msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2025-02-06 07:35:05+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
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"X-Generator: GlotPress/2.4.0-alpha\n"
"Language: id\n"
msgid "Start today"
msgstr "Mulai hari ini"
msgid ""
"Whatever your New Year’s resolutions are—from starting a newsletter to "
"taking on the world with a bold new business—tap into the powerful platform "
"that’s here to help you make it happen sooner."
msgstr ""
"Apa pun resolusi Tahun Baru Anda—dari memulai buletin hingga masuk ke dunia "
"bisnis baru yang unik—manfaatkan platform canggih yang ada di sini untuk "
"membantu Anda mewujudkannya lebih cepat."
msgid "Start That ‘Someday Project’ Now"
msgstr "Mulai 'Proyek Masa Depan' Anda Sekarang"
msgid ""
"This offer ends %s (midnight Pacific time). Domain Connection will be "
"automatically activated for your free site after you purchase an eligible "
"domain name on This offer cannot be combined or applied to "
"previous purchases."
msgstr ""
"Promo ini berakhir pada %s (tengah malam waktu Pasifik). Koneksi Domain akan "
"otomatis diaktifkan untuk situs gratis setelah Anda membeli nama domain yang "
"memenuhi syarat di Promo ini tidak dapat digabungkan atau "
"digunakan untuk pembelian sebelumnya."
msgid ""
"Build credibility: Stand out with a professional and trustworthy web "
msgstr ""
"Bangun kredibilitas: Tonjolkan diri lewat eksistensi web yang profesional "
"dan tepercaya."
msgid "Be memorable: Make it easy for your audience to find you."
msgstr "Tarik perhatian: Permudah audiens untuk menemukan Anda."
msgid "Leave your mark: Create a unique identity for your blog or project."
msgstr "Buat berkesan: Ciptakan identitas unik untuk blog atau proyek Anda."
msgid "Here’s how a .blog domain will bring your free site to the next level:"
msgstr "Begini caranya domain .blog akan membuat situs gratis Anda naik level:"
msgid "Here’s how a .blog domain can help your website:"
msgstr "Begini caranya domain .blog akan membantu situs Anda:"
msgid ""
"Start your search today and claim your corner of the web with a custom .blog "
"domain. For a limited time, a newly registered .blog domain can be connected "
"to your free website—no upgrade required."
msgstr ""
"Mulai cari sekarang dan klaim ruang web Anda dengan domain .blog kustom. "
"Untuk waktu terbatas, domain .blog yang baru didaftarkan dapat dihubungkan "
"ke situs gratis Anda, tanpa perlu upgrade."
msgid "Every dream needs a domain name."
msgstr "Tiap impian perlu nama domain."
msgid "Claim yours before %s—the clock is ticking"
msgstr "Klaim sebelum %s—waktu hampir habis"
msgid ""
"Been thinking about claiming your corner of the web? We’ve got you covered! "
"Register a new .blog domain by %s and connect it to your free "
"site—no plan upgrade required."
msgstr ""
"Punya rencana untuk mengeklaim ruang web Anda? Kami punya solusinya! "
"Daftarkan domain .blog baru paling lambat %s dan hubungkan ke situs "
" gratis Anda, tanpa perlu upgrade paket."
msgid "If you have a dream, you need a domain."
msgstr "Jika Anda punya impian, Anda perlu domain."
msgid ""
"This offer ends %1$s (midnight Pacific time). Domain Connection will be "
"automatically activated for your free site after you purchase an eligible "
"domain name on %2$s. This offer cannot be combined or applied to previous "
msgstr ""
"Promo ini berakhir pada %1$s (tengah malam waktu Pasifik). Koneksi Domain "
"akan otomatis diaktifkan untuk situs gratis setelah Anda membeli nama domain "
"yang memenuhi syarat di %2$s. Promo ini tidak dapat digabungkan atau "
"digunakan untuk pembelian sebelumnya."
msgid ""
"Build credibility: Stand out with a professional and "
"trustworthy web presence."
msgstr ""
"Bangun kredibilitas: Tonjolkan diri lewat eksistensi web "
"yang profesional dan tepercaya."
msgid ""
"Be memorable: Make it easy for your audience to find you."
msgstr ""
"Tarik perhatian: Permudah audiens untuk menemukan Anda."
msgid ""
"Leave your mark: Create a unique identity for your project "
"or business."
msgstr ""
"Buat berkesan: Ciptakan identitas unik untuk proyek atau "
"bisnis Anda."
msgid ""
"Here’s how a .blog domain will bring your free site to the "
"next level:"
msgstr ""
"Begini caranya domain .blog akan membuat situs gratis Anda "
"naik level:"
msgid "Here’s how a .blog domain can help your website:"
msgstr "Begini caranya domain .blog akan membantu situs Anda:"
msgid "Find your domain name today"
msgstr "Temukan nama domain Anda sekarang"
msgid ""
"Start your search today and claim your corner of the web with a custom "
".blog domain. For a limited time, a newly registered "
".blog domain can be connected to your free %s website—no "
"upgrade required."
msgstr ""
"Mulai cari sekarang dan klaim ruang web Anda dengan domain .blog"
"strong> kustom. Untuk waktu terbatas, domain .blog yang "
"baru didaftarkan dapat dihubungkan ke situs %s gratis Anda, tanpa perlu "
msgid "Every dream needs a domain name"
msgstr "Tiap impian perlu nama domain"
msgid "Claim yours before %s—the clock is ticking."
msgstr "Klaim sebelum %s—waktu hampir habis."
msgid "Secure your .blog domain before someone else does!"
msgstr "Raih domain .blog Anda sebelum dicomot orang lain!"
msgid ""
"Been thinking about claiming your corner of the web? We’ve got you covered! "
"Register a new .blog domain by %1$s and connect it to your "
"free %2$s site—no plan upgrade required."
msgstr ""
"Punya rencana untuk mengeklaim ruang web Anda? Kami punya solusinya! "
"Daftarkan domain .blog baru paling lambat %1$s dan "
"hubungkan ke situs %2$s gratis Anda, tanpa perlu upgrade paket."
msgid "For a limited time only."
msgstr "Hanya untuk periode terbatas."
msgid "Uplevel your free site with your own .blog domain "
msgstr "Naikkan level situs gratis Anda dengan domain .blog sendiri "
msgid "Register your domain name today"
msgstr "Daftarkan nama domain Anda sekarang juga"
msgid "If you have a dream, you need a domain"
msgstr "Jika Anda punya impian, Anda perlu domain"
msgid ""
"This offer ends %s (midnight Pacific time) and is valid only for users "
"upgrading from a Free hosting plan to a paid hosting plan. It applies to new "
"purchases only (renewals are not eligible), and it cannot be combined with "
"other offers."
msgstr ""
"Penawaran ini berakhir pada %s (tengah malam waktu Pasifik) dan hanya "
"berlaku untuk pengguna yang melakukan upgrade dari paket hosting Gratis ke "
"paket hosting berbayar. Penawaran ini hanya berlaku untuk pembelian baru "
"(tidak untuk perpanjangan) dan tidak dapat dikombinasikan dengan penawaran "
msgid ""
"Use coupon code %1$s at checkout by %2$s and unlock the power of WordPress."
msgstr ""
"Gunakan kode kupon %1$s saat checkout pada %2$s dan maksimalkan keunggulan "
msgid ""
"Finish the year strong with a %s%% discount on any new paid annual plan. "
"This is the perfect moment to start a new website or take your free site "
msgstr ""
"Tutup tahun secara manis dengan diskon %s%% untuk setiap paket tahunan "
"berbayar baru. Saatnya Anda memulai situs baru atau menyempurnakan situs "
"gratis Anda."
msgid ""
"Don’t go it alone. Our experts are available 24/7 to support your growth."
msgstr ""
"Tidak perlu bekerja sendiri! Ahli kami siap setiap saat untuk mendukung "
"pertumbuhan Anda."
msgid ""
"Turn your passion into profit. Accept payments, offer subscriptions, and "
msgstr ""
"Ubah minat menjadi laba. Terima pembayaran, tawarkan langganan, dan lain-"
msgid ""
"Design your dream. Use stunning, customizable themes—simple, beautiful, "
msgstr ""
"Rencanakan impian Anda. Gunakan tema yang memukau dan dapat disesuaikan—"
"simpel, indah, milik Anda."
msgid ""
"Grow your audience, effortlessly. Our built-in SEO tools make your site "
"easier to find."
msgstr ""
"Tumbuhkan jumlah audiens dengan mudah. Dengan alat SEO bawaan kami, situs "
"Anda lebih mudah ditemukan."
msgid ""
"Free domain on top. Start strong with a free domain for your first year."
msgstr ""
"Domain gratis terbaik. Mulai secara manis dengan domain gratis untuk tahun "
msgid "Build on solid ground. With secure, fast, and reliable managed hosting."
msgstr ""
"Buat situs dengan fondasi yang kokoh. Dengan hosting terkelola yang aman, "
"cepat, dan andal."
msgid ""
"Due to popular demand, we’ve extended our %1$s%% off discount on any new "
"paid annual plan. Use coupon code %2$s at checkout by %3$s."
msgstr ""
"Karena tingginya permintaan, kami juga memberlakukan diskon %1$s%% untuk "
"setiap paket tahunan berbayar baru. Gunakan kode kupon %2$s "
"saat checkout pada %3$s."
msgid ""
"Don’t go it alone. Our experts are available 24/7 to "
"support your growth."
msgstr ""
"Tidak perlu bekerja sendiri. Ahli kami siap setiap saat "
"untuk mendukung pertumbuhan Anda."
msgid ""
"Turn your passion into profit. Accept payments, offer "
"subscriptions, and more."
msgstr ""
"Ubah minat menjadi laba. Terima pembayaran, tawarkan "
"langganan, dan lain-lain."
msgid ""
"Design your dream. Use stunning, customizable themes—"
"simple, beautiful, yours."
msgstr ""
"Rencanakan impian Anda. Gunakan tema yang memukau dan dapat "
"disesuaikan—simpel, indah, milik Anda."
msgid ""
"Grow your audience, effortlessly. Our built-in SEO tools "
"make your site easier to find."
msgstr ""
"Tumbuhkan jumlah audiens dengan mudah. Dengan alat SEO "
"bawaan kami, situs Anda lebih mudah ditemukan."
msgid ""
"Free domain on top. Start strong with a free domain for "
"your first year."
msgstr ""
"Domain gratis terbaik. Mulai secara manis dengan domain "
"gratis untuk tahun pertama."
msgid ""
"Build on solid ground. With secure, fast, and reliable "
"managed hosting."
msgstr ""
"Buat situs dengan fondasi yang kokoh. Dengan hosting "
"terkelola yang aman, cepat, dan andal."
msgid ""
"Whether you’re building your dream blog, launching a business, or growing "
"your online presence, our powerful tools are here to help you succeed. "
"Here’s what you’ll get:"
msgstr ""
"Dengan keunggulannya, alat kami dapat membantu Anda meraih kesuksesan dalam "
"mengembangkan blog impian, meluncurkan bisnis, atau meningkatkan eksistensi "
"online Anda. Berikut manfaat yang akan didapat:"
msgid ""
"Use coupon code %1$s at checkout by %2$s and unlock the "
"power of %3$s."
msgstr ""
"Gunakan kode kupon %1$s saat checkout pada %2$s dan "
"maksimalkan keunggulan %3$s."
msgid ""
"Finish the year strong with a %s%% discount on any new paid annual "
"plan. This is the perfect moment to start a new website or take "
"your free site further. "
msgstr ""
"Tutup tahun secara manis dengan diskon %s%% untuk setiap paket "
"tahunan berbayar baru. Saatnya Anda memulai situs baru atau "
"menyempurnakan situs gratis Anda. "
msgid "Don’t let this deal pass you by!"
msgstr "Jangan biarkan kesepakatan ini berlalu begitu saja!"
msgid "You’re this close to your dream website."
msgstr "Anda sudah sedekat ini dengan situs web impian Anda."
msgid "Last call: Save %s%% now"
msgstr "Kesempatan terakhir: Hemat %s%% sekarang"
msgid ""
"Due to popular demand, we’ve extended our %1$s%% off discount on any "
"new paid %2$s annual plan. Use coupon code %3$s at "
"checkout by %4$s."
msgstr ""
"Karena tingginya permintaan, kami juga memberlakukan diskon %1$s%% "
"untuk setiap paket tahunan %2$s berbayar baru. Gunakan kode kupon "
"%3$s saat checkout pada %4$s."
msgid ""
"If you were thinking about upgrading during Black Friday but missed the "
"deadline, no worries! There’s still time to save big on your first year of "
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda melewatkan kesempatan melakukan upgrade selama Black Friday, "
"jangan khawatir! Anda masih bisa mendapatkan diskon besar untuk tahun "
"pertama hosting."
msgid "Missed our Black Friday deal?"
msgstr "Melewatkan promo Black Friday?"
msgid "Get %1$s%% off any new paid plan until %2$s."
msgstr "Dapatkan diskon %1$s%% untuk paket berbayar baru hingga %2$s."
msgid "Missed Black Friday? We’ve got you covered"
msgstr "Melewatkan Black Friday? Kami punya solusinya!"
msgid ""
"This offer ends %1$s and is valid only for users upgrading from a Free "
"hosting plan to a paid hosting plan. It applies to new purchases only "
"(renewals are not eligible), and it cannot be combined with other offers."
msgstr ""
"Penawaran ini berakhir %1$s dan hanya berlaku untuk pengguna yang melakukan "
"upgrade dari paket hosting Gratis ke paket hosting berbayar. Penawaran ini "
"hanya berlaku untuk pembelian baru (tidak berlaku untuk perpanjangan), dan "
"tidak dapat digabungkan dengan penawaran lainnya."
msgid " Black Friday promo image"
msgstr "Gambar promo Black Friday"
msgid "What are the content guidelines?"
msgstr "Apa saja panduan kontennya?"
msgid ""
"{{strong}}Custom Requests:{{/strong}} We focus on attractive and functional "
"designs, but we can't accommodate very specific layout requests or exact "
"matches to designs. For fully custom solutions or pixel-perfect recreations, "
"we can connect you with an expert WordPress agency partner, with projects "
"starting at $5,000."
msgstr ""
"{{strong}}Permintaan Khusus:{{/strong}} Kami fokus pada desain yang menarik "
"dan fungsional, tetapi kami tidak dapat mengakomodasi permintaan tata letak "
"yang sangat spesifik atau sama persis dengan desain. Untuk solusi yang "
"sepenuhnya khusus atau kreasi ulang yang sempurna, kami dapat menghubungkan "
"Anda dengan mitra agensi WordPress yang ahli, dengan proyek seharga mulai "
"dari $5.000."
msgid ""
"{{strong}}Plugin Potential:{{/strong}} The initial setup doesn't include "
"every feature, but it's a great starting point. Add options like "
"appointments, courses, property listings, memberships, payments, animations, "
"and more after we finish your site. Our Happiness Engineers can make "
"recommendations based on your plan."
msgstr ""
"{{strong}}Fitur Plugin:{{/strong}} Penyiapan awal tidak menyertakan semua "
"fitur, tetapi ini adalah titik awal yang bagus. Tambahkan opsi seperti janji "
"temu, kursus, daftar properti, keanggotaan, pembayaran, animasi, dan banyak "
"lagi setelah kami menyelesaikan situs Anda. Happiness Engineer kami dapat "
"membuat rekomendasi berdasarkan rencana Anda."
msgid ""
"{{strong}}Perfect As-Is:{{/strong}} We aim to get it right the first time! "
"While revisions aren't included, you can always make updates later using the "
"WordPress editor."
msgstr ""
"{{strong}}Sempurna Apa Adanya:{{/strong}} Kami bertujuan untuk melakukannya "
"dengan benar pada kali pertama! Meskipun revisi tidak termasuk, Anda selalu "
"dapat melakukan pembaruan di kemudian hari menggunakan editor WordPress."
msgid ""
"{{strong}}Stay Connected:{{/strong}} After you submit your content, we'll "
"review it. If everything meets our guidelines, we'll notify you when your "
"site is ready for launch. If adjustments are needed, we'll reach out."
msgstr ""
"{{strong}}Tetap Terhubung:{{/strong}} Setelah Anda mengirimkan konten, kami "
"akan memeriksanya. Jika semuanya memenuhi pedoman kami, kami akan memberi "
"tahu Anda saat situs Anda siap diluncurkan. Jika ada penyesuaian yang "
"diperlukan, kami akan menghubungi Anda."
msgid ""
"{{strong}}Design Approach:{{/strong}} We follow established design "
"guidelines while customizing your site to reflect your brand. With your "
"logo, colors, and style preferences, we'll create a professional site that "
"captures your essence using our curated design elements."
msgstr ""
"{{strong}}Pendekatan Desain:{{/strong}} Kami mengikuti pedoman desain yang "
"sudah ada sambil menyesuaikan situs Anda untuk mencerminkan merek Anda. "
"Dengan logo, warna, dan preferensi gaya Anda, kami akan membuat situs "
"profesional yang menangkap esensi Anda menggunakan elemen desain pilihan "
msgid ""
"{{strong}}Bite-sized Content:{{/strong}} Keep each page under %s characters. "
"Longer content will be trimmed using AI to ensure everything looks great."
msgstr ""
"{{strong}}Konten secuil:{{/strong}} Jaga agar setiap halaman tetap di bawah "
"%s karakter. Konten yang lebih panjang akan dipangkas menggunakan AI untuk "
"memastikan semuanya terlihat bagus."
msgid ""
"{{strong}}Timely Submission:{{/strong}} Submit your content {{strong}}within "
"%(refundPeriodDays)d days{{/strong}} of purchase to keep things on track. If "
"we don't receive it in time, we'll use AI-generated text and stock images "
"based on your search terms to bring your site to life."
msgstr ""
"{{strong}}Pengiriman Tepat Waktu:{{/strong}} Kirimkan konten Anda {{strong}}"
"dalam waktu %(refundPeriodDays)d hari {{/strong}}setelah pembelian untuk "
"menjaga agar semua berjalan sesuai rencana. Jika kami tidak menerimanya "
"tepat waktu, kami akan menggunakan teks dan stok gambar yang dibuat oleh AI "
"berdasarkan istilah pencarian Anda untuk menghidupkan situs Anda."
msgid ""
"{{strong}}Fresh Content Only:{{/strong}} Please provide original content "
"rather than requesting migrations or content from existing pages, external "
"websites, or files."
msgstr ""
"{{strong}}Hanya Konten Baru:{{/strong}} Mohon berikan konten orisinal "
"daripada meminta migrasi atau konten dari halaman, situs web eksternal, atau "
"file yang sudah ada."
msgid ""
"You are about to change your username, {{strong}}%(username)s{{/strong}}. "
"Once changed, you will not be able to revert it."
msgstr ""
"Anda akan mengubah nama pengguna Anda, {{strong}}%(username)s{{/strong}}. "
"Setelah diubah, Anda tidak akan dapat mengembalikannya."
msgid "Confirm username change"
msgstr "Konfirmasi perubahan nama pengguna"
msgid "Change username"
msgstr "Ubah nama pengguna"
msgid "Nice username!"
msgstr "Nama pengguna yang bagus!"
msgid "Username changed successfully!"
msgstr "Nama pengguna berhasil diubah!"
msgid ""
"Your account is now activated or fully connected to on your "
"site %2$s. You can now start generating revenue!"
msgstr ""
"Akun Anda sudah teraktivasi atau terkoneksi sepenuhnya ke "
"melalui situs %2$s. Siap-siap raih keuntungan!"
msgid ""
"Visit payments dashboard to connect Stripe to your site."
msgstr ""
"Buka dasbor pembayaran untuk menyambungkan Stripe ke "
"situs Anda."
msgid "Your mailbox %(mailbox)s has been created."
msgstr "Mailbox %(mailbox)s Anda sudah dibuat."
msgctxt "refundText is of the form \"[currency-symbol][amount]\" i.e. \"$20\""
msgid ""
"If you confirm this cancellation, you will receive a {{span}}refund of "
"%(refundText)s{{/span}}, and your subscription will be removed immediately."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda mengonfirmasi pembatalan ini, Anda akan menerima {{span}}"
"pengembalian dana sebesar %(refundText)s{{/span}}, dan langganan Anda akan "
"segera dihapus."
msgid "{{contactLink}}Ask a Happiness Engineer{{/contactLink}}."
msgstr "{{contactLink}}Tanya Happiness Engineer{{/contactLink}}."
msgid "Need help with your purchase?"
msgstr "Perlu bantuan dengan pembelian Anda?"
msgid "Have a question or seeking a refund?"
msgstr "Punya pertanyaan atau mau minta pengembalian dana?"
msgid ""
"If you complete this cancellation, your subscription will be removed on "
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda menyelesaikan pembatalan ini, langganan Anda akan dihapus pada "
"tanggal {{span}}%(expirationDate)s{{/span}}."
msgid ""
"These features will no longer be available on your site when your "
"%(productName)s plan expires:"
msgstr ""
"Fitur-fitur berikut tidak akan lagi tersedia di situs Anda ketika paket "
"%(productName)s Anda kedaluwarsa:"
msgid ""
"By canceling the %(productName)s plan, these features will no longer be "
"available on your site:"
msgstr ""
"Dengan membatalkan paket %(productName)s, fitur-fitur berikut tidak akan "
"lagi tersedia di situs Anda:"
msgid ""
"Your plan includes the custom domain {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}. What "
"would you like to do with the domain?"
msgstr ""
"Paket Anda memiliki domain khusus {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}. Apa yang "
"Anda akan lakukan dengan domain tersebut?"
msgid ""
"This plan includes the custom domain mapping for %(mappedDomain)s. The "
"domain will not be removed along with the plan, to avoid any interruptions "
"for your visitors."
msgstr ""
"Paket ini mencakup pemetaan domain kustom untuk %(mappedDomain)s. Domain "
"tidak akan dihapus bersama paket, untuk menghindari segala gangguan bagi "
"pengunjung Anda. "
msgid "The %(themeName)s theme is activated successfully!"
msgstr "Tema %(themeName)s berhasil diaktifkan!"
msgid ""
"Sign up for a free account to start building your new website. "
"Get access to powerful tools and customizable designs to bring your ideas to "
msgstr ""
"Daftar akun gratis untuk mulai membangun situs web baru Anda. "
"Dapatkan akses ke perangkat canggih dan desain yang dapat disesuaikan untuk "
"mewujudkan ide-ide Anda."
msgid ""
"Add, organize, and display {{link}}portfolio projects{{/link}}. If your "
"theme doesn’t support portfolio projects yet, you can display them using the "
"shortcode [portfolio]. If your theme does support portfolio projects, these "
"will remain active regardless of toggle state."
msgstr ""
"Tambah, atur, dan tampilkan {{link}}proyek portofolio{{/link}}. Jika tema "
"Anda belum mendukung proyek portofolio, Anda dapat menampilkannya dengan "
"menggunakan shortcode [portfolio]. Jika tema Anda mendukung proyek "
"portofolio, maka proyek ini akan tetap aktif terlepas dari status "
"pengaturannya aktif atau tidak."
msgid ""
"Verifying your email helps you secure your account and enables "
"key features."
msgstr ""
"Memverifikasi e-mail membantu Anda mengamankan akun dan "
"mengaktifkan fitur-fitur utama."
msgid ""
"We sent an email to %(email)s. Please check your inbox to verify your email."
msgstr ""
"Kami telah mengirimkan e-mail ke %(email)s. Mohon periksa inbox Anda untuk "
"memverifikasi e-mail Anda."
msgid ""
"Settings saved successfully!{{br/}}We sent an email to %(email)s. Please "
"check your inbox to verify your email."
msgstr ""
"Pengaturan berhasil disimpan!{{br/}}Kami telah mengirim e-mail ke %(email)s. "
"Mohon periksa inbox Anda untuk memverifikasi e-mail Anda."
msgid ""
"Your email has not been verified yet. {{cancelWrapper}}Cancel the pending "
"email change{{/cancelWrapper}}."
msgstr ""
"E-mail Anda belum diverifikasi. {{cancelWrapper}}Batalkan perubahan e-mail "
"yang tertunda{{/cancelWrapper}}."
msgid ""
"Add the {{link}}Latest Instagram Posts block{{/link}} to display your latest "
msgstr ""
"Tambahkan {{link}}blok Pos Instagram Terbaru{{/link}} untuk menampilkan foto "
"terbaru Anda."
msgid "Add the Latest Instagram Posts block"
msgstr "Tambahkan blok Pos Instagram Terbaru"
msgid "Connect to use the Latest Instagram Posts block."
msgstr "Hubungkan untuk menggunakan blok Pos Instagram Terbaru."
msgid "toggle page selector"
msgstr "beralih pemilih halaman"
msgid ""
"If you have any problem or question contact Support."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda punya pertanyaan atau mengalami masalah, hubungi Dukungan."
msgid ""
"Find more details on our support "
msgstr ""
"Baca detail selengkapnya di halaman "
"dukungan kami."
msgid ""
"Manage your subscription on your purchases page."
msgstr ""
"Kelola langganan di halaman "
msgid ""
"More details can be found on our "
"support page."
msgstr ""
"Detail selengkapnya dapat ditemukan di halaman dukungan kami."
msgid ""
"To manage your purchases or view your billing history, visit Me > Manage Purchases in your "
" account."
msgstr ""
"Untuk mengelola pembelian atau melihat riwayat tagihan, buka Saya > Kelola Pembelian di akun "
" Anda."
msgid ""
"If you have any problems or questions, please do not hesitate to contact support."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda memiliki masalah atau pertanyaan, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi dukungan."
msgid "Check your inbox and confirm your email to subscribe to %s."
msgstr "Periksa inbox dan konfirmasi email Anda untuk berlangganan %s."
msgid "We sent a confirmation link to %s."
msgstr "Kami telah mengirimkan tautan konfirmasi ke %s."
msgid ""
"Log in to your account to manage your website, publish "
"content, and access all your tools securely and easily."
msgstr ""
"Login ke akun Anda untuk mengelola situs web, mempublikasikan "
"konten, dan mengakses semua perangkat dengan aman dan mudah."
msgid "Share a preview link with clients"
msgstr "Bagikan tautan pratinjau dengan klien"
msgid "Performance statistics are only available for public sites."
msgstr "Statistik performa hanya tersedia untuk situs publik."
msgid "Launch your site to start measuring performance"
msgstr "Luncurkan situs Anda untuk mulai mengukur performa"
msgid ""
"An error occurred while testing your site. Try running the test again or "
"contact support if the error persists."
msgstr ""
"Terjadi eror saat menguji situs Anda. Coba jalankan pengujian lagi atau "
"hubungi layanan bantuan jika eror ini tetap muncul."
msgid ""
"Let us build your store in %(days)d days for "
msgstr ""
"Biar kami saja yang membuatkan toko Anda dalam %(days)d hari seharga "
msgid "Limited site activity log"
msgstr "Log aktivitas situs terbatas"
msgid ""
"Link your accounts to gain more valuable insights in seconds. No coding "
msgstr ""
"Tautkan akun-akun Anda untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak wawasan berharga hanya "
"dalam beberapa detik. Tidak perlu coding."
msgid "Connect Google Analytics and Cloudflare Web Analytics"
msgstr "Hubungkan Google Analytics dan Cloudflare Web Analytics"
msgid ""
"Create free listings and ads to showcase your products to shoppers across "
msgstr ""
"Buatlah listing dan iklan gratis untuk memamerkan produk Anda ke pembeli di "
msgid ""
"Create a near-endless range of automated workflows to help you grow your "
"store, including different combinations of triggers, rules, and actions."
msgstr ""
"Buatlah alur kerja otomatis hampir tanpa batas untuk membantu pengembangan "
"toko Anda, termasuk berbagai kombinasi pemicu, aturan, dan tindakan."
msgid ""
"Assign your products to brands and make it easier for your customers to "
"browse your catalog by brand."
msgstr ""
"Berilah produk Anda merek supaya memudahkan pelanggan menelusuri katalog."
msgid "Automate your tax calculations."
msgstr "Otomatiskan penghitungan pajak Anda."
msgid "Tax solutions - Avalara & EU VAT"
msgstr "Solusi pajak - Avalara & PPN UE"
msgid ""
"Accept online payments, track revenue, and handle all payment activity from "
"your store’s dashboard."
msgstr ""
"Terima pembayaran secara online, pantau pendapatan, dan kelola semua "
"transaksi langsung dari dasbor toko."
msgid ""
"Be visible and let your customers connect with your brand on social media "
msgstr ""
"Tunjukkan eksistensi dan hubungkan pelanggan dengan merek Anda di saluran "
"media sosial."
msgid "Social media integrations"
msgstr "Integrasi media sosial"
msgid "3 bundled premium WooCommerce themes"
msgstr "3 paket tema premium WooCommerce"
msgid ""
"Offer smart upsells, cross-sells, and “frequently bought together” "
"recommendations and measure their impact with in-depth analytics."
msgstr ""
"Tawarkan rekomendasi cerdas berupa upsell, cross-sell, dan \"sering dibeli "
"bersamaan\", lalu perhitungkan pengaruhnya dengan analitik mendalam."
msgid ""
"Combine products in bundles. Offer discount packages and create product kits "
"and curated lists of products that are bought together often."
msgstr ""
"Gabungkan produk ke dalam bundel. Tawarkan paket diskon serta susunlah kit "
"produk dan daftar produk pilihan yang sering dibeli bersamaan."
msgid "Offer multi-purpose gift cards that customers can redeem online."
msgstr "Tawarkan kartu hadiah serbaguna yang dapat ditukarkan secara online."
msgid ""
"Offer extra products and services, such as gift wrapping, a special message, "
"extended warranty, insurance, customizations, and more."
msgstr ""
"Tawarkan produk dan layanan ekstra seperti bungkus kado, pesan khusus, "
"perpanjangan garansi, asuransi, kustomisasi, dan lain-lain."
msgid "eCommerce tools and optimized WooCommerce hosting"
msgstr "Alat eCommerce dan hosting WooCommerce dengan performa optimal"
msgid "Collect payments or donations securely through your site via PayPal."
msgstr ""
"Kumpulkan pembayaran atau donasi secara aman melalui situs Anda via PayPal."
msgid "Unlimited site activity log"
msgstr "Log aktivitas tanpa batas"
msgid "Bundled plugin auto-updates"
msgstr "Pembaruan otomatis paket plugin"
msgid "Unlimited VideoPress videos"
msgstr "Video VideoPress tanpa batas"
msgid "Seamless syncing between staging and production"
msgstr "Sinkronisasi staging dan produksi lancar tanpa gangguan"
msgid "Customize fonts and colors sitewide"
msgstr "Sesuaikan font dan warna di situs"
msgid "Ad-free browsing experience for your visitors"
msgstr "Pengalaman penelusuran bebas iklan bagi pengunjung Anda"
msgid "FedRAMP certification"
msgstr "Sertifikasi FedRAMP"
msgid ""
"Optimize your site for lightning-fast performance. {{link}}Learn more.{{/"
msgstr ""
"Optimalkan situs Anda untuk performa secepat kilat. {{link}}Pelajari lebih "
msgid ""
"You can customize the date format in your site’s {{link}}general settings{{/"
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat menyesuaikan format tanggal di {{link}}pengaturan umum{{/link}} "
"situs Anda"
msgid "By {{Author/}}"
msgstr "Oleh {{Author/}}"
msgid "By {{Author/}} on {{Date/}}"
msgstr "Oleh {{Author/}} pada {{Date/}}"
msgid "{{Preview}}Preview:{{/Preview}} {{Empty}}Byline will be empty{{/Empty}}"
msgstr ""
"{{Preview}}Pratinjau:{{/Preview}} {{Empty}}Byline akan tetap kosong{{/Empty}}"
msgid ""
"Unable to cancel your purchase. Please try again later or {{a}}contact "
msgstr ""
"Tidak dapat membatalkan pembelian Anda. Mohon coba lagi nanti atau {{a}}"
"hubungi layanan bantuan{{/a}}."
msgid "Unlimited pages, posts, users, and visitors"
msgstr "Halaman, pos, pengguna, dan pengunjung tanpa batas"
msgid "SFTP/SSH, WP-CLI, Git commands, and GitHub Deployments"
msgstr "SFTP/SSH, WP-CLI, Git commands, dan GitHub Deployments"
msgid "Switch between all of our themes."
msgstr "Ganti tema mana pun yang kami sediakan."
msgid "All premium and store themes"
msgstr "Semua tema premium dan toko"
msgid ""
"Syncing staging database to production overwrites posts, pages, products and "
"orders. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}."
msgstr ""
"Menyinkronkan database staging ke produksi akan menimpa pos, halaman, "
"produk, dan pesanan. {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}}."
msgid ""
"You can now set the color scheme on your individual site by visiting Users → "
"Profile from your site dashboard."
msgstr ""
"Sekarang Anda dapat mengatur skema warna pada masing-masing situs Anda "
"dengan mengunjungi menu Pengguna → Profil dari dasbor situs Anda."
msgid "Your earnings are being deposited to the `%1$s` Stripe account."
msgstr "Penghasilan Anda akan masuk ke akun Stripe `%1$s`"
msgid "Save %(percentSavings)d%% by paying annually"
msgstr "Hemat %(percentSavings)d%% dengan pembayaran tahunan"
msgid "%(visitCount)s this month"
msgstr "%(visitCount)s bulan ini"
msgid "No visits so far this month"
msgstr "Tidak ada kunjungan sejauh ini di bulan ini"
msgid "Upgrade to monitor site"
msgstr "Upgrade agar dapat memantau situs"
msgid "Activate hosting features"
msgstr "Aktifkan fitur hosting"
msgid "Monitor site performance"
msgstr "Pantau performa situs"
msgid "%(value)s %(measure)s used"
msgstr "%(value)s %(measure)s digunakan"
msgid "The hosting features will appear here automatically when they're ready!"
msgstr "Fitur-fitur hosting akan otomatis muncul di sini jika sudah siap!"
msgid ""
"Handy is a blog theme designed for individuals focusing on users who are "
"into a side hustle on home improvement and handyperson services."
msgstr ""
"Handy adalah tema blog yang dirancang untuk individu yang fokus pada "
"pengguna yang tertarik dengan usaha sampingan dalam perbaikan rumah dan "
"layanan tukang."
msgid "Goodskin is a blogging theme designed for skincare blogs."
msgstr "Goodskin adalah tema blog yang dirancang untuk blog perawatan kulit."
msgid ""
"Fixmate is a blog theme designed for individuals focusing on users who are "
"into a side hustle on home improvement and handyperson services."
msgstr ""
"Fixmate adalah tema blog yang dirancang untuk individu yang fokus pada "
"pengguna yang tertarik dengan usaha sampingan dalam perbaikan rumah dan "
"layanan tukang."
msgid ""
"Expo is a blog theme that presents posts in different Query Loops using "
"tags. It is the perfect pick for museums or galleries."
msgstr ""
"Expo adalah tema blog yang menyajikan pos dalam berbagai Permintaan "
"Informasi menggunakan tag. Ini adalah pilihan yang sempurna untuk museum "
"atau galeri."
msgid "Cottage is a cottagecore blogging theme based on Tronar theme."
msgstr "Cottage adalah tema blogging cottagecore yang berdasarkan tema Tronar."
msgid ""
"Brightblog is a blog theme displaying large typography and vibrant color "
"palettes. With its clean and modern design, the theme offers a unique and "
"engaging way to showcase your blog content."
msgstr ""
"Brightblog adalah tema blog yang menampilkan tipografi besar dan palet warna "
"yang cerah. Dengan desainnya yang bersih dan modern, tema ini menawarkan "
"cara yang unik dan menarik untuk etalase konten blog Anda."
msgid ""
"Adonay is crafted for single page websites that want to leave a stunning and "
"memorable first impression. Nonetheless, the theme provides post and page "
"templates for those looking to customize and broaden their website's "
"functionality. Adonay comes with 3 distinctive style variations and an array "
"of 12 vibrant color options."
msgstr ""
"Adonay dirancang untuk situs web halaman tunggal yang ingin meninggalkan "
"kesan pertama yang menakjubkan dan tak terlupakan. Namun, tema ini "
"menyediakan template pos dan halaman bagi mereka yang ingin melakukan "
"penyesuaian dan memperluas fungsionalitas situs web mereka. Adonay hadir "
"dengan 3 variasi gaya yang berbeda dan pilihan warna cerah sebanyak 12."
msgid "Save %(percentSavings)d%% by paying for three years"
msgstr ""
"Hemat %(percentSavings)d%% jika membayar selama tiga tahun"
msgid ""
"Modify the layout, colors, typography, and content to fit your unique style "
"and needs. Plus, use any pattern from our pattern library to "
"enhance and tailor your site ensuring it truly stands out."
msgstr ""
"Ubah tata letak, warna, tipografi, dan konten agar sesuai dengan gaya dan "
"kebutuhan unik Anda. Selain itu, gunakan pola apa pun dari pustaka "
"pola kami untuk menyempurnakan dan menyesuaikan situs Anda sehingga "
"benar-benar menonjol."
msgid ""
"{{p}}The avatar you upload here is synced with {{ExternalLink}}Gravatar{{/"
"ExternalLink}}. If you do not have a Gravatar account, one will be created "
"for you when you upload your first image.{{/p}}"
msgstr ""
"{{p}}Avatar yang Anda unggah di sini disinkronkan dengan {{ExternalLink}}"
"Gravatar{{/ExternalLink}}. Jika Anda tidak memiliki akun Gravatar, akun "
"tersebut akan dibuatkan untuk Anda saat Anda mengunggah gambar pertama Anda."
msgid ""
"{{p}}To ensure uninterrupted access to core Stats features, please upgrade "
"to a Jetpack Stats Commercial license using the button below by "
"{{b}}%(date)s{{/b}}. {{/p}}{{p}}{{jetpackStatsProductLink}}Upgrade my "
"{{commercialUpgradeLinkText}}Learn more{{/commercialUpgradeLinkText}}"
"{{externalIcon /}}{{/commercialUpgradeLink}}{{/p}}"
msgstr ""
"{{p}}Untuk memastikan akses tanpa gangguan ke fitur-fitur inti Stats, "
"silakan upgrade ke lisensi Jetpack Stats Commercial menggunakan tombol di "
"bawah ini sebelum {{b}}%(date)s{{/b}}. {{/p}}{{p}}{{jetpackStatsProductLink}}"
"Upgrade Stats saya{{/jetpackStatsProductLink}} {{commercialUpgradeLink}}"
"{{commercialUpgradeLinkText}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/"
"commercialUpgradeLinkText}}{{externalIcon /}}{{/commercialUpgradeLink}}{{/p}}"
msgid ""
"{{p}}To ensure uninterrupted access to core Stats features, please upgrade "
"to a Jetpack Stats Commercial license using the button below. {{/p}}{{p}}"
"{{jetpackStatsProductLink}}Upgrade my Stats{{/jetpackStatsProductLink}} "
"{{commercialUpgradeLink}}{{commercialUpgradeLinkText}}Learn more{{/"
"commercialUpgradeLinkText}}{{externalIcon /}}{{/commercialUpgradeLink}}{{/p}}"
msgstr ""
"{{p}}Untuk memastikan akses tanpa gangguan ke fitur-fitur inti Stats, "
"silakan upgrade ke lisensi Jetpack Stats Commercial menggunakan tombol di "
"bawah ini. {{/p}}{{p}}{{jetpackStatsProductLink}}Upgrade Stats saya{{/"
"jetpackStatsProductLink}} {{commercialUpgradeLink}}"
"{{commercialUpgradeLinkText}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/"
"commercialUpgradeLinkText}}{{externalIcon /}}{{/commercialUpgradeLink}}{{/p}}"
msgid "{{b}}Unmetered{{/b}} bandwidth"
msgstr "{{b}}Bandwidth{{/b}} tanpa batas"
msgid ""
"X (Twitter) is {{a}}no longer supported{{/a}}. You can still use our quick "
"{{a2}}manual sharing{{/a2}} feature from the post editor to share to it!"
msgstr ""
"X (Twitter) {{a}}tidak lagi didukung{{/a}}. Anda masih dapat menggunakan "
"fitur {{a2}}berbagi secara manual {{/a2}} secara cepat kami dari editor pos "
"untuk berbagi ke sana!"
msgid ""
"The current primary address set for this site is: "
"{{strong}}%(selectedDomain)s{{/strong}}. You can change it by selecting a "
"different address from the list below. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/"
msgstr ""
"Alamat utama saat ini yang ditetapkan untuk situs ini adalah: "
"{{strong}}%(selectedDomain)s{{/strong}}. Anda dapat mengubahnya dengan "
"memilih alamat yang berbeda dari daftar di bawah ini. {{learnMoreLink}}"
"Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}."
msgid ""
"Before changing your primary site address you must {{domainSearchLink}}"
"register{{/domainSearchLink}} or {{mapDomainLink}}connect{{/mapDomainLink}} "
"a new custom domain. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}."
msgstr ""
"Sebelum mengubah alamat situs utama, Anda harus {{domainSearchLink}}"
"mendaftarkan{{/domainSearchLink}} atau {{mapDomainLink}}menghubungkan{{/"
"mapDomainLink}} domain khusus baru. {{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/"
msgid ""
"Your site plan doesn't allow to set a custom domain as a primary site "
"address. {{planUpgradeLink}}Upgrade your plan{{/planUpgradeLink}} and get a "
"free one-year domain registration or transfer with any annual paid plan. "
"{{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}."
msgstr ""
"Paket situs Anda tidak memungkinkan untuk menetapkan domain khusus sebagai "
"alamat situs utama. {{planUpgradeLink}}Upgrade paket Anda{{/"
"planUpgradeLink}} dan dapatkan registrasi atau transfer domain gratis selama "
"satu tahun dengan paket berbayar tahunan. {{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih "
msgid ""
"Automatically generate custom images for posts using a template or a custom "
msgstr ""
"Otomatis buat gambar khusus untuk pos menggunakan template atau teks khusus."
msgid "Upload custom images or videos with your posts."
msgstr "Unggah gambar atau video khusus dengan pos Anda"
msgid "Share an unlimited number of posts."
msgstr "Bagikan pos dalam jumlah tak terbatas."
msgid "Share an unlimited number of posts"
msgstr "Bagikan pos dalam jumlah tak terbatas"
msgid ""
"Automatically share to Facebook, Instagram, Threads, LinkedIn, Mastodon, "
"Tumblr, and Nextdoor."
msgstr ""
"Otomatis bagikan ke Facebook, Instagram, Threads, LinkedIn, Mastodon, "
"Tumblr, dan Nextdoor."
msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Comments module is empty"
msgid ""
"Learn about the {{link}}comments{{/link}} your site receives by authors, "
"posts, and pages."
msgstr ""
"Pelajari tentang {{link}}komentar {{/link}} yang diterima situs Anda dari "
"penulis, pos, dan halaman."
msgid ""
"A playful and energetic theme designed specifically for local dog walking "
"and pet care businesses."
msgstr ""
"Tema yang ceria dan energik dirancang khusus untuk bisnis berjalan anjing "
"dan perawatan hewan peliharaan lokal."
msgid ""
"Stageplay is a blog theme that ideally suits writers and the general public "
"who want their sites formatted as scripts — following the concept present in "
"another theme called Screenplay."
msgstr ""
"Stageplay adalah tema blog yang sangat cocok untuk penulis dan masyarakat "
"umum yang ingin situs mereka diformat sebagai naskah — mengikuti konsep yang "
"ada di tema lain yang disebut Screenplay."
msgid ""
"A clean, beautiful, and customizable theme for restaurant menu websites."
msgstr ""
"Tema yang bersih, indah, dan dapat disesuaikan untuk situs menu restoran."
msgid ""
"Blissed is a theme created to serve as a comprehensive hub for all your "
"wedding-related links. Designed with joy, the theme offers a sleek and "
"intuitive interface that functions like a link tree for engaged couples to "
"organize their event and share their thoughts with their guests."
msgstr ""
"Blissed adalah tema yang dibuat untuk berfungsi sebagai pusat komprehensif "
"untuk semua tautan terkait pernikahan Anda. Dirancang dengan sukacita, tema "
"ini menawarkan antarmuka yang ramping dan intuitif yang berfungsi seperti "
"pohon tautan bagi pasangan yang bertunangan untuk mengorganisir acara mereka "
"dan membagikan pemikiran mereka kepada tamu."
msgctxt ""
"Stats: Header popover with information when the Videos module has data."
msgid ""
"Most {{link}}popular videos{{/link}} uploaded to your site. Learn more about "
"their performance."
msgstr ""
"{{link}}Video paling populer{{/link}} yang diunggah ke situs Anda. Pelajari "
"lebih lanjut tentang performanya."
msgctxt "Stats: Popover information when the UTM module has data"
msgid ""
"Track your campaign {{link}}UTM performance data{{/link}}. Generate URL "
"codes with our builder."
msgstr ""
"Lacak {{link}}data performa kampanye UTM{{/link}} Anda. Buat kode URL dengan "
"builder kami."
msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Tags & Categories module has data"
msgid ""
"Most visited {{link}}tags & categories{{/link}}. Learn about the most "
"engaging topics. "
msgstr ""
"{{link}}Tag & kategori {{/link}}yang paling banyak dikunjungi. Pelajari "
"tentang topik yang paling menarik."
msgctxt "Stats: Link in a popover for the Referrers when the module has data"
msgid ""
"Websites {{link}}referring visitors{{/link}} sorted by most clicked. Learn "
"about where your audience comes from."
msgstr ""
"Situs web {{link}}yang mendatangkan pengunjung{{/link}} diurutkan "
"berdasarkan yang paling banyak diklik. Pelajari dari mana audiens Anda "
msgctxt "Stats: Header popower information when the Emails module has data."
msgid "{{link}}Latest emails sent{{/link}} and their performance."
msgstr "{{link}}E-mail terbaru yang dikirim{{/link}} dan kinerjanya."
msgctxt "Stats: Info popover content when the file downloads module has data."
msgid "Most {{link}}downloaded files{{/link}} from your site."
msgstr "{{link}}File yang paling banyak diunduh{{/link}} dari situs Anda."
msgctxt "Stats: Info popover content when the Devices module has data."
msgid ""
"The {{link}}devices and browsers{{/link}} your visitors use to access your "
msgstr ""
"{{link}}Perangkat dan browser{{/link}} yang digunakan pengunjung untuk "
"mengakses situs Anda."
msgctxt ""
"Stats: Link in a popover for Countries module when the module has data"
msgid "Stats on visitors and their {{link}}viewing location{{/link}}."
msgstr "Statistik pengunjung dan {{link}}lokasi berkunjung{{/link}} mereka."
msgctxt "Stats: Link in a popover for the Clicks module when it has data"
msgid "Most {{link}}clicked external links{{/link}} to track engaging content."
msgstr ""
"{{link}}Tautan eksternal yang paling banyak diklik{{/link}} untuk melacak "
"konten yang menarik."
msgctxt ""
"Stats: Link in a popover for the Posts & Pages when the module has data"
msgid ""
"{{link}}Posts and pages{{/link}} sorted by most visited. Learn about what "
"content resonates the most."
msgstr ""
"{{link}}Pos dan halaman{{/link}} diurutkan berdasarkan yang paling banyak "
"dikunjungi. Pelajari tentang konten apa yang paling banyak dikunjungi."
msgctxt ""
"Stats: Link in a popover for the Posts & Pages when the module has data"
msgid ""
"Learn about your most {{link}}popular authors{{/link}} to better understand "
"how they contribute to grow your site."
msgstr ""
"Pelajari tentang {{link}}penulis Anda yang paling populer{{/link}} untuk "
"lebih memahami bagaimana mereka berkontribusi dalam mengembangkan situs Anda."
msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Tags & Categories module is empty"
msgid ""
"Learn about your most visited {{link}}tags & categories{{/link}} to track "
"engaging topics. "
msgstr ""
"Pelajari tentang {{link}}tag & kategori{{/link}} yang paling sering "
"dikunjungi untuk melacak topik yang menarik."
msgid "Building sites for customers? Here's how to earn more."
msgstr ""
"Membuat situs untuk pelanggan? Inilah cara untuk menghasilkan lebih banyak."
msgid "Integrated APM"
msgstr "APM Terintegrasi"
msgid "Integrated enterprise search"
msgstr "Pencarian perusahaan terintegrasi"
msgid "Automated plugin upgrade"
msgstr "Upgrade plugin otomatis"
msgid "Plugin and theme vulnerability scanning"
msgstr "Pemindaian kerentanan plugin dan tema"
msgid "Single sign-on (SSO)"
msgstr "Single sign-on (SSO)"
msgid "Advanced access controls"
msgstr "Kontrol akses lanjutan"
msgid "Efficient multi-site management"
msgstr "Manajemen multisitus yang efisien"
msgid "Command line interface (CLI)"
msgstr "Antarmuka baris perintah (CLI)"
msgid "Management dashboard"
msgstr "Dasbor manajemen"
msgid "Staging environments"
msgstr "Lingkungan staging"
msgid "Integrated code repository"
msgstr "Repositori kode terintegrasi"
msgid "Integrated CDN"
msgstr "CDN terintegrasi"
msgid "Dynamic autoscaling"
msgstr "Pengaturan skala otomatis yang dinamis"
msgid "Global infrastructure"
msgstr "Infrastruktur global"
msgid "Containerized environment"
msgstr "Lingkungan dalam kontainer"
msgid "API mesh and node hosting"
msgstr "Hosting mesh dan node API"
msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the UTM module is empty"
msgid ""
"Your {{link}}campaign UTM performance data{{/link}} will display here once "
"readers click on your URLs with UTM codes. Get started!"
msgstr ""
"{{link}}Data kinerja kampanye UTM{{/link}} Anda akan tampil di sini setelah "
"pembaca mengklik URL Anda dengan kode UTM. Ayo mulai!"
msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Referrers module is empty"
msgid ""
"We'll show you which websites are {{link}}referring visitors{{/link}} to "
"your site so you can discover where your audience comes from. Start sharing!"
msgstr ""
"Kami akan menunjukkan kepada Anda situs web mana yang {{link}}mendatangkan "
"pengunjung{{/link}} ke situs Anda sehingga Anda dapat mengetahui dari mana "
"audiens Anda berasal. Mulai berbagi!"
msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Devices module is empty"
msgid ""
"The {{link}}devices and browsers{{/link}} your visitors use to access your "
"site will display here."
msgstr ""
"{{link}}Perangkat dan browser{{/link}} yang digunakan pengunjung untuk "
"mengakses situs Anda akan tampil di sini."
msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Videos module is empty"
msgid ""
"Your {{link}}most popular videos{{/link}} will display here to better "
"understand how they performed. Start uploading!"
msgstr ""
"{{link}}Video Anda yang paling populer{{/link}} akan tampil di sini agar "
"Anda dapat lebih memahami bagaimana kinerjanya. Mulailah mengunggah!"
msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Search module is empty"
msgid ""
"Learn about {{link}}popular terms{{/link}} visitors use to find your site "
"content on search engines."
msgstr ""
"Pelajari tentang {{link}}istilah pencarian populer{{/link}} yang digunakan "
"pengunjung untuk menemukan konten situs Anda di mesin pencari."
msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the file downloads module is empty"
msgid "Your most {{link}}downloaded files{{/link}} will display here."
msgstr ""
"{{link}}File Anda{{/link}} yang paling banyak diunduh akan tampil di sini."
msgid "Track the most viewed {{link}}tags & categories{{/link}}."
msgstr "Lacak {{link}}tag & kategori{{/link}} yang paling banyak dilihat."
msgid "All-time {{link}}website insights{{/link}}."
msgstr "{{link}}Wawasan situs web{{/link}} sepanjang masa."
msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Emails module is empty"
msgid ""
"Your {{link}}latest emails sent{{/link}} will display here to better "
"understand how they performed. Start sending!"
msgstr ""
"{{link}}E-mail terbaru yang Anda kirimkan{{/link}} akan tampil di sini untuk "
"lebih memahami kinerjanya. Mulai mengirim!"
msgid ""
"Vows works as a comprehensive hub for all your wedding-related links. "
"Inspired by the timeless beauty of wedding stationery and photography, this "
"theme provides a sleek and intuitive interface that acts like a link-in-bio "
"solution for engaged couples."
msgstr ""
"Vows berfungsi sebagai pusat komprehensif untuk semua tautan terkait "
"pernikahan Anda. Terinspirasi oleh keindahan abadi dari alat tulis dan "
"fotografi pernikahan, tema ini menyediakan antarmuka yang ramping dan "
"intuitif yang berfungsi seperti solusi tautan-di-bio untuk pasangan yang "
msgid ""
"A blog theme entirely designed in the Editor, Inversum offers a direct "
"experience of post-reading with its noticeable post titles listed on a text-"
"only page and an original swap of header and footer blocks."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah tema blog yang sepenuhnya dirancang di Penyunting, Inversum "
"menawarkan pengalaman langsung setelah membaca pos dengan judul pos yang "
"mencolok yang terdaftar di halaman hanya teks dan pertukaran asli antara "
"blok header dan footer."
msgid ""
"Hola is a text-only blog design, a new interpretation of the theme ‘Hey’ "
"with diverse style variations."
msgstr ""
"Hola adalah desain blog hanya teks, sebuah interpretasi baru dari tema 'Hey' "
"dengan variasi gaya yang beragam."
msgid ""
"Atrium is a blog theme that presents posts in different Query Loops using "
"tags. The perfect pick for museums or galleries."
msgstr ""
"Atrium adalah tema blog yang menyajikan pos dalam berbagai Loop Permintaan "
"Informasi menggunakan tag. Pilihan sempurna untuk museum atau galeri."
msgid ""
"A theme in homage to George Lois, visionary American Art Director, and "
msgstr ""
"Sebuah tema sebagai penghormatan kepada George Lois, Direktur Seni visioner "
"Amerika, dan penulis."
msgid ""
"RecipeBook is a versatile theme designed to cater to various content "
"creators. It explores the Query Loop element in a very particular way, with "
"zero spacings and block strokes."
msgstr ""
"RecipeBook adalah tema serbaguna yang dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan "
"berbagai pembuat konten. Tema ini mengeksplorasi elemen Query Loop dengan "
"cara yang sangat khusus, tanpa jarak dan garis blok."
msgid ""
"OutNow is the perfect theme for people who are engaged in artistic "
"activities. Its concise and straightforward introduction enables users to "
"promptly select topics for their blog posts or content pages."
msgstr ""
"OutNow adalah tema yang sempurna untuk orang-orang yang terlibat dalam "
"kegiatan seni. Pengantar yang ringkas dan langsung memungkinkan pengguna "
"untuk segera memilih topik untuk pos blog atau halaman konten mereka."
msgid ""
"My Menu is a simple theme designed to facilitate restaurant owners’ site-"
"building experiences. It is clean, direct, and customizable. Test the cool "
"style variations that have been added to the theme."
msgstr ""
"My Menu adalah tema sederhana yang dirancang untuk memudahkan pengalaman "
"pembuatan situs bagi pemilik restoran. Tema ini bersih, langsung, dan dapat "
"disesuaikan. Uji variasi gaya keren yang telah ditambahkan ke tema ini."
msgid ""
"LeanCV is a blog theme that echoes the structure of a professional profile "
"with original visuals and interesting navigation. It's suitable for the "
"general public to display information, experiences, and education. And it's "
"super easy to customize."
msgstr ""
"LeanCV adalah tema blog yang mencerminkan struktur profil profesional dengan "
"visual yang orisinal dan navigasi yang menarik. Tema ini cocok untuk "
"masyarakat umum untuk menampilkan informasi, pengalaman, dan pendidikan. Dan "
"sangat mudah untuk disesuaikan."
msgid ""
"Cookbook is a versatile theme designed to cater to various content creators. "
"It explores the Query Loop element in a very particular way, with zero "
"spacings and block strokes."
msgstr ""
"Buku masak adalah tema yang serbaguna yang dirancang untuk memenuhi "
"kebutuhan berbagai pembuat konten. Tema ini mengeksplorasi elemen Query Loop "
"dengan cara yang sangat khusus, tanpa jarak dan garis blok."
msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Authors module is empty"
msgid ""
"Learn about your most {{link}}popular authors{{/link}} to better understand "
"how they contribute to grow your site."
msgstr ""
"Pelajari tentang {{link}}penulis Anda yang paling populer{{/link}} untuk "
"lebih memahami bagaimana mereka berkontribusi dalam mengembangkan situs Anda."
msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Clicks module is empty"
msgid ""
"Your most {{link}}clicked external links{{/link}} will display here to track "
"engaging content."
msgstr ""
"{{link}}Tautan eksternal paling sering diklik{{/link}} akan ditampilkan di "
"sini untuk melacak konten yang menarik perhatian."
msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Countries module is empty"
msgid ""
"Stats on visitors and their {{link}}viewing location{{/link}} will appear "
"here to learn from where you are getting visits."
msgstr ""
"Statistik pengunjung dan {{link}}lokasi berkunjung{{/link}} mereka akan "
"muncul di sini untuk mengetahui dari mana saja Anda mendapatkan kunjungan."
msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Posts & Pages module is empty"
msgid ""
"Your top {{link}}posts and pages{{/link}} will display here to learn what "
"content resonates the most. Start creating and sharing!"
msgstr ""
"{{link}}Pos dan halaman{{/link}} teratas Anda akan ditampilkan di sini untuk "
"mengetahui konten yang paling sering diakses. Mulai buat dan berbagi!"
msgid ""
"%(boostPercentage)d%% more sites have good Core Web Vitals "
"when compared to any other WordPress host [Source: Google data]."
msgstr ""
"%(boostPercentage)d%% lebih situs yang memiliki Core Web "
"Vitals yang baik jika dibandingkan dengan host WordPress lainnya [Sumber: "
"data Google]."
msgctxt "Expired domain notice"
msgid ""
"The domain {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} expired %(timeSince)s. It's "
"no longer available to manage or renew. We may be able to restore it after "
msgstr ""
"Domain {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} telah kedaluwarsa %(timeSince)s. "
"Domain tersebut tidak lagi tersedia untuk dikelola atau diperpanjang. Kami "
"mungkin dapat memulihkannya setelah {{strong}}%(aftermarketAuctionEnd)s{{/"
msgid ""
"Vitrum was designed to be a portfolio theme and is composed of wide-width "
"layouts with the impact of generous imagery and typography. Its simple pages "
"are aligned left with fair right paddings and large content blocks to grant "
"viewers focus on visuals and short paragraphs."
msgstr ""
"Vitrum dirancang sebagai tema portofolio dan terdiri dari tata letak lebar "
"dengan dampak gambar dan tipografi yang melimpah. Halaman-halamannya yang "
"sederhana sejajar ke kiri dengan padding kanan yang wajar dan blok konten "
"besar untuk memberikan fokus kepada pemirsa pada visual dan paragraf pendek."
msgid "This site is managed through {{a}}Automattic for Agencies{{/a}}."
msgstr "Situs ini dikelola melalui {{a}}Automattic for Agencies{{/a}}."
msgid ""
"Just a little reminder that by continuing with any of the options below, you "
"agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}} and have read our "
"{{privacyLink}}Privacy Policy{{/privacyLink}}."
msgstr ""
"Sekadar pengingat bahwa dengan melanjutkan salah satu opsi di bawah ini, "
"Anda menyetujui {{tosLink}}Ketentuan Layanan{{/tosLink}} dan sudah membaca "
"{{privacyLink}}Kebijakan Privasi{{/privacyLink}} kami."
msgid ""
"Preview and troubleshoot changes before updating your production site. {{a}}"
"Learn more{{/a}}"
msgstr ""
"Pratinjau dan perbaiki kendala perubahan sebelum memperbarui situs produksi "
"Anda. {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}}."
msgid ""
"Farmhouse is a simple theme that supports full-site editing. It comes with a "
"set of minimal templates and design settings that can be manipulated through "
"Global Styles. Use it to build something beautiful."
msgstr ""
"Farmhouse adalah tema sederhana yang mendukung pengeditan situs secara "
"penuh. Tema ini dilengkapi dengan serangkaian template minimalis dan "
"pengaturan desain yang dapat dimanipulasi melalui Gaya Global. Gunakan untuk "
"membangun sesuatu yang indah."
msgid "Plugins {{wbr}}{{/wbr}}marketplace"
msgstr "Marketplace {{wbr}}{{/wbr}}plugin"
msgid ""
"We’d love to talk with you! All paid plans include access to support from "
"our team of WordPress experts (we call them Happiness Engineers).{{br /}}"
"{{br /}}And if you have pre-purchase questions, we can talk at the checkout "
"page. Select the plan that looks like the best fit for you and click the "
"“Questions? Ask a Happiness Engineer” link on the next page."
msgstr ""
"Kami ingin sekali berbicara dengan Anda! Semua paket berbayar sudah termasuk "
"akses ke layanan bantuan dari tim ahli WordPress kami (kami menyebutnya "
"Happiness Engineer).{{br /}}{{br /}}Dan jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan "
"sebelum membeli, kita dapat berdiskusi di halaman checkout. Pilih paket yang "
"paling cocok untuk Anda dan klik tautan \"Pertanyaan? Tanya Happiness "
"Engineer\" di halaman berikutnya."
msgid ""
"No it won’t! You’re welcome to create your new site with us before pointing "
"the domain here. That way your current site can stay “live” until your new "
"one is ready.{{br /}}{{br /}}We recommend getting a plan now because they "
"have other features you might find useful, including expert support from our "
"team. Just avoid using the domain options until you’re ready, and then you "
"can connect or transfer the domain.{{br /}}{{br /}}Our Happiness Engineers "
"can also do the migration for you. {{ExternalLink}}Request a Happiness "
"Engineer{{/ExternalLink}} to migrate your site for free!"
msgstr ""
"Tidak bisa! Anda bisa membuat situs baru bersama kami sebelum mengarahkan "
"domain ke sini. Dengan demikian, situs Anda saat ini bisa tetap \"hidup\" "
"hingga situs baru Anda siap.{{br /}}{{br /}}Kami menyarankan untuk membeli "
"paket sekarang, karena paket ini memiliki fitur-fitur lain yang mungkin "
"berguna bagi Anda, termasuk bantuan ahli dari tim kami. Lewati saja fitur "
"penggunaan domain hingga Anda siap, lalu Anda dapat menghubungkan atau "
"mentransfer domain.{{br /}}{{br /}}Tim Happiness Engineer kami juga dapat "
"melakukan migrasi untuk Anda. {{ExternalLink}}Minta Happiness Engineer{{/"
"ExternalLink}} untuk memigrasi situs Anda secara gratis!"
msgid ""
"{{br /}}{{br /}}Want a Happiness Engineer to do a free migration of your "
"WordPress site to {{ExternalLink}}Request a Happiness "
"Engineer{{/ExternalLink}} to handle your migration for free!"
msgstr ""
"{{br /}}{{br /}}Ingin Happiness Engineer melakukan migrasi situs WordPress "
"Anda ke secara gratis? {{ExternalLink}}Minta Happiness "
"Engineer{{/ExternalLink}}untuk menangani proses migrasi Anda secara gratis!"
msgid ""
"Need some help? Let us help you find the perfect plan for your site. {{a}}"
"Contact our support now{{/a}}."
msgstr ""
"Butuh bantuan? Biarkan kami membantu Anda menemukan rancangan yang sempurna "
"untuk situs Anda. {{a}}Hubungi layanan bantuan kami sekarang{{/a}}."
msgid ""
"{{strong}}Need premium themes, fast support, and advanced design tools?{{/"
"strong}}{{break}}{{/break}}Go with our %(planTitle)s plan, starting at just "
"%(planPrice)s/month. All annual plans come with a 14-day money-back "
msgstr ""
"{{strong}}Butuh tema premium, layanan bantuan cepat, dan alat desain canggih?"
"{{/strong}}{{break}}{{/break}}Pilihlah paket %(planTitle)s kami, harga mulai "
"dari %(planPrice)s/bulan. Semua paket tahunan dilengkapi dengan jaminan uang "
"kembali 14 hari."
msgid "Example: %(value)s <%(email)s>"
msgstr "Contoh: %(value)s <%(email)s>"
msgctxt "Stats: Descriptive text in the commercial purchase flow"
msgid ""
"To continue using Stats and access its newest premium features you need to "
"get a commercial license. {{link}}Learn more about this update{{/link}}."
msgstr ""
"Untuk terus menggunakan Stats dan mengakses fitur-fitur premium terbarunya, "
"Anda perlu lisensi komersial. {{link}}Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang "
"pembaruan ini{{/link}}."
msgid "{{strong}}Commercial use{{/strong}}"
msgstr "{{strong}}Penggunaan komersial{{/strong}}"
msgid "Learn more {{icon/}}"
msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut {{icon/}}"
msgid ""
"Spiel is a game magazine theme. The rich and dense old-school homepage "
"layout could still work well for pro-bloggers."
msgstr ""
"Spiel adalah tema majalah game. Tata letak beranda bergaya old-school yang "
"kaya dan padat masih bisa berfungsi dengan baik untuk pro-blogger."
msgid ""
"Call {{b}}%(phone)s{{/b}} and enter the posting code {{b}}%(code)s{{/b}}."
msgstr ""
"Hubungi {{b}}%(phone)s{{/b}} dan masukkan kode pengiriman {{b}}%(code)s{{/"
msgid ""
"OnyxPulse is a blog theme with Health Goth aesthetics. The theme emphasises "
"the monochrome palette with a clean, futuristic vibe that could resonate "
"with the fan."
msgstr ""
"OnyxPulse adalah tema blog dengan estetika Health Goth. Tema ini menekankan "
"palet monokrom dengan nuansa bersih dan futuristik yang dapat beresonansi "
"dengan penggemar."
msgid ""
"Dark Academia is a blog theme with Dark Academia aesthetics. The unique "
"50:50 split layout reminds you of the books."
msgstr ""
"Dark Academia adalah tema blog dengan estetika Dark Academia. Tata letak "
"pembagian 50:50 yang unik mengingatkan Anda pada buku-buku."
msgid ""
"Your plan currently has a legacy feature that provides 200GB of space. You "
"are currently using {{b}}%(usedGigabytes)s{{/b}} of space. Switching to a "
"different plan or billing interval will lower the amount of available "
"storage to 50GB. Please keep in mind that the change will be irreversible."
msgstr ""
"Paket Anda saat ini memiliki fitur lama yang menyediakan ruang penyimpanan "
"sebesar 200 GB. Saat ini Anda menggunakan ruang penyimpanan "
"{{b}}%(usedGigabytes)s{{/b}}. Beralih ke paket atau interval penagihan yang "
"berbeda akan menurunkan jumlah penyimpanan yang tersedia menjadi 50 GB. "
"Harap diingat bahwa perubahan ini tidak dapat dibatalkan."
msgid ""
"Call %1$s and enter the posting code %2$d."
msgstr ""
"Hubungi %1$s dan masukan kode pos %2$d."
msgid "View and download various server logs. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}"
msgstr ""
"Lihat dan unduh berbagai log server. {{link}}Baca selengkapnya.{{/link}}"
msgid "Monitor your site’s performance. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}"
msgstr "Pantau kinerja situs Anda. {{link}}Pelajari lebih lanjut.{{/link}}"
msgid ""
"Automate updates from GitHub to streamline workflows. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn "
msgstr ""
"Otomatisasikan pembaruan dari GitHub untuk menyederhanakan alur kerja. "
"{{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}."
msgid ""
"Simply click below to upgrade. You’ll only have to pay the difference to the "
"%(planName)s Plan {{PriceWrapper}}({{del}}%(fullPrice)s{{/del}} "
msgstr ""
"Klik tombol di bawah untuk melakukan upgrade. Anda hanya akan membayar "
"selisih Paket %(planName)s sebesar {{PriceWrapper}}({{del}}%(fullPrice)s{{/"
"del}} %(discountPrice)s).{{/PriceWrapper}}"
msgid "{{supportLink}}Learn more{{/supportLink}}"
msgstr "{{supportLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/supportLink}}"
msgid ""
"Cakely is a business theme with a vibrant colour. It's perfect for bakers or "
"cake makers who would like to turn their passion into a side hustle."
msgstr ""
"Cakely adalah tema bisnis dengan warna yang cerah. Ini sempurna untuk para "
"pembuat kue atau pembuat kue yang ingin mengubah passion mereka menjadi "
"usaha sampingan."
msgid ""
"Overwrite the database, including any posts, pages, products, or orders. "
"{{a}}Learn more{{/a}}."
msgstr ""
"Menimpa database, termasuk semua pos, halaman, produk, atau pesanan. {{a}}"
"Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}}."
msgid ""
"{{Checkmark}}{{/Checkmark}}Website Building{{Checkmark}}{{/Checkmark}}"
msgstr ""
"{{Checkmark}}{{/Checkmark}}Pembuatan Situs Web{{Checkmark}}{{/Checkmark}}"
msgid ""
"You can either {{a}}buy additional storage{{/a}} or {{b}}delete media "
"files{{/b}} until you have less than 95% space usage."
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat {{a}}membeli penyimpanan tambahan{{/a}} atau {{b}}menghapus file "
"media{{/b}} hingga penggunaan ruang kurang dari 95%."
msgid ""
"{{SupportLink}}Contact support{{/SupportLink}} if you have any questions."
msgstr ""
"{{SupportLink}}Hubungi dukungan{{/SupportLink}} jika Anda punya pertanyaan."
msgid "View your website {{externalIcon/}}"
msgstr "Lihat situs web Anda {{externalIcon/}}"
msgid "Selected restore point: {{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/strong}}"
msgstr ""
"Titik pemulihan yang dipilih: {{strong}}%(backupDisplayDate)s{{/strong}}"
msgid "Surrealist is a block theme about the Surrealism art movement."
msgstr "Surrealist adalah tema blok tentang gerakan seni Surealisme."
msgid "Or "
msgstr "Atau "
msgid "Kiosko is a store theme for WooCommerce"
msgstr "Kiosko adalah tema toko untuk WooCommerce."
msgid ""
"A theme inspired by jazz album covers, with big covers and playful titles to "
"display your posts."
msgstr ""
"Tema yang terinspirasi oleh sampul album jazz, dengan sampul besar dan judul "
"yang menyenangkan untuk menampilkan pos Anda."
msgid ""
"If auto-renew is enabled, we will attempt to automatically renew your domain "
"using the payment method on file. Please make sure your payment method is up-"
"to-date by following these instructions. If your "
"payment method is up-to-date, no further action is required."
msgstr ""
"Jika perpanjangan otomatis diaktifkan, kami akan mencoba memperpanjang "
"domain Anda secara otomatis menggunakan metode pembayaran yang tercatat "
"dalam berkas. Harap pastikan metode pembayaran Anda sudah yang terbaru "
"dengan mengikuti instruksi-instruksi ini. Jika metode "
"pembayaran sudah yang terbaru, Anda tidak perlu melakukan tindakan lebih "
"lanjut. "
msgid ""
"Deletion is {{strong}}irreversible and will permanently remove all site "
"content{{/strong}} — posts, pages, media, users, authors, domains, purchased "
"upgrades, and premium themes."
msgstr ""
"Penghapusan {{strong}}tidak dabat dibatalkan dan akan menghapus semua konten "
"situs secara permanen{{/strong}} — pos, halaman, media, pengguna, penulis, "
"domain, pembaruan berbayar, dan tema premium."
msgid ""
"Permanently delete your site and all of its content. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn "
msgstr ""
"Hapus situs dan semua konten Anda secara permanen. {{learnMoreLink}}Baca "
msgid ""
"Once deleted, your domain {{strong}}%(siteDomain)s{{/strong}} will also "
"become unavailable."
msgstr ""
"Setelah dihapus, domain {{strong}}%(siteDomain)s{{/strong}} Anda akan "
"menjadi tidak tersedia."
msgid ""
"Type {{strong}}%(siteDomain)s{{/strong}} below to confirm you want to delete "
"the site:"
msgstr ""
"Ketik {{strong}}%(siteDomain)s{{/strong}} berikut untuk mengonfirmasi "
"penghapusan situs:"
msgid ""
"You can start with our basic workflow file and extend it. Looking for "
"inspiration? Check out our workflow recipes."
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat memulai dengan file workflow dasar kami dan mengembangkannya. "
"Butuh inspirasi? Periksa resep workflow kami."
msgid ""
"Fontaine is a portfolio/profile theme designed for visual designers who "
"appreciate the bold simplicity of Brutalist aesthetics. The goal was to "
"create a theme that gracefully steps back, allowing your content to shine "
"and capture the spotlight."
msgstr ""
"Fontaine adalah tema portofolio/profil yang dirancang untuk desainer visual "
"yang menghargai kesederhanaan berani dari estetika Brutalis. Tujuannya "
"adalah untuk menciptakan tema yang dengan anggun mundur, memungkinkan konten "
"Anda bersinar dan menarik perhatian."
msgid "Portia is a simple business theme for a legal service."
msgstr "Portia adalah tema bisnis sederhana untuk layanan hukum."
msgid "Kentwood is perfect for learning institutions."
msgstr "Kentwood sangat cocok untuk lembaga pendidikan."
msgid "We were unable to restore the site."
msgstr "Kami tidak dapat memulihkan situs."
msgid "The site has been restored."
msgstr "Situs telah dipulihkan."
msgid "Set {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} as primary"
msgstr "Tetapkan {{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} sebagai domain utama"
msgid ""
"%(serviceName)s is powered by If you don’t already have a "
" account, checking out below will create one for you with this "
"email address. Accounts are subject to the {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/"
"tosLink}} and {{ppLink}}Privacy Policy{{/ppLink}}."
msgstr ""
"%(serviceName)s didukung oleh Jika Anda belum memiliki akun "
", checkout di bawah ini akan membuatkan akun untuk Anda dengan "
"alamat e-mail ini. Akun terikat pada {{tosLink}}Ketentuan Layanan{{/"
"tosLink}} dan {{ppLink}}Kebijakan Privasi{{/ppLink}}."
msgid "The workflow file is invalid. {{a}}Take action{{/a}}"
msgstr "File workflow tidak valid. {{a}}Mohon perbaiki{{/a}}"
msgid ""
"Admin interface style {{infoPopover}} Set the admin interface style for all "
"users. {{supportLink}}Learn more{{/supportLink}}. {{/infoPopover}}"
msgstr ""
"Gaya antarmuka admin {{infoPopover}} Mengatur gaya antarmuka admin untuk "
"semua pengguna. {{supportLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/supportLink}}. {{/"
msgid "Pick an existing repository or create a new one."
msgstr ""
"Pilih repositori yang sudah ada atau buat repositori baru"
msgid ""
"%(commission)d%% transaction fee for payments {{br}}{{/br}}(+ standard "
"processing fee)"
msgstr ""
"%(commission)d%% biaya transaksi untuk pembayaran{{br}}{{/br}} (+ biaya "
"pemrosesan standar)"
msgid ""
"%(commission)d%% transaction fee for standard payments {{br}}{{/br}}(+ "
"standard processing fee)"
msgstr ""
"%(commission)d%% Biaya transaksi untuk pembayaran standar {{br}}{{/br}} (+ "
"biaya pemrosesan standar)"
msgid ""
"%(commission)d%% transaction fee for all payment features {{br}}{{/br}}(+ "
"standard processing fee)"
msgstr ""
"%(commission)d%% biaya transaksi untuk semua fitur pembayaran{{br}}{{/br}} "
"(+ biaya pemrosesanstandar)"
msgid ""
"%(commission)d%% transaction fee for standard WooCommerce payments {{br}}{{/"
"br}}(+ standard processing fee)"
msgstr ""
"%(commission)d%% Biaya transaksi untuk fitur pembayaran WooCommerce standar "
"{{br}}{{/br}}(+ biaya pemrosesan standar)"
msgid "%d%% transaction fee for payments (+ standard processing fee)"
msgstr "%d%% biaya transaksi untuk pembayaran (+ biaya pemrosesan standar)"
msgid ""
"Coupon code \"%(code)s\" has been applied for the next renewal for a "
"%(discount)d%% discount."
msgstr ""
"Kode kupon \"%(code)s\" telah diterapkan untuk pembaruan berikutnya dengan "
"diskon %(discount)d%%."
msgid ""
"Make sure there is a successful run for ‘%(workflowName)s"
"workflowLink>’, then trigger a deployment from the ellipsis menu."
msgstr ""
"Pastikan ada proses yang berhasil untuk ‘%(workflowName)s"
"workflowLink>’, lalu picu deployment dari menu elipsis."
msgid ""
"This option will prevent this site’s content from being shared with our "
"licensed network of content and research partners, including those that "
"train AI models. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}."
msgstr ""
"Opsi ini akan mencegah konten situs ini dibagikan dengan jaringan konten "
"berlisensi dan mitra riset kami, termasuk yang melatih model AI. {{a}}"
"Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}}."
msgid ""
"Choose a plan today and unlock a powerful bundle of features. Or start with our free plan."
msgstr ""
"Pilih paket hari ini dan akses fitur-fitur canggih. Atau mulai dengan paket gratis kami."
msgid "Your workflow is good to go!"
msgstr "Workflow Anda siap digunakan!"
msgid "You have selected the site {{strong}}%(siteTitle)s{{/strong}}."
msgstr "Anda telah memilih situs {{strong}}%(siteTitle)s{{/strong}}."
msgid ""
"Please create an account to continue. Already registered? {{a}}Log in{{/a}}"
msgstr "Silakan buat akun untuk melanjutkan. Sudah terdaftar? {{a}}Login{{/a}}"
msgid "You are about to disconnect your repository %(repositoryName)s"
msgstr ""
"Anda akan memutuskan sambungan repositori %(repositoryName)s Anda"
msgid "Please edit and fix the problems we found."
msgstr "Sunting dan perbaiki masalah yang kami temukan."
msgid ""
"Transfer this site to a new or existing site member with just a few clicks. "
"{{a}}Learn more.{{/a}}"
msgstr ""
"Transfer situs ini ke anggota baru atau yang sudah ada hanya dengan beberapa "
"klik. {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut.{{/a}}"
msgid ""
"Ready to transfer {{strong}}%(siteSlug)s{{/strong}} and its associated "
"purchases? Simply enter the new owner's email below, or choose an existing "
"user to start the transfer process."
msgstr ""
"Siap mentransfer {{strong}}%(siteSlug)s{{/strong}} dan pembelian terkaitnya? "
"Cukup masukkan email pemilik baru di bawah ini, atau pilih pengguna yang "
"sudah ada untuk memulai proses transfer."
msgid ""
"You have {{b}}%(amountInCurrency)s{{/b}} in {{a}}upgrade credits{{/a}} "
"available from your current plan. This credit will be applied to the pricing "
"below at checkout if you upgrade today!"
msgstr ""
"Anda memiliki {{b}}%(amountInCurrency)s{{/b}} dalam {{a}}kredit upgrade{{/"
"a}} yang tersedia dari paket Anda saat ini. Kredit ini akan diterapkan pada "
"harga berikut saat pembayaran jika Anda melakukan upgrade hari ini!"
msgid ""
"We found a account with the email \"%(email)s\". {{a}}Log in "
"to connect it{{/a}}, or use a different email to sign up."
msgstr ""
"Kami menemukan akun dengan e-mail \"%(email)s\". {{a}}Login "
"untuk menghubungkannya{{/a}}, atau gunakan e-mail yang berbeda untuk "
msgid ""
"There was a problem while updating your subscription, please {{a}}{{strong}}"
"contact support{{/strong}}{{/a}}."
msgstr ""
"Ditemukan kendala saat memperbarui langganan Anda, mohon {{a}}{{strong}}"
"hubungi tim bantuan{{/strong}}{{/a}}."
msgid ""
"{{FormLink}}Submit content{{/FormLink}} for your website build or "
"{{BBESupportLink}}contact us{{/BBESupportLink}} with any questions about "
"your project."
msgstr ""
"{{FormLink}}Kirim konten{{/FormLink}} yang diperlukan untuk pembuatan situs "
"Anda atau {{BBESupportLink}}hubungi kami{{/BBESupportLink}} jika ada "
"pertanyaan tentang proyek Anda."
msgid ""
"{{BBESupportLink}}Contact us{{/BBESupportLink}} with any questions or "
"inquiries about your project."
msgstr ""
"{{BBESupportLink}}Hubungi kami{{/BBESupportLink}} jika ada pertanyaan atau "
"permintaan bantuan mengenai proyek Anda."
msgid ""
"Renews at %(amount)s {{abbr}}%(excludeTaxStringAbbreviation)s{{/abbr}} on "
msgstr ""
"Perpanjang dengan harga %(amount)s "
"{{abbr}}%(excludeTaxStringAbbreviation)s{{/abbr}} pada {{span}}%(date)s{{/"
msgid ""
"Renews every three years at %(amount)s "
"{{abbr}}%(excludeTaxStringAbbreviation)s{{/abbr}} on {{span}}%(date)s{{/"
msgstr ""
"Perpanjang setiap tiga tahun dengan harga %(amount)s "
"{{abbr}}%(excludeTaxStringAbbreviation)s{{/abbr}} pada {{span}}%(date)s{{/"
msgid ""
"Renews every two years at %(amount)s "
"{{abbr}}%(excludeTaxStringAbbreviation)s{{/abbr}} on {{span}}%(date)s{{/"
msgstr ""
"Perpanjang setiap dua tahun dengan harga %(amount)s "
"{{abbr}}%(excludeTaxStringAbbreviation)s{{/abbr}} pada {{span}}%(date)s{{/"
msgid ""
"Renews yearly at %(amount)s {{abbr}}%(excludeTaxStringAbbreviation)s{{/"
"abbr}} on {{span}}%(date)s{{/span}}"
msgstr ""
"Perpanjang setiap tahun dengan harga %(amount)s "
"{{abbr}}%(excludeTaxStringAbbreviation)s{{/abbr}} pada {{span}}%(date)s{{/"
msgid ""
"Renews monthly at %(amount)s {{abbr}}%(excludeTaxStringAbbreviation)s{{/"
"abbr}} on {{span}}%(date)s{{/span}}"
msgstr ""
"Perpanjang setiap bulan dengan harga %(amount)s "
"{{abbr}}%(excludeTaxStringAbbreviation)s{{/abbr}} pada {{span}}%(date)s{{/"
msgid ""
"Free trial ends on {{span}}%(date)s{{/span}}, renews automatically at "
"%(amount)s {{abbr}}%(excludeTaxStringAbbreviation)s{{/abbr}}"
msgstr ""
"Uji coba gratis berakhir pada {{span}}%(date)s{{/span}}, diperpanjang secara "
"otomatis pada %(amount)s {{abbr}}%(excludeTaxStringAbbreviation)s{{/abbr}}"
msgid ""
"The cards stored here are used for purchases made via If you "
"intend to update your card to make purchases in Jetpack Manage, then do so "
msgstr ""
"Kartu yang disimpan di sini digunakan untuk pembelian yang dilakukan melalui "
" Jika Anda berniat memperbarui kartu Anda untuk melakukan "
"pembelian di Jetpack Manage, maka lakukan {{a}}di sini{{/a}}."
msgid ""
"There are some issues with your domain's email DNS settings. "
"{{diagnosticLink}}Click here{{/diagnosticLink}} to see the full diagnostic "
"for your domain. {{supportLink}}Learn more{{/supportLink}}."
msgstr ""
"Ada beberapa masalah pada pengaturan DNS e-mail domain Anda. "
"{{diagnosticLink}}Klik di sini{{/diagnosticLink}} untuk melihat diagnostik "
"lengkap untuk domain Anda. {{supportLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/"
msgid ""
"If you use this domain name to send email from your website, "
"the following email records are required. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda menggunakan nama domain ini untuk mengirim e-mail dari situs web "
", e-mail record berikut berikut diperlukan. {{a}}Pelajari lebih "
msgid ""
"Privacy {{infoPopover}} Control who can view your site. {{a}}Learn more{{/"
"a}}. {{/infoPopover}}"
msgstr ""
"Privasi {{infoPopover}} Atur siapa yang dapat melihat situs Anda. {{a}}"
"Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}}. {{/infoPopover}}"
msgid ""
"You understand that {{refundsSupportPage}}domain name transfers are non-"
"refundable{{/refundsSupportPage}} unless the process is canceled before the "
"transfer is completed."
msgstr ""
"Anda memahami bahwa {{refundsSupportPage}}transfer nama domain tidak dapat "
"dikembalikan{{/refundsSupportPage}} kecuali jika prosesnya dibatalkan "
"sebelum transfer selesai."
msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Countries module is empty"
msgid ""
"Stats on visitors and {{link}}their viewing location{{/link}} will appear "
msgstr ""
"Statistik pengunjung dan {{link}}lokasi mereka berkunjung{{/link}} akan "
"ditampilkan di sini."
msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Posts & Pages module is empty"
msgid ""
"Your most popular {{link}}posts and pages{{/link}} will display here once "
"readers visit your site."
msgstr ""
"{{link}}Pos dan halaman{{/link}} Anda yang paling populer akan ditampilkan "
"di sini setelah pembaca mangunjungi situs Anda."
msgid ""
"{{strong}}Need premium themes, live chat support, and advanced design tools?"
"{{/strong}}{{break}}{{/break}}Go with our %(planTitle)s plan, starting at "
"just %(planPrice)s/month. All annual plans come with a 14-day money-back "
msgstr ""
"{{strong}}Butuh tema premium, dukungan obrolan langsung, dan alat desain "
"canggih?{{/strong}}{{break}}{{/break}}Pilihlah paket %(planTitle)s kami, "
"harga mulai dari %(planPrice)s/bulan. Semua paket tahunan dilengkapi dengan "
"jaminan uang kembali 14 hari."
msgid ""
"No free custom domain: Your site will be shown to visitors as {{subdomain}}"
msgstr ""
"Tidak ada domain khusus gratis. Situs Anda akan ditampilkan kepada "
"pengunjung sebagai {{subdomain}}{{/subdomain}}"
msgid "This theme comes bundled with the {{link}}WooCommerce{{/link}} plugin."
msgstr "Tema ini dibundel dengan plugin {{link}}WooCommerce{{/link}}."
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Cancelling this payment means that the user {{strong}}%(subscriber_email)s{{/"
"strong}} will no longer have access to any service granted by the "
"{{strong}}%(plan_name)s{{/strong}} plan."
msgstr ""
"Membatalkan pembayaran ini berarti pengguna {{strong}}%(subscriber_email)s{{/"
"strong}} tidak lagi memiliki akses ke layanan apa pun yang diberikan oleh "
"paket {{strong}}%(plan_name)s{{/strong}}."
msgid ""
"Removing this payment means that the user {{strong}}%(subscriber_email)s{{/"
"strong}} will no longer have access to any service granted by the "
"{{strong}}%(plan_name)s{{/strong}} plan."
msgstr ""
"Menghapus pembayaran ini berarti pengguna {{strong}}%(subscriber_email)s{{/"
"strong}} tidak lagi memiliki akses ke layanan apa pun yang diberikan oleh "
"paket {{strong}}%(plan_name)s{{/strong}}."
msgid ""
"You haven't added any customers. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/"
"learnMoreLink}} about payments."
msgstr ""
"Anda belum menambahkan pelanggan. {{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/"
"learnMoreLink}} tentang pembayaran."
msgid ""
"%s has been successfully reset and its content removed. "
"Head to My Home to start building your new site."
msgstr ""
"%s telah berhasil diatur ulang dan kontennya dihapus. Buka "
"Beranda Saya untuk mulai membangun situs baru Anda."
msgid ""
"We support: WordPress export files in XML & ZIP and Playground ZIP files. "
msgstr ""
"Kami mendukung: file ekspor WordPress dalam format XML & ZIP dan file ZIP "
"Playground. {{supportLinkAlt/}}"
msgid "Includes %s features:"
msgstr "Termasuk %s fitur:"
msgid ""
"{{strong}}Quick Start Sessions will be closed from %(closesAt)s – "
"%(reopensAt)s for the New Year’s holiday.{{/strong}}{{br/}}If you need to "
"get in touch with us, please submit a {{link}}support request from this "
"page{{/link}} and we will get to it as fast as we can. Quick Start Sessions "
"will re-open at %(reopensAt)s. Thank you for your understanding!"
msgstr ""
"{{strong}}Sesi Mulai Cepat akan tutup tanggal %(closesAt)s – %(reopensAt)s "
"untuk libur Tahun Baru.{{/strong}}{{br/}}Jika Anda ingin menghubungi kami, "
"silakan kirim {{link}}permintaan dukungan dari halaman ini{{/link}} dan kami "
"akan menanggapinya sesegera mungkin. Sesi Mulai Cepat akan dibuka kembali "
"pada %(reopensAt)s. Terima kasih atas pengertiannya!"
msgid "By {{span}}%(author)s{{/span}}"
msgstr "Oleh {{span}}%(author)s{{/span}}"
msgid ""
"By upgrading to the %(premiumPlanName)s plan, you'll be able to monetize "
"your site through the WordAds program>."
msgstr ""
"Dengan upgrade ke paket %(premiumPlanName)s, Anda akan dapat memonetisasi "
"situs melalui program WordAds>."
msgid ""
"Type %s below to confirm you're ready to reset the site:"
msgstr ""
"Ketik %s di bawah untuk mengonfirmasi bahwa Anda siap untuk "
"mengatur ulang situs:"
msgid ""
"Remove all posts, pages, and media to start fresh while keeping your site's "
"address. {{a}}Learn more.{{/a}}"
msgstr ""
"Hapus semua pos, halaman, dan media untuk mulai dari awal selagi tetap "
"menggunakan alamat situs Anda. {{a}}Baca selengkapnya.{{/a}}"
msgid ""
"By clicking “confirm email,” you agree to the Terms of "
"Service and have read the Privacy Policy."
msgstr ""
"Dengan mengeklik \"konfirmasi email\", Anda menyetujui Ketentuan Layanan dan telah membaca Kebijakan "
"Privasi. "
msgid ""
"We’d love to chat with you! All paid plans include access to one-on-one "
"support from our team of WordPress experts (we call them Happiness "
"Engineers). The %(personalPlanName)s plan includes email support while the "
"%(premiumPlanName)s plan and above all include live chat support.{{br /}}"
"{{br /}}If you have pre-purchase questions, we offer live chat on the "
"checkout page. Select the plan that looks like the best fit for you and "
"click the “Questions? Ask a Happiness Engineer” link on the next page."
msgstr ""
"Kami siap berkomunikasi dengan Anda. Semua paket berbayar menyertakan akses "
"dukungan langsung dari tim ahli WordPress kami (kami menyebutnya Happiness "
"Engineer). Paket %(personalPlanName)s mencakup dukungan email, sedangkan "
"paket %(premiumPlanName)s dan paket-paket di atasnya mencakup dukungan "
"obrolan langsung.{{br /}}{{br /}}Jika Anda ingin bertanya sebelum membeli, "
"kami menawarkan obrolan langsung di halaman checkout. Pilih paket yang "
"paling cocok untuk Anda dan klik tautan \"Punya Pertanyaan? Tanyakan "
"Happiness Engineer\" di halaman selanjutnya."
msgid ""
"To keep a copy of your current site, head to the Export page before "
"starting the reset."
msgstr ""
"Buka halaman Ekspor sebelum mengatur ulang situs untuk menyimpan "
"salinan situs Anda saat ini."
msgid ""
"Resetting %s will remove all of its content but keep the "
"site and its URL up and running. Keep in mind you'll also lose any "
"modifications you've made to your current theme."
msgstr ""
"Mengatur ulang %s akan menghapus semua kontennya. Namun, "
"situs dan URL akan tetap beroperasi. Perlu diperhatikan juga bahwa Anda akan "
"kehilangan modifikasi yang telah dibuat untuk tema Anda saat ini."
msgid "Get this theme on"
msgstr "Dapatkan tema ini di"
msgid "Drag a file here, or {{span}}click to upload a file{{/span}}"
msgstr "Seret file ke sini, atau {{span}}klik untuk mengunggah file{{/span}}"
msgid ""
"{{p}}{{jetpackStatsProductLink}}Upgrade now{{/jetpackStatsProductLink}}{{/p}}"
msgstr ""
"{{p}}{{jetpackStatsProductLink}}Upgrade sekarang{{/jetpackStatsProductLink}}"
msgid ""
"Your subscription is paid through {{dateSpan}}%(expireDate)s{{/dateSpan}}, "
"but will be renewed prior to that date. {{inlineSupportLink}}Learn more{{/"
msgstr ""
"Langganan Anda dibayar pada {{dateSpan}}%(expireDate)s{{/dateSpan}}, namun "
"akan diperpanjang sebelum tanggal tersebut. {{inlineSupportLink}}Pelajari "
"lebih lanjut{{/inlineSupportLink}}"
msgid ""
"By placing this order, you agree to our [terms] and understand our "
msgstr ""
"Dengan mengajukan pesanan ini, Anda telah menyetujui [terms] kami dan "
"memahami [privacy_policy] kami."
msgid "Did you mean {{emailSuggestion/}}?"
msgstr "Apakah yang Anda maksud {{emailSuggestion/}}?"
msgid ""
"Add an SSH key and attach it to your site to enable passwordless "
msgstr ""
"Tambah SSH key dan sambungkan ke situs Anda untuk mengaktifkan login "
"tanpa kata sandi."
msgid ""
"Don’t lose all that hard work! Upgrade to a paid plan or {{a}}create a new "
msgstr ""
"Jangan sampai semua kerja keras Anda sia-sia! Tingkatkan ke paket berbayar "
"atau {{a}}buat situs baru{{/a}}. "
msgid ""
"Don’t lose all that hard work! Upgrade to a paid plan to launch your "
"migrated website, or {{a}}create a new site{{/a}}."
msgstr ""
"Jangan sampai semua kerja keras Anda sia-sia! Tingkatkan ke paket berbayar "
"untuk meluncurkan situs web Anda dari hasil migrasi, atau {{a}}buat situs "
msgid ""
"Your domain is using external name servers so the Domain Forwarding records "
"you're editing won't be in effect until you switch to use name "
"servers. {{a}}Update your name servers now{{/a}}."
msgstr ""
"Domain Anda menggunakan name server eksternal, sehingga Domain Forwarding "
"records yang Anda edit tidak akan berlaku hingga Anda beralih menggunakan "
"name server {{a}}Perbarui name server Anda sekarang{{/a}}."
msgid ""
"You can only forward subdomains. To forward a domain please \"restore "
"default A records.\" {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}."
msgstr ""
"Anda hanya dapat meneruskan subdomain. Untuk meneruskan domain, mohon "
"\"kembalikan default A records.\" {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}}."
msgid "{{i}}Regions:{{/i}} %(regionsList)s"
msgstr "{{i}}Wilayah:{{/i}} %(regionsList)s"
msgid "{{i}}Countries:{{/i}} %(countriesList)s"
msgstr "{{i}}Negara:{{/i}} %(countriesList)s"
msgid "{{i}}States:{{/i}} %(statesList)s"
msgstr "{{i}}Negara bagian:{{/i}} %(statesList)s"
msgid "{{i}}Cities:{{/i}} %(citiesList)s"
msgstr "{{i}}Kota:{{/i}} %(citiesList)s"
msgid ""
"You’re about to change your active theme from "
"{{strong}}%(activeThemeName)s{{/strong}} to {{strong}}%(newThemeName)s{{/"
"strong}}.{{br}}{{/br}}{{br}}{{/br}}This will replace your homepage, but your "
"content will remain accessible. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}."
msgstr ""
"Tema aktif akan diubah dari {{strong}}%(activeThemeName)s{{/strong}} menjadi "
"{{strong}}%(newThemeName)s{{/strong}}.{{br}}{{/br}}{{br}}{{/br}}Beranda akan "
"digantikan, tetapi konten situs akan tetap dapat diakses. {{a}}Baca "
msgid ""
"You’ve added a domain, but it’s not primary. To make it primary, {{link}}"
"manage your domains{{/link}}."
msgstr ""
"Domain baru telah ditambahkan, tetapi tidak jadi yang utama. Untuk "
"menjadikannya yang utama, {{link}}kelola domain Anda{{/link}}."
msgid ""
"We'll automatically back up your site before synchronization starts. Need to "
"restore a backup? Head to the {{link}}Activity Log{{/link}}."
msgstr ""
"Kami akan mencadangkan situs Anda secara otomatis sebelum sinkronisasi "
"dimulai. Perlu memulihkan cadangan? Buka {{link}}Log Aktivitas.{{/link}}"
msgid "Enter your site's name {{span}}%(siteSlug)s{{/span}} to confirm."
msgstr ""
"Masukkan nama situs Anda {{span}}%(siteSlug)s{{/span}} untuk mengonfirmasi."
msgid "Get %(plan)s {{span}}%(priceString)s{{/span}}"
msgstr "Dapatkan %(plan)s {{span}}%(priceString)s{{/span}}"
msgid ""
"By entering your email address, you agree to our Terms of Service"
"tosLink> and have read our Privacy Policy."
msgstr ""
"Dengan memasukkan alamat e-mail, Anda menyetujui Ketentuan Layanan"
"tosLink> kami dan telah membaca Kebijakan Privasi "
msgid "By continuing, you agree to our Terms of Service."
msgstr ""
"Dengan melanjutkan, Anda menyetujui Ketentuan Layanan "
msgid "for the first month, then %1$s /month, billed yearly"
msgstr "untuk bulan pertama, lalu %1$s /bulan, dengan penagihan tahunan"
msgid "for the first month, then %1$s /month"
msgstr "untuk bulan pertama, lalu %1$s /bulan"
msgid "Privacy: I want to opt my email address out of all long term tracking."
msgstr ""
"Privasi: Saya ingin menghapus alamat email saya dari semua pelacakan jangka "
msgid ""
"This theme is available for download to be used on your {{a}}WordPress self-"
"hosted{{icon/}}{{/a}} installation."
msgstr ""
"Tema ini dapat diundah dan digunakan pada instalasi {{a}}WordPress yang di-"
"hosting sendiri{{icon/}}{{/a}}."
msgid "{{strong}}Detach %(domain)s{{/strong}}"
msgstr "{{strong}}Lepaskan %(domain)s{{/strong}}"
msgid ""
"An error occurred when disconnecting the domain from the site. Please try "
"again or {{contactSupportLink}}contact support{{/contactSupportLink}}."
msgstr ""
"Terjadi kendala saat memutus sambungan domain dari situs. Mohon coba lagi "
"atau {{contactSupportLink}}hubungi bantuan{{/contactSupportLink}}."
msgid "Select a site to open {{strong}}My Mailboxes{{/strong}}"
msgstr "Pilih situs untuk membuka {{strong}}Mailbox Saya{{/strong}}"
msgid ""
"Publish a podcast feed to Apple Podcasts and other podcasting services. "
"{{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}."
msgstr ""
"Publikasikan feed podcast ke Apple Podcasts dan layanan podcasting lainnya. "
"{{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}."
msgid "You have no account yet? {{signupLink}}Create one{{/signupLink}}."
msgstr "Anda belum punya akun? {{signupLink}}Buat akun{{/signupLink}}."
msgid "You agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/tosLink}}."
msgstr "Anda menyetujui {{tosLink}}Ketentuan Layanan{{/tosLink}} kami."
msgid "Any question? {{a}}Check our help docs{{/a}}."
msgstr "Ada pertanyaan? {{a}}Periksa dokumen bantuan kami{{/a}}."
msgid ""
"By entering your email address, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of "
"Service{{/tosLink}} and have read our {{privacyLink}}Privacy Policy{{/"
msgstr ""
"Dengan memasukkan alamat e-mail, Anda setuju dengan {{tosLink}}Ketentuan "
"Layanan{{/tosLink}} kami, dan telah membaca {{privacyLink}}Kebijakan "
"Privasi{{/privacyLink}} kami."
msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Email Open module is empty"
msgid "Stats from {{link}}your emails{{/link}} will display here."
msgstr "Statistik dari {{link}}e-mail Anda{{/link}} akan ditampilkan di sini."
msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the file downloads module is empty"
msgid "Stats from any {{link}}downloaded files{{/link}} will display here."
msgstr ""
"Statistik dari file {{link}}yang diunduh{{/link}} akan ditampilkan di sini."
msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Clicks module is empty"
msgid "Your most {{link}}clicked external links{{/link}} will display here."
msgstr ""
"{{link}}Tautan eksternal Anda yang paling banyak diklik{{/link}} akan "
"ditampilkan di sini."
msgid "Cancel Domain and Refund? Please {{a}}click here.{{/a}}"
msgstr ""
"Batalkan Domain dan Minta Pengembalian Dana? Mohon {{a}}klik di sini.{{/a}}"
msgid "Need help? {{a}}Get in touch with one of our Happiness Engineers{{/a}}."
msgstr "Butuh bantuan? {{a}}Hubungi salah satu Happiness Engineer kami{{/a}}."
msgid ""
"Every site runs the latest WordPress version. For testing "
"purposes, you can switch to the beta version of the next WordPress release "
"on {{a}}your staging site{{/a}}."
msgstr ""
"Setiap situs menjalankan versi WordPress terbaru. Untuk tujuan "
"pengujian, Anda dapat beralih ke versi beta dari rilis WordPress berikutnya "
"di {{a}}situs staging Anda{{/a}}."
msgid ""
"Your custom domain can only be used as the primary domain with a paid plan "
"and is free for the first year with an annual paid plan. For more details, "
"please read {{a}}our support document{{/a}}."
msgstr ""
"Domain khusus Anda hanya dapat digunakan sebagai domain utama dengan paket "
"berbayar dan gratis untuk tahun pertama dengan paket berbayar tahunan. Untuk "
"lebih jelasnya, silakan baca {{a}}dokumen bantuan{{/a}}."
msgid ""
"Absolutely! We offer a few different options to meet your needs. For most "
"customers, our Professional Email service is the smart choice. This robust "
"hosted email solution is available for any domain hosted with"
"{{br /}}{{br /}}We also offer a Google Workspace integration, and for users "
"who need something simpler, you can set up email forwarding for free."
msgstr ""
"Tentu! Kami menawarkan beragam opsi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Anda. Bagi "
"sebagian besar pelanggan, layanan E-mail Profesional kami adalah pilihan "
"cerdas. Solusi e-mail yang dihosting yang andal ini tersedia untuk domain "
"apa pun yang dihosting dengan{{br /}}{{br /}}Kami juga "
"menawarkan integrasi Google Workspace, dan untuk pengguna yang membutuhkan "
"sesuatu yang lebih sederhana, Anda dapat menggunakan penerusan e-mail secara "
msgid "%(formattedCost)s/month, billed monthly"
msgstr "%(formattedCost)s/bulan, ditagih setiap bulan"
msgid ""
"For more information about taxes, {{learnMoreLink}}click here{{/"
msgstr ""
"Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai pajak, {{learnMoreLink}}klik di sini{{/"
msgid ""
"If you:{{ul}}{{li}}Need to update existing %(taxName)s details{{/li}}{{li}}"
"Have been charged taxes as a business subject to reverse charges{{/li}}{{li}}"
"Do not see your country listed in this form{{/li}}{{/ul}}"
"{{contactSupportLink}}Contact our Happiness Engineers{{/"
"contactSupportLink}}. Include your %(taxName)s number and country code when "
"you contact us."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda:{{ul}}{{li}}Perlu memperbarui detail %(taxName)s yang ada{{/li}}"
"{{li}}Telah dikenakan pajak sebagai bisnis yang terkena biaya balik{{/li}}"
"{{li}}Tidak melihat negara Anda tercantum dalam formulir ini{{/li}}{{/ul}}"
"{{contactSupportLink}}Hubungi Happiness Engineer kami{{/"
"contactSupportLink}}. Cantumkan nomor %(taxName) dan kode negara Anda saat "
"menghubungi kami."
msgid "Enable customers to pick their own amount (“Pay what you want”)"
msgstr ""
"Izinkan klien memilih jumlahnya sendiri (\"Bayar yang Anda inginkan\")."
msgid ""
"Invite team members to your site and manage their access settings. "
"{{learnMore}}Learn more{{/learnMore}}"
msgstr ""
"Undang anggota tim ke situs Anda dan kelola pengaturan akses mereka. "
"{{learnMore}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMore}}."
msgid ""
"All set! Start exploring the features included with your "
"{{strong}}%(productName)s{{/strong}} plan"
msgstr ""
"Semua siap! Mulai jelajahi fitur-fitur yang disertakan dalam paket "
"{{strong}}%(productName)s{{/strong}} Anda"
msgid ""
"Global edge cache can only be enabled for public sites. {{a}}Review privacy "
msgstr ""
"Edge caching global hanya dapat diaktifkan untuk situs publik. {{a}}Tinjau "
"pengaturan privasi.{{/a}}"
msgid ""
"Each website is unique, mobile-friendly, and customized to your brand and "
"content. With a 97% satisfaction rate, we are confident that you will love "
"your new site, just like hundreds of customers before you. Additionally, we "
"offer a 14-day refund window, giving you peace of mind."
msgstr ""
"Setiap situs web desainnya unik, mobile-friendly, dan disesuaikan dengan "
"brand dan konten Anda. Dengan tingkat kepuasan 97%, kami yakin bahwa Anda "
"akan menyukai situs baru Anda, sama seperti ratusan pelanggan sebelum Anda. "
"Selain itu, kami menawarkan masa pengembalian dana selama 14 hari, sehingga "
"Anda tidak perlu khawatir."
msgid ""
"After you check out, you’ll fill out a content upload form that includes any "
"design preferences and reference sites. While we can't guarantee an exact "
"match, we'll consider all your feedback during site construction, and you'll "
"receive an email when your new site is ready — always within four business "
msgstr ""
"Setelah checkout, Anda akan mengisi formulir pengunggahan konten yang "
"meliputi pilihan desain apa pun dan situs rujukan. Jika kami tidak dapat "
"menemukan pilihan yang cocok, kami akan menggunakan semua data Anda selama "
"pembuatan situs, dan Anda akan menerima e-mail saat situs baru Anda siap — "
"tetap dalam empat hari kerja."
msgid "%(commission)d%% transaction fee for payments"
msgstr "Biaya transaksi %(commission)d%% untuk pembayaran"
msgid ""
"Add subscribers to your site and send them a free or {{link}}paid "
msgstr ""
"Tambah pelanggan ke situs Anda dan kirim {{link}}buletin berbayar{{/link}} "
"atau gratis kepada mereka."
msgid ""
"With your current plan, the transaction fee for payments is %(commissionFee)d"
"% (+ {{link}}Stripe fees{{/link}})."
msgstr ""
"Dengan paket Anda saat ini, biaya transaksi untuk pembayaran adalah "
"%(commissionFee)d% (+ {{link}}Biaya Stripe{{/link}})."
msgid ""
"Take your site to the next level. Store all your media in one place without "
"worrying about running out of space."
msgstr ""
"Tingkatkan situs Anda ke level yang lebih tinggi. Simpan semua media Anda di "
"satu tempat tanpa khawatir kehabisan ruang."
msgid "Make more space for high-quality photos, videos, and other media. "
msgstr ""
"Dapatkan lebih banyak ruang untuk foto, video, dan media lainnya yang "
"berkualitas tinggi."
msgid "%(monthlyCost)s/month, billed yearly"
msgstr "%(monthlyCost)s/bulan, penagihan tahunan"
msgid " privacy policy"
msgstr "kebijakan privasi"
msgid "New site %(siteURL)s created."
msgstr "Situs baru %(siteURL)s telah dibuat."
msgid ""
"This staging site lets you preview and troubleshoot changes before updating "
"the production site. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}"
msgstr ""
"Situs staging ini memungkinkan Anda untuk mempratinjau dan memecahkan "
"masalah perubahan sebelum memperbarui situs produksi. {{a}}Pelajari lebih "
msgid ""
"Unlock a powerful bundle of features. Or {{link}}start with a free plan{{/"
msgstr ""
"Buka kunci bundel fitur yang andal. Atau {{link}}mulai dengan paket gratis{{/"
msgid "Pay Annually {{span}}(Save %(percentageSavings)s%%){{/span}}"
msgstr "Bayar Tahunan {{span}}(Hemat %(percentageSavings)s%%){{/span}}"
msgid "Continue with Free plan"
msgstr "Lanjutkan dengan paket Gratis"
msgid "Get %(planTitle)s - %(planPrice)s/month"
msgstr "Dapatkan %(planTitle)s - %(planPrice)s/bulan"
msgid "A paid plan is required for your domain."
msgstr "Paket berbayar diperlukan untuk domain Anda."
msgid "{{span}}Free for the first year with annual paid plans{{/span}}"
msgstr ""
"{{span}}Gratis untuk satu tahun pertama dengan paket berbayar tahunan{{/"
msgid ""
"Your paid plan includes a domain name {{strong}}free for one year{{/"
"strong}}. Choose one that’s easy to remember and even easier to share."
msgstr ""
"Paket berbayar Anda termasuk nama domain {{strong}}gratis selama satu "
"tahun{{/strong}}. Pilih domain Anda yang mudah diingat dan paling mudah "
msgid ""
"Supercharge your website with a {{strong}}custom address{{/strong}} that "
"matches your blog, brand, or business."
msgstr ""
"Tingkatkan situs web Anda dengan {{strong}}alamat khusus{{/strong}} yang "
"sesuai dengan blog, brand, dan bisnis Anda."
msgid ""
"Or upload a CSV file of up to 100 emails from your "
"existing list. ."
msgstr ""
"Atau unggah file CSV hingga 100 e-mail dari daftar "
"yang sudah Anda punya. "
msgid ""
"Unable to access the staging site {{a}}%(stagingSiteName)s{{/a}}. Please "
"contact the site owner."
msgstr ""
"Tidak dapat mengakses situs staging {{a}}%(stagingSiteName)s{{/a}}. Silakan "
"hubungi pemilik situs."
msgid ""
"Let us build your site in %(days)d days for "
msgstr ""
"Kami buatkan situs Anda dalam %(days)d hari dengan "
msgid ""
"To change your %(taxName)s ID, {{contactSupportLink}}please contact "
msgstr ""
"Untuk mengubah ID %(taxName)s Anda, {{contactSupportLink}}silakan hubungi "
"tim bantuan{{/contactSupportLink}}."
msgid ""
"{{strong}}%(domainSuggestion)s{{/strong}} is included free for one year with "
"any paid plan. Claim it and start building a site that's easy to find, share "
"and follow."
msgstr ""
"{{strong}}%(domainSuggestion)s{{/strong}} tersedia gratis selama satu tahun "
"di paket berbayar mana pun. Dapatkan segera dan mulai buat situs yang mudah "
"ditemukan, dibagikan, dan diingat."
msgid "for the first month, then %s /month"
msgstr "untuk bulan pertama, lalu %s /bulan"
msgid "Or Save %s/month when you pay for 1 year upfront"
msgstr "Atau Hemat %s/bulan jika Anda membayar 1 tahun di muka"
msgid ""
"With your annual plan, you’ll get %(domainName)s {{strong}}free for the "
"first year{{/strong}}."
msgstr ""
"Dengan paket tahunan, Anda akan mendapatkan %(domainName)s{{strong}}gratis "
"selama tahun pertama Anda{{/strong}}."
msgid "%(percentage)s%% since %(date)s"
msgstr "%(percentage)s%% sejak %(date)s"
msgid ""
"Upgrade to a yearly plan and claim {{strong}}%(domainName)s for free{{/"
msgstr ""
"Upgrade ke paket tahunan dan dapatkan {{strong}}%(domainName)s (gratis){{/"
msgid "Or save %d%% when you pay for 2 years upfront"
msgstr "Atau hemat %d%% jika Anda membayar 2 tahun di muka"
msgid ""
"By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. "
"That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from "
"paying less!"
msgstr ""
"Dengan paket tahunan, Anda hanya perlu membayar %1$s per bulan. %2$s%% lebih "
"murah daripada paket bulanan. Selangkah lagi Anda akan mendapatkan diskon!"
msgid ""
"Get the best value for money by paying for two years in advance, taking down "
"the cost of your %1$s plan to just %2$s per year. This way you’ll "
"also ensure uninterrupted service as you won’t have to worry about renewing "
"your plan."
msgstr ""
"Dapatkan manfaat maksimal dengan membayar dua tahun sekaligus. Dengan "
"begini, biaya paket %1$s Anda hanya %2$s per tahun. Ini juga menjamin "
"layanan yang digunakan bebas gangguan karena Anda tak perlu repot "
"memperpanjang paket."
msgid "Save %s/month when you pay for 1 year upfront"
msgstr "Hemat %s/bulan jika Anda membayar 1 tahun di muka"
msgid "Or save %1$s when you pay for %2$s years upfront"
msgstr "Atau hemat %1$s jika Anda membayar %2$s tahun sekaligus di muka"
msgid ""
"Whatever you’re struggling with - from customizing your design to sorting "
"out your domain - our expert Happiness Engineers are always ready to chat."
msgstr ""
"Apa pun kesulitan yang Anda alami - mulai dari menyesuaikan desain hingga "
"mengurutkan domain - tim Happiness Engineers ahli kami selalu siap membantu "
msgid "Find more details on our support page."
msgstr "Baca detail selengkapnya di halaman dukungan kami."
msgid "Manage your subscription on your purchases page."
msgstr "Kelola langganan di halaman pembelian."
msgid ""
"Price does not include any applicable taxes based on your billing address."
msgstr ""
"Harga belum termasuk pajak yang berlaku berdasarkan alamat penagihan Anda."
msgid "%1$s Renew your plan %2$s now"
msgstr "%1$s Perpanjang paket Anda %2$s sekarang"
msgid "%1$s Renew %2$s your %3$s plan"
msgstr "%1$s Perpanjang %2$s paket %3$s Anda"
msgid ""
"Renew your %1$s plan for %2$s to keep your features and ensure your "
"site keeps looking its best."
msgstr ""
"Perpanjang paket %1$s Anda seharga %2$s agar tetap dapat menggunakan "
"fitur dan memastikan situs tetap tampil optimal."
msgid ""
"Renew your %1$s plan for %2$s for a month to keep your features and "
"ensure your site keeps looking its best."
msgstr ""
"Perpanjang paket %1$s Anda seharga %2$s untuk sebulan agar tetap "
"dapat menggunakan fitur dan memastikan situs tetap tampil optimal."
msgid ""
"Renew your %1$s plan for %2$s for 3 years to keep your features and "
"ensure your site keeps looking its best."
msgstr ""
"Perpanjang paket %1$s Anda seharga %2$s untuk 3 tahun agar tetap "
"dapat menggunakan fitur dan memastikan situs tetap tampil optimal."
msgid ""
"Renew your %1$s plan for %2$s for 2 years to keep your features and "
"ensure your site keeps looking its best."
msgstr ""
"Perpanjang paket %1$s Anda seharga %2$s untuk 2 tahun agar tetap "
"dapat menggunakan fitur dan memastikan situs tetap tampil optimal."
msgid ""
"Renew your %1$s plan for %2$s for a year to keep your features and "
"ensure your site keeps looking its best."
msgstr ""
"Perpanjang paket %1$s Anda seharga %2$s untuk setahun agar tetap "
"dapat menggunakan fitur dan memastikan situs tetap tampil optimal."
msgid ""
"If you let your plan expire, your site may appear broken, the content may "
"not look as you intended, and you won’t be able to use the following "
msgstr ""
"Jika paket Anda kedaluwarsa, situs mungkin tampak rusak, konten yang "
"ditampilkan tidak sesuai keinginan, dan Anda tidak akan bisa menggunakan "
"fitur-fitur berikut:"
msgid "Your %1$s plan for %2$s will expire in %3$d days."
msgstr "Paket %1$s Anda untuk %2$s akan kedaluwarsa dalam %3$d hari."
msgid "If your plan expires, your site may appear broken, and you will lose:"
msgstr ""
"Jika paket Anda kedaluwarsa, situs mungkin tampak rusak, dan Anda akan "
msgid ""
"If your plan expires, all of the %s plan features will be removed and your "
"site may appear broken."
msgstr ""
"Jika paket Anda kedaluwarsa, semua fitur paket %s akan dihapus, dan situs "
"Anda mungkin tampak rusak."
msgid "Your %1$s plan for %2$s is about to expire."
msgstr "Paket %1$s Anda untuk %2$s hampir kedaluwarsa."
msgid "Renew your plan now"
msgstr "Perpanjang paket Anda sekarang"
msgid "Renew now your %s plan"
msgstr "Perpanjang sekarang paket %s Anda"
msgid "Renew your %s plan"
msgstr "Perpanjang paket %s Anda"
msgid "%1$s plan will expire in %2$d day"
msgid_plural "%1$s plan will expire in %2$d days"
msgstr[0] "Paket %1$s akan kedaluwarsa dalam %2$d hari"
msgstr[1] "Paket %1$s akan kedaluwarsa dalam %2$d hari"
msgid "Your WordPress plan %1$swill expire soon%2$s"
msgstr "Paket WordPress Anda %1$sakan segera kedaluwarsa%2$s"
msgid "Your WordPress plan will expire soon"
msgstr "Paket WordPress Anda akan segera kedaluwarsa"
msgid "%s plan will expire soon"
msgstr "Paket %s akan segera kedaluwarsa"
msgid "High-quality videos"
msgstr "Video berkualitas tinggi"
msgid "And more ..."
msgstr "Dan lainnya ..."
msgid "Renew your domain"
msgstr "Perpanjang domain Anda"
msgid "Open the {{a}}site editor{{/a}} to change your site’s style."
msgstr "Buka {{a}}editor situs{{/a}} untuk mengubah gaya situs Anda."
msgid ""
"You will also be ineligible for the WordAds program. Visit {{a}}our FAQ{{/"
"a}} to learn more."
msgstr ""
"Anda juga memenuhi syarat untuk program WordAds. Kunjungi {{a}}halaman Tanya "
"Jawab Umum kami{{/a}} untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut."
msgid ""
"When you downgrade your plan, you will become ineligible for the WordAds "
"program. Visit {{a}}our FAQ{{/a}} to learn more."
msgstr ""
"Saat mendowngrade versi paket, Anda tidak akan memenuhi syarat untuk program "
"WordAds. Kunjungi {{a}}halaman Tanya Jawab Umum kami{{/a}} untuk mempelajari "
"lebih lanjut."
msgid ""
"{{strong}}%(newDomain)s{{/strong}} will be the address that people see when "
"they visit your site."
msgstr ""
"{{strong}}%(newDomain)s{{/strong}} akan menjadi alamat yang dilihat orang "
"saat mereka mengunjungi situs Anda."
msgid ""
"{{monthlyPriceWrapper}}%(monthlyPrice)s{{/monthlyPriceWrapper}} "
"{{priceDescription}}per month{{/priceDescription}}"
msgstr ""
"{{monthlyPriceWrapper}}%(monthlyPrice)s{{/monthlyPriceWrapper}} "
"{{priceDescription}}per bulan{{/priceDescription}}"
msgid ""
"{{monthlyPriceWrapper}}%(monthlyPrice)s{{/monthlyPriceWrapper}} "
"{{priceDescription}}per month, %(annualPrice)s billed annually{{/"
msgstr ""
"{{monthlyPriceWrapper}}%(monthlyPrice)s{{/monthlyPriceWrapper}} "
"{{priceDescription}}per bulan, %(annualPrice)s penagihan per tahun{{/"
msgid ""
"Get a custom domain – like {{i}}{{/i}} – free for the "
"first year."
msgstr ""
"Dapatkan domain khusus – seperti {{i}}{{/i}} – gratis "
"untuk tahun pertama."
msgid "{{a}}Learn more.{{/a}}"
msgstr "{{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut...{{/a}}"
msgid "Automatic datacenter failover"
msgstr "Pengalihan ke pusat data Automattic"
msgid ""
"Default homepage and posts page content and layout are determined by your "
"active theme. {{aboutTemplatesLink}}Learn more{{/aboutTemplatesLink}}."
msgstr ""
"Konten dan tata letak default halaman pos dan beranda ditentukan oleh tema "
"aktif Anda. {{aboutTemplatesLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/"
msgid ""
"Sets whether RSS subscribers can read full posts in their RSS reader, or "
"just an excerpt and link to the full version on your site. {{link}}Learn "
"more about feeds{{/link}}."
msgstr ""
"Tentukan apakah pelanggan RSS dapat membaca pos lengkap di RSS reader "
"mereka, atau hanya kutipan dan tautan ke versi lengkap di situs Anda. "
"{{link}}Pelajari feed lebih lanjut{{/link}}."
msgid "Member since"
msgstr "Anggota sejak"
msgid ""
"You understand that {{refundsSupportPage}}domain name refunds{{/"
"refundsSupportPage}} are limited to 96 hours after registration and "
"{{refundsSupportPage}}three year plan refunds{{/refundsSupportPage}} are "
"limited to 14 days after purchase. Refunds of paid plans will deduct the "
"standard cost of any domain name registered within a plan."
msgstr ""
"Anda memahami bahwa {{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana nama domain{{/"
"refundsSupportPage}} terbatas dalam 96 jam setelah pendaftaran dan "
"{{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana paket tiga tahun{{/"
"refundsSupportPage}} terbatas dalam 14 hari setelah pembelian. Pengembalian "
"dana paket berbayar akan mengurangi biaya standar nama domain apa pun yang "
"terdaftar dalam paket."
msgid ""
"You understand that {{refundsSupportPage}}refunds{{/refundsSupportPage}} are "
"limited to 14 days after purchase or renewal for non-domain products with "
"three year subscriptions."
msgstr ""
"Anda memahami bahwa {{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana{{/"
"refundsSupportPage}} terbatas dalam 14 hari setelah pembelian atau pembaruan "
"hanya untuk produk non-domain dengan durasi langganan tiga tahun."
msgid ""
"Sets whether email subscribers can read full posts in emails or just an "
"excerpt and link to the full version of the post. {{link}}Learn more about "
"sending emails{{/link}}."
msgstr ""
"Tentukan apakah pelanggan e-mail dapat membaca pos lengkap di e-mail atau "
"hanya ringkasan dan tautan ke versi lengkap pos. {{link}}Pelajari lebih "
"lanjut tentang pengiriman e-mail{{/link}}."
msgid ""
"Sets the number of your most recent posts that will be sent out at once to "
"RSS feed subscribers. (Located at {{siteFeedLink /}})."
msgstr ""
"Tetapkan jumlah pos terbaru Anda yang akan dikirim sekaligus ke pelanggan "
"feed RSS. (Terletak di {{siteFeedLink /}})."
msgid "Show the most recent {{field /}} items"
msgstr "Tampilkan {{field /}} item terbaru"
msgid ""
"Includes your post's featured image in the email sent out to your readers. "
"{{link}}Learn more about the featured image{{/link}}."
msgstr ""
"Sertakan gambar andalan pos Anda di e-mail yang dikirimkan ke pembaca Anda. "
"{{link}}Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang gambar andalan{{/link}}."
msgid "Keep subscription"
msgstr "Perpanjang Langganan"
msgid "Cancel the plan {{strong}}and{{/strong}} the domain \"%(domain)s\""
msgstr "Batalkan paket {{strong}}dan{{/strong}} domain \"%(domain)s\"."
msgid "Cancel the plan, but keep \"%(domain)s\""
msgstr "Batalkan paket, namun pertahankan %(domain)s."
msgid "Show at most {{field /}} posts"
msgstr "Tampilkan paling banyak {{field /}} pos"
msgid "{{autoRenewToggle}}Re-activate subscription{{/autoRenewToggle}}"
msgstr "{{autoRenewToggle}}Aktifkan kembali langganan{{/autoRenewToggle}}"
msgid "{{amount/}}/mo"
msgstr "{{amount/}}/bln"
msgid "Save {{amount/}}/mo vs buying individually"
msgstr "Hemat {{amount/}}/bln vs beli satuan"
msgid ""
"You understand that {{refundsSupportPage}}refunds{{/refundsSupportPage}} for "
"a domain gift are limited to 96 hours after purchase."
msgstr ""
"Anda mengerti bahwa {{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana{{/"
"refundsSupportPage}} untuk menghadiahkan domain terbatas dalam 96 jam "
"setelah pembelian."
msgid ""
"You understand that gift {{refundsSupportPage}}refunds{{/"
"refundsSupportPage}} are limited to 14 days after purchase for non-domain "
"products with yearly subscriptions."
msgstr ""
"Anda mengerti bahwa {{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana{{/"
"refundsSupportPage}} terbatas untuk 14 hari setelah pembelian produk non-"
"domain dengan durasi langganan tahunan."
msgid ""
"You understand that gift {{refundsSupportPage}}refunds{{/"
"refundsSupportPage}} are limited to 7 days after purchase for non-domain "
"products with monthly subscriptions."
msgstr ""
"Anda mengerti bahwa {{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana{{/"
"refundsSupportPage}} terbatas dalam 7 hari setelah pembelian produk non-"
"domain dengan durasi langganan bulanan."
msgid ""
"You understand that gift {{refundsSupportPage}}refunds{{/"
"refundsSupportPage}} are limited to 14 days after purchase for non-domain "
"products with two year subscriptions."
msgstr ""
"Anda mengerti bahwa {{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana{{/"
"refundsSupportPage}} terbatas dalam 14 hari setelah pembelian produk non-"
"domain dengan durasi langganan dua tahun."
msgid ""
"{{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} is still activating, so you can't set it "
"as primary just yet."
msgstr ""
"{{strong}}%(domainName)s{{/strong}} sedang dalam proses pengaktifan, jadi "
"Anda tidak dapat menggunakannya sebagai domain utama."
msgid ""
"Your site is already live. You can change your site visibility in {{link}}"
"privacy options{{/link}} at any time."
msgstr ""
"Situs Anda telah aktif. Anda dapat mengubah visibilitas situs di {{link}}"
"pilihan privasi{{/link}} kapan saja."
msgid ""
"Visit {{a}}{{/a}} or scan the QR code to download the Jetpack "
"mobile app."
msgstr ""
"Kunjungi {{a}}{{/a}} atau pindai kode QR untuk mengunduh aplikasi "
"seluler Jetpack."
msgid "Your {{b}}WordPress subscription payment{{/b}} has been successful."
msgstr "{{b}}Pembayaran langganan WordPress{{/b}} Anda berhasil."
msgid ""
"Your plan expired and your site reverted to the Free plan. {{supportLink}}"
"Follow these steps to continue using your previous features{{/supportLink}}, "
"beginning with purchasing an eligible plan.{{lineBreak/}}No further action "
"is needed if you wish to continue with the Free plan."
msgstr ""
"Paket Anda kedaluwarsa dan situs Anda dikembalikan ke paket Gratis. "
"{{supportLink}}Ikuti langkah-langkah berikut untuk terus menggunakan fitur "
"Anda sebelumnya{{/supportLink}}, terlebih dahulu beli paket yang memenuhi "
"syarat.{{lineBreak/}}Tidak diperlukan tindakan lebih lanjut jika Anda ingin "
"tetap menggunakan paket Gratis."
msgid "Save %(percentSavings)d%% by paying for two years"
msgstr ""
"Hemat %(percentSavings)d%% jika membayar selama 2 tahun"
msgid ""
"If the SSH key is removed from your account, it will also be "
"removed from all attached sites. Read more."
msgstr ""
"Jika kunci SSH dihapus dari akun Anda, kunci tersebut juga "
"akan dihapus dari semua situs yang terhubung. Baca lebih lanjut."
msgid ""
"We sure can! If you need a hand launching your website, take a look at our "
"express site setup service. Our in-house experts will create your site, and "
"you’ll be ready to go live in four business days or less. To learn more, "
"{{ExternalLinkWithTracking}}click here{{/ExternalLinkWithTracking}}."
msgstr ""
"Tentu bisa! Jika memerlukan bantuan untuk meluncurkan situs Anda, lihat "
"layanan penyiapan situs kilat kami. Tim ahli internal kami akan membuatkan "
"situs, dan Anda akan siap meluncurkannya dalam empat hari kerja atau kurang. "
"Untuk mempelajari selengkapnya, {{ExternalLinkWithTracking}}klik di sini{{/"
msgid ""
"Absolutely! We offer a few different options to meet your needs. For most "
"customers, our Professional Email service is the smart choice. This robust "
"hosted email solution is available for any domain hosted with "
"and starts at just %(titanMonthlyRenewalCost)s/mo per mailbox.{{br /}}"
"{{br /}}We also offer a Google Workspace integration, and for users who need "
"something simpler, you can set up email forwarding for free."
msgstr ""
"Tentu! Kami menawarkan beragam opsi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Anda. Bagi "
"sebagian besar pelanggan, layanan E-mail Profesional kami adalah pilihan "
"cerdas. Solusi e-mail yang dihosting yang andal ini tersedia untuk domain "
"apa pun yang dihosting dengan dan harganya mulai dari "
"%(titanMonthlyRenewalCost)s/bln per mailbox.{{br /}}{{br /}}Kami juga "
"menawarkan integrasi Google Workspace, dan untuk pengguna yang membutuhkan "
"sesuatu yang lebih sederhana, Anda dapat menggunakan penerusan e-mail secara "
msgid ""
"No it won’t! You’re welcome to create your new site with us before pointing "
"the domain here. That way your current site can stay “live” until your new "
"one is ready.{{br /}}{{br /}}We recommend getting a plan now because they "
"have other features you might find useful, including direct live chat and "
"email support. Just avoid using the domain options until you’re ready, and "
"then you can connect or transfer the domain."
msgstr ""
"Tidak! Anda dapat membuat situs baru Anda di sebelum "
"mengarahkan domain ke sini. Dengan begitu, situs Anda tetap berjalan normal "
"hingga situs yang baru siap.{{br /}}{{br /}}Kami menyarankan Anda membeli "
"paket sekarang karena terdapat fitur-fitur yang berguna untuk Anda, mencakup "
"bantuan langsung via live chat dan e-mail. Jangan gunakan dulu pengaturan "
"domain hingga Anda siap. Jika sudah, Anda dapat menghubungkan atau "
"mentransfer domain."
msgid ""
"If you aren't satisfied with our product, you can cancel anytime within the "
"refund period for a prompt and courteous refund, no questions asked. The "
"refund timeframes are:{{br /}}{{ul}}{{li}}14 days for annual "
"plans{{/li}}{{li}}7 days for monthly plans{{/li}}{{li}}96 "
"hours for new domain registrations{{/li}}{{/ul}}"
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda tidak puas dengan produk kami, Anda dapat membatalkan kapan saja "
"selama masa refund dan meminta secara sopan pengembalian dana secepatnya. "
"Jangka refund:{{br /}}{{ul}}{{li}} 14 hari untuk paket "
"tahunan{{/li}}{{li}}7 hari untuk paket{{/li}}{{li}}96 jam "
"untuk pendaftaran domain baru{{/li}}{{/ul}}"
msgid ""
"Yes, you can host as many sites as you like, but they each need a separate "
"plan. You can choose the appropriate plan for each site individually so "
"you’ll pay for only the features you need.{{br /}}{{br /}}We have a "
"dashboard that helps you manage all your and Jetpack-connected "
"websites, all from one simple and centralized admin tool."
msgstr ""
"Ya, Anda dapat menghosting berapa pun situs yang Anda inginkan, namun "
"diperlukan paket terpisah. Anda dapat memilih paket yang sesuai untuk setiap "
"situs satu per satu sehingga Anda hanya membayar fitur yang Anda butuhkan."
"{{br /}}{{br /}}Kami memiliki dasbor yang membantu Anda mengelola semua "
" dan situs web yang terhubung dengan Jetpack, semuanya dari "
"satu alat admin sederhana dan terpusat."
msgid " Back"
msgstr " Kembali"
msgid "This email address is not valid. It must include a single @"
msgstr "Alamat e-mail berikut tidak valid. Seharunya terdapat simbol @ tunggal"
msgid "Save %s/month by going annual"
msgstr "Hemat %s/bulan dengan paket tahunan"
msgid ""
"You understand that {{refundsSupportPage}}theme refunds{{/"
"refundsSupportPage}} are limited to 14 days after purchase."
msgstr ""
"Anda memahami bahwa {{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana tema{{/"
"refundsSupportPage}} terbatas dalam 14 hari setelah pembelian."
msgid ""
"You understand that {{refundsSupportPage}}domain name refunds{{/"
"refundsSupportPage}} are limited to 96 hours after registration and "
"{{refundsSupportPage}}yearly plan refunds{{/refundsSupportPage}} are limited "
"to 14 days after purchase. Refunds of paid plans will deduct the standard "
"cost of any domain name registered within a plan."
msgstr ""
"Anda memahami bahwa {{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian nama domain{{/"
"refundsSupportPage}} terbatas dalam 96 jam setelah pendaftaran dan "
"{{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana paket tahunan{{/refundsSupportPage}} "
"terbatas dalam 14 hari setelah pembelian. Pengembalian dana paket berbayar "
"akan mengurangi biaya standar nama domain apa pun yang terdaftar dalam paket."
msgid ""
"You understand that {{refundsSupportPage}}domain name refunds{{/"
"refundsSupportPage}} are limited to 96 hours after registration and "
"{{refundsSupportPage}}monthly plan refunds{{/refundsSupportPage}} are "
"limited to 7 days after purchase."
msgstr ""
"Anda memahami bahwa {{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana nama domain{{/"
"refundsSupportPage}} terbatas dalam 96 jam setelah pendaftaran dan "
"{{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana paket bulanan{{/refundsSupportPage}} "
"terbatas dalam 7 hari setelah pembelian."
msgid ""
"You understand that {{refundsSupportPage}}domain name refunds{{/"
"refundsSupportPage}} are limited to 96 hours after registration and "
"{{refundsSupportPage}}two year plan refunds{{/refundsSupportPage}} are "
"limited to 14 days after purchase. Refunds of paid plans will deduct the "
"standard cost of any domain name registered within a plan."
msgstr ""
"Anda memahami bahwa {{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana nama domain{{/"
"refundsSupportPage}} terbatas dalam 96 jam setelah pendaftaran dan "
"{{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana paket dua tahun{{/"
"refundsSupportPage}} terbatas dalam 14 hari setelah pembelian. Pengembalian "
"dana paket berbayar akan mengurangi biaya standar nama domain apa pun yang "
"terdaftar dalam paket."
msgid ""
"You understand that {{refundsSupportPage}}refunds{{/refundsSupportPage}} are "
"limited to 14 days after purchase or renewal for non-domain products with "
"yearly subscriptions."
msgstr ""
"Anda memahami bahwa {{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana{{/"
"refundsSupportPage}} terbatas untuk 14 hari setelah pembelian atau pembaruan "
"hanya untuk produk non-domain dengan durasi langganan tahunan."
msgid ""
"You understand that {{refundsSupportPage}}refunds{{/refundsSupportPage}} are "
"limited to 7 days after purchase or renewal for non-domain products with "
"monthly subscriptions."
msgstr ""
"Anda memahami bahwa {{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana{{/"
"refundsSupportPage}} terbatas dalam 7 hari setelah pembelian atau pembaruan "
"hanya untuk produk non-domain dengan durasi langganan bulanan."
msgid ""
"You understand that {{refundsSupportPage}}refunds{{/refundsSupportPage}} are "
"limited to 14 days after purchase or renewal for non-domain products with "
"two year subscriptions."
msgstr ""
"Anda memahami bahwa {{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana{{/"
"refundsSupportPage}} terbatas dalam 14 hari setelah pembelian atau pembaruan "
"hanya untuk produk non-domain dengan durasi langganan dua tahun."
msgid ""
"Try for 14 days and if you are not 100% satisfied, get your "
"money back."
msgstr ""
"Coba selama 14 hari dan dapatkan uang Anda kembali 100% jika "
"tidak puas."
msgid "Auto-renew is {{autoRenewToggle}}OFF{{/autoRenewToggle}}"
msgstr "Perpanjang otomatis {{autoRenewToggle}}NONAKTIF{{/autoRenewToggle}}"
msgid "Auto-renew is {{autoRenewToggle}}ON{{/autoRenewToggle}}"
msgstr "Perpanjang otomatis {{autoRenewToggle}}AKTIF{{/autoRenewToggle}}"
msgid ""
"Not sure where to start? Head on over to Learn Wordpress."
msgstr ""
"Tidak tahu harus mulai dari mana? Lanjutkan untuk Mempelajari Wordpress."
msgid "Cancel and refund"
msgstr "Batalkan dan kembalikan dana"
msgid "Cancel domain and refund"
msgstr "Batalkan domain dan kembalikan dana"
msgid ""
"Not sure where to start? Head on over to Learn WordPress."
msgstr ""
"Tidak tahu harus mulai dari mana? Lanjutkan untuk Mempelajari "
msgid ""
"{{sup}}*{{/sup}}One time fee. A professional will create "
"layouts for up to %(freePages)d pages of your site. It only takes 4 simple "
msgstr ""
"{{sup}}*{{/sup}}Biaya sekali. Tim ahli akan membuatkan tata "
"letak hingga %(freePages)d halaman untuk situs Anda. Hanya diperlukan 4 "
"langkah sederhana:"
msgid ""
"Schedule your {{supportLink}}Quick Start support session{{/supportLink}} and "
"get one-on-one guidance from our expert Happiness Engineers to kickstart "
"your site."
msgstr ""
"Jadwalkan {{supportLink}}sesi dukungan Mulai Cepat{{/supportLink}} Anda dan "
"dapatkan panduan langsung dari Happiness Engineer ahli kami untuk memulai "
"situs Anda."
msgid ""
"Your {{supportLink}}Quick Start support session{{/supportLink}} is "
"approaching. Get ready for your one-to-one with our Happiness Engineer."
msgstr ""
"{{supportLink}}Sesi dukungan Mulai Cepat{{/supportLink}} Anda semakin dekat. "
"Bersiaplah untuk sesi khusus dengan Happines Engineer kami."
msgid "%(number)d {{span}}Selected{{/span}}"
msgstr "%(number)d {{span}}Dipilih{{/span}}"
msgid "Share posts with Jetpack Social {{learnMoreLink/}}"
msgstr "Berbagi pos dengan Jetpack Social {{learnMoreLink/}}"
msgid ""
"SSH stands for Secure Shell. It’s a way to perform advanced operations on "
"your site using the command line. For more information see {{supportLink}}"
"Connect to SSH on{{/supportLink}}."
msgstr ""
"SSH adalah singkatan dari Secure Shell. SSH adalah cara untuk menjalankan "
"operasi tingkat lanjut di situs Anda menggunakan baris perintah. Untuk "
"informasi selengkapnya, baca {{supportLink}}Menghubungkan ke SSH di "
msgid ""
"Your monthly subscription will renew at {{strong}}%(renewalPrice)s/month{{/"
"strong}} for the next month. It will then renew at {{strong}}%(fullPrice)s/"
"month{{/strong}} each following month."
msgstr ""
"Biaya perpanjangan langganan bulan Anda sebesar {{strong}}%(renewalPrice)s/"
"bulan{{/strong}} untuk bulan berikutnya. Kemudian akan dikenakan "
"{{strong}}%(fullPrice)s/bulan{{/strong}} setiap bulan berikutnya."
msgid ""
"Your monthly subscription will renew at {{strong}}%(renewalPrice)s/month{{/"
"strong}} for the next %(periods)d months. It will then renew at "
"{{strong}}%(fullPrice)s/month{{/strong}} each following month."
msgstr ""
"Biaya perpanjangan langganan bulanan Anda sebesar {{strong}}%(renewalPrice)s/"
"bulan{{/strong}} untuk %(periods)d bulan berikutnya. Kemudian akan dikenakan "
"{{strong}}%(fullPrice)s/bulan{{/strong}} pada setiap bulan berikutnya."
msgid ""
"When used with a paid plan, your custom domain can replace your site's free "
"address, {{strong}}%(wpcom_url)s{{/strong}}, with {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/"
"strong}}, making it easier to remember and easier to share."
msgstr ""
"Saat digunakan dengan paket berbayar, domain khusus Anda dapat menggantikan "
"alamat gratis situs Anda, {{strong}}%(wpcom_url)s{{/strong}}, dengan "
"{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}, sehingga lebih mudah diingat dan dibagikan."
msgid ""
"By creating an account, you agree to our {{tosLink}}Terms of Service{{/"
"tosLink}} and acknowledge you have read our {{privacyLink}}Privacy Policy{{/"
msgstr ""
"Dengan membuat akun, Anda menyetujui {{tosLink}}Ketentuan Layanan{{/"
"tosLink}} kami dan manyatakan telah membaca {{privacyLink}}Kebijakan "
"Privasi{{/privacyLink}} kami."
msgid ""
"Modify your email notification settings."
msgstr ""
"Ubah pengaturan pemberitahuan email Anda."
msgid ""
"Success! You renewed %(productName)s. {{a}}Learn more about renewals{{/a}}"
msgstr ""
"Sukses! Anda memperbarui %(productName)s. {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang "
msgid ""
"{{sup}}*{{/sup}}One time fee, plus an additional purchase of the %(plan)s "
"plan. A professional will create layouts for up to "
"%(freePages)d pages of your site. It only takes 4 simple steps:"
msgstr ""
"{{sup}}*{{/sup}}Biaya satu kali, beserta pembelian paket %(plan)s tambahan. "
"Tim ahli akan membuatkan tata letak hingga %(freePages)d "
"halaman untuk situs Anda. Hanya diperlukan 4 langkah sederhana:"
msgid ""
"{{p}}The avatar you use on comes from {{ExternalLink}}"
"Gravatar{{/ExternalLink}}, a universal avatar service (it stands for "
"\"Globally Recognized Avatar,\" get it?).{{/p}}{{p}}However, your photo and "
"Gravatar profile are hidden, preventing them from appearing on any site.{{/"
msgstr ""
"{{p}}Avatar yang Anda gunakan di berasal dari {{ExternalLink}}"
"Gravatar{{/ExternalLink}}, layanan avatar universal (singkatan dari "
"\"Globally Recognized Avatar\", sudah tahu?).{{/p}}{{p}}Namun, foto dan "
"profil Gravatar Anda disembunyikan, agar tidak tampil di situs mana pun.{{/"
msgid " Go back"
msgstr " Kembali"
msgid "{{displayPrice/}} {{period}}/ %(period)s{{/period}}"
msgstr "{{displayPrice/}} {{period}}/ %(period)s{{/period}}"
msgid "{{displayPrice/}} {{period}}(one-time){{/period}}"
msgstr "{{displayPrice/}} {{period}}(satu kali){{/period}}"
msgid ""
"Not sure how to reconnect? {{supportPageLink}}Here are the instructions{{/"
msgstr ""
"Tidak tahu bagaimana menyambungkan kembali? {{supportPageLink}}Berikut "
msgid ""
"There was a problem while removing your product, please {{a}}{{strong}}"
"contact support{{/strong}}{{/a}}."
msgstr ""
"Ditemukan kendala saat menghapus produk Anda, mohon {{a}}{{strong}}hubungi "
"tim bantuan{{/strong}}{{/a}}."
msgid ""
"Create, edit, and manage the %(taxonomy)s on your site. {{learnMoreLink/}}"
msgstr "Buat, edit, dan kelola %(taxonomy)s situs Anda. {{learnMoreLink/}}"
msgid ""
"Restore or download a backup of your site from a specific moment in time. "
msgstr ""
"Pulihkan atau unduh cadangan situs Anda dari waktu tertentu. "
msgid ""
"Create, edit, and manage the reusable blocks on your site. {{learnMoreLink}}"
"Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}."
msgstr ""
"Buat, edit, dan kelola blok pakai ulang di situs Anda. {{learnMoreLink}}"
"Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}."
msgid ""
"Your password reset email is {{strong}}%(userEmail)s{{/strong}}. {{a}}Change "
msgstr ""
"Email untuk reset kata sandi Anda adalah {{strong}}%(userEmail)s{{/strong}}. "
msgid "{{span}}%(standardPrice)s{{/span}} /month /mailbox"
msgstr "{{span}}%(standardPrice)s{{/span}} /bulan /mailbox"
msgid "{{span}}%(standardPrice)s{{/span}} /year /mailbox"
msgstr "{{span}}%(standardPrice)s{{/span}} /tahun /mailbox"
msgid ""
"{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is in redemption so it's not possible to "
"transfer it."
msgstr ""
"{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} sedang dalam pengaktifan, sehingga tidak "
"dapat ditransfer."
msgid "{{span}}Testimonials{{/span}}"
msgstr "{{span}}Testimoni{{/span}}"
msgid "{{span}}Portfolio projects{{/span}}"
msgstr "{{span}}Proyek portofolio{{/span}}"
msgid ""
"You are in the process of changing your account email address to "
"{{strong}}%(newEmailAddress)s{{/strong}}, but you still need to confirm the "
msgstr ""
"Anda sedang dalam proses mengubah alamat email akun Anda menjadi "
"{{strong}}%(newEmailAddress)s{{/strong}}, namun Anda masih perlu "
"mengonfirmasi perubahan tersebut."
msgid ""
"{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} expired over 30 days ago and has been "
"offered for sale at auction. Currently it is not possible to renew it. {{a}}"
"Learn more{{/a}}"
msgstr ""
"{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} kedaluarsa 30 hari yang lalu dan telah "
"diproses untuk dijual secara lelang. Saat ini domain tidak dapat "
"diperpanjang. {{a}}Pelajari selengkapnya{{/a}}"
msgid ""
"This product is an in-app purchase. You can manage it from within "
"{{managePurchase}}the app store{{/managePurchase}}."
msgstr ""
"Produk ini merupakan pembelian dalam aplikasi. Anda dapat mengelolanya di "
"dalam {{managePurchase}}app store{{/managePurchase}}."
msgid ""
"We’re filtering spam comments, but had some trouble getting recent stats. Check your "
"site dashboard for the latest info."
msgstr ""
"Kami menyaring komentar spam, tetapi mengalami masalah saat mendapatkan "
"statistik terkini. Periksa dasbor situs Anda untuk mendapatkan informasi terbaru."
msgid ""
"Here is how %2$s performed in the "
"last 30 days."
msgstr ""
"Berikut performa %2$s dalam 30 hari "
msgid ""
"Your domain has recently expired at your external provider. Consider {{a}}"
"transferring it{{/a}} to to manage your site and domains all "
"from one place."
msgstr ""
"Domain di provider eksternal Anda baru saja kedaluwarsa. Pertimbangkan {{a}}"
"mentransfernya{{/a}} ke untuk mengelola semua situs dan domain "
"Anda dari satu tempat. "
msgid ""
"Your domain is expiring soon at your external provider. Consider {{a}}"
"transferring it{{/a}} to to manage your site and domains all "
"from one place."
msgstr ""
"Domain di provider eksternal Anda akan segera kedaluwasa. Pertimbangkan {{a}}"
"mentransfernya{{/a}} ke untuk mengelola semua situs dan domain "
"Anda dari satu tempat."
msgid ""
"You can purchase new mailboxes at the regular price of {{strong}}%(price)s{{/"
"strong}} per mailbox per year."
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat membeli kotak surat baru dengan harga normal "
"{{strong}}%(price)s{{/strong}} per kotak surat per tahun."
msgid "Not sure where to start? {{a}}See how they compare{{/a}}."
msgstr "Tidak tahu harus mulai dari mana? {{a}}Lihat perbandingannya{{/a}}."
msgid ""
"Documentation on Privacy Settings"
msgstr ""
"Dokumentasi Pengaturan Privasi"
msgid "Send and receive emails from youremail@%(domainName)s"
msgstr "Kirim dan terima email dari emailanda@%(domainName)s"
msgid ""
"{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} will be deleted. Any services related to it "
"will stop working. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
msgstr ""
"{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} akan dihapus. Layanan apa pun yang terhubung "
"akan berhenti berfungsi. Apakah Anda ingin melanjutkan?"
msgid "{{strong}}Delete %(domain)s{{/strong}}"
msgstr "{{strong}}Hapus %(domain)s{{/strong}}"
msgid ""
"If you want to use {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} with another provider you "
"can {{moveAnchor}}move it to another service{{/moveAnchor}} or "
"{{transferAnchor}}transfer it to another provider{{/transferAnchor}}."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda ingin menggunakan {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} dengan penyedia "
"lain, Anda dapat {{moveAnchor}}memindahkannya ke layanan lain{{/moveAnchor}} "
"atau {{transferAnchor}}mentransfernya ke penyedia lain{{/transferAnchor}}."
msgid ""
"You're not authorized to import content.{{br/}}Please check with your site "
msgstr ""
"Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengimpor konten.{{br/}}Harap hubungi admin situs "
msgid ""
"{{priceSpan}}%(standardPrice)s{{/priceSpan}} {{saleSpan}}%(salePrice)s{{/"
"saleSpan}} /month /mailbox"
msgstr ""
"{{priceSpan}}%(standardPrice)s{{/priceSpan}} {{saleSpan}}%(salePrice)s{{/"
"saleSpan}} /bulan /kotak surat"
msgid ""
"{{priceSpan}}%(standardPrice)s{{/priceSpan}} {{saleSpan}}%(salePrice)s{{/"
"saleSpan}} /year /mailbox"
msgstr ""
"{{priceSpan}}%(standardPrice)s{{/priceSpan}} {{saleSpan}}%(salePrice)s{{/"
"saleSpan}} /tahun /kotak surat"
msgid "Use as backup.{{supportLink /}}"
msgstr "Gunakan sebagai cadangan.{{supportLink /}}"
msgid ""
"If the renewal fails, a {{link}}backup payment method{{/link}} may be used."
msgstr ""
"Jika perpanjangan gagal, {{link}}metode pembayaran cadangan{{/link}} dapat "
msgid ""
"Domain privacy service is included for free on applicable domains. "
"{{supportLinkComponent}}Learn more{{/supportLinkComponent}}."
msgstr ""
"Layanan privasi domain disertakan secara gratis pada domain yang berlaku. "
"{{supportLinkComponent}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/supportLinkComponent}}."
msgid ""
"Not you?{{br/}} Sign out or log in with {{link}}another account{{/link}}"
msgstr ""
"Bukan Anda?{{br/}} Keluar atau login dengan {{link}}akun lainnya{{/link}}"
msgid "Need help? Contact support"
msgstr "Butuh bantuan? Hubungi tim bantuan"
msgid "Nice job! Now it’s{{br}}{{/br}} time to get creative."
msgstr "Hebat! Sekarang saatnya untuk berkreasi."
msgid ""
"Scan this QR code with the authenticator app on your mobile. "
"{{toggleMethodLink}}Can't scan the code?{{/toggleMethodLink}}"
msgstr ""
"Pindai kode QR berikut dengan aplikasi autentikator di ponsel Anda. "
"{{toggleMethodLink}}Tidak dapat memindai kode?{{/toggleMethodLink}}"
msgid ""
"There was a problem while stopping your subscription, please {{a}}{{strong}}"
"contact support{{/strong}}{{/a}}."
msgstr ""
"Ditemukan kendala saat menghentikan langganan Anda, {{a}}{{strong}}hubungi "
"tim bantuan{{/strong}}{{/a}}."
msgid ""
"This domain isn't registered. Did you mean to search for a domain "
msgstr ""
"Domain berikut tidak terdaftar. Apakah Anda ingin mencari domain?"
msgid ""
"Create, edit, and manage the portfolio projects on your site. "
"{{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}."
msgstr ""
"Buat, edit, dan kelola proyek portofolio di situs Anda. {{learnMoreLink}}"
"Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/learnMoreLink}}."
msgid ""
"Gain insights into the activity and behavior of your site's visitors. "
"{{learnMoreLink}}Learn more{{/learnMoreLink}}"
msgstr ""
"Gali informasi tentang aktivitas dan perilaku pengunjung situs Anda. "
"{{learnMoreLink}}Baca selengkapnya{{/learnMoreLink}}"
msgid "Cancel your %(purchaseName)s subscription"
msgstr "Batalkan Langganan %(purchaseName)s Anda"
msgid ""
"All paid plans purchased for an annual term include one year "
"of free domain registration. Domains registered through this promotion will "
"renew at our {{a}}standard rate{{/a}}, plus applicable taxes, after the "
"first year.{{br /}}{{br /}}This offer is redeemable one time only, and does "
"not apply to plan upgrades, renewals, or premium domains."
msgstr ""
"Semua paket berbayar yang dibeli untuk jangka waktu tahunan "
"mendapatkan satu tahun pendaftaran domain gratis. Domain yang terdaftar "
"melalui promosi berikut akan diperpanjang dengan {{a}}tarif standar{{/a}}, "
"ditambah pajak yang berlaku, setelah tahun pertama.{{br /}}{{br /}}Penawaran "
"berikut hanya dapat diklaim satu kali, dan tidak berlaku untuk upgrade "
"paket, pembaruan, atau domain premium."
msgid "Opt-out of the 60-day transfer lock. {{link}}What's this?{{/link}}."
msgstr ""
"Tidak menyetujui pilihan kunci transfer 60 hari. {{link}}Apa artinya?{{/"
msgid "{{strong}}Confirm your decision{{/strong}}"
msgstr "{{strong}}Berikan konfirmasi untuk keputusan Anda{{/strong}}"
msgid ""
"You must visit your {{a}}Account Settings{{/a}} to update your email address "
"before proceeding."
msgstr ""
"Anda harus mengunjungi {{a}}Pengaturan Akun{{/a}} untuk memperbarui alamat "
"email Anda sebelum melanjutkan."
msgid "{{strong}}Update your email address{{/strong}}"
msgstr "{{strong}}Perbarui alamat email Anda{{/strong}}"
msgid "VAT #: %(vatCountry)s %(vatId)s"
msgstr "PPN #: %(vatCountry)s %(vatId)s"
msgid ""
"{{noPrint}}You can edit your VAT details {{vatDetailsLink}}on this page{{/"
"vatDetailsLink}}. {{/noPrint}}This is not an official VAT receipt. For an "
"official VAT receipt, {{emailReceiptLink}}email yourself a copy{{/"
msgstr ""
"{{noPrint}}Anda dapat mengedit detail PPN Anda {{vatDetailsLink}}di halaman "
"berikut{{/vatDetailsLink}}. {{/noPrint}}Ini bukan tanda terima PPN resmi. "
"Untuk tanda terima PPN resmi, {{emailReceiptLink}}kirim salinan ke alamat "
"email Anda{{/emailReceiptLink}}."
msgid ""
"Build your brand with a custom @%(domain)s email address. Professional Email "
"helps promote your site with every email you send."
msgstr ""
"Bangun branding Anda dengan alamat email khusus %(domain)s. Professional "
"Email membantu mempromosikan situs Anda melalui setiap email yang Anda kirim."
msgid ""
"You understand that your %(productName)s service will be powered by Titan "
"and is subject to Titan's {{titanCustomerTos}}Customer Terms of Service{{/"
"titanCustomerTos}}, {{titanAup}}Acceptable Use Policy{{/titanAup}}, and "
"{{titanPrivacy}}Privacy Policy{{/titanPrivacy}}."
msgstr ""
"Anda memahami bahwa layanan %(productName)s Anda akan didukung oleh Titan "
"dan mematuhi {{titanCustomerTos}}Persyaratan Layanan Pelanggan{{/"
"titanCustomerTos}}, {{titanAup}}Kebijakan Penggunaan yang Diizinkan{{/"
"titanAup}}, dan {{titanPrivacy}}Kebijakan Privasi{{/titanPrivacy}} Titan."
msgid "Free trial ends on {{span}}%(date)s{{/span}}"
msgstr "Percobaan gratis berakhir pada {{span}}%(date)s{{/span}}"
msgid ""
"If you are dissatisfied for any reason, we offer full refunds within "
"%(annualDays)d days for yearly plans, and within %(monthlyDays)d days for "
"monthly plans. If you have a question about our paid plans, {{helpLink}}"
"please let us know{{/helpLink}}!"
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda tidak puas karena alasan apa pun, kami menawarkan pengembalian "
"dana penuh dalam %(annualDays)d hari untuk paket tahunan, dan dalam "
"%(monthlyDays)d hari untuk paket bulanan. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan "
"tentang paket berbayar kami, {{helpLink}}hubungi kami{{/helpLink}}! "
msgid ""
"%(purchaseName)s will expire and be removed from your site %(expiry)s – "
"update your payment information so you don't lose out on your paid features! "
"You also have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that are "
"scheduled to renew soon."
msgstr ""
"%(purchaseName)s akan kedaluarsa dan dihapus dari situs Anda %(expiry)s – "
"perbarui informasi pembayaran, jadi Anda tetap dapat menggunakan fitur "
"berbayar! Anda juga memiliki {{link}}upgrade lain{{/link}} di situs ini yang "
"akan diperpanjang sesuai jadwal."
msgid ""
"You purchased %(purchaseName)s with credits – please update your payment "
"information before your plan expires %(expiry)s so that you don't lose out "
"on your paid features! You also have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this "
"site that are scheduled to renew soon."
msgstr ""
"Anda membeli %(purchaseName)s menggunakan kredit – silakan memperbarui "
"informasi pembayaran sebelum paket kedaluarsa %(expiry)s jadi Anda tetap "
"dapat menggunakan fitur berbayar! Anda juga memiliki {{link}}upgrade lain{{/"
"link}} di situs ini yang akan diperpanjang sesuai jadwal."
msgid "Scan (real-time, automated)"
msgstr "Pemindaian (real time, otomatis)"
msgid "Scan (daily, automated)"
msgstr "Pemindaian (harian, otomatis)"
msgid "All Security Daily features"
msgstr "Semua fitur Security Harian"
msgid ""
"Credit card expires before your next renewal on {{span}}%(date)s{{/span}}"
msgstr ""
"Kartu kredit kedaluwarsa sebelum perpanjangan selanjutnya pada tanggal "
msgid ""
"In the meantime, consider attending one of our expert webinars on a wide "
"variety of topics designed to help you build and grow your site. {{u}}"
"{{externalLink}}View webinars{{/externalLink}}{{/u}}."
msgstr ""
"Sementara itu, Anda dapat mencoba menghadiri salah satu webinar khusus kami "
"yang membahas berbagai topik yang dirancang untuk membantu Anda membuat dan "
"mengembangkan situs Anda. {{u}}{{externalLink}}Lihat webinar{{/externalLink}}"
msgid "for {{button}}%(site)s{{/button}}"
msgstr "untuk {{button}}%(site)s{{/button}}"
msgid ""
"You no longer have access to this site and its purchases. {{button}}Contact "
msgstr ""
"Anda tidak lagi punya akses ke situs ini beserta pembeliannya. {{button}}"
"Hubungi dukungan{{/button}}"
msgid "{{strong}}13GB{{/strong}} storage space"
msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan {{strong}}13 GB{{/strong}}"
msgid "{{strong}}3GB{{/strong}} storage space"
msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan {{strong}}3 GB{{/strong}}"
msgid " Logo and Wordmark"
msgstr "Logo dan Wordmark"
msgid "Expires %(timeUntilExpiry)s on {{span}}%(date)s{{/span}}"
msgstr "Kedaluwarsa %(timeUntilExpiry)s pada {{span}}%(date)s{{/span}}"
msgid "%(purchaseType)s for {{button}}%(site)s{{/button}}"
msgstr "%(purchaseType)s untuk {{button}}%(site)s{{/button}}"
msgid "Expires on {{span}}%s{{/span}}"
msgstr "Kedaluwarsa pada {{span}}%s{{/span}}"
msgid "Subscription to {{site}}{{/site}}"
msgstr "Langganan ke {{site}}{{/site}}"
msgid "Purchased from {{site}}{{/site}}"
msgstr "Dibeli dari {{site}}{{/site}}"
msgid ""
"Your %1$s plan expires on %2$s. Renew now to continue "
"enjoying features such as increased storage space, access to expert support, "
"and automatic removal of ads."
msgstr ""
"Paket %1$s Anda berakhir pada %2$s. Perpanjang sekarang "
"agar bisa terus menikmati fitur-fitur seperti ruang penyimpanan yang "
"ditingkatkan, akses ke dukungan ahli, dan penghapusan otomatis iklan "
msgid ""
"This page reflects the time zone set on your site. It looks like that does "
"not match your current time zone. {{SiteSettings}}You can update your site "
"time zone here{{/SiteSettings}}."
msgstr ""
"Halaman berikut mencerminkan zona waktu di situs Anda. Sepertinya zona waktu "
"saat ini tidak sesuai dengan zona waktu Anda. {{SiteSettings}} Anda dapat "
"memperbarui zona waktu situs Anda di sini {{/SiteSettings}}."
msgid ""
"Automated daily scanning for security vulnerabilities or threats on your "
"site. Includes instant notifications and automatic security fixes. {{link}}"
"Learn more{{/link}}."
msgstr ""
"Pemindaian harian otomatis untuk mengidentifikasi kerentanan atau ancaman "
"keamanan di situs Anda. Termasuk notifikasi instan dan perbaikan keamanan "
"otomatis. {{link}}Pelajari selengkapnya{{/link}}."
msgid ""
"Automatic daily backups of your entire site, with unlimited, WordPress-"
"optimized secure storage. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}."
msgstr ""
"Pencadangan harian otomatis untuk seluruh situs, dengan penyimpanan aman, "
"tanpa batas, dan dioptimalkan untuk WordPress. {{link}}Pelajari "
msgid ""
"Accept payments from credit or debit cards via Stripe. Sell products, "
"collect donations, and set up recurring payments for subscriptions or "
"memberships. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}."
msgstr ""
"Terima pembayaran dari kartu kredit atau debit melalui Stripe. Jual produk, "
"kumpulkan donasi, dan atur pembayaran berulang untuk langganan atau "
"keanggotaan. {{link}}Pelajari selengkapnya{{/link}}."
msgid ""
"The most simple and powerful WordPress CRM. Improve customer relationships "
"and increase profits. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}."
msgstr ""
"CRM WordPress paling mudah dan andal. Tingkatkan hubungan dengan pelanggan "
"dan keuntungan. {{link}}Pelajari selengkapnya{{/link}}."
msgid ""
"Easy video uploads through an unbranded, customizable video player, enhanced "
"with rich stats and unlimited storage space. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}."
msgstr ""
"Pengunggahan video yang mudah dengan pemutar video tanpa merek dan dapat "
"disesuaikan, yang disempurnakan dengan statistik komprehensif dan ruang "
"penyimpanan tanpa batas. {{link}}Pelajari selengkapnya{{/link}}."
msgid ""
"Help your site visitors find answers instantly so they keep reading and "
"buying. Powerful filtering and customization options. {{link}}Learn more.{{/"
msgstr ""
"Bantu pengunjung situs agar untuk langsung menemukan jawaban sehingga mereka "
"tetap membaca dan membeli. Pilihan filter dan kustomisasi yang hebat. "
"{{link}}Pelajari lebih lanjut.{{/link}}"
msgid ""
"View every change to your site in the last year. Pairs with VaultPress "
"Backup to restore your site to any earlier version. {{link}}Learn more.{{/"
msgstr ""
"Lihat semua perubahan situs Anda dalam setahun terakhir. Pasang dengan "
"VaultPress Backup untuk memulihkan situs Anda ke versi terdahulu mana pun. "
"{{link}}Baca selengkapnya.{{/link}}"
msgid ""
"Automated real-time scanning for security vulnerabilities or threats on your "
"site. Includes instant notifications and automatic security fixes. {{link}}"
"Learn more{{/link}}."
msgstr ""
"Pemindaian real time otomatis untuk mengidentifikasi kerentanan atau ancaman "
"keamanan di situs Anda. Termasuk notifikasi instan dan perbaikan keamanan "
"otomatis. {{link}}Pelajari selengkapnya{{/link}}."
msgid ""
"Real-time backups of your entire site and database with unlimited secure "
"storage. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}."
msgstr ""
"Pencadangan real time untuk seluruh situs dan basis data Anda dengan ruang "
"penyimpanan aman tanpa batas. {{link}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/link}}."
msgid "Start your search"
msgstr "Mulai pencarian Anda"
msgid "Portfolio projects (for those who have them active)"
msgstr "Proyek portofolio (untuk mereka yang mengaktifkannya)"
msgid "Change my account privacy settings"
msgstr "Ubah pengaturan privasi akun saya"
msgid "Change my site's privacy settings"
msgstr "Ubah pengaturan privasi situs saya"
msgid "Remove all posts, pages, and media, or delete a site completely."
msgstr "Hapus seluruh pos, halaman, dan media, atau hapus seluruh situs."
msgid ""
"We add new sessions daily, so please check back soon for more options. In "
"the meantime, consider attending one of our expert webinars on a wide "
"variety of topics designed to help you build and grow your site. "
"{{externalLink1}}View webinars{{/externalLink1}} or {{externalLink2}}contact "
"us in Live Chat{{/externalLink2}}."
msgstr ""
"Kami menambahkan sesi baru setiap hari, jadi silakan kunjungi kami lagi "
"untuk melihat pilihan lainnya. Sementara itu, Anda dapat mencoba menghadiri "
"salah satu webinar khusus kami yang membahas berbagai topik yang dirancang "
"untuk membantu Anda membuat dan mengembangkan situs Anda. {{externalLink1}}"
"Lihat webinar{{/externalLink1}} atau {{externalLink2}}hubungi kami di in "
"Obrolan Langsung{{/externalLink2}}."
msgid ""
"We add new sessions daily, so please check back soon for more options. In "
"the meantime, consider attending one of our expert webinars on a wide "
"variety of topics designed to help you build and grow your site. "
"{{externalLink1}}View webinars{{/externalLink1}}."
msgstr ""
"Kami menambahkan sesi baru tiap hari, karenanya silakan kunjungi kami lagi "
"untuk melihat pilihan lainnya. Sementara itu, Anda dapat mencoba menghadiri "
"salah satu webinar khusus kami yang membahas berbagai topik yang dirancang "
"untuk membantu Anda membuat dan mengembangkan situs Anda. {{externalLink1}}"
"Lihat webinar{{/externalLink1}}."
msgid ""
"You still need to verify your recovery SMS number: "
msgstr ""
"Anda masih harus melakukan verifikasi nomor SMS pemulihan Anda: "
msgid ""
"You still need to verify your recovery email address: "
msgstr ""
"Anda masih harus memverifikasi alamat email pemulihan Anda: "
msgid "Please, verify your email address."
msgstr "Verifikasikan alamat email Anda."
msgid ""
"Your {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s plan{{/managePurchase}} (which "
"includes your %(includedPurchaseName)s subscription) has expired and is no "
"longer in use."
msgstr ""
"Paket {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s Anda{{/managePurchase}} (yang "
"menyertakan langganan %(includedPurchaseName)s) telah kedaluwarsa dan tidak "
"dapat digunakan lagi."
msgid ""
"You have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will expire "
"%(earliestOtherExpiry)s unless you take action."
msgstr ""
"Anda memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini yang akan "
"kedaluwarsa pada %(earliestOtherExpiry)s, kecuali Anda mengambil tindakan."
msgid ""
"You have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that expired "
"%(earliestOtherExpiry)s and will be removed soon unless you take action."
msgstr ""
"Anda memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini yang kedaluwarsa "
"pada %(earliestOtherExpiry)s dan akan segera dihapus, kecuali Anda mengambil "
msgid ""
"Your %(cardType)s ending in %(cardNumber)d expires %(cardExpiry)s – before "
"the next renewal. You have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that "
"are scheduled to renew soon and may also be affected. Please update the "
"payment information for all your subscriptions."
msgstr ""
"%(cardType)s Anda yang berakhir pada %(cardNumber)d akan kedaluwarsa pada "
"%(cardExpiry)s – sebelum perpanjangan berikutnya. Anda memiliki {{link}}"
"upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini yang dijadwalkan untuk segera "
"diperpanjang dan mungkin juga terpengaruh. Harap perbarui informasi "
"pembaruan untuk semua langganan Anda."
msgid ""
"You have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that are scheduled to "
"renew soon."
msgstr ""
"Anda memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini yang dijadwalkan "
"untuk segera diperpanjang."
msgid ""
"Your %(purchaseName)s subscription is scheduled to renew, but you have "
"{{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will expire "
"%(earliestOtherExpiry)s unless you take action."
msgstr ""
"Langganan %(purchaseName)s Anda dijadwalkan untuk diperpanjang, tetapi Anda "
"memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini yang akan kedaluwarsa "
"pada %(earliestOtherExpiry)s, kecuali Anda mengambil tindakan."
msgid ""
"Your %(purchaseName)s plan is scheduled to renew, but you have {{link}}other "
"upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will expire %(earliestOtherExpiry)s "
"unless you take action."
msgstr ""
"Paket %(purchaseName)s Anda dijadwalkan untuk diperpanjang, tetapi Anda "
"memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini yang akan kedaluwarsa "
"pada %(earliestOtherExpiry)s, kecuali Anda mengambil tindakan."
msgid ""
"Your {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s plan{{/managePurchase}} (which "
"includes your %(includedPurchaseName)s subscription) is scheduled to renew, "
"but you have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will expire "
"%(earliestOtherExpiry)s unless you take action."
msgstr ""
"Paket {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s Anda{{/managePurchase}} (yang "
"menyertakan langganan %(includedPurchaseName)s Anda) dijadwalkan untuk "
"diperpanjang, tetapi Anda memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs "
"ini yang akan kedaluwarsa pada %(earliestOtherExpiry)s, kecuali Anda "
"mengambil tindakan."
msgid ""
"Your %(purchaseName)s domain is scheduled to renew, but you have {{link}}"
"other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will expire "
"%(earliestOtherExpiry)s unless you take action."
msgstr ""
"Domain %(purchaseName)s Anda dijadwalkan untuk diperpanjang, tetapi Anda "
"memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini yang akan kedaluwarsa "
"pada %(earliestOtherExpiry)s, kecuali Anda mengambil tindakan."
msgid ""
"Your %(purchaseName)s subscription is scheduled to renew, but you have "
"{{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that expired "
"%(earliestOtherExpiry)s and will be removed soon unless you take action."
msgstr ""
"Langganan %(purchaseName)s Anda dijadwalkan untuk diperpanjang, tetapi Anda "
"memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini yang kedaluwarsa pada "
"%(earliestOtherExpiry)s dan akan segera dihapus kecuali Anda mengambil "
msgid ""
"Your %(purchaseName)s plan is scheduled to renew, but you have {{link}}other "
"upgrades{{/link}} on this site that expired %(earliestOtherExpiry)s and will "
"be removed soon unless you take action."
msgstr ""
"Paket %(purchaseName)s Anda dijadwalkan untuk diperpanjang, tetapi Anda "
"memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini yang kedaluwarsa pada "
"%(earliestOtherExpiry)s dan akan segera dihapus kecuali Anda mengambil "
msgid ""
"Your {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s plan{{/managePurchase}} (which "
"includes your %(includedPurchaseName)s subscription) is scheduled to renew, "
"but you have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that expired "
"%(earliestOtherExpiry)s and will be removed soon unless you take action."
msgstr ""
"Paket {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s Anda{{/managePurchase}} (yang "
"menyertakan langganan %(includedPurchaseName)s Anda) dijadwalkan untuk "
"diperpanjang, tetapi Anda memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs "
"ini yang kedaluwarsa pada %(earliestOtherExpiry)s dan akan segera dihapus "
"kecuali Anda mengambil tindakan."
msgid ""
"Your %(purchaseName)s domain is scheduled to renew, but you have {{link}}"
"other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that expired %(earliestOtherExpiry)s "
"and will be removed soon unless you take action."
msgstr ""
"Domain %(purchaseName)s Anda dijadwalkan untuk diperpanjang, tetapi Anda "
"memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini yang kedaluwarsa pada "
"%(earliestOtherExpiry)s dan akan segera dihapus kecuali Anda mengambil "
msgid ""
"Your %(purchaseName)s subscription will expire %(expiry)s unless you take "
"action. You also have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that are "
"scheduled to renew soon."
msgstr ""
"Langganan %(purchaseName)s Anda akan kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s kecuali "
"Anda mengambil tindakan. Anda juga memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} "
"di situs ini yang dijadwalkan untuk segera diperpanjang."
msgid ""
"Your %(purchaseName)s plan will expire %(expiry)s unless you take action. "
"You also have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that are "
"scheduled to renew soon."
msgstr ""
"Paket %(purchaseName)s Anda akan kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s kecuali Anda "
"mengambil tindakan. Anda juga memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di "
"situs ini yang dijadwalkan untuk segera diperpanjang."
msgid ""
"Your {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s plan{{/managePurchase}} (which "
"includes your %(includedPurchaseName)s subscription) will expire %(expiry)s "
"unless you take action. You also have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on "
"this site that are scheduled to renew soon."
msgstr ""
"Paket {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s Anda{{/managePurchase}} (yang "
"menyertakan langganan %(includedPurchaseName)s Anda) akan kedaluwarsa pada "
"%(expiry)s, kecuali Anda mengambil tindakan. Anda juga memiliki {{link}}"
"upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini yang dijadwalkan untuk segera "
msgid ""
"Your %(purchaseName)s domain will expire %(expiry)s unless you take action. "
"You also have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that are "
"scheduled to renew soon."
msgstr ""
"Domain %(purchaseName)s Anda akan kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s kecuali Anda "
"mengambil tindakan. Anda juga memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di "
"situs ini yang dijadwalkan untuk segera diperpanjang."
msgid ""
"Your %(purchaseName)s subscription expired %(expiry)s and will be removed "
"soon unless you take action. You also have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} "
"on this site that are scheduled to renew soon."
msgstr ""
"Langganan %(purchaseName)s Anda kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s dan akan segera "
"dihapus kecuali Anda mengambil tindakan. Anda juga memiliki {{link}}upgrade "
"lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini yang dijadwalkan untuk segera diperpanjang."
msgid ""
"Your %(purchaseName)s plan expired %(expiry)s and will be removed soon "
"unless you take action. You also have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on "
"this site that are scheduled to renew soon."
msgstr ""
"Paket %(purchaseName)s Anda kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s dan akan segera "
"dihapus kecuali Anda mengambil tindakan. Anda juga memiliki {{link}}upgrade "
"lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini yang dijadwalkan untuk segera diperpanjang."
msgid ""
"Your {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s plan{{/managePurchase}} (which "
"includes your %(includedPurchaseName)s subscription) expired %(expiry)s and "
"will be removed soon unless you take action. You also have {{link}}other "
"upgrades{{/link}} on this site that are scheduled to renew soon."
msgstr ""
"Paket {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s Anda{{/managePurchase}} (yang "
"menyertakan langganan %(includedPurchaseName)s Anda) kedaluwarsa pada "
"%(expiry)s dan akan segera dihapus kecuali Anda mengambil tindakan. Anda "
"juga memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini yang dijadwalkan "
"untuk segera diperpanjang."
msgid ""
"Your %(purchaseName)s domain expired %(expiry)s and will be removed soon "
"unless you take action. You also have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on "
"this site that are scheduled to renew soon."
msgstr ""
"Domain %(purchaseName)s Anda kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s dan akan segera "
"dihapus kecuali Anda mengambil tindakan. Anda juga memiliki {{link}}upgrade "
"lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini yang dijadwalkan untuk segera diperpanjang."
msgid ""
"Your {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s plan{{/managePurchase}} (which "
"includes your %(includedPurchaseName)s subscription) will expire %(expiry)s, "
"and you have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be "
"removed unless you take action."
msgstr ""
"Paket {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s Anda{{/managePurchase}} (yang "
"menyertakan langganan %(includedPurchaseName)s Anda) akan kedaluwarsa pada "
"%(expiry)s, dan Anda memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini "
"yang juga akan dihapus kecuali Anda mengambil tindakan."
msgid ""
"Your {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s plan{{/managePurchase}} (which "
"includes your %(includedPurchaseName)s subscription) will expire %(expiry)s, "
"and you have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be "
"removed soon unless you take action."
msgstr ""
"Paket {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s Anda{{/managePurchase}} (yang "
"menyertakan langganan %(includedPurchaseName)s Anda) akan kedaluwarsa pada "
"%(expiry)s, dan Anda memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini "
"yang juga akan segera dihapus kecuali Anda mengambil tindakan."
msgid ""
"Your {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s plan{{/managePurchase}} (which "
"includes your %(includedPurchaseName)s subscription) expired %(expiry)s, and "
"you have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be "
"removed soon unless you take action."
msgstr ""
"Paket {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s Anda{{/managePurchase}} (yang "
"menyertakan langganan %(includedPurchaseName)s Anda) kedaluwarsa pada "
"%(expiry)s, dan Anda memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} di situs ini "
"yang juga akan segera dihapus kecuali Anda mengambil tindakan."
msgid ""
"Your {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s plan{{/managePurchase}} (which "
"includes your %(includedPurchaseName)s subscription) will expire and be "
"removed from your site %(expiry)s."
msgstr ""
"Paket {{managePurchase}}%(purchaseName)s Anda{{/managePurchase}} (yang "
"menyertakan langganan %(includedPurchaseName)s Anda) akan kedaluwarsa dan "
"dihapus dari situs Anda pada %(expiry)s."
msgid ""
"%(purchaseName)s will expire and be removed from your site %(expiry)s – "
"please renew before expiry so you don't lose out on your paid features! You "
"also have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that are scheduled to "
"renew soon."
msgstr ""
"%(purchaseName)s akan kedaluwarsa dan dihapus dari situs Anda pada "
"%(expiry)s – harap perpanjang sebelum masa kedaluwarsa sehingga Anda tidak "
"kehilangan fitur berbayar! Anda juga memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/"
"link}} di situs ini yang dijadwalkan untuk segera diperpanjang."
msgid ""
"%(purchaseName)s will expire and be removed from your site %(expiry)s – "
"please enable auto-renewal so you don't lose out on your paid features! You "
"also have {{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that are scheduled to "
"renew soon."
msgstr ""
"%(purchaseName)s akan kedaluwarsa dan dihapus dari situs Anda pada "
"%(expiry)s – harap aktifkan fitur perpanjangan otomatis sehingga Anda tidak "
"kehilangan fitur berbayar! Anda juga memiliki {{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/"
"link}} di situs ini yang dijadwalkan untuk segera diperpanjang."
msgid ""
"Your %(purchaseName)s subscription will expire %(expiry)s, and you have "
"{{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be removed "
"unless you take action."
msgstr ""
"Langganan %(purchaseName)s Anda akan kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s, dan "
"{{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} pada situs ini juga akan dihapus kecuali "
"Anda mengambil tindakan."
msgid ""
"Your %(purchaseName)s plan will expire %(expiry)s, and you have {{link}}"
"other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be removed unless you "
"take action."
msgstr ""
"Paket %(purchaseName)s Anda akan kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s, dan {{link}}"
"upgrade lainnya{{/link}} pada situs ini juga akan dihapus kecuali Anda "
"mengambil tindakan."
msgid ""
"Your %(purchaseName)s domain will expire %(expiry)s, and you have {{link}}"
"other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be removed unless you "
"take action."
msgstr ""
"Domain %(purchaseName)s Anda akan kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s, dan {{link}}"
"upgrade lainnya{{/link}} pada situs ini juga akan dihapus kecuali Anda "
"mengambil tindakan."
msgid ""
"Your %(purchaseName)s subscription will expire %(expiry)s, and you have "
"{{link}}other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be removed soon "
"unless you take action."
msgstr ""
"Langganan %(purchaseName)s Anda akan kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s, dan "
"{{link}}upgrade lainnya{{/link}} pada situs ini juga akan segera dihapus "
"kecuali Anda mengambil tindakan."
msgid ""
"Your %(purchaseName)s plan will expire %(expiry)s, and you have {{link}}"
"other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be removed soon unless "
"you take action."
msgstr ""
"Paket %(purchaseName)s Anda akan kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s, dan {{link}}"
"upgrade lainnya{{/link}} pada situs ini juga akan segera dihapus kecuali "
"Anda mengambil tindakan."
msgid ""
"Your %(purchaseName)s domain will expire %(expiry)s, and you have {{link}}"
"other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be removed soon unless "
"you take action."
msgstr ""
"Domain %(purchaseName)s Anda akan kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s, dan {{link}}"
"upgrade lainnya{{/link}} pada situs ini juga akan segera dihapus kecuali "
"Anda mengambil tindakan."
msgid ""
"Your %(purchaseName)s subscription expired %(expiry)s, and you have {{link}}"
"other upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be removed soon unless "
"you take action."
msgstr ""
"Langganan %(purchaseName)s Anda kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s, dan {{link}}"
"upgrade lainnya{{/link}} pada situs ini juga akan segera dihapus kecuali "
"Anda mengambil tindakan."
msgid ""
"Your %(purchaseName)s plan expired %(expiry)s, and you have {{link}}other "
"upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be removed soon unless you "
"take action."
msgstr ""
"Paket %(purchaseName)s Anda kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s, dan {{link}}upgrade "
"lainnya{{/link}} pada situs ini juga akan segera dihapus kecuali Anda "
"mengambil tindakan."
msgid ""
"Your %(purchaseName)s domain expired %(expiry)s, and you have {{link}}other "
"upgrades{{/link}} on this site that will also be removed soon unless you "
"take action."
msgstr ""
"Domain %(purchaseName)s Anda kedaluwarsa pada %(expiry)s, dan {{link}}"
"upgrade lainnya{{/link}} pada situs ini juga akan segera dihapus kecuali "
"Anda mengambil tindakan."
msgid ""
"Please click the link in the email we sent to %(email)s. Typo in your email "
"address? {{changeButton}}Change it here{{/changeButton}}."
msgstr ""
"Silakan klik tautan di dalam email yang kami kirimkan ke %(email)s. Jika "
"terjadi kesalahan pengetikan, silakan{{changeButton}}ubah di sini{{/"
msgid ""
"The payment method {{paymentMethodSummary/}} will be removed from your "
"account and from all the associated subscriptions."
msgstr ""
"Metode pembayaran {{paymentMethodSummary/}} akan dihapus dari akun Anda dan "
"dari semua langganan terkait."
msgid ""
"To manage your plan, please {{supportPageLink}}reconnect{{/supportPageLink}} "
"your site."
msgstr ""
"Untuk mengelola paket Anda, harap {{supportPageLink}}hubungkan kembali{{/"
"supportPageLink}} situs Anda."
msgid ""
"A %(importerName)s export file is an XML file containing your page and post "
"content. {{supportLink/}}"
msgstr ""
"Berkas ekspor %(importerName)s adalah berkas XML yang berisi konten halaman "
"dan pos Anda. {{supportLink/}}"
msgid ""
"When you downgrade your plan, {{strong}}%(oldDomain)s{{/strong}} will "
"immediately start forwarding to {{strong}}%(newDomain)s{{/strong}}."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda melakukan downgrade paket, {{strong}}%(oldDomain)s{{/strong}} akan "
"segera meneruskan ke {{strong}}%(newDomain)s{{/strong}}."
msgid ""
"Upgrade to a paid plan to make {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} the primary "
"address that your visitors see when they visit your site. {{a}}Learn more{{/"
msgstr ""
"Upgrade ke paket berbayar untuk menjadikan {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} "
"alamat utama yang dilihat orang saat mereka mengunjungi situs Anda. {{a}}"
"Pelajari selengkapnya{{/a}}"
msgid ""
"We sent you an email at {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}} to verify your "
"contact information. Please complete the verification or your domain will "
"stop working in {{strong}}10 days{{/strong}}."
msgstr ""
"Kami mengirimkan Anda email ke {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}} untuk Anda "
"melakukan verifikasi informasi kontak. Mohon segera verifikasi atau domain "
"Anda tidak dapat digunakan dalam {{strong}}10 hari{{/strong}}."
msgid "WooCommerce Payments"
msgstr "Pembayaran WooCommerce"
msgid ""
"SFTP stands for Secure File Transfer Protocol (or SSH File Transfer "
"Protocol). It’s a secure way for you to access your website files on your "
"local computer via a client program such as {{a}}Filezilla{{/a}}. For more "
"information see {{supportLink}}SFTP on{{/supportLink}}."
msgstr ""
"SFTP singkatan dari Secure File Transfer Protocol (atau SSH File Transfer "
"Protocol). Protokol ini adalah cara aman untuk Anda dalam mengakses file "
"situs web di komputer lokal melalui program klien seperti {{a}}Filezilla{{/"
"a}}. Untuk informasi selengkapnya, lihat {{supportLink}}SFTP di WordPress."
msgid ""
"Use the credentials below to access and edit your website files using an "
"SFTP client. {{a}}Learn more about SFTP on{{/a}}."
msgstr ""
"Gunakan kredensial di bawah untuk mengakses dan mengedit berkas situs web "
"Anda menggunakan SFTP client. {{a}}Pelajari selengkapnya tentang SFTP di "
msgid ""
"It is a free open source software tool that allows you to administer your "
"site's MySQL database over the Web. For more information see {{a}}phpMyAdmin "
"and MySQL{{/a}}"
msgstr ""
"Ini adalah alat perangkat lunak sumber terbuka yang memungkinkan Anda "
"mengelola database MySQL situs Anda melalui Web. Untuk informasi "
"selengkapnya lihat {{a}}phpMyAdmin dan MySQL{{/a}}"
msgid ""
"{{strong}}Ready to access your website files?{{/strong}} Keep in mind, if "
"mistakes happen you can restore your last backup, but will lose changes made "
"after the backup date."
msgstr ""
"{{strong}}Siap mengakses file situs web Anda?{{/strong}} Jika terjadi "
"kesalahan, Anda dapat memulihkan pencadangan terakhir. Akan tetapi perubahan "
"yang dibuat setelah tanggal pencadangan tersebut akan hilang."
msgid "Having problems with access? Try {{a}}resetting the password{{/a}}."
msgstr "Mengalami masalah saat mengakses? Coba {{a}}reset kata sandi{{/a}}."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to view that resource."
msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk melihat materi tersebut."
msgid ""
"Want more help? We have a full guide to resetting your "
msgstr ""
"Perlu bantuan lebih lanjut? Kami memiliki panduan lengkap "
"untuk mengatur ulang kata sandi."
msgid ""
"Import posts, pages, comments, tags, and images from a %(importerName)s "
"export file to {{b}}%(siteTitle)s{{/b}}."
msgstr ""
"Impor pos, halaman, komentar, tag, dan gambar dari berkas ekspor "
"%(importerName)s ke {{b}}%(siteTitle)s{{/b}}."
msgid ""
"If you're not automatically redirected within a few seconds click here to open phpMyAdmin."
msgstr ""
"Jika dalam beberapa detik Anda tidak dialihkan secara otomatis, klik di sini untuk membuka phpMyAdmin."
msgid "Opening phpMyAdmin…"
msgstr "Membuka phpMyAdmin..."
msgid "{{strong}}Use your security key to finish logging in.{{/strong}}"
msgstr ""
"{{strong}}Gunakan kunci keamanan Anda untuk menyelesaikan login.{{/strong}}"
msgid ""
"{{strong}}Note:{{/strong}} Support sessions are not available before "
msgstr ""
"{{strong}}Catatan:{{/strong}} Sesi dukungan tidak tersedia sebelum "
msgid ""
"{{strong}}Note:{{/strong}} Support sessions will not be available between "
"%(closesAt)s and %(reopensAt)s."
msgstr ""
"{{strong}}Catatan:{{/strong}} Sesi dukungan tidak akan tersedia mulai "
"tanggal %(closesAt)s sampai %(reopensAt)s."
msgid ""
"Why? Once a year, the Happiness Engineers and the rest of the "
" family get together to work on improving our services, "
"building new features, and learning how to better serve our customers like "
"you. But never fear! If you need help in the meantime, you can submit an "
"email ticket through the contact form: {{contactLink}}"
msgstr ""
"Mengapa? Setahun sekali, Happiness Engineer dan keluarga "
" selengkapnya berkumpul untuk berupaya meningkatkan layanan, "
"membuat fitur-fitur baru, dan mencari cara untuk melayani para pelanggan "
"seperti Anda dengan lebih baik lagi. Tetapi jangan takut! Jika butuh bantuan "
"dalam waktu tersebut, Anda dapat mengirimkan tiket email melalui formulir "
"kontak: {{contactLink}}{{/contactLink}}"
msgid "%1$s - expires on %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s - akan berakhir pada %2$s"
msgid ""
"By upgrading to the %s plan, you'll be able to monetize your site through "
"the WordAds program."
msgstr ""
"Dengan meng-upgrade ke paket %s, Anda akan dapat memonetisasi situs melalui "
"program WordAds."
msgid "Expires on {{dateSpan}}%(expireDate)s{{/dateSpan}}"
msgstr "Berakhir pada {{dateSpan}}%(expireDate)s{{/dateSpan}}"
msgid "You will be billed on {{dateSpan}}%(renewDate)s{{/dateSpan}}"
msgstr "Anda akan ditagih pada {{dateSpan}}%(renewDate)s{{/dateSpan}}"
msgid ""
"Speed up your site’s performance and protect it from spammers. Access "
"detailed records of all activity on your site and restore your site to a "
"previous point in time with just a click! While you’re at it, improve your "
"SEO with our Advanced SEO tools and automate social media sharing."
msgstr ""
"Tingkatkan kecepatan performa situs Anda dan lindungi dari serangan spammer. "
"Akses laporan mendetail terkait semua aktivitas di situs Anda dan pulihkan "
"situs ke kondisi sebelumnya hanya dengan satu klik! Selagi melakukannya, "
"tingkatkan SEO Anda dengan alat SEO Tingkat Lanjut dan otomatiskan berbagi "
"di media sosial."
msgid "{{strong}}Automatic{{/strong}} security fixes"
msgstr "Perbaikan Keamanan {{strong}}Otomatis{{/strong}}"
msgid "{{strong}}Daily{{/strong}} malware scanning"
msgstr "Pemindaian Malware {{strong}}Harian{{/strong}}"
msgid "{{strong}}Real-time{{/strong}} backups"
msgstr "Pencadangan {{strong}}Real time{{/strong}}"
msgid "{{strong}}Daily{{/strong}} backups"
msgstr "Pencadangan {{strong}}Harian{{/strong}}"
msgctxt "Domain is already added to shopping cart"
msgid "{{checkmark/}} Selected"
msgstr "{{checkmark/}} Dipilih"
msgid "Free SSL Certificate & Domain Privacy"
msgstr "Sertifikat SSL Gratis & Privasi Domain"
msgid ""
"The fastest way.{{br/}}Use one of your existing accounts{{br/}}to sign up "
"for Crowdsignal:"
msgstr ""
"Cara tercepat.{{br/}}Gunakan salah satu akun Anda yang sudah ada{{br/}}untuk "
"mendaftar ke Crowdsignal:"
msgid "Why {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}."
msgstr "Mengapa {{a}}Pelajari selengkapnya{{/a}}."
msgid ""
"You understand that {{refundsSupportPage}}domain name refunds{{/"
"refundsSupportPage}} are limited to 96 hours after registration. Refunds of "
"paid plans will deduct the standard cost of any domain name registered "
"within a plan."
msgstr ""
"Anda memahami bahwa {{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana nama domain{{/"
"refundsSupportPage}} hanya dapat dilakukan hingga 96 jam setelah registrasi. "
"Pengembalian dana untuk paket berbayar akan dikurangi harga standar dari "
"nama domain apa pun yang terdaftar dalam paket."
msgid ""
"You understand that {{refundsSupportPage}}domain name refunds{{/"
"refundsSupportPage}} are limited to 96 hours after registration."
msgstr ""
"Perlu dipahami bahwa {{refundsSupportPage}}pengembalian dana nama domain{{/"
"refundsSupportPage}} terbatas untuk 96 jam setelah pendaftaran."
msgid "Select a site for your {{strong}}Quick Start Session{{/strong}}"
msgstr "Pilih situs untuk {{strong}}Sesi Mulai Cepat{{/strong}}"
msgid "LL [at] LT"
msgstr "LL [at] LT"
msgid ""
"{{strong}}Notice:{{/strong}} Quick Start sessions will be closed from "
"%(closesAt)s until %(reopensAt)s. If you need to get in touch with us, "
"you’ll be able to {{link}}submit a support request{{/link}} and we’ll get to "
"it as fast as we can. Thank you!"
msgstr ""
"{{strong}}Perhatian:{{/strong}} Sesi Mulai Cepat akan ditutup dari "
"%(closesAt)s sampai %(reopensAt)s. Jika Anda perlu menghubungi kami, Anda "
"dapat {{link}}mengirimkan permintaan dukungan{{/link}} dan kami akan "
"menanggapi secepatnya. Terima kasih!"
msgid "[%1$s] Export completed"
msgstr "Ekspor %1$s selesai"
msgid "Change Your Privacy Settings"
msgstr "Mengubah Pengaturan Privasi Anda"
msgid "Display Your Instagram Feed on Your Website"
msgstr "Menampilkan Feed Instagram di Situs Web Anda"
msgid ""
"Action Required: Your domain "
"expires on %1$s."
msgstr ""
"Tindakan Diperlukan:Domain "
"Anda kedaluwarsa pada %1$s."
msgid ""
"Action Required: Your %1$d purchase"
"strong> expires on %2$s."
msgid_plural ""
"Action Required: Your %1$d purchases"
"strong> expire on %2$s."
msgstr[0] ""
"Tindakan Diperlukan:%1$d pembelian"
"strong> Anda kedaluwarsa pada %2$s."
msgstr[1] ""
"Tindakan Diperlukan:%1$d pembelian"
"strong> Anda kedaluwarsa pada %2$s."
msgid ""
"Action Required: Your %1$s purchase "
"expires on %2$s."
msgstr ""
"Tindakan Diperlukan:%1$s pembelian Anda "
"kedaluwarsa pada %2$s."
msgid ""
"Action Required: Your plan "
"expires on %1$s."
msgstr ""
"Tindakan Diperlukan:Paket "
"Anda kedaluwarsa pada %1$s."
msgid ""
"Action Required: Your %1$s upgrade expires "
"on %2$s."
msgstr ""
"Tindakan Diperlukan:%1$s upgrade Anda "
"kedaluwarsa pada %2$s."
msgid "To close this account now, {{a}}contact our support team{{/a}}."
msgstr "Untuk menutup akun ini sekarang, {{a}}hubungi tim dukungan kami{{/a}}."
msgid ""
"To delete your account, you'll need to cancel any active purchases in {{a}}"
"Manage Purchases{{/a}} before proceeding."
msgstr ""
"Untuk menghapus akun Anda, Anda perlu membatalkan semua pembelian yang aktif "
"di {{a}}Kelola Pembelian{{/a}} sebelum melanjutkan."
msgid ""
"Please type {{warn}}%(currentUsername)s{{/warn}} in the field below to "
"confirm. Your account will then be gone forever."
msgstr ""
"Ketikkan {{warn}}%(currentUsername)s{{/warn}} pada bidang di bawah untuk "
"mengonfirmasi. Akun Anda akan dihapus selamanya."
msgid "{{planName/}} plan features"
msgstr "Fitur paket {{planName/}}"
msgid ""
"To make {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} work with your site, "
"you need to update the nameservers."
msgstr ""
"Agar {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} dapat digunakan dengan situs WordPress."
"com, Anda perlu memperbarui nameserver."
msgid "Issues with {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}"
msgstr "Masalah pada {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}"
msgid ""
"{{strong}}Need help?{{/strong}} A Happiness Engineer can answer questions "
"about your site and your account."
msgstr ""
"{{strong}}Butuh bantuan?{{/strong}} Happiness Engineer dapat membantu "
"menjawab pertanyaan tentang situs dan akun Anda."
msgid "{{a}}All free features{{/a}}"
msgstr "{{a}}Semua fitur gratis{{/a}}"
msgid "{{a}}All Premium features{{/a}}"
msgstr "{{a}}Semua fitur Premium{{/a}}"
msgid "{{strong}}Unlimited{{/strong}} Video hosting"
msgstr "Hosting Video {{strong}}Tanpa Batas{{/strong}}"
msgid ""
"Switching to a new device? {{changephonelink}}Follow these steps{{/"
"changephonelink}} to avoid losing access to your account."
msgstr ""
"Beralih ke perangkat baru? {{changephonelink}}Ikuti langkah berikut{{/"
"changephonelink}} untuk mempertahankan akses ke akun Anda."
msgctxt "%1$s = shipping service name, %2$d = order id"
msgid "Shipping Label: %1$s for Order #%2$d"
msgstr "Label Pengiriman: %1$s untuk Pesanan #%2$d"
msgid ""
"When you cancel a domain, it becomes unavailable for a while. Anyone may "
"register it once it's available again, so it's possible you won't have "
"another chance to register it in the future. If you'd like to use your "
"domain on a site hosted elsewhere, consider {{a}}updating your name "
"servers{{/a}} instead."
msgstr ""
"Saat dibatalkan, domain akan menjadi tidak aktif untuk sementara. Semua "
"orang dapat mendaftar untuk mendapatkannya setelah domain aktif kembali, "
"jadi, ada kemungkinan Anda tidak dapat mendaftarkannya lagi di masa depan. "
"Jika Anda ingin menggunakan domain pada hosting situs yang lain, "
"pertimbangkan untuk {{a}}memperbarui server nama{{/a}} saja."
msgid ""
"I understand that canceling my domain means I might {{strong}}never be able "
"to register it again{{/strong}}."
msgstr ""
"Saya mengerti bahwa membatalkan domain berarti saya mungkin {{strong}}tidak "
"akan bisa mendaftarkannya lagi{{/strong}}."
msgid "{{a}}Log in now{{/a}} to finish signing up."
msgstr "{{a}}Login sekarang{{/a}} untuk menyelesaikan proses pendaftaran."
msgid ""
"Canceling a domain name may cause the domain to become unavailable for a "
"long time before it can be purchased again, and someone may purchase it "
"before you get a chance. Instead, please {{a}}use our transfer out feature{{/"
"a}} if you want to use this domain again in the future."
msgstr ""
"Membatalkan nama domain dapat menyebabkan domain tidak tersedia untuk waktu "
"yang lama sebelum dapat dibeli lagi, dan seseorang dapat membelinya sebelum "
"Anda sempat melakukannya. Sebagai gantinya, {{a}}gunakan fitur transfer "
"kami{{/a}} jika Anda ingin menggunakan domain ini lagi di waktu mendatang."
msgid ""
"We need to check your contact information to make sure you can be reached. "
"Please verify your details using the email we sent you, or your domain will "
"stop working. {{learnMoreLink}}Learn more.{{/learnMoreLink}}"
msgstr ""
"Kami perlu memeriksa informasi kontak Anda untuk memastikan Anda bisa "
"dihubungi. Harap verifikasi rincian Anda menggunakan email yang kami "
"kirimkan, jika tidak, domain Anda akan berhenti bekerja. {{learnMoreLink}}"
"Pelajari selengkapnya.{{/learnMoreLink}}"
msgid ""
"Howdy! It looks like you want to make your domain work with the {{strong}}"
"Google Workspace email service{{/strong}}."
msgstr ""
"Apa kabar! Sepertinya Anda ingin menggunakan domain dengan {{strong}}layanan "
"email dari Google Workspace{{/strong}}."
msgid ""
"Howdy! It looks like you want to set up your domain to work with the "
"{{strong}}Microsoft Office 365 service{{/strong}}."
msgstr ""
"Apa kabar! Tampaknya Anda ingin menyiapkan domain Anda untuk digunakan "
"dengan {{strong}}layanan Microsoft Office 365{{/strong}}."
msgid ""
"Your site is not currently accessible to search engines. You must set your "
"{{a}}privacy settings{{/a}} to \"public\"."
msgstr ""
"Situs Anda saat ini tidak dapat diakses oleh mesin pencari. Anda harus "
"mengubah {{a}}pengaturan privasi{{/a}} menjadi \"publik\"."
msgid "%1$s Receipt #%2$d"
msgstr "Tanda Terima %1$s No. %2$d"
msgid "Find your domain"
msgstr "Temukan domain Anda"
msgid "{{icon/}} Jetpack Stats, related content, and sharing tools"
msgstr "{{icon/}} Statistik Jetpack, konten terkait, dan alat berbagi."
msgid "{{icon/}} Brute force attack protection and downtime monitoring"
msgstr "{{icon/}} Perlindungan serangan kasar dan pemantauan downtime"
msgid "{{icon/}} Unlimited, high-speed image hosting"
msgstr "{{icon/}} Hosting gambar dengan kecepatan tinggi dan tanpa batas"
msgid "{{icon/}} Spam filtering"
msgstr "{{icon/}} Filter spam"
msgid "{{icon/}} Daily automated backups (unlimited storage)"
msgstr "{{icon/}} Pencadangan otomatis setiap hari (penyimpanan tanpa batas)"
msgid "{{icon/}} Priority WordPress and security support"
msgstr "{{icon/}} Prioritas WordPress dan dukungan keamanan"
msgid "{{icon/}} Unlimited high-speed video hosting"
msgstr "{{icon/}} Hosting video dengan kecepatan tinggi dan tanpa batas"
msgid "{{icon/}} SEO preview tools"
msgstr "{{icon/}} Alat pratinjau SEO"
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to cancel %(purchaseName)s for {{em}}%(domain)s{{/"
"em}}? "
msgstr ""
"Anda yakin ingin membatalkan %(purchaseName)s untuk {{em}}%(domain)s{{/em}}? "
msgid "Please verify {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}."
msgstr "Harap verifikasi {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}."
msgid ""
"By clicking {{strong}}%(saveButtonLabel)s{{/strong}}, you agree to the "
"applicable {{draLink}}Domain Registration Agreement{{/draLink}} and confirm "
"that the Transferee has agreed in writing to be bound by the same agreement. "
"You authorize the respective registrar to act as your {{supportLink}}"
"Designated Agent{{/supportLink}}."
msgstr ""
"Dengan menekan tombol {{strong}}%(saveButtonLabel)s{{/strong}}, Anda "
"menyetujui {{draLink}}Perjanjian Registrasi Domain{{/draLink}} yang berlaku "
"dan menyatakan bahwa pihak Penerima Transfer secara tertulis telah sepakat "
"untuk terikat dalam perjanjian yang sama. Anda memberikan kuasa kepada "
"registrar yang bersangkutan untuk menjadi {{supportLink}}Agen yang Dipilih{{/"
msgid ""
"These settings can be changed by the user {{strong}}%(owner)s{{/strong}}."
msgstr ""
"Pengaturan ini dapat diubah oleh pengguna {{strong}}%(owner)s{{/strong}}."
msgid "Issues with {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}."
msgstr "Masalah pada {{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}}."
msgid ""
"This plan includes the custom domain, %(domain)s, normally a %(domainCost)s "
"purchase. The domain will not be removed along with the plan, to avoid any "
"interruptions for your visitors."
msgstr ""
"Paket ini mencakup domain khusus, %(domain)s, biasanya seharga "
"%(domainCost)s. Domain tidak akan dihapus bersama paket, untuk menghindari "
"segala gangguan bagi pengunjung Anda."
msgid ""
"You are the owner of %(purchaseName)s but because you are no longer a user "
"on %(siteSlug)s, renewing it will require staff assistance. Please "
"{{contactSupportLink}}contact support{{/contactSupportLink}}, and consider "
"transferring this purchase to another active user on %(siteSlug)s to avoid "
"this issue in the future."
msgstr ""
"Anda adalah pemilik %(purchaseName)s tetapi karena Anda sudah bukan pengguna "
"di %(siteSlug)s, pembaruannya akan memerlukan bantuan staf. Silakan "
"{{contactSupportLink}}hubungi bagian dukungan{{/contactSupportLink}}, dan "
"pertimbangkan mentransfer pembelian ini ke pengguna lain yang aktif di "
"%(siteSlug)s untuk menghindari masalah ini di waktu mendatang."
msgid ""
"No problem! Feel free to {{helpLink}}get in touch{{/helpLink}} with our "
"Happiness Engineers."
msgstr ""
"Jangan khawatir! Silakan {{helpLink}}hubungi{{/helpLink}} Happiness Engineer "
msgid ""
"Click {{strong}}Notifications{{/strong}} and choose {{em}}Always allow{{/"
msgstr ""
"Klik {{strong}}Notifikasi{{/strong}} dan pilih {{em}}Selalu izinkan{{/em}}."
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to cancel and remove %(purchaseName)s from "
"{{em}}%(domain)s{{/em}}? "
msgstr ""
"Apakah Anda yakin ingin membatalkan dan menghapus %(purchaseName)s dari "
"{{em}}%(domain)s{{/em}}? "
msgid ""
"{{b}} has great SEO{{/b}} out of the box. All of our themes are "
"optimized for search engines, so you don't have to do anything extra. "
"However, you can tweak these settings if you'd like more advanced control. "
"Read more about what you can do to {{a}}optimize your site's SEO{{/a}}."
msgstr ""
"{{b}} memiliki SEO{{/b}} yang mudah digunakan. Semua tema "
"dioptimalkan untuk mesin pencari, jadi Anda tidak harus melakukan langkah "
"tambahan. Namun demikian, Anda dapat mengubah pengaturan tersebut jika Anda "
"menginginkan kontrol tingkat lanjut. Baca selengkapnya tentang cara {{a}}"
"mengoptimalkan SEO situs Anda{{/a}}."
msgid ""
"Renew now for one more year"
msgstr ""
"Perpanjang sekarang untuk satu "
"tahun ke depan"
msgid "%(productName)s was removed from {{siteName/}}."
msgstr "%(productName)s dihapus dari {{siteName/}}."
msgid "The domain {{domain/}} was removed from your account."
msgstr "Domain {{domain/}} dihapus dari akun Anda."
msgid "Click the {{icon/}} to continue."
msgstr "Klik {{icon/}} untuk melanjutkan."
msgid ""
"I understand that canceling means that I may {{strong}}lose this domain "
msgstr ""
"Saya mengerti bahwa membatalkan berarti saya dapat {{strong}}kehilangan "
"domain ini selamanya{{/strong}}."
msgid ""
"Canceling a domain name causes the domain to become unavailable for a brief "
"period. Afterward, anyone can repurchase. If you wish to use the domain with "
"another service, you’ll want to {{a}}update your name servers{{/a}} instead."
msgstr ""
"Membatalkan nama domain menyebabkan domain menjadi tidak tersedia selama "
"beberapa saat. Setelah itu, siapa pun dapat kembali membeli. Jika Anda ingin "
"menggunakan domain dengan layanan lainnya, Anda sebaiknya {{a}}memperbarui "
"server nama{{/a}} Anda."
msgid ""
"We were unable to lock your domain. Please try again or {{contactLink}}"
"Contact Support{{/contactLink}} if you continue to have trouble."
msgstr ""
"Kami tidak dapat mengunci domain Anda. Coba lagi atau {{contactLink}}Hubungi "
"Dukungan{{/contactLink}} jika Anda terus mengalami kesulitan."
msgid ""
"We were unable to stop the transfer for your domain. Please try again or "
"{{contactLink}}Contact Support{{/contactLink}} if you continue to have "
msgstr ""
"Kami tidak dapat menghentikan transfer untuk domain Anda. Coba lagi atau "
"{{contactLink}}Hubungi Dukungan{{/contactLink}} jika Anda terus mengalami "
msgid ""
"We were unable to enable Privacy Protection for your domain. Please try "
"again or {{contactLink}}Contact Support{{/contactLink}} if you continue to "
"have trouble."
msgstr ""
"Kami tidak dapat mengaktifkan Perlindungan Privasi untuk domain Anda. Coba "
"lagi atau {{contactLink}}Hubungi Dukungan{{/contactLink}} jika Anda terus "
"mengalami kesulitan."
msgid ""
"It is only possible to transfer a domain after 60 days after the "
"registration date. This 60 day lock is required by the Internet Corporation "
"for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and cannot be waived. "
"{{learnMoreLink}}Learn more.{{/learnMoreLink}}"
msgstr ""
"Transfer domain hanya bisa dilakukan setelah 60 hari setelah tanggal "
"pendaftaran. Penguncian 60 hari ini diwajibkan oleh Internet Corporation for "
"Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) dan tidak dapat dibatalkan. "
"{{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari selengkapnya.{{/learnMoreLink}}"
msgid ""
"You must verify your email address before you can transfer this domain. "
"{{learnMoreLink}}Learn more.{{/learnMoreLink}}"
msgstr ""
"Anda harus memverifikasi alamat email Anda sebelum Anda dapat mentransfer "
"domain ini. {{learnMoreLink}}Pelajari selengkapnya.{{/learnMoreLink}}"
msgid ""
"You do not currently have any upgrades. To see what upgrades we offer visit "
"our {{link}}Plans page{{/link}}."
msgstr ""
"Anda saat ini tidak memiliki upgrade apa pun. Untuk melihat upgrade apa yang "
"kami tawarkan, kunjungi {{link}}Halaman paket{{/link}} kami."
msgid ""
"Enter this time code into your mobile app. {{toggleMethodLink}}Prefer to "
"scan the code?{{/toggleMethodLink}}"
msgstr ""
"Masukkan kode waktu ini ke dalam aplikasi seluler. {{toggleMethodLink}}Lebih "
"suka memindai kode?{{/toggleMethodLink}}"
msgid ""
"There was an error retrieving back up codes. Please {{supportLink}}contact "
msgstr ""
"Terjadi kesalahan saat mengambil kode cadangan Harap {{supportLink}}hubungi "
msgid ""
"Your %(cardType)s ending in %(cardNumber)d expires %(cardExpiry)s – before "
"the next renewal. Please {{a}}update your payment information{{/a}}."
msgstr ""
"%(cardType)s Anda yang berakhiran %(cardNumber)d akan kedaluwarsa pada "
"%(cardExpiry)s – sebelum perpanjangan berikutnya. Harap {{a}}perbarui "
"informasi pembayaran Anda{{/a}}."
msgid "Sort by"
msgstr "Disortir berdasarkan"
msgid "{{link}}%(service)s{{/link}} {{small}}by %(organization)s{{/small}}"
msgstr "{{link}}%(service)s{{/link}} {{small}}oleh %(organization)s{{/small}}"
msgid "Peace Of Mind"
msgstr "Ketenangan Pikiran"
msgid ""
"Is this your username? {{a}}Log in now to claim this site address{{/a}}."
msgstr ""
"Ini nama pengguna Anda? {{a}}Masuk sekarang untuk mengklaim alamat situs "
msgid ""
"This connection is only allowed to access {{siteLink}}%(siteName)s{{/"
msgstr ""
"Koneksi ini hanya diizinkan untuk mengakses {{siteLink}}%(siteName)s{{/"
msgid "and more..."
msgstr "dan lainnya..."
msgid ""
"Not sure what this screen means? You may need to download {{authyLink}}"
"Authy{{/authyLink}} or {{googleAuthenticatorLink}}Google Authenticator{{/"
"googleAuthenticatorLink}} for your phone."
msgstr ""
"Tidak yakin apa maksud layar ini? Anda perlu mengunduh {{authyLink}}Authy{{/"
"authyLink}} atau {{googleAuthenticatorLink}}Google Authenticator{{/"
"googleAuthenticatorLink}} untuk ponsel Anda."
msgid ""
"Use this password to log in to {{strong}}%(appName)s{{/strong}}. Note: "
"spaces are ignored."
msgstr ""
"Gunakan kata sandi ini untuk masuk ke {{strong}}%(appName)s{{/strong}}. "
"Catatan: spasi diabaikan."
msgid ""
"Welcome to your new site! You can edit this page by clicking on the Edit "
"link. For more information about customizing your site check out"
msgstr ""
"Selamat datang di situs baru Anda! Anda dapat mengedit halaman berikut "
"dengan menekan tautan Sunting. Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang "
"pengaturan situs, lihat http://learn."
msgid ""
"You are about to disable two-step authentication. This means we will no "
"longer ask for your authentication code when you sign into your "
"{{strong}}%(userlogin)s{{/strong}} account."
msgstr ""
"Anda akan menonaktifkan Autentikasi Dua-Langkah. Ini artinya Anda tidak akan "
"meminta lagi kode autentikasi Anda saat masuk ke akun "
"{{strong}}%(userlogin)s{{/strong}} Anda."
msgid "All premium themes"
msgstr "Semua tema premium"
msgid "Customize fonts and colors"
msgstr "Menyesuaikan font dan warna"
msgid "No reviews yet"
msgstr "Belum ada ulasan"
msgid "All your sites"
msgstr "Semua Situs Anda"
msgid "Sharing buttons block"
msgstr "Blok tombol berbagi"
msgid "Update to version %(version)s"
msgstr "Perbarui ke versi %(version)s"
msgid "Passwords may not contain the character \"\\\"."
msgstr "Kata sandi tidak boleh berisi karakter \"\\\"."
msgid "By posts & pages"
msgstr "Berdasarkan Pos & Halaman"
msgid "By authors"
msgstr "Berdasarkan Penulis"
msgid "[%1$s] %2$s mentioned you in a comment on \"%3$s\""
msgstr "[%1$s] %2$s menyebutkan Anda dalam komentar pada \"%3$s\""
msgid "[%1$s] %2$s mentioned you in \"%3$s\""
msgstr "[%1$s] %2$s menyebutkan Anda di \"%3$s\""
msgid "M d, Y @ g:ia"
msgstr "M d, Y @ g:ia"
msgid "Thanks for flying with %s"
msgstr "Terima Kasih Anda telah terbang bersama %s"
msgid "1 Subscription"
msgid_plural "%s Subscriptions"
msgstr[0] "Berlangganan 1"
msgstr[1] "Berlangganan %s"
msgid "Receipt #%s"
msgstr "Tanda Terima #%s"
msgid "Add Testimonials"
msgstr "Tambahkan Testimoni"
msgid "Invalid feed URLs: %s"
msgstr "URL feed tidak valid: %s"
msgid ""
"This password is too easy to guess: you can improve it by including special "
"characters such as !#=?*&."
msgstr ""
"Kata sandi terlalu mudah ditebak: Anda dapat memperkuatnya dengan memberi "
"tambahan karakter spesial seperti !#=?*&."
msgid "Looking for inspiration?"
msgstr "Mencari inspirasi?"
msgid ""
"Follow instructions and be re-united with your"
"strong> account"
msgstr ""
"Ikuti petunjuknya dan aktifkan kembali akun "
msgid "Enter your username or email address"
msgstr ""
"Masukkan nama pengguna atau alamat email Anda"
msgid "Find out how to add and manage applications."
msgstr ""
"Temukan cara untuk menambah dan mengelola aplikasi."
msgid "F jS"
msgstr "j F"
msgid "City (optional)"
msgstr "Kota (opsional)"
msgid "Get started"
msgstr "Mulai"
msgid "VideoPress"
msgstr "VideoPress"
msgid "Blog title"
msgstr "Judul blog"
msgid "l, F jS, Y"
msgstr "l, F jS, Y"
msgid "You do not have permission to manage log files."
msgstr "Anda tidak punya izin untuk mengelola berkas log."
msgid ""
"%(formattedCurrentPrice)s first %(introCount)s years then "
"%(formattedPriceBeforeDiscounts)s per month"
msgstr ""
"%(introCount)s bulan pertama %(formattedCurrentPrice)s, selanjutnya per "
"bulan %(formattedPriceBeforeDiscounts)s"
msgid ""
"%(formattedCurrentPrice)s first %(introCount)s years then "
"%(formattedPriceBeforeDiscounts)s per year"
msgstr ""
"%(introCount)s bulan pertama %(formattedCurrentPrice)s, selanjutnya per "
"tahun %(formattedPriceBeforeDiscounts)s"
msgid ""
"%(formattedCurrentPrice)s first year then %(formattedPriceBeforeDiscounts)s "
"per month"
msgstr ""
"Bulan pertama %(formattedCurrentPrice)s, selanjutnya per bulan "
msgid "What Automattic products do you currently offer your clients?"
msgstr ""
"Produk Automattic apa yang saat ini Anda tawarkan kepada pelanggan Anda?"
msgid "50-100"
msgstr "50-100"
msgid "Freelancer"
msgstr "Freelancer"
msgid "Select option"
msgstr "Pilih opsi"
msgid "Select country"
msgstr "Pilih negara"
msgid "Where is your agency located?"
msgstr "Di mana lokasi agensi Anda?"
msgid "Personalize your experience"
msgstr "Buat personalisasi pengalaman Anda"
msgid "Finish survey"
msgstr "Selesaikan survei"
msgid "Close survey"
msgstr "Tutup survei"
msgid ""
"Is there anything specific about your agency's approach or any challenges "
"you face that you would like us to consider when creating your blueprint?"
msgstr ""
"Apakah ada hal spesifik tentang strategi agensi Anda atau tantangan yang "
"Anda hadapi yang Anda ingin kami pertimbangkan saat membuat cetak biru Anda?"
msgid "Add your explanation"
msgstr "Tambahkan penjelasan Anda"
msgid "Other models (please explain)"
msgstr "Model lainnya (mohon jelaskan)"
msgid "A combination of referring and reselling"
msgstr "Kombinasi antara mereferensikan dan menjual kembali"
msgid ""
"We purchase on our clients' behalf and resell Automattic products/services"
msgstr ""
"Kami membeli atas nama klien kami dan menjual kembali produk/layanan "
msgid ""
"We refer customers to Automattic products/services to purchase on their own"
msgstr ""
"Kami merujuk pelanggan ke produk/layanan Automattic untuk membeli sendiri"
msgid ""
"How does your agency typically work with clients regarding Automattic's "
msgstr ""
"Bagaimana agensi Anda biasanya bekerja dengan klien terkait solusi dari "
msgid "Strengthening the agency's brand and reputation"
msgstr "Memperkuat merek dan reputasi agensi"
msgid "Expanding into new markets or territories"
msgstr "Memperluas ke pasar atau wilayah baru"
msgid "100 years"
msgstr "100 tahun"
msgid ""
"We are required to send this notice to the email address provided in the "
"domain's registrant contact information. This email address may be different "
"than the email address associated with the account that "
"manages the domain. To log in to and manage this domain, "
"please make sure you are using the account email."
msgstr ""
"Kami harus mengirim pemberitahuan ini ke alamat email yang tersedia pada "
"informasi kontak pendaftar domain. Alamat email ini mungkin berbeda dari "
"alamat email yang terhubung dengan akun yang mengelola domain. "
"Untuk login ke dan mengelola domain ini, pastikan Anda "
"menggunakan email akun"
msgid ""
"WordPress allows you to import media from various platforms directly into "
"the Media Library. To begin, select a platform from the options below:"
msgstr ""
" memungkinkan Anda untuk mengimpor media dari berbagai platform "
"langsung ke Pustaka Media. Untuk memulai, pilih platform dari pilihan di "
"bawah ini:"
msgid ""
"You have {{b}}%(amountInCurrency)s{{/b}} in {{a}}upgrade credits{{/a}} "
"available from your current domain. This credit will be applied to the "
"pricing below at checkout if you purchase a plan today!"
msgstr ""
"Anda memiliki {{b}}%(amountInCurrency)s{{/b}} dalam {{a}}kredit upgrade{{/"
"a}} yang tersedia dari domain Anda saat ini. Kredit ini akan diterapkan pada "
"harga berikut saat pembayaran jika Anda membeli paket hari ini!"
msgid "%(price)s/month, billed yearly"
msgstr "%(price)s/bulan, penagihan tahunan"
msgid "%(planStorageString)s + %(addOnStorageString)s"
msgstr "%(planStorageString)s + %(addOnStorageString)s"
msgid "Collecting data… auto-refreshing in a minute…"
msgstr "Mengumpulkan data... penyegaran otomatis dalam satu menit..."
msgid "Real-time views"
msgstr "Tayangan real-time"
msgid ""
"Free one-year domain, plugins, all premium and store themes, WooCommerce"
msgstr ""
"Gratis domain satu tahun, plugin, semua tema premium dan toko, WooCommerce"
msgid "Free one-year domain, plugins, and all premium themes"
msgstr "Gratis domain satu tahun, plugin, dan semua tema premium"
msgid "Free one-year domain and all premium themes"
msgstr "Domain gratis satu tahun dan semua tema premium"
msgid "Free one-year domain and some premium themes"
msgstr "Domain gratis satu tahun dan beberapa tema premium"
msgid "An error occurred while reverting the items."
msgstr "Terjadi error saat mengembalikan item."
msgid "Set posts page"
msgstr "Atur sebagai halaman pos"
msgid "An error occurred while setting the homepage."
msgstr "Terjadi error saat membuat templat."
msgid "Status & Visibility"
msgstr "Status & Keterlihatan"
msgid "Default ()"
msgstr "Standar (
msgid "12 results found"
msgstr "Tak ditemukan hasil apapun."
msgid "%d block moved."
msgid_plural "%d blocks moved."
msgstr[0] "Blok %d ditambahkan."
msgstr[1] "Blok %d ditambahkan."
msgid ""
"Please note that your custom domain is connected to this plan, but it renews "
"separately. If the domain renewal fails, you will receive a separate email "
"with instructions to manage the renewal."
msgstr ""
"Ingat bahwa domain kustom Anda terhubung dengan paket ini, tetapi "
"diperpanjang secara terpisah. Jika perpanjangan domain gagal, Anda akan "
"menerima email terpisah yang berisi petunjuk untuk mengurus perpanjangan."
msgid ""
"Update your payment information to renew your plan and domain and "
"keep your site running without issues."
msgstr ""
"Perbarui informasi pembayaran untuk memperpanjang paket dan jalankan "
"situs Anda tanpa masalah."
msgid ""
"Unfortunately, an issue with your payment information prevented the renewal, "
"and your plan expired %d day ago. Please update your payment information and "
"manually renew your plan to avoid losing it."
msgid_plural ""
"Unfortunately, an issue with your payment information prevented the renewal, "
"and your plan expired %d days ago. Please update your payment information "
"and manually renew your plan to avoid losing it."
msgstr[0] ""
"Namun, masalah informasi pembayaran menyebabkan perpanjangan tidak dapat "
"diselesaikan dan paket Anda kedaluwarsa %d hari yang lalu. Perbarui "
"informasi pembayaran Anda dan perpanjang paket serta domain secara manual "
"jika tidak ingin kehilangan."
msgstr[1] ""
"Namun, masalah informasi pembayaran menyebabkan perpanjangan tidak dapat "
"diselesaikan dan paket Anda kedaluwarsa %d hari yang lalu. Perbarui "
"informasi pembayaran Anda dan perpanjang paket serta domain secara manual "
"jika tidak ingin kehilangan."
msgid "Save %d%% when you pay for 2 years upfront"
msgstr "Atau hemat %d%% jika Anda membayar 2 tahun di muka"
msgid "Save %s/month when you pay for 1 year upfront"
msgstr "Atau Hemat %s/bulan jika Anda membayar 1 tahun di muka"
msgid ""
"And when you renew for two years, you’ll save up to 15%. That’s 24 more "
"months of uninterrupted service for your visitors—with a plan designed to "
"keep growing with your website."
msgstr ""
"Saat Anda memperpanjang selama dua tahun, Anda menghemat 15%. 24 bulan "
"layanan tanpa gangguan untuk pengunjung Anda – dengan paket yang dirancang "
"agar dapat terus mengembangkan situs web Anda."
msgid "Card expiring"
msgstr "Kartu Anda Segera Berakhir"
msgid ""
"Your domain connections—visitors will no longer see your site at %1$s or "
msgstr ""
"Pemetaan domain Anda — pengunjung tidak akan lagi melihat situs Anda di %1$s "
"atau %2$s."
msgid ""
"Your domain connections—visitors will no longer see your site at %1$s, or "
msgstr ""
"Pemetaan domain Anda — pengunjung tidak akan lagi melihat situs Anda di "
"%1$s, atau %2$s."
msgid "The ability to set a custom domain as your primary site address."
msgstr ""
"Kemampuan untuk menetapkan domain khusus sebagai alamat situs utama Anda."
msgid "Priority 24/7 support from our expert team."
msgstr "Dukungan prioritas setiap saat dari tim ahli kami"
msgid "Fast support from our expert team."
msgstr "Dukungan cepat dari tim ahli kami"
msgid "Starting at %(price)s/month"
msgstr "Mulai dari %(price)s/bulan"
msgid "You can find your public profile at {{a}}{{url/}}{{/a}}"
msgstr "Anda dapat menemukan profil publik Anda di {{a}}{{url/}}{{/a}}"
msgid "Paid until %s"
msgstr "Dibayar hingga %s"
msgid "Did you want to {{a}}add a custom domain{{/a}} instead?"
msgstr "Apakah Anda ingin {{a}}menambahkan domain khusus{{/a}} saja?"
msgid "View %1$s"
msgstr "Lihat %1$s"
msgid "Your %1$s is ready"
msgstr "%1$s Anda telah siap"
msgid "{{strong}}Unlimited AI Website Builder edits{{/strong}}"
msgstr "{{strong}}AI Website Builder dengan pengeditan tanpa batas{{/strong}}"
msgid ""
"%(themeName)s is no longer included in your plan, so you won't be able to "
"activate it again unless you upgrade to the %(plan)s plan."
msgstr ""
"%(themeName)s tidak lagi termasuk dalam Anda, jadi Anda akan tidak bisa "
"mengaktifkannya lagi kecuali Anda melakukan upgrade ke paket %(plan)s."
msgid "400GB"
msgstr "200 GB"
msgid "350GB"
msgstr "150 GB"
msgid "300GB"
msgstr "200 GB"
msgid "250GB"
msgstr "200 GB"
msgctxt ""
"Stats: Link in a popover for Regions/Cities module when the module has data"
msgid ""
"Countries and their subdivisions are based on {{link}}ISO 3166{{/link}} "
msgstr ""
"Negara dan subdivisinya berdasarkan pada standar {{link}}ISO 3166{{/link}}."
msgid ""
"I understand I will not be able to switch back to %(themeName)s without "
"upgrading my plan."
msgstr ""
"Saya mengerti bahwa saya tidak akan bisa beralih kembali ke %(themeName)s "
"tanpa melakukan upgrade paket saya."
msgid "Continue to"
msgstr "Lanjutkan ke"
msgid "Create with AI (BETA)"
msgstr "Buat dengan AI (BETA)"
msgid "%s {{small}}(BETA){{/small}}"
msgstr "%s {{small}}(BETA){{/small}}"
msgid "Remove %(quantity)s from cart"
msgstr "Hapus %(quantity)s dari keranjang"
msgid "Add %(quantity)s to cart"
msgstr "Tambahkan %(quantity)s ke keranjang"
msgid "Added %(quantity)s to cart"
msgstr "Ditambahkan %(quantity)s ke keranjang"
msgid ""
"{{b}}For any other host:{{/b}} You will receive $100 per successful site "
"migration, up to $3,000."
msgstr ""
"{{b}}Untuk hosting lainnya:{{/b}} Anda akan menerima $100 hingga $3.000 "
"untuk setiap migrasi situs yang berhasil."
msgid ""
"{{b}}WP Engine customers:{{/b}} You will receive $100 per successful site "
"migration up to $10,000. If you have an existing contract, we'll host your "
"site(s) for free until your existing WP Engine contract ends."
msgstr ""
"{{b}}Pelanggan WP Engine:{{/b}} Anda akan menerima $100 hingga $10.000 untuk "
"setiap migrasi situs yang berhasil. Jika Anda masih memiliki sisa kontrak, "
"kami akan meng-hosting situs Anda secara gratis sampai waktu kontrak Anda di "
"WP Engine berakhir."
msgid ""
"{{b}}All migrations:{{/b}} Your first month of hosting will be free when you "
"migrate twenty or more sites to us from any host."
msgstr ""
"{{b}}Semua migrasi:{{/b}} Hosting Anda akan gratis pada bulan pertama jika "
"Anda memigrasikan dua puluh situs atau lebih ke layanan kami dari hosting "
"mana pun."
msgid "Discover New Sites"
msgstr "Temukan Situs Baru"
msgid "Visit the Full Site Feed"
msgstr "Kunjungi Feed Semua Situs"
msgid "No new posts in the last 60 days."
msgstr "Tidak ada pos baru dalam 60 hari terakhir."
msgid "Build your site with our AI Website Builder."
msgstr "Buat situs Anda dengan AI Website Builder kami."
msgid "Domains and our AI Website Builder are only available with a paid plan"
msgstr ""
"Domain dan AI Website Builder kami hanya tersedia dengan paket berbayar"
msgid "You cannot forward to the same domain."
msgstr "Kamu tidak bisa meneruskan ke domain yang sama."
msgid "There is already a forward from (%1$s) to (%2$s)."
msgstr "Sudah ada penerusan dari (%1$s) ke (%2$s)."
msgid ""
"{{strong}}%(newThemeName)s{{/strong}} is currently not compatible with our "
"AI Website Builder. Changing to this theme means you can no longer use our "
"AI Website Builder on this site.{{br}}{{/br}}{{br}}{{/br}}Additionally, your "
"homepage will be replaced but your content will remain accessible. {{a}}"
"Learn more{{/a}}."
msgstr ""
"{{strong}}%(newThemeName)s{{/strong}} saat ini tidak kompatibel dengan AI "
"Website Builder kami. Mengubah ke tema ini berarti Anda tidak lagi dapat "
"menggunakan AI Website Builder kami di situs ini.{{br}}{{/br}}{{br}}{{/br}}"
"Selain itu, halaman beranda Anda akan diganti, tetapi konten Anda akan tetap "
"dapat diakses. {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}}."
msgid ""
"Build your site quickly with our AI Website Builder or {{link}}start with a "
"free plan{{/link}}."
msgstr ""
"Bangun situs Anda dengan cepat menggunakan AI Website Builder kami atau "
"{{link}}mulai dengan paket gratis{{/link}}."
msgid "Create with AI {{small}}(BETA){{/small}}"
msgstr "Buat dengan AI {{small}}(BETA){{/small}}"
msgid ""
"This will remove it from our records and if it's not used in another "
"forward, it will require reverification if added again."
msgstr ""
"Ini akan menghapusnya dari data kami dan jika tidak digunakan di penerusan "
"yang lainnya, maka akan memerlukan pengulangan jika ditambahkan lagi."
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this email forward?"
msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus penerusan e-mail ini?"
msgctxt "Module Name"
msgid "Forms"
msgstr "Formulir"
msgid "Visit the individual site to view older posts."
msgstr "Kunjungi masing-masing situs untuk melihat postingan sebelumnya."
msgid "Visit {{link}}this site's feed{{/link}} to view older posts."
msgstr ""
"Kunjungi {{link}}feed situs ini{{/link}} untuk melihat postingan sebelumnya."
msgid "You've seen all new posts from the past 60 days."
msgstr "Anda telah melihat semua postingan baru dari 60 hari terakhir."
msgid ""
"Securely access and edit your site via SFTP, or use SSH for file management "
"and WP-CLI commands."
msgstr ""
"Akses dan edit situs Anda dengan aman melalui SFTP, atau gunakan SSH untuk "
"manajemen file dan perintah WP-CLI."
msgid "SFTP & SSH Access"
msgstr "Akses SFTP & SSH"
msgid "Our AI Website Builder is only available with a paid plan"
msgstr "AI Website Builder kami hanya tersedia dengan paket berbayar"
msgid ""
"With Pressable's affiliation with Automattic, the same people behind "
" and WordPress VIP, we knew we’d found the right home for our "
"client portfolio."
msgstr ""
"Pressable berafiliasi dengan Automattic, arsitek dan WordPress "
"VIP. Jadi, kami tahu kami mempercayakan portofolio klien kami pada pihak "
"yang tepat."
msgid "Founder"
msgstr "Pendiri"
msgid "Starting at %(price)s a month"
msgstr "Mulai dari %(price)s per bulan"
msgid "Profile complete!"
msgstr "Profil lengkap!"
msgid "Add your avatar and fill out your profile"
msgstr "Tambahkan avatar dan lengkapi profil Anda"
msgid "Fill out your profile"
msgstr "Lengkapi profil Anda"
msgid "Confirm forwards"
msgstr "Konfirmasi penerusan"
msgid "Forward from"
msgstr "Teruskan dari"
msgid ""
"These are the target email addresses where your emails will be forwarded."
msgstr ""
"Ini adalah alamat e-mail target tempat tujuan e-mail Anda akan diteruskan."
msgid "Forward to"
msgstr "Teruskan ke"
msgid ""
"This mailbox is already forwarded to the maximum number of destinations."
msgstr "Mailbox ini sudah diteruskan ke jumlah tujuan maksimum."
msgid "Unique clicks: %(uniqueClicksCountFormatted)s (%(clicksRate)s%)"
msgstr "Klik unik: %(uniqueClicksCountFormatted)s (%(clicksRate)s%)"
msgid "Total clicks: %(clicksCountFormatted)s"
msgstr "Total klik: %(clicksCountFormatted)s"
msgid "Unique opens: %(uniqueOpensCountFormatted)s (%(opensRate)s%)"
msgstr "Dibuka (yang unik): %(uniqueOpensCountFormatted)s (%(opensRate)s%)"
msgid "Total opens: %(opensCountFormatted)s"
msgstr "Total yang dibuka: %(opensCountFormatted)s"
msgid "Recipients: %(sendsCountFormatted)s"
msgstr "Penerima: %(sendsCountFormatted)s"
msgid "{{b}}%(installsCount)s{{/b}} WordPress install"
msgid_plural "{{b}}%(installsCount)s{{/b}} WordPress installs"
msgstr[0] "{{b}}%(installsCount)s{{/b}} instalasi WordPress"
msgstr[1] "{{b}}%(installsCount)s{{/b}} instalasi WordPress"
msgid "Site Setup"
msgstr "Penyiapan Situs"
msgid ""
"Import completed. %(added)d subscribed, %(skipped)d already subscribed, and "
"%(failed)d failed out of %(total)d %(totalLabel)s."
msgstr ""
"Impor selesai. %(added)d berlangganan, %(skipped)d sudah berlangganan, dan "
"%(failed)d gagal dari %(total)d %(totalLabel)s."
msgid "New preview site has been created via Studio"
msgstr "Situs pratinjau baru dibuat melalui Studio"
msgid ""
"Great choice! Pick an option to start building your site with our AI Website "
msgstr ""
"Pilihan bagus! Pilih satu opsi untuk mulai membangun situs Anda dengan AI "
"Website Builder kami."
msgid ""
"Use our AI Website Builder to quickly and easily create the site of your "
msgstr ""
"Gunakan AI Website Builder kami untuk membuat situs impian Anda dengan cepat "
"dan mudah."
msgid "Choose a professionally designed theme and make it yours."
msgstr ""
"Pilih tema yang dirancang secara profesional dan sesuaikan dengan selera "
msgid "Create with AI"
msgstr "Buat dengan AI"
msgid "Start with a theme"
msgstr "Mulai dengan sebuah tema"
msgid "Select an option to begin. You can always change your mind later."
msgstr "Pilih satu opsi untuk memulai. Anda selalu dapat mengubahnya nanti."
msgid "How would you like to start?"
msgstr "Bagaimana cara Anda memulai?"
msgid "Unlimited AI Website Builder edits"
msgstr "Pengeditan tanpa batas dengan AI Website Builder"
msgid "Unlimited edits with our AI Website Builder"
msgstr "Pengeditan tanpa batas dengan AI Website Builder kami"
msgid "Build your site quickly and easily with our AI Website Builder."
msgstr ""
"Bangun situs Anda dengan cepat dan mudah dengan AI Website Builder kami."
msgid "There’s a plan for you"
msgstr "Paket yang cocok untuk Anda"
msgid "Enter some descriptive keywords to get started."
msgstr "Masukkan beberapa kata kunci yang jelas untuk memulai."
msgid ""
"Important: This action will replace the selected content with the content "
"from the selected restore point."
msgstr ""
"Penting: Tindakan ini akan mengganti konten yang dipilih dengan konten dari "
"titik pemulihan yang dipilih."
msgid "The product slug %s does not have an associated class handler."
msgstr "Slug produk %s tidak memiliki handler kelas terkait."
msgid "The product argument must be an array."
msgstr "Argumen produk harus berupa array."
msgid "The specified product argument %s is an invalid product."
msgstr "Argumen produk yang ditentukan %s adalah produk tidak valid."
msgid "Array of Product slugs"
msgstr "Array slug Produk"
msgid "Comma seperated list of product slugs that should be retrieved."
msgstr "Daftar slug produk yang dipisahkan koma, yang harus diambil."
msgid "Emptying Spam (%1$s%%)"
msgstr "Mengosongkan Spam (%1$s%%)"
msgid "Confirm subscription"
msgstr "Konfirmasi langganan"
msgid "Please click on the button below to confirm your subscription."
msgstr "Harap klik tombol di bawah ini untuk mengonfirmasi langganan Anda."
msgid "Realtime"
msgstr "Realtime"
msgid ""
"Our Premier Support team will be in touch by email shortly to schedule a "
"welcome session and walk you through your exclusive benefits. We’re looking "
"forward to supporting you every step of the way."
msgstr ""
"Tim Dukungan Terbaik kami akan segera menghubungi Anda melalui e-mail untuk "
"menjadwalkan sesi pengenalan dan memandu Anda tentang manfaat eksklusif "
"Anda. Kami menantikan kesempatan untuk membantu Anda di setiap langkah."
msgid "The %(planTitle)s for %(messageTarget)s is active."
msgstr "%(planTitle)s untuk %(messageTarget)s sudah aktif."
msgid "Your 100-Year Domain %(domain)s is being transferred."
msgstr "Domain 100 Tahun Anda %(domain)s sedang ditransfer."
msgid "Your 100-Year Domain %(domain)s has been registered."
msgstr "Domain 100 Tahun Anda %(domain)s telah terdaftar."
msgid ""
"Explore the tools and integrations you need to grow your client's Woo store."
msgstr ""
"Jelajahi alat dan integrasi yang Anda butuhkan untuk mengembangkan toko Woo "
"klien Anda."
msgid ""
"Assemble a cart, send a request for payment to your clients, and earn "
"commissions. {{a}}Learn more ↗{{/a}}"
msgstr ""
"Tata keranjang, kirim permintaan pembayaran ke klien Anda, dan dapatkan "
"komisi. {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut ↗{{/a}}"
msgid "Earn money when you refer our hosting and products to clients"
msgstr ""
"Dapatkan uang saat Anda mereferensikan hosting dan produk kami kepada klien"
msgid "Save on hosting and product bundles via Automattic for Agencies."
msgstr "Simpan pada hosting dan bundel produk via Automattic for Agencies."
msgid "Browse hosting and products"
msgstr "Jelajahi hosting dan produk"
msgid ""
"To prevent any charges, update your "
"subscription settings before %3$s."
msgstr ""
"Agar tidak dikenai biaya apa pun, perbarui "
"pengaturan langganan Anda sebelum %3$s."
msgid ""
"If you don’t plan to renew, you may want to download a backup of your site content."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda tidak berencana melakukan perpanjangan, sebaiknya unduh cadangan konten situs Anda."
msgid ""
"Your %1$s plan subscription for %2$s expired on %3$s. You have a few days to "
"renew your subscription and keep your store live. After that, a backup of "
"your store will be kept for 30 days. If you renew your subscription within "
"that time, you’ll be able to restore from your backup. After 30 days your "
"store will be deleted, but you can download your backup within that time. "
"Here’s how to download a backup of your site "
msgstr ""
"Langganan paket %1$s Anda untuk %2$s akan kedaluwarsa pada %3$s. Anda "
"memiliki waktu beberapa hari untuk memperpanjang langganan Anda dan menjaga "
"toko tetap aktif. Setelahnya, pencadangan toko Anda akan tersimpan selama 30 "
"hari. Jika Anda memperpanjang langganan dalam rentang waktu tersebut, Anda "
"akan dapat memulihkannya dari pencadangan. Setelah 30 hari, toko Anda akan "
"dihapus, tetapi Anda dapat mengunduh pencadangan dalam rentang waktu "
"tersebut. Berikut adalah cara mengunduh "
"pencadangan konten situs Anda."
msgctxt "adjective"
msgid "One-month"
msgstr "Satu bulan"
msgctxt "adjective"
msgid "One-year"
msgstr "Satu tahun"
msgctxt "adjective"
msgid "Two-year"
msgstr "Dua tahun"
msgctxt "adjective"
msgid "Three-year"
msgstr "Tiga tahun"
msgctxt "adjective"
msgid "Four-year"
msgstr "Empat tahun"
msgctxt "adjective"
msgid "Five-year"
msgstr "Lima tahun"
msgctxt "adjective"
msgid "Six-year"
msgstr "Enam tahun"
msgctxt "adjective"
msgid "Seven-year"
msgstr "Tujuh tahun"
msgctxt "adjective"
msgid "Eight-year"
msgstr "Delapan tahun"
msgctxt "adjective"
msgid "Nine-year"
msgstr "Sembilan tahun"
msgctxt "adjective"
msgid "Ten-year"
msgstr "Sepuluh tahun"
msgctxt "noun"
msgid "One month"
msgstr "Satu bulan"
msgctxt "noun"
msgid "One year"
msgstr "Satu tahun"
msgctxt "noun"
msgid "Two years"
msgstr "Dua tahun"
msgctxt "noun"
msgid "Three years"
msgstr "Tiga tahun"
msgctxt "noun"
msgid "Four years"
msgstr "Empat tahun"
msgctxt "noun"
msgid "Five years"
msgstr "Lima tahun"
msgctxt "noun"
msgid "Six years"
msgstr "Enam tahun"
msgctxt "noun"
msgid "Seven years"
msgstr "Tujuh tahun"
msgctxt "noun"
msgid "Eight years"
msgstr "Delapan tahun"
msgctxt "noun"
msgid "Nine years"
msgstr "Sembilan tahun"
msgctxt "noun"
msgid "Ten years"
msgstr "Sepuluh tahun"
msgid "Explored subscriber settings"
msgstr "Pengaturan pelanggan yang sudah dilihat"
msgid "Notification sound"
msgstr "Suara notifikasi"
msgid "Back to User Profile"
msgstr "Kembali ke Profil Pengguna"
msgid "View conversation"
msgid_plural "View conversations"
msgstr[0] "Lihat obrolan"
msgstr[1] ""
msgid "You have another open conversation already started."
msgstr "Anda memiliki obrolan aktif lainnya."
msgid "All cities"
msgstr "Semua kota"
msgid "All regions"
msgstr "Semua wilayah"
msgid "Estimated Commissions"
msgstr "Perkiraan Komisi"
msgid "Start building your legacy. Secure your domain for the next 100 years."
msgstr ""
"Mulailah membangun warisan Anda. Amankan domain Anda untuk 100 tahun ke "
msgid ""
"Your secret key to unlock the domain transfer. Get yours from your current "
"domain provider."
msgstr ""
"Secret key Anda diperlukan untuk membuka transfer domain. Dapatkan secret "
"key tersebut dari provider domain Anda saat ini."
msgid ""
"Stay secure,\n"
msgstr ""
"Semoga tetap aman,\n"
msgid ""
"Your current password for %s was found in a public leak, which means your "
"account might be at risk."
msgstr ""
"Kata sandi saat ini untuk %s ditemukan dalam data publik yang bocor. "
"Artinya, akun Anda mungkin berisiko."
msgid "Stay safe, Jetpack"
msgstr "Semoga tetap aman, Jetpack"
msgid ""
"If you didn't just log into %s, please do so now and change your password."
msgstr ""
"Jika yang baru saja login ke %s bukan Anda, segera login ke sana dan ubah "
"kata sandi Anda."
msgid ""
"To help protect your account, please enter this code at the login prompt."
msgstr "Untuk melindungi akun Anda, masukkan kode ini saat proses login."
msgid ""
"Your current password for %2$s was found in a public "
"leak, which means your account might be at risk."
msgstr ""
"Kata sandi saat ini untuk %2$s ditemukan dalam data "
"publik yang bocor. Artinya, akun Anda mungkin berisiko."
msgid "Verify your account"
msgstr "Verifikasi akun Anda"
msgid "Verify your identity at %s"
msgstr "Verifikasi identitas Anda di %s"
msgid "Write a welcome message"
msgstr "Tulis pesan selamat datang"
msgid "Start building your audience"
msgstr "Mulai bangun audiens Anda"
msgid "Delete subscriber"
msgstr "Hapus pelanggan"
msgid "Continue your open conversation"
msgstr "Lanjutkan percakapan Anda yang aktif"
msgid "Potentially boost SEO when implemented correctly"
msgstr "Memungkinkan untuk meningkatkan SEO jika diterapkan dengan benar"
msgid "Allow expansion of inventory without confusing customers"
msgstr "Izinkan ekspansi inventaris tanpa membingungkan pelanggan"
msgid "Increase sales by directing customers to desired products"
msgstr ""
"Tingkatkan penjualan dengan mengarahkan pelanggan ke produk yang diinginkan"
msgid "Improve user experience by helping customers find products quickly"
msgstr ""
"Tingkatkan pengalaman pengguna dengan membantu pelanggan menemukan produk "
"dengan cepat"
msgid "Easy 5-minute setup for beginners and developers"
msgstr "Penyiapan mudah 5 menit untuk pemula dan pengembang"
msgid "Display adaptive product thumbnails"
msgstr "Tampilkan thumbnail produk adaptif"
msgid "Feature adaptive filter options and product counts"
msgstr "Fitur pilihan penyaring adaptif dan jumlah produk"
msgid "Include shortcodes and integration with product shortcodes"
msgstr "Termasuk shortcode dan integrasi dengan shortcode produk"
msgid ""
"Provide widgets for \"Products Filter\" and \"Notes for Product Filters\""
msgstr ""
"Tersedia widget untuk \"Penyaring Produk\" dan \"Catatan untuk Penyaring "
msgid ""
"Offer multiple filter elements: price slider, checkbox list, radio list, "
"dropdown, color list, box list, text list, and more"
msgstr ""
"Tawarkan beberapa elemen penyaring: slider harga, daftar checkbox, daftar "
"radio, dropdown, daftar warna, daftar kotak, daftar teks, dan lainnya"
msgid "Use AJAX technology for fast filtering without page reloads"
msgstr ""
"Gunakan teknologi AJAX untuk penyaring cepat tanpa memuat ulang halaman"
msgid ""
"Filter by categories, attributes, tags, taxonomies, price, and stock status"
msgstr ""
"Filter berdasarkan kategori, atribut, tag, taksonomi, harga, dan status stok"
msgid "Create ajax product filters for quick and simple product search"
msgstr ""
"Buat penyaring produk ajax untuk pencarian produk yang cepat dan sederhana"
msgid "View detailed transaction reports in WooCommerce dashboard"
msgstr "Lihat laporan detail transaksi di dasbor WooCommerce"
msgid "Support multiple payment methods"
msgstr "Mendukung berbagai metode pembayaran"
msgid "Streamline payment processing and management"
msgstr "Permudah pemrosesan dan manajemen pembayaran"
msgid "Accept payments directly on your site"
msgstr "Terima pembayaran langsung di situs Anda"
msgid "Generate tax reports for easy filing"
msgstr "Membuat laporan pajak untuk memudahkan pengajuan pajak"
msgid "Integrate with major tax calculation services"
msgstr "Integrasi dengan layanan perhitungan pajak umum"
msgid "Ensure compliance with tax regulations"
msgstr "Pastikan pemenuhan persyaratan terhadap peraturan pajak"
msgid "Automate sales tax calculations"
msgstr "Otomatiskan penghitungan penjualan"
msgid "Manage seasonal pricing and availability"
msgstr "Kelola harga musiman dan ketersediaan"
msgid "Set up room types and rates"
msgstr "Atur jenis kamar dan tarif"
msgid "Handle reservations for hotels, rentals, etc"
msgstr "Tangani reservasi untuk hotel, persewaan, dll"
msgid "Manage bookings for accommodations"
msgstr "Kelola pemesanan untuk akomodasi"
msgid "Automatically mark orders as completed upon shipping"
msgstr "Secara otomatis menandai pesanan sebagai selesai saat pengiriman"
msgid "Compare rates from multiple carriers"
msgstr "Bandingkan tarif dari beberapa layanan ekspedisi"
msgid "Streamline shipping process with carrier integration"
msgstr "Permudah proses pengiriman dengan integrasi layanan ekspedisi"
msgid "Print USPS and DHL labels"
msgstr "Cetak label USPS dan DHL"
msgid "Generate invoices for approved purchase orders"
msgstr "Buat faktur untuk pesanan pembelian yang disetujui"
msgid "Set up custom approval processes for purchase orders"
msgstr "Atur proses persetujuan kustom untuk pesanan pembelian"
msgid "Cater to B2B customers with specific payment needs"
msgstr "Layani pelanggan B2B dengan kebutuhan pembayaran yang spesifik"
msgid "Accept purchase orders as a payment method"
msgstr "Terima pesanan pembelian sebagai metode pembayaran"
msgid "Automatically update order status on release date"
msgstr "Perbarui status pesanan pada tanggal rilis secara otomatis"
msgid "Set release dates and charge options"
msgstr "Tentukan tanggal rilis dan pilihan biaya"
msgid "Manage and fulfill pre-orders efficiently"
msgstr "Kelola dan penuhi pre-order dengan efisien"
msgid "Allow customers to pre-order upcoming products"
msgstr "Izinkan pelanggan memesan produk yang akan datang"
msgid "Create tiered reward levels for VIP customers"
msgstr "Buat tingkat hadiah berjenjang untuk pelanggan VIP"
msgid "Set up point earning and redemption rules"
msgstr "Atur skema pengumpulan dan penukaran poin"
msgid "Reward customers with points for purchases and actions"
msgstr ""
"Beri penghargaan kepada pelanggan dengan poin untuk pembelian dan tindakan"
msgid "Implement a customer loyalty program"
msgstr "Terapkan program loyalitas pelanggan"
msgid "Scan barcodes to quickly access order details"
msgstr "Pindai barcode untuk mengakses detail pesanan dengan cepat"
msgid "Print barcodes on packing slips or labels"
msgstr "Cetak barcode di slip kemasan atau label"
msgid "Simplify order processing and tracking"
msgstr "Sederhanakan pemrosesan dan pelacakan pesanan"
msgid "Generate barcodes for orders"
msgstr "Buat barcode untuk pesanan"
msgid "Add product selection directly to the checkout page"
msgstr "Tambahkan pilihan produk langsung ke halaman checkout"
msgid "Customize checkout page layout"
msgstr "Sesuaikan tata letak halaman checkout"
msgid "Improve conversion rates with simplified purchasing"
msgstr "Tingkatkan rasio konversi dengan pembelian yang disederhanakan"
msgid "Streamline checkout process to a single page"
msgstr "Permudah proses checkout menjadi satu halaman"
msgid "Set up distance-based pricing tiers"
msgstr "Atur tingkatan harga berbasis jarak"
msgid "Integrate with mapping services for distance calculation"
msgstr "Integrasikan dengan layanan pemetaan untuk perhitungan jarak"
msgid "Offer location-based shipping costs"
msgstr "Tawarkan biaya pengiriman berbasis lokasi"
msgid "Calculate shipping rates based on distance"
msgstr "Hitung tarif pengiriman berdasarkan jarak"
msgid "Configure automatic billing for remaining balances"
msgstr "Atur penagihan otomatis untuk saldo yang tersisa"
msgid "Set up fixed or percentage-based deposits"
msgstr "Atur deposit tetap atau berbasis persentase"
msgid "Manage partial payments and payment plans"
msgstr "Kelola pembayaran sebagian dan paket pembayaran"
msgid "Allow customers to pay deposits on orders"
msgstr "Biarkan pelanggan membayar uang muka pada pesanan"
msgid "Create bulk coupon codes for mass distribution"
msgstr "Buat kode kupon massal untuk distribusi massal"
msgid "Set up time-limited or usage-limited coupons"
msgstr "Atur kupon yang terbatas waktu atau terbatas penggunaan"
msgid "Boost sales with targeted promotions"
msgstr "Tingkatkan penjualan dengan promosi yang ditargetkan"
msgid "Create and manage advanced coupon campaigns"
msgstr "Buat dan kelola kampanye kupon tingkat lanjut"
msgid "Display brand logos on product pages and in widgets"
msgstr "Tampilkan logo merek di halaman produk dan di widget"
msgid "Create brand pages with custom content"
msgstr "Buat halaman merek dengan konten kustom"
msgid "Improve product filtering and navigation"
msgstr "Tingkatkan penyaring produk dan navigasi"
msgid "Organize products by brand"
msgstr "Atur produk berdasarkan merek"
msgid "Set up seating charts and ticket types"
msgstr "Atur bagan tempat duduk dan jenis tiket"
msgid "Create printable or digital tickets"
msgstr "Buat tiket yang bisa dicetak atau digital"
msgid "Manage attendee information and check-ins"
msgstr "Kelola informasi peserta dan check-in"
msgid "Sell tickets for events"
msgstr "Jual tiket untuk acara"
msgid "Allow customers to check real-time availability"
msgstr "Izinkan pelanggan memeriksa ketersediaan secara real-time"
msgid "Set up complex availability rules"
msgstr "Kelola pengaturan ketersediaan yang kompleks"
msgid "Manage capacity and scheduling for services or rentals"
msgstr "Kelola kapasitas dan penjadwalan untuk jasa atau penyewaan"
msgid "Display availability calendars for bookable products"
msgstr "Tampilkan kalender ketersediaan untuk produk yang bisa dipesan"
msgid "Easily manage variation images from the product editor"
msgstr "Kelola gambar variasi dengan mudah dari editor produk"
msgid "Display variation-specific image galleries"
msgstr "Tampilkan galeri gambar hanya untuk variasi produk"
msgid "Improve product presentation for variable products"
msgstr "Tingkatkan presentasi produk untuk produk variabel"
msgid "Add multiple images for product variations"
msgstr "Tambahkan beberapa gambar untuk variasi produk"
msgid "Use conditions like weight, price, item count, or shipping class"
msgstr ""
"Gunakan kriteria seperti berat, harga, jumlah item, atau kelas pengiriman"
msgid "Set up shipping zones with custom rates"
msgstr "Atur zona pengiriman dengan tarif kustom"
msgid "Offer flexible shipping rates tailored to specific needs"
msgstr ""
"Tawarkan tarif pengiriman fleksibel yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan yang "
msgid "Create complex shipping rules based on various factors"
msgstr "Buat aturan pengiriman yang kompleks berdasarkan berbagai faktor"
msgid "Improve site performance with optimized extensions"
msgstr "Tingkatkan performa situs dengan ekstensi yang dioptimalkan"
msgid "Include multiple Storefront-specific plugins"
msgstr "Termasuk beberapa plugin khusus untuk Storefront"
msgid "Add various design and layout improvements"
msgstr "Tambahkan berbagai perbaikan desain dan tata letak"
msgid "Enhance Storefront theme functionality"
msgstr "Tingkatkan fungsionalitas tema Storefront"
msgid "Calculate shipping costs separately for each destination"
msgstr "Hitung biaya pengiriman secara terpisah untuk setiap tujuan"
msgid "Set up different shipping methods for each address"
msgstr "Atur metode pengiriman yang berbeda untuk setiap alamat"
msgid "Allow customers to ship items to multiple addresses in one order"
msgstr ""
"Izinkan pelanggan mengirim barang ke beberapa alamat dalam satu pesanan"
msgid "Automatically send tracking emails to customers"
msgstr "Secara otomatis mengirim e-mail pelacakan kepada pelanggan"
msgid "Integrate with major shipping carriers"
msgstr "Integrasi dengan penyedia jasa pengiriman populer"
msgid "Keep customers informed about order status and delivery"
msgstr ""
"Selalu beri informasi kepada pelanggan tentang status pesanan dan pengiriman"
msgid "Add shipment tracking information to orders"
msgstr "Tambahkan informasi pelacakan pengiriman untuk pesanan Anda"
msgid "Integrate with membership plugins for advanced access control"
msgstr ""
"Integrasikan dengan plugin keanggotaan untuk pengaturan akses yang lebih "
msgid "Set download limits and expiration dates"
msgstr "Mengatur batas unduhan dan tanggal kedaluwarsa"
msgid "Control access to files based on subscription status"
msgstr "Kelola akses ke file berdasarkan status langganan"
msgid "Offer downloadable content on a subscription basis"
msgstr "Tawarkan konten yang dapat diunduh dengan sistem berlangganan"
msgid "Generate return labels and track return shipments"
msgstr "Buat label pengembalian dan lacak pengiriman kembali"
msgid "Automate return approval processes"
msgstr "Otomatiskan proses persetujuan pengembalian"
msgid "Create custom return/warranty forms"
msgstr "Buat formulir pengembalian/garansi kustom"
msgid "Manage customer service requests efficiently"
msgstr "Kelola permintaan layanan pelanggan dengan efisien"
msgid "Streamline returns and warranty claim process"
msgstr "Permudah proses pengembalian dan klaim garansi"
msgid "Automate commission calculations and payouts"
msgstr "Otomatiskan penghitungan dan pembayaran komisi"
msgid "Set up individual vendor storefronts"
msgstr "Atur toko untuk setiap penjual"
msgid "Manage vendor accounts and commissions"
msgstr "Kelola akun dan komisi penjual"
msgid "Allow multiple sellers on a single WooCommerce store"
msgstr "Izinkan beberapa penjual di satu toko WooCommerce"
msgid "Create a multi-vendor marketplace"
msgstr "Buat marketplace multi-penjual"
msgid "Place recommendation widgets on various store pages"
msgstr "Tempatkan widget rekomendasi di berbagai halaman toko"
msgid "Use AI-powered algorithms for smart recommendations"
msgstr "Gunakan algoritma berbasis AI untuk rekomendasi yang cerdas"
msgid "Increase average order value with targeted suggestions"
msgstr "Tingkatkan nilai pesanan rata-rata dengan saran yang ditargetkan"
msgid "Display personalized product recommendations"
msgstr "Tampilkan rekomendasi produk yang dipersonalisasi"
msgid "Handle complex product types including variable products"
msgstr "Kelola jenis produk yang kompleks termasuk produk variabel"
msgid "Schedule automated imports/exports"
msgstr "Jadwalkan impor/ekspor otomatis"
msgid "Map CSV columns to product fields"
msgstr "Peta kolom CSV ke kolom produk"
msgid "Easily manage large product catalogs"
msgstr "Kelola katalog produk dalam jumlah banyak dengan mudah"
msgid "Bulk import/export products via CSV"
msgstr "Impor/ekspor produk secara massal via CSV"
msgid "Override global shipping settings for specific products"
msgstr "Kesampingkan pengaturan pengiriman global untuk produk tertentu"
msgid "Define shipping costs at the product level"
msgstr "Tentukan biaya pengiriman di tingkat produk"
msgid "Customize shipping rates based on product characteristics"
msgstr "Sesuaikan tarif pengiriman berdasarkan karakteristik produk"
msgid "Set unique shipping costs for individual products"
msgstr "Atur biaya pengiriman unik untuk produk individual"
msgid "Allow gift recipients to manage their gifted subscriptions"
msgstr "Izinkan penerima hadiah untuk mengelola langganan hadiah mereka"
msgid "Set up gift subscription products"
msgstr "Atur produk langganan hadiah"
msgid "Manage gifted subscriptions separately from personal ones"
msgstr "Kelola hadiah langganan secara terpisah dari langganan pribadi"
msgid "Allow customers to gift subscriptions"
msgstr "Izinkan pelanggan memberikan hadiah langganan"
msgid "Track gift card usage and balances"
msgstr "Lacak penggunaan dan saldo kartu hadiah"
msgid "Set expiration dates and custom designs for gift cards"
msgstr "Tentukan tanggal kedaluwarsa dan desain khusus untuk kartu hadiah"
msgid "Allow customers to purchase and send digital gift cards"
msgstr "Izinkan pelanggan membeli dan mengirim kartu hadiah digital"
msgid "Offer store credit as a product"
msgstr "Tawarkan kredit toko sebagai produk"
msgid "Sell and redeem gift cards"
msgstr "Jual dan tebus kartu hadiah"
msgid "Automatically select the most cost-effective box for each order"
msgstr ""
"Secara otomatis memilih kemasan paket yang paling hemat biaya untuk setiap "
msgid "Define multiple box sizes and their respective shipping rates"
msgstr ""
"Tentukan beberapa ukuran kemasan paket dan tarif pengiriman masing-masing"
msgid "Optimize shipping costs for differently sized products"
msgstr "Optimalkan biaya pengiriman untuk produk dengan ukuran yang berbeda"
msgid "Offer flat rate shipping based on box sizes"
msgstr "Tawarkan pengiriman tarif tetap berdasarkan ukuran kemasan paket"
msgid "Generate VAT reports for easy tax filing"
msgstr "Membuat laporan PPN untuk memudahkan pengajuan pajak"
msgid "Automatically validate VAT numbers in real-time"
msgstr "Secara otomatis memvalidasi nomor PPN secara real-time"
msgid "Ensure compliance with EU tax regulations"
msgstr "Pastikan pemenuhan persyaratan terhadap peraturan pajak UE"
msgid "Apply correct VAT rates for B2B transactions"
msgstr "Menerapkan tarif PPN yang benar untuk transaksi B2B"
msgid "Collect and validate EU VAT numbers"
msgstr "Kumpulkan dan validasi nomor EU VAT"
msgid ""
"Hide or show shipping/payment methods based on product categories, tags, or "
msgstr ""
"Sembunyikan atau tampilkan metode pengiriman/pembayaran berdasarkan kategori "
"produk, tag, atau atribut"
msgid "Create complex rules combining multiple conditions"
msgstr "Buat aturan kompleks yang menggabungkan beberapa kondisi"
msgid "Customize available options based on customer location or purchase"
msgstr ""
"Sesuaikan opsi yang tersedia berdasarkan lokasi pelanggan atau pembelian"
msgid "Set rules for shipping/payment methods based on cart contents"
msgstr ""
"Tetapkan aturan untuk metode pengiriman/pembayaran berdasarkan isi keranjang"
msgid "Apply conditional logic to component visibility"
msgstr "Terapkan logika kondisional untuk visibilitas komponen"
msgid "Set component options and quantity limits"
msgstr "Atur pilihan komponen dan batasan jumlah"
msgid "Allow customers to configure custom product combinations"
msgstr "Memungkinkan pelanggan untuk mengatur kombinasi produk khusus"
msgid "Create complex product kits or bundles"
msgstr "Buat kit atau bundel produk yang kompleks"
msgid "Set custom field validations"
msgstr "Atur validasi kolom khusus di formulir"
msgid "Rearrange the order of checkout fields"
msgstr "Atur ulang urutan kolom formulir checkout"
msgid "Add, edit, or remove fields on the checkout page"
msgstr "Tambah, edit, atau hapus kolom formulir pada halaman checkout"
msgid "Customize checkout fields"
msgstr "Sesuaikan formulir pembayaran"
msgid "Generate printable stock reports for inventory management"
msgstr "Buat laporan stok yang bisa dicetak untuk manajemen inventaris"
msgid "Apply bulk actions like setting stock status or allowing backorders"
msgstr ""
"Terapkan tindakan massal seperti mengatur status stok atau mengizinkan "
"pemesanan kembali"
msgid "Set stock quantities for multiple products at once"
msgstr "Atur jumlah stok untuk beberapa produk sekaligus"
msgid "Order products by name, ID, SKU, or stock quantity"
msgstr "Urutkan produk berdasarkan nama, ID, SKU, atau jumlah stok"
msgid "Filter products by type, stock management status, and stock status"
msgstr ""
"Filter produk berdasarkan jenis, status manajemen stok, dan status stok"
msgid "Manage product stock levels from a single interface"
msgstr "Kelola jumlah stok produk dari satu antarmuka"
msgid "Set minimum quantity thresholds for sending restock notifications"
msgstr "Atur nilai jumlah minimum untuk mengirim pemberitahuan restock produk"
msgid "Process notifications in batches using Action Scheduler for scalability"
msgstr ""
"Proses pemberitahuan dalam batch menggunakan Action Scheduler untuk "
msgid "Export subscriber data for use in email marketing platforms"
msgstr "Ekspor data pelanggan untuk digunakan di platform pemasaran e-mail"
msgid "Manage all notification sign-ups from a central admin area"
msgstr "Kelola semua pendaftaran pemberitahuan dari area admin utama"
msgid "Works with Simple, Variable, Grouped, and Subscription products"
msgstr "Dapat digunakan dengan produk Sederhana, Variabel, Grup, dan Langganan"
msgid "Automatically notify customers when products are back in stock"
msgstr "Secara otomatis memberi tahu pelanggan ketika produk kembali tersedia"
msgid "Allow customers to subscribe for stock notifications"
msgstr "Izinkan pelanggan untuk berlangganan pemberitahuan stok"
msgid "Provide detailed reporting on referral program performance"
msgstr "Tampilkan laporan rinci tentang kinerja program referral"
msgid "Implement fraud prevention measures to protect the referral program"
msgstr ""
"Terapkan langkah-langkah pencegahan penipuan untuk melindungi program "
msgid ""
"Include post-purchase share widgets on order confirmation pages and emails"
msgstr ""
"Cantumkan widget bagikan pos setelah pembelian di halaman dan e-mail "
"konfirmasi pesanan"
msgid "Reward advocates with store credit for successful referrals"
msgstr ""
"Beri penghargaan kepada influencer dengan kredit toko untuk referral yang "
msgid "Allow advocates to share referrals via email, Facebook, X, and WhatsApp"
msgstr ""
"Izinkan para influencer membagikan referral melalui e-mail, Facebook, X, dan "
msgid "Run coupon-based or link-based referral campaigns"
msgstr "Jalankan kampanye referral berbasis kupon atau berbasis tautan"
msgid "Boost word-of-mouth sales with a customer referral program"
msgstr ""
"Tingkatkan penjualan dari mulut ke mulut dengan program referral pelanggan"
msgid "Supports GDPR compliance for customer data"
msgstr "Mendukung persyaratan GDPR untuk data pelanggan"
msgid ""
"Personalize email content with customer data and birthday-specific offers"
msgstr ""
"Personalisasi konten e-mail dengan data pelanggan dan penawaran khusus ulang "
msgid "Configure workflows to run before, on, or after customer birthdays"
msgstr ""
"Atur alur kerja untuk dijalankan sebelum, pada, atau setelah ulang tahun "
msgid "Collect customer birthdays during checkout or on account pages"
msgstr "Kumpulkan ulang tahun pelanggan saat checkout atau di halaman akun"
msgid ""
"Increase brand loyalty and boost sales with personalized birthday messages"
msgstr ""
"Tingkatkan loyalitas merek dan tingkatkan penjualan dengan pesan ulang tahun "
"yang dipersonalisasi"
msgid "Send automated birthday emails and coupons to customers"
msgstr "Kirim e-mail dan kupon ulang tahun otomatis ke pelanggan"
msgid "Limit subscription options to specific product categories"
msgstr "Batasi opsi berlangganan untuk kategori produk tertentu"
msgid "Define global or custom subscription plans for individual products"
msgstr "Tentukan paket langganan global atau khusus untuk masing-masing produk"
msgid "Create personalized subscription boxes with Product Bundles integration"
msgstr ""
"Buat kotak langganan yang dipersonalisasi dengan integrasi Bundel Produk"
msgid "Allow customers to add products to existing subscriptions"
msgstr ""
"Izinkan pelanggan untuk menambahkan produk ke langganan yang sudah ada."
msgid "Sell any product one-time or on a subscription"
msgstr "Jual produk apa pun sekali atau dengan skema langganan"
msgid "Add subscription plans to existing Simple or Variable products"
msgstr "Tambahkan paket langganan ke produk Sederhana atau Variabel yang ada"
msgid "Include or exclude prices and order totals in notifications"
msgstr "Cantumkan atau hilangkan total harga dan pesanan di pemberitahuan"
msgid "Set up per-product notifications"
msgstr "Atur pemberitahuan per produk"
msgid "Choose between plain text or HTML email formats"
msgstr "Pilih antara format e-mail teks biasa atau HTML"
msgid "Customize notification criteria and content"
msgstr "Sesuaikan kriteria pemberitahuan dan konten"
msgid ""
"Notify staff, suppliers, or drop shippers of sales and inventory changes"
msgstr ""
"Beritahu staf, supplier, atau drop shipper tentang perubahan penjualan dan "
msgid ""
"Set up order and stock notifications for multiple recipients beyond admin"
msgstr ""
"Atur pemberitahuan untuk pesanan dan stok untuk banyak penerima selain admin"
msgid "Explore bundle discounts to apply"
msgstr "Jelajahi diskon bundel untuk diterapkan"
msgid "Buy single license"
msgstr "Beli lisensi tunggal"
msgid "Buy %(size)d licenses and {{b}}save up to %(discount)s{{/b}}"
msgstr "Beli %(size)d lisensi dan {{b}}hemat hingga %(discount)s{{/b}}"
msgid "40%"
msgstr "40%"
msgid "20%"
msgstr "20%"
msgid "Store content"
msgstr "Konten toko"
msgid "Beau smiling."
msgstr "Beau tersenyum."
msgid ""
"We couldn’t synchronize changes to the staging site. Please contact support."
msgstr ""
"Kami tidak dapat menyinkronkan perubahan ke situs staging. Silakan hubungi "
"layanan bantuan."
msgid ""
"We couldn’t synchronize changes to the production site. Please contact "
msgstr ""
"Kami tidak dapat menyinkronkan perubahan ke situs produksi. Silakan hubungi "
"layanan bantuan."
msgid "We couldn’t synchronize the staging environment."
msgstr "Kami tidak dapat menyinkronkan lingkungan staging."
msgid "We couldn’t synchronize the production environment."
msgstr "Kami tidak dapat menyinkronkan lingkungan produksi."
msgid ""
"We couldn’t synchronize the staging environment. Studio push operation is "
"currently in progress."
msgstr ""
"Kami tidak dapat menyinkronkan lingkungan staging. Pengoperasian fitur push "
"Studio saat ini sedang berlangsung."
msgid ""
"We couldn’t synchronize the production environment. Studio push operation is "
"currently in progress."
msgstr ""
"Kami tidak dapat menyinkronkan lingkungan produksi. Pengoperasian fitur push "
"Studio saat ini sedang berlangsung."
msgid "We couldn’t connect to the staging site: {{br/}} %(siteUrl)s"
msgstr "Kami tidak dapat terhubung ke situs staging: {{br/}} %(siteUrl)s"
msgid "We couldn’t connect to the production site: {{br/}} %(siteUrl)s"
msgstr "Kami tidak dapat terhubung ke situs produksi: {{br/}} %(siteUrl)s"
msgid "Provision certificate"
msgstr "Sediakan sertifikat"
msgid ""
"Verifying your email helps you secure your account and enables "
"key features such as subscribing to sites. If necessary, please {{link}}"
"click here{{/link}} to reload when complete."
msgstr ""
"Memverifikasi e-mail membantu Anda mengamankan akun dan "
"mengaktifkan fitur-fitur utama seperti berlangganan situs. Jika perlu, "
"silakan {{link}}klik di sini{{/link}} untuk memuat ulang setelah selesai."
msgid "I just verified my email"
msgstr "Saya baru saja memverifikasi e-mail saya"
msgid ""
"{{link}}%(service)s{{/link}} {{small}}Payment processed by "
msgstr ""
"{{link}}%(service)s{{/link}} {{small}}Pembayaran diproses oleh "
msgid "Speed up your site, improve SEO, and track site performance over time."
msgstr ""
"Percepat situs Anda, tingkatkan SEO, dan lacak performa situs dari waktu ke "
msgid "Newsletter Example Flow"
msgstr "Alur Contoh Buletin"
msgid "My primary site"
msgstr "Situs utama saya"
msgid "An error occurred while saving your preferences. Please try again."
msgstr "Terjadi eror saat menyimpan preferensi Anda. Mohon coba lagi."
msgid ""
"When you type in your browser, this is the page "
"you land on."
msgstr ""
"Ketika Anda mengetik di browser Anda, ini adalah "
"halaman yang akan Anda tuju."
msgid "Default Landing Page"
msgstr "Landing Page Default"
msgid "Year to date"
msgstr "Awal tahun hingga saat ini"
msgctxt "Module Description"
msgid "Add location data to your posts."
msgstr "Tambahkan data lokasi ke pos Anda."
msgctxt "Module Name"
msgid "Geo Location"
msgstr "Lokasi Geografis"
msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Kanal"
msgid "In-person"
msgstr "Langsung"
msgid "In-person (POS)"
msgstr "Langsung (POS)"
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to update this connection."
msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan memperbarui koneksi ini."
msgid " ID of the user the connection belongs to."
msgstr "ID pengguna pemilik koneksi."
msgid "Unique identifier for the connection."
msgstr "Pengenal unik untuk koneksi."
msgid "External User Id - in case of services like Facebook."
msgstr "ID Pengguna Eksternal - untuk layanan seperti Facebook."
msgid "Keyring connection ID."
msgstr "ID koneksi keyring."
msgid "Something went wrong while deleting the connection."
msgstr "Ada yang tidak beres saat menghapus koneksi."
msgid "Something went wrong while updating the connection."
msgstr "Ada yang tidak beres saat memperbarui koneksi."
msgid ""
"Type {{strong}}%(siteName)s{{/strong}} below to confirm you want to delete "
"the site:"
msgstr ""
"Ketik {{strong}}%(siteName)s{{/strong}} berikut untuk mengonfirmasi "
"penghapusan situs:"
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the site {{b}}%(siteName)s{{/b}}?"
msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus situs {{b}}%(siteName)s{{/b}}?"
msgid ""
"Most new domains should work immediately, but in rare cases could take up to "
"72 hours to become active. If your domain is not responding as expected, "
"please visit our domain registration support page for help to determine its active status and set your site’s "
"primary address."
msgstr ""
"Sebagian besar domain dapat segera aktif, tetapi, dalam kasus khusus, perlu "
"waktu hingga 72 jam agar dapat aktif. Jika domain tidak merespons seperti "
"yang diharapkan, silakan kunjungi halaman dukungan registrasi domain kami "
"guna mendapatkan bantuan untuk menentukan status aktifnya"
"a> dan menetapkan alamat utama situs Anda."
msgid "Thank you for using %s!"
msgstr "Terima kasih telah menggunakan %s!"
msgid ""
"Access to visitor stats at the {{link}}regional and city{{/link}} level for "
"more accurate analysis."
msgstr ""
"Akses statistik pengunjung di tingkat {{link}}regional dan kota{{/link}} "
"untuk analisis yang lebih akurat."
msgid ""
"And here’s something special to help you get started: use the code %1$s to "
"get %2$s%% off your first payment on an annual plan."
msgstr ""
"Kami memiliki sesuatu yang spesial untuk membantu Anda memulai: gunakan kode "
"%1$s untuk mendapatkan diskon pembayaran pertama sebesar %2$s%% pada paket "
msgid ""
"Your journey to success starts now. Let be the foundation that "
"supports you every step of the way."
msgstr ""
"Perjalanan Anda menuju kesuksesan dimulai sekarang. Izinkan "
"menjadi fondasi yang mendukung setiap langkah Anda."
msgid ""
"When you upgrade your plan (%s), you’ll gain access to powerful features "
"designed to help you:"
msgstr ""
"Saat melakukan upgrade paket (%s), Anda akan mendapatkan akses fitur-fitur "
"canggih yang dirancang untuk membantu Anda:"
msgid ""
"With Jetpack-powered speed and reliability, is the perfect "
"place for bloggers, creators, and small businesses to build and grow their "
"brand with no limits. This is the year to turn your vision into action and "
"build something truly remarkable."
msgstr ""
"Dengan kecepatan dan keandalan yang didukung Jetpack, tempat "
"paling tepat bagi blogger, kreator, dan bisnis kecil untuk membangun dan "
"mengembangkan mereknya tanpa batasan. Sekarang tahun yang tepat untuk "
"mewujudkan visi Anda dan membangun sesuatu yang luar biasa."
msgid ""
" makes it easy for you to build an awesome website that looks "
"good and loads fast—so you can focus on what really matters: reaching your "
"audience, building your brand, and growing your business."
msgstr ""
" mempermudah pembuatan situs menakjubkan yang terlihat keren "
"dan dimuat cepat sehingga Anda dapat berfokus pada hal-hal penting, seperti "
"menjangkau audiens, membangun merek, dan menumbuhkan bisnis Anda."
msgid ""
"2025 is the perfect time to make your website shine, and we’re here to help "
"you start strong. Choose your plan (%1$s), select annual billing using the "
"code %2$s at checkout, and upgrade your site by %3$s to claim this offer."
msgstr ""
"2025 tahun yang tepat untuk membuat situs Anda bersinar, dan kami siap "
"membantu Anda memulai dengan percaya diri. Pilih paket (%1$s), pilih "
"penagihan tahunan menggunakan kode %2$s saat checkout, dan upgrade situs "
"Anda sebelum %3$s untuk mengklaim penawaran ini."
msgid "2025 is the year to build the future you’ve always dreamed of."
msgstr ""
"2025 tahun yang tepat untuk mewujudkan masa depan yang selalu Anda impikan."
msgid ""
"And here’s something special to help you get started: use the code "
"%1$s to get %2$s%% off your first payment on an annual plan."
msgstr ""
"Kami memiliki sesuatu yang spesial untuk membantu Anda memulai: gunakan kode "
"%1$s untuk mendapatkan diskon pembayaran pertama sebesar "
"%2$s%% pada paket tahunan."
msgid ""
"Your journey to success starts now. Let %s be the foundation that supports "
"you every step of the way."
msgstr ""
"Perjalanan Anda menuju kesuksesan dimulai sekarang. Izinkan %s menjadi "
"fondasi yang mendukung setiap langkah Anda."
msgid "Boost your sales and hit all your goals"
msgstr "Tingkatkan penjualan dan capai semua target Anda"
msgid "Grow your email list and engage your followers"
msgstr "Tumbuhkan daftar email dan libatkan pengikut Anda"
msgid "Reach your audience like never before"
msgstr "Jangkau audiens Anda dengan cara yang unik"
msgid ""
"When you upgrade your plan, you’ll gain access to powerful "
"features designed to help you:"
msgstr ""
"Saat upgrade paket, Anda akan mendapatkan akses fitur-"
"fitur canggih yang dirancang untuk membantu Anda:"
msgid ""
"With Jetpack-powered speed and reliability, %s is the "
"perfect place for bloggers, creators, and small businesses to build and grow "
"their brand with no limits. This is the year to turn your vision into action "
"and build something truly remarkable."
msgstr ""
"Dengan kecepatan dan keandalan yang didukung Jetpack, %s "
"tempat paling tepat bagi blogger, kreator, dan bisnis kecil untuk membangun "
"dan mengembangkan mereknya tanpa batasan. Sekarang tahun yang tepat untuk "
"mewujudkan visi Anda dan membangun sesuatu yang luar biasa."
msgid ""
"The new year is here, and it’s your time to unlock unlimited possibilities."
msgstr ""
"Tahun baru telah tiba, dan sekarang saatnya membuka peluang tanpa batas."
msgid "2025: Your year to grow"
msgstr "2025: Tahun untuk Anda bertumbuh"
msgid "New Year, New Deal: %1$s%% Off Today!"
msgstr "Tahun Baru, Promo Baru: Diskon %1$s%% Hari Ini!"
msgid "The year is yours. Ready to make it count?"
msgstr "Tahun ini milik Anda. Siap untuk membuatnya bermakna?"
msgid ""
"%s makes it easy for you to build an awesome website that looks good and "
"loads fast—so you can focus on what really matters: reaching your audience, "
"building your brand, and growing your business."
msgstr ""
"%s mempermudah pembuatan situs menakjubkan yang terlihat keren dan dimuat "
"cepat sehingga Anda dapat berfokus pada hal-hal penting, seperti menjangkau "
"audiens, membangun merek, dan menumbuhkan bisnis Anda."
msgid ""
"2025 is the perfect time to make your website shine, and we’re here to help "
"you start strong. Choose your plan, select annual billing using "
"the code %3$s at checkout, and upgrade your site "
"by %4$s to claim this offer."
msgstr ""
"2025 tahun yang tepat untuk membuat situs Anda bersinar, dan kami siap "
"membantu Anda memulai dengan percaya diri. Pilih paket, pilih "
"penagihan tahunan menggunakan kode %3$s saat "
"checkout, dan upgrade situs Anda sebelum %4$s untuk "
"mengklaim penawaran ini."
msgid "Re: New Year, New Deal: %1$s%% Off Today"
msgstr "Re: Tahun Baru, Promo Baru: Diskon %1$s%% Hari Ini"
msgid ""
"Questions? Contact our support team."
msgstr ""
"Ada pertanyaan? Hubungi tim dukungan kami."
msgid "Learn Jetpack"
msgstr "Pelajari Jetpack"
msgid ""
"Learn and engage. Need some help or looking for some pro "
"tips? Visit our support page or watch our tutorials and tips on our YouTube channel. There’s "
"always something new to learn."
msgstr ""
"Pelajari, lalu coba. Butuh bantuan atau mencari tip "
"profesional? Kunjungi halaman dukungan atau tonton tip dan tutorial di kanal YouTube "
"kami. Selalu ada yang baru untuk dipelajari."
msgid "Upgrade for 50% off"
msgstr "Upgrade dengan diskon 50%"
msgid ""
"Special welcome offer. Get up to 50% off your first year of "
"Jetpack. Plus, enjoy a 14-day money-back guarantee for your peace of mind."
msgstr ""
"Penawaran sambutan khusus. Dapatkan diskon hingga 50% untuk "
"tahun pertama Jetpack Anda. Selain itu, nikmati garansi 14 hari uang kembali "
"untuk menghapus kekhawatiran Anda."
msgid "Go to My Jetpack"
msgstr "Buka Jetpack Saya"
msgid ""
"Set up and go. Visit your personalized dashboard to dive "
"into your Jetpack experience. Explore Jetpack plugins and plans tailored to "
"enhance and secure your website."
msgstr ""
"Siapkan, lalu jalankan. Buka dasbor pribadi untuk "
"menjelajahi pengalaman Jetpack Anda. Jelajahi plugin dan paket Jetpack yang "
"disesuaikan untuk meningkatkan dan mengamankan situs Anda."
msgid "Here are a few tips to improve your site for free:"
msgstr "Berikut beberapa tip untuk meningkatkan situs Anda secara gratis:"
msgid ""
"We’re excited to have you on board. Now that you’ve connected Jetpack to "
"your site "
"%1$s, here’s how you can make the most out of Jetpack’s powerful "
msgstr ""
"Kami senang Anda telah bergabung. Sekarang, setelah Anda menghubungkan "
"Jetpack ke situs %1$s, berikut cara agar Anda dapat memaksimalkan fitur-fitur Jetpack "
"yang andal."
msgid ""
"Understand your site traffic. Use Jetpack Stats"
"span> to monitor your site visitors and trends."
msgstr ""
"Pahami lalu lintas situs Anda. Gunakan Jetpack Stats"
"span> untuk memantau pengunjung dan tren situs Anda."
msgid ""
"Take your site to the next level. Visit My Jetpack"
"span> for a personalized dashboard and recommendations."
msgstr ""
"Jadikan situs Anda lebih baik. Buka Jetpack Saya"
"span> untuk melihat dasbor pribadi dan rekomendasi."
msgid ""
"Secure your site. Make sure you’re safe from security "
"threats with Jetpack Protect."
msgstr ""
"Amankan situs Anda. Pastikan Anda aman dari ancaman "
"keamanan dengan Jetpack Protect."
msgid ""
"Check your site’s speed. Get a free site performance score "
"with Jetpack Boost."
msgstr ""
"Periksa kecepatan situs Anda. Dapatkan skor performa situs "
"secara gratis dengan Jetpack Boost."
msgid "multiple site plan per month, billed annually"
msgstr "banyak paket situs per bulan, ditagih per tahun"
msgid "Best for agencies"
msgstr "Terbaik untuk agensi"
msgid "We were not authorized to process your payment"
msgstr "Kami tidak diizinkan untuk memproses pembayaran Anda"
msgid ""
"An error occurred while loading your subscriber stats. If you continue to "
"have issues loading this page, please get in touch via our {{link}}contact "
"form{{/link}} for assistance."
msgstr ""
"Terjadi kendala saat memuat statistik pelanggan Anda. Jika Anda terus "
"mengalami masalah saat memuat halaman ini, silakan hubungi kami melalui "
"{{link}}formulir kontak{{/link}} untuk mendapatkan bantuan."
msgid ""
"Note: This form is for general feedback only. If you need a reply from our "
"Happiness Engineers, please use our {{link}}contact form{{/link}} to get in "
msgstr ""
"Catatan: Formulir ini hanya untuk masukan umum. Jika Anda membutuhkan "
"balasan dari Happiness Engineer kami, silakan gunakan {{link}}formulir "
"kontak{{/link}} untuk menghubungi kami."
msgctxt "Style Variations"
msgid ""
"These themes offer predefined styles for color, font, and layout, letting "
"you quickly change your site's appearance without changing your theme. "
msgstr ""
"Tema ini menawarkan gaya warna, font, dan tata letak yang telah ditentukan "
"sehingga memungkinkan Anda untuk mengubah tampilan situs dengan cepat tanpa "
"mengubah tema. "
msgctxt "Global Styles"
msgid ""
"Lets you select custom fonts, colors, and layout options for your site and "
"for individual blocks as a whole. "
msgstr ""
"Memungkinkan Anda memilih font, warna, dan tata letak kustom untuk situs dan "
"untuk blok individu secara keseluruhan. "
msgctxt "Block Themes"
msgid ""
"These themes were built specifically for the Site Editor, allowing you to "
"edit all parts of your site with blocks. They often come with pre-built "
"patterns and style variations to make it easier to customize your site "
"further. "
msgstr ""
"Tema ini dibuat khusus untuk Editor Situs sehingga memungkinkan Anda untuk "
"mengedit semua bagian situs dengan blok. Biasanya tema sudah dilengkapi "
"dengan pola dan variasi gaya siap pakai guna memudahkan penyesuaian situs "
"lebih lanjut. "
msgid " sites"
msgstr " situs"
msgid "Unlock Offer"
msgstr "Buka Penawaran"
msgid ""
"Save up to 55% on annual plans and get a free custom domain for a year. Your "
"next site is just a step away."
msgstr ""
"Hemat hingga 55% untuk paket tahunan dan dapatkan domain khusus gratis "
"selama setahun. Situs Anda berikutnya tinggal selangkah lagi."
msgid "Get a Free Domain and Up to 55% off"
msgstr "Dapatkan Domain Gratis dan Diskon hingga 55%"
msgid "Migrate & Import"
msgstr "Migrasi & Impor"
msgid "Build and grow your site, all in one powerful platform."
msgstr ""
"Bangun dan kembangkan situs Anda, semuanya dalam satu platform yang andal."
msgid "Average wait time < 8 hours"
msgstr "Waktu tunggu rata-rata < 8 jam"
msgid "Average wait time < 5 minutes"
msgstr "Waktu tunggu rata-rata < 5 menit"
msgid "Chat with support"
msgstr "Bantuan via chat"
msgid "Time based decay to reduce older posts in the feed."
msgstr "Penghapusan berbasis waktu untuk mengurangi pos sebelumnya di feed."
msgid "Context for the Full Sync"
msgstr "Konteks untuk Sinkronisasi Penuh"
msgid ""
"Our Happiness Engineers are "
"standing by."
msgstr ""
"Tim Happiness Engineer kami "
"selalu siap sedia."
msgid ""
"You will be charged a total of %1$s for these renewals. This price does not "
"include any applicable taxes which will vary based on your billing address."
msgstr ""
"Anda akan dikenai total biaya senilai %1$s untuk perpanjangan ini. Harga di "
"atas belum termasuk pajak yang berlaku dan besarnya bervariasi berdasarkan "
"alamat penagihan Anda."
msgid ""
"Don’t worry, you don’t have to do anything; your renewals happen "
"automatically. "
msgstr ""
"Jangan khawatir, Anda tidak perlu melakukan apa pun karena perpanjangan "
"dilakukan secara otomatis. "
msgid "Search receipts"
msgstr "Cari bukti pembelian"
msgid "You have a password set, but you can change it at any time."
msgstr ""
"Anda telah membuat kata sandi, tetapi Anda dapat mengubahnya kapan saja."
msgid "You don’t have a password set."
msgstr "Anda belum membuat kata sandi."
msgid "Explore more than 800 million creative works."
msgstr "Jelajahi lebih dari 800 juta karya kreatif."
msgid "Free stock photos, royalty free images shared by creators."
msgstr "Foto stok gratis, gambar bebas royalti yang dibagikan oleh kreator."
msgid "Import media from your Google Photos account."
msgstr "Impor media dari akun Google Photos Anda."
msgid "Import Media"
msgstr "Impor Media"
msgid "Need help? {{button}}Let us guide you{{/button}}"
msgstr "Butuh bantuan? {{button}}Izinkan kami memandu Anda{{/button}}"
msgid "Return to Reader"
msgstr "Kembali ke Pembaca"
msgid "Uh oh. User not found."
msgstr "Aduh. Pengguna tidak ditemukan."
msgid "%d result found"
msgid_plural "%d results found"
msgstr[0] "%d hasil ditemukan."
msgstr[1] "%d hasil ditemukan."
msgid "Visit {{a}}{{/a}} on your desktop."
msgstr "Kunjungi {{a}}{{/a}} di desktop Anda."
msgid "Create, design, manage, and grow your WordPress website."
msgstr "Buat, desain, kelola, dan kembangkan situs WordPress Anda."
msgid "A fast, free way to develop locally with WordPress."
msgstr ""
"Cara cepat dan gratis untuk mengembangkan secara lokal dengan WordPress."
msgid "Download for Mac"
msgstr "Unduh untuk Mac"
msgid "Resize"
msgstr "Ubah ukuran"
msgid "Shop products by category"
msgstr "Belanja produk berdasarkan kategori"
msgid "Shop by category"
msgstr "Berbelanja berdasarkan kategori"
msgid "Products Marketplace"
msgstr "Marketplace Produk"
msgid "Last 3 years"
msgstr "3 tahun terakhir"
msgid "Month to date"
msgstr "Awal bulan hingga saat ini"
msgid ""
"Or you can get more information about our support options"
msgstr ""
"Anda juga dapat melihat informasi selengkapnya tentang pilihan dukungan kami."
msgid ""
"Please check our restore documentation for more "
msgstr ""
"Baca dokumentasi pemulihan kami untuk informasi "
msgid ""
"Some of your other product(s) depend on your plan to be renewed. When you "
"press Continue, the plan renewal will be removed from the cart and your plan "
"will keep its current expiry date. When the plan expires these product(s) "
"will stop working even if they haven't expired yet."
msgstr ""
"Beberapa produk Anda yang lain tergantung pada paket Anda yang akan "
"diperbarui. Ketika Anda menekan Lanjutkan, pembaruan paket akan dihapus dari "
"troli dan paket Anda akan tetap pada tanggal kedaluwarsa saat ini. Ketika "
"paket berakhir, produk ini akan tidak berfungsi meskipun belum kedaluwarsa."
msgid ""
"Your domain is not using the default WWW CNAME record. This means your "
" site may not be reached correctly using the www prefix. To "
"restore the default WWW CNAME record, click on the three dots menu and "
"select \"Restore default CNAME record\". {{defaultRecordsLink}}Learn more{{/"
msgstr ""
"Domain Anda tidak menggunakan WWW CNAME record default. Ini berarti situs "
" Anda mungkin tidak dapat dijangkau dengan benar menggunakan "
"awalan www. Untuk mengembalikan WWW CNAME record default, klik menu tiga "
"titik dan pilih \"Pulihkan CNAME record default\". {{defaultRecordsLink}}"
"Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/defaultRecordsLink}}."
msgid ""
"Your domain is not using default A records. This means it may not be "
"pointing to your site correctly. To restore default A records, "
"click on the three dots menu and select \"Restore default A records\". "
"{{defaultRecordsLink}}Learn more{{/defaultRecordsLink}}."
msgstr ""
"Domain Anda tidak menggunakan A record default. Ini berarti, domain tersebut "
"mungkin tidak mengarah ke situs Anda dengan benar. Untuk "
"memulihkan A record default, klik menu tiga titik dan pilih \"Pulihkan A "
"record default\". {{defaultRecordsLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/"
msgctxt "%s: Number of themes displayed"
msgid "%s themes"
msgstr "%s tema"
msgid "Failed to submit form"
msgstr "Gagal mengirimkan formulir"
msgid "How would you rate your support experience?"
msgstr "Menurut Anda, seberapa baik layanan dukungan yang kami berikan?"
msgid "%1$d units @ %2$s /each"
msgstr "%1$d unit @ %2$s /unit"
msgid "%d search records/requests"
msgstr "%d data/permintaan pencarian"
msgid "Whether to share to this connection."
msgstr "Apakah membagikan ke koneksi ini"
msgid "Deprecated."
msgstr "Cacat."
msgid "Whether the current user can disconnect this connection."
msgstr "Apakah pengguna saat ini dapat memutus koneksi ini"
msgid ""
"Discover and install WordPress plugins to extend your site’s functionality. "
"Boost SEO, e-commerce, and security with seamless integration."
msgstr ""
"Temukan dan instal plugin WordPress untuk memperluas fungsionalitas situs "
"Anda. Tingkatkan fitur SEO, e-commerce, dan keamanan dengan integrasi "
" yang mulus."
msgid ""
"Discover %(category)s plugins to extend your WordPress site’s functionality "
"and unlock its full potential with tools built for success."
msgstr ""
"Temukan plugin %(category)s untuk memperluas fungsionalitas situs WordPress "
"Anda dan membuka potensi terbaiknya dengan perangkat yang andal."
msgid ""
"Discover and install WordPress plugins to extend your site's functionality."
msgstr ""
"Temukan dan instal plugin WordPress untuk memperluas fungsionalitas situs "
msgid "%(number_of_units)d unit @ %(formatted_price_per_unit)s"
msgid_plural "%(number_of_units)d units @ %(formatted_price_per_unit)s"
msgstr[0] "%(number_of_units)d unit @ %(formatted_price_per_unit)s"
msgstr[1] "%(number_of_units)d unit @ %(formatted_price_per_unit)s"
msgid "Purchase for %(quantity)d search records/requests"
msgstr "Beli %(quantity)d hasil pencarian per permintaan"
msgid "Renewal for %(quantity)d search records/requests"
msgstr "Pembaruan untuk %(quantity)d hasil pencarian per permintaan"
msgid "Posts page changed successfully."
msgstr "Halaman pos berhasil diubah."
msgid "Homepage changed successfully."
msgstr "Beranda berhasil diubah."
msgid "Set as posts page"
msgstr "Atur sebagai halaman pos"
msgid "Unset as posts page"
msgstr "Batalkan sebagai halaman pos"
msgid "Set “%s” as the page that displays your latest posts"
msgstr "Atur “%s” sebagai halaman yang menampilkan pos terbaru Anda"
msgid "Unset “%s” as the page that displays your latest posts"
msgstr "Batalkan “%s” sebagai halaman yang menampilkan pos terbaru Anda"
msgid "Set “%s” as your site's homepage"
msgstr "Atur “%s” sebagai beranda situs Anda"
msgid "Your %1$s subscription for %2$s expired!"
msgstr "Langganan %1$s Anda untuk %2$s telah kedaluwarsa!"
msgid ""
"Claim a %1$d%% discount on your annual %2$s plan membership for %3$s "
msgstr ""
"Segera klaim diskon %1$d%% pada keanggotaan paket %2$s tahunan untuk "
msgid ""
"If your application is approved, you will receive the funds in the bank "
"account associated with your WooCommerce account as soon as the next "
"business day."
msgstr ""
"Jika pengajuan disetujui, Anda akan menerima dana di rekening bank yang "
"terhubung dengan akun WooCommerce, paling cepat di hari kerja berikutnya."
msgid "No lists yet."
msgstr "Belum ada daftar."
msgid "Add new mailbox"
msgstr "Tambah mailbox baru"
msgid "New mailbox"
msgstr "Mailbox baru"
msgid "Integrated email solution with powerful features."
msgstr "Solusi e-mail terintegrasi dengan fitur-fitur canggih."
msgid ""
"Bluesky is growing in popularity, and it’s doing usernames "
"differently. Instead of traditional @usernames, Bluesky uses domains as "
"handles. This means your Gravatar domain can be your Bluesky identity too."
msgstr ""
"Kepopuleran Bluesky terus meningkat, dengan pendekatan unik untuk nama "
"pengguna. Tidak seperti penggunaan @namapengguna pada umumnya, Bluesky "
"memilih menggunakan domain sebagai handle. Artinya, domain Gravatar Anda "
"juga dapat digunakan sebagai identitas Bluesky Anda."
msgid "Bluesky handle"
msgstr "Handle Bluesky"
msgid "Use your domain as your Bluesky user handle"
msgstr "Gunakan domain Anda sebagai handle pengguna Bluesky"
msgid ""
"Swap out with your very own custom domain "
msgstr ""
"Ganti dengan domain khusus Anda sendiri "
msgid "Make your profile easier to remember."
msgstr "Buat profil Anda makin mudah diingat."
msgid "Custom domain available!"
msgstr "Domain khusus tersedia."
msgid ""
"Your account currently has an outstanding balance of $%(debtAmount)s. Please "
"resolve this using the links below before creating new campaigns."
msgstr ""
"Akun Anda saat ini memiliki saldo terutang sebesar %(debtAmount)s. "
"Selesaikan masalah ini menggunakan tautan di bawah ini sebelum membuat "
"kampanye baru."
msgid "Total extra space after purchase: %(totalSpace)s GB"
msgstr "Total ruang penyimpanan ekstra setelah pembelian: %(totalSpace)s GB"
msgid ""
"Purchasing a storage add-on will replace your current "
"%(currentExtraStorage)sGB extra storage (not add to it)."
msgstr ""
"Membeli add-on penyimpanan akan menggantikan penyimpanan ekstra "
"%(currentExtraStorage)sGB Anda saat ini (bukan menambahnya)."
msgid "%d GB Storage"
msgstr "Penyimpanan %d GB"
msgid "Free for one year, includes Premium themes"
msgstr "Gratis selama satu tahun, termasuk tema Premium"
msgid ""
"Please take a minute to fill out this quick 15-question survey. To thank you "
"for your time, we’ll add $50 in Blaze credit to your account on January 24. "
"Blaze is a quick and easy way to get started advertising, and we’re excited "
"for you to try it out on the house."
msgstr ""
"Harap luangkan waktu sejenak untuk menjawab 15 pertanyaan dalam survei ini. "
"Terima kasih atas waktu Anda. Kami akan menambahkan kredit Blaze sebesar $50 "
"ke akun Anda pada 24 Januari. Blaze adalah cara mudah dan cepat untuk mulai "
"membuat iklan, dan kami senang Anda mencobanya gratis."
msgid "Help us shape the future of Blaze on"
msgstr "Bantu kami mengembangkan potensi Blaze di"
msgid ""
"Please take a minute to fill out this quick 15-question survey. To thank you "
"for your time, we’ll add $50 in Blaze credit to your "
"account on January 24. Blaze is a quick and easy way to get "
"started advertising, and we’re excited for you to try it out on the house."
msgstr ""
"Harap luangkan waktu sejenak untuk menjawab 15 pertanyaan dalam survei ini. "
"Terima kasih atas waktu Anda. Kami akan menambahkan kredit Blaze "
"sebesar $50 ke akun Anda pada 24 Januari. Blaze "
"adalah cara mudah dan cepat untuk mulai membuat iklan, dan kami senang Anda "
"mencobanya gratis."
msgid ""
"Your ideas and feedback power everything we do. We want your thoughts on "
"promoting your site. What works, what doesn’t, how could we make things "
msgstr ""
"Ide dan feedback Anda adalah energi kami. Kami ingin tahu pendapat Anda "
"tentang mempromosikan situs Anda. Cara apa yang efektif dan yang tidak? "
"Bagaimana kami bisa menyempurnakannya?"
msgid "Help us shape the future of Blaze on %s."
msgstr "Bantu kami mengembangkan potensi Blaze di %s."
msgid "Start the survey!"
msgstr "Mulai survei!"
msgid "Type to add categories"
msgstr "Ketik untuk menambahkan kategori"
msgid ""
"Set your site visibility: Go to “Settings” → “General” and make sure your "
"site is set to “Public” so everyone can see it!"
msgstr ""
"Atur visibilitas situs: Buka “Pengaturan“ → “Umum“ dan pastikan situs Anda "
"diatur menjadi “Publik“ agar semua orang dapat melihatnya."
msgid "Manage all your plugins in one place"
msgstr "Kelola semua plugin Anda di satu tempat"
msgid "You can also upload audio with our %2$s Plan!"
msgstr ""
"Anda juga dapat mengunggah audio dengan Paket %2$s "
msgid "Unique clicks: —"
msgstr "Klik unik: —"
msgid "Unique opens: —"
msgstr "Pembukaan unik: —"
msgctxt "Stats: Info box label when the Locations module is empty"
msgid ""
"Stats on visitors and {{link}}their viewing location{{/link}} will appear "
msgstr ""
"Statistik pengunjung dan {{link}}lokasi mereka berkunjung{{/link}} akan "
"tampil di sini."
msgctxt ""
"Stats: module row header for number of views from a country, region or city."
msgid "Views"
msgstr "Lihat"
msgctxt "Stats: module row header for views by country, region or city."
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Lokasi"
msgctxt "Stats: title of module"
msgid "Locations"
msgstr "Lokasi"
msgid "Top cities"
msgstr "Kota teratas"
msgid "Cities"
msgstr "Kota"
msgid "Top regions"
msgstr "Wilayah teratas"
msgid "Regions"
msgstr "Wilayah"
msgid "Top countries"
msgstr "Negara teratas"
msgid "The sales were disabled on this site. Please try again later."
msgstr "Penjualan dinonaktifkan di situs ini. Coba lagi nanti."
msgid "An unexpected error occurred (mem-e17). Please try again later."
msgstr "Terjadi error tidak terduga (mem-e17). Coba lagi nanti."
msgid "We’re here to help"
msgstr "Kami siap membantu"
msgid ""
"To ensure uninterrupted, real-time backups of your site, upgrade your "
msgstr ""
"Untuk menjamin pencadangan situs real-time tanpa gangguan, upgrade ruang "
"penyimpanan Anda."
msgid ""
"To keep those backups running smoothly, you can choose to upgrade your "
"storage or reduce the size of your site."
msgstr ""
"Agar pencadangan berjalan lancar, Anda bisa meng-upgrade penyimpanan atau memperkecil ukuran situs Anda."
msgid ""
"When your site reaches the storage limit, Jetpack VaultPress Backup will "
"temporarily stop saving new versions of your site until you take action."
msgstr ""
"Jika situs mencapai batas penyimpanan, Jetpack VaultPress Backup akan "
"berhenti menyimpan versi terbaru situs Anda untuk sementara waktu hingga "
"Anda mengambil tindakan."
msgid ""
"We wanted to let you know that your site is close to running out of backup "
"storage space."
msgstr ""
"Kami ingin menginformasikan bahwa situs Anda hampir kehabisan ruang "
"penyimpanan cadangan."
msgid ""
"Don’t worry — you can take action now to upgrade your storage and resume "
"uninterrupted, real-time backups of your site."
msgstr ""
"Jangan khawatir, Anda bisa melakukan upgrade penyimpanan sekarang dan "
"melanjutkan pencadangan situs secara real-time dan tanpa gangguan."
msgid ""
"We wanted to let you know that your site has now run out of backup storage "
"space and we’ve hit pause on generating new backups for now."
msgstr ""
"Kami ingin menginformasikan bahwa situs Anda kini sudah kehabisan ruang "
"penyimpanan cadangan dan kami telah menjeda pembuatan cadangan baru saat ini."
msgid "Using %1$s of %2$s of storage"
msgstr "Menggunakan penyimpanan %1$s dari %2$s"
msgid "High request capacity"
msgstr "Kapasitas permintaan tinggi"
msgid ""
"You’ll need to invite any users that previously had access to your sites."
msgstr ""
"Anda perlu mengundang semua pengguna yang sebelumnya memiliki akses ke situs "
msgid "Choose which sites you’d like to restore"
msgstr "Pilih situs mana yang Anda ingin pulihkan"
msgid "Latest emails"
msgstr "E-mail terbaru"
msgid "%1$s logins by %2$s user"
msgid_plural "%1$s logins by %2$s users"
msgstr[0] "%1$s login oleh %2$s pengguna"
msgstr[1] "%1$s login oleh %2$s pengguna"
msgid ""
"We have not approved your application for the Automattic for Agencies "
"program. Please {{a}}contact support{{/a}} to discuss this further if you "
"think this was done in error."
msgstr ""
"Kami belum menyetujui pendaftaran Anda untuk program Automattic for "
"Agencies. Mohon {{a}}hubungi dukungan {{/a}} untuk mendiskusikan hal ini "
"lebih lanjut jika Anda merasa ada kesalahan terhadap keputusan ini."
msgid ""
"Welcome to Automattic for Agencies. Your application has been approved! You "
"can now make purchases in the portal."
msgstr ""
"Selamat datang di Automattic for Agencies. Pendaftaran Anda telah disetujui! "
"Anda sekarang dapat melakukan pembelian di portal."
msgid ""
"Your application to Automattic for Agencies is under review. You won’t be "
"able to make any purchases until you have been approved."
msgstr ""
"Pendaftaran Anda untuk Automattic for Agencies sedang ditinjau. Anda tidak "
"akan dapat melakukan pembelian apa pun hingga permohonan Anda disetujui."
msgid ""
"{{p}}%(price)s per every additional %(thousands_of_records)dk records and/or "
"requests per month{{/p}}"
msgstr ""
"{{p}}%(price)s per setiap tambahan %(thousands_of_records)d ribu records dan/"
"atau permintaan per bulan{{/p}}"
msgid "100k records & requests/mo"
msgstr "100 ribu records & permintaan/bulan"
msgid "Manage Google Workspace"
msgstr "Kelola Google Workspace"
msgid "View billing and payments"
msgstr "Lihat tagihan dan pembayaran"
msgid "DNS records change how your domain works. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}."
msgstr ""
"DNS record mengubah cara kerja domain Anda. {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}}."
msgid "Add email forwarding"
msgstr "Tambahkan penerusan e-mail"
msgid "Bell Off"
msgstr "Lonceng Dinonaktifkan"
msgid "Arrow Right"
msgstr "Panah Kanan"
msgid "Arrow Left"
msgstr "Panah Kiri"
msgid "Arrow Down"
msgstr "Panah Bawah"
msgid "Arrow Up"
msgstr "Panah Atas"
msgid "Trophy"
msgstr "Trofi"
msgid "Reader Following"
msgstr "Pembaca Mengikuti"
msgid "Reader Follow"
msgstr "Pembaca Ikuti"
msgid "%(planName)s + %(price)s/mo"
msgstr "%(planName)s + %(price)s/bulan"
msgid ""
"3. We’ll take care of the legwork: Your web traffic won’t be compromised—"
"we’ll automatically redirect your site visitors to your new domain name, so "
"you won’t lose a single follower!"
msgstr ""
"3. Kami akan menangani persiapannya: Lalu lintas web Anda tidak akan "
"terganggu. Kami akan secara otomatis mengarahkan pengunjung situs Anda ke "
"nama domain yang baru sehingga Anda tidak kehilangan pengikut."
msgid ""
"2. Build your brand: A custom domain means you’ll have a distinctive site "
"address to share—one that reflects your brand and personality."
msgstr ""
"2. Bangun merek Anda: Domain kustom berarti alamat situs yang khas untuk "
"dibagikan, yang mencerminkan merek dan kepribadian Anda."
msgid ""
"1. Set yourself apart: Custom domain names stand out better in search "
"results and across social media."
msgstr ""
"1. Tunjukkan keunikan Anda: Domain kustom akan lebih menonjol dalam hasil "
"pencarian dan di berbagai platform media sosial."
msgid ""
"We’ll take care of the legwork: Your web traffic won’t be "
"compromised—we’ll automatically redirect your site visitors to your new "
"domain name, so you won’t lose a single follower!"
msgstr ""
"Kami akan menangani persiapannya: Lalu lintas web Anda "
"tidak akan terganggu. Kami akan secara otomatis mengarahkan pengunjung situs "
"Anda ke nama domain yang baru sehingga Anda tidak kehilangan pengikut."
msgid ""
"Build your brand: A custom domain means you’ll have a "
"distinctive site address to share—one that reflects your brand and "
msgstr ""
"Bangun merek Anda: Domain kustom berarti alamat situs yang "
"khas untuk dibagikan, yang mencerminkan merek dan kepribadian Anda."
msgid ""
"Set yourself apart: Custom domain names stand out better in "
"search results and across social media."
msgstr ""
"Tunjukkan keunikan Anda: Domain kustom akan lebih menonjol "
"dalam hasil pencarian dan di berbagai platform media sosial."
msgid "Top 3 reasons to claim your domain name today:"
msgstr ""
"3 alasan utama untuk mengklaim nama domain Anda sekarang juga:"
msgid "Be sure to claim your domain today to help your site stand out."
msgstr ""
"Pastikan mengklaim domain Anda sekarang juga untuk membantu meramaikan situs "
msgid ""
"A custom domain gives your website a unique identity that sets you apart and "
"makes a lasting impression. We’ve come up with a few suggestions to help you "
"get started:"
msgstr ""
"Domain kustom menjadikan situs Anda unik dan tak terlupakan. Saran kami "
"untuk Anda yang baru memulai:"
msgid "Make your site stand out with one of these domains"
msgstr "Tampilkan keunikan situs Anda dengan salah satu domain ini"
msgid ""
"Upgrade to our professional email suite and enjoy advanced features, "
"seamless organization, and enhanced productivity. Try it risk-free with a 14-"
"day money back guarantee."
msgstr ""
"Upgrade ke paket e-mail profesional kami dan nikmati fitur-fitur canggih, "
"pengaturan yang lancar, dan produktivitas yang ditingkatkan. Cobalah tanpa "
"risiko dengan jaminan uang kembali 14 hari."
msgid "Unlock the full power of your inbox"
msgstr "Buka kekuatan penuh dari inbox Anda"
msgid "Add forward"
msgstr "Tambah terusan"
msgid "Manage your domain's contact details."
msgstr "Kelola detail kontak domain Anda."
msgid "Total emails sent"
msgstr "Total email yang dikirim"
msgid "%(percentage)s% more than estimated"
msgstr "%(percentage)s% lebih banyak dari yang diperkirakan"
msgid "Outperformed"
msgstr "Melampaui"
msgid "We sent the license key to your email inbox too."
msgstr "Kami juga mengirimkan kunci lisensi ke inbox e-mail Anda."
msgid "Choose from a variety of high performance hosting plans"
msgstr "Pilih dari beragam paket hosting dengan performa tinggi"
msgid "Refer a variety of plans to your clients"
msgstr "Referensikan berbagai paket kepada klien Anda"
msgid "Still sending emails."
msgstr "Masih mengirim email."
msgid "Check out our plans when you’re ready to take things to the next level!"
msgstr "Temukan paket kami jika ingin menuju ke level selanjutnya!"
msgid ""
"P.S. Why not take it further? Upgrade your website to get even more "
"features, like advanced customization, extra storage, and the ability to "
"connect your own domain name."
msgstr ""
"N.B. Siap melangkah ke level selanjutnya? Upgrade situs Anda untuk "
"mendapatkan lebih banyak fitur, termasuk penyesuaian tingkat lanjut, ruang "
"penyimpanan ekstra, dan koneksi ke nama domain Anda sendiri."
msgid "Hit publish: That’s it! Publish your site and enjoy the moment. "
msgstr ""
"Cukup klik \"Publikasikan\" dan selesai! Publikasikan situs Anda dan rasakan "
"pengalamannya. "
msgid ""
"P.S. Thinking of upgrading? When you do, you’ll unlock additional "
"customization options and storage to help your site grow."
msgstr ""
"N.B. Berencana untuk upgrade? Upgrade akan memberi Anda fitur penyesuaian "
"dan penyimpanan tambahan untuk membantu situs Anda berkembang."
msgid "Why you’ll love Blocks:"
msgstr "Alasan Anda akan menyukai Blok:"
msgid "Check out our plans."
msgstr "Temukan paket kami."
msgid ""
"P.S. Upgrading your plan gives you access to even more customization "
"options, premium themes, advanced design tools, the ability to connect your "
"own domain name, and extra storage."
msgstr ""
"N.B. Dengan mengupgrade paket, Anda akan mendapatkan akses ke lebih banyak "
"pilihan penyesuaian, tema premium, alat desain tingkat lanjut, koneksi ke "
"nama domain Anda sendiri, serta ruang penyimpanan ekstra. "
msgid "It all starts when you hit publish."
msgstr "Klik \"Publikasikan\" dan mulai perjalanan Anda."
msgid ""
"P.S. Why not take it further? Upgrade your website to get even more "
"features, like advanced customization, extra storage, and the ability to "
"connect your own domain name. Check out our plans when you’re ready to take "
"things to the next level!"
msgstr ""
"N.B. Siap melangkah ke level selanjutnya? Upgrade situs Anda untuk "
"mendapatkan lebih banyak fitur, termasuk penyesuaian tingkat lanjut, ruang "
"penyimpanan ekstra, dan koneksi ke nama domain Anda sendiri. Temukan paket "
"kami jika ingin naik ke level selanjutnya!"
msgid "Hit publish: That’s it! Publish your site and enjoy the moment."
msgstr ""
"Cukup klik \"Publikasikan\" dan selesai! Publikasikan situs Anda dan rasakan "
msgid ""
"Set your site visibility: Go to \"Settings\" → \"Reading\" and make sure "
"your site is set to \"Public\" so everyone can see it!"
msgstr ""
"Atur visibilitas situs: Buka \"Pengaturan\" → \"Membaca\" dan pastikan situs "
"Anda diatur ke \"Publik\" agar semua orang dapat melihatnya."
msgid ""
"Review your site: Take a final look at your content, theme, and "
msgstr "Tinjau situs Anda: Periksa kembali konten, tema, dan penyesuaian."
msgid "Here are a few final steps to get everything ready for your launch:"
msgstr "Berikut beberapa langkah penting sebelum meluncurkan situs Anda:"
msgid "Nearly there"
msgstr "Sedikit lagi!"
msgid ""
"You’ve done the hard work—now it’s time to share your site with the world "
"and start the year right. Don’t worry about having to make everything "
"perfect. The beauty of a website is that you can continue to update and "
"improve it over time."
msgstr ""
"Semua kerja keras Anda terbayarkan! Kini saatnya membagikan situs Anda dan "
"sambut tahun baru dengan bersemangat. Tak perlu khawatir harus "
"menyempurnakan segalanya. Hebatnya, Anda dapat terus mengupgrade dan "
"mengembangkan situs seiring waktu."
msgid "Publish now—you can always edit later."
msgstr "Publikasikan sekarang dan sunting kemudian."
msgid "Launch your site in 2025!"
msgstr "Luncurkan situs Anda di tahun 2025!"
msgid ""
"P.S. Thinking of upgrading? When you do, you’ll unlock additional "
"customization options and storage to help your site grow. Check out our "
msgstr ""
"N.B. Berencana untuk upgrade? Upgrade akan memberi Anda fitur penyesuaian "
"dan penyimpanan tambahan untuk membantu situs Anda berkembang. Temukan "
"paket kami."
msgid "Mobile-friendly: Look great on any device, automatically."
msgstr ""
"Ramah perangkat seluler: Tampilan optimal di semua perangkat, secara "
msgid "Fully customizable: Choose layouts and styles that match your vision."
msgstr ""
"Penyesuaian penuh: Pilih tata letak dan gaya yang sesuai dengan visi Anda."
msgid "Easy to use: Drag-and-drop for quick, hassle-free design."
msgstr "Mudah digunakan: Desain cepat dan mudah dengan fitur seret-lepas."
msgid "Why you’ll love Blocks"
msgstr "Alasan Anda akan menyukai Blok"
msgid ""
"The good news is that with WordPress Blocks, getting things done exactly the "
"way you envisioned them has never been easier. Whether you’re adding text, "
"images, or more ways to connect with your audience, Blocks offer a simple "
"drag-and-drop experience—no coding needed. Try them out on pages, posts, and "
msgstr ""
"Kabar baiknya, dengan Blok WordPress, mewujudkan visi Anda menjadi kenyataan "
"kini jauh lebih mudah. Untuk menambahkan teks, gambar, atau fitur interaksi "
"dengan audiens, Blok menawarkan pengalaman seret-lepas yang sederhana—tanpa "
"perlu koding. Coba pada halaman, pos, dan lainnya!"
msgid ""
"Now’s the right moment to launch your website and start 2025 with a bang."
msgstr ""
"Kini saatnya meluncurkan situs Anda dan sambut tahun 2025 dengan gemilang."
msgid "Build your site to life with Blocks"
msgstr "Bangun situs Anda dengan Blok"
msgid ""
"Kick off the New Year with tips and tricks for getting your website going!"
msgstr "Awali tahun baru dengan tip dan trik untuk membangun situs!"
msgid "Bring your site to life in 2025"
msgstr "Buat situs Anda bersinar di tahun 2025"
msgid "Explore Blocks"
msgstr "Jelajahi Blok"
msgid ""
"P.S. Upgrading your plan gives you access to even more customization "
"options, premium themes, advanced design tools, the ability to connect your "
"own domain name, and extra storage. Check out our plans."
msgstr ""
"N.B. Dengan mengupgrade paket, Anda akan mendapatkan akses ke lebih banyak "
"pilihan penyesuaian, tema premium, alat desain tingkat lanjut, koneksi ke "
"nama domain Anda sendiri, serta ruang penyimpanan ekstra. Temukan paket "
msgid "Ready to take off? Let’s make it happen!"
msgstr "Siap mengembangkan situs Anda? Mari wujudkan!"
msgid "How do you celebrate the start of a new year, and why?"
msgstr ""
"Bagaimana Anda merayakan awal tahun, dan adakah alasan untuk perayaan itu?"
msgid ""
"What’s the most surprising thing you’ve learned about yourself through "
msgstr ""
"Apa hal paling mengejutkan tentang diri sendiri yang Anda temukan selama "
msgid "What excites you most about the future?"
msgstr "Apa yang paling membuat Anda antusias tentang masa mendatang?"
msgid "What is a topic you wish people knew more about?"
msgstr "Apa topik yang Anda harapkan lebih banyak diketahui orang-orang?"
msgid ""
"Whether it’s a new page or your first blog post, the more you add, the more "
"engaging your site will be. Here are a few prompts to get your writing "
msgstr ""
"Makin banyak yang Anda tambahkan, makin menarik situs Anda, terlepas itu "
"halaman baru atau pos blog pertama Anda. Berikut beberapa pertanyaan untuk "
"membantu Anda mulai menulis:"
msgid "Share your story—create a post"
msgstr "Bagikan kisah Anda—buat sebuah pos"
msgid ""
"As we step into 2025, it’s the perfect time to bring your site to life. We "
"know the first post can be the hardest, so you could simply start by telling "
"the world who you are and what you do. You can always edit it later!"
msgstr ""
"Saat memasuki tahun 2025, ini saatnya untuk membuat situs Anda bersinar. "
"Menulis pos pertama bisa terasa sangat sulit. Mulailah dengan menceritakan "
"diri dan aktivitas Anda. Anda bisa mempublikasikan sekarang dan menyunting "
msgid ""
"Happy New Year! Thank you for being a part of the WordPress community in "
"2024. We’re truly grateful to have you with us."
msgstr ""
"Selamat Tahun Baru! Terima kasih telah menjadi bagian dari komunitas "
"WordPress di tahun 2024. Kehadiran Anda bersama kami sangatlah berarti."
msgid "It all starts when you hit publish"
msgstr "Klik \"Publikasikan\" dan mulai perjalanan Anda"
msgid "Take those first important steps to building an audience"
msgstr "Mulai langkah penting untuk membangun audiens Anda"
msgid "Write, publish, launch!"
msgstr "Tulis, publikasikan, luncurkan!"
msgid "Get writing"
msgstr "Saatnya menulis"
msgid ""
"And your timing is perfect: we’re currently offering 50% off your first year "
"of hosting for any site migrated over to"
msgstr ""
"Waktu yang tepat untuk Anda: kami sedang menawarkan diskon 50% untuk tahun "
"pertama hosting situs mana pun yang dipindahkan ke"
msgid ""
"Now that your account is set up, you might be ready to bring "
"other clients on board to enjoy the benefits of hosting––like "
"unlimited monthly visitors, unmetered bandwidth, and all of the development "
"tools you need to manage those sites."
msgstr ""
"Sekarang, setelah akun selesai disiapkan, Anda mungkin siap "
"mengajak klien lain bergabung untuk menikmati manfaat hosting, "
"seperti pengunjung bulanan tak terbatas, bandwidth tanpa batas, dan semua "
"alat pengembangan yang Anda butuhkan untuk mengelola situs-situs tersebut."
msgid "Ready to bring more sites to"
msgstr "Siap untuk mengalihkan beberapa situs lagi ke"
msgid "*Offer valid until %(endDate)s"
msgstr "*Penawaran valid hingga %(endDate)s"
msgid ""
"* The migration limit is $10,000 for WP Engine and $3,000 for other hosts. "
"Offer valid until %(endDate)s"
msgstr ""
"* Batas migrasi adalah $10.000 untuk WP Engine dan $3.000 untuk hosting "
"lainnya. Penawaran berlaku hingga %(endDate)s"
msgid ""
"Receive $100 for each site you migrate to Pressable or, up to "
"$10,000.* If you’re a WP Engine customer, we’ll also credit the costs to set "
"you free. {{a}}Full Terms ↗{{/a}}"
msgstr ""
"Dapatkan $100 untuk setiap situs yang Anda migrasikan ke Pressable atau "
", hingga $10.000.* Jika Anda adalah pelanggan WP Engine, kami "
"juga akan mengkreditkan biaya tersebut agar Anda bisa mendapatkannya secara "
"gratis. {{a}}Persyaratan Lengkap ↗{{/a}}"
msgid "User Posts"
msgstr "Pos Pengguna"
msgid ""
"When your client buys products or hosting from Automattic for Agencies, they "
"are billed on the first of every month rather than immediately. We estimate "
"the commission based on the active use for the current month. {{br/}}{{br}}"
"{{/br}}The next payout range is for:{{br/}}"
"{{span}}%(nextPayoutActivityWindow)s{{/span}}{{br/}}{{br/}}{{a}}Learn more{{/"
"a}} ↗"
msgstr ""
"Ketika klien Anda membeli produk atau hosting dari Automattic for Agencies, "
"mereka akan ditagih pada tanggal 1 setiap bulannya, bukan langsung. Kami "
"memperkirakan komisi berdasarkan penggunaan aktif untuk bulan yang berjalan. "
"{{br/}}{{br}}{{/br}}Kisaran pembayaran berikutnya:{{br/}}"
"{{span}}%(nextPayoutActivityWindow)s{{/span}}{{br/}}{{br/}}{{a}}Pelajari "
"lebih lanjut{{/a}} ↗"
msgid "Next estimated payout amount"
msgstr "Perkiraan jumlah pembayaran berikutnya"
msgid ""
"The exact amount your agency has been paid out for referrals.{{br/}}{{br/}}"
"{{a}}Learn more{{/a}} ↗"
msgstr ""
"Jumlah pasti yang dibayarkan kepada agensi Anda untuk ruferral.{{br/}}{{br/}}"
"{{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}} ↗"
msgid "Available on %(planName)s"
msgstr "Tersedia di %(planName)s"
msgid "Available on %(planName)s plus %(price)s/month"
msgstr "Tersedia di %(planName)s ditambah %(price)s/bulan"
msgid "Available on %(businessPlanName)s"
msgstr "Tersedia di %(businessPlanName)s"
msgid ""
"We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any "
"questions, please don't hesitate to contact our support team."
msgstr ""
"Mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanan yang ditimbulkan. Jika Anda punya "
"pertanyaan, jangan sungkan untuk menghubungi tim dukungan kami."
msgid ""
"The %s will remain installed and active in your site, but it will no longer "
"receive updates or support from the author."
msgstr ""
"%s akan tetap terinstal dan aktif di situs kami, tetapi tidak lagi menerima "
"pembaruan atau dukungan dari penulis."
msgid ""
"The author of %1$s has stopped supporting the %2$s which is "
"active in your site %3$s. As a result, your subscription "
"has been cancelled and a refund of %4$0.2f %5$s has been "
"issued to your account as credits. You can use these credits "
"to purchase another similar %2$s or any product / service on"
msgstr ""
"Penulis %1$s berhenti mendukung %2$s yang aktif di situs "
"Anda %3$s. Oleh karena itu, langganan Anda dibatalkan dan "
"pengembalian dana %4$0.2f %5$s telah diberikan ke akun "
" sebagai kredit. Anda dapat menggunakan kredit ini untuk "
"membeli %2$s yang sama lainnya atau produk/layanan di"
msgid "Hello %1$s,"
msgstr "Halo %1$s,"
msgid "Learn more at"
msgstr "Pelajari selengkapnya di"
msgid ""
"Get the full Jetpack suite with real‑time security, top performance, and "
"everything you need to grow your business."
msgstr ""
"Dapatkan rangkaian Jetpack lengkap dengan keamanan real‑time, performa "
"teratas, dan segala yang Anda butuhkan untuk mengembangkan bisnis."
msgid "The most powerful AI tool for WordPress."
msgstr "Alat AI paling andal untuk WordPress."
msgid "Get Every 2 years"
msgstr "Dapatkan Setiap 2 tahun sekali"
msgid "Every 2 years"
msgstr "Setiap 2 tahun sekali"
msgid "Default post category"
msgstr "Kategori pos default"
msgid ""
"Develop sites for as long as you need, with free development "
"sites. Only pay when you launch!"
msgstr ""
"Kembangkan situs selama yang Anda butuhkan, dengan situs "
"pengembangan gratis. Bayar hanya saat Anda meluncurkan!"
msgid "Use a backup file to import your content into a new site."
msgstr "Gunakan file cadangan untuk mengimpor konten Anda ke situs baru."
msgid "Bring your theme, plugins, and content to"
msgstr "Bawa tema, plugin, dan konten Anda ke"
msgid "Add a new production site"
msgstr "Tambah situs produksi baru"
msgid "Install the Jetpack plugin on an existing site"
msgstr "Instal plugin Jetpack di situs yang sudah ada"
msgid "Via the Jetpack plugin"
msgstr "Via plugin Jetpack"
msgid "Import connected or Jetpack sites"
msgstr "Impor situs atau Jetpack yang terhubung"
msgid "Via connection"
msgstr "Via koneksi"
msgid "Default category changed successfully."
msgstr "Kategori default berhasil diubah."
msgid "Set “%s” as the default category"
msgstr "Tetapkan “%s” sebagai kategori default"
msgid "Signature Plans"
msgstr " Paket Signature"
msgctxt "Pressable Enterprise 500 Plan"
msgid "Pressable Enterprise 500"
msgstr "Pressable Enterprise 500"
msgid "Pressable Enterprise 500"
msgstr "Pressable Enterprise 500"
msgctxt "Pressable Enterprise 450 Plan"
msgid "Pressable Enterprise 450"
msgstr "Pressable Enterprise 450"
msgid "Pressable Enterprise 450"
msgstr "Pressable Enterprise 450"
msgctxt "Pressable Enterprise 400 Plan"
msgid "Pressable Enterprise 400"
msgstr "Pressable Enterprise 400"
msgid "Pressable Enterprise 400"
msgstr "Pressable Enterprise 400"
msgctxt "Pressable Enterprise 350 Plan"
msgid "Pressable Enterprise 350"
msgstr "Pressable Enterprise 350"
msgid "Pressable Enterprise 350"
msgstr "Pressable Enterprise 350"
msgctxt "Pressable Enterprise 300 Plan"
msgid "Pressable Enterprise 300"
msgstr "Pressable Enterprise 300"
msgid "Pressable Enterprise 300"
msgstr "Pressable Enterprise 300"
msgctxt "Pressable Enterprise 250 Plan"
msgid "Pressable Enterprise 250"
msgstr "Pressable Enterprise 250"
msgid "Pressable Enterprise 250"
msgstr "Pressable Enterprise 250"
msgctxt "Pressable Enterprise 200 Plan"
msgid "Pressable Enterprise 200"
msgstr "Pressable Enterprise 200"
msgid "Pressable Enterprise 200"
msgstr "Pressable Enterprise 200"
msgid "Storage (GB)"
msgstr "Penyimpanan (GB)"
msgid "The connection status."
msgstr "Status koneksi."
msgid "Whether the connection is shared with other users."
msgstr "Apakah koneksi dibagikan dengan pengguna lain."
msgid "Alphanumeric identifier for the Jetpack Social service."
msgstr "Pengenal alfanumerik untuk layanan Jetpack Social"
msgid "Human-readable label for the Jetpack Social service."
msgstr "Label yang dapat dibaca manusia untuk layanan Jetpack Social."
msgid "URL of the profile picture of the connected account."
msgstr "URL gambar profil akun yang terhubung."
msgid "Profile link of the connected account."
msgstr "Tautan profil akun yang terhubung."
msgid "The external ID of the connected account."
msgstr "ID eksternal akun yang terhubung"
msgid "The external handle or username of the connected account."
msgstr "Handle eksternal atau nama pengguna akun yang terhubung."
msgid "Display name of the connected account."
msgstr "Nama tampilan akun yang terhubung"
msgid "Connection ID of the connected account."
msgstr "ID koneksi akun yang terhubung."
msgid "The name to display in the profile of the connected account."
msgstr "Nama yang ditampilkan dalam profil akun yang terhubung"
msgid "Username of the connected account."
msgstr "Nama pengguna dari akun yang terhubung"
msgid "Deprecated in favor of %s."
msgstr "Cacat dan digantikan dengan %s."
msgid "Unique identifier for the Jetpack Social connection."
msgstr "Pengenal unik untuk koneksi Jetpack Social"
msgid "Whether to test connections."
msgstr "Apakah akan menguji koneksi atau tidak."
msgid "Learn about the performance of the emails you sent to your subscribers."
msgstr "Pelajari tentang performa e-mail yang Anda kirimkan ke pelanggan."
msgid ""
"Compare different {{link}}time periods{{/link}} to analyze your site’s "
msgstr ""
"Bandingkan {{link}}periode waktu{{/link}} yang berbeda untuk menganalisis "
"pertumbuhan situs Anda."
msgid "Upgrade to Commercial"
msgstr "Upgrade ke Komersial"
msgid "Legal Links"
msgstr "Tautan Legal"
msgid ""
"Draw your readers from one post to another, increasing overall traffic on "
"your site"
msgstr ""
"Tarik perhatian pembaca dari satu pos ke pos yang lain sehingga meningkatkan "
"lalu lintas di situs Anda secara keseluruhan"
msgid "Draw your readers from one post to another"
msgstr "Tarik perhatian pembaca dari satu pos ke pos yang lain"
msgid ""
"There was an error adding this payment method. Please refresh the page and "
"try again"
msgstr ""
"Kami tidak dapat menambahkan metode pembayaran ini. Segarkan halaman ini dan "
"coba lagi."
msgid "Switch to our free default theme"
msgstr "Beralih ke tema default gratis kami"
msgid "Custom domains are only available with a paid plan"
msgstr "Domain khusus hanya tersedia di paket berbayar"
msgid "Premium themes are only available with a paid plan"
msgstr "Tema premium hanya tersedia di paket berbayar"
msgid "Custom domains and premium themes are only available with a paid plan"
msgstr "Domain khusus dan tema premium hanya tersedia di paket berbayar"
msgid "Domain credit, plugins, all premium and store themes, WooCommerce"
msgstr "Kredit domain, plugin, semua tema premium dan toko, WooCommerce"
msgid "Domain credit, plugins, all premium themes"
msgstr "Kredit domain, plugin, semua tema premium"
msgid "Domain credit, all premium themes"
msgstr "Kredit domain, semua tema premium"
msgid "Domain credit, some premium themes"
msgstr "Kredit domain, beberapa tema premium"
msgid "%(planPrice)s/month"
msgstr "%(planPrice)s/bulan"
msgid ""
"Newsletters are sent via If you pause emails, you will not "
"receive newsletters from the sites you are subscribed to."
msgstr ""
"Buletin dikirim melalui Jika Anda menghentikan email, Anda "
"tidak akan menerima buletin dari situs tempat Anda berlangganan."
msgid "Log in to Akismet with"
msgstr "Login ke Akismet dengan"
msgctxt "Complete Product Feature"
msgid "Newsletter and monetization tools"
msgstr "Buletin dan alat monetisasi"
msgid "Seamlessly redirect your messages to where you need them."
msgstr "Mengarahkan pesan Anda dengan mudah ke tempat yang Anda inginkan."
msgid ""
"These are the number of pending referrals (unpaid carts). {{br/}}{{br/}}{{a}}"
"Learn more{{/a}} ↗"
msgstr ""
"Ini adalah jumlah referral yang tertunda (keranjang yang belum dibayar)."
"{{br/}}{{br/}}{{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}} ↗"
msgid "Pending referral orders"
msgstr "Pesanan referral yang tertunda"
msgid "Estimated date"
msgstr "Perkiraan tanggal"
msgid "Estimated amount"
msgstr "Perkiraan jumlah"
msgid "All time referral payouts"
msgstr "Pembayaran referral sepanjang waktu"
msgid "Total payouts"
msgstr "Total pembayaran"
msgid "result found"
msgid_plural "results found"
msgstr[0] "hasil ditemukan"
msgstr[1] "hasil ditemukan"
msgid "Displaying %1$s – %2$s of %3$s"
msgstr "Menampilkan %1$s – %2$s dari %3$s"
msgid "Displaying %1$s of %2$s"
msgstr "Menampilkan %1$s dari %2$s"
msgid ""
"Enables Write mode in the Site Editor for a simplified editing experience."
msgstr ""
"Mengaktifkan mode Tulis di Editor Situs untuk pengalaman pengeditan lebih "
msgid "Simplified site editing"
msgstr "Pengeditan situs lebih mudah"
msgid ""
"Enables full-page client-side navigation with the Interactivity API, "
"updating HTML while preserving application state."
msgstr ""
"Mengaktifkan navigasi klien satu halaman dengan API Interaktivitas, "
"memperbarui HTML sembari mempertahankan status aplikasi."
msgid "iAPI: full page client side navigation"
msgstr "iAPI: navigasi klien satu halaman"
msgid ""
"Enables access to a Quick Edit panel in the Site Editor Pages experience."
msgstr ""
"Mengaktifkan akses ke panel Edit Cepat dalam pengalaman Halaman Editor Situs."
msgid "Data Views: add Quick Edit"
msgstr "Tampilan Data: tambahkan Edit Cepat"
msgid ""
"Enables a redesigned posts dashboard accessible through a submenu item in "
"the Gutenberg plugin."
msgstr ""
"Mengaktifkan dasbor pos yang didesain ulang, yang dapat diakses melalui item "
"submenu di plugin Gutenberg."
msgid "Data Views: enable for Posts"
msgstr "Tampilan Data: aktifkan untuk Pos"
msgid ""
"Enables the ability to add, edit, and save custom views when in the Site "
msgstr ""
"Mengaktifkan kemampuan untuk menambah, mengedit, dan menyimpan tampilan "
"kustom saat di Editor Situs."
msgid "Data Views: add Custom Views"
msgstr "Tampilan Data: tambahkan Tampilan Kustom"
msgid ""
"Enables the Global Styles color randomizer in the Site Editor; a utility "
"that lets you mix the current color palette pseudo-randomly."
msgstr ""
"Mengaktifkan pengacak warna Gaya Global di Editor Situs; utilitas yang "
"memungkinkan Anda mencampurkan palet warna saat ini secara semu acak."
msgid "Color randomizer"
msgstr "Pengacak warna"
msgid "Enables live collaboration and offline persistence between peers."
msgstr ""
"Mengaktifkan kolaborasi langsung dan keberlanjutan offline antar kolega."
msgid "Collaboration: add real time editing"
msgstr "Kolaborasi: tambahkan pengeditan real-time"
msgid "Enables multi-user block level commenting."
msgstr "Mengaktifkan pemberian komentar multi-pengguna pada tingkat blok."
msgid "Collaboration: add block level comments"
msgstr "Kolaborasi: tambahkan komentar tingkat blok."
msgid ""
"Enables client-side media processing to leverage the browser's capabilities "
"to handle tasks like image resizing and compression."
msgstr ""
"Mengaktifkan pemrosesan media klien untuk memanfaatkan kapabilitas browser "
"guna menangani tugas seperti pengubahan ukuran dan kompresi gambar."
msgid "Disables the TinyMCE and Classic block"
msgstr "Menonaktifkan TinyMCE dan blok Klasik"
msgid "Blocks: disable TinyMCE and Classic block"
msgstr "Blok: nonaktifkan TinyMCE dan blok Klasik"
msgid ""
"Enables enhancements to the Grid block that let you move and resize items in "
"the editor canvas."
msgstr ""
"Mengaktifkan peningkatan pada blok Kisi yang memungkinkan Anda memindahkan "
"dan mengubah ukuran item di kanvas editor."
msgid "Blocks: add Grid interactivity"
msgstr "Blok: tambahkan interaktivitas Kisi"
msgid ""
"Enables new blocks to allow building forms. You are likely to experience UX "
"issues that are being addressed."
msgstr ""
"Mengaktifkan blok baru untuk memungkinkan pembuatan formulir. Masalah UX "
"yang solusinya sedang dicari bisa saja terjadi."
msgid "Blocks: add Form and input blocks"
msgstr "Blok: tambahkan blok Formulir dan input"
msgid ""
"Enables experimental blocks on a rolling basis as they are developed.
(Warning: these blocks may have significant changes "
"during development that cause validation errors and display issues.)
msgstr ""
"Mengaktifkan blok eksperimental secara berkala saat sedang dikembangkan.
(Peringatan: semua blok ini mungkin mengalami "
"perubahan signifikan seiring pengembangannya yang menyebabkan error validasi "
"dan masalah tampilan.)
msgid "Blocks: add experimental blocks"
msgstr "Blok: tambahkan blok eksperimental"
msgid ""
"Please enter a valid site URL for your business. If you're experiencing "
"issues contact us at"
msgstr ""
"Masukkan URL situs yang valid untuk bisnis Anda. Jika Anda mengalami "
"kendala, hubungi kami di"
msgid ""
"*Commissions are paid quarterly, after a 60-day waiting period, excluding "
"refunds and chargebacks. Payout dates mark the start of processing, which "
"may take a few extra days. Payments scheduled on weekends are processed the "
"next business day. {{br/}}{{br/}}{{a}}Learn more{{/a}} ↗"
msgstr ""
"*Komisi dibayarkan setiap tiga bulan, setelah masa tunggu 60 hari, tidak "
"termasuk pengembalian dana dan pembatalan pembayaran. Tanggal pembayaran "
"menandai dimulainya pemrosesan, yang mungkin memerlukan waktu beberapa hari. "
"Pembayaran yang dijadwalkan pada akhir pekan akan diproses pada hari kerja "
"berikutnya. {{br/}}{{br/}}{{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}} ↗"
msgid "Next estimated payout date"
msgstr "Perkiraan tanggal pembayaran berikutnya"
msgid ""
"Which categories will you use for newsletter subscribers? Select all that "
msgstr ""
"Kategori mana yang Anda akan gunakan untuk pelanggan buletin? Pilih semua "
"yang sesuai:"
msgid ""
"Please select at least one category when newsletter categories are enabled."
msgstr "Pilihlah setidaknya satu kategori ketika kategori buletin diaktifkan."
msgid ""
"Add, organize, and display {{link}}testimonials{{/link}}. If your theme "
"doesn’t support testimonials yet, you can display them using the shortcode "
"[testimonials]. If your theme does support testimonials, these will remain "
"active regardless of toggle state."
msgstr ""
"Tambah, atur, dan tampilkan {{link}}testimonial{{/link}}. Jika tema Anda "
"belum mendukung testimonial, Anda dapat menampilkannya dengan menggunakan "
"shortcode [testimonials]. Jika tema Anda mendukung testimonial, maka "
"testimonial ini akan tetap aktif terlepas dari status pengaturannya aktif "
"atau tidak."
msgid "Get a quick glance at your domain options and settings."
msgstr "Ringkasan pilihan dan pengaturan domain Anda."
msgid "Manage site"
msgstr "Kelola situs"
msgid "Your current Pressable plan"
msgstr "Paket Pressable Anda saat ini"
msgid ""
"Earn a one-time 5% commission on client referrals to WordPress VIP. {{a}}"
"Full Terms{{/a}} ↗"
msgstr ""
"Dapatkan komisi 5% satu kali untuk referral klien ke WordPress VIP. {{a}}"
"Persyaratan Lengkap{{/a}} ↗"
msgid "%(visits_count)s of %(max_visits)s"
msgstr "%(visits_count)s dari %(max_visits)s"
msgid "Monthly visits"
msgstr "Kunjungan bulanan"
msgid "%(total_sites)s of %(max_sites)s"
msgstr "%(total_sites)s dari %(max_sites)s"
msgid "Sites created"
msgstr "Situs telah dibuat"
msgid "Storage used"
msgstr "Penyimpanan digunakan"
msgid ""
"We're still checking some details of your site to make the best possible "
msgstr ""
"Kami masih memeriksa beberapa detail situs Anda untuk membuat rekomendasi "
msgid ""
"We couldn't retrieve any data for this time frame. Please check back later, "
"as campaign data may take a few hours to appear."
msgstr ""
"Kami tidak dapat mengambil data apa pun untuk jangka waktu ini. Mohon "
"periksa kembali nanti, karena data kampanye mungkin memerlukan waktu "
"beberapa jam untuk muncul."
msgid "The platform the biggest brands trust."
msgstr "Platform yang dipercaya oleh brand-brand terbesar."
msgid "The number of invoices to return."
msgstr "Jumlah faktur yang akan ditampilkan."
msgctxt "shorter date format"
msgid "MMM D, HH:mm"
msgstr "DD MMM, HH:mm"
msgid "People reached"
msgstr "Orang yang dijangkau"
msgid "Run between"
msgstr "Jalankan antara"
msgid "Display plans by total"
msgstr "Tampilkan paket berdasarkan total"
msgid ""
"Included in your membership to Automattic for Agencies. Develop up to 5 "
" sites with free development licenses. Only pay when you launch."
msgstr ""
"Disertakan dalam keanggotaan Automattic for Agencies. Kembangkan hingga lima "
"situs dengan lisensi pengembangan gratis. Bayar setelah "
msgid "Create a development site"
msgstr "Buat situs pengembangan"
msgid "{{b}}Everything listed below{{/b}}"
msgstr "{{b}}Semua yang tercantum di bawah ini{{/b}}"
msgid "{{b}}Unrestricted bandwidth{{/b}}"
msgstr "{{b}}Bandwidth tanpa batas{{/b}}"
msgid "{{b}}Free{{/b}} staging site"
msgstr "{{b}}Gratis{{/b}} situs staging"
msgid "{{b}}50GB{{/b}} of storage"
msgstr "{{b}}50GB{{/b}} untuk penyimpanan"
msgid ""
"Enjoy cumulative volume discounts on site purchases, "
"regardless of when you buy. Every site includes:"
msgstr ""
"Nikmati diskon volume kumulatif untuk pembelian situs, kapan "
"pun Anda membeli. Setiap situs sudah termasuk:"
msgid "%(quantity)s site"
msgid_plural "%(quantity)s sites"
msgstr[0] "%(quantity)s situs"
msgstr[1] "%(quantity)s situs"
msgid "per day, billed monthly"
msgstr "per bulan, penagihan bulanan"
msgid "Add %(planName)s to referral"
msgstr "Tambah %(planName)s ke referral"
msgid ""
"Our experts are happy to give you a one-on-one tour of our platform to "
msgstr ""
"Tim ahli kami dengan senang hati akan memberi Anda panduan langsung untuk "
msgid "{{b}}%(storageSize)dGB of storage*{{/b}}"
msgstr "{{b}}%(storageSize)dGB untuk penyimpanan*{{/b}}"
msgid "{{b}}%(count)s visits{{/b}} per month*"
msgstr "{{b}}%(count)s kunjungan{{/b}} per bulan*"
msgid "Up to {{b}}%(count)d staging site{{/b}}"
msgid_plural "Up to {{b}}%(count)d staging sites{{/b}}"
msgstr[0] "Hingga {{b}}%(count)d situs staging{{/b}}"
msgstr[1] "Hingga {{b}}%(count)d situs staging{{/b}}"
msgid "Up to {{b}}%(count)d WordPress install{{/b}}"
msgid_plural "Up to {{b}}%(count)d WordPress installs{{/b}}"
msgstr[0] "Hingga {{b}}%(count)d instalasi WordPress{{/b}}"
msgstr[1] "Hingga {{b}}%(count)d instalasi WordPress{{/b}}"
msgid ""
"With Signature Plans, your traffic & storage limits are shared amongst your "
"total sites."
msgstr ""
"Dengan Paket Signature, batas lalu lintas & ruang penyimpanan dibagi ke "
"semua situs Anda."
msgid ""
"With Enterprise Plans, your traffic & storage limits are shared amongst your "
"total sites."
msgstr ""
"Dengan Paket Enterprise, batas traffic & penyimpanan Anda dibagi dengan "
"total situs Anda."
msgid ""
"When you refer a Pressable plan to your client, they'll pay and manage the "
"billing. You'll manage the site, and make a recurring commission."
msgstr ""
"Ketika kamu merekomendasikan paket Pressable ke klien Anda, mereka akan "
"membayar dan mengelola penagihan. Anda akan mengelola situs, dan mendapatkan "
"komisi berulang."
msgid ""
"*If you exceed your plan's storage or traffic limits, you will be charged "
"$0.50 per GB and $8 per 10K visits per month."
msgstr ""
"*Jika Anda melebihi batas penyimpanan atau lalu lintas paket Anda, Anda akan "
"dikenakan biaya $0,50 per GB dan $8 per 10 ribu kunjungan per bulan."
msgid "{{b}}Unmetered bandwidth{{/b}}"
msgstr "{{b}}Bandwidth tanpa batas{{/b}}"
msgid "High Resource Plans"
msgstr "Paket High Resource"
msgid "Contact us to refer"
msgstr "Hubungi kami untuk mereferensikan"
msgid "Scanning site"
msgstr "Memindai situs"
msgid ""
"If you already have a Jetpack AI subscription, we’ve got you covered. To "
"avoid any overlap, we will cancel your standalone AI plan and extend the "
"expiration date of your Complete Plan. The extension will reflect the "
"remaining value and time of your AI plan. These changes will be processed "
"automatically within the next seven days—no action is required on your part."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda sudah berlangganan Jetpack AI, kami punya solusinya. Untuk "
"menghindari tumpang tindih, kami akan membatalkan paket AI mandiri dan "
"memperpanjang tanggal kedaluwarsa Paket Complete Anda. Perpanjangan akan "
"menunjukkan sisa nilai dan waktu dari paket AI Anda. Perubahan ini akan "
"diproses secara otomatis dalam tujuh hari ke depan. Anda tidak perlu "
"melakukan apa pun."
msgid ""
"We’re thrilled to announce that Jetpack Complete now includes Jetpack AI at "
"no additional cost! This upgrade makes your Jetpack Complete subscription "
"more valuable than ever, offering seamless tools to elevate your WordPress "
msgstr ""
"Dengan gembira kami umumkan bahwa Jetpack Complete sekarang menyertakan "
"Jetpack AI tanpa biaya tambahan! Upgrade ini menjadikan langganan Jetpack "
"Complete lebih berharga daripada sebelumnya sebab menawarkan alat praktis "
"untuk meningkatkan pengalaman WordPress Anda."
msgid "Discover Jetpack AI Today"
msgstr "Jelajahi Jetpack AI Sekarang Juga"
msgid ""
"Not using Jetpack AI yet? Now’s the perfect time to explore how AI can "
"enhance your workflow!"
msgstr ""
"Belum menggunakan Jetpack AI? Sekarang adalah waktu yang tepat untuk "
"menjelajahi cara AI meningkatkan alur kerja Anda!"
msgid ""
"If you already have a Jetpack AI subscription, we’ve got you "
"covered. To avoid any overlap, we will cancel your standalone AI "
"plan and extend the expiration date of your Complete Plan. "
"The extension will reflect the remaining value and time of your AI plan. "
"These changes will be processed automatically within the next seven days—"
"no action is required on your part."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda sudah berlangganan Jetpack AI, kami punya solusinya"
"strong>. Untuk menghindari tumpang tindih, kami akan membatalkan paket AI "
"mandiri dan memperpanjang tanggal kedaluwarsa Paket Complete Anda"
"strong>. Perpanjangan akan menunjukkan sisa nilai dan waktu dari paket AI "
"Anda. Perubahan ini akan diproses secara otomatis dalam tujuh hari ke depan. "
"Anda tidak perlu melakukan apa pun."
msgid ""
"We’re thrilled to announce that Jetpack Complete now includes Jetpack AI at no "
"additional cost! This upgrade makes your Jetpack Complete "
"subscription more valuable than ever, offering seamless "
"tools to elevate your WordPress experience."
msgstr ""
"Dengan gembira kami umumkan bahwa Jetpack Complete sekarang "
"menyertakan Jetpack AI "
"tanpa biaya tambahan! Upgrade ini menjadikan langganan Jetpack "
"Complete lebih berharga daripada sebelumnya sebab "
"menawarkan alat praktis untuk meningkatkan pengalaman WordPress Anda."
msgid "Unlock the Power of AI in Your Jetpack Complete Plan"
msgstr "Dapatkan Keandalan AI dari Paket Jetpack Complete Anda"
msgid "Exciting News: AI is now included in Jetpack Complete!"
msgstr "Kabar Gembira: AI sekarang disertakan dalam Jetpack Complete!"
msgid "Open support page"
msgstr "Buka halaman bantuan"
msgid "Payout status"
msgstr "Status pembayaran"
msgid "Payout date"
msgstr "Tanggal pembayaran"
msgid "Payout Currency"
msgstr "Mata Uang Pembayaran"
msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name"
msgid "Sports & Fitness"
msgstr "Olahraga & Kebugaran"
msgid ""
"Adding newsletter categories helps you segment your subscribers more "
msgstr ""
"Menambahkan kategori buletin membantu Anda melakukan segmentasi pelanggan "
"secara lebih efektif."
msgid "Add these subscribers to specific categories."
msgstr "Tambahkan pelanggan ini ke kategori tertentu."
msgid "View repost"
msgstr "Lihat pos ulang"
msgid "View like"
msgstr "Lihat suka"
msgid "New repost!"
msgstr "Pos ulang baru!"
msgid "%1$s just reposted “%2$s”."
msgstr "%1$s baru saja mengeposkan ulang “%2$s”."
msgid "%1$s just reposted one of your posts."
msgstr "%1$s baru saja mengeposkan ulang salah satu pos Anda."
msgid "%1$s just liked “%2$s”."
msgstr "%1$s baru saja menyukai “%2$s”."
msgid "%1$s just liked one of your posts."
msgstr "%1$s baru saja menyukai salah satu pos Anda."
msgid "New comment awaiting approval!"
msgstr "Komentar baru menunggu persetujuan!"
msgid "New repost awaiting approval!"
msgstr "Pos ulang baru menunggu persetujuan!"
msgid "New like awaiting approval!"
msgstr "Suka baru menunggu persetujuan!"
msgid "New trackback awaiting approval!"
msgstr "Trackback baru menunggu persetujuan!"
msgid "New pingback awaiting approval!"
msgstr "Pingback baru menunggu persetujuan!"
msgid ""
"%4$s just commented on %3$s."
msgstr ""
"%4$s baru saja meninggalkan komentar pada %3$s."
msgid "Detailed traffic stats beyond the last 7 days and site insights"
msgstr ""
"Statistik terperinci untuk kunjungan lebih dari 7 hari terakhir dan wawasan "
msgid "Show all Personal features"
msgstr "Tampilkan semua fitur Personal"
msgid "Test again"
msgstr "Uji lagi"
msgid "Test the page again if you have recently made updates to your site."
msgstr ""
"Uji halaman lagi jika Anda baru saja melakukan pembaruan pada situs Anda."
msgid "These results are more than 24 hours old"
msgstr "Hasil ini sudah lebih dari 24 jam."
msgid "Memberships gifts"
msgstr "Hadiah keanggotaan"
msgid "Memberships coupons"
msgstr "Kupon keanggotaan"
msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name"
msgid "Ready-made section patterns"
msgstr "Pola bagian siap pakai"
msgid "Add mailbox"
msgstr "Tambah mailbox"
msgid "Congratulations, you've reached the Pro Agency Partner tier!"
msgstr "Selamat, Anda telah mencapai tingkat Mitra Agensi Pro!"
msgid "Congrats! You've reached the Agency Partner tier!"
msgstr "Selamat! Anda telah mencapai tingkat Mitra Agensi."
msgid "Detailed traffic stats and site insights"
msgstr "Statistik lalu lintas dan wawasan situs yang lengkap"
msgid "Track campaign performance with UTM parameters"
msgstr "Lacak kinerja kampanye dengan parameter UTM"
msgid ""
"See which {{link}}devices, browsers and OS{{/link}} your visitors are using."
msgstr ""
"Lihat {{link}}perangkat, browser, dan OS {{/link}} yang digunakan pengunjung "
msgid ""
"Generate UTM parameters and track your {{link}}campaign performance data{{/"
msgstr ""
"Buat parameter UTM dan lacak {{link}}data kinerja kampanye{{/link}} Anda."
msgid ""
"Discover your {{link}}most popular videos{{/link}} and find out how they "
msgstr ""
"Temukan {{link}}video Anda yang paling populer{{/link}} dan cari tahu "
"bagaimana kinerjanya."
msgid ""
"Discover your {{link}}post and pages{{/link}} traffic in detail and learn "
"what content resonates the most."
msgstr ""
"Temukan lalu lintas {{link}}post dan halaman{{/link}} Anda secara rinci dan "
"pelajari konten apa yang paling sering dikunjungi."
msgid ""
"Identify your audience’s {{link}}favorite writers{{/link}} and perspectives."
msgstr ""
"Kenali {{link}}penulis favorit{{/link}} dan sudut pandang audiens Anda."
msgid ""
"Discover the {{link}}terms and phrases{{/link}} your visitors use to find "
"your site."
msgstr ""
"Temukan {{link}}istilah dan frasa{{/link}} yang digunakan pengunjung Anda "
"untuk menemukan situs Anda."
msgid ""
"Find out where your {{link}}visitors come from{{/link}} to optimize your "
"content strategy."
msgstr ""
"Cari tahu {{link}}dari mana pengunjung Anda berasal{{/link}} untuk "
"mengoptimalkan strategi konten Anda."
msgid "Discover the most {{link}}downloaded files{{/link}} by your visitors."
msgstr ""
"Temukan {{link}}file yang paling banyak diunduh{{/link}} oleh pengunjung "
msgid ""
"Discover where your {{link}}visitors are located{{/link}} and identify where "
"your traffic is coming from."
msgstr ""
"Temukan lokasi pengunjung {{link}}Anda berada{{/link}} dan identifikasi dari "
"mana lalu lintas Anda berasal."
msgid "Invalid Embedding Response"
msgstr "Respons Penyematan Tidak Valid"
msgid "The Embedding request could not be completed"
msgstr "Permintaan Penyematan tidak dapat diselesaikan"
msgid ""
"{{strong}}Welcome to Conversations{{/strong}} WordPress posts you've "
"written, followed, or commented on will appear here when they have new "
"comments. Posts with the most recent comments appear on top."
msgstr ""
"{{strong}}Selamat datang di Conversations{{/strong}} Pos WordPress yang Anda "
"tulis, ikuti, atau komentari akan muncul di sini ketika ada komentar baru. "
"Pos dengan komentar terbaru muncul di bagian atas."
msgid ""
"{{strong}}Welcome to A8C Conversations.{{/strong}} Automattic P2 posts "
"you've written, followed, or commented on will appear here when they have "
"new comments. Posts with the most recent comments appear on top. {{a}}More "
msgstr ""
"{{strong}}Selamat datang di A8C Conversations.{{/strong}} Pos Automattic P2 "
"yang Anda tulis, ikuti, atau komentari akan muncul di sini ketika ada "
"komentar baru. Pos dengan komentar terbaru muncul di bagian atas. {{a}}Info "
msgid "The ID of the premium theme on Tumblr."
msgstr "ID tema premium di Tumblr."
msgctxt "example premium theme ID"
msgid "e.g. 40712"
msgstr "misalnya 40712"
msgid ""
"Thanks! Our team will use your feedback to help prioritize improvements to "
"Automattic for Agencies."
msgstr ""
"Terima kasih! Tim kami akan menggunakan masukan Anda untuk membantu "
"memprioritaskan peningkatan Automattic for Agencies."
msgid "Learn more here: What to do if your site is down"
msgstr ""
"Baca selengkapnya di sini: Hal yang perlu dilakukan jika "
"situs Anda down"
msgid ""
"If your site is still down, check your host’s control panel or contact your "
"host’s support team. They should be able to provide detailed logs to "
"pinpoint what happened during the downtime. Be sure to share the error code "
"mentioned above with them."
msgstr ""
"Jika situs masih down, periksa panel kontrol hosting atau hubungi tim "
"dukungan hosting Anda. Mereka dapat memberikan log detail untuk mengetahui "
"hal yang terjadi selama masa down. Pastikan untuk membagikan kode error yang "
"dicantumkan di atasnya."
msgid ""
"Visit your site to check if your site is currently "
"loading. If it’s just a temporary glitch, the issue may already be resolved."
msgstr ""
"Kunjungi situs untuk memeriksa apakah situs Anda masih "
"dimuat. Jika hanya gangguan sementara, masalah tersebut mungkin sudah "
msgid "As of today"
msgstr "Mulai hari ini"
msgid "Included with every site"
msgstr "Sudah termasuk di setiap situs"
msgid "{{a}}And more{{/a}} ↗"
msgstr "{{a}}Dan masih banyak lagi{{/a}} ↗"
msgid ""
"Every Pressable site comes with a free Jetpack Complete license — an $899/"
"year/site value."
msgstr ""
"Setiap situs Pressable dilengkapi dengan lisensi Jetpack Complete gratis — "
"senilai $899/tahun/situs."
msgid "Included with every Pressable site"
msgstr "Sudah termasuk di setiap situs Pressable"
msgid "World-class functionality"
msgstr "Fitur kelas dunia"
msgid "Best matching themes"
msgstr "Tema yang paling cocok"
msgid "No themes matched."
msgstr "Tidak ada tema yang cocok."
msgid ""
"Deliver unmatched performance with the highest security standards on our "
"enterprise platform"
msgstr ""
"Dapatkan performa tak tertandingi dengan standar keamanan tertinggi di "
"platform platform enterprise kami."
msgid "Purchase sites individually or in bulk, as you need them"
msgstr ""
"Beli situs satu per satu atau beli banyak sekaligus, sesuai kebutuhan Anda"
msgid "Refer a site to your client"
msgstr "Referensikan situs ke klien Anda"
msgid ""
"High Performance, Highly-Secure{{br/}}Managed WordPress Hosting for Agencies"
msgstr ""
"Managed WordPress Hosting{{br/}}untuk Agensi dengan Performa Tinggi dan "
"Sangat Aman"
msgid "See full terms ↗"
msgstr "Lihat persyaratan lengkap ↗"
msgid ""
"{{b}}Limited time offer:{{/b}} Migrate your sites to Pressable or WordPress."
"com and earn up to $10,000!*"
msgstr ""
"{{b}}Penawaran dalam waktu terbatas{{/b}}: Migrasi situs Anda ke Pressable "
"atau dan dapatkan penghasilan hingga $10.000!"
msgid "Stats beyond the last 7 days"
msgstr "Statistik di luar 7 hari terakhir"
msgid ""
"Explore earning possibilities at Automattic for Agencies Partner Earnings"
msgstr ""
"Jelajahi peluang penghasilan di Penghasilan Mitra Automattic for Agencies"
msgid ""
"Migrate five or more sites and access exclusive pricing on %s hosting, "
"Jetpack, WooCommerce, and more with our Automattic for Agencies program. "
"Request a free discovery call with one of our Happiness Engineers to learn "
"about agency pricing, referral earnings, premier support, and cutting-edge "
msgstr ""
"Migrasikan lima situs atau lebih, dan dapatkan harga khusus untuk hosting "
"%s, Jetpack, WooCommerce, dan masih banyak lagi dalam program Automattic for "
"Agencies kami. Ajukan permintaan sesi perkenalan gratis bersama salah satu "
"Happiness Engineer kami untuk belajar tentang harga agensi, penghasilan dari "
"pengarah, dukungan premium, serta fitur-fitur canggih."
msgid "P.S."
msgstr "N.B."
msgid ""
"P.S. Migrate five or more sites and access exclusive pricing on WordPress."
"com hosting, Jetpack, WooCommerce, and more with our Automattic for Agencies "
"program. Request a free discovery call with one of our Happiness Engineers "
"to learn about agency pricing, referral earnings, premier support, and "
"cutting-edge tools."
msgstr ""
"N.B. Migrasikan lima situs atau lebih, dan dapatkan harga khusus untuk "
"hosting, Jetpack, WooCommerce, dan masih banyak lagi dalam "
"program Automattic for Agencies kami. Ajukan permintaan sesi perkenalan "
"gratis bersama salah satu Happiness Engineer kami untuk belajar tentang "
"harga agensi, penghasilan dari pengarah, dukungan premium, serta fitur-fitur "
msgid ""
"We’re also happy to migrate your sites for you––simply choose the “Do it for "
"me” option when prompted."
msgstr ""
"Kami juga siap melakukan migrasi situs untuk Anda, cukup klik “Lakukan untuk "
"saya” saat pilihannya muncul."
msgid ""
"We’re also happy to migrate your sites for you––simply choose the "
"“Do it for me” option when prompted."
msgstr ""
"Kami juga siap melakukan migrasi situs untuk Anda, cukup klik "
"“Lakukan untuk saya” saat pilihannya muncul."
msgid ""
"Enter your site URL on this page, and we’ll walk you through each step of "
"the migration process."
msgstr ""
"Masukkan URL situs Anda di halaman ini, dan kami akan memandu Anda melalui "
"setiap langkah dalam proses migrasi."
msgid ""
"Enter your site URL on this "
"page, and we’ll walk you through each step of the migration process."
msgstr ""
"Masukkan URL situs Anda di "
"halaman ini, dan kami akan memandu Anda melalui setiap langkah dalam "
"proses migrasi."
msgid ""
"And your timing is perfect: we’re currently offering 50%% off your first "
"year of hosting for any site migrated over to %s."
msgstr ""
"Waktu yang tepat untuk Anda: kami sedang menawarkan diskon 50%% untuk tahun "
"pertama hosting situs mana pun yang dipindahkan ke %s."
msgid ""
"we’re currently offering 50%% off your first year of hosting for any site "
"migrated over to %s."
msgstr ""
"kami sedang menawarkan diskon 50%% untuk tahun pertama hosting situs mana "
"pun yang dipindahkan ke %s."
msgid "And your timing is perfect:"
msgstr "Waktu yang tepat untuk Anda:"
msgid ""
"Now that your %1$s account is set up, you might be ready to bring other "
"clients on board to enjoy the benefits of %1$s hosting––like unlimited "
"monthly visitors, unmetered bandwidth, and all of the development tools you "
"need to manage those sites."
msgstr ""
"Sekarang, setelah akun %1$s selesai disiapkan, Anda mungkin siap mengajak "
"klien lain bergabung untuk menikmati manfaat hosting %1$s, seperti "
"pengunjung bulanan tak terbatas, bandwidth tanpa batas, dan semua alat "
"pengembangan yang Anda butuhkan untuk mengelola situs-situs tersebut."
msgid "Ready to bring more sites to %s?"
msgstr "Siap untuk mengalihkan beberapa situs lagi ke %s?"
msgid "Let us migrate your site"
msgstr "Biarkan kami bantu memigrasikan situs Anda"
msgid ""
"Save yourself the headache of migrating. Our expert team takes care of "
"everything without interrupting your current site. Plus you get 50% off our "
"annual %(planName)s plan."
msgstr ""
"Migrasi tanpa repot. Tim ahli kami mengurus semuanya tanpa mengganggu situs "
"Anda saat ini. Dan, Anda mendapatkan diskon 50% untuk paket tahunan "
"%(planName)s kami."
msgid ""
"Save yourself the headache of migrating. Our expert team takes care of "
"everything without interrupting your current site. Plus it’s included in "
"your %(planName)s plan."
msgstr ""
"Migrasi tanpa repot. Tim ahli kami mengurus semuanya tanpa mengganggu situs "
"Anda saat ini. Dan, ini sudah termasuk dalam paket %(planName)s Anda."
msgid "Upgrade your site and securely share access to your current site."
msgstr ""
"Upgrade situs Anda dan bagikan akses dengan aman ke situs Anda yang sekarang."
msgid "WordPress site credentials"
msgstr "Kredensial situs WordPress"
msgid "{{strong}}%(percentage)s{{/strong}} annual savings"
msgstr "hemat tahunan {{strong}}%(percentage)s{{/strong}}"
msgid "After purchase, will expire on %(postRenewExpiry)s"
msgstr "Setelah pembelian, akan kedaluwarsa pada %(postRenewExpiry)s"
msgid "Currently expires on %(expiryDate)s"
msgstr "Saat ini kedaluwarsa pada %(expiryDate)s"
msgid "PayPal: %s"
msgstr "PayPal: %s"
msgid " promo image"
msgstr "Gambar promo"
msgid "India E-Mandate Notice"
msgstr "Pemberitahuan E-Mandate India"
msgid ""
"Our records show that you may need to update your credit card in order to "
"generate an e‑mandate for renewal payments. We’ll still attempt to "
"charge the credit card as is, but updating your payment information ahead of "
"time may prevent interruptions to your subscriptions."
msgstr ""
"Data kami menunjukkan bahwa Anda mungkin perlu memperbarui kartu kredit Anda "
"agar mendapatkan e‑mandate untuk pembayaran perpanjangan. Kami masih akan "
"berupaya mengenakan biaya pada kartu kredit sesuai jumlah, tetapi pembaruan "
"informasi pembayaran sebelum penagihan dapat mencegah gangguan pada "
"langganan Anda."
msgid "Author Image"
msgstr "Foto Penulis"
msgid ""
"You’ve subscribed to the latest blog updates. We emailed you with all the "
"details, including how to manage your subscription."
msgstr ""
"Anda telah berlangganan pembaruan blog terkini. Kami telah mengirimkan "
"detailnya melalui email termasuk cara mengelola langganan Anda."
msgid "Pending!"
msgstr "Ditangguhkan!"
msgid "You’re all set to receive the latest blog updates!"
msgstr "Anda siap menerima pembaruan blog terkini!"
msgid "Looks like you’ve already subscribed"
msgstr "Sepertinya Anda telah berlangganan"
msgid ""
"Sorry but this email has been blocked. It has too many subscriptions pending "
"confirmation. Please confirm or unsubscribe some from the Subscriptions Manager."
msgstr ""
"Maaf email ini telah diblokir. Email tersebut memiliki terlalu banyak "
"langganan yang ditangguhkan. Harap konfirmasi atau hentikan beberapa "
"langganan dari Pengelola Langganan."
msgid ""
"Oops! It seems you have several subscriptions pending confirmation. You can "
"confirm or unsubscribe some from the Subscriptions Manager before adding more."
msgstr ""
"Ups! Sepertinya Anda memiliki sejumlah langganan yang belum dikonfirmasi. "
"Anda dapat mengonfirmasi atau menghentikan langganan dari Pengelola Langganan sebelum menambahkan "
"langganan lain."
msgid "Flooded!"
msgstr "Terlalu penuh!"
msgid "Blocked!"
msgstr "Diblokir!"
msgid "Play Video:"
msgstr "Putar Video:"
msgid "VIEW ALL"
msgstr "LIHAT SEMUA"
msgid "Popular this month"
msgstr "Populer bulan ini"
msgid "FEATURED"
msgstr "UNGGULAN"
msgid ""
"Millions count on to build and host sites of every shape and "
"size, from The New York Times to your local food truck. Ready to join them?"
msgstr ""
"Jutaan orang mengandalkan untuk membangun dan menghosting "
"situs dalam berbagai bentuk dan ukuran, mulai dari The New York Times hingga "
"food truck di sekitar Anda. Siap bergabung dengan mereka?"
msgid "Create your new blog or website for free."
msgstr "Buat blog atau situs baru Anda secara gratis."
msgid "No results found for: %s"
msgstr "Tidak ditemukan hasil untuk: %s"
msgid ""
"Please do not use these comments for asking questions, support, or bug "
"reporting. Use the forums or support "
"contact form for that."
msgstr ""
"Jangan gunakan kolom komentar untuk mengajukan pertanyaan, meminta dukungan, "
"atau melaporkan bug. Gunakan forum atau formulir kontak dukungan untuk melakukannya."
msgid "Untitled Video"
msgstr "Video Tanpa Judul"
msgid "All WP TV Videos"
msgstr "Semua Video TV WP"
msgid "No WP TV Videos found in Trash"
msgstr "Tidak ada Video TV WP yang ditemukan di Tong Sampah"
msgid "No WP TV Videos found"
msgstr "Tidak ada Video TV WP yang ditemukan"
msgid "Search WP TV Videos"
msgstr "Cari Video TV WP"
msgid "View WP TV Video"
msgstr "Lihat Video TV WP"
msgid "New WP TV Video"
msgstr "Video TV WP Baru"
msgid "Edit WP TV Video"
msgstr "Edit Video TV WP"
msgid "Add New WP TV Video"
msgstr "Tambah Video TV WP Baru"
msgid "WP TV Video"
msgstr "Video TV WP"
msgid "WP TV Videos"
msgstr "Video TV WP"
msgid "YouTube API request failed. Check API key or try again later."
msgstr "Permintaan API YouTube gagal. Periksa kunci API atau coba lagi nanti."
msgid "Invalid YouTube URL. Please provide a valid YouTube video URL."
msgstr "URL YouTube tidak valid. Harap tuliskan URL video YouTube yang valid."
msgid "YouTube Poster Image"
msgstr "Gambar Poster YouTube"
msgid "YouTube Poster Image:"
msgstr "Gambar Poster YouTube:"
msgid "YouTube Views:"
msgstr "Penayangan YouTube:"
msgid "YouTube Post Date:"
msgstr "Tanggal Pos YouTube:"
msgid "YouTube Video Information"
msgstr "Informasi Video YouTube"
msgid "Enter YouTube Video URL:"
msgstr "Masukkan URL Video YouTube:"
msgid "YouTube API Key"
msgstr "Kunci API YouTube"
msgid "YouTube API Settings"
msgstr "Pengaturan API YouTube"
msgid "One or more category IDs do not exist."
msgstr "Tidak ada satu pun ID kategori."
msgid "Enter a list of category IDs separated by commas."
msgstr "Masukkan daftar ID kategori yang dipisahkan dengan koma."
msgid "Category IDs (comma-separated)"
msgstr "ID Kategori (dipisahkan dengan koma)"
msgid "Category Menu Settings"
msgstr "Pengaturan Menu Kategori"
msgid "Every 72 Hours"
msgstr "Setiap 72 Jam"
msgid "Tips, Stories, Events & Culture"
msgstr "Tip, Cerita, Acara, & Budaya"
msgid ""
"Sign up for the newsletter to get news, updates, and all the "
"latest articles straight to your inbox."
msgstr ""
"Mulai berlangganan buletin untuk mendapatkan berita, "
"pembaruan, dan semua artikel terkini langsung di inbox Anda."
msgid ""
"Practical advice, step-by-step guidance,expert recommendations, and useful "
msgstr ""
"Saran praktis, panduan langkah demi langkah, rekomendasi ahli, dan wawasan "
"yang bermanfaat."
msgid "Reading time"
msgstr "Waktu baca"
msgid "An online repository of all posts since 2020"
msgstr "Repositori online semua pos sejak 2020"
msgid ""
"*WooCommerce payments. 2% on other payment methods. Standard processing fees "
msgstr ""
"*Pembayaran WooCommerce. 2% untuk metode pembayaran lain. Berlaku biaya "
"pemrosesan standar."
msgid "Advanced developer tools"
msgstr "Alat pengembang tingkat lanjut"
msgid ""
"The express checkout is not supported in %s because some required fields "
"couldn't be verified. Please proceed to the checkout page and try again."
msgstr ""
"Tombol checkout kilat tidak didukung di %s karena sejumlah kolom wajib isi "
"tidak dapat diverifikasi. Lanjutkan ke halaman checkout dan coba lagi."
msgid ""
"Dispute has been closed with status %1$s. See dispute overview for "
"more details."
msgstr ""
"Sengketa telah ditutup dengan status %1$s. Lihat ikhtisar sengketa "
"untuk rincian selengkapnya."
msgid ""
"Payment inquiry has been closed with status %1$s. See payment status "
"for more details."
msgstr ""
"Pertanyaan seputar pembayaran telah ditutup dengan status %1$s. Lihat "
"status pembayaran untuk rincian selengkapnya."
msgid ""
"A payment inquiry has been raised for %1$s with reason \"%2$s\". Response "
"due by %3$s."
msgstr ""
"Pertanyaan seputar pembayaran telah diajukan senilai %1$s dengan alasan "
"\"%2$s\". Batas waktu tanggapan %3$s."
msgid "Try selecting a different time frame."
msgstr "Coba pilih rentang waktu yang berbeda."
msgid "No hourly data available"
msgstr "Tidak tersedia data per jam"
msgid "Restore site: %s"
msgstr "Pulihkan situs: %s"
msgid "If this was an accident, you have 30 days to restore your site."
msgstr ""
"Jika penghapusan ini tidak disengaja, Anda memiliki waktu 30 hari untuk "
"memulihkan situs."
msgid ""
"Your site %1$s at %2$s has been deleted by you or another site "
"administrator’s request."
msgstr ""
"Situs %1$s Anda di %2$s baru saja dihapus sesuai permintaan "
"Anda atau administrator situs lainnya."
msgid ""
"If this was an accident, you have 30 days to restore your "
msgstr ""
"Jika penghapusan ini tidak disengaja, Anda memiliki waktu 30 hari"
"strong> untuk memulihkan situs."
msgid "%1$s has been deleted"
msgstr "%1$s telah dihapus"
msgid ""
"Your site %1$s has been deleted. You have 30 days to restore "
"your site if this was an accident."
msgstr ""
"Situs %1$s Anda telah dihapus. Anda memiliki waktu 30 hari "
"untuk memulihkan situs jika penghapusan ini tidak disengaja."
msgid "Affect plugin"
msgstr "Mempengaruhi plugin"
msgid "Deactivate and remove"
msgstr "Nonaktifkan dan hapus"
msgid "Deactivate and remove plugin"
msgstr "Nonaktifkan dan hapus plugin"
msgid "Enable auto-updates for plugin"
msgstr "Aktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk plugin"
msgid "Disable auto-updates for plugin"
msgstr "Nonaktifkan pembaruan otomatis untuk plugin"
msgid "Activate plugin"
msgstr "Aktifkan plugin"
msgid "In the past month, Jetpack has "
msgstr "Sebulan terakhir, Jetpack telah "
msgid ""
"In the past month, Jetpack has:\n"
msgstr ""
"Sebulan terakhir, Jetpack telah:\n"
msgid "In the past month, Jetpack has"
msgstr "Sebulan terakhir, Jetpack telah"
msgid "In the past month, Jetpack has:"
msgstr "Sebulan terakhir, Jetpack telah:"
msgid "Your account has been restored. Redirecting back to login."
msgstr "Akun Anda telah dipulihkan. Mengalihkan kembali ke login."
msgid "Detailed stats about posts, referrers, clicks and more"
msgstr "Statistik terperinci tentang pos, pengarah, klik, dan lainnya"
msgid "Track your all-time highlights and insights"
msgstr "Lacak sorotan dan wawasan Anda sepanjang waktu"
msgid "Mike - Jetpack\n"
msgstr "Mike - Jetpack\n"
msgid ""
"Thanks, and I look forward to reading what you have to say.\n"
msgstr ""
"Terima kasih. Saya menantikan untuk membaca pendapat Anda.\n"
msgid ""
"If you have other feedback, please reply to this email and let me know "
"what's on your mind.\n"
msgstr ""
"Jika punya feedback lainnya, harap balas email ini dan beri tahu kami "
"masukan Anda.\n"
msgid ""
"Don't have an account? Create one at "
"and leave a review.\n"
msgstr ""
"Belum punya akun? Buat akun di dan "
"berikan ulasan.\n"
msgid ""
"2. Log in and leave your review\n"
msgstr ""
"2. Login dan berikan ulasan Anda\n"
msgid "1. Visit %s\n"
msgstr "1. Kunjungi %s\n"
msgid ""
"Here's how you can leave a review:\n"
msgstr ""
"Inilah cara untuk memberikan ulasan:\n"
msgid ""
"Sharing your experience will help other WordPress users discover Jetpack's "
"benefits. I promise you—I read every review and even tell my mom about the "
"good ones.\n"
msgstr ""
"Membagikan pengalaman Anda akan membantu pengguna WordPress lain mengetahui "
"manfaat Jetpack. Percayalah—saya membaca semua ulasan, bahkan menceritakan "
"ulasan yang baik kepada ibu saya.\n"
msgid ""
"- Nige\n"
msgstr ""
"- Nige\n"
msgid ""
"The tools and resources provided by Jetpack are absolutely amazing and I use "
"them on a daily basis which is helping my overall stats in incredible ways "
"over time.\n"
msgstr ""
"Alat dan sumber daya yang disediakan Jetpack sungguh luar biasa. Saya "
"menggunakannya tiap hari karena, seiring berjalannya waktu, terbukti "
"membantu keseluruhan statistik dengan cara yang menakjubkan.\n"
msgid "★★★★★ Fantastic tools and resources\n"
msgstr "★★★★★ Alat dan sumber daya yang fantastis\n"
msgid ""
"Here's what people have been saying about Jetpack recently:\n"
msgstr ""
"Berikut ulasan-ulasan terbaru tentang Jetpack:\n"
msgid ""
"If you've had a positive experience using Jetpack, I'd love it if you could "
"share your thoughts with a 5-star review on\n"
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda memiliki pengalaman positif saat menggunakan Jetpack, kami senang "
"sekali jika Anda mau berkomentar dengan memberikan ulasan bintang 5 di "
msgid ""
"Thank you for using Jetpack. Jetpack helps your site perform better, stay "
"secure, and attract more visitors.\n"
msgstr ""
"Terima kasih telah menggunakan Jetpack. Jetpack membantu situs Anda memiliki "
"performa lebih baik, tetap aman, dan menarik lebih banyak pengunjung.\n"
msgid "sent your content to %s subscribers."
msgstr "mengirimkan konten Anda ke %s pelanggan."
msgid "kept your site blazing fast with a score of %s."
msgstr "mempertahankan kecepatan super situs Anda dengan skor %s."
msgid "backed up your site %s times."
msgstr "mencadangkan situs Anda %s kali."
msgid "helped block %s login attempts."
msgstr "membantu memblokir %s percobaan login."
msgid "provided insights on %s pageviews."
msgstr "memberikan wawasan pada %s pageview."
msgid "* Sent your content to %s subscribers\n"
msgstr "* Mengirimkan konten Anda ke %s pelanggan\n"
msgid "* Kept your site blazing fast with a score of %s\n"
msgstr "* Mempertahankan kecepatan super situs Anda dengan skor %s\n"
msgid "* Backed up your site %s times\n"
msgstr "* Mencadangkan situs Anda %s kali\n"
msgid "* Helped block %s login attempts\n"
msgstr "* Membantu memblokir %s percobaan login\n"
msgid "* Provided insights on %s pageviews\n"
msgstr "* Memberikan wawasan pada %s pageview\n"
msgid ""
"Thank you for using Jetpack on %s.\n"
msgstr ""
"Terima kasih telah menggunakan Jetpack di %s.\n"
msgid ""
"Hi there,\n"
msgstr ""
msgid "Mike - Jetpack"
msgstr "Mike - Jetpack"
msgid "Thanks, and I look forward to reading what you have to say."
msgstr "Terima kasih. Saya menantikan untuk membaca pendapat Anda."
msgid ""
"If you have other feedback, please reply to this email and let me know "
"what's on your mind."
msgstr ""
"Jika punya feedback lainnya, harap balas email ini dan beri tahu kami "
"masukan Anda."
msgid "and leave a"
msgstr "dan berikan"
msgid "Create one"
msgstr "Buat baru"
msgid "Don't have an account?"
msgstr "Belum punya akun?"
msgid "review"
msgstr "ulasan"
msgid "Log in and leave your"
msgstr "Login dan berikan"
msgid "Here's how you can leave a review:"
msgstr "Inilah cara untuk memberikan ulasan:"
msgid ""
"Sharing your experience will help other WordPress users discover Jetpack's "
"benefits. I promise you—I read every review and even tell my mom about the "
"good ones."
msgstr ""
"Membagikan pengalaman Anda akan membantu pengguna WordPress lain mengetahui "
"manfaat Jetpack. Percayalah—saya membaca semua ulasan, bahkan menceritakan "
"ulasan yang baik kepada ibu saya."
msgid ""
"The tools and resources provided by Jetpack are absolutely amazing and I use "
"them on a daily basis which is helping my overall stats in incredible ways "
"over time."
msgstr ""
"Alat dan sumber daya yang disediakan Jetpack sungguh luar biasa. Saya "
"menggunakannya tiap hari karena, seiring berjalannya waktu, terbukti "
"membantu keseluruhan statistik dengan cara yang menakjubkan."
msgid "Fantastic tools and resources"
msgstr "Alat dan sumber daya yang fantastis"
msgid "Here's what people have been saying about Jetpack recently."
msgstr "Berikut ulasan-ulasan terbaru tentang Jetpack."
msgid ""
"Thank you for using Jetpack. Jetpack helps your site perform better, stay "
"secure, and attract more visitors."
msgstr ""
"Terima kasih telah menggunakan Jetpack. Jetpack membantu situs Anda memiliki "
"performa lebih baik, tetap aman, dan menarik lebih banyak pengunjung."
msgid ""
"If you've had a positive experience using Jetpack, I’d love it if you could "
"share your thoughts with a 5-star review on "
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda memiliki pengalaman positif saat menggunakan Jetpack, kami senang "
"sekali jika Anda mau berkomentar dengan memberikan ulasan bintang 5 di "
msgid "sent your content to %s subscribers."
msgstr "mengirimkan konten Anda ke %s pelanggan."
msgid "kept your site blazing fast with a score of %s."
msgstr ""
"mempertahankan kecepatan super situs Anda dengan skor %s."
msgid "backed up your site %s times."
msgstr "mencadangkan situs Anda %s kali."
msgid "helped block %s login attempts."
msgstr "membantu memblokir %s percobaan login."
msgid "provided insights on %s pageviews."
msgstr "memberikan wawasan pada %s pageview."
msgid "Sent your content to %s subscribers."
msgstr "Mengirimkan konten Anda ke %s pelanggan."
msgid "Kept your site blazing fast with a score of %s."
msgstr ""
"Mempertahankan kecepatan super situs Anda dengan skor %s."
msgid "Backed up your site %s times."
msgstr "Mencadangkan situs Anda %s kali."
msgid "Helped block %s login attempts."
msgstr "Membantu memblokir %s percobaan login."
msgid "Provided insights on %s pageviews."
msgstr "Memberikan wawasan pada %s pageview."
msgid "Thank you for using Jetpack on %s."
msgstr "Terima kasih telah menggunakan Jetpack di %s."
msgid "An image showing a Jetpack review"
msgstr "Sebuah gambar menampilkan ulasan Jetpack"
msgid "Share your thoughts about Jetpack"
msgstr "Bagikan pendapat Anda tentang Jetpack"
msgid "Do you agree with this Jetpack review?"
msgstr "Apakah Anda setuju dengan ulasan Jetpack ini?"
msgid "Refund available"
msgstr "Pengembalian dana tersedia"
msgid ""
"Sharing to Facebook, Instagram, Threads, Bluesky, LinkedIn, Mastodon, "
"Tumblr, Nextdoor"
msgstr ""
"Berbagi ke Facebook, Instagram, Threads, Bluesky, LinkedIn, Mastodon, "
"Tumblr, Nextdoor"
msgid ""
"With Jetpack Social you can automatically post to Facebook, Instagram, "
"Threads, Bluesky, LinkedIn, Mastodon, Nextdoor & Tumblr."
msgstr ""
"Dengan Jetpack Social, Anda dapat secara otomatis membagikan pos ke "
"Facebook, Instagram, Threads, Bluesky, LinkedIn, Mastodon, Nextdoor, & "
msgid "Enable snow"
msgstr "Aktifkan salju"
msgid "Show falling snow on my site"
msgstr "Tampilkan hujan salju di situs saya"
msgid "Browse Ad copy suggestions"
msgstr "Jelajahi saran teks Iklan"
msgid "%(impressionsRange)s total people reached"
msgstr "Total %(impressionsRange)s orang yang dijangkau"
msgid "%(impressionsRange)s weekly people reached"
msgstr "%(impressionsRange)s orang yang dijangkau setiap minggu"
msgid "Total: %(maxBudget)s"
msgstr "Total: %(maxBudget)s"
msgid "%(maxBudget)s total per week (7 days)"
msgstr "Total %(maxBudget)s per minggu (7 hari)"
msgid "%(days)s day"
msgid_plural "%(days)s days"
msgstr[0] "%(days)s hari"
msgstr[1] "%(days)s hari"
msgid "Starts on %(date)s at %(time)s and runs until you stop it"
msgstr ""
"Dimulai pada %(date)s jam %(time)s dan berjalan sampai Anda menghentikannya"
msgid "Content suggested with the help of AI."
msgstr "Konten yang disarankan dengan bantuan AI."
msgid ""
"By clicking \"Submit campaign\" you agree to our {{linkTos}}Terms of "
"Service{{/linkTos}} and {{linkAdvertisingPolicy}}Advertising Policy{{/"
"linkAdvertisingPolicy}}, and authorize charges to your payment method at "
"regular intervals for the specified budget and duration, until cancellation. "
"{{linkMoreAboutAds}}Learn more{{/linkMoreAboutAds}}."
msgstr ""
"Dengan mengeklik \"Kirim kampanye\", Anda menyetujui {{linkTos}}Ketentuan "
"Layanan{{/linkTos}} dan {{linkAdvertisingPolicy}}Kebijakan Periklanan{{/"
"linkAdvertisingPolicy}}, dan mengotorisasi biaya ke metode pembayaran Anda "
"secara berkala untuk anggaran dan durasi yang ditentukan, hingga pembatalan. "
"{{linkMoreAboutAds}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/linkMoreAboutAds}}."
msgid "Search for country, state or city"
msgstr "Cari negara, provinsi, atau kota"
msgid "Estimated people reached"
msgstr "Perkiraan jumlah orang yang dijangkau"
msgid "Est. weekly people reached"
msgstr "Perkiraan jumlah orang yang dijangkau setiap minggu"
msgid "%(impressionsRange)s people reached"
msgstr "%(impressionsRange)s orang dijangkau"
msgid "%(impressionsRange)s people reached weekly"
msgstr "%(impressionsRange)s orang dijangkau setiap minggu"
msgid "Estimated clicks"
msgstr "Perkiraan klik"
msgid "Est. weekly clicks"
msgstr "Perkiraan klik mingguan"
msgid "Lasts %(days)s day"
msgid_plural "Lasts %(days)s days"
msgstr[0] "%(days)s hari terakhir"
msgstr[1] "%(days)s hari terakhir"
msgid "Starts at %(time)s and runs until you stop it"
msgstr "Mulai aktif pada %(time)s dan berlangsung sampai Anda menghentikannya"
msgid "Starts and ends at %(time)s"
msgstr "Mulai dan berakhir pada %(time)s"
msgid "Daily people reached estimate"
msgstr "Estimasi jumlah orang yang dijangkau harian"
msgid "Estimated clicks for the campaign duration"
msgstr "Perkiraan klik untuk durasi kampanye"
msgid "Weekly click estimate"
msgstr "Perkiraan klik mingguan"
msgid "Total spend for the campaign duration"
msgstr "Total pengeluaran selama durasi kampanye"
msgid "Select interests"
msgstr "Pilih minat"
msgid "Remove device targeting"
msgstr "Hapus penargetan perangkat"
msgid "Remove interests targeting"
msgstr "Hapus penargetan minat"
msgid "Remove location targeting"
msgstr "Hapus penargetan lokasi"
msgid ""
"Based on your targeting, your budget may not be fully spent. You can adjust "
"the audience yourself or use the links below:"
msgstr ""
"Berdasarkan penargetan Anda, anggaran Anda mungkin tidak akan terpakai "
"semuanya. Anda dapat menyesuaikan audiens sendiri atau menggunakan tautan di "
"bawah ini:"
msgid "Your campaign may not spend the full budget"
msgstr "Kampanye Anda mungkin tidak menghabiskan seluruh anggaran"
msgid ""
"If you do not specify the location, the campaign will be displayed "
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda tidak menentukan lokasi, kampanye akan ditampilkan di mana saja."
msgid "CTA text"
msgstr "Teks CTA"
msgid "Loading CTA text…"
msgstr "Memuat teks CTA..."
msgid "Call to action"
msgstr "Call to Action"
msgid "Remaining"
msgstr "Tersisa"
msgid "Allow your shoppers to pay over time with Klarna."
msgstr "Izinkan pembeli Anda membayar dengan cara diangsur menggunakan Klarna."
msgid "Allow your shoppers to pay over time with Afterpay."
msgstr ""
"Izinkan pembeli Anda membayar dengan cara diangsur menggunakan Afterpay."
msgid "Allow your shoppers to pay over time with Affirm."
msgstr "Izinkan pembeli Anda membayar dengan cara diangsur menggunakan Affirm."
msgid ""
"Boost conversions and customer loyalty by offering a secure way to pay with "
"a single click."
msgstr ""
"Tingkatkan konversi dan loyalitas pelanggan dengan menawarkan metode "
"pembayaran sekali klik yang aman."
msgid "Give your shoppers an easy and secure way to pay, with Apple Pay."
msgstr ""
"Berikan metode pembayaran yang mudah dan aman kepada pembeli Anda dengan "
"Apple Pay."
msgid "Credit/debit card"
msgstr "Kartu kredit/debit"
msgid "Disconnect from Google Photos"
msgstr "Putuskan sambungan dari Google Photos"
msgid "View Media File"
msgstr "Lihat Berkas Media"
msgid "View media file"
msgstr "Lihat berkas media"
msgid "Help us make Jetpack better"
msgstr "Bantu kami membuat Jetpack lebih baik lagi"
msgid ""
"An error occured while checking if the email address is already in use. If "
"this keeps happening please contact support."
msgstr ""
"Terjadi error saat memeriksa apakah alamat email sudah digunakan. Jika "
"masalah terus berlanjut, hubungi dukungan."
msgid "View trends and data from any time period"
msgstr "Lihat tren dan data dari periode waktu kapan pun"
msgid "{{strong}}50% off{{/strong}} your first two years"
msgstr "{{strong}}Diskon 50%{{/strong}} untuk dua tahun pertama Anda"
msgid "{{strong}}Free{{/strong}} migration service"
msgstr "{{strong}}Gratis{{/strong}} layanan migrasi"
msgid "{{strong}}Free{{/strong}} domain for a year"
msgstr "{{strong}}Gratis{{/strong}} domain selama setahun"
msgid "{{strong}}50% off{{/strong}} your first year"
msgstr "{{strong}}Diskon 50%{{/strong}} untuk tahun pertama Anda"
msgid "No free domain"
msgstr "Tidak ada domain gratis"
msgid "No annual savings"
msgstr "Tidak ada penghematan tahunan"
msgid "No first year discount"
msgstr "Tidak ada diskon tahun pertama"
msgid "Unrestricted bandwidth and visitors"
msgstr "Bandwidth dan pengunjung tak terbatas"
msgid "Real-time backups and one-click restores"
msgstr "Pencadangan real-time dan pemulihan sekali klik"
msgid "SEO, marketing, and analytics tools"
msgstr "Perangkat SEO, pemasaran, dan analitik"
msgid "Refundable within {{strong}}14 days{{/strong}}"
msgstr "Dana dapat diminta kembali dalam {{strong}}14 hari{{/strong}}"
msgid "Refundable within {{strong}}7 days{{/strong}}"
msgstr "Dapat dikembalikan dalam {{strong}}7 hari{{/strong}}"
msgid "Refundable within %s days. No questions asked."
msgstr "Dana dapat dikembalikan dalam %s hari. Tanpa proses berbelit."
msgid ""
"Best for WordPress sites. Seamlessly move all your site's content, themes, "
"plugins, users, and customizations to"
msgstr ""
"Terbaik untuk situs WordPress. Pindahkan semua konten, tema, plugin, "
"pengguna, dan kustomisasi situs Anda ke dengan mulus."
msgid "Available on %(planName)s with 50% off"
msgstr "Tersedia di %(planName)s dengan diskon 50%"
msgid "per month, %(discountedPrice)s for first 2 years. %(rawPrice)s after."
msgstr ""
"per bulan, %(discountedPrice)s untuk 2 tahun pertama. Selanjutnya "
msgid ""
"per month, %(discountedPrice)s for your first year. %(originalPrice)s after."
msgstr ""
"per bulan, %(discountedPrice)s untuk tahun pertama Anda. Selanjutnya "
msgid "Fully refundable. No questions asked."
msgstr "Pengembalian dana 100%. Tanpa syarat."
msgid ""
"We ran into a problem connecting to your site. Please try again or let us "
"know so we can help you out."
msgstr ""
"Kami mengalami kendala saat menyambungkan ke situs Anda. Mohon coba lagi "
"atau beri tahu kami agar kami dapat membantu Anda."
msgid ""
"Blazing fast speeds with lightning-fast load times for a seamless experience."
msgstr ""
"Kecepatan yang super cepat untuk waktu muat tanpa jeda dan pengalaman yang "
msgid ""
"A %(planName)s plan is needed for Migrations. Pick one of the following "
"options to tap into our lightning-fast infrastructure. Your site will be "
"faster, smoother, and ready for anything."
msgstr ""
"Diperlukan paket %(planName)s untuk Migrasi. Pilih salah satu opsi berikut "
"untuk menggunakan infrastruktur secepat kilat kami. Situs Anda akan lebih "
"cepat, lancar, dan siap untuk apa pun."
msgid "There is a plan for you"
msgstr "Pilih paket terbaik Anda"
msgid "Get Yearly"
msgstr "Dapatkan Tahunan"
msgid "Get Monthly"
msgstr "Dapatkan Bulanan"
msgid "How was your experience?"
msgstr "Bagaimana pengalaman Anda?"
msgid "Please share general feedback"
msgstr "Mohon begikan masukan umum"
msgid "General feedback"
msgstr "Feedback umum"
msgid "Submit and continue to Team"
msgstr "Kirim dan lanjutkan ke Tim"
msgid "How was your experience inviting a team member?"
msgstr "Bagaimana pengalaman Anda dalam mengundang anggota tim?"
msgid ""
"Your team member invite was emailed to %(email)s. Once they accept, you'll "
"see them as an active member in the Team section."
msgstr ""
"Undangan anggota tim Anda dikirim melalui email ke %(email)s. Setelah mereka "
"menerima, Anda akan melihat mereka sebagai anggota aktif di bagian Tim."
msgid "Submit and continue to Partner Directory"
msgstr "Kirim dan lanjutkan ke Direktori Mitra"
msgid "How was your experience adding your agency's details?"
msgstr "Bagaimana pengalaman Anda dalam menambahkan detail agensi Anda?"
msgid ""
"Nice job! Your information has been added to your agency's public profile."
msgstr ""
"Kerja bagus! Informasi Anda telah ditambahkan ke profil publik agensi Anda."
msgid "Agency details added!"
msgstr "Detail agensi ditambahkan!"
msgid "Submit and continue to Dashboard"
msgstr "Kirim dan lanjut ke Dasbor"
msgid "How was your experience making a referral?"
msgstr "Bagaimana pengalaman Anda dalam menambahkan referral?"
msgid ""
"Your referral order was emailed to %(email)s for payment. Once they pay, you "
"can assign the products to a site."
msgstr ""
"Pesanan referral Anda diemail ke %(email)s untuk pembayaran. Setelah mereka "
"membayar, Anda dapat menambahkan produk ke situs."
msgid "Your referral order is complete!"
msgstr "Pesanan referral Anda sudah selesai!"
msgid "Skip feedback"
msgstr "Lewati feedback"
msgid "Additional feedback about this experience {{span}}(Optional){{/span}}"
msgstr "Masukan tambahan tentang pengalaman ini {{span}}(Opsional){{/span}}"
msgid ""
"Because this inquiry relates to a %1$s payment, it may simply be %2$sa "
"return initiated by your customer%3$s through the %1$s interface. If you can "
"contact the customer and confirm that it is indeed a return, we suggest "
"issuing a refund after you receive the returned item(s)."
msgstr ""
"Karena pertanyaan ini terkait dengan pembayaran %1$s, mungkin ini adalah "
"%2$spengembalian yang diajukan pelanggan Anda%3$s melalui antarmuka %1$s. "
"Jika Anda dapat menghubungi pelanggan dan mengonfirmasi bahwa ini benar "
"pengembalian, kami sarankan untuk melakukan pengembalian dana setelah "
"menerima item yang dikembalikan."
msgid "Monitor your posting activity"
msgstr "Pantau aktivitas posting Anda"
msgid "Unlock site insights"
msgstr "Buka wawasan situs"
msgid ""
"The old Jetpack Stats has been deprecated. Please click the button to enable "
"the new experience."
msgstr ""
"Jetpack Stats yang lama sudah tidak berlaku. Klik tombol untuk menciptakan "
"pengalaman baru."
msgid ""
"We're ready to migrate {{strong}}%(sourceDomain)s{{/strong}} to WordPress."
"com. To make sure everything goes smoothly, we need you to authorize us for "
"access in your WordPress admin."
msgstr ""
"Kami siap memigrasikan {{strong}}%(sourceDomain)s{{/strong}} ke WordPress."
"com. Untuk memastikan semuanya berjalan lancar, kami meminta Anda untuk "
"memberikan otorisasi kepada kami untuk mengakses admin WordPress Anda."
msgid ""
"We can't start your migration without your authorization. Please authorize "
" in your WP Admin or share your credentials."
msgstr ""
"Kami tidak dapat memulai migrasi Anda tanpa otorisasi dari Anda. Mohon "
"berikan otorisasi di Admin WP Anda atau bagikan kredensial "
msgid "Return to the list of posts."
msgstr "Kembali ke daftar pos."
msgid ""
"No problem; as a Jetpack customer, you get access to priority support. You can also search "
"our knowledge base to find the answer to the top questions immediately."
msgstr ""
"Tidak masalah. Sebagai pelanggan Jetpack, Anda mendapatkan akses untuk dukungan prioritas. "
"Anda juga bisa melihat basis pengetahuan kami agar dapat menemukan dengan cepat "
"jawaban untuk pertanyaan teratas."
msgid ""
"You can view your "
"backed-up files on Jetpack Cloud."
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat melihat "
"file yang telah dicadangkan di Jetpack Cloud."
msgid "All Social features"
msgstr "Semua fitur Social"
msgid "All Stats features"
msgstr "Semua fitur Stats"
msgid "Real‑time data on visitors"
msgstr "Data real-time tentang pengunjung"
msgid "Eligible for sites with commercial activities"
msgstr "Hanya berlaku untuk situs dengan aktivitas komersial"
msgid ""
"For personal sites only. Sites with commercial activities (e.g., ads, sales, "
"affiliate links or business activities) require a paid plan."
msgstr ""
"Hanya untuk situs personal. Situs dengan aktivitas komersial (mis., iklan, "
"penjualan, tautan afiliasi, atau aktivitas bisnis) memerlukan paket berbayar."
msgid "(10k page views)"
msgstr "(10k tampilan halaman)"
msgid "Quickly bring your free and paid subscribers."
msgstr "Dengan cepat membawa pelanggan gratis dan berbayar Anda."
msgid "Step 2: Import your subscribers"
msgstr "Langkah 2: Impor pelanggan Anda"
msgid "Import your subscribers"
msgstr "Impor pelanggan Anda"
msgid ""
"Pause all email updates from sites you’re subscribed to on"
msgstr ""
"Tunda semua pembaruan e-mail dari situs yang Anda ikuti di"
msgid ""
"Your client won't be able to complete the purchases. If removed, you must "
"create a new referral for any future purchases."
msgstr ""
"Klien Anda akan tidak dapat menyelesaikan pembelian. Jika dihapus, Anda "
"harus membuat referral baru untuk pembelian selanjutnya."
msgid "Keep referral"
msgstr "Pertahankan referral"
msgid "Are you sure you want to archive this referral?"
msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin mengarsipkan referral ini?"
msgid "The referral has been archived."
msgstr "Referral telah diarsipkan."
msgid ""
"Our AI assistant can answer your questions and connect you to our Happiness "
"Engineers for further assistance."
msgstr ""
"Asisten AI kami dapat menjawab pertanyaan Anda dan menghubungkan Anda dengan "
"Happiness Engineer kami untuk bantuan lebih lanjut."
msgid ""
"Grow your audience effortlessly.{{br}}{{/br}}{{br}}{{/br}}This bundle "
"includes:{{ul}}{{li}}Stats (10k site views - upgradeable){{/li}}{{li}}"
"Social{{/li}}{{li}}Newsletter and monetization tools{{/li}}{{/ul}}"
msgstr ""
"Kembangkan audiens Anda dengan mudah.{{br}}{{/br}}{{br}}{{/br}}Bundel ini "
"mencakup:{{ul}}{{li}}Stats (10 ribu tampilan situs - dapat diupgrade){{/li}}"
"{{li}}Social{{/li}}{{li}}Buletin dan alat monetisasi{{/li}}{{/ul}}"
msgid "WooCommerce Stores"
msgstr "Toko WooCommerce"
msgid ""
"Comprehensive site security made simple.{{br}}{{/br}}{{br}}{{/br}}This "
"bundle includes:{{ul}}{{li}}VaultPress Backup (10GB){{/li}}{{li}}Scan{{/li}}"
"{{li}}Akismet Anti-spam (10k API calls/mo){{/li}}{{/ul}}"
msgstr ""
"Keamanan situs yang komprehensif sudah tersedia otomatis.{{br}}{{/br}}{{br}}"
"{{/br}}Bundel ini mencakup:{{ul}}{{li}}VaultPress Backup (10GB),{{/li}}{{li}}"
"Scan,{{/li}}{{li}}Akismet Anti-spam (10 ribu pemrosesan API/bulan),{{/li}}{{/"
msgid "10k views/mo"
msgstr "10k lihat/bln"
msgid "One-click restore from the last year of backups"
msgstr "Pemulihan sekali klik dari pencadangan tahun lalu"
msgid "Monthly limit of %s site views (upgradable)"
msgstr "Batas bulanan %s kunjungan situs (dapat diupgrade)"
msgid "Content shown on Reader"
msgstr "Konten ditampilkan di Pembaca"
msgid ""
"Enter your login details for a WordPress Admin so we can temporarily access "
"{{b}}%s{{/b}} and start migrating it to"
msgstr ""
"Masukkan detail login Anda untuk Admin WordPress agar kami dapat mengakses "
"{{b}}%s{{/b}} untuk sementara waktu dan mulai melakukan migrasi ke WordPress."
msgid "Continue anyway"
msgstr "Tetap lanjutkan"
msgid "Get Growth"
msgstr "Dapatkan Growth"
msgid ""
"You can find your WP Cloud usage report for %1$s attached to this email."
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat melihat laporan penggunaan WP Cloud untuk %1$s yang dilampirkan "
"di email ini."
msgid "Additional discount"
msgstr "Diskon tambahan"
msgid "Keep your data private and GDPR-compliant"
msgstr "Jaga kerahasiaan data Anda dan patuhi ketentuan GDPR"
msgid ""
"Get detailed insights into your site’s performance for {{b}}%(planPrice)s/"
"month{{/b}} with a Personal plan."
msgstr ""
"Dapatkan wawasan lengkap tentang performa situs Anda seharga "
"{{b}}%(planPrice)s/bulan{{/b}} dengan paket Personal."
msgid "Unlock site growth analytics"
msgstr "Buka analitik pertumbuhan situs"
msgid "Do you still want to continue with deleting your domain?"
msgstr "Apakah Anda masih ingin melanjutkan penghapusan domain Anda?"
msgid "Here's what else you're getting"
msgstr "Inilah hal lain yang akan Anda dapatkan"
msgid "Whole Campaign"
msgstr "Seluruh Kampanye"
msgid "Last 30 days"
msgstr "30 hari terakhir"
msgid "Last 14 days"
msgstr "14 hari terakhir"
msgid ""
"Save %1$s on processing fees during your first 3 months when you sign up for "
msgstr ""
"Hemat %1$s untuk biaya pemrosesan pembayaran selama 3 bulan pertama jika "
"Anda mendaftar %2$s."
msgid "Save %1$s on processing fees"
msgstr "Hemat %1$s untuk biaya pemrosesan pembayaran"
msgid ""
"Use the native payments solution built and supported by Woo to accept online "
"and in-person payments, track revenue, and handle all payment activity in "
"one place."
msgstr ""
"Gunakan solusi pembayaran awal yang dibuat dan didukung oleh Woo untuk "
"menerima pembayaran online dan langsung, melacak pendapatan, serta menangani "
"semua aktivitas pembayaran di satu tempat."
msgid ""
"Save %1$s on processing fees during your first 6 months when you switch to "
msgstr ""
"Hemat %1$s untuk biaya pemrosesan pembayaran selama 6 bulan pertama jika "
"Anda beralih ke %2$s."
msgid "Save %1$s"
msgstr "Hemat %1$s"
msgid "Submit Rating"
msgstr "Kirim Penilaian"
msgid "Send money"
msgstr "Kirim Uang"
msgid "Edit your profile →"
msgstr "Sunting Profil Anda"
msgid "Something's gone wrong trying to download your report"
msgstr "Ada yang salah saat mencoba mengunduh laporan Anda"
msgid "Download data"
msgstr "Uduh data"
msgid "Generating report"
msgstr "Membuat laporan"
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to untag {{b}}%(site)s{{/b}}? This will stop it from "
"being considered for a migration payout."
msgstr ""
"Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus tanda {{b}}%(site)s{{/b}}? Ini akan "
"menghentikan situs agar tidak dipertimbangkan untuk mendapatkan pembayaran "
msgid "Untag site"
msgstr "Hapus tanda situs"
msgid "Successfully untagged {{strong}}%(siteUrl)s{{/strong}}."
msgstr "Berhasil menghapus tanda {{strong}}%(siteUrl)s{{/strong}}."
msgid "Bank reference ID"
msgstr "ID referensi bank"
msgid "Enable stats"
msgstr "Aktifkan statistik"
msgid "Enabling stats…"
msgstr "Mengaktifkan statistik..."
msgid "Stats are disabled"
msgstr "Statistik dinonaktifkan"
msgid "Error loading visits"
msgstr "Eror memuat kunjungan"
msgid ""
"Unable to upload archive of Studio site because a staging sync is currently "
"in progress."
msgstr ""
"Tidak dapat mengunggah arsip situs Studio karena sinkronisasi staging sedang "
msgid "This plan cannot be selected"
msgstr "Paket ini tidak dapat dipilih"
msgid "Activate all advanced tools"
msgstr "Aktifkan semua perangkat lanjutan"
msgid ""
"The Apple transaction history could not be found for this transaction ID"
msgstr "Riwayat transaksi Apple untuk ID transaksi ini tidak dapat ditemukan"
msgid "Upgrade to the %(businessPlanName)s plan to get access to this feature."
msgstr "Upgrade ke paket %(businessPlanName)s untuk mengakses fitur ini."
msgid ""
"Upgrade to the %(businessPlanName)s plan to get access to this feature and "
"all {{a}}advanced tools{{/a}}."
msgstr ""
"Upgrade ke paket %(businessPlanName)s untuk mengakses fitur ini dan semua "
"{{a}}perangkat lanjutan{{/a}}."
msgid "Whether to share the post asynchronously."
msgstr "Membagi pos secara sinkron atau asinkron."
msgctxt "Stats: Main stats page heading"
msgid "{{prefix}}Stats for {{/prefix}}{{period/}}"
msgstr "{{prefix}}Statistik selama {{/prefix}}{{period/}}"
msgid "{{prefix}}Activity for {{/prefix}}{{period/}}"
msgstr "{{prefix}}Aktivitas selama {{/prefix}}{{period/}}"
msgid "100-Year Domain Registration"
msgstr "Pendaftaran Domain 100 Tahun"
msgid ""
"Your stories, achievements, and memories preserved for generations to come. "
"One payment. One hundred years of legacy."
msgstr ""
"Kisah, pencapaian, dan kenangan Anda akan tetap terjaga untuk generasi yang "
"akan datang. Bayar sekali. Seratus tahun warisan."
msgid "Chatting with support now"
msgstr "Mengobrol dengan layanan bantuan sekarang"
msgid "Scrolling feed"
msgstr "Feed bergulir"
msgid "Thank you for your purchase! Your agency can now set up your product."
msgstr ""
"Terima kasih atas pembelian Anda! Agensi Anda sekarang dapat mengatur produk "
msgid "Builds"
msgstr "Desain"
msgid ""
"To access support, please turn on third-party cookies for"
msgstr ""
"Untuk mengakses bantuan, mohon aktifkan cookie pihak ketiga untuk WordPress."
msgid "Enable cookies to get support."
msgstr "Aktifkan cookie untuk mendapatkan bantuan."
msgid "Allow your shoppers to pay over time with Clearpay."
msgstr ""
"Izinkan pembeli Anda membayar dengan cara diangsur menggunakan Clearpay."
msgid "BECS Direct Debit"
msgstr "BECS Direct Debit"
msgid ""
"Accept payments with Przelewy24 (P24), the most popular payment method in "
msgstr ""
"Terima pembayaran dengan Przelewy24 (P24), metode pembayaran terpopuler di "
msgid "Accept your payment with EPS — a common payment method in Austria."
msgstr "Terima pembayaran dengan EPS — metode pembayaran reguler di Austria."
msgid ""
"Bancontact is a bank redirect payment method offered by more than 80% of "
"online businesses in Belgium."
msgstr ""
"Bancontact adalah metode pembayaran pengalihan yang ditawarkan oleh lebih "
"dari 80% bisnis online di Belgia."
msgid "Offer customers a fast and secure checkout experience with Google Pay."
msgstr ""
"Tawarkan pengalaman checkout yang cepat dan aman kepada pelanggan dengan "
"Google Pay."
msgid "Google Pay"
msgstr "Google Pay"
msgid "Accepts all major credit and debit cards"
msgstr "Menerima semua kartu kredit dan kartu debit dari penerbit terkemuka."
msgid "Invalid country code."
msgstr "Kode negara tidak valid."
msgid "The country_code argument must be a valid ISO3166 alpha-2 country code."
msgstr ""
"Argumen country_code harus berupa kode negara ISO3166 alpha-2 yang valid."
msgid "The country_code argument must be a string."
msgstr "Argumen country_code harus berupa string."
msgid "Connect Studio"
msgstr "Hubungkan Studio"
msgid "Connect to your Studio site to start syncing."
msgstr "Hubungkan ke situs Studio Anda untuk mulai menyinkronkan."
msgid ""
"Don’t worry, there’s still time to grow your audience on %s. Just teleport "
"back to your cart to complete your purchase. If you’re having trouble or "
"have questions, just respond to this email and we’ll help you out."
msgstr ""
"Jangan khawatir, masih ada waktu untuk meningkatkan jumlah audiens Anda di "
"%s. Cukup kembali ke keranjang untuk menyelesaikan pembelian Anda. Jika ada "
"masalah atau pertanyaan, balas email ini dan kami akan membantu Anda."
msgid ""
"We noticed that you’re interested in %s. Smart move—it’s for WordPress sites "
"that need essential tools to help you grow your audience, track visitor "
"engagement, and turn leads into loyal customers and advocates."
msgstr ""
"Kami lihat Anda tertarik dengan %s. Langkah cerdik—ini adalah untuk situs "
"WordPress yang membutuhkan alat-alat penting guna membantu Anda menumbuhkan "
"audiens, melacak interaksi pengunjung, dan mengubah prospek menjadi "
"pelanggan dan pemberi referensi yang loyal."
msgid "You’re one step away from growing your audience on %s"
msgstr "Tinggal selangkah lagi untuk meningkatkan jumlah audiens di %s"
msgid "Newsletter and monetization tools"
msgstr "Buletin dan alat monetisasi"
msgid "Jetpack Stats (10K site views, upgradable)"
msgstr "Statistik Jetpack (10.000 penayangan situs, dapat diupgrade)"
msgid ""
"With Jetpack Growth, get essential tools to help you grow your audience, "
"track visitor engagement, and turn leads into loyal customers and advocates."
msgstr ""
"Dengan Jetpack Growth, dapatkan alat-alat penting untuk membantu Anda "
"menumbuhkan audiens, melacak interaksi pengunjung, dan mengubah prospek "
"menjadi pelanggan dan pemberi referensi yang loyal."
msgid "Get Jetpack Growth"
msgstr "Dapatkan Jetpack Growth"
msgid "Get essential tools to help you grow your audience"
msgstr "Dapatkan alat-alat penting untuk membantu Anda menumbuhkan audiens"
msgid "A special offer to grow your audience on %s"
msgstr "Penawaran spesial untuk meningkatkan jumlah audiens Anda di %s"
msgid ""
"Learn how to reshare your post:"
msgstr ""
"Pelajari cara membagikan kembali pos Anda:"
msgid ""
"Try resharing your post from your post editor If the issue still persists, "
"feel free to contact our support! - %s"
msgstr ""
"Cobalah membagikan pos dari editor pos Anda. Jika masalah berlanjut, jangan "
"ragu untuk menghubungi dukungan kami! - %s"
msgid "Your post \"%s\" could not be shared on your following connections:"
msgstr "Pos Anda \"%s\" tidak dapat dibagikan ke koneksi berikut ini:"
msgid ""
"Try resharing your post from your post editor. Learn how "
"to reshare your post here. If the "
"issue still persists, feel free to contact our support!"
msgstr ""
"Cobalah membagikan kembali pos dari editor pos. Pelajari "
"cara membagikan kembali pos Anda di sini. Jika masalah berlanjut, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi "
"dukungan kami!"
msgid ""
"Your post %s could not be shared on your following "
msgstr ""
"Pos Anda %s tidak dapat dibagikan ke koneksi berikut ini:"
msgid "Your post could not be shared on %d connection"
msgid_plural "Your post could not be shared on %d connections"
msgstr[0] "Pos Anda tidak dapat dibagikan ke koneksi %d"
msgstr[1] "Pos Anda tidak dapat dibagikan ke koneksi %d"
msgid "Sharing failed."
msgstr "Gagal berbagi."
msgid "Your post could not be shared."
msgstr "Pos Anda tidak dapat dibagikan."
msgid ""
"%1$s domain has been removed because it cannot be purchased at the same time "
"as %2$s ."
msgstr ""
"Domain %1$s telah dihapus karena tidak dapat dibeli pada saat yang sama "
"dengan %2$s."
msgid ""
"Privacy, site tools, and other settings have moved to the hosting dashboard."
msgstr ""
"Privasi, peralatan situs, dan pengaturan lainnya telah dipindahkan ke dasbor "
msgid ""
"P.S. Keep an eye on the homepage for more information about "
"our Black Friday sale––it starts Friday, November 29!"
msgstr ""
"N.B. Pantau terus beranda agar tak ketinggalan informasi "
"seputar promo Black Friday kami, mulai Jumat, 29 November!"
msgid ""
"With the holidays coming up, you may be looking for some extra income. Get "
"up to 100% affiliate payouts across a bundle of trustworthy, profitable "
"brands from to Woo by joining the Automattic Affiliate "
"Program. All with a hassle-free single dashboard to manage and track your "
"earnings across every product."
msgstr ""
"Menjelang liburan, Anda mungkin ingin mencari penghasilan tambahan. Dapatkan "
"bagi hasil hingga 100% dari penjualan produk merek-merek unggul dan tepercaya"
"—dari hingga Woo—dengan bergabung di Program Afiliasi "
"Automattic. Pengelolaan dan pemantauan semua produk dan pemasukan mudah dan "
"bebas ribet di satu dasbor."
msgid ""
"The Studio Assistant is now available in our free and open source local "
"WordPress development app, Studio. Learn more and start using the Assistant "
msgstr ""
"Aplikasi sumber terbuka gratis dari kami untuk pengembangan WordPress lokal, "
"Studio, kini menghadirkan Asisten Studio. Pelajari lebih lanjut dan mulai "
"gunakan Asisten sekarang juga."
msgid ""
"Quick website load times are crucial for user retention, satisfaction, and "
"competitive advantage—get there faster with our free Site Speed Tool."
msgstr ""
"Kecepatan waktu muat situs sangat penting untuk membuat pengguna betah, "
"meningkatkan kepuasan, dan memberikan keunggulan kompetitif—gunakan Alat "
"Kecepatan Situs gratis kami untuk mencapainya."
msgid "[Online] How to Accurately Budget for Accessibility: Chris Hinds"
msgstr "[Online] Cara Tepat Membuat Anggaran Aksesibilitas: Chris Hinds"
msgid "[Online] OC WordPress Meetup"
msgstr "[Online] OC WordPress Meetup"
msgid "[In Person] WordCamp Delhi 2024"
msgstr "[Tatap Muka] WordCamp Delhi 2024"
msgid "[In Person] WordCamp Netherlands"
msgstr "[Tatap Muka] WordCamp Netherlands"
msgid ""
"4. The State of the Word will be broadcast live on December 16 via the "
"WordPress YouTube channel."
msgstr ""
"4. Saksikan siaran langsung The State of the Word pada 16 Desember di kanal "
"YouTube WordPress."
msgid "3. There’s a new head of––meet Ian Stewart."
msgstr "3. Mari sambut pemimpin baru, Ian Stewart."
msgid ""
"2. Keeping up with this newsletter’s block theme, here are five powerful "
"Gutenberg blocks that you can use to create custom layouts."
msgstr ""
"2. Masih mengikuti tema blok dalam buletin ini, ada lima blok Gutenberg "
"unggulan yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk membuat tata letak khusus."
msgid ""
"1. WordPress 6.7 is officially out in the wild! Catch up on what’s new in "
"the announcement post."
msgstr ""
"1. WordPress 6.7 sudah rilis! Ikuti kabar terbaru dalam pos pengumuman ini."
msgid ""
"Block development environment: A quick video tutorial on the basics of "
"getting set up with a local development environment for creating your block "
msgstr ""
"Lingkungan pengembangan blok: Video tutorial singkat tentang dasar-dasar "
"penyiapan lingkungan pengembangan lokal untuk membuat variasi blok Anda."
msgid ""
"Building a Book Review Grid with a Query Loop Block Variation: A tutorial "
"about building a block variation from the Query Loop block."
msgstr ""
"Membuat Kisi Ulasan Buku dengan Variasi Blok Pengulangan Kueri: Tutorial "
"tentang membuat variasi blok dari blok Pengulangan Kueri."
msgid ""
"How to Extend Core WordPress Blocks: A one-hour Developer Hours video all "
"about using core blocks as the backbone to more advanced block development."
msgstr ""
"Cara Memperluas Blok Inti WordPress: Video berdurasi satu jam dari Developer "
"Hours tentang penggunaan blok inti sebagai dasar dalam pengembangan blok "
msgid ""
"Block Variations: A quick video tutorial on building block variations with "
"Mac, Linux, or Windows."
msgstr ""
"Variasi Blok: Video tutorial singkat tentang membuat variasi blok dengan "
"Mac, Linux, atau Windows."
msgid ""
"Extending the Query Loop block: Different ways of using the core Query Loop "
msgstr ""
"Memperluas blok Pengulangan Kueri: Berbagai cara menggunakan blok inti "
"Pengulangan Kueri."
msgid "Variations: Block API Reference for the Block Variations API."
msgstr "Variasi: Referensi API Blok untuk API Variasi Blok."
msgid ""
"If you’re looking to learn more or dive deep into block variation "
"development, has some great resources:"
msgstr ""
"Ingin belajar lebih jauh tentang pengembangan variasi blok? "
"punya banyak sumber referensi:"
msgid ""
"That’s what block variations do—you rely on the structure and power of the "
"core block and add to it (by creating a block variation) to extend the "
"functionality to meet your needs."
msgstr ""
"Begitulah cara kerja variasi blok—memanfaatkan struktur dan fitur blok inti, "
"lalu mengembangkannya (melalui pembuatan variasi blok) untuk memperluas "
"fungsinya agar sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda."
msgid ""
"Picture this: Instead of creating new blocks from scratch every time you "
"want new block functionality, you can start with a core block that includes "
"important functions and attributes. "
msgstr ""
"Bayangkan: Anda tak perlu membuat blok baru dari awal setiap kali "
"membutuhkan fungsi blok baru—cukup gunakan blok inti yang mempunyai sebagian "
"fitur dan atribut penting yang diinginkan. "
msgid "Issue #3 | %s"
msgstr "Isu #3 | %s"
msgid ""
"P.S. Keep an eye on the WordPress."
"com homepage for more information about our Black Friday sale––"
"it starts Friday, November 29!"
msgstr ""
"N.B. Pantau terus beranda WordPress."
"com agar tak ketinggalan informasi seputar promo Black Friday kami, "
"mulai Jumat, 29 November!"
msgid ""
"Thanks for checking out this month’s Dev & Deploy. Hit reply if you have any "
"questions, comments, or ideas for upcoming issues. We’ll see you next time!"
msgstr ""
"Terima kasih sudah menyimak Dev & Deploy edisi bulan ini. Jika ada "
"pertanyaan, komentar, atau ide untuk edisi berikutnya, balas email ini. "
"Sampai jumpa di edisi berikutnya!"
msgid ""
"With the holidays coming up, you may be looking for some extra income. Get "
"up to %1$s%% affiliate payouts across a bundle of trustworthy, profitable "
"brands from %2$s to Woo by joining the Automattic Affiliate Program. All with a hassle-free single dashboard "
"to manage and track your earnings across every product."
msgstr ""
"Menjelang liburan, Anda mungkin ingin mencari penghasilan tambahan. Dapatkan "
"bagi hasil hingga %1$s%% dari penjualan produk merek-merek unggul dan "
"tepercaya—dari %2$s hingga Woo—dengan bergabung di Program Afiliasi Automattic. Pengelolaan dan pemantauan semua produk "
"dan pemasukan mudah dan bebas ribet di satu dasbor."
msgid ""
"The Studio Assistant is now available in our free and open source local "
"WordPress development app, Studio. Learn more and "
"start using the Assistant today."
msgstr ""
"Aplikasi sumber terbuka gratis dari kami untuk pengembangan WordPress lokal, "
"Studio, kini menghadirkan Asisten Studio. Pelajari "
"lebih lanjut dan mulai gunakan Asisten sekarang juga."
msgid ""
"Meet the Studio Assistant: Your smart companion for building WordPress sites "
msgstr ""
"Perkenalkan, Asisten Studio: Si cerdas yang siap membantu Anda membangun "
"situs WordPress secara lokal"
msgid ""
"Quick website load times are crucial for user retention, satisfaction, and "
"competitive advantage—get there faster with our "
"free Site Speed Tool."
msgstr ""
"Kecepatan waktu muat situs sangat penting untuk membuat pengguna betah, "
"meningkatkan kepuasan, dan memberikan keunggulan kompetitif—gunakan Alat Kecepatan Situs gratis kami untuk mencapainya."
msgid "Slow WordPress site? Our free Site Speed Tool can help"
msgstr ""
"Situs WordPress terasa lambat? Coba Alat Kecepatan Situs kami untuk "
msgid ""
"[Online] How to Accurately Budget for "
"Accessibility: Chris Hinds"
msgstr ""
"[Online] Cara Tepat Membuat Anggaran "
"Aksesibilitas: Chris Hinds"
msgid "Hosted by OC WordPress Group"
msgstr "Diselenggarakan oleh OC WordPress Group"
msgid ""
"[Online] OC WordPress Meetup"
msgstr ""
"[Online] OC WordPress Meetup"
msgid ""
"[In Person] WordCamp Delhi 2024"
msgstr ""
"[Tatap Muka] WordCamp Delhi 2024"
msgid ""
"[In Person] WordCamp Netherlands"
msgstr ""
"[Tatap Muka] WordCamp Netherlands"
msgid ""
"The State of the Word will be broadcast live on "
"December 16 via the WordPress YouTube channel."
msgstr ""
"Saksikan siaran langsung The State of the Word "
"pada 16 Desember di kanal YouTube WordPress."
msgid ""
"There’s a new head of %1$s––meet Ian Stewart."
msgstr ""
"Mari sambut pemimpin baru %1$s, Ian Stewart"
msgid ""
"Keeping up with this newsletter’s block theme, here "
"are five powerful Gutenberg blocks that you can use to create custom "
msgstr ""
"Masih mengikuti tema blok dalam buletin ini, ada "
"lima blok Gutenberg unggulan yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk membuat tata "
"letak khusus."
msgid ""
"WordPress 6.7 is officially out in the wild! Catch up "
"on what’s new in the announcement post."
msgstr ""
"WordPress 6.7 sudah rilis! Ikuti kabar terbaru dalam pos "
"pengumuman ini."
msgid ""
"Block development environment: A quick video "
"tutorial on the basics of getting set up with a local development "
"environment for creating your block variations."
msgstr ""
"Lingkungan pengembangan blok: Video tutorial "
"singkat tentang dasar-dasar penyiapan lingkungan pengembangan lokal untuk "
"membuat variasi blok Anda."
msgid ""
"Building a Book Review Grid with a Query Loop "
"Block Variation: A tutorial about building a block variation from the "
"Query Loop block."
msgstr ""
"Membuat Kisi Ulasan Buku dengan Variasi Blok "
"Pengulangan Kueri: Tutorial tentang membuat variasi blok dari blok "
"Pengulangan Kueri."
msgid ""
"How to Extend Core WordPress Blocks: A one-hour "
"Developer Hours video all about using core blocks as the backbone to more "
"advanced block development."
msgstr ""
"Cara Memperluas Blok Inti WordPress: Video "
"berdurasi satu jam dari Developer Hours tentang penggunaan blok inti sebagai "
"dasar dalam pengembangan blok lanjutan."
msgid ""
"Block Variations: A quick video tutorial on "
"building block variations with Mac, Linux, or Windows."
msgstr ""
"Variasi Blok: Video tutorial singkat tentang "
"membuat variasi blok dengan Mac, Linux, atau Windows."
msgid ""
"Extending the Query Loop block: Different ways of "
"using the core Query Loop block."
msgstr ""
"Memperluas blok Pengulangan Kueri: Berbagai cara "
"menggunakan blok inti Pengulangan Kueri."
msgid ""
"Variations: Block API Reference for the Block "
"Variations API."
msgstr ""
"Variasi: Referensi API Blok untuk API Variasi "
msgid ""
"If you’re looking to learn more or dive deep into block variation "
"development, %s has some great resources:"
msgstr ""
"Ingin belajar lebih jauh tentang pengembangan variasi blok? %s punya banyak "
"sumber referensi:"
msgid ""
"That’s what block variations do—you rely on the structure "
"and power of the core block and add to it (by creating a block variation) to "
"extend the functionality to meet your needs."
msgstr ""
"Begitulah cara kerja variasi blok—memanfaatkan struktur dan "
"fitur blok inti, lalu mengembangkannya (melalui pembuatan variasi blok) "
"untuk memperluas fungsinya agar sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda."
msgid ""
"Picture this: Instead of creating new blocks from scratch every "
"time you want new block functionality, you can start with a core "
"block that includes important functions and attributes."
msgstr ""
"Bayangkan: Anda tak perlu membuat blok baru dari awal setiap kali "
"membutuhkan fungsi blok baru—cukup gunakan blok inti yang mempunyai "
"sebagian fitur dan atribut penting yang diinginkan."
msgid "Issue #3 | November 2024"
msgstr "Isu #3 | November 2024"
msgid "Extending core block functionality."
msgstr "Memperluas fungsi blok inti."
msgid "Unpacking block variations [Dev & Deploy from]"
msgstr "Mengupas tuntas variasi blok [Dev & Deploy dari]"
msgid ""
"In collaboration with WordPress and The Internet Archive, we go beyond "
"traditional domain management. Your site is backed by cutting-edge "
"safeguards, distributed backups, and future-proof investment strategies."
msgstr ""
"Melalui kerja sama dengan WordPress dan Internet Archive, kami memberikan "
"layanan yang lebih baik dari manajemen domain tradisional. Situs Anda "
"didukung oleh perlindungan canggih, pencadangan terdistribusi, dan strategi "
"investasi yang tahan lama."
msgid "Innovative Long-term Solutions"
msgstr "Solusi Jangka Panjang yang Inovatif"
msgid ""
"We’ve developed a specialized trust account system to secure your domain’s "
"longevity, ensuring stability regardless of future industry changes. Your "
"investment today guarantees continuity tomorrow."
msgstr ""
"Kami telah mengembangkan sistem akun kepercayaan khusus untuk mengamankan "
"keberlangsungan domain Anda, memastikan stabilitas terlepas dari apa pun "
"perubahan industri di masa depan. Investasi Anda hari ini menjamin "
"kelangsungan masa depan."
msgid "Trust & Stability Guaranteed"
msgstr "Kepercayaan & Stabilitas Terjamin"
msgid ""
"Preserve your business, passion project, or life’s work with century-long "
"domain ownership. Your digital assets will remain a lasting part of your "
"legacy, accessible for generations to come."
msgstr ""
"Pertahankan bisnis, proyek, atau karya terbaik Anda dengan kepemilikan "
"domain selama satu abad. Aset digital Anda akan tetap menjadi bagian abadi "
"dari warisan Anda, yang dapat diakses oleh generasi mendatang."
msgid "Preservation for Future Generations"
msgstr "Pelestarian untuk Generasi Mendatang"
msgid ""
"Say goodbye to the hassle of renewals. With our 100-Year Domain, your "
"digital presence is safeguarded for the next century through a one-time "
"setup, ensuring your domain remains yours—forever."
msgstr ""
"Ucapkan selamat tinggal pada kerumitan perpanjangan. Dengan Domain 100-Tahun "
"kami, kehadiran digital Anda akan terjaga selama satu abad ke depan melalui "
"penyiapan satu kali yang mudah, sehingga domain Anda tetap menjadi milik "
"Anda selamanya."
msgid "Century-Long Domain Security"
msgstr "Keamanan Domain untuk Satu Abad"
msgid "Sync failed"
msgstr "Sinkronisasi gagal"
msgid "Synchronized from Studio"
msgstr "Disinkronisasi dari Studio"
msgid "Sync Complete"
msgstr "Sinkronisasi Selesai"
msgid "•••"
msgstr "•••"
msgid "Apple transaction purchase date is outside the allowed duration"
msgstr "Tanggal transaksi pembelian Apple di luar durasi yang diizinkan"
msgid "Apple transaction is expired"
msgstr "Transaksi Apple kedaluwarsa"
msgid "Apple transaction is not a purchase"
msgstr "Transaksi Apple bukan berupa pembelian"
msgid ""
"Upgrade to the %(planName)s plan or higher to get access to all advanced "
msgstr ""
"Upgrade ke paket %(planName)s atau yang lebih tinggi untuk mendapatkan akses "
"ke semua perangkat lanjutan."
msgid ""
"Your plan includes all the advanced tools listed below. Click \"Activate now"
"\" to begin."
msgstr ""
"Paket Anda sudah termasuk semua perangkat lanjutan yang tercantum di bawah "
"ini. Klik \"Aktifkan sekarang\" untuk memulai."
msgid "Unlock all advanced tools"
msgstr "Buka semua perangkat lanjutan"
msgid "The advanced tools will appear here automatically when they're ready!"
msgstr "Perangkat lanjutan akan otomatis muncul di sini jika sudah siap!"
msgid "Activating advanced tools"
msgstr "Mengaktifkan perangkat lanjutan"
msgid "Save %(savings)d%%"
msgstr "Hemat %(savings)d%%"
msgid ""
"The payment in question is for %1$s. There are no additional fees associated "
"with this inquiry, and your account will not be affected during this process."
msgstr ""
"Pembayaran yang dimaksud adalah senilai %1$s. Tidak ada biaya tambahan untuk "
"permintaan ini, dan akun WooPayments Anda tidak akan terganggu selama proses "
msgid ""
"The disputed charge is for %1$s. This amount will be deducted from your "
"account within a day."
msgstr ""
"Biaya yang dilaporkan adalah senilai %1$s. Dana dengan nilai tersebut akan "
"dipotong dari akun WooPayments Anda dalam waktu satu hari."
msgid ""
"By clicking 'Subscribe' you agree to our Terms of Service and have read our Privacy Policy"
msgstr ""
"Dengan mengklik \"Berlangganan\", Anda telah menyetujui Ketentuan Layanan dan telah membaca "
"Kebijakan Privasi"
"a> kami."
msgid "Custom Range Summary"
msgstr "Ringkasan Rentang Khusus"
msgid "Don’t miss out! Sale ends Dec 8th."
msgstr "Jangan lewatkan! Promo berakhir pada 8 Desember."
msgid "Get up to %1$d%% off new annual Jetpack plans – Cyber Monday Sale."
msgstr ""
"Dapatkan diskon hingga %1$d%% untuk paket Jetpack tahunan baru – Promo Cyber "
msgid ""
"It’s the best time to boost your site’s security and performance. Sale ends "
"Dec 1st."
msgstr ""
"Sekaranglah saat yang tepat untuk meningkatkan keamanan dan performa situs "
"Anda. Promo berakhir pada 1 Desember."
msgid "Get up to %1$d%% off new annual Jetpack plans – Black Friday Sale."
msgstr ""
"Dapatkan diskon hingga %1$d%% untuk paket Jetpack tahunan baru – Promo Black "
msgid "%(count)s sites have been successfully tagged for commission."
msgstr "%(count)s situs telah berhasil ditandai untuk mendapatkan komisi."
msgid ""
"The site {{strong}}%(siteUrl)s{{/strong}} has been successfully tagged for "
msgstr ""
"Situs {{strong}}%(siteUrl)s{{/strong}} telah berhasil ditandai untuk "
"mendapatkan komisi."
msgctxt "Growth Product Feature"
msgid "Jetpack Stats (10K site views, upgradeable)"
msgstr "Statistik Jetpack (10.000 penayangan situs, dapat diupgrade)"
msgid ""
"If you have issues logging in, please review these steps to reaccess your account. If you have any other questions "
"please contact our support team."
msgstr ""
"Jika terjadi masalah saat login, baca langkah-langkah ini untuk mengakses kembali akun Anda. Jika Anda ingin bertanya "
"atau butuh bantuan, hubungi tim dukungan kami."
msgid "Try searching \"seo\""
msgstr "Coba cari \"seo\""
msgid "Stats (10K site views, upgradeable)"
msgstr "Statistik (100 ribu tampilan, dapat diupgrade)"
msgid "Get up to %d%% off new annual Jetpack plans."
msgstr "Dapatkan diskon hingga %d%% untuk paket Jetpack tahunan baru."
msgctxt "Complete Product Feature"
msgid "CRM Entrepreneur"
msgstr "CRM Entrepreneur"
msgctxt "Complete Product Feature"
msgid "Stats (100K site views, upgradeable)"
msgstr "Statisik (100.000 penayangan situs, dapat diupgrade)"
msgid "The ultimate tool kit for best-in-class websites."
msgstr "Paket alat paling andal untuk situs terbaik di kelasnya."
msgid "New conversation"
msgstr "Percakapan baru"
msgid "This conversation has been completed"
msgstr "Percakapan ini telah selesai"
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to transfer ownership of %(agencyName)s to "
"{{b}}%(memberName)s{{/b}}? {{br/}}This action cannot be undone and you will "
"become a regular team member."
msgstr ""
"Apakah Anda yakin ingin mengalihkan kepemilikan %(agencyName)s ke "
"{{b}}%(memberName)s{{/b}}? {{br/}}Tindakan ini tidak dapat dibatalkan dan "
"Anda akan menjadi anggota tim biasa."
msgid "Transfer agency ownership"
msgstr "Transfer kepemilikan agensi"
msgid "Ownership has been successfully transferred."
msgstr "Kepemilikan telah berhasil ditransfer."
msgid "Activate now to start using this hosting feature."
msgstr "Aktifkan sekarang untuk mulai menggunakan fitur hosting ini."
msgid ""
"We understand that any issues regarding your payments can be concerning, and "
"we’re here to help you through the process. If you have questions or there’s "
"anything else we can provide, please feel free to %1$scontact us%2$s."
msgstr ""
"Kami paham bahwa masalah terkait pembayaran dapat menimbulkan keraguan dan "
"kami siap membantu Anda melalui prosesnya. Jika ingin bertanya atau perlu "
"bantuan, jangan ragu untuk %1$smenghubungi kami%2$s."
msgid ""
"We are reaching out to inform you that there has been %1$san inquiry%2$s "
"regarding a recent payment made to your business."
msgstr ""
"Kami ingin memberitahukan bahwa terdapat %1$spertanyaan%2$s terkait "
"pembayaran yang baru saja dilakukan kepada bisnis Anda."
msgid "View inquiry"
msgstr "Lihat pertanyaan"
msgid "Open site"
msgstr "Buka situs"
msgctxt "Stats ARIA label: View in UTM URL builder"
msgid "View in UTM URL builder"
msgstr "Lihat di pembuat URL UTM"
msgctxt "Stats action tooltip: View in UTM URL builder"
msgid "View in UTM URL builder"
msgstr "Lihat di pembuat URL UTM"
msgid "The PayPal transaction was not approved."
msgstr "Transaksi PayPal tidak disetujui."
msgid "Show More"
msgstr "Tampilkan Lebih Banyak"
msgid "Show Less"
msgstr "Tampilkan Lebih Sedikit"
msgid "Impressions by location"
msgstr "Tayangan berdasarkan lokasi"
msgid "Clicks by location"
msgstr "Klik berdasarkan lokasi"
msgid ""
"This offer ends %s, and is valid only for the first payment on a new "
" hosting plan and cannot be combined with other offers."
msgstr ""
"Penawaran ini berakhir %s, dan hanya berlaku untuk pembayaran pertama untuk "
"paket hosting baru dan tidak dapat digabungkan dengan "
"penawaran lainnya."
msgid "One more chance to claim %s%% off"
msgstr "Satu lagi kesempatan untuk mengklaim diskon %s%%"
msgid "But act fast––your discount will expire today, %s!"
msgstr ""
"Namun, segeralah ambil tindakan––diskon Anda akan segera berakhir hari ini, "
msgid ""
"It’s your last chance to claim our Black Friday discount and save %s%% off "
"your first year with any new annual WordPress hosting plan at "
"This is a great chance to grow your presence on the internet at an "
"incredible value."
msgstr ""
"Ini adalah kesempatan terakhir Anda untuk mengklaim diskon Black Friday kami "
"dan hemat %s%% untuk tahun pertama Anda dengan paket hosting WordPress "
"tahunan baru di Ini adalah kesempatan bagus untuk "
"mengembangkan kehadiran Anda di internet dengan nilai yang luar biasa."
msgid ""
"Pro Tip: Need to run plugins? Choose our Business plan or above, starting at "
"just $225/year."
msgstr ""
"Pro Tip: Butuh menggunakan plugin? Pilih Paket Bisnis kami atau yang lebih "
"tinggi, mulai dari hanya $225/tahun."
msgid ""
"Use the link below to select your plan––we have hosting for everyone, from "
"bloggers to small businesses to enterprise sites (and everything in-between)."
msgstr ""
"Gunakan tautan di bawah ini untuk memilih paket Anda––kami memiliki hosting "
"untuk semua orang, mulai dari blogger, bisnis kecil, hingga situs perusahaan "
"(dan semua yang ada di antaranya)."
msgid ""
"Access 24/7 expert support from our round-the-clock team of WordPress "
msgstr ""
"Akses bantuan ahli 24/7 dari tim ahli WordPress kami yang siap sedia "
"sepanjang waktu."
msgid ""
"Make money from your site with payments, premium content, subscriptions, and "
msgstr ""
"Hasilkan uang dari situs Anda dengan fitur pembayaran, konten premium, "
"langganan, dan banyak lagi."
msgid "Select from stunning designs with easy-to-customize themes."
msgstr ""
"Pilih dari desain yang menakjubkan dengan tema yang mudah disesuaikan sesuai "
msgid ""
"Attract an audience with built-in search engine optimization by default and "
"plan-based SEO tools."
msgstr ""
"Dapatkan audiens dengan pengoptimalan mesin pencari bawaan secara default "
"dan perangkat SEO sesuai paket yang dipilih."
msgid "Snag a free domain for a year with any paid annual plan."
msgstr ""
"Dapatkan domain gratis selama satu tahun dengan paket tahunan berbayar mana "
msgid ""
"Leave the tech to us; our managed hosting takes care of security, "
"performance, and site reliability."
msgstr ""
"Serahkan urusan teknologi pada kami; managed hosting kami menangani "
"keamanan, performa, dan reliabilitas situs."
msgid "Take things further with a paid plan"
msgstr "Ambil langkah lebih jauh dengan paket berbayar"
msgid "But act fast––your discount will expire %s!"
msgstr "Namun, segeralah ambil tindakan––diskon Anda akan berakhir pada %s!"
msgid ""
"For a limited time, you can save %s%% off your first year with any new "
"annual WordPress hosting plan at This is a great chance to "
"grow your presence on the internet at an incredible value."
msgstr ""
"Untuk waktu yang terbatas, Anda dapat menghemat %s%% untuk tahun pertama "
"Anda dengan paket hosting WordPress tahunan baru di Ini "
"adalah kesempatan bagus untuk mengembangkan kehadiran Anda di internet "
"dengan nilai yang luar biasa."
msgid "Get %s%% off your annual hosting plan"
msgstr "Dapatkan diskon %s%% untuk paket tahunan hosting Anda"
msgid "One more chance to claim %s%% off."
msgstr "Satu lagi kesempatan untuk mengklaim diskon %s%%."
msgid "We’re extending our WordPress hosting discount for you!"
msgstr "Kami memperpanjang diskon hosting WordPress untuk Anda!"
msgid ""
"This offer ends %s and is valid only for users upgrading from a Free hosting "
"plan to a paid hosting plan. It applies to new purchases only (renewals are "
"not eligible), and it cannot be combined with other offers."
msgstr ""
"Penawaran ini berakhir %s dan hanya berlaku untuk pengguna yang melakukan "
"upgrade dari paket hosting Gratis ke paket hosting berbayar. Penawaran ini "
"hanya berlaku untuk pembelian baru (tidak berlaku untuk perpanjangan), dan "
"tidak dapat digabungkan dengan penawaran lainnya."
msgid "But act fast––your discount will expire today, %s!"
msgstr ""
"Namun, segeralah ambil tindakan––diskon Anda akan segera berakhir hari ini, "
msgid ""
"It’s your last chance to claim our Black Friday discount and save "
"%1$s%% off your first year with any new annual WordPress "
"hosting plan at %2$s. This is a great chance to grow your presence on the "
"internet at an incredible value."
msgstr ""
"Ini adalah kesempatan terakhir Anda untuk mengklaim diskon Black Friday kami "
"dan hemat %1$s%% untuk tahun pertama Anda dengan paket "
"hosting WordPress tahunan baru mana pun di %2$s. Ini adalah "
"kesempatan bagus untuk mengembangkan kehadiran Anda di internet dengan nilai "
"yang luar biasa."
msgid "Your %s%% offer is coming to an end!"
msgstr "Penawaran %s%% Anda hampir berakhir!"
msgid "Last call: Get %s%% off your new hosting plan"
msgstr ""
"Kesempatan terakhir: Diskon %s%% untuk paket baru hosting Anda"
msgid ""
"Prices listed are in U.S. dollars and applicable in the U.S. only. "
"Equivalent values or discounts will be applied in the user’s local currency "
"based on current exchange rates."
msgstr ""
"Harga yang tercantum dalam dolar AS dan hanya berlaku di AS. Nilai yang "
"setara atau diskon akan diterapkan dalam mata uang lokal pengguna "
"berdasarkan nilai tukar saat ini."
msgid ""
"Pro Tip: Need to run plugins? Choose our Business plan or "
"above, starting at just $300"
"span> $225/year."
msgstr ""
"Pro Tip: Perlu menggunakan plugin? Pilih paket Bisnis kami "
"atau yang lebih tinggi, mulai dari hanya $300 $225/tahun."
msgid ""
"Click here to select your plan––we have hosting for everyone, from "
"bloggers to small businesses to enterprise sites (and everything in-between)."
msgstr ""
"Klik di sini untuk memilih paket Anda––Kami memiliki hosting untuk "
"semua orang, mulai dari blogger, bisnis kecil, hingga situs perusahaan (dan "
"semua yang ada di antaranya)."
msgid "Claim your discount—here’s how:"
msgstr "Klaim diskon Anda—ini caranya:"
msgid ""
"Access 24/7 expert support from our round-the-clock team of "
"WordPress experts."
msgstr ""
"Akses bantuan ahli 24/7 dari tim ahli WordPress kami yang "
"siap sedia sepanjang waktu."
msgid ""
"Make money from your site with payments, premium content, "
"subscriptions, and more."
msgstr ""
"Hasilkan uang dari situs Anda dengan fitur pembayaran, "
"konten premium, langganan, dan banyak lagi."
msgid ""
"Select from stunning designs with easy-to-customize themes."
msgstr ""
"Pilih dari desain yang menakjubkan dengan tema yang mudah "
"disesuaikan sesuai kebutuhan."
msgid ""
"Attract an audience with built-in search engine "
"optimization by default and plan-based SEO tools."
msgstr ""
"Dapatkan audiens dengan pengoptimalan mesin pencari bawaan "
"secara default dan perangkat SEO sesuai paket yang dipilih."
msgid ""
"Snag a free domain for a year with any paid annual plan."
msgstr ""
"Dapatkan domain gratis selama satu tahun dengan paket "
"tahunan berbayar mana pun."
msgid ""
"Leave the tech to us; our managed hosting takes care of "
"security, performance, and site reliability."
msgstr ""
"Serahkan urusan teknologi pada kami; managed hosting kami "
"menangani keamanan, performa, dan reliabilitas situs."
msgid "Take things further with a %s paid plan"
msgstr "Ambil langkah lebih jauh dengan paket berbayar %s"
msgid "But act fast––your discount will expire %s!"
msgstr ""
"Namun, segeralah ambil tindakan––diskon Anda akan segera berakhir pada "
msgid ""
"For a limited time, you can save %1$s%% off your first year "
"with any new annual WordPress hosting plan at %2$s. This is a great "
"chance to grow your presence on the internet at an incredible value."
msgstr ""
"Untuk waktu yang terbatas, Anda dapat menghemat %1$s%% "
"untuk tahun pertama Anda dengan paket hosting WordPress tahunan baru "
"mana pun seharga %2$s. Ini adalah kesempatan bagus untuk "
"mengembangkan kehadiran Anda di internet dengan nilai yang luar biasa."
msgid "Get %1$s%% off your annual %2$s hosting plan"
msgstr "Dapatkan diskon %1$s%% untuk paket tahunan hosting %2$s Anda"
msgid "Claim your discount before it’s gone."
msgstr "Dapatkan diskon Anda sebelum diskon tersebut hilang."
msgid "Save BIG on your WordPress site from"
msgstr "Hemat BANYAK di situs WordPress Anda dari"
msgid ""
"A great way to get assistance is by bringing your questions to our public "
"forums—just be sure to avoid sharing any personal or financial details."
msgstr ""
"Cara terbaik untuk mendapatkan bantuan adalah dengan mengajukan pertanyaan "
"Anda ke forum publik kami—pastikan Anda tidak membagikan informasi pribadi "
"atau keuangan apa pun."
msgid "Sorry I couldn't be of help!"
msgstr "Maaf, saya tidak bisa membantu!"
msgid ""
"Sorry, there was a problem restoring your account. Please contact support."
msgstr "Maaf, ada kendala saat menutup akun Anda. Hubungi layanan bantuan."
msgid ""
"Invalid token. Please check your account deleted email for the correct link "
"or contact support."
msgstr ""
"Token tidak valid. Silakan periksa e-mail akun Anda yang dihapus untuk "
"mengetahui tautan yang benar atau hubungi layanan bantuan."
msgid "Total Budget"
msgstr "Total Anggaran"
msgid "Paid until"
msgstr "Dibayar sampai"
msgid "Contact information for 100-Year Domain is managed by"
msgstr "Informasi kontak untuk Domain 100 Tahun dikelola oleh"
msgid ""
"Powered by Support AI. Some responses may be inaccurate. Learn more."
msgstr ""
"Didukung oleh Support AI. Beberapa respons mungkin tidak akurat. Pelajari "
"lebih lanjut."
msgctxt "Growth Product Feature"
msgid "Increase earnings with WordAds"
msgstr "Tingkatkan pendapatan dengan WordAds"
msgctxt "Growth Product Feature"
msgid "Accept payments with PayPal"
msgstr "Terima pembayaran melalui PayPal"
msgctxt "Growth Product Feature"
msgid "Earn more from your content"
msgstr "Raih pendapatan lebih banyak dari konten Anda"
msgctxt "Growth Product Feature"
msgid "Unlimited subscriber imports"
msgstr "Impor pelanggan tanpa batas"
msgctxt "Growth Product Feature"
msgid "Jetpack Social"
msgstr "Jetpack Social"
msgid ""
"Essential tools to help you grow your audience, track visitor engagement, "
"and turn leads into loyal customers and advocates."
msgstr ""
"Alat-alat penting untuk membantu Anda menumbuhkan audiens, melacak interaksi "
"pengunjung, dan mengubah prospek menjadi pelanggan dan pemberi referensi "
"yang loyal."
msgid "Grow and track your audience effortlessly."
msgstr "Tumbuhkan dan lacak audiens dengan mudah."
msgid "Restore token is invalid."
msgstr "Token pemulihan tidak valid."
msgid "Restore token is missing."
msgstr "Tidak ada token pemulihan."
msgid "Confirm site transfer"
msgstr "Konfirmasi transfer situs"
msgid "Confirm new owner"
msgstr "Konfirmasi pemilik baru"
msgid "Pending domain transfers"
msgstr "Transfer domain tertunda"
msgid "Confirmation email sent"
msgstr "E-mail konfirmasi terkirim"
msgid "Transferring site"
msgstr "Mentransfer situs"
msgid "Invitation email sent"
msgstr "E-mail undangan terkirim"
msgid "Transfer site"
msgstr "Transfer situs"
msgid "Confirm site deletion"
msgstr "Konfirmasi penghapusan situs"
msgid "Unable to delete site"
msgstr "Tidak dapat menghapus situs"
msgid "Video upload has been enabled."
msgstr "Unggah video telah diaktifkan."
msgid "Audio upload has been enabled."
msgstr "Unggah audio telah diaktifkan."
msgid ""
"Move your site and tag it for potential earnings by following these steps. "
"If you need help finishing the transfer, don't hesitate to {{a}}contact us{{/"
msgstr ""
"Pindahkan situs Anda dan tandai untuk mendapatkan peluang penghasilan dengan "
"mengikuti langkah-langkah berikut. Jika Anda memerlukan bantuan untuk "
"menyelesaikan proses pemindahan, jangan ragu untuk {{a}}menghubungi kami{{/"
msgid ""
"Copy and paste the migration key provided by into the "
"Migration Key field and click Start migration. Wait until this process has "
"finished before continuing."
msgstr ""
"Salin dan tempelkan kunci migrasi yang disediakan oleh ke "
"dalam kolom Migration Key dan klik Start Migration. Tunggu hingga proses ini "
"selesai sebelum melanjutkan."
msgid ""
"Install and activate the {{a}}Migrate to plugin{{/a}} on your "
"existing site. Then, go to the Migrate to page on your source "
"site, enter your email address, and click Continue."
msgstr ""
"Instal dan aktifkan {{a}}plugin Migrate to{{/a}} di situs yang "
"sudah ada. Kemudian, buka halaman Migrate to di situs sumber "
"Anda, masukkan alamat e-mail Anda, dan klik Continue."
msgid "Install the Migration plugin"
msgstr "Instal plugin Migration"
msgid "Launch"
msgstr "Luncurkan"
msgid ""
"Choose your site from the list, then enter the URL of your existing site."
msgstr "Pilih situs Anda dari daftar, lalu masukkan URL situs yang sudah ada."
msgid "Go to"
msgstr "Buka"
msgid ""
"Begin by purchasing a site in the Automattic for Agencies "
msgstr ""
"Mulailah dengan membeli situs di Marketplace Automattic for "
msgid ""
"Purchase and create a new site in the Automattic for Agencies "
msgstr ""
"Beli dan buat situs baru di Marketplace Automattic for Agencies"
msgid "Add my bank infomation"
msgstr "Tambahkan informasi bank saya"
msgid ""
"Add you bank and business information so that we can send you commission "
msgstr ""
"Tambahkan informasi bank dan bisnis Anda agar kami dapat mengirimkan "
"pembayaran komisi kepada Anda."
msgid "Fill in your payment information to receive commissions"
msgstr "Isi informasi pembayaran Anda untuk menerima komisi"
msgid "Tag your site"
msgstr "Tandai situs Anda"
msgid ""
"Once you've tagged your sites we'll review them and verify if they are "
"eligible for commission. {{a}}Terms and conditions{{/a}}"
msgstr ""
"Setelah Anda menandai situs Anda, kami akan meninjaunya dan memverifikasi "
"apakah situs tersebut memenuhi syarat untuk mendapatkan komisi. {{a}}Syarat "
"dan ketentuan{{/a}}"
msgid "Tag your site as “Migrated” so that we can review it for commissions"
msgstr ""
"Tandai situs Anda sebagai \"Dimigrasi\" agar kami dapat memeriksanya apakah "
"bisa mendapatkan komisi"
msgid ""
"This lightweight plugin securely connects your clients' sites to the "
"Automattic for Agencies Sites Dashboard."
msgstr ""
"Plugin ringan ini dengan aman menghubungkan situs klien Anda ke Dasbor Situs "
"Automattic for Agencies."
msgid ""
"Ensure the Automattic for Agencies plugin is installed and activated on your "
"Pressable site"
msgstr ""
"Pastikan plugin Automattic for Agencies telah diinstal dan diaktifkan di "
"situs Pressable Anda"
msgid ""
"Login to the {{a}} Dashboard{{/a}} and open up the settings "
"page for the site you would like to migrate to. In the left menu, you will "
"see a Site Actions tab. From that, navigate to the Migrate Site section. "
"This section will show the details you will need for the Pressable Automated "
"Migration plugin."
msgstr ""
"Login ke {{a}}Dasbor{{/a}} dan buka halaman pengaturan "
"untuk situs yang ingin Anda migrasikan. Di menu sebelah kiri, Anda akan "
"melihat tab Site Actions. Dari situ, arahkan ke bagian Migrate Site. Bagian "
"ini akan menampilkan detail yang Anda perlukan untuk plugin Pressable "
"Automated Migration."
msgid "Use the SFTP credentials provided in Pressable to migrate the site"
msgstr ""
"Gunakan kredensial SFTP yang disediakan di Pressable untuk melakukan migrasi "
msgid "Download Migration plugin"
msgstr "Unduh plugin Migration"
msgid ""
"Login to the site that you will be moving to the Pressable platform (the "
"source site) and navigate to Plugins > Add New. In the plugin search box, "
"search for {{a}}“Pressable Automated Migration”{{/a}} (or upload the plugin "
"if you downloaded it instead). When the plugin listing comes up, click on "
"Install Now and then Activate"
msgstr ""
"Masuk ke situs yang Anda akan pindahkan ke platform Pressable (situs sumber) "
"dan buka Plugin > Tambah Baru. Di kotak pencarian plugin, cari "
"{{a}}\"Pressable Automated Migration\"{{/a}} (atau unggah plugin jika Anda "
"telah mengunduhnya). Ketika sudah muncul daftar plugin, klik Instal Sekarang "
"dan kemudian Aktifkan"
msgid "Install the Pressable Migration plugin"
msgstr "Instal plugin Pressable Migration"
msgid "Launch Pressable Admin"
msgstr "Luncurkan Pressable Admin"
msgid "In Pressable, click “Add site” and set “Migration placeholder” to yes."
msgstr ""
"Di Pressable, klik \"Add site\" dan atur \"Migration placeholder\" ke yes."
msgid "Create a \"Migration placeholder\" site in Pressable"
msgstr "Buat situs \"placeholder Migrasi\" di Pressable"
msgid "Go to Marketplace"
msgstr "Buka Marketplace"
msgid ""
"Begin by purchasing a Pressable plan in the Automattic for Agencies "
msgstr ""
"Mulailah dengan membeli paket Pressable di Marketplace Automattic for "
msgid "Sign up for a Pressable plan in the Automattic for Agencies Marketplace"
msgstr "Mendaftar untuk paket Pressable di Marketplace Automattic for Agencies"
msgid "Would you like to log in to Gravatar using your account?"
msgstr "Apakah Anda ingin login ke Gravatar dengan akun Anda?"
msgid "Securely share your credentials"
msgstr "Berbagi kredensial Anda dengan aman"
msgid "Round-the-clock security monitoring and DDoS protection."
msgstr "Pemantauan keamanan setiap saat dan perlindungan DDoS."
msgid "Unmatched reliability with 99.999% uptime and unmetered traffic."
msgstr ""
"Keandalan yang tak tertandingi dengan uptime 99,999% dan traffic yang tidak "
msgid "Uninterrupted service throughout the entire migration experience."
msgstr "Layanan tanpa gangguan selama proses migrasi berlangsung."
msgid "Share credentials instead"
msgstr "Bagikan kredensial sebagai gantinya"
msgid "Authorize access"
msgstr "Otorisasi akses"
msgid "Get ready for blazing fast speeds"
msgstr "Bersiaplah untuk kecepatan yang sangat cepat"
msgid ""
"Help us get started by providing some basic details about your current "
msgstr ""
"Bantu kami memulai dengan memberikan beberapa detail dasar tentang situs web "
"Anda saat ini."
msgid "Current WordPress site address"
msgstr "Alamat situs WordPress saat ini"
msgid ""
"{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is premium and is still not supported for "
"the 100-year domain registration."
msgstr ""
"{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} adalah domain premium dan masih belum "
"didukung untuk registrasi domain selama 100 tahun."
msgid "Example:"
msgstr "Contoh:"
msgid "The full URL of the site or post you want to track."
msgstr "URL lengkap situs atau pos yang ingin Anda lacak."
msgid "Ask in our forums"
msgstr "Tanyakan di forum kami"
msgid "Could not download media file."
msgstr "Tidak dapat mengunduh berkas media."
msgid "Whether to proxy the media request."
msgstr "Apakah akan menggunakan proxy untuk permintaan media."
msgid "Session id of a service, currently only Google Photos Picker"
msgstr "Id sesi layanan, saat ini hanya Google Photos Picker"
msgid ""
"Upload a CSV file with your existing subscribers list from platforms like "
"Beehiiv, Ghost, "
"Kit, Mailchimp, "
"Medium, Patreon, and "
"many others."
msgstr ""
"Unggah file CSV daftar pelanggan Anda yang sudah ada dari platform seperti "
"Beehiiv, Ghost, "
"Kit, MailChimp, "
"Medium, Patreon, dan "
"banyak lainnya."
msgid "You'll need to upload a CSV file of current subscribers to continue."
msgstr "Anda harus mengunggah file CSV pelanggan saat ini untuk melanjutkan."
msgid ""
"By clicking \"%s,\" you represent that you've obtained the appropriate "
"consent to email each person."
msgstr ""
"Dengan mengklik \"%s,\" Anda menyatakan bahwa Anda telah mendapatkan "
"persetujuan yang sesuai untuk mengirim e-mail kepada setiap orang."
msgid ""
"By clicking \"%s,\" you represent that you've obtained the appropriate "
"consent to email each person. Spam complaints or high bounce rate from your "
"subscribers may lead to action against your account."
msgstr ""
"Dengan mengklik \"%s,\" Anda menyatakan bahwa Anda telah mendapatkan "
"persetujuan yang sesuai untuk mengirim e-mail kepada setiap orang. Keluhan "
"spam atau bounce rate yang tinggi dari pelanggan Anda dapat menyebabkan "
"penindakan terhadap akun Anda."
msgid "Quickly bring your subscribers (and even your content!)."
msgstr "Impor pelanggan Anda (dan juga konten Anda!)."
msgid "Import from Substack"
msgstr "Impor dari Substack"
msgid "Upload a file with your existing subscribers list."
msgstr "Unggah file daftar pelanggan Anda yang sudah ada."
msgid "Use a CSV file"
msgstr "Gunakan file CSV"
msgid "Paste their emails to add them to your site."
msgstr "Cantumkan e-mail mereka untuk menambahkannya ke situs Anda."
msgid "Add subscribers manually"
msgstr "Tambahkan pelanggan secara manual"
msgid ""
"We’ll automatically clean duplicate, incomplete, outdated, or spammy emails "
"to boost open rates and engagement."
msgstr ""
"Kami akan secara otomatis membersihkan e-mail yang duplikat, tidak lengkap, "
"kedaluwarsa, atau spam untuk meningkatkan open rate dan engagement."
msgid ""
"{{strong}}%(domainSuggestion)s{{/strong}} is a perfect site address. It’s "
"available, easy to find, share, and follow. Get it now and claim a corner of "
"the web."
msgstr ""
"{{strong}}%(domainSuggestion)s{{/strong}} adalah alamat situs yang sempurna. "
"Domain tersedia, mudah ditemukan, dibagikan, dan diingat. Dapatkan sekarang "
"dan jadikan hanya milik Anda."
msgid "Confirm site reset"
msgstr "Konfirmasi reset situs"
msgid "Site reset successful"
msgstr "Berhasil mereset situs"
msgid ""
"Allow a site visitor to cover the full cost of your site's "
"plan. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}"
msgstr ""
"Izinkan pengunjung situs menanggung semua biaya paket untuk "
"situs Anda. {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}}"
msgid "Security, performance, and marketing tools by the WordPress experts"
msgstr "Perangkat keamanan, performa, dan pemasaran dari para ahli WordPress"
msgid "• %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "• %1$s: %2$s"
msgid ""
"These sites can be restored after first restoring your account. You’ll need "
"to reinvite any users that previously had access to the site. Learn more: %s"
msgstr ""
"Situs-situs ini dapat dipulihkan setelah akun Anda dipulihkan. Anda perlu "
"mengundang kembali pengguna yang pernah mengakses situs Anda. Baca "
"selengkapnya: %s"
msgid "--------------------------------------------"
msgstr "--------------------------------------------"
msgid "Restore account: %s"
msgstr "Pulihkan akun: %s"
msgid "If this was an accident, you have 30 days to restore your account."
msgstr ""
"Ada waktu 30 hari untuk memulihkan akun Anda jika penghapusan ini tidak "
msgid ""
"Your account %1$s has been deleted along with any sites that "
"you owned."
msgstr ""
"Akun Anda yang bernama %1$s telah dihapus bersama situs milik "
msgid ""
"These sites can be restored after first restoring your account. You’ll need "
"to reinvite any users that previously had access to the site. Learn more."
msgstr ""
"Situs-situs ini dapat dipulihkan setelah akun Anda dipulihkan. Anda perlu "
"mengundang kembali pengguna yang pernah mengakses situs Anda. Baca selengkapnya."
msgid "Deleted sites"
msgstr "Situs yang dihapus"
msgid ""
"If this was an accident, you have 30 days to restore your "
msgstr ""
"Ada waktu 30 hari untuk memulihkan akun Anda jika "
"penghapusan ini tidak disengaja."
msgid ""
"Your account %1$s has been deleted along with "
"any sites that you owned."
msgstr ""
"Akun Anda yang bernama %1$s telah dihapus "
"bersama situs milik Anda."
msgid "Account deleted"
msgstr "Akun telah dihapus"
msgid "Your account \"%1$s\" has been deleted"
msgstr "Akun Anda \"%1$s\" sudah dihapus"
msgid ""
"Your account for \"%1$s\" has been deleted. You have 30 days "
"to restore your account if this was an accident"
msgstr ""
"Akun Anda dengan nama \"%1$s\" telah dihapus. Ada waktu 30 "
"hari untuk memulihkan akun Anda jika penghapusan ini tidak disengaja."
msgid "Restore account"
msgstr "Pulihkan akun"
msgid ""
"The domain extension you are looking for is currently not supported. "
"Additional domain extensions may become available for a fee in the future."
msgstr ""
"Ekstensi domain yang Anda cari saat ini tidak didukung. Ekstensi domain "
"tambahan mungkin akan tersedia dengan biaya tambahan di masa mendatang."
msgid "Referral"
msgstr "Referral"
msgid ""
"We're granting you early access to our new Agency Tier experience! While the "
"official launch of our tiers is set for January 2025, you can explore and "
"progress on your tier today."
msgstr ""
"Kami memberi Anda akses awal ke pengalaman Agency Tier kami yang baru! "
"Meskipun peluncuran resmi tier kami akan dilakukan pada Januari 2025, Anda "
"dapat menjelajahi dan meningkatkan tier Anda sekarang."
msgid "We've just launched Agency Tiers in beta!"
msgstr "Kami baru saja meluncurkan Agency Tiers (masih dalam versi beta)!"
msgid "Expiring Apple IAP Subscription: %s"
msgstr "Kedaluwarsa Langganan Apple IAP: %s"
msgid ""
"Apple IAP Subscription failed to renew and is in the billing retry period."
msgstr ""
"Perpanjangan Langganan Apple IAP gagal dan sekarang berada di periode coba "
"ulang penagihan."
msgid "Transfer your WordPress website to on your own."
msgstr "Transfer sendiri situs web WordPress Anda ke"
msgid "Transfer your WordPress website to Pressable on your own."
msgstr "Transfer sendiri situs web WordPress Anda ke Pressable."
msgid "Reset all tasks"
msgstr "Reset semua tugas"
msgid "Reset task"
msgstr "Reset tugas"
msgid ""
"Note: Your conversation with our AI assistant will also be sent to our "
"Happiness Engineers."
msgstr ""
"Catatan: Percakapan Anda dengan Asisten AI turut dikirimkan ke Happiness "
msgid "Migrations: Migrate to"
msgstr "Migrasi: Migrasi ke"
msgid "Migrations: Migrate to Pressable"
msgstr "Migrasi: Migrasi ke Pressable"
msgid ""
"Get started manually moving your sites to Pressable then tag them for "
msgstr ""
"Mulailah memindahkan situs Anda secara manual ke Pressable, lalu beri tanda "
"pada situs tersebut untuk mendapatkan komisi."
msgid "Self migrate to Pressable"
msgstr "Migrasi mandiri ke Pressable"
msgid ""
"Get started manually moving your sites to then tag them for "
msgstr ""
"Mulailah memindahkan situs Anda secara manual ke, lalu beri "
"tanda pada situs tersebut untuk mendapatkan komisi."
msgid "Self migrate to"
msgstr "Migrasi mandiri ke"
msgid ""
"Reach out and let our WordPress experts migrate your sites for you, free of "
msgstr ""
"Hubungi kami dan biarkan para ahli WordPress kami saja yang memigrasikan "
"situs untuk Anda, gratis."
msgid "Concierge service"
msgstr "Layanan Concierge"
msgid "Pick an option to get started"
msgstr "Tentukan pilihan untuk memulai"
msgid "Akismet Cyber Monday Sale is ending soon!"
msgstr "Promo Cyber Monday Akismet akan segera berakhir!"
msgid ""
"Get 50% off new Akismet Pro and Business annual plans and never worry about "
"spam again."
msgstr ""
"Dapatkan diskon 50% untuk paket tahunan Akismet Pro dan Akismet Bisnis baru, "
"dan Anda tak perlu lagi waswas soal spam."
msgid "Akismet Cyber Monday Sale"
msgstr "Promo Cyber Monday Akismet akan segera berakhir!"
msgid "Join over 100 million websites protected by Akismet."
msgstr "Bergabunglah dengan 100 juta lebih situs yang dilindungi Akismet."
msgid "50% off - Akismet Cyber Monday Sale"
msgstr "Diskon 50% - Promo Cyber Monday Akismet"
msgid ""
"Filter out comment, form, and text spam with 99.99% accuracy with Akismet’s "
"next generation machine learning. Now is the perfect time to join over 100 "
"million websites protected by Akismet."
msgstr ""
"Saring komentar, formulir, dan teks spam dengan tingkat ketepatan 99,99% "
"melalui pembelajaran mesin generasi baru dari Akismet. Inilah saatnya "
"bergabung dengan 100 juta lebih situs yang dilindungi Akismet."
msgid ""
"Get 50% off new Akismet Pro and Business annual plans and never waste time "
"on spam again."
msgstr ""
"Dapatkan diskon 50% untuk paket tahunan Akismet Pro dan Akismet Bisnis baru, "
"dan Anda tak perlu lagi sibuk mengurusi spam."
msgid "Black Friday Sale is ending soon!"
msgstr "Promo Black Friday akan segera berakhir!"
msgid "The sale ends soon!"
msgstr "Promo akan segera berakhir!"
msgid "Get 50% off!"
msgstr "Dapatkan diskon 50%!"
msgid ""
"Filter out comment, form, and text spam with 99.99% accuracy with Akismet’s "
"next generation machine learning."
msgstr ""
"Saring komentar, formulir, dan teks spam dengan tingkat ketepatan 99,99% "
"melalui pembelajaran mesin generasi baru dari Akismet."
msgid ""
"Get 50% off on Akismet Pro and Business new annual plans and never worry "
"about spam again."
msgstr ""
"Dapatkan diskon 50% untuk paket tahunan Akismet Pro dan Akismet Bisnis baru, "
"dan Anda tak perlu lagi waswas soal spam."
msgid "50% off - Akismet Black Friday Sale"
msgstr "Diskon 50% - Promo Black Friday Akismet"
msgid ""
"There’s no better time to join over 27 million WordPress sites that rely on "
"Jetpack for unbeatable security and performance."
msgstr ""
"Ini saatnya bergabung dengan 27 juta lebih situs WordPress yang mengandalkan "
"Jetpack untuk keamanan dan performa tiada tanding."
msgid ""
"Discounts up to 70% on new annual plans are ending soon! Boost your "
"WordPress site’s speed, security, and traffic with Jetpack’s tools."
msgstr ""
"Diskon hingga 70% untuk paket tahunan baru akan segera berakhir! Tingkatkan "
"kecepatan, keamanan, dan kunjungan situs WordPress Anda dengan peralatan "
"dari Jetpack."
msgid "Jetpack Cyber Monday Sale is ending soon!"
msgstr "Promo Cyber Monday Jetpack akan segera berakhir!"
msgid "Sale ending soon - don’t miss out!"
msgstr "Promo segera berakhir - jangan sampai ketinggalan!"
msgid ""
"Now’s the perfect time to join over 27 million WordPress sites that trust "
"Jetpack for security and performance."
msgstr ""
"Ini saatnya bergabung dengan 27 juta lebih situs WordPress yang memercayakan "
"keamanan dan performanya kepada Jetpack."
msgid ""
"Discounts up to 70% on new annual plans are back with the Cyber Monday Sale! "
"Boost your WordPress site’s speed, security, and traffic with Jetpack’s "
msgstr ""
"Diskon hingga 70% untuk paket tahunan baru kini kembali hadir dalam Promo "
"Cyber Monday! Tingkatkan kecepatan, keamanan, dan kunjungan situs WordPress "
"Anda dengan peralatan dari Jetpack."
msgid "Jetpack Cyber Monday Sale"
msgstr "Promo Cyber Monday Jetpack "
msgid "Get started with Jetpack while the sale lasts!"
msgstr "Mulai gunakan Jetpack, selagi masih ada promo!"
msgid "Up to 70% off - Jetpack Cyber Monday Sale"
msgstr "Diskon hingga 70% - Promo Cyber Monday Jetpack"
msgid "Black Friday Sale is almost over!"
msgstr "Promo Black Friday sebentar lagi berakhir!"
msgid ""
"The sale ends soon, it’s the best time to boost your WordPress site with "
msgstr ""
"Promo hampir habis, ini saatnya meningkatkan situs WordPress Anda dengan "
msgid "Get up to 70% off!"
msgstr "Dapatkan diskon hingga 70%!"
msgid ""
"It’s the best time to join more than 27 million WordPress sites that trust "
"Jetpack for their website security and performance."
msgstr ""
"Ini saatnya bergabung dengan 27 juta lebih situs WordPress yang memercayakan "
"keamanan dan performanya kepada Jetpack."
msgid ""
"Boost your WordPress site’s speed, security, and traffic with Jetpack’s "
"tools. Don’t miss discounts up to 70% on new annual plans!"
msgstr ""
"Tingkatkan kecepatan, keamanan, dan kunjungan situs WordPress Anda dengan "
"peralatan dari Jetpack. Jangan lewatkan diskon 70% untuk paket tahunan baru!"
msgid "Black Friday Sale is here!"
msgstr "Promo Black Friday sudah dimulai!"
msgid ""
"Boost your WordPress site’s speed, security, and traffic with Jetpack’s "
msgstr ""
"Tingkatkan kecepatan, keamanan, dan kunjungan situs WordPress Anda dengan "
"peralatan dari Jetpack."
msgid "Up to 70% off - Jetpack Black Friday Sale"
msgstr "Diskon hingga 70% - Promo Black Friday Jetpack"
msgctxt "pattern"
msgid "\"%s\" duplicated."
msgstr "\"%s\" digandakan."
msgctxt "pattern"
msgid "%s (Copy)"
msgstr "%s (Salin)"
msgctxt "settings landmark area"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Pengaturan"
msgctxt "template part"
msgid "Delete \"%s\"?"
msgstr "Hapus \"%s\"?"
msgctxt "template part"
msgid "\"%s\" deleted."
msgstr "\"%s\" dihapus."
msgctxt "template part"
msgid "%s (Copy)"
msgstr "%s (Salin)"
msgctxt "template part"
msgid "\"%s\" duplicated."
msgstr "\"%s\" diduplikasi."
msgctxt "sidebar button label"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Pengaturan"
msgctxt "noun, sidebar"
msgid "Document"
msgstr "Dokumen"
msgctxt "noun, breadcrumb"
msgid "Document"
msgstr "Dokumen"
msgctxt "Select comment action"
msgid "Select an action"
msgstr "Pilih tindakan"
msgctxt "Mark comment as resolved"
msgid "Resolve"
msgstr "Perbaiki"
msgctxt "Delete comment"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Hapus"
msgctxt "Edit comment"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Edit"
msgctxt "Add reply comment"
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "Balas"
msgctxt "View comment"
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Komentar"
msgctxt "Add comment button"
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Komentar"
msgctxt "Cancel comment button"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Batal"
msgctxt "Indicates these doutone filters are created by the user."
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Khusus"
msgctxt "Indicates these duotone filters come from WordPress."
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Default"
msgctxt "Indicates these duotone filters come from the theme."
msgid "Theme"
msgstr "Tema"
msgctxt "menu label"
msgid "%1$s (%2$s)"
msgstr "%1$s (%2$s)"
msgctxt "navigation menu"
msgid "%s (Copy)"
msgstr "%s (Salin)"
msgctxt "pattern category"
msgid "Delete \"%s\"?"
msgstr "Hapus \"%s\"?"
msgctxt "pattern category"
msgid "\"%s\" deleted."
msgstr "\"%s\" dihapus."
msgctxt "variation label"
msgid "%1$s (%2$s)"
msgstr "%1$s (%2$s)"
msgctxt "breadcrumb trail"
msgid "%1$s ‹ %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s ‹ %2$s"
msgctxt "taxonomy menu label"
msgid "%1$s (%2$s)"
msgstr "%1$s (%2$s)"
msgctxt "taxonomy template menu label"
msgid "%1$s (%2$s)"
msgstr "%1$s (%2$s)"
msgctxt "post type menu label"
msgid "Single item: %1$s (%2$s)"
msgstr "Item tunggal: %1$s (%2$s)"
msgctxt "post type menu label"
msgid "%1$s (%2$s)"
msgstr "%1$s (%2$s)"
msgctxt "field"
msgid "Edit %s"
msgstr "Edit %s"
msgctxt "field"
msgid "Show %s"
msgstr "Tampilkan %s"
msgctxt "field"
msgid "Hide %s"
msgstr "Sembunyikan %s"
msgctxt "input control"
msgid "Show %s"
msgstr "Tampilkan %s"
msgctxt "text tracks"
msgid "Edit %s"
msgstr "Edit %s"
msgctxt "archive label"
msgid "%1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s: %2$s"
msgctxt "font"
msgid "%1$s %2$s"
msgstr "%2$s %1$s"
msgctxt "spacing"
msgid "%1$s %2$s"
msgstr "%2$s %1$s"
msgctxt "action: convert blocks to grid"
msgid "Grid"
msgstr "Kisi"
msgctxt "action: convert blocks to stack"
msgid "Stack"
msgstr "Tumpukan"
msgctxt "action: convert blocks to row"
msgid "Row"
msgstr "Baris"
msgctxt "action: convert blocks to group"
msgid "Group"
msgstr "Grup"
msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Filter"
msgstr "Saring"
msgid "Customize the last part of the Permalink."
msgstr "Sesuaikan bagian terakhir URL."
msgid "Choose an image…"
msgstr "Pilih gambar…"
msgid "An error occurred while reimporting the blog."
msgstr "Terjadi error saat mengembalikan item."
msgid "Distraction free mode activated."
msgstr "Mode bebas gangguan diaktifkan"
msgid "Distraction free mode deactivated."
msgstr "Mode bebas gangguan dinonaktifkan"
msgid "Zoom Out"
msgstr "Perkecil"
msgid "Enter or exit zoom out."
msgstr "Masuk atau kelar zoom out."
msgid ""
"Customize the last part of the Permalink.Learn more."
msgstr ""
"Sesuaikan bagian terakhir dari PermalinkPelajari lebih "
msgid "Copied Permalink to clipboard."
msgstr "Permalink yang disalin ke papan klip."
msgid ""
"Child pages inherit characteristics from their parent, such as URL "
"structure. For instance, if \"Pricing\" is a child of \"Services\", its URL "
"would be %s/services/pricing."
msgstr ""
"Halaman turunan mewarisi karakteristik halaman induk, seperti struktur URL. "
"Misalnya, jika \"Harga\" adalah turunan dari \"Layanan\", URL-nya akan "
"menjadi %s/layanan/harga."
msgid "Enter or exit distraction free mode."
msgstr "Masuk atau keluar mode bebas gangguan."
msgid "Show or hide the List View."
msgstr "Tampilkan atau sembunyikan Tampilan Daftar."
msgid "Show or hide the Block settings panel"
msgstr "Tampilkan atau sembunyikan panel pengaturan Blok."
msgid "Enter Spotlight mode"
msgstr "Masuk mode Spotlight"
msgid "Exit Spotlight mode"
msgstr "Keluar mode Spotlight"
msgid "Comment deleted successfully."
msgstr "Komentar berhasil dihapus."
msgid ""
"Something went wrong. Please try publishing the post, or you may have "
"already submitted your comment earlier."
msgstr ""
"Terjadi kendala. Mohon coba memublikasikan pos, atau Anda mungkin sudah "
"mengirimkan komentar Anda sebelumnya."
msgid "Comment edited successfully."
msgstr "Komentar berhasil diedit."
msgid "Comment marked as resolved."
msgstr "Komentar ditandai sebagai selesai."
msgid "Comment added successfully."
msgstr "Komentar berhasil ditambahkan."
msgid "Reply added successfully."
msgstr "Balasan berhasil ditambahkan."
msgid "No comments available"
msgstr "Tidak ada komentar"
msgid "Are you sure you want to mark this comment as resolved?"
msgstr "Anda yakin ingin menandai komentar ini sebagai selesai?"
msgid "Default Gradients"
msgstr "Gradien Default"
msgid "Default Colors"
msgstr "Warna Default"
msgid "Duotones"
msgstr "Dua corak"
msgid "Custom Gradients"
msgstr "Gradien Khusus"
msgid "Theme Gradients"
msgstr "Gradien Tema"
msgid "Previewing %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "Pratinjau %1$s: %2$s"
msgid ""
"Available fonts, typographic styles, and the application of those styles."
msgstr "Jenis huruf, gaya tipografi, dan penerapan gaya yang tersedia."
msgid "Enable or disable fullscreen mode."
msgstr "Aktifkan atau nonaktifkan mode layar penuh."
msgid ""
"Border color picker. The currently selected color has a value of \"%s\"."
msgstr ""
"Picker warna garis. Warna garis yang dipilih saat ini memiliki nilai \"%s\"."
msgid ""
"Border color picker. The currently selected color is called \"%1$s\" and has "
"a value of \"%2$s\"."
msgstr ""
"Pemilih warna khusus. Warna yang dipilih saat ini \"%1$s\" dan memiliki kode "
msgid ""
"Border color and style picker. The currently selected color has a value of "
msgstr ""
"Picker warna garis dan gaya. Warna yang dipilih saat ini memiliki nilai \"%s"
msgid ""
"Border color and style picker. The currently selected color has a value of "
"\"%1$s\". The currently selected style is \"%2$s\"."
msgstr ""
"Picker warna garis dan gaya. Warna yang dipilih saat ini memiliki nilai "
"\"%1$s\". Gaya yang dipilih saat ini adalah \"%2$s\"."
msgid ""
"Border color and style picker. The currently selected color is called \"%1$s"
"\" and has a value of \"%2$s\"."
msgstr ""
"Pemilih warna khusus. Warna yang dipilih saat ini \"%1$s\" dan memiliki kode "
msgid ""
"Border color and style picker. The currently selected color is called \"%1$s"
"\" and has a value of \"%2$s\". The currently selected style is \"%3$s\"."
msgstr ""
"Picker warna garis dan gaya. Warna yang dipilih saat ini disebut \"%1$s\" "
"dan memiliki nilai \"%2$s\". Gaya yang dipilih saat ini adalah \"%3$s\"."
msgid "Show search label"
msgstr "Tampilkan cari label"
msgid "Show a large initial letter."
msgstr "Menampilkan huruf inisial berukuran besar."
msgid "Scale images with a lightbox effect"
msgstr "Ubah ukuran gambar dengan efek kotak lampu"
msgid "Lightbox effect"
msgstr "Efek lightbox"
msgid "You are currently in Design mode."
msgstr "Anda sedang dalam mode Desain."
msgid "You are currently in Write mode."
msgstr "Anda sedang dalam mode Menulis."
msgid "Layout type"
msgstr "Tipe tata letak"
msgid ""
"Tools provide different sets of interactions for blocks. Toggle between "
"simplified content tools (Write) and advanced visual editing tools (Design)."
msgstr ""
"Perangkat menyediakan serangkaian interaksi yang berbeda untuk blok. "
"Beralihlah antara perangkat konten yang disederhanakan (Tulis) dan alat "
"penyuntingan visual tingkat lanjut (Desain)."
msgid "Edit layout and styles."
msgstr "Edit tata letak dan gaya."
msgid "Focus on content."
msgstr "Fokus pada konten."
msgid "Empty %s; start writing to edit its value"
msgstr "%s kosong; mulai menulis untuk mengedit nilainya"
msgid "Link information"
msgstr "Informasi tautan"
msgid "Manage link"
msgstr "Kelola tautan"
msgid "Block \"%s\" can't be inserted."
msgstr "Blok \"%s\" tidak apat dimasukkan."
msgid "Change design"
msgstr "Ubah desain"
msgid "Drop pattern."
msgstr "Hapus pola."
msgid "Full height"
msgstr "Tinggi penuh"
msgid "Manage your traffic settings on {{a}}Jetpack{{/a}}."
msgstr "Kelola pengaturan traffic Anda di {{a}}Jetpack{{/a}}."
msgid "Manage your sharing settings on {{a}}Jetpack{{/a}}."
msgstr "Kelola pengaturan berbagi Anda di {{a}}Jetpack{{/a}}."
msgid "I made a mistake! Restore my account"
msgstr "Saya melakukan kesalahan! Kembalikan akun saya"
msgid ""
"Thanks for flying with You have 30 days to restore your "
"account if you change your mind."
msgstr ""
"Terima kasih telah bergabung dengan Anda memiliki waktu 30 "
"hari untuk memulihkan akun Anda jika Anda berubah pikiran."
msgid "Feel free to share more details while we connect you to support."
msgstr ""
"Jangan ragu untuk membagikan detail lebih lanjut saat kami menghubungkan "
"Anda dengan tim layanan bantuan."
msgid "Support Team"
msgstr "Tim Bantuan"
msgctxt "Jetpack plan name"
msgid "Growth"
msgstr "Growth"
msgid "Grow your audience effortlessly."
msgstr "Kembangkan audiens Anda dengan mudah."
msgid "Stats (Up to 100K site views, upgradeable)"
msgstr "Statistik (Hingga 100 ribu tampilan situs, dapat diupgrade)"
msgid "Success! %d subscriber has been added!"
msgid_plural "Success! %d subscribers have been added!"
msgstr[0] "Sukses! %d pelanggan telah ditambahkan!"
msgstr[1] "Sukses! %d pelanggan telah ditambahkan!"
msgid "Hundred years"
msgstr "Seratus tahun"
msgid ""
"Unable to upload archive of Studio site because another import is already in "
msgstr ""
"Tidak dapat mengunggah arsip situs Studio karena proses impor lain sedang "
msgid "Unable to upload archive of Studio site because of internal error"
msgstr "Tidak dapat mengunggah arsip situs Studio karena error internal"
msgid ""
"Unable to upload archive of Studio site because of invalid file type '%s'"
msgstr ""
"Tidak dapat mengunggah arsip situs Studio karena tipe file '%s' tidak valid"
msgid ""
"Unable to upload archive of Studio site because of invalid or too large file "
msgstr ""
"Tidak dapat mengunggah arsip situs Studio karena ukuran file tidak valid "
"atau terlalu besar"
msgid "Unable to upload archive of Studio site because of empty file"
msgstr "Tidak dapat mengunggah arsip situs Studio karena file kosong"
msgid ""
"If you are using your Akismet key across multiple websites, please log in to your account to "
"view the full list of affected sites."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda menggunakan satu kode Akismet untuk beberapa situs, login ke akun Anda untuk melihat "
"daftar semua situs yang terpengaruh."
msgid "Long-term domain registration fee"
msgstr "Biaya registrasi domain jangka panjang"
msgid "We do not support 100 year purchase for this domain."
msgstr "Kami tidak mendukung pembelian 100 tahun untuk domain ini."
msgid "Confirm account deletion"
msgstr "Konfirmasi penghapusan akun"
msgid ""
"{{errorWrapper}}It seems you entered an incorrect password. Want to get a "
"{{magicLoginLink}}login link{{/magicLoginLink}} via email?{{/errorWrapper}}"
msgstr ""
"{{errorWrapper}}Tampaknya Anda memasukkan kata sandi yang salah. Ingin "
"mendapatkan {{magicLoginLink}}tautan login{{/magicLoginLink}} melalui email?"
msgid "Payout"
msgstr "Pembayaran"
msgid "Payout ID"
msgstr "Id Pembayaran"
msgid "Migrations: Set up secure payments"
msgstr "Migrasi: Siapkan pembayaran yang aman"
msgid "Migrations: Commissions"
msgstr "Migrasi: Komisi"
msgid ""
"When you install a plugin, theme, or activate hosting features, your "
"default site address will change. We’ll make sure that your site "
"visitors are redirected to the new domain. Learn more ↗"
msgstr ""
"Setelah menginstal plugin atau tema, atau mengaktifkan fitur hosting, "
"alamat situs default Anda akan berubah. Kami pastikan "
"pengunjung situs Anda dialihkan ke domain baru. Baca selengkapnya ↗"
msgid "Here’s the link you requested from WooCommerce."
msgstr "Berikut adalah tautan yang Anda minta dari WooCommerce."
msgid ""
"Thanks for joining WooCommerce! To fully activate your account, we need to "
"double check your contact information. Visit the link below to confirm your "
"email address."
msgstr ""
"Terima kasih telah bergabung dengan WooCommerce! Agar akun Anda bisa aktif "
"sepenuhnya, kami perlu mengecek ulang data kontak Anda. Buka tautan berikut "
"untuk mengonfirmasi alamat email Anda."
msgid "Log in to WooCommerce"
msgstr "Login ke WooCommerce"
msgid ""
"{{strong}}Welcome!{{/strong}} Follow your favorite sites and their latest "
"posts will appear here. Read, like, and comment in a distraction-free "
"environment. Get started by selecting your interests below:"
msgstr ""
"{{strong}}Selamat datang!{{/strong}} Ikuti situs favorit Anda dan pos "
"terbaru mereka akan muncul di sini. Baca, sukai, dan beri komentar di layar "
"yang bebas gangguan. Mulailah dengan memilih minat Anda di bawah ini:"
msgid ""
"Get WordPress hosting that stays online. With automated datacenter "
"failovers, you won’t have to worry about downtime anymore. Switch to "
"Automattic hosting today, and we’ll give you $100 and pay off your contract "
"with credit."
msgstr ""
"Dapatkan hosting WordPress yang senantiasa online. Dengan pengalihan "
"otomatis pusat data saat gangguan, Anda tak perlu lagi khawatir soal "
"downtime. Ayo pindah ke hosting Automattic sekarang dan dapatkan cashback "
"$100 serta poin kredit untuk kontrak hosting."
msgid ""
"Get WordPress hosting that stays online. With automated datacenter "
"failovers, you won’t have to worry about downtime anymore. Switch to "
"Automattic hosting today, and we’ll give you $100 and pay off your contract "
"with credit."
msgstr ""
"Dapatkan hosting WordPress yang senantiasa online. Dengan pengalihan "
"otomatis pusat data saat gangguan, Anda tak perlu lagi khawatir soal "
"downtime. Ayo pindah ke hosting Automattic sekarang dan dapatkan cashback "
"$100 serta poin kredit untuk kontrak hosting."
msgid "Get the most reliable hosting. And get paid."
msgstr ""
"Dapatkan hosting yang paling andal. Anda juga bisa sekaligus memperoleh "
msgid ""
"This domain is associated with a Gravatar profile and cannot be used for "
"email services at this time."
msgstr ""
"Domain ini dikaitkan dengan profil Gravatar dan tidak dapat digunakan untuk "
"layanan e-mail saat ini."
msgid ""
"The domain %s is associated with a Gravatar profile and cannot be used for "
"email services at this time."
msgstr ""
"Domain %s sudah terkait dengan profil Gravatar dan, untuk saat ini, tidak "
"dapat digunakan untuk layanan email."
msgid ""
"This domain does not allow email forwarding because it's used for a Gravatar "
msgstr ""
"Domain ini tidak mengizinkan penerusan email karena digunakan untuk profil "
msgid ""
"We ran into a problem cancelling your migration. Please try again shortly."
msgstr ""
"Kami mengalami kendala dalam membatalkan migrasi Anda. Mohon coba lagi "
msgid "Just a moment…"
msgstr "Tunggu sebentar..."
msgid "The feed id by which to filter results."
msgstr "Id feed untuk dasar penyaringan hasil."
msgid "All set! We’ve found %d subscriber to import."
msgid_plural "All set! We’ve found %d subscribers to import."
msgstr[0] ""
"Semua siap! Kami telah menemukan %d pelanggan untuk "
msgstr[1] ""
"Semua siap! Kami telah menemukan %d pelanggan untuk "
msgid "All set! We’ve found:"
msgstr "Semua siap! Kami telah menemukan:"
msgid "Migrations: Payment Settings"
msgstr "Migrasi: Pengaturan Pembayaran"
msgid ""
"Can't find your transferred site? Ensure the Automattic for Agencies plugin "
"is connected in WP-Admin to display the site here."
msgstr ""
"Tidak dapat menemukan situs yang Anda transfer? Pastikan plugin Automattic "
"for Agencies terhubung di WP-Admin untuk menampilkan situs di sini."
msgid ""
"Select the sites you moved on your own. We'll check the migration and tag "
"them as ready for your commission."
msgstr ""
"Pilih situs yang Anda pindahkan sendiri. Kami akan memeriksa hasil "
"migrasinya dan menandainya sebagai siap untuk komisi Anda."
msgid "Tag your transferred sites for commission."
msgstr "Tandai situs yang Anda transfer untuk mendapatkan komisi."
msgid "Your progress"
msgstr "Progres Anda"
msgid "Experience the benefits of being an Automattic Agency Partner"
msgstr "Rasakan manfaat menjadi Mitra Agensi Automattic"
msgid "Agency Tier and benefits"
msgstr "Agency Tier dan keuntungannya"
msgid ""
"Pro partners are eligible to receive an invitation to the Automattic for "
"Agencies advisory board to influence the program and Automattic's products."
msgstr ""
"Mitra Pro berhak menerima undangan ke dewan penasihat Automattic for "
"Agencies untuk mengembangkan program dan produk Automattic."
msgid "Automattic Advisory Board"
msgstr "Automattic Advisory Board"
msgid ""
"Pro partners receive access to an assigned agency partner manager for "
"strategic guidance."
msgstr ""
"Mitra Pro mendapatkan akses ke manajer mitra agensi yang ditugaskan untuk "
"mendapatkan panduan strategis."
msgid "Dedicated Agency Partner Manager"
msgstr "Manajer Mitra Agensi Khusus"
msgid "Pre-Qualified Sales Leads"
msgstr "Prospek Penjualan Pra-Kualifikasi"
msgid ""
"Pro Agency Partners are eligible to participate in co-marketing activities "
"with Automattic and our suite of brands, including case studies, co-branded "
"campaigns, and other marketing opportunities as they arise."
msgstr ""
"Mitra Agensi Pro berhak untuk berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan pemasaran "
"bersama dengan Automattic dan kumpulan merek kami, termasuk studi kasus, "
"kampanye merek bersama, dan peluang pemasaran lainnya (jika ada)."
msgid "Co-Marketing"
msgstr "Co-Marketing"
msgid ""
"Early access to new Automattic products and features (as available), and "
"opportunities to contribute to the product roadmap."
msgstr ""
"Akses awal ke produk dan fitur Automattic terbaru (jika tersedia), dan "
"peluang untuk berkontribusi pada peta jalan produk."
msgid ""
"Eligible for inclusion in Automattic's agency directories and increased "
"exposure to potential clients."
msgstr ""
"Memenuhi syarat untuk dimasukkan ke dalam direktori agensi Automattic dan "
"meningkatkan eksposur ke klien potensial."
msgid "Directory Visibility & Badging"
msgstr "Visibilitas Direktori & Penandaan"
msgid ""
"Access Automattic's community platforms and network with like-minded "
msgstr ""
"Berhak mengkses platform komunitas Automattic dan membangun jejaring bersama "
"agensi lain yang sefrekuensi."
msgid ""
"Pro partners eligible to receive advanced sales training and strategic "
"consulting upon request."
msgstr ""
"Mitra Pro berhak mendapatkan pelatihan penjualan tingkat lanjut serta "
"konsultasi strategis sesuai permintaan."
msgid ""
"Foundational product training, education and best practices on growing your "
"agency, marketing materials, and advanced sales training*."
msgstr ""
"Pelatihan produk dasar, edukasi dan praktik terbaik dalam mengembangkan "
"agensi, materi pemasaran, dan pelatihan penjualan tingkat lanjut*."
msgid "Training & Resources"
msgstr "Pelatihan & Sumber Daya"
msgid ""
"All program partners receive unified program and product support. Pro "
"partners receive access to priority support across Automattic products."
msgstr ""
"Semua mitra program mendapatkan dukungan program dan produk yang terpadu. "
"Mitra Pro berhak mengakses dukungan prioritas untuk semua produk Automattic."
msgid ""
"All partners get access to referral and reseller earning opportunities "
"across all of Automattic's suite of products."
msgstr ""
"Semua mitra mendapatkan akses ke peluang penghasilan referral dan reseller "
"di semua paket produk Automattic."
msgid "Earning Opportunities"
msgstr "Peluang Penghasilan"
msgid ""
"Intuitive agency dashboard for streamlined client billing, and client and "
"product management."
msgstr ""
"Dasbor agensi yang intuitif untuk kemudahan penagihan klien serta "
"pengelolaan klien dan produk."
msgid "You've reached top-tier status and unlocked these additional benefits:"
msgstr ""
"Anda telah meraih status tingkat teratas dan mendapat keuntungan ekstra "
"berikut ini:"
msgid "Eligibility for inclusion in our agency directories."
msgstr "Kelayakan untuk dimasukkan dalam direktori agensi kami."
msgid ""
"Your account is now activated, and you're on your way to reaching the next "
"tier of benefits: Agency Partner."
msgstr ""
"Akun Anda telah aktif. Anda kini siap melangkah untuk mencapai tingkat "
"berikutnya: Mitra Agensi."
msgid "Woo-hoo! You've made your first purchase."
msgstr "Woo-hoo! Anda telah melakukan pembelian pertama Anda."
msgid ""
"{{title}}Activate your account{{/title}} {{label}}by making your first "
msgstr ""
"{{title}}Aktifkan akun Anda{{/title}} {{label}}dengan mulai membeli{{/label}}"
msgid ""
"{{b}}Activate your account{{/b}} by {{b}}making your first purchase{{/b}}"
msgstr ""
"{{b}}Aktifkan akun Anda{{/b}} dengan {{b}}melakukan pembelian pertama Anda{{/"
msgid "Server configuration"
msgstr "Konfigurasi server"
msgid "All caches"
msgstr "Semua cache"
msgid "Don't cancel migration"
msgstr "Jangan batalkan migrasi"
msgid ""
"When you cancel your migration your original site will stay as is. You can "
"always restart the migration when you're ready."
msgstr ""
"Ketika Anda membatalkan migrasi, situs asli Anda akan tetap seperti semula. "
"Anda selalu dapat memulai ulang migrasi saat Anda siap."
msgid "Need help? {{span}}Contact us{{/span}}"
msgstr "Butuh bantuan? {{span}}Hubungi kami{{/span}}"
msgid "Help's on the way!"
msgstr "Bantuan segera datang!"
msgid "Invalid site selected."
msgstr "Situs yang dipilih tidak valid."
msgid "Review status"
msgstr "Status peninjauan"
msgid ""
"Did you know that you can upload videos and embed them directly on your blog "
"with VideoPress included in our %2$s Plan? You can also "
"upload audio with our %3$s Plan!"
msgstr ""
"Tahukah Anda bahwa video dapat diunggah lalu disematkan langsung ke blog "
"dengan VideoPress yang termasuk dalam Paket %2$s kami? "
"Anda juga dapat mengunggah audio dengan Paket %3$s kami!"
msgctxt "button label"
msgid "Delete account"
msgstr "Hapus akun"
msgid ""
"If you have any questions at all about what happens when you delete an "
"account, please {{a}}contact someone from our support team{{/a}} first. "
"They'll explain the ramifications and help you explore alternatives. "
msgstr ""
"Jika ada pertanyaan terkait apa yang terjadi saat menghapus akun, silakan "
"{{a}}hubungi salah satu anggota dari tim dukungan kami{{/a}} dahulu. Mereka "
"akan menjelaskan konsekuensinya dan membantu Anda mempelajari langkah-"
"langkah alternatif. "
msgid ""
"Deleting your account will also delete all your sites and their content."
msgstr "Menghapus akun Anda juga akan menghapus semua situs dan konten Anda."
msgid "Delete account"
msgstr "Hapus akun"
msgid "Sites pending review"
msgstr "Situs yang menunggu peninjauan"
msgid "Migration commissions expected in Q%(currentQuarter)s"
msgstr "Komisi migrasi diharapkan pada Q%(currentQuarter)s"
msgid "Launching the AI Website Builder"
msgstr "Meluncurkan AI Website Builder"
msgid ""
"Get more help:"
msgstr ""
"Dapatkan bantuan lebih lanjut:"
msgid "Get more help"
msgstr "Dapatkan bantuan lebih lanjut"
msgid "To learn more about AI, you can review our {{a}}AI guidelines{{/a}}."
msgstr ""
"Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang AI, Anda dapat meninjau {{a}}panduan "
"AI{{/a}} kami."
msgid ""
"Use our AI website builder to easily and quickly build the site of your "
msgstr ""
"Gunakan AI website builder kami untuk membangun situs impian Anda dengan "
"mudah dan cepat."
msgid "Cancel migration"
msgstr "Batalkan migrasi"
msgid "We'll help you switch your domain over after the migration's completed."
msgstr "Kami akan membantu Anda mengalihkan domain setelah migrasi selesai."
msgid ""
"Sit back as {{strong}}%(siteName)s{{/strong}} transfers to its new home. "
"Here's what you can expect."
msgstr ""
"Tenanglah saat {{strong}}%(siteName)s{{/strong}} dipindahkan ke rumah "
"barunya. Inilah yang dapat Anda harapkan."
msgid "Use test card %s or refer to our testing guide."
msgstr ""
"Gunakan kartu pengujian %s atau baca panduan pengujian"
"a> kami."
msgid "Request an instant payout"
msgstr "Ajukan pembayaran langsung"
msgid "You’re now eligible to receive Instant Payouts with %s"
msgstr ""
"Anda sekarang memenuhi syarat untuk menerima Pembayaran Langsung dengan %s"
msgid "Payment dispute and fees have been deducted from your next payout"
msgstr ""
"Sengketa pembayaran dan biaya-biaya telah dikurangkan dari pembayaran Anda "
msgid "Net payout: %s"
msgstr "Pembayaran bersih: %s"
msgid "Payout details"
msgstr "Rincian pembayaran"
msgid "Payouts"
msgstr "Pembayaran"
msgid "Control who can view your site. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}"
msgstr ""
"Kontrol siapa yang bisa melihat situs Anda. {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}}"
msgid "Tag sites for commission"
msgstr "Tandai situs untuk komisi"
msgid "Tag my self-migrated sites"
msgstr "Tandai situs yang saya migrasikan sendiri"
msgid "Tag the connected sites using the button below."
msgstr "Tandai situs yang terhubung dengan menggunakan tombol di bawah ini..."
msgid ""
"Ensure the {{a}}Automattic for Agencies plugin{{/a}} ↗ is installed and "
"connected to each site."
msgstr ""
"Pastikan {{a}}plugin Automattic for Agencies{{/a}} ↗ telah diinstal dan "
"terhubung ke masing-masing situs."
msgid ""
"If you transferred sites by yourself, follow these two steps to indicate "
"which ones we should pay you for."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda mentransfer situs sendiri, ikuti dua langkah ini untuk menunjukkan "
"situs mana yang harus kami bayar."
msgid "Tag your transferred sites so we can pay you for them."
msgstr "Tandai situs yang Anda pindahkan agar kami dapat membayar Anda."
msgid ""
"If you picked the concierge service, we'll move your sites for you. Once "
"we're done, you'll see them here, and they'll add to your commissions."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda memilih layanan concierge, kami akan membantu memindahkan situs "
"Anda. Setelah kami selesai, Anda akan melihatnya di sini, dan tiap situs "
"yang dipindahkan akan menambah komisi Anda."
msgid "We'll tag the sites we moved for you once they're transferred."
msgstr ""
"Kami akan menandai situs yang kami pindahkan untuk Anda setelah selesai "
msgid "View your migrated websites and commisions right here."
msgstr "Lihat situs web yang dimigrasi dan komisi Anda di sini."
msgid ""
"Schedule a personalized demo to explore Pressable’s advanced features for "
"high-performing agencies! If you’re managing fewer sites, we invite you to "
"watch our {{a}}pre-recorded demo{{/a}} and contact our Automattic for "
"Agencies support with any additional questions."
msgstr ""
"Jadwalkan demo yang dipersonalisasi untuk menjelajahi fitur-fitur lanjutan "
"Pressable bagi agensi berkinerja tinggi! Jika situs yang Anda kelola lebih "
"sedikit, silakan simak {{a}}rekaman demo{{/a}} kami dan hubungi dukungan "
"Automattic for Agencies bila ada pertanyaan lain."
msgid "Managing over 50 sites? Schedule a demo"
msgstr "Mengelola lebih dari 50 situs? Jadwalkan demo"
msgid "Pending update (%s)"
msgstr "Pembaruan yang tertunda (%s)"
msgid "Activate your product:"
msgstr "Aktifkan produk Anda:"
msgid "Auto-activating your product license key."
msgstr "Mengaktifkan kode kunci lisensi produk Anda secara otomatis."
msgid ""
"The promotional period for your {{b}}%(productName)s{{/b}} subscription "
"lasts from %(startDate)s to %(endDate)s."
msgstr ""
"Periode promosi untuk langganan {{b}}%(productName)s{{/b}} berlangsung mulai "
"%(startDate)s hingga %(endDate)s."
msgid "Jetpack on LinkedIn"
msgstr "Jetpack di Linkedin"
msgid "Jetpack on X"
msgstr "Jetpack di X"
msgid "My site has been incorrectly classified as commercial."
msgstr "Situs saya keliru digolongkan sebagai situs komersial."
msgid "Pagination number."
msgstr "Nomor halaman."
msgid ""
"Enable SSH access for this site. {{supportLink}}Learn more{{/supportLink}}"
msgstr ""
"Aktifkan akses SSH untuk situs ini. {{supportLink}}Baca selengkapnya{{/"
msgid ""
"Data is cached using Memcached to reduce database lookups. {{a}}Learn more{{/"
msgstr ""
"Data di-cache menggunakan Memcached untuk mengurangi proses pencarian di "
"database. {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}}"
msgid "Manage your site’s server-side caching. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}"
msgstr ""
"Kelola cache di sisi server situs Anda. {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}}"
msgid "But that’s not all! As a token of our appreciation, we’re also:"
msgstr "Bukan itu saja! Sebagai tanda terima kasih, kami juga memberikan:"
msgid ""
"Greater access, a free additional year, and bonus credits added to your "
msgstr ""
"Akses lebih luas, tambahan satu tahun gratis, dan tambahan bonus kredit "
"untuk akun Anda."
msgid ""
"Exciting updates on your Jetpack AI plan: Enjoy a free year and bonus "
msgstr ""
"Pembaruan seru di paket Jetpack AI: Nikmati setahun gratis dan bonus kredit!"
msgid "Thank you for continuing to trust Jetpack with your site."
msgstr "Terima kasih telah setia menggunakan Jetpack di situs Anda."
msgid ""
"If you have any questions or need assistance, simply reply to this email, "
"and we’ll be happy to help."
msgstr ""
"Jika ada pertanyaan atau butuh bantuan, balas email ini dan kami akan siap "
msgid "There’s nothing you need to do—just enjoy greater access for less!"
msgstr ""
"Anda tidak perlu melakukan apa-apa. Nikmati saja akses lebih luas dengan "
"harga lebih murah!"
msgid "Here’s what this means for you:"
msgstr "Ini artinya bagi Anda:"
msgid ""
"But that’s not all! As a token of our appreciation, we’re also extending "
"your yearly plan with an additional year at no extra cost."
msgstr ""
"Bukan itu saja! Sebagai tanda terima kasih, kami juga memperpanjang paket "
"tahunan Anda selama setahun, gratis."
msgid ""
"We’ve recently launched a new Jetpack AI plan that offers even more "
"requests than your current plan—and it’s available at a lower price. To "
"ensure you’re getting the best value, we’ll be automatically upgrading "
"your subscription to this new plan."
msgstr ""
"Kami baru saja meluncurkan paket Jetpack AI baru yang menawarkan lebih "
"banyak permintaan daripada paket Anda saat ini, dengan harga yang lebih "
"terjangkau. Untuk memaksimalkan manfaat bagi Anda, kami akan meng-upgrade "
"paket langganan Anda secara otomatis menjadi paket baru ini."
msgid "We have some fantastic news about your Jetpack subscription!"
msgstr "Ada kabar menarik tentang langganan Jetpack Anda!"
msgid "Greater access and a free additional year added to your plan."
msgstr "Akses lebih luas dan tambahan satu tahun gratis untuk paket Anda."
msgid "Exciting updates on your Jetpack AI plan: Enjoy a free year!"
msgstr "Pembaruan seru di paket Jetpack AI: Nikmati setahun gratis!"
msgctxt "Jetpack Growth Plan"
msgid "Growth"
msgstr "Growth"
msgid "Jetpack Growth"
msgstr "Jetpack Growth"
msgid "View Less"
msgstr "Lihat Lebih Sedikit"
msgid ""
"This feature is being retired and will be removed effective November, 2024. "
"Please use the Classic Theme Helper plugin instead."
msgstr ""
"Fitur ini mulai dihentikan dan akan dihapus total pada November 2024. "
"Silakan gunakan plugin Classic Theme Helper sebagai gantinya."
msgid "Retired feature: Jetpack's XYZ Feature"
msgstr "Fitur yang dihentikan: fitur XYZ Jetpack"
msgid "Support Assistant"
msgstr "Asisten Bantuan"
msgid "Free Subscribers"
msgstr "Pelanggan Gratis"
msgid "Refer client"
msgstr "Arahkan klien"
msgid ""
"Earn a one-time 5% commission on client referrals to WordPress VIP. {{a}}"
"Full Terms ↗{{/a}}"
msgstr ""
"Dapatkan komisi 5% satu kali untuk referral klien ke WordPress VIP. {{a}}"
"Persyaratan Lengkap ↗{{/a}}"
msgid "What would you like to do next?"
msgstr "Apa yang ingin Anda lakukan selanjutnya?"
msgid "Here’s a summary of the imported data to %s:"
msgstr "Berikut ini ringkasan data yang diimpor ke %s:"
msgid "We’re importing your subscribers"
msgstr "Kami sedang mengimpor pelanggan Anda"
msgid "We’re importing your content and subscribers"
msgstr "Kami sedang mengimpor konten dan pelanggan Anda"
msgid "Not imported"
msgstr "Tidak diimpor"
msgid "Skipped (duplicate)"
msgstr "Dilewati (duplikat)"
msgid "You skipped subscriber importing."
msgstr "Anda melewatkan pengimporan pelanggan."
msgid "Message content not supported"
msgstr "Konten pesan tidak didukung"
msgid ""
"👋 Howdy, I’m’s support assistant. I can help with questions "
"about your site or account."
msgstr ""
"👋 Halo, saya asisten dukungan Saya bisa menjawab pertanyaan "
"tentang situs atau akun Anda."
msgid ""
"Sorry, I'm offline right now. Leave our Support team a note and they'll get "
"back to you as soon as possible."
msgstr ""
"Maaf, saya sedang offline. Tinggalkan pesan untuk tim Dukungan kami dan Anda "
"akan dihubungi sesegera mungkin."
msgid "We appreciate your feedback."
msgstr "Terima kasih atas feedback Anda."
msgid ""
"Let’s get the information you need. Would you like to contact our support "
msgstr "Ayo kita cari jawabannya. Ingin menghubungi tim dukungan?"
msgid "Great! Thanks."
msgstr "Bagus! Terima kasih."
msgid "Floating subscribe button on site's bottom corner."
msgstr "Tombol berlangganan mengambang di pojok bawah situs."
msgid "Open Google Photos Picker"
msgstr "Buka Pemilih Google Photos"
msgid "Select photos directly from your Google Photos library."
msgstr "Pilih foto secara langsung dari pustaka Google Photos Anda."
msgid "Change selection"
msgstr "Ubah pilihan"
msgid "Menu order updated"
msgstr "Urutan menu diperbarui"
msgid "Menu parent updated"
msgstr "Induk menu diperbarui"
msgid "Menu Parent"
msgstr "Induk Menu"
msgid "Resolved issues and past conversations will be available here"
msgstr ""
"Kendala yang telah terselesaikan dan percakapan sebelumnya akan tersedia di "
msgid "Your Archive is Empty"
msgstr "Arsip Anda Kosong"
msgid ""
"Once your sites have been active on or Pressable hosting for "
"over 6 months, we will pay you the site migration commission during the "
"payout windows listed {{PayoutKBLink}}here{{/PayoutKBLink}}. You will also "
"need to add your payment details to our payment partner, Tipalti, which you "
"can do {{PaymentSettingLink}}here{{/PaymentSettingLink}}."
msgstr ""
"Setelah situs Anda aktif di atau hosting Pressable selama "
"lebih dari 6 bulan, kami akan membayar komisi migrasi situs kepada Anda pada "
"jendela pembayaran yang tersedia di {{PayoutKBLink}}di sini{{/"
"PayoutKBLink}}. Anda juga perlu menambahkan detail pembayaran Anda ke mitra "
"pembayaran kami, Tipalti, yang dapat Anda lakukan di {{PaymentSettingLink}}"
"di sini{{/PaymentSettingLink}}."
msgid ""
"No. It doesn’t matter what CMS your site currently uses. You will be "
"eligible for our migration offer if you migrate your site to "
"or Pressable. However, we won’t be able to provide you with migration "
"assistance in this case."
msgstr ""
"Tidak. Tidak masalah CMS apa yang saat ini digunakan situs Anda. Anda akan "
"memenuhi syarat untuk layanan migrasi kami jika Anda memigrasikan situs Anda "
"ke atau Pressable. Namun, kami tidak dapat memberikan bantuan "
"migrasi kepada Anda dalam kasus ini."
msgid "Does my site already have to be hosted on WordPress?"
msgstr "Apakah situs saya sudah harus dihosting di WordPress?"
msgid ""
"Yes. It doesn’t matter where your site is hosted; our migration offer "
"extends to any site migrated to or Pressable."
msgstr ""
"Ya, tidak masalah di mana situs Anda dihosting; penawaran migrasi kami "
"berlaku untuk semua situs yang dimigrasi ke atau Pressable."
msgid "Does this apply to any host?"
msgstr "Apakah ini berlaku untuk semua hosting?"
msgid ""
"If you choose to have our migration team handle the actual migrations, you "
"will need to initially set up a login on each site and share it with them "
"(we provide step-by-step instructions and a secure method to share). Once "
"the migration is completed, our team reviews the copy of the site on our "
"servers and will ask you to do the same. You’ll then need to point the "
"domain to our servers by changing the DNS records."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda memilih untuk meminta tim migrasi kami agar menangani migrasi yang "
"sebenarnya, Anda perlu menyiapkan login di setiap situs dan membagikannya "
"dengan mereka (kami menyediakan petunjuk langkah demi langkah dan metode "
"yang aman untuk berbagi). Setelah migrasi selesai, tim kami akan meninjau "
"salinan situs di server kami dan akan meminta Anda untuk melakukan hal yang "
"sama. Anda kemudian perlu mengarahkan domain ke server kami dengan mengubah "
"DNS records."
msgid "What tasks will I need to handle on my own during the migration?"
msgstr "Tugas apa saja yang perlu saya tangani sendiri selama proses migrasi?"
msgid "Are there any special offers for agencies moving multiple sites?"
msgstr ""
"Apakah ada penawaran khusus untuk agensi yang memindahkan beberapa situs?"
msgid ""
"We will ask you to provide a copy of your current contract or invoice to "
"determine the remaining time on your plan. We will then credit you for the "
"same amount of time left on the plan that you choose in Automattic for "
msgstr ""
"Kami akan meminta Anda untuk memberikan salinan kontrak atau invoice Anda "
"saat ini untuk menentukan waktu yang tersisa pada paket Anda. Kami kemudian "
"akan memberikan Anda kredit untuk jumlah waktu yang tersisa pada paket yang "
"Anda pilih di Automattic for Agencies."
msgid "How do you calculate my buyout credit?"
msgstr "Bagaimana cara Anda menghitung kredit buyout saya?"
msgid ""
"When you request a migration, our team will coordinate with you on the "
"timing. Generally, migrations happen within one working week of your "
"request, but at busy times, they may take a little longer. For e-commerce "
"sites, we coordinate with you to identify low-impact times when a site can "
"be placed into maintenance mode during the migration."
msgstr ""
"Ketika Anda meminta migrasi, tim kami akan berkoordinasi dengan Anda "
"mengenai waktunya. Umumnya, migrasi dilakukan dalam waktu satu minggu kerja "
"setelah permintaan Anda diterima, tetapi pada waktu sibuk, migrasi bisa "
"memakan waktu lebih lama. Untuk situs e-commerce, kami berkoordinasi dengan "
"Anda untuk mengidentifikasi waktu-waktu yang tidak terlalu sibuk agar situs "
"dapat diatur dalam mode pemeliharaan selama migrasi."
msgid "When will the migration process be done?"
msgstr "Kapan proses migrasi akan selesai?"
msgid ""
"Sites are migrated by moving a copy onto our servers. During this process, "
"the existing site remains live at your previous host. Once the migration is "
"complete, the domain is pointed to the version of the site on our servers. "
"There can be minimal interruption while the DNS propagates, but normally, "
"your visitors will experience no downtime. For e-commerce sites, we "
"coordinate with you on a migration window during which the site can be "
"placed into maintenance mode. This prevents orders from being created across "
"the two sites. This is optional but recommended and typically lasts just a "
"couple of hours."
msgstr ""
"Situs dimigrasikan dengan memindahkan salinannya ke server kami. Selama "
"proses ini, situs yang ada tetap aktif di host Anda sebelumnya. Setelah "
"migrasi selesai, domain diarahkan ke versi situs di server kami. Mungkin ada "
"sedikit gangguan saat DNS melakukan propagasi, tetapi biasanya, pengunjung "
"Anda tidak akan mengalami downtime. Untuk situs e-commerce, kami "
"berkoordinasi dengan Anda saat penyiapan migrasi mengenai di mana situs "
"dapat ditempatkan dalam mode pemeliharaan. Hal ini untuk mencegah pesanan "
"dibuat di kedua situs. Ini opsional tetapi disarankan dan biasanya hanya "
"berlangsung beberapa jam."
msgid "Can I expect any site downtime during the transfer?"
msgstr "Apakah ada sesi downtime situs selama transfer berlangsung?"
msgid "24/7 priority expert support"
msgstr "Dukungan ahli prioritas 24/7"
msgid "WP-CLI access"
msgstr "Akses WP-CLI"
msgid "Uptime monitoring"
msgstr "Uptime monitoring"
msgid "10 PHP workers w/ auto-scaling"
msgstr "10 PHP worker dengan auto-scaling"
msgid ""
"Sorry, you cannot access this resource. This is usually due to a problem "
"with your connection, which we manage via the Jetpack "
"\t\t\t\t\t\tLearn more about it at:"
msgstr ""
"Maaf, Anda tidak dapat mengakses sumber daya ini. Biasanya ini disebabkan "
"oleh masalah pada koneksi Anda, yang kami kelola lewat paket "
"Jetpack. \n"
"\t\t\t\t\t\tPelajari hal ini selengkapnya di:"
msgid "Message exceeds 4096 characters limit."
msgstr "Pesan melebihi batas 4096 karakter."
msgid "Start migrating your sites"
msgstr "Mulai migrasi situs Anda"
msgid ""
" really stands out with its exceptional performance and strong "
"security. It’s a versatile platform that’s great for users at any skill "
"level, and their support team is always incredibly helpful. For managed "
"sites, we definitely think is the way to go."
msgstr ""
" benar-benar menonjol dengan performanya yang luar biasa dan "
"keamanan yang kuat. Ini adalah platform dengan fitur lengkap yang sangat "
"cocok untuk semua tingkat keahlian pengguna, dan tersedia tim layanan "
"bantuan yang andal yang selalu siap membantu. Untuk kebutuhan managed "
"website, kami yakin adalah pilihan yang tepat."
msgid "We’ll migrate your sites for you."
msgstr "Kami akan membantu memigrasikan situs untuk Anda"
msgid "Pick the hosting that’s right for you."
msgstr "Pilih hosting yang tepat untuk Anda."
msgid "Speak with a Happiness Engineer."
msgstr "Bicara dengan Happiness Engineer."
msgid "Fill out the contact form {{a}}here{{/a}}."
msgstr "Isi formulir kontak {{a}}di sini{{/a}}."
msgid ""
"Need more details? Compare and Pressable plans on the {{a}}"
"hosting marketplace{{/a}}."
msgstr ""
"Perlu rincian selengkapnya? Bandingkan paket dan Pressable di "
"{{a}}marketplace hosting{{/a}}."
msgid "Schedule a demo"
msgstr "Jadwalkan demo"
msgid "Create a development site →"
msgstr "Buat situs pengembangan →"
msgid ""
"Included in your membership to Automattic for Agencies. Develop up to 5 "
" sites at once with free development licenses. Only pay when "
"you launch!"
msgstr ""
"Disertakan dalam keanggotaan Automattic for Agencies. Kembangkan hingga lima "
"situs secara bersamaan dengan lisensi pengembangan gratis. "
"Bayar setelah peluncuran."
msgid "Submit support request"
msgstr "Daftarkan Permohonan Dukungan"
msgid "Include any error messages and links to screenshots."
msgstr "Sertakan pesan error dan tautan ke tangkapan layar."
msgid "Full description of your problem"
msgstr "Uraian lengkap masalah Anda"
msgid "Enter your website address"
msgstr "Masukkan alamat situs Anda:"
msgid "Select the website you need help with"
msgstr "Pilih situs yang Anda inginkan untuk dibantu:"
msgid "How do I install Jetpack"
msgstr "Bagaimana cara menginstal Jetpack"
msgid ""
"You are not logged in. Please login now "
"with your account so we can best support you."
msgstr ""
"Anda belum login. Login sekarang dengan "
"akun Anda agar kami dapat memberikan dukungan terbaik."
msgid "%1$s and %2$s others reposted %3$s."
msgstr "%1$s dan %2$s lainnya mempos ulang %3$s."
msgid "%1$s and %2$s reposted %3$s."
msgstr "%1$s dan %2$s mempos ulang %3$s."
msgid "🔁 %1$s and %2$s others reposted %3$s!"
msgstr "🔁 %1$s dan %2$s lainnya mempos ulang %3$s."
msgid "🔁 %1$s and %2$s reposted %3$s!"
msgstr "🔁 %1$s dan %2$s mempos ulang %3$s."
msgid "🔁 %1$s reposted %2$s!"
msgstr "🔁 %1$s mempos ulang %2$s."
msgid "Recent fediverse reposts"
msgstr "Pos ulang fediverse terbaru"
msgid "%s fediverse repost"
msgid_plural "%s fediverse reposts"
msgstr[0] "%s pos ulang fediverse"
msgstr[1] "%s pos ulang fediverse"
msgid "%1$s and %2$s others liked %3$s."
msgstr "%1$s dan %2$s lainnya menyukai %3$s."
msgid "%1$s and %2$s liked %3$s."
msgstr "%1$s dan %2$s menyukai %3$s."
msgid "🌟 %1$s and %2$s others like %3$s!"
msgstr "🌟 %1$s dan %2$s lainnya menyukai %3$s."
msgid "🌟 %1$s and %2$s like %3$s!"
msgstr "🌟 %1$s dan %2$s menyukai %3$s."
msgid "🌟 %1$s likes %2$s!"
msgstr "🌟 %1$s menyukai %2$s."
msgid "Recent fediverse likes"
msgstr "Suka fediverse terbaru"
msgid "%s fediverse like"
msgid_plural "%s fediverse likes"
msgstr[0] "%s suka fediverse"
msgstr[1] "%s suka fediverse"
msgid "This is a 100-year domain and cannot be transferred."
msgstr "Ini adalah domain 100 tahun dan tidak dapat dipindahkan."
msgid "This domain cannot be canceled because it's a 100-year domain."
msgstr "Domain ini tidak dapat dibatalkan karena merupakan domain 100 tahun."
msgid ""
"A fatal error has occurred while processing a recent subscription payment "
"with PayPal. Please %1$sopen a new ticket at WooCommerce Support%3$s "
"immediately to get this resolved. See our documentation on %2$sdebugging IPN "
"issues in PayPal Standard to Learn more »%3$s"
msgstr ""
"Error fatal terjadi saat memproses pembayaran langganan terakhir dengan "
"PayPal. Harap segera %1$sbuka tiket baru di Dukungan WooCommerce%3$s untuk "
"menyelesaikan masalah ini. Baca dokumentasi kami tentang %2$sdebug masalah "
"IPN di PayPal Standard untuk Mempelajari selengkapnya »%3$s"
msgid ""
"Warning! Version 2.0 is a major update to the WooCommerce Subscriptions "
"extension. Before updating, please create a backup, update all WooCommerce "
"extensions and test all plugins, custom code and payment gateways with "
"version 2.0 on a staging site. %1$sLearn more about updating older versions "
"of WooCommerce Subscriptions »%2$s"
msgstr ""
"Peringatan! Versi 2.0 merupakan pembaruan utama bagi ekstensi WooCommerce "
"Subscriptions. Sebelum melakukan pembaruan, harap membuat cadangan, perbarui "
"semua ekstensi WooCommerce, dan uji semua plugin, kode kustom, dan gateway "
"pembayaran dengan versi 2.0 di situs staging. %1$sBaca selengkapnya tentang "
"pembaruan versi lama Langganan WooCommerce »%2$s"
msgid "Edit order number %s"
msgstr "Lihat nomor pesanan %s"
msgid "Whether the subscription requires manual renewal."
msgstr "Apakah langganan memerlukan perpanjangan manual."
msgid ""
"The number of times the subscription has been suspended since the last "
msgstr "Berapa kali langganan ditangguhkan sejak pembayaran terakhir."
msgid "Trial period for the subscription."
msgstr "Periode penagihan untuk langganan."
msgid "The logo"
msgstr "Logo"
msgid "The Pressable logo"
msgstr "Logo Pressable"
msgid "The WordPress VIP logo"
msgstr "Logo WordPress VIP"
msgid "Enterprise developer tooling"
msgstr "Alat pengembang Enterprise"
msgid "Dynamic scaling for big traffic"
msgstr "Pengubahan ukuran secara dinamis untuk lalu lintas besar"
msgid ""
"Free migration services through the end of the year. Contact us today to see "
"if you qualify"
msgstr ""
"Layanan migrasi gratis hingga akhir tahun. Hubungi kami hari ini untuk "
"mengetahui apakah Anda memenuhi syarat"
msgid ""
"WordPress VIP is best suited for organizations that require high "
"performance, security, and reliability. WordPress VIP is recommended for "
"sites migrating from WP Engine’s Enterprise plan."
msgstr ""
"WordPress VIP ideal untuk organisasi yang membutuhkan performa, keamanan, "
"dan reliabilitas tinggi. WordPress VIP disarankan untuk situs yang migrasi "
"dari paket Enterprise WP Engine."
msgid "Display the contact form or search right away. (Disabled)"
msgstr "Tampilkan formulir kontak atau cari sekarang. (Dinonaktifkan)"
msgid "Display an Odie chat for logged in users (Enabled)"
msgstr "Tampilkan obrolan Odie untuk pengguna yang sudah login (Diaktifkan)"
msgid "Is Odie enabled?"
msgstr "Apakah Odie diaktifkan?"
msgid "1 year free + we'll make a 5% donation to the WordPress Foundation"
msgstr "Gratis 1 tahun + donasi 5% untuk WordPress Foundation"
msgid ""
"'s Business plan is recommended if migrating from WP Engine's "
"Essential Startup plan."
msgstr ""
"Untuk paket Essential Startup WP Engine, disarankan untuk migrasi ke paket "
msgid ""
"Any Pressable plan is recommended if migrating from WP Engine's Essential "
"Professional, Essential Growth, Essential Scale, or Core plans."
msgstr ""
"Tiap paket Pressable disarankan jika migrasi dari paket Essential "
"Professional, Essential Growth, Essential Scale, atau Core WP Engine."
msgid "24/7 enterprise expert support"
msgstr "Dukungan ahli enterprise 24/7"
msgid "Unlimited storage per site"
msgstr "Penyimpanan tanpa batas per situs"
msgid "Plan priced monthly by unique visitors"
msgstr "Paket dengan harga bulanan berdasarkan pengunjung unik"
msgid "This setting is not supported for staging sites."
msgstr "Pengaturan ini tidak didukung di situs staging."
msgid ""
"By clicking below, you agree to the Terms of Service (%1$s) and have read "
"the Privacy Policy (%2$s)."
msgstr ""
"Dengan mengklik di bawah ini, Anda telah menyetujui Ketentuan Layanan (%1$s) "
"dan telah membaca Kebijakan Privasi (%2$s) kami."
msgid ""
"By clicking \"%1$s\" you agree to the Terms of Service and have read the Privacy Policy."
msgstr ""
"Dengan mengklik \"%1$s\", Anda telah menyetujui Ketentuan Layanan dan telah membaca Kebijakan Privasi kami."
msgid "Get"
msgstr "Dapatkan"
msgid "Lightning-fast global CDN"
msgstr "CDN global berkecepatan tinggi"
msgid "24/7 live chat expert support"
msgstr "Live chat bantuan ahli 24/7"
msgid "Up to 200 GB storage per site"
msgstr "Penyimpanan hingga 200 GB per situs"
msgid "Plan visitor limits + upgrades available"
msgstr "Tersedia upgrade + batas pengunjung paket"
msgid "Multiple sites per plan"
msgstr "Banyak situs per paket"
msgid "$100 per site + your remaining WP Engine contract paid off in credit"
msgstr "$100 per paket + sisa kontrak WP Engine Anda lunas dalam bentuk kredit"
msgid "Get Pressable"
msgstr "Dapatkan Pressable"
msgid "Unlimited bandwidth"
msgstr "Bandwidth tanpa batas"
msgid "Free staging sites"
msgstr "Situs staging gratis"
msgid "50 GB storage + upgrades available"
msgstr "Tersedia penyimpanan 50 GB + upgrade"
msgid "1 site per plan"
msgstr "1 situs per paket"
msgid "Get Wordpress VIP"
msgstr "Dapatkan WordPress VIP"
msgid "WooCommerce Product Filters"
msgstr "WooCommerce Product Filters"
msgid ""
"This is a tool to create ajax product filters that make the process of "
"finding products in your store simple and fast."
msgstr ""
"Plugin ini adalah alat untuk membuat penyaring produk (mode ajax) yang "
"mempermudah dan mempercepat pencarian produk di toko Anda."
msgid "Choose a plan to refer"
msgstr "Pilih paket yang akan ditawarkan"
msgid "Blaze powered by Jetpack"
msgstr "Blaze didukung oleh Jetpack"
msgid "Blaze Ads - Powered by Jetpack"
msgstr "Blaze Ads - Didukung oleh Jetpack"
msgid "Needs update"
msgstr "Perlu pembaruan"
msgid ""
"If you manage more than ten sites, only the first ten are listed here. You "
"can view the complete list on your Akismet account: "
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda mengelola lebih dari sepuluh situs, hanya sepuluh situs pertama "
"yang tercantum dalam daftar ini. Anda dapat melihat daftar lengkapnya di "
"akun Akismet Anda: "
msgid ""
"If you manage more than ten sites, only the first ten are listed here. You "
"can view the complete list on your Akismet account."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda mengelola lebih dari sepuluh situs, hanya sepuluh situs pertama "
"yang tercantum dalam daftar ini. Anda dapat melihat daftar lengkapnya di akun Akismet Anda."
msgid "Log in via Jetpack app"
msgstr "Login melalui aplikasi Jetpack"
msgid "SFTP/SSH"
msgstr "SFTP/SSH"
msgid "Advanced Tools"
msgstr "Perangkat Tingkat Lanjut"
msgid ""
"Block metadata collections can only be registered for a specific plugin. The "
"provided path is neither a core path nor a valid plugin path."
msgstr ""
"Koleksi metadata blok hanya dapat didaftarkan untuk plugin tertentu. Jalur "
"yang disediakan bukanlah jalur core atau jalur plugin yang valid."
msgid "Is this purchase for business? {{link}}Learn more.{{/link}}"
msgstr ""
"Apakah pembelian ini untuk bisnis? {{link}}Pelajari lebih lanjut.{{/link}}"
msgid ""
"Your new site is ready! Enter your migration key into your old site to start "
"your migration."
msgstr ""
"Situs baru Anda sudah siap! Masukkan kunci migrasi Anda ke situs lama untuk "
"memulai migrasi."
msgid ""
"Your new site is ready! Retrieve your migration key and enter it into your "
"old site to start your migration."
msgstr ""
"Situs baru Anda sudah siap! Ambil kunci migrasi Anda dan masukkan ke dalam "
"situs lama Anda untuk memulai migrasi."
msgid ""
"By clicking any of the options above, you agree to our {{termsOfServiceLink}}"
"Terms of Service{{/termsOfServiceLink}} and to {{syncDataLink}}sync your "
"site’s data{{/syncDataLink}} with us."
msgstr ""
"Dengan mengeklik pilihan mana pun di atas, Anda menyetujui "
"{{termsOfServiceLink}}Ketentuan Layanan{{/termsOfServiceLink}} dan akan "
"{{syncDataLink}}menyinkronkan data situs Anda{{/syncDataLink}} dengan kami."
msgid "Sorry, you do not have permission to access or modify this resource."
msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan mengakses atau mengubah sumber daya ini."
msgid "Sorry, you cannot modify this resource."
msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak dapat mengubah sumber daya ini."
msgid "Whether to store the completion in OpenAI."
msgstr "Apakah ingin menyimpan hasil akhir di OpenAI."
msgid "Would you like to contact our support team? Select an option below:"
msgstr ""
"Apakah Anda ingin menghubungi tim dukungan kami? Pilih salah satu opsi di "
"bawah ini:"
msgid ""
"We are still provisioning your site. In the meantime, you can {{a}}set up "
"your site{{/a}}."
msgstr ""
"Kami masih memproses situs Anda. Sementara itu, Anda dapat {{a}}menyiapkan "
"situs Anda{{/a}}."
msgid ""
"This subscription will no longer auto-renew until an alternative payment "
"method is added."
msgid_plural ""
"These subscriptions will no longer auto-renew until an alternative payment "
"method is added."
msgstr[0] ""
"Langganan ini tidak akan diperpanjang secara otomatis hingga metode "
"pembayaran alternatif ditambahkan."
msgstr[1] ""
"Langganan ini tidak akan diperpanjang secara otomatis hingga metode "
"pembayaran alternatif ditambahkan."
msgid "Associated subscriptions"
msgstr "langganan yang terkait"
msgid "Account connected successfully"
msgstr "Akun berhasil terhubung"
msgid "Must-have plugins from WPBeginner"
msgstr "Plugin yang harus dimiliki dari WPBeginner"
msgid "WPBeginner"
msgstr "WPBeginner"
msgid "Our favorite color is purple"
msgstr "Warna favorit kami adalah ungu"
msgid "#FunWooFact:"
msgstr "#FunWooFact:"
msgid "Don’t just take our word for it. Hear from our customers."
msgstr ""
"Jangan hanya percaya pada kata-kata kami. Buktikan dari pelanggan kami."
msgid "Transfer your WordPress websites hassle-free with our help."
msgstr "Transfer situs web WordPress Anda tanpa ribet dengan bantuan kami."
msgid "We’ll migrate your sites for you"
msgstr "Kami akan membantu memigrasikan situs untuk Anda"
msgid "Take and Pressable for a spin."
msgstr "Cobalah dan Pressable."
msgid "Unsure which host suits your needs?"
msgstr "Tidak yakin hosting mana yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda?"
msgid ""
" and Pressable are powered by WP Cloud, the only cloud platform "
"optimized for WordPress."
msgstr ""
" dan Pressable didukung oleh WP Cloud, satu-satunya platform "
"cloud yang dioptimalkan untuk WordPress."
msgid "Best-in-class WordPress hosting"
msgstr "Hosting WordPress terbaik di kelasnya"
msgid "Curious about the details? We’ve got answers."
msgstr "Penasaran dengan detailnya? Kami punya jawabannya."
msgid "Ready to make the switch? Let’s get started."
msgstr "Siap untuk beralih? Mari kita mulai."
msgid "Let’s get your clients on better hosting"
msgstr "Mari ajak klien Anda menggunakan hosting yang lebih baik"
msgid "Our hosting platform is built exclusively for WordPress."
msgstr "Platform hosting kami dibuat khusus untuk WordPress."
msgid ""
"Migrate your client sites to superior WordPress{{br/}}hosting with Automattic"
msgstr ""
"Migrasi situs klien Anda ke hosting WordPress{{br/}}yang unggul dengan "
msgid ""
"Once paid, you can manage these products on behalf of your client. The "
"client can cancel their products at any time."
msgstr ""
"Setelah dibayar, Anda dapat mengelola produk ini atas nama klien Anda. Klien "
"dapat membatalkan produk mereka kapan saja."
msgid ""
"Your client will be sent an invoice asking them to create a "
"account to pay for these products. They will be invoiced at the start of "
"each month until they choose to cancel. Depending on how many days are left "
"in the month, your client may be charged less than the total above for their "
"first invoice."
msgstr ""
"Klien Anda akan dikirimi invoice yang meminta mereka membuat akun WordPress."
"com untuk membayar produk ini. Mereka akan ditagih pada setiap awal bulan "
"hingga mereka memilih untuk membatalkannya. Bergantung pada jumlah hari yang "
"tersisa di bulan tersebut, klien Anda mungkin akan ditagih kurang dari total "
"di atas untuk tagihan pertama mereka."
msgid "Filter all data by date"
msgstr "Saring semua data berdasarkan tanggal"
msgid "Migrate your sites"
msgstr "Migrasi situs Anda"
msgid "Comprehensive WP security & performance with Jetpack Complete included."
msgstr ""
"Keamanan & performa WP yang komprehensif dengan Jetpack Complete yang sudah "
msgid "Add sites already connected to"
msgstr "Tambahkan situs yang sudah terhubung ke"
msgid "Connect with the Automattic for Agencies plugin"
msgstr "Hubungkan dengan plugin Automattic for Agencies"
msgid "Get %(plan)s ⋅ %(priceString)s"
msgstr "Dapatkan %(plan)s ⋅ %(priceString)s"
msgid "Select %(plan)s ⋅ %(priceString)s"
msgstr "Pilih %(plan)s ⋅ %(priceString)s"
msgid ""
"We'll send you an update within 2–3 business days. You can also check the "
"progress of your migration from your Sites dashboard."
msgstr ""
"Kami akan mengirimkan pembaruan dalam 2-3 hari kerja. Anda juga dapat "
"memeriksa progres migrasi Anda dari dasbor Situs."
msgid "You can keep track of the progress from your Sites dashboard."
msgstr "Anda dapat melacak progres dari dasbor Situs Anda."
msgid ""
"Your migration process has started. We'll email you when the process is "
msgstr ""
"Proses migrasi Anda telah dimulai. Kami akan mengirimkan e-mail kepada Anda "
"setelah proses selesai."
msgid "View Sites dashboard"
msgstr "Lihat dasbor Situs"
msgid ""
"We noticed you're visiting from %1$s. We've updated our prices to %2$s for "
"your shopping convenience. Use %3$s instead."
msgstr ""
"Tampaknya Anda berkunjung dari %1$s. Kami telah memperbarui harga sesuai "
"%2$s demi kenyamanan Anda berbelanja. Gunakan %3$s sebagai "
msgid ""
"This order has a high risk of being fraudulent. We suggest contacting the "
"customer to confirm their details before fulfilling it."
msgstr ""
"Risiko penipuan untuk pesanan ini tinggi. Kami sarankan Anda menghubungi "
"pelanggan untuk mengonfirmasi rincian sebelum memenuhinya."
msgid ""
"This order has a moderate risk of being fraudulent. We suggest contacting "
"the customer to confirm their details before fulfilling it."
msgstr ""
"Risiko penipuan untuk pesanan ini sedang. Kami sarankan Anda menghubungi "
"pelanggan untuk mengonfirmasi rincian sebelum memenuhinya."
msgid "This payment shows a lower than normal risk of fraudulent activity."
msgstr ""
"Pembayaran ini menunjukkan risiko di bawah normal terkait aktivitas penipuan."
msgid "Adjust risk filters"
msgstr "Sesuaikan penyaring risiko"
msgid "Let us build a custom site for you"
msgstr "Biar kami yang membuatkan situs Anda"
msgid "Pick one or more goals and we’ll tailor the setup experience for you."
msgstr ""
"Pilih satu atau beberapa tujuan dan kami akan menyesuaikan pengalaman "
"pengaturan untuk Anda."
msgid "Announce events"
msgstr "Umumkan acara"
msgid "Offer paid content to members"
msgstr "Tawarkan konten berbayar kepada anggota"
msgid "Create a course"
msgstr "Buat kursus"
msgid "Sell physical goods"
msgstr "Jual produk fisik"
msgid "Sell services or digital goods"
msgstr "Jual layanan atau produk digital "
msgid "Create a newsletter"
msgstr "Buat buletin"
msgid "Build a site for a school or nonprofit"
msgstr "Bangun situs untuk sekolah atau organisasi nirlaba"
msgid "Collect donations"
msgstr "Kumpulkan donasi"
msgid "Build and engage an audience"
msgstr "Bangun dan libatkan audiens"
msgid "Learn about Tiers"
msgstr "Baca tentang Tingkatan"
msgid "Open image in full-screen."
msgstr "Buka gambar dalam layar penuh."
msgid "Character limit reached."
msgstr "Batas karakter tercapai."
msgid ""
"If you have reviewed our content guidelines and added your final content to "
"the form, click “Submit” to send us your content. If everything meets our "
"guidelines, we’ll build your new site and email you the details within %d "
"business days. If adjustments are needed, we’ll reach out."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda telah meninjau pedoman konten kami dan menambahkan konten akhir "
"Anda ke formulir, klik \"Kirim\" untuk mengirimkan konten Anda kepada kami. "
"Jika semuanya sesuai pedoman kami, kami akan membuat situs baru Anda dan "
"mengirimkan detailnya melalui e-mail dalam waktu %d hari kerja. Jika "
"diperlukan penyesuaian, kami akan menghubungi Anda."
msgid "Pause Substack billing"
msgstr "Jeda penagihan Substack"
msgid ""
"Good news! Your site backup is ready to download. For full restoration and "
"automatic backups, upgrade to the Business plan today for complete control "
"and easy recovery."
msgstr ""
"Kabar baik! Cadangan situs Anda sudah siap untuk diunduh. Untuk pemulihan "
"penuh dan pencadangan otomatis, tingkatkan ke paket Bisnis sekarang juga "
"untuk kontrol penuh dan pemulihan yang mudah."
msgid "You have an available backup from %(backupDisplayDate)s"
msgstr "Anda memiliki cadangan yang tersedia dari %(backupDisplayDate)s"
msgid ""
"{{a}}Partner themes{{/a}} are developed by third-party creators who have "
"made their themes available to purchase and install directly through your "
" dashboard."
msgstr ""
"{{a}}Tema partner{{/a}} dikembangkan oleh kreator pihak ketiga yang telah "
"menyediakan tema mereka untuk dibeli dan diinstal langsung melalui dasbor "
" Anda."
msgid " Migration Team"
msgstr "Tim Migrasi"
msgid "Best"
msgstr "Terbaik"
msgid ""
"Questions? Our friendly support team is standing by. Just reply to this "
"email and we'll get back to you."
msgstr ""
"Ada pertanyaan? Tim dukungan kami yang ramah selalu siaga. Cukup balas email "
"ini dan kami akan menghubungi Anda."
msgid "Ready for an upgrade? It only takes a click:"
msgstr "Sudah siap melakukan upgrade? Hanya butuh sekali klik:"
msgid "We can do it for you, so you don't have to"
msgstr "Anda tak perlu repot karena kami yang melakukannya untuk Anda"
msgid "Get top-notch protection for your site"
msgstr "Dapatkan perlindungan terbaik untuk situs Anda"
msgid "Enjoy faster loading speeds on"
msgstr "Nikmati pemuatan yang lebih cepat di"
msgid "Zero downtime for your current site"
msgstr "Nol downtime di situs Anda saat ini"
msgid ""
"Remember that WordPress site migration you started? It's all set up and "
"waiting for you to hit the \"Go\" button. Here's why you should start your "
"migration today:"
msgstr ""
"Ingat migrasi situs WordPress yang ingin Anda lakukan? Persiapannya sudah "
"selesai dan menunggu Anda menekan tombol \"Ayo\". Inilah alasan Anda harus "
"mulai migrasi hari ini:"
msgid "Bring your site over to today"
msgstr "Pindahkan situs Anda ke hari ini"
msgid "Your WordPress site is ready to migrate"
msgstr "Situs WordPress Anda siap dimigrasikan"
msgid ""
"Your WordPress site is ready to be migrated. Bring your site over to "
" today. Start "
msgstr ""
"Situs WordPress Anda siap dimigrasikan. Pindahkan situs Anda ke WordPress."
"com sekarang. Mulai "
msgid ""
"Your WordPress site is ready to be migrated. Bring your site over to "
" today."
msgstr ""
"Situs WordPress Anda siap dimigrasikan. Pindahkan situs Anda ke WordPress."
"com sekarang."
msgid "Migrate Now"
msgstr "Migrasikan Sekarang"
msgid "%(count)s threat found"
msgid_plural "%(count)s threats found"
msgstr[0] "%(count)s ancaman ditemukan"
msgstr[1] "%(count)s ancaman ditemukan"
msgid "Connectivity issue"
msgstr "Kendala konektivitas"
msgid "Browse our documentation and forum topics."
msgstr "Telusuri dokumentasi dan topik forum kami."
msgid "Tell us more about your issue so our team can help you."
msgstr ""
"Ceritakan lebih lanjut tentang masalahnya agar tim kami dapat membantu."
msgid ""
"Agency Partners and Pro Agency Partners can apply to be included in "
"Automattic's directory listings."
msgstr ""
"Mitra Agensi dan Mitra Agensi Pro dapat mengajukan permohonan untuk "
"dimasukkan ke dalam daftar direktori Automattic."
msgid "Access this benefit when you become an Agency Partner."
msgstr "Akses manfaat ini ketika Anda menjadi Mitra Agensi."
msgid ""
"Progress towards the Agency Partner Tier and access extra benefits with "
"additional purchases and referrals."
msgstr ""
"Teruskan hingga tingkat Mitra Agensi dan dapatkan manfaat ekstra dari "
"pembelian dan referal tambahan."
msgid ""
"{{label}}You're on your way to becoming an Automattic Agency Partner{{/"
"label}} {{title}}Account activated{{/title}}"
msgstr ""
"{{label}}Anda akan menjadi Mitra Agensi Automattic{{/label}} {{title}}Akun "
"telah aktif{{/title}}"
msgid "Account activated"
msgstr "Akun diaktifkan"
msgid ""
"By making your first purchase you'll maintain access to the agency dashboard."
msgstr ""
"Dengan melakukan pembelian pertama, Anda akan mendapatkan akses ke dasbor "
msgid "Renews on %(expiryDate)s for %(formattedRenewalPrice)s"
msgstr "Perpanjangan pada %(expiryDate)s seharga %(formattedRenewalPrice)s"
msgid ""
"Sit back as {{strong}}%(siteName)s{{/strong}} transfers to its new home. Get "
"ready for unmatched WordPress hosting."
msgstr ""
"Tenanglah, {{strong}}%(siteName)s{{/strong}} berpindah ke rumah barunya. "
"Bersiaplah untuk hosting WordPress yang tak tertandingi. "
msgid "Update my WordPress version to %s"
msgstr "Perbarui versi WordPress saya menjadi %s"
msgid "UTC (%(timeRange)s) is used as the base timezone."
msgstr "%(timeRange)s UTC digunakan sebagai zona waktu dasar."
msgid "Currently using default time."
msgstr "Saat ini menggunakan waktu default."
msgid "Available badges for download:"
msgstr "Lencana yang tersedia untuk diunduh:"
msgid ""
"Impress potential clients by displaying your expertise in Automattic "
"products on your website and materials."
msgstr ""
"Buat calon klien terkesan dengan menampilkan keahlian Anda dalam produk "
"Automattic di situs web dan materi Anda."
msgid "Download your agency badges"
msgstr "Unduh lencana keagenan Anda"
msgid "Download your badges"
msgstr "Unduh lencana Anda"
msgid "Pressable Pro Agency Partner"
msgstr "Mitra Agensi Pressable Pro"
msgid "Pressable Agency Partner"
msgstr "Mitra Agensi Pressable"
msgid "Jetpack Pro Agency Partner"
msgstr "Mitra Agensi Jetpack Pro"
msgid "Jetpack Agency Partner"
msgstr "Mitra Agensi Jetpack"
msgid "Woo Pro Agency Partner"
msgstr "Mitra Agensi Woo Pro"
msgid "Woo Agency Partner"
msgstr "Mitra Agensi Woo"
msgid " Pro Agency Partner"
msgstr "Mitra Agensi Pro"
msgid " Agency Partner"
msgstr "Mitra Agensi"
msgid ""
"Got a minute? Tell us about your journey in our brief survey "
"and help us serve you better."
msgstr ""
"Punya waktu sebentar? Ceritakan tentang perjalanan Anda menggunakan "
" di survei singkat kami dan bantu kami melayani Anda dengan "
"lebih baik."
msgid "Shape the Future of"
msgstr "Bentuk Masa Depan"
msgid "Migration Survey"
msgstr "Survei Migrasi"
msgid "It looks like you are already subscribed!"
msgstr "Anda tampaknya sudah berlangganan."
msgid "Cool! You are now subscribed."
msgstr "Keren! Anda kini berlangganan."
msgid "Next full backup: %(date)s, between %(timeRange)s."
msgstr "Pencadangan penuh berikutnya: %(date)s, antara %(timeRange)s."
msgid "User Avatar"
msgstr "Avatar Pengguna"
msgid "%1$s messages from %2$s chats"
msgstr "%1$s pesan dari %2$s obrolan"
msgid "Recent Conversation"
msgstr "Percakapan Terbaru"
msgid "Unread Conversations"
msgstr "Percakapan yang belum dibaca"
msgid ""
"There has been a critical error on this website. Please check your site "
"admin email inbox for instructions. If you continue to have problems, please "
"try the support forums."
msgstr ""
"Telah terjadi eror kritis pada situs web ini. Mohon periksa inbox email "
"administrator situs Anda untuk mendapatkan petunjuk. Jika Anda terus "
"mengalami kendala, silakan coba forum bantuan."
msgid "Loading state, awaiting response from AI"
msgstr "Memuat, menunggu respons dari AI"
msgid ""
"To start receiving emails from this mailing list, you may need to check for "
"a verification email in your inbox and confirm your email address."
msgstr ""
"Agar dapat menerima email dari milis ini, Anda mungkin perlu membuka email "
"verifikasi di inbox dan mengonfirmasi alamat email Anda."
msgid "Thanks for subscribing!"
msgstr "Terima kasih telah berlangganan!"
msgid "Subscribing..."
msgstr "Berlangganan..."
msgid "Floating subscribe button"
msgstr "Tombol berlangganan mengambang"
msgid ""
"A floating subscribe button that shows up when someone visits your site."
msgstr ""
"Tombol berlangganan mengambang yang muncul saat seseorang mengunjungi situs "
msgid "Jetpack Subscribe floating button"
msgstr "Tombol berlangganan mengambang Jetpack"
msgid "Show a floating subscribe button."
msgstr "Tampilkan tombol berlangganan mengambang."
msgid "Explore your benefits"
msgstr "Cari tahu keuntungan Anda"
msgid "Access to the Automattic for Agencies advisory board."
msgstr "Akses ke konsultan Automattic for Agencies."
msgid "Co-marketing opportunities."
msgstr "Peluang pemasaran bersama."
msgid "Access to pre-qualified leads provided by Automattic's sales teams."
msgstr "Akses ke lead yang sudah disaring oleh tim penjualan Automattic."
msgid ""
"Advanced sales training sessions at request to sharpen your team's expertise."
msgstr ""
"Sesi pelatihan penjualan lanjutan sesuai permintaan untuk meningkatkan "
"keahlian tim Anda."
msgid "A dedicated partner manager and priority support access."
msgstr "Manajer mitra yang berdedikasi dan akses dukungan prioritas."
msgid "Early access to new Automattic products and features."
msgstr "Akses awal menuju produk dan fitur baru dari Automattic."
msgid ""
"You've reached at least $1,200 in influenced revenue and have unlocked these "
"additional benefits:"
msgstr ""
"Anda berkontribusi setidaknya $1.200 dalam pendapatan Automattic dan "
"mendapatkan manfaat tambahan berikut:"
msgid ""
"Your product licenses have now been revoked. If you want to continue using "
"the platform, please pay your outstanding invoices."
msgstr ""
"Lisensi produk Anda kini telah dicabut. Jika Anda ingin terus menggunakan "
"platform, silakan bayar tagihan yang masih tertunggak."
msgid ""
"Your invoice is %(daysDue)d days overdue. We’ll revoke your active licenses "
"tomorrow if we don’t receive payment."
msgstr ""
"Tagihan Anda telah lewat jatuh tempo %(daysDue)d hari. Kami akan mencabut "
"lisensi aktif Anda besok jika kami tidak menerima pembayaran."
msgid ""
"Your invoice is %(daysDue)d days overdue. We’ll revoke your active licenses "
"if we don’t receive payment in %(daysLeft)d days."
msgstr ""
"Tagihan Anda telah lewat jatuh tempo %(daysDue)d hari. Kami akan mencabut "
"lisensi aktif Anda jika kami tidak menerima pembayaran dalam waktu "
"%(daysLeft)d hari."
msgid ""
"Your invoice is %(daysDue)d days overdue. You can’t issue new licenses until "
"it’s paid."
msgstr ""
"Invoice Anda telah lewat jatuh tempo %(daysDue)d hari. Anda tidak dapat "
"menerbitkan lisensi baru sebelum invoice tersebut dilunasi."
msgid ""
"Your invoice is %(daysDue)d days overdue. Please pay as soon as possible to "
"avoid service disruption."
msgstr ""
"Invoice Anda telah lewat jatuh tempo %(daysDue)d hari. Mohon bayar sesegera "
"mungkin untuk menghindari gangguan layanan."
msgid "Urgent: Overdue invoice"
msgstr "Mendesak: Invoice sudah jatuh tempo"
msgid "Overdue invoice"
msgstr "Invoice jatuh tempo"
msgid "Set this if you want results to be filtered by their status."
msgstr "Atur ini jika Anda ingin hasil disaring berdasarkan statusnya."
msgid "Track your progress"
msgstr "Lacak progres Anda"
msgid "Your migration is underway"
msgstr "Migrasi Anda sedang berlangsung"
msgid "Your WordPress site is ready to be migrated to its new home."
msgstr "Situs WordPress Anda siap dimigrasikan ke rumah barunya."
msgid "discount banner"
msgstr "Spanduk Diskon"
msgid "Screenshot preview"
msgstr "Pratinjau screenshot"
msgid "Looks like there's been a mix-up"
msgstr "Sepertinya telah terjadi kendala"
msgid ""
"Our migration service is for WordPress sites. We don’t currently support "
"importing from this platform."
msgstr ""
"Layanan migrasi kami adalah untuk situs WordPress. Saat ini kami tidak "
"mendukung pengimporan dari platform ini."
msgid ""
"Our migration service is for WordPress sites. But don’t worry — our "
"{{strong}}%(platform)s{{/strong}} import tool is ready to bring your content "
msgstr ""
"Layanan migrasi kami adalah untuk situs WordPress. Tapi jangan khawatir - "
"alat impor {{strong}}%(platform)s{{/strong}} kami siap membawa konten Anda "
msgid "I need help, please guide me"
msgstr "Saya butuh bantuan, tolong pandu saya"
msgid "There is already a ping from that URL for this post."
msgstr "Sudah ada ping dari URL tersebut untuk pos ini."
msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Upgrade ⋅ %(priceString)s"
msgstr "Upgrade ⋅ %(priceString)s"
msgid "Special Offer"
msgstr "Penawaran Khusus"
msgid ""
"Looking for some extra income as the holidays approach? You could earn up to "
"100% affiliate payouts across a bundle of trustworthy, profitable brands—"
"from to Woo—by joining the Automattic Affiliate Program. All "
"with a hassle-free single dashboard to manage and track your earnings across "
"every product."
msgstr ""
"Cari penghasilan tambahan untuk bekal liburan? Dapatkan bagi hasil hingga "
"100% dari penjualan produk merek-merek unggul dan tepercaya—dari WordPress."
"com hingga Woo—dengan bergabung di Program Afiliasi Automattic. Pengelolaan "
"dan pemantauan semua produk dan pemasukan mudah dan bebas ribet di satu "
msgid ""
"Curious about what’s coming next to Check out this post to "
"get a sneak peek into the three themes guiding our work: performance, "
"augmentation, and workflows."
msgstr ""
"Penasaran apa saja yang bakal hadir di Simak artikel berikut "
"untuk bocoran tiga tema besar proyek kami: performa, penguatan, dan alur "
msgid " and Developers: Roadmap Update"
msgstr " dan Pengembang: Pembaruan Peta Jalan"
msgid ""
"The new Partner Directory can open up a lot of opportunities "
"to connect with future clients. The directory lists top-tier agencies for "
"customers looking to partner up on their next web development project. Learn "
msgstr ""
"Direktori Mitra baru akan membuka banyak peluang untuk "
"berjejaring dengan calon klien baru. Direktori ini menghimpun agensi-agensi "
"papan atas bagi para pelanggan yang mencari mitra untuk menggarap proyek "
"pengembangan web baru. Pelajari selengkapnya:"
msgid ""
"If you host your sites on, here’s some news you won’t want to "
msgstr "Situs Anda di-hosting di Jangan lewatkan kabar berikut:"
msgid "[In Person] %s"
msgstr "[Tatap Muka] %s"
msgid "[In Person] WordCamp Nairobi"
msgstr "[Tatap Muka] WordCamp Nairobi"
msgid "[Online] #4: Von 0 auf 10 Millionen Franken Umsatz mit WooCommerce"
msgstr "[Online] #4: Von 0 auf 10 Millionen Franken Umsatz mit WooCommerce"
msgid "[Online] WordPress Artificial Intelligence Tools - Jetpack AI"
msgstr "[Online] WordPress Artificial Intelligence Tools - Jetpack AI"
msgid ""
"Attending local, regional, and international WordPress events is a great way "
"to network, get involved, and meet other WordPress professionals. Here are "
"just a few recent and upcoming events, and check out the complete list of "
"meetups and WordCamps happening across the globe."
msgstr ""
"Hadir dalam acara WordPress lokal, regional, dan internasional adalah cara "
"yang tepat untuk berjejaring, terlibat, dan bertemu dengan profesional "
"WordPress lainnya. Berikut sejumlah acara WordPress terkini dan mendatang. "
"Jangan lupa cek jadwal lengkap temu jejaring dan WordCamp di seluruh dunia."
msgid "Review the 6.7 dev notes"
msgstr "Catatan pengembang 6.7"
msgid "WordPress 6.7 Development Cycle"
msgstr "Siklus Pengembangan WordPress 6.7"
msgid "What’s new for developers? (October 2024)"
msgstr "Apa kabar terbaru untuk pengembang? (Oktober 2024)"
msgid "Roadmap to 6.7"
msgstr "Peta Jalan Menuju 6.7"
msgid ""
"In the new release, we’re also getting new APIs to register sources in the "
"client, update and remove bindings, and customize the output of a block "
"bindings source."
msgstr ""
"Di rilis baru ini, kami juga menghadirkan API baru untuk meregister sumber-"
"sumber di sisi klien, memperbarui dan menghapus penyambung, serta "
"menyesuaikan output sumber penyambung blok."
msgid ""
"With 6.7, we’re getting a new UI to connect blocks and custom fields. While "
"this UI is currently limited to post meta, there are plans to consider "
"adding this functionality to other sources."
msgstr ""
"Di versi 6.7, kami mengembangkan UI baru untuk menyambungkan blok dan kolom "
"kustom. Saat ini, UI tersebut masih terbatas untuk meta pos, tetapi ada "
"wacana untuk menambahkan fungsi ini pada sumber-sumber lainnya."
msgid "Part 2: Queries, patterns, and templates"
msgstr "Bagian 2: Permintaan informasi, pola, dan template"
msgid "Part 1: Custom fields and block variations"
msgstr "Bagian 1: Kolom kustom dan variasi blok"
msgid "Part 2: Working with custom binding sources"
msgstr "Bagian 2: Menangani sumber penyambungan kustom"
msgid "Part 1: Connecting custom fields"
msgstr "Bagian 1: Menyambungkan kolom kustom"
msgid ""
"The Block Bindings API, which was introduced to WordPress core with 6.5, "
"allows us to bind the Image, Paragraph, Heading, and Button core blocks to "
"read from different sources without needing to write custom blocks."
msgstr ""
"Dengan API Penyambung Blok, yang mulai dihadirkan di inti WordPress versi "
"6.5, kami dapat menyambungkan blok inti Gambar, Paragraf, Judul, dan Tombol "
"agar bisa membaca dari beragam sumber tanpa perlu menulis blok kustom."
msgid ""
"WordPress 6.7 will be released on November 12, and there are lots of new and "
"improved features and tools to look forward to."
msgstr ""
"WordPress 6.7 akan dirilis pada 12 November. Nantikan aneka fitur dan alat "
"baru yang lebih mantap."
msgid "Issue #2 | %s"
msgstr "Edisi #2 | %s"
msgid ""
"Thanks for tuning into this month’s Dev & Deploy. Hit reply if you have any "
"questions, comments, or ideas for upcoming issues. We’ll see ya next time!"
msgstr ""
"Terima kasih sudah menyimak Dev & Deploy edisi bulan ini. Jika ada "
"pertanyaan, komentar, atau ide untuk edisi berikutnya, balas email ini. "
"Sampai jumpa lagi!"
msgid ""
"Looking for some extra income as the holidays approach? You could earn up to "
"%1$s%% affiliate payouts across a bundle of trustworthy, profitable brands—"
"from %2$s to Woo—by joining the Automattic "
"Affiliate Program. All with a hassle-free single dashboard to manage and "
"track your earnings across every product."
msgstr ""
"Cari penghasilan tambahan untuk bekal liburan? Dapatkan bagi hasil hingga "
"%1$s%% dari penjualan produk merek-merek unggul dan tepercaya—dari %2$s "
"hingga Woo—dengan bergabung di Program "
"Afiliasi Automattic. Pengelolaan dan pemantauan semua produk dan "
"pemasukan mudah dan bebas ribet di satu dasbor."
msgid "Automattic Affiliate Program image"
msgstr "Gambar Program Afiliasi Automattic"
msgid "Join the Automattic Affiliate Program"
msgstr "Gabung di Program Afiliasi Automattic"
msgid ""
"Curious about what’s coming next to Check out this post to get a sneak peek into the three themes guiding "
"our work: performance, augmentation, and workflows."
msgstr ""
"Penasaran apa saja yang bakal hadir di Simak artikel berikut untuk bocoran tiga tema besar proyek kami: "
"performa, penguatan, dan alur kerja."
msgid "WordPress Developer roadmap image"
msgstr "Gambar peta jalan Pengembang WordPress"
msgid "%s and Developers: Roadmap Update"
msgstr "%s dan Pengembang: Pembaruan Peta Jalan"
msgid ""
"The new Partner Directory, can "
"open up a lot of opportunities to connect with future clients. The directory "
"lists top-tier agencies for customers looking to partner up on their next "
"web development project. Learn more."
msgstr ""
"Direktori Mitra baru akan "
"membuka banyak peluang untuk berjejaring dengan calon klien baru. Direktori "
"ini menghimpun agensi-agensi papan atas bagi para pelanggan yang mencari "
"mitra untuk menggarap proyek pengembangan web baru. Pelajari selengkapnya."
msgid "Partner Directory image"
msgstr "Gambar Direktori Mitra"
msgid "Join the Partner Directory"
msgstr "Gabung di Direktori Mitra"
msgid ""
"If you host your sites on, "
"here’s some news you won’t want to miss:"
msgstr ""
"Situs Anda di-hosting di Jangan "
"lewatkan kabar berikut:"
msgid "Hosted by Seoul WordPress Meetup"
msgstr "Diselenggarakan oleh Seoul WordPress Meetup"
msgid ""
"[In Person] %3$s"
msgstr ""
"[Tatap Muka] %3$s"
msgid ""
"[In Person] WordCamp Nairobi"
msgstr ""
"[Tatap Muka] WordCamp Nairobi"
msgid "Hosted by Basel WordPress Meetup Group"
msgstr "Diselenggarakan oleh Basel WordPress Meetup Group"
msgid ""
"[Online] #4: Von 0 auf 10 Millionen Franken Umsatz "
"mit WooCommerce"
msgstr ""
"[Online] #4: Von 0 auf 10 Millionen Franken Umsatz "
"mit WooCommerce"
msgid "Hosted by WordPress Santa Clarita Valley"
msgstr "Diselenggarakan oleh WordPress Santa Clarita Valley"
msgid ""
"[Online] WordPress Artificial Intelligence Tools - "
"Jetpack AI"
msgstr ""
"[Online] WordPress Artificial Intelligence Tools - "
"Jetpack AI"
msgid ""
"Attending local, regional, and international WordPress events is a great way "
"to network, get involved, and meet other WordPress professionals. Here are "
"just a few recent and upcoming events, and check out the complete list of meetups and WordCamps "
"happening across the globe."
msgstr ""
"Hadir dalam acara WordPress lokal, regional, dan internasional adalah cara "
"yang tepat untuk berjejaring, terlibat, dan bertemu dengan profesional "
"WordPress lainnya. Berikut sejumlah acara WordPress terkini dan mendatang. "
"Jangan lupa cek jadwal lengkap temu jejaring dan "
"WordCamp di seluruh dunia."
msgid ""
"Review the 6.7 dev notes"
msgstr ""
"Catatan pengembang 6.7"
msgid ""
"WordPress 6.7 Development Cycle"
msgstr ""
"Siklus Pengembangan WordPress 6.7"
msgid ""
"What’s new for developers? (October 2024)"
msgstr ""
"Apa kabar terbaru untuk pengembang? "
"(Oktober 2024)"
msgid ""
"Roadmap to 6.7"
msgstr ""
"Peta Jalan Menuju 6.7"
msgid "Find more about WordPress 6.7 in these resources:"
msgstr "Pelajari selengkapnya tentang WordPress 6.7 dari referensi berikut: "
msgid ""
"In the new release, we’re also getting new APIs to register sources in the client, update and "
"remove bindings, and customize the output of "
"a block bindings source."
msgstr ""
"Di rilis baru ini, kami juga menghadirkan API baru untuk meregister sumber-sumber di sisi klien, memperbarui dan menghapus penyambung, dan menyesuaikan output sumber penyambung blok."
msgid ""
"With 6.7, we’re getting a new UI to connect "
"blocks and custom fields. While this UI is currently limited to post "
"meta, there are plans to consider adding this functionality to other sources."
msgstr ""
"Di versi 6.7, kami mengembangkan UI baru untuk "
"menyambungkan blok dan kolom kustom. Saat ini, UI tersebut masih "
"terbatas untuk meta pos, tetapi ada wacana untuk menambahkan fungsi ini pada "
"sumber-sumber lainnya."
msgid ""
"Part 2: Queries, patterns, and templates"
msgstr ""
"Bagian 2: Permintaan informasi, pola, dan template"
msgid ""
"Part 1: Custom fields and block variations"
msgstr ""
"Bagian 1: Kolom kustom dan variasi blok"
msgid "Building a book review site with Block Bindings"
msgstr "Membuat situs resensi buku dengan Penyambung Blok"
msgid ""
"Part 2: Working with custom binding sources"
msgstr ""
"Bagian 2: Menangani sumber penyambungan kustom"
msgid ""
"Part 1: Connecting custom fields"
msgstr ""
"Bagian 1: Menyambungkan kolom kustom"
msgid "Introducing Block Bindings"
msgstr "Pengantar Penyambung Blok"
msgid ""
"If you’re looking to get up and running with Block Bindings, check out these "
msgstr ""
"Ingin segera terampil menggunakan Penyambung Blok? Simak panduan berikut:"
msgid ""
"The Block Bindings API, which was introduced to "
"WordPress core with 6.5, allows us to bind the Image, Paragraph, Heading, "
"and Button core blocks to read from different sources without needing to "
"write custom blocks."
msgstr ""
"Dengan API Penyambung Blok, yang mulai "
"dihadirkan di inti WordPress versi 6.5, kami dapat menyambungkan blok inti "
"Gambar, Paragraf, Judul, dan Tombol agar bisa membaca dari beragam sumber "
"tanpa perlu menulis blok kustom."
msgid ""
"We’re particularly excited about some big upgrades to the Block Bindings API."
msgstr "Bersiaplah, ada sejumlah penyempurnaan besar di API Penyambung Blok."
msgid ""
"WordPress 6.7 will be released on November 12, and there "
"are lots of new and improved features and tools to look forward to."
msgstr ""
"WordPress 6.7 akan dirilis pada 12 November. Nantikan aneka "
"fitur dan alat baru yang lebih mantap."
msgid "Howdy [%s],"
msgstr "Halo [%s],"
msgid "Issue #2 | October 2024"
msgstr "Edisi #2 | Oktober 2024"
msgid "Are you ready for it?"
msgstr "Sudah siap?"
msgid "6.7 is coming… [Dev & Deploy from]"
msgstr "Versi 6.7 segera datang … [Dev & Deploy dari]"
msgid "%(plan_name)s plan"
msgstr "Paket %(plan_name)s"
msgid "You own the"
msgstr "Anda memiliki"
msgid "%(used_storage)s of %(max_storage)s GB"
msgstr "%(used_storage)s dari %(max_storage)s GB"
msgid "View your usage data here when it's available."
msgstr "Lihat data penggunaan Anda di sini ketika tersedia."
msgid "Start your migration"
msgstr "Mulai migrasi Anda"
msgid ""
"Start your migration today and get ready for unmatched WordPress hosting."
msgstr ""
"Mulai migrasi Anda hari ini dan bersiaplah untuk mendapatkan hosting "
"WordPress yang tak tertandingi."
msgid "Your WordPress site is ready to be migrated"
msgstr "Situs WordPress Anda siap untuk dimigrasi"
msgid ""
"Whenever you're stuck, whatever you're trying to make happen – our Happiness "
"Engineers have the answers."
msgstr ""
"Kapan pun Anda mengalami kebuntuan, apa pun yang ingin Anda wujudkan - "
"Happiness Engineer kami punya jawabannya."
msgid ""
"Build anything with full support and automatic updates for 50,000+ plugins "
"and themes. Or start from scratch with your own custom code."
msgstr ""
"Buat apa pun dengan dukungan penuh dan pembaruan otomatis untuk 50.000+ "
"plugin dan tema. Atau mulai dari awal dengan kode kustom Anda sendiri."
msgid "Plugins, themes, and custom code"
msgstr "Plugin, tema, dan kode khusus"
msgid ""
"Our custom 28+ location CDN and 99.999% uptime ensure your site is always "
"fast and always available from anywhere in the world."
msgstr ""
"CDN khusus kami yang berada di 28+ lokasi dan uptime 99,999% memastikan "
"situs Anda selalu cepat dan selalu tersedia dari mana saja di seluruh dunia."
msgid ""
"With 99.999% uptime and entirely unmetered bandwidth and traffic on every "
"plan, you'll never need to worry about being too successful."
msgstr ""
"Dengan uptime 99,999% dan bandwidth serta trafik yang sepenuhnya tak terukur "
"pada setiap paket, Anda tidak perlu khawatir untuk menjadi terlalu sukses."
msgid ""
"Firewalls, encryption, brute force, and DDoS protection. Your security's all "
"taken care of so you can stay one step ahead of any threats."
msgstr ""
"Firewall, enkripsi, brute force, dan perlindungan DDoS. Keamanan Anda semua "
"diurus sehingga Anda dapat tetap selangkah lebih maju dari ancaman apa pun."
msgid ""
"By clicking Connect to, you agree to our {{termsOfServiceLink}}"
"Terms of Service{{/termsOfServiceLink}} and to {{syncDataLink}}sync your "
"site’s data{{/syncDataLink}} with us."
msgstr ""
"Dengan mengeklik Hubungkan ke, Anda menyetujui "
"{{termsOfServiceLink}}Ketentuan Layanan{{/termsOfServiceLink}} dan "
"{{syncDataLink}}akan menyinkronkan data situs Anda{{/syncDataLink}} dengan "
msgid "Daily backup time schedule"
msgstr "Jadwal waktu pencadangan harian"
msgid "Time set by %(scheduledBy)s."
msgstr "Waktu yang ditetapkan oleh %(scheduledBy)s"
msgid "Update daily backup time failed. Please, try again."
msgstr "Pembaruan waktu pencadangan harian gagal. Mohon coba lagi."
msgid "Daily backup time successfully changed."
msgstr "Waktu pencadangan harian berhasil diubah."
msgid "Explore Tiers and benefits"
msgstr "Jelajahi tingkatan dan keuntungannya"
msgid ""
"You're the best of the best when it comes to agencies for WordPress! Enjoy "
"your premium benefits!"
msgstr ""
"Anda adalah yang terbaik dari yang terbaik dalam hal agensi untuk WordPress! "
"Nikmati keuntungan dari status premium Anda!"
msgid ""
"You're well on your way to becoming a Pro Agency Partner and unlocking even "
"more premium benefits!"
msgstr ""
"Anda sudah berada di jalur yang tepat untuk menjadi Pro Agency Partner dan "
"membuka lebih banyak lagi manfaat premium!"
msgid ""
"Only .com, .net, .org and .blog domains can be registered for 100 years."
msgstr ""
"Hanya domain .com, .net, .org, dan .blog yang dapat didaftarkan untuk 100 "
msgid "100-Year Domain"
msgstr "Domain 100 Tahun"
msgid "We’ll take it from here!"
msgstr "Kami akan mengerjakannya dari sini!"
msgid ""
"Thanks for sharing your goals. Our Happiness Engineers will reach out to you "
"shortly at {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}} to help you figure out your next "
"steps together."
msgstr ""
"Terima kasih telah membagikan tujuan Anda. Happiness Engineer kami akan "
"segera menghubungi Anda di {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}} untuk membantu "
"Anda menentukan langkah selanjutnya."
msgid ""
"We apologize for the problems you’re running into. Our Happiness Engineers "
"will reach out to you shortly at {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}} to help you "
"figure out your next steps together."
msgstr ""
"Kami mohon maaf atas masalah yang Anda alami. Happiness Engineer kami akan "
"segera menghubungi Anda di {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}} untuk membantu "
"Anda menentukan langkah selanjutnya bersama-sama."
msgid "Discover the features available on"
msgstr "Temukan fitur-fitur yang ada di"
msgid "Performance testing is available for the 20 most popular pages."
msgstr "Pengujian performa tersedia untuk 20 halaman paling populer."
msgid "Level up with Automattic!"
msgstr "Naik level dengan Automattic!"
msgid "{{a}}Learn more{{/a}} ↗"
msgstr "{{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}} ↗"
msgid "You've reached the highest tier!"
msgstr "Anda telah mencapai tingkat tertinggi!"
msgid ""
"{{label}}You're currently a{{/label}} {{title}}Pro Agency Partner{{/title}}"
msgstr ""
"{{label}}Anda saat ini adalah seorang{{/label}} {{title}}Pro Agency "
msgid "Pro Agency Partner"
msgstr "Pro Agency Partner"
msgid ""
"{{label}}You're currently an{{/label}} {{title}}Agency Partner{{/title}}"
msgstr ""
"{{label}}Anda saat ini adalah seorang{{/label}} {{title}}Agency Partner{{/"
msgid "Agency Partner"
msgstr "Agency Partner"
msgid ""
"Your next tier milestone is when your influenced revenue exceeds %(amount)s"
msgstr ""
"Pencapaian tingkat berikutnya adalah ketika pendapatan Anda yang dipengaruhi "
"melebihi %(amount)s"
msgid ""
"Over the past week your site‘s performance score decreased by %1$s across "
"both desktop and mobile devices. We identified performance improvements to get your "
"site back on track."
msgstr ""
"Skor performa situs Anda di perangkat desktop dan seluler dalam sepekan "
"terakhir turun %1$s. Kami menyarankan sejumlah peningkatan performa agar situs "
"kembali prima."
msgid ""
"Over the past week your site‘s performance score increased by %1$s across "
"both desktop and mobile devices. We identified performance improvements to increase "
"your score.."
msgstr ""
"Skor performa situs Anda di perangkat desktop dan seluler dalam sepekan "
"terakhir naik %1$s. Kami menyarankan sejumlah peningkatan performa untuk menaikkan "
msgid ""
"Over the past week your site‘s performance score stayed the same across both "
"desktop and mobile devices. We identified performance improvements to increase "
"your score."
msgstr ""
"Skor performa situs Anda di perangkat desktop dan seluler dalam sepekan "
"terakhir stagnan. Kami menyarankan sejumlah peningkatan performa untuk menaikkan "
msgid "You completed your payment for %1$d subscription"
msgid_plural "You completed your payment for %1$d subscriptions"
msgstr[0] "Anda sudah menyelesaikan pembayaran untuk %1$d langganan"
msgstr[1] "Anda sudah menyelesaikan pembayaran untuk %1$d langganan"
msgid "Provision SSL certificate"
msgstr "Sediakan sertifikat SSL"
msgid "Total people reached"
msgstr "Jumlah orang yang dijangkau"
msgid "$%0.2f per 1K visits over limit monthly"
msgstr "$%0.2f per seribu kunjungan di luar batas tiap bulan"
msgid "$%0.2f per GB over limit monthly"
msgstr "$%0.2f per GB di luar batas tiap bulan"
msgid "Update your domain's DNS"
msgstr "Perbarui DNS domain Anda"
msgid "Take a closer look"
msgstr "Lihat lebih dekat"
msgid "Tools & Platforms"
msgstr "Perangkat & Platform"
msgid "Networking & Community"
msgstr "Jaringan & Komunitas"
msgid ""
"Pro Partners eligible to receive pre-qualified leads from Automattic sales "
"teams when opportunities arise as well as leads generated through agency "
"directory listings."
msgstr ""
"Mitra Pro berhak menerima prospek pra-kualifikasi dari tim penjualan "
"Automattic ketika ada peluang serta prospek yang dihasilkan melalui daftar "
"direktori agensi."
msgid "Please {{link}}connect your user account{{/link}} to upgrade Stats."
msgstr ""
"Silakan {{link}}hubungkan akun pengguna Anda{{/link}} untuk melakukan "
"upgrade Statistik."
msgid "Thanks again for choosing"
msgstr "Terima kasih telah memilih"
msgid "Sign up for research activities"
msgstr "Ikuti kegiatan riset"
msgid ""
"We’re also looking for users like you to participate in paid"
"strong> research activities to help us make even better. If "
"you’re interested, please let us know by filling out this form:"
msgstr ""
"Kami mencari pengguna seperti Anda untuk ikut serta dalam kegiatan riset "
"berbayar untuk membantu kami menyempurnakan "
"Bila ingin berpartisipasi, mohon isi formulir berikut ini: "
msgid ""
"If you have a moment, please consider leaving us a review on the plugin directory. Your "
"feedback helps us improve and lets others know what to expect."
msgstr ""
"Bila berkenan, mohon luangkan waktu untuk memberi ulasan di direktori plugin Feedback Anda "
"menjadi bahan peningkatan kami sekaligus wacana pengembangan mendatang. "
msgid ""
"We hope you’re enjoying your new home on! Now that your "
"migration is complete, we’d love to hear about your experience."
msgstr ""
"Semoga betah di rumah baru Anda di! Migrasi Anda sudah "
"selesai. Bagaimana pengalaman Anda?"
msgid "How was your migration experience?"
msgstr "Bagaimana migrasi Anda?"
msgid "Load more recommendations"
msgstr "Muat lebih banyak rekomendasi"
msgid "No recommendations available at the moment."
msgstr "Tidak ada rekomendasi yang tersedia saat ini."
msgid ""
"Preview sites by clicking below, then subscribe to any site that inspires "
msgstr ""
"Pratinjau situs dengan mengeklik di bawah ini, lalu berlangganan ke situs "
"mana pun yang menginspirasi Anda."
msgid "Discover sites that you'll love"
msgstr "Temukan situs-situs yang akan Anda sukai"
msgid ""
"You currently have another purchase processing for this site. Please wait "
"for the purchase to complete before making a new one."
msgstr ""
"Ada pembelian lain yang sedang diproses untuk situs ini. Tunggu sampai "
"pembelian selesai sebelum Anda melakukan pembelian lain."
msgid "Agency Tier"
msgstr "Tingkat Agensi"
msgid "Getting your report"
msgstr "Mengumpulkan laporan Anda"
msgid ""
"You are all set! We've sent a calendar invite to {{strong}}%(email)s{{/"
"strong}}. To warm up for our discussion, we recommend reading our guide on "
"the {{em}}100-Year Plan{{/em}}."
msgstr ""
"Anda sudah siap! Kami telah mengirimkan undangan kalender ke "
"{{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}}. Sebagai pemanasan untuk diskusi kita, kami "
"sarankan untuk membaca panduan kami tentang {{em}}Paket 100 Tahun{{/em}}."
msgid "Your next century awaits"
msgstr "Abad berikutnya menanti Anda"
msgid "Change revision by using the left and right arrow keys"
msgstr "Ubah revisi dengan menggunakan tombol kiri dan panah "
msgid "Select a revision"
msgstr "Pilih revisi"
msgid ""
"To access all of the features and functionality in %(pluginName)s, you’ll "
"first need to connect your store to a account. For more "
"information, please {{doc}}review our documentation{{/doc}}."
msgstr ""
"Untuk mengakses semua fitur dan fungsi pada %(pluginName)s, Anda harus "
"terlebih dahulu menghubungkan toko dengan akun {{doc}}Baca "
"dokumentasi kami{{/doc}} untuk informasi selengkapnya."
msgid ""
"To access all of the features and functionality in %(pluginName)s, you’ll "
"first need to connect your store to a account. Please create "
"one now, or {{a}}log in{{/a}}. For more information, please {{doc}}review "
"our documentation{{/doc}}."
msgstr ""
"Untuk mengakses semua fitur dan fungsi pada %(pluginName)s, Anda harus "
"terlebih dahulu menghubungkan toko dengan akun Buat sekarang "
"atau {{a}}login{{/a}}. {{doc}}Baca dokumentasi kami{{/doc}} untuk informasi "
msgid ""
"To access all of the features and functionality in %(pluginName)s, you’ll "
"first need to connect your store to a account. Log in now, or "
"{{signupLink}}create a new account{{/signupLink}}. For more information, "
"please {{doc}}review our documentation{{/doc}}."
msgstr ""
"Untuk mengakses semua fitur dan fungsi pada %(pluginName)s, Anda harus "
"terlebih dahulu menghubungkan toko dengan akun Login sekarang "
"atau {{signupLink}}buat akun baru{{/signupLink}}. {{doc}}Baca dokumentasi "
"kami{{/doc}} untuk informasi selengkapnya."
msgid ""
"It looks like the Stripe Account (%s) does not have any active plans. Are "
"you sure you connected the same Stripe account that you use on Substack?"
msgstr ""
"Sepertinya Akun Stripe (%s) tidak memiliki paket yang aktif. Apakah Anda "
"yakin telah menghubungkan akun Stripe yang sama dengan yang Anda gunakan di "
msgid ""
"A subscriber import has already started. Please wait till that one finished "
"before starting a new one."
msgstr ""
"Impor pelanggan telah dimulai. Mohon tunggu hingga proses tersebut selesai "
"sebelum memulai yang baru."
msgid ""
"In WP-Admin, go to Jetpack > My Jetpack and click the "
"“Activate a license” link at the bottom of the page."
msgstr ""
"Di WP-Admin, buka Jetpack > Jetpack Saya lalu klik tautan "
"“Aktifkan lisensi” di bagian bawah halaman."
msgid "Tailor your feed, connect with your favorite topics."
msgstr "Sesuaikan feed Anda, terhubung dengan topik favorit Anda."
msgid "Your personal reading adventure"
msgstr "Petualangan membaca hanya untuk Anda"
msgid "Discover and subscribe to sites you'll love"
msgstr "Temukan dan berlangganan situs yang akan Anda sukai"
msgid "Select some of your interests"
msgstr "Pilih beberapa minat Anda"
msgid "Test a site"
msgstr "Uji situs"
msgid ""
"You’ll no longer receive performance reports for {{strong}}%s{{/strong}}"
"{{br}}{{/br}}{{br}}{{/br}}{{subtitle}}If you ever change your mind, you can "
"subscribe for {{br}}{{/br}}performance reports again from the results page."
msgstr ""
"Laporan performa untuk {{strong}}%s{{/strong}}{{br}}{{/br}}{{br}}{{/br}}"
"{{subtitle}} akan berhenti dikirimkan Jika berubah pikiran, Anda dapat "
"kembali berlangganan {{br}}{{/br}}laporan performa melalui halaman hasil.{{/"
msgid "Farewell, friend"
msgstr "Selamat tinggal, teman"
msgid ""
"This may take a few minutes. Feel free to leave this window – we'll let you "
"know when it's done."
msgstr ""
"Ini mungkin memerlukan waktu beberapa menit. Jangan ragu untuk meninggalkan "
"jendela ini – kami akan memberi tahu Anda jika sudah selesai."
msgid "Check subscribers"
msgstr "Periksa pelanggan"
msgid "View content"
msgstr "Lihat konten"
msgid "Customize your newsletter"
msgstr "Sesuaikan buletin Anda"
msgid ""
"To prevent any charges from Substack, go to your "
"Substack Payments Settings"
"substackPaymentsSettingsLink>, select \"Pause billing\" and click "
"\"Pause indefinitely\"."
msgstr ""
"Untuk mencegah penagihan dari Substack, buka "
"Pengaturan Pembayaran Substack"
"substackPaymentsSettingsLink> Anda, pilih \"Hentikan penagihan\" dan "
"klik\"Hentikan tanpa batas waktu\"."
msgid "You skipped content importing."
msgstr "Anda melewatkan pengimporan konten."
msgid ""
"To replace this %s drag a file, or click to upload "
"different one."
msgstr ""
"Untuk mengganti %s ini, letakkan file di sini, atau "
"klik untuk mengunggah file lainnya."
msgid ""
"Sorry, you can only upload CSV files. Please try again with a valid file."
msgstr ""
"Maaf, Anda hanya dapat mengunggah file CSV. Mohon coba lagi dengan file yang "
msgid "Open Substack subscribers"
msgstr "Buka pelanggan Substack"
msgid "Export Substack subscribers"
msgstr "Ekspor pelanggan Substack"
msgid ""
"Generate a CSV file of all your Substack subscribers. On Substack, go to the "
"Subscribers tab and click the Export "
"button you’ll find on top of the table. Then, upload the downloaded CSV in "
"the next step."
msgstr ""
"Buat file CSV dari semua pelanggan Substack Anda. Di Substack, buka tab "
"Pelanggan dan klik tombol Ekspor yang "
"dapat Anda temukan di bagian atas tabel. Kemudian, unggah CSV yang telah "
"diunduh pada langkah berikutnya."
msgid "Step 1: Export your subscribers from Substack"
msgstr "Langkah 1: Ekspor pelanggan Anda dari Substack"
msgid "We're importing your subscribers"
msgstr "Kami sedang mengimpor pelanggan Anda"
msgid "View summary"
msgstr "Lihat Ringkasan"
msgid "Stripe account connection cancelled"
msgstr "Penghubungan akun Stripe dibatalkan"
msgid "Stripe account connected successfully"
msgstr "Akun Stripe berhasil terhubung"
msgid "Only import free subscribers"
msgstr "Impor hanya pelanggan gratis"
msgid "Try a different Stripe account"
msgstr "Coba akun Stripe yang berbeda"
msgid "We couldn't find any plans in your connected Stripe account."
msgstr ""
"Kami tidak dapat menemukan paket apa pun di akun Stripe Anda yang terhubung."
msgid "Existing Stripe plans"
msgstr "Paket Stripe yang ada saat ini"
msgid ""
"Review the plans retrieved from Stripe and create equivalents in "
" to prevent disruptions for your current paid "
msgstr ""
"Tinjau paket yang diambil dari Stripe dan buat paket yang setara di "
" untuk mencegah gangguan pada pelanggan berbayar Anda "
"saat ini."
msgid "Choose a newsletter tier"
msgstr "Pilih tingkatan buletin"
msgid "Add newsletter tier"
msgstr "Tambah tingkatan buletin"
msgid "Select a newsletter tier"
msgstr "Pilih tingkatan buletin"
msgid "I have only free subscribers"
msgstr "Saya hanya memiliki pelanggan gratis"
msgid "Connect "
msgstr "Hubungkan "
msgid ""
"To migrate your paid subscribers, make sure you're "
"connecting the same Stripe account you use with Substack."
msgstr ""
"Untuk melakukan migrasi pelanggan berbayar, pastikan Anda "
"telah menghubungkan akun Stripe yang sama dengan yang "
"digunakan pada Substack."
msgid "Do you have paid subscribers?"
msgstr "Apakah Anda memiliki pelanggan berbayar?"
msgid "Please double check your CSV file to make sure that it contains emails."
msgstr ""
"Mohon periksa kembali file CSV Anda untuk memastikan bahwa file tersebut "
"berisi email."
msgid ""
"We couldn’t import your subscriber list as you’ve hit the 100 email limit "
"for our free plan. The good news? You can upload a list of any size after "
"upgrading to any paid plan."
msgstr ""
"Kami tidak dapat mengimpor daftar pelanggan Anda karena Anda telah mencapai "
"batas 100 email untuk paket gratis kami. Kabar baiknya? Anda bisa mengunggah "
"daftar dengan ukuran berapapun setelah melakukan upgrade ke paket berbayar."
msgid "Enter the URL of the Substack newsletter that you wish to import."
msgstr "Masukkan URL buletin Substack yang ingin Anda impor."
msgid "Please enter a valid Substack URL."
msgstr "Mohon URL Substack yang valid."
msgid "Import your newsletter"
msgstr "Impor buletin Anda"
msgid "Import %s"
msgstr "Impor %s"
msgid "Step 2: Import your content to"
msgstr "Langkah 2: Impor konten Anda ke"
msgid "Open Substack settings"
msgstr "Buka pengaturan Substack"
msgid "Export Substack data"
msgstr "Ekspor data Substack"
msgid ""
"Generate a ZIP file of all your Substack posts. On Substack, go to Settings "
"> Exports, click New export, and upload the downloaded ZIP "
"file in the next step."
msgstr ""
"Buatlah file ZIP dari semua pos Substack Anda. Di Substack, buka Pengaturan "
"> Ekspor, klik Ekspor baru, dan unggah file ZIP yang telah "
"diunduh di langkah berikutnya."
msgid "Step 1: Export your content from Substack"
msgstr "Langkah 1: Ekspor konten Anda dari Substack"
msgid "Success! Your content has been imported!"
msgstr "Berhasil! Konten Anda telah diimpor."
msgid "Please, wait while we import your content…"
msgstr "Mohon tunggu saat kami mengimpor konten Anda..."
msgid "Import your content to"
msgstr "Impor konten Anda ke"
msgid "We’re importing your content"
msgstr "Kami sedang mengimpor konten Anda"
msgid "Failed to convert HEIC/HEIF image to JPEG."
msgstr "Gagal mengonversi gambar HEIC/HEIF ke JPEG."
msgid "Your %s widget requires JavaScript to function properly."
msgstr ""
"Widget %s Anda memerlukan JavaScript agar dapat berfungsi dengan semestinya."
msgid "Stuck on your migration?"
msgstr "Terhenti di proses migrasi Anda?"
msgid ""
"Let's solve it together. Reach out to our support team to get your migration "
msgstr ""
"Mari kita selesaikan bersama. Hubungi tim bantuan kami untuk memulai migrasi "
msgid ""
"If you believe your site should not be classified as commercial, please get in touch."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda yakin situs Anda bukan untuk kepentingan komersial, silakan hubungi kami."
msgid ""
"Your current subscription is for personal, non-commercial "
"use. Please upgrade your plan to continue using Akismet."
msgstr ""
"Saat ini Anda berlangganan paket personal non-komersial. "
"Upgrade paket Anda agar bisa terus menggunakan Akismet."
msgid "We detected commercial activity on your site"
msgstr "Kami mendeteksi kegiatan komersial di situs Anda"
msgid "Follow at least 3 topics to personalize your Reader feed."
msgstr "Ikuti setidaknya 3 topik untuk mempersonalisasi feed Pembaca Anda."
msgid "What topics interest you?"
msgstr "Topik apa yang menarik bagi Anda?"
msgid "Creator Economy"
msgstr "Ekonomi Kreator"
msgid "SaaS"
msgstr "SaaS"
msgid "Remote Work"
msgstr "Kerja Remote"
msgid "Society"
msgstr "Masyarakat"
msgid "Climate"
msgstr "Iklim"
msgid "Society & Culture"
msgstr "Sosial & Budaya"
msgid "DIY Projects"
msgstr "Proyek Swakarya"
msgid "Theatre & Performance"
msgstr "Teater & Pertunjukan"
msgid "Creative Arts & Entertainment"
msgstr "Seni Kreatif & Hiburan"
msgid "Crypto"
msgstr "Kripto"
msgid "Tech News"
msgstr "Berita Teknologi"
msgid "Technology & Innovation"
msgstr "Teknologi & Inovasi"
msgid "Sleep"
msgstr "Tidur"
msgid "Life Hacks"
msgstr "Life Hacks"
msgid "Lifestyle & Personal Development"
msgstr "Gaya Hidup & Pengembangan Diri"
msgid "Explore marketplace plugins"
msgstr "Cari plugin marketplace"
msgid ""
"Discover a curated selection of free and premium plugins designed to enhance "
"your site's functionality and features."
msgstr ""
"Temukan beragam plugin gratis dan premium hasil kurasi yang dirancang untuk "
"meningkatkan fungsi dan fitur situs Anda. "
msgid "Unlock more with premium and free plugins"
msgstr "Akses lebih banyak dengan plugin premium dan gratis"
msgid "Review the migrated plugins"
msgstr "Tinjau plugin yang dimigrasikan"
msgctxt "site"
msgid "Migration started"
msgstr "Migrasi dimulai"
msgctxt "site"
msgid "Migration pending"
msgstr "Migrasi tertunda"
msgid "Incoming Migration"
msgstr "Migrasi Masuk"
msgid "LinkedIn:"
msgstr "LinkedIn:"
msgid ""
"Translation loading for the %1$s domain was triggered too early. This is "
"usually an indicator for some code in the plugin or theme running too early. "
"Translations should be loaded at the %2$s action or later."
msgstr ""
"Pemuatan terjemahan untuk domain %1$s dipicu terlalu dini. Ini biasanya "
"merupakan indikator bahwa ada beberapa kode di plugin atau tema yang "
"dieksekusi terlalu dini. Terjemahan harus dimuat pada tindakan %2$s atau "
msgid "I'm not interested"
msgstr "Aku tidak tertarik"
msgid ""
"Schedule a call with the Automattic for Agencies team to help us understand "
"your business better and help you find and retain more clients."
msgstr ""
"Jadwalkan panggilan dengan tim Automattic for Agencies untuk membantu kami "
"memahami bisnis Anda dengan lebih baik dan membantu Anda menemukan dan "
"mempertahankan lebih banyak klien."
msgid "Accelerate your agency’s growth"
msgstr "Percepat pertumbuhan agensi kamu"
msgid ""
"By clicking \"Continue,\" you represent that you've obtained the appropriate "
"consent to email each person. Learn more."
msgstr ""
"Dengan mengeklik \"Lanjutkan\", Anda menyatakan bahwa Anda telah memperoleh "
"izin untuk mengirim e-mail ke setiap orang. Pelajari lebih "
msgid "Subscribing"
msgstr "Berlangganan"
msgid ""
"Be sure to log into your account that you used to purchase the "
msgstr ""
"Pastikan Anda login ke akun yang digunakan untuk membeli "
msgid "Have a paid product and seeing this message?"
msgstr "Melihat pesan ini meski punya produk berbayar?"
msgid "Upgrade now to access personalized support from our team."
msgstr "Segera upgrade untuk menikmati dukungan khusus dari tim kami."
msgid ""
"Search our extensive support forums or start a new topic to get help with "
"our free plugins."
msgstr ""
"Telusuri forum dukungan kami yang lengkap atau ajukan topik baru untuk "
"mendapatkan bantuan seputar plugin gratis kami. "
msgid "Plugin forums"
msgstr "Forum plugin"
msgid "Try our AI Assistant"
msgstr "Coba gunakan Asisten AI kami"
msgid ""
"Get quicker responses with our AI Assistant which has access to all our "
"support documentation."
msgstr ""
"Dapatkan balasan lebih cepat dengan Asisten AI kami yang dapat mengakses "
"semua dokumentasi dukungan kami."
msgid "Don't want to wait?"
msgstr "Buru-buru?"
msgid ""
"If you need more personalized support, our Happiness Engineers will be glad "
"to help."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda memerlukan dukungan yang lebih khusus, Happiness Engineer kami "
"akan siap membantu."
msgid "Log in with your account to access personalized support."
msgstr "Login dengan akun Anda untuk mengakses dukungan khusus."
msgid "Jetpack Customer?"
msgstr "Pelanggan Jetpack?"
msgid ""
"Chat with our AI Support Assistant or browse our documentation and forum "
msgstr ""
"Ajukan pertanyaan kepada Asisten Dukungan AI kami atau telusuri topik-topik "
"dalam dokumentasi dan forum kami."
msgid "How can we help you?"
msgstr "Apa yang bisa kami bantu?"
msgid ""
"Hi there! 👋 I'm the Jetpack Support AI Assistant. Having an issue with your "
"site or account? Tell me about it and I'll be happy to help!"
msgstr ""
"Halo! 👋 Saya Asisten AI Dukungan Jetpack. Situs atau akun Anda bermasalah? "
"Ceritakan saja masalahnya, saya siap membantu."
msgctxt "Theme Showcase term name"
msgid "Block editor patterns"
msgstr "Pola editor blok"
msgid ""
"{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} is already connected to your site %(site)s. "
"{{a}}Register it to the connected site.{{/a}}"
msgstr ""
"{{strong}}%(domain)s{{/strong}} sudah tersambung ke situs %(site)s Anda. "
"{{a}}Daftarkan ke situs yang terhubung.{{/a}}"
msgid ""
"If you just want to change your display name, {{strong}}%(displayName)s{{/"
"strong}}, you can do so under {{myProfileLink}}My Profile{{/myProfileLink}}."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda hanya ingin mengubah nama tampilan, {{strong}}%(displayName)s{{/"
"strong}}, Anda dapat melakukannya di dalam menu {{myProfileLink}}Profil "
msgid ""
"Join {{a}}our new blog{{/a}} to share your feedback and help us improve your "
"reading experience."
msgstr ""
"Bergabunglah dengan {{a}}blog baru kami{{/a}} untuk berbagi feedback dan "
"membantu kami meningkatkan pengalaman membaca Anda."
msgid "Want to shape the future of the Reader?"
msgstr "Ingin membentuk masa depan Pembaca"
msgctxt "refers to the time since the post was published, e.g. \"1h\""
msgid "1h"
msgstr "1j"
msgid ""
"This is what it will look like when someone shares the link to your "
"WordPress post on Bluesky."
msgstr ""
"Inilah tampilan ketika seseorang membagikan tautan ke pos WordPress Anda di "
msgid "This is what your social post will look like on Bluesky:"
msgstr "Inilah tampilan pos media sosial Anda di Bluesky:"
msgid ""
"per month, %(introOfferFormattedPrice)s for your first "
"%(introOfferIntervalCount)s years,{{br/}}then %(rawPrice)s billed annually, "
"excl. taxes"
msgstr ""
"per bulan, %(introOfferFormattedPrice)s untuk "
"%(introOfferIntervalCount)stahun pertama Anda, {{br/}}kemudian %(rawPrice)s "
"ditagih setiap tahun, tidak termasuk pajak"
msgid ""
"per month, %(introOfferFormattedPrice)s for your first year,{{br/}}then "
"%(rawPrice)s billed annually, excl. taxes"
msgstr ""
"per bulan, %(introOfferFormattedPrice)s untuk tahun pertama Anda,{{br/}} "
"kemudian %(rawPrice)s ditagih setiap tahun, tidak termasuk pajak"
msgid "High Impact"
msgstr "Dampak Tinggi"
msgid ""
"We found %(numRecommendations)d thing you can do for improving your page."
msgid_plural ""
"We found %(numRecommendations)d things you can do for improving your page."
msgstr[0] ""
"Kami menemukan %(numRecommendations)d hal yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk "
"meningkatkan halaman Anda."
msgstr[1] ""
"Kami menemukan %(numRecommendations)d hal yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk "
"meningkatkan halaman Anda."
msgid ""
"Let's figure out your next steps for {{strong}}%(from)s{{/strong}} together. "
"Please complete the form below."
msgstr ""
"Mari kita cari tahu langkah selanjutnya untuk {{strong}}%(from)s{{/strong}} "
"bersama-sama. Mohon lengkapi formulir di bawah ini."
msgid "Your site is already on {{break}}{{/break}}"
msgstr "Situs Anda sudah ada di {{break}}{{/break}}"
msgid "Join us for an exclusive strategy session where we'll:"
msgstr ""
"Bergabunglah dengan kami dalam sesi strategi eksklusif yang akan kami lakukan"
msgid "Let's craft your next century"
msgstr "Mari kita rancang abad Anda berikutnya"
msgid "I'll create my site on my own"
msgstr "Saya akan membuat situs saya sendiri"
msgid "Schedule your free call"
msgstr "Jadwalkan konsultasi lewat telepon Anda (gratis)"
msgid "Chart a course for the production of your new site"
msgstr "Memetakan arah untuk produksi situs baru Anda"
msgid "Answer all your questions about long-term success"
msgstr "Menjawab semua pertanyaan Anda tentang kesuksesan jangka panjang"
msgid "Showcase our comprehensive legacy-building tools"
msgstr "Etalase perangkat pembangunan situs dari kami yang lengkap"
msgid "Conduct a comprehensive digital longevity assessment"
msgstr "Memberikan jaminan keberlangsungan digital secara menyeluruh"
msgid ""
"Pick a timeframe for your backup to run. Some site owners prefer scheduling "
"backups at specific times for better control."
msgstr ""
"Pilih jangka waktu untuk menjalankan pencadangan Anda. Beberapa pemilik "
"situs lebih suka menjadwalkan pencadangan pada waktu tertentu untuk kontrol "
"yang lebih baik."
msgid ""
"For redundancy, your site will be replicated in real-time to another region. "
"{{supportLink}}Learn more{{/supportLink}}."
msgstr ""
"Sebagai cadangan, situs Anda akan direplikasi secara real-time ke wilayah "
"lain. {{supportLink}}Baca selengkapnya{{/supportLink}}."
msgid ""
"Please verify your {{a}}account's email{{/a}} in order to begin referring "
"products to clients."
msgstr ""
"Mohon verifikasi {{a}}email akun{{/a}} Anda untuk mulai mereferensikan "
"produk ke klien."
msgid ""
"Your Pressable plan is close to exceeding its allocated limits. Consider "
"upgrading your plan to avoid additional fees."
msgstr ""
"Paket Pressable Anda hampir melampaui batas yang dialokasikan. Pertimbangkan "
"untuk meningkatkan paket Anda untuk menghindari biaya tambahan."
msgid ""
"Your Pressable plan has exceeded its allocated limits. Consider upgrading "
"your plan to avoid additional fees."
msgstr ""
"Paket Pressable Anda telah melampaui batas yang dialokasikan. Pertimbangkan "
"untuk meningkatkan paket Anda untuk menghindari biaya tambahan."
msgid "Upgrade Pressable"
msgstr "Upgrade Pressable"
msgid "Intro"
msgstr "Pengantar"
msgid ""
"Explore our exclusive collection of sunglasses, crafted to elevate your look "
"and safeguard your eyes. Find your perfect pair and see the world through a "
"new lens."
msgstr ""
"Jelajahi koleksi eksklusif kacamata hitam kami, dirancang untuk meningkatkan "
"penampilanmu dan melindungi matamu. Temukan pasangan yang sempurna dan lihat "
"dunia melalui lensa baru."
msgid "Find your shade"
msgstr "Temukan warna yang cocok untukmu"
msgid "Our services"
msgstr "Layanan Kami"
msgid ""
"Navigating life's intricate fabric, choices unfold paths to the "
"extraordinary, demanding creativity, curiosity, and courage for a truly "
"fulfilling journey."
msgstr ""
"Menavigasi kain kehidupan yang rumit, pilihan-pilihan membuka jalan menuju "
"hal-hal luar biasa, menuntut kreativitas, rasa ingin tahu, dan keberanian "
"untuk perjalanan yang benar-benar memuaskan."
msgid ""
"Our passion is crafting mindful moments with locally sourced, organic, and "
"sustainable products. We're more than a store; we're your path to a "
"community-driven, eco-friendly lifestyle that embraces premium quality."
msgstr ""
"Passion kami adalah menciptakan momen yang penuh perhatian dengan produk "
"yang bersumber secara lokal, organik, dan berkelanjutan. Kami lebih dari "
"sekadar toko; kami adalah jalanmu menuju gaya hidup yang ramah lingkungan "
"dan didorong oleh komunitas yang mengedepankan kualitas premium."
msgid "Order sort items ascending or descending."
msgstr "Urutkan atribut penyortiran naik atau menurun."
msgid ""
"Subscription already scheduled for expiration by a previous Apple IAP "
"notification. There's no need to add a failed order in this case."
msgstr ""
"Langganan hampir berakhir sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam pemberitahuan Apple "
"IAP sebelumnya. Dalam hal ini, Anda tidak perlu menambahkan pesanan yang "
msgid "Events & Conferences"
msgstr "Acara & Konferensi"
msgid "Logistics & Supply Chain"
msgstr "Logistik & Rantai Pasok"
msgid "Environmental & Sustainability"
msgstr "Lingkungan & Keberlanjutan"
msgid "Arts & Culture"
msgstr "Seni & Budaya"
msgid "Agriculture & Farming"
msgstr "Pertanian & Peternakan"
msgid "Manufacturing & Industry"
msgstr "Manufaktur & Industri"
msgid "Food & Beverage"
msgstr "Makanan & Minuman"
msgid "Marketing & Advertising"
msgstr "Pemasaran & Periklanan"
msgid "Government & Public Services"
msgstr "Pemerintah & Layanan Publik"
msgid "Automotive & Transportation"
msgstr "Otomotif & Transportasi"
msgid "Construction & Engineering"
msgstr "Konstruksi & Rekayasa"
msgid "Entertainment & Media"
msgstr "Hiburan & Media"
msgid "Legal & Professional Services"
msgstr "Layanan Hukum & Profesional"
msgid "Nonprofits & NGOs"
msgstr "Lembaga Nirlaba & LSM"
msgid "Travel & Hospitality"
msgstr "Travel & Perhotelan"
msgid "Education & E-Learning"
msgstr "Pendidikan & Pembelajaran Online"
msgid "Healthcare & Medical"
msgstr "Kesehatan & Medis"
msgid "Finance & Insurance"
msgstr "Keuangan & Asuransi"
msgid "E-commerce & Retail"
msgstr "E-commerce & Ritel"
msgid "Technology & IT Services"
msgstr "Teknologi & Layanan TI"
msgid ""
"Boost your website performance by merging and compressing JavaScript and CSS "
"files, reducing site loading time and number of requests."
msgstr ""
"Tingkatkan performa situs Anda dengan menggabungkan dan mengompresi file "
"JavaScript dan CSS, sehingga mengurangi waktu muat situs dan jumlah "
msgid ""
"Optimizes lazy-loaded images by dynamically serving perfectly sized images "
"for each device."
msgstr ""
"Mengoptimalkan gambar lazy-load dengan penyajian dinamis gambar dengan "
"ukuran yang tepat untuk tiap perangkat."
msgid "Image CDN Auto-Resize Lazy Images"
msgstr "CDN Gambar dengan Penyesuaian Ukuran Otomatis dan Lazy Image"
msgid "Fine-tune image quality settings to your liking."
msgstr "Sesuaikan pengaturan kualitas gambar sesuka hati."
msgid "Image CDN Quality Settings"
msgstr "Pengaturan Kualitas CDN Gambar"
msgid ""
"Page caching speeds up load times by storing a copy of each web page on the "
"first visit, allowing subsequent visits to be served instantly. This reduces "
"server load and improves user experience by delivering content faster, "
"without waiting for the page to be generated again."
msgstr ""
"Penyimpanan cache halaman mempercepat waktu muat dengan menyimpan salinan "
"tiap halaman web pada kunjungan pertama sehingga kunjungan berikutnya dapat "
"dilayani secara instan. Cara tersebut mengurangi beban server dan "
"meningkatkan pengalaman pengguna dengan mengirimkan konten secara lebih "
"cepat tanpa harus menunggu halaman dibuat kembali."
msgid "Page Cache"
msgstr "Cache Halaman"
msgid ""
"Get access to your historical performance scores and see advanced Core Web "
"Vitals data."
msgstr ""
"Dapatkan akses ke skor performa historis Anda dan lihat informasi Data Web "
"Inti tingkat lanjut."
msgid "Historical performance scores"
msgstr "Skor performa historis"
msgid ""
"Scan your site for images that aren’t properly sized for the device they’re "
"being viewed on."
msgstr ""
"Deteksi gambar-gambar di situs yang ukurannya kurang ideal untuk perangkat "
"yang dipakai mengakses situs."
msgid "Automatic image size analysis"
msgstr "Analisis ukuran gambar otomatis"
msgid "Auto CSS Optimization"
msgstr "Optimasi CSS Otomatis"
msgid "Review the site's content"
msgstr "Tinjau konten situs ini"
msgid ""
"We are writing to inform you that your site, %1$s, has "
"met our criteria for an upgrade based on its classification "
"as a commercial site and its recent usage levels."
msgstr ""
"Kami menginformasikan bahwa situs Anda, %1$s, telah "
"memenuhi kriteria untuk upgrade berdasarkan klasifikasinya "
"sebagai situs komersial dan tingkat penggunaan terkini."
msgid "Upgrade your Pressable plan"
msgstr "Upgrade paket Pressable Anda"
msgid "Traffic:"
msgstr "Lalu Lintas:"
msgid "Storage:"
msgstr "Ruang Penyimpanan:"
msgid "Here are the plan overage fees for your reference:"
msgstr "Untuk referensi, berikut adalah biaya kelebihan alokasi batas:"
msgid "Traffic: %s/%s K visits"
msgstr "Lalu Lintas: %s/%s ribu kunjungan"
msgid "Storage usage:"
msgstr "Penggunaan ruang penyimpanan:"
msgid "Your sites:"
msgstr "Situs Anda:"
msgid ""
"Your Pressable plan in Automattic for Agencies is approaching its "
"allocated limits. We recommend upgrading your plan to get the best price "
"possible and avoid additional fees."
msgstr ""
"Paket Pressable Anda di Automattic for Agencies hampir mendekati alokasi "
"batasnya. Kami sarankan untuk melakukan upgrade paket agar mendapatkan "
"harga terbaik dan terhindar dari biaya tambahan."
msgid ""
"Your Pressable plan in Automattic for Agencies has exceeded its allocated "
"limits. We recommend upgrading your plan to get the best price possible "
"and avoid additional fees."
msgstr ""
"Paket Pressable Anda di Automattic for Agencies telah melampaui alokasi "
"batasnya. Kami sarankan untuk melakukan upgrade paket agar mendapatkan "
"harga terbaik dan terhindar dari biaya tambahan."
msgid "Upgrade Your Pressable Plan"
msgstr "Upgrade Paket Pressable Anda"
msgid "Your Pressable plan is close to exceeding its allocated limits"
msgstr "Paket Pressable Anda hampir melampaui alokasi batasnya"
msgid "Your Pressable plan has exceeded its allocated limit."
msgstr "Paket Pressable Anda telah melampaui alokasi batasnya."
msgid "Comments to display at the top of each page"
msgstr "Komentar untuk ditampilkan di bagian atas setiap halaman"
msgid "first page"
msgstr "Halaman pertama"
msgid "last page"
msgstr "Halaman terakhir"
msgid "Comments page to display by default"
msgstr "Halaman komentar untuk ditampilkan secara otomatis"
msgid "Top level comments per page"
msgstr "Komentar level atas per laman"
msgid "Number of levels for threaded (nested) comments"
msgstr "Jumlah level untuk komentar berulir (bertingkat)"
msgid "Enable threaded (nested) comments"
msgstr "Aktifkan komentar berulir (bertingkat)"
msgid "Close comments when post is how many days old"
msgstr "Tutup komentar saat pos berumur berapa hari"
msgid "Automatically close comments on old posts"
msgstr "Tutup komentar artikel lama secara otomatis"
msgid ""
"Referring products to your own company is not allowed and against our {{a}}"
"terms of service{{/a}}."
msgstr ""
"Mereferensikan produk ke perusahaan Anda sendiri tidak diperbolehkan dan "
"bertentangan dengan {{a}}ketentuan layanan{{/a}} kami."
msgid "Manage your password ↗"
msgstr "Kelola kata sandi Anda ↗"
msgid "Manage your account email ↗"
msgstr "Kelola email akun Anda ↗"
msgid "Manage your profile bio ↗"
msgstr "Kelola bio profil Anda ↗"
msgid "Manage your profile website ↗"
msgstr "Kelola situs Anda ↗"
msgid "Manage your profile ↗"
msgstr "Kelola profil ↗"
msgid "Manage your account language ↗"
msgstr "Kelola bahasa akun Anda ↗"
msgid "With a wide range of designer chairs to elevate your living space."
msgstr "Dengan berbagai kursi desainer untuk meningkatkan ruang tamu kamu."
msgid "Sit back and relax"
msgstr "Duduk santai dan bersantai"
msgid "Meet us"
msgstr "Temui kami"
msgid "Committed to a greener lifestyle"
msgstr "Berkomitmen untuk gaya hidup yang lebih ramah lingkungan"
msgid "Our products"
msgstr "Produk kami"
msgid ""
"Get ready to start the season right. All the fan favorites in one place at "
"the best price."
msgstr ""
"Siap-siap untuk memulai musim dengan baik. Semua favorit penggemar ada di "
"satu tempat dengan harga terbaik."
msgid "Fan favorites"
msgstr "Favorit Penggemar"
msgid "Bestsellers"
msgstr "Terlaris"
msgid "Shop games"
msgstr "Halaman toko"
msgid "Shop tech"
msgstr "Belanja teknologi"
msgid "For the gamers"
msgstr "Untuk para gamer"
msgid "Tech gifts under $100"
msgstr "Hadiah teknologi di bawah $100"
msgid ""
"Check out our brand new collection of holiday products and find the right "
"gift for anyone."
msgstr ""
"Cek koleksi produk liburan terbaru kami dan temukan hadiah yang tepat untuk "
"siapa saja."
msgid "Brand New for the Holidays"
msgstr "Baru untuk Liburan"
msgid ""
"Experience your music like never before with our latest generation of hi-"
"fidelity headphones."
msgstr ""
"Rasakan musikmu seperti belum pernah sebelumnya dengan generasi terbaru "
"headphone hi-fidelity kami."
msgid "Shop prints"
msgstr "Cetak toko"
msgid "Black and white high-quality prints"
msgstr "Cetak hitam putih berkualitas tinggi."
msgid "Select products"
msgstr "Cari produk"
msgid "Shop vinyl records"
msgstr "Belanja rekaman vinyl"
msgid "Up to 60% off"
msgstr "Diskon hingga 60%"
msgid "Stock Keeping Unit."
msgstr "Unit Penyimpanan Stok"
msgid "The element can only be read during directive processing."
msgstr "Konteks hanya dapat dibaca selama proses directive."
msgid "Other details"
msgstr "Detail lainnya"
msgid "Get access to my old site on"
msgstr "Dapatkan akses ke situs lama saya di"
msgid "Copy one of my existing sites on"
msgstr "Salin salah satu situs yang sudah ada di"
msgid "What brought you here today?"
msgstr "Apa yang membawa Anda hari ini?"
msgid ""
"Share any other details that will help us figure out what we need to do next."
msgstr ""
"Bagikan detail lainnya yang akan membantu kami mengetahui apa yang perlu "
"kami lakukan selanjutnya."
msgid "Please, provide more details."
msgstr "Mohon cantumkan detail lainnya."
msgid "Empty value"
msgstr "Nilai kosong"
msgid ""
"If you keep your plan, you will be able to continue using your %(planName)s "
"plan features until {{strong}}%(purchaseRenewalDate)s{{/strong}}."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda mempertahankan paket Anda, Anda akan dapat terus menggunakan fitur-"
"fitur paket %(planName)s hingga {{strong}}%(purchaseRenewalDate)s{{/"
msgid ""
"If you remove your plan, you will lose access to the features of the "
"%(planName)s plan."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda menghapus paket Anda, Anda akan kehilangan akses ke fitur-fitur "
"paket %(planName)s."
msgid "Scope"
msgstr "Cakupan"
msgid "The Friends plugin is installed."
msgstr "Plugin Friends terinstal."
msgid ""
"Combined with ActivityPub plugin you can also follow and interact with "
"people over the ActivityPub protocol, for example on Mastodon."
msgstr ""
"Jika dikombinasikan dengan plugin ActivityPub, Anda juga dapat mengikuti dan "
"berinteraksi dengan orang lain melalui protokol ActivityPub, seperti pada "
msgid ""
"This will give you a feed of your friends' posts which will also be "
"displayed in the Enable Mastodon Apps plugin."
msgstr ""
"Hasilnya, Anda akan mendapatkan feed pos teman Anda yang juga akan "
"ditampilkan di plugin Aktifkan Aplikasi Mastodon."
msgid ""
"The Friends plugin allows you to follow others from within your own "
msgstr ""
"Dengan plugin Friends, Anda dapat mengikuti orang lain dari dalam WordPress "
"Anda sendiri."
msgid "Install the Activitypub Plugin"
msgstr "Instal plugin ActivityPub"
msgid "The Activitypub plugin is installed."
msgstr "Plugin ActivityPub terinstal."
msgid ""
"With this plugin installed, for example, you can search for Mastodon users "
"and view their posts."
msgstr ""
"Setelah plugin ini terinstal, misalnya, Anda dapat mencari pengguna Mastodon "
"dan melihat pos mereka."
msgid ""
"The Activitypub plugin allows you interact with the Fediverse, for example "
msgstr ""
"Dengan plugin ActivityPub, Anda dapat berinteraksi dengan Fediverse, "
"misalnya Mastodon."
msgid "Interact with the Fediverse"
msgstr "Interaksi dengan Fediverse"
msgid "In particular this is the case for the following plugins:"
msgstr "Secara spesifik, fungsi ini tersedia pada berbagai plugin berikut:"
msgid ""
"That said, it was designed so that it can be meaningfully extended by other "
msgstr ""
"Meskipun demikian, sistem ini didesain agar dapat dikembangkan lebih lanjut "
"oleh plugin lainnya."
msgid ""
"This can already be very useful on a blog where multiple people interact."
msgstr ""
"Manfaatnya akan sangat terasa pada blog yang mewadahi interaksi banyak orang."
msgid ""
"The Enable Mastodon Apps plugin works well on its own: it allows you to "
"publish posts and show your all blog posts in the apps' timelines."
msgstr ""
"Meski digunakan secara mandiri, plugin Aktifkan Aplikasi Mastodon dapat "
"berfungsi dengan baik sehingga Anda dapat memublikasikan pos dan menampilkan "
"semua pos blog di linimasa aplikasi."
msgid ""
"Please reach out in a Github issue or the plugin support forum."
msgstr ""
"Mohon hubungi kami dengan membuat Github issue atau posting "
"di forum dukungan plugin"
msgid ""
"Since the task of this plugin to achieve Mastodon API compatibility is "
"complex, it is possible that you encounter issues."
msgstr ""
"Karena plugin melakukan tugas yang berat untuk mencapai kompatibilitas API "
"Mastodon, Anda mungkin akan mengalami masalah."
msgid ""
"Depending on the plugins you use (see below), you'll then see posts in the "
"timeline and can start interacting with them."
msgstr ""
"Sesuai plugin yang Anda gunakan (lihat di bawah), Anda akan melihat pos di "
"linimasa dan dapat mulai berinteraksi."
msgid "You'll need to log in there and then authorize the app."
msgstr "Anda perlu login, lalu melakukan otorisasi aplikasi."
msgid ""
"Double-check the URL of the login form so that you don't enter your details "
"on another site."
msgstr ""
"Periksa kembali URL formulir login Anda agar Anda tidak memasukkan rincian "
"di situs lain."
msgid ""
"The Mastodon app will then redirect you to the login page of your own "
"WordPress site."
msgstr ""
"Aplikasi Mastodon akan mengalihkan Anda ke halaman login situs WordPress "
msgid ""
"When you first start a Mastodon app, it will ask you for your instance URL:"
msgstr ""
"Ketika Anda memulai aplikasi Mastodon untuk pertama kalinya, Anda akan "
"dimintai URL instance:"
msgid ""
"Make sure you scroll down to the \"Browse third-party apps\" section for "
"more choice."
msgstr ""
"Pastikan Anda menggulir ke bawah hingga menemukan bagian \"Cari aplikasi "
"pihak ketiga\" untuk menampilkan lebih banyak pilihan."
msgid ""
"Check the Mastodon app directory to find one that you like."
msgstr ""
"Periksa direktori aplikasi Mastodon untuk menemukan aplikasi "
"yang Anda inginkan."
msgid "This plugin enables you to access your WordPress with Mastodon clients."
msgstr ""
"Plugin ini memungkinkan Anda untuk mengakses WordPress dengan klien Mastodon."
msgid ""
"This tester will use the same API endpoints that Mastodon Apps will use to "
"interact with your site."
msgstr ""
"Penguji ini akan menggunakan endpoint API yang sama seperti Aplikasi "
"Mastodon untuk berinteraksi dengan situs Anda."
msgid ""
"To test whether the Mastodon API is working correctly, we've bundled an API "
msgstr ""
"Untuk menguji apakah API Mastodon berfungsi optimal, kami membuat paket "
"penguji API."
msgid ""
"This will enable the Tester and Debug tab, and add more information about "
"registered apps."
msgstr ""
"Paket ini akan mengaktifkan tab Penguji dan Debug serta menambahkan lebih "
"banyak informasi tentang aplikasi yang terdaftar."
msgid "Enable debugging settings"
msgstr "Aktifkan pengaturan debugging"
msgid "Debugging"
msgstr "Debugging"
msgid ""
"New apps can register on their own, so the list might grow if you keep this "
msgstr ""
"Aplikasi baru dapat didaftarkan sendiri sehingga isian daftar akan terus "
"bertambah jika Anda tetap mengaktifkannya."
msgid "Allow new and existing apps to sign in"
msgstr "Izinkan aplikasi baru dan lama untuk login"
msgid "Enable Logins"
msgstr "Aktifkan Login"
msgid "Associated with an app that no longer exists."
msgstr "Terkait dengan aplikasi yang sudah tidak tersedia."
msgid "Outdated"
msgstr "Usang"
msgid "Never Used"
msgstr "Tidak Pernah Digunakan"
msgid "No tokens or authorization codes associated with this app."
msgstr "Token atau kode otorisasi tidak terkait dengan aplikasi ini."
msgid ""
"Since debug mode is activated, you'll also be able to see and manage access "
"tokens on the details page."
msgstr ""
"Karena mode debug diaktifkan, Anda dapat melihat dan mengelola token akses "
"di halaman rincian."
msgid ""
"You can customize the apps post types, or delete it by click on the Details "
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat menyesuaikan tipe pos aplikasi atau menghapusnya dengan mengklik "
"tautan Rincian."
msgid ""
"These are the Mastodon apps that have been used with this WordPress site."
msgstr ""
"Berbagai aplikasi Mastodon ini telah digunakan dengan situs WordPress ini."
msgid "Clear all logs"
msgstr "Hapus semua log"
msgid "Delete apps without tokens"
msgstr "Hapus aplikasi tanpa token"
msgid "Delete never used apps and tokens"
msgstr "Hapus aplikasi dan token yang tidak pernah digunakan"
msgid "Delete outdated apps and tokens"
msgstr "Hapus aplikasi dan token yang usang"
msgid "Cleanup"
msgstr "Hapus"
msgid "Clear logs"
msgstr "Hapus log"
msgid "%d apps"
msgid_plural "%d apps"
msgstr[0] "%d aplikasi"
msgstr[1] "%d aplikasi"
msgid "Unknown App: %s"
msgstr "Aplikasi Tidak Dikenal: %s"
msgid "%d authorization code"
msgid_plural "%d authorization codes"
msgstr[0] "%d kode otorisasi"
msgstr[1] "%d kode otorisasi"
msgid "Authorization Codes"
msgstr "Kode Otorisasi"
msgid "No requests logged in the last hour."
msgstr "Tidak ada permintaan yang masuk dalam satu jam terakhir."
msgid "Recently Logged Requests"
msgstr "Permintaan yang Baru Masuk"
msgid "Enable this to activate logging of requests."
msgstr "Aktifkan ini untuk mengaktifkan pencatatan permintaan."
msgid "Debug mode is active for %1$s (until %2$s)."
msgstr "Mode debug aktif selama %1$s (hingga %2$s)."
msgid "Log requests to the plugin and expose more information."
msgstr "Masukkan permintaan ke plugin dan dapatkan informasi selengkapnya."
msgid "Debug Mode"
msgstr "Mode debug"
msgid "This setting will turn itself off again as soon as an app has done so."
msgstr ""
"Pengaturan ini akan kembali nonaktif dengan sendirinya setelah aplikasi "
msgid ""
"When you (accidentally) delete an app, this allows to use the app when it "
"tries to authorize again."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda (tidak sengaja) menghapus aplikasi, aplikasi dapat digunakan "
"ketika otorisasi dicoba lagi."
msgid "Implicitly re-register the next unknown client."
msgstr "Daftarkan ulang klien anonim berikutnya secara tersembuyi."
msgid "Login Fix"
msgstr "Penyelesaian Login"
msgid "Do you really want to delete this access token?"
msgstr "Apakah Anda ingin menghapus token akses ini?"
msgid "%d token"
msgid_plural "%d tokens"
msgstr[0] "%d token"
msgstr[1] "%d token"
msgid "Access Tokens"
msgstr "Token Akses"
msgctxt "app"
msgid "Delete %s"
msgstr "Hapus %s"
msgid "If checked, post content will not be converted to blocks."
msgstr "Jika dicentang, konten pos tidak akan diubah menjadi blok."
msgid "Disable automatic conversion to blocks"
msgstr "Nonaktifkan konversi otomatis ke blok"
msgid "These post types will be displayed in the app."
msgstr "Berbagai tipe pos ini akan ditampilkan di aplikasi."
msgid "Show these post types"
msgstr "Tampilkan berbagai tipe pos ini"
msgid "When posting through the app, this post type will be created."
msgstr "Jika Anda mempos melalui aplikasi, tipe pos ini akan dibuat."
msgctxt "select post type"
msgid "Create new posts as"
msgstr "Buat pos baru sebagai"
msgid "Toggle all"
msgstr "Alihkan semua"
msgid "The post formats that will be used for this app."
msgstr "Format pos yang akan digunakan untuk aplikasi ini."
msgid ""
"This is part of the OAuth standard and only useful in "
"debugging scenarios."
msgstr ""
"Bagian ini termasuk dalam standar OAuth dan hanya "
"digunakan untuk tujuan debugging."
msgid "The URI to redirect to after the user authorizes the app."
msgstr "URI yang akan dialihkan setelah pengguna mengotorisasi aplikasi."
msgid "No website provided by the app."
msgstr "Situs tidak disediakan oleh aplikasi."
msgid "%d logged request"
msgid_plural "%d logged requests"
msgstr[0] "%d permintaan masuk"
msgstr[1] "%d permintaan masuk"
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all logs for %s?"
msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus semua log untuk %s?"
msgid "Tester"
msgstr "Penguji"
msgid "Registered Apps"
msgstr "Aplikasi Terdaftar"
msgid "Enable Mastodon Apps"
msgstr "Aktifkan Aplikasi Mastodon"
msgctxt "Code was never used"
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Tidak pernah"
msgid "Only the following sub-permissions:"
msgstr "Hanya sub-izin berikut:"
msgid "Requested permissions:"
msgstr "Izin yang diminta:"
msgid ""
"Do you want to log in to %1$s with your %2$s"
"strong> account?"
msgstr ""
"Anda ingin login ke %1$s dengan akun %2$s?"
msgid "Subscribe to push events for your account."
msgstr ""
"Berlangganan agar dapat menggunakan pemberitahuan push acara untuk akun Anda."
msgid "Follow other accounts using your account."
msgstr "Ikuti akun lain menggunakan akun Anda."
msgid ""
"Write information to your account, for example post a status on your behalf, "
"or edit your profile."
msgstr ""
"Tulis informasi pada akun Anda, misalnya poskan status atas nama Anda "
"sendiri, atau edit profil Anda."
msgid "Read information from your account, for example read your statuses."
msgstr "Baca informasi dari akun Anda, misalnya baca status Anda."
msgid "Contact your administrator for more details."
msgstr "Hubungi administrator Anda untuk informasi selengkapnya."
msgid "You don't have permission to use Mastodon Apps."
msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk menggunakan Aplikasi Mastodon."
msgid "Notification not found."
msgstr "Pemberitahuan tidak ditemukan."
msgid "Mastodon App"
msgstr "Aplikasi Mastodon"
msgid ""
"Because a new post is not created in the standard post format, it will be "
"published without title. To change this, select the standard"
"strong> post format in the Enable Mastodon Apps settings."
msgstr ""
"Karena tidak dibuat dalam format pos standar, pos baru akan dipublikasikan "
"tanpa judul. Untuk mengubahnya, pilih format pos standar di "
"pengaturan Aktifkan Aplikasi Mastodon."
msgid ""
"If you want to create a post in WordPress with a title, add a new line after "
"the title. The first line will then appear as the title of the post."
msgstr ""
"Jika ingin membuat pos di WordPress dengan judul, tambahkan baris baru "
"setelah judul. Baris pertama akan muncul sebagai judul pos."
msgid ""
"If you create a new note in this app, it will be created with the "
"%s post format."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda membuat catatan baru dalam aplikasi ini, catatan tersebut akan "
"dibuat dengan format pos %s."
msgid "Posts with the post format %s will appear in this app."
msgid_plural ""
"Posts with the post formats %s will appear in this app."
msgstr[0] ""
"Pos dengan format pos %s akan muncul di aplikasi ini."
msgstr[1] ""
"Pos dengan format pos %s akan muncul di aplikasi ini."
msgid ""
"Using this Mastodon app is made possible by the Enable Mastodon "
"Apps WordPress plugin on %2$s."
msgstr ""
"Aplikasi Mastodon ini dapat digunakan berkat plugin WordPress "
"Aktifkan Aplikasi Mastodon pada %2$s."
msgid "App registration has been disabled."
msgstr "Pendaftaran aplikasi dinonaktifkan."
msgid "unknown_error"
msgstr "error_tidak diketahui"
msgid "Could not delete app."
msgstr "Tidak dapat menghapus aplikasi."
msgid "Deleted app \"%s\"."
msgstr "Menghapus aplikasi \"%s\"."
msgid "Deleted %d token."
msgid_plural "Deleted %d tokens."
msgstr[0] "Menghapus %d token."
msgstr[1] "Menghapus %d token."
msgid "%d app logs were cleared."
msgid_plural "%d app logs were cleared."
msgstr[0] "%d log aplikasi dihapus."
msgstr[1] "%d log aplikasi dihapus."
msgid "App logs could not be cleared."
msgstr "Log aplikasi tidak dapat dihapus."
msgid "App logs were cleared."
msgstr "Log aplikasi dihapus."
msgid "Deleted %d app."
msgid_plural "Deleted %d apps."
msgstr[0] "Menghapus %d aplikasi."
msgstr[1] "Menghapus %d aplikasi."
msgid "Deleted %d access token."
msgid_plural "Deleted %d access tokens."
msgstr[0] "Menghapus %d token akses."
msgstr[1] "Menghapus %d token akses."
msgid "Deleted %d authorization code."
msgid_plural "Deleted %d authorization codes."
msgstr[0] "Menghapus %d kode otorisasi."
msgstr[1] "Menghapus %d kode otorisasi."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to change the settings."
msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak boleh mengubah pengaturan."
msgid "Mastodon Apps"
msgstr "Aplikasi Mastodon"
msgid "WooCommerce Analytics"
msgstr "WooCommerce Analytics"
msgid "Migrating the site"
msgstr "Migrasi situs"
msgid "Almost done! Configure Akismet and say goodbye to spam"
msgstr ""
"Hampir selesai! Konfigurasikan Akismet dan bebaskan diri Anda dari spam"
msgid ""
"{{span}}This site has WooCommerce installed.{{/span}} We do not recommend "
"syncing or pushing data from a staging site to live production news sites or "
"sites that use eCommerce plugins, such as WooCommerce, without proper "
"planning and testing. Keep in mind that data on the destination site could "
"have newer transactions, such as customers and orders, and would be lost "
"when overwritten by the staging site’s data."
msgstr ""
"{{span}}Situs ini telah diinstal WooCommerce.{{/span}} Kami tidak "
"menyarankan untuk menyinkronkan atau mengirimkan data dari situs staging ke "
"situs berita produksi yang aktif atau situs yang menggunakan plugin "
"eCommerce, seperti WooCommerce, tanpa perencanaan dan pengujian yang tepat. "
"Perlu diingat bahwa data di situs tujuan mungkin memiliki transaksi yang "
"lebih baru, seperti pelanggan dan pesanan, dan akan hilang ketika ditimpa "
"oleh data situs staging."
msgid "Cancel anyway"
msgstr "Batalkan saja"
msgid "Cancelling domain…"
msgstr "Membatalkan domain…"
msgid ""
"After you confirm this change, the subscription will be removed on "
msgstr ""
"Setelah mengonfirmasi perubahan ini, langganan akan dihapus pada tanggal "
msgid ""
"After you confirm this change, the domain will be removed on "
msgstr ""
"Setelah mengonfirmasi perubahan ini, domain akan dihapus pada tanggal "
msgid "After you confirm this change, the domain will be removed immediately."
msgstr "Setelah Anda mengonfirmasi perubahan ini, domain akan segera dihapus"
msgid ""
"Unable to apply introductory offer to %1$s for %2$s because this Gravatar "
"domain was registered less than three months ago."
msgstr ""
"Tidak dapat menerapkan promo awal pada %1$s untuk %2$s karena domain "
"Gravatar ini didaftarkan kurang dari tiga bulan yang lalu."
msgid "Spend"
msgstr "Belanja"
msgid "%s spend"
msgstr "Belanja %s"
msgid "Hosting features activated successfully!"
msgstr "Fitur hosting berhasil diaktifkan!"
msgid "Comments pagination"
msgstr "Navigasi komentar"
msgid "Posts pagination"
msgstr "Navigasi pos"
msgid ""
"Tested on {{span}}%(testedDate)s{{/span}}. {{button}}Test again{{/button}}"
msgstr ""
"Diuji pada {{span}}%(testedDate)s{{/span}}. {{button}}Uji lagi{{/button}}"
msgid "Publish your posts to Bluesky."
msgstr "Publikasikan pos Anda ke Bluesky."
msgid ""
"*If you exceed your plan's storage or traffic limits, you will be charged "
"{{b}}$0.50{{/b}} per GB and {{b}}$8{{/b}} per 10K visits per month."
msgstr ""
"*Jika Anda melebihi batas penyimpanan atau lalu lintas paket Anda, Anda akan "
"dikenakan biaya {{b}}$0,50{{/b}} per GB dan {{b}}$8{{/b}} per 10 ribu "
"kunjungan per bulan."
msgid "Finding the best solution for your page"
msgstr "Menemukan solusi terbaik untuk halaman Anda..."
msgid "How do I create a WooCommerce store?"
msgstr "Bagaimana cara membuat toko WooCommerce?"
msgid "Limit result set to items assigned one or more given formats."
msgstr "Batasi hasil pada item dengan satu atau lebih format yang ditetapkan."
msgid "Share posts to your Bluesky profile."
msgstr "Bagikan pos ke profil Bluesky Anda."
msgid "Sharing posts to your Bluesky profile."
msgstr "Membagikan pos ke profil Bluesky Anda."
msgid ""
"App password is needed to safely connect your account. App password is "
"different from your account password. You can {{link}}generate it in "
msgstr ""
"Kata sandi aplikasi diperlukan untuk menghubungkan akun Anda secara aman. "
"Kata sandi aplikasi berbeda dengan kata sandi akun Anda. Anda dapat {{link}}"
"membuatnya di Bluesky{{/link}}."
msgid "App password"
msgstr "Kata sandi aplikasi"
msgid "You can find the handle in your Bluesky profile."
msgstr "Anda dapat menemukan handle di profil Bluesky."
msgid "Handle"
msgstr "Handle"
msgid "Please enter a valid handle."
msgstr "Harap masukkan handle yang valid."
msgid ""
"Please {{a}}contact support{{/a}} if you need to disable defensive mode."
msgstr ""
"Mohon {{a}}hubungi layanan bantuan{{/a}} jika Anda perlu menonaktifkan mode "
msgid "Defensive mode was enabled on your behalf to protect your site."
msgstr "Mode pertahanan berhasil diaktifkan untuk melindungi situs Anda."
msgid ""
"Automattic for Agencies is a program designed for agencies, developers, and "
"freelancers who work with and provide services to their clients. Depending "
"on what you are looking for, you may want to check out one of our individual "
"products, like {{wp}}{{/wp}}, {{pressable}}{{/"
"pressable}}, {{woo}}{{/woo}}, {{jetpack}}{{/jetpack}}. If "
"you really aren't sure where to go, feel free to contact us at {{email}}"
"{{/email}} and we'll point you in the right "
msgstr ""
"Automattic for Agencies adalah program yang dirancang untuk agensi, "
"developer, dan freelancer yang bekerja untuk memberikan layanan kepada klien "
"mereka. Tergantung pada apa yang Anda cari, Anda mungkin ingin melihat salah "
"satu produk individual kami, seperti {{wp}}{{/wp}}, "
"{{pressable}}{{/pressable}}, {{woo}}{{/woo}}, {{jetpack}}"
"{{/jetpack}}. Jika Anda benar-benar tidak yakin ke mana harus "
"pergi, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami di {{email}}"
"{{/email}} dan kami akan menunjukkan Anda ke arah "
"yang benar."
msgid "It seems like we might not be the perfect match right now."
msgstr "Sepertinya saat ini kita mungkin belum berjodoh."
msgid ""
"For Woo stores, keep your orders and products current even if you need to "
"restore a prior backup."
msgstr ""
"Untuk toko Woo, data pesanan dan produk selalu terbarui meski dilakukan "
"pemulihan dengan cadangan sebelumnya."
msgid "Quality you can trust with more than 1.2 billion completed backups."
msgstr ""
"Kualitas tepercaya dengan pengalaman lebih dari 1,2 miliar pencadangan "
msgid ""
"Even if your server goes down, you’re still covered with our 24/7 cloud "
msgstr ""
"Meski server Anda mengalami gangguan, data Anda tetap aman dengan "
"pencadangan cloud 24 jam kami."
msgid "It’s simply the best WordPress backup solution."
msgstr "Inilah solusi pencadangan WordPress paling mantap."
msgid "Why VaultPress Backup?"
msgstr "Kenapa pilih VaultPress Backup?"
msgid "Get 50% off backups"
msgstr "Dapatkan diskon 50% untuk pencadangan"
msgid ""
"Do you have a backup plan? Let us take care of it for you and get 50% off "
"the full price for the first year."
msgstr ""
"Belum punya paket pencadangan? Biar kami yang urus, dan dapatkan diskon 50% "
"dari harga normal untuk tahun pertama."
msgid "Save every change and get back online quickly"
msgstr "Simpan semua perubahan dan segera kembali online"
msgid "Get 50% off Jetpack VaultPress Backup"
msgstr "Dapatkan diskon 50% untuk Jetpack VaultPress Backup"
msgctxt "Module Tag"
msgid "blocks"
msgstr "blok"
msgctxt "Module Description"
msgid "Add additional blocks to your site and post editors."
msgstr "Tambahkan blok lain ke situs dan editor pos. "
msgctxt "Module Name"
msgid "Blocks"
msgstr "Blok"
msgid ""
"* The migration limit is $10,000 for WP Engine and $3,000 for other hosts."
msgstr ""
"* Batas migrasi adalah $10.000 untuk WP Engine dan $3.000 untuk hosting "
msgid ""
"You cleared the edge cache recently. Please wait a minute and try again."
msgstr ""
"Anda baru saja membersihkan edge cache. Harap tunggu sebentar dan coba lagi."
msgid "You cleared all caches recently. Please wait a minute and try again."
msgstr ""
"Anda baru saja membersihkan semua cache. Mohon tunggu sebentar dan coba lagi."
msgid "Please use a valid Email address"
msgstr "Mohon gunakan alamat Email yang valid"
msgid ""
"Explore millions of blogs on Discover posts, from food and "
"art to travel and photography, and find popular sites that inspire and "
msgstr ""
"Jelajahi jutaan blog di Temukan pos, mulai dari makanan dan "
"seni hingga perjalanan dan fotografi, serta temukan situs populer yang "
"inspiratif dan informatif."
msgid "Failed to clear object cache."
msgstr "Gagal membersihkan object cache."
msgid "Enable defensive mode"
msgstr "Aktifkan mode pertahanan"
msgid "Disable defensive mode"
msgstr "Nonaktifkan mode pertahanan"
msgid "{{b}}Defensive mode is enabled{{/b}} until %(date)s."
msgstr "{{b}}Mode pertahanan diaktifkan{{/b}} hingga %(date)s."
msgid ""
"Extra protection against spam bots and attacks. Visitors will see a quick "
"loading page while we run additional security checks. {{a}}Learn more{{/a}}"
msgstr ""
"Perlindungan ekstra terhadap bot spam dan serangan. Pengunjung akan melihat "
"halaman yang dimuat dengan cepat sementara kami menjalankan pemeriksaan "
"keamanan tambahan. {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/a}}"
msgid "Defensive mode"
msgstr "Mode pertahanan"
msgid "2 days"
msgstr "2 hari"
msgid "Clear object cache"
msgstr "Bersihkan object cache"
msgid "Clear edge cache"
msgstr "Bersihkan edge cache"
msgid "Clearing the cache may temporarily make your site less responsive."
msgstr ""
"Membersihkan cache dapat membuat situs Anda menjadi kurang responsif untuk "
"sementara waktu."
msgid "Clear all caches"
msgstr "Bersihkan semua cache"
msgid "Failed to disable defensive mode."
msgstr "Gagal menonaktifkan mode pertahanan."
msgid "Failed to enable defensive mode."
msgstr "Gagal mengaktifkan mode pertahanan."
msgid "Successfully disabled defensive mode."
msgstr "Berhasil menonaktifkan mode pertahanan."
msgid "Successfully enabled defensive mode."
msgstr "Berhasil mengaktifkan mode pertahanan."
msgid "Failed to clear edge cache."
msgstr "Gagal membersihkan edge cache."
msgid ""
"From now until the end of 2024, you’ll receive $100 for each site you "
"migrate to Pressable or, up to $10,000.* If you’re a WP Engine "
"customer, we’ll also credit the costs to set you free. {{a}}Full Terms ↗{{/"
msgstr ""
"Mulai sekarang hingga akhir tahun 2024, Anda akan menerima $100 untuk setiap "
"situs yang Anda migrasikan ke Pressable atau, hingga $10.000.* "
"Jika Anda adalah pelanggan WP Engine, kami juga akan mengkreditkan biaya "
"tersebut agar Anda bisa mendapatkannya secara gratis. {{a}}Persyaratan "
"Lengkap ↗{{/a}}"
msgid ""
"Limited time offer: Migrate your sites to Pressable or and "
"earn up to $10,000!"
msgstr ""
"Penawaran dalam waktu terbatas: Migrasi situs Anda ke Pressable atau "
" dan dapatkan penghasilan hingga $10.000!"
msgid ""
"Sorry, you seem to be requesting too many links sent to you at the same time."
msgstr ""
"Maaf, sepertinya Anda meminta terlalu banyak kiriman tautan sekaligus. "
msgid "Legacy widget"
msgstr "Widget Lama"
msgid "Approval step"
msgstr "Langkah persetujuan"
msgid "Require approval step when optimizing existing media."
msgstr ""
"Mewajibkan langkah persetujuan saat mengoptimalkan media yang sudah ada."
msgid "Pre-upload compression"
msgstr "Kompresi sebelum mengunggah"
msgid "Compress media items before uploading to the server."
msgstr "Mengompresi item media sebelum mengunggahnya ke server."
msgid "Customize options related to the media upload flow."
msgstr "Sesuaikan pilihan terkait alur pengunggahan media."
msgid "Show starter patterns"
msgstr "Tampilkan pola awal"
msgid "Shows starter patterns when creating a new page."
msgstr "Menampilkan pola awal saat membuat halaman baru."
msgid "Set styles for the site’s background."
msgstr "Mengatur gaya untuk latar belakang situs."
msgid "Use up and down arrow keys to resize the meta box panel."
msgstr ""
"Gunakan tombol panah atas dan panah bawah untuk mengatur ukuran panel kotak "
msgid "Reload full page"
msgstr "Muat ulang seluruh halaman"
msgid ""
"Enhancement disabled because there are non-compatible blocks inside the "
"Query block."
msgstr ""
"Peningkatan dinonaktifkan karena ada blok yang tidak kompatibel di dalam "
"blok Permintaan Informasi."
msgid ""
"Reload the full page—instead of just the posts list—when visitors navigate "
"between pages."
msgstr ""
"Muat ulang seluruh halaman, bukan hanya daftar pos, saat pengunjung melihat-"
"lihat halaman."
msgid "Query block: Reload full page enabled"
msgstr "Blok Permintaan Informasi: Muat ulang seluruh halaman diaktifkan"
msgid "Categories List"
msgstr "Daftar Kategori"
msgid "Terms List"
msgstr "Daftar Istilah"
msgid "Show empty terms"
msgstr "Tampilkan istilah kosong"
msgid "Show only top level terms"
msgstr "Tampilkan hanya istilah level teratas"
msgid "Drag and drop patterns into the canvas."
msgstr "Seret dan lepas pola ke kanvas."
msgid "Migrate your WP Engine site to for free."
msgstr "Migrasikan situs WP Engine Anda ke, gratis."
msgid "Migrate from WP Engine to"
msgstr "Migrasi dari WP Engine ke"
msgid "Texture"
msgstr "Tekstur"
msgid "Origami"
msgstr "Origami"
msgid "Sell courses"
msgstr "Jual kursus"
msgid ""
"We could not verify your credentials. Can you double check your account "
"information and try again?"
msgstr ""
"Kami tidak dapat memverifikasi kredensial Anda. Dapatkah Anda memeriksa "
"ulang informasi akun Anda dan mencoba lagi?"
msgid "Check your password."
msgstr "Periksa kata sandi Anda."
msgid "Check your username."
msgstr "Periksa nama pengguna Anda."
msgid "Check your site address."
msgstr "Periksa alamat situs Anda."
msgid "Verifying credentials"
msgstr "Memverifikasi kredensial"
msgid "Anyone with the link can view your site"
msgstr "Siapa pun yang memiliki tautan tersebut dapat melihat situs Anda"
msgid ""
"With our program, you can earn partner badges and align your agency with "
"Woo, Jetpack,, and Pressable, enabling you to secure placement "
"in multiple partner directory listings. All you need to do is demonstrate "
"your expertise in supporting clients for each brand to get listed on their "
"directory page."
msgstr ""
"Dengan program kami, Anda bisa mendapatkan lencana mitra dan menyelaraskan "
"agensi Anda dengan Woo, Jetpack,, dan Pressable, sehingga Anda "
"bisa mendapatkan penempatan di beberapa daftar direktori mitra. Yang perlu "
"Anda lakukan adalah menunjukkan keahlian Anda dalam mendukung klien untuk "
"setiap brand agar terdaftar di halaman direktori mereka."
msgid "Grow your business by getting listed on our partner directories"
msgstr "Kembangkan bisnis Anda dengan mendaftarkannya di direktori mitra kami"
msgid ""
"You can also earn a five basis points commission on WooPayments TPV (Total "
"Payments Volume) by referring new clients to WooPayments."
msgstr ""
"Anda juga bisa mendapatkan komisi lima basis poin dari TVP (Total Volume "
"Pembayaran) WooPayments dengan mereferensikan klien baru ke WooPayments."
msgid ""
"With our novel create-a-cart feature, you can add any product in our "
"marketplace to a cart for your client to purchase in just a few clicks. Once "
"your client makes the purchase, you will receive a quarterly recurring "
"commission (up to 50%)."
msgstr ""
"Dengan fitur baru 'buat keranjang', Anda bisa menambahkan produk apa pun di "
"marketplace kami ke keranjang untuk dibeli oleh klien Anda hanya dengan "
"beberapa klik. Setelah klien Anda melakukan pembelian, Anda akan menerima "
"komisi berulang setiap tiga bulan (hingga 50%)."
msgid "Earn recurring commissions on referrals"
msgstr "Dapatkan komisi berulang dari referral"
msgid ""
"We will bill you at the start of each month for any hosting or products used "
"in the previous month. These are charged on a per-day basis."
msgstr ""
"Kami akan menagih Anda di awal setiap bulan untuk hosting atau produk apa "
"pun yang digunakan di bulan sebelumnya. Tagihan ini ditagih per hari."
msgid ""
"We aim to ensure your business grows with as little upfront cost as "
"possible. That's why we've adopted a pay-for-what-you-use model across all "
"our products, including hosting. This allows you to add and remove products "
"as needed without paying for a whole year upfront to get the best prices."
msgstr ""
"Kami bertujuan untuk memastikan bisnis Anda berkembang dengan biaya di muka "
"sesedikit mungkin. Itulah mengapa kami mengadopsi model bayar sesuai "
"penggunaan di semua produk kami, termasuk hosting. Hal ini memungkinkan Anda "
"untuk menambah dan menghapus produk sesuai kebutuhan tanpa membayar satu "
"tahun penuh di muka untuk mendapatkan harga terbaik."
msgid "Only pay for what you use"
msgstr "Bayar hanya untuk apa yang Anda gunakan"
msgid ""
"This is just the beginning. We look forward to partnering with you and "
"seeing what the next chapter brings."
msgstr ""
"Ini baru permulaan. Kami berharap dapat bermitra dengan Anda dan melihat apa "
"yang akan terjadi di masa mendatang."
msgid "Tooling to help you be more efficient"
msgstr "Perangkat untuk membantu Anda menjadi lebih efisien"
msgid "Recurring commissions on product referrals – including WooPayments"
msgstr "Komisi berulang untuk produk referral - termasuk WooPayments"
msgid "Earn partner badges to align your agency with Automattic brands"
msgstr ""
"Dapatkan lencana mitra untuk menyelaraskan agensi Anda dengan brand "
msgid "Significant discounts on our products and services"
msgstr "Diskon besar untuk produk dan layanan kami"
msgid ""
"Automattic for Agencies is a new agency program that combines the best of "
"Automattic's offerings all in one place. By partnering with us, you will "
"have opportunities to grow your business with:"
msgstr ""
"Automattic for Agencies adalah program baru untuk agensi yang menggabungkan "
"penawaran terbaik Automattic di satu tempat. Dengan bermitra bersama kami, "
"Anda akan memiliki peluang untuk mengembangkan bisnis Anda:"
msgid "Manage all of your client sites in a single place"
msgstr "Kelola semua situs klien Anda di satu tempat"
msgid "Boost your agency's visibilty across our partner directories"
msgstr "Tingkatkan visibilitas agensi Anda di seluruh direktori mitra kami"
msgid "Start earning commission on referrals"
msgstr "Mulai dapatkan komisi dari referral"
msgid "Explore our best-in-class hosting and plugins"
msgstr "Jelajahi hosting dan plugin kami yang terbaik di kelasnya"
msgid "Add your first site"
msgstr "Tambahkan situs pertama Anda"
msgid "Error unignoring threat. Please contact support."
msgstr "Terjadi eror saat berhenti mengabaikan ancaman. Mohon hubungi bantuan."
msgid "Threat unignored."
msgstr "Ancaman tidak diabaikan."
msgid "Unignoring threat…"
msgstr "Berhenti mengabaikan ancaman..."
msgid "Jetpack will unignore the threat."
msgstr "Jetpack akan berhenti mengabaikan ancaman."
msgid ""
"By unignoring this threat you confirm that you have reviewed the detected "
"code and assume the risks of keeping a potentially malicious file on your "
"site. If you are unsure please request an estimate with Codeable."
msgstr ""
"Dengan berhenti mengabaikan ancaman ini berarti Anda mengonfirmasi bahwa "
"Anda telah meninjau kode yang terdeteksi dan menanggung risiko menyimpan "
"file berbahaya di situs Anda. Jika Anda tidak yakin, silakan meminta "
"diagnosis dari Codeable."
msgid "Jetpack will unignore the threat:"
msgstr "Jetpack akan berhenti mengabaikan ancaman:"
msgid "Do you really want to unignore this threat?"
msgstr "Anda yakin ingin berhenti mengabaikan ancaman ini?"
msgid "Unignore threat"
msgstr "Berhenti mengabaikan ancaman"
msgid ""
"Include only your company name; save any descriptors for the Company bio "
msgstr ""
"Cantumkan hanya nama perusahaan Anda; simpan deskriptor apa pun untuk bagian "
"biografi Perusahaan."
msgid ""
"WooPayments: Earn a recurring 5bps commission on Total Payment Volume (TPV) "
"for any new clients referred. {{a}}Learn{{nbsp/}}more ↗{{/a}}"
msgstr ""
"WooPayments: Dapatkan komisi berulang sebesar 5bps dari Total Volume "
"Pembayaran (TPV) untuk setiap klien baru yang direferensikan. {{a}}Pelajari "
"{{nbsp/}}lebih lanjut ↗{{/a}}"
msgid "I do not work at an agency. I'm a site owner."
msgstr "Saya tidak bekerja di sebuah agensi. Saya adalah pemilik situs."
msgid "I'm a freelancer"
msgstr "Saya seorang pekerja lepas"
msgid "I'm in sales, marketing, or operations at an agency"
msgstr ""
"Saya bekerja di bagian penjualan, pemasaran, atau operasional di sebuah "
msgid "I'm a developer at an agency"
msgstr "Saya seorang developer di sebuah agensi"
msgid "I'm an agency owner"
msgstr "Saya seorang pemilik agensi"
msgid "How would you describe yourself?"
msgstr "Bagaimana Anda menggambarkan diri Anda?"
msgid "Update information"
msgstr "Perbarui informasi"
msgid "Email confirmed! Update domains' contact information if necessary."
msgstr "Email telah dikonfirmasi! Perbarui informasi kontak domain jika perlu."
msgid "Expires in %(days)d day"
msgid_plural "Expires in %(days)d days"
msgstr[0] "Berakhir dalam %(days)d hari"
msgstr[1] "Berakhir dalam %(days)d hari"
msgid "Expires in %(durationString)s"
msgstr "Berakhir dalam %(durationString)s"
msgid "Expired."
msgstr "Kedaluwarsa."
msgid "50% off your first year"
msgstr "Diskon 50% untuk tahun pertama Anda"
msgid "Campaign objective"
msgstr "Tujuan kampanye"
msgid ""
"This theme costs %(annualPrice)s per year or %(monthlyPrice)s per month, and "
"can't be purchased on a trial site. Please upgrade to the "
"%(ecommercePlanName)s plan to install this theme."
msgstr ""
"Tema ini harganya %(annualPrice)s per tahun atau %(monthlyPrice)s per bulan, "
"dan tidak dapat dibeli di situs uji coba. Mohon upgrade ke paket "
"%(ecommercePlanName)s untuk menginstal tema ini."
msgid ""
"You have a subscription for this theme, but it isn't usable on a trial plan "
"site. Please upgrade to the %(ecommercePlanName)s plan to "
"install this theme."
msgstr ""
"Anda telah berlangganan tema ini, tetapi tema ini tidak dapat digunakan pada "
"situs di paket uji coba. Mohon upgrade ke paket %(ecommercePlanName)s"
"link> untuk menginstal tema ini."
msgid ""
"This theme can't be installed on a trial site. Please upgrade to the "
"%(ecommercePlanName)s plan to install this theme."
msgstr ""
"Tema ini tidak dapat diinstal di situs percobaan. Mohon upgrade ke "
"paket %(ecommercePlanName)s untuk menginstal tema ini."
msgid ""
"You do not have the correct user permissions to perform this action. Please "
"contact your site admin if you think this is a mistake."
msgstr ""
"Anda tidak memiliki izin pengguna yang tepat untuk melakukan tindakan ini. "
"Hubungi admin situs jika Anda yakin ini adalah sebuah kesalahan."
msgid ""
"Contact us at any time if you need assistance with Jetpack: https://jetpack."
msgstr ""
"Hubungi kami kapan pun Anda butuh bantuan terkait Jetpack: https://jetpack."
msgid ""
"To fix your broken connection, please reconnect it on the Connection "
"Management page: %s"
msgid_plural ""
"To fix your broken connections, please reconnect them on the Connection "
"Management page: %s"
msgstr[0] ""
"Untuk memperbaiki koneksi yang putus, sambungkan kembali di halaman "
"Pengelolaan Koneksi: %s"
msgstr[1] ""
"Untuk memperbaiki koneksi yang putus, sambungkan kembali di halaman "
"Pengelolaan Koneksi: %s"
msgid ""
"Contact us at any time "
"if you need assistance with Jetpack."
msgstr ""
"Hubungi kami kapan pun "
"Anda butuh bantuan terkait Jetpack."
msgid ""
"To fix your broken connection, please reconnect it on the Connection Management page."
msgid_plural ""
"To fix your broken connections, please reconnect them on the Connection Management page."
msgstr[0] ""
"Untuk memperbaiki koneksi yang putus, sambungkan kembali di halaman Pengelolaan Koneksi."
msgstr[1] ""
"Untuk memperbaiki koneksi yang putus, sambungkan kembali di halaman Pengelolaan Koneksi."
msgid ""
"The following connections are broken on your site and need to be fixed to "
"continue auto-sharing to them:"
msgstr ""
"Koneksi berikut di situs Anda putus dan harus diperbaiki agar berbagi "
"otomatis ke koneksi tersebut dapat berlanjut:"
msgid "Your site has %d broken connection"
msgid_plural "Your site has %d broken connections"
msgstr[0] "Ada %d koneksi yang putus di situs Anda"
msgstr[1] "Ada %d koneksi yang putus di situs Anda"
msgid "You have a broken connection"
msgid_plural "You have broken connections"
msgstr[0] "Ada koneksi yang putus"
msgstr[1] "Ada koneksi yang putus"
msgid "Fix your broken social connection"
msgid_plural "Fix your broken social connections"
msgstr[0] "Perbaiki koneksi sosial yang putus "
msgstr[1] "Perbaiki koneksi sosial yang putus "
msgid "Thanks for the feedback! Tell us more about your experience"
msgstr ""
"Terima kasih atas feedbacknya! Ceritakan lebih lanjut tentang pengalaman Anda"
msgid "An error occurred while moving the items to the trash."
msgstr "Terjadi error saat memindahkan item ke tempat sampah."
msgid "An error occurred while moving the item to the trash."
msgstr "Terjadi error saat memindahkan item ke tempat sampah."
msgid "Are you sure you want to move \"%s\" to the trash?"
msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin memindahkan \"%s\" ke tempat sampah?"
msgid "There was an error updating the font family. %s"
msgstr "Terjadi error saat memperbarui kelompok font. %s"
msgid "An error occurred while creating the item."
msgstr "Terjadi error saat membuat item."
msgctxt "Adjective: e.g. \"Comments are open\""
msgid "Open"
msgstr "Buka"
msgctxt "font source"
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Kustom"
msgctxt "font source"
msgid "Theme"
msgstr "Tema"
msgctxt "date order"
msgid "dmy"
msgstr "dmy"
msgctxt "font weight"
msgid "Extra Black"
msgstr "Lebih Hitam"
msgctxt "font style"
msgid "Oblique"
msgstr "Oblique"
msgctxt "Unlock content locked blocks"
msgid "Unlock"
msgstr "Buka kunci"
msgctxt "Unlock content locked blocks"
msgid "Modify"
msgstr "Modifikasi"
msgctxt "Block with fixed width in flex layout"
msgid "Fixed"
msgstr "Tetap"
msgctxt "Block with expanding width in flex layout"
msgid "Grow"
msgstr "Tumbuh"
msgctxt "Intrinsic block width in flex layout"
msgid "Fit"
msgstr "Pas"
msgid "Determines the order of pages."
msgstr "Menentukan urutan halaman."
msgid ""
"Determines the order of pages. Pages with the same order value are sorted "
"alphabetically. Negative order values are supported."
msgstr ""
"Menentukan urutan halaman. Halaman yang nilai urutannya sama diurutkan "
"menurut abjad. Nilai urutan negatif didukung."
msgid "Change status: %s"
msgstr "Ubah status: %s"
msgid "Upload failed, try again."
msgstr "Gagal mengunggah, coba lagi."
msgid "Edit or replace the featured image"
msgstr "Edit atau ganti gambar andalan"
msgid ""
"They also show up as sub-items in the default navigation menu. Learn more."
msgstr ""
"Ini juga muncul sebagai subitem di menu navigasi default. Baca "
msgid "Go to Site Editor"
msgstr "Buka Editor Situs"
msgid "All items"
msgstr "Semua item"
msgid ""
"Visitors cannot add new comments or replies. Existing comments remain "
msgstr ""
"Pengunjung tidak dapat menambahkan komentar atau balasan baru. Komentar yang "
"sudah ada tetap dapat dilihat."
msgid "Author avatar"
msgstr "Avatar penulis"
msgid "Select a page to edit"
msgstr "Pilih halaman untuk diedit"
msgid "Post Edit"
msgstr "Edit Pos"
msgid "All headings"
msgstr "Semua judul"
msgid "Typesets"
msgstr "Menata cetak"
msgid "Font size preset name"
msgstr "Nama preset ukuran font"
msgid "Create and edit the presets used for font sizes across the site."
msgstr ""
"Buat dan edit preset yang digunakan untuk ukuran font di keseluruhan situs."
msgid "New Font Size %d"
msgstr "Ukuran Font Baru %d"
msgid "Reset font size presets"
msgstr "Reset preset ukuran font"
msgid "Remove font size presets"
msgstr "Hapus preset ukuran font"
msgid "Font size presets options"
msgstr "Pilihan preset ukuran font"
msgid "Add font size"
msgstr "Tambahkan ukuran font"
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to reset all font size presets to their default values?"
msgstr ""
"Apakah Anda yakin ingin mereset semua preset ukuran font ke nilai default?"
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove all custom font size presets?"
msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus semua ukuran font khusus?"
msgid "Font size presets"
msgstr "Preset ukuran font"
msgid "Maximum"
msgstr "Maximum"
msgid "Minimum"
msgstr "Minimum"
msgid "Set custom min and max values for the fluid font size."
msgstr "Atur nilai minimum dan maksimum kustom untuk ukuran font fleksibel."
msgid "Custom fluid values"
msgstr "Nilai fleksibel kustom"
msgid "Scale the font size dynamically to fit the screen or viewport."
msgstr ""
"Ubah ukuran font secara dinamis agar sesuai dengan layar atau area tampilan."
msgid "Fluid typography"
msgstr "Tipografi fleksibel"
msgid "Font size options"
msgstr "Pilihan ukuran font"
msgid "Manage the font size %s."
msgstr "Kelola ukuran font %s."
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete \"%s\" font size preset?"
msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus preset ukuran font \"%s\"?"
msgid "Font family updated successfully."
msgstr "Kelompok font berhasil diperbarui."
msgid "No fonts activated."
msgstr "Tidak ada font yang diaktifkan."
msgid "Draft new: %s"
msgstr "Buat draf baru: %s"
msgid ""
"New to the block editor? Want to learn more about using it? Here's a "
"detailed guide."
msgstr ""
"Baru mengenal editor blok? Ingin mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang "
"penggunaannya? Berikut panduan terperincinya."
msgid "Move %s down"
msgstr "Pindahkan %s ke bawah"
msgid "Move %s up"
msgstr "Pindahkan %s ke atas"
msgid "%d Item"
msgid_plural "%d Items"
msgstr[0] "%d Item"
msgstr[1] "%d Item"
msgid "Select AM or PM"
msgstr "Pilih AM atau PM"
msgid "Custom Template Part"
msgstr "Bagian Templat Kustom"
msgid "Create new %s"
msgstr "Buat %s baru"
msgid "Choose an existing %s."
msgstr "Pilih %s yang sudah ada."
msgid "Edit social link"
msgstr "Edit tautan media sosial"
msgid "Sticky posts always appear first, regardless of their publish date."
msgstr "Pos lekat selalu ditampilkan pertama, kapan pun tanggal publikasinya."
msgid ""
"Display a list of posts or custom post types based on specific criteria."
msgstr ""
"Tampilkan daftar pos atau tipe pos khusus berdasarkan kriteria spesifik."
msgid ""
"Display a list of posts or custom post types based on the current template."
msgstr ""
"Tampilkan daftar pos atau tipe pos khusus berdasarkan templat saat ini."
msgid ""
"Select the type of content to display: posts, pages, or custom post types."
msgstr "Pilih tipe konten untuk ditampilkan: pos, halaman, tipe pos khusus."
msgid ""
"Your site doesn’t include support for the \"%s\" block. You can leave it as-"
"is or remove it."
msgstr ""
"Situs Anda tidak mendukung blok \"%s\". Anda dapat membiarkannya seperti ini "
"atau menghapusnya."
msgid ""
"Your site doesn’t include support for the \"%s\" block. You can leave it as-"
"is, convert it to custom HTML, or remove it."
msgstr ""
"Situs Anda tidak mendukung blok \"%s\". Anda dapat membiarkannya seperti "
"ini, mengubahnya menjadi HTML kustom, atau menghapusnya."
msgid "La Mancha"
msgstr "La Mancha"
msgid "Media Files"
msgstr "Berkas Media"
msgid "Link images to media files"
msgstr "Tautkan gambar ke berkas media"
msgid "Link images to attachment pages"
msgstr "Tautkan gambar ke halaman lampiran"
msgid "%s Embed"
msgstr "Sematan %s"
msgid "Embed caption text"
msgstr "Sematkan teks keterangan"
msgid "Attributes connected to custom fields or other dynamic data."
msgstr "Atribut yang terhubung ke kolom kustom atau data dinamis lainnya."
msgid "Invalid source"
msgstr "Sumber tidak valid"
msgid "Only one image can be used as a background image."
msgstr "Hanya satu gambar yang dapat digunakan sebagai gambar latar belakang."
msgid "Background size, position and repeat options."
msgstr "Pilihan ukuran, posisi, dan pengulangan latar belakang."
msgid "{{a}}View all recommendations{{/a}}"
msgstr "{{a}}Lihat semua rekomendasi{{/a}}"
msgid ""
"Invalid `file`. Must be a string <= 255 bytes and contain only alphanumeric "
"characters, spaces, dots, forward slashes, backslashes, hyphens, "
"underscores, colons, and parentheses."
msgstr ""
"`Berkas` tidak sah. Harus berupa string <= 255 byte dan hanya berisi "
"karakter alfanumerik, spasi, titik, garis miring, garis miring terbalik, "
"tanda hubung, garis bawah, titik dua, dan tanda kurung."
msgid "Getting your site pages"
msgstr "Mengakses halaman situs Anda"
msgid ""
"Please share the following details to access your site and start your "
"migration to"
msgstr ""
"Mohon bagikan detail berikut untuk mengakses situs Anda dan memulai migrasi "
"Anda ke"
msgid "Tell us about your WordPress site"
msgstr "Beritahu kami tentang situs WordPress Anda"
msgid "Current site address"
msgstr "Alamat situs saat ini"
msgid "I need help, please contact me"
msgstr "Saya butuh bantuan, mohon hubungi saya"
msgid ""
"Your account is blocked from creating new developer sites. Please get in "
"touch with our support team for assistance."
msgstr ""
"Akun Anda diblokir untuk membuat situs developer baru. Silakan hubungi tim "
"layanan bantuan kami untuk mendapatkan bantuan."
msgid ""
"We’ve detected activity on your %1$s that requires an upgrade to maintain "
"Akismet protection."
msgid_plural ""
"We’ve detected activities on your %1$s that require an upgrade to maintain "
"Akismet protection."
msgstr[0] ""
"Kami menemukan adanya aktivitas di %1$s Anda yang mengharuskan upgrade "
"Akismet agar situs tetap terlindungi."
msgstr[1] ""
"Kami menemukan adanya aktivitas di %1$s Anda yang mengharuskan upgrade "
"Akismet agar situs tetap terlindungi."
msgid ""
"If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us at: %1$s."
msgstr "Jika Anda punya pertanyaan atau butuh bantuan, hubungi kami di: %1$s"
msgid ""
"Your current Akismet Personal plan does not support (%1$s) %2$s. We are able "
"to support personal blogs for free by asking sites with commercial "
"activities to upgrade to a paid plan. This allows us to work together to "
"protect the web from spam."
msgstr ""
"Paket Personal Akismet Anda saat ini tidak mendukung (%1$s) %2$s. Kami mampu "
"mendukung blog personal secara gratis dengan meminta situs yang terlibat "
"dalam aktivitas komersial untuk melakukan upgrade ke paket berbayar. Dengan "
"demikian, kita dapat saling membantu untuk melindungi web dari spam."
msgid ""
"We reviewed your %1$s on %2$s and found some commercial activities or "
"integrations (%3$s):"
msgstr ""
"Kami telah meninjau %1$s Anda pada %2$s dan menemukan sejumlah aktivias atau "
"integrasi komersial (%3$s):"
msgid ""
"Please upgrade your %1$s (%2$s) by %3$s to keep your %4$s protected from "
msgstr ""
"Silakan upgrade %1$s Anda (%2$s) paling lambat %3$s untuk melindungi %4$s "
"Anda dari spam."
msgid ""
"Your current Akismet Personal plan does not support (%1$s) these activities. "
"We are able to support personal blogs for free by asking sites with "
"commercial activities to upgrade to a paid plan. This allows us to work "
"together to protect the web from spam. We also offer free Akismet licenses "
"for qualified nonprofit organizations (%2$s)."
msgstr ""
"Paket Personal Akismet Anda saat ini tidak mendukung (%1$s) aktivitas ini. "
"Kami mampu mendukung blog personal secara gratis dengan meminta situs yang "
"terlibat dalam aktivitas komersial untuk melakukan upgrade ke paket "
"berbayar. Dengan demikian, kita dapat saling membantu untuk melindungi web "
"dari spam. Kami juga menawarkan lisensi Akismet gratis untuk organisasi "
"nirlaba yang memenuhi syarat (%2$s)."
msgid ""
"We recently reviewed your %1$s on %2$s and found some commercial activities "
"or integrations (%3$s):"
msgstr ""
"Kami baru-baru ini meninjau %1$s Anda pada %2$s dan menemukan sejumlah "
"aktivias atau integrasi komersial (%3$s):"
msgid ""
"If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda punya pertanyaan atau butuh bantuan, hubungi kami."
msgid "site’s"
msgid_plural "sites’"
msgstr[0] "situs"
msgstr[1] "situs"
msgid "site is"
msgid_plural "sites are"
msgstr[0] "situs adalah"
msgstr[1] "situs adalah"
msgid ""
"Your current Akismet Personal plan does not support %2$s. We are able to support personal "
"blogs for free by asking sites with commercial activities to upgrade to a "
"paid plan. This allows us to work together to protect the web from spam."
msgstr ""
"Paket Personal Akismet Anda saat ini tidak mendukung %2$s. Kami mampu mendukung blog "
"personal secara gratis dengan meminta situs yang terlibat dalam aktivitas "
"komersial untuk melakukan upgrade ke paket berbayar. Dengan demikian, kita "
"dapat saling membantu untuk melindungi web dari spam."
msgid ""
"We reviewed your %1$s on %2$s and found some commercial activities or integrations"
msgstr ""
"Kami telah meninjau %1$s Anda pada %2$s dan menemukan sejumlah aktivitas atau integrasi komersial"
msgid "site:"
msgid_plural "sites:"
msgstr[0] "situs:"
msgstr[1] "situs:"
msgid "We previously emailed you about your use of Akismet on your %1$s"
msgstr ""
"Kami sebelumnya telah mengirimkan email kepada Anda perihal penggunaan "
"Akismet di %1$s Anda."
msgid ""
"If you have any questions or believe you have received this email in error, "
"please get in touch by replying to this email."
msgstr ""
"Jika ada pertanyaan atau yakin bahwa Anda seharusnya tidak menerima email "
"ini, hubungi kami dengan cara membalas email ini."
msgid ""
"Please upgrade your "
"%2$s by %3$s to keep your %4$s protected from spam."
msgstr ""
"Silakan upgrade "
"%2$s Anda paling lambat %3$s untuk melindungi %4$s Anda dari spam."
msgid "this activity"
msgid_plural "these activities"
msgstr[0] "aktivitas ini"
msgstr[1] "aktivitas ini"
msgid ""
"Your current Akismet Personal plan does not support %2$s. We are able to support personal "
"blogs for free by asking sites with commercial activities to upgrade to a "
"paid plan. This allows us to work together to protect the web from spam. We "
"also offer free Akismet licenses for qualified nonprofit organizations."
msgstr ""
"Paket Personal Akismet Anda saat ini tidak mendukung %2$s. Kami mampu mendukung blog "
"personal secara gratis dengan meminta situs yang terlibat dalam aktivitas "
"komersial untuk melakukan upgrade ke paket berbayar. Dengan demikian, kita "
"dapat saling membantu untuk melindungi web dari spam. Kami juga menawarkan "
"lisensi Akismet gratis untuk organisasi nirlaba yang memenuhi syarat."
msgid ""
"We recently reviewed your %1$s on %2$s and found some commercial activities or integrations"
msgstr ""
"Kami baru-baru ini meninjau %1$s Anda pada %2$s dan menemukan sejumlah aktivitas atau integrasi "
msgid ""
"Akismet has %1$s comment and form spam submissions on your site, keeping "
"your site annoyance-free."
msgid_plural ""
"Akismet has %1$s comment and form spam submissions across your sites, "
"keeping them annoyance-free."
msgstr[0] ""
"Akismet telah %1$s pengiriman komentar atau formulir yang bersifat spam ke "
"situs Anda, sehingga situs Anda bebas gangguan."
msgstr[1] ""
"Akismet telah %1$s pengiriman komentar atau formulir yang bersifat spam ke "
"seluruh situs Anda, sehingga situs Anda bebas gangguan."
msgid "been blocking"
msgstr "memblokir"
msgid "blocked over %s"
msgstr "memblokir lebih dari %s"
msgid "blocked thousands of"
msgstr "memblokir ribuan"
msgid "blocked over a thousand"
msgstr "memblokir lebih dari seribu"
msgid "blocked hundreds of"
msgstr "memblokir ratusan"
msgid "blocked over a hundred"
msgstr "memblokir lebih dari seratus"
msgid "blocked dozens of"
msgstr "memblokir lusinan"
msgid "blocked over a dozen"
msgstr "memblokir lebih dari selusin"
msgid "Thank you for using Akismet on %s."
msgstr "Terima kasih telah menggunakan Akismet di %s."
msgid "Thank you for using Akismet on your sites:"
msgstr "Terima kasih telah menggunakan Akismet di situs Anda:"
msgid "You've got mail!"
msgstr "Anda dapat email baru!"
msgid ""
"{{b}}%(productName)s{{/b}} will be canceled, and you will no longer have "
"access to it. Are you sure you want to cancel?"
msgstr ""
"{{b}}%(productName)s{{/b}} akan dibatalkan, dan Anda tidak akan bisa lagi "
"mengaksesnya. Anda yakin ingin membatalkan?"
msgid "Get Security now"
msgstr "Dapatkan Security sekarang"
msgid "Get Search now"
msgstr "Dapatkan Search sekarang"
msgid "Get VideoPress now"
msgstr "Dapatkan VideoPress sekarang"
msgid "Stunning-quality, ad-free video in the WordPress Editor."
msgstr "Video berkualitas dan bebas iklan di Editor WordPress."
msgid "Get Stats now"
msgstr "Dapatkan Stats sekarang"
msgid "Understand your visitors and grow your site."
msgstr "Pahami pengunjung Anda untuk pengembangan situs."
msgid ""
"You don't need to be a data scientist to see how your site is performing."
msgstr ""
"Anda tak perlu jadi analis data profesional untuk memantau performa situs."
msgid "Get Social now"
msgstr "Dapatkan Media Sosial sekarang"
msgid ""
"Great for: bloggers, news organizations, membership sites, online forums, "
"WooCommerce stores."
msgstr ""
"Cocok untuk: blogger, kantor berita, situs keanggotaan, forum online, toko "
msgid ""
"Discover the most popular tags on Whatever your interests, "
"find a tag and dive into posts that inspire and inform."
msgstr ""
"Temukan tag paling populer di Apa pun minat Anda, temukan tag "
"dan jelajahi pos yang inspiratif dan informatif."
msgid ""
"Jetpack Boost automatically optimizes images and delivers them using a "
"Global CDN to ensure they load lightning fast."
msgstr ""
"Jetpack Boost secara otomatis mengoptimalkan gambar dan mengirimkannya "
"menggunakan CDN Global untuk memastikan gambar dimuat dengan cepat."
msgid "Install the %(pluginName)s plugin"
msgstr "Instal plugin %(pluginName)s"
msgid ""
"For redundancy, your site will replicate in real-time to a second data "
"center in a different region. {{supportLink}}Learn more{{/supportLink}}."
msgstr ""
"Situs Anda akan direplikasi secara real-time ke pusat data kedua di wilayah "
"yang berbeda. {{supportLink}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/supportLink}}."
msgid ""
"Your site will be placed in the optimal data center, but you can "
"{{customizeLink}}customize it{{/customizeLink}}."
msgstr ""
"Situs Anda akan ditempatkan di pusat data yang optimal, tetapi Anda bisa "
msgid ""
"{{strong}}You won't be billed today.{{/strong}} Invoices are sent on the "
"first of every month and are based on the number of days your product "
"licenses were active in the previous month. Your first invoice will be "
msgstr ""
"{{strong}}Anda tidak akan ditagih hari ini.{{/strong}} Tagihan dikirimkan "
"pada tanggal 1 setiap bulan dan didasarkan pada jumlah hari lisensi produk "
"Anda aktif pada bulan sebelumnya. Tagihan pertama Anda akan diprorata."
msgid ""
"The performance score is a combined representation of your site‘s individual "
"speed metrics."
msgstr ""
"Skor performa merupakan representasi gabungan dari kecepatan masing-masing "
"metrik di situs Anda."
msgid "(PS)"
msgstr "(SP)"
msgid "What is Performance Score?"
msgstr "Apa itu Skor Performa?"
msgid "Your site‘s Performance Score needs improvement"
msgstr "Skor Performa situs Anda perlu ditingkatkan"
msgid "Your site‘s Performance Score is excellent"
msgstr "Skor Performa situs Anda sangat bagus"
msgid "Your site‘s Performance Score is poor"
msgstr "Skor Performa situs Anda buruk"
msgid "(%(from)s-%(to)s) "
msgstr "(%(from)s-%(to)s)"
msgid "(%(from)s–%(to)s)"
msgstr "(%(from)s–%(to)s)"
msgid "(90–%(to)s)"
msgstr "(90–%(to)s)"
msgid "See calculator ↗"
msgstr "Lihat kalkulator ↗"
msgid "How to interpret the search input."
msgstr "Cara menginterpretasikan input pencarian."
msgid "This offer is limited to one per customer."
msgstr "Penawaran ini dibatasi satu per pelanggan."
msgid "You've earned a free %1$s %2$s plan for a year, worth %3$s."
msgstr ""
"Anda telah memperoleh paket %2$s %1$s gratis selama setahun, senilai %3$s."
msgid "Email report example"
msgstr "Contoh laporan e-mail"
msgid ""
"We were unable to reliably load the page you requested. Make sure you are "
"testing the correct URL and that the server is properly responding to all "
"requests. "
msgstr ""
"Kami tidak dapat memuat halaman yang Anda minta dengan baik. Pastikan Anda "
"menguji URL yang benar dan server merespons semua permintaan dengan benar. "
msgid ""
"Check your inbox at {{wrapper}}%(email)s{{/wrapper}} for the confirmation "
"email, or click 'Resend Email' to get a new one."
msgstr ""
"Periksa inbox Anda di {{wrapper}}%(email)s{{/wrapper}} untuk e-mail "
"konfirmasi, atau klik 'Kirim Ulang E-mail' untuk mendapatkan e-mail yang "
msgid ""
"{{a}}%(siteURL)s{{/a}} is now ready. It may take a few minutes for it to "
"show up in the site list below."
msgstr ""
"{{a}}%(siteURL)s{{/a}} sekarang sudah siap. Mungkin diperlukan beberapa "
"menit untuk menampilkannya di daftar situs di bawah ini."
msgid ""
"{{a}}%(siteURL)s{{/a}} is now ready. It may take a few minutes for it to "
"show up in the site list below. Before the site launches, you will be able "
"to find it under {{developmentTabLink}}Development{{/developmentTabLink}}."
msgstr ""
"{{a}}%(siteURL)s{{/a}} sekarang sudah siap. Mungkin perlu beberapa menit "
"untuk memunculkannya di daftar situs di bawah ini. Sebelum situs ini "
"diluncurkan, Anda akan dapat menemukannya di bagian {{developmentTabLink}}"
msgid ""
"Can't access that email? {{emailPreferences}}Click here to update it{{/"
msgstr ""
"Tidak dapat mengakses e-mail tersebut? {{emailPreferences}}Klik di sini "
"untuk memperbaruinya{{/emailPreferences}}."
msgid "Verify your email to secure your account and access more features."
msgstr ""
"Verifikasi e-mail Anda untuk mengamankan akun Anda dan mengakses lebih "
"banyak fitur."
msgid ""
"Your plan is now with Automattic for Agencies. You won't be billed until "
"{{bold}}%(date)s{{/bold}}.{{br/}}{{a}}Learn about billing for transferred "
msgstr ""
"Paket Anda sekarang menggunakan Automattic for Agencies. Anda tidak akan "
"ditagih hingga {{bold}}%(date)s{{/bold}}.{{br/}}{{a}}Pelajari tentang "
"penagihan untuk situs yang ditransfer{{icon/}}{{/a}}"
msgid "Transferred"
msgstr "Ditransfer"
msgid "Re-run test"
msgstr "Jalankan ulang pengujian"
msgid "Results not available"
msgstr "Hasil tidak tersedia"
msgid "You have a new order! %1$s"
msgstr "Ada pesanan baru! %1$s"
msgid ""
"The %1$s Plan unlocks powerful hosting and opens up access to "
"all your favorite plugins and themes, custom code, WP-CLI, GitHub "
"deployments, and staging sites."
msgstr ""
"Paket %1$s menghadirkan hosting yang andal dan membuka akses "
"ke semua plugin dan tema favorit, kode kustom, WP-CLI, deployment GitHub, "
"dan situs staging."
msgid ""
"The %1$s Plan unlocks powerful %2$s hosting and opens up access to all your "
"favorite plugins and themes, custom code, WP-CLI, GitHub deployments, and "
"staging sites."
msgstr ""
"Paket %1$s menghadirkan hosting %2$s yang andal dan membuka akses ke semua "
"plugin dan tema favorit, kode kustom, WP-CLI, deployment GitHub, dan situs "
msgid "Now’s the time—your discount will expire soon."
msgstr "Gerak cepat! Diskon akan segera berakhir."
msgid "Claim your gift"
msgstr "Ambil hadiah Anda"
msgid "You've earned a free %1$s plan for a year, worth %2$s."
msgstr ""
"Anda telah memperoleh paket %1$s gratis selama setahun, "
"senilai %2$s."
msgid "A year of free hosting is just a few clicks away..."
msgstr "Hosting gratis selama setahun, tinggal beberapa klik lagi ..."
msgid "Yep, 100% free."
msgstr "Ya, 100% gratis."
msgid "Get your free year of hosting"
msgstr "Dapatkan hosting gratis selama setahun"
msgid ""
"This Pressable account is managed by the Agency Owner user on your account. "
"If you'd like access to this Pressable account, request that they add you as "
"a user in Pressable."
msgstr ""
"Akun Pressable ini dikelola oleh pengguna Pemilik Agensi di akun Anda. Jika "
"Anda ingin mengakses akun Pressable ini, mintalah mereka menambahkan Anda "
"sebagai pengguna di Pressable."
msgid "Managed by agency owner"
msgstr "Dikelola oleh pemilik agensi"
msgid "DNSSEC is only available for domains using nameservers"
msgstr ""
"DNSSEC hanya tersedia untuk domain yang menggunakan nameserver"
msgid ""
"We ran into a problem submitting your details. Please try again shortly."
msgstr ""
"Kami mengalami kendala saat mengirimkan detail Anda. Mohon coba lagi segera."
msgid ""
"Congratulations, %1$s, you’ve been accepted into the WP "
"Cloud program!"
msgstr "Selamat, %1$s, Anda diterima di program WP Cloud!"
msgid "Integrations with top shipping carriers."
msgstr "Integrasi dengan jasa ekspedisi terkemuka"
msgid "Shipping & tracking"
msgstr "Pengiriman & pelacakan"
msgid "Product Add-Ons"
msgstr "Add-on produk"
msgid "Breeze past DDoS attacks thanks to real-time monitoring and mitigation."
msgstr ""
"Atasi serangan DDoS dengan mudah lewat pemantauan dan mitigasi real-time."
msgid ""
"We have a dedicated team identifying potential vulnerabilities for WordPress "
"and plugins, ensuring early detection and preventing future attacks."
msgstr ""
"Ada tim khusus yang mampu mengidentifikasi kerentanan WordPress dan plugin "
"sehingga risiko dapat dideteksi lebih dini dan masalah di kemudian hari bisa "
"dicegah. "
msgid ""
"We value your interest and hope to have the opportunity to review a new "
"application from you in the future. If you have any questions or would like "
"further feedback, feel free to reach out to us at %1$s."
msgstr ""
"Kami mengapresiasi minat Anda dan berharap bisa meninjau permohonan baru "
"Anda di kesempatan yang akan datang. Jika ada pertanyaan atau ingin umpan "
"balik lebih lanjut, hubungi kami di %1$s."
msgid "Manage Account: %s"
msgstr "Kelola Akun: %s"
msgid "Need help? Contact support: %s"
msgstr "Perlu bantuan? Hubungi dukungan: %s"
msgid "Thanks for being a part of"
msgstr "Terima kasih sudah menggunakan"
msgid ""
"If automatic renewal is disabled and you didn’t receive the renewal email "
"reminder yet, you can still renew your domain(s) at the current lower price "
"until %s:"
msgstr ""
"Jika perpanjangan otomatis dinonaktifkan dan Anda tidak menerima email "
"pengingat perpanjangan, Anda masih dapat memperpanjang domain(-domain) Anda "
"dengan harga saat ini yang lebih rendah hingga %s:"
msgid "- .%1$s: %2$s%3$s/year\n"
msgstr "- .%1$s: %2$s%3$s/tahun\n"
msgid ""
"Here is the new pricing for your domain(s) (see full updated price list)"
msgstr ""
"Berikut adalah harga baru untuk domain(-domain) Anda (lihat daftar semua "
"harga yang telah diperbarui)"
msgid "You can verify your domain(s) expiration/renewal dates here"
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat memverifikasi tanggal kedaluwarsa/perpanjangan domain(-domain) "
"Anda di sini"
msgid "Domain Pricing and Available TLDs"
msgstr "Harga Domain dan TLD yang Tersedia"
msgid ""
"We are writing to inform you that due to a recent price increase at our "
"registry partners, we will need to adjust our pricing for domain "
"registrations, transfers, and renewals. The new pricing takes effect "
"immediately for any domains registered or transferred after today. For "
"domains you registered or transferred after %s, you’ll be automatically "
"charged these new prices at your next domain renewal, unless you already "
"received the automatic renewal email reminder with the old price."
msgstr ""
"Karena kenaikan harga yang baru diberlakukan di mitra registri kami, kami "
"perlu menyesuaikan harga registrasi domain, transfer, dan perpanjangan. "
"Harga baru segera berlaku untuk semua domain yang didaftarkan atau "
"ditransfer setelah hari ini. Untuk domain yang Anda daftarkan atau transfer "
"setelah %s, harga baru ini akan dikenakan secara otomatis untuk perpanjangan "
"domain berikutnya, kecuali jika Anda menerima email pengingat perpanjangan "
"otomatis dengan harga lama."
msgid "Your Friends at"
msgstr "Teman Anda di"
msgid "Thanks for being a part of"
msgstr "Terima kasih sudah menggunakan"
msgid ""
"We understand that price changes can be inconvenient and we want to assure "
"you that we have made every effort to keep these adjustments as minimal as "
"possible. Our goal is always to provide you with the best service at "
"competitive rates and to continue offering industry-leading DNS services, "
"free registrant identity protection, and world class support."
msgstr ""
"Kami memahami bahwa perubahan harga dapat menimbulkan ketidaknyamanan dan "
"kami ingin memastikan bahwa kami telah berupaya meminimalkan berbagai "
"penyesuaian ini. Tujuan kami adalah memberikan layanan terbaik dengan tarif "
"kompetitif dan terus menawarkan layanan DNS terkemuka dalam industri, "
"perlindungan identitas pendaftar secara gratis, dan dukungan kelas dunia."
msgid ""
"If automatic renewal is disabled and you didn’t receive the renewal email "
"reminder yet, you can still renew your domain(s) at the current lower price "
"until %s:"
msgstr ""
"Jika perpanjangan otomatis dinonaktifkan dan Anda tidak menerima email "
"pengingat perpanjangan, Anda masih dapat memperpanjang domain(-domain) Anda "
"dengan harga saat ini yang lebih rendah hingga %s:"
msgid ""
"Here is the new pricing for your domain(s) (see full updated price "
"list here):"
msgstr ""
"Berikut adalah harga baru untuk domain(-domain) Anda (lihat daftar semua "
"harga yang telah diperbarui):"
msgid ""
"We are writing to inform you that due to a recent price increase at our "
"registry partners, we will need to adjust our pricing for domain "
"registrations, transfers, and renewals. The new pricing "
"takes effect immediately for any domains registered or transferred after "
"today. For domains you registered or transferred after %2$s"
"strong>, you’ll be automatically charged these new prices at your next "
"domain renewal, unless you already received the automatic renewal email "
"reminder with the old price. You can verify your domain(s) expiration/"
"renewal dates here."
msgstr ""
"Karena kenaikan harga yang baru diberlakukan di mitra registri kami, kami "
"perlu menyesuaikan harga registrasi domain, transfer, dan perpanjangan. Harga baru segera berlaku untuk semua domain yang "
"didaftarkan atau ditransfer setelah hari ini. Untuk domain yang Anda "
"daftarkan atau transfer setelah %2$s, harga baru ini akan "
"dikenakan secara otomatis untuk perpanjangan domain berikutnya, kecuali jika "
"Anda menerima email pengingat perpanjangan otomatis dengan harga lama. Anda "
"dapat memverifikasi tanggal kedaluwarsa/perpanjangan domain(-domain) Anda di sini."
msgid "View the new pricing details for your domain."
msgstr "Lihat perincian harga baru untuk domain Anda."
msgid "Finish sign up using your account"
msgstr "Selesaikan pendaftaran menggunakan akun Anda"
msgid "Continue to Automattic for Agencies"
msgstr "Lanjutkan ke Automattic for Agencies"
msgid ""
"Share any other details that will help us access your site for the migration"
msgstr ""
"Bagikan detail lainnya yang akan membantu kami dalam mengakses situs Anda "
"untuk migrasi."
msgid "Enter your WordPress site address"
msgstr "Masukkan alamat situs WordPress Anda."
msgid "Loading: %(pageTitle)s"
msgstr "Memuat: %(pageTitle)s"
msgid "Testing your site may take around 30 seconds."
msgstr "Menguji situs Anda mungkin membutuhkan waktu sekitar 30 detik."
msgid "Failed to unsubscribe from email alerts for %s"
msgstr "Gagal berhenti berlangganan peringatan e-mail untuk %s"
msgid "Unsubscribing email alerts for %s"
msgstr "Berhenti berlangganan peringatan e-mail untuk %s"
msgid "{{a}}View %(quantity)d recommendation{{/a}}"
msgid_plural "{{a}}View %(quantity)d recommendations{{/a}}"
msgstr[0] "{{a}}Lihat %(quantity)d rekomendasi{{/a}}"
msgstr[1] "{{a}}Lihat %(quantity)d rekomendasi{{/a}}"
msgid "(Over %(from)s%(unit)s) "
msgstr "(Lebih %(from)s%(unit)s) "
msgid "(%(from)s–%(to)s%(unit)s)"
msgstr "(%(from)s–%(to)s%(unit)s)"
msgid "(0–%(to)s%(unit)s)"
msgstr "(0–%(to)s%(unit)s)"
msgid "The site has been successfully deleted."
msgstr "Situs telah berhasil dihapus."
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the site {{b}}%(siteDomain)s{{/b}}?"
msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus situs {{b}}%(siteDomain)s{{/b}}?"
msgid "An error occurred while deleting the site."
msgstr "Terjadi eror saat menghapus situs."
msgid ""
"To learn more about the program, visit the official website at %1$s or read "
"our announcement post at %2$s."
msgstr ""
"Untuk membaca selengkapnya tentang program ini, buka situs resmi di %1$s "
"atau baca pos pengumuman kami %2$s."
msgid "Apply now at %s."
msgstr "Ajukan sekarang di %s."
msgid ""
"Did you know that you can cash in on all that traffic with the Automattic "
"Affiliate Program?"
msgstr ""
"Apakah Anda mengetahui bahwa Anda dapat memperoleh keuntungan dari semua "
"lalu lintas tersebut dengan Program Afiliasi Automattic?"
msgid ""
"To learn more about the program, visit the official website or read our announcement post."
msgstr ""
"Untuk membaca selengkapnya tentang program ini, buka situs resmi atau baca pos pengumuman kami."
msgid ""
"If our products feel like a good fit for your audience, apply for the "
"program today. If you’re approved, you’ll be all set to start earning one-"
"time, lump sum commission payments for each and every referral."
msgstr ""
"Jika produk kami cocok dengan audiens Anda, daftarkan diri Anda ke program "
"ini sekarang. Jika pendaftaran Anda disetujui, Anda akan menerima pembayaran "
"komisi satu kali untuk tiap referensi."
msgid ""
"Exclusively offered to owners of high-traffic sites like yours, the program "
"provides an opportunity for creators to earn extra income by promoting the "
"full suite of trusted Automattic products, including, "
"WooCommerce Marketplace, Jetpack, and more."
msgstr ""
"Ditawarkan secara eksklusif kepada pemilik situs dengan lalu lintas tinggi "
"seperti Anda, program ini memberikan kesempatan kepada kreator untuk "
"memperoleh penghasilan tambahan dengan mempromosikan paket lengkap produk "
"Automattic yang tepercaya, seperti, WooCommerce Marketplace, "
"Jetpack, dan lain-lain."
msgid ""
"Did you know that you can cash in on all that traffic with the Automattic Affiliate "
msgstr ""
"Apakah Anda mengetahui bahwa Anda dapat memperoleh keuntungan dari semua "
"lalu lintas tersebut dengan Program Afiliasi Automattic?"
msgid ""
"We’re thrilled to see %s getting lots of visits — keep up the awesome work!"
msgstr "Kami senang melihat %s mendapatkan banyak kunjungan — lanjutkan!"
msgid "A new income opportunity is here."
msgstr "Ada kesempatan baru untuk memperoleh penghasilan."
msgid ""
"Promote some of the web’s most popular products and services, and boost your "
msgstr ""
"Promosikan beberapa produk dan layanan terpopuler di web, lalu tingkatkan "
"penghasilan Anda."
msgid ""
"By proceeding, you'll lose management access of all sites that belong to "
"this agency and you will be removed from this dashboard. {{br/}}The agency "
"owner will need to re-invite you if you wish to gain access again."
msgstr ""
"Dengan melanjutkan, Anda akan kehilangan akses pengelolaan semua situs milik "
"agensi ini dan Anda akan dihapus dari dasbor ini. {{br/}}Pemilik agensi "
"perlu mengundang Anda kembali jika Anda ingin mendapatkan akses lagi."
msgid "Are you sure you want to leave %(agencyName)s?"
msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin meninggalkan %(agencyName)s?"
msgid "Remove team member"
msgstr "Hapus anggota tim"
msgid "Leave agency"
msgstr "Tinggalkan agensi"
msgid ""
"Please do not set name servers manually, toggle that on with "
"the switch above. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}"
msgstr ""
"Jangan mengatur name server secara manual, aktifkan dengan "
"tombol di atas. {{link}}Pelajari lebih lanjut{{/link}}"
msgid "resend the email"
msgstr "kirim ulang e-mail"
msgid "resend the email (%(countdown)d)"
msgstr "kirimi ulang e-mail (%(countdown)d)"
msgid ""
"Didn't receive the email? You might want to double check your spam folder, "
"or "
msgstr ""
"Tidak menerima email? Anda mungkin ingin memeriksa ulang folder spam Anda, "
"atau "
msgid "We've sent a login link to {{strong}}%(emailAddress)s{{/strong}}."
msgstr ""
"Kami telah mengirimkan tautan login ke {{strong}}%(emailAddress)s{{/strong}}."
msgid "You've got mail"
msgstr "Anda telah menerima e-mail"
msgid "After installing the plugin:"
msgstr "Setelah menginstal plugin:"
msgid "Use your license key below to activate your product."
msgstr "Gunakan kunci lisensi di bawah ini untuk mengaktifkan produk Anda."
msgid ""
"Click the {{strong}}Activate a license{{/strong}} link at the bottom of the "
msgstr ""
"Klik tautan {{strong}}Aktifkan lisensi{{/strong}} di bagian bawah halaman."
msgid "From WP Admin, go to {{strong}}Jetpack > My Jetpack{{/strong}}."
msgstr "Dari WP Admin, buka {{strong}}Jetpack > My Jetpack{{/strong}}."
msgid ""
"Alternatively, you can find the %1$s plugin in the plugins directory."
msgstr ""
"Anda juga dapat menemukan %1$s plugin di direktori plugin"
msgid ""
"Go to Plugins > Add New Plugin, then search for %1$s"
"strong>, install, and activate."
msgstr ""
"Buka Plugin > Tambahkan Plugin Baru, lalu cari %1$s, "
"instal, dan aktifkan."
msgid "Activate your license key to begin."
msgstr "Aktifkan kunci lisensi Anda untuk memulai."
msgid "Manage your profile"
msgstr "Kelola profil Anda"
msgid ""
"Our global team of Happiness Engineers are here to answer your questions "
msgstr ""
"Tim global Happiness Engineers kami siap menjawab pertanyaan Anda kapan saja."
msgid "Dedicated support:"
msgstr "Dukungan khusus:"
msgid "Put your questions to rest"
msgstr "Pertanyaan Anda akan terjawab"
msgid ""
"Explore our comprehensive documentation to get the most out of Automattic "
"for Agencies."
msgstr ""
"Jelajahi dokumentasi lengkap untuk memaksimalkan Automattic for Agencies."
msgid "Knowledge base:"
msgstr "Basis pengetahuan:"
msgid "Learn about the program"
msgstr "Baca tentang program ini"
msgid ""
"Get listed in our exclusive partner directories and utilize Automattic’s "
"powerful network to get more client leads."
msgstr ""
"Daftarkan diri Anda ke direktori mitra eksklusif kami dan gunakan jaringan "
"Automattic yang kuat untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak calon klien."
msgid "Partner directories:"
msgstr "Direktori mitra:"
msgid "View centralized billing details"
msgstr "Lihat perincian penagihan terpusat"
msgid ""
"Manage billing and licenses for all of your Automattic products from a "
"single location."
msgstr ""
"Kelola penagihan dan lisensi untuk semua produk Automattic dari satu lokasi."
msgid "Centralized billing:"
msgstr "Penagihan terpusat:"
msgid "Learn more about referrals"
msgstr "Baca selengkapnya tentang rujukan"
msgid ""
"Earn recurring commissions of up to 50% when you refer products and hosting "
"to your clients."
msgstr ""
"Dapatkan komisi berulang sampai 50% jika Anda memberikan rujukan produk dan "
"hosting kepada klien."
msgid "Referrals:"
msgstr "Rujukan:"
msgid "Dive into the marketplace"
msgstr "Jelajahi marketplace"
msgid "Enjoy volume discounts on over 60 Woo extensions and Jetpack products."
msgstr ""
"Dapatkan diskon volume untuk lebih dari 60 ekstensi Woo dan produk Jetpack."
msgid "See what agencies are saying"
msgstr "Simak pernyataan agensi"
msgid ""
"Explore world-class scalable hosting solutions, developed exclusively for "
"WordPress. Want to host with us? We’ll migrate your sites hassle-free!"
msgstr ""
"Jelajahi solusi kelas dunia yang dapat ditingkatkan, yang dikembangkan "
"secara eksklusif untuk WordPress. Ingin menggunakan layanan hosting kami? "
"Kami akan memigrasikan situs-situs Anda secara mudah!"
msgid "Hosting & migrations:"
msgstr "Hosting & migrasi:"
msgid "Explore the site management tool"
msgstr "Jelajahi alat pengelolaan situs"
msgid ""
"Add all of your sites to manage from a centralized location, regardless of "
msgstr ""
"Tambahkan semua situs Anda untuk dikelola dari lokasi terpusat, apa pun "
msgid ""
"We’re on a mission to help your agency prosper and thrive with the best of "
"what Automattic has to offer. Here are some resources to get you started:"
msgstr ""
"Misi kami adalah membantu agensi Anda tumbuh dan berkembang dengan semua "
"dukungan terbaik dari Automattic. Berikut beberapa materi untuk membantu "
"Anda memulai:"
msgid "Automattic for Agencies Platform Agreement"
msgstr "Perjanjian Penggunaan Platform Automattic for Agencies"
msgid "and agree to the"
msgstr "dan menyetujui"
msgid "have read our"
msgstr "telah membaca"
msgid ""
"By clicking “Finish signing up” you’ll be creating a account, "
"or approving a pre-existing account if you have one. You agree "
"to our"
msgstr ""
"Dengan mengklik “Selesaikan pendaftaran”, Anda akan membuat akun WordPress."
"com atau menerima akun lama jika Anda sudah mempunyai satu "
"akun. Anda menyetujui"
msgid ""
"Automattic for Agencies will help to streamline your agency’s operations and "
"amplify your business with our suite of best-in-class products."
msgstr ""
"Automattic for Agencies membantu mengefisienkan operasi agensi dan "
"memperluas bisnis bersama produk-produk terbaik kami."
msgid "Get started with Automattic for Agencies!"
msgstr "Mulai dengan Automattic for Agencies!"
msgid "Staging sites are only available to sites launched in production."
msgstr ""
"Situs staging hanya tersedia untuk situs yang diluncurkan dalam produksi."
msgid "Ready to launch?"
msgstr "Siap untuk diluncurkan?"
msgid "You're about to launch this website"
msgstr "Kamu akan meluncurkan situs ini"
msgid ""
"Please provide the team with a detailed explanation of the issue you’re "
"facing, including steps to reproduce the issue on our end and/or URLs. "
"Providing these details will greatly help us with your support request."
msgstr ""
"Berikan penjelasan detail kepada tim kami mengenai kendala yang Anda hadapi, "
"termasuk langkah-langkah untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut di pihak kami dan/"
"atau URL. Detail informasi yang diberikan akan sangat membantu kami dalam "
"menangani permintaan bantuan Anda."
msgid ""
"Your request will be routed directly to a Pressable support specialist to "
"chat about your needs."
msgstr ""
"Permintaan Anda akan diarahkan langsung ke layanan khusus bantuan Pressable "
"untuk mendiskusikan tentang kebutuhan Anda."
msgid "Would you like help with Pressable sales or support?"
msgstr ""
"Apakah Anda memerlukan bantuan dengan layanan penjualan atau bantuan "
msgid "What plugins and themes are installed on this site?"
msgstr "Apa plugin dan tema yang terinstal di situs ini?"
msgid "Can I change a PHP version for my site in Studio?"
msgstr "Dapatkah saya mengubah versi PHP untuk situs saya di Studio?"
msgid "Where can I find the database of this site?"
msgstr "Di mana saya dapat menemukan basis data situs ini?"
msgid "Device"
msgstr "Perangkat"
msgid "Agencies open to remote work"
msgstr "Agensi yang terbuka untuk kerja jarak jauh"
msgid "Accepts remote work"
msgstr "Menerima kerja jarak jauh"
msgid "The WP Cloud Team"
msgstr "Tim WP Cloud"
msgid ""
"Thank you for applying to WP Cloud. After careful consideration, we're sorry "
"to inform you that we cannot proceed with your application."
msgstr ""
"Terima kasih sudah mendaftar di WP Cloud. Setelah mempertimbangkan secara "
"cermat, dengan menyesal kami informasikan bahwa kami tidak dapat memproses "
"permohonan pendaftaran Anda."
msgid ""
"We’ve received your application and will be in touch with a decision via "
"email in a few business days. In some cases, we may reach out to ask for "
"additional information which could delay the decision process slightly. "
"Either way, we will keep you posted on the status of your application."
msgstr ""
"Kami telah menerima permohonan Anda dan keputusan akan segera kami sampaikan "
"melalui email dalam beberapa hari kerja. Dalam beberapa situasi, kami "
"mungkin menghubungi Anda untuk meminta informasi tambahan yang dapat sedikit "
"menunda pengambilan keputusan. Apa pun situasinya, kami akan "
"menginformasikan status permohonan Anda."
msgid "Thank you for applying to WP Cloud!"
msgstr "Terima kasih sudah mendaftar di WP Cloud!"
msgid ""
"Thanks again for taking the time to apply to join WP Cloud, we’re looking "
"forward to seeing the incredible experiences you’ll host."
msgstr ""
"Terima kasih karena Anda telah mengajukan permohonan untuk bergabung dengan "
"WP Cloud. Kami ingin memberi Anda pengalaman hosting yang mengesankan."
msgid "Update on your WP Cloud Application"
msgstr "Pembaruan Pendaftaran WP Cloud Anda"
msgid "We’ve received your WP Cloud application"
msgstr "Kami telah menerima pendaftaran WP Cloud Anda"
msgid ""
"We’ve reviewed your application and are pleased to inform you that it has "
"been accepted."
msgstr "Setelah meninjau, kami menerima pendaftaran Anda."
msgid "Your WP Cloud application has been accepted!"
msgstr "Pendaftaran WP Cloud Anda diterima!"
msgid ""
"To restore your site’s spam protection, please upgrade your plan at: %1$s."
msgstr ""
"Pulihkan perlindungan situs dari spam dengan melakukan upgrade paket di: "
msgid ""
"As a result of %1$s, your Akismet protection has been paused. Your %2$s "
"currently not protected from spam."
msgstr ""
"%1$s mengakibatkan perlindungan Akismet Anda dihentikan sementara. %2$s Anda "
"saat ini tidak terlindungi dari spam."
msgid "Download full-size image"
msgstr "Unduh gambar ukuran penuh"
msgid "Sorry, the page you were looking for doesn‘t exist or has been moved."
msgstr "Maaf, halaman yang Anda cari tidak ada atau telah dipindahkan."
msgid "All recommendations"
msgstr "Semua rekomendasi"
msgid "Great job! We didn't find any recommendations for improving %(metric)s."
msgstr "Bagus sekali! Kami tidak menemukan rekomendasi peningkatan %(metric)s."
msgid ""
"We found %(numRecommendations)d thing you can do for improving %(metric)s."
msgid_plural ""
"We found %(numRecommendations)d things you can do for improving %(metric)s."
msgstr[0] ""
"Kami menemukan %(numRecommendations)d hal yang dapat ditingkatkan %(metric)s."
msgstr[1] ""
"Kami menemukan %(numRecommendations)d hal yang dapat ditingkatkan %(metric)s."
msgid "Learn about restores"
msgstr "Pelajari tentang pemulihan"
msgid "Learn about the file browser"
msgstr "Pelajari tentang pencarian file"
msgid ""
"We encountered some issues with the latest backup, but don't worry! We're "
"using the most recent backup available. {{ExternalLink}}Learn more.{{/"
msgstr ""
"Kami mengalami beberapa kendala dengan cadangan terbaru, tetapi jangan "
"khawatir! Kami menggunakan cadangan terbaru yang tersedia. {{ExternalLink}}"
"Pelajari lebih lanjut.{{/ExternalLink}}"
msgid ""
"Clients can't access the {{HcLink}} Help Center{{/HcLink}} or "
"{{HfLink}}hosting features{{/HfLink}} on development sites. You may "
"configure access after the site is launched."
msgstr ""
"Klien tidak dapat mengakses {{HcLink}}Pusat Bantuan{{/HcLink}} "
"atau {{HfLink}}fitur hosting{{/HfLink}} di situs pengembangan. Anda dapat "
"mengonfigurasikan akses setelah situs diluncurkan."
msgid "Agency settings"
msgstr "Pengaturan agensi"
msgid "Headless WordPress & Woo"
msgstr "Headless WordPress & Woo"
msgid "AI-powered Web Applications"
msgstr "Aplikasi Web yang Didukung AI"
msgid "%(pendingSites)d of 5 free licenses available"
msgstr "Tersedia %(pendingSites)d dari 5 lisensi gratis"
msgid ""
"Develop up to 5 sites at{{nbsp/}}once with free development "
"licenses.{{br/}}Only pay when you launch!"
msgstr ""
"Kembangkan hingga lima situs secara{{nbsp/}}bersamaan dengan "
"lisensi pengembangan gratis.{{br/}}Bayar setelah peluncuran."
msgid "Start Building for Free"
msgstr "Mulai Membuat secara Gratis"
msgid ""
"The Chrome User Experience Report collects speed data from real site visits. "
"Sites with low-traffic don‘t provide enough data to generate historical "
msgstr ""
"Laporan Pengalaman Pengguna Chrome mengumpulkan data kecepatan dari "
"kunjungan situs nyata. Situs dengan lalu lintas yang rendah tidak memberikan "
"data yang cukup untuk menunjukkan tren riwayat."
msgid "No history available"
msgstr "Tidak ada riwayat yang tersedia"
msgid ""
"After launch, we'll bill {{strong}}%(agencyName)s{{/strong}} in the next "
"billing cycle. With %(licenseCount)s production hosting license, you will be "
"charged %(price)s / license / month. {{a}}Learn more.{{/a}}"
msgid_plural ""
"After launch, we'll bill {{strong}}%(agencyName)s{{/strong}} in the next "
"billing cycle. With %(licenseCount)s production hosting licenses, you will "
"be charged %(price)s / license / month. {{a}}Learn more.{{/a}}"
msgstr[0] ""
"Setelah peluncuran, kami akan menagih {{strong}}%(agencyName)s{{/strong}} "
"pada siklus penagihan berikutnya. Dengan lisensi hosting produksi "
"%(licenseCount)s, Anda akan dikenakan biaya %(price)s / lisensi / bulan. "
"{{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut.{{/a}}"
msgstr[1] ""
"Setelah peluncuran, kami akan menagih {{strong}}%(agencyName)s{{/strong}} "
"pada siklus penagihan berikutnya. Dengan lisensi hosting produksi "
"%(licenseCount)s, Anda akan dikenakan biaya %(price)s / lisensi / bulan. "
"{{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut.{{/a}}"
msgid "This may take around 30 seconds."
msgstr "Ini mungkin memerlukan waktu sekitar 30 detik."
msgid "Ready to go live?"
msgstr "Siap untuk live?"
msgid ""
"You will be taken to the Automattic for Agencies portal."
msgstr ""
"Anda akan diarahkan ke portal Automattic for Agencies."
msgid ""
"You will create a account to join the agency, if you already "
"have one, you'll be asked to confirm."
msgstr ""
"Anda akan membuat akun untuk bergabung dengan agensi. Jika "
"sudah mempunyai akun, Anda akan dimintai konfirmasi."
msgid "By clicking \"Accept invite\":"
msgstr "Dengan mengklik \"Terima undangan\":"
msgid ""
"Your payment for the latest invoice is now overdue. To continue purchasing "
"products and maintain uninterrupted services,{{br/}}please make your payment "
"as soon as{{nbsp/}}possible."
msgstr ""
"Pembayaran Anda untuk faktur terakhir telah jatuh tempo. Untuk melanjutkan "
"pembelian produk dan menjaga layanan agar tidak ada gangguan,{{br/}}lakukan "
"pembayaran sesegera{{nbsp/}}mungkin."
msgid "Continue to write your first post"
msgstr "Teruskan menulis pos pertama"
msgid "Reposts"
msgstr "Pos Ulang"
msgid ""
"Clients can’t access the {{HcLink}} Help Center{{/HcLink}} or "
"{{HfLink}}hosting features{{/HfLink}} on development sites. Once the site is "
"launched, enable access in Site Settings."
msgstr ""
"Klien tidak dapat mengakses {{HcLink}}Pusat Bantuan{{/HcLink}} "
"atau {{HfLink}}fitur hosting{{/HfLink}} pada situs pengembangan. Setelah "
"situs diluncurkan, aktifkan akses di Pengaturan Situs."
msgid ""
"We are using a full backup from yesterday (%(baseBackupDate)s) with "
"%(eventsCount)d change you have made since then until now."
msgid_plural ""
"We are using a full backup from yesterday (%(baseBackupDate)s) with "
"%(eventsCount)d changes you have made since then until now."
msgstr[0] ""
"Kami menggunakan cadangan penuh mulai kemarin (%(baseBackupDate)s) dengan "
"perubahan %(eventsCount)d yang Anda telah buat sejak saat itu hingga "
msgstr[1] ""
"Kami menggunakan cadangan penuh mulai kemarin (%(baseBackupDate)s) dengan "
"perubahan %(eventsCount)d yang Anda telah buat sejak saat itu hingga "
msgid ""
"We are using a full backup from today (%(baseBackupDate)s) with "
"%(eventsCount)d change you have made since then until now."
msgid_plural ""
"We are using a full backup from today (%(baseBackupDate)s) with "
"%(eventsCount)d changes you have made since then until now."
msgstr[0] ""
"Kami menggunakan cadangan penuh mulai hari ini (%(baseBackupDate)s) dengan "
"perubahan %(eventsCount)d yang Anda telah buat sejak saat itu hingga "
msgstr[1] ""
"Kami menggunakan cadangan penuh mulai hari ini (%(baseBackupDate)s) dengan "
"perubahan %(eventsCount)d yang Anda telah buat sejak saat itu hingga "
msgid "Feedback submission is currently limited to one per 5 minutes."
msgstr "Hanya satu umpan balik yang dapat dikirim tiap 5 menit."
msgid ""
"Great news! We’ve just kicked off the migration for your site. Get "
"ready for better speed, security, and support."
msgstr ""
"Kabar gembira! Kami baru saja memulai migrasi situs Anda. Sambutlah layanan "
"yang lebih cepat dan aman dengan dukungan yang lebih baik."
msgid "Invited"
msgstr "Diundang"
msgid "Active Members"
msgstr "Anggota Aktif"
msgid "As an app icon and a browser icon."
msgstr "Sebagai ikon aplikasi dan ikon browser."
msgctxt "noun"
msgid "Site Icon Preview"
msgstr "Pratinjau Ikon Situs"
msgid ""
"Great job! We didn't find any recommendations for improving the speed of "
"your page."
msgstr ""
"Bagus sekali! Kami tidak menemukan rekomendasi untuk meningkatkan kecepatan "
"halaman Anda."
msgid "The invitation has been resent."
msgstr "Undangan telah dikirim ulang."
msgid "Accept invite"
msgstr "Terima Undangan"
msgid "Pay invoice"
msgstr "Bayar invoice"
msgid "Payment reminder"
msgstr "Pengingat pembayaran"
msgid "Custom Range"
msgstr "Rentang Khusus"
msgid "Failed to finalize onboarding session."
msgstr "Gagal merampungkan sesi penyiapan."
msgid "Click to copy the test number to clipboard"
msgstr "Klik untuk menyalin nomor pengujian ke clipboard"
msgid "Please complete your %1$s setup to continue using it."
msgstr "Selesaikan %1$spenyiapan untuk melanjutkan penggunaan."
msgid "Continue onboarding"
msgstr "Lanjutkan penyiapan"
msgid ""
"Organization name must be the legal name of the company, entity or "
"organization that owns the domain. If you are registering the domain for an "
"individual, please leave this field blank."
msgstr ""
"Nama organisasi harus berupa nama resmi perusahaan, entitas, atau organisasi "
"yang memiliki domain. Biarkan kosong jika Anda mendaftarkan domain untuk "
msgid "We couldn‘t test the performance of %s"
msgstr "Kami tidak dapat menguji performa %s"
msgid ""
"To restore your %1$s spam protection, please upgrade your plan."
msgstr ""
"Pulihkan perlindungan %1$s Anda dari spam dengan melakukan upgrade paket."
msgid ""
"As a result of %1$s, your Akismet protection has been paused"
"strong>. Your %2$s currently not protected from spam."
msgstr ""
"%1$s mengakibatkan perlindungan Akismet Anda dihentikan sementara"
"strong>. %2$s Anda saat ini tidak terlindungi dari spam."
msgid "Upgrade Akismet for Continued Protection"
msgstr "Upgrade Akismet agar Situs Tetap Terlindungi"
msgid "Your Akismet Protection is Paused – Action Required"
msgstr "Perlindungan Akismet Anda Dijeda – Tindakan Diperlukan"
msgid ""
"Quickly integrate Google Analytics (%1$s) and PayPal (available on Premium "
"plans and above) — %2$s."
msgstr ""
"Segera integrasikan Google Analytics (%1$s) dan PayPal (tersedia di paket "
"Premium dan paket yang lebih tinggi) — %2$s."
msgid ""
"Measure engagement with Jetpack Stats (available on Free plan and above)"
msgstr ""
"Ukur interaksi dengan Jetpack Stats (tersedia di Paket Gratis dan paket yang "
"lebih tinggi)"
msgid "Deliver posts via email with Jetpack-powered Newsletter"
msgstr "Kirimkan pos melalui email dengan Buletin yang didukung Jetpack"
msgid "Automatically share updates to social media with Jetpack Social"
msgstr ""
"Bagikan pembaruan media sosial Anda secara otomatis menggunakan Jetpack "
msgid ""
"Grow your brand with the built-in Mailchimp "
"block (available on Business plans and above)."
msgstr ""
"Kembangkan merek Anda dengan blok Mailchimp "
"bawaan (tersedia di paket Bisnis dan paket yang lebih tinggi)."
msgid ""
"Quickly integrate Google Analytics and PayPal (available on Premium plans and above)."
msgstr ""
"Segera integrasikan Google Analytics dan PayPal (tersedia di paket Premium dan paket yang lebih tinggi)."
msgid ""
"Automatically share updates to social media with Jetpack Social, deliver posts via email with Jetpack-powered Newsletter, and measure engagement with Jetpack Stats (available on Free plan and above)."
msgstr ""
"Bagikan pembaruan media sosial Anda secara otomatis menggunakan Jetpack Social, kirimkan pos melalui email dengan Buletin yang didukung Jetpack, dan ukur interaksi "
"dengan Jetpack Stats (tersedia di Paket "
"Gratis dan paket yang lebih tinggi)."
msgid ""
"First you'll need to install and activate the %(pluginName)s plugin on the "
"site you want to migrate. Click {{strong}}Next{{/strong}} when you're ready."
msgstr ""
"Pertama, Anda perlu menginstal dan mengaktifkan plugin %(pluginName)s di "
"situs yang ingin Anda pindahkan. Jika sudah siap, klik {{strong}}"
msgid ""
"Head to the %(pluginName)s plugin screen on your source site, enter your "
"email address, and click {{strong}}%(migrateLabel)s{{/strong}}."
msgstr ""
"Buka layar plugin %(pluginName)s di situs sumber, masukkan alamat email, "
"lalu klik {{strong}}%(migrateLabel)s{{/strong}}."
msgid "Get key"
msgstr "Dapatkan kunci"
msgid ""
"How to Find and Choose the Best WordPress Plugins (Useful for All Sites)"
msgstr ""
"Cara Menemukan dan Memilih Plugin WordPress Terbaik (Berguna untuk Semua "
msgid ""
"How to Install Plugins on Your site: The Complete Beginner's "
msgstr ""
"Cara Menginstal Plugin di situs Anda: Panduan Lengkap untuk "
msgid "What Are WordPress Plugins? Everything You Need to Know as a Beginner"
msgstr "Apa Itu Plugin WordPress? Semua yang Perlu Anda Ketahui sebagai Pemula"
msgid "(TBT)"
msgstr "(TBT)"
msgid "What is Total Blocking Time?"
msgstr "Apa itu Total Blocking Time?"
msgid "Your site‘s Total Blocking Time needs improvement"
msgstr "Total Blocking Time situs Anda perlu ditingkatkan"
msgid "Your site‘s Total Blocking Time is excellent"
msgstr "Total Waktu Pengeblokan situs Anda sangat baik"
msgid "Your site‘s Total Blocking Time is poor"
msgstr "Total Waktu Pengeblokan situs Anda buruk"
msgid "(TTFB)"
msgstr "(TTFB)"
msgid "What is Time to First Byte?"
msgstr "Apa itu Time to First Byte?"
msgid "Your site‘s Time to First Byte needs improvement"
msgstr "Time to First Byte situs Anda perlu ditingkatkan"
msgid "Your site‘s Time to First Byte is excellent"
msgstr "Time to First Byte situs Anda sangat baik"
msgid "Your site‘s Time to First Byte is poor"
msgstr "Time to First Byte situs Anda buruk"
msgid "(INP)"
msgstr "(INP)"
msgid "What is Interaction to Next Paint?"
msgstr "Apa itu Interaction to Next Paint?"
msgid "Your site‘s Interaction to Next Paint needs improvement"
msgstr "Interaction to Next Paint situs Anda perlu ditingkatkan"
msgid "Your site‘s Interaction to Next Paint is excellent"
msgstr "Interaction to Next Paint situs Anda sangat baik"
msgid "Your site‘s Interaction to Next Paint is poor"
msgstr "Interaction to Next Paint situs Anda buruk"
msgid "(CLS)"
msgstr "(CLS)"
msgid "What is Cumulative Layout Shift?"
msgstr "Apa itu Cumulative Layout Shift?"
msgid "Your site‘s Cumulative Layout Shift needs improvement"
msgstr "Cumulative Layout Shift situs Anda perlu ditingkatkan"
msgid "Your site‘s Cumulative Layout Shift is excellent"
msgstr "Cumulative Layout Shift situs Anda sangat baik"
msgid "Your site‘s Cumulative Layout Shift is poor"
msgstr "Cumulative Layout Shift situs Anda buruk"
msgid "(LCP)"
msgstr "(LCP)"
msgid "What is Largest Contentful Paint?"
msgstr "Apa itu Largest Contentful Paint?"
msgid "Your site‘s Largest Contentful Paint is poor"
msgstr "Largest Contentful Paint situs Anda buruk"
msgid "(FCP)"
msgstr "(FCP)"
msgid "What is First Contentful Paint?"
msgstr "Apa itu First Contentful Paint?"
msgid "Your site‘s First Contentful Paint needs improvement"
msgstr "First Contentful Paint situs Anda perlu ditingkatkan"
msgid "Your site‘s First Contentful Paint is excellent"
msgstr "First Contentful Paint situs Anda sangat baik"
msgid "Your site‘s First Contentful Paint is poor"
msgstr "First Contentful Paint situs Anda buruk"
msgid "Needs Improvement"
msgstr "Perlu Peningkatan"
msgid "Client-side media processing"
msgstr "Pemrosesan media klien"
msgid "Attachment file size"
msgstr "Ukuran berkas lampiran"
msgid "Original attachment file name"
msgstr "Nama berkas lampiran asli"
msgid "Invalid post ID, only images and PDFs can be sideloaded."
msgstr ""
"ID pos tidak valid, hanya gambar dan PDF yang dapat ditambahkan melalui "
msgid "Whether to convert image formats."
msgstr "Apakah Anda ingin mengonversi format gambar."
msgid "Whether to generate image sub sizes."
msgstr "Apakah Anda ingin membuat ukuran sub gambar."
msgid "Image size."
msgstr "Ukuran gambar."
msgid ""
"We didn‘t find any recommendations for improving the speed of your site."
msgstr ""
"Kami tidak menemukan rekomendasi apapun untuk meningkatkan kecepatan situs "
msgid ""
"We found %(quantity)d way to improve your site‘s performance. {{a}}View your "
"personalized recommendation{{/a}}"
msgid_plural ""
"We found %(quantity)d ways to improve your site‘s performance. {{a}}View "
"your personalized recommendations{{/a}}"
msgstr[0] ""
"Kami menemukan %(quantity)d cara untuk meningkatkan performa situs Anda. "
"{{a}}Lihat rekomendasi khusus untuk Anda{{/a}}"
msgstr[1] ""
"Kami menemukan %(quantity)d cara untuk meningkatkan performa situs Anda. "
"{{a}}Lihat rekomendasi khusus untuk Anda{{/a}}"
msgid "Excellent"
msgstr "Sangat Baik"
msgid "Previously used"
msgstr "Digunakan sebelumnya"
msgid "Own your name with a free domain"
msgstr "Miliki nama domain Anda sendiri secara cuma-cuma "
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove {{b}}%(memberName)s{{/b}}?"
msgstr "Yakin ingin menghapus {{b}}%(memberName)s{{/b}}?"
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to cancel the invitation for {{b}}%(memberName)s{{/b}}?"
msgstr "Anda yakin ingin membatalkan undangan untuk {{b}}%(memberName)s{{/b}}?"
msgid "Cancel invitation"
msgstr "Batalkan undangan"
msgid "Revoke Pressable plan license"
msgstr "Cabut lisensi paket Pressable"
msgid "Not helpful"
msgstr "Tidak bermanfaat"
msgid "Good, it‘s helpful"
msgstr "Bagus, ini sangat bermanfaat"
msgid "Thanks for the feedback!"
msgstr "Terima kasih atas feedback Anda!"
msgid "Generated with AI"
msgstr "Dibuat dengan AI"
msgid "AI generated content icon"
msgstr "Ikon konten yang dihasilkan AI"
msgctxt "Stats: Percentage of views"
msgid "%(percent)s of views"
msgstr "%(percent)s tampilan"
msgid "Promoting a business or service"
msgstr "Mempromosikan bisnis atau layanan"
msgid "Accepting donations or using donation plugins"
msgstr "Menerima donasi atau menggunakan plugin donasi"
msgid "Using e-commerce plugins or platforms"
msgstr "Menggunakan plugin atau platform e-commerce"
msgid "Listing business contact details on the homepage"
msgstr "Mencantumkan detail kontak bisnis di beranda"
msgid "Using a domain recognized as commercial"
msgstr "Menggunakan domain dengan status komersial"
msgid "Using live chat plugins or services"
msgstr "Menggunakan plugin atau layanan obrolan langsung"
msgid "Loading code on your site for ExoClick ad services"
msgstr "Memuat kode di situs Anda untuk layanan iklan ExoClick"
msgid "Loading code on your site for Infolinks ad services"
msgstr "Memuat kode di situs Anda untuk layanan iklan Infolinks"
msgid "Loading code on your site for Taboola ad services"
msgstr "Memuat kode di situs Anda untuk layanan iklan Taboola"
msgid "Loading code on your site for AdSense ad services"
msgstr "Memuat kode di situs Anda untuk layanan iklan AdSense"
msgid "Displaying advertisements"
msgstr "Menampilkan iklan"
msgid ""
"Please don't share any passwords or secure information in this field. We'll "
"reach out to collect that information if you have any additional credentials "
"to access your site."
msgstr ""
"Mohon untuk tidak membagikan kata sandi apapun ataupun informasi keamanan di "
"kolom ini. Kami akan menghubungi Anda untuk mengumpulkan informasi tersebut "
"jika Anda memiliki kredensial tambahan apa pun untuk mengakses situs Anda."
msgid "Special instructions"
msgstr "Petunjuk khusus"
msgid "Enter your Admin password"
msgstr "Masukkan kata sandi Admin Anda"
msgid "Enter your Admin username"
msgstr "Masukkan nama pengguna Admin Anda"
msgid ""
"We are using a %(daysAgo)d-day old full backup (%(baseBackupDate)s) with "
"%(eventsCount)d change you have made since then until now."
msgid_plural ""
"We are using a %(daysAgo)d-day old full backup (%(baseBackupDate)s) with "
"%(eventsCount)d changes you have made since then until now."
msgstr[0] ""
"Kami menggunakan pencadangan penuh %(daysAgo)d hari yang lalu pada "
"%(baseBackupDate)s dengan perubahan %(eventsCount)d yang telah Anda buat "
"sejak saat itu hingga sekarang."
msgstr[1] ""
"Kami menggunakan pencadangan penuh %(daysAgo)d hari yang lalu pada "
"%(baseBackupDate)s dengan perubahan %(eventsCount)d yang telah Anda buat "
"sejak saat itu hingga sekarang."
msgid ""
"We are using a full backup from the previous day (%(baseBackupDate)s) with "
"%(eventsCount)d change you have made since then until now."
msgid_plural ""
"We are using a full backup from the previous day (%(baseBackupDate)s) with "
"%(eventsCount)d changes you have made since then until now."
msgstr[0] ""
"Kami menggunakan cadangan penuh mulai hari sebelumnya (%(baseBackupDate)s) "
"dengan perubahan %(eventsCount)d yang Anda telah buat sejak saat itu hingga "
msgstr[1] ""
"Kami menggunakan cadangan penuh mulai hari sebelumnya (%(baseBackupDate)s) "
"dengan perubahan %(eventsCount)d yang Anda telah buat sejak saat itu hingga "
msgid ""
"We are using a full backup from this day (%(baseBackupDate)s) with "
"%(eventsCount)d change you have made since then until now."
msgid_plural ""
"We are using a full backup from this day (%(baseBackupDate)s) with "
"%(eventsCount)d changes you have made since then until now."
msgstr[0] ""
"Kami menggunakan cadangan penuh mulai hari ini (%(baseBackupDate)s) dengan "
"perubahan %(eventsCount)d yang Anda telah buat sejak saat itu hingga "
msgstr[1] ""
"Kami menggunakan cadangan penuh mulai hari ini (%(baseBackupDate)s) dengan "
"perubahan %(eventsCount)d yang Anda telah buat sejak saat itu hingga "
msgid "Updates every 30 minutes"
msgstr "Pembaruan setiap 30 menit"
msgid "We hope to see your site on soon!"
msgstr "Kami tidak sabar ingin melihat situs Anda di!"
msgid ""
"If you need any assistance or have questions, we’re here to help. Just "
"reply to this email and we’ll get back to you."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda membutuhkan bantuan atau memiliki pertanyaan, kami siap membantu. "
"Cukup balas email ini dan kami akan menghubungi Anda."
msgid "Restart migration"
msgstr "Mulai ulang migrasi"
msgid ""
"We noticed that you’ve canceled your migration to No "
"worries! Whenever you’re ready, you can easily restart the process at "
"any time."
msgstr ""
"Tampaknya Anda telah membatalkan migrasi ke Jangan khawatir! "
"Jika sudah siap, Anda dapat memulai prosesnya kembali kapan saja."
msgid "We noticed that you’ve canceled your migration."
msgstr "Tampaknya Anda telah membatalkan migrasi."
msgid "You canceled your migration to"
msgstr "Anda telah membatalkan migrasi ke"
msgid "Add the post date"
msgstr "Tambahkan tanggal pos"
msgid "Show author display name"
msgstr "Tampilkan nama tampilan penulis"
msgid "Update your Gravatar"
msgstr "Perbarui Gravatar Anda"
msgid ""
"We use Gravatar, a service that associates an avatar image with your primary "
"email address."
msgstr ""
"Kami menggunakan Gravatar, layanan yang mengaitkan gambar avatar dengan "
"alamat email utama Anda."
msgid "Show author avatar on your emails"
msgstr "Tampilkan avatar penulis di e-mail Anda"
msgid "Need help? {{a}}View our logo guidelines.{{/a}}"
msgstr "Butuh bantuan? {{a}}Lihat pedoman logo kami.{{/a}}"
msgid "High request capacity *"
msgstr "Kapasitas permintaan tinggi *"
msgid ""
"Limits apply for high request capacity. {{link}}Learn more about it here.{{/"
msgstr ""
"Batas yang berlaku untuk kapasitas permintaan yang tinggi. {{link}}Pelajari "
"lebih lanjut di sini.{{/link}}"
msgid "High request capacity **"
msgstr "Kapasitas permintaan tinggi **"
msgctxt "View is used as a noun"
msgid "View options"
msgstr "Lihat pilihan"
msgctxt "paging"
msgid "
of %2$s
msgstr "
dari %2$s
msgid "Enable email alerts"
msgstr "Aktifkan peringatan e-mail"
msgid "Get notified about changes to your site’s performance—it’s free!"
msgstr "Dapatkan pemberitahuan tentang perubahan performa situs Anda—gratis!"
msgid "Hide column"
msgstr "Sembunyikan kolom"
msgid "Preview size"
msgstr "Pratinjau ukuran"
msgid "Select item"
msgstr "Pilih item"
msgid "Is not all"
msgstr "Bukan semua"
msgid "Is all"
msgstr "Adalah semua"
msgid "Is none"
msgstr "Tidak ada"
msgid "Is any"
msgstr "Ada"
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Properti"
msgid "Search items"
msgstr "Cari item"
msgid "List of: %1$s"
msgstr "Daftar dari: %1$s"
msgid "Filter by: %1$s"
msgstr "Filter berdasarkan: %1$s"
msgid "%1$s is not: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s bukan: %2$s"
msgid "%1$s is: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s adalah: %2$s"
msgid "%1$s is not all: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s bukan semua: %2$s"
msgid "%1$s is all: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s adalah semua: %2$s"
msgid "%1$s is none: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s bukan termasuk: %2$s"
msgid "%1$s is any: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s merupakan salah satu dari: %2$s"
msgid "%d Item selected"
msgid_plural "%d Items selected"
msgstr[0] "%d Item dipilih"
msgstr[1] "%d Item dipilih"
msgid ""
"If you decide to commit (or re-commit) to contributing to the WordPress "
"project after reading this, we’d love to hear from you. Either hit reply or "
"send us a message on social media (we’re @wordpressdotcom)."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda memutuskan berkomitmen (atau kembali berkomitmen) untuk "
"berkontribusi dalam proyek WordPress setelah membaca ini, kami akan sangat "
"senang mendengar pendapat Anda. Tekan balas atau kirimi kami pesan di media "
"sosial (nama pengguna kami @wordpressdotcom)."
msgid ""
"Loving Get world-class hosting infrastructure, development "
"tools, security features, and unlimited bandwidth and traffic for any site "
"you want to move to…and we’ll migrate your sites for free."
msgstr ""
"Suka Dapatkan infrastruktur hosting kelas dunia, alat "
"pengembangan, fitur keamanan, serta bandwidth dan lalu lintas tanpa batas "
"untuk situs mana pun yang ingin dipindahkan ke kami akan "
"memindahkannya gratis untuk Anda."
msgid ""
"Pro tip: Be sure to log into your account (free or paid) "
"within Studio to unlock powerful features like Demo Sites."
msgstr ""
"Tips pro: Pastikan untuk login ke akun Anda (gratis atau "
"berbayar) di Studio untuk mendapatkan fitur andal seperti Situs Demo."
msgid ""
"We launched a big new feature on Studio, our free local development app: "
"import/export. You can now more easily upload a local site from Studio to "
"your hosting platform of choice (including"
msgstr ""
"Kami meluncurkan fitur keren baru di Studio, aplikasi pengembangan lokal "
"gratis: impor/ekspor. Sekarang Anda dapat mengunggah situs lokal dari Studio "
"dengan mudah ke platform hosting pilihan Anda (termasuk "
msgid ""
"Our Write Brief with AI tool, now available for free for all "
"plans and users, measures writing readability, highlights long-winded "
"sentences, and simplifies vocabulary usage, all within the WordPress editor."
msgstr ""
"Alat kami, Write Brief with AI, kini tersedia secara gratis untuk semua "
"pengguna dan paket Alat ini dapat digunakan untuk mengukur "
"keterbacaan tulisan, menyorot kalimat panjang, dan menyederhanakan "
"penggunaan kosakata, semuanya dalam editor WordPress."
msgid ""
"For those of you who host your sites on, here are a few new "
"and notable features you won’t want to miss:"
msgstr ""
"Bagi Anda yang menghosting situs di, berikut beberapa fitur "
"baru dan penting yang sayang untuk Anda lewatkan:"
msgid "[In Person] Boston WordPress Meetup"
msgstr "[Tatap Muka] Meetup Boston WordPress"
msgid "[In Person] WordPress Meetup Berlin"
msgstr "[Tatap Muka] WordPress Meetup Berlin"
msgid "[In Person] WordPress SG September Meetup"
msgstr "[Tatap Muka] Meetup September WordPress SG"
msgid "[In Person] WordCamp US in Portland, Oregon"
msgstr "[Tatap Muka] WordCamp US di Portland, Oregon"
msgid ""
"[Online] Optimize & Lock Down WooCommerce Sites: Practical Tips for Improved "
msgstr ""
"[Online] Optimalkan & Amankan Situs WooCommerce: Tips Praktis untuk "
"Peningkatan Performa"
msgid ""
"Attending local, regional, and international WordPress events is a great way "
"to network, get involved, and meet other WordPress professionals. Here are a "
"few upcoming events, and you can find a whole list of meetups happening "
"across the globe here."
msgstr ""
"Menghadiri acara WordPress lokal, regional, dan internasional adalah cara "
"yang tepat untuk berjejaring, terlibat, dan bertemu dengan profesional "
"WordPress lainnya. Berikut beberapa acara mendatang, dan Anda dapat melihat "
"daftar meetup lengkap yang diadakan di seluruh dunia di sini."
msgid ""
"5. Did you catch the WooCommerce roadmap update? Lots of good stuff in the "
msgstr ""
"5. Apakah Anda sudah mengetahui pembaruan peta jalan WooCommerce? Banyak hal "
"keren yang sedang dipersiapkan!"
msgid "4. Be a part of the project migrating Tumblr over to WordPress."
msgstr "4. Menjadi bagian proyek migrasi Tumblr ke WordPress."
msgid ""
"3. The State of the Word 2024 landing page is now live; check it out to "
"request an in-person ticket or get details about joining or hosting a watch "
msgstr ""
"3. Halaman landing State of the Word 2024 sekarang aktif; buka untuk meminta "
"tiket acara tatap muka atau mendapatkan rincian tentang cara mendaftar atau "
"mengadakan acara nonton bersama."
msgid ""
"2. The August Hallway Hangout (a Zoom call covering what’s being worked on "
"in the Gutenberg plugin) recording was posted––topics include the new tabs "
"and accordion blocks, the image gallery lightbox, custom fields UI, and "
"various status updates on grid layouts and data views."
msgstr ""
"2. Rekaman Hallway Hangout Agustus (pertemuan Zoom yang membahas "
"pengembangan plugin Gutenberg terkini) telah dipos––topik ini meliputi tab "
"baru, blok akordeon, kotak lampu galeri gambar, UI kolom khusus, serta "
"berbagai pembaruan status tentang tata letak kisi dan penayangan data."
msgid ""
"1. We got a sneak peek into the new default WordPress theme, Twenty Twenty-"
msgstr ""
"1. Kami punya bocoran terkait tema WordPress default yang baru, Twenty "
msgid ""
"Finally, bookmark the Core Handbook as your cheat sheet for all-things core "
msgstr ""
"Terakhir, beri bookmark pada Buku Panduan Inti sebagai lembar contekan untuk "
"semua aspek penting WordPress."
msgid ""
"Pick a 6.7 ticket to contribute to for the next major WordPress release."
msgstr ""
"Pilih tiket 6.7 untuk dapat berkontribusi dalam rilis besar WordPress "
msgid "Join a bug scrub."
msgstr "Bergabung dalam proyek bug scrub."
msgid "Work on “good first bugs” for beginner contributors."
msgstr "Pekerjaan terkait “good first bugs” untuk kontributor pemula."
msgid "Create tickets for bugs."
msgstr "Buat permintaan untuk bug."
msgid ""
"If you’re interested in contributing code to the core software, here are a "
"few quick, easy, and impactful ways to get involved:"
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda tertarik berkontribusi kode untuk perangkat lunak inti, berikut "
"beberapa cara cepat, mudah, dan efektif untuk dapat terlibat:"
msgid ""
"If you’re unsure which team is right for you, feel free to use the "
"contributor wizard to help you identify which teams could benefit from your "
"skillset. You can also review this free course from the team "
"to give you a better idea of how decisions are actually made to drive the "
"WordPress project forward."
msgstr ""
"Jika bingung memilih tim yang tepat, silakan gunakan panduan kontributor "
"untuk membantu mengidentifikasi tim yang paling sesuai dengan keahlian Anda. "
"Anda juga dapat meninjau kursus gratis dari tim ini untuk "
"memberikan gambaran yang lebih baik tentang bagaimana keputusan dibuat untuk "
"mengembangkan proyek WordPress."
msgid ""
"There are currently 23 groups that focus on supporting different areas of "
"the WordPress project, from core and design to support and marketing. Each "
"of the links will take you to the individual blogs for each team. Be sure to "
"check out the sidebar for each team for important information about meeting "
"dates, agendas, and priorities."
msgstr ""
"Saat ini ada 23 grup yang berfokus mendukung berbagai bidang proyek "
"WordPress, mulai dari area inti dan desain hingga dukungan dan pemasaran. "
"Tiap tautan akan membawa Anda ke blog khusus milik tiap tim. Pastikan untuk "
"memeriksa bilah sisi dari tiap tim guna mengetahui informasi penting seperti "
"tanggal pertemuan, agenda, dan prioritas."
msgid "Step 2: Find a MakeWP team to work with"
msgstr "Langkah 2: Temukan dan bergabung dalam tim MakeWP"
msgid "Step 1: Join the Making WordPress Slack community"
msgstr "Langkah 1: Bergabung dalam komunitas Making WordPress Slack"
msgid ""
"Since WordPress is an open source publishing platform, anyone and everyone "
"that uses WordPress in some way has a unique opportunity: the ability to "
"contribute to and shape the future of the project. Plus: WordPress runs over "
"a third of the entire internet (including huge brands like TechCrunch, Time "
"Magazine, Rolling Stone, and even Taylor Swift), so contributions back to "
"the project are crucial to the ongoing success of the project and WordPress "
"community as a whole."
msgstr ""
"Karena WordPress adalah platform penerbitan open source, semua pengguna "
"WordPress memiliki peluang istimewa: kesempatan untuk berkontribusi dan "
"menentukan arah perkembangan proyek. Selain itu: WordPress menguasai "
"sepertiga bagian dari internet (termasuk merek terkemuka seperti TechCrunch, "
"Time Magazine, Rolling Stone, dan bahkan Taylor Swift), sehingga kontribusi "
"terhadap sebuah proyek sangat penting bagi keberhasilan proyek dan komunitas "
"WordPress secara keseluruhan."
msgid ""
"If you’ve never contributed to the WordPress project before (or if you have "
"in the past but haven’t in a while), this is your sign to get started (or "
"started again) today."
msgstr ""
"Jika belum pernah berkontribusi dalam proyek WordPress (atau jika sudah lama "
"tidak berkontribusi), sekaranglah waktunya untuk memulai (atau memulai "
msgid "Contributing to WordPress core"
msgstr "Berkontribusi dalam inti WordPress"
msgid ""
"We’ll send you just one of these newsletters each month, and in each "
"edition, you can count on helpful links, actionable tips, and updates from "
"the WordPress community. Each newsletter will focus on a specific topic, and "
"this month’s newsletter is all about contributing to the WordPress project."
msgstr ""
"Kami akan mengirimkan salah satu dari buletin ini tiap bulan, dan di tiap "
"edisi, Anda dapat menemukan tautan bermanfaat, tips yang dapat "
"ditindaklanjuti, serta pembaruan dari komunitas WordPress. Tiap buletin akan "
"berfokus pada topik tertentu, dan buletin bulan ini tentang berkontribusi "
"dalam proyek WordPress."
msgid ""
"Welcome to Dev & Deploy from, a newsletter for WordPress "
msgstr ""
"Selamat datang di Dev & Deploy dari, buletin untuk pengembang "
msgid "Issue #1 | %s"
msgstr "Terbitan #1 | %s"
msgid " Developers logo"
msgstr "Logo Pengembang"
msgid ""
"Thanks for tuning into this first edition of Dev & Deploy––we’ll see ya in "
"the next one!"
msgstr ""
"Terima kasih telah membaca edisi pertama Dev & Deploy––sampai jumpa di edisi "
msgid ""
"If you decide to commit (or re-commit) to contributing to the "
"WordPress project after reading this, we’d love to hear from you. Either hit "
"reply or send us a message on social media (we’re @wordpressdotcom)."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda memutuskan berkomitmen (atau kembali berkomitmen) untuk "
"berkontribusi dalam proyek WordPress setelah membaca ini, kami akan sangat "
"senang mendengar pendapat Anda. Tekan balas atau kirimi kami pesan di media "
"sosial (nama pengguna kami @wordpressdotcom"
msgid ""
"Loving %1$s? Get world-class hosting infrastructure, development tools, "
"security features, and unlimited bandwidth and traffic for any site you want "
"to move to %1$s…and we’ll migrate your sites for free"
msgstr ""
"Suka %1$s? Dapatkan infrastruktur hosting kelas dunia, alat pengembangan, "
"fitur keamanan, serta bandwidth dan lalu lintas tanpa batas untuk situs mana "
"pun yang ingin dipindahkan ke %1$s...dan kami akan "
"memindahkannya gratis untuk Anda."
msgid "Migrate More Sites for Free"
msgstr "Migrasikan Lebih Banyak Situs secara Gratis"
msgid "WordPress Migrate Site image"
msgstr "Gambar Situs Migrasi WordPress"
msgid ""
"Our Write Brief with AI tool, now available for free "
"for all %3$s plans and users, measures writing readability, highlights long-"
"winded sentences, and simplifies vocabulary usage, all within the WordPress "
msgstr ""
"Alat kami, Write Brief with AI, tersedia secara gratis "
"untuk semua pengguna dan paket %3$s. Alat ini dapat digunakan untuk mengukur "
"keterbacaan tulisan, menyorot kalimat panjang, dan menyederhanakan "
"penggunaan kosakata, semuanya dalam editor WordPress."
msgid "Write Brief with AI"
msgstr "Write Brief with AI"
msgid "WordPress tool Write Brief with AI"
msgstr "Alat WordPress Write Brief with AI"
msgid ""
"Pro tip: Be sure to log into your account (free or paid) "
"within Studio to unlock powerful features like Demo "
msgstr ""
"Tips pro: Pastikan untuk login ke akun Anda (gratis atau "
"berbayar) di Studio untuk mendapatkan fitur andal seperti Situs Demo."
msgid ""
"We launched a big new feature on Studio, our free "
"local development app: import/export. You can now "
"more easily upload a local site from Studio to your hosting platform of "
"choice (including %4$s)."
msgstr ""
"Kami meluncurkan fitur keren baru di Studio, aplikasi "
"pengembangan lokal gratis: impor/ekspor. Sekarang "
"Anda dapat mengunggah situs lokal dari Studio dengan mudah ke platform "
"hosting pilihan Anda (termasuk %4$s)."
msgid "Studio Updates"
msgstr "Pembaruan Studio"
msgid ""
"For those of you who host your sites on WordPress."
"com, here are a few new and notable features you won’t want to miss:"
msgstr ""
"Bagi Anda yang menghosting situs di"
"a>, berikut beberapa fitur baru dan penting yang sayang untuk Anda lewatkan:"
msgid "New on %s"
msgstr "Yang Baru dari %s"
msgid "Hosted by Boston WordPress"
msgstr "Diadakan oleh Boston WordPress"
msgid ""
"[In Person] Boston WordPress Meetup"
msgstr ""
"[Tatap Muka] Meetup Boston WordPress"
msgid "Hosted by WordPress Meetup Berlin"
msgstr "Diadakan oleh WordPress Meetup Berlin"
msgid ""
"[In Person] WordPress Meetup Berlin"
msgstr ""
"[Tatap Muka] WordPress Meetup Berlin"
msgid "Hosted by WordPress Singapore"
msgstr "Diadakan oleh WordPress Singapore"
msgid ""
"[In Person] WordPress SG September Meetup"
msgstr ""
"[Tatap Muka] Meetup September WordPress SG"
msgid "%1$s %2$s-%3$s, %4$s"
msgstr "%1$s %2$s-%3$s, %4$s"
msgid ""
"[In Person] WordCamp US in Portland, Oregon"
msgstr ""
"[Tatap Muka] WordCamp US di Portland, Oregon"
msgid "Hosted by Kampala WordPress Meetup"
msgstr "Diadakan oleh Kampala WordPress Meetup"
msgid ""
"[Online] Optimize & Lock Down WooCommerce Sites: "
"Practical Tips for Improved Performance"
msgstr ""
"[Online] Optimalkan & Amankan Situs WooCommerce: "
"Tips Praktis untuk Peningkatan Performa"
msgid ""
"Attending local, regional, and international WordPress events is a great way "
"to network, get involved, and meet other WordPress professionals. Here are a "
"few upcoming events, and you can find a whole list "
"of meetups happening across the globe here."
msgstr ""
"Menghadiri acara WordPress lokal, regional, dan internasional adalah cara "
"yang tepat untuk berjejaring, terlibat, dan bertemu dengan profesional "
"WordPress lainnya. Berikut beberapa acara mendatang, dan Anda dapat melihat daftar meetup lengkap yang diadakan di seluruh "
"dunia di sini."
msgid ""
"Did you catch the WooCommerce roadmap update? "
"Lots of good stuff in the pipeline!"
msgstr ""
"Apakah Anda sudah mengetahui pembaruan "
"peta jalan WooCommerce? Banyak hal keren yang sedang dipersiapkan!"
msgid ""
"Be a part of the project migrating Tumblr over "
"to WordPress."
msgstr ""
"Menjadi bagian proyek migrasi Tumblr ke "
msgid ""
"The State of the Word 2024 landing page is now live; "
"check it out to request an in-person ticket or get details about joining or "
"hosting a watch party."
msgstr ""
"Halaman landing State of the Word 2024 sekarang aktif; "
"buka untuk meminta tiket acara tatap muka atau mendapatkan rincian tentang "
"cara mendaftar atau mengadakan acara nonton bersama."
msgid ""
"The August Hallway Hangout (a Zoom call "
"covering what’s being worked on in the Gutenberg plugin) recording was "
"posted––topics include the new tabs and "
"accordion blocks, the image gallery lightbox, custom fields UI, and various "
"status updates on grid layouts and data views."
msgstr ""
"Rekaman Hallway Hangout Agustus (pertemuan Zoom "
"yang membahas pengembangan plugin Gutenberg terkini) telah dipos––topik ini meliputi tab baru, blok akordeon, "
"kotak lampu galeri gambar, UI kolom khusus, serta berbagai pembaruan status "
"tentang tata letak kisi dan penayangan data."
msgid ""
"We got a sneak peek into the new default WordPress theme, Twenty Twenty-Five."
msgstr ""
"Kami punya bocoran terkait tema WordPress default yang baru, Twenty Twenty-Five."
msgid "Here are five headlines from the past few weeks for you to catch up on:"
msgstr ""
"Berikut lima judul yang dapat Anda baca dari beberapa minggu yang lalu:"
msgid ""
"Finally, bookmark the Core Handbook as your "
"cheat sheet for all-things core WordPress."
msgstr ""
"Terakhir, beri bookmark pada Buku Panduan Inti "
"sebagai lembar contekan untuk semua aspek penting WordPress."
msgid ""
"Pick a 6.7 ticket to contribute to for the next major "
"WordPress release.."
msgstr ""
"Pilih tiket 6.7 untuk dapat berkontribusi dalam rilis "
"besar WordPress selanjutnya."
msgid ""
"Join a bug scrub."
msgstr ""
"Bergabung dalam proyek bug scrub."
msgid ""
"Work on “good first bugs” for beginner contributors"
msgstr ""
"Pekerjaan terkait “good first bugs” untuk kontributor "
msgid ""
"Create tickets for bugs."
msgstr ""
"Buat permintaan untuk bug."
msgid ""
"If you’re interested in contributing "
"code to the core software, here are a few quick, easy, and impactful "
"ways to get involved:"
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda tertarik berkontribusi kode untuk "
"perangkat lunak inti, berikut beberapa cara cepat, mudah, dan efektif "
"untuk dapat terlibat:"
msgid "Step 3: Contribute and stay informed"
msgstr "Langkah 3: Beri kontribusi dan dapatkan kabar terkini"
msgid ""
"If you’re unsure which team is right for you, feel free to use the contributor wizard to help you identify which "
"teams could benefit from your skillset. You can also review this free course from the team to give you a "
"better idea of how decisions are actually made to drive the WordPress "
"project forward."
msgstr ""
"Jika bingung memilih tim yang tepat, silakan gunakan panduan kontributor untuk membantu mengidentifikasi tim yang "
"paling sesuai dengan keahlian Anda. Anda juga dapat meninjau kursus gratis dari tim ini untuk memberikan "
"gambaran yang lebih baik tentang bagaimana keputusan dibuat untuk "
"mengembangkan proyek WordPress."
msgid ""
"There are currently 23 groups that focus on supporting different areas of "
"the WordPress project, from core and design"
"a> to support and marketing. "
"Each of the links will take you to the individual blogs for each team. Be "
"sure to check out the sidebar for each team for important information about "
"meeting dates, agendas, and priorities."
msgstr ""
"Saat ini ada 23 grup yang berfokus mendukung berbagai bidang proyek "
"WordPress, mulai dari area inti dan desain"
"a> hingga dukungan dan pemasaran. "
"Tiap tautan akan membawa Anda ke blog khusus milik tiap tim. Pastikan untuk "
"memeriksa bilah sisi dari tiap tim guna mengetahui informasi penting seperti "
"tanggal pertemuan, agenda, dan prioritas."
msgid ""
"Step 2: Find a MakeWP team to work with"
msgstr ""
"Langkah 2: Temukan dan bergabung dalam tim MakeWP"
msgid ""
"This is where over 48,000 contributors chat, share updates, and connect "
"while working on the WordPress project."
msgstr ""
"Dalam tim ini, lebih dari 48.000 kontributor saling berbincang, berbagi "
"pembaruan, dan saling terhubung saat mengerjakan proyek WordPress."
msgid ""
"Step 1: Join the Making WordPress Slack "
msgstr ""
"Langkah 1: Bergabung dalam komunitas Making "
"WordPress Slack"
msgid ""
"If you’ve never contributed to the WordPress project before (or if you need "
"a quick reminder), you’ll want to connect with the Making WordPress "
"community and find a team to join before you start:"
msgstr ""
"Jika belum pernah berkontribusi dalam proyek WordPress (atau perlu "
"pengingat), Anda dapat terhubung dengan komunitas Kontributor WordPress dan "
"bergabung dalam tim sebelum memulai:"
msgid "How and where to contribute"
msgstr "Cara dan tempat berkontribusi"
msgid ""
"Since WordPress is an open source publishing platform, anyone and everyone "
"that uses WordPress in some way has a unique opportunity: the "
"ability to contribute to and shape the future of the project. Plus: "
"WordPress runs over a third of the entire internet (including huge brands "
"like TechCrunch, Time Magazine, Rolling Stone, and even Taylor Swift), "
"so contributions back to the project are crucial to the ongoing "
"success of the project and WordPress community as a whole."
msgstr ""
"Karena WordPress adalah platform penerbitan open source, semua pengguna "
"WordPress memiliki peluang istimewa: kesempatan untuk berkontribusi "
"dan menentukan arah perkembangan proyek. Selain itu: WordPress "
"menguasai sepertiga bagian dari internet (termasuk merek terkemuka seperti "
"TechCrunch, Time Magazine, Rolling Stone, dan bahkan Taylor Swift), "
"sehingga kontribusi terhadap sebuah proyek sangat penting bagi "
"keberhasilan proyek dan komunitas WordPress secara keseluruhan."
msgid ""
"Regardless of how you use WordPress in your day-to-day, the commonality that "
"ties all of WordPress development together is the reliance on a stable, "
"functional, easy-to-use WordPress software."
msgstr ""
"Terlepas dari cara Anda menggunakan WordPress setiap hari, kesamaan yang "
"menyatukan semua pengembangan WordPress adalah ketergantungan pada perangkat "
"lunak WordPress yang stabil, fungsional, dan mudah digunakan."
msgid "Why is it important?"
msgstr "Mengapa ini penting?"
msgid ""
"If you’ve never contributed to the WordPress project before (or if you have "
"in the past but haven’t in a while), this is your sign to get started (or "
"started again) today."
msgstr ""
"Jika belum pernah berkontribusi dalam proyek WordPress (atau jika sudah lama "
"tidak berkontribusi), sekaranglah waktunya untuk memulai (atau memulai "
msgid "Contributing to WordPress core"
msgstr "Berkontribusi dalam inti WordPress"
msgid "Ready to dive in? Let’s do it:"
msgstr "Siap belajar? Mari mulai:"
msgid ""
"We’ll send you just one of these newsletters each month, and in each "
"edition, you can count on helpful links, actionable tips, and updates from "
"the WordPress community. Each newsletter will focus on a specific topic, and "
"this month’s newsletter is all about contributing to the WordPress "
msgstr ""
"Kami akan mengirimkan salah satu dari buletin ini tiap bulan, dan di tiap "
"edisi, Anda dapat menemukan tautan bermanfaat, tips yang dapat "
"ditindaklanjuti, serta pembaruan dari komunitas WordPress. Tiap buletin akan "
"berfokus pada topik tertentu, dan buletin bulan ini tentang "
"berkontribusi dalam proyek WordPress."
msgid ""
"Welcome to Dev & Deploy from %s, a newsletter for WordPress "
msgstr ""
"Selamat datang di Dev & Deploy dari %s, buletin untuk "
"pengembang WordPress."
msgid "Hey [%s]!"
msgstr "Hai [%s]!"
msgid "Issue #1"
msgstr "Terbitan #1"
msgid "Three steps to becoming a WordPress core contributor…"
msgstr "Tiga langkah untuk menjadi kontributor inti WordPress..."
msgid "Contributing to WordPress Core [Dev & Deploy from]"
msgstr "Berkontribusi dalam Inti WordPress [Dev & Deploy dari]"
msgid "Learn more about Agency membership"
msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang keanggotaan Agensi"
msgid "Click the invite link in your email again to join %(targetAgencyName)s."
msgstr ""
"Klik tautan undangan di e-mail Anda sekali lagi untuk bergabung dengan "
msgid "Join the %(targetAgencyName)s Dashboard"
msgstr "Bergabung dengan Dasbor %(targetAgencyName)s"
msgid ""
"Visit the {{a}}%(currentAgencyName)s{{/a}} dashboard and remove yourself in "
"the Team section."
msgstr ""
"Kunjungi dasbor {{a}}%(currentAgencyName)s{{/a}} dan hapus diri Anda di "
"bagian Tim."
msgid "Leave the %(currentAgencyName)s Dashboard"
msgstr "Tinggalkan Dasbor %(currentAgencyName)s"
msgid "How to fix this:"
msgstr "Cara memperbaiki:"
msgid ""
"To join %(targetAgencyName)s, first leave the %(currentAgencyName)s "
msgstr ""
"Untuk bergabung dengan %(targetAgencyName)s, langkah pertama tinggalkan dulu "
"dasbor %(currentAgencyName)s."
msgid "You can only join one agency dashboard at a time."
msgstr "Anda hanya dapat bergabung dengan satu dasbor agensi dalam satu waktu."
msgid "Match me to an agency"
msgstr "Temukan agensi yang tepat untuk saya"
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msgid "zap"
msgstr "zap"
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msgid "innovation"
msgstr "inovasi"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "idea"
msgstr "ide"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "information"
msgstr "informasi"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "industry"
msgstr "industri"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "internet"
msgstr "internet"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "asuransi"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "gambar"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "cara"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "penyembuhan"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "kemanusiaan"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "humor"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "perangkat keras"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "kebahagiaan"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "liburan"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "kemanusiaan"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "hobi"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "hiking"
msgstr "mendaki"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "kesehatan"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "pertumbuhan"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "hibah"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "kelulusan"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "gifts"
msgstr "hadiah"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "gadgets"
msgstr "gadget"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "duka"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "tujuan"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "tata bahasa"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "geografi"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "berkebun"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "rasa syukur"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "gitar"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "kacamata"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "gas"
msgstr "gas"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "golf"
msgstr "golf"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "permainan"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "festival"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "fiksi"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "lucu"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "kebugaran"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "fakta"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "fesyen"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "furniture"
msgstr "furnitur"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "keuangan"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "family"
msgstr "keluarga"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "future"
msgstr "masa depan"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "fish"
msgstr "ikan"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "fall"
msgstr "musim gugur"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "friends"
msgstr "teman"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "flowers"
msgstr "bunga"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "football"
msgstr "sepak bola"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "makanan"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "emotions"
msgstr "emosi"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "electronics"
msgstr "elektronik"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "environment"
msgstr "lingkungan"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "energy"
msgstr "energi"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "experience"
msgstr "pengalaman"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "editorial"
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msgid "economics"
msgstr "ekonomi"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "entertainment"
msgstr "hiburan"
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msgstr "acara"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "engineering"
msgstr "rekayasa teknik"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "education"
msgstr "pendidikan"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "exercise"
msgstr "olahraga"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "entrepreneurship"
msgstr "kewirausahaan"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "europe"
msgstr "eropa"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "earth"
msgstr "bumi"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "email"
msgstr "e-mail"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "daughter"
msgstr "anak perempuan"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "dress"
msgstr "gaun"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "donation"
msgstr "donasi"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "dining"
msgstr "kuliner"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "drums"
msgstr "drum"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "development"
msgstr "pengembangan"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "design"
msgstr "desain"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "documentary"
msgstr "dokumenter"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "dance"
msgstr "tari"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "dad"
msgstr "ayah"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "diy"
msgstr "diy"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "dinner"
msgstr "makan malam"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "dreams"
msgstr "mimpi"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
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msgstr "gambar"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "dessert"
msgstr "hidangan penutup"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "dogs"
msgstr "anjing"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "communication"
msgstr "komunikasi"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "cartoons"
msgstr "kartun"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "career"
msgstr "karir"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "camping"
msgstr "kemah"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "culture"
msgstr "budaya"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "computer"
msgstr "komputer"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "clothes"
msgstr "pakaian"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "cinema"
msgstr "sinema"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "car"
msgstr "mobil"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "cheesecake"
msgstr "kue keju"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "caribbean"
msgstr "karibia"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "college"
msgstr "kampus"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "community"
msgstr "komunitas"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "cricket"
msgstr "kriket"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "cars"
msgstr "mobil"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "cat"
msgstr "kucing"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "ballet"
msgstr "balet"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "beatles"
msgstr "beatles"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "branding"
msgstr "branding"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "baking"
msgstr "tata boga"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "babies"
msgstr "bayi"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "biology"
msgstr "biologi"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "birds"
msgstr "burung"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "blogging"
msgstr "blogging"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "beer"
msgstr "bir"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "bike"
msgstr "sepeda"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "books"
msgstr "buku"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "business"
msgstr "bisnis"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "budget"
msgstr "anggaran"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "baseball"
msgstr "bisbol"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "breakfast"
msgstr "sarapan"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "basketball"
msgstr "bola basket"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "autumn"
msgstr "musim gugur"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "astronomy"
msgstr "astronomi"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "animal"
msgstr "hewan"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "album"
msgstr "album"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "advocacy"
msgstr "advokasi"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "actor"
msgstr "aktor"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "author"
msgstr "penulis"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "advertising"
msgstr "periklanan"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "advice"
msgstr "nasihat"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "architecture"
msgstr "arsitektur"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "agriculture"
msgstr "pertanian"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "asia"
msgstr "asia"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "america"
msgstr "amerika"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "africa"
msgstr "afrika"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "art"
msgstr "seni"
msgctxt "topic of interest"
msgid "anime"
msgstr "anime"
msgid "Thanks for choosing and welcome to your new home!"
msgstr ""
"Terima kasih telah memilih dan selamat datang di rumah baru "
msgid ""
"If you need any help with next steps, like connecting your domain or exploring new features, just let us "
"know by replying to this email. We’re here to support you every step "
"of the way."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda membutuhkan bantuan untuk langkah berikutnya, seperti menghubungkan domain Anda "
"atau menjelajahi fitur-fitur "
"baru, beri tahu kami dengan membalas email ini. Kami siap "
"mendukung setiap langkah Anda."
msgid ""
"Your site has been moved to and is ready to enjoy all the "
"benefits of our platform. You can view your site or manage it directly"
"strong> through your dashboard."
msgstr ""
"Situs Anda telah dipindahkan ke dan siap menikmati semua "
"manfaat platform kami. Anda dapat melihat situs atau mengelolanya secara "
"langsung melalui dasbor"
msgid "Fantastic news — your site migration is all done!"
msgstr "Kabar gembira! Migrasi situs Anda sudah selesai!"
msgid "Your site has been moved to"
msgstr "Situs Anda telah berpindah ke"
msgid "Your migration to is complete!"
msgstr "Migrasi Anda ke sudah selesai!"
msgid ""
"Thanks for choosing We’re excited to have you on board!"
msgstr ""
"Terima kasih telah memilih Kami senang Anda telah bergabung."
msgid ""
"If you have any questions or need assistance, just hit reply—we’re "
"here to help!"
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan atau membutuhkan bantuan, kami siap membantu."
msgid "View migration status"
msgstr "Lihat status migrasi"
msgid ""
"Our team is working behind the scenes to transfer your site to WordPress."
"com. We’ll keep you updated on the progress. During this time, your "
"site will remain live and accessible to your visitors. You can check the "
"real-time status of your migration at any point by visiting your migration "
msgstr ""
"Tim kami bekerja di balik layar untuk memindahkan situs Anda ke WordPress."
"com. Kami akan terus memperbarui progresnya untuk Anda. Selama migrasi, "
"situs Anda akan tetap aktif dan dapat diakses pengunjung. Anda dapat "
"memeriksa status real-time migrasi setiap waktu dengan mengunjungi dasbor "
msgid ""
"Great news! We’ve just kicked off the migration for your site "
"%1$s. Get ready for better "
"speed, security, and support."
msgstr ""
"Kabar gembira! Kami baru saja memulai migrasi situs Anda %1$s. Sambutlah layanan yang lebih cepat dan "
"aman dengan dukungan yang lebih baik."
msgid "We’ve just kicked off the migration for your site."
msgstr "Kami baru saja memulai migrasi situs Anda."
msgid "Your migration to is underway!"
msgstr "Migrasi Anda ke sedang berlangsung!"
msgid ""
"Thank you for your patience, and we’ll update you as soon as we have "
"more information."
msgstr ""
"Terima kasih telah bersabar menanti. Kami akan segera memberi tahu Anda "
"setelah kami memiliki informasi terbaru."
msgid ""
"Don’t worry — we’re on it! Our team is investigating the issue "
"and will get things back on track as soon as possible. In the meantime, you "
"can reply to this email if you have any questions or need more details."
msgstr ""
"Tenang saja, kami sedang menanganinya! Tim kami sedang menyelidiki "
"masalahnya dan akan memperbaikinya sesegera mungkin. Sementara itu, Anda "
"dapat membalas email ini untuk mengajukan pertanyaan atau menanyakan "
"informasi lebih lanjut."
msgid "It looks like we hit a snag migrating your site to"
msgstr "Sepertinya terjadi kendala dalam migrasi situs Anda ke"
msgid "There was a problem with your migration to"
msgstr "Terjadi masalah dalam migrasi Anda ke"
msgid "← Back to speed test"
msgstr "← Kembali ke pengujian kecepatan"
msgid ""
"We‘ll send you a weekly performance report for {{strong}}%s{{/strong}} so "
"you can keep an eye on your site‘s speed. Your first report will arrive next "
msgstr ""
"Kami akan mengirimkan laporan performa mingguan tentang {{strong}}%s{{/"
"strong}} sehingga Anda dapat memantau kecepatan situs Anda. Laporan pertama "
"akan tiba minggu depan."
msgid "You’re all set!"
msgstr "Anda sudah siap!"
msgid "Enable email reports"
msgstr "Aktifkan laporan e-mail"
msgid ""
"Please try again or contact support if you continue to experience problems."
msgstr ""
"Mohon coba lagi atau hubungi bantuan jika Anda terus mengalami kendala."
msgid "Email reports could not be enabled for %s"
msgstr "Laporan e-mail tidak dapat diaktifkan untuk %s"
msgid "Enabling email reports for %s"
msgstr "Mengaktifkan laporan e-mail untuk %s"
msgid "Speed Test weekly reports"
msgstr "Laporan mingguan Uji Kecepatan"
msgid ""
"You can stop receiving performance reports at any time by clicking the "
"Unsubscribe link in the email footer."
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat berhenti menerima laporan performa kapan saja dengan mengeklik "
"tautan Berhenti Berlangganan di bagian footer e-mail."
msgid "Database Extension"
msgstr "Ekstensi Basis Data"
msgid "The member has been successfully removed."
msgstr "Anggota telah berhasil dihapus."
msgid "The invitation has been successfully cancelled."
msgstr "Undangan telah berhasil dibatalkan."
msgid "Learn more about team member permissions"
msgstr "Ketahui lebih lanjut tentang izin anggota tim"
msgid ""
"Ask the Agency owner to provide you WP-Admin access to this site in order to "
"manage its plugins and features."
msgstr ""
"Mintalah pemilik Agensi untuk memberikan Anda akses WP-Admin ke situs ini "
"untuk mengelola plugin dan fitur-fiturnya."
msgid "Request WP-Admin access"
msgstr "Minta akses WP-Admin"
msgid "Browse all agencies"
msgstr "Telusuri semua agensi"
msgid "Jetpack contains the most recent version of the old “%1$s” plugin."
msgstr "Jetpack berisi versi terbaru dari plugin “%1$s” lama."
msgid "How your site appears to users while loading."
msgstr "Bagaimana situs Anda terlihat oleh pengguna saat dimuat."
msgid "Not a fan? Help us improve"
msgstr "Tidak suka? Bantu kami meningkatkannya"
msgid "Love it? Leave a review ↗"
msgstr "Suka? Berikan ulasan ↗"
msgid "How would you rate your overall experience with Jetpack?"
msgstr ""
"Bagaimana penilaian Anda terhadap keseluruhan pengalaman menggunakan Jetpack?"
msgid "Reminder: Join the %s dashboard"
msgstr "Pengingat: Bergabunglah dengan dasbor %s"
msgid ""
"%1$s is now part of your team on the %2$s Dashboard. You can start managing "
"your team members and collaborate on projects."
msgstr ""
"Kini, %1$s adalah bagian dari tim Anda di Dasbor %2$s. Anda dapat mulai "
"mengelola anggota tim Anda dan berkolaborasi dalam berbagai proyek."
msgid "%1$s has accepted your invite to the %2$s dashboard"
msgstr "%1$s telah menerima undangan Anda ke dasbor %2$s"
msgid "%s has accepted your invite"
msgstr "%s telah menerima undangan Anda"
msgid "WPCOM\\Jetpack_AI\\Feature_Control class not found."
msgstr "Kelas WPCOM\\Jetpack_AI\\Feature_Control tidak ditemukan."
msgid "Go launch the site"
msgstr "Luncurkan situs"
msgid ""
"They can't access the %s dashboard anymore. Their account is "
"still active, but they can't access Automattic for Agencies under this "
"agency's account."
msgstr ""
"Mereka tidak lagi dapat mengakses dasbor %s. Meskipun akun "
"masih aktif, mereka tidak dapat mengakses Automattic for Agencies "
"menggunakan akun agensi ini."
msgid "%1$s has been removed from the %2$s dashboard"
msgstr "Akses %1$s ke dasbor %2$s telah dicabut"
msgid "Desktop (50%)"
msgstr "Desktop (50%)"
msgid "WooCommerce Site"
msgstr "Situs WooCommerce"
msgid "After launch, we'll bill your agency in the next billing cycle."
msgstr ""
"Setelah peluncuran, kami akan menagih agensi Anda pada siklus penagihan "
msgid ""
"Your campaigns are suspended due to exceeding the credit limit. Please "
"complete the payments using the provided links to resume your campaigns."
msgstr ""
"Kampanye Anda ditangguhkan karena melebihi batas kredit. Mohon selesaikan "
"pembayaran menggunakan tautan yang disediakan untuk melanjutkan kampanye "
msgid ""
"You can't access the %1$s dashboard anymore. Your account is "
"still active, but you can't access Automattic for Agencies under this "
"agency's account. If you think this is a mistake, please contact %2$s."
msgstr ""
"Anda tidak lagi dapat mengakses dasbor %1$s. Meskipun akun "
"masih aktif, Anda tidak dapat mengakses Automattic for Agencies menggunakan "
"akun agensi ini. Hubungi %2$s jika Anda yakin ini adalah sebuah kesalahan."
msgid "You've been removed from the %s dashboard"
msgstr "Akses Anda ke dasbor %s telah dicabut"
msgid "Add your feedback here"
msgstr "Tambahkan feedback Anda di sini"
msgid ""
"We value your opinion and would love to hear more about your experience. "
"Please share any specific thoughts or suggestions you have to improve "
msgstr ""
"Kami menghargai pendapat Anda dan ingin mendengar lebih rinci terkait "
"pengalaman Anda. Mohon bagikan pendapat atau saran spesifik Anda untuk "
"meningkatkan mutu Jetpack."
msgid "Offer Applied"
msgstr "Penawaran Diterapkan"
msgid ""
"Total Blocking Time measures the total amount of time that a page is blocked "
"from responding to user input, such as mouse clicks, screen taps, or "
"keyboard presses. The best sites have a wait time of less than 200 "
msgstr ""
"Total Waktu Pemblokiran adalah total waktu ketika halaman diblok sehingga "
"tidak dapat merespons input pengguna, seperti klik mouse, ketuk layar, atau "
"tekan keyboard. Waktu tunggu situs-situs terbaik kurang dari 200 milidetik."
msgid "Total Blocking Time"
msgstr "Total Waktu Pemblokiran"
msgid "Redirecting"
msgstr "Mengalihkan"
msgid ""
"REST API routes must be registered on the %1$s action. Instead route '%2$s' "
"with namespace '%3$s' was not registered on this action."
msgstr ""
"Rute REST API harus didaftarkan pada tindakan %1$s. Sebaliknya rute '%2$s' "
"dengan namespace '%3$s' tidak terdaftar pada tindakan ini."
msgid ""
"Namespace must not start or end with a slash. Instead namespace '%1$s' for "
"route '%2$s' seems to contain a slash."
msgstr ""
"Namespace tidak boleh diawali atau diakhiri dengan garis miring. Sebaliknya "
"namespace '%1$s' untuk rute '%2$s' tampaknya mengandung garis miring."
msgid ""
"Route must be specified. Instead within the namespace '%1$s', there seems to "
"be an empty route '%2$s'."
msgstr ""
"Rute harus ditentukan. Sebaliknya di dalam namespace '%1$s', tampaknya ada "
"rute kosong '%2$s'."
msgid ""
"Routes must be namespaced with plugin or theme name and version. Instead "
"there seems to be an empty namespace '%1$s' for route '%2$s'."
msgstr ""
"Rute harus diberi namespace dengan nama dan versi plugin atau tema. "
"Sebaliknya tampaknya ada namespace kosong '%1$s' untuk rute '%2$s'."
msgctxt "site URLs in the plan description"
msgid "Site: %(sitesList)s"
msgid_plural "Sites: %(sitesList)s"
msgstr[0] "Situs: %(sitesList)s"
msgstr[1] "Situs: %(sitesList)s"
msgid ""
"Your two-factor code via SMS can only be requested once per minute. Please "
"wait, then request a new code via email to proceed."
msgstr ""
"Kode dua faktor Anda melalui SMS hanya dapat diminta satu kali per menit. "
"Mohon tunggu, lalu minta kode baru melalui e-mail untuk melanjutkan."
msgid "Connected subdomain"
msgstr "Subdomain yang terhubung"
msgid "Your site is not connected to Mailchimp yet."
msgstr "Situs Anda belum terhubung ke Mailchimp."
msgid ""
"We're excited to have you on board. Click the button below to access the "
"dashboard and start managing client sites and referrals."
msgstr ""
"Kami senang Anda mau bergabung. Klik tombol berikut untuk mengakses ke "
"dasbor dan mulai mengelola situs klien dan referensi."
msgid "You’re invited to join the %s dashboard"
msgstr "Anda diundang untuk bergabung ke dasbor %s"
msgid ""
"We’ve detected activities on your %s that require an upgrade to maintain "
"Akismet protection."
msgstr ""
"Kami menemukan adanya aktivitas di %s Anda yang mengharuskan upgrade Akismet "
"agar situs tetap terlindungi."
msgid "Action Required: Upgrade Akismet for Continued Protection"
msgstr "Tindakan Diperlukan: Upgrade Akismet agar Situs Tetap Terlindungi."
msgid "Join our free live webinars."
msgstr "Ikuti webinar langsung gratis kami."
msgid "Cancel invite"
msgstr "Batalkan undangan"
msgid "Invalid invite link"
msgstr "Tautan undangan tidak valid"
msgid "Accepting team invite"
msgstr "Menerima undangan tim"
msgid "Poor"
msgstr "Buruk"
msgid "Needs improvement"
msgstr "Perlu ditingkatkan"
msgid "Optimize your titles for better performance"
msgstr "Optimalkan judul Anda untuk performa yang lebih baik"
msgid "Generate images with one-click"
msgstr "Buat gambar dengan sekali klik"
msgid "Make your content easier to read"
msgstr "Buat konten Anda lebih mudah dibaca"
msgid "Easily refine content to your liking"
msgstr "Sempurnakan konten sesuai keinginan Anda dengan lebih mudah"
msgid ""
"Test mode: use the test account number "
"AT611904300234573201. Other payment methods may redirect to "
"a Stripe test page to authorize payment. More test card numbers are listed "
msgstr ""
"Mode pengujian: gunakan nomor akun pengujian "
"AT611904300234573201. Metode pembayaran lain mungkin akan "
"mengalihkan Anda ke halaman pengujian Stripe untuk mengotorisasi pembayaran. "
"Nomor kartu pengujian lainnya tercantum di sini."
msgid ""
"Test mode: use test card 4242 4242 4242 4242"
"number> or refer to our testing guide."
msgstr ""
"Mode pengujian: gunakan kartu pengujian 4242 4242 "
"4242 4242 atau baca panduan pengujian kami."
msgid ""
"Test mode: use the test account number 000123456"
"number>. Other payment methods may redirect to a Stripe test page to "
"authorize payment. More test card numbers are listed here."
msgstr ""
"Mode pengujian: gunakan nomor akun pengujian "
"000123456. Metode pembayaran lain mungkin akan mengalihkan "
"Anda ke halaman pengujian Stripe untuk mengotorisasi pembayaran. Nomor kartu "
"pengujian lainnya tercantum di sini."
msgid "Your site‘s results are ready"
msgstr "Hasil situs Anda sudah siap"
msgctxt "Modal title"
msgid "Add a New Subscription"
msgstr "Tambah Langganan Baru"
msgid "Migration"
msgstr "Migrasi"
msgid "No ads with %(upsellPlanName)s"
msgstr "Tidak ada iklan di %(upsellPlanName)s"
msgid "A once-monthly roundup of notable news for WordPress developers."
msgstr ""
"Rangkuman berita penting untuk developer WordPress yang dirilis sebulan "
msgid "Developer Newsletter"
msgstr "Buletin Developer"
msgid ""
"Success! We’ve imported %1$d out of %2$d of the subscribers you added "
"to %3$s. They’ll receive "
"an email every time you publish a post."
msgstr ""
"Berhasil! Kami telah mengimpor %1$d dari %2$d pelanggan yang Anda tambahkan "
"ke %3$s. Pelanggan akan menerima "
"email tiap kali Anda menerbitkan pos."
msgid ""
"Once you have fixed all the issues, you can request a new certificate by "
"clicking the button below."
msgstr ""
"Setelah Anda memperbaiki semua masalah, Anda dapat meminta sertifikat baru "
"dengan mengeklik tombol di bawah ini."
msgid ""
"There are one or more problems with your DNS configuration that prevent an "
"SSL certificate from being issued:"
msgstr ""
"Ada satu atau beberapa masalah pada konfigurasi DNS Anda yang mencegah "
"penerbitan sertifikat SSL:"
msgid ""
"Your domain has expired. Renew your domain to issue a new SSL certificate."
msgstr ""
"Domain Anda telah kedaluwarsa. Perpanjang domain Anda untuk menerbitkan "
"sertifikat SSL baru."
msgid ""
"Your newly registered domain is almost ready! It can take up to 30 minutes "
"for the domain to start resolving to your site so we can issue a "
"certificate. Please check back soon."
msgstr ""
"Domain yang baru Anda daftarkan hampir siap! Diperlukan waktu hingga 30 "
"menit agar domain dapat mulai tersambung ke situs Anda sehingga kami dapat "
"menerbitkan sertifikat. Mohon periksa kembali segera."
msgid "An error occurred while fetching SSL certificate details."
msgstr "Terjadi eror saat mengambil detail sertifikat SSL."
msgid "New certificate requested"
msgstr "Sertifikat baru diminta"
msgid "Cartes Bancaires"
msgstr "Cartes Bancaires"
msgid "Plugin that registered the template."
msgstr "Plugin yang mendaftarkan templat."
msgid "Template \"%s\" is not registered."
msgstr "Templat \"%s\" belum terdaftar."
msgid "Template \"%s\" is already registered."
msgstr "Templat \"%s\" telah terdaftar."
msgid ""
"Template names must contain a namespace prefix. Example: my-plugin//my-"
msgstr ""
"Nama templat harus mengandung awalan namespace. Contoh: my-plugin//my-custom-"
msgid "Template names must not contain uppercase characters."
msgstr "Nama templat tidak boleh mengandung huruf kapital."
msgid "Template names must be strings."
msgstr "Nama templat harus berupa string."
msgid "Next partner →"
msgstr "Mitra berikutnya →"
msgid "Zhuang"
msgstr "Zhuang"
msgid "Walloon"
msgstr "Walonia"
msgid "Venetian"
msgstr "Venesia"
msgid "Udmurt"
msgstr "Udmurt"
msgid "Traditional Chinese"
msgstr "Aksara Han Tradisional"
msgid "Tigrinya"
msgstr "Tigrinya"
msgid "Tibetan"
msgstr "Tibet"
msgid "Tahitian"
msgstr "Tahiti"
msgid "Swiss High German"
msgstr "Jerman Tinggi Swiss"
msgid "Singaporean Chinese"
msgstr "Mandarin Singapura"
msgid "Simplified Chinese"
msgstr "Aksara Han Sederhana"
msgid "Sichuan Yi"
msgstr "Sichuan Yi"
msgid "Serbian (Latin script)"
msgstr "Serbia (aksara Latin)"
msgid "Sardinian"
msgstr "Sardinia"
msgid "Saraiki"
msgstr "Saraiki"
msgid "Quechua"
msgstr "Quechua"
msgid "Polytonic Greek"
msgstr "Yunani Politonik"
msgid "Ossetian"
msgstr "Ossetia"
msgid "Old Norse"
msgstr "Nordik Kuno"
msgid "Occitan"
msgstr "Oksitan"
msgid "Neapolitan"
msgstr "Neapolitan"
msgid "Navajo"
msgstr "Navajo"
msgid "Nahuatl"
msgstr "Nahuatl"
msgid "Mirandese"
msgstr "Miranda"
msgid "Mexican Spanish"
msgstr "Spanyol Meksiko"
msgid "Low German"
msgstr "Jerman Rendah"
msgid "Limburgish"
msgstr "Limburg"
msgid "Komi"
msgstr "Komi"
msgid "Kashubian"
msgstr "Kasubia"
msgid "Kashmiri"
msgstr "Kashmir"
msgid "Kalmyk"
msgstr "Kalmyk"
msgid "Kabyle"
msgstr "Kabyle"
msgid "Iloko"
msgstr "Iloko"
msgid "Interlingua"
msgstr "Interlingua"
msgid "Hong Kong Chinese"
msgstr "Mandarin Hong Kong"
msgid "Guarani"
msgstr "Guarani"
msgid "Friulian"
msgstr "Friuli"
msgid "French (Switzerland)"
msgstr "Prancis (Swiss)"
msgid "French (Belgium)"
msgstr "Prancis (Belgia)"
msgid "Formal German"
msgstr "Jerman Formal"
msgid "Formal Dutch"
msgstr "Belanda Formal"
msgid "Faroese"
msgstr "Faroe"
msgid "Dzongkha"
msgstr "Dzongkha"
msgid "Dhivehi"
msgstr "Divehi"
msgid "Chuvash"
msgstr "Chuvash"
msgid "Chilean Spanish"
msgstr "Spanyol Chile"
msgid "Chechen"
msgstr "Chechnya"
msgid "Central Kurdish"
msgstr "Kurdi Tengah"
msgid "Breton"
msgstr "Breton"
msgid "Bambara"
msgstr "Bambara"
msgid "Bashkir"
msgstr "Bashkir"
msgid "Aymara"
msgstr "Aymara"
msgid "Avaric"
msgstr "Avar"
msgid "Asturian"
msgstr "Asturia"
msgid "Assamese"
msgstr "Assam"
msgid "Aromanian"
msgstr "Aromania"
msgid "Aramaic"
msgstr "Aram"
msgid "Aragonese"
msgstr "Aragon"
msgid "Alemannic"
msgstr "Alemannik"
msgid "São Tomé and Príncipe"
msgstr "São Tomé dan Príncipe"
msgid "Invite pending"
msgstr "Undangan tertunda"
msgid "Invite expired"
msgstr "Undangan kedaluwarsa"
msgid "Team member"
msgstr "Anggota tim"
msgid "Agency owner"
msgstr "Pemilik agensi"
msgid ""
"This will allow %s to view your user information data such as username, "
"name, email, blog, and Gravatar."
msgstr ""
"Hal ini akan memungkinkan %s untuk melihat data informasi pengguna Anda, "
"seperti nama pengguna, nama, email, blog, dan Gravatar."
msgid ""
"Basic Markdown syntax is supported. {{a}}Learn more about Markdown.{{/a}}"
msgstr ""
"Sintaks Markdown dasar didukung. {{a}}Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang Markdown."
msgid "last %1$d %2$s"
msgid_plural "last %1$d %2$ss"
msgstr[0] "%1$d %2$s terakhir"
msgstr[1] "%1$d %2$s terakhir"
msgid "Invalid input, please check again"
msgstr "Input tidak valid, mohon periksa lagi"
msgid "An error occurred while saving credentials."
msgstr "Terjadi eror saat menyimpan kredensial."
msgid "Enter a valid password."
msgstr "Masukkan kata sandi yang valid."
msgid "Enter a valid username."
msgstr "Masukkan nama pengguna yang valid."
msgid "Enter a valid URL."
msgstr "Masukkan URL yang valid."
msgid "advertising"
msgstr "periklanan"
msgid "social share"
msgstr "berbagi di media sosial"
msgid "manage sites"
msgstr "kelola situs"
msgid "tags"
msgstr "tag"
msgid "discover blogs"
msgstr "jelajahi blog"
msgid "reader list"
msgstr "daftar pembaca"
msgid "manage subscriptions"
msgstr "kelola langganan"
msgid "conversations"
msgstr "percakapan"
msgid "my sites"
msgstr "situs saya"
msgid "debug bar extender"
msgstr "debug bar extender"
msgid "crowdsignal"
msgstr "crowdsignal"
msgid "site spam"
msgstr "spam situs"
msgid "feedback form"
msgstr "formulir feedback"
msgid "testimonials"
msgstr "testimoni"
msgid "media settings"
msgstr "pengaturan media"
msgid "hosting configuration"
msgstr "konfigurasi hosting"
msgid "podcasting"
msgstr "podcasting"
msgid "post tag"
msgstr "tag pos"
msgid "site categories"
msgstr "kategori situs"
msgid "performance settings"
msgstr "pengaturan performa"
msgid "wordpress apps"
msgstr "aplikasi wordpress"
msgid "privacy"
msgstr "privasi"
msgid "manage emails"
msgstr "kelola e-mail"
msgid "upgrade plan"
msgstr "tingkatkan paket"
msgid "plugins"
msgstr "plugin"
msgid "manage plugins"
msgstr "kelola plugin"
msgid "add-ons"
msgstr "add-on"
msgid ""
"On %(purchaseRenewalDate)s, your site will return to its original settings "
"and theme right before the first plugin or custom theme was installed."
msgstr ""
"Pada %(purchaseRenewalDate)s, situs Anda akan kembali ke pengaturan dan tema "
"standar sebelum plugin atau tema khusus Anda pertama diinstal."
msgid ""
"Any themes/plugins you have installed on the site will be removed on "
"%(purchaseRenewalDate)s, along with their data."
msgstr ""
"Tema/plugin apa pun yang Anda instal di situs Anda akan dihapus pada "
"%(purchaseRenewalDate)s, beserta datanya."
msgid ""
"If you cancel your plan, when your plan expires on "
"{{strong}}%(purchaseRenewalDate)s{{/strong}}, we will set your site to "
"private and revert it to the point when you installed your first plugin or "
"custom theme, or activated hosting features on "
"{{strong}}%(atomicTransferDate)s{{/strong}}. All of your posts, pages, and "
"media will be preserved, except for content generated by plugins or custom "
"themes. {{moreInfoTooltip/}}"
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda membatalkan paket Anda, saat berakhir pada "
"{{strong}}%(purchaseRenewalDate)s{{/strong}}, kami akan mengubah situs Anda "
"menjadi personal dan mengembalikannya ke kondisi saat Anda memasang plugin "
"atau tema khusus pertama Anda, atau mengaktifkan fitur hosting pada "
"{{strong}}%(atomicTransferDate)s{{/strong}}. Semua pos, halaman, dan media "
"Anda akan tetap ada, kecuali konten yang dibuat dengan plugin atau tema "
"khusus. {{moreInfoTooltip/}}"
msgid "Hosted on"
msgstr "Dihosting di"
msgid "Create a site now →"
msgstr "Buat situs sekarang →"
msgid "* Indicates a required field"
msgstr "* Menunjukkan kolom yang wajib diisi"
msgid ""
"Optional: Include a custom message to provide more context to your team "
msgstr ""
"Opsional: Cantumkan pesan khusus untuk memberikan lebih banyak konteks "
"kepada anggota tim Anda."
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Email or Username"
msgstr "E-mail atau Nama Pengguna"
msgid "Team member information"
msgstr "Informasi anggota tim"
msgid "Invite team members to manage client sites and purchases."
msgstr "Undang anggota tim untuk mengelola situs dan pembelian klien"
msgid "Invite a team member."
msgstr "Undang anggota tim."
msgid "Please enter a valid email or username."
msgstr "Mohon masukkan e-mail yang valid atau nama pengguna"
msgid "Team members Knowledge Base article"
msgstr "Artikel Basis Pengetahuan untuk anggota tim?"
msgid "Learn more about team members"
msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang anggota tim"
msgid "Remove other users."
msgstr "Hapus pengguna lainnya."
msgid "Cancel or revoke licenses and plans."
msgstr "Batalkan atau cabut lisensi dan paket."
msgid "Remove payment methods."
msgstr "Hapus metode pembayaran."
msgid "Delete sites from the dashboard."
msgstr "Hapus situs dari dasbor."
msgid ""
"Team members get almost the same permissions as admins, but they can't do "
"things like:"
msgstr ""
"Anggota tim mendapatkan izin yang hampir sama dengan admin, namun mereka "
"tidak dapat melakukan hal-hal seperti:"
msgid ""
"You can invite team members to manage sites and referrals for your clients."
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat mengundang anggota tim untuk mengelola situs dan referral untuk "
"klien Anda."
msgid "Invite team members to help manage your clients' sites."
msgstr "Undang anggota tim untuk membantu mengelola situs klien Anda."
msgid "Invite a team member"
msgstr "Undang anggota tim"
msgid "Learn about"
msgstr "Pelajari tentang"
msgid "Explore features"
msgstr "Jelajahi fitur"
msgid ""
"You'll get an update on the progress of your migration within 2-3 business "
msgstr ""
"Anda akan mendapatkan informasi terbaru mengenai progres migrasi Anda dalam "
"2-3 hari kerja."
msgid ""
"We'll bring over a copy of your site, without affecting the current live "
msgstr ""
"Kami akan mengambil salinan situs Anda, tanpa memengaruhi versi live saat "
msgid "Sign up for email reports"
msgstr "Daftar untuk mengakses laporan e-mail"
msgid "All you need is a free account to get started."
msgstr "Yang Anda perlukan hanyalah akun gratis untuk memulai."
msgid ""
"Monitor your site‘s key performance metrics with a free report delivered to "
"your inbox each week."
msgstr ""
"Pantau metrik kinerja utama situs Anda dengan laporan gratis yang dikirimkan "
"ke inbox Anda setiap minggu."
msgid "Refer to client"
msgstr "Arahkan ke klien"
msgid "Error with theme {{strong}}%(themeName)s{{/strong}}: %(themeError)s"
msgstr "Eror pada tema {{strong}}%(themeName)s{{/strong}}: %(themeError)s"
msgid "We'll take it from here!"
msgstr "Kami akan mengerjakannya dari sini!"
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to view your user profile on this site."
msgstr "Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan melihat profil pengguna di situs ini."
msgid "Max simultaneous file uploads"
msgstr "Jumlah maksimal unggahan berkas bersamaan"
msgid "Failed to create a test-drive account."
msgstr "Gagal membuat akun uji coba"
msgid "Account onboarding failure."
msgstr "Kegagalan penyiapan akun."
msgid ""
"{{b}}Important:{{/b}} Your referral order link is only valid for {{u}}7 "
"days{{/u}}. Please notify your client to complete the payment within this "
"timeframe to avoid expiration."
msgstr ""
"{{b}}Penting:{{/b}} Tautan pesanan referensi Anda hanya valid selama {{u}}7 "
"hari{{/u}}. Harap beri tahu klien Anda agar menyelesaikan pembayaran dalam "
"rentang waktu ini sebelum habis masa berlaku."
msgid ""
"People on the Fediverse (such as on Mastodon) can follow your site using "
"this identifier:"
msgstr ""
"Orang-orang di Fediverse (seperti di Mastodon) dapat mengikuti situs Anda "
"dengan menggunakan tanda pengenal ini:"
msgid ""
" automatically optimizes images and delivers them using a "
"Global CDN to ensure they load lightning fast."
msgstr ""
" secara otomatis mengoptimalkan gambar dan mengirimkannya "
"menggunakan CDN Global untuk memastikan gambar dimuat dengan cepat."
msgid "ms"
msgstr "md"
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
msgid "Image showing connecting sections of the web world"
msgstr ""
"Gambar yang menunjukkan menghubungkan bagian-bagian dunia web"
msgid "Unlimited bandwidth, visitors, and traffic"
msgstr "Bandwidth, pengunjung, dan traffic tanpa batas"
msgid ""
"Get {{span}}50% off our Business plan{{/span}} for an entire year when you "
"migrate your site."
msgstr ""
"Dapatkan {{span}}diskon 50% dari paket Bisnis kami{{/span}} selama satu "
"tahun penuh saat Anda memigrasikan situs Anda."
msgid ""
"Managed WordPress hosting designed for scalable, lightning-fast speed "
"anywhere in the world, whatever you throw at it."
msgstr ""
"Hosting WordPress terkelola yang dirancang untuk kecepatan yang dapat "
"ditingkatkan skalanya dan diakses secepat kilat di mana pun di seluruh "
"dunia, apa pun yang Anda lakukan."
msgid "Scale without Limits, Perform without Compromise"
msgstr "Skala tanpa Batas, Performa tanpa Kompromi"
msgid " Hosting"
msgstr " Hosting"
msgid "Tested on %(date)s"
msgstr "Diuji pada %(date)s"
msgid "Learn more about the Chrome UX Report ↗"
msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang Chrome UX Report ↗"
msgid ""
"The historical performance data and metrics presented in this site are "
"sourced from the Google Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX) dataset, which "
"reflects real-world user experiences and interactions with your site. "
"Realtime data is provided by PageSpeed Insights. This data helps us provide "
"actionable recommendations to improve your site‘s performance.{{br}}{{/br}}"
"{{br}}{{/br}}While we strive to provide accurate and helpful insights, "
"please note that performance improvements are dependent on various factors, "
"including your current setup and specific use case. Our recommendations aim "
"to guide you towards potential enhancements, but results may vary."
msgstr ""
"Data dan metrik performa historis yang disajikan di situs ini bersumber dari "
"kumpulan data Google Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX), yang mencerminkan "
"pengalaman dan interaksi pengguna yang sebenarnya dengan situs Anda. Data "
"realtime disediakan oleh PageSpeed Insights. Data ini membantu kami "
"memberikan rekomendasi yang dapat ditindaklanjuti untuk meningkatkan "
"performa situs Anda.{{br}}{{/br}}{{br}}{{/br}} Meskipun kami berusaha untuk "
"memberikan wawasan yang akurat dan bermanfaat, harap diperhatikan bahwa "
"peningkatan performa bergantung pada berbagai faktor, termasuk pengaturan "
"saat ini dan cara penggunaan tertentu. Rekomendasi kami bertujuan untuk "
"memandu Anda memperoleh peningkatan yang potensial, tetapi hasilnya dapat "
msgid "Please enter your WordPress admin password."
msgstr "Mohon masukkan kata sandi admin WordPress Anda."
msgid "Please enter your WordPress admin username."
msgstr "Mohon masukkan nama pengguna admin WordPress Anda."
msgid "Please enter your WordPress site address."
msgstr "Mohon masukkan alamat situs WordPress Anda."
msgid "Welcome to Blaze Ads"
msgstr "Selamat datang di Blaze Ads"
msgid "Screenshot unavailable"
msgstr "Screenshot tidak tersedia"
msgid "Website thumbnail"
msgstr "Thumbnail situs web"
msgid "Blaze Ads"
msgstr "Blaze Ads"
msgid "Upgrade your plan to migrate your site"
msgstr "Upgrade paket Anda untuk memindahkan situs Anda"
msgid "Testing your site‘s speed"
msgstr "Menguji kecepatan situs Anda..."
msgid ""
"Tap into our lightning-fast infrastructure—from a 28+ location global CDN to "
"hundreds of WordPress optimizations, your site will be faster, smoother, and "
"ready to take on anything."
msgstr ""
"Manfaatkan infrastruktur secepat kilat kami—dari 28+ lokasi CDN global "
"hingga ratusan metode pengoptimalan WordPress, situs Anda akan lebih cepat, "
"lancar, dan siap menghadapi apa pun."
msgid "—Feel the Difference"
msgstr "—Rasakan Perbedaannya"
msgid ""
"Bring your site to for free in minutes, not hours, with our "
"intuitive migration tools—backed by 24/7 support from our WordPress experts."
msgstr ""
"Bawa situs Anda ke secara gratis dalam hitungan menit, bukan "
"jam, dengan alat bantu migrasi intuitif kami-didukung oleh layanan bantuan "
"setiap saat (24/7) dari tim pakar WordPress kami."
msgid "Fast, Free, Unlimited Migrations"
msgstr "Migrasi Cepat, Gratis, dan Tanpa Batas"
msgid ""
"British food brand COOK increased conversions by 7% after reducing page load "
"time by 0.85 seconds."
msgstr ""
"COOK (brand makanan Inggris) meningkatkan konversi sebesar 7% setelah "
"mengurangi waktu muat halaman sebesar 0,85 detik."
msgid ""
" hosting comes with unlimited bandwidth, visitors, and traffic "
"so you‘ll never be surprised by extra fees."
msgstr ""
"Hosting menyediakan bandwidth, pengunjung, dan traffic tak "
"terbatas, sehingga Anda tidak akan kaget dengan biaya tambahan."
msgid ""
"Walmart found that for every one second improvement in page load time they "
"achieved, conversions increased by 2%."
msgstr ""
"Walmart menemukan bahwa untuk setiap peningkatan satu detik dalam waktu muat "
"halaman yang mereka capai, konversi meningkat sebesar 2%."
msgid "Performance Matters"
msgstr "Performa Itu Penting"
msgid "Finalizing your results"
msgstr "Menyelesaikan hasil untuk Anda"
msgid "Identifying performance improvements"
msgstr "Mengidentifikasi peningkatan performa"
msgid "Fetching historic data"
msgstr "Mengambil data historis"
msgid "Taking screenshots"
msgstr "Mengambil screenshot"
msgid "Measuring Core Web Vitals"
msgstr "Mengukur Core Web Vitals"
msgid "Loading your site"
msgstr "Memuat situs Anda"
msgid "Manage all Pressable sites"
msgstr "Kelola semua situs Pressable"
msgid ""
"If you continue to revoke, you will lose access to all of your Pressable "
"sites. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda terus mencabut, Anda akan kehilangan akses ke semua situs "
"Pressable Anda. Apakah Anda yakin ingin melanjutkan?"
msgid "Are you sure you want to revoke your Pressable plan?"
msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin membatalkan paket Pressable Anda?"
msgid ""
"Importing your existing WordPress site couldn’t be simpler, thanks to our "
"free migrations tool. Ready to make the switch? Start your free migration: "
msgstr ""
"Mengimpor situs WordPress Anda yang sudah ada tidak bisa lebih mudah, "
"kecuali dengan bantuan alat migrasi gratis kami. Siap untuk pindah ke sini? "
"Mulai migrasi gratis Anda:"
msgid ""
"Importing your existing WordPress site couldn’t be simpler, thanks to our "
"free migrations tool. Ready to make the switch? Start your free migration."
msgstr ""
"Mengimpor situs WordPress Anda yang sudah ada tidak bisa lebih mudah, "
"kecuali dengan bantuan alat migrasi gratis kami. Siap untuk pindah ke sini? "
"Mulai migrasi gratis Anda."
msgid "Already have a site? Bring it over to, free of charge."
msgstr "Udah punya situs? Bawa ke, gratis."
msgid "Take the %s plan to check out."
msgstr "Bawa paket %s sampai ke checkout"
msgid "Lower transaction fees"
msgstr "Biaya transaksi yang lebih rendah"
msgid "Access all premium themes"
msgstr "Akses semua tema premium"
msgid "Fast expert support"
msgstr "Bantuan ahli yang cepat"
msgid "Lower transaction fees when you sell from your site"
msgstr "Biaya transaksi yang lebih rendah saat Anda berjualan dari situs Anda"
msgid "Beautiful premium themes"
msgstr "Tema premium yang menawan"
msgid "100% ad-free experience"
msgstr "Pengalaman bebas iklan 100%"
msgid "Custom web address (free for a year)"
msgstr "Alamat web khusus (gratis selama setahun)"
msgid "Integration with shipping carriers"
msgstr "Integrasi dengan penyedia jasa pengiriman"
msgid "Store design tools"
msgstr "Alat desain toko"
msgid "GitHub integration"
msgstr "Integrasi GitHub"
msgid "Realtime backups with 1-click restores"
msgstr "Pencadangan real-time dengan pemulihan 1 kali klik"
msgid "0% transaction fees*"
msgstr "Biaya transaksi 0%*"
msgid "24/7 Priority Support"
msgstr "Dukungan Prioritas 24/7"
msgid "Complete your purchase of the %s plan."
msgstr "Selesaikan pembelian paket %s"
msgid "Easy-to-remember URL"
msgstr "URL yang mudah diingat"
msgid "Ability to add a matching email address"
msgstr "Kemampuan untuk menambahkan alamat e-mail yang sesuai"
msgid "Trust-building SSL certificate"
msgstr "Sertifikat SSL untuk membangun kepercayaan"
msgid "Without a custom domain"
msgstr "Tanpa domain khusus"
msgid "%1$s (instead of %2$s)"
msgstr "%1$s (bukan %2$s)"
msgid "Ready in 4 business days"
msgstr "Siap dalam 4 hari kerja"
msgid "5 custom pages"
msgstr "5 halaman khusus"
msgid "Ready to go from day one"
msgstr "Siap digunakan di hari pertama"
msgid "We do it for you"
msgstr "Kami mengerjakannya untuk Anda"
msgid "Do it yourself"
msgstr "Kerjakan sendiri"
msgid "Finish checking out and make that site idea a reality"
msgstr "Selesaikan proses checkout dan wujudkan situs impian menjadi kenyataan"
msgid "You’re this close to a site unlike any other"
msgstr "Anda akan segera memiliki situs yang tidak seperti yang lain"
msgid "Everything you’ll get to take your site further"
msgstr "Semua yang Anda akan dapatkan untuk menjadikan situs Anda makin hebat"
msgid "Here’s what makes the %s plan so different"
msgstr "Berikut hal-hal yang membuat paket %s sangat berbeda"
msgid "You’re a few clicks away from an unforgettable website"
msgstr ""
"Cuma tinggal beberapa kali klik untuk mewujudkan situs yang selalu diingat"
msgid "This is how you set your site apart from the rest"
msgstr "Inilah cara situs Anda tampil beda dari situs yang lainnya"
msgid "You could be the proud owner of a unique site by now"
msgstr "Anda bisa menjadi pemilik situs unik yang membanggakan sekarang"
msgid "You’re a few clicks away from launching an unmistakable website"
msgstr ""
"Anda hanya perlu beberapa klik saja untuk meluncurkan situs web yang sempurna"
msgid "Now’s the time to make your new site happen"
msgstr "Sekarang saatnya mewujudkan situs baru Anda"
msgid "%1$s and %2$s plans"
msgstr "Paket %1$s dan %2$s"
msgid "You’re almost there—we saved your cart"
msgstr "Anda hampir selesai—kami sudah menyimpan keranjang Anda"
msgid "Don’t miss out on everything the %s plan offers!"
msgstr "Jangan lewatkan semua yang ditawarkan paket %s!"
msgid "That custom domain’s yours—claim it"
msgstr "Domain khusus milik Anda—klaim sekarang"
msgid "Free plan"
msgstr "Paket gratis"
msgid "We saved your cart to get you started faster"
msgstr "Kami menyimpan keranjang Anda agar Anda dapat memulai lebih cepat"
msgid "You’re so close to launching that website!"
msgstr "Anda sudah hampir siap meluncurkan situs!"
msgid "Lower tier plans"
msgstr "Paket tingkat yang lebih rendah"
msgid ""
"Time to First Byte reflects the time taken for a user‘s browser to receive "
"the first byte of data from the server after making a request. The best "
"sites load around 800 milliseconds or less."
msgstr ""
"Time to First Byte menunjukkan waktu yang diperlukan browser pengguna untuk "
"menerima byte pertama data dari server setelah mengajukan permintaan. Situs-"
"situs terbaik memuat dalam waktu sekitar 800 milidetik atau lebih cepat."
msgid ""
"Interaction to Next Paint measures the overall responsiveness of a webpage "
"by evaluating how quickly it reacts to user interactions. A good score is "
"200 milliseconds or less, indicating that the page responds swiftly to user "
msgstr ""
"Interaction to Next Paint adalah ukuran responsivitas halaman web secara "
"keseluruhan yang diperoleh dengan menilai seberapa cepat reaksinya terhadap "
"interaksi pengguna. Nilai yang baik adalah 200 milidetik atau lebih cepat. "
"Artinya, halaman merespons input pengguna secara cepat."
msgid ""
"Cumulative Layout Shift is assessed by measuring how often content moves "
"unexpectedly during loading. The best sites have a score of 0.1 or lower."
msgstr ""
"Cumulative Layout Shift dinilai dengan mengukur seberapa sering konten "
"beralih tiba-tiba selama pemuatan. Situs-situs terbaik memiliki skor 0,1 "
"atau lebih rendah."
msgid ""
"Largest Contentful Paint measures the time it takes for the largest visible "
"element (like an image or text block) on a page to load. The best sites load "
"in under 2.5 seconds."
msgstr ""
"Largest Contentful Paint mengukur waktu yang diperlukan untuk memuat elemen "
"terbesar yang dapat dilihat (seperti blok teks atau gambar) di halaman. "
"Situs-situs terbaik memuat dalam waktu kurang dari 2,5 detik."
msgid "Your site‘s Largest Contentful Paint needs improvement"
msgstr "Largest Contentful Paint situs Anda perlu ditingkatkan"
msgid "Your site‘s Largest Contentful Paint is excellent"
msgstr "Largest Contentful Paint situs Anda sangat baik"
msgid ""
"First Contentful Paint reflects the time it takes to display the first text "
"or image to visitors. The best sites load in under 1.8 seconds."
msgstr ""
"First Contentful Paint menunjukkan waktu yang diperlukan untuk menampilkan "
"teks atau gambar pertama di hadapan pengunjung. Situs-situs terbaik memuat "
"dalam waktu kurang dari 1,8 detik."
msgid ""
"The performance score is a combined representation of your site‘s individual "
"speed metrics. {{link}}See calculator ↗{{/link}}"
msgstr ""
"Skor kinerja adalah representasi gabungan dari metrik kecepatan tiap situs "
"Anda. {{link}}Lihat kalkulator ↗{{/link}}"
msgid "Performance Score"
msgstr "Skor Performa"
msgid "Test another site"
msgstr "Uji situs lainnya"
msgid ""
"Share any other details that will help us access your site for the migration."
msgstr ""
"Bagikan detail lainnya yang akan membantu kami dalam mengakses situs Anda "
"untuk migrasi."
msgid ""
"Upload your file to a service like Dropbox or Google Drive to get a link. "
"Don't forget to make sure that anyone with the link can access it."
msgstr ""
"Unggah file Anda ke layanan seperti Dropbox atau Google Drive untuk "
"mendapatkan tautan. Jangan lupa untuk memastikan bahwa siapa pun yang "
"memiliki tautan tersebut dapat mengaksesnya."
msgid "Enter your backup file location"
msgstr "Masukkan lokasi file cadangan Anda"
msgid "Backup file location"
msgstr "Lokasi file cadangan"
msgid "WordPress admin username"
msgstr "Nama pengguna admin WordPress"
msgid "Enter your WordPress site address."
msgstr "Masukkan alamat situs WordPress Anda."
msgid "Backup file"
msgstr "File cadangan"
msgid "WordPress credentials"
msgstr "Kredensial WordPress"
msgid "How can we access your site?"
msgstr "Bagaimana kami dapat mengakses situs Anda?"
msgid "Prepare for launch"
msgstr "Siapkan untuk peluncuran"
msgid ""
"Thanks for your purchase! Below you can view and manage your new "
msgstr ""
"Terima kasih atas pembelian Anda! Di bawah ini Anda dapat melihat dan "
"mengelola {{strong}}%(productName)s{{/strong}} baru Anda"
msgid ""
"You'll be charged on the first of every month, starting on %s, until you "
"cancel your subscription. %sLearn more about billing and payments here%s."
msgstr ""
"Biaya akan ditagihkan pada tanggal 1 setiap bulan, mulai dari %s, hingga "
"Anda membatalkan langganan. %sPelajari selengkapnya tentang penagihan dan "
"pembayaran di sini%s."
msgid "You're all set! Enjoy your new subscriptions:"
msgstr "Semuanya telah siap! Nikmati langganan baru:"
msgid "Learn more about referrals and commission payouts"
msgstr "Pelajari selengkapnya tentang bagi hasil referensi dan komisi"
msgid "Manage your client's licenses"
msgstr "Kelola lisensi klien Anda"
msgid ""
"Manage and assign your client's licenses in the Automattic for Agencies "
msgstr ""
"Kelola dan berikan lisensi klien Anda di dasbor Automattic for Agencies."
msgid "Next steps for you"
msgstr "Langkah Anda selanjutnya"
msgid "Your estimated commission"
msgstr "Estimasi komisi Anda"
msgid "They now have these subscriptions active:"
msgstr "Kini, klien memiliki langganan aktif:"
msgid "Your client (%s) is all set!"
msgstr "Semua pengaturan (%s) klien telah selesai!"
msgid "Thanks for your purchase"
msgstr "Terima kasih atas pembelian Anda"
msgid "Your client made a purchase"
msgstr "Klien Anda melakukan pembelian"
msgid "Your Automattic for Agencies licenses have been revoked"
msgstr "Lisensi Automattic for Agencies Anda telah dicabut"
msgid "Day 14 reminder: Your Automattic for Agencies invoice is overdue"
msgstr ""
"Pengingat hari ke-14: Faktur Automattic for Agencies Anda telah lewat jatuh "
msgid "%s made a purchase"
msgstr "%s melakukan pembelian"
msgid "{{link}}Launch your site{{/link}} to enter the fediverse!"
msgstr "{{link}}Luncurkan situs Anda{{/link}} untuk masuk ke fediverse!"
msgctxt "custom addon price in order"
msgid " (%1$s)"
msgstr " (%1$s)"
msgctxt "addon price in order"
msgid " (%1$s)"
msgstr " (%1$s)"
msgctxt "flat fee addon price in order"
msgid " (+ %1$s)"
msgstr " (+ %1$s)"
msgctxt "percentage based addon price in cart"
msgid " (%1$s)"
msgstr " (%1$s)"
msgctxt "quantity based addon price in cart"
msgid " (%1$s)"
msgstr " (%1$s)"
msgctxt "flat fee addon price in cart"
msgid " (+ %1$s)"
msgstr " (+ %1$s)"
msgctxt "custom price addon price in cart"
msgid " (%1$s)"
msgstr " (%1$s)"
msgid "Invalid token: cookie and session customer mismatch"
msgstr "Token tidak valid: cookie dan sesi pelanggan tidak cocok"
msgid ""
"Another account setup session is already in progress. Please finish it or "
"%1$sclick here to start again%2$s."
msgstr ""
"Sesi penyiapan akun lain sedang berjalan. Harap selesaikan dahulu atau "
"%1$sklik di sini untuk mulai baru%2$s."
msgid "There was a problem connecting your store to \"%s\""
msgstr "Terjadi masalah saat menghubungkan toko Anda ke \"%s\""
msgid "Please complete your %1$s setup to process transactions."
msgstr "Harap selesaikan penyiapan %1$s Anda untuk memproses transaksi."
msgid "Product icon"
msgstr "Ikon produk"
msgid "One-year cost"
msgstr "Biaya satu tahun"
msgctxt "project duration"
msgid "Timeline"
msgstr "Linimasa"
msgid ""
"Please note that your custom domain is connected to this plan but it renews "
"separately. If the domain renewal fails, you will receive a separate email "
"with instructions to manage the renewal."
msgstr ""
"Ingat bahwa domain kustom Anda terhubung dengan paket ini, tetapi "
"diperpanjang secara terpisah. Jika perpanjangan domain gagal, Anda akan "
"menerima email terpisah yang berisi petunjuk untuk mengurus perpanjangan."
msgid ""
"Update your payment information to renew your plan and keep your site "
"running without issues."
msgstr ""
"Perbarui informasi pembayaran untuk memperpanjang paket dan jalankan "
"situs Anda tanpa masalah."
msgid ""
"When a plan expires, the site’s content may not appear as intended, and you "
"won’t be able to use the following features:"
msgstr ""
"Jika paket kedaluwarsa, konten situs mungkin tidak akan ditampilkan dengan "
"semestinya dan fitur-fitur berikut tidak dapat digunakan:"
msgid "We have attempted to renew your %1$s plan one last time."
msgstr ""
"Kami telah berupaya memperpanjang paket %1$s Anda untuk terakhir kalinya."
msgid ""
"We have attempted to renew your %1$s plan and your domain %2$s one last time."
msgstr ""
"Kami telah berupaya memperpanjang paket %1$s dan domain %2$s Anda untuk "
"terakhir kalinya."
msgid ""
"We have attempted to renew your %1$s plan and your domain %2$s for %3$s one "
"last time."
msgstr ""
"Kami telah berupaya memperpanjang paket %1$s dan domain %2$s Anda untuk "
"terakhir kalinya%3$s."
msgid ""
"A problem with the renewal of your %1$s plan for %2$s still needs to be "
msgstr ""
"Masalah perpanjangan paket %1$s Anda untuk %2$s masih perlu diselesaikan."
msgid ""
"A problem with the renewal of your %1$s plan and your domain %2$s still "
"needs to be resolved."
msgstr ""
"Masalah perpanjangan paket %1$s dan domain %2$s Anda masih perlu "
msgid ""
"A problem with the renewal of your %1$s plan and your domain %2$s for %3$s "
"still needs to be resolved."
msgstr ""
"Masalah perpanjangan paket %1$s dan domain %2$s Anda untuk %3$s masih perlu "
msgid ""
"The %1$s plan will expire if this is not resolved and the renewal processed."
msgstr ""
"Paket %1$s akan kedaluwarsa jika masalah tidak diselesaikan dan perpanjangan "
"tidak diproses."
msgid ""
"We have been attempting to renew your %1$s plan for %2$s, but there is a "
"problem processing your payment method."
msgstr ""
"Kami telah berupaya memperpanjang paket %1$s Anda untuk %2$s, tetapi "
"terjadi masalah pemrosesan metode pembayaran."
msgid ""
"We have been attempting to renew your %1$s plan and your domain %2$s, but "
"there is a problem processing your payment method."
msgstr ""
"Kami telah berupaya memperpanjang paket %1$s dan domain %2$s Anda, tetapi "
"terjadi masalah pemrosesan metode pembayaran."
msgid ""
"We have been attempting to renew your %1$s plan and your domain %2$s for "
"%3$s, but there is a problem processing your payment method."
msgstr ""
"Kami telah berupaya memperpanjang paket %1$s dan domain %2$s Anda untuk "
"%3$s, tetapi terjadi masalah pemrosesan metode pembayaran."
msgid ""
"We wanted to give you a quick heads-up so you can update your payment "
"information and keep your website running smoothly."
msgstr ""
"Kami memberi pengingat singkat agar Anda memperbarui data pembayaran dan "
"situs dapat terus beroperasi dengan lancar."
msgid ""
"We are attempting to renew your %1$s plan for %2$s, but the renewal "
"cannot be completed."
msgstr ""
"Kami sedang berupaya memperpanjang paket %1$s Anda untuk %2$s, tetapi "
"perpanjangan tidak dapat diselesaikan."
msgid ""
"We are attempting to renew your %1$s plan and your domain %2$s, but the "
"renewal cannot be completed."
msgstr ""
"Kami sedang berupaya memperpanjang paket %1$s dan domain %2$s Anda, "
"tetapi perpanjangan tidak dapat diselesaikan."
msgid ""
"We are attempting to renew your %1$s plan and your domain %2$s for %3$s, "
"but the renewal cannot be completed."
msgstr ""
"Kami sedang berupaya memperpanjang paket %1$s dan domain %2$s Anda untuk "
"%3$s, tetapi perpanjangan tidak dapat diselesaikan."
msgid ""
"Unfortunately, an issue with your payment information prevented the renewal "
"and your plan expired %d day ago. Please update your payment information and "
"manually renew your plan and domain to avoid losing them."
msgid_plural ""
"Unfortunately, an issue with your payment information prevented the renewal "
"and your plan expired %d days ago. Please update your payment information "
"and manually renew your plan and domain to avoid losing them."
msgstr[0] ""
"Namun, masalah informasi pembayaran menyebabkan perpanjangan tidak dapat "
"diselesaikan dan paket Anda kedaluwarsa %d hari yang lalu. Perbarui "
"informasi pembayaran Anda dan perpanjang paket serta domain secara manual "
"jika tidak ingin kehilangan."
msgstr[1] ""
"Namun, masalah informasi pembayaran menyebabkan perpanjangan tidak dapat "
"diselesaikan dan paket Anda kedaluwarsa %d hari yang lalu. Perbarui "
"informasi pembayaran Anda dan perpanjang paket serta domain secara manual "
"jika tidak ingin kehilangan."
msgid ""
"Unfortunately, an issue with your payment information prevented the renewal, "
"and your plan and domain expired %d day ago. Please update your payment "
"information and manually renew your plan and domain to avoid losing them."
msgid_plural ""
"Unfortunately, an issue with your payment information prevented the renewal, "
"and your plan and domain expired %d days ago. Please update your payment "
"information and manually renew your plan and domain to avoid losing them."
msgstr[0] ""
"Namun, masalah informasi pembayaran menyebabkan perpanjangan tidak dapat "
"diselesaikan dan paket Anda kedaluwarsa %d hari yang lalu. Perbarui "
"informasi pembayaran Anda dan perpanjang paket serta domain secara manual "
"jika tidak ingin kehilangan."
msgstr[1] ""
"Namun, masalah informasi pembayaran menyebabkan perpanjangan tidak dapat "
"diselesaikan dan paket Anda kedaluwarsa %d hari yang lalu. Perbarui "
"informasi pembayaran Anda dan perpanjang paket serta domain secara manual "
"jika tidak ingin kehilangan."
msgid ""
"Unfortunately, an issue with your payment information has prevented the "
"renewal. Your plan will expire today."
msgstr ""
"Namun, masalah informasi pembayaran menyebabkan perpanjangan tidak dapat "
"diselesaikan. Paket Anda akan kedaluwarsa hari ini."
msgid ""
"Unfortunately, an issue with your payment information has prevented the "
"renewal. Your plan and domain will expire today."
msgstr ""
"Namun, masalah informasi pembayaran menyebabkan perpanjangan tidak dapat "
"diselesaikan. Paket dan domain Anda akan kedaluwarsa hari ini."
msgid ""
"Unfortunately, a problem with your payment information has prevented the "
"renewal. Your plan will expire in %d day unless you renew it manually."
msgid_plural ""
"Unfortunately, a problem with your payment information has prevented the "
"renewal. Your plan will expire in %d days unless you renew it manually."
msgstr[0] ""
"Namun, masalah informasi pembayaran menyebabkan perpanjangan tidak dapat "
"diselesaikan. Paket Anda akan kedaluwarsa dalam %d hari jika tidak "
"diperpanjang secara manual."
msgstr[1] ""
"Namun, masalah informasi pembayaran menyebabkan perpanjangan tidak dapat "
"diselesaikan. Paket Anda akan kedaluwarsa dalam %d hari jika tidak "
"diperpanjang secara manual."
msgid ""
"Unfortunately, a problem with your payment information has prevented the "
"renewal. Your plan and domain will expire in %d day unless you renew them "
msgid_plural ""
"Unfortunately, a problem with your payment information has prevented the "
"renewal. Your plan and domain will expire in %d days unless you renew them "
msgstr[0] ""
"Namun, masalah informasi pembayaran menyebabkan perpanjangan tidak dapat "
"diselesaikan. Paket dan domain Anda akan kedaluwarsa dalam %d hari jika "
"tidak diperpanjang secara manual."
msgstr[1] ""
"Namun, masalah informasi pembayaran menyebabkan perpanjangan tidak dapat "
"diselesaikan. Paket dan domain Anda akan kedaluwarsa dalam %d hari jika "
"tidak diperpanjang secara manual."
msgid ""
"Update your payment information, otherwise your plan will expire in %d day "
"and your site’s content may not appear as intended."
msgid_plural ""
"Update your payment information, otherwise your plan will expire in %d days "
"and your site’s content may not appear as intended."
msgstr[0] ""
"Perbarui data pembayaran. Jika tidak, paket akan kedaluwarsa dalam %d hari "
"dan konten situs mungkin tidak akan ditampilkan dengan semestinya."
msgstr[1] ""
"Perbarui data pembayaran. Jika tidak, paket akan kedaluwarsa dalam %d hari "
"dan konten situs mungkin tidak akan ditampilkan dengan semestinya."
msgid ""
"Update your payment information, otherwise your plan and domain will expire "
"in %d day and your site’s content may not appear as intended."
msgid_plural ""
"Update your payment information, otherwise your plan and domain will expire "
"in %d days and your site’s content may not appear as intended."
msgstr[0] ""
"Perbarui data pembayaran. Jika tidak, paket serta domain akan kedaluwarsa "
"dalam %d hari dan konten situs mungkin tidak akan ditampilkan dengan "
msgstr[1] ""
"Perbarui data pembayaran. Jika tidak, paket serta domain akan kedaluwarsa "
"dalam %d hari dan konten situs mungkin tidak akan ditampilkan dengan "
msgid "Talk to an SEO expert today"
msgstr "Hubungi pakar SEO hari ini"
msgid ""
"In today‘s digital age, visibility is key. Hire an SEO expert to boost your "
"online presence and capture valuable opportunities."
msgstr ""
"Di era digital saat ini, visibilitas adalah kuncinya. Gunakan jasa SEO "
"profesional untuk meningkatkan kehadiran online Anda dan menangkap peluang "
msgid "Hire an SEO expert"
msgstr "Gunakan jasa SEO profesional"
msgid "Make your brand"
msgstr "Buat brand Anda"
msgid ""
"Create a standout brand with a custom logo. Our partner makes it easy and "
"quick to design a professional logo that leaves a lasting impression."
msgstr ""
"Ciptakan merek yang menonjol dengan logo khusus. Mitra kami membuatnya mudah "
"dan cepat untuk mendesain logo profesional yang meninggalkan kesan mendalam."
msgid "Fiverr logo maker"
msgstr "Pembuat logo Fiverr"
msgid "The %s plan unlocks features designed to set your site instantly apart."
msgstr ""
"Dengan paket %s, Anda dapat menggunakan berbagai fitur yang didesain untuk "
"membuat situs Anda menonjol seketika."
msgid "The %s plan unlocks features designed to set your site instantly apart:"
msgstr ""
"Dengan paket %s, Anda dapat menggunakan berbagai fitur yang didesain untuk "
"membuat situs Anda menonjol seketika."
msgid "Why miss out when you can stand out?"
msgstr "Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk membuat situs istimewa."
msgid "Stunning-quality, ad-free video in the WordPress Editor"
msgstr "Video berkualitas dan bebas iklan di Editor WordPress"
msgid ""
"Please check our restore troubleshooting guide for "
"detailed steps on how to resolve common issues."
msgstr ""
"Baca panduan pemecahan masalah pemulihan untuk "
"mengetahui langkah-langkah pemecahan masalah umumnya."
msgid ""
"We also have some information on how to manually restore "
"your site if needed in the meantime."
msgstr ""
"Kami juga memiliki informasi cara memulihkan situs secara "
"manual jika diperlukan."
msgid ""
"If your restore still doesn’t work, please reply back to us and we’ll "
"provide the next steps to get your restore working."
msgstr ""
"Jika pemulihan masih belum berhasil, kirimkan balasan kepada kami dan kami "
"akan memberitahukan langkah berikutnya yang diperlukan agar pemulihan "
msgid ""
"Adding your server credentials may help. You can follow "
"the steps in our guide to add SSH, SFTP, or FTP "
"credentials, and then try the restore again."
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat menambahkan kredensial server. Anda dapat "
"mengikuti langkah-langkah dalam panduan kami untuk "
"menambahkan kredensial SSH, SFTP, atau FTP, kemudian mencoba memulihkannya "
msgid "%1$s wants to access data from your %2$s profile"
msgstr "%1$s ingin mengakses data dari profil %2$s Anda"
msgid "View your contact information, like secondary emails."
msgstr ""
"Melihat informasi kontak Anda, misalnya email sekunder."
msgid "Gravatar Emails Read"
msgstr "Email Gravatar Baca"
msgid ""
"Manage user information data such as username, name, main "
"email, blog, and avatar."
msgstr ""
"Kelola data informasi pengguna seperti nama pengguna, nama, "
"email utama, blog, dan avatar."
msgid "Gravatar Avatar Manage"
msgstr "Avatar Gravatar Kelola"
msgid ""
"View user information data such as username, name, main "
"email, blog, and avatar."
msgstr ""
"Lihat data informasi pengguna seperti nama pengguna, nama, "
"email utama, blog, dan avatar."
msgid "Gravatar Authentication"
msgstr "Autentikasi Gravatar"
msgid "Speed Test"
msgstr "Tes Kecepatan"
msgid "Enter your verification code"
msgstr "Masukkan kode verifikasi Anda"
msgid "Enter your backup code"
msgstr "Masukkan kode backup Anda"
msgid "Is there anything else you would like to share?"
msgstr "Apakah ada hal lain yang Anda ingin bagikan?"
msgid "Don't know"
msgstr "Tidak tahu"
msgid "What Automattic hosting product are you considering?"
msgstr "Produk hosting Automattic apa yang Anda sedang pertimbangkan?"
msgid "Number of sites"
msgstr "Jumlah situs"
msgid "Thanks! Our migration team will get back to you shortly!"
msgstr "Terima kasih! Tim migrasi kami akan segera menghubungi Anda!"
msgid "Would you still like to remove them?"
msgstr "Apakah Anda masih ingin menghapusnya?"
msgid "If you remove this viewer, they will not be able to visit this site."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda menghapus pengunjung ini, dia tidak akan dapat mengunjungi situs "
msgid ""
"Sorry, we couldn't load that article. Click here to open it in a "
"new tab"
msgstr ""
"Maaf, kami tidak dapat memuat artikel tersebut. Klik di sini "
"untuk membukanya di tab baru"
msgid "Access level."
msgstr "Tingkat akses."
msgid "Tell us which platform your site is built with so we can get started."
msgstr ""
"Beritahu kami platform mana yang digunakan untuk membangun situs Anda supaya "
"kita bisa mulai."
msgid "Move your site to"
msgstr "Pindahkan situs Anda ke"
msgid "Large organizations"
msgstr "Organisasi besar"
msgid "Personal use"
msgstr "Penggunaan pribadi"
msgid "Custom spam check allowance"
msgstr "Jatah pemeriksaan spam kustom"
msgid "5000 monthly spam checks"
msgstr "5.000 pemeriksaan spam bulanan"
msgid "Priority email support"
msgstr "Dukungan email prioritas"
msgid "500 monthly spam checks"
msgstr "500 pemeriksaan spam bulanan"
msgid "Email support"
msgstr "Dukungan email"
msgid "For commercial sites"
msgstr "Untuk situs komersial"
msgid "For personal sites"
msgstr "Untuk situs personal"
msgid " Get a quote →"
msgstr " Dapatkan penawaran →"
msgid "Not sure which plan fits your needs?"
msgstr "Belum yakin paket mana yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda?"
msgid "Automattic Partner Portal"
msgstr "Portal Mitra Automattic"
msgid "Tailored spam protection solutions for large businesses."
msgstr "Solusi perlindungan spam khusus untuk bisnis besar."
msgid "For large networks and multisite installations."
msgstr "Untuk instalasi jaringan besar dan multisitus. "
msgid "Single-site use for professional or commercial sites and blogs."
msgstr ""
"Penggunaan situs tunggal untuk situs dan blog profesional serta komersial."
msgid ""
"Take your subscriptions on the go with the {{a}}Jetpack mobile app{{/a}}."
msgstr ""
"Nikmati langganan Anda di mana saja dengan {{a}}aplikasi seluler Jetpack{{/"
msgid "Receive web and mobile notifications"
msgstr "Terima pemberitahuan web dan seluler"
msgid "Receive emails"
msgstr "Terima e-mail"
msgid "Receive new comment emails"
msgstr "Terima e-mail komentar baru"
msgid "Receive emails and notifications for new posts"
msgstr "Terima e-mail dan pemberitahuan untuk pos baru"
msgid "Choose how you'd like to receive new posts from this site"
msgstr "Tentukan cara pengiriman pos baru dari situs ini kepada Anda"
msgid "Free subscriber"
msgstr "Pelanggan gratis"
msgid "I understand that my question and subsequent replies will be public"
msgstr "Saya paham bahwa pertanyaan saya dan tanggapannya terbuka untuk umum"
msgid ""
"High Performance, Highly Secure{{br/}}Managed WordPress Hosting for Agencies"
msgstr ""
"Managed WordPress Hosting{{br/}}untuk Agensi dengan Performa Tinggi dan "
"Sangat Aman"
msgid "Saving, please wait"
msgstr "Menyimpan, mohon tunggu"
msgid "Generating content"
msgstr "Membuat konten"
msgid ""
"It sounds like you want to talk to a human. We’re here to help! Use the "
"option below to message our Happiness Engineers."
msgstr ""
"Sepertinya Anda ingin berbicara dengan manusia. Kami di sini siap membantu! "
"Gunakan opsi di bawah ini untuk mengirim pesan kepada Happiness Engineer "
msgid ""
"If you want even more control, our powerful site editing tools are always at "
"your disposal, allowing you to customize every single detail of this "
"beautiful layout."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda menginginkan kontrol yang lebih lengkap, alat pengeditan situs "
"kami yang canggih selalu siap membantu Anda, memungkinkan Anda untuk "
"menyesuaikan setiap detail tata letak yang indah ini."
msgid "Need full control?"
msgstr "Perlu kontrol penuh?"
msgid ""
"Just describe your site in a few sentences, and our AI tool will customize "
"the content for you."
msgstr ""
"Cukup cantumkan deskripsi situs Anda dalam beberapa kalimat, dan alat AI "
"kami akan melakukan penyesuaian kontennya untuk Anda."
msgid ""
"Start with this layout and use our AI assistant to create the website of "
"your dreams without breaking a sweat."
msgstr ""
"Mulailah dengan tata letak ini dan gunakan asisten AI kami untuk membuat "
"situs web impian Anda tanpa perlu bersusah payah."
msgid "Customize it with AI"
msgstr "Sesuaikan dengan AI"
msgid "Public web address"
msgstr "Alamat web publik"
msgid "Site migration"
msgstr "Migrasi Situs"
msgid "Select this plan"
msgstr "Pilih paket ini"
msgid ""
"Pressable hosting will be included in the referral program in the future."
msgstr ""
"Hosting Pressable akan diikutkan dalam program referral di masa mendatang."
msgid ""
"Every site built on Pressable comes with Jetpack Complete for free - a $599/"
"year/site value."
msgstr ""
"Setiap situs yang dibuat di Pressable sudah disertai Jetpack Complete "
"senilai $599/tahun/situs secara cuma-cuma."
msgid "How Automattic can help"
msgstr "Cara Automattic membantu Anda"
msgid ""
"My former host caused operational problems, so I needed more stability. "
"Everything’s been running smoothly since I switched to "
"Customer support was responsive and included helpful images and a short "
"video demo when I needed help."
msgstr ""
"Ada masalah operasional gara-gara penyedia hosting saya sebelumnya, jadi "
"saya butuh yang lebih stabil. Semua berjalan lancar sejak saya beralih ke "
" Saat saya perlu bantuan, dukungan pelanggannya responsif dan "
"disertai gambar-gambar yang menolong serta demo video singkat."
msgid ""
" has enabled me to post over 7,000 articles, poems, and videos "
"for my online magazine, Vox Populi. I’m not a techie, so I’m grateful that "
"the platform is easy to use on a daily basis and the help desk staff is "
"friendly and supportive."
msgstr ""
"Berkat, saya bisa mengunggah lebih dari 7.000 artikel, puisi, "
"dan video untuk majalah online saya, Vox Populi. Saya bukan ahli teknologi, "
"jadi saya bersyukur platform ini mudah digunakan sehari-hari. Staf help desk-"
"nya juga sangat ramah dan suportif."
msgid "—trust Michael"
msgstr "—percayalah kepada Michael"
msgid ""
"{{b}}You own this plan.{{/b}} Manage your hosting seamlessly by accessing "
"the Pressable dashboard"
msgstr ""
"{{b}}Anda memiliki paket ini.{{/b}} Kelola hosting Anda dengan lancar dengan "
"mengakses dasbor Pressable"
msgid ""
"With Gutenberg, we were able to publish a breaking news story in two minutes "
"versus five minutes in Classic [WordPress]. The main reason for this is the "
"reusable blocks which have been renamed 'The Game Changer.'"
msgstr ""
"Dengan Gutenberg, kami dapat menerbitkan liputan berita terhangat dalam dua "
"menit saja, sedangkan di [WordPress] Klasik perlu lima menit. Semua ini "
"terutama berkat blok pakai ulang, yang telah berganti nama jadi \"The Game "
msgid "Head of Editorial Operations, %(companyName)s"
msgstr "Head of Editorial Operations, %(companyName)s"
msgid ""
"In the past, the staff didn't touch the CMS. They wrote things in Word, sent "
"it to the production team, and they put it online. With WordPress, that "
"workflow is changing slowly and dramatically. We've trained many of our "
"content creators in the CMS. And, the closer the content creators are to it, "
"the more creatively they are able to think about it."
msgstr ""
"Dulunya, staf tidak menyentuh CMS. Staf hanya menulis di Word, lalu "
"tulisannya dikirim ke tim produksi, dan merekalah yang menjadikannya online. "
"Dengan WordPress, alur kerja ini lambat laun berubah drastis. Banyak pembuat "
"konten yang kami latih untuk menggunakan CMS. Selain itu, makin dekat "
"pembuat konten dengan hasil akhirnya, makin kreatif mereka dapat "
msgid "Vice President, %(companyName)s"
msgstr "Wakil Presiden, %(companyName)s"
msgid ""
"Prevent and block unwanted login attempts from bots and hackers attempting "
"to log in to your website with common username and password combinations."
msgstr ""
"Cegah dan blokir upaya login yang tidak diinginkan dari bot dan peretas yang "
"mencoba login ke situs web Anda dengan kombinasi nama pengguna dan kata "
"sandi yang umum."
msgid "Enable brute force login protection"
msgstr "Aktifkan perlindungan brute force login"
msgid ""
"IP addresses added to this list will be blocked from accessing your site."
msgstr ""
"Alamat IP yang ditambahkan ke daftar ini akan diblokir untuk mengakses situs "
msgid "Block specific IP addresses"
msgstr "Blokir alamat IP tertentu"
msgid "Upgrade to enable automatic firewall protection."
msgstr "Upgrade untuk mengaktifkan perlindungan firewall otomatis."
msgid "Upgrade to keep your site secure with up-to-date firewall rules"
msgstr ""
"Upgrade untuk menjaga situs Anda tetap aman dengan aturan firewall terbaru"
msgid "Set up automatic rules with one click"
msgstr "Siapkan aturan otomatis dengan satu klik"
msgid "Your site is not receiving the latest updates to automatic rules"
msgstr "Situs Anda tidak menerima pembaruan aturan otomatis."
msgid ""
"Block untrusted traffic sources by scanning every request made to your site. "
"Jetpack’s advanced security rules are automatically kept up-to-date to "
"protect your site from the latest threats."
msgstr ""
"Blokir sumber traffic yang tidak tepercaya dengan memindai setiap permintaan "
"yang masuk ke situs Anda. Aturan keamanan canggih Jetpack secara otomatis "
"selalu diperbarui untuk melindungi situs Anda dari ancaman terbaru."
msgid "Automatic security rules installed. Last updated on %(date)s."
msgstr "Aturan keamanan otomatis diinstal. Terakhir diperbarui pada %(date)s."
msgid "Enable automatic firewall protection"
msgstr "Aktifkan perlindungan firewall otomatis"
msgid "Web Application Firewall (WAF)"
msgstr "Web Application Firewall (WAF)"
msgid ""
"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. To specify a range, enter the low value and "
"high value separated by a dash. Example:"
msgstr ""
"IPv4 dan IPv6 dapat diterima. Untuk menentukan rentang, masukkan nilai "
"rendah dan nilai tinggi yang dipisahkan oleh tanda hubung. Misalnya: "
msgid ""
"IP addresses added to this list will never be blocked by Jetpack's security "
msgstr ""
"Alamat IP yang ditambahkan ke daftar ini tidak akan pernah diblokir oleh "
"fitur keamanan Jetpack."
msgid "Always allow specific IP addresses"
msgstr "Selalu izinkan alamat IP tertentu"
msgid "Switch to a three-year plan"
msgstr "Beralih ke paket tiga tahun"
msgid "Three-year cost"
msgstr "Biaya tiga tahun"
msgid "Learn more about how the site editor works."
msgstr "Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang cara kerja editor situs."
msgid "Profiles and avatars are powered by Gravatar."
msgstr "Profil dan avatar didukung oleh Gravatar."
msgid "%(clientTitle)s profiles are powered by Gravatar."
msgstr "Profil %(clientTitle)s didukung oleh Gravatar."
msgid "Generate content"
msgstr "Buat konten"
msgid ""
"Write an amazing description of your site, like: The Beachcomber Bistro is a "
"cafe offering amazing food, delicious coffee and local beers. It's located "
"next to the beach at Harlyn Bay, offering a stunning view from our deck."
msgstr ""
"Tuliskan deskripsi yang mengagumkan tentang situs Anda, seperti: Beachcomber "
"Bistro adalah kafe yang menawarkan makanan yang luar biasa, kopi yang lezat, "
"dan bir lokal. Terletak di sebelah pantai di Harlyn Bay, menawarkan "
"pemandangan yang menakjubkan dari dek kami."
msgid ""
"Describe your site in a few sentences. The more details you give us the "
"better results you'll get."
msgstr ""
"Jelaskan situs Anda dalam beberapa kalimat. Semakin banyak detail yang Anda "
"berikan kepada kami, semakin baik hasil yang akan Anda dapatkan."
msgid "Describe your site"
msgstr "Deskripsikan situs Anda"
msgid "Customize Content With AI"
msgstr "Sesuaikan Konten dengan AI"
msgid "Great job! You are all set."
msgstr "Bagus! Anda sudah siap."
msgid "Not bad! You are almost there. Keep going."
msgstr "Lumayan! Anda hampir sampai. Teruskan."
msgid "Please provide more details to get better results."
msgstr ""
"Mohon berikan rincian lebih lanjut untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik."
msgid "Generating content for your site."
msgstr "Membuat konten untuk situs Anda."
msgid "is required to create an WooPay account."
msgstr "diperlukan untuk membuat akun WooPay."
msgid "Mobile Number"
msgstr "Nomor Ponsel"
msgid "Failed to update the post meta"
msgstr "Gagal memperbarui meta pos"
msgid ""
"With Jetpack Stats, you don’t need to be a data scientist to see how your "
"site is performing, understand your visitors, and grow your site."
msgstr ""
"Dengan Jetpack Stats, Anda tak perlu jadi analis data profesional untuk "
"memantau performa, memahami pengunjung, dan mengembangkan situs."
msgid ""
"The simplest way to track visitor insights and unlock your site’s growth"
msgstr ""
"Cara paling gampang untuk memantau wawasan pengunjung dan mendorong "
"perkembangan situs"
msgid ""
"Grow your following by sharing your content across social media "
msgstr ""
"Perbanyak audiens dengan membagikan konten di berbagai media sosial secara "
msgid ""
"Effortlessly share content across social media. Right from within WordPress"
msgstr ""
"Bagikan konten di berbagai media sosial dengan mudah. Langsung dari halaman "
msgid ""
"Help your visitors find what they are looking for with instant search results"
msgstr "Bantu pengunjung menemukan yang dicari dengan hasil pencarian instan"
msgid ""
"Protect your site from bad actors and malware 24/7. Clean up security "
"vulnerabilities with one click."
msgstr ""
"Lindungi situs dari perusak dan malware, setiap saat. Atasi celah keamanan "
"dengan sekali klik."
msgid "Guard against malware and bad actors 24/7"
msgstr "Amankan dari malware dan perusak, setiap saat"
msgid "Enhance your writing and productivity with our AI suite"
msgstr "Tingkatkan tulisan dan produktivitas dengan kumpulan alat AI kami"
msgid "Strengthen customer relationships and grow your business"
msgstr "Pererat hubungan pelanggan dan kembangkan bisnis"
msgid ""
"Craft stunning content, boost your subscriber base, and monetize your "
"audience with subscriptions."
msgstr ""
"Buat konten menarik, kembangkan basis pelanggan, dan hasilkan uang dari "
"audiens lewat langganan."
msgid "Get more subscribers and keep them engaged with our creator tools"
msgstr "Tambah dan buat pelanggan betah dengan peralatan kreator dari kami "
msgid ""
"Fast sites get more page visits, more conversions, and better SEO rankings. "
"Boost speeds up your site in seconds."
msgstr ""
"Makin cepat situs, makin banyak kunjungan, makin banyak konversi, dan makin "
"tinggi peringkat SEO. Tingkatkan kecepatan situs dalam hitungan detik."
msgid "Speed up your site and improve SEO in seconds"
msgstr "Tingkatkan kecepatan dan SEO situs dalam hitungan detik"
msgid "Secure your site with automatic backups and one-click restores"
msgstr "Amankan situs dengan pencadangan otomatis dan pemulihan sekali klik"
msgid "Keep your site free from spam and bots"
msgstr "Jaga situs bebas spam dan bot"
msgid "Get help."
msgstr "Minta bantuan."
msgid ""
" has been crucial to my agency's growth. Its intuitive UI "
"allows me to quickly create sleek, functional websites for my clients, and "
"their reliable hosting and support enable me to rest easy, knowing my sites "
"are in good hands."
msgstr ""
" jadi faktor krusial dalam perkembangan agensi saya. Karena UI-"
"nya intuitif, saya bisa cepat membuat situs yang berfungsi penuh dan menawan "
"untuk para klien. Hosting dan dukungannya juga bisa diandalkan, jadi saya "
"tenang karena tahu situs-situs saya terurus dengan baik."
msgid "President, %(companyName)s"
msgstr "Presiden, %(companyName)s"
msgid "Director of Technology, %(companyName)s"
msgstr "Director of Technology, %(companyName)s"
msgid "Founder, %(companyName)s"
msgstr "Founder, %(companyName)s"
msgid ""
"The descriptor you entered isn’t allowed. Please choose a different one."
msgstr ""
"Deskriptor yang dimasukkan tidak dapat digunakan. Masukkan deskriptor "
msgid "Unlock customization options with the %s plan."
msgstr "Nikmati berbagai pilihan penyesuaian dengan paket %s."
msgid "Add the Subscribe Block at the end of each post."
msgstr "Tambahkan Block Langganan di akhir setiap pos."
msgid "Subscription overlay on homepage."
msgstr "Overlay langganan di beranda."
msgid "Show subscription pop-up when scrolling a post."
msgstr "Tunjukkan pop-up langganan ketika menggulir sebuah pos."
msgid ""
"It sounds like you want to talk to a human. Human support is only available "
"for our [paid plans]( For community support, "
"visit our forums:"
msgstr ""
"Sepertinya Anda ingin berbicara dengan manusia. Layanan bantuan dari manusia "
"hanya tersedia untuk [paket berbayar]( kami. "
"Untuk bantuan komunitas, kunjungi forum kami:"
msgid "Ask in our forums."
msgstr "Tanyakan di forum kami."
msgid "Translate"
msgstr "Terjemahkan"
msgid ""
"%(languageName)s is only %(percentTranslated)d%% translated. Help translate "
"WordPress into your language."
msgstr ""
"Terjemahan %(languageName)s hanya %(percentTranslated)d%%. Bantu "
"menerjemahkan WordPress ke bahasa Anda."
msgid "Jetpack Complete included"
msgstr "Termasuk Jetpack Complete"
msgid "Development"
msgstr "Development"
msgid ""
"Is there anything else I can help you with regarding your account? Please "
"get in touch with our support team."
msgstr ""
"Apakah ada hal lain yang bisa saya bantu terkait akun Anda? Silakan hubungi "
"tim layanan bantuan kami."
msgid ""
"If you need to downgrade, please reach out to %(name)s at %(email)s for "
"help. They have the necessary permissions to make plan changes."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda ingin melakukan downgrade, silakan hubungi %(name)s melalui "
"%(email)s untuk mendapatkan bantuan. Mereka memiliki izin yang diperlukan "
"untuk melakukan perubahan paket."
msgid ""
"If you need to upgrade, please reach out to %(name)s at %(email)s for help. "
"They have the necessary permissions to make plan changes."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda ingin melakukan upgrade, silakan hubungi %(name)s melalui "
"%(email)s untuk mendapatkan bantuan. Mereka memiliki izin yang diperlukan "
"untuk melakukan perubahan paket."
msgid ""
"I noticed you're trying to downgrade your plan, but only the plan owner can "
"make these changes. The owner of this plan is %(name)s (%(niceName)s)."
msgstr ""
"Saya penemukan Anda mencoba melakukan downgrade paket Anda, tetapi hanya "
"pemilik paket yang dapat melakukan perubahan ini. Pemilik paket ini adalah "
"%(name)s (%(niceName)s)."
msgid ""
"I noticed you're trying to upgrade your plan, but only the plan owner can "
"make these changes. The owner of this plan is %(name)s (%(niceName)s)."
msgstr ""
"Saya penemukan Anda mencoba melakukan upgrade paket Anda, tetapi hanya "
"pemilik paket yang dapat melakukan perubahan ini. Pemilik paket ini adalah "
"%(name)s (%(niceName)s)."
msgid "Hello, I am Wapuu,'s AI assistant!"
msgstr "Halo, saya Wapuu, asisten AI untuk!"
msgid "Activating hosting features"
msgstr "Mengaktifkan semua fitur hosting"
msgid ""
"The block editor includes experimental features that are usable while "
"they're in development. Select the ones you'd like to enable. These features "
"are likely to change, so avoid using them in production."
msgstr ""
"Editor blok menyertakan fitur percobaan yang dapat digunakan saat masih "
"dalam pengembangan. Pilih fitur yang ingin Anda aktifkan. FItur-fitur ini "
"masih dapat berubah. Hindari penggunaan fitur ini di situs produksi."
msgid ""
"Please note that you have a %s plan connected to this domain, but it renews "
"separately. If the renewal for the plan fails, you will receive a separate "
"email with instructions on how to manage the plan renewal."
msgstr ""
"Harap ingat bahwa Anda punya paket %s yang terhubung dengan domain ini, "
"tetapi diperpanjang secara terpisah. Jika perpanjangan paket tidak berhasil, "
"Anda akan menerima email terpisah yang berisi petunjuk untuk memperpanjang "
msgid ""
"Update your payment information and manually renew your domain to "
"keep the site running without issues."
msgstr ""
"Perbarui informasi pembayaran dan perpanjang domain Anda secara manual"
"b> agar situs dapat berfungsi tanpa masalah."
msgid ""
"Please update your payment information and manually renew your domain "
"or risk losing %s permanently. Failure to do so could result in difficulties "
"for visitors accessing your site."
msgstr ""
"Perbarui informasi pembayaran Anda dan perpanjang domain Anda secara "
"manual jika tidak ingin kehilangan %s secara permanen. Jika Anda tidak "
"melakukannya, pengunjung akan kesulitan mengakses situs Anda."
msgid ""
"We have attempted to renew your domain registration for %s. Unfortunately, "
"we cannot complete the renewal with your current payment information."
msgstr ""
"Kami telah berupaya memperpanjang registrasi domain Anda untuk %s. "
"Sayangnya, kami tidak dapat memproses perpanjangan tersebut dengan "
"menggunakan informasi pembayaran yang ada saat ini."
msgid ""
"There is still an unresolved issue regarding the renewal of your WordPress."
"com domain registration for %s."
msgstr ""
"Masalah terkait perpanjangan registrasi domain untuk %s masih "
"belum terselesaikan."
msgid ""
"We are attempting to renew your domain registration for %s, but we cannot "
"complete the renewal with your current payment method."
msgstr ""
"Kami mencoba memperpanjang registrasi domain untuk %s, tetapi tidak dapat "
"memproses perpanjangan dengan metode pembayaran yang digunakan saat ini."
msgid ""
"Recommended: Include the Substack URL to import comments and author "
msgstr ""
"Rekomendasi: URL Buletin Substack untuk mengimpor komentar dan informasi "
msgid "Substack URL"
msgstr "URL Substack"
msgid ""
"To generate a ZIP file of all your Substack posts, go to your Substack {{b}}"
"Settings > Exports{{/b}} and click 'Create a new export.' Once the ZIP file "
"is downloaded, upload it below."
msgstr ""
"Untuk membuat file ZIP dari semua pos Substack Anda, buka Substack {{b}}"
"Pengaturan > Ekspor{{/b}} dan klik 'Buat ekspor baru'. Setelah file ZIP "
"diunduh, unggah berkas tersebut di bawah ini."
msgid ""
"Import posts and images, podcasts and public comments from Substack to "
msgstr ""
"Impor pos dan gambar, serta podcast dan komentar publik dari Substack ke "
msgid " per "
msgstr " per "
msgid "per %s"
msgstr "per %s"
msgid "Jetpack donations is disabled in favour of Newspack donations."
msgstr "Donasi Jetpack dinonaktifkan untuk mendukung donasi Newspack."
msgid ""
"Unable to load plan tiers. Please make sure you have an active network "
"connection and try reloading the page."
msgstr ""
"Tidak dapat memuat tingkatan paket. Pastikan Anda memiliki koneksi jaringan "
"yang aktif dan coba muat ulang halaman."
msgid "News Corp"
msgstr "News Corp"
msgid "Vox Media"
msgstr "Vox Media"
msgid "USA Today"
msgstr "USA Today"
msgid "TechCrunch"
msgstr "TechCrunch"
msgid ""
"Earn up to 50% revenue share and get volume discounts on "
"hosting when you migrate sites to our platform and promote Automattic’s "
"products to clients."
msgstr ""
"Dapatkan bagi hasil hingga 50% dan diskon partai besar untuk hosting "
" saat Anda melakukan migrasi situs ke platform kami dan "
"mempromosikan produk Automattic kepada klien."
msgid "Building sites for customers? Here’s how to earn more"
msgstr ""
"Buat situs untuk pelanggan? Berikut cara untuk mendapatkan hasil lebih "
msgid ""
"Your profile is connected to Gravatar. Your Gravatar is public "
"by default and may appear on any site using Gravatar when you’re logged in "
"with {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}}. To manage your Gravatar profile, "
"profile links, and visibility settings, {{a}}visit your Gravatar profile{{/"
msgstr ""
"Profil Anda terhubung ke Gravatar. Gravatar Anda diatur publik "
"secara default dan mungkin akan muncul di situs mana pun yang menggunakan "
"Gravatar saat Anda login dengan {{strong}}%(email)s{{/strong}}. Untuk "
"mengelola profil Gravatar, tautan profil, dan pengaturan visibilitas, {{a}}"
"buka profil Gravatar Anda{{/a}}."
msgid ""
"If the issue persists, contact our support team to help you resolve the "
msgstr ""
"Jika kendala ini terus berlanjut, hubungi tim layanan bantuan kami untuk "
"membantu Anda memecahkan kendala ini."
msgid ""
"An error occurred while restoring your site. You may need to "
"{{linkCredentials}}add your server credentials{{/linkCredentials}}. You can "
"follow the steps in {{linkGuide}}our guide{{/linkGuide}} to add SSH, SFTP, "
"or FTP credentials, and then try to restore again."
msgstr ""
"Terjadi eror saat memulihkan situs Anda. Anda mungkin perlu "
"{{linkCredentials}}menambahkan kredensial server Anda{{/linkCredentials}}. "
"Anda dapat mengikuti langkah-langkah dalam {{linkGuide}}panduan kami{{/"
"linkGuide}} untuk menambahkan kredensial SSH, SFTP, atau FTP, lalu coba "
"pulihkan lagi."
msgid ""
"Access a variety of free and paid plugins that can enhance your site's "
"functionality and features."
msgstr ""
"Akses berbagai plugin gratis dan berbayar yang dapat meningkatkan "
"fungsionalitas dan fitur situs Anda."
msgid "Flex your site's features with plugins"
msgstr "Tunjukkan kehebatan fitur situs Anda dengan plugin"
msgid "The platform the biggest{{br/}}brands trust."
msgstr "Platform yang dipercaya oleh{{br/}}brand-brand terbesar."
msgid "How many sites would you like to buy?"
msgstr "Berapa banyak situs yang Anda ingin beli?"
msgid "You own %(count)s site"
msgid_plural "You own %(count)s sites"
msgstr[0] "Anda punya %(count)s situs"
msgstr[1] "Anda punya %(count)s situs"
msgid "Add %(quantity)s site to cart"
msgid_plural "Add %(quantity)s sites to cart"
msgstr[0] "Tambah %(quantity)s situs ke keranjang"
msgstr[1] "Tambah %(quantity)s situs ke keranjang"
msgid ""
"{{promotionalPricingPolicyLink}}Restrictions apply{{/"
msgstr ""
"{{promotionalPricingPolicyLink}}Berlaku pembatasan{{/"
msgid "WooPay blog_token is currently misconfigured."
msgstr "Saat ini blog_token WooPay salah konfigurasi."
msgid ""
"You need to upgrade to a commercial license to continue using Jetpack Stats"
msgstr ""
"Anda perlu melakukan upgrade ke lisensi komersial untuk terus menggunakan "
"Jetpack Stats"
msgid ""
"Let's get your migration started. Please share your site address so we can "
"review your site and begin your migration."
msgstr ""
"Mari kita mulai migrasi Anda. Silakan bagikan alamat situs Anda agar kami "
"dapat meninjau situs Anda dan memulai migrasi."
msgid "Enjoy priority customer support for any inquiries or issues."
msgstr ""
"Dapatkan dukungan pelanggan prioritas untuk setiap pertanyaan atau masalah."
msgid "Priority Support:"
msgstr "Dukungan Prioritas:"
msgid ""
"Access to advanced features, including UTM stats, Device stats, full date "
"range support and more."
msgstr ""
"Dapatkan akses ke fitur tingkat lanjut, termasuk statistik UTM, statistik "
"Perangkat, dukungan rentang tanggal lengkap, dan lainnya."
msgid "Advanced Features:"
msgstr "Fitur Tingkat Lanjut:"
msgid "Commercial Use:"
msgstr "Penggunaan Komersial:"
msgid "What’s Included in the Upgrade:"
msgstr "Fitur Eksklusif dalam Paket Upgrade:"
msgid ""
" to continue using the service uninterrupted. Contact us any time if you "
"need assistance. We appreciate your understanding as we work to improve "
"Jetpack Stats."
msgstr ""
" agar dapat terus menggunakan layanan tanpa gangguan. Hubungi kami kapan pun "
"jika Anda butuh bantuan. Terima kasih atas pengertian Anda sementara kami "
"berupaya menyempurnakan Jetpack Stats."
msgid "Please upgrade to a commercial plan before "
msgstr "Lakukan upgrade ke paket komersial sebelum "
msgid ""
"We are writing to inform you that your site, %1$s, has met our criteria for "
"an upgrade based on its classification as a commercial site and its recent "
"usage levels."
msgstr ""
"Kami menginformasikan bahwa situs Anda, %1$s, telah memenuhi kriteria untuk "
"upgrade berdasarkan klasifikasinya sebagai situs komersial dan tingkat "
"penggunaan terkini."
msgid "Jetpack Stats: Upgrade Required for %1$s"
msgstr "Jetpack Stats: Upgrade Diperlukan untuk %1$s"
msgid "Schedule a Demo"
msgstr "Jadwalkan Demo"
msgid "The free perks that come with Pressable"
msgstr "Fasilitas gratis yang tersedia di Pressable"
msgid "How to launch and manage WordPress sites"
msgstr "Cara meluncurkan dan mengelola situs WordPress"
msgid "The best hosting plan for your needs"
msgstr "Paket hosting terbaik untuk kebutuhan Anda"
msgid "Our support, service, and pricing flexibility"
msgstr "Dukungan, layanan, dan harga kami yang fleksibel"
msgid ""
"One of our friendly experts would be happy to give you a one-on-one tour of "
"our platform and discuss:"
msgstr ""
"Salah satu tim ahli kami yang ramah akan dengan senang hati memberi Anda "
"sesi pengenalan dan berdiskusi langsung dengan Anda:"
msgid "Schedule a demo and personal consultation"
msgstr "Jadwalkan demo dan konsultasi pribadi"
msgid ""
"Premier Agency hosting best for large-scale businesses and major eCommerce "
msgstr ""
"Premier Agency Hosting cocok untuk bisnis berskala besar dan situs eCommerce "
msgid ""
"Copy and paste the migration key below in the "
"{{strong}}%(migrationKeyLabel)s{{/strong}} field, customize any of the "
"following migration options, and click {{strong}}%(migrateLabel)s{{/strong}}."
msgstr ""
"Salin dan tempel kode migrasi di bawah ini di kolom "
"{{strong}}%(migrationKeyLabel)s{{/strong}}, sesuaikan opsi migrasi berikut "
"ini, dan klik {{strong}}%(migrateLabel)s{{/strong}}."
msgid "Condé Nast"
msgstr "Condé Nast"
msgid "Capgemini"
msgstr "Capgemini"
msgid "Abercrombie & Fitch"
msgstr "Abercrombie & Fitch"
msgid "SiriusXM"
msgstr "SiriusXM"
msgid "Chevron"
msgstr "Chevron"
msgid "Al Jazeera"
msgstr "Al Jazeera"
msgid "Salesforce"
msgstr "Salesforce"
msgid "Intuit"
msgstr "Intuit"
msgid "Samsung"
msgstr "Samsung"
msgid "Slack"
msgstr "Slack"
msgid "%(count)d Update"
msgid_plural "%(count)d Updates"
msgstr[0] "%(count)d Pembaruan"
msgstr[1] "%(count)d Pembaruan"
msgid "Customize content with AI"
msgstr "Sesuaikan konten dengan AI"
msgid "Manage all my P2 sites"
msgstr "Kelola semua situs P2 saya"
msgid "Read the case study"
msgstr "Baca studi kasus"
msgid "Love for VIP hosting"
msgstr "Cinta untuk Hosting VIP"
msgid "Integrated commerce"
msgstr "Integrasi e-commerce"
msgid "Website management"
msgstr "Manajemen situs web"
msgid "Enterprise-grade security"
msgstr "Keamanan kelas perusahaan"
msgid "Scalable platform"
msgstr "Platform yang dapat ditingkatkan"
msgid "Development tools"
msgstr "Alat pengembangan"
msgid "Headless CMS"
msgstr "Headless CMS"
msgid "Content guidance"
msgstr "Panduan konten"
msgid "Experience creation"
msgstr "Pengalaman menciptakan"
msgid "Rapid content authoring"
msgstr "Pembuatan konten cepat"
msgid ""
"Combine the ease of WordPress with enterprise-grade security and scalability."
msgstr ""
"Kombinasikan kemudahan WordPress dengan keamanan dan skalabilitas kelas "
msgid "The leading content platform"
msgstr "Platform konten ternama"
msgid "VIP Capabilities "
msgstr "Fitur VIP"
msgid "Love for Pressable hosting"
msgstr "Cinta untuk Hosting Pressable"
msgid ""
"We're so sure you'll be satisfied with Pressable that we offer you the "
"world's best WordPress hosting with no-strings-attached."
msgstr ""
"Kami sangat yakin Anda akan puas dengan Pressable yang kami tawarkan sebagai "
"hosting WordPress terbaik di dunia tanpa syarat apa pun."
msgid ""
"When you win, we win. That's why our team of WordPress professionals is "
"always available to help."
msgstr ""
"Saat Anda puas, kami puas. Itulah mengapa tim profesional WordPress kami "
"selalu siap membantu."
msgid "Trouble free growth"
msgstr "Pertumbuhan bebas masalah"
msgid "Flexible plans designed to grow with your business"
msgstr "Paket fleksibel yang dirancang untuk tumbuh bersama bisnis Anda"
msgid "Security authentication"
msgstr "Autentikasi keamanan"
msgid "Spam protection (comments and forms)"
msgstr "Perlindungan spam (komentar dan formulir)"
msgid "Real-time malware scans"
msgstr "Pemindaian malware real time"
msgid "Supercharge your clients' sites"
msgstr "Tingkatkan situs klien Anda"
msgid ""
"Learn about views patterns by analysing total and average daily views to "
"your site."
msgstr ""
"Pelajari tentang pola penayangan dengan menganalisis total dan rata-rata "
"penayangan harian ke situs Anda."
msgid "Incredibly low page speed index"
msgstr "Indeks kecepatan halaman yang sangat rendah"
msgid ""
"We're the only cloud platform team fully dedicated to optimizing WordPress. "
"Your customers will feel the difference."
msgstr ""
"Kami adalah satu-satunya tim platform cloud yang berdedikasi penuh untuk "
"mengoptimalkan WordPress. Pelanggan Anda akan merasakan perbedaannya."
msgid ""
"Automattic hosting plans offer exceptional security from day one, with the "
"option to include or sell additional client-facing security features like "
"real-time backups, anti-spam, and malware scanning."
msgstr ""
"Paket hosting Automattic menawarkan keamanan yang luar biasa sejak hari "
"pertama, dengan opsi untuk menyertakan atau menjual fitur keamanan tambahan "
"yang berhadapan dengan klien seperti pencadangan realtime, anti-spam, dan "
"pemindaian malware."
msgid "Minimize risk"
msgstr "Minim risiko"
msgid "High availability with automated scaling"
msgstr "Ketersediaan tinggi dengan skalabilitas otomatis"
msgid "99.999% Uptime"
msgstr "Uptime 99.999%"
msgid ""
"With over 15 years of experience running hundreds of millions of sites on "
", including the highest-trafficked sites globally, we've "
"developed a platform we confidently put up against any cloud service."
msgstr ""
"Dengan pengalaman lebih dari 15 tahun menjalankan ratusan juta situs di "
", termasuk situs dengan traffic tertinggi di seluruh dunia, "
"kami telah mengembangkan platform yang kami yakin dapat bersaing dengan "
"layanan cloud mana pun."
msgid "Create trust"
msgstr "Ciptakan kepercayaan"
msgid "Improve your client relationships with our hosting"
msgstr "Tingkatkan hubungan dengan klien Anda dengan hosting kami"
msgid ""
"We aimed to provide clients with a reliable hosting service we could endorse "
"without hesitation, ultimately resulting in satisfied clients. We found that "
"service with"
msgstr ""
"Kami bertujuan untuk menyediakan layanan hosting yang dapat diandalkan "
"kepada para klien yang dapat kami dukung tanpa ragu-ragu, yang pada akhirnya "
"menghasilkan klien yang puas. Kami menemukan layanan tersebut di WordPress."
msgid "Love for hosting"
msgstr "Cinta untuk Hosting"
msgid "What agencies say"
msgstr "Testimoni agensi"
msgid "Specialized workflows"
msgstr "Alur kerja khusus"
msgid "Automated malware scanning via Jetpack"
msgstr "Pemindaian malware otomatis via Jetpack"
msgid "Included with all plans and sites"
msgstr "Termasuk di semua paket dan situs"
msgid "Just for Agencies"
msgstr "Hanya untuk Agensi"
msgid "Form and comment spam protection"
msgstr "Perlindungan spam untuk komentar dan formulir"
msgid "Donation / tip buttons"
msgstr "Tombol donasi / tip"
msgid "Paid subscriptions to site content"
msgstr "Langganan berbayar untuk konten situs"
msgid "Advanced site stats"
msgstr "Statistik situs tingkat lanjut"
msgid "Unlimited auto-shares to social networks"
msgstr "Berbagi otomatis tanpa batas ke jejaring sosial"
msgid "4K, unbranded VideoPress player"
msgstr "4K, pemutar VideoPress tanpa merek"
msgid "Optional plugin auto-updates"
msgstr "Pembaruan plugin otomatis (opsional)"
msgid "Elastic-powered search"
msgstr "Pencarian dengan fitur Elastic"
msgid "Site downtime monitoring"
msgstr "Pemantauan downtime situs"
msgid "Supercharge your clients’ sites"
msgstr "Optimalkan situs klien Anda"
msgid "Professional Email settings guide"
msgstr "Panduan pengaturan Professional Email"
msgid ""
"Explore our comprehensive support guides and learn all about managing your "
msgstr ""
"Jelajahi panduan dukungan kami yang komprehensif dan pelajari semua hal "
"tentang mengelola mailbox Anda."
msgid "Learn the basics of domains"
msgstr "Pelajari dasar-dasar domain"
msgid ""
"The Toolbar is always visible on Atomic sites while connected to the "
"Automattic proxy."
msgstr ""
"Bilah peralatan selalu dapat dilihat di situs Atomic saat terhubung ke proxy "
msgid "View order number %s"
msgstr "Lihat nomor pesanan %s"
msgid "A link to a product form."
msgstr "Tautan ke tag produk."
msgid "Uploaded to this product form"
msgstr "Diunggah ke produk ini"
msgid "No product forms found in trash"
msgstr "Tidak ada produk di tempat sampah"
msgctxt "Admin menu name"
msgid "Product Forms"
msgstr "Produk"
msgid "Use code %1$s during checkout to get the %2$s%% savings."
msgstr "Gunakan kode %1$s saat checkout untuk menghemat %2$s%%."
msgid ""
"Thanks for trusting with your website. To show our "
"appreciation, we’re offering you a %s%% discount when you extend your "
" hosting plan."
msgstr ""
"Terima kasih telah memercayakan situs Anda kepada Sebagai "
"bentuk apresiasi, kami menawarkan diskon %s%% jika Anda memperpanjang paket "
msgid "Extend your plan and save"
msgstr "Perpanjang paket dan dapatkan diskon"
msgid ""
"Choose a two or three-year subscription and save up to %s%% on the best-"
"managed hosting deal."
msgstr ""
"Pilih langganan dua atau tiga tahun dan dapatkan diskon hingga %s%% untuk "
"paket hosting dengan pengelolaan terbaik."
msgid ""
"Thanks for trusting with your site! Upgrade to any annual plan "
"and receive a %1$s%% discount. Use code %2$s during checkout to get the %1$s%"
"% savings."
msgstr ""
"Terima kasih telah memercayakan situs Anda kepada! Lakukan "
"upgrade ke paket tahunan apa pun dan dapatkan diskon %1$s%%. Gunakan kode "
"%2$s saat checkout untuk menghemat %1$s%%."
msgid ""
"Use code %1$s during checkout to get the %2$s%% "
msgstr ""
"Gunakan kode %1$s saat checkout untuk menghemat %2$s"
msgid ""
"Thanks for trusting %1$s with your website. To show our appreciation, we’re "
"offering you a %2$s%% discount when you extend your %1$s "
"hosting plan."
msgstr ""
"Terima kasih telah memercayakan situs Anda kepada %1$s. Sebagai bentuk "
"apresiasi, kami menawarkan diskon %2$s%% jika Anda "
"memperpanjang paket hosting %1$s."
msgid "Extend your %s plan and save"
msgstr "Perpanjang paket %s dan dapatkan diskon"
msgid "Extend my plan"
msgstr "Perpanjang paket saya"
msgid ""
"Choose a two or three-year subscription and save up to %1$s%% on the best-"
"managed %2$s hosting deal."
msgstr ""
"Pilih langganan dua atau tiga tahun dan dapatkan diskon hingga %1$s%% untuk "
"paket hosting %2$s dengan pengelolaan terbaik."
msgid "Explore your upgrade"
msgstr "Jelajahi upgrade Anda"
msgid ""
"Thanks for trusting %1$s with your site! Upgrade to any annual plan and "
"receive a %2$s%% discount. Use code %3$s "
"during checkout to get the %2$s%% savings."
msgstr ""
"Terima kasih telah memercayakan situs Anda kepada %1$s! Lakukan upgrade ke "
"paket tahunan apa pun dan dapatkan diskon %2$s%%. Gunakan "
"kode %3$s saat checkout untuk menghemat %2$s%%"
msgid "Upgrade your site"
msgstr "Upgrade situs Anda"
msgid ""
"A unique domain improves your site’s visibility and search engine "
"performance. Annual plan subscribers receive complimentary domain "
"registration for the first year."
msgstr ""
"Domain yang unik meningkatkan visibilitas situs Anda dan performa mesin "
"pencari. Pelanggan paket tahunan mendapatkan registrasi domain gratis untuk "
"tahun pertama."
msgid ""
"Claim your own corner of the web with a custom domain name. Upgrade to a "
"paid plan and select from over 350 domain extensions to match your brand "
msgstr ""
"Hadirkan situs unik Anda dengan nama domain khusus. Lakukan upgrade ke paket "
"berbayar dan pilih di antara 350 lebih ekstensi domain agar sesuai identitas "
"merek Anda."
msgid "Upgrade and get a free domain"
msgstr "Lakukan upgrade dan dapatkan domain gratis"
msgid ""
"Harness the power of Blaze’s advertising tools and watch your audience boom."
msgstr "Manfaatkan potensi alat iklan Blaze dan saksikan audiens Anda meroket."
msgid ""
"Get ready to reach more people with Blaze! Advertise to a global audience or "
"your local community in minutes with our streamlined targeting options and "
"simple campaign management."
msgstr ""
"Bersiaplah untuk menjangkau lebih banyak orang dengan Blaze! Iklankan ke "
"audiens global atau ke komunitas lokal Anda dalam hitungan menit menggunakan "
"pilihan penargetan efisien dan pengelolaan kampanye sederhana dari kami."
msgid "WordPress for enterprise-level demands"
msgstr "WordPress untuk kebutuhan kelangan enterprise"
msgid "Best for large-scale businesses"
msgstr "Cocok untuk bisnis berskala besar"
msgid "Premier"
msgstr "Premier"
msgid "Premier Agency Hosting"
msgstr "Premier Agency Hosting"
msgid "Optimized and hassle-free hosting"
msgstr "Hosting yang dioptimalkan dan bebas gangguan"
msgid "Transfer your Squarespace domains"
msgstr "Transfer domain Squarespace Anda"
msgid "Enter your domain names and transfer codes below."
msgstr "Cantumkan nama domain dan kode transfer Anda di bawah ini."
msgid "Transfer code"
msgstr "Kode transfer"
msgid ""
"Request your transfer code. You'll find this at the bottom of your domain's "
"settings page. Squarespace will email you the code (may take several hours) "
"for you to copy to your clipboard."
msgstr ""
"Minta kode transfer Anda. Anda akan menemukannya di bawah halaman pengaturan "
"domain Anda. Squarespace akan mengirimkan kode tersebut melalui e-mail "
"(mungkin membutuhkan beberapa jam) agar Anda dapat menyalinnya ke clipboard "
msgid ""
"Once you've opened your domain's settings, ensure that your domain is "
msgstr ""
"Setelah Anda membuka pengaturan domain, pastikan domain Anda tidak terkunci."
msgid "Terminate subscriptions here"
msgstr "Akhiri langganan di sini"
msgid "20 free requests"
msgstr "20 permintaan gratis"
msgid "Some plugins are managed by the host and cannot be autoupdated"
msgstr ""
"Beberapa plugin dikelola oleh hosting dan tidak dapat diperbarui secara "
msgid "It's time to consider site security."
msgstr "Sekarang waktunya mempertimbangkan keamanan situs."
msgid "Get Boost now"
msgstr "Dapatkan Boost sekarang"
msgid "Remove this site from the dashboard."
msgstr "Hapus situs ini dari dasbor."
msgid ""
"If you're no longer using Jetpack and/or WordPress for your site, or you've "
"taken your site down, it's time to disconnect Jetpack."
msgstr ""
"Apabila Anda tidak menggunakan Jetpack dan/atau WordPress lagi untuk situs "
"Anda atau Anda menonaktifkan situs Anda, kini saatnya memutuskan sambungan "
msgid ""
"If you're no longer using Automattic for Agencies and/or WordPress for your "
"site, or you've taken your site down, it's time to disconnect Automattic for "
msgstr ""
"Apabila Anda tidak menggunakan Automattic for Agencies dan/atau WordPress "
"lagi untuk situs Anda atau Anda menonaktifkan situs Anda, kini saatnya "
"memutuskan sambungan Automattic for Agencies."
msgid "Disconnect Automattic for Agencies"
msgstr "Putuskan Sambungan Automattic for Agencies"
msgid ""
"If your site is loading but you're still seeing this error, this guide will "
"help you troubleshoot the Jetpack connection."
msgstr ""
"Apabila situs Anda sedang dimuat, tetapi Anda masih melihat pesan eror ini, "
"panduan ini akan membantu Anda menyelesaikan masalah koneksi Jetpack."
msgid ""
"If your site is loading but you're still seeing this error, this guide will "
"help you troubleshoot the Automattic for Agencies connection."
msgstr ""
"Apabila situs Anda sedang dimuat, tetapi Anda masih melihat pesan error ini, "
"panduan ini akan membantu Anda menyelesaikan masalah koneksi Automattic for "
msgid "Troubleshoot Automattic for Agencies"
msgstr "Mengatasi Masalah Automattic for Agencies"
msgid ""
"Visit your site to make sure it loads properly. If there's an issue, fix "
"your site before worrying about Jetpack! That may resolve this error."
msgstr ""
"Kunjungi situs Anda untuk memastikan situs tersebut dimuat dengan benar. "
"Apabila terdapat masalah, perbaiki situs Anda terlebih dahulu sebelum "
"memperhatikan Jetpack! Hal ini mungkin dapat mengatasi eror."
msgid ""
"Visit your site to make sure it loads properly. If there's an issue, fix "
"your site before worrying about Automattic for Agencies! That may resolve "
"this error."
msgstr ""
"Kunjungi situs Anda untuk memastikan situs tersebut dimuat dengan benar. "
"Apabila terdapat masalah, perbaiki situs Anda terlebih dahulu sebelum "
"memperhatikan Automattic for Agencies! Hal ini mungkin dapat mengatasi eror."
msgid "Try the following steps to fix your site's connection:"
msgstr ""
"Cobalah langkah-langkah berikut ini untuk memperbaiki koneksi situs Anda:"
msgid "Automattic for Agencies can't connect to this site."
msgstr "Automattic for Agencies tidak dapat terhubung ke situs ini."
msgid "Customer ID not found in order."
msgstr "ID Pelanggan tidak ditemukan di pesanan."
msgid "Welcome to %s!"
msgstr "Selamat datang di %s!"
msgid ""
"Hi there! You've hit your AI usage limit. Upgrade your plan for unlimited "
"Wapuu support! You can still get user support using the buttons below."
msgstr ""
"Hai! Anda telah mencapai batas penggunaan AI Anda. Tingkatkan paket Anda "
"untuk mendapatkan layanan bantuan dari Wapuu tanpa batas! Anda masih bisa "
"mendapatkan bantuan untuk pengguna dengan menggunakan tombol di bawah ini."
msgid "Our AI assistant can help, or connect you to our support team."
msgstr ""
"Asisten AI kami dapat membantu, atau menghubungkan Anda ke tim layanan "
"bantuan kami."
msgid "Haven't found your answer?"
msgstr "Belum menemukan jawaban Anda?"
msgid "These partner directories are launching soon."
msgstr "Direktori mitra ini akan segera diluncurkan."
msgid "This partner directory is launching soon."
msgstr "Direktori mitra ini akan segera diluncurkan."
msgid "Your profile has been saved!"
msgstr "Profil Anda sudah disimpan!"
msgid "Another Gravatar domain registration is already in progress."
msgstr "Registrasi domain Gravatar lainnya sedang dalam proses."
msgid "Error updating account settings. Please upload logo again."
msgstr ""
"Terjadi error saat memperbarui pengaturan akun. Silakan unggah ulang logo."
msgid ""
"Learn where your content has been shared the most. Start creating and "
msgstr ""
"Pelajari di mana konten Anda paling banyak dibagikan. Mulai membuat dan "
msgid "Learn where your content has been shared the most."
msgstr "Pelajari di mana konten Anda paling banyak dibagikan."
msgid "Show auto fixers"
msgstr "Tampilkan perbaikan otomatis"
msgctxt "Module Description"
msgid ""
"Prevent bots and hackers from attempting to log in to your website with "
"common username and password combinations."
msgstr ""
"Mencegah bot dan peretas mencoba login ke situs Anda menggunakan kombinasi "
"nama pengguna dan kata sandi yang umum."
msgid "Block list - Block a specific request IP."
msgstr "Daftar blokir - Blokir IP permintaan khusus."
msgid "Allow list - Allow a specific request IP."
msgstr "Daftar izinkan - Izinkan IP permintaan khusus."
msgid ""
"Suspicious code was found on your site. We recommend you review it and take "
"proper action."
msgstr ""
"Kode mencurigakan ditemukan di situs Anda. Kami menyarankan Anda meninjaunya "
"dan melakukan penanganan yang tepat."
msgid ""
"A file loading a malicious ad was found on your site. Please take immediate "
msgstr ""
"File yang memuat iklan berbahaya ditemukan di situs Anda. Mohon segera "
"lakukan penanganan."
msgid "Malware was found on your site. Please take immediate action."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah malware ditemukan di situs Anda. Mohon segera lakukan penanganan."
msgid ""
"Malicious code known to upload malware to servers was found on your site. "
"Please take immediate action."
msgstr ""
"Kode berbahaya yang diketahui dapat mengunggah perangkat lunak malware ke "
"server ditemukan di situs Anda. Mohon segera lakukan penanganan."
msgid "Vulnerability found in a theme"
msgstr "Kerentanan ditemukan di sebuah tema"
msgid "Vulnerability found in a plugin"
msgstr "Kerentanan ditemukan di sebuah plugin"
msgid "Thank you once again for your submission."
msgstr "Sekali lagi, terima kasih atas kiriman Anda."
msgid ""
"We value your interest and hope to have the opportunity to review a new "
"application from you in the future."
msgstr ""
"Kami menghargai minat Anda dan berharap punya peluang untuk meninjau "
"permohonan baru Anda di masa depan."
msgid ""
"We are unable to provide specific feedback at this time but want to "
"encourage you to reapply in 90 days."
msgstr ""
"Saat ini kami tidak dapat memberikan feedback spesifik, tetapi kami sarankan "
"Anda mengirimkan permohonan ulang dalam 90 hari."
msgid ""
"Thank you for applying to the Automattic for Agencies directory. After "
"careful consideration, we're sorry to inform you that we cannot proceed with "
"your application to be listed as an agency in the following directory:"
msgstr ""
"Terima kasih telah mengirimkan permohonan ke direktori Automattic for "
"Agencies. Setelah dipertimbangkan secara cermat, dengan menyesal kami "
"informasikan bahwa kami tidak dapat memproses permohonan pendaftaran Anda "
"sebagai agensi di direktori berikut:"
msgid "Thanks again for taking the time to apply!"
msgstr ""
"Sekali lagi, terima kasih telah meluangkan waktu untuk mengirimkan "
msgid ""
"We’ve received your application and will be in touch with a decision via "
"email in 5 business days. In some cases, we may reach out to ask for "
"additional information which could delay the decision process slightly. "
"Either way, we will keep you posted on the status of your application."
msgstr ""
"Kami telah menerima permohonan Anda dan keputusan akan segera kami sampaikan "
"melalui email dalam 5 hari kerja. Dalam beberapa situasi, kami mungkin "
"menghubungi Anda untuk meminta informasi tambahan yang dapat sedikit menunda "
"pengambilan keputusan. Terlepas dari situasinya, kami akan menginformasikan "
"status permohonan Anda."
msgid "Error: You have not applied to any directory"
msgstr "Error: Anda belum mengirimkan permohonan ke direktori apa pun"
msgid ""
"Thank you for applying to be featured in the following partner directories:"
msgstr ""
"Terima kasih telah mengirimkan permohonan untuk ditampilkan di direktori "
"mitra berikut:"
msgid "Hi %s,"
msgstr "Hai %s,"
msgid ""
"Thanks again for taking the time to apply to join our agency directory, we "
"can’t wait to see what you create."
msgstr ""
"Sekali lagi, terima kasih telah meluangkan waktu untuk mendaftar ke "
"direktori agensi, kami tidak sabar ingin melihat karya Anda."
msgid "Follow the link(s) below to see your live listing(s):"
msgstr "Ikuti tautan di bawah untuk melihat listing aktif Anda:"
msgid ""
"Error: You have not applied to any directory. Please contact with the "
"support team."
msgstr ""
"Error: Anda belum mengirimkan permohonan ke direktori apa pun. Silakan "
"hubungi tim dukungan."
msgid ""
"Congratulations, %s, you’ve been accepted into the following partner "
msgstr ""
"Selamat, %s, Anda akan ditampilkan dalam direktori mitra berikut:"
msgid "The Automattic for Agencies Team"
msgstr "Tim Automattic for Agencies"
msgid "Update on Your Automattic for Agencies Directory Application"
msgstr "Pembaruan pada Permohonan Direktori Automattic for Agencies Anda"
msgid "We’ve received your Automattic for Agencies directory application"
msgstr "Kami telah menerima permohonan direktori Automattic for Agencies Anda"
msgid "We’ve reviewed your application and have published your listing."
msgstr "Kami telah meninjau permohonan Anda dan mengeposkan listing Anda."
msgid "Your Automattic for Agencies directory listing is live!"
msgstr "Listing direktori Automattic for Agencies Anda telah aktif!"
msgctxt "font weight"
msgid "Extra Bold"
msgstr "Ekstra Tebal"
msgctxt "font weight"
msgid "Semi Bold"
msgstr "Agak Tebal"
msgctxt "font weight"
msgid "Extra Light"
msgstr "Ekstra Ringan"
msgctxt "Scale option for dimensions control"
msgid "Cover"
msgstr "Tidak ada"
msgctxt "Scale option for dimensions control"
msgid "Contain"
msgstr "Tidak ada"
msgctxt "Scale option for dimensions control"
msgid "Fill"
msgstr "Tidak ada"
msgctxt "header landmark area"
msgid "Header"
msgstr "Header"
msgctxt "post schedule date format without year"
msgid "F j g:i a"
msgstr "F j g:i a"
msgctxt "post schedule time format"
msgid "g:i a"
msgstr "g:i a"
msgctxt "post schedule full date format"
msgid "F j, Y g:i a"
msgstr "F j, Y g:i a"
msgctxt "action label"
msgid "Duplicate template part"
msgstr "Duplikasi komponen template"
msgctxt "action label"
msgid "Duplicate pattern"
msgstr "Duplikasi pola"
msgctxt "action label"
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Duplikasi"
msgctxt "caption"
msgid "Work/ %2$s"
msgstr "Karya/ %2$s"
msgctxt "caption"
msgid "\"%1$s\"/ %2$s"
msgstr "\"%1$s\"/ %2$s"
msgctxt "caption"
msgid "Work by %2$s/ %3$s"
msgstr "Karya oleh %2$s/ %3$s"
msgctxt "caption"
msgid "\"%1$s\" by %2$s/ %3$s"
msgstr "\"%1$s\" oleh %2$s/ %3$s"
msgctxt "Post overview"
msgid "Outline"
msgstr "Ikhtisar"
msgctxt "Post overview"
msgid "List View"
msgstr "Tampilan Daftar"
msgctxt "site exporter menu item"
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Ekspor"
msgctxt "Lowercase letter A"
msgid "a"
msgstr "a"
msgctxt "Uppercase letter A"
msgid "A"
msgstr "A"
msgctxt "heading levels"
msgid "All"
msgstr "Semua"
msgctxt "Font library"
msgid "Library"
msgstr "Pustaka"
msgctxt "font categories"
msgid "All"
msgstr "Semua"
msgctxt "pattern (singular)"
msgid "Not synced"
msgstr "Belum tersinkronisasi"
msgctxt "pattern (singular)"
msgid "Synced"
msgstr "Tersinkronisasi"
msgctxt "authors"
msgid "All"
msgstr "Semua"
msgctxt "categories"
msgid "All"
msgstr "Semua"
msgctxt "Size of a UI element"
msgid "Extra Large"
msgstr "Ekstra Besar"
msgctxt "Size of a UI element"
msgid "Large"
msgstr "Besar"
msgctxt "Size of a UI element"
msgid "Medium"
msgstr "Sedang"
msgctxt "Size of a UI element"
msgid "Small"
msgstr "Kecil"
msgctxt "Size of a UI element"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Nihil"
msgctxt "RSS block display setting"
msgid "Grid view"
msgstr "Tampilan Kisi"
msgctxt "RSS block display setting"
msgid "List view"
msgstr "Tampilan Daftar"
msgctxt "Arrow option for Query Pagination Next/Previous blocks"
msgid "Chevron"
msgstr "Chevron"
msgctxt "Arrow option for Query Pagination Next/Previous blocks"
msgid "Arrow"
msgstr "Panah"
msgctxt "Arrow option for Query Pagination Next/Previous blocks"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Tidak ada"
msgctxt "Post template block display setting"
msgid "Grid view"
msgstr "Tampilan Kisi"
msgctxt "Post template block display setting"
msgid "List view"
msgstr "Tampilan Daftar"
msgctxt "Arrow option for Next/Previous link"
msgid "Chevron"
msgstr "Chevron"
msgctxt "Arrow option for Next/Previous link"
msgid "Arrow"
msgstr "Panah"
msgctxt "Arrow option for Next/Previous link"
msgid "None"
msgstr "TIdak ada"
msgctxt "Image scaling options"
msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Skala"
msgctxt "action that affects the current post"
msgid "Enable comments"
msgstr "Aktifkan komentar"
msgctxt "navigation link preview example"
msgid "Example Link"
msgstr "Contoh Tautan"
msgctxt "content placeholder"
msgid "Content…"
msgstr "Konten..."
msgctxt "Latest posts block display setting"
msgid "Grid view"
msgstr "Tampilan Kisi"
msgctxt "Latest posts block display setting"
msgid "List view"
msgstr "Tampilan Daftar"
msgctxt "block example"
msgid "Home Link"
msgstr "Tautan Beranda"
msgctxt "Media item link option"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Tidak ada"
msgctxt "Name of the file"
msgid "Armstrong_Small_Step"
msgstr "Armstrong_Small_Step"
msgctxt "Arrow option for Comments Pagination Next/Previous blocks"
msgid "Chevron"
msgstr "Chevron"
msgctxt "Arrow option for Comments Pagination Next/Previous blocks"
msgid "Arrow"
msgstr "Anak panah"
msgctxt "Arrow option for Comments Pagination Next/Previous blocks"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Tidak ada"
msgctxt "block title"
msgid "Post Comment"
msgstr "Komentar Artikel"
msgctxt "block title"
msgid "Comment Date"
msgstr "Tanggal Komentar"
msgctxt "block title"
msgid "Comment Content"
msgstr "Konten Komentar"
msgctxt "block title"
msgid "Comment Author"
msgstr "Penulis Komentar"
msgctxt "Preload value"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Tidak ada"
msgctxt "noun; Audio block parameter"
msgid "Preload"
msgstr "Pramuat"
msgctxt ""
"Text labelling a interface as controlling a given layout property (eg: "
"margin) for a given screen size."
msgid "Controls the %1$s property for %2$s viewports."
msgstr "Mengontrol properti %1$s untuk viewport %2$s."
msgctxt "screen sizes"
msgid "All"
msgstr "Semua"
msgctxt "Size option for background image control"
msgid "Tile"
msgstr "Ubin"
msgctxt "Size option for background image control"
msgid "Contain"
msgstr "Berisi"
msgctxt "Size option for background image control"
msgid "Cover"
msgstr "Sampul"
msgctxt "font weight"
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normal"
msgctxt "font style"
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normal"
msgctxt "short date format without the year"
msgid "M j"
msgstr "j M"
msgctxt "long date format"
msgid "F j, Y"
msgstr "j F Y"
msgctxt "medium date format with time"
msgid "M j, Y g:i A"
msgstr "j M Y G:i"
msgctxt "medium date format"
msgid "M j, Y"
msgstr "j M Y"
msgctxt "short date format with time"
msgid "n/j/Y g:i A"
msgstr "j/n/Y G:i"
msgctxt "short date format"
msgid "n/j/Y"
msgstr "j/n/Y"
msgctxt "Generic label for block inserter button"
msgid "Block Inserter"
msgstr "Aktfikan penyisip blok"
msgctxt "block toolbar button label and description"
msgid "These blocks are connected."
msgstr "Blok ini terhubung."
msgctxt "block toolbar button label and description"
msgid "This block is connected."
msgstr "Blok ini terhubung."
msgid "Move to widget area"
msgstr "Pindah ke area widget"
msgid ""
"Create a classic widget layout with a title that’s styled by your theme for "
"your widget areas."
msgstr ""
"Buat tata letak widget klasik pada area widget dengan judul yang diatur oleh "
"tema Anda."
msgctxt "switch control"
msgid "%1$s, %2$s. Off"
msgstr "%1$s, %2$s. Nonaktif"
msgctxt "switch control"
msgid "%1$s, %2$s. On"
msgstr "%1$s, %2$s. Aktif"
msgctxt "switch control"
msgid "%s. Off"
msgstr "%s. Nonaktif"
msgctxt "switch control"
msgid "%s. On"
msgstr "%s. Aktif"
msgctxt "inline textinput cell"
msgid "%1$s, %2$s, %3$s"
msgstr "%1$s, %2$s, %3$s"
msgctxt "inline textinput cell"
msgid "%1$s, %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s, %2$s"
msgctxt "inline textinput cell"
msgid "%1$s, %2$s. Empty"
msgstr "%1$s, %2$s. Kosong"
msgctxt "inline textinput cell"
msgid "%s. Empty"
msgstr "%s. Kosong"
msgctxt "Link rel attribute value placeholder"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Tidak ada"
msgctxt "\"Preload\" value"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Tidak ada"
msgid "Widget Group"
msgstr "Grup Widget"
msgid "Select widget"
msgstr "Pilih widget"
msgid "There are no widgets available."
msgstr "Widget tidak tersedia."
msgid "Legacy Widget Preview"
msgstr "Pratinjau Widget Lama"
msgid "Widget is missing."
msgstr "Widget tidak ditemukan."
msgid "Legacy Widget"
msgstr "Widget Lama"
msgid ""
"The \"%s\" block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check "
"the developer tools for more details."
msgstr ""
"Blok \"%s\" terdampak eror dan mungkin tidak berfungsi normal. Cek perangkat "
"developer untuk lebih jelasnya."
msgid "Block rendered as empty."
msgstr "Blok terender kosong. "
msgid "Untitled pattern block"
msgstr "Blok Pola Tanpa Judul"
msgid "Preference activated - %s"
msgstr "Preferensi diaktifkan - %s"
msgid "Preference deactivated - %s"
msgstr "Preferensi dinonaktifkan - %s"
msgid "An error occurred while renaming the pattern."
msgstr "Terjadi eror saat mengganti nama pola."
msgid "Pattern renamed"
msgstr "Nama pola diganti."
msgid "Pattern category renamed."
msgstr "Nama kategori pola diganti."
msgid "This category already exists. Please use a different name."
msgstr "Kategori ini sudah ada. Mohon gunakan nama lain."
msgid "Please enter a new name for this category."
msgstr "Mohon masukkan nama baru untuk kategori ini."
msgid "Allow changes to this block throughout instances of this pattern."
msgstr "Izinkan perubahan terhadap blok ini pada instance pola terkait."
msgid ""
"Overrides currently don't support image captions or links. Remove the "
"caption or link first before enabling overrides."
msgstr ""
"Saat ini, penimpaan tidak mendukung keterangan atau tautan gambar. Hapus "
"keterangan atau tautan terlebih dahulu sebelum mengaktifkan penimpaan."
msgid "These blocks are editable using overrides."
msgstr "Blok ini dapat diedit menggunakan penimpaan."
msgid "This %1$s is editable using the \"%2$s\" override."
msgstr "%1$s ini dapat diedit menggunakan penimpaan \"%2$s\"."
msgid "Synced pattern created: %s"
msgstr "Pola yang Tersinkronisasi dibuat: %s"
msgid "Unsynced pattern created: %s"
msgstr "Pola yang belum disinkronisasi: %s"
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to disable overrides? Disabling overrides will revert "
"all applied overrides for this block throughout instances of this pattern."
msgstr ""
"Apakah Anda yakin ingin menonaktifkan penimpaan? Menonaktifkan penimpaan "
"akan membatalkan semua penimpaan yang telah diterapkan terhadap blok ini "
"pada instance pola terkait."
msgid "Disable overrides"
msgstr "Nonaktifkan penimpaan"
msgid ""
"For example, if you are creating a recipe pattern, you use \"Recipe Title\", "
"\"Recipe Description\", etc."
msgstr ""
"Misalnya, jika membuat pola resep, Anda menggunakan \"Judul Resep\", "
"\"Deskripsi Resep\", dsb."
msgid ""
"Overrides are changes you make to a block within a synced pattern instance. "
"Use overrides to customize a synced pattern instance to suit its new "
"context. Name this block to specify an override."
msgstr ""
"Penimpaan adalah perubahaan yang Anda buat terhadap sebuah blok di dalam "
"instance pola tersinkron. Gunakan penimpaan untuk menyesuaikan instance pola "
"tersinkron agar sesuai konteks barunya. Beri nama blok ini untuk membedakan "
"sebuah penimpaan."
msgid "Enable overrides"
msgstr "Aktifkan penimpaan"
msgid "%s: This file is empty."
msgstr "%s: Berkas ini kosong."
msgid "%s: Sorry, you are not allowed to upload this file type."
msgstr "%s: Maaf, Anda tidak diizinkan untuk menunggah jenis berkas ini."
msgid "Non breaking space"
msgstr "Spasi tanpa pemisah"
msgid "Create page: %s"
msgstr "Buat halaman: %s"
msgid "Some errors occurred while deleting the items: %s"
msgstr "Terjadi eror saat menghapus item: %s"
msgid "Some errors occurred while reverting the items: %s"
msgstr "Beberapa error terjadi saat mengembalikan item: %s"
msgid "An error occurred while deleting the items: %s"
msgstr "Terjadi eror saat menghapus item: %s"
msgid "An error occurred while reverting the items: %s"
msgstr "Terjadi eror saat memulihkan item: %s"
msgid "An error occurred while deleting the items."
msgstr "Terjadi eror saat menghapus item."
msgid "An error occurred while deleting the item."
msgstr "Terjadi error saat menghapus item."
msgid "An error occurred while reverting the item."
msgstr "Terjadi error saat mengembalikan item."
msgid "Items reset."
msgstr "Item direset."
msgid "Template revert failed. Please reload."
msgstr "Gagal memulihkan template. Mohon muat ulang."
msgid "Template reset."
msgstr "Templat direset."
msgid "The editor has encountered an unexpected error. Please reload."
msgstr "Editor mengalami eror yang tidak terduga. Mohon muat ulang."
msgid "This template is not revertable."
msgstr "Template ini tidak dapat dipulihkan."
msgid "Site updated."
msgstr "Situs diperbarui."
msgid "Saving failed."
msgstr "Penyimpanan gagal."
msgid "Custom template created. You're in template mode now."
msgstr "Templat khusus dibuat. Anda berada dalam mode templat sekarang."
msgid ""
"You’ve tried to select a block that is part of a template, which may be used "
"on other posts and pages. Would you like to edit the template?"
msgstr ""
"Anda telah mencoba memilih blok yang merupakan bagian dari sebuah templat, "
"yang mungkin digunakan di pos atau halaman lain. Apakah Anda ingin mengedit "
msgid "Add link text"
msgstr "Tambahkan teks tautan"
msgid "Add new term"
msgstr "Tambah istilah baru"
msgid "Access all block and document tools in a single place"
msgstr "Akses semua peralatan blok dan dokumen di satu tempat"
msgid "Characters:"
msgstr "Karakter"
msgid "Disable pre-publish checks"
msgstr "Nonaktifkan pemeriksaan pra-publikasi"
msgid "No blocks found."
msgstr "Blok tidak ditemukan."
msgid "Search for a block"
msgstr "Cari blok"
msgid "All Template Parts"
msgstr "Semua Komponen Template"
msgid "The editor has encountered an unexpected error."
msgstr "Penyunting mengalami error tidak terduga."
msgid "Fullscreen on."
msgstr "Layar penuh nonaktif."
msgid "Template parts"
msgstr "Komponen Template"
msgid "%1$s (%2$s of %3$s)"
msgstr "%1$s (%2$s dari %3$s)"
msgid "Remove caption"
msgstr "Hapus keterangan"
msgid "Template Part"
msgstr "Komponen Template"
msgid "Add button text…"
msgstr "Tambahkan teks tombol..."
msgid "%s block selected."
msgid_plural "%s blocks selected."
msgstr[0] "%s blok dipilih."
msgstr[1] ""
msgid "Link settings"
msgstr "Pengaturan Tautan"
msgid "Set custom size"
msgstr "Atur ukuran khusus"
msgid "Select the size of the source image."
msgstr "Pilih ukuran gambar sumber."
msgid "No preview available."
msgstr "Pratinjau Tidak Tersedia."
msgid "My patterns"
msgstr "Pola saya"
msgid "Unset"
msgstr "Belum dipilih"
msgid ""
"This color combination may be hard for people to read. Try using a brighter "
"background color and/or a darker %s."
msgstr ""
"Kombinasi warna ini mungkin sulit dibaca. Coba gunakan warna latar belakang "
"yang lebih terang dan/atau %s yang lebih gelap."
msgid ""
"This color combination may be hard for people to read. Try using a darker "
"background color and/or a brighter %s."
msgstr ""
"Kombinasi warna ini mungkin sulit dibaca. Coba gunakan warna latar belakang "
"lebih gelap dan/atau %s yang lebih terang."
msgid "Border radius"
msgstr "Radius garis"
msgid "%d block"
msgid_plural "%d blocks"
msgstr[0] "%d blok"
msgstr[1] "%d blok"
msgid "Change alignment"
msgstr "Ubah perataan"
msgid "< 1 minute"
msgstr "< 1 menit"
msgid "Create template part"
msgstr "Buat komponen Template"
msgid "Template part created."
msgstr "Bagian template telah dibuat."
msgid "Time to read"
msgstr "Waktu untuk membaca"
msgid "Fallback content"
msgstr "Konten cadangan"
msgid ""
"Changes will apply to new posts only. Individual posts may override these "
msgstr ""
"Perubahan hanya akan berlaku untuk artikel baru. Artikel individu mungkin "
"mengesampingkan pengaturan ini."
msgid "Comments open"
msgstr "Komentar dibuka"
msgid "Change discussion settings"
msgstr "Ubah pengaturan diskusi"
msgid "Use left and right arrow keys to resize the canvas."
msgstr "Gunakan tombol panah kiri dan kanan untuk mengubah ukuran kanvas."
msgid "Preview in new tab"
msgstr "Pratinjau di tab baru"
msgid ""
"Disable blocks that you don't want to appear in the inserter. They can "
"always be toggled back on later."
msgstr ""
"Nonaktifkan blok supaya tidak tampil di penyisip. Blok tersebut dapat "
"diaktifkan kembali kemudian."
msgid "Manage block visibility"
msgstr "Atur visibilitas blok"
msgid "Show most used blocks"
msgstr "Tampilkan blok yang paling sering digunakan"
msgid "Adds a category with the most frequently used blocks in the inserter."
msgstr ""
"Tambahkan kategori dengan blok yang paling sering digunakan di penyisip."
msgid "Inserter"
msgstr "penyisip"
msgid "Show text instead of icons on buttons across the interface."
msgstr "Tampilkan teks daripada ikon pada tombol di seluruh antarmuka."
msgid "Show button text labels"
msgstr "Tampilkan label teks tombol"
msgid "Contain text cursor inside block"
msgstr "Berisi kursor teks di dalam blok"
msgid ""
"Keeps the text cursor within the block boundaries, aiding users with screen "
"readers by preventing unintentional cursor movement outside the block."
msgstr ""
"Menahan kursor teks dalam batas blok, membantu pengguna dengan pembaca layar "
"dengan mencegah pergerakan kursor yang tidak disengaja di luar blok."
msgid "Optimize the editing experience for enhanced control."
msgstr "Mengoptimalkan pengalaman pengeditan untuk kontrol yang lebih baik."
msgid "Highlights the current block and fades other content."
msgstr "Soroti blok saat ini dan pudarkan konten lainnya."
msgid ""
"Reduce visual distractions by hiding the toolbar and other elements to focus "
"on writing."
msgstr ""
"Kurangi gangguan visual dengan menyembunyikan toolbar dan elemen-elemen "
"lainnya agar fokus menulis."
msgid "Customize the editor interface to suit your needs."
msgstr "Menyesuaikan antarmuka editor sesuai kebutuhan Anda."
msgid "Review settings, such as visibility and tags."
msgstr "Tinjau pengaturan, seperti visibilitas dan tag."
msgid "Page attributes"
msgstr "Atribut laman"
msgid "Select what settings are shown in the document panel."
msgstr "Pilih pengaturan yang akan ditampilkan di panel dokumen."
msgid "Allow right-click contextual menus"
msgstr "Izinkan menu kontekstual klik-kanan"
msgid ""
"Allows contextual List View menus via right-click, overriding browser "
msgstr ""
"Izinkan menu tampilan daftar kontekstual melalui klik kanan, menggantikan "
"pengaturan default browser."
msgid "Display the block hierarchy trail at the bottom of the editor."
msgstr "Tampilkan jalur hirarki blok di bagian bawah editor."
msgid "Always open List View"
msgstr "Selalu buka tampilan daftar"
msgid "Opens the List View sidebar by default."
msgstr "Buka bilah sisi Tampilan Daftar secara default."
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "Antarmuka"
msgid ""
"Set the default number of posts to display on blog pages, including "
"categories and tags. Some templates may override this setting."
msgstr ""
"Atur jumlah pos default untuk ditampilkan di halaman pos, termasuk kategori "
"dan tag. Beberapa template mungkin akan mengabaikan pengaturan ini."
msgid "Change posts per page"
msgstr "Ubah pos per halaman"
msgid "Only those with the password can view this post."
msgstr "Hanya yang mengetahui kata sandi yang dapat melihat pos ini."
msgid "Control how this post is viewed."
msgstr "Atur bagaimana pos ini dilihat."
msgid "Change link: %s"
msgstr "Ubah tautan: %s"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Use default template"
msgstr "Gunakan templat standar"
msgid "Create new template"
msgstr "Buat template baru"
msgid "The posts page template cannot be changed."
msgstr "Template halaman pos tidak dapat diubah."
msgid "Templates define the way content is displayed when viewing your site."
msgstr ""
"Template menentukan bagaimana konten ditampilkan saat melihat situs Anda."
msgid "Show template"
msgstr "Tampilkan templat"
msgid ""
"Editing template. Changes made here affect all posts and pages that use the "
msgstr ""
"Mengedit template. Perubahan yang dilakukan di sini mempengaruhi semua "
"artikel dan halaman yang menggunakan template ini."
msgid "Unschedule"
msgstr "Batalkan jadwal"
msgid "Unpublish"
msgstr "Batalkan pengeposan"
msgid "Pin this post to the top of the blog"
msgstr "Sematkan pos ini di bagian atas blog"
msgid "Only visible to those who know the password"
msgstr "Hanya dapat dilihat orang yang mengetahui kata sandi"
msgid "Publish automatically on a chosen date."
msgstr "Publikasikan secara otomatis pada tanggal yang sudah dipilih."
msgid "Waiting for review before publishing."
msgstr "Menunggu peninjauan sebelum dipublikasikan."
msgid "Not ready to publish."
msgstr "Belum siap untuk dipublikasikan."
msgid "Change date: %s"
msgstr "Ubah tanggal: %s"
msgid "Change publish date"
msgstr "Ubah tanggal publikasi"
msgid "Tomorrow at %s"
msgstr "Besok pada %s"
msgid "Save as pending"
msgstr "Simpan sebagai Ditangguhkan"
msgid ""
"Upload external images to the Media Library. Images from different domains "
"may load slowly, display incorrectly, or be removed unexpectedly."
msgstr ""
"Unggah gambar eksternal ke Pustaka Media. Gambar dari domain berbeda mungkin "
"memuat dengan lambat, tampil secara tidak benar, atau dihapus secara tidak "
msgid "External media"
msgstr "Media eksternal"
msgid "Select image block."
msgstr "Pilih blok gambar."
msgid ""
"Categories provide a helpful way to group related posts together and to "
"quickly tell readers what a post is about."
msgstr ""
"Kategori menyediakan cara yang berguna untuk mengelompokkan pos terkait dan "
"dengan cepat memberi tahu pembaca tentang artikel tersebut."
msgid "Assign a category"
msgstr "Tetapkan kategori"
msgid "Learn more about pingbacks & trackbacks"
msgstr "Pelajari selengkapnya tentang pingback & trackback"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Enable pingbacks & trackbacks"
msgstr "Aktifkan pingback & trackback"
msgid ""
"If you take over, the other user will lose editing control to the post, but "
"their changes will be saved."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda mengambil alih, pengguna lain akan kehilangan kontrol pengeditan "
"pos, namun perubahan mereka akan disimpan."
msgid ""
"%s is currently working on this post (), "
"which means you cannot make changes, unless you take over."
msgstr ""
"%s sedang mengerjakan pos ini (), maka Anda "
"tidak dapat membuat perubahan, kecuali Anda ambil alih."
msgid "preview"
msgstr "Pratinjau"
msgid ""
"%s now has editing control of this post (). "
"Don’t worry, your changes up to this moment have been saved."
msgstr ""
"%s sekarang memiliki kontrol pengeditan pos ini "
"(). Jangan khawatir, perubahan Anda hingga saat ini telah "
msgid "Exit editor"
msgstr "Tutup editor"
msgid "Last edited %s."
msgstr "Terakhir diubah %s"
msgid "Change format: %s"
msgstr "Ubah format: %s"
msgid "Apply suggested format: %s"
msgstr "Terapkan format yang disarankan: %s"
msgid "Edit excerpt"
msgstr "Sunting kutipan"
msgid "Edit description"
msgstr "Sunting deskripsi"
msgid "Add an excerpt…"
msgstr "Tambah kutipan …"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Write a description (optional)"
msgstr "Tulis deskripsi (opsional)"
msgid "Change discussion options"
msgstr "Ubah pilihan diskusi"
msgid "Pings enabled"
msgstr "Ping diaktifkan"
msgid "Pings only"
msgstr "Hanya ping"
msgid "%1$s, %2$s read time."
msgstr "%1$s, durasi membaca %2$s."
msgid "Existing comments remain visible."
msgstr "Komentar yang sudah ada tetap dapat dilihat."
msgid "Visitors cannot add new comments or replies."
msgstr "Pengunjung tidak dapat menambahkan komentar atau balasan baru."
msgid "Visitors can add new comments and replies."
msgstr "Pengunjung dapat menambahkan komentar dan balasan baru."
msgid "Change author: %s"
msgstr "Ubah penyusun: %s"
msgid "patterns-export"
msgstr "ekspor-pola"
msgid "Reset to default and clear all customizations?"
msgstr "Reset ke default dan hapus semua kustomisasi?"
msgid "An error occurred while reverting the template parts."
msgstr "Terjadi eror saat memulihkan komponen template."
msgid "An error occurred while reverting the template part."
msgstr "Terjadi eror saat mengembalikan komponen template."
msgid "An error occurred while reverting the templates."
msgstr "Terjadi eror saat memulihkan templat."
msgid "An error occurred while reverting the template."
msgstr "Terjadi eror saat memulihkan templat."
msgid "\"%s\" reset."
msgstr "\"%s\" direset."
msgid "%s items reset."
msgstr "%s item direset."
msgid "An error occurred while duplicating the page."
msgstr "Terjadi error saat duplikasi halaman."
msgid "Name updated"
msgstr "Nama diperbarui"
msgid "View revisions (%s)"
msgstr "Lihat revisi (%s)"
msgid "Some errors occurred while restoring the posts: %s"
msgstr "Beberapa error terjadi saat memulihkan pos: %s"
msgid "An error occurred while restoring the posts: %s"
msgstr "Terjadi error saat memulihkan pos: %s"
msgid "%d posts have been restored."
msgstr "%d pos telah dikembalikan."
msgid "%d pages have been restored."
msgstr "%d halaman telah dipulihkan."
msgid "\"%s\" has been restored."
msgstr "\"%s\" telah dikembalikan."
msgid "Some errors occurred while permanently deleting the items: %s"
msgstr "Terjadi beberapa error saat menghapus permanen item: %s"
msgid "An error occurred while permanently deleting the items: %s"
msgstr "Terjadi error saat menghapus permanen item: %s"
msgid "An error occurred while permanently deleting the items."
msgstr "Terjadi error saat menghapus permanen item."
msgid "An error occurred while permanently deleting the item."
msgstr "Terjadi error saat menghapus permanen item."
msgid "The items were permanently deleted."
msgstr "Item dihapus permanen."
msgid "Permanently delete"
msgstr "Hapus secara permanen"
msgid "Some errors occurred while moving the items to the trash: %s"
msgstr "Terjadi beberapa error saat memindahkan item ke tempat sampah: %s"
msgid "Delete %d item?"
msgid_plural "Delete %d items?"
msgstr[0] "Hapus %d item?"
msgstr[1] "Hapus %d item?"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Child pages inherit characteristics from their parent, such as URL "
"structure. For instance, if \"Pricing\" is a child of \"Services\", its URL "
"would be %1$s/services/pricing."
msgstr ""
"Halaman turunan mewarisi karakteristik halaman induk, seperti struktur URL. "
"Misalnya, jika \"Harga\" adalah turunan dari \"Layanan\", URL-nya akan "
"menjadi %1$s/layanan/harga."
msgid "Change parent: %s"
msgstr "Ubah induk: %s"
msgid "Set the page order."
msgstr "Tetapkan urutan halaman."
msgid "Spotlight mode deactivated."
msgstr "Mode spotlight dinonaktifkan"
msgid "Spotlight mode activated."
msgstr "Mode spotlight diaktifkan"
msgid "Write with calmness"
msgstr "Menulis dengan ketenangan"
msgid "Distraction free"
msgstr "Bebas gangguan"
msgid "Top toolbar deactivated."
msgstr "Bilah peralatan atas dinonaktifkan"
msgid "Top toolbar activated."
msgstr "Bilah peralatan atas diaktifkan"
msgid "Copy all blocks"
msgstr "Salin semua blok"
msgid "All content copied."
msgstr "Semua konten disalin."
msgid "You can enable the visual editor in your profile settings."
msgstr "Anda dapat mengaktifkan editor visual di pengaturan profil Anda."
msgid "Visual editor"
msgstr "Penyunting visual"
msgid "Search Openverse"
msgstr "Cari Openverse"
msgid "Search audio"
msgstr "Cari audio"
msgid "Search videos"
msgstr "Cari video"
msgid "Time to read:"
msgstr "Waktu untuk membaca"
msgid "List View shortcuts"
msgstr "Pintasan Tampilan Daftar"
msgid "Add non breaking space."
msgstr "Tambahkan spasi tanpa pemisah."
msgid "Convert the current paragraph or heading to a heading of level 1 to 6."
msgstr "Ubah paragraf ini atau ubah judul menjadi level 1 hingga 6."
msgid "Convert the current heading to a paragraph."
msgstr "Ubah judul ini menjadi sebuah paragraf."
msgid "Make the selected text inline code."
msgstr "Buat teks yang dipilih dalam sebaris."
msgid "Strikethrough the selected text."
msgstr "Tambahkan garis coret ke teks terpilih."
msgid "Insert a link to a post or page."
msgstr "Tambahkan tautan ke pos atau halaman"
msgid "Display these keyboard shortcuts."
msgstr "Tampilkan pintasan keyboard."
msgid "Select the items you want to save."
msgstr "Pilih item yang ingin Anda simpan."
msgid "There is %d site change waiting to be saved."
msgid_plural "There are %d site changes waiting to be saved."
msgstr[0] "Ada %d perubahan situs menunggu untuk disimpan."
msgstr[1] "Ada %d perubahan situs menunggu untuk disimpan."
msgid "Are you ready to save?"
msgstr "Apakah Anda siap untuk menyimpan?"
msgid "The following has been modified."
msgstr "Berikut telah diubah."
msgid "This change will affect pages and posts that use this template."
msgstr ""
"Perubahan ini akan berpengaruh pada halaman dan artikel yang menggunakan "
"template ini."
msgid "These changes will affect your whole site."
msgstr "Perubahan ini akan memengaruhi seluruh situs Anda."
msgid "This change will affect your whole site."
msgstr "Perubahan ini akan mempengaruhi seluruh situs Anda."
msgid "Block Library"
msgstr "Pustaka blok"
msgid "Editor footer"
msgstr "Penyunting footer"
msgid "Editor content"
msgstr "Konten penyunting"
msgid "Document Overview"
msgstr "Tinjauan Dokumen"
msgid ""
"Navigate the structure of your document and address issues like empty or "
"incorrect heading levels."
msgstr ""
"Jelajahi struktur dokumen Anda dan atasi masalah-masalah seperti level judul "
"yang kosong atau salah."
msgid "Document not found"
msgstr "Dokumen tidak ditemukan"
msgid "An error occurred while creating the template part."
msgstr "Terjadi eror saat membuat komponen template."
msgid "Duplicate pattern"
msgstr "Duplikasi pola"
msgid "Preview in a new tab"
msgstr "Pratinjau di tab baru"
msgid "Pre-publish checks enabled."
msgstr "Pemeriksaan pra-publikasi diaktifkan."
msgid "Pre-publish checks disabled."
msgstr "Pemeriksaan pra-publikasi dinonaktifkan."
msgid "Breadcrumbs visible."
msgstr "Breadcrumbs terlihat."
msgid "Breadcrumbs hidden."
msgstr "Breadcrumbs disembunyikan."
msgid "Show block breadcrumbs"
msgstr "Tampilkan blok breadcrumb"
msgid "Hide block breadcrumbs"
msgstr "Sembunyikan blok breadcrumb"
msgid "Open code editor"
msgstr "Buka editor kode"
msgid "List View on."
msgstr "Tampilan Daftar aktif."
msgid "List View off."
msgstr "Tampilan Daftar nonaktif."
msgid "Open List View"
msgstr "Buka tampilan daftar"
msgid "Close List View"
msgstr "Tutup Tampilan Daftar"
msgid "Editor preferences"
msgstr "Preferensi editor"
msgid "Enter Distraction free"
msgstr "Masuk ke Mode Tanpa Gangguan "
msgid "Exit Distraction free"
msgstr "Keluar Mode Tanpa Gangguan"
msgid "Keyboard shortcuts"
msgstr "Pintasan keyboard"
msgid "Hide block tools"
msgstr "Sembunyikan alat blok"
msgid "Show block tools"
msgstr "Tampilkan alat blok"
msgid ""
"Set the Posts Page title. Appears in search results, and when the page is "
"shared on social media."
msgstr ""
"Atur judul Halaman Pos. Judul akan muncul pada hasil pencarian, dan ketika "
"halaman dibagikan ke media sosial."
msgid "Change blog title: %s"
msgstr "Ubah judul blog: %s"
msgid ""
"Temporarily unlock the parent block to edit, delete or make further changes "
"to this block."
msgstr ""
"Membuka kunci blok induk sementara untuk mengedit, menghapus, atau mengubah "
"lebih lanjut blok tersebut."
msgid "Edit template"
msgstr "Edit template"
msgid ""
"Only users with permissions to edit the template can move or delete this "
msgstr ""
"Hanya pengguna dengan izin mengedit templat yang dapat memindahkan atau "
"menghapus blok ini"
msgid ""
"Edit the template to move, delete, or make further changes to this block."
msgstr ""
"Edit templat untuk memindahkan, menghapus, atau mengubah lebih lanjut blok "
msgid ""
"Edit the pattern to move, delete, or make further changes to this block."
msgstr ""
"Edit pola untuk memindahkan, menghapus, atau mengubah lebih lanjut blok "
msgid ""
"The deleted block allows instance overrides. Removing it may result in "
"content not displaying where this pattern is used. Are you sure you want to "
msgid_plural ""
"Some of the deleted blocks allow instance overrides. Removing them may "
"result in content not displaying where this pattern is used. Are you sure "
"you want to proceed?"
msgstr[0] ""
"Blok yang dihapus mengizinkan penimpaan instance. Penghapusan dapat "
"menyebabkan konten tidak ditampilkan saat penggunaan pola terkait. Apakah "
"Anda yakin ingin melanjutkan?"
msgstr[1] ""
"Beberapa blok yang dihapus mengizinkan penimpaan instance. Penghapusan dapat "
"menyebabkan konten tidak ditampilkan saat penggunaan pola terkait. Apakah "
"Anda yakin ingin melanjutkan?"
msgid "%d block is hidden."
msgid_plural "%d blocks are hidden."
msgstr[0] "%d blok disembunyikan."
msgstr[1] "%d blok disembunyikan."
msgid "Apply globally"
msgstr "Terapkan secara global"
msgid ""
"Apply this block’s typography, spacing, dimensions, and color styles to all "
"%s blocks."
msgstr ""
"Terapkan tipografi, spasi, dimensi, dan pengaturan warna blok ini ke semua "
"blok %s."
msgid "%s styles applied."
msgstr "Styles %s diaplikasikan."
msgid "Reset template part: %s"
msgstr "Atur ulang komponen template: %s"
msgid "Reset template: %s"
msgstr "Atur ulang templat: %s"
msgid "Edit template: %s"
msgstr "Edit template: %s"
msgid "Style revisions"
msgstr "Revisi gaya"
msgid "Customize CSS"
msgstr "Sesuaikan CSS"
msgid "Learn about styles"
msgstr "Pelajari tentang style"
msgid "Open styles"
msgstr "Buka gaya"
msgid ""
"Note that the same template can be used by multiple pages, so any changes "
"made here may affect other pages on the site. To switch back to editing the "
"page content click the ‘Back’ button in the toolbar."
msgstr ""
"Perhatikan bahwa template yang sama dapat digunakan oleh beberapa halaman, "
"jadi perubahan apa pun yang dilakukan di sini dapat memengaruhi halaman lain "
"di situs. Untuk beralih kembali ke pengeditan konten halaman, klik tombol "
"'Kembali' di toolbar."
msgid "Editing a template"
msgstr "Menyunting templat"
msgid "Here’s a detailed guide to learn how to make the most of it."
msgstr "Berikut panduan mendetail cara memanfaatkannya semaksimal mungkin."
msgid "New to block themes and styling your site?"
msgstr "Awam dengan tema blok dan mendesain situs Anda?"
msgid ""
"You can adjust your blocks to ensure a cohesive experience across your site "
"— add your unique colors to a branded Button block, or adjust the Heading "
"block to your preferred size."
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat mengatur blok Anda untuk memastikan pengalaman yang konsisten di "
"seluruh situs Anda — tambahkan warna khusus untuk blok Tombol, atau pilih "
"ukuran yang sesuai untuk blok Judul."
msgid "Personalize blocks"
msgstr "Ubah blok"
msgid ""
"You can customize your site as much as you like with different colors, "
"typography, and layouts. Or if you prefer, just leave it up to your theme to "
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat mengatur warna, tipografi, dan tata letak situs Anda sesuai "
"keinginan. Atau biarkan saja sesuai tema Anda, jika suka!"
msgid "Set the design"
msgstr "Atur desain"
msgid ""
"Tweak your site, or give it a whole new look! Get creative — how about a new "
"color palette for your buttons, or choosing a new font? Take a look at what "
"you can do here."
msgstr ""
"Sesuaikan situs Anda, atau buat tampilan baru! Kreatiflah — bagaimana dengan "
"palet warna untuk tombol Anda, atau pilih jenis huruf baru? Lihat apa yang "
"dapat Anda kerjakan di sini."
msgid "Welcome to Styles"
msgstr "Selamat Datang di Style"
msgid ""
"It’s now possible to edit page content in the site editor. To customise "
"other parts of the page like the header and footer switch to editing the "
"template using the settings sidebar."
msgstr ""
"Sekarang pengeditan konten halaman dapat dilakukan di editor situs. Untuk "
"menyesuaikan bagian halaman lainnya seperti header dan footer, beralihlah ke "
"pengeditan template menggunakan sidebar pengaturan."
msgid "Editing a page"
msgstr "Menyunting halaman"
msgid ""
"Click to start designing your blocks, and choose your "
"typography, layout, and colors."
msgstr ""
"Klik untuk memulai mendesain blok, dan pilih tipografi, "
"tata letak, dan warna Anda."
msgid "Welcome to the site editor"
msgstr "Selamat datang di editor situs"
msgid "Open %s styles in Styles panel"
msgstr "Buka style %s di panel Styles"
msgid "Examples of blocks"
msgstr "Contoh blok"
msgid "Examples of blocks in the %s category"
msgstr "Contoh blok dalam kategori %s"
msgid "Open command palette"
msgstr "Buka palet perintah"
msgid "View site (opens in a new tab)"
msgstr "Lihat situs (buka di tab baru)"
msgid "All templates"
msgstr "Semua Template"
msgid ""
"Create new templates, or reset any customizations made to the templates "
"supplied by your theme."
msgstr ""
"Buat template baru, atau atur ulang setiap penyesuaian yang dilakukan pada "
"template yang disediakan oleh tema Anda."
msgid "A list of all patterns from all sources."
msgstr "Daftar semua pola dari semua sumber"
msgid "All patterns"
msgstr "Semua pola"
msgid "Loading items…"
msgstr "Memuat item ..."
msgid "Manage what patterns are available when editing the site."
msgstr "Kelola pola mana yang tersedia saat mengedit situs."
msgid "Manage your Navigation Menus."
msgstr "Kelola menu navigasi Anda."
msgid "No Navigation Menus found."
msgstr "Tidak ada Menu Navigasi yang ditemukan."
msgid "Unable to duplicate Navigation Menu (%s)."
msgstr "Tidak dapat menggandakan menu navigasi (%s)."
msgid "Duplicated Navigation Menu"
msgstr "Menu Navigasi yang Digandakan"
msgid "Unable to rename Navigation Menu (%s)."
msgstr "Tidak dapat mengganti nama menu Navigasi (%s)."
msgid "Renamed Navigation Menu"
msgstr "Menu Navigasi yang telah dinamai ulang"
msgid "Unable to delete Navigation Menu (%s)."
msgstr "Tidak dapat menghapus menu Navigasi (%s)."
msgid "Navigation title"
msgstr "Judul Navigasi"
msgid "Navigation Menu missing."
msgstr "Menu Navigasi Hilang."
msgid ""
"Navigation Menus are a curated collection of blocks that allow visitors to "
"get around your site."
msgstr ""
"Menu navigasi adalah kumpulan blok yang telah dikurasi yang memungkinkan "
"pengunjung untuk berkeliling situs Anda."
msgid "Customize the appearance of your website using the block editor."
msgstr "Sesuaikan tampilan situs web Anda menggunakan editor blok."
msgid "Go to the Dashboard"
msgstr "Kunjungi dasbor"
msgid "Custom Views"
msgstr "Tampilan Kustom"
msgid "New view"
msgstr "Tampilan baru"
msgid "My view"
msgstr "Tampilan saya"
msgid "Open save panel"
msgstr "Buka panel penyimpanan"
msgid "Save panel"
msgstr "Simpan panel"
msgid "Save site, content, and template changes"
msgstr "Simpan perubahan situs, konten, dan templat"
msgid "Saving your changes will change your active theme from %1$s to %2$s."
msgstr ""
"Menyimpan perubahan Anda akan mengubah tema aktif Anda dari %1$s ke %2$s."
msgid "Review %d change…"
msgid_plural "Review %d changes…"
msgstr[0] "Tinjau %d perubahan..."
msgstr[1] "Tinjau %d perubahan..."
msgid "Activate %s & Save"
msgstr "Aktifkan %s & Simpan"
msgid "Activating %s"
msgstr "Mengaktifkan %s"
msgid "%1$s ‹ %2$s ‹ Editor — WordPress"
msgstr "%1$s ‹ %2$s ‹ Editor — WordPress"
msgid ""
"Use left and right arrow keys to resize the canvas. Hold shift to resize in "
"larger increments."
msgstr ""
"Gunakan tombol panah kiri dan kanan untuk mengatur ukuran kanvas. Tekan "
"shift untuk mengubah menjadi lebih besar."
msgid "Drag to resize"
msgstr "Seret untuk mengubah ukuran"
msgid "Pagination Navigation"
msgstr "Navigasi Paginasi"
msgid "Patterns content"
msgstr "Konten pola"
msgid "Sync status"
msgstr "Status Sinkronisasi"
msgid "This pattern cannot be edited."
msgstr "Pola ini tidak dapat diedit."
msgid "Empty pattern"
msgstr "Pola kosong"
msgid "Empty template part"
msgstr "Bagian template kosong"
msgid "Patterns that can be changed freely without affecting the site."
msgstr "Pola yang dapat diubah secara bebas tanpa memengaruhi situs."
msgid "Patterns that are kept in sync across the site."
msgstr "Pola yang selalu sinkron di seluruh situs."
msgid "Action menu for %s pattern category"
msgstr "Menu aksi untuk kategori pola %s"
msgid "Includes every template part defined for any area."
msgstr "Termasuk semua bagian templat yang ditentukan untuk area mana pun."
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to delete the category \"%s\"? The patterns will not "
"be deleted."
msgstr ""
"Anda yakin ingin menghapus kategori \"%s\"? Polanya tidak akan dihapus."
msgid "An error occurred while deleting the pattern category."
msgstr "Terjadi eror saat menghapus kategori pola."
msgid "Published: "
msgstr "Dipublikasikan: "
msgid "Scheduled: "
msgstr "Dijadwalkan: "
msgid "Modified: "
msgstr "Dimodifikasi: "
msgid "Download your theme with updated templates and styles."
msgstr "Unduh tema Anda dengan template dan gaya yang diperbarui."
msgid "An error occurred while creating the site export."
msgstr "Terjadi eror saat membuat data ekspor situs."
msgid "Reset styles"
msgstr "Atur ulang style"
msgid "Aa"
msgstr "Aa"
msgid "Close Styles"
msgstr "Tutup Gaya"
msgid "Shadow %s"
msgstr "Bayangan %s"
msgid "Manage and create shadow styles for use across the site."
msgstr "Kelola dan buat gaya bayangan untuk digunakan di seluruh situs."
msgid "Spread"
msgstr "Menyebar"
msgid "Blur"
msgstr "Mengabur"
msgid "Y Position"
msgstr "Posisi Y"
msgid "X Position"
msgstr "Posisi X"
msgid "Outset"
msgstr "Awalan"
msgid "Inner shadow"
msgstr "Bayangan dalam"
msgid "Remove shadow"
msgstr "Hapus bayangan"
msgid "Add shadow"
msgstr "Tambah bayangan"
msgid "Shadow name"
msgstr "Nama bayangan"
msgid "Select heading level"
msgstr "Pilih level judul"
msgid "Manage the fonts and typography used on buttons."
msgstr "Kelola jenis huruf dan tipografi yang digunakan untuk tombol."
msgid "Manage the fonts and typography used on captions."
msgstr "Kelola font dan tipografi yang digunakan pada keterangan."
msgid "Manage the fonts and typography used on headings."
msgstr "Kelola jenis huruf dan tipografi yang digunakan untuk judul."
msgid "Manage the fonts and typography used on the links."
msgstr "Kelola jenis huruf dan tipografi untuk tautan."
msgid "Manage the fonts used on the site."
msgstr "Kelola jenis huruf yang digunakan pada situs."
msgid "Customize the appearance of specific blocks for the whole site."
msgstr "Sesuaikan tampilan blok untuk keseluruhan situs."
msgid "These styles are already applied to your site."
msgstr "Sudah ada style yang diterapkan ke situs Anda."
msgid "(Unsaved)"
msgstr "(Belum disimpan)"
msgid "Default styles"
msgstr "Gaya standar"
msgid "Global styles revisions list"
msgstr "Daftar revisi gaya global"
msgid "Changes saved by %1$s on %2$s"
msgstr "Perubahan disimpan oleh %1$s pada %2$s"
msgid ""
"Changes saved by %1$s on %2$s. This revision matches current editor styles."
msgstr ""
"Perubahan disimpan oleh %1$s pada %2$s. Revisi ini sesuai dengan style "
"editor saat ini."
msgid "Unsaved changes by %s"
msgstr "Perubahan belum disimpan oleh %s"
msgid "Reset the styles to the theme defaults"
msgstr "Setel ulang gaya ke default tema"
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to apply this revision? Any unsaved changes will be "
msgstr ""
"Apakah Anda yakin ingin menerapkan revisi ini? Perubahan apa pun yang belum "
"disimpan akan hilang."
msgid "Global Styles pagination navigation"
msgstr "Navigasi paginasi Style Global"
msgid "Close revisions"
msgstr "Tutup revisi"
msgid ""
"Click on previously saved styles to preview them. To restore a selected "
"version to the editor, hit \"Apply.\" When you're ready, use the Save button "
"to save your changes."
msgstr ""
"Klik pada style yang disimpan sebelumnya untuk melakukan pratinjau. Untuk "
"mengembalikan versi yang dipilih ke editor, klik \"Terapkan.\" Saat Anda "
"siap, gunakan tombol Simpan untuk menyimpan perubahan Anda."
msgid "Revisions (%s)"
msgstr "Revisi (%s)"
msgid "Add your own CSS to customize the appearance and layout of your site."
msgstr ""
"Tambahkan CSS Anda sendiri untuk menyesuaikan tampilan dan tata letak situs "
msgid "Palette colors and the application of those colors on site elements."
msgstr "Warna palet dan penerapan warna tersebut di elemen situs."
msgid "The combination of colors used across the site and in color pickers."
msgstr "Kombinasi warna yang digunakan di seluruh situs dan pemilih warna."
msgid ""
"Add your own CSS to customize the appearance of the %s block. You do not "
"need to include a CSS selector, just add the property and value."
msgstr ""
"Tambahkan CSS Anda sendiri untuk menyesuaikan tampilan blok %s. Anda tidak "
"perlu menyertakan selektor CSS, cukup tambahkan properti dan nilainya."
msgid "Customize the appearance of specific blocks and for the whole site."
msgstr "Sesuaikan tampilan blok tertentu dan keseluruhan situs."
msgid "Randomize colors"
msgstr "Acak warna"
msgid "Palette"
msgstr "Palettes"
msgid "Add colors"
msgstr "Tambahkan warna"
msgid "Edit palette"
msgstr "Edit palet"
msgid ""
"Uploaded fonts appear in your library and can be used in your theme. "
"Supported formats: .ttf, .otf, .woff, and .woff2."
msgstr ""
"Font yang diunggah muncul di pustaka Anda dan dapat digunakan di tema Anda. "
"Format yang didukung: .ttf, .otf, .woff, and .woff2."
msgid "Upload font"
msgstr "Unggah font"
msgid "No fonts found to install."
msgstr "Tidak ada font untuk diinstal."
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to delete \"%s\" font and all its variants and assets?"
msgstr "Anda yakin ingin menghapus font \"%s\" dan semua varian dan asetnya?"
msgid "There was an error uninstalling the font family."
msgstr "Terjadi error saat menghapus penginstalan kelompok font."
msgid ""
"Choose font variants. Keep in mind that too many variants could make your "
"site slower."
msgstr ""
"Pilih varian font. Perlu diingat bahwa terlalu banyak varian dapat membuat "
"situs Anda lebih lambat."
msgid "%1$s/%2$s variants active"
msgstr "%1$s/%2$s varian aktif"
msgid "Install Fonts"
msgstr "Instal Font"
msgid "Allow access to Google Fonts"
msgstr "Izinkan akses ke Google Font"
msgid "You can alternatively upload files directly on the Upload tab."
msgstr "Sebagai alternatif, Anda dapat mengunggah file langsung di tab Unggah."
msgid ""
"To install fonts from Google you must give permission to connect directly to "
"Google servers. The fonts you install will be downloaded from Google and "
"stored on your site. Your site will then use these locally-hosted fonts."
msgstr ""
"Untuk memasang font dari Google Anda harus memberikan izin untuk terhubung "
"langsung ke server Google. Font yang Anda pasang akan diunduh dari Google "
"dan disimpan di situs Anda. Situs Anda kemudian akan menggunakan font yang "
"dihosting secara lokal ini."
msgid "Connect to Google Fonts"
msgstr "Hubungkan ke Google Fonts"
msgid "Select font variants to install."
msgstr "Pilih varian font yang akan diinstal."
msgid "No fonts found. Try with a different search term"
msgstr "Font tidak ditemukan. Coba cari istilah pencarian lainnya"
msgid "Font name…"
msgstr "Nama font…"
msgid "Revoke access to Google Fonts"
msgstr "Cabut akses ke Google Fonts"
msgid "Fonts were installed successfully."
msgstr "Font berhasil diinstal."
msgid "Error installing the fonts, could not be downloaded."
msgstr "Eror saat menginstal font, tidak dapat diunduh."
msgid "There was an error installing fonts."
msgstr "Terjadi eror saat menginstal font."
msgid "%d variant"
msgid_plural "%d variants"
msgstr[0] "%d varian"
msgstr[1] "%d varian"
msgid "Add fonts"
msgstr "Tambahkan font"
msgid "No fonts installed."
msgstr "Tidak ada font yang terinstal."
msgid "Manage fonts"
msgstr "Kelola font"
msgid "Style Revisions"
msgstr "Revisi gaya"
msgid "Style Book"
msgstr "Buku Style"
msgid "No authors found."
msgstr "Penyusun tidak ditemukan."
msgid "Search Authors"
msgstr "Cari Penyusun"
msgid "Displays taxonomy: %s."
msgstr "Menampilkan taksonomi: %s."
msgid "Displays a single item: %s."
msgstr "Menampilkan item satuan: %s."
msgid "Displays an archive with the latest posts of type: %s."
msgstr "Menampilkan arsip dengan jenis pos terbaru: %s."
msgid "Archive: %1$s (%2$s)"
msgstr "Arsip: %1$s (%2$s)"
msgid "A custom template can be manually applied to any post or page."
msgstr ""
"Templat khusus dapat diterapkan secara manual ke pos atau laman apa pun."
msgid "Custom template"
msgstr "Template Khusus"
msgid "Select what the new template should apply to:"
msgstr "Pilih di mana template baru akan digunakan:"
msgid "Create custom template"
msgstr "Buat template khusus"
msgid "Add template: %s"
msgstr "Tambah template: %s"
msgid "Add template"
msgstr "Tambahkan Template"
msgid "E.g. %s"
msgstr "Misalnya %s"
msgid "This template will be used only for the specific item chosen."
msgstr "Templat ini hanya akan digunakan untuk item tertentu yang dipilih."
msgid "For a specific item"
msgstr "Untuk item tertentu"
msgid "For all items"
msgstr "Untuk Semua Item"
msgid ""
"Select whether to create a single template for all items or a specific one."
msgstr ""
"Pilih apakah akan membuat satu template untuk semua item atau yang spesifik."
msgid "Suggestions list"
msgstr "Daftar saran"
msgid ""
"Describe the template, e.g. \"Post with sidebar\". A custom template can be "
"manually applied to any post or page."
msgstr ""
"Jelaskan templat, mis. \"Pos dengan bilah sisi\". Templat khusus dapat "
"diterapkan secara manual pada artikel atau laman mana pun."
msgid "Custom Template"
msgstr "Template Khusus"
msgid "Imported \"%s\" from JSON."
msgstr "\"%s\" diimpor dari JSON."
msgid "Import pattern from JSON"
msgstr "Impor pola dari JSON"
msgid "Create draft"
msgstr "Buat konsep"
msgid "No title"
msgstr "Tanpa Judul"
msgid ""
"Templates help define the layout of the site. You can customize all aspects "
"of your posts and pages using blocks and patterns in this editor."
msgstr ""
"Template membantu menyusun tata letak situs. Anda dapat menyesuaikan semua "
"aspek artikel dan halaman Anda menggunakan blok dan pola di editor ini."
msgid "Welcome to the template editor"
msgstr "Selamat datang di editor template"
msgid ""
"All of the blocks available to you live in the block library. You’ll find it "
"wherever you see the icon."
msgstr ""
"Semua blok yang tersedia untuk Anda berada di pustaka blok. Anda akan "
"menemukannya di mana pun Anda melihat ikon ."
msgid ""
"Each block comes with its own set of controls for changing things like "
"color, width, and alignment. These will show and hide automatically when you "
"have a block selected."
msgstr ""
"Setiap blok dilengkapi dengan kumpulan pengaturan masing-masing untuk "
"mengubah seperti warna, lebar, dan perataan. Pengaturan tersebut akan tampak "
"dan tidak tampak secara otomatis ketika sudah ada blok yang Anda pilih."
msgid ""
"In the WordPress editor, each paragraph, image, or video is presented as a "
"distinct “block” of content."
msgstr ""
"Di editor WordPress, setiap paragraf, gambar, atau video ditampilkan sebagai "
"konten “blok” ."
msgid "Use theme styles"
msgstr "Gunakan style tema"
msgid "Make the editor look like your theme."
msgstr "Buat editor terlihat seperti tema Anda."
msgid "Hide & Reload Page"
msgstr "Sembunyikan & Muat Ulang Halaman"
msgid "Show & Reload Page"
msgstr "Tampilkan & Muat Ulang Halaman"
msgid ""
"A page reload is required for this change. Make sure your content is saved "
"before reloading."
msgstr ""
"Muat ulang untuk melihat perubahan ini. Pastikan konten Anda telah disimpan "
msgid "Welcome Guide"
msgstr "Panduan Selamat Datang"
msgid "Manage patterns"
msgstr "Kelola pola"
msgid "Fullscreen mode deactivated."
msgstr "Mode layar penuh dinonaktifkan"
msgid "Fullscreen mode activated."
msgstr "Mode layar penuh diaktifkan"
msgid "Show and hide the admin user interface"
msgstr "Tampilkan atau sembunyikan antarmuka pengguna administrator"
msgid "The \"%s\" plugin has encountered an error and cannot be rendered."
msgstr "Plugin \"%s\" mengalami eror dan tidak dapat dirender."
msgid "Sync this pattern across multiple locations."
msgstr "Sinkronkan pola ini di beberapa lokasi."
msgid "Create pattern"
msgstr "Buat pola"
msgid "Fullscreen off."
msgstr "Layar penuh nonaktif."
msgid "View options"
msgstr "Lihat opsi"
msgid "Unknown status for %1$s"
msgstr "Status tidak diketahui untuk %1$s"
msgid "Sort descending"
msgstr "Urutkan turun"
msgid "Sort ascending"
msgstr "Urutkan naik"
msgid "Is not"
msgstr "Tidak"
msgid "Is"
msgstr "Ya"
msgid "Reset colors"
msgstr "Atur ulang warna"
msgid "Reset gradient"
msgstr "Atur ulang gradien"
msgid "Remove all colors"
msgstr "Hapus semua warna"
msgid "Remove all gradients"
msgstr "Hapus semua gradien"
msgid "Gradient options"
msgstr "Pilihan gradien"
msgid "Add color"
msgstr "Tambahkan warna"
msgid "Add gradient"
msgstr "Tambahkan gradien"
msgid "Remove color: %s"
msgstr "Hapus warna: %s"
msgid "Gradient name"
msgstr "Nama gradien"
msgid "Color %s"
msgstr "Warna: %s"
msgid "Search in %s"
msgstr "Cari di %s"
msgid "Separate with commas, spaces, or the Enter key."
msgstr "Pisahkan dengan koma, spasi, atau tekan tombol Enter."
msgid "Invalid item"
msgstr "Item tidak valid"
msgid "Coordinated Universal Time"
msgstr "Coordinated Universal Time"
msgid "%1$s. There is %2$d event"
msgid_plural "%1$s. There are %2$d events"
msgstr[0] "%1$s. Ada %2$d acara."
msgstr[1] "%1$s. Ada %2$d acara."
msgid "%1$s. Selected"
msgstr "%1$s. Yang Dipilih"
msgid "%1$s. Selected. There is %2$d event"
msgid_plural "%1$s. Selected. There are %2$d events"
msgstr[0] "%1$s. Dipilih. Ada %2$d Kegiatan"
msgstr[1] "%1$s. Dipilih. Ada %2$d Kegiatan"
msgid "View next month"
msgstr "Lihat bulan berikutnya"
msgid "View previous month"
msgstr "Lihat bulan sebelumnya"
msgid "%s items selected"
msgstr "%s item dipilih"
msgid "Select an item"
msgstr "Pilih item"
msgid "Bottom Center"
msgstr "Tengah Bawah"
msgid "Center Right"
msgstr "Kanan Tengah"
msgid "Center Left"
msgstr "Kiri Tengah"
msgid "Top Center"
msgstr "Tengah Atas"
msgid "Alignment Matrix Control"
msgstr "Kontrol Perataan Matriks"
msgid "Command suggestions"
msgstr "Saran perintah"
msgid "Open the command palette."
msgstr "Buka palet perintah"
msgid "Search commands and settings"
msgstr "Perintah dan pengaturan pencarian"
msgid "Add tracks"
msgstr "Tambahkan trek"
msgid "Remove track"
msgstr "Hapus trek"
msgid "Language tag (en, fr, etc.)"
msgstr "Tag bahasa (en, fr, dll.)"
msgid "Source language"
msgstr "Bahasa sumber"
msgid "Title of track"
msgstr "Judul trek"
msgid "Edit track"
msgstr "Edit trek"
msgid "Text tracks"
msgstr "Teks trek"
msgid ""
"Tracks can be subtitles, captions, chapters, or descriptions. They help make "
"your content more accessible to a wider range of users."
msgstr ""
"Trek dapat berupa subtitle, keterangan, bab, atau deskripsi. Mereka membantu "
"membuat konten Anda lebih mudah diakses oleh lebih banyak pengguna."
msgid "Wood thrush singing in Central Park, NYC."
msgstr "Kayu thrush bernyanyi di Central Park, NYC."
msgid "Video caption text"
msgstr "Teks keterangan video"
msgid "There is no poster image currently selected"
msgstr "Saat ini tidak ada gambar poster terpilih"
msgid "The current poster image url is %s"
msgstr "URL gambar poster saat ini %s"
msgid "Poster image"
msgstr "Gambar poster"
msgid ""
"When enabled, videos will play directly within the webpage on mobile "
"browsers, instead of opening in a fullscreen player."
msgstr ""
"Jika diaktifkan, video akan diputar langsung di situs pada browser ponsel, "
"dan tidak membuka pemutar berlayar penuh."
msgid "Play inline"
msgstr "Putar di sini"
msgid ""
"WHAT was he doing, the great god Pan,\n"
"\tDown in the reeds by the river?\n"
"Spreading ruin and scattering ban,\n"
"Splashing and paddling with hoofs of a goat,\n"
"And breaking the golden lilies afloat\n"
" With the dragon-fly on the river."
msgstr ""
"APA yang dia lakukan, dewa besar Pan,\n"
"\tTurun di alang-alang di tepi sungai?\n"
"Menyebarkan kehancuran dan hamburan larangan,\n"
"Memercik dan mendayung dengan kuku kambing,\n"
"Dan memecahkan bunga lili emas mengapung\n"
" Dengan capung di atas sungai."
msgid "Write verse…"
msgstr "Tulis puisi..."
msgid "Verse text"
msgstr "Teks puisi"
msgid "Column %d text"
msgstr "Teks kolom %d"
msgid "Untitled Template Part"
msgstr "Komponen Template Tanpa Judul"
msgid "Existing template parts"
msgstr "Bagian template yang ada"
msgid "Template Part \"%s\" inserted."
msgstr "Komponen Template \"%s\" dimasukkan."
msgid "Choose an existing %s or create a new one."
msgstr "Pilih %s yang sudah ada atau buat baru."
msgid "Choose a %s"
msgstr "Pilih %s"
msgid "Template Part \"%s\" updated."
msgstr "Bagian Templat \"%s\" diperbarui."
msgid "Import widget area"
msgstr "Impor area widget"
msgid "Unable to import the following widgets: %s."
msgstr "Tidak dapat mengimpor widget berikut: %s."
msgid "Widget area: %s"
msgstr "Area widget: %s"
msgid "Select widget area"
msgstr "Pilih area widget"
msgid "Default based on area (%s)"
msgstr "Standar berdasarkan area (%s)"
msgid "Largest size"
msgstr "Ukuran paling besar"
msgid "Smallest size"
msgstr "Ukuran paling kecil"
msgid ""
"Start adding Heading blocks to create a table of contents. Headings with "
"HTML anchors will be linked here."
msgstr ""
"Mulai tambahkan blok Judul untuk membuat tabel konten. Judul dengan anchor "
"HTML akan ditautkan di sini."
msgid ""
"Only including headings from the current page (if the post is paginated)."
msgstr "Hanya menyertakan Judul dari halaman saat ini (jika pos dipaginasi)."
msgid "Only include current page"
msgstr "Hanya sertakan halaman saat ini"
msgid "Convert to static list"
msgstr "Ubah menjadi daftar statis"
msgid "December 6, 2018"
msgstr "6 Desember 2018"
msgid "February 21, 2019"
msgstr "21 Februari 2019"
msgid "May 7, 2019"
msgstr "7 Mei 2019"
msgid "Release Date"
msgstr "Tanggal Rilis"
msgid "Jazz Musician"
msgstr "Musisi Jazz"
msgid "Create Table"
msgstr "Buat tabel"
msgid "Insert a table for sharing data."
msgstr "Sisipkan tabel untuk membagikan data."
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Tablet"
msgid "Table caption text"
msgstr "Teks keterangan tabel"
msgid "Header section"
msgstr "Bagian header"
msgid "Change column alignment"
msgstr "Ganti perataan kolom"
msgid "Footer label"
msgstr "Label footer"
msgid "Header label"
msgstr "Label header"
msgid "Footer cell text"
msgstr "Teks sel footer"
msgid "Body cell text"
msgstr "Teks sel badan"
msgid "Header cell text"
msgstr "Teks sel header"
msgid "Align column right"
msgstr "Atur kolom rata kanan"
msgid "Align column center"
msgstr "Atur kolom rata tengah"
msgid "Align column left"
msgstr "Atur kolom rata kiri"
msgid "Open links in new tab"
msgstr "Buka tautan di jendela baru"
msgid "Icon background"
msgstr "Latar belakang ikon"
msgid "The text is visible when enabled from the parent Social Icons block."
msgstr "Teks dapat dilihat jika diaktifkan dari blok Ikon Sosial induk."
msgid "Enter social link"
msgstr "Masukkan tautan medsos"
msgid "Make title link to home"
msgstr "Buat judul terhubung ke halaman depan"
msgid "Site Title placeholder"
msgstr "Placeholder Judul Situs"
msgid "Write site title…"
msgstr "Tulis judul situs…"
msgid "Site title text"
msgstr "Teks judul situs"
msgid "Site Tagline placeholder"
msgstr "Placeholder Tagline Situs"
msgid "Write site tagline…"
msgstr "Tulis tagline situs..."
msgid "Site tagline text"
msgstr "Teks tagline situs"
msgid "Use as Site Icon"
msgstr "Gunakan sebagai ikon situs"
msgid "Link image to home"
msgstr "Tautkan gambar ke beranda."
msgid ""
"Site Icons are what you see in browser tabs, bookmark bars, and within the "
"WordPress mobile apps. To use a custom icon that is different from your site "
"logo, use the Site Icon settings."
msgstr ""
"Ikon Situs adalah apa yang Anda lihat di tab browser, bar bookmark, dan "
"aplikasi ponsel WordPress. Untuk menggunakan ikon khusus yang berbeda dari "
"logo situs Anda, gunakan pengaturan Ikon Situs."
msgid "Shortcode text"
msgstr "Teks shortcode"
msgid "Label text"
msgstr "Teks label"
msgid "Percentage Width"
msgstr "Persentase lebar"
msgid "Use button with icon"
msgstr "Gunakan tombol dengan ikon"
msgid "Change button position"
msgstr "Ubah posisi tombol"
msgid "Button only"
msgstr "Hanya tombol"
msgid "No button"
msgstr "Tanpa Tombol"
msgid "Button inside"
msgstr "Tombol Di Dalam"
msgid "Button outside"
msgstr "Tombol Di Luar"
msgid "Max number of words in excerpt"
msgstr "Jumlah maksimum kata dalam ringkasan"
msgid "Edit RSS URL"
msgstr "Edit URL RSS"
msgid "Display entries from any RSS or Atom feed."
msgstr "Tampilkan entri dari RSS atau feed Atom."
msgid "Image, Date, & Title"
msgstr "Gambar, Tanggal, & Judul"
msgid "Title, Date, & Excerpt"
msgstr "Judul, Tanggal, & Kutipan"
msgid "Title & Excerpt"
msgstr "Judul & Kutipan"
msgid "Display the search results title based on the queried object."
msgstr "Tampilkan judul hasil pencarian berdasarkan objek yang diminta."
msgid "Search Results Title"
msgstr "Judul Hasil Pencarian"
msgid "Display the archive title based on the queried object."
msgstr "Menampilkan judul arsip sesuai objek yang dikueri."
msgid "Search results for: “search term”"
msgstr "Hasil pencarian untuk: \"istilah pencarian\""
msgid "Show search term in title"
msgstr "Tampilkan kata kunci pencarian di judul"
msgid "Show archive type in title"
msgstr "Tampilkan tipe arsip dalam judul"
msgid "Archive title"
msgstr "Judul Arsip"
msgid "Archive type: Name"
msgstr "Tipe Arsip: Nama"
msgid "%s name"
msgstr "Nama %s"
msgid "%s: Name"
msgstr "%s: Nama"
msgid "Provided type is not supported."
msgstr "Tipe yang tersedia tidak didukung."
msgid "Show label text"
msgstr "Tampilkan teks label"
msgid "A decorative arrow appended to the next and previous page link."
msgstr ""
"Simbol panah ditambahkan pada tautan halaman selanjutnya dan sebelumnya."
msgid "Previous page link"
msgstr "Tautan halaman sebelumnya"
msgid ""
"Specify how many links can appear before and after the current page number. "
"Links to the first, current and last page are always visible."
msgstr ""
"Tentukan berapa banyak link yang dapat muncul sebelum dan sesudah nomor "
"halaman saat ini. Tautan ke halaman pertama, sekarang, dan terakhir selalu "
msgid "Number of links"
msgstr "Jumlah tautan"
msgid "Next page link"
msgstr "Tautan halaman berikutnya"
msgid "Add text or blocks that will display when a query returns no results."
msgstr ""
"Tambahkan teks atau blok yang akan ditampilkan jika tidak ada hasil dari "
"kueri. "
msgid "Max pages to show"
msgstr "Batas Maksimum Halaman untuk Ditampilkan"
msgid ""
"Limit the pages you want to show, even if the query has more results. To "
"show all pages use 0 (zero)."
msgstr ""
"Batasi halaman yang ingin Anda tampilkan, meskipun query memiliki hasil "
"lebih banyak. Untuk menampilkan semua halaman gunakan 0 (nol)."
msgid "Start blank"
msgstr "Mulai dari nol"
msgid "Choose a pattern for the query loop or start blank."
msgstr "Pilih pola untuk query loop atau mulai dari awal."
msgid "Choose a pattern"
msgstr "Pilih pola"
msgid "Only"
msgstr "Hanya"
msgid "Include"
msgstr "Mencakup"
msgid "Post type"
msgstr "Tipe Pos"
msgid "Experimental full-page client-side navigation setting enabled."
msgstr "Pengaturan navigasi sisi klien halaman penuh eksperimental diaktifkan."
msgid ""
"Currently, avoiding full page reloads is not possible when a Content block "
"is present inside the Query block."
msgstr ""
"Saat ini, tidak mungkin menghindari pemuatan ulang halaman ketika blok "
"konten berada didalam blok kueri."
msgid ""
"Currently, avoiding full page reloads is not possible when non-interactive "
"or non-client Navigation compatible blocks from plugins are present inside "
"the Query block."
msgstr ""
"Saat ini, tidak mungkin menghindari pemuatan ulang halaman penuh ketika blok-"
"blok non-interaktif atau tidak kompatibel dengan clientNavigation dari "
"plugin ada di dalam blok Query."
msgid ""
"If you still want to prevent full page reloads, remove that block, then "
"disable \"Reload full page\" again in the Query Block settings."
msgstr ""
"Jika tetap ingin menghindari pemuatan ulang seluruh halaman, hapus blok "
"tersebut, lalu nonaktifkan lagi \"Muat ulang seluruh halaman\" di pengaturan "
"Blok Permintaan Informasi."
msgid "One of the hardest things to do in technology is disrupt yourself."
msgstr ""
"Salah satu hal paling sulit dilakukan dalam teknologi adalah mengalahkan "
"diri sendiri."
msgid "Pullquote citation text"
msgstr "Teks kutipan pullquote"
msgid "Add quote"
msgstr "Tambahkan kutipan"
msgid "Pullquote text"
msgstr "Teks pullquote"
msgid ""
"Window, very small in the distance, illuminated.\n"
"All around this is an almost totally black screen. Now, as the camera moves "
"slowly towards the window which is almost a postage stamp in the frame, "
"other forms appear;"
msgstr ""
"Jendela, sangat kecil di kejauhan, diterangi.\n"
"Semua di sekitarnya adalah layar yang hampir sepenuhnya hitam. Sekarang, "
"ketika kamera bergerak perlahan ke arah jendela yang hampir seperti perangko "
"di bingkai, bentuk lain muncul;"
msgid "Preformatted text"
msgstr "Teks praformat"
msgid "Make title a link"
msgstr "Jadikan judul sebagai tautan"
msgid "Suffix"
msgstr "Akhiran"
msgid "Term items not found."
msgstr "Item istilah tidak ditemukan."
msgid "Enter character(s) used to separate terms."
msgstr "Masukkan tanda pemisah term."
msgid "Displays the post link that precedes the current post."
msgstr "Menampilkan tautan artikel sebelum artikel berikut."
msgid "Displays the post link that follows the current post."
msgstr "Menampilkan tautan artikel setelah artikel berikut."
msgid "An example title"
msgstr "Judul contoh"
msgid ""
"Only link to posts that have the same taxonomy terms as the current post. "
"For example the same tags or categories."
msgstr ""
"Hanya tautkan ke pos yang memiliki istilah taksonomi yang sama dengan pos "
"saat ini. Misalnya, tag atau kategori yang sama."
msgid "Filter by taxonomy"
msgstr "Filter berdasarkan taksonomi"
msgid "A decorative arrow for the next and previous link."
msgstr "Simbol Panah untuk tautan selanjutnya dan sebelumnya."
msgid "Include the label as part of the link"
msgstr "Sertakan label sebagai bagian dari tautan"
msgid ""
"If you have entered a custom label, it will be prepended before the title."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda telah memasukkan label khusus, maka akan ditambahkan sebelum judul."
msgid "Display the title as a link"
msgstr "Tampilkan judul sebagai tautan"
msgid "Featured image: %s"
msgstr "Gambar andalan: %s"
msgid "Add a featured image"
msgstr "Tambah gambar unggulan"
msgid "Image will be stretched and distorted to completely fill the space."
msgstr ""
"Gambar akan diregangkan dan terdistorsi untuk mengisi ruang secara penuh."
msgid "Image is scaled to fill the space without clipping nor distorting."
msgstr ""
"Gambar diskalakan untuk mengisi ruang tanpa terpotong atau terdistorsi."
msgid ""
"Image is scaled and cropped to fill the entire space without being distorted."
msgstr ""
"Gambar diskalakan dan dipotong untuk memenuhi seluruh ruang tanpa "
msgid "Show link on new line"
msgstr "Tampilkan tautan pada baris baru"
msgid "No excerpt found"
msgstr "Tidak ada ringkasan ditemukan"
msgid "Excerpt text"
msgstr "Teks ringkasan"
msgid "Add \"read more\" link text"
msgstr "Tambahkan teks tautan \"baca selengkapnya\""
msgid ""
"The content is currently protected and does not have the available excerpt."
msgstr "Konten saat ini dilindungi dan tidak memiliki ringkasan yang tersedia."
msgid "This block will display the excerpt."
msgstr "Blok ini akan menampilkan ringkasan."
msgid "Display a post's last updated date."
msgstr "Tampilkan tanggal terakhir pos diperbarui."
msgid "Modified Date"
msgstr "Tanggal Diubah"
msgid "Only shows if the post has been modified"
msgstr "Hanya tampilkan jika artikel telah dimodifikasi"
msgid "Display last modified date"
msgstr "Tampilkan tanggal perubahan terakhir"
msgid "Link to post"
msgstr "Tautkan ke pos"
msgid "Change Date"
msgstr "Ubah Tanggal"
msgid "Post Modified Date"
msgstr "Tanggal Pembaruan Pos"
msgid ""
"If there are any Custom Post Types registered at your site, the Content "
"block can display the contents of those entries as well."
msgstr ""
"Jika ada Tipe Pos Khusus yang terdaftar di situs Anda, blok Konten juga "
"dapat menampilkan konten dari entri tersebut."
msgid ""
"That might be a simple arrangement like consecutive paragraphs in a blog "
"post, or a more elaborate composition that includes image galleries, videos, "
"tables, columns, and any other block types."
msgstr ""
"Itu dapat berupa konten sederhana seperti susunan paragraf dalam artikel "
"blog, atau komposisi yang lebih lengkap yang mencakup galeri gambar, video, "
"tabel, kolom, dan tipe blok lainnya."
msgid ""
"This is the Content block, it will display all the blocks in any single post "
"or page."
msgstr ""
"Ini adalah blok Konten, yang akan menampilkan semua blok dalam pos tunggal "
"atau laman."
msgid "Post Comments Link block: post not found."
msgstr "Blok Tautan Komentar Pos: post tidak ditemukan."
msgid "Post Comments Form block: Comments are not enabled."
msgstr "Blok Formulir Komentar Pos: Komentar tidak diaktifkan."
msgid ""
"Post Comments Form block: Comments are not enabled for this post type (%s)."
msgstr ""
"Blok Formulir Komentar Artikel: Komentar tidak diaktifkan untuk tipe konten "
"berikut (%s)."
msgid "Post Comments Form block: Comments are not enabled for this item."
msgstr ""
"Blok Formulir Komentar Pos: Komentar tidak diaktifkan untuk jenis item ini."
msgid "Comments form disabled in editor."
msgstr "Formulir komentar dinonaktifkan di editor."
msgid "Post Comments Count block: post not found."
msgstr "Blok Jumlah Komentar Artikel: artikel tidak ditemukan."
msgid "To show a comment, input the comment ID."
msgstr "Untuk menampilkan komentar, masukkan ID komentar."
msgid "Link to author archive"
msgstr "Tautan ke arsip penulis"
msgid "Author Name"
msgstr "Nama Penulis"
msgid "Write byline…"
msgstr "Tulis menurut baris…"
msgid "Post author byline text"
msgstr "Teks pada baris penulis artikel"
msgid "Link author name to author page"
msgstr "Tautkan nama penulis ke laman penulis"
msgid "Show bio"
msgstr "Tampilkan biografi"
msgid "Avatar size"
msgstr "Ukuran avatar"
msgid "Author Biography"
msgstr "Biografi Penulis"
msgid "Pattern \"%s\" cannot be rendered inside itself."
msgstr "Pola \"%s\" tidak dapat dirender di dalam dirinya sendiri."
msgid "Choose a page to show only its subpages."
msgstr "Pilih laman untuk hanya menampilkan sublamannya."
msgid "Page List: \"%s\" page has no children."
msgstr "Daftar Laman: laman \"%s\" tidak memiliki turunan."
msgid "Page List: Cannot retrieve Pages."
msgstr "Daftar Halaman: Tidak dapat mengakses Halaman."
msgid "Edit Page List"
msgstr "Edit Daftar Halaman"
msgid ""
"This Navigation Menu displays your website's pages. Editing it will enable "
"you to add, delete, or reorder pages. However, new pages will no longer be "
"added automatically."
msgstr ""
"Menu navigasi ini menampilkan halaman situs web Anda. Mengeditnya akan "
"memungkinkan Anda untuk menambahkan, menghapus, atau mengurutkan halaman-"
"halaman. Namun, halaman baru tidak akan ditambahkan secara otomatis lagi."
msgid "Convert to Link"
msgstr "Ubah jadi Tautan"
msgid "Create draft post: %s"
msgstr "Tulis draf artikel: %s"
msgid "Search for and add a link to your Navigation."
msgstr "Cari dan tambahkan tautan ke Navigasi Anda."
msgid "Choose a block to add to your Navigation."
msgstr "Pilih blok dan tambahkan ke Navigasi Anda."
msgid "Navigation link text"
msgstr "Teks tautan navigasi"
msgid "Add submenu"
msgstr "Tambahkan submenu"
msgid "This item is missing a link"
msgstr "Item berikut tidak memiliki tautan"
msgid "This item has been deleted, or is a draft"
msgstr "Item ini telah dihapus, atau merupakan konsep"
msgid "The relationship of the linked URL as space-separated link types."
msgstr "Hubungan URL tertaut sebagai jenis tautan yang dipisahkan oleh spasi."
msgid "Rel attribute"
msgstr "Atribut rel"
msgid "Additional information to help clarify the purpose of the link."
msgstr "Informasi tambahan untuk membantu memperjelas tujuan tautan."
msgid "Select tag"
msgstr "Pilih tag"
msgid "Select post"
msgstr "Pilih Pos"
msgid "%s navigation"
msgstr "Navigasi %s"
msgid "Unable to create Navigation Menu \"%s\"."
msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat Menu Navigasi \"%s\"."
msgid "Unable to fetch classic menu \"%s\" from API."
msgstr "Tidak dapat mengambil menu klasik \"%s\" dari API."
msgid "Start empty"
msgstr "Buat baru"
msgid "Navigation block setup options ready."
msgstr "Opsi penyiapan blok navigasi siap."
msgid "Loading navigation block setup options…"
msgstr "Memuat opsi pengaturan blok navigasi..."
msgid "menu"
msgstr "Menu"
msgid "handle"
msgstr "Penangan"
msgid ""
"Configure the visual appearance of the button that toggles the overlay menu."
msgstr "Konfigurasikan tampilan visual tombol yang mengaktifkan menu overlay."
msgid "Show icon button"
msgstr "Tampilkan tombol ikon"
msgid "Create new Menu"
msgstr "Buat menu baru"
msgid "Import Classic Menus"
msgstr "Impor Menu Klasik"
msgid "Choose or create a Navigation Menu"
msgstr "Pilih atau buat menu Navigasi"
msgid "Create from '%s'"
msgstr "Buat dari '%s'"
msgid "(no title %s)"
msgstr "(tanpa judul %s)"
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this Navigation Menu?"
msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus menu navigasi ini?"
msgid "This Navigation Menu is empty."
msgstr "Menu Navigasi ini kosong."
msgid "You have not yet created any menus. Displaying a list of your Pages"
msgstr "Anda belum membuat menu apapun. Menampilkan daftar laman Anda."
msgid "Untitled menu"
msgstr "Menu tanpa judul"
msgid "Structure for Navigation Menu: %s"
msgstr "Struktur untuk menu navigasi: %s"
msgid "Switch to '%s'"
msgstr "Beralih ke '%s'"
msgid "Remove %s"
msgstr "Buang %s"
msgid "Add submenu link"
msgstr "Tambahkan tautan submenu"
msgid "Navigation Menu successfully deleted."
msgstr "Menu Navigasi berhasil dihapus."
msgid "Unsaved Navigation Menu."
msgstr "Menu Navigasi Tidak Tersimpan."
msgid "Show arrow"
msgstr "Tampilkan panah"
msgid "Open on click"
msgstr "Buka saat klik"
msgid "Submenus"
msgstr "Submenu"
msgid "Collapses the navigation options in a menu icon opening an overlay."
msgstr "Tutup pilihan navigasi di ikon menu yang membuka lapisan atas."
msgid "Configure overlay menu"
msgstr "Konfigurasi menu overlay"
msgid "Overlay Menu"
msgstr "Menu Overlay"
msgid "Overlay menu controls"
msgstr "Kontrol menu overlay"
msgid ""
"The current menu options offer reduced accessibility for users and are not "
"recommended. Enabling either \"Open on Click\" or \"Show arrow\" offers "
"enhanced accessibility by allowing keyboard users to browse submenus "
msgstr ""
"Opsi menu saat ini mengurangi aksesibilitas bagi pengguna dan tidak "
"disarankan. Mengaktifkan \"Buka saat Klik\" atau \"Tampilkan panah\" "
"menawarkan peningkatan aksesibilitas dengan memungkinkan pengguna keyboard "
"menjelajahi submenu secara selektif."
msgid "You do not have permission to create Navigation Menus."
msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk membuat Menu Navigasi."
msgid ""
"You do not have permission to edit this Menu. Any changes made will not be "
msgstr ""
"Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk mengedit Menu berikut. Setiap perubahan yang "
"dibuat tidak akan disimpan."
msgid "Classic menu import failed."
msgstr "Impor menu klasik gagal."
msgid "Classic menu imported successfully."
msgstr "Menu klasik berhasil diimpor."
msgid "Classic menu importing."
msgstr "Mengimpor menu klasik."
msgid "Failed to create Navigation Menu."
msgstr "Gagal membuat Menu Navigasi."
msgid "Navigation Menu successfully created."
msgstr "Menu Navigasi berhasil dibuat."
msgid "Creating Navigation Menu."
msgstr "Membuat Menu Navigasi."
msgid "Submenu & overlay background"
msgstr "Latar belakang submenu & overlay"
msgid "Submenu & overlay text"
msgstr "Teks submenu & overlay"
msgid ""
"Navigation Menu has been deleted or is unavailable. "
msgstr ""
"Menu navigasi telah dihapus atau tidak tersedia.