPress %1$s menjalankan tema %2$s." msgid "close" msgstr "tutup" msgid "All colors" msgstr "Semua warna" msgid "All columns" msgstr "Semua kolom" msgid "Project Types" msgstr "Jenis Proyek" msgid "Search Projects" msgstr "Cari Proyek" msgid "" "Your Portfolio Archive currently has no entries. You can start creating them " "on your dashboard." msgstr "" "Saat ini arsip Portofolio Anda tidak memiliki entri. Anda dapat mulai " "membuat entri di dasbor." msgid "Project published. <a href=\"%s\">View project</a>" msgstr "Proyek diterbitkan. <a href=\"%s\">Lihat proyek</a>" msgid "Popular Project Tags" msgstr "Tag Proyek Populer" msgid "New Project Tag Name" msgstr "Nama Tag Proyek Baru" msgid "Add New Project Tag" msgstr "Tambahkan Tag Proyek Baru" msgid "View Project Tag" msgstr "Lihat Tag Proyek" msgid "Edit Project Tag" msgstr "Sunting Tag Proyek" msgid "All Project Tags" msgstr "Semua Tag Proyek" msgid "Search Project Types" msgstr "Cari Jenis Proyek" msgid "Parent Project Type:" msgstr "Jenis Proyek Induk:" msgid "Parent Project Type" msgstr "Jenis Proyek Induk" msgid "New Project Type Name" msgstr "Nama Jenis Proyek Baru" msgid "Add New Project Type" msgstr "Tambahkan Jenis Proyek Baru" msgid "Update Project Type" msgstr "Perbarui Jenis Proyek" msgid "View Project Type" msgstr "Lihat Jenis Proyek" msgid "Edit Project Type" msgstr "Sunting Jenis Proyek" msgid "All Project Types" msgstr "Semua Jenis Proyek" msgid "No Projects found" msgstr "Tidak ditemukan Proyek" msgid "New Project" msgstr "Proyek Baru" msgid "Add New Project" msgstr "Tambahkan Proyek Baru" msgid "Your Custom Content Types" msgstr "Jenis Konten Khusus Anda" msgid "Many columns" msgstr "Banyak kolom" msgid "Two columns" msgstr "Dua kolom" msgid "One column" msgstr "Satu kolom" msgid "E-Commerce" msgstr "E-Commerce" msgid "Magazine" msgstr "Majalah" msgid "Choose a design" msgstr "Pilih desain" msgid "Customize theme" msgstr "Atur tema" msgid "Business Plan" msgstr "Paket Bisnis" msgid "Business Website" msgstr "Situs Web Bisnis" msgid "Create video playlist" msgstr "Buat Daftar Putar Video" msgid "Underlying color" msgstr "Warna dasar" msgid "Fixed Position" msgstr "Posisi Tetap" msgctxt "auto preload" msgid "Auto" msgstr "Otomatis" msgid "Add alternate sources for maximum HTML5 playback" msgstr "Tambahkan sumber alternatif untuk pemutaran HTML5 maksimal:" msgid "Cropping…" msgstr "Memangkas…" msgctxt "TinyMCE menu" msgid "Format" msgstr "Format" msgctxt "TinyMCE menu" msgid "Table" msgstr "Tabel" msgctxt "TinyMCE menu" msgid "View" msgstr "Tampilkan" msgctxt "TinyMCE menu" msgid "Tools" msgstr "Peralatan" msgctxt "TinyMCE menu" msgid "Edit" msgstr "Edit" msgctxt "TinyMCE menu" msgid "File" msgstr "Berkas" msgctxt "TinyMCE menu" msgid "Insert" msgstr "Masukkan" msgid "Words: %s" msgstr "Kata: %s" msgctxt "editor button" msgid "Show blocks" msgstr "Tampilkan blok" msgctxt "TinyMCE" msgid "Templates" msgstr "Templat" msgctxt "TinyMCE" msgid "Insert template" msgstr "Masukkan templat" msgctxt "table cell scope attribute" msgid "Scope" msgstr "Cakupan" msgid "Split table cell" msgstr "Belah sel tabel" msgctxt "table footer" msgid "Footer" msgstr "Kaki" msgctxt "table body" msgid "Body" msgstr "Tubuh" msgctxt "table header" msgid "Header" msgstr "Kepala" msgctxt "table cell" msgid "Cell" msgstr "Sel" msgctxt "spellcheck" msgid "Ignore" msgstr "Abaikan" msgctxt "spellcheck" msgid "Ignore all" msgstr "Abaikan semua" msgctxt "spellcheck" msgid "Finish" msgstr "Selesai" msgctxt "find/replace" msgid "Replace all" msgstr "Gantikan semua" msgctxt "find/replace" msgid "Find" msgstr "Temukan" msgctxt "find/replace" msgid "Replace with" msgstr "Gantikan dengan" msgctxt "find/replace" msgid "Whole words" msgstr "Seluruh kata-kata" msgctxt "find/replace" msgid "Prev" msgstr "Sebelumnya" msgctxt "find/replace" msgid "Next" msgstr "Berikutnya" msgctxt "find/replace" msgid "Replace" msgstr "Gantikan" msgctxt "editor button" msgid "Left to right" msgstr "Kiri ke kanan" msgctxt "editor button" msgid "Right to left" msgstr "Kanan ke kiri" msgctxt "Link anchors (TinyMCE)" msgid "Anchors" msgstr "Jangkar" msgctxt "Link anchor (TinyMCE)" msgid "Anchor" msgstr "Jangkar" msgctxt "Name of link anchor (TinyMCE)" msgid "Name" msgstr "Nama" msgctxt "list style" msgid "Lower Roman" msgstr "Lower Roman" msgctxt "list style" msgid "Upper Roman" msgstr "Upper Roman" msgctxt "list style" msgid "Upper Alpha" msgstr "Upper Alpha" msgctxt "list style" msgid "Lower Alpha" msgstr "Lower Alpha" msgctxt "list style" msgid "Lower Greek" msgstr "Lower Greek" msgctxt "list style" msgid "Disc" msgstr "Bulatan" msgctxt "list style" msgid "Circle" msgstr "Lingkaran" msgctxt "list style" msgid "Default" msgstr "Bawaan" msgctxt "list style" msgid "Square" msgstr "Persegi" msgctxt "HTML elements" msgid "Inline" msgstr "Inline" msgctxt "HTML tag" msgid "Pre" msgstr "Pre" msgctxt "HTML tag" msgid "Div" msgstr "Div" msgctxt "TinyMCE" msgid "Blocks" msgstr "Blok" msgctxt "TinyMCE" msgid "Headings" msgstr "Judul/Heading" msgctxt "TinyMCE" msgid "Formats" msgstr "Format" msgctxt "Move widget" msgid "Move" msgstr "Geser" msgid "Move to another area…" msgstr "Pindah ke area lain…" msgid "Manage menus" msgstr "Kelola menu" msgid "All comment types" msgstr "Semua tipe komentar" msgid "Publish your posts as Path moments." msgstr "Terbitkan postingan Anda sebagai momen di Path." msgid "Publish your posts on a Tumblr blog." msgstr "Terbitkan postingan Anda di blog Tumblr." msgid "Publish your posts on LinkedIn." msgstr "Terbitkan postingan Anda di LinkedIn." msgid "Publish your posts on Twitter" msgstr "Terbitkan postingan Anda di Twitter." msgid "Publish your posts to your Facebook wall or page." msgstr "Terbitkan postingan Anda ke dinding atau halaman di Facebook." msgid "You are currently using %1$s GB." msgstr "Saat ini Anda menggunakan %1$sGB." msgid "" "Your nameservers need to be set to NS1.WORDPRESS.COM and NS2.WORDPRESS.COM " "for these email forwards to work. If you have already updated the " "nameservers you can ignore this message; it will stop appearing soon." msgstr "" "Server nama Anda harus ditetapkan ke NS1.WORDPRESS.COM dan NS2.WORDPRESS.COM " "agar penerusan email ini berfungsi dengan baik. Jika sudah mengubah server " "nama, Anda bisa mengabaikan pesan ini; dan tidak akan ditampilkan lagi." msgid "Hide background image" msgstr "Menyembunyikan gambar latar" msgid "The Blog" msgstr "Blog" msgid "Locating" msgstr "Mencari" msgid "Current Location" msgstr "Lokasi Saat Ini" msgid "Horizontally" msgstr "Secara horisontal" msgid "Vertically" msgstr "Secara vertikal" msgid "For more information: %s" msgstr "Informasi lebih lanjut: %s" msgid "Akismet error code: %s" msgstr "Kode Galat Akismet: %s" msgid "" "Please <a href=\"%1$s\">upgrade WordPress</a> to a current version, or <a " "href=\"%2$s\">downgrade to version 2.4 of the Akismet plugin</a>." msgstr "" "Silakan <a href=\"%1$s\">mutakhirkan WordPress</a> ke versi terbaru, atau <a " "href=\"%2$s\">turunkan plugin Akismet ke versi 2.4</a>." msgid "You have blocked all emails from" msgstr "Anda memblokir semua email dari" msgid "Visit the post for more." msgstr "Kunjungi pos untuk informasi selengkapnya." msgctxt "Newdash notices" msgid "" "An error occurred while loading that page. Try reloading the page or <a href=" "\"%s\">contact support</a>." msgstr "" "Terjadi kesalahan saat memuat halaman. Cobalah memuat ulang halaman atau <a " "href=\"%s\">hubungi dukungan</a>." msgid "" "Tonal takes its cue from your content, with a minimal style that changes " "based on your background color. This theme has large featured images, full-" "width videos, and post formats that look great on any device." msgstr "" "Tonal mengambil isyarat dari konten Anda, dengan gaya minimalis yang berubah " "berdasarkan warna latar belakang Anda. Tema ini memiliki gambar fitur besar, " "video lebar penuh, dan format kiriman yang nampak hebat di perangkat Anda." msgid "The query argument of %s must have a placeholder." msgstr "Argumen kueri dari %s harus memiliki templat isian (placeholder)." msgid "There are no associated subtitles." msgstr "Tak ada subtitel yang terkait." msgid "Tracks (subtitles, captions, descriptions, chapters, or metadata)" msgstr "Lagu (subtitle, caption, deskripsi, bab, atau metadata)" msgid "Auto" msgstr "Otomatis" msgid "Show Artist Name in Tracklist" msgstr "Tampilkan Nama Artis dalam Daftar Trek" msgid "Show Tracklist" msgstr "Tampilkan Daftar Trek" msgid "Add to video Playlist" msgstr "Tambahkan ke Daftar Putar Video" msgid "Add to video playlist" msgstr "Tambahkan ke daftar putar video" msgid "Update video playlist" msgstr "Perbarui daftar putar video" msgid "Insert video playlist" msgstr "Masukkan daftar putar video" msgid "← Cancel video playlist" msgstr "← Batalkan Daftar Putar Video" msgid "Edit video playlist" msgstr "Edit Daftar Putar Video" msgid "Create audio playlist" msgstr "Buat Daftar Putar Audio" msgid "Drag and drop to reorder videos." msgstr "Tarik dan lepas untuk mengatur urutan video." msgid "← Cancel audio playlist" msgstr "← Batalkan Daftar Putar Audio" msgid "Drag and drop to reorder tracks." msgstr "Tarik dan lepas untuk mengurutkan trek." msgid "Add subtitles" msgstr "Tambahkan Subtitle" msgid "Add video source" msgstr "Tambahkan Sumber Video" msgid "Replace video" msgstr "Gantikan Video" msgid "Add audio source" msgstr "Tambahkan Sumber Audio" msgid "Replace audio" msgstr "Ganti Audio" msgid "Audio details" msgstr "Rincian Audio" msgid "Image details" msgstr "Rincian Gambar" msgid "Create a new video playlist" msgstr "Buat daftar putar video baru" msgctxt "Search widget" msgid "Search" msgstr "Cari" msgid "Insert Read More tag" msgstr "Masukkan tag Baca selengkapnya" msgid "Toolbar Toggle" msgstr "Ubah Toolbar" msgid "cable" msgstr "kabel" msgid "File" msgstr "File" msgid "Show invisible characters" msgstr "Tampilkan karakter yang tak terlihat" msgid "Row group" msgstr "Grup baris" msgid "Cell type" msgstr "Tipe sel" msgid "Header cell" msgstr "Sel header" msgid "Scopes" msgstr "Cakupan" msgid "Insert table" msgstr "Masukkan tabel" msgid "Row type" msgstr "Tipe baris" msgid "Cell spacing" msgstr "Spasi antar sel" msgid "Cell padding" msgstr "Padding sel" msgid "Column group" msgstr "Grup kolom" msgid "Match case" msgstr "Cocokkan kapitalisasi abjad" msgid "Find and replace" msgstr "Temukan dan gantikan" msgid "Replace" msgstr "Ganti" msgid "Could not find the specified string." msgstr "Tak bisa menemukan untaian yang dimaksud." msgid "Paste as text" msgstr "Tempelkan sebagai teks" msgid "Page break" msgstr "Pemisah laman" msgid "Nonbreaking space" msgstr "Spasi tanpa putus" msgid "Insert video" msgstr "Masukkan video" msgid "Paste your embed code below:" msgstr "Tempelkan kode tertanam Anda dibawah ini:" msgid "Text to display" msgstr "Teks yang akan ditampilkan" msgid "Insert date/time" msgstr "Masukkan tanggal/waktu" msgid "Insert image" msgstr "Masukkan gambar" msgid "Encoding" msgstr "Penyandian" msgid "Robots" msgstr "Robots" msgid "Left to right" msgstr "Kiri ke kanan" msgid "Right to left" msgstr "Kanan ke kiri" msgid "Special character" msgstr "Karakter khusus" msgid "Restore last draft" msgstr "Kembalikan draf terakhir" msgid "You have unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to leave this page?" msgstr "" "Anda membatalkan penyimpanan perubahan. Apakah Anda ingin keluar dari " "halaman ini?" msgid "Visual aids" msgstr "Bantuan visual" msgid "Inline" msgstr "Inline" msgid "Justify" msgstr "Rata kanan kiri" msgid "" "Paste is now in plain text mode. Contents will now be pasted as plain text " "until you toggle this option off." msgstr "" "Menempelkan sekarang dalam mode teks biasa. Konten akan ditempelkan sebagai " "teks biasa sampai Anda menonaktifkan opsi ini." msgid "Decrease indent" msgstr "Persempit indentasi" msgid "Clear formatting" msgstr "Bersihkan pemformatan" msgid "Bulleted list" msgstr "Daftar tanpa nomor" msgid "Heaters" msgstr "Pemanas" msgid "Formats" msgstr "Format" msgid "Increase indent" msgstr "Perlebar indentasi" msgid "Numbered list" msgstr "Daftar bernomor" msgid "Complete request" msgstr "Permohonan lengkap" msgid "Select an area to move this widget into:" msgstr "Pilih satu area untuk menempatkan widget ini:" msgid "Add a Widget" msgstr "Tambahkan Widget" msgctxt "custom headers" msgid "Suggested" msgstr "Disarankan" msgctxt "custom headers" msgid "Previously uploaded" msgstr "Baru saja diunggah" msgid "Randomizing suggested headers" msgstr "Mengacak header yang disarankan" msgid "Randomizing uploaded headers" msgstr "Mengacak header yang terunggah" msgid "Randomize suggested headers" msgstr "Acak header yang disarankan" msgid "Randomize uploaded headers" msgstr "Acak header yang terunggah" msgid "Number to show:" msgstr "Jumlah tampilan:" msgid "Delete all content." msgstr "Hapus semua konten" msgid "All Themes" msgstr "Semua Tema" msgid "Edit date and time" msgstr "Edit tanggal dan jam" msgid "Browse revisions" msgstr "Telusuri revisi" msgid "Edit visibility" msgstr "Edit keterlihatan" msgid "Edit status" msgstr "Edit status" msgid "Thank you for creating with <a href=\"%s\">WordPress</a>." msgstr "Terimakasih telah membangun dengan <a href=\"%s\">WordPress</a>." msgid "The blog cannot be followed." msgstr "Blog tidak bisa diikuti." msgid "" "You can help us fight spam and upgrade your account by <a href=\"%s\" target=" "\"_blank\">contributing a token amount</a>." msgstr "" "Anda bisa membantu kami memerangi spam dan meningkatkan akun Anda dengan " "cara <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">mengkontribusikan sejumlah token</a>." msgid "/ year" msgstr "/ tahu" msgid "When you renew, your blog will again be available at \"%1$s\":" msgstr "Setelah diperpanjang, blog Anda akan kembali tersedia di \"%1$s\":" msgid "" "Make sure you also keep the domain registration for \"%1$s\" renewed with " "your registrar." msgstr "" "Pastikan Anda selalu memperpanjang registrasi domain untuk \"%1$s\" dengan " "registrar Anda." msgid "" "Note that your blog is always available at its default address, \"%1$s\"." msgstr "Ingat, blog Anda akan selalu tersedia pada alamat asalnya, \"%1$s\"." msgid "Renewing this upgrade for another year costs %1$s." msgstr "Perpanjang upgrade ini untuk satu tahun mendatang seharga %1$s." msgid "Renewing %1$s for another year costs %2$s." msgstr "Perpanjang %1$s untuk satu tahun mendatang seharga %2$s." msgid "" "The domain was added as part of the %1$s plan on your blog. Renewing the " "plan will also renew the domain." msgstr "" "Domain ditambahkan sebagai bagian dari paket %1$s pada blog Anda. " "Memperpanjang paket juga akan memperbarui domain." msgid "Add a new item after this item" msgstr "Tambahkan item baru setelah item ini" msgid "Delete this item" msgstr "Hapus item ini" msgid "A malformed response was received" msgstr "Tanggapan yang salah format telah diterima" msgid "CheckList Error" msgstr "Kesalahan DaftarPeriksa" msgid "Update the item text below" msgstr "Perbarui teks item di bawah ini" msgid "Enter the text for the new item" msgstr "Masukkan teks untuk item baru" msgctxt "daily archives date format" msgid "F j, Y" msgstr "j F Y" msgid "%s WordPress Theme example" msgstr "%s Contoh Tema WordPress" msgid "Awesome blogs using %s" msgstr "Blog menarik menggunakan %s" msgid "Editing CSS" msgstr "Mengedit CSS" msgid "Layout Issues" msgstr "Masalah Tata Letak" msgid "Changing Themes" msgstr "Mengubah Tema" msgid "Make it your own" msgstr "Buat sesuai keinginan Anda" msgid "" "You can change the look of your blog with <a href=\"/themes/\">over %s " "attractive WordPress themes</a> ranging from professional to fun to crazy, " "and you can switch themes instantly with just a click of a button. Each " "theme allows you to customize your sidebar using widgets, and several themes " "let you upload your own photo or image for the header bar." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengubah tampilan blog Anda dengan <a href=\"/themes\"> %s tema " "WordPress yang sangat menarik</a>, mulai dari profesional, lucu, sampai yang " "terkesan gila-gilaan, dan Anda dapat mengganti tema dengan cepat, cukup " "dengan mengeklik tombol. Setiap tema memungkinkan Anda mengubah bilah sisi " "menggunakan widget sesuai keinginan Anda, dan beberapa tema memungkinkan " "Anda mengunggah foto atau gambar Anda untuk bilah header." msgid "Oodles of gorgeous WordPress themes for your blog" msgstr "Berbagai macam tema cantik WordPress untuk blog Anda" msgctxt "Details page for this theme" msgid "About" msgstr "Tentang" msgid "Details for this theme" msgstr "Detail untuk tema ini" msgctxt "Support page for this theme" msgid "Support" msgstr "Dukungan" msgid "Support for this theme" msgstr "Dukungan untuk tema ini" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Comment" msgstr "Komentar" msgid "Pending - Registration takes up to %s" msgstr "Ditunda - Pendaftaran memerlukan waktu hingga %s" msgid "" "This domain may currently be pending transfer. If you have requested a " "domain transfer, you can accept or cancel the transfer below." msgstr "" "Domain ini sedang ditunda transfernya. Jika Anda telah meminta transfer " "domain, Anda bisa menerima atau membatalkan transfer di bawah ini." msgid "This record cannot be added, as it conflicts with an existing record." msgstr "" "Rekaman ini tidak bisa ditambahkan, karena berkonflik dengan rekaman yang " "sudah ada." msgid "" "This record cannot be saved. TXT records have a 255 character limit, if you " "need to add a larger record, please <a href=\"%s\">contact support</a>." msgstr "" "Rekaman ini tidak dapat disimpan. Rekaman TXT memiliki batas 255 karakter, " "jika Anda memerlukan tambahan yang lebih besar, harap <a href=\"%s\">hubungi " "dukungan</a>." msgid "" "This record cannot be added, as it conflicts with an existing " "record." msgstr "" "Rekaman ini tidak bisa ditambahkan karena berkonflik dengan rekaman " " yang sudah ada." msgid "" "This record cannot be saved. Please check the highlighted fields below and " "try again." msgstr "" "Rekaman ini tidak bisa disimpan. Harap periksa bidang yang disorot di bawah " "ini dan coba lagi." msgid "" "Are you sure you wish to edit this domains A records? This will result in " "your domain no longer loading your site." msgstr "" "Anda yakin ingin menyunting domains A records ini? Langkah ini akan " "menyebabkan domain Anda tidak lagi memuat situs" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the %1$s record for \"%2$s\"?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin menghapus %1$s rekaman untuk \"%2$s\"?" msgid "The changes have been saved successfully." msgstr "Perubahan berhasil disimpan." msgid "Similar post" msgstr "Postingan serupa" msgid "<a href=\"%1$s\">Download %2$s</a> for your self-hosted WordPress site." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Unduh %2$s</a> untuk situs WordPress yang Anda hosting " "sendiri." msgid "%1$s design by %2$s." msgstr "%1$s didesain oleh %2$s." msgid "Launched on %s." msgstr "Diluncurkan pada %s." msgid "Stats & Info" msgstr "Statistik & Info" msgid "We don’t have that post on record yet. (post_id %d)" msgstr "Kami belum menyimpan kiriman itu. (post_id %d)" msgid "<strong>Expiring</strong> - will stop functioning on %s" msgstr "" "<strong>Masa berlaku segera berakhir</strong> - akan berhenti berfungsi pada " "%s" msgid "Color name" msgstr "Nama Warna" msgid "Remember for 30 days" msgstr "Ingat selama 30 hari" msgid "" "Only if you're signing in from a device that only you use do we recommend " "selecting this option. For example, a personal laptop or tablet." msgstr "" "Kami menyarankan untuk memilih pilihan ini hanya jika Anda login dari " "perangkat yang biasa Anda gunakan. Misalnya, laptop atau tablet." msgid "Add Location" msgstr "Tambahkan Lokasi" msgid "Theme navigation" msgstr "Navigasi tema" msgid "Use %s" msgstr "Menggunakan %s." msgid "Contact Akismet support" msgstr "Hubungi dukungan Akismet" msgid "Use a different email address" msgstr "Gunakan alamat email yang berbeda." msgid "" "Please contact <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Akismet support</a> for " "assistance." msgstr "" "Silakan hubungi <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">dukungan Akismet</a> untuk " "asistensi." msgid "" "Please visit your <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Akismet account page</a> " "to reactivate your subscription." msgstr "" "Silakan kunjungi <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">laman akun Akismet</a> " "untuk mengaktifkan ulang langganan Anda." msgid "Next billing date" msgstr "Tanggal Tagihan Berikutnya" msgid "Disconnect Stripe Account" msgstr "Putus Akun Stripe" msgid "Show the number of approved comments beside each comment author." msgstr "" "Tampilkan jumlah komentar yang disetujui di samping masing-masing komentator." msgid "Accuracy" msgstr "Akurasi" msgid "Spam blocked" msgid_plural "Spam blocked" msgstr[0] "Spam diblokir" msgstr[1] "" msgid "Past six months" msgstr "Enam bulan belakangan" msgid "Akismet %s requires WordPress %s or higher." msgstr "Akismet %s membutuhkan WordPress %s atau selebihnya." msgctxt "Start a blog with this theme" msgid "Start a Blog" msgstr "Mulai Menulis blog" msgctxt "Newdash notices" msgid "No themes were found matching those criteria. Sorry!" msgstr "Tidak ada tema yang sesuai dengan kriteria tersebut. Maaf!" msgid "Sorry, this domain name cannot be registered on" msgstr "Maaf, domain ini tidak bisa didaftarkan ke" msgid "Pounds" msgstr "Pon" msgid "Site Info" msgstr "Info Situs" msgid "Height (in pixel):" msgstr "Tinggi (dalam piksel):" msgid "Channel:" msgstr "Kanal:" msgid " Webchat" msgstr "Webchat" msgid "Add a webchat." msgstr "Tambahkan webchat" msgid "Go to top" msgstr "Pergi ke atas" msgid "Show comments from:" msgstr "Tampilkan komentar dari:" msgid "eCommerce" msgstr "eCommerce" msgid "for eCommerce" msgstr "untuk eCommerce" msgid "%s Domain Registration" msgstr "Registrasi Domain %s" msgid "Wedding" msgstr "Pernikahan" msgid "Learn more about Domain Contacts" msgstr "Baca lebih lanjut tentang Kontak Domain" msgid "Learn more about Transferring a Domain" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang Transfer Domain" msgid "Learn more about name servers" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang Name Server" msgid "Use the custom name servers listed below" msgstr "Gunakan nama server khusus yang terdaftar di bawah ini" msgid "Use name servers" msgstr "Gunakan Name Server" msgid "" "Your domain must use name servers for your site " "to load, any email forwards you have active to function, and " "for the DNS Editor to be available." msgstr "" "Domain Anda harus menggunakan nameserver untuk memuat situs " " Anda, memfungsikan terusan email aktif yang Anda " "miliki, dan menyediakan DNS Editor." msgid "" "Name servers point your domain to the right website host. When your domain " "uses the name servers, it points to Most other " "hosting providers have their own name servers. If you set it to use your new " "host’s name servers, the domain will point to your new host." msgstr "" "Nameserver mengarahkan domain Anda ke host website yang tepat. Jika domain " "Anda menggunakan nameserver, maka akan diarahkan ke WordPress." "com. Sebagian besar penyedia hosting lainnya memiliki nameserver masing-" "masing. Jika Anda mengatur agar menggunakan nameserver host baru Anda, " "domain akan mengarahkan ke host baru Anda." msgid "Learn more about Email Forwarding" msgstr "Pelajari selengkapnya mengenai Penerusan Email" msgid "Email Forwarding" msgstr "Penerusan Email" msgid "mail handled by %1$s with priority %2$s" msgstr "surat yang ditangani oleh %1$s dengan prioritas %2$s" msgid "mail handled by email forwarding" msgstr "surat yang ditangani oleh penerusan email" msgid "Learn more about Custom DNS Records" msgstr "Pelajari selengkapnya mengenai DNS Record Khusus" msgid "Existing DNS Records" msgstr "Rekaman DNS yang sudah Ada" msgid "Cancel Edit" msgstr "Batal Mengedit" msgctxt "DNS Editor: SRV record hostname port" msgid "Target Port" msgstr "Port Target" msgctxt "DNS Editor: SRV record hostname" msgid "Target Host" msgstr "Host Target" msgctxt "DNS Editor: SRV record weight" msgid "Weight" msgstr "Berat" msgctxt "DNS Editor: SRV record priority" msgid "Priority" msgstr "Prioritas" msgctxt "DNS Editor: SRC record protocol" msgid "Protocol" msgstr "Protokol" msgctxt "DNS Editor: SRV record \"service\" name" msgid "Service" msgstr "Layanan" msgid "handled by %1$s with priority %2$s" msgstr "ditangani oleh %1$s dengan prioritas %2$s" msgid "alias of %s" msgstr "nama alias dari %s" msgid "points to %s" msgstr "diarahkan ke %s" msgid "Add New DNS Record" msgstr "Tambahkan DNS Record Baru" msgid "Edit DNS Record" msgstr "Sunting DNS Record" msgid "" "Success! The Name Servers for this domain have been updated. Please sit " "tight while these domain changes propagate around the world. (This can " "sometimes take up to 72 hours.)" msgstr "" "Sukses! Name Server untuk domain ini telah diperbarui. Silakan duduk manis " "sementara perubahan domain ini disebarkan ke seluruh dunia. (Proses ini " "terkadang bisa berlangsung hingga 72 jam.)" msgid "" "Success! The Redirect location for your site has been changed. (Some " "visitors may still see the old URL for a few hours, until their caches " "update.)" msgstr "" "Sukses! Lokasi Pengalihan ke situs Anda telah diubah. (Sebagian pengunjung " "mungkin masih melihat URL lama selama beberapa jam, hingga cache mereka " "diperbarui.)" msgid "" "Success! The Primary Domain for your site has been updated. Your visitors " "will now be redirected to your new URL. (Some visitors may still see the old " "URL for a few hours, until their caches update.)" msgstr "" "Sukses! Domain Utama untuk situs Anda telah diperbarui. Pengunjung Anda akan " "diarahkan ke URL baru Anda. (Sebagian pengunjung mungkin masih melihat URL " "lama selama beberapa jam, hingga cache mereka diperbarui.)" msgctxt "comments title" msgid "One thought on “%2$s”" msgid_plural "%1$s thoughts on “%2$s”" msgstr[0] "Satu respons untuk “%2$s”" msgstr[1] "%1$s respons untuk ‘%2$s’" msgid "" "Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some " "different keywords:" msgstr "" "Maaf, tidak ada yang cocok dengan istilah pencarian Anda. Silakan coba lagi " "dengan kata kunci yang berbeda:" msgid "Support Theme Options" msgstr "Pilihan Tema Dukungan" msgid "Import OPML" msgstr "Impor OPML" msgid "No categories found." msgstr "Kategori tidak ditemukan." msgid "Text Input" msgstr "Input Teks" msgid "Measurements" msgstr "Pengukuran" msgid "List item" msgstr "Item daftar" msgid "operator" msgstr "operator" msgid "Conditions" msgstr "Syarat" msgid "Rows" msgstr "Baris-baris" msgid "Ads Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Iklan" msgid "Meta Boxes" msgstr "Kotak Meta" msgid "" "The mailbox specified is invalid. Email mailboxes may only contain the " "following characters: a-z 0-9 _ . + and -. Please correct the mailbox and " "try again." msgstr "" "Kotak surat yang ditentukan tidak valid. Kotak surat email mungkin hanya " "berisi karakter berikut: a-z 0-9 _ . + dan -. Harap perbaiki kotak surat dan " "coba lagi." msgctxt "stats spam referrer reporting" msgid "Click to flag this domain as a spam referrer." msgstr "Klik untuk menandai domain ini sebagai perujuk." msgid "" "There was a problem creating your connection. Please go back and try again " "or contact support." msgstr "" "Terjadi masalah saat menjalin koneksi. Silakan kembali dan coba lagi atau " "hubungi dukungan." msgid "" "After you map your domain name your readers will be able to access your blog " "at that domain name instead of %s. Visitors to the old address will be " "automatically redirected." msgstr "" "Setelah memetakan nama domain Anda pembaca akan dapat mengakses blog Anda " "pada nama domain tersebut sebagai ganti %s. Pengunjung alamat lawas akan " "dialihkan secara otomatis." msgid "" "Mapping a domain name you already own makes your blog more memorable and " "easier for your readers to find." msgstr "" "Dengan memetakan nama domain yang Anda miliki blog Anda akan makin diingat " "dan mudah ditemukan oleh pembaca." msgid "Why Map a Domain Name?" msgstr "Mengapa Memetakan Nama Domain?" msgid "" "Your new domain name will be mapped for one year and you can renew the " "mapping each year to keep it working." msgstr "" "Nama domain Anda yang baru akan dipetakan selama satu tahun dan Anda dapat " "memperpanjang setiap tahun agar pemetaan tetap berfungsi." msgid "What Will My Mapping Include?" msgstr "Apa saja yang termasuk dalam Pemetaan Saya?" msgid "Map a domain name you already own to your blog" msgstr "Petakan nama domain yang Anda miliki ke blog Anda" msgid "" "A colorful personal blogging theme with support for post formats and a flair " "for geometry." msgstr "" "Tema blogging warna-warni dengan dukungan untuk format kiriman dan ketajaman " "untuk geometri." msgctxt "stats spam referrer reporting" msgid "Undo" msgstr "Batalkan" msgctxt "stats spam referrer reporting" msgid "Spam?" msgstr "Spam?" msgctxt "stats verified referrer label" msgid "Verified referrer" msgstr "Perujuk diverifikasi" msgid "" "Singl is a minimalist theme that helps you to create a strong — yet " "beautiful — online presence. Primarily designed for music artists, Singl is " "a powerful and flexible theme." msgstr "" "Singl adalah tema minimalis yang membantu Anda membuat tampilan online yang " "kuat — tetapi cantik. Terutama dirancang untuk seniman musik, Singl adalah " "tema yang kuat dan fleksibel." msgid "Search for your theme…" msgstr "Cari tema;" msgid "View On WordPress" msgstr "Tampilkan di WordPress" msgid "orders" msgstr "pesanan" msgid "Custom Header Image" msgstr "Gambar Header Khusus" msgid "Display author" msgstr "Tampilkan penulis" msgid "Display categories" msgstr "Tampilkan kategori" msgid "We currently only offer %l domain name registrations." msgstr "Kami saat ini hanya menawarkan pendaftaran nama domain %l." msgid "" "You can also activate your account by copying and pasting this address into " "your address bar: %1$s" msgstr "" "Anda juga dapat mengaktifkan akun Anda dengan menyalin dan menempel alamat " "ini pada bilah alamat: %1$s" msgid "Plugin deactivated" msgstr "Plugin dinonaktifkan." msgid "Plugin activated" msgstr "Plugin diaktifkan." msgid "Missing %s parameter" msgstr "Parameter %s hilang" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Edit Group" msgstr "Edit Grup" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Create Group" msgstr "Buat Grup" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "My Groups" msgstr "Grup Saya" msgid "Add tags" msgstr "Tambahkan tag" msgid "Schedules" msgstr "Jadwal" msgid "A mobile responsive and HTML5 theme built for the Genesis Framework." msgstr "Tema HTML5 yang responsif dibuat untuk Genesis Framework." msgid "My Custom Page" msgstr "Halaman Kustom Saya" msgid "Responsive" msgstr "Responsif" msgid "Offset" msgstr "Offset" msgid "Popular Articles" msgstr "Artikel Populer" msgid "Map a Domain Name You Already Own" msgstr "Petakan sebuah Nama Domain (yang) Sudah Anda Miliki" msgid "Register a New Domain Name" msgstr "Daftarkan sebuah Nama Domain Baru" msgid "Popular tags" msgstr "Label populer" msgid "Social" msgstr "Sosial" msgid "View all followers" msgstr "Lihat semua pengikut" msgid "Followers of '%s'" msgstr "Pengikut '%s'" msgctxt "%s other people" msgid "another person" msgid_plural "%s others" msgstr[0] "orang lain" msgstr[1] " %s orang lain" msgid "More details can be found on <a href=\"%s\">our support page</a>." msgstr "" "Lebih banyak informasi dapat ditemukan di <a href=\"%s\">laman bantuan</a>." msgid "" "You don't have to do anything — this is just a reminder. You may " "receive another email regarding the renewal status of your upgrade. This " "confirms that this upgrade is set to auto-renew." msgstr "" "Anda tidak perlu melakukan apa pun - ini hanya sebuah pengingat. Anda " "mungkin menerima e-mail terkait status perpanjangan upgrade paket Anda. E-" "mail tersebut mengonfirmasi bahwa upgrade akan diperpanjang secara otomatis." msgid "" "If you choose not to renew this upgrade, your previous media files will " "still be available. However, you will not be able to upload audio files or " "new media files after you have surpassed the default size limit." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memilih untuk tidak memperbarui upgrade ini, file media Anda yang " "sebelumnya akan tetap ada. Tetapi, Anda tidak akan bisa untuk mengunggah " "file suara atau file media baru setelah Anda melampaui batas ukuran default-" "nya." msgid "Examples" msgstr "Contoh" msgid "Don't show the Reblog button on posts" msgstr "Jangan tampilkan tombol Reblog pada pos" msgid "Show the Reblog button on posts" msgstr "Tampilkan tombol Reblog pada pos" msgid "Reblog this post on your main site." msgstr "Reblog pos ini di situs utama Anda." msgid "Free Trial" msgstr "Percobaan Gratis" msgid "" "Tuned Balloon is an easy to use theme with responsive layout that looks " "great on any device, big or small. Tuned Balloon features different post " "formats, each displayed in their own unique way. If you want to make your " "blog post more flexible you can use different kinds of post formats such as " "image, gallery, video, aside, link or quotes." msgstr "" "Tuned Balloon adalah cara mudah untuk menggunakan tema dengan tata letak " "responsif yang nampak hebat pada berbagai perangkat, besar maupun kecil. " "Tuned Balloon menampilkan berbagai format kiriman, masing-masing ditampilkan " "dengan cara yang unik. Jika Anda ingin membuat kiriman blog Anda lebih " "fleksibel, Anda bisa menggunakan berbagai jenis format kiriman, seperti " "gambar, galeri, video, samping, tautan, atau kutipan." msgid "Search for sites" msgstr "Cari situs" msgctxt "Cancel DNS Changes" msgid "Cancel Changes" msgstr "Batalkan Perubahan" msgctxt "Save DNS Changes" msgid "Save Changes" msgstr "Simpan Perubahan" msgid "" "Your paid upgrades on %s will be transferred to the new owner, and will " "remain with the blog" msgstr "" "Upgrade berbayar Anda pada %s akan ditransfer ke pemilik baru, dan akan " "tetap aktif untuk blog terkait" msgctxt "NewDash Groups" msgid "Error: Unable to remove that user from the group." msgstr "Kesalahan: Tidak dapat menghapus pengguna tersebut dari grup." msgctxt "NewDash Groups" msgid "The user was removed from the group successfully." msgstr "Pengguna telah berhasil dihapus dari kelompok." msgctxt "NewDash Groups" msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this user from the group?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin menghapus pengguna ini dari kelompok?" msgctxt "NewDash Groups" msgid "Error: Unable to add that site to the group." msgstr "Kesalahan: Tidak dapat menambahkan situs tersebut ke kelompok." msgctxt "NewDash Groups" msgid "The site was added to the group successfully." msgstr "Situs telah berhasil ditambahkan ke kelompok." msgctxt "NewDash Groups" msgid "Are you sure you want to add this site to the group?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin menambahkan situs ini ke kelompok?" msgctxt "NewDash Groups" msgid "Error: Unable to remove that site from the group." msgstr "Kesalahan: Tidak dapat menghapus situs tersebut dari kelompok." msgctxt "NewDash Groups" msgid "The site was removed from the group successfully." msgstr "Situs telah berhasil dihapus dari kelompok." msgctxt "NewDash Groups" msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this site from the group?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin menghapus situs berikut dari kelompok?" msgctxt "NewDash Groups" msgid "Error: Unable to delete the group." msgstr "Kesalahan: Tidak dapat menghapus kelompok." msgctxt "NewDash Groups" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this group?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin menghapus kelompok ini?" msgctxt "NewDash Groups" msgid "Error: Unable to create the group." msgstr "Kesalahan: Tidak dapat membuat kelompok." msgctxt "NewDash Groups" msgid "The group was created successfully." msgstr "Kelompok telah berhasil dibuat." msgctxt "NewDash Groups" msgid "Error: Unable to update group settings." msgstr "Kesalahan: Tidak dapat memperbarui pengaturan kelompok." msgctxt "NewDash Groups" msgid "The group settings were updated successfully." msgstr "Pengaturan kelompok telah berhasil diperbarui." msgctxt "Newdash notices" msgid "" "An error occurred listing themes. Try reloading the page or <a href=\"%s" "\">contact support</a>." msgstr "" "Terjadi kesalahan saat menyusun daftar tema. Cobalah memuat kembali halaman " "atau <a href=\"%s\">hubungi dukungan</a>." msgid " Reblog Button" msgstr "Tombol Reblog" msgctxt "\"Reblogged from: <Blogname>\"" msgid "Reblogged from: %s" msgstr "Reblog dari: %s" msgid "Jetpack Monitor" msgstr "Jetpack Monitor" msgid "Safe: always put spam in the Spam folder for review." msgstr "Aman: selalu memasukkan spam ke folder Spam untuk peninjauan." msgid "Strict: silently discard the worst and most pervasive spam." msgstr "Tegas: membuang spam terburuk dan terulet secara diam-diam." msgid "Akismet Anti-spam strictness" msgstr "Ketegasan anti-spam Akismet" msgid "Vatican City" msgstr "Kota Vatikan" msgid "Moldova" msgstr "Moldova" msgid "Reblogged on" msgstr "Direblog pada" msgid "Tablet" msgstr "Tablet" msgid "Desktop" msgstr "Desktop" msgid "Social Links Menu" msgstr "Menu Tautan Sosial" msgid "Stay signed in" msgstr "Tetap masuk" msgid "Mobile ready" msgstr "Mobile ready" msgid "Analytics" msgstr "Analytics" msgid "Demo" msgstr "Demo" msgid "" "Sorbet is a delicious treat for your blog or website. Colorful post formats " "help your content pop, while secondary information (navigation, search, " "social links, and widgets) is tucked neatly away in the header for easy " "access that doesn't crowd your content." msgstr "" "Sorbet adalah suguhan lezat untuk blog atau situs web Anda. Format kiriman " "warna-warni membantu pop konten Anda, sementara informasi sekunder " "(navigasi, pencarian, tautan sosial, dan widget) tersimpan rapi di header " "untuk memudahkan dan menyederhanakan konten Anda." msgid "New pingback on %s" msgstr "Pingback baru pada %s" msgid "New trackback on %s" msgstr "Trackback baru pada %s" msgid "View Posts" msgstr "Lihat Pos" msgid "%s connected successfully" msgstr "%s berhasil dihubungkan" msgid "Other Notifications!" msgstr "Pemberitahuan Lain!" msgid "Domain alert!" msgstr "Peringatan domain!" msgid "New tip!" msgstr "Tips baru!" msgid "The team at" msgstr "Tim" msgid "Next post:" msgstr "Pos berikutnya:" msgid "Notification details" msgstr "Detail pemberitahuan" msgid "Portfolios" msgstr "Portofolio" msgid "On for all comments" msgstr "Pada semua komentar" msgid "Comment Likes are" msgstr "Menyukai Komentar sebanyak" msgid "" "The Chargeback fee has been removed from your cart as your account is in " "good standing." msgstr "" "Biaya Penagihan Balik telah dihapus dari daftar belanja karena akun Anda " "sehat." msgid "No approved comments" msgstr "Tidak ada komentar yang disetujui" msgid "Invalid" msgstr "Tidak Sah" msgid "Invalid user_id." msgstr "user_id tidak valid" msgid "Gift Upgrade" msgstr "Gift Upgrade" msgid "Capital" msgstr "Ibu Kota" msgid "" "Follow these great blogs matching your <a href=\"" "recommendations/\">interests</a>" msgstr "" "Ikuti blog hebat berikut ini yang sesuai dengan <a href=\"http://wordpress." "com/recommendations/\">minat</a> Anda" msgid "Week of %s" msgstr "Minggu dari %s" msgid "Best Sellers" msgstr "Terlaris" msgid "Best Day" msgstr "Hari Terbaik" msgid "" "After you register a custom domain name your readers will be able to access " "your blog at the new domain name instead of %s. Visitors to the old address " "will be automatically redirected." msgstr "" "Setelah mendaftarkan nama custom domain Anda, pembaca dapat mengakses blog " "Anda pada domain yang baru sebagai pengganti %s. Pengunjung alamat lawas " "akan dialihkan secara otomatis." msgid "Jetpack Support" msgstr "Dukungan Jetpack" msgid "" "Please save this email. If you get locked out of your account in the future, " "this email will help us restore access to your account." msgstr "" "Simpan email ini. Jika akun Anda terkunci, email ini akan membantu kami " "mengembalikan akses ke akun Anda." msgid "No such theme found" msgstr "Tema tidak ditemukan." msgid "No such blog was found" msgstr "Blog tidak ditemukan." msgid "" "Syntax is a theme designed with writing--and reading--in mind. With large, " "easy-to-read type, a fixed navigation menu, and a responsive design that " "looks beautiful on all screen sizes, it's perfect for writers or bloggers " "who want a clean, sophisticated look and feel for their site." msgstr "" "Syntax adalah tema yang dirancang dengan mengedepankan elemen tulisan dan " "kemudahan dibaca. Dengan menu yang besar, mudah dibaca, dan navigasi tetap, " "dan desain responsif yang nampak cantik di semua ukuran layar, tema ini " "sangat sempurna untuk penulis dan blogger yang menginginkan tampilan dan " "rasa yang jernih dan canggih untuk situs mereka." msgid "Domain Admin" msgstr "Admin Domain" msgctxt "Demo of this theme" msgid "Demo" msgstr "Demo" msgid "Demo this theme" msgstr "Peragakan demo untuk tema ini" msgctxt "Activate this theme" msgid "Activate" msgstr "Aktifkan" msgid "Activate this theme" msgstr "Aktifkan tema ini" msgid "Purchase this theme" msgstr "Beli tema ini" msgid "Show all" msgstr "Tampilkan semua" msgid "Domain Registration for %s" msgstr "Registrasi Domain untuk %s" msgid "" "Displays a list and calendar of upcoming events from Eventbrite — the " "world’s largest self-serve event ticketing and event registration platform." msgstr "" "Menampilkan daftar dan kalender acara mendatang dari Eventbrite, platform " "registrasi acara dan pengurusan tiket acara swalayan terbesar di dunia." msgid "My Domains" msgstr "Domain Saya" msgid "" "Moka is a responsive, minimal blog, magazine and creative business theme " "with a beautiful, modern design and lots of easy-to-use, individual theme " "features like a customizable front page template, an about and quote " "template and a sticky sidebar option." msgstr "" "Moka adalah tema bisnis kreatif dan majalah yang minimalis dan responsif, " "dengan desain yang cantik dan modern serta banyak fitur tema individual yang " "mudah digunakan seperti templat halaman depan yang bisa diubah sesuai " "keinginan, templat tentang dan kutipan, serta opsi bilah sisi yang bisa " "dipindahkan." msgid "Search results for “%s”" msgstr "Hasil pencarian untuk “%s”" msgid "fixed" msgstr "lekat" msgid "Products tagged “%s”" msgstr "Produk dengan tag “%s”" msgid "" "It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try visiting %s " "directly?" msgstr "" "Sepertinya tidak ditemukan apapun di lokasi ini. Mau coba mengunjungi %s " "secara langsung?" msgid "" "Once you're done working together, we'd appreciate it if you sent us your " "rating of the experience -- your feedback helps us improve our support." msgstr "" "Setelah Anda selesai bekerja bersama, kami akan sangat menghargai pemberian " "rating dari pengalaman tersebut -- masukan Anda akan membantu kami dalam " "meningkatkan dukungan." msgctxt "Newdash notices" msgid "" "No themes were found. Try reloading the page or <a href=\"%s\">contact " "support</a>." msgstr "" "Tema tidak ditemukan. Cobalah memuat ulang halaman atau <a href=\"%s" "\">hubungi dukungan</a>." msgctxt "purchasing a theme" msgid "Purchase" msgstr "Beli" msgctxt "purchase theme-name for one of your blogs" msgid "Purchase %s for one of your blogs" msgstr "Beli %s untuk salah satu blog Anda" msgctxt "previewing a theme" msgid "Preview" msgstr "Pratinjau" msgctxt "preview theme-name on one of your blogs" msgid "Preview %s on one of your blogs" msgstr "Lihat pratinjau %s di salah satu blog Anda" msgctxt "activating a theme" msgid "Activate" msgstr "Aktifkan" msgctxt "activate theme-name on one of your blogs" msgid "Activate %s on one of your blogs" msgstr "Aktifkan %s di salah satu blog Anda" msgid "Default (Buy) / Use Theme Setting" msgstr "Asal (Beli)/Gunakan Pengaturan Tema" msgid "Ticket Purchase Link/Button Text:" msgstr "Teks Link/Tombol Pembelian Tiket:" msgid "Tip" msgstr "Tips" msgid "" "Ampersand is a portfolio style theme with an empasis on beautiful, legible " "typography and graceful resizing for mobile browsing." msgstr "" "Ampersand adalah tema bergaya portofolio dengan penekanan pada topografi " "yang elok dan mudah dibaca, dengan rancangan khusus yang apik untuk ponsel." msgid "Right side" msgstr "Sisi Kanan" msgid "Left side" msgstr "Sisi Kiri" msgid "Starter" msgstr "Starter" msgid "Beginner" msgstr "Pemula" msgid "Read more about this feature" msgstr "Baca selengkapnya tentang fitur ini" msgid "Go to the admin dashboard for this blog" msgstr "Buka dasbor admin untuk blog ini" msgid "A colorful theme with a dynamic grid layout" msgstr "Tema warna-warni dengan tata letak kisi yang dinamis" msgctxt "Newdash notices" msgid "" "Failed to activate that theme. Try again or <a href=\"%s\">contact support</" "a>." msgstr "" "Gagal mengaktifkan tema. Coba lagi atau <a href=\"%s\">hubungi dukungan</a>." msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Connected Blogs" msgstr "Blog yang Terhubung" msgid "%1$s - expires on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s - akan berakhir pada %2$s" msgid "%1$s - expired on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s - telah berakhir pada %2$s" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Renew now <small>for one more year</small></a> or <a href=" "\"%2$s\">cancel these subscriptions</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Perpanjang sekarang <small>untuk satu tahun ke depan</" "small></a> atau <a href=\"%2$s\">batalkan langganan ini</a>" msgid "" "A polished magazine theme with a touch of class. Perfect for " "photojournalists, bloggers and authors who prefer long-format content." msgstr "" "Sebuah tema majalah yang dipoles dengan sentuhan berkelas. Sempurna untuk " "fotojurnalisme, blogger dan penulis yang lebih suka konten format-panjang." msgid "Vagabond is a clutter-free theme for personal bloggers." msgstr "Vagabond merupakan tema bebas-ribet untuk blogger pribadi." msgid "" "A feature packed audio theme perfect for any band, artist, or musician. " "Soundcheck features a large full width image slider, a custom HTML5 audio " "player, gigs/events functionality, four custom widgets, four custom page " "templates, and a variety of theme options." msgstr "" "Tema audio ini sangat sempurna untuk band, artis, dan musisi. Soundcheck " "menampilkan slider gambar besar dengan lebar penuh, pemutar audio HTML5 " "khusus, fungsionalitas gig/acara, empat widget khusus, empat templat " "halaman, dan berbagai opsi tema." msgid "" "A lightweight and responsive theme designed to help you showcase your " "creative projects online. Multiple page templates and a grid based blog " "layout ensure your website stays flexible and professional." msgstr "" "Sebuah tema yang responsif dan ringan yang didesain untuk membantu Anda " "memamerkan proyek kreatif Anda secara online. Template halaman yang banyak " "dan layout blog berbasis grid memastikan website Anda tetap fleksibel dan " "profesional." msgid "" "Curate an eclectic scrapbook of photos, videos, audio and more with " "Publisher. Featuring a responsive, masonry-style layout, Publisher looks " "just as good on your mobile device as it does on the desktop." msgstr "" "Kelola memo eklektik foto, video, audio, dan masih banyak lagi dengan " "Publisher. Menampilkan tata letak yang responsif, Publisher nampak sangat " "bagus di ponsel Anda seperti dalam desktop." msgid "" "A minimal and clean portfolio theme, complete with featured slider and easy-" "to-configure portfolio pages. Designed to look great on large format " "displays, tablets and mobile devices." msgstr "" "Sebuah tema portofolio yang bersih dan minimalis, lengkap dengan slider " "andalan dan halaman portofolio yang mudah-diatur. Didesain untuk tampil luar " "biasa pada format tampilan besar, tablet, dan perangkat mobile." msgid "" "A WordPress theme built for photographers. Includes easy to use galleries, " "and two gorgeous color schemes." msgstr "" "Tema WordPress yang dibuat untuk fotografer. Dilengkapi galeri yang mudah " "digunakan, dan dua skema warna yang menawan." msgid "" "A beautifully simple solution for showcasing photos professionally. The " "theme features 1, 2 and 3-column layout options, a slideshow page template, " "homepage featured slideshow and responsive framework for displaying content " "seamlessly across mobile devices." msgstr "" "Sebuah solusi sederhana yang cantik untuk memamerkan foto-foto secara " "profesional. Tema ini mengandalkan pilihan layout portofolio 1, 2, dan 3 " "kolom, sebuah template halaman slideshow, slideshow berfitur homepage dan " "framework responsif untuk menampilkan konten dengan mulus antar perangkat " "mobile." msgid "" "Organization is a well rounded business theme that was created with non-" "profit and environmentally conscious organizations in mind." msgstr "" "Organization merupakan sebuah tema bisnis yang sempurna yang diciptakan " "dengan senantiasa mengingat keberadaan organisasi kesadaran lingkungan dan " "nirlaba." msgid "A parenting theme for mommy and daddy" msgstr "Sebuah tema parenting untuk ayah dan ibu." msgid "Nexus is a unique grid-based theme with a beautiful responsive design." msgstr "" "Nexus adalah tema berbasis kisi yang unik, dengan desain responsif yang " "cantik." msgid "A playful, sweet theme with art and illustration by Laura Amiss" msgstr "" "Tema yang menyenangkan dan manis dengan seni dan ilustrasi dari Laura Amiss" msgid "" "Kiore Moana is an easy-to-use one-column, responsive blog theme with big " "thumbnails, bold and beautiful typography, post format support and a " "minimal, widgetized info page option. The theme design embraces readability " "and offers lots of white space. Kiore Moana is a great theme for personal " "blogs, travel or photography blogs." msgstr "" "Kiore Moana adalah tema blog satu kolom yang mudah digunakan dan responsif " "dengan gambar mini ukuran besar, tipografi yang tegas dan cantik, dukungan " "format kiriman, serta opsi halaman info ber-widget dan minimalis. Desain " "tema ini menonjolkan kemudahan membaca dan menawarkan banyak ruang kosong. " "Kiore Moana adalah tema hebat untuk blog pribadi, wisata, atau fotografi." msgid "" "An elegant magazine theme for WordPress, with a responsive design, and " "support for widgets, post thumbnails, custom headers and custom backgrounds." msgstr "" "Sebuah tema majalah yang elegan untuk WordPress, dengan desain responsif, " "dan mendukung widget, thumbnail pos, header khusus dan latar belakang khusus." msgid "" "Showcase your images in this clean, responsive grid-based theme packed with " "color and layout options." msgstr "" "Pamerkan gambar Anda dalam tema portofolio responsif rapi ini yang " "dilengkapi dengan pilihan warna dan layout." msgid "" "Full Frame is a post-format-loving WordPress theme perfect for showcasing " "big images, galleries and videos. Tell stories and present work in a unique " "way." msgstr "" "Full Frame merupakan sebuah tema WordPress bagi pecinta pasca-format yang " "sempurna untuk memamerkan gambar, galeri dan video ukuran besar. Sampaikan " "cerita dan karya terkini dengan cara unik." msgid "" "Elemin is a clean, minimalistic theme with great white-space balance and " "elegant typography. It features nine color schemes, three site layout " "options, two post layout options, two custom menu areas, custom link colors, " "support for post formats, a footer widget area, custom header, custom " "background, and a responsive layout that adapts to various screen sizes." msgstr "" "Elemin adalah tema sederhana dan minimalis dengan keseimbangan ruang putih " "yang baik dan tipografi yang elegan. Elemin menampilkan sembilan skema " "warna, tiga pilihan tata letak situs, dua pilihan tata letak pos, dua area " "menu khusus, warna tautan khusus, bantuan untuk format pos, area widget " "footer, header khusus, latar belakang khusus, dan tata letak responsif yang " "menyesuaikan dengan berbagai ukuran layar." msgid "" "An innovative and stylish theme for photographers. With a unique photoblog, " "fully-featured gallery, responsive layout, and refined interface, you can " "easily share all of your snapshots, photographs and creative work." msgstr "" "Sebuah tema yang inovatif dan bergaya untuk para fotografer. Dengan sebuah " "photoblog unik, galeri berfitur lengkap, layout responsif, dan antarmuka " "yang disempurnakan, Anda dapat dengan mudah membagikan semua potret, foto, " "dan karya kreatif Anda." msgid "" "A responsive and minimalist tumblog style theme for photographers, artists, " "and creatives. Supports the image, gallery, audio, video, chat, link, and " "quote formats. Displays beautifully on any device." msgstr "" "Sebuah tema bergaya thumblelog yang minimalis dan responsif untuk " "fotografer, seniman, dan orang-orang kreatif. mendukung format gambar, " "galeri, suara, video, obrolan, tautan, dan kutipan. Menampilkan kecantikan " "pada perangkat apa pun." msgid "A theme created for sharing travels and adventure." msgstr "" "Tema yang dibuat khusus untuk berbagi pengalaman selagi menikmati perjalanan " "dan petualangan." msgid "" "Here's an overview of blogs you have connected to through Jetpack's Single " "Sign on." msgstr "" "Berikut ini ikhtisar blog yang sudah Anda hubungkan melalui Jetpack's Single " "Sign on." msgid "Connected Blogs" msgstr "Blog yang Terhubung" msgid "Disconnect all Blogs" msgstr "Putuskan hubungan semua Blog" msgid "Reply successful, <a %s>view thread</a>" msgstr "Balas berhasil, <a %s>lihat utas</a>" msgid "Edit Email Forward" msgstr "Edit Penerusan Email" msgid "" "This functionality requires JavaScript to function. Please enable JavaScript " "in your Browser and try again." msgstr "" "Fungsionalitas ini membutuhkan JavaScript agar berfungsi. Harap aktifkan " "JavaScript di Browser Anda dan coba lagi." msgid "The email servers for this domain are:" msgstr "Server email untuk domain ini adalah:" msgid "" "This domain currently has custom mail servers defined in its DNS settings. " "This means that Email Forwarding is not available for this " "domain, and that you should manage your email with your email provider." msgstr "" "Domain berikut sekarang memiliki server email khusus yang ditetapkan di " "dalam pengaturan DNS. Maka Penerusan Email tidak tersedia " "untuk domain berikut, dan Anda sebaiknya mengelola email dengan penyedia " "email Anda." msgid "The email forward has been removed." msgstr "Penerusan email telah dihapus." msgid "That doesn't appear to be a valid email address" msgstr "Itu sepertinya bukan alamat email yang valid" msgid "" "An error occured while trying to process your request. Please try again or " "<a href=\"%s\">Contact Support</a> if you continue to have trouble." msgstr "" "Kesalahan terjadi saat mencoba memproses permintaan Anda. Harap coba lagi " "atau <a href=\"%s\">Hubungi Dukungan</a> jika Anda masih mengalami masalah " "ini." msgid "" "Success! Thanks for confirming your email address with us. Email sent to " "%1$s will now be forwarded to %2$s." msgstr "" "Sukses! Terima kasih telah mengonfirmasi alamat email Anda dengan kami. " "Email yang dikirim ke %1$s sekarang akan diteruskan ke %2$s." msgid "Success! %s has been successfully added." msgstr "Sukses! %s telah berhasil ditambahkan." msgid "Other Email Address" msgstr "Alamat Email Lainnya" msgid "Existing Address" msgstr "Alamat yang Ada" msgid "Verify your email forwarding address" msgstr "Verifikasi alamat penerusan email Anda" msgctxt "share to" msgid "Reddit" msgstr "Reddit" msgid "" "This blog already has a plan which supersedes the one you're trying to " "purchase." msgstr "" "Blog ini telah memiliki paket yang lebih lengkap dari paket yang hendak Anda " "beli saat ini." msgid "Contact Information" msgstr "Informasi Kontak" msgid "Motif is a crisp, minimalist, and fully responsive business theme." msgstr "" "Motif adalah tema bisnis yang segar, minimalis, dan sepenuhnya responsif." msgid "View complete profile" msgstr "Lihat profil lengkap" msgctxt "Newdash notices" msgid "" "An error occurred while trying to unfollow that blog. Try again or <a href=" "\"%s\">contact support</a>." msgstr "" "Terjadi galat saat mencoba berhenti mengikuti blog tersebut. Coba lagi atau " "<a href=\"%s\">hubungi dukungan</a>." msgid "Supercharge your blog in one step:" msgstr "Blog Anda lebih hebat dalam satu langkah:" msgid "" "Bushwick is a lightweight, responsive blogging theme, designed to show " "beautiful content alongside beautiful imagery." msgstr "" "Bushwick adalah tema blogging yang ringan dan responsif, dirancang untuk " "menampilkan konten indah bersama-sama dengan gambar yang cantik." msgid "Hides all ads on your site" msgstr "Menyembunyikan semua iklan pada situs Anda" msgid "" "Howdy %1$s,\n" "\n" "Thank you for signing up with Use this URL to confirm your " "email address and start publishing posts: %2$s\n" "\n" msgstr "" "Hai %1$s,\n" "\n" "Terima kasih sudah mendaftar di Gunakan URL ini untuk " "mengonfirmasikan alamat email Anda dan mulailah menerbitkan pos: %2$s\n" "\n" msgid "Confirm Email Address" msgstr "Konfirmasi Alamat Email" msgid "Email Sent" msgstr "Email Telah Dikirim" msgid "" "<strong>Email Confirmed!</strong> Now that you've confirmed your email " "address you can publish posts on your blog." msgstr "" "<strong>Email Telah Dikonfirmasi!</strong> Setelah Anda mengonfirmasi alamat " "email, Anda dapat mempublikasikan postingan pada blog Anda." msgid "" "<a href=\"%s\" id=\"resend-verifyemail\" data-nonce=\"%s\">Resend " "confirmation email</a> | <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Send to another " "email address</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\" id=\"resend-verifyemail\" data-nonce=\"%s\">Kirim ulang email " "konfirmasi</a> | <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Kirimkan ke alamat email " "lainnyal</a>" msgid "Confirm your email address for %1$s" msgstr "Konfirmasi alamat email Anda untuk %1$s" msgctxt "Remove Nameserver" msgid "Remove" msgstr "Buang" msgid "Generating preview..." msgstr "Menyiapkan pratinjau..." msgid "Enable Redirect" msgstr "Aktifkan Pengalihan" msgid "Update Redirect Location" msgstr "Perbarui Lokasi Pengalihan" msgid "Change Redirect Location" msgstr "Ubah Lokasi Pengalihan" msgid "Edit Domain" msgstr "Sunting Domain" msgid "Never Expires (VIP Hosting)" msgstr "Tidak Pernah Kedaluwarsa (Hosting VIP)" msgid "Never Expires" msgstr "Tidak Pernah Kedaluwarsa" msgid "" "Your domain currently has Privacy enabled. The below details are what are " "shown for all domain contact detail requests." msgstr "" "Domain Anda saat ini memiliki Privasi aktif. Rincian di bawah ini " "ditampilkan untuk semua permintaan rincian kontak domain." msgid "" "It's important to keep your domain names' contact information (also known as " "your Whois information) updated at all times. We use this information to " "notify you of changes or requests for your domain names." msgstr "" "Penting untuk selalu memperbarui informasi kontak nama domain Anda (juga " "dikenal sebagai informasi Whois Anda) tiap saat. Kami menggunakan informasi " "ini untuk memberi tahu Anda mengenai perubahan atau permintaan nama domain " "Anda." msgid "" "The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the " "governing body for domain names, requires valid contact information. If you " "enter false information, your domain name may be canceled by them." msgstr "" "The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), badan " "pengatur nama domain, mengharuskan informasi kontak yang valid. Jika Anda " "memasukkan informasi yang salah, nama domain Anda mungkin dibatalkan oleh " "mereka." msgid "Domain Contact Information" msgstr "Informasi Kontak Domain" msgid "Fax" msgstr "Faks" msgid "" "Disable Private Registration. I understand that my contact details will be " "publicly available during the transfer period." msgstr "" "Nonaktifkan Registrasi Privat. Saya mengerti rincian kontak saya dapat " "tersedia bagi publik selama periode transfer." msgid "Disable the Domain Lock to allow it to be transferred." msgstr "Nonaktifkan Penguncian Domain agar dapat ditransfer." msgid "" "In order to transfer your domain to another registrar, it must be have " "Private Registration disabled." msgstr "" "Agar dapat mentransfer domain Anda ke registrar lain, domain harus memiliki " "Registrasi Privat diaktifkan." msgid "" "In order to transfer your domain to another registrar, it must be unlocked " "first." msgstr "" "Agar dapat mentransfer domain Anda ke registrar lainnya, domain Anda harus " "dibuka terlebih dahulu." msgid "" "In order to transfer your domain to another registrar, it must both be " "unlocked and have Private Registration disabled." msgstr "" "Agar dapat mentransfer domain Anda ke registrar lain, domain harus tidak " "dikunci dan Registrasi Privatnya dinonaktifkan." msgid "" "You can transfer your domain to another domain registrar at any time by " "providing them with your domain name and transfer code." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mentransfer domain Anda ke registrar domain lain kapan saja " "dengan memberikan nama domain dan kode transfer." msgid "Request Transfer Code" msgstr "Minta Kode Transfer" msgid "" "Your domain is currently <strong>locked</strong>. This protects your domain " "from being transferred to another registrar without your permission." msgstr "" "Domain Anda saat ini <strong>terkunci</strong>. Ini melindungi domain Anda " "ditransfer ke registrar lain tanpa izin Anda." msgid "Decline Transfer" msgstr "Tolak Transfer" msgid "Accept Transfer" msgstr "Terima Transfer" msgid "Enable Domain Locking" msgstr "Aktifkan Penguncian Domain" msgid "" "If you are not intending on transferring this domain to another registrar, " "you are advised to re-enable Domain Locking." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak ingin mentransfer domain ini ke registrar lain, Anda " "dianjurkan mengaktifkan kembali Penguncian Domain." msgid "This domain is currently <strong>Unlocked</strong>." msgstr "Domain ini saat ini <strong>Terbuka</strong>." msgid "Transfer Domain" msgstr "Transfer Domain" msgid "Name Servers" msgstr "Namai Server" msgid "Domain Contacts" msgstr "Kontak Domain" msgid "Undo Changes" msgstr "Urungkan Perubahan" msgid "Glad you want to stay! We've declined the domain transfer request." msgstr "" "Senang Anda tetap bertahan! Kami telah menolak permintaan transfer domain." msgid "" "Sorry to see you go! We've accepted the domain transfer, you should receive " "an email confirming this from your new registrar shortly." msgstr "" "Sedih melihat Anda pergi! Kami telah menerima transfer domain, Anda harusnya " "menerima email yang mengonfirmasi ini dari registrar baru Anda tidak lama " "lagi." msgid "" "Success! Private Registration was re-enabled on your domain. It may take a " "few minutes for the public contact details for the domain to update." msgstr "" "Sukses! Registrasi Privat diaktifkan kembali di domain Anda. Mungkin butuh " "beberapa menit agar rincian kontak publik untuk domain diperbarui." msgid "" "Success! Your domain has been re-locked to prevent it being transferred." msgstr "" "Sukses! Domain Anda telah dikunci kembali untuk mencegahnya agar tidak " "ditransfer." msgid "" "An error occured while trying to send the Domain Transfer code. Please try " "again or <a href=\"%s\">Contact Support</a> if you continue to have trouble." msgstr "" "Kesalahan terjadi saat mencoba mengirim kode Transfer Domain. Harap coba " "lagi atau <a href=\"%s\">Hubungi Dukungan</a> jika Anda masih mengalami " "masalah ini." msgid "" "An email has been sent to the Domain Registrant's contact email address " "containing the Domain Transfer Code. If you don't receive the email shortly, " "please check your spam folder." msgstr "" "Email telah dikirim ke alamat email kontak Registrant Domain yang berisi " "Kode Transfer Domain. Jika Anda tidak langsung email, harap periksa folder " "spam Anda." msgctxt "Domain Whois contact description" msgid "Billing Contact" msgstr "Kontak Penagihan" msgctxt "Domain Whois contact description" msgid "Administrative Contact" msgstr "Kontak Administratif" msgctxt "Domain Whois contact description" msgid "Technical Contact" msgstr "Kontak Teknis" msgctxt "Domain Whois contact description" msgid "Domain Registrant" msgstr "Registrant Domain" msgid "" "Success! The Whois contact details have been submitted to be updated. This " "isn't instant and may take a few minutes before the public whois data is " "updated" msgstr "" "Sukses! Rincian kontak Whois telah dikirim untuk diperbarui. Ini tidak " "instan dan mungkin butuh beberapa menit sebelum data whois publik diperbarui." msgid "" "Oops! Something went wrong and your request could not be processed. Please " "try again or <a href=\"%s\">Contact Support</a> if you continue to have " "trouble. " msgstr "" "Aduh! Ada yang salah dan permintaan Anda tidak dapat diproses. Harap coba " "lagi atau <a href=\"%s\">Hubungi Dukungan</a> jika Anda masih mengalami " "masalah ini. " msgid "Domain Management: %s" msgstr "Manajemen Domain: %s" msgid "<strong>Active</strong> - renews on %s" msgstr "<strong>Aktif</strong> - perpanjangan pada %s" msgid "This is your Primary Domain; the domains below will redirect to it." msgstr "" "Ini adalah Domain Utama Anda; domain- domain berikut akan mengarah ke domain " "utama Anda." msgid "" "You can also <a href=\"#\" id=\"pick-your-nose\">pick your own color</a>." msgstr "" "Anda juga dapat <a href=\"#\" id=\"pick-your-nose\">memilih warna Anda " "sendiri</a>." msgid "" "Follow blogs that match <a %s>your interest</a> in the Reader. Or <a %s>find " "friends</a> who already have blogs. The more you follow, the better your " "recommendations." msgstr "" "Ikuti blog yang sesuai dengan <a %s>minat Anda</a> di Pembaca. Atau <a " "%s>cari teman</a> yang sudah memiliki blog. Semakin banyak Anda mengikuti, " "maka semakin baik rekomendasi untuk Anda." msgid "We want to help you make %d even better with Jetpack." msgstr "Kami ingin membantu Anda menjadikan %d semakin baik dengan Jetpack." msgid "Thanks for flying with Jetpack in %d." msgstr "Terima kasih telah menjelajah bersama Jetpack di %d." msgid "Happy New Year from Jetpack!" msgstr "Selamat Tahun Baru dari Jetpack!" msgid "Email Address Update Requested" msgstr "Permintaan Pembaruan Alamat Email" msgid "WordPress Dashboard" msgstr "Dasbor WordPress" msgid "Please enter an authenticator code" msgstr "Harap masukkan kode pengautentikasi" msgid "Do you have two factor authentication codes?" msgstr "Apakah Anda memiliki kode otentikasi dua faktor?" msgid "Domain not pointing to" msgstr "Domain tidak menunjuk ke" msgid "" "If you believe your account is deleted in error try our <a href='%s'>account " "recovery form</a> and we'll do our best to get you running again." msgstr "" "Apabila menurut Anda terjadi kesalahan penghapusan pada akun Anda, cobalah " "<a href='%s'>formulir pemulihan akun</a> dan kami akan berusaha semaksimal " "mungkin untuk mengaktifkannya kembali." msgid "Maybe you have renamed your account." msgstr "Mungkin Anda telah mengganti nama akun Anda." msgid "Account Deleted!" msgstr "Akun Telah Dihapus!" msgid "" "If you believe your account is suspended in error please <a href=\"http://en." "\">contact us</a>" msgstr "" "Apabila menurut Anda terjadi kesalahan pemblokiran pada akun Anda, silakan " "<a href=\"\">hubungi kami</a>" msgid "Account Suspended!" msgstr "Akun Telah Diblokir!" msgid "" "Tighten your account's security: Two-step authentication is now available on " " <a href='%s'>Enable now</a> or <a href='%s'>learn more</a>." msgstr "" "Ketatkan keamanan akun Anda: Autentikasi dua-langkah sekarang tersedia di " " <a href='%s'>Aktifkan sekarang</a> atau <a href='%s'>pelajari " "selengkapnya</a>." msgid "Learn more" msgstr "Baca lebih lanjut" msgid "" "A Flexible and Versatile Free WordPress Theme for Personal Bloggers released " "by" msgstr "" "Sebuah Tema WordPress Gratis yang Fleksibel dan Serbabisa untuk Blogger " "pribadi yang dirilis oleh" msgid "" "Yoko is a modern three-column blog theme. A responsive layout optimizes the " "theme for mobile devices like tablet pcs and modern smartphones (the layout " "switches to a two- or one-column layout depending on the screen size the " "theme is viewed on). To make your blog post more flexible you can use " "different kinds of post formats such as gallery, image, video, aside, link " "or quotes. To customize the theme you can choose your own background, link " "color, and header image." msgstr "" "Yoko merupakan sebuah tema blog tiga-kolom modern. Sebuah layout responsif " "mengoptimalkan tema ini untuk perangkat mobile seperti pc tablet dan " "smartphone modern (layout beralih ke layout dua- atau satu-kolom tergantung " "pada ukuran layar di mana tema ini dilihat). Untuk membuat posting blog yang " "lebih fleksibel, Anda dapat menggunakan jenis format posting yang berbeda-" "beda misalnya galeri, gambar, video, di sisi, tautan atau kutipan. Untuk " "mengkustomasi tema, Anda dapat memilih latar belakang, warna tautan, dan " "gambar header dari Anda sendiri." msgid "" "Writr is a minimalist, content-oriented tumblelog theme perfect for your " "personal blog. It comes packed with 6 different color schemes: turquoise " "(default), blue, green, grey, purple, and red. With a modern look and " "attention to crisp typography, Writr put the focus on your content." msgstr "" "Writr merupakan sebuah tema minimalis tumblelog berorientasi-konten yang " "sempurna untuk blog pribadi Anda. Tema ini dilengkapi dengan 6 skema warna " "yang berbeda: turqoise (default), biru, hijau, abu-abu, ungu, dan merah. " "Dengan tampilan modern dan menarik perhatian pada tipografi segarnya, Writr " "lebih fokus pada konten Anda." msgid "" "A nice bold theme. Features full-bleed featured posts and featured images, a " "fixed header, and subtle CSS3 transitions." msgstr "" "Sebuah tema yang berani dan bagus. Mengandalkan posting andalan full-bleed " "dan gambar andalan, sebuah header tetap, dan transisi CSS3 yang samar." msgid "" "The 2012 theme for WordPress is a fully responsive theme that looks great on " "any device. Features include a front page template with its own widgets, an " "optional display font, styling for post formats on both index and single " "views, and an optional no-sidebar page template. Make it yours with a custom " "menu, header image, and background." msgstr "" "Tema 2012 untuk WordPress adalah tema yang sepenuhnya responsif yang " "terlihat indah di semua perangkat. Fitur-fiturnya meliputi templat halaman " "depan dengan widget khusus, tampilan huruf opsional, penggayaan untuk format " "pos baik indeks dan tampilan tunggal, dan templat halaman tanpa bilah sisi. " "Buat sesuai keinginan Anda dengan menu tersuai, gambar tajuk, dan latar " "belakang tersuai." msgid "" "The 2013 theme for WordPress takes us back to the blog, featuring a full " "range of post formats, each displayed beautifully in their own unique way. " "Design details abound, starting with a vibrant color scheme and matching " "header images, beautiful typography and icons, and a flexible layout that " "looks great on any device, big or small." msgstr "" "Tema WordPress 2013 ini mengembalikan kita ke blog, dengan jajaran format " "pos, yang masing-masing ditampilkan secara apik dalam keunikannya. Di sisi " "kelengkapan desain, mulai dari skema warna yang cerah dan gambar tajuk yang " "sesuai, ikon dan tipografi yang cantik, dan tata letak fleksibel yang tampil " "sempurna di perangkat apa pun, baik besar ataupun kecil." msgid "" "The 2010 theme for WordPress is stylish, customizable, simple, and readable " "-- make it yours with a custom menu, header image, and background. Twenty " "Ten supports six widgetized areas (two in the sidebar, four in the footer) " "and featured images (thumbnails for gallery posts and custom header images " "for posts and pages). It includes stylesheets for print and the admin Visual " "Editor, special styles for posts in the \"Asides\" and \"Gallery\" " "categories, and has an optional one-column page template that removes the " "sidebar." msgstr "" "Tema 2010 untuk WordPress ini bergaya, mudah disesuaikan, sederhana dan " "mudah dibaca -- buat menu anda sendiri, gambar tajuk dan latar belakang " "sesuai kesukaan Anda. Twenty Ten mendukung enam area widget (dua di bilah " "sisi, empat di kaki) dan gambar penting (miniatur untuk galeri tulisan dan " "gambar tajuk untuk tulisan dan halaman). Juga meliputi tampilan untuk cetak " "dan tampilan pengelola kata admin, gaya spesial untuk tulisan di kategori " "\"Catatan Pinggir\" dan \"Galeri\" serta memiliki opsi templat halaman satu " "sisi yang menghilangkan bilah sisi." msgid "" "In 2014, our default theme lets you create a responsive magazine website " "with a sleek, modern design. Feature your favorite homepage content in " "either a grid or a slider. Use the three widget areas to customize your " "website, and change your content's layout with a full-width page template " "and a contributor page to show off your authors. Creating a magazine website " "with WordPress has never been easier." msgstr "" "Pada tahun 2014, tema default kami memungkinkan Anda membuat website majalah " "responsif dengan desain modern yang ramping. Tampilkan konten halaman depan " "favorit Anda baik di kolom atau slide. Gunakan tiga bidang widget untuk " "menyesuaikan situs web Anda, dan ubah tata letak konten anda dengan templet " "halaman penuh lebar dan halaman kontributor untuk memamerkan penulis anda. " "Membuat website majalah dengan WordPress belum pernah lebih mudah dari ini." msgid "" "The 2011 theme for WordPress is sophisticated, lightweight, and adaptable. " "Make it yours with a custom menu, header image, and background -- then go " "further with available theme options for light or dark color scheme, custom " "link colors, and three layout choices. Twenty Eleven comes equipped with a " "Showcase page template that transforms your front page into a showcase to " "show off your best content, widget support galore (sidebar, three footer " "areas, and a Showcase page widget area), and a custom \"Ephemera\" widget to " "display your Aside, Link, Quote, or Status posts. Included are styles for " "print and for the admin editor, support for featured images (as custom " "header images on posts and pages and as large images on featured \"sticky\" " "posts), and special styles for six different post formats." msgstr "" "Tema 2011 untuk WordPress yang andal, ringan, dan mudah disesuaikan. " "Dapatkan dengan menu khusus, gambar header, dan latar belakang -- lalu " "telusuri lebih jauh dengan pilihan tema yang ada untuk skema warna terang " "atau gelap, warna tautan khusus, dan tiga pilihan tata letak. Twenty Eleven " "hadir dengan dilengkapi template halaman Showcase yang mengubah halaman Anda " "menjadi sebuah galeri untuk menampilkan konten terbaik Anda, berbagai widget " "(bilah sisi, tiga area footer, dan sebuah area widget halaman showcase), dan " "sebuah widget khussu \"Ephemera\" untuk menampilkan sisi Anda, tautan, " "kutipan, atau postingan Status. Termasuk gaya (style) untuk cetakan dan " "untuk admin editor, bantuan untuk gambar andalan (sebagai gambar header " "khusus pada postingan dan halaman pada posting \"rekatan\" andalan), dan " "gaya khusus untuk enam format posting yang berbeda." msgid "" "Designed by Danny Cohen, Trvl is a beautiful and simple tumblelog theme." msgstr "" "Didesain oleh Danny Cohen, Trvl merupakan sebuah tema tumblelog yang cantik " "dan simpel." msgid "" "For blogs and websites. Sleek design and solid code. Suits make you look " "good." msgstr "" "Untuk blog dan situs web. Desain yang ramping dan kode yang kuat. " "Kelengkapannya membuat Anda nampak hebat." msgid "" "Spun is a minimalist theme that puts the emphasis on your content; " "extraneous navigation fades away to put your words and images front and " "center. Whether you're a writer, photographer, or personal blogger, Spun's " "beautiful typography and responsive design showcase your creativity with " "subtle elegance." msgstr "" "Spun adalah tema minimalis yang memberikan penekanan pada konten Anda; " "navigasi tambahan akan memudar untuk menempatkan kata dan gambar Anda di " "depan dan tengah. Apakah Anda penulis, fotografer, atau blogger pribadi, " "topografi yang cantik dan desain yang responsif Spun akan memamerkan " "kreativitas Anda dengan keanggunan." msgid "" "A theme featuring a custom header, custom background, and five widget areas " "- one in the sidebar, four in the footer. The footer also shows a maximum of " "three featured (sticky) posts. It comes with four different color schemes. " "It supports several post formats including aside, gallery, image, quote, " "link, chat, video, and audio." msgstr "" "Sebuah tema yang mengandalkan header layar, latar belakang layar, dan lima " "area widget - satu pada bilah sisi, empat pada footer. Bagian footer juga " "menampilkan maksimal tiga postingan andalan (rekatan). Hadir dengan empat " "skema warna yang berbeda. Tema tersebut mendukung beberapa format meliputi " "di sisi, galeri, gambar, kutipan, chat, video, dan suara." msgid "" "Ryu is a clutter-free theme for personal bloggers. It has great readability " "with a large font size, and the one-column layout is perfect for displaying " "large images. Optional widgets are located at the top panel with social " "media links and a search field. Background color for an image post will " "automatically match the uploaded image in the post." msgstr "" "Ryu adalah tema sederhana untuk bloger pribadi. Ryu sangat mudah dibaca " "dengan ukuran font yang besar, dan tata letak satu kolom yang sempurna untuk " "menampilkan gambar besar. Widget yang dapat dipilih berada di bagian panel " "atas dengan tautan media sosial dan bidang pencarian. Warna latar belakang " "untuk pos gambar secara otomatis akan menyesuaikan dengan gambar yang " "diunggah." msgid "" "Feature-full theme with numerous page layouts, widget areas, custom menu " "areas, breadcrumb naviagtion, a homepage template, social icons, and " "responsive CSS." msgstr "" "Tema fiture lengkap dengan berbagai tata letak halaman, area widget, area " "menu khusus, navigasi mendetil, template halaman beranda, ikon media sosial, " "dan CSS responsif." msgid "" "Everything about Reddle's minimal design elegantly adapts to how you want to " "use your blog and what you want to use it for. Want to use your blog for a " "simple one-column link blog? A two-column business site with a custom header " "and no posts? Reddle can do that too — and look good doing it too." msgstr "" "Semuanya tentang desain minimal Reddle yang menyesuaikan secara anggun " "dengan cara Anda menggunakan blog dan tujuannya. Apakah Anda ingin " "menggunakan blog Anda sebagai blog tautan satu-kolom yang sederhana? Sebuah " "situs bisnis dua-kolom dengan header khusus dan tanpa pos? Reddle juga dapat " "melakukannya; dan sangat andal." msgid "" "Parament is a great all-purpose theme featuring a dark color scheme with " "bright orange highlights and a textured background. Add your own personal " "flair by uploading a custom header or background image. Parament's full-" "width image template allows your images to display as large as possible for " "maximum impact." msgstr "" "Parament merupakan sebuah tema serba guna luar biasa yang mengandalkan skema " "warna gelap dengan sorotan oranye cerah dan latar belakang bertekstur. " "Tambahkan bakat pribadi Anda dengan mengunggah header khusus atau gambar " "latar. Template gambar lebar-penuh dari Parament memungkinkan gambar Anda " "ditampilkan sebesar mungkin untuk performa yang maksimal." msgid "" "Misty Lake gives you a tranquil, mellow backdrop on which you can let your " "content shine. It supports five post formats, a sidebar, custom menu, custom " "header, and custom background." msgstr "" "Misty Lake memberi Anda latar belakang lembut yang tenang dan tetap dapat " "membuat konten Anda bersinar. Tema berikut mendukung lima format posting, " "sebuah bilah sisi, menu khusus, header khusus, dan latar belakang khusus." msgid "" "Manifest is a clean and streamlined theme, with great care for typography, " "that focuses on the content and not the distractions. It comes with support " "for several post formats, including image, link, and aside, with the option " "of adding a subtle header image to bring a personal touch to the design." msgstr "" "Manifest merupakan sebuah tema yang rapi dan sederhana, dengan ketelitian " "luar biasa pada tipografi, yang fokus pada konten dan bukan pengalihan " "perhatian. Tema ini hadir dengan dukungan pada beberapa format posting, " "meliputi gambar, tautan, dan di bilah sisi, dengan pilihan untuk menambahkan " "gambar header samar untukmemberikan sentuhan pribadi pada desain." msgid "" "The Forever theme makes it easy to wrap your wedding up in a neat little " "package with WordPress. You can show off every one of your best photos and " "highlight each important detail leading up to the big day and beyond." msgstr "" "Tema Forever memudahkan untuk merangkum pernikahan Anda dalam sebuah paket " "kecil rapi dengan WordPress. Anda bisa memamerkan foto-foto terbaik Anda dan " "menyoroti setiap detil penting menjelang hari besar dan lain-lainnya." msgid "" "Flounder is a flat, minimally styled theme for bloggers which features " "colorful support for post formats and a clean, responsive layout." msgstr "" "Flounder adalah tema bergaya minimalis dan datar untuk blogger yang " "menampilkan dukungan warna-warni untuk format kiriman dan tata letak yang " "bersih dan responsif." msgid "" "An awesome magazine theme for your news site. Responsive layout, post " "thumbnails support, featured posts and more." msgstr "" "Sebuah tema majalah yang mengagumkan untuk situs berita Anda. Layout " "responsif, dukungan thumbnail postingan, postingan andalan dan lebih banyak " "lagi." msgid "" "Chateau is a clean and minimalistic theme with your choice of a light or " "dark color scheme. It features a custom header, custom background, and " "custom accent color. It also has up to six widget areas; one for a sidebar " "and five in the footer." msgstr "" "Chateau merupakan sebuah tema yang sederhana dan minimalis dengan skema " "warna terang atau gelap pilihan Anda. Tema berikut mengandalkan header " "khusus, latar belakang khusus, dan aksen khusus. Chateau juga memiliki " "hingga enam area widget; satu untuk bilah sisi dan lima untuk footer." msgid "" "A classic, book-style blog theme with large fonts. Clean and minimalist " "design puts the focus entirely on your content." msgstr "" "Sebuah tema blog klasik dan bergaya-buku dengan font besar. Desain yang rapi " "dan minimalis dengan fokus utama pada konten Anda." msgid "" "An elegant, minimal theme designed for artists, photographers, and other " "creatives seeking a simple but beautiful way to showcase their talents " "online." msgstr "" "Tema unik dan minimal yang dirancang untuk artis, fotografer, dan orang-" "orang kreatif yang mencari cara mudah dan berbeda untuk menampilkan bakat " "mereka." msgid "A light and colorful two-column theme." msgstr "Tema dua kolom yang ringan dan penuh warna." msgid "" "With a chic white and black design accented with soft pinks and greys, " "Adelle brings sophistication and elegance to any blog." msgstr "" "Dengan desain hitam dan putih yang cantik beraksen pink dan abu-abu lembut, " "Adelle menghadirkan kecanggihan dan keanggunan untuk setiap blog." msgid "" "A multipurpose, traditional blog theme which contains up to a large three-" "column layout that is clean, responsive, and highly readable." msgstr "" "Tema blog tradisional multifungsi dengan tampilan tiga kolom besar yang " "bersih, responsif, dan mudah dibaca." msgid "" "<a %s>Connect to more services</a> to reach a broader audience for your blog." msgstr "" "<a %s>Terhubung ke lebih banyak layanan</a> untuk menjangkau pemirsa lebih " "luas untuk blog Anda." msgid "Skip cropping" msgstr "Lewati Pemangkasan" msgid "Select and crop" msgstr "Seleksi dan Pangkas" msgid "%1$s recently mentioned you in \"%2$s\" on %3$s" msgstr "%1$s baru saja menyebutkan Anda di \"%2$s\" pada %3$s" msgid "%1$s recently mentioned you in a comment on \"%2$s\" on %3$s" msgstr "%1$s baru saja menyebutkan Anda dalam komentar pada \"%2$s\" pada %3$s" msgid "%1$s mentioned you on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s menyebut Anda di %2$s" msgid "Follow Us" msgstr "Ikuti Kami" msgid "Full width" msgstr "Lebar penuh" msgid "Sorry, no results found." msgstr "Maaf, hasil tidak ditemukan." msgctxt "comments title" msgid "%1$s comment" msgid_plural "%1$s comments" msgstr[0] "%1$s komentar" msgstr[1] "%1$s komentar" msgid "Invalid security token." msgstr "Token keamanan tidak sah." msgid "Dock" msgstr "Dock" msgid "Forest" msgstr "Hutan" msgid "%1$d Food Menu Item" msgid_plural "%1$d Food Menu Items" msgstr[0] "%1$d Item Menu Makanan" msgstr[1] "%1$d Item Menu Makanan" msgid "" "Domain names have to be unique so if the exact domain name you want is " "already taken, you may have to compromise. Use the automatic suggestions to " "find another domain name that works for you." msgstr "" "Nama domain harus unik. Jika nama domain yang ingin Anda gunakan sudah " "terpakai, Anda harus mencari nama yang lain. Gunakan saran otomatis untuk " "menemukan nama domain lainnya yang sesuai untuk Anda." msgid "" "Registering a custom domain name makes your blog more memorable and easier " "for your readers to find." msgstr "" "Mendaftar nama domain khusus akan membuat blog Anda mudah diingat dan mudah " "ditemukan oleh pembaca." msgid "Why Register a Domain Name?" msgstr "Mengapa Mendaftar Nama Domain?" msgid "" "Newly registered domain names can be canceled for a full refund within 96 " "hours of registration." msgstr "" "Nama domain yang baru dibuat dapat dibatalkan dan dana dapat diminta kembali " "dalam waktu 96 jam setelah pendaftaran." msgid "" "Every domain name you add also includes five free email addresses, so you " "can use your new domain name for your email address as well as for your blog." msgstr "" "Lima alamat email gratis disertakan dalam setiap nama domain yang Anda " "tambahkan supaya Anda bisa menggunakan nama domain Anda bukan hanya untuk " "alamat blog saja, tetapi juga untuk alamat email Anda." msgid "" "Your new domain name will be registered for one year and you can renew it " "each year to keep it working." msgstr "" "Nama domain Anda akan didaftarkan untuk satu tahun dan dapat diperpanjang " "setiap tahun agar tetap aktif." msgid "What Will My Domain Name Include?" msgstr "Apa saja yang termasuk dalam Nama Domain Saya?" msgid "What domain name would you like to use for your blog?" msgstr "Nama domain apa yang ingin Anda gunakan untuk blog?" msgid "New Row" msgstr "Baris Baru" msgid "" "Labels: <small>spicy, favorite, etc. <em>Separate Labels with commas</em></" "small>" msgstr "" "Label: <small>pedas, favorit, dll. <em>Pisahkan label dengan koma</em></" "small>" msgid "Add to section:" msgstr "Tambahkan ke bagian:" msgid "Save New Order" msgstr "Simpan Pesanan Baru" msgid "Enter the menu item's name here" msgstr "Masukkan nama item menu di sini" msgid "Menu item saved." msgstr "Item menu disimpan." msgid "Menu item published. <a href=\"%s\">View item</a>" msgstr "Item menu diterbitkan. <a href=\"%s\">Lihat item</a>" msgid "Menu item updated." msgstr "Item menu diperbarui." msgid "Add Menu Item" msgstr "Tambahkan Item Menu" msgid "New Menu Sections Name" msgstr "Nama Bagian Menu Baru" msgid "Add New Menu Section" msgstr "Tambahkan Bagian Menu Baru" msgid "Update Menu Section" msgstr "Perbarui Bagian Menu" msgid "View Menu Section" msgstr "Lihat Bagian Menu" msgid "Edit Menu Section" msgstr "Sunting Bagian Menu" msgid "Parent Menu Section:" msgstr "Bagian Menu Induk:" msgid "Parent Menu Section" msgstr "Bagian Menu Induk" msgid "All Menu Sections" msgstr "Semua Bagian Menu" msgid "Search Menu Sections" msgstr "Cari Bagian Menu" msgid "Menu Section" msgstr "Bagian Menu" msgid "Menu Sections" msgstr "Bagian Menu" msgid "For example, spicy, favorite, etc. <br /> Separate Labels with commas" msgstr "Misalnya, pedas, favorit, dll. <br /> Pisahkan label dengan koma" msgid "The 60 Second Guide to Domain Names" msgstr "Panduan 60 Detik Tentang Nama Domain" msgid "" "You can search for a different name or choose from one of the following " "suggestions:" msgstr "Cari nama lain atau pilih salah satu dari saran berikut ini:" msgid "" "You can comment, like or reblog great posts you find on It's " "also a great way to build your own community and find likeminded bloggers." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengomentari, menyukai, atau mereblog pos hebat yang Anda temukan " "di Ini juga cara yang hebat untuk membangun komunitas Anda " "sendiri dan menemukan blogger yang memiliki minat serupa." msgid "Interactive" msgstr "Interaktif" msgid "" "We'll make you a delicious magazine from every other blog you " "follow. It's a great way to get an overview of a community." msgstr "" "Kami akan membuatkan majalah yang ranum dari setiap blog lain " "yang Anda ikuti. Ini adalah cara yang hebat untuk mendapatkan gambaran " "komunitas." msgid "Fun" msgstr "Hiburan" msgid "" "Starting a blog is free, so if you have recipes, cat photos or " "deep thoughts to share, there’s no reason not to try blogging." msgstr "" "Memulai blog itu gratis, jadi jika Anda memiliki resep, foto " "kucing, atau pemikiran mendalam untuk dibagikan, tak ada alasan untuk tak " "mencoba blogging." msgid "" "Thanks for taking a look at this annual report. If you like, you could start " "your own blog in %d!" msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah meninjau laporan tahunan ini. Jika Anda menghendaki, Anda " "dapat memulai blog Anda sendiri di %d!" msgid "Visit now!" msgstr "Kunjungi sekarang!" msgid "" "It's easier than ever to comment on posts. Besides commenting directly on " "posts, you can comment in <a %s>the Reader</a> or even inside <a " "%s>notifications</a>. And remember, comments beget comments!" msgstr "" "Kini lebih mudah daripada sebelumnya untuk mengomentari pos. Di samping " "berkomentar langsung di pos, Anda dapat berkomentar di <a %s>Pembaca</a> " "atau bahkan di dalam <a %s>pemberitahuan</a>. Dan ingat, komentar " "menghasilkan komentar!" msgid "Interact" msgstr "Berinteraksi" msgid "" "<a %s>Turn on Publicize</a> to reach a broader audience for your blog. Reach " "out to Twitter, Facebook and Google+ to get more traffic." msgstr "" "<a %s>Aktifkan Publikasikan</a> untuk menjangkau pemirsa lebih luas untuk " "blog Anda. Jangkau ke Twitter, Facebook, dan Google+ untuk mendapatkan lebih " "banyak kunjungan." msgid "We want to help you make %d even better on" msgstr "Kami ingin membantu Anda menjadikan %d semakin baik di" msgid "" "Please provide the following information so that we can try to help you " "recover your account. Without <strong>proper validating information</" "strong>, we may not be able to help you recover your account. Read more " "about the process <a href=\"%s\">here</a>." msgstr "" "Harap berikan informasi di bawah ini sehingga kami dapat membantu Anda untuk " "memulihkan akun Anda. Tanpa <strong>informasi validasi yang lengkap</" "strong>, kami mungkin tidak akan dapat membantu Anda untuk memulihkan akun " "Anda. Baca selengkapnya tentang proses tersebut <a href=\"%s\">di sini</a>." msgid "Add a post title" msgstr "Tambah judul pos" msgid "Custom themes" msgstr "Tema kustom" msgid "Saving…" msgstr "Menyimpan…" msgid "View Themes" msgstr "Lihat Tema" msgid "" "<p>You should be able to recover your account simply by filling out the <a " "target='_blank' href='%s'>lost password</a> form with the email address " "you've provided. Please check your spam folder for the reset email.</p><p>If " "you still can't log in after another reset attempt and checking your spam " "folder, please resubmit the form below and we'll try to lend a hand.</p>" msgstr "" "<p>Anda dapat dengan mudah memulihkan akun Anda dengan mengisi formulir <a " "target='_blank' href='%s'>sandi hilang</a> dengan alamat email yang telah " "Anda berikan. Harap periksa folder spam Anda untuk email panduan reset.</" "p><p>Apabila Anda masih gagal login setelah berusaha mereset sandi dan " "memeriksa folder spam Anda, silakan kirim ulang formulir berikut ini dan " "kami akan berusaha membantu Anda.</p>" msgid "Example" msgstr "Contoh" msgid "Hide related content after posts" msgstr "Sembunyikan konten terkait setelah Pos" msgid "Preview:" msgstr "Pratinjau:" msgid "The web site address you have specified is invalid." msgstr "Alamat situs web yang Anda berikan tidak valid." msgid "The url you have specified does not look like a valid url." msgstr "Url yang Anda berikan sepertinya tidak valid." msgid "Live Chat" msgstr "Obrolan Langsung" msgid "For those times when you can't find an answer on our Support site" msgstr "" "Untuk saat-saat Anda tidak dapat menemukan jawaban di situs Dukungan kami" msgid "A Custom Site Address" msgstr "Alamat Situs Khusus" msgid "Show Me" msgstr "Tampilkan" msgid "Now" msgstr "Sekarang" msgid "" "Domain names can contain letters, numbers, and hyphens and needs to end with " "an extension (for example, .com, .net, etc)." msgstr "" "Nama domain dapat terdiri atas huruf, angka, dan tanda sempang. Nama domain " "harus diakhiri dengan sebuah ekstensi (misalnya, .com, .net, dll)." msgid "Site Status:" msgstr "Status Situs:" msgid "Search Error" msgstr "Pencarian Gagal" msgid "Search installed themes" msgstr "Cari Tema yang Terpasang" msgctxt "theme author" msgid "By %s" msgstr "Oleh %s" msgid "" "Trying entering another email address you can access into the password reset " "form." msgstr "" "Masukkan alamat email lain yang dapat Anda akses untuk mengirim formulir " "reset sandi." msgctxt "theme" msgid "Active:" msgstr "Aktif:" msgid "Theme Details" msgstr "Rincian Tema" msgid "%1$s MB (%2$s%%) Space Used" msgstr "%1$s MB (%2$s%%) Ruang Terpakai" msgid "%s MB Space Allowed" msgstr "%s MB ruang yang diijinkan" msgid "" "If you already own this domain <span id=\"map-my-domain-name-explain\">%s</" "span> because you registered it elsewhere, you can still use it for your " " blog." msgstr "" "Jika domain <span id=\"map-my-domain-name-explain\">%s</span> ini telah Anda " "beli dari tempat lain, Anda masih dapat menggunakannya untuk blog Anda di " "" msgid "" "Note that <strong>%1$s</strong> is a subdomain of <strong>%2$s</strong>, " "which is available for registration. After you register it, you can set up " "the subdomain to use for your blog." msgstr "" "Perhatikan bahwa <strong>%1$s</strong> adalah sub-domain dari <strong>%2$s</" "strong> yang tersedia untuk Anda daftarkan. Setelah mendaftarkannya, Anda " "dapat menggunakan subdomain tersebut untuk blog Anda." msgid "Please enter an activation URL or key" msgstr "Harap masukkan URL atau kunci aktivasi" msgid "Do you have an activation URL or key?" msgstr "Apakah Anda memiliki URL atau kunci aktivasi?" msgid "" "Check your e-mail address linked to the account for the confirmation link, " "including the spam or junk folder." msgstr "" "Periksa alamat email Anda yang tertaut ke akun untuk menerima tautan " "konfirmasi, termasuk folder spam atau sampah." msgid "Fluid Layout" msgstr "Tataletak Cair" msgid "Fixed Layout" msgstr "Tataletak Kaku" msgid "Please provide an email address at which we can contact you." msgstr "Harap berikan alamat email agar kami dapat menghubungi Anda." msgid "" "Please provide the username, registered email, or URL of the specific blog " "you are contacting us about." msgstr "" "Harap berikan nama pengguna, email terdaftar, atau URL dari blog spesifik " "yang Anda laporkan kepada kami." msgid "Please do not use this form for general support questions." msgstr "Jangan gunakan formulir ini untuk pertanyaan dukungan umum." msgid "Yes, I already own this domain name. Map it to my blog." msgstr "" "Ya, nama domain ini milik saya. Gunakan domain ini untuk blog " "saya." msgid "Do you already own this domain name?" msgstr "Apakah nama domain ini milik Anda?" msgid "" "Congratulations, this domain name is available to register for your " " blog!" msgstr "" "Selamat, nama domain ini dapat dipakai untuk mendaftar blog!" msgid "" "Register a new domain name or map one you already own to your " "blog" msgstr "" "Daftarkan nama domain baru atau gunakan salah satu domain yang Anda miliki " "ke blog" msgid "Attempted to set image quality outside of the range [1,100]." msgstr "Telah mencoba untuk mengatur kualitas gambar di luar rentang [1,100]." msgid "Accessibility Ready" msgstr "Menunjang Aksesibilitas" msgid "Relevance" msgstr "Relevansi" msgid "" "Something happened behind the scenes.<br/>We're sorry. Could you come back " "later?" msgstr "" "Ada yang terjadi di balik layar.<br/>Maaf. Apakah Anda dapat kembali nanti?" msgid "There was a glitch with search" msgstr "Terdapat masalah dengan pencarian" msgid "You are already following all comments on this site." msgstr "Anda sudah mengikuti semua komentar di situs ini." msgid "Following all" msgstr "Mengikuti semua" msgid "" "Easily feature all posts with the <a href=\"%1$s\">\"featured\" tag</a> or a " "tag of your choice. Your theme supports up to %2$s posts in its featured " "content area." msgstr "" "Memudahkan mengatur semua pos sebagai pos utama (featured) dengan " "membubuhkan <a href=\"%1$s\">tag \"featured\"</a> atau tag lainnya sesuai " "pilihan Anda. Tema Anda mendukung hingga %2$s pos dalam area konten utamanya." msgid "Searching…" msgstr "Mencari…" msgid "Error in adding the request" msgstr "Error saat menambahkan permintaan" msgid "You must include [feedback-link] in the e-mail text" msgstr "Anda harus menyertakan [tautan-umpan-balik] di dalam teks email" msgid "E-mail text cannot be empty" msgstr "Teks email tidak bisa kosong" msgid "Feedback received from your friend for \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Umpan balik dari teman Anda untuk \"%2$s\"" msgid "This domain has already been entered." msgstr "Domain ini telah dimasukkan." msgid "Display Site Title and Tagline" msgstr "Tampilkan Judul Situs dan Slogan" msgid "Edit Card" msgstr "Edit Kartu" msgctxt " is also available in lang" msgid "%1$s is also available in %2$s " msgstr "%1$s juga tersedia dalam bahasa %2$s" msgctxt "in {category/tag name}" msgid "In \"%s\"" msgstr "dalam \"%s\"" msgid "Add some testimonials" msgstr "Tambahkan beberapa testimonial" msgid "Add some pages" msgstr "Tambahkan beberapa halaman" msgid "My Posts" msgstr "Pos Saya" msgctxt "admin color scheme" msgid "Midnight" msgstr "Tengah Malam" msgctxt "admin color scheme" msgid "Light" msgstr "Terang" msgctxt "admin color scheme" msgid "Default" msgstr "Awal" msgid "A cloud of your most used tags." msgstr "Awan tag yang paling sering Anda pakai." msgid "Entries from any RSS or Atom feed." msgstr "Masukan dari umpan RSS atau Atom." msgid "Your site’s most recent comments." msgstr "Komentar-komentar terbaru di situs Anda." msgid "Your site’s most recent Posts." msgstr "Pos-pos terbaru di situs Anda." msgid "A list or dropdown of categories." msgstr "Sebuah daftar atau dropdown kategori." msgid "A monthly archive of your site’s Posts." msgstr "Arsip bulanan Pos di situs Anda." msgid "A search form for your site." msgstr "Sebuah formulir pencarian untuk situs Anda." msgid "A list of your site’s Pages." msgstr "Daftar Laman situs Anda. " msgctxt "admin color scheme" msgid "Coffee" msgstr "Kopi" msgctxt "admin color scheme" msgid "Ectoplasm" msgstr "Ektoplasma" msgid "" "Our stats helper monkeys have been busy putting together a personalized " "report detailing how your blog did in %d!" msgstr "" "Asisten statistik kami begitu sibuk menghadirkan laporan personalisasi yang " "memperinci kinerja blog Anda di %d!" msgid "" "To activate a widget drag it to a sidebar or click on it. To deactivate a " "widget and delete its settings, drag it back." msgstr "" "Untuk mengaktifkan suatu widget, klik widget itu atau tarik ke bilah sisi. " "Untuk menonaktifkan dan menghapus pengaturannya, tarik kembali." msgid "Show next theme" msgstr "Tampilkan tema berikutnya" msgid "Show previous theme" msgstr "Tampilkan tema sebelumnya" msgid "Close overlay" msgstr "Tutup hamparan" msgid "Update Available" msgstr "Pemutakhiran Tersedia" msgid "Add New Theme" msgstr "Tambahkan Tema Baru" msgid "" "When previewing on smaller monitors, you can use the collapse icon at the " "bottom of the left-hand pane. This will hide the pane, giving you more room " "to preview your site in the new theme. To bring the pane back, click on the " "collapse icon again." msgstr "" "Ketika meninjau dengan monitor kecil, Anda bisa mempergunakan ikon lipat " "pada bagian bawah jendela tangan kiri. Ini akan menyembunyikan jendela " "tersebut, memberikan Anda lebih banyak ruang untuk meninjau situs dengan " "tema baru. Untuk mengembalikan jendela, klik ikon lipat itu lagi." msgid "" "The theme being previewed is fully interactive — navigate to different " "pages to see how the theme handles posts, archives, and other page " "templates. The settings may differ depending on what theme features the " "theme being previewed supports. To accept the new settings and activate the " "theme all in one step, click the Activate & Publish button above the " "menu." msgstr "" "Tema yang sedang dipratinjau sepenuhnya interaktif — beralih ke laman " "lainnya untuk melihat cara tema berikut menyajikan pos, arsip, dan template " "halaman lainnya. Pengaturan mungkin berbeda bergantung pada fitur tema yang " "didukung. Untuk menerapkan perubahan dan mengaktifkan tema dengan mudah, " "klik Aktifkan & tombol Publikasikan di atas menu." msgid "" "Tap or hover on any theme then click the Live Preview button to see a live " "preview of that theme and change theme options in a separate, full-screen " "view. You can also find a Live Preview button at the bottom of the theme " "details screen. Any installed theme can be previewed and customized in this " "way." msgstr "" "Ketuk atau letakkan kursor pada tema manapun lalu klik tombol Pratinjau " "Langsung untuk menampilkan pratinjau tema itu dan mengatur opsi tema pada " "layar penuh yang terpisah. Anda juga bisa menemukan tombol Pratinjau " "Langsung pada bagian bawah layar rincian tema. Setiap tema yang terinstal " "bisa ditampilkan dan dikustomisasi dengan cara ini." msgid "The active theme is displayed highlighted as the first theme." msgstr "Tema yang aktif ditampilkan dengan sorotan pada urutan pertama." msgid "" "Click Customize for the active theme or Live Preview for any other theme to " "see a live preview" msgstr "" "Klik Sesuaikan pada tema yang aktif atau Pratinjau Langsung pada tema " "lainnya untuk menampilkan Pratinjau" msgid "" "Click on the theme to see the theme name, version, author, description, " "tags, and the Delete link" msgstr "" "Klik pada tema untuk melihat namanya, versi, penyusun, deskripsi, tag yang " "dimilikinya, serta tombol Hapus" msgid "Hover or tap to see Activate and Live Preview buttons" msgstr "" "Letakkan kursor atau ketuk layar untuk melihat tombol-tombol Aktifkan dan " "Pratinjau Langsung" msgid "" "This screen is used for managing your installed themes. Aside from the " "default theme(s) included with your WordPress installation, themes are " "designed and developed by third parties." msgstr "" "Layar ini berguna untuk mengelola tema-tema yang Anda instal. Selain tema-" "tema asal yang disertakan dalam instalasi WordPress Anda, tema-tema lainnya " "dirancang dan dibangun oleh pihak ketiga." msgid "Unable to submit this form, please refresh and try again." msgstr "Gagal mengirim formulir berikut, silakan segarkan dan coba lagi." msgid "" "<strong>Quick Draft</strong> — Allows you to create a new post and " "save it as a draft. Also displays links to the 3 most recent draft posts " "you've started." msgstr "" "<strong>Draf Cepat</strong> — Memampukan Anda membuat pos baru dan " "menyimpannya sebagai draf. Juga menampilkan tautan menuju ke 3 draf terbaru " "yang telah Anda tuliskan." msgid "" "<strong>Activity</strong> — Shows the upcoming scheduled posts, " "recently published posts, and the most recent comments on your posts and " "allows you to moderate them." msgstr "" "<strong>Aktivitas</strong> — Menampilkan pos-pos yang telah " "dijadwalkan untuk terbit di waktu mendatang, pos-pos yang baru diterbitkan, " "dan komentar terbaru pada pos-pos Anda serta memampukan Anda memoderasinya." msgid "" "<strong>At a Glance</strong> — Displays a summary of the content on " "your site and identifies which theme and version of WordPress you are using." msgstr "" "<strong>Selayang Pandang</strong> — Menampilkan ringkasan konten pada " "situs Anda dan mengidentifikasi tema dan versi WordPress yang Anda gunakan." msgid "" "<strong>Screen Options</strong> — Use the Screen Options tab to choose " "which Dashboard boxes to show." msgstr "" "<strong>Opsi Layar</strong> — Pergunakan tab Opsi Layar untuk memilih " "boks Dasbor mana yang ingin ditampilkan." msgid "%1$s rating based on %2$s rating" msgid_plural "%1$s rating based on %2$s ratings" msgstr[0] "%1$s peringkat dari total %2$s peringkat" msgstr[1] "%1$s peringkat dari total %2$s peringkat" msgid "Manage Uploads" msgstr "Kelola Unggahan" msgid "Popular Plugin" msgstr "Plugin Populer" msgid "Tomorrow" msgstr "Besok" msgid "and %d more…" msgstr "dan %d yang lainnya…" msgid "No activity yet!" msgstr "Belum ada aktivitas!" msgid "Recently Published" msgstr "Baru Saja Diterbitkan" msgid "Publishing Soon" msgstr "Segera Diterbitkan" msgid "Enter a description" msgstr "Masukkan keterangan" msgid "What’s on your mind?" msgstr "Apa yang Anda pikirkan?" msgid " running %2$s theme." msgstr " menjalankan tema %2$s." msgid "In moderation" msgstr "Dalam moderasi" msgid "WordPress News" msgstr "Berita WordPress" msgid "Quick Draft" msgstr "Konsep Cepat" msgid " Staff" msgstr "Staf" msgid "← Back to previous step" msgstr "← Kembali ke langkah sebelumnya" msgid "" "Experience the full power of the Colors tool and countless palettes with " "Custom Design, part of the Premium Plan. Make your blog look and feel " "exactly the way you want." msgstr "" "Rasakan kekuatan penuh dari alat Warna dan beragam palet dengan Desain " "Khusus, sebagian fitur dari Paket Premium. Jadikan tampilan dan suasana blog " "Anda seperti yang Anda inginkan." msgid "You can use it to customize the design of any theme." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menggunakannya untuk mengubahsuaikan desain tema " "manapun." msgid "CSS Editor" msgstr "Editor CSS" msgid "Double check to make sure your email address is correct." msgstr "Periksa sekali lagi untuk memastikan alamat email Anda sudah benar." msgid "Video on %s" msgstr "Video di %s" msgid "hits" msgstr "hit" msgid "Your upload failed. Perhaps try from within wp-admin." msgstr "Unggahan Anda gagal. Mungkin coba dari dalam wp-admin." msgid "New posts " msgstr "Pos baru" msgid "Unlimited usage" msgstr "Penggunaan tak terbatas" msgid "Custom site address" msgstr "Alamat situs khusus" msgctxt "Short for credit card expiration" msgid "Exp." msgstr "Kedaluwarsa" msgid "Create a free account" msgstr "Buat akun gratis" msgid "" "Check out our growing collection of <a href=\"%s\">premium themes</a> to " "find the perfect fit for your blog." msgstr "" "Telusurilah koleksi <a href=\"%s\">tema premium</a> kami yang terus " "bertambah untuk menemukan yang paling sesuai untuk blog Anda." msgid "" "<a href=\"%s\">Buy a premium theme</a> for your blog and stand out from the " "crowd!" msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\">Belilah tema premium</a> untuk blog Anda dan menonjollah di " "antara banyak blog lain!" msgid "" "Take your blog to incredible heights with a <a href=\"%s\">premium theme</a>." msgstr "" "Bawalah blog Anda terbang tinggi dengan <a href=\"%s\">tema premium</a>." msgid "" "Want to be the proud owner of a more exclusive theme? <a href=\"%s\">Buy a " "premium theme →</a>" msgstr "" "Ingin menjadi pemilik tema yang lebih eksklusif? <a href=\"%s\">Belilah tema " "premium →</a>" msgid "Upgrade to %s" msgstr "Upgrade menjadi %s" msgid "Your current plan" msgstr "Paket saat ini" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Checkout" msgstr "Keluar" msgid "Recent Pages" msgstr "Halaman Terbaru" msgid "l, F j, g:i a" msgstr "l, j F, g:i a" msgid "The Jetpack Team" msgstr "Tim Jetpack" msgid "" "We’ll continue monitoring your site, and will let you know when it’s up " "again." msgstr "" "Kami akan terus mengawasi situs Anda, dan akan memberitahu Anda kapan situs " "aktif kembali." msgctxt "abbreviation of minutes" msgid "%d mins" msgstr "%d menit" msgctxt "abbreviation of minute" msgid "a min" msgstr "satu menit" msgctxt "unit of time" msgid "a few seconds" msgstr "beberapa detik" msgctxt "time ago" msgid "%s ago" msgstr "%s yang lalu" msgctxt "time from now" msgid "in %s" msgstr "di %s" msgctxt "time in years abbreviation" msgid "%sy" msgstr "%sy" msgctxt "time in months abbreviation" msgid "%smon" msgstr "%smon" msgctxt "time in weeks abbreviation" msgid "%sw" msgstr "%sw" msgctxt "time in days abbreviation" msgid "%sd" msgstr "%sd" msgctxt "time in hours abbreviation" msgid "%sh" msgstr "%sh" msgctxt "time in minutes abbreviation" msgid "%sm" msgstr "%sm" msgctxt "time ago today" msgid "%s" msgstr "%s" msgid "New comment like" msgstr "Suka komentar baru" msgid "%1$s liked your comment on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s menyukai komentar Anda pada %2$s" msgid "No image set" msgstr "Tak ada gambar terpasang" msgid "Unknown error" msgstr "Galat tak dikenal" msgid "<span class=\"meta-nav\">Next Post</span> %title" msgstr "<span class=\"meta-nav\">Tulisan Selanjutnya</span>%title" msgid "<span class=\"meta-nav\">Previous Post</span> %title" msgstr "<span class=\"meta-nav\">Tulisan Sebelumnya</span>%title" msgctxt "Used between list items, there is a space after the comma." msgid ", " msgstr ", " msgid "Oops! That page can’t be found." msgstr "Ups! Halaman itu tidak dapat ditemukan." msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Upgrade" msgstr "Upgrade" msgid "Individual" msgstr "Individual" msgid "Get Social" msgstr "Dapatkan Social" msgid "Manage My Profile" msgstr "Kelola Profil Saya" msgid "Go Mobile" msgstr "Perangkat Mobile" msgid "Create Content" msgstr "Buat Konten" msgid "Customize My Site" msgstr "Sesuaikan Situs Saya" msgid "Help Topics" msgstr "Topik Bantuan" msgid "My Support History" msgstr "Riwayat Dukungan Saya" msgid "Find Answers" msgstr "Temukan Jawaban" msgid "Help & Support" msgstr "Dukungan & Bantuan" msgid "" "Can't find what you're looking for? <a href='%s'>Contact our support team</a>" msgstr "" "Tidak dapat menemukan yang Anda cari? <a href='%s'>Hubungi tim dukungan " "kami</a>" msgid "" "No results found for your search. Please try to refine your search or <a " "href=\"%s\">contact us</a> for additional help." msgstr "" "Pencarian tidak membawa hasil. Silakan coba untuk memperbaiki pencarian Anda " "atau <a href=\"%s\">hubungi kami</a> untuk bantuan tambahan." msgid "" "Are you wanting to <strong>import content</strong> from another platform? " "Read our support guide on <a href=\"%s\">Importing from Posterous</a>." msgstr "" "Anda ingin <strong>mengimpor konten</strong> dari platform lain? Baca " "panduan dukungan kami di <a href=\"%s\">Mengimpor dari Posterous</a>." msgid "" "Is your blog <strong>self-hosted</strong>? Head to <a href=\"%1$s\">the " " forums</a> or learn about <a href=\"%2$s\">the differences</a> " "between and" msgstr "" "Apakah blog Anda <strong>dikelola secara mandiri</strong>? Kunjungi <a href=" "\"%1$s\">forum</a> atau pelajari tentang <a href=\"%2$s" "\">perbedaan</a> antara dan" msgid "" "Does your blog not <strong>display</strong> properly? <a href=\"%s\">Try " "clearing cache and cookies.</a>" msgstr "" "Apakah blog Anda tidak <strong>ditampilkan</strong> seperti seharusnya? <a " "href=\"%s\">Silakan bersihkan cache dan cookie. </a>" msgid "Top Questions - Instant Answers" msgstr "Pertanyaan teratas - Jawaban Instan" msgctxt "text for multiple new posts notification (2 new posts)" msgid "new posts" msgstr "pos-pos baru" msgctxt "text for single new post notification (1 new post)" msgid "new post" msgstr "pos baru" msgctxt "Shown when the next infinite scroll page is loading" msgid "Wait, there's more!" msgstr "Tunggu, masih ada lagi!" msgid "" "The settings for Featured Content have <a href=\"%s\">moved to Appearance " "→ Customize</a>." msgstr "" "Pengaturan Konten Utama telah <a href=\"%s\">dipindahkan ke Tampilan → " "Suaikan</a>." msgid "Featured Content" msgstr "Konten Menonjol" msgid "Upgrade %s" msgstr "Upgrade %s" msgid "My @Mentions" msgstr "@Mentions Saya" msgid "No Comments<span class=\"screen-reader-text\"> on %s</span>" msgstr "Tak ada komentar<span class=\"screen-reader-text\"> pada %s</span>" msgid "Pay %s" msgstr "Bayar %s" msgid "Author " msgstr "Penulis " msgid "Free trial" msgstr "Percobaan Gratis" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Notifikasi" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Earnings" msgstr "Pendapatan" msgid "Add new" msgstr "Tambahkan Baru" msgid "Current header" msgstr "Header saat ini" msgid "Home page/Archives" msgstr "Halaman awal/Arsip" msgid "Filter by date" msgstr "Saring berdasarkan tanggal" msgid "WordPress User" msgstr "Pengguna WordPress" msgid "GitHub" msgstr "GitHub" msgid "There was a problem processing your report. Please try again." msgstr "Ada masalah saat memproses laporan Anda. Harap coba lagi." msgid "Blog posts" msgstr "Pos blog" msgid "Video post." msgstr "Pos video." msgid "Video post by %s." msgstr "Pos video oleh %s." msgid "Campaigns" msgstr "Kampanye" msgid "Enter URL here…" msgstr "Masukkan URL di sini …" msgid "Button" msgstr "Tombol" msgid "Repeat Background Image" msgstr "Gambar Latar Berulang" msgid "Background image" msgstr "Gambar latar belakang" msgid "Header background image" msgstr "Gambar latar belakang header" msgid "Add background image" msgstr "Tambahkan gambar latar belakang" msgid "Feature" msgstr "Fitur" msgid "Alert" msgstr "Peringatan" msgid "Introduction" msgstr "Perkenalan" msgid "Default template" msgstr "Templat bawaan" msgid "Returns" msgstr "Pengembalian" msgid "One account connected." msgid_plural "%d accounts connected." msgstr[0] "%d akun dihubungkan." msgstr[1] "%d akun dihubungkan." msgid "No device has been confirmed." msgstr "Belum ada perangkat yang dikonfirmasi." msgid "What is the URL of the specific blog you are contacting us about?" msgstr "Apa URL dari blog spesifik yang Anda laporkan kepada kami?" msgid "" "Oops, does not belong to you. Please provide your " "<em>specific</em> website address." msgstr "" "Maaf, bukan milik Anda. Silakan berikan alamat situs web " "<em>spesifik</em> milik Anda." msgid "Use commas instead of %s to separate excluded terms." msgstr "" "Gunakan tanda koma untuk memisahkan terma-terma yang dikecualikan, jangan " "gunakan %s." msgid "%sw" msgid_plural "%sw" msgstr[0] "%sw" msgstr[1] "" msgid "%smo" msgid_plural "%smo" msgstr[0] "%smo" msgstr[1] "" msgid "%sy" msgid_plural "%sy" msgstr[0] "%sy" msgstr[1] "" msgid "The WordPress Team" msgstr "Tim WordPress" msgid "" "Some of the items you wanted (%s) are included in %s, so we removed them for " "you." msgstr "" "Beberapa item yang Anda inginkan (%s) sudah disertakan dalam %s, sehingga " "kami hilangkan untuk Anda." msgid "m/y" msgstr "m/y" msgid "g:00 a" msgstr "g:00 a" msgid "l, F j, Y" msgstr "l, j F Y" msgid "l F j, Y" msgstr "l j F Y" msgid "Body text color" msgstr "Warna teks isi" msgid "Video Hosting" msgstr "Hosting Video" msgid "WordPress Hosting" msgstr "Hosting WordPress" msgid "Caption Area Background" msgstr "Latar Belakang Area Keterangan" msgctxt "record number of likes or followers in a day/week/etc" msgid "Old Record: " msgstr "Rekor Lama:" msgctxt "record number of likes or followers in a day/week/etc" msgid "Current Record: " msgstr "Rekor Saat Ini:" msgid "" "<strong><em>A note from</em></strong> By default, this page " "displays your <a href=\"%s\">Gravatar profile</a> until you edit it to add " "your own text. You can leave the Gravatar profile, edit the page to display " "something else, or delete the page altogether. <strong>This note is only " "visible to you.</strong>" msgstr "" "<strong><em>Catatan dari</em></strong> Dalam pengaturan asal, " "halaman ini menampilkan <a href=\"%s\">profil Gravatar</a> Anda hingga Anda " "mengeditnya untuk menambahkan teks Anda sendiri. Anda dapat membiarkan " "profil Gravatar, mengedit halaman untuk menampilkan sesuatu yang lain, atau " "menghapus halamannya. <strong>Catatan ini hanya dapat dilihat oleh Anda.</" "strong>" msgid "" "Something went wrong. Your WHOIS privacy upgrade was not completed " "correctly. Please <a href=\"\">contact " "support</a>." msgstr "" "Ada yang salah. Upgrade privasi WHOIS Anda tidak diselesaikan dengan benar. " "Silakan <a href=\"\">hubungi dukungan</" "a>." msgid "The password reset key you have specified is invalid." msgstr "Kunci pengaturan-ulang kata sandi yang Anda berikan tidak valid." msgid "The SMS recovery number you have provided is invalid." msgstr "Nomor telepon pemulihan melalui SMS yang Anda berikan tidak valid." msgid "Activate Site" msgstr "Aktifkan Situs" msgid "Chinese" msgstr "Cina" msgid "Portuguese" msgstr "Portugis" msgid "Japanese" msgstr "Jepang" msgid "Italian" msgstr "Itali" msgid "French" msgstr "Perancis" msgid "German" msgstr "Jerman" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Trophy Case" msgstr "Galeri Trofi" msgctxt "currency" msgid "British Pounds" msgstr "Poundsterling Inggris" msgid "Careful! You are editing someone else's comment." msgstr "Hati-hati! Anda sedang menyunting komentar orang lain." msgid "Get started!" msgstr "Mulai!" msgid "%s people" msgstr "%s orang" msgid "%s other people" msgstr "%s orang lain" msgid "%s other person" msgstr "%s orang lain" msgid "Liked by you and" msgstr "Disukai oleh Anda dan" msgid "Liked by" msgstr "Disukai oleh" msgid "Liked by you" msgstr "Disukai oleh Anda" msgid "" "We ask that you print this list of ten unique, one-time-use backup codes and " "keep the list in a safe place." msgstr "" "Kami meminta Anda untuk mencetak daftar sepuluh kode cadangan unik sekali " "pakai ini dan menyimpan daftar tersebut di tempat yang aman." msgid "" "Without access to the app, your phone, or a backup code, you will lose " "access to your account." msgstr "" "Tanpa akses ke app, ponsel Anda, atau kode cadangan, Anda akan kehilangan " "akses ke akun Anda." msgid "Ocean" msgstr "Samudera" msgid "Recent Activity" msgstr "Aktivitas Terbaru" msgid "Sorry, that key has expired. Please try again." msgstr "Maaf, key tersebut telah kadaluarsa. Harap coba lagi." msgid "Translation Updates" msgstr "Pembaruan Terjemahan" msgid "The SSL certificate for the host could not be verified." msgstr "Sertifikat SSL untuk host tidak dapat diverifikasi." msgid "The upgrade has been cancelled as requested." msgstr "Upgrade telah dibatalkan sesuai permintaan." msgid "Tuscany" msgstr "Tuscany" msgid "Pills" msgstr "Pil" msgid "<strong>%s</strong> liked your post:" msgstr "<strong>%s</strong> menyukai postingan Anda:" msgid "%d Like" msgid_plural "%d Likes" msgstr[0] "%d Suka" msgstr[1] "%d Suka" msgctxt "User Field" msgid "Description" msgstr "Deskripsi" msgctxt "User Field" msgid "Display Name" msgstr "Nama Tampilan" msgctxt "User Field" msgid "Last Name" msgstr "Nama Belakang" msgctxt "User Field" msgid "First Name" msgstr "Nama Depan" msgctxt "User Field" msgid "URL" msgstr "URL" msgctxt "User Field" msgid "Email" msgstr "Email" msgctxt "User Field" msgid "Login" msgstr "Login" msgctxt "User Field" msgid "User ID" msgstr "ID Pengguna" msgctxt "Error Message Button" msgid "Back" msgstr "Kembali" msgctxt "Error Message Label" msgid "Error:" msgstr "Kesalahan:" msgid "Missing or invalid site id." msgstr "ID situs hilang atau tidak valid." msgid "Import Xanga" msgstr "Impor Xanga" msgid "There are no public comments available to display." msgstr "Tidak ada komentar publik untuk ditampilkan." msgctxt "stats referrer type" msgid "Search Engines" msgstr "Mesin Pencari" msgctxt "stats referrer type" msgid "Private networks" msgstr "Jaringan pribadi" msgid "Receipt Id" msgstr "Id Tanda Terima" msgid "Payment" msgstr "Pembayaran" msgid "Credit" msgstr "Kredit" msgid "Receipt Type" msgstr "Jenis Tanda Terima" msgid "Add a description…" msgstr "Tambahkan deskripsi" msgid "Add WordPress Site" msgstr "Tambah Situs WordPress" msgid "Your photo is managed using the Gravatar service." msgstr "Foto Anda dikelola menggunakan layanan Gravatar." msgid "Ready to publish your first post? Simply use the form above." msgstr "Siap menerbitkan pos pertama Anda? Cukup gunakan formulir di atas." msgctxt "NewDash Update Post" msgid "" "<span class='error-title'>Hey there.</span> Looks like the post you were " "looking for isn't here anymore. Maybe it's already been restored?" msgstr "" "<span class='error-title'>Hai.</span> Tampaknya pos yang Anda cari tidak " "lagi ada di sini. Mungkin sudah dipulihkan?" msgctxt "NewDash Update Post" msgid "" "<span class='error-title'>Hey there.</span> Looks like the post you were " "looking for isn't here anymore. Maybe it's already been deleted?" msgstr "" "<span class='error-title'>Hai.</span>Tampaknya pos yang Anda cari tidak lagi " "ada di sini. Mungkin sudah dihapus?" msgctxt "NewDash Update Post" msgid "" "<span class='error-title'>Hey there.</span> Looks like the post you were " "looking for isn't here anymore. Maybe it's already in your trash?" msgstr "" "<span class='error-title'>Hai.</span>Pos yang Anda cari tidak dapat " "ditemukan. Mungkin berada di tong sampah?" msgctxt "NewDash Update Post" msgid "" "<span class='error-title'>Hey there.</span> Looks like the post you were " "looking for isn't here anymore. Maybe it's in your trash?" msgstr "" "<span class='error-title'>Hai.</span> Pos yang Anda cari tidak dapat " "ditemukan. Mungkin berada di tong sampah?" msgctxt "NewDash Update Post" msgid "" "<span class='error-title'>Woah there!</span> Looks like you don't have " "permission to do that. You should try contacting your site admin and see if " "they can help." msgstr "" "<span class='error-title'>Halo!</span> Tampaknya Anda tidak memiliki izin " "untuk melakukan hal itu. Anda harus mencoba menghubungi admin situs Anda dan " "melihat apakah mereka dapat membantu." msgctxt "NewDash Update Post" msgid "" "<span class=\"error-title\">Whoops!</span> Looks like something went wrong. " "Try again?" msgstr "" "<span class=\"error-title\">Wups!</span> Tampaknya ada sesuatu yang salah. " "Coba lagi?" msgid "No Topic or Blog URL given" msgstr "Tidak Ada Topik atau URL Blog yang Diberikan" msgid "This topic is already on the list" msgstr "Topik ini sudah ada dalam daftar" msgid "No blog or external site feed found at the supplied URL" msgstr "" "Tidak ada blog atau feed situs eksternal yang dapat ditemukan " "dari URL yang diberikan" msgid "Unable to add feed" msgstr "Tidak dapat menambahkan feed" msgid "This feed is already on the list" msgstr "Feed ini sudah ada dalam daftar" msgid "No blog found" msgstr "Tidak ditemukan blog" msgid "This blog is already on the list" msgstr "Blog ini sudah ada di dalam daftar" msgid "Fill in your details below." msgstr "Isi detail Anda di bawah ini." msgid "Contributor" msgstr "Kontributor" msgid "Project Tags" msgstr "Tag Proyek" msgid "Posts Page" msgstr "Halaman Pos" msgid "Script" msgstr "Skrip" msgid "Term Description" msgstr "Deskripsi Istilah" msgctxt "Comma-separated list of search stopwords in your language" msgid "" "about,an,are,as,at,be,by,com,for,from,how,in,is,it,of,on,or,that,the,this,to," "was,what,when,where,who,will,with,www" msgstr "" "tentang,sebuah,adalah,dengan,di,oleh,akan,untuk,dari,bagaimana,dalam,ini,itu," "situ,darimana,sini,apa,kapan,ketika,mana,siapa,www" msgid "" "This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password " "below:" msgstr "" "Konten berikut dilindungi dengan kata sandi. Untuk melihatnya silakan " "masukkan kata sandi Anda di bawah ini:" msgid "Failed to write request to temporary file." msgstr "Gagal menulis permohonan ke dalam berkas temporer." msgid "Connected Applications" msgstr "Aplikasi yang Terhubung" msgid "" "The sizes listed below determine the maximum dimensions in pixels to use " "when adding an image to the Media Library." msgstr "" "Ukuran yang tertera di bawah ini menentukan dimensi maksimum dalam pixel " "yang digunakan ketika menambahkan sebuah gambar dalam Pustaka Media." msgid "File size:" msgstr "Ukuran berkas:" msgid "%s page restored from the Trash." msgid_plural "%s pages restored from the Trash." msgstr[0] "%s laman dikembalikan dari Tong Sampah." msgstr[1] "%s laman dikembalikan dari Tong Sampah." msgid "%s page moved to the Trash." msgid_plural "%s pages moved to the Trash." msgstr[0] "%s laman dipindahkan ke Tong Sampah." msgstr[1] "%s laman dipindahkan ke Tong Sampah." msgid "%s page permanently deleted." msgid_plural "%s pages permanently deleted." msgstr[0] "%s laman dihapus permanen." msgstr[1] "%s laman dihapus permanen." msgid "%s post restored from the Trash." msgid_plural "%s posts restored from the Trash." msgstr[0] "%s pos dikembalikan dari Tong Sampah." msgstr[1] "%s pos dikembalikan dari Tong Sampah." msgid "%s post moved to the Trash." msgid_plural "%s posts moved to the Trash." msgstr[0] "%s pos dibuang ke Tong Sampah." msgstr[1] "%s pos dibuang ke Tong Sampah." msgid "%s post permanently deleted." msgid_plural "%s posts permanently deleted." msgstr[0] "%s pos dihapus permanen." msgstr[1] "%s pos dihapus permanen." msgid "IP Address" msgstr "Alamat IP" msgid "This connection is working correctly." msgstr "Sambungan ini bekerja dengan benar." msgid "This connection is about to expire." msgstr "Koneksi ini hampir kedaluwarsa." msgid "This connection may not be working correctly." msgstr "Koneksi ini mungkin tidak berfungsi dengan benar." msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Explore Tags" msgstr "Telusuri Tag" msgid "Enter a URL" msgstr "Masukkan URL" msgid "Add site" msgstr "Tambahkan situs" msgid "Print account recovery codes" msgstr "Cetak kode pemulihan akun" msgid "" "Hey! You are using two-step authentication, but you haven’t printed " "your account recovery codes. It’s important to have these in case you " "ever have trouble accessing your blog." msgstr "" "Hei! Anda menggunakan autentikasi dua langkah, namun Anda belum mencetak " "kode pemulihan akun Anda. Penting untuk meminta ini jika Anda mengalami " "masalah dalam mengakses blog Anda." msgid "Unable to delete the list item" msgstr "Tidak bisa menghapus butir dalam daftar" msgid "No list item given" msgstr "Tidak ada butir dalam daftar yang diberikan" msgid "Follow Button" msgstr "Tombol Ikuti" msgid "Show follower count" msgstr "Tampilkan jumlah pengikut" msgid "Show blog name" msgstr "Tampilkan nama blog" msgid "Invalid phone number." msgstr "Nomor telepon tidak valid." msgctxt "NewDash Comments Activity Feed" msgid "View All Comments" msgstr "Lihat Semua Komentar" msgid "Send recovery code via text" msgstr "Kirim kode pemulihan melalui SMS" msgid "Recovery code has been sent." msgstr "Kode pemulihan telah dikirimkan." msgid " verification code: %s" msgstr "Kode verifikasi %s" msgid "Sign out" msgstr "Keluar" msgid "" "You are currently managing subscriptions for %1$s. %2$s from this email." msgstr "Saat ini Anda mengelola langganan untuk %1$s. %2$s dari email ini." msgid "Delivery Frequency" msgstr "Frekuensi Pengiriman" msgid "Create one here" msgstr "Buat di sini" msgid "" "%1$s to your account to more easily manage your subscriptions. " "Don't have an account? %2$s." msgstr "" "%1$s ke akun Anda untuk mengelola langganan dengan lebih " "mudah. Belum memiliki akun? %2$s." msgid "" "This is the management page for following post comments. You will receive an " "email at %s whenever anyone comments on these posts. Unsubscribe to stop " "receiving emails for that post. Go to <em>Settings</em> to stop receiving " "all emails from" msgstr "" "Ini adalah halaman pengelolaan untuk komentar pos yang diikuti. Anda akan " "menerima e-mail di %s setiap kali ada yang berkomentar pada pos berikut. " "Berhenti berlangganan untuk berhenti menerima e-mail untuk pos tersebut. " "Buka <em>Pengaturan</em> untuk berhenti menerima semua e-mail dari WordPress." "com." msgid "" "We take care of the details of sending emails to your subscribers, leaving " "you to concentrate on your content." msgstr "" "Kami menangani detail pengiriman email ke pelanggan Anda, silakan " "berkonsentrasi saja pada konten Anda." msgid "" "Become a user and manage your subscriptions directly in your " "account." msgstr "" "Jadilah pengguna dan kelola langganan langsung di akun Anda." msgid "Unable to update the list" msgstr "Tidak bisa memperbarui daftar" msgid "Please enter a list title" msgstr "Silakan masukkan judul daftar" msgid "Delete list" msgstr "Hapus daftar" msgid "Unable to delete the list" msgstr "Tidak bisa menghapus daftar" msgid "No list given" msgstr "Tidak ada daftar yang diberikan" msgid "Activate Two Step Authentication" msgstr "Mengaktifkan Autentikasi Dua Langkah" msgid "" "Enhance the security of your account with Two Step Authentication — a " "second step to the log-in process that no-one but you can access." msgstr "" "Tingkatkan keamanan akun Anda dengan Autentikasi Dua Langkah — langkah kedua " "untuk proses login yang hanya Anda yang dapat mengaksesnya." msgid "Unable to create a new list." msgstr "Tidak bisa membuat daftar baru." msgid "Please enter a list name" msgstr "Silakan masukkan nama daftar" msgctxt "Tab title" msgid "My Feed" msgstr "Feed Saya" msgctxt "Tab title" msgid "My Instagrams" msgstr "Instagram Saya" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Comments I Made" msgstr "Komentar yang Saya Buat" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Posts I Like" msgstr "Pos-pos yang Saya Sukai" msgid "Show Excerpts:" msgstr "Tampilkan Ringkasan:" msgid "Show Featured Image:" msgstr "Tampilkan Gambar Utama:" msgid "Number of Posts to Display:" msgstr "Jumlah Posting yang ditampilkan:" msgid "Enter a or Jetpack WordPress site URL." msgstr "Masukkan URL situs atau Jetpack WordPress." msgid "" "Displays a list of recent posts from another or Jetpack-" "enabled blog." msgstr "" "Tampilkan daftar posting terkini dari blog atau yang " "menggunakan Jetpack lainnya." msgid "Display WordPress Posts" msgstr "Tampilkan Pos-pos WordPress" msgid "" "Howdy,\n" "\n" "%1$s commented on: %2$s.\n" "\n" "Comment URL: (%3$s)\n" "Post URL: (%4$s)\n" "\n" msgstr "" "Halo,\n" "\n" "%1$s berkomentar pada: %2$s.\n" "\n" "URL Komentar: (%3$s)\n" "URL Postingan: (%4$s)\n" "\n" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Unsubscribe</a> or modify your <a href=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a>." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Berhenti berlangganan</a> atau modifikasi <a href=\"%2$s\">" "%3$s</a> Anda." msgid "<a href=\"%1$s\">Unsubscribe</a> to no longer receive posts from %2$s." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Berhenti berlangganan dari </a> agar tidak lagi menerima " "pos dari %2$s." msgid "A selection of trending content on Instagram." msgstr "Kumpulan konten terpilih yang ngetren di Instagram." msgid "Create List" msgstr "Buat Daftar" msgid "Lists" msgstr "Daftar" msgid "Juice" msgstr "Jus" msgid "Post published" msgstr "Pos diterbitkan" msgid "Enter an Instagram Username" msgstr "Masukkan Nama Pengguna Instagram" msgid "Enter a tag" msgstr "Masukkan sebuah tag" msgid "Load more pics" msgstr "Muat lebih banyak gambar" msgid "Insert Instagram" msgstr "Masukkan Instagram" msgctxt "Tab title" msgid "With Tag" msgstr "Dengan Tag" msgid "View this comment" msgstr "Lihat komentar ini" msgid "Show thumbnails" msgstr "Tampilkan thumbnail" msgid "Site Logo" msgstr "Logo Situs" msgid "utility" msgstr "utilitas" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Customize" msgstr "Sesuaikan" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Group" msgstr "Grup" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Recommended Blogs" msgstr "Blog Rekomendasi" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Find Friends" msgstr "Temukan Teman" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Local Posts" msgstr "Pos Setempat" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Freshly Pressed" msgstr "Terbitan Terkini" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Connected Apps" msgstr "Aplikasi yang Terhubung" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Billing History" msgstr "Riwayat Penagihan" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Subscriptions Delivery" msgstr "Pengiriman Berlangganan" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Public Profile" msgstr "Profil Publik" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Security" msgstr "Keamanan" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Password" msgstr "Kata Sandi" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "My Account" msgstr "Akun Saya" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "Help" msgstr "Bantuan" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "My Stats" msgstr "Statistik Saya" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "New Post" msgstr "Pos Baru" msgctxt "NewDash Page Title" msgid "My Activity" msgstr "Aktivitas Saya" msgid "Recent results for" msgstr "Hasil terakhir tentang" msgctxt "Trophy Case sidebar headline" msgid "Filter by blog" msgstr "Filter berdasarkan blog" msgid "Show All" msgstr "Tampilkan Semua" msgctxt "Trophy Case sidebar headline" msgid "Filter by type" msgstr "Filter berdasarkan jenis" msgid "Note" msgstr "Catatan" msgid "Read more" msgstr "Baca lebih lanjut" msgid "Related" msgstr "Terkait" msgid "Liked by %s person" msgid_plural "Liked by %s people" msgstr[0] "Disukai oleh %s orang" msgstr[1] "Disukai oleh %s orang" msgid "With 1 comment" msgid_plural "With %s comments" msgstr[0] "Dengan 1 komentar" msgstr[1] "Dengan %s komentar" msgid "In %s" msgstr "Dalam %s" msgid "Show related content after posts" msgstr "Perlihatkan konten terkait setelah Pos" msgid "Download all email-only followers as CSV" msgstr "Unduh semua pengikut khusus email sebagai CSV" msgid "Email-only Followers" msgstr "Pengikut Khusus Email" msgctxt "%1$s = a user email address, %2$s dotcom support link" msgid "" "An export for this site is already in progress. A download link will be sent " "to \"<strong>%1$s</strong>\" when the export has finished.<br /><br />If you " "do not recognize this email address, please <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank" "\">contact us for support</a>." msgstr "" "Proses ekspor untuk situs ini sedang berlangsung. Tautan unduhan akan " "dikirimkan ke \"<strong>%1$s</strong>\" saat proses ekspor selesai.<br /" "><br />Jika tidak mengenali alamat email ini, <a href=\"%2$s\" target=" "\"_blank\">hubungi kami untuk mendapatkan dukungan</a>." msgctxt "%1$s = a user email address" msgid "" "Your export is being processed!<br />A download link will be sent to <strong>" "%1$s</strong> when the export has finished." msgstr "" "Eksporan Anda sedang diproses!<br />Tautan unduhan akan dikirimkan ke " "<strong>%1$s</strong> saat proses ekspor selesai." msgid "The specified email is invalid." msgstr "Email yang disebut ini tidak valid." msgid "Something went wrong while exporting the site" msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan ketika mengekspor situs ini" msgid "Organized by" msgstr "Diselenggarakan oleh" msgid "Create new site" msgstr "Buat situs baru" msgctxt "submit-button" msgid "Submit" msgstr "Kirim" msgid "Eventbrite API: %s" msgstr "API Eventbrite: %s" msgid "Eventbrite API: Failed to get auth service." msgstr "API Eventbrite: Gagal mendapatkan layanan autentikasi." msgid "theme" msgstr "tema" msgid "" "Follow settings can now be managed in the <a href=\"%s\"> " "Reader</a>." msgstr "" "Pengaturan ikuti kini dapat dikelola di <a href=\"%s\">Pembaca WordPress." "com</a>." msgid "" "You can now manage the blogs you follow in the <a href=\"%s\"> " "Reader</a>." msgstr "" "Kini Anda dapat mengelola blog yang Anda ikuti di <a href=\"%s\">Pembaca " "</a>." msgid "Connect with " msgstr "Terhubung dengan " msgid "Table of Contents" msgstr "Daftar Isi" msgid "Click to autoplay the presentation!" msgstr "Klik untuk menjalankan presentasi secara otomatis!" msgid "Comment must be manually approved" msgstr "Komentar harus disetujui secara manual" msgid "Start a Blog" msgstr "Memulai Blog" msgid "" "Note: we don't count shares from 'official' buttons, just the standard share " "links. These numbers may not match the Sharing buttons or stats provided by " "the Sharing Services themselves, because we can only count shares that " "happen on" msgstr "" "Catatan: kami tidak menghitung berbagi dari tombol 'resmi', hanya tautan " "berbagi standar. Angka tersebut mungkin tidak sesuai dengan tombol Berbagi " "atau status yang diberikan oleh Layanan Berbagi itu saja." msgid "Total Shares : %s" msgstr "Total Berbagi : %s" msgid "Bright" msgstr "Terang" msgid "Sorry, that page does not exist." msgstr "Maaf, halaman ini tidak ada." msgid "Eventbrite Authentication" msgstr "Autentifikasi Eventbrite" msgid "Create New Site" msgstr "Buat Situs Baru" msgid "Buy Tickets" msgstr "Beli Tiket" msgid "Not results found" msgstr "Hasil tidak ditemukan" msgctxt "voce settings api" msgid "Your changes have been saved." msgstr "Perubahan Anda telah disimpan." msgctxt "eventbrite setting" msgid "Event ID" msgstr "ID Acara" msgctxt "eventbrite setting" msgid "Event Date" msgstr "Tanggal Acara" msgctxt "eventbrite setting" msgid "Event Name" msgstr "Nama Acara" msgctxt "eventbrite setting" msgid "Online" msgstr "Online" msgctxt "eventbrite setting" msgid "All Locations" msgstr "Semua Lokasi" msgid "Venue" msgstr "Tempat" msgctxt "eventbrite settings" msgid "All Organizers" msgstr "Semua Penyelenggara" msgid "Organizer" msgstr "Penyelenggara" msgid "Show Events" msgstr "Tampilkan Acara" msgctxt "ticket price" msgid "%s and up" msgstr "%s ke atas" msgctxt "ticket price" msgid "Free" msgstr "Gratis" msgid "Suggested sites" msgstr "Saran situs" msgid "Online" msgstr "Online" msgid "All Locations" msgstr "Semua Lokasi" msgid "All Organizers" msgstr "Semua Penyelenggara" msgctxt "keyring" msgid "Delete" msgstr "Hapus" msgid "Buy" msgstr "Beli" msgid "free" msgstr "gratis" msgid "Add your own event" msgstr "Tambahkan acara Anda sendiri" msgid "Venue:" msgstr "Tempat:" msgid "Organizer:" msgstr "Penyelenggara:" msgid "Eventbrite: Event Calendar/Listing" msgstr "Eventbrite: Daftar/Kalender Acara" msgid "An <span>Automattic</span> Company" msgstr "Anak Perusahaan <span>Automattic</span>" msgid "Sign in" msgstr "Masuk" msgid "View Comments" msgstr "Lihat Komentar" msgid "" "Your credit card has been removed, and auto renew has been disabled for all " "your subscriptions." msgstr "" "Kartu kredit Anda telah dihapus, dan perpanjangan otomatis telah " "dinonaktifkan untuk semua langganan Anda." msgctxt "" "Widget Visibility: {Rule Major [Page]} is {Rule Minor [Search results]}" msgid "is" msgstr "adalah" msgid "Post Archives" msgstr "Arsip Pos" msgid "" "Showing <span class=\"p2-resolved-posts-first-post\">1</span>-<span class=" "\"p2-resolved-posts-last-post\">%1$d</span> of <span class=\"p2-resolved-" "posts-total-posts\">%2$d</span> %3$s posts" msgstr "" "Menampilkan <span class=\"p2-resolved-posts-first-post\">1</span>-<span " "class=\"p2-resolved-posts-last-post\">%1$d</span> dari <span class=\"p2-" "resolved-posts-total-posts\">%2$d</span> %3$s pos" msgid "%1$s removed resolution<br />%2$s" msgstr "%1$s resolusi dihapus<br />%2$s" msgid "%1$s marked this %2$s<br />%3$s" msgstr "%1$s menandai %2$s ini<br />%3$s" msgid "<span class=\"date-time\">%1$s on %2$s</span>" msgstr "<span class=\"date-time\">%1$s pada %2$s</span>" msgid "Invalid post id" msgstr "Id pos tidak valid" msgid "Doin' something fishy, huh?" msgstr "Anda melakukan sesuatu yang mencurigakan." msgid "" "P2 Resolved Posts is enabled. You'll also need to activate the <a href='%s' " "target='_blank'>P2 theme</a> to start using the plugin." msgstr "" "Pos yang Diselesaikan P2 diaktifkan. Anda juga perlu mengaktifkan <a " "href='%s' target='_blank'>tema P2</a> untuk dapat mulai menggunakan plugin." msgid "Flag as %s" msgstr "Tandai sebagai %s" msgctxt "copying {post_type}" msgid "Copying %s..." msgstr "Menyalin %s..." msgctxt "Replace the current {post_type} with the selected {post_type}" msgid "Replace the current %s with the selected %s?" msgstr "Gantikan %s sekarang ini dengan %s terpilih?" msgid "Copying page..." msgstr "Menyalin halaman..." msgid "Search for a page by title" msgstr "Cari halaman berdasarkan judul" msgid "Copying post..." msgstr "Menyalin pos..." msgid "Search for a post by title" msgstr "Cari pos berdasarkan judul" msgctxt "Copy a {post_type}" msgid "Copy a %s" msgstr "Salin sebuah %s" msgid "Select an account to connect:" msgstr "Pilih akun untuk dihubungkan:" msgid "" "Connect your accounts so that when you publish a post it will be " "automatically shared on Facebook or Twitter. <strong>Blog posts that are " "shared get 50% more likes, comments and views.</strong>" msgstr "" "Hubungkan akun Anda, sehingga ketika Anda menerbitkan pos, pos akan secara " "otomatis dibagikan ke Facebook atau Twitter. <strong>Pos-pos blog yang " "dibagikan mendapatkan 50% lebih tanggapan suka, komentar, dan dilihat.</" "strong>" msgid "Share your blog posts with family, friends, or followers" msgstr "Berbagi pos blog Anda dengan keluarga, teman, atau pengikut" msgid "Connect with %s" msgstr "Hubungkan dengan %s" msgid "There was a problem setting up your %s account. Please try again." msgstr "Terjadi masalah saat menyiapkan akun %s Anda. Coba lagi." msgid "You do not have permission to access this page." msgstr "Anda tidak punya hak akses untuk mengakses halaman ini." msgid "Comments and Posts" msgstr "Komentar dan Pos" msgid "Please enter a complete domain name - e.g." msgstr "Masukkan nama domain lengkap - mis." msgid "Looking for %1$s in %2$s" msgstr "Mencari %1$s di %2$s" msgid "Date:" msgstr "Tanggal:" msgid "%1$s & %2$s" msgstr "%1$s adalah %2$s" msgid "Expired %s" msgstr "Kedaluwarsa %s" msgid "Card ending in" msgstr "Kartu berakhir dalam" msgid "Clear All Filters" msgstr "Batalkan semua filter" msgid "Mobile Menu" msgstr "Menu Aplikasi Seluler" msgid "Thank you for your purchase!" msgstr "Terima kasih atas pembelian Anda!" msgid "Posts containing ‘%s’ (%d)" msgstr "Pos mengandung ‘%s’ (%d)" msgid "#%s" msgstr "#%s" msgid "Posts categorized as %s" msgstr "Pos dikategorikan sebagai %s" msgid "Descending (newest first)" msgstr "Menaik (terbaru di awal)" msgid "Ascending (oldest first)" msgstr "Menurun (terlama di awal)" msgid " Media %s" msgstr "Media %s" msgid "Enter your email address." msgstr "Masukkan alamat email Anda." msgid "Use Markdown for comments." msgstr "Gunakan Markdown untuk Komentar." msgid "Learn more about Markdown." msgstr "Pelajari tentang Markdown." msgid "Use Markdown for posts and pages." msgstr "Gunakan Markdown untuk pos dan laman." msgid "There was a problem updating your following preferences." msgstr "Ada kesalahan saat memperbarui preferensi Anda." msgid "Search YouTube" msgstr "Cari Youtube" msgid "Insert YouTube" msgstr "Sisipkan Youtube" msgid "You both liked posts on these blogs" msgstr "Anda menyukai postingan pada blog tersebut" msgid "%1$s blogs at" msgstr "%1$s menulis blog di" msgid "" "Good Job! %1$s really liked your post <strong><a href=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a></" "strong>!" msgstr "" "Kerja Bagus! %1$s sangat menyukai postingan Anda <strong><a href=\"%2$s\">" "%3$s</a></strong>!" msgid "Yesterday at %s" msgstr "Kemarin di %s" msgid "Total: %s" msgstr "Total %s" msgid "The post has already been set to that resolution." msgstr "Pos telah diatur dengan resolusi tersebut." msgid "" "Your Testimonial Archive currently has no entries. You can start creating " "them on your dashboard." msgstr "" "Saat ini, Arsip Testimonial Anda tidak memiliki entri. Anda dapat mulai " "membuat entri di dasbor." msgid "Resend Email" msgstr "Kirim Email Lagi" msgid "Emails Sent To" msgstr "Email Dikirimkan Ke" msgid "Add New Email Forwards" msgstr "Tambahkan Penerusan Email Baru" msgid "Create a brand new user and add them to this site." msgstr "Buat pengguna baru dan tambahkan ke situs ini." msgid "" "There was a problem creating your connection. Please go back and try again." msgstr "Terjadi masalah saat menjalin koneksi. Silakan kembali dan coba lagi." msgid "" "<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please log in using your main password and two-step " "authentication to update your profile." msgstr "" "<strong>ERROR</strong>: Harap login dengan kata sandi utama Anda dan " "autentikasi dua langkah untuk memperbarui profil Anda." msgid "Enter Username" msgstr "Masukkan Nama Pengguna" msgid "Within %skm" msgstr "Dalam %skm" msgid "Enter location" msgstr "Masukkan lokasi" msgid "Location:" msgstr "Lokasi:" msgid "Search Twitter" msgstr "Cari Twitter" msgid "Enter a Twitter Username" msgstr "Masukkan nama pengguna Twitter" msgid "Enter a Hashtag" msgstr "Masukkan sebuah Hastag" msgid "Insert Tweet" msgstr "Masukkan Tweet" msgctxt "Tab title" msgid "By Location" msgstr "Berdasarkan Lokasi" msgctxt "Tab title" msgid "To User" msgstr "Ke Pengguna" msgctxt "Tab title" msgid "By User" msgstr "Berdasarkan Pengguna" msgctxt "Tab title" msgid "With Hashtag" msgstr "Dengan Hashtag" msgctxt "Tab title" msgid "All" msgstr "Semua" msgid "The domain is currently not available for registration." msgstr "Domain ini saat ini tidak tersedia untuk registrasi." msgid "Writers block?" msgstr "Tidak ada ide untuk menulis?" msgid "Start a new site" msgstr "Mulai situs baru" msgid "%d min" msgid_plural "%d mins" msgstr[0] "%d min" msgstr[1] "%d min" msgid "" "<strong>Clicking the arrow to the right of any menu item</strong> in the " "editor will reveal a standard group of settings. Additional settings such as " "link target, CSS classes, link relationships, and link descriptions can be " "enabled and disabled via the Screen Options tab." msgstr "" "<strong>Mengklik panah di sebelah kanan item menu manapun</strong> dalam " "editor akan menampilkan sekelompok pengaturan standar. Pengaturan tambahan " "seperti target tautan, class CSS, relasi tautan, dan deskripsi tautan bisa " "diaktifkan dan dinonaktifkan via tab Opsi Layar." msgid "" "Menus can be displayed in locations defined by your theme, even used in " "sidebars by adding a “Navigation Menu” widget on the <a href=" "\"%1$s\">Widgets</a> screen. If your theme does not support the navigation " "menus feature (the default themes, %2$s and %3$s, do), you can learn about " "adding this support by following the documentation link to the side." msgstr "" "Menu dapat ditampilkan di lokasi yang ditentukan oleh tema Anda, bahkan " "digunakan dalam sidebars dengan menambahkan widget “Menu " "Navigasi” pada layar <a href=\"%1$s\"> Widget</a>. Jika tema Anda " "tidak mendukung fitur menu navigasi (tema default,%2$s dan %3$s, bisa), Anda " "dapat mempelajari tentang menambahkan dukungan ini dengan mengikuti link " "Dokumentasi di samping." msgid "" "Your theme does not natively support menus, but you can use them in sidebars " "by adding a “Navigation Menu” widget on the <a href=\"%s" "\">Widgets</a> screen." msgstr "" "Tema Anda tidak mendukung menu secara bawaan, namun Anda bisa meletakkannya " "di bilah sisi dengan menambahkan widget “Menu Navigasi” pada " "layar <a href=\"%s\">Widget</a>." msgid "Launching Customizer" msgstr "Meluncurkan Customizer" msgid "Sorry comment search is currently disabled, check back soon." msgstr "" "Maaf, pencarian komentar saat ini sedang dinonaktifkan, periksa lagi nanti." msgid "You registered on 1 year ago." msgid_plural "You registered on %1$d years ago." msgstr[0] "Anda mendaftar di 1 tahun yang lalu." msgstr[1] "Anda mendaftar di %1$d tahun yang lalu." msgid "Upgrade Now" msgstr "Upgrade Sekarang" msgctxt "subscription emails frequency" msgid "You get weekly post emails and no comment emails for this blog" msgstr "" "Anda mendapatkan kiriman email pos mingguan dan tidak ada email komentar " "untuk blog ini" msgctxt "subscription emails frequency" msgid "You get weekly post and instant comment emails for this blog" msgstr "" "Anda mendapatkan kiriman pos mingguan dan email komentar instan untuk blog " "ini" msgctxt "subscription emails frequency" msgid "You get daily post emails and no comment emails for this blog" msgstr "" "Anda mendapatkan kiriman email pos harian dan tidak ada email komentar untuk " "blog ini" msgctxt "subscription emails frequency" msgid "You get daily post and instant comment emails for this blog" msgstr "" "Anda mendapatkan kiriman pos harian dan email komentar instan untuk blog ini" msgctxt "subscription emails frequency" msgid "You get instant post emails and no comment emails for this blog" msgstr "" "Anda mendapatkan kiriman email pos instan dan tidak ada email komentar untuk " "blog ini" msgctxt "subscription emails frequency" msgid "You get instant post and instant comment emails for this blog" msgstr "" "Anda mendapatkan kiriman pos instan dan email komentar instan untuk blog ini" msgctxt "subscription emails frequency" msgid "You get no post and no comment emails for this blog" msgstr "" "Anda tidak mendapatkan kiriman pos dan tidak ada email komentar untuk blog " "ini" msgctxt "subscription emails frequency" msgid "You get no post and instant comment emails for this blog" msgstr "" "Anda tidak mendapatkan kiriman pos dan email komentar instan untuk blog ini" msgid "Updating" msgstr "Memperbarui" msgid "Restored" msgstr "Dipulihkan" msgid "Total Subscriptions" msgstr "Total Langganan" msgid "Upgrade and save" msgstr "Upgrade dan simpan" msgid "No ads" msgstr "Tidak ada iklan" msgid "Community Support" msgstr "Dukungan komunitas" msgid "Social media links" msgstr "Tautan media sosial" msgid "Markdown content" msgstr "Konten Markdown" msgid "Markdown" msgstr "Markdown" msgid "" "Compare two different revisions by <strong>selecting the “Compare any " "two revisions” box</strong> to the side." msgstr "" "Bandingkan dua revisi berbeda dengan cara <strong>memilih kotak “" "Bandingkan 2 revisi”</strong> disamping." msgid "Continue →" msgstr "Lanjutkan →" msgid "No callback action taken." msgstr "Belum ada tindakan panggilan balik." msgid "You are not allowed to edit this post resolution" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengedit resolusi pos ini" msgid "Compare any two revisions" msgstr "Bandingkan 2 revisi" msgid "Showing %1$s of %2$s %3$s posts" msgstr "Menampilkan %1$s dari %2$s %3$s pos" msgid "Unable to complete this action" msgstr "Tidak dapat menyelesaikan tindakan ini" msgid "" "The domain name you entered cannot be added to this blog. Please try a " "different domain name." msgstr "" "Nama domain yang Anda masukkan tidak dapat ditambahkan ke blog ini. Silakan " "coba nama domain yang lain." msgid "" "<strong>View</strong> user information data such as username, name, email, " "blog, and Gravatar." msgstr "" "<strong>Melihat</strong> data informasi pengguna seperti nama pengguna, " "nama, email, blog, dan Gravatar." msgid "Highlight" msgstr "Sorotan" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Canadian Dollars" msgstr "Dolar Kanada" msgid "%1$s, %2$s comments" msgstr "%1$s, %2$s komentar" msgid "Switch blog:" msgstr "Beralih blog:" msgid "Embed Media Player" msgstr "Pemutar Media Tersemat" msgid "Restore This Autosave" msgstr "Kembalikan Simpanan Otomatis Ini" msgid "Current Revision by %s" msgstr "Revisi saat ini oleh %s" msgid "Autosave by %s" msgstr "Disimpan otomatis oleh %s" msgctxt "revisions" msgid "Browse" msgstr "Telusuri" msgid "Revisions: %s" msgstr "Revisi: %s" msgid "\"%s\"." msgstr "\"%s\"." msgid "\"%1$s\" by %2$s." msgstr "\"%1$s\" oleh %2$s." msgid "\"%1$s\" from %2$s." msgstr "\"%1$s\" dari %2$s." msgid "\"%1$s\" from %2$s by %3$s." msgstr "\"%1$s\" dari %2$s oleh %3$s." msgid "Link to Attachment Page" msgstr "Tautan ke Laman Lampiran" msgid "Link to Media File" msgstr "Tautan ke Berkas Media" msgid "Embed or Link" msgstr "Sematan atau Tautan" msgid "Upcoming charges" msgstr "Biaya yang Akan Dikenakan" msgid "An unexpected error occurred. Please refresh the page and try again." msgstr "Terjadi galat tak terduga. Refresh halaman ini dan coba lagi." msgid "Revision by %s" msgstr "Revisi oleh %s" msgid "Captions/Subtitles" msgstr "Subteks/Subjudul" msgid "Download File" msgstr "Unduh Berkas" msgid "" "Sorry, something went wrong. The requested comparison could not be loaded." msgstr "" "Maaf, ada sesuatu yang keliru. Perbandingan yang diminta tidak bisa dimuat." msgid "" "<strong>Connection lost.</strong> Saving has been disabled until you are " "reconnected." msgstr "" "<strong>Internet terputus.</strong> Penyimpanan tak bisa dilakukan sampai " "Anda tersambung kembali." msgid "" "This slideshow could not be started. Try refreshing the page or viewing it " "in another browser." msgstr "" "Slideshow ini tak bisa dijalankan. Coba segarkan laman atau buka dengan " "browser lain." msgid "Sorry, that Pinterest URL was not recognized." msgstr "Maaf, URL Pinterest tidak dikenali." msgid "Unable to set post resolution." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengatur resolusi pos." msgid "App Name" msgstr "Nama Aplikasi" msgid "Invalid post resolution." msgstr "Resolusi pos tidak valid." msgid "%s removed resolution" msgstr "%s menghapus resolusi" msgid "From %1$s to %2$s" msgstr "Dari %1$s hingga %2$s" msgid "Confirm Email Forward" msgstr "Konfirmasi Penerusan Email" msgid "From %s to %s" msgstr "Dari %s ke %s" msgid "Please confirm you would like to setup this email forwarding: " msgstr "" "Silakan memberikan konfirmasi bahwa Anda ingin mengatur penerusan email " "berikut: " msgid "Your email forward has been setup." msgstr "Penerusan email Anda telah disiapkan." msgid "Resend Verification Email" msgstr "Kirim ulang Email Verifikasi" msgid "" "A confirmation email has been sent to %1$s to confirm the forwarding for %2$s" msgstr "" "Email konfirmasi telah dikirim ke %1$s untuk mengonfirmasi penerusan ke %2$s" msgid "No credit cards stored for your account." msgstr "Tidak tersimpan kartu kredit untuk akun Anda" msgid "%1$s marked this %2$s" msgstr "%1$s menandai ini %2$s" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">Great passwords</a> use upper and lower " "case characters, numbers, and symbols like <em>%2$s</em>." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">Kata sandi yang aman</a> menggunakan " "karakter besar dan kecil, angka, dan simbol seperti <em>%2$s</em>." msgid "Create an Account" msgstr "Buat Akun" msgid "Welcome to Premium!" msgstr "Selamat datang di Premium!" msgid "Post not found." msgstr "Pos tidak ditemukan." msgid "Insufficient information provided." msgstr "Informasi yang diberikan tidak cukup." msgid "Avatar" msgstr "Avatar" msgid "Number of Tags:" msgstr "Jumlah Tag:" msgid "No Results found" msgstr "Hasil tidak ditemukan" msgid "state" msgstr "negara bagian" msgid "Remove resolved flag" msgstr "Hapus tanda terselesaikan" msgid "Flag as unresolved" msgstr "Tandai sebagai belum terselesaikan" msgid "Flag unresolved" msgstr "Tandai belum terselesaikan" msgid "" "Apologies, but I could not find any results for that search term. Please try " "again." msgstr "" "Maaf, saya tidak dapat menemukan hasil untuk istilah pencarian tersebut. " "Harap coba lagi." msgid "By Month" msgstr "Berdasarkan Bulan" msgid "Recent Transactions" msgstr "Transaksi Terkini" msgid "%1$s Comment<span class=\"screen-reader-text\"> on %2$s</span>" msgid_plural "%1$s Comments<span class=\"screen-reader-text\"> on %2$s</span>" msgstr[0] "%1$s Komentar<span class=\"screen-reader-text\"> pada %2$s</span>" msgstr[1] "%1$s Komentar<span class=\"screen-reader-text\"> pada %2$s</span>" msgid "Explore" msgstr "Telusuri" msgid "No matching receipts found" msgstr "Tidak ditemukan tanda terima yang sesuai" msgid "Pay what you want" msgstr "Bayar yang Anda inginkan saja" msgid "Enterprise" msgstr "Perusahaan" msgid "Corporate" msgstr "Korporasi" msgid "Lite" msgstr "Lite" msgid "Pro" msgstr "Pro" msgid "Start a post with this tag" msgstr "Mulai menulis dengan tag ini" msgid "" "The transaction cannot complete successfully. Please try again. Please " "contact support and mention 10755 if you have further problems." msgstr "" "Transaksi tidak dapat diselesaikan. Harap coba lagi. Hubungi kontak dukungan " "dan panggil 10755 jika Anda mempunyai masalah lebih lanjut." msgid "" "Your stored credit cards are used to pay for upgrades on and " "subscriptions for connected applications." msgstr "" "Kartu kredit Anda yang tersimpan digunakan untuk membayar upgrade di " " dan berlangganan aplikasi yang terhubung." msgid "No billing history found for your account." msgstr "Tidak ditemukan riwayat penagihan untuk akun Anda." msgid "JavaScript must be enabled to use this feature." msgstr "JavaScript harus diaktifkan untuk menggunakan fitur ini." msgid "#%d (no title)" msgstr "#%d (tanpa judul)" msgid "Generating..." msgstr "Membuat..." msgid "Display a photo gallery or slideshow" msgstr "Tampilkan galeri atau slideshow foto" msgctxt "as sharing source" msgid "Email" msgstr "Email" msgid "All Items" msgstr "Semua Item" msgid "Display excerpt" msgstr "Tampilkan Kutipan" msgid "10 Newest" msgstr "10 Terbaru" msgid "5 Newest" msgstr "5 Terbaru" msgid "%s ending in %s" msgstr "%s berakhir dengan %s" msgid "Not Stored" msgstr "Tidak Disimpan" msgid "Repeat Password" msgstr "Ulangi Password" msgid "Drop images to upload" msgstr "Letakkan gambar yang akan diunggah" msgid "Customize this theme" msgstr "Atur tema sesuai kebutuhan" msgid "Sorry, this comment could not be posted." msgstr "Maaf, komentar ini tidak dapat diposkan." msgid "Please supply a valid country code." msgstr "Harap berikan kode negara yang valid." msgid "Please supply a valid phone number." msgstr "Harap berikan nomor telepon yang valid." msgid " Developer Resources logo" msgstr "Logo Sumber Daya Pengembang" msgid "Embed a tweet." msgstr "Sematkan tweet." msgid "SEO on" msgstr "SEO di" msgid "Useful links" msgstr "Tautan bermanfaat" msgid "Learn WordPress" msgstr "Pelajari WordPress" msgid "Meetups" msgstr "Meetup" msgid "WordCamps" msgstr "WordCamp" msgid "Welcome to" msgstr "Selamat datang di" msgid "Hassle Free Blogging" msgstr "Ngeblog Sederhana" msgid "Resources" msgstr "Sumber Daya" msgid "Launch checklist" msgstr "Luncurkan daftar periksa" msgid "View Documentation" msgstr "Lihat Dokumentasi" msgid "All Apps" msgstr "Semua Aplikasi" msgid "Last 30 Days" msgstr "30 Hari Terakhir" msgid "" "Please check your text messages at the phone number ending with <strong>%s</" "strong> and enter the verification code." msgstr "" "Periksa SMS dari nomor telepon yang berakhiran <strong>%s</strong> dan " "masukkan kode verifikasi." msgid "Connect App" msgstr "Hubungkan Aplikasi" msgid "" "Removing this application's connection to your account blocks " "this application from accessing your information." msgstr "" "Menghapus koneksi aplikasi ini dengan akun memblokir aplikasi " "ini mengakses informasi Anda." msgid "Remove App Connection" msgstr "Hapus Koneksi Aplikasi" msgid "Access Permissions" msgstr "Izin Akses" msgid "Authorized On" msgstr "Diberi Izin" msgid "Next Payment:" msgstr "Pembayaran Berikutnya:" msgid "App Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Aplikasi" msgid "There are %s apps connected to your account." msgstr "Terdapat %s aplikasi yang terhubung dengan akun Anda." msgid "Connected Apps" msgstr "Aplikasi yang Terhubung" msgid "Billing Details" msgstr "Detail Tagihan" msgid "Plan" msgstr "Paket" msgid "Receipt Date" msgstr "Tanggal Tanda Terima" msgid "Contact %s Support" msgstr "Kontak %s Dukungan" msgid "Email Receipt" msgstr "Email Tanda Terima" msgid "View Receipt" msgstr "Lihat Resi" msgid "Transactions" msgstr "Transaksi" msgid "" "A complete history of all billing transactions for your " "account." msgstr "Riwayat lengkap semua transaksi tagihan untuk akun Anda" msgid "Delete Card" msgstr "Hapus Kartu" msgid "Credit Cards" msgstr "Kartu Kredit" msgid "Saved Card" msgstr "Kartu yang Disimpan" msgid "Zip" msgstr "Kode Pos" msgid "code on front" msgstr "kode di bagian depan" msgid "code on back" msgstr "kode di bagian belakang" msgid "CVV" msgstr "CVV" msgid "Card:" msgstr "Kartu:" msgid "Name on card" msgstr "Nama di kartu" msgid "Add a card" msgstr "Tambahkan kartu" msgid "Not connected" msgstr "Tidak terhubung" msgid "Ok" msgstr "Oke" msgid "" "To help recover your account, we require some information from you to verify " "your ownership of the account. Please note that we are unable to recover an " "account without proof of ownership." msgstr "" "Untuk membantu memulihkan akun Anda, kami memerlukan beberapa informasi dari " "Anda untuk memverifikasi kepemilikan Anda atas akun tersebut. Harap diingat " "bahwa kami tidak akan dapat memulihkan suatu akun tanpa bukti kepemilikan." msgid "" "Did you know that you can do far more than just set your background color " "and image in the Colors tool in our Custom Design, part of the Premium Plan? " "<a href=\"%s\">Preview it now!</a>" msgstr "" "Tahukah Anda bahwa Anda dapat melakukan lebih dari sekadar mengatur warna " "dan gambar latar belakang dengan peralatan Warna di Desain Khusus, sebagian " "fitur dari Paket Premium kami? <a href=\"%s\">Lihat pratinjau sekarang!</a>" msgid "" "You can do far more than just customize your background color and image as " "part of your Custom Design upgrade. Choose from great palettes and " "background patterns. <a href=\"%s\">Check it out!</a>" msgstr "" "Anda dapat melakukan lebih dari sekedar mengubahsuaikan gambar dan warna " "latar belakang setelah mengupgrade Custom Design. Pilihlah dari bermacam-" "macam palet dan pola latar belakang. <a href=\"%s\">Lihat!</a>" msgid "Custom Colors interface" msgstr "Antarmuka Custom Color" msgid "Comics" msgstr "Komik" msgid "Front-end Post Prompt: Use {name} for user's name" msgstr "Perintah Pos Front-end: Gunakan {nama} untuk nama pengguna" msgid "" "The domain upgrade on your blog \"%1$s\" has expired yesterday on %2$s. Your " "blog is no longer available on the domain \"%3$s\"." msgstr "" "Upgrade domain pada blog Anda \"%1$s\" telah berakhir kemarin pada %2$s. " "Blog Anda tidak lagi tersedia pada domain \"%3$s\"." msgid "Enter a location for this post:" msgstr "Masukkan sebuah lokasi untuk pos ini:" msgid "Additional payment for Domain Registration" msgstr "Pembayaran tambahan untuk Registrasi Domain" msgid "Local Posts" msgstr "Pos Setempat" msgid "Turn on Location Tagging" msgstr "Nyalakan Tagging Lokasi" msgid "M j, Y g:i a" msgstr "j M Y g:i a" msgid "Snippet" msgstr "Snippet" msgid "Jump to…" msgstr "Lompat ke:" msgid "Remove subscription" msgstr "Hapus langganan" msgctxt "%1$s = \"Feedback\" in an HTML link" msgid "" "Yep, you can read your feedback at any time by clicking the \"%1$s\" link in " "the admin menu." msgstr "" "Ya, Anda bisa membaca umpan balik Anda setiap saat dengan mengklik tautan " "\"%1$s\" pada menu admin." msgid "The URL to the admin area" msgstr "URL menuju area admin" msgid "Login Address (URL)" msgstr "Alamat Login (URL)" msgctxt "{$date_format} \\a\\t {$time_format}" msgid "%1$s \\a\\t %2$s" msgstr "%1$s \\a\\t %2$s" msgid "Match header image" msgstr "Menyocokkan gambar header" msgid "Please Verify Your Email Address" msgstr "Verifikasikan Alamat Email Anda" msgid "Create your account." msgstr "Buat akun Anda." msgid "Please enter your password." msgstr "Silakan masukkan kata sandi Anda." msgid "Please enter a password." msgstr "Masukkan kata sandi." msgid "%s Alternative Scheme %s" msgstr "%s Skema Alternatif %s" msgid "Renewing" msgstr "Memperbarui" msgid "Customize Testimonials Archive" msgstr "Suaikan Arsip Testimoni" msgid "Template options" msgstr "Pilihan templat" msgid "Maximum number of posts to show (no more than 10):" msgstr "Jumlah maksimal pos untuk ditampilkan (tidak lebih dari 10):" msgid "new testimonial" msgstr "testimoni baru" msgid "" "Testimonial draft updated. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Preview " "testimonial</a>" msgstr "" "Draf testimoni dimutakhirkan. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Pratinjau " "testimoni</a>" msgid "" "Testimonial scheduled for: <strong>%1$s</strong>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=" "\"%2$s\">Preview testimonial</a>" msgstr "" "Testimoni dijadwalkan pada: <strong>%1$s</strong>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=" "\"%2$s\">Pratinjau testimoni</a>" msgid "" "Testimonial submitted. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Preview testimonial</" "a>" msgstr "" "Testimoni terkirim. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Pratinjau testimoni</a>" msgid "Testimonial saved." msgstr "Testimoni disimpan." msgid "Testimonial published. <a href=\"%s\">View testimonial</a>" msgstr "Testimoni diterbitkan. <a href=\"%s\">Lihat testimoni</a>" msgid "Testimonial restored to revision from %s" msgstr "Testimoni dikembalikan ke revisi dari %s" msgid "Testimonial updated." msgstr "Testimoni dimutakhirkan." msgid "Testimonial updated. <a href=\"%s\">View testimonial</a>" msgstr "Testimoni dimutakhirkan. <a href=\"%s\">Lihat testimoni</a>" msgid "Customer Name" msgstr "Nama Pelanggan" msgid "Enter the customer's name here" msgstr "Masukkan nama pelanggan disini" msgid "Add New Testimonial" msgstr "Tambahkan Testimoni Baru" msgid "Show borders" msgstr "Tampilkan garis tepi" msgid "a second" msgstr "satu detik" msgid "Unknown message type passed" msgstr "Jenis pesan yang tidak diketahui lolos" msgid "New post by %s" msgstr "Pos baru oleh %s" msgid "New comment by %s" msgstr "Komentar baru oleh %s" msgid "Customer Testimonials" msgstr "Testimoni Pelanggan" msgid "Oops! Nothing Found" msgstr "Waduh! Tidak Menemukan Apa-Apa" msgid "l, F j" msgstr "l, j F" msgid "A spike in <a %s>your stats</a>" msgstr "Lonjakan dalam <a %s>statistik anda</a>" msgid "Add menu items from the column on the left." msgstr "Tambahkan item menu dari kolom di sebelah kiri." msgid "Post type:" msgstr "Tipe pos:" msgid "You have successfully logged back in." msgstr "Anda telah berhasil masuk kembali." msgid "" "Your session has expired. Click here to log in again. Your changes will not " "be lost." msgstr "" "Sesi Anda telah berakhir. Klik di sini untuk masuk kembali. Perubahan Anda " "tidak akan hilang." msgid "Hide extended post" msgstr "Sembunyikan pos yang diperpanjang" msgid "Show full post" msgstr "Tampilkan pos penuh" msgid "Default email delivery" msgstr "Pengiriman email standar" msgid "Subscriptions delivery" msgstr "Pengiriman Langganan" msgid "" "The web browser on your device cannot be used to upload files. You may be " "able to use the <a href=\"%s\">native app for your device</a> instead." msgstr "" "Peramban yang Anda gunakan tidak bisa digunakan untuk mengunggah berkas. " "Anda bisa menggunakan <a href=\"%s\">app bawaan perangkat Anda</a> sebagai " "pengganti." msgid "The package contains no files." msgstr "Paket ini tidak memiliki berkas apapun." msgid "Week %d" msgstr "Minggu %d" msgid "Week %d of %d" msgstr "Minggu %d dari %d" msgid "Post #%d [deleted]" msgstr "Kiriman #%d [dihapus]" msgid "Modern" msgstr "Modern" msgid "You have unsaved changes." msgstr "Anda membatalkan penyimpanan perubahan." msgid "Image viewed: " msgstr "Gambar dilihat: " msgid "Attachment viewed: " msgstr "Lampiran dilihat: " msgctxt "Shown between widget visibility conditions." msgid "or" msgstr "atau" msgctxt "Example: The user is looking at a page, not a post." msgid "Page" msgstr "Halaman" msgctxt "Noun, as in: \"This page is a date archive.\"" msgid "Date" msgstr "Tanggal" msgctxt "Noun, as in: \"This post has one tag.\"" msgid "Tag" msgstr "Tag" msgctxt "Noun, as in: \"The author of this post is...\"" msgid "Author" msgstr "Penulis" msgctxt "Used as the default option in a dropdown list" msgid "-- Select --" msgstr "-- Pilih --" msgctxt "Used in the \"%s if:\" translation for the widget visibility dropdown" msgid "Hide" msgstr "Sembunyikan" msgctxt "Used in the \"%s if:\" translation for the widget visibility dropdown" msgid "Show" msgstr "Tampilkan" msgctxt "" "placeholder: dropdown menu to select widget visibility; hide if or show if" msgid "%s if:" msgstr "%s jika:" msgid "Number of columns:" msgstr "Jumlah kolom:" msgid "Number to display:" msgstr "Angka yang ditampilkan:" msgid "Widget Title" msgstr "Judul Widget" msgid "Bring a site to" msgstr "Pindahkan situs ke" msgid "Enable store notice" msgstr "Aktifkan pemberitahuan toko" msgid "New images may take up to 15 minutes to show up on your site." msgstr "" "Gambar baru mungkin memerlukan waktu hingga 15 menit agar bisa ditampilkan " "di situs Anda." msgid "No Instagram images were found." msgstr "Tidak ada gambar Instagram yang ditemukan." msgid "" "There was an error retrieving images from Instagram. An attempt will be " "remade in a few minutes." msgstr "" "Terjadi error saat mengambil gambar dari Instagram. Upaya akan diulangi " "beberapa menit lagi." msgid "" "In order to use this Instagram widget, you must <a href=\"%s\">configure it</" "a> first." msgstr "" "Agar bisa menggunakan widget Instagram ini, Anda harus <a href=\"%s" "\">mengonfigurasikannya</a> lebih dulu." msgid "Display your latest Instagram photos." msgstr "Tampilkan foto Instagram terbaru Anda." msgid "This comment is awaiting approval." msgstr "Komentar ini menunggu persetujuan." msgid "Deleting comments is not supported yet" msgstr "Menghapus komentar belum didukung" msgid "You are not allowed to trash this post" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk membuang pos ini" msgid "Posts by %1$s (%2$s)" msgstr "Pos oleh %1$s (%2$s)" msgid "(more…)" msgstr "(lebih…)" msgid "" "To navigate between revisions, <strong>drag the slider handle left or right</" "strong> or <strong>use the Previous or Next buttons</strong>." msgstr "" "Untuk menelusuri revisi-revisi, <strong>tarik tuas slider ke kanan atau ke " "kiri</strong> atau <strong>klik tombol Sebelumnya atau Berikutnya</strong>." msgid "This item has already been deleted." msgstr "Item ini telah dihapus." msgid "The item you are trying to restore from the Trash no longer exists." msgstr "Item yang hendak Anda kembalikan dari Tong Sampah sudah tidak ada." msgid "The item you are trying to move to the Trash no longer exists." msgstr "Item yang hendak Anda buang ke Tong Sampah sudah tidak ada." msgid "Remote post" msgstr "Penerbitan jarak jauh" msgid "Newer comments" msgstr "Komentar terkemudian" msgid "Older comments" msgstr "Komentar terdahulu" msgid "Published by" msgstr "Dipublikasikan oleh" msgid "" "Drag the items into the order you prefer. Click the arrow on the right of " "the item to reveal additional configuration options." msgstr "" "Geser masing-masing item sesuai urutan yang Anda inginkan. Klik tanda panah " "di kanan item untuk menampilkan opsi konfigurasi tambahan." msgid "" "If you have not yet created any menus, <strong>click the ’create a new " "menu’ link</strong> to get started" msgstr "" "Jika Anda belum membuat menu sama sekali, <strong>klik tautan ’buat " "menu baru’</strong> untuk memulainya" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Australian Dollars" msgstr "Dolar Australia" msgctxt "currency" msgid "New Zealand Dollars" msgstr "Dolar Selandia Baru" msgid "(Required)" msgstr "(Wajib)" msgid "" "The email you specified is associated with a account. Please " "login first or use a different email address." msgstr "" "Email yang Anda tentukan terhubung dengan akun Harap login " "terlebih dahulu atau gunakan alamat email yang lain." msgid "To restore a revision, <strong>click Restore This Revision</strong>." msgstr "" "Untuk mengembalikan sebuah revisi, <strong>klik Kembalikan Revisi Ini</" "strong>." msgid "From this screen you can review, compare, and restore revisions:" msgstr "" "Di layar ini Anda bisa meninjau, membandingkan, dan mengembalikan revisi-" "revisi:" msgid "" "Revisions are saved copies of your post or page, which are periodically " "created as you update your content. The red text on the left shows the " "content that was removed. The green text on the right shows the content that " "was added." msgstr "" "Revisi adalah salinan pos atau halaman yang secara berkala di simpan selama " "anda menulis konten. Teks merah di kiri menunjukkan kontan yang dihapus. " "Teks hijau di kanan menunjukkan konten yang ditambahkan" msgid "This screen is used for managing your content revisions." msgstr "Layar ini digunakan untuk mengelola revisi konten Anda." msgid "Add Contact Form" msgstr "Tambahkan Formulir Kontak" msgctxt "Followed by post revision info" msgid "To:" msgstr "Ke:" msgctxt "Button label for a next revision" msgid "Next" msgstr "Berikutnya" msgctxt "Button label for a previous revision" msgid "Previous" msgstr "Sebelumnya" msgctxt "Followed by post revision info" msgid "From:" msgstr "Dari:" msgid "Hide comment threads" msgstr "Sembunyikan utas komentar" msgid "Monthly Archives: " msgstr "Arsip Bulanan:" msgid "" "The domain %1$s costs %2$s, and it is set to expire in %3$d day, on %4$s." msgid_plural "" "The domain %1$s costs %2$s, and it is set to expire in %3$d days, on %4$s." msgstr[0] "" "Domain %1$s seharga %2$s, dan akan berakhir dalam %3$d hari, pada %4$s, " "siang hari (UTC)." msgstr[1] "" "Domain %1$s seharga %2$s, dan akan berakhir dalam %3$d hari, pada %4$s, " "siang hari (UTC)." msgctxt "product_name costs cost" msgid "'%1$s' costs %2$s." msgstr "'%1$s' seharga %2$s." msgid "" "The domain <b>%1$s</b> costs %2$s, and it is set to expire in %3$d day, " "<nobr>on %4$s</nobr>." msgid_plural "" "The domain <b>%1$s</b> costs %2$s, and it is set to expire in %3$d days, " "<nobr>on %4$s</nobr>." msgstr[0] "" "Domain <b>%1$s</b> seharga %2$s, dan akan berakhir dalam %3$d hari, " "<nobr>pada %4$s</nobr>." msgstr[1] "" "Domain <b>%1$s</b> seharga %2$s, dan akan berakhir dalam %3$d hari, " "<nobr>pada %4$s</nobr>." msgid "Signup Now" msgstr "Daftar Sekarang" msgid "This field is required." msgstr "Kolom ini harus diisi." msgid "" "You will be charged %1$s for this renewal in %2$d day, <nobr>on %3$s</nobr>." msgid_plural "" "You will be charged %1$s for this renewal in %2$d days, <nobr>on %3$s</nobr>." msgstr[0] "" "Anda akan dikenai biaya %1$s untuk perpanjangan ini dalam %2$d hari, " "<nobr>pada %3$s</nobr>." msgstr[1] "" "Anda akan dikenai biaya %1$s untuk perpanjangan ini dalam %2$d hari, " "<nobr>pada %3$s</nobr>." msgid "yesterday" msgstr "kemarin" msgid "You will be charged %1$s for this renewal later today." msgstr "Anda akan dikenai biaya %1$s untuk perpanjangan ini pada hari ini." msgid "" "You will be charged %1$s for this renewal in %2$d days, <nobr>on %3$s</nobr>." msgstr "" "Anda akan dikenai biaya %1$s untuk perpanjangan ini dalam %2$d hari, " "<nobr>pada %3$s</nobr>." msgid "" "%1$s costs %2$s, and it is set to expire tomorrow, <nobr>on %4$s</nobr>." msgid_plural "" "%1$s costs %2$s, and it is set to expire in %3$d days, <nobr>on %4$s</nobr>." msgstr[0] "%1$s seharga %2$s, dan akan berakhir besok, <nobr>pada %4$s</nobr>." msgstr[1] "" "%1$s seharga %2$s, dan akan berakhir dalam %3$d hari, <nobr>pada %4$s</nobr>." msgid "Login to leave a comment." msgstr "Silakan masuk terlebih dahulu untuk memberi komentar." msgid "The following upgrade has been cancelled and %1$s refunded: " msgid_plural "The following upgrades have been cancelled and %1$s refunded: " msgstr[0] "" "Upgrade berikut ini telah dibatalkan dan uang pembelian %1$s telah " "dikembalikan:" msgstr[1] "" "Upgrade berikut ini telah dibatalkan dan uang pembelian %1$s telah " "dikembalikan:" msgid "The following upgrade has been cancelled and <b>%1$s</b> refunded: " msgid_plural "" "The following upgrades have been cancelled and <b>%1$s</b> refunded: " msgstr[0] "" "Upgrade berikut ini telah dibatalkan dan <b>%1$s</b> biaya telah " "dikembalikan:" msgstr[1] "" "Upgrade berikut ini telah dibatalkan dan <b>%1$s</b> biaya telah " "dikembalikan:" msgid "Upgrade to Premium" msgstr "Upgrade Ke Premium" msgid " Premium" msgstr " Premium" msgid "Mover" msgstr "Jasa Pemindahan Barang" msgid "New comment on %s" msgstr "Komentar baru pada %s" msgid "New like" msgstr "Suka baru" msgid "New reblog" msgstr "Reblog baru" msgid "New follower" msgstr "Pengikut baru" msgid "New achievement" msgstr "Pencapaian baru" msgid "" "Please switch to the 'Twitter Timeline' widget. This widget will be going " "away in the future and the new widget allows for more customization." msgstr "" "Silakan beralih ke widget 'Twitter Timeline'. Widget ini akan ditiadakan di " "waktu mendatang dan widget yang baru memungkinkan kustomisasi yang lebih " "leluasa." msgctxt "share to" msgid "Send to Kindle" msgstr "Kirim ke Kindle" msgid "Kindle" msgstr "Kindle" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Euro" msgstr "Euro" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Brazilian real" msgstr "Real Brazil" msgctxt "Next post link" msgid "%title <span class=\"meta-nav\">→</span>" msgstr "%title <span class=\"meta-nav\">→</span>" msgctxt "Previous post link" msgid "<span class=\"meta-nav\">←</span> %title" msgstr "<span class=\"meta-nav\">←</span>  %title" msgid "" "You have been logged out in another tab or window. <a href=\"/wp-login.php\" " "target=\"_blank\">Please log in again</a>." msgstr "" "Anda sudah keluar di tab atau jendela lain. <a href=\"/wp-login.php\" target=" "\"_blank\">Silakan masuk lagi</a>." msgid "Transparent background" msgstr "Latar belakang Transparan" msgid "Layout options:" msgstr "Opsi Tataletak:" msgid "My Tweets" msgstr "Twit Saya" msgid "Display an official Twitter Embedded Timeline widget." msgstr "Menampilkan widget resmi Embedded Timeline Twitter." msgid "Twitter Timeline" msgstr "Lini masa Twitter" msgid "Receipt" msgstr "Resi" msgid "Service" msgstr "Layanan" msgid "You have no billing history at this time." msgstr "Tidak ada riwayat penagihan saat ini." msgid "Your latest changes were saved as a revision." msgstr "Perubahan terakhir Anda telah disimpan sebagai revisi." msgid "" "See the <a href=\"%s\"> Business</a> page for more information." msgstr "" "Lihat halaman <a href=\"%s\"> Bisnis</a> untuk informasi lebih " "lanjut." msgid "Japanese yen" msgstr "Yen Jepang" msgid "%s (Required)" msgstr "%s (Wajib)" msgid "New comments " msgstr "Komentar baru" msgid "Failed to post comment." msgstr "Gagal memposkan komentar." msgid "Failed to post comment on post ID %s. %s" msgstr "Gagal memposkan komentar pada ID pos %s. %s" msgid "View more" msgstr "Lihat selengkapnya" msgid "portrait" msgstr "potret" msgid "landscape" msgstr "pemandangan" msgid "Orientation" msgstr "Orientasi" msgid "Audio Codec:" msgstr "Codec Audio" msgid "Audio Format:" msgstr "Format Audio:" msgid "Bitrate:" msgstr "Bitrate:" msgid "Length:" msgstr "Panjang:" msgid "Genre" msgstr "Genre" msgid "Years" msgstr "Tahun" msgid "Genre: %s." msgstr "Genre: %s." msgid "Track %1$s of %2$s." msgstr "Trek %1$s dari %2$s." msgid "Released: %d." msgstr "Dirilis: %d." msgid "“%s”" msgstr "“%s”" msgid "" "You and your new site: a match made in heaven!\n" "\n" "Your new wedding site is ready to go. You'll be sharing your special story " "in no time. Get started by <a href=\"BLOG_URLwp-admin/customize.php#title" "\">setting your site title and tagline</a> so your guests know what it's all " "about.\n" "\n" "Looking for more help with setting up your wedding site? Check out the " " <a href=\"\">beginner's tutorial</" "a>.\n" "\n" "Happy planning,\n" "The Team" msgstr "" "Anda dan situs baru Anda benar-benar jodoh yang serasi!\n" "\n" "Situs pernikahan Anda yang baru telah siap. Anda dapat berbagi cerita " "spesial Anda dalam waktu singkat. Mulailah dengan <a href=\"BLOG_URLwp-admin/" "customize.php#title\">mengatur judul dan slogan situs Anda </a> sehingga " "para tamu bisa mengetahui tentang isinya.\n" "\n" "Mencari bantuan lebih lanjut untuk membuat situs pernikahan? Periksa <a href=" "\"\">tutorial bagi pemula</a>.\n" "\n" "Selamat merencanakan,\n" "Tim" msgid "" "Your main course is served!\n" "\n" "Your restaurant's new site is ready to go. Get started by <a href=" "\"BLOG_URLwp-admin/customize.php#title\">setting your site title and " "tagline</a> so your diners know what it's all about.\n" "\n" "Looking for help with setting up your restaurant site? Check out the " " <a href=\"\">beginner's tutorial</" "a> (you may want to bookmark our quick guide to <a href=\"http://learn." "\">setting up a homepage</a>). " "Don't forget to <a href=\"BLOG_URLwp-admin/edit.php?post_type=nova_menu_item" "\">add your menu items so we can see what's cooking in the kitchen.\n" "\n" "Happy cooking,\n" "The Team" msgstr "" "Hidangan utama Anda telah disajikan!\n" "\n" "Situs restoran Anda yang baru telah siap. Mulailah dengan <a href=" "\"BLOG_URLwp-admin/customize.php#title\">mengatur judul dan slogan Anda </a> " "sehingga pengunjung Anda tahu tentang isinya.\n" "\n" "Mencari bantuan lebih lanjut untuk membuat situs restoran Anda? Periksa <a " "href=\"\">tutorial pemula bagi</a> " "(Anda dapat memberi penanda panduan cepat kami untuk <a href=\"http://learn." "\">membuat halaman beranda</a>). " "Jangan lupa untuk <a href=\"BLOG_URLwp-admin/edit.php?" "post_type=nova_menu_item\">menambahkan item menu Anda sehingga kami dapat " "melihat apa yang dimasak di dapur.\n" "\n" "Selamat memasak,\n" "Tim" msgid "" "The world awaits your masterpieces!\n" "\n" "Your new portfolio site is ready to go. You'll be sharing your creations in " "no time. Get started by setting a title and tagline to welcome your visitors " "to your home on the web.\n" "\n" "Looking for help with setting up a portfolio to best display your work? " "Check out the <a href=\"" "\">beginner's tutorial</a>.\n" "\n" "May your muse be with you,\n" "The Team" msgstr "" "Dunia menanti hasil karya Anda!\n" "\n" "Situs portofolio Anda yang baru telah siap. Anda dapat berbagi kreasi Anda " "dalam waktu singkat. Mulailah dengan mengatur judul dan slogan untuk " "menyambut pengunjung ke beranda web Anda.\n" "\n" "Mencari bantuan lebih lanjut untuk membuat portofolio tampilan terbaik untuk " "memajang hasil karya Anda? Periksa <a href=\"" "\">tutorial bagi pemula</a>.\n" "\n" "Semoga inspirasi selalu bersama Anda,\n" "Tim" msgid "" "Switch on the amp and tune your instruments!\n" "\n" "Your band's new home on the web is ready to go. Get started by <a href=" "\"BLOG_URLwp-admin/customize.php#title\">setting your site title and " "tagline</a> so your fans know what it's all about.\n" "\n" "Looking for help with setting up your band's site? Check out the WordPress." "com <a href=\"\">beginner's tutorial</a>.\n" "\n" "Let's turn it up to 11,\n" "The Team" msgstr "" "Nyalakan ampli dan setel instrumen musik Anda!\n" "\n" "Beranda baru band Anda di web telah siap. Mulailah dengan <a href=" "\"BLOG_URLwp-admin/customize.php#title\">mengatur judul situs dan slogan " "Anda</a> sehingga penggemar Anda tahu tentang isinya.\n" "\n" "Mencari bantuan lebih lanjut untuk membuat situs band Anda? Periksa <a href=" "\"\">tutorial bagi pemula</a>\n" "\n" "Maksimalkan volume band kamu,\n" "Tim" msgid "" "Welcome! May we help you with checking in?\n" "\n" "Your hotel's new site is ready to go. Get started by <a href=\"BLOG_URLwp-" "admin/customize.php#title\">setting your site title and tagline</a> so your " "guests know what it's all about.\n" "\n" "Looking for more help with setting up your hotel's site? Check out the " " <a href=\"\">beginner's tutorial</" "a>. Don't forget to <a href=\"BLOG_URLwp-admin/widgets.php\">add our " "reservations widget</a> so your visitors can inquire about room " "availability.\n" "\n" "Here's to a great stay,\n" "The Team" msgstr "" "Selamat datang! Ada yang bisa kami bantu untuk check in?\n" "\n" "Situs hotel Anda yang baru telah siap. Mulailah dengan <a href=\"BLOG_URLwp-" "admin/customize.php#title\">mengatur judul situs dan slogan Anda</a> " "sehingga para tamu Anda tahu tentang isinya.\n" "\n" "Mencari bantuan untuk membuat situs hotel Anda? Periksa <a href=\"http://" "\">tutorial bagi pemula</a>. Jangan lupa " "untuk <a href=\"BLOG_URLwp-admin/widgets.php\">menambahkan widget pemesanan " "kami</a> sehingga pengunjung dapat menanyakan ketersediaan kamar.\n" "\n" "Di sinilah pilihan menginap yang penuh kenyamanan,\n" "Tim" msgid "" "The school bell has rung!\n" "\n" "Your classroom's new home on the web is ready to go. Get started by setting " "your <a href=\"BLOG_URLwp-admin/customize.php#title\">setting your site " "title and tagline</a> so your students know what it's all about.\n" "\n" "Looking for help with setting up your classroom's website? Check out the " " <a href=\"\">beginner's tutorial</" "a>.\n" "\n" "Let the lesson begin,\n" "The Team" msgstr "" "Bel sekolah telah berbunyi!\n" "\n" "Beranda baru kelas Anda telah siap. Mulailah dengan <a href=\"BLOG_URLwp-" "admin/customize.php#title\">mengatur judul situs dan slogan Anda</a> " "sehingga siswa-siswi Anda tahu tentang isinya.\n" "\n" "Mencari bantuan lebih lanjut untuk membuat situs web tentang kelas Anda? " "Periksa <a href=\"\">tutorial bagi pemula " "</a>.\n" "\n" "Mari kita mulai pembelajaran,\n" "Tim" msgid "" "Excited to build your community's online hub?\n" "\n" "Your city's new site is ready to go. Get started by <a href=\"BLOG_URLwp-" "admin/customize.php#title\">setting your site title and tagline</a> to make " "your residents and visitors feel at home. Then, visit the <a href=" "\"BLOG_URLwp-admin/\">front page of your dashboard</a> for a handy guide of " "links to build the online home for your city.\n" "\n" "Looking for more help with setting up your site? Check out the " "<a href=\"\">beginner's tutorial</a>.\n" "\n" "Let's get you on the map,\n" "The Team" msgstr "" "Tertarik untuk membangun pusat online untuk komunitas Anda?\n" "\n" "Situs kota Anda yang baru telah siap. Mulailah dengan <a href=\"BLOG_URLwp-" "admin/customize.php#title\">mengatur judul situs dan slogan Anda</a> untuk " "membuat penghuni dan pengunjung merasa seperti di rumah sendiri. Maka, " "kunjungi <a href=\"BLOG_URLwp-admin/\">halaman depan dasbor Anda</a> untuk " "panduan praktis tentang tautan untuk membuat beranda online kota Anda.\n" "\n" "Mencari bantuan lebih lanjut untuk membuat situs Anda? Periksa <a href=" "\"\">tutorial bagi pemula </a>.\n" "\n" "Mari petakan kota Anda,\n" "Tim" msgid "%1$s is yours!" msgstr "%1$s adalah milik Anda!" msgctxt "sites" msgid "Spam <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Spam <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Spam <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Spam <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "Completed <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Completed <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Selesai <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Selesai <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "Unknown/unsupported method supplied" msgstr "Metode yang disediakan tidak diketahui/tidak didukung" msgid "Message could not be decoded" msgstr "Pesan tidak dapat dikodekan" msgid "No message supplied" msgstr "Tidak ada pesan yang disediakan" msgid "No method supplied" msgstr "Tidak ada metode yang disediakan" msgid "No tags found." msgstr "Tidak ada tag yang ditemukan." msgid "You do not have permission to create Pages." msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk membuat Halaman." msgid "" "Do not deregister the %1$s script in the administration area. To target the " "front-end theme, use the %2$s hook." msgstr "" "Jangan men-deregister skrip %1$s dalam area administrasi. Untuk menargetkan " "tema front-end, gunakan hook %2$s." msgid "" "The login page will open in a new tab. After logging in you can close it and " "return to this page." msgstr "" "Laman login akan terbuka di jendela baru. Setelah login Anda bisa menutupnya " "dan kembali ke laman ini." msgid "Session expired" msgstr "Sesi telah kadaluarsa" msgid "Denied: %s" msgstr "Abaikan: %s" msgid "Capabilities" msgstr "Kapabilitas" msgid "Restore This Revision" msgstr "Kembalikan Revisi Ini" msgid "You cannot move this item to the Trash. %s is currently editing." msgstr "" "Anda tak bisa memindahkan item ini ke Tong Sampah. %s sedang mengeditnya." msgid "Automatically add new top-level pages to this menu" msgstr "" "Tambahkan halaman baru yang paling andal ke menu berikut secara otomatis." msgid "Auto add pages" msgstr "Tambahkan halaman otomatis" msgid "Give your menu a name, then click Create Menu." msgstr "Namai menu Anda, lalu klik Buat Menu." msgid "" "Edit your default menu by adding or removing items. Drag the items into the " "order you prefer. Click Create Menu to save your changes." msgstr "" "Pilih menu standar dengan menambahkan atau menyingkirkan item. Tarik setiap " "item agar urutannya sesuai dengan yang Anda inginkan. Klik Ciptakan Menu " "untuk menyimpan perubahan." msgid "Menu structure" msgstr "Struktur Menu" msgid "Select a menu to edit:" msgstr "Pilih Menu yang akan diedit:" msgctxt "menu" msgid "Use new menu" msgstr "Pakai menu baru" msgctxt "menu" msgid "Edit" msgstr "Sunting" msgid "Select a Menu" msgstr "Pilih Menu" msgid "Assigned Menu" msgstr "Menu Terpilih" msgid "Theme Location" msgstr "Lokasi pada Tema" msgid "Your theme supports one menu. Select which menu you would like to use." msgstr "Tema Anda mendukung satu menu. Pilih menu mana yang hendak digunakan." msgid "Manage Locations" msgstr "Kelola Lokasi" msgid "Edit Menus" msgstr "Sunting Menu" msgid "" "To add a new menu instead of assigning an existing one, <strong>click the " "’Use new menu’ link</strong>. Your new menu will be " "automatically assigned to that theme location" msgstr "" "Untuk menambah menu baru, bukan menempatkan yang sudah ada, <strong>klik " "link ’Gunakan menu baru’</strong>. Menu baru anda akan secara " "otomatis ditetapkan ke lokasi theme" msgid "" "To edit a menu currently assigned to a theme location, <strong>click the " "adjacent ’Edit’ link</strong>" msgstr "" "Untuk mengubah menu yang ditempatkan di lokasi tema, <strong>klik link " "’Edit’ yang berdekatan</strong>" msgid "" "To assign menus to one or more theme locations, <strong>select a menu from " "each location’s dropdown</strong>. When you are finished, " "<strong>click Save Changes</strong>" msgstr "" "Untuk menetapkan menu untuk satu atau lebih lokasi tema, <strong>pilih menu " "dari masing-masing drop down lokasi.</strong> Setelah selesai, <strong>klik " "Simpan Perubahan</strong>" msgid "" "This screen is used for globally assigning menus to locations defined by " "your theme." msgstr "" "Layar ini digunakan untuk menetapkan secara global menu ke lokasi yang " "ditentukan oleh tema Anda." msgid "Editing Menus" msgstr "Mengedit Menu" msgid "" "Delete a menu item by <strong>expanding it and clicking the Remove link</" "strong>" msgstr "" "Hapus item menu dengan <strong>melebarkannya dan klik link Hapus</strong>" msgid "" "To reorganize menu items, <strong>drag and drop items with your mouse or use " "your keyboard</strong>. Drag or move a menu item a little to the right to " "make it a submenu" msgstr "" "Untuk mengatur ulang menu, <strong>tarik dan letakkan item dengan mouse atau " "gunakan keyboard Anda</strong>. Tarik atau memindahkan item menu sedikit ke " "kanan untuk menjadikannya submenu" msgid "" "To add a custom link, <strong>expand the Custom Links section, enter a URL " "and link text, and click Add to Menu</strong>" msgstr "" "Untuk menambahkan tautan khusus, <strong>perluas bagian Tautan Khusus, " "masukkan URL dan teks tautan, lalu klik Tambahkan ke Menu</strong>" msgid "" "Add one or several items at once by <strong>selecting the checkbox next to " "each item and clicking Add to Menu</strong>" msgstr "" "Tambahkan satu atau beberapa item sekaligus dengan <strong>memilih kotak " "centang disamping masing-masing item dan mengklik Tambahkan ke Menu</strong>" msgid "" "Each navigation menu may contain a mix of links to pages, categories, custom " "URLs or other content types. Menu links are added by selecting items from " "the expanding boxes in the left-hand column below." msgstr "" "Masing-masing menu navigasi mungkin memuat perpaduan tautan ke halaman, " "kategori, URL khusus atau tipe konten lainnya. Tautan menu ditambahkan " "dengan memilih item dari kotak di kolom sebelah kiri di bawah ini." msgid "Menu Management" msgstr "Pengelolaan Menu" msgid "" "You can assign theme locations to individual menus by <strong>selecting the " "desired settings</strong> at the bottom of the menu editor. To assign menus " "to all theme locations at once, <strong>visit the Manage Locations tab</" "strong> at the top of the screen." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menetapkan lokasi theme untuk menu individu dengan " "<strong>memilih pengaturan yang diinginkan</strong> di bagian bawah editor " "menu. Untuk menetapkan menu untuk semua lokasi tema sekaligus, " "<strong>kunjungi tab Mengelola Lokasi </strong> di bagian atas layar." msgid "" "To edit an existing menu, <strong>choose a menu from the dropdown and click " "Select</strong>" msgstr "" "Untuk mengedit menu yang telah ada, <strong>pilih menu dari dropdown dan " "klik Pilih</strong>" msgid "" "The menu management box at the top of the screen is used to control which " "menu is opened in the editor below." msgstr "" "Kotak pengelolaan menu di bagian atas layar digunakan untuk mengatur menu " "mana yang dibuka pada editor dibawah ini." msgid "Add, organize, and modify individual menu items" msgstr "Tambahkan, organisir, dan modifikasi masing-masing item menu." msgid "Create, edit, and delete menus" msgstr "Buat, atur, dan hapus menu" msgid "From this screen you can:" msgstr "Dari layar ini anda dapat:" msgid "This screen is used for managing your navigation menus." msgstr "Laman ini digunakan untuk mengelola menu navigasi Anda." msgid "Out from under %s" msgstr "Keluarkan dari bawah %s" msgid "Under %s" msgstr "Dibawah %s" msgid "Move out from under %s" msgstr "Pindahkan dari bawah %s" msgid "Move under %s" msgstr "Pindahkan ke bawah %s" msgid "Move to the top" msgstr "Naikkan ke paling atas" msgid "Move down one" msgstr "Turunkan satu" msgid "Move up one" msgstr "Naikkan satu" msgid "Menu locations updated." msgstr "Lokasi Menu dimutakhirkan." msgid "Selected menus have been successfully deleted." msgstr "Menu terpilih sudah berhasil dihapus." msgid "Take over" msgstr "Ambil alih" msgid "Select audio" msgstr "Pilih audio" msgid "Choose audio" msgstr "Pilih audio" msgid "Choose video" msgstr "Pilih Video" msgid "Choose an image" msgstr "Pilih gambar" msgid "To the top" msgstr "Ke paling atas" msgid "Down one" msgstr "Turunkan satu" msgid "Up one" msgstr "Naikkan satu" msgid "sub item" msgstr "sub item" msgid "" "The backup of this post in your browser is different from the version below." msgstr "Cadangan pos ini pada peramban Anda berbeda dengan versi dibawah ini." msgid "%s has taken over and is currently editing." msgstr "%s telah mengambilalih dan sedang mengedit." msgid "%s is currently editing" msgstr "%s sedang menyunting" msgctxt "revision date short format" msgid "j M @ H:i" msgstr "j M @ H:i" msgctxt "revision date format" msgid "F j, Y @ H:i:s" msgstr "j F Y @ H:i:s" msgid "Draft created on %1$s at %2$s" msgstr "Draf dibuat di %1$s pada %2$s" msgid "Free Site" msgstr "Situs Gratis" msgid "" "Awesome! Your theme, <em>%s</em>, is already deemed to be mobile-friendly." msgstr "" "Luar biasa! Tema Anda, <em>%s</em>, sudah ditukar agar kompatibel untuk " "perangkat seluler." msgid "An error occurred. Please try again later." msgstr "Terjadi galat. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "" "Your new site is ready to go! Looking for ideas for your new " "site? Check out the <a href=''> " "beginner's tutorial</a>.\n" "\n" "Cheers,\n" "The Team" msgstr "" "Situs Anda yang baru siap dimulai! Mencari ide untuk situs " "baru Anda? Lihatlah tutorial pemula <a href='http://learn.wordpress." "com/'> </a>.\n" "\n" "Salam hangat,\n" "Tim" msgctxt "currency" msgid "Japanese Yen" msgstr "Yen Jepang" msgctxt "currency" msgid "United States Dollars" msgstr "Dolar Amerika Serikat" msgid "Click to share on Pocket" msgstr "Klik untuk berbagi via Pocket" msgctxt "share to" msgid "Pocket" msgstr "Pocket" msgid "" "For security reasons, you can only edit some settings while logged in with a " "Two Step Authentication code." msgstr "" "Untuk Alasan keamanan, Anda hanya dapat mengubah beberapa pengaturan jika " "sudah login dengan kode Autentikasi Dua Langkah." msgid "Complete your plan purchase" msgstr "Selesaikan pembelian paket Anda" msgid "Email me whenever" msgstr "Email saya tiap kali" msgid "Likes Notifications" msgstr "Pemberitahuan Menyukai" msgid "View Archive" msgstr "Tampilkan Arsip" msgid "Widget title for followers:" msgstr "Judul widget untuk pengikut:" msgid "Widget title for non-followers:" msgstr "Judul widget untuk non-pengikut:" msgid "The destination address does not appear to exist" msgstr "Alamat tujuan sepertinya tidak ada" msgid "The requested mailbox already exists" msgstr "Kotak surat yang diminta sudah ada" msgid "The destination address does not appear to be in the correct format" msgstr "Alamat tujuan sepertinya tidak dalam format yang tepat" msgid "" "You have exceeded the maximum (%1$s) number of Email Forwards you can create" msgstr "" "Anda telah melebihi jumlah maksimal (%1$s) Penerusan Email yang bisa Anda " "buat" msgid "An unknown error has occurred. Please try again." msgstr "Terjadi galat yang tak dikenal. Silakan coba lagi." msgid "Are you sure you want to start a new comment?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin memulai komentar baru?" msgid "[] Two Step Authentication Disabled" msgstr "[] Autentikasi Dua Langkah Dinonaktifkan" msgid "[] Two Step Authentication Enabled" msgstr "[] Autentikasi Dua Langkah telah Diaktifkan" msgid "" "If you did not request this change, please contact support, or " "visit your profile page and change your password by clicking the following " "link" msgstr "" "Jika bukan Anda yang meminta perubahan ini, silakan hubungi dukungan " ", atau buka halaman profil Anda untuk mengubah sandi dengan " "mengeklik tautan berikut ini" msgid "" "If you haven't already done so, we strongly recommend printing out some " "backup codes and storing them in a safe place, in case your phone is lost or " "stolen." msgstr "" "Jika Anda belum melakukannya, kami sarankan Anda untuk segera mencetak kode " "cadangan dan menyimpannya di tempat yang aman, yang diperlukan jika ponsel " "Anda hilang atau dicuri." msgid "Two Step Authentication has been enabled for \"%s\"." msgstr "Autentikasi Dua Langkah telah diaktifkan untuk \"%s\"." msgid "" "If you did not request this change, please contact support, or " "visit your profile page to re-enable it by clicking the following link" msgstr "" "Jika bukan Anda yang meminta perubahan ini, silakan hubungi dukungan " ", atau buka halaman profil Anda untuk mengaktifkannya kembali " "dengan mengeklik tautan berikut ini" msgid "Two Step Authentication has been disabled for \"%s\"." msgstr "Autentikasi Dua Langkah telah dinonaktifkan untuk \"%s\"." msgid "" "If you haven't already done so, we strongly recommend <a href='%s'>printing " "out some backup codes</a> and storing them in a safe place, in case your " "phone is lost or stolen." msgstr "" "Jika Anda belum melakukannya, kami sarankan Anda untuk segera <a " "href='%s'>mencetak kode cadangan</a> dan menyimpannya di tempat yang aman, " "yang diperlukan jika ponsel Anda hilang atau dicuri." msgid "Two Step Authentication has been enabled for <strong>%s</strong>." msgstr "Autentikasi Dua Langkah telah diaktifkan untuk <strong>%s</strong>." msgid "Two Step Authentication Enabled" msgstr "Autentikasi Dua Langkah telah Diaktifkan" msgid "Two Step Authentication has been disabled for <strong>%s</strong>." msgstr "Autentikasi Dua Langkah telah dinonaktifkan untuk <strong>%s</strong>." msgid "Two Step Authentication Disabled" msgstr "Otentikasi Dua Langkah telah Dinonaktifkan" msgid " Private" msgstr " Privat" msgid " recovery code: %s" msgstr " Kode pemulihan %s" msgid "Pocket" msgstr "Pocket" msgid "Style:" msgstr "Gaya:" msgid "Random Order:" msgstr "Urutan Acak:" msgid "Link To:" msgstr "Tautan Ke:" msgid "Images:" msgstr "Gambar-gambar:" msgid "No Testimonials found in Trash" msgstr "Tidak ditemukan Testimoni dalam Tong Sampah" msgid "No Testimonials found" msgstr "Tidak ditemukan Testimoni" msgid "Search Testimonials" msgstr "Cari Testimoni" msgid "View Testimonial" msgstr "Lihat Testimoni" msgid "New Testimonial" msgstr "Testimoni Baru" msgid "Edit Testimonial" msgstr "Sunting Testimoni" msgid "All Testimonials" msgstr "Semua Testimoni" msgid "Testimonial" msgstr "Testimoni" msgid "Testimonials" msgstr "Testimoni" msgid "Time Slider" msgstr "Penggeser Waktu" msgid "No coupons found in trash" msgstr "Tidak ada kupon ditemukan di tempat sampah" msgid "No items found" msgstr "Tidak ada item yang ditemukan" msgid "Add or remove menu items" msgstr "Tambahkan atau hapus item menu" msgid "Generate Backup Codes" msgstr "Buat Kode Cadangan" msgid "Backup codes" msgstr "Kode Cadangan" msgid "Printed:" msgstr "Tercetak:" msgid "Backup verification codes" msgstr "Kode verifikasi cadangan" msgid "" "Hi %1$s,\n" "\n" "Your friend %2$s has read your draft titled \"%3$s\" and provided feedback " "for you to read:\n" "\n" "%4$s\n" "\n" "You can also see their feedback here:\n" "%5$s\n" "\n" "Thanks for flying with" msgstr "" "Hai %1$s,\n" "\n" "Teman Anda %2$s sudah membaca konsep Anda yang berjudul \"%3$s\" dan " "memberikan umpan balik:\n" "\n" "%4$s\n" "\n" "Anda juga bisa membaca umpan baliknya di sini:\n" "%5$s\n" "\n" "Terima kasih sudah menjelajah bersama" msgid "Site title" msgstr "Judul situs" msgid "%1$s forwards to %2$s" msgstr "%1$s meneruskan ke %2$s" msgid "Active Email Forwards" msgstr "Penerusan Email Aktif" msgid "Add New Email Forward" msgstr "Tambahkan Penerusan Email Baru" msgid "New Address" msgstr "Alamat Baru" msgid "<!--post_id=%d-->(unknown or deleted)" msgstr "<!--post_id=%d-->(tidak diketahui atau dihapus)" msgid "Manage Email" msgstr "Kelola Email" msgid "Live Chat Support" msgstr "Bantuan Live Chat" msgid "Sorry, but your username can't contain the phrase \"%s\"." msgstr "Maaf, nama pengguna Anda tidak boleh memuat frasa \"%s\"." msgid "Followed by people with similar interests" msgstr "Diikuti oleh orang-orang dengan ketertarikan yang sama" msgid "Playlist Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Daftar Putar" msgid "Tiled Mosaic" msgstr "Mosaik Berubin" msgid "Thumbnail Grid" msgstr "Kisi-kisi Thumbnail" msgid "Feeds that couldn't be subscribed to: %s" msgstr "Tidak dapat berlangganan feed berikut: %s" msgid "Private feeds that you don't have access to: %s" msgstr "Kabar privat yang tidak Anda miliki aksesnya: %s" msgid "Popular Culture & Entertainment" msgstr "Budaya Populer & Hiburan" msgid "Art & Design" msgstr "Seni & Desain" msgid "%1$s for %2$s" msgstr "%1$s untuk %2$s" msgid "" "You can change your delivery preferences in your subscription dashboard. You " "can have emails sent when they are published, or aggregated and sent once a " "day or once a week." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengubah preferensi pengiriman Anda di dasbor langganan. Email " "Anda dapat langsung dikirim ketika diterbitkan, atau dikumpulkan terlebih " "dulu kemudian dikirimkan satu hari sekali atau seminggu sekali." msgid "E-mail Subject:" msgstr "Judul Email:" msgid "Departure" msgstr "Keberangkatan" msgid "Arrival" msgstr "Kedatangan" msgid "# Children" msgstr "# Anak-Anak" msgid "# Adults" msgstr "# Dewasa" msgid "Reservation Inquiry" msgstr "Permintaan Reservasi" msgid "Reservations" msgstr "Reservasi" msgctxt "submit button" msgid "Search" msgstr "Cari" msgctxt "label" msgid "Search for:" msgstr "Cari untuk:" msgid "wordpress" msgstr "wordpress" msgid "" " The default content width for the <strong>%s</strong> theme is %d pixels." msgstr "Lebar konten asal untuk tema <strong>%s</strong> adalah %d piksel." msgid "On Mobile" msgstr "Pada Perangkat Seluler" msgid "Start Fresh" msgstr "Mulai dari Awal" msgid "Don't use the theme's original CSS." msgstr "Tidak menggunakan CSS asli dari tema." msgid "Refunds" msgstr "Pengembalian" msgid "" "Although you should have gotten an <strong>email receipt</strong> at the " "time of purchase, you can request a fresh copy by choosing the relevant " "upgrade from the list below." msgstr "" "<strong>Email tanda terima</strong> sudah dikirim pada waktu pembelian, " "namun Anda bisa meminta kopi yang baru dengan memilih upgrade yang sesuai " "dari daftar berikut." msgid "Receipts" msgstr "Tanda Terima" msgid "Suspended Blogs" msgstr "Blog yang Dibekukan" msgid "" "If you believe that content hosted on infringes your " "copyrights, you may send us an infringement notice by following the " "instructions at: %s" msgstr "" "Jika yakin bahwa konten yang dihosting di melanggar hak cipta, " "Anda dapat mengirimkan pemberitahuan pelanggaran hak dengan mengikuti " "instruksi di: %s" msgid "Digital Millennium Copyright Act Notice" msgstr "Pemberitahuan Digital Millennium Copyright Act" msgid "" "If you can't think of a good password use the button below to generate one." msgstr "" "Jika Anda kesulitan membuat kata sandi yang aman, gunakan tombol di bawah " "ini untuk menghasilkan sebuah kata sandi yang aman." msgid "Change Password" msgstr "Ubah Password" msgctxt "placeholder" msgid "Search …" msgstr "Cari …" msgid "" "You must be <a href=\"#\" class=\"jp-carousel-comment-login\">logged in</a> " "to post a comment." msgstr "" "Anda harus <a href=\"#\" class=\"jp-carousel-comment-login\">login</a> untuk " "menerbitkan komentar." msgid "Default Theme Font" msgstr "Font Tema Default" msgid "Preprocessor" msgstr "Preprocessor" msgid "Show excerpts on front page and on archive pages instead of full posts" msgstr "" "Tampilkan kutipan di halaman depan dan halaman arsip, bukan postingan utuh" msgid "Verify Code" msgstr "Verifikasi Kode" msgid "Download URL" msgstr "Unduh URL" msgid "Trophy Case" msgstr "Galeri Trofi" msgid "You will be charged %1$s to renew in %2$d days, <nobr>on %3$s</nobr>." msgstr "" "Anda akan dikenakan tagihan %1$s untuk memperpanjang dalam %2$d hari, " "<nobr>di %3$s</nobr>." msgid "List the most-clicked links on your blog." msgstr "Buat daftar tautan yang paling sering diklik di blog Anda." msgid "Hit counter is delayed by up to 60 seconds." msgstr "Penghitung hit tertunda hingga 60 detik." msgid "Show a hit counter for your blog." msgstr "Tampilkan penghitung hit untuk blog Anda." msgid "Display blogs authors with avatars and recent posts." msgstr "Menampilkan penulis blog bersama avatar dan pos terbaru." msgid "Blocks" msgstr "Blok" msgid "Add Your Content" msgstr "Tambahkan Konten Anda" msgid "Russian" msgstr "Rusia" msgid "Mute Push Notifications" msgstr "Senyapkan Pemberitahuan Push" msgid "Unlimited Storage" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan Tanpa Batas" msgid "Change your site's address" msgstr "Ubah alamat situs Anda" msgid "Followed by sites you've liked" msgstr "Disukai oleh situs-situs yang Anda sukai" msgid "Followed by bloggers you follow" msgstr "Diikuti oleh blogger-blogger yang Anda ikuti" msgid "You've liked posts on this site" msgstr "Anda pernah menyukai pos di situs ini" msgid "Recommended in topic: %s" msgstr "Direkomendasikan dalam topik: %s" msgid "Archive: %s" msgstr "Arsip: %s" msgid "Customize: %s" msgstr "Kustomisasikan: %s" msgid "%s px" msgstr "%s piksel" msgid "You May Like" msgstr "Mungkin Anda Suka" msgid "Call to Action" msgstr "Call to action" msgid "Hello, World!" msgstr "Halo Dunia!" msgid "Display your recent Flickr photos." msgstr "Tampilkan foto Flickr terbaru anda." msgid "This is a blog" msgstr "Ini adalah blog" msgid "Posts & pages" msgstr "Pos & Halaman" msgid "New credit card" msgstr "Kartu Kredit Baru" msgid "Header image" msgstr "Gambar tajuk" msgctxt "post format archive title" msgid "Chats" msgstr "Chat" msgctxt "post format archive title" msgid "Statuses" msgstr "Status" msgctxt "post format archive title" msgid "Galleries" msgstr "Galeri" msgctxt "post format archive title" msgid "Videos" msgstr "Video" msgctxt "post format archive title" msgid "Quotes" msgstr "Kutipan" msgctxt "post format archive title" msgid "Images" msgstr "Gambar" msgctxt "post format archive title" msgid "Links" msgstr "Tautan" msgctxt "post format archive title" msgid "Asides" msgstr "Aside" msgid "Home link text" msgstr "Teks tautan beranda" msgid "Category IDs, separated by commas" msgstr "ID Kategori, dipisahkan dengan koma" msgid "Maximum number of categories to show:" msgstr "Jumlah kategori maksimal yang ditampilkan:" msgid "Your most used categories in cloud format." msgstr "Kategori yang paling sering digunakan dalam format cloud." msgid "Processing" msgstr "Memproses" msgid "No notifications. Time to go bowling." msgstr "Tidak ada notifikasi. Waktunya untuk beraksi." msgid "Feedback(s) marked as spam" msgstr "Umpan balik ditandai sebagai spam" msgid "separated by spaces" msgstr "dipisahkan oleh spasi" msgid "Show bookmarks tagged with all of these tags:" msgstr "Tampilkan bookmark dengan semua tag berikut:" msgid "Number of links:" msgstr "Jumlah tautan:" msgid "Adds a sidebar widget to display links." msgstr "Menambahkan widget bilah sisi untuk menampilkan link" msgid "Category ID" msgstr "ID kategori" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create resources." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk membuat sumber daya." msgid "Static page:" msgstr "Laman statis:" msgid "404 error page" msgstr "laman galat 404" msgid "Yearly archives" msgstr "Arsip tahunan" msgid "Daily archives" msgstr "Arsip harian" msgid "All date archives" msgstr "Semua arsip per tanggal" msgid "All tag pages" msgstr "Semua lama tag" msgid "All author pages" msgstr "Semua laman penulis" msgid "All category pages" msgstr "Semua laman kategori" msgid "<span>%d</span> bloggers like this:" msgstr "<span>%d</span> blogger menyukai ini:" msgid "Filter by type" msgstr "Saring berdasarkan tipe" msgid "Start a Blog with this theme" msgstr "Buat Blog dengan tema ini" msgid "Create a Post" msgstr "Buat pos" msgid "Something went wrong. Please try again." msgstr "Ada yang salah. Mohon coba lagi." msgid "In reply to:" msgstr "Balasan untuk:" msgid "Chargeback" msgstr "Pembebanan balik" msgctxt "comments title" msgid "One thought on “%s”" msgstr "Satu komentar pada “%s”" msgid "" "Do you have anything else you want to add? Please note that we cannot accept " "publicly published material as proof of account ownership." msgstr "" "Apakah masih ada yang ingin Anda tambahkan? Harap diingat bahwa kami tidak " "dapat menerima material publik yang telah diterbitkan sebagai bukti " "kepemilikan akun." msgid "Select page" msgstr "Pilih halaman" msgid "My Grav." msgstr "Grav. Saya" msgid "%d years" msgstr "%d tahun" msgid "a year" msgstr "satu tahun" msgid "%d months" msgstr "%d bulan" msgid "a month" msgstr "satu bulan" msgid "%d days" msgstr "%d hari" msgid "a day" msgstr "satu hari" msgid "an hour" msgstr "satu jam" msgid "%d minutes" msgstr "%d menit" msgid "a minute" msgstr "satu menit" msgid "a few seconds" msgstr "beberapa detik" msgid "Redirect URI" msgstr "Alihkan URI" msgid "Sign in to" msgstr "Login ke" msgid "Help & Support" msgstr "Bantuan & Dukungan" msgid "View a list of your sites and access their dashboards" msgstr "Lihat daftar situs Anda, dan akses dasbor Anda" msgid "Read the blogs and topics you follow" msgstr "Baca blog dan topik yang Anda ikuti" msgid "Sign up" msgstr "Daftar" msgid "for life" msgstr "seumur hidup" msgid "delete this image" msgstr "hapus gambar ini" msgid "Add Credit Card" msgstr "Tambah Kartu Kredit" msgid "Domain Late Renewal Fee" msgstr "Biaya Keterlambatan Pembaruan Domain" msgid "" "New posts you publish will appear in the Reader stream below. You’ll also " "see new posts from other blogs that you are following. You can visit your " "blog by using the 'My Blogs' menu above." msgstr "" "Pos baru yang Anda terbitkan akan muncul di streaming Pembaca berikut ini. " "Anda juga akan melihat pos baru dari blog lain yang Anda ikuti. Anda dapat " "mengunjungi blog Anda menggunakan menu 'Blog Saya' di atas." msgid "All Products" msgstr "Semua Produk" msgid "URL entered is not valid" msgstr "URL yang dimasukkan tidak valid." msgid "Email entered is not valid" msgstr "Email yang dimasukkan tidak valid" msgid "Check stats" msgstr "Periksa Statistik" msgid "Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with %s" msgstr "" "Masukkan nilai \"konten\" kunci meta untuk memverifikasi blog Anda dengan %s" msgid "Website Verification Services" msgstr "Layanan Verifikasi Situs Web" msgid "Status updated" msgstr "Status diperbarui" msgid "Saving Changes" msgstr "Menyimpan Perubahan" msgid "Saving…" msgstr "Menyimpan…" msgid "Sorry, this report is only visible to members of this site." msgstr "Maaf, laporan ini hanya dapat dilihat anggota situs ini." msgid "%d Report" msgstr "Laporan %d" msgid "" "About 55,000 tourists visit Liechtenstein every year. This blog was viewed " "about <strong>%2$s</strong> times in %1$d. If it were Liechtenstein, it " "would take about %3$s years for that many people to see it. Your blog had " "more visits than a small country in Europe!" msgstr "" "Sekitar 55.000 wisatawan mengunjungi Liechtenstein setiap tahun. Blog ini " "telah dilihat sekitar <strong>%2$s</strong> kali di %1$d. Jika itu adalah " "Liechtenstein, dibutuhkan sekitar %3$s tahun bagi para pengunjung untuk " "melihatnya. Blog Anda memiliki lebih banyak kunjungan daripada negara kecil " "di Eropa!" msgid "That's %d countries in all!" msgstr "Itu %d negara semuanya!" msgid "Post a summary to my blog" msgstr "Kirim pos ringkasan ke blog saya" msgid "" "Clicking the button below will make your report public and create a draft " "post for you:" msgstr "" "Mengeklik tombol di bawah ini akan membuat laporan Anda menjadi publik dan " "membuat pos konsep untuk Anda:" msgid "Want to share this report with your readers? " msgstr "Ingin berbagi laporan ini dengan pembaca Anda? " msgid "" "A heads up—after you finish customizing this theme, you’ll be " "forwarded to the checkout process to buy and activate it for %1." msgstr "" "Panduan—setelah Anda selesai menyesuaikan tema ini, Anda akan " "diarahkan ke proses checkout untuk membeli dan mengaktifkannya seharga %1." msgid "" "If you change your mind and want to choose a different theme, use the “" "Back to previous step” link below." msgstr "" "Jika Anda berubah pikiran dan ingin memilih tema lain, \n" "gunakan tautan “Kembali ke langkah sebelumnya” di bawah ini." msgid "" "You’ve selected the %s theme! Now you can customize it to make it look " "exactly how you’d like." msgstr "" "Anda sudah memilih tema %s! Sekarang Anda dapat menyesuaikan untuk " "menjadikannya tampak sebagaimana Anda menginginkannya." msgid "Did you know you can view enhanced stats on" msgstr "" "Tahukah Anda bahwa Anda dapat melihat statistik secara lebih rinci di " "" msgid "" "See the #fireworks %1$s created by blogging on %2$s. Their %3$d annual " "report. " msgstr "" "Lihat #kembangapi yang %1$s buat dengan blogging pada %2$s. Laporan tahunan " "%3$d mereka. " msgid "" "See the #fireworks I created by blogging on %1$s. My %2$d annual report. " msgstr "" "Lihat #kembangapi yang saya buat dengan blogging pada %1$s. Laporan tahunan " "%2$d saya. " msgctxt "\"Reblog: <post title>\" title in annual reports" msgid "Reblog: %s" msgstr "Reblog: %s" msgctxt "post title for posts with no title" msgid "Untitled" msgstr "Tanpa Judul" msgid "Advanced customization" msgstr "Penyesuaian tingkat lanjut" msgid "" "75 or so people get to eat dinner at Per Se every year. This blog had about " "<strong>%2$s</strong> views in %1$d. If this blog were Per Se, it would take " "%3$s years to serve that many people." msgstr "" "75 atau lebih orang menikmati makan malam Per Se setiap tahun. Blog ini " "memiliki sekitar <strong>%2$s</strong> tayangan di %1$d. Jika blog ini " "adalah Per Se, dibutuhkan %3$s tahun untuk melayani orang sebanyak itu." msgid "" "5,000 people attended the Aspen Food and Wine Festival. This blog had about " "<strong>%2$s</strong> views in %1$d. If each view were a foodie, this blog " "would power %3$s festivals." msgstr "" "5.000 orang menghadiri Festival Makanan dan Wine Aspen. Blog ini memiliki " "sekitar <strong>%2$s</strong> tayangan di %1$d. Jika setiap tayangan adalah " "makanan, blog ini akan menyokong sebanyak %3$s festival." msgid "" "100 lucky friends got to attend the Justin Timberlake/Jessica Biel wedding. " "This blog had about <strong>%2$s</strong> visitors in %1$d. If it were " "viewed exclusively by their wedding guests, they’d have to get married %3$s " "times. That’s a lot of gifts!" msgstr "" "100 teman yang beruntung menghadiri pernikahan Justin Timberlake/Jessica " "Biel. Blog ini memiliki sekitar <strong>%2$s</strong> pengunjung di %1$d. " "Jika disaksikan secara eksklusif oleh tamu pernikahan, pasangan tersebut " "bakal menikah sebanyak %3$s kali. Itu artinya banyak hadiah!" msgid "" "4,329 films were submitted to the 2012 Cannes Film Festival. This blog had " "<strong>%2$s</strong> views in %1$d. If each view were a film, this blog " "would power %3$s Film Festivals" msgstr "" "4.329 film diserahkan untuk Festival Film Cannes tahun 2012. Blog ini " "memiliki <strong>%2$s</strong> tayangan di %1$d. Jika setiap tayangan adalah " "film, blog ini akan menyelenggarakan sebanyak %3$s Festival Film" msgid "" "15,000 cans of diet soda were consumed at New York Fashion Week. This blog " "had about <strong>%2$s</strong> views in %1$d. If these were cans of diet " "soda, they’d power %3$s Fashion Weeks." msgstr "" "15.000 kaleng minuman soda diet dikonsumsi di acara New York Fashion Week. " "Blog ini memiliki sekitar <strong>%2$s</strong> tayangan di %1$d. Jika itu " "adalah kaleng minuman soda, tayangan tersebut bakal menyokong sebanyak %3$s " "Fashion Weeks." msgid "" "90 photographers worked the red carpet at the 2012 Academy Awards. This blog " "had <strong>%2$s</strong> views in %1$d. If each view was a photographer, " "you could shoot %3$s Academy Awards ceremonies." msgstr "" "90 fotografer memotret parade karpet merah pada Academy Awards tahun 2012. " "Blog ini memiliki <strong>%2$s</strong> tayangan di %1$d. Jika setiap " "tayangan adalah fotografer, Anda dapat memotret %3$s ajang Academy Awards." msgid "" "20,005 entries were submitted to the 2012 National Geographic Photo of the " "Year contest. This blog was viewed <strong>%2$s</strong> times in %1$d. If " "each view were a photo, this blog could run %3$s contests." msgstr "" "20.005 entri dimasukkan dalam kontes Foto Terbaik National Geographic tahun " "2012. Blog ini telah dilihat sebanyak <strong>%2$s</strong> kali di %1$d. " "Jika setiap tayangan adalah foto, blog ini dapat menjalankan %3$s kontes." msgid "" "The London Olympic Stadium is 53 meters high. This blog had about <strong>" "%2$s</strong> visitors in %1$d. If every visitor were a meter, this blog " "would be %3$s times taller than the Olympic Stadium – not too shabby." msgstr "" "Stadion Olimpiade London tingginya 53 meter. Blog ini memiliki sekitar " "<strong>%2$s</strong> pengunjung di %1$d. Jika satu pengunjung setara satu " "meter, blog ini akan %3$s kali lebih tinggi dari Stadion Olimpiade – tidak " "terlalu buruk." msgid "" "The new Boeing 787 Dreamliner can carry about 250 passengers. This blog was " "viewed about <strong>%2$s</strong> times in %1$d. If it were a Dreamliner, " "it would take about %3$s trips to carry that many people." msgstr "" "Boeing 787 Dreamliner yang baru dapat mengangkut sekitar 250 penumpang. Blog " "ini telah dilihat sekitar <strong>%2$s</strong> kali di %1$d. Jika itu " "adalah Dreamliner, dibutuhkan sekitar %3$s perjalanan untuk membawa orang " "banyak itu." msgid "" "600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about " "<strong>%2$s</strong> views in %1$d. If every person who reached the top of " "Mt. Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken %3$s years to get that " "many views." msgstr "" "600 pendaki mencapai puncak Gunung Everest pada 2012. Blog ini mendapatkan " "sekitar <strong>%2$s</strong> tayangan di %1$d. Jika setiap orang yang " "mencapai puncak Gunung Everest melihat blog ini, dibutuhkan %3$s tahun untuk " "mendapatkan banyak tayangan itu." msgid "" "19,000 people fit into the new Barclays Center to see Jay-Z perform. This " "blog was viewed about <strong>%2$s</strong> times in %1$d. If it were a " "concert at the Barclays Center, it would take about %3$s sold-out " "performances for that many people to see it." msgstr "" "19.000 orang memadati gedung Barclays Center yang baru untuk melihat " "penampilan Jay-Z. Blog ini telah dilihat sekitar <strong>%2$s</strong> kali " "di %1$d. Jika itu adalah konser di Barclays Center, dibutuhkan sekitar %3$s " "penampilan terlaris bagi banyak orang untuk melihatnya." msgid "" "3,200,000 people watched the Mars Rover land. This blog was viewed about " "<strong>%2$s</strong> times in %1$d. If this blog were a video of the Rover " "landing, it would take about %3$s days for that many people to see it." msgstr "" "3.200.000 orang menonton pendaratan Mars Rover. Blog ini telah dilihat " "sekitar <strong>%2$s</strong> kali di %1$d. Jika blog ini adalah video " "pendaratan Rover, dibutuhkan %3$s hari bagi banyak orang itu untuk " "melihatnya." msgid "" "8 million people saw The Hobbit on its opening weekend. This blog was viewed " "about <strong>%2$s</strong> times in %1$d. If every person who saw The " "Hobbit visited this blog, it would take %3$s years for them all to read it." msgstr "" "8 juta orang menonton The Hobbit pada akhir pekan pembukaannya. Blog ini " "telah dilihat sekitar <strong>%2$s</strong> kali di %1$d. Jika setiap orang " "yang menonton The Hobbit mengunjungi blog ini, dibutuhkan %3$s tahun bagi " "mereka semua untuk membacanya." msgid "" "12.5 million new people joined the community in %1$d. This " "blog was viewed about <strong>%2$s</strong> times in %1$d. If every new " "WordPresser visited this blog, it would take %3$s years for them all to see " "it." msgstr "" "12,5 juta pengguna baru bergabung dalam komunitas di %1$d. " "Blog ini telah dilihat sekitar <strong>%2$s</strong> kali di %1$d. Jika " "setiap anggota baru WordPress mengunjungi blog ini, dibutuhkan %3$s tahun " "untuk mereka semua melihatnya." msgid "Unlimited" msgstr "Tidak terbatas" msgid "" "To kick off the new year, we’d like to share with you data on your blog’s " "activity in %d. Start scrolling!" msgstr "" "Untuk mengawali tahun baru, kami ingin berbagi dengan Anda data mengenai " "aktivitas blog Anda di %d. Mulai menggulir!" msgid "Annual Report" msgstr "Laporan Tahunan" msgid "Following." msgstr "Mengikuti." msgid "Add another email" msgstr "Tambah e-mail lainnya" msgid "Post content" msgstr "Konten pos" msgid "Please fill in this field." msgstr "Silakan isi kolom ini." msgid "Comment Likes" msgstr "Suka Komentar" msgid "Apps" msgstr "Aplikasi" msgid "Biography" msgstr "Biografi" msgid "" "Your password is too weak: Looks like you're including easy to guess " "information about yourself. Try something a little more unique." msgstr "" "Kata sandi Anda terlalu lemah: Tampaknya Anda menyertakan informasi yang " "terlalu mudah ditebak tentang diri Anda. Cobalah sesuatu yang lebih unik." msgid "" "This password is too easy to guess: you can improve it by mixing both " "letters and numbers." msgstr "" "Kata sandi terlalu mudah ditebak: Anda dapat memperkuatnya dengan " "mengombinasikan huruf dan angka." msgid " Business" msgstr " Bisnis" msgid "Upload all the video and audio files you want with unlimited storage." msgstr "" "Unggah semua berkas video dan audio yang Anda inginkan dengan ruang " "penyimpanan tanpa batas." msgid "" "Try any one of our 200+ themes and change as often as you like, no extra " "charge." msgstr "" "Coba tema yang mana pun dari 200+ tema kami dan ganti sesuka Anda, tanpa " "biaya tambahan." msgid "Muted Blogs" msgstr "Blog yang Disenyapkan" msgid "You and 1 other person like this" msgstr "Anda dan 1 orang lainnya menyukai ini" msgid "Elasticsearch" msgstr "Elasticsearch" msgid "Learn about choosing great passwords." msgstr "Pelajari bagaimana memilih kata sandi yang bagus." msgid "Smart Phones" msgstr "Ponsel Pintar" msgid "Achievements" msgstr "Capaian" msgid "Congratulations on getting %1$s total subscribers on %2$s!" msgstr "Selamat! Anda mendapatkan %1$s pelanggan di %2$s!" msgid "Best ever" msgstr "Terbaik" msgid "views" msgstr "tampilan" msgid "Square Tiles" msgstr "Ubin Persegi" msgid "Tiles" msgstr "Susun Ubin" msgid "Views per Visitor: %s" msgstr "Halaman Dilihat per Pengunjung: %s" msgid "<strong>Views per Visitor:</strong> %s" msgstr "<strong>Tampilan per Pengunjung:</strong> %s" msgid "Your password can be saved." msgstr "Kata sandi Anda dapat disimpan." msgid "Galleries" msgstr "Galeri" msgid "<strong>Views:</strong> %s" msgstr "<strong>Tampilan:</strong> %s" msgid "Someone comments one of my posts" msgstr "Ada yang mengomentari salah satu pos saya" msgid "<strong>Visitors:</strong> %s" msgstr "<strong>Pengunjung:</strong> %s" msgid "You do not have permission to perform this action." msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk melakukan tindakan ini." msgid "Could not insert term relationship into the database." msgstr "Tidak dapat menyisipkan hubungan kata ke dalam basis data" msgid "Random Order" msgstr "Urutan Acak" msgid "%1$s replied to your comment %2$s" msgstr "%1$s membalas komentar Anda %2$s" msgid " Business Trial" msgstr "Uji Coba Bisnis" msgid "Live Support" msgstr "Dukungan Langsung" msgid "Unlimited Premium Themes" msgstr "Tema Premium Tanpa Batas" msgid "Unlimited Space" msgstr "Ruang Tanpa Batas" msgid "1 post" msgid_plural "%s posts" msgstr[0] "%s pos" msgstr[1] "%s pos" msgid "Set featured image" msgstr "Buat Gambar Utama" msgid "Insert from URL" msgstr "Sisipkan dari URL" msgid "%d selected" msgstr "%d dipilih" msgid "%1$s liked your comment on %2$s." msgstr "%1$s menyukai komentar Anda di %2$s." msgid "Something went wrong" msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan" msgid "Replace <a href=\"%s\">theme's CSS</a> <b>(Advanced)</b>" msgstr "Gantikan <a href=\"%s\">CSS tema</a> <b>(Tingkat Mahir)</b>" msgid "Add-on CSS <b>(Recommended)</b>" msgstr "Add-on CSS <b>(Direkomendasikan)</b>" msgid "Replacement" msgstr "Pengganti" msgid "Add-on" msgstr "Add-on" msgid "Mode:" msgstr "Mode:" msgctxt "Links widget" msgid "Random" msgstr "Acak" msgid "Save & Buy Upgrade" msgstr "Simpan & Beli Upgrade" msgid "Get started with" msgstr "Mulai dengan" msgid " Free" msgstr " Gratis" msgid "WordPress Themes for Blogs at" msgstr "Tema WordPress untuk Blog di" msgid "Reverse order" msgstr "Urutan terbalik" msgid "Pro Tip:" msgstr "Saran Profesional:" msgid "Include this CSS in the Mobile Theme" msgstr "Ikutkan CSS berikut ke dalam Tema Mobile" msgid "Mobile-compatible:" msgstr "Mobile-compatible:" msgid "" "You can also embed media from many popular websites including Twitter, " "YouTube, Flickr and others by pasting the media URL on its own line into the " "content of your post/page. <a href=\"" "article/embeds/\">Learn more about embeds</a>." msgstr "" "Anda juga dapat menyematkan media dari situs-situs web populer termasuk " "Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, dan lainnya dengan menempelkan URL media di sebuah " "baris di dalam konten artikel/laman Anda. <a href=\"" "documentation/article/embeds/\">Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang sematan</a>." msgid "" "You can upload and insert media (images, audio, documents, etc.) by clicking " "the Add Media button. You can select from the images and files already " "uploaded to the Media Library, or upload new media to add to your page or " "post. To create an image gallery, select the images to add and click the " "“Create a new gallery” button." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengunggah dan menyisipkan media (gambar, audio, dokumen, dll) " "dengan mengklik tombol Tambahkan Media. Anda dapat memilih dari gambar dan " "berkas yang sudah pernah diunggah sebelumnya ke dalam Pustaka Media, atau " "mengunggah media baru untuk ditambahkan ke dalam halaman atau pos Anda. " "Untuk menciptakan sebuah galeri gambar, pilihlah gambar-gambar yang " "diinginkan lalu klik tombol “Ciptakan sebuah galeri baru”." msgid "Sign in to %s" msgstr "Masuk ke %s" msgid "Deselect" msgstr "Batalkan Pilihan" msgid "Comment on this post?" msgstr "Berkomentar pada pos ini?" msgid "WordPress › Success" msgstr "WordPress › Sukses" msgid "Already Installed" msgstr "Sudah Terpasang" msgid "" "To activate your user, please click the following link:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "After you activate, you will receive *another email* with your login." msgstr "" "Untuk mengaktifkan pengguna Anda, silakan klik taut berikut:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "Setelah Anda mengaktifkannnya, Anda akan menerima *email lain* yang berisi " "keterangan akun Anda." msgid "Media File" msgstr "Berkas Media" msgid "Custom URL" msgstr "URL Tersuai" msgid "Link To" msgstr "Tautkan Ke" msgid "Attachment Display Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Tampilan Lampiran" msgid "Alt Text" msgstr "Teks Alt" msgid "Attachment Details" msgstr "Detil Lampiran" msgid "Dismiss errors" msgstr "Abaikan Galat" msgid "Uploading" msgstr "Mengunggah" msgid "Upload Limit Exceeded" msgstr "Melebihi Batas Unggahan" msgid "Drop files to upload" msgstr "Pindah berkas yang akan diunggah" msgid "Add to gallery" msgstr "Tambahkan ke galeri" msgid "Update gallery" msgstr "Perbaharui galeri" msgid "← Cancel gallery" msgstr "← Batalkan Galeri" msgid "Create gallery" msgstr "Buat Galeri" msgid "Uploaded to this post" msgstr "Terunggah ke pos ini." msgid "Uploaded to this page" msgstr "Unggah ke laman ini" msgid "Insert into post" msgstr "Sisipkan ke dalam pos" msgid "Insert into page" msgstr "Sisipkan ke lama" msgid "All media items" msgstr "Semua berkas media" msgid "Create a new gallery" msgstr "Buat galeri baru" msgid "Select files" msgstr "Pilih berkas" msgid "Upload files" msgstr "Unggah Berkas" msgid "Selected" msgstr "Terpilih" msgid "No editor could be selected." msgstr "Tidak ada editor yang dapat dipilih." msgid "" "An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again " "later." msgstr "" "Sebuah galat telah terjadi, yang kemungkinan berarti umpan tersebut sedang " "anjlok. Coba lagi nanti." msgid "" "When changing themes, there is often some variation in the number and setup " "of widget areas/sidebars and sometimes these conflicts make the transition a " "bit less smooth. If you changed themes and seem to be missing widgets, " "scroll down on this screen to the Inactive Widgets area, where all of your " "widgets and their settings will have been saved." msgstr "" "Ketika mengubah tema, ada beberapa variasi pada jumlah dan pengaturan area " "widget atau bilah sisi, dan kadang bisa menyebabkan konflik yang membuat " "transisi tidak semulus yang Anda kira. Jika Anda mengubah tema dan melihat " "ada widget yang hilang, geserlah ke bawah layar menuju area Widget Nonaktif " "di mana semua widget Anda dan pengaturannya telah tersimpan." msgid "" "When this setting is in effect, a reminder is shown in the At a Glance box " "of the Dashboard that says, “Search engines discouraged”, to " "remind you that you have directed search engines to not crawl your site." msgstr "" "Ketika pengaturan berikut aktif, pengingat akan ditampilkan dalam kotak " "Selayang Pandang pada Dasbor yang bertuliskan, “Mesin Pencarian " "Dicegah,” untuk mengingatkan bahwa situs Anda tidak dirayapi." msgid "File URL:" msgstr "URL Berkas:" msgid "" "You are using the multi-file uploader. Problems? Try the <a href=\"%1$s\" " "%2$s>browser uploader</a> instead." msgstr "" "Anda menggunakan pengunggah multi-berkas. Jika menemui kendala, coba " "gunakan<a href=\"%1$s\" %2$s>browser uploader</a>." msgid "Turn comments on or off" msgstr "Nyalakan atau matikan komentar" msgid "View your site" msgstr "Lihat situs Anda" msgid "Write your first blog post" msgstr "Buat pos blog pertama Anda" msgid "Next Steps" msgstr "Langkah Berikutnya" msgctxt "column name" msgid "Uploaded to" msgstr "Terunggah ke" msgid "" "<strong>Parent</strong> — Categories, unlike tags, can have a " "hierarchy. You might have a Jazz category, and under that have child " "categories for Bebop and Big Band. Totally optional. To create a " "subcategory, just choose another category from the Parent dropdown." msgstr "" "<strong>Induk</strong> — Kategori, tidak seperti tag, bisa memiliki " "hirarki. Anda bisa memiliki kategori Jazz, dan di dalamnya bisa terdapat " "anak kategori untuk Bebop dan Big Band. Sepenuhnya opsional. Untuk membuat " "subkategori, cukup pilih kategori lain dari dropdown Induk." msgid "Publish Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Terbitan" msgid "" "Several boxes on this screen contain settings for how your content will be " "published, including:" msgstr "" "Beberapa kotak pada layar ini memiliki pengaturan untuk bagaimana konten " "Anda akan diterbitkan, termasuk:" msgid "Inserting Media" msgstr "Sisipkan Media" msgid "" "The title field and the big Post Editing Area are fixed in place, but you " "can reposition all the other boxes using drag and drop. You can also " "minimize or expand them by clicking the title bar of each box. Use the " "Screen Options tab to unhide more boxes (Excerpt, Send Trackbacks, Custom " "Fields, Discussion, Slug, Author) or to choose a 1- or 2-column layout for " "this screen." msgstr "" "Ruas judul dan Area Penyuntingan Pos yang besar posisinya sudah permanen, " "namun Anda dapat mengubah posisi dari kotak lainnya dengan gerakan tarik dan " "taruh. Anda juga dapat meminimalkan atau mengembangkan mereka dengan " "mengklik baris judul dari masing-masing kotak. Gunakan tab Pengaturan Layar " "untuk menampilkan kembali kotak-kotak lainnya (Rangkuman, Kirim Lacakan, " "Ruas Tersuai, Diskusi, Slug, Penulis) atau untuk memilih layout 1 atau 2 " "kolom pada layar ini." msgid "" "In the <strong>In response to</strong> column, there are three elements. The " "text is the name of the post that inspired the comment, and links to the " "post editor for that entry. The View Post link leads to that post on your " "live site. The small bubble with the number in it shows the number of " "approved comments that post has received. If there are pending comments, a " "red notification circle with the number of pending comments is displayed. " "Clicking the notification circle will filter the comments screen to show " "only pending comments on that post." msgstr "" "Dalam kolom <strong>Balasan Untuk</strong>, terdapat tiga elemen. Teks " "adalah nama pos yang menginspirasikan komentar tersebut, dan tautan ke " "editor pos tersebut. Tautan Tampilkan Pos menuju ke pos tersebut pada situs " "aktif Anda. Bulatan kecil dengan angka di dalamnya menunjukkan jumlah " "komentar yang sudah disetujui pada pos tersebut. Bila terdapat komentar yang " "ditangguhkan, bulatan notifikasi merah dengan jumlah komentar ditangguhkan " "akan ditampilkan. Mengklik bulatan akan menyaring layar komentar untuk " "menampilkan hanya komentar yang ditangguhkan pada pos tersebut." msgctxt "color" msgid "Default: %s" msgstr "Bawaan: %s" msgid "Choose a Custom Header" msgstr "Ciptakan Tajuk Tersuai" msgid "Do not forget to click “Save Changes” when you are done!" msgstr "" "Jangan lupa untuk mengklik “Simpan Perubahaan” bila sudah " "selesai!" msgid "" "In the Header Text section of this page, you can choose whether to display " "this text or hide it. You can also choose a color for the text by clicking " "the Select Color button and either typing in a legitimate HTML hex value, e." "g. “#ff0000” for red, or by choosing a color using the color " "picker." msgstr "" "Pada bagian Tajuk Teks pada halaman ini, Anda dapat memilih apakah ingin " "menampilkan teks tadi atau menyembunyikannya. you can choose whether to " "display this text or hide it. Anda juga dapat memilih warna untuk teks ini " "dengan mengklik tombol Pilih Warna atau dengan mengetikkan nilai heksa HTML " "yang sah, contoh:“#ff0000” untuk merah, atau dengan memilih " "sebuah warna dari pemilih warna." msgid "The uploaded file is not a valid image. Please try again." msgstr "Berkas terunggah bukan gambar sah. Silakan coba kembali." msgid "" "You can also choose a background color by clicking the Select Color button " "and either typing in a legitimate HTML hex value, e.g. “#ff0000” " "for red, or by choosing a color using the color picker." msgstr "" "Anda juga dapat memilih warna latar dengan mengklik tombol Pilih Warna atau " "dengan mengetikkan nilai heksa HTML yang sah, contoh: “#ff0000” " "untuk merah, atau dengan memilih sebuah warna dari pemilih warna." msgid "" "To use a background image, simply upload it or choose an image that has " "already been uploaded to your Media Library by clicking the “Choose " "Image” button. You can display a single instance of your image, or " "tile it to fill the screen. You can have your background fixed in place, so " "your site content moves on top of it, or you can have it scroll with your " "site." msgstr "" "Untuk menggunakan sebuah gambar latar, cukup unggah atau pilih sebuah gambar " "yang sudah terunggah ke Pustaka Media sebelumnya dengan tombol “Pilih " "Gambar”. Anda dapat menampilkan gambar tadi sekali saja, atau " "menampilkannya berurutan untuk memenuhi layar. Anda juga dapat memposisikan " "latar pada posisi permanen, jadi ketika konten situs Anda dapat bergerak di " "atasnya, atau juga dapat membuatnya ikut tergulung ketika menjelajah ke " "bawah." msgctxt "media item" msgid "Edit" msgstr "Sunting" msgid "Hours:" msgstr "Jam:" msgid "Phone:" msgstr "Nomor telepon:" msgid "Show map" msgstr "Tampilkan map" msgid "Address:" msgstr "Alamat:" msgid "Display a map with your location, hours, and contact information." msgstr "Tampilkan peta dengan lokasi, jam layanan, dan informasi kontak Anda." msgid "" "This upgrade gives you the greatest customization options, aided by white-" "glove support and a multitude of plugins." msgstr "" "Upgrade ini memberi Anda pilihan-pilihan penyesuaian terbaik, dibantu oleh " "dukungan ahli dan beragam plugin." msgid "Preprocessor:" msgstr "Preprocessor:" msgid "" "Hi,\n" "\n" "The following upgrade has been cancelled and a refund is being prepared:\n" "\n" "%1$s (%2$s)\n" "\n" "It may take up to 5 business days for the refund to appear in your PayPal, " "credit card or bank account.\n" "If you haven't seen the refund within this time, please allow another 3 days " "to pass before contacting support.\n" "Occasionally refunds take longer than normal.\n" "\n" "If required, contact support through this link: %3$s\n" "\n" "Regards,\n" "" msgstr "" "Hai,\n" "\n" "Upgrade berikut ini telah dibatalkan dan pengembalian dana kini sedang " "diproses:\n" "\n" "%1$s pada %2$s\n" "\n" "Diperlukan waktu hingga 5 hari kerja untuk menerima pengembalian dana di " "akun PayPal, kartu kredit atau bank Anda.\n" "Jika dalam waktu tersebut Anda belum melihat ada pengembalian dana, harap " "tunggu 3 hari lagi sebelum Anda menghubungi dukungan.\n" "Terkadang, pembayaran memerlukan waktu lebih lama daripada biasanya.\n" "\n" "Bila perlu, hubungi dukungan melalui tautan berikut ini: %3$s\n" "\n" "Salam,\n" "" msgid "" "Hi,\n" "\n" "The following upgrade has been cancelled and refunded:\n" "\n" "%1$s (%2$s)\n" "\n" "It may take up to 5 business days for the refund to appear in your PayPal, " "credit card or bank account.\n" "If you haven't seen the refund within this time, please allow another 3 days " "to pass before contacting support.\n" "Occasionally refunds take longer than normal.\n" "\n" "If required, contact support through this link: %3$s\n" "\n" "Regards,\n" "" msgstr "" "Hai,\n" "\n" "Upgrade berikut ini telah dibatalkan dan pembayaran telah dikembalikan:\n" "\n" "%1$s pada %2$s\n" "\n" "Diperlukan waktu hingga 5 hari kerja untuk menerima pengembalian dana di " "akun PayPal, kartu kredit atau bank Anda.\n" "Jika dalam waktu tersebut Anda belum melihat ada pengembalian dana, harap " "tunggu 3 hari lagi sebelum Anda menghubungi dukungan.\n" "Terkadang, pembayaran memerlukan waktu lebih lama daripada biasnaya.\n" "\n" "Bila perlu, hubungi dukungan melalui tautan berikut ini: %3$s\n" "\n" "Salam,\n" "" msgid "Below each blog page" msgstr "Di bawah setiap halaman blog" msgid "Above each blog page" msgstr "Di atas setiap halaman blog" msgid "Show Ratings on" msgstr "Tunjukkan Rating pada" msgid "List text" msgstr "Teks daftar" msgid "Button Text" msgstr "Teks Tombol" msgid "Button type" msgstr "Jenis tombol" msgid "Sliders" msgstr "Slider" msgid "All Sites" msgstr "Semua Situs" msgctxt "taxonomy general name" msgid "Pattern Categories" msgstr "Kategori Pola" msgid "You've recently used this password. Try something new." msgstr "" "Anda belakangan ini menggunakan kata sandi ini. Cobalah sesuatu yang baru." msgid "Password must be at least %d characters." msgstr "Kata sandi setidaknya harus terdiri atas %d karakter." msgid "Reorder" msgstr "Urutkan Ulang" msgid "Menu Items re-ordered." msgstr "Item-item Menu diurutkan ulang." msgid "User does not exist." msgstr "Pengguna tidak ditemukan." msgid "What email address should we contact you at?" msgstr "Ke alamat email mana kami dapat menghubungi Anda?" msgid "" "Neat. %s is already a site. We'll activate " "Enterprise there." msgstr "" "Hebat. %s sudah menjadi situs Kami akan mengaktifkan " " Enterprise di sama." msgid "%s is already associated with a Enterprise site" msgstr "%s sudah dikaitkan dengan situs Enterprise" msgid "<strong>Error</strong>: %s" msgstr "<strong>Galat</strong>: %s" msgid "per month" msgstr "per bulan" msgid "per week" msgstr "per minggu" msgid "Image guide" msgstr "Panduan gambar" msgid "" "Please log in using your username instead of your email " "address." msgstr "" "Silakan login menggunakan nama pengguna sebagai ganti alamat " "email Anda." msgid "Base color" msgstr "Warna Dasar" msgid "Read article" msgstr "Baca artikel" msgid "What would you like to import?" msgstr "Apa yang ingin Anda impor?" msgid "Draft Saved" msgstr "Draf tersimpan" msgid "Saving" msgstr "Menyimpan" msgid "Walt Disney" msgstr "Walt Disney" msgid "The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." msgstr "Cara untuk memulai adalah berhenti bicara dan mulai mengerjakan." msgid "Step" msgstr "Langkah" msgid "Generate strong password" msgstr "Buat kata sandi yang aman" msgid "" "Already know what you’re doing? <a class=\"vertical-welcome-panel-hide" "\" href=\"%s\">Dismiss this message</a>." msgstr "" "Sudah tahu apa yang Anda lakukan? <a class=\"vertical-welcome-panel-hide\" " "href=\"%s\">Abaikan pesan ini</a>." msgid "" "There was an error accepting the invitation. Please refresh, or contact " "support if this persists" msgstr "" "Terjadi error saat menerima undangan. Muat ulang atau hubungi tim dukungan " "jika masalah berlanjut" msgid "Image Editor Save Failed" msgstr "Penyimpanan Editor Gambar Gagal" msgid "Image flip failed." msgstr "Pembalikan gambar gagal." msgid "Image rotate failed." msgstr "Rotasi gambar gagal." msgid "Image crop failed." msgstr "Pemotongan gambar gagal." msgid "Image resize failed." msgstr "Perubahan ukuran gambar gagal." msgid "Could not read image size." msgstr "Tidak dapat membaca ukuran gambar." msgid "File is not an image." msgstr "Berkas bukan berupa gambar." msgid "BandPage" msgstr "BandPage" msgid " Enterprise" msgstr " Enterprise" msgid "Order Details" msgstr "Rincian Pesanan" msgid "" "If you have any questions, please contact support through the following " "link: " msgstr "" "Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, silakan hubungi dukungan melalui tautan " "berikut ini:" msgid "If you have any questions, please <a href='%s'>contact support</a>" msgstr "" "Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, silakan <a href='%s'>hubungi dukungan</a>" msgid "The following upgrade has been cancelled: " msgid_plural "The following upgrades have been cancelled: " msgstr[0] "Upgrade berikut ini telah dibatalkan: " msgstr[1] "Upgrade berikut ini telah dibatalkan:" msgid "Upgrade cancelled" msgstr "Unggahan dibatalkan" msgid "You can contact support using the link below" msgstr "Anda dapat menghubungi dukungan menggunakan tautan berikut ini" msgid "" "If you did not request this change please <a href=\"https://support." "\">contact support</a>, or access your " "profile page and reset your password by clicking the button below:" msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak meminta perubahan berikut, silakan <a href=\"https://support." "\">hubungi bantuan</a>, atau akses " "halaman profil dan reset kata sandi Anda dengan menekan tombol berikut:" msgid "Thanks for flying with us. Keep up the good blogging." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah menjelajah bersama kami. Pertahankan kesuksesan blogging " "Anda!" msgid "You registered on one year ago." msgid_plural "You registered on %1$s years ago." msgstr[0] "Anda mendaftar di setahun yang lalu." msgstr[1] "Anda mendaftar di %1$s tahun yang lalu." msgid "Happy Anniversary with!" msgstr "Selamat Merayakan bersama!" msgid "Visitor" msgid_plural "Visitors" msgstr[0] "Pengunjung" msgstr[1] "Pengunjung" msgid "Thanks for shopping with us." msgstr "Terima kasih telah berbelanja di kami." msgid "%s response" msgid_plural "%s responses" msgstr[0] "%s tanggapan" msgstr[1] "%s tanggapan" msgid "Forum role" msgstr "Peran forum" msgctxt "admin color scheme" msgid "Ocean" msgstr "Samudera" msgid "" "Howdy %1$s,\n" "\n" "\t\tWelcome to!\n" "\n" "\t\tThank you for signing up with Use this URL to activate " "your account: %2$s\n" "\n" "\t\tYou created a account with your VaultPress sign up. Now " "that we’ve got your site in the Vault, we wanted to tell you about a couple " "of other benefits that might interest you.\n" "\n" "\t\tCheck out Akismet and Polldaddy\n" "\t\tDid you know that you can use your account for " "subscriptions to Akismet or Polldaddy?\n" "\n" "\t\tAkismet is the world’s best anti-spam tool for your WordPress site.\n" "\n" "\t\tWith Polldaddy, you can engage your site visitors with polls, quizzes, " "and ratings, or capture their feedback with surveys.\n" "\n" "\t\tRead your favorite blogs or start your own\n" "\t\tSign in to and check out the Reader, a super simple way to " "catch up on the topics that interest you most. Cooking, fishing, books, " "comics, fashion, politics, computers, and much much more: there’s always " "something great to read at Or, start another blog on " " start sharing your thoughts and interests with the world.\n" "\t\t" msgstr "" "Apa kabar %1$s,\n" "\n" "\t\tSelamat datang di! \n" "\n" "\t\tTerima kasih sudah mendaftar di Gunakan URL ini untuk " "mengaktifkan akun Anda: %2$s\n" "\n" "\t\tAnda membuat akun dengan pendaftaran VaultPress. Karena " "sekarang situs Anda sudah ada di Vault, kami ingin menyampaikan beberapa " "manfaat lain dari yang mungkin menarik bagi Anda.\n" "\n" "\t\tCobalah Akismet dan Polldaddy \n" "\t\tTahukah bahwa Anda bisa menggunakan akun untuk " "berlangganan Akismet atau Polldaddy?\n" "\n" "\t\tAkismet adalah alat anti-spam terbaik di dunia untuk situs WordPress " "Anda.\n" "\n" "\t\tDengan Polldaddy, Anda bisa menumbuhkan keterlibatan pengunjung situs " "melalui polling, kuis, dan peringkat, atau mendapatkan umpan balik dengan " "survei.\n" "\n" "\t\tBacalah blog favorit Anda atau mulai menulis blog sendiri \n" "\t\tMasuk ke dan lihat Pembaca, sebuah cara super simpel untuk " "mengikuti kabar terbaru mengenai topik yang menarik bagi Anda. Memasak, " "memancing, buku, komik, mode, politik, komputer, dan banyak lagi lainnya: " "selalu ada bacaan bermutu dan menarik di Atau, buat blog baru " "di dan mulailah berbagi minat dan pendapat dengan dunia.\n" "\t\t" msgid "Happy Anniversary!" msgstr "Selamat Ulang Tahun!" msgid "" "You requested cancellation of a domain name. Please check your email for a " "message with a confirmation link." msgstr "" "Anda meminta pembatalan nama domain. Silakan periksa pesan dengan tautan " "konfirmasi di email Anda." msgid "Request to cancel domain name" msgstr "Meminta pembatalan nama domain" msgid "M j Y" msgstr "M j Y" msgid "Tweets by @%s" msgstr "Twit oleh @%s" msgid "Invalid subscription status given." msgstr "Status langganan yang dimasukkan tidak valid." msgid "%.1F million" msgstr "%.1F juta" msgid "%.1F billion" msgstr "%.1F miliar" msgid "%.1F trillion" msgstr "%.1F triliun" msgid "Manage on your Jetpack Site" msgstr "Kelola di Situs Jetpack" msgid "Start sharing on \"%s\" now" msgstr "Mulai berbagi pada \"%s\" sekarang" msgid "Invalid secret code" msgstr "Kode rahasia tidak valid" msgid "" "This account has two step authentication enabled. Please configure an " "application-specific password to use with this application." msgstr "" "Akun ini menerapkan autentikasi dua langkah. Konfigurasikan kata sandi " "khusus aplikasi untuk diterapkan pada aplikasi ini." msgid "" "Enter the username or email address of the registered user " "that you want to transfer ownership of %1$s (%2$s) to." msgstr "" "Masukkan nama pengguna atau alamat email terdaftar milik " "pengguna yang akan menerima transfer kepemilikan atas %1$s (%2$s)." msgid "" "Howdy,\n" "\n" "You are now the owner of the blog %1$s.\n" "\n" "Thanks for using!\n" "" msgstr "" "Halo,\n" "\n" "Sekarang Anda adalah pemilik blog %1$s.\n" "\n" "Terima kasih telah menggunakan!\n" "" msgid "" "Hi,\n" "\n" "The following premium theme has been cancelled and payment for that theme " "has been refunded:\n" "\n" "%1$s on %2$s\n" "\n" "Your blog's appearance has been reverted to its previously selected theme.\n" "\n" "It may take up to 4 business days for the refund to appear in your PayPal, " "credit card, or bank account.\n" "If you haven't seen the refund within this time, please allow another 3 days " "to pass before contacting support.\n" "Occasionally payments take longer than normal.\n" "\n" "If required, contact support through this link: %3$s\n" "\n" "Regards,\n" "" msgstr "" "Halo,\n" "\n" "Tema premium berikut sudah dibatalkan dan pembayaran untuk tema ini sudah " "dikembalikan:\n" "\n" "%1$s pada %2$s\n" "\n" "Tampilan blog Anda sudah dikembalikan ke tema yang sudah dipilih " "sebelumnya.\n" "\n" "Diperlukan waktu hingga 4 hari agar muncul di PayPal, kartu kredit, atau " "rekening bank.\n" "Jika Anda belum melihat pengembalian dana selama kurun waktu tersebut, " "tunggu hingga 3 hari berikutnya sebelum menghubungi dukungan.\n" "Kadang-kadang, pembayaran lebih lama dari biasanya.\n" "\n" "Jika diperlukan, hubungi dukungan melalui tautan ini: %3$s\n" "\n" "Salam hormat kami,\n" "" msgid "More Photos" msgstr "Lebih Banyak Foto" msgid "People who get to your blog from Tumblr posts sent using Jetpack Social" msgstr "" "Orang yang membuka blog Anda dari kiriman Tumblr yang dikirimkan menggunakan " "Publikasikan" msgid "" "Thanks for flying with <img src=\"%1$s\" alt=\"\" style=\"vertical-align: " "middle;\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" /> %2$s" msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah menjelajah bersama <img src=\"%1$s\" alt=\"\" style=" "\"vertical-align: middle;\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" /> %2$s" msgid "Items to show:" msgstr "Item yang akan ditampilkan:" msgid "No upcoming events" msgstr "Tak ada acara mendatang" msgid "%1$s – %2$s" msgstr "%1$s – %2$s" msgid "Display post date" msgstr "Tampilkan tanggal pos" msgid "Gallery pages" msgstr "Halaman galeri" msgid "1 minute" msgstr "1 menit" msgid "Crete" msgstr "Kreta" msgid "Create password" msgstr "Buat kata sandi" msgid "Thank you for reporting this blog as mature!" msgstr "Terima kasih telah melaporkan blog ini sebagai kategori Dewasa!" msgid "Block this blog" msgstr "Blokir blog ini" msgid "You will be charged %1$s for this renewal in %2$d day, on %3$s." msgid_plural "You will be charged %1$s for this renewal in %2$d days, on %3$s." msgstr[0] "" "Anda akan dikenai biaya sebesar %1$s untuk perpanjangan ini dalam %2$d hari, " "pada %3$s." msgstr[1] "" "Anda akan dikenai biaya sebesar %1$s untuk perpanjangan ini dalam %2$d hari, " "pada %3$s." msgid "%1$s on your site \"%2$s\" will automatically renew today." msgstr "%1$s di situs Anda \"%2$s\" akan diperbarui otomatis hari ini." msgid "" "New User: %1$s\n" "Remote IP address: %2$s\n" "\n" "Disable these notifications: %3$s" msgstr "" "Pengguna Baru: %1$s\n" "Remote IP address: %2$s\n" "\n" "Nonaktifkan pemberitahuan ini: %3$s" msgid "" "New Site: %1$s\n" "URL: %2$s\n" "Remote IP address: %3$s\n" "\n" "Disable these notifications: %4$s" msgstr "" "Situs Baru: %1$s\n" "URL: %2$s\n" "Remote IP address: %3$s\n" "\n" "Matikan pemberitahuan ini: %4$s" msgid "ID #%1$s: %2$s" msgstr "ID #%1$s: %2$s" msgid "ID #%1$s: %2$s <strong>The current user will not be deleted.</strong>" msgstr "ID #%1$s: %2$s <strong>Pengguna ini tidak akan dihapus.</strong>" msgid "Used: %1$s%% of %2$s" msgstr "Menggunakan: %1$s%% dari %2$s" msgid "" "The blog <span class=\"blog-title\"></span> will no longer appear in your " "reader. <span class=\"notice-undo loading\">Blocking...</span>" msgstr "" "Blog ini <span class=\"blog-title\"></span> tidak akan muncul lagi di bacaan " "Anda. <span class=\"notice-undo loading\">Memblokir...</span>" msgid "" "Thank you for letting us know about <span class=\"blog-title\"></span>. This " "blog will no longer appear in your reader. <span class=\"notice-undo loading" "\">Blocking...</span>" msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah mengizinkan kami mengetahui tentang <span class=\"blog-" "title\"></span>. Blog ini tidak akan muncul lagi di bacaan Anda. <span class=" "\"notice-undo loading\">Memblokir...</span>" msgid "Publishing Post" msgstr "Menerbitkan Pos" msgid "Please select an option." msgstr "Silakan pilih sebuah opsi." msgid "<strong>Error:</strong> The email address is already used." msgstr "<strong>GALAT</strong>: Alamat email sudah dipakai." msgid "Sorry, revisions are disabled." msgstr "Maaf, revisi tidak bisa digunakan." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit posts." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan menyunting pos." msgid "There is a revision of this post that is more recent." msgstr "Ada sebuah revisi yang lebih baru dari pos ini." msgid "Last published" msgstr "Dipublikasikan terakhir" msgid "Earnings" msgstr "Pendapatan" msgid "Period" msgstr "Periode" msgid "Font Faces" msgstr "Tampilan Font" msgid "Oldest" msgstr "Terlama" msgid "Related articles" msgstr "Artikel terkait" msgid "Comment cache problem?" msgstr "Masalah cache komentar?" msgid "More about %s..." msgstr "Selengkapnya tentang %s..." msgid "" "The transaction did not complete successfully. Please try again in a few " "moments." msgstr "Transaksi tidak dapat diselesaikan. Coba kembali beberapa saat lagi." msgid "Image preview" msgstr "Pratinjau gambar" msgctxt "Display name based on first name and last name" msgid "%1$s %2$s" msgstr "%1$s %2$s" msgid "View Attachment Page" msgstr "Lihat Laman Lampiran" msgctxt "post type general name" msgid "Media" msgstr "Media" msgid "Clear selection." msgstr "Hapus pilihan." msgid "Select a site" msgstr "Pilih Situs" msgid "%1$s %2$s %3$s Feed" msgstr "%1$s %2$s %3$s Feed" msgid "Sorry, the user could not be updated." msgstr "Maad, pengguna tidak dapat diperbaharui." msgid "The domain specified is not valid." msgstr "Domain yang ditetapkan tidak valid." msgid "Home URL" msgstr "URL Beranda" msgid "Incorrect username or password." msgstr "Nama pengguna atau password salah." msgid "XML-RPC services are disabled on this site." msgstr "Layanan XML-RPC tidak tersedia di situs ini." msgid "It is up to search engines to honor this request." msgstr "Sepenuhnya tergantung mesin pencari untuk menghormati permintaan ini." msgid "Discourage search engines from indexing this site" msgstr "Cegah mesin pencarian untuk melakukan indeks pada situs berikut" msgid "Allow search engines to index this site" msgstr "Izinkan mesin pencarian untuk mengindeks situs berikut" msgid "Search engine visibility" msgstr "Penampakan pada Mesin Pencari" msgid "The \"%s\" options group has been removed. Use another settings group." msgstr "" "Kelompok pengaturan \"%s\" telah disingkirkan. Silakan gunakan kelompok " "pengaturan lain." msgid "Alternative Text" msgstr "Teks Alternatif" msgid "Search engines discouraged" msgstr "Tidak Menganjurkan Mesin Pencari" msgid "Connect to Tumblr to begin" msgstr "Hubungkan ke Tumblr untuk memulai" msgid "%s's Subscriptions" msgstr "Langganan %s" msgid "%s's Favorites" msgstr "Favorit %s" msgid "%s's Replies Created" msgstr "Balasan yang Diberikan %s" msgid "%s's Topics Started" msgstr "Topik yang Dibuat %s" msgid "You cannot create new topics." msgstr "Anda tidak dapat membuat topik baru." msgid "Reset to defaults" msgstr "Ubah kembali ke asal" msgid "Tag name." msgstr "Nama tag." msgctxt "Help topic" msgid "Policies & Safety" msgstr "Kebijakan dan Keamanan" msgctxt "Help topic" msgid "Following" msgstr "Mengikuti" msgid "Expires on %s." msgstr "Akan kedaluwarsa pada %s" msgid "" "Sign in to your account to receive handy notifications about " "your blog activity." msgstr "" "Login ke akun Anda untuk menerima pemberitahuan praktis " "tentang aktivitas blog Anda." msgid " Notifications" msgstr "Pemberitahuan" msgid "Username/Password incorrect for %s" msgstr "Nama pengguna/Kata sandi salah untuk %s" msgid "Load More" msgstr "Muat lagi" msgid "Pick a Background Pattern" msgstr "Pilih salah satu Pola Latar Belakang" msgid "Disconnect" msgstr "Batalkan" msgid "Make this connection available to all users of this blog?" msgstr "Buat sambungan ini tersedia bagi semua pengguna blog ini?" msgid "upgrade" msgstr "upgrade" msgid "Retry" msgstr "Coba lagi" msgid "" "There was a problem removing the Private Registration upgrade from your " "domain. Please try again or <a href=\"%s\">contact support</a> if the issue " "continues." msgstr "" "Terdapat kesalahan dalam menghapus upgrade Private Registration dari domain " "Anda. Harap coba lagi atau <a href=\"%s\">hubungi dukungan</a> jika masalah " "berlanjut." msgid "" "You have successfully canceled the Private Registration upgrade for your " "domain." msgstr "" "Anda berhasil membatalkan upgrade Pendaftaran Pribadi untuk domain Anda." msgid "You successfully purchased Private Registration for <em>%s</em>" msgstr "Anda berhasil membeli Pendaftaran Pribadi untuk <em>%s</em>" msgid "No Labels" msgstr "Tak ada Label" msgctxt "Nova label separator" msgid ", " msgstr ", " msgid "Add These New Menu Items" msgstr "Tambahkan Item-item Menu Tersebut" msgid "" "Use the <kbd>TAB</kbd> key on your keyboard to move between colums and the " "<kbd>ENTER</kbd> or <kbd>RETURN</kbd> key to save each row and move on to " "the next." msgstr "" "Gunakan tombol <kbd>TAB</kbd> pada kibor Anda untuk berpindah antar kolom " "dan tombol <kbd>ENTER</kbd> atau <kbd>RETURN</kbd> untuk menyimpan tiap-tiap " "baris dan berpindah ke baris berikutnya." msgid "Move menu section down" msgstr "Geser seksi menu ke bawah" msgid "Move menu section up" msgstr "Geser seksi menu ke atas" msgid "Price" msgstr "Harga" msgid "Labels" msgstr "Label-label" msgid "Add Many Items" msgstr "Tambahkan Banyak Item" msgid "No Menu Items found in Trash" msgstr "Tak ada Item Menu yang ditemukan dalam Tong Sampah" msgid "No Menu Items found" msgstr "Tidak ada Item Menu ditemukan" msgid "Search Menu Items" msgstr "Cari Item-item Menu" msgid "View Menu Item" msgstr "Lihat Item Menu" msgid "New Menu Item" msgstr "Item Menu Baru" msgid "Add One Item" msgstr "Tambahkan Satu Item" msgid "Menu Items" msgstr "Item-item Menu" msgid "Items on your restaurant's menu" msgstr "Item-item pada menu restoran Anda" msgid "View menu" msgstr "Lihat menu" msgid "Edit Menu" msgstr "Edit Menu" msgid "Food Menus" msgstr "Menu-menu Makanan" msgid "No Labels found" msgstr "Tak ditemukan Label." msgid "Choose from the most used Labels" msgstr "Pilih dari Label yang paling sering dipakai" msgid "Add or remove Labels" msgstr "Tambahkan atau hapus Label" msgid "New Menu Item Label Name" msgstr "Nama Label Item Menu Baru" msgid "Add New Menu Item Label" msgstr "Tambahkan Label Item Menu" msgid "Update Menu Item Label" msgstr "Mutakhirkan Label Item Menu" msgid "View Menu Item Label" msgstr "Tampilkan Label Item Menu" msgid "Edit Menu Item Label" msgstr "Sunting Label Item Menu" msgid "All Menu Item Labels" msgstr "Semua Label Item Menu" msgid "Popular Labels" msgstr "Label Populer" msgid "Search Menu Item Labels" msgstr "Cari Label Item Menu" msgid "Menu Item Label" msgstr "Label Item Menu" msgid "Menu Item Labels" msgstr "Label-label Item Menu" msgid "Shows %s post on each load." msgid_plural "Shows %s posts on each load." msgstr[0] "Menampilkan %s pos di setiap pemuatan." msgstr[1] "Menampilkan %s pos di setiap pemuatan." msgctxt "Open Sans font: add new subset (greek, cyrillic, vietnamese)" msgid "no-subset" msgstr "no-subset" msgctxt "Open Sans font: on or off" msgid "on" msgstr "on" msgid "Source code" msgstr "Kode sumber" msgid "There was an error, please try again" msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan, mohon coba lagi" msgid "There was an error." msgstr "Terjadi error." msgid "Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic." msgstr "Menampilkan semua gambar galeri Anda dalam mozaik cantik." msgid "Our Story" msgstr "Cerita Kami" msgid "Community-organized events that focus on everything WordPress" msgstr "" "Acara yang diselenggarakan oleh komunitas, yang berfokus pada berbagai hal " "tentang WordPress" msgid "Developers" msgstr "Pengembang" msgid "Do More" msgstr "Lakukan Lebih Banyak" msgid "Create your own website" msgstr "Buat situs web Anda sendiri" msgid "Get Upgraded" msgstr "Lakukan Upgrade" msgid "Post meta" msgstr "Postingan Meta" msgid "Custom domains" msgstr "Domain khusus" msgid "Upgrade your website" msgstr "Upgrade situs web Anda" msgid "%s <span>Follower</span>" msgid_plural "%s <span>Followers</span>" msgstr[0] "%s <span>Pengikut</span>" msgstr[1] "%s <span>Pengikut</span>" msgid "%1$s, %2$s" msgstr "%1$s, %2$s" msgid "Display post date?" msgstr "Perlihatkan tanggal pos?" msgid "Connect and share your posts on %s" msgstr "Sambungkan dan bagikan pos Anda via %s" msgctxt "Service: Account connected as" msgid "%1$s: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s: %2$s" msgid "The credit card entered is invalid." msgstr "Kartu kredit yang dimasukkan tidak valid." msgid "Please enter a security code (CVV)." msgstr "Mohon masukkan kode keamanan (CVV)." msgid "Please enter a valid \"State\" for your country in the address section." msgstr "Masukkan \"Provinsi\" yang valid di bagian alamat." msgid "" "The security code CVV provided is invalid. The CVV is between 3-4 digits " "long." msgstr "" "Kode keamanan CVV yang dimasukkan tidak valid. Kode CVV sepanjang 3 sampai 4 " "digit." msgid "Please use a valid credit card." msgstr "Mohon gunakan kartu kredit yang valid." msgid "The security code (CVV) entered does not match the credit card." msgstr "Kode keamanan (CVV) yang dimasukkan tidak sesuai dengan kartu kredit." msgid "" "The transaction was declined. Please contact your card issuer as they may " "have blocked the transaction for anti-fraud purposes. Alternatively, try " "another card." msgstr "" "Transaksi ditolak. Segera hubungi penerbit kartu karena mereka mungkin telah " "memblokir transaksi sebagai antisipasi tindak penipuan. Atau coba gunakan " "kartu lainnya." msgid "Please enter a valid country in the address section." msgstr "Mohon masukkan negara yang valid di bagian alamat." msgid "The transaction was declined. Please try another card." msgstr "Transaksi ditolak. Mohon coba kartu lain." msgid "" "The credit card you entered cannot be used, please try a different card." msgstr "" "Kartu kredit yang Anda masukkan tidak dapat digunakan, mohon coba kartu yang " "berbeda." msgid "" "Your payment was not processed this time due to an error, please try to " "submit it again." msgstr "" "Pembayaran Anda saat ini belum diproses karena ada error, coba kirimkan lagi." msgid "Add sharing buttons" msgstr "tambahkan tombol berbagi" msgid "The receipt does not appear to be valid." msgstr "Tanda terima sepertinya tidak valid." msgid "" "Use this password to log in to %s application. Note: spaces are ignored." msgstr "" "Gunakan kata sandi ini untuk masuk ke aplikasi %s. Catatan: spasi diabaikan." msgid "Verification Code" msgstr "Kode Verifikasi" msgid "" "Please enter the verification code generated by your authenticator mobile " "application." msgstr "" "Masukkan kode verifikasi yang dibuat oleh aplikasi seluler Authenticator " "Anda." msgid "" "Sorry, your most recent reset code has expired. We have sent a new SMS reset " "code. You may need to wait a few moments before it arrives." msgstr "" "Maaf, kode reset terbaru Anda tidak berlaku lagi. Kami telah mengirimkan " "kode reset baru melalui SMS. Anda mungkin harus menunggu beberapa saat untuk " "menerima pesan." msgid "Need More Help?" msgstr "Perlu Bantuan Lebih lanjut?" msgid "Music Player" msgstr "Pemutar Musik" msgid "" "We could not find an account that matches your login. Please check your " "spelling. Note that we can only provide support for <strong></" "strong> accounts - do not use this page for your own blog." msgstr "" "Kami tidak dapat menemukan akun yang sesuai dengan login Anda. Harap periksa " "kembali ejaannya. Ingat, kami hanya dapat memberikan dukungan untuk akun " "<strong></strong> - jangan menggunakan halaman ini untuk blog " " milik Anda sendiri." msgid "Choose songs" msgstr "Pilih lagu" msgid "Select iTunes category:" msgstr "Pilih kategori iTunes:" msgid "Unmute" msgstr "Matikan Sunyi" msgid "Access your account" msgstr "Akses akun Anda" msgid "Application name" msgstr "Nama Aplikasi" msgid "Podcast" msgstr "Podcast" msgid "Name your site" msgstr "Beri nama situs Anda" msgid "Create Site" msgstr "Buat Situs" msgid "That phone number does not appear to be valid" msgstr "Nomor telepon itu sepertinya tidak valid" msgid "Account Recovery Changed" msgstr "Pemulihan Akun Berubah" msgid "To reset your password please click the following link:" msgstr "Untuk me-reset sandi, silakan klik tautan berikut ini:" msgid "Reset password" msgstr "Reset kata sandi" msgid "To reset your password please click this button:" msgstr "Untuk melakukan reset kata sandi, silakan klik tombol berikut:" msgid "Did you change your registered email address? Use the new address." msgstr "" "Apakah Anda mengubah alamat email yang didaftarkan kepada kami? Gunakan " "alamat baru tersebut." msgid "Check your registration email for the correct login." msgstr "" "Periksa email registrasi Anda untuk informasi login yang benar." msgid "Unable to reset password" msgstr "Tidak dapat mereset sandi" msgid "Follow these simple steps to reset your account:" msgstr "Ikuti langkah mudah di bawah ini untuk mengatur ulang akun Anda:" msgid "Please do not send us multiple account recovery requests." msgstr "Harap jangan mengirimkan permintaan pemulihan akun berulang kali." msgid "" " Please check your email regularly, and make sure we don't get caught by " "your spam filter." msgstr "" "Harap periksa email Anda secara rutin, dan pastikan pesan kami tidak masuk " "dalam filter spam Anda." msgid "" "Please enter the code you were sent by SMS. It will look something like " "<code>%s</code>. You may need to wait a few moments before it arrives." msgstr "" "Harap masukkan kode yang dikirim kepada Anda melalui SMS. Contoh format kode " "seperti <code>%s</code>. Anda mungkin harus menunggu beberapa saat untuk " "menerima pesan." msgid "Your password has changed for \"%s\"." msgstr "Kata sandi Anda telah diubah untuk \"%s\"." msgid "" "If you did not request this password change please check with anyone else " "who has access to your account. If in doubt, contact support." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak meminta perubahan berikut silakan hubungi siapa pun yang " "memiliki akses ke akun Anda. Jika Anda ragu, hubungi bantuan" msgid "" "Your old password will no longer work. Please update any records you may " "have and use the new password in the future." msgstr "" "Kata sandi Anda sebelumnya tidak dapat digunakan. Silakan perbarui data yang " "Anda miliki dan selanjutnya gunakan kata sandi yang baru." msgid "Your password has changed for <strong>%s</strong>." msgstr "Kata sandi Anda telah diubah untuk <strong>%s</strong>." msgid "Password Changed" msgstr "Kata Sandi Telah Diubah" msgid "" "Still having problems? Try our <a href='%s'>account recovery form</a> and " "we'll do our best to get you running again." msgstr "" "Anda masih menemui kendala? Silakan coba <a href='%s'>formulir pemulihan " "akun</a> dan kami akan berusaha membantu Anda sebaik mungkin." msgid "Help!" msgstr "Bantuan" msgid "Double-check your spelling." msgstr "Periksa kembali ejaannya." msgid "What should I do now?" msgstr "Apa yang harus saya lakukan sekarang?" msgid "" "I'm sorry, but we weren't able to find a user with that login information." msgstr "" "Maaf, kami tidak dapat menemukan pengguna dengan informasi login tersebut." msgid "Wait for your recovery details to be sent" msgstr "Tunggu sampai data pemulihan Anda dikirim" msgid "Thanks! We will investigate your details and get back to you soon." msgstr "" "Terima kasih! Kami akan menyelidiki keterangan Anda dan akan segera " "menghubungi Anda kembali." msgid "Extra Details" msgstr "Keterangan Tambahan" msgid "Please enter a receipt or transaction ID" msgstr "Harap masukkan tanda terima atau ID transaksi" msgid "Do you have a transaction ID?" msgstr "Apakah Anda memiliki ID transaksi?" msgid "What's this?" msgstr "Apa ini?" msgid "Proof of Ownership" msgstr "Bukti Kepemilikan" msgid "I don't know my registered email or username" msgstr "Saya tidak tahu alamat email atau nama pengguna yang saya daftarkan" msgid "What is your registered email address or username?" msgstr "Apa alamat email atau nama pengguna yang Anda daftarkan?" msgid "" "If you don't have any of the listed proofs you must provide as much detail " "as you can in the <em>extra details</em> section." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak memiliki bukti apapun sesuai daftar yang tercantum, maka " "Anda harus memberikan keterangan selengkap mungkin pada bagian " "<em>keterangan tambahan</em>." msgid "Please provide a valid contact address" msgstr "Harap berikan alamat kontak yang valid" msgid "Please provide us with your login information" msgstr "Harap berikan informasi login Anda kepada kami" msgid "Account Recovery" msgstr "Pemulihan Akun" msgid "[] Password Changed" msgstr "[] Kata Sandi Telah Diubah" msgid "Community Tags" msgstr "Tag Komunitas" msgid "iCalendar Feed URL:" msgstr "iCalendar Feed URL:" msgid "Display upcoming events from an iCalendar feed." msgstr "Tampilkan acara akan datang dari umpan iCalendar." msgid "Change file" msgstr "Ubuah Berkas" msgid "Post excerpt" msgstr "Kutipan Pos" msgid "Select podcast category:" msgstr "Pilih kategori podcast:" msgid "Category to set as feed" msgstr "Kategori untuk diatur sebagai feed" msgid "Timeline" msgstr "Durasi Pengerjaan" msgid "Phone Number" msgstr "Nomor Telepon" msgid "Trouble clicking? Just copy and paste the URL into a browser" msgstr "Tombol tidak dapat diakses? Salin dan rekatkan URL ke perambah" msgid "Someone recently requested that the password be reset for \"%s\"." msgstr "Seseorang telah meminta reset kata sandi untuk \"%s\"." msgid "" "If this is a mistake just ignore this email - your password will not be " "changed." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak meminta perubahan, abaikan email berikut - kata sandi Anda " "tidak akan diubah." msgid "" "Someone recently requested that the password be reset for <strong>%s</" "strong>." msgstr "Seseorang telah meminta reset kata sandi untuk <strong>%s</strong>." msgid "Podcast Category" msgstr "Kategori podcast" msgid "Podcast image" msgstr "Gambar podcast" msgid "Podcast copyright" msgstr "Hak cipta podcast" msgid "Podcast summary" msgstr "Rangkuman podcast" msgid "Podcast title" msgstr "Judul podcast" msgid "Security" msgstr "Keamanan" msgid "Generate Password" msgstr "Buat Kata Sandi" msgid "Application passwords" msgstr "Kata Sandi Aplikasi" msgid "Two-Step Authentication" msgstr "Autentikasi Dua-Langkah" msgid "Recover my account!" msgstr "Pulihkan akun saya!" msgid "Explicit Content" msgstr "Konten Vulgar" msgid "Podcasting" msgstr "Podcast" msgid "(must be logged into your account)" msgstr "(Anda harus masuk ke akun Anda)" msgid "Try it Out" msgstr "Cobalah" msgid "Get Started" msgstr "Mulai" msgid "Close account" msgstr "Tutup Akun" msgid "Connect to" msgstr "Sambungkan ke" msgid "Not Connected" msgstr "Tidak Tersambung" msgid "Report this content" msgstr "Laporkan isi ini" msgid "Invalid status." msgstr "Status tidak valid." msgid "You have successfully unsubscribed from %(name)s." msgstr "Anda berhasil menghentikan langganan %(name)s." msgid "Create a new account:" msgstr "Buat Akun Baru" msgid "Added domain mapping." msgstr "Pemetaan domain ditambahkan." msgid "“Post Title”" msgstr "\"Judul Pos\"" msgid "Show sharing buttons." msgstr "Tampilkan tombol berbagi." msgid "Show likes." msgstr "Tampilkan menyukai." msgid " Support Team" msgstr "Tim Dukungan" msgid "Shows your most viewed posts and pages." msgstr "Menampilkan pos dan laman Anda yang paling sering dikunjungi." msgid "Trending" msgstr "Sedang Tren" msgid "Monthly Totals" msgstr "Total Bulanan" msgid "Next Step →" msgstr "Langkah Berikutnya →" msgid "Customize It!" msgstr "Sesuaikan!" msgid "Almost there…" msgstr "Hampir sampai!" msgid "%s is already mapped to a site you don't have access to." msgstr "" "%s sudah dipetakan ke situs yang tidak Anda miliki aksesnya." msgid "Looks good! We'll create a staging site for you at %s" msgstr "Terlihat bagus! Kami akan membuat situs staging untuk Anda di %s" msgid "" "We tried to create a site for you but it did not work out. Please contact " "VIP." msgstr "" "Kami sudah membuatkan situs untuk Anda, tetapi tidak dapat berfungsi. Harap " "hubungi VIP." msgid "" "You'll receive your spiffy domain after signing up! Please choose " "another." msgstr "" "Anda akan menerima domain Anda setelah mendaftar! Pilih yang " "lainnya." msgid "4 of 4" msgstr "4 dari 4" msgid "3 of 4" msgstr "3 dari 4" msgid "2 of 4" msgstr "2 dari 4" msgid "1 of 4" msgstr "1 dari 4" msgid "Welcome to your Dashboard!" msgstr "Selamat datang ke dasbor Anda!" msgid "Loading the Customizer…" msgstr "Memuat Customizer…" msgid "Draft your first post" msgstr "Buat konsep pos pertama Anda" msgid "Circles" msgstr "Lingkaran" msgid "Which language will you be blogging in?" msgstr "Dalam bahasa apa Anda akan ngeblog?" msgid "In a few words, explain what your blog is about." msgstr "Dalam beberapa kata, jelaskan tentang blog Anda." msgid "Tagline (optional)" msgstr "Slogan (opsional)" msgctxt "Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)" msgid "Text" msgstr "Teks" msgid "Skip to toolbar" msgstr "Lewat ke baris perkakas" msgid "Found %s friend with WordPress blogs." msgid_plural "Found %s friends with WordPress blogs." msgstr[0] "Menemukan %s teman yang memiliki blog WordPress." msgstr[1] "Menemukan %s teman yang memiliki blog WordPress." msgid "Custom Domain for %s" msgstr "Domain Khusus untuk %s" msgid "Edit your email address" msgstr "Edit alamat email Anda" msgid "<strong>%s</strong> is available" msgstr "<strong>%s</strong> tersedia" msgid "<strong>%s</strong> is already taken" msgstr "<strong>%s</strong> telah diambil" msgid "Invalid domain name" msgstr "Nama domain tidak valid" msgid "Attribute all content to:" msgstr "Hubungkan semua konten ke:" msgid "What should be done with content owned by this user?" msgstr "Apa yang harus dilakukan pada konten yang dimiliki pengguna ini?" msgctxt "widget" msgid "Add" msgstr "Tambah" msgctxt "widget" msgid "Edit" msgstr "Sunting" msgid "Screen Options Tab" msgstr "Tab Pengaturan Layar" msgid "Contextual Help Tab" msgstr "Tab Bantuan Kontekstual" msgid "Select %s" msgstr "Pilih %s" msgid "Select comment" msgstr "Pilih komentar" msgid "" "You can delete Link Categories in the Bulk Action pull-down, but that action " "does not delete the links within the category. Instead, it moves them to the " "default Link Category." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menghapus Kategori Tautan pada kotak Tindakan Massal, tapi " "tindakan tersebut tidak akan menghapus tautan yang ada di dalam kategori " "tadi. Melainkan, akan memindahkan mereka ke Kategori Tautan bawaan." msgid "" "You can select an image to be shown at the top of your site by uploading " "from your computer or choosing from your media library. After selecting an " "image you will be able to crop it." msgstr "" "Anda dapat memilih sebuah gambar untuk ditampilkan pada bagian atas situs " "Anda dengan mengunggahnya dari komputer atau memilih dari pustaka media " "Anda. Setelah memilih sebuah gambar Anda dapat memotongnya." msgid "%d post in %s in the last 24 hours." msgstr "%d pos di %s dalam 24 jam terakhir." msgid "Crafts" msgstr "Kerajinan Tangan" msgid "Art" msgstr "Seni" msgid "Poll Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Polling" msgid "Rating Results" msgstr "Hasil Rating" msgid "Rating Results <a href=\"%s\" class=\"add-new-h2\">Settings</a>" msgstr "Hasil Rating <a href=\"%s\" class=\"add-new-h2\">Pengaturan</a>" msgid "Heading color" msgstr "Warna Judul" msgid "Both" msgstr "Keduanya" msgid "Always" msgstr "Selalu" msgid "Display featured image" msgstr "Tampilkan gambar andalan" msgid "Display a Freshly Pressed badge in your sidebar" msgstr "Pasang lencana Freshly Pressed di sidebar Anda" msgid "Please add a comment before submitting" msgstr "Harap tuliskan sebuah komentar terlebih dahulu sebelum mengirimkannya" msgid "In a few words, explain what your site is about." msgstr "Berikan deskripsi singkat tentang situs Anda." msgid "We appreciate your additional feedback!" msgstr "Kami menghargai tambahan masukan dari Anda." msgid "Step 2" msgstr "Langkah 2" msgid "Set up your blog" msgstr "Atur blog Anda" msgid "Follow some interesting topics" msgstr "Ikuti topik-topik yang menarik" msgid "Step 1" msgstr "Langkah 1" msgid "Welcome to!" msgstr "Selamat datang di!" msgid "Post Date" msgstr "Tanggal Diterbitkan" msgid "Connect" msgstr "Hubungkan" msgid "Minimal" msgstr "Minimal" msgid "Aggregated stats for %s" msgstr "Kumpulan statistik untuk %s" msgid "You don't have permission to access this blog" msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk mengakses blog ini" msgid "%s posted: " msgstr "%s menulis:" msgid "%s commented: " msgstr "%s komentar:" msgid "" " - Your email address isn't associated with a user that has " "permission to view this site." msgstr "" "Alamat email anda tidak terkait dengan akun pengguna yang " "diijinkan melihat situs ini." msgid "It could be one of two issues:" msgstr "Kemungkinan ini adalah satu dari kedua masalah berikut:" msgid "" "We'll do our best to get this fixed up. In the meantime, you may want to " "comment directly on the post:" msgstr "" "Kami akan berusaha semaksimala mungkin untuk membenahinya. Sementara itu, " "mungkin Anda bisa mengomentari pos ini langsung di situsnya:" msgid "" "We ran into a problem with your recent comment reply by email. Specifically, " "we weren't able to find your comment in the email." msgstr "" "Ada masalah dengan balasan komentar lewat email. Kami tidak menemukan " "komentar dalam email yang Anda kirimkan." msgid "We ran into a problem with your recent comment reply by email:" msgstr "" "Ada masalah dengan balasan komentar yang baru Anda kirimkan lewat email:" msgid "There was an error processing your recent comment reply by email" msgstr "Terjadi eror saat memproses balasan komentar terbaru melalui email" msgid "" "It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching will help:" msgstr "" "Nampaknya kami tidak bisa menemukan yang Anda cari. Mungkin pencarian akan " "membantu:" msgid "Respond to this post by replying above this line" msgstr "Tanggapi pos ini dengan menuliskannya di atas garis ini" msgid "Respond to this comment by replying above this line" msgstr "Tanggapi komentar ini dengan menuliskannya di atas garis ini" msgid "Not good" msgstr "Tidak baik" msgid "It was not good" msgstr "Tidak baik" msgid "Just OK" msgstr "Cukup baik" msgid "It was OK" msgstr "Tak masalah" msgid "It was great!" msgstr "Sangat baik!" msgid "Please rate your support experience" msgstr "Silakan memberi nilai pengalaman dukungan Anda" msgid "Choose an image to display in your sidebar:" msgstr "Pilih gambar untuk ditampilkan di sidebar:" msgid "The domain name %s is about to expire." msgstr "Nama domain %s akan segera berakhir." msgid "You don't have to do anything - this is just a reminder." msgstr "Anda tidak harus melakukan apapun - ini hanyalah pengingat saja." msgid "[] Domain %s is about to expire" msgstr "[] Domain %s ini sebentar lagi akan kadaluarsa" msgid "No search terms have been recorded yet." msgstr "Belum ada istilah pencarian yang direkam." msgid "No clicks have been recorded yet." msgstr "Belum ada klik yang terekam." msgid "No referres have been recorded yet." msgstr "Belum ada perujuk yang telah direkam." msgid "" "<strong>%s</strong> recently helped you out with your questions in a live " "chat." msgstr "" "<strong>%s</strong> baru-baru ini membantu Anda menjawab pertanyaan dalam " "obrolan langsung." msgid "Thanks for flying with %1$s %2$s" msgstr "Terima kasih telah menjelajah bersama %1$s %2$s" msgid "%2$s" msgid_plural "%1$s and %2$s" msgstr[0] "%2$s" msgstr[1] "%1$s dan %2$s" msgid "Search sites" msgstr "Cari situs" msgid "Background image: %s" msgstr "Gambar latar belakang: %s" msgid "View video" msgstr "Lihat video" msgid "Video image" msgstr "Gambar Video" msgid "All categories" msgstr "Seluruh kategori" msgid "View Pages" msgstr "Lihat Laman" msgid "Submitting Comment%s" msgstr "Mengirimkan Komentar%s" msgid "%1$s recently helped you out with your support request \"%2$s\"." msgstr "" "%1$s baru-baru ini telah membantu Anda dengan permintaan bantuan \"%2$s\"." msgid "Publish date" msgstr "Tanggal publikasi" msgid "Sticky posts" msgstr "Postingan Lengket" msgid "Title & Date" msgstr "Judul & Tanggal" msgid "Skype" msgstr "Skype" msgid "Use" msgstr "Gunakan" msgid "DNS is correct" msgstr "DNS sudah benar" msgid "DNS needs to be updated" msgstr "DNS perlu diupdate" msgid "From %s" msgstr "Dari %s" msgid "%s per year" msgstr "%s per tahun" msgid "Translate" msgstr "Terjemahkan" msgid "" "View full size <span class=\"photo-size\">%1$s<span class=\"photo-size-times" "\">×</span>%2$s</span>" msgstr "" "Tampilkan ukuran penuh <span class=\"photo-size\">%1$s<span class=\"photo-" "size-times\">×</span>%2$s</span>" msgid "" "You are currently using <strong>%1$s</strong> out of <strong>%2$s</strong> " "upload limit (%3$s%%)." msgstr "" "Saat ini, Anda telah mempergunakan <strong>%1$s</strong> dari batas unggah " "<strong>%2$s</strong> (%3$s%%)." msgid "" "Howdy.\n" "\n" "You recently signed up to follow one of my posts. This means once you " "confirm below, you will receive an email when new comments are posted.\n" "\n" "To activate, click confirm below. If you believe this is an error, ignore " "this message and nothing more will happen." msgstr "" "Hai.\n" "\n" "Anda baru saja mendaftar untuk mengikuti salah satu pos saya. Maka, setelah " "memberikan konfirmasi di bawah ini, Anda akan menerima email untuk setiap " "komentar baru.\n" "\n" "Untuk mengaktifkan, klik konfirmasi di bawah ini. Jika Anda tidak mendaftar, " "abaikan dan Anda tidak akan menerima pesan apa pun." msgid "Drop cap" msgstr "Drop Cap" msgid "Distraction-free writing mode" msgstr "Mode menulis bebas-distraksi" msgid "" "Tags can be selectively converted to categories using the <a href=\"%s\">tag " "to category converter</a>." msgstr "" "Tag dapat secara selektif dikonversikan menggunakan <a href=\"%s\">konverter " "tag menjadi category</a>." msgid "" "Creating a Page is very similar to creating a Post, and the screens can be " "customized in the same way using drag and drop, the Screen Options tab, and " "expanding/collapsing boxes as you choose. This screen also has the " "distraction-free writing space, available in both the Visual and Text modes " "via the Fullscreen buttons. The Page editor mostly works the same as the " "Post editor, but there are some Page-specific features in the Page " "Attributes box." msgstr "" "Membuat sebuah Halaman hampir sama dengan membuat sebuah Pos, dan layarnya " "dapat diatur dengan metode tarik dan lepas, dengan tab Opsi Layar, atau " "menutup/buka kotak sesuai keinginan. Layar berikut juga memiliki ruang " "menulis bebas distraksi yang terdapat pada mode Visual maupun Teks melalui " "tombol Layar-penuh. Editor Halaman memiliki fungsi yang mirip dengan editor " "Pos, namun terdapat beberapa fitur khusus untuk Halaman yang terletak di " "boks Atribut Halaman." msgid "You have disconnected your blog from your %s account." msgstr "Anda telah memutuskan koneksi blog dari akun %s Anda." msgid "Expand" msgstr "Bentangkan" msgid "" "Top Posts & Pages by views are calculated from 24-48 hours of stats. " "They take a while to change." msgstr "" "Pos Teratas & Halaman berdasarkan kunjungan dihitung dari statistik " "24-48 jam. Memerlukan waktu sejenak untuk berubah." msgid "Image Grid" msgstr "Tabel Gambar" msgid "Image List" msgstr "Daftar Gambar" msgid "Text List" msgstr "Daftar Teks" msgid "Order Top Posts & Pages By:" msgstr "Urutkan Pos & Halaman Teratas Berdasarkan:" msgid "" "There are no users to display in this <a href=\"%1$s\">My Community widget</" "a>. <a href=\"%2$s\">Want more traffic?</a>" msgstr "" "Tidak ada pengguna untuk ditampilkan di <a href=\"%1$s\">widget Komunitas " "Saya</a>. <a href=\"%2$s\">Ingin lebih banyak lalu-lintas?</a>" msgid "I'm just starting out; leave me a comment or a like :)" msgstr "Saya baru mulai; beri komentar atau suka :)" msgid "" "You need to select what to show in this <a href=\"%s\">Gravatar Profile " "widget</a>." msgstr "" "Anda perlu memilih apa saja yang akan ditampilkan dalam <a href=\"%s" "\">widget Profil Gravatar</a> ini." msgid "" "You are not yet following any blogs. Try <a href=\"%1$s\">finding your " "friends</a> or check out our <a href=\"%2$s\">recommended blogs</a>." msgstr "" "Anda belum mengikuti blog apa pun. Coba <a href=\"%1$s\">cari teman Anda</a> " "atau lihat <a href=\"%2$s\">rekomendasi blog</a> kami." msgid "" "You have not recently liked any posts. Once you do, this <a href=\"%s" "\">Posts I Like</a> widget will display them." msgstr "" "Anda belum menyukai pos apa pun baru-baru ini. Setelah melakukannya, widget " "<a href=\"%s\">Posts I Like</a> ini akan menampilkannya" msgid "subscriptions" msgstr "langganan" msgid "These are colors that work well with the other colors in your palette:" msgstr "Berikut warna-warna yang cocok dengan palet Anda:" msgid "" "Please configure your Twitter username for the <a href=\"%s\">Twitter " "Widget</a>." msgstr "" "Konfigurasikan nama pengguna Twitter Anda untuk <a href=\"%s\">widget " "Twitter</a>." msgid "" "If you use more <a href=\"%s\">categories</a> on your site, they will appear " "here." msgstr "" "Jika Anda menggunakan lebih banyak <a href=\"%s\">kategori</a> di situs, " "kategori tersebut akan ditampilkan di sini." msgid "RSS - %s" msgstr "RSS - %s" msgid "Subscribe to %s" msgstr "Berlangganan pada %s" msgid "" "You need to pick a user or enter an email address in your <a href=\"%s" "\">Gravatar Widget</a> settings." msgstr "" "Anda harus memilih pengguna atau memasukkan alamat email di pengaturan <a " "href=\"%s\">Widget Gravatar</a>." msgid "Show how many users?" msgstr "Menampilkan berapa pengguna?" msgid "" "It looks like your Facebook URL is incorrectly configured. Please check it " "in your <a href=\"%1$s\">widget settings</a>." msgstr "" "URL Facebook Anda mungkin salah dikonfigurasi. Silakan periksa di <a href=" "\"%1$s\">pengaturan widget</a> Anda." msgid "Amazon" msgstr "Amazon" msgid "Lots" msgstr "Banyak" msgid "A few" msgstr "Beberapa" msgid "Include activity from commenters" msgstr "Sertakan aktivitas dari pemberi komentar" msgid "Include activity from followers" msgstr "Sertakan aktivitas dari pengikut" msgid "Include activity from likers" msgstr "Sertakan aktivitas dari pemberi suka" msgid "Community" msgstr "Komunitas" msgid "A sampling of users from your blog." msgstr "Contoh pengguna dari blog Anda." msgid "My Community" msgstr "Komunitas Saya" msgctxt "1: User Name, 2: Service Name (Facebook, Twitter, ...)" msgid "%1$s on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s via %2$s" msgid "(at most 50)" msgstr "(paling banyak 50)" msgid "Number of blogs to show:" msgstr "Jumlah blog yang ditampilkan:" msgid "Display linked images for the blogs you follow" msgstr "Menampilkan gambar dengan link untuk blog yang Anda ikuti" msgid "" "If you don't want to purchase these products or feel this is mistake, no " "action is required - you can simply ignore this reminder. For any questions, " "just reply to this message in your email program." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak ingin membeli produk tersebut atau merasa ada yang salah, " "Anda tidak perlu melakukan apapun - cukup abaikan pengingat ini. Untuk " "pertanyaan lebih lanjut, silakan jawab pesan ini melalui program email Anda." msgid "" "Howdy, it looks like you were checking out some upgrades in the WordPress." "com store. If you still want to purchase them, just follow the links below." msgstr "" "Halo, nampaknya Anda sedang melihat-lihat upgrade di toko " "Jika Anda masih ingin membelinya, cukup klik tautan di bawah ini." msgid "We also offer professional CSS support in our forums:" msgstr "Kami juga menawarkan dukungan CSS Profesional pada forum kami:" msgid "" "You can start customizing your site under <a href=\"%1$s\">Appearance → " "Custom Design</a>." msgstr "" "Anda dapat memulai penyesuaian situs Anda dari <a href=\"%1$s\">Tampilan " "→ Custom Design</a>." msgid "" "The Font Editor lets you customize the fonts in your theme, Custom Colors " "lets you adjust the color scheme, and the CSS Editor allows you to customize " "the stylesheet of any available theme with your own custom CSS." msgstr "" "Font Editor memungkinkan Anda menyesuaikan font pada tema Anda, Custom " "Colors digunakan untuk menyesuaikan skema warna, dan CSS Editor memungkinkan " "Anda menyesuaikan stylesheet dari tema yang tersedia pada CSS tersuai Anda." msgid "" "Custom Design to customise your site's appearance and choose unique fonts " "and colors" msgstr "" "Custom Design digunakan untuk menyesuaikan tampilan situs serta memilih font " "dan warna yang unik" msgid "" "If this upgrade expires, any customizations you made to your theme's CSS, " "Custom Colors, and Custom Fonts will no longer be active on your site. Your " "site will revert to its appearance before you started using Custom Design." msgstr "" "Jika upgrade ini berakhir, semua penyesuaian yang Anda terapkan pada CSS, " "Custom Color, dan Custom Font tema Anda tidak akan aktif lagi di situs Anda. " "Situs Anda akan kembali ke tampilannya sebelum Anda menggunakan Custom " "Design." msgid "" "This upgrade lets you choose unique fonts for your site, a custom color " "scheme, and customize its appearance further with your own CSS." msgstr "" "Upgrade akan memungkinkan Anda memilih font unik untuk situs Anda, skema " "warna khusus, dan penyesuaian tampilan dengan CSS Anda." msgctxt "1: Post Title, 2: Blog Name" msgid "%1$s on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s di %2$s" msgid "" "Sorry, you have used your space allocation of %s. Please delete some files " "to upload more files." msgstr "" "Maaf, Anda telah menggunakan alokasi ruang sebesar %s. Silakan hapus " "beberapa berkas untuk mengunggah lebih banyak berkas." msgid "" "Ogg file container with Theora video and Vorbis audio. Note that some " "browsers are unable to play free software video formats, including Internet " "Explorer and Safari." msgstr "" "Wadah berkas ogg dengan video Theora dan audio Vorbis. Perhatikan bahwa " "beberapa browser tidak mampu memutar format video bebas, termasuk Internet " "Explorer dan Safari." msgid "Attachment Errors" msgstr "Galat Lampiran" msgid "Author's likes to display:" msgstr "Hal yang disukai penulis untuk ditampilkan:" msgid "Display as:" msgstr "Tampilkan sebagai:" msgid "A list of the posts I most recently liked" msgstr "Daftar pos yang baru saya sukai" msgid "Choose a Palette" msgstr "Pilih salah satu Palet" msgid "Follow this Blog?" msgstr "Ikuti Blog Ini?" msgid "Choose a Background Image" msgstr "Pilih Gambar Latar" msgid "Customize Your Background" msgstr "Ubah-suaikan Latar Belakang Anda" msgid "Go back to your theme’s default colors" msgstr "Kembali ke warna tema asal Anda" msgid "%1$s (%2$s %3$s)" msgstr "%1$s %2$s %3$s" msgid "Display images in full-size carousel slideshow." msgstr "Tampilkan gambar pada slideshow carousel ukuran penuh." msgid "" "Show photo metadata (<a href=\"" "Exchangeable_image_file_format\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank" "\">Exif</a>) in carousel, when available." msgstr "" "Tampilkan data meta foto (<a href=\"" "Exchangeable_image_file_format\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank" "\">Exif</a>) pada carousel, jika tersedia." msgid "Enable carousel" msgstr "Aktifkan carousel" msgid "Image Gallery Carousel" msgstr "Carousel Galeri Gambar" msgid "white" msgstr "Putih" msgid "black" msgstr "Hitam" msgid "Unused" msgstr "Tidak Digunakan" msgid "Colors & Backgrounds" msgstr "Warna & Latar Belakang" msgid "" "Whoops, you can't use an activation key you've created for someone else. You " "are currently logged in as <a href='%s'>%s</a>. If you would like to accept " "this invitation using another account, please <a href='%s'>log out</a> first." msgstr "" "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat menggunakan kunci aktivasi yang dibuat untuk orang " "lain. Saat ini Anda login sebagai <a href='%s'>%s</a>. Jika Anda ingin " "menerima undangan ini menggunakan akun lain, silakan <a href='%s'>logout</a> " "terlebih dahulu." msgid "Please provide a valid email address." msgstr "Silakan masukkan alamat email yang sah." msgid "Please provide an email address." msgstr "Silakan masukkan email Anda." msgid "Sorry, but we could not authenticate your request." msgstr "Maaf, kami tak dapat mengautentifikasi permintaan Anda." msgid "Comments on this post are closed." msgstr "Komentar untuk pos ini ditutup." msgid "No comment text was submitted." msgstr "Tidak ada teks dalam komentar yang dikirimkan." msgid "Missing target post ID." msgstr "ID pos yang dimaksud tak ditemukan." msgid "Missing target blog ID." msgstr "ID blog yang dimaksud tak ditemukan." msgid "Missing attachment ID." msgstr "Kurang ID lampiran." msgid "Highlights" msgstr "Sorotan" msgid "Chat" msgstr "Chat" msgid "Cancel %s" msgstr "Batalkan %s" msgid "<strong>ERROR</strong>: Are you sure you wanted to do that?" msgstr "<strong>ERROR</strong>: Yakin ingin melakukannya?" msgid "Browse premium themes" msgstr "Jelajahi tema premium" msgctxt "theme name" msgid "Name" msgstr "Nama" msgid "Previewing and Customizing" msgstr "Mempratinjai dan Menyesuaikan" msgid "Adding Themes" msgstr "Menambah Tema" msgid "Buttons" msgstr "Tombol" msgid "Accent #2" msgstr "Aksen #2" msgid "Accent #1" msgstr "Aksen #1" msgid "" "There aren't any patterns that match your chosen color scheme. It's just too " "unique!" msgstr "" "Tidak ada pola yang sesuai dengan skema warna pilihan Anda. Pilihan Anda " "benar-benar unik!" msgid "Deselect all" msgstr "Batalkan semua pilihan" msgctxt "Reblogs notifications" msgid "Reblogs" msgstr "Reblog" msgctxt "Likes notifications" msgid "Likes" msgstr "Suka" msgctxt "Follows notifications" msgid "Follows" msgstr "Mengikuti" msgctxt "Comments notifications" msgid "Comments" msgstr "Komentar" msgctxt "Unread notifications" msgid "Unread" msgstr "Belum dibaca" msgctxt "Latest notifications" msgid "Latest" msgstr "Terkini" msgid "[] Act now! %s expired yesterday" msgstr "[] Bergegaslah! %s berakhir kemarin" msgid "Show photo metadata in carousel, when available" msgstr "Tampilkan metadata foto dalam carousel, jika tersedia." msgid "Metadata" msgstr "Metadata" msgid "Your email address" msgstr "Alamat email Anda" msgid "" "One of your blogs has been suspended or locked. You will be unable to post " "to the forums until the issue is resolved. To learn more, please visit the " "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%1$s\">blog dashboard</a> and review the notice " "at the top of your screen to contact us." msgstr "" "Salah satu blog Anda dibekukan atau dikunci. Anda tidak dapat mengunggah pos " "ke forum sampai masalahnya terselesaikan. Untuk informasi selengkapnya, " "silakan kunjungi <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%1$s\">dasbor blog</a> lalu " "ikuti petunjuk yang ada di bagian atas layar untuk menghubungi kami." msgid "Forum Posting Locked" msgstr "Pengunggahan Pos ke Forum Dinonaktifkan" msgid "Your email" msgstr "Email Anda" msgid "" "Please renew it now to make sure visitors will be able to reach your site at " "that address." msgstr "" "Harap perbarui itu sekarang untuk memastikan pengunjung akan dapat " "menjangkau situs Anda pada alamat itu." msgid "Your Domain Mapping for <b>%s</b> expired yesterday." msgstr "Pemetaan Domain Anda untuk <b>%s</b> kedaluwarsa kemarin." msgid "Your domain <b>%s</b> expired yesterday." msgstr "Domain Anda <b>%s</b> kedaluwarsa kemarin." msgid "Loading Comments..." msgstr "Memuat Komentar..." msgid "Renew <b>%s</b>" msgstr "Perbarui <b>%s</b>" msgid "" "Your %1$s <a href=\"//%2$s\">%3$s</a> expired %4$s ago. Please renew it now " "to make sure visitors will be able to reach your site at that address." msgstr "" "%1$s <a href=\"//%2$s\">%3$s</a> Anda kedaluwarsa %4$s lalu. Harap perbarui " "itu sekarang untuk memastikan pengunjung akan dapat menjangkau situs Anda " "pada alamat itu." msgid "Act now! %s expired" msgstr "Lakukan sekarang! %s kedaluwarsa" msgid "" "Act now! Your domain \"%s\" expired. Renew it now to keep your site " "available at that address." msgstr "" "Lakukan sekarang! Domain Anda \"%s\" kedaluwarsa. Perbarui itu sekarang agar " "situs Anda tetap tersedia pada alamat itu." msgid "Plain Text" msgstr "Teks Saja" msgid "Oh, bother! No replies were found here." msgstr "Ah, repot! Tidak ada balasan yang ditemukan di sini." msgid "" "Howdy,\n" "\n" "%1$s read your comment and enjoyed it enough to click the 'Like' button. " "Congratulations!\n" "\n" "\t \"%2$s\"\n" "\n" "\t %3$s\n" "%4$s\n" "\n" "%5$s\n" "\n" "If you don't want to be notified of Likes:\n" "%6$s" msgstr "" "Hai,\n" "\n" "%1$s membaca komentar Anda dan cukup menikmatinya sehingga ia mengeklik " "tombol ‘Suka’. Selamat!\n" "\n" "\t \"%2$s\"\n" "\n" "\t %3$s\n" "%4$s\n" "\n" "%5$s\n" "\n" "Jika Anda tidak ingin menerima pemberitahuan Suka:\n" "%6$s" msgid "Focal Length" msgstr "Focal Length" msgid "Shutter Speed" msgstr "Shutter Speed" msgid "Aperture" msgstr "Aperture" msgid "Camera" msgstr "Kamera" msgid "Your comment is in moderation." msgstr "Komentar Anda sedang dimoderasi." msgid "Your comment was approved." msgstr "Komentar Anda telah disetujui." msgid "" "Sorry, but there was an error posting your comment. Please try again later." msgstr "Maaf, terjadi galat saat menerbitkan komentar Anda. Silakan coba lagi." msgid "Please provide your name to comment." msgstr "Silakan masukkan nama ke form komentar." msgid "Please provide an email address to comment." msgstr "Silakan masukkan alamat email ke form komentar." msgid "Please be sure to submit some text with your comment." msgstr "Pastikan memasukkan teks sebelum mengirimkan komentar Anda." msgid "More information:" msgstr "Informasi selengkapnya:" msgid "Empty your cart" msgstr "Kosongkan keranjang belanja Anda" msgid "Don't want these anymore?" msgstr "Tidak ingin ini lagi?" msgid "Remove from my cart" msgstr "Hapus dari keranjang belanja saya" msgid "Upgrades for %s" msgstr "Upgrade untuk %s" msgid "Our secret signature failed. The authorities have been notified." msgstr "Tanda tangan rahasia kami gagal. Pihak berwajib telah dihubungi." msgctxt "comments" msgid "Spam <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Spam <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Spam <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Spam <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "No retries found" msgstr "Tidak ditemukan percobaan kembali" msgid "View Retry" msgstr "Lihat Percobaan Ulang" msgid "Edit Retry" msgstr "Sunting Percobaan Ulang" msgid "Cheatin’ huh?" msgstr "Curang ya?" msgid "added on %1$s at %2$s" msgstr "ditambahkan pada %1$s pada %2$s" msgid "Reset my password!" msgstr "Reset kata sandi saya!" msgid "Create an account" msgstr "Buat akun" msgid "Reset my password" msgstr "Reset kata sandi saya" msgid "Copy topic tags to the new topic" msgstr "Salin tag topik ke topik baru" msgid "Copy favoriters to the new topic" msgstr "Salin favorit ke topik baru" msgid "Copy subscribers to the new topic" msgstr "Salin pengikut ke topik baru" msgid "Split: %s" msgstr "Pisahkan: %s" msgid "" "If you use the existing topic option, replies within both topics will be " "merged chronologically. The order of the merged replies is based on the time " "and date they were posted." msgstr "" "Jika Anda menggunakan pilihan topik yang sudah ada, balasan untuk kedua " "topik akan digabungkan secara kronologis. Urutan balasan yang digabungkan " "didasarkan pada waktu dan tanggal pengeposan." msgid "" "When you split a topic, you are slicing it in half starting with the reply " "you just selected. Choose to use that reply as a new topic with a new title, " "or merge those replies into an existing topic." msgstr "" "Saat memisahkan topik, Anda akan membaginya menjadi dua mulai dari balasan " "yang baru saja dipilih. Pilih untuk menggunakan balasan tersebut sebagai " "topik baru dengan judul baru, atau gabungkan balasan-balasan dengan topik " "yang sudah ada." msgid "Topic Extras" msgstr "Tambahan Tema" msgid "There are no other topics in this forum to merge with." msgstr "Tidak ada tema lain dalam forum ini yang dapat digabungkan." msgid "estimation" msgstr "estimasi" msgid "" "Select the topic to merge this one into. The destination topic will remain " "the lead topic, and this one will change into a reply." msgstr "" "Pilih tema untuk digabungkan dengan tema ini. Tema tujuan akan tetap menjadi " "tema utama, dan tema ini akan berubah menjadi balasan." msgid "Merge topic \"%s\"" msgstr "Gabungkan tema \"%s\"" msgid "You cannot reply to this topic." msgstr "Anda tidak dapat membalas topik ini." msgid "The forum ‘%s’ is closed to new topics and replies." msgstr "Forum ‘%s’ tidak lagi menerima topik dan balasan baru." msgid "The topic ‘%s’ is closed to new replies." msgstr "Topik ‘%s’ tidak lagi menerima balasan baru." msgid "Oh, bother! No forums were found here." msgstr "Ah, repot! Tidak ada forum yang ditemukan di sini." msgid "Unspam" msgstr "Bukan spam" msgid "View %s's profile" msgstr "Lihat profil %s" msgid "<strong>ERROR</strong>: You don't have permission to do this!" msgstr "<strong>ERROR</strong>: Anda tidak diizinkan melakukannya!" msgid "The file is empty" msgstr "Berkas berikut kosong." msgid "Subscribed topics" msgstr "Topik langganan" msgid "Favorite topics" msgstr "Topik favorit" msgid "View: %s" msgstr "Lihat: %s" msgid "%s's Profile" msgstr "Profil %s" msgid "Reply to %s" msgstr "Balasan untuk %s" msgid "" "Project item draft updated. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Preview " "project</a>" msgstr "" "Draf item proyek diperbarui. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Pratinjau " "proyek</a>" msgid "" "Project scheduled for: <strong>%1$s</strong>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=" "\"%2$s\">Preview project</a>" msgstr "" "Proyek dijadwalkan untuk: <strong>%1$s</strong>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=" "\"%2$s\">Pratinjau proyek</a>" msgid "Project submitted. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Preview project</a>" msgstr "" "Proyek dikirimkan. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Pratinjau proyek</a>" msgid "Project restored to revision from %s" msgstr "Proyek dipulihkan ke revisi dari %s" msgid "Topics created" msgstr "Topik yang dibuat" msgid "Project updated. <a href=\"%s\">View item</a>" msgstr "Proyek diperbarui. <a href=\"%s\">Lihat item</a>" msgid "Close this notice" msgstr "Tutup pemberitahuan ini" msgid "No Replies" msgstr "Tidak ada Balasan" msgid "The track was not found." msgstr "Trek tidak ditemukan." msgid "Doc Attributes" msgstr "Atribut Dokumen" msgid "Failed" msgstr "Gagal" msgid "This process cannot be undone." msgstr "Proses ini tidak dapat dibatalkan." msgid "All topics" msgstr "Semua topik" msgid "All forums" msgstr "Semua forum" msgid "The following content will be removed:" msgstr "Konten berikut akan dihapus:" msgid "%s page" msgstr "%s halaman" msgid "IP address" msgstr "Alamat IP" msgid "Topic Type" msgstr "Jenis Topik" msgid "Parents" msgstr "Induk" msgid "" "Menu item draft updated. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Preview item</a>" msgstr "" "Draf item menu diperbarui. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Pratinjau item</" "a>" msgid "" "Menu item scheduled for: <strong>%1$s</strong>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=" "\"%2$s\">Preview item</a>" msgstr "" "Item menu dijadwalkan untuk: <strong>%1$s</strong>. <a target=\"_blank\" " "href=\"%2$s\">Pratinjau item</a>" msgid "Menu item submitted. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Preview item</a>" msgstr "" "Item menu dikirimkan. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Pratinjau item</a>" msgid "Menu item restored to revision from %s" msgstr "Item menu dipulihkan ke revisi dari %s" msgid "Menu item updated. <a href=\"%s\">View item</a>" msgstr "Item menu diperbarui. <a href=\"%s\">Lihat item</a>" msgid "Creator" msgstr "Creator" msgid "Clean" msgstr "Bersih" msgid "Go Back" msgstr "kembali" msgid "Replies" msgstr "Balasan" msgid "No subscriptions" msgstr "Tidak ada langganan" msgid "trophies" msgstr "Trofi" msgid "Templates" msgstr "Templat" msgid "The requested theme does not exist." msgstr "Tema yang diminta tidak ada." msgid "%s bloggers like this." msgstr "%s blogger menyukai ini." msgid "You and one other blogger like this." msgstr "Anda dan seorang blogger lainnya menyukai ini." msgid "You and %s other bloggers like this." msgstr "Anda dan %s blogger lainnya menyukai ini." msgid "One blogger likes this." msgstr "Satu bloger menyukai." msgid "Be the first to like this." msgstr "Jadilah yang pertama menyukai ini." msgid "You like this." msgstr "Anda menyukai ini." msgid "Initializing Comments…" msgstr "Memuat Komentar…" msgid "Unauthorized." msgstr "Tidak sah." msgid "Are you %s?" msgstr "Apakah Anda %s?" msgid "Scroll back to top" msgstr "Gulirkan kembali ke puncak laman" msgid "Unread" msgstr "Belum dibaca" msgid "The blog I need help with is: %s" msgstr "Blog yang perlu diperbaiki adalah: %s" msgid "Category: %1$s" msgstr "Kategori: %1$s" msgid "Skip Cropping, Publish Image as Is" msgstr "Lewati Pemotongan, Terbitkan Gambar Seutuhnya" msgid "" "You can set a custom image header for your site. Simply upload the image and " "crop it, and the new header will go live immediately. Alternatively, you can " "use an image that has already been uploaded to your Media Library by " "clicking the “Choose Image” button." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menset gambar tajuk tersuai untuk situs Anda. Cukup unggah sebuah " "gambar dan potong gambarnya, dan tajuk baru dapat langsung go live. Selain " "itu, Anda juga dapat gunakan sebuah gambar yang sudah terunggah ke Pustaka " "Media Anda dengan mengklik tombol “Pilih Gambar”." msgid "Refresh connection with %s" msgstr "Segarkan koneksi dengan %s" msgid "sent to %s" msgstr "dikirim ke %s" msgid "" "The email address associated with your account '%s' doesn't " "match what the invitation was sent to. Please try a different " "account, or have the admin send an invite to your correct email account." msgstr "" "Alamat email yang terhubung dengan akun Anda '%s' tidak sesuai " "dengan tujuan pengiriman undangan. Harap coba akun lain, atau " "minta admin untuk mengirimkan undangan ke akun email Anda yang benar." msgid "Published: %s" msgstr "Telah Diterbitkan: %s" msgid "Thanks for flying with" msgstr "Terima kasih telah menjelajah bersama" msgid "View your cart:" msgstr "Lihat keranjang belanja Anda:" msgid "You are previewing %s" msgstr "Anda sedang mempratinjau %s" msgid "It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try a search?" msgstr "Sepertinya tidak ada apa pun di sini. Mungkin mau coba pencarian?" msgctxt "Posts about Category written by John and Bob" msgid "Posts about %1$s written by %2$l" msgstr "Pos tentang %1$s yang ditulis oleh %2$l" msgctxt "Read all of the posts by Author Name on Blog Title" msgid "Read all of the posts by %1$s on %2$s" msgstr "Baca semua pos oleh %1$s pada %2$s" msgid "Social Sharing" msgstr "Berbagi Sosial" msgid "5 minutes" msgstr "5 menit" msgid "Show post date" msgstr "Tampilkan tanggal pos" msgid "Upcoming Events" msgstr "Acara Akan Datang" msgid "Events" msgstr "Peristiwa" msgid "Footer text" msgstr "Teks Footer" msgid "Social Media" msgstr "Media Sosial" msgid "Link to" msgstr "Tautan ke" msgid "Page %1$d of %2$d" msgstr "Halaman %1$d dari %2$d" msgid "View details" msgstr "Lihat rincian" msgid "Name (Required)" msgstr "Nama (Wajib)" msgid "Commenting as %s" msgstr "Berkomentar sebagai %s" msgid "Sailing" msgstr "Pelayaran" msgid "Plants" msgstr "Tanaman" msgid "Flowers" msgstr "Bunga" msgid "Upload order" msgstr "Urutan unggah" msgid "Image Date/Time" msgstr "Tanggal/Waktu Gambar" msgid "Saved" msgstr "Tersimpan" msgid "Header Text Color" msgstr "Warna Teks Tajuk" msgid "Choose Image" msgstr "Pilih Gambar" msgid "Or choose an image from your media library:" msgstr "Atau pilih sebuah gambar dari pustaka media Anda:" msgid "Select Image" msgstr "Seleksi gambar" msgid "FREE" msgstr "GRATIS" msgid "Administrative contact" msgstr "Kontak administrator" msgid "Private Registration" msgstr "Registrasi Privat" msgid "See it in action" msgstr "Lihat Cara Kerjanya" msgid "Save & Publish" msgstr "Simpan & Terbitkan" msgid "" "<strong class=\"count\">%1$s spam</strong> blocked by <strong>Akismet</" "strong>" msgid_plural "" "<strong class=\"count\">%1$s spam</strong> blocked by <strong>Akismet</" "strong>" msgstr[0] "" "<strong class=\"count\">%1$s spam</strong> diblok oleh <strong>Akismet</" "strong>" msgstr[1] "" "<strong class=\"count\">%1$s spam</strong> diblok oleh <strong>Akismet</" "strong>" msgid "Display the number of spam comments Akismet has caught" msgstr "Tampilkan jumlah komentar spam yang ditangkap Akismet" msgid "Akismet Widget" msgstr "Widget Akismet" msgid "This person reblogged <a %s>your post</a>:" msgid_plural "These people reblogged <a %s>your post</a>:" msgstr[0] "Orang ini me-reblog <a %s>postingan Anda</a>:" msgstr[1] "Orang-orang ini me-reblog <a %s>postingan Anda</a>:" msgctxt "$user_names and 24 others reblogged your post $post_title" msgid "%1$l and one other person reblogged your post %3$s" msgid_plural "%1$l and %2$s others reblogged your post %3$s" msgstr[0] "%1$l dan satu orang lainnya me-reblog postingan Anda %3$s" msgstr[1] "%1$l dan %2$s lainnya me-reblog postingan Anda %3$s" msgctxt "$user_name(s) reblogged your post $post_name" msgid "%1$l reblogged your post %2$s" msgid_plural "%1$l reblogged your post %2$s" msgstr[0] "%1$l me-reblog postingan Anda %2$s" msgstr[1] "%1$l me-reblog postingan Anda %2$s" msgid "This person is following <a %s>your blog</a>:" msgid_plural "These people are following <a %s>your blog</a>:" msgstr[0] "Orang ini mengikuti <a %s>blog Anda</a>:" msgstr[1] "Orang-orang ini mengikuti <a %s>blog Anda</a>:" msgctxt "$user_name(s) followed your blog $blog_name" msgid "%1$l followed your blog %2$s" msgid_plural "%1$l followed your blog %2$s" msgstr[0] "%1$l mengikuti blog Anda %2$s" msgstr[1] "%1$l mengikuti blog Anda %2$s" msgid "To see them all, <a %s>visit the post</a>." msgstr "Untuk melihat itu semua, <a %s>buka postingan tersebut</a>." msgid "" "The blog you have attempted to transfer to does not have a valid blog id." msgstr "Blog tujuan transfer Anda tidak memiliki blog id yang valid." msgctxt "review type" msgid "Type" msgstr "Jenis" msgctxt "%1$s = blog name, %2$s = post title" msgid "%1$s %2$s" msgstr "%1$s %2$s" msgctxt "%1$s = blog name" msgid "%1$s Sidebar" msgstr "Bilah sisi %1$s" msgid "Billing History" msgstr "Riwayat Penagihan" msgid "Refund" msgstr "Pengembalian dana" msgid "My Lists" msgstr "Daftar Saya" msgid "An error occurred while saving. Please wait and try again in a minute." msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat menyimpan. Tunggu dan coba lagi sebentar." msgid "Payment via %s" msgstr "Pembayaran via %s" msgid "" "If you do not want a header image to be displayed on your site at all, click " "the “Remove Header Image” button at the bottom of the Header " "Image section of this page. If you want to re-enable the header image later, " "you just have to select one of the other image options and click “Save " "Changes”." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak ingin sebuah gambar tajuk ditampilkan di situs Anda sama " "sekali, klik pada tombol “Singkirkan Gambar Tajuk” di bagian " "bawah Gambar Tajuk halaman ini. Jika ingin menampilkannya kembali, cukup " "pilih opsi satu lagi dan klik “Simpan Perubahan”." msgid "Customizer" msgstr "Customizer" msgid "Select file" msgstr "Pilih Berkas" msgid "" "Your requested premium theme cancellation has been processed. The refund may " "take up to 7 days to appear in your PayPal/bank/credit card account." msgstr "" "Pembatalan tema premium telah diproses. Pengembalian dana dapat memakan " "waktu hingga 7 hari untuk sampai ke rekening PayPal/bank/kartu kredit Anda." msgid "" "If you have any questions, or don't receive the refund, please contact " "support through the following link: " msgstr "" "Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, atau jika Anda tidak menerima pengembalian " "dana, silakan hubungi dukungan melalui tautan berikut ini:" msgid "" "Categories have hierarchy, meaning that you can nest sub-categories. Tags do " "not have hierarchy and cannot be nested. Sometimes people start out using " "one on their posts, then later realize that the other would work better for " "their content." msgstr "" "Kategori memiliki hirarki, artinya Anda dapat menyarangkan sub-kategori. Tag " "tidak memiliki hirarki dan tidak dapat disarangkan. Kadang orang mulai " "menggunakan hanya satu pada pos mereka, namun kemudian menyadari kalau " "kategori lain mungkin lebih cocok untuk kontennya." msgid "" "You are using the browser’s built-in file uploader. The WordPress " "uploader includes multiple file selection and drag and drop capability. <a " "href=\"#\">Switch to the multi-file uploader</a>." msgstr "" "Anda menggunakan pengunggah berkas bawaan peramban. Pengunggah WordPress " "mendukung pemilihan banyak berkas dan kemampuan tarik dan taruh. <a href=\"#" "\">Beralih ke pengunggah multi-berkas</a>." msgid "Preview %s" msgstr "Pratinjau %s" msgid "" "If you have any questions, or don't receive the refund, please <a " "href='%s'>contact support</a>" msgstr "" "Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, atau jika Anda tidak menerima pengembalian " "dana, silakan <a href='%s'>hubungi dukungan</a>" msgid "" "Upgrade cancelled and refunded. The refund may take up to 7 days to appear " "in your PayPal/bank/credit card account." msgstr "" "Upgrade dibatalkan dan dana dikembalikan. Pengembalian dana dapat " "berlangsung hingga 7 hari agar muncul di PayPal/rekening bank/atau kartu " "kredit." msgid "<b>%s</b> upgrade cancelled" msgstr "<b>%s</b> upgrade dibatalkan" msgid "Cancellation request for <b>%s</b>" msgstr "Permintaan pembatalan untuk <b>%s</b>" msgid "" "For most themes, the header text is your Site Title and Tagline, as defined " "in the <a href=\"%s\">General Settings</a> section." msgstr "" "Pada sebagian besar tema, teks header adalah Judul Situs dan Tagline Anda, " "seperti yang dijelaskan pada bagian <a href=\"%s\">Pengaturan Umum</a> ." msgid "" "If your theme has more than one default header image, or you have uploaded " "more than one custom header image, you have the option of having WordPress " "display a randomly different image on each page of your site. Click the " "“Random” radio button next to the Uploaded Images or Default " "Images section to enable this feature." msgstr "" "Jika tema Anda datang bersama beberapa gambar tajuk dipaket di dalamnya, " "atau Anda telah mengunggah lebih dari satu gambar tajuk, Anda memiliki opsi " "agar WordPress menampilkan gambar yang berbeda di setiap halamannya. Klik " "tombol radio “Acak” di sebelah bagian Gambar Terunggah atau " "Gambar Bawaan untuk mengaktifkan fitur ini." msgid "" "Some themes come with additional header images bundled. If you see multiple " "images displayed, select the one you would like and click the “Save " "Changes” button." msgstr "" "Beberapa tema datang bersama beberapa gambar tajuk dipaket di dalamnya. Jika " "Anda melihat beberapa gambar ditampilkan, pilih salah satu yang Anda sukai " "dan klik tombol “Simpan Perubahan”." msgid "" "You can choose from the theme’s default header images, or use one of " "your own. You can also customize how your Site Title and Tagline are " "displayed." msgstr "" "Anda dapat memilih gambar tajuk bawaan tema, atau gunakan milik Anda " "sendiri. Anda juga dapat menyesuaikan bagaimana Judul Situs dan Slogan Situs " "Anda ditampilkan." msgid "This screen is used to customize the header section of your theme." msgstr "Layar ini digunakan untuk menyesuaikan bagian tajuk tema Anda." msgid "Related Topics" msgstr "Topik Terkait" msgid "" "Revert to the <strong>Browser Uploader</strong> by clicking the link below " "the drag and drop box." msgstr "" "Kembali ke <strong>Pengunggah Peramban</strong> dengan mengklik tautan di " "bawah kotak tarik dan taruh." msgid "%1$s is yours! Start customizing it now." msgstr "%1$s menjadi milik Anda! Mulailah menyesuaikan sekarang." msgid "Add DNS record" msgstr "Tambah data DNS" msgid "" "This is an example of a page. Unlike posts, which are displayed on your " "blog’s front page in the order they’re published, pages are better suited " "for more timeless content that you want to be easily accessible, like your " "About or Contact information. Click the Edit link to make changes to this " "page or <a title=\"Direct link to Add New in the Admin Dashboard\" href=\"/" "wp-admin/post-new.php?post_type=page\">add another page</a>." msgstr "" "Ini adalah contoh halaman. Tidak seperti pos, yang ditampilkan di halaman " "depan blog Anda dengan urutan penerbitannya, halaman lebih cocok untuk " "konten yang tidak memiliki batas waktu yang Anda inginkan untuk dapat " "diakses dengan mudah, seperti informasi Tentang atau Kontak. Klik tautan " "Sunting untuk melakukan perubahan pada halaman ini atau <a title=\"Tautan " "langsung ke Tambah Baru di Dasbor Admin\" href=\"/wp-admin/post-new.php?" "post_type=page\">tambahkan halaman lain</a>." msgid "Upgrades on your blog %s are about to expire." msgstr "Upgrade pada blog Anda %s akan segera habis masa berlakunya." msgid "%1$s on your blog %2$s is about to expire." msgstr "%1$s pada blog Anda %2$s akan segera habis masa berlakunya." msgid "Add Email" msgstr "Tambahkan E-mail" msgid "Success!" msgstr "Berhasil!" msgid "Email setup" msgstr "Pengaturan email" msgid "Renew Upgrades" msgstr "Perpanjang Upgrade" msgid "Upgrades on your blog <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> are about to expire." msgstr "" "Upgrade pada blog Anda <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> akan segera habis masa " "berlakunya." msgid "%1$s on your blog <a href=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a> is about to expire." msgstr "" "%1$s pada blog Anda <a href=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a> akan segera habis masa " "berlakunya." msgid "Auto renew for <b>%s</b> failed" msgstr "Pembaruan otomatis <b>%s</b> gagal" msgid "" "The renewal didn't go through, and we're getting in touch because you'll " "need to manually renew this upgrade." msgid_plural "" "The renewals didn't go through, and we're getting in touch because you'll " "need to manually renew these upgrades." msgstr[0] "" "Pembaruan tidak dapat dilakukan. Kami akan selalu bersama Anda karena Anda " "akan harus melakukan pembaruan secara manual untuk upgrade ini." msgstr[1] "" "Pembaruan tidak dapat dilakukan. Kami akan selalu bersama Anda karena Anda " "akan membutuhkan pembaruan manual untuk upgrade berikut ini." msgid "" "Your credit card has expired so the renewal didn't go through. We're getting " "in touch because you'll need to manually renew this upgrade." msgid_plural "" "Your credit card has expired so the renewals didn't go through. We're " "getting in touch because you'll need to manually renew these upgrades." msgstr[0] "" "Kartu kredit Anda telah berakhir sehingga pembaruan tidak dapat dilakukan. " "Kami akan selalu bersama Anda karena Anda akan harus melakukan pembaruan " "secara manual untuk upgrade ini." msgstr[1] "" "Kartu kredit Anda telah berakhir sehingga pembaruan tidak dapat dilakukan. " "Kami akan selalu bersama Anda karena Anda akan harus melakukan pembaruan " "secara manual untuk upgrade-upgrade ini." msgid "Follow All" msgstr "Ikuti Semua" msgid "Sorry, you cannot stick a private post." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat menempelkan sebuah pos privat." msgid "Insufficient arguments passed to this XML-RPC method." msgstr "Argument kurang lengkap untuk metode XML-RPC ini." msgid "Could not copy files. You may have run out of disk space." msgstr "Tidak dapat menyalin berkas. Anda mungkin telah kehabisan ruang disk." msgid "Add email" msgstr "Tambahkan email" msgid "Gmail" msgstr "Gmail" msgid "You are already following that topic." msgstr "Anda sudah mengikuti topik tersebut." msgid "Sorry, there are no posts for that topic." msgstr "Maaf, tidak ada pos dengan topik tersebut." msgid "Please enter a topic name" msgstr "Silakan masukkan topik" msgid "View Project" msgstr "Lihat Proyek" msgid "View project" msgstr "Lihat Proyek" msgid "" "If you're using one of our <a href='%s'>mobile apps</a>, you can upload " "videos directly from your device's camera." msgstr "" "Jika Anda menggunakan salah satu dari <a href='%s'>aplikasi mobile</a> kami, " "Anda dapat mengunggah video langsung dari kamera di perangkat Anda." msgid "" "The domain upgrade replaces your site's default address with a custom domain " "of your choice. Instead of %1$s, this upgrade makes your site available at " "%2$s." msgstr "" "Upgrade domain akan mengganti alamat situs sumber dengan custom domain " "pilihan Anda. Sebagai pengganti %1$s, upgrade ini memungkinkan situs Anda " "tersedia di %2$s." msgctxt "%1$s = \"Click here\" in an HTML link" msgid "" "Sure thing. %1$s to add a new text box, textarea, radio, checkbox, or " "dropdown field." msgstr "" "Sudah pasti. %1$s untuk menambahkan sebuah kotak teks, bidang teks, tombol " "radio, kotak centang, atau menu dropdown baru." msgctxt "" "This HTML form field is marked as required by the user in contact form " "builder" msgid "(required)" msgstr "(wajib)" msgid "Saved successfully" msgstr "Berhasil disimpan" msgctxt "Link to edit an HTML form field in contact form builder" msgid "edit" msgstr "sunting" msgctxt "" "Label to drag HTML form fields around to change their order in contact form " "builder" msgid "move" msgstr "geser" msgid "" "Drag up or down\n" "to re-arrange" msgstr "" "Tarik ke atas atau bawah\n" "untuk mengurutkan" msgctxt "error message in contact form builder" msgid "" "Oops, there was a problem generating your form. You'll likely need to try " "again." msgstr "" "Ups, ada masalah saat membangun formulir. Sepertinya Anda harus mencobanya " "lagi." msgctxt "" "Default label for the first option to be included in a user-created dropdown " "in contact form builder" msgid "First option" msgstr "Opsi pertama" msgctxt "" "Label for an option to be included in a user-created dropdown in contact " "form builder" msgid "Option" msgstr "Opsi" msgctxt "" "Label for the set of options to be included in a user-created dropdown in " "contact form builder" msgid "Options" msgstr "Opsi-opsi" msgctxt "Default label for new HTML form field in contact form builder" msgid "New Field" msgstr "Bidang Baru" msgctxt "Label for HTML form \"URL/Website\" field in contact form builder" msgid "Website" msgstr "Website" msgctxt "Label for HTML form \"Email\" field in contact form builder" msgid "Email" msgstr "Email" msgctxt "Label for HTML form \"Name\" field in contact form builder" msgid "Name" msgstr "Nama" msgid "Email settings" msgstr "Pengaturan surat elektronik" msgid "Textarea" msgstr "Area teks" msgid "Radio" msgstr "Radio" msgid "Drop down" msgstr "Drop down" msgid "Checkbox" msgstr "Kotak centang" msgid "" "Nope. However, if you’d like to modify where your feedback is sent, or the " "subject line you can. If you don’t make any changes here, feedback " "will be sent to the author of the page/post and the subject will be the name " "of this page/post." msgstr "" "Tidak. Akan tetapi, Anda dapat mengubah tujuan dari masukan yang Anda " "dikirimkan, atau mengubah subyek pesan. Jika Anda tidak membuat perubahan " "apa pun di sini, masukan Anda akan dikirimkan ke penulis laman/pos dan " "subyek pesannya adalah nama laman/pos terkait." msgid "Click here" msgstr "Klik di sini" msgid "" "By adding a contact form, your readers will be able to submit feedback to " "you. All feedback is automatically scanned for spam, and the legitimate " "feedback will be emailed to you." msgstr "" "Dengan menambahkan formulir kontak, pembaca Anda akan bisa mengirimkan umpan " "balik untuk Anda. Semua umpan balik secara otomatis dipindai untuk menyaring " "spam, dan umpan balik yang lolos akan dikirimkan kepada Anda." msgid "Contact Form" msgstr "Formulir Kontak" msgid "WordPress Apps" msgstr "Aplikasi WordPress" msgid "Check out the mobile %s." msgstr "Periksa %s mobile." msgid "Moderate comments on the go" msgstr "Moderasikan komentar di mana saja" msgid "" "There was an error connecting with Google. Please close this window and try " "again." msgstr "" "Terjadi galat saat menghubungkan dengan Google. Silakan tutup jendela ini " "dan coba lagi." msgid "Thanks for flying with!" msgstr "Terima kasih telah menjelajah bersama!" msgid "Update Payment Information" msgstr "Pembaruan Informasi Pembayaran" msgid "Get help" msgstr "Dapatkan bantuan" msgid "View your site stats" msgstr "Lihat statistik situs Anda" msgid "Move this comment to the trash." msgstr "Pindahkan komentar ini ke tong sampah." msgid "Restore this comment from the trash." msgstr "Kembalikan komentar ini dari tong sampah." msgid "Mark this comment as spam." msgstr "Tandai komentar ini sebagai spam." msgid "Unmark this comment as spam." msgstr "Batalkan tandai komentar ini sebagai spam." msgid "Approve this comment." msgstr "Setujui komentar ini." msgid "Unapprove this comment." msgstr "Tolak komentar ini." msgid "Reply to this comment." msgstr "Balas komentar ini." msgctxt "comment" msgid "Pending" msgstr "Tertunda" msgctxt "comment" msgid "Replied" msgstr "Sudah dibalas" msgid "Turned on per post" msgstr "Ada untuk setiap pos" msgid "On for all posts" msgstr "Ada untuk semua tulisan" msgid " Likes are" msgstr "Tombol Suka" msgid "Follows" msgstr "Ikuti" msgid "Reblogs" msgstr "Reblog" msgid "Transfer to another user" msgstr "Transfer ke pengguna lain" msgid "" "The product transfer could not be completed. Please contact support to " "resolve the issue." msgstr "" "Transfer produk tidak dapat dilakukan. Harap hubungi dukungan untuk " "mengatasi masalah ini." msgid "" "The product transfer could not be completed because a subscription or " "transaction record could not be found. Please contact support and quote this " "message to resolve the issue." msgstr "" "Transfer produk tidak dapat dilakukan karena catatan transaksi atau " "langganan tidak ditemukan. Harap hubungi dukungan dan kutip pesan ini untuk " "menyelesaikan masalah." msgid "" "One or more products from the plan you have attempted to transfer already " "exist on the destination blog. The upgrade is not eligible for automatic " "transfer. Please contact support to resolve the issue." msgstr "" "Satu atau beberapa produk dari paket yang coba Anda transfer sudah ada di " "blog tujuan. Upgrade tidak dapat dilakukan untuk transfer otomatis. Harap " "kunjungi dukungan untuk memecahkan masalah." msgid "Your product has been transferred." msgstr "Produk Anda telah dipindahkan." msgid "You have transferred the \"%s\" to another blog successfully." msgstr "Anda telah berhasil memindahkan \"%s\" ke blog lain." msgid "" "There was an error transferring your premium theme upgrade. Please contact " "support." msgstr "" "Terdapat kesalahan dalam mentransfer upgrade tema premium. Silakan hubungi " "dukungan." msgid "Load more" msgstr "Muat lainnya" msgid "No notifications" msgstr "tak ada pemberitahuan" msgid "water" msgstr "Air" msgctxt "latest blog posts" msgid "Latest" msgstr "Terbaru" msgid "API Key" msgstr "Kunci API" msgid "Create a new connection" msgstr "Buat sebuah koneksi baru..." msgid "← Back" msgstr "← Kembali" msgid "Add New Connection" msgstr "Tambahkan Koneksi Baru" msgid "You reblogged this post to %s. <a href=\"%s\">View Reblog</a>." msgstr "" "Anda telah melakukan reblog pos berikut ke %s. <a href=\"%s\">Lihat Reblog</" "a>." msgid "Create your first site" msgstr "Buat situs pertama Anda" msgid "Create a new playlist" msgstr "Buat daftar putar baru" msgid "Welcome to %1$s" msgstr "Selamat datang di %1$s" msgid "Toggle Editor Text Direction" msgstr "Atur Arah Teks Editor" msgid "text direction" msgstr "arah teks" msgid "Add your thoughts here... (optional)" msgstr "Tambahkan pemikiran Anda di sini... (opsional)" msgid "Please enter a site title." msgstr "Silakan masukkan judul situs." msgid "Site name must be at least 4 characters." msgstr "Nama situs harus minimal 4 karakter." msgid "That name is not allowed." msgstr "Nama itu tidak diizinkan." msgid "Please enter a site name." msgstr "Silakan masukkan nama situs." msgid "Please enter correct email address." msgstr "Mohon masukkan sebuah alamat surat elektronik yang benar." msgid "Username must be at least 4 characters." msgstr "Nama pengguna harus minimal 4 karakter." msgid "That username is not allowed." msgstr "Nama pengguna itu tidak diizinkan." msgid "Please enter a username." msgstr "Silakan masukkan sebuah nama pengguna." msgid "Create a Blog" msgstr "Buat sebuah Blog" msgid "A static page" msgstr "Sebuah halaman statis" msgid "Home page / Archives" msgstr "Halaman utama / Arsip" msgid "No authorized applications were found." msgstr "Tidak ada aplikasi terotorisasi yang ditemukan." msgid "Set as header" msgstr "Atur sebagai tajuk" msgid "Set as background" msgstr "Atur sebagai latar" msgid "Search results for: %s" msgstr "Hasil Pencarian untuk: %s" msgid "Uploaded by:" msgstr "Diunggah oleh:" msgid "" "There was a problem connecting to %s to create an authorized connection. " "Please try again in a moment." msgstr "" "Ada masalah saat menyambungkan ke %s untuk mewujudkan koneksi terotorisasi. " "Silakan coba beberapa saat lagi." msgid "" "Something went wrong when trying to connect with Google. Please try again." msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat menyambungkan dengan Google. Silakan coba lagi." msgid "Customize “%s”" msgstr "Sesuaikan “%s”" msgid "Checking your browser for third party cookies support …" msgstr "Memeriksa perambah Anda untuk dukungan cookie pihak ketiga …" msgid "Keyword" msgstr "Kata kunci" msgid "* Based on the 1000 most recent comments." msgstr "* Berbasis 1000 komentar terbaru." msgid "Copy to clipboard" msgstr "Salin ke papan klip" msgid "Domain included in %s" msgstr "Domain sudah termasuk dalam %s" msgid "" "People who get to your blog from Facebook posts sent using Jetpack Social" msgstr "" "Orang yang membuka blog Anda dari kiriman Facebook yang dikirimkan " "menggunakan Publikasikan" msgid "People who get to your blog from tweets sent using Jetpack Social" msgstr "" "Orang yang membuka blog Anda dari tweet yang dikirimkan menggunakan " "Publikasikan" msgid "" "Commenters who checked the "Notify me of new comments via email" " "checkbox on your individual posts" msgstr "" "Komentator yang mencentang "Beri tahu saya tentang komentar baru " "melalui emaill" pada kiriman individual Anda" msgid "People who follow your blog" msgstr "Orang yang mengikuti blog Anda" msgid "%1$s reblogged your post %2$s" msgstr "%1$s me-reblog postingan Anda %2$s" msgid "" "Howdy,\n" "\n" "%1$s reblogged your post \"%2$s\" on the blog %3$s. Congrats!\n" "\n" "Here is the post they reblogged: %4$s\n" "Here is their reblog: %5$s\n" "Here is their blog: %6$s\n" "\n" " | Thanks for flying with WordPress!" msgstr "" "Halo,\n" "\n" "%1$s me-reblog postingan Anda \"%2$s\" pada blog %3$s. Selamat!\n" "\n" "Ini postingan yang mereka reblog: %4$s\n" "Ini reblog mereka: %5$s\n" "Ini blog mereka: %6$s\n" "\n" " | Terima kasih Anda telah terbang bersama WordPress!" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> reblogged <a href=\"%3$s\">%4$s</a> to %5$s " "follower on <a href=\"%6$s\">%7$s</a>. Congrats!" msgid_plural "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> reblogged <a href=\"%3$s\">%4$s</a> to %5$s " "followers on <a href=\"%6$s\">%7$s</a>. Congrats!" msgstr[0] "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> me-reblog <a href=\"%3$s\">%4$s</a> ke %5$s " "pengikut pada <a href=\"%6$s\">%7$s</a>. Selamat!" msgstr[1] "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> me-reblog <a href=\"%3$s\">%4$s</a> ke %5$s " "pengikut pada <a href=\"%6$s\">%7$s</a>. Selamat!" msgid "Tags & Categories" msgstr "Tag & Kategori" msgid "" "If you <a href=\"\">tag your " "posts effectively</a>, this panel will show you which topics get the most " "traffic. Snapshot generated from your top posts over the past week." msgstr "" "Jika Anda <a href=\"\">menandai " "kiriman Anda secara efektif</a>, panel ini akan memperlihatkan topik mana " "yang mendapatkan lalu-lintas terbanyak. Potret yang dihasilkan dari kiriman " "teratas Anda dalam satu pekan terakhir." msgid "Split" msgstr "Pisahkan" msgid "Personal" msgstr "Personal" msgid "Account" msgstr "Akun" msgid "%s <em>Tags</em>" msgstr "%s <em>Tag</em>" msgid "%s <em>Categories</em>" msgstr "%s <em>Kategori</em>" msgid "Taxonomies" msgstr "Taksonomi" msgid "%s <em>Posts</em>" msgstr "%s <em>Kiriman</em>" msgid "Video plays:" msgstr "Pemutaran video:" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this changeset." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan mengedit changeset ini." msgid "Display Header Text" msgstr "Tampilkan Teks Tajuk" msgid "Change image" msgstr "Ganti Gambar" msgid "Views for topic" msgstr "Tampilan untuk topik" msgid "My Links" msgstr "Tautan Saya" msgid "View Full Site" msgstr "Lihat Situs Lengkap" msgid "Show header text with your image." msgstr "Tampilkan teks tajuk dengan gambar Anda." msgid "%1$s on your site \"%2$s\" will automatically renew in %3$d days." msgstr "" "%1$s untuk situs Anda \"%2$s\" akan diperbarui otomatis dalam %3$d hari." msgid "" "Your blog uses a domain subscription that has expired. Please visit your <a " "href=\"%1$s\">My Upgrades</a> page to renew." msgstr "" "Blog Anda menggunakan langganan domain yang telah berakhir. Silakan buka " "halaman <a href=\"%1$s\">Upgrade Saya</a> untuk memperpanjang." msgid "Someone reblogs one of my posts" msgstr "Seseorang reblog salah satu pos saya pada blognya" msgid "Click here to learn more." msgstr "Klik di sini untuk membaca lebih lanjut." msgid "Since %s" msgstr "Sejak %s" msgid "%d Day" msgstr "%d Hari" msgid "%s more video" msgid_plural "%s more videos" msgstr[0] "%s video lagi" msgstr[1] "%s video lagi" msgid "Last month" msgstr "Bulan Terakhir" msgid "" "On %1$s you surpassed your previous record of <a %3$s>most subscribers</a> " "in one day for your blog %2$s. Nice!" msgstr "" "Pada %1$s, Anda melampaui rekor sebelumnya untuk <a %3$s>pelanggan " "terbanyak</a> dalam sehari di blog Anda, %2$s. Bagus!" msgid "Most Follows in One Day" msgstr "Pengikut Terbanyak dalam Satu Hari" msgid "Congratulations on getting %2$s like on %1$s." msgid_plural "Congratulations on getting %2$s total likes on %1$s." msgstr[0] "Selamat! Anda mendapat %2$s suka di %1$s." msgstr[1] "Selamat! Anda mendapat total %2$s suka di %1$s." msgid "Posts page" msgstr "Halaman pos" msgid "Front page" msgstr "Halaman depan" msgid "Add Comment" msgstr "Tambah Komentar" msgid "" "Howdy %1$s,\n" "\n" "Thank you for signing up with Use this URL to activate your " "account: %2$s\n" "\n" msgstr "" "Halo %1$s,\n" "\n" "Terima kasih sudah mendaftar di Gunakan URL ini untuk " "mengaktifkan akun Anda: %2$s\n" "\n" msgid "" "Howdy %1$s,\n" "\n" "Thank you for signing up with Use this URL to activate your " "blog: %2$s\n" "\n" msgstr "" "Halo %1$s,\n" "\n" "Terima kasih sudah mendaftar di Gunakan URL ini untuk " "mengaktifkan blog Anda: %2$s\n" "\n" msgid "Public display name" msgstr "Nama tampilan publik" msgid "Verify New Password" msgstr "Konfirmasi Password Baru" msgid "" "Hint: The password should be at least twelve characters long. To make it " "stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols like ! \" ? " "$ % ^ & )." msgstr "" "Petunjuk: password Anda setidaknya harus memiliki 12 karakter. Agar lebih " "kuat, pergunakan huruf kapital dan huruf kecil, angka, juga simbol seperti ! " "\" ? $ % ^ & )." msgid "Payment Method" msgstr "Metode Pembayaran" msgid "Domain Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Domain" msgid "Active Posts" msgstr "Kiriman Aktif" msgid "" "You can find more information about %1$s in our <a href=\"%2$s\" target=" "\"_blank\">Theme Showcase</a>" msgstr "" "Anda dapat menemukan informasi selengkapnya tentang %1$s di <a href=\"%2$s\" " "target=\"_blank\">Koleksi Tema</a> kami" msgid "Nature" msgstr "Alam" msgid "Fashion" msgstr "Mode" msgid "Family" msgstr "Keluarga" msgid "Culture" msgstr "Budaya" msgid "Cars" msgstr "Mobil" msgid "Most Likes in One Day" msgstr "Suka Terbanyak dalam Satu Hari" msgid "Your current tally is %1$s." msgstr "Nilai Anda saat ini adalah %1$s." msgid "Past Week" msgstr "Minggu Lalu" msgid "Topic views the past 7 days" msgstr "Tampilan topik dalam 7 hari terakhir" msgid "Views per post" msgstr "Kunjungan per pos" msgid "Active posts in topic" msgstr "Kiriman aktif terkait topik" msgid "Tag or category" msgstr "Tag atau kategori" msgid "Most popular topics you've written about" msgstr "Topik terpopuler yang Anda tulis" msgid "Views/Post" msgstr "Tampilan/Kiriman" msgid "New on" msgstr "Baru di" msgid "Accepted Filetypes" msgstr "Tipe file yang Disetujui" msgid "" "Videos you upload to your blog can be managed under <a href='%s'>Media</a> " "in your dashboard." msgstr "" "Video yang Anda unggah ke blog dapat dikelola di <a href='%s'>Media</a> pada " "dasbor Anda." msgid "" "You can upload videos to your site just like any other file - click on the " "Upload/Insert button in the post editor, and choose the video file you want " "to upload from your computer." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengunggah video ke situs Anda seperti mengunggah file lain -- " "klik tombol Unggah/Sisipkan pada editor postingan, lalu pilih video yang " "ingin diunggah dari komputer." msgid "" "The VideoPress upgrade allows you to host and play beautiful HD videos right " "from your blog. VideoPress supports many different filetypes " "and codecs." msgstr "" "Bantuan VideoPress memudahkan Anda mengelola dan memutar video HD langsung " "dari blog VideoPress mendukung berbagai tipe file dan codec." msgid "Forums: CSS Customization" msgstr "Forum: Penyesuaian CSS" msgid "" "The Custom Design upgrade allows you to make your blog look exactly the way " "you want." msgstr "" "Upgrade Custom Design memungkinkan Anda membuat blog terlihat sangat menarik " "persis seperti yang Anda inginkan." msgid "" "You can control the site redirect upgrade by visiting <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</" "a>. From there, you can change the site to redirect to, or temporarily " "disable the redirection." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengontrol pemutakhiran pengalihan situs melalui <a href=\"%1$s\">" "%2$s</a>. Dari sini, Anda dapat mengubah situs untuk dialihkan, atau " "menonaktifkan pengalihan sementara." msgid "" "This upgrade redirects your blog to your new blog by " "performing permanent (301) redirects for all your content." msgstr "" "Upgrade ini akan mengalihkan blog Anda ke blog baru dengan " "menjalankan pengalihan permanen (301) untuk semua konten Anda." msgid "Bundles" msgstr "Paket" msgid "" "VideoPress to embed beautiful HD video straight from your dashboard or from " "your mobile device" msgstr "" "VideoPress menyematkan video HD langsung dari dasbor atau perangkat seluler " "Anda" msgid "10 GB Space Upgrade to let you upload more files and audio" msgstr "10GB Space Upgrade untuk mengunggah lebih banyak file dan audio" msgid "" "A domain of your choice to replace your site's default address of <strong>" "%s</strong>" msgstr "Domain pilihan Anda menggantikan alamat situs <strong>%s</strong>" msgid "" "You are currently using %1$s GB, which is %2$s%% of the total %3$s GB you " "have." msgstr "" "Saat ini Anda menggunakan %1$sGB, yaitu sebesar %2$s%% dari total %3$sGB " "yang Anda miliki." msgid "" "This upgrade increases the storage space available on your blog so you can " "upload more media files and allows you to upload audio files." msgstr "" "Upgrade ini meningkatkan ruang penyimpanan yang tersedia pada blog, sehingga " "Anda dapat mengunggah lebih banyak file media dan mengunggah file audio." msgid "See our support pages for more information:" msgstr "Lihat halaman dukungan kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut:" msgid "" "You can manage your domain in <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a>. From there you can " "add more domains to your site, specify the primary domain to use, or edit " "your domains settings." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengelola domain di <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a>. Dari sini, Anda " "dapat menambah lebih banyak domain ke situs Anda, menentukan domain utama " "yang digunakan, atau menyunting pengaturan domain Anda." msgid "Views by Country" msgstr "Kunjungan berdasarkan Negara" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to assign terms in this taxonomy." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan menerapkan terma-terma dalam taksonomi ini." msgid "Sorry, deleting the term failed." msgstr "Maaf, penghapusan istilah gagal." msgid "Sorry, editing the term failed." msgstr "Maaf, penyuntingan istilah gagal." msgid "Invalid menu ID." msgstr "ID menu tidak sah." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit terms in this taxonomy." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan mengedit terma-terma dalam taksonomi ini." msgid "Parent term does not exist." msgstr "Istilah induk tidak ditemukan." msgid "This taxonomy is not hierarchical." msgstr "Taksonomi ini tidak bersifat hirarkis." msgid "The term name cannot be empty." msgstr "Nama istilah tidak boleh kosong." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create terms in this taxonomy." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan membuat terma-terma dalam taksonomi ini." msgid "Invalid taxonomy." msgstr "Taksonomi tidak sah." msgid "Download" msgstr "Unduh" msgid "The \"%s\" theme is not a valid parent theme." msgstr "Tema \"%s\" bukan tema induk yang sah." msgid "Stylesheet is not readable." msgstr "Lembar-gaya tidak dapat dibaca." msgid "Secondary Logo" msgstr "Logo Sekunder" msgid "Trial" msgstr "uji coba" msgid "Social Networks" msgstr "Jejaring Sosial" msgid "There was a problem saving your changes. Please, try again." msgstr "Terjadi masalah saat menyimpan perubahan Anda. Harap coba lagi." msgid "Continue Reading %s" msgstr "Baca %s Lebih Lanjut" msgid "Please enter your email" msgstr "Masukkan surat elektronik Anda." msgid "Please enter your name." msgstr "Masukkan nama Anda." msgid "Please supply a valid email address." msgstr "Silahkan masukkan alamat email yang valid." msgid "Stories" msgstr "Cerita" msgid "Login to Reply" msgstr "Login untuk Membalas" msgid "save" msgstr "Simpan" msgid "Number of links to show:" msgstr "Jumlah taut yang ditampilkan:" msgid "Select Link Category:" msgstr "Pilih Kategori Tautan:" msgid "Customize %s" msgstr "Sesuaikan %s" msgid "← Return to %s" msgstr "← Kembali ke %s" msgid "" "You successfully renewed the Site Redirect to <em>%s</em> for another year." msgstr "" "Anda berhasil memperpanjang Pengalihan Situs ke <em>%s</em> untuk satu tahun " "berikutnya." msgid "You successfully renewed <em>%s</em> for another year." msgstr "Anda berhasil memperpanjang <em>%s</em> untuk satu tahun berikutnya." msgid "" "Whoops — lots of signups are coming from your network. Please try " "again in a bit." msgstr "" "Hore — banyak pendaftaran yang datang dari jaringan Anda. Coba beberapa saat " "lagi." msgid "Use keyboard shortcuts for comment moderation." msgstr "Gunakan jalan pintas papan ketik untuk memoderasi komentar." msgid "" "<strong>Welcome</strong> — Shows links for some of the most common " "tasks when setting up a new site." msgstr "" "<strong>Selamat Datang</strong> — Tampilkan sejumlah tautan untuk hal-" "hal yang sering dikerjakan saat menyiapkan situs baru." msgid "%1$s is about to be automatically renewed on %2$s." msgstr "%1$s akan diperpanjang secara otomatis dalam %2$s." msgid "Google Play" msgstr "Google Play" msgid "Sign In" msgstr "Masuk" msgid "Plans and Pricing" msgstr "Paket dan Harga" msgid "+ Add account" msgstr "+ Tambah akun" msgid "Language Picker" msgstr "Pemilih Bahasa" msgid "You successfully purchased Private Whois for %s" msgstr "Anda berhasil membeli Whois Privat untuk %s" msgid "" "Howdy %1$s, Thank you for signing up with Click the button " "below to activate your account." msgstr "" "Halo %1$s, Terima kasih sudah mendaftar dengan Klik tombol di " "bawah ini untuk mengaktifkan akun Anda." msgid "" "Thank you for signing up with Click the button below to " "activate your account." msgstr "" "Terima kasih sudah mendaftar di Klik tombol di bawah untuk " "mengaktifkan akun Anda. " msgid "<strong>Howdy %1$s</strong>" msgstr "<strong>Halo%1$s</strong>" msgid "Activate %1$s" msgstr "Aktifkan %1$s" msgid "Your current tally is %s." msgstr "Nilai Anda saat ini adalah %s." msgid "No, don't create a matching blog address." msgstr "Tidak, jangan buat alamat blog yang sama." msgid "Yes, create a new blog to match my new user name" msgstr "Ya, buat blog baru agar sama dengan nama pengguna baru saya" msgid "Your username will be changed to <strong>%s</strong>." msgstr "Nama pengguna Anda akan diubah ke <strong>%s</strong>." msgid "The domain upgrade for your blog <b>%s</b> is about to expire." msgstr "Upgrade domain untuk blog Anda <b>%s</b> akan segera berakhir." msgid "<b>%s</b> will be renewed automatically." msgstr "<b>%s</b> akan diperpanjang otomatis." msgid "[] Domain %s will be auto-renewed" msgstr "[] Domain %s akan diperpanjang secara otomatis " msgid "[] %1$s will auto-renew in %2$d day" msgid_plural "[] %1$s will auto-renew in %2$d days" msgstr[0] "[] %1$s akan diperbarui otomatis dalam %2$d hari" msgstr[1] "[] %1$s akan diperbarui otomatis dalam %2$d hari" msgid "%1$s for <b>%2$s</b> will be renewed automatically" msgstr "%1$s untuk <b>%2$s</b> akan diperpanjang secara otomatis" msgid "" "If this upgrade expires, you may not be able to upload any more audio files " "to your blog (the audio files you already uploaded will not be affected)." msgstr "" "Jika upgrade ini habis masa berlakunya, Anda tidak dapat mengunggah file " "audio lagi ke blog Anda (file audio yang telah diunggah tidak akan " "terpengaruh)." msgid "" "If this upgrade expires, you may not be able to upload any more files to " "your blog (the files you already uploaded will not be affected)." msgstr "" "Jika upgrade ini habis masa berlakunya, Anda tidak dapat mengunggah file " "lagi ke blog Anda (file yang telah diunggah tidak akan terpengaruh)." msgid "" "If this upgrade expires, visitors coming to %1$s will not be automatically " "redirected to %2$s." msgstr "" "Jika upgrade ini habis masa berlakunya, pengunjung yang datang ke %1$s tidak " "dapat dialihkan secara otomatis ke %2$s." msgid "" "If this upgrade expires, some visitors may start seeing ads on your blog." msgstr "" "Jika upgrade ini habis masa berlakunya, beberapa pengunjung akan melihat " "iklan pada blog Anda." msgid "" "If this upgrade expires, you won't be able to upload any more videos to your " "site." msgstr "" "Jika upgrade telah habis masa berlakunya, Anda tidak akan lagi dapat " "mengunggah video ke situs Anda." msgid "" "If this upgrade expires, your site will no longer be available at \"%s\"." msgstr "" "Jika upgrade ini habis masa berlakunya, situs Anda tidak akan lagi tersedia " "di \"%s\"." msgid "" "This upgrade increases the storage space available on your site so you have " "room for more media files, and lets you upload audio files." msgstr "" "Upgrade ini meningkatkan ruang penyimpanan yang tersedia pada situs, " "sehingga Anda akan memiliki lebih banyak ruang penyimpanan untuk file media " "dan mengunggah file audio." msgid "" "This upgrade forwards visitors from your blog to %s (or any " "site you choose)." msgstr "" "Upgrade ini akan mengalihkan pengunjung blog WordPress Anda ke %s (atau " "situs yang Anda pilih)." msgid "This upgrade prevents ads from ever showing up on your blog." msgstr "Upgrade ini akan mencegah iklan muncul pada blog Anda." msgid "This upgrade lets you upload HD videos directly to your site." msgstr "" "Upgrade ini memungkinkan Anda mengunggah video HD langsung ke situs Anda." msgid "Renew %s" msgstr "Perpanjang %s" msgid "Domain Registration" msgstr "Registrasi Domain" msgid "The domain name <b>%s</b> is about to expire." msgstr "Nama domain <b>%s</b> akan segera habis masa berlakunya." msgid "You don't have to do anything — this is just a reminder." msgstr "Anda tidak perlu melakukan apa pun, ini hanya pesan pengingat." msgid "Select video" msgstr "Pilih Video" msgid "Video title" msgstr "Judul Video" msgid "No tagged posts or pages have been viewed yet." msgstr "Belum ada kiriman atau halaman yang dilihat." msgid "" "Track which topics are most interesting to your readers by <a href=\"http://" "\">adding tags to your posts</a>." msgstr "" "Lacak topik mana yang paling menarik bagi pembaca Anda dengan <a href=" "\"\">menambahkan tag ke kiriman " "Anda</a>." msgid "This panel shows your most viewed tags and categories." msgstr "" "Panel ini memperlihatkan tag atau kategori Anda yang paling sering dilihat." msgid "No top tags or categories." msgstr "Tidak ada tag atau kategori teratas." msgid "Copy a Page" msgstr "Salin sebuah Halaman" msgid "" "Your Movable Type import was successful.\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "Happy Blogging!\n" "\n" "-- the team" msgstr "" "Pengimporan Movable Type Anda berhasil.\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "Selamat Ngeblog!\n" "\n" "-- Tim" msgid "We cannot create an authorization request for that site." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat membuat permintaan otorisasi untuk situs tersebut." msgid "We could not verify your authorization with that site." msgstr "Kami tidak dapat memverifikasi otorisasi Anda dengan situs tersebut." msgid "Please upgrade Jetpack to the latest version." msgstr "Silakan upgrade Jetpack ke versi terbaru." msgid "" "That site does not seem to be accessible or no longer has the Jetpack plugin " "installed." msgstr "" "Situs tersebut tampaknya tidak dapat diakses atau plugin Jetpack sudah tidak " "diinstal." msgid "That site does not seem to have the Jetpack plugin installed." msgstr "Plugin Jetpack tampaknya tidak diinstal di situs tersebut." msgid "You do not have access to that blog." msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki akses ke dalam blog tersebut." msgid "You must enter a blog or a Jetpack powered site." msgstr "" "Anda harus memasukkan blog atau situs yang didukung Jetpack." msgid "You must pick a blog." msgstr "Anda harus memilih sebuah blog." msgid "(Address never made public)" msgstr "(Alamat takkan pernah dipublikasikan)" msgid "It's dangerous to go alone! Take this! Error: %s" msgstr "Bahaya untuk berjalan sendiri! Ambil ini! Kesalahan: %s" msgid "Contact Support" msgstr "Dapatkan Bantuan" msgid "Need some help?" msgstr "Butuh bantuan?" msgid "iOS Apps" msgstr "Aplikasi iOS" msgid "Plans & Pricing" msgstr "Paket & Harga" msgid "invention" msgstr "penemuan" msgid "medley" msgstr "rampai" msgid "prediction" msgstr "prediksi" msgid "%s Flag" msgstr "%s Bendera" msgid "Tea" msgstr "Teh" msgid "" "If you exported your site's media files, we'll import those for you " "automatically." msgstr "" "Jika sebelumnya Anda mengekspor berkas media situs, media tersebut akan " "terimpor otomatis." msgid "Download Media" msgstr "Unduh Media" msgid "" "Ready to publish your first post? <a href=\"%1$s\">Get started here</a>." msgstr "" "Sudah siap menerbitkan pos pertamamu? <a href=\"%1$s\">Mulai di sini</a>." msgid "" "%1$s just started following you at %2$s. They will receive an email every " "time you publish a post. Congratulations." msgstr "" "%1$s baru saja mengikuti Anda di %2$s. Mereka akan menerima email setiap " "kali Anda menerbitkan sebuah postingan. Selamat." msgid "" "If you want to see all of the blogs you follow on the web in one easy place, " "<a href=\"%s\">sign up for a account</a>." msgstr "" "Jika Anda ingin melihat semua blog yang Anda ikuti di web dalam satu tempat " "yang mudah, <a href=\"%s\">mendaftarlah akun</a>." msgid "" "If you want to see all of the blogs and posts you follow on the web in one " "easy place, <a href=\"%s\">sign up for a account</a>." msgstr "" "Jika Anda ingin melihat semua blog dan postingan yang Anda ikuti di web " "dalam satu tempat yang mudah, <a href=\"%s\">mendaftarlah akun WordPress." "com</a>." msgid "" "%1$s\n" "\n" "Blog Name: %3$s\n" "URL: %4$s\n" "\n" "Confirm Follow: %2$s\n" "\n" "If you don't want to receive these emails any more:\n" "%5$s\n" "\n" "If you want to see all of the blogs and posts you follow on the web in one " "easy\n" "place, sign up for a account. (" "ref=lof)\n" msgstr "" "%1$s\n" "\n" "Nama Blog: %3$s\n" "URL: %4$s\n" "\n" "Konfirmasi Ikuti: %2$s\n" "\n" "Jika Anda tidak ingin lagi menerima email ini:\n" "%5$s\n" "\n" "Jika Anda ingin melihat semua blog dan kiriman yang Anda ikuti di web dalam " "satu tempat yang\n" "mudah, daftarkan diri untuk akun (" "signup/?ref=lof)\n" msgid "This was in response to %s:" msgstr "Ini adalah tanggapan untuk %s:" msgid "" "%1$s\n" "\n" "Blog Name: %2$s\n" "Blog URL: %3$s\n" "Post URL: %4$s\n" "\n" "---------\n" "\n" "To Confirm: %5$s\n" "\n" "To stop these emails: %6$s\n" "\n" "To see all of the blogs and posts you follow on the web in one easy\n" "place, sign up for a account. (" "ref=lof)\n" msgstr "" "%1$s\n" "Nama Blog: %2$s\n" "URL Blog: %3$s\n" "URL Postingan: %4$s\n" "\n" "---------\n" "\n" "Untuk Konfirmasi: %5$s\n" "\n" "Untuk menghentikan email ini: %6$s\n" "\n" "Untuk melihat semua blog dan postingan yang Anda ikuti di web dalam satu " "tempat yang mudah, mendaftarlah akun (" "signup/?ref=lof)\n" msgid "They thought <a href=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a> was pretty awesome." msgstr "Menurut mereka <a href=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a> sangat mengagumkan." msgid "Post URL:" msgstr "URL pos:" msgid "" "Howdy,\n" "\n" "%1$s recently liked your post: %2$s\n" "\n" "Here is a link to the post they liked:\n" "\n" "\t %3$s\n" "%4$s\n" "\n" "If you don't want to be notified of Likes any more:\n" "%5$s\n" msgstr "" "Halo,\n" "\n" "%1$s baru-baru ini menyukai postingan Anda: %2$s\n" "\n" "Berikut link postingan yang mereka sukai:\n" "\n" "\t %3$s\n" "%4$s\n" "\n" "Jika Anda tidak ingin lagi menerima pemberitahuan tentang Suka:\n" "%5$s\n" msgid "" "You should go see what they're up to. Maybe you'll like their blog as much " "as they liked yours!" msgstr "" "Anda sebaiknya melihat apa yang mereka lakukan. Mungkin Anda akan menyukai " "blog mereka seperti halnya mereka menyukai blog Anda!" msgid "" "Howdy.\n" "\n" "You recently followed one of my posts. This means you will receive an email " "when new comments are posted.\n" "\n" "To activate, click confirm below. If you believe this is an error, ignore " "this message and we'll never bother you again." msgstr "" "Halo.\n" "\n" "Anda baru saja mengikuti salah satu kiriman saya. Ini berarti Anda akan " "menerima surel sewaktu komentar baru dikirimkan.\n" "\n" "Untuk mengaktifkan, klik konfirmasi di bawah ini. Jika Anda pikir ini suatu " "kesalahan, abaikan saja pesan ini dan kami pun tidak akan mengganggu Anda " "lagi." msgid "Click to share on Pinterest" msgstr "Klik untuk berbagi pada Pinterest" msgctxt "share to" msgid "Pinterest" msgstr "Pinterest" msgid "Pinterest" msgstr "Pinterest" msgid "We don't have that post on record yet." msgstr "Kami belum menyimpan kiriman itu." msgid "Active, Manual Renewal" msgstr "Aktif, Pembaruan Manual" msgid "Non-Profit Organization" msgstr "Organisasi Nirlaba" msgid "City:" msgstr "Kota:" msgid "You must agree to the Terms of Service." msgstr "Anda harus menyetujui Ketentuan Layanan." msgid "Please provide your name." msgstr "Silakan masukkan nama Anda." msgid "Please provide a valid paypal address." msgstr "Masukkan alamat paypal yang valid." msgid "We're almost there! " msgstr "Hampir siap! " msgid "WordAds Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan WordAds" msgid "Someone follows my blog" msgstr "Seseorang mengikuti blog saya" msgid "Someone likes one of my posts" msgstr "Seseorang menyukai salah satu pos saya" msgctxt "text direction" msgid "ltr" msgstr "ltr" msgid "The post type may not be changed." msgstr "Tipe pos tidak boleh diubah." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit posts in this post type." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan mengedit pos dalam tipe pos ini." msgid "The post cannot be deleted." msgstr "Pos ini tidak bisa dihapus." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this revision." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk menghapus revisi berikut." msgid "" "Sorry, you are not allowed to add a term to one of the given taxonomies." msgstr "" "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk menambahkan sebuah istilah pada taksonomi " "yang telah disebutkan." msgid "" "Sorry, you are not allowed to assign a term to one of the given taxonomies." msgstr "" "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk menunjuk sebuah istilah pada taksonomi " "berikut ini." msgid "Sorry, one of the given taxonomies is not supported by the post type." msgstr "" "Maaf, salah satu taksonomi yang dimasukkan tidak didukung oleh tipe pos." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this term." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak diizinkan menghapus terma ini." msgid "Invalid author ID." msgstr "ID penulis tidak sah." msgid "" "Sorry, you are not allowed to create password protected posts in this post " "type." msgstr "" "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk membuat pos yang dilindungi oleh password " "dalam tipe pos ini" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this post." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk menyunting pos ini." msgid "Image default align" msgstr "Perataan gambar bawaan" msgid "Image default size" msgstr "Ukuran gambar bawaan" msgid "Image default link type" msgstr "Tipe taut gambar bawaan" msgid "%1$s (%2$s)" msgstr "%1$s (%2$s)" msgctxt "tag delimiter" msgid "," msgstr "," msgid "Please enter your name here" msgstr "Masukkan nama Anda di sini" msgid "Please enter your email address here" msgstr "Masukkan alamat email di sini" msgid "" "This picture will show whenever you leave a comment. Click to customize it." msgstr "" "Gambar ini akan tampil ketika Anda memberi komentar. Klik untuk mengubahnya." msgid "Comments navigation" msgstr "Navigasi komentar" msgid "By %1$s on %2$s" msgstr "Oleh %1$s pada %2$s" msgid "Categories (separated with commas: Cats, Dogs)" msgstr "Kategori (dipisahkan dengan koma: Kucing, Anjing)" msgid "Bookmark" msgstr "Bookmark" msgid "There was a problem and the post was not saved." msgstr "Terjadi permasalahan dan pos tidak tersimpan." msgid "Draft saved." msgstr "Draf disimpan." msgid "To infinity and beyond" msgstr "Ke infinitas dan lebih jauh lagi" msgid "%1$s-%2$s" msgstr "%1$s-%2$s" msgctxt "closing curly single quote" msgid "’" msgstr "’" msgctxt "opening curly single quote" msgid "‘" msgstr "‘" msgctxt "double prime" msgid "″" msgstr "″" msgctxt "prime" msgid "′" msgstr "′" msgctxt "apostrophe" msgid "’" msgstr "’" msgctxt "closing curly double quote" msgid "”" msgstr "”" msgctxt "opening curly double quote" msgid "“" msgstr "“" msgid "ERROR: comments on this post are closed." msgstr "ERROR: komentar untuk pos ini ditutup." msgid "ERROR: you do not have permission to comment on this blog." msgstr "ERROR: Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk memberi komentar di blog ini." msgid "Account Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Akun" msgid "In reply to: %s" msgstr "Balasan untuk: %s" msgid "Reply to post…" msgstr "Balas pos..." msgctxt "start of week" msgid "1" msgstr "1" msgctxt "default GMT offset or timezone string" msgid "0" msgstr "7" msgid "Sharing is off. Add services above to enable." msgstr "" "Fitur berbagi tidak aktif. Tambahkan layanan di atas untuk mengaktifkannya." msgid "Drag and drop available services here." msgstr "Tarik dan lepas layanan yang tersedia kesini." msgid "" "Add sharing buttons to your blog and allow your visitors to share posts with " "their friends." msgstr "" "Tambahkan tombol berbagi pada blog Anda agar pengunjung dapat membagikan pos " "ke teman-teman mereka." msgid "Sharing Buttons" msgstr "Tombol Berbagi" msgid "Create a Configuration File" msgstr "Buat Berkas Konfigurasi" msgid "What do I do now?" msgstr "Apa yang harus saya lakukan selanjutnya?" msgid "" "If your site does not display, please contact the owner of this network." msgstr "Jika situs Anda tidak terlihat, silakan hubungi pemilik jaringan ini." msgid "Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute." msgstr "" "Tidak tersedia untuk beberapa saat karena ada pemeliharaan yang telah " "dijadwalkan. Harap periksa kembali sebentar lagi." msgid "Maintenance" msgstr "Perawatan" msgid "Database Error" msgstr "Galat Basis data" msgid "User Name" msgstr "Nama Pengguna" msgid "" "It looks like nothing was found at this location. Perhaps searching will " "help:" msgstr "" "Nampaknya tidak ada yang ditemukan di lokasi. Mungkin mencari dapat membantu:" msgid "Expiring" msgstr "Hampir Berakhir" msgid "Domain Management" msgstr "Manajemen Domain" msgid "Purchased on %s" msgstr "Dibeli oleh %s" msgid "Renew Now" msgstr "Perpanjang Sekarang" msgid "Premium Theme: %s" msgstr "Tema Premium: %s" msgid "" "Theme not cancelled and refunded. There was a problem refunding your " "payment. Please <a href=\"%s\">contact support</a>." msgstr "" "Tema tidak dibatalkan atau dikembalikan. Terdapat kesalahan dalam " "pengembalian pembayaran Anda. Harap <a href=\"%s\">hubungi dukungan</a>." msgid "" "Upgrade not cancelled and refunded. There was a problem refunding your " "payment. Please <a href=\"%s\">contact support</a>." msgstr "" "Upgrade tidak dibatalkan atau dikembalikan. Terdapat kesalahan dalam " "pengembalian pembayaran Anda. Silakan <a href=\"%s\">hubungi dukungan</a>." msgid "Save your changes." msgstr "Simpan perubahan." msgid "Your message has been sent" msgstr "Pesan Anda telah terkirim" msgid "View Slides" msgstr "Lihat Slide" msgctxt "post type general name" msgid "Dataviews" msgstr "Tampilan Data" msgid "Summaries" msgstr "Ringkasan" msgid "Untitled Post" msgstr "Pos Tanpa Judul" msgctxt "comment" msgid "Untrash" msgstr "Batal Membuang" msgid "Restore this comment from the Trash" msgstr "Kembalikan komentar ini dari Bak Sampah" msgctxt "comment" msgid "Trash" msgstr "Buang" msgctxt "comment" msgid "Unspam" msgstr "Bukan spam" msgctxt "comment" msgid "Unapprove" msgstr "Tidak disetujui" msgctxt "comment" msgid "Approve" msgstr "Setujui" msgid "Switch" msgstr "Tukar" msgid "Source:" msgstr "Sumber:" msgid "Unable to follow this site." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengikuti situs ini." msgid "No comments awaiting moderation." msgstr "Tidak ada komentar yang menunggu moderasi." msgid "Logo" msgstr "Logo" msgid " tag conversion complete" msgstr "Konversi tag selesai" msgid "" "Your conversion of tags to categories for the blog %s has finished! You can " "verify that the new categories exist by visiting your the category " "management page at %s.\n" "\n" "Thanks,\n" "\n" "The Team" msgstr "" "Konversi Anda dari tag menjadi kategori untuk blog %s sudah selesai! Anda " "bisa memastikan kategori baru sudah ada dengan membuka halaman manajemen " "kategori di %s.\n" "\n" "Terima kasih,\n" "\n" "Tim" msgid "" "Your conversion of tags to categories for the blog %s has finished, but some " "tags also existed as categories. The converter has added all posts from the " "converted tags to the categories. If you want to remove the tags, please " "confirm that all posts were added successfully, then delete the tag from the " "tag management page at %s.\n" "\n" "Thanks,\n" "\n" "The Team" msgstr "" "Konversi Anda dari tag menjadi kategori untuk blog %s sudah selesai, tapi " "beberapa tag juga muncul sebagai kategori. Konverter telah menambahkan semua " "kiriman dari tag yang dikonversi menjadi kategori. Jika Anda ingin menghapus " "tag, pastikan semua kiriman sudah berhasil ditambahkan, lalu hapus tag dari " "halaman manajemen tag di %s.\n" "\n" "Terima kasih,\n" "\n" "Tim" msgid " category conversion complete" msgstr "Konversi kategori selesai" msgid "" "Your conversion of categories to tags for the blog %s has finished! You can " "verify that the new tags exist by visiting your the tag management page at " "%s.\n" "\n" "Thanks,\n" "\n" "The Team" msgstr "" "Konversi Anda dari kategori menjadi tag untuk blog %s sudah selesai! Anda " "bisa memastikan tag baru sudah ada dengan membuka halaman manajemen tag Anda " "di %s.\n" "\n" "Terima kasih,\n" "\n" "Tim" msgid "" "Your conversion of categories to tags for the blog %s has finished, but some " "categories also existed as tags. The converter has added all posts from the " "converted categories to the tags. If you want to remove the categories, " "please confirm that all posts were added successfully, then delete the " "category from the category management page at %s.\n" "\n" "Thanks,\n" "\n" "The Team" msgstr "" "Konversi Anda dari kategori menjadi tag untuk blog %s telah selesai, tapi " "beberapa kategori juga muncul sebagai tag. Konverter telah menambahkan semua " "kiriman dari kategori yang dikonversi menjadi tag. Jika Anda ingin menghapus " "kategori, pastikan bahwa semua kiriman telah berhasil ditambahkan, lalu " "hapus kategori dari halaman manajemen kategori di %s.\n" "\n" "Terima kasih,\n" "\n" "Tim" msgid "Next post" msgstr "Pos berikutnya" msgid "Previous post" msgstr "Pos sebelumnya" msgctxt "noun" msgid "comment" msgstr "komentar" msgid "Page Title" msgstr "Judul Halaman" msgid "Recommended Blogs" msgstr "Blog Rekomendasi" msgid "%s." msgstr "%s." msgid "We'll share your post on %s." msgstr "Kami akan membagikan pos Anda di %s." msgid "Sign me up" msgstr "Daftarkan saya" msgid "Confirm Follow" msgstr "Konfirmasi Ikuti" msgid "" "You have allowed WordAds promotional emails at <strong>%s</strong> for your " "blogs. To stop receiving them, click <a href=\"%s\">here</a>." msgstr "" "Anda telah mengizinkan email promosi WordAds di <strong>%s</strong> untuk " "blog Anda. Untuk berhenti menerima kiriman, klik <a href=\"%s\">di sini</a>." msgid "" "You will no longer receive WordAds promotional emails at <strong>%s</strong> " "for your blogs - to allow these emails again, click <a href=\"%s\">here</a>." msgstr "" "Anda tidak akan menerima email promosi WordAds lagi di <strong>%s</strong> " "untuk blog Anda - untuk mengizinkan email ini lagi, klik <a href=\"%s\">di " "sini</a>." msgid "" "It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try one of the links " "below or a search?" msgstr "" "Nampaknya tidak ada yang ditemukan di lokasi. Mungkin coba salah satu tautan " "di bawah atau telusuri?" msgid "Oops! That page can’t be found." msgstr "Maaf! Laman tidak dapat ditemukan." msgid "( Untitled )" msgstr "( Tak berjudul )" msgid "Go to Dashboard" msgstr "Kunjungi Dasbor" msgid "event" msgstr "Peristiwa" msgid "%ss" msgid_plural "%ss" msgstr[0] "%ss" msgstr[1] "" msgid "%sm" msgid_plural "%sm" msgstr[0] "%sm" msgstr[1] "" msgid "%sh" msgid_plural "%sh" msgstr[0] "%sh" msgstr[1] "" msgid "%sd" msgid_plural "%sd" msgstr[0] "%sd" msgstr[1] "" msgid "This report only shows data since you connected Jetpack." msgstr "Laporan ini hanya menampilkan data sejak Anda menghubungkan Jetpack." msgid "" "The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog " "was viewed about <strong>%2$s</strong> times in %1$d. If it were a concert " "at Sydney Opera House, it would take about %3$s sold-out performances for " "that many people to see it." msgstr "" "Aula konser di Sydney Opera House menampung 2.700 orang. Blog ini telah " "dilihat sekitar <strong>%2$s</strong> kali di %1$d. Jika itu adalah konser " "di Sydney Opera House, dibutuhkan sekitar %3$s penampilan terlaris bagi " "orang sebanyak itu untuk menontonnya." msgid "200GB" msgstr "200GB" msgid "10GB" msgstr "10GB" msgid "Minutes" msgstr "Menit" msgid "Hour" msgstr "Jam" msgid "The big day is here." msgstr "Hari yang ditunggu telah tiba." msgid "The Big Day" msgstr "Hari yang Ditunggu" msgid "Milestone" msgstr "Pencapaian" msgid "Display a countdown to a certain date." msgstr "Menampilkan hitung mundur menuju tanggal tertentu." msgid "Invalid request signature." msgstr "Tanda tangan permintaan tidak valid" msgid "Blog token not found." msgstr "Token blog tidak ditemukan." msgid "Invalid request signature or no blog id supplied." msgstr "Tanda tangan tidak valid atau tidak ada id blog yang disediakan." msgid "" "You requested a refund for a premium theme. Please check your email for a " "message with a confirmation link." msgstr "" "Anda meminta pengembalian dana untuk tema premium. Harap periksa pesan " "dengan tautan konfirmasi pada email Anda." msgid "Premium theme cancelled and refunded" msgstr "Tema premium dibatalkan dan dana dikembalikan" msgid "View guide" msgstr "Lihat panduan" msgid "Add New Site" msgstr "Tambah Situs Baru" msgid "" "Just make this report public by clicking the link at the top right, then " "copy and share this link:" msgstr "" "Cukup buat laporan ini menjadi publik dengan mengeklik tautan di kanan atas, " "lalu salin dan bagikan tautan ini:" msgid "" "See the stats %1$s created by blogging on %2$s Check out their %3$d annual " "report." msgstr "" "Lihat statistik yang %1$s buat dengan blogging pada %2$s Cek laporan tahunan " "%3$d mereka." msgid "" "We made beautiful, animated fireworks to celebrate your blogging! " "Unfortunately this browser lacks the capability. We made a slide show to " "fill in but we hope you will come back to this page with an HTML5 browser. " "In our tests, Safari or Chrome worked best." msgstr "" "Kami telah membuat kembang api animasi yang cantik untuk merayakan blogging " "Anda! Sayangnya browser ini kekurangan kapabilitas. Kami telah membuat slide " "show sebagai pengganti tapi kami harap Anda mau kembali ke halaman ini " "dengan browser HTML5. Dalam pengujian kami, Safari atau Chrome bekerja " "paling baik." msgid "" "Some browsers are better suited for this kind of animation. In our tests, " "Safari and Chrome worked best. Your overall score is <span id=\"quality" "\">not known</span> (<span id=\"debugButton\">details</span>)." msgstr "" "Beberapa browser disesuaikan lebih baik untuk jenis informasi ini. Dalam " "pengujian kami, Safari dan Chrome bekerja paling baik. Skor keseluruhan Anda " "<span id=\"quality\">tidak diketahui</span> (<span id=\"debugButton" "\">rincian</span>)." msgid "" "See the fireworks %1$s created by blogging on %2$s Check out their %3$d " "annual report. " msgstr "" "Lihat kembang api yang %1$s buat dengan blogging pada %2$s Periksa laporan " "tahunan %3$d mereka. " msgid "Who were they?" msgstr "Siapakah mereka?" msgid "" "Each rocket represents a post published on this blog in %d. And because we " "like to share, we made the fireworks available as a jQuery plugin on <a href=" "\"\" target=\"_blank\">GitHub</" "a>." msgstr "" "Setiap roket mewakili satu pos yang diterbitkan di blog ini di %d. Dan " "karena kami senang berbagi, kami telah menyediakan kembang api sebagai " "plugin jQuery pada <a href=\"" "\" target=\"_blank\">Github</a>." msgid "About the fireworks" msgstr "Tentang kembang api" msgid "Top country: %l" msgid_plural "Top countries: %l" msgstr[0] "Negara teratas: %l" msgstr[1] "Negara-negara teratas: %l" msgid "F j" msgstr "F j" msgid "" "If you were using <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">Jetpack</a>, we'd have " "shown you your top images here." msgstr "" "Jika Anda menggunakan <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">Jetpack</a>, kami " "akan menampilkan gambar teratas Anda di sini." msgctxt "%d = year" msgid "" "Each rocket represents a post published on this blog in %d. And because we " "like to share, we made the fireworks available as a jQuery plugin on <a href=" "\"\" target=\"_blank\">GitHub</" "a>." msgstr "" "Setiap roket mewakili satu pos yang diterbitkan di blog ini di %d. Dan " "karena kami senang berbagi, kami telah menyediakan kembang api sebagai " "plugin jQuery pada <a href=\"" "\" target=\"_blank\">Github</a>." msgid "Happy New Year from!" msgstr "Selamat Tahun Baru dari!" msgid "Make public" msgstr "Jadikan publik" msgid "Make private" msgstr "Jadikan privat" msgid "This report is private" msgstr "Laporan ini bersifat privat" msgid "This report is public" msgstr "Laporan ini bersifat publik" msgid "Popular Topics" msgstr "Topik Populer" msgid "Here's an excerpt:" msgstr "Berikut ini kutipannya:" msgid "Copy and share this link:" msgstr "Salin dan bagikan tautan ini:" msgid "Click here to see the complete report." msgstr "Klik di sini untuk melihat laporan lengkap." msgid "" "The stats helper monkeys prepared a %d annual report for this " "blog." msgstr "" "Asisten statistik menyiapkan laporan tahunan %d untuk blog ini." msgid "Most visitors came from %s." msgstr "Sebagian besar pengunjung datang dari %s." msgid "This was the most active commenter on this blog:" msgid_plural "These were the %d most active commenters on this blog:" msgstr[0] "Ini adalah komentator paling aktif di blog ini:" msgstr[1] "Berikut adalah %d komentator paling aktif di blog ini:" msgid "This was your most active commenter:" msgid_plural "These were your %d most active commenters:" msgstr[0] "Ini adalah komentator Anda paling aktif:" msgstr[1] "Berikut adalah %d komentator paling aktif Anda:" msgid "" "A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about " "<strong>%2$s</strong> times in %1$d. If it were a cable car, it would take " "about %3$s trips to carry that many people." msgstr "" "Satu kereta gantung di San Francisco mengangkut 60 orang. Blog ini telah " "dilihat sekitar <strong>%2$s</strong> kali di %1$d. Jika itu adalah kereta " "gantung, dibutuhkan sekitar %3$s perjalanan untuk mengangkut orang sebanyak " "itu." msgid "Audience" msgstr "Audiens" msgid "Insights" msgstr "Data" msgid "" "A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about " "<strong>%2$s</strong> times in %1$d. If it were a NYC subway train, it " "would take about %3$s trips to carry that many people." msgstr "" "Kereta bawah tanah New York City mengangkut 1.200 orang. Blog ini telah " "dilihat sekitar <strong>%2$s</strong> kali di %1$d. Jika itu adalah kereta " "bawah tanah NYC, dibutuhkan sekitar %3$s perjalanan untuk mengangkut orang " "sebanyak itu." msgid "" "London Olympic Stadium holds 80,000 people. This blog was viewed about " "<strong>%2$s</strong> times in %1$d. If it were competing at London Olympic " "Stadium, it would take about %3$s sold-out events for that many people to " "see it." msgstr "" "Stadion Olimpiade London menampung 80.000 orang. Blog ini telah dilihat " "sekitar <strong>%2$s</strong> kali di %1$d. Jika itu berkompetisi di Stadion " "Olimpiade London, dibutuhkan sekitar %3$s ajang terlaris bagi orang sebanyak " "itu untuk menontonnya." msgid "" "About 1,000,000 people visit the Seattle Space Needle every year. This blog " "was viewed about <strong>%2$s</strong> times in %1$d. If it were the Space " "Needle, it would take about %3$s years for that many people to see it." msgstr "" "Sekitar 1.000.000 orang mengunjungi Seattle Space Needle setiap tahun. Blog " "ini telah dilihat sekitar <strong>%2$s</strong> kali di %1$d. Jika itu " "adalah Space Needle, dibutuhkan sekitar %3$s tahun bagi orang sebanyak itu " "untuk melihatnya." msgid "" "About 2,500,000 people visit MoMA in New York every year. This blog was " "viewed about <strong>%2$s</strong> times in %1$d. If it were an exhibit at " "MoMA, it would take about %3$s years for that many people to see it." msgstr "" "Sekitar 2.500.000 orang mengunjungi MoMA di New York setiap tahun. Blog ini " "telah dilihat sekitar <strong>%2$s</strong> kali di %1$d. Jika itu adalah " "pameran MoMA, dibutuhkan sekitar %3$s tahun bagi orang sebanyak itu untuk " "melihatnya." msgid "" "Don't want annual reports? You can unsubscribe by clicking <a href=\"%" "%unsub_url%%\">here</a>." msgstr "" "Tidak mau laporan tahunan? Anda dapat berhenti berlangganan dengan mengeklik " "<a href=\"%%unsub_url%%\">di sini</a>." msgid "" "You have allowed annual report emails for your blogs. To stop receiving " "them, click <a href=\"%s\">here</a>." msgstr "" "Anda telah mengizinkan email laporan tahunan untuk blog Anda. Untuk berhenti " "menerima kiriman, klik <a href=\"%s\">di sini</a>." msgid "" "You will no longer receive annual report emails for your blogs - to allow " "these emails again, click <a href=\"%s\">here</a>." msgstr "" "Anda tidak akan menerima email laporan tahunan lagi untuk blog Anda - untuk " "mengizinkan email ini lagi, klik <a href=\"%s\">di sini</a>." msgid "" "You are not following any post comments, and are following <a href=\"%s\">%d " "site</a>." msgid_plural "" "You are not following any post comments, and are following <a href=\"%s\">%d " "sites</a>." msgstr[0] "" "Anda tidak mengikuti komentar pos apa pun, dan mengikuti <a href=\"%s" "\">situs %d</a>." msgstr[1] "" "Anda tidak mengikuti komentar pos apa pun, dan mengikuti <a href=\"%s" "\">situs %d</a>." msgid "" "You are not following any post comments. You can follow a post's comments by " "commenting and checking the follow post checkbox." msgstr "" "Anda tidak mengikuti komentar pos apa pun. Anda dapat mengikuti komentar pos " "dengan berkomentar dan mencentang ikuti pos." msgid "" "Madison Square Garden can seat 20,000 people for a concert. This blog was " "viewed about <strong>%2$s</strong> times in %1$d. If it were a concert at " "Madison Square Garden, it would take about %3$s sold-out performances for " "that many people to see it." msgstr "" "Madison Square Garden dapat menyediakan 20.000 tempat duduk untuk sebuah " "konser. Blog ini telah dilihat sekitar <strong>%2$s</strong> kali di %1$d. " "Jika itu adalah konser di Madison Square Garden, dibutuhkan sekitar %3$s " "penampilan terlaris bagi orang sebanyak itu untuk menontonnya." msgid "" "The Louvre Museum has 8.5 million visitors per year. This blog was viewed " "about <strong>%2$s</strong> times in %1$d. If it were an exhibit at the " "Louvre Museum, it would take about %3$s days for that many people to see it." msgstr "" "Museum Louvre dikunjungi 8,5 juta orang setiap tahun. Blog ini telah " "dilihat sekitar <strong>%2$s</strong> kali di %1$d. Jika itu adalah pameran " "di Museum Louvre, dibutuhkan sekitar %3$s hari bagi orang sebanyak itu untuk " "melihatnya." msgctxt "Separator in Reader and Reblog \"Read More\" dynamic string" msgid ", " msgstr ", " msgid "Sorry, none of your friends are blogging with WordPress." msgstr "Maaf, teman Anda tidak ada yang ngeblog menggunakan WordPress." msgctxt "Separator in time since" msgid ", " msgstr ", " msgid "%s second" msgid_plural "%s seconds" msgstr[0] "%s detik" msgstr[1] "%s detik" msgid "10 minutes" msgstr "10 menit" msgid "%s minute" msgid_plural "%s minutes" msgstr[0] "%s menit" msgstr[1] "%s menit" msgid "%s week" msgid_plural "%s weeks" msgstr[0] "%s minggu" msgstr[1] "%s minggu" msgid "%s month" msgid_plural "%s months" msgstr[0] "%s bulan" msgstr[1] "%s bulan" msgid "%s year" msgid_plural "%s years" msgstr[0] "%s tahun" msgstr[1] "%s tahun" msgid "%s Pending Comment" msgid_plural "%s Pending Comments" msgstr[0] "%s Penundaan Komentar" msgstr[1] "%s Penundaan Komentar" msgid "%s Pending" msgid_plural "%s Pending" msgstr[0] "%s Penundaan" msgstr[1] "%s Penundaan" msgid "%s Comment" msgid_plural "%s Comments" msgstr[0] "%s Komentar" msgstr[1] "%s Komentar" msgid "%s Page" msgid_plural "%s Pages" msgstr[0] " %s Halaman" msgstr[1] "%s Halaman" msgid "%s Post" msgid_plural "%s Posts" msgstr[0] "%s Pos" msgstr[1] "%s Pos" msgid "%s post per minute" msgid_plural "%s posts per minute" msgstr[0] "%s pos per menit" msgstr[1] "%s pos per menit" msgid "%s comment per minute" msgid_plural "%s comments per minute" msgstr[0] "%s komentar per menit" msgstr[1] "%s komentar per menit" msgid "In total <strong>%s words</strong> were written." msgstr "Total <strong>%s kata</strong> telah ditulis." msgid "%s video" msgid_plural "%s videos" msgstr[0] "%s video" msgstr[1] "%s video" msgid "%s image" msgid_plural "%s images" msgstr[0] "%s gambar" msgstr[1] "%s gambar" msgid "%s link" msgid_plural "%s links" msgstr[0] "%s tautan" msgstr[1] "%s tautan" msgid "%s like" msgid_plural "%s likes" msgstr[0] "%s suka" msgstr[1] "%s suka" msgid "%s more word" msgid_plural "%s more words" msgstr[0] "%s kata lagi" msgstr[1] "%s kata lagi" msgid "Post Slider" msgstr "Bilah Geser Postingan" msgid "Blog Name:" msgstr "Nama Blog:" msgid "We didn't register anyone finding you via search-engines." msgstr "" "Kami tidak mendaftarkan siapa pun menemukan Anda melalui mesin pencari." msgid "Photography" msgstr "Fotografi" msgid "Loading map…" msgstr "Memuat map…" msgid "[] Import Finished" msgstr "[] Impor Selesai" msgid "Premium Theme" msgstr "Tema Premium" msgid "blogs" msgstr "blog" msgid "blog" msgstr "blog" msgid "Reblogged" msgstr "Telah Dilakukan Reblog" msgid "Error posting." msgstr "Galat penulisan." msgid "What do you want to do?" msgstr "Apa yang ingin Anda lakukan?" msgid "Staff Picks" msgstr "Pilihan Staf" msgid "Travel" msgstr "Perjalanan" msgid "Technology" msgstr "Teknologi" msgid "Sports" msgstr "Olahraga" msgid "Humor" msgstr "Humor" msgid "Entertainment" msgstr "Hiburan" msgid "Business" msgstr "Bisnis" msgid "Art & Design" msgstr "Seni & Desain" msgid "P2s" msgstr "P2" msgid "Only http and https are supported" msgstr "Hanya http dan https yang didukung" msgid "%2$s & %3$s were not far behind." msgstr "%2$s & %3$s sudah tidak jauh lagi." msgid "%s was not far behind." msgstr "%s sudah tidak jauh lagi." msgid "These are the posts that got the most views on %s in %d." msgstr "Berikut adalah pos yang paling banyak dilihat pada %s di %d." msgid "" "The most commented on post in %1$d was <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%2$s\">" "%3$s</a>" msgstr "" "Pos paling banyak dikomentari di %1$d adalah <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%2$s" "\">%3$s</a>" msgid "How did they find this blog?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara mereka menemukan blog ini?" msgid "" "To kick off the new year, we’d like to share with you data on %s’s activity " "in %d. You may start scrolling!" msgstr "" "Untuk mengawali tahun baru, kami ingin berbagi dengan Anda data tentang " "aktivitas %s di %d. Anda boleh mulai menggulir!" msgid "Cameras" msgstr "Kamera" msgid "empty" msgstr "kosong" msgid "%d in blogging" msgstr "%d dalam blogging" msgid "" "If you like what you saw in this summary and want to know more about how " "your blog is doing, you can always visit your <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s" "\">Site Stats</a>, where our helper-monkeys are working day and night to " "provide you with pages and pages of detail on how your blog is doing." msgstr "" "Jika Anda suka ringkasan ini dan ingin tahu lebih lanjut tentang kinerja " "blog Anda, Anda dapat selalu mengunjungi <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s" "\">Status Situs</a> Anda, di mana para asisten kami bekerja siang dan malam " "menyediakan rincian lengkap tentang kinerja blog Anda." msgid "" "These are the posts that got the most views in %d. You can see all of the " "year’s most-viewed posts in your <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Site " "Stats</a>." msgstr "" "Berikut adalah pos yang paling banyak dilihat di %d. Anda dapat melihat " "semua pos paling banyak dilihat tahun ini di <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s" "\">Statistik Situs</a> Anda." msgid "" "Your most commented on post in %1$d was <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%2$s\">" "%3$s</a>" msgstr "" "Pos Anda yang paling banyak dikomentari di %1$d adalah <a target=\"_blank\" " "href=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a>" msgid "%d year in blogging | %s" msgstr "%d tahun dalam blogging | %s" msgid "public" msgstr "publik" msgid "Standard time begins on: <code>%s</code>." msgstr "Waktu standar dimulai pada: <code>%s</code>." msgid "Welcome to Your WordPress Site" msgstr "Selamat Datang di Situs WordPress Anda" msgid "" "You can export a file of your site’s content in order to import it " "into another installation or platform. The export file will be an XML file " "format called WXR. Posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and " "tags can be included. You can choose for the WXR file to include only " "certain posts or pages by setting the dropdown filters to limit the export " "by category, author, date range by month, or publishing status." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengekspor berkas konten situs Anda untuk mengimpor ke instalasi " "lain atau platform lain. Berkas ekspor akan berformat XML yang disebut WXR. " "Pos, halaman, komentar, ruas tersuai, kategori, dan tag dapat dimasukkan. " "Anda dapat memilih berkas WXR untuk menyertakan hanya pos tertentu atau " "halaman dengan pengaturan filter dropdown untuk membatasi ekspor berdasarkan " "kategori, rentang penulis tanggal berdasarkan bulan, atau status penerbitan." msgid "%1$s: %2$s" msgstr "%1$s: %2$s" msgid "No pending comments" msgstr "Tidak komentar tertunda" msgid "%s pending comment" msgid_plural "%s pending comments" msgstr[0] "%s komentar menunggu persetujuan" msgstr[1] "%s komentar menunggu persetujuan" msgid "%d page" msgid_plural "%d pages" msgstr[0] "%d halaman" msgstr[1] "%d Halaman" msgid "You are not following any blogs!" msgstr "Anda tidak mengikuti blog apa pun." msgid "Instantly" msgstr "Secara langsung" msgid "Enter a blog URL" msgstr "Masukkan URL blog" msgid "Pause" msgstr "Jeda" msgid "Play" msgstr "Putar" msgid "Grid" msgstr "Kolom" msgid "Select a category" msgstr "Pilih kategori" msgid "Styles" msgstr "Gaya" msgid "Vimeo" msgstr "Vimeo" msgid "Pagination" msgstr "Paginasi" msgid "Default view" msgstr "Tampilan standar" msgid "Animation" msgstr "Animasi" msgid "Hide Comments" msgstr "Sembunyikan Komentar" msgid "Visibility" msgstr "Visibilitas" msgid "Content Writer" msgstr "Penulis Konten" msgid "Contact Layouts" msgstr "Tata Letak Kontak" msgid "Footer Column %1$d" msgstr "Kolom Footer %1$d" msgid "" "Whoops, it looks like your invitation was sent when this blog was private. " "Please ask the blog admin to send another." msgstr "" "Maaf, sepertinya undangan Anda dikirimkan saat blog ini berstatus pribadi. " "Mintalah admin blog untuk mengirimkan yang baru." msgid "[%1$s] %2$s" msgstr "[%1$s] %2$s" msgid "Page categories" msgstr "Kategori halaman" msgid "Color scheme:" msgstr "Skema warna:" msgid "If you don't want to be notified of new comments any more: %s" msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak ingin lagi menerima pemberitahuan tentang komentar baru: %s" msgid "in response to %s:" msgstr "menanggapi %s:" msgid "New comment on <strong>%1$s</strong>" msgstr "Komentar baru pada <strong>%1$s</strong>" msgid "Subscription Options" msgstr "Opsi Berlangganan" msgid "You are posting comments too quickly. Slow down." msgstr "Anda memposting komentar terlalu cepat. Pelankan." msgid "" "You can filter the list of users by User Role using the text links above the " "users list to show All, Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, or " "Subscriber. The default view is to show all users. Unused User Roles are not " "listed." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menyaring daftar pengguna dengan Peran Pengguna menggunakan taut " "teks di kiri atas untuk menunjukkan Semua, Administrator, Editor, Penulis, " "Kontributor, atau Pelanggan. Tampilan bawaan adalah untuk menunjukkan semua " "pengguna. Peran Pengguna tidak digunakan tidak terdaftar." msgid "" "Enter the email address or username of an existing user on this network to " "invite them to this site. That person will be sent an email asking them to " "confirm the invite." msgstr "" "Masukkan alamat email atau nama pengguna yang telah ada di jaringan ini " "untuk mengundang mereka ke situs ini. Pribadi itu akan dikirimi sebuah email " "yang meminta mereka untuk mengkonfirmasi undangan. " msgid "" "Enter the email address of an existing user on this network to invite them " "to this site. That person will be sent an email asking them to confirm the " "invite." msgstr "" "Masukkan alamat email pengguna yang telah ada di jaringan ini untuk " "mengundang mereka ke situs ini. Pengguna tersebut akan dikirimi sebuah email " "yang meminta mereka untuk mengkonfirmasi undangan." msgid "" "New users will receive an email letting them know they’ve been added " "as a user for your site. This email will also contain their password. Check " "the box if you do not want the user to receive a welcome email." msgstr "" "Pengguna baru akan menerima email memberitahu mereka bahwa mereka telah " "ditambahkan sebagai pengguna untuk situs Anda. Email ini juga akan berisi " "kata sandi mereka. Centang kotak jika Anda tidak ingin pengguna untuk " "menerima email selamat datang." msgid "" "There are unsaved changes that will be lost. 'OK' to continue, 'Cancel' to " "return to the Image Editor." msgstr "" "Ada perubahan yang belum disimpan yang akan hilang. 'OK' untuk melanjutkan, " "'Batal' untuk kembali ke Editor Gambar." msgid "" "There is an autosave of this post that is more recent than the version " "below. <a href=\"%s\">View the autosave</a>" msgstr "" "Ada sebuah simpanan-otomatis dari pos ini yang lebih baru dari versi di " "bawah. <a href=\"%s\">Tampilkan simpanan-otomatis</a>" msgid "Image could not be processed. Please go back and try again." msgstr "Gambar tidak dapat diproses. Silakan kembali dan coba lagi." msgid "View your full report online" msgstr "Tampilkan laporan lengkap Anda secara online" msgid "<strong>Your Annual Report</strong> from" msgstr "<strong>Laporan Tahunan Anda</strong> dari" msgid "Your %d year in blogging" msgstr "%d tahun Anda dalam blogging" msgid "… but wait, there’s more!" msgstr "… tapi tunggu, masih ada lagi!" msgid "Perhaps you could follow their blog or send them a thank you note?" msgstr "" "Mungkin Anda dapat mengikuti blog mereka atau mengirimkan catatan terima " "kasih Anda?" msgid "Your %d in blogging" msgstr "%d Anda dalam blogging" msgid " presents" msgstr " menyajikan" msgctxt "yearly archives date format" msgid "Y" msgstr "Y" msgctxt "monthly archives date format" msgid "F Y" msgstr "F Y" msgctxt "my list of books to read" msgid "To Read" msgstr "Untuk Dibaca" msgid "Currently Reading" msgstr "Sedang Membaca" msgctxt "past participle: books I have read" msgid "Read" msgstr "Baca" msgid "Show Toolbar when viewing site" msgstr "Tampilkan Baris Perkakas ketika mengunjungi situs" msgid "Via" msgstr "Via" msgid "We look forward to serving you again in %d! Happy New Year!" msgstr "Kami berharap melayani Anda lagi di %d! Selamat Tahun Baru!" msgid "Thanks for flying with in %d." msgstr "Terima kasih telah menjelajah bersama di %d." msgid "See you in %d" msgstr "Sampai jumpa di %d" msgid "Share this with your visitors" msgstr "Bagikan ini dengan pengunjung Anda" msgid "" "Some of your most popular posts were written before %d. Your writing has " "staying power! Consider writing about those topics again." msgstr "" "Beberapa pos paling populer Anda ditulis sebelum %d. Tulisan Anda terus " "abadi! Pertimbangkan menulis tentang topik itu lagi." msgid "Attractions in %d" msgstr "Atraksi di %d" msgctxt "%d = year" msgid "" "These are the posts that got the most views in %d. You can see all of the " "year’s most-viewed posts in your <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Site " "Stats</a>." msgstr "" "Berikut adalah pos yang paling banyak dilihat di %d. Anda dapat melihat " "semua pos paling banyak dilihat tahun ini di <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s" "\">Statistik Situs</a> Anda." msgid "Some visitors came searching, mostly for %l." msgstr "Beberapa pengunjung datang mencari, sebagian besar untuk %l." msgid "The top referring sites in %d were:" msgstr "Situs pereferensi teratas di %d adalah:" msgid "How did they find you?" msgstr "Bagaimana mereka menemukan Anda?" msgid "Where did they come from?" msgstr "Dari mana mereka berasal?" msgid "F jS" msgstr "F jS" msgid "" "The busiest day of the year was %1$s with <strong>%2$s</strong> views. The " "most popular post that day was %3$s." msgstr "" "Hari tersibuk tahun ini adalah %1$s dengan <strong>%2$s</strong> kunjungan. " "Pos terpopuler pada hari itu adalah %3$s." msgid "" "There was <strong>%1$d</strong> picture uploaded, taking a total of %2$s." msgid_plural "" "There were <strong>%1$d</strong> pictures uploaded, taking up a total of " "%2$s." msgstr[0] "Ada <strong>%1$d</strong> gambar diunggah, sehingga totalnya %2$s." msgstr[1] "Ada <strong>%1$d</strong> gambar diunggah, sehingga totalnya %2$s." msgid "" "In %1$d, there was <strong>%2$s</strong> new post, growing the total archive " "of this blog to %3$s posts." msgid_plural "" "In %1$d, there were <strong>%2$s</strong> new posts, growing the total " "archive of this blog to %3$s posts." msgstr[0] "" "Di %1$d, terdapat <strong>%2$s pos baru, menambah total arsip blog ini " "menjadi %3$s pos." msgstr[1] "" "Di %1$d, terdapat <strong>%2$s pos baru, menambah total arsip blog ini " "menjadi %3$s pos." msgid "" "In %1$d, there was <strong>%2$s</strong> new post, not terrible for the " "first year!" msgid_plural "" "In %1$d, there were <strong>%2$s</strong> new posts, not bad for the first " "year!" msgstr[0] "" "Di %1$d, terdapat <strong>%2$s pos baru, tidak buruk untuk tahun pertama!" msgstr[1] "" "Di %1$d, terdapat <strong>%2$s pos baru, tidak buruk untuk tahun pertama!" msgid "Featured image" msgstr "Gambar andalan" msgid "Crunchy numbers" msgstr "Angka-angka renyah" msgid "That's about %d pictures per day." msgstr "Itu tentang %d gambar per hari." msgid "That's about a picture per day." msgstr "Itu tentang satu gambar per hari." msgid "That's about %d pictures per week." msgstr "Itu tentang %d gambar per minggu." msgid "That's about a picture per week." msgstr "Itu tentang satu gambar per minggu." msgid "That's about %d pictures per month." msgstr "Itu tentang %d gambar per bulan." msgid "That's about a picture per month." msgstr "Itu tentang satu gambar per bulan." msgid "[] Tumblr Import successful" msgstr "[] Tumblr Import berhasil" msgid "one comment" msgstr "satu komentar" msgid "%s old" msgstr "%s lama" msgid "Oldest posts first" msgstr "Pos paling lama terlebih dahulu" msgid "Newest posts first" msgstr "Pos terbaru terlebih dahulu" msgid "Separate multiple tags with commas, and prefix with '-' to exclude." msgstr "" "Pisahkan beberapa tag dengan koma, dan bubuhi awalan '-' untuk mengecualikan." msgid "Posts Per Page" msgstr "Pos Per Halaman" msgid "Reply to" msgstr "Balas ke" msgid "Insufficient permissions" msgstr "Izin tidak cukup" msgid "m/d/Y" msgstr "m/d/Y" msgid "Import posts from a Tumblr blog into your blog." msgstr "Impor pos dari blog Tumblr ke dalam blog Anda." msgid "In Progress" msgstr "Sedang Berlangsung" msgid "Finished!" msgstr "Selesai." msgid "Pages Imported" msgstr "Laman Terimpor" msgid "Posts Imported" msgstr "Pos Diimpor" msgid "Tumblr Blog" msgstr "Tumblr Blog" msgid "Every Minute" msgstr "Setiap Menit" msgid "" "%1$s has invited you to become an author on %2$s. As an author you will be " "able to publish and edit your own posts as well as upload media." msgstr "" "%1$s telah menundang Anda untuk menulis di %2$s. Sebagai penulis Anda akan " "dapat menerbitkan dan mengedit postingan Anda serta mengunggah media." msgid "" "%1$s has invited you to edit %2$s. As an editor you will be able to publish " "and edit any post, as well as moderate comments and generally make the site " "a better place." msgstr "" "%1$s telah mengajak Anda untuk mengedit %2$s. Sebagai penyunting Anda akan " "dapat menerbitkan dan mengedit postingan apa pun, serta mengubah komentar " "dan secara umum membuat situs ini menjadi lebih baik." msgid "" "%1$s has invited you to administer %2$s. As an administrator you will be " "able to do anything. Nothing is off-limits. Don't let the power go to your " "head!" msgstr "" "%1$s telah mengajak Anda untuk mengelola %2$s. Sebagai pengelola Anda akan " "dapat melakukan apa pun. Tak ada batasan. Pergunakan kewenangan ini dengan " "bijaksana!" msgid "" "%1$s has invited you to contribute to %2$s. As a contributor you'll be able " "to create and edit your own posts, but you'll need an editor to publish for " "you." msgstr "" "%1$s telah mengajak Anda untuk memberikan kontribusi ke %2$s. Sebagai " "kontributor Anda dapat membuat dan menyunting postingan Anda, namun " "dibutuhkan editor untuk menerbitkan postingan tersebut." msgid "[%1$s] %2$s liked your video %3$s" msgstr "[%1$s] %2$s menyukai video %3$s Anda" msgid "" "Howdy,\n" "\n" "%1$s recently read one of your posts and enjoyed it enough to click the " "'Like' button. Congratulations!\n" "\n" "%2$s\n" "\n" "If you don't want to be notified of Likes any more:\n" "%3$s" msgstr "" "Halo,\n" "\n" "%1$s baru-baru ini membaca salah satu postingan Anda dan cukup menikmatinya " "dan mengeklik tombol 'Like'. Selamat!\n" "\n" "%2$s\n" "\n" "Jika Anda tidak ingin lagi menerima pemberitahuan tentang Suka lagi:\n" "%3$s" msgid "" "\n" "and here is their info:\n" "\n" " Name: %1$s\n" " Link: %2$s\n" " Gravatar Profile: %3$s\n" "%4$s" msgstr "" "\n" "dan berikut ini informasi mereka:\n" "\n" " Nama: %1$s\n" " Tautan: %2$s\n" " Profil Gravatar: %3$s\n" "%4$s" msgid "Thanks for flying with %s" msgstr "Terima Kasih telah menjelajah bersama %s" msgid "What’s New" msgstr "Apa yang Baru" msgid "" "Importing has been disabled for this blog. Please see the warning and link " "above to get this sorted out." msgstr "" "Fitur impor dinonaktifkan untuk blog ini. Silakan cek peringatan dan tautan " "di atas untuk mengatasinya." msgid "Comments aren't open on this post" msgstr "Komentar tidak diizinkan untuk pos ini" msgid "" "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" "engine-terms\">Unknown search terms</a>" msgstr "" "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" "engine-terms\">Istilah pencarian yang tidak dikenal</a>" msgid "" "(Optional) You can enter a custom message of up to 500 characters<span " "style='color:red;' id='dynamic-count'></span> that will be included in the " "invitation to the user(s)." msgstr "" "(Opsional) Anda bisa memasukkan pesan khusus sepanjang 500 karakter<span " "style='color:red;' id='dynamic-count'></span> yang akan disertakan dalam " "undangan bagi para pengguna." msgid "characters left" msgstr "karakter tersisa" msgid "Other Search Engines" msgstr "Mesin Pencari Lain" msgid "Modify your <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a>." msgstr "Modifikasi <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> Anda." msgid "" "<strong>Delete</strong> brings you to the Delete Users screen for " "confirmation, where you can permanently remove a user from your site and " "delete their content. You can also delete multiple users at once by using " "bulk actions." msgstr "" "<strong>Hapus</strong> akan membawa Anda ke laman Hapus Pengguna untuk " "konfirmasi, di situ Anda bisa menghapus pengguna secara permanen dan " "menghapus konten mereka. Anda juga bisa menghapus beberapa pengguna " "sekaligus dengan Tindakan Sekaligus." msgid "" "<strong>Remove</strong> allows you to remove a user from your site. It does " "not delete their content. You can also remove multiple users at once by " "using bulk actions." msgstr "" "<strong>Buang</strong> memampukan Anda menghapus pengguna dari situs. " "Tindakan ini tak akan menghapus konten mereka. Anda juga bisa menghapus " "beberapa pengguna sekaligus dengan Tindakan Massal." msgid "" "Subscribers can read comments/comment/receive newsletters, etc. but cannot " "create regular site content." msgstr "" "Pelanggan dapat membaca komentar/menulis komentar/menerima buletin, dan " "lainnya, akan tetapi tidak dapat menciptakan konten situs pada umumnya." msgid "" "Authors can publish and manage their own posts, and are able to upload files." msgstr "" "Penulis dapat mempublikasikan dan mengelola pos mereka sendiri, dan mampu " "mengunggah berkas." msgid "" "Here is a basic overview of the different user roles and the permissions " "associated with each one:" msgstr "" "Berikut ini adalah gambaran singkat dari peran pengguna yang berbeda dan hak " "akses yang terkait dengan masing-masingnya:" msgid "User Roles" msgstr "Peran Pengguna" msgid "" "Remember to click the Add New User button at the bottom of this screen when " "you are finished." msgstr "" "Jangan lupa untuk klik tombol Tambah Pengguna Baru di bagian bawah layar ini " "ketika Anda selesai." msgid "" "To add a new user to your site, fill in the form on this screen and click " "the Add New User button at the bottom." msgstr "" "Untuk menambahkan pengguna baru ke situs Anda, isilah formulir di layar ini " "dan klik tombol Tambah Pengguna Baru di bagian bawah." msgid "Attaching Files" msgstr "Melampirkan Berkas" msgid "" "If you want to convert your categories to tags (or vice versa), use the <a " "href=\"%s\">Categories and Tags Converter</a> available from the Import " "screen." msgstr "" "Jika Anda ingin mengkonversi kategori Anda menjadi tag (atau sebaliknya), " "gunakan <a href=\"%s\">Konverter Kategori dan Tag</a> yang tersedia di layar " "Impor." msgid "Troubleshooting" msgstr "Pemecahan Masalah" msgid "" "You can submit content in several different ways; this screen holds the " "settings for all of them. The top section controls the editor within the " "dashboard, while the rest control external publishing methods. For more " "information on any of these methods, use the documentation links." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengirimkan konten lewat berbagai cara; layar ini menyimpan " "pengaturan untuk semuanya. Bagian atas mengkontrol penyunting di dalam " "dasbor, sementara yang lain mengkontrol metode penerbitan eksternal. Untuk " "informasi lebih lanjut mengenai metode-metode ini, gunakan taut dokumentasi." msgid "" "Uploading Files allows you to choose the folder and path for storing your " "uploaded files." msgstr "" "Unggah Berkas memungkinkan Anda untuk memilih map dan alamat di mana Anda " "menyimpan berkas-berkas yang terunggah." msgid "" "You can upload media files here without creating a post first. This allows " "you to upload files to use with posts and pages later and/or to get a web " "link for a particular file that you can share. There are three options for " "uploading files:" msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengunggah berkas media di sini tanpa menciptakan pos terlebih " "dahulu. Ini memungkinkan Anda untuk mengunggah berkas untuk digunakan dalam " "pos dan halaman yang akan datang dan/atau untuk mendapatkan taut web untuk " "berkas tersebut sehingga dapat Anda bagikan. Ada tiga pilihan cara untuk " "mengunggah berkas:" msgid "" "If the importer you need is not listed, <a href=\"%s\">search the plugin " "directory</a> to see if an importer is available." msgstr "" "Jika pengimpor yang Anda butuhkan tidak ada di daftar, <a href=\"%s" "\">carilah di direktori plugin</a> untuk melihat apakah ada pengimpor yang " "dibutuhkan." msgid "" "Once you’ve saved the download file, you can use the Import function " "in another WordPress installation to import the content from this site." msgstr "" "Setelah Anda telah menyimpan berkas unduhan, Anda dapat menggunakan fungsi " "Impor di instalasi WordPress lain untuk mengimpor konten dari situs ini." msgid "" "You can also edit or move multiple posts to the Trash at once. Select the " "posts you want to act on using the checkboxes, then select the action you " "want to take from the Bulk actions menu and click Apply." msgstr "" "Anda juga dapat menyunting dan memindahkan beberapa pos ke tong sampah " "sekaligus. Pilih pos-pos yang Anda ingin berikan tindakan dengan mencentang " "kotak-cek, lalu memilih tindakan yang diingkan dari menu Tindakan Massal " "lalu klik Terapkan." msgid "Available Actions" msgstr "Tindakan yang Tersedia" msgid "" "You can customize the display of this screen’s contents in a number of " "ways:" msgstr "Anda dapat menyesuaikan tampilan konten layar ini dalam beberapa cara:" msgid "Screen Content" msgstr "Konten Layar" msgid "" "This screen provides access to all of your posts. You can customize the " "display of this screen to suit your workflow." msgstr "" "Layar ini menyediakan akses ke seluruh pos Anda. Anda dapat menyesuaikan " "tampilan layar ini sesuai alur kerja Anda." msgid "Adding Tags" msgstr "Menambahkan Tag" msgid "Adding Categories" msgstr "Menambahkan Kategori" msgid "Moderating Comments" msgstr "Memoderasi Komentar" msgid "Click to share on Tumblr" msgstr "Klik untuk berbagi pada Tumblr" msgctxt "share to" msgid "Tumblr" msgstr "Tumblr" msgid "Loading…" msgstr "Memuat…" msgid "Thank you for using %s!" msgstr "Terima kasih telah menggunakan %s!" msgid "" "If desired, WordPress will automatically alert various services of your new " "posts." msgstr "" "Jika diinginkan, WordPress secara otomatis akan memberitahukan berbagai " "layanan lain mengenai pos baru Anda." msgid "Post Via Email" msgstr "Kirim Pos Via Email" msgid "" "This screen provides many options for controlling the management and display " "of comments and links to your posts/pages. So many, in fact, they will not " "all fit here! :) Use the documentation links to get information on what each " "discussion setting does." msgstr "" "Layar ini menyediakan banyak pilih dalam mengkontrol manajemen dan " "penampilan komentar dan tautan pada pos/halaman Anda. Banyak sekali, bahkan, " "tidak semuanya dapat dimuat di sini! :) Gunakan taut dokumentasi untuk " "mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut mengenai masing-masing pengaturan diskusi " "yang ada di sini." msgid "" "%s exceeds the maximum upload size for the multi-file uploader when used in " "your browser." msgstr "" "%s melebihi ukuran unggah maksimum untuk pengunggah multi-berkas bilamana " "digunakan pada peramban Anda." msgid "" "This sidebar is no longer available and does not show anywhere on your site. " "Remove each of the widgets below to fully remove this inactive sidebar." msgstr "" "Bilah sisi ini tidak lagi tersedia dan tidak akan ditampilkan di bagian mana " "pun pada situs Anda. Singkirkan setiap widget di bawah ini untuk benar-benar " "menyingkirkan bilah sisi nonaktif ini." msgid "Inactive Sidebar (not used)" msgstr "Bilah Sisi nonaktif (tidak digunakan)" msgid "Missing Widgets" msgstr "Widget yang Hilang" msgid "Removing and Reusing" msgstr "Menyingkirkan dan Menggunakan Kembali" msgid "" "<strong>Edit</strong> takes you to the editable profile screen for that " "user. You can also reach that screen by clicking on the username." msgstr "" "<strong>Edit</strong> membawa Anda ke laman profil yang bisa diedit untuk " "pengguna tersebut. Anda juga bisa membuka laman tersebut dengan mengklik " "nama pengguna." msgid "" "Hovering over a row in the users list will display action links that allow " "you to manage users. You can perform the following actions:" msgstr "" "Melayang di atas sebuah baris pada daftar pengguna akan menampilkan taut " "tindakan yang memungkinkan Anda untuk mengatur pengguna-pengguna. Anda dapat " "melakukan tindakan sebagai berikut:" msgid "" "You can view all posts made by a user by clicking on the number under the " "Posts column." msgstr "" "Anda dapat melihat semua pos yang dibuat oleh seorang pengguna dengan " "mengklik pada angka jumlah pada kolom Pos." msgid "" "You can hide/display columns based on your needs and decide how many users " "to list per screen using the Screen Options tab." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menyembunyikan/menampilkan kolom sesuai kebutuhan Anda dan " "menentukan berapa banyak pengguna yang ditampilkan per layar menggunakan tab " "Opsi Layar." msgid "Users list" msgstr "Daftar pengguna" msgid "" "By default, new users will receive an email letting them know they’ve " "been added as a user for your site. This email will also contain a password " "reset link. Uncheck the box if you do not want to send the new user a " "welcome email." msgstr "" "Secara bawaan, pengguna baru akan menerima email yang memberitahukan bahwa " "mereka ditambahkan sebagai pengguna untuk situs Anda. Email tsb memuat " "tautan reset sandi. Kosongkan boks centang jika Anda tak ingin mengirimkan " "email tsb pada pengguna baru." msgid "" "You can change your password, turn on keyboard shortcuts, change the color " "scheme of your WordPress administration screens, and turn off the WYSIWYG " "(Visual) editor, among other things. You can hide the Toolbar (formerly " "called the Admin Bar) from the front end of your site, however it cannot be " "disabled on the admin screens." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengubah kata sandi, mengaktifkan tombol pintas keyboard, " "mengubah skema warna layar administrasi WordPress Anda, dan menonaktifkan " "penyunting WYSIWYG (Visual), dan masih banyak lagi. Anda dapat " "menyembunyikan Baris Perkakas (yang sebelumnya dipanggil Baris Admin) dari " "tampilan depan situs Anda, namun ini tidak dapat dinonaktifkan pada layar-" "layar admin." msgid "" "If a media file has not been attached to any content, you will see that in " "the Uploaded To column, and can click on Attach to launch a small popup that " "will allow you to search for existing content and attach the file." msgstr "" "Jika sebuah file media belum dilampirkan ke dalam pos, Anda akan melihatnya " "pada kolom Diunggah Ke, dan dapat mengklik tombol Lampirkan untuk " "meluncurkan sebuah layar popup kecil yang memungkinkan Anda untuk mencari " "sebuah pos dan melampirkannya di sana." msgid "" "All the files you’ve uploaded are listed in the Media Library, with " "the most recent uploads listed first. You can use the Screen Options tab to " "customize the display of this screen." msgstr "" "Semua berkas yang telah diunggah akan tertera di dalam Pustaka Media, dengan " "unggahan terbaru ditampilkan di awal daftar. Anda dapat menggunakan tab Opsi " "Layar untuk menyesuaikan tampilan layar ini." msgid "" "Clicking <strong>Select Files</strong> opens a navigation window showing you " "files in your operating system. Selecting <strong>Open</strong> after " "clicking on the file you want activates a progress bar on the uploader " "screen." msgstr "" "Dengan mengklik <strong>Pilih Berkas</strong> akan membuka jendela navigasi " "yang menampilkan berkas-berkas yang ada pada sistem operasi Anda. Memilih " "<strong>Buka</strong> setelah mengklik pada berkas yang Anda inginkan akan " "mengaktifkan sebuah baris perkembangan pada layar pengunggah." msgid "" "<strong>Drag and drop</strong> your files into the area below. Multiple " "files are allowed." msgstr "" "<strong>Tarik dan taruh</strong> berkas-berkas Anda ke area di bawah ini. " "Bisa menerima beberapa berkas sekaligus juga." msgid "Deleting Links" msgstr "Menghapus Taut" msgid "" "Links may be separated into Link Categories; these are different than the " "categories used on your posts." msgstr "" "Taut-taut dapat dipisahkan menjadi Kategori Tautan; yang berbeda dari " "kategori yang digunakan pada pos Anda." msgid "" "Links in the Toolbar at the top of the screen connect your dashboard and the " "front end of your site, and provide access to your profile and helpful " "WordPress information." msgstr "" "Taut-taut pada Baris Perkakas di bagian atas layar akan menghubungkan dasbor " "Anda dengan antar muka depan situs Anda, dan memberikan akses ke riwayat " "Anda dan informasi WordPress yang berguna untuk Anda." msgid "" "You can also perform the same types of actions, including narrowing the list " "by using the filters, acting on a page using the action links that appear " "when you hover over a row, or using the Bulk actions menu to edit the " "metadata for multiple pages at once." msgstr "" "Anda juga dapat melakukan tindakan yang sama, termasuk mempersempit daftar " "dengan saringan, melakukan hal menggunakan taut tindakan yang muncul setiap " "Anda melayang di atas sebuah baris, atau menggunakan menu Tindakan Massal " "untuk menyunting metadata untuk beberapa halaman sekaligus." msgid "" "Managing pages is very similar to managing posts, and the screens can be " "customized in the same way." msgstr "" "Mengatur halaman mirip dengan mengatur pos, dan layar-layarnya dapat " "disesuaikan dengan cara yang sama." msgid "Managing Pages" msgstr "Mengatur Halaman" msgid "" "Pages are similar to posts in that they have a title, body text, and " "associated metadata, but they are different in that they are not part of the " "chronological blog stream, kind of like permanent posts. Pages are not " "categorized or tagged, but can have a hierarchy. You can nest pages under " "other pages by making one the “Parent” of the other, creating a " "group of pages." msgstr "" "Halaman mirip dengan pos di mana mereka memiliki sebuah judul, teks isi, dan " "metadata terkait, namun mereka berbeda di mana mereka bukanlah bagian dari " "aliran blog kronologis, namun lebih ke pos permanen. Halaman tidak " "dikategorikan atau ditag, namun dapat memiliki hirarki. Anda dapat " "menyematkan halaman di bawah halaman lain dengan menjadikannya Induk dari " "halaman lain, menciptakan sebuah kelompok halaman." msgid "Overview" msgstr "Ikhtisar" msgid "" "<strong>Preview</strong> will show you what your draft post will look like " "if you publish it. View will take you to your live site to view the post. " "Which link is available depends on your post’s status." msgstr "" "<strong>Pratampil</strong> akan memperlihatkan bagaimana tampilan draf pos " "Anda sebagaimana pos tersebut bila telah diterbitkan. Tampilkan akan membawa " "Anda ke situs live untuk melihat pos tersebut Taut mana yang tersedia " "bergantung pada status pos Anda." msgid "" "<strong>Trash</strong> removes your post from this list and places it in the " "Trash, from which you can permanently delete it." msgstr "" "<strong>Sampah</strong> menyingkirkan pos Anda dari daftar ini dan " "membuangkan ke dalam tong sampah, dari mana Anda dapat menghapusnya secara " "permanen." msgid "" "<strong>Quick Edit</strong> provides inline access to the metadata of your " "post, allowing you to update post details without leaving this screen." msgstr "" "<strong>Sunting Cepat</strong> menyediakan akses dalam baris yang sama " "terhadap metadata pos Anda, memungkinkan Anda untuk memperbarui rincian pos " "tanpa keluar dari layar ini." msgid "" "<strong>Edit</strong> takes you to the editing screen for that post. You can " "also reach that screen by clicking on the post title." msgstr "" "<strong>Sunting</strong> membawa Anda ke layar penyunting pos yang Anda " "pilih. Anda juga dapat pergi ke halaman tadi dengan mengklik judul pos." msgid "" "You can assign keywords to your posts using <strong>tags</strong>. Unlike " "categories, tags have no hierarchy, meaning there is no relationship from " "one tag to another." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menentukan kata kunci ke dalam pos Anda dengan menggunakan " "<strong>tag</strong>. Tidak seperti kategori, tag tidak memiliki hirarki, " "yang artinya tidak ada hubungan antara tag yang satu dengan tag lainnya." msgid "" "You can create groups of links by using Link Categories. Link Category names " "must be unique and Link Categories are separate from the categories you use " "for posts." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menciptakan kelompok tautan dengan menggunakan Kategori Tautan. " "Nama pada Kategori Tautan haruslah unik dan Kategori Tautan terpisah dari " "kategori yang Anda gunakan untuk pos." msgid "" "Many people take advantage of keyboard shortcuts to moderate their comments " "more quickly. Use the link to the side to learn more." msgstr "" "Banyak orang menggunakan tombol pintas pada keyboard untuk memoderasi " "komentar mereka dengan lebih cepat. Gunakan taut di samping untuk pelajari " "lebih lanjut." msgid "" "In the <strong>Author</strong> column, in addition to the author’s " "name, email address, and site URL, the commenter’s IP address is " "shown. Clicking on this link will show you all the comments made from this " "IP address." msgstr "" "Pada kolom <strong>Penulis</strong>, di samping nama penulis, alamat email, " "dan URL blog, alamat IP pemberi komentar juga ditampilkan di sana. Dengan " "mengklik taut ini akan memunculkan semua komentar yang dikirim dari alamat " "IP ini." msgid "" "You can manage comments made on your site similar to the way you manage " "posts and other content. This screen is customizable in the same ways as " "other management screens, and you can act on comments using the on-hover " "action links or the bulk actions." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengatur komentar pada situs Anda dengan cara yang mirip dengan " "cara mengatur pos dan konten lain di situs Anda." msgid "Please select your country" msgstr "Pilih negara Anda" msgid "What is your EU country of residence?" msgstr "Di negara Uni Eropa mana Anda tinggal?" msgid "You submitted the following blog(s) for consideration:" msgstr "Anda mengirimkan blog berikut untuk dipertimbangkan:" msgid "View mode" msgstr "Mode Tampilan" msgid "Secondary" msgstr "Sekunder" msgid "Comment on %1$s" msgstr "Komentar di %1$s" msgid "Modified" msgstr "Dimodifikasi" msgid "User Description" msgstr "Deskripsi Pengguna" msgid "Show Images" msgstr "Tampilkan Gambar" msgid "Short description" msgstr "Deskripsi singkat" msgid "Owner" msgstr "Pemilik" msgid "Length" msgstr "Panjang" msgid "Yearly" msgstr "Tahunan" msgid "Monthly" msgstr "Bulanan" msgid "Alphabetical" msgstr "Menurut Abjad" msgid "Select Date" msgstr "Pilih Tanggal" msgid "Select Day" msgstr "Pilih Hari" msgid "Select Frame" msgstr "Pilih Bingkai" msgid "Select Year" msgstr "Pilih Tahun" msgid "Search engine optimization" msgstr "Optimisasi Mesin Pencari" msgid "Javascript" msgstr "JavaScript" msgid "Layouts" msgstr "Tata Letak" msgid "Keywords" msgstr "Kata kunci" msgid "%s Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan %s" msgid "No orders found in trash" msgstr "Tidak ada pesanan di tempat sampah" msgid "No orders found" msgstr "Tidak ada pesanan" msgid "Search videos…" msgstr "Cari video…" msgid "Post Type" msgstr "Tipe Pos" msgid "Newsletter" msgstr "Buletin" msgid "Grams" msgstr "Gram" msgid "Import started" msgstr "Impor dimulai" msgid "Photos" msgstr "Foto" msgid "Please try again later." msgstr "Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "Based on" msgstr "Berdasarkan" msgid "Advertisement" msgstr "Iklan" msgctxt "button label" msgid "Import" msgstr "Impor" msgctxt "post type singular name" msgid "Pattern" msgstr "Pola" msgid "No image" msgstr "Tanpa Gambar" msgid "article" msgstr "article" msgid "Choose logo" msgstr "Memilih logo" msgid "Load More Posts" msgstr "Muat Lebih Banyak Pos" msgid "Total search terms" msgstr "Total istilah pencarian" msgid "Customize Your Site" msgstr "Atur Situs Anda" msgid "Add Real Content" msgstr "Tambahkan Konten Nyata" msgid "Basic Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Dasar" msgid "" "This screen lists links to pages that will let you import from blogging/" "content management platforms. Click the name of the platform you want to " "import from and follow the instructions on the resulting page. For more " "information on using the importers, please visit our <a href='%s'>Import " "documentation</a> page." msgstr "" "Pada layar ini tercantum daftar tautan ke situs untuk mengimpor konten dari " "platform manajemen blog/konten. Klik nama platform sumber dan ikuti " "petunjuk di halaman yang muncul. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang " "penggunaan pengimpor, kunjungi halaman <a href='%s'>dokumentasi impor</a>." msgid "Visit Reblog" msgstr "Kunjungi Reblog" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> reblogged <a href=\"%3$s\">%4$s</a> to %5$s %6$s " "on <a href=\"%7$s\">%8$s</a>. Congrats!" msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> me-reblog <a href=\"%3$s\">%4$s</a> ke %5$s %6$s " "pada <a href=\"%7$s\">%8$s</a>. Selamat!" msgid "Search…" msgstr "Cari…" msgid "Video Width" msgstr "Lebar Video" msgid "Thumbnail width" msgstr "Lebar gambar mini" msgid "Audio Player" msgstr "Pemutar Audio" msgid "When" msgstr "Kapan" msgid "“%s” has failed to upload." msgstr "“%s” gagal diunggah." msgid "Please try uploading this file with the %1$sbrowser uploader%2$s." msgstr "" "Untuk mengunggah berkas ini, silakan gunakan %1$spengunggah peramban%2$s." msgid "This is larger than the maximum size. Please try another." msgstr "Ini melebihi ukuran maksimum. Silakan coba lainnya." msgid "Memory exceeded. Please try another smaller file." msgstr "" "Melebihi batas memori. Silakan coba berkas lainnya yang berukuran lebih " "kecil." msgid "This file is not an image. Please try another." msgstr "Berkas ini bukanlah sebuah gambar. Silakan coba berkas lainnya." msgid "%s exceeds the maximum upload size for this site." msgstr "%s terlalu besar untuk diunggah." msgid "…" msgstr "…" msgctxt "em dash" msgid "—" msgstr "—" msgctxt "en dash" msgid "–" msgstr "–" msgctxt "links widget" msgid "All Links" msgstr "Semua Tautan" msgid "The menu ID should not be empty." msgstr "ID menu tidak boleh kosong." msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "About WordPress" msgstr "Tentang WordPress" msgid "Get Help" msgstr "Dapatkan Bantuan" msgid "<strong>Error:</strong> Please type your comment text." msgstr "<strong>Eror</strong>: Silakan tulis komentar Anda." msgid "<strong>Error:</strong> Please enter a valid email address." msgstr "<strong>GALAT</strong>: Silakan masukkan alamat email yang sah." msgid "" "Hi,\n" "\n" "You've been invited to join '%1$s' at\n" "%2$s with the role of %3$s.\n" "\n" "Please click the following link to confirm the invite:\n" "%4$s" msgstr "" "Hai,\n" "\n" "Anda diundang untuk bergabung dengan '%1$s' di\n" "%2$s sebagai %3$s.\n" "\n" "Silakan klik taut berikut ini untuk menyetujui:\n" "%4$s" msgid "Profile updated." msgstr "Profil berhasil diperbarui." msgid "" "New site created by %1$s\n" "\n" "Address: %2$s\n" "Name: %3$s" msgstr "" "Situs baru diciptakan oleh %1$s\n" "\n" "Alamat: %2$s\n" "Nama: %3$s" msgctxt "admin menu" msgid "All Links" msgstr "Semua Tautan" msgid "" "<strong>Box Controls</strong> — Click the title bar of the box to " "expand or collapse it. Some boxes added by plugins may have configurable " "content, and will show a “Configure” link in the title bar if " "you hover over it." msgstr "" "<strong>Kontrol Boks</strong> — Klik papan judul dari boks untuk " "membuka atau menyembunyikannya. Beberapa boks yang ditambahkan oleh plugin " "mungkin memiliki konten yang bisa dikonfigurasikan, dan akan menampilkan " "sebuah tautan “Konfigurasikan” pada papan judul jika Anda " "meletakkan kursor diatasnya." msgid "" "<strong>Drag and Drop</strong> — To rearrange the boxes, drag and drop " "by clicking on the title bar of the selected box and releasing when you see " "a gray dotted-line rectangle appear in the location you want to place the " "box." msgstr "" "<strong>Geser dan Taruh</strong> — Untuk menyusun ulang boks-boks, " "geser dan taruh dengan mengklik pada bilah judul boks yang diinginkan dan " "melepaskannya saat Anda melihat persegi panjang dengan tepi titik-titik abu-" "abu muncul di lokasi yang Anda kehendaki." msgid "" "You can use the following controls to arrange your Dashboard screen to suit " "your workflow. This is true on most other administration screens as well." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menggunakan kontrol berikut untuk mengatur layar Dasbor sesuai " "dengan keinginan Anda. Hal ini juga berlaku pada layar administrasi lainnya." msgid "" "The left-hand navigation menu provides links to all of the WordPress " "administration screens, with submenu items displayed on hover. You can " "minimize this menu to a narrow icon strip by clicking on the Collapse Menu " "arrow at the bottom." msgstr "" "Menu navigasi sebelah kiri menyediakan taut ke semua layar administrasi " "Wordpress, dengan item submenu yang ditampilkan ketika melayang di atas " "tombol. Anda dapat meminimalkan menu ini menjadi ikon kecil dengan mengklik " "pada panah Persempit Menu di bagian bawah." msgid "" "Scale images to match the large size selected in %1$simage options%2$s (%3$d " "× %4$d)." msgstr "" "Skalakan gambar untuk menyesuaikan ukuran besar yang dipilih dalam " "%1$spilihan gambar%2$s (%3$d × %4$d)." msgid "Audio, Video, or Other File" msgstr "Audio, Video, atau Berkas Lain" msgid "Insert media from another website" msgstr "Sisipkan media dari situs web lain" msgctxt "Uploader: Drop files here - or - Select Files" msgid "or" msgstr "atau" msgid "Allowed Files" msgstr "Berkas yang Diijinkan" msgid "Attachment Post URL" msgstr "URL Lampiran Pos" msgid "Customize your site" msgstr "Sesuaikan Situs Anda" msgid "Welcome to WordPress!" msgstr "Selamat Datang di WordPress!" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" class=\"update-browser-link\">Update %2$s</a> or learn how " "to <a href=\"%3$s\" class=\"browse-happy-link\">browse happy</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\" class=\"update-browser-link\">Perbarui %2$s</a> atau " "pelajari bagaimana cara untuk <a href=\"%3$s\" class=\"browse-happy-link" "\">meramban dengan nyaman</a>" msgid "No valid plugins were found." msgstr "Tidak ada plugin yang sah." msgid "The plugin contains no files." msgstr "Plugin tidak berisi berkas apapun." msgid "Post Format" msgstr "Format Kiriman" msgid "Tumblr" msgstr "Tumblr" msgid "About Pages" msgstr "Halaman Tentang" msgid "Title and Post Editor" msgstr "Penyunting Judul dan Pos" msgid "Customizing This Display" msgstr "Menyesuaikan Tampilan Ini" msgid "ERROR: please type a comment." msgstr "GALAT: silakan ketik sebuah komentar." msgid "ERROR: you are replying to a comment on a draft post." msgstr "GALAT: Anda membalas komentar pada sebuah naskah." msgid "Subscriptions for \"%s\" are not available." msgstr "Langganan untuk \"%s\" tidak tersedia." msgid "" "You may want to visit their blog. Perhaps you'll enjoy their blog as much as " "they enjoyed yours!" msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengunjungi blog mereka. Mungkin Anda akan menyukai blog mereka " "seperti halnya mereka menyukai blog Anda!" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> reblogged <a href=\"%3$s\">%4$s</a> on <a href=" "\"%5$s\">%6$s</a>. Congrats!" msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> me-reblog <a href=\"%3$s\">%4$s</a> pada <a href=" "\"%5$s\">%6$s</a>. Selamat!" msgid "followers" msgstr "pengikut" msgid "follower" msgstr "pengikut" msgid "Copyright Infringement Policy" msgstr "Kebijakan Pelanggaran Hak Cipta" msgid "Reset Your Password" msgstr "Reset Kata Sandi Anda" msgid "" "Invite up to 10 email addresses and/or usernames, separated by " "commas. Those needing a username will be sent instructions on how to create " "one." msgstr "" "Undang hingga 10 alamat email dan/atau nama pengguna, yang " "dipisahkan dengan koma. Alamat email yang memerlukan nama pengguna akan " "dikirimi petunjuk cara membuatnya." msgid "Invite New Users to Your Private Blog" msgstr "Undang Pengguna Baru ke Blog Privat Anda" msgid "Subscriptions unavailable" msgstr "Langganan tidak tersedia" msgid "Search results: “%s”" msgstr "Hasil Pencarian: “%s”" msgid "%s people reblogged it so far. Nice!" msgstr "%s orang me-reblognya sejauh ini. Bagus!" msgid "%1$s and %2$s reblogged your post %3$s" msgstr "%1$s dan %2$s me-reblog postingan Anda %3$s" msgid "Follow comments" msgstr "Ikuti Komentar" msgid "Unfollow comments" msgstr "Berhenti mengikuti komentar" msgid "" "There was more than one error with these email addresses or " "usernames:" msgstr "" "Terjadi lebih dari satu error pada alamat email atau nama pengguna WordPress." "com ini:" msgid "Clear Form" msgstr "Kosongkan Formulir" msgid "" "One or more invitations may have been sent, but there were problems with " "these:" msgstr "" "Satu undangan atau lebih telah dikirim, namun terjadi masalah pada tujuan " "berikut:" msgid "Usernames or Email Addresses" msgstr "Nama Pengguna atau Alamat Email" msgid "yourfriendusername," msgstr "namapenggunatemananda," msgid "Invite New Users to Your Blog" msgstr "Undang Pengguna Baru ke Blog Anda" msgid "" "Please enter at least one username or an email address to send " "the invitation to." msgstr "" "Mohon masukkan setidaknya satu nama pengguna atau sebuah " "alamat surat elektronik untuk mengirimkan undangan." msgid "Invitation(s) sent." msgstr "Undangan telah dikirimkan." msgid "<strong>%1$s</strong> reblogged your post on <strong>%2$s</strong>" msgstr "" "<strong>%1$s</strong> me-reblog postingan Anda pada <strong>%2$s</strong>" msgid "Sent By" msgstr "Dikirim Oleh" msgid "%1$s will receive an update each time you publish a new post. Congrats!" msgstr "" "%1$s akan menerima pembaruan setiap kali Anda menerbitkan postingan baru. " "Selamat!" msgid "<strong>%1$s</strong> is now following <strong>%2$s</strong>" msgstr "<strong>%1$s</strong> sekarang mengikuti <strong>%2$s</strong>" msgid "Active theme" msgstr "Tema yang aktif" msgid "Find a theme you like" msgstr "Temukan tema yang Anda suka" msgid "Change theme" msgstr "Ubah tema" msgid "Skip" msgstr "Lewati" msgid "You have not sent out any invitations for this blog yet." msgstr "Anda belum mengirimkan undangan untuk blog ini." msgid " %1$s more for a total of %2$s followers!" msgstr "...ditambah %1$s lagi untuk total %2$s pengikut!" msgid "Publish your first blog post" msgstr "Publikasikan pos blog pertama Anda" msgid "Publish your first post" msgstr "Memposkan pos pertama Anda" msgid "3. Write your first post" msgstr "3. Tulis pos pertama Anda" msgid "Footer Links" msgstr "Tautan Footer" msgid "Basic" msgstr "Dasar" msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Notifikasi" msgid "User already has a role on your site." msgstr "Pengguna telah memiliki peran di situs Anda." msgid "An unexpected error occurred." msgstr "Terjadi galat tak terduga." msgid "Sunrise" msgstr "Fajar" msgid "%1$s invited you to administer %2$s" msgstr "%1$s mengajak Anda untuk mengelola %2$s" msgid "%1$s invited you to become an author on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s mengajak Anda untuk menjadi penulis di %2$s" msgid "%1$s invited you to become an editor on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s mengajak Anda untuk menjadi Editor di %2$s" msgid "" "<strong>%1$s</strong> invited you to become an author on <strong>%2$s</" "strong>" msgstr "" "<strong>%1$s</strong> mengajak Anda untuk menjadi penulis di <strong>%2$s</" "strong>" msgid "" "<strong>%1$s</strong> invited you to become an editor on <strong>%2$s</" "strong>" msgstr "" "<strong>%1$s</strong> mengajak Anda untuk menjadi penyunting di <strong>" "%2$s</strong>" msgid "<strong>%1$s</strong> invited you to administer <strong>%2$s</strong>" msgstr "" "<strong>%1$s</strong> mengajak Anda untuk mengelola <strong>%2$s</strong>" msgid "Date range:" msgstr "Rentang Tanggal:" msgid "" "This will contain all of your posts, pages, comments, custom fields, terms, " "navigation menus, and custom posts." msgstr "" "Hal ini akan memuat seluruh pos, halaman, komentar, bidang khusus, istilah, " "menu navigasi, dan pos khusus." msgid "All content" msgstr "Semua Isi" msgid "Choose what to export" msgstr "Pilih apa yang mau diekspor" msgid "" "As an author you will be able to publish and edit your own posts as well as " "upload media." msgstr "" "Sebagai penulis Anda akan dapat menerbitkan dan mengedit postingan Anda " "serta mengunggah media." msgid "" "As an editor you will be able to publish and edit any post, as well as " "moderate comments and generally make the site a better place." msgstr "" "Sebagai penyunting Anda akan dapat menerbitkan dan mengedit postingan apa " "saja, serta mengubah komentar dan secara umum membuat situs ini menjadi " "lebih baik." msgid "" "As an administrator you will be able to do anything. Nothing is off-limits. " "Don't let the power go to your head!" msgstr "" "Sebagai pengelola Anda akan dapat melakukan apa saja. Tak ada batasan. " "Pergunakan kewenangan ini dengan bijak!" msgid "" "As a contributor you'll be able to create and edit your own posts, but " "you'll need an editor to publish for you." msgstr "" "Sebagai kontributor Anda dapat membuat dan mengedit postingan Anda, namun " "dibutuhkan penyunting untuk menerbitkan postingan tersebut." msgid "" "<strong>%1$s</strong> invited you to be a viewer of <strong>%2$s</strong>" msgstr "" "<strong>%1$s</strong> mengajak Anda untuk mengkaji <strong>%2$s</strong>" msgid "Sorry, that product is no longer available" msgstr "Maaf, produk ini sudah tidak tersedia" msgid "%d pixels" msgstr "%d piksel" msgid "Yearly Archives: " msgstr "Arsip Tahunan:" msgid "Daily Archives: " msgstr "Arsip Harian:" msgid "Come check out my blog!" msgstr "Kunjungi blog saya!" msgid "" "%1$s has invited you to be a viewer of their private blog, %2$s.\n" "\n" "You will need a account before you can accept this invitation. " "Create one here: %3$s\n" "\n" "%4$sAccept the invitation:\n" "\n" "%5$s\n" "\n" "Small print: This message was sent by a user who entered your " "email address or username to invite you. You can unsubscribe if you'd prefer " "not to receive invitation emails in future by going here: %6$s. Please do " "not reply to this message; it was sent from an unmonitored email address. " "For help with, please visit" msgstr "" "%1$s mengundang Anda sebagai pembaca blog pribadinya, %2$s.\n" "\n" "Anda memerlukan akun sebelum dapat menerima undangan ini. Buat " "di sini: %3$s\n" "\n" "%4$sTerima undangan:\n" "\n" "%5$s\n" "\n" "Regulasi terperinci: Pesan ini dikirimkan oleh pengguna yang " "memasukkan alamat email atau nama pengguna Anda untuk mengundang Anda. Anda " "dapat berhenti mengikuti jika memilih tidak menerima email undangan di waktu " "mendatang dengan membuka: %6$s. Jangan balas pesan ini; ini dikirimkan dari " "alamat email yang tidak terpantau. Untuk mendapatkan bantuan terkait " ", kunjungi" msgid "%1$s invited you to be a viewer of %2$s" msgstr "%1$s mengajak Anda untuk mengkaji %2$s" msgid "You and %s other people like this" msgstr "Anda dan %s orang lainnya menyukai ini" msgid "Recommended" msgstr "Disarankan" msgid "Name your blog" msgstr "Beri Nama Blog Anda" msgid "Invite New" msgstr "Undang Baru" msgid "Blaze your post" msgstr "Promosikan pos Anda" msgid "User is already following your site." msgstr "Pengguna telah mengikuti situs Anda." msgid "%1$s has invited you to follow %2$s." msgstr "%1$s mengajak Anda untuk mengikuti %2$s." msgid "<strong>%1$s</strong> invited you to follow <strong>%2$s</strong>" msgstr "" "<strong>%1$s</strong> mengajak Anda untuk mengikuti <strong>%2$s</strong>" msgid "Education" msgstr "Pendidikan" msgid "Resume" msgstr "Ikhtisar" msgid "" "You might want to go see what they're up to! Perhaps you will like their " "blog as much as they liked your comment!" msgstr "" "Anda dapat melihat apa yang mereka lakukan! Mungkin Anda akan menyukai blog " "mereka seperti halnya mereka menyukai komentar Anda!" msgid "<strong>%1$s</strong> liked a comment on <strong>%2$s</strong>" msgstr "" "<strong>%1$s</strong> menyukai sebuah komentar di <strong>%2$s</strong>" msgid "[%1$s] %2$s liked your comment on %3$s" msgstr "[%1$s] %2$s menyukai komentar Anda di %3$s" msgid "[%1$s] %2$s liked one of your comments" msgstr "[%1$s] %2$s menyukai salah satu komentar Anda" msgid "" "\n" "and here is their info:\n" "\n" " Name: %1$s\n" " Link: %2$s\n" " Gravatar Profile: %3$s\n" "%4$s\n" "You might want to see what they're up to - perhaps you will like their posts " "as much as they liked your comment.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "berikut info tentang mereka:\n" "\n" " Nama: %1$s\n" " Tautan: %2$s\n" " Profil Gravatar: %3$s\n" "%4$s\n" "Anda dapat melihat apa yang mereka lakukan. Mungkin Anda akan menyukai pos " "mereka seperti halnya mereka menyukai komentar Anda.\n" msgid "To accept this invitation you will need to:" msgstr "Untuk menerima ajakan ini Anda perlu:" msgid "End Date: %s" msgstr "Tanggal Selesai: %s" msgid "Start date:" msgstr "Tanggal mulai:" msgid "Location: %s" msgstr "Lokasi: %s" msgid "Invitation not sent, the user has blocked invite emails." msgstr "Undangan tidak terkirim, pengguna telah memblokir email undangan." msgid "" "<strong>%1$s</strong> invited you to contribute to <strong>%2$s</strong>" msgstr "" "<strong>%1$s</strong> mengajak Anda untuk memberikan kontribusi ke <strong>" "%2$s</strong>" msgid "Invitation resent." msgstr "Undangan telah dikirim kembali." msgid "Invitation deleted." msgstr "Undangan telah dihapus." msgid "Automatically share your posts" msgstr "Bagikan pos Anda secara otomatis" msgid "Congrats! You have been added to this blog." msgstr "Selamat! Anda telah ditambahkan ke blog ini." msgid "Cheatin' huh?" msgstr "Curang ya?" msgid "Take WordPress with you." msgstr "Jinjing WordPress bersama Anda selalu." msgid "Mobile Apps" msgstr "Aplikasi Selular" msgid "Checking..." msgstr "Sedang memeriksa..." msgid "%s person likes this" msgstr "%s orang menyukai ini" msgid "Like this" msgstr "Sukai ini" msgid "You do not have permission to access this page" msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk mengakses halaman ini" msgid "Download Codes" msgstr "Unduh Kode" msgid "Suggested" msgstr "Disarankan" msgid "Mobile Theme" msgstr "Tema Seluler" msgid "You can accept the invitation by clicking below:" msgstr "Anda dapat menerima ajakan dengan mengeklik di bawah ini:" msgid "%1$s has invited you to contribute to %2$s." msgstr "%1$s telah mengajak Anda untuk memberikan kontribusi ke %2$s." msgid "" "You will now receive invite emails again at <strong>%s</strong>. To stop " "receiving them, click <a href=\"%s\">here</a>." msgstr "" "Kini Anda dapat menerima email undangan lagi di <strong>%s</strong>. Untuk " "berhenti menerima kiriman, klik <a href=\"%s\">di sini</a>." msgid "" "You will no longer receive invite emails from at <strong>%s</" "strong> - to start receiving invites again, click <a href=\"%s\">here</a>." msgstr "" "Anda tidak akan menerima email undangan dari lagi di <strong>" "%s</strong> - untuk mulai menerima undangan lagi, klik <a href=\"%s\">di " "sini</a>." msgid "Invitation was not sent." msgstr "Undangan tidak terkirim." msgid "%s people like this" msgstr "%s orang menyukai ini" msgid "Domain Names" msgstr "Nama Domain" msgid "Email or Username" msgstr "Surat Elektronik atau Nama Pengguna" msgid "email or username" msgstr "surat elektronik atau nama pengguna" msgid "username" msgstr "nama pengguna" msgid "Invite user" msgstr "Undang pengguna" msgid "Visit Blog" msgstr "Kunjungi Blog" msgid "" "You accepted %1$s's invitation to become a member of their private blog, <a " "href=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a>." msgstr "" "Anda menerima ajakan %1$s untuk menjadi anggota dari blog privat mereka, <a " "href=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a>." msgid "You have been added to <strong>%s</strong>" msgstr "Anda telah ditambahkan ke <strong>%s</strong>" msgid "" "%1$s has accepted your invitation to contribute to <a href=\"%2$s\">%3$s</a>." msgstr "" "%1$s telah menerima ajakan Anda untuk memberikan kontribusi ke <a href=\"%2$s" "\">%3$s</a>." msgid "" "%1$s has accepted your invitation to be a member of <a href=\"%2$s\">%3$s</" "a>." msgstr "" "%1$s telah menerima ajakan Anda untuk menjadi anggota dari <a href=\"%2$s\">" "%3$s</a>." msgid "<strong>%s</strong> accepted your invitation to <strong>%s</strong>" msgstr "<strong>%s</strong> menerima ajakan Anda untuk <strong>%s</strong>" msgid "Resend" msgstr "Kirim Lagi" msgid "Accepted" msgstr "Telah Diterima" msgid "Date Accepted" msgstr "Tanggal Diterima" msgid "Date Sent" msgstr "Tanggal Dikirim" msgid "Invitee" msgstr "Invitee" msgid "Invitation sent" msgid_plural "Invitations sent" msgstr[0] "Undangan dikirim" msgstr[1] "Undangan dikirim" msgid "You have been added!" msgstr "Anda telah ditambahkan!" msgid "%1$s accepted your invitation" msgstr "%1$s menerima undangan Anda" msgid "" "Sorry, the activation code doesn't seem to exist. Try inviting the user " "again." msgstr "Maaf, kode aktivasi tidak ditemukan. Coba undang pengguna lagi." msgid "You do not have the proper permissions to perform this action." msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki izin yang sesuai untuk melakukan tindakan ini." msgid "" "%1$s has invited you to follow their blog, %2$s.\n" "\n" "%3$sAccept the invitation:\n" "\n" "%4$s\n" "\n" "Small print: This message was sent by a user who entered your " "email address or username to invite you. You can unsubscribe if you'd prefer " "not to receive invitation emails in future by going here: %5$s. Please do " "not reply to this message; it was sent from an unmonitored email address. " "For help with, please visit" msgstr "" "%1$s mengundang Anda untuk mengikuti blognya, %2$s.\n" "\n" "%3$sTerima undangan:\n" "\n" "%4$s\n" "\n" "Regulasi terperinci: Pesan ini dikirimkan oleh pengguna yang " "memasukkan alamat email atau nama pengguna Anda untuk mengundang Anda. Anda " "dapat berhenti mengikuti jika memilih tidak menerima email undangan di waktu " "mendatang dengan membuka: %5$s. Jangan balas pesan ini; ini dikirimkan dari " "alamat email yang tidak terpantau. Untuk mendapatkan bantuan terkait " ", kunjungi" msgid "%1$s invited you to follow %2$s" msgstr "%1$s mengundang Anda untuk mengikuti %2$s" msgid "" "%1$s has invited you to contribute to their blog, %2$s.\n" "\n" "You will need a account before you can accept this invitation. " "Create one here: %3$s\n" "\n" "%4$sAccept the invitation:\n" "\n" "%5$s\n" "\n" "Small print: This message was sent by a user who entered your " "email address to invite you. You can unsubscribe if you'd prefer not to " "receive invitation emails in future by going here: %6$s. Please do not reply " "to this message; it was sent from an unmonitored email address. For help " "with, please visit" msgstr "" "%1$s telah mengundang Anda untuk berkontribusi ke blognya, %2$s.\n" "\n" "Anda memerlukan akun sebelum dapat menerima undangan ini. Buat " "di sini: %3$s\n" "\n" "%4$sTerima undangan:\n" "\n" "%5$s\n" "\n" "Regulasi terperinci: Pesan ini dikirimkan oleh pengguna yang " "memasukkan alamat email Anda untuk mengundang Anda. Anda dapat berhenti " "mengikuti jika memilih tidak menerima email undangan di waktu mendatang " "dengan membuka: %6$s. Jangan balas pesan ini; ini dikirimkan dari alamat " "email yang tidak terpantau. Untuk mendapatkan bantuan terkait, " "kunjungi" msgid "" "Sorry, this activation key has already been used. If you don't have access " "to this site, please ask the blog owner to send another." msgstr "" "Maaf, kunci aktivasi ini telah digunakan. Jika Anda tidak memiliki akses ke " "situs ini, mintalah pemilik blog untuk mengirimkan yang baru." msgid "" "Sorry, this activation code is for another blog. Please ask the blog owner " "to send another." msgstr "" "Maaf, kode aktivasi ini untuk blog lain. Mintalah pemilik blog untuk " "mengirimkan yang baru." msgid "" "Sorry, the activation code doesn't seem to exist. Please ask the blog owner " "to send another." msgstr "" "Maaf, kode aktivasi tidak ditemukan. Mintalah pemilik blog untuk mengirimkan " "yang baru." msgid "Accept Invitation" msgstr "Terima Ajakan" msgid "%1$s invited you to contribute to %2$s" msgstr "%1$s mengajak Anda untuk memberikan kontribusi ke %2$s" msgid "Follower" msgstr "Pengikut" msgid "Confirm navigation" msgstr "Konfirmasi navigasi" msgid "You've been invited to follow <strong>%s</strong>!" msgstr "Anda telah diajak untuk mengikuti <strong>%s</strong>!" msgid "[%s] You've been invited to follow this site" msgstr "[%s] Anda telah diajak untuk mengikuti situs ini" msgid "Past Invitations" msgstr "Undangan Sebelumnya" msgid "Send Invitation" msgstr "Kirim Undangan" msgid "Learn more about roles" msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang peran" msgid "Viewer" msgstr "Penonton" msgid "Username or email address" msgstr "Nama pengguna atau alamat email" msgid " username does not exist or invalid email address." msgstr "Nama pengguna tidak ada atau alamat email tidak valid." msgid "You do not have the proper permissions to perform this action" msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki izin yang tepat untuk melakukan tindakan ini" msgid "Cheatin, huh?" msgstr "Curang ya?" msgid "Click here to view" msgstr "Klik di sini untuk melihat" msgid "%s Post!" msgid_plural "%s Posts!" msgstr[0] "%s Pos!" msgstr[1] "%s Pos!" msgid "Start posting to a new blog in seconds." msgstr "Mulailah menulis blog baru dalam sekejap." msgid "Create Another Blog" msgstr "Buat Blog Lain" msgid "%d posts" msgstr "%d pos" msgid "Read Blogs" msgstr "Baca Blog" msgid "" "%1$s recently read %2$s and enjoyed it enough to click the 'Like' button. " "Congratulations!" msgstr "" "%1$s baru saja membaca %2$s dan cukup menikmatinya sehingga ia mengeklik " "tombol ‘Suka’. Selamat!" msgid "" "<strong>%1$s</strong> <a href=\"%2$s\">commented</a> on <a href=\"%3$s\">" "%4$s</a>." msgstr "" "<strong>%1$s</strong> <a href=\"%2$s\">mengomentari</a> pada <a href=\"%3$s" "\">%4$s</a>." msgid "Log in to use details from one of these accounts." msgstr "Log in untuk memakai data dari salah satu akun ini." msgid "Change Account" msgstr "Ubah Akun" msgid "Log Out" msgstr "Logout" msgid "Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:" msgstr "Isikan data di bawah atau klik salah satu ikon untuk log in:" msgid "Please log in using one of these methods to post your comment:" msgstr "" "Harap login menggunakan salah satu metode ini untuk memposkan komentar Anda:" msgid "Space" msgstr "Ruang" msgid "Block all email updates from blogs you’re following on" msgstr "" "Blokir semua pembaruan email dari blog yang Anda ikuti di" msgid "This is the follow settings page for %s." msgstr "Ini adalah halaman pengaturan ikuti untuk %s." msgid "" "You are not actively following any blogs, and following comments on <a href=" "\"%s\">%d posts." msgstr "" "Anda tidak aktif mengikuti blog apa pun, dan mengikuti komentar pada <a href=" "\"%s\">pos %d." msgid "" "You are not actively following any blogs, and following comments on <a href=" "\"%s\">%d post</a>." msgstr "" "Anda tidak aktif mengikuti komentar pos apa pun, dan mengikuti komentar pada " "<a href=\"%s\">pos %d</a>." msgid "You are not actively following any blogs." msgstr "Anda tidak aktif mengikuti blog apa pun." msgid "Change your email settings at <a href=\"%s\">Manage Notifications</a>." msgstr "Ubah pengaturan email Anda di <a href=\"%s\">Kelola Pemberitahuan</a>." msgid "Change your email settings at <a href=\"%s\">Manage Subscriptions</a>." msgstr "Ubah pengaturan email Anda di <a href=\"%s\">Kelola Langganan</a>." msgid "" "When choosing daily or weekly email delivery, which time of day would you " "prefer?" msgstr "" "Saat memilih pengiriman email harian atau mingguan, jam berapa Anda ingin " "menerimanya?" msgid "" "These are subscriptions that you have started, but not confirmed for %s." msgstr "" "Ini adalah langganan yang telah Anda mulai, tetapi belum dikonfirmasi untuk " "%s." msgid "Follow Button Text:" msgstr "Ikuti Teks Tombol:" msgid "" "Missing out on the latest developments? Enter your email below " "to receive future announcements direct to your inbox. An email confirmation " "will be sent before you will start receiving notifications—please check your " "spam folder if you don't receive this." msgstr "" "Ketinggalan perkembangan terkini Masukkan email Anda di bawah " "ini untuk menerima pengumuman di inbox. Konfirmasi email akan dikirim " "sebelum Anda mulai menerima pemberitahuan. Silakan periksa folder spam jika " "Anda tidak menerimanya." msgid "Blogs I Follow |" msgstr "Blog I Ikuti |" msgid "Follow All Comments" msgstr "Ikuti Semua Komentar" msgid "Followed On" msgstr "Diikuti pada" msgid "" "If you are expecting to see blogs that you are following here please check " "that you used the same email address and that they are not still pending." msgstr "" "Jika ingin melihat blog yang Anda ikuti di sini, pastikan Anda menggunakan " "alamat email yang sama dan blog yang Anda ikuti tidak tertunda." msgid "This is the management page for following post comments (%s)." msgstr "Ini adalah halaman pengelolaan untuk komentar pos berikut (%s)." msgid "Follow Comments" msgstr "Ikuti Komentar" msgid "%s Follower" msgid_plural "%s Followers" msgstr[0] "%s Pengikut" msgstr[1] "%s Pengikut" msgid "Followers" msgstr "Pengikut" msgid "" "Note that this page will only show <em>active</em> followers. People who " "have not confirmed or who have blocked following will not appear." msgstr "" "Perlu diketahui bahwa halaman ini hanya memperlihatkan pengikut <em>aktif</" "em>. Orang yang belum mengonfirmasi atau yang sudah memblokir untuk " "mengikuti tidak akan terlihat." msgid "Remove Follower " msgstr "Hapus Pengikut " msgid "My Followers" msgstr "Pengikut Saya" msgid "The followers have been removed" msgstr "Pengikut belum dihapus" msgid "Show total number of followers? (%s follower)" msgid_plural "Show total number of followers? (%s followers)" msgstr[0] "Tunjukkan jumlah total pengikut? (%s pengikut)" msgstr[1] "Tunjukkan jumlah total pengikut? (%s pengikut)" msgid "" "An email was just sent to confirm that you want to follow this blog. Please " "find the email now and click activate." msgstr "" "Email baru saja dikirimkan untuk mengonfirmasi bahwa Anda ingin mengikuti " "blog ini. Buka email tersebut dan klik aktifkan" msgid "Show a <em>'follow blog'</em> option in the comment form" msgstr "Tampilkan opsi <em>'ikuti blog'</em> dalam formulir komentar" msgid "Show a <em>'follow comments'</em> option in the comment form" msgstr "Tampilkan opsi <em>'ikuti komentar'</em>dalam formulir komentar" msgid "Totals, Followers & Shares" msgstr "Total, Pengikut & Berbagi" msgid "Comment Follows" msgstr "Komentar Mengikuti" msgid "Sorry, there are no followers to display." msgstr "Maaf, tidak ada pengikut yang dapat ditampilkan." msgid " Followers" msgstr "Pengikut" msgid "Browser" msgstr "Perambah" msgid "" "If you're still having trouble, please <a href='%s'>contact support</a>, and " "we'll get everything fixed." msgstr "" "Jika Anda masih mengalami masalah, silakan <a href='%s'>hubungi dukungan</" "a>, dan kami akan memperbaiki semuanya." msgid "" "If you deleted the import file from your media library, this may have caused " "the problem. In this case, please try the import once more without deleting " "the import file. Don't worry -- the importer will delete the file " "automatically once the import has finished.\n" "\n" msgstr "" "Jika Anda menghapus file impor dari perpustakaan media, hal ini dapat " "menimbulkan masalah. Jika terjadi, silakan coba impor sekali lagi tanpa " "menghapus file impor. Jangan khawatir -- pengimpor akan menghapus file " "secara otomatis begitu impor selesai.\n" "\n" msgid "" "We are sorry, but there was an error while performing your blog import to " "%s.\n" "\n" msgstr "" "Maaf, terjadi kesalahan ketika menjalankan impor blog Anda ke %s.\n" "\n" msgid "Create Blog" msgstr "Buat blog" msgid "Please, don't use WordPress as part of your domain name." msgstr "Harap jangan gunakan WordPress sebagai bagian dari domain Anda." msgid "" "There wasn't enough memory available to begin the import. Please try again " "in a few minutes." msgstr "" "Memori tidak cukup untuk memulai impor. Harap dicoba beberapa menit lagi." msgid "Choose a WXR (.xml) file to upload, then click Upload file and import." msgstr "" "Pilih berkas WXR (.xml) untuk mengunggah, lalu klik Unggah berkas dan impor." msgid "Zero size file downloaded" msgstr "Berkas kosong terunduh" msgid "Remote server returned error response %1$d %2$s" msgstr "Server remot mengembalikan respon galat %1$d %2$s" msgid "Fetching attachments is not enabled" msgstr "Pengambilan lampiran tidak diaktifkan" msgid "Menu item skipped due to invalid menu slug: %s" msgstr "Item menu dilewati karena slug menu tidak sah:%s" msgid "Menu item skipped due to missing menu slug" msgstr "Isi menu dilewat karena slug menu tidak ada" msgid "Failed to import %s “%s”" msgstr "Gagal mengimpor %s “%s”" msgid "%s “%s” already exists." msgstr "%s “%s” sudah ada." msgid "Failed to import “%s”: Invalid post type %s" msgstr "Gagal mengimpor “%s”: Tipe pos tidak sah %s" msgid "Failed to import %1$s %2$s" msgstr "Gagal mengimpor %1$s %2$s" msgid "Failed to import post tag %s" msgstr "Gagal mengimpor tag pos %s" msgid "Failed to import category %s" msgstr "Gagal mengimpor kategori %s" msgid "" "Failed to create new user for %s. Their posts will be attributed to the " "current user." msgstr "" "Gagal ketika membuat pengguna baru untuk %s. Pos-pos mereka akan dikaitkan " "dengan pengguna saat ini." msgid "or assign posts to an existing user:" msgstr "atau tetapkan tulisannya ke pengguna yang ada:" msgid "assign posts to an existing user:" msgstr "mengalokasikan pos-pos ke pengguna yang ada:" msgid "as a new user:" msgstr "sebagai pengguna baru:" msgid "or create new user with login name:" msgstr "atau ciptakan pengguna baru dengan nama login:" msgid "" "If a new user is created by WordPress, a new password will be randomly " "generated and the new user’s role will be set as %s. Manually changing " "the new user’s details will be necessary." msgstr "" "Jika pengguna baru diciptakan oleh WordPress, sebuah kata sandi baru akan " "diciptakan secara acak dan peran pengguna baru akan diaatur sebagai %s. " "Mengubah secara manual keterangan pengguna baru tersebut mungkin diperlukan." msgid "" "To make it easier for you to edit and save the imported content, you may " "want to reassign the author of the imported item to an existing user of this " "site. For example, you may want to import all the entries as <code>admin</" "code>s entries." msgstr "" "Untuk memudahkan Anda menyunting dan menyimpan konten yang diimpor, Anda " "mungkin ingin mengatur penulis dari pokok terimpor ke pengguna yang ada di " "situs ini. Contoh, Anda mungkin ingin mengimpor semua entri sebagai entri " "milik <code>admin</code>." msgid "" "Failed to import author %s. Their posts will be attributed to the current " "user." msgstr "" "Gagal mengimpor penulis %s. Pos-pos mereka akan diatribusikan ke pengguna " "kini." msgid "Remember to update the passwords and roles of imported users." msgstr "" "Ingatlah untuk memperbarui kata sandi dan peran milik pengguna yang diimpor." msgid "The file does not exist, please try again." msgstr "Berkas tidak ada, silakan coba lagi." msgid "" "This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number" msgstr "Ini sepertinya bukan berkas WXR, nomor versi WXR tidak ada/tidak sah" msgid "" "Details are shown above. The importer will now try again with a different " "parser..." msgstr "" "Rincian ditampilkan di atas. Importir sekarang akan mencoba lagi dengan " "parser yang berbeda..." msgid "There was an error when reading this WXR file" msgstr "Ada masalah saat membaca berkas WXR ini" msgid "No Ads" msgstr "Tanpa Iklan" msgid "" "Modify your email settings at <a href=\"%s\">Settings > Discussion</a>." msgstr "Ubah pengaturan email Anda di <a href=\"%s\">Pengaturan & Diskusi</a>." msgid "Forgot password?" msgstr "Lupa kata sandi?" msgid "We're sorry, but an unexpected error has occurred" msgstr "Kami mohon maaf, tetapi telah terjadi kesalahan tidak terduga" msgid "" "You are one step away from activating <a href=\"%1$s\" style=\"underline: " "none; color: inherit; text-decoration: none;\">%2$s</a>." msgstr "" "Anda hanya berjarak satu langkah untuk mengaktifkan <a href=\"%1$s\" style=" "\"underline: none; color: inherit; text-decoration: none;\">%2$s</a>." msgid "" "<a class=\"subscribe-footer-link\" style=\"color: #555 !important; font-" "size: 14px; text-decoration: none;\" href=\"%s\">Thanks for flying with <img " "src=\"%s\" alt=\"\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\" width=\"16\" and " "height=\"17\" /> Jetpack</a>" msgstr "" "<a class=\"subscribe-footer-link\" style=\"color: #555 !important; font-" "size: 14px; text-decoration: none;\" href=\"%s\">Terima kasih telah " "mengudara bersama <img src=\"%s\" alt=\"\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\" " "width=\"16\" and height=\"17\" /> Jetpack</a>" msgid "<strong>%1$s</strong> liked a post on <strong>%2$s</strong>" msgstr "" "<strong>%1$s</strong> menyukai sebuah postingan di <strong>%2$s</strong>" msgid "Follow %s" msgstr "Ikuti %s" msgid "%1$s liked your post %2$s" msgstr "%1$s menyukai pos Anda %2$s" msgid "%1$s and %2$s others liked your comment on %3$s" msgstr "%1$s dan %2$s lainnya menyukai komentar Anda pada %3$s" msgid "%1$s liked your video on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s menyukai video Anda di %2$s" msgid "[untitled]" msgstr "[tanpa judul]" msgid "Horizontal" msgstr "Horizontal" msgid "Vertical" msgstr "Vertikal" msgid "" "Your plan has been cancelled and the individual upgrades added to your " "account." msgstr "" "Paket Anda sudah dibatalkan dan upgrade individual ditambahkan ke akun Anda." msgid "Comment Pagination" msgstr "Navigasi komentar" msgid "Activate Account" msgstr "Aktifkan Akun" msgid "You are one step away from activating your account!" msgstr "Tinggal satu langkah lagi untuk mengaktifkan akun Anda!" msgid "Activate Blog" msgstr "Aktifkan Blog" msgid "Thank you for signing up with" msgstr "Terima kasih sudah mendaftar di" msgid "" "Want more referrers? Try <a href=\"" "\">commenting on other blogs</a>!" msgstr "" "Ingin lebih banyak perujuk? Cobalah <a href=\"" "com/comments/\">mengomentari blog lain</a>!" msgid "Trouble clicking? Copy and paste this URL into your browser:" msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak dapat menekan tombol di atas, salin dan tempelkan URL " "berikut ke perambah Anda:" msgid "New comment waiting approval on %s" msgstr "Komentar baru menunggu persetujuan pada %s" msgid "New pingback waiting approval on %s" msgstr "Pingback baru menunggu persetujuan pada %s" msgid "New trackback waiting approval on %s" msgstr "Trackback baru menunggu persetujuan pada %s" msgid "View Profile" msgstr "Lihat Profil" msgid "" "You may want to visit their blog. Perhaps you'll enjoy their blog as much as " "they liked yours." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengunjungi blog mereka. Mungkin Anda akan menyukai blog mereka " "seperti halnya mereka menyukai blog Anda." msgid "<strong>%1$s</strong> is now subscribing to <strong>%2$s</strong>" msgstr "<strong>%1$s</strong> sekarang berlangganan <strong>%2$s</strong>" msgid "See all comments" msgstr "Lihat semua komentar" msgid "Subscribe to comments on <a href=\"%s\">%s</a> on <strong>%s</strong>!" msgstr "" "Berlangganan ke komentar di <a href=\"%s\">%s</a> pada <strong>%s</strong>!" msgid "" "If you did not request this action please disregard this message. You can " "block further messages by clicking on <a href='%s'>Manage Subscriptions</a>" msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak meminta tindakan ini mohon abaikan pesan ini. Anda dapat " "memblokir pesan berikutnya dengan mengeklik <a href='%s'>Kelola " "Berlangganan</a>" msgid "Subscribe to <strong>%s</strong>!" msgstr "Berlangganan ke <strong>%s</strong>!" msgid "Great posts worth seeing from <strong>%s</strong>:" msgstr "" "Pos yang menginspirasi dan menarik untuk dibaca dari <strong>%s</strong>:" msgid "" "You might want to go see what they're up to! Perhaps you will like their " "blog as much as they liked yours!" msgstr "" "Anda dapat melihat apa yang mereka lakukan! Mungkin Anda akan menyukai blog " "mereka seperti halnya mereka menyukai blog Anda!" msgid "%1$s liked your post on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s menyukai pos Anda pada %2$s" msgid "New post on <strong>%s</strong>" msgstr "Pos baru pada <strong>%s</strong>" msgid "Comments I've Made" msgstr "Komentar yang Saya Buat" msgid "Expires on:" msgstr "Kedaluwarsa pada:" msgid "" "That item is already in a plan in your cart and has not been added " "separately." msgstr "" "Item tersebut sudah dalam paket di bagan Anda dan belum ditambahkan secara " "terpisah." msgid "Sorry but your cart is full!" msgstr "Maaf, keranjang pembelian Anda telah penuh!" msgid "" "We don't know what product you are trying to add to your cart - please " "contact support if this problem persists." msgstr "" "Kami tidak mengetahui produk apa yang Anda tambahkan ke keranjang pembelian " "- harap hubungi dukungan jika masih terdapat masalah." msgid "Unlike" msgstr "Batalkan suka" msgid "Reblog" msgstr "Reblog" msgid "Upload videos" msgstr "Unggah video" msgid "Or" msgstr "Atau" msgid "Publishing…" msgstr "Menerbitkan" msgid "" "You requested cancellation of a plan. Please check your email for a message " "with a confirmation link." msgstr "" "Pembatalan yang diminta dari sebuah paket. Harap periksa email Anda untuk " "mengetahui pesan beserta tautan konfirmasi." msgid "Next Step" msgstr "Langkah Berikutnya" msgid "What would you like to find?" msgstr "Apa yang ingin Anda cari?" msgid "Cancel Domain" msgstr "Batalkan Domain" msgid "Please let us know why you wish to cancel." msgstr "Silakan beritahu kami mengapa Anda ingin membatalkannya." msgid "Something not listed here" msgstr "Ada yang tidak tercantum di sini" msgid "I meant to get a free blog" msgstr "Saya bermaksud mendapatkan blog gratis" msgid "The service isn’t what I expected" msgstr "Pelayanannya tidak seperti yang saya harapkan" msgid "I want to transfer my domain to another registrar" msgstr "Saya ingin mentransfer domain saya ke registrar lain." msgid "I want to use the domain with another service or host" msgstr "Saya ingin menggunakan domain tersebut pada layanan atau hosting lain." msgid "I misspelled the domain" msgstr "Saya salah mengeja domain" msgid "Remove from cart" msgstr "Hapus dari keranjang pembelian" msgid "%s item" msgid_plural "%s items" msgstr[0] "%s item" msgstr[1] "%s item" msgid "Cart" msgstr "Keranjang" msgid "" "A free domain was included in the purchase of your bundle. Get " "that <a href=\"%s\">domain</a> for your site now!" msgstr "" "Domain gratis disertakan dalam pembelian bundel Anda. Dapatkan " "<a href=\"%s\">domain</a> tersebut untuk situs Anda sekarang!" msgid "Add to Cart" msgstr "Tambahkan ke Keranjang" msgid "A referrer is a click from another site that links to yours." msgstr "Perujuk adalah klik dari situs lain yang tertaut ke situs Anda." msgid "" "Want more comments? <a href=\"" "views-and-traffic/\">Get more traffic</a>." msgstr "" "Ingin lebih banyak komentar? <a href=\"" "getting-more-views-and-traffic/\">Dapatkan lebih banyak lalu lintas</a>." msgid "No shared posts." msgstr "Tidak ada kiriman yang dibagikan." msgid "No videos played." msgstr "Tidak ada video yang diputar." msgid "No posts viewed." msgstr "Tidak ada kiriman yang dilihat." msgid "" "Want more activity? Read about <a href=\"" "getting-more-site-traffic/\">how to drive engagement on your site</a>." msgstr "" "Ingin lebih banyak aktivitas? Baca tentang <a href=\"" "\">cara mendorong interaksi pada " "situs Anda</a>." msgid "\"Clicks\" are viewers clicking outbound links on your site." msgstr "\"Klik\" adalah pengguna yang mengeklik tautan di situs Anda." msgid "No clicks recorded." msgstr "Tidak ada klik yang direkam." msgid "This panel shows your most viewed posts and pages." msgstr "" "Panel ini memperlihatkan kiriman atau halaman Anda yang paling sering " "dilihat." msgid "No top posts or pages." msgstr "Tidak ada kiriman atau halaman teratas." msgid "" "Want a better search rank? Learn <a href=\"" "search-engines/\">how to make a search friendly blog</a>, and how to use <a " "href=\"\">search engine " "webmaster tools</a>." msgstr "" "Ingin peringkat pencarian yang lebih baik? Pelajari <a href=\"http://en." "\">cara membuat blog yang mudah dicari</" "a>, dan cara menggunakan <a href=\"" "tools/\">alat webmaster mesin pencarian</a>." msgid "Search terms are words or phrases users find you with when they search." msgstr "" "Istilah pencarian adalah kata atau frasa yang digunakan oleh pengguna saat " "mereka melakukan pencarian." msgid "No search terms." msgstr "Tidak ada istilah pencarian." msgid "" "Want more referrers? You could <a href=\"" "publicize/\">turn on Jetpack Social</a>, or you could <a href=\"http://en." "\">comment on other blogs</a>!" msgstr "" "Ingin lebih banyak perujuk? Anda dapat <a href=\"" "com/publicize/\">mengaktifkan Publikasikan</a>, atau Anda dapat <a href=" "\"\">mengomentari blog lain</a>!" msgid "Google+" msgstr "Google+" msgid "Responsive Layout" msgstr "Tataletak Responsif" msgctxt "taxonomy singular name" msgid "Tag" msgstr "Tag" msgctxt "taxonomy general name" msgid "Tags" msgstr "Tag" msgid "Network Admin: %s" msgstr "Admin Jaringan: %s" msgid "M Y" msgstr "B T" msgid "Subscribed comments" msgstr "Komentar langganan" msgid "image" msgstr "Gambar" msgid "Posts navigation" msgstr "Navigasi pos" msgid "Detach from “%s”" msgstr "Lepaskan dari “%s”" msgid "Display Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Tampilan" msgid "Exclude" msgstr "Kecualikan" msgid "Included" msgstr "Disertakan" msgid "View Settings" msgstr "Lihat Pengaturan" msgid "Posts on Most Active Day" msgstr "Kiriman pada Hari Paling Aktif" msgid "No actions found in trash" msgstr "Tidak ditemukan tindakan di tempat sampah" msgid "Remove %s from cart" msgstr "Hapus %s dari keranjang belanja" msgid "Your password is incorrect, please try again" msgstr "Kata sandi Anda salah, coba lagi" msgid "Create Share Button" msgstr "Buat Tombol Berbagi" msgid "Top Views by Country for %1$s days ending %2$s" msgstr "Tampilan Teratas berdasakan Negara selama %1$s hari yang berakhir %2$s" msgid "Top Views by Country for %s" msgstr "Tampilan Teratas berdasarkan Negara selama %s" msgid "Top Views by Country for %1$s days ending %2$s (Summarized)" msgstr "" "Tampilan Teratas berdasarkan Negara selama %1$s hari yang berakhir %2$s " "(Ringkasan)" msgid "Commenter" msgstr "Komentator" msgid "Front Page, Archive Pages, and Search Results" msgstr "Halaman Depan, Halaman Arsip dan Hasil Pencarian" msgid "Most commented recent post:" msgstr "Kiriman terbaru paling banyak dikomentari:" msgid "Most active time of day:" msgstr "Waktu paling aktif dalam sehari:" msgid "Most active recent day:" msgstr "Hari terbaru paling aktif:" msgid "Most active day:" msgstr "Hari paling aktif:" msgid "Total comments:" msgstr "Total komentar:" msgid "Comments per month:" msgstr "Komentar per bulan:" msgid "Most Commented" msgstr "Paling Banyak Dikomentari" msgid "Top Recent Commenters" msgstr "Komentator Terbaru" msgid "No referrers." msgstr "Tidak ada perujuk." msgid "Newest" msgstr "Terbaru" msgid "Enter email address" msgstr "Masukkan alamat surat elektronik" msgid "Show total number of subscribers? (%s subscriber)" msgid_plural "Show total number of subscribers? (%s subscribers)" msgstr[0] "Tampilkan jumlah total pelanggan? (%s pelanggan)" msgstr[1] "Tampilkan jumlah total pelanggan? (%s pelanggan)" msgid "Join %s other subscriber" msgid_plural "Join %s other subscribers" msgstr[0] "Bergabung dengan %s pelanggan lain" msgstr[1] "Bergabung dengan %s pelanggan lain" msgid "Save and go back to form builder" msgstr "Simpan dan kembali ke pembangun formulir" msgid "What should the subject line be?" msgstr "Apa judul formulir ini?" msgid "Enter your email address" msgstr "Masukkan alamat email Anda" msgid "Add this form to my post" msgstr "Tambahkan formulir ini ke pos saya" msgid "Add a new field" msgstr "Tambahkan satu bidang baru" msgid "Here’s what your form will look like" msgstr "Beginilah tampilan formulir Anda nantinya" msgid "Save this field" msgstr "Simpan bidang ini" msgid "Required?" msgstr "Wajib diisi?" msgid "Add another option" msgstr "Tambahkan opsi lainnya" msgid "Field type" msgstr "Tipe bidang" msgid "Edit this new field" msgstr "Sunting bidang baru ini" msgid "Do I need to fill this out?" msgstr "Haruskah saya mengisi ini?" msgid "Can I view my feedback within WordPress?" msgstr "Dapatkah saya melihat feedback saya di dalam WordPress?" msgid "Can I add more fields?" msgstr "Dapatkan saya menambahkan lebih banyak bidang?" msgid "How does this work?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara kerjanya?" msgid "Email notifications" msgstr "Pemberitahuan email" msgid "Form builder" msgstr "Pembangun Formulir" msgid "Your new field was saved successfully" msgstr "Bidang baru berhasil disimpan" msgid "Contact form" msgstr "Formulir kontak" msgid "" "Are you sure you want to exit the form editor without saving? Any changes " "you have made will be lost." msgstr "" "Anda yakin hendak keluar dari editor form tanpa menyimpan perubahan? Semua " "perubahan yang Anda buat akan hilang." msgid "Option" msgstr "Pilihan" msgid "First option" msgstr "Opsi pertama" msgid "New field" msgstr "Bidang baru" msgid "IP Address: %1$s" msgstr "Alamat IP: %1$s" msgid "" "Scripts and styles should not be registered or enqueued until the %1$s, " "%2$s, or %3$s hooks." msgstr "" "Skrip dan gaya tidak harus terdaftar atau diantrikan sampai terkait %1$s," "%2$s, atau %3$s." msgid "Post name" msgstr "Nama pos" msgctxt "sample permalink structure" msgid "sample-post" msgstr "contoh-pos" msgctxt "sample permalink base" msgid "archives" msgstr "arsip" msgid "" "Note: Neither of these options blocks access to your site — it is up " "to search engines to honor your request." msgstr "" "Catatan: Pengaturan berikut tidak memblok akses ke situs Anda — hal " "tersebut bergantung pada mesin pencarian untuk menerima permintaan Anda atau " "tidak." msgid "Site Address (URL)" msgstr "Alamat Situs (URL)" msgid "WordPress Address (URL)" msgstr "Alamat WordPress (URL)" msgid "No results" msgstr "Tanpa Hasil" msgid "List not found" msgstr "Daftar tidak ditemukan" msgid "Tags: %1$s" msgstr "Tag: %1$s" msgid "Custom CSS Stylesheet" msgstr "CSS Khusus" msgid "Custom DNS Records: %s" msgstr "DNS Record Khusus: %s" msgid "Developer Resources" msgstr "Sumber Daya Pengembang" msgid "Build apps for" msgstr "Buat aplikasi untuk" msgid "in %s" msgstr "di %s" msgid "%d likes" msgstr "%d suka" msgid "%d comment" msgid_plural "%d comments" msgstr[0] "%d komentar" msgstr[1] "%d komentar" msgid "" "Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some " "different keywords." msgstr "" "Maaf, tidak ada yang cocok dengan kata yang anda cari. Silakan coba lagi " "dengan kata kunci yang lain" msgid "Tagged %1$s" msgstr "Ditandai %1$s" msgid "Your query is super long. Brevity is the soul of wit." msgstr "" "Permintaan informasi Anda sangat panjang. Keringkasan merupakan jiwa dari " "kata-kata cerdik." msgid "Add-On" msgstr "Add-on" msgid "Reader" msgstr "Reader" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the poll %s?" msgstr "Anda yakin untuk menghapus survei %s?" msgid "Migrate Subscriptions" msgstr "Migrasikan Langganan" msgid "options" msgstr "Opsi" msgid "There are no Facebook pages you manage." msgstr "Tak ada laman Facebook yang Anda kelola." msgid "Share to my <strong>Facebook Page</strong>:" msgstr "Bagikan ke <strong>Halaman Facebook</strong> saya:" msgid "Share to my <strong>Facebook wall</strong>:" msgstr "Publikasikan ke <strong>dinding Facebook</strong> saya:" msgid "SSH Access" msgstr "Akses SSH" msgid "Allow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks)" msgstr "Terima notifikasi tautan dari blog lain (pingback dan trackback)" msgid "Attempt to notify any blogs linked to from the article" msgstr "Kirim notifikasi ke setiap blog yang terhubung dari artikel" msgid "" "You have been added to this site. Please visit the <a href=\"%1$s" "\">homepage</a> or <a href=\"%2$s\">log in</a> using your username and " "password." msgstr "" "Anda telah ditambahkan ke situs ini. Silakan kunjungi <a href=\"%1$s" "\">beranda</a> atau <a href=\"%2$s\">login</a> menggunakan nama pengguna dan " "kata sandi Anda." msgid "" "Hi,\n" "You've been invited to join '%1$s' at\n" "%2$s with the role of %3$s.\n" "If you do not want to join this site please ignore\n" "this email. This invitation will expire in a few days.\n" "\n" "Please click the following link to activate your user account:\n" "%%s" msgstr "" "Hai,\n" "Anda telah diundang untuk bergabung '%1$s' pada \n" "%2$s dengan peran %3$s.\n" "Jika Anda tidak ingin bergabung silakan abaikan. Undangan berikut akan " "berakhir dalam beberapa hari. \n" "\n" "Silakan klik tautan berikut untuk mengaktifkan akun pengguna Anda:\n" "%%s" msgid "Following" msgstr "Mengikuti" msgid "There was an error following that blog, please try again" msgstr "Terjadi galat saat mengikuti blog itu, silakan coba lagi" msgid "You are already following that blog" msgstr "Anda sudah mengikuti blog itu" msgid "" "<p>If this e-mail address is incorrect, <a href=\"%5$s\">update your e-mail " "address in your Account Details</a>." msgstr "" "<p>Jika alamat email ini tidak cocok, <a href=\"%5$s\">perbarui alamat email " "Anda di Detail Akun</a>." msgid "" "<p>We need to make sure that your email is actually yours to be able to send " "you notifications or in case you forget your password. <a href=\"%3$s\">Read " "more about this here</a>.</p>" msgstr "" "<p>Kami perlu memastikan email Anda benar-benar milik Anda sebelum kami " "mengirimkan notifikasi-notifikasi atau kalau-kalau Anda lupa kata sandi " "Anda. <a href=\"%3$s\">Baca lebih lanjut di sini</a>.</p>" msgid "" "<p>We sent you a verification email to <strong>%1$s</strong>. Please click " "on the link in that message to verify your email. If you didn’t get " "it, <a href=\"%4$s\">click here to resend it</a>.</p>" msgstr "" "<p>Kami mengirimi Anda email verifikasi ke <strong>%1$s</strong>. Klik link " "pada pesan tersebut untuk memverifikasi email Anda. Jika Anda tidak " "mendapatkannya, <a href=\"%4$s\">klik di sini untuk mengirim ulang</a>.</p>" msgid "" "<p><a href=\"%4$s\">Click here to send a verification email</a>. Please " "click on the link in that message to verify your email.</p>" msgstr "" "<p><a href=\"%4$s\">Klik di sini untuk mengirim email verifikasi</a>. Klik " "link pada pesan tersebut untuk memverifikasi email Anda.</p>" msgid "" "<p>We need to make sure that your email <strong>%1$s</strong> is actually " "yours to be able to send you notifications or in case you forget your " "password. <a href=\"%3$s\">Read more about this here</a>.</p>" msgstr "" "<p>Kami ingin memastikan bahwa email Anda <strong>%1$s</strong> benar-benar " "milik Anda sehingga kami dapat mengirimkan pemberitahuan atau jika Anda lupa " "kata sandi Anda. <a href=\"%3$s\">Baca selengkapnya di sini</a>.</p>" msgid "" "<p>You signed up for on %2$s, but we never got a chance to " "verify your email address.</p>" msgstr "" "<p>Anda mendaftar di %2$s, namun kami belum sempat " "memverifikasi alamat email Anda.</p>" msgid "Store" msgstr "Toko" msgid "Color scheme." msgstr "Skema warna." msgid "Manage privacy settings" msgstr "Kelola pengaturan privasi" msgid "Post to" msgstr "Tuliskan ke" msgid "Shelf:" msgstr "Rak buku:" msgid "No data found" msgstr "Data tidak ditemukan" msgid "Display your books from Goodreads" msgstr "Tampilkan buku Anda dari Goodreads" msgid "Goodreads" msgstr "Goodreads" msgid "Unfollowing..." msgstr "Berhenti mengikuti..." msgid "Unfollow" msgstr "Berhenti mengikuti" msgid "Follow" msgstr "Ikuti" msgctxt "admin bar menu group label" msgid "New" msgstr "Baru" msgid "Me" msgstr "Saya" msgctxt "admin color scheme" msgid "Sunrise" msgstr "Fajar" msgctxt "admin color scheme" msgid "Blue" msgstr "Biru" msgid "Find trends" msgstr "Temukan trennya" msgid "Following..." msgstr "Mengikuti..." msgid "Stop following" msgstr "Berhenti mengikuti" msgid "Follow Blog" msgstr "Ikuti Blog" msgid "Blogs I Follow" msgstr "Blog yang Saya Ikuti" msgid " Reader" msgstr " Reader" msgid "m" msgstr "m" msgid "h" msgstr "h" msgid "Requests" msgstr "Permintaan" msgid "Database error." msgstr "Error database." msgid "Related Content" msgstr "Konten Terkait" msgid "Connections" msgstr "Koneksi" msgid "" "It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps " "searching can help." msgstr "" "Rupanya kami tidak dapat menemukan apa yang Anda cari. Mungkin pencarian " "dapat membantu." msgid "Want less email?" msgstr "Ingin menerima lebih sedikit email?" msgid "View Mobile Site" msgstr "Tampilkan Situs Mobile" msgid "" "<a class=\"subscribe-footer-link\" style=\"color: #555 !important; font-" "size: 14px; text-decoration: none;\" href=\"%s\">Thanks for flying with <img " "src=\"%s\" alt=\"\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\" width=\"16\" height=" "\"16\" /></a>" msgstr "" "<a class=\"subscribe-footer-link\" style=\"color: #555 !important; font-" "size: 14px; text-decoration: none;\" href=\"%s\">Terima kasih telah " "mengudara bersama <img src=\"%s\" alt=\"\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\" " "width=\"16\" height=\"16\" /></a>" msgid "See all comments in this post" msgstr "Lihat semua komentar pada postingan ini" msgid "in response to a comment by %s:" msgstr "menanggapi komentar dari %s:" msgid "New comment on <strong>%s</strong>" msgstr "Komentar baru pada <strong>%s</strong>" msgid "Sort order." msgstr "Urutkan pesanan." msgid "Everywhere" msgstr "Di mana saja" msgid "Site tagline" msgstr "Slogan situs" msgid "VIP" msgstr "VIP" msgid "Typography" msgstr "Tipografi" msgid "%s Comments" msgstr "%s buah komentar" msgid "Copy and paste this URL into your browser:" msgstr "Salin dan rekatkan URL ini ke peramban Anda:" msgid "Trouble clicking?" msgstr "Sulit mengeklik?" msgid "d-M-Y" msgstr "d-M-Y" msgid "Date modified" msgstr "Tanggal Pengubahan" msgid "Count" msgstr "Jumlah" msgid "24 hours" msgstr "24 jam" msgid "30 minutes" msgstr "30 menit" msgid "15 minutes" msgstr "15 menit" msgid "" "Support requests will respond to this address and features such as e-mail " "notification will now be active." msgstr "" "Permintaan dukungan akan merespon alamat ini dan fitur seperti pemberitahuan " "email akan aktif." msgid "" "Your e-mail <strong>%1$s</strong> is now <a href=\"" "\">verified as the owner</a> of this account " "<strong>%2$s</strong>." msgstr "" "Surat elektronik Anda <strong>%1$s</strong> sekarang <a href=\"http://en." "\">terverifikasi sebagai pemilik</a> " "akun <strong>%2$s</strong>. " msgid "E-mail verified" msgstr "Email diverifikasi" msgid "" "Please <a href=\"\">contact support</" "a>." msgstr "" "Harap <a href=\"\">hubungi dukungan</" "a>." msgid "There was a problem sending you a verification e-mail." msgstr "Terjadi masalah saat mengirimkan email verifikasi kepada Anda." msgid "" "If you still cannot find it, please <a href=\"" "com/contact/\">contact support</a>." msgstr "" "Jika Anda masih belum menemukannya, harap <a href=\"" "\">hubungi dukungan</a>." msgid "" "(It is possible your spam filter scooped it up, so check your spam folder " "also.)" msgstr "" "(Ada kemungkinan penyaring spam Anda menangkapnya, jadi periksa juga folder " "spam Anda.)" msgid "Please click the verification link in the e-mail." msgstr "Harap klik link verifikasi pada email." msgid "It should arrive within 30 minutes." msgstr "Email akan tiba dalam 30 menit." msgid "A verification e-mail has been sent to your inbox at %s." msgstr "Email verifikasi telah dikirim ke inbox Anda di %s." msgid "Invalid user data." msgstr "Data pengguna tidak valid." msgid "Unknown error." msgstr "Kesalahan tidak diketahui." msgid "User clicked the No Thanks button." msgstr "Pengguna menekan tombol 'Tidak. Terimakasih.'" msgid "Connecting…" msgstr "Menghubungkan..." msgid "What's a Gravatar?" msgstr "Apa itu Gravatar?" msgid "Edit Your Profile" msgstr "Sunting Profil Anda" msgid "Opens in new window" msgstr "Buka di jendela baru" msgid "Links to services that you use across the web." msgstr "Tautan ke layanan yang Anda gunakan di internet." msgid "Show Account Links" msgstr "Tampilkan Tautan Akun" msgid "" "Links to your websites, blogs, or any other sites that help describe who you " "are." msgstr "" "Tautan ke situs web atau blog Anda, atau situs lainnya yang menggambarkan " "diri Anda." msgid "Show Personal Links" msgstr "Tampilkan Tautan Pribadi" msgid "Custom Email Address" msgstr "Alamat Email Tersuai" msgid "Error loading profile" msgstr "Galat memuat profil" msgid "View Full Profile →" msgstr "Tampilkan Profil Lengkap →" msgid "Verified Services" msgstr "Layanan Terverifikasi" msgid "Personal Links" msgstr "Tautan-tautan Pribadi" msgid "Display a mini version of your Gravatar Profile" msgstr "Tampilkan versi mini profil Gravata anda" msgid "Gravatar Profile" msgstr "Profil Gravatar" msgid "Chapter" msgstr "Bab" msgid "Chapters" msgstr "Bab" msgid "[%1$s] Verify %2$s" msgstr "[%1$s] Verifikasi %2$s" msgid "" "(If clicking the link in this message does not work, copy and paste it\n" " into the address bar of your browser.)" msgstr "" "(Jika mengeklik link di pesan ini tidak berfungsi, salin dan tempelkan\n" " di bilah alamat browser Anda.)" msgid "" "Howdy,\n" "\n" "Thank you for signing up with To verify your newly created " "account, please click on the following link:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "--The Team" msgstr "" "Hai,\n" "\n" "Terima kasih telah mendaftar di Untuk memverifikasi akun baru " "Anda, silakan klik link berikut:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "--Tim" msgid "" "(If clicking the link in this message does not work, copy and paste it\n" "into the address bar of your browser.)" msgstr "" "(Jika mengeklik tautan di pesan ini tidak berfungsi, salin dan tempelkan\n" "di bilah alamat perambah Anda.)" msgid "" "Howdy,\n" "\n" "Thank you for signing up with\n" "\n" "You are one step away from activating all the features for %s.\n" "Please click this link to verify ownership of blog:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "--The Team" msgstr "" "Hai,\n" "\n" "Terima kasih telah mendaftar di\n" "\n" "Tinggal satu langkah lagi untuk mengaktifkan semua fitur untuk %s.\n" "Silakan klik link berikut untuk memverifikasi kepemilikan blog:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "--Tim" msgid "shared via %s" msgstr "dibagikan melalui %s" msgid "You commented on:" msgstr "Anda berkomentar pada:" msgid "Theme Author" msgstr "Perancang Tema" msgid "Page Not Found" msgstr "Halaman Tidak Ditemukan" msgid "" "If you reached this screen by accident and meant to visit one of your own " "sites, here are some shortcuts to help you find your way." msgstr "" "Jika Anda mencapai layar ini secara tidak sengaja dan berniat mengunjungi " "salah satu situs Anda, ini ada beberapa jalan pintas untuk membantu Anda." msgid "retail" msgstr "Ritel" msgid "%1$s: You are commenting using your %2$s account." msgstr "%1$s: Anda sedang berkomentar menggunakan akun %2$s." msgid "You are commenting using your %s account." msgstr "Anda sedang berkomentar menggunakan akun %s." msgid "" "The timezone you have entered is not valid. Please select a valid timezone." msgstr "" "Zona waktu yang Anda masukkan tidak sah. Silakan pilih zona waktu yang sah." msgid "One-time payment" msgstr "Pembayaran satu kali" msgid "Thank you. The site owner has been notified of your request." msgstr "Terima kasih. Pemilik situs telah diberi tahu tentang permintaan Anda." msgid "" "I would like my site to be private, visible only to myself and users I choose" msgstr "" "Saya ingin agar situs saya menjadi rahasia serta hanya dapat dibaca oleh " "saya sendiri dan pengguna yang saya pilih" msgid "This site is private." msgstr "Situs ini bersifat pribadi." msgid "Next Month" msgstr "Bulan berikutnya " msgid "Previous post:" msgstr "Pos sebelumnya:" msgid "Main Menu" msgstr "Menu Utama" msgid "Like this:" msgstr "Sukai ini:" msgid "Liked" msgstr "Disukai" msgid "Show buttons on" msgstr "Tunjukkan tombol pada" msgid "Official buttons" msgstr "Tombol resmi" msgid "Button style" msgstr "Gaya tombol" msgid "Rate this:" msgstr "Beri peringkat:" msgid "" "It looks like you're using an old version of %s. For the best WordPress " "experience, please update your browser." msgstr "" "Sepertinya Anda menggunakan versi lama dari %s. Untuk pengalaman WordPress " "terbaik, silakan perbarui browser Anda. " msgid "" "It looks like you're using an insecure version of %s. Using an outdated " "browser makes your computer unsafe. For the best WordPress experience, " "please update your browser." msgstr "" "Sepertinya Anda menggunakan versi rentan dari %s. Menggunakan browser " "kadaluwarsa membuat komputer Anda rentan ancaman. Untuk pengalaman WordPress " "terbaik, silakan perbarui browser Anda." msgctxt "add new from admin bar" msgid "Post" msgstr "Pos" msgid "There are some invalid menu items. Please check or delete them." msgstr "" "Ada beberapa item menu yang tidak sah. Silakan periksa atau hapus mereka." msgid "%s (Invalid)" msgstr "%s (Tidak sah)" msgctxt "meta name" msgid "Name" msgstr "Nama" msgctxt "term name" msgid "Name" msgstr "Nama" msgctxt "link name" msgid "Name" msgstr "Nama" msgctxt "add new from admin bar" msgid "Page" msgstr "Laman" msgctxt "add new from admin bar" msgid "User" msgstr "Pengguna" msgctxt "add new from admin bar" msgid "Link" msgstr "Tautan" msgctxt "add new from admin bar" msgid "Media" msgstr "Media" msgid "The Team" msgstr "Tim" msgid "Cheers," msgstr "Salam," msgid "Howdy," msgstr "Hai," msgid "Remove User" msgstr "Hapus Pengguna" msgid "Headings" msgstr "Judul" msgid "Save fonts" msgstr "Menyimpan font" msgid "Display your Tweets from Twitter" msgstr "Menampilkan Tweet Anda dari Twitter" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this list?" msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus daftar berikut?" msgid "View Category" msgstr "Tampilkan Kategori" msgid "View Tag" msgstr "Tampilkan Tag" msgid "Requirements" msgstr "Persyaratan:" msgid "How it works." msgstr "Bagaimana cara kerjanya:" msgid "Upgrade to activate" msgstr "Upgrade untuk mengaktifkan" msgid "" "Please complete your purchase of the Pro Plan to activate the custom CSS for " "your blog." msgstr "" "Harap selesaikan pembelian Paket Pro Anda untuk mengaktifkan CSS Kustom " "untuk blog Anda." msgid "shirt" msgstr "kaus" msgid "Server Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Server" msgid "Enter your comment here..." msgstr "Ketikkan komentar di sini..." msgid "Customize" msgstr "Sesuaikan" msgid "Save Stylesheet" msgstr "Simpan Stylesheet" msgid "Portfolio" msgstr "Portofolio" msgid "Insert into Poll" msgstr "Masukkan ke Jajak Pendapat" msgid "" "Sorry! There was an error creating your rating widget. Please contact <a " "href=\"%1$s\" %2$s>Crowdsignal support</a> to fix this." msgstr "" "Maaf! Ada kesalahan saat membuat Widget Peringkat. Hubungi <a href=\"%1$s\" " "%2$s>Crowdsignal support</a> untuk perbaikan." msgid "Percent" msgstr "Persen" msgid "Poll Style" msgstr "Gaya Poll" msgid "Add New Answer" msgstr "Tambah Jawaban Baru" msgid "WordPress Shortcode:" msgstr "Shortcode WordPress:" msgid "Enter Question Here" msgstr "Masukkan Pertanyaan di sini" msgid "Moderate first" msgstr "Moderasi terlebih dahulu" msgid "Allow comments" msgstr "Izinkan komentar" msgid "Repeat Voting" msgstr "Ulang Voting" msgid "Results Display" msgstr "Tampilan Hasil" msgid "No Limit" msgstr "Tak Terbatas" msgid "Number of choices" msgstr "Jumlah pilihan" msgid "M d, Y" msgstr "M d, Y" msgid "Embed in Post" msgstr "Masukkan dalam Postingan" msgid "All ratings" msgstr "Semua Peringkat" msgid "Enter an answer here" msgstr "Masukkan Jawaban di sini" msgid "click and drag to reorder" msgstr "Klik dan seret untuk menyusun kembali" msgid "Get started now" msgstr "Mulai sekarang" msgid "Show profile photos in the plugin." msgstr "Tampilkan foto profil dalam plugin." msgid "Show Faces" msgstr "Tampilkan Wajah-wajah" msgid "Facebook Page URL" msgstr "URL laman Facebook" msgid "Custom Fonts" msgstr "Custom Font" msgid "CSS" msgstr "CSS" msgid "Fonts" msgstr "Font" msgid "Custom Design" msgstr "Custom Design" msgid "Video %s not found" msgstr "Video %s tidak ditemukan" msgid "Network Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Jaringan" msgid "Installed themes" msgstr "Tema terpasang" msgid "Available Tools" msgstr "Perkakas yang Tersedia" msgid "Name required" msgstr "Nama harus diisi" msgid "Please enter a comment" msgstr "Silakan masukkan komentar" msgid "Error: your Twitter login has expired." msgstr "Error: login Twitter Anda sudah kedaluwarsa." msgid "Error: your Facebook login has expired." msgstr "Error: login Facebook Anda sudah kedaluwarsa." msgid "Prompt" msgstr "Prompt" msgid "Comment Form" msgstr "Formulir Komentar" msgid "Staff" msgstr "Staf" msgid " Password" msgstr "Kata sandi" msgctxt "" "Translate this to be the equivalent of English Translators in your language " "for the credits page Translators section" msgid "Translators" msgstr "Penerjemah Bahasa Indonesia" msgid "Connect with" msgstr "Hubungkan ke" msgid "More Info" msgstr "Informasi Selengkapnya" msgid "Approve and Reply" msgstr "Setujui dan Balas" msgctxt "removing-widget" msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "Menonaktifkan" msgid "All Users" msgstr "Semua Pengguna" msgid "Installed Plugins" msgstr "Plugin Terpasang" msgid "All Comments" msgstr "Semua Komentar" msgid "All Pages" msgstr "Semua Laman" msgid "Collapse menu" msgstr "Persempit menu" msgid "Exit Fullscreen" msgstr "Keluar dari layar-penuh" msgid "Your browser is out of date!" msgstr "Peramban Anda sudah ketinggalan zaman!" msgid "You are using an insecure browser!" msgstr "Anda menggunakan peramban yang tidak aman!" msgid "Freedoms" msgstr "Kebebasan-kebebasan" msgid "Word count: %s" msgstr "Jumlah kata: %s" msgid "" "You can use one of these cool headers or show a random one on each page." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menggunakan salah satu tajuk keren ini atau menampilkan salah " "satu secara acak pada setiap halaman." msgid "" "If you do not want to upload your own image, you can use one of these cool " "headers, or show a random one." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak ingin mengunggah gambar Anda sendiri, Anda dapat menggunakan " "salah satu tajuk keren ini, atau menampilkan salah satu secara acak." msgid "" "You can choose one of your previously uploaded headers, or show a random one." msgstr "" "Anda dapat memilih salah satu tajuk yang telah Anda unggah sebelumnya, atau " "menampilkan salah satu secara acak." msgid "Designer" msgstr "Desainer" msgid "Developer" msgstr "Developer" msgid "Edit your profile" msgstr "Sunting Profil Anda" msgid "Get started here" msgstr "Mulailah di sini" msgid "Download Data as CSV" msgstr "Unduh Data dalam format CSV" msgid "Friends of" msgstr "Teman-teman" msgid "No valid blog found" msgstr "Blog tidak ditemukan" msgid "Sign up for" msgstr "Mendaftar" msgid "No data" msgstr "Tidak ada data" msgid "Get started" msgstr "Ayo mulai" msgid "Page %1$s of %2$s" msgstr "Halaman %1$s dari %2$s" msgid "Click to share on LinkedIn" msgstr "Klik untuk berbagi di Linkedln" msgctxt "share to" msgid "LinkedIn" msgstr "LinkedIn" msgid "%1$s asked you for feedback on a new draft: \"%2$s\"" msgstr "%1$s meminta umpan balik Anda untuk konsep baru: \"%2$s\"" msgid "Get feedback on this draft before publishing." msgstr "Dapatkan umpan balik untuk draf ini sebelum menerbitkan." msgid "Thank you for your feedback!" msgstr "Terima kasih atas masukan Anda!" msgid "Video Gallery" msgstr "Galeri Video" msgid "New Valley" msgstr "New Valley" msgctxt "post type general name" msgid "Changesets" msgstr "Changesets" msgid "d M Y" msgstr "d M Y" msgid "No pages found" msgstr "Tidak ditemukan halaman" msgid "" "Hi!\n" "\n" "Thank you for creating a account. To activate your account, " "please click on the following link:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "--The Team" msgstr "" "Hai!\n" "\n" "Terima kasih telah membuat akun Untuk mengaktifkan akun Anda, " "silakan klik tautan berikut:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "--Tim" msgid "" "It looks like your connection has been broken. Try disconnecting from " " then reconnecting." msgstr "" "Koneksi Anda terputus. Coba putuskan koneksi dari, kemudian " "sambungkan kembali." msgid "Your account is now active." msgstr "Akun Anda sekarang telah aktif." msgid "Please log in to a account" msgstr "Masuk ke akun" msgid "Authorized" msgstr "Diotorisasi" msgid "application" msgstr "aplikasi" msgid "LinkedIn" msgstr "LinkedIn" msgid "Regards," msgstr "Salam," msgid "Thanks for flying with" msgstr "Terima kasih telah menjelajah bersama" msgid "Hi %s" msgstr "Hai %s" msgid "wheel" msgstr "Roda" msgid "View Site" msgstr "Lihat Situs" msgid "Visit Dashboard" msgstr "Kunjungi Dasbor" msgid "Your Sites" msgstr "Situs Anda" msgid "" "You attempted to access the \"%1$s\" dashboard, but you do not currently " "have privileges on this site. If you believe you should be able to access " "the \"%1$s\" dashboard, please contact your network administrator." msgstr "" "Anda berusaha untuk mengakses dasbor \"%1$s\", namun Anda tidak memiliki hak " "akses pada situs ini. Jika Anda pikir seharusnya Anda dapat akses ke dasbor " "\"%1$s\", harap hubungi administrator jaringan Anda." msgid "Uploaded Images" msgstr "Gambar yang telah Diunggah" msgid "<strong>Random:</strong> Show a different image on each page." msgstr "" "<strong>Acak:</strong> Menampilkan gambar berbeda pada masing-masing laman." msgid "You may not upload %s type files" msgstr "Anda tidak boleh mengunggah jenis file %s" msgid "[-] Collapse" msgstr "[-] Sembunyikan" msgid "Read more." msgstr "Baca lebih lanjut." msgid "" "The secret link this person received in order to see and give feedback on " "your draft" msgstr "" "Link rahasia yang diterima orang ini untuk melihat dan memberi umpan balik " "pada konsep Anda" msgid "Use an existing post as a template." msgstr "Pakai post yang sudah ada sebagai template" msgid "Searching..." msgstr "Mencari..." msgid "Stick to Top" msgstr "Tempel di Atas" msgid "Replace the current post with the selected post?" msgstr "Ganti pos saat ini dengan pos yang dipilih?" msgid "Copy a Post" msgstr "Salin sebuah Pos" msgid "You have specified this user for deletion:" msgstr "Anda telah memilih pengguna berikut untuk dihapuskan:" msgid "You need to enter an email address for someone you know before sending." msgstr "" "Anda harus memasukkan alamat email seseorang yang Anda kenal sebelum " "mengirim." msgid "Content width" msgstr "Lebar konten" msgid "Feedback received from %1$s for \"%2$s\"" msgstr "Umpan balik diterima dari %1$s untuk \"%2$s\"" msgid "%1$s's draft titled \"%2$s\" has been published" msgstr "Konsep tulisan %1$s berjudul \"%2$s\" telah terbit" msgid "Invalid email" msgstr "Email tidak valid" msgid "Send more requests." msgstr "Kirim lebih banyak permintaan." msgid "" "When your friends read your draft and give feedback, you'll get an email and " "the feedback will appear below." msgstr "" "Saat teman Anda membaca konsep Anda dan memberi umpan balik, Anda akan " "mendapat sebuah surat elektronik dan umpan balik tersebut akan tampil di " "bawah." msgid "Requests sent." msgstr "Permintaan terkirim." msgid "" "The draft you're looking for has been published. Please, leave me a comment! " msgstr "Konsep yang Anda cari telah diterbitkan. Silakan tinggalkan komentar!" msgid "Read more:" msgstr "Baca selengkapnya:" msgid "Hi," msgstr "Halo," msgid "Enter email addresses of people you would like to get feedback from:" msgstr "Masukkan alamat email orang yang Anda inginkan untuk memberi masukan:" msgid "Coming Soon!" msgstr "Segera Hadir!" msgid "Social Icons" msgstr "Ikon Media Sosial" msgid "Access denied" msgstr "Akses ditolak" msgid "We're sorry but an unexpected error occurred. Please try again later." msgstr "Mohon maaf terjadi error tidak terduga. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "Action failed" msgstr "Tindakan gagal" msgid "Poster" msgstr "Poster" msgid "Alternative source" msgstr "Sumber alternatif" msgid "Toolbar" msgstr "Batang perkakas" msgid "Words:" msgstr "Kata:" msgid "Types" msgstr "Tipe" msgid "Beach" msgstr "Persik" msgid "Magento" msgstr "Magento" msgid "Add a comment…" msgstr "Tambah komentar…" msgid "Sorry, you can't post feedbacks here." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak bisa memposkan umpan balik di sini." msgid "Archive page" msgstr "Arsipkan halaman" msgid "Search Results for “%s”" msgstr "Hasil Pencarian untuk “%s”" msgid "%1$s and %2$s" msgstr "%1$s dan %2$s" msgid "RSS - Comments" msgstr "Komentar - RSS" msgid "Posted in %1$s" msgstr "Dikirimkan di %1$s" msgid "Start a Blog at" msgstr "Buat Blog di" msgid "By %1$s" msgstr "Oleh %1$s" msgid "Connect with Facebook" msgstr "Sambungkan ke Facebook" msgid "Secondary Menu" msgstr "Menu Sekunder" msgid "" " is not a valid blog address but %s available as a domain " "upgrade." msgstr "" " bukan alamat blog yang valid, tetapi %s tersedia sebagai " "upgrade domain." msgid "#%d (titles unavailable while plugin deactivated)" msgstr "#%d (judul tidak tersedia saat plugin dinonaktifkan)" msgid "#%d (loading title)" msgstr "#%d (memuat judul)" msgid "Writing Helper" msgstr "Writing Helper" msgid "Prefix" msgstr "Prefiks" msgid "General options" msgstr "Opsi umum" msgid "index" msgstr "indeks" msgid "There was a problem saving your password. Please, try again." msgstr "Terjadi masalah saat menyimpan kata sandi Anda. Harap coba lagi." msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin?" msgid "Apologies, but the page you requested could not be found." msgstr "Maaf, halaman yang Anda minta tidak dapat ditemukan." msgid "Write" msgstr "Tulis" msgid "API key" msgstr "Kunci API" msgid "Number of tweets shown:" msgstr "Jumlah tweet yang ditampilkan:" msgid "Passwords do not match." msgstr "Kata sandi tidak cocok." msgid "Profile links" msgstr "Tautan profil" msgid "Hero text color" msgstr "Warna teks Hero" msgid "M jS" msgstr "M jS" msgid "Follow me on Twitter" msgstr "Ikuti saya di Twitter" msgid "RSS URL" msgstr "URL RSS" msgid "Select image" msgstr "Pilih gambar" msgid "Comments (%s)" msgstr "Komentar (%s)" msgid "Custom Menus" msgstr "Menu Khusus" msgid "Font style" msgstr "Gaya fon" msgid "Layout styles" msgstr "Gaya tata letak" msgid "Ads" msgstr "Iklan" msgid "SEO" msgstr "SEO" msgid "View site" msgstr "Lihat Situs" msgid "No color" msgstr "Tanpa warna" msgid "share" msgstr "Berbagi" msgid "back" msgstr "Kembali" msgid "Published on: %s" msgstr "Diterbitkan pada: %s" msgid "Square" msgstr "Persegi" msgid "Sorting" msgstr "Penyortiran" msgid "Group" msgstr "Grup" msgid "Type:" msgstr "Tipe:" msgid "Numbers" msgstr "Angka" msgid "F" msgstr "F" msgid "%s requires a valid email address" msgstr "%s mengharuskan alamat email yang sah" msgid "Sitemaps" msgstr "Sitemap" msgid "Privacy Policy" msgstr "Kebijakan Privasi" msgid "Forgot your password?" msgstr "Lupa kata sandi?" msgid "Need an account?" msgstr "Memerlukan akun?" msgid " Username" msgstr "Nama Pengguna" msgid "Deny" msgstr "Tolak" msgid "" "Remember, you need to log in with your %1$s account, not your %2$s account." msgstr "Ingat bahwa Anda harus masuk dengan akun %1$s, bukan akun %2$s." msgid "<strong>ERROR</strong>" msgstr "<strong>KESALAHAN</strong>" msgid "Authorize Jetpack" msgstr "Otorisasikan Jetpack" msgid "" "Hi there Rocketeer!\n" "\n" "Thank you for creating a account so that you can connect up " "your Jetpack. To activate your account, please click on the following link:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "--The Jetpack/ Team" msgstr "" "Halo Rocketeer!\n" "\n" "Terima kasih telah membuat akun sehingga Anda dapat " "menghubungkan Jetpack Anda. Untuk mengaktifkan akun, harap klik tautan " "berikut:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "--Tim Jetpack/" msgid "Guided Transfer" msgstr "Bantuan Transfer" msgid "Newer Comments" msgstr "Komentar Berikutnya" msgid "Older Comments" msgstr "Komentar Sebelumnya" msgid "Widget areas" msgstr "Area widget" msgid "Watch: %s" msgstr "Lihat: %s" msgid "View subscriptions" msgstr "Lihat langganan" msgid "Skip to main content" msgstr "Lewat menuju konten utama" msgid "Skip to navigation" msgstr "Lewati ke navigasi" msgid "" "Want to stand out from the crowd? <a href=\"%s\">Buy a premium theme →</" "a>" msgstr "" "Ingin menonjol di antara banyak blog lain? <a href=\"%s\">Belilah tema " "premium →</a>" msgid "entry" msgstr "entri" msgid "Day" msgstr "hari" msgid "in" msgstr "inci" msgid "Design by" msgstr "Didesain oleh" msgid "Author Bio" msgstr "Bio Penulis" msgid "Extra Large" msgstr "Ekstra Besar" msgid "Link Text" msgstr "Teks Tautan" msgid "No content" msgstr "Tidak ada konten" msgid "Show context" msgstr "Tampilkan konteks" msgid "Content types" msgstr "Jenis konten" msgid "Show post title" msgstr "Tampilkan judul pos" msgid "Small (40px)" msgstr "Kecil (45px)" msgid "Order by" msgstr "Diurutkan sesuai" msgid "Move next" msgstr "Pindah berikutnya" msgid "Image alignment" msgstr "Penjajaran gambar" msgid "Button text" msgstr "Teks tombol" msgid "says" msgstr "kata" msgid "Image Size" msgstr "Ukuran gambar" msgid "Characters" msgstr "Karakter" msgid "No updates are available." msgstr "Tidak ada pembaruan yang tersedia." msgid "Homepage Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Beranda" msgid "Import / Export" msgstr "Impor / Ekspor" msgid "Recent post:" msgstr "Pos terkini:" msgid "Authors:" msgstr "Penulis:" msgid "Newer posts" msgstr "Pos-pos terbaru" msgid "Older posts" msgstr "Tulisan yang lebih lama" msgid "Do you want to continue?" msgstr "Apakah Anda ingin melanjutkan?" msgid "Post Formats" msgstr "Format Postingan" msgid "Bio:" msgstr "Bio:" msgid "Usage information" msgstr "Informasi penggunaan" msgid "%link" msgstr "%link" msgid "Nothing found" msgstr "Tidak ada yang ditemukan" msgid "Show categories" msgstr "Tampilkan kategori" msgid "Link color" msgstr "Warna Taut" msgid "Top Tags" msgstr "Tag Teratas" msgid "Ready!" msgstr "Siap!" msgid "Category…" msgstr "Kategori…" msgid "Bio" msgstr "Bio" msgid "Page Archives" msgstr "Arsip Laman" msgid "Manage my subscriptions" msgstr "Kelola langganan saya" msgid "Google search" msgstr "Pencarian Google" msgid "Post Meta." msgstr "Meta Pos." msgid "private" msgstr "pribadi" msgid "Free" msgstr "Gratis" msgid "The email address you provided is invalid." msgstr "Alamat email yang Anda berikan tidak valid." msgid "Thank you!" msgstr "Terima kasih!" msgid "Please describe the problem." msgstr "Silakan jelaskan masalah yang Anda hadapi." msgid "" "The specified target URL cannot be used as a target. It either does not " "exist, or it is not a pingback-enabled resource." msgstr "" "URL target yang diberikan tidak dapat digunakan sebagai target. Hal ini " "dikarenakan karena target tersebut tidak ada, atau bukan sumberdaya yang " "bisa menerima pingback." msgid "You don't have permission to manage this list." msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk mengelola daftar ini." msgid "These items could not be added:" msgstr "Item berikut tidak bisa ditambahkan:" msgid "You do not have permission to edit tax rates" msgstr "Anda tidak diiznkan mengubah tarif pajak" msgid "You do not have permission to delete this %s" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk menghapus %s" msgid "You do not have permission to delete product tag" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan menghapus tanda produk" msgid "You do not have permission to edit this topic." msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengubah tema ini." msgid "You do not have permission to read this report" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk melihat laporan ini" msgid "You do not have permission to edit this %s" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengubah %s" msgid "You do not have permission to edit this API Key" msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk menyunting Kunci API ini" msgid "You do not have permission to edit API Keys" msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk menyunting kunci API." msgid "You do not have permission to create webhooks." msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk membuat webhook." msgid "You do not have permission to create coupons" msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk membuat kupon" msgid "No token found." msgstr "Token tidak ditemukan." msgid "You do not have permission to delete this customer" msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk menghapus pelanggan ini" msgid "You do not have permission to delete tax rates" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan menghapus tarif pajak" msgid "You do not have permission to create orders" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk membuat pesanan" msgid "The directory does not exist." msgstr "Direktori tidak ada." msgid "You do not have permission to read tax rate" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan membaca tarif pajak" msgid "Tags (comma separated)" msgstr "Tag (dipisah koma)" msgid "Username does not exist." msgstr "Nama pengguna tidak ada." msgid "The specified comment does not exist." msgstr "Komentar yang dimaksud tidak ada." msgid "Notify me of follow-up replies via email." msgstr "Sampaikan balasan lainnya ke email saya." msgid "Subscribe to topic" msgstr "Langganan topik ini" msgid "Unsubscribe from topic" msgstr "Berhenti berlangganan dari topik" msgid "Move to" msgstr "Pindah ke" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete %s?" msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus %s?" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this log?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin menghapus log ini?" msgid "Are you sure you want to unpublish this post?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin membatalkan publikasi pos ini?" msgid "Are you sure you want to unschedule this post?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin membatalkan jadwal pos ini?" msgid "Good" msgstr "Baik" msgid "%d minute" msgid_plural "%d minutes" msgstr[0] "%d menit" msgstr[1] "%d menit" msgid "%d seconds" msgstr "%d detik" msgid "Page %d" msgstr "Halaman %d" msgid "Opens" msgstr "Buka" msgid "Topic Status" msgstr "Status topik" msgid "Edit user" msgstr "Edit pengguna" msgid "Disabled." msgstr "Dinonaktifkan." msgid "Upgrade now" msgstr "Upgrade sekarang" msgid "Update database" msgstr "Perbarui database" msgid "Recount terms" msgstr "Hitung ulang term" msgid "Cancelled <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Cancelled <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Dibatalkan <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Dibatalkan <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "Archive <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Archives <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Arsip <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Arsip <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "Archived <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Archived <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Diarsipkan <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Diarsipkan <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "Public <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Public <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Publik <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Publik <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "Date format" msgstr "Format tanggal" msgid "Show avatar" msgstr "Tampilkan avatar" msgid "Variable Subscriptions" msgstr "Langganan Variabel" msgid "No topic tags found." msgstr "Tidak ada tag topik yang ditemukan." msgid "Completed" msgstr "Lengkap" msgid "Search terms" msgstr "Istilah Pencarian" msgid "%1$s %2$s" msgstr "%1$s %2$s" msgid "%1$s (%2$d of %3$d)" msgstr "%1$s (%2$d dari %3$d)" msgid "Repeat New Password" msgstr "Ulangi Password Baru" msgid "Display date" msgstr "Tampilkan tanggal" msgid "File Name" msgstr "Nama File" msgid "Delete column" msgstr "Hapus kolom" msgid "" "In total <strong>%1$s words</strong> were written. That's more than %2$s " "times larger than the entire Encyclopedia Britannica, which has about 40 " "million words!" msgstr "" "Total <strong>%1$s kata</strong> telah ditulis. Itu lebih dari %2$s kali " "lebih besar dari seluruh Encyclopedia Britannica, yang memiliki sekitar 40 " "juta kata!" msgid "" "In total <strong>%1$s words</strong> were written. That's almost %2$s times " "larger than the entire Encyclopedia Britannica, which has about 40 million " "words!" msgstr "" "Total <strong>%1$s kata</strong> telah ditulis. Itu hampir %2$s kali lebih " "besar dari seluruh Encyclopedia Britannica, yang memiliki sekitar 40 juta " "kata!" msgid "Upgrades store: supercharge your blog" msgstr "Upgrade penyimpanan: supercharge blog Anda" msgid "Select your theme" msgstr "Pilih tema Anda" msgid "Your profile" msgstr "Profil Anda" msgid "General settings" msgstr "Pengaturan umum" msgctxt "post format" msgid "Format" msgstr "Format" msgid "#%d (untitled)" msgstr "#%d (tanpa judul)" msgid "Connecting" msgstr "Menghubungkan" msgid "Disconnecting" msgstr "Memutuskan sambungan" msgid "Connect to %s" msgstr "Hubungkan ke %s" msgid "Disconnected" msgstr "Terputus" msgid "Connected" msgstr "Terhubung" msgid "" "Connect your blog to popular social networking sites and automatically share " "new posts with your friends." msgstr "" "Sambungkan blog anda ke situs-situs jejaring sosial populer dan otomatis " "berbagi pos-pos baru dengan teman-teman Anda." msgid "Purchased" msgstr "Dibeli" msgid "Link to %s" msgstr "Tautan ke %s" msgid "Subscribed site" msgstr "Berlangganan situs →" msgid "Connect Jetpack" msgstr "Menyambungkan Jetpack" msgid "More information" msgstr "Informasi lebih lanjut" msgid "Please verify your birthday." msgstr "Harap verifikasi ulang tahun Anda." msgid "This video is intended for mature audiences." msgstr "Video ini ditujukan untuk pemirsa dewasa." msgid "" "You can <a href=''>get your API key direct from " "Akismet now</a>." msgstr "" "Anda bisa <a href=''>mendapatkan kunci API " "langsung dari Akismet sekarang</a>." msgid "<b>%</b> Replies" msgstr "<b>%</b> Balasan" msgid "<b>1</b> Reply" msgstr "<b>1</b> Balasan" msgid "%d sites" msgstr "%d situs" msgid "Premium Themes" msgstr "Tema Premium" msgid "" "Redirection is currently disabled. Click \"Enable redirect\" to turn on your " "site redirect." msgstr "" "Saat ini pengalihan dinonaktifkan. Klik \"Aktifkan pengalihan\" untuk " "mengaktifkan pengalihan situs." msgid "" "This action is not reversible. You will have to purchase the Site Redirect " "upgrade to redirect your blog again." msgstr "" "Tindakan ini tidak dapat dibatalkan. Anda harus membeli upgrade Pengalihan " "Situs untuk megalihkan blog Anda lagi. " msgid "Delete Site Redirect" msgstr "Hapus Pengalihan Situs" msgid "" "Please confirm that you would like to delete the site redirect from this " "blog." msgstr "" "Silakan mengonfirmasi bahwa Anda ingin menghapus situs tersebut dari blog " "ini." msgid "Confirm deletion of site redirect" msgstr "Mengonfirmasi penghapusan pengalihan situs" msgid "" "The address you entered is already redirecting to this blog. " "Please contact support if you need assistance." msgstr "" "Alamat yang Anda masukkan sudah dialihkan ke blog ini. Silakan " "hubungi dukungan jika Anda membutuhkan bantuan." msgid "You cannot redirect a URL to itself." msgstr "Anda tidak bisa mengalihkan URL kepada dirinya sendiri." msgid "" "A domain mapping already exists for that host. You do not need to buy a site " "redirect if you already have a domain mapping." msgstr "" "Sudah ada pemetaan domain pada host tersebut. Anda tidak perlu membeli " "pengalihan situs jika Anda sudah memiliki pemetaan domain." msgid "Site Redirect upgrade deleted." msgstr "Peningkatan Pengalihan Situs telah dihapus." msgid "Site Redirect upgrade not deleted. Please contact support." msgstr "Upgrade Pengalihan Situs tidak dihapus. Silakan hubungi dukungan. " msgid "Site redirect purchased." msgstr "Pengalihan situs telah dibeli." msgid "Site Redirect" msgstr "Pengalihan Situs" msgid "Discard Current Address?" msgstr "Buang Alamat Saat Ini?" msgid "Confirm Password" msgstr "Tegaskan (ulangi) Kata Sandi" msgid "Please enter a password for the new account." msgstr "Masukkan kata sandi untuk akun yang baru." msgid "Current Address: " msgstr "Alamat Saat Ini:" msgid "Continue »" msgstr "Lanjutkan »" msgid "New Username" msgstr "Nama Pengguna Baru" msgid "" "If you want to change your <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">display name</" "a> (currently %3$s), you can do so under <a href=\"%2$s\">My Profile</a>." msgstr "" "Jika Anda ingin mengubah <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">display name</a> " "(currently %3$s), Anda dapat lakukan di bawah <a href=\"%2$s\">Profil Saya</" "a>." msgid "I'm Sure »" msgstr "Saya Yakin »" msgid "Please Confirm" msgstr "Mohon Konfirmasi" msgid "You can only rename blogs that you own" msgstr "Anda hanya dapat mengubah nama blog yang Anda miliki" msgid "Change Username" msgstr "Ubah Nama Pengguna" msgid "Change Blog Address" msgstr "Ubah Alamat Blog" msgid "You have renamed this blog domain" msgstr "Anda telah mengubah nama domain blog ini" msgid " User" msgstr "Pengguna" msgid "Browse Themes" msgstr "Telusuri Tema" msgid "[] Automatic renewal failure for upgrade on your blog - %s" msgid_plural "" "[] Automatic renewal failure for upgrades on your blog - %s" msgstr[0] "" "[] Pembaruan otomatis untuk upgrade blog Anda gagal - %s" msgstr[1] "" "[] Pembaruan otomatis untuk upgrade blog Anda gagal - %s" msgid "Upload failed. Please reload and try again." msgstr "Gagal mengunggah. Silakan unggah dan coba kembali." msgid "Invalid request" msgstr "Permintaan tidak sah." msgid "Invalid rate" msgstr "Tarif tidak valid" msgid "Your credit card details were successfully updated." msgstr "Kartu kredit Anda telah berhasil diperbarui." msgid "Return Home" msgstr "Kembali ke Beranda" msgctxt "Choose a help topic" msgid "Choose a Category:" msgstr "Pilih sebuah Kategori:" msgctxt "Help topic" msgid "Writing & Editing" msgstr "Menulis & Menyunting" msgctxt "Help topic" msgid "Widgets & Sidebars" msgstr "Widget & Bilah Sisi" msgctxt "Help topic" msgid "Users" msgstr "Pengguna" msgctxt "Help topic" msgid "Upgrades" msgstr "Upgrade" msgctxt "Help topic" msgid "Traffic" msgstr "Lalu Lintas" msgctxt "Help topic" msgid "Media" msgstr "Media" msgctxt "Help topic" msgid "Links" msgstr "Tautan" msgctxt "Help topic" msgid "Languages" msgstr "Bahasa" msgctxt "Help topic" msgid "General" msgstr "Umum" msgctxt "Help topic" msgid "Configuration" msgstr "Konfigurasi" msgctxt "Help topic" msgid "Comments" msgstr "Komentar" msgctxt "Help topic" msgid "Appearance" msgstr "Tampilan" msgid "Subscription" msgstr "Langganan" msgid "" "An automated WordPress update has failed to complete! Please notify the site " "administrator." msgstr "" "Pembaruan WordPress otomatis gagal diselesaikan! Harap beritahu " "administrator situs Anda." msgid "" "An automated WordPress update has failed to complete - <a href=\"%s\">please " "attempt the update again now</a>." msgstr "" "Pembaruan otomatis WordPress gagal diselesaikan - <a href=\"%s\">silakan " "coba perbarui kembali sekarang</a>." msgid "Update to %s" msgstr "Perbarui ke %s" msgid "links" msgstr "links" msgid "Quotes" msgstr "Kutipan" msgid "video" msgstr "Video" msgid "audit" msgstr "audit" msgid "View Changeset" msgstr "Tampilkan Changeset" msgid "Post Navigation" msgstr "Navigasi Pos" msgid "Crop your image" msgstr "Pangkas gambar Anda" msgid "There was an error submitting your form." msgstr "Terjadi error saat mengirimkan formulir Anda." msgid "Thanks" msgstr "Terima kasih" msgid "Limit" msgstr "Batas" msgid "Alt text" msgstr "Teks alt" msgid "Image URL:" msgstr "URL Gambar:" msgid "Title (optional):" msgstr "Judul (opsional):" msgid "Advanced Options" msgstr "Opsi Lanjut" msgid "Website (optional)" msgstr "Situs (opsional)" msgid "Featured Image Header" msgstr "Gambar Tajuk Istimewa" msgid "Featured Images" msgstr "Gambar Andalan" msgid "Expired on %s" msgstr "Berakhir pada %s" msgid "Auto-renew settings" msgstr "Pengaturan perpanjangan otomatis" msgid "Renew now" msgstr "Perpanjang sekarang" msgid "Filter by:" msgstr "Filter berdasarkan:" msgid "Expires on" msgstr "Kedaluwarsa pada" msgid "Expired on" msgstr "Kedaluwarsa pada" msgid "Never expires" msgstr "Tidak pernah kedaluwarsa" msgid "Disable auto-renew" msgstr "Nonaktifkan Perpanjangan Otomatis" msgid "Enable auto-renew" msgstr "Aktifkan perpanjangan otomatis" msgid "You cannot delete a plugin while it is active on the main site." msgstr "Anda tidak dapat menghapus plugin ketika dia aktif pada situs utama." msgid "Default Post Format" msgstr "Format Pos Asal" msgid "Theme deleted." msgstr "Tema dihapus." msgid "Delete item" msgstr "Hapus Item" msgid "" "<strong>Themes</strong> — This area shows themes that are not already " "enabled across the network. Enabling a theme in this menu makes it " "accessible to this site. It does not activate the theme, but allows it to " "show in the site’s Appearance menu. To enable a theme for the entire " "network, see the <a href=\"%s\">Network Themes</a> screen." msgstr "" "<strong>Tema</strong> — Area berikut menampilkan tema yang belum " "diaktifkan di semua jaringan. Mengaktifkan tema di menu berikut akan " "membuatnya dapat diakses untuk situs berikut. Hal ini tidak akan " "mengaktifkan tema, tetapi akan mengizinkannya untuk tampil di menu Tampilan. " "Untuk mengaktifkan tema di seluruh jaringan, lihat ke layar <a href=\"%s" "\">Tema Jaringan</a>." msgid "" "<strong>Users</strong> — This displays the users associated with this " "site. You can also change their role, reset their password, or remove them " "from the site. Removing the user from the site does not remove the user from " "the network." msgstr "" "<strong>Pengguna</strong> — Laman ini menampilkan pengguna-pengguna " "yang terhubung situs ini. Anda bisa juga mengubah peran mereka, mengatur " "ulang sandi, atau membuang mereka dari situs ini. Membuang pengguna dari " "situs ini tidak serta merta membuangnya dari Jaringan." msgid "" "<strong>Info</strong> — The site URL is rarely edited as this can " "cause the site to not work properly. The Registered date and Last Updated " "date are displayed. Network admins can mark a site as archived, spam, " "deleted and mature, to remove from public listings or disable." msgstr "" "<strong>Informasi</strong> — URL situs itu sangat jarang diganti " "karena bisa menyebabkan situs tidak bekerja dengan baik. Tanggal pendaftaran " "dan Tanggal terakhir diperbarui juga ditampilkan. Admin jaringan bisa " "menandai situs menjadi arsip, spam, dihapus dan dewasa, untuk dibuang dari " "daftar publik atau dimatikan." msgid "Or link to existing content" msgstr "Atau pasang tautan ke konten yang ada" msgid "Enter the destination URL" msgstr "Masukkan URL tujuan" msgctxt "paging" msgid "%1$s of %2$s" msgstr "%1$s dari %2$s" msgid "Enable Autorenew" msgstr "Aktifkan Pembaruan Otomatis" msgid "Disable auto renew" msgstr "Nonaktifkan Pembaruan Otomatis" msgid "Expires on %s" msgstr "Kedaluwarsa pada %s" msgid "Auto renews on:" msgstr "Perpanjang otomatis pada:" msgid "" "There was a problem disabling auto renew. Please try again or <a href=\"%s" "\">contact support</a> if the issue continues." msgstr "" "Terdapat kesalahan dalam menonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis. Harap coba lagi " "atau <a href=\"%s\">hubungi dukungan</a> jika masalah masih berlanjut." msgid "You successfully disabled auto renew for <em>%s</em>." msgstr "Anda berhasil menonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk <em>%s</em>." msgid "" "There was a problem enabling auto renew. Please try again or <a href=\"%s" "\">contact support</a> if the issue continues." msgstr "" "Terdapat kesalahan dalam mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis. Harap coba lagi " "atau <a href=\"%s\">hubungi dukungan</a> jika masalah masih berlanjut." msgid "You successfully enabled auto renew for <em>%s</em>." msgstr "Anda berhasil mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk <em>%s</em>." msgid "" " is not a valid blog address but %s available as a domain " "upgrade." msgstr "" " bukan alamat blog yang valid, tetapi %s tersedia sebagai " "upgrade domain." msgid "Hover" msgstr "Hover" msgid "Choose a theme" msgstr "Pilih tema" msgid " Survey" msgstr "Survei" msgid "One blogger likes this" msgstr "Satu blogger menyukai ini" msgctxt "user" msgid "Add New User" msgstr "Tambah Pengguna Baru" msgid "Theme Showcase" msgstr "Etalase Tema" msgid "Find the Perfect Theme" msgstr "Temukan Tema Terbaik" msgid "Year" msgstr "Tahun" msgid "Quarter" msgstr "Triwulan" msgid "30 Days" msgstr "30 Hari" msgid "7 Days" msgstr "7 Hari" msgid "Themes %s" msgstr "Tema %s" msgctxt "share to" msgid "Press This" msgstr "Press This" msgctxt "share to" msgid "Print" msgstr "Cetak" msgctxt "share to" msgid "Facebook" msgstr "Facebook" msgctxt "share to" msgid "Email" msgstr "Surat elektronik" msgid "History" msgstr "Sejarah" msgid "The user is already active." msgstr "Pengguna ini sudah aktif." msgid "Function %1$s was called <strong>incorrectly</strong>. %2$s %3$s" msgstr "Fungsi %1$s ditulis secara <strong>tidak benar</strong>. %2$s %3$s" msgid "" "This screen lists all the existing users for your site. Each user has one of " "five defined roles as set by the site admin: Site Administrator, Editor, " "Author, Contributor, or Subscriber. Users with roles other than " "Administrator will see fewer options in the dashboard navigation when they " "are logged in, based on their role." msgstr "" "Layar ini menampilkan daftar semua pengguna pada situs Anda. Setiap pemakai " "memiliki satu dari lima peran yang terdefinisikan seperti yang ditentukan " "oleh admin situs: Administrator Situs, Editor, Penulis, Kontributor, atau " "Pelanggan. Pengguna dengan peran selain Administrator akan melihat lebih " "sedikit pilihan pada navigasi dasbor ketika mereka masuk log, tergantung " "peran mereka." msgid "" "<strong>Settings</strong> — This page shows a list of all settings " "associated with this site. Some are created by WordPress and others are " "created by plugins you activate. Note that some fields are grayed out and " "say Serialized Data. You cannot modify these values due to the way the " "setting is stored in the database." msgstr "" "<strong>Pengaturan</strong> — Laman ini menampilkan daftar semua " "pengaturan yang terhubung dengan situs ini. Beberapa dibuat oleh WordPress " "dan lainnya dibuat oleh plugin yang Anda aktifkan. Karena itu beberapa " "bidang ditampilkan kabur dan disebut Data yang Tersambung. Anda tidak bisa " "memodifikasi nilai ini selama pengaturannya tersimpan di dalam basis data." msgid "" "The menu is for editing information specific to individual sites, " "particularly if the admin area of a site is unavailable." msgstr "" "Menu itu digunakan untuk menyunting informasi khusus untuk setiap situs, " "jika ada sebagian area admin situs yang tidak tersedia." msgid "The boxes on your Dashboard screen are:" msgstr "Kotak pada layar Dasbor Anda adalah:" msgid "sample-page" msgstr "halaman-contoh" msgid "Sample Page" msgstr "Halaman Contoh" msgid "Video played: " msgstr "Video diputar: " msgid "This site has been archived or suspended." msgstr "Situs ini telah diarsipkan atau ditangguhkan." msgid "" "<strong>ERROR</strong>: The password you entered for the username <strong>" "%1$s</strong> is incorrect. <a href=\"%2$s\" title=\"Password Lost and Found" "\">Lost your password</a>?" msgstr "" "<strong>GALAT</strong>: Kata sandi yang Anda masukkan untuk pemakai <strong>" "%1$s</strong> tidak benar. <a href=\"%2$s\" title=\"Kata Sandi Hilang dan " "Ditemukan\">Kehilangan kata sandi Anda?</a>?" msgid "Secondary Navigation" msgstr "Navigasi Sekunder" msgid "Custom Domain" msgstr "Domain Khusus" msgid "Update Plugins" msgstr "Perbarui Plugin" msgid "An unknown error occurred" msgstr "Terjadi galat tak dikenal" msgid "" "You only have one theme installed right now. Live a little! You can choose " "from over 1,000 free themes in the WordPress Theme Directory at any time: " "just click on the <a href=\"%s\">Install Themes</a> tab above." msgstr "" "Saat ini Anda cuma punya satu tema. Bersenang-senanglah sebentar! Anda bisa " "memilih lebih dari 1000 tema gratis di Direktori Tema WordPress setiap saat: " "cukup klik tab <a href=\"%s\">Instal Tema</a> di atas." msgid "An error has occurred. Please reload the page and try again." msgstr "Terjadi galat. Silakan muat ulang laman ini dan coba lagi." msgid "30 days" msgstr "30 hari" msgid "Select Country" msgstr "Pilih Negara" msgid "(optional)" msgstr "(opsional)" msgid "American Express" msgstr "American Express" msgid "Visa, MasterCard" msgstr "Visa, MasterCard" msgid "Security code" msgstr "Kode keamanan" msgid "Credit Card" msgstr "Kartu Kredit" msgid "Billing information" msgstr "Informasi tagihan" msgid "Top Authors for %1$s days ending %2$s" msgstr "Penulis Teratas selama %1$s hari yang berakhir %2$s" msgid "Top Authors for %s" msgstr "Penulis Teratas selama %s" msgid "Top Authors for %1$s days ending %2$s (Summarized)" msgstr "Penulis Teratas selama %1$s hari yang berakhir %2$s (Ringkasan)" msgid "View files" msgstr "Lihat berkas" msgid "Posts tagged “%s”" msgstr "Pos dengan tag “%s”" msgid "Suggestion:" msgstr "Saran:" msgid "Not available" msgstr "Tidak Tersedia" msgid "Add new page" msgstr "Tambah halaman baru" msgid "User is already a member of this blog." msgstr "Pengguna sudah menjadi anggota blog ini." msgid "[%1$s] %2$s liked your post %3$s" msgstr "[%1$s] %2$s menyukai pos %3$s Anda" msgid "Please limit the value to %d characters." msgstr "Batasi nilai hingga %d karakter." msgid "" "Your WordPress content import for %1$s was successful.\n" "\n" "Happy Blogging!\n" "\n" "-- the team" msgstr "" "Impor konten WordPress Anda untuk %1$s berhasil dijalankan.\n" "\n" "Selamat Ngeblog!\n" "\n" "-- Tim" msgid "" "We are sorry, but there was an error while performing your blog import to " "%s\n" msgstr "Maaf, terjadi kesalahan ketika menjalankan impor blog Anda ke %s\n" msgid "Invalid post format." msgstr "Format pos tidak sah" msgid "Confirm new password" msgstr "Konfirmasi password baru" msgid "Enter your new password below." msgstr "Masukkan password Anda yang baru di bawah ini." msgid "Reset Password" msgstr "Reset Kata Sandi" msgid "Your password has been reset." msgstr "Password Anda telah disetel ulang." msgid "" "Lost your password? Please enter your username or email address. You will " "receive a link to create a new password via email." msgstr "" "Anda kehilangan kata sandi? Silakan masukkan nama pengguna dan alamat email. " "Anda akan menerima tautan untuk membuat kata sandi baru melalui email." msgid "To reset your password, visit the following address:" msgstr "Untuk menyetel ulang password Anda, kunjungi alamat berikut:" msgid "New Link Category Name" msgstr "Nama Kategori Taut Baru" msgid "Add New Link Category" msgstr "Tambah Kategori Taut Baru" msgid "Update Link Category" msgstr "Perbarui Kategori Taut" msgid "All Link Categories" msgstr "Semua Kategori Taut" msgid "Search Link Categories" msgstr "Cari Kategori Taut" msgid "An error occurred while updating the order" msgstr "Tejadi error saat memperbarui pesanan" msgid "This file no longer needs to be included." msgstr "Berkas ini tidak perlu lagi disertakan." msgid "No pages found in Trash." msgstr "Tidak ada laman yang ditemukan dalam Tong Sampah." msgid "No posts found in Trash." msgstr "Tidak ada pos yang ditemukan dalam Tong Sampah." msgid "Display as dropdown" msgstr "Tampilkan sebagai tarikturun" msgid "Invalid attachment ID." msgstr "ID lampiran tidak sah." msgid "Large size image height" msgstr "Tinggi gambar ukuran besar" msgid "Large size image width" msgstr "Lebar gambar ukuran besar" msgid "Medium size image height" msgstr "Tinggi gambar ukuran sedang" msgid "Medium size image width" msgstr "Lebar gambar ukuran sedang" msgid "Crop thumbnail to exact dimensions" msgstr "Potong miniatur ke dimensi yang tepat" msgid "Thumbnail Height" msgstr "Tinggi miniatur" msgid "Thumbnail Width" msgstr "Lebar Miniatur" msgid "Shortlink" msgstr "Shortlink" msgid "" "The Available Widgets section contains all the widgets you can choose from. " "Once you drag a widget into a sidebar, it will open to allow you to " "configure its settings. When you are happy with the widget settings, click " "the Save button and the widget will go live on your site. If you click " "Delete, it will remove the widget." msgstr "" "Bagian Widget yang Tersedia berisi semua widget yang dapat Anda pilih. " "Setelah Anda menyeret sebuah widget ke dalam bilah sisi, ia akan terbuka " "sehingga memungkinkan Anda mengkonfigurasi pengaturannya. Bila Anda puas " "dengan pengaturan widget, klik tombol Simpan dan widget akan ditampilkan di " "situs Anda. Jika Anda klik Hapus, ia akan menghapus widget. " msgid "" "Enter the email address of an existing user on to invite them " "to this site. That person will be sent an email asking them to confirm the " "invite." msgstr "" "Masukkan alamat email pengguna yang ada di untuk mengundang " "mereka agar mengunjungi situs Anda. Pengguna tersebut akan menerima email " "undangan yang berisi permintaan konfirmasi." msgid "The requested user does not exist." msgstr "Pengguna yang diminta tidak ada." msgid "You do not have permission to delete tax classes" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan menghapus kelas pajak" msgid "Add Existing User" msgstr "Tambahkan Pengguna yang telah Ada" msgid "This site has no plugins." msgstr "Situs ini tidak memiliki plugin." msgid "Search themes…" msgstr "Cari tema…" msgid "Info" msgstr "Info" msgid "Manage Settings" msgstr "Kelola Pengaturan" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete these items." msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan menghapus item-item ini." msgid "Warning! User %s cannot be deleted." msgstr "Galat! Pengguna %s tidak dapat dihapus." msgid "Remember to click Update to save metadata entered or changed." msgstr "" "Ingat klik Perbarui Media untuk menyimpan metadata yang telah Anda masukkan " "atau ubah." msgid "" "Note that you crop the image by clicking on it (the Crop icon is already " "selected) and dragging the cropping frame to select the desired part. Then " "click Save to retain the cropping." msgstr "" "Perhatikan bahwa Anda memotong gambar dengan mengkliknya (ikon Potong sudah " "dipilih) dan menyeret bingkai yang dipotong untuk memilih bagian yang " "diinginkan. Kemudian klik Simpan untuk mempertahankan potongan." msgid "" "For images only, you can click on Edit Image under the thumbnail to expand " "out an inline image editor with icons for cropping, rotating, or flipping " "the image as well as for undoing and redoing. The boxes on the right give " "you more options for scaling the image, for cropping it, and for cropping " "the thumbnail in a different way than you crop the original image. You can " "click on Help in those boxes to get more information." msgstr "" "Untuk gambar, Anda dapat mengklik Sunting Gambar di bawah gambar miniatur " "untuk membuka editor gambar dengan ikon untuk memotong, memutar, atau " "membalik gambar serta untuk membatalkan dan mengulangi. Kotak di sebelah " "kanan memberi Anda lebih banyak pilihan untuk mengubah ukuran gambar, " "memotongnya, dan memotong gambar miniatur dengan cara yang berbeda " "dibandingkan jika Anda memotong gambar yang asli. Anda dapat mengklik " "Bantuan di kotak tersebut untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut." msgid "" "This screen allows you to edit fields for metadata in a file within the " "media library." msgstr "" "Layar berikut memungkinkan Anda menyunting ruas untuk data meta dalam berkas " "pada pustaka media." msgid "No search term specified. Showing recent items." msgstr "Tidak ada pencarian yang ditentukan. Menampilkan item baru." msgid "Open link in a new window/tab" msgstr "Buka tautan di jendela/tab baru" msgid "No matching users found." msgstr "Tidak ditemukan pengguna yang cocok." msgid "" "The update process is starting. This process may take a while on some hosts, " "so please be patient." msgstr "" "Proses pembaruan dimulai. Proses ini mungkin memerlukan beberapa saat pada " "beberapa host, jadi harap bersabar." msgctxt "posts" msgid "Sticky <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Sticky <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Lekat <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Lekat <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "Update Now" msgstr "Perbarui Sekarang" msgid "More information about %s" msgstr "Informasi lebih lanjut tentang %s" msgid "Try again" msgstr "Coba lagi" msgid "Visit Theme Site" msgstr "Kunjungi Situs Tema" msgid "Disable" msgstr "Nonaktifkan" msgctxt "themes" msgid "Disabled <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Disabled <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Dinonaktifkan <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Dinonaktifkan <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgctxt "themes" msgid "Enabled <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Enabled <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Diaktifkan <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Diaktifkan <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgctxt "themes" msgid "All <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "All <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Semua <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Semua <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "No themes found." msgstr "Tidak ada tema yang ditemukan." msgid "Go to the last page" msgstr "Pergi ke halaman terakhir" msgid "Go to the next page" msgstr "Pergi ke halaman berikutnya" msgid "Current page" msgstr "Halaman ini" msgid "Go to the previous page" msgstr "Kembali ke halaman sebelumnya" msgid "Go to the first page" msgstr "Pergi ke halaman pertama" msgid "1 item" msgid_plural "%s items" msgstr[0] "%s item" msgstr[1] "%s item" msgid "No items found." msgstr "Tidak ada berkas yang ditemukan." msgctxt "column name" msgid "In Response To" msgstr "Sebagai Balasan Ke" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this comment." msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan menyunting komentar ini." msgid "%1$s ‹ %2$s — WordPress" msgstr "%1$s ‹ %2$s — WordPress" msgid "%s — WordPress" msgstr "%s — WordPress" msgid "We think they're from: %s" msgstr "Menurut kami, mereka berasal dari: %s" msgid "Stats for:" msgstr "Statistik untuk:" msgid "" "You attempted to login with the username 'admin' on If you " "were trying to access your self hosted <a href=\"%s\"></a> " "blog, try <strong></strong>. If you can’t remember " "your username, you can <a href=\"%s\">reset your password</a> " "by providing your email address. If you have any questions please <a href=" "\"%s\">contact support</a>." msgstr "" "Anda mencoba login dengan nama pengguna 'admin' di Jika Anda " "mencoba mengakses blog <a href=\"%s\"></a> yang di-hosting " "sendiri, coba <strong></strong>. Jika lupa nama " "pengguna, Anda dapat melakukan <a href=\"%s\">reset kata " "sandi</a> dengan memberikan alamat email Anda. Jika Anda memiliki " "pertanyaan, silakan <a href=\"%s\">hubungi dukungan</a>" msgid "Top Authors" msgstr "Penulis Teratas" msgid "Other links" msgstr "Tautan lainnya" msgid "Top Posts for %s" msgstr "Kiriman Teratas untuk %s" msgid "Video plays for %s" msgstr "Pemutaran video untuk %s" msgid "Search Terms for %s" msgstr "Istilah Pencarian untuk %s" msgid "Clicks for %s" msgstr "Klik untuk %s" msgid "Referrers for %s" msgstr "Perujuk untuk %s" msgid "" "The value you provided for your email does not end in a valid top level " "domain (TLD), such as com, .net, etc." msgstr "" "Nilai yang Anda sediakan untuk email Anda tidak berujung dalam top level " "domain (TLD), seperti com, .net, dsb." msgid "Total clicks on links on your blog" msgstr "Total klik pada tautan di blog Anda" msgid "Other search terms" msgstr "Istilah pencarian lainnya" msgid "Total views of posts on your blog" msgstr "Total tampilan pada kiriman di blog Anda" msgid "Other posts" msgstr "Kiriman lainnya" msgid "Other sources" msgstr "Sumber lainnya" msgid "Total views referred by links to your blog" msgstr "Total tampilan yang dirujuk oleh tautan ke blog Anda" msgid "Someone subscribes to my blog" msgstr "Ada yang berlangganan blog" msgid "Email me whenever…" msgstr "Email saya ketika…" msgid "Social Notifications" msgstr "Pemberitahuan Sosial" msgid "Go by" msgstr "Buat dengan" msgid "Log in to your account" msgstr "Masuk ke akun Anda." msgid "Unknown action" msgstr "Tindakan tidak diketahui" msgid "Facebook photo" msgstr "Foto Facebook" msgid " Logo" msgstr "Logo" msgid "Login to" msgstr "Login ke" msgid "Connecting to %s" msgstr "Menghubungkan ke %s" msgid "Posting Comment…" msgstr "Memposkan Komentar…" msgid "Logging In…" msgstr "Sedang Login..." msgid "The default content width for the %1$s theme is %2$d pixel." msgid_plural "The default content width for the %1$s theme is %2$d pixels." msgstr[0] "Lebar konten standar untuk tema %1$s adalah %2$d piksel." msgstr[1] "Lebar konten standar untuk tema %1$s adalah %2$d piksel." msgid "" "You’re almost done! Just one simple step left: Below, select your new " "domain, then click “Update Primary Domain.”" msgstr "" "Anda hampir selesai! Tinggal satu langkah mudah lagi: Di bawah ini, pilih " "domain baru, lalu klik “Perbarui Domain Utama.”" msgid "" "After you have done that, you will still sign into your blog at %1$s, but " "your blog will automatically be located on your custom domain." msgstr "" "Setelah menyelesaikannya, Anda harus login ke blog Anda di %1$s, akan tetapi " "blog Anda akan otomatis ditempatkan di domain khusus." msgid "eCheck" msgstr "eCheck" msgid "Open in new tab" msgstr "Buka di tab baru" msgid "No matches found" msgstr "Tidak ada kecocokan ditemukan." msgid "pattern" msgstr "pola" msgid "record" msgstr "piringan hitam" msgid "Books" msgstr "Buku" msgid "" "Other subdomains of this domain are registered to another user at WordPress." "com so you can’t use it for your site. Only that user can register " "other subdomains." msgstr "" "Subdomain lain dari domain ini terdaftar pada pengguna lain di " "sehingga Anda tidak dapat menggunakannya untuk situs Anda. Hanya pengguna " "tersebut yang dapat mendaftarkan subdomain lain." msgid "All sites" msgstr "Semua situs" msgid "This Site" msgstr "Situs Ini" msgid "RSS - Posts" msgstr "Pos - RSS" msgid "Subscribe to posts" msgstr "Berlangganan ke pos" msgid "Aside" msgstr "Ke samping" msgid "All types" msgstr "Semua tipe" msgid "Coupons are disabled." msgstr "Kupon dinonaktifkan." msgid "Invalid post" msgstr "Pos tidak sah" msgid "" "Information entered below will be displayed <strong>publicly</strong> on <a " "href=\"%1$s\">your profile</a> and in <a href=\"%2$s\">Gravatar Hovercards</" "a>. You may also edit your profile <a href=\"%3$s\">at %4$s</a>." msgstr "" "Informasi yang dimasukkan di bawah ini akan ditampilkan <strong>untuk umum</" "strong> di <a href=\"%1$s\">profil Anda</a> dan di <a href=\"%2$s" "\">Hovercard Gravatar</a>. Anda juga dapat mengedit profil <a href=\"%3$s" "\">di %4$s</a>." msgid "Get started." msgstr "Mulai." msgid "You are currently browsing the %s blog archives." msgstr "Anda sedang menelusuri arsip blog %s." msgid "" "You have searched the %1$s blog archives for <strong>‘%2$s’</" "strong>. If you are unable to find anything in these search results, you can " "try one of these links." msgstr "" "Anda telah mencari arsip blog %1$s untuk <strong>‘%2$s’</" "strong>. Jika Anda tidak dapat menemukan apapun dalam hasil pencarian ini, " "Anda dapat mencoba salah satu dari tautan ini." msgid "You are currently browsing the %1$s blog archives for the year %2$s." msgstr "Anda sedang menelusuri arsip blog %1$s untuk tahun %2$s." msgid "You are currently browsing the %1$s blog archives for %2$s." msgstr "Anda sedang menelusuri arsip blog %1$s untuk %2$s." msgid "You are currently browsing the %1$s blog archives for the day %2$s." msgstr "Anda sedang menelusuri arsip blog %1$s untuk hari %2$s." msgid "Search results for: \"%s\"" msgstr "Hasil pencarian untuk: \"%s\"" msgid "Related posts" msgstr "Pos terkait" msgid "no comments" msgstr "Belum ada komentar" msgid "Image width" msgstr "Lebar gambar" msgid "Heading" msgstr "Judul" msgid "Page setup" msgstr "Pengaturan Halaman" msgid "You must be %1$slogged in%2$s to post a review." msgstr "Anda harus %1$slogin%2$s untuk mengirimkan ulasan." msgid "Name must be at least 3 characters long." msgstr "Nama harus sedikitnya 3 karakter." msgid "Domains can only contain letters, numbers or hyphens." msgstr "Domain hanya boleh terdiri dari huruf, angka, atau tanda hubung." msgid "Comments only" msgstr "Hanya komentar" msgid "Akismet re-checked and cleared this comment" msgstr "Akismet memeriksa kembali dan membersihkan komentar ini" msgid "Akismet re-checked and caught this comment as spam" msgstr "Akismet memeriksa kembali dan menangkap komentar ini sebagai spam" msgid "Comment History" msgstr "Sejarah Komentar" msgid "Put your mouse over your Gravatar to check out your profile." msgstr "Taruh tetikus di atas Gravatar Anda untuk melihat profil Anda." msgid "View people's profiles when you mouse over their Gravatars" msgstr "" "Untuk melihat profil orang lain ketika mengambangkan tetikus di atas " "Gravatar mereka" msgid "Your username is \"%1$s\" and your API key is \"%2$s\"." msgstr "" "Nama pengguna Anda adalah \"%1$s\" dan kunci API Anda adalah " "\"%2$s\"." msgid "" "You do not have permission to delete redirects for this blog. Make sure you " "are logged in as the same user used to purchase the redirect. Please <a " "href='%s'>contact support</a> for further help." msgstr "" "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk menghapus pengalihan dari blog ini. Pastikan " "Anda masuk sebagai orang yang sama dengan pengguna yang membeli pengalihan " "ini. Silakan <a href='%s'>hubungi dukungan</a> untuk bantuan lebih lanjut." msgid "Happy blogging," msgstr "Selamat berkreasi," msgid "New post on" msgstr "Pos baru di" msgid "Number" msgstr "Nomor" msgid "Area" msgstr "Area" msgid "More info" msgstr "Info selengkapnya." msgid "Bandwidth: " msgstr "Bandwidth: " msgid "Minutes: " msgstr "Menit: " msgid "Plays: " msgstr "Pemutaran: " msgid "Impressions: " msgstr "Tayangan: " msgid "No incoming links have been found." msgstr "Belum ditemukan tautan masuk." msgid "No clicks have been recorded on your site yet." msgstr "Belum ada klik yang direkam pada situs Anda." msgid "No videos have been played yet." msgstr "Tidak ada video yang belum diputar." msgid "" "These services have been used most often to share your posts on your site." msgstr "" "Layanan ini paling sering digunakan untuk berbagi kiriman Anda di situs Anda." msgid "New Subscriptions" msgstr "Langganan Baru" msgid "Visits" msgstr "Pengunjung" msgid "Your visitors clicked these links on your site." msgstr "Pengunjung Anda mengeklik tautan ini pada situs Anda." msgid "These are terms people used to find your site." msgstr "" "Ini adalah istilah yang digunakan oleh orang untuk menemukan situs web Anda." msgid "These posts on your site got the most traffic." msgstr "Kiriman ini di situs Anda mendapatkan lalu lintas terbanyak." msgid "People clicked links from these pages to get to your site." msgstr "Orang mengeklik tautan dari halaman ini untuk membuka situs Anda." msgid "Removed <strong>%s</strong> ( user) from this site." msgstr "Menghapus <strong>%s</strong> (pengguna dari situs ini." msgid "" "The owner of the API key must visit this site's stats page to grant access." msgstr "" "Pemilik kunci API harus mengunjungi halaman statistik situs ini untuk " "mendapatkan akses." msgid "You are not a member of this site." msgstr "Anda bukan anggota dari situs ini." msgid "Full Width Template" msgstr "Templat Lebar Penuh" msgid "Editor Style" msgstr "Style Editor" msgid "The “%s” field is limited to %d characters." msgstr "Bidang “%s” dibatasi hingga %d karakter." msgid "Connect with your account:" msgstr "Hubungkan dengan akun Anda:" msgid "Something went wrong. The redirect URL is empty." msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan. URL pengalihan kosong." msgid "Spam <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Spam <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Spam <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Spam <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "Feedback" msgstr "Umpan Balik" msgid "%s is required" msgstr "%s diwajibkan" msgid "Messages" msgstr "Pesan" msgid "You are not allowed to manage this item." msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengelola item ini." msgid "Mark this message as NOT spam" msgstr "Tandai pesan ini sebagai BUKAN spam" msgid "Mark this message as spam" msgstr "Tandai pesan ini sebagai spam" msgid "From" msgstr "Dari" msgid "No stats are available for this time period." msgstr "Statistik tidak tersedia untuk periode waktu ini." msgid "<code>%s</code> HTML tag removed as it is not allowed" msgstr "Tag HTML <code>%s</code> dihapus karena tidak diizinkan" msgid "%d article published" msgid_plural "%d articles published" msgstr[0] "%d artikel dipublikasikan" msgstr[1] "%d artikel dipublikasikan" msgid "Pending comments" msgstr "Komentar tertahan" msgid "An unexpected error occurred" msgstr "Terjadi error tidak terduga" msgid "%(email)s is not a valid email address." msgstr "%(email)s bukan alamat email yang valid." msgid "%s is not a valid username." msgstr "%s bukan nama pengguna yang valid." msgid "Sorry, but %s is already registered as a %s." msgstr "Maaf, %s sudah didaftar sebagai %s." msgid "Retro (Generated)" msgstr "Retro (Diciptakan)" msgid "Sign up for a free blog" msgstr "Mendaftar untuk blog gratis" msgid "Email changes to drafts, not just published items." msgstr "Email berubah ke konsep, tidak hanya item yang dipublikasikan." msgid "One email address per line." msgstr "Satu alamat email setiap baris." msgid "Send an email when a post or page changes." msgstr "Kirim email ketika postingan atau halaman berubah." msgid "Invalid Email: %s" msgid_plural "Invalid Emails: %s" msgstr[0] "Email Tidak Valid: %s" msgstr[1] "Email Tidak Valid: %s" msgid "Post Types" msgstr "Jenis Postingan" msgid "Additional Email Addresses" msgstr "Alamat Email Tambahan" msgid "Users to Email" msgstr "Pengguna ke Email" msgid "Email Post Changes" msgstr "Kirim Perubahan Pos Melalui Email" msgid "%s changed" msgstr "%s berubah" msgid "" "Please note that your services have been restricted because your site is " "private." msgstr "" "Mohon perhatikan bahwa layanan-layanan Anda telah ditangguhkan sebab situs " "Anda hanya memiliki akses privat." msgid "Recent posts" msgstr "Tulisan Terakhir" msgid "Search %s" msgstr "Cari %s" msgid "special" msgstr "spesial" msgid "Bloggers" msgstr "Blogger" msgid "Sponsored Posts" msgstr "Pos yang Disponsori" msgid "Write a post" msgstr "Tulis sebuah kiriman" msgid "Edit post" msgstr "Sunting pos" msgid "" "To activate your site, please click the following link:\n" "\n" "%1$s\n" "\n" "After you activate, you will receive *another email* with your login.\n" "\n" "After you activate, you can visit your site here:\n" "\n" "%2$s" msgstr "" "Untuk mengaktifkan situs Anda, silakan klik tautan berikut:\n" "\n" "%1$s\n" "\n" "Setelah Anda aktifkan, Anda akan menerima *email yang lain* dengan login " "Anda.\n" "\n" "Setelah Anda aktifkan, Anda dapat mengunjungi situs Anda di sini:\n" "\n" "%2$s" msgid "Authorizing…" msgstr "Mengizinkan…" msgid "This Month" msgstr "Bulan Ini" msgid "This Week" msgstr "Minggu Ini" msgid "Most Popular Content" msgstr "Konten Paling Populer" msgid "This post could not be reblogged." msgstr "Tidak dapat melakukan reblog pos berikut." msgid "Block Emails" msgstr "Blokir E-mail" msgid "Likes and Shares" msgstr "Menyukai dan Berbagi" msgid "" "Please <a href=\"\">contact support</a> " "if you wish to delete a registered domain." msgstr "" "Silakan <a href=\"\">hubungi dukungan</" "a> jika Anda ingin menghapus domain yang terdaftar." msgid "" "The main part of your blog URL is its domain. An example of a domain is " "\"\". You can have your blog at any domain you control, such as " ", or set up a domain to automatically redirect visitors to your " "blog URL. <a href=\"\">Read more " "about it</a> or enter a domain name below and follow the prompts." msgstr "" "Bagian utama dari URL blog Anda adalah domain-nya. Contoh domain adalah " "””. Anda dapat memiliki blog Anda di setiap domain yang Anda " "kontrol, misalnya,, atau siapkan domain agar mengalihkan secara " "otomatis para pengunjung ke URL blog Anda. <a href=\"http://support." "\">Bacalah lebih banyak tentang ini</a> atau " "masukkan nama domain di bawah ini dan ikuti petunjuknya." msgid "" "Please enter a valid domain or URL (e.g.,, " "" msgstr "" "Silakan masukkan domain atau URL yang valid (misalnya,, blog." "," msgid "" "Your blog cannot be redirected to that URL. Please make sure the URL is " "valid." msgstr "" "Blog Anda tidak dapat dialihkan ke URL tersebut. Harap pastikan apakah URL " "tersebut valid." msgid "Search results only" msgstr "Hanya hasil penelusuran" msgid "" "You will receive a refund for this upgrade as it was purchased less than 3 " "days ago." msgstr "" "Anda akan menerima pengembalian dana untuk peningkatan ini karena baru saja " "dibayarkan kurang dari 3 hari yang lalu." msgid "" "You will not receive a refund of the cost of this upgrade as it was " "purchased more than 3 days ago or there was a problem finding your payment. " "Please contact support if you have any queries about this cancellation." msgstr "" "Anda tidak Akan menerima pengembalian dana atas pembelian peningkatan ini " "karena telah dibayarkan lebih dari 3 hari yang lalu atau karena ada masalah " "pada pembayaran Anda. Silakan hubungi dukungan jika Anda mempunyai " "pertanyaan tentang pembatalan ini." msgid "Sharing Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Berbagi" msgid "Spam Blocked" msgstr "Spam Diblokir" msgid "Akismet API Key" msgstr "Kunci API Akismet" msgid "Traffic" msgstr "Aktivitas" msgid "Services dragged here will be hidden behind a share button." msgstr "" "Layanan-layanan yang ditarik kemari akan disembunyikan di balik tombol " "berbagi." msgid "Services dragged here will appear individually." msgstr "Layanan-layanan yang ditarik kemari akan muncul secara individual." msgid "%d images found" msgstr "%d gambar ditemukan" msgid "Share on Facebook" msgstr "Bagikan pada Facebook" msgid "Click to Press This!" msgstr "Klik untuk Press This!" msgid "Click to print" msgstr "Klik untuk mencetak" msgid "Click to share on Facebook" msgstr "Klik untuk membagikan di Facebook" msgid "Click to edit this post" msgstr "Klik untuk menyunting pos berikut" msgid "Click to share on Reddit" msgstr "Klik untuk berbagi pada Reddit" msgid "Click to share on Twitter" msgstr "Klik untuk berbagi pada Twitter" msgid "Click to email a link to a friend" msgstr "Klik untuk mengirimkan email tautan ke teman" msgid "Remove Service" msgstr "Cabut Layanan" msgid "Icon" msgstr "Ikon" msgid "" "An error occurred creating your new sharing service - please check you gave " "valid details." msgstr "" "Galat terjadi ketika menciptakan layanan berbagi baru Anda - silakan periksa " "detil yang Anda berikan apakah sah." msgid "Enter the URL of a 16x16px icon you want to use for this service." msgstr "" "Masukkan URL dari ikon 16x16 piksel yang ingin digunakan untuk layanan ini." msgid "Icon URL" msgstr "URL Ikon" msgid "You can add the following variables to your service sharing URL:" msgstr "Anda dapat menambahkan variabel berikut pada URL layanan berbagi Anda:" msgid "Sharing URL" msgstr "URL Berbagi" msgid "Service name" msgstr "Nama layanan" msgid "Category slug." msgstr "Slug kategori." msgid "Add Content" msgstr "Tambahkan Konten" msgid "Full post" msgstr "Pos penuh" msgid "Share Button" msgstr "tombol berbagi" msgid "Standard" msgstr "Standar" msgid "Send email" msgstr "Kirim Surat Elektronik" msgid "Share this:" msgstr "Bagikan:" msgid "New window" msgstr "Jendela Baru" msgid "Sharing label" msgstr "Label berbagi" msgid "Text only" msgstr "Hanya teks" msgid "Icon only" msgstr "Ikon saja" msgid "Icon + text" msgstr "Ikon + teks" msgid "Nothing to preview." msgstr "Tidak ada pratinjau." msgid "Live Preview" msgstr "Pratinjau Langsung" msgid "Enabled Services" msgstr "Layanan Aktif" msgid "Add a new service" msgstr "Tambahkan layanan baru" msgid "Drag and drop the services you'd like to enable into the box below." msgstr "" "Tarik dan taruh layanan yang ingin dinyalakan ke dalam kotak di bawah ini." msgid "Available Services" msgstr "Layanan yang tersedia" msgid "Settings have been saved" msgstr "Pengaturan sudah disimpan" msgid "Post Shares : %s" msgstr "Berbagi Kiriman : %s" msgid "Sharing Service : %s" msgstr "Layanan Berbagi : %s" msgid "« Return to Share Stats" msgstr "« Kembali ke Statistik Berbagi" msgid "" "You’re one step away from using <strong>%1$s</strong> as your blog " "address. <a href=\"%2$s\">Click here to activate %1$s</a>." msgstr "" "Anda hanya berjarak satu langkah lagi untuk menggunakan <strong>%1$s</" "strong> sebagai alamat blog Anda. <a href=\"%2$s\">Klik di sini untuk " "mengaktifkan %1$s</a>." msgid "" "<a href=\"%s\">Create your about page</a> so your readers can learn a bit " "about you." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\">Isi halaman tentang Anda</a> agar pembaca dapat mengetahui " "sedikit tentang diri Anda." msgid "" "<a href=\"%s\">Update your about page</a> so your readers can learn a bit " "about you." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\">Perbarui halaman tentang Anda</a> agar pembaca dapat " "mengetahui sedikit tentang diri Anda." msgid "" "<a href=\"%s\">Set your blog’s language</a> so you appear in WordPress." "com top lists and get more traffic." msgstr "" "<a href=\"%s\">Atur bahasa blog Anda,</a> agar Anda muncul di daftar teratas " "di dan lalu lntas pengunjung bertambah." msgid "" "Replace FeedBurner with our <a href=\"%s\">Email Subscriptions</a> to gain " "more features." msgstr "" "Ganti FeedBurner dengan <a href=\"%s\">Langganan Email</a> untuk memdapatkan " "lebih banyak fitur." msgid "Top Posts & Pages" msgstr "Pos & Laman Teratas" msgid "Shares" msgstr "Berbagi" msgid "Top Sharing Services" msgstr "Layanan Berbagi Teratas" msgid "Blog Shares" msgstr "Berbagi Blog" msgid "Reddit" msgstr "Reddit" msgid "Shared Post" msgstr "Tulisan " msgid "Manage Notifications" msgstr "Kelola Pemberitahuan" msgid "You are already subscribed to this blog." msgstr "Anda sudah berlangganan blog ini." msgid "You do not have access to that blog" msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki akses ke blog tersebut" msgid "Please enter a valid blog URL" msgstr "Silakan masukkan URL blog yang valid" msgid "An RSS or Atom feed could not be found for that blog" msgstr "RSS atau Umpanan Atom tidak dapat ditemukan untuk blog tersebut" msgid "Please enter a blog URL" msgstr "Silakan masukkan URL blog" msgid "Email delivery window" msgstr "Jendela pengiriman email" msgid "Email delivery format" msgstr "Format pengiriman email" msgid "Private Blog" msgstr "Blog Privat" msgid "Manage all subscriptions" msgstr "Kelola semua langganan" msgid "descriptions settings" msgstr "pengaturan deskripsi" msgid "sometime" msgstr "pada suatu waktu" msgid "Manage subscriptions" msgstr "Kelola langganan" msgid "Reader Subscriptions" msgstr "Langganan Reader" msgid "NEW" msgstr "Baru" msgid "your email" msgstr "email anda" msgid "Your name" msgstr "Nama Anda" msgid "This blog is hidden from search engines" msgstr "Blog ini disembunyikan dari mesin pencarian" msgid "This blog is private" msgstr "Blog ini adalah pribadi" msgid "Search" msgstr "Cari" msgid "Manage Comments" msgstr "Kelola Komentar" msgid "You searched for \"%s\"" msgstr "Anda mencari \"%s\"" msgid "Step %d" msgstr "Langkah %d" msgid "Unknown blog" msgstr "Blog tidak diketahui" msgid "Footer Widgets" msgstr "Widget Footer" msgid "(Signup has been disabled. Only members of this site can comment.)" msgstr "" "(Pendaftaran telah dinonaktifkan. Hanya anggota situs ini dapat meninggalkan " "komentar.)" msgid "→" msgstr "→" msgid "←" msgstr "←" msgid "" "Manage your subscriptions by clicking this link or copying it " "into a browser:" msgstr "" "Kelola langganan Anda dengan mengeklik atau menyalin tautan " "ini ke peramban:" msgid "[Subscribe] Your Subscription Details" msgstr "[Subscribe] Detail Langganan Anda" msgid "" "Click on the 'unsubscribe' link at the bottom of every email (including this " "one)" msgstr "" "Klik pada tautan 'berhenti berlangganan' di bagian bawah setiap email " "(termasuk email ini)" msgid "" "Congratulations, you are now subscribed to the site \"%1$s\" (%2$s) and will " "receive an email notification when a new post is made." msgstr "" "Selamat, sekarang Anda telah berlangganan situs \"%1$s\" (%2$s) dan Anda " "akan menerima email pemberitahuan apabila ada postingan baru." msgid "" "Your email address has been blocked from receiving further subscription " "emails - come back soon!" msgstr "" "Alamat email Anda telah diblokir untuk menerima email langganan lebih lanjut " "- segera kembali!" msgid "Sites <span class=\"count\">(%d)</span>" msgstr "Situs <span class=\"count\">(%d)</span>" msgid "You are subscribing to the following site:" msgstr "Anda berlangganan situs berikut ini:" msgid "" "You have been invited to subscribe to the site \"%s\". Please confirm your " "subscription below to start receiving updates by email." msgstr "" "Anda diundang untuk berlangganan ke situs \"%s\". Konfirmasi langganan Anda " "di bawah ini untuk mulai menerima pembaruan melalui email." msgid "You are subscribing to the following post:" msgstr "Anda berlangganan pos berikut ini:" msgid "Confirm Subscription" msgstr "Konfirmasi Langganan" msgid "" "Great, we hope you enjoy your subscription! To confirm please click the " "button below and we will activate your subscription straight away." msgstr "" "Bagus, semoga Anda menikmati langganan Anda! Untuk mengonfirmasi, silakan " "klik tombol di bawah ini dan kami akan langsung mengaktifkan langganan Anda." msgid "Yes, I want to be subscribed" msgstr "Ya, saya ingin berlangganan" msgid "" "You have been invited to subscribe to comments on the post \"%s\". Please " "confirm your subscription below to start receiving updates by email." msgstr "" "Anda diundang untuk berlangganan ke komentar pada pos \"%s\". Konfirmasi " "langganan Anda di bawah ini untuk mulai menerima pembaruan melalui email." msgid "Confirm Your Subscription" msgstr "Konfirmasi Langganan Anda" msgid "" "You are about to delete your subscription to the site \"%s\". Please confirm " "this below." msgstr "" "Anda akan menghapus langganan Anda ke situs \"%s\". Silakan konfirmasi di " "bawah ini." msgid "You are about to delete the following subscription:" msgstr "Anda akan menghapus langganan berikut ini:" msgid "Subscription Details" msgstr "Rincian Berlangganan" msgid "" "You can prevent from sending you any more subscription emails " "by clicking below." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mencegah mengirimi Anda email langganan lagi dengan " "mengeklik di bawah ini." msgid "" "We're sorry that you've decided to stop your subscription. If you change " "your mind in the future we're only a few clicks away." msgstr "" "Sayang sekali Anda memilih untuk berhenti berlangganan. Jika nanti Anda " "berubah pikiran, segera klik hubungi kami." msgid "Yes, I want to delete my subscription" msgstr "Ya, saya ingin menghapus langganan saya" msgid "" "You are about to delete your subscription to comments for \"%s\". Please " "confirm this below." msgstr "" "Anda akan menghapus langganan Anda ke komentar untuk \"%s\". Silakan " "konfirmasi di bawah ini." msgid "Delete Your Subscription" msgstr "Hapus Langganan Anda" msgid "" "If you are still having problems you may want to try subscribing again. " "Failing that, <a href=\"\">get in " "touch</a> with us and we will do our best to sort it out." msgstr "" "Jika Anda masih mengalami masalah, silakan mencoba berlangganan lagi. Jika " "gagal, <a href=\"\">hubungi</a> kami " "dan kami akan berusaha sebaik mungkin untuk menyelesaikannya." msgid "Have you blocked subscription emails?" msgstr "Apakah Anda telah memblokir email langganan?" msgid "Has the subscription already been activated?" msgstr "Apakah langganan tersebut sudah diaktifkan?" msgid "Did you copy the URL exactly as shown in your subscription email?" msgstr "" "Apakah Anda menyalin URL persis seperti yang ditampilkan di email langganan " "Anda?" msgid "" "Not to worry, there's probably a simple reason why you are seeing this " "message." msgstr "" "Jangan khawatir, mungkin ada alasan sederhana mengapa Anda melihat pesan ini." msgid "Possible Reasons" msgstr "Kemungkinan Alasan" msgid "Sorry, but the activation key you provided is not valid." msgstr "Maaf, kunci aktivasi yang Anda berikan tidak valid." msgid "Invalid Subscription" msgstr "Langganan Tidak Valid" msgid "All posts on this site" msgstr "Semua pos di situs ini" msgid "Email Subscriptions |" msgstr "Langganan Email |" msgid "" "Are you a blog owner and want to offer email updates to your " "readers? You can find full details on the <a href=\"" "\">subscriptions</a> support page. We'll " "automatically convert your posts and comments to professional looking emails " "that retain as much love and attention as you put in originally." msgstr "" "Apakah Anda pemilik blog dan ingin menawarkan pembaruan email " "ke pembaca Anda? Anda dapat melihat detail selengkapnya di halaman dukungan " "<a href=\"\">langganan</" "a>. Kami akan secara otomatis mengonversi pos dan komentar Anda menjadi " "email dengan tampilan profesional yang sama hangat dan ramahnya dengan pesan " "yang Anda tulis sebelumnya." msgid "Subscription Emails" msgstr "Email Langganan" msgid "Offer Subscriptions to Your Own Readers" msgstr "Tawarkan Langganan ke Pembaca Anda" msgid "" "Have you received an email asking you to activate your subscription? Copy " "and paste the full URL into your browser. If you're having trouble, enter " "your email address in the box opposite and we'll send you details of how to " "manage (and activate) your subscriptions." msgstr "" "Apakah Anda sudah menerima email yang meminta Anda untuk mengaktifkan " "langganan? Salin dan rekatkan URL ini ke peramban Anda. Jika mengalami " "masalah, masukkan alamat email Anda di kotak yang sebaliknya dan kami akan " "mengirimkan detail tentang cara mengelola (dan mengaktifkan) langganan Anda." msgid "Activate Your Subscription" msgstr "Aktifkan Langganan Anda" msgid "Request Details" msgstr "Minta Detail" msgid "" "Want to manage your subscriptions? Just enter your email address below and " "we'll send you the details." msgstr "" "Ingin mengelola langganan Anda? Cukup masukkan alamat email Anda di bawah " "ini dan kami akan mengirimkan detailnya." msgid "Manage Your Subscriptions" msgstr "Kelola Langganan Anda" msgid "" "Subscribe to a site and receive updates by email. You stay in " "full control of all your subscriptions and can pick a delivery schedule that " "suits you. You don't even need to be a WordPress user." msgstr "" "Berlangganan ke situs dan terima pembaruan melalui email. Anda " "tetap memegang kendali penuh atas semua langganan Anda dan dapat memilih " "jadwal pengiriman yang sesuai untuk Anda. Anda bahkan tidak perlu menjadi " "pengguna WordPress." msgid "Email Subscriptions" msgstr "Langganan Email" msgid "If you're not sure then re-request the details and we'll send it again." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak yakin, silakan minta ulang detailnya dan kami akan " "mengirimkannya lagi." msgid "Your email provider - the email may be blocked" msgstr "Penyedia email Anda - email tersebut mungkin diblokir" msgid "Your spam settings - the email may be in your spam folder" msgstr "" "Pengaturan spam Anda - email tersebut mungkin masuk ke folder spam Anda" msgid "Spelling - did you enter the right address?" msgstr "Ejaan - apakah Anda sudah memasukkan alamat email yang benar?" msgid "If you do not receive an email from us then you should check:" msgstr "Jika tidak menerima email dari kami, Anda harus memastikan: " msgid "" "Details about how to access your subscriptions have been sent " "to your email address." msgstr "" "Detail tentang cara mengakses langganan telah dikirim ke " "alamat email Anda." msgid "Subscriptions Details Sent" msgstr "Detail Langganan Terkirim " msgid "More Stats for %s" msgstr "Statistik Selengkapnya untuk %s" msgid "Websites" msgstr "Situs web" msgid "Movie" msgstr "Film" msgid "Food" msgstr "Makanan" msgid "Album" msgstr "Album" msgid "People" msgstr "Pengguna" msgid "Organization: %s" msgstr "Organisasi: %s" msgid "Groups" msgstr "Kelompok" msgid "Company" msgstr "Perusahaan" msgid "Activity" msgstr "Aktivitas" msgid "Select categories…" msgstr "Pilih kategori…" msgid "Default quality setting" msgstr "Pengaturan kualitas asali" msgid "The domain mapping for %1$s has been deleted and refunded." msgstr "" "Pemetaan domain untuk %1$s telah dihapus dan biayanya telah dikembalikan." msgid "Private whois upgrade deleted." msgstr "Upgrade Whois Privat telah dihapus. " msgid "Upgrade cancelled and refund requested" msgstr "Upgrade dibatalkan dan permintaan pembayaran kembali telah diajukan" msgid "Time: %1$s" msgstr "Waktu: %1$s" msgid "Email address" msgstr "Alamat email" msgid "Need help?" msgstr "Butuh bantuan?" msgid "j" msgstr "j" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Tidak diketahui" msgid "Loading video..." msgstr "Memuat video..." msgid "Share" msgstr "Bagikan" msgid "Go to Themes page" msgstr "Pergi ke halaman tema" msgid "Go to WordPress Updates page" msgstr "Pergi ke halaman Pembaruan WordPress" msgid "Oops!" msgstr "Ups!" msgid "WordPress Themes" msgstr "Tema WordPress" msgid "Powered by %1$s" msgstr "Didukung oleh %1$s" msgid "Try looking in the monthly archives. %1$s" msgstr "Coba cari di arsip bulanan. %1$s" msgid "Custom" msgstr "Tersuai" msgid "Edit Tag" msgstr "Sunting Tag" msgid "Manual Offsets" msgstr "Offset Manual" msgid "On" msgstr "Nyala" msgid "Read more..." msgstr "Baca selengkapnya..." msgid "%d Comments" msgstr "%d Komentar" msgid "Rate This" msgstr "Nilai Ini" msgid "Font Size" msgstr "Ukuran Font" msgid "To" msgstr "ke" msgid "All Posts" msgstr "Semua Pos" msgid "" "Many themes show some sidebar widgets by default until you edit your " "sidebars, but they are not automatically displayed in your sidebar " "management tool. After you make your first widget change, you can re-add the " "default widgets by adding them from the Available Widgets area." msgstr "" "Banyak tema menunjukkan beberapa widget bilah sisi secara bawaan sampai Anda " "menyunting bilah sisi Anda, tetapi mereka tidak secara otomatis ditampilkan " "dalam peralatan pengelolaan bilah sisi Anda. Setelah Anda membuat perubahan " "widget pertama Anda, Anda dapat kembali menambahkan widget standar dengan " "menambahkan mereka dari area Widgets yang Tersedia." msgid "Last Name" msgstr "Nama Belakang" msgid "First Name" msgstr "Nama Depan" msgid "Edit Page" msgstr "Sunting Laman" msgid "Log In" msgstr "Login" msgid "Warning:" msgstr "Peringatan:" msgid "Menu Name" msgstr "Nama Menu" msgid "Add New Custom Field:" msgstr "Tambahkan Ruas Tersuai yang Baru:" msgid "Full Size" msgstr "Ukuran Penuh" msgid "Theme downgrade failed." msgstr "Tema gagal diturunkan." msgid "Plugin update failed" msgstr "Pembaruan plugin gagal" msgid "View Trash" msgstr "Lihat Tong Sampah" msgid "%s comment restored from the Trash." msgid_plural "%s comments restored from the Trash." msgstr[0] "%s komentar dikembalikan dari Tong Sampah" msgstr[1] "%s komentar dikembalikan dari Tong Sampah" msgid "%s comment moved to the Trash." msgid_plural "%s comments moved to the Trash." msgstr[0] "%s komentar dibuang ke Tong Sampah." msgstr[1] "%s komentar dibuang ke Tong Sampah." msgid "Text Color" msgstr "Warna Teks" msgid "Background Color" msgstr "Warna latar belakang" msgid "" "Do not forget to click on the Save Changes button when you are finished." msgstr "" "Jangan lupa untuk mengklik tombol Simpan Perubahan ketika Anda sudah selesai." msgid "Draft saved at %s." msgstr "Konsep disimpan di %s." msgid "Space Upgrade" msgstr "Upgrade Ruang" msgid "Email" msgstr "Email" msgid "Slideshow" msgstr "Slideshow" msgid "Last name." msgstr "Nama belakang." msgid "First name." msgstr "Nama depan." msgid "New Category Name" msgstr "Nama Kategori Baru" msgid "Parent Category" msgstr "Kategori Induk" msgid "Select all" msgstr "Pilih semua" msgid "Font Sizes" msgstr "Ukuran Font" msgid "Last updated" msgstr "Terakhir diperbarui" msgid "Week" msgstr "minggu" msgid "home" msgstr "beranda" msgid "optional" msgstr "opsional" msgid "0" msgstr "0" msgid "cancer" msgstr "kanker" msgid "Search results" msgstr "Hasil pencarian" msgid "Newer" msgstr "Lebih baru" msgid "Older" msgstr "Lebih Lama" msgid "Save changes" msgstr "Simpan perubahan" msgid "Edit link" msgstr "Edit tautan" msgid "Add links" msgstr "Tambahkan tautan" msgid "pages" msgstr "Halaman" msgid "Log out" msgstr "Keluar" msgid "Leave a reply" msgstr "Berikan sebuah balasan" msgid "g:i A" msgstr "g:i A" msgid "Remember Me" msgstr "Ingat Saya" msgid "Dating" msgstr "Kencan" msgid "Attachment Pages" msgstr "Halaman Lampiran" msgid "Text color" msgstr "Warna teks" msgid "Background color" msgstr "Warna latar belakang" msgid "Resubscribe" msgstr "Langganan lagi" msgid "New post" msgstr "Pos baru" msgid "Post by Email" msgstr "Kirim Pos melalui Email" msgid "Welcome message" msgstr "Pesan selamat datang" msgid "Theme: %1$s." msgstr "Tema: %1$s." msgid "Tags: " msgstr "Tag:" msgid "End Date" msgstr "Tanggal Akhir" msgid "All dates" msgstr "Semua tanggal" msgid "Filters" msgstr "Filter" msgid "Thank you for voting!" msgstr "Terima kasih telah memilih!" msgid "Return To Poll" msgstr "Kembali ke Polling" msgid "(%d votes)" msgstr "(%d suara)" msgid "I use it in school!" msgstr "Saya menggunakannya di sekolah!" msgid "View Results" msgstr "Lihat Hasil" msgid "Vote" msgstr "Pilih" msgid "I use it at home." msgstr "Saya menggunakannya di rumah." msgid "I use it in school." msgstr "Saya menggunakannya di sekolah." msgid "Not supported in Internet Explorer." msgstr "Tidak didukung di Internet Explorer." msgid "double" msgstr "ganda" msgid "dotted" msgstr "titik-titik" msgid "right bottom" msgstr "bawah kanan" msgid "right center" msgstr "tengah kanan" msgid "right top" msgstr "atas kanan" msgid "center bottom" msgstr "bawah tengah" msgid "center center" msgstr "tengah tengah" msgid "center top" msgstr "atas tengah" msgid "left bottom" msgstr "bawah kiri" msgid "left center" msgstr "tengah kiri" msgid "left top" msgstr "atas kiri" msgid "Image Position" msgstr "Posisi Gambar" msgid "Click here for more information" msgstr "Klik di sini untuk informasi lebih lanjut" msgid "Padding" msgstr "Padding" msgid "Margin" msgstr "Margin" msgid "Total Votes" msgstr "Total Suara" msgid "Vote Button" msgstr "Tombol Memilih" msgid "Other Input" msgstr "Masukan Lain" msgid "Answer Check" msgstr "Pemeriksaan Jawaban" msgid "Answer Group" msgstr "Kelompok Jawaban" msgid "Question" msgstr "Pertanyaan" msgid "Poll Box" msgstr "Kotak Polling" msgid "Narrow" msgstr "Sempit" msgid "Wide" msgstr "Lebar" msgid "Manga" msgstr "Manga" msgid "Paper" msgstr "Kertas" msgid "Aluminum" msgstr "Aluminium" msgid "Standard Styles" msgstr "Gaya Standar" msgid "delete this answer" msgstr "hapus jawaban ini" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this answer?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin menghapus jawaban ini?" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the rating for \"%s\"?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin menghapus peringkat \"%s\"?" msgid "%s (Draft)" msgstr "%s (Draf)" msgid "Crop and Publish" msgstr "Pangkas dan Terbitkan" msgid "" "Images of exactly <strong>%1$d × %2$d pixels</strong> will be used as-" "is." msgstr "" "Gambar dengan ukuran tepat <strong>%1$d × %2$d piksel</strong> akan " "digunakan." msgid "Audio Post" msgstr "Pos Audio" msgid "Three." msgstr "Tiga." msgid "Zero" msgstr "Nol" msgid "Post navigation" msgstr "Navigasi pos" msgid "Main menu" msgstr "Menu utama" msgid "Comment navigation" msgstr "Navigasi komentar" msgid "You have subscribed to all comments on the blog." msgstr "Anda telah berlangganan ke semua komentar di blog." msgid "You were not subscribed to all comments." msgstr "Sebelumnya Anda tidak berlangganan ke semua komentar." msgid "A new trackback on the post \"%s\" is waiting for your approval" msgstr "Satu lacakbalik baru pada pos \"%s\" menunggu persetujuan Anda" msgid "Only display videos in free software formats" msgstr "Hanya tampilkan video-video dalam format free software" msgid "Sent by a verified %s user." msgstr "Dikirim oleh pengguna terverifikasi %s." msgid "" "You can choose what’s displayed on the homepage of your site. It can " "be posts in reverse chronological order (classic blog), or a fixed/static " "page. To set a static homepage, you first need to create two <a href=\"%s" "\">Pages</a>. One will become the homepage, and the other will be where your " "posts are displayed." msgstr "" "Anda bisa memilih apa saja yang ingin ditampilkan di beranda. Bisa berupa " "pos-pos dalam urutan kronologis (blog klasik), atau sebuah laman statis. " "Untuk mengatur laman statis, Anda harus membuat dua <a href=\"%s\">Laman</a> " "terlebih dahulu. Satu untuk beranda, dan satu untuk menampilkan pos-pos Anda." msgid "Posts I Like" msgstr "Pos-pos yang Saya Sukai" msgid "" "If you want to remove the widget but save its setting for possible future " "use, just drag it into the Inactive Widgets area. You can add them back " "anytime from there. This is especially helpful when you switch to a theme " "with fewer or different widget areas." msgstr "" "Jika Anda ingin menyingkirkan widget namun menyimpan pengaturannya untuk " "digunakan di kemudian hari, seret widget tersebut ke area Widgets Nonaktif. " "Anda dapat menambahkannya kembali kapan saja dari sana. Hal ini sangat " "berguna ketika Anda menukar ke tema dengan daerah widget yang lebih sedikit " "atau berbeda." msgid "" "To add a new user for your site, click the Add New User button at the top of " "the screen or Add New User in the Users menu section." msgstr "" "Untuk menambahkan pengguna baru ke situs Anda, klik tombol Tambah Baru di " "bagian atas layar atau Tambah Baru di bagian menu Pengguna." msgid "" "You can set maximum sizes for images inserted into your written content; you " "can also insert an image as Full Size." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menyetel ukuran maksimum untuk gambar yang disisipkan ke dalam " "konten tertulis Anda; Anda juga dapat menyisipkan gambar Ukuran Penuh." msgid "" "Most themes show the site title at the top of every page, in the title bar " "of the browser, and as the identifying name for syndicated feeds. Many " "themes also show the tagline." msgstr "" "Kebanyakan tema menampilkan judul situs di bagian atas setiap halaman, dalam " "batang judul peramban, dan sebagai nama untuk mengidentifikasi umpan " "sindikasi. Slogan ini juga ditampilkan oleh banyak tema." msgid "" "XFN stands for <a href=\"\">XHTML Friends Network</a>, " "which is optional. WordPress allows the generation of XFN attributes to show " "how you are related to the authors/owners of the site to which you are " "linking." msgstr "" "XFN adalah singkatan dari <a href=\"\">XHTML Friends " "Network</a>, sebagai sebuah pilihan. WordPress mengizinkan pembuatan atribut " "XFN untuk menunjukkan keterkaitan Anda dengan penulis/pemilik situs yang " "Anda tautkan." msgid "" "<strong>Order</strong> — Pages are usually ordered alphabetically, but " "you can choose your own order by entering a number (1 for first, etc.) in " "this field." msgstr "" "<strong>Urutan</strong> — Laman-laman biasanya diurutkan secara " "alfabetik, namun Anda dapat memilih urutan Anda sendiri dengan memasukkan " "nomor (1 untuk pertama, dst.) di kolom ini." msgid "" "Your profile contains information about you (your “account”) as " "well as some personal options related to using WordPress." msgstr "" "Profil Anda berisi informasi tentang Anda (“akun” Anda) serta " "beberapa opsi personal yang berhubungan dengan penggunaan WordPress." msgid "" "<strong>Send Trackbacks</strong> — Trackbacks are a way to notify " "legacy blog systems that you’ve linked to them. Enter the URL(s) you " "want to send trackbacks. If you link to other WordPress sites they’ll " "be notified automatically using pingbacks, and this field is unnecessary." msgstr "" "<strong>Kirim Lacakbalik</strong> — Lacakbalik adalah cara untuk " "memberitahukan pada sistem blog lawas bahwa Anda telah menautkan ke mereka. " "Masukkan URL yang ingin Anda lacakbalik. Jika Anda menautkan ke situs " "WordPress lain, mereka akan diberitahukan secara otomatis menggunakan " "pingbalik, dan kolom ini tidak perlu." msgid "" "Contributors can write and manage their posts but not publish posts or " "upload media files." msgstr "" "Kontributor dapat menulis dan mengelola pos mereka tetapi tidak menerbitkan " "pos atau mengunggah berkas media." msgid "Administrators have access to all the administration features." msgstr "Administrator memiliki akses ke semua fitur administrasi." msgid "" "If you delete a link, it will be removed permanently, as Links do not have a " "Trash function yet." msgstr "" "Jika Anda menghapus sebuah taut, ia akan dihapus secara permanen, berhubung " "Taut belum memiliki fungsi Tong Sampah." msgid "" "You can add links here to be displayed on your site, usually using <a href=" "\"%s\">Widgets</a>. By default, links to several sites in the WordPress " "community are included as examples." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menambahkan taut di sini untuk ditampilkan pada situs Anda, " "biasanya menggunakan <a href=\"%s\">Widget</a>. Secara bawaan, tautan ke " "beberapa situs komunitas WordPress disertakan sebagai contoh." msgid "" "<strong>Slug</strong> — The “slug” is the URL-friendly " "version of the name. It is usually all lowercase and contains only letters, " "numbers, and hyphens." msgstr "" "<strong>Slug</strong> — “Slug” adalah nama yang ramah URL. " "Biasanya dalam huruf kecil dan hanya memuat huruf, angka, dan tanda hubung." msgid "" "You can also create posts with the <a href=\"%s\">Press This bookmarklet</a>." msgstr "" "Anda juga dapat membuat pos dengan <a href=\"%s\">bookmarklet Press This</a>." msgid "" "You can customize the look of your site without touching any of your " "theme’s code by using a custom background. Your background can be an " "image or a color." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menyesuaikan tampilan situs Anda tanpa menyentuh salah satu kode " "tema Anda dengan menggunakan latar belakang tersuai. Latar belakang Anda " "dapat berupa gambar atau warna." msgid "%1$s by %2$s." msgstr "%1$s oleh %2$s." msgid "A new comment on the post \"%s\" is waiting for your approval" msgstr "Satu komentar baru pada pos \"%s\" menunggu persetujuan Anda" msgid "A new pingback on the post \"%s\" is waiting for your approval" msgstr "Satu pingback baru pada pos \"%s\" menunggu persetujuan Anda" msgid "New pingback on your post \"%s\"" msgstr "Pingback baru pada pos \"%s\" Anda" msgid "New trackback on your post \"%s\"" msgstr "Lacakbalik baru pada pos \"%s\" Anda" msgid "New comment on your post \"%s\"" msgstr "Komentar baru pada pos \"%s\" Anda" msgid "Custom Menu" msgstr "Menu Tersuai" msgid "" "Enabling Accessibility Mode, via Screen Options, allows you to use Add and " "Edit buttons instead of using drag and drop." msgstr "" "Mengaktifkan Mode Kemudahan Akses, melalui Opsi Layar, memungkinkan Anda " "untuk menggunakan tombol Tambah dan Sunting daripada menggunakan seret dan " "lepas." msgid "" "Widgets may be used multiple times. You can give each widget a title, to " "display on your site, but it’s not required." msgstr "" "Widgets dapat digunakan beberapa kali. Anda dapat memberikan masing-masing " "widget sebuah judul, untuk ditampilkan di situs Anda, tetapi tidak " "diharuskan." msgid "" "Widgets are independent sections of content that can be placed into any " "widgetized area provided by your theme (commonly called sidebars). To " "populate your sidebars/widget areas with individual widgets, drag and drop " "the title bars into the desired area. By default, only the first widget area " "is expanded. To populate additional widget areas, click on their title bars " "to expand them." msgstr "" "Widget adalah bagian yang tidak terikat dari konten yang dapat ditempatkan " "di setiap area yang di-widget-kan yang mana tersedia dalam tema Anda " "(biasanya disebut bilah sisi). Untuk mengisi area bilah sisi/widget Anda " "dengan widget individual, seret dan lepas batang judul ke daerah yang " "diinginkan. Secara bawaan, hanya area widget pertama yang diperluas. Untuk " "mengisi area widget tambahan, klik pada batang judul untuk memperluas mereka." msgid "" "Editors can publish posts, manage posts as well as manage other people’" "s posts, etc." msgstr "" "Penyunting dapat menerbitkan pos, mengelola posnya sendiri maupun pos orang " "lain, dll." msgid "" "There is a pending change of your e-mail to <code>%1$s</code>. <a href=\"%2$s" "\">Cancel</a>" msgstr "" "Terdapat perubahan yang tertunda dari email Anda ke <code>%1$s</code>. <a " "href=\"%2$s\">Batal</a>" msgid "Remember to click the Update Profile button when you are finished." msgstr "Jangan lupa untuk klik tombol Perbarui Profil setelah Anda selesai." msgid "" "Required fields are indicated; the rest are optional. Profile information " "will only be displayed if your theme is set up to do so." msgstr "" "Ruas yang harus diisi ditandai; sisanya opsional. Profil informasi hanya " "akan ditampilkan jika tema Anda mendukung fasilitas ini." msgid "" "Your username cannot be changed, but you can use other fields to enter your " "real name or a nickname, and change which name to display on your posts." msgstr "" "Nama pengguna Anda tidak dapat diubah, namun Anda dapat menggunakan ruas " "lain untuk memasukkan nama asli Anda atau nama panggilan, dan mengubah nama " "yang ditampilkan pada pos Anda." msgid "" "You can also control the display of your content in RSS feeds, including the " "maximum number of posts to display and whether to show full text or an " "excerpt. <a href=\"%s\">Learn more about feeds</a>." msgstr "" "Anda juga dapat mengatur tampilan konten Anda di RSS feed, termasuk jumlah " "pos maksimal yang akan ditampilkan, dan tampilan teks penuh atau hanya " "kutipan. <a href=\"%s\">Baca lebih lanjut tentang feed</a>." msgid "" "You can choose what’s displayed on the homepage of your site. It can " "be posts in reverse chronological order (classic blog), or a fixed/static " "page. To set a static homepage, you first need to create two Pages. One will " "become the homepage, and the other will be where your posts are displayed." msgstr "" "Anda dapat memilih konten yang ditampilkan di beranda situs Anda. Konten " "dapat ditampilkan dengan urutan kronologi terbalik (blog klasik), atau " "halaman statis. Untuk mengatur beranda statis, sebelumnya Anda harus membuat " "dua halaman. Satu halaman sebagai beranda, dan lainnya adalah halaman untuk " "menampilkan pos Anda." msgid "" "This screen contains the settings that affect the display of your content." msgstr "Layar ini berisi pengaturan yang mempengaruhi tampilan konten Anda." msgid "UTC means Coordinated Universal Time." msgstr "UTC berarti Coordinated Universal Time." msgid "" "The fields on this screen determine some of the basics of your site setup." msgstr "Ruas pada layar ini menentukan beberapa dasar-dasar menata situs Anda." msgid "" "You must click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the screen for new " "settings to take effect." msgstr "" "Anda harus mengklik tombol Simpan Perubahan di bagian bawah layar agar " "pengaturan baru yang berlaku." msgid "Your theme does not support navigation menus or widgets." msgstr "Tema Anda tidak mendukung menu navigasi atau widget." msgid "" "You can customize the display of this screen using the Screen Options tab " "and/or the dropdown filters above the links table." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menyesuaikan tampilan layar ini dengan menggunakan tab Opsi Layar " "dan/atau tarikturun penyaring di atas tabel tautan." msgid "Delete this item permanently" msgstr "Hapus objek ini secara permanen" msgid "Move this item to the Trash" msgstr "Pindahkan objek ini ke Tong Sampah" msgid "Restore this item from the Trash" msgstr "Kembalikan objek ini dari Tong Sampah" msgid "Edit this item" msgstr "Sunting objek ini" msgid "Click Save Menu to make pending menu items public." msgstr "Klik Simpan Menu untuk membuat item menu tertangguhkan menjadi publik." msgid "Most Recent" msgstr "Terkini" msgid "Original: %s" msgstr "Asli: %s" msgid "%s (Pending)" msgstr "%s (Menunggu)" msgid "(no parent)" msgstr "(tanpa induk)" msgid "Activate Plugin & Run Importer" msgstr "Mengaktifkan Plugin & Menjalankan Pengimpor" msgid "All updates have been completed." msgstr "Semua pembaruan telah beres." msgid "" "Once generated, your WXR file can be imported by another WordPress site or " "by another blogging platform able to access this format." msgstr "" "Setelah diciptakan, berkas WXR Anda dapat diimpor oleh situs WordPress yang " "lain atau oleh platform blog yang dapat mengakses format ini." msgid "" "Hovering over a row in the posts list will display action links that allow " "you to manage your post. You can perform the following actions:" msgstr "" "Melayang di atas baris dalam daftar pos akan menampilkan taut tindakan yang " "memungkinkan Anda untuk mengelola pos Anda. Anda dapat menjalankan tindakan " "berikut:" msgid "" "You can refine the list to show only posts in a specific category or from a " "specific month by using the dropdown menus above the posts list. Click the " "Filter button after making your selection. You also can refine the list by " "clicking on the post author, category or tag in the posts list." msgstr "" "Anda dapat memperbaiki daftar untuk menampilkan pos hanya dalam kategori " "tertentu atau dari bulan tertentu dengan menggunakan menu tarikturun di atas " "daftar pos. Klik tombol Saring setelah membuat pilihan Anda. Anda juga dapat " "memperbaiki daftar dengan mengklik pada penulis pos, kategori atau tag dalam " "daftar pos." msgid "" "You can hide/display columns based on your needs and decide how many posts " "to list per screen using the Screen Options tab." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menyembunyikan/menampilkan kolom berdasarkan kebutuhan Anda dan " "menentukan seberapa banyak pos terdaftar per layar dengan menggunakan tab " "Opsi Layar." msgid "You can customize the display of this screen in a number of ways:" msgstr "Anda dapat menyesuaikan tampilan layar ini dengan beberapa cara:" msgid "" "You can change the display of this screen using the Screen Options tab to " "set how many items are displayed per screen and to display/hide columns in " "the table." msgstr "" "Anda dapat mengubah tampilan layar ini dengan menggunakan tab Opsi Layar " "untuk mengatur berapa banyak objek yang akan ditampilkan per layar dan untuk " "menampilkan/menyembunyikan kolom dalam tabel." msgid "" "<strong>Description</strong> — The description is not prominent by " "default; however, some themes may display it." msgstr "" "<strong>Deskripsi</strong> — Deskripsi tidak tersedia secara bawaan; " "namun, beberapa tema mungkin akan menampilkannya." msgid "<strong>Name</strong> — The name is how it appears on your site." msgstr "<strong>Nama</strong> — Nama ini akan ditampilkan di situs Anda." msgid "" "When adding a new tag on this screen, you’ll fill in the following " "fields:" msgstr "" "Ketika menambahkan tag baru di layar ini, Anda akan mengisi ruas-ruas " "berikut ini:" msgid "" "When adding a new category on this screen, you’ll fill in the " "following fields:" msgstr "" "Ketika menambahkan kategori baru di layar ini, Anda akan mengisi ruas-ruas " "berikut ini:" msgid "" "What’s the difference between categories and tags? Normally, tags are " "ad-hoc keywords that identify important information in your post (names, " "subjects, etc) that may or may not recur in other posts, while categories " "are pre-determined sections. If you think of your site like a book, the " "categories are like the Table of Contents and the tags are like the terms in " "the index." msgstr "" "Apakah perbedaan antara kategori dan tag? Biasanya, tag adalah kata kunci ad-" "hoc yang mengidentifikasi informasi penting dalam pos Anda (nama, subyek, " "dll) yang mungkin atau tidak mungkin terulang di pos lainnya, sedangkan " "kategori merupakan bagian yang telah ditentukan. Jika Anda menganggap situs " "Anda seperti buku, kategori seperti Daftar Isi dan tag seperti ketentuan " "dalam indeks." msgid "" "You can use categories to define sections of your site and group related " "posts. The default category is “Uncategorized” until you change " "it in your <a href=\"%s\">writing settings</a>." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menggunakan kategori untuk menentukan bagian dari situs Anda dan " "kelompok pos terkait. Kategori bawaan adalah “Tak Berkategori” " "sampai Anda mengubahnya dalam <a href=\"%s\">pengaturan penulisan</a> Anda." msgid "" "The boxes for link name, web address, and description have fixed positions, " "while the others may be repositioned using drag and drop. You can also hide " "boxes you do not use in the Screen Options tab, or minimize boxes by " "clicking on the title bar of the box." msgstr "" "Kotak untuk nama taut, alamat web, dan deskripsi memiliki posisi tetap, " "sementara yang lain mungkin bergeser dengan cara seret dan lepas. Anda juga " "dapat menyembunyikan kotak-kotak yang tidak digunakan dalam tab Opsi Layar, " "atau meminimasi kotak dengan mengklik pada batang judul dari kotak." msgid "" "You can add or edit links on this screen by entering information in each of " "the boxes. Only the link’s web address and name (the text you want to " "display on your site as the link) are required fields." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menambahkan atau menyunting taut pada layar ini dengan memasukkan " "informasi di setiap kotak. Hanya taut alamat web dan nama (teks yang ingin " "ditampilkan di situs Anda sebagai taut) adalah ruas yang wajib." msgid "" "<strong>Template</strong> — Some themes have custom templates you can " "use for certain pages that might have additional features or custom layouts. " "If so, you’ll see them in this dropdown menu." msgstr "" "<strong>Template</strong> — Beberapa tema memiliki template khusus " "yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk menambahkan fitur atau tata letak khusus pada " "halaman tertentu. Jika tersedia, Anda dapat melihatnya dalam menu drop down " "berikut." msgid "" "<strong>Parent</strong> — You can arrange your pages in hierarchies. " "For example, you could have an “About” page that has “Life " "Story” and “My Dog” pages under it. There are no limits to " "how many levels you can nest pages." msgstr "" "<strong>Induk</strong> — Anda dapat mengatur laman dalam hirarki. " "Misalnya, Anda bisa memiliki sebuah laman “Tentang” yang " "memiliki anak laman “Kisah Hidup” dan “Piaraanku”. " "Tak ada batasan berapa banyak tingkat yang dapat Anda terapkan pada tiap " "laman." msgid "" "<strong>Discussion</strong> — You can turn comments and pings on or " "off, and if there are comments on the post, you can see them here and " "moderate them." msgstr "" "<strong>Diskusi</strong> — Anda dapat mengatur apakah komentar dan " "ping akan aktif atau nonaktif, dan jika ada komentar atas sebuah pos, Anda " "dapat melihat mereka di sini dan memoderasinya." msgid "" "<strong>%s</strong> — This allows you to associate an image with your " "post without inserting it. This is usually useful only if your theme makes " "use of the image as a post thumbnail on the home page, a custom header, etc." msgstr "" "<strong>%s</strong> — Hal ini memungkinkan Anda mengaitkan sebuah " "gambar dengan pos Anda tanpa menyisipkannya. Sangat berguna jika tema Anda " "menggunakan gambar tersebut sebagai thumbnail pos di halaman beranda, header " "khusus, dll." msgid "" "<strong>Title</strong> — Enter a title for your post. After you enter " "a title, you’ll see the permalink below, which you can edit." msgstr "" "<strong>Judul</strong> — Masukkan sebuah judul untuk pos Anda. Setelah " "Anda memasukkan judul, Anda akan melihat permalink di bawahnya, yang bisa " "Anda edit." msgid "Page Attributes" msgstr "Atribut Halaman" msgid "" "A red bar on the left means the comment is waiting for you to moderate it." msgstr "" "Baris merah di sebelah kiri berarti komentar sedang menunggu untuk " "dimoderasi." msgid "You need JavaScript to choose a part of the image." msgstr "Anda butuh Javascript untuk memilih bagian dari gambar." msgid "Crop Header Image" msgstr "Pangkas Gambar Tajuk" msgid "Image Upload Error" msgstr "Galat Pengunggahan Gambar" msgid "Header Text" msgstr "Teks Tajuk" msgid "Restore Original Header Image" msgstr "Kembalikan Gambar Tajuk Asli " msgid "" "This will restore the original header image. You will not be able to restore " "any customizations." msgstr "" "Ini akan mengembalikan gambar tajuk asli. Anda tidak akan bisa mengembalikan " "perubahan-perubahan yang Anda buat." msgid "Reset Image" msgstr "Set Ulang Gambar" msgid "Remove Header Image" msgstr "Buang Gambar Tajuk" msgid "" "This will remove the header image. You will not be able to restore any " "customizations." msgstr "" "Ini akan membuang gambar tajuk. Anda tidak akan dapat mengembalikan " "penyesuaian apapun." msgid "Default Images" msgstr "Gambar Bawaan" msgid "Header Image" msgstr "Gambar Tajuk" msgid "<a href=\"\">Support forums</a>" msgstr "<a href=\"\">Forum dukungan</a>" msgid "For more information:" msgstr "Untuk info lebih lanjut:" msgid "" "You can also moderate the comment from this screen using the Status box, " "where you can also change the timestamp of the comment." msgstr "" "Anda juga dapat memoderasi komentar dari layar dengan menggunakan kotak " "Status, di mana Anda juga dapat mengubah cap waktu dari komentar." msgid "" "You can edit the information left in a comment if needed. This is often " "useful when you notice that a commenter has made a typographical error." msgstr "" "Anda dapat menyunting informasi yang ada dalam komentar jika diperlukan. Hal " "ini sering berguna ketika Anda melihat bahwa pemberi komentar telah membuat " "kesalahan ketik." msgid "No coupons found" msgstr "Tidak ada kupon yang ditemukan" msgid "Select a product" msgstr "Pilih produk" msgid "Discount" msgstr "Diskon" msgid "Product:" msgstr "Produk:" msgid "Edit coupon" msgstr "Edit Kupon" msgid "Add coupon" msgstr "Tambah kupon" msgid "" "Please check that you typed the coupon code correctly and that this coupon " "is for the product you have selected." msgstr "" "Mohon periksa kembali penulisan kode kupon untuk diketik dengan benar dan " "jika kupon tersebut sesuai dengan produk yang Anda pilih." msgid "Sorry, but we were not able to find that coupon." msgstr "Maaf, kami tidak dapat menemukan kupon." msgid "Apply coupon" msgstr "Pakai kupon" msgid "This domain does not exist." msgstr "Domain ini tidak tersedia" msgid "Remove logo" msgstr "Hapus logo" msgid "Reblog Post" msgstr "Reblog Pos" msgid "Twitter username:" msgstr "Nama pengguna Twitter:" msgid "" "Gravatar link. This is an optional URL that will be used when anyone clicks " "on your Gravatar:" msgstr "" "Link Gravatar. Ini adalah URL opsional yang akan digunakan saat ada yang " "mengklik Gravatar Anda:" msgid "Gravatar alignment:" msgstr "Penyejajaran Gravatar:" msgid "Size:" msgstr "Ukuran:" msgid "Custom Email Address:" msgstr "Alamat Email Tersesuai:" msgid "Select a user or pick \"custom\" and enter a custom email address." msgstr "" "Pilih satu pengguna atau pilih \"tersuai\" dan masukkan sebuah alamat email " "tersuai." msgid "Image Color:" msgstr "pergi menjauh" msgid "Image Size:" msgstr "Ukuran Gambar:" msgid "Image Settings:" msgstr "Pengaturan gambar:" msgid "Feed(s) to Display:" msgstr "Feed yang Ditampilkan:" msgid "Link URL (when the image is clicked):" msgstr "URL Tautan (ketika gambar diklik):" msgid "If empty, we will attempt to determine the image size." msgstr "Jika kosong, kita akan mencoba untuk menentukan ukuran gambar." msgid "Image Alignment:" msgstr "Penjajaran Gambar:" msgid "Caption:" msgstr "Keterangan:" msgid "Image title:" msgstr "Judul gambar:" msgid "Alternate text:" msgstr "Teks alternatif:" msgid "Image URL." msgstr "URL Gambar:" msgctxt "user" msgid "Not spam" msgstr "Bukan Spam" msgctxt "user" msgid "Mark as spam" msgstr "Tandai sebagai Spam" msgctxt "site" msgid "Mark as spam" msgstr "Tandai sebagai Spam" msgid "Remove featured image" msgstr "Hapus gambar andalan" msgid "Moderate Comment" msgstr "Memoderasi Komentar" msgid "Most Used Categories" msgstr "Kategori Paling Banyak Digunakan" msgid "%1$s is proudly powered by %2$s" msgstr "%1$s dengan bangga didukung oleh %2$s" msgid "Choose from the most used tags" msgstr "Pilih dari tag yang paling sering digunakan" msgid "Whoa, slow down with the emails!" msgstr "Wow, santai saja dengan emailnya!" msgid "You like this" msgstr "Anda menyukai ini" msgid "Like" msgstr "Suka" msgid "Coupon" msgstr "Kupon" msgid "Recent Articles" msgstr "Artikel Terkini" msgid "No results found for “%s”." msgstr "Tidak ditemukan hasil untuk “%s”." msgid "M j" msgstr "M j" msgid "Search results for %s" msgstr "Hasil pencarian untuk %s" msgid "Next image" msgstr "Gambar selanjutnya" msgid "Previous image" msgstr "Gambar sebelumnya" msgid "" "Sorry, you must be able to edit posts on this site in order to view " "categories." msgstr "" "Maaf, Anda harus memiliki wewenang penyuntingan pos di situs ini untuk " "melihat kategori." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to publish pages on this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk menerbitkan laman pada situs ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to publish posts on this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk menerbitkan pos pada situs ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to post on this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengirim pos pada situs ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to access details about this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan mengakses rincian tentang situs ini." msgid "You are not allowed to activate plugins on this site." msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengaktifkan plugin di situs ini." msgid "" "Sorry, you must be able to edit posts on this site in order to view tags." msgstr "" "Maaf, Anda harus dapat menyunting pos di situs ini untuk melihat label-label." msgid "Sorry, you cannot import to this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat mengimpor ke situs berikut." msgid "Site Tagline" msgstr "Slogan Situs" msgid "Site Suspended" msgstr "Situs Dilarang" msgid "Theme without %s" msgstr "Tema tanpa %s" msgid "New Tag Name" msgstr "Nama Tag Baru" msgid "Add New Tag" msgstr "Tambah Tag Baru" msgid "Update Tag" msgstr "Perbarui Tag" msgid "Parent Category:" msgstr "Kategori Induk:" msgid "All Tags" msgstr "Semua Tag" msgid "Search Tags" msgstr "Cari Tag" msgctxt "taxonomy singular name" msgid "Category" msgstr "Kategori" msgctxt "taxonomy general name" msgid "Categories" msgstr "Kategori" msgctxt "nav menu home label" msgid "Home" msgstr "Beranda" msgid "%s: This file exceeds the maximum upload size for this site." msgstr "%s: File ini melebihi ukuran maksimum unggahan untuk situs ini." msgid "Parent Page:" msgstr "Laman Induk:" msgid "No Projects found in Trash" msgstr "Tidak ditemukan Proyek di Tong Sampah" msgid "Search Pages" msgstr "Cari Laman" msgid "Search Posts" msgstr "Cari Pos" msgid "Add New Page" msgstr "Tambah Halaman Baru" msgid "Add New Post" msgstr "Tambahkan Pos Baru" msgctxt "post type singular name" msgid "Page" msgstr "Laman" msgctxt "post type singular name" msgid "Post" msgstr "Pos" msgctxt "post type general name" msgid "Pages" msgstr "Laman" msgctxt "post type general name" msgid "Posts" msgstr "Pos" msgid "New user registration on your site %s:" msgstr "Pendaftaran pengguna baru pada situs Anda %s:" msgid "New %1$s Site: %2$s" msgstr "Situs %1$s Baru: %2$s" msgid "New Site Registration: %s" msgstr "Pendaftaran Situs Baru: %s" msgid "Could not create order." msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat pesanan." msgid "The site is already active." msgstr "Situs ini sudah aktif." msgid "That site is currently reserved but may be available in a couple days." msgstr "" "Situs tersebut saat ini sudah dipesan tetapi mungkin akan tersedia dalam " "beberapa hari." msgid "Sorry, that site is reserved!" msgstr "Maaf, situs tersebut sudah dipesan!" msgid "Sorry, that site already exists!" msgstr "Maaf, situs tersebut sudah ada!" msgid "Sorry, site names must have letters too!" msgstr "Maaf, nama situs harus memiliki huruf juga! " msgid "Sorry, you may not use that site name." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat menggunakan nama situs tersebut." msgid "Sorry, site names may not contain the character “_”!" msgstr "Maaf, nama situs tidak boleh mengandung karakter “_”!" msgid "Site name must be at least %s character." msgid_plural "Site name must be at least %s characters." msgstr[0] "Nama situs harus memiliki setidaknya %s karakter." msgstr[1] "Nama situs harus memiliki setidaknya %s karakter." msgid "Please enter your birth date" msgstr "Masukkan tanggal lahir Anda" msgid "A search form for your store." msgstr "Formulir pencarian untuk situs Anda." msgid "Required fields are marked %s" msgstr "Ruas yang wajib ditandai %s" msgid "User removed from this site." msgstr "Pengguna telah dikeluarkan dari situs ini." msgid "Remove Users from Site" msgstr "Hapus Pengguna dari Situs" msgid "— No role for this site —" msgstr "— Tidak ada peran untuk situs ini —" msgid "" "You do not have sufficient permissions to deactivate plugins for this site." msgstr "" "Anda tidak memiliki hak akses yang cukup untuk menonaktifkan plugin pada " "situs ini." msgid "" "You do not have sufficient permissions to activate plugins for this site." msgstr "" "Anda tidak memiliki hak akses yang cukup untuk mengaktifkan plugin pada " "situs ini." msgctxt "user" msgid "Registered" msgstr "Terdaftar" msgid "No sites found." msgstr "Tidak ditemukan situs." msgctxt "site" msgid "Not Spam" msgstr "Bukan Spam" msgctxt "verb; site" msgid "Archive" msgstr "Arsipkan" msgctxt "site" msgid "Registered" msgstr "Terdaftar" msgctxt "site" msgid "Spam" msgstr "Spam" msgid "" "<strong>Error:</strong> This username is invalid because it uses illegal " "characters. Please enter a valid username." msgstr "" "<strong>GALAT</strong>: Nama pengguna ini tidak sah karena menggunakan " "karakter ilegal. Silakan masukkan nama pengguna yang sah." msgid "New WordPress Site" msgstr "Situs Wordpress yang Baru" msgctxt "comment" msgid "Not Spam" msgstr "Bukan Spam" msgid "My Site" msgstr "Situs Saya" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create posts or drafts on this site." msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk membuat pos atau konsep di situs ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create pages on this site." msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk membuat halaman di situs ini." msgid "Custom site suspended message." msgstr "Pesan tertangguhkan situs tersuai." msgid "Custom site inactive message." msgstr "Pesan tidak aktif situs tersuai." msgid "Custom site deleted message." msgstr "Pesan terhapus situs tersuai." msgid "Show advanced menu properties" msgstr "Tampilkan properti menu tingkat lanjut" msgid "Add home link" msgstr "Tambahkan tautan beranda" msgid "Label" msgstr "Label" msgid "+ %s" msgstr "+ %s" msgctxt "comment" msgid "Spam" msgstr "Spam" msgid "WordPress Blog" msgstr "Blog Wordpress" msgid "Importing <em>%s</em>…" msgstr "Mengimpor <em>%s</em>…" msgid "Importing tag <em>%s</em>…" msgstr "Mengimpor tag <em>%s</em>…" msgid "Importing category <em>%s</em>…" msgstr "Mengimpor kategori <em>%s</em>…" msgid "" "Howdy! Upload your WordPress eXtended RSS (WXR) file and we’ll import " "the posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and tags into this " "site." msgstr "" "Halo! Unggah berkas WordPress eXtended RSS (WXR) Anda dan kami akan " "mengimpor pos, halaman, komentar, ruas tersuai, kategori, dan tag ke situs " "ini." msgid "" "Howdy! This importer allows you to extract posts from an RSS 2.0 file into " "your WordPress site. This is useful if you want to import your posts from a " "system that is not handled by a custom import tool. Pick an RSS file to " "upload and click Import." msgstr "" "Halo! Importir ini memungkinkan Anda untuk mengambil pos dari berkas RSS 2.0 " "ke situs WordPress Anda. Ini berguna jika Anda ingin mengimpor pos Anda dari " "sistem yang tidak ditangani oleh perkakas impor tersuai. Pilih berkas RSS " "untuk diunggah dan klik Impor." msgid "" "If you have posts or comments in another system, WordPress can import those " "into this site. To get started, choose a system to import from below:" msgstr "" "Jika Anda memiliki pos atau komentar di sistem lain, WordPress dapat " "mengimpornya ke dalam situs berikut. Untuk memulainya, pilih sebuah sistem " "untuk diimpor di bawah ini:" msgid "Comments on “%s”" msgstr "Komentar pada “%s”" msgid "" "This will restore the original background image. You will not be able to " "restore any customizations." msgstr "" "Ini akan mengembalikan gambar latar yang asli. Anda tidak akan bisa untuk " "mengembalikan segala penyesuaian-penyesuaian." msgid "Filter by category" msgstr "Saring menurut kategori" msgid "Show for comments" msgstr "Tampilkan untuk komentar" msgid "Show for pages" msgstr "Tampilkan untuk halaman" msgid "Show for posts" msgstr "Tampilkan untuk posting" msgid "Words" msgstr "Kata" msgid "Display type" msgstr "Tipe Tampilan" msgid "Site Information" msgstr "Informasi Situs" msgid "Custom Logo" msgstr "Logo Khusus" msgid "Default Style" msgstr "Gaya Asal" msgid "Translator" msgstr "Penerjemah" msgid "Recommended Plugins" msgstr "Rekomendasi Plugin" msgid "Please enter a valid email address." msgstr "Silakan masukkan alamat email yang valid." msgid "100GB" msgstr "100GB" msgid "50GB" msgstr "50GB" msgid "Select category" msgstr "Pilih kategori" msgid "← Previous" msgstr "← Sebelumnya" msgid "Secondary menu" msgstr "Menu Sekunder" msgid "Primary Menu" msgstr "Menu Utama" msgid "Author Grid" msgstr "Petak Penulis" msgid "Show a grid of author avatar images." msgstr "Menampilkan petak gambar avatar penulis." msgid "Display higher quality video by default." msgstr "Tampilkan video berkualitas tinggi secara bawaan." msgid "%s Rating Deleted." msgid_plural "%s Ratings Deleted." msgstr[0] "%s Rating Dihapus." msgstr[1] "%s Rating Dihapus." msgid "A term with the name provided already exists with this parent." msgstr "Sebuah istilah dengan nama yang diberikan sudah ada dengan induk ini." msgid "A term with the provided name already exists." msgstr "Istilah dengan nama yang diberikan sudah ada." msgid "The given object ID is not that of a menu item." msgstr "ID objek yang diberikan bukan dari objek menu." msgid "" "The Site address you entered did not appear to be a valid URL. Please enter " "a valid URL." msgstr "" "Alamat Situs yang Anda masukkan kelihatannya bukan URL yang sah. Silakan " "masukkan URL yang sah." msgid "" "The WordPress address you entered did not appear to be a valid URL. Please " "enter a valid URL." msgstr "" "Alamat WordPress yang Anda masukkan kelihatannya bukan URL yang sah. Silakan " "masukkan URL yang sah." msgid "" "The email address entered did not appear to be a valid email address. Please " "enter a valid email address." msgstr "" "Alamat email yang dimasukkan bukan alamat email yang valid. Silakan masukkan " "alamat email yang valid." msgid "The menu item has been successfully deleted." msgstr "Objek menu telah berhasil dihapus." msgid "CSS Classes" msgstr "Kelas CSS" msgid "No items." msgstr "Tidak ada objek." msgid "Custom Link" msgstr "Tautan Khusus" msgid "Original" msgstr "Asli" msgid "Navigation Label" msgstr "Label Navigasi " msgid "Move down" msgstr "Pindahkan ke bawah" msgid "Move up" msgstr "Pindahkan ke atas" msgid "Show Comments" msgstr "Tampilkan Komentar" msgid "Required" msgstr "Wajib" msgid "Success" msgstr "Berhasil" msgid "" "An error occurred adding you to this site. Go to the <a href=\"%s" "\">homepage</a>." msgstr "" "Terjadi eror saat menambahkan Anda ke situs berikut. Kembali ke <a href=\"%s" "\">beranda</a>." msgid "Akismet has detected a problem." msgstr "Akismet telah mendeteksi sebuah masalah." msgid "Akismet Stats" msgstr "Statistik Akismet" msgid "No problem" msgstr "Tidak masalah!" msgid "" "Your web host or server administrator has disabled PHP’s " "<code>gethostbynamel</code> function. <strong>Akismet cannot work correctly " "until this is fixed.</strong> Please contact your web host or firewall " "administrator and give them <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">this " "information about Akismet’s system requirements</a>." msgstr "" "Administrator web host atau server Anda telah menonaktifkan fungsi PHP " "<code>gethostbynamel</code>. <strong>Akismet tidak bisa bekerja dengan baik " "sebelum masalah ini diatasi.</strong> Harap hubungi administrator web host " "atau firewall Anda dan sampaikan <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">informasi " "tentang prasyarat sistem Akismet ini</a>." msgid "Network functions are disabled." msgstr "Fungsi jaringan dimatikan." msgid "The key you entered is invalid. Please double-check it." msgstr "Kunci yang Anda masukkan tidak sah. Coba periksa kembali." msgid " Announcement" msgstr "Pengumuman" msgid "Display Options" msgstr "Opsi Tampilan" msgid "Upload Image" msgstr "Unggah Gambar" msgid "Remove Image" msgstr "Hapus Gambar" msgid "Current Page" msgstr "Laman Sekarang" msgid "Background Image" msgstr "Gambar Latar belakang " msgid "Please provide a custom field name." msgstr "Silakan masukkan nama ruas tersuai." msgid "Your email address will not be published." msgstr "Alamat email Anda tidak akan dipublikasikan." msgid "Links for %s" msgstr "Taut untuk %s" msgid "<strong>Error:</strong> Your account has been marked as a spammer." msgstr "<strong>GALAT</strong>: Akun Anda telah ditandai sebagai spammer." msgid "Navigation Menus" msgstr "Menu Navigasi" msgid "Use as featured image" msgstr "Gunakan sebagai gambar istimewa" msgid "File canceled." msgstr "Berkas dibatalkan." msgid "" "This feature requires inline frames. You have iframes disabled or your " "browser does not support them." msgstr "" "Fitur ini memerlukan bingkai langsung di tempat. Anda memiliki iframe " "dinonaktifkan atau browser Anda tidak mendukung mereka." msgid "This email address is already registered." msgstr "Alamat email berikut telah terdaftar." msgid "Confirmed <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Confirmed <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Terkonfirmasi <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Terkonfirmasi <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "Drafts <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Drafts <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Konsep <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Konsep <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "Pending <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Pending <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Ditangguhkan <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Ditangguhkan <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "Navigation Menu Item" msgstr "Objek Menu Navigasi" msgid "Navigation Menu Items" msgstr "Objek Menu Navigasi" msgid "Revision" msgstr "Revisi" msgid "custom" msgstr "Tersuai" msgid "Edit Menu Item" msgstr "Sunting Objek Menu" msgid "Sorry, usernames may not contain the character “_”!" msgstr "Maaf, nama pengguna tidak boleh mengandung karakter “_”!" msgid "Only the letters a-z and numbers allowed" msgstr "Hanya diizinkan menggunakan huruf a-z dan angka" msgid "Could not calculate resized image dimensions" msgstr "Tidak dapat menghitung pengubahan ukuran dimensi gambar " msgid "This is the short link." msgstr "Ini adalah taut pendek." msgid "Comments on %s" msgstr "Komentar untuk %s" msgid "Select Menu:" msgstr "Pilih Menu:" msgid "No menus have been created yet. <a href=\"%s\">Create some</a>." msgstr "Tidak ada menu yang telah dibuat. <a href=\"%s\">Buat beberapa</a>." msgid "Navigation Menu" msgstr "Menu Navigasi" msgid "Taxonomy:" msgstr "Taksonomi:" msgid "Automatically add paragraphs" msgstr "Secara otomatis menambahkan paragraf" msgid "" "Logged in as <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a>. <a href=\"%3$s\" title=\"Log out of " "this account\">Log out?</a>" msgstr "" "Masuk log sebagai <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a>. <a href=\"%3$s\" title=\"Log " "out of this account\"> Keluar log?</a>" msgid "A valid URL was not provided." msgstr "Sebuah URL yang sah tidak diberikan." msgid "Your media upload" msgstr "Unggahan media Anda" msgid "Some attachments were rejected:" msgstr "Beberapa lampiran ditolak:" msgid "The following attachments were uploaded:" msgstr "Lampiran berikut ini telah diunggah:" msgid "User deletion is not allowed from this screen." msgstr "Tidak diijinkan menghapus nama pengguna dari halaman ini." msgid "Skip Confirmation Email" msgstr "Melewatkan Konfirmasi Email" msgid "That user is already a member of this site." msgstr "Pengguna itu telah menjadi anggota situs ini." msgid "User has been added to your site." msgstr "Pengguna telah ditambahkan ke situs Anda." msgid "" "Invitation email sent to user. A confirmation link must be clicked for them " "to be added to your site." msgstr "" "Email undangan dikirim ke pengguna. Sebuah taut konfirmasi harus diklik agar " "mereka ditambahkan ke situs Anda." msgid "" "Invitation email sent to new user. A confirmation link must be clicked " "before their account is created." msgstr "" "Email undangan yang dikirim ke pengguna baru. Taut konfirmasi harus diklik " "sebelum akun mereka diciptakan." msgid "[%s] Joining Confirmation" msgstr "[%s] Konfirmasi bergabung" msgid "Usernames cannot be changed." msgstr "Nama pengguna tidak dapat diubah." msgid "Important:" msgstr "Penting:" msgid "You are not allowed to move this item out of the Trash." msgstr "Anda tidak diijinkan memindahkan item ini dari Tong Sampah." msgid "" "You cannot edit this item because it is in the Trash. Please restore it and " "try again." msgstr "" "Anda tidak dapat menyunting objek ini karena berada di dalam Tong Sampah. " "Silakan kembalikan dan coba lagi." msgid "" "You attempted to edit an item that does not exist. Perhaps it was deleted?" msgstr "" "Anda mencoba untuk menyunting objek yang tidak ada. Mungkin telah terhapus?" msgid "No plugins found." msgstr "Tidak ada plugin ditemukan." msgid "Document <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Documents <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Dokumen <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Dokumen <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "Refunded <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Refunded <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Dana dikembalikan<span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Dana dikembalikan<span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "Deleted <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Deleted <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Dihapus <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Dihapus <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "Upload Plugins" msgstr "Unggah Plugin" msgid "Update Services" msgstr "Perbarui Layanan" msgid "Default Mail Category" msgstr "Kategori Surat Standar" msgid "Login Name" msgstr "Nama log" msgid "Port" msgstr "Port" msgid "Mail Server" msgstr "Server Mail" msgid "Post via email" msgstr "Memposkan via email" msgid "items" msgstr "objek" msgid "Site visibility" msgstr "Visibilitas Situs " msgid "Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders" msgstr "" "Organisir unggahan saya dalam folder-folder berdasarkan bulan dan tahun" msgid "Configuring this is optional. By default, it should be blank." msgstr "Mengkonfigurasi merupakan pilihan. Secara standar ini kosong." msgid "Full URL path to files" msgstr "URL penuh menuju lokasi berkas" msgid "Store uploads in this folder" msgstr "Simpan unggahan di dalam folder ini" msgid "Uploading Files" msgstr "Mengunggah Berkas" msgid "This timezone does not observe daylight saving time." msgstr "Zona waktu ini tidak memantau waktu musim panas." msgid "Daylight saving time begins on: <code>%s</code>." msgstr "Waktu musim panas dimulai pada: <code>%s</code>." msgid "" "This address is used for admin purposes. If you change this, an email will " "be sent to your new address to confirm it. <strong>The new address will not " "become active until confirmed.</strong>" msgstr "" "Alamat ini digunakan untuk keperluan admin. Jika Anda mengubahnya, e-mail " "akan dikirim pada alamat baru Anda untuk konfirmasi. <strong>Alamat baru " "tidak akan aktif sebelum dikonfirmasi</strong>" msgid "New User Default Role" msgstr "Peran Pengguna Baru Standar" msgid "Anyone can register" msgstr "Setiap orang dapat mendaftar" msgid "Membership" msgstr "Keanggotaan" msgid "This address is used for admin purposes, like new user notification." msgstr "" "Alamat berikut digunakan untuk tujuan administrasi, misalnya notifikasi " "pengguna." msgid "In a few words, explain what this site is about." msgstr "Jelaskan dengan singkat tentang situs Anda." msgid "Attempt to notify any blogs linked to from the post" msgstr "Kirim notifikasi ke setiap blog yang terhubung dari pos" msgid "Your email address." msgstr "Alamat email Anda." msgid "" "The description will be displayed in the menu if the active theme supports " "it." msgstr "Deskripsi ini akan ditampilkan di menu jika didukung tema aktif." msgid "CSS Classes (optional)" msgstr "Kelas-Kelas CSS (opsional)" msgid "Link Target" msgstr "Target Tautan" msgid "Title Attribute" msgstr "Atribut Judul " msgid "Please enter a valid menu name." msgstr "Silakan masukkan nama menu yang sah." msgid "The menu has been successfully deleted." msgstr "Menu telah berhasil dihapus." msgid "Global Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Global" msgid "My Sites" msgstr "Situs Saya" msgid "The primary site you chose does not exist." msgstr "Situs utama yang Anda pilih tidak ada." msgid "You must be a member of at least one site to use this page." msgstr "" "Anda haruslah seorang anggota pada sedikitnya satu situs untuk menggunakan " "halaman ini." msgid "User added." msgstr "Pengguna ditambahkan." msgid "User deleted" msgstr "Pengguna dihapus" msgid "User deleted." msgstr "Pengguna terhapus." msgid "Site Title" msgstr "Judul Situs" msgid "Site Address" msgstr "Alamat Situs" msgid "Visit" msgstr "Kunjungi" msgid "Unarchive" msgstr "Batal Diarsipkan" msgid "%s address" msgstr "Alamat %s" msgid "Archived" msgstr "Terarsip" msgid "Edit Site" msgstr "Sunting Situs" msgid "Site deleted" msgstr "Situs dihapus" msgid "Menu Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Menu" msgid "Network Admin Email" msgstr "Email Admin Jaringan" msgid "[%s] New Site Created" msgstr "[%s] Situs Baru Diciptakan" msgid "Invalid email address." msgstr "Alamat email tidak valid." msgid "Missing email address." msgstr "Alamat email tidak ada." msgid "Delete My Site Permanently" msgstr "Hapus Situs Saya Secara Permanen" msgid "" "I'm sure I want to permanently delete my site, and I am aware I can never " "get it back or use %s again." msgstr "" "Saya yakin bahwa saya ingin menghapus situs saya secara permanen, dan saya " "sadar bahwa saya tidak dapat mengembalikannya atau menggunakan %s kembali." msgid "Remember, once deleted your site cannot be restored." msgstr "Ingat, sekali dihapus situs Anda tidak bisa dikembalikan." msgid "" "If you do not want to use your %s site any more, you can delete it using the " "form below. When you click <strong>Delete My Site Permanently</strong> you " "will be sent an email with a link in it. Click on this link to delete your " "site." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak ingin menggunakan situs %s Anda lebih lanjut, Anda dapat " "menghapusnya menggunakan formulir di bawah ini. Ketika Anda klik " "<strong>Hapus Situs Saya Secara Permanen</strong> Anda akan menerima email " "dengan tautan di dalamnya. Klik tautan tersebut untuk menghapus situs Anda." msgid "Delete Site" msgstr "Hapus Situs" msgid "" "Thank you for using %s, your site has been deleted. Happy trails to you " "until we meet again." msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah menggunakan %s, situs Anda sudah dihapus. Sampai jumpa " "lagi." msgid "Search Sites" msgstr "Cari Situs" msgid "Create a New User" msgstr "Buat Pengguna Baru" msgid "Create a New Site" msgstr "Buat Situs Baru" msgid "You have %1$s and %2$s." msgstr "Anda memiliki %1$s dan %2$s." msgid "%s site" msgid_plural "%s sites" msgstr[0] "%s situs" msgstr[1] "%s situs" msgid "%s user" msgid_plural "%s users" msgstr[0] "%s pengguna" msgstr[1] "%s pengguna" msgid "Network Admin" msgstr "Admin Jaringan" msgid "Multisite support is not enabled." msgstr "Dukungan multisitus tidak diaktifkan." msgid "Menus" msgstr "Menu" msgid "Updates %s" msgstr "Pembaruan %s" msgid "%d Theme Update" msgid_plural "%d Theme Updates" msgstr[0] "%d Pembaruan Tema" msgstr[1] "%d Pembaruan Tema" msgid "%d Plugin Update" msgid_plural "%d Plugin Updates" msgstr[0] "%d Pembaruan Plugin" msgstr[1] "%d Pembaruan Plugin" msgid "%d WordPress Update" msgstr "Pembaruan Wordpress %d" msgid "No thanks, do not remind me again" msgstr "Tidak terima kasih, jangan ingatkan lagi" msgid "Yes, take me to my profile page" msgstr "Ya, tunjukkan halaman profil saya" msgid "Notice:" msgstr "Catatan:" msgid "User already exists. Password inherited." msgstr "Pengguna telah ada. Kata sandi diwariskan." msgid "Your chosen password." msgstr "Kata sandi yang Anda pilih." msgid "Could not fully remove the theme %s." msgstr "Tidak dapat sepenuhnya menghapus tema %s." msgid "Sites" msgstr "Situs" msgid "Install Themes" msgstr "Instal Tema" msgid "Edit User %s" msgstr "Edit Pengguna %s" msgid "New %s" msgstr "%s Baru" msgid "— Select —" msgstr "— Pilih —" msgid "— No Change —" msgstr "— Tidak ada perubahan —" msgid "Bulk Edit" msgstr "Edit Massal" msgid "Update %s" msgstr "Perbarui %s" msgid "" "You can still use your site but any subdomain you create may not be " "accessible. If you know your DNS is correct, ignore this message." msgstr "" "Anda masih dapat menggunakan situs Anda namun setiap subdomain yang Anda " "buat mungkin tidak dapat diakses. Jika Anda tahu DNS Anda benar, abaikan " "pesan ini." msgid "This resulted in an error message: %s" msgstr "Hal ini mengakibatkan pesan galat: %s" msgid "You must provide a valid email address." msgstr "Anda harus memberikan alamat email yang valid." msgid "You must provide a name for your network of sites." msgstr "Anda harus menyediakan sebuah nama untuk jaringan situs." msgid "You must provide a domain name." msgstr "Anda harus menyediakan sebuah nama domain." msgid "Just another %s site" msgstr "Hanya %s situs lain" msgid "Use featured image" msgstr "Gunakan gambar andalan" msgid "View %s" msgstr "Lihat %s" msgid "Auto Draft" msgstr "Konsep Otomatis" msgid "Could not fully remove the plugins %s." msgstr "Tidak dapat sepenuhnya menghapus plugin(s) %s." msgid "The plugin generated unexpected output." msgstr "Plugin menghasilkan keluaran yang tidak terduga." msgid "Executed before Multisite is loaded." msgstr "Dieksekusi sebelum Multisite dimuat." msgid "External object cache." msgstr "Eksternal tembolok objek." msgid "Custom maintenance message." msgstr "Pesan perawatan tersuai." msgid "Advanced caching plugin." msgstr "Plugin caching tingkat lanjut." msgid "Add to Menu" msgstr "Tambahkan ke Menu" msgid "Menu Item" msgstr "Objek Menu" msgid "Create Menu" msgstr "Buat Menu" msgid "Menu name" msgstr "Nama menu" msgid "Save Menu" msgstr "Simpan Menu" msgid "Delete Menu" msgstr "Hapus Menu" msgid "Add %s" msgstr "Tambahkan %s" msgid "Primary Site" msgstr "Situs Utama" msgid "MB (Leave blank for network default)" msgstr "MB (Biarkan kosong untuk bawaan jaringan)" msgid "Site Upload Space Quota" msgstr "Kuota Ruang Unggahan" msgid "Storage Space" msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan" msgid "Site: %s" msgstr "Situs: %s" msgid "" "Warning! User cannot be deleted. The user %s is a network administrator." msgstr "" "Peringatan! Pengguna tidak bisa dihapus. Pengguna %s adalah administrator " "jaringan. " msgid "Back" msgstr "Kembali" msgid "You have used your space quota. Please delete files before uploading." msgstr "" "Anda sudah menggunakan kuota ruang Anda. Tolong hapus berkas-berkas sebelum " "mengunggah." msgid "<code>_none</code> — same window or tab." msgstr "<code>_none</code> — jendela atau tab yang sama." msgid "<code>_top</code> — current window or tab, with no frames." msgstr "<code>_top</code> — jendela atau tab saat ini, tanpa bingkai." msgid "<code>_blank</code> — new window or tab." msgstr "<code>_blank</code> — jendela atau tab baru." msgid "Add new %s" msgstr "Tambah %s Baru" msgid "All %s" msgstr "Semua %s" msgid "Previously edited copies of the image will not be deleted." msgstr "Salinan gambar yang sebelumnya disunting tidak akan dihapus." msgid "Empty archive." msgstr "Kosongkan arsip." msgid "Could not copy file." msgstr "Tidak dapat menyalin berkas." msgid "Updating Theme %1$s (%2$d/%3$d)" msgstr "Memperbarui Tema %1$s (%2$d/%3$d)" msgid "Updating Plugin %1$s (%2$d/%3$d)" msgstr "Memperbarui Plugin %1$s (%2$d/%3$d)" msgid "Video Details" msgstr "Rincian Video" msgid "View emails" msgstr "Tampilkan email" msgid "%s updated successfully." msgstr "%s telah diperbarui dengan sukses." msgid "The update of %s failed." msgstr "Pembaruan %s gagal." msgid "Incompatible Archive." msgstr "Arsip yang tidak kompatibel." msgid "Filesystem error." msgstr "Galat sistem berkas." msgid "Done!" msgstr "Selesai!" msgid "%s item moved to the trash." msgid_plural "%s items moved to the trash." msgstr[0] "%s item dipindahkan ke tempat sampah." msgstr[1] "%s item dipindahkan ke tempat sampah." msgid "1 page not updated, somebody is editing it." msgstr "1 halaman tidak diperbarui, seseorang telah menyuntingnya." msgid "Edit: %s" msgstr "Sunting: %s" msgid "Error in restoring from Trash." msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat pemugaran dari Tong Sampah." msgid "Error in moving to Trash." msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat pemindahan ke Tong Sampah." msgid "You are not allowed to move this item to the Trash." msgstr "Anda tidak diijinkan memindahkan item ini ke Tong Sampah." msgid "Items deleted." msgstr "Objek dihapus." msgid "Item not added." msgstr "Objek belum ditambahkan." msgid "Item updated." msgstr "Objek diperbarui" msgid "Item deleted." msgstr "Objek dihapus." msgid "Item added." msgstr "Objek ditambahkan." msgid "The name is how it appears on your site." msgstr "Nama adalah yang akan ditampilkan di situs Anda." msgid "Enter title here" msgstr "Masukkan judul di sini" msgid "Revisions" msgstr "Revisi" msgid "Featured Image" msgstr "Gambar Andalan" msgid "Page saved." msgstr "Halaman tersimpan." msgid "Page updated." msgstr "Halaman diperbarui." msgid "No comments found." msgstr "Tidak ada komentar ditemukan." msgid "This comment is already marked as spam." msgstr "Komentar ini sudah ditandai sebagai spam." msgid "This comment is already in the Trash." msgstr "Komentar ini sudah berada di dalam Tong Sampah." msgid "This comment is already approved." msgstr "Komentar ini telah disetujui." msgid "" "This will remove the background image. You will not be able to restore any " "customizations." msgstr "" "Ini akan menghapus gambar latar. Anda tidak akan bisa mengembalikan " "penyesuaian yang manapun." msgid "This comment is currently in the Trash." msgstr "Komentar ini kini berada di Tong Sampah." msgid "This comment is currently marked as spam." msgstr "Komentar ini saat ini ditandai sebagai spam." msgid "This comment is currently approved." msgstr "Komentar ini saat ini telah disetujui." msgid "Item not updated." msgstr "Objek tidak diperbarui." msgctxt "page" msgid "Use as featured image" msgstr "Gunakan sebagai gambar unggulan" msgid "Spreadsheet <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Spreadsheets <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Spreadsheet <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Spreadsheet <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgctxt "comments" msgid "Pending <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Pending <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "<span class=\"count\">(%s)</span> tertunda" msgstr[1] "<span class=\"count\">(%s)</span> tertunda" msgid "" "Function %1$s was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</" "strong> since version %2$s with no alternative available." msgstr "" "Fungsi %1$s dipanggil dengan argumen yang <strong>usang</strong> sejak versi " "%2$s tanpa alternatif yang tersedia." msgid "" "Function %1$s was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</" "strong> since version %2$s! %3$s" msgstr "" "Fungsi %1$s ditulis dengan argumen yang <strong>usang</strong> sejak versi " "%2$s! %3$s" msgid "New Navigation Menu" msgstr "Menu Navigasi Baru" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this item." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan mengedit item ini." msgid "" "The description will be displayed in the menu if the current theme supports " "it." msgstr "" "Deskripsi tersebut akan ditampilkan dalam menu jika tema saat ini mendukung." msgid "" "Thank you. Please check your email for a link to confirm your action. Your " "site will not be deleted until this link is clicked." msgstr "" "Terima kasih. Silakan cek email Anda untuk tautan berisi konfirmasi " "penghapusan. Situs Anda tidak akan dihapus sebelum tautan tersebut diklik." msgctxt "page" msgid "Set featured image" msgstr "Tetapkan gambar unggulan" msgid "This file is too big. Files must be less than %s KB in size." msgstr "Berkas ini terlalu besar. Ukuran berkas harus kurang dari %s KB." msgid "Not enough space to upload. %s KB needed." msgstr "Tak cukup ruang untuk mengunggah. Perlu %s KB lagi." msgid "%s order not updated, somebody is editing it." msgid_plural "%s orders not updated, somebody is editing them." msgstr[0] "%s pesanan tidak diperbarui, seseorang sedang mengeditnya." msgstr[1] "%s pesanan tidak diperbarui, seseorang sedang mengeditnya." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this item." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan menghapus item ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to restore this item from the Trash." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan mengembalikan item ini dari Sampah." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to move this item to the Trash." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan memindahkan item ini ke Sampah." msgctxt "page" msgid "Featured image" msgstr "Gambar Unggulan" msgctxt "post" msgid "Use as featured image" msgstr "Gunakan sebagai gambar unggulan" msgid "Processing <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Processing <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Diproses <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Diproses <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgctxt "settings screen" msgid "General" msgstr "Umum" msgctxt "link" msgid "Add New" msgstr "Tambah Baru" msgctxt "column name" msgid "Title" msgstr "Judul" msgctxt "post" msgid "Set featured image" msgstr "Tetapkan gambar unggulan" msgctxt "posts" msgid "Mine <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Mine <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Milikku <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Milikku <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgctxt "post" msgid "Featured image" msgstr "Gambar Unggulan" msgid "Reach out to your own subscribers with" msgstr "Hubungi pelanggan Anda dengan" msgid "" "Reply to the email with 'unsubscribe %s' as the email subject or first line " "of the body (also including this one)" msgstr "" "Balas ke email dengan kata 'unsubscribe %s' sebagai judul subjek email atau " "baris pertama dari isi pesan (juga termasuk yang ini)" msgid "More" msgstr "Lainnya" msgid "[edit]" msgstr "[sunting]" msgid "Tag:" msgid_plural "Tags:" msgstr[0] "Tag:" msgstr[1] "Tag:" msgid "Recommendation" msgstr "Rekomendasi" msgid "Review Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Ulasan" msgid "Profiles" msgstr "Profil:" msgid "" "Alternatively you can reply to this email with <em>confirm</em> as the " "subject or first line of the body." msgstr "" "Atau Anda dapat membalas email ini dengan '<em>confirm</em>' sebagai judul " "subjek atau baris pertama dari isi pesan." msgid "Visit your subscription dashboard and unsubscribe from there" msgstr "Kunjungi dasbor langganan Anda dan berhenti berlangganan dari sana" msgid "" "You can cancel your subscription at any time by following one of these " "options:" msgstr "" "Anda dapat membatalkan berlangganan Anda kapan saja dengan salah satu opsi " "berikut:" msgid "How do I cancel my subscription?" msgstr "Bagaimana saya berhenti berlangganan?" msgid "Subscribed!" msgstr "Berlangganan!" msgid "Subscription Help" msgstr "Bantuan Langganan" msgid "[Subscribe] Failed To Confirm Unsubscription" msgstr "[Subscribe] Gagal Mengonfirmasi Berhenti Berlangganan" msgid "" "You have not been unsubscribed from your subscription. Please try again." msgstr "Anda belum berhenti dari langganan Anda. Silakan coba lagi." msgid "Failed to confirm unsubscription" msgstr "Gagal mengonfirmasi berhenti berlangganan" msgid "[Subscribe] Failed To Confirm Subscription" msgstr "[Subscribe] Gagal Mengonfirmasi Langganan" msgid "" "Your subscription details have expired or are invalid. Please try " "subscribing again." msgstr "" "Detail langganan Anda sudah kedaluwarsa atau tidak valid. Silakan coba " "berlangganan lagi." msgid "Failed to confirm subscription" msgstr "Gagal mengonfirmasi langganan" msgid "" "Alternatively you can reply to this email with \"confirm\" as the subject or " "first line of the body." msgstr "" "Atau Anda dapat membalas email ini dengan \"confirm\" sebagai judul subjek " "atau baris pertama dari isi pesan." msgid "" "Send any of the following commands in the subject or first line of an email " "to %s." msgstr "" "Kirimkan salah satu dari perintah berikut ini dalam judul subjek atau baris " "pertama dari email ke %s." msgid "Your subscriptions" msgstr "Langganan Anda" msgid "sent weekly" msgstr "dikirim setiap minggu" msgid "sent daily" msgstr "dikirim setiap hari" msgid "sent immediately" msgstr "dikirim segera" msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Didukung oleh" msgid "Search..." msgstr "Pencarian..." msgid "response" msgstr "tanggapan" msgid "Select pages" msgstr "Pilih halaman" msgid " on Twitter" msgstr " di Twitter" msgid "My Public Profile" msgstr "Profil Publik Saya" msgid "My Profile" msgstr "Profil Saya" msgid "%1$s, %2$s and %3$s" msgstr "%1$s, %2$s, dan %3$s" msgid "Select…" msgstr "Pilih..." msgid "Priority" msgstr "Prioritas" msgid "Translation" msgstr "Penerjemahan" msgid "Warnings" msgstr "Peringatan" msgid "Waiting" msgstr "Menunggu" msgid "Project" msgstr "Proyek" msgid "Locate" msgstr "Cari" msgid "Content:" msgstr "Isi:" msgid "Priority." msgstr "Prioritas." msgid "Create a New Post" msgstr "Buat Pos Baru" msgid "Permissions" msgstr "Izin" msgid "Create" msgstr "Buat" msgid "Parent product" msgstr "Produk induk" msgid "New link" msgstr "Tautan baru" msgid "Hi, %s!" msgstr "Hai, %s!" msgid "Welcome, %s" msgstr "Selamat datang, %s" msgctxt "locales" msgid "%1$s/%2$s" msgstr "%1$s/%2$s" msgid "Sample:" msgstr "Contoh:" msgid "Product not found." msgstr "Produk Tidak Ditemukan." msgid "New E-mail: %s" msgstr "Email Baru: %s" msgid "New Username: %s" msgstr "Nama Pengguna Baru: %s" msgid "Color scheme" msgstr "Skema Warna" msgid "Checking" msgstr "Sedang memeriksa" msgid "sound" msgstr "suara" msgid "Importing…" msgstr "Mengimpor…" msgid "Shipping:" msgstr "Pengiriman:" msgid "Read %s" msgstr "Baca %s" msgid "RSS feed" msgstr "Feed RSS" msgid "*" msgstr "*" msgid "Link ID" msgstr "ID taut" msgid "Link rating" msgstr "Penilaian taut" msgid "Link title" msgstr "Judul taut" msgid "Edit DNS" msgstr "Edit DNS" msgid "Google Apps" msgstr "Google Apps" msgid "%s does not match any of the expected formats." msgstr "%s tidak sesuai dengan format yang diharapkan." msgid "" "Your nameservers need to be set to NS1.WORDPRESS.COM and NS2.WORDPRESS.COM " "for these DNS records to work. If you have already updated the nameservers " "you can ignore this message; it will stop appearing soon." msgstr "" "Server nama Anda perlu diatur ke NS1.WORDPRESS.COM dan NS2.WORDPRESS.COM " "agar data DNS ini dapat digunakan. Jika Anda telah memperbarui server nama, " "abaikan pesan ini; pesan ini akan segera berhenti ditampilkan." msgid "Domain: %s" msgstr "Domain: %s" msgid "Remove subscriber" msgstr "Hapus pelanggan" msgid "This slideshow requires JavaScript." msgstr "Slideshow ini membutuhkan JavaScript." msgid "Click to view slideshow." msgstr "Klik untuk melihat slideshow" msgid "Account Details" msgstr "Rincian Akun" msgid "Were you looking for your <a href=\"%s\">profile details</a>?" msgstr "Apakah sedang mencari <a href=\"%s\">detail profil</a> Anda?" msgid "Current Gravatar" msgstr "Gravatar Saat Ini" msgid "" "Were you looking for your <a href=\"%s\">API Key and other Personal " "Settings</a>?" msgstr "" "Apakah sedang mencari <a href=\"%s\">Kunci API dan Pengaturan Pribadi " "lainnya</a>?" msgid "Theme Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Tema" msgid "Hide for a day" msgstr "Sembunyikan selama satu hari" msgid "A Semantic Personal Publishing Platform" msgstr "Platform Penerbitan Semantik Pribadi" msgid "(hidden)" msgstr "(tersembunyi)" msgid "hide" msgstr "sembunyikan" msgid "login" msgstr "Masuk" msgid "Write a comment..." msgstr "Tulis Komentar..." msgid "d/m/Y" msgstr "d/m/Y" msgid "Automatically linked when you make comments." msgstr "Terhubung secara otomatis ketika Anda memberikan komentar." msgid "Used for notifications, not published." msgstr "Digunakan untuk pemberitahuan, tidak dipublikasikan." msgid "Remove this service from your profile?" msgstr "Hapus layanan ini dari profil Anda?" msgid "Delete this link from your profile?" msgstr "Hapus link ini dari profil Anda?" msgid "Refreshing, please wait one moment..." msgstr "Menyegarkan, tunggu sebentar..." msgid "Personal Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Pribadi" msgid "Remote server did not respond" msgstr "Server jarak jauh tidak merespon" msgid "This timezone is currently in daylight saving time." msgstr "Zona waktu ini sekarang ada dalam waktu musim panas." msgid "Extra Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan tambahan" msgid "Poll" msgstr "Polling" msgid "Top Rated" msgstr "Top Rating" msgid "A list of your top rated posts, pages or comments." msgstr "Daftar posting, halaman, atau komentar dengan rating tertinggi." msgid "CSS Stylesheet Editor" msgstr "Editor stylesheet CSS" msgid "Comment Reply via Email" msgstr "Balas Komentar lewat Email" msgid "Search results for \"%s\"" msgstr "Hasil pencarian untuk \"%s\"" msgid "Sunset" msgstr "Matahari Tenggelam" msgid "Ferries" msgstr "Kapal feri" msgid "One response to %s" msgstr "Satu tanggapan untuk %s" msgid "Responses to %s" msgstr "Tanggapan atas %s" msgid "Header updated. <a href=\"%s\">Visit your site</a> to see how it looks." msgstr "" "Tajuk diperbarui. <a href=\"%s\">Kunjungi situs Anda</a> untuk melihat " "tampilannya." msgid "Text & Image Links" msgstr "Tautan Teks & Gambar" msgid "Image Link" msgstr "Tautan Gambar" msgid "Text Link" msgstr "Tautan Teks" msgid "Posts & Comments" msgstr "Tulisan & Komentar" msgid "Search Terms" msgstr "Istilah Pencarian" msgid "per day" msgstr "per hari" msgid "per year" msgstr "per tahun" msgid "" "You have purchased this product permanently. There is no subscription to " "renew" msgstr "" "Anda dapat membeli produk ini secara permanen. Tidak terdapat langganan " "untuk memperbarui" msgid "An unknown error occurred. Please try again later." msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan yang tidak diketahui. Coba lagi nanti." msgid "Read original post" msgstr "Baca pos asli" msgid "Fixed" msgstr "Tetap" msgid "Scroll" msgstr "Scroll" msgid "Tile" msgstr "Ubin" msgid "Attachment" msgstr "Lampiran" msgid "Repeat" msgstr "Ulangi" msgid "Read more…" msgstr "Baca selengkapnya…" msgid "QRCode" msgstr "Kode QR" msgid "" "Import posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and tags from a " "WordPress export file." msgstr "" "Impor pos, laman, komentar, custom field, kategori, dan tag dari berkas " "ekspor WordPress." msgid "H:i" msgstr "H:i" msgid "In response to" msgstr "Sebagai tanggapan atas" msgid "Manage your subscriptions by clicking on the link below." msgstr "" "Kelola langganan Anda dengan mengeklik tautan di bawah ini." msgid "URL: <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a>" msgstr "URL: <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a>" msgid "[Subscribe] Change Subscription Address" msgstr "[Subscribe] Ubah Alamat Langganan" msgid "You are not subscribed to \"%s\"." msgstr "Anda tidak berlangganan \"%s\"." msgid "You do not have access to \"%s\" and so cannot subscribe." msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki akses ke \"%s\" sehingga tidak dapat berlangganan." msgid "You are already subscribed to \"%s\"!" msgstr "Anda sudah berlangganan \"%s\"!" msgid "You are already subscribed" msgstr "Anda sudah berlangganan" msgid "[Subscribe] Unsubscribe from %s" msgstr "[Subscribe] Berhenti berlangganan %s" msgid "" "If you did not request this action please disregard this message. You can " "block further messages by clicking on 'Manage Subscriptions' and changing " "your settings." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak meminta tindakan ini mohon abaikan pesan ini. Anda dapat " "memblokir pesan berikutnya dengan mengeklik 'Kelola Berlangganan' dan ubah " "pengaturan Anda." msgid "You have requested to stop receiving email notifications from %s." msgstr "" "Anda telah meminta untuk berhenti menerima email pemberitahuan dari %s." msgid "Unsubscribe from %s" msgstr "Berhenti berlangganan dari %s" msgid "[Subscribe] Error Unsubscribing" msgstr "[Subscribe] Error Saat Berhenti Berlangganan" msgid "" "Please check the URL for mistakes. An example unsubscribe command should " "look like:" msgstr "" "Silakan periksa kesalahan pada URL. Contoh perintah berhenti berlangganan " "seharusnya seperti:" msgid "" "Your attempt to unsubscribe from the URL \"%s\" failed as this is not a " "valid URL." msgstr "" "Usaha Anda untuk berhenti berlangganan dari URL \"%s\" gagal karena URL " "tersebut bukan merupakan URL yang valid." msgid "Failed to unsubscribe" msgstr "Gagal berhenti berlangganan" msgid "[Subscribe] Error Subscribing" msgstr "[Subscribe] Error Saat Berlangganan" msgid "" "Please check the URL for mistakes. An example subscribe command should look " "like:" msgstr "" "Silakan periksa kesalahan pada URL. Contoh perintah berlangganan seharusnya " "seperti:" msgid "" "Your attempt to subscribe to the URL \"%s\" failed as this is not a valid " " URL." msgstr "" "Usaha Anda untuk berlangganan dari URL \"%s\" gagal karena URL tersebut " "bukan merupakan URL yang valid." msgid "Failed to subscribe" msgstr "Gagal berlangganan" msgid "[Subscribe] Help" msgstr "[Subscribe] Bantuan" msgid "show you what subscriptions you currently have" msgstr "memperlihatkan langganan yang Anda miliki" msgid "" "unsubscribe from a site, where [URL] is the URL of the site (e." "g." msgstr "" "berhenti berlangganan dari suatu situs, di mana [URL] adalah URL dari situs " " (misalnya" msgid "" "subscribe to a site, where [URL] is the URL of the site (e.g. " "" msgstr "" "berlangganan ke suatu situs, di mana [URL] adalah URL dari situs WordPress." "com (misalnya" msgid "this help information" msgstr "informasi bantuan ini" msgid " Subscription Management Help" msgstr "Bantuan Pengelolaan Berlangganan" msgid "[Subscribe] Your Subscriptions" msgstr "[Subscribe] Langganan Anda" msgid "Site" msgstr "Situs" msgid "You are subscribed to the following blogs:" msgstr "Anda berlangganan blog-blog berikut:" msgid "You are not subscribed to any blogs." msgstr "Anda tidak berlangganan blog manapun." msgid "Cancel reply" msgstr "Batalkan balasan" msgid "Remove Background Image" msgstr "Buang Gambar Latar " msgid "Select background image" msgstr "Pilih gambar latar belakang" msgid "" "Background updated. <a href=\"%s\">Visit your site</a> to see how it looks." msgstr "" "Latar Belakang diperbarui. <a href=\"%s\">Kunjungi situs Anda</a> untuk " "melihat tampilannya." msgid "Custom Background" msgstr "Latar Belakang Khusus" msgid "What size photos would you like to display?" msgstr "Berapa ukuran foto yang ingin anda tampilkan?" msgid "How many photos would you like to display?" msgstr "Berapa banyak foto yang ingin anda tampilkan?" msgid " (optional)" msgstr " (opsional)" msgid "Your changes have been saved." msgstr "Perubahan yang Anda buat sudah disimpan." msgid "Custom code" msgstr "Kode kustom" msgid "View all pages" msgstr "Lihat semua halaman" msgid "by " msgstr "oleh " msgid "[%s] Password Changed" msgstr "[%s] Kata Sandi Telah Diubah" msgid "Click the Import button above to start importing that blog." msgstr "Klik tombol Impor di atas untuk memulai mengimpor blog tersebut." msgid "Import Information" msgstr "Informasi Impor" msgid "No Advertisements" msgstr "Tidak Ada Iklan" msgid " for Your Domain" msgstr " untuk Domain Anda" msgid "Unlimited shares" msgstr "Berbagi tanpa batas" msgid "Save Options" msgstr "Simpan Opsi" msgid "Poll style" msgstr "Tampilan polling" msgid "Percentages" msgstr "Persentase" msgid "%d Star Rating" msgstr "%d Rating Bintang" msgid "%d stars" msgstr "%d bintang" msgid "%d star" msgstr "%d bintang" msgid "Style" msgstr "Gaya" msgid "Custom Style" msgstr "Gaya Kustom" msgid "%d month" msgstr "%d bulan" msgid "%d week" msgstr "%d minggu" msgid "%d day" msgid_plural "%d days" msgstr[0] "%d hari" msgstr[1] "%d hari" msgid "%d hours" msgstr "%d jam" msgid "%d hour" msgstr "%d jam" msgid "Expires: " msgstr "Kedaluwarsa: " msgid "Options Updated." msgstr "Pilihan telah Diperbarui." msgid "j F, Y H:i" msgstr "j F, Y H:i" msgid "" "Some attachments were rejected from the following Post by " "Email:" msgstr "" "Beberapa lampiran ditolak dari Pos yang dikirim melalui Email:" msgid "Failed attachments for %s" msgstr "Gagal melampirkan %s" msgid "Post by email" msgstr "Menerbitkan Pos via E-mail" msgid "Link to:" msgstr "Tautan Ke:" msgid "pixels" msgstr "piksel" msgid "Upgrade cancelled and refunded" msgstr "Peningkatan dibatalkan dan pembayaran dikembalikan" msgid "" "The transaction cannot complete successfully. Possible causes are: 1. Your " "card has failed a CVV2 check at least six times within a 30 day period; 2. " "The billing address you provided does not match the billing address of your " "card. Please double check your CVV2 code and billing address." msgstr "" "Transaksi tidak dapat diselesaikan. Kemungkinan penyebabnya: 1. Kartu Anda " "gagal dalam pemeriksaan CVV2 paling tidak enam kali dalam periode 30 hari; " "2. Alamat penagihan yang Anda berikan tidak sesuai dengan alamat penagihan " "kartu Anda. Silakan periksa kode CVV2 dan alamat penagihan." msgid "Blog domain must be shorter than 64 characters" msgstr "Nama domain blog tidak boleh lebih dari 64 karakter" msgid "No comments" msgstr "Belum ada komentar" msgid "Logged in as:" msgstr "Masuk sebagai:" msgid "Update settings" msgstr "Perbarui Pengaturan" msgid "std" msgstr "std" msgid "Continue reading <span class=\"meta-nav\">→</span>" msgstr "Baca lebih lanjut <span class=\"meta-nav\">→</span>" msgid "Manage Subscriptions" msgstr "Kelola Langganan" msgid "Freshly Pressed" msgstr "Terbitan Terkini" msgid "Search results for:" msgstr "Hasil pencarian untuk:" msgid "D, M j, Y" msgstr "D, j M Y" msgid "Read %1$s on %2$s." msgstr "Baca %1$s di %2$s." msgid "Unsubscribe:" msgstr "Berhenti berlangganan:" msgid "Manage your subscription" msgid_plural "Manage your subscriptions" msgstr[0] "Kelola langganan Anda" msgstr[1] "Kelola langganan Anda" msgid "Update your profile" msgstr "Perbarui profil Anda!" msgid "Email Address" msgstr "Alamat E-mail " msgid "All languages" msgstr "Semua bahasa" msgid "Popular choices" msgstr "Pilihan populer" msgid "%d post published" msgid_plural "%d posts published" msgstr[0] "%d pos telah diterbitkan" msgstr[1] "%d pos telah diterbitkan" msgid "Daily Views" msgstr "Kunjungan Harian" msgid "Views per day" msgstr "Kunjungan per hari" msgid "Monthly Views" msgstr "Tampilan Bulanan" msgid "Views per month" msgstr "Kunjungan per bulan" msgid "Weekly Views" msgstr "Kunjungan Mingguan" msgid "Views per week" msgstr "Kunjungan per minggu" msgid "example: <kbd>sub.domain.tld, domain.sld.tld</kbd>" msgstr "contoh: <kbd>sub.domain.tld, domain.sld.tld</kbd>" msgid "" "Click the following link or copy it into a browser. Note this link is only " "valid for %s" msgstr "" "Klik tautan berikut ini atau salin ke browser. Perlu dicatat bahwa tautan " "ini hanya berlaku untuk %s" msgid "How do I confirm this subscription?" msgstr "Bagaimana saya mengonfirmasi berlangganan ini?" msgid "Invitation sent." msgstr "Undangan Dikirim." msgid "Home page" msgstr "Halaman awal" msgid "Error: %s." msgstr "Kesalahan: %s" msgid "write" msgstr "tulis" msgid "We’re here for you" msgstr "Kami siap membantu Anda" msgid "Cannot create a user with an empty login name." msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat pengguna dengan nama login kosong." msgid "New" msgstr "Baru" msgid "Unpacking the package…" msgstr "Membongkar paket…" msgid "Downloading Comments…" msgstr "Mengunduh Komentar…" msgid "Activate your account %s" msgstr "Aktifkan akun Anda %s" msgid "New comment" msgstr "Komentar baru" msgid "Time range" msgstr "Rentang waktu" msgid "%s rating" msgstr "%s peringkat" msgid "Loading" msgstr "Sedang memuat" msgid "WordPress site." msgstr "Situs WordPress." msgid "," msgstr "," msgid "Updated" msgstr "Telah diperbarui" msgid "Note:" msgstr "Catatan:" msgid "Comment Author IP" msgstr "IP Penulis Komentar" msgid "Guest" msgstr "Tamu" msgid "Post ID." msgstr "ID Pos." msgid "Next Page" msgstr "Halaman Berikutnya" msgid "Previous Page" msgstr "Halaman Sebelumnya" msgid "Host" msgstr "Host" msgid "IP" msgstr "IP" msgid "%s Stats" msgstr "%s Statistik" msgid "New User Registration: %s" msgstr "Pendaftaran Pengguna Baru: %s" msgid "First page" msgstr "Halaman pertama" msgid "Notes Author" msgstr "Penulis Catatan" msgid "Color options" msgstr "Pilihan Warna" msgid "Reset importer" msgstr "Atur ulang pengimpor" msgid "Trash it: %s" msgstr "Buang ke tempat sampah: %s" msgid "Permanently delete comment" msgstr "Menghapus Komentar secara Permanen" msgid "You are about to move the following comment to the Trash:" msgstr "Anda akan memindahkan komentar berikut ke Tong Sampah:" msgid "No results found" msgstr "Tak ditemukan hasil apapun." msgid "Search %s - %s" msgstr "Cari %s - %s" msgid "Image Processing Error" msgstr "Kesalahan Memproses Gambar" msgid "post" msgid_plural "posts" msgstr[0] "pos" msgstr[1] "" msgid "page" msgid_plural "pages" msgstr[0] "halaman" msgstr[1] "" msgid "Poster Image" msgstr "Gambar Poster" msgid "URL: %s" msgstr "URL: %s" msgid "Read more of this post" msgstr "Baca pos ini lebih lanjut" msgid "Manage your subscriptions" msgstr "Kelola langganan Anda" msgid "Manage your subscriptions:" msgstr "Kelola langganan Anda:" msgid "Status updates will be posted on this blog:" msgstr "Pembaruan status akan dikirimkan pada blog ini" msgid "" "You requested a refund for an upgrade. Please check your email for a message " "with a confirmation link." msgstr "" "Anda meminta pengembalian dana upgrade. Silakan periksa pesan dengan tautan " "konfirmasi pada email Anda." msgid "" "This post is password protected. You must visit the website and enter the " "password to continue reading." msgstr "" "Pos ini terlindungi oleh kata sandi. Anda harus mengunjungi situs tersebut " "dan memasukkan kata sandinya untuk melanjutkan membaca." msgid "This setting may be overridden for individual videos" msgstr "Pengaturan ini bisa diganti untuk masing-masing video" msgid "Pending <span class=\"count\">(%d)</span>" msgstr "Ditangguhkan <span class=\"count\">(%d)</span>" msgid "Note that only the most recent pending subscriptions are shown." msgstr "" "Perhatikan bahwa langganan tertunda yang akan ditampilkan hanyalah yang " "paling baru." msgid "" "You have no pending subscriptions. Expecting to see some here? Double-check " "the email address you used to subscribe." msgstr "" "Anda tidak memiliki langganan yang ditangguhkan. Apakah Anda mencari " "sesuatu? Periksa ulang alamat email yang Anda gunakan untuk berlangganan." msgid "of" msgstr "dari" msgid "< Prev" msgstr "< Sebelumnya" msgid "Next >" msgstr "Berikutnya >" msgid "Comment by %s marked as spam." msgstr "Komentar oleh %s ditandai sebagai spam." msgid "Importing attachment %s... " msgstr "Mengimpor lampiran %s..." msgid "%s comment restored from the spam." msgid_plural "%s comments restored from the spam." msgstr[0] "%s komentar dikembalikan dari spam" msgstr[1] "%s komentar dikembalikan dari spam" msgid "%s comment marked as spam." msgid_plural "%s comments marked as spam." msgstr[0] "%s komentar ditandai sebagai spam." msgstr[1] "%s komentar ditandai sebagai spam." msgid "Comments closed." msgstr "Komentar ditutup" msgid "Overlay logo URL" msgstr "URL logo hamparan" msgid "Video player" msgstr "Pemutar video" msgid "" "Paste your YouTube or Google Video URL above, or use the examples below." msgstr "" "Tempelkan URL Video YouTube atau Google di atas, atau gunakan contoh di " "bawah ini." msgid "Location of the Ogg video file." msgstr "Lokasi berkas video Ogg." msgid "Email subscriber" msgstr "Pelanggan Email" msgid "New subscription" msgstr "Langganan baru" msgid "%s subscriber" msgid_plural "%s subscribers" msgstr[0] "%s pelanggan" msgstr[1] "%s pelanggan" msgid "Click to receive future news by email." msgstr "Klik untuk menerima berita yang akan datang melalui email." msgid "Enter your address to receive news by email." msgstr "Masukkan alamat email Anda untuk mendapatkan berita melalui email." msgid "" "Missing out on the latest developments? Click below to receive " "future announcements direct to your inbox—it's free, it's easy, and we won't " "send you any junk." msgstr "" "Ketinggalan perkembangan terkini Klik di bawah ini untuk " "menerima pengumuman di inbox secara gratis, mudah, dan tanpa sampah." msgid "Email Newsletter" msgstr "Buletin Email" msgid "Tutorials and How-To Videos" msgstr "Tutorial dan Video Panduan" msgid "Contact our happiness engineers" msgstr "Hubungi happiness engineer kami" msgid "Welcome!" msgstr "Selamat datang!" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Clear" msgstr "Bersihkan" msgid "Dimensions:" msgstr "Dimensi:" msgid "Upload date:" msgstr "Tanggal unggah:" msgid "File type:" msgstr "Tipe berkas:" msgid "File name:" msgstr "Nama berkas:" msgid "(Unattached)" msgstr "(Tidak Dilampirkan)" msgid "" "The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show " "it." msgstr "" "Deskripsi tidak tampil secara otomatis. Namun, beberapa tema akan " "menampilkannya." msgid "Notify me of new posts via email." msgstr "Beritahu saya pos-pos baru lewat surat elektronik." msgid "Twitter logo" msgstr "Logo Twitter" msgid "Discard any changes and restore the original image." msgstr "Hilangkan semua perubahan dan kembalikan gambar asli." msgid "" "Your email address is in use by one or more other accounts. Please enter a " "unique address for this account. (<a href=\"" "email-address/\">Why?</a>)" msgstr "" "Alamat surat elektronik Anda digunakan oleh satu akun lain atau lebih. " "Silakan masukkan alamat surat elektronik yang unik untuk akun ini. (<a href=" "\"\">Kenapa?</a>) " msgid "Off" msgstr "Matikan" msgid "" "Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications " "of new posts by email." msgstr "" "Masukkan alamat surat elektronik Anda untuk berlangganan blog ini dan " "menerima pemberitahuan tulisan-tulisan baru melalui surat elektronik." msgid "Email subscriptions" msgstr "Langganan email" msgid "Post Published" msgid_plural "Posts Published" msgstr[0] "Pos Diterbitkan" msgstr[1] "Pos Diterbitkan" msgid "required" msgstr "wajib" msgid "Can't find what you're looking for?" msgstr "Tidak dapat menemukan apa yang Anda cari?" msgid "Nero Size" msgstr "Ukuran Nero" msgid "Nero Type" msgstr "Jenis Nero" msgid "Star Colors" msgstr "Warna Bintang" msgid "About this topic" msgstr "Tentang Topik ini" msgid "No ratings have been collected for your %s yet." msgstr "Belum ada rating yang terkumpul untuk %s Anda." msgid "Below each comment" msgstr "Pada bagian bawah setiap komentar" msgid "Above each comment" msgstr "Pada bagian atas setiap komentar" msgid "Below each blog post" msgstr "Pada bagian bawah setiap postingan" msgid "Above each blog post" msgstr "Pada bagian atas setiap postingan" msgid "You are now subscribed to this blog." msgstr "Anda sekarang terlanggan pada blog ini." msgid " forums" msgstr "Forum" msgid "Loading…" msgstr "Memuat…" msgid "Author: %s" msgstr "Penulis: %s" msgid "Daily at %s." msgstr "Setiap hari pukul %s." msgid "" "Howdy,\n" "\n" "Thank you for signing up with To activate your newly created " "account, please click on the following link:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "--The Akismet Team" msgstr "" "Hai,\n" "\n" "Terima kasih telah mendaftar di Untuk mengaktifkan akun baru " "Anda, silakan klik link berikut:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "--Tim Akismet" msgid "Comment: %s" msgstr "Komentar: %s" msgid "Add a comment to this post" msgstr "Berikan sebuah komentar untuk pos ini" msgid "Sign up to" msgstr "Daftar ke" msgid "Map a Domain" msgstr "Arahkan Domain" msgid "Optional text to display to users:" msgstr "Teks untuk ditampilkan kepada non-pengguna" msgid "Optional text to display to logged in users:" msgstr "Teks untuk ditampilkan kepada pengguna yang sudah login:" msgid "Add an email signup form to allow people to subscribe to your blog." msgstr "" "Tambahkan sebuah formulir email untuk memungkinkan orang berlangganan blog " "Anda." msgid "View Poll" msgstr "Lihat Pengambilan Suara" msgid "Howdy!" msgstr "Apa kabar!" msgid "" "You are receiving this message to confirm acceptance of " "subscriptions from %s." msgstr "" "Anda menerima pesan ini untuk mengonfirmasi penerimaan berlangganan " " dari %s." msgid "Subscribe to comments" msgstr "Langganan komentar" msgid "Blog Subscriptions" msgstr "Langganan Blog" msgid "Subscribed email address:" msgstr "Alamat email yang digunakan berlangganan:" msgid "Delivery window" msgstr "Jendela pengiriman" msgid "Plain text" msgstr "Teks biasa" msgid "Email format" msgstr "Bentuk email" msgid "Email address changed." msgstr "Alamat email telah diubah" msgid "Email address not changed; please try again." msgstr "Alamat surat elektronik tidak berubah - silakan coba lagi" msgid "Please change your email address from your profile page." msgstr "" "Harap ganti alamat surat listrik anda dari halaman profil anda" msgid "Unsubscribed from subscriptions." msgstr "Berhenti berlangganan dari langganan." msgid "You should provide a valid email address" msgstr "Anda harus memberikan alamat email yang valid" msgid "Your subscription has been cancelled." msgstr "Langganan anda telah dihapus" msgid "" "An email has been sent to your address. Please click the enclosed link to " "confirm." msgstr "" "Sepucuk surat elektronik telah dikirim ke alamat Anda. Silakan klik link " "yang tercantum untuk mengkonfirmasi." msgid "Comments <span class=\"count\">(%d)</span>" msgstr "Komentar <span class=\"count\">(%d)</span>" msgctxt "sites" msgid "All <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "All <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Semua <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Semua <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "Weekly" msgstr "Mingguan" msgid "Daily" msgstr "Harian" msgid "Immediate" msgstr "Segera" msgid "You have no active subscriptions." msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki langganan aktif." msgid "Subscription Management" msgstr "Pengelolaan Langganan" msgid "Email address not changed. Security check required." msgstr "" "Alamat surat elektronik tidak berubah. Pemeriksaan keamanan diperlukan." msgid "Subscribed On" msgstr "Berlangganan Di" msgid "You have logged in successfully." msgstr "Anda berhasil login." msgid "Saving..." msgstr "Menyimpan..." msgid "Move to trash" msgstr "Pindahkan ke tong sampah" msgid "Update Primary Domain" msgstr "Perbarui Domain Utama" msgid "$5000" msgstr "$5.000" msgctxt "product reviews" msgid "Trash <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Trash <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Tong sampah <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Tong sampah <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "Media file restored from the Trash." msgstr "Media dikembalikan dari tong sampah." msgid "Media file moved to the Trash." msgstr "Media dipindahkan ke tong sampah." msgid "Media file permanently deleted." msgstr "Media dihapus secara permanen." msgid "Embeds" msgstr "Sematan" msgid "" "You attempted to edit an item that doesn't exist. Perhaps it was deleted?" msgstr "Anda mencoba mengedit item yang tidak ada. Mungkin sudah dihapus?" msgid "moved to the Trash." msgstr "dipindahkan ke tong sampah." msgid "Move this review to the Trash" msgstr "Pindahkan halaman ini ke Tong Sampah" msgid "Delete this page permanently?" msgstr "Hapus halaman ini secara permanen?" msgid "Restore this review from the Trash" msgstr "Kembalikan tulisan ini dari Tong Sampah" msgid "Trash <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Trash <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Tong Sampah <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Tong Sampah <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "Insert an image from another web site" msgstr "Sisipkan sebuah gambar dari situs web lain" msgid "Image saved" msgstr "Gambar disimpan" msgid "Unable to save the image." msgstr "Tidak dapat menyimpan gambar." msgid "Nothing to save, the image has not changed." msgstr "Tidak ada yang disimpan. Gambar tidak berubah." msgid "" "Error while saving the scaled image. Please reload the page and try again." msgstr "" "Galat ketika menyimpan gambar yang telah diubah ukurannya. Silakan muat " "ulang halaman ini dan coba lagi." msgid "Unable to create new image." msgstr "Tidak dapat menciptakan gambar baru." msgid "Image restored successfully." msgstr "Gambar berhasil dikembalikan." msgid "Image metadata is inconsistent." msgstr "Metadata gambar tidak konsisten." msgid "Cannot save image metadata." msgstr "Tidak dapat menyimpan metadata gambar." msgid "Cannot load image metadata." msgstr "Tidak dapat memuat metadata gambar." msgid "All sizes except thumbnail" msgstr "Seluruh ukuran kecuali miniatur" msgid "All image sizes" msgstr "Seluruh ukuran gambar" msgid "Apply changes to:" msgstr "Terapkan perubahan ke:" msgid "Current thumbnail" msgstr "Miniatur saat ini" msgid "Thumbnail Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Miniatur" msgid "Selection:" msgstr "Seleksi:" msgid "Aspect ratio:" msgstr "Rasio segi:" msgid "Crop Selection" msgstr "Pilihan Pemangkasan" msgid "Crop Aspect Ratio" msgstr "Rasio Aspek Pemangkasan" msgid "Restore image" msgstr "Kembalikan gambar" msgid "Restore Original Image" msgstr "Kembalikan Gambar Asli" msgid "Original dimensions %s" msgstr "Dimensi asli %s" msgid "Scale Image" msgstr "Ubah Ukuran Gambar" msgid "Flip vertical" msgstr "Balik secara vertikal" msgid "Flip horizontal" msgstr "Balik secara horizontal" msgid "Crop" msgstr "Pangkas" msgid "Image data does not exist. Please re-upload the image." msgstr "Data gambar tidak ada. Silakan unggah ulang gambar tersebut." msgctxt "verb" msgid "Trash" msgstr "Buang" msgid "Move this comment to the Trash" msgstr "Pindahkan komentar ini ke tong sampah" msgid "\"%s\" moved to the trash." msgstr "\"%s\" dipindahkan ke tempat sampah." msgid "\"%s\" permanently deleted." msgstr "\"%s\" dihapus secara permanen." msgid "" "Product draft updated. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Preview product</a>" msgstr "" "Konsep produk diperbarui. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Pratinjau " "produk</a>" msgid "" "Product scheduled for: %1$s. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%2$s\">Preview " "product</a>" msgstr "" "Produk dijadwalkan untuk: %1$s <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%2$s\">Pratinjau " "produk</a>" msgid "Product submitted. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Preview product</a>" msgstr "Produk dikirim. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Pratinjau produk</a>" msgid "Empty Trash" msgstr "Kosongkan Tong Sampah" msgid "Empty Spam" msgstr "Kosongkan Spam" msgid "Move to Trash" msgstr "Pindahkan ke Tong Sampah" msgid "%s comment permanently deleted." msgid_plural "%s comments permanently deleted." msgstr[0] "%s komentar dihapus secara permanen" msgstr[1] "%s komentar dihapus secara permanen" msgid "%s coupon restored from the Trash." msgid_plural "%s coupons restored from the Trash." msgstr[0] "%s kupon dikembalikan dari Tong Sampah." msgstr[1] "%s kupon dikembalikan dari Tong Sampah." msgid "%s coupon moved to the Trash." msgid_plural "%s coupons moved to the Trash." msgstr[0] "%s kupon dipindahkan ke Tong Sampah." msgstr[1] "%s kupon dipindahkan ke Tong Sampah." msgid "Trash" msgstr "Tong Sampah" msgid "Delete Permanently" msgstr "Hapus secara permanen" msgid "" "This comment is in the Trash. Please move it out of the Trash if you want to " "edit it." msgstr "" "Komentar ini berada di Tong Sampah. Silakan pindahkan keluar dari Tong " "Sampah jika Anda ingin menyuntingnya." msgid "Ogg File URL" msgstr "URL Berkas ogg" msgid "Example:" msgstr "Contoh:" msgid "25GB" msgstr "25GB" msgid "Unlimited Private Users" msgstr "Pengguna Pribadi Unlimited" msgid "State" msgstr "Provinsi" msgid "Name on Card" msgstr "Nama di Kartu" msgid "Month" msgstr "bulan" msgid "" "The transaction cannot complete successfully. Please check the billing " "address and expiration date or try another card. Please contact your bank " "if you have further problems." msgstr "" "Transaksi tidak dapat diselesaikan. Harap periksa alamat penagihan dan " "tanggal berakhir atau coba kartu lain. Hubungi bank Anda jika terjadi " "masalah lebih lanjut." msgid "Search…" msgstr "Cari…" msgid "My Account" msgstr "Akun Saya:" msgid "Refresh this page." msgstr "Segarkan halaman ini." msgid "Error: please fill in the required fields" msgstr "Error: harap isi bidang yang wajib diisi" msgid "Post title" msgstr "Judul pos" msgid "Post Title" msgstr "Judul Pos" msgid "Stripe" msgstr "Stripe" msgid "Subscribers" msgstr "Pelanggan" msgid "" "Your subscription did not succeed, please try again with a valid email " "address." msgstr "" "Langganan Anda tidak berhasil. Silakan coba lagi dengan alamat email yang " "baru." msgid "Default method" msgstr "Metode default" msgid "Auto Detect" msgstr "Deteksi Otomatis" msgid "Enter address:" msgstr "Masukan alamat:" msgid "My Location" msgstr "Lokasiku" msgid "Buy now" msgstr "Beli sekarang" msgid "Learn More" msgstr "Baca Lebih Lanjut" msgid "Post by Voice" msgstr "Poskan dengan Suara" msgid "Post by Voice was disabled" msgstr "Pengiriman Pos melalui Suara telah dinonaktifkan" msgid "Post by Voice was enabled" msgstr "Pengiriman Pos melalui Suara telah diaktifkan" msgid "Disable Post by Voice" msgstr "Nonaktifkan Posting dengan Suara" msgid "Enable Post by Voice" msgstr "Izinkan Posting dengan Suara" msgid "Subscribe now!" msgstr "Berlangganan sekarang" msgid "San Francisco, CA" msgstr "San Francisco, CA" msgid "Get Search" msgstr "Dapatkan Search" msgid "Show less" msgstr "Tampilkan sedikit" msgid "Show more" msgstr "Tampilkan lebih banyak lagi" msgid "" "The transaction cannot complete successfully. Please check the billing " "address and expiration date. Please contact your bank if you have further " "problems." msgstr "" "Transaksi tidak dapat diselesaikan. Harap periksa alamat penagihan dan " "tanggal berakhir. Hubungi bank Anda jika terjadi masalah lebih lanjut." msgid "Custom Message:" msgstr "Pesan Tersuai:" msgid "Allow new users to sign up" msgstr "Izinkan pengguna baru mendaftar" msgid "Slow down cowboy, no need to check for new mails so often!" msgstr "Pelan-pelan Bung, tak perlu memeriksa pesan baru terlalu sering!" msgid "Image" msgstr "Gambar" msgid "Display an image in your sidebar" msgstr "Menampilkan gambar pada bilah sisi Anda" msgid "Midnight" msgstr "Tengah Malam" msgid "CSS Revisions" msgstr "Revisi CSS" msgid "Domain Registration and Mapping:" msgstr "Registrasi dan Pemetaan Domain:" msgid "Register domain" msgstr "Daftarkan Domain" msgid "Updated Primary Blog." msgstr "Blog Utama Telah Diperbarui." msgid "There was a problem renewing this domain." msgstr "Ada masalah memperbaharui ranah ini." msgid "This domain already exists and cannot be registered." msgstr "Domain ini sudah ada dan tidak dapat didaftarkan." msgid "USD" msgstr "USD" msgid "Two year subscription" msgstr "Langganan dua tahun" msgid "" "This blog already has some of these upgrades. Did you mean to renew your " "subscriptions?" msgstr "" "Blog sudah memiliki beberapa upgrade berikut ini. Apakah maksud Anda adalah " "memperbarui langganan?" msgid "Complete the purchase" msgstr "Selesaikan pembelian" msgid "The “%s” field is required." msgstr "Bidang “%s” wajib diisi." msgid "Average Rating" msgstr "Penilaian Rata-Rata" msgid "Start Date" msgstr "Tanggal Mulai" msgid "All time" msgstr "Sepanjang waktu" msgid "Last 12 months" msgstr "12 bulan terakhir" msgid "Last 3 months" msgstr "3 bulan terakhir" msgid "Last 31 days" msgstr "31 hari terakhir" msgid "Last 7 days" msgstr "7 hari terakhir" msgid "Last 24 hours" msgstr "24 jam terakhir" msgid "View report" msgstr "Lihat laporan" msgid "Color" msgstr "Warna" msgid "Font" msgstr "Fon" msgid "Hand" msgstr "Tangan" msgid "Grey" msgstr "Abu-Abu" msgid "Star Color" msgstr "Warna Bintang" msgid "Small" msgstr "Kecil" msgid "Star Size" msgstr "Ukuran Bintang" msgid "Nero Rating" msgstr "Rating Nol" msgid "Rating Type" msgstr "Tipe Rating" msgid "Thank You" msgstr "Terima Kasih" msgid "Reports" msgstr "Laporan" msgid "Ratings" msgstr "Penilaian" msgid "Your message" msgstr "Pesan Anda" msgid "Recipients" msgstr "Penerima" msgid "Enter a username or email address." msgstr "Masukkan nama pengguna atau alamat email." msgid "Authorize %s" msgstr "Otorisasikan %s" msgid "Publicize" msgstr "Publikasikan" msgid "Amount" msgstr "Jumlah" msgid "Transaction ID:" msgstr "ID Transaksi:" msgid "Purchase" msgstr "Beli" msgid "My shopping cart" msgstr "Keranjang pembelian belanja saya" msgid "Product purchased." msgid_plural "%s Products purchased" msgstr[0] "Produk telah dibeli." msgstr[1] "Produk %s telah dibeli" msgid "Renewal message hidden." msgid_plural "%s Renewal messages hidden." msgstr[0] "Pesan pembaruan disembunyikan." msgstr[1] "Pesan pembaruan %s disembunyikan." msgid "Revenue" msgstr "Penghasilan" msgid "Categories: %s" msgstr "Kategori: %s" msgid "Permalink: %s" msgstr "Permalink: %s" msgid "The uploaded file could not be moved to your blog directory." msgstr "File yang diunggah tidak dapat dipindah ke direktori blog Anda." msgid "The uploaded file exceeds the maximum file size." msgstr "File yang diunggah melebihi ukuran maksimum file." msgid "The specified target URL does not exist." msgstr "URL target yang diberikan tidak ada." msgid "Pingback from %1$s to %2$s registered. Keep the web talking! :-)" msgstr "" "Pingbalik dari %1$s ke %2$s telah terdaftar. Buat web terus berbicara! :-)" msgid "" "The source URL does not contain a link to the target URL, and so cannot be " "used as a source." msgstr "" "URL sumber tersebut tidak mengandung sebuah taut ke URL target, sehingga " "tidak dapat digunakan sebagai sumber." msgid "The source URL does not exist." msgstr "URL sumber tidak ada." msgid "The pingback has already been registered." msgstr "Ping balik tersebut telah terdaftar." msgid "" "The source URL and the target URL cannot both point to the same resource." msgstr "" "URL sumber dan URL target tersebut tidak dapat menunjuk ke sumber yang sama." msgid "Is there no link to us?" msgstr "Tidak adakah taut untuk kami?" msgid "Could not write file %1$s (%2$s)." msgstr "Tidak dapat menulis berkas %1$s (%2$s)" msgid "You are not authorized to upload files to this site" msgstr "Anda tidak diperkenankan mengunggah berkas." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to change the page author as this user." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan mengubah penulis laman sebagai pengguna ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to change the post author as this user." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan mengubah penulis pos sebagai pengguna ini." msgid "Invalid post type." msgstr "Tipe tulisan tidak valid." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to publish on this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diperbolehkan untuk menerbitkan halaman di blog ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to update posts as this user." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diperbolehkan untuk menerbitkan tulisan di blog ini." msgid "Sorry, no such post." msgstr "Maaf, tidak ada pos seperti itu." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to resume this theme." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan melanjutkan tema ini." msgid "Either there are no posts, or something went wrong." msgstr "Entah tidak ada pos, atau sesuatu yang salah telah terjadi." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to update options." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan memperbarui opsi-opsi." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to access details of this post." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan mengakses rincian pos ini." msgid "Invalid comment status." msgstr "Status komentar tidak sah." msgid "Invalid comment ID." msgstr "ID komentar tidak sah." msgid "Failed to delete the page." msgstr "Gagal untuk menghapus laman ini." msgid "Sorry, no such page." msgstr "Maaf, tidak ada laman seperti itu." msgid "Sorry, you cannot edit this resource." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat menyunting sumber daya berikut." msgid "Time Zone" msgstr "Zona Waktu" msgid "Software Name" msgstr "Nama Perangkat Lunak" msgid "Bad login/pass combination." msgstr "Kombinasi login/kata sandi yang salah." msgid "Next →" msgstr "Selanjutnya →" msgid "%s is yours!" msgstr "%s adalah milik Anda" msgid "Confirm" msgstr "Konfirmasi" msgid ".blog Domain" msgstr "Domain .blog" msgid "About me" msgstr "Tentang saya" msgid "Homepage" msgstr "Halaman Awal" msgid "Display" msgstr "Tampilan" msgid "Section" msgstr "Bagian" msgid "The requested invite does not exist." msgstr "Undangan yang diminta tidak ada." msgid "A valid email address is required" msgstr "Dibutuhkan alamat email yang sah" msgid "Comment author name and email are required" msgstr "Nama dan email penulis komentar wajib diisi." msgid "Invalid post ID." msgstr "ID pos tidak sah." msgid "Can not find blog." msgstr "Tidak dapat menemukan blog." msgid "Oops: %s" msgstr "Ups: %s" msgid "There does not seem to be any new mail." msgstr "Kelihatannya tak ada pesan baru." msgid "Registration complete. Please check your email." msgstr "Registrasi selesai. Silakan periksa email Anda." msgid "Check your email for your new password." msgstr "Periksa email Anda untuk menemukan password baru Anda." msgid "Check your email for the confirmation link." msgstr "Periksa email Anda untuk menemukan tautan konfirmasi." msgid "← Back to %s" msgstr "← Kembali ke %s" msgid "Get New Password" msgstr "Dapatkan Kata Sandi Baru" msgid "Username or email" msgstr "Nama pengguna atau email" msgid "Lost Password" msgstr "Kata Sandi Hilang" msgid "Sorry, that key does not appear to be valid." msgstr "Maaf, kunci itu sepertinya tidak sah." msgid "<strong>Error:</strong> The email address is not correct." msgstr "<strong>GALAT</strong>: Alamat email keliru." msgid "" "<strong>Error:</strong> This email is already registered. Please choose " "another one." msgstr "" "<strong>Eror</strong>: Email tersebut telah terdaftar. Silakan pilih yang " "lain." msgid "Invalid key." msgstr "Kunci tidak sah" msgid "The e-mail could not be sent." msgstr "E-mail tidak dapat dikirim" msgid "[%s] Password Reset" msgstr "[%s] Reset Kata Sandi" msgid "Password reset is not allowed for this user" msgstr "Pengaturan ulang password tidak diizinkan untuk pengguna ini" msgid "<strong>ERROR</strong>: Invalid username or e-mail." msgstr "<strong>ERROR</strong>: Nama pengguna atau e-mail tidak sah." msgid "<strong>Error</strong>: Please enter a username or email address." msgstr "<strong>Eror</strong>: Masukkan nama pengguna atau alamat email." msgid "" "Your password cannot be the same as your username. Please pick a different " "password." msgstr "" "Kata sandi Anda tidak boleh sama dengan nama Anda. Silakan coba kata sandi " "lainnya." msgid "" "Your password is too short. Please pick a password that has at least 6 " "characters." msgstr "" "Kata sandi Anda terlalu pendek. Gunakan kata sandi yang terdiri dari " "sedikitnya 6 karakter." msgid "The passwords you entered do not match. Please try again." msgstr "Kata sandi yang Anda masukan tidak sesuai. Silakan dicoba kembali." msgid "Select a language below" msgstr "Pilihan bahasa" msgid "New %1$s User: %2$s" msgstr "Pengguna Baru %1$s: %2$s" msgid "That username is already activated." msgstr "Nama pengguna tersebut sudah diaktifkan." msgid "Could not create user" msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat pengguna" msgid "The Plugin is already active." msgstr "Plugin ini sudah aktif." msgid "Invalid activation key." msgstr "Kunci aktivasi tidak sah." msgid "" "Howdy,\n" "\n" "Thank you for signing up with To activate your newly created " "account, please click on the following link:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "--The Team" msgstr "" "Hai,\n" "\n" "Terima kasih telah mendaftar di Untuk mengaktifkan akun baru " "Anda, silakan klik link berikut:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "--Tim" msgid "" "That email address has already been used. Please check your inbox for an " "activation email. It will become available in a couple of days if you do " "nothing." msgstr "" "Alamat email tersebut sudah digunakan. Silakan periksa kotak masuk Anda " "untuk aktivasi email. Itu akan terpakai dalam beberapa hari jika Anda tidak " "melakukan apapun." msgid "" "That username is currently reserved but may be available in a couple of days." msgstr "" "Nama pengguna tersebut saat ini sudah dipesan tapi mungkin tersedia dalam " "beberapa hari." msgid "Sorry, that email address is already used!" msgstr "Maaf, alamat email tersebut sudah digunakan!" msgid "Sorry, that username already exists!" msgstr "Maaf, nama pengguna tersebut sudah ada!" msgid "Sorry, that email address is not allowed!" msgstr "Maaf, alamat email tersebut tidak diperbolehkan!" msgid "Please confirm your email address" msgstr "Harap konfirmasikan alamat email Anda" msgid "Please enter a valid email address" msgstr "Silakan masukkan alamat email yang valid" msgid "Sorry, usernames must have letters too!" msgstr "Maaf, nama pengguna harus memiliki huruf juga!" msgid "Usernames must be at least 4 characters." msgstr "Nama pengguna harus sedikitnya 4 karakter." msgid "" "You cannot use that email address to signup. We are having problems with " "them blocking some of our email. Please use another email provider." msgstr "" "Anda tidak dapat menggunakan alamat email itu untuk mendaftar. Kami " "mengalami masalah dengan pemblokiran beberapa email kami. Silakan gunakan " "email provider yang lain. " msgid "Please enter a username" msgstr "Silakan masukkan nama pengguna" msgid "That user does not exist." msgstr "Pengguna tersebut tidak ada." msgid "Sidebar %d" msgstr "Bilah Sisi %d" msgid "Please log in again." msgstr "Silakan masuk log lagi." msgid "<strong>Error:</strong> The password field is empty." msgstr "<strong>GALAT</strong>: Ruas password kosong." msgid "<strong>Error:</strong> The username field is empty." msgstr "<strong>GALAT</strong>: Ruas nama pengguna kosong." msgid "Stylesheet is missing." msgstr "Stylesheet hilang." msgid "Show more comments" msgstr "Tampilkan lebih banyak komentar" msgctxt "password strength" msgid "Medium" msgstr "Sedang" msgid "Separate pattern categories with commas" msgstr "Pisahkan kategori pola dengan koma" msgid "Crunching…" msgstr "Memproses…" msgid "Dismiss" msgstr "Selesai" msgid "Upload stopped." msgstr "Pengunggahan terhenti." msgid "Security error." msgstr "Galat keamanan." msgid "IO error." msgstr "Galat IO" msgid "Upload failed." msgstr "Pengunggahan gagal." msgid "You may only upload 1 file." msgstr "Anda hanya boleh mengunggah satu berkas." msgid "" "There was a configuration error. Please contact the server administrator." msgstr "Ada galat konfigurasi. Silakan hubungi administrator server." msgid "An error occurred in the upload. Please try again later." msgstr "" "Sebuah galat telah terjadi selama proses pengunggahan. Silakan coba lagi " "nanti." msgid "This file is empty. Please try another." msgstr "Berkas ini kosong. Silakan coba yang lain." msgid "You have attempted to queue too many files." msgstr "Anda telah mencoba mengantrikan terlalu banyak berkas." msgid "You don’t have permission to do that." msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk melakukannya." msgid "Enter a description of the image" msgstr "Masukkan sebuah deskripsi dari gambar tersebut" msgid "Enter the URL of the image" msgstr "Masukkan URL gambar" msgid "Enter the URL" msgstr "Masukkan URL" msgid "close tags" msgstr "tutup tag" msgid "Close all open tags" msgstr "Tutup seluruh tag yang terbuka" msgid "Quick Links" msgstr "Tautan Cepat" msgid "Cannot create a revision of a revision" msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat revisi dari sebuah revisi" msgid "Content, title, and excerpt are empty." msgstr "Konten, judul, dan kutipan kosong." msgid "Date created:" msgstr "Tanggal dibuat:" msgid "Restore" msgstr "Pulihkan" msgid "%s [Current Revision]" msgstr "%s [Revisi Saat Ini]" msgid "%s [Autosave]" msgstr "%s [Simpan Otomatis]" msgid "Missing Attachment" msgstr "Lampiran Hilang" msgid "Private: %s" msgstr "Privat: %s" msgid "Protected: %s" msgstr "Diproteksi: %s" msgid "[%s] Your username and password" msgstr "[%s] Nama pengguna dan kata sandi Anda" msgid "[%1$s] Please moderate: \"%2$s\"" msgstr "[%1$s] Mohon moderasi: \"%2$s\"" msgid "" "Currently %s comment is waiting for approval. Please visit the moderation " "panel:" msgid_plural "" "Currently %s comments are waiting for approval. Please visit the moderation " "panel:" msgstr[0] "" "Saat ini %s komentar sedang menunggu persetujuan. Silakan kunjungi panel " "moderasi:" msgstr[1] "" "Saat ini %s komentar sedang menunggu persetujuan. Silakan kunjungi panel " "moderasi:" msgid "Approve it: %s" msgstr "Setujui ini: %s" msgid "Pingback excerpt: " msgstr "Kutipan Ping Balik:" msgid "Trackback excerpt: " msgstr "Kutipan lacak balik:" msgid "Spam it: %s" msgstr "Spam ini: %s" msgid "Delete it: %s" msgstr "Hapus ini: %s" msgid "[%1$s] Pingback: \"%2$s\"" msgstr "[%1$s] Ping balik: \"%2$s\"" msgid "You can see all pingbacks on this post here:" msgstr "Anda bisa melihat semua ping balik untuk pos ini di sini:" msgid "[%1$s] Trackback: \"%2$s\"" msgstr "[%1$s] Lacak balik: \"%2$s\"" msgid "You can see all trackbacks on this post here:" msgstr "Anda bisa melihat semua lacak balik untuk pos ini di sini:" msgid "[%1$s] Comment: \"%2$s\"" msgstr "[%1$s] Komentar: \"%2$s\"" msgid "You can see all comments on this post here:" msgstr "Anda bisa melihat semua komentar untuk pos ini di sini:" msgid "Comment: " msgstr "Komentar:" msgid "« Older Comments" msgstr "« Komentar Lebih Lama" msgid "Newer Comments »" msgstr "Komentar Lebih Baru »" msgid "Last Post" msgstr "Pos Terakhir" msgid "Next Post" msgstr "Pos Berikutnya" msgid "Previous Post" msgstr "Pos Sebelumnya" msgid "Edit tag" msgstr "Sunting Tag" msgid "Insert Page Break tag" msgstr "Sisipkan tag Pemotong Baris" msgid "Insert More Tag" msgstr "Sisipkan Tag \"Selengkapnya\"" msgid "Remove link" msgstr "Hilangkan Taut" msgid "Insert link" msgstr "Sisipkan taut" msgid "Align Right" msgstr "Rata Kanan" msgid "Align Center" msgstr "Rata Tengah" msgid "Justify Text" msgstr "Justify Teks" msgid "Align Left" msgstr "Rata Kiri" msgid "Check Spelling" msgstr "Cek Ejaan" msgid "" "The following shortcuts use different access keys: Alt + Shift + letter." msgstr "" "Jalan pintas berikut menggunakan tombol-tombol akses yang berbeda: Alt + " "Shift + huruf." msgid "Letter" msgstr "Huruf" msgid "" "Rather than reaching for your mouse to click on the toolbar, use these " "access keys. Windows and Linux use Ctrl + letter. Macintosh uses Command + " "letter." msgstr "" "Daripada menggapai tetikus Anda untuk mengklik batang perkakas, gunakan " "tombol akses berikut. Windows dan Linux menggunakan Ctrl + huruf. Macintosh " "menggunakan Command + huruf." msgid "Link Rel" msgstr "Rel Taut" msgid "Original Site" msgstr "Situs Asli" msgid "Advanced Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Tingkat Lanjut" msgid "Delete image" msgstr "Hapus Gambar" msgid "Edit Image" msgstr "Edit Gambar" msgid "Start a page" msgstr "Buat halaman" msgid "Bottom Right" msgstr "Dasar kanan" msgid "Bottom Left" msgstr "Dasar kiri" msgid "Top Right" msgstr "Puncak kanan" msgid "Top Left" msgstr "Puncak kiri" msgid "Progress" msgstr "Progres" msgid "found" msgstr "ditemukan" msgid "Shuffle" msgstr "Acak" msgid "Rate" msgstr "Rating" msgid "Mute" msgstr "Bisu" msgid "Fullscreen" msgstr "Selayar penuh" msgid "Cache" msgstr "Cache" msgid "Background" msgstr "Latar belakang" msgid "Align" msgstr "Rata" msgid "Scale" msgstr "Skala" msgid "Quality" msgstr "Kualitas" msgid "Loop" msgstr "Pengulangan" msgid "Autoplay" msgstr "Putar otomatis" msgid "Type" msgstr "Jenis" msgid "Constrain proportions" msgstr "Pertahankan proporsi" msgid "List" msgstr "Daftar" msgid "Links list" msgstr "Daftar tautan" msgid "" "The URL you entered seems to be an external link. Do you want to add the " "required http:// prefix?" msgstr "" "URL yang Anda masukkan sepertinya merupakan taut eksternal. Apakah Anda " "ingin menambah awalan http://?" msgid "" "The URL you entered seems to be an email address. Do you want to add the " "required mailto: prefix?" msgstr "" "URL yang Anda masukkan sepertinya merupakan alamat email. Apakah Anda ingin " "menambahkan awalan mailto:?" msgid "Bottom" msgstr "Dasar" msgid "Middle" msgstr "Tengah" msgid "Horizontal space" msgstr "Spasi horisontal" msgid "Vertical space" msgstr "Spasi vertikal" msgid "Dimensions" msgstr "Dimensi" msgid "Border" msgstr "Tepi" msgid "Image description" msgstr "Keterangan gambar" msgid "Name." msgstr "Nama." msgid "Palettes" msgstr "Palettes" msgid "Licenses" msgstr "Lisensi" msgid "New document" msgstr "Dokumen baru" msgid "Paste" msgstr "Tempel" msgid "Copy" msgstr "Salin" msgid "Cut" msgstr "Potong" msgid "Superscript" msgstr "Tika atas" msgid "Subscript" msgstr "Tika bawah" msgid "Unlink" msgstr "Hilangkan taut" msgid "Redo" msgstr "Redo" msgid "Undo" msgstr "Batalkan" msgid "Intent" msgstr "Indent" msgid "Outdent" msgstr "Outdent" msgid "Align right" msgstr "Rata kanan" msgid "Align center" msgstr "Rata tengah" msgid "Align left" msgstr "Rata kiri" msgid "Strikethrough" msgstr "Strikethrough" msgid "Underline" msgstr "Garis bawah" msgid "Italic" msgstr "Miring" msgid "Bold" msgstr "Tebal" msgid "Code" msgstr "Kode" msgid "Blockquote" msgstr "Blok kutipan" msgid "Heading 6" msgstr "Penajukan 6" msgid "Heading 5" msgstr "Penajukan 5" msgid "Heading 4" msgstr "Penajukan 4" msgid "Heading 3" msgstr "Penajukan 3" msgid "Heading 2" msgstr "Penajukan 2" msgid "Heading 1" msgstr "Penajukan 1" msgid "Paragraph" msgstr "Paragraf" msgid "Format" msgstr "Format" msgid "Font Family" msgstr "Kelompok Font" msgid "Font size" msgstr "Ukuran fonta" msgid "Suggestions" msgstr "Saran" msgid "Document properties" msgstr "Properti dokumen" msgid "Toggle fullscreen mode." msgstr "Tukar balik moda selayar penuh" msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page." msgstr "Perubahan yang Anda buat akan hilang jika Anda meninggalkan laman ini." msgid "Column" msgstr "Kolom" msgid "Row" msgstr "Baris" msgid "Delete table" msgstr "Hapus tabel" msgid "Copy table row" msgstr "Salin baris tabel" msgid "Cut table row" msgstr "Potong baris tabel" msgid "Paste table row after" msgstr "Tempel baris tabel setelah" msgid "Paste table row before" msgstr "Tempel baris tabel sebelum" msgid "Table properties" msgstr "Properti tabel" msgid "Table cell properties" msgstr "Properti tabel sel" msgid "Table row properties" msgstr "Properti baris tabel" msgid "Merge table cells" msgstr "Gabung sel tabel" msgid "Insert column after" msgstr "Sisipkan kolom setelah" msgid "Insert column before" msgstr "Sisipkan kolom sebelum" msgid "Delete row" msgstr "Hapus baris" msgid "Insert row after" msgstr "Sisipkan baris setelah" msgid "Insert row before" msgstr "Sisipkan baris sebelum" msgid "Select All" msgstr "Pilih Semua" msgid "Insert/edit link" msgstr "Sisipkan/sunting taut" msgid "Insert/edit image" msgstr "Sisipkan/sunting gambar" msgid "Emoticons" msgstr "Emosikon" msgid "Horizontal line" msgstr "Garis mendatar" msgid "Print" msgstr "Cetak" msgid "class" msgstr "class" msgid "Insert" msgstr "Sisipkan" msgid "User has blocked requests through HTTP." msgstr "Pengguna telah memblokir permintaan melalui HTTP." msgid "%1$s %2$s Search Results for “%3$s” Feed" msgstr "%1$s %2$s Hasil Pencarian untuk Feed “%3$s”" msgid "%1$s %2$s Posts by %3$s Feed" msgstr "Pos %1$s %2$s oleh Feed %3$s" msgid "%1$s %2$s %3$s Tag Feed" msgstr "%1$s %2$s %3$s Feed Tag" msgid "%1$s %2$s %3$s Category Feed" msgstr "%1$s %2$s %3$s Feed Kategori" msgid "%1$s %2$s %3$s Comments Feed" msgstr "%1$s %2$s %3$s Feed Komentar" msgid "%1$s %2$s Comments Feed" msgstr "%1$s %2$s Feed Komentar" msgid "%1$s %2$s Feed" msgstr "%1$s %2$s Feed" msgctxt "feed link" msgid "»" msgstr "»" msgctxt "calendar caption" msgid "%1$s %2$s" msgstr "%1$s %2$s" msgid "%1$s %2$d" msgstr "%1$s %2$d" msgid "Search Results %1$s %2$s" msgstr "Hasil Pencarian %1$s %2$s" msgid "WordPress › Error" msgstr "WordPress › Galat" msgid "« Back" msgstr "« Kembali" msgid "Do you really want to <a href=\"%s\">log out</a>?" msgstr "Apakah Anda benar-benar ingin <a href='%s'>keluar log</a>?" msgid "Are you sure you want to do this?" msgstr "Yakinkah Anda ingin melakukan ini?" msgid "You are attempting to log out of %s" msgstr "Anda sedang mencoba untuk keluar log dari %s" msgid "Could not write file %s" msgstr "Tidak dapat menulis berkas %s" msgid "Empty filename" msgstr "Nama berkas kosong" msgid "" "Unable to create directory %s. Is its parent directory writable by the " "server?" msgstr "" "Tidak dapat membuat direktori %s. Apakah direktori induknya dapat ditulis " "oleh server?" msgid "%s is a protected WP option and may not be modified" msgstr "%s adalah opsi WP yang diproteksi dan tidak bisa dimodifikasi" msgid " and " msgstr " dan " msgid "%s day" msgid_plural "%s days" msgstr[0] "%s hari" msgstr[1] "%s hari" msgid "%s hour" msgid_plural "%s hours" msgstr[0] "%s jam" msgstr[1] "%s jam" msgid "Protected Comments: Please enter your password to view comments." msgstr "Komentar Terlindung: Silakan masukkan Anda untuk melihat komentar." msgid "By: %s" msgstr "Oleh: %s" msgid "Comments for %s" msgstr "Komentar untuk %s" msgid "Comments for %1$s searching on %2$s" msgstr "Komentar untuk %1$s mencari di %2$s" msgid "Comments on: %s" msgstr "Komentar di: %s" msgid "Entries from any RSS or Atom feed" msgstr "Entri dari umpan RSS atau Atom" msgid "Error in RSS %1$d" msgstr "Galat dalam RSS %1$d" msgid "Error: could not find an RSS or ATOM feed at that URL." msgstr "Galat: tidak dapat menemukan umpan RSS atau ATOM pada URL tersebut." msgid "Display item date?" msgstr "Tampilkan tanggal objek?" msgid "Display item author if available?" msgstr "Tampilkan penulis jika tersedia?" msgid "Display item content?" msgstr "Tampilkan konten objek?" msgid "Give the feed a title (optional):" msgstr "Berikan umpan ini sebuah judul (opsional):" msgid "Enter the RSS feed URL here:" msgstr "Masukkan URL umpan RSS tersebut di sini:" msgid "Syndicate this content" msgstr "Sindikasikan konten ini" msgid "Unknown Feed" msgstr "Feed yang Tidak Diketahui" msgctxt "widgets" msgid "%1$s on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s pada %2$s" msgid "Number of posts to show:" msgstr "Jumlah pos untuk ditampilkan:" msgid "Show hierarchy" msgstr "Tunjukkan hierarki" msgid "Show as dropdown" msgstr "Tunjukkan sebagai tarikturun" msgid "Select Category" msgstr "Pilih Kategori" msgid "Show post counts" msgstr "Tunjukkan jumlah pos" msgid "How many items would you like to display?" msgstr "Berapa banyak butir yang ingin Anda tampilkan?" msgid "Show Link Rating" msgstr "Tampilkan Peringkat Tautan" msgid "Show Link Description" msgstr "Tampilkan Keterangan Tautan" msgid "Show Link Name" msgstr "Tampilkan Nama Tautan" msgid "Show Link Image" msgstr "Tampilkan Gambar Tautan" msgid "All Links" msgstr "Seluruh Tautan" msgid "Your blogroll" msgstr "Senarai Blog Anda" msgid "Could not update comment status." msgstr "Tidak dapat memperbarui status komentar" msgid "" "Duplicate comment detected; it looks as though you’ve already said " "that!" msgstr "" "Duplikasi komentar terdeteksi. Sepertinya Anda sudah mengatakan hal itu!" msgid "Unapproved" msgstr "Tolak" msgid "Click here to cancel reply." msgstr "Klik di sini untuk membatalkan balasan." msgid "Log in to leave a Comment" msgstr "Masuk log untuk meninggalkan sebuah Komentar" msgid "Feed for all posts filed under %s" msgstr "Feed untuk seluruh pos dalam %s" msgid "Abort" msgstr "membatalkan" msgid "No categories" msgstr "Tak ada kategori" msgid "Bookmarks" msgstr "Marka buku" msgid "Last updated: %s" msgstr "Terakhir diperbarui: %s" msgid "Visit %s’s website" msgstr "Kunjungi situs web %s" msgid "Results for" msgstr "Hasil untuk" msgid "Valid" msgstr "Sah" msgid "%s actions" msgstr "%s Tindakan" msgid "Color Scheme" msgstr "Skema Warna" msgid "Next: " msgstr "Selanjutnya:" msgid "Back to post" msgstr "Kembali ke kiriman" msgid "Back to %s" msgstr "Kembali ke %s" msgid "Monthly archives" msgstr "Arsip Bulanan" msgid "Comments feed" msgstr "Feed Komentar" msgid "Number of tags" msgstr "Jumlah tag" msgid "Click here to login" msgstr "Klik disini untuk login." msgid "Write a Comment..." msgstr "Tulis Komentar..." msgid "Page IDs, separated by commas." msgstr "ID Laman, dipisahkan dengan koma." msgid "Exclude:" msgstr "Eksklusikan:" msgid "Page ID" msgstr "ID Laman" msgid "Page order" msgstr "Urutan laman" msgid "Page title" msgstr "Judul laman" msgid "Sort by:" msgstr "Sortir berdasarkan:" msgid "Button text." msgstr "Teks tombol." msgid "Return to %s" msgstr "Kembali ke %s" msgid "Post Comment" msgstr "Kirim Komentar" msgid "Tags: %s" msgstr "Tag: %s" msgid "There is no excerpt because this is a protected post." msgstr "Tidak ada kutipan karena ini adalah pos yang dilindungi password." msgid "M" msgstr "M" msgid "%s" msgstr "%s" msgid "M jS Y" msgstr "M jS Y" msgid "Recent Products" msgstr "Produk Terbaru" msgid "Proudly powered by WordPress" msgstr "Diberdayakan penuh kebanggaan oleh WordPress" msgid "1" msgstr "1" msgid "All Projects" msgstr "Semua Project" msgid "Product logo" msgstr "Logo produk" msgid "Featured Products" msgstr "Produk Unggulan" msgid "Project Tag" msgstr "Lindungi Tag" msgid "All products" msgstr "Semua produk" msgid "Show:" msgstr "Tampilkan:" msgid "Project Type" msgstr "Jenis Proyek" msgid "Questions?" msgstr "Ada pertanyaan?" msgid "Update category" msgstr "Perbarui kategori" msgid "Updates" msgstr "Pembaruan" msgid "Featured products" msgstr "Produk unggulan" msgid "Project Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Proyek" msgid "Add products" msgstr "Tambah produk" msgid "Search Project Tags" msgstr "Cari Project Tags" msgid "Project updated." msgstr "Proyek diperbarui." msgid "Product deleted" msgstr "Produk dihapus." msgid "Project saved." msgstr "Proyek disimpan." msgid "Update Project Tag" msgstr "Update Project Tag" msgid "" "The “slug” is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is " "usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens." msgstr "" "“Slug” ialah versi ramah-URL dari nama. Biasanya seluruhnya " "merupakan huruf kecil dan hanya mengandung huruf, angka, dan tanda strip." msgid "Product Slug" msgstr "Slug Produk" msgid "Edit Project" msgstr "Sunting Proyek" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit comments." msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan mengedit komentar." msgid "Subscribe to this theme!" msgstr "Ayo berlangganan tema ini!" msgid "The plugin you are looking for doesn't exist." msgstr "Plugin yang Anda cari tidak ada." msgid "Search Results for: %s" msgstr "Hasil Pencarian untuk: %s" msgid "Page %s" msgstr "Laman %s" msgid "Recent Updates" msgstr "Pembaruan Terkini" msgid "Log in to Reply" msgstr "Login untuk Membalas" msgid "go to top" msgstr "ke atas" msgid "reply" msgstr "balas" msgid "compose new post" msgstr "Tulis postingan baru" msgid "Posted by: %s" msgstr "Oleh: %s" msgid "Browse" msgstr "Rambah" msgid "Read More..." msgstr "Baca Selengkapnya.." msgid "Next page" msgstr "Laman berikutnya" msgid "Previous page" msgstr "Laman sebelumnya" msgid "One comment" msgstr "Satu komentar" msgid "Not Found." msgstr "Tidak Ditemukan." msgid "Fees:" msgstr "Biaya:" msgid "Posts by %s" msgstr "Pos-pos oleh %s" msgid "Hey %s!" msgstr "Hei %s!" msgid "Continue Reading »" msgstr "Lanjut Baca »" msgid "Post by %s." msgstr "Diposting oleh %s." msgid "Full name" msgstr "Nama lengkap" msgid "Posted on %s" msgstr "Diterbitkan di %s" msgid "website" msgstr "situs web" msgid "Leave a reply to %s" msgstr "Tinggalkan Balasan ke %s" msgid "Responses" msgstr "Tanggapan" msgid "Response" msgstr "Tanggapan" msgid "With %s comment" msgid_plural "With %s comments" msgstr[0] "Dengan %s komentar" msgstr[1] "Dengan %s komentar" msgid "View one comment" msgstr "dengan satu komentar" msgid "Comments Feed" msgstr "Feed Komentar" msgid "the author" msgstr "Penulis" msgid "Google" msgstr "Google" msgid "Quote" msgstr "Kutipan" msgid "Showcase" msgstr "Pajangan" msgid "Visitors" msgstr "Pengunjung" msgid "Notice" msgstr "Pemberitahuan" msgid "Top" msgstr "Puncak" msgid "Archive" msgstr "Arsip" msgid "This post is password protected." msgstr "Tulisan ini dilindungi kata sandi." msgid "404: Not Found" msgstr "404 Tidak Ditemukan" msgid "Back to top" msgstr "Kembali ke atas" msgid "Top Categories" msgstr "Kategori Teratas" msgid "Skip to content" msgstr "Lanjut ke konten" msgid "search" msgstr "cari" msgid "Text" msgstr "Teks" msgid "Link" msgstr "Tautan" msgid "Base" msgstr "Dasar" msgid "Page not found" msgstr "Laman tidak ditemukan" msgid "Not found" msgstr "Tak ditemukan" msgid "Read" msgstr "Baca" msgid "One response" msgstr "Satu tanggapan" msgid "Error 404" msgstr "Error 404" msgid "Please fill in the required fields" msgstr "Silakan mengisi semua bidang yang wajib diisi" msgid "hidden" msgstr "tersembunyi" msgid "% comments" msgstr "% komentar" msgid "1 comment" msgstr "1 komentar" msgid "Welcome back!" msgstr "Selamat datang kembali" msgid "Also available in" msgstr "Juga tersedia dalam" msgid "Full Name: %s" msgstr "Nama Lengkap: %s" msgid "%s post by this author" msgid_plural "%s posts by this author" msgstr[0] "%s pos oleh penulis ini" msgstr[1] "%s pos oleh penulis ini" msgid "%1$s “%2$s”" msgstr "%1$s “%2$s” " msgid "File not found" msgstr "Berkas Tidak Ditemukan" msgid "Select Month" msgstr "Pilih Bulan" msgid "Continue reading %s" msgstr "Lanjutkan membaca %s" msgid "Search for:" msgstr "Pencarian untuk:" msgid "Uh oh!" msgstr "Ah Oh" msgid "Search Item" msgstr "Cari Item" msgid "Read the rest of this page →" msgstr "Baca sisa halaman ini →" msgid "Front Page" msgstr "Halaman Depan" msgid "Posted by %s" msgstr "Ditulis oleh %s" msgid "Tagged:" msgstr "Ditandai:" msgid ", " msgstr ", " msgid "F Y" msgstr "F Y" msgid "Categories:" msgstr "Kategori:" msgid "precious" msgstr "berharga" msgid "Continue reading" msgstr "Lanjutkan membaca" msgid "Logged in as %s" msgstr "Masuk log sebagai %s." msgid "" "Sorry, but nothing matched your search criteria. Please try again with some " "different keywords." msgstr "" "Maaf, tidak ada yang sesuai dengan kriteria pencarian Anda. Mohon coba lagi " "dengan kata kunci yang lain." msgid "Nothing Found" msgstr "Tidak Menemukan Apa-apa" msgid "Skip navigation" msgstr "Lewati navigasi" msgid "Post a Comment" msgstr "Tulis sebuah Komentar" msgid "%1$s – %2$s" msgstr "%1$s – %2$s" msgid "Yearly Archive - %s" msgstr "Arsip Tahunan - %s" msgid "Monthly Archive - %s" msgstr "Arsip Bulanan - %s" msgid "Daily Archive - %s" msgstr "Arsip Harian - %s" msgid "handled by" msgstr "diberdayakan oleh" msgid "and" msgstr "dan" msgid "Edit This" msgstr "Edit" msgid "Featured" msgstr "Istimewa" msgid "Latest" msgstr "Terbaru" msgid "%1$s on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s pada %2$s" msgid "Tag Cloud" msgstr "Awan Tag" msgid "Read More" msgstr "Baca Selengkapnya" msgid "Layout" msgstr "Tampilan" msgid "Navigation" msgstr "Navigasi" msgid "Community forum" msgstr "Forum komunitas" msgid "Donate" msgstr "Sumbangkan" msgid "Link Category" msgstr "Kategori Taut" msgid "Post Thumbnail" msgstr "Kirim Gambar Miniatur" msgid "Display on single posts" msgstr "Tampilkan pada pos tunggal" msgid "Theme updated" msgstr "Tema Diperbarui" msgid "Text Background" msgstr "Latar Belakang Teks" msgid "Copyright" msgstr "Hak Cipta" msgid "Comments closed" msgstr "Komentar ditutup" msgid "No Comments" msgstr "Tidak ada Komentar" msgid "Save Settings" msgstr "Simpan Pengaturan" msgid "Original image" msgstr "Gambar asli" msgid "or" msgstr "atau" msgid "Recent" msgstr "Terkini" msgid "Enter your password to view comments." msgstr "Masukkan password Anda untuk melihat komentar." msgid "e" msgstr "e" msgid "Comments off" msgstr "Komentar dimatikan" msgid "Permalink" msgstr "Permalink" msgid "Tagged" msgstr "Dengan kaitkata" msgid "Filed under" msgstr "Disimpan dalam" msgid "Logout" msgstr "Keluar log" msgid "Logged in as: " msgstr "Sudah login sebagai: " msgid "Posted by" msgstr "Diposkan oleh:" msgid "Your Email" msgstr "Email Anda" msgid "Your Name" msgstr "Nama Anda" msgid "Leave a Reply to %s" msgstr "Tinggalkan Balasan ke %s" msgid "at" msgstr "pada" msgid "Leave a Comment" msgstr "Tinggalkan sebuah Komentar" msgid "Recently" msgstr "Baru-baru ini" msgid "Read the rest of this entry →" msgstr "Baca selengkapnya →" msgid "" "If you speak English, <a href=\"\">you can " "help us translate WordPress into your language.</a>" msgstr "" "Jika Anda berbicara Bahasa Inggris, <a href=\"" "\">Anda bisa membantu menerjemahkan WordPress ke dalam bahasa Anda.</a>" msgid "Languages" msgstr "Bahasa" msgid "Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn't here." msgstr "Maaf, tapi kamu mencari sesuatu yang tidak ada disini." msgid "Sign up for" msgstr "Mendaftar ke" msgid "[Untitled Post]" msgstr "[Pos Tanpa Judul]" msgid "More Languages" msgstr "Bahasa-Bahasa Lain" msgid "Language:" msgstr "Bahasa:" msgid "Express yourself. Start a blog." msgstr "Ekspresikan diri anda. Mulai dengan sebuah blog." msgid "We're here for you" msgstr "Kami siap membantu Anda" msgid "Select location" msgstr "Pilih lokasi" msgid "Select a design" msgstr "Pilih desain" msgid "Select account" msgstr "Pilih akun" msgid "Mail (will not be published)" msgstr "Surat (tidak akan dipublikasikan)" msgid "Next Entries »" msgstr "Entri Berikutnya »" msgid "« Previous Entries" msgstr "« Entri Sebelumnya" msgid "Archive for %s" msgstr "Arsip untuk %s" msgid "Archive for the %s Tag" msgstr "Arsip untuk %s Tag" msgid "Login »" msgstr "Masuk »" msgid "Join" msgstr "Bergabung" msgid "Other languages:" msgstr "Bahasa lainnya:" msgid "FAQ" msgstr "FAQ" msgid "Your Blogging Home" msgstr "Tempat Nge-Blog Anda" msgid "Get a Free Blog Here" msgstr "Silakan mulai Blog Gratis Anda di sini!" msgid "Sorry, no posts matched your criteria." msgstr "Maaf, tidak ada pos yang cocok dengan kriteria Anda." msgid "" "Powered by WordPress, state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform." msgstr "" "Didukung oleh WordPress, state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing " "platform." msgid "l, F jS, Y" msgstr "l, F jS, Y" msgid "You are currently browsing the archives for the %s category." msgstr "Anda sedang merambah arsip untuk kategori %s." msgid "Select this site" msgstr "Pilih situs ini" msgid "Edit this entry." msgstr "Ubah tulisan ini." msgid "Pages:" msgstr "Laman:" msgid "Read the rest of this page »" msgstr "Baca kelanjutan halaman ini » " msgid "Read the rest of this entry »" msgstr "Baca entri selengkapnya »" msgid "Meta" msgstr "Meta" msgid "%1$s, and %2$s" msgstr "%1$s dan %2$s." msgid "Submit Comment" msgstr "Kirim Komentar" msgid "Logout »" msgstr "Keluar log »" msgid "You must be <a href=\"%s\">logged in</a> to post a comment." msgstr "" "Anda harus <a href=\"%s\">masuk log</a> untuk mengirim sebuah komentar." msgid "Leave a Reply" msgstr "Tinggalkan Balasan" msgid "Comments are closed." msgstr "Komentar ditutup." msgid "% Responses" msgstr "% Tanggapan" msgid "One Response" msgstr "Satu Tanggapan" msgid "No Responses" msgstr "Belum Ada Tanggapan" msgid "edit" msgstr "Sunting" msgid "This post is password protected. Enter the password to view comments." msgstr "Pos ini dilindungi password. Masukkan password untuk melihat komentar." msgid "Leave a comment" msgstr "Tinggalkan komentar" msgid "Posted in %s" msgstr "Ditulis dalam %s" msgid "Permanent Link to %s" msgstr "Permalink ke %s" msgid "Newer Entries »" msgstr "Entri Lebih Baru »" msgid "« Older Entries" msgstr "« Entri Lama" msgid "Blog Archives" msgstr "Arsip Blog" msgid "Author Archive" msgstr "Arsip Penulis" msgid "Y" msgstr "Y" msgid "F, Y" msgstr "F, Y" msgid "F jS, Y" msgstr "F jS, Y" msgid "Are you lost?" msgstr "Apakah Anda tersesat?" msgid "You are now logged out." msgstr "Anda telah log keluar." msgid "" "<strong>Error:</strong> Cookies are blocked or not supported by your " "browser. You must <a href=\"%s\">enable cookies</a> to use WordPress." msgstr "" "<strong>GALAT</strong>: Cookies diblokir atau tak didukung oleh peramban " "Anda. Anda harus <a href=\"%s\">mengaktifkan cookies</a> untuk menggunakan " "WordPress." msgid "Protected Blog" msgstr "Blog Terproteksi" msgid "Invalid hex color." msgstr "Warna hex tidak sah." msgid "(at most 10)" msgstr "(paling banyak 10)" msgid "Number of posts to show for each author:" msgstr "Jumlah pos yang ditampilkan untuk setiap penulis:" msgid "Display all authors (including those who have not written any posts)" msgstr "Tampilkan semua penulis (termasuk yang belum pernah pos)" msgid "No posts" msgstr "Tidak ada pos" msgid "Authors" msgstr "Penulis" msgid "Text background color:" msgstr "Warna latar teks:" msgid "Avatar background color:" msgstr "Warna latar dari Avatar: " msgid "No Avatars" msgstr "Tanpa avatar" msgid "Avatar Size (px):" msgstr "Ukuran Avatar (px):" msgid "(at most 15)" msgstr "(paling banyak 15)" msgid "Number of comments to show:" msgstr "Jumlah komentar yang ditampilkan:" msgid "Maximum font percentage:" msgstr "Persentase huruf maksimum:" msgid "Minimum font percentage:" msgstr "Persentase huruf minimum:" msgid "Category Cloud" msgstr "Awan Kategori" msgid "Flickr RSS URL:" msgstr "URL RSS Flickr:" msgid "Flickr Photos" msgstr "Foto-foto Flickr" msgid "Twitter Updates" msgstr "Twitter Terbaru" msgid "" "You can modify your Gravatar from your <a href=\"/wp-admin/profile.php" "\">profile page</a>." msgstr "" "Anda bisa mengubah Gravatar dari <a href=\"/wp-admin/profile.php\">halaman " "profil</a>." msgid "" "Text displayed after Gravatar. This is optional and can be used to describe " "yourself or what your blog is about." msgstr "" "Teks yang ditampilkan setelah Gravatar. Tindakan ini bersifat opsional dan " "dapat digunakan untuk menjelaskan diri Anda atau tema blog Anda." msgid "Extra Large (256 pixels)" msgstr "Ekstra Besar (256 pixel)" msgid "Large (128 pixels)" msgstr "Besar (128 pixel)" msgid "Medium (96 pixels)" msgstr "Medium (96 piksel)" msgid "Small (64 pixels)" msgstr "Kecil (64 pixel)" msgid "Insert a Gravatar image" msgstr "Masukkan gambar Gravatar" msgid "Subscribed forums" msgstr "Forum langganan" msgid "Format:" msgstr "Format:" msgid "RSS Links" msgstr "Tautan RSS" msgid "Links to your blog's RSS feeds" msgstr "Taut ke umpan RSS blog Anda" msgid "You are not authorized to delete this video." msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk menghapus video berikut." msgid "Border color" msgstr "Warna garis tepi" msgid "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">DailyMotion instructions</a> %s" msgstr "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">petunjuk DailyMotion</a> %s" msgid "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube instructions</a> %s" msgstr "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">petunjuk YouTube</a> %s" msgid "Preview and Insert" msgstr "Pratinjau dan Sisipkan" msgid "Embed" msgstr "Sematkan" msgid "Title will appear on the first frame of your video" msgstr "Judul akan ditampilkan di frame pertama pada video Anda" msgid "one minute" msgid_plural "%s minutes" msgstr[0] "satu menit" msgstr[1] "%s menit" msgid "one hour" msgid_plural "%1$s hours" msgstr[0] "satu jam" msgstr[1] "%1$s jam" msgid "one hour and %2$s minutes" msgid_plural "%1$s hours and %2$s minutes" msgstr[0] "satu jam dan %2$s menit" msgstr[1] "%1$s jam dan %2$s menit" msgid "a couple of minutes" msgstr "beberapa menit" msgid "Change Email Address" msgstr "Ubah Alamat Email" msgid "subscription" msgstr "langganan" msgid "Send" msgstr "Kirim" msgid "Notify me of new comments via email." msgstr "Beri tahu saya komentar baru melalui email." msgid "" "Top Clicks are calculated from 48-72 hours of stats. They take a while to " "change." msgstr "" "Klik Tertinggi dihitung dari 48 - 72 jam pencatatan sehingga butuh waktu " "untuk mengubahnya." msgid "URLs to show:" msgstr "URL yang akan ditampilkan:" msgid "Display length:" msgstr "Panjang tampilan:" msgid "Top Clicks" msgstr "Klik tertinggi" msgid "Other" msgstr "Lainnya" msgid "" "\"admin\" is not a valid username on Please use the username " "you signed up with." msgstr "" "\"admin\" bukanlah username yang valid di Gunakan username " "yang telah anda daftarkan." msgid "Stylesheet saved." msgstr "Stylesheet disimpan" msgid "Edit CSS" msgstr "Edit CSS" msgid "Preview: changes must be saved or they will be lost" msgstr "" "tampilan sementara: Setiap perubahan harus disimpan terlebih dahulu atau " "mereka akan hilang" msgid "Preview: you must purchase the %sPremium Plan%s to save your changes" msgstr "" "Pratinjau: kamu harus membeli %sPaket Premium%s untuk menyimpan perubahan" msgid "No Title" msgstr "Tanpa Judul" msgid "Image Post" msgstr "Pos Gambar" msgid "Video Post" msgstr "Posting Video" msgid "Comment on %1$s by %2$s" msgstr "Komentar di %1$s oleh %2$s" msgid "Add Site" msgstr "Tambah Situs" msgid "Site URL" msgstr "URL Situs" msgid "Allowed file types: <strong>%s</strong>." msgstr "Jenis file yang diperbolehkan: <strong>%s</strong>." msgid "<strong>%s</strong> upload space remaining." msgstr "<strong>%s</strong> sisa ruang untuk mengunggah." msgid "" "<strong>%s</strong> used, <strong>%s</strong> (<strong>%0.1f%%</strong>) " "upload space remaining." msgstr "" "<strong>%s</strong> digunakan, <strong>%s</strong> (<strong>%0.1f%%</" "strong>) sisa ruang untuk mengunggah." msgid "If you are not automatically redirected, use this link:" msgstr "Jika tidak secara otomatis berpindah halaman, pakailah tautan ini: " msgid " » Redirecting you to a new blog!" msgstr " » Mengalihkan Anda ke blog baru!" msgid "Invite Sent!" msgstr "Undangan terkirim." msgid "Back to" msgstr "Kembali ke" msgid "" "Sorry, uploads are disabled while we are working on the files servers. Have " "a cup of tea and then try again." msgstr "" "Maaf, unggah dimatikan sementara sementara kami sedang mengerjakan server " "berkas. Istirahat dulu dan coba lagi nanti." msgid "Your blog does not currently have any published posts." msgstr "Blog Anda tidak memiliki tulisan yang telah diterbitkan." msgid "An error has occurred; the feed is probably down. Try again later." msgstr "" "Sebuah galat telah terjadi; umpan tersebut kemungkinan sedang anjlok. Coba " "lagi nanti." msgid "Save Password" msgstr "Simpan Kata Sandi" msgid "Created" msgstr "Telah diciptakan" msgid "Add a Domain" msgstr "Tambah Domain" msgid "The domain mapping for %1$s has been deleted." msgstr "Mapping domain untuk %1$s telah dihapus." msgid "" "You have renewed %s for one year. It may take a few minutes to update the " "expiration date below." msgstr "" "Anda baru saja memperbaharui %s untuk satu tahun. Diperlukan beberapa menit " "untuk memperbaharui masa berlaku dibawah ini." msgid "Please enter a domain name (e.g. or" msgstr "Masukkan sebuah nama domain (misalnya atau" msgid "Subdirectories are not allowed. No slashes, please." msgstr "Subdirektori tidak diperbolehkan. Harap tanpa slash" msgid "" "We are processing your renewal request for %s. You will receive an email " "with the results." msgstr "" "Kami memproses permintaan perpanjangan Anda untuk %s. Anda akan menerima " "sebuah email berisi hasilnya." msgid "This domain has already been mapped to a blog." msgstr "Domain ini telah dipetakan dengan suatu blog" msgid "Sent by an unverified visitor to your site." msgstr "Dikirim oleh pengunjung tanpa verifikasi di situs Anda." msgid "Email (required)" msgstr "Pos-el (wajib)" msgid "Name (required)" msgstr "Nama (disyaratkan)" msgid "Error!" msgstr "Kesalahan!" msgid "Unfiltered" msgstr "Tanpa filter" msgid "Check for Spam" msgstr "Periksa Keberadaan Spam" msgid "IP:" msgstr "IP:" msgid "Next Page »" msgstr "Laman Berikutnya »" msgid "« Previous Page" msgstr "« Laman Sebelumnya" msgid "Get Shortlink" msgstr "Dapatkan Taut singkat" msgid "Manage Blogs" msgstr "Kelola Blog" msgid "Log out of this account" msgstr "Keluar log dari akun ini" msgid "My account" msgstr "Akun Saya" msgid "Widget types" msgstr "Tipe widget" msgid "Widget title:" msgstr "Judul widget:" msgid "No sites found" msgstr "Situs tidak ditemukan" msgid "Calendar" msgstr "Kalender" msgid "Blog at" msgstr "Blog di" msgid " Support" msgstr "Bantuan" msgid " Forums" msgstr "Forum" msgid "Untitled" msgstr "Tanpa judul" msgid "What's Hot" msgstr "Sedang Hangat" msgid "Your Stuff" msgstr "Kegiatan Anda" msgid "" "This blog is not subscribed to some of these products. Did you mean to " "purchase them?" msgstr "" "Blog ini tidak berlangganan beberapa produk berikut. Apakah maksud Anda " "adalah membelinya?" msgid "Invalid payment method." msgstr "Cara pembayaran tidak valid" msgid "Payment cancelled." msgstr "Pembayaran dibatalkan." msgid "Refund amount larger than original transaction" msgstr "Jumlah pengembalian lebih besar dari transaksi asli" msgid "Cannot refund a payment TO the user" msgstr "Tidak dapat mengembalikan pembayaran KE user" msgid "Insufficient credits" msgstr "Kredit tidak mencukupi" msgid "Invalid order status" msgstr "Status pesanan tidak valid" msgid "Only these characters are allowed: \"%s\"." msgstr "Hanya karakter berikut yang diperbolehkan: \"%s\"." msgid "space" msgstr "spasi," msgid "Phone" msgstr "Telepon" msgid "Country" msgstr "Negara" msgid "Postal Code" msgstr "Kode Pos" msgid "City" msgstr "Kota" msgid "Address 2" msgstr "Alamat 2" msgid "Address 1" msgstr "Alamat 1" msgid "Organization" msgstr "Organisasi" msgid "Domains" msgstr "Domain" msgid "Select which blog videos to use" msgstr "Pilih video blog yang mana untuk digunakan" msgid "Survey" msgstr "Survei" msgid "Thanks!" msgstr "Terima kasih!" msgid "%s person" msgstr "%s orang" msgid "Edit Subscription" msgstr "Sunting Langganan" msgid "Unblock" msgstr "Buka blokir" msgid "Block" msgstr "Blok" msgid "Unsubscribe" msgstr "Berhenti berlangganan" msgid "Subscribe" msgstr "Berlangganan" msgid "Next" msgstr "Berikutnya" msgid "Previous" msgstr "Sebelumnya" msgid "Published:" msgstr "Telah Diterbitkan:" msgid "Source" msgstr "Sumber" msgid "Regenerate" msgstr "Buat Ulang" msgid "vCard" msgstr "vCard" msgid "Post by Email was disabled" msgstr "Pengiriman Pos melalui Suara telah dinonaktifkan" msgid "Post by Email was enabled" msgstr "Pengiriman Pos melalui Email telah diaktifkan" msgid "Disable Post by Email" msgstr "Nonaktifkan Pengiriman Pos melalui Email" msgid "Enable Post by Email" msgstr "Aktifkan Pengiriman Pos melalui Email" msgid "Rejected" msgstr "Ditolak" msgid "show" msgstr "tunjukkan" msgid "Other Answer" msgstr "Jawaban Lain" msgid "Other (<a href=\"%s\">see below</a>)" msgstr "Lainnya (<a href=\"%s\">lihat di bawah</a>)" msgid "Votes" msgstr "Suara" msgid "Answer" msgstr "Jawaban" msgid "Allow other answers" msgstr "Perbolehkan jawaban lainnya" msgid "Randomize answer order" msgstr "Acak urutan jawaban" msgid "Multiple choice" msgstr "Pilihan ganda" msgid "Answers" msgstr "jawaban" msgid "Block by cookie and by IP address" msgstr "Blok berdasarkan cookie dan alamat IP" msgid "Hide all results" msgstr "Sembunyikan semua hasil" msgid "Only show percentages" msgstr "Tampilkan persentase saja" msgid "Show results to voters" msgstr "Tunjukkan hasil pada pemilih" msgid "All results" msgstr "Semua hasil" msgid "Save Poll" msgstr "Simpan Polling" msgid "JavaScript" msgstr "JavaScript" msgid "Shortcode" msgstr "Shortcode" msgid "Results" msgstr "Hasil" msgid "Error: An error has occurred; Poll not updated." msgstr "Galat: Galat telah terjadi; Poling tidak diupdate." msgid "Poll created." msgstr "Polling telah dibuat." msgid "Poll updated." msgstr "Polling diperbarui." msgid "%s Poll Closed." msgid_plural "%s Polls Closed." msgstr[0] "%s Polling Ditutup." msgstr[1] "%s Polling Ditutup." msgid "Poll closed." msgstr "Polling ditutup." msgid "%s Poll Opened." msgid_plural "%s Polls Opened." msgstr[0] "%s Polling Dibuka." msgstr[1] "%s Polling Dibuka." msgid "Poll opened." msgstr "Polling dibuka." msgid "%s Poll Deleted." msgid_plural "%s Polls Deleted." msgstr[0] "%s Polling Dihapus." msgstr[1] "%s Polling Dihapus." msgid "Poll deleted." msgstr "Poll dihapus." msgid "Poll could not be updated" msgstr "Dinova Printing Solution adalah " msgid "Invalid answers" msgstr "jawaban salah" msgid "Poll not found" msgstr "Poling tidak ditemukan" msgid "Invalid Poll Author" msgstr "Penulis Polling Tidak Sah" msgid "You are not allowed to delete this poll." msgstr "Anda tidak di perkenankan untuk menghapus poll ini." msgid "" "Account could not be accessed. Are your email address and password correct?" msgstr "" "Akun tidak dapat diakses. Apakah alamat email dan kata sandi Anda benar?" msgid "Invalid Account" msgstr "Akun Tidak Valid" msgid "Password required" msgstr "Kata sandi diwajibkan" msgid "Email address required" msgstr "Alamat email diperlukan" msgid "Custom Styles" msgstr "Gaya Kustom" msgid "Polls" msgstr "Polling" msgid "Do it: I want some polls!" msgstr "Lakukan: Saya mau poll (pengumpulan pendapat)!" msgid "Polls in WordPress" msgstr "Jajak pendapat di wordpress" msgid "Account could not be created." msgstr "Akun tidak bisa dibuat." msgid "Reply to thread »" msgstr "Balas ke thread »" msgid "You" msgstr "Kamu" msgid "" "This tracks comments you’ve made across so you can see " "when people reply to you. It will show your comment, one before yours, and " "replies after yours. The thread with the latest replies will be at top. See " "<a href=\"\">this " "announcement for more information</a>." msgstr "" "Fitur ini melacak komentar yang Anda buat di, jadi Anda bisa " "mengetahui saat orang lain memberikan balasan kepada Anda. Komentar Anda, " "satu komentar sebelumnya, dan balasan setelahnya akan ditampilkan. Utas " "dengan balasan terbaru akan berada di atas. Lihat <a href=\"" "\">pengumuman ini untuk informasi lebih " "lanjut</a>." msgid "Make Visible" msgstr "Jadikan Terlihat" msgid "Down" msgstr "Bawah" msgid "Up" msgstr "Atas" msgid "Drag" msgstr "Geser" msgid "Hidden" msgstr "Tersembunyi" msgid "Register A Blog »" msgstr "Daftarkan Blog »" msgid "Linked Blogs" msgstr "Blog Terkait" msgid "Register Another Blog »" msgstr "Daftarkan Blog Lain »" msgid "Show Blog on Dashboard" msgstr "Tunjukkan Blog di Dasbor" msgid "Hide Blog on Dashboard" msgstr "Sembunyikan Blog di Dasbor" msgid "" "Your attempt to transfer a blog failed - please contact <a href=\"http://" "\">support</a>" msgstr "" "Usaha anda untuk mentransfer blog gagal - tolong hubungi <a href=\"http://" "\">bantuan</a> kontak" msgid "You have left the blog" msgstr "Anda telah meninggalkan blog" msgid "Options have been updated" msgstr "Pilihan telah diperbarui" msgid "Primary blog was changed" msgstr "Blog utama telah diubah" msgid "Transfer blog" msgstr "Pindahkan blog" msgid "Username or email address of user to receive the blog" msgstr "" "Nama pengguna atau alamat surat elektronik pengguna yang akan menerima blog " "ini." msgid "" "Transferring a blog <em>cannot</em> be undone. Please read the following " "actions that will take place when you transfer this blog:" msgstr "" "Proses transfer blog <em>tidak</em> dapat dibatalkan. Harap baca sejumlah " "tindakan berikut yang akan diberlakukan saat Anda mentransfer blog ini:" msgid "Transfer %s to Another User" msgstr "Transfer %s ke Pengguna Lain" msgid "You will not be able to access %s unless allowed by the new owner" msgstr "Anda tidak akan bisa mengakses %s kecuali diizinkan oleh pemilik baru" msgid "You will be removed as owner of %s" msgstr "Anda akan dihapus sebagai pemilik dari %s" msgid "Leave blog" msgstr "Tinggalkan blog" msgid "I understand, now let me continue" msgstr "Saya mengerti, biarkan saya melanjutkan" msgid "" "You will <strong>not</strong> be sent any confirmation email - please make " "sure this is what you want to do before continuing!" msgstr "" "Anda <strong>tidak</strong> akan menerima email konfirmasi - harap pastikan " "bahwa tindakan ini sesuai keinginan Anda sebelum melanjutkan proses!" msgid "" "You are about to leave the blog %s and will no longer be able to write posts " "there." msgstr "" "Anda akan meninggalkan blog %s dan tidak akan bisa menulis pos di blog " "tersebut." msgid "Big Important Warning!" msgstr "Peringatan Penting!" msgid "You cannot transfer to that user" msgstr "Kamu tidak dapat mentransfer ke pengguna tersebut" msgid "Leave Blog" msgstr "Tinggalkan Blog" msgid "My Blogs" msgstr "Blog Saya" msgid "Transfer Blog" msgstr "Transfer Blog" msgid "Primary" msgstr "Utama" msgid "Address" msgid_plural "Addresses" msgstr[0] "Alamat" msgstr[1] "" msgid "" "Scheduled maintenance ends in about %1$sh %2$sm (<a href=\"%3$s\">more info</" "a>)" msgstr "" "pemeliharaan dijadualkan selesai kira kira dalam %1$sh %2$sm (<a href=\"%3$s" "\">info lebih lanjut</a>) r" msgid "Credits" msgstr "Kredit" msgid "Username or Email" msgstr "Nama Pengguna atau Email" msgid "Confirmation" msgstr "Konfirmasi" msgid "7 days" msgstr "7 hari" msgid "3 days" msgstr "3 hari" msgid "12 hours" msgstr "12 jam" msgid "1 hour" msgstr "1 jam" msgid "Latest Post" msgstr "Pos Terbaru" msgid "Accept" msgstr "Terima" msgid "Sorry, the link you clicked is stale. Please select another option." msgstr "" "Maaf, tautan yang Anda klik sudah rusak. Silakan pilih pilihan yang lain." msgid "Delete log" msgstr "Hapus log" msgid "Go" msgstr "Lanjut" msgid "View All" msgstr "Lihat Semua" msgid "Most Active (%s)" msgstr "Paling Aktif (%s)" msgid "Top Searches" msgstr "Pencarian Terbanyak" msgid "%s %s views" msgstr "%s %s tampilan" msgid "Top Posts (%s)" msgstr "Pos-pos Teratas (%s)" msgid "Show most active posts over" msgstr "Tunjukkan pos-pos teraktif selama" msgid "Show top search terms over" msgstr "Perlihatkan istilah pencarian teratas" msgid "Show top posts over" msgstr "Perlihatkan kiriman teratas" msgid "Chart stats by" msgstr "Tampilkan diagram statistik berdasarkan" msgid "the past year" msgstr "tahun yang lalu" msgid "the past quarter" msgstr "triwulan yang lalu" msgid "the past month" msgstr "Bulan Lalu" msgid "the past week" msgstr "minggu yang lalu" msgid "the past day" msgstr "sehari terakhir" msgid "all time" msgstr "sepanjang waktu" msgid "Plays" msgstr "Pemutaran" msgid "Video Name" msgstr "Nama Video" msgid "Store stats" msgstr "Simpan statistik" msgid "All Time" msgstr "Semua Waktu" msgid "Promote" msgstr "Promosikan" msgid "Subscriber" msgstr "Pelanggan" msgid "Generated on %s" msgstr "Dibuat pada %s" msgid "Bandwidth" msgstr "Bandwidth" msgid "Impressions" msgstr "Kesan:" msgid "Totals" msgstr "Total" msgid "No search engines have sent you traffic yet." msgstr "Belum ada mesin pencari yang menyalurkan penyunjung" msgid "No posts have been viewed yet." msgstr "Belum ada kiriman yang dilihat." msgid "No other sites have sent you traffic yet." msgstr "Belum ada situs lain yang mengirimi Anda lalu lintas." msgid "Months" msgstr "Bulan" msgid "Weeks" msgstr "Minggu" msgid "Days" msgstr "Hari" msgid "" "Percent change is computed from weekly averages before they are rounded." msgstr "" "Perubahan persen dihitung dari rata-rata per minggu sebelum dibulatkan." msgid "Gray zeroes are exactly zero. Black zeroes have been rounded down." msgstr "Nol abu-abu bernilai tepat nol. Nol hitam telah dibulatkan ke bawah." msgid "Averages are rounded to the nearest integer for display." msgstr "Rata-rata dibulatkan ke bilangan utuh terdekat untuk ditampilkan." msgid "" "Yearly averages are computed from sums, not an average of monthly averages." msgstr "" "Rata-rata tahunan dihitung dari penjumlahan, bukan dari rata-rata bulanan" msgid "Today (%s) is excluded from averages because it isn't over yet." msgstr "" "Hari ini (%s) tidak dihitung ke dalam rata-rata karena hari ini belum " "berakhir." msgid "We exclude days prior to the first recorded view and future days." msgstr "" "Kami tidak memasukkan hari sebelum tampilan perekaman pertama dan hari-hari " "berikutnya." msgid "An average is the sum of views divided by the number of days." msgstr "Rata-rata adalah jumlah kunjungan dibagi dengan jumlah hari." msgid "" "If you try to verify our computations using the numbers in these tables you " "might get different results. The logic is explained here." msgstr "" "Jika Anda mencoba memverifikasi komputasi kami menggunakan angka-angka di " "dalam tabel ini, Anda mungkin mendapatkan hasil berbeda. Berikut adalah " "penjelasan logisnya." msgid "About the math" msgstr "Tentang Matematika" msgid "∞" msgstr "∞" msgid "Change|difference between numbers over time" msgstr "Perubahan|perbedaan antar jumlah dari waktu ke waktu" msgid "Average" msgstr "Rata-rata" msgid "Recent Weeks" msgstr "Minggu Terakhir" msgid "Overall" msgstr "Keseluruhan" msgid "Average per Day" msgstr "Rata-rata per Hari" msgid "Total" msgstr "Total" msgid "Months and Years" msgstr "Bulan dan Tahun" msgid "We have not recorded any views for this item yet." msgstr "Kami belum merekam tampilan sama sekali untuk item ini." msgid "Top Posts for %1$s days ending %2$s" msgstr "Pos-pos Teratas untuk %1$s hari berakhir %2$s" msgid "Video plays for %1$s days ending %2$s" msgstr "Pemutaran video untuk %1$s hari yang berakhir %2$s" msgid "Video plays for %1$s days ending %2$s (Summarized)" msgstr "Pemutaran video untuk %1$s hari yang berakhir %2$s (Ringkasan)" msgid "Search Terms for %1$s days ending %2$s (Summarized)" msgstr "Istilah Pencarian untuk %1$s hari yang berakhir %2$s (Ringkasan)" msgid "Clicks for %1$s days ending %2$s" msgstr "Klik untuk %1$s days ending %2$s" msgid "Clicks for %1$s days ending %2$s (Summarized)" msgstr "Klik untuk %1$s hari yang berakhir %2$s (Ringkasan)" msgid "all" msgstr "semua" msgid "Referrers for %1$s days ending %2$s (Summarized)" msgstr "Perujuk untuk %1$s hari yang berakhir %2$s (Ringkasan)" msgid "" "This video is embedded on the following page locations (note that URL may " "have changed)" msgstr "" "Video ini disematkan di lokasi halaman berikut (penting diketahui bahwa URL " "mungkin berubah)" msgid "Your video play statistics" msgstr "Statistik pemutaran video Anda" msgid "Video Plays" msgstr "Pemutaran Video" msgid "Clicks" msgstr "Klik" msgid "Top Posts & Pages" msgstr "Top Posts & Halaman" msgid "« Return to Stats" msgstr "« Kembali ke Stat" msgid "State: %1$s" msgstr "Negara Bagian: %1$s" msgid "No user found." msgstr "Tak ada pengguna yang ditemukan." msgid "Promoted <strong>%s</strong> ( user) to administrator." msgstr "" "Mempromosikan <strong>%s</strong> (pengguna kepada " "administrator." msgid "<strong>%s</strong> ( user) already has stats access." msgstr "" "<strong>%s</strong> (pengguna sudah memiliki akses ke " "statistik." msgid "Granted stats access to <strong>%s</strong> ( user)." msgstr "" "Akses statistik diberikan kepada <strong>%s</strong> (pengguna WordPress." "com)." msgid "" "You are logged into as <strong>%1$s</strong>. To switch " "accounts, <a href=\"%2$s\">log out</a>." msgstr "" "Anda telah masuk log ke as <strong>%1$s</strong>. Untuk ganti " "akun, <a href=\"%2$s\">keluar log</a>." msgid "" "If you have just installed the Stats plugin, this error " "probably appeared because the API key entered in the plugin belongs to a " "different user account." msgstr "" "Jika Anda baru saja memasang plugin Statistik, kesalahan ini " "mungkin muncul karena kunci API yang dimasukkan di plugin tersebut dimiliki " "oleh akun pengguna berbeda." msgid "You are already a member of this site." msgstr "Anda sudah menjadi anggota dari blog ini." msgid "No blogs... yet." msgstr "Belum (lagi) ada blog." msgid "Error: please enter a valid email address." msgstr "Galat: silakan masukkan alamat email yang valid." msgid "Error: please fill the required fields (name, email)." msgstr "Galat: mohon isi ruas yang wajib (nama, email)." msgid "Sorry, comments are closed for this item." msgstr "Maaf, komentar untuk item ini telah ditutup." msgid "User navigation" msgstr "Navigasi Pengguna" msgid "Search logs" msgstr "Cari log" msgid "Active" msgstr "Aktif" msgid "Activated" msgstr "Diaktifkan?" msgid "Enabled" msgstr "Diaktifkan" msgid "Menu" msgstr "Menu" msgid "Music" msgstr "Musik" msgid "Videos" msgstr "Video" msgid "First Post" msgstr "Pos Pertama" msgid "Disabled" msgstr "Dinonaktifkan" msgid "Site Name" msgstr "Nama Situs" msgid "No users found" msgstr "Tidak menemukan pengguna" msgid "You don't have permission to access this page" msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk mengakses halaman ini" msgid "Domain" msgstr "Domain" msgid "Apply Changes" msgstr "Terapkan Perubahan" msgid "Mark as Not Spam" msgstr "Tandai Bukan Spam" msgid "Empty" msgstr "Kosong" msgid "Stats" msgstr "Statistik" msgid "Never" msgstr "Tidak pernah" msgid "N/A" msgstr "Tidak tersedia" msgid "User" msgstr "Pengguna" msgid "Enable" msgstr "Aktifkan" msgid "Theme" msgstr "Theme" msgid "Mature" msgstr "Matang" msgid "Last Updated" msgstr "Pembaruan Terakhir" msgid "Path" msgstr "Lokasi" msgid "Options saved." msgstr "Pengaturan tersimpan." msgid "WP Admin" msgstr "Admin WP" msgid "" "Drag widgets here to remove them from the sidebar but keep their settings." msgstr "" "Seret widget ke sini untuk membuangnya dari bilah sisi namun tetap menyimpan " "pengaturan-pengaturannya." msgid "Error in displaying the widget settings form." msgstr "Galat dalam menampilkan formulir pengaturan widget." msgid "Error while saving." msgstr "Galat ketika sedang menyimpan." msgid "Save Widget" msgstr "Simpan Widget" msgid "Position" msgstr "Posisi" msgid "" "Select both the sidebar for this widget and the position of the widget in " "that sidebar." msgstr "" "Pilih bilah sisi untuk widget ini beserta posisi widget tersebut dalam kolom." msgid "Widget %s" msgstr "Widget %s" msgid "Inactive Widgets" msgstr "Nonaktifkan Widget" msgid "Available Widgets" msgstr "Widget yang Tersedia" msgid "Search Widgets" msgstr "Cari Widget" msgid "Changes saved." msgstr "Perubahan telah tersimpan." msgid "Add Widget" msgstr "Tambahkan Widget" msgid "<p>You do not have permission to access this page.</p>" msgstr "<p>Anda tidak diperkenankan mengakses halaman ini.</p>" msgid "Change role to…" msgstr "Ubah peran menjadi…" msgid "Search Users" msgstr "Cari Pengguna" msgid "%1$s <span class=\"count\">(%2$s)</span>" msgstr "%1$s <span class=\"count\">(%2$s)</span>" msgctxt "users" msgid "All <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "All <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Semua <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Semua <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "Other users have been removed." msgstr "Nama pengguna lain telah dihapus." msgid "You cannot remove the current user." msgstr "Anda tidak dapat menghapus pengguna yang aktif." msgid "Other users have been deleted." msgstr "Pengguna lain telah dihapus." msgid "You cannot delete the current user." msgstr "Anda tidak dapat menghapus pengguna ini." msgid "Other user roles have been changed." msgstr "Peran pengguna lain telah diubah." msgid "The current user’s role must have user editing capabilities." msgstr "Peran pengguna ini harus memiliki hak untuk menyunting." msgid "Changed roles." msgstr "Peran telah diubah." msgid "New user created." msgstr "Pengguna baru telah dibuat." msgid "%s user deleted." msgid_plural "%s users deleted." msgstr[0] "%s pengguna dihapus." msgstr[1] "%s pengguna dihapus." msgid "There are no valid users selected for removal." msgstr "Tidak ditemukan nama pengguna yang sah untuk dihapus." msgid "Confirm Removal" msgstr "Konfirmasi Penghapusan" msgid "You have specified these users for removal:" msgstr "Anda menetapkan nama pengguna berikut untuk dihapus:" msgid "There are no valid users selected for deletion." msgstr "Tidak ada pengguna yang sah yang dipilih untuk penghapusan" msgid "Confirm Deletion" msgstr "Konfirmasi Penghapusan" msgid "You have specified these users for deletion:" msgstr "Anda telah menentukan pengguna-pengguna berikut untuk penghapusan:" msgid "Delete Users" msgstr "Hapus Pengguna" msgid "Add New User" msgstr "Tambah Pengguna Baru" msgid "Update User" msgstr "Perbarui Pengguna" msgid "Update Profile" msgstr "Perbarui Profil" msgid "Additional Capabilities" msgstr "Kemampuan Tambahan" msgid "" "Hint: The password should be at least seven characters long. To make it " "stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols like ! \" ? " "$ % ^ & )." msgstr "" "Petunjuk: Panjang kata sandi tersebut minimal tujuh karakter. Untuk " "membuatnya lebih kuat, gunakan huruf besar dan kecil, angka dan simbol-" "simbol seperti ! \" ? $ % ^ & )." msgid "Strength indicator" msgstr "Indikator kekuatan" msgid "Type your new password again." msgstr "Ketikkan kata sandi baru Anda lagi." msgid "New Password" msgstr "Kata Sandi Baru" msgid "" "Share a little biographical information to fill out your profile. This may " "be shown publicly." msgstr "" "Bagi sedikit informasi biografi untuk mengisi profil Anda. Ini akan " "ditampilkan kepada publik." msgid "Biographical Info" msgstr "Info Biografi" msgid "About the user" msgstr "Tentang pengguna" msgid "About Yourself" msgstr "Tentang Diri Anda" msgid "Jabber / Google Talk" msgstr "Jabber / Google Talk" msgid "Yahoo IM" msgstr "Yahoo IM" msgid "AIM" msgstr "AIM" msgid "Contact Info" msgstr "Info Kontak" msgid "Display name publicly as" msgstr "Tampilkan nama secara publik sebagai" msgid "(required)" msgstr "(wajib)" msgid "Nickname" msgstr "Nama panggilan" msgid "Last name" msgstr "Nama belakang" msgid "First name" msgstr "Nama depan" msgid "Roles" msgstr "Peran" msgid "Primary Blog" msgstr "Blog Utama" msgid "" "You can also <a href=\"%s\">specify the language</a> this blog is written in." msgstr "anda juga bisa <a href=\"%s\"> menentukan bahasa</a> blog ini ditulis" msgid "Interface language" msgstr "Bahasa antarmuka" msgid "Enable keyboard shortcuts for comment moderation." msgstr "Aktifkan pintasan papan ketik untuk moderasi komentar." msgid "Keyboard Shortcuts" msgstr "Pintasan Keyboard" msgid "Admin Color Scheme" msgstr "Skema Warna Admin" msgid "Disable the visual editor when writing" msgstr "Nonaktifkan editor visual ketika menulis" msgid "Visual Editor" msgstr "Editor Visual" msgid "Personal Options" msgstr "Opsi Pribadi" msgid "Click here to upload a new Gravatar" msgstr "Klik di sini untuk mengunggah Gravatar baru" msgid "Change your Gravatar" msgstr "Ubah Gravatar Anda" msgid "My Gravatar" msgstr "Gravatar Saya" msgid "User updated." msgstr "Pengguna diperbarui." msgid "You do not have permission to edit this user." msgstr "Anda tidak punya izin untuk menyunting pengguna ini." msgid "Invalid user ID." msgstr "ID pengguna tidak sah." msgid "Edit User" msgstr "Sunting Pengguna" msgid "Attach" msgstr "Lampirkan" msgctxt "product reviews" msgid "All <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "All <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Semua <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Semua <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "Update Complete" msgstr "Pembaruan Selesai" msgid "426: Upgrade Required" msgstr "426: Upgrade Dibutuhkan" msgid "Updating failed." msgstr "Gagal memperbarui" msgid "%1$s as %2$s" msgstr "%1$s sebagai %2$s" msgid "Theme not activated because of insufficient credits." msgstr "Tema tidak diaktifkan karena kredit tidak mencukupi" msgid "Theme not activated because it was not found." msgstr "Tema belum diaktifkan karena tidak ditemukan." msgid "Browse our themes from most popular to least." msgstr "Lihat tema-tema kami mulai dari yang terpopuler." msgid "Browse our themes in alphabetical order." msgstr "Lihat tema-tema kami dalam urutan abjad." msgid "Premium" msgstr "Premium" msgid "Popular" msgstr "Populer" msgid "A-Z" msgstr "A-Z" msgid "Manage themes" msgstr "Kelola Tema" msgid "Template Editing" msgstr "Pengeditan Template" msgid "Separate tags with commas" msgstr "Pisahkan tag dengan koma" msgid "Post published." msgstr "Pos diterbitkan." msgid "Compare Revisions of “%s”" msgstr "Membandingkan Revisi “%s”" msgid "HTML" msgstr "HTML" msgid "Close Window" msgstr "Tutup Jendela" msgid "Blog" msgstr "Blog" msgid "Loading..." msgstr "Memuat..." msgid "Insert Image" msgstr "Masukkan Gambar" msgid "Mature <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Mature <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Dewasa <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Dewasa <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "Failed <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Failed <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Gagal <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Gagal <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgctxt "comments" msgid "All <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "All <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Semua <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Semua <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "Search plugins" msgstr "Cari Plugin" msgid "Version %s" msgstr "Versi %s" msgid "Deactivate this plugin" msgstr "Nonaktifkan plugin ini" msgid "" "Theme could not be resumed because it triggered a <strong>fatal error</" "strong>." msgstr "" "Tema tidak dapat dilanjutkan karena memicu <strong>eror fatal</strong>." msgid "Related Plugins" msgstr "Plugin Terkait" msgid "File edited successfully." msgstr "Berkas berhasil disunting." msgid "Stop Subscription" msgstr "Berhenti Berlangganan" msgid "Cost" msgstr "Harga" msgid "Expires" msgstr "Berkadaluarsa" msgid "My Subscriptions" msgstr "Langgananku" msgid "Renew" msgstr "perbaharui" msgid "Expiry Date" msgstr "Tanggal Kedaluwarsa" msgid "Subscribed" msgstr "Langganan" msgid "Product" msgstr "Produk" msgid "Thank you for your attention." msgstr "Terima kasih atas perhatian Anda." msgid "" "You attempted to edit an order that does not exist. Perhaps it was deleted?" msgstr "Anda mencoba menyunting sebuah halaman yang tidak ada" msgid "All Settings" msgstr "Semua Pengaturan" msgid "Default Link Category" msgstr "Kategori Taut Standar" msgid "Default Post Category" msgstr "Kategori Pos Standar" msgid "WordPress should correct invalidly nested XHTML automatically" msgstr "" "WordPress seharusnya membetulkan XHTML yang peletakannya tidak sah secara " "otomatis" msgid "" "Convert emoticons like <code>:-)</code> and <code>:-P</code> to graphics on " "display" msgstr "" "Konversikan emoticon seperti <code>:-)</code> and <code>:-P</code> ke grafis " "pada tampilan" msgid "Formatting" msgstr "Pemformatan" msgid "likes" msgstr "suka" msgid "Writing Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Publikasi" msgid "Encoding for pages and feeds" msgstr "Pengodean untuk halaman dan umpan" msgid "Summary" msgstr "Ringkasan" msgid "Full text" msgstr "Teks penuh" msgid "Syndication feeds show the most recent" msgstr "Feed sindikasi menampilkan yang terbaru" msgid "Blog pages show at most" msgstr "Halaman blog menampilkan paling banyak" msgid "<strong>Warning:</strong> these pages should not be the same!" msgstr "" "<strong>Peringatan:</strong> halaman-halaman ini seharusnya tidak sama!" msgid "Posts page: %s" msgstr "Halaman pos: %s" msgid "A <a href=\"%s\">static page</a> (select below)" msgstr "<a href=\"%s\">Halaman statis</a> (pilih di bawah)" msgid "Your latest posts" msgstr "Pos terbaru Anda" msgid "Reading Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Bacaan" msgid "Privacy Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Privasi" msgid "Optional" msgstr "Opsional" msgid "Custom Structure" msgstr "Struktur Tersuai" msgid "Month and name" msgstr "Bulan dan nama" msgid "Day and name" msgstr "Tanggal dan nama" msgid "Permalink Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Permalink" msgid "Large size" msgstr "Ukuran besar" msgid "Max Height" msgstr "Tinggi Maksimal" msgid "Max Width" msgstr "Lebar Maksimal" msgid "Medium size" msgstr "Ukuran sedang" msgid "" "Crop thumbnail to exact dimensions (normally thumbnails are proportional)" msgstr "" "Pangkas miniatur ke dimensi yang sama (biasanya miniatur bersifat " "proporsional)" msgid "Height" msgstr "Tinggi" msgid "Thumbnail size" msgstr "Ukuran miniatur" msgid "Image sizes" msgstr "Ukuran gambar" msgid "Media Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Media" msgid "Week Starts On" msgstr "Pekan Dimulai Pada Hari" msgid "Time Format" msgstr "Format Waktu" msgid "Custom:" msgstr "Sesuaikan:" msgid "Date Format" msgstr "Format Tanggal" msgid "This timezone is currently in standard time." msgstr "Zona waktu ini sedang berada di waktu standar." msgid "Choose a city in the same timezone as you." msgstr "Pilih sebuah kota yang berada di zona waktu yang sama dengan Anda." msgid "Local time is <code>%1$s</code>" msgstr "Waktu lokal menunjukkan <code>%1$s</code>" msgid "" "<abbr title=\"Coordinated Universal Time\">UTC</abbr> time is <code>%s</code>" msgstr "" "Waktu <abbr title=\"Coordinated Universal Time\">UTC</abbr> adalah <code>%s</" "code>" msgid "Timezone" msgstr "Zona waktu" msgid "" "If you change this, an email will be sent at your new address to confirm it. " "<strong>The new address will not become active until confirmed.</strong>" msgstr "" "Jika Anda mengubahnya, kami akan mengirimkan sebuah e-mail pada alamat baru " "Anda untuk konfirmasi. <strong>Alamat baru tidak akan aktif sebelum " "dikonfirmasi.</strong>" msgid "" "You can also <a href=\"%s\">modify the interface language</a> in your " "profile." msgstr "" "Anda juga dapat <a href=\"%s\">mengubah bahasa antar muka</a> di profil Anda." msgid "Language this blog is primarily written in." msgstr "Bahasa utama yang digunakan dalam blog ini." msgid "In a few words, explain what your store is about." msgstr "Tulis deskripsi singkat tentang toko Anda." msgid "Tagline" msgstr "Slogan" msgid "Blog Title" msgstr "Judul Blog" msgctxt "timezone date format" msgid "Y-m-d H:i:s" msgstr "Y-m-d H:i:s" msgid "MonsterID (Generated)" msgstr "MonsterID (Diciptakan)" msgid "Wavatar (Generated)" msgstr "Wavatar (Diciptakan)" msgid "Identicon (Generated)" msgstr "Identicon (Diciptakan)" msgid "Blank" msgstr "Kosong" msgid "" "For users without a custom avatar of their own, you can either display a " "generic logo or a generated one based on their email address." msgstr "" "Bagi pengguna tanpa avatar khusus, Anda dapat menampilkan logo generik atau " "yang dibuatkan secara otomatis berdasarkan alamat email mereka." msgid "Default Avatar" msgstr "Avatar Standar" msgid "X — Even more mature than above" msgstr "X — Bahkan lebih dewasa daripada yang di atas" msgid "R — Intended for adult audiences above 17" msgstr "R — Ditujukan untuk pemirsa dewasa di atas 17 tahun" msgid "PG — Possibly offensive, usually for audiences 13 and above" msgstr "" "PG — Berpotensi mengandung kekerasan. Biasanya untuk pemirsa berumur " "13 tahun ke atas" msgid "G — Suitable for all audiences" msgstr "G — Cocok untuk seluruh pemirsa" msgid "Maximum Rating" msgstr "Rating Maksimal" msgid "Show Avatars" msgstr "Tampilkan Avatar" msgid "Avatar Display" msgstr "Tampilan Avatar" msgid "" "When a comment contains any of these words in its content, author name, URL, " "email, IP address, or browser’s user agent string, it will be put in " "the Trash. One word or IP address per line. It will match inside words, so " "“press” will match “WordPress”." msgstr "" "Saat sebuah komentar mengandung salah satu dari kata-kata ini di dalam " "kontennya, namanya, URL, email, ataupun IP-nya, komentar tsb akan dibuang ke " "Tong Sampah. Satu kata atau alamat IP per baris. Ini akan memeriksa sampai " "ke dalam kata, sehingga “press” akan terdeteksi oleh “" "WordPress”." msgid "" "When a comment contains any of these words in its content, author name, URL, " "email, IP address, or browser’s user agent string, it will be held in " "the <a href=\"edit-comments.php?comment_status=moderated\">moderation queue</" "a>. One word or IP address per line. It will match inside words, so “" "press” will match “WordPress”." msgstr "" "Saat sebuah komentar memuat salah satu kata-kata berikut di dalam konten, " "judul, email, atau alamat IP, komentar tersebut akan ditahan dalam <a href=" "\"edit-comments.php?comment_status=moderated\">antrian moderasi</a>. Satu " "kata atau satu IP tiap barisnya. Ini juga mendeteksi bagian kata, jadi " "“press” akan mendeteksi “WordPress”." msgid "" "Hold a comment in the queue if it contains %s or more links. (A common " "characteristic of comment spam is a large number of hyperlinks.)" msgstr "" "Tahan komentar dalam antrian jika mengandung %s atau lebih taut. " "(Karakteristik umum spam ialah jumlah hyperlink yang besar.)" msgid "Comment Moderation" msgstr "Pengelolaan Komentar" msgid "Comment author must have a previously approved comment" msgstr "Penulis komentar harus memiliki komentar yang disetujui sebelumnya" msgid "Before a comment appears" msgstr "Sebelum sebuah komentar terlihat" msgid "A comment is held for moderation" msgstr "Komentar harus diperiksa lebih dahulu" msgid "Anyone posts a comment" msgstr "Siapa pun menulis komentar" msgid "E-mail me whenever" msgstr "Terima email jika" msgid "newer" msgstr "lebih baru" msgid "older" msgstr "lebih lama" msgid "first" msgstr "pertama" msgid "last" msgstr "terakhir" msgid "Automatically close comments on posts older than %s days" msgstr "" "Secara otomatis menutup komentar pada pos yang berumur lebih dari %s hari" msgid "Users must be registered and logged in to comment" msgstr "Pembaca harus terdaftar dan login untuk memberi komentar" msgid "Comment author must fill out name and e-mail" msgstr "Penulis komentar harus mengisi nama dan email" msgid "Other comment settings" msgstr "Pengaturan komentar lainnya" msgid "These settings may be overridden for individual articles." msgstr "Pengaturan berikut dapat digantikan oleh pengaturan untuk setiap pos." msgid "Allow people to post comments on new articles" msgstr "Tampilkan komentar dari pembaca pada artikel baru" msgid "" "Allow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks) on new " "posts." msgstr "" "Izinkan notifikasi tautan dari blog lain (pingback dan traceback) pada pos " "baru." msgid "Default article settings" msgstr "Pengaturan artikel standar" msgid "Discussion Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Diskusi" msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "Serbaneka" msgid "Permalinks" msgstr "Permalink" msgid "Reading" msgstr "Bacaan" msgid "Tools" msgstr "Perangkat" msgid "Installed" msgstr "Terpasang" msgid "Plugins %s" msgstr "Plugin %s" msgid "Editor" msgstr "Editor" msgid "Appearance" msgstr "Tampilan" msgid "Comments %s" msgstr "Komentar %s" msgctxt "page" msgid "Add New" msgstr "Tambah Baru" msgid "Library" msgstr "Pustaka" msgctxt "post" msgid "Add New" msgstr "Tambah Baru" msgid "Upload New Media" msgstr "Unggah Media Baru" msgid "Link not found." msgstr "Tautan tidak ditemukan." msgid "Edit Link" msgstr "Edit Tautan" msgid "XML Error: %1$s at line %2$s" msgstr "XML galat: %1$s pada baris %2$s" msgid "No links found." msgstr "Tidak menemukan tautan." msgid "Visit %s" msgstr "Kunjungi %s" msgid "Yes" msgstr "Ya" msgid "Search Links" msgstr "Tautan Pencarian" msgid "%s link deleted." msgid_plural "%s links deleted." msgstr[0] "%s tautan dihapus" msgstr[1] "%s tautan dihapus" msgid "Add New Link" msgstr "Tambahkan Tautan Baru" msgid "Send invite" msgstr "Kirim undangan" msgid "Email:" msgstr "Email:" msgid "Invite deleted." msgid_plural "Invites deleted." msgstr[0] "Undangan dihapus." msgstr[1] "Undangan dihapus." msgid "A while ago" msgstr "Beberapa saat yang lalu" msgid "Last week" msgstr "Minggu lalu" msgid "This week" msgstr "Minggu ini" msgid "" "When you make posts or comments around, they will be listed in " "chronological order here. Want to get started? Check out some of the links " "to the right and leave a comment on one that interests you." msgstr "" "Sewaktu Anda memasukkan pos atau komentar di, mereka akan " "didaftarkan secara kronologis di sini. Ingin memulai? Coba cek beberapa " "tautan di samping kanan dan tinggalkan komentar pada pos yang menarik untuk " "Anda." msgid "Updated:" msgstr "Diperbarui:" msgid "Post #%s" msgstr "Pos #%s" msgid "Latest Posts" msgstr "Pos-pos Terbaru" msgid " News" msgstr "Berita dari" msgid "Upgrades" msgstr "Upgrade" msgid "Invites" msgstr "Undangan" msgid "Signups" msgstr "Pendaftaran" msgid "" "<strong>ERROR</strong>: That email address is already used by someone else." msgstr "" "<strong>KESALAHAN</strong>: Alamat email tersebut telah digunakan orang lain." msgid "No post?" msgstr "Tidak ada pos?" msgid "There are no options for this widget." msgstr "Tak ada opsi untuk widget ini." msgid "<strong>Error:</strong> Please type your email address." msgstr "<strong>GALAT</strong>: Silakan ketikkan alamat email Anda." msgid "" "<strong>Error:</strong> This username is already registered. Please choose " "another one." msgstr "" "<strong>GALAT</strong>: Nama pengguna ini sudah terdaftar. Silakan pilih " "nama lain." msgid "<strong>Error:</strong> Passwords may not contain the character \"\\\"." msgstr "" "<strong>GALAT</strong>: Kata sandi tidak boleh mengandung karakter \"\\\"." msgid "<strong>Error:</strong> Please enter a password." msgstr "<strong>GALAT</strong>: Mohon masukkan kata sandi Anda." msgid "<strong>Error:</strong> Please enter a username." msgstr "<strong>GALAT</strong>: Mohon masukkan nama pengguna." msgctxt "Default page slug" msgid "about" msgstr "tentang" msgid "About" msgstr "Tentang" msgctxt "Default post slug" msgid "hello-world" msgstr "halo-dunia" msgid "Hello world!" msgstr "Halo dunia!" msgid "" "Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start " "writing!" msgstr "" "Selamat Datang di WordPress. Ini adalah pos pertama Anda. Sunting atau " "hapus, lalu mulai menulis!" msgctxt "Default category slug" msgid "Uncategorized" msgstr "Tidak Dikategorikan" msgid "" "<strong><em>Note that password</em></strong> carefully! It is a <em>random</" "em> password that was generated just for you." msgstr "" "<strong><em>Catat kata sandi tersebut</em></strong> dengan baik! Itu adalah " "kata sandi <em>sembarang / acak</em> yang diciptakan hanya untuk Anda." msgid "Unable to locate WordPress theme directory." msgstr "Tidak dapat menemukan direktori tema WordPress." msgid "This theme is already installed." msgstr "Tema berikut telah diinstal." msgid "Version: %s" msgstr "Versi: %s" msgid "%d themes found" msgstr "%d tema ditemukan" msgid "Required WordPress version" msgstr "Versi WordPress yang dibutuhkan" msgid "Author:" msgstr "Penulis:" msgid "Version:" msgstr "Versi:" msgid "Install Now" msgstr "Instal Sekarang" msgid "Seasonal" msgstr "Musiman" msgid "Photoblogging" msgstr "Blog Foto" msgid "Holiday" msgstr "Liburan" msgid "Subject" msgstr "Subyek" msgid "Light" msgstr "Terang" msgid "Term" msgstr "Istilah" msgid "An unknown error occurred." msgstr "Terjadi error yang tidak diketahui." msgid "" "You are about to delete this theme '%s'\n" " 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete." msgstr "" "Anda akan menghapus tema ini '%s'\n" " 'Batal' untuk menghentikan, 'OK' untuk menghapus." msgid "Activate %s" msgstr "Aktifkan \"%s\"" msgid "RTL Language Support" msgstr "Dukungan Bahasa RTL" msgid "Widgets" msgstr "Widget" msgid "Translation Ready" msgstr "Terjemahan Sudah Siap" msgid "Theme Options" msgstr "Opsi Tema" msgid "Sticky Post" msgstr "Pos Lekat" msgid "Microformats" msgstr "Microformat" msgid "Custom Colors" msgstr "Warna Khusus" msgid "Blavatar" msgstr "Blavatar" msgid "Width" msgstr "Lebar" msgid "Right Sidebar" msgstr "Sidebar Kanan" msgid "Left Sidebar" msgstr "Sidebar Kiri" msgid "Four Columns" msgstr "Empat Kolom" msgid "Three Columns" msgstr "Tiga Kolom" msgid "Two Columns" msgstr "Dua Kolom" msgid "One Column" msgstr "Satu Kolom" msgid "Columns" msgstr "Kolom" msgid "Dark" msgstr "Gelap" msgid "Yellow" msgstr "Kuning" msgid "White" msgstr "Putih" msgid "Tan" msgstr "Sawo Matang" msgid "Silver" msgstr "Perak" msgid "Red" msgstr "Merah" msgid "Purple" msgstr "Ungu" msgid "Pink" msgstr "Merah Muda" msgid "Orange" msgstr "Oranye" msgid "Green" msgstr "Hijau" msgid "Brown" msgstr "Kulit" msgid "Black" msgstr "Hitam" msgid "Colors" msgstr "Warna" msgid "Refresh" msgstr "Segarkan" msgid "Posts per page" msgstr "Jumlah tulisan sekali tampil:" msgid "Screen Options" msgstr "Pilihan Layar" msgid "Help" msgstr "Bantuan" msgid "Show on screen" msgstr "Tampilkan di layar" msgid "Disable accessibility mode" msgstr "Nonaktifkan mode kemudahan akses" msgid "Enable accessibility mode" msgstr "Aktifkan mode kemudahan akses" msgid "(no title)" msgstr "(tanpa judul)" msgid "Drafts" msgstr "Draf" msgid "New Post" msgstr "Pos Baru" msgid "Manage plugin" msgstr "Kelola plugin" msgid "Install Plugins" msgstr "Instal Plugin" msgid "Edit Media" msgstr "Sunting Media" msgid "New Media" msgstr "Media Baru" msgid "New Page" msgstr "Laman Baru" msgid "Select" msgstr "Pilih" msgid "Click to toggle" msgstr "Klik untuk menukar balik" msgid "Upload file and import" msgstr "Unggah berkas dan impor" msgid "Maximum size: %s" msgstr "Ukuran maksimal: %s" msgid "Choose a file from your computer:" msgstr "Pilih sebuah berkas dari komputer Anda:" msgid "" "Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following " "error:" msgstr "" "Sebelum Anda dapat mengunggah berkas impor Anda, Anda perlu memperbaiki " "galat berikut:" msgid "%1$s %2$s, %3$s at %4$s:%5$s" msgstr "%2$s %1$s %3$s pada %4$s : %5$s" msgid "Add Custom Field" msgstr "Tambahkan Ruas Tersuai" msgid "Enter new" msgstr "Masukkan baru" msgid "Key" msgstr "Kunci" msgid "Value" msgstr "Nilai" msgid "Submit Reply" msgstr "Kirim Balasan" msgid "Reply to Comment" msgstr "Balas Komentar" msgid "g:ia" msgstr "H:i" msgid "Edit this page" msgstr "Sunting halaman ini" msgid "Last Modified" msgstr "Terakhir Diubah" msgid "Missed schedule" msgstr "Jadwal yang terlewati" msgid "Update" msgstr "Perbarui" msgid "Make this post sticky" msgstr "Jadikan pos ini lekat" msgid "Not Sticky" msgstr "Tidak Lekat" msgid "Sticky" msgstr "Lekat" msgid "Do not allow" msgstr "Jangan izinkan" msgid "Allow" msgstr "Izinkan" msgid "Private post" msgstr "Tulisan privat" msgid "–OR–" msgstr "– ATAU –" msgid "— No Change —" msgstr "- Tidak Ada Perubahan -" msgid "Role" msgstr "Peran" msgid "Links" msgstr "Tautan" msgid "Visible" msgstr "Terlihat" msgid "Relationship" msgstr "Relasi" msgctxt "column name" msgid "Date" msgstr "Tanggal" msgctxt "column name" msgid "File" msgstr "Berkas" msgid "Date" msgstr "Tanggal" msgid "Quick Edit" msgstr "Penyuntingan Cepat" msgid "Quick Edit" msgstr "Sunting Cepat" msgctxt "User role" msgid "Subscriber" msgstr "Pelanggan" msgctxt "User role" msgid "Contributor" msgstr "Kontributor" msgctxt "User role" msgid "Author" msgstr "Penulis" msgctxt "User role" msgid "Editor" msgstr "Penyunting" msgctxt "User role" msgid "Administrator" msgstr "Administrator" msgid "F j, Y g:i a" msgstr "j F Y g:i a" msgid "g:i a" msgstr "g:i a" msgid "Just another weblog" msgstr "Hanya sebuah blog yang lain" msgid "Permalink:" msgstr "Permalink:" msgid "View Page" msgstr "Lihat Laman" msgid "View Post" msgstr "Tampilkan Pos" msgid "Video <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Video <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Video <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Video <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "Manage Video" msgstr "Kelola Video" msgid "Video" msgstr "Video" msgid "Audio <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Audio <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Audio <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Audio <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "Manage Audio" msgstr "Kelola Audio" msgid "Audio" msgstr "Audio" msgid "Image <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Images <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Gambar <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Gambar <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "Manage Images" msgstr "Kelola Gambar" msgid "Images" msgstr "Gambar" msgid "Private <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Private <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Private <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Private <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "(Private post)" msgstr "(Pos privat)" msgid "Draft <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Drafts <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Konsep <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Konsep <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "Pending payment <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Pending payment <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Menunggu pembayaran <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Menunggu pembayaran <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "Scheduled <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Scheduled <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Dijadwalkan akan Terbit <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Dijadwalkan akan Terbit <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "Scheduled Post" msgstr "Tulisan Terjadwal" msgid "Post scheduled" msgstr "Pos dijadwalkan" msgid "Published <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "Published <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Telah Terbit <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Telah Terbit <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "Last Published" msgstr "Terakhir Dipublikasikan" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this term." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan menambahkan item ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit posts as this user." msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk menyunting pos sebagai pengguna ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create pages as this user." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan untuk membuat laman sebagai pengguna ini." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit pages as this user." msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk menyunting halaman sebagai pengguna ini." msgid "The plugin does not have a valid header." msgstr "Plugin ini tidak memiliki bagian kepala yang sah." msgid "Plugin file does not exist." msgstr "Berkas plugin tidak ada." msgid "Invalid plugin path." msgstr "Lokasi plugin tidak sah." msgid "Could not fully remove the plugin %s." msgstr "Tidak dapat menghapus plugin %s sepenuhnya." msgid "One of the plugins is invalid." msgstr "Salah satu plugin tidak sah." msgid "By %s" msgstr "Oleh %s" msgid "British English" msgstr "Inggris UK" msgid "American English" msgstr "Inggris Amerika" msgid "Add New" msgstr "Tambah Baru" msgid "Blogs" msgstr "Blog" msgid "Site Admin" msgstr "Admin Situs" msgid "" "Your email address has not been updated yet. Please check your inbox at %s " "for a confirmation email." msgstr "" "Alamat email Anda belum diperbarui. Silakan cek kotak masuk email Anda di %s " "untuk email konfirmasi." msgid "[%s] New Email Address" msgstr "[%s] Alamat Email Baru" msgid "[%s] New Admin Email Address" msgstr "[%s] Alamat Email Admin Baru" msgid "Link text, e.g. “Ransom Demands (PDF)”" msgstr "Teks tautan. Contoh: “Flu Burung di Indonesia (PDF)”" msgid "Video URL" msgstr "URL Video" msgid "Audio File URL" msgstr "URL Berkas Audio" msgid "Link to image" msgstr "Tautkan ke Gambar" msgid "Link Image To:" msgstr "Tautkan Gambar Ke:" msgid "Image Title" msgstr "Judul Gambar" msgid "Image URL" msgstr "URL Gambar" msgid "Image Caption" msgstr "Keterangan Gambar" msgid "Alt text for the image, e.g. “The Mona Lisa”" msgstr "Teks alternatif untuk gambar. Sebagai contoh: “Mona Lisa”" msgid "Alternative text" msgstr "Teks alternatif" msgid "All Types" msgstr "Semua Jenis" msgid "Search Media" msgstr "Cari Media" msgid "Update gallery settings" msgstr "Perbarui pengaturan galeri" msgid "Insert gallery" msgstr "Sisipkan galeri" msgid "4" msgstr "4" msgid "3" msgstr "3" msgid "2" msgstr "2" msgid "Gallery columns:" msgstr "Kolom galeri:" msgid "Order:" msgstr "Urutan:" msgid "Random" msgstr "Acak" msgid "Date/Time" msgstr "Tanggal/Waktu" msgid "Menu order" msgstr "Urutan menu" msgid "Order images by:" msgstr "Urutkan gambar berdasarkan:" msgid "Attachment Page" msgstr "Halaman Lampiran" msgid "Image File" msgstr "Berkas Gambar" msgid "Link thumbnails to:" msgstr "Tautkan miniatur ke:" msgid "Gallery Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Galeri" msgid "Media" msgstr "Media" msgid "Clear" msgstr "Hapus" msgid "Descending" msgstr "Menurun" msgid "Ascending" msgstr "Meningkat" msgid "Sort Order:" msgstr "Urutan Penyortiran:" msgid "All Tabs:" msgstr "Seluruh Tab:" msgid "Save all changes" msgstr "Simpan seluruh perubahan" msgid "Add media files from your computer" msgstr "Tambahkan berkas media dari komputer Anda" msgid "Select Files" msgstr "Pilih Berkas" msgid "Insert into Post" msgstr "Sisipkan ke dalam Pos" msgid "Hide" msgstr "Sembunyikan" msgid "Show" msgstr "Tampilkan" msgid "Location of the uploaded file." msgstr "Lokasi berkas yang diunggah." msgid "Enter a link URL or click above for presets." msgstr "" "Masukkan sebuah URL tautan atau klik tombol di atas untuk memakai yang sudah " "disiapkan." msgid "Link URL" msgstr "URL Tautan" msgid "Alignment" msgstr "Perataan" msgid "Caption" msgstr "Keterangan" msgid "File URL" msgstr "URL Berkas" msgid "Size" msgstr "Ukuran" msgid "File Size" msgstr "Ukuran file" msgid "Large" msgstr "Besar" msgid "Medium" msgstr "Sedang" msgid "Thumbnail" msgstr "Miniatur" msgid "Right" msgstr "Kanan" msgid "Left" msgstr "Kiri" msgid "Saved." msgstr "Tersimpan." msgid "Add Audio" msgstr "Tambahkan Audio" msgid "Add Video" msgstr "Tambahkan Video" msgid "Add an Image" msgstr "Tambahkan Sebuah Gambar" msgid "Add Media" msgstr "Tambahkan Media" msgid "WordPress" msgstr "WordPress" msgid "Uploads" msgstr "Unggah" msgid "Gallery (%s)" msgstr "Galeri (%s)" msgid "Media Library" msgstr "Pustaka Media" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "Galeri" msgid "From URL" msgstr "Dari URL" msgid "From Computer" msgstr "Dari Komputer" msgid "File “%s” is not an image." msgstr "Berkas “%s” bukan sebuah gambar." msgid "File “%s” does not exist?" msgstr "Berkas “%s” tidak ada?" msgid "Proceed" msgstr "Lanjutkan" msgid "SSH" msgstr "SSH" msgid "Search For :" msgstr "Pencarian Untuk: " msgid "Search Results" msgstr "Hasil Pencarian" msgid "Archives" msgstr "Arsip" msgid "Sidebar" msgstr "Bilah Sisi" msgid "Header" msgstr "Header" msgid "Footer" msgstr "Footer" msgid "Most popular" msgstr "Paling Populer" msgid "This widget requires JavaScript." msgstr "Widget ini membutuhkan JavaScript." msgid "Loading…" msgstr "Sedang memuat…" msgctxt "dashboard" msgid "%1$s, %2$s" msgstr "%1$s pada %2$s" msgid "Trackback" msgstr "Lacak balik" msgid "Pingback" msgstr "Ping balik" msgid "[Pending]" msgstr "[Ditangguhkan]" msgid "From %1$s on %2$s %3$s" msgstr "Dari %1$s pada tanggal %2$s%3$s" msgctxt "verb" msgid "Spam" msgstr "Spam" msgid "Mark this comment as spam" msgstr "Tandai komentar ini sebagai spam" msgid "Reply to this comment" msgstr "Balas ke komentar ini" msgid "Edit comment" msgstr "Edit Komentar" msgid "Unapprove this comment" msgstr "Tolak komentar ini" msgid "Approve this comment" msgstr "Setujui komentar ini" msgid "Reset" msgstr "Reset" msgid "Content" msgstr "Konten" msgid "Press This" msgstr "Press This" msgid "Change Theme" msgstr "Ubah Tema" msgid "Pending" msgstr "Ditunda" msgid "Category" msgstr "Kategori" msgid "Page" msgstr "Halaman" msgid "Comment" msgstr "Komentar" msgid "At a Glance" msgstr "Selayang Pandang" msgid "Configure" msgstr "Konfigurasikan" msgid "View all" msgstr "Lihat Semua" msgid "Other WordPress News" msgstr "Berita WordPress lainnya" msgid "Recent Drafts" msgstr "Konsep Terakhir" msgid "Recent Comments" msgstr "Komentar Terbaru" msgid "Right Now" msgstr "Sekarang" msgid "Yap" msgstr "Yap" msgid "Wallis" msgstr "Wallis" msgid "Wake" msgstr "Wake" msgid "Truk" msgstr "Truk" msgid "Tongatapu" msgstr "Tongatapu" msgid "Tarawa" msgstr "Tarawa" msgid "Tahiti" msgstr "Tahiti" msgid "Saipan" msgstr "Saipan" msgid "Rarotonga" msgstr "Rarotonga" msgid "Port Moresby" msgstr "Port Moresby" msgid "Ponape" msgstr "Ponape" msgid "Pago Pago" msgstr "Pago Pago" msgid "Noumea" msgstr "Noumea" msgid "Norfolk" msgstr "Norfolk" msgid "Midway" msgstr "Midway" msgid "Marquesas" msgstr "Marquesas" msgid "Majuro" msgstr "Majuro" msgid "Kwajalein" msgstr "Kwajalein" msgid "Kosrae" msgstr "Kosrae" msgid "Kiritimati" msgstr "Kiritimati" msgid "Johnston" msgstr "Johnston" msgid "Honolulu" msgstr "Honolulu" msgid "Guadalcanal" msgstr "Guadalcanal" msgid "Gambier" msgstr "Gambier" msgid "Galapagos" msgstr "Galapagos" msgid "Funafuti" msgstr "Funafuti" msgid "Fakaofo" msgstr "Fakaofo" msgid "Enderbury" msgstr "Enderbury" msgid "Efate" msgstr "Efate" msgid "Easter" msgstr "Easter" msgid "Chatham" msgstr "Chatham" msgid "Auckland" msgstr "Auckland" msgid "Apia" msgstr "Apia" msgid "Pacific" msgstr "Pasifik" msgid "Reunion" msgstr "Reunion" msgid "Mahe" msgstr "Mahe" msgid "Kerguelen" msgstr "Kerguelen" msgid "Comoro" msgstr "Comoro" msgid "Cocos" msgstr "Cocos" msgid "Christmas" msgstr "Christmas" msgid "Chagos" msgstr "Chagos" msgid "Antananarivo" msgstr "Antananarivo" msgid "Indian" msgstr "Hindia" msgid "Zurich" msgstr "Zurich" msgid "Zaporozhye" msgstr "Zaporozhye" msgid "Zagreb" msgstr "Zagreb" msgid "Warsaw" msgstr "Warsawa" msgid "Volgograd" msgstr "Volgograd" msgid "Vilnius" msgstr "Vilnius" msgid "Vienna" msgstr "Wina" msgid "Vatican" msgstr "Vatikan" msgid "Vaduz" msgstr "Vaduz" msgid "Uzhgorod" msgstr "Uzhgorod" msgid "Tiraspol" msgstr "Tiraspol" msgid "Tirane" msgstr "Tirane" msgid "Tallinn" msgstr "Tallinn" msgid "Stockholm" msgstr "Stockholm" msgid "Sofia" msgstr "Sofia" msgid "Skopje" msgstr "Skopje" msgid "Simferopol" msgstr "Simferopol" msgid "Sarajevo" msgstr "Sarajevo" msgid "Samara" msgstr "Samara" msgid "Riga" msgstr "Riga" msgid "Prague" msgstr "Praha" msgid "Podgorica" msgstr "Podgorica" msgid "Paris" msgstr "Paris" msgid "Oslo" msgstr "Oslo" msgid "Moscow" msgstr "Moskow" msgid "Minsk" msgstr "Minsk" msgid "Mariehamn" msgstr "Mariehamn" msgid "London" msgstr "London" msgid "Ljubljana" msgstr "Ljubljana" msgid "Lisbon" msgstr "Lisbon" msgid "Kiev" msgstr "Kiev" msgid "Kaliningrad" msgstr "Kaliningrad" msgid "Helsinki" msgstr "Helsinki" msgid "Dublin" msgstr "Dublin" msgid "Copenhagen" msgstr "Copenhagen" msgid "Chisinau" msgstr "Chisinau" msgid "Budapest" msgstr "Budapest" msgid "Bucharest" msgstr "Bucharest" msgid "Bratislava" msgstr "Bratislava" msgid "Berlin" msgstr "Berlin" msgid "Belgrade" msgstr "Belgrade" msgid "Belfast" msgstr "Belfast" msgid "Athens" msgstr "Athena" msgid "Amsterdam" msgstr "Amsterdam" msgid "Europe" msgstr "Eropa" msgid "Zulu" msgstr "Zulu" msgid "UTC" msgstr "UTC" msgid "Universal" msgstr "Universal" msgid "UCT" msgstr "UCT" msgid "Greenwich" msgstr "Greenwich" msgid "GMT0" msgstr "GMT0" msgid "GMT-9" msgstr "GMT-9" msgid "GMT-8" msgstr "GMT-8" msgid "GMT-7" msgstr "GMT-7" msgid "GMT-6" msgstr "GMT-6" msgid "GMT-5" msgstr "GMT-5" msgid "GMT-4" msgstr "GMT-4" msgid "GMT-3" msgstr "GMT-3" msgid "GMT-2" msgstr "GMT-2" msgid "GMT-14" msgstr "GMT-14" msgid "GMT-13" msgstr "GMT-13" msgid "GMT-12" msgstr "GMT-12" msgid "GMT-11" msgstr "GMT-11" msgid "GMT-10" msgstr "GMT-10" msgid "GMT-1" msgstr "GMT-1" msgid "GMT-0" msgstr "GMT-0" msgid "GMT+9" msgstr "GMT+9" msgid "GMT+8" msgstr "GMT+8" msgid "GMT+7" msgstr "GMT+7" msgid "GMT+6" msgstr "GMT+6" msgid "GMT+5" msgstr "GMT+5" msgid "GMT+4" msgstr "GMT+4" msgid "GMT+3" msgstr "GMT+3" msgid "GMT+2" msgstr "GMT+2" msgid "GMT+12" msgstr "GMT+12" msgid "GMT+11" msgstr "GMT+11" msgid "GMT+10" msgstr "GMT+10" msgid "GMT+1" msgstr "GMT+1" msgid "GMT+0" msgstr "GMT+0" msgid "GMT" msgstr "GMT" msgid "Etc" msgstr "Dll" msgid "Yancowinna" msgstr "Yancowinna" msgid "West" msgstr "Barat" msgid "Sydney" msgstr "Sydney" msgid "South" msgstr "Selatan" msgid "Perth" msgstr "Perth" msgid "NSW" msgstr "NSW" msgid "North" msgstr "Utara" msgid "Melbourne" msgstr "Melbourne" msgid "Lord Howe" msgstr "Lord Howe" msgid "Lindeman" msgstr "Lindeman" msgid "LHI" msgstr "LHI" msgid "Hobart" msgstr "Hobart" msgid "Eucla" msgstr "Eucla" msgid "Darwin" msgstr "Darwin" msgid "Currie" msgstr "Currie" msgid "Canberra" msgstr "Canberra" msgid "Broken Hill" msgstr "Broken Hill" msgid "Brisbane" msgstr "Brisbane" msgid "Adelaide" msgstr "Adelaide" msgid "ACT" msgstr "ACT" msgid "Stanley" msgstr "Stanley" msgid "St Helena" msgstr "St Helena" msgid "South Georgia" msgstr "Georgia Selatan" msgid "Reykjavik" msgstr "Reykjavik" msgid "Madeira" msgstr "Madeira" msgid "Jan Mayen" msgstr "Jan Mayen" msgid "Faroe" msgstr "Faroe" msgid "Faeroe" msgstr "Faeroe" msgid "Canary" msgstr "Kanari" msgid "Azores" msgstr "Azores" msgid "Atlantic" msgstr "Atlantik" msgid "Yerevan" msgstr "Yerevan" msgid "Yekaterinburg" msgstr "Yekaterinburg" msgid "Yakutsk" msgstr "Yakutsk" msgid "Vladivostok" msgstr "Vladivostok" msgid "Vientiane" msgstr "Vientiane" msgid "Urumqi" msgstr "Urumqi" msgid "Ulan Bator" msgstr "Ulan Bator" msgid "Ulaanbaatar" msgstr "Ulaanbaatar" msgid "Ujung Pandang" msgstr "Ujung Pandang" msgid "Thimphu" msgstr "Thimphu" msgid "Thimbu" msgstr "Thimbu" msgid "Tel Aviv" msgstr "Tel Aviv" msgid "Tehran" msgstr "Teheran" msgid "Tbilisi" msgstr "Tbilisi" msgid "Tashkent" msgstr "Tashkent" msgid "Taipei" msgstr "Taipei" msgid "Shanghai" msgstr "Shanghai" msgid "Seoul" msgstr "Seoul" msgid "Samarkand" msgstr "Samarkand" msgid "Sakhalin" msgstr "Sakhalin" msgid "Saigon" msgstr "Saigon" msgid "Riyadh" msgstr "Riyadh" msgid "Rangoon" msgstr "Rangoon" msgid "Qyzylorda" msgstr "Qyzylorda" msgid "Pyongyang" msgstr "Pyongyang" msgid "Pontianak" msgstr "Pontianak" msgid "Phnom Penh" msgstr "Phnom Penh" msgid "Oral" msgstr "Oral" msgid "Omsk" msgstr "Omsk" msgid "Novosibirsk" msgstr "Novosibirsk" msgid "Nicosia" msgstr "Nikosia" msgid "Muscat" msgstr "Muscat" msgid "Manila" msgstr "Manila" msgid "Makassar" msgstr "Makassar" msgid "Magadan" msgstr "Magadan" msgid "Macau" msgstr "Makau" msgid "Kuching" msgstr "Kuching" msgid "Kuala Lumpur" msgstr "Kuala Lumpur" msgid "Krasnoyarsk" msgstr "Krasnoyarsk" msgid "Kolkata" msgstr "Kolkata" msgid "Katmandu" msgstr "Katmandu" msgid "Kashgar" msgstr "Kashgar" msgid "Karachi" msgstr "Karachi" msgid "Kamchatka" msgstr "Kamchatka" msgid "Kabul" msgstr "Kabul" msgid "Jerusalem" msgstr "Yerusalem" msgid "Jayapura" msgstr "Jayapura" msgid "Jakarta" msgstr "Jakarta" msgid "Istanbul" msgstr "Istanbul" msgid "Irkutsk" msgstr "Irkutsk" msgid "Hovd" msgstr "Hovd" msgid "Ho Chi Minh" msgstr "Ho Chi Minh" msgid "Harbin" msgstr "Harbin" msgid "Gaza" msgstr "Gaza" msgid "Dushanbe" msgstr "Dushanbe" msgid "Dubai" msgstr "Dubai" msgid "Dili" msgstr "Dili" msgid "Dhaka" msgstr "Dhaka" msgid "Damascus" msgstr "Damaskus" msgid "Dacca" msgstr "Dakka" msgid "Colombo" msgstr "Kolombo" msgid "Chungking" msgstr "Chungking" msgid "Chongqing" msgstr "Chongqing" msgid "Choibalsan" msgstr "Choibalsan" msgid "Calcutta" msgstr "Kalkuta" msgid "Brunei" msgstr "Brunei" msgid "Bishkek" msgstr "Bishkek" msgid "Beirut" msgstr "Beirut" msgid "Bangkok" msgstr "Bangkok" msgid "Baku" msgstr "Baku" msgid "Baghdad" msgstr "Bagdad" msgid "Ashkhabad" msgstr "Ashkhabad" msgid "Ashgabat" msgstr "Ashgabat" msgid "Aqtobe" msgstr "Aqtobe" msgid "Aqtau" msgstr "Aqtau" msgid "Anadyr" msgstr "Anadyr" msgid "Amman" msgstr "Amman" msgid "Almaty" msgstr "Almaty" msgid "Aden" msgstr "Aden" msgid "Asia" msgstr "Asia" msgid "Longyearbyen" msgstr "Longyearbyen" msgid "Arctic" msgstr "Arktik" msgid "Vostok" msgstr "Vostok" msgid "Syowa" msgstr "Syowa" msgid "South Pole" msgstr "Kutub Selatan" msgid "Rothera" msgstr "Rothera" msgid "Palmer" msgstr "Palmer" msgid "McMurdo" msgstr "McMurdo" msgid "Mawson" msgstr "Mawson" msgid "DumontDUrville" msgstr "DumontDUrville" msgid "Davis" msgstr "Davis" msgid "Casey" msgstr "Casey" msgid "Yellowknife" msgstr "Yellowknife" msgid "Yakutat" msgstr "Yakutat" msgid "Winnipeg" msgstr "Winnipeg" msgid "Whitehorse" msgstr "Whitehorse" msgid "Virgin" msgstr "Virgin" msgid "Vancouver" msgstr "Vancouver" msgid "Tortola" msgstr "Tortola" msgid "Toronto" msgstr "Toronto" msgid "Tijuana" msgstr "Tijuana" msgid "Thunder Bay" msgstr "Thunder Bay" msgid "Thule" msgstr "Thule" msgid "Tegucigalpa" msgstr "Tegucigalpa" msgid "Swift Current" msgstr "Swift Current" msgid "St Vincent" msgstr "St Vincent" msgid "St Thomas" msgstr "St Thomas" msgid "St Lucia" msgstr "St Lucia" msgid "St Kitts" msgstr "St Kitts" msgid "St Johns" msgstr "St Johns" msgid "St Barthelemy" msgstr "St Barthelemy" msgid "Shiprock" msgstr "Shiprock" msgid "Scoresbysund" msgstr "Scoresbysund" msgid "Santo Domingo" msgstr "Santo Domingo" msgid "Santiago" msgstr "Santiago" msgid "Rosario" msgstr "Rosario" msgid "Rio Branco" msgstr "Rio Branco" msgid "Resolute" msgstr "Resolute" msgid "Regina" msgstr "Regina" msgid "Recife" msgstr "Recife" msgid "Rankin Inlet" msgstr "Rankin Inlet" msgid "Rainy River" msgstr "Rainy River" msgid "Porto Velho" msgstr "Porto Velho" msgid "Porto Acre" msgstr "Porto Acre" msgid "Port of Spain" msgstr "Port of Spain" msgid "Port-au-Prince" msgstr "Port-au-Prince" msgid "Phoenix" msgstr "Phoenix" msgid "Paramaribo" msgstr "Paramaribo" msgid "Pangnirtung" msgstr "Pangnirtung" msgid "New Salem" msgstr "Salem Baru" msgid "Center" msgstr "Tengah" msgid "Noronha" msgstr "Noronha" msgid "Nome" msgstr "Nome" msgid "Nipigon" msgstr "Nipigon" msgid "Nassau" msgstr "Nassau" msgid "Montreal" msgstr "Montreal" msgid "Montevideo" msgstr "Montevideo" msgid "Monterrey" msgstr "Monterrey" msgid "Moncton" msgstr "Moncton" msgid "Miquelon" msgstr "Miquelon" msgid "Mexico City" msgstr "Mexico City" msgid "Merida" msgstr "Merida" msgid "Menominee" msgstr "Menominee" msgid "Mazatlan" msgstr "Mazatlan" msgid "Marigot" msgstr "Marigot" msgid "Manaus" msgstr "Manaus" msgid "Managua" msgstr "Managua" msgid "Maceio" msgstr "Maceio" msgid "Los Angeles" msgstr "Los Angeles" msgid "Lima" msgstr "Lima" msgid "La Paz" msgstr "La Paz" msgid "Knox IN" msgstr "Knox IN" msgid "Monticello" msgstr "Monticello" msgid "Louisville" msgstr "Louisville" msgid "Juneau" msgstr "Juneau" msgid "Iqaluit" msgstr "Iqaluit" msgid "Inuvik" msgstr "Inuvik" msgid "Winamac" msgstr "Winamac" msgid "Vincennes" msgstr "Vincennes" msgid "Vevay" msgstr "Vevay" msgid "Tell City" msgstr "Tell City" msgid "Petersburg" msgstr "Petersburg" msgid "Marengo" msgstr "Marengo" msgid "Knox" msgstr "Knox" msgid "Indianapolis" msgstr "Indianapolis" msgid "Hermosillo" msgstr "Hermosillo" msgid "Havana" msgstr "Havana" msgid "Halifax" msgstr "Halifax" msgid "Guayaquil" msgstr "Guayaquil" msgid "Grand Turk" msgstr "Grand Turk" msgid "Goose Bay" msgstr "Goose Bay" msgid "Godthab" msgstr "Godthab" msgid "Glace Bay" msgstr "Glace Bay" msgid "Fortaleza" msgstr "Fortaleza" msgid "Fort Wayne" msgstr "Fort Wayne" msgid "Ensenada" msgstr "Ensenada" msgid "Eirunepe" msgstr "Eirunepe" msgid "Edmonton" msgstr "Edmonton" msgid "Detroit" msgstr "Detroit" msgid "Denver" msgstr "Denver" msgid "Dawson Creek" msgstr "Dawson Creek" msgid "Dawson" msgstr "Dawson" msgid "Danmarkshavn" msgstr "Danmarkshavn" msgid "Cuiaba" msgstr "Cuiaba" msgid "Coral Harbour" msgstr "Coral Harbour" msgid "Chicago" msgstr "Chicago" msgid "Cayman" msgstr "Cayman" msgid "Cayenne" msgstr "Cayenne" msgid "Caracas" msgstr "Caracas" msgid "Cancun" msgstr "Cancun" msgid "Campo Grande" msgstr "Campo Grande" msgid "Cambridge Bay" msgstr "Cambridge Bay" msgid "Boise" msgstr "Boise" msgid "Bogota" msgstr "Bogota" msgid "Boa Vista" msgstr "Boa Vista" msgid "Blanc-Sablon" msgstr "Blanc-Sablon" msgid "Belem" msgstr "Belem" msgid "Atka" msgstr "Atka" msgid "Atikokan" msgstr "Atikokan" msgid "Asuncion" msgstr "Asuncion" msgid "Ushuaia" msgstr "Ushuaia" msgid "Tucuman" msgstr "Tucuman" msgid "San Luis" msgstr "San Luis" msgid "San Juan" msgstr "San Juan" msgid "Rio Gallegos" msgstr "Rio Gallegos" msgid "Mendoza" msgstr "Mendoza" msgid "La Rioja" msgstr "La Rioja" msgid "Jujuy" msgstr "Jujuy" msgid "ComodRivadavia" msgstr "ComodRivadavia" msgid "Catamarca" msgstr "Catamarca" msgid "Buenos Aires" msgstr "Buenos Aires" msgid "Araguaina" msgstr "Araguaina" msgid "Antigua" msgstr "Antigua" msgid "Anchorage" msgstr "Anchorage" msgid "Adak" msgstr "Adak" msgid "America" msgstr "Amerika" msgid "Windhoek" msgstr "Windhoek" msgid "Tunis" msgstr "Tunisia" msgid "Tripoli" msgstr "Tripoli" msgid "Timbuktu" msgstr "Timbuktu" msgid "Sao Tome" msgstr "Sao Tome" msgid "Porto-Novo" msgstr "Porto-Novo" msgid "Ouagadougou" msgstr "Ouagadougou" msgid "Nouakchott" msgstr "Nouakchott" msgid "Niamey" msgstr "Niamey" msgid "Ndjamena" msgstr "Ndjamena" msgid "Nairobi" msgstr "Nairobi" msgid "Monrovia" msgstr "Monrovia" msgid "Mogadishu" msgstr "Mogadishu" msgid "Mbabane" msgstr "Mbabane" msgid "Maseru" msgstr "Maseru" msgid "Maputo" msgstr "Maputo" msgid "Malabo" msgstr "Malabo" msgid "Lusaka" msgstr "Lusaka" msgid "Lubumbashi" msgstr "Lubumbashi" msgid "Luanda" msgstr "Luanda" msgid "Lome" msgstr "Lome" msgid "Libreville" msgstr "Libreville" msgid "Lagos" msgstr "Lagos" msgid "Kinshasa" msgstr "Kinshasa" msgid "Kigali" msgstr "Kigali" msgid "Khartoum" msgstr "Khartoum" msgid "Kampala" msgstr "Kampala" msgid "Johannesburg" msgstr "Johannesburg" msgid "Harare" msgstr "Harare" msgid "Gaborone" msgstr "Gaborone" msgid "Freetown" msgstr "Freetown" msgid "El Aaiun" msgstr "El Aaiun" msgid "Douala" msgstr "Douala" msgid "Dar es Salaam" msgstr "Dar es Salaam" msgid "Dakar" msgstr "Dakar" msgid "Conakry" msgstr "Conakry" msgid "Casablanca" msgstr "Casablanca" msgid "Cairo" msgstr "Kairo" msgid "Bujumbura" msgstr "Bujumbura" msgid "Brazzaville" msgstr "Brazzaville" msgid "Blantyre" msgstr "Blantyre" msgid "Bissau" msgstr "Bissau" msgid "Banjul" msgstr "Banjul" msgid "Bangui" msgstr "Bangui" msgid "Bamako" msgstr "Bamako" msgid "Asmera" msgstr "Asmera" msgid "Asmara" msgstr "Asmara" msgid "Algiers" msgstr "Algiers" msgid "Addis Ababa" msgstr "Addis Ababa" msgid "Accra" msgstr "Accra" msgid "Abidjan" msgstr "Abidjan" msgid "Africa" msgstr "Afrika" msgid "Please select a file" msgstr "Silakan pilih sebuah berkas" msgid "Upload theme" msgstr "Unggah Tema" msgid "Activate “%s”" msgstr "Aktifkan “%s”" msgid "Preview “%s”" msgstr "Pratampil “%s”" msgid "Return to the Plugin Installer" msgstr "Kembali ke Pemasang Plugin" msgid "Go to plugin page" msgstr "Buka halaman plugin" msgid "Activate Plugin" msgstr "Aktifkan Plugin" msgid "Activate this plugin" msgstr "Aktifkan plugin ini" msgid "Could not copy files." msgstr "Tidak dapat menyalin berkas." msgid "Theme downgraded successfully." msgstr "Tema berhasil diturunkan." msgid "Could not remove the old theme." msgstr "Tidak dapat membuang tema versi lama." msgid "Plugin updated successfully." msgstr "Plugin berhasil dimutakhirkan." msgid "Could not remove the old plugin." msgstr "Tidak dapat membuang plugin lama." msgid "Destination folder already exists." msgstr "Map tujuan sudah ada." msgid "Download failed." msgstr "Pengunduhan gagal." msgid "Unable to locate needed folder." msgstr "Tidak dapat menemukan folder yang diperlukan." msgid "Unable to locate WordPress Plugin directory." msgstr "Tidak dapat menemukan lokasi direktori Plugin WordPress." msgid "Unable to locate WordPress Content directory (wp-content)." msgstr "Tak dapat menemukan lokasi direktori Konten WordPress (wp-content)." msgid "Unable to locate WordPress Root directory." msgstr "Tidak dapat menemukan lokasi direktori WordPress Root." msgid "Invalid Data provided." msgstr "Data yang diberikan Tidak Sah." msgid "Found %s" msgstr "Menemukan %s" msgid "Changing to %s" msgstr "Mengubah ke %s" msgid "Convert existing categories to tags or tags to categories, selectively." msgstr "" "Lakukan konversi kategori menjadi tag atau tag menjadi kategori, secara " "selektif." msgid "Categories and Tags Converter" msgstr "Pengkonversi Kategori dan Tag " msgid "" "* This tag is also a category. The converter has added all posts from it to " "the category. If you want to remove it, please confirm that all posts were " "added successfully, then delete it from the <a href=\"%s\">Manage Tags</a> " "page." msgstr "" "* Tag ini juga adalah kategori. Konverter telah menambahkan semua pos dari " "situ ke dalam kategori. Jika Anda ingin menghapusnya, silakan pastikan bahwa " "semua pos telah berhasil ditambahkan, kemudian hapus dari halaman <a href=" "\"%s\">Kelola Tag</a>." msgid "Tag #%s doesn’t exist!" msgstr "Tag #%s tidak ada!" msgid "All posts were added to the category with the same name." msgstr "Semua pos telah ditambahkan ke kategori dengan nama yang sama." msgid "Converting tag <strong>%s</strong> ... " msgstr "Mengkonversi tag <strong>%s</strong> ... " msgid "" "We’re all done here, but you can always <a href=\"%s\">convert more</" "a>." msgstr "" "Sudah beres semua di sini, tapi Anda selalu dapat <a href=\"%s\">konversi " "yang lain</a>." msgid "" "* This category is also a tag. The converter has added that tag to all posts " "currently in the category. If you want to remove it, please confirm that all " "tags were added successfully, then delete it from the <a href=\"%s\">Manage " "Categories</a> page." msgstr "" "* Kategori ini juga adalah tag. Konverter telah menambahkan tag tadi pada " "semua pos yang saat ini ada dalam kategori tersebut. Jika Anda ingin " "menghapusnya, harap pastikan bahwa semua tag telah berhasil ditambahkan, " "kemudian hapus dari halaman <a href=\"%s\">Kelola Kategori</a>." msgid "Tag added to all posts in this category." msgstr "Tag ditambahkan ke semua pos dalam kategori ini." msgid "Converted successfully." msgstr "Berhasil dikonversikan." msgid "Converting category <strong>%s</strong> ... " msgstr "Mengkonversi kategori <strong>%s</strong>..." msgid "Category %s doesn’t exist!" msgstr "Kategori %s tidak ada!" msgid "" "Uh, oh. Something didn’t work. Please <a href=\"%s\">try again</a>." msgstr "" "Aduh gawat. Ada yang tidak beres. Silakan <a href=\"%s\">coba kembali</a>." msgid "Convert Tags to Categories" msgstr "Konversi Tag menjadi Kategori" msgid "" "* This tag is also a category. When converted, all posts associated with the " "tag will also be in the category." msgstr "" "* Tag ini juga adalah kategori. Ketika dikonversikan, semua pos yang terkait " "dengan tag tadi juga akan berada dalam kategori tersebut." msgid "You have no tags to convert!" msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki tag untuk dikonversikan!" msgid "" "The newly created categories will still be associated with the same posts." msgstr "" "Kategori baru yang baru saja diciptakan masih tetap akan dihubungkan dengan " "pos yang sama." msgid "" "Here you can selectively convert existing tags to categories. To get " "started, check the tags you wish to be converted, then click the Convert " "button." msgstr "" "Di sini Anda dapat mengkonversi tag yang ada secara selektif menjadi " "kategori. Untuk memulai, pilih tag yang ingin dikonversi, kemudian klik " "tombol Konversi." msgid "Convert Tag to Category." msgid_plural "Convert Tags (%d) to Categories." msgstr[0] "Konversi Tag ke Kategori." msgstr[1] "Konversi Tag (%d) ke Kategori." msgid "Convert Categories to Tags" msgstr "Konversi Kategori ke Tag" msgid "" "* This category is also a tag. Converting it will add that tag to all posts " "that are currently in the category." msgstr "" "* Kategori ini juga adalah tag. Mengkonversikannya akan menambah tag tadi ke " "semua pos yang saat ini ada di dalam kategori tersebut." msgid "Check All" msgstr "Pilih Semua" msgid "Uncheck All" msgstr "Cabut Semua" msgid "You have no categories to convert!" msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki kategori untuk dikonversikan!" msgid "" "Keep in mind that if you convert a category with child categories, the " "children become top-level orphans." msgstr "" "Perlu diketahui bahwa jika Anda mengubah kategori dengan kategori anak, anak-" "anak tadi menjadi yatim piatu di tingkat atas." msgid "" "Hey there. Here you can selectively convert existing categories to tags. To " "get started, check the categories you wish to be converted, then click the " "Convert button." msgstr "" "Hei kamu di sana. Di sini Anda dapat mengkonversi kategori yang ada secara " "selektif menjadi tag. Untuk memulai, periksa kategori yang ingin dikonversi, " "kemudian klik tombol Konversi." msgid "Convert Category to Tag." msgid_plural "Convert Categories (%d) to Tags." msgstr[0] "Konversi Kategori ke Tag." msgstr[1] "Konversi Kategori (%d) ke Tag." msgid "Tags to Categories" msgstr "Tag menjadi Kategori" msgid "Categories to Tags" msgstr "Kategori menjadi Tag" msgid "" "Import <strong>posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and tags</" "strong> from a WordPress export file." msgstr "" "Impor <strong>pos, halaman, komentar, ruas khusus, kategori, dan tag </" "strong> dari berkas ekspor WordPress." msgid "" "We're processing your import now and will send you an email when it's all " "done. If you don't hear from us within 24 hours, please <a " "href='%s'>contact support</a>, and we'll get everything fixed." msgstr "" "Kami sedang memproses impor Anda sekarang dan akan mengirimkan email saat " "proses selesai. Jika dalam 24 jam Anda tidak mendengar kabar, silakan <a " "href='%s'>hubungi dukungan</a>, dan kami akan membereskannya." msgid "Processing…" msgstr "Memproses…" msgid "Sorry, there has been an error." msgstr "Maaf, ada sebuah galat." msgid "Skipping attachment <em>%s</em>" msgstr "Melewatkan lampiran <em>%s</em>" msgid "Invalid file type" msgstr "Tipe berkas tidak sah" msgid "Remote file error: %s" msgstr "Berkas remot galat: %s" msgid "Have fun!" msgstr "Silakan Bersenang-Senang!" msgid "All done." msgstr "Semua selesai." msgid "Please upload a valid WXR (WordPress eXtended RSS) export file." msgstr "" "Silakan unggah sebuah berkas ekspor WXR (WordPress eXtended RSS) yang sah." msgid "Invalid file" msgstr "Berkas tidak sah" msgid "Download and import file attachments" msgstr "Unduh dan impor lampiran berkas" msgid "Import Attachments" msgstr "Impor Lampiran" msgid "Import author:" msgstr "Impor penulis:" msgid "" "If a new user is created by WordPress, a password will be randomly " "generated. Manually change the user’s details if necessary." msgstr "" "Jika sebuah akun pengguna diciptakan oleh WordPress, sebuah kata sandi akan " "secara otomatis diciptakan. Ubahlah rincian pengguna tersebut secara manual " "jika perlu." msgid "" "To make it easier for you to edit and save the imported posts and drafts, " "you may want to change the name of the author of the posts. For example, you " "may want to import all the entries as <code>admin</code>s entries." msgstr "" "Untuk membuatnya mudah bagi Anda menyunting dan menyimpan pos dan konsep " "yang diimpor, Anda mungkin ingin mengubah nama penulis pos. Contohnya, Anda " "mungkin ingin mengimpor seluruh entri sebagai entri milik <code>admin</code>." msgid "" "Choose a WordPress WXR file to upload, then click Upload file and import." msgstr "" "Pilih berkas WXR WordPress untuk diunggah, kemudian klik Unggah berkas dan " "impor" msgid "Import WordPress" msgstr "Impor WordPress" msgid "Import failed" msgstr "Impor gagal" msgid "- Select -" msgstr "- Pilih -" msgid "Map to existing" msgstr "Petakan ke yang ada" msgid "Create user %1$s or map to existing" msgstr "Ciptakan pengguna %1$s atau petakan ke yang ada" msgid "Blog URL:" msgstr "Blog URL:" msgid "Post already imported" msgstr "Pos telah terimpor" msgid "Importing post..." msgstr "Mengimpor pos..." msgid "Import RSS" msgstr "Impor RSS" msgid "Import links in OPML format." msgstr "Impor tautan dalam format OPML" msgid "" "You need to supply your OPML url. Press back on your browser and try again" msgstr "" "Anda perlu menyediakan url OPML Anda. Tekan 'back' pada peramban Anda dan " "coba lagi" msgid "" "Inserted %1$d links into category %2$s. All done! Go <a href=\"%3$s\">manage " "those links</a>." msgstr "" "Memasukkan %1$d tautan ke dalam kategori %2$s. Semuanya selesai! Silakan <a " "href=\"%3$s\">atur tautan-tautan tersebut</a>." msgid "Inserted <strong>%s</strong>" msgstr "Inserted <strong>%s</strong>" msgid "Import OPML File" msgstr "Impor Berkas OPML" msgid "Category:" msgid_plural "Categories:" msgstr[0] "Kategori:" msgstr[1] "" msgid "Now select a category you want to put these links in." msgstr "Sekarang pilih sebuah kategori di mana tautan ini ingin Anda letakkan." msgid "Or choose from your local disk:" msgstr "Atau pilih dari disk lokal Anda:" msgid "Specify an OPML URL:" msgstr "Tentukan URL OPML:" msgid "" "If a program or website you use allows you to export your links or " "subscriptions as OPML you may import them here." msgstr "" "Jika sebuah program atau website yang Anda gunakan memungkinkan Anda untuk " "mengekspor tautan Anda atau subscription seperti OPML Anda bisa mengimpornya " "di sini." msgid "Import your blogroll from another system" msgstr "Impor blogroll Anda dari sistem lain" msgid "Import Blogroll" msgstr "Impor Blogroll" msgid "Import posts and comments from a Movable Type or TypePad blog" msgstr "Impor pos dan komentar dari blog Movable Type atau TypePad" msgid "Movable Type and TypePad" msgstr "Movable Type dan TypePad" msgid "(%s ping)" msgid_plural "(%s pings)" msgstr[0] "(%s ping)" msgstr[1] "(%s ping)" msgid "(%s comment)" msgid_plural "(%s comments)" msgstr[0] "(%s komentar)" msgstr[1] "(%s komentar)" msgid "<br />Adding tags <i>%s</i>..." msgstr "<br />Menambahkan tag <i>%s</i>..." msgid "Sorry, there has been an error" msgstr "Maaf, ada kesalahan" msgid "Assign Authors" msgstr "Tunjuk Penulis" msgid "" "The importer is smart enough not to import duplicates, so you can run this " "multiple times without worry if—for whatever reason—it doesn't " "finish." msgstr "" "Perangkat import cukup cerdas untuk tidak mengimport sebuah item dua kali, " "sehingga anda tidak perlu khawatir mengimport hal yang sama beberapa kali " "jika karena satu alasan tertentu proses import anda sebelumnya tidak selesai." msgid "Import Movable Type or TypePad" msgstr "Impor Movable Type atau TypePad" msgid "Import posts from LiveJournal using their API." msgstr "Impor pos dari LiveJournal menggunakan API mereka." msgid "LiveJournal" msgstr "LiveJournal" msgid "Processing next batch." msgstr "Memproses tumpukan berikutnya." msgid "Successfully re-threaded %s comments." msgstr "Berhasil mengulirkan kembali %s komentar." msgid "" "We are now re-building the threading of your comments (this can also take a " "while if you have lots of comments)..." msgstr "" "Kami sedang membangun ulang alur komentar-komentar Anda (proses ini dapat " "memakan cukup banyak waktu jika Anda memiliki banyak komentar)..." msgid "Rebuild my comment threads »" msgstr "Bangun ulang alur komentar saya »" msgid "" "Your comments have all been imported now, but we still need to rebuild your " "conversation threads." msgstr "" "Komentar-komentar Anda sekarang telah diimpor, namun kami masih perlu " "membangun ulang alur percakapan." msgid "Imported comment batch %d of <strong>approximately</strong> %d" msgstr "Tumpukan komentar yang diimpor %d dari <strong>sekitar</strong> %d" msgid "" "Now we will download your comments so we can import them (this could take a " "<strong>long</strong> time if you have lots of comments)..." msgstr "" "Sekarang kami kaan mengunduh komentar-komentar Anda sehingga kami dapat " "mengimpornya. Proses ini dapat memakan waktu yang <strong>lama</strong> bila " "Anda punya banyak komentar..." msgid "Download my comments »" msgstr "Unduh komentar-komentar saya »" msgid "" "Your posts have all been imported, but wait – there’s more! Now " "we need to download & import your comments." msgstr "" "Pos-pos Anda telah diimpor. Tapi ada yang lain! Sekarang kami perlu " "mengunduh & mengimpor komentar-komentar Anda." msgid "Import the next batch" msgstr "Mengimpor tumpukan berikutnya" msgid "Try Again" msgstr "Coba Lagi" msgid "" "We’ve saved where you were up to though, so if you come back to this " "importer in about 30 minutes, you should be able to continue from where you " "were." msgstr "" "Kami telah mengingat sampai di mana Anda sebelumnya. Jadi jika Anda kembali " "ke pengimpor ini sekitar 30 menit, Anda akan bisa melanjutkan dari tempat " "sebelumnya." msgid "" "Uh oh – LiveJournal has disconnected us because we made too many " "requests to their servers too quickly." msgstr "" "Oh tidadk – LiveJournal telah memutuskan kami karena kami membuat " "permintaan terlalu banyak dan terlalu cepat ke server mereka." msgid "Imported post batch %d of <strong>approximately</strong> %d" msgstr "" "Telah mengimpor tumpukan pos sebanyak %d dari <strong>sekitar</strong> %d" msgid "We’re downloading and importing your LiveJournal posts..." msgstr "Kami sedang mengunduh dan mengimpor pos-pos LiveJournal Anda..." msgid "Importing Posts" msgstr "Mengimpor Pos-pos" msgid "" "Logging in to LiveJournal failed. Check your username and password and try " "again." msgstr "" "Gagal masuk log ke LiveJournal. Periksa nama pengguna berikut kata sandi " "Anda dan cobalah lagi." msgid "Start again" msgstr "Mulai lagi" msgid "" "Please enter your LiveJournal username <em>and</em> password so we can " "download your posts and comments." msgstr "" "Silakan masukkan nama pengguna <em>dan</em> kata sandi LiveJournal Anda " "sehingga kami dapat mengunduh pos dan komentar Anda." msgid "XML-RPC Request Failed -- " msgstr "Permintaan XML-RPC Gagal -- " msgid "" "LiveJournal is not responding to authentication requests. Please wait a " "while and then try again." msgstr "" "LiveJournal tidak merespon permintaan otentifikasi. Silakan tunggu sebentar " "dan coba lagi." msgid "" "Failed to retrieve comment bodies from LiveJournal. Please try again soon." msgstr "" "Gagal memperoleh tubuh komentar dari LiveJournal. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "You have no comments to import!" msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki komentar untuk diimpor!" msgid "" "Failed to retrieve comment meta information from LiveJournal. Please try " "again soon." msgstr "" "Gagal memperoleh informasi meta komentar dari LiveJournal. Silakan coba lagi " "nanti." msgid "Could not get a cookie from LiveJournal. Please try again soon." msgstr "" "Tidak dapat memperoleh cookie dari LiveJournal. Silakan coba lagi nanti." msgid "Failed to create post." msgstr "Gagal membuat pos." msgid "Couldn’t get post ID (creating post failed!)" msgstr "Tidak dapat memperoleh ID pos (pembuatan pos gagal!)" msgid "Imported post <strong>%s</strong>..." msgstr "Mengimpor pos <strong>%s</strong>..." msgid "Post <strong>%s</strong> already exists." msgstr "Pos <strong>%s</strong> telah ada." msgid "Post metadata has been downloaded, proceeding with posts..." msgstr "Metadata pos telah diunduh, melanjutkan ke pos..." msgid "" "<strong>NOTE:</strong> You appear to have JavaScript disabled, so you will " "need to manually click through each step of this importer. If you enable " "JavaScript, it will step through automatically." msgstr "" "<strong>CATATAN:</strong> Sepertinya Anda menonaktifkan fungsi JavaScript, " "sehingga Anda perlu secara manual mengklik untuk melewati setiap langkah " "proses pengimpor ini. Jika Anda mengaktifkan JavaScript, proses ini akan " "melewati setiap langkah secara otomatis." msgid "" "<strong>NOTE:</strong> If the import process is interrupted for <em>any</em> " "reason, come back to this page and it will continue from where it stopped " "automatically." msgstr "" "<strong>CATATAN:</strong> Jika proses mengimpor terganggu karena alasan " "<em>apapun</em>, kembalilah ke halaman ini dan proses tersebut akan " "dilanjutkan dari kondisi proses itu terhenti." msgid "Connect to LiveJournal and Import" msgstr "Sambungkan ke LiveJournal dan Impor" msgid "" "<strong>WARNING:</strong> This can take a really long time if you have a lot " "of entries in your LiveJournal, or a lot of comments. Ideally, you should " "only start this process if you can leave your computer alone while it " "finishes the import." msgstr "" "<strong>PERINGATAN:</strong> Proses ini dapat memakan waktu yang lama jika " "Anda memiliki banyak entri atau komentar di LiveJournal. Idealnya, sebaiknya " "gunakan ini jika Anda dapat meninggalkan komputer Anda hingga seluruh proses " "impor selesai." msgid "Protected Post Password" msgstr "Kata Sandi Pos yang Terproteksi" msgid "" "Enter the password you would like to use for all protected entries here:" msgstr "" "Masukkan kata sandi yang ingin Anda gunakan untuk seluruh entri yang " "dilindungi:" msgid "" "If you don’t enter a password, ALL ENTRIES from your LiveJournal will " "be imported as public posts in WordPress." msgstr "" "Jika Anda tidak memasukkan sebuah kata sandi, SELURUH ENTRI LiveJournal Anda " "akan diimpor sebagai pos publik di WordPress." msgid "" "If you have any entries on LiveJournal which are marked as private, they " "will be password-protected when they are imported so that only people who " "know the password can see them." msgstr "" "Jika Anda memiliki entri di LiveJournal yang ditandai sebagai privat, entri " "tersebut akan dilindungi oleh kata sandi sehingga hanya orang yang " "mengetahui kata sandinya yang dapat melihat." msgid "LiveJournal Password" msgstr "Kata Sandi LiveJournal" msgid "LiveJournal Username" msgstr "Nama Pengguna LiveJournal" msgid "" "Enter your LiveJournal username and password below so we can connect to your " "account:" msgstr "" "Masukkan nama pengguna dan kata sandi LiveJournal Anda sehingga kami dapat " "tersambung ke akun Anda:" msgid "" "Howdy! This importer allows you to connect directly to LiveJournal and " "download all your entries and comments" msgstr "" "Salam! Pengimpor ini memungkinkan Anda secara langsung berhubungan dengan " "LiveJournal dan mengunduh seluruh entri dan komentar" msgid "Cancel & start a new import" msgstr "Batal & mulai proses impor baru" msgid "Continue previous import" msgstr "Lanjutkan proses impor sebelumnya" msgid "" "It looks like you attempted to import your LiveJournal posts previously and " "got interrupted." msgstr "" "Sepertinya Anda mencoba mengimpor pos-pos LiveJournal Anda sebelumnya dan " "terputus." msgid "Import LiveJournal" msgstr "Impor LiveJournal" msgid "user is" msgid_plural "users are" msgstr[0] "Pengguna adalah" msgstr[1] "Para pengguna adalah" msgid "Start import" msgstr "Mulai Impor" msgid "Finish" msgstr "Selesai" msgid "Export Content" msgstr "Ekspor Konten" msgid "All done. <a href=\"%s\">Have fun!</a>" msgstr "Semua selesai. <a href=\"%s\">Silakan bersenang-senang!</a>" msgid "%s comment" msgid_plural "%s comments" msgstr[0] "%s komentar" msgstr[1] "%s komentar" msgid "Couldn’t get post ID" msgstr "Tidak dapat memperoleh ID pos" msgid "Importing post <em>%s</em>..." msgstr "Mengimpor pos <em>%s</em>..." msgid "Post <em>%s</em> already exists." msgstr "Pos <em>%s</em> telah ada." msgid "Import posts, comments, and users from a Blogger blog." msgstr "Impor pos, komentar dan pengguna dari blog Blogger." msgid "Blogger" msgstr "Blogger" msgid "Remote file is too large, limit is %s" msgstr "Berkas remot terlalu besar. Batasnya ialah %s" msgid "Remote file is incorrect size" msgstr "Ukuran berkas remot salah" msgid "Remote file returned error response %d" msgstr "Berkas remot menghasilkan respon galat %d" msgid "Attachments" msgstr "Lampiran" msgid "Clear all information" msgstr "Bersihkan semua informasi" msgid "" "We have saved some information about your Blogger account in your WordPress " "database. Clearing this information will allow you to start over. Restarting " "will not affect any posts you have already imported. If you attempt to re-" "import a blog, duplicate posts and comments will be skipped." msgstr "" "Kami telah menyimpan beberapa informasi mengenai akun Blogger Anda di dalam " "database WordPress. Mengosongkan informasi ini memungkinkan Anda untuk " "memulai kembali. Memulai kembali tidak akan mempengaruhi satupun pos yang " "telah Anda impor. Jika Anda mencoba untuk mengimpor ulang sebuah blog, " "tulisan dan komentar duplikasi akan dilewati." msgid "Restart" msgstr "Mulai ulang" msgid "For security, click the link below to reset this importer." msgstr "Untuk keamanan, klik tautan di bawah untuk menata ulang pengimpor ini." msgid "" "In case you haven’t done it already, you can import the posts from " "your other blogs:" msgstr "" "Jika Anda belum melakukannya, Anda dapat mengimpor pos dari blog lain milik " "Anda:" msgid "That was hard work! Take a break." msgstr "Itu tadi pekerjaan berat! Istirahat saja dulu." msgid "" "Now that you have imported your Blogger blog into WordPress,\n" "\t\twhat are you going to do? Here are some suggestions:" msgstr "" "Sekarang setelah Anda mengimor blog Blogger Anda ke dalam WordPress, apa " "yang akan Anda lakukan? Ini adalah beberapa saran:" msgid "Congratulations!" msgstr "Selamat!" msgid "" "There was a problem opening a connection to Blogger. This is what went wrong:" msgstr "Ada masalah membuka hubungan ke Blogger. Inilah hal yang salah:" msgid "Could not connect to %s" msgstr "Tidak dapat menghubungi %s" msgid "" "There was a problem opening a secure connection to Google. This is what went " "wrong:" msgstr "" "Ada masalah dalam membuka hubungan aman ke Google. Inilah hal yang salah:" msgid "Could not connect to" msgstr "Tidak dapat menghubungi" msgid "WordPress login" msgstr "Nama pengguna WordPress" msgid "Blogger username" msgstr "Nama pengguna Blogger" msgid "Author mapping" msgstr "Pemetaan penulis" msgid "" "All posts were imported with the current user as author. Use this form to " "move each Blogger user’s posts to a different WordPress user. You may " "<a href=\"users.php\">add users</a> and then return to this page and " "complete the user mapping. This form may be used as many times as you like " "until you activate the “Restart” function below." msgstr "" "Seluruh pos diimpor dengan pengguna ini sebagai penulis. Gunakan formulir " "ini untuk memindahkan masing-masing pos pengguna Blogger ke berbagai " "pengguna WordPress. Anda dapat <a href=\"users.php\">menambahkan pengguna</" "a> kemudian kembali ke halaman ini dan menyelesaikan pemetaan pengguna. " "Formulir ini dapat digunakan berapa kalipun Anda suka hingga Anda " "mengaktivasi fungsi “Mulai Ulang”di bawah." msgid "Importing attachment " msgstr "Sedang mengimpor lampiran" msgid "No images found." msgstr "Gambar tidak ditemukan." msgid "" "This feature requires Javascript but it seems to be disabled. Please enable " "Javascript and then reload this page. Don’t worry, you can turn it " "back off when you’re done." msgstr "" "Fitur ini memerlukan Javascript tetapi nampaknya dimatikan. Silakan hidupkan " "Javascript dan kemudian muat ulang halaman ini. Jangan khawatir. Anda dapat " "mematikannya kembali setelah Anda selesai." msgid "Blog URL" msgstr "URL Blog" msgid "Blog Name" msgstr "Nama Blog" msgid "Blogger Blogs" msgstr "Blog blogger" msgid "Nothing was imported. Have you already imported this blog?" msgstr "Tidak ada yang diimpor. Sudahkah Anda mengimpor blog ini?" msgid "Final Step: Author Mapping" msgstr "Langkah Terakhir: Pemetaan Penulis" msgid "Preparing author mapping form..." msgstr "Menyiapkan formulir pemetaan penulis..." msgid "Set Authors" msgstr "Tentukan Penulis" msgid "Stopping" msgstr "Hentikan" msgid "Stop Importing!" msgstr "Hentikan Impor!" msgid "Continue" msgstr "Lanjutkan" msgid "Importing..." msgstr "Mengimpor..." msgid "" "We were able to log in but there were no blogs. Try a different account next " "time." msgstr "" "Kami dapat masuk log tetapi tidak ada satupun blog. Lain kali cobalah pada " "akun yang berbeda." msgid "No blogs found" msgstr "Tidak ada blog yang ditemukan" msgid "We were not able to gain access to your account. Try starting over." msgstr "Kami tidak mampu mendapatkan akses ke akun Anda. Coba ulangi lagi." msgid "Trouble signing in" msgstr "Bermasalah ketika sign in" msgid "" "Something went wrong. If the problem persists, send this info to support:" msgstr "" "Ada sesuatu yang salah. Jika masalah ini menetap, kirimkan info ini ke " "dukungan:" msgid "Authorization failed" msgstr "Otorisasi gagal" msgid "Authorize" msgstr "Beri Kuasa" msgid "" "The first thing you need to do is tell Blogger to let WordPress access your " "account. You will be sent back here after providing authorization." msgstr "" "Hal pertama yang perlu Anda lakukan ialah memberitahu Blogger untuk " "mengizinkan WordPress mengakses akun Anda. Anda akan dikirim kembali kemari " "setelah memberikan otorisasi." msgid "" "To use this importer, you must have a Google account and an upgraded (New, " "was Beta) blog hosted on or a custom domain (not FTP)." msgstr "" "Untuk menggunakan pengimpor, Anda harus memiliki sebuah akun Google, sebuah " "blog yang telah dimutakhirkan yang dihostingkan di blogspot atau ranah " "tersuai (bukan FTP)" msgid "" "Howdy! This importer allows you to import posts and comments from your " "Blogger account into your WordPress blog." msgstr "" "Halo! Pengimpor ini memungkinkan Anda untuk mengimpor pos dan komentar dari " "akun Blogger Anda ke dalam blog WordPress Anda." msgid "Import Blogger" msgstr "Impor Blogger" msgid "No importers are available." msgstr "Tidak ada importer tersedia." msgid "Download Export File" msgstr "Unduh Berkas Ekspor" msgid "All Authors" msgstr "Seluruh Penulis" msgid "Options" msgstr "Pilihan" msgid "" "This format, which is called WordPress eXtended RSS or WXR, will contain " "your posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and tags." msgstr "" "Format berikut, yang disebut WordPress eXtended RSS atau WXR, akan memuat " "artikel, halaman, komentar, ruas isian khusus, kategori, dan tag Anda." msgid "" "When you click the button below WordPress will create an XML file for you to " "save to your computer." msgstr "" "Ketika Anda mengklik tombol di bawah WordPress akan menciptakan sebuah " "berkas XML untuk Anda simpan di komputer Anda." msgid "Export" msgstr "Ekspor" msgid "No posts found" msgstr "Tidak ditemukan pos" msgid "List View" msgstr "Tampilan Daftar" msgid "Show all types" msgstr "Tampilkan semua tipe" msgctxt "posts" msgid "All <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "All <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Semua <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Semua <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "%s post not updated, somebody is editing it." msgid_plural "%s posts not updated, somebody is editing them." msgstr[0] "%s pos belum diperbarui, seseorang sedang mengeditnya." msgstr[1] "%s pos belum diperbarui, seseorang sedang mengeditnya." msgid "%s post updated." msgid_plural "%s posts updated." msgstr[0] "%s pos diperbarui." msgstr[1] "%s pos diperbarui." msgid "View post" msgstr "Lihat pos" msgid "Edit Poster" msgstr "Edit Poster" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this post." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan menghapus pos ini." msgid "Popular Tags" msgstr "Tag Populer" msgid "Tags deleted." msgstr "Tag-tag dihapus." msgid "Tag not added." msgstr "Tag tidak ditambahkan." msgid "Tag updated." msgstr "Tag dimutakhirkan." msgid "Tag deleted." msgstr "Tag dihapus." msgid "Tag added." msgstr "Tag ditambahkan." msgid "Tag name" msgstr "Nama tag" msgctxt "column name" msgid "Comment" msgstr "Komentar" msgid "No pages found." msgstr "Tidak ada laman yang ditemukan." msgctxt "requests" msgid "All <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid_plural "All <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[0] "Semua <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgstr[1] "Semua <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>" msgid "Edit page" msgstr "Sunting halaman" msgid "View page" msgstr "Lihat halaman" msgid "Page deleted." msgstr "Halaman Dihapus" msgid "%s page not updated, somebody is editing it." msgid_plural "%s pages not updated, somebody is editing them." msgstr[0] "%s laman tidak dimutakhirkan, seseorang sedang mengeditnya." msgstr[1] "%s laman tidak dimutakhirkan, seseorang sedang mengeditnya." msgid "%s page updated." msgid_plural "%s pages updated." msgstr[0] "%s laman dimutakhirkan." msgstr[1] "%s laman dimutakhirkan." msgid "Pages" msgstr "Laman" msgid "Scheduled Date" msgstr "Tanggal Dijadwal" msgid "Page scheduled" msgstr "Halaman yang dijadwalkan" msgid "Page published" msgstr "Halaman diterbitkan" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this page." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan menghapus laman ini." msgid "Allow Pings" msgstr "Izinkan Ping" msgid "Allow Comments" msgstr "Izinkan Komentar" msgid "Attributes" msgstr "Atribut" msgid "Order" msgstr "Urutan" msgid "Template" msgstr "Templat" msgid "Main Page (no parent)" msgstr "Halaman Utama (tanpa induk)" msgid "Parent" msgstr "Induk" msgid "Create pages" msgstr "Buat halaman" msgid "Page restored to revision from %s." msgstr "Laman dikembalikan ke revisi pada %s." msgid "" "This will be shown when someone hovers over the link in the blogroll, or " "optionally below the link." msgstr "" "Ini akan ditampilkan ketika seseorang membayangi penunjuk tetikus di atas " "tautan di senarai blog, atau di bawah taut." msgid "" "Example: <code></code> — do not forget the " "<code>https://</code>" msgstr "" "Contoh: <code></code> — jangan lupa <code>http://" "</code>" msgid "Web Address" msgstr "Alamat Situs" msgid "Example: Nifty blogging software" msgstr "Contoh: perangkat lunak ngeblog yang cerdas" msgid "Link added." msgstr "Tautan ditambah." msgid "(Leave at 0 for no rating.)" msgstr "(Biarkan 0 untuk tidak menilai.)" msgid "Rating" msgstr "Rating" msgid "Notes" msgstr "Catatan" msgid "RSS Address" msgstr "Alamat RSS" msgid "Image Address" msgstr "Alamat Gambar" msgid "Link Relationship (XFN)" msgstr "Relasi Tautan (XFN)" msgid "" "If the link is to a person, you can specify your relationship with them " "using the above form. If you would like to learn more about the idea check " "out <a href=\"\">XFN</a>." msgstr "" "Jika tautan tersebut merujuk kepada seseorang, Anda dapat memberikan " "informasi mengenai hubungan Anda dengannya menggunakan formulir di atas. " "Jika Anda ingin belajar lebih jauh mengenai hal tersebut, pelajari <a href=" "\"\">XFN</a>." msgid "sweetheart" msgstr "kekasih" msgid "date" msgstr "teman kencan" msgid "crush" msgstr "gebetan" msgid "muse" msgstr "inspirasi" msgid "romantic" msgstr "romantis" msgid "spouse" msgstr "pasangan nikah" msgid "sibling" msgstr "saudara kandung" msgid "parent" msgstr "orang tua" msgid "kin" msgstr "famili" msgid "child" msgstr "anak" msgid "family" msgstr "keluarga" msgid "neighbor" msgstr "tetangga" msgid "co-resident" msgstr "satu tempat tinggal" msgid "geographical" msgstr "geografis" msgid "colleague" msgstr "kolega" msgid "co-worker" msgstr "teman kerja" msgid "professional" msgstr "profesional" msgid "met" msgstr "pernah bertemu" msgid "physical" msgstr "fisik" msgid "friend" msgstr "teman" msgid "acquaintance" msgstr "kenalan" msgid "contact" msgstr "kontak" msgid "friendship" msgstr "pertemanan" msgid "another web address of mine" msgstr "alamat web lain saya" msgid "identity" msgstr "identitas" msgid "rel:" msgstr "rel:" msgid "Choose the target frame for your link." msgstr "Pilih bingkai target untuk tautan Anda." msgid "Target" msgstr "Target" msgid "" "You are about to delete this link '%s'\n" " 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete." msgstr "" "Anda akan menghapus tautan ini '%s'\n" " 'Batal' untuk menghentikan, 'OK' untuk menghapus." msgid "Keep this link private" msgstr "Tetap buat tautan ini privat" msgid "Visit Link" msgstr "Kunjungi Tautan" msgid "Add Link" msgstr "Tambahkan Tautan" msgid "<a href=\"%s\">Links</a> / Add New Link" msgstr "<a href=\"%s\">Tautan</a> / Tambahkan Tautan Baru" msgid "Update Link" msgstr "Perbarui Tautan" msgid "<a href=\"%s\">Links</a> / Edit Link" msgstr "<a href=\"%s\">Tautan</a> / Sunting Tautan" msgid "Edit Link Category" msgstr "Sunting Kategori Tautan" msgid "Description (optional)" msgstr "Keterangan (tambahan)" msgid "Categories deleted." msgstr "Kategori-kategori dihapus." msgid "Link Categories" msgstr "Kategori Tautan" msgid "E-mail:" msgstr "Email:" msgid "Email (%s)" msgstr "E-mail (%s):" msgid "Update Comment" msgstr "Perbarui Komentar" msgid "View Comment" msgstr "Lihat Komentar" msgid "Last edited on %1$s at %2$s" msgstr "Terakhir disunting pada %1$s pukul %2$s" msgid "Last edited by %1$s on %2$s at %3$s" msgstr "Terakhir disunting oleh %1$s pada %2$s pukul %3$s" msgid "Post Author" msgstr "Penulis Pos" msgid "Show comments" msgstr "Tampilkan komentar" msgid "No comments yet." msgstr "Belum ada komentar." msgid "Discussion" msgstr "Diskusi" msgid "Allow comments on new posts" msgstr "Izinkan komentar pada pos baru" msgid "Custom Fields" msgstr "Ruas Tersuai" msgid "Send Trackbacks" msgstr "Kirim Lacak balik" msgid "Separate multiple URLs with spaces" msgstr "Pisahkan URL-URL dengan spasi" msgid "Send trackbacks to:" msgstr "Kirim lacak balik ke:" msgid "Already pinged:" msgstr "Sudah diping:" msgid "Excerpt" msgstr "Kutipan" msgid "Post password." msgstr "Kata Sandi Tulisan" msgid "+ Add New Category" msgstr "+ Tambah Kategori Baru" msgid "All Categories" msgstr "Semua Kategori" msgid "Add new Term" msgstr "Tambahkan istilah baru" msgid "Add or remove tags" msgstr "Tambahkan atau buang tag" msgid "Submit for Review" msgstr "Kirim untuk Evaluasi" msgid "Publish" msgstr "Terbitkan" msgid "Schedule" msgstr "Jadwal" msgid "" "You are about to trash these items.\n" " 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete." msgstr "" "Anda hendak membuang item-item ini ke bak sampah.\n" " 'Batal' untuk menghentikan, 'OK' untuk membuang." msgid "Publish <b>immediately</b>" msgstr "Terbitkan <b>segera</b>" msgid "M j, Y @ G:i" msgstr "j M Y @ H.i" msgid "Stick this post to the front page" msgstr "Lekatkan pos ini ke halaman depan" msgid "Public" msgstr "Umum" msgid "Public, Sticky" msgstr "Publik, Tetap" msgid "Password protected" msgstr "Dilindungi kata sandi" msgid "Private" msgstr "Personal" msgid "Visibility:" msgstr "Kenampakan:" msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Batal" msgid "OK" msgstr "Oke" msgid "Draft" msgstr "Konsep" msgid "Privately Published" msgstr "Terbit Privat" msgid "Status:" msgstr "Status:" msgid "Preview" msgstr "Pratinjau" msgid "Preview Changes" msgstr "Perubahan Pratampil" msgid "Save as Pending" msgstr "Simpan sebagai \"Ditangguhkan\"" msgid "Save Draft" msgstr "Simpan Konsep" msgid "Post restored to revision from %s." msgstr "Pos dikembalikan ke revisi pada %s." msgid "Post saved." msgstr "Pos tersimpan." msgid "Post updated." msgstr "Pos telah diperbarui." msgid "Custom field deleted." msgstr "Ruas tersuai telah dihapus." msgid "Custom field updated." msgstr "Ruas tersuai telah diperbarui." msgid "Add" msgstr "Tambah" msgid "New category name" msgstr "Nama kategori baru" msgid "Add New Category" msgstr "Tambah Kategori Baru" msgid "Filter" msgstr "Penyaring" msgid "Pings" msgstr "Ping" msgid "Mark as Spam" msgstr "Tandai sebagai Spam" msgid "Approve" msgstr "Setuju" msgid "Unapprove" msgstr "Tolak" msgid "Displaying %s–%s of %s" msgstr "Menampilkan %s–%s dari %s" msgid "Search Comments" msgstr "Cari Komentar" msgid "Approved" msgstr "Disetujui" msgid "Comment marked as spam" msgstr "Komentar ditandai sebagai spam" msgid "%s comment approved." msgid_plural "%s comments approved." msgstr[0] "%s komentar disetujui" msgstr[1] "%s komentar disetujui" msgid "Update Category" msgstr "Perbarui Kategori" msgid "%s from now" msgstr "%s dari sekarang" msgid "Y/m/d g:i:s A" msgstr "Y/m/d H.i.s" msgid "No tags" msgstr "Tanpa Tag" msgid "View “%s”" msgstr "Lihat “%s”" msgid "Edit “%s”" msgstr "Sunting “%s”" msgid "Choose the part of the image you want to use as your header." msgstr "Pilih bagian gambar yang ingin Anda gunakan sebagai tajuk." msgid "Upload" msgstr "Unggah" msgid "Choose an image from your computer:" msgstr "Pilih gambar dari komputer Anda:" msgid "Save Changes" msgstr "Simpan Perubahan" msgid "Order updated." msgstr "Pesanan diperbarui." msgid "Show text" msgstr "Tampilkan Teks" msgid "Custom Header" msgstr "Header Khusus" msgid "Unknown action." msgstr "Tindakan yang tidak diketahui." msgctxt "noun" msgid "Comment" msgstr "Komentar" msgid "URL" msgstr "URL" msgid "E-mail" msgstr "Email" msgid "Author" msgstr "Penulis" msgid "No" msgstr "Tidak" msgid "Are you sure you want to quit?" msgstr "Yakin ingin keluar?" msgid "Caution:" msgstr "Perhatian:" msgid "Approve comment" msgstr "Setujui Komentar" msgid "You are about to approve the following comment:" msgstr "Anda akan menyetujui komentar berikut:" msgid "You are about to delete the following comment:" msgstr "Anda akan menghapus komentar berikut:" msgid "You are about to mark the following comment as spam:" msgstr "Anda akan menandai komentar berikut sebagai spam:" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit comments on this post." msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk menyunting komentar pada pos ini." msgid "Go back" msgstr "Kembali" msgid "Edit Comment" msgstr "Edit Komentar" msgid "" "Categories, unlike tags, can have a hierarchy. You might have a Jazz " "category, and under that have children categories for Bebop and Big Band. " "Totally optional." msgstr "" "Kategori, tidak seperti tag, dapat memiliki hierarki. Anda dapat memilih " "kategori Jazz dan di bawahnya ditambahkan kategori anak Bebop dan Big Band. " "Anda dapat memilih sesuai kebutuhan." msgid "Category name." msgstr "Nama Kategori" msgid "Any category" msgstr "Kategori apa pun" msgid "" "Categories can be selectively converted to tags using the <a href=\"%s" "\">category to tag converter</a>." msgstr "" "Kategori dapat secara selektif dikonversikan ke tag menggunakan <a href=\"%s" "\">pengkonversi kategori ke tag</a>." msgid "Apply" msgstr "Terapkan" msgid "Bulk Actions" msgstr "Tindakan Massal" msgid "Search Categories" msgstr "Cari Kategori" msgid "Category not added." msgstr "Kategori tidak ditambahkan." msgid "Category updated." msgstr "Kategori dimutakhirkan." msgid "Category deleted." msgstr "Kategori dihapus." msgid "Category added." msgstr "Kategori ditambahkan." msgid "Edit Category" msgstr "Sunting Kategori" msgid "Categories" msgstr "Kategori" msgid "" "Your site icon is saved and uploaded, and you should start seeing it appear " "around soon." msgstr "" "Ikon situs Anda telah disimpan dan diunggah, dan akan segera tampak di " "" msgid "All done!" msgstr "Semua selesai!" msgid "Crop Image" msgstr "Pangkas Gambar" msgid "Choose the part of the image you want to use as your site icon." msgstr "Pilih bagian gambar yang ingin Anda gunakan sebagai ikon situs." msgid "Back to blog options" msgstr "Kembali ke Pilihan Blog" msgid "Only jpeg and png can be used for blavatars." msgstr "Hanya format jpeg dan png yang dapat digunakan untuk blavatar." msgid "Crop uploaded image" msgstr "Krop citra terunggah" msgid "Cannot load %s." msgstr "Tidak dapat memuat %s." msgid "Invalid plugin page." msgstr "Halaman plugin tidak sah" msgid "Gray" msgstr "Abu-Abu" msgid "Blue" msgstr "Biru" msgid "" "Thank you for creating with <a href=\"\">WordPress</a>" msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah berkarya dengan <a href=\"" "\">WordPress</a>" msgid "Y/m/d" msgstr "Y/m/d" msgid "Unpublished" msgstr "Belum diterbitkan" msgid "Pending Review" msgstr "Menunggu Evaluasi" msgid "Scheduled" msgstr "Terjadwal" msgid "Published" msgstr "Telah Terbit" msgid "Status" msgstr "Status" msgid "Time" msgstr "Waktu" msgid "No posts found." msgstr "Tidak ada pos yang ditemukan." msgid "Tag not updated." msgstr "Tag tidak diperbarui." msgid "Category not updated." msgstr "Kategori tidak dimutakhirkan." msgid "Cheatin’ uh?" msgstr "Ingin curang ya?" msgid "Saving is disabled: %s is currently editing this post." msgstr "Penyimpanan dinonaktifkan: %s saat ini sedang menyunting pos ini." msgid "Saving is disabled: %s is currently editing this page." msgstr "Penyimpanan dinonaktifkan: %s saat ini sedang menyunting halaman ini." msgid "You are not allowed to edit this draft post." msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengedit konsep pos berikut." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this page." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tak dizinkan mengedit laman ini." msgid "Someone" msgstr "Seseorang" msgid "g:i:s a" msgstr "H.i.s" msgid "Please provide a custom field value." msgstr "Silakan masukkan nilai ruas tersuai." msgid "Sorry, you must be logged in to reply to a comment." msgstr "Maaf, Anda harus masuk log untuk membalas komentar." msgid "You did not enter a category name." msgstr "Anda belum memasukkan nama kategori." msgid "Comment %d does not exist" msgstr "Komentar %d tidak ada" msgid "»" msgstr "»" msgid "«" msgstr "«" msgid "" "<p class=\"lead-in\">You can <a href=\"/\">login at</a></p>" msgstr "" "<p class=\"lead-in\">Anda bisa <a href=\"/\">masuk di</a></p>" msgid "Activate »" msgstr "Aktifkan »" msgid "Activation Key:" msgstr "Kunci Aktivasi" msgid "Activation Key Required" msgstr "Kunci Aktivasi Diperlukan" msgid "— The Team" msgstr "— Tim" msgid "Need more help?" msgstr "Butuh bantuan lainnya?" msgid "Already have a account?" msgstr "Sudah punya akun" msgid "New to " msgstr "Masih baru dengan" msgid "Welcome to" msgstr "Selamat datang di" msgid "Password: %s" msgstr "Kata sandi: %s" msgid "[%s] New User Registration" msgstr "[%s] Pendaftaran User Baru" msgid "E-mail: %s" msgstr "E-mail: %s" msgid "Username: %s" msgstr "Nama user: %s" msgid "Title" msgstr "Judul" msgid "Referrer" msgstr "Perujuk" msgid "Yesterday" msgstr "Kemarin" msgid "Today" msgstr "Hari ini" msgid "Search Engine Terms" msgstr "Istilah-istilah Mesin Pencari" msgid "Top Posts" msgstr "Tulisan Teratas" msgid "Referrers" msgstr "Perujuk" msgid "Top Posts for %1$s days ending %2$s (Summarized)" msgstr "Pos-pos Teratas untuk %1$s hari berakhir %2$s (Diringkas)" msgid "Search Terms for %1$s days ending %2$s" msgstr "Syarat pencarian untuk %1$s hari terakhir %2$s" msgid "Referrers for %1$s days ending %2$s" msgstr "Perujuk untuk %1$s hari berakhir %2$s" msgid "Blog Stats" msgstr "Statistik Blog" msgid "No tags found" msgstr "Tag tidak ditemukan!" msgid "Comments" msgstr "Komentar" msgid "Settings Update" msgstr "Pembaruan Pengaturan" msgid "Could not create image" msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat file gambar" msgid "Close" msgstr "Tutup" msgid "Details" msgstr "Cakupan" msgid "Local" msgstr "Lokal" msgid "Import" msgstr "Impor" msgid "Slug" msgstr "Slug" msgid "Save" msgstr "Simpan" msgid "Upgrade" msgstr "Upgrade" msgid "Install" msgstr "Instal" msgid "Login" msgstr "Masuk" msgid "Projects" msgstr "Project" msgid "UTC%s" msgstr "UTC %s" msgid "Select a city" msgstr "Pilih sebuah kota" msgid "The slug “%s” is already in use by another term." msgstr "Slug “%s” telah digunakan oleh yang lain" msgid "A name is required for this term." msgstr "Terma ini mensyaratkan sebuah nama." msgid "Invalid term ID." msgstr "ID istilah tidak sah." msgid "Empty Term." msgstr "Istilah yang Kosong" msgid "Too many redirects." msgstr "Terlalu banyak redirect." msgid "Done" msgstr "Selesai" msgid "just now" msgstr "sekarang saja" msgid "View all posts in %s" msgstr "Lihat seluruh pos-pos dalam %s" msgid "Uncategorized" msgstr "Tidak Dikategorikan" msgid "%s ago" msgstr "%s lalu" msgid "untitled" msgstr "tanpa judul" msgid "Publish »" msgstr "Terbitkan »" msgid "Save as Draft" msgstr "Simpan sebagai Draf" msgid "Important notice" msgstr "Pemberitahuan penting" msgid "Submit" msgstr "Kirim" msgid "Advanced" msgstr "Tingkat Lanjut" msgid "Support" msgstr "Bantuan" msgid "News" msgstr "Berita" msgid "Features" msgstr "Fitur" msgid "Sign Up" msgstr "Daftar" msgid "Home" msgstr "Beranda" msgid "Lost your password?" msgstr "Kehilangan kata sandi Anda?" msgid "Sign In" msgstr "Masuk " msgid "View" msgstr "Lihat" msgid "Privacy" msgstr "Privasi" msgid "We are profoundly disinterested in your private details" msgstr "Kami tidak berkepentingan dengan informasi pribadi Anda" msgid "Terms of Service" msgstr "Ketentuan Layanan" msgid "Some legalese" msgstr "Beberapa dokumen hukum" msgid "Founder of Automattic, example of what WordPress can do" msgstr "Pendiri Automattic, contoh dari apa yang WordPress bisa lakukan" msgid "Self-hosted, non-profit version" msgstr "Versi nirlaba, dikelola sendiri" msgid "About Us" msgstr "Tentang Kami" msgid "A short introduction to your hosts" msgstr "Pengantar singkat untuk host Anda" msgid "See Features" msgstr "Lihat Fitur" msgid "A sampling of the many features offers" msgstr "Satu contoh dari sekian banyak fitur yang ditawarkan" msgid "Communicate with your fellow bloggers" msgstr "Berkomunikasi dengan sesama pemblog Anda" msgid "24/7 Support" msgstr "Support 24/7" msgid "Settings saved" msgstr "Pengaturan tersimpan" msgid "Name" msgstr "Nama" msgid "Support forum" msgstr "Forum Bantuan" msgid "sticky" msgstr "lengket" msgid "Change" msgstr "Ubah" msgid "not a support question" msgstr "bukan pertanyaan dukungan" msgid "not resolved" msgstr "tidak terselesaikan" msgid "resolved" msgstr "terpecahkan" msgid "None, this is an announcement (moderators only)" msgstr "Tidak ada, ini adalah pengumuman (hanya moderator)" msgid "None, this is a topic about using" msgstr "Tidak ada, ini adalah topik tentang penggunaan" msgid "Select the website you need help with:" msgstr "Pilih situs yang Anda inginkan untuk dibantu:" msgid "Tag not found" msgstr "Tag tidak ditemukan" msgid "You need to be logged in to access this." msgstr "Anda harus sudah login untuk mengaksesnya." msgid "Forum" msgstr "Forum" msgid "Tag" msgstr "Tag" msgid "View Favorites" msgstr "Lihat Favorit" msgid "Invalid role" msgstr "english" msgid "Invalid email address" msgstr "Alamat email tidak valid" msgid "%s is required." msgstr "%s dibutuhkan." msgid "Tags:" msgstr "Tag:" msgid "No results found." msgstr "Tak ditemukan hasil apapun." msgid "Posted" msgstr "Ditulis" msgid "registration" msgstr "Pendaftaran" msgid "Register" msgstr "Daftar" msgid "Edit Profile" msgstr "Sunting Profil" msgid "This user does not exist." msgstr "Pengguna ini tidak ada." msgid "Login failed" msgstr "Gagal masuk" msgid "Log in" msgstr "Masuk" msgid "Remember me" msgstr "Ingat saya" msgid "Views" msgstr "Tampilan" msgid "Remove" msgstr "Hapus" msgid "Edit Post" msgstr "Sunting Pos" msgid "Spam" msgstr "Spam" msgid "Not Spam" msgstr "Bukan Spam" msgid "Next »" msgstr "Berikutnya »" msgid "« Previous" msgstr "« Sebelumnya" msgid "Rename" msgstr "Namai kembali" msgid "Admin" msgstr "Admin" msgid "Log Out" msgstr "Log Keluar" msgid "New password" msgstr "Kata sandi baru" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this attribute?" msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus atribut ini?" msgid "Anonymous" msgstr "Anonim" msgid "Move" msgstr "Pindahkan" msgid "View all posts" msgstr "Lihat semua pos" msgid "Recent Posts" msgstr "Tulisan Terakhir" msgid "Tags" msgstr "Tag" msgid "Add New Topic" msgstr "Tambah topik baru" msgid "Reply" msgstr "Balas" msgid "Profile" msgstr "Profil" msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the site icon?" msgstr "Anda yakin ingin menghapus ikon situs ini?" msgid "Password" msgstr "Kata Sandi" msgid "Password Reset" msgstr "Password Sudah Disetel Ulang" msgid "F j, Y" msgstr "j F Y" msgid "number_format_thousands_sep" msgstr "." msgid "number_format_decimal_point" msgstr "," msgid "PM" msgstr "PM" msgid "AM" msgstr "AM" msgid "pm" msgstr "pm" msgid "am" msgstr "am" msgid "December" msgstr "Desember" msgid "November" msgstr "November" msgid "October" msgstr "Oktober" msgid "September" msgstr "September" msgid "August" msgstr "Agustus" msgid "July" msgstr "Juli" msgid "June" msgstr "Juni" msgid "May" msgstr "Mei" msgid "April" msgstr "April" msgid "March" msgstr "Maret" msgid "February" msgstr "Februari" msgid "January" msgstr "Januari" msgid "Sat" msgstr "Sab" msgid "Fri" msgstr "Jum" msgid "Thu" msgstr "Kam" msgid "Wed" msgstr "Rab" msgid "Tue" msgstr "Sel" msgid "Mon" msgstr "Sen" msgid "Sun" msgstr "Ming" msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Sabtu" msgid "Friday" msgstr "Jumat" msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Kamis" msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Rabu" msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Selasa" msgid "Monday" msgstr "Senin" msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Minggu" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this item?" msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin akan menghapus item ini?" msgid "Please try again." msgstr "Silakan coba lagi." msgid "Interests" msgstr "MInat" msgid "Location" msgstr "Lokasi" msgid "Website" msgstr "Situs web" msgid "Favorites" msgstr "Favorit" msgid "User not found." msgstr "Pengguna tidak dapat ditemukan." msgid "%1$s× %2$s" msgstr "%1$sx %2$s" msgid "second" msgstr "detik" msgid "minute" msgid_plural "minutes" msgstr[0] "menit" msgstr[1] "" msgid "hour" msgstr "jam" msgid "days" msgstr "hari" msgid "day" msgid_plural "days" msgstr[0] "hari" msgstr[1] "" msgid "week" msgstr "minggu" msgid "month" msgstr "bulan" msgid "years" msgstr "tahun" msgid "year" msgstr "tahun" msgid "All" msgstr "Semua" msgid "Inactive" msgstr "Tidak aktif" msgid "Member" msgstr "Anggota" msgid "Moderator" msgstr "Moderator " msgid "Administrator" msgstr "Administrator" msgid "Posted:" msgstr "Telah dituliskan:" msgid "Upgrade Now:" msgstr "Upgrade Sekarang:" msgid "File not found." msgstr "File tidak ditemukan." msgid "County" msgstr "Propinsi" msgid "By %s." msgstr "Oleh %s." msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "Non-aktifkan" msgid "Action" msgstr "Tindakan" msgid "Description" msgstr "Deskripsi" msgid "Version" msgstr "Versi" msgid "WordPress W logo" msgstr "Logo W WordPress" msgid "none" msgstr "tidak ada" msgid "R" msgstr "17+" msgid "X" msgstr "X" msgid "Gravatar Logo" msgstr "Logo Gravatar" msgid "Default" msgstr "Standar" msgid "Avatars" msgstr "Avatar" msgid "Date and time format" msgstr "Format tanggal dan waktu:" msgid "hours" msgstr "jam" msgid "Y/m/d g:i:s a" msgstr "Y/m/d g:i:s a" msgid "minutes" msgstr "menit" msgid "Items per page" msgstr "Item per halaman" msgid "Numeric" msgstr "Numerik" msgid "None" msgstr "Tidak ada" msgid "Email address." msgstr "Alamat email:" msgid "Site title." msgstr "Tajuk situs." msgid "General Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Umum" msgid "Settings saved." msgstr "Pengaturan telah disimpan." msgid "Site address" msgstr "Alamat situs" msgid "Cookies" msgstr "Cookies" msgid "Statistics" msgstr "Statistik" msgid "Topic Title" msgstr "Judul Topik" msgid "by" msgstr "oleh" msgid "on" msgstr "pada" msgid "Post" msgstr "Pos" msgid "Latest activity" msgstr "Aktivitas Terakhir" msgid "Topic" msgstr "Topik" msgid "Open" msgstr "Buka" msgid "Closed" msgstr "Ditutup" msgid "Filter »" msgstr "Saring »" msgid "Deleted" msgstr "Dihapus" msgid "Normal" msgstr "Normal" msgid "by %s" msgstr "oleh %s" msgid "%d post" msgid_plural "%d posts" msgstr[0] "%d tulisan" msgstr[1] "%d tulisan" msgid "Update Form" msgstr "Perbarui Formulir" msgid "Message" msgstr "Pesan" msgid "Warning" msgid_plural "Warnings" msgstr[0] "Peringatan" msgstr[1] "" msgid "Password:" msgstr "Password:" msgid "Email Address:" msgstr "Alamat Email:" msgid "Username:" msgstr "Nama Pengguna:" msgid "Site address (URL)" msgstr "Alamat situs (URL): " msgid "Site name" msgstr "Nama situs:" msgid "WordPress database error:" msgstr "Galat database Wordpress:" msgid "Language" msgstr "Bahasa" msgid "Site Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Situs" msgid "Step 3" msgstr "Langkah 3" msgid "Step 2:" msgstr "Langkah 2" msgid "%1$s - %2$s" msgstr "%1$s - %2$s" msgid "Step 1:" msgstr "Langkah 1" msgid "Welcome" msgstr "Selamat Datang" msgid "%1$s ‹ %2$s" msgstr "%1$s ‹ %2$s" msgid "Welcome to %1$s!" msgstr "Selamat datang di %1$s!" msgid "Visit Site" msgstr "Kunjungi Situs" msgid "Visit site homepage" msgstr "Kunjungi beranda situs" msgid "Visit plugin homepage" msgstr "Kunjungi laman plugin" msgid "Delete" msgstr "Hapus" msgid "Actions" msgstr "Aksi" msgid "Username" msgstr "Nama pengguna" msgid "ID" msgstr "ID" msgid "Edit" msgstr "Edit" msgid "General" msgstr "Umum" msgid "Themes" msgstr "Tema" msgid "Forums" msgstr "Forum" msgid "Posts" msgstr "Pos" msgid "Topics" msgstr "Topik" msgid "Blocked" msgstr "Diblok" msgid "Plugins" msgstr "Plugin" msgid "Settings" msgstr "Pengaturan" msgid "Design" msgstr "Desain Situs" msgid "Manage" msgstr "Kelola" msgid "Users" msgstr "Pengguna" msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "Dasbor" msgid "%s Records" msgstr "%s Data" msgid "development" msgstr "Pengembangan" msgid "Documentation" msgstr "Dokumentasi" msgid "Nothing to do here…" msgstr "Tidak ada yang perlu dilakukan…" msgid "Follow this search via JSON" msgstr "Ikuti pencarian ini via JSON" msgid "Follow this search via RSS" msgstr "Telusuri pencarian lewat RSS" msgid "Loading.." msgstr "Memuat.." msgid "Related Tags" msgstr "Tag terkait" msgid "Try more general keywords." msgstr "Coba dengan kata kunci yang lebih umum." msgid "Try different keywords." msgstr "Coba kata kunci lainnya" msgid "Make sure all words are spelled correctly." msgstr "Pastikan ejaan setiap kata sudah benar." msgid "Your search did not match any blog posts. Whoa." msgstr "Tidak ada postingan yang seperti Anda cari." msgid "comments" msgstr "komentar" msgid "posts" msgstr "pos" msgid "Search" msgstr "Cari" msgid "seconds" msgstr "detik" msgid " Search" msgstr "Pencarian" msgid "Search Blogs" msgstr "Cari blog" msgid "" "Your recent attempt to Post by Email was blocked as you sent your mail to " "the example email address. In order to get an email published on your blog " "please follow the instructions at:" "email/" msgstr "" "Usaha terakhir Anda untuk mengirim Pos dengan email diblokir karena Anda " "mengirim email ke alamat email contoh. Untuk menerbitkan email ke blog, " "ikuti instruksi di:" msgid "WordPress Post by Email" msgstr "Posting Lewat Email" msgid "WordPress site: %s" msgstr "Situs WordPress: %s" msgid "File type does not meet security guidelines. Try another." msgstr "Jenis berkas tidak memenuhi petunjuk keamanan. Coba yang lain." msgid "Specified file failed upload test." msgstr "Berkas yang ditunjuk tidak lolos uji pengunggahan." msgid "File is empty. Please upload something more substantial." msgstr "Berkas kosong. Silakan unggah sesuatu yang lebih berisi." msgid "Failed to write file to disk." msgstr "Gagal menulis berkas ke dalam diska." msgid "Missing a temporary folder." msgstr "Kehilangan folder sementara." msgid "No file was uploaded." msgstr "Tidak ada berkas yang diunggah." msgid "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded." msgstr "Berkas yang diunggah hanya berhasil diunggah sebagian." msgid "[] Import failed" msgstr "[] Impor gagal" msgid "" "Please <a href='%s'>contact support</a>, and we'll get everything fixed." msgstr "" "Silakan <a href='%s'>hubungin dukungan</a>, dan kami akan memperbaiki " "semuanya." msgid "[] Import successful" msgstr "[] Impor berhasil" msgid "We cannot process your request. Please check your request data." msgstr "" "Permintaan Anda tidak dapat diproses. Mohon periksa data permintaan Anda." msgid "" "After careful analysis, we will be increasing fees for some of our " "merchants, including those in %6$s. Specifically, when a customer buys from " "your store using a %1$s%5$s%2$s an additional %7$s fee will be charged, up " "from %8$s today. This change will take effect on %1$s%9$s%2$s. For more " "detailed information, %3$sreview our pricing%4$s." msgstr "" "Setelah melalui analisis cermat, kami memutuskan untuk menaikkan biaya bagi " "sejumlah penjual, termasuk yang ada di %6$s. Khususnya, jika pelanggan " "belanja dari toko Anda menggunakan %1$s%5$s%2$s, biaya tambahan %7$s akan " "dikenakan hingga %8$s mulai hari ini. Perubahan ini akan mulai berlaku pada " "%1$s%9$s%2$s. Untuk informasi lebih detail, %3$stinjau harga kami%4$s." msgid "" "Thank you for trusting your business with %1$s. If you have any questions " "about this change, please %2$scontact us.%3$s" msgstr "" "Terima kasih telah memercayakan bisnis Anda kepada %1$s Jika Anda punya " "pertanyaan tentang perubahan ini, %2$shubungi kami.%3$s" msgid "" "Please be assured that we make every effort to keep price increases to a " "minimum. This update will enable us to continue to provide a %1$shigh " "quality payments service%2$s and %1$sadd more features%2$s to help your " "store grow." msgstr "" "Kami selalu melakukan segala upaya untuk mengendalikan kenaikan harga " "seminimal mungkin. Melalui pembaruan ini, kami dapat terus memberikan " "%1$slayanan pembayaran berkualitas%2$s dan %1$smenambah lebih banyak fitur" "%2$s untuk membantu mengembangkan toko Anda." msgid "Hello%s," msgstr "Halo%s," msgid "" "%1$s is still available — but only for a few more days until the end of " "2021! Be sure to upgrade your site before the ball drops on New Year’s Eve, " "and you’ll get %2$s off your first annual plan payment." msgstr "" "%1$s masih tersedia— tetapi hanya untuk beberapa hari hingga akhir tahun " "2021! Pastikan untuk melakukan upgrade situs Anda sebelum berakhir pada " "Malam Tahun Baru, dan Anda akan mendapatkan diskon %2$s untuk pembayaran " "paket tahunan pertama." msgid "Give your website a year-end glow-up" msgstr "Berikan tampilan baru akhir tahun pada situs web Anda " msgid "" "Step into the New Year with a website primed for success! Upgrade to a paid " "plan today to unlock a suite of advanced features, 24/7 access to expert " "support, and a site building experience designed to help you reach your 2022 " "goals with ease. 🎉🎉🎉" msgstr "" "Masuki Tahun Baru dengan situs web yang siap untuk sukses! Lakukan upgrade " "ke paket berbayar sekarang untuk membuka serangkaian fitur tingkat lanjut, " "akses setiap saat ke bantuan dari tim ahli, dan pengalaman pembuatan situs " "yang dirancang untuk membantu Anda mencapai target 2022 dengan mudah. 🎉🎉🎉" msgid "Let's do this!" msgstr "Ayo lakukan!" msgid "" "<strong>%1$s</strong> is still available— but only for a few more days until " "the end of 2021! Be sure to <a href=\"%2$s\">upgrade your site</a> before " "the ball drops on New Year’s Eve, and you’ll get <strong>%3$s%%</strong> off " "your first annual plan payment." msgstr "" "<strong>%1$s</strong> masih tersedia— tetapi hanya untuk beberapa hari " "hingga akhir tahun 2021! Pastikan untuk <a href=\"%2$s\"> melakukan upgrade " "situs Anda </a> sebelum berakhir pada Malam Tahun Baru, dan Anda akan " "mendapatkan diskon <strong>%3$s%%</strong> untuk pembayaran paket tahunan " "pertama." msgid "Give your website a year-end glow-up ✨" msgstr "Berikan tampilan baru akhir tahun pada situs web Anda ✨" msgid "When 2021 is gone, so is %d%% off 👀" msgstr "" "Segera setelah 2021 berakhir, diskon %d %% juga akan berakhir 👀" msgid "Don’t let the ball drop on this offer!" msgstr "Jangan lewatkan penawaran berikut!" msgid "" "Step into the New Year with a website primed for success! <a href=\"%1$s" "\">Upgrade to a paid plan today</a> to unlock a suite of advanced features, " "24/7 access to expert support, and a site building experience designed to " "help you reach your 2022 goals with ease." msgstr "" "Masuki Tahun Baru dengan situs web yang siap untuk sukses! <a href=\"%1$s" "\">Lakukan upgrade ke paket berbayar sekarang</a> untuk membuka serangkaian " "fitur tingkat lanjut, akses setiap saat ke bantuan dari tim ahli, dan " "pengalaman pembuatan situs yang dirancang untuk membantu Anda mencapai " "target 2022 dengan mudah." msgid "Ring in the New Year %d%% off 🎉" msgstr "Rayakan Tahun Baru dengan diskon %d%% 🎉" msgid "Play video" msgstr "Putar video" msgid "Social Icon" msgstr "Ikon media sosial" msgid "Try risk-free with a 14-day money back guarantee on all plans." msgstr "" "Silakan mencoba tanpa risiko dan jaminan uang kembali 14-hari untuk semua " "paket." msgid "Register now" msgstr "Daftar sekarang" msgid "l, F j - g:i" msgstr "l, F j - g:i" msgid "Your friends at" msgstr "teman Anda di" msgid "Add new email address" msgstr "Tambah alamat email baru" msgid "Go to payment settings" msgstr "Pengaturan Pembayaran" msgid "Bulk edit" msgstr "Edit massal" msgid "Generate new backup codes" msgstr "Buat Kode Cadangan Baru" msgid "Unable to obtain backup codes. Please try again later." msgstr "Tidak dapat memperoleh kode cadangan. Harap coba lagi nanti." msgid "Save profile details" msgstr "Simpan rincian profil" msgid "Save privacy settings" msgstr "Simpan Pengaturan Privasi" msgid "Save to all sites" msgstr "Simpan ke Semua Situs" msgid "Save notification settings" msgstr "Simpan pengaturan notifikasi" msgid "Save account settings" msgstr "Simpan pengaturan akun" msgid "Save password" msgstr "Simpan kata sandi" msgid "Change site address" msgstr "Ubah alamat situs" msgid "Report this site" msgstr "Laporkan Situs Ini" msgid "Report this post" msgstr "Laporkan Pos Ini" msgid "Block site" msgstr "Blokir Situs" msgid "Visit post" msgstr "Buka Pos" msgid "Following site" msgstr "Mengikuti Situs" msgid "Follow conversation" msgstr "Ikuti Percakapan" msgid "Following conversation" msgstr "Mengikuti Percakapan" msgid "Template part updated." msgstr "Komponen template diperbarui." msgid "Template parts list" msgstr "Daftar komponen template" msgid "Template parts list navigation" msgstr "Navigasi daftar komponen template" msgid "Filter template parts list" msgstr "Saring daftar komponen template" msgid "No template parts found in Trash." msgstr "Tidak ditemukan komponen template di Tempat Sampah." msgid "No template parts found." msgstr "Tidak ditemukan komponen template." msgid "Search Template Parts" msgstr "Cari Komponen Template" msgid "All template parts" msgstr "Semua Komponen Template" msgid "View Template Part" msgstr "Lihat Komponen Template" msgid "Edit Template Part" msgstr "Sunting Komponen Template" msgid "New Template Part" msgstr "Komponen Template Baru" msgid "Add New Template Part" msgstr "Tambahkan Komponen Template Baru" msgctxt "post type singular name" msgid "Template" msgstr "Templat" msgctxt "post type general name" msgid "Templates" msgstr "Templat" msgid "Template updated." msgstr "Templat diperbarui." msgid "Templates list" msgstr "Daftar template" msgid "Templates list navigation" msgstr "Navigasi daftar template" msgid "Filter templates list" msgstr "Saring daftar template" msgid "No templates found." msgstr "Tidak ditemukan template." msgid "Search Templates" msgstr "Cari Template" msgid "All Templates" msgstr "Semua Template" msgid "View Template" msgstr "Lihat Template" msgid "Edit Template" msgstr "Sunting Template" msgid "New Template" msgstr "Templat Baru" msgid "Add New Template" msgstr "Tambahkan Template Baru" msgctxt "Template" msgid "Add New" msgstr "Tambahkan Baru" msgid "Template Parts" msgstr "Komponen Template" msgid "Karate" msgstr "Karate" msgid "Catering" msgstr "Katering" msgid "Car Rentals" msgstr "Sewa Mobil" msgid "Pest Control" msgstr "Pengendalian Hama" msgid "Shipping Company" msgstr "Perusahaan Pengiriman" msgid "Motorcycles" msgstr "Sepeda Motor" msgid "" "Welcome Texas A&M IAA Family! Save %s%% today on any plan " "using promo code <code>{{coupon_code}}</code> at checkout today." msgstr "" "Selamat datang, Keluarga Texas A&M IAA! Hemat %s%% hari ini untuk paket " " apa pun menggunakan kode promo <code>{{coupon_code}}</code> " "saat checkout hari ini." msgid "Paintball" msgstr "Paintball" msgid "Musical Instrument Store" msgstr "Toko Alat Musik" msgid "Rare Book Store" msgstr "Toko Buku Langka" msgid "Telemarketing" msgstr "Pemasaran Jarak Jauh" msgid "Countertops" msgstr "Meja Persiapan Memasak" msgid "OBGYN" msgstr "OBGYN" msgid "Office Furniture" msgstr "Perabot Kantor" msgid "Libraries" msgstr "Perpustakaan" msgid "Birds" msgstr "Burung" msgid "Civil Engineering" msgstr "Teknik Sipil" msgid "Marketplace" msgstr "Marketplace" msgid "Property Management" msgstr "Manajemen Properti" msgid "Office Supplies" msgstr "Perlengkapan Kantor" msgid "Home Improvement" msgstr "Renovasi Rumah" msgid "Interior Design" msgstr "Desain Interior" msgid "Gifts" msgstr "Hadiah" msgid "Preschool" msgstr "Prasekolah" msgid "Martial Arts" msgstr "Seni Bela Diri" msgid "Flooring" msgstr "Pemasangan Lantai" msgid "Emergency Services" msgstr "Layanan Darurat" msgid "Circus" msgstr "Sirkus" msgid "Pharmacy" msgstr "Farmasi" msgid "Parking" msgstr "Parkir" msgid "Pets & Animals" msgstr "Hewan Peliharaan & Hewan Liar" msgid "Manufacturing" msgstr "Manufaktur" msgid "Expected done flag in response array from %1$s eraser (index %2$d)." msgstr "" "Penanda selesai diharapkan pada susunan respon dari penghapus %1$s (indeks " "%2$d)." msgid "" "Expected messages key to reference an array in response array from %1$s " "eraser (index %2$d)." msgstr "" "Pesan kunci diharapkan untuk mereferensikan sebuah susunan respon dari " "penghapus %1$s (indeks %2$d)." msgid "Expected messages key in response array from %1$s eraser (index %2$d)." msgstr "" "Pesan kunci diharapkan di dalam susunan respon dari penghapus %1$s (indeks " "%2$d)." msgid "" "Expected items_retained key in response array from %1$s eraser (index %2$d)." msgstr "" "Kunci items_retained diharapkan untuk di dalam susunan respon dari penghapus " "%1$s (indeks %2$d)." msgid "" "Expected items_removed key in response array from %1$s eraser (index %2$d)." msgstr "" "Kunci items_removed diharapkan untuk di dalam susunan respon dari penghapus " "%1$s (indeks %2$d)." msgid "Did not receive array from %1$s eraser (index %2$d)." msgstr "Tidak menerima susunan dari penghapus %1$s (indeks %2$d)." msgid "Eraser array at index %d does not include a friendly name." msgstr "Susunan penghapus pada indeks %d tidak menyertakan nama bersahabat." msgid "Expected an array describing the eraser at index %d." msgstr "Mengharapkan sebuah susunan mendeskripsikan penghapus pada indeks %d." msgid "Eraser index is out of range." msgstr "Indeks penghapus di luar jangkauan." msgid "Eraser index cannot be less than one." msgstr "Indeks penghapus tidak bisa kurang dari satu." msgid "Missing eraser index." msgstr "Indeks penghapus tidak ditemukan." msgid "Invalid email address in request." msgstr "Alamat email tidak sah dalam permohonan." msgid "Expected done (boolean) in response array from exporter: %s." msgstr "Mengharapkan selesai (boolean) di susunan respon dari pengekspor: %s." msgid "Expected data array in response array from exporter: %s." msgstr "Mengharapkan susunan data pada susunan respon dari pengekspor: %s." msgid "Expected data in response array from exporter: %s." msgstr "Mengharapkan data pada susunan respon dari pengekspor: %s." msgid "Expected response as an array from exporter: %s." msgstr "Mengharapkan respon sebagai susunan dari pengekspor: %s." msgid "Exporter callback is not a valid callback: %s." msgstr "Callback pengekspor tidak sah: %s" msgid "Exporter does not include a callback: %s." msgstr "Pengekspor tidak menyertakan callback: %s." msgid "Exporter array at index %s does not include a friendly name." msgstr "Susunan pengekspor pada indeks %s tidak menyertakan nama bersahabat." msgid "Expected an array describing the exporter at index %s." msgstr "Mengharapkan susunan mendeskripsikan pengekspor pada indeks %s." msgid "Page index cannot be less than one." msgstr "Indeks halaman tidak bisa kurang dari satu." msgid "Exporter index is out of range." msgstr "Indeks pengekspor di luar jangkauan." msgid "Exporter index cannot be negative." msgstr "Indeks pengekspor tidak bisa bernilai negatif." msgid "An exporter has improperly used the registration filter." msgstr "" "Sebuah pengekspor digunakan dengan tidak benar pada filter pendaftaran." msgid "Missing page index." msgstr "Halaman indeks tidak ditemukan." msgid "Missing exporter index." msgstr "Indeks pengekspor tidak ditemukan." msgid "Invalid request type." msgstr "Jenis permohonan tidak sah." msgid "Invalid request ID." msgstr "ID permohonan tidak sah." msgid "Missing request ID." msgstr "ID permohonan hilang." msgid "Payload missing of required ticket info" msgstr "Payload tidak memiliki informasi tiket yang diperlukan" msgid "Payload missing of devices info" msgstr "Payload tidak memiliki informasi perangkat" msgid "Payload must be valid JSON." msgstr "Payload harus berupa JSON yang valid." msgid "" "remoteProvision method not found on remote site. Try calling again with --" "force_register=true." msgstr "" "Metode remoteProvision tidak ditemukan pada situs jarak jauh - coba hubungi " "lagi dengan --force_register=true" msgid "The required \"local_user\" argument is missing." msgstr "Argumen “local_user” yang dibutuhkan hilang." msgid " " msgstr " " msgctxt "Display Ad Text" msgid "" "Buy your domain, and build your site with the software powering 29% of the " "internet." msgstr "" "Beli domain dan buat situs Anda dengan perangkat lunak yang menopang 29% " "internet." msgctxt "Display Ad Text" msgid "Get Your Domain" msgstr "Dapatkan domain Anda" msgctxt "Display Ad Text" msgid "Find the domain that fits you at" msgstr "Temukan domain yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda di" msgctxt "Display Ad Text" msgid "Find the domain that fits you." msgstr "Temukan domain yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda." msgctxt "Display Ad Text" msgid "Find Your Domain" msgstr "Temukan Domain Anda" msgctxt "Display Ad Text" msgid "Your Domain" msgstr "Domain Anda" msgctxt "Display Ad Text" msgid "Find Your .com" msgstr "Temukan .com Anda" msgctxt "Display Ad Text" msgid "" "Buy your .com domain and build your site with the software powering 29% of " "the internet." msgstr "" "Beli domain .com dan buat situs Anda dengan perangkat lunak yang menopang " "29% internet." msgid "Can't query without a connected Jetpack." msgstr "Tidak dapat meminta informasi tanpa Jetpack yang terhubung." msgctxt "Events and News dashboard widget" msgid "" msgstr "" msgctxt "Post custom field name" msgid "%s:" msgstr "%s:" msgid "Only UUID V4 is supported at this time." msgstr "Hanya UUID V4 yang didukung saat ini." msgid "Yiddish" msgstr "Yiddish" msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "Vietnamese" msgid "Ukrainian" msgstr "Ukrainian" msgid "Swahili" msgstr "Swahili" msgid "Persian" msgstr "Persian" msgid "Maltese" msgstr "Maltese" msgid "Malay" msgstr "Malay" msgid "Latvian" msgstr "Latvian" msgid "Irish" msgstr "Irish" msgid "Indonesian" msgstr "Bahasa Indonesia" msgid "Hindi" msgstr "Hindi" msgid "Haitian Creole" msgstr "Haitian Creole" msgid "Filipino" msgstr "Filipino" msgid "Chinese (Traditional)" msgstr "Chinese (Traditional)" msgid "Chinese (Simplified)" msgstr "Chinese (Simplified)" msgid "Belarusian" msgstr "Belarusian" msgid "Arabic" msgstr "Bahasa Arab" msgid "This key cannot automatically connect this user" msgstr "Kunci ini tidak dapat menghubungkan pengguna ini secara otomatis" msgid "The sticker {{i}}%s{{/i}} has been removed." msgstr "Stiker {{i}}%s{{/i}} telah dihapus." msgid "You need to define an include parameter to order by include." msgstr "You need to define an include parameter to order by include." msgid "Unknown API error." msgstr "Error API tidak diketahui." msgid "MM" msgstr "MM" msgid "Every %d minutes" msgstr "Setiap %d Menit" msgid "Limit result set to items with particular parent IDs." msgstr "Batasi hasil hanya untuk yang memiliki ID induk tertentu." msgid "WP Super Cache" msgstr "WP Super Cache" msgid "CDN" msgstr "CDN" msgid "Reminder: Activate %1$s" msgstr "Pengingat: Aktifkan %1$s" msgid "PushPress" msgstr "PushPress" msgid "Thanks! We’ll notify you the minute .blog domains become available." msgstr "Terima kasih! Kami akan berkabar saat domain .blog tersedia." msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this site." msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan menghapus situs berikut." msgid "Pohnpei" msgstr "Pohnpei" msgid "Chuuk" msgstr "Chuuk" msgid "Bougainville" msgstr "Bougainville" msgid "Ulyanovsk" msgstr "Ulyanovsk" msgid "Kirov" msgstr "Kirov" msgid "Busingen" msgstr "Busingen" msgid "Astrakhan" msgstr "Astrakhan" msgid "Ust-Nera" msgstr "Ust-Nera" msgid "Tomsk" msgstr "Tomsk" msgid "Srednekolymsk" msgstr "Srednekolymsk" msgid "Novokuznetsk" msgstr "Novokuznetsk" msgid "Khandyga" msgstr "Khandyga" msgid "Kathmandu" msgstr "Kathmandu" msgid "Hebron" msgstr "Hebron" msgid "Chita" msgstr "Chita" msgid "Barnaul" msgstr "Barnaul" msgid "Troll" msgstr "Troll" msgid "Macquarie" msgstr "Macquarie" msgid "Sitka" msgstr "Sitka" msgid "Santarem" msgstr "Santarem" msgid "Santa Isabel" msgstr "Santa Isabel" msgid "Ojinaga" msgstr "Ojinaga" msgid "Beulah" msgstr "Beulah" msgid "Metlakatla" msgstr "Metlakatla" msgid "Matamoros" msgstr "Matamoros" msgid "Lower Princes" msgstr "Lower Princes" msgid "Kralendijk" msgstr "Kralendijk" msgid "Fort Nelson" msgstr "Fort Nelson" msgid "Creston" msgstr "Creston" msgid "Bahia Banderas" msgstr "Bahia Banderas" msgid "Juba" msgstr "Juba" msgid "%d comment could not be checked." msgid_plural "%d comments could not be checked." msgstr[0] "%d komentar tidak dapat diperiksa." msgstr[1] "%d komentar tidak dapat diperiksa." msgid "%d comment moved to Spam." msgid_plural "%d comments moved to Spam." msgstr[0] "%d komentar dipindahkan ke Spam." msgstr[1] "%d komentar dipindahkan ke Spam." msgid "Processed %d comment." msgid_plural "Processed %d comments." msgstr[0] "Memproses %d komentar." msgstr[1] "Memproses %d komentar." msgid "Comment #%d could not be checked." msgstr "Komentar #%d tidak dapat diperiksa." msgid "Failed to connect to Akismet." msgstr "Gagal terhubung dengan Akismet." msgid "Comment #%d is not spam." msgstr "Komentar #%d adalah bukan spam." msgid "Comment #%d is spam." msgstr "Komentar #%d adalah spam." msgid "%s is not a valid role." msgstr "%s bukan peran yang valid." msgid "The roles property must be a string or an array." msgstr "Properti peran harus berupa string atau larik." msgid "" "Partial render must echo the content or return the content string (or " "array), but not both." msgstr "" "Partial render must echo the content or return the content string (or " "array), but not both." msgid "Xinjiang" msgstr "Xinjiang" msgid "Ningxia" msgstr "Ningxia" msgid "Qinghai" msgstr "Qinghai" msgid "Gansu" msgstr "Gansu" msgid "Shaanxi" msgstr "Shaanxi" msgid "Yunnan" msgstr "Yunnan" msgid "Guizhou" msgstr "Guizhou" msgid "Sichuan" msgstr "Sichuan" msgid "Hainan" msgstr "Hainan" msgid "Guangxi" msgstr "Guangxi" msgid "Guangdong" msgstr "Guangdong" msgid "Hunan" msgstr "Hunan" msgid "Hubei" msgstr "Hubei" msgid "Henan" msgstr "Henan" msgid "Shandong" msgstr "Shandong" msgid "Jiangxi" msgstr "Jiangxi" msgid "Fujian" msgstr "Fujian" msgid "Anhui" msgstr "Anhui" msgid "Zhejiang" msgstr "Zhejiang" msgid "Jiangsu" msgstr "Jiangsu" msgid "Heilongjiang" msgstr "Heilongjiang" msgid "Jilin" msgstr "Jilin" msgid "Liaoning" msgstr "Liaoning" msgid "Shanxi" msgstr "Shanxi" msgid "Hebei" msgstr "Hebei" msgid "Tianjin" msgstr "Tianjin" msgid "Beijing" msgstr "Beijing" msgid "Your user is not permitted to access this resource." msgstr "Pengguna Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengakses sumber daya ini." msgid "Limit result set to products with a specific SKU." msgstr "Batasi kumpulan hasil ke produk dengan SKU khusus." msgid "Invalid parameters." msgstr "Parameter tidak valid." msgid "" "{{author}}%(authorFirstName)s{{/author}} {{label}}cross-posted from " "%(siteName)s to{{/label}} {{blogNames/}}" msgstr "" "{{author}}%(authorFirstName)s{{/author}} {{label}}lintas-pos dari " "%(siteName)s ke{{/label}} {{blogNames/}}" msgid "How to activate" msgstr "Bagaimana cara mengaktifkan" msgid "Submit Support Request" msgstr "Daftarkan Permohonan Dukungan" msgid "User does not have permission to administer the given site." msgstr "Pengguna tidak memiliki izin untuk mengelola situs tersebut." msgid "The site url is invalid." msgstr "Alamat situs tidak valid." msgid "%1$s (%2$d)" msgstr "%1$s (%2$d)" msgid "A valid user is required." msgstr "Pengguna yang valid diwajibkan." msgid "new" msgstr "baru" msgctxt "Word count type. Do not translate!" msgid "words" msgstr "words" msgid "" "Hi ###USERNAME###,\n" "\n" "This notice confirms that your email address on ###SITENAME### was changed " "to ###NEW_EMAIL###.\n" "\n" "If you did not change your email, please contact the Site Administrator at\n" "###ADMIN_EMAIL###\n" "\n" "This email has been sent to ###EMAIL###\n" "\n" "Regards,\n" "All at ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgstr "" "Hai ###USERNAME###,\n" "\n" "Pemberitahuan ini mengkonfirmasikan bahwa alamat email Anda di " "###SITENAME### telah diubah menjadi ###NEW_EMAIL###.\n" "\n" "Jika Anda tidak mengubah email, hubungi Administrator Situs di\n" "###ADMIN_EMAIL###\n" "\n" "Email ini dikirimkan pada ###EMAIL###\n" "\n" "Hormat kami,\n" "Tim ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgid "" "Hi ###USERNAME###,\n" "\n" "This notice confirms that your password was changed on ###SITENAME###.\n" "\n" "If you did not change your password, please contact the Site Administrator " "at\n" "###ADMIN_EMAIL###\n" "\n" "This email has been sent to ###EMAIL###\n" "\n" "Regards,\n" "All at ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgstr "" "Hai ###USERNAME###,\n" "\n" "Ini adalah pemberitahuan mengenai perubahan password Anda di " "###SITENAME###.\n" "\n" "Jika Anda tidak pernah melakukan perubahan tersebut, silakan hubungi " "Administrator Situs di\n" "###ADMIN_EMAIL###\n" "\n" "Email ini ditujukan pada ###EMAIL###\n" "\n" "Hormat kami,\n" "Pengelola ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgid "Title:" msgstr "Judul:" msgid "URL:" msgstr "URL: " msgid "You have %(hidden)d hidden WordPress site." msgid_plural "You have %(hidden)d hidden WordPress sites." msgstr[0] "Anda memiliki %(hidden)d situs WordPress tersembunyi." msgstr[1] "Anda memiliki %(hidden)d situs WordPress tersembunyi." msgid "Armed Forces America" msgstr "Angkatan Bersenjata Amerika" msgid "Armed Forces Other Areas" msgstr "Angkatan Bersenjata Daerah Lain" msgctxt "font-style" msgid "Ultra Bold" msgstr "Ultra Tebal" msgctxt "font-style" msgid "Extra Bold" msgstr "Ekstra Tebal" msgctxt "font-style" msgid "Bold Italic" msgstr "Miring Tebal" msgctxt "font-style" msgid "Bold" msgstr "Tebal" msgctxt "font-style" msgid "Medium Italic" msgstr "Miring Sedang" msgctxt "font-style" msgid "Medium" msgstr "Sedang" msgctxt "font-style" msgid "Italic" msgstr "Miring" msgctxt "font-style" msgid "Regular" msgstr "Reguler" msgctxt "font-style" msgid "Light Italic" msgstr "Miring Tipis" msgctxt "font-style" msgid "Light" msgstr "Tipis" msgctxt "font-style" msgid "Extra Light" msgstr "Ekstra Ringan" msgctxt "font-style" msgid "Thin" msgstr "Tipis" msgid "Disabling autoupdates on %(count)s site" msgid_plural "Disabling autoupdates on %(count)s sites" msgstr[0] "menonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis di %(count)s situs" msgstr[1] "menonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis di %(count)s situs" msgid "" "There were errors disabling autoupdates %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on " "%(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "" "Ada kesalahan menonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di " "%(numberOfSites)d situs." msgid "" "There were errors disabling autoupdates %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d " "sites." msgstr "" "Ada kesalahan menonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis %(plugin)s di " "%(numberOfSites)d situs." msgid "" "There were errors disabling autoupdates %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on " "%(site)s." msgstr "" "Ada kesalahan menonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di " "%(site)s." msgid "" "There were errors enabling autoupdates %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on " "%(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "" "Ada kesalahan mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di " "%(numberOfSites)d situs." msgid "" "There were errors enabling autoupdates %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "" "Ada kesalahan mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis %(plugin)s di " "%(numberOfSites)d situs." msgid "" "There were errors enabling autoupdates %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on " "%(site)s." msgstr "" "Ada kesalahan mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di " "%(site)s." msgid "" "There were errors deactivating %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on " "%(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "" "Ada kesalahan menonaktifkan %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di %(numberOfSites)d " "situs." msgid "There were errors deactivating %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "Ada kesalahan menonaktifkan %(plugin)s di %(numberOfSites)d situs." msgid "There were errors deactivating %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "Ada kesalahan menonaktifkan %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di %(site)s." msgid "" "There were errors activating %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on " "%(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "" "Ada kesalahan mengaktifkan %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di %(numberOfSites)d " "situs." msgid "There were errors activating %(plugin)s on %(numberOfSites)d sites." msgstr "Ada kesalahan mengaktifkan %(plugin)s di %(numberOfSites)d situs." msgid "There were errors activating %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "Ada kesalahan mengaktifkan %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di %(site)s." msgid "" "There were errors updating %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(numberOfSites)d " "sites." msgstr "" "Ada kesalahan memperbarui %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di %(numberOfSites)d " "situs." msgid "There were errors updating %(numberOfPlugins)d plugins on %(site)s." msgstr "Ada kesalahan memperbarui %(numberOfPlugins)d plugin di %(site)s." msgid "Invalid email input" msgstr "Masukan email tidak valid" msgid "Invalid user input" msgstr "Masukan pengguna tidak valid" msgid "Unable to connect to the filesystem. Please confirm your credentials." msgstr "" "Tak bisa menyambungkan ke filesystem. Mohon konfirmasikan kredensial Anda." msgid "You must be logged-in to manage settings." msgstr "Anda harus masuk untuk mengelola pengaturan." msgid "Zacatecas" msgstr "Zacatecas" msgid "Veracruz" msgstr "Veracruz" msgid "Tlaxcala" msgstr "Tlaxcala" msgid "Tamaulipas" msgstr "Tamaulipas" msgid "Tabasco" msgstr "Tabasco" msgid "Sonora" msgstr "Sonora" msgid "Sinaloa" msgstr "Sinaloa" msgid "Quintana Roo" msgstr "Quintana Roo" msgid "Puebla" msgstr "Puebla" msgid "Oaxaca" msgstr "Oaxaca" msgid "Nayarit" msgstr "Nayarit" msgid "Morelos" msgstr "Morelos" msgid "Jalisco" msgstr "Jalisco" msgid "Hidalgo" msgstr "Hidalgo" msgid "Guerrero" msgstr "Guerrero" msgid "Guanajuato" msgstr "Guanajuato" msgid "Durango" msgstr "Durango" msgid "Colima" msgstr "Colima" msgid "Coahuila" msgstr "Coahuila" msgid "Chiapas" msgstr "Chiapas" msgid "Campeche" msgstr "Campeche" msgid "Baja California Sur" msgstr "Baja California Sur" msgid "Baja California" msgstr "Baja California" msgid "Aguascalientes" msgstr "Aguascalientes" msgid "Yamanashi" msgstr "Yamanashi" msgid "Yamaguchi" msgstr "Yamaguchi" msgid "Yamagata" msgstr "Yamagata" msgid "Wakayama" msgstr "Wakayama" msgid "Toyama" msgstr "Toyama" msgid "Tottori" msgstr "Tottori" msgid "Tokushima" msgstr "Tokushima" msgid "Tochigi" msgstr "Tochigi" msgid "Shizuoka" msgstr "Shizuoka" msgid "Shimane" msgstr "Shimane" msgid "Shiga" msgstr "Shiga" msgid "Saitama" msgstr "Saitama" msgid "Saga" msgstr "Saga" msgid "Osaka" msgstr "Osaka" msgid "Okinawa" msgstr "Okinawa" msgid "Okayama" msgstr "Okayama" msgid "Oita" msgstr "Oita" msgid "Niigata" msgstr "Niigata" msgid "Nara" msgstr "Nara" msgid "Nagasaki" msgstr "Nagasaki" msgid "Nagano" msgstr "Nagano" msgid "Miyazaki" msgstr "Miyazaki" msgid "Miyagi" msgstr "Miyagi" msgid "Mie" msgstr "Mie" msgid "Kyoto" msgstr "Kyoto" msgid "Kumamoto" msgstr "Kumamoto" msgid "Kanagawa" msgstr "Kanagawa" msgid "Kagoshima" msgstr "Kagoshima" msgid "Kagawa" msgstr "Kagawa" msgid "Iwate" msgstr "Iwate" msgid "Ishikawa" msgstr "Ishikawa" msgid "Ibaraki" msgstr "Ibaraki" msgid "Hyogo" msgstr "Hyogo" msgid "Hokkaido" msgstr "Hokkaido" msgid "Hiroshima" msgstr "Hiroshima" msgid "Gifu" msgstr "Gifu" msgid "Fukushima" msgstr "Fukushima" msgid "Fukuoka" msgstr "Fukuoka" msgid "Fukui" msgstr "Fukui" msgid "Ehime" msgstr "Ehime" msgid "Chiba" msgstr "Chiba" msgid "Aomori" msgstr "Aomori" msgid "Akita" msgstr "Akita" msgid "Aichi" msgstr "Aichi" msgid "Viterbo" msgstr "Viterbo" msgid "Vicenza" msgstr "Vicenza" msgid "Vibo Valentia" msgstr "Vibo Valentia" msgid "Verona" msgstr "Verona" msgid "Vercelli" msgstr "Vercelli" msgid "Verbano-Cusio-Ossola" msgstr "Verbano-Cusio-Ossola" msgid "Venice" msgstr "Venice" msgid "Varese" msgstr "Varese" msgid "Udine" msgstr "Udine" msgid "Turin" msgstr "Turin" msgid "Trieste" msgstr "Trieste" msgid "Treviso" msgstr "Treviso" msgid "Trento" msgstr "Trento" msgid "Trapani" msgstr "Trapani" msgid "Terni" msgstr "Terni" msgid "Teramo" msgstr "Teramo" msgid "Taranto" msgstr "Taranto" msgid "Sondrio" msgstr "Sondrio" msgid "Siena" msgstr "Siena" msgid "Savona" msgstr "Savona" msgid "Sassari" msgstr "Sassari" msgid "Salerno" msgstr "Salerno" msgid "Rovigo" msgstr "Rovigo" msgid "Rimini" msgstr "Rimini" msgid "Rieti" msgstr "Rieti" msgid "Reggio Emilia" msgstr "Reggio Emilia" msgid "Reggio Calabria" msgstr "Reggio Calabria" msgid "Ravenna" msgstr "Ravenna" msgid "Ragusa" msgstr "Ragusa" msgid "Potenza" msgstr "Potenza" msgid "Pordenone" msgstr "Pordenone" msgid "Pistoia" msgstr "Pistoia" msgid "Pisa" msgstr "Pisa" msgid "Piacenza" msgstr "Piacenza" msgid "Pescara" msgstr "Pescara" msgid "Pesaro e Urbino" msgstr "Pesaro e Urbino" msgid "Perugia" msgstr "Perugia" msgid "Pavia" msgstr "Pavia" msgid "Parma" msgstr "Parma" msgid "Palermo" msgstr "Palermo" msgid "Oristano" msgstr "Oristano" msgid "Nuoro" msgstr "Nuoro" msgid "Novara" msgstr "Novara" msgid "Naples" msgstr "Naples" msgid "Modena" msgstr "Modena" msgid "Milan" msgstr "Milan" msgid "Messina" msgstr "Messina" msgid "Matera" msgstr "Matera" msgid "Massa-Carrara" msgstr "Massa-Carrara" msgid "Macerata" msgstr "Macerata" msgid "Lucca" msgstr "Lucca" msgid "Lodi" msgstr "Lodi" msgid "Livorno" msgstr "Livorno" msgid "Lecco" msgstr "Lecco" msgid "Lecce" msgstr "Lecce" msgid "Latina" msgstr "Latina" msgid "La Spezia" msgstr "La Spezia" msgid "L'Aquila" msgstr "L'Aquila" msgid "Isernia" msgstr "Isernia" msgid "Imperia" msgstr "Imperia" msgid "Grosseto" msgstr "Grosseto" msgid "Gorizia" msgstr "Gorizia" msgid "Genoa" msgstr "Genova" msgid "Frosinone" msgstr "Frosinone" msgid "Foggia" msgstr "Foggia" msgid "Florence" msgstr "Firenze" msgid "Ferrara" msgstr "Ferrara" msgid "Enna" msgstr "Enna" msgid "Cuneo" msgstr "Cuneo" msgid "Crotone" msgstr "Crotone" msgid "Cremona" msgstr "Cremona" msgid "Cosenza" msgstr "Cosenza" msgid "Como" msgstr "Como" msgid "Chieti" msgstr "Chieti" msgid "Catanzaro" msgstr "Catanzaro" msgid "Catania" msgstr "Catania" msgid "Caserta" msgstr "Caserta" msgid "Campobasso" msgstr "Campobasso" msgid "Caltanissetta" msgstr "Caltanissetta" msgid "Cagliari" msgstr "Cagliari" msgid "Brindisi" msgstr "Brindisi" msgid "Brescia" msgstr "Brescia" msgid "Bologna" msgstr "Bologna" msgid "Biella" msgstr "Biella" msgid "Bergamo" msgstr "Bergamo" msgid "Benevento" msgstr "Benevento" msgid "Belluno" msgstr "Belluno" msgid "Bari" msgstr "Bari" msgid "Avellino" msgstr "Avellino" msgid "Asti" msgstr "Asti" msgid "Ascoli Piceno" msgstr "Ascoli Piceno" msgid "Arezzo" msgstr "Arezzo" msgid "Aosta" msgstr "Aosta" msgid "Ancona" msgstr "Ancona" msgid "Alessandria" msgstr "Alessandria" msgid "Agrigento" msgstr "Agrigento" msgid "West Bengal" msgstr "West Bengal" msgid "Uttarakhand" msgstr "Uttarakhand" msgid "Uttar Pradesh" msgstr "Uttar Pradesh" msgid "Tripura" msgstr "Tripura" msgid "Tamil Nadu" msgstr "Tamil Nadu" msgid "Sikkim" msgstr "Sikkim" msgid "Rajasthan" msgstr "Rajasthan" msgid "Punjab" msgstr "Punjab" msgid "Orissa" msgstr "Orissa" msgid "Nagaland" msgstr "Nagaland" msgid "Mizoram" msgstr "Mizoram" msgid "Meghalaya" msgstr "Meghalaya" msgid "Manipur" msgstr "Manipur" msgid "Maharashtra" msgstr "Maharashtra" msgid "Madhya Pradesh" msgstr "Madhya Pradesh" msgid "Kerala" msgstr "Kerala" msgid "Karnataka" msgstr "Karnataka" msgid "Jharkhand" msgstr "Jharkhand" msgid "Jammu and Kashmir" msgstr "Jammu and Kashmir" msgid "Himachal Pradesh" msgstr "Himachal Pradesh" msgid "Haryana" msgstr "Haryana" msgid "Gujarat" msgstr "Gujarat" msgid "Goa" msgstr "Goa" msgid "Daman and Diu" msgstr "Daman and Diu" msgid "Dadra and Nagar Haveli" msgstr "Dadra and Nagar Haveli" msgid "Chhattisgarh" msgstr "Chhattisgarh" msgid "Chandigarh" msgstr "Chandigarh" msgid "Bihar" msgstr "Bihar" msgid "Assam" msgstr "Assam" msgid "Arunachal Pradesh" msgstr "Arunachal Pradesh" msgid "Andhra Pradesh" msgstr "Andhra Pradesh" msgid "Andaman and Nicobar Islands" msgstr "Andaman and Nicobar Islands" msgid "Zaragoza" msgstr "Zaragoza" msgid "Zamora" msgstr "Zamora" msgid "Valladolid" msgstr "Valladolid" msgid "Valencia" msgstr "Valencia" msgid "Toledo" msgstr "Toledo" msgid "Teruel" msgstr "Teruel" msgid "Tarragona" msgstr "Tarragona" msgid "Syria" msgstr "Suriah" msgid "Sevilla" msgstr "Sevilla" msgid "Segovia" msgstr "Segovia" msgid "Santa Cruz de Tenerife" msgstr "Santa Cruz de Tenerife" msgid "Salamanca" msgstr "Salamanca" msgid "Pontevedra" msgstr "Pontevedra" msgid "Palencia" msgstr "Palencia" msgid "Ourense" msgstr "Ourense" msgid "Navarra" msgstr "Navarra" msgid "Murcia" msgstr "Murcia" msgid "Melilla" msgstr "Melilla" msgid "Málaga" msgstr "Málaga" msgid "Lugo" msgstr "Lugo" msgid "Lleida" msgstr "Lleida" msgid "Las Palmas" msgstr "Las Palmas" msgid "Huesca" msgstr "Huesca" msgid "Huelva" msgstr "Huelva" msgid "Guadalajara" msgstr "Guadalajara" msgid "Granada" msgstr "Granada" msgid "Girona" msgstr "Girona" msgid "Gipuzkoa" msgstr "Gipuzkoa" msgid "Cuenca" msgstr "Cuenca" msgid "Ciudad Real" msgstr "Ciudad Real" msgid "Castellón" msgstr "Castellón" msgid "Cantabria" msgstr "Cantabria" msgid "Capiz" msgstr "Capiz" msgid "Cáceres" msgstr "Cáceres" msgid "Burgas" msgstr "Burgas" msgid "Barcelona" msgstr "Barcelona" msgid "Badajoz" msgstr "Badajoz" msgid "Ávila" msgstr "Ávila" msgid "Asturias" msgstr "Asturias" msgid "Almería" msgstr "Almería" msgid "Alicante" msgstr "Alicante" msgid "Albacete" msgstr "Albacete" msgid "Tocantins" msgstr "Tocantins" msgid "Sergipe" msgstr "Sergipe" msgid "Santa Catarina" msgstr "Santa Catarina" msgid "Roraima" msgstr "Roraima" msgid "Rio Grande do Sul" msgstr "Rio Grande do Sul" msgid "Rio Grande do Norte" msgstr "Rio Grande do Norte" msgid "Rio de Janeiro" msgstr "Rio de Janeiro" msgid "Pernambuco" msgstr "Pernambuco" msgid "Minas Gerais" msgstr "Minas Gerais" msgid "Mato Grosso do Sul" msgstr "Mato Grosso do Sul" msgid "Mato Grosso" msgstr "Mato Grosso" msgid "Espirito Santo" msgstr "Espirito Santo" msgid "Distrito Federal" msgstr "Distrito Federal" msgid "Amazonas" msgstr "Amazonas" msgid "Alagoas" msgstr "Alagoas" msgid "Acre" msgstr "Acre" msgid "Limburg" msgstr "Limburg" msgid "Western Australia" msgstr "Australia Barat" msgid "South Australia" msgstr "South Australia" msgid "Northern Territory" msgstr "Northern Territory" msgid "New South Wales" msgstr "New South Wales" msgid "Australian Capital Territory" msgstr "Australian Capital Territory" msgid "Icelandic" msgstr "Eslandia" msgid "Thai" msgstr "Thai" msgid "Swedish" msgstr "Swedia" msgid "Serbian" msgstr "Serbia" msgid "Albanian" msgstr "Albania" msgid "Norwegian" msgstr "Norwegia" msgid "Lithuanian" msgstr "Lithuania" msgid "Greek" msgstr "Yunani" msgid "Welsh" msgstr "Welsh" msgid "Catalan" msgstr "Katala" msgid "Bosnian" msgstr "Bosnia" msgid "Slovak" msgstr "Slowakia" msgid "Bulgarian" msgstr "Bulgaria" msgid "Python" msgstr "Python" msgid "Perl" msgstr "Perl" msgid "LaTeX" msgstr "LaTeX" msgid "Java" msgstr "Java" msgid "Delhi" msgstr "Delhi" msgid "ColdFusion" msgstr "ColdFusion" msgid "The service provided does not exist" msgstr "Layanan yang disediakan tidak ada" msgid "The post_ID field must reflect a published post." msgstr "Bidang post_ID harus menunjukkan sebuah pos yang telah diterbitkan." msgid "The post_ID field is required." msgstr "Bidang post_ID wajib diisi." msgid "The two_step_sms_phone_number setting can only contain digits." msgstr "Pengaturan two_step_sms_phone_number hanya bisa memuat digit." msgid "The two_step_sms_phone_number setting cannot be empty." msgstr "Pengaturan two_step_sms_phone_number tidak bisa kosong." msgid "" "The two_step_sms_phone_number setting cannot be changed while two step is " "enabled." msgstr "" "Pengaturan two_step_sms_phone_number tidak bisa diubah ketika autentikasi " "dua langkah sedang aktif." msgid "" "Your client is not permitted to set the user's two_step_sms_phone_number " "setting." msgstr "" "Klien Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengatur two_step_sms_phone_number pengguna." msgid "An unsupported country code was provided for two_step_sms_country." msgstr "" "Sebuah kode negara yang tidak didukung telah dimasukkan untuk " "two_step_sms_country." msgid "" "The two_step_sms_country setting cannot be changed while two step is enabled." msgstr "" "Pengaturan two_step_sms_country tidak bisa diubah ketika autentikasi dua " "langkah sedang aktif." msgid "" "Your client is not permitted to set the user's two_step_sms_country setting." msgstr "" "Klien Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengubah pengaturan two_step_sms_country " "pengguna." msgid "Your client is not permitted to disable two step." msgstr "" "Klien Anda tidak diizinkan untuk menonaktifkan autentikasi dua langkah." msgid "Your client is not permitted to enable two step." msgstr "Klien Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengaktifkan autentikasi dua langkah." msgid "Unknown post requested" msgstr "Pos tak dikenal telah diminta" msgid "Your client is not permitted to set the user's email." msgstr "Klien Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengatur email pengguna." msgid "Your client is not permitted to set the user's password." msgstr "Klien Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengatur password pengguna." msgid "Visitor not allowed to view video." msgstr "Pengunjung tidak diizinkan melihat video." msgid "Please supply the birthdate parameters." msgstr "Silakan masukkan parameter tanggal lahir." msgid "The specified video was not found." msgstr "Video yang dimaksud tidak ditemukan." msgid "Kosovo" msgstr "Kosovo" msgctxt "Someone commented on a post." msgid "a post." msgstr "sebuah pos." msgid "Site Icon" msgstr "Ikon Situs" msgid "Displaying %1$s–%2$s of %3$s" msgstr "Menampilkan %1$s–%2$s dari %3$s" msgid "You're on fire!" msgstr "Anda sedang bersemangat!" msgctxt "momentjs format string (sameElse)" msgid "L" msgstr "L" msgctxt "momentjs format string (lastWeek)" msgid "[Last] dddd [at] LT" msgstr "[Terakhir] dddd [pada pukul] LT" msgctxt "momentjs format string (lastDay)" msgid "[Yesterday at] LT" msgstr "[Kemarin pada pukul] LT" msgctxt "momentjs format string (nextWeek)" msgid "dddd [at] LT" msgstr "dddd [pada pukul] LT" msgctxt "momentjs format string (nextDay)" msgid "[Tomorrow at] LT" msgstr "[Besok pada pukul] LT" msgctxt "momentjs format string (sameDay)" msgid "[Today at] LT" msgstr "[Hari ini pada pukul] LT" msgctxt "momentjs format string (for LLLL)" msgid "dddd, D MMMM YYYY LT" msgstr "dddd, D MMMM YYYY LT" msgctxt "momentjs format string (for LLL)" msgid "D MMMM YYYY LT" msgstr "D MMMM YYYY LT" msgctxt "momentjs format string (for LL)" msgid "D MMMM YYYY" msgstr "D MMMM YYYY" msgctxt "momentjs format string (for L)" msgid "DD/MM/YYYY" msgstr "DD/MM/YYYY" msgctxt "momentjs format string (for LT)" msgid "HH:mm" msgstr "HH:mm" msgid "Please provide a valid website url." msgstr "Harap tuliskan alamat blog yang valid." msgid "Please provide further details about the problem you have experienced." msgstr "" "Harap tuliskan penjelasan yang lebih rinci mengenai masalah yang Anda alami." msgid "Please provide a short description of the problem you have experienced." msgstr "Harap tuliskan penjelasan singkat mengenai masalah yang Anda alami." msgid "Please provide a valid email." msgstr "Harap tuliskan alamat email yang valid." msgid "Support Home" msgstr "Pangkal Dukungan" msgid "Description:" msgstr "Deskripsi:" msgid "Support Section" msgstr "Seksi Dukungan" msgid "Displays on the support home page under search" msgstr "Ditampilkan pada laman pangkal dukungan di bawah pencarian" msgid "Support Home Notification" msgstr "Pemberitahuan di Laman Pangkal Dukungan" msgid "Is Jetpack support open?" msgstr "Apakah dukungan Jetpack terbuka?" msgid "Jetpack Support Form Options" msgstr "Opsi Formulir Dukungan Jetpack" msgid "Support options updated." msgstr "Opsi-opsi dukungan dimutakhirkan." msgid "Sidebar on secondary support pages." msgstr "Bilah sisi pada halaman dukungan sekunder." msgid "Support Secondary Widget Area" msgstr "Mendukung Area Widget Sekunder" msgid "Sidebar on blog." msgstr "Bilah sisi pada blog." msgid "Blog Widget Area" msgstr "Area Widget Blog" msgid "Sidebar on pages." msgstr "Bilah sisi pada laman." msgid "Page Widget Area" msgstr "Area Widget Laman" msgid "Single Sign On" msgstr "Single Sign On" msgid " Shortlinks" msgstr "Tautan pendek" msgid "The specified theme is not downloadable" msgstr "Tema yang diinginkan tidak dapat diunduh" msgid "You must be logged in to download the specified theme" msgstr "Anda harus sudah login untuk mengunduh tema yang diinginkan" msgid "The specified theme was not found" msgstr "Tema yang diinginkan tidak ditemukan" msgid "Sincerely," msgstr "Salam hormat," msgid "The domain name you entered is too long." msgstr "Nama domain yang Anda masukkan terlalu panjang." msgctxt "Form label: (Email sent to [address]) will arrive at [address]" msgid "Will be forwarded to" msgstr "Akan diteruskan kepada" msgid "Federated States of Micronesia" msgstr "Federated States of Micronesia" msgid "Armed Forces Pacific" msgstr "Armed Forces Pacific" msgid "Armed Forces Europe, Middle East, & Canada" msgstr "Armed Forces Europe, Middle East, & Canada" msgid "Armed Forces Americas" msgstr "Armed Forces Americas" msgid "Wyoming" msgstr "Wyoming" msgid "Wisconsin" msgstr "Wisconsin" msgid "West Virginia" msgstr "West Virginia" msgid "Washington" msgstr "Washington" msgid "Virginia" msgstr "Virginia" msgid "Vermont" msgstr "Vermont" msgid "Utah" msgstr "Utah" msgid "Texas" msgstr "Texas" msgid "Tennessee" msgstr "Tennessee" msgid "South Dakota" msgstr "South Dakota" msgid "South Carolina" msgstr "South Carolina" msgid "Rhode Island" msgstr "Rhode Island" msgid "Pennsylvania" msgstr "Pennsylvania" msgid "Oregon" msgstr "Oregon" msgid "Oklahoma" msgstr "Oklahoma" msgid "Ohio" msgstr "Ohio" msgid "North Carolina" msgstr "North Carolina" msgid "New Mexico" msgstr "New Mexico" msgid "New Jersey" msgstr "New Jersey" msgid "New Hampshire" msgstr "New Hampshire" msgid "Nevada" msgstr "Nevada" msgid "Nebraska" msgstr "Nebraska" msgid "Montana" msgstr "Montana" msgid "Missouri" msgstr "Missouri" msgid "Mississippi" msgstr "Mississippi" msgid "Minnesota" msgstr "Minnesota" msgid "Michigan" msgstr "Michigan" msgid "Massachusetts" msgstr "Massachusetts" msgid "Maryland" msgstr "Maryland" msgid "Maine" msgstr "Maine" msgid "Louisiana" msgstr "Louisiana" msgid "Kansas" msgstr "Kansas" msgid "Iowa" msgstr "Iowa" msgid "Illinois" msgstr "Illinois" msgid "Idaho" msgstr "Idaho" msgid "Hawaii" msgstr "Hawaii" msgid "Florida" msgstr "Florida" msgid "District of Columbia" msgstr "District of Columbia" msgid "Delaware" msgstr "Delaware" msgid "Connecticut" msgstr "Connecticut" msgid "Colorado" msgstr "Colorado" msgid "California" msgstr "California" msgid "Arkansas" msgstr "Arkansas" msgid "Arizona" msgstr "Arizona" msgid "Alaska" msgstr "Alaska" msgid "Alabama" msgstr "Alabama" msgid "Yukon Territory" msgstr "Yukon Territory" msgid "Saskatchewan" msgstr "Saskatchewan" msgid "Quebec" msgstr "Quebec" msgid "Prince Edward Island" msgstr "Prince Edward Island" msgid "Ontario" msgstr "Ontario" msgid "Nunavut" msgstr "Nunavut" msgid "Nova Scotia" msgstr "Nova Scotia" msgid "Northwest Territories" msgstr "Northwest Territories" msgid "Newfoundland" msgstr "Newfoundland" msgid "New Brunswick" msgstr "New Brunswick" msgid "Manitoba" msgstr "Manitoba" msgid "British Columbia" msgstr "British Columbia" msgid "Alberta" msgstr "Alberta" msgid "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya" msgstr "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya" msgid "Zimbabwe" msgstr "Zimbabwe" msgid "Zambia" msgstr "Zambia" msgid "Yemen" msgstr "Yemen" msgid "Western Sahara" msgstr "Western Sahara" msgid "Wallis and Futuna" msgstr "Wallis and Futuna" msgid "Virgin Islands, U.S." msgstr "Virgin Islands, U.S." msgid "Virgin Islands, British" msgstr "Virgin Islands, British" msgid "Viet Nam" msgstr "Viet Nam" msgid "Venezuela" msgstr "Venezuela" msgid "Vanuatu" msgstr "Vanuatu" msgid "Uzbekistan" msgstr "Uzbekistan" msgid "Uruguay" msgstr "Uruguay" msgid "United States Minor Outlying Islands" msgstr "United States Minor Outlying Islands" msgid "United Kingdom" msgstr "United Kingdom" msgid "United Arab Emirates" msgstr "United Arab Emirates" msgid "Ukraine" msgstr "Ukraine" msgid "Uganda" msgstr "Uganda" msgid "Tuvalu" msgstr "Tuvalu" msgid "Turks and Caicos Islands" msgstr "Turks and Caicos Islands" msgid "Turkmenistan" msgstr "Turkmenistan" msgid "Turkey" msgstr "Turkey" msgid "Tunisia" msgstr "Tunisia" msgid "Trinidad and Tobago" msgstr "Trinidad and Tobago" msgid "Tonga" msgstr "Tonga" msgid "Tokelau" msgstr "Tokelau" msgid "Togo" msgstr "Togo" msgid "Timor-Leste" msgstr "Timor-Leste" msgid "Thailand" msgstr "Thailand" msgid "Tanzania, United Republic of" msgstr "Tanzania, United Republic of" msgid "Tajikistan" msgstr "Tajikistan" msgid "Syrian Arab Republic" msgstr "Syrian Arab Republic" msgid "Switzerland" msgstr "Switzerland" msgid "Sweden" msgstr "Sweden" msgid "Swaziland" msgstr "Swaziland" msgid "Svalbard and Jan Mayen" msgstr "Svalbard and Jan Mayen" msgid "Suriname" msgstr "Suriname" msgid "Sudan" msgstr "Sudan" msgid "Sri Lanka" msgstr "Sri Lanka" msgid "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands" msgstr "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands" msgid "South Africa" msgstr "South Africa" msgid "Somalia" msgstr "Somalia" msgid "Solomon Islands" msgstr "Solomon Islands" msgid "Slovenia" msgstr "Slovenia" msgid "Slovakia" msgstr "Slovakia" msgid "Sierra Leone" msgstr "Sierra Leone" msgid "Seychelles" msgstr "Seychelles" msgid "Serbia" msgstr "Serbia" msgid "Senegal" msgstr "Senegal" msgid "Saudi Arabia" msgstr "Saudi Arabia" msgid "Sao Tome and Principe" msgstr "Sao Tome and Principe" msgid "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" msgstr "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" msgid "Saint Pierre and Miquelon" msgstr "Saint Pierre and Miquelon" msgid "Saint Martin" msgstr "Saint Martin" msgid "Saint Lucia" msgstr "Saint Lucia" msgid "Saint Kitts and Nevis" msgstr "Saint Kitts dan Nevis" msgid "Saint Helena" msgstr "Saint Helena" msgid "Saint Barthélemy" msgstr "Saint Barthélemy" msgid "Rwanda" msgstr "Rwanda" msgid "Russian Federation" msgstr "Russian Federation" msgid "Romania" msgstr "Romania" msgid "Réunion" msgstr "Réunion" msgid "Portugal" msgstr "Portugal" msgid "Poland" msgstr "Poland" msgid "Philippines" msgstr "Philippines" msgid "Peru" msgstr "Peru" msgid "Paraguay" msgstr "Paraguay" msgid "Papua New Guinea" msgstr "Papua New Guinea" msgid "Palestinian Territory, Occupied" msgstr "Palestinian Territory, Occupied" msgid "Pakistan" msgstr "Pakistan" msgid "Oman" msgstr "Oman" msgid "Norway" msgstr "Norway" msgid "Northern Mariana Islands" msgstr "Northern Mariana Islands" msgid "Norfolk Island" msgstr "Norfolk Island" msgid "Nigeria" msgstr "Nigeria" msgid "Niger" msgstr "Niger" msgid "Nicaragua" msgstr "Nicaragua" msgid "New Zealand" msgstr "New Zealand" msgid "New Caledonia" msgstr "Kaledonia Baru" msgid "Netherlands Antilles" msgstr "Netherlands Antilles" msgid "Netherlands" msgstr "Netherlands" msgid "Nepal" msgstr "Nepal" msgid "Namibia" msgstr "Namibia" msgid "Myanmar" msgstr "Myanmar" msgid "Mozambique" msgstr "Mozambique" msgid "Morocco" msgstr "Morocco" msgid "Montenegro" msgstr "Montenegro" msgid "Mongolia" msgstr "Mongolia" msgid "Moldova, Republic of" msgstr "Moldova, Republic of" msgid "Micronesia, Federated States of" msgstr "Micronesia, Federated States of" msgid "Mexico" msgstr "Mexico" msgid "Mauritania" msgstr "Mauritania" msgid "Marshall Islands" msgstr "Marshall Islands" msgid "Mali" msgstr "Mali" msgid "Malaysia" msgstr "Malaysia" msgid "Malawi" msgstr "Malawi" msgid "Madagascar" msgstr "Madagascar" msgid "Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of" msgstr "Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of" msgid "Lithuania" msgstr "Lithuania" msgid "Liechtenstein" msgstr "Liechtenstein" msgid "Libya" msgstr "Libya" msgid "Liberia" msgstr "Liberia" msgid "Lesotho" msgstr "Lesotho" msgid "Lebanon" msgstr "Lebanon" msgid "Latvia" msgstr "Latvia" msgid "Lao People's Democratic Republic" msgstr "Lao People's Democratic Republic" msgid "Kyrgyzstan" msgstr "Kyrgyzstan" msgid "Korea, Republic of" msgstr "Korea, Republic of" msgid "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of" msgstr "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of" msgid "Kiribati" msgstr "Kiribati" msgid "Kenya" msgstr "Kenya" msgid "Kazakhstan" msgstr "Kazakhstan" msgid "Jordan" msgstr "Jordan" msgid "Japan" msgstr "Japan" msgid "Italy" msgstr "Italy" msgid "Israel" msgstr "Israel" msgid "Ireland" msgstr "Ireland" msgid "Iraq" msgstr "Iraq" msgid "Iran, Islamic Republic of" msgstr "Iran, Islamic Republic of" msgid "Indonesia" msgstr "Indonesia" msgid "India" msgstr "India" msgid "Iceland" msgstr "Iceland" msgid "Hungary" msgstr "Hungary" msgid "Honduras" msgstr "Honduras" msgid "Holy See (Vatican City State)" msgstr "Holy See (Vatican City State)" msgid "Heard Island and McDonald Islands" msgstr "Heard Island and McDonald Islands" msgid "Haiti" msgstr "Haiti" msgid "Guinea-Bissau" msgstr "Guinea-Bissau" msgid "Guinea" msgstr "Guinea" msgid "Greenland" msgstr "Greenland" msgid "Greece" msgstr "Greece" msgid "Ghana" msgstr "Ghana" msgid "Germany" msgstr "Germany" msgid "Gambia" msgstr "Gambia" msgid "Gabon" msgstr "Gabon" msgid "French Southern Territories" msgstr "French Southern Territories" msgid "French Polynesia" msgstr "French Polynesia" msgid "French Guiana" msgstr "French Guiana" msgid "France" msgstr "France" msgid "Finland" msgstr "Finland" msgid "Faroe Islands" msgstr "Faroe Islands" msgid "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)" msgstr "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)" msgid "Ethiopia" msgstr "Ethiopia" msgid "Estonia" msgstr "Estonia" msgid "Eritrea" msgstr "Eritrea" msgid "Equatorial Guinea" msgstr "Equatorial Guinea" msgid "Ecuador" msgstr "Ecuador" msgid "Dominican Republic" msgstr "Dominican Republic" msgid "Denmark" msgstr "Denmark" msgid "Czech Republic" msgstr "Czech Republic" msgid "Cyprus" msgstr "Cyprus" msgid "Cuba" msgstr "Cuba" msgid "Croatia" msgstr "Croatia" msgid "Côte d'Ivoire" msgstr "Côte d'Ivoire" msgid "Cook Islands" msgstr "Cook Islands" msgid "Congo, the Democratic Republic of the" msgstr "Congo, the Democratic Republic of the" msgid "Congo" msgstr "Congo" msgid "Comoros" msgstr "Comoros" msgid "Colombia" msgstr "Colombia" msgid "Cocos (Keeling) Islands" msgstr "Cocos (Keeling) Islands" msgid "Christmas Island" msgstr "Christmas Island" msgid "China" msgstr "China" msgid "Chile" msgstr "Chile" msgid "Chad" msgstr "Chad" msgid "Central African Republic" msgstr "Central African Republic" msgid "Cayman Islands" msgstr "Cayman Islands" msgid "Canada" msgstr "Canada" msgid "Cameroon" msgstr "Cameroon" msgid "Cambodia" msgstr "Cambodia" msgid "Burundi" msgstr "Burundi" msgid "Burkina Faso" msgstr "Burkina Faso" msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "Bulgaria" msgid "Brunei Darussalam" msgstr "Brunei Darussalam" msgid "British Indian Ocean Territory" msgstr "British Indian Ocean Territory" msgid "Brazil" msgstr "Brazil" msgid "Bouvet Island" msgstr "Bouvet Island" msgid "Botswana" msgstr "Botswana" msgid "Bosnia and Herzegovina" msgstr "Bosnia and Herzegovina" msgid "Bolivia" msgstr "Bolivia" msgid "Bhutan" msgstr "Bhutan" msgid "Benin" msgstr "Benin" msgid "Belgium" msgstr "Belgium" msgid "Belarus" msgstr "Belarus" msgid "Bangladesh" msgstr "Bangladesh" msgid "Bahamas" msgstr "Bahamas" msgid "Azerbaijan" msgstr "Azerbaijan" msgid "Austria" msgstr "Austria" msgid "Armenia" msgstr "Armenia" msgid "Antigua and Barbuda" msgstr "Antigua and Barbuda" msgid "Angola" msgstr "Angola" msgid "American Samoa" msgstr "American Samoa" msgid "Algeria" msgstr "Aljazair" msgid "Albania" msgstr "Albania" msgid "Åland Islands" msgstr "Åland Islands" msgid "Afghanistan" msgstr "Afghanistan" msgid "Virgin Islands" msgstr "Kep. Virgin" msgid "Taiwan" msgstr "Taiwan" msgid "Not set" msgstr "Belum diatur" msgid "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Renew now <small>for one more year</small></a> or <a href=" "\"%2$s\">cancel this domain</a>" msgstr "" "<a href=\"%1$s\">Perpanjang sekarang <small>untuk satu tahun</small></a> " "atau <a href=\"%2$s\">batalkan domain ini</a>" msgid "Upload your logo" msgstr "Unggah logo Anda" msgid "Add an \"About Me\" page" msgstr "Tambahkan halaman \"Tentang Saya\"" msgid "Create your first comic post" msgstr "Buat pos komik pertama Anda" msgid "Set your tagline" msgstr "Buat slogan Anda" msgid "Invite your students to contribute to the blog" msgstr "Undang murid-murid Anda untuk berkontribusi di blog ini" msgid "Choose the perfect theme" msgstr "Pilih tema yang sempurna" msgid "Select your tagline and time zone" msgstr "Pilih slogan dan zona waktu Anda" msgid "" "This screen shows an individual user all of their sites in this network, and " "also allows that user to set a primary site. They can use the links under " "each site to visit either the front end or the dashboard for that site." msgstr "" "Layar ini menampilkan seluruh situs milik seorang pengguna dalam jaringan " "ini, juga memampukan pengguna itu menentukan situs utamanya. Ia juga bisa " "mempergunakan tautan-tautan di bawah masing-masing situs untuk mengunjungi " "beranda maupun dasbornya." msgctxt "Form label: Email sent to [address] (will arrive at...)" msgid "Emails sent to" msgstr "Email terkirim ke" msgid "Goal met!" msgstr "Sasaran tercapai!" msgid "Linkedin" msgstr "Linkedin" msgid "%dy" msgstr "%dy" msgid "1y" msgstr "1y" msgid "%dmo" msgstr "%dmo" msgid "1mo" msgstr "1mo" msgid "%dd" msgstr "%dd" msgid "1d" msgstr "1d" msgid "%dh" msgstr "%dh" msgid "1h" msgstr "1h" msgid "%dm" msgstr "%dm" msgid "1m" msgstr "1m" msgid "1s" msgstr "1s" msgid "Spanish" msgstr "Spanyol" msgid "%s Ref" msgstr "%s Ref" msgid "" "This is the management page for following blogs. You will receive an email " "at %s whenever a new post is made on these sites. Unfollow a blog to stop " "receiving emails from that blog. Go to <em>Settings</em> to stop receiving " "all emails from" msgstr "" "Ini adalah laman pengelolaan untuk blog-blog berikut. Anda akan menerima " "sebuah email di %s tiap kali sebuah pos diterbitkan di situs-situs tersebut. " "Berhenti mengikuti sebuah blog untuk men-stop email dari blog tersebut. Buka " "<em>Pengaturan</em> untuk berhenti menerima email dari" msgid "Register Now" msgstr "Daftar Sekarang" msgid "Contact Us" msgstr "Hubungi Kami" msgid "How do you want to promote the campaign?" msgstr "Bagaimana Anda akan mempromosikan kampanye?" msgid "Which Internet Defense League campaign do you want to participate in?" msgstr "Kampanye Internet Defense League mana yang ingin Anda ikuti?" msgid "Don't display a badge (just the campaign)" msgstr "Jangan tampilkan lencana (tampilkan kampanye saja)" msgid "Red Cat Badge" msgstr "Lencana Kucing Merah" msgid "Super Badge" msgstr "Lencana Super" msgid "Shield Badge" msgstr "Lencana Perisai" msgid "Modal (Overlay Box)" msgstr "Modal (Kotak Overlay)" msgid "Banner at the top of my site" msgstr "Banner pada bagian atas situs saya" msgid "None, just display the badge please" msgstr "Tidak, tampilkan lencana saja" msgid "All current and future campaigns" msgstr "Semua kampanye saat ini dan di waktu mendatang" msgid "Show your support for the Internet Defense League." msgstr "Tunjukkan dukungan Anda untuk Internet Defense League." msgid "Internet Defense League" msgstr "Internet Defense League" msgid "Carousel" msgstr "Carousel" msgid "VaultPress" msgstr "VaultPress" msgid "" "Not all changes have been saved to the server yet. Please stay on this page " "until they are saved." msgstr "" "Belum semua perubahan tersimpan di server. Mohon tunggu hingga semua " "perubahan tersimpan." msgid "Ok, I've created an account" msgstr "Ok, saya telah membuat sebuah akun" msgid "I do not have an account yet" msgstr "Saya belum memiliki sebuah akun" msgid "I already have an account" msgstr "Saya telah memiliki sebuah akun" msgid "Tests" msgstr "Pengujian" msgid "Taxonomy" msgstr "Taksonomi" msgid "#%1$s" msgstr "#%1$s" msgid "Connect with Your Students" msgstr "Koneksikan dengan Siswa-siswi Anda" msgid "" "Please note, students must be at least 13 years old to register. Students " "under 13 must get permission from their parents to have a " "account." msgstr "" "Penting, siswa harus berusia minimal 13 tahun untuk mendaftar. Siswa di " "bawah usia 13 tahun harus mendapat izin dari orang tua untuk memiliki akun " "" msgid "Subtitles" msgstr "Subtitel" msgid " login:" msgstr " login:" msgid "Prato" msgstr "Prato" msgid "Tiled Galleries" msgstr "Galeri Susun Ubin" msgid "ERROR: Invalid verification code" msgstr "ERROR: kode verifikasi tidak valid" msgid "The domain name you entered does not appear to be valid." msgstr "Nama domain yang Anda berikan tidak valid." msgid "Code is Poetry" msgstr "Kode adalah puisi" msgid "Twitter:" msgstr "Twitter:" msgid "Missing parameter %s" msgstr "Parameter %s tidak ada" msgid "Start Over" msgstr "Mulai Ulang dari Awal" msgid "Header Menu" msgstr "Menu Header" msgid "Invalid verification code" msgstr "Kode verifikasi tidak valid" msgid "%d Days" msgstr "%d Hari" msgctxt "word count: words or characters?" msgid "words" msgstr "words" msgid "Terms" msgstr "Ketentuan" msgid "YouTube" msgstr "YouTube" msgid "United States" msgstr "United States" msgid "Infinite Scroll" msgstr "Gulir Tak Terbatas" msgid "Salta" msgstr "Salta" msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Mobile" msgid "Invalid user role. Please try again." msgstr "Peran pengguna tidak valid. Mohon coba kembali." msgid "Following Since" msgstr "Mengikuti Sejak" msgid "Egypt" msgstr "Mesir" msgid "Fill in your profile" msgstr "Lengkapi profil Anda" msgid "and many more not listed here" msgstr "dan masih banyak lagi yang tidak tercantum di sini" msgid "User not found" msgstr "Pengguna tidak ditemukan" msgid "Thanks," msgstr "Terima kasih," msgid "Preload" msgstr "Pramuat" msgid "The requested invite was not found." msgstr "Undangan yang diminta tidak ditemukan." msgid "Georgia" msgstr "Georgia" msgid "Invalid device token." msgstr "Token perangkat tidak valid." msgid "Invalid item ID." msgstr "ID item tidak valid." msgid "Akismet" msgstr "Akismet" msgid "Site Stats" msgstr "Statistik Situs" msgid "" "Howdy ###USERNAME###,\n" "\n" "You recently requested to have the email address on your account changed.\n" "\n" "If this is correct, please click on the following link to change it:\n" "###ADMIN_URL###\n" "\n" "You can safely ignore and delete this email if you do not want to\n" "take this action.\n" "\n" "This email has been sent to ###EMAIL###\n" "\n" "Regards,\n" "All at ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgstr "" "Hai ###USERNAME###,\n" "\n" "Anda baru saja meminta untuk mengubah alamat email dalam akun Anda.\n" "\n" "Jika ya, silakan klik tautan berikut untuk mengubahnya:\n" "###ADMIN_URL###\n" "\n" "Anda boleh mengabaikan dan menghapus email ini jika tak ingin\n" "melakukan perubahan.\n" "\n" "Email ini telah dikirimkan ke ###EMAIL###\n" "\n" "Hormat kami,\n" "Tim ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgid "Gravatar Hovercards" msgstr "Hovercard Gravatar" msgid "Related Posts" msgstr "Kiriman Terkait" msgid "Create account" msgstr "Buat akun" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Object type." msgstr "Jenis objek" msgid "Book" msgstr "Buku" msgid "politician" msgstr "Politikus" msgid "Musician" msgstr "Pemusik" msgid "Director" msgstr "Sutradara" msgid "University" msgstr "Universitas" msgid "School" msgstr "Sekolah" msgid "Non-profit" msgstr "Nirlaba" msgid "Government" msgstr "Pemerintah" msgid "Band" msgstr "Grup Musik" msgid "Hostel" msgstr "Penginapan" msgid "Cafe" msgstr "Kedai Kopi" msgid "Bar" msgstr "Bar" msgid "Sport" msgstr "Olahraga" msgid "Theme installed successfully." msgstr "Tema berhasil dipasang." msgid "Likes" msgstr "Suka" msgid "<span class=\"%1$s\">Tagged</span> %2$s" msgstr "<span class=\"%1$s\">Tag</span> %2$s" msgid "<span class=\"%1$s\">Posted in</span> %2$s" msgstr "<span class=\"%1$s\">Dipublikasi di</span> %2$s" msgid "" "<span class=\"%1$s\">Posted on</span> %2$s <span class=\"meta-sep\">by</" "span> %3$s" msgstr "" "<span class=\"%1$s\">Dipublikasi pada</span> %2$s <span class=\"meta-sep" "\">oleh</span> %3$s" msgid "" "Bookmark the <a href=\"%3$s\" title=\"Permalink to %4$s\" rel=\"bookmark" "\">permalink</a>." msgstr "" "Tandai <a href=\"%3$s\" title=\"Permalink ke %4$s\" rel=\"bookmark" "\">permalink</a>." msgid "Newer Comments <span class=\"meta-nav\">→</span>" msgstr "Komentar Baru <span class=\"meta-nav\">→</span>" msgid "<span class=\"meta-nav\">←</span> Older Comments" msgstr "<span class=\"meta-nav\">←</span> Komentar Lama" msgid "Primary Navigation" msgstr "Navigasi Utama" msgid "%s <span class=\"says\">says:</span>" msgstr "%s <span class=\"says\">berkata:</span>" msgid "Please include a %s template in your theme." msgstr "Harap sertakan templat %s dalam tema Anda." msgid "Pingback:" msgstr "Ping-balik:" msgid "" "This entry was posted in %1$s. Bookmark the <a href=\"%3$s\" title=" "\"Permalink to %4$s\" rel=\"bookmark\">permalink</a>." msgstr "" "Pos ini dipublikasikan di %1$s. Tandai <a href=\"%3$s\" title=\"Permalink " "ke %4$s\" rel=\"bookmark\">permalink</a>." msgid "" "This entry was posted in %1$s and tagged %2$s. Bookmark the <a href=\"%3$s\" " "title=\"Permalink to %4$s\" rel=\"bookmark\">permalink</a>." msgstr "" "Pos ini dipublikasikan di %1$s dan tag %2$s. Tandai <a href=\"%3$s\" title=" "\"Permalink ke %4$s\" rel=\"bookmark\">permalink</a>." msgctxt "Next post link" msgid "→" msgstr "→" msgctxt "Previous post link" msgid "←" msgstr "←" msgid "" "Howdy USERNAME,\n" "\n" "Your new account is set up.\n" "\n" "You can log in with the following information:\n" "Username: USERNAME\n" "Password: PASSWORD\n" "LOGINLINK\n" "\n" "Thanks!\n" "\n" "--The Team @ SITE_NAME" msgstr "" "Hai USERNAME,\n" "\n" "Akun baru Anda telah tersimpan.\n" "\n" "Anda bisa login dengan informasi berikut:\n" "Nama pengguna: USERNAME\n" "Password: PASSWORD\n" "LOGINLINK\n" "\n" "Terimakasih!\n" "\n" "--The Team @ SITE_NAME" msgid "" "Please complete the configuration steps. To create a new network, you will " "need to empty or remove the network database tables." msgstr "" "Silakan lengkapi langkah-langkah konfigurasi ini. Untuk menciptakan sebuah " "jaringan baru, Anda perlu mengosongkan atau menyingkirkan tabel-tabel basis " "data jaringan." msgid "" "Howdy ###USERNAME###,\n" "\n" "You recently clicked the 'Delete Site' link on your site and filled in a\n" "form on that page.\n" "\n" "If you really want to delete your site, click the link below. You will not\n" "be asked to confirm again so only click this link if you are absolutely " "certain:\n" "###URL_DELETE###\n" "\n" "If you delete your site, please consider opening a new site here some time " "in\n" "the future! (But remember that your current site and username are gone " "forever.)\n" "\n" "Thank you for using the site,\n" "All at ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgstr "" "Hai ###USERNAME###,\n" "\n" "Anda baru saja mengklik tautan 'Hapus Situs' dan mengisi formulir\n" "pada halaman tersebut.\n" "\n" "Jika Anda ingin menghapus situs Anda, klik tautan di bawah ini.\n" "Anda tidak akan diminta untuk melakukan konfirmasi kembali, maka silakan " "klik tautan berikut jika Anda benar-benar yakin:\n" "###URL_DELETE###\n" "\n" "Jika Anda menghapus situs Anda, silakan buat situs baru Anda kembali di sini " "suatu saat nanti! (Akan tetapi situs dan nama pengguna Anda saat ini\n" "akan terhapus selamanya.)\n" "\n" "Terimakasih telah menggunakan situs berikut,\n" "Kami di ###SITENAME###\n" "###SITEURL###" msgid "" "Apologies, but the page you requested could not be found. Perhaps searching " "will help." msgstr "" "Maaf, tapi halaman yang Anda cari tidak ditemukan. Mungkin pencarian akan " "membantu." msgid "Sharing" msgstr "Berbagi" msgid "commented on" msgstr "mengomentari" msgid "Newer posts <span class=\"meta-nav\">→</span>" msgstr "Pos-pos selanjutnya <span class=\"meta-nav\">→</span>" msgid "<span class=\"meta-nav\">←</span> Older posts" msgstr "<span class=\"meta-nav\">←</span> Pos-pos sebelumnya" msgid "show source" msgstr "perlihatkan sumber" msgid "Custom CSS" msgstr "CSS Khusus" msgid "Reset options" msgstr "Setel ulang pilihan" msgid "Do you really want to reset your configuration?" msgstr "Apakah Anda sungguh ingin mengatur ulang konfigurasi anda?" msgid "Update options" msgstr "Perbaharui opsi" msgid "Add new webhook" msgstr "Tambahkan webhook baru" msgid "Add webhook" msgstr "Tambahkan webhook" msgid "WebHooks" msgstr "Webhook" msgid "There was an unknown error." msgstr "Ada kesalahan yang tidak diketahui." msgid "Please enter a valid URL." msgstr "Silakan masukkan URL yang benar." msgid "You must select at least one field to send." msgstr "Anda harus memilih setidaknya satu ruas untuk mengirim." msgid "Filter:" msgstr "Saringan:" msgid "Action:" msgstr "Aksi:" msgid "Hook" msgstr "Hook" msgid "Edit this webhook" msgstr "Sunting webhook ini" msgid "Delete this webhook" msgstr "Hapus webhook ini" msgid "Activate this webhook" msgstr "Aktifkan webhook ini" msgid "Deactivate this webhook" msgstr "Nonaktifkan webhook ini" msgid "Save webhook" msgstr "Simpan webhook" msgid "filter" msgstr "Penyaring" msgid "action" msgstr "Tindakan" msgid "Webhooks" msgstr "Webhooks" msgid "Spain" msgstr "Spanyol" msgid "Reset to Defaults" msgstr "Pasang ulang ke asal" msgid "print" msgstr "Cetak" msgid "The code is in your clipboard now" msgstr "Kode berada pada clipboard Anda sekarang" msgid "copy to clipboard" msgstr "salin ke papan klip" msgid "view source" msgstr "Lihat sumber" msgid "[None]" msgstr "[Tak ada]" msgid "" "This post is password protected. Enter the password to view any comments." msgstr "" "Pos ini dilindungi kata sandi. Masukkan kata sandi untuk melihat semua " "komentar" msgid "View all posts by %s" msgstr "Lihat semua pos milik %s" msgid "RSS Feed" msgstr "Feed RSS" msgid "(Edit)" msgstr "(Sunting)" msgid "Permalink to %s" msgstr "Taut permanen ke %s" msgid "% Comments" msgstr "% Komentar" msgid "1 Comment" msgstr "1 Komentar" msgid "%1$s at %2$s" msgstr "%1$s pukul %2$s" msgid "Your comment is awaiting moderation." msgstr "Komentar Anda sedang menunggu moderasi." msgid "Flickr" msgstr "Flickr" msgid "Gravatar" msgstr "Gravatar" msgid "s" msgstr "s" msgid "" "You’ll need to make some comments before you can use this feature. " "Check out the <a href='index.php?page=tag-surfer'>tag surfer</a> or <a " "href=''>blogs of the day</a> for posts you may be " "interested in." msgstr "" "Anda perlu membuat beberapa komentar sebelum dapat menggunakan fitur ini. " "Kunjungi <a href='index.php?page=tag-surfer'>tag surfer</a> atau <a " "href=''>blognya hari ini</a> untuk menemukan pos " "yang mungkin menarik untuk Anda." msgid "Subscriptions" msgstr "Langganan" msgid "Writing" msgstr "Penulisan" msgctxt "Default link category slug" msgid "Blogroll" msgstr "Senarai Blog" msgid "English" msgstr "Inggris" msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page." msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki cukup izin untuk mengakses halaman ini." msgid "Samoa" msgstr "Samoa" msgid "Pitcairn" msgstr "Pitcairn" msgid "Palau" msgstr "Palau" msgid "Niue" msgstr "Niue" msgid "Nauru" msgstr "Nauru" msgid "Guam" msgstr "Guam" msgid "Fiji" msgstr "Fiji" msgid "Mayotte" msgstr "Mayotte" msgid "Mauritius" msgstr "Mauritius" msgid "Maldives" msgstr "Maladewa" msgid "San Marino" msgstr "San Marino" msgid "Rome" msgstr "Roma" msgid "Monaco" msgstr "Monako" msgid "Malta" msgstr "Malta" msgid "Madrid" msgstr "Madrid" msgid "Luxembourg" msgstr "Luksemburg" msgid "Jersey" msgstr "Jersey" msgid "Isle of Man" msgstr "Kepulauan Man" msgid "Guernsey" msgstr "Guernsey" msgid "Gibraltar" msgstr "Gibraltar" msgid "Brussels" msgstr "Brussels" msgid "Andorra" msgstr "Andorra" msgid "Victoria" msgstr "Victoria" msgid "Tasmania" msgstr "Tasmania" msgid "Queensland" msgstr "Queensland" msgid "Australia" msgstr "Australia" msgid "Cape Verde" msgstr "Cape Verde" msgid "Bermuda" msgstr "Bermuda" msgid "Tokyo" msgstr "Tokyo" msgid "Singapore" msgstr "Singapura" msgid "Qatar" msgstr "Qatar" msgid "Macao" msgstr "Makao" msgid "Kuwait" msgstr "Kuwait" msgid "Hong Kong" msgstr "Hong Kong" msgid "Bahrain" msgstr "Bahrain" msgid "Antarctica" msgstr "Antartika" msgid "Sao Paulo" msgstr "Sao Paulo" msgid "Puerto Rico" msgstr "Puerto Rico" msgid "Panama" msgstr "Panama" msgid "North Dakota" msgstr "Dakota Utara" msgid "New York" msgstr "New York" msgid "Montserrat" msgstr "Montserrat" msgid "Martinique" msgstr "Martinique" msgid "Kentucky" msgstr "Kentucky" msgid "Jamaica" msgstr "Jamaika" msgid "Indiana" msgstr "Indiana" msgid "Guyana" msgstr "Guyana" msgid "Guatemala" msgstr "Guatemala" msgid "Guadeloupe" msgstr "Guadeloupe" msgid "Grenada" msgstr "Grenada" msgid "El Salvador" msgstr "El Salvador" msgid "Dominica" msgstr "Dominica" msgid "Curacao" msgstr "Curacao" msgid "Costa Rica" msgstr "Kosta Rika" msgid "Chihuahua" msgstr "Chihuahua" msgid "Belize" msgstr "Belize" msgid "Barbados" msgstr "Barbados" msgid "Bahia" msgstr "Bahia" msgid "Aruba" msgstr "Aruba" msgid "Cordoba" msgstr "Kordoba" msgid "Argentina" msgstr "Argentina" msgid "Anguilla" msgstr "Anguilla" msgid "Djibouti" msgstr "Djibouti" msgid "Ceuta" msgstr "Ceuta" msgid "Could not create directory." msgstr "Tidak dapat melihat direktori." msgid "Could not access filesystem." msgstr "Tidak dapat mengakses sistem berkas" msgid "Blogroll" msgstr "Senarai Blog" msgid "Name:" msgstr "Nama:" msgid "Not Found" msgstr "Tidak ditemukan" msgid "Once Daily" msgstr "Sehari Sekali" msgid "Twice Daily" msgstr "Dua Kali Sehari" msgid "Once Hourly" msgstr "Sejam Sekali" msgid "Invalid form submission." msgstr "Kiriman formulir yang tidak sah." msgctxt "Whats New Description 299" msgid "" "Creating a lightning-fast site just got easier. Access detailed performance " "stats 
and personalized recommendations 
right from your dashboard." msgstr "" "Situs supercepat makin mudah dibuat. Lihat statistik performa terperinci 
dan rekomendasi khusus 
langsung dari dasbor Anda." msgctxt "Whats New Title 299" msgid "Optimize your site's performance" msgstr "Optimalkan performa situs Anda" msgctxt "WooCommerce Android 19.8 Subtitle" msgid "" "Track your Google Ads campaign performance — sales, spend, clicks, and more " "— in your store analytics." msgstr "" "Pantau performa kampanye Google Ads, seperti penjualan, pengeluaran, jumlah " "klik, dan lainnya, di analitik toko Anda." msgctxt "WooCommerce Android 19.8 Title" msgid "Google Ads Campaign Analytics" msgstr "Analitik Kampanye Google Ads" msgctxt "WooCommerce iOS 19.7 Subtitle" msgid "" "Track your Google Ads campaign performance — sales, spend, clicks, and more " "— in your store analytics." msgstr "" "Lacak performa kampanye Google Ads—penjualan, pengeluaran, jumlah klik, dan " "masih banyak lagi—di analitik toko Anda." msgctxt "WooCommerce iOS 19.7 Title" msgid "Google Ads Campaign Analytics" msgstr "Analitik Kampanye Google Ads" msgctxt "WooCommerce Android 19.6 Subtitle" msgid "" "Use a package photo to create products effortlessly. Now, AI suggests " "multiple options for your product's title, summary and description." msgstr "" "Gunakan foto kemasan untuk membuat produk secara mudah. AI kini menyarankan " "berbagai pilihan untuk judul, ringkasan, dan deskripsi produk Anda." msgctxt "WooCommerce Android 19.6 Title" msgid " Launch your products with the improved AI-powered creation tool!" msgstr "" " Luncurkan produk Anda dengan alat pembuatan berbasis AI yang disempurnakan!" msgctxt "WooCommerce iOS 19.6 Subtitle" msgid "" "Use a package photo to create products effortlessly. Now, AI suggests " "multiple options for your product's title, summary and description." msgstr "" "Gunakan foto kemasan untuk membuat produk secara mudah. AI kini menyarankan " "berbagai pilihan untuk judul, ringkasan, dan deskripsi produk Anda." msgctxt "WooCommerce iOS 19.6 Title" msgid "Launch your products with the improved AI-powered creation tool!" msgstr "" " Luncurkan produk Anda dengan alat pembuatan berbasis AI yang disempurnakan!" msgctxt "WooCommerce Android 19.4 Subtitle" msgid "" "Now you can effortlessly view today's store data and track your orders right " "from your wrist." msgstr "" "Kini Anda dapat melihat data toko hari ini dan melacak pesanan secara mudah " "dari tangan Anda." msgctxt "WooCommerce Android 19.4 Title" msgid "We're excited to announce our new Watch app!" msgstr "Sambutlah aplikasi Jam Tangan baru dari kami!" msgctxt "WooCommerce iOS 19.1 Subtitle" msgid "" "Now you can effortlessly view today's store data and track your orders right " "from your wrist." msgstr "" "Kini Anda dapat melihat data toko hari ini dan melacak pesanan secara mudah " "dari tangan Anda." msgctxt "WooCommerce iOS 19.1 Title" msgid "We're excited to announce our new Watch app!" msgstr "Sambutlah aplikasi Jam Tangan baru dari kami!" msgctxt "WooCommerce Android 19.0 Subtitle" msgid "" "Now you can add more sections to the My Store screen, including contents for " "the last three orders, top products with low stock, top active coupons, and " "more! You can enable them by using the \"Edit\" button on the screen." msgstr "" "Sekarang Anda bisa menambahkan lebih banyak bagian ke layar Toko Saya, " "termasuk konten dari tiga pesanan terakhir, produk teratas dengan stok " "menipis, kupon aktif teratas, dan lainnya! Anda dapat mengaktifkan fitur-" "fitur tersebut menggunakan tombol \"Edit\" di layar." msgctxt "WooCommerce Android 19.0 Title" msgid "New Updates to Dynamic Dashboard" msgstr "Pembaruan Dasbor Dinamis" msgctxt "WooCommerce iOS 19.0 Subtitle" msgid "" "Now you can add more sections to the My Store screen, including contents for " "the last three orders, top products with low stock, top active coupons, and " "more! You can enable them by using the \"Edit\" button on the screen." msgstr "" "Sekarang Anda bisa menambahkan lebih banyak bagian ke layar Toko Saya, " "termasuk konten dari tiga pesanan terakhir, produk teratas dengan stok " "menipis, kupon aktif teratai, dan lainnya! Anda dapat mengaktifkan fitur-" "fitur tersebut menggunakan tombol \"Edit\" di layar." msgctxt "WooCommerce iOS 19.0 Title" msgid "New Updates to Dynamic Dashboard" msgstr "Pembaruan Dasbor Dinamis" msgctxt "WooCommerce Android 18.5 Subtitle" msgid "" "You can now customize My Store screen and arrange its content to enhance " "your store management experience." msgstr "" "Anda kini dapat menyesuaikan tampilan Toko Saya dan mengatur kontennya agar " "Anda dapat mengelola toko dengan mudah." msgctxt "WooCommerce Android 18.5 Title" msgid "Dynamic Dashboard" msgstr "Dasbor Dinamis" msgctxt "WooCommerce iOS 18.4 Subtitle" msgid "" "You can now customize My Store screen and arrange its content to enhance " "your store management experience." msgstr "" "Anda kini dapat menyesuaikan tampilan Toko Saya dan mengatur kontennya agar " "Anda dapat mengelola toko dengan mudah." msgctxt "WooCommerce iOS 18.4 Title" msgid "Dynamic Dashboard" msgstr "Dasbor Dinamis" msgctxt "WooCommerce Android 18.2 Subtitle" msgid "" "Get more insights with full reports, customized analytics, and stats for " "product bundles and gift cards." msgstr "" "Dapatkan wawasan lebih mendalam dengan laporan lengkap, analitik yang " "disesuaikan, serta statistik untuk paket produk dan kartu hadiah. " msgctxt "WooCommerce Android 18.2 Title" msgid "Expanded Analytics" msgstr "Analitik Diperluas" msgctxt "WooCommerce iOS 18.1 Subtitle" msgid "" "Get more insights with full reports, customized analytics, and stats for " "product bundles and gift cards." msgstr "" "Dapatkan wawasan lebih mendalam dengan laporan lengkap, analitik yang " "disesuaikan, serta statistik untuk paket produk dan kartu hadiah. " msgctxt "WooCommerce iOS 18.1 Title" msgid "Expanded Analytics" msgstr "Analitik Diperluas" msgctxt "WooCommerce iOS 17.7 Subtitle" msgid "Now it's possible to filter orders by a specific product or customer." msgstr "" "Sekarang Anda dapat menyaring pesanan berdasarkan produk atau pelanggan " "tertentu." msgctxt "WooCommerce iOS 17.7 Title" msgid "Order Filter just got better" msgstr "Penyaring Pesanan kini lebih baik" msgctxt "WooCommerce iOS 17.7 Subtitle" msgid "Tailor your store performance analysis with custom date ranges." msgstr "Sesuaikan analisis performa toko Anda dengan rentang tanggal kustom." msgctxt "WooCommerce iOS 17.7 Title" msgid "Enhanced Store Metrics Management" msgstr "Peningkatan Manajemen Metrik Toko" msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 24.2 Subtitle" msgid "" "We're thrilled to announce a new design for the Reader, making it easier and " "more enjoyable for you to dive into the content you love." msgstr "" "Sambutlah desain baru untuk Pembaca, yang mempermudah Anda dalam menelusuri " "konten yang Anda suka." msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 24.2 Title" msgid "Refresh your Reader experience!" msgstr "Segarkan pengalaman Pembaca Anda." msgctxt "Jetpack Android24.2 Subtitle" msgid "" "We're thrilled to announce a new design for the Reader, making it easier and " "more enjoyable for you to dive into the content you love." msgstr "" "Sambutlah desain baru untuk Pembaca, yang mempermudah Anda dalam menelusuri " "konten yang Anda suka." msgctxt "Jetpack Android24.2 Title" msgid "Refresh your Reader experience!" msgstr "Segarkan pengalaman Pembaca Anda." msgctxt "Jetpack Android24.1 Subtitle" msgid "" "The app is now smarter about retrying to upload media when you have a bad " "connection." msgstr "" "Aplikasi kini lebih cerdas dalam mencoba ulang pengunggahan media saat " "koneksi internet buruk." msgctxt "Jetpack Android24.1 Title" msgid "Offline Upload Improvements" msgstr "Peningkatan Pengunggahan Offline" msgctxt "Jetpack Android24.1 Subtitle" msgid "" "Stories were removed to focus on improving the core experience. We apologize " "for any inconvenience." msgstr "" "Cerita dihilangkan untuk fokus pada peningkatan pengalaman utama. Mohon maaf " "atas ketidaknyamanan yang ditimbulkan." msgctxt "Jetpack Android24.1 Title" msgid "An update on Stories" msgstr "Pembaruan terkait Cerita" msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 24.1 Subtitle" msgid "" "There’s now a “Share” action in the site context menu so you can share your " "site with others." msgstr "" "Kini ada tindakan “Bagikan” di menu konteks situs untuk membagikan situs " "Anda kepada orang lain." msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 24.1 Title" msgid "Share your site" msgstr "Bagikan situs Anda" msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 24.1 Subtitle" msgid "" "The app is now smarter about retrying to upload media when you have a bad " "connection." msgstr "" "Aplikasi kini lebih cerdas dalam mencoba ulang pengunggahan media saat " "koneksi internet buruk." msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 24.1 Title" msgid "Offline Upload Improvements" msgstr "Peningkatan Pengunggahan Offline" msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 24.1 Subtitle" msgid "" "Stories were removed to focus on improving the core experience. We apologize " "for any inconvenience." msgstr "" "Cerita dihilangkan untuk fokus pada peningkatan pengalaman utama. Mohon maaf " "atas ketidaknyamanan yang ditimbulkan." msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 24.1 Title" msgid "An update on Stories" msgstr "Pembaruan terkait Cerita" msgctxt "Jetpack Android23.8 Subtitle" msgid "Streamlined design and improved options menus." msgstr "Desain ringkas dan menu pilihan yang makin baik." msgctxt "Jetpack Android23.8 Title" msgid "Posts and Pages" msgstr "Pos dan Halaman" msgctxt "Jetpack Android23.8 Subtitle" msgid "We added a space for all your domains in the 'Me' tab." msgstr "Kami menambahkan ruang untuk semua domain Anda di tab 'Saya'." msgctxt "Jetpack Android23.8 Title" msgid "Domains Management" msgstr "Manajemen Domain" msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 23.8 Subtitle" msgid "Streamlined design and improved options menus." msgstr "Desain ringkas dan menu pilihan yang makin baik." msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 23.8 Title" msgid "Posts and Pages" msgstr "Pos dan Halaman" msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 23.8 Subtitle" msgid "Rebuilt with improved performance and more interactions." msgstr "" "Didesain ulang dengan kinerja yang makin baik dan interaksi yang makin " "beragam." msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 23.8 Title" msgid "Media Enhancements" msgstr "Penyempurnaan Media" msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 23.8 Subtitle" msgid "We added a space for all your domains in the 'Me' tab." msgstr "Kami menambahkan ruang untuk semua domain Anda di tab 'Saya'." msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 23.8 Title" msgid "Domains Management" msgstr "Manajemen Domain" msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 23.3 Subtitle" msgid "Use shortcuts to key features, or tap 'More' for all options." msgstr "" "Gunakan pintasan ke fitur-fitur utama, atau ketuk 'Lainnya' untuk semua " "pilihan." msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 23.3 Subtitle" msgid "We consolidated the navigation above your cards into a single list." msgstr "" "Kami telah menggabungkan navigasi di atas kartu Anda menjadi sebuah daftar." msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 23.3 Title" msgid "Streamlined Home Dashboard" msgstr "Dasbor Beranda Efisien" msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 23.3 Title" msgid "." msgstr "." msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 23.3 Subtitle" msgid "." msgstr "." msgctxt "WooCommerce iOS 15.3 Subtitle" msgid "" "QR codes and improved card payments make it faster than ever to get paid." msgstr "" "Dengan kode QR dan pembayaran via kartu yang makin baik, kini Anda bisa " "menerima pembayaran lebih cepat." msgctxt "WooCommerce iOS 15.3 Title" msgid "Get paid quicker in person" msgstr "Terima pembayaran lebih cepat secara pribadi" msgctxt "WooCommerce iOS 15.3 Subtitle" msgid "" "It's easier than ever to build your orders, with barcode scanning, improved " "search, and coupons." msgstr "" "Pesanan lebih mudah dibuat berkat pemindaian barcode, penyempurnaan " "pencarian, dan kupon." msgctxt "WooCommerce iOS 15.3 Title" msgid "Order Creation just got better" msgstr "Pembuatan Pesanan makin baik" msgctxt "WooCommerce Android 15.3 Subtitle" msgid "" "QR codes and improved card payments make it faster than ever to get paid." msgstr "" "Dengan kode QR dan pembayaran via kartu yang makin baik, Anda kini bisa " "menerima pembayaran lebih cepat." msgctxt "WooCommerce Android 15.3 Title" msgid "Get paid quicker in person" msgstr "Terima pembayaran lebih cepat secara pribadi" msgctxt "WooCommerce Android 15.3 Subtitle" msgid "" "It's easier than ever to build your orders, with barcode scanning, improved " "search, and coupons." msgstr "" "Pesanan lebih mudah dibuat berkat pemindaian barcode, penyempurnaan " "pencarian, dan kupon." msgctxt "WooCommerce Android 15.3 Title" msgid "Order Creation just got better" msgstr "Pembuatan Pesanan bertambah baik" msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 22.9 Subtitle" msgid "" "Drag and Drop blocks, or use the up/down arrows at the end of the toolbar." msgstr "" "Seret dan Lepas blok, atau gunakan panah atas/bawah di ujung bilah peralatan." msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 22.9 Title" msgid "New ways to move blocks" msgstr "Cara baru memindahkan blok" msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 22.9 Subtitle" msgid "" "We all make mistakes. Undo with a tap from the top of the navigation bar." msgstr "" "Kita tentu punya kesalahan. Batalkan dengan mengetuk dari bagian atas bilah " "navigasi." msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 22.9 Title" msgid "Easier Undo" msgstr "Batalkan dengan Lebih Mudah" msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 22.9 Subtitle" msgid "All block settings now live in the toolbar." msgstr "Semua pengaturan blok kini ada di bilah peralatan." msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 22.9 Title" msgid "Unified Block Controls" msgstr "Kontrol Blok Terpadu" msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 22.9 Subtitle" msgid "Fresh colors, icons, and a streamlined typing experience." msgstr "Warna dan ikon yang trendi, serta pengalaman mengetik yang efisien." msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 22.9 Title" msgid "Editor Design Updates" msgstr "Pembaruan Desain Editor" msgctxt "Jetpack Android22.9 Subtitle" msgid "" "Drag and Drop blocks, or use the up/down arrows at the end of the toolbar." msgstr "" "Seret dan Lepas blok, atau gunakan panah atas/bawah di ujung bilah peralatan." msgctxt "Jetpack Android22.9 Title" msgid "New ways to move blocks" msgstr "Cara baru memindahkan blok" msgctxt "Jetpack Android22.9 Subtitle" msgid "" "We all make mistakes. Undo with a tap from the top of the navigation bar." msgstr "" "Kita tentu punya kesalahan. Batalkan dengan mengetuk dari bagian atas bilah " "navigasi." msgctxt "Jetpack Android22.9 Title" msgid "Easier Undo" msgstr "Batalkan dengan Lebih Mudah" msgctxt "Jetpack Android22.9 Subtitle" msgid "All block settings now live in the toolbar." msgstr "Semua pengaturan blok kini ada di bilah peralatan." msgctxt "Jetpack Android22.9 Title" msgid "Unified Block Controls" msgstr "Kontrol Blok Terpadu" msgctxt "Jetpack Android22.9 Subtitle" msgid "Fresh colors, icons, and a streamlined typing experience." msgstr "Warna dan ikon yang trendi, serta pengalaman mengetik yang efisien." msgctxt "Jetpack Android22.9 Title" msgid "Editor Design Updates" msgstr "Pembaruan Desain Editor" msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 22.7 Subtitle" msgid "" "We’re working on tweaks to freshen up the editor and make it smoother to use." msgstr "" "Kami sedang melakukan penyesuaian untuk menyegarkan tampilan editor dan " "menjadikan pengalaman penggunaan lebih lancar." msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 22.7 Title" msgid "Coming Soon: Editor Design Updates" msgstr "Segera Hadir: Pembaruan Desain Editor" msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 22.7 Subtitle" msgid "" "Upload your high-quality video and display an immersive player with advanced " "functionality." msgstr "" "Unggah video berkualitas Anda dan tampilkan pemutar yang memesona dengan " "fungsionalitas tingkat lanjut." msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 22.7 Title" msgid "VideoPress Block" msgstr "Blok VideoPress" msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 22.7 Subtitle" msgid "" "If your site uses a block-based theme, you can now edit your home page from " "the Pages list." msgstr "" "Jika situs Anda menggunakan tema berbasis blok, kini Anda dapat menyunting " "halaman beranda dari daftar Halaman." msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 22.7 Title" msgid "Site Editor" msgstr "Editor Situs" msgctxt "Jetpack Android22.7 Subtitle" msgid "" "We’re working on tweaks to freshen up the editor and make it smoother to use." msgstr "" "Kami sedang melakukan penyesuaian untuk menyegarkan tampilan editor dan " "menjadikan pengalaman penggunaan lebih lancar." msgctxt "Jetpack Android22.7 Title" msgid "Coming Soon: Editor Design Updates" msgstr "Segera Hadir: Pembaruan Desain Editor" msgctxt "Jetpack Android22.7 Subtitle" msgid "" "Upload your high-quality video and display an immersive player with advanced " "functionality." msgstr "" "Unggah video berkualitas Anda dan tampilkan pemutar yang memesona dengan " "fungsionalitas tingkat lanjut." msgctxt "Jetpack Android22.7 Title" msgid "VideoPress Block" msgstr "Blok VideoPress" msgctxt "Jetpack Android22.7 Subtitle" msgid "" "If your site uses a block-based theme, you can now edit your home page from " "the Pages list." msgstr "" "Jika situs Anda menggunakan tema berbasis blok, kini Anda dapat menyunting " "halaman beranda dari daftar Halaman." msgctxt "Jetpack Android22.7 Title" msgid "Site Editor" msgstr "Editor Situs" msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 22.4 Subtitle" msgid "" "If your site has Activity Log enabled, you can keep track of recent " "activities right from your home tab." msgstr "" "Jika Log Aktivitas di situs diaktifkan, Anda dapat melacak aktivitas terbaru " "langsung dari tab beranda." msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 22.4 Subtitle" msgid "See your pages at a glance on your Home tab" msgstr "Lihat sekilas halaman Anda di tab Beranda" msgctxt "Jetpack Android22.4 Subtitle" msgid "" "If your site has Activity Log enabled, you can keep track of recent " "activities right from your home tab." msgstr "" "Jika Log Aktivitas di situs diaktifkan, Anda dapat melacak aktivitas terbaru " "langsung dari tab beranda." msgctxt "Jetpack Android22.4 Subtitle" msgid "See your pages at a glance on your Home tab." msgstr "Lihat sekilas halaman Anda di tab Beranda." msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 22.4 Title" msgid "Activity Log Card" msgstr "Kartu Log Aktivitas" msgctxt "Jetpack iOS 22.4 Title" msgid "Pages Card" msgstr "Kartu Halaman" msgctxt "Jetpack Android22.4 Title" msgid "Activity Log Card" msgstr "Kartu Log Aktivitas" msgctxt "Jetpack Android22.4 Title" msgid "Pages Card" msgstr "Kartu Halaman" msgctxt "WooCommerce iOS 10.7 Subtitle" msgid "" "You can now edit the price for all of a product's variations at once! Tap " "the ellipsis menu on the list of variations to get started." msgstr "" "Kini Anda dapat menyunting harga untuk semua variasi produk sekaligus. Ketuk " "menu elipsis di daftar variasi untuk memulai." msgctxt "WooCommerce iOS 10.7 Title" msgid "Bulk Editing for Product Variations" msgstr "Penyuntingan Massal untuk Variasi Produk" msgctxt "WooCommerce iOS 10.7 Subtitle" msgid "" "Want to show customers that you're listening to their feedback? Use the new " "Reply button to respond to product reviews that need your attention." msgstr "" "Ingin pelanggan tahu bahwa Anda menyimak feedback mereka? Gunakan tombol " "Balas yang baru untuk menanggapi ulasan produk penting." msgctxt "WooCommerce iOS 10.7 Title" msgid "Reply to Product Reviews" msgstr "Balas Ulasan Produk" msgctxt "WooCommerce Android 10.4 Subtitle" msgid "" "To add the widget, long press an empty space on your home screen, tap " "Widgets, then look for the WooCommerce widget." msgstr "" "Untuk menambahkan widget, tekan dan tahan ruang kosong di layar beranda " "Anda, ketuk Widget, lalu cari widget WooCommerce." msgctxt "WooCommerce iOS 10.4 Subtitle" msgid "" "To add the widget, long press on the homescreen, tap + in the top left, then " "search for Woo." msgstr "" "Untuk menambahkan widget, tekan dan tahan layar beranda, ketuk + di kiri " "atas, lalu cari Woo." msgctxt "WooCommerce iOS 10.4 Title" msgid "NEW: Stats Today Widget!" msgstr "BARU: Widget Statistik Hari Ini!" msgctxt "WooCommerce Android 10.4 Title" msgid "NEW: Stats Today Widget!" msgstr "BARU: Widget Statistik Hari Ini!" msgctxt "WooCommerce Android 9.8 Subtitle" msgid "Edit products, fees, or shipping in an existing order - try it today!" msgstr "" "Edit produk, biaya, atau pengiriman dalam pesanan yang sudah ada - coba " "sekarang juga!" msgctxt "WooCommerce Android 9.8 Title" msgid "NEW: Order Editing " msgstr "BARU: Pengeditan Pesanan " msgctxt "WooCommerce iOS 9.8 Subtitle" msgid "Edit products, fees, or shipping in an existing order – try it today!" msgstr "" "Edit produk, biaya, atau pengiriman dalam pesanan yang sudah ada – coba " "sekarang juga!" msgctxt "WooCommerce iOS 9.8 Title" msgid "NEW: Order Editing" msgstr "BARU: Pengeditan Pesanan" msgctxt "WooCommerce Android 9.3 Subtitle" msgid "" "Use WooCommerce In-Person Payments to bring the power of your store offline. " "Quickly create orders in the mobile app, and use the M2 card reader to take " "secure payments. With automatic inventory sync, this is a fully integrated " "solution for taking your WooCommerce store on the go." msgstr "" "Gunakan WooCommerce In-Person Payments untuk menjangkau konsumen offline " "Anda. Buat pesanan dengan cepat menggunakan aplikasi seluler, dan gunakan " "pembaca kartu M2 untuk menerima pembayaran dengan aman. Dengan sinkronisasi " "inventaris otomatis, ini merupakan solusi terintegrasi penuh untuk membawa " "toko WooCommerce Anda ke mana saja." msgctxt "WooCommerce Android 9.3 Title" msgid "Introducing in-app order creation" msgstr "Memperkenalkan pembuatan pesanan dalam aplikasi" msgctxt "WooCommerce iOS 9.3 Subtitle" msgid "" "Use WooCommerce In-Person Payments to bring the power of your store offline. " "Quickly create orders in the mobile app, and use the M2 card reader to take " "secure payments. With automatic inventory sync, this is a fully integrated " "solution for taking your WooCommerce store on the go." msgstr "" "Gunakan WooCommerce In-Person Payments untuk menjangkau konsumen offline " "Anda. Buat pesanan dengan cepat menggunakan aplikasi seluler, dan gunakan " "pembaca kartu M2 untuk menerima pembayaran dengan aman. Dengan sinkronisasi " "inventaris otomatis, ini merupakan solusi terintegrasi penuh untuk membawa " "toko WooCommerce Anda ke mana saja." msgctxt "WooCommerce iOS 9.3 Title" msgid "Introducing in-app order creation" msgstr "Memperkenalkan pembuatan pesanan dalam aplikasi" msgctxt "WordPress iOS 19.9 Subtitle" msgid "" "Drag & drop makes rearranging blocks in the editor a breeze. Press and hold " "on a block, and drag it to its new location." msgstr "" "Seret & lepaskan memudahkan pengaturan ulang blok di editor. Klik dan tahan " "blok, lalu seret blok tersebut ke lokasi baru." msgctxt "WordPress iOS 19.9 Title" msgid "Drag & drop blocks" msgstr "Seret & lepaskan blok" msgctxt "WordPress Android 19.9 Subtitle" msgid "" "Drag & drop makes rearranging blocks in the editor a breeze. Press and hold " "on a block, and drag it to its new location." msgstr "" "Seret & lepaskan memudahkan pengaturan ulang blok di editor. Klik dan tahan " "blok, lalu seret blok tersebut ke lokasi baru." msgctxt "WordPress Android 19.9 Title" msgid "Drag & drop blocks" msgstr "Seret & lepaskan blok" msgctxt "WordPress Android 19.7 Subtitle" msgid "Switch between your home and menu tabs any time." msgstr "Beralihlah antara tab beranda dan tab menu kapan saja." msgctxt "WordPress Android 19.7 Title" msgid "You can still access your menu" msgstr "Anda masih dapat mengakses menu." msgctxt "WordPress Android 19.7 Subtitle" msgid "" "My Site has a new home tab that shows you up-to-date highlights from your " "site." msgstr "" "Situs Saya memiliki tab beranda baru yang menampilkan sorotan terbaru dari " "situs Anda." msgctxt "WordPress Android 19.7 Title" msgid "My Site Home" msgstr "Beranda Situs Saya" msgctxt "WordPress iOS 19.6 Subtitle" msgid "" "You can still access your menu! Switch between your home and menu tabs any " "time." msgstr "" "Anda masih dapat mengakses menu! Beralihlah antara tab beranda dan tab menu " "kapan saja." msgctxt "WordPress iOS 19.6 Subtitle" msgid "" "My Site has a new home tab that shows you up-to-date highlights from your " "site." msgstr "" "Situs Saya memiliki tab beranda baru yang menampilkan sorotan terbaru dari " "situs Anda." msgctxt "WordPress iOS 19.6 Title" msgid "." msgstr "." msgctxt "WordPress iOS 19.6 Subtitle" msgid "." msgstr "." msgctxt "WordPress iOS 19.6 Title" msgid "My Site Home" msgstr "Beranda Situs Saya" msgctxt "WordPress Android 19.4 Subtitle" msgid "" "We've reorganized the default view in Insights, presenting more interesting " "data such as your blogs Most Popular Time. Head over to your Stats page to " "check it out." msgstr "" "Kami mengatur ulang pratinjau asal di Wawasan dengan data yang lebih " "menarik, seperti Waktu yang Paling Disukai di blog Anda. Buka halaman " "Statistik untuk melihat." msgctxt "WordPress Android 19.4 Title" msgid "Stats Improvements" msgstr "Penyempurnaan Statistik" msgctxt "WordPress Android 19.4 Subtitle" msgid "" "You can now add your own color and gradient palettes when editing posts and " "pages. Create a new post today to try it out." msgstr "" "Kini Anda dapat menambahkan palet gradien dan warna saat menyunting pos dan " "halaman. Buat pos baru untuk mencoba." msgctxt "WordPress Android 19.4 Title" msgid "Support for Multiple Color Palettes Is Here!" msgstr "Dukungan untuk Berbagai Palet Warna Sudah Tersedia." msgctxt "WordPress iOS 19.4 Subtitle" msgid "" "We've reorganized the default view in Insights, presenting more interesting " "data such as your blogs Most Popular Time. Head over to your Stats page to " "check it out." msgstr "" "Kami mengatur ulang pratinjau asal di Wawasan dengan data yang lebih " "menarik, seperti Waktu yang Paling Disukai di blog Anda. Buka halaman " "Statistik untuk melihat." msgctxt "WordPress iOS 19.4 Title" msgid "Stats Improvements" msgstr "Penyempurnaan Statistik" msgctxt "WordPress iOS 19.4 Subtitle" msgid "" "You can now add your own color and gradient palettes when editing posts and " "pages. Create a new post today to try it out. " msgstr "" "Kini Anda dapat menambahkan palet gradien dan warna saat menyunting pos dan " "halaman. Buat pos baru untuk mencoba. " msgctxt "WordPress iOS 19.4 Title" msgid "Support for Multiple Color Palettes Is Here!" msgstr "Dukungan untuk Berbagai Palet Warna Sudah Tersedia." msgctxt "WordPress iOS 19.2 Subtitle" msgid "" "Comments can now be moderated and edited via a drop-down menu on each " "comment." msgstr "" "Sekarang komentar dapat dimoderasi dan disunting via menu tarik turun di " "tiap komentar." msgctxt "WordPress iOS 19.2 Title" msgid "Moderate directly from comment threads" msgstr "Moderasi langsung dari utas komentar" msgctxt "WordPress iOS 19.2 Subtitle" msgid "" "A comment snippet is now available below posts in the reader. Follow the " "conversation even by push notifications. Then read what everybody says, " "place a like, and get involved in the full comments screen." msgstr "" "Snippet komentar kini dapat diakses dari bawah pos di pembaca. Ikuti " "percakapan dengan pemberitahuan push. Kemudian, baca semua komentar, berikan " "suka, dan ambil bagian di layar komentar penuh. " msgctxt "WordPress iOS 19.2 Title" msgid "Follow a conversation and get involved." msgstr "Ikuti percakapan dan ambil bagian." msgctxt "WordPress Android 18.9 Subtitle" msgid "" "A comment snippet is now available below posts in the reader. Follow the " "conversation even by push notifications. Then read what everybody says, " "place a like, and get involved in the full comments screen." msgstr "" "Snippet komentar kini tersedia di bawah pos-pos dalam pembaca. Simak " "percakapan sekalipun dengan pemberitahuan push. Kemudian baca pesan dari " "setiap orang, berikan tanda suka, dan ambil bagian dalam layar komentar " "lengkap." msgctxt "WordPress Android 18.9 Title" msgid "Follow a conversation and get involved." msgstr "Ikuti percakapan dan ambil bagian." msgctxt "WordPress Android 17.7 Subtitle" msgid "Choose the days you prefer to blog." msgstr "Pilih hari yang Anda suka untuk membuat blog." msgctxt "WordPress Android 17.7 Title" msgid "Set your schedule" msgstr "Atur jadwal Anda" msgctxt "WordPress Android 17.7 Subtitle" msgid "Get notifications to keep you on track." msgstr "Dapatkan pemberitahuan agar Anda tetap sesuai jadwal." msgctxt "WordPress Android 17.7 Title" msgid "Blogging Reminders" msgstr "Pengingat Blogging" msgctxt "WordPress iOS 17.7 Subtitle" msgid "Choose the days you prefer to blog." msgstr "Pilih hari yang Anda suka untuk membuat blog." msgctxt "WordPress iOS 17.7 Title" msgid "Set your schedule" msgstr "Atur jadwal Anda" msgctxt "WordPress iOS 17.7 Subtitle" msgid "Get notifications to keep you on track." msgstr "Dapatkan pemberitahuan agar Anda tetap sesuai jadwal." msgctxt "WordPress iOS 17.7 Title" msgid "Blogging Reminders" msgstr "Pengingat Blogging" msgctxt "WordPress iOS 17.6 Subtitle" msgid "" "Tap a person’s name in the list of likes to view their shared bio and " "preview their site." msgstr "" "Ketuk nama orang dalam daftar suka untuk melihat bio yang dibagikan dan " "mempratinjau situs mereka." msgctxt "WordPress iOS 17.6 Title" msgid "Preview bio and site" msgstr "Pratinjau bio dan situs" msgctxt "WordPress iOS 17.6 Subtitle" msgid "Reader articles now include a summary of everyone who liked the post." msgstr "" "Artikel Pembaca sekarang menyertakan ringkasan mengenai semua orang yang " "menyukai pos terkait." msgctxt "WordPress iOS 17.6 Title" msgid "See all likes" msgstr "Lihat semua suka" msgctxt "WordPress Android 17.3 Subtitle" msgid "" "Tap a person’s name in the list of likes to view their shared bio and " "preview their site." msgstr "" "Ketuk nama orang dalam daftar suka untuk melihat bio yang dibagikan dan " "mempratinjau situs mereka." msgctxt "WordPress Android 17.3 Title" msgid "Preview bio and site" msgstr "Pratinjau bio dan situs" msgctxt "WordPress Android 17.3 Subtitle" msgid "Reader articles now include a summary of everyone who liked the post." msgstr "" "Artikel Pembaca sekarang menyertakan ringkasan mengenai semua orang yang " "menyukai pos terkait." msgctxt "WordPress Android 17.3 Title" msgid "See all likes" msgstr "Lihat semua suka" msgctxt "WordPress iOS 16.9 Subtitle" msgid "See your Stats right on your iPhone’s Home Screen." msgstr "Lihat Statistik Anda langsung dari Layar Utama iPhone." msgctxt "WordPress iOS 16.9 Title" msgid "New Home Screen Widgets" msgstr "Widget Layar Utama Baru" msgctxt "WordPress iOS 16.8 Subtitle" msgid "" "Use photos and videos to create engaging and tappable fullscreen slideshows." msgstr "" "Gunakan foto dan video untuk membuat slideshow layar penuh yang menarik dan " "dapat diketuk." msgctxt "WordPress iOS 16.8 Title" msgid "Story Posts" msgstr "Pos Cerita" msgctxt "WordPress Android 16.3 Subtitle" msgid "" "Use photos and videos to create engaging and tappable fullscreen slideshows." msgstr "" "Gunakan foto dan video untuk membuat slideshow layar penuh yang menarik dan " "dapat diketuk." msgctxt "WordPress Android 16.3 Title" msgid "Story Posts" msgstr "Pos Cerita" msgctxt "WordPress iOS 16.0 Subtitle" msgid "" "To give blog posts more room to shine, we redesigned the reading experience. " "Check it out for yourself!" msgstr "" "Untuk memberikan ruang agar pos blog lebih bersinar, kami menata ulang " "pengalaman membaca. Buktikan sendiri!" msgctxt "WordPress iOS 16.0 Title" msgid "A fresh reading experience" msgstr "Pengalaman membaca yang menyegarkan" msgctxt "WordPress iOS 16.0 Subtitle" msgid "" "Based on your chosen interests, we gathered a list of topics you might want " "to explore more." msgstr "" "Berdasarkan minat yang Anda pilih, kami mengumpulkan daftar topik yang " "mungkin ingin Anda jelajahi lebih lanjut." msgctxt "WordPress iOS 16.0 Title" msgid "Topics you might like" msgstr "Topik yang mungkin Anda sukai" msgctxt "WordPress iOS 16.0 Subtitle" msgid "" "The Discover tab on your Reader can now be tailored just for you! Follow " "topics to discover new blogs and find inspiration." msgstr "" "Sekarang tab Jelajahi pada Pembaca dapat disesuaikan berdasarkan kebutuhan " "Anda! Ikuti topik untuk menjelajahi blog baru dan menemukan inspirasi." msgctxt "WordPress iOS 16.0 Title" msgid "New Discover" msgstr "Jelajahi Baru" msgctxt "WordPress Android 16.0 Subtitle" msgid "" "To give blog posts more room to shine, we redesigned the reading experience. " "Check it out for yourself!" msgstr "" "Untuk memberikan ruang agar pos blog lebih bersinar, kami mendesain ulang " "pengalaman membaca. Buktikan sendiri!" msgctxt "WordPress Android 16.0 Title" msgid "A fresh reading experience" msgstr "Pengalaman membaca yang menyegarkan" msgctxt "WordPress Android 16.0 Subtitle" msgid "" "Based on your chosen interests, we gathered a list of topics you might want " "to explore more." msgstr "" "Berdasarkan minat yang Anda pilih, kami mengumpulkan sejumlah topik yang " "mungkin ingin Anda jelajahi lebih lanjut." msgctxt "WordPress Android 16.0 Title" msgid "Topics you might like" msgstr "Topik yang mungkin Anda sukai" msgctxt "WordPress Android 16.0 Subtitle" msgid "" "The Discover tab on your Reader can now be tailored just for you! Follow " "topics to discover new blogs and find inspiration." msgstr "" "Sekarang tab Jelajahi pada Pembaca dapat disesuaikan berdasarkan kebutuhan " "Anda! Ikuti topik untuk menjelajahi blog baru dan menemukan inspirasi." msgctxt "WordPress Android 16.0 Title" msgid "New Discover" msgstr "Jelajahi Baru" msgid "Learn about design tools to control fonts, colors, and spacing." msgstr "Pelajari tentang alat desain untuk mengontrol font, warna, dan spasi." msgid "Add Style to your WordPress site" msgstr "Tambahkan Gaya ke situs WordPress Anda" msgid "Learn to navigate and edit your design like a pro with the list view." msgstr "" "Belajar menavigasikan dan menyunting desain Anda seperti buatan ahli dengan " "tampilan daftar." msgid "Navigation with the List View" msgstr "Navigasi dengan Tampilan Daftar" msgid "Quickly design and build a webpage using block patterns." msgstr "Desain dan buat halaman web dengan cepat menggunakan pola blok." msgid "Building with WordPress patterns" msgstr "Membuat dengan pola WordPress" msgid "" "Learn the fundamentals of the literal building blocks of a WordPress site." msgstr "Pelajari dasar-dasar blok pembangun situs WordPress." msgid "Building with WordPress blocks" msgstr "Membuat dengan blok WordPress" msgid "" "You did it! Now it's time to put your skills to work and customize your " "homepage." msgstr "" "Anda berhasil! Kini saatnya menguji keterampilan untuk menyesuaikan beranda " "Anda." msgid "Site Editor Quick Start" msgstr "Mulai Cepat Editor Situs" msgid "" "A detailed look at various available ways to collect money on your WordPress." "com website for donations, goods, and services." msgstr "" "Penjelasan mendetail tentang aneka cara yang tersedia untuk mengumpulkan " "uang di situs Anda atas donasi, barang, dan layanan." msgid "Webinar: ecommerce on - A Detailed Look" msgstr "Webinar: ecommerce di - Penjelasan Mendetail" msgid "" "A general overview of WooCommerce and adding products and features to your " "website." msgstr "" "Ikhtisar tentang WooCommerce, serta menambahkan produk dan fitur ke situs " "Anda." msgid "Webinar: ecommerce with WooCommerce - A Tour Through Features" msgstr "Webinar: ecommerce dengan WooCommerce - Tur Tentang Fitur" msgid "Run a fundraising campaign on your terms by using our payment blocks." msgstr "Galang dana sesuai ketentuan Anda menggunakan blok pembayaran kami." msgid "" "Paying subscribers of your email list will receive updates of new posts and " "content." msgstr "" "Pelanggan berbayar dalam daftar email Anda akan menerima pembaruan pos dan " "konten baru." msgid "Restrict elements of your website to paying subscribers only." msgstr "Batasi elemen situs Anda hanya untuk pelanggan berbayar." msgid "Restrict the content of your blog to paying subscribers only." msgstr "Batasi konten blog Anda hanya untuk pelanggan berbayar." msgid "" "Create paid subscription options to share premium content like text, images, " "video, and any other content on your website. You might know this as \"gated " "content.\"" msgstr "" "Sediakan pilihan langganan berbayar untuk membagikan konten premium misalnya " "teks, gambar, video, dan konten lainnya di situs web Anda. Anda mungkin " "mengenalinya sebagai \"konten terbatas\"." msgid "Feature: How to Use the Premium Content Block" msgstr "Fitur: Cara Menggunakan Blok Konten Premium" msgid "" "Accept one-time and recurring donations by enabling the Donations Form block." msgstr "" "Terima donasi satu kali dan berulang dengan mengaktifkan blok Formulir " "Donasi." msgid "Feature: How to Use the Donations Form Block" msgstr "Fitur: Cara Menggunakan Blok Formulir Donasi" msgid "Feature: How to Use the Payment Button Block" msgstr "Fitur: Cara Menggunakan Blok Tombol Pembayaran" msgid "Overview: Payment Features" msgstr "Ikhtisar: Fitur Pembayaran" msgid "Case: How to Run a Crowdfunding Campaign on Your Site" msgstr "Kasus: Cara Menjalankan Penggalangan Dana di Situs Anda" msgid "Case: How to Create a Paid Subscription Newsletter" msgstr "Kasus: Cara Membuat Buletin Langganan Berbayar" msgid "Case: How to Create a Premium Membership Website" msgstr "Kasus: Cara Membuat Situs Keanggotaan Premium" msgid "Case: How to Create a Premium Membership Blog" msgstr "Kasus: Cara Membuat Blog Keanggotaan Premium" msgid "Make money on your website" msgstr "Dapatkan penghasilan dari situs web Anda" msgid "Add Payments Features to Your Site with Our Guides" msgstr "Tambahkan Fitur Pembayaran ke Situs Anda dengan Panduan Kami" msgid "Payments Features" msgstr "Fitur Pembayaran" msgid "" "Welcome to! In this video, you’ll learn how to write a blog on " "your website." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di! Melalui video ini, kita akan belajar cara " "menulis blog di situs" msgid "Write a blog" msgstr "Menulis blog" msgid "" "Welcome to! In this video, you’ll learn how to add new blocks " "to your website — and how to know which blocks to use." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di! Melalui video ini, kita akan belajar cara " "menambahkan blok baru ke situs, serta mengetahui blok mana " "yang perlu digunakan." msgid "Choose the right blocks" msgstr "Memilih blok yang tepat" msgid "" "Welcome to! In this video, you’ll learn how to create a page " "on" msgstr "" "Selamat datang di! Melalui video ini, kita akan belajar cara " "membuat halaman di" msgid "Create a page" msgstr "Buat halaman" msgid "" "Welcome to! In this video, you’ll learn how to use the editor " "on your website." msgstr "" "Selamat datang di! Melalui video ini, kita akan belajar cara " "menggunakan editor di situs" msgid "Use the editor" msgstr "Menggunakan editor" msgid "" "Welcome to! In this video, you’ll learn how to add a social " "icons block on" msgstr "" "Selamat datang di! Melalui video ini, kita akan belajar cara " "menambahkan blok ikon sosial di" msgid "How to add a social icons block on" msgstr "Cara menambahkan blok ikon sosial di" msgid "Testing course video 2" msgstr "Sesi uji coba video 2" msgid "Big Buck Bunny DO NOT DELETE" msgstr "Big Buck Bunny JANGAN HAPUS" msgid "Start blogging" msgstr "Mulai blogging" msgid "" "This video pulls together some of what can be done today ahead of the " "January 5.9 release while using block themes and the Gutenberg plugin." msgstr "" "Video ini merangkum beberapa hal yang bisa dilakukan menjelang rilis 5.9 " "bulan Januari nanti dengan menggunakan tema blog dan plugin Gutenberg." msgid "Transparency" msgstr "Transparansi" msgid "" "With so much work being done to bring various features to WordPress, this " "video pulls together some of what can be done today ahead of the December " "5.9 release while using block themes and the Gutenberg plugin (version 11.7)." msgstr "" "Dengan begitu banyak pekerjaan yang tengah dilakukan untuk menghadirkan " "berbagai fitur ke WordPress, video ini merangkum beberapa hal yang bisa " "dilakukan menjelang rilis 5.9 bulan Desember nanti dengan menggunakan tema " "blok dan plugin Gutenberg (versi 11.7)." msgid "Congratulations! Now let's get blogging!" msgstr "Selamat! Mari mulai blogging!" msgid "Connecting The Dots" msgstr "Connecting The Dots" msgid "big buck bunny description" msgstr "deskripsi big buck bunny" msgid "Testing course" msgstr "Sesi uji coba" msgid "" "How have you adapted to the changes brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic?" msgstr "" "Bagaimana Anda beradaptasi dengan perubahan yang disebabkan oleh pandemi " "Covid-19?" msgid "Who is the most confident person you know?" msgstr "Siapakah di antara kenalan Anda yang paling percaya diri?" msgid "What strategies do you use to cope with negative feelings?" msgstr "Strategi apa saja yang Anda gunakan untuk mengatasi perasaan negatif?" msgid "Describe a phase in life that was difficult to say goodbye to." msgstr "Ceritakan fase dalam hidup yang sulit Anda tinggalkan." msgid "Have you ever unintentionally broken the law?" msgstr "Apakah Anda pernah melanggar hukum secara tidak sengaja?" msgid "" "Are there any activities or hobbies you've outgrown or lost interest in over " "time?" msgstr "" "Apakah ada aktivitas atau hobi yang Anda tidak lagi Anda kuasai maupun " "minati seiring berjalannya waktu?" msgid "" "How do significant life events or the passage of time influence your " "perspective on life?" msgstr "" "Bagaimana peristiwa hidup penting atau berlalunya waktu memengaruhi " "perspektif Anda dalam hidup?" msgid "Can you share a positive example of where you've felt loved?" msgstr "Bagikan contoh positif tentang pengalaman Anda merasa disayangi." msgid "What are your thoughts on the concept of living a very long life?" msgstr "Apa pendapat Anda tentang konsep hidup berumur panjang?" msgid "What is your all time favorite automobile?" msgstr "Apa mobil terfavorit Anda sepanjang waktu?" msgid "Describe a man who has positively impacted your life." msgstr "" "Gambarkan sosok pria yang telah berpengaruh secara positif pada hidup Anda." msgid "What is something others do that sparks your admiration?" msgstr "Adakah perbuatan orang lain yang membuat Anda kagum?" msgid "Who are your current most favorite people?" msgstr "Siapa saja orang-orang favorit Anda saat ini?" msgid "What is good about having a pet?" msgstr "Apa keuntungan dari memelihara hewan?" msgid "Describe a family member." msgstr "Gambarkan salah seorang anggota keluarga Anda." msgid "What alternative career paths have you considered or are interested in?" msgstr "" "Apa saja jalur karir alternatif yang Anda pertimbangkan atau menarik bagi " "Anda?" msgid "" "What aspects of your cultural heritage are you most proud of or interested " "in?" msgstr "" "Apa saja aspek warisan budaya yang paling Anda banggakan atau menarik bagi " "Anda?" msgid "" "If you had to give up one word that you use regularly, what would it be?" msgstr "" "Jika Anda harus menghilangkan satu kata yang sering Anda ucapkan, apa kata " "itu?" msgid "What positive emotion do you feel most often?" msgstr "Apa emosi positif yang paling sering Anda rasakan?" msgid "Describe one habit that brings you joy." msgstr "Gambarkan satu kebiasaan yang membuat Anda senang." msgid "What strategies do you use to maintain your health and well-being?" msgstr "" "Apa saja strategi yang Anda gunakan untuk menjaga kebugaran dan kesehatan " "Anda?" msgid "" "If you could host a dinner and anyone you invite was sure to come, who would " "you invite?" msgstr "" "Jika Anda menjadi tuan rumah jamuan makan malam dan siapa pun yang diundang " "pasti akan datang, siapa yang Anda undang?" msgid "What strategies do you use to increase comfort in your daily life?" msgstr "" "Apa saja strategi yang Anda gunakan untuk membuat keseharian Anda makin " "nyaman?" msgid "Describe one of your favorite moments." msgstr "Gambarkan salah satu peristiwa favorit Anda." msgid "What are you passionate about?" msgstr "Bidang apa yang Anda geluti dengan penuh semangat?" msgid "Describe one simple thing you do that brings joy to your life." msgstr "Gambarkan satu tindakan sederhana yang membuat Anda gembira." msgid "What quality do you value most in a friend?" msgstr "Apa karakter yang menurut Anda paling penting dari seorang teman?" msgid "What personal belongings do you hold most dear?" msgstr "Apakah barang pribadi kesayangan Anda?" msgid "Share a story about someone who had a positive impact on your life." msgstr "Ceritakan tentang seseorang yang berpengaruh positif pada hidup Anda." msgid "Describe a risk you took that you do not regret." msgstr "Ceritakan pengalaman Anda mengambil risiko tanpa penyesalan." msgid "" "Describe a random encounter with a stranger that stuck out positively to you." msgstr "" "Ceritakan pertemuan tak terduga dengan orang tal dikenal yang berkesan " "positif bagi Anda." msgid "Describe a decision you made in the past that helped you learn or grow." msgstr "" "Sebutkan keputusan di masa lalu yang membantu Anda belajar dan bertumbuh." msgid "Describe a positive thing a family member has done for you." msgstr "Gambarkan tindakan positif anggota keluarga pada Anda." msgid "Describe one positive change you have made in your life." msgstr "Gambarkan satu perubahan positif dalam hidup Anda." msgid "What makes you feel nostalgic?" msgstr "Apa yang membuat Anda bernostalgia?" msgid "What relationships have a positive impact on you?" msgstr "Hubungan apa yang berdampak positif terhadap Anda?" msgid "If you started a sports team, what would the colors and mascot be?" msgstr "" "Seandainya Anda membuat tim olahraga, warna dan maskot apa yang akan dipilih?" msgid "How have your political views changed over time?" msgstr "Bagaimana perubahan pandangan politik Anda seiring waktu?" msgid "" "You get to build your perfect space for reading and writing. What’s it like?" msgstr "" "Anda berkesempatan membangun ruang yang sempurna untuk membaca dan menulis. " "Seperti apa itu?" msgid "How are you creative?" msgstr "Seperti apa pemikiran kreatif Anda?" msgid "Who are the biggest influences in your life?" msgstr "Siapa saja orang yang paling berpengaruh di hidup Anda?" msgid "Share what you know about the year you were born." msgstr "Bagikan segala hal yang Anda ketahui tentang tahun kelahiran Anda." msgid "Are you a good judge of character?" msgstr "Apakah Anda dapat membaca karakter dengan baik?" msgid "When are you most happy?" msgstr "Kapan Anda merasa paling bahagia?" msgid "What was the last thing you did for play or fun?" msgstr "" "Apa hal terakhir yang Anda lakukan untuk bermain atau bersenang-senang?" msgid "List your top 5 grocery store items." msgstr "Sebutkan 5 barang belanjaan Anda yang paling utama." msgid "Is your life today what you pictured a year ago?" msgstr "" "Apakah hidup Anda saat ini sesuai dengan yang Anda bayangkan tahun lalu?" msgid "What skills or lessons have you learned recently?" msgstr "" "Apa saja keterampilan atau pelajaran yang Anda pelajari akhir-akhir ini?" msgid "What cities do you want to visit?" msgstr "Kota-kota mana saja yang ingin Anda kunjungi?" msgid "Tell us one thing you hope people say about you." msgstr "Seperti apa pandangan orang yang Anda harapkan terhadap Anda?" msgid "" "Tell us about your first day at something — school, work, as a parent, etc. " msgstr "" "Ceritakan tentang hari pertama Anda saat menjalani sesuatu — sekolah, " "bekerja, menjadi orang tua, dll. " msgid "Have you ever performed on stage or given a speech?" msgstr "Apakah Anda pernah tampil di panggung atau menyampaikan pidato?" msgid "What are your favorite physical activities or exercises?" msgstr "Apa saja kegiatan fisik atau olahraga favorit Anda?" msgid "What's your favorite cartoon?" msgstr "Apa kartun favorit Anda?" msgid "What could you do less of?" msgstr "Kebiasaan buruk apa yang bisa Anda hentikan?" msgid "What positive events have taken place in your life over the past year?" msgstr "Apa saja peristiwa positif yang Anda alami selama setahun terakhir?" msgid "Do you ever see wild animals?" msgstr "Apakah Anda pernah melihat hewan liar?" msgid "Do you have a favorite place you have visited? Where is it?" msgstr "Apa tempat favorit yang pernah Anda kunjungi? Di mana itu?" msgid "Share five things you're good at." msgstr "Sebutkan lima hal yang menjadi keahlian Anda." msgid "What is one thing you would change about yourself?" msgstr "Apa satu hal yang ingin Anda ubah dalam diri Anda?" msgid "Are you more of a night or morning person?" msgstr "Apakah Anda lebih cenderung suka begadang atau bangun pagi?" msgid "What are your feelings about eating meat?" msgstr "Apa yang Anda rasakan saat memakan daging?" msgid "What are your two favorite things to wear?" msgstr "Apa dua benda favorit yang sering Anda kenakan?" msgid "What technology would you be better off without, why?" msgstr "Teknologi apa yang lebih baik tidak Anda gunakan dan apa alasannya?" msgid "What's the hardest decision you've ever had to make? Why?" msgstr "Apa keputusan terberat yang pernah Anda ambil? Mengapa?" msgid "Do you or your family make any special dishes for the holidays?" msgstr "" "Apakah Anda atau keluarga Anda memasak makanan spesial untuk hari libur?" msgid "If you didn't need sleep, what would you do with all the extra time?" msgstr "" "Seandainya Anda tidak membutuhkan tidur, apa yang akan Anda lakukan dengan " "waktu luang yang ada?" msgid "Name your top three pet peeves." msgstr "Sebutkan tiga hal yang paling mengganggu Anda." msgid "What are your favorite animals?" msgstr "Apa saja hewan favorit Anda?" msgid "Beach or mountains? Which do you prefer? Why?" msgstr "Pantai atau pegunungan? Mana yang Anda sukai? Mengapa?" msgid "What are your family's top 3 favorite meals?" msgstr "Apa saja 3 makanan terfavorit keluarga Anda?" msgid "If you could meet a historical figure, who would it be and why?" msgstr "" "Seandainya Anda bisa bertemu seorang tokoh sejarah, siapakah itu dan mengapa?" msgid "Do you trust your instincts?" msgstr "Apakah Anda memercayai insting Anda?" msgid "What's your favorite month of the year? Why?" msgstr "Apa bulan favorit Anda dalam setahun? Mengapa?" msgid "What is your favorite place to go in your city?" msgstr "Apa tempat favorit di kota Anda?" msgid "What's the first impression you want to give people?" msgstr "Apa kesan pertama yang ingin Anda perlihatkan kepada orang lain?" msgid "What book are you reading right now?" msgstr "Apa buku yang Anda baca saat ini?" msgid "If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?" msgstr "Seandainya Anda bisa tinggal di mana pun di dunia, di manakah itu?" msgid "What's the coolest thing you've ever found (and kept)?" msgstr "Apa benda terkeren yang pernah Anda temukan (dan simpan)?" msgid "What part of your routine do you always try to skip if you can?" msgstr "" "Apa bagian dari rutinitas Anda yang selalu Anda coba lewatkan sebisa mungkin?" msgid "Who is the most famous or infamous person you have ever met?" msgstr "" "Siapa orang baik atau jahat yang paling terkenal yang pernah Anda temui?" msgid "" "Name the most expensive personal item you've ever purchased (not your home " "or car)." msgstr "" "Sebutkan barang pribadi paling mahal yang pernah Anda beli (bukan rumah atau " "mobil)." msgid "What podcasts are you listening to?" msgstr "Apa podcast yang sedang Anda dengarkan?" msgid "What was your favorite subject in school?" msgstr "Apa mata pelajaran favorit Anda di sekolah?" msgid "How do you manage screen time for yourself?" msgstr "Bagaimana Anda mengelola waktu untuk menatap layar?" msgid "Do you need time?" msgstr "Apakah Anda membutuhkan waktu untuk melakukannya?" msgid "What will your life be like in three years?" msgstr "Seperti apa hidup Anda dalam tiga tahun mendatang?" msgid "Invent a holiday! Explain how and why everyone should celebrate." msgstr "" "Luangkanlah waktu untuk liburan! Jelaskan cara dan alasan semua orang perlu " "meluangkan waktu untuk itu." msgid "What are your favorite websites?" msgstr "Apa saja situs web favorit Anda?" msgid "Is there an age or year of your life you would re-live?" msgstr "Adakah usia atau tahun dalam hidup Anda yang ingin Anda ulang?" msgid "What historical event fascinates you the most?" msgstr "Apa peristiwa bersejarah yang paling membuat Anda terpukau?" msgid "What's something you believe everyone should know." msgstr "Apa keyakinan Anda yang semua orang perlu tahu?" msgid "What does it mean to be a kid at heart?" msgstr "Apa makna berjiwa anak-anak meski sudah dewasa?" msgid "You have three magic genie wishes, what are you asking for?" msgstr "" "Jika Anda bisa mengajukan tiga permintaan kepada jin lampu ajaib, apa yang " "akan Anda minta?" msgid "What is your favorite form of physical exercise?" msgstr "Apa bentuk olahraga fisik favorit Anda?" msgid "How much would you pay to go to the moon?" msgstr "Berapa uang yang mungkin Anda keluarkan untuk pergi ke bulan?" msgid "What food would you say is your specialty?" msgstr "Apa makanan yang spesial bagi Anda?" msgid "What major historical events do you remember?" msgstr "Apa saja peristiwa besar bersejarah yang Anda ingat?" msgid "What’s the biggest risk you’d like to take — but haven’t been able to? " msgstr "Risiko terbesar apa yang ingin Anda tempuh — tapi belum kesampaian? " msgid "What are you most proud of in your life?" msgstr "Hal apa yang paling Anda banggakan dalam hidup?" msgid "What have you been working on?" msgstr "Apa yang sedang Anda kerjakan saat ini?" msgid "What’s something most people don’t know about you?" msgstr "Apa sesuatu yang tidak banyak orang tahu tentang Anda?" msgid "Do lazy days make you feel rested or unproductive?" msgstr "Apakah hari-hari santai membuat Anda santai atau tidak produktif?" msgid "" "When you think of the word \"successful,\" who's the first person that comes " "to mind and why?" msgstr "" "Ketika memikirkan kata \"berhasil\", siapa orang pertama yang Anda pikirkan " "dan mengapa?" msgid "What makes a good neighbor?" msgstr "Seperti apa ciri-ciri tetangga yang baik?" msgid "What could you try for the first time?" msgstr "Apa yang bisa Anda coba untuk pertama kalinya?" msgid "What principles define how you live?" msgstr "Apa saja prinsip-prinsip yang menggambarkan cara hidup Anda?" msgid "What have you been putting off doing? Why?" msgstr "Apakah yang Anda tunda hingga belum dilakukan? Mengapa?" msgid "When was the first time you really felt like a grown up (if ever)?" msgstr "" "Kapan pertama kali Anda benar-benar merasa seperti bertumbuh (jika pernah)?" msgid "If you had a million dollars to give away, who would you give it to?" msgstr "" "Seandainya Anda memiliki jutaan dolar untuk dibagikan, siapa saja yang akan " "Anda beri?" msgid "What's something you would attempt if you were guaranteed not to fail." msgstr "Jika dijamin berhasil, apa sesuatu yang ingin Anda coba lakukan?" msgid "What was the hardest personal goal you've set for yourself?" msgstr "Apa target pribadi yang paling sulit Anda capai?" msgid "Who are your favorite artists?" msgstr "Siapa saja seniman favorit Anda?" msgid "What is your favorite hobby or pastime?" msgstr "Apa kegemaran atau hiburan favorit Anda?" msgid "What would you do if you lost all your possessions?" msgstr "Apa yang akan Anda lakukan seandainya Anda kehilangan segalanya?" msgid "What's a topic or issue about which you’ve changed your mind?" msgstr "Apa topik atau masalah yang telah mengubah sudut pandang Anda?" msgid "Tell us about a time when you felt out of place." msgstr "Ceritakan saat Anda tersesat ke suatu tempat." msgid "Your life without a computer: what does it look like?" msgstr "Hidup Anda tanpa komputer: seperti apa jadinya?" msgid "What skill would you like to learn?" msgstr "Keterampilan apa yang ingin Anda pelajari?" msgid "What details of your life could you pay more attention to?" msgstr "Apakah bagian dalam hidup Anda yang ingin lebih Anda perhatikan?" msgid "What's your #1 priority tomorrow?" msgstr "Apa prioritas utama Anda untuk masa depan?" msgid "In what ways does hard work make you feel fulfilled?" msgstr "Dalam hal seperti apa kerja keras membuat Anda merasa puas?" msgid "What’s the trait you value most about yourself?" msgstr "Karakter apa yang paling bernilai dalam diri Anda?" msgid "List three jobs you'd consider pursuing if money didn't matter." msgstr "" "Sebutkan tiga pekerjaan yang mungkin ingin Anda geluti berapa pun gajinya." msgid "What brands do you associate with?" msgstr "Apa merek yang Anda sukai?" msgid "What could you do more of?" msgstr "Apa sesuatu yang ingin lebih sering Anda lakukan?" msgid "What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?" msgstr "Apa nasihat terbaik yang pernah Anda terima?" msgid "What things give you energy?" msgstr "Apa saja hal yang membuat Anda bersemangat?" msgid "What's your all-time favorite album?" msgstr "Apa album favorit Anda sepanjang masa?" msgid "Which topics would you like to be more informed about?" msgstr "Topik apakah yang paling ingin Anda ketahui?" msgid "What would your life be like without music?" msgstr "Apa jadinya hidup Anda tanpa musik?" msgid "How do you celebrate holidays?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara Anda mengisi hari libur?" msgid "Write about your most epic baking or cooking fail." msgstr "" "Tuliskan tentang kegagalan memanggang roti atau memasak yang paling seru." msgid "Share a lesson you wish you had learned earlier in life." msgstr "Ceritakan pelajaran hidup yang Anda harap sudah lama Anda ketahui." msgid "What are your favorite types of foods?" msgstr "Apa jenis makanan favorit Anda?" msgid "How often do you walk or run?" msgstr "Seberapa sering Anda berjalan atau berlari?" msgid "Do you see yourself as a leader?" msgstr "Apakah Anda menganggap diri Anda berjiwa pemimpin?" msgid "What's your favorite word?" msgstr "Apa kata favorit Anda?" msgid "What are you doing this evening?" msgstr "Apa yang akan Anda lakukan malam ini?" msgid "What personality trait in people raises a red flag with you?" msgstr "Apa kepribadian orang lain yang membuat Anda waspada?" msgid "Describe your ideal week." msgstr "Gambarkan suatu pekan yang ideal bagi Anda." msgid "Name the professional athletes you respect the most and why." msgstr "" "Sebutkan nama-nama atlet profesional yang paling Anda hormati dan alasannya." msgid "How do you relax?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara Anda bersantai?" msgid "Are you holding a grudge? About?" msgstr "Apakah Anda menyimpan dendam? Tentang apa?" msgid "Share a story about the furthest you’ve ever traveled from home." msgstr "Bagikan cerita tentang perjalanan terjauh yang pernah Anda lakukan." msgid "What does your ideal home look like?" msgstr "Seperti apa rumah ideal Anda?" msgid "What brings a tear of joy to your eye?" msgstr "Apa hal yang membuat Anda merasa terharu?" msgid "Why do you blog?" msgstr "Mengapa Anda membuat blog?" msgid "How are you feeling right now?" msgstr "Bagaimana perasaan Anda saat ini?" msgid "What daily habit do you do that improves your quality of life?" msgstr "Apa kebiasaan Anda yang meningkatkan kualitas hidup Anda?" msgid "" "What was the last thing you searched for online? Why were you looking for it?" msgstr "" "Apa hal terakhir yang Anda cari secara online? Mengapa Anda mencarinya?" msgid "What TV shows did you watch as a kid?" msgstr "Apa tayangan televisi yang Anda tonton saat kanak-kanak?" msgid "What's your favorite time of day?" msgstr "Kapan waktu favorit Anda dalam sehari?" msgid "What's your favorite recipe?" msgstr "Apa resep favorit Anda?" msgid "Tell us about the last thing you got excited about." msgstr "Ceritakan tentang hal terakhir yang membuat Anda bersemangat." msgid "How would you design the city of the future?" msgstr "Seperti apa Anda akan merancang kota masa depan?" msgid "Where did your name come from?" msgstr "Dari mana nama Anda berasal?" msgid "What motivates you?" msgstr "Apa yang mampu memotivasi Anda?" msgid "What are your top ten favorite movies?" msgstr "Apa saja sepuluh film terfavorit Anda?" msgid "What do you enjoy most about writing?" msgstr "Apa yang paling Anda nikmati dari menulis?" msgid "What do you love about where you live?" msgstr "Apa yang Anda sukai dari tempat tinggal Anda?" msgid "How do you plan your goals?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara Anda merencanakan tujuan-tujuan Anda?" msgid "Create an emergency preparedness plan." msgstr "Buatlah suatu rencana menghadapi keadaan darurat." msgid "What is a word you feel that too many people use?" msgstr "Apa kata yang menurut Anda terlalu sering digunakan banyak orang?" msgid "What brings you peace?" msgstr "Apa yang membuat Anda merasa damai?" msgid "What profession do you admire most and why?" msgstr "Apa profesi yang paling Anda kagumi dan apa alasannya?" msgid "If you were going to open up a shop, what would you sell?" msgstr "Seandainya Anda akan membuka toko, apa yang akan Anda jual?" msgid "What is the most important thing to carry with you all the time?" msgstr "Apa benda terpenting yang Anda bawa setiap saat?" msgid "" "What change, big or small, would you like your blog to make in the world?" msgstr "" "Perubahan besar atau kecil apa yang Anda harap dapat diciptakan blog Anda " "bagi dunia?" msgid "Describe your life in an alternate universe." msgstr "Gambarkan hidup Anda dalam suatu dunia yang berbeda." msgid "What's the most money you've ever spent on a meal? Was it worth it?" msgstr "" "Berapa biaya tertinggi yang pernah Anda habiskan untuk sekali makan? Apakah " "sepadan?" msgid "" "Scour the news for an entirely uninteresting story. Consider how it connects " "to your life. Write about that." msgstr "" "Cari berita tentang sesuatu yang sama sekali tidak menarik. Pahami bagaimana " "ini bisa terhubung dengan kehidupan Anda. Tulis tentang hal ini." msgid "List 30 things that make you happy." msgstr "Tulis daftar 30 hal yang membuat Anda bahagia." msgid "What are you curious about?" msgstr "Apa hal yang membuat Anda penasaran?" msgid "Write about a random act of kindness you've done for someone." msgstr "" "Tuliskan tentang kebaikan apa pun yang pernah Anda lakukan kepada seseorang." msgid "How would you describe yourself to someone who can't see you?" msgstr "" "Bagaimana cara menggambarkan diri Anda pada seseorang yang tidak bisa " "melihat Anda?" msgid "What traditions have you not kept that your parents had?" msgstr "Apa tradisi dari orang tua yang tidak Anda teruskan?" msgid "Was today typical?" msgstr "Apakah hari ini biasa saja?" msgid "How would you describe yourself to someone?" msgstr "Bagaimana Anda menggambarkan tentang diri Anda kepada seseorang?" msgid "If you could bring back one dinosaur, which one would it be?" msgstr "" "Seandainya Anda bisa menghidupkan kembali satu dinosaurus, yang manakah itu?" msgid "If you won two free plane tickets, where would you go?" msgstr "" "Seandainya Anda memenangkan dua tiket pesawat gratis, ke mana Anda akan " "pergi?" msgid "What's the story behind your nickname?" msgstr "Apa cerita di balik nama julukan Anda?" msgid "What are your future travel plans?" msgstr "Apa saja rencana perjalanan Anda di masa mendatang?" msgid "What would you change about modern society?" msgstr "Apa yang ingin Anda ubah dari masyarakat modern?" msgid "What do you listen to while you work?" msgstr "Apa yang Anda dengarkan saat Anda bekerja?" msgid "What’s your go-to comfort food?" msgstr "Apa makanan penenang hati yang Anda andalkan?" msgid "What's your favorite game (card, board, video, etc.)? Why?" msgstr "Apa permainan favorit Anda (kartu, papan, video, dll.)? Mengapa?" msgid "What foods would you like to make?" msgstr "Apa saja makanan yang ingin Anda buat?" msgid "Dogs or cats?" msgstr "Anjing atau kucing?" msgid "Which activities make you lose track of time?" msgstr "Kegiatan apa saja yang membuat Anda lupa waktu?" msgid "What bothers you and why?" msgstr "Apa yang membuat Anda merasa terganggu dan mengapa?" msgid "List 10 things you know to be absolutely certain." msgstr "Sebutkan 10 hal yang Anda tahu sudah pasti." msgid "Are you seeking security or adventure?" msgstr "Apakah Anda mencari keamanan atau petualangan?" msgid "What do you think gets better with age?" msgstr "Apa yang Anda rasa menjadi semakin baik seiring bertambahnya usia?" msgid "What time do you go to bed and wake up currently?" msgstr "Jam berapa Anda tidur dan bangun untuk saat ini?" msgid "What are you most excited about for the future?" msgstr "Apa hal yang membuat Anda paling bersemangat tentang masa mendatang?" msgid "What could you let go of, for the sake of harmony?" msgstr "Apa yang bisa Anda relakan untuk menciptakan harmoni?" msgid "What is your favorite genre of music?" msgstr "Apa genre musik favorit Anda?" msgid "Describe your most memorable vacation." msgstr "Ceritakan liburan yang paling mengesankan bagi Anda." msgid "On what subject(s) are you an authority?" msgstr "Bidang apa yang paling Anda kuasai?" msgid "What's your definition of romantic?" msgstr "Apa definisi romantis menurut Anda?" msgid "How do you express your gratitude?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara Anda mengekspresikan rasa berterima kasih?" msgid "What are you most worried about for the future?" msgstr "Apa hal yang paling Anda cemaskan tentang masa depan?" msgid "What makes a teacher great?" msgstr "Apa yang menjadikan seorang guru hebat?" msgid "Have you ever had surgery? What for?" msgstr "Apakah Anda pernah menjalani operasi? Operasi apa?" msgid "What are your daily habits?" msgstr "Apa kebiasaan Anda sehari-hari?" msgid "" "Are there things you try to practice daily to live a more sustainable " "lifestyle?" msgstr "" "Adakah hal yang Anda coba praktikkan setiap hari untuk menjalani gaya hidup " "yang lebih berkelanjutan?" msgid "What's the most delicious thing you've ever eaten?" msgstr "Apa makanan terlezat yang pernah Anda makan?" msgid "" "If you were forced to wear one outfit over and over again, what would it be?" msgstr "" "Seandainya hanya satu pakaian yang bisa Anda kenakan, pakaian apakah itu?" msgid "How important is spirituality in your life?" msgstr "Seberapa penting spiritualitas dalam hidup Anda?" msgid "How do you practice self-care?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara Anda merawat diri?" msgid "How do you waste the most time every day?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara Anda menghabiskan waktu setiap hari?" msgid "Which food, when you eat it, instantly transports you to childhood?" msgstr "" "Makanan apa yang, ketika Anda memakannya, seketika mengingatkan pada masa " "kecil Anda?" msgid "Who is your favorite historical figure?" msgstr "Siapa tokoh sejarah favorit Anda?" msgid "Write about your first crush." msgstr "Tuliskan tentang orang pertama yang Anda taksir." msgid "What countries do you want to visit?" msgstr "Negara mana saja yang ingin Anda kunjungi?" msgid "What’s your favorite thing about yourself?" msgstr "Apa yang paling Anda sukai dari diri Anda sendiri?" msgid "How do you want to retire?" msgstr "Bagaimana rencana pensiun Anda?" msgid "What’s the oldest thing you own that you still use daily?" msgstr "Apa barang tertua milik Anda yang masih Anda gunakan setiap hari?" msgid "What notable things happened today?" msgstr "Apa saja hal penting yang terjadi hari ini?" msgid "What is your favorite season of year? Why?" msgstr "Apa musim favorit Anda dalam setahun? Mengapa?" msgid "What’s the one luxury you can’t live without?" msgstr "Kemewahan apa yang tidak dapat Anda tinggalkan dalam hidup?" msgid "If humans had taglines, what would yours be?" msgstr "Seandainya manusia memiliki slogan, apa slogan Anda?" msgid "What are the most important things needed to live a good life?" msgstr "Apa yang paling diperlukan untuk menjalani hidup yang baik?" msgid "Who do you spend the most time with?" msgstr "Bersama siapa Anda sering menghabiskan waktu?" msgid "If you had to change your name, what would your new name be?" msgstr "Seandainya nama Anda harus diganti, apa nama baru Anda?" msgid "Describe your dream chocolate bar." msgstr "Gambarkan tentang cokelat batangan impian Anda." msgid "Do you remember your favorite book from childhood?" msgstr "Apakah Anda ingat buku favorit Anda saat kanak-kanak?" msgid "List three books that have had an impact on you. Why?" msgstr "Sebutkan tiga buku yang memengaruhi Anda. Mengapa?" msgid "What fears have you overcome and how?" msgstr "Apa ketakutan yang telah Anda atasi dan bagaimana caranya?" msgid "" "How do you know when it’s time to unplug? What do you do to make it happen?" msgstr "" "Bagaimana Anda mengetahui kapan itu untuk cabut colokan listrik? Apa yang " "Anda lakukan untuk mewujudkannya?" msgid "What jobs have you had?" msgstr "Apa saja pekerjaan yang pernah Anda geluti?" msgid "Do you practice religion?" msgstr "Apakah Anda beribadah sesuai agama Anda?" msgid "Do you remember life before the internet?" msgstr "Apakah Anda ingat hidup sebelum adanya internet?" msgid "What are you good at?" msgstr "Apa keahlian Anda?" msgid "What does \"having it all\" mean to you? Is it attainable?" msgstr "" "Apa makna ungkapan \"keseimbangan kehidupan pribadi dan pekerjaan\" bagi " "Anda? Apakah mungkin dicapai?" msgid "Who would you like to talk to soon?" msgstr "Siapa yang segera ingin Anda ajak berbicara?" msgid "Do you have any collections?" msgstr "Apakah Anda memiliki koleksi apa pun?" msgid "What is the legacy you want to leave behind?" msgstr "Apa warisan yang ingin Anda tinggalkan?" msgid "How do you feel about cold weather?" msgstr "Apa pendapat Anda tentang cuaca dingin?" msgid "Have you ever broken a bone?" msgstr "Apakah Anda pernah mengalami patah tulang?" msgid "How do you balance work and home life?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara Anda menyeimbangkan pekerjaan dan kehidupan di rumah?" msgid "What sacrifices have you made in life?" msgstr "Apa saja pengorbanan yang pernah Anda lakukan dalam hidup?" msgid "What's the oldest things you're wearing today?" msgstr "Apa saja barang tertua yang sedang Anda kenakan hari ini?" msgid "Are you a leader or a follower?" msgstr "Apakah Anda seorang pemimpin atau pengikut?" msgid "List your top 5 favorite fruits." msgstr "Sebutkan 5 buah terfavorit Anda." msgid "What's one small improvement you can make in your life?" msgstr "Apa kemajuan kecil yang bisa Anda buat dalam hidup Anda?" msgid "What does freedom mean to you?" msgstr "Apa arti kebebasan menurut Anda?" msgid "What public figure do you disagree with the most?" msgstr "Siapa figur publik yang paling Anda tidak setujui?" msgid "What is your career plan?" msgstr "Seperti apa rencana karir Anda?" msgid "What was the last live performance you saw?" msgstr "Apa pertunjukan langsung terakhir yang Anda tonton?" msgid "What do you do to be involved in the community?" msgstr "Apa kegiatan Anda bersama masyarakat?" msgid "What's a job you would like to do for just one day?" msgstr "Apa pekerjaan yang ingin Anda coba untuk satu hari saja?" msgid "What are your favorite brands and why?" msgstr "Apa saja merek favorit Anda dan mengapa?" msgid "List the people you admire and look to for advice..." msgstr "Sebutkan orang-orang yang Anda kagumi dan mintai nasihat!" msgid "Do you vote in political elections?" msgstr "Apakah Anda memberi suara pada pemilihan pejabat politik?" msgid "What gives you direction in life?" msgstr "Apa prinsip hidup Anda?" msgid "Do you have a quote you live your life by or think of often?" msgstr "" "Apakah Anda memiliki suatu ajaran sebagai pedoman hidup atau yang sering " "Anda pikirkan?" msgid "What is your favorite holiday? Why is it your favorite?" msgstr "" "Apa hari libur favorit Anda? Mengapa hari libur itu menjadi favorit Anda?" msgid "Have you ever been camping?" msgstr "Apakah Anda pernah berkemah?" msgid "When do you feel most productive?" msgstr "Kapan Anda merasa paling produktif?" msgid "What are your favorite emojis?" msgstr "Apa saja emotikon favorit Anda?" msgid "What topics do you like to discuss?" msgstr "Apa saja topik yang ingin Anda bahas?" msgid "When is the last time you took a risk? How did it work out?" msgstr "Kapan terakhir kali Anda mengambil risiko? Bagaimana hasilnya?" msgid "" "Write about a time when you didn't take action but wish you had. What would " "you do differently?" msgstr "" "Tuliskan tentang waktu Anda seharusnya melakukan sesuatu tetapi tidak " "melakukan apa pun. Apa sesuatu yang ingin Anda lakukan dengan cara berbeda?" msgid "What makes you nervous?" msgstr "Apa yang membuat Anda merasa gugup?" msgid "How do you unwind after a demanding day?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara Anda beristirahat dari hari yang menyibukkan?" msgid "How do you use social media?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara Anda menggunakan media sosial?" msgid "Jot down the first thing that comes to your mind." msgstr "Tuliskan hal pertama yang muncul di pikiran Anda." msgid "What place in the world do you never want to visit? Why?" msgstr "Apa tempat di dunia yang tidak ingin Anda kunjungi? Mengapa?" msgid "What is your favorite restaurant?" msgstr "Apa restoran favorit Anda?" msgid "Where do you see yourself in 10 years?" msgstr "Akan berada di mana Anda 10 tahun mendatang?" msgid "What are 5 everyday things that bring you happiness?" msgstr "Apa saja 5 barang sederhana yang membuat Anda bahagia?" msgid "Describe something you learned in high school." msgstr "Ceritakan sesuatu yang Anda pelajari di SMA." msgid "What's the most fun way to exercise?" msgstr "Apa cara paling menyenangkan untuk berolahraga?" msgid "What book could you read over and over again?" msgstr "Apa buku yang bisa Anda baca berkali-kali?" msgid "If you could be a character from a book or film, who would you be? Why?" msgstr "" "Seandainya Anda bisa menjadi seorang karakter dari buku atau film, siapakah " "karakter itu? Mengapa?" msgid "What animals make the best/worst pets?" msgstr "Apa saja hewan yang terbaik/terburuk untuk dijadikan peliharaan?" msgid "What job would you do for free?" msgstr "Apa pekerjaan yang ingin Anda lakukan tanpa bayaran?" msgid "What Olympic sports do you enjoy watching the most?" msgstr "Apa olahraga dalam Olimpiade yang paling suka Anda tonton?" msgid "How would you improve your community?" msgstr "Bagaimana cara untuk meningkatkan kualitas komunitas Anda?" msgid "" "What are your morning rituals? What does the first hour of your day look " "like?" msgstr "Apa ritual pagi Anda? Seperti apa jam pertama rutinitas Anda?" msgid "Which aspects do you think makes a person unique?" msgstr "Apa aspek yang menurut Anda membuat seseorang terlihat unik?" msgid "When you were five, what did you want to be when you grew up? " msgstr "Ketika berusia lima tahun, apa cita-cita Anda bila dewasa nanti? " msgid "How has technology changed your job?" msgstr "Bagaimana teknologi telah mengubah pekerjaan Anda?" msgid "" "How often do you say “no” to things that would interfere with your goals?" msgstr "" "Seberapa sering Anda mengatakan \"tidak\" pada hal-hal yang dapat menghambat " "Anda meraih impian?" msgid "What's a secret skill or ability you have or wish you had?" msgstr "" "Apa keterampilan atau kemampuan rahasia Anda atau yang ingin Anda miliki?" msgid "What is your favorite type of weather?" msgstr "Seperti apa cuaca favorit Anda?" msgid "Who was your most influential teacher? Why?" msgstr "Siapa guru yang paling berpengaruh bagi Anda? Mengapa?" msgid "What do you wish you could do more every day?" msgstr "Apa yang ingin Anda lakukan lebih sering setiap harinya?" msgid "What tattoo do you want and where would you put it?" msgstr "Apa tato yang Anda inginkan dan di mana Anda ingin membuatnya?" msgid "What is one word that describes you?" msgstr "Apa satu kata yang menggambarkan diri Anda?" msgid "What was the best compliment you've received?" msgstr "Apa pujian terbaik yang pernah Anda terima?" msgid "" "You’re going on a cross-country trip. Airplane, train, bus, car, or bike? " msgstr "" "Anda akan melakoni perjalanan lintas negara. Apakah Anda akan menggunakan " "pesawat, kereta, bus, mobil, atau sepeda? " msgid "What activities do you lose yourself in?" msgstr "Apa saja kegiatan yang paling menyita perhatian Anda?" msgid "What movies or TV series have you watched more than 5 times?" msgstr "" "Apa saja film atau serial televisi yang sudah Anda tonton lebih dari 5 kali?" msgid "Are you superstitious?" msgstr "Apakah Anda percaya takhayul?" msgid "Which animal would you compare yourself to and why?" msgstr "Apa hewan yang Anda umpamakan dengan diri Anda sendiri dan mengapa?" msgid "Write a letter to your 100-year-old self." msgstr "Tuliskan sebuah surat untuk diri Anda yang berusia 100 tahun." msgid "Where would you go on a shopping spree?" msgstr "Ke mana biasanya Anda pesta belanja?" msgid "" "What is your middle name? Does it carry any special meaning/significance?" msgstr "Apa nama tengah Anda? Apakah nama itu mengandung arti/makna khusus?" msgid "What is the last thing you learned?" msgstr "Apa hal terakhir yang Anda pelajari?" msgid "What is one question you hate to be asked? Explain." msgstr "Apa satu pertanyaan yang paling Anda benci untuk diajukan? Jelaskan." msgid "How has a failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success?" msgstr "" "Bagaimana kegagalan yang sudah terjadi atau yang mungkin terjadi menyiapkan " "Anda untuk keberhasilan di kemudian hari?" msgid "You're writing your autobiography. What's your opening sentence?" msgstr "Anda sedang menulis autobiografi. Apa kalimat pertama Anda?" msgid "What are three objects you couldn't live without?" msgstr "Apa saja tiga objek yang tidak pernah Anda tinggalkan?" msgid "What experiences in life helped you grow the most?" msgstr "Apa saja pengalaman hidup yang paling membantu Anda berkembang?" msgid "Do you believe in fate/destiny?" msgstr "Apakah Anda percaya dengan takdir?" msgid "Do you enjoy your job?" msgstr "Apakah Anda menikmati pekerjaan Anda?" msgid "If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be, and why?" msgstr "" "Jika Anda bisa menjadi orang lain dalam sehari, mau jadi siapa, dan mengapa?" msgid "Describe the most ambitious DIY project you've ever taken on." msgstr "" "Ceritakan tentang proyek mandiri paling ambisius yang pernah Anda kerjakan." msgid "" "If you could permanently ban a word from general usage, which one would it " "be? Why?" msgstr "" "Jika Anda dapat selamanya melarang sebuah kata digunakan, apakah kata itu? " "Mengapa?" msgid "What is the biggest challenge you will face in the next six months?" msgstr "" "Apa tantangan terbesar yang akan Anda hadapi dalam enam bulan ke depan?" msgid "What advice would you give to your teenage self?" msgstr "Apa nasihat yang ingin Anda berikan pada diri remaja Anda?" msgid "What bores you?" msgstr "Apa yang membuat Anda bosan?" msgid "What is your favorite drink?" msgstr "Apa minuman favorit Anda?" msgid "Who are your favorite people to be around?" msgstr "Siapa orang-orang favorit yang Anda suka kehadirannya?" msgid "Tell us about your favorite pair of shoes, and where they’ve taken you." msgstr "" "Ceritakan pada kami tentang pasangan sepatu favorit Anda, dan ke mana sepatu " "tersebut telah membawa Anda." msgid "Share one of the best gifts you've ever received." msgstr "Ceritakan tentang hadiah terbaik yang pernah Anda terima." msgid "Write about your approach to budgeting." msgstr "Tuliskan tentang pendekatan anggaran Anda." msgid "Are you patriotic? What does being patriotic mean to you?" msgstr "Apakah Anda patriot? Apa makna menjadi patriot bagi Anda?" msgid "If there was a biography about you, what would the title be?" msgstr "Seandainya ada biografi tentang diri Anda, akan seperti apa judulnya?" msgid "What were your parents doing at your age?" msgstr "Apa yang dilakukan orang tua Anda saat seusia Anda?" msgid "If you had the power to change one law, what would it be and why?" msgstr "" "Seandainya Anda berkuasa untuk mengubah satu hukum, apakah itu dan mengapa?" msgid "Write about your dream home." msgstr "Tuliskan tentang rumah impian Anda." msgid "" "You get some great, amazingly fantastic news. What’s the first thing you do?" msgstr "" "Anda mengetahui berita seru yang luar biasa fantastis. Apa hal pertama yang " "Anda lakukan?" msgid "What's your favorite candy?" msgstr "Apa permen favorit Anda?" msgid "Do you need a break? From what?" msgstr "Apakah Anda membutuhkan jeda istirahat? Dari apa?" msgid "The most important invention in your lifetime is..." msgstr "Penemuan terpenting selama hidup Anda adalah..." msgid "Describe your most ideal day from beginning to end." msgstr "" "Deskripsikan seperti apa hari yang paling ideal itu dari awal sampai akhir." msgid "Something on your \"to-do list\" that never gets done." msgstr "Sesuatu di \"daftar rencana\" yang tidak pernah terealisasikan." msgid "What’s your favorite thing to cook?" msgstr "Apa makanan yang paling suka Anda masak?" msgid "Write about your first computer." msgstr "Ceritakan tentang komputer pertama Anda." msgid "" "What’s the thing you’re most scared to do? What would it take to get you to " "do it?" msgstr "" "Apa hal yang paling takut Anda lakukan? Apa yang harus dilakukan agar Anda " "mau melakukannya?" msgid "What do you complain about the most?" msgstr "Apa hal yang paling sering Anda keluhkan?" msgid "What are your favorite sports to watch and play?" msgstr "Apa saja olahraga yang paling suka Anda tonton dan mainkan?" msgid "What would you do if you won the lottery?" msgstr "Apa yang akan Anda lakukan jika memenangkan lotre?" msgid "What books do you want to read?" msgstr "Apa saja buku yang ingin Anda baca?" msgid "Write about a few of your favorite family traditions." msgstr "Tuliskan sedikit tentang tradisi keluarga favorit Anda." msgid "What do you enjoy doing most in your leisure time?" msgstr "Apa yang paling Anda suka lakukan di waktu luang?" msgid "" "Name an attraction or town close to home that you still haven't got around " "to visiting." msgstr "" "Sebutkan tempat menarik atau kota dekat rumah yang belum sempat Anda " "kunjungi." msgid "List five things you do for fun." msgstr "Sebutkan lima hal yang Anda lakukan untuk bersenang-senang." msgid "If you could make your pet understand one thing, what would it be?" msgstr "" "Seandainya Anda bisa membuat peliharaan Anda memahami sesuatu, apakah itu?" msgid "" "Write about your first name: its meaning, significance, etymology, etc. " msgstr "" "Tuliskan tentang nama pertama Anda: artinya, maknanya, etimologinya, dll. " msgid "What's your dream job?" msgstr "Apa pekerjaan impian Anda?" msgid "What makes a good leader?" msgstr "Seperti apakah pemimpin yang baik itu?" msgid "If you could un-invent something, what would it be? " msgstr "Jika Anda dapat membatalkan penemuan sesuatu, apa itu? " msgid "Where can you reduce clutter in your life?" msgstr "Apa kekacauan dalam hidup yang bisa Anda minimalkan?" msgid "What is your favorite animal?" msgstr "Apa hewan favorit Anda?" msgid "In what ways do you communicate online?" msgstr "Dengan cara apa Anda berkomunikasi secara online?" msgid "Think back on your most memorable road trip." msgstr "Kenanglah perjalanan darat paling berkesan yang pernah Anda lakukan." msgid "What snack would you eat right now?" msgstr "Kudapan apa yang ingin Anda nikmati sekarang?" msgid "Come up with a crazy business idea." msgstr "Pikirkan satu ide bisnis yang gila." msgid "" "Describe an item you were incredibly attached to as a youth. What became of " "it?" msgstr "" "Gambarkan benda yang begitu melekat dengan Anda semasa kecil. Bagaimana " "dampaknya pada Anda?" msgid "What is your mission?" msgstr "Apa misi Anda?" msgid "What could you do differently?" msgstr "Apa sesuatu yang bisa Anda lakukan dengan cara berbeda?" msgid "If you had a freeway billboard, what would it say?" msgstr "" "Seandainya Anda memiliki papan reklame di jalan bebas hambatan, apa isinya?" msgid "Do you spend more time thinking about the future or the past? Why?" msgstr "" "Apakah Anda menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu untuk memikirkan masa depan atau " "masa lalu? Mengapa?" msgid "What is the greatest gift someone could give you?" msgstr "Apa hadiah paling menakjubkan yang diberikan seseorang kepada Anda?" msgid "What colleges have you attended?" msgstr "Apa saja perguruan tinggi tempat Anda pernah berkuliah?" msgid "Do you play in your daily life? What says “playtime” to you?" msgstr "Apakah Anda masih sempat bermain? Apa makna \"bermain\" untuk Anda?" msgid "What are your biggest challenges?" msgstr "Apa saja tantangan terbesar Anda?" msgid "" "Interview someone — a friend, another blogger, your mother, the mailman — " "and write a post based on their responses." msgstr "" "Wawacarai seseorang — teman, blogger lainnya, ibu, tukang pos — lalu tulis " "pos berdasarkan jawabannya." msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "custom post types" msgstr "custom post type" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "blogs" msgstr "blog" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "blog" msgstr "blog" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "categories" msgstr "kategori" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display a list of all terms of a given taxonomy." msgstr "Menampilkan daftar semua term taksonomi yang dipilih." msgctxt "block title" msgid "Terms List" msgstr "Daftar Term" msgctxt "block description" msgid "A cloud of popular keywords, each sized by how often it appears." msgstr "" "Awan untuk kata kunci populer, ukuran masing-masing berdasarkan seberapa " "sering kemunculannya." msgctxt "block description" msgid "An organized collection of items displayed in a specific order." msgstr "Koleksi item terorganisasi yang ditampilkan dalam urutan tertentu." msgctxt "block title" msgid "Widget Group" msgstr "Grup Widget" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Widget Area" msgstr "Area Widget" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Reuse this design across your site." msgstr "Gunakan kembali desain ini di seluruh situs Anda." msgctxt "block description" msgid "A form." msgstr "Sebuah formulir." msgctxt "block title" msgid "Form" msgstr "Formulir" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "button" msgstr "tombol" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "submit" msgstr "kirim" msgctxt "block description" msgid "A submission button for forms." msgstr "Sebuah tombol kirim untuk formulir." msgctxt "block title" msgid "Form Submit Button" msgstr "Tombol Kirim Formulir" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "message" msgstr "pesan" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "notification" msgstr "pemberitahuan" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "feedback" msgstr "feedback" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "input" msgstr "input" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display footnotes added to the page." msgstr "Menampilkan catatan kaki yang ditambahkan ke halaman." msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display the publish date for an entry such as a post or page." msgstr "Menampilkan tanggal publikasi untuk entri seperti pos atau halaman." msgctxt "block title" msgid "Date" msgstr "Tanggal" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Content" msgstr "Konten" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Author" msgstr "Penulis" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "toggle" msgstr "beralih" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "reusable" msgstr "pakai ulang" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Pattern placeholder" msgstr "Placeholder pola" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "references" msgstr "referensi" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Footnotes" msgstr "Catatan kaki" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Title" msgstr "Judul" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Excerpt" msgstr "Ringkasan" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "accordion" msgstr "akordeon" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Hide and show additional content." msgstr "Sembunyikan dan tampilkan konten tambahan." msgctxt "block description" msgid "Add an image or video with a text overlay." msgstr "Tambah gambar atau video dengan overlay teks." msgctxt "block description" msgid "" "Display an image to represent this site. Update this block and the changes " "apply everywhere." msgstr "" "Tampilkan gambar yang merepresentasikan situs ini. Perbarui blok ini dan " "perubahannya akan diterapkan di mana pun." msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "list" msgstr "daftar" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "disclosure" msgstr "pemberitahuan" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Details" msgstr "Detail" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Time To Read" msgstr "Waktu Baca" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "page" msgstr "halaman" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays a page inside a list of all pages." msgstr "Menampilkan satu halaman dari dalam daftar semua halaman." msgctxt "block title" msgid "Page List Item" msgstr "Isi Daftar Halaman" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Comments Previous Page" msgstr "Halaman Komentar Sebelumnya" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Comments Next Page" msgstr "Halaman Komentar Berikutnya" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Comments" msgstr "Komentar" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays a title with the number of comments." msgstr "Menampilkan judul dengan jumlah komentar." msgctxt "block title" msgid "Comments Title" msgstr "Judul Komentar" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Gather blocks in a layout container." msgstr "Kumpulkan blok dalam panel tata letak." msgctxt "block description" msgid "" "An advanced block that allows displaying post comments using different " "visual configurations." msgstr "" "Sebuah blok tingkat lanjut yang memungkinkan menampilkan komentar pos " "menggunakan beragam pengaturan visual." msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays the date on which the comment was posted." msgstr "Menampilkan tanggal saat komentar dibuat." msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays the name of the author of the comment." msgstr "Menampilkan nama penulis komentar." msgctxt "block description" msgid "This block is deprecated. Please use the Avatar block instead." msgstr "" "Blok ini tidak lagi digunakan. Silakan gunakan blok Avatar sebagai gantinya." msgctxt "block title" msgid "Comment Author Avatar (deprecated)" msgstr "Avatar Penulis Komentar (usang)" msgctxt "block description" msgid "" "Contains the block elements used to render content when no query results are " "found." msgstr "" "Berisi elemen blok yang akan digunakan untuk memuat konten saat tidak ada " "hasil pencarian yang ditemukan." msgctxt "block title" msgid "No results" msgstr "Tidak ada hasil" msgctxt "block title" msgid "List item" msgstr "Daftar item" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Add a user’s avatar." msgstr "Tambah avatar pengguna." msgctxt "block title" msgid "Avatar" msgstr "Avatar" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays the link of a post, page, or any other content-type." msgstr "Menampilkan tautan dari pos, halaman, atau tipe konten lainnya." msgctxt "block title" msgid "Read More" msgstr "Baca Lebih Lanjut" msgctxt "block description" msgid "The author biography." msgstr "Biografi penulis." msgctxt "block title" msgid "Author Biography" msgstr "Biografi Penulis" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display post author details such as name, avatar, and bio." msgstr "Menampilkan detail penulis pos seperti nama, foto, dan biografi." msgctxt "block description" msgid "The author name." msgstr "Nama penulis." msgctxt "block title" msgid "Author Name" msgstr "Nama Penulis" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays the previous comment's page link." msgstr "Menampilkan tautan halaman komentar sebelumnya." msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays the next comment's page link." msgstr "Menampilkan tautan halaman komentar berikutnya." msgctxt "block title" msgid "Pagination" msgstr "Paginasi" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Previous Page" msgstr "Laman Sebelumnya" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Page Numbers" msgstr "Nomor Halaman" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Next Page" msgstr "Halaman Selanjutnya" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays a list of page numbers for comments pagination." msgstr "Menampilkan daftar nomor halaman untuk paginasi laman." msgctxt "block description" msgid "" "Displays a paginated navigation to next/previous set of comments, when " "applicable." msgstr "" "Menampilkan navigasi halaman ke sejumlah pos berikutnya/sebelumnya, jika " "memungkinkan." msgctxt "block title" msgid "Comments Pagination" msgstr "Paginasi Komentar" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Comment (deprecated)" msgstr "Komentar (tidak digunakan lagi)" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Show a block pattern." msgstr "Tampilkan pola blok." msgctxt "block title" msgid "Pattern" msgstr "Pola" msgctxt "block description" msgid "" "Contains the block elements used to display a comment, like the title, date, " "author, avatar and more." msgstr "" "Mengandung elemen blok yang digunakan untuk menampilkan komentar, seperti " "judul, tanggal, penulis, avatar, dan lainnya." msgctxt "block title" msgid "Comment Template" msgstr "Template Komentar" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays a link to reply to a comment." msgstr "Menampilkan tautan untuk membalas komentar." msgctxt "block title" msgid "Comment Reply Link" msgstr "Tautan Balas Komentar" msgctxt "block description" msgid "" "Displays a link to edit the comment in the WordPress Dashboard. This link is " "only visible to users with the edit comment capability." msgstr "" "Menampilkan tautan untuk mengedit komentar di Dasbor WordPress. Tautan ini " "hanya dapat dilihat oleh pengguna yang diizinkan untuk mengedit komentar." msgctxt "block title" msgid "Comment Edit Link" msgstr "Tautan Edit Komentar" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays the contents of a comment." msgstr "Menampilkan isi komentar." msgctxt "block title" msgid "Comment Author Name" msgstr "Nama Penulis Komentar" msgctxt "block style label" msgid "Plain" msgstr "Polos" msgctxt "block description" msgid "" "Displays the name of this site. Update the block, and the changes apply " "everywhere it’s used. This will also appear in the browser title bar and in " "search results." msgstr "" "Tampilkan nama situs ini. Perbarui blok, dan perubahannya diterapkan di mana " "saja blok ini digunakan. Pengaturan ini juga akan tampil di bar judul " "browser dan hasil pencarian." msgctxt "block description" msgid "Add a submenu to your navigation." msgstr "Tambahkan submenu ke navigasi Anda." msgctxt "block title" msgid "Submenu" msgstr "Submenu" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display content in multiple columns, with blocks added to each column." msgstr "" "Tampilkan konten dalam multi-kolom, dengan blok yang dapat ditambahkan pada " "setiap kolom." msgctxt "block description" msgid "Create structured content in rows and columns to display information." msgstr "" "Buat konten terstruktur di baris dan kolom untuk menampilkan informasi." msgctxt "block description" msgid "" "An advanced block that allows displaying post types based on different query " "parameters and visual configurations." msgstr "" "Blok tingkat lanjut memungkinkan menampilkan tipe artikel berdasarkan " "parameter kueri dan konfigurasi visual yang berbeda." msgctxt "block description" msgid "" "Contains the block elements used to render a post, like the title, date, " "featured image, content or excerpt, and more." msgstr "" "Berisi elemen blok yang digunakan untuk merender pos, seperti judul, " "tanggal, gambar unggulan, konten atau kutipan, dan banyak lagi." msgctxt "block title" msgid "Post Template" msgstr "Template Pos" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "link" msgstr "tautan" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "movie" msgstr "film" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Embed a video from your media library or upload a new one." msgstr "Sematkan video dari pustaka media Anda atau unggah yang baru." msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "poem" msgstr "sajak" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "poetry" msgstr "puisi" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Insert poetry. Use special spacing formats. Or quote song lyrics." msgstr "Masukkan puisi. Gunakan format spasi khusus. Atau kutip lirik lagu." msgctxt "block description" msgid "This block is deprecated. Please use the Columns block instead." msgstr "" "Blok ini tidak lagi digunakan. Silakan gunakan blok Kolom sebagai gantinya." msgctxt "block style label" msgid "Stripes" msgstr "Garis-garis" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "summary" msgstr "rangkuman" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "document outline" msgstr "ringkasan dokumen" msgctxt "block description" msgid "" "Summarize your post with a list of headings. Add HTML anchors to Heading " "blocks to link them here." msgstr "" "Rangkum pos Anda dengan daftar heading. Tambahkan anchor HTML ke blok " "Heading untuk menautkannya ke sini." msgctxt "block description" msgid "Add white space between blocks and customize its height." msgstr "Tambahkan jarak antar blok dan sesuaikan tingginya." msgctxt "block style label" msgid "Pill Shape" msgstr "Bentuk Pil" msgctxt "block style label" msgid "Logos Only" msgstr "Hanya Logo" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display icons linking to your social profiles or sites." msgstr "Menampilkan ikon yang tertaut ke profil media sosial atau situs Anda." msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display an icon linking to a social profile or site." msgstr "Menampilkan ikon yang terhubung ke profil media sosial atau situs." msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "description" msgstr "deskripsi" msgctxt "block description" msgid "" "Describe in a few words what the site is about. The tagline can be used in " "search results or when sharing on social networks even if it’s not displayed " "in the theme design." msgstr "" "Deskripsikan situs web Anda dalam beberapa kata. Tagline dapat ditampilkan " "dalam hasil pencarian atau saat dibagikan ke jaringan sosial meskipun tema " "tidak menampilkannya." msgctxt "block description" msgid "Insert additional custom elements with a WordPress shortcode." msgstr "Tambahkan elemen khusus dengan shortcode WordPress." msgctxt "block style label" msgid "Dots" msgstr "Titik-titik" msgctxt "block style label" msgid "Wide Line" msgstr "Garis Lebar" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "divider" msgstr "pembagi" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "hr" msgstr "hr" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "horizontal-line" msgstr "garis horizontal" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Create a break between ideas or sections with a horizontal separator." msgstr "Buat pemisah antara ide atau bagian dengan pembatas horisontal." msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "find" msgstr "temukan" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Help visitors find your content." msgstr "Bantu pengunjung menemukan konten Anda." msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "feed" msgstr "feed" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "atom" msgstr "atom" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display entries from any RSS or Atom feed." msgstr "Tampilkan entri dari feed RSS atau Atom." msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "cite" msgstr "kutip" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "blockquote" msgstr "blockquote" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display the query title." msgstr "Menampilkan judul kueri." msgctxt "block title" msgid "Query Title" msgstr "Judul Query" msgctxt "block description" msgid "" "Displays a paginated navigation to next/previous set of posts, when " "applicable." msgstr "" "Menampilkan navigasi paginasi ke sejumlah pos berikutnya/sebelumnya, jika " "memungkinkan." msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays the previous posts page link." msgstr "Menampilkan tautan halaman pos sebelumnya." msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays a list of page numbers for pagination." msgstr "Menampilkan daftar nomor halaman untuk paginasi." msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays the next posts page link." msgstr "Menampilkan tautan halaman pos berikutnya." msgctxt "block description" msgid "Give special visual emphasis to a quote from your text." msgstr "Beri aksentuasi visual khusus pada kutipan dari teks Anda." msgctxt "block description" msgid "Add text that respects your spacing and tabs, and also allows styling." msgstr "" "Tambahkan teks yang sesuai dengan gaya spasi dan tabulasi Anda, juga " "tambahkan pengaturan." msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays the title of a post, page, or any other content-type." msgstr "Menampilkan judul pos, halaman, atau tipe konten lainnya." msgctxt "block description" msgid "Post terms." msgstr "Term Pos." msgctxt "block description" msgid "" "Displays the next or previous post link that is adjacent to the current post." msgstr "" "Menampilkan tautan artikel berikutnya atau sebelumnya dari artikel yang " "dilihat." msgctxt "block title" msgid "Post Navigation Link" msgstr "Tautan Navigasi Pos" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display a post's featured image." msgstr "Tampilkan gambar andalan artikel." msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display the excerpt." msgstr "Tampilkan ringkasan." msgctxt "block description" msgid "Displays the contents of a post or page." msgstr "Menampilkan konten pos atau halaman." msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display a post's comments form." msgstr "Menampilkan formulir komentar artikel." msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "text" msgstr "teks" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Start with the basic building block of all narrative." msgstr "Mulai dengan komponen dasar dari semua cerita." msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display a list of all pages." msgstr "Tampilkan daftar semua laman." msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "pagination" msgstr "paginasi" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "next page" msgstr "halaman selanjutnya" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Separate your content into a multi-page experience." msgstr "Pisahkan konten Anda menjadi beberapa halaman." msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "navigation" msgstr "navigasi" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "menu" msgstr "menu" msgctxt "block description" msgid "A collection of blocks that allow visitors to get around your site." msgstr "Sekumpulan blok yang memungkinkan pengunjung menjelajahi situs Anda." msgctxt "block description" msgid "Add a page, link, or another item to your navigation." msgstr "Tambahkan halaman, tautan, atau item lain ke navigasi Anda." msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "read more" msgstr "baca selengkapnya" msgctxt "block description" msgid "" "Content before this block will be shown in the excerpt on your archives page." msgstr "" "Konten sebelum blok ini akan ditampilkan dalam ringkasan pada halaman arsip " "Anda." msgctxt "block description" msgid "Your site doesn’t include support for this block." msgstr "Situs Anda tidak mendukung blok ini." msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "video" msgstr "Video" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "image" msgstr "gambar" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Set media and words side-by-side for a richer layout." msgstr "Letakkan media dan teks bersisian agar tata letaknya tampak dinamis." msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "form" msgstr "formulir" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "logout" msgstr "logout" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "login" msgstr "login" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Show login & logout links." msgstr "Tampilkan tautan login & logout." msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "numbered list" msgstr "daftar bernomor" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "ordered list" msgstr "Daftar berurutan" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "bullet list" msgstr "daftar berbutir" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display a legacy widget." msgstr "Tampilkan widget lama." msgctxt "block title" msgid "Legacy Widget" msgstr "Widget Lama" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "recent posts" msgstr "artikel terbaru" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display a list of your most recent posts." msgstr "Tampilkan daftar artikel terbaru Anda." msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "recent comments" msgstr "komentar terbaru" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display a list of your most recent comments." msgstr "Tampilkan daftar komentar terbaru Anda." msgctxt "block style label" msgid "Rounded" msgstr "Bulat" msgctxt "block style label" msgid "Default" msgstr "Standar" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "picture" msgstr "gambar" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "photo" msgstr "foto" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "img" msgstr "gambar" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Insert an image to make a visual statement." msgstr "Tambahkan gambar untuk membuat pernyataan visual." msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "embed" msgstr "sematan" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Add custom HTML code and preview it as you edit." msgstr "Tambahkan kode HTML khusus dan pratinjau saat Anda mengedit." msgctxt "block description" msgid "" "Create a link that always points to the homepage of the site. Usually not " "necessary if there is already a site title link present in the header." msgstr "" "Buat tautan yang akan selalu mengarah ke beranda situs. Biasanya tidak " "diperlukan jika sudah ada tautan judul situs di header." msgctxt "block title" msgid "Home Link" msgstr "Tautan Beranda" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "subtitle" msgstr "sub judul" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "title" msgstr "judul" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "section" msgstr "bagian" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "row" msgstr "baris" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "wrapper" msgstr "wrapper" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "container" msgstr "kontainer" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "photos" msgstr "foto" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "images" msgstr "gambar" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display multiple images in a rich gallery." msgstr "Tampilkan beberapa gambar di galeri yang memiliki banyak isi." msgctxt "block description" msgid "Use the classic WordPress editor." msgstr "Gunakan editor WordPress klasik." msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "download" msgstr "unduh" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "pdf" msgstr "pdf" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "document" msgstr "dokumen" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Add a link to a downloadable file." msgstr "Tambahkan tautan ke file yang dapat diunduh." msgctxt "block description" msgid "A single column within a columns block." msgstr "Kolom tunggal di dalam blok kolom." msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display code snippets that respect your spacing and tabs." msgstr "Tampilkan potongan kode yang sesuai dengan spasi dan tabulasi Anda." msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "archive" msgstr "arsip" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "posts" msgstr "artikel" msgctxt "block description" msgid "A calendar of your site’s posts." msgstr "Kalender dari artikel di situs Anda." msgctxt "block description" msgid "Prompt visitors to take action with a group of button-style links." msgstr "" "Arahkan pengunjung untuk mengambil tindakan dengan grup tautan button-style." msgctxt "block style label" msgid "Outline" msgstr "Ikhtisar" msgctxt "block style label" msgid "Fill" msgstr "Isi" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Prompt visitors to take action with a button-style link." msgstr "" "Arahkan pengunjung untuk mengambil tindakan dengan tautan button-style." msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "recording" msgstr "rekaman" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "podcast" msgstr "podcast" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "sound" msgstr "suara" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "music" msgstr "musik" msgctxt "block description" msgid "Embed a simple audio player." msgstr "Sematkan pemutar audio sederhana." msgctxt "block description" msgid "Display a date archive of your posts." msgstr "Tampilkan arsip tanggal dari pos Anda." msgctxt "block description" msgid "" "Display the description of categories, tags and custom taxonomies when " "viewing an archive." msgstr "" "Tampilkan deskripsi kategori, tag, dan taksonomi khusus saat melihat sebuah " "arsip." msgctxt "block title" msgid "Term Description" msgstr "Deskripsi Istilah" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Comments Link" msgstr "Tautan Komentar" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Login/out" msgstr "Login/logout" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Custom Link" msgstr "Tautan Khusus" msgctxt "block description" msgid "" "Edit the different global regions of your site, like the header, footer, " "sidebar, or create your own." msgstr "" "Edit bagian khusus situs Anda, seperti header, footer, sidebar, atau buat " "sendiri." msgctxt "block title" msgid "Page List" msgstr "Daftar Halaman" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Comments Page Numbers" msgstr "Nomor Halaman Komentar" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Post Terms" msgstr "Term Pos" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Featured Image" msgstr "Gambar Unggulan" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Comments Form" msgstr "Formulir Komentar" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Comments Count" msgstr "Jumlah Komentar" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Query Loop" msgstr "Query Loop" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Template Part" msgstr "Komponen Template" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Site Title" msgstr "Judul Situs" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Site Tagline" msgstr "Tagline Situs" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Site Logo" msgstr "Logo Situs" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Social Icon" msgstr "Ikon Sosial" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Social Icons" msgstr "Ikon Sosial" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Tag Cloud" msgstr "Awan Tag" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Video" msgstr "Video" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Verse" msgstr "Puisi" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Text Columns (deprecated)" msgstr "Kolom Teks (usang)" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Table" msgstr "Tabel" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Spacer" msgstr "Spasi" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Shortcode" msgstr "Shortcode" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Separator" msgstr "Pemisah" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Group" msgstr "Grup" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Search" msgstr "Cari" msgctxt "block title" msgid "RSS" msgstr "RSS" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Pullquote" msgstr "Pullquote" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Preformatted" msgstr "Praformat" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Page Break" msgstr "Pemisah Halaman" msgctxt "block title" msgid "More" msgstr "Selengkapnya" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Unsupported" msgstr "Tidak didukung" msgctxt "block title" msgid "List" msgstr "Daftar" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Latest Posts" msgstr "Artikel Terbaru" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Latest Comments" msgstr "Komentar Terbaru" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Navigation" msgstr "Navigasi" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Media & Text" msgstr "Media & Teks" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Custom HTML" msgstr "HTML Khusus" msgctxt "block title" msgid "File" msgstr "Berkas" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Cover" msgstr "Sampul " msgctxt "block title" msgid "Column" msgstr "Kolom" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Columns" msgstr "Kolom" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Code" msgstr "Kode" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Calendar" msgstr "Kalender" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Buttons" msgstr "Tombol" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Button" msgstr "Tombol" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Audio" msgstr "Audio" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Archives" msgstr "Arsip" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "Galeri" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Quote" msgstr "Kutipan" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Heading" msgstr "Judul" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Image" msgstr "Gambar" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Paragraph" msgstr "Paragraf" msgctxt "block keyword" msgid "links" msgstr "tautan" msgctxt "block title" msgid "Classic" msgstr "Klasik" msgctxt "block description" msgid "" "Give quoted text visual emphasis. \"In quoting others, we cite ourselves.\" " "— Julio Cortázar" msgstr "" "Beri aksentuasi visual pada teks kutipan. \"Saat mengutip orang lain, saat " "itulah kita mensitasikan diri.\" — Julio Cortázar" msgctxt "block description" msgid "" "Introduce new sections and organize content to help visitors (and search " "engines) understand the structure of your content." msgstr "" "Perkenalkan bagian baru dan atur konten untuk membantu pengunjung (dan mesin " "pencari) memahami struktur konten Anda." msgctxt "block description" msgid "" "Add a block that displays content pulled from other sites, like Twitter or " "YouTube." msgstr "" "Tambahkan blok yang menampilkan konten dari situs lain, seperti Twitter atau " "YouTube."