msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2025-01-14 11:18:54+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: GlotPress/2.4.0-alpha\n"
"Language: uz\n"
msgid "WooCommerce Payments"
msgstr "WooCommerce to'lovlari"
msgid "Get started"
msgstr "Boshlash"
msgid "l, F jS, Y"
msgstr "d.m.Y "
msgid "%d result found"
msgid_plural "%d results found"
msgstr[0] "%d natija topildi."
msgid "Call to action"
msgstr "Harakatga da'vat"
msgid "first page"
msgstr "Birinchi sahifa"
msgid "last page"
msgstr "So'nggi sahifa"
msgid "Fan favorites"
msgstr "Muxlislarning sevimlilari"
msgid "Stock Keeping Unit."
msgstr "Stokni saqlash bo'limi"
msgid "Legacy widget"
msgstr "Eski vidjet"
msgctxt "post schedule time format"
msgid "g:i a"
msgstr "g:i a"
msgctxt "content placeholder"
msgid "Content…"
msgstr "Matn..."
msgctxt ""
"Text labelling a interface as controlling a given layout property (eg: "
"margin) for a given screen size."
msgid "Controls the %1$s property for %2$s viewports."
msgstr "%2$s ko'rish sahnasi uchun %1$s xossalarni boshqarish."
msgid "There are no widgets available."
msgstr "Vidjetlar mavjud emas."
msgid "Legacy Widget"
msgstr "Eski vidjet"
msgid "Block rendered as empty."
msgstr "Blok bo'sh."
msgid "Add new term"
msgstr "Yangi termin qo'shish"
msgid "Access all block and document tools in a single place"
msgstr "Barcha blok va dokument asboblariga bir joydan kirish"
msgid "No blocks found."
msgstr "Bloklar topilmadi."
msgid "Copy Post Text"
msgstr "Maqola matnidan nusxa olish"
msgid "The editor has encountered an unexpected error."
msgstr "Muharrirda kutilmagan xatolik yuz berdi."
msgid "Search for a block"
msgstr "Blokni izlash"
msgid "%1$s (%2$s of %3$s)"
msgstr "%1$s (jami %3$s dan %2$s)"
msgid "Add button text…"
msgstr "Tugmaga matn qo'shish..."
msgid "Template Part"
msgstr "Andoza qismi"
msgid "Link settings"
msgstr "Link sozlanmalari"
msgid "%s block selected."
msgid_plural "%s blocks selected."
msgstr[0] "%s blok belgilandi."
msgid "Upload a media file or pick one from your media library."
msgstr "Fayl yuklang yoki media kutubxonangizdan tanlang."
msgid "No preview available."
msgstr "Oldindan ko'rish yo'q."
msgid "Change alignment"
msgstr "Tekislanishni o'zgartirish"
msgid "%d block"
msgid_plural "%d blocks"
msgstr[0] "%d blok"
msgid "Border radius"
msgstr "Chegara radiusi"
msgid "Preview in new tab"
msgstr "Yangi oynada ko'rish"
msgid "Inserter"
msgstr "kirituvchi"
msgid "Contain text cursor inside block"
msgstr "Blok ichiga matn kursorini qo'ying"
msgid "Page attributes"
msgstr "Sahifa attributlari"
msgid "Save as pending"
msgstr "Qoralama sifatida saqlash"
msgid "preview"
msgstr "Oldindan ko'rish"
msgid "Spotlight mode deactivated"
msgstr "Chalg'itishsiz rejim o'chirildi"
msgid "Spotlight mode activated"
msgstr "Chalg'itishsiz rejimi yoqildi"
msgid "Top toolbar deactivated"
msgstr "Yuqori asboblar paneli o'chirilgan"
msgid "All content copied."
msgstr "Barchasi nusxalandi."
msgid "Top toolbar activated"
msgstr "Yuqori asboblar paneli yoqildi"
msgid "Visual editor"
msgstr "Vizual muharrir"
msgid "Display these keyboard shortcuts."
msgstr "Klaviatura qisqa tugmalarini ko'rsatish."
msgid "Are you ready to save?"
msgstr "Saqlashga tayyormisiz?"
msgid "Editor content"
msgstr "Muharrir kontenti"
msgid "Editor footer"
msgstr "Muharrir pastki qismi"
msgid "Keyboard shortcuts"
msgstr "Klaviatura qisqa tugmalari"
msgid "Last modified"
msgstr "Последнее изменение"
msgid "Open save panel"
msgstr "Saqlash panelini ochish"
msgid "Palette"
msgstr "Палитра"
msgid "Learn how to use the block editor"
msgstr "Blok muharriridan foydalanishni o'rganish"
msgid ""
"All of the blocks available to you live in the block library. You’ll find it "
"wherever you see the icon."
msgstr ""
"Foydalanishingiz mumkin bo'lgan barcha bloklar blok kutubxonasida "
"joylashgan. Qayerda nishonini ko'rsangiz, u yerda "
"bloklarni topa olasiz."
msgid "Get to know the block library"
msgstr "Blok kutubxonasini o'rganish"
msgid ""
"Each block comes with its own set of controls for changing things like "
"color, width, and alignment. These will show and hide automatically when you "
"have a block selected."
msgstr ""
"Har bitta blokning rang o'zgartirish, hajmni moslashtirish va tekislanish "
"kabi o'ziga xos boshqaruvlari bo'ladi. Blokni tanlash bilan bu sozlanmalar "
"avtomatik ko'rsatiladi yoki yashiriladi."
msgid "Make each block your own"
msgstr "Har bir blokni o'zingizniki qiling"
msgid ""
"In the WordPress editor, each paragraph, image, or video is presented as a "
"distinct “block” of content."
msgstr ""
"WordPress muharririda har bir rasm, paragraf, video yoki boshqa turdagi "
"ma'lumot alohida \"blok\" sifatida yuritiladi."
msgid "Welcome to the block editor"
msgstr "Blok muharririga xush kelibsiz"
msgid ""
"A page reload is required for this change. Make sure your content is saved "
"before reloading."
msgstr ""
"O'zgarish uchun sahifani yangilash talab etiladi. Yangilashdan avval "
"ma'lumotni saqlashni unutmang."
msgid "Welcome Guide"
msgstr "Boshlang'ich Yo'qirnoma"
msgid "Fullscreen mode activated"
msgstr "To'liq ekran rejimi yoqildi"
msgid "Fullscreen mode deactivated"
msgstr "To'liq ekran rejimi o'chirilgan"
msgid "Color %s"
msgstr "Rang: %s"
msgid "Separate with commas, spaces, or the Enter key."
msgstr "Vergul, bo'sh joy yoki Enter bosish orqali ajrating."
msgid "Alignment Matrix Control"
msgstr "Tekislanish boshqaruvi"
msgid "Top Center"
msgstr "Tepa o'rta"
msgid "Center Left"
msgstr "O'rta chap"
msgid "Center Right"
msgstr "O'rta o'ng"
msgid "Bottom Center"
msgstr "Past o'rta"
msgid "There is no poster image currently selected"
msgstr "Hozir asosiy rasm tanlanmagan"
msgid "Poster image"
msgstr "Rasm"
msgid "The current poster image url is %s"
msgstr "Joriy asosiy rasm manzili: %s"
msgid ""
"WHAT was he doing, the great god Pan,\n"
"\tDown in the reeds by the river?\n"
"Spreading ruin and scattering ban,\n"
"Splashing and paddling with hoofs of a goat,\n"
"And breaking the golden lilies afloat\n"
" With the dragon-fly on the river."
msgstr ""
"Hushyor bo'l yog'dirar balo bu jahon,\n"
" Hotirjam utirma nashtar bu davron.\n"
"Og'zinga shirinlik solganida ham,\n"
" Zinhor yuta ko'rma og'usi pinhon."
msgid "Play inline"
msgstr "Ichki ijro etish"
msgid "May 7, 2019"
msgstr "7-may, 2019"
msgid "February 21, 2019"
msgstr "21-fevral, 2019"
msgid "December 6, 2018"
msgstr "6-dekabr, 2018"
msgid "Create Table"
msgstr "Jadval yaratish"
msgid "Jazz Musician"
msgstr "Jazz musiqachisi"
msgid "Release Date"
msgstr "Ta'sis sanasi"
msgid "Insert a table for sharing data."
msgstr "Ma'lumot joylash uchun jadval kiriting"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Jadval"
msgid "Footer label"
msgstr "Footer yorlig'i"
msgid "Change column alignment"
msgstr "Ustun tekislanishini o'zgartirish"
msgid "Header section"
msgstr "Header qismi"
msgid "Align column right"
msgstr "Ustunni o'ngga tekislash"
msgid "Header label"
msgstr "Header yorlig'i"
msgid "Align column left"
msgstr "Ustunni chapga tekislash"
msgid "Align column center"
msgstr "Ustunni o'rtaga tekislash"
msgid "Percentage Width"
msgstr "En foizi"
msgid "Label text"
msgstr "Yorliq matni"
msgid "Display entries from any RSS or Atom feed."
msgstr "Har qanday RSS yoki Atom ro'yxatidan ma'lumot ko'rsatish."
msgid "Edit RSS URL"
msgstr "RSS URL tahrirlash"
msgid "Max number of words in excerpt"
msgstr "Parchadagi eng ko'p so'zlar soni"
msgid "Post type"
msgstr "Maqola Turi"
msgid "One of the hardest things to do in technology is disrupt yourself."
msgstr ""
"Texnologiyada qilinishi mumkin bo'lgan eng qiyin ish - o'zingizni "
msgid "Add quote"
msgstr "Iqtibos qo'shish"
msgid ""
"Window, very small in the distance, illuminated.\n"
"All around this is an almost totally black screen. Now, as the camera moves "
"slowly towards the window which is almost a postage stamp in the frame, "
"other forms appear;"
msgstr ""
"Deraza, uzoqdan juda kichik, xira ko'rinadi.\n"
"Uning atrofi deyarli to'liq qop-qora ekran. Kamera sekin deraza tomonga yura "
"boshlaganda, sekin boshqa shakllar ham ko'zga tashlana boshlaydi;"
msgid "The excerpt is visible."
msgstr "Parcha ko'rinadi."
msgid "Hide the excerpt on the full content page"
msgstr "To'liq ma'lumot sahifasida parchani yashirish"
msgid "The excerpt is hidden."
msgstr "Parcha yashirilgan."
msgid "— Kobayashi Issa (一茶)"
msgstr "— Kobayashi Issa (一茶)"
msgid "The wren Earns his living Noiselessly."
msgstr "Chittak Kunini ko'rayapti Shovqinsiz."
msgid "Sorting and filtering"
msgstr "Saralash va tartiblash"
msgid "Display author name"
msgstr "Muallif ismini ko'rsatish"
msgid "Welcome to the wonderful world of blocks…"
msgstr "Bloklarning ajoyib dunyosiga xush kelibsiz..."
msgid "Level %1$s. %2$s"
msgstr "Daraja %1$s. %2$s"
msgid "Level %s. Empty."
msgstr "%s daraja. Bo'sh."
msgid "Four."
msgstr "To'rt."
msgid "Five."
msgstr "Besh."
msgid "Six."
msgstr "Olti."
msgid "One."
msgstr "Bir."
msgid "Two."
msgstr "Ikki."
msgid "Exit fullscreen"
msgstr "Odatiy rejimga qaytish"
msgid "Optional placeholder…"
msgstr "Ixtiyoriy vaqtincha matn..."
msgid "Optional placeholder text"
msgstr "Ixtiyoriy vaqtincha matn"
msgid "PDF settings"
msgstr "PDF sozlanmalari"
msgid "Attachment page"
msgstr "Qistirma Sahifasi"
msgid "Media file"
msgstr "Media Fayl"
msgid "Snow Patrol"
msgstr "Qor xizmati"
msgid "Change content position"
msgstr "Joylashuvni o'zgartirish"
msgid "25 / 50 / 25"
msgstr "25 / 50 / 25"
msgid "Three columns; wide center column"
msgstr "Uchta ustun; o'rtadagisi keng"
msgid "Two columns; two-thirds, one-third split"
msgstr "Ikkita ustun; uchdan ikki va uchdan bir"
msgid "33 / 33 / 33"
msgstr "33 / 33 / 33"
msgid "Three columns; equal split"
msgstr "Uchta ustun; barchasi teng"
msgid "Two columns; one-third, two-thirds split"
msgstr "Ikkita ustun; uchdan bir va uchdan ikki"
msgid ""
"Nam risus massa, ullamcorper consectetur eros fermentum, porta aliquet "
"ligula. Sed vel mauris nec enim."
msgstr ""
"Nam risus massa, ullamcorper consectetur eros fermentum, porta aliquet "
"ligula. Sed vel mauris nec enim."
msgid "50 / 50"
msgstr "50 / 50"
msgid "Two columns; equal split"
msgstr "Ikkita ustun; teng"
msgid ""
"Etiam et egestas lorem. Vivamus sagittis sit amet dolor quis lobortis. "
"Integer sed fermentum arcu, id vulputate lacus. Etiam fermentum sem eu quam "
msgstr ""
"Etiam et egestas lorem. Vivamus sagittis sit amet dolor quis lobortis. "
"Integer sed fermentum arcu, id vulputate lacus. Etiam fermentum sem eu quam "
msgid "Suspendisse commodo neque lacus, a dictum orci interdum et."
msgstr "Suspendisse commodo neque lacus, a dictum orci interdum et."
msgid ""
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent et eros eu "
msgstr ""
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent et eros eu "
msgid ""
"This column count exceeds the recommended amount and may cause visual "
msgstr ""
"Ustunlar soni tavsiya etilgan miqdordan oshib ketdi. Tashqi ko'rinishda "
"nosozliklar kuzatilishi mumkin."
msgid "Browser default"
msgstr "Brauzer bo'yicha"
msgid "Image size"
msgstr "Rasm hajmi"
msgid ""
"Toggle between using the same value for all screen sizes or using a unique "
"value per screen size."
msgstr ""
"Barcha ekranlar uchun bir xil hajm ishlatish yoki har bir ekran uchun "
"alohida hajm ishlatish o'rtasida tanlash."
msgid "Large screens"
msgstr "Katta ekranlar"
msgid "Use the same %s on all screen sizes."
msgstr "Barcha ekran hajmlari uchun bir xil %s ishlatish."
msgid "Small screens"
msgstr "Kichik ekranlar"
msgid "Medium screens"
msgstr "O'rta ekranlar"
msgid "Image size presets"
msgstr "Rasm hajmlari"
msgid "Open Colors Selector"
msgstr "Rang tanlagichni ochish"
msgid "Choose variation"
msgstr "Turni tanlash"
msgid "Select a variation to start with:"
msgstr "Boshlanishiga tur tanlang."
msgid "Block variations"
msgstr "Blok turlari"
msgid "Block breadcrumb"
msgstr "Blok yo'nalish izi"
msgid "Change matrix alignment"
msgstr "Matritsa tekislanishini o'zgartirish"
msgid "Custom fields"
msgstr "Произвольные поля"
msgid "Discount type."
msgstr "Chegirma turi"
msgid "Linked products"
msgstr "Bog'langan mahsulotlar"
msgid "Add label…"
msgstr "Yorliq qo'shish..."
msgid "Footer section"
msgstr "Footer qismi"
msgid "Stock Status"
msgstr "Birja holati"
msgid "Free shipping requires"
msgstr "Yetkazib berish bepul ..."
msgid "Link CSS class"
msgstr "Class CSS bog'i"
msgid "Spacing"
msgstr "Oraliq joy"
msgid "Cover"
msgstr "Muqova"
msgid "Embed a Vimeo video."
msgstr "Vimeo videosini biriktirish."
msgid "Block %1$s is at the beginning of the content and can’t be moved left"
msgstr "%1$s bloki qatorning boshida turibdi va uni chapga surib bo'lmaydi."
msgid "Aspect Ratio"
msgstr "Aspekt ratsion"
msgid "Block %1$s is at the beginning of the content and can’t be moved up"
msgstr "%1$s bloki qatorning boshida turibdi va uni tepaga surib bo'lmaydi."
msgid "Block %1$s is at the end of the content and can’t be moved left"
msgstr "%1$s bloki qatorning oxirida turibdi va uni chapga surib bo'lmaydi."
msgid "Block %1$s is at the end of the content and can’t be moved down"
msgstr ""
"%1$s bloki qatorning pasti qismida turibdi va uni pastga surib bo'lmaydi."
msgid "Move %1$s block from position %2$d left to position %3$d"
msgstr "%1$s blokni %2$d joylashuvdan %3$d chap joylashuvga ko'chirish"
msgid "Move %1$s block from position %2$d down to position %3$d"
msgstr "%1$s blokni %2$d joylashuvdan %3$d joylashuvga tushirish"
msgid "Remove the selected block(s)."
msgstr "Tanlangan bloklarni o'chirish."
msgid "Align text center"
msgstr "Matnni o'rtaga tekislash"
msgctxt "Generic label for block inserter button"
msgid "Add block"
msgstr "Block qo'shish"
msgctxt "directly add the only allowed block"
msgid "Add %s"
msgstr "%s qo'shish"
msgctxt "Block vertical alignment setting label"
msgid "Change vertical alignment"
msgstr "Vertikal tekislanishni o'zgartirish"
msgctxt "button label"
msgid "Convert to link"
msgstr "Linkka aylantirish"
msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Group"
msgstr "Guruhlash"
msgctxt "button label"
msgid "Try again"
msgstr "Qayta urinish"
msgid "In quoting others, we cite ourselves."
msgstr "Boshqalar haqida gapirganda, o'zimizga baho beramiz."
msgid ""
"In a village of La Mancha, the name of which I have no desire to call to "
"mind, there lived not long since one of those gentlemen that keep a lance in "
"the lance-rack, an old buckler, a lean hack, and a greyhound for coursing."
msgstr ""
"La Mancha qishlog'ida, uning nomini eslashni istamayman, bir qishloqda "
"nayzada nayzani ushlab turadigan jentelmenlardan biri, eski qiya tokchali, "
"yalang'och tokcha va tokcha bo'lgan. xurjun uchun."
msgid "Indent"
msgstr "Отступ"
msgid "Start value"
msgstr "Boshlang'ich qiymat"
msgid "Mont Blanc appears—still, snowy, and serene."
msgstr "Blank tog'i paydo bo'ladi - harakatsiz, qorli va chiroyli."
msgid "(Note: many devices and browsers do not display this text.)"
msgstr "(Diqqat: ko'pchilik qurilma va brauzerlar bu matnni ko'rsatmaydi.)"
msgid "Title attribute"
msgstr "Sarlavha attributi"
msgid "Describe the role of this image on the page."
msgstr "Bu rasmning sahifadagi vazifasini tasvirlab bering."
msgid "Describe the purpose of the image."
msgstr "Rasm maqsadini tushuntiring"
msgid "Image uploaded."
msgstr "Rasm yuklandi."
msgid "Embed Amazon Kindle content."
msgstr "Amazon Kindle kontentini joylashtiring."
msgid "Embed Crowdsignal (formerly Polldaddy) content."
msgstr "Crowdsignal (eski Polldaddy) ma'lumotini biriktirish."
msgid "podcast"
msgstr "podkast"
msgid "survey"
msgstr "so'rovnoma"
msgid "audio"
msgstr "Audio"
msgid "Embedded content from %s can't be previewed in the editor."
msgstr "Ichiga o'rnatilgan kontent %s muharririda oldindan ko'rib bo'lmaydi."
msgid "Learn more about embeds"
msgstr "Biriktirmalar haqida batafsil"
msgid "Sorry, this content could not be embedded."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, ushbu kontentni biriktirib bo'lmaydi."
msgid "Paste a link to the content you want to display on your site."
msgstr "Saytingizda ko'rsatishni istagan ma'lumotga link joylang."
msgid "Text direction"
msgstr "tekst yo'nalishi"
msgid "Media settings"
msgstr "Media sozlanmalari"
msgid "Inline code"
msgstr "Ichki kod"
msgid "Block navigation structure"
msgstr "Blok boshqarish tuzilmasi"
msgid "Block %1$d of %2$d, Level %3$d."
msgstr "Blok %1$d of %2$d, Daraja %3$d"
msgid "Link rel"
msgstr "Link rel"
msgid ""
"Upload a video file, pick one from your media library, or add one with a URL."
msgstr ""
"Video fayl yuklang, media kutubxonangizdan tanlang yoki URL orqali "
msgid "Upload a file or pick one from your media library."
msgstr "Fayl yuklang yoki media kutubxonasidan tanlang."
msgid "Zoom"
msgstr "Yaqinlashtirish"
msgid "Landscape"
msgstr "Albomli"
msgid "Portrait"
msgstr "Portret"
msgid ""
"Media upload failed. If this is a photo or a large image, please scale it "
"down and try again."
msgstr ""
"Media yuklash muvaffaqiyatsiz bo'ldi. Agar rasm hajmi juda katta bo'lsa, uni "
"kichraytirib qayta yuklab ko'ring."
msgid "Could not edit image. %s"
msgstr "Rasmni tahrirlay olmadim: %s"
msgid "%s Block"
msgstr "%s blok"
msgid "%1$s Block. Column %2$d"
msgstr "%1$s blok. %2$d ustun"
msgid "%1$s Block. %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s blok. %2$s"
msgid "%1$s Block. Column %2$d. %3$s"
msgstr "%1$s blok. %2$d ustun. %3$s"
msgid "%1$s Block. Row %2$d. %3$s"
msgstr "%1$s blok. %2$d qator. %3$s"
msgid "%1$s Block. Row %2$d"
msgstr "%1$s Blok. Qator %2$d"
msgid "Move left"
msgstr "Chapga surish"
msgid "Add a block"
msgstr "Blok qo'shish"
msgid "%s block added"
msgstr "%s block qo'shildi."
msgid "Move right"
msgstr "O'ngga surish"
msgid ""
"Browse all. This will open the main inserter panel in the editor toolbar."
msgstr ""
"Barchasini ko'rish. Bu muharrir uskunalari panelida yangi kirituvchini "
msgid "Browse all"
msgstr "Barchasini ko'rish"
msgid "A tip for using the block editor"
msgstr "Blok muharririni ishlatishda maslahat"
msgid "Media List"
msgstr "Media ro'yxat"
msgid "%d block added."
msgid_plural "%d blocks added."
msgstr[0] "%d blok qo'shildi."
msgid "Multiple selected blocks"
msgstr "Tanlangan bir nechta bloklar"
msgid "Moved \"%s\" to clipboard."
msgstr "\"%s\"dan nuxsa olindi."
msgid "Copied %d block to clipboard."
msgid_plural "Copied %d blocks to clipboard."
msgstr[0] "%d blokdan nuxsa olindi"
msgid "Moved %d block to clipboard."
msgid_plural "Moved %d blocks to clipboard."
msgstr[0] "%d blokdan nuxsa olindi"
msgid "Move the selected block(s) down."
msgstr "Belgilangan bloklarni pastga ko'chirish."
msgid "Copied \"%s\" to clipboard."
msgstr "\"%s\"dan nuxsa olindi."
msgid "Change a block's type by pressing the block icon on the toolbar."
msgstr ""
"Blok turini o'zgartirish uchun uskunalar panelidagi blok belgisini bosing."
msgid "Drag files into the editor to automatically insert media blocks."
msgstr ""
"Media bloklarni avtomatik qo'shish uchun fayllarni muharrirga sudrab olib "
msgid ""
"Outdent a list by pressing backspace at the beginning of a line."
msgstr ""
"Ro'yxatni tashqariga chiqarish uchun qator boshida bo'sh joy "
"tugmasini bosing."
msgid "Indent a list by pressing space at the beginning of a line."
msgstr ""
"Ro'yxatni ichkariga kiritish uchun qator boshida bo'sh joy "
"tugmasini bosing."
msgid "Reset search"
msgstr "Qidiruvni tiklash"
msgid "Additional CSS class(es)"
msgstr "Qo'shimcha CSS klasslar"
msgid "Box Control"
msgstr "Quti boshqaruvi"
msgid "Line height"
msgstr "Yozuv qatori balandligi"
msgid "This color combination may be hard for people to read."
msgstr "Ranglarning bu uyg'unligi o'qishni qiyinlashtirishi mumkin."
msgid "H3"
msgstr "H3"
msgid "H2"
msgstr "H2"
msgid "Gradient code: %s"
msgstr "Gradient kodi: %s"
msgid "Gradient: %s"
msgstr "Gradient: %s"
msgid "Gradient"
msgstr "Gradient"
msgid "H1"
msgstr "H1"
msgid ""
"Use your left or right arrow keys or drag and drop with the mouse to change "
"the gradient position. Press the button to change the color or remove the "
"control point."
msgstr ""
"O'ng yoki chap yo'nalish tugmalaridan foydalanib, yoki sichqonchangiz bilan "
"ushlab tortish orqali gradient joylashuvini o'zgartirishingiz mumkin. "
"Tugmani bosish orqali rangni o'garitrish yoki boshqaruv nuqtasini olib "
"tashlash mumkin."
msgid "Remove Control Point"
msgstr "Boshqaruv Nuqtasini O'chirish"
msgid "Angle"
msgstr "Burchak"
msgid "Top right"
msgstr "Yuqori o'ng"
msgid "Bottom left"
msgstr "Quyi chap"
msgid "Bottom right"
msgstr "Quyi o'ng"
msgid "Top left"
msgstr "Yuqori chap"
msgid "Solid"
msgstr "Bir xil"
msgid "Current media URL:"
msgstr "Joriy media manzili:"
msgid "The media file has been replaced"
msgstr "Media fayl almashtirildi"
msgid "Open Media Library"
msgstr "Media Kutubxonani Ochish"
msgid "An unknown error occurred during creation. Please try again."
msgstr "Yaratishda xatolik yuz berdi. Iltimos, qayta urinib ko'ring."
msgid "Currently selected"
msgstr "Hozir tanlangan"
msgid "Currently selected link settings"
msgstr "Joriy tanlangan link sozlanmalari"
msgid "Press ENTER to add this link"
msgstr "Link qo'shish uchun ENTER bosing"
msgid "Search or type URL"
msgstr "Izlang yoki manzil kiriting"
msgid "Mixed"
msgstr "Aralash"
msgid ""
"Use the Tab key and Arrow keys to choose new block location. Use Left and "
"Right Arrow keys to move between nesting levels. Once location is selected "
"press Enter or Space to move the block."
msgstr ""
"Yangi blok joylashuvini tanlash uchun Tab va yo'nalish tugmalaridan "
"foydalaning. O'ng va chap yo'nalish tugmalari bilan shajara darajasini "
"o'zgartiring. Joylashuv tanlangandan so'ng Enter yoki bo'sh joy tugmasini "
"bosib blokni ko'chiring."
msgid ""
"You are currently in edit mode. To return to the navigation mode, press "
msgstr ""
"Siz tahrirlash muhitidasiz. Boshqaruv muhitiga qaytish uchun Escape "
"tugmasini bosing."
msgid ""
"You are currently in navigation mode. Navigate blocks using the Tab key and "
"Arrow keys. Use Left and Right Arrow keys to move between nesting levels. To "
"exit navigation mode and edit the selected block, press Enter."
msgstr ""
"Hozir boshqarish holatidasiz. Bloklarni Tab va yo'nalish tugmalari yordamida "
"boshqarishingiz mumkin. O'ng va chap yo'nalish tugmalari yordamida shajara "
"darajalarini belgilashingiz mumkin. Boshqaruv holatidan chiqish va "
"belgilangan blokni tahrirlash uchun Enter tugmasini bosing."
msgid "Local Pickup"
msgstr "Mahalliy pikap"
msgid "Invalid data provided."
msgstr "Yaroqsiz ma'lumot berilgan."
msgid "Product catalog"
msgstr "Mahsulotlar katalogi"
msgid "Shop Now"
msgstr "Endi xarid qiling"
msgid "styles"
msgstr "Stillar"
msgid "Coming soon"
msgstr "Tez kunda"
msgid "Access discounted shipping rates with DHL and USPS."
msgstr "DHL va USPS bilan chegirmali etkazib berish tariflariga kiring."
msgid "Discounted rates"
msgstr "Chegirmali tariflar"
msgid "Pick up an order, then just pay, print, package and post."
msgstr "Buyurtmani oling, keyin to'lang, chop eting, paketlang va yuboring."
msgid "Print at home"
msgstr "Uyda chop etish"
msgid "No need to wonder where that stampbook went."
msgstr "Bu shtamp kitobi qaerga ketganiga hayron bo'lishning hojati yo'q."
msgid "Buy postage when you need it"
msgstr "Sizga kerak bo'lganda pochta narxini sotib oling"
msgid "Print shipping labels with WooCommerce Shipping"
msgstr "WooCommerce Shipping yordamida yetkazib berish yorliqlarini chop eting"
msgid "WooCommerce Tax"
msgstr "WooCommerce solig'i"
msgid "Could not access filesystem"
msgstr "Fayl tizimiga kira olmadim."
msgid "Ascending."
msgstr "O'sib boruvchi"
msgid "Descending."
msgstr "Kamayuvchi"
msgid "Search Media:"
msgstr "Media izlash"
msgid "Patterns"
msgstr "Namunalar"
msgid "Add manually"
msgstr "Qo'lda qo'shish"
msgid "Payfast"
msgstr "PayFast"
msgid "Jetpack Logo"
msgstr "Jetpack logotipi"
msgid "Shop now"
msgstr "Endi xarid qiling"
msgid "Wow your shoppers"
msgstr "Vay xaridorlar"
msgid "%d left in stock"
msgstr "%d zaxirada qoldi"
msgid "Recently updated"
msgstr "Yaqinda yangilangan"
msgid "An error occurred."
msgstr "Xatolik yuz berdi."
msgid "install"
msgstr "o'rnatish"
msgid "education"
msgstr "Ta'lim"
msgid "food and drink"
msgstr "Ovqat va ichimlik"
msgid "ebook"
msgstr "kitob"
msgid "Creating"
msgstr "Yaratilmoqda"
msgid "Run your store from anywhere"
msgstr "Do'koningizni istalgan joydan boshqaring"
msgid "View detailed stats"
msgstr "Batafsil statistikani ko'ring"
msgid "Error: Please type your review text."
msgstr "Xato: sharh matningizni kiriting."
msgid "String processors must be an array of valid callbacks."
msgstr ""
"String protsessorlari haqiqiy qayta qo'ng'iroqlar qatori bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "Could not persist order to database table \"%s\"."
msgstr ""
"“%s” maʼlumotlar bazasi jadvaliga buyurtma berishni davom ettirib boʻlmadi."
msgid "Could not create order in posts table."
msgstr "Xabarlar jadvalida tartib yaratib bo‘lmadi."
msgid "Database transaction isolation level to use"
msgstr ""
"Foydalanish uchun ma'lumotlar bazasi tranzaksiyalarini izolyatsiya qilish "
msgid "Use database transactions for the orders data synchronization"
msgstr ""
"Buyurtmalar ma'lumotlarini sinxronlashtirish uchun ma'lumotlar bazasi "
"tranzaktsiyalaridan foydalaning"
msgid "Was onboarding completed or skipped?"
msgstr "Bortga kirish tugallandimi yoki o'tkazib yuborildimi?"
msgid "How many notes in the database?"
msgstr "Ma'lumotlar bazasida nechta eslatma mavjud?"
msgid "Not all expected"
msgstr "Hammasi ham kutilmaydi"
msgid "Do the important options return expected values?"
msgstr "Muhim variantlar kutilgan qiymatlarni qaytaradimi?"
msgid "Not scheduled"
msgstr "Rejalashtirilgan"
msgid "Is the daily cron job active, when does it next run?"
msgstr "Kundalik cron ishi faolmi, keyingisi qachon ishlaydi?"
msgid "Daily Cron"
msgstr "Kundalik Cron"
msgid "Which features are disabled?"
msgstr "Qaysi xususiyatlar o'chirilgan?"
msgid "Disabled Features"
msgstr "O'chirilgan xususiyatlar"
msgid "Which features are enabled?"
msgstr "Qaysi funksiyalar yoqilgan?"
msgid "Enabled Features"
msgstr "Yoqilgan xususiyatlar"
msgid "This section shows details of WC Admin."
msgstr "Ushbu bo'limda WC Admin tafsilotlari ko'rsatilgan."
msgid ""
"Grow your online sales by promoting your products on TikTok to over one "
"billion monthly active users around the world."
msgstr ""
"Mahsulotlaringizni TikTok-da butun dunyo bo'ylab bir milliarddan ortiq oylik "
"faol foydalanuvchilarga targ'ib qilish orqali onlayn savdolaringizni "
msgid "TikTok for WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce uchun TikTok"
msgid "Moderate Review"
msgstr "Oʻrtacha koʻrib chiqish"
msgid "Moderate Review Reply"
msgstr "Oʻrtacha koʻrib chiqish javobi"
msgid "Edit Review"
msgstr "Sharhni tahrirlash"
msgid "Edit Review Reply"
msgstr "Ko'rib chiqish javobini tahrirlash"
msgid "%s review permanently deleted"
msgid_plural "%s reviews permanently deleted"
msgstr[0] "%s sharh butunlay oʻchirib tashlandi"
msgid "%s review restored from the Trash"
msgid_plural "%s reviews restored from the Trash"
msgstr[0] "%s sharhi chiqitdondan tiklandi"
msgid "%s review moved to the Trash."
msgid_plural "%s reviews moved to the Trash."
msgstr[0] "%s sharh chiqitdonga tashlandi."
msgid "%s review restored from the spam"
msgid_plural "%s reviews restored from the spam"
msgstr[0] "%s sharh spamdan tiklandi"
msgid "%s review unapproved"
msgid_plural "%s reviews unapproved"
msgstr[0] "%s ko‘rib chiqish tasdiqlanmagan"
msgid "%s review approved"
msgid_plural "%s reviews approved"
msgstr[0] "%s ko‘rib chiqish tasdiqlandi"
msgid "%s Review in moderation"
msgid_plural "%s Reviews in moderation"
msgstr[0] "%s Moderatsiyada koʻrib chiqing"
msgid "%s Review"
msgid_plural "%s Reviews"
msgstr[0] "%s Ko‘rib chiqish"
msgid "Sorry, you must be logged in to reply to a review."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, sharhga javob berish uchun tizimga kirgan bo'lishingiz kerak."
msgid "Error: You can't reply to a review on a draft product."
msgstr "Xato: qoralama mahsulot haqidagi sharhga javob bera olmaysiz."
msgid "No reviews"
msgstr "Baholar"
msgid "%s approved review"
msgid_plural "%s approved reviews"
msgstr[0] "%s ko‘rib chiqishni tasdiqladi"
msgid "%s review"
msgid_plural "%s reviews"
msgstr[0] "%s baho"
msgid "%s-star rating"
msgstr "%s-yulduzli reyting"
msgid "Filter by review rating"
msgstr "Ko'rib chiqish reytingi bo'yicha filtrlang"
msgid "Filter by review type"
msgstr "Ko'rib chiqish turi bo'yicha filtrlash"
msgid "%1$d out of 5"
msgstr "5 tadan %1$d"
msgid "Select review"
msgstr "Ko'rib chiqishni tanlang"
msgid "No reviews found."
msgstr "Sharhlar topilmadi."
msgid "No reviews awaiting moderation."
msgstr "Moderatsiyani kutayotgan sharhlar yo'q."
msgid "Review"
msgstr "Sharh"
msgctxt "product reviews"
msgid "Spam (%s)"
msgid_plural "Spam (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Spam (%s)"
msgctxt "product reviews"
msgid "Approved (%s)"
msgid_plural "Approved (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Tasdiqlangan (%s)"
msgctxt "product reviews"
msgid "Pending (%s)"
msgid_plural "Pending (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Kutilmoqda (%s)"
msgctxt "review"
msgid "Not spam"
msgstr "Spam emas"
msgctxt "review"
msgid "Mark as spam"
msgstr "Spam"
msgctxt "column name"
msgid "Review"
msgstr "Ko‘rib chiqish"
msgid "Reply to this review"
msgstr "Ushbu sharhga javob bering"
msgid "Quick edit this review inline"
msgstr "Ushbu sharhni satrda tezda tahrirlang"
msgid "Edit this review"
msgstr "Ushbu sharhni tahrirlang"
msgid "Delete this review permanently"
msgstr "Ushbu sharhni butunlay o'chirib tashlang"
msgctxt "review"
msgid "Not Spam"
msgstr "Spam emas"
msgid "Restore this review from the spam"
msgstr "Ushbu sharhni spamdan tiklang"
msgid "Approve this review"
msgstr "Ushbu sharhni tasdiqlang"
msgid "Visit new location"
msgstr "Yangi joyga tashrif buyuring"
msgid "Product reviews can now be managed from Products > Reviews."
msgstr ""
"Mahsulot sharhlarini endi Mahsulotlar > Sharhlar orqali boshqarish mumkin."
msgid "Product reviews have moved!"
msgstr "Mahsulot sharhlari ko'chirildi!"
msgid "Order status changed by bulk edit."
msgstr "Buyurtma holati ommaviy tahrirlash natijasida o'zgartirildi:"
msgctxt "order dates dropdown"
msgid "%1$s %2$d"
msgstr "%1$s %2$d"
msgid ""
"The %1$s plugin has been deactivated as the latest improvements are now "
"included with the %2$s plugin."
msgstr ""
"%1$s plagini oʻchirildi, chunki soʻnggi yaxshilanishlar endi %2$s plaginiga "
msgid "%1$d error found: %2$s. Please review the error above."
msgid_plural "%1$d errors found: %2$s. Please review the errors above."
msgstr[0] "%1$d xato topildi: %2$s. Iltimos, yuqoridagi xatoni ko'rib chiqing."
msgid "There is %1$d order to be verified."
msgid_plural "There are %1$d orders to be verified."
msgstr[0] "Tasdiqlanishi kerak bo'lgan %1$d ta buyurtma bor."
msgid "Verification completed."
msgstr "Tasdiqlash tugallandi."
msgid "Infinite loop detected, aborting. No errors found."
msgstr "Cheksiz tsikl aniqlandi, bekor qilinmoqda. Hech qanday xato topilmadi."
msgid "%1$d order was verified in %2$d seconds."
msgid_plural "%1$d orders were verified in %2$d seconds."
msgstr[0] "%1$d ta buyurtma %2$d soniyada tasdiqlandi."
msgid "Beginning verification for batch #%1$d (%2$d orders/batch)."
msgstr "№%1$d-to‘plam uchun tekshiruv boshlanishi (%2$d ta buyurtma/to‘plam)."
msgid "Batch %1$d (%2$d orders) completed in %3$d seconds."
msgstr "Toʻplam %1$d (%2$d ta buyurtma) %3$d soniyada bajarildi."
msgid "There are no orders to verify, aborting."
msgstr "Tekshirish, bekor qilish uchun buyruqlar yo'q."
msgid "Batch %1$d (%2$d orders) completed in %3$d seconds"
msgstr "Toʻplam %1$d (%2$d ta buyurtma) %3$d soniyada bajarildi."
msgid "Beginning batch #%1$d (%2$d orders/batch)."
msgstr "Boshlang‘ich to‘plam №%1$d (%2$d ta buyurtma/to‘plam)."
msgid ""
"This feature is not production ready yet. Make sure you are not running "
"these commands in your production environment."
msgstr ""
"Bu xususiyat hali ishlab chiqarishga tayyor emas. Ushbu buyruqlarni ishlab "
"chiqarish muhitida ishlatmayotganingizga ishonch hosil qiling."
msgid ""
"Custom order table usage is not enabled. If you are testing, you can enable "
"it by following the testing instructions in %s"
msgstr ""
"Maxsus buyurtma jadvalidan foydalanish yoqilmagan. Agar siz sinovdan "
"oʻtayotgan boʻlsangiz, uni %s sahifasidagi sinov koʻrsatmalariga rioya qilib "
"yoqishingiz mumkin."
msgid ""
"By using WooCommerce Payments you agree to be bound by our Terms of Service and acknowledge "
"that you have read our Privacy Policy"
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce Payments-dan foydalanish orqali siz bizning xizmat ko'rsatish shartlarimizga "
"rozilik bildirasiz va Maxfiylik siyosatimiz bilan tanishganingizni tan olasiz."
msgid "Set up WooCommerce Payments"
msgstr "WooCommerce to'lovlarini sozlang"
msgid "Set up tax rates"
msgstr "Soliq stavkalarini belgilang"
msgid "Add %1$s and %2$d more product to my store"
msgid_plural "Add %1$s and %2$d more products to my store"
msgstr[0] "Doʻkonimga %1$s va yana %2$d ta mahsulotni qoʻshing"
msgid "You added %1$s and %2$d other product"
msgid_plural "You added %1$s and %2$d other products"
msgstr[0] "Siz %1$s va yana %2$d ta mahsulotni qo‘shdingiz"
msgid "You added %1$s"
msgstr "Siz qo‘shdingiz: %1$s"
msgctxt "Admin menu name"
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Bosh sahifa"
msgid "Set up additional payment options"
msgstr "Qo'shimcha to'lov imkoniyatlarini sozlang"
msgid "Limit result to items with specified user ids."
msgstr "Natijani belgilangan foydalanuvchi identifikatorlari bilan cheklang."
msgid "Force retrieval of fresh data instead of from the cache."
msgstr "Keshdan o'rniga yangi ma'lumotlarni olishga majburlash."
msgid ""
"You have WooCommerce Blocks installed, but the WooCommerce bundled version "
"is running because it is more up-to-date. This may cause unexpected "
"compatibility issues. Please update the WooCommerce Blocks plugin."
msgstr ""
"Sizda WooCommerce Blocks o'rnatilgan, lekin WooCommerce to'plamli versiyasi "
"ishlamoqda, chunki u eng yangilangan. Bu kutilmagan muvofiqlik muammolariga "
"olib kelishi mumkin. Iltimos, WooCommerce Blocks plaginini yangilang."
msgid "Template used to display the Mini Cart drawer."
msgstr "Shablon Mini Arava tortmasini ko'rsatish uchun ishlatiladi."
msgctxt "Template name"
msgid "Mini Cart"
msgstr "Mini savat"
msgctxt "Template name"
msgid "Product Search Results"
msgstr "Mahsulot qidirish natijalari yangilandi."
msgctxt "Template name"
msgid "Products by Tag"
msgstr "Tag bo'yicha mahsulotlar"
msgctxt "Template name"
msgid "Products by Category"
msgstr "Kategoriya bo'yicha mahsulotlar"
msgctxt "Template name"
msgid "Product Catalog"
msgstr "Mahsulotlar katalogi"
msgid "Registered schema for %s"
msgstr "%s uchun roʻyxatdan oʻtgan sxema"
msgid ""
"action marked as failed after %s seconds. Unknown error occurred. Check "
"server, PHP and database error logs to diagnose cause."
msgstr ""
"amal %s soniyadan keyin bajarilmadi deb belgilandi. Noma'lum xatolik yuz "
"berdi. Sababini aniqlash uchun server, PHP va ma'lumotlar bazasi xato "
"jurnallarini tekshiring."
msgid "Filter by attribute"
msgstr "Atribut bo'yicha filtrlang"
msgid "A valid prop name must be specified"
msgstr "Yaroqli prop nomi ko'rsatilishi kerak"
msgid "A valid event name must be specified."
msgstr "Yaroqli hodisa nomi ko'rsatilishi kerak."
msgid "Limit results to those with a SKU that partial matches a string."
msgstr ""
"Natijalarni satrga qisman mos keladigan SKUga ega bo'lganlar bilan cheklang."
msgid "Whether an order needs processing before it can be completed."
msgstr "Buyurtma tugallanishidan oldin uni qayta ishlash kerakmi."
msgid "Whether an order needs payment, based on status and order total."
msgstr "Buyurtmaning holati va jami buyurtma asosida to'lov kerakmi."
msgid "Whether an order can be edited."
msgstr "Buyurtmani tahrirlash mumkinmi."
msgid "Properties of the main product image."
msgstr "Asosiy mahsulot tasvirining xususiyatlari."
msgid ""
"Failed to initialise WC_Filesystem API while trying to update the MaxMind "
"Geolocation database."
msgstr ""
"MaxMind Geolocation maʼlumotlar bazasini yangilashga urinayotganda "
"WC_Filesystem API-ni ishga tushirib boʻlmadi."
msgid "PIN Code"
msgstr "PIN kod"
msgid "Discover other payment providers"
msgstr "Boshqa to'lov provayderlari bilan tanishing"
msgid "Discover additional payment providers"
msgstr "Qo'shimcha to'lov provayderlarini toping"
msgid "Finish set up"
msgstr "Sozlashni tugating"
msgid ""
"Choose a default form value if you want a certain variation already selected "
"when a user visits the product page."
msgstr ""
"Agar foydalanuvchi mahsulot sahifasiga tashrif buyurganida allaqachon "
"tanlangan ma'lum bir o'zgarishlarni xohlasangiz, standart shakl qiymatini "
msgid ""
"Check to let customers to purchase only 1 item in a single order. This is "
"particularly useful for items that have limited quantity, for example art or "
"handmade goods."
msgstr ""
"Mijozlarga bitta buyurtmada faqat 1 ta mahsulotni xarid qilishiga ruxsat "
"berish uchun belgilang. Bu, ayniqsa, san'at yoki qo'lda ishlangan buyumlar "
"kabi cheklangan miqdordagi narsalar uchun foydalidir."
msgid "Limit purchases to 1 item per order"
msgstr "Har bir buyurtma uchun xaridlarni 1 ta mahsulot bilan cheklang"
msgid "%s order status changed."
msgid_plural "%s order statuses changed."
msgstr[0] "%s buyurtma holati oʻzgardi."
msgctxt "Webhook created on date parsed by DateTime::format"
msgid "M d, Y @ h:i A"
msgstr "M d, Y @ h:i A"
msgid "Removed personal data from %s order."
msgid_plural "Removed personal data from %s orders."
msgstr[0] "%s buyurtmasidan shaxsiy maʼlumotlar olib tashlandi."
msgid "Enable guided mode"
msgstr "Boshqaruv rejimini yoqing"
msgid "Make your store stand out"
msgstr "Do'koningizni diqqatga sazovor qiling"
msgid "Current"
msgstr "Hozirgi"
msgid "Separate with commas or the Enter key."
msgstr "Vergul yoki Enter bosish orqali ajrating."
msgid "Shipment Tracking"
msgstr "Jo'natishni kuzatish"
msgid "Advanced."
msgstr "Mukammal"
msgid "Caught exception while cancelling action: %s"
msgstr "Amalni bekor qilishda istisno ushlandi: %s"
msgctxt "Order date parsed by DateTime::format"
msgid "M d, Y @ h:i A"
msgstr "M d, Y @ h:i A"
msgid "Kanton"
msgstr "Kanton"
msgid "Kyiv"
msgstr "Kiyev"
msgid "- %1$s version %2$s%3$s"
msgstr "- %1$s versiya %2$s%3$s"
msgid "Facebook:"
msgstr "Facebook"
msgid ""
"Error: The email could not be sent. Your site may not be "
"correctly configured to send emails. Get support for "
"resetting your password."
msgstr ""
"XATO: Email jo'natilmadi. Saytingizda email jo'natish "
"noto'g'ri sozlangan bo'lishi mumkin. Parolni tiklash bo'yicha "
msgid ""
"Error: There is no account with that username or email "
msgstr ""
"XATO: Bunday login yoki email bilan hech qanday "
"foydalanuvchi topilmadi."
msgid "Unapprove this review"
msgstr "Ushbu sharhni bekor qiling"
msgid "Go to checkout"
msgstr "To'lovga o'ting"
msgid "Date range"
msgstr "Range of months"
msgid "%s Active Installations"
msgstr "%s faol o'rnatishlar"
msgctxt "Active plugin installations"
msgid "Less Than 10"
msgstr "O'ndan kam"
msgid "More Details"
msgstr "Ko'proq ma'lumot"
msgctxt "plugin"
msgid "Cannot Install"
msgstr "O'rnata olmadim"
msgctxt "plugin"
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Faol"
msgid "enabled"
msgstr "Yoqilgan"
msgid "Your cart is currently empty!"
msgstr "Sizning savatingiz hozir bo'sh!"
msgid "Only show meta which is meant to be displayed for an order."
msgstr "Faqat buyurtma uchun ko'rsatiladigan metani ko'rsating."
msgid ""
"The downloadable file %1$s cannot be used: it is not located in an approved "
"directory. Please contact a site administrator for help. %2$sLearn more.%3$s"
msgstr ""
"Yuklab olinadigan %1$s faylidan foydalanib boʻlmaydi: u tasdiqlangan "
"katalogda joylashgan emas. Yordam uchun sayt administratoriga murojaat "
"qiling. %2$sBatafsil.%3$s"
msgid "The downloadable file %s cannot be used as it has been disabled."
msgstr ""
"Yuklab olinadigan %s faylidan foydalanib boʻlmaydi, chunki u oʻchirib "
msgid "Headers already sent when generating download error message."
msgstr ""
"Yuklab olishda xato xabari yaratishda sarlavhalar allaqachon yuborilgan."
msgid ""
"The %1$sApproved Product Download Directories list%2$s has been updated. To "
"protect your site, please review the list and make any changes that might be "
"required. For more information, please refer to %3$sthis guide%2$s."
msgstr ""
"%1$sTasdiqlangan mahsulotlarni yuklab olish kataloglari roʻyxati%2$s "
"yangilandi. Saytingizni himoya qilish uchun roʻyxatni koʻrib chiqing va "
"kerakli oʻzgarishlarni kiriting. Qoʻshimcha maʼlumot olish uchun %3$sushbu "
"qoʻllanmaga%2$s qarang."
msgid ""
"Is your site enforcing the use of Approved Product Download Directories?"
msgstr ""
"Sizning saytingiz tasdiqlangan mahsulotlarni yuklab olish kataloglaridan "
"foydalanishga majburmi?"
msgid "Enforce Approved Product Download Directories"
msgstr "Tasdiqlangan mahsulotlarni yuklab olish kataloglarini qo'llash"
msgid ""
"The indicated downloads have been disabled (invalid location or "
"filetype—%1$slearn more%2$s)."
msgstr ""
"Koʻrsatilgan yuklab olishlar oʻchirib qoʻyilgan (joylashuv yoki fayl turi "
"notoʻgʻri — %1$sbatafsil maʼlumot%2$s)."
msgid "Our request to the search API got response code %s."
msgstr "Qidiruv API’siga bo‘lgan so‘rovimizga %s javob kodi keldi."
msgid "Error saving order ID %1$s."
msgstr "Buyurtma identifikatorini saqlashda xatolik yuz berdi: %1$s."
msgid "(no ID)"
msgstr "(ID yo'q)"
msgid "%s is not a valid URL."
msgstr "%s haqiqiy URL emas."
msgid ""
"Product download migration: %1$s (for product %1$d) could not be added to "
"the list of approved download directories."
msgstr ""
"Mahsulotni yuklab olish migratsiyasi: %1$s (mahsulot %1$d uchun) "
"tasdiqlangan yuklab olish kataloglari roʻyxatiga qoʻshib boʻlmadi."
msgctxt "Approved product download URLs migration"
msgid "invalid URL"
msgstr "Yaroqsiz URL."
msgid ""
"Approved Download Directories sync: completed batch %1$d (%2$d%% complete)."
msgstr ""
"Tasdiqlangan yuklab olish kataloglarini sinxronlash: tugallangan toʻplam "
"%1$d (%2$d%% tugallandi)."
msgid "Approved Download Directories sync: scan is complete!"
msgstr ""
"Tasdiqlangan yuklab olish kataloglarini sinxronlash: skanerlash tugallandi!"
msgid "Approved Download Directories sync: new scan scheduled."
msgstr ""
"Tasdiqlangan yuklab olish kataloglarini sinxronlash: yangi skanerlash "
msgid ""
"Synchronization of approved product download directories is already in "
msgstr ""
"Tasdiqlangan mahsulotlarni yuklab olish kataloglarini sinxronlash allaqachon "
"davom etmoqda."
msgid ""
"It was not possible to synchronize download directories following the most "
"recent update."
msgstr ""
"Eng so'nggi yangilanishdan keyin yuklab olish kataloglarini sinxronlash "
"imkoni bo'lmadi."
msgid "Approved directory URLs cannot be longer than 256 characters."
msgstr "Tasdiqlangan katalog URL manzillari 256 belgidan oshmasligi kerak."
msgid "URL could not be updated (probable database error)."
msgstr "URLni yangilab boʻlmadi (maʼlumotlar bazasi xatosi)."
msgid "URL could not be added (probable database error)."
msgstr "URLni qo‘shib bo‘lmadi (ma’lumotlar bazasi xatosi)."
msgid ""
"\"%s\" could not be saved. Please review, ensure it is a valid URL and try "
msgstr ""
"“%s” saqlanmadi. Ko‘rib chiqing, URL manzili to‘g‘ri ekanligiga ishonch "
"hosil qiling va qayta urinib ko‘ring."
msgid "URL was successfully updated."
msgstr "URL muvaffaqiyatli yangilandi."
msgid "URL was successfully added."
msgstr "URL muvaffaqiyatli qo'shildi."
msgid "%d URL could not be updated."
msgid_plural "%d URLs could not be updated."
msgstr[0] "%d URL manzilini yangilab bo‘lmadi."
msgid "%d approved directory URL disabled."
msgid_plural "%d approved directory URLs disabled."
msgstr[0] "%d tasdiqlangan katalog URL manzili oʻchirilgan."
msgid "%d approved directory URL enabled."
msgid_plural "%d approved directory URLs enabled."
msgstr[0] "%d tasdiqlangan katalog URL manzili yoqilgan."
msgid "%d approved directory URL deleted."
msgid_plural "%d approved directory URLs deleted."
msgstr[0] "%d tasdiqlangan katalog URL manzili oʻchirib tashlandi."
msgctxt "Approved product download directories"
msgid "Directory URL"
msgstr "Katalog URL"
msgid "Add New Approved Directory"
msgstr "Yangi tasdiqlangan katalog qo'shing"
msgid "Edit Approved Directory"
msgstr "Tasdiqlangan katalogni tahrirlash"
msgctxt "Approved product download directories"
msgid "The provided ID was invalid."
msgstr "Taqdim etilgan identifikator yaroqsiz edi."
msgid "Approved Download Directories"
msgstr "Tasdiqlangan yuklab olish kataloglari"
msgctxt "Approved product download directories"
msgid "Start Enforcing Rules"
msgstr "Qoidalarni amalga oshirishni boshlang"
msgctxt "Approved product download directories"
msgid "Stop Enforcing Rules"
msgstr "Qoidalarni bajarishni to'xtating"
msgctxt "Approved Directory URLs"
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Izlash"
msgid "Approved download directories"
msgstr "Tasdiqlangan yuklab olish kataloglari"
msgctxt "Approved product download directories"
msgid "Disable All"
msgstr "Hammasini o'chirish"
msgctxt "Approved product download directories"
msgid "Enable All"
msgstr "Hammasini yoqish"
msgid "Disable rule"
msgstr "Qoidani o'chirish"
msgid "Enable rule"
msgstr "Qoidani yoqish"
msgctxt "Product downloads list"
msgid "Delete permanently"
msgstr "Butunlay o'chirish"
msgctxt "Product downloads list"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Tahrirlash"
msgctxt "Approved product download directories"
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Доступен"
msgctxt "Approved product download directories"
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"
msgctxt "Approved product download directory views"
msgid "Disabled (%s)"
msgid_plural "Disabled (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Oʻchirilgan (%s)"
msgctxt "Approved product download directory views"
msgid "Enabled (%s)"
msgid_plural "Enabled (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Yoqilgan (%s)"
msgctxt "Approved product download directory views"
msgid "All (%s)"
msgid_plural "All (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Hammasi (%s)"
msgid "No approved directory URLs found."
msgstr "Tasdiqlangan katalog URL manzillari topilmadi."
msgid ""
"You do not have permission to modify the list of approved directories for "
"product downloads."
msgstr ""
"Sizda mahsulotni yuklab olish uchun tasdiqlangan kataloglar roʻyxatini "
"oʻzgartirishga ruxsatingiz yoʻq."
msgid "Approved Download Directories sync: scan has been cancelled."
msgstr ""
"Tasdiqlangan yuklab olish kataloglarini sinxronlash: skanerlash bekor "
msgid ""
"The Approved Product Download Directories list is currently being "
"synchronized with the product catalog (%d%% complete). If you need to, you "
"can cancel it."
msgstr ""
"Tasdiqlangan mahsulotni yuklab olish kataloglari roʻyxati hozirda mahsulot "
"katalogi bilan sinxronlashtirilmoqda (%d%% ctoʻliq). Agar kerak bo'lsa, uni "
"bekor qilishingiz mumkin."
msgid "Cancel synchronization of approved directories"
msgstr "Tasdiqlangan kataloglarni sinxronlashni bekor qilish"
msgid ""
"Removes all existing entries from the Approved Product Download Directories "
msgstr ""
"Tasdiqlangan mahsulotni yuklab olish kataloglari roʻyxatidan barcha mavjud "
"yozuvlarni olib tashlaydi."
msgid "Empty the approved download directories list"
msgstr "Tasdiqlangan yuklab olish kataloglari ro'yxatini bo'shating"
msgid ""
"Updates the list of Approved Product Download Directories. Note that "
"triggering this tool does not impact whether the Approved Download "
"Directories list is enabled or not."
msgstr ""
"Tasdiqlangan mahsulotni yuklab olish kataloglari ro'yxatini yangilaydi. "
"Shuni esda tutingki, ushbu vositani ishga tushirish tasdiqlangan yuklab "
"olish kataloglari ro'yxati yoqilgan yoki yoqilmaganligiga ta'sir qilmaydi."
msgid "Synchronize approved download directories"
msgstr "Tasdiqlangan yuklab olish kataloglarini sinxronlashtiring"
msgid ""
"Switch to using the orders table as the authoritative data store for orders "
"when sync finishes"
msgstr ""
"Sinxronlash tugagach, buyurtmalar jadvalidan buyurtmalar uchun vakolatli "
"maʼlumotlar ombori sifatida foydalanishga oʻting"
msgid ""
"Switch to using the posts table as the authoritative data store for orders "
"when sync finishes"
msgstr ""
"Sinxronizatsiya tugagandan so'ng, buyurtmalar uchun vakolatli ma'lumotlar "
"ombori sifatida xabarlar jadvalidan foydalanishga o'ting"
msgid "Keep the posts table and the orders tables synchronized"
msgstr "Xabarlar jadvali va buyurtmalar jadvallarini sinxronlashtiring"
msgid ""
" The authoritative table can't be changed until these orders are "
msgstr ""
" Bu buyurtmalar sinxronlashtirilmaguncha vakolatli jadvalni o'zgartirib "
msgid ""
" Synchronization for these orders is currently in progress. The "
"authoritative table can't be changed until sync completes."
msgstr ""
" Bu buyurtmalar uchun sinxronizatsiya hozirda davom etmoqda. "
"Sinxronizatsiya tugamaguncha ishonchli jadvalni o'zgartirib bo'lmaydi."
msgid "There's %s order pending sync!"
msgid_plural "There are %s orders pending sync!"
msgstr[0] "Sinxronlash kutilayotgan %s ta buyurtma bor!"
msgid "There's %1$s order (out of a total of %2$s) pending sync!"
msgid_plural "There are %1$s orders (out of a total of %2$s) pending sync!"
msgstr[0] ""
"Sinxronlash kutilayotgan %1$s ta buyurtma (jami %2$s ta buyurtma) bor!"
msgid "Use the WordPress posts table"
msgstr "WordPress xabarlar jadvalidan foydalaning"
msgid "Use the WooCommerce orders tables"
msgstr "WooCommerce buyurtmalar jadvallaridan foydalaning"
msgid "Data store for orders"
msgstr "Buyurtmalar uchun ma'lumotlar ombori"
msgid ""
"Get your products in front of Pinterest users searching for ideas and things "
"to buy. Get started with Pinterest and make your entire product catalog "
msgstr ""
"Mahsulotlaringizni Pinterest foydalanuvchilari oldida g'oyalar va sotib "
"olish uchun narsalarni qidirib toping. Pinterest-dan boshlang va butun "
"mahsulot katalogingizni ko'rish mumkin bo'lsin."
msgid "Pinterest for WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce uchun Pinterest"
msgid ""
"Affirm’s tailored Buy Now Pay Later programs remove price as a barrier, "
"turning browsers into buyers, increasing average order value, and expanding "
"your customer base."
msgstr ""
"Affirmning moslashtirilgan Endi sotib oling, keyinroq toʻlash dasturlari "
"toʻsiq sifatida narxni olib tashlaydi, brauzerlarni xaridorga aylantiradi, "
"oʻrtacha buyurtma qiymatini oshiradi va mijozlar bazasini kengaytiradi."
msgid ""
"Enable a familiar, fast checkout for hundreds of millions of active Amazon "
"customers globally."
msgstr ""
"Butun dunyo boʻylab yuz millionlab faol Amazon mijozlari uchun tanish va "
"tezkor hisob-kitobni yoqing."
msgid "Affirm"
msgstr "Tasdiqlash"
msgid "Amazon Pay"
msgstr "Amazon Pay"
msgid ""
"Afterpay allows customers to receive products immediately and pay for "
"purchases over four installments, always interest-free."
msgstr ""
"Afterpay mijozlarga mahsulotlarni darhol olish va xaridlar uchun har doim "
"foizsiz to‘rtta bo‘lib to‘lash imkonini beradi."
msgid "Afterpay"
msgstr "To'lovdan keyin"
msgid "You added tax rates"
msgstr "Siz soliq stavkalarini qo'shdingiz"
msgid "You added store details"
msgstr "Siz doʻkon tafsilotlarini qoʻshdingiz"
msgid "You created %s"
msgstr "Siz yaratdingiz: %s"
msgid "Add tax rates"
msgstr "Soliq stavkalarini qo'shing"
msgid "You added shipping costs"
msgstr "Yuk tashish xarajatlarini qo'shdingiz"
msgid "You added products"
msgstr "Siz mahsulotlar qo'shdingiz"
msgid "Add shipping costs"
msgstr "Yuk tashish xarajatlarini qo'shing"
msgid "You set up payments"
msgstr "Siz toʻlovlarni oʻrnatdingiz"
msgid "You added sales channels"
msgstr "Siz savdo kanallarini qo'shdingiz"
msgid "Get more sales"
msgstr "Ko'proq savdoga ega bo'ling"
msgid "You personalized your store"
msgstr "Siz do'koningizni shaxsiylashtirdingiz"
msgid "Personalize your store"
msgstr "Do'koningizni shaxsiylashtiring"
msgid "Gateway title."
msgstr "Gateway sarlavhasi."
msgid "Priority of recommendation."
msgstr "Tavsiyaning ustuvorligi."
msgid "Array of plugin slugs."
msgstr "Plagin slug'lari qatori."
msgid "Suggestion visibility."
msgstr "Taklifning ko'rinishi."
msgid "Gateway image."
msgstr "Gateway tasviri."
msgid "Suggestion ID."
msgstr "Taklif identifikatori."
msgid "Suggestion description."
msgstr "Taklif tavsifi."
msgid "Sorry, experiment_name is required."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, tajriba_nomi talab qilinadi."
msgid "Eswatini"
msgstr "Esvatini"
msgid ""
"%1$sWARNING:%2$s This feature is currently under development and may cause "
"database instability. For contributors only."
msgstr ""
"%1$sDIQQAT:%2$s Bu xususiyat hozirda ishlab chiqilmoqda va maʼlumotlar "
"bazasining beqarorligiga olib kelishi mumkin. Faqat hissa qo'shuvchilar "
msgid "Custom orders tables"
msgstr "Maxsus buyurtma jadvallari"
msgid "Custom data stores"
msgstr "Shaxsiy ma'lumotlar do'konlari"
msgid "Custom orders tables have been deleted."
msgstr "Maxsus buyurtmalar jadvallari oʻchirildi."
msgid "Delete the custom orders tables"
msgstr "Maxsus buyurtmalar jadvallarini o'chiring"
msgid "Nonce is invalid."
msgstr "Notce yaroqsiz"
msgid "Missing the Nonce header. This endpoint requires a valid nonce."
msgstr ""
"Nonce sarlavhasi etishmayapti. Bu oxirgi nuqta to'g'ri bo'lmagan vaqtni "
"talab qiladi."
msgid ""
"Report sync schedulers should be derived from the Automattic\\WooCommerce"
"\\Internal\\Admin\\Schedulers\\ImportScheduler class."
msgstr ""
"Hisobotlarni sinxronlashtirish rejalashtiruvchilari Automattic\\WooCommerce"
"\\Internal\\Admin\\Schedulers\\ImportScheduler sinfidan olinishi kerak."
msgid "How easy was it to update an order?"
msgstr "Buyurtmani yangilash qanchalik oson edi?"
msgid "How easy was it to edit your product?"
msgstr "Mahsulotingizni tahrirlash qanchalik oson edi?"
msgid "Plugin activation has been scheduled."
msgstr "Plaginni faollashtirish rejalashtirilgan."
msgid "Plugin installation has been scheduled."
msgstr "Plaginni o'rnatish rejalashtirilgan."
msgid "Optional parameter to get only specific task lists by id."
msgstr ""
"Faqat identifikator bo'yicha aniq vazifalar ro'yxatini olish uchun ixtiyoriy "
msgid "How easy was it to add a product?"
msgstr "Mahsulot qo'shish qanchalik oson edi?"
msgid "Shows if the product needs to be configured before it can be bought."
msgstr ""
"Mahsulotni sotib olishdan oldin uni sozlash kerak yoki yo'qligini ko'rsatadi."
msgid "GitHub project"
msgstr "Github loyihasi"
msgid "Order payment URL."
msgstr "Buyurtma toʻlovi URL manzili."
msgid ""
"If you find a bug within WooCommerce core you can create a ticket via GitHub issues. Ensure you read the contribution guide prior to submitting your report. To help us solve "
"your issue, please be as descriptive as possible and include your system status report."
msgstr ""
"Agar siz WooCommerce yadrosida xato topsangiz, siz Github "
"nashrlari orqali chiptani yaratishingiz mumkin. Hisobotingizni "
"yuborishdan oldin hissa ko'rsatmalarini o'qiganingizga "
"ishonch hosil qiling. Sizning muammongizni hal qilishimizga yordam berish "
"uchun iltimos iloji boricha tavsif bering va tizimingiz "
"holati to'g'risidagi hisobotni qo'shing ."
msgid ""
"This means that the table is probably in an inconsistent state. It's "
"recommended to run a new regeneration process or to resume the aborted "
"process (Status - Tools - Regenerate the product attributes lookup table/"
"Resume the product attributes lookup table regeneration) before enabling the "
"table usage."
msgstr ""
"Bu, ehtimol, jadval mos kelmaydigan holatda ekanligini anglatadi. Jadvaldan "
"foydalanishni yoqishdan oldin yangi regeneratsiya jarayonini ishga tushirish "
"yoki bekor qilingan jarayonni davom ettirish tavsiya etiladi (Holat - "
"Asboblar - Mahsulot atributlarini qidirish jadvalini qayta tiklash/Mahsulot "
"atributlarini qidirish jadvalini qayta tiklashni davom ettirish)."
msgid ""
"WARNING: The product attributes lookup table regeneration process was "
msgstr ""
"OGOHLANTIRISH: Mahsulot atributlarini qidirish jadvalini qayta tiklash "
"jarayoni bekor qilindi."
msgid "Product attributes lookup table regeneration process has been resumed."
msgstr ""
"Mahsulot atributlarini qidirish jadvalini qayta tiklash jarayoni davom "
msgid ""
"This tool will resume the product attributes lookup table regeneration at "
"the point in which it was aborted (%1$s products were already processed)."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu vosita mahsulot atributlarini qidirish jadvalini qayta tiklashni "
"toʻxtatilgan nuqtada davom ettiradi (%1$s ta mahsulot allaqachon qayta "
msgid "Resume the product attributes lookup table regeneration"
msgstr ""
"Mahsulot atributlarini qidirish jadvalini qayta tiklashni davom ettiring"
msgid "Product attributes lookup table regeneration process has been aborted."
msgstr ""
"Mahsulot atributlarini qidirish jadvalini qayta tiklash jarayoni bekor "
msgid ""
"This tool will abort the regenerate product attributes lookup table "
"regeneration. After this is done the process can be either started over, or "
"resumed to continue where it stopped."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu vosita qayta tiklanadigan mahsulot atributlarini qidirish jadvalini "
"qayta tiklashni to'xtatadi. Bu bajarilgandan so'ng, jarayonni qayta boshlash "
"yoki to'xtagan joyda davom ettirish uchun davom ettirish mumkin."
msgid "Abort the product attributes lookup table regeneration"
msgstr "Mahsulot atributlarini qidirish jadvalini qayta tiklashni bekor qiling"
msgid "The quantity added to the cart must be a multiple of %s"
msgstr "Savatga qo'shilgan miqdor %s ga karrali bo'lishi kerak"
msgid "The maximum quantity that can be added to the cart is %s"
msgstr "Savatga qo‘shilishi mumkin bo‘lgan maksimal miqdor: %s"
msgid "The minimum quantity that can be added to the cart is %s"
msgstr "Savatga qo'shilishi mumkin bo'lgan minimal miqdor: %s"
msgid "This item is already in the cart and its quantity cannot be edited"
msgstr "Bu narsa allaqachon savatda va uning miqdorini tahrirlab bo‘lmaydi"
msgid "The maximum quantity that can be added to the cart."
msgstr "Savatga qo'shilishi mumkin bo'lgan maksimal miqdor."
msgid "The minimum quantity that can be added to the cart."
msgstr "Savatga qo'shilishi mumkin bo'lgan minimal miqdor."
msgid "If the quantity in the cart is editable or fixed."
msgstr "Agar savatdagi miqdor tahrirlanadigan yoki belgilangan bo'lsa."
msgid ""
"The amount that quantities increment by. Quantity must be an multiple of "
"this value."
msgstr ""
"Miqdorlar oshib boruvchi miqdor. Miqdor bu qiymatning karrali bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "The maximum quantity allowed in the cart for this line item."
msgstr "Ushbu qator elementi uchun savatda ruxsat etilgan maksimal miqdor."
msgid "The minimum quantity allowed in the cart for this line item."
msgstr "Ushbu qator elementi uchun savatda ruxsat etilgan minimal miqdor."
msgid ""
"How the quantity of this item should be controlled, for example, any limits "
"in place."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu elementning miqdori qanday nazorat qilinishi kerak, masalan, har "
"qanday cheklovlar mavjud."
msgid "Quantity of this item to add to the cart."
msgstr "Savatga qo'shiladigan buyum miqdori."
msgid "The %s payment gateway is not available."
msgstr "%s toʻlov shlyuzi mavjud emas."
msgid "Save big with WooCommerce Payments"
msgstr "WooCommerce Payments bilan katta miqdorda tejang"
msgid ""
"Save up to $800 in fees by managing transactions with WooCommerce Payments. "
"With WooCommerce Payments, you can securely accept major cards, Apple Pay, "
"and payments in over 100 currencies."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce Payments bilan tranzaktsiyalarni boshqarish orqali 800 "
"dollargacha to'lovlarni tejang. WooCommerce Payments yordamida siz asosiy "
"kartalar, Apple Pay va 100 dan ortiq valyutadagi toʻlovlarni xavfsiz qabul "
"qilishingiz mumkin."
msgid ""
"Changing platforms might seem like a big hurdle to overcome, but it is "
"easier than you might think to move your products, customers, and orders to "
"WooCommerce. This article will help you with going through this process."
msgstr ""
"Platformalarni o'zgartirish engib o'tish uchun katta to'siqdek tuyulishi "
"mumkin, ammo mahsulotlaringiz, mijozlaringiz va buyurtmalaringizni "
"WooCommerce-ga o'tkazish siz o'ylaganingizdan osonroqdir. Ushbu maqola ushbu "
"jarayondan o'tishga yordam beradi."
msgid "How to Migrate from Magento to WooCommerce"
msgstr "Magento-dan WooCommerce-ga qanday o'tish mumkin"
msgid "Dismiss the gateway"
msgstr "Shlyuzni o'chirib qo'ying"
msgid ""
"Accept credit cards and other popular payment methods with %1$sWooCommerce "
msgstr ""
"%1$sWooCommerce Payments%2$s bilan kredit kartalar va boshqa mashhur toʻlov "
"usullarini qabul qiling"
msgid "Task is not a subclass of `Task`"
msgstr "Vazifa \"Vazifa\" ning quyi sinfi emas"
msgid "Please provide a valid promo note name."
msgstr "Iltimos, yaroqli reklama eslatma nomini kiriting."
msgid ""
"The status of the coupon. Should always be draft, published, or pending "
msgstr ""
"Kuponning holati. Har doim qoralama, chop etilgan yoki ko'rib chiqilishi "
"kutilayotgan bo'lishi kerak"
msgid "Number of employees of the store."
msgstr "Do'kon xodimlarining soni."
msgid ""
"The database version for WooCommerce. This should be the same as your "
"WooCommerce version."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce uchun ma'lumotlar bazasi versiyasi. Bu sizning WooCommerce "
"versiyangiz bilan bir xil bo'lishi kerak."
msgid ""
"When creating an account, send the new user a link to set their password"
msgstr ""
"Hisob qaydnomasini yaratishda yangi foydalanuvchiga parolni o'rnatish uchun "
"havola yuboring"
msgid "Shop country/region"
msgstr "Mamlakat/mintaqani xarid qiling"
msgid ""
"To start growing your business, head over to"
"a>, where you'll find the most popular WooCommerce extensions."
msgstr ""
"Biznesingizni rivojlantirishni boshlash uchun "
"saytiga boring , u yerda siz eng mashhur WooCommerce kengaytmalarini "
msgid ""
"Oh no! We're having trouble connecting to the extensions catalog right now."
msgstr "Oh yo'q! Kengaytmalar katalogiga ulanishda muammoga duch kelyapmiz."
msgid "Our request to the search API got a malformed response."
msgstr "Qidiruv API’siga bo‘lgan so‘rovimiz noto‘g‘ri javob oldi."
msgid "Our request to the featured API got a malformed response."
msgstr "Tanlangan APIga bo‘lgan so‘rovimiz noto‘g‘ri javob oldi."
msgid "Our request to the featured API got error code %d."
msgstr "Tanlangan APIga so‘rovimizda xato kodi %d bor."
msgid ""
"We encountered an SSL error. Please ensure your site supports TLS version "
"1.2 or above."
msgstr ""
"SSL xatosiga duch keldik. Iltimos, saytingiz TLS 1.2 yoki undan yuqori "
"versiyasini qo‘llab-quvvatlashiga ishonch hosil qiling."
msgid "Baden-Württemberg"
msgstr "Baden-Vyurtemberg"
msgid "2 minutes"
msgstr "2 daqiqa"
msgid "A link to set a new password will be sent to your email address."
msgstr ""
"Sizning elektron pochta manzilingizga yangi parol o'rnatish uchun havola "
msgid "If this is a default attribute"
msgstr "Agar bu standart atribut bo'lsa"
msgid ""
"Report table data is being rebuilt. Please allow some time for data to fully "
msgstr ""
"Hisobot jadvali ma'lumotlari qayta tiklanmoqda. Iltimos, ma'lumotlarning "
"to'lib-toshishi uchun biroz vaqt bering."
msgid "%1$d item in cart, total price of %2$s"
msgid_plural "%1$d, total price of %2$s"
msgstr[0] "Savatdagi %1$d ta mahsulot, umumiy narxi: %2$s"
msgid ""
"An import is already in progress. Please allow the previous import to "
"complete before beginning a new one."
msgstr ""
"Import allaqachon bajarilmoqda. Iltimos, import qilishni boshlashdan oldin "
"oldingi importni yakunlashga ruxsat bering."
msgid ""
"Files that may contain %1$sstore analytics%2$s reports were found in your "
"uploads directory - we recommend assessing and deleting any such files."
msgstr ""
"Yuklanganlar katalogingizda %1$sdoʻkon tahlili%2$s hisobotlarini oʻz ichiga "
"olishi mumkin boʻlgan fayllar topildi – bunday fayllarni baholash va "
"oʻchirishni tavsiya etamiz."
msgid "Potentially unsecured files were found in your uploads directory"
msgstr "Yuklashlar katalogida potentsial himoyalanmagan fayllar topildi"
msgid ""
"Woohoo, %1$s was your record day for sales! Net sales was %2$s beating the "
"previous record of %3$s set on %4$s."
msgstr ""
"Qoyil, %1$s sizning rekord kuningiz edi! Sof savdo %4$s ning oldingi %3$s "
"rekordini %2$s tadan ortda qoldirdi."
msgid "Add store details"
msgstr "Do'kon tafsilotlarini qo'shing"
msgid "%1$1sExplore our docs%2$2s for more information, or just get started!"
msgstr ""
"Batafsil maʼlumot olish uchun %1$1shujjatlarimiz bilan tanishing%2$2s yoki "
"endigina boshlang!"
msgid "Level up your email marketing with %1$sMailPoet%2$s"
msgstr ""
"%1$sMailPoet%2$s bilan elektron pochta marketingingizni yuqori darajaga "
msgid "Enhance speed and security with %1$sJetpack%2$s"
msgstr "%1$sJetpack%2$s bilan tezlik va xavfsizlikni oshiring"
msgid "Get automated sales tax with %1$sWooCommerce Tax%2$s"
msgstr ""
"%1$sWooCommerce Tax%2$s bilan avtomatlashtirilgan savdo soligʻini oling"
msgid "Print shipping labels with %1$sWooCommerce Shipping%2$s"
msgstr ""
"%1$sWooCommerce Shipping%2$s yordamida yetkazib berish yorliqlarini chop "
msgid ""
"Create on-brand store campaigns, fast email promotions and customer "
"retargeting with Creative Mail."
msgstr ""
"Creative Mail yordamida brendda do'kon kampaniyalarini, tezkor elektron "
"pochta reklamalarini va mijozlarni qayta yo'naltirishni yarating."
msgid "Creative Mail for WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce uchun ijodiy pochta"
msgid ""
"Send targeted campaigns, recover abandoned carts and much more with "
msgstr ""
"Mailchimp yordamida maqsadli kampaniyalarni yuboring, tashlab ketilgan "
"aravalarni va yana ko'p narsalarni oling."
msgid ""
"Create and send purchase follow-up emails, newsletters, and promotional "
"campaigns straight from your dashboard."
msgstr ""
"To'g'ridan-to'g'ri boshqaruv panelidan xaridlar bo'yicha elektron pochta "
"xabarlari, axborot byulletenlari va reklama kampaniyalarini yarating va "
msgid ""
"Reach more shoppers and drive sales for your store. Integrate with Google to "
"list your products for free and launch paid ad campaigns."
msgstr ""
"Ko'proq xaridorlarni toping va do'koningiz uchun savdoni oshiring. "
"Mahsulotlaringizni bepul roʻyxatga olish va pullik reklama kampaniyalarini "
"boshlash uchun Google bilan integratsiya qiling."
msgid "MailPoet"
msgstr "Pochta shoir"
msgid "Drive sales with %1$sGoogle Listings and Ads%2$s"
msgstr "%1$sGoogle Listings va Ads%2$s yordamida savdoni oshiring"
msgid "Reach out to customers"
msgstr "Mijozlarga murojaat qiling"
msgid "Grow your store"
msgstr "Do'koningizni rivojlantiring"
msgid "Get the basics"
msgstr "Asosiy ma'lumotlarni oling"
msgid ""
"The Eway extension for WooCommerce allows you to take credit card payments "
"directly on your store without redirecting your customers to a third party "
"site to make payment."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce uchun eWAY kengaytmasi mijozlaringizni to'lovlarni amalga "
"oshirish uchun uchinchi tomon saytiga yo'naltirmasdan to'g'ridan-to'g'ri "
"do'koningizda kredit karta to'lovlarini amalga oshirishga imkon beradi."
msgid "Eway"
msgstr "Eway"
msgid ""
"You're only one step away from getting paid. Verify your business details to "
"start managing transactions with WooCommerce Payments."
msgstr ""
"Maosh olishga bir qadam qoldi. WooCommerce Payments bilan tranzaktsiyalarni "
"boshqarishni boshlash uchun biznesingiz tafsilotlarini tasdiqlang."
msgid ""
"Good news! WooCommerce Services and Jetpack can automate your sales tax "
"calculations for you."
msgstr ""
"Xush habar! WooCommerce Services va Jetpack siz uchun savdo solig'i hisob-"
"kitoblarini avtomatlashtirishi mumkin."
msgid "Set your store location and configure tax rate settings."
msgstr ""
"Doʻkoningiz joylashuvini oʻrnating va soliq stavkasi sozlamalarini sozlang."
msgid ""
"Your store address is required to set the origin country for shipping, "
"currencies, and payment options."
msgstr ""
"Yuk tashish, valyutalar va toʻlov opsiyalari uchun kelib chiqish mamlakatini "
"belgilash uchun doʻkon manzilingiz talab qilinadi."
msgid "Set your store location and where you'll ship to."
msgstr "Do'koningiz manzilini va qayerga jo'natishingizni belgilang."
msgid "Store details"
msgstr "Do'kon tafsilotlari"
msgid "Set up shipping"
msgstr "Yuk tashishni sozlang"
msgid "Purchase & install now"
msgstr "Hozir sotib oling va o'rnating"
msgid "Good choice! You chose to add %1$s and %2$s to your store."
msgstr "Yaxshi tanlov! Siz doʻkoningizga %1$s va %2$s qoʻshishni tanladingiz."
msgid "Add %s to my store"
msgstr "%s doʻkonimga qoʻshing"
msgid "1 minute per product"
msgstr "Har bir mahsulot uchun 1 daqiqa"
msgid ""
"Start by adding the first product to your store. You can add your products "
"manually, via CSV, or import them from another service."
msgstr ""
"Do'koningizga birinchi mahsulotni qo'shish bilan boshlang. "
"Mahsulotlaringizni CSV orqali qo'lda qo'shishingiz yoki ularni boshqa "
"xizmatdan import qilishingiz mumkin."
msgid "Choose payment providers and enable payment methods at checkout."
msgstr ""
"Toʻlov provayderlarini tanlang va toʻlov vaqtida toʻlov usullarini yoqing."
msgid "Add my products"
msgstr "Mahsulotlarimni qo'shing"
msgid ""
"Add recommended marketing tools to reach new customers and grow your business"
msgstr ""
"Yangi mijozlarga erishish va biznesingizni rivojlantirish uchun tavsiya "
"etilgan marketing vositalarini qo'shing"
msgid "Set up marketing tools"
msgstr "Marketing vositalarini sozlang"
msgid "Add your logo, create a homepage, and start designing your store."
msgstr ""
"Logotip qo'shing, bosh sahifa yarating va do'koningizni loyihalashni "
msgid "Task list ID does not exist"
msgstr "Vazifalar roʻyxati identifikatori mavjud emas"
msgid "Task list ID already exists"
msgstr "Vazifalar roʻyxati identifikatori allaqachon mavjud"
msgid "Things to do next"
msgstr "Keyingi ishlar"
msgid "Let's go"
msgstr "Qani ketdik"
msgid "Personalize my store"
msgstr "Do'konimni shaxsiylashtiring"
msgid "Order tax"
msgstr "Buyurtma solig'i"
msgid "Shipping tax"
msgstr "Yetkazib berish solig'i"
msgid "Product / Variation title"
msgstr "Mahsulot / O'zgarish sarlavhasi"
msgid "Get ready to start selling"
msgstr "Sotishni boshlashga tayyor bo'ling"
msgid "Gross sales."
msgstr "Yalpi sotish."
msgid "Tax code"
msgstr "Soliq kodeksi"
msgid "Products sold"
msgstr "sotilgan mahsulotlar"
msgid "Gross sales"
msgstr "Gross Sales"
msgid "Net sales."
msgstr "Sof savdo."
msgid "Total Net sales of all items sold."
msgstr "Sotilgan barcha mahsulotlarning umumiy sof savdosi."
msgid "Customer type"
msgstr "Mijoz turi"
msgid "Discounted orders"
msgstr "Chegirmali buyurtmalar"
msgid "Total sales."
msgstr "Umumiy savdo."
msgid "Product title"
msgstr "Katalog sahifasida mahsulot nomi Shrift"
msgid "N. Revenue (formatted)"
msgstr "N. Daromad (formatlangan)"
msgid ""
"The requested plugin `%s` could not be installed. Upgrader install failed."
msgstr "Soʻralgan “%s” plaginini oʻrnatib boʻlmadi. Upgrader oʻrnatilmadi."
msgid "Sorry, that task list was not found"
msgstr "Kechirasiz, bu vazifalar roʻyxati topilmadi"
msgid "Sorry, no task with that ID was found."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, bu ID bilan hech qanday vazifa topilmadi."
msgid "Sorry, no snoozeable task with that ID was found."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, bu identifikator bilan kechiktiriladigan vazifa topilmadi."
msgid "Sorry, no dismissable task with that ID was found."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, bu identifikator bilan oʻchirib qoʻyiladigan vazifa topilmadi."
msgid "List of extended deprecated tasks from the client side filter."
msgstr "Mijoz tomoni filtridan kengaytirilgan eskirgan vazifalar ro'yxati."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to hide task lists."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga vazifalar roʻyxatini berkitishga ruxsat yoʻq."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to snooze onboarding tasks."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, sizga ishga kirish vazifalarini keyinga qoldirishga ruxsat "
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to retrieve onboarding tasks."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizda ishga kirish topshiriqlarini olishingiz mumkin emas."
msgid "Optional parameter to query specific task list."
msgstr "Muayyan vazifalar ro'yxatini so'rash uchun ixtiyoriy parametr."
msgid "Time period to snooze the task."
msgstr "Vazifani kechiktirish vaqti."
msgid "Store email address."
msgstr "Elektron pochta manzilini saqlang."
msgid ""
"Whether or not this store agreed to receiving marketing contents from "
msgstr ""
"Ushbu do'kon dan marketing mazmunini olishga rozi bo'ladimi "
"yoki yo'qmi."
msgid "Items sold"
msgstr "Sotilgan buyumlar"
msgid "Top products - Items sold"
msgstr "Top mahsulotlar - sotilgan mahsulotlar"
msgid "Net sales"
msgstr "Sof savdo"
msgid "Amount discounted"
msgstr "Chegirma miqdori"
msgid "Top categories - Items sold"
msgstr "Top toifalar - Sotilgan buyumlar"
msgid ""
"Whether to consider GMT post dates when limiting response by published or "
"modified date."
msgstr ""
"Javobni e'lon qilingan yoki o'zgartirilgan sana bilan cheklashda GMT post "
"sanalarini hisobga olish kerakmi."
msgid ""
"Limit response to resources modified before a given ISO8601 compliant date."
msgstr ""
"Berilgan ISO8601 muvofiq sanasidan oldin o'zgartirilgan resurslarga javobni "
msgid ""
"Limit response to resources modified after a given ISO8601 compliant date."
msgstr ""
"Berilgan ISO8601 muvofiq sanasidan keyin o'zgartirilgan manbalarga javobni "
msgid "Received PDT notification for another account: %1$s. Order ID: %2$d."
msgstr ""
"Boshqa hisob uchun PDT bildirishnomasi olindi: %1$s. Buyurtma "
"identifikatori: %2$d."
msgid "Platform version to track."
msgstr "Kuzatish uchun platforma versiyasi."
msgid "Platform to track."
msgstr "Kuzatish uchun platforma."
msgid "Sorry, you post telemetry data."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, siz telemetriya maʼlumotlarini joylashtirasiz."
msgid "Received PDT notification for order %1$d on endpoint for order %2$d."
msgstr ""
"%2$d-buyurtmaning oxirgi nuqtasida %1$d buyurtma uchun PDT bildirishnomasi "
msgid ""
"This is an order notification sent to customers containing order details "
"after an order is placed on-hold from Pending, Cancelled or Failed order "
msgstr ""
"Bu buyurtma kutishda, Bekor qilingan yoki Muvaffaqiyatsiz maqomida buyurtma "
"to'xtatilgandan keyin buyurtma tafsilotlarini o'z ichiga olgan mijozlarga "
"yuboriladigan buyurtma bildirishnomasidir."
msgid ""
"Use `array_key_exists` to check for meta_data on WC_Shipping_Rate to get the "
"correct result."
msgstr ""
"Toʻgʻri natijaga erishish uchun WC_Shipping_Rate boʻyicha meta_maʼlumotlarni "
"tekshirish uchun “array_key_exists” tugmasidan foydalaning."
msgid ""
"Products you’ve viewed: we’ll use this to, for example, show you products "
"you’ve recently viewed"
msgstr ""
"Siz ko'rgan mahsulotlar: biz buni, masalan, sizga yaqinda ko'rgan "
"mahsulotingizni ko'rsatish uchun foydalanamiz"
msgid "This is where you can browse products in this store."
msgstr "Bu erda siz ushbu do'kondagi mahsulotlarni ko'rishingiz mumkin."
msgid "There was an error generating your API Key."
msgstr "API kalitingizni yaratishda xatolik yuz berdi."
msgid ""
"Sorry, could not find anything. Try searching again using a different term."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, hech narsa topa olmadim. Boshqa atama yordamida qayta qidirib "
msgid "ZIP Code"
msgstr "Pochta indeksi"
msgid "Search for extensions"
msgstr "Kengaytmalarni qidiring"
msgid ""
"Grow your business with hundreds of free and paid WooCommerce extensions."
msgstr ""
"Yuzlab bepul va pullik WooCommerce kengaytmalari bilan biznesingizni "
msgid "Browse categories"
msgstr "Toifalarni ko'rish"
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the selected shipping?"
msgstr "Haqiqatan ham tanlangan yukni olib tashlamoqchimisiz?"
msgid "Browse Categories"
msgstr "Toifalarni ko'rish"
msgid "My Subscriptions %s"
msgstr "Mening obunalarim %s"
msgid "Developed by %s"
msgstr "%s tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan"
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the selected fees?"
msgstr "Tanlangan toʻlovlarni olib tashlamoqchimisiz?"
msgid "Promoted"
msgstr "Ko'tarilgan"
msgid "Username is not editable."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi ismini tahrirlash ta'qiqlangan."
msgid "Step %1$d of %2$d"
msgstr "%2$d/%1$d-qadam"
msgid "Thuringia"
msgstr "Turingiya"
msgid "Schleswig-Holstein"
msgstr "Shlezvig-Golshteyn"
msgid "Saxony-Anhalt"
msgstr "Saksoniya-Anhalt"
msgid "Saxony"
msgstr "Saksoniya"
msgid "Saarland"
msgstr "Saarland"
msgid "Rhineland-Palatinate"
msgstr "Reynlandiya-Pfalz"
msgid "North Rhine-Westphalia"
msgstr "Shimoliy Reyn-Vestfaliya"
msgid "Lower Saxony"
msgstr "Quyi Saksoniya"
msgid "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern"
msgstr "Meklenburg-Vorpommern"
msgid "Hesse"
msgstr "Hesse"
msgid "Hamburg"
msgstr "Gamburg"
msgid "Bremen"
msgstr "Bremen"
msgid "Brandenburg"
msgstr "Brandenburg"
msgid "Bavaria"
msgstr "Bavariya"
msgid "Product SKU"
msgstr "Mahsulot SKU"
msgid "The provided state (%1$s) is not valid. Must be one of: %2$s"
msgstr ""
"Berilgan holat (%1$s) yaroqsiz. Quyidagilardan biri boʻlishi kerak: %2$s"
msgid "What's your current annual revenue?"
msgstr "Hozirgi yillik daromadingiz qancha?"
msgid "More than %s"
msgstr "%s dan ko'proq"
msgid "%s (I'm just getting started)"
msgstr "%s (men endi boshlayapman)"
msgid "Up to %s"
msgstr "%s gacha"
msgid "WooCommerce Marketplace"
msgstr "WooCommerce bozori"
msgid "Etsy"
msgstr "Etsy"
msgid "eBay"
msgstr "eBay"
msgid "BigCommerce"
msgstr "BigCommerce"
msgid "Shopify"
msgstr "Shopify"
msgid "Yes, on another platform and in person at physical stores and/or events"
msgstr "Ha, boshqa platformada va jismoniy do'konlarda va / yoki tadbirlarda"
msgid "Yes, in person at physical stores and/or events"
msgstr "Ha, jismoniy do'konlarda va / yoki tadbirlarda shaxsan"
msgid "Yes, I own a different store powered by WooCommerce"
msgstr "Ha, men WooCommerce tomonidan quvvatlanadigan boshqa do'konga egaman"
msgid "Yes, on another platform"
msgstr "Ha, boshqa platformada"
msgid "On Sale Products"
msgstr "Sotish bo'yicha mahsulotlar"
msgid "Please select a country / region"
msgstr "Iltimos, mamlakat / mintaqani tanlang"
msgid "La Guaira (Vargas)"
msgstr "La Guaira (Vargas)"
msgid "Treinta y Tres"
msgstr "Treinta y Tres"
msgid "Tacuarembó"
msgstr "Tacuarembó"
msgid "Soriano"
msgstr "Soriano"
msgid "Salto"
msgstr "Salto"
msgid "Rocha"
msgstr "Rocha"
msgid "Rivera"
msgstr "Rivera"
msgid "Paysandú"
msgstr "Paysandu"
msgid "Maldonado"
msgstr "Maldonado"
msgid "Lavalleja"
msgstr "Lavalleja"
msgid "Flores"
msgstr "Flores"
msgid "Durazno"
msgstr "Durazno"
msgid "Colonia"
msgstr "Koloniya"
msgid "Cerro Largo"
msgstr "Cerro Largo"
msgid "Canelones"
msgstr "Kanelonlar"
msgid "Artigas"
msgstr "Artigas"
msgid "Chernivtsi Oblast"
msgstr "Chernovtsi viloyati"
msgid "Chernihiv Oblast"
msgstr "Chernigov viloyati"
msgid "Cherkasy Oblast"
msgstr "Cherkas viloyati"
msgid "Khmelnytskyi Oblast"
msgstr "Xmelnitskiy viloyati"
msgid "Kherson Oblast"
msgstr "Xerson viloyati"
msgid "Kharkiv Oblast"
msgstr "Xarkov viloyati"
msgid "Ternopil Oblast"
msgstr "Ternopil viloyati"
msgid "Sumy Oblast"
msgstr "Sumi viloyati"
msgid "Rivne Oblast"
msgstr "Rivne viloyati"
msgid "Poltava Oblast"
msgstr "Poltava viloyati"
msgid "Odessa Oblast"
msgstr "Odessa viloyati"
msgid "Mykolaiv Oblast"
msgstr "Nikolaev viloyati"
msgid "Lviv Oblast"
msgstr "Lvov viloyati"
msgid "Luhansk Oblast"
msgstr "Lugansk viloyati"
msgid "Kirovohrad Oblast"
msgstr "Kirovohrad viloyati"
msgid "Kyiv Oblast"
msgstr "Kiev viloyati"
msgid "Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast"
msgstr "Ivano-Frankivsk viloyati"
msgid "Zaporizhzhia Oblast"
msgstr "Zaporijjya viloyati"
msgid "Zakarpattia Oblast"
msgstr "Zakarpatya viloyati"
msgid "Zhytomyr Oblast"
msgstr "Jitomir viloyati"
msgid "Donetsk Oblast"
msgstr "Donetsk viloyati"
msgid "Dnipropetrovsk Oblast"
msgstr "Dnepropetrovsk viloyati"
msgid "Usulután"
msgstr "Usulután"
msgid "La Unión"
msgstr "La Union"
msgid "San Vicente"
msgstr "San-Visente"
msgid "San Salvador"
msgstr "San-Salvador"
msgid "Sonsonate"
msgstr "Sonsonate"
msgid "San Miguel"
msgstr "San-Migel"
msgid "Santa Ana"
msgstr "Santa Ana"
msgid "Morazán"
msgstr "Morazan"
msgid "Cuscatlán"
msgstr "Kuskatlan"
msgid "Volyn Oblast"
msgstr "Volin viloyati"
msgid "Vinnytsia Oblast"
msgstr "Vinnitsa viloyati"
msgid "Chalatenango"
msgstr "Chalatenango"
msgid "Cabañas"
msgstr "Kabañas"
msgid "Ahuachapán"
msgstr "Ahuachapan"
msgid "Ngöbe-Buglé"
msgstr "Ngöbe-Bugle"
msgid "Guna Yala"
msgstr "Guna Yala"
msgid "Emberá"
msgstr "Embera"
msgid "West Panamá"
msgstr "G'arbiy Panama"
msgid "Veraguas"
msgstr "Veraguas"
msgid "Panamá"
msgstr "Panama"
msgid "Los Santos"
msgstr "Los Santos"
msgid "Herrera"
msgstr "Errera"
msgid "Darién"
msgstr "Darien"
msgid "Chiriquí"
msgstr "Chiriki"
msgid "Coclé"
msgstr "Kokle"
msgid "Bocas del Toro"
msgstr "Bokas del Toro"
msgid "Río San Juan"
msgstr "Rio San-Xuan"
msgid "Rivas"
msgstr "Rivas"
msgid "Nueva Segovia"
msgstr "Nueva Segoviya"
msgid "Matagalpa"
msgstr "Matagalpa"
msgid "Masaya"
msgstr "Masaya"
msgid "Madriz"
msgstr "Madriz"
msgid "Jinotega"
msgstr "Jinotega"
msgid "Estelí"
msgstr "Esteli"
msgid "Chontales"
msgstr "Chontales"
msgid "Chinandega"
msgstr "Chinandega"
msgid "Carazo"
msgstr "Karazo"
msgid "Boaco"
msgstr "Boako"
msgid "Atlántico Sur"
msgstr "Atlantico Sur"
msgid "Atlántico Norte"
msgstr "Atlantiko Norte"
msgid "Tehran (تهران)"
msgstr "Tehron (thrạn)"
msgid "Khuzestan (خوزستان)"
msgstr "Xuziston (khwzstạn)"
msgid "Yoro"
msgstr "Yoro"
msgid "Santa Bárbara"
msgstr "Santa-Barbara"
msgid "Valle"
msgstr "Valle"
msgid "Olancho"
msgstr "Olancho"
msgid "Ocotepeque"
msgstr "Okotepek"
msgid "Lempira"
msgstr "Lempira"
msgid "Intibucá"
msgstr "Intibuca"
msgid "Gracias a Dios"
msgstr "Gracias va Dios"
msgid "Francisco Morazán"
msgstr "Fransisko Morazan"
msgid "El Paraíso"
msgstr "El Paraiso"
msgid "Cortés"
msgstr "Kortes"
msgid "Copán"
msgstr "Kopan"
msgid "Comayagua"
msgstr "Komayagua"
msgid "Colón"
msgstr "Kolon"
msgid "Choluteca"
msgstr "Choluteka"
msgid "Bay Islands"
msgstr "Bay orollari"
msgid "Atlántida"
msgstr "Atlantida"
msgid "Zamora-Chinchipe"
msgstr "Zamora-Chinchipe"
msgid "Tungurahua"
msgstr "Tunguraxua"
msgid "Sucumbíos"
msgstr "Sucumbíos"
msgid "Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas"
msgstr "Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas"
msgid "Santa Elena"
msgstr "Santa Elena"
msgid "Pichincha"
msgstr "Pichincha"
msgid "Pastaza"
msgstr "Makaron"
msgid "Orellana"
msgstr "Orellana"
msgid "Napo"
msgstr "Napo"
msgid "Morona-Santiago"
msgstr "Morona-Santyago"
msgid "Manabí"
msgstr "Manabí"
msgid "Loja"
msgstr "Loja"
msgid "Imbabura"
msgstr "Imbabura"
msgid "Guayas"
msgstr "Guayas"
msgid "Galápagos"
msgstr "Galapagos"
msgid "Esmeraldas"
msgstr "Esmeraldas"
msgid "El Oro"
msgstr "El Oro"
msgid "Cotopaxi"
msgstr "Kotopaxi"
msgid "Chimborazo"
msgstr "Chimborazo"
msgid "Carchi"
msgstr "Carchi"
msgid "Cañar"
msgstr "Kanar"
msgid "Azuay"
msgstr "Azuay"
msgid "Yuma"
msgstr "Yuma"
msgid "Valdesia"
msgstr "Valdeziya"
msgid "Ozama"
msgstr "Ozama"
msgid "Higüamo"
msgstr "Higuamo"
msgid "Enriquillo"
msgstr "Enrikillo"
msgid "El Valle"
msgstr "El Valle"
msgid "Cibao Sur"
msgstr "Cibao Sur"
msgid "Cibao Norte"
msgstr "Cibao Norte"
msgid "Cibao Noroeste"
msgstr "Cibao Noroeste"
msgid "Cibao Nordeste"
msgstr "Cibao Nordeste"
msgid "San José"
msgstr "San-Xose"
msgid "Puntarenas"
msgstr "Puntarenalar"
msgid "Limón"
msgstr "Limon"
msgid "Heredia"
msgstr "Heredia"
msgid "Guanacaste"
msgstr "Guanacaste"
msgid "Cartago"
msgstr "Kartago"
msgid "Alajuela"
msgstr "Alajuela"
msgid "Vichada"
msgstr "Vichada"
msgid "Vaupés"
msgstr "Vaupés"
msgid "Valle del Cauca"
msgstr "Valle del Kauca"
msgid "Tolima"
msgstr "Tolima"
msgid "San Andrés & Providencia"
msgstr "San-Andres va Providensiya"
msgid "Santander"
msgstr "Santander"
msgid "Risaralda"
msgstr "Risaralda"
msgid "Quindío"
msgstr "Quindio"
msgid "Putumayo"
msgstr "Putumayo"
msgid "Norte de Santander"
msgstr "Norte de Santander"
msgid "Nariño"
msgstr "Narino"
msgid "Magdalena"
msgstr "Magdalena"
msgid "La Guajira"
msgstr "La Guajira"
msgid "Huila"
msgstr "Huila"
msgid "Guaviare"
msgstr "Guaviare"
msgid "Guainía"
msgstr "Guainia"
msgid "Capital District"
msgstr "Poytaxt tumani"
msgid "Cundinamarca"
msgstr "Cundinamarca"
msgid "Chocó"
msgstr "Choco"
msgid "Cesar"
msgstr "Sezar"
msgid "Cauca"
msgstr "Kavka"
msgid "Casanare"
msgstr "Casanare"
msgid "Caquetá"
msgstr "Caqueta"
msgid "Caldas"
msgstr "Kaldas"
msgid "Boyacá"
msgstr "Boyaka"
msgid "Atlántico"
msgstr "Atlantiko"
msgid "Arauca"
msgstr "Arauca"
msgid "Antioquia"
msgstr "Antiokiya"
msgid "Valparaíso"
msgstr "Valparaiso"
msgid "Tarapacá"
msgstr "Tarapaka"
msgid "Región Metropolitana de Santiago"
msgstr "Metropolitana de Santyago viloyati"
msgid "Ñuble"
msgstr "yaxshi"
msgid "Maule"
msgstr "Maule"
msgid "Magallanes"
msgstr "Magallanes"
msgid "Los Ríos"
msgstr "Los-Rios"
msgid "Los Lagos"
msgstr "Los Lagos"
msgid "Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins"
msgstr "Libertador general Bernardo O'Xiggins"
msgid "Coquimbo"
msgstr "Kokimbo"
msgid "Biobío"
msgstr "Biobio"
msgid "Atacama"
msgstr "Atakama"
msgid "La Araucanía"
msgstr "La Araucania"
msgid "Arica y Parinacota"
msgstr "Arika va Parinakota"
msgid "Antofagasta"
msgstr "Antofagasta"
msgid "Aisén del General Carlos Ibañez del Campo"
msgstr "General Aisen del Karlos Ibanez del Kampo"
msgid "Vlorë"
msgstr "Vlorë"
msgid "Tirana"
msgstr "Tirana"
msgid "Shkodër"
msgstr "Shkoder"
msgid "Lezhë"
msgstr "Lezhe"
msgid "Kukës"
msgstr "Kukes"
msgid "Korçë"
msgstr "Korce"
msgid "Gjirokastër"
msgstr "Gjirokaster"
msgid "Fier"
msgstr "Olovli"
msgid "Elbasan"
msgstr "Elbasan"
msgid "Durrës"
msgstr "Durres"
msgid "Dibër"
msgstr "Diber"
msgid "Berat"
msgstr "Berat"
msgid ""
"The WooCommerce Blocks feature plugin requires a more recent version of "
"WordPress and has been paused. Please update WordPress to continue enjoying "
"WooCommerce Blocks."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce Blocks xususiyati plagini WordPressning yangiroq versiyasini "
"talab qiladi va pauza qilingan. WooCommerce Bloklaridan bahramand bo'lishni "
"davom ettirish uchun WordPress-ni yangilang."
msgid "Sorry, this order requires a shipping option."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, bu buyurtma yetkazib berish opsiyasini talab qiladi."
msgid "%s cannot be purchased. Please remove it from your cart."
msgstr "%s xarid qilib bo‘lmaydi. Iltimos, uni savatdan olib tashlang."
msgid "Returns number of products with each stock status."
msgstr "Har bir stok holati bilan mahsulot sonini qaytaradi."
msgid "If true, calculates stock counts for products in the collection."
msgstr ""
"Agar rost boʻlsa, toʻplamdagi mahsulotlar uchun zaxiralarni hisoblab chiqadi."
msgid "Search products…"
msgstr "Mahsulotlarni qidirish…"
msgid "Locations outside all other zones"
msgstr "Boshqa barcha zonalardan tashqarida joylashgan joylar"
msgid "Save %s"
msgstr "Saqlash: %s"
msgid "social"
msgstr "ijtimoiy"
msgid "(No author)"
msgstr "(muallif yo'q)"
msgid "Inbox"
msgstr "Xabarlar qutisi"
msgid "Mark as spam"
msgstr "Spam"
msgid ""
"Update the table directly upon product changes, instead of scheduling a "
"deferred update."
msgstr ""
"Kechiktirilgan yangilanishni rejalashtirish o'rniga to'g'ridan-to'g'ri "
"mahsulot o'zgarishi bilan jadvalni yangilang."
msgid "Direct updates"
msgstr "To'g'ridan-to'g'ri yangilanishlar"
msgid "Use the product attributes lookup table for catalog filtering."
msgstr ""
"Katalogni filtrlash uchun mahsulot atributlarini qidirish jadvalidan "
msgid "Enable table usage"
msgstr "Jadvaldan foydalanishni yoqing"
msgid ""
"These settings are not available while the lookup table regeneration is in "
msgstr "Qidiruv jadvalini qayta tiklash jarayonida bu sozlamalar mavjud emas."
msgid "Product attributes lookup table"
msgstr "Mahsulot atributlarini qidirish jadvali"
msgid ""
"Select a product to regenerate the data for, or leave empty for a full table "
msgstr ""
"Maʼlumotlarni qayta tiklash uchun mahsulotni tanlang yoki jadvalni toʻliq "
"qayta tiklash uchun boʻsh qoldiring:"
msgid "Filling in progress (%d)"
msgstr "Toʻldirilmoqda (%d)"
msgid "Product attributes lookup table data is regenerating"
msgstr "Mahsulot atributlarini qidirish jadvali maʼlumotlari qayta tiklanmoqda"
msgid ""
"This tool will regenerate the product attributes lookup table data from "
"existing product(s) data. This process may take a while."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu vosita mavjud mahsulot(lar) maʼlumotlaridan mahsulot atributlarini "
"qidirish jadvali maʼlumotlarini qayta tiklaydi. Bu jarayon biroz vaqt olishi "
msgid "Regenerate the product attributes lookup table"
msgstr "Mahsulot atributlarini qidirish jadvalini qayta tiklang"
msgid ""
"WooCommerce Blocks development mode requires the %1$s constant to be defined "
"and true in your %2$s file. Otherwise you are loading the blocks package "
"from WooCommerce core."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce Blocks ishlab chiqish rejimi %2$s faylida %1$s konstantasi aniq "
"va haqiqiy boʻlishini talab qiladi. Aks holda siz WooCommerce yadrosidan "
"bloklar paketini yuklaysiz."
msgid "Click here to set your new password."
msgstr "Yangi parolni o'rnatish uchun shu yerni bosing."
msgid "To set your password, visit the following address: "
msgstr "Yangi parol o'rnatish uchun quyidagi manzilga o'ting: "
msgid "billing address"
msgstr "To‘lov manzili"
msgid "Country/Region"
msgstr "Mamlakat / mintaqa"
msgid "State/County"
msgstr "Viloyat"
msgid "shipping address"
msgstr "Yetkazish manzili"
msgid "There was a problem with the provided %s:"
msgstr "Taqdim etilgan %s bilan muammo yuz berdi:"
msgid "Sorry, we do not allow orders from the provided country (%s)"
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, biz taqdim etilgan mamlakatdan buyurtma berishga ruxsat "
"bermaymiz (%s)"
msgid "Sorry, we do not ship orders to the provided country (%s)"
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, biz buyurtmalarni ko'rsatilgan mamlakatga jo'natmaymiz (%s)"
msgid ""
"The provided email address (%s) is not valid—please provide a valid email "
msgstr ""
"Taqdim etilgan e-pochta manzili (%s) yaroqsiz — yaroqli elektron pochta "
"manzilini kiriting"
msgid "There was an error with an item in your cart."
msgstr "Savatingizdagi biror narsada xatolik yuz berdi."
msgid ""
"There are not enough %s in stock. Please reduce the quantities in your cart."
msgstr ""
"Zaxirada %s yetarli emas. Iltimos, savatingizdagi miqdorlarni kamaytiring."
msgid ""
"There is not enough %s in stock. Please reduce the quantity in your cart."
msgstr ""
"Zaxirada %s yetarli emas. Iltimos, savatingizdagi miqdorni kamaytiring."
msgid ""
"There are too many %s in the cart. Only 1 of each can be purchased. Please "
"reduce the quantities in your cart."
msgstr ""
"Savatda juda koʻp %s bor. Har biridan faqat 1 tasini sotib olish mumkin. "
"Iltimos, savatingizdagi miqdorlarni kamaytiring."
msgid ""
"There are too many %s in the cart. Only 1 can be purchased. Please reduce "
"the quantity in your cart."
msgstr ""
"Savatda juda koʻp %s bor. Faqat 1 tasini sotib olish mumkin. Iltimos, "
"savatingizdagi miqdorni kamaytiring."
msgid "%s cannot be purchased. Please remove them from your cart."
msgstr "%s xarid qilib bo‘lmaydi. Iltimos, ularni savatdan olib tashlang."
msgid ""
"%s are out of stock and cannot be purchased. Please remove them from your "
msgstr ""
"%s zaxirada yo‘q va ularni sotib bo‘lmaydi. Iltimos, ularni savatdan olib "
msgid ""
"%s is out of stock and cannot be purchased. Please remove it from your cart."
msgstr ""
"%s zaxirada yo‘q va uni sotib bo‘lmaydi. Iltimos, uni savatdan olib tashlang."
msgid "Whether to create a new user account as part of order processing."
msgstr ""
"Buyurtmani qayta ishlashning bir qismi sifatida yangi foydalanuvchi hisobini "
"yaratish kerakmi."
msgid "List of required payment gateway features to process the order."
msgstr ""
"Buyurtmani qayta ishlash uchun zarur bo'lgan to'lov shlyuzi xususiyatlari "
msgid "The rate at which tax is applied."
msgstr "Soliq qo'llaniladigan stavka."
msgid "List of cart fees."
msgstr "Savat to'lovlari ro'yxati."
msgid ""
"True if the cart meets the criteria for showing shipping costs, and rates "
"have been calculated and included in the totals."
msgstr ""
"Toʻgʻri, agar arava yuk tashish narxini koʻrsatish mezonlariga javob bersa "
"va tariflar hisoblab chiqilgan va jami miqdorga kiritilgan boʻlsa."
msgid "Optionally, how the metadata value should be displayed to the user."
msgstr ""
"Majburiy emas, metadata qiymati foydalanuvchiga qanday ko'rsatilishi kerak."
msgid "Whether the product is visible in the catalog"
msgstr "Mahsulot katalogda ko'rinadimi yoki yo'qmi"
msgid "Current set billing address for the customer."
msgstr "Mijoz uchun joriy hisob-kitob manzili."
msgid "Value of the metadata."
msgstr "Metadata qiymati."
msgid "Name of the metadata."
msgstr "Metadata nomi."
msgid "Metadata related to the cart item"
msgstr "Savatga tegishli meta-maʼlumotlar"
msgid "Total tax amount for this fee."
msgstr "Ushbu to'lov uchun umumiy soliq summasi."
msgid "Total amount for this fee."
msgstr "Ushbu to'lovning umumiy miqdori."
msgid "Fee total amounts provided using the smallest unit of the currency."
msgstr ""
"Pul birligining eng kichik birligidan foydalangan holda taqdim etilgan "
"yig'imning umumiy miqdori."
msgid "The discount type for the coupon (e.g. percentage or fixed amount)"
msgstr "Kupon uchun chegirma turi (masalan, foiz yoki belgilangan miqdor)"
msgid "Unique identifier for the fee within the cart."
msgstr "Savat ichidagi to'lov uchun yagona identifikator."
msgid "The provided phone number is not valid"
msgstr "Berilgan telefon raqami haqiqiy emas"
msgid "The coupon's unique code."
msgstr "Kuponning noyob kodi."
msgid "The provided postcode / ZIP is not valid"
msgstr "Taqdim etilgan pochta indeksi / ZIP yaroqsiz"
msgid "Invalid country code provided. Must be one of: %s"
msgstr ""
"Yaroqsiz mamlakat kodi berilgan. Quyidagilardan biri boʻlishi kerak: %s"
msgid "The provided email address is not valid"
msgstr "Ko'rsatilgan elektron pochta manzili noto'g'ri"
msgid ""
"An account is already registered with your email address. Please log in "
"before proceeding."
msgstr ""
"Sizning elektron pochta manzilingiz bilan hisob allaqachon ro'yxatdan "
"o'tgan. Davom etishdan oldin tizimga kiring."
msgid "Unable to create order"
msgstr "Buyurtma yaratib bo‘lmadi."
msgid "Additional data to pass to the extension"
msgstr "Kengaytmaga o'tish uchun qo'shimcha ma'lumotlar"
msgid ""
"Extension's name - this will be used to ensure the data in the request is "
"routed appropriately."
msgstr ""
"Kengaytma nomi - bu so'rovdagi ma'lumotlar to'g'ri yo'naltirilganligini "
"ta'minlash uchun ishlatiladi."
msgid "Invalid path provided."
msgstr "Yaroqsiz yoʻl taqdim etilgan."
msgid "Integration \"%s\" is not registered."
msgstr "“%s” integratsiyasi roʻyxatdan oʻtkazilmagan."
msgid "\"%s\" is already registered."
msgstr "%s blok turi ro'yxatga olingan."
msgid "Integration registry requires an identifier."
msgstr "Integratsiya registri identifikatorni talab qiladi."
msgid "Extension data registered by %s"
msgstr "%s tomonidan roʻyxatga olingan kengaytma maʼlumotlari"
msgid "Block name is required."
msgstr "Blok nomi talab qilinadi."
msgid ""
"Script with handle %s had a dependency on itself which has been removed. "
"This is an indicator that your JS code has a circular dependency that can "
"cause bugs."
msgstr ""
"%s dastakli skriptning oʻziga bogʻliqligi bor edi, u olib tashlandi. Bu "
"sizning JS kodingiz xatolarga olib kelishi mumkin bo'lgan doiraviy "
"bog'liqlikka ega ekanligini ko'rsatadi."
msgid "Products by Rating list"
msgstr "Reyting ro'yxati bo'yicha mahsulotlar"
msgid "Recently Viewed Products list"
msgstr "Yaqinda ko'rilgan mahsulotlar ro'yxati"
msgid ""
"Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific parent. Applies to "
"hierarchical taxonomies only."
msgstr ""
"Natijalar to'plamini ma'lum bir ota-onaga tayinlangan resurslar bilan "
"cheklang. Faqat ierarxik taksonomiyalar uchun amal qiladi."
msgid "(includes %1$s estimated for %2$s)"
msgstr "(%2$s uchun taxminiy %1$s ni oʻz ichiga oladi)"
msgid ""
"Offset the result set by a specific number of items. Applies to hierarchical "
"taxonomies only."
msgstr ""
"Natijani ma'lum miqdordagi elementlar bilan almashtiring. Faqat ierarxik "
"taksonomiyalar uchun amal qiladi."
msgid ""
"City name, it doesn't support multiple values. Deprecated as of WooCommerce "
"5.3, 'cities' should be used instead."
msgstr ""
"Shahar nomi, u bir nechta qiymatlarni qo'llab-quvvatlamaydi. WooCommerce 5.3 "
"dan boshlab eskirgan, o'rniga \"shaharlar\" ishlatilishi kerak."
msgid ""
"Postcode/ZIP, it doesn't support multiple values. Deprecated as of "
"WooCommerce 5.3, 'postcodes' should be used instead."
msgstr ""
"Pochta indeksi/ZIP, u bir nechta qiymatlarni qo'llab-quvvatlamaydi. "
"WooCommerce 5.3 dan boshlab eskirgan, o'rniga \"pochta indekslari\" dan "
"foydalanish kerak."
msgid "List of city names. Introduced in WooCommerce 5.3."
msgstr "Shahar nomlari ro'yxati. WooCommerce 5.3 da taqdim etilgan."
msgid "List of postcodes / ZIPs. Introduced in WooCommerce 5.3."
msgstr ""
"Pochta indekslari / ZIPlar ro'yxati. WooCommerce 5.3 da taqdim etilgan."
msgid "Low Stock amount for the variation."
msgstr "Variant uchun kam zaxira miqdori."
msgid "Low Stock amount for the product."
msgstr "Mahsulot uchun kam zaxira miqdori."
msgid "When true, refunded items are restocked."
msgstr "Toʻgʻri boʻlsa, puli qaytarilgan mahsulotlar zaxiraga qaytadi."
msgid "Amount that will be refunded for this tax."
msgstr "Ushbu soliq uchun qaytariladigan summa."
msgid "Amount that will be refunded for this line item (excluding taxes)."
msgstr "Ushbu band uchun qaytariladigan summa (soliqlardan tashqari)."
msgid "Coupon item ID is readonly."
msgstr "Kupon elementi identifikatori faqat o‘qish uchun mo‘ljallangan."
msgid "Parent product name if the product is a variation."
msgstr "Agar mahsulot o'zgaruvchan bo'lsa, asosiy mahsulot nomi."
msgid "Meta value for UI display."
msgstr "UI displey uchun meta qiymati."
msgid "Meta key for UI display."
msgstr "UI ekrani uchun meta kalit."
msgid "There was an error calling %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s chaqiruvida xatolik yuz berdi: %2$s"
msgid ""
"Take payments in person via BACS. More commonly known as direct bank/wire "
msgstr ""
"To'lovlarni shaxsan BACS orqali oling. Ko'pincha to'g'ridan-to'g'ri bank / "
"pul o'tkazmasi deb nomlanadi"
msgid "IPN email notifications"
msgstr "IPN elektron pochta xabarnomalari"
msgid "I don't know how to get a date from a %s"
msgstr "%s dan sanani qanday olishni bilmayman"
msgid "The slug for the resource."
msgstr "Resurs uchun slug."
msgid "Shipping Phone Number"
msgstr "Yuk tashish telefon raqami"
msgid "Billing Phone Number"
msgstr "Billing telefon raqami"
msgctxt "Page title"
msgid "Refund and Returns Policy"
msgstr "To'lovni qaytarish va qaytarish siyosati"
msgid "A link to a product."
msgstr "Mahsulotga havola."
msgid "Product Link"
msgstr "Mahsulot havolasi"
msgid "A link to a product tag."
msgstr "Mahsulot yorlig'iga havola."
msgid "Product Tag Link"
msgstr "Mahsulot yorlig'i havolasi"
msgid "A link to a product category."
msgstr "Mahsulot toifasiga havola."
msgid "Product Category Link"
msgstr "Mahsulot toifasi havolasi"
msgid "Tax class slug is invalid"
msgstr "Soliq toifasi yaroqsiz"
msgid "Set password"
msgstr "Kalit so'zni or'natish"
msgctxt "Page slug"
msgid "refund_returns"
msgstr "to'lovni_qaytaradi"
msgid ""
"Please choose product options by visiting "
msgstr ""
"%2$s ga tashrif buyurib, mahsulot "
"variantlarini tanlang."
msgid ""
"This password reset key is for a different user account. Please log out and "
"try again."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu parolni tiklash kaliti boshqa foydalanuvchi hisobi uchun. Iltimos, "
"tizimdan chiqing va qaytadan urining."
msgid ""
"%1$s could not be served using the Force Download method. A redirect will be "
"used instead."
msgstr ""
"Majburiy yuklab olish usuli yordamida %1$s xizmatini taqdim qilib bo‘lmadi. "
"Buning o'rniga qayta yo'naltirish ishlatiladi."
msgid ""
"%1$s could not be served using the X-Accel-Redirect/X-Sendfile method. A "
"Force Download will be used instead."
msgstr ""
"%1$s ga X-Accel-Redirect/X-Sendfile usuli yordamida xizmat ko‘rsatib "
"bo‘lmadi. Buning o'rniga Majburiy yuklab olish qo'llaniladi."
msgid ""
"Coupon usage limit has been reached. Please try again after some time, or "
"contact us for help."
msgstr ""
"Kupondan foydalanish chegarasiga yetdi. Biroz vaqt o'tgach, qayta urinib "
"ko'ring yoki yordam uchun biz bilan bog'laning."
msgid ""
"Coupon usage limit has been reached. If you were using this coupon just now "
"but order was not complete, you can retry or cancel the order by going to "
"the my account page."
msgstr ""
"Kupondan foydalanish chegarasiga yetdi. Agar siz hozirda ushbu kupondan "
"foydalanayotgan bo'lsangiz, lekin buyurtma tugallanmagan bo'lsa, mening hisobim sahifasiga o'tib, buyurtmani qaytadan urinib "
"ko'rishingiz yoki bekor qilishingiz mumkin."
msgid ""
"The selected product isn't a variation of %2$s, please choose product "
"options by visiting %2$s."
msgstr ""
"Tanlangan mahsulot %2$s varianti emas, iltimos, %2$s ga tashrif buyurib, mahsulot parametrlarini tanlang."
msgid "'%s' is not a valid country code."
msgstr "“%s” yaroqli mamlakat kodi emas."
msgid "Department"
msgstr "Mobil qo'l bo'limi"
msgid "Town / City / Post Office"
msgstr "Shahar / shahar / pochta bo'limi"
msgid "Parish"
msgstr "Parish"
msgid ""
"Your store is configured to serve digital products using \"Redirect only\" "
"method. This method is deprecated, please switch to a "
"different method instead. If you use a remote server for "
"downloadable files (such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Amazon S3), you may "
"optionally wish to \"allow using redirects as a last resort\". Enabling that "
"and/or selecting any of the other options will make this notice go away."
msgstr ""
"Sizning do'koningiz raqamli mahsulotlarga \"Faqat qayta yo'naltirish\" usuli "
"yordamida xizmat ko'rsatish uchun tuzilgan. Bu usul eskirgan, o‘rniga boshqa usulga o‘ting. Yuklab olinadigan fayllar "
"(masalan, Google Drive, Dropbox, Amazon S3 kabi) uchun masofaviy serverdan "
"foydalansangiz, ixtiyoriy ravishda \"so'nggi chora sifatida qayta "
"yo'naltirishdan foydalanishga ruxsat berish\" mumkin. Buni yoqish va/yoki "
"boshqa variantlardan birini tanlash bu bildirishnomani o'chirib qo'yadi."
msgid "Generated at"
msgstr "Yaratilgan"
msgid "This section shows information about this status report."
msgstr "Ushbu bo'limda ushbu holat hisoboti haqidagi ma'lumotlar ko'rsatilgan."
msgid "Status report information"
msgstr "Holat hisoboti ma'lumotlari"
msgid "Page does not contain the %1$s shortcode or the %2$s block."
msgstr "Sahifada %1$s qisqa kodi yoki %2$s bloki mavjud emas."
msgid "Page does not contain the %s shortcode."
msgstr "Sahifada %s qisqa kodi mavjud emas."
msgid "%1$s at %2$s %3$s"
msgstr "%1$s (%2$s; versiyadan buyon %3$s)"
msgid ""
"With the release of WooCommerce 4.0, these reports are being replaced. There "
"is a new and better Analytics section available for users running WordPress "
"5.3+. Head on over to the WooCommerce Analytics or "
"learn more about the new experience in the WooCommerce Analytics documentation."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce 4.0 ning chiqarilishi bilan bu hisobotlar almashtirilmoqda. "
"WordPress 5.3+ bilan ishlaydigan foydalanuvchilar uchun yangi va yaxshiroq "
"Analytics bo'limi mavjud. WooCommerce Analytics -ga "
"o'ting yoki WooCommerce Analytics hujjatlaridagi "
"yangi tajriba haqida ko'proq bilib oling."
msgid "Start selling"
msgstr "Sotishni boshlang"
msgid ""
"You're almost there! Once you complete store setup you can start receiving "
msgstr ""
"Siz deyarli keldingiz! Do'konni sozlashni tugatganingizdan so'ng siz "
"buyurtmalarni qabul qilishni boshlashingiz mumkin."
msgid ""
"Postcodes containing wildcards (e.g. CB23*) or fully numeric ranges (e.g. "
"90210...99000) are also supported. Please see the shipping "
"zones documentation for more "
msgstr ""
"Yagona kartochkalar (masalan, CB23 *) yoki to'liq raqamli diapazonlar "
"(masalan, 90210...99000 ) bo'lgan pochta kodlari ham qo'llab-"
"quvvatlanadi. Qo'shimcha ma'lumot uchun iltimos, yuk tashish zonalari hujjatlarini ko'ring )."
msgid "Additional tax class \"%1$s\" couldn't be saved. %2$s."
msgstr "“%1$s” qoʻshimcha soliq toifasini saqlab boʻlmadi. %2$s."
msgid ""
"If the \"Force Downloads\" or \"X-Accel-Redirect/X-Sendfile\" download "
"method is selected but does not work, the system will use the \"Redirect\" "
"method as a last resort. See this guide for more "
msgstr ""
"Agar \"Majburiy yuklab olish\" yoki \"X-Accel-Redirect/X-Sendfile\" yuklab "
"olish usuli tanlansa, lekin ishlamasa, tizim oxirgi chora sifatida \"Qayta "
"yo'naltirish\" usulidan foydalanadi. Batafsil ma'lumot "
"uchun ushbu qo'llanmani ko'ring ."
msgid "Allow using redirect mode (insecure) as a last resort"
msgstr ""
"Qayta yo'naltirish rejimidan (xavfsiz) oxirgi chora sifatida foydalanishga "
"ruxsat bering"
msgid ""
"Receive email notifications with additional guidance to complete the basic "
"store setup and helpful insights"
msgstr ""
"Asosiy doʻkon sozlamalarini va foydali tushunchalarni bajarish uchun "
"qoʻshimcha koʻrsatmalar bilan elektron pochta xabarnomalarini oling"
msgid "Enable email insights"
msgstr "Elektron pochta statistikasini yoqish"
msgid "Store management insights"
msgstr "Doʻkon boshqaruvi haqidagi maʼlumotlar"
msgid ""
"Email notifications sent from WooCommerce are listed below. Click on an "
"email to configure it. %s"
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce-dan yuborilgan elektron pochta xabarnomalari quyida keltirilgan. "
"Uni sozlash uchun elektron pochtani bosing. %s"
msgid ""
"To ensure your store’s notifications arrive in your and your "
"customers’ inboxes, we recommend connecting your email address to your "
"domain and setting up a dedicated SMTP server. If something doesn’t "
"seem to be sending correctly, install the WP Mail Logging "
"Plugin or check the Email FAQ page."
msgstr ""
"Doʻkoningiz bildirishnomalari sizning va mijozlaringizning pochta qutilariga "
"kelishini taʼminlash uchun elektron pochta manzilingizni domeningizga "
"ulashni va maxsus SMTP serverini oʻrnatishni tavsiya qilamiz. Agar biror "
"narsa noto'g'ri yuborilayotgandek tuyulsa, WP Mail "
"Logging plaginini o'rnating yoki Email FAQ "
"sahifasini tekshiring."
msgid "We strongly recommend creating a backup of your site before updating."
msgstr ""
"Yangilashdan oldin saytingizning zaxira nusxasini yaratishni qat'iy tavsiya "
msgid ""
"We have created a sample draft Refund and Returns Policy page for you. "
"Please have a look and update it to fit your store."
msgstr ""
"Biz siz uchun toʻlovni qaytarish va qaytarish siyosati loyihasining namunali "
"sahifasini yaratdik. Iltimos, ko'ring va uni do'koningizga moslash uchun "
msgid "Are you sure you're ready?"
msgstr "Tayyor ekanligingizga ishonchingiz komilmi?"
msgid ""
"Setup a Refund and Returns Policy page to boost your store's credibility."
msgstr ""
"Do'koningiz ishonchliligini oshirish uchun to'lovni qaytarish va qaytarish "
"siyosati sahifasini o'rnating."
msgid ""
"When variation stock reaches this amount you will be notified by email. The "
"default value for all variations can be set in the product Inventory tab. "
"The shop default value can be set in Settings > Products > Inventory."
msgstr ""
"Variatsiya zaxirasi bu miqdorga yetganda, sizga elektron pochta orqali xabar "
"beriladi. Barcha o'zgarishlar uchun standart qiymat mahsulot inventar "
"yorlig'ida o'rnatilishi mumkin. Doʻkonning standart qiymatini Sozlamalar > "
"Mahsulotlar > Inventar orqali oʻrnatish mumkin."
msgid "Parent product's threshold (%d)"
msgstr "Asosiy mahsulot chegarasi (%d)"
msgid ""
"When product stock reaches this amount you will be notified by email. It is "
"possible to define different values for each variation individually. The "
"shop default value can be set in Settings > Products > Inventory."
msgstr ""
"Mahsulot zaxirasi ushbu miqdorga yetganda, sizga elektron pochta orqali "
"xabar beriladi. Har bir o'zgarish uchun alohida qiymatlarni belgilash "
"mumkin. Doʻkonning standart qiymatini Sozlamalar > Mahsulotlar > Inventar "
"orqali oʻrnatish mumkin."
msgid "Store-wide threshold (%d)"
msgstr "Doʻkon boʻyicha chegara (%d)"
msgid "To edit this order change the status back to \"Pending payment\""
msgstr ""
"Bu buyurtmani tahrirlash uchun holatni “Toʻlov kutilayotgan” ga oʻzgartiring."
msgid "Change status to cancelled"
msgstr "Holatni bekor qilinganga o'zgartiring"
msgid "Download %d ID"
msgstr "Yuklab oling: %d ID"
msgid "Search for a page…"
msgstr "Sahifani qidiring…"
msgid "%1$s (ID: %2$s)"
msgstr "%1$s (ID: %2$s)"
msgid "Onboarding is maintained in WooCommerce Admin."
msgstr "Onboarding WooCommerce administratorida saqlanadi."
msgid "WooCommerce Setup"
msgstr "WooCommerce sozlamalari"
msgid ""
"Securely accept cards in your store. See payments, track cash flow into your "
"bank account, and stay on top of disputes – right from your dashboard."
msgstr ""
"Do'koningizda kartalarni xavfsiz qabul qiling. To‘lovlarni ko‘ring, bank "
"hisobingizga pul oqimini kuzatib boring va nizolarni to‘g‘ridan-to‘g‘ri "
"boshqaruv panelidan kuzatib boring."
msgid ""
"Payments made simple, with no monthly fees — exclusively for "
"WooCommerce stores."
msgstr ""
"Toʻlovlar oddiy, oylik toʻlovsiz amalga oshiriladi — faqat WooCommerce "
"doʻkonlari uchun."
msgid ""
"Print discounted USPS and DHL labels straight from your WooCommerce "
"dashboard and save on shipping."
msgstr ""
"Chegirmali USPS va DHL yorliqlarini toʻgʻridan-toʻgʻri WooCommerce boshqaruv "
"panelidan chop eting va yetkazib berishda tejang."
msgid "Save time and money with WooCommerce Shipping"
msgstr "WooCommerce Shipping bilan vaqt va pulni tejang"
msgid "Delta Amacuro"
msgstr "Delta Amacuro"
msgid "Federal Dependencies"
msgstr "Federal bog'liqliklar"
msgid "Zulia"
msgstr "Zuliya"
msgid "Yaracuy"
msgstr "Yaracuy"
msgid "Trujillo"
msgstr "Trujillo"
msgid "WooCommerce Shipping"
msgstr "WooCommerce yuk tashish"
msgid "Táchira"
msgstr "Tachira"
msgid "Sucre"
msgstr "Sucre"
msgid "Portuguesa"
msgstr "Portugal"
msgid "Nueva Esparta"
msgstr "Nueva Esparta"
msgid "Monagas"
msgstr "Monagas"
msgid "Miranda"
msgstr "Miranda"
msgid "Mérida"
msgstr "Mérida"
msgid "Lara"
msgstr "Lara"
msgid "Guárico"
msgstr "Guariko"
msgid "Falcón"
msgstr "Falcon"
msgid "Cojedes"
msgstr "Kojedes"
msgid "Carabobo"
msgstr "Karabobo"
msgid "Bolívar"
msgstr "Bolivar"
msgid "Barinas"
msgstr "Barinalar"
msgid "Aragua"
msgstr "Aragua"
msgid "Apure"
msgstr "Apure"
msgid "Anzoátegui"
msgstr "Anzoategui"
msgctxt "district"
msgid "Vojvodina"
msgstr "Voyvodina"
msgctxt "district"
msgid "Kosovo-Metohija"
msgstr "Kosovo-Metoxiya"
msgctxt "district"
msgid "Kosovo-Pomoravlje"
msgstr "Kosovo-Pomoravlje"
msgctxt "district"
msgid "Kosovska Mitrovica"
msgstr "Kosovska Mitrovitsa"
msgctxt "district"
msgid "Prizren"
msgstr "Prizren"
msgctxt "district"
msgid "Peć"
msgstr "Peć"
msgctxt "district"
msgid "Kosovo"
msgstr "Kosovo"
msgctxt "district"
msgid "Zlatibor"
msgstr "Zlatibor"
msgctxt "district"
msgid "Zaječar"
msgstr "Zaječar"
msgctxt "district"
msgid "West Bačka"
msgstr "G'arbiy Bačka"
msgctxt "district"
msgid "Toplica"
msgstr "Toplica"
msgctxt "district"
msgid "Šumadija"
msgstr "Shumadija"
msgctxt "district"
msgid "Srem"
msgstr "Srem"
msgctxt "district"
msgid "South Banat"
msgstr "Janubiy Banat"
msgctxt "district"
msgid "South Bačka"
msgstr "Janubiy Bačka"
msgctxt "district"
msgid "Raška"
msgstr "Rashka"
msgctxt "district"
msgid "Rasina"
msgstr "Rasina"
msgctxt "district"
msgid "Pomoravlje"
msgstr "Pomoravlje"
msgctxt "district"
msgid "Pirot"
msgstr "Pirot"
msgctxt "district"
msgid "Pčinja"
msgstr "Pčinja"
msgctxt "district"
msgid "North Banat"
msgstr "Shimoliy Banat"
msgctxt "district"
msgid "North Bačka"
msgstr "Shimoliy Bačka"
msgctxt "district"
msgid "Nišava"
msgstr "Nishava"
msgctxt "district"
msgid "Morava"
msgstr "Morava"
msgctxt "district"
msgid "Mačva"
msgstr "Mačva"
msgctxt "district"
msgid "Kolubara"
msgstr "Kolubara"
msgctxt "district"
msgid "Jablanica"
msgstr "Yablanica"
msgctxt "district"
msgid "Danube"
msgstr "Dunay"
msgctxt "district"
msgid "Central Banat"
msgstr "Markaziy Banat"
msgctxt "district"
msgid "Braničevo"
msgstr "Branichevo"
msgctxt "district"
msgid "Bor"
msgstr "Bor"
msgid "Saint Catherine"
msgstr "Muqaddas Ketrin"
msgid "Manchester"
msgstr "Manchester"
msgid "Saint Elizabeth"
msgstr "Muqaddas Elizabeth"
msgid "Westmoreland"
msgstr "Westmoreland"
msgid "Hanover"
msgstr "Gannover"
msgid "Saint James"
msgstr "Sent Jeyms"
msgid "Trelawny"
msgstr "Trelawny"
msgid "Saint Ann"
msgstr "Aziz Ann"
msgid "Saint Mary"
msgstr "Aziz Meri"
msgid "Portland"
msgstr "Portlend"
msgid "Saint Thomas"
msgstr "Avliyo Tomas"
msgid "Saint Andrew"
msgstr "Avliyo Endryu"
msgid "Kingston"
msgstr "Kingston"
msgctxt "district"
msgid "Belgrade"
msgstr "Belgrad"
msgid "Odisha"
msgstr "Odisha"
msgid "Ladakh"
msgstr "Ladax"
msgid "Csongrád-Csanád"
msgstr "Csongrad-Csanad"
msgid "Zacapa"
msgstr "Zacapa"
msgid "Totonicapán"
msgstr "Totonikapan"
msgid "Suchitepéquez"
msgstr "Suchitepéquez"
msgid "Sololá"
msgstr "Solola"
msgid "Santa Rosa"
msgstr "Santa Rosa"
msgid "San Marcos"
msgstr "San-Markos"
msgid "Sacatepéquez"
msgstr "Sakatepekes"
msgid "Retalhuleu"
msgstr "Retalhuleu"
msgid "Quiché"
msgstr "Kishe"
msgid "Quetzaltenango"
msgstr "Ketsaltenango"
msgid "Petén"
msgstr "Peten"
msgid "Jutiapa"
msgstr "Jutiapa"
msgid "Jalapa"
msgstr "Jalapa"
msgid "Izabal"
msgstr "Izabal"
msgid "Huehuetenango"
msgstr "Huehuetenango"
msgid "Escuintla"
msgstr "Escuintla"
msgid "El Progreso"
msgstr "El Progreso"
msgid "Chiquimula"
msgstr "Chiquimula"
msgid "Chimaltenango"
msgstr "Chimaltenango"
msgid "Baja Verapaz"
msgstr "Baja Verapaz"
msgid "Alta Verapaz"
msgstr "Alta Verapaz"
msgid "San José de Ocoa"
msgstr "San-Xose de Okoa"
msgid "Hato Mayor"
msgstr "Hato meri"
msgid "Monte Plata"
msgstr "Monte Plata"
msgid "Monseñor Nouel"
msgstr "Monsenor Nouel"
msgid "Valverde"
msgstr "Valverde"
msgid "Santiago Rodríguez"
msgstr "Santyago Rodriges"
msgid "Sánchez Ramírez"
msgstr "Sanches Ramires"
msgid "San Pedro de Macorís"
msgstr "San-Pedro-de-Makoris"
msgid "San Cristóbal"
msgstr "San-Kristobal"
msgid "Samaná"
msgstr "Samana"
msgid "Hermanas Mirabal"
msgstr "Hermanas Mirabal"
msgid "Puerto Plata"
msgstr "Puerto Plata"
msgid "Peravia"
msgstr "Peravia"
msgid "Pedernales"
msgstr "Pedernales"
msgid "Monte Cristi"
msgstr "Monte Kristi"
msgid "María Trinidad Sánchez"
msgstr "Mariya Trinidad Sanches"
msgid "La Vega"
msgstr "La Vega"
msgid "La Romana"
msgstr "La Romana"
msgid "La Altagracia"
msgstr "La Altagracia"
msgid "Independencia"
msgstr "Mustaqillik"
msgid "Espaillat"
msgstr "Espaillat"
msgid "El Seibo"
msgstr "El-Seibo"
msgid "Elías Piña"
msgstr "Elias Pina"
msgid "Duarte"
msgstr "Duarte"
msgid "Dajabón"
msgstr "Dajabon"
msgid "Barahona"
msgstr "Barahona"
msgid "Baoruco"
msgstr "Baoruko"
msgid "Azua"
msgstr "Azua"
msgid "Distrito Nacional"
msgstr "Distrito Nacional"
msgid "Zou"
msgstr "Zou"
msgid "Ouémé"
msgstr "Ouemé"
msgid "Mono"
msgstr "Mono"
msgid "Littoral"
msgstr "Sohil"
msgid "Donga"
msgstr "Donga"
msgid "Kouffo"
msgstr "Kufo"
msgid "Collines"
msgstr "Collines"
msgid "Borgou"
msgstr "Borgou"
msgid "Atlantique"
msgstr "Atlantika"
msgid "Atakora"
msgstr "Atakora"
msgid "Alibori"
msgstr "Alibori"
msgid "By clicking \"Get started\", you agree to our %1$sTerms of Service%2$s"
msgstr ""
"“Ishga tushirish” tugmasini bosish orqali siz %1$sFoydalanish shartlariga"
"%2$s rozilik bildirasiz."
msgid ""
"Securely accept credit and debit cards on your site. Manage transactions "
"without leaving your WordPress dashboard. Only with WooCommerce "
msgstr ""
"Saytingizda kredit va debet kartalarini xavfsiz qabul qiling. WordPress "
"boshqaruv panelidan chiqmasdan tranzaktsiyalarni boshqaring. Faqat "
"WooCommerce to'lovlari bilan."
msgid ""
"Online courses are a great solution for any business that can teach a new "
"skill. Since courses don’t require physical product development or shipping, "
"they’re affordable, fast to create, and can generate passive income for "
"years to come. In this article, we provide you more information about "
"selling courses using WooCommerce."
msgstr ""
"Onlayn kurslar yangi mahoratni o'rgatadigan har qanday biznes uchun ajoyib "
"echimdir. Kurslar jismoniy mahsulotni ishlab chiqish yoki jo'natishni talab "
"qilmagani uchun ular hamyonbop, yaratilishi tez va kelgusi yillar davomida "
"passiv daromad keltirishi mumkin. Ushbu maqolada biz sizga WooCommerce "
"yordamida kurslarni sotish haqida ko'proq ma'lumot beramiz."
msgid "Do you want to sell online courses?"
msgstr "Onlayn kurslarni sotmoqchimisiz?"
msgid "Monitor your sales and high performing products with the Woo app."
msgstr ""
"Woo ilovasi yordamida savdo va yuqori samarali mahsulotlaringizni kuzatib "
msgid "Track your store performance on mobile"
msgstr "Mobil qurilmangizda doʻkon ish faoliyatini kuzatib boring"
msgid ""
"Notes are unavailable because the \"admin-note\" data store cannot be loaded."
msgstr ""
"Eslatmalar mavjud emas, chunki \"administrator-eslatma\" ma'lumotlar "
"omborini yuklab bo'lmaydi."
msgid ""
"Look for orders, customer info, and process refunds in one click with the "
"Woo app."
msgstr ""
"Woo ilovasi bilan bir marta bosish orqali buyurtmalar, mijozlar "
"maʼlumotlarini qidiring va toʻlovlarni qaytarib oling."
msgid "Manage your orders on the go"
msgstr "Buyurtmalaringizni yo'lda boshqaring"
msgid ""
"Uh oh... There was a problem during the Jetpack and WooCommerce Shipping & "
"Tax install. Please try again."
msgstr ""
"Oh... Jetpack va WooCommerce Shipping & Tax xizmatlarini oʻrnatishda muammo "
"yuz berdi. Iltimos, yana bir bor urinib ko'ring."
msgid ""
"We noticed that there was a problem during the Jetpack and WooCommerce "
"Shipping & Tax install. Please try again and enjoy all the advantages of "
"having the plugins connected to your store! Sorry for the inconvenience. The "
"\"Jetpack\" and \"WooCommerce Shipping & Tax\" plugins will be installed & "
"activated for free."
msgstr ""
"Jetpack va WooCommerce Shipping & Tax o'rnatish vaqtida muammo borligini "
"payqadik. Iltimos, qayta urinib ko'ring va do'koningizga ulangan "
"plaginlarning barcha afzalliklaridan bahramand bo'ling! Noqulaylik uchun "
"uzr. \"Jetpack\" va \"WooCommerce Shipping & Tax\" plaginlari bepul "
"o'rnatiladi va faollashtiriladi."
msgid "You're invited to share your experience"
msgstr "Siz o'z tajribangizni baham ko'rishga taklif qilinasiz"
msgid "Edit and create new products from your mobile devices with the Woo app"
msgstr ""
"Woo ilovasi yordamida mobil qurilmalaringizdan yangi mahsulotlarni "
"tahrirlang va yarating"
msgid ""
"You want your product catalog and images to look great and align with your "
"brand. This guide will give you all the tips you need to get your products "
"looking great in your store."
msgstr ""
"Siz mahsulot katalogingiz va rasmlaringiz ajoyib ko'rinishini va "
"brendingizga mos kelishini xohlaysiz. Ushbu qo'llanma sizga mahsulotingizni "
"do'koningizda ajoyib ko'rinishga ega bo'lish uchun kerak bo'lgan barcha "
"maslahatlarni beradi."
msgid "Edit products on the move"
msgstr "Harakatda mahsulotlarni tahrirlang"
msgid "How to customize your product catalog"
msgstr "Mahsulot katalogini qanday sozlash mumkin"
msgid "Visit the theme marketplace"
msgstr "Mavzu bozoriga tashrif buyuring"
msgid ""
"Check out the themes that are compatible with WooCommerce and choose one "
"aligned with your brand and business needs."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce bilan mos keladigan mavzularni ko'rib chiqing va brendingiz va "
"biznes ehtiyojlaringizga mos keladigan birini tanlang."
msgid "Choosing a theme?"
msgstr "Mavzu tanlayapsizmi?"
msgid ""
"There are three ways to add your products: you can create products "
"manually, import them at once via CSV file, or migrate them "
"from another service.
msgstr ""
"Mahsulotlaringizni qo'shishning uchta usuli mavjud: siz "
"mahsulotlarni qo'lda yaratishingiz, ularni CSV fayli orqali bir "
"vaqtning o'zida import qilishingiz yoki boshqa xizmatdan "
"ko'chirishingiz mumkin .
msgid ""
"Nice one; you've created a WooCommerce store! Now it's time to add your "
"first product and get ready to start selling.%s"
msgstr ""
"Yahshisi; siz WooCommerce do'konini yaratdingiz! Endi birinchi "
"mahsulotingizni qo‘shish va sotishni boshlash vaqti keldi.%s"
msgid "Setup Wizard"
msgstr "Mavzularni sozlash ustasi"
msgid "Adds the new WooCommerce settings UI."
msgstr "Yangi WooCommerce sozlamalari UI qo'shiladi."
msgid ""
"Securely accept credit and debit cards with one low rate, no surprise fees "
"(custom rates available). Sell online and in store and track sales and "
"inventory in one place."
msgstr ""
"Kredit va debet kartalarini bitta past stavka bilan, hech qanday "
"ajablantiradigan to'lovsiz xavfsiz qabul qiling (maxsus narxlar mavjud). "
"Internetda va do'konlarda soting va sotuvlar va inventarlarni bir joyda "
"kuzatib boring."
msgid ""
"Enable PayU’s exclusive plugin for WooCommerce to start accepting payments "
"in 100+ payment methods available in India including credit cards, debit "
"cards, UPI, & more!"
msgstr ""
"Hindistonda mavjud bo‘lgan 100 dan ortiq to‘lov usullari, jumladan kredit "
"kartalari, debet kartalari, UPI va boshqalarda to‘lovlarni qabul qilishni "
"boshlash uchun PayU’ning WooCommerce uchun eksklyuziv plaginini yoqing!"
msgid "PayU for WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce uchun PayU"
msgid ""
"The official Razorpay extension for WooCommerce allows you to accept credit "
"cards, debit cards, netbanking, wallet, and UPI payments."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce uchun rasmiy Razorpay kengaytmasi kredit kartalari, debet "
"kartalari, netbanking, hamyon va UPI to'lovlarini qabul qilish imkonini "
msgid ""
"Manage transactions without leaving your WordPress Dashboard. Only with "
"WooCommerce Payments."
msgstr ""
"WordPress boshqaruv panelidan chiqmasdan tranzaktsiyalarni boshqaring. Faqat "
"WooCommerce to'lovlari bilan."
msgid "Razorpay"
msgstr "Razorpay"
msgid "Take payments via bank transfer."
msgstr "To'lovlarni bank o'tkazmasi orqali amalga oshiring."
msgid "Take payments in cash upon delivery."
msgstr "To'lovni naqd pulda oling."
msgid ""
"Safe and secure payments using credit cards or your customer's PayPal "
msgstr ""
"Kredit kartalari yoki uzcard, humo va PayPal orqali xavfsiz va qulay "
msgid "PayPal Payments"
msgstr "PayPal to'lovlari"
msgid ""
"Accept credit and debit cards, offline (cash or bank transfer) and logged-in "
"payments with money in Mercado Pago. Safe and secure payments with the "
"leading payment processor in LATAM."
msgstr ""
"Mercado Pago'da kredit va debet kartalarini, oflayn (naqd pul yoki bank "
"o'tkazmasi) va tizimga kirgan pul bilan to'lovlarni qabul qiling. LATAMdagi "
"yetakchi toʻlov protsessorlari bilan xavfsiz va xavfsiz toʻlovlar."
msgid "Mercado Pago Checkout Pro & Custom"
msgstr "Mercado Pago Checkout Pro & Custom"
msgid ""
"Effortless payments by Mollie: Offer global and local payment methods, get "
"onboarded in minutes, and supported in your language."
msgstr ""
"Mollie tomonidan oson to'lovlar: global va mahalliy to'lov usullarini taklif "
"qiling, bir necha daqiqada ishga tushing va o'z tilingizda qo'llab-"
msgid "Mollie"
msgstr "Molli"
msgid ""
"Choose the payment that you want, pay now, pay later or slice it. No credit "
"card numbers, no passwords, no worries."
msgstr ""
"O'zingiz xohlagan to'lovni tanlang, hozir to'lang, keyinroq to'lang. Kredit "
"karta raqamlari yo'q, parollar yo'q, tashvishlar yo'q."
msgid "Klarna Payments"
msgstr "Klarna to'lovlari"
msgid ""
"Paystack helps African merchants accept one-time and recurring payments "
"online with a modern, safe, and secure payment gateway."
msgstr ""
"Paystack afrikalik savdogarlarga zamonaviy, xavfsiz va xavfsiz to'lov "
"shlyuzi bilan onlayn bir martalik va takroriy to'lovlarni qabul qilishga "
"yordam beradi."
msgid "Klarna Checkout"
msgstr "Klarna tekshiruvi"
msgid "Paystack"
msgstr "Ish haqi"
msgid ""
"Accept debit and credit cards in 135+ currencies, methods such as Alipay, "
"and one-touch checkout with Apple Pay."
msgstr ""
"135+ valyutadagi debet va kredit kartalarini, Alipay kabi usullarni va Apple "
"Pay yordamida bir martalik to'lovni qabul qiling."
msgid ""
"If you need to enable or disable the extended task lists, please click on "
"the button below."
msgstr ""
"Agar kengaytirilgan vazifalar ro'yxatini yoqish yoki o'chirish kerak bo'lsa, "
"iltimos, quyidagi tugmani bosing."
msgid "Extended task List"
msgstr "Kengaytirilgan vazifalar ro'yxati"
msgid ""
"If you need to enable or disable the task lists, please click on the button "
msgstr ""
"Vazifalar ro'yxatini yoqish yoki o'chirish kerak bo'lsa, iltimos, quyidagi "
"tugmani bosing."
msgid ""
"The item ID %1$s attempted to register using an invalid option. The "
"arguments `menuId` and `parent` are not allowed for add_setting_item()"
msgstr ""
"Element identifikatori %1$s yaroqsiz parametr yordamida roʻyxatdan oʻtishga "
"harakat qildi. add_setting_item() uchun \"menuId\" va \"ota-ona\" "
"argumentlariga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid ""
"You have attempted to register a duplicate item with WooCommerce Navigation: "
msgstr ""
"Siz WooCommerce Navigation bilan takroriy elementni roʻyxatdan oʻtkazishga "
"harakat qildingiz: %1$s"
msgid "%1$s %2$sUpdate WordPress to enable the new navigation%3$s"
msgstr "%1$s %2$sYangi navigatsiyani yoqish uchun WordPressni yangilang%3$s"
msgid "WooCommerce Home"
msgstr "WooCommerce uyi"
msgid "Favorite item not found"
msgstr "Sevimli element topilmadi"
msgid "Adds the new WooCommerce navigation experience to the dashboard"
msgstr "Boshqaruv paneliga yangi WooCommerce navigatsiya tajribasini qo'shadi"
msgid "Favorite already exists"
msgstr "Sevimli allaqachon mavjud"
msgid "Utilities"
msgstr "Utilitalar"
msgid "How easy was it to add a product tag?"
msgstr "Mahsulot yorlig'ini qo'shish qanchalik oson edi?"
msgid "How easy was it to add a product attribute?"
msgstr "Mahsulot atributini qo'shish qanchalik oson edi?"
msgid "How easy was it to add product category?"
msgstr "Mahsulot toifasini qo'shish qanchalik oson edi?"
msgid "How easy was it to update your settings?"
msgstr "Sozlamalarni yangilash qanchalik oson bo'ldi?"
msgid "How easy was it to import products?"
msgstr "Mahsulotlarni import qilish qanchalik oson edi?"
msgid "How easy was it to use search?"
msgstr "Qidiruvdan foydalanish qanchalik oson edi?"
msgid ""
"This tool will reset the cached values used in WooCommerce Analytics. If "
"numbers still look off, try %1$sReimporting Historical Data%2$s."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu vosita WooCommerce Analytics-da ishlatiladigan keshlangan qiymatlarni "
"tiklaydi. Agar raqamlar hali ham oʻzgarmasa, %1$sTarixiy maʼlumotlarni qayta "
"import qilishni%2$s sinab koʻring."
msgid "Enables WooCommerce Analytics"
msgstr "WooCommerce Analytics-ni yoqadi"
msgid "Number of variation items sold."
msgstr "Sotilgan mahsulotlar soni."
msgid "Variations Sold"
msgstr "Variantlar sotilgan"
msgid "Limit result set to variations not in the specified categories."
msgstr ""
"Natijalar toʻplamini belgilangan toifalarga kirmaydigan oʻzgarishlar bilan "
msgid "Limit result set to variations in the specified categories."
msgstr ""
"Natijalar to'plamini belgilangan toifalardagi o'zgarishlar bilan cheklang."
msgid ""
"Limit result set to variations that don't include the specified attributes."
msgstr ""
"Natijalar toʻplamini belgilangan atributlarni oʻz ichiga olmaydigan "
"oʻzgarishlar bilan cheklang."
msgid "Limit result set to variations that include the specified attributes."
msgstr ""
"Natijalar to'plamini belgilangan atributlarni o'z ichiga olgan o'zgarishlar "
"bilan cheklang."
msgid "Add additional piece of info about each variation to the report."
msgstr "Hisobotga har bir o'zgarish haqida qo'shimcha ma'lumot qo'shing."
msgid ""
"Limit result set to items that don't have the specified parent product(s)."
msgstr ""
"Natijalar toʻplamini belgilangan asosiy mahsulot(lar)ga ega boʻlmagan "
"elementlar bilan cheklang."
msgid "Limit result set to items that have the specified parent product(s)."
msgstr "Natijalar toʻplamini koʻrsatilgan asosiy mahsulot(lar) bilan cheklang."
msgid "Number of product items sold."
msgstr "Sotilgan mahsulotlar soni."
msgid "Limit result set to orders that have the specified customer_type"
msgstr "Natijani belgilangan mijoz_turi bo'lgan buyurtmalar bilan cheklang"
msgid "Alias for customer_type (deprecated)."
msgstr "customer_type uchun taxallus (eskirgan)."
msgid ""
"Limit result set to orders that don't include products with the specified "
msgstr ""
"Belgilangan atributlarga ega mahsulotlarni o'z ichiga olmaydigan buyurtmalar "
"uchun natijalar to'plamini cheklang."
msgid ""
"Limit result set to orders that include products with the specified "
msgstr ""
"Belgilangan atributlarga ega mahsulotlarni o'z ichiga olgan buyurtmalar "
"uchun natijalar to'plamini cheklang."
msgid ""
"Limit result set to items that don't have the specified variation(s) "
msgstr ""
"Natijalar toʻplamini belgilangan variatsiya(lar)ga ega boʻlmagan elementlar "
"bilan cheklang."
msgid ""
"Limit result set to items that have the specified variation(s) assigned."
msgstr ""
"Natijalar toʻplamini belgilangan variatsiya(lar)ga ega boʻlgan elementlar "
"bilan cheklang."
msgid "Net total revenue (formatted)."
msgstr "Sof jami daromad (formatlangan)."
msgid "Stats about variations."
msgstr "Variatsiyalar haqida statistika."
msgid "Variations detailed reports."
msgstr "Variatsiyalar batafsil hisobotlar."
msgid "Search by similar product name, sku, or attribute value."
msgstr "Oʻxshash mahsulot nomi, sku yoki atribut qiymati boʻyicha qidiring."
msgid "Export ID."
msgstr "Eksport identifikatori."
msgid "Export status."
msgstr "Eksport holati."
msgid "Limit result set to products that are low or out of stock. (Deprecated)"
msgstr ""
"Natijalar to'plamini kam yoki zaxirada bo'lmagan mahsulotlar bilan cheklang. "
msgid ""
"The date the last order for this product was placed, in the site's timezone."
msgstr "Ushbu mahsulotga oxirgi buyurtma berilgan sana, sayt vaqt mintaqasida."
msgid "Search by similar attribute name."
msgstr "O'xshash atribut nomi bo'yicha qidiring."
msgid "Slug identifier for the resource."
msgstr "Resurs uchun slug identifikatori."
msgid "Homepage created"
msgstr "Bosh sahifa yaratildi."
msgid "Source of note."
msgstr "Eslatma manbai."
msgid "Sorry, creating the product with template failed."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, shablonli mahsulotni yaratib bo‘lmadi."
msgid "Product template name."
msgstr "Mahsulot shablonining nomi."
msgid "Invalid user_id provided"
msgstr "Noto'g'ri user_id berilgan"
msgid "No product attribute with that slug was found."
msgstr "Bu slug bilan hech qanday mahsulot atributi topilmadi."
msgid "Please provide an array of IDs through the noteIds param."
msgstr "NoteIds parametri orqali identifikatorlar qatorini taqdim eting."
msgid "The file URL has been copied to your clipboard"
msgstr "Fayl manzilidan nuxsa olindi"
msgid "Qostanay"
msgstr "Qostanay"
msgid "Nuuk"
msgstr "Nuuk"
msgid "Finish setup"
msgstr "Sozlashni tugating"
msgid ""
"Total tax on shipping. If shipping has not been calculated, a null response "
"will be sent."
msgstr ""
"Yuk tashish uchun umumiy soliq. Agar etkazib berish hisoblanmagan bo'lsa, "
"null javob yuboriladi."
msgid ""
"Total price of shipping. If shipping has not been calculated, a null "
"response will be sent."
msgstr ""
"Yetkazib berishning umumiy narxi. Agar etkazib berish hisoblanmagan bo'lsa, "
"null javob yuboriladi."
msgid "Subscriptions."
msgstr "Obunalar"
msgid "Separate multiple classes with spaces."
msgstr "Ko'p klasslarni bo'sh joy bilan ajrating."
msgid "Disallowed Comment Keys"
msgstr "Ta'qiqlangan fikr kalitlari"
msgctxt "Template name"
msgid "Single Product"
msgstr "Yagona mahsulot"
msgid ""
"Store downtime means lost sales. One-click restores get you back online "
"quickly if something goes wrong."
msgstr ""
"Do'konning ishlamay qolishi savdo yo'qolgan degan ma'noni anglatadi. Agar "
"biror narsa noto'g'ri bo'lsa, bir marta bosish orqali qayta tiklash sizni "
"tezda Internetga qaytaradi."
msgid "Protect your WooCommerce Store with Jetpack Backup."
msgstr "WooCommerce do'koningizni Jetpack Backup bilan himoya qiling."
msgid "Google Listings & Ads"
msgstr "Google roʻyxati va reklamalari"
msgid "Block pattern category \"%s\" not found."
msgstr "\"%s\" blok namunasi bo'limi topilmadi."
msgid "Frequently asked questions"
msgstr "tez-tez so'raladigan savollar"
msgid "Product Price"
msgstr "Mahsulot narxi"
msgid "No theme is defined for this template."
msgstr "Ushbu shablon uchun mavzu aniqlanmagan."
msgid "Plugin deactivated."
msgstr "Plagin nofaollashtirildi."
msgid "Plugin activated."
msgstr "Plagin faollashtirildi."
msgid "Guide controls"
msgstr "Yo'nalish boshqaruvi"
msgid "No route was found matching the URL and request method."
msgstr "URL manzil va so'rov usuliga mos yo'l topilmadi."
msgid "The handler for the route is invalid."
msgstr "Yo'nalishdagi yordamchi yaroqsiz."
msgid "Generate password"
msgstr "Parol yaratish"
msgid "Next steps"
msgstr "Keyingi qadamlar"
msgid "Erase personal data"
msgstr "Shaxsiy ma'lumotni o'chirish"
msgid "Update WordPress"
msgstr "WordPress yangilash"
msgid "Save payment information to my account for future purchases."
msgstr "Kelgusi xaridlar uchun toʻlov maʼlumotlarini mening hisobimga saqlang."
msgid "Payment Methods"
msgstr "To'lov usullari"
msgid "Payment:"
msgstr "To'lov"
msgid "%d item"
msgid_plural "%d items"
msgstr[0] "%d ta element"
msgid "Server address"
msgstr "Server manzili"
msgid "Electric grass"
msgstr "Elektr o'tloq"
msgid "Pale ocean"
msgstr "Oq okean"
msgid "Luminous dusk"
msgstr "Mavjli ufq"
msgid "Blush bordeaux"
msgstr "Yorqin vino"
msgid "Blush light purple"
msgstr "Yorqin pushti rang"
msgid "Cool to warm spectrum"
msgstr "Sovuqdan issiqqa o'zgartirish"
msgid "Very light gray to cyan bluish gray"
msgstr "Juda yorqin kulrangdan o'tkir kulrangga"
msgid "Luminous vivid orange to vivid red"
msgstr "Yorqin apelsin rangdan och qizilga"
msgid "Luminous vivid amber to luminous vivid orange"
msgstr "Yorqin marvarid rangidan ochiq yorqin apelsin rangiga"
msgid "Vivid purple"
msgstr "Yorqin pushti rang"
msgid "Light green cyan to vivid green cyan"
msgstr "Yorqin yashil rangdan to'q yashil rangga"
msgid "Vivid cyan blue to vivid purple"
msgstr "To'q ko'k rangdan yorqin och ko'k rangga"
msgid ""
"Your installation of the WooCommerce Blocks feature plugin is incomplete. "
"Please run %1$s within the %2$s directory."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce Blocks xususiyat plaginini o'rnatishingiz tugallanmagan. Iltimos "
"%2$s katalogida%1$s dasturini ishlating."
msgid "Invalid coupons were removed from the cart: \"%s\""
msgstr "Savatdan yaroqsiz kuponlar olib tashlandi: \"%s\""
msgid "Cannot create order from empty cart."
msgstr "Boʻsh savatdan buyurtma yaratib boʻlmaydi."
msgid ""%s" is not available for purchase."
msgstr ""%s" sotib olish mumkin emas."
msgid "No matching variation found."
msgstr "Hech narsa topilmadi."
msgid "Missing variation data for variable product."
msgstr "O'zgaruvchan mahsulot uchun o'zgaruvchan ma'lumotlar yo'q."
msgid "Invalid value posted for %1$s. Allowed values: %2$s"
msgstr ""
"%1$s uchun noto'g'ri qiymat joylashtirilgan. Ruxsat berilgan qiymatlar: %2$s"
msgid "The \"%1$s\" coupon has been removed from your cart: %2$s"
msgstr "“%1$s” kuponi savatdan olib tashlandi: %2$s"
msgid ""
"\"%s\" has already been applied and cannot be used in conjunction with other "
msgstr ""
"“%s” allaqachon qo‘llanilgan va uni boshqa kuponlar bilan birgalikda "
"ishlatib bo‘lmaydi."
msgid "This product cannot be added to the cart."
msgstr "Ushbu mahsulotni savatga qo'shib bo'lmaydi."
msgid "Coupon code \"%s\" has already been applied."
msgstr "“%s” kupon kodi allaqachon qo‘llanilgan."
msgid "\"%s\" is an invalid coupon code."
msgstr "“%s” yaroqsiz kupon kodi."
msgid "Unable to retrieve cart."
msgstr "Savatni yuklab olib bo'lmadi."
msgid "Parent term ID, if applicable."
msgstr "Mavjud bo'lsa, ota-ona identifikatori."
msgid "Cart item is invalid."
msgstr "Savatdagi mahsulot yaroqsiz."
msgid "Number of objects (posts of any type) assigned to the term."
msgstr "Muddatga tayinlangan ob'ektlar soni (har qanday turdagi postlar)."
msgid "Add to cart URL."
msgstr "URL manzilini savatga qo‘shish."
msgid ""
"Is the product stock backordered? This will also return false if backorder "
"notifications are turned off."
msgstr ""
"Mahsulot zaxirasiga buyurtma berilganmi? Bu, shuningdek, buyurtma "
"bildirishnomalari o'chirilgan bo'lsa, \"false\"ni qaytaradi."
msgid "Button description."
msgstr "Tugmacha tavsifi."
msgid "Add to cart button parameters."
msgstr "Savatga qo'shish tugmachasining parametrlarini qo'shish."
msgid "Term description."
msgstr "Muddati tavsifi."
msgid "String based identifier for the term."
msgstr "Terminga asoslangan identifikator."
msgid ""
"Does the product have additional options before it can be added to the cart?"
msgstr ""
"Mahsulotni savatga qo'shishdan oldin uning qo'shimcha imkoniyatlari bormi?"
msgid "Is the product in stock?"
msgstr "Mahsulot sotuvda mavjudmi?"
msgid "Is the product purchasable?"
msgstr "Mahsulot sotib olinadimi?"
msgid "The assigned attribute."
msgstr "Belgilangan atribut."
msgid "List of variation attributes."
msgstr "Variatsiya atributlari ro'yxati."
msgid "The term slug."
msgstr "Slug atamasi."
msgid "The term name."
msgstr "Termin nomi."
msgid "The term ID, or 0 if the attribute is not a global attribute."
msgstr "ID atamasi yoki atribut global atribut bo'lmasa 0."
msgid "List of assigned attribute terms."
msgstr "Belgilangan atribut shartlari ro'yxati."
msgid "List of variation IDs, if applicable."
msgstr "Agar mavjud bo'lsa, o'zgarishlar identifikatorlari ro'yxati."
msgid "True if this attribute is used by product variations."
msgstr "Bu atribut mahsulot oʻzgarishlari tomonidan ishlatilsa, toʻgʻri."
msgid "The attribute taxonomy, or null if the attribute is not taxonomy based."
msgstr ""
"Atribut taksonomiyasi yoki atribut taksonomiyaga asoslanmagan bo'lsa null."
msgid "The attribute name."
msgstr "Atribut nomi."
msgid "The attribute ID, or 0 if the attribute is not taxonomy based."
msgstr ""
"Atribut identifikatori yoki agar atribut taksonomiyaga asoslanmagan bo'lsa, "
msgid "Tag link"
msgstr "Teg havola"
msgid "Tag slug"
msgstr "Tag slug"
msgid "Tag ID"
msgstr "Teg ID"
msgid "List of tags, if applicable."
msgstr "Teglar ro'yxati, agar mavjud bo'lsa."
msgid "Category link"
msgstr "Kategoriya havolasi"
msgid "Category slug"
msgstr "Slug toifasi"
msgid "Category name"
msgstr "Turkum nomi"
msgid "List of categories, if applicable."
msgstr "Agar mavjud bo'lsa, toifalar ro'yxati."
msgid "Price string formatted as HTML."
msgstr "Narxlar qatori HTML formatida."
msgid "Price data provided using the smallest unit of the currency."
msgstr ""
"Pul birligining eng kichik birligidan foydalangan holda taqdim etilgan narx "
msgid "Amount of reviews that the product has."
msgstr "Mahsulotga berilgan sharhlar soni."
msgid "ID of the parent product, if applicable."
msgstr "Agar mavjud bo'lsa, asosiy mahsulotning identifikatori."
msgid "Is the product on sale?"
msgstr "Mahsulot sotiladimi?"
msgid "Image of the product that the review belongs to."
msgstr "Sharhga tegishli bo'lgan mahsulotning tasviri."
msgid "Permalink of the product that the review belongs to."
msgstr "Sharhga tegishli bo'lgan mahsulotning doimiy havolasi."
msgid "Product variation attributes, if applicable."
msgstr "Agar mumkin bo'lsa, mahsulot turlarini o'zgartirish xususiyatlari."
msgid "Name of the product that the review belongs to."
msgstr "Sharhga tegishli bo'lgan mahsulot nomi."
msgid ""
"The date the review was created, in the site's timezone in human-readable "
msgstr ""
"Sharh yaratilgan sana, insonning o'qishi uchun mo'ljallangan, vaqt zonasida."
msgid "Returns number of products within attribute terms."
msgstr "Atribut shartlaridagi mahsulotlar sonini qaytaradi."
msgid "Returns number of products with each average rating."
msgstr "Har bir o'rtacha bahoga ega bo'lgan mahsulotlar sonini qaytaradi."
msgid ""
"Min and max prices found in collection of products, provided using the "
"smallest unit of the currency."
msgstr ""
"Pul birligining eng kichik birligidan foydalangan holda taqdim etilgan "
"mahsulotlar kolleksiyasida topilgan minimal va maksimal narxlar."
msgid "Max price found in collection of products."
msgstr "Mahsulotlar to'plamida eng yuqori narx."
msgid "Min price found in collection of products."
msgstr "Mahsulotlar to'plamida topilgan minimal narx."
msgid "Number of reviews for products in this category."
msgstr "Ushbu turkumdagi mahsulotlar uchun sharhlar soni."
msgid "Category image."
msgstr "Kategoriyadagi rasm."
msgid "Category URL."
msgstr "Toifa URL manzili."
msgid "Number of terms in the attribute taxonomy."
msgstr "Atribut taksonomiyasida atamalar soni."
msgid "The attribute taxonomy name."
msgstr "Atribut taksonomiyasi nomi."
msgid "If this attribute has term archive pages."
msgstr "Agar bu atributda muddatli arxiv sahifalari bo'lsa."
msgid "How terms in this attribute are sorted by default."
msgstr "Ushbu atributdagi atamalar sukut bo'yicha tartiblangan."
msgid "Attribute type."
msgstr "Atribut turi."
msgid "Error message"
msgstr "Xato xabar"
msgid "Error code"
msgstr "Xato kodi"
msgid ""
"A URL to redirect the customer after checkout. This could be, for example, a "
"link to the payment processors website."
msgstr ""
"To'lovdan keyin mijozni qayta yo'naltirish uchun URL. Bu, masalan, to'lov "
"protsessorlari veb-saytiga havola bo'lishi mumkin."
msgid "Thumbnail sizes for responsive images."
msgstr "Javob beradigan rasmlar uchun eskiz o'lchamlari."
msgid "Thumbnail srcset for responsive images."
msgstr "Javob beradigan rasmlar uchun eskiz srcset."
msgid "Thumbnail URL."
msgstr "Eskizning URL manzili."
msgid "Full size image URL."
msgstr "To'liq o'lchamli rasmning URL manzili."
msgid "An array of data being returned from the payment gateway."
msgstr "Toʻlov shlyuzidan qaytarilayotgan maʼlumotlar majmuasi."
msgid ""
"Status of the payment returned by the gateway. One of success, pending, "
"failure, error."
msgstr ""
"Shlyuz tomonidan qaytarilgan to'lovning holati. Muvaffaqiyatdan biri, "
"kutilayotgan, muvaffaqiyatsizlik, xato."
msgid "Result of payment processing, or false if not yet processed."
msgstr ""
"To'lovni qayta ishlash natijasi yoki hali qayta ishlanmagan bo'lsa, "
msgid "The ID of the payment method being used to process the payment."
msgstr ""
"Toʻlovni amalga oshirish uchun foydalanilayotgan toʻlov usulining "
msgid "Customer ID if registered. Will return 0 for guests."
msgstr ""
"Agar ro'yxatdan o'tgan bo'lsa, mijoz identifikatori. Mehmonlar uchun 0 ni "
msgid ""
"Order key used to check validity or protect access to certain order data."
msgstr ""
"Buyurtma kaliti ma'lum buyurtma ma'lumotlarining haqiqiyligini tekshirish "
"yoki kirishni himoya qilish uchun ishlatiladi."
msgid "Note added to the order by the customer during checkout."
msgstr "Hisob-kitob paytida mijoz tomonidan buyurtmaga qo'shilgan eslatma."
msgid "Order status. Payment providers will update this value after payment."
msgstr ""
"Buyurtma holati. Toʻlov provayderlari toʻlovdan keyin bu qiymatni yangilaydi."
msgid ""
"True if this is the rate currently selected by the customer for the cart."
msgstr ""
"Agar bu mijoz tomonidan savat uchun hozirda tanlangan tarif bo‘lsa, to‘g‘ri."
msgid "The order ID to process during checkout."
msgstr "To'lov vaqtida qayta ishlanadigan buyurtma identifikatori."
msgid "Meta data attached to the shipping rate."
msgstr "Yuk tashish tezligiga meta-ma'lumotlar biriktirilgan."
msgid "Instance ID of the shipping method that provided the rate."
msgstr "Tarifni taqdim etgan yetkazib berish usuli namunasi identifikatori."
msgid "ID of the shipping method that provided the rate."
msgstr "Tarifni taqdim etgan etkazib berish usuli identifikatori."
msgid ""
"Taxes applied to this shipping rate using the smallest unit of the currency."
msgstr ""
"Pul birligining eng kichik birligidan foydalangan holda ushbu yuk tashish "
"stavkasiga soliqlar qo'llaniladi."
msgid "Price of this shipping rate using the smallest unit of the currency."
msgstr ""
"Pul birligining eng kichik birligidan foydalangan holda ushbu yuk stavkasi "
msgid "Delivery time estimate text, e.g. 3-5 business days."
msgstr "Etkazib berish muddati taxminiy matni, masalan. 3-5 ish kuni."
msgid "Description of the shipping rate, e.g. Dispatched via USPS."
msgstr "Yuk tashish tezligining tavsifi, masalan. USPS orqali yuboriladi."
msgid "Name of the shipping rate, e.g. Express shipping."
msgstr "Yuk tashish tarifining nomi, masalan. Ekspress yetkazib berish."
msgid "ID of the shipping rate."
msgstr "Yuk tashish narxining identifikatori."
msgid "List of shipping rates."
msgstr "Yuk tashish tariflari ro'yxati."
msgid "Quantity of the item in the current package."
msgstr "Joriy paketdagi mahsulot miqdori."
msgid "Name of the item."
msgstr "Elementning nomi."
msgid "List of cart items the returned shipping rates apply to."
msgstr ""
"Qaytarilgan yuk tashish tariflari qo'llaniladigan savat buyumlari ro'yxati."
msgid "Shipping destination address."
msgstr "Yuk tashish manzili."
msgid "Name of the package."
msgstr "Paket nomi."
msgid "The ID of the package the shipping rates belong to."
msgstr "Yuk tashish tariflari tegishli paket identifikatori."
msgid ""
"List of cart item errors, for example, items in the cart which are out of "
msgstr ""
"Savatdagi xatoliklar roʻyxati, masalan, savatdagi zaxiradagi mahsulotlar."
msgid "The amount of tax charged."
msgstr "Olingan soliq miqdori."
msgid "The name of the tax."
msgstr "Soliqning nomi."
msgid "Lines of taxes applied to items and shipping."
msgstr "Tovarlar va jo'natish uchun qo'llaniladigan soliq qatorlari."
msgid "Total tax applied to items and shipping."
msgstr "Tovarlar va jo'natish uchun qo'llaniladigan umumiy soliq."
msgid "Total price the customer will pay."
msgstr "Xaridor to'laydigan umumiy narx."
msgid "Total tax removed due to discount from applied coupons."
msgstr "Amaldagi kuponlardan chegirma tufayli jami soliq olib tashlandi."
msgid "Total discount from applied coupons."
msgstr "Amaldagi kuponlardan umumiy chegirma."
msgid "Total tax on fees."
msgstr "To'lovlar bo'yicha umumiy soliq."
msgid "Total price of any applied fees."
msgstr "Har qanday qo'llaniladigan to'lovlarning umumiy narxi."
msgid "Total tax on items in the cart."
msgstr "Savatdagi narsalar uchun umumiy soliq."
msgid "Total price of items in the cart."
msgstr "Savatdagi narsalarning umumiy narxi."
msgid "Cart total amounts provided using the smallest unit of the currency."
msgstr ""
"Savatdagi jami summalar valyutaning eng kichik birligidan foydalangan holda "
"taqdim etiladi."
msgid ""
"True if the cart needs shipping. False for carts with only digital goods or "
"stores with no shipping methods set-up."
msgstr ""
"Savat yuk tashishga muhtoj bo'lsa, to'g'ri. Faqat raqamli tovarlar yoki "
"tashish usullari o'rnatilmagan do'konlar uchun noto'g'ri."
msgid ""
"True if the cart needs payment. False for carts with only free products and "
"no shipping costs."
msgstr ""
"Agar aravaga to'lov kerak bo'lsa, to'g'ri. Faqat bepul mahsulotlar va yuk "
"tashish xarajatlari bo'lmagan aravalar uchun noto'g'ri."
msgid "List of available shipping rates for the cart."
msgstr "Savat uchun mavjud yuk stavkalari ro'yxati."
msgid "Current set shipping address for the customer."
msgstr "Mijoz uchun joriy yuk tashish manzili."
msgid "List of applied cart coupons."
msgstr "Qo'llaniladigan arava kuponlari ro'yxati."
msgid "Total weight (in grams) of all products in the cart."
msgstr "Savatdagi barcha mahsulotlarning umumiy og'irligi (grammda)."
msgid "List of cart items."
msgstr "Savat buyumlari ro'yxati."
msgid "Number of items in the cart."
msgstr "Savatdagi narsalar soni."
msgid "Line total tax."
msgstr "Satr umumiy soliq."
msgid ""
"Line total (the price of the product after coupon discounts have been "
msgstr "Jami qator (kupon chegirmalari qo'llanilgandan keyin mahsulot narxi)."
msgid ""
"Line subtotal (the price of the product before coupon discounts have been "
msgstr ""
"Satr oraliq jami (kupon chegirmalari qo'llanilishidan oldingi mahsulot "
msgid "Line subtotal tax."
msgstr "Satr oraliq soliq."
msgid "Item total amounts provided using the smallest unit of the currency."
msgstr ""
"Pul birligining eng kichik birligidan foydalangan holda taqdim etilgan "
"elementning umumiy summalari."
msgid "Decimal precision of the returned prices."
msgstr "Qaytarilgan narxlarning o'nlik aniqligi."
msgid ""
"Raw unrounded product prices used in calculations. Provided using a higher "
"unit of precision than the currency."
msgstr ""
"Hisob-kitoblarda qo'llaniladigan xom-ashyosiz mahsulot narxlari. Valyutaga "
"nisbatan yuqoriroq aniqlik birligidan foydalangan holda taqdim etiladi."
msgid "Price amount."
msgstr "Narx miqdori."
msgid "Price range, if applicable."
msgstr "Narxlar oralig'i (agar kerak bo'lsa)."
msgid "Sale product price, if applicable."
msgstr "Mahsulot chegirma narxida (agar mavjud bo'lsa)."
msgid ""
"Price data for the product in the current line item, including or excluding "
"taxes based on the \"display prices during cart and checkout\" setting. "
"Provided using the smallest unit of the currency."
msgstr ""
"Joriy qatordagi mahsulot narxlari maʼlumotlari, jumladan, “savat va toʻlov "
"vaqtida narxlarni koʻrsatish” sozlamasiga asoslangan soliqlar yoki soliqlar "
"bundan mustasno. Pul birligining eng kichik birligidan foydalangan holda "
"taqdim etiladi."
msgid "Regular product price."
msgstr "Oddiy mahsulot narxi."
msgid ""
"If true, only one item of this product is allowed for purchase in a single "
msgstr ""
"Agar rost boʻlsa, bitta buyurtmada ushbu mahsulotning faqat bitta elementini "
"sotib olishga ruxsat beriladi."
msgid "True if the product is on backorder."
msgstr "To'g'ri, agar mahsulot buyurtmada bo'lsa."
msgid "True if backorders are allowed past stock availability."
msgstr ""
"Agar zaxiralar mavjud bo‘lganidan keyin buyurtma berishga ruxsat berilsa, "
msgid "Quantity left in stock if stock is low, or null if not applicable."
msgstr ""
"Agar zaxiralar kam bo'lsa, zaxirada qoladigan miqdor, agar mavjud bo'lmasa, "
msgid "Product full description in HTML format."
msgstr "Mahsulotning to'liq tavsifi HTML formatida."
msgid "Stock keeping unit, if applicable."
msgstr "Agar iloji bo'lsa, zaxiralarni saqlash birligi."
msgid "Total tax removed due to discount applied by this coupon."
msgstr "Ushbu kupon qoʻllanilgan chegirma tufayli jami soliq olib tashlandi."
msgid "Product short description in HTML format."
msgstr "HTML formatida mahsulotning qisqacha tavsifi."
msgid "The coupons unique code."
msgstr "Kuponlarning noyob kodi."
msgid "%1$s requires an instance of %2$s or %3$s for the address"
msgstr "%1$s manzil uchun %2$s yoki %3$s misolini talab qiladi"
msgid "Total discount applied by this coupon."
msgstr "Ushbu kupon tomonidan qo'llaniladigan umumiy chegirma."
msgid "Total amounts provided using the smallest unit of the currency."
msgstr ""
"Pul birligining eng kichik birligidan foydalangan holda taqdim etilgan "
"umumiy summalar."
msgid "Country/Region code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format."
msgstr "ISO 3166-1 alfa-2 formatidagi davlat/mintaqa kodi."
msgid "State/County code, or name of the state, county, province, or district."
msgstr "Shtat/tuman kodi yoki shtat, tuman, viloyat yoki tuman nomi."
msgid ""
"Price prefix for the currency which can be used to format returned prices."
msgstr ""
"Qaytarilgan narxlarni formatlash uchun ishlatilishi mumkin bo'lgan valyuta "
"uchun narx prefiksi."
msgid "Apartment, suite, etc."
msgstr "Kvartira, suite va boshqalar."
msgid ""
"Thousand separator for the currency which can be used to format returned "
msgstr ""
"Qaytarilgan narxlarni formatlash uchun ishlatilishi mumkin bo'lgan valyuta "
"uchun ming ajratuvchi."
msgid ""
"Decimal separator for the currency which can be used to format returned "
msgstr ""
"Qaytarilgan narxlarni formatlash uchun ishlatilishi mumkin bo'lgan valyuta "
"uchun o'nlik ajratgich."
msgid ""
"Currency minor unit (number of digits after the decimal separator) for "
"returned prices."
msgstr ""
"Qaytarilgan narxlar uchun kichik valyuta birligi (o'nlik ajratgichdan "
"keyingi raqamlar soni)."
msgid ""
"Currency symbol for the currency which can be used to format returned prices."
msgstr ""
"Qaytarilgan narxlarni formatlash uchun ishlatilishi mumkin bo'lgan valyuta "
"uchun valyuta belgisi."
msgid "Currency code (in ISO format) for returned prices."
msgstr "Qaytarilgan narxlar uchun valyuta kodi (ISO formatida)."
msgid "Limit result set to products with a certain average rating."
msgstr "O'rta reytingga ega mahsulotlarga cheklangan natija."
msgid ""
"The logical relationship between attributes when filtering across multiple "
"at once."
msgstr ""
"Bir vaqtning o'zida bir nechta elementlarni filtrlashda atributlar "
"o'rtasidagi mantiqiy bog'liqlik."
msgid "Determines if hidden or visible catalog products are shown."
msgstr ""
"Yashirin yoki ko'rinadigan katalog mahsulotlari ko'rsatilishini aniqlaydi."
msgid ""
"List of attribute slug(s). If a term ID is provided, this will be ignored."
msgstr ""
"Atribut slug (lar) ro'yxati. Agar muddatli ID taqdim etilsa, bu e'tiborga "
msgid "Operator to compare product attribute terms."
msgstr "Mahsulot atributlari shartlarini taqqoslash uchun operator."
msgid "List of attribute term IDs."
msgstr "Atribut terminlari ro'yxati."
msgid "Attribute taxonomy name."
msgstr "Atribut taksonomiyasi nomi."
msgid "Limit result set to products with selected global attributes."
msgstr ""
"Izlash natijalarida tanlangan umumiy parametrlarga ega mahsulotlarni "
msgid ""
"Limit result set to products based on a maximum price, provided using the "
"smallest unit of the currency."
msgstr ""
"Eng kichik valyuta birligidan foydalangan holda taqdim etilgan maksimal "
"narxga asoslangan mahsulotlar uchun natijalar to'plamini cheklang."
msgid ""
"Limit result set to products based on a minimum price, provided using the "
"smallest unit of the currency."
msgstr ""
"Eng kichik valyuta birligidan foydalangan holda taqdim etilgan minimal "
"narxga asoslangan mahsulotlar uchun natijalar to'plamini cheklang."
msgid "Operator to compare product tags."
msgstr "Mahsulot teglarini taqqoslash uchun operator."
msgid ""
"When limiting response using after/before, which date column to compare "
msgstr ""
"Javobni cheklashda / oldin yoki undan oldin, taqqoslash uchun qaysi sanani "
msgid "Operator to compare product category terms."
msgstr "Mahsulot toifasidagi atamalarni taqqoslash uchun operator."
msgid ""
"Limit response to resources created before a given ISO8601 compliant date."
msgstr ""
"Berilgan ISO8601 muvofiq sanadan oldin yaratilgan manbalarga cheklangan "
msgid "Limit result set to reviews from specific product IDs."
msgstr ""
"Natijalar toʻplamini muayyan mahsulot identifikatorlaridagi sharhlar bilan "
msgid ""
"Limit response to resources created after a given ISO8601 compliant date."
msgstr ""
"Berilgan ISO8601 muvofiq sanasidan keyin yaratilgan manbalarga cheklovlar."
msgid "Limit result set to reviews from specific category IDs."
msgstr ""
"Natijalar toʻplamini muayyan toifa identifikatorlaridagi sharhlar bilan "
msgid "If true, calculates rating counts for products in the collection."
msgstr "Agar rost bo'lsa, to'plamdagi mahsulotlar reytingini hisoblaydi."
msgid "Taxonomy name."
msgstr "Taksonomiya nomi."
msgid ""
"If requested, calculates attribute term counts for products in the "
msgstr ""
"Agar so'ralsa, to'plamdagi mahsulotlar uchun atribut muddatlari hisoblab "
msgid ""
"If true, calculates the minimum and maximum product prices for the "
msgstr ""
"Agar rost bo'lsa, to'plam uchun mahsulotning minimal va maksimal narxini "
"hisoblab chiqadi."
msgid "Invalid category ID."
msgstr "Kategoriya identifikatori noto‘g‘ri."
msgid "Invalid attribute ID."
msgstr "Noto'g'ri identifikator."
msgid "Attribute does not exist."
msgstr "Attribut mavjud emas."
msgid "Unique identifier for the attribute."
msgstr "Atribut uchun noyob aniqlovchi."
msgid "No payment method provided."
msgstr "Toʻlov usuli koʻrsatilmagan."
msgid "Invalid payment result received from payment method."
msgstr "Toʻlov usulidan olingan toʻlov natijasi notoʻgʻri."
msgid "Data to pass through to the payment method when processing payment."
msgstr "Toʻlovni qayta ishlashda toʻlov usuliga oʻtish uchun maʼlumotlar."
msgid "ISO code for the country of the address being shipped to."
msgstr "Yuborilayotgan manzil mamlakatining ISO kodi."
msgid "Zip or Postcode of the address being shipped to."
msgstr "Yuborilayotgan manzilning pochta indeksi yoki pochta indeksi."
msgid ""
"ISO code, or name, for the state, province, or district of the address being "
"shipped to."
msgstr ""
"ISO kodi yoki yuborilayotgan manzilning shtat, viloyat yoki tuman nomi."
msgid "City of the address being shipped to."
msgstr "Yuborilayotgan manzil shahri."
msgid "Second line of the address being shipped to."
msgstr "Yuborilayotgan manzilning ikkinchi qatori."
msgid "New quantity of the item in the cart."
msgstr "Savatdagi buyumning yangi miqdori."
msgid "Unique identifier (key) for the cart item to update."
msgstr "Yangilash uchun savat elementi uchun noyob identifikator (kalit)."
msgid "The chosen rate ID for the package."
msgstr "Paket uchun tanlangan tarif identifikatori."
msgid "First line of the address being shipped to."
msgstr "Yuborilayotgan manzilning birinchi qatori."
msgid "Cart item no longer exists or is invalid."
msgstr "Savatdagi mahsulot endi mavjud emas yoki yaroqsiz."
msgid "Unique identifier (key) for the cart item."
msgstr "Savat elementi uchun noyob identifikator (kalit)."
msgid "Coupon cannot be removed because it is not already applied to the cart."
msgstr ""
"Kuponni olib tashlab bo'lmaydi, chunki u allaqachon savatga qo'llanilmagan."
msgid "Invalid coupon code."
msgstr "Kupon kodi yaroqsiz."
msgid "Coupon does not exist in the cart."
msgstr "Kupon savatda mavjud emas."
msgid "Cart item does not exist."
msgstr "Savat mavjud emas."
msgid "Unique identifier for the item within the cart."
msgstr "Savat ichidagi element uchun noyob identifikator."
msgid "Unique identifier for the coupon within the cart."
msgstr "Savatdagi kupon uchun noyob identifikator."
msgid "Variation attribute value."
msgstr "Variatsiya atributining qiymati."
msgid "Variation attribute name."
msgstr "Variatsiya atributi nomi."
msgid "Chosen attributes (for variations)."
msgstr "Tanlangan atributlar (o'zgarishlar uchun)."
msgid "Quantity of this item in the cart."
msgstr "Savatdagi ushbu elementning miqdori."
msgid "Cannot create an existing cart item."
msgstr "Mavjud savatni yaratib bo‘lmadi."
msgid "If true, empty terms will not be returned."
msgstr "Agar rost bo'lsa, bo'sh shartlar qaytarilmaydi."
msgid "Sort by term property."
msgstr "Termin xususiyati bo'yicha saralash."
msgid "Sort ascending or descending."
msgstr "O'sish yoki pasayish bo'yicha tartiblang."
msgid ""
"Maximum number of items to be returned in result set. Defaults to no limit "
"if left blank."
msgstr ""
"Natijalar to'plamida qaytariladigan elementlarning maksimal soni. Agar bo'sh "
"qoldirilgan bo'lsa, birlamchi cheklovsiz."
msgid "The cart item product or variation ID."
msgstr "Savat mahsuloti mahsuloti yoki o'zgarish identifikatori."
msgid "Method not implemented"
msgstr "Usul amalga oshirilmagan"
msgid ""
"WooCommerce %1$s table creation failed. Does the %2$s user have CREATE "
"privileges on the %3$s database?"
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce %1$s jadvali yaratilmadi. %2$s foydalanuvchisi %3$s maʼlumotlar "
"bazasida CREATE imtiyozlariga egami?"
msgctxt "Order status"
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "Qoralama"
msgid ""
"WooCommerce Blocks development mode requires files to be built. From the "
"plugin directory, run %1$s to install dependencies, %2$s to build the files "
"or %3$s to build the files and watch for changes."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce Bloklarni ishlab chiqish rejimi fayllarni yaratishni talab "
"qiladi. Plaginlar katalogidan bog'liqlikni o'rnatish uchun%1$s, fayllarni "
"yaratish uchun%2$s yoki fayllarni yaratish va o'zgarishlarni kuzatish uchun"
"%3$s ishlating."
msgid "List of categories with their product counts"
msgstr "Mahsulotlar soni ko'rsatilgan toifalar ro'yxati"
msgid "Go to category"
msgstr "Toifaga o'ting"
msgid "%d product"
msgid_plural "%d products"
msgstr[0] "%d mahsulot"
msgid "Product on sale"
msgstr "Sotuvda mahsulot"
msgid "List of categories"
msgstr "Toifalar ro'yxati"
msgid "Net Sales"
msgstr "Sof savdo"
msgid "Biscay"
msgstr "Biskay"
msgid "Suez"
msgstr "Suvaysh"
msgid "North Sinai"
msgstr "Shimoliy Sinay"
msgid "Al Sharqia"
msgstr "Al Sharqiya"
msgid "Sohag"
msgstr "Sohag"
msgid "Port Said"
msgstr "Port Said"
msgid "Matrouh"
msgstr "Matruh"
msgid "Monufia"
msgstr "Monufiya"
msgid "Minya"
msgstr "Minya"
msgid "Luxor"
msgstr "Luksor"
msgid "Qena"
msgstr "Qena"
msgid "Kafr el-Sheikh"
msgstr "Kafr ash-Shayx"
msgid "Qalyubia"
msgstr "Qalyubiya"
msgid "South Sinai"
msgstr "Janubiy Sinay"
msgid "Ismailia"
msgstr "Ismoiliya"
msgid "Giza"
msgstr "Giza"
msgid "Gharbia"
msgstr "Garbiya"
msgid "Faiyum"
msgstr "Faiyum"
msgid "Damietta"
msgstr "Damietta"
msgid "Dakahlia"
msgstr "Dakahlia"
msgid "Beni Suef"
msgstr "Beni Suef"
msgid "Beheira"
msgstr "Beheira"
msgid "Red Sea"
msgstr "Qizil dengiz"
msgid "Asyut"
msgstr "Asyut"
msgid "Aswan"
msgstr "Asvon"
msgid "Alexandria"
msgstr "Iskandariya"
msgid "Report table data is being deleted."
msgstr "Hisobot jadvali ma'lumotlari o'chirilmoqda."
msgid "[{site_title}]: Your {report_name} Report download is ready"
msgstr ""
"[{site_title}]: Sizning {report_name} Hisobotingizni yuklab olish tayyor"
msgid ""
"Current page retrieval should be called on or after the `current_screen` "
msgstr ""
"Joriy sahifani qidirishni \"current_screen\" kancasidan keyin yoki keyin "
"chaqirish kerak."
msgid "Your Report Download"
msgstr "Hisobotingizni yuklab olish"
msgid "Renew Subscription"
msgstr "Obunani yangilang"
msgid ""
"Your subscription expired on %s. Get a new subscription to continue "
"receiving updates and access to support."
msgstr ""
"%s muddati tugadi. Yangilanishlarni qabul qilishni va qo'llab-quvvatlashga "
"kirishni davom ettirish uchun yangi obunani oling."
msgid "%s subscription expired"
msgstr "%s obuna muddati tugadi"
msgid ""
"Your subscription expires in %d days. Enable autorenew to avoid losing "
"updates and access to support."
msgstr ""
"Sizning obunangiz muddati %d kundan keyin tugaydi. Yangilanishlarni "
"yo'qotish va qo'llab-quvvatlashga kirishni oldini olish uchun avtomatik "
"yangilanishni yoqing."
msgid "%s subscription expiring soon"
msgstr "Tez orada %s obuna muddati tugaydi"
msgid "Connect to get important product notifications and updates."
msgstr ""
"Mahsulotning muhim bildirishnomalari va yangilanishlarini olish uchun "
msgid "Connect to"
msgstr " ulaning"
msgid ""
"WooCommerce Subscriptions allows you to introduce a variety of subscriptions "
"for physical or virtual products and services. Create product-of-the-month "
"clubs, weekly service subscriptions or even yearly software billing "
"packages. Add sign-up fees, offer free trials, or set expiration periods."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce obunalari jismoniy yoki virtual mahsulot va xizmatlar uchun "
"turli obunalarni joriy qilish imkonini beradi. Oylik mahsulot klublari, "
"haftalik xizmat obunalari yoki hattoki yillik dasturiy ta'minot "
"to'plamlarini yarating. Roʻyxatdan oʻtish toʻlovlarini qoʻshing, bepul "
"sinovlarni taklif qiling yoki amal qilish muddatini belgilang."
msgid "Do you need more info about WooCommerce Subscriptions?"
msgstr "Sizga WooCommerce obunalari haqida ko'proq ma'lumot kerakmi?"
msgid "Try the new way to get paid"
msgstr "To'lovning yangi usulini sinab ko'ring"
msgid "Activate usage tracking"
msgstr "Foydalanishni kuzatishni yoqing"
msgid ""
"Gathering usage data allows us to improve WooCommerce. Your store will be "
"considered as we evaluate new features, judge the quality of an update, or "
"determine if an improvement makes sense. You can always visit the "
"%1$sSettings%3$s and choose to stop sharing data. %2$sRead more%3$s about "
"what data we collect."
msgstr ""
"Foydalanish ma'lumotlarini to'plash bizga WooCommerce-ni yaxshilashga imkon "
"beradi. Biz yangi xususiyatlarni baholaganimizda, yangilanish sifatini "
"baholaganimizda yoki yaxshilanish mazmuni bor-yo'qligini aniqlashda "
"do'koningiz hisobga olinadi. Siz har doim %1$s Settings %3$s-ga tashrif "
"buyurishingiz va ma'lumotlarni almashishni to'xtatishingiz mumkin. %2$s Biz "
"qanday ma'lumot to'plashimiz haqida %3$s haqida ko'proq ma'lumot."
msgid "Help WooCommerce improve with usage tracking"
msgstr "WooCommerce-ni foydalanishni kuzatishda yaxshilashga yordam bering"
msgid "Test checkout"
msgstr "Testdan chiqish"
msgid "Don't forget to test your checkout"
msgstr "To'lovni tekshirishni unutmang"
msgid ""
"Make sure that your checkout is working properly before you launch your "
"store. Go through your checkout process in its entirety: from adding a "
"product to your cart, choosing a shipping location, and making a payment."
msgstr ""
"Do'konni ishga tushirishdan oldin to'lov to'g'ri ishlayotganiga ishonch "
"hosil qiling. Toʻlov jarayonini toʻliq bajaring: mahsulotni savatga "
"qoʻshishdan, joʻnatish joyini tanlashdan va toʻlovni amalga oshirishdan."
msgid "Get real-time order alerts anywhere"
msgstr ""
"Istalgan joyda real vaqt rejimida buyurtma haqida ogohlantirishlarni oling"
msgid ""
"Get notifications about store activity, including new orders and product "
"reviews directly on your mobile devices with the Woo app."
msgstr ""
"Woo ilovasi yordamida doʻkon faoliyati, jumladan, yangi buyurtmalar va "
"mahsulot sharhlari haqidagi bildirishnomalarni bevosita mobil "
"qurilmalaringizda oling."
msgid "Personalize homepage"
msgstr "Bosh sahifani shaxsiylashtirish"
msgid "Personalize your store's homepage"
msgstr "Do'koningizning bosh sahifasini shaxsiylashtirish"
msgid ""
"The homepage is one of the most important entry points in your store. When "
"done right it can lead to higher conversions and engagement. Don't forget to "
"personalize the homepage that we created for your store during the "
msgstr ""
"Uy sahifasi do'koningizdagi eng muhim kirish joylaridan biridir. To'g'ri "
"bajarilsa, bu yanada yuqori suhbatlarga va faol ishtirok etishga olib "
"keladi. Samolyot bortida sizning do'koningiz uchun yaratgan uy sahifangizni "
"shaxsiylashtirishni unutmang."
msgid "Review your orders"
msgstr "Buyurtmalarni ko'rib chiqing"
msgid ""
"Another order milestone! Take a look at your Orders Report to review your "
"orders to date."
msgstr ""
"Buyurtmaning yana bir bosqichi. Bugungi kunda buyurtmalaringizni o'z ichiga "
"olgan buyurtma hisobotiga qarang."
msgid ""
"You've hit the 10 orders milestone! Look at you go. Browse some WooCommerce "
"success stories for inspiration."
msgstr ""
"Siz 10 ta buyurtma bosqichiga erishdingiz! Siz muvaffaqiyatga erishdingiz. "
"Muvaffaqiyatingizni bilish uchun WooCommerce muvaffaqiyatlari tarixini "
"ko'rib chiqing."
msgid ""
"Congratulations on getting your first order! Now is a great time to learn "
"how to manage your orders."
msgstr ""
"Birinchi buyurtmani olganingiz bilan tabriklaymiz! Endi buyurtmalaringizni "
"qanday boshqarishni o'rganish uchun ajoyib vaqt."
msgid "Congratulations on processing %s orders!"
msgstr "%s buyurtmalarini qayta ishlash bilan tabriklaymiz!"
msgid "First order received"
msgstr "Birinchi buyurtma qabul qilindi"
msgid ""
"Starting a fashion website is exciting but it may seem overwhelming as well. "
"In this article, we'll walk you through the setup process, teach you to "
"create successful product listings, and show you how to market to your ideal "
msgstr ""
"Moda veb-saytini ochish juda hayajonli, ammo bu juda qiyin bo'lib tuyulishi "
"mumkin. Ushbu maqolada biz sizni sozlash jarayoni bo'ylab ko'rsatamiz, "
"muvaffaqiyatli mahsulot ro'yxatini yaratishni o'rgatamiz va ideal "
"auditoriyangizni qanday sotishni ko'rsatamiz."
msgid "Start your online clothing store"
msgstr "Onlayn kiyim do'koningizni boshlang"
msgid ""
"Take payments with the provider that’s right for you - choose from 100+ "
"payment gateways for WooCommerce."
msgstr ""
"Sizga mos bo'lgan provayder bilan to'lovlarni amalga oshiring - WooCommerce "
"uchun 100 dan ortiq to'lov shlyuzlaridan tanlang."
msgid "Start accepting payments on your store!"
msgstr "Do'koningizda to'lovlarni qabul qilishni boshlang!"
msgid "New sales record!"
msgstr "Yangi savdo rekordlari!"
msgid "Install Woo mobile app"
msgstr "Woo mobil ilovasini o'rnating"
msgid ""
"Install the WooCommerce mobile app to manage orders, receive sales "
"notifications, and view key metrics — wherever you are."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce mobil ilovasini buyurtmalarni boshqarish, savdo xabarnomalarini "
"qabul qilish va asosiy ko'rsatkichlarni ko'rish uchun qaerda bo'lsangiz ham "
msgid ""
"Changing eCommerce platforms might seem like a big hurdle to overcome, but "
"it is easier than you might think to move your products, customers, and "
"orders to WooCommerce. This article will help you with going through this "
msgstr ""
"Elektron tijorat platformalarini o'zgartirish engib o'tish uchun katta "
"to'siq bo'lib tuyulishi mumkin, ammo mahsulotlaringiz, mijozlaringiz va "
"buyurtmalaringizni WooCommerce-ga o'tkazish siz o'ylaganingizdan osonroqdir. "
"Ushbu maqola ushbu jarayondan o'tishga yordam beradi."
msgid "Do you want to migrate from Shopify to WooCommerce?"
msgstr "Shopify'dan WooCommerce'ga o'tishni xohlaysizmi?"
msgid "Ready to launch your store?"
msgstr "Do'koningizni ishga tushirishga tayyormisiz?"
msgid ""
"To make sure you never get that sinking \"what did I forget\" feeling, we've "
"put together the essential pre-launch checklist."
msgstr ""
"\"Men nimani unutdim\" degan tuyg'uni hech qachon boshdan "
"kechirmasligingizga ishonch hosil qilish uchun biz ishga tushirishdan oldin "
"muhim nazorat ro'yxatini tuzdik."
msgid "Thanks for your feedback"
msgstr "Fikr-mulohazangiz uchun rahmat"
msgid "Share feedback"
msgstr "Fikr almashish"
msgid ""
"Now that you’ve chosen us as a partner, our goal is to make sure we're "
"providing the right tools to meet your needs. We're looking forward to "
"having your feedback on the store setup experience so we can improve it in "
"the future."
msgstr ""
"Endi siz bizni hamkor sifatida tanladingiz, bizning maqsadimiz sizning "
"ehtiyojlaringizni qondirish uchun to‘g‘ri vositalarni taqdim etayotganimizga "
"ishonch hosil qilishdir. Kelajakda uni yaxshilashimiz uchun doʻkonni sozlash "
"tajribasi haqida fikr-mulohazalaringizni kutib qolamiz."
msgid ""
"This video tutorial will help you go through the process of adding your "
"first product in WooCommerce."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu video darslik sizga WooCommerce-da birinchi mahsulotingizni qo'shish "
"jarayonidan o'tishga yordam beradi."
msgid "Watch tutorial"
msgstr "Qo'llanmani tomosha qiling"
msgid "Do you need help with adding your first product?"
msgstr "Birinchi mahsulotingizni qo'shishda yordam kerakmi?"
msgid "Collect and validate EU VAT numbers at checkout"
msgstr "Hisob-kitob paytida YI QQS raqamlarini to'plang va tasdiqlang"
msgid ""
"If your store is based in the EU, we recommend using the EU VAT Number "
"extension in addition to automated taxes. It provides your checkout with a "
"field to collect and validate a customer's EU VAT number, if they have one."
msgstr ""
"Agar doʻkoningiz Yevropa Ittifoqida joylashgan boʻlsa, avtomatlashtirilgan "
"soliqlarga qoʻshimcha ravishda YI QQS raqami kengaytmasidan foydalanishni "
"tavsiya etamiz. Bu mijozning EI QQS raqamini to'plash va tasdiqlash uchun, "
"agar ularda bor bo'lsa, to'lovni amalga oshiradi."
msgid ""
"With our blocks, you can select and display products, categories, filters, "
"and more virtually anywhere on your site — no need to use shortcodes or edit "
"lines of code. Learn more about how to use each one of them."
msgstr ""
"Bizning bloklarimiz yordamida siz saytingizning istalgan joyida mahsulotlar, "
"toifalar, filtrlar va boshqa narsalarni tanlashingiz va namoyish qilishingiz "
"mumkin — qisqa kodlardan foydalanish yoki kod qatorlarini tahrirlash shart "
"emas. Ularning har birini qanday ishlatish haqida ko'proq bilib oling."
msgid "Customize your online store with WooCommerce blocks"
msgstr "WooCommerce bloklari bilan onlayn do'koningizni sozlang"
msgid "Remove legacy coupon menu"
msgstr "Eski kupon menyusini olib tashlang"
msgid ""
"Coupons can now be managed from Marketing > Coupons. Click the button below "
"to remove the legacy WooCommerce > Coupons menu item."
msgstr ""
"Kuponlarni endi Marketing > Kuponlar orqali boshqarish mumkin. Eski "
"WooCommerce > Kuponlar menyusini olib tashlash uchun quyidagi tugmani bosing."
msgid "Coupon management has moved!"
msgstr "Kupon boshqaruvi ko'chirildi!"
msgid "The admin note action label prop cannot be empty."
msgstr ""
"Administrator eslatmasi uchun harakat yorlig'i bo'sh bo'lishi mumkin emas."
msgid "The admin note action name prop cannot be empty."
msgstr "Administrator eslatmasi uchun harakat nomi bo'sh bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "The admin note date prop cannot be empty."
msgstr "Ma'mur qayd yozuvida sana bo'sh bo'lishi mumkin emas."
msgid "The admin note layout has a wrong prop value."
msgstr "Administrator yozuvi tartibi noto‘g‘ri rekvizit qiymatiga ega."
msgid "The admin note source prop cannot be empty."
msgstr "Administrator qayd yozuvining manzili bo'sh bo'lishi mumkin emas."
msgid "The admin note status prop (%s) is not one of the supported statuses."
msgstr ""
"Administrator eslatmasi holati prop (%s) qo'llab-quvvatlanadigan holatlardan "
"biri emas."
msgid "The admin note status prop cannot be empty."
msgstr "Ma'mur qayd yozuvi holati bo'sh bo'lmasligi kerak."
msgid "The admin note content_data prop must be an instance of stdClass."
msgstr "Ma'mur eslatmasi content_data prop stdClass nusxasi bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "The admin note content prop cannot be empty."
msgstr "Administrator qayd yozuvining mazmuni bo'sh bo'lmasligi kerak."
msgid "The admin note title prop cannot be empty."
msgstr "Administrator eslatmasi sarlavhasi bo'sh bo'lishi mumkin emas."
msgid "The admin note locale prop cannot be empty."
msgstr "Ma'mur eslatmasining mahalliy sozlamalari bo'sh bo'lmasligi kerak."
msgid "The admin note type prop (%s) is not one of the supported types."
msgstr ""
"Administrator eslatmasi turi prop ( %s) qo'llab-quvvatlanadigan turlardan "
"biri emas."
msgid "The admin note type prop cannot be empty."
msgstr "Ma'mur eslatmasi turi bo'sh bo'lishi mumkin emas."
msgid "The admin note name prop cannot be empty."
msgstr "Administrator eslatmasi nomi bo'sh bo'lishi mumkin emas."
msgid "Default Date Range"
msgstr "Sana oralig‘i"
msgid "Statuses that require extra action on behalf of the store admin."
msgstr ""
"Do'kon ma'muri nomidan qo'shimcha harakatlarni talab qiladigan statuslar."
msgid "Actionable order statuses"
msgstr "Amalga oshiriladigan buyurtma holati"
msgid "Statuses that should not be included when calculating report totals."
msgstr ""
"Hisobot natijalarini hisoblashda kiritilmasligi kerak bo'lgan statuslar."
msgid "Invalid admin note"
msgstr "Yaroqsiz administrator eslatmasi"
msgid "Excluded report order statuses"
msgstr "Hisobotni buyurtma holatlari chiqarib tashlandi"
msgid "Settings for WooCommerce admin reporting."
msgstr "WooCommerce ma'murlari hisobotini sozlash."
msgid "Profile Setup Wizard"
msgstr "Profilni o'rnatish ustasi"
msgid "WooCommerce Onboarding"
msgstr "WooCommerce Onboarding"
msgid "CBD and other hemp-derived products"
msgstr "CBD va boshqa kenevirdan olingan mahsulotlar"
msgid "Bookings"
msgstr "Buyurtmalar"
msgid "Physical products"
msgstr "Jismoniy mahsulotlar"
msgid "Home, furniture, and garden"
msgstr "Uy, mebel va bog'"
msgid "Customizable products"
msgstr "Moslashtirilgan mahsulotlar"
msgid "Education and learning"
msgstr "Ta'lim va o'rganish"
msgid "Electronics and computers"
msgstr "Elektronika va kompyuterlar"
msgid "Fashion, apparel, and accessories"
msgstr "Moda, kiyim va aksessuarlar"
msgid "Analytics cache cleared."
msgstr "Analytics keshi tozalandi."
msgid "Clear analytics cache"
msgstr "Analitik keshni tozalash"
msgid "A zip file of the theme to be uploaded."
msgstr "Yuklanadigan mavzuning ZIP fayli."
msgid "Uploaded theme."
msgstr "Yuklangan mavzu."
msgid "Limit result set to items that have the specified rate ID(s) assigned."
msgstr ""
"Belgilangan stavka identifikatorlari (elementlari) berilgan elementlar uchun "
"natijani cheklash."
msgid "Search by similar tax code."
msgstr "Shunga o'xshash soliq kodi bo'yicha qidirish."
msgid "Theme installation status."
msgstr "Mavzuni o'rnatish holati."
msgid "Sorry, fetching tax data failed."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, soliq ma’lumotlarini olib bo‘lmadi."
msgid ""
"Limit result set to all items that have the specified term assigned in the "
"taxes taxonomy."
msgstr ""
"Belgilangan muddat soliq taksonomiyasida belgilangan barcha elementlarga "
"cheklangan natija."
msgid "%s must contain 2 valid dates."
msgstr "%s da 2 ta haqiqiy sanalar bo‘lishi kerak."
msgid "%s must contain 2 numbers."
msgstr "%s raqamida 2 ta raqam bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "Product attributes."
msgstr "Mahsulot xususiyatlari."
msgid "%1$s is not a numerically indexed array."
msgstr "%1$s raqamli indekslangan qator emas."
msgid "Limit result set to items assigned one or more tax rates."
msgstr ""
"Bitta yoki bir nechta soliq stavkalari tayinlangan ob'ektlarga cheklangan "
msgid "State."
msgstr "Shtat / okrug."
msgid "Amount of tax codes."
msgstr "Soliq kodlari miqdori."
msgid "Shipping tax."
msgstr "Yuk tashish solig'i."
msgid "Order tax."
msgstr "Buyurtma soliq."
msgid "Total tax."
msgstr "Umumiy soliq."
msgid "Number of %s products."
msgstr "%s mahsulot soni."
msgid "Number of low stock products."
msgstr "Kam aktsiyador mahsulotlar soni."
msgid "Products sold."
msgstr "Sotilgan mahsulotlar."
msgid "Items sold."
msgstr "Sotilgan buyumlar."
msgid "Total of returns."
msgstr "Qaytishlarning umumiy soni."
msgid "Product / Variation"
msgstr "Mahsulot / O'zgarish"
msgid "Limit result set to items assigned a stock report type."
msgstr "Birja hisobotining turini tayinlangan narsalarga cheklangan natijalar."
msgid "Manage stock."
msgstr "Birjani boshqarish."
msgid "Stock status."
msgstr "Birja holati."
msgid "Number of products."
msgstr "Mahsulotlar soni."
msgid "Total of taxes."
msgstr "Soliqlar jami."
msgid "Total of shipping."
msgstr "Yuk tashish umumiy."
msgid "Human readable segment label, either product or variation name."
msgstr ""
"Mahsulot yoki navning nomi bilan inson o'qishi mumkin bo'lgan segment "
msgid "Limit result to items with specified variation ids."
msgstr ""
"Natijani belgilangan o'zgaruvchanlik identifikatoriga ega elementlarga "
msgid "%s (Deleted)"
msgstr "%s (o'chirilgan)"
msgid "Limit result to items from the specified categories."
msgstr "Natijani ko'rsatilgan toifadagi elementlar bilan cheklang."
msgid "Add additional piece of info about each product to the report."
msgstr "Hisobotga har bir mahsulot haqida qo'shimcha ma'lumot qo'shing."
msgid "Limit result to items with specified product ids."
msgstr "Mahsulot identifikatorlari ko'rsatilgan mahsulotlarga cheklov."
msgid "Product variations IDs."
msgstr "Mahsulot turlarining identifikatorlari."
msgid "Product category IDs."
msgstr "Mahsulot toifasi identifikatorlari."
msgid "Product inventory threshold for low stock."
msgstr ""
"Kam zaxira uchun mahsulotni inventarizatsiya qilishning eng yuqori darajasi."
msgid "Product inventory quantity."
msgstr "Mahsulot inventarizatsiyasi miqdori."
msgid "Product inventory status."
msgstr "Mahsulotni inventarizatsiya qilish holati."
msgid "Product link."
msgstr "Mahsulot havolasi."
msgid "Product image."
msgstr "Mahsulot tasviri."
msgid "Number of orders product appeared in."
msgstr "Mahsulotga buyurtmalar soni paydo bo'ldi."
msgid "Limit response to specific report stats. Allowed values: %s."
msgstr ""
"Hisobotning aniq statistikalariga cheklash. Ruxsat berilgan qiymatlar:%s."
msgid "There was an issue loading the report endpoints"
msgstr "Hisobotning so'nggi nuqtalarini yuklashda muammo yuz berdi"
msgid ""
"Value of the stat. Returns null if the stat does not exist or cannot be "
msgstr ""
"Statistikaning qiymati. Stat mavjud bo'lmasa yoki uni yuklab bo'lmaydigan "
"bo'lsa, nolni qaytaradi."
msgid "Format of the stat."
msgstr "Statistikaning shakli."
msgid "Human readable label for the stat."
msgstr "Stat uchun inson o'qiydigan yorliq."
msgid "The specific chart this stat referrers to."
msgstr "Ushbu statistikaga murojaat qilingan maxsus jadval."
msgid "A list of stats to query must be provided."
msgstr "So'rovga oid statistika ro'yxati taqdim etilishi kerak."
msgid "Sorry, fetching performance indicators failed."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, unumdorlik ko'rsatkichlari olinmadi."
msgid "Number of distinct products sold."
msgstr "Sotilgan alohida mahsulotlar soni."
msgid "Average items per order"
msgstr "Har bir buyurtmada o'rtacha narsalar"
msgid "Unique coupons count."
msgstr "Noyob kuponlar soni."
msgid "Amount discounted by coupons."
msgstr "Kuponlar bo'yicha chegirma miqdori."
msgid "Total distinct customers."
msgstr "Jami alohida mijozlar."
msgid "Product(s)"
msgstr "Mahsulot (lar)"
msgid "Limit result set to specific types of refunds."
msgstr "Qaytarilishning muayyan turlariga cheklangan natija."
msgid "N. Revenue"
msgstr "N. Daromad"
msgid "Limit result set to returning or new customers."
msgstr "Qaytgan yoki yangi mijozlar uchun belgilangan natijani cheklash."
msgid ""
"Limit result set to items that don't have the specified tax rate(s) assigned."
msgstr ""
"Belgilangan soliq stavkasi belgilanmagan elementlarga cheklangan natijalar."
msgid "Limit result set to items that have the specified tax rate(s) assigned."
msgstr ""
"Belgilangan soliq stavkalari belgilangan ob'ektlarga cheklangan natijalar."
msgid ""
"Limit result set to items that don't have the specified coupon(s) assigned."
msgstr ""
"Belgilangan kuponlar tayinlanmagan elementlar to'plamini tanlash bilan "
msgid "Order customer information."
msgstr "Buyurtmani bergan mijoz haqida ma'lumot."
msgid "List of order coupons."
msgstr "Buyurtma kuponlari ro'yxati."
msgid "List of order product IDs, names, quantities."
msgstr "Buyurtma mahsulotining ID-lari, nomlari, miqdori."
msgid "Returning or new customer."
msgstr "Qaytgan yoki yangi mijoz."
msgid "Limit result set to items that have the specified coupon(s) assigned."
msgstr ""
"Belgilangan kuponlar tayinlanadigan elementlar to'plamini tanlash bilan "
msgid "All pending and in-progress import actions have been cancelled."
msgstr ""
"Barcha kutilayotgan va bajarilmayotgan import harakatlar bekor qilindi."
msgid "Net total revenue."
msgstr "Umumiy sof daromad."
msgid "Date the order was created, as GMT."
msgstr "Buyurtma yaratilgan sana (GMT formatida)."
msgid "Date the order was created, in the site's timezone."
msgstr "Saytning vaqt mintaqasida buyurtma yaratilgan sana."
msgid "Number of items sold."
msgstr "Sotilgan mahsulotlar soni."
msgid "Sorry, there is no export with that ID."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, ushbu identifikator bilan eksport qilinmaydi."
msgid "Your report file is being generated."
msgstr "Hisobotingiz fayli yaratilmoqda."
msgid "There is no data to export for the given request."
msgstr "Ushbu so'rov uchun eksport qilish uchun ma'lumotlar yo'q."
msgid "Export download URL."
msgstr "Yuklab olish URL manzilini eksport qilish."
msgid "Percentage complete."
msgstr "Foiz tugadi."
msgid "Regenerate data message."
msgstr "Ma'lumot xabarini yangilang."
msgid "Skip importing existing order data."
msgstr "Mavjud buyurtma ma'lumotlarini import qilishni o'tkazib yuborish."
msgid "Number of days to import."
msgstr "Import qilinadigan kunlar soni."
msgid "Sorry, fetching downloads data failed."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, yuklab olish ma'lumotlari olinmadi."
msgid "When true, email a link to download the export to the requesting user."
msgstr ""
"Agar to'g'ri bo'lsa, so'ralayotgan foydalanuvchiga eksportni yuklab olish "
"uchun havolani yuboring."
msgid "Parameters to pass on to the exported report."
msgstr "Eksport qilingan hisobotga o'tish uchun parametrlar."
msgid "Regeneration status."
msgstr "Qayta tiklash holati."
msgid "Limit response to objects that don't have the specified customer ids."
msgstr ""
"Belgilangan mijoz identifikatori bo'lmagan obyektlarga javobni cheklash."
msgid "Limit response to objects that have the specified customer ids."
msgstr "Belgilangan mijoz identifikatoriga ega obyektlarga javobni cheklash."
msgid "Number of downloads."
msgstr "Yuklanishlar soni."
msgid "Limit response to objects that don't have a specified ip address."
msgstr "Belgilangan IP-manzilga ega bo'lmagan obyektlarga javobni cheklash."
msgid "Limit response to objects that have a specified ip address."
msgstr "Belgilangan IP manzilga ega bo'lgan obyektlarga javobni cheklash."
msgid "Order #"
msgstr "Buyurtma #"
msgid "Limit response to objects that don't have the specified user ids."
msgstr ""
"Belgilangan foydalanuvchi identifikatorlari bo'lmagan obyektlarga javobni "
msgid "Limit response to objects that have the specified user ids."
msgstr ""
"Foydalanuvchi identifikatoriga ega bo'lgan obyektlarga javobni cheklash."
msgid "Limit result set to items that don't have the specified order ids."
msgstr ""
"Belgilangan buyurtma identifikatorlari bo'lmagan elementlar uchun natijani "
msgid "Limit result set to items that have the specified order ids."
msgstr ""
"Belgilangan buyurtma identifikatorlariga ega elementlar uchun natijani "
msgid ""
"Limit result set to items that don't have the specified product(s) assigned."
msgstr ""
"Belgilangan mahsulot (lar) tayinlanmagan elementlarga cheklangan natijalar."
msgid "Limit result set to items that have the specified product(s) assigned."
msgstr ""
"Belgilangan mahsulot (lar) tayinlangan elementlarga cheklangan natijalar."
msgid ""
"Indicates whether all the conditions should be true for the resulting set, "
"or if any one of them is sufficient. Match affects the following parameters: "
"products, orders, username, ip_address."
msgstr ""
"Olingan to'plam uchun barcha shartlar to'g'ri yoki yo'qligini yoki ulardan "
"biri etarli bo'ladimi yoki yo'qligini bildiradi. Match quyidagi "
"parametrlarga ta'sir qiladi: mahsulotlar, buyurtmalar, foydalanuvchi nomi, "
msgid "IP address for the downloader."
msgstr "Yuklab oluvchining IP-manzili."
msgid "User name of the downloader."
msgstr "Yuklab oluvchining foydalanuvchi ismi."
msgid "User ID for the downloader."
msgstr "Yuklab oluvchining foydalanuvchi identifikatori."
msgid "The date of the download, as GMT."
msgstr "Yuklab olish sanasi, GMT kabi."
msgid "The date of the download, in the site's timezone."
msgstr "Yuklab olish sanasi, saytning vaqt mintaqasida."
msgid "Order Number."
msgstr "Buyurtma raqami."
msgid "AOV"
msgstr "AOV"
msgid "Last Active"
msgstr "So'nggi faol"
msgid "Average AOV per customer."
msgstr "Bir mijozga o'rtacha AOV."
msgid "Average total spend per customer."
msgstr "Bir mijozga o'rtacha xarajatlar."
msgid "Average number of orders."
msgstr "O'rtacha buyurtmalar soni."
msgid "Limit result to items with specified customer ids."
msgstr ""
"Xaridor identifikatorlari ko'rsatilgan mahsulotlarga natijani cheklash."
msgid ""
"Limit response to objects with last order after (or at) a given ISO8601 "
"compliant datetime."
msgstr ""
"Berilgan ISO8601 standartiga mos keladigan vaqtdan keyin (yoki da) oxirgi "
"buyurtma berilgan ob'ektlarga javobni cheklash."
msgid "Number of customers."
msgstr "Mijozlar soni."
msgid "ID."
msgstr "ID."
msgid ""
"Limit response to objects with last order before (or at) a given ISO8601 "
"compliant datetime."
msgstr ""
"Berilgan ISO8601ga mos keladigan vaqtgacha oxirgi buyurtma berilgan "
"ob'ektlarga javobni cheklash."
msgid ""
"Limit response to objects with an average order spend between two given "
msgstr ""
"Berilgan ikkita raqam o'rtasida o'rtacha buyurtma bilan qilingan narsalarga "
"javobni cheklash."
msgid ""
"Limit response to objects with an average order spend less than or equal to "
"given number."
msgstr ""
"Ob'ektlarga o'rtacha buyurtma bilan cheklangan javoblar berilgan raqamdan "
"kam yoki unga teng ravishda sarflanadi."
msgid ""
"Limit response to objects with an average order spend greater than or equal "
"to given number."
msgstr ""
"Ob'ektlarga o'rtacha buyurtma berilgan javoblarga berilgan sondan ko'p yoki "
"teng mablag'ni cheklash."
msgid ""
"Limit response to objects with a total order spend between two given numbers."
msgstr ""
"Berilgan ikkita raqam o'rtasida umumiy buyurtma berilgan ob'ektlarga javobni "
msgid ""
"Limit response to objects with a total order spend less than or equal to "
"given number."
msgstr ""
"Jami buyurtma berilgan ob'ektlarga javobni berilgan sondan kam yoki unga "
"teng ravishda cheklash."
msgid ""
"Limit response to objects with a total order spend greater than or equal to "
"given number."
msgstr ""
"Jami buyurtma berilgan ob'ektlarga berilgan sondan ko'p yoki unga teng "
"qiymatni cheklash."
msgid ""
"Limit response to objects with an order count between two given integers."
msgstr ""
"Berilgan ikkita butun sonlar orasida buyurtma hisoblangan ob'ektlarga "
"javobni cheklash."
msgid ""
"Limit response to objects with an order count less than or equal to given "
msgstr ""
"Buyurtma berilgan butun sondan kichik yoki unga teng bo'lgan ob'ektlarga "
"javobni cheklash."
msgid ""
"Limit response to objects with an order count greater than or equal to given "
msgstr ""
"Buyurtma berilgan butun sondan katta yoki unga teng bo'lgan obyektlarga "
"javobni cheklash."
msgid ""
"Limit response to objects last active between two given ISO8601 compliant "
msgstr ""
"Ikki berilgan ISO8601ga mos keladigan vaqt oralig'ida faol bo'lgan "
"ob'ektlarga cheklangan javob."
msgid ""
"Limit response to objects last active after (or at) a given ISO8601 "
"compliant datetime."
msgstr ""
"Berilgan ISO8601 standartiga mos keladigan vaqtdan keyin (yoki da) keyin "
"faol bo'lgan ob'ektlarga javobni cheklash."
msgid ""
"Limit response to objects last active before (or at) a given ISO8601 "
"compliant datetime."
msgstr ""
"Berilgan ISO8601ga mos keladigan vaqtgacha (yoki) oldin faol bo'lgan "
"ob'ektlarga javobni cheklash."
msgid "Limit response to objects excluding emails."
msgstr "Elektron pochta xabarlaridan tashqari obyektlarga javobni cheklash."
msgid "Limit response to objects including emails."
msgstr "Obyektlarga, shu jumladan elektron pochtalarga javobni cheklash."
msgid ""
"Limit response to objects with a customer field containing the search term. "
"Searches the field provided by `searchby`."
msgstr ""
"Qidiruv so'zini o'z ichiga olgan mijozlar maydoniga ega obyektlarga javobni "
"cheklash. \"Searchby\" tomonidan taqdim etilgan maydonni qidiradi."
msgid ""
"Indicates whether all the conditions should be true for the resulting set, "
"or if any one of them is sufficient. Match affects the following parameters: "
"status_is, status_is_not, product_includes, product_excludes, "
"coupon_includes, coupon_excludes, customer, categories"
msgstr ""
"Olingan to'plam uchun barcha shartlar to'g'ri yoki yo'qligini yoki ulardan "
"biri etarli bo'ladimi yoki yo'qligini bildiradi. Match quyidagi "
"parametrlarga ta'sir qiladi: status_is, status_is_not, "
"mahsulot_instruktsiyalari, mahsulot_uzunlari, kuponlar_konseptlar, "
"kuponlar_exkludilar, mijozlar, toifalar"
msgid ""
"Limit response to resources with orders published before a given ISO8601 "
"compliant date."
msgstr ""
"Berilgan ISO8601 muvofiq sanadan oldin nashr etilgan buyurtmalar bilan "
"manbalarga javobni cheklash."
msgid ""
"Limit response to resources with orders published after a given ISO8601 "
"compliant date."
msgstr ""
"Berilgan ISO8601 muvofiq sanadan keyin nashr etilgan buyurtmalar bilan "
"manbalarga javobni cheklash."
msgid ""
"Limit response to objects registered after (or at) a given ISO8601 compliant "
msgstr ""
"Berilgan ISO8601 standartiga mos keladigan vaqtdan keyin (yoki da) ro'yxatga "
"olingan ob'ektlarga javobni cheklash."
msgid ""
"Limit response to objects registered before (or at) a given ISO8601 "
"compliant datetime."
msgstr ""
"Berilgan ISO8601 standartiga mos keladigan vaqtgacha (yoki da) ro'yxatga "
"olingan ob'ektlarga javobni cheklash."
msgid "Country / Region."
msgstr "Mamlakat / mintaqa."
msgid "Avg order value."
msgstr "O'rtacha buyurtma qiymati."
msgid "Total spend."
msgstr "Umumiy sarf."
msgid "Order count."
msgstr "Buyurtma soni."
msgid "Date last active GMT."
msgstr "So‘nggi faol GMT."
msgid "Date last active."
msgstr "So‘nggi faol."
msgid "Date registered GMT."
msgstr "GMT da ro'yxatdan o'tgan sana."
msgid "Date registered."
msgstr "Ro'yxatdan o'tgan sana."
msgid "Region."
msgstr "Viloyat."
msgid "City."
msgstr "Shahar."
msgid "Username."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi"
msgid "User ID."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi IDsi."
msgid ""
"product_includes parameter need to specify exactly one product when "
"segmenting by variation."
msgstr ""
"o'zgaruvchanlik bo'yicha segmentirovka qilishda product_includes parametrida "
"aniq bitta mahsulotni ko'rsatish kerak."
msgid "Limit stats fields to the specified items."
msgstr "Belgilangan narsalar bilan statistika maydonlarini cheklash."
msgid "Segment the response by additional constraint."
msgstr "Javobni qo'shimcha cheklov bilan segmentlash."
msgid "The date the report end, as GMT."
msgstr "Hisobot tugaydigan sana GMT-ga o'xshaydi."
msgid "The date the report end, in the site's timezone."
msgstr "Hisobot tugaydigan sana, saytning vaqt mintaqasida."
msgid "The date the report start, as GMT."
msgstr "Hisobot GMT-da boshlanadigan sana."
msgid "The date the report start, in the site's timezone."
msgstr "Hisobotni boshlash sanasi, saytning vaqt mintaqasida."
msgid "(Deleted)"
msgstr "(O‘chirilgan)"
msgid "Number of discounted orders."
msgstr "Chegirilgan buyurtmalar soni."
msgid "Number of coupons."
msgstr "Kuponlar soni."
msgid "Add additional piece of info about each coupon to the report."
msgstr "Hisobotga har bir kupon haqida qo'shimcha ma'lumot qo'shing."
msgid "Type of interval."
msgstr "Interval turi."
msgid "Reports data grouped by intervals."
msgstr "Intervallar bo'yicha guruhlangan ma'lumotlar."
msgid "Interval subtotals."
msgstr "Interval oralig'i."
msgid "Segment identificator."
msgstr "Segment identifikatori."
msgid "Reports data grouped by segment condition."
msgstr "Segment holati bo'yicha guruhlangan ma'lumot."
msgid "Totals data."
msgstr "Umumiy ma'lumotlar."
msgid "Coupon discount type."
msgstr "Kupon chegirma turi."
msgid "Coupon expiration date in GMT."
msgstr "GMT da kuponning amal qilish muddati."
msgid "Coupon expiration date."
msgstr "Kuponning amal qilish muddati."
msgid "Coupon creation date in GMT."
msgstr "GMT da kuponni yaratish sanasi."
msgid "Limit result set to coupons assigned specific coupon IDs."
msgstr ""
"Maxsus kupon identifikatorlari tayinlangan kuponlar uchun natijani cheklash."
msgid "Coupon creation date."
msgstr "Kuponni yaratish sanasi."
msgid "Coupon ID."
msgstr "Kupon ID-si."
msgid "Net discount amount."
msgstr "Sof chegirma miqdori."
msgid "API path."
msgstr "API yo‘li."
msgid "Customers detailed reports."
msgstr "Xaridorlarning batafsil hisoboti."
msgid "Stats about product downloads."
msgstr "Mahsulotni yuklab olish haqida statistika."
msgid "Product download files detailed reports."
msgstr "Mahsulotni yuklab olish haqida batafsil hisobot."
msgid "Product downloads detailed reports."
msgstr "Mahsulotlarni yuklab olish haqida batafsil hisobotlar."
msgid "Stats about taxes."
msgstr "Soliqlar haqida statistika."
msgid "Taxes detailed reports."
msgstr "Soliqlar haqida batafsil hisobot."
msgid "Stats about coupons."
msgstr "Kuponlar haqida statistika."
msgid "Coupons detailed reports."
msgstr "Kuponlar haqida batafsil ma'lumot."
msgid "Stats about product categories."
msgstr "Mahsulot toifalari haqidagi statistika."
msgid "Product categories detailed reports."
msgstr "Mahsulot toifalari haqida batafsil hisobotlar."
msgid "Stats about products."
msgstr "Mahsulotlar haqida statistika."
msgid "Products detailed reports."
msgstr "Mahsulotlar haqida batafsil hisobotlar."
msgid "Stats about orders."
msgstr "Buyurtmalar haqida statistika."
msgid "Stats about revenue."
msgstr "Daromadlar haqida statistika."
msgid ""
"Batch endpoint for getting specific performance indicators from `stats` "
msgstr ""
"\"Stats\" so'nggi nuqtalaridan aniq ko'rsatkichlarni olish uchun partiyaning "
"so'nggi nuqtasi."
msgid "Net Revenue"
msgstr "Sof daromad"
msgid "Add additional piece of info about each category to the report."
msgstr "Hisobotga har bir toifaga oid qo'shimcha ma'lumot qo'shing."
msgid "Sorry, fetching revenue data failed."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, daromad haqida ma'lumot olib bo'lmadi."
msgid ""
"Limit result set to all items that have the specified term assigned in the "
"categories taxonomy."
msgstr ""
"Belgilangan muddat taksonomik toifalarida belgilangan barcha elementlarga "
"cheklangan natija."
msgid "Limit result set to items that don't have the specified order status."
msgstr ""
"Belgilangan buyurtma holatiga ega bo'lmagan narsalar uchun natijani cheklash."
msgid "Limit result set to items that have the specified order status."
msgstr "Belgilangan buyurtma holatiga ega elementlarga cheklov natijasi."
msgid "Product parent name."
msgstr "Mahsulotning ota-onasi."
msgid "Amount of items sold."
msgstr "Sotilgan buyumlar soni."
msgid "Invalid response from data store."
msgstr "Ma’lumotlar omboridan noto‘g‘ri javob."
msgid "Time interval to use for buckets in the returned data."
msgstr "Qaytarilgan ma'lumotlarda chelaklar uchun vaqt oralig'i."
msgid "Search by similar product name or sku."
msgstr "O'xshash mahsulot nomi yoki sku bo'yicha qidirish."
msgid "Number of orders."
msgstr "Buyurtmalar soni."
msgid "There was an error communicating with the WooCommerce Payments plugin."
msgstr "WooCommerce Payments plagin bilan bog'lanishda xatolik yuz berdi."
msgid "Action that should be completed to connect Jetpack."
msgstr "Jetpack-ni ulash uchun bajarilishi kerak bo'lgan harakatlar."
msgid "Plugin status."
msgstr "Plagin holati."
msgid "Plugin slug."
msgstr "Plagin shpritsi."
msgid "Plugin name."
msgstr "Plagin nomi."
msgid "There was an error connecting to Square."
msgstr "Square ga ulanishda xatolik yuz berdi."
msgid "There was an error connecting to Please try again."
msgstr ""
" saytiga ulanishda xatolik yuz berdi. Iltimos, yana bir bor "
"urinib ko'ring."
msgid "There was an error loading the Helper API."
msgstr " Helper API-ni yuklashda xatolik yuz berdi."
msgid "Jetpack is not installed or active."
msgstr "Jetpack o‘rnatilmagan yoki faol emas."
msgid "There was a problem activating some of the requested plugins."
msgstr "Baʼzi soʻralgan plaginlarni faollashtirishda muammo yuz berdi."
msgid "Plugins were successfully activated."
msgstr "Plaginlar muvaffaqiyatli faollashtirildi."
msgid "The requested plugin `%s`. is not yet installed."
msgstr "Talab qilingan plagin `%s`. hali o'rnatilmagan."
msgid "The requested plugin `%s` could not be activated."
msgstr "So‘ralgan “%s” plaginini faollashtirib bo‘lmadi."
msgid "There was a problem installing some of the requested plugins."
msgstr "Baʼzi soʻralgan plaginlarni oʻrnatishda muammo yuz berdi."
msgid "Plugins were successfully installed."
msgstr "Plaginlar muvaffaqiyatli o'rnatildi."
msgid "The requested plugin `%s` could not be installed."
msgstr "Talab qilingan `%s` plaginini o'rnatib bo'lmadi."
msgid ""
"The requested plugin `%s` could not be installed. Plugin API call failed."
msgstr ""
"Talab qilingan `%s` plaginini o'rnatib bo'lmadi. Plagin API bilan bog'lanib "
msgid "Limit result set to orders matching part of an order number."
msgstr "Natijani buyurtma raqamiga mos keladigan qismlarga cheklash."
msgid "Plugins must be a non-empty array."
msgstr "Plaginlar bo'sh bo'lmagan massiv bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "Array of options with associated values."
msgstr "Bog'langan qiymatlar bilan parametrlarni tartibga solish."
msgid "Sorry, you cannot manage these options."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, ushbu parametrlarni boshqara olmaysiz."
msgid "You must supply an array of options and values."
msgstr "Bir qator parametrlar va qiymatlarni taqdim etishingiz kerak."
msgid "Sorry, you cannot view these options."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, siz ushbu parametrlarni ko'ra olmaysiz."
msgid "You must supply an array of options."
msgstr "Bir qator variantlarni taqdim etishingiz kerak."
msgid "Theme status."
msgstr "Mavzu holati."
msgid "Theme slug."
msgstr "Mavzuni tuzish."
msgid "The requested theme could not be activated."
msgstr "Talab qilingan mavzuni faollashtirib bo‘lmadi."
msgid "Invalid theme %s."
msgstr "%s mavzusi noto‘g‘ri."
msgid "The requested theme `%s` could not be installed."
msgstr "Talab qilingan \"%s\" mavzusini o'rnatib bo'lmadi."
msgid "The requested theme `%s` could not be installed. Theme API call failed."
msgstr ""
"Talab qilingan \"%s\" mavzusini o'rnatib bo'lmadi. Theme API qo'ng'irog'i "
"amalga oshmadi."
msgid "New Products"
msgstr "Yangi mahsulotlar"
msgid "On Sale"
msgstr "Sotuvda"
msgid "Fan Favorites"
msgstr "Muxlislarning sevimlilari"
msgid "New In"
msgstr "Yangi In"
msgid "Shop by Category"
msgstr "Kategoriya bo'yicha do'kon"
msgid "Invalid theme."
msgstr "Mavzu noto‘g‘ri."
msgid "Sorry, you cannot manage themes."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, mavzularni boshqara olmaysiz."
msgid "Go shopping"
msgstr "Savatga boring"
msgid "Write a short welcome message here"
msgstr "Qisqa xush kelibsiz xabarni bu erda yozing"
msgid "Welcome to the store"
msgstr "Do'konga xush kelibsiz"
msgid "Sorry, the sample products data file was not found."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, namunaviy mahsulot ma'lumotlari fayli topilmadi."
msgid ""
"Whether or not the store was connected to during the "
"extension flow."
msgstr ""
"Kengaytma oqimi paytida do'kon ulanganmi yoki yo'qmi."
msgid "Whether or not this store was setup for a client."
msgstr "Ushbu do'kon mijoz uchun sozlanganmi yoki yo'qmi."
msgid "Name of other platform used to sell (not listed)."
msgstr ""
"Sotishda ishlatiladigan boshqa platformaning nomi (ro'yxatda ko'rsatilmagan)."
msgid "Selected store theme."
msgstr "Tanlangan do'kon mavzusi."
msgid "Extra business extensions to install."
msgstr "O'rnatish uchun qo'shimcha biznes kengaytmalari."
msgid "Name of other platform used to sell."
msgstr "Sotishda ishlatiladigan boshqa platformaning nomi."
msgid "Current annual revenue of the store."
msgstr "Do'konning joriy yillik daromadi."
msgid "Other places the store is selling products."
msgstr "Do'kon mahsulotlarni sotadigan boshqa joylarda."
msgid "Number of products to be added."
msgstr "Qo'shilishi kerak bo'lgan mahsulotlar soni."
msgid "Types of products sold."
msgstr "Sotilgan mahsulotlar turlari."
msgid "Industry."
msgstr "Sanoat."
msgid "Whether or not the profile was skipped."
msgstr "Profil o'tkazib yuborilganmi yoki yo'qmi."
msgid "Whether or not the profile was completed."
msgstr "Profil tugaganmi yoki yo'qmi."
msgid "Onboarding profile data has been updated."
msgstr "Bortli profil ma'lumotlari yangilandi."
msgid "Registers whether the note is deleted or not"
msgstr "Eslatma o'chirilgan yoki o'chirilmaganligini qayd qiladi"
msgid "The image of the note, if any."
msgstr "Agar mavjud bo'lsa, eslatmaning tasviri."
msgid "An array of actions, if any, for the note."
msgstr "Agar eslatma uchun harakatlar mavjud bo'lsa."
msgid "Whether or not a user can request to be reminded about the note."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi eslatmani eslatishni talab qilishi mumkinmi yoki yo'qmi."
msgid "The layout of the note (e.g. banner, thumbnail, plain)."
msgstr "Eslatmaning joylashuvi (masalan, banner, eskiz, oddiy)."
msgid "Date after which the user should be reminded of the note, if any (GMT)."
msgstr ""
"Foydalanuvchi eslatmani eslatib turishi kerak bo'lgan sana, agar mavjud "
"bo'lsa (GMT)."
msgid "Date after which the user should be reminded of the note, if any."
msgstr "Sana, agar mavjud bo'lsa, foydalanuvchiga eslatmani eslatishi kerak."
msgid "Date the note was created (GMT)."
msgstr "Eslatma yaratilgan sana (GMT)."
msgid "Date the note was created."
msgstr "Eslatma yaratilgan sana."
msgid "Source of the note."
msgstr "Eslatma manbai."
msgid "The status of the note (e.g. unactioned, actioned)."
msgstr "Qayd holati (masalan, ishlov berilmagan, amal bajarilmagan)."
msgid "Content data for the note. JSON string. Available for re-localization."
msgstr ""
"Qayd uchun tarkib ma'lumotlari. JSON qatori. Qayta mahalliylashtirish uchun "
msgid "Content of the note."
msgstr "Izohning mazmuni."
msgid "Title of the note."
msgstr "Notaning nomi."
msgid "Locale used for the note title and content."
msgstr "Qayd nomi va mazmuni uchun ishlatiladigan til."
msgid "The type of the note (e.g. error, warning, etc.)."
msgstr "Qayd turi (masalan, xato, ogohlantirish va hk)."
msgid "The plugin could not be activated."
msgstr "Plaginni faollashtirib bo‘lmadi."
msgid "Sorry, you cannot manage plugins."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, siz plaginlarni boshqara olmaysiz."
msgid "Name of the note."
msgstr "Notaning nomi."
msgid "ID of the note record."
msgstr "Qayd yozuvining identifikatori."
msgid "Status of note."
msgstr "Qayd holati."
msgid "Type of note."
msgstr "Qayd turi."
msgid "Unique ID for the Note Action."
msgstr "Eslatma harakati uchun noyob identifikator."
msgid "Unique ID for the Note."
msgstr "Izoh uchun noyob identifikator."
msgid "Sorry, there is no resource with that ID."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, ushbu identifikator bilan hech qanday manba mavjud emas."
msgid "Sorry, there is no note with that ID."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, bu identifikator bilan hech qanday eslatma yo'q."
msgid "Invalid plugin."
msgstr "Yaroqsiz plagin."
msgid "Table cell value."
msgstr "Jadval katakchasining qiymati."
msgid "Table cell display."
msgstr "Jadval uyasi displeyi."
msgid "Table rows."
msgstr "Jadval qatorlari."
msgid "Table column header."
msgstr "Jadval ustunining sarlavhasi."
msgid "Table headers."
msgstr "Jadval sarlavhalari."
msgid "Displayed title for the leaderboard."
msgstr "Peshqadamlar ro'yxati uchun sarlavha."
msgid "Leaderboard ID."
msgstr "Peshqadamlar ro'yxati identifikatori."
msgid "URL query to persist across links."
msgstr "Havolalarni saqlab qolish uchun URL so'rovi."
msgid "Top Customers - Total Spend"
msgstr "Eng yaxshi mijozlar - umumiy xarajat"
msgid "Coupon Code"
msgstr "Kupon kodi"
msgid "Top Coupons - Number of Orders"
msgstr "Eng yaxshi kuponlar - Buyurtmalar soni"
msgid "Total Spend"
msgstr "Umumiy sarf"
msgid "IP address."
msgstr "P manzili."
msgid ""
"A partial IP address can be passed and matching results will be returned."
msgstr ""
"Qisman IP-manzilni uzatish mumkin va mos keladigan natijalar qaytariladi."
msgid "An endpoint used for searching download logs for a specific IP address."
msgstr ""
"Muayyan IP manzil uchun yuklab olish jurnallarini qidirishda "
"foydalaniladigan so'nggi nuqta."
msgid "Invalid request. Please pass the match parameter."
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri so‘rov. Iltimos, moslik parametrini o'tkazing."
msgid "Limit results to coupons with codes matching a given string."
msgstr ""
"Natijalarni berilgan satrga mos keladigan kodli kuponlar bilan cheklang."
msgid "Download your %1$s Report: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s hisobotingizni yuklab oling:%2$s"
msgid "Download your %s Report"
msgstr "%s hisobotingizni yuklab oling"
msgid "Edit Product"
msgstr "Mahsulotni tahrirlash"
msgid "Edit Coupon"
msgstr "Kuponni tahrirlash"
msgid "Edit Order"
msgstr "Buyurtmani tahrirlash"
msgid "Extensions"
msgstr "Kengaytmalar"
msgid "Limit result set to products with a specific slug."
msgstr "Maxsus shlakli mahsulotlarga cheklangan natija."
msgid "Limit result set to resources with a specific code."
msgstr ""
"Muayyan kodi bo'lgan manbalargMuayyan kodi bo'lgan manbalarga cheklangan "
"natija.a cheklangan natija."
msgid "Limit result set to reviews assigned to specific user IDs."
msgstr ""
"Muayyan foydalanuvchi identifikatoriga tayinlangan sharhlar uchun natijani "
msgid "Limit result set to webhooks assigned a specific status."
msgstr ""
"Muayyan holatga tayinlangan veb-kukular uchun belgilangan natijani cheklash."
msgid ""
"Limit response to resources published before a given ISO8601 compliant date."
msgstr ""
"Berilgan ISO8601 muvofiq sanadan oldin nashr etilgan manbalarga javobni "
msgid "Limit result set to products assigned a specific tag ID."
msgstr ""
"Maxsus yorliq identifikatori berilgan mahsulotlar uchun natijani cheklash."
msgid "Limit result set to products assigned a specific type."
msgstr "Maxsus turga tayinlangan mahsulotlarga cheklangan natija."
msgid "Limit result set to products assigned a specific status."
msgstr ""
"Maxsus maqomga ega bo'lgan mahsulotlar uchun belgilangan natijani cheklash."
msgid "Featured product."
msgstr "Tanlangan mahsulot."
msgid "Limit result set to orders assigned a specific product."
msgstr ""
"Maxsus mahsulot tayinlangan buyurtmalarga o'rnatilgan natijani cheklash."
msgid "Sorry, you cannot update resource."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, manbani yangilay olmaysiz."
msgid "Limit result set to orders assigned a specific customer."
msgstr ""
"Muayyan xaridor tayinlagan buyurtmalarga o'rnatilgan natijani cheklash."
msgid "Limit result set to orders assigned a specific status."
msgstr ""
"Muayyan maqom berilgan buyurtmalar uchun belgilangan natijani cheklash."
msgid "Customers do not support trashing."
msgstr "Mijozlar axlat yig'ishni qo'llab-quvvatlamaydi."
msgid "Invalid resource id."
msgstr "Resurs identifikatori noto‘g‘ri."
msgid "The resource cannot be deleted."
msgstr "Resursni o'chirib bo'lmaydi."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this resource."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, ushbu manbani tahrirlash huquqingiz yo'q."
msgid "You do not have permission to create tax rates"
msgstr "Sizda soliq stavkalarini yaratishga ruxsat yo'q"
msgid "You do not have permission to read this %s"
msgstr "Sizda ushbu %s ni o'qish huquqi yo'q"
msgid "Placeholder"
msgstr "Joy egasi"
msgid "You do not have permission to create products"
msgstr "Sizda mahsulot yaratish uchun ruxsat yo'q"
msgid "You do not have permission to create this customer"
msgstr "Sizda ushbu mijozni yaratish uchun ruxsat yo'q"
msgid "Billing Address"
msgstr "To‘lov manzili"
msgid "Account details"
msgstr "Akkaunt ma’lumotlari"
msgid "The ID for the resource."
msgstr "Resurs uchun ID."
msgid "On hold (%s)"
msgid_plural "On hold (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Kutish holatida ( %s)"
msgid "WordPress version"
msgstr "WordPress versiyasi"
msgid "Invalid product ID"
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri mahsulot identifikatori"
msgid "Parent category"
msgstr "Asosiy kategoriya"
msgid "Database prefix"
msgstr "Ma'lumotlar bazasi prefiksi"
msgid "New product"
msgstr "Yangi mahsulot"
msgid "Parent %s"
msgstr "Ota %s"
msgid "Please re-enter your password."
msgstr "Parolni qayta kiriting."
msgid "Backorders?"
msgstr "Orqa chegaralarmi?"
msgid "State code"
msgstr "Viloyat kodi"
msgid "Currency position"
msgstr "Valyuta holati"
msgid "Coupons"
msgstr "Kuponlar"
msgid "Address line 2"
msgstr "Manzil qatori 2"
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "Pul birligi"
msgid "Remove this image"
msgstr "Tanlangan rasmni o'chirish"
msgid "Product categories"
msgstr "Mahsulot toifalarini tanlang"
msgid "You do not have permission to edit Webhooks"
msgstr "Sizda Webhook-larni tahrirlashga ruxsat yo'q"
msgid "Coupon code"
msgstr "Kupon kodi"
msgid "Product name"
msgstr "Mahsulot nomi"
msgid "You may also like…"
msgstr "Sizga yoqishi mumkin …"
msgid ""
"Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review."
msgstr ""
"Mahsulotga faqatgina akkauntiga kirib mahsulotni sotib olgan hairdo fikr "
"bildirishi mumkin."
msgid "Your review"
msgstr "Sizning sharhingiz"
msgid "Very poor"
msgstr "Juda kambag'al"
msgid "Not that bad"
msgstr "Yomonmas"
msgid "Perfect"
msgstr "A'lo"
msgid "Rate…"
msgstr "Baholash …"
msgid "%1$s review for %2$s"
msgid_plural "%1$s reviews for %2$s"
msgstr[0] "%2$s uchun%1$s sharh"
msgid "Awaiting product image"
msgstr "Mahsulot imidjini kutish"
msgid "Next (arrow right)"
msgstr "Keyingi (o'ngga strelka)"
msgid "Previous (arrow left)"
msgstr "Avvalgi (chapga strelka)"
msgid "Zoom in/out"
msgstr "Kattalashtirish/Kichraytirish"
msgid "Be the first to review “%s”"
msgstr "“%s&rdquo mahsulotiga birinchilardan bo'lib fikr bildiring;"
msgid "Your rating"
msgstr "Reyting bo'yicha baholang"
msgid "Add a review"
msgstr "Baho Berish"
msgid "There are no reviews yet."
msgstr "Baho berilmagan."
msgid "verified owner"
msgstr "ishonchli haridor"
msgid "Your review is awaiting approval"
msgstr "Sharhingiz tasdiqlashni kutmoqda"
msgid "Related products"
msgstr "O'xshash mahsulotlar"
msgid "%s customer review"
msgid_plural "%s customer reviews"
msgstr[0] "%s mijozlar sharhi"
msgid "Toggle fullscreen"
msgstr "To'liq ekranga o'tish"
msgid "Close (Esc)"
msgstr "Yopish (ESC)"
msgid "Search products…"
msgstr "Mahsulot Izlash …"
msgid "Order again"
msgstr "Qayta buyurtma qilish"
msgid "Track"
msgstr "Faollik"
msgid "Email you used during checkout."
msgstr "To'lov paytida siz ishlatgan elektron pochta."
msgid "Billing email"
msgstr "Hisob-kitob xati"
msgid "Found in your order confirmation email."
msgstr "Buyurtmani tasdiqlovchi elektron pochta xabarida."
msgid "This product is currently out of stock and unavailable."
msgstr "Ushbu mahsulot omborda qolmadi."
msgid ""
"To track your order please enter your Order ID in the box below and press "
"the \"Track\" button. This was given to you on your receipt and in the "
"confirmation email you should have received."
msgstr ""
"Buyurtmani kuzatish uchun quyidagi maydonchaga Buyurtma ID raqamingizni "
"kiriting va \"Kuzatish\" tugmasini bosing. Bu sizning kvitansiyangizda va "
"siz qabul qilishingiz kerak bo'lgan tasdiqlash elektron pochtasida berilgan."
msgid "Order #%1$s was placed on %2$s and is currently %3$s."
msgstr "#%1$s buyurtma%2$s-ga joylashtirilgan va hozirda%3$s."
msgid "Order updates"
msgstr "Buyurtma yangilanishlari"
msgid "%1$s ending in %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s %2$s bilan tugaydi"
msgid "%1$s for %2$s item"
msgid_plural "%1$s for %2$s items"
msgstr[0] "%2$s uchun%1$s"
msgid "No saved methods found."
msgstr "Saqlangan usul topilmadi."
msgid "No order has been made yet."
msgstr "Hozircha hech qanday buyurtma berilmagan."
msgid "Recent orders"
msgstr "So'nggi buyurtmalar"
msgid "%s download remaining"
msgid_plural "%s downloads remaining"
msgstr[0] "%s yuklash qoldi"
msgid "Available downloads"
msgstr "Mavjud yuklab olishlar"
msgid "You have not set up this type of address yet."
msgstr "Siz hali bu turdagi manzilni o'rnatmagansiz."
msgid "The following addresses will be used on the checkout page by default."
msgstr "Bu manzil siz buyurtma qilganingizda ishlatiladi."
msgid ""
"A password reset email has been sent to the email address on file for your "
"account, but may take several minutes to show up in your inbox. Please wait "
"at least 10 minutes before attempting another reset."
msgstr ""
"Parolni tiklash elektron pochta manzili sizning hisobingizdagi fayllar "
"elektron pochta manziliga yuborildi, ammo sizning pochtangizda paydo "
"bo'lishi bir necha daqiqa vaqt olishi mumkin. Qayta tiklashga urinishdan "
"oldin kamida 10 daqiqa kuting."
msgid "Password reset email has been sent."
msgstr "Parolni tiklash e-pochtasi yuborildi."
msgid "Re-enter new password"
msgstr "Yangi parolni qayta kiriting"
msgid "Enter a new password below."
msgstr "Quyida yangi parolni kiriting."
msgid ""
"This will be how your name will be displayed in the account section and in "
msgstr "Sizning ismingiz qayd yozuvlari bo'limida va sharhlarda ko'rsatiladi"
msgid "Save address"
msgstr "Manzilni saqlang"
msgid "New password (leave blank to leave unchanged)"
msgstr "Yangi parol (o'zgarishsiz qoldirish uchun bo'sh qoldiring)"
msgid "Current password (leave blank to leave unchanged)"
msgstr "Joriy parol (o'zgarishsiz qoldirish uchun bo'sh qoldiring)"
msgid "Password change"
msgstr "Parolni o‘zgartirish"
msgid ""
"New payment methods can only be added during checkout. Please contact us if "
"you require assistance."
msgstr ""
"To'lovning yangi usullari faqat to'lov paytida qo'shilishi mumkin. Agar "
"sizga yordam kerak bo'lsa, iltimos biz bilan bog'laning."
msgid "No downloads available yet."
msgstr "Hali hech qanday yuklab olish mavjud emas."
msgid "Browse products"
msgstr "Mahsulotlarni ko'rib chiqing"
msgid ""
"From your account dashboard you can view your recent "
"orders, manage your shipping and billing addresses, "
"and edit your password and account details."
msgstr ""
"Hisobingizning boshqaruv panelidan siz oxirgi "
"buyurtmalaringizni ko'rishingiz, etkazib berish va "
"billing manzillaringizni boshqarishingiz, shuningdek, "
"parolingiz va hisob ma'lumotlarini o'zgartirishingiz mumkin ."
msgid ""
"From your account dashboard you can view your recent "
"orders, manage your billing address, and edit your password and account details."
msgstr ""
"Hisobingiz boshqaruv panelidan so'nggi buyurtmalaringizni"
"a> ko'rishingiz, hisob- kitob manzilingizni "
"boshqarishingiz , parol va hisob ma'lumotlarini "
"tahrirlashingiz mumkin ."
msgctxt "with first and last result"
msgid "Showing %1$d–%2$d of %3$d result"
msgid_plural "Showing %1$d–%2$d of %3$d results"
msgstr[0] "Jami %3$d natijadan %1$d–%2$d"
msgid "Hello %1$s (not %1$s? Log out)"
msgstr "Salom %1$s (%1$s emasmi? Chiqish )"
msgid "Sale!"
msgstr "Chegirma!"
msgid "Shop order"
msgstr "Do'kon buyurtmasi"
msgid "[Order #%1$s] (%2$s)"
msgstr "[Buyurtma #%1$s] (%2$s)"
msgid ""
"If you didn't make this request, just ignore this email. If you'd like to "
msgstr ""
"Agar siz bunday so‘rov yubormagan bo‘lsangiz, shunchaki ushbu e-pochtani "
"e'tiborsiz qoldiring. Davom etishni istasangiz:"
msgid "%s quantity"
msgstr "%s miqdori"
msgid "Showing all %d result"
msgid_plural "Showing all %d results"
msgstr[0] "Barcha %d natija"
msgid "Showing the single result"
msgstr "Yagona natijani ko'rsatish"
msgid "No products were found matching your selection."
msgstr "Sizning tanlovingizga mos keladigan mahsulotlar topilmadi."
msgid "View order: %s"
msgstr "Buyurtmani ko'rish: %s"
msgid "Click here to reset your password"
msgstr "Parolni tiklash uchun shu erni bosing"
msgid "[Order #%s]"
msgstr "[Buyurtma # %s]"
msgid "Customer details"
msgstr "Xaridor haqida ma'lumot"
msgid "Billing address"
msgstr "Buyurtmachi manzili"
msgid "Someone has requested a new password for the following account on %s:"
msgstr "Kimdir %s hisobida quyidagi hisob uchun yangi parol so'radi:"
msgid ""
"Your order on %s has been refunded. There are more details below for your "
msgstr ""
"%s ustidagi buyurtmangiz qaytarildi. Malumot uchun quyida tafsilotlar mavjud:"
msgid ""
"Your order on %s has been partially refunded. There are more details below "
"for your reference:"
msgstr ""
"%s ustidagi buyurtmangiz qisman qaytarildi. Malumot uchun quyida tafsilotlar "
msgid ""
"Just to let you know — we've received your order #%s, and it is now "
"being processed:"
msgstr ""
"Faqat sizga xabar berish uchun & mdash; biz # %s buyurtmangizni qabul qildik "
"va u qayta ko'rib chiqilmoqda:"
msgid "As a reminder, here are your order details:"
msgstr "Eslatma sifatida sizning buyurtma tafsilotlaringiz:"
msgid "The following note has been added to your order:"
msgstr "Sizning buyurtmangizga quyidagi eslatma qo'shildi:"
msgid ""
"Thanks for creating an account on %1$s. Your username is %2$s. You can "
"access your account area to view orders, change your password, and more at: "
msgstr ""
"%1$s hisobini yaratganingiz uchun tashakkur. Sizning ismingiz%2$s. Siz "
"buyurtmalarni ko'rish, parolingizni o'zgartirish va boshqa narsalarni "
"ko'rish uchun hisob qaydnomangiz hududiga kirishingiz mumkin:%3$s"
msgid "Here are the details of your order placed on %s:"
msgstr "%s-ga joylashtirilgan buyurtmaning tafsilotlari:"
msgid ""
"An order has been created for you on %1$s. Your invoice is below, with a "
"link to make payment when you’re ready: %2$s"
msgstr ""
"Siz uchun%1$sda buyurtma yaratilgan. Hisob-fakturangiz quyida, tayyor "
"bo'lganda to'lovni amalga oshirish uchun havola mavjud:%2$s"
msgid "Pay for this order"
msgstr "Ushbu buyurtmani to'lash"
msgid "We have finished processing your order."
msgstr "Buyurtmani qayta ishlashni yakunladik."
msgid "You’ve received the following order from %s:"
msgstr "Siz %s dan quyidagi buyurtmani oldingiz:"
msgid ""
"Notification to let you know — order #%1$s belonging to %2$s has been "
msgstr ""
"Sizni xabardor qilish uchun bildirishnoma & mdash; %2$sga tegishli #%1$s "
"buyurtmasi bekor qilindi:"
msgid "Payment for order #%1$s from %2$s has failed. The order was as follows:"
msgstr ""
"%2$s-dan \"%1$s\" buyurtmasi uchun to'lov amalga oshmadi. Buyurtma "
"quyidagicha edi:"
msgid "Price:"
msgstr "Narx:"
msgid ""
"Unfortunately your order cannot be processed as the originating bank/"
"merchant has declined your transaction. Please attempt your purchase again."
msgstr ""
"Afsuski, buyurtmangizni amalga oshirib bo'lmaydi, chunki bank / savdogar "
"operatsiyani rad etdi. Iltimos, xaridni qaytadan urining."
msgid "Thank you. Your order has been received."
msgstr "Rahmat. Buyurtmangiz qabul qilindi."
msgid "Max price"
msgstr "Maksimal narx"
msgid "Min price"
msgstr "Minimal narx"
msgid "Update totals"
msgstr "Umumiy ma'lumotni yangilang"
msgid ""
"Since your browser does not support JavaScript, or it is disabled, please "
"ensure you click the %1$sUpdate Totals%2$s button before placing your order. "
"You may be charged more than the amount stated above if you fail to do so."
msgstr ""
"Brauzeringiz JavaScript-ni qo'llab-quvvatlamasa yoki u o'chirilgan bo'lsa, "
"buyurtmani joylashtirishdan oldin%1$sUpdate jami%2$s tugmasini bosing. Agar "
"buni qilmasangiz, yuqorida ko'rsatilgan miqdordan ko'proq haq olinishi "
msgid ""
"Sorry, it seems that there are no available payment methods for your state. "
"Please contact us if you require assistance or wish to make alternate "
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, sizning shtatingizda to‘lov usullari mavjud emasga o‘xshaydi. "
"Agar sizga yordam kerak bo'lsa yoki boshqa tadbirlarni amalga oshirishni "
"xohlasangiz, iltimos biz bilan bog'laning."
msgid "Please fill in your details above to see available payment methods."
msgstr ""
"Mavjud to'lov usullarini ko'rish uchun iltimos, yuqoridagi ma'lumotlarni "
msgid "Ship to a different address?"
msgstr "Boshqa manzilga yuborilsinmi?"
msgid ""
"Sorry, it seems that there are no available payment methods for your "
"location. Please contact us if you require assistance or wish to make "
"alternate arrangements."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, sizning joylashuvingiz uchun to'lov usullari mavjud emas. Agar "
"sizga yordam kerak bo'lsa yoki boshqa tadbirlarni amalga oshirishni "
"xohlasangiz, iltimos biz bilan bog'laning."
msgid "Order number:"
msgstr "Buyurtma raqami:"
msgid ""
"If you have shopped with us before, please enter your details below. If you "
"are a new customer, please proceed to the Billing section."
msgstr ""
"Agar ilgari biz bilan savdo qilgan bo'lsangiz, iltimos, quyida ma'lumotlarni "
"kiriting. Agar siz yangi mijoz bo'lsangiz, \"Hisob-kitob\" bo'limiga o'ting."
msgid "If you have a coupon code, please apply it below."
msgstr "Agar sizda kupon kodi bo'lsa, iltimos, uni quyida qo'llang."
msgid "Returning customer?"
msgstr "Mahsulotni qaytarmoqchimisiz?"
msgid "Click here to enter your code"
msgstr "Kodingizni kiritish uchun shu erni bosing"
msgid "Have a coupon?"
msgstr "Kupon bormi?"
msgid "You must be logged in to checkout."
msgstr "Siz harid qilishga o'tishingiz zarur."
msgid "Create an account?"
msgstr "Hisob ochish?"
msgid "Billing & Shipping"
msgstr "To'lov & yuk tashish; yetkazib berish"
msgid "Return to cart"
msgstr "Savatga qaytish"
msgid ""
"There are some issues with the items in your cart. Please go back to the "
"cart page and resolve these issues before checking out."
msgstr ""
"Savatdagi narsalar bilan bog'liq muammolar mavjud. Iltimos, tekshiruvdan "
"oldin savat sahifasiga qayting va ushbu muammolarni hal qiling."
msgid "Calculate shipping"
msgstr "Yuk tashishni hisoblang"
msgid "Proceed to checkout"
msgstr "Buyurtma berish"
msgid "No products in the cart."
msgstr "Savatchada mahsulotlar yo'q."
msgid "You may be interested in…"
msgstr "Qiziqishingiz mumkin …"
msgid "Enter a different address"
msgstr "Boshqa manzilni kiriting"
msgid "No shipping options were found for %s."
msgstr "%s uchun yuk etkazib berish variantlari topilmadi."
msgid ""
"There are no shipping options available. Please ensure that your address has "
"been entered correctly, or contact us if you need any help."
msgstr ""
"Yuk tashish variantlari mavjud emas. Iltimos, manzilingiz to'g'ri "
"kiritilganligiga ishonch hosil qiling yoki yordam kerak bo'lsa biz bilan "
msgid "(estimated for %s)"
msgstr "(taxmin qilingan %s)"
msgid "Cart totals"
msgstr "Buyurtma miqdori"
msgid "Enter your address to view shipping options."
msgstr "Yetkazib berish opsiyalarini ko'rish uchun manzilingizni kiriting."
msgid "Shipping costs are calculated during checkout."
msgstr "Yetkazib berish narxi oxirgi bosqichda hisoblab chiqiladi."
msgid "Shipping options will be updated during checkout."
msgstr "Chiqish paytida yuk tashish opsiyalari yangilanadi."
msgid "Shipping to %s."
msgstr "%s ga etkazib berish."
msgid "Change address"
msgstr "Manzilni o'zgartirish"
msgid "Application authentication request"
msgstr "Ilova haqiqiyligini so'rash"
msgid "Coupon:"
msgstr "Kupon:"
msgid ""
"To connect to %1$s you need to be logged in. Log in to your store below, or "
"cancel and return to %1$s"
msgstr ""
"%1$s-ga ulanish uchun tizimga kirish kerak. Quyidagi do'konga kiring yoki bekor qiling va%1$s-ga qayting."
msgid "Missing the WooCommerce %s package"
msgstr "WooCommerce %s paketi yo'q"
msgid "This will give \"%1$s\" %2$s access which will allow it to:"
msgstr ""
"Bu \"%1$s\"%2$s-ga kirish huquqini beradi, bu quyidagilarga imkon beradi:"
msgid "%s would like to connect to your store"
msgstr "%s sizning do'koningizga ulanmoqchi"
msgid "Not enough units of %s are available in stock to fulfil this order."
msgstr "Ushbu buyurtmani bajarish uchun stokda %s birlik mavjud emas."
msgid ""%s" is out of stock and cannot be purchased."
msgstr "& quot; %s & quot; mavjud emas va sotib olinmaydi."
msgid ""
"Your installation of WooCommerce is incomplete. If you installed WooCommerce "
"from GitHub, %1$splease refer to this document%2$s to set up your "
"development environment."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce-ning o'rnatilishi tugallanmagan. Agar siz WooCommerce-ni GitHub-"
"dan o'rnatgan bo'lsangiz,%1$sp жылы sizning atrof-muhitingizni sozlash uchun "
"ushbu hujjatga%2$s murojaat qiling."
msgid ""
"Your installation of WooCommerce is incomplete. If you installed WooCommerce "
"from GitHub, please refer to this document to set up your development "
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce-ning o'rnatilishi tugallanmagan. Agar siz GitHub-dan WooCommerce-"
"ni o'rnatgan bo'lsangiz, iltimos, rivojlanish muhitingizni sozlash uchun "
"ushbu hujjatga murojaat qiling:"
msgid "A list of your store's top-rated products."
msgstr "Do'koningizning eng yuqori baholangan mahsulotlari ro'yxati."
msgid "Recent Product Reviews"
msgstr "So'nggi mahsulot sharhlari"
msgid "Display a list of recent reviews from your store."
msgstr "Do'koningizdagi so'nggi sharhlar ro'yxatini ko'rsating."
msgid "Top rated products"
msgstr "Eng yuqori baholangan mahsulotlar"
msgid "Number of reviews to show"
msgstr "Ko'rsatiladigan sharhlar soni"
msgid "Recent reviews"
msgstr "So'nggi sharhlar"
msgid "Display a list of a customer's recently viewed products."
msgstr "Xaridorning yaqinda ko'rgan mahsulotlari ro'yxatini ko'rsatish."
msgid "Filter Products by Rating"
msgstr "Mahsulotlarni reyting bo'yicha filtrlang"
msgid "Display a list of star ratings to filter products in your store."
msgstr ""
"Do'koningizda mahsulotlarni filtrlash uchun yulduz reytinglari ro'yxatini "
msgid "Recently Viewed Products"
msgstr "Yaqinda ko'rilgan mahsulotlar"
msgid "A list of your store's products."
msgstr "Do'koningiz mahsulotlarining ro'yxati."
msgid "Product Tag Cloud"
msgstr "Mahsulot yorlig'i buluti"
msgid "A cloud of your most used product tags."
msgstr "Eng ko'p ishlatiladigan mahsulot yorliqlari."
msgid "Product Search"
msgstr "Mahsulotni qidirish"
msgid "Show hidden products"
msgstr "Yashirin mahsulotlarni ko'rsating"
msgid "Hide free products"
msgstr "Bepul mahsulotlarni yashirish"
msgid "DESC"
msgstr "DESC"
msgid "ASC"
msgstr "ASC"
msgctxt "Sorting order"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Buyurtma"
msgid "On-sale products"
msgstr "Sotish mahsulotlari"
msgid "Number of products to show"
msgstr "Ko'rsatiladigan mahsulotlar soni"
msgid "Maximum depth"
msgstr "Maksimal chuqurlik"
msgid "Hide empty categories"
msgstr "Bo'sh toifalarni yashirish"
msgid "Only show children of the current category"
msgstr "Faqat joriy toifadagi bolalarni ko'rsating"
msgid "Show product counts"
msgstr "Mahsulotlar sonini ko'rsatish"
msgid "Filter Products by Price"
msgstr "Mahsulotlarni narx bo'yicha filtrlang"
msgid "Display a slider to filter products in your store by price."
msgstr ""
"Do'koningizdagi mahsulotlarni narx bo'yicha filtrlash uchun slayderni "
"namoyish eting."
msgid "Category order"
msgstr "Turkum buyurtmasi"
msgid "A list or dropdown of product categories."
msgstr "Mahsulotlar toifalari ro'yxati yoki pastga tushadigan joy."
msgid "Any %s"
msgstr "Har qanday %s"
msgid "Filter by price"
msgstr "Narxlari bo'yicha filtrlang"
msgid "OR"
msgstr "YOKI"
msgid "Product Categories"
msgstr "Mahsulot kategoriyalari"
msgid "Filter Products by Attribute"
msgstr "Mahsulotlarni Attribute orqali filtrlang"
msgid "AND"
msgstr "VA"
msgid "Query type"
msgstr "So‘rov turi"
msgid "Attribute"
msgstr "Xususiyat"
msgid "Display a list of attributes to filter products in your store."
msgstr ""
"Do'koningizdagi mahsulotlarni filtrlash uchun atributlar ro'yxatini "
msgid "Active Product Filters"
msgstr "Faol mahsulot filtrlari"
msgid "Display a list of active product filters."
msgstr "Faol mahsulot filtrlari ro'yxatini ko'rsatish."
msgid "Display the customer shopping cart."
msgstr "Xaridorning xarid qilish vositasini ko'rsating."
msgid "Min %s"
msgstr "Minimum %s"
msgid "Hide if cart is empty"
msgstr "Agarda Savatcha bo'sh bo'lsa uni yashirish"
msgid "Please enter an account password."
msgstr "Hisob qaydnomasi parolini kiriting."
msgid "Remove filter"
msgstr "Filtrni olib tashlang"
msgid ""
"An account is already registered with that username. Please choose another."
msgstr ""
"Hisob allaqachon ushbu foydalanuvchi nomi bilan ro'yxatdan o'tgan. Iltimos, "
"boshqasini tanlang."
msgid "Please enter a valid account username."
msgstr "Haqiqiy hisob nomini kiriting."
msgid ""
"An account is already registered with your email address. Please log in."
msgstr ""
"Sizning elektron pochta manzilingiz bilan hisob allaqachon ro'yxatdan "
"o'tgan. Iltimos, tizimga kiring."
msgid "Rated %1$s out of 5 based on %2$s customer rating"
msgid_plural "Rated %1$s out of 5 based on %2$s customer ratings"
msgstr[0] "Xaridorlarning%2$s reytingiga asoslanib, 5% dan%1$s baholandi"
msgid "Your cart is currently empty."
msgstr "Savatchangiz bo'sh."
msgid "Order fully refunded"
msgstr "Buyurtma to'liq qaytarildi"
msgctxt "min_price"
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Kimdan:"
msgid "Update country / region"
msgstr "Mamlakat / mintaqani yangilang"
msgid "Choose an option"
msgstr "Biror variantni tanlang"
msgid "Sort by latest"
msgstr "Yangiligi bo'yicha tartiblash"
msgid "terms and conditions"
msgstr "foydalanish shartlari"
msgctxt "breadcrumb"
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Bosh sahifa"
msgid "Reviews (%d)"
msgstr "Sharhlar (%d)"
msgid "Sort by price: high to low"
msgstr "Narx bo'yicha: qimmatdan arzonga"
msgid "Sort by price: low to high"
msgstr "Narx bo'yicha: arzondan qimmatga"
msgid "Sort by average rating"
msgstr "O'rtacha reyting bo'yicha saralash"
msgid "Sort by popularity"
msgstr "Mashhurligi bo'yicha saralash"
msgid "Default sorting"
msgstr "Odatiy tartiblash"
msgid " – Page %s"
msgstr "& nbsp; – %s sahifa"
msgid "Place order"
msgstr "Buyurtmani tasdiqlang"
msgid "Invalid image: %s"
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri rasm: %s"
msgid "Stock levels increased:"
msgstr "Aksiyalar darajasi oshdi:"
msgid "Unable to restore stock for item %s."
msgstr "%s element uchun zaxirani qayta tiklab bo'lmadi."
msgid "Stock levels reduced:"
msgstr "Aksiya darajasi pasaytirildi:"
msgid "Unable to reduce stock for item %s."
msgstr "%s elementi uchun zaxirani kamaytirish imkoni yo'q."
msgid "privacy policy"
msgstr "maxfiylik siyosati"
msgid "Checkout is not available whilst your cart is empty."
msgstr "Savatingiz bo'sh bo'lsa ham, to'lovni amalga oshirib bo'lmaydi."
msgid "Error getting remote image %s."
msgstr "%s rasmini olishda xato."
msgid "Invalid URL %s."
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri URL %s."
msgid ""
"%1$s should not be called before the %2$s, %3$s and %4$s actions have "
msgstr "%2$s,%3$s va%4$s amallari tugashidan oldin%1$sni chaqirish kerak emas."
msgid "Shop only"
msgstr "Faqat do'kon"
msgid "Shop and search results"
msgstr "Do'kon va qidiruv natijalari"
msgctxt "slug"
msgid "uncategorized"
msgstr "toifaga kiritilmagan"
msgid "Simple product"
msgstr "Oddiy mahsulot"
msgid "Variable product"
msgstr "O'zgaruvchan mahsulot"
msgid "External/Affiliate product"
msgstr "Tashqi / sho''ba mahsulot"
msgid "Grouped product"
msgstr "Guruhlangan mahsulot"
msgid ""
"Order status set to refunded. To return funds to the customer you will need "
"to issue a refund through your payment gateway."
msgstr ""
"To‘lovni qaytarish uchun sozlangan Mijozga mablag'ni qaytarish uchun to'lov "
"shlyuzi orqali qaytarib berish kerak."
msgid "Unpaid order cancelled - time limit reached."
msgstr "To'lanmagan buyurtma bekor qilindi - vaqt chekloviga erishildi."
msgid "Order fully refunded."
msgstr "Buyurtma to'liq qaytarildi."
msgid "Item #%1$s stock increased from %2$s to %3$s."
msgstr "#%1$s mahsulot %2$s dan %3$s gacha ko'tarildi."
msgid "The payment gateway for this order does not support automatic refunds."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu buyurtma uchun to'lov shlyuzi avtomatik ravishda to'lovlarni "
"qaytarishni qo'llab-quvvatlamaydi."
msgid "The payment gateway for this order does not exist."
msgstr "Ushbu buyurtma uchun to'lov shlyuzi mavjud emas."
msgid "Invalid refund amount."
msgstr "Qaytarilgan pul miqdori noto'g'ri."
msgctxt "Price range: from-to"
msgid "%1$s – %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s – %2$s"
msgid "Fixed product discount"
msgstr "Ruxsat etilgan mahsulotga chegirma"
msgid "Fixed cart discount"
msgstr "Ruxsat etilgan savatga chegirma"
msgid "This function should not be called before woocommerce_init."
msgstr "Ushbu funktsiya woocommerce_init-dan oldin chaqirilmasligi kerak."
msgid "%s in stock"
msgstr "Omborda %s dona mavjud"
msgid "(can be backordered)"
msgstr "(buyurtma berish mumkin)"
msgid "Only %s left in stock"
msgstr "Omborda %s dona qolgan"
msgid "The class %1$s provided by %2$s filter must implement %3$s."
msgstr ""
"%2$s filtri tomonidan taqdim etilgan%1$s klassi%3$s dasturini amalga "
"oshirishi kerak."
msgid "%1$s should not be called before the %2$s action."
msgstr "%2$s harakatidan oldin%1$s raqamini chaqirib bo'lmaydi."
msgid "Diners"
msgstr "Kechki ovqat"
msgid "Visa"
msgstr "Viza"
msgid "Zambian kwacha"
msgstr "Zambiya kvaacha"
msgid "Yemeni rial"
msgstr "Yaman riali"
msgid "CFP franc"
msgstr "CFP franki"
msgid "West African CFA franc"
msgstr "G'arbiy Afrika CFA franki"
msgid "South African rand"
msgstr "Janubiy Afrika randasi"
msgid "Bolívar soberano"
msgstr "Bol & iacute; var soberano"
msgid "United States (US) dollar"
msgstr "AQSh (AQSh) dollari"
msgid "East Caribbean dollar"
msgstr "Sharqiy Karib dengizi dollari"
msgid "Central African CFA franc"
msgstr "Markaziy Afrika CFA franki"
msgid "Samoan tālā"
msgstr "Samoan t ā l ā"
msgid "Vanuatu vatu"
msgstr "Vanuatu vatu"
msgid "Vietnamese đồng"
msgstr "Vetnamcha đ ồ ng"
msgid "Venezuelan bolívar"
msgstr "Venesuela bolívar"
msgid "Uzbekistani som"
msgstr "O‘zbekiston so‘mi"
msgid "Uruguayan peso"
msgstr "Urugvay pesosi"
msgid "Ugandan shilling"
msgstr "Uganda shiling"
msgid "Tanzanian shilling"
msgstr "Tanzaniyski shiling"
msgid "New Taiwan dollar"
msgstr "Yangi Tayvan dollari"
msgid "Trinidad and Tobago dollar"
msgstr "Trinidad va Tobago dollari"
msgid "Tongan paʻanga"
msgstr "Tongan pa ʻ anga"
msgid "Tunisian dinar"
msgstr "Tunis dinari"
msgid "Turkmenistan manat"
msgstr "Turkmaniston manati"
msgid "Tajikistani somoni"
msgstr "Tojikiston somoniysi"
msgid "Ukrainian hryvnia"
msgstr "Ukraina Grivnasi"
msgid "Turkish lira"
msgstr "Turk lirasi"
msgid "Thai baht"
msgstr "Tailand bahsi"
msgid "Swazi lilangeni"
msgstr "Svazi lilangeni"
msgid "Syrian pound"
msgstr "Suriya funti"
msgid "São Tomé and Príncipe dobra"
msgstr "S & atilde; o Tom & eacute; va ncipe dobra"
msgid "South Sudanese pound"
msgstr "Janubiy Sudan funt"
msgid "Surinamese dollar"
msgstr "Surinam dollari"
msgid "Somali shilling"
msgstr "Somali shiling"
msgid "Sierra Leonean leone"
msgstr "Syerra-Leone leone"
msgid "Saint Helena pound"
msgstr "Sent-Yelena funt"
msgid "Sudanese pound"
msgstr "Sudan funt"
msgid "Seychellois rupee"
msgstr "Seysheloy rupisi"
msgid "Solomon Islands dollar"
msgstr "Solomon Islands dollar"
msgid "Rwandan franc"
msgstr "Ruanda franki"
msgid "Serbian dinar"
msgstr "Serb dinari"
msgid "Qatari riyal"
msgstr "Qatar riali"
msgid "Paraguayan guaraní"
msgstr "Paragvay garovi & iacute;"
msgid "Transnistrian ruble"
msgstr "Dnestryani rubli"
msgid "Saudi riyal"
msgstr "Saudiya riali"
msgid "Swedish krona"
msgstr "Shved kronasi"
msgid "Singapore dollar"
msgstr "Singapur dollari"
msgid "Russian ruble"
msgstr "Rossiya rubli"
msgid "Romanian leu"
msgstr "Rumin leysi"
msgid "Sol"
msgstr "Sol"
msgid "Polish złoty"
msgstr "Polsha z ł ot"
msgid "Papua New Guinean kina"
msgstr "Papua-Yangi Gvineya kinasi"
msgid "Panamanian balboa"
msgstr "Panamalik balboa"
msgid "Omani rial"
msgstr "Ummon riali"
msgid "Nepalese rupee"
msgstr "Nepal rupisi"
msgid "Nicaraguan córdoba"
msgstr "Nikaragua c & oacute; rdoba"
msgid "Namibian dollar"
msgstr "Namibiya dollari"
msgid "Mozambican metical"
msgstr "Mozambik metatikasi"
msgid "Malawian kwacha"
msgstr "Malaviya kvachasi"
msgid "Maldivian rufiyaa"
msgstr "Maldiv rufiyasia"
msgid "Mauritian rupee"
msgstr "Mavritaniya rupiyasi"
msgid "Mauritanian ouguiya"
msgstr "Mavritaniya ouguiyasi"
msgid "Macanese pataca"
msgstr "Maka patakasi"
msgid "Mongolian tögrög"
msgstr "Mo'g'ul t & ouml; gr & ouml; g"
msgid "Burmese kyat"
msgstr "Birma kyatasi"
msgid "Macedonian denar"
msgstr "Makedoniyalik denar"
msgid "Malagasy ariary"
msgstr "Malagasy ariari"
msgid "Pakistani rupee"
msgstr "Pokiston rupisi"
msgid "Philippine peso"
msgstr "Filippin pesosi"
msgid "New Zealand dollar"
msgstr "Yangi Zelandiya dollari"
msgid "Norwegian krone"
msgstr "Norvegiya kroni"
msgid "Nigerian naira"
msgstr "Nigeriya nairasi"
msgid "Mexican peso"
msgstr "Meksika pesosi"
msgid "Malaysian ringgit"
msgstr "Malayziya ringgiti"
msgid "Iranian toman"
msgstr "Eron tomani"
msgid "North Korean won"
msgstr "Shimoliy Koreya yutdi"
msgid "Moldovan leu"
msgstr "Moldova leysi"
msgid "Moroccan dirham"
msgstr "Marokash dirhami"
msgid "Libyan dinar"
msgstr "Liviya dinori"
msgid "Lesotho loti"
msgstr "Lesoto loti"
msgid "Liberian dollar"
msgstr "Liberiya dollari"
msgid "Sri Lankan rupee"
msgstr "Shri-Lanka rupisi"
msgid "Lebanese pound"
msgstr "Livan funt"
msgid "Kazakhstani tenge"
msgstr "Qozog‘iston tengligi"
msgid "Cayman Islands dollar"
msgstr "Kayman orollari dollari"
msgid "Kuwaiti dinar"
msgstr "Kuvayt dinori"
msgid "Comorian franc"
msgstr "Komor franki"
msgid "Cambodian riel"
msgstr "Kambodja riel"
msgid "Kyrgyzstani som"
msgstr "Qirg'iziston som"
msgid "Jordanian dinar"
msgstr "Iordaniya dinori"
msgid "Jamaican dollar"
msgstr "Yamayka dollari"
msgid "Jersey pound"
msgstr "Jersi funt"
msgid "Icelandic króna"
msgstr "Islandiya kr & oacute; na"
msgid "Iranian rial"
msgstr "Eron riali"
msgid "Iraqi dinar"
msgstr "Iroq dinori"
msgid "Manx pound"
msgstr "Mank funt"
msgid "Israeli new shekel"
msgstr "Isroil yangi shekili"
msgid "Kenyan shilling"
msgstr "Keniya shiling"
msgid "South Korean won"
msgstr "Janubiy Koreya yutdi"
msgid "Lao kip"
msgstr "Lao kip"
msgid "Indian rupee"
msgstr "Hindiston rupisi"
msgid "Indonesian rupiah"
msgstr "Indoneziya rupiyasi"
msgid "Hungarian forint"
msgstr "Venger forint"
msgid "Haitian gourde"
msgstr "Gait gurusi"
msgid "Honduran lempira"
msgstr "Gonduras lempirasi"
msgid "Guyanese dollar"
msgstr "Gayan dollari"
msgid "Guatemalan quetzal"
msgstr "Gvatemala kvetsali"
msgid "Guinean franc"
msgstr "Gvineya franki"
msgid "Gambian dalasi"
msgstr "Gambiya dalasi"
msgid "Gibraltar pound"
msgstr "Gibraltar funt"
msgid "Ghana cedi"
msgstr "Gana sidi"
msgid "Guernsey pound"
msgstr "Gersi funti"
msgid "Georgian lari"
msgstr "Gruzin lari"
msgid "Falkland Islands pound"
msgstr "Folklend orollari funt"
msgid "Fijian dollar"
msgstr "Fiji dollari"
msgid "Euro"
msgstr "Evroga teng"
msgid "Ethiopian birr"
msgstr "Efiopiya birr"
msgid "Eritrean nakfa"
msgstr "Eritriy nakfa"
msgid "Algerian dinar"
msgstr "Jazoir dinori"
msgid "Djiboutian franc"
msgstr "Jibutiya franki"
msgid "Cape Verdean escudo"
msgstr "Kabo-Verdes eskudosi"
msgid "Cuban peso"
msgstr "Kuba pesosi"
msgid "Cuban convertible peso"
msgstr "Kuba almashtiriladigan peso"
msgid "Costa Rican colón"
msgstr "Kosta-Rikaning kol va oacute; n"
msgid "Egyptian pound"
msgstr "Misr funt"
msgid "Pound sterling"
msgstr "Funt sterling"
msgid "Croatian kuna"
msgstr "Xorvatcha kuna"
msgid "Hong Kong dollar"
msgstr "Gonkong dollari"
msgid "Dominican peso"
msgstr "Dominikan pesosi"
msgid "Danish krone"
msgstr "Daniya kroni"
msgid "Czech koruna"
msgstr "Chexiya koruna"
msgid "Belarusian ruble (old)"
msgstr "Belarus rubli (eski)"
msgid "Congolese franc"
msgstr "Kongoli franki"
msgid "Belize dollar"
msgstr "Beliz dollari"
msgid "Belarusian ruble"
msgstr "Belarus rubli"
msgid "Botswana pula"
msgstr "Botsvana pulasi"
msgid "Bhutanese ngultrum"
msgstr "Butan ngultrum"
msgid "Bitcoin"
msgstr "Bitcoin"
msgid "Bahamian dollar"
msgstr "Bagamalik dollar"
msgid "Bolivian boliviano"
msgstr "Boliviya boliviano"
msgid "Brunei dollar"
msgstr "Bruney dollari"
msgid "Bermudian dollar"
msgstr "Bermud dollar"
msgid "Burundian franc"
msgstr "Burundiya franki"
msgid "Bahraini dinar"
msgstr "Bahrayn dinori"
msgid "Barbadian dollar"
msgstr "Barbadiya dollari"
msgid "Bosnia and Herzegovina convertible mark"
msgstr "Bosniya va Gertsegovinaning almashtiriladigan belgisi"
msgid "Azerbaijani manat"
msgstr "Ozarbayjon manati"
msgid "Swiss franc"
msgstr "Shveytsariya franki"
msgid "Colombian peso"
msgstr "Kolumbiya pesosi"
msgid "Chinese yuan"
msgstr "Xitoy yuani"
msgid "Chilean peso"
msgstr "Chili pesosi"
msgid "Canadian dollar"
msgstr "Kanada dollari"
msgid "Bulgarian lev"
msgstr "Bolgarcha lev"
msgid "Brazilian real"
msgstr "Braziliya real"
msgid "Bangladeshi taka"
msgstr "Bangladesh taka"
msgid "action_args should not be overwritten when calling wc_get_template."
msgstr "wc_get_template-ga qo'ng'iroq qilganda action_args yozilmasligi kerak."
msgid "Aruban florin"
msgstr "Aruban florin"
msgid "Angolan kwanza"
msgstr "Angolan kvanza"
msgid "Netherlands Antillean guilder"
msgstr "Niderlandiya Antiliya gilderi"
msgid "Armenian dram"
msgstr "Arman dramasi"
msgid "Albanian lek"
msgstr "Alban lek"
msgid "Afghan afghani"
msgstr "Afg'on afg'oni"
msgid "Australian dollar"
msgstr "Avstraliya dollari"
msgid "Argentine peso"
msgstr "Argentina pesosi"
msgid "United Arab Emirates dirham"
msgstr "Birlashgan Arab Amirliklari dirhami"
msgid "Server requirements not met, missing requirement(s): %s."
msgstr "Server talablari bajarilmadi, talab (lar) yo'q:%s."
msgid "Invalid products in request body."
msgstr "So‘rov tarkibidagi yaroqsiz mahsulotlar."
msgid "Missing products in request body."
msgstr "So‘rov tarkibida yetishmayotgan mahsulotlar."
msgid "Unknown product filename."
msgstr "Noma'lum mahsulot nomi."
msgid "Could not find unpacked path."
msgstr "To'plangan yo'lni topib bo'lmadi."
msgid "Could not find download path."
msgstr "Yuklab olish yo'lini topib bo'lmadi."
msgid "Could not find download url for the product."
msgstr "Mahsulot uchun yuklab olish URL manzilini topib bo'lmadi."
msgid "%s does not exist."
msgstr "\"%s\" nomli shablon papkasi mavjud emas."
msgid "Could not find product package."
msgstr "Mahsulot paketini topib bo'lmadi."
msgid "Missing product subscription"
msgstr "Mahsulotga obuna yo‘q"
msgid "Failed to retrieve product info from"
msgstr " saytidan mahsulot haqida ma'lumot olib bo'lmadi"
msgctxt "shipping packages"
msgid "Shipping %d"
msgstr "Yuk tashish %d"
msgctxt "shipping packages"
msgid "Shipping"
msgstr "Yetkazib berish"
msgid "Continue shopping"
msgstr "Xarid qilishni davom eting"
msgid "%s has been added to your cart."
msgid_plural "%s have been added to your cart."
msgstr[0] "Savatga %s qo'shildi."
msgid "[Remove]"
msgstr "O'chirish"
msgid "Free shipping coupon"
msgstr "Bepul etkazib berish kuponi"
msgid "Please, provide an attribute name."
msgstr "Iltimos, atribut nomini bering."
msgid ""
"Sorry, the order could not be found. Please contact us if you are having "
"difficulty finding your order details."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, buyurtma topilmadi. Agar buyurtma tafsilotlarini topishda "
"qiynalsangiz, biz bilan bog'laning."
msgid "Could not update the attribute."
msgstr "Atributni yangilab bo'lmadi."
msgctxt "edit-address-slug"
msgid "shipping"
msgstr "yetkazib berish"
msgctxt "edit-address-slug"
msgid "billing"
msgstr "hisob-kitob"
msgid "This product is protected and cannot be purchased."
msgstr "Ushbu mahsulot himoyalangan va uni sotib olib bo'lmaydi."
msgid ""
"This key is invalid or has already been used. Please reset your password "
"again if needed."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu kalit yaroqsiz yoki allaqachon ishlatilgan. Agar kerak bo'lsa, "
"parolingizni qayta tiklang."
msgid "Please enter a valid order ID"
msgstr "To‘g‘ri buyurtma identifikatorini kiriting"
msgid "Invalid username or email."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi nomi yoki e-pochta manzili yaroqsiz."
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to log out? Confirm and log out"
msgstr ""
"Haqiqatan ham tizimdan chiqmoqchimisiz? Tasdiqlang va "
"tizimdan chiqing"
msgid "Your password has been reset successfully."
msgstr "Parolingiz muvaffaqqiyatli tiklandi."
msgid ""
"The order totals have been updated. Please confirm your order by pressing "
"the \"Place order\" button at the bottom of the page."
msgstr ""
"Buyurtma summalari yangilandi. Sahifaning pastki qismidagi \"Buyurtma berish"
"\" tugmasini bosib buyurtmani tasdiqlang."
msgid ""
"Sorry, \"%s\" is no longer in stock so this order cannot be paid for. We "
"apologize for any inconvenience caused."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, \" %s\" endi mavjud emas, shuning uchun buyurtmani to'lash "
"mumkin emas. Noqulayliklar uchun uzr so'raymiz."
msgid ""
"This order’s status is “%s”—it cannot be paid for. "
"Please contact us if you need assistance."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu buyurtmaning \"& ldquo; %s\" & rdquo; & mdash; holati uni to'lab "
"bo'lmaydi. Agar sizga yordam kerak bo'lsa, iltimos biz bilan bog'laning."
msgid ""
"This order cannot be paid for. Please contact us if you need assistance."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu buyurtmani to'lab bo'lmaydi. Agar sizga yordam kerak bo'lsa, iltimos "
"biz bilan bog'laning."
msgid ""
"You are paying for a guest order. Please continue with payment only if you "
"recognize this order."
msgstr ""
"Siz mehmon uchun buyurtma to'layapsiz. Iltimos, ushbu buyurtmani tan "
"olsangiz, to'lovni davom ettiring."
msgid "Please log in to your account below to continue to the payment form."
msgstr "To‘lov shakliga o‘tish uchun quyidagi hisobingizga kiring."
msgid "Optional cost for local pickup."
msgstr "Mahalliy olib ketish uchun ixtiyoriy narx."
msgid ""
"Allow customers to pick up orders themselves. By default, when using local "
"pickup store base taxes will apply regardless of customer address."
msgstr ""
"Mijozlarga buyurtmalarni o'zlari olishlariga ruxsat bering. Odatiy bo'lib, "
"mahalliy pikap do'konidan foydalanganda mijozlar manzilidan qat'iy nazar "
"soliq solinadi."
msgid "Shipping costs updated."
msgstr "Yetkazib berish narxi yangilandi."
msgid "Sorry, this order is invalid and cannot be paid for."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, bu buyurtma yaroqsiz va uni to'lash mumkin emas."
msgid "Local pickup (legacy)"
msgstr "Mahalliy olib ketish (eskirgan)"
msgid "What ZIP/post codes are available for local pickup?"
msgstr "Mahalliy olib ketish uchun qanday ZIP / pochta kodlari mavjud?"
msgid "Local pickup"
msgstr "Mahalliy pikap"
msgid ""
"Separate codes with a comma. Accepts wildcards, e.g. P* will "
"match a postcode of PE30. Also accepts a pattern, e.g. NG1___ "
"would match NG1 1AA but not NG10 1AA"
msgstr ""
"Kodlarni vergul bilan ajrating. Joker belgilarini qabul qiladi, masalan, "
"P* raqami PE30 kodiga to'g'ri keladi. Shuningdek, NG1___"
"code> NG1 1AA ga mos keladi, ammo NG10 1AA ga mos kelmaydi"
msgid "What ZIP/post codes are available for local delivery?"
msgstr "Mahalliy etkazib berish uchun qanday pochta / pochta kodlari mavjud?"
msgid "Allowed ZIP/post codes"
msgstr "Pochta / pochta kodlariga ruxsat berilgan"
msgid ""
"What fee do you want to charge for local delivery, disregarded if you choose "
"free. Leave blank to disable."
msgstr ""
"Mahalliy etkazib berish uchun qancha haq to'lamoqchisiz, agar xohlasangiz "
"bepul. O'chirish uchun bo'sh qoldiring."
msgid "Delivery fee"
msgstr "Yetkazib berish narxi"
msgid "Fixed amount per product"
msgstr "Bir mahsulot uchun belgilangan miqdor"
msgid "Percentage of cart total"
msgstr "Savatning umumiy foizi"
msgid "Fixed amount"
msgstr "Ruxsat etilgan miqdor"
msgid "How to calculate delivery charges"
msgstr "Yetkazib berish narxini qanday hisoblash mumkin"
msgid "Fee type"
msgstr "To'lov turi"
msgid "Local delivery"
msgstr "Mahalliy etkazib berish"
msgid "Local delivery (legacy)"
msgstr "Mahalliy etkazib berish (eski)"
msgid "International flat rate (legacy)"
msgstr "Xalqaro tekis narx (eskirgan)"
msgid "Free shipping (legacy)"
msgstr "Bepul yuk (eskirgan)"
msgid "Excluding selected countries"
msgstr "Tanlangan mamlakatlar bundan mustasno"
msgid "Selected countries"
msgstr "Tanlangan davlatlar"
msgid ""
"Option name | Additional cost [+- Percents%] | Per cost type (order, class, "
"or item)"
msgstr ""
"Variant nomi | Qo'shimcha xarajat [+ - foizlar%] | Xarajat turi (buyurtma, "
"sinf yoki ob'ekt)"
msgid "Method availability"
msgstr "Usul mavjudligi"
msgid ""
"One per line: Option name | Additional cost [+- Percents] | Per cost type "
"(order, class, or item) Example: Priority mail | 6.95 [+ 0.2%] | "
msgstr ""
"Bir satrda bittadan: opsiya nomi | Qo'shimcha xarajat [+ - Foizlar] | "
"Xarajat turi (buyurtma, sinf yoki buyum) Masalan: Priority mail | 6.95 "
"[+ 0.2%] | order ."
msgid ""
"These rates are extra shipping options with additional costs (based on the "
"flat rate)."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu tariflar qo'shimcha xarajatlar bilan qo'shimcha narxlarni taklif etadi "
"(tekis narx asosida)."
msgid "Specific countries"
msgstr "Maxsus davlatlar"
msgid "Once disabled, this legacy method will no longer be available."
msgstr "O'chirib qo'yilgandan so'ng, ushbu eski usul endi mavjud bo'lmaydi."
msgid "Additional rates"
msgstr "Qo'shimcha narxlar"
msgid "Select some countries"
msgstr "Ba'zi davlatlarni tanlang"
msgid "All allowed countries"
msgstr "Barcha ruxsat berilgan mamlakatlar"
msgid "Availability"
msgstr "Mavjudligi"
msgid "Specific Countries"
msgstr "Maxsus davlatlar"
msgid ""
"Supports the following placeholders: [qty] = number of items, "
"[cost] = cost of items, [fee percent=\"10\" min_fee="
"\"20\"] = Percentage based fee."
msgstr ""
"Quyidagi to'ldiruvchilarni qo'llab-quvvatlaydi: buyumlarning [qty]"
"code> = soni, buyumlarning [cost] = narxi, [fee percent="
"\"10\" min_fee=\"20\"] = foiz asosida to'lov."
msgid ""
"This method is deprecated in 2.6.0 and will be removed in future versions - "
"we recommend disabling it and instead setting up a new rate within your Shipping zones."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu usul 2.6.0 versiyasida eskirgan va kelajakdagi versiyalarda olib "
"tashlanadi - biz uni o'chirib qo'yishni va Sizning yuk "
"tashish zonangizda yangi narxlarni o'rnatishni maslahat beramiz."
msgid ""
"If checked, free shipping would be available based on pre-discount order "
msgstr ""
"Agar belgilansa, chegirmadan oldingi buyurtma miqdoriga ko'ra bepul etkazib "
"berish mumkin."
msgid "Flat rate (legacy)"
msgstr "Kvartira stavkasi (eskirgan)"
msgid "Apply minimum order rule before coupon discount"
msgstr ""
"Kupon chegirmasidan oldin \"buyurtmaning minimal miqdori\" qoidasini qo'llang"
msgid "Coupons discounts"
msgstr "Kuponlarga chegirmalar"
msgid ""
"Users will need to spend this amount to get free shipping (if enabled above)."
msgstr ""
"Bepul etkazib berish uchun foydalanuvchilar ushbu pulni sarflashlari kerak "
"(agar yuqorida ko'rsatilgan bo'lsa)."
msgid ""
"Free shipping is a special method which can be triggered with coupons and "
"minimum spends."
msgstr ""
"Yuk tashish bu maxsus usul bo'lib, uni kuponlar va minimal xarajatlar bilan "
"boshlash mumkin."
msgid "Per order: Charge shipping for the most expensive shipping class"
msgstr "Buyurtma uchun: eng qimmat yuk tashish klassi uchun yuk tashish"
msgid "Per class: Charge shipping for each shipping class individually"
msgstr "Har bir sinf uchun: Har bir yuk tashish sinfiga alohida jo'natiladi"
msgid "Calculation type"
msgstr "Hisoblash turi"
msgid "No shipping class cost"
msgstr "Yuk tashish sinfining narxi yo'q"
msgid "\"%s\" shipping class cost"
msgstr "\" %s\" yuk tashish sinfining narxi"
msgid ""
"These costs can optionally be added based on the product "
"shipping class."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu xarajatlar ixtiyoriy ravishda mahsulotni etkazib berish "
"sinfiga qarab qo'shilishi mumkin."
msgid "Free shipping"
msgstr "Bepul yetkazib berish"
msgid ""
"Use [qty] for the number of items, [cost] for "
"the total cost of items, and [fee percent=\"10\" min_fee=\"20\" "
"max_fee=\"\"] for percentage based fees."
msgstr ""
"[qty] miqdorini buyumlar soniga, narsalarning umumiy [cost]ga va [fee percent=\"10\" min_fee=\"20\" max_fee="
"\"\"]foiz asosida to'lashga sarflang."
msgid "Shipping class costs"
msgstr "Yuk tashish sinfining narxi"
msgid "Method title"
msgstr "Usul sarlavhasi"
msgid "Enter a cost (excl. tax) or sum, e.g. 10.00 * [qty]."
msgstr ""
"Narxni (soliqni hisobga olmaganda) yoki summani kiriting, masalan "
"10.00 * [qty] ."
msgid "Lets you charge a fixed rate for shipping."
msgstr "Yuk tashish uchun belgilangan tarifni olish imkoniyatini beradi."
msgid "Flat rate"
msgstr "Yagona narx"
msgid "Default product category cannot be deleted."
msgstr "Birlamchi mahsulot toifasini o'chirib bo'lmaydi."
msgid "Attributes totals."
msgstr "Atributlar to'plami."
msgid "Tags totals."
msgstr "Teglar jami."
msgid "Categories totals."
msgstr "Umumiy kategoriyalar."
msgid "An identifier for the group this setting belongs to."
msgstr "Ushbu sozlama tegishli guruh uchun identifikator."
msgid "Shipping is disabled."
msgstr "Yuk tashish taqiqlangan."
msgid "Taxonomy does not exist."
msgstr "Taksonomiya mavjud emas."
msgid "Reviews totals."
msgstr "Umumiy sharhlar."
msgid "Coupons totals."
msgstr "Umumiy kuponlar."
msgid "Customers totals."
msgstr "Xaridorlarning umumiy soni."
msgid "Products totals."
msgstr "Mahsulotlar jami."
msgid "Orders totals."
msgstr "Umumiy buyurtmalar."
msgid "Amount of reviews."
msgstr "Sharhlar soni."
msgid "Review type name."
msgstr "Ko‘rib chiqish turining nomi."
msgid "Product type name."
msgstr "Mahsulot turi nomi."
msgid "Amount of orders."
msgstr "Buyurtmalar miqdori."
msgid "Order status name."
msgstr "Buyurtma holati nomi."
msgid "Amount of customers."
msgstr "Xaridorlarning soni."
msgid "Customer type name."
msgstr "Xaridor turi nomi."
msgid "Non-paying customer"
msgstr "To'lamagan mijoz"
msgid "Paying customer"
msgstr "To'lov mijozi"
msgid "Amount of products."
msgstr "Mahsulotlar miqdori."
msgid "Amount of coupons."
msgstr "Kuponlar soni."
msgid "Coupon type name."
msgstr "Kupon turi nomi."
msgid "Variation status."
msgstr "O'zgarish holati."
msgid "Cannot set attributes due to invalid parent product."
msgstr "Noto'g'ri ota-ona mahsuloti tufayli atributlarni o'rnatib bo'lmaydi."
msgid "Controls the stock status of the product."
msgstr "Mahsulotning stok holatini nazorat qiladi."
msgid "Invalid review ID."
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri tekshirish identifikatori."
msgid "Limit result set to products with specified stock status."
msgstr ""
"Belgilangan birja holatiga ega bo'lgan mahsulotlar uchun natijani cheklash."
msgid "Limit result set to that from a specific author email."
msgstr ""
"Natijalarni ma'lum muallif email manziliga chekla. Tizimga kirish talab "
msgid "Ensure result set excludes reviews assigned to specific user IDs."
msgstr ""
"Natija to'plamida aniq foydalanuvchi identifikatorlariga berilgan sharhlar "
"hisobga olinmaganligiga ishonch hosil qiling."
msgid "Avatar URLs for the object reviewer."
msgstr "Ob'ektni ko'rib chiquvchi uchun avatar URL-manzillari."
msgid "Status of the review."
msgstr "Sharh holati."
msgid "The object cannot be deleted."
msgstr "Ob'ektni o'chirib bo'lmaydi."
msgid "Unique identifier for the product that the review belongs to."
msgstr "Sharhga tegishli bo'lgan mahsulot uchun noyob identifikator."
msgid "The object has already been trashed."
msgstr "Ob'ekt allaqachon axlat qilingan."
msgid "The object does not support trashing. Set '%s' to delete."
msgstr ""
"Ob'ekt axlatni qo'llab-quvvatlamaydi. O'chirish uchun ' %s' ni o'rnating."
msgid "Updating review failed."
msgstr "Sharhni yangilab bo'lmadi."
msgid "Invalid review content."
msgstr "Sharh mazmuni noto‘g‘ri."
msgid "Updating review status failed."
msgstr "Tekshiruv holatini yangilab bo'lmadi."
msgid "Product review field exceeds maximum length allowed."
msgstr ""
"Mahsulotni ko'rib chiqish maydoni ruxsat berilgan maksimal uzunlikdan oshib "
msgid "Limit result set to orders which have specific statuses."
msgstr "Maxsus maqomga ega bo'lgan buyurtmalar uchun natijani cheklash."
msgid ""
"Limit response to reviews published before a given ISO8601 compliant date."
msgstr ""
"Berilgan ISO8601 muvofiq sanadan oldin nashr etilgan sharhlarga javobni "
msgid "Cannot create existing product review."
msgstr "Mavjud mahsulot sharhini yaratib bo‘lmadi."
msgid "Supported features for this payment gateway."
msgstr "Ushbu to'lov shlyuzining qo'llab-quvvatlanadigan xususiyatlari."
msgid "Unique identifier for the product."
msgstr "Mahsulot uchun noyob identifikator."
msgid ""
"If true, this note will be attributed to the current user. If false, the "
"note will be attributed to the system."
msgstr ""
"Agar rost bo'lsa, ushbu qayd joriy foydalanuvchiga tegishli bo'ladi. Agar "
"noto'g'ri bo'lsa, eslatma tizimga tegishli bo'ladi."
msgid "Order note author."
msgstr "Muallifga buyurtma eslatmasi."
msgid "Full name of currency."
msgstr "Pul birligining to'liq nomi."
msgid "There are no currencies matching these parameters."
msgstr "Ushbu parametrlarga mos keladigan valyutalar mavjud emas."
msgid "ISO4217 currency code."
msgstr "ISO4217 valyuta kodi."
msgid "Data resource description."
msgstr "Ma'lumot manbalarining tavsifi."
msgid "Data resource ID."
msgstr "Ma'lumot manbasi identifikatori."
msgid "List of supported currencies."
msgstr "Qo'llab-quvvatlanadigan valyutalar ro'yxati."
msgid "List of supported states in a given country."
msgstr "Berilgan mamlakatda qo'llab-quvvatlanadigan davlatlar ro'yxati."
msgid "List of supported continents, countries, and states."
msgstr "Qo'llab-quvvatlanadigan qit'alar, davlatlar va davlatlar ro'yxati."
msgid "The unit weights are defined in for this country."
msgstr "Jihozning vazni ushbu mamlakat uchun belgilangan."
msgid "Thousands separator for displayed prices in this country."
msgstr "Ushbu mamlakatda namoyish etilgan narxlar uchun minglab ajratuvchi."
msgid "Full name of state."
msgstr "Shtatning to'liq nomi."
msgid "List of states in this country."
msgstr "Ushbu mamlakatdagi davlatlar ro'yxati."
msgid "Number of decimal points shown in displayed prices for this country."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu mamlakat uchun ko'rsatilgan narxlarda ko'rsatilgan o'nlik punktlar "
msgid "The unit lengths are defined in for this country."
msgstr "Jihoz uzunligi ushbu mamlakat uchun belgilanadi."
msgid "Decimal separator for displayed prices for this country."
msgstr "Ushbu mamlakat uchun ko'rsatilgan narxlar uchun o'nlik ajratuvchi."
msgid "Full name of country."
msgstr "Mamlakatning to'liq nomi."
msgid "Currency symbol position for this country."
msgstr "Ushbu mamlakat uchun pul belgilarining holati."
msgid "Default ISO4127 alpha-3 currency code for the country."
msgstr "Mamlakat uchun standart ISO4127 alfa-3 valyuta kodi."
msgid "ISO3166 alpha-2 country code."
msgstr "ISO3166 alfa-2 mamlakat kodi."
msgid "List of countries on this continent."
msgstr "Ushbu qit'adagi mamlakatlar ro'yxati."
msgid "Full name of continent."
msgstr "Qit'aning to'liq nomi."
msgid "There are no locations matching these parameters."
msgstr "Ushbu parametrlarga mos keladigan joylar yo'q."
msgid "2 character continent code."
msgstr "2 ta qit'aning kodi."
msgid "List of delete resources."
msgstr "O'chirish manbalari ro'yxati."
msgid "List of updated resources."
msgstr "Yangilangan manbalar ro'yxati."
msgctxt "Page setting"
msgid "Terms and conditions"
msgstr "Foydalanish shartlari"
msgid "The date the webhook was last modified, as GMT."
msgstr "Webhook oxirgi marta o'zgartirilgan sanasi, GMT."
msgid "The date the webhook was created, as GMT."
msgstr "Webhook yaratilgan sanasi, GMT."
msgid "The date the webhook delivery was logged, as GMT."
msgstr "Webhook yetkazib berish qayd etilgan sana, GMT."
msgid "List of created resources."
msgstr "Yaratilgan manbalar ro'yxati."
msgctxt "Page setting"
msgid "My account"
msgstr "Mening akkauntim"
msgctxt "Page setting"
msgid "Checkout"
msgstr "Buyurtma berish"
msgid "Total post count."
msgstr "Jami postlar soni."
msgid "cURL installed but unable to retrieve version."
msgstr "cURL o'rnatilgan, ammo versiyasini olib bo'lmadi."
msgid "Terms in the product visibility taxonomy."
msgstr "Mahsulot ko'rinishi taksonomiyasidagi shartlar."
msgid "WooCommerce pages."
msgstr "WooCommerce sahifalar."
msgid "Hide errors from visitors?"
msgstr "Xatolar tashrif buyuruvchilardan yashirilsinmi?"
msgctxt "Page setting"
msgid "Cart"
msgstr "Savatcha"
msgctxt "Page setting"
msgid "Shop base"
msgstr "Do'kon bazasi"
msgid "Number of decimals."
msgstr "O'nli kasrlar soni."
msgid "Decimal separator."
msgstr "O'nli ajratuvchi."
msgid "Thousand separator."
msgstr "Ming ajratuvchi."
msgid "Taxonomy terms for product/order statuses."
msgstr "Mahsulot / buyurtma holati uchun taksonomiya shartlari."
msgid "Geolocation enabled?"
msgstr "Geolokatsiya yoqilganmi?"
msgid "Currency symbol."
msgstr "Valyuta belgisi."
msgid "SSL forced?"
msgstr "SSL majburiy?"
msgid "REST API enabled?"
msgstr "Rest API yoqildimi?"
msgid "Parent theme author URL."
msgstr "Ota-mavzu muallifining URL manzili."
msgid "Parent theme version."
msgstr "Ota mavzusining versiyasi."
msgid "Parent theme name."
msgstr "Ota-ona nomi."
msgid "Template overrides."
msgstr "Andoza bekor qiladi."
msgid "Does this theme have outdated templates?"
msgstr "Ushbu mavzuda eskirgan andozalar bormi?"
msgid "Does the theme have a woocommerce.php file?"
msgstr "Mavzuda woocommerce.php fayli bormi?"
msgid "Does the theme declare WooCommerce support?"
msgstr "Mavzu WooCommerce qo'llab-quvvatlashini e'lon qiladimi?"
msgid "Settings."
msgstr "Sozlamalar"
msgid "Security."
msgstr "Xavfsizlik"
msgid "Dropins & MU plugins."
msgstr "Dropinlar va MU plaginlari."
msgid "Inactive plugins."
msgstr "Nofaol plaginlar."
msgid "Currency position."
msgstr "Valyuta pozitsiyasi."
msgid "Currency."
msgstr "Valyuta."
msgid "Active plugins."
msgstr "Faol plaginlar."
msgid "MaxMind GeoIP database."
msgstr "MaxMind GeoIP ma'lumotlar bazasi."
msgid "Is this theme a child theme?"
msgstr "Bu mavzu bolalar mavzusimi?"
msgid "Theme author URL."
msgstr "Mavzu muallifining URL manzili."
msgid "Latest version of theme."
msgstr "Mavzuning so'nggi versiyasi."
msgid "Theme version."
msgstr "Mavzu versiyasi."
msgid "Theme name."
msgstr "Mavzu nomi."
msgid "Database tables."
msgstr "Ma'lumotlar bazalari jadvallari."
msgid "WC database version."
msgstr "WC ma'lumotlar bazasining versiyasi."
msgid "Remote GET response."
msgstr "Masofadan GET javob."
msgid "Remote GET successful?"
msgstr "Masofadan olish muvaffaqiyatlimi?"
msgid "Remote POST response."
msgstr "Masofadan POST javobi."
msgid "Remote POST successful?"
msgstr "Masofadan POST muvaffaqiyatlimi?"
msgid "Is mbstring enabled?"
msgstr "Mbstring yoqildimi?"
msgid "Is GZip enabled?"
msgstr "GZip yoqilganmi?"
msgid "Is DomDocument class enabled?"
msgstr "DomDocument sinfi yoqildimi?"
msgid "Is SoapClient class enabled?"
msgstr "SoapClient sinfi yoqildimi?"
msgid "Is fsockopen/cURL enabled?"
msgstr "Fsockopen/cURL yoqildimi?"
msgid "MySQL version string."
msgstr "MySQL-server versiyasi."
msgid "Database prefix."
msgstr "Ma'lumotlar bazasi prefiksi."
msgid "Database."
msgstr "Ma'lumotlar bazasi."
msgid "MySQL version."
msgstr "MySQL versiyasi."
msgid "Max upload size."
msgstr "Yuklashning maksimal hajmi."
msgid "PHP max input vars."
msgstr "PHP max input vars."
msgid "Default timezone."
msgstr "Sukut bo'yicha soat poyasi/soat zonasi."
msgid "PHP max execution time."
msgstr "PHP maksimal ijro etish vaqti."
msgid "Theme."
msgstr "Mavzu."
msgid "PHP post max size."
msgstr "PHP post max size"
msgid "cURL version."
msgstr "cURL versiyasi"
msgid "PHP version."
msgstr "PHP versiyasi."
msgid "Server info."
msgstr "Server haqida ma'lumot."
msgid "Home URL."
msgstr "Uy URL manzili."
msgid "There was an error calling this tool. There is no callback present."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu vositani chaqirishda xatolik yuz berdi. Qayta chaqirish mavjud emas."
msgid "WordPress language."
msgstr "WordPress tili."
msgid "Are WordPress cron jobs enabled?"
msgstr "WordPress cron ishlari yoqilganmi?"
msgid "Is WordPress debug mode active?"
msgstr "WordPress disk raskadrovka rejimi faolmi?"
msgid "WordPress memory limit."
msgstr "WordPress xotira limiti."
msgid "Is WordPress multisite?"
msgstr "WordPress ko'p-saytlimi?"
msgid "WordPress version."
msgstr "WordPress versiyasi."
msgid "Is log directory writable?"
msgstr "Jurnal yozilishi mumkinmi?"
msgid "Log directory."
msgstr "Jurnal katalogi."
msgid "WooCommerce version."
msgstr "WooCommerce versiyasi."
msgid "Environment."
msgstr "Muhit."
msgid "Tool ran."
msgstr "Vosita ishlayapti."
msgid "There was an error calling %s"
msgstr "%sni chaqirishda xatolik yuz berdi"
msgid "Verifying database... One or more tables are still missing: "
msgstr ""
"Maʼlumotlar bazasi tekshirilmoqda... Bir yoki bir nechta jadval hali ham "
"yoʻq: "
msgid "Database verified successfully."
msgstr "Maʼlumotlar bazasi muvaffaqiyatli tasdiqlandi."
msgid "You need WooCommerce 4.2 or newer to run this tool."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu vositani ishga tushirish uchun sizga WooCommerce 4.2 yoki undan "
"yangiroq versiyasi kerak."
msgid ""
"The active version of WooCommerce does not support template cache clearing."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce-ning faol versiyasi shablon keshini tozalashni qo'llab-"
msgid "Database upgrade routine has been scheduled to run in the background."
msgstr ""
"Ma'lumotlar bazasini yangilash rejasi orqa fonda ishlashni rejalashtirdi."
msgid "Template cache cleared."
msgstr "Shablon keshi tozalandi."
msgid "Thumbnail regeneration has been scheduled to run in the background."
msgstr "Eskizni tiklash fonda ishlashni rejalashtirdi."
msgid "All missing WooCommerce pages successfully installed"
msgstr ""
"Barcha mavjud bo'lmagan WooCommerce sahifalar muvaffaqiyatli o'rnatildi"
msgid "Tax rates successfully deleted"
msgstr "Soliq stavkalari muvaffaqiyatli o'chirildi"
msgid "Lookup tables are regenerating"
msgstr "Qidiruv jadvallari yangilanmoqda"
msgid "%d permissions deleted"
msgstr "%d ruxsatlar o'chirildi"
msgid "Deleted all active sessions, and %d saved carts."
msgstr "Barcha faol seanslar va %d saqlangan savatchalar tozalandi."
msgid "%d orphaned variations deleted"
msgstr "%d juftsiz variantlar o'chirildi"
msgid "Tool return message."
msgstr "Vosita qaytish xabari."
msgid "Did the tool run successfully?"
msgstr "Vosita muvaffaqiyatli ishladimi?"
msgid "Tool description."
msgstr "Vosita tavfsifi."
msgid "Terms successfully recounted"
msgstr "Shartlar muvaffaqiyatli qayta hisoblandi"
msgid "Roles successfully reset"
msgstr "Rollar muvaffaqiyatli tiklandi"
msgid "%d transients rows cleared"
msgstr "%d o'tish davri tozalandi"
msgid "Product transients cleared"
msgstr "Mahsulot o'tkazmalari tozalandi"
msgid ""
"This tool will update your WooCommerce database to the latest version. "
"Please ensure you make sufficient backups before proceeding."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu vosita sizning WooCommerce ma'lumotlar bazangizni eng so'nggi "
"versiyasiga yangilaydi. Davom etishdan oldin yetarli zaxira nusxasini "
msgid "What running the tool will do."
msgstr "Vositani ishlatsak nima bo'ladi."
msgid "Tool name."
msgstr "Vosita nomi."
msgid "A unique identifier for the tool."
msgstr "Vosita uchun noyob identifikator."
msgid "Invalid tool ID."
msgstr "Noto'g'ri vosita ID."
msgid "Verify if all base database tables are present."
msgstr "Barcha asosiy ma'lumotlar bazasi jadvallari mavjudligini tekshiring."
msgid "Verify database"
msgstr "Ma'lumotlar bazasini tekshiring"
msgid "Verify base database tables"
msgstr "Asosiy ma'lumotlar bazasi jadvallarini tekshiring"
msgid ""
"This will regenerate all shop thumbnails to match your theme and/or image "
msgstr ""
"Bu do'kon rasmlarining barcha rasmlarini mavzu va / yoki rasm parametrlariga "
"mos ravishda yangilaydi."
msgid "Regenerate shop thumbnails"
msgstr "Do'kon eskizlarini yangilang"
msgid ""
"This option will delete ALL of your tax rates, use with caution. This action "
"cannot be reversed."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu parametr barcha soliq stavkalarini yo'q qiladi, ehtiyotkorlik bilan "
"foydalaning. Ushbu amalni bekor qilib bo‘lmaydi."
msgid "Delete tax rates"
msgstr "Soliq stavkalarini o'chirish"
msgid ""
"This tool will install all the missing WooCommerce pages. Pages already "
"defined and set up will not be replaced."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu vosita barcha yetishmagan WooCommerce sahifalarini o'rnatadi. "
"Belgilangan va sozlangan sahifalar o'zgartirilmaydi."
msgid "Delete WooCommerce tax rates"
msgstr "WooCommerce soliq stavkalarini yo'q qiling"
msgid ""
"This tool will delete all customer session data from the database, including "
"current carts and saved carts in the database."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu vosita ma'lumotlar bazasida mijozlar sessiyalari haqidagi barcha "
"ma'lumotlarni, shu jumladan, mavjud aravalarni va saqlangan savatchalarni "
msgid "Create default WooCommerce pages"
msgstr "Standart WooCommerce sahifalarini yarating"
msgid "This tool will empty the template cache."
msgstr "Ushbu vosita shablon keshini bo'shatadi."
msgid "Clear template cache"
msgstr "Shablon keshini tozalash"
msgid "Clear customer sessions"
msgstr "Mijoz seanslarini tozalash"
msgid ""
"This tool will reset the admin, customer and shop_manager roles to default. "
"Use this if your users cannot access all of the WooCommerce admin pages."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu vosita administrator, mijoz va shop_manager rollarini standart holatga "
"qaytaradi. Agar foydalanuvchilaringiz WooCommerce ma'murlarining barcha "
"sahifalariga kira olishmasa, bundan foydalaning."
msgid ""
"This tool will recount product terms - useful when changing your settings in "
"a way which hides products from the catalog."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu vosita mahsulot shartlarini qayta sanaydi - sozlamalarni katalogdan "
"mahsulotlarni yashiradigan tarzda o'zgartirganda foydali bo'ladi."
msgid ""
"This tool will regenerate product lookup table data. This process may take a "
msgstr ""
"Ushbu vosita mahsulotlarni qidirish jadvali ma'lumotlarini tiklaydi. Bu "
"jarayon biroz vaqt olishi mumkin."
msgid "Term counts"
msgstr "Muddatlar soni"
msgid "Product lookup tables"
msgstr "Mahsulotlarni qidirish jadvallari"
msgid ""
"This tool will delete expired download permissions and permissions with 0 "
"remaining downloads."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu vosita muddati o'tgan yuklash ruxsati va ruxsatnomalarni 0 qolgan "
"yuklab olishlari bilan yo'q qiladi."
msgid "Clean up download permissions"
msgstr "Yuklab olish uchun ruxsatlarni tozalang"
msgid "Used-up download permissions"
msgstr "Oldindan yuklab olish uchun ruxsat"
msgid "This tool will delete all variations which have no parent."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu vosita bosh bog'lamasi bo'lmagan barcha variantlarni o'chirib "
msgid "Delete orphaned variations"
msgstr "Yo'qotilgan o'zgarishlarni olib tashlang"
msgid "Orphaned variations"
msgstr "Yo'qotilgan variantlar"
msgid "This tool will clear ALL expired transients from WordPress."
msgstr "Ushbu vosita WordPress-dan barcha muddati o'tganlarni olib tashlaydi."
msgid "WooCommerce transients"
msgstr "WooCommerce o'tishi"
msgid "Expired transients"
msgstr "Muddati o'tgan o'tish davri"
msgid "This tool will clear the product/shop transients cache."
msgstr "Ushbu vosita mahsulot / do'kon vaqtidagi keshni o'chiradi."
msgid "Clear transients"
msgstr "O'tish vaqtini tozalash"
msgid "Shipping zones do not support trashing."
msgstr "Yuk tashish zonalari tozalashni qo'llab-quvvatlamaydi."
msgid ""
"Resource cannot be created. Check to make sure 'order' and 'name' are "
msgstr ""
"Resurs yaratib bo'lmaydi. \"Buyurtma\" va \"ism\" mavjudligini tekshiring."
msgid "Unique ID for the instance."
msgstr "Namuna uchun noyob ID."
msgid "Shipping method settings."
msgstr "Yuk tashish usuli sozlamalari."
msgid "Shipping method enabled status."
msgstr "Yuk tashish usuli yoqilgan holati."
msgid "Shipping method sort order."
msgstr "Yuk tashish usuli buyurtmalarni saralaydi."
msgid "Shipping method customer facing title."
msgstr "Yetkazib berish usuli mijozga sarlavha qo'yilgan."
msgid "Shipping method instance ID."
msgstr "Yetkazib berish usuli namunasi identifikatori."
msgid "Shipping methods do not support trashing."
msgstr "Yuk tashish usullari axlatni qo'llab-quvvatlamaydi."
msgid "Resource cannot be created."
msgstr "Resurs yaratib bo'lmaydi."
msgid ""
"The \"locations not covered by your other zones\" zone cannot be updated."
msgstr ""
"\"Boshqa zonalaringiz qamrab olmagan joylar\" zonasini yangilab bo'lmaydi."
msgid "Unique ID for the zone."
msgstr "Zona uchun noyob ID."
msgid "Shipping zone location type."
msgstr "Yuk tashish zonasi manzili turi."
msgid "Shipping zone location code."
msgstr "Yuk tashish zonasi manzili kodi."
msgid "Unique ID for the resource."
msgstr "Resurs uchun noyob ID."
msgid "Method ID."
msgstr "Usul identifikatori."
msgid "No setting groups have been registered."
msgstr "Sozlama guruhlari ro'yxatdan o'tkazilmagan."
msgid "Shipping method description."
msgstr "Yuk tashish usuli ta'rifi."
msgid "Shipping method title."
msgstr "Yuk tashish usuli nomi."
msgid "IDs for settings sub groups."
msgstr "Sozlamalar pastki guruhi uchun ID."
msgid "ID of parent grouping."
msgstr "Asosiy guruhlash ID-si."
msgid "A unique identifier that can be used to link settings together."
msgstr ""
"Sozlamalarni bir-biri bilan bog'lash uchun ishlatilishi mumkin bo'lgan "
"yagona identifikator."
msgid ""
"Array of options (key value pairs) for inputs such as select, multiselect, "
"and radio buttons."
msgstr ""
"Select, multiselect va radio tugmalarini kiritish uchun massiv parametrlar."
msgid "Define if the variation is visible on the product's page."
msgstr "O'zgarish mahsulot sahifasida ko'rinishini aniqlang."
msgid "Settings group ID."
msgstr "Sozlamalar guruhi ID-si."
msgid "Invalid setting."
msgstr "Noto'g'ri sozlamalar."
msgid "Invalid setting group."
msgstr "Noto'g'ri sozlamalar guruhi."
msgid "Parent product does not match current variation."
msgstr "Ota mahsulot joriy o'zgarishga mos kelmaydi."
msgid "Limit result set to products based on a maximum price."
msgstr "Maksimal narxga asoslanib mahsulot natijalarini cheklash."
msgid "Limit result set to products based on a minimum price."
msgstr "Minimal narxga asoslanib mahsulot natijalarini cheklash."
msgid "Variation description."
msgstr "O'zgarish tavsifi."
msgid "Limit result set to products with a specific tax class."
msgstr ""
"Muayyan soliq sinfiga ega bo'lgan mahsulotlarga cheklovlarni belgilash."
msgid "Limit result set to products in stock or out of stock."
msgstr "Zahirada bor va yo'q mahsulot natijalarini cheklash."
msgid "Limit result set to products on sale."
msgstr "Chegirma bilan sotilayotgan mahsulot natijalarini cheklang."
msgid ""
"Limit result set to products with a specific attribute. Use the taxonomy "
"name/attribute slug."
msgstr ""
"Maxsus xususiyatga ega mahsulotlarga cheklangan natija. Taksonomiya nomi / "
"atribut slugidan foydalaning."
msgid ""
"Limit result set to products with specific SKU(s). Use commas to separate."
msgstr ""
"Maxsus SKU (lar) ga ega mahsulotlarga cheklangan natija Ajratish uchun "
"vergullardan foydalaning."
msgid "Limit result set to featured products."
msgstr "Tanlangan mahsulotlar uchun cheklov belgilash."
msgid "End date of sale price, as GMT."
msgstr "Sotish narxining tugash sanasi, GMT kabi."
msgid "End date of sale price, in the site's timezone."
msgstr "Sotish narxining tugash sanasi, saytning vaqt mintaqasida."
msgid "List of variations IDs."
msgstr "O'zgarishlar identifikatorlari ro'yxati."
msgid "List of up-sell products IDs."
msgstr "Sotilgan mahsulotlarning identifikatorlari ro'yxati."
msgid "The date the product was last modified, as GMT."
msgstr "Mahsulot oxirgi marta GMT o'zgartirilgan sana."
msgid "The date the product was created, as GMT."
msgstr "Mahsulot GMT-da yaratilgan sana."
msgid "Start date of sale price, as GMT."
msgstr "GMT da belgilangan narxning boshlanish sanasi."
msgid "Start date of sale price, in the site's timezone."
msgstr "Sotish narxining boshlanish sanasi, saytning vaqt mintaqasida."
msgid "The date the review was created, as GMT."
msgstr "Ko'rib chiqish sanasi, GMT sifatida."
msgid "Additional help text shown to the user about the setting."
msgstr ""
"Sozlash haqida foydalanuvchiga ko'rsatiladigan qo'shimcha yordam matni."
msgid "The date the image was last modified, as GMT."
msgstr "Rasm oxirgi marta GMT sifatida o'zgartirilgan sana."
msgid "The date the image was created, as GMT."
msgstr "Rasm yaratilgan sana GMT sifatida."
msgid "Placeholder text to be displayed in text inputs."
msgstr "Matn kiritishda ko'rsatiladigan ta’riflar matni."
msgid "Type of setting."
msgstr "Sozlamalar turi."
msgid "A human readable description for the setting used in interfaces."
msgstr ""
"Interfeyslarda ishlatiladigan sozlamalar uchun inson tomonidan o'qiladigan "
msgid "Default value for the setting."
msgstr "Sozlama uchun standart qiymat."
msgid "Setting value."
msgstr "Sozlama qiymati."
msgid "A human readable label for the setting used in interfaces."
msgstr ""
"Interfeyslarda ishlatiladigan sozlamalar uchun inson tomonidan o'qiladigan "
msgid "Payment gateway settings."
msgstr "To'lov shlyuzi sozlamalari."
msgid "Payment gateway method description."
msgstr "To'lov shlyuzi usulining tavsifi."
msgid "Payment gateway method title."
msgstr "To'lov shlyuzi usuli nomi."
msgid "Payment gateway enabled status."
msgstr "To'lov shlyuzi yoqilgan statusi."
msgid "Shipping instance ID."
msgstr "Yetkazib berish namunasi identifikatori."
msgid "The date the order was completed, as GMT."
msgstr "Buyurtma bajarilgan sana GMT-da."
msgid "The date the order was paid, as GMT."
msgstr "Buyurtma to'langan sanani GMT-da."
msgid "Payment gateway sort order."
msgstr "To'lov shlyuzini tartiblash."
msgid "Payment gateway description on checkout."
msgstr "To'lov shlyuzi tavsifi."
msgid "Payment gateway title on checkout."
msgstr "To'lov shlyuzi nomi."
msgid "Payment gateway ID."
msgstr "To'lov shlyuzi ID nomi."
msgid "An invalid setting value was passed."
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri sozlama qiymati o‘tkazildi."
msgid "When true, the payment gateway API is used to generate the refund."
msgstr ""
"Haqiqiy bo'lsa, qaytariladigan to'lovni yaratish uchun to'lov shlyuzi API "
msgid "The date the order was last modified, in the site's timezone."
msgstr "Buyurtmaning oxirgi o'zgartirilgan sanasi, saytning vaqt mintaqasida."
msgid "The date the order was created, in the site's timezone."
msgstr "Saytning vaqt mintaqasida buyurtma yaratilgan sana."
msgid "If the payment was refunded via the API."
msgstr "Agar to'lov API orqali qaytarilgan bo'lsa."
msgid "The date the order refund was created, as GMT."
msgstr "Qaytarilgan to'lov yaratilgan sana GMT."
msgid "User ID of user who created the refund."
msgstr "Qaytarilgan to'lovni yaratgan foydalanuvchi ID-si."
msgid "Limit result to customers or internal notes."
msgstr "Natijalarni cheklash, mijozlar yoki ichki eslatmalar."
msgid ""
"If true, the note will be shown to customers and they will be notified. If "
"false, the note will be for admin reference only."
msgstr ""
"Rost bo'lsa, eslatma mijozlarga ko'rsatiladi va ularga xabar beriladi. "
"Noto'g'ri bo'lsa, bu eslatma administratorga ma'lumot uchun bo'ladi."
msgid "Order total formatted for locale"
msgstr "Mahalliylashtirish uchun buyurtma umumiy formati"
msgid "Name of the customer for the order"
msgstr "Buyurtma uchun mijozning nomi"
msgid "The date the order note was created, as GMT."
msgstr "Buyurtma eslatmasi yaratilgan sana GMT."
msgid "Order Status"
msgstr "Buyurtma holati"
msgid "URL to edit the order"
msgstr "Buyurtmani tahrirlash uchun URL manzili"
msgid "Blog id of the record on the multisite."
msgstr "Multisitdagi yozuvning blog identifikatori."
msgid "Is the customer a paying customer?"
msgstr "Mijoz to'lovchi mijozmi?"
msgid "The date the customer was last modified, in the site's timezone."
msgstr "Mijoz oxirgi marta saytning vaqt mintaqasida o'zgartirilgan sana."
msgid "The date the customer was created, in the site's timezone."
msgstr "Mijoz yaratgan sana, saytning vaqt mintaqasida."
msgid "Customer role."
msgstr "Xaridorning roli."
msgid "Download ID."
msgstr "Yuklab olish identifikatori."
msgid "The date when download access expires, as GMT."
msgstr "Yuklash uchun kirish vaqti tugaydigan sana GMT."
msgid "The date the coupon expires, as GMT."
msgstr "Kuponning amal qilish muddati GMT da."
msgid "The date the coupon expires, in the site's timezone."
msgstr "Kuponning amal qilish muddati, saytning vaqt zonasida."
msgid "Meta data."
msgstr "Meta ma'lumotlari."
msgid "Meta ID."
msgstr "Meta ID."
msgid "The date the coupon was last modified, as GMT."
msgstr "Kupon oxirgi marta GMT-ga o'zgartirilgan sana."
msgid "The date the coupon was created, as GMT."
msgstr "Kupon GMT-da yaratilgan sana."
msgid "The date the webhook was last modified, in the site's timezone."
msgstr "Veb-xost oxirgi marta sana, vaqt mintaqasida."
msgid "The date the webhook was created, in the site's timezone."
msgstr "Veb-hook-sayt yaratilgan sana, saytning vaqt mintaqasida."
msgid ""
"Secret key used to generate a hash of the delivered webhook and provided in "
"the request headers. This will default to a MD5 hash from the current user's "
"ID|username if not provided."
msgstr ""
"Maxfiy kalit yetkazib berilgan veb-heshda xeshni yaratish uchun ishlatiladi "
"va so'rov sarlavhalarida taqdim etiladi. Agar joriy foydalanuvchi "
"identifikatori | foydalanuvchi nomidan ta'minlanmasa, bu MD5 xeshiga odatiy "
msgid "The URL where the webhook payload is delivered."
msgstr "Veb-tarmoq ulanishi yuklangan URL manzili."
msgid "Webhook status must be valid."
msgstr "Webhook holati haqiqiy bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "WooCommerce action names associated with the webhook."
msgstr "WooCommerce veb-hook bilan bog'liq bo'lgan nomlar."
msgid "Webhook event."
msgstr "Webhook voqeasi."
msgid "Webhook resource."
msgstr "Webhook manbai."
msgid "Webhook status."
msgstr "Veb brauzerining holati."
msgid "A friendly name for the webhook."
msgstr "Veb-hook uchun do'stona ism."
msgid ""
"Webhook delivery URL must be a valid URL starting with http:// or https://."
msgstr ""
"Webhook etkazib berish URL manzili http: // yoki https: // bilan "
"boshlanadigan to'g'ri URL bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "Webhook delivery URL."
msgstr "Veb-hook etkazib berish URL manzili."
msgid "Webhook topic."
msgstr "Veb-hook mavzusi."
msgid "The date the webhook delivery was logged, in the site's timezone."
msgstr "Veb-hook-faylni etkazib berish sanasi, saytning vaqt zonasida."
msgid "Invalid ID."
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri identifikator."
msgid "The response body from the receiving server."
msgstr "Qabul qiluvchi serverdan javoblar tanasi."
msgid "Array of the response headers from the receiving server."
msgstr "Javob sarlavhalarini qabul qiluvchi serverdan olish."
msgid "The HTTP response message from the receiving server."
msgstr "Qabul qiluvchi serverdan kelgan HTTP-xabar."
msgid "The HTTP response code from the receiving server."
msgstr "Qabul qiluvchi serverdan olingan HTTP javob kodi."
msgid "Request body."
msgstr "So‘rov tanasi."
msgid "Request headers."
msgstr "Sarlavhalarni talab qiling."
msgid "The URL where the webhook was delivered."
msgstr "Veb-ulanish manzilining URL manzili."
msgid ""
"A friendly summary of the response including the HTTP response code, "
"message, and body."
msgstr ""
"HTTP javob kodi, xabar va tanani o'z ichiga olgan javobning samimiy xulosasi."
msgid "Unique identifier for the webhook."
msgstr "Veb-brauzer uchun noyob identifikator."
msgid "Sort by tax class."
msgstr "Soliq klassi bo'yicha saralash."
msgid "Indicates the order that will appear in queries."
msgstr "So'rovlarda paydo bo'ladigan tartibni bildiradi."
msgid "The delivery duration, in seconds."
msgstr "Yetkazib berish muddati sekundlarda."
msgid "Invalid webhook ID."
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri veb-hook ID."
msgid "Whether or not this tax rate also gets applied to shipping."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu soliq stavkasi yuk tashishga nisbatan qo'llaniladimi yoki yo'qmi."
msgid "Whether or not this is a compound rate."
msgstr "Bu aralash stavka bo'ladimi yoki yo'qmi."
msgid "Tax priority."
msgstr "Soliq ustuvorligi."
msgid "Postcode / ZIP."
msgstr "Pochta indeksi."
msgid "Country ISO 3166 code."
msgstr "Mamlakat ISO 3166 kodi."
msgid "Tax class name."
msgstr "Soliq klassi nomi."
msgid "Tax rate name."
msgstr "Soliq stavkasi nomi."
msgid "Unique slug for the resource."
msgstr "Resurs uchun noyob slug."
msgid "List of top sellers products."
msgstr "Eng ko'p sotiladigan mahsulotlar ro'yxati."
msgid "List of sales reports."
msgstr "Savdo hisobotlari ro'yxati."
msgid "Total number of purchases."
msgstr "Xaridlarning umumiy soni."
msgid "State code."
msgstr "Shtat kodi."
msgid ""
"Return sales for a specific end date, the date need to be in the %s format."
msgstr ""
"Belgilangan tugash sanasiga sotishni qaytaring, sana %s formatida bo'lishi "
msgid ""
"Return sales for a specific start date, the date need to be in the %s format."
msgstr ""
"Muayyan boshlanish sanasiga sotishni qaytaring, sana %s formatida bo'lishi "
msgid "Report period."
msgstr "Hisobot davri."
msgid "Totals."
msgstr "Jami."
msgid "Group type."
msgstr "Guruh turi."
msgid "Total of coupons used."
msgstr "Ishlatilgan kuponlarning umumiy soni."
msgid "Total of refunded orders."
msgstr "Qaytarilgan buyurtmalarning umumiy soni."
msgid "Total charged for shipping."
msgstr "Yuk tashish uchun yig'im."
msgid "Total charged for taxes."
msgstr "Soliqlar bo'yicha yig'imlar."
msgid "Total of items purchased."
msgstr "Xarid qilingan narsalarning umumiy soni."
msgid "Total of orders placed."
msgstr "Joylashtirilgan buyurtmalar soni."
msgid "Average net daily sales."
msgstr "Kunlik o'rtacha savdo."
msgid "Net sales in the period."
msgstr "Davrdagi aniq savdo."
msgid "Gross sales in the period."
msgstr "Bu davrda yalpi savdo."
msgid ""
"Limit result set to products with a specific attribute term ID (required an "
"assigned attribute)."
msgstr ""
"Maxsus atam termini identifikatori bo'lgan mahsulotlarga cheklangan natija "
"(tayinlangan atribut talab etiladi)."
msgid "Limit result set to products with a specific attribute."
msgstr "Maxsus xususiyatga ega mahsulotlarga cheklangan natija."
msgid "Limit result set to products assigned a specific shipping class ID."
msgstr ""
"Maxsus yuk sinfiga ega bo'lgan mahsulotga belgilangan natijani cheklash."
msgid "Limit result set to products assigned a specific category ID."
msgstr "Maxsus kategoriya ID berilgan mahsulotlarga cheklangan natija."
msgid "Menu order, used to custom sort products."
msgstr "Mahsulotlarni saralash uchun ishlatiladigan menyu tartibi."
msgid "List of grouped products ID."
msgstr "Guruhlangan mahsulotlar ro'yxati ID."
msgid "Variation image data."
msgstr "Variantli tasvir ma'lumotlari."
msgid "Variation height (%s)."
msgstr "Variation height (%s)."
msgid "Variation width (%s)."
msgstr "O'zgaruvchan kenglikdagi (%s)."
msgid "Variation length (%s)."
msgstr "O'zgaruvchan uzunlikdagi (%s)."
msgid "Variation dimensions."
msgstr "Variant o'lchovlari."
msgid "Variation weight (%s)."
msgstr "Variation weight (%s)."
msgid "Shows if the variation is on backordered."
msgstr "Shows if the variation is on backordered."
msgid ""
"Controls whether or not the variation is listed as \"in stock\" or \"out of "
"stock\" on the frontend."
msgstr ""
"O'zgarish \"ichki\" yoki \"sotuvda\" deb belgilangan yoki yo'qligini "
msgid "Stock management at variation level."
msgstr "Variant darajasida aktsiyalarni boshqarish."
msgid "If the variation is downloadable."
msgstr "Agar o'zgarishni yuklab olish mumkin bo'lsa."
msgid "If the variation is virtual."
msgstr "Agar o'zgarish virtual bo'lsa."
msgid "If the variation is visible."
msgstr "Agar o'zgaruvchanlik ko'rinadigan bo'lsa."
msgid "Shows if the variation can be bought."
msgstr "Variantni sotib olish mumkinligini ko'rsatadi."
msgid "Shows if the variation is on sale."
msgstr "Agar sotish sotuvda bo'lsa, ko'rsatadi."
msgid "Variation sale price."
msgstr "O'zgarish sotish narxi."
msgid "Variation regular price."
msgstr "O'zgaruvchan oddiy narx."
msgid "Current variation price."
msgstr "Mavjud o'zgaruvchanlik narxi."
msgid "Variation URL."
msgstr "O'zgarish URL manzili."
msgid "The date the variation was last modified, in the site's timezone."
msgstr "O'zgarish oxirgi marta saytning vaqt mintaqasida o'zgartirilgan."
msgid "Selected attribute term name."
msgstr "Tanlangan atribut termini nomi."
msgid "Variation ID."
msgstr "O'zgarish identifikatori."
msgid "List of variations."
msgstr "O'zgarishlar ro'yxati."
msgid "The date the variation was created, in the site's timezone."
msgstr "O'zgarish hosil qilingan sana, saytning vaqt mintaqasida."
msgid "Defaults variation attributes."
msgstr "Odatiy o'zgaruvchanlik atributlari."
msgid "List of available term names of the attribute."
msgstr "Atributning mavjud atamalar ro'yxati."
msgid "Define if the attribute can be used as variation."
msgstr "Atribut o'zgaruvchan sifatida ishlatilishi mumkinligini aniqlang."
msgid ""
"Define if the attribute is visible on the \"Additional information\" tab in "
"the product's page."
msgstr ""
"Atribut mahsulot sahifasida \"Qo'shimcha ma'lumotlar\" yorlig'ida "
"ko'rinishini aniqlang."
msgid "Attribute position."
msgstr "Atribut holati."
msgid "Image position. 0 means that the image is featured."
msgstr "Rasm holati. 0 bu rasmning xususiyatini anglatadi."
msgid "List of attributes."
msgstr "Atributlar ro'yxati."
msgid "List of images."
msgstr "Rasmlar ro'yxati."
msgid "Tag slug."
msgstr "Teg slug."
msgid "Tag ID."
msgstr "Tag ID."
msgid "List of tags."
msgstr "Teglar ro'yxati."
msgid "Category ID."
msgstr "Toifa identifikatori."
msgid "List of categories."
msgstr "Toifalar ro'yxati."
msgid "Optional note to send the customer after purchase."
msgstr "Xarid qilishdan keyin mijozni yuborish uchun ixtiyoriy eslatma."
msgid "Product parent ID."
msgstr "Mahsulot ota-onasi identifikatori."
msgid "List of cross-sell products IDs."
msgstr "Birgalikda sotiladigan mahsulotlarning identifikatorlari ro'yxati."
msgid "List of upsell products IDs."
msgstr "Sotilgan mahsulotlar identifikatorlari ro'yxati."
msgid "List of related products IDs."
msgstr "O'xshash mahsulotlar identifikatorlari ro'yxati."
msgid "Amount of reviews that the product have."
msgstr "Mahsulotga berilgan sharhlar soni."
msgid "Reviews average rating."
msgstr "O'rtacha reytingni sharhlaydi."
msgid "Allow reviews."
msgstr "Sharhlarga ruxsat berish."
msgid "Shipping class ID."
msgstr "Yetkazib berish sinfining identifikatori."
msgid "Shipping class slug."
msgstr "Yuk tashish sinfidagi slug."
msgid "Shows whether or not the product shipping is taxable."
msgstr ""
"Mahsulotni etkazib berish soliqqa tortiladimi yoki yo'qmi ko'rsatiladi."
msgid "Shows if the product need to be shipped."
msgstr "Mahsulotni jo'natish kerakligini ko'rsatadi."
msgid "Product height (%s)."
msgstr "Mahsulot balandligi ( %s)."
msgid "Product width (%s)."
msgstr "Mahsulot kengligi ( %s)."
msgid "Product length (%s)."
msgstr "Mahsulot uzunligi ( %s)."
msgid "Product dimensions."
msgstr "Mahsulot o'lchamlari."
msgid "Product weight (%s)."
msgstr "Mahsulotning vazni ( %s)."
msgid "Allow one item to be bought in a single order."
msgstr "Bitta narsani bitta tartibda sotib olishga ruxsat bering."
msgid "Shows if the product is on backordered."
msgstr "Mahsulot buyurtma qilingan bo'lsa yoki yo'qligini ko'rsatadi."
msgid "Stock management at product level."
msgstr "Mahsulot darajasida aktsiyalarni boshqarish."
msgid "Shows if backorders are allowed."
msgstr "Agar orqa chegaralar ruxsat berilgan bo'lsa, ularni ko'rsatadi."
msgid "Product external button text. Only for external products."
msgstr "Mahsulot tashqi tugmachasi matni. Faqat tashqi mahsulotlar uchun."
msgid "If managing stock, this controls if backorders are allowed."
msgstr ""
"Agar aktsiyalarni boshqarish bo'lsa, agar bu orqadagi chegaralarga ruxsat "
"berilgan bo'lsa, ularni boshqaradi."
msgid "Stock quantity."
msgstr "Aksiya miqdori."
msgid "Tax status."
msgstr "Soliq holati."
msgid "Tax class."
msgstr "Soliq klassi."
msgid "Number of days until access to downloadable files expires."
msgstr "Yuklab olinadigan fayllarga kirish muddati tugaguncha kunlar soni."
msgid "Download type, this controls the schema on the front-end."
msgstr "Yuklash turini tanlang, bu oldingi qismdagi sxemani boshqaradi."
msgid "Product external URL. Only for external products."
msgstr "Mahsulot tashqi URL manzili. Faqat tashqi mahsulotlar uchun."
msgid "Number of times downloadable files can be downloaded after purchase."
msgstr "Xarid qilingandan so'ng yuklab olinadigan fayllar soni."
msgid "File ID."
msgstr "Fayl identifikatori."
msgid "If the product is downloadable."
msgstr "Agar mahsulotni yuklab olish mumkin bo'lsa."
msgid "If the product is virtual."
msgstr "Agar mahsulot virtual bo'lsa."
msgid "List of downloadable files."
msgstr "Yuklab olinadigan fayllar ro'yxati."
msgid "Amount of sales."
msgstr "Savdo hajmi."
msgid "Shows if the product can be bought."
msgstr "Mahsulotni sotib olish mumkinligini ko'rsatadi."
msgid "Shows if the product is on sale."
msgstr "Mahsulot sotilayotganligini ko'rsatadi."
msgid "Price formatted in HTML."
msgstr "Narxlar HTML formatida formatlangan."
msgid "End date of sale price."
msgstr "Sotish narxining tugash sanasi."
msgid "Start date of sale price."
msgstr "Sotish narxining boshlanish sanasi."
msgid "Product regular price."
msgstr "Mahsulotning oddiy narxi."
msgid "Current product price."
msgstr "Joriy mahsulot narxi."
msgid "Product short description."
msgstr "Mahsulotning qisqacha tavsifi."
msgid "Unique identifier."
msgstr "Unique identifier."
msgid "Product description."
msgstr "Mahsulot tavsifi."
msgid "Catalog visibility."
msgstr "Katalog ko'rinishi."
msgid "Product status (post status)."
msgstr "Mahsulot holati (pochta holati)."
msgid "Product type."
msgstr "Mahsulot turi."
msgid "The date the product was last modified, in the site's timezone."
msgstr "Mahsulot oxirgi marta o'zgartirilgan sana, saytning vaqt mintaqasida."
msgid "The date the product was created, in the site's timezone."
msgstr "Mahsulot yaratilgan sana, saytning vaqt mintaqasida."
msgid "Product URL."
msgstr "Mahsulot URL manzili."
msgid "Product slug."
msgstr "Mahsulot slug."
msgid "The %s has already been deleted."
msgstr "%s allaqachon o'chirilgan."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete %s."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, %s-ni o'chirishga ruxsat yo'q."
msgid ""
"To manipulate product variations you should use the /products/<"
"product_id>/variations/<id> endpoint."
msgstr ""
"Mahsulot o'zgarishini boshqarish uchun / products / & lt; product_id & gt; / "
"variations / & lt; id & gt; oxirgi nuqta."
msgid "#%s is an invalid image ID."
msgstr "#%s - yaroqsiz rasm identifikatori."
msgid "Shipping class name."
msgstr "Yuk tashish sinfining nomi."
msgid "Shows if the reviewer bought the product or not."
msgstr ""
"Sharhlovchi mahsulotni sotib olgan yoki sotib olmaganligini ko'rsatadi."
msgid "The product review cannot be deleted."
msgstr "Mahsulot sharhini o'chirib bo'lmaydi."
msgid "The content of the review."
msgstr "Sharhning mazmuni."
msgid "Reviewer email."
msgstr "Sharhlovchi elektron pochtasi."
msgid "Reviewer name."
msgstr "Sharhlovchi nomi."
msgid "Review rating (0 to 5)."
msgstr "Sharh reytingi (0 dan 5 gacha)."
msgid "The date the review was created, in the site's timezone."
msgstr "Sharh yaratilgan sana, saytning vaqt mintaqasida."
msgid "Email of the reviewer."
msgstr "Sharhlovchining elektron pochtasi."
msgid "Name of the reviewer."
msgstr "Sharhlovchining ismi."
msgid "The product review does not support trashing."
msgstr "Mahsulot sharhida xatolik yo'q."
msgid "Invalid product review ID."
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri mahsulotni tekshirish, identifikatori."
msgid "Updating product review failed."
msgstr "Mahsulot sharhini yangilab bo'lmadi."
msgid "Creating product review failed."
msgstr "Mahsulot sharhlarini yaratib bo'lmadi."
msgid "Invalid product ID."
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri mahsulot identifikatori."
msgid "Review content."
msgstr "Tarkibni ko'rib chiqish."
msgid "Unique identifier for the variation."
msgstr "O'zgarish uchun noyob identifikator."
msgid "Unique identifier for the variable product."
msgstr "O'zgaruvchan mahsulot uchun noyob identifikator."
msgid "Image alternative text."
msgstr "Rasmga alternativ matn."
msgid "Image name."
msgstr "Rasm nomi."
msgid "The date the image was last modified, in the site's timezone."
msgstr "Rasm oxirgi marta saytning vaqt mintaqasida o'zgartirilgan sana."
msgid "Image data."
msgstr "Rasm ma'lumotlari."
msgid "The date the image was created, in the site's timezone."
msgstr "Rasm yaratilgan sana, saytning vaqt mintaqasida."
msgid "Image ID."
msgstr "Tasvir identifikatori."
msgid "Category archive display type."
msgstr "Kategoriya arxivini ko'rsatish turi."
msgid "Unique identifier for the attribute of the terms."
msgstr "Shartlar atributi uchun noyob aniqlovchi."
msgid "Menu order, used to custom sort the resource."
msgstr "Resursni tartiblash uchun ishlatiladigan menyu tartibi."
msgid "Enable/Disable attribute archives."
msgstr "Atributlar arxivini yoqish / o'chirish."
msgid "Default sort order."
msgstr "Odatiy tartiblash tartibi."
msgid "Type of attribute."
msgstr "Atribut turi."
msgid "Name for the resource."
msgstr "Resursning nomi."
msgid "Attribute name."
msgstr "Atribut nomi."
msgid "Refund total."
msgstr "Qaytarilgan jami."
msgid "Refund reason."
msgstr "To'lovni qaytarish sababi."
msgid "List of refunds."
msgstr "To'lovlar ro'yxati."
msgid "Discount total tax."
msgstr "Umumiy soliq chegirmasi."
msgid "Discount total."
msgstr "Hammasi bo'lib chegirma."
msgid "Coupons line data."
msgstr "Kuponlar qatori ma'lumotlari."
msgid "Tax status of fee."
msgstr "To'lovning soliq holati."
msgid "Tax class of fee."
msgstr "Soliq klassi klassi."
msgid "Fee name."
msgstr "To'lov nomi."
msgid "Fee lines data."
msgstr "Narxlar to'g'risidagi ma'lumotlar."
msgid "Shipping method ID."
msgstr "Yetkazib berish usuli identifikatori."
msgid "Shipping method name."
msgstr "Yetkazib berish usulining nomi."
msgid "Shipping lines data."
msgstr "Yuk tashish liniyalari ma'lumotlari."
msgid "Shipping tax total."
msgstr "Yuk tashish uchun soliq."
msgid "Tax total (not including shipping taxes)."
msgstr "Jami soliq (transport soliqlaridan tashqari)."
msgid "Show if is a compound tax rate."
msgstr "Murakkab soliq stavkasi borligini ko'rsating."
msgid "Tax rate label."
msgstr "Soliq stavkasi yorlig'i."
msgid "Tax rate code."
msgstr "Soliq stavkasi kodi."
msgid "Tax lines data."
msgstr "Soliq liniyalari ma'lumotlari."
msgid "MD5 hash of cart items to ensure orders are not modified."
msgstr ""
"Buyurtmalar o'zgartirilmasligini ta'minlash uchun arava buyumlarining MD5 "
msgid "The date the order was paid, in the site's timezone."
msgstr "Buyurtma to'langan sana, saytning vaqt mintaqasida."
msgid "The date the order was completed, in the site's timezone."
msgstr "Saytning vaqt zonasida buyurtma bajarilgan sana."
msgid "Note left by customer during checkout."
msgstr "Buyurtma paytida mijoz qoldirgan eslatma."
msgid "Shows where the order was created."
msgstr "Buyurtma qayerda yaratilganligini ko'rsatadi."
msgid "User agent of the customer."
msgstr "Mijozning foydalanuvchi agenti."
msgid "Customer's IP address."
msgstr "Mijozning IP-manzili."
msgid "Unique transaction ID."
msgstr "Bitimning noyob identifikatori."
msgid ""
"Define if the order is paid. It will set the status to processing and reduce "
"stock items."
msgstr ""
"Buyurtma to'langanligini aniqlang. Bu aktsiyalarni qayta ishlash va "
"qisqartirish holatini belgilaydi."
msgid "Payment method title."
msgstr "To'lov usulining nomi."
msgid "Payment method ID."
msgstr "To'lov usuli identifikatori."
msgid "Shipping address."
msgstr "Yetkazish manzili."
msgid "Country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format."
msgstr "ISO 3166-1 alfa-2 formatidagi mamlakat kodi."
msgid "Sum of all taxes."
msgstr "Barcha soliqlar summasi."
msgid "Grand total."
msgstr "Jami."
msgid "Sum of line item taxes only."
msgstr "Faqat qatorlar uchun soliqlarning summasi."
msgid "The date the order was last modified, as GMT."
msgstr "Buyurtma oxirgi marta o'zgartirilgan sana. GMT."
msgid "The date the order was created, as GMT."
msgstr "Buyurtma yaratilgan sana GMT."
msgid "Billing address."
msgstr "To‘lov manzili."
msgid "Total shipping tax amount for the order."
msgstr "Buyurtma uchun jo'natilgan soliqning umumiy summasi."
msgid "Total shipping amount for the order."
msgstr "Buyurtma uchun umumiy etkazib berish miqdori."
msgid "Total discount tax amount for the order."
msgstr "Buyurtma uchun chegirma soliqining umumiy summasi."
msgid "Total discount amount for the order."
msgstr "Buyurtma uchun chegirmalarning umumiy miqdori."
msgid "User ID who owns the order. 0 for guests."
msgstr ""
"Buyurtma egasi bo'lgan foydalanuvchi identifikatori. 0 mehmonlar uchun."
msgid "Version of WooCommerce which last updated the order."
msgstr "Buyurtmani so'nggi marta yangilagan WooCommerce versiyasi."
msgid "True the prices included tax during checkout."
msgstr ""
"To‘g‘ri, narxlar ro‘yxatdan o‘tish vaqtida soliqlarni o‘z ichiga olgan."
msgid "Currency the order was created with, in ISO format."
msgstr "Valyuta buyurtmasi ISO formatida tuzilgan."
msgid "Line taxes."
msgstr "Soliqlar."
msgid "Meta value."
msgstr "Meta qiymati."
msgid "Meta key."
msgstr "Meta kaliti."
msgid "Order status."
msgstr "Buyurtma holati."
msgid "Parent order ID."
msgstr "Ota-ona buyurtma identifikatori."
msgid "Fee name is required."
msgstr "To'lov nomi kiritilishi shart."
msgid "Product ID or SKU is required."
msgstr "Mahsulot identifikatori yoki SKU talab qilinadi."
msgid "Number of decimal points to use in each resource."
msgstr "Har bir manbada ishlatiladigan o'nlik kasrlar soni."
msgid "Meta label."
msgstr "Meta yorlig'i."
msgid "Line item meta data."
msgstr "Meta ma'lumotlari qatori."
msgid "Tax subtotal."
msgstr "Soliq summasi."
msgid "Tax total."
msgstr "Jami soliq."
msgid "Line total tax (after discounts)."
msgstr "Umumiy soliq solig'i (chegirmalardan keyin)."
msgid "Line total (after discounts)."
msgstr "Satrlar soni (chegirmalardan keyin)."
msgid "Order number."
msgstr "Buyurtma raqami."
msgid "Tax rate ID."
msgstr "Soliq stavkasi identifikatori."
msgid "Line subtotal tax (before discounts)."
msgstr "Soliq summasi (chegirmalargacha)."
msgid "Line subtotal (before discounts)."
msgstr "Satrlarning pastki satrlari (chegirmalardan oldin)."
msgid "Product price."
msgstr "Mahsulot narxi."
msgid "Tax class of product."
msgstr "Mahsulotning soliq klassi."
msgid "Quantity ordered."
msgstr "Miqdori buyurtma qilingan."
msgid "Variation ID, if applicable."
msgstr "Iloji bo'lsa, o'zgaruvchanlik identifikatori."
msgid "Product name."
msgstr "Mahsulot nomi.."
msgid "Item ID."
msgstr "Mahsulot identifikatori."
msgid "Line items data."
msgstr "Ma'lumotlar qatori."
msgid "Reason for refund."
msgstr "To'lovni qaytarish sababi."
msgid "Refund amount."
msgstr "Qaytarilish miqdori."
msgid "The date the order refund was created, in the site's timezone."
msgstr "Buyurtmani qaytarish sanasi, saytning vaqt mintaqasida."
msgid "Product SKU."
msgstr "SKU mahsuloti."
msgid "Order is invalid"
msgstr "Buyurtma noto‘g‘ri"
msgid ""
"Shows/define if the note is only for reference or for the customer (the user "
"will be notified)."
msgstr ""
"Izoh faqat ma'lumot uchun yoki mijoz uchun mo'ljallanganligini ko'rsatadi / "
"belgilaydi (foydalanuvchiga xabar beriladi)."
msgid "Order note."
msgstr "Buyurtma eslatmasi."
msgid "The date the order note was created, in the site's timezone."
msgstr "Buyurtma yozuvi yaratilgan sana, saytning vaqt mintaqasida."
msgid "Webhooks do not support trashing."
msgstr "Veb-brauzerlar axlat yig'ishni qo'llab-quvvatlamaydi."
msgid "The %s cannot be deleted."
msgstr "%s ni o'chirib bo'lmaydi."
msgid "Order note content."
msgstr "Qayd tarkibiga buyurtma bering."
msgid "The order ID."
msgstr "Buyurtma identifikatori."
msgid "Limit result set to resources with a specific email."
msgstr ""
"Muayyan elektron pochta xabarlari bilan manbalarga cheklangan natijalar."
msgid "Invalid order ID."
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri buyurtma identifikatori."
msgid "List of shipping address data."
msgstr "Yetkazib berish manzili ma'lumotlari ro'yxati."
msgid "Phone number."
msgstr "Telefon raqam."
msgid "Address line 2."
msgstr "Manzil qatori 2."
msgid "ISO code of the country."
msgstr "Mamlakatning ISO kodi."
msgid "Address line 1."
msgstr "Manzil uchun 1-chi qator."
msgid "Postal code."
msgstr "Pochta Indeksi."
msgid "ISO code or name of the state, province or district."
msgstr "ISO kodi yoki shtat, viloyat yoki tumanning nomi."
msgid "City name."
msgstr "Shahar nomi."
msgid "Company name."
msgstr "Kopmaniya nomi."
msgid "The date of the customer last order, as GMT."
msgstr "Xaridorning oxirgi buyurtma sanasi, GMT."
msgid "List of billing address data."
msgstr "Hisob-kitob manzili ma'lumotlari ro'yxati."
msgid "Total amount spent."
msgstr "Jami sarflangan mablag '."
msgid "Quantity of orders made by the customer."
msgstr "Xaridor tomonidan berilgan buyurtmalar soni."
msgid "The date the customer was last modified, as GMT."
msgstr "Mijoz oxirgi marta o'zgartirilgan sana, GMT."
msgid "The date the customer was created, as GMT."
msgstr "Xaridor hisobi yaratilgan sana, GMT."
msgid "Last order ID."
msgstr "So'nggi buyurtma identifikatori."
msgid "Last order data."
msgstr "So'nggi buyurtma ma'lumotlari."
msgid "Customer password."
msgstr "Mijoz paroli."
msgid "Customer login name."
msgstr "Mijozning login nomi."
msgid "Customer last name."
msgstr "Xaridorning familiyasi."
msgid "Customer first name."
msgstr "Mijozning ismi."
msgid "File URL."
msgstr "Ссылка на файл"
msgid "ID to reassign posts to."
msgstr "Xabarlarni qayta tayinlash uchun ID."
msgid "New user password."
msgstr "Yangi foydalanuvchi paroli."
msgid "New user username."
msgstr "Yangi foydalanuvchi ismi."
msgid "New user email address."
msgstr "Yangi foydalanuvchining elektron pochta manzili."
msgid "Download ID (MD5)."
msgstr "Download ID (MD5)."
msgid "File details."
msgstr "Fayl tafsilotlari."
msgid "The date when download access expires, in the site's timezone."
msgstr "Saytning vaqt mintaqasida yuklab olish huquqi muddati tugaydi."
msgid "Number of downloads remaining."
msgstr "Qolgan yuklamalar soni."
msgid "Order key."
msgstr "Buyurtma kaliti."
msgid "Downloadable file name."
msgstr "Yuklab olinadigan fayl nomi."
msgid "Downloadable product ID."
msgstr "Yuklab olinadigan mahsulot identifikatori."
msgid "Download file URL."
msgstr "Fayl URL manzilini yuklab oling."
msgid "List of user IDs (or guest email addresses) that have used the coupon."
msgstr ""
"Kupondan foydalanuvchi foydalanuvchi identifikatorlari (yoki mehmon elektron "
"pochta manzillari) ro'yxati."
msgid "List of email addresses that can use this coupon."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu kupondan foydalanishi mumkin bo'lgan elektron pochta manzillari "
msgid "Maximum order amount allowed when using the coupon."
msgstr "Kupondan foydalanishda buyurtmaning maksimal miqdori."
msgid ""
"Minimum order amount that needs to be in the cart before coupon applies."
msgstr ""
"Kupon amal qilishdan oldin savatda bo'lishi kerak bo'lgan minimal buyurtma "
msgid ""
"If true, this coupon will not be applied to items that have sale prices."
msgstr ""
"Agar rost bo'lsa, ushbu kupon sotish narxlari bo'lgan narsalarga tatbiq "
msgid ""
"If true and if the free shipping method requires a coupon, this coupon will "
"enable free shipping."
msgstr ""
"Agar rost bo'lsa va bepul etkazib berish usuli kuponni talab qilsa, bu kupon "
"bepul etkazib berishni ta'minlaydi."
msgid "List of category IDs the coupon does not apply to."
msgstr "List of category IDs the coupon does not apply to."
msgid "List of category IDs the coupon applies to."
msgstr "Kupon amal qiladigan kategoriya identifikatorlari ro'yxati."
msgid "Max number of items in the cart the coupon can be applied to."
msgstr "Savatda kupon qo'llanilishi mumkin bo'lgan buyumlarning maksimal soni."
msgid "How many times the coupon can be used in total."
msgstr "Kupondan jami necha marta foydalanish mumkin."
msgid "How many times the coupon can be used per customer."
msgstr "How many times the coupon can be used per customer."
msgid "List of product IDs the coupon cannot be used on."
msgstr "List of product IDs the coupon cannot be used on."
msgid "List of product IDs the coupon can be used on."
msgstr "List of product IDs the coupon can be used on."
msgid ""
"If true, the coupon can only be used individually. Other applied coupons "
"will be removed from the cart."
msgstr ""
"Agar rost bo'lsa, kupon faqat alohida ishlatilishi mumkin. Boshqa "
"qo'llanilgan kuponlar aravadan olib tashlanadi."
msgid ""
"The amount of discount. Should always be numeric, even if setting a "
msgstr ""
"Chegirma miqdori. Foiz belgilashda ham har doim raqamli bo‘lishi kerak."
msgid "UTC DateTime when the coupon expires."
msgstr "Kupon muddati tugaganda UTC DateTime."
msgid "Number of times the coupon has been used already."
msgstr "Kupondan necha marta foydalanilganligi."
msgid "Determines the type of discount that will be applied."
msgstr "Qo'llaniladigan chegirma turini aniqlaydi."
msgid "Coupon description."
msgstr "Kupon tavsifi."
msgid "The date the coupon was last modified, in the site's timezone."
msgstr "Kupon oxirgi marta sana, vaqt mintaqasida."
msgid "The date the coupon was created, in the site's timezone."
msgstr "Kupon yaratilgan sana, saytning vaqt mintaqasida."
msgid ""
"The class attached to the \"woocommerce_queue_class\" does not implement the "
"WC_Queue_Interface interface. The default %s class will be used instead."
msgstr ""
"\"Woocommerce_queue_class\" ga biriktirilgan sinf WC_Queue_Interface "
"interfeysini qo'llamaydi. Buning o'rniga standart \" %s\" klassi ishlatiladi."
msgid "Coupon code."
msgstr "Kupon kodi.Kupon kodi."
msgid "ID is invalid."
msgstr "ID yaroqsiz."
msgid "Cannot create existing %s."
msgstr "Mavjud %s ni yaratib bo'lmadi."
msgid "Unique identifier for the resource."
msgstr "Resurs uchun noyob identifikator.Resurs uchun noyob identifikator."
msgid "This function should not be called before plugins_loaded."
msgstr "Ushbu funktsiya plugins_loaded oldin chaqirilmasligi kerak."
msgid "eCheck ending in %1$s"
msgstr "eCheck%1$s bilan tugaydi"
msgid "Visit %s admin area:"
msgstr "%s administrator hududiga tashrif buyuring:"
msgid "You have received the following WooCommerce log message:"
msgid_plural "You have received the following WooCommerce log messages:"
msgstr[0] "Siz WooCommerce jurnaliga quyidagi xabarni oldingiz:"
msgid "This method should not be called before plugins_loaded."
msgstr "Ushbu usul plugins_loaded-dan oldin chaqirilmasligi kerak."
msgid "%1$s ending in %2$s (expires %3$s/%4$s)"
msgstr "%1$s %2$s bilan tugaydi (muddati%3$s /%4$s)"
msgid "[%1$s] %2$s: %3$s WooCommerce log message"
msgid_plural "[%1$s] %2$s: %3$s WooCommerce log messages"
msgstr[0] "[%1$s]%2$s:%3$s WooCommerce jurnali xabari"
msgid "You do not have permission to read the tax classes count"
msgstr "Soliq darslari sonini o'qishga ruxsatingiz yo'q"
msgid "Could not delete the tax class"
msgstr "Soliq klassini o'chirib bo'lmadi"
msgid "You do not have permission to create tax classes"
msgstr "Sizda soliq sinflarini yaratish uchun ruxsat yo'q"
msgid "You do not have permission to read tax classes"
msgstr "Sizda soliq darslarini o'qish uchun ruxsat yo'q"
msgid "You do not have permission to read the taxes count"
msgstr "Soliqlar sonini o'qish uchun sizda ruxsat yo'q"
msgid "Could not delete the tax rate"
msgstr "Soliq stavkasini o'chirib bo'lmadi"
msgid "Standard rate"
msgstr "Standart stavka"
msgid "A tax rate with the provided ID could not be found"
msgstr "Berilgan identifikatsiya raqami bilan soliq stavkasini topib bo'lmadi"
msgid "Could not delete the shipping class"
msgstr "Yuk tashish sinfini o'chirib bo'lmadi"
msgid "You do not have permission to delete product shipping classes"
msgstr "Sizda mahsulotni etkazib berish sinflarini yo'q qilishga ruxsat yo'q"
msgid "Could not edit the shipping class"
msgstr "Yuk tashish sinfini tahrirlab bo‘lmadi"
msgid "You do not have permission to edit product shipping classes"
msgstr "Sizda mahsulotni etkazib berish sinflarini tahrirlashga ruxsat yo'q"
msgid "Product shipping class parent is invalid"
msgstr "Mahsulotni etkazib berish sinfining asl qismi yaroqsiz"
msgid "You do not have permission to create product shipping classes"
msgstr "Sizda mahsulotni etkazib berish sinflarini yaratish uchun ruxsat yo'q"
msgid "A product shipping class with the provided ID could not be found"
msgstr ""
"Taqdim etilgan identifikatorli mahsulotni etkazib berish klassi topilmadi"
msgid "Invalid product shipping class ID"
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri mahsulotni yetkazib berish sinf identifikatori"
msgid "You do not have permission to read product shipping classes"
msgstr "Sizda mahsulotni etkazib berish darslarini o'qishga ruxsat yo'q"
msgid "You do not have permission to delete product attribute terms"
msgstr "Sizda mahsulot atributi shartlarini o'chirishga ruxsat yo'q"
msgid "A product attribute term with the provided ID could not be found"
msgstr "Taqdim etilgan identifikator bilan mahsulot atributi muddati topilmadi"
msgid "You do not have permission to read product attribute terms"
msgstr "Sizda mahsulot atributlari shartlarini o'qishga ruxsat yo'q"
msgid "Could not delete the tag"
msgstr "Yorliqni o'chirib bo'lmadi"
msgid "Could not edit the tag"
msgstr "Yorliqni tahrirlab bo‘lmadi"
msgid "You do not have permission to edit product tags"
msgstr "Sizda mahsulot teglarini tahrirlashga ruxsat yo'q"
msgid "You do not have permission to create product tags"
msgstr "Sizda mahsulot teglarini yaratishga ruxsat yo'q"
msgid "A product tag with the provided ID could not be found"
msgstr "Taqdim etilgan identifikatorli mahsulot yorlig'i topilmadi"
msgid "Invalid product tag ID"
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri mahsulot yorlig'i identifikatori"
msgid "You do not have permission to read product tags"
msgstr "Sizda mahsulot yorliqlarini o'qishga ruxsat yo'q"
msgid "Could not delete the category"
msgstr "Toifani o'chirib bo'lmadi"
msgid "You do not have permission to delete product category"
msgstr "Sizda mahsulot toifasini o'chirishga ruxsat yo'q"
msgid "Could not edit the category"
msgstr "Toifani tahrirlab bo‘lmadi"
msgid "Consumer Secret is invalid."
msgstr "Iste'molchi siri noto‘g‘ri."
msgid "You do not have permission to edit product categories"
msgstr "Sizda mahsulot toifalarini tahrirlash huquqi yo'q"
msgid "Product category parent is invalid"
msgstr "Mahsulot kategoriyasidagi ota-ona yaroqsiz"
msgid "You do not have permission to create product categories"
msgstr "Sizda mahsulot toifalarini yaratishga ruxsat yo'q"
msgid "Invalid webhook delivery."
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri veb-tarmoq yetkazib berish."
msgid "Webhook topic must be valid."
msgstr "Webhook mavzusi haqiqiy bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "Invalid webhook delivery ID."
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri veb-manzilni yetkazib berish identifikatori."
msgid ""
"Webhook delivery URL must be a valid URL starting with http:// or https://"
msgstr ""
"Webhook etkazib berish havolasi to'g'ri bo'lishi va http:// yoki https:// "
"bilan boshlanishi kerak"
msgid "Webhook topic is required and must be valid."
msgstr "Veb-hook mavzusi majburiy va haqiqiy bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "Invalid product SKU"
msgstr "Mahsulot raqami noto'g'ri ko'rsatilgan"
msgid "You do not have permission to read the webhooks count"
msgstr "Veb-kataloglar sonini o'qish uchun sizda ruxsat yo'q"
msgid "No %1$s found with the ID equal to %2$s"
msgstr "%2$s raqamiga teng keladigan%1$s topilmadi"
msgid "Could not delete the attribute"
msgstr "Atributni o'chirib bo'lmadi"
msgid "You do not have permission to delete product attributes"
msgstr "Sizda mahsulot atributlarini o'chirishga ruxsat yo'q"
msgid "Could not edit the attribute"
msgstr "Atributni tahrirlab bo‘lmadi"
msgid "You do not have permission to edit product attributes"
msgstr "Sizda mahsulot atributlarini tahrirlashga ruxsat yo'q"
msgid "You do not have permission to create product attributes"
msgstr "Sizda mahsulot atributlarini yaratishga ruxsat yo'q"
msgid ""
"Invalid product attribute order_by type - the product attribute order_by "
"type must be any of these: %s"
msgstr ""
"Noto'g'ri mahsulot atributi buyurtma_by turi - mahsulot atributi order_by "
"turi quyidagilardan biri bo'lishi kerak: %s"
msgid ""
"Invalid product attribute type - the product attribute type must be any of "
"these: %s"
msgstr ""
"Noto‘g‘ri mahsulot atributi turi - mahsulot atributi turi quyidagilardan "
"birini bo‘lishi kerak: %s"
msgid "Slug \"%s\" is already in use. Change it, please."
msgstr "\" %s\" Slug allaqachon ishlatilmoqda. Iltimos, o'zgartiring."
msgid ""
"Slug \"%s\" is not allowed because it is a reserved term. Change it, please."
msgstr ""
"\" %s\" slugiga ruxsat berilmagan, chunki u ajratilgan muddat. Iltimos, "
msgid "Slug \"%s\" is too long (28 characters max). Shorten it, please."
msgstr "Slug \" %s\" juda uzun (maksimal 28 belgi). Iltimos, qisqartiring."
msgid "The SKU already exists on another product."
msgstr "SKU allaqachon boshqa mahsulotda mavjud."
msgid "A product attribute with the provided ID could not be found"
msgstr "Taqdim etilgan identifikator bilan mahsulot atributini topib bo'lmadi"
msgid "Invalid product attribute ID"
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri mahsulot atributi identifikatori"
msgid "You do not have permission to read product attributes"
msgstr "Sizda mahsulot atributlarini o'qishga ruxsat yo'q"
msgid "A product category with the provided ID could not be found"
msgstr "Taqdim etilgan identifikatorli mahsulotlar toifasi topilmadi"
msgid "Invalid product category ID"
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri mahsulot toifasi identifikatori"
msgid "You do not have permission to read product categories"
msgstr "Sizda mahsulot toifalarini o'qishga ruxsat yo'q"
msgid "Invalid product type - the product type must be any of these: %s"
msgstr ""
"Noto‘g‘ri mahsulot turi - mahsulot turi quyidagilardan bo‘lishi kerak: %s"
msgid "The order refund ID provided is not associated with the order."
msgstr ""
"Taqdim etilgan buyurtmani qaytarish identifikatori buyurtma bilan bog'liq "
msgid ""
"An error occurred while attempting to create the refund using the payment "
"gateway API."
msgstr "To‘lov shlyuzi API-si yordamida to‘lovni yaratishda xatolik yuz berdi."
msgid "Cannot create order refund, please try again."
msgstr "To‘lovni qaytarib bo‘lmadi, qayta urinib ko‘ring."
msgid "Refund amount must be positive."
msgstr "Qaytarilish miqdori ijobiy bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "Invalid order refund ID."
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri buyurtmani qaytarish identifikatori."
msgid "Refund amount is required."
msgstr "Qaytarish miqdori talab qilinadi."
msgid "You do not have permission to create order refunds"
msgstr "Buyurtmani qaytarib berish uchun sizda ruxsat yo'q"
msgid "An order refund with the provided ID could not be found."
msgstr "Belgilangan ID bilan buyurtmani qaytarib berishni topib bo'lmadi."
msgid "Permanently deleted order note"
msgstr "Doimiy o'chirilgan buyurtma eslatmasi"
msgid "This order note cannot be deleted"
msgstr "Bu buyurtma qaydini o'chirib bo'lmaydi"
msgid "Cannot create order note, please try again."
msgstr "Buyurtma qaydini yaratib bo‘lmadi, qaytadan urining."
msgid "The order note ID provided is not associated with the order"
msgstr ""
"Taqdim etilgan buyurtma eslatma identifikatori buyurtma bilan bog'liq emas"
msgid "Order note is required"
msgstr "Buyurtma eslatmasi talab qilinadi"
msgid "You do not have permission to create order notes"
msgstr "Sizda buyurtma yozuvlarini yaratishga ruxsat yo'q"
msgid "An order note with the provided ID could not be found"
msgstr "Taqdim etilgan ID raqami bilan buyurtma eslatmasi topilmadi"
msgid "Cannot update coupon, try again."
msgstr "Kuponni yangilab bo‘lmadi, qaytadan urining."
msgid "Cannot update fee, try again."
msgstr "To‘lovni yangilab bo‘lmadi, qaytadan urining."
msgid "Fee tax class is required when fee is taxable."
msgstr "To'lov soliqqa tortilganda soliq solig'i klassi talab qilinadi."
msgid "Coupon code is required."
msgstr "Kupon kodi talab qilinadi."
msgid "Invalid order note ID"
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri buyurtma qayd ID raqami"
msgid "Coupon discount total must be a positive amount."
msgstr "Kupon chegirmasining umumiy summasi ijobiy miqdor bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "Cannot update shipping method, try again."
msgstr "Yuk tashish usulini yangilab bo‘lmadi, qaytadan urining."
msgid "Shipping total must be a positive amount."
msgstr "Yetkazib berish hajmi ijobiy miqdor bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "Cannot create line item, try again."
msgstr "Elementni yaratib bo‘lmadi, qaytadan urining."
msgid "Product quantity is required."
msgstr "Mahsulot miqdori talab qilinadi."
msgid "Product quantity must be a positive float."
msgstr "Mahsulot miqdori ijobiy o'zgaruvchan bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "Product is invalid."
msgstr "Mahsulot yaroqsiz."
msgid "Shipping method ID is required."
msgstr "Yetkazib berish usuli identifikatori talab qilinadi."
msgid "Fee title is required"
msgstr "To‘lov sarlavhasini kiritish shart"
msgid "The product variation is invalid"
msgstr "Mahsulot turi noto‘g‘ri"
msgid "Order item ID provided is not associated with order."
msgstr ""
"Taqdim etilgan buyurtma obyekti identifikatori buyurtma bilan bog'liq emas."
msgid "Product ID provided does not match this line item"
msgstr "Taqdim etilgan mahsulot identifikatori ushbu qatorga mos kelmadi"
msgid "Product ID or SKU is required"
msgstr "Mahsulot identifikatori yoki SKU talab qilinadi"
msgid "Provided order currency is invalid."
msgstr "Berilgan buyurtma valyutasi noto‘g‘ri."
msgid "Payment method ID and title are required"
msgstr "To'lov usulining identifikatori va sarlavhasi talab qilinadi"
msgid "This resource cannot be created."
msgstr "Bu resursni yarata olmaysiz."
msgid "Unable to accept more than %s items for this request."
msgstr "Ushbu so'rov uchun %s dan ortiq narsalarni qabul qilib bo'lmadi."
msgid "Cannot create order: %s"
msgstr "Buyurtma yaratib bo‘lmadi: %s"
msgid "Invalid customer email"
msgstr "Mijoz e-pochtasi yaroqsiz"
msgid "No %1$s data specified to create/edit %1$s"
msgstr "%1$s yaratish / tahrirlash uchun%1$s ma'lumotlari ko'rsatilmagan"
msgid "Failed to update coupon"
msgstr "Kuponni yangilab bo‘lmadi"
msgid "Invalid coupon type - the coupon type must be any of these: %s"
msgstr "Kupon turi noto‘g‘ri - kupon turi quyidagilardan bo‘lishi kerak: %s"
msgid "No %1$s data specified to edit %1$s"
msgstr "%1$s tahrirlash uchun%1$s ma'lumotlari ko'rsatilmagan"
msgid "Unsupported request method"
msgstr "So‘rov usuli qo‘llab-quvvatlanmaydi"
msgid "Invalid authentication method"
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri autentifikatsiya usuli"
msgid "Permanently deleted %s"
msgstr "%s butunlay o'chirildi"
msgid "This %s cannot be deleted"
msgstr "Bu %s ni o'chirib bo'lmaydi"
msgid "The customer cannot be deleted"
msgstr "Mijozni o‘chirib bo‘lmaydi"
msgid "Permanently deleted customer"
msgstr "Doimiy o'chirilgan mijoz"
msgid "No %1$s data specified to create %1$s"
msgstr "%1$s yaratish uchun%1$s ma'lumotlari ko'rsatilmagan"
msgid "Invalid %s"
msgstr "%s noto‘g‘ri"
msgid "Invalid %s ID"
msgstr "%s identifikatori noto‘g‘ri"
msgid "You do not have permission to read the products count"
msgstr "Sizda mahsulotlar sonini o'qishga ruxsat yo'q"
msgid "You do not have permission to read the orders count"
msgstr "Buyurtmalar sonini o'qish uchun sizda ruxsat yo'q"
msgid "JSONP support is disabled on this site"
msgstr "JSONP imkoniyati bu saytda o'chirilgan"
msgid "You do not have permission to read this customer"
msgstr "Sizda ushbu mijozni o'qish uchun ruxsat yo'q"
msgid "Invalid customer"
msgstr "Mijoz noto‘g‘ri"
msgid "Invalid customer ID"
msgstr "Mijoz identifikatori noto‘g‘ri"
msgid "You do not have permission to read the customers count"
msgstr "Sizda mijozlar sonini o'qish uchun ruxsat yo'q"
msgid "You do not have permission to read the coupons count"
msgstr "Sizda kuponlar sonini o‘qish uchun ruxsat yo‘q"
msgid "Product properties should not be accessed directly."
msgstr "Mahsulot xususiyatlariga to'g'ridan-to'g'ri kirish mumkin emas."
msgid "Customer ID is invalid."
msgstr "Mijoz identifikatori noto‘g‘ri."
msgid "The coupon code cannot be empty."
msgstr "Kupon kodi bo‘sh bo‘lishi mumkin emas."
msgid "Consumer secret is missing."
msgstr "Iste'molchi siri yo'q."
msgid "Consumer key is missing."
msgstr "Iste'molchi kaliti mavjud emas."
msgid "The coupon code already exists"
msgstr "Kupon kodi allaqachon mavjud"
msgid "Invalid coupon ID"
msgstr "Kupon ID raqami noto‘g‘ri"
msgid "API user is invalid"
msgstr "API foydalanuvchisi yaroqsiz"
msgid "%s parameter is missing"
msgstr "%s parametr yo'qolgan"
msgid "Variation #%1$s of %2$s"
msgstr "#%1$s ning %2$s turi"
msgid ""
"The location that the MaxMind database should be stored. By default, the "
"integration will automatically save the database here."
msgstr ""
"MaxMind ma'lumotlar bazasi saqlanishi kerak bo'lgan joy. Odatiy bo'lib, "
"integratsiya avtomatik ravishda ma'lumotlar bazasini bu erda saqlaydi."
msgid ""
"The key that will be used when dealing with MaxMind Geolocation services. "
"You can read how to generate one in MaxMind Geolocation "
"Integration documentation."
msgstr ""
"MaxMind Geolocation xizmatlari bilan ishlashda foydalaniladigan kalit. Siz "
"uni qanday yaratishni MaxMind Geolocation Integration "
"hujjatlarida o'qishingiz mumkin."
msgid "Database File Path"
msgstr "Ma'lumotlar bazasi fayl yo'li"
msgid "MaxMind License Key"
msgstr "MaxMind litsenziyasi kaliti"
msgid ""
"An integration for utilizing MaxMind to do Geolocation lookups. Please note "
"that this integration will only do country lookups."
msgstr ""
"MaxMind-dan Geolocation qidiruvlarini amalga oshirish uchun foydalanish. "
"Shuni esda tutingki, ushbu integratsiya faqat mamlakatni tekshiradi."
msgid "MaxMind Geolocation"
msgstr "MaxMind Geolocation"
msgid "Missing MaxMind Reader library!"
msgstr "MaxMind Reader kutubxonasi yo'q!"
msgid ""
"The MaxMind license key is invalid. If you have recently created this key, "
"you may need to wait for it to become active."
msgstr ""
"MaxMind litsenziya kaliti yaroqsiz. Agar siz ushbu kalitni yaqinda yaratgan "
"bo'lsangiz, uning faollashishini kutishingiz kerak bo'lishi mumkin."
msgid "Failed to download the MaxMind database."
msgstr "MaxMind ma'lumotlar bazasini yuklab bo'lmadi."
msgid "Unable to use image \"%s\"."
msgstr "\" %s\" rasmini ishlatib bo'lmadi."
msgid "No matching product exists to update."
msgstr "Yangilash uchun mos mahsulot topilmadi."
msgid "A product with this SKU already exists."
msgstr "Ushbu SKU bilan mahsulot allaqachon mavjud."
msgid "A product with this ID already exists."
msgstr "Bunday identifikatorli mahsulot allaqachon mavjud."
msgid "SKU %s"
msgstr "SKU %s"
msgid "ID %d"
msgstr "ID %d"
msgid ""
"Variation cannot be imported: Parent product cannot be a product variation"
msgstr ""
"Variantni import qilib bo'lmaydi: ota-ona mahsuloti mahsulotga tegishli "
"bo'lishi mumkin emas"
msgid "Not able to attach \"%s\"."
msgstr "\" %s\" biriktirib bo'lmadi."
msgid ""
"Variation cannot be imported: Missing parent ID or parent does not exist yet."
msgstr ""
"Variantni import qilib bo'lmaydi: yo'qolgan ota-ona identifikatori yoki ota-"
"ona hali mavjud emas."
msgid "Sandbox API signature"
msgstr "Sandbox API imzosi"
msgid "Invalid product ID %d."
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri mahsulot identifikatori %d."
msgid "Invalid product type."
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri mahsulot turi."
msgid "Sandbox API password"
msgstr "Sandbox API paroli"
msgid "Sandbox API username"
msgstr "Sandbox API foydalanuvchi nomi"
msgid "Live API signature"
msgstr "Live API imzosi"
msgid "Live API password"
msgstr "Live API paroli"
msgid "Live API username"
msgstr "Live API foydalanuvchi nomi"
msgid "Get your API credentials from PayPal."
msgstr "PayPal-dan API hisob ma'lumotlarini oling."
msgid ""
"Enter your PayPal API credentials to process refunds via PayPal. Learn how "
"to access your PayPal API Credentials."
msgstr ""
"PayPal orqali to'lovlarni qaytarish uchun PayPal API hisob ma'lumotlarini "
"kiriting. PayPal API hisob ma'lumotlariga qanday kirishni "
msgid ""
"Optionally enter the URL to a 150x50px image displayed as your logo in the "
"upper left corner of the PayPal checkout pages."
msgstr ""
"Tepa chap burchakdagi PayPal to'lovlar sahifalariga ixtiyoriy ravishda URL "
"manzilni sizning logotipingiz ko'rsatilgan 150x50px tasvirga kiriting."
msgid "API credentials"
msgstr "API hisob ma'lumotlari"
msgid "Image url"
msgstr "URL tasvir"
msgid ""
"Choose whether you wish to capture funds immediately or authorize payment "
msgstr ""
"Darhol mablag'ni olishni xohlaysizmi yoki faqat to'lovga ruxsat berasizmi."
msgid "Capture"
msgstr "Suratga olish"
msgid "Payment action"
msgstr "To'lov harakati"
msgid ""
"PayPal verifies addresses therefore this setting can cause errors (we "
"recommend keeping it disabled)."
msgstr ""
"PayPal manzillarni tekshiradi, shuning uchun ushbu sozlama xatolarga olib "
"kelishi mumkin (biz uni o'chirib qo'yishni maslahat beramiz)."
msgid ""
"Enable \"address_override\" to prevent address information from being "
msgstr ""
"Manzil ma'lumotlarini o'zgartirishni oldini olish uchun \"address_override\" "
"-ni yoqing."
msgid ""
"PayPal allows us to send one address. If you are using PayPal for shipping "
"labels you may prefer to send the shipping address rather than billing. "
"Turning this option off may prevent PayPal Seller protection from applying."
msgstr ""
"PayPal bizga bitta manzilni yuborish imkonini beradi. Agar etkazib berish "
"yorliqlari uchun PayPal-dan foydalanayotgan bo'lsangiz, siz to'lovni emas, "
"balki etkazib berish manzilini yuborishni afzal ko'rishingiz mumkin. Ushbu "
"parametrni o'chirib qo'ysangiz, PayPal sotuvchisi himoyasi qo'llanilishiga "
"to'sqinlik qilishi mumkin."
msgid "Address override"
msgstr "Manzilni bekor qilish"
msgid "Send shipping details to PayPal instead of billing."
msgstr "To'lov o'rniga PayPal-ga yuk ma'lumotlarini yuboring."
msgid ""
"Please enter a prefix for your invoice numbers. If you use your PayPal "
"account for multiple stores ensure this prefix is unique as PayPal will not "
"allow orders with the same invoice number."
msgstr ""
"Hisob-faktura raqamlari uchun prefiks kiriting. Agar siz bir nechta "
"do'konlarda o'zingizning PayPal hisob qaydnomangizdan foydalansangiz, bu "
"prefiks noyob ekanligiga ishonch hosil qiling, chunki PayPal bir xil hisob-"
"faktura raqamiga ega buyurtmalarga ruxsat bermaydi."
msgid "Invoice prefix"
msgstr "Faktura prefiksi"
msgid ""
"Optionally enable \"Payment Data Transfer\" (Profile > Profile and Settings "
"> My Selling Tools > Website Preferences) and then copy your identity token "
"here. This will allow payments to be verified without the need for PayPal "
msgstr ""
"Ixtiyoriy ravishda \"To'lov ma'lumotlarini uzatish\" funksiyasini yoqing "
"(Profil> Profil va sozlamalar> Sotuvda ishlatiladigan vositalar> Veb-sayt "
"sozlamalari) va keyin o'zingizning shaxsiy identifikatoringizni bu erga "
"ko'chiring. Bu to'lovlarni PayPal IPN-ga ehtiyoj sezmasdan tekshirishga "
"imkon beradi."
msgid "PayPal identity token"
msgstr "PayPal identifikatori"
msgid ""
"If your main PayPal email differs from the PayPal email entered above, input "
"your main receiver email for your PayPal account here. This is used to "
"validate IPN requests."
msgstr ""
"Agar asosiy PayPal elektron pochtangiz yuqorida keltirilgan PayPal elektron "
"pochtasidan farq qilsa, PayPal hisobingiz uchun asosiy qabul qiluvchi "
"elektron pochtangizni shu erga kiriting. Bu IPN so'rovlarini tekshirish "
"uchun ishlatiladi."
msgid ""
"Send notifications when an IPN is received from PayPal indicating refunds, "
"chargebacks and cancellations."
msgstr ""
"PayPal-dan IPN qabul qilinganda, to'lovlar qaytarib berilishi va bekor "
"qilinishi to'g'risida bildirishnoma yuboring."
msgid "Receiver email"
msgstr "Qabul qiluvchining e-pochtasi"
msgid ""
"Log PayPal events, such as IPN requests, inside %s Note: this may log "
"personal information. We recommend using this for debugging purposes only "
"and deleting the logs when finished."
msgstr ""
"%s ichida IPN so'rovlari kabi PayPal hodisalarini qayd etish. Eslatma: bu "
"shaxsiy ma'lumotlarga kirishi mumkin. Biz buni faqat nosozliklarni tuzatish "
"va jurnallarni tugatgandan so'ng o'chirish uchun ishlatishni tavsiya etamiz."
msgid "Enable IPN email notifications"
msgstr "IPN elektron pochta xabarnomalarini yoqish"
msgid ""
"PayPal sandbox can be used to test payments. Sign up for a developer account."
msgstr ""
"PayPal sinov maydoni to'lovlarni tekshirish uchun ishlatilishi mumkin. developer account ro'yxatidan o'ting."
msgid "Enable logging"
msgstr "Jurnalni yoqish"
msgid "Debug log"
msgstr "Tuzatish jurnali"
msgid "Advanced options"
msgstr "Qo'shimcha sozlamalar"
msgid "Enable PayPal sandbox"
msgstr "PayPal sinov muhitini yoqish"
msgid "PayPal sandbox"
msgstr "PayPal sinov muhiti"
msgid ""
"Please enter your PayPal email address; this is needed in order to take "
msgstr ""
"Iltimos, PayPal elektron pochta manzilingizni kiriting; bu to'lovni amalga "
"oshirish uchun kerak."
msgid "PayPal email"
msgstr "PayPal elektron pochtasi"
msgid ""
"Pay via PayPal; you can pay with your credit card if you don't have a PayPal "
msgstr ""
"PayPal orqali to'lash; agar sizda PayPal hisobi bo'lmasa, kredit kartangiz "
"bilan to'lashingiz mumkin."
msgid "This controls the description which the user sees during checkout."
msgstr "Bu chiqish paytida foydalanuvchi ko'rgan tavsifni boshqaradi."
msgid "Enable PayPal Standard"
msgstr "PayPal standartini yoqish"
msgid "PDT payment completed"
msgstr "PDT to'lovi tugadi"
msgid "Validation error: PayPal amounts do not match (amt %s)."
msgstr "Tekshirish xatosi: PayPal miqdori bir-biriga mos kelmadi ( %s)."
msgid "Shipping via %s"
msgstr "%s orqali etkazib berish"
msgid ""
"Order #%1$s has had a reversal cancelled. Please check the status of payment "
"and update the order status accordingly here: %2$s"
msgstr ""
"#%1$s buyurtma bekor qilindi. Iltimos, to'lov holatini tekshiring va "
"buyurtma holatini yangilang: %2$s"
msgid "Reversal cancelled for order #%s"
msgstr "Buyurtma bekor qilindi #%s"
msgid ""
"Order #%1$s has been marked on-hold due to a reversal - PayPal reason code: "
msgstr ""
"Buyurtma bekor qilinganligiga sabab #%1$s buyurtma PayPal tomonidan bekor "
"qilindi, kod: %2$s"
msgid "Payment for order %s reversed"
msgstr "%s buyurtmasi uchun to'lov bekor qilindi"
msgid "Order #%1$s has been marked as refunded - PayPal reason code: %2$s"
msgstr "#%1$s buyurtma qaytarilgan deb belgilangan - PayPal sabab kodi:%2$s"
msgid ""
"Order #%s has been marked paid by PayPal IPN, but was previously cancelled. "
"Admin handling required."
msgstr ""
"# %s buyurtma PayPal IPN tomonidan to'langan deb belgilangan, ammo ilgari "
"bekor qilingan. Administrator bilan ishlash talab etiladi."
msgid "Payment for order %s refunded"
msgstr "%s buyurtma uchun to'lov qaytarildi"
msgid "Payment for cancelled order %s received"
msgstr "Bekor qilingan buyurtma uchun to'lov %s qabul qilindi"
msgid ""
"Payment authorized. Change payment status to processing or complete to "
"capture funds."
msgstr ""
"To'lov ruxsat berildi. To'lovni qabul qilish uchun to'lov holatini ishlov "
"berish yoki yakunlashga o'zgartiring ."
msgid "Payment %s via IPN."
msgstr "To'lov %s IPN orqali."
msgid "Payment pending (%s)."
msgstr "To'lov kutilmoqda (%s)."
msgid "IPN payment completed"
msgstr "IPN to'lovi tugadi"
msgid ""
"Validation error: PayPal IPN response from a different email address (%s)."
msgstr ""
"Tasdiqlash xatosi: boshqa elektron pochta manzilidan (%s). PayPal IPN javobi."
msgid "Validation error: PayPal amounts do not match (gross %s)."
msgstr "Tasdiqlash xatosi: PayPal miqdori bir-biriga mos kelmadi (yalpi %s)."
msgid ""
"Thank you for your payment. Your transaction has been completed, and a "
"receipt for your purchase has been emailed to you. Log into your PayPal "
"account to view transaction details."
msgstr ""
"To'lovingiz uchun tashakkur. Sizning bitimingiz tugallandi va xaridingiz "
"to'g'risida kvitansiya sizga yuborildi. Tranzaktsiya ma'lumotlarini ko'rish "
"uchun PayPal hisobingizga kiring."
msgid "Validation error: PayPal currencies do not match (code %s)."
msgstr "Tekshirish xatosi: PayPal valyutalari bir-biriga mos kelmadi (kod %s)."
msgid "Payment could not be captured - Auth ID: %1$s, Status: %2$s"
msgstr "To'lovni olib bo'lmadi - Haqiqiy identifikator:%1$s, Holati:%2$s"
msgid "Payment of %1$s was captured - Auth ID: %2$s, Transaction ID: %3$s"
msgstr "%1$s to'lov qabul qilindi - Auth ID:%2$s, Transaction ID:%3$s"
msgid "Payment could not be captured: %s"
msgstr "To'lovni olib bo'lmadi: %s"
msgid "Refunded %1$s - Refund ID: %2$s"
msgstr "To'lov qaytarildi: %1$s - qaytarish identifikatori: %2$s"
msgid "Refund failed."
msgstr "To‘lovni qaytarib bo‘lmadi."
msgid "PayPal Standard does not support your store currency."
msgstr "PayPal Standard do'kon valyutangizni qo'llab-quvvatlamaydi."
msgid ""
"SANDBOX ENABLED. You can use sandbox testing accounts only. See the PayPal Sandbox Testing Guide for more details."
msgstr ""
"SANDBOX YOQILGAN. Siz faqat sinov muhitidan foydalanishingiz mumkin. "
"Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun PayPal sinov muhitini sinash "
"qo'llanmasiga qarang."
msgid "Gateway disabled"
msgstr "Darvoza nogiron"
msgid "What is PayPal?"
msgstr "PayPal nima?"
msgid "PayPal acceptance mark"
msgstr "PayPal qabul qilish belgisi"
msgid ""
"PayPal Standard redirects customers to PayPal to enter their payment "
msgstr ""
"PayPal Standard mijozlarni to'lov ma'lumotlarini kiritish uchun PayPal-ga "
msgid "%1$s (#%2$s)"
msgstr "%1$s (%2$s)"
msgid "Other locations"
msgstr "Boshqa joylar"
msgid "Any "%1$s" method"
msgstr "Har qanday "%1$s" usuli"
msgid "Proceed to PayPal"
msgstr "PayPal-ga o'ting"
msgid "Payment to be made upon delivery."
msgstr "To'lov etkazib berilgandan keyin amalga oshiriladi."
msgid "Accept COD if the order is virtual"
msgstr "Agar buyurtma virtual bo'lsa, CODni qabul qiling"
msgid "Accept for virtual orders"
msgstr "Virtual buyurtmalarni qabul qiling"
msgid "Select shipping methods"
msgstr "Yuk tashish usullarini tanlang"
msgid ""
"If COD is only available for certain methods, set it up here. Leave blank to "
"enable for all methods."
msgstr ""
"Agar COD faqat ma'lum usullar uchun mavjud bo'lsa, uni shu erda sozlang. "
"Barcha usullarni yoqish uchun bo'sh qoldiring."
msgid "Enable for shipping methods"
msgstr "Yuk tashish usullari uchun yoqing"
msgid "Instructions that will be added to the thank you page."
msgstr "Rahmat sahifasiga qo'shiladigan ko'rsatmalar."
msgid "Payment method description that the customer will see on your website."
msgstr "Mijoz veb-saytingizda ko'radigan to'lov usulining tavsifi."
msgid "Pay with cash upon delivery."
msgstr "Yetkazib bergandan keyin naqd pul bilan to'lash."
msgctxt "Check payment method"
msgid "Awaiting check payment"
msgstr "Chek to'lovini kutish"
msgid "Have your customers pay with cash (or by other means) upon delivery."
msgstr ""
"Mijozlaringizga etkazib bergandan keyin naqd pul bilan (yoki boshqa usullar "
"bilan) to'lovlarni amalga oshiring."
msgid "Enable cash on delivery"
msgstr "Naqd pulda to'lash imkonini yoqish"
msgid "Card code"
msgstr "Karta kodi"
msgid "MM / YY"
msgstr "OY / YIL"
msgid "Expiry (MM/YY)"
msgstr "Muddati (OY/YIL)"
msgid ""
"Please send a check to Store Name, Store Street, Store Town, Store State / "
"County, Store Postcode."
msgstr ""
"Iltimos, do'kon nomi, do'kon ko'chasi, do'kon shaharchasi, do'kon shtati / "
"okrugi, do'konning pochta indeksiga yuboring."
msgid ""
"Take payments in person via checks. This offline gateway can also be useful "
"to test purchases."
msgstr ""
"Chek orqali to'lovlarni shaxsan qabul qiling. Ushbu oflayn shlyuz xaridlarni "
"sinash uchun ham foydali bo'lishi mumkin."
msgid "Enable check payments"
msgstr "Chek to'lovlarini yoqish"
msgid "Branch code"
msgstr "Filial kodi"
msgid "Account details:"
msgstr "Hisob rekvizitlari:"
msgid "Branch sort"
msgstr "Filial navlari"
msgid "IFSC"
msgstr "IFSC"
msgid "Bank transit number"
msgstr "Bank tranzit raqami"
msgid "BSB"
msgstr "BSB"
msgid "Awaiting BACS payment"
msgstr "BACS to'lovini kutish"
msgid "BIC"
msgstr "BIK"
msgid "Our bank details"
msgstr "Bank rekvizitlari"
msgid "Remove selected account(s)"
msgstr "Tanlangan hisob (lar) ni olib tashlash"
msgid "Bank code"
msgstr "Bank kodi"
msgid "Sort code"
msgstr "Saralash kodi"
msgid "Instructions that will be added to the thank you page and emails."
msgstr ""
"Rahmatlar sahifasiga va elektron pochta xabarlariga qo'shiladigan "
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr "Ko'rsatmalar"
msgid ""
"Make your payment directly into our bank account. Please use your Order ID "
"as the payment reference. Your order will not be shipped until the funds "
"have cleared in our account."
msgstr ""
"To'lovni to'g'ridan-to'g'ri bizning bank hisob raqamimizga o'tkazing. "
"Iltimos, buyurtma identifikatoringizni to'lov ma'lumotnomasi sifatida "
"foydalaning. Bizning hisobimizdagi mablag 'tozalangunga qadar sizning "
"buyurtmangiz etkazib berilmaydi."
msgid "Payment method description that the customer will see on your checkout."
msgstr ""
"Xaridor sizning hisob-kitobingizda ko'radigan to'lov usulining tavsifi."
msgid "Enable bank transfer"
msgstr "Bank o‘tkazmasini yoqish"
msgid "This controls the title which the user sees during checkout."
msgstr "Bu tekshiruv paytida foydalanuvchi ko'radigan sarlavhani boshqaradi."
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this template file?"
msgstr "Haqiqatan ham ushbu shablon faylini yo'q qilmoqchimisiz?"
msgid "Direct bank transfer"
msgstr "To'g'ridan-to'g'ri bank o'tkazmasi"
msgid ""
"To override and edit this email template copy %1$s to your theme folder: "
msgstr ""
"Email andozani bekor qilish va tahrirlash uchun %1$s-dan %2$s mavzu jildiga "
"nusxa ko'chiring."
msgid "Hide template"
msgstr "Shablonni yashirish"
msgid "View template"
msgstr "Shabloni ko'rish"
msgid "File was not found."
msgstr "Fayl topilmadi."
msgid "Copy file to theme"
msgstr "Faylni mavzusiga nusxalash"
msgid ""
"This template has been overridden by your theme and can be found in: %s."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu shablon sizning mavzuingiz tomonidan bekor qilingan va uni quyidagi "
"havolada topishingiz mumkin: %s."
msgid "Congratulations on the sale."
msgstr "Sotishni tabriklaymiz."
msgid "New Order: #{order_number}"
msgstr "Yangi buyurtma: # {buyurtma_ko'rsatma}"
msgid "Return to emails"
msgstr "Elektron pochtalarga qaytish"
msgid "[{site_title}]: New order #{order_number}"
msgstr "[{site_title}]: Yangi buyurtma # {{buyurtma_nomasi}"
msgid "Delete template file"
msgstr "Andoza faylini o'chirish"
msgid "Plain text template"
msgstr "Oddiy matn shabloni"
msgid "HTML template"
msgstr "HTML shablon"
msgid "Template file deleted from theme."
msgstr "Andoza fayli mavzudan o'chirildi."
msgid "Template file copied to theme."
msgstr "Andoza fayli temaga ko'chirildi."
msgid "Could not write to template file."
msgstr "Andoza fayliga yozib bo'lmadi."
msgid "Multipart"
msgstr "Ko'p qismli"
msgid ""
"New order emails are sent to chosen recipient(s) when a new order is "
msgstr ""
"Yangi buyurtma elektron pochta xabarlari yangi buyurtma qabul qilinganda "
"tanlangan qabul qiluvchiga yuboriladi."
msgid ""
"Hopefully they’ll be back. Read more about troubleshooting failed payments"
msgstr ""
"Umid qilamanki, ular qaytib kelishadi. Muvaffaqiyatsiz to'lovlarni bartaraf etish"
"a> haqida ko'proq o'qing."
msgid "Order Failed: #{order_number}"
msgstr "Buyurtma bajarilmadi: # {buyurtma_so'rinasi}"
msgid "[{site_title}]: Order #{order_number} has failed"
msgstr "[{site_title}]: # {buyurtma_nomasi} buyurtmasi bajarilmadi"
msgid ""
"Failed order emails are sent to chosen recipient(s) when orders have been "
"marked failed (if they were previously pending or on-hold)."
msgstr ""
"Muvaffaqiyatsiz buyurtma elektron pochta xabarlari tanlangan qabul "
"qiluvchiga (larga) buyurtmalar bajarilmasa deb yuboriladi (agar ular oldin "
"kutilgan yoki kutilmagan bo'lsa)."
msgid "Password Reset Request"
msgstr "Parolni tiklash so'rovi"
msgid "Password Reset Request for {site_title}"
msgstr "{Site_title} uchun parolni tiklash so'rovi"
msgid ""
"Customer \"reset password\" emails are sent when customers reset their "
msgstr ""
"Mijoz \"parolni tiklash\" elektron pochta xabarlari mijozlar o'z parollarini "
"tiklaganlarida yuboriladi."
msgid "We hope to see you again soon."
msgstr "Yaqinda yana uchrashamiz degan umiddamiz."
msgid "Order Refunded: {order_number}"
msgstr "Buyurtma qaytarildi: {order_number}"
msgid "Partial Refund: Order {order_number}"
msgstr "Qisman qaytarish: Buyurtma {buyurtma_ raqami}"
msgid "Partial refund email heading"
msgstr "Qisman qaytariladigan elektron pochta sarlavhasi"
msgid "Full refund email heading"
msgstr "To‘liq qaytarilgan elektron pochta sarlavhasi"
msgid "Partial refund subject"
msgstr "Qisman qaytarish mavzusi"
msgid "Full refund subject"
msgstr "To'liq qaytarish mavzusi"
msgid "Your {site_title} order #{order_number} has been refunded"
msgstr "Sizning {site_title} buyurtma # {buyurtma_nomasi} qaytarildi"
msgid ""
"Order refunded emails are sent to customers when their orders are refunded."
msgstr ""
"Buyurtma qaytarilgan elektron pochta xabarlari mijozlarga buyurtmalar "
"qaytarilganda yuboriladi."
msgid "Your {site_title} order #{order_number} has been partially refunded"
msgstr ""
"Sizning {site_title} buyurtmangiz # {buyurtma_ko'chirmasi} qisman qaytarildi"
msgid ""
"This is an order notification sent to customers containing order details "
"after payment."
msgstr ""
"Bu mijozlarga to'lovdan keyin buyurtma tafsilotlarini o'z ichiga olgan "
"buyurtma xabarnomasi."
msgid "We look forward to fulfilling your order soon."
msgstr "Tez orada buyurtmani bajarilishini kutamiz."
msgid "Your {site_title} order has been received!"
msgstr "Sizning {site_title} buyurtmangiz qabul qilindi!"
msgid "Thank you for your order"
msgstr "Buyurtma uchun rahmat"
msgid "Order on-hold"
msgstr "Kutish buyurtmasi"
msgid "A note has been added to your order"
msgstr "Buyurtma uchun eslatma qo'shildi"
msgid "Note added to your {site_title} order from {order_date}"
msgstr "Sizning {site_title} buyurtmangizga {order_date} dan qo'shilgan qayd"
msgid "We look forward to seeing you soon."
msgstr "Sizni tez orada kutib qolamiz."
msgid "Customer note emails are sent when you add a note to an order."
msgstr ""
"Buyurtma uchun eslatma qo'shsangiz, mijozlar eslatmalari elektron pochta "
"xabarlari yuboriladi."
msgid "Your {site_title} account has been created!"
msgstr "Sizning {site_title} hisobingiz yaratildi!"
msgid ""
"Customer \"new account\" emails are sent to the customer when a customer "
"signs up via checkout or account pages."
msgstr ""
"Mijoz \"yangi hisob\" elektron pochta xabarlari mijoz chek yoki hisob "
"sahifalari orqali ro'yxatdan o'tganida mijozga yuboriladi."
msgid "Welcome to {site_title}"
msgstr "{Site_title} saytiga xush kelibsiz"
msgid "Subject (paid)"
msgstr "Mavzu (pullik)"
msgid "Email heading (paid)"
msgstr "Elektron pochta sarlavhasi (pulli)"
msgid "Invoice for order #{order_number}"
msgstr "Buyurtma uchun schyot-faktura # {buyurtma_so'rinasi}"
msgid "Your latest {site_title} invoice"
msgstr "Sizning so'nggi {site_title} hisob-fakturangiz"
msgid "Invoice for order #{order_number} on {site_title}"
msgstr "{Site_title} saytidagi # {buyurtma_nomasi} uchun buyurtma-faktura"
msgid "Your invoice for order #{order_number}"
msgstr "Buyurtma uchun schyot-fakturangiz # {buyurtma_nomasi}"
msgid ""
"Customer invoice emails can be sent to customers containing their order "
"information and payment links."
msgstr ""
"Mijozlarga buyurtma ma'lumotlari va to'lov havolalari mavjud bo'lgan hisob-"
"fakturali elektron pochta xabarlari yuborilishi mumkin."
msgid "Thanks for using {site_url}!"
msgstr "{site_url} ishlatganingiz uchun tashakkur!"
msgid "Customer invoice / Order details"
msgstr "Xaridorning hisobvaraq-fakturasi / buyurtma ma'lumotlari"
msgid "Thanks for shopping with us"
msgstr "Biz bilan xarid qilganingiz uchun tashakkur"
msgid "Your {site_title} order is now complete"
msgstr "Sizning {site_title} buyurtmaingiz tugallandi"
msgid ""
"Order complete emails are sent to customers when their orders are marked "
"completed and usually indicate that their orders have been shipped."
msgstr ""
"Buyurtma to'liq elektron pochta xabarlari mijozlarga buyurtmalar bajarilgan "
"deb belgilanganda yuboriladi va odatda buyurtmalar yuborilganligini "
msgid "Text to appear below the main email content."
msgstr "Asosiy elektron pochta tarkibi ostida paydo bo'lishi uchun matn."
msgid "Additional content"
msgstr "Qo'shimcha tarkib"
msgid "Choose which format of email to send."
msgstr "Qaysi formatda elektron pochta xabarini yuborish kerakligini tanlang."
msgid "Email type"
msgstr "Elektron pochta turi"
msgid "Email heading"
msgstr "Elektron pochta sarlavhasi"
msgid "Enter recipients (comma separated) for this email. Defaults to %s."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu elektron pochta uchun qabul qiluvchilarni (vergul bilan ajratilgan) "
"kiriting. Birlamchi parametrlar: %s."
msgid "[{site_title}]: Order #{order_number} has been cancelled"
msgstr "[{site_title}]: # {buyurtma_nomasi} buyurtmasi bekor qilindi"
msgid "Thanks for reading."
msgstr "O'qiganingiz uchun rahmat."
msgid "Order Cancelled: #{order_number}"
msgstr "Buyurtma bekor qilindi: # {buyurtma_ raqami}"
msgid "Enable this email notification"
msgstr "Ushbu elektron pochta xabarnomasini yoqish"
msgid "Enable/Disable"
msgstr "Yoqish / o'chirish"
msgid ""
"Cancelled order emails are sent to chosen recipient(s) when orders have been "
"marked cancelled (if they were previously processing or on-hold)."
msgstr ""
"Bekor qilingan buyurtma elektron pochta xabarlari tanlangan qabul qiluvchiga "
"(larga) buyurtmalar bekor qilingan deb belgilanganda yuboriladi (agar ular "
"oldin ishlov berilgan yoki ushlab turilgan bo'lsa)."
msgid ""
"Invalid product type: passed ID does not correspond to a product variation."
msgstr ""
"Noto‘g‘ri mahsulot turi: berilgan ID mahsulotning o‘zgarishiga mos kelmaydi."
msgid "Invalid webhook."
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri veb-brauzer."
msgid "Invalid customer query."
msgstr "Mijoz so‘rovi noto‘g‘ri."
msgid "Invalid payment token."
msgstr "Noto'g'ri to'lov tokeni."
msgid "Invalid or missing payment token fields."
msgstr "Noto'g'ri yoki mavjud bo'lmagan to'lov tokeni maydonlari."
msgid "Invalid product."
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri mahsulot."
msgid ""
"Optionally add some text for the terms checkbox that customers must accept."
msgstr ""
"Iste'molchilar qabul qilishi shart bo'lgan shartlar katagiga bir nechta matn "
msgid "Invalid download log: not found."
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri yuklab olish jurnali: topilmadi."
msgid "Invalid download log: no ID."
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri yuklab olish jurnali: ID yo‘q."
msgid "Unable to insert download log entry in database."
msgstr "Ma'lumotlar bazasiga yuklab olish jurnalini yozib bo'lmadi."
msgid "Invalid customer."
msgstr "Noto'g'ri xaridor."
msgid "Invalid download."
msgstr "Noto'g'ri yuklash."
msgid "Invalid coupon."
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri kupon."
msgid "Invalid order item."
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri buyurtma elementi."
msgid "Order – %s"
msgstr "Buyurtma – %s"
msgid "No page set"
msgstr "Hech qanday sahifa o'rnatilmagan"
msgid "Highlight required fields with an asterisk"
msgstr "Yulduzcha bilan kerakli maydonlarni ajratib ko'rsatish"
msgid "I have read and agree to the website %s"
msgstr "Men %s veb-saytini o'qib chiqdim va roziman"
msgid "%s field"
msgstr "%s maydoni"
msgid ""
"These options let you change the appearance of the WooCommerce checkout."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu parametrlar sizga WooCommerce to'lovining ko'rinishini o'zgartirishga "
"imkon beradi."
msgid "Images will display using the aspect ratio in which they were uploaded"
msgstr "Rasmlar ular yuklangan tomonlar nisbati yordamida ko'rsatiladi"
msgid "Image size used for products in the catalog."
msgstr "Katalogdagi mahsulotlar uchun ishlatiladigan rasm hajmi."
msgid "Images will be cropped to a custom aspect ratio"
msgstr "Rasmlar shaxsiy tomonlar nisbatiga qarab kesiladi"
msgid "Images will be cropped into a square"
msgstr "Rasmlar kvadratga kesiladi"
msgid "1:1"
msgstr "1: 1"
msgid "Thumbnail cropping"
msgstr "Eskizni qirqish"
msgid ""
"Image size used for the main image on single product pages. These images "
"will remain uncropped."
msgstr ""
"Bitta mahsulot sahifalarida asosiy rasm uchun ishlatiladigan rasm hajmi. "
"Ushbu rasmlar kesilmaydi."
msgid "Main image width"
msgstr "Asosiy tasvir kengligi"
msgid ""
"After publishing your changes, new image sizes may not be shown until you Regenerate Thumbnails."
msgstr ""
"O'zgarishlaringizni nashr etgandan so'ng, siz kichik rasmlarni yangilamaguningizcha yangi rasm o'lchamlari "
"ko'rsatilmasligi mumkin."
msgid "Product Images"
msgstr "Mahsulot rasmlari galereyasi"
msgid ""
"After publishing your changes, new image sizes may not be shown until you "
"regenerate thumbnails. You can do this from the tools section in WooCommerce or by using a plugin such as Regenerate Thumbnails."
msgstr ""
"O'zgarishlarni e'lon qilganingizdan so'ng, siz rasmlarni qayta "
"tiklamaguningizcha yangi rasm o'lchamlari ko'rinmasligi mumkin. Siz buni WooCommerce-ning asboblar bo'limidan "
"yoki Regenerate Thumbnails kabi "
"plagin yordamida qilishingiz mumkin."
msgid ""
"After publishing your changes, new image sizes will be generated "
msgstr ""
"O'zgarishlaringizni e'lon qilganingizdan so'ng, yangi rasm o'lchamlari "
"avtomatik ravishda yaratiladi."
msgid "How many rows of products should be shown per page?"
msgstr "Bir varaqda nechta qator mahsulot ko'rsatilishi kerak?"
msgid "Rows per page"
msgstr "Bir varaqdagi satrlar"
msgid "How many products should be shown per row?"
msgstr "Bir qatorda nechta mahsulotni ko'rsatish kerak?"
msgid "Products per row"
msgstr "Bir satrda mahsulotlar"
msgid "How should products be sorted in the catalog by default?"
msgstr "Qanday qilib katalogda mahsulotlarni saralash kerak?"
msgid "Choose what to display on product category pages."
msgstr "Mahsulot toifasi sahifalarida nimani aks ettirishni tanlang."
msgid "Category display"
msgstr "Kategoriyalarni ko'rsatish"
msgid "Show subcategories & products"
msgstr "Quyi kategoriyalarni ko'rsatish & mahsulotlar"
msgid "Show categories & products"
msgstr "Kategoriyalarni ko'rsatish & mahsulotlar"
msgid "Default product sorting"
msgstr "Birlamchi mahsulot saralanishi"
msgid "Show subcategories"
msgstr "Pastki kategoriyalarni ko'rsatish"
msgid "Show products"
msgstr "Mahsulotlarni ko'rsatish"
msgid "Choose what to display on the main shop page."
msgstr "Do‘konning asosiy sahifasida nimani ko‘rsatishni tanlang."
msgid "Product Catalog"
msgstr "Mahsulotlar katalogi"
msgid ""
"If enabled, this text will be shown site-wide. You can use it to show events "
"or promotions to visitors!"
msgstr ""
"Agar yoqilsa, ushbu matn sayt bo'ylab namoyish qilinadi. Siz undan tashrif "
"buyuruvchilarga tadbirlar yoki reklama tadbirlarini namoyish qilish uchun "
"foydalanishingiz mumkin!"
msgid "Shop page display"
msgstr "Do‘kon sahifasini ko‘rsatish"
msgid "Store notice"
msgstr "Do'kon haqida eslatma"
msgid ""
"This is a demo store for testing purposes — no orders shall be "
msgstr ""
"Bu sinov maqsadlari uchun namoyish do'konidir & mdash; Hech qanday buyruq "
msgid "Store Notice"
msgstr "Do'kon haqida eslatma"
msgid "Sort by price (desc)"
msgstr "Narxi bo'yicha saralash (pastga tushish)"
msgid "Sort by price (asc)"
msgstr "Narxi bo'yicha saralash (o'sish)"
msgid "Sort by most recent"
msgstr "Eng yangi bo'yicha saralash"
msgid "Popularity (sales)"
msgstr "Mashhurlik (sotish)"
msgid "Default sorting (custom ordering + name)"
msgstr "Odatiy tartiblash (buyurtma berish + nomi)"
msgid "Updating database"
msgstr "Ma'lumotlar bazasini yangilash"
msgid "Found %1$d updates (%2$s)"
msgstr "%1$d yangilanishlar topildi (%2$s)"
msgid "No updates required. Database version is %s"
msgstr "Yangilanishlar talab qilinmaydi. Ma'lumotlar bazasining versiyasi - %s"
msgid "The maximum allowed setting is %d"
msgstr "Ruxsat berilgan maksimal qiymat %d"
msgid "The minimum allowed setting is %d"
msgstr "Minimal ruxsat etilgan parametr %d"
msgid "%1$d update functions completed. Database version is %2$s"
msgstr ""
"%1$d yangilash vazifasi bajarildi. Ma'lumotlar bazasining versiyasi %2$s"
msgid "Output just the id when the operation is successful."
msgstr "Jarayon muvaffaqiyatli bo'lganda faqat id-ni chiqaring."
msgid "Render response in a particular format."
msgstr "Javobni ma'lum bir formatda yuboring."
msgid "Get the value of an individual field."
msgstr "Shaxsiy maydon qiymatini oling."
msgid "Limit response to specific fields. Defaults to all fields."
msgstr ""
"Muayyan maydonlar uchun javobni cheklash. Sukut bo'yicha barcha maydonlarga "
msgid "Zone ID."
msgstr "Zone(hudud) ID."
msgid ""
"Make sure to include the --user flag with an account that has permissions "
"for this action."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu amalni bajarish uchun ruxsati bor --user flag foydalanuvchi hisobi "
"qo'shilganligiga ishonch hosil qiling."
msgid "No schema title found for %s, skipping REST command registration."
msgstr ""
"REST buyrug'i ro'yxatga olinmasdan,%s uchun hech qanday chizma sarlavhasi "
msgid "Attribute ID."
msgstr "Atribut identifikatori."
msgid "Refund ID."
msgstr "To'lovni qaytarish identifikatori."
msgid "Order ID."
msgstr "Buyurtma identifikatori."
msgid "Product ID."
msgstr "Mahsulot identifikatori."
msgid "Customer ID."
msgstr "Mijoz identifikatori."
msgid "Instance ID."
msgstr "Namuna identifikatori."
msgid ""
"Or you can download a pre-built version of the plugin from the repository or by visiting the releases "
"page in the GitHub repository."
msgstr ""
"Yoki siz plaginning oldindan tayyorlangan versiyasini omboridan yuklab olishingiz yoki GitHub omboridagi relizlar sahifasiga tashrif buyurishingiz mumkin."
msgid "%1$s in %2$s on line %3$s"
msgstr "%3$s qatoridagi%2$s ichida%1$s"
msgid "Error: Delivery URL returned response code: %s"
msgstr "Xato: etkazib berish URL manzili javob kodi: %s"
msgid "Error: Delivery URL cannot be reached: %s"
msgstr "Xato: etkazib berish URL manziliga etib bo'lmadi: %s"
msgid "Customer matched zone \"%s\""
msgstr "Mijoz \"%s\" mintaqasiga mos keldi"
msgid "Invalid field"
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri maydon"
msgid "Tax class slug already exists"
msgstr "Soliq klassi slugi allaqachon mavjud"
msgid "Tax class requires a valid name"
msgstr "Soliq klassi haqiqiy ismni talab qiladi"
msgid "%s and %d other region"
msgid_plural "%s and %d other regions"
msgstr[0] "%s va %d boshqa mintaqalar"
msgid "Tax class already exists"
msgstr "Soliq klassi allaqachon mavjud"
msgid ""
"WooCommerce API. Use a consumer key in the username field and a consumer "
"secret in the password field."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce API. Foydalanuvchi nomi va parol maydonidagi maxfiy kodni "
msgid "Unknown request method."
msgstr "Noma'lum so'rov usuli."
msgid "The API key provided does not have write permissions."
msgstr "Taqdim etilgan API kalitida yozishga ruxsat yo'q."
msgid "The API key provided does not have read permissions."
msgstr "Taqdim etilgan API kalitida o‘qish ruxsati yo‘q."
msgid "Invalid nonce - nonce has already been used."
msgstr "Notce - nonce allaqachon ishlatilgan."
msgid "Invalid timestamp."
msgstr "Vaqt belgisi noto‘g‘ri."
msgid "Invalid signature - provided signature does not match."
msgstr "Noto'g'ri imzo - taqdim etilgan imzo bir xil emas."
msgid "Invalid signature - signature method is invalid."
msgstr "Noto'g'ri imzo - imzo usuli yaroqsiz."
msgid "Cancelled product image regeneration job."
msgstr "Bekor qilingan mahsulot tasvirini tiklash ishi."
msgid "Completed product image regeneration job."
msgstr "Tugallangan mahsulot tasvirini tiklash bo'yicha topshiriq."
msgid "Regenerating images for attachment ID: %s"
msgstr "Biriktirma identifikatori uchun rasmlarni qayta tiklash: %s"
msgid "Missing OAuth parameter %s"
msgid_plural "Missing OAuth parameters %s"
msgstr[0] "OAuth parametri %s yo'q"
msgid "Invalid signature - failed to sort parameters."
msgstr "Noto'g'ri imzo - parametrlarni saralashda xatolik yuz berdi."
msgid "Consumer key is invalid."
msgstr "Iste'mol kaliti yaroqsiz."
msgid "Consumer secret is invalid."
msgstr "Iste'molchi siri noto‘g‘ri."
msgid "Select options for “%s”"
msgstr "“%s&rdquo uchun variantlarni tanlang;"
msgid "Add “%s” to your cart"
msgstr "Qo'shish “%s” savatingizga"
msgid "View products in the “%s” group"
msgstr "“%s&rdquo-da mahsulotlarni ko'rish guruh"
msgid "Buy “%s”"
msgstr "& Ldquo; %s sotib oling & rdquo;"
msgid "External products cannot be backordered."
msgstr "Tashqi mahsulotlarni zahira bilib bo'lmaydi."
msgid "External products cannot be stock managed."
msgstr "Tashqi mahsulotlar zahirasini boshqarib bo'lmaydi."
msgid "Orders (page %d)"
msgstr "Buyurtmalar (%d-sahifa)"
msgid "Pay for order"
msgstr "Buyurtma uchun to'lov"
msgid ""
"Please see the PayPal Privacy Policy for more details."
msgstr ""
"Batafsil ma'lumot uchun PayPal Maxfiylik siyosatiga qarang."
msgid ""
"We accept payments through PayPal. When processing payments, some of your "
"data will be passed to PayPal, including information required to process or "
"support the payment, such as the purchase total and billing information."
msgstr ""
"PayPal orqali to'lovlarni qabul qilamiz. To'lovlarni qayta ishlash paytida, "
"sizning ba'zi ma'lumotlaringiz to'lovni qayta ishlash yoki qo'llab-"
"quvvatlash uchun talab qilinadigan ma'lumotlar, masalan, xaridlarning umumiy "
"qiymati va billing ma'lumotlari kabi PayPal-ga yuboriladi."
msgid ""
"In this subsection you should list which third party payment processors "
"you’re using to take payments on your store since these may handle customer "
"data. We’ve included PayPal as an example, but you should remove this if "
"you’re not using PayPal."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu bo'limda siz do'konda to'lovlarni amalga oshirishda foydalanadigan "
"uchinchi tomon to'lov protsessorlarini ro'yxatlashingiz kerak, chunki ular "
"mijozlar ma'lumotlarini boshqarishi mumkin. Biz PayPal-ni misol sifatida "
"qo'shdik, ammo agar siz PayPal-dan foydalanayotgan bo'lsangiz, uni olib "
"tashlashingiz kerak."
msgid ""
"We share information with third parties who help us provide our orders and "
"store services to you; for example --"
msgstr ""
"Biz buyurtmalarni taqdim etishda va sizga xizmatlarni saqlashda yordam "
"beradigan uchinchi tomonlar bilan ma'lumot almashamiz; masalan --"
msgid ""
"In this section you should list who you’re sharing data with, and for what "
"purpose. This could include, but may not be limited to, analytics, "
"marketing, payment gateways, shipping providers, and third party embeds."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu bo'limda siz kim bilan va nima maqsadda ma'lumot almashayotganingizni "
"ko'rsatishingiz kerak. Bunga tahlil, marketing, to'lov shlyuzlari, etkazib "
"beruvchilar va begona tashkilotlar kirishi mumkin, ammo ular bilan "
"cheklanmasligi mumkin."
msgid ""
"Our team members have access to this information to help fulfill orders, "
"process refunds and support you."
msgstr ""
"Jamoamiz a'zolari buyurtmalarni bajarish, to'lovlarni qaytarish va sizni "
"qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun ushbu ma'lumotlarga kirish huquqiga ega."
msgid "What we share with others"
msgstr "Biz boshqalar bilan baham ko'ramiz"
msgid ""
"Customer information like your name, email address, and billing and shipping "
msgstr ""
"Sizning ismingiz, elektron pochta manzilingiz, to'lov va etkazib berish "
"ma'lumotlari kabi xaridor haqidagi ma'lumotlar."
msgid ""
"Order information like what was purchased, when it was purchased and where "
"it should be sent, and"
msgstr ""
"Qanday sotib olinganligi, qachon sotib olinganligi va qaerga yuborilishi "
"kerakligi kabi ma'lumotlarga buyurtma bering"
msgid ""
"Members of our team have access to the information you provide us. For "
"example, both Administrators and Shop Managers can access:"
msgstr ""
"Bizning jamoamiz a'zolari siz taqdim etgan ma'lumotlarga kirish huquqiga "
"ega. Masalan, ma'murlar ham, do'konlar boshqaruvchilari ham kirishlari "
msgid "Who on our team has access"
msgstr "Bizning jamoamizga kim kirish huquqiga ega"
msgid "We will also store comments or reviews, if you choose to leave them."
msgstr ""
"Agar siz ularni qoldirmoqchi bo'lsangiz, biz sharhlar yoki sharhlarni ham "
msgid ""
"We generally store information about you for as long as we need the "
"information for the purposes for which we collect and use it, and we are not "
"legally required to continue to keep it. For example, we will store order "
"information for XXX years for tax and accounting purposes. This includes "
"your name, email address and billing and shipping addresses."
msgstr ""
"Biz odatda siz haqingizda ma'lumotlarni to'plashimiz va undan "
"foydalanishimiz uchun ma'lumot kerak bo'lganda saqlaymiz va bizdan uni "
"saqlashni davom ettirishimiz talab qilinmaydi. Masalan, biz soliq va "
"buxgalteriya maqsadlari uchun buyurtma ma'lumotlarini XXX yil davomida "
"saqlaymiz. Bunga ismingiz, elektron pochta manzilingiz, billing va etkazib "
"berish manzillaringiz kiradi."
msgid ""
"If you create an account, we will store your name, address, email and phone "
"number, which will be used to populate the checkout for future orders."
msgstr ""
"Agar siz hisob qaydnomasini yaratsangiz, biz sizning ismingiz, manzilingiz, "
"elektron pochta manzilingiz va telefon raqamingizni saqlab qo'yamiz, ular "
"kelajakda buyurtmalar uchun to'lovlarni to'ldirishda ishlatiladi."
msgid "Send you marketing messages, if you choose to receive them"
msgstr "Agar siz marketing xabarlarini olishni xohlasangiz, sizga yuboring"
msgid "Improve our store offerings"
msgstr "Bizning do'kon takliflarimizni yaxshilang"
msgid "Comply with any legal obligations we have, such as calculating taxes"
msgstr ""
"Soliqlarni hisoblash kabi har qanday qonuniy majburiyatlarimizga rioya qiling"
msgid "Set up your account for our store"
msgstr "Do'konimiz uchun hisob qaydnomangizni o'rnating"
msgid "Process payments and prevent fraud"
msgstr "To'lovlarni qayta ishlash va firibgarlikning oldini olish"
msgid "Respond to your requests, including refunds and complaints"
msgstr ""
"Sizning so'rovlaringizga, shu jumladan qaytarib berish va shikoyatlarga "
"javob bering"
msgid "Send you information about your account and order"
msgstr "Sizga hisob qaydnomangiz va buyurtma haqida ma'lumot yuboradi"
msgid ""
"When you purchase from us, we’ll ask you to provide information including "
"your name, billing address, shipping address, email address, phone number, "
"credit card/payment details and optional account information like username "
"and password. We’ll use this information for purposes, such as, to:"
msgstr ""
"Bizdan sotib olganingizda bizdan ismingiz, to'lov manzili, etkazib berish "
"manzili, elektron pochta manzili, telefon raqami, kredit karta / to'lov "
"ma'lumotlari va foydalanuvchi nomi va parol kabi qo'shimcha ma'lumotlar "
"haqida ma'lumot so'raymiz. Ushbu ma'lumotdan quyidagi maqsadlarda "
"foydalanamiz, masalan:"
msgid ""
"Note: you may want to further detail your cookie policy, and link to that "
"section from here."
msgstr ""
"Eslatma: siz cookie-fayllar siyosati haqida batafsil ma'lumot olishni va "
"ushbu qismga bu yerdan bog'lanishni xohlashingiz mumkin."
msgid ""
"We’ll also use cookies to keep track of cart contents while you’re browsing "
"our site."
msgstr ""
"Shuningdek, saytimizni ko'rayotganingizda, tarkibiy qismlarning tarkibini "
"kuzatib borish uchun cookie fayllaridan foydalanamiz."
msgid ""
"Shipping address: we’ll ask you to enter this so we can, for instance, "
"estimate shipping before you place an order, and send you the order!"
msgstr ""
"Yuk tashish manzili: sizdan buni kiritishingizni so'raymiz, masalan, "
"buyurtma berishdan oldin etkazib berishni taxmin qilish va buyurtmani sizga "
"yuborishimiz mumkin!"
msgid ""
"Location, IP address and browser type: we’ll use this for purposes like "
"estimating taxes and shipping"
msgstr ""
"Joylashuvi, IP manzili va brauzer turi: biz undan soliq va yukni hisoblash "
"kabi maqsadlarda foydalanamiz"
msgid "While you visit our site, we’ll track:"
msgstr ""
"Siz bizning saytimizga tashrif buyurganingizda, biz quyidagilarni kuzatamiz:"
msgid "What we collect and store"
msgstr "Biz nimani yig'amiz va saqlaymiz"
msgid ""
"We collect information about you during the checkout process on our store."
msgstr ""
"Do'konda to'lovlarni amalga oshirish paytida siz haqingizda ma'lumot "
msgid ""
"This sample language includes the basics around what personal data your "
"store may be collecting, storing and sharing, as well as who may have access "
"to that data. Depending on what settings are enabled and which additional "
"plugins are used, the specific information shared by your store will vary. "
"We recommend consulting with a lawyer when deciding what information to "
"disclose on your privacy policy."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu namunaviy til do'koningiz shaxsiy ma'lumotlarini to'plash, saqlash va "
"almashish, shuningdek ushbu ma'lumotlarga kirish huquqiga ega bo'lganlarning "
"asoslarini o'z ichiga oladi. Qanday sozlamalar yoqilganligi va qaysi "
"qo'shimcha plaginlardan foydalanilganiga qarab, sizning do'koningiz "
"tomonidan ulashilgan aniq ma'lumotlar har xil bo'lishi mumkin. Maxfiylik "
"siyosatingizda qanday ma'lumotlarni oshkor qilish to'g'risida qaror qabul "
"qilganda advokat bilan maslahatlashishni maslahat beramiz."
msgid "WooCommerce Customer Payment Tokens"
msgstr "WooCommerce Mijozlar uchun to'lov tokenlari"
msgid "WooCommerce Customer Downloads"
msgstr "WooCommerce mijozlarni yuklab olish"
msgid "WooCommerce Customer Orders"
msgstr "WooCommerce mijozlar uchun buyurtmalar"
msgid "Token"
msgstr "Token"
msgid "Payment Tokens"
msgstr "To'lov tokenlari"
msgid "Access granted"
msgstr "Kirish huquqi berilgan"
msgid "Download count"
msgstr "Yuklanishlar soni"
msgid "WooCommerce Customer Data"
msgstr "WooCommerce mijozlar ma'lumotlari"
msgid "User’s WooCommerce payment tokens data."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchining WooCommerce to'lov tokenlari ma'lumotlari."
msgid "Payer PayPal address"
msgstr "To'lovchining PayPal manzili"
msgid "Payer last name"
msgstr "To'lovchining familiyasi"
msgid "Payer first name"
msgstr "To'lovchining ismi"
msgid "Shipping Address"
msgstr "Yetkazish manzili"
msgid "Browser User Agent"
msgstr "Brauzer foydalanuvchi agenti"
msgid "Items Purchased"
msgstr "Sotib olingan narsalar"
msgid "Download ID"
msgstr "Yuklab olish identifikatori"
msgid "Order ID"
msgstr "Buyurtma identifikatori"
msgid "Order Date"
msgstr "Buyurtma sanasi"
msgid "User’s WooCommerce access to purchased downloads data."
msgstr ""
"Xarid qilingan yuklab olish ma'lumotlariga foydalanuvchining WooCommerce "
"kirish huquqi."
msgid "Access to Purchased Downloads"
msgstr "Xarid qilingan yuklamalarga kirish"
msgid "Purchased Downloads"
msgstr "Xarid qilingan yuklamalar"
msgid "User’s WooCommerce purchased downloads data."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchining WooCommerce yuklab olish ma'lumotlarini sotib oldi."
msgid "User’s WooCommerce orders data."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchining WooCommerce buyurtma ma'lumotlari."
msgid "Removed payment token \"%d\""
msgstr "\"%d\" to'lov belgisi olib tashlandi"
msgid "Customer download permissions have been retained."
msgstr "Mijozlarni yuklab olish uchun ruxsatnomalar saqlanib qoldi."
msgid "Removed access to downloadable files."
msgstr "Yuklab olinadigan fayllarga kirish o'chirildi."
msgid "Personal data within order %s has been retained."
msgstr "%s buyurtma doirasida shaxsiy ma'lumotlar saqlanib qoldi."
msgid "Personal data removed."
msgstr "Shaxsiy ma'lumotlar o'chirildi."
msgid "Customer Data"
msgstr "Xaridor haqida ma'lumot"
msgid "User’s WooCommerce customer data."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchining WooCommerce mijoz ma'lumotlari."
msgid "Shipping Country / Region"
msgstr "Yetkazib berish mamlakati / mintaqasi"
msgid "Billing Country / Region"
msgstr "To‘lov mamlakati / mintaqasi"
msgid "Removed personal data from order %s."
msgstr "%s buyurtmasidan shaxsiy ma'lumotlar o'chirildi."
msgid "Removed customer \"%s\""
msgstr "\" %s\" mijozi olib tashlandi"
msgid "Shipping Address 1"
msgstr "Yuk tashish manzili 1"
msgid "Billing Address 1"
msgstr "Hisob-kitob manzili 1"
msgid "Shipping State"
msgstr "Yuk tashish holati"
msgid "Shipping Postal/Zip Code"
msgstr "Pochta / pochta indeksi"
msgid "Shipping City"
msgstr "Yetkazib berish shahri"
msgid "Shipping Last Name"
msgstr "Yetkazib berish familiyasi"
msgid "Shipping First Name"
msgstr "Yetkazib berishning ismi"
msgid "Billing State"
msgstr "To‘lov holati"
msgid "Billing Postal/Zip Code"
msgstr "Billing pochta / pochta indeksi"
msgid "Billing City"
msgstr "To‘lov shahri"
msgid "Billing Company"
msgstr "Billing kompaniyasi"
msgid "Billing Last Name"
msgstr "Hisob-kitobning familiyasi"
msgid "Billing First Name"
msgstr "Hisob-kitobning ismi"
msgid "Shipping Address 2"
msgstr "Yuk tashish manzili 2"
msgid "Billing Address 2"
msgstr "Hisob-kitob manzili 2"
msgctxt "Order status"
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "Muvaffaqiyatsiz"
msgctxt "Order status"
msgid "Refunded"
msgstr "Qaytarildi"
msgctxt "Order status"
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "Bekor qilindi"
msgctxt "Order status"
msgid "Completed"
msgstr "Tugatildi"
msgctxt "Order status"
msgid "On hold"
msgstr "Kutib turishda"
msgctxt "Order status"
msgid "Processing"
msgstr "Qayta ishlanmoqda"
msgctxt "Order status"
msgid "Pending payment"
msgstr "To'lov kutilmoqda"
msgctxt "taxonomy term messages"
msgid "%s not updated"
msgstr "%s mahsulot yangilandi"
msgctxt "taxonomy term messages"
msgid "%s not added"
msgstr "%s qo‘shilmagan"
msgctxt "taxonomy term messages"
msgid "%s updated"
msgstr "%s yangilandi"
msgctxt "taxonomy term messages"
msgid "%s deleted"
msgstr "%s oʻchirildi"
msgctxt "taxonomy term messages"
msgid "%s added"
msgstr "%s qo‘shildi"
msgid ""
"This is where you can add new coupons that customers can use in your store."
msgstr ""
"Bu erda siz do'koningizda xaridorlar foydalanishi mumkin bo'lgan yangi "
"kuponlarni qo'shishingiz mumkin."
msgid "Coupons list"
msgstr "Kuponlar ro'yxati"
msgid "Coupons navigation"
msgstr "Kuponlar navigatsiyasi"
msgid "Filter coupons"
msgstr "Kuponlarni filtrlang"
msgid "Orders list"
msgstr "Buyurtmalar ro'yxati"
msgid "Orders navigation"
msgstr "Buyurtmalar navigatsiyasi"
msgid "Filter orders"
msgstr "Filtr buyurtmalari"
msgid "Parent coupon"
msgstr "Ota-onalar kuponi"
msgid "Search coupons"
msgstr "Qidiruv kuponlari"
msgid "View coupon"
msgstr "Kuponni ko‘rish"
msgid "New coupon"
msgstr "Yangi kupon"
msgid "Add new coupon"
msgstr "Yangi kupon qo'shing"
msgctxt "Admin menu name"
msgid "Coupons"
msgstr "Kuponlar"
msgid "This is where store orders are stored."
msgstr "Bu erda do'kon buyurtmalari saqlanadi."
msgid "Parent orders"
msgstr "Ota-onalar buyruqlari"
msgid "Products list"
msgstr "Mahsulotlar ro'yxati"
msgid "Products navigation"
msgstr "Mahsulotlarni navigatsiya qilish"
msgid "Filter products"
msgstr "Mahsulotlarni filtrlang"
msgid "Uploaded to this product"
msgstr "Ushbu mahsulotga yuklangan"
msgid "Insert into product"
msgstr "Mahsulotga soling"
msgctxt "shop_order post type singular name"
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Buyurtma"
msgid "Add new order"
msgstr "Yangi buyurtma qo'shish"
msgid "Use as product image"
msgstr "Mahsulot tasviri sifatida foydalaning"
msgid "Remove product image"
msgstr "Mahsulot rasmini olib tashlang"
msgid "Add order"
msgstr "Buyurtma qo'shish"
msgid "Set product image"
msgstr "Mahsulot rasmini o'rnating"
msgid "No products found in trash"
msgstr "Axlat ichida hech qanday mahsulot topilmadi"
msgid "← Back to \"%s\" attributes"
msgstr "& larr; \" %s\" atributlariga qaytish"
msgctxt "Product Attribute"
msgid "Product %s"
msgstr "Mahsulot %s"
msgid "No "%s" found"
msgstr "Yo‘q "%s" topildi"
msgid "No products found"
msgstr "Hech qanday mahsulot topilmadi"
msgid "View product"
msgstr "Mahsulotni ko'rish"
msgid "Add new product"
msgstr "Yangi mahsulot qo'shing"
msgctxt "Admin menu name"
msgid "Products"
msgstr "Mahsulotlar"
msgid "Parent %s:"
msgstr "Ota %s:"
msgid "New shipping class Name"
msgstr "Yangi yuk klassi nomi"
msgid "Add new tag"
msgstr "Yangi teg"
msgid "Product shipping classes"
msgstr "Yuk tashish sinflari"
msgid "Update tag"
msgstr "Tegni yangilash"
msgid "All tags"
msgstr "Barcha teglar"
msgid "Search tags"
msgstr "Teglarni izlash"
msgid "Add new shipping class"
msgstr "Yangi yuk tashish sinfini qo'shing"
msgid "Update shipping class"
msgstr "Yuk tashish sinfini yangilang"
msgid "Edit shipping class"
msgstr "Yuk tashish sinfini tahrirlash"
msgid "Parent shipping class:"
msgstr "Ota-onalar uchun yuk tashish klassi:"
msgid "Parent shipping class"
msgstr "Ota-onalar uchun yuk tashish klassi"
msgid "All shipping classes"
msgstr "Barcha yuk sinflari"
msgid "Search shipping classes"
msgstr "Yuk tashish sinflarini qidirish"
msgctxt "Admin menu name"
msgid "Shipping classes"
msgstr "Yuk tashish darslari"
msgctxt "Admin menu name"
msgid "Tags"
msgstr "Teglar"
msgid "Edit category"
msgstr "Kategoriyani tahrirlash"
msgid "Parent category:"
msgstr "Ota kategoriya:"
msgid "Refund – %s"
msgstr "Qaytaring – %s"
msgctxt "Admin menu name"
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Bo'limlar"
msgctxt "Taxonomy name"
msgid "Product visibility"
msgstr "Mahsulot ko'rinishi"
msgctxt "Taxonomy name"
msgid "Product type"
msgstr "Mahsulot turi"
msgid "Error during status transition."
msgstr "Holatga o'tish paytida xato."
msgid "Update status event failed."
msgstr "Holat hodisasi yangilanmadi."
msgid "Payment complete event failed."
msgstr "To‘lovni to‘lab bo‘lmadi."
msgid "%1$s was called with an invalid level \"%2$s\"."
msgstr "%1$s \"\"%2$s \"yaroqsiz darajasi bilan qo'ng'iroq qildi."
msgid "The provided handler %1$s does not implement %2$s."
msgstr "Taqdim etilgan%1$s ishlov beruvchisi%2$s ishlamaydi."
msgid "Order status set to %s."
msgstr "%s uchunBuyurtma holati."
msgid "Invalid variation ID"
msgstr "Noto'g'ri variant ID"
msgid "Invalid tax class"
msgstr "Noto'g'ri soliq sinfi"
msgid "Invalid product"
msgstr "Noto'g'ri mahsulot"
msgid "(includes %s)"
msgstr "( %s ni o'z ichiga oladi)"
msgid "Order status changed from %1$s to %2$s."
msgstr "Buyurtma holati %1$s dan %2$s ga o'zgartirildi."
msgid "Backordered"
msgstr "Buyurtmani bekor qilish"
msgid ""
"%1$s was installed but could not be activated. Please "
"activate it manually by clicking here."
msgstr ""
"%1$s o‘rnatilgan, ammo faollashtirib bo‘lmadi. Iltimos, shu "
"erni bosib uni qo'lda yoqing."
msgid ""
"%1$s could not be installed (%2$s). Please install it "
"manually by clicking here."
msgstr ""
"%1$s o'rnatilmadi (%2$s). Iltimos, bu erga bosish orqali "
"uni qo'lda o'rnating."
msgid "Visit premium customer support"
msgstr "Premium mijozlarni qo'llab-quvvatlash xizmatiga tashrif buyuring"
msgid "Premium support"
msgstr "Premium qo'llab-quvvatlash"
msgid "Every 15 Days"
msgstr "Har 15 kunda"
msgid "Zero rate"
msgstr "Nol darajasi"
msgid "Reduced rate"
msgstr "Kamaytirilgan stavka"
msgctxt "User role"
msgid "Shop manager"
msgstr "Do'kon menejeri"
msgctxt "User role"
msgid "Customer"
msgstr "Koʻrinishni olib tashlash"
msgid "Please enter a stronger password."
msgstr "Iltimos, kuchliroq parolni kiriting."
msgid "API docs"
msgstr "API hujjatlari"
msgid "View WooCommerce API docs"
msgstr "WooCommerce API hujjatlarini ko'rish"
msgid "View WooCommerce documentation"
msgstr "WooCommerce hujjatlarini ko'rish"
msgid "View WooCommerce settings"
msgstr "WooCommerce sozlamalarini ko'ring"
msgctxt "Page slug"
msgid "my-account"
msgstr "my-account"
msgctxt "Page slug"
msgid "checkout"
msgstr "buyurtma berish"
msgctxt "Page slug"
msgid "cart"
msgstr "savatcha"
msgctxt "Page slug"
msgid "shop"
msgstr "do'kon"
msgid "Docs"
msgstr "Yo'riqnoma"
msgctxt "Page title"
msgid "My account"
msgstr "Mening akkauntim"
msgctxt "Page title"
msgid "Checkout"
msgstr "Buyurtma berish"
msgctxt "Page title"
msgid "Cart"
msgstr "Savatcha"
msgctxt "Page title"
msgid "Shop"
msgstr "Do'kon"
msgid "Visit community forums"
msgstr "Jamoa forumlariga tashrif buyuring"
msgid ""
"Please select some product options before adding this product to your cart."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu mahsulotni savatga qo'shmasdan oldin ba'zi mahsulot parametrlarini "
msgid ""
"Sorry, this product is unavailable. Please choose a different combination."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, ushbu mahsulot mavjud emas. Iltimos, boshqa kombinatsiyani "
msgid ""
"Sorry, no products matched your selection. Please choose a different "
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, sizning tanlovingizga mos mahsulotlar topilmadi. Iltimos, boshqa "
"kombinatsiyani tanlang."
msgid "Error processing checkout. Please try again."
msgstr "Hisobni qayta ishlashda xato. Iltimos, yana bir bor urinib ko'ring."
msgid ""
"Your account was created successfully. Your login details have been sent to "
"your email address."
msgstr ""
"Sizning hisobingiz muvaffaqiyatli yaratildi. Kirish ma'lumotlaringiz "
"elektron pochta manzilingizga yuborildi."
msgid "Please select a rating"
msgstr "Iltimos, reytingni tanlang"
msgid ""
"Your account was created successfully and a password has been sent to your "
"email address."
msgstr ""
"Sizning hisobingiz muvaffaqiyatli yaratildi va elektron pochta manzilingizga "
"parol yuborildi."
msgid "Please choose a product to add to your cart…"
msgstr "Savatga qo'shish uchun mahsulotni tanlang …"
msgid ""
"Please choose the quantity of items you wish to add to your cart…"
msgstr "Savatga qo'shmoqchi bo'lgan narsalar sonini tanlang …"
msgid ""
"Your order can no longer be cancelled. Please contact us if you need "
msgstr ""
"Buyurtma endi bekor qilinmaydi. Agar sizga yordam kerak bo'lsa, iltimos biz "
"bilan bog'laning."
msgid "Your order was cancelled."
msgstr "Sizning buyurtmangiz bekor qilindi."
msgid "Order cancelled by customer."
msgstr "Buyurtma mijoz tomonidan bekor qilindi."
msgid "Cart updated."
msgstr "Savatcha yangilandi."
msgid "Unable to add payment method to your account."
msgstr "Hisobingizga to'lov usulini qo'shib bo'lmadi."
msgid "Payment method successfully added."
msgstr "To'lov usuli muvaffaqiyatli qo'shildi."
msgid "This payment method was successfully set as your default."
msgstr "Ushbu to'lov usuli standart sifatida muvaffaqiyatli o'rnatildi."
msgid "Payment method deleted."
msgstr "To'lov usuli o'chirildi."
msgid "%s removed."
msgstr "%s o'chirildi."
msgctxt "Item name in quotes"
msgid "“%s”"
msgstr "“%s”"
msgid "You can only have 1 %s in your cart."
msgstr "Savatda faqat 1 %s bo'lishi mumkin."
msgid ""
"You cannot add a new payment method so soon after the previous one. Please "
"wait for %d second."
msgid_plural ""
"You cannot add a new payment method so soon after the previous one. Please "
"wait for %d seconds."
msgstr[0] ""
"Avvalgi usuldan ko'p o'tmay, siz yangi to'lov usulini qo'sha olmaysiz. "
"Iltimos, %d soniya kuting."
msgid "Invalid payment gateway."
msgstr "Noto'g'ri to'lov shlyuzi."
msgid "Account details changed successfully."
msgstr "Hisob ma'lumotlari muvaffaqiyatli o'zgartirildi."
msgid "Your current password is incorrect."
msgstr "Sizning hozirgi parolingiz noto‘g‘ri."
msgid "Display name cannot be changed to email address due to privacy concern."
msgstr ""
"Maxfiylik muammosi tufayli ekran nomini elektron pochta manziliga "
"o'zgartirib bo'lmaydi."
msgid "Display name"
msgstr "Ismingizning boshqalarga ko‘rinishi"
msgid "New passwords do not match."
msgstr "Yangi parollar bir-biriga mos kelmadi."
msgid "Please enter your current password."
msgstr "Iltimos, joriy parolingizni kiriting."
msgid "Please fill out all password fields."
msgstr "Iltimos, barcha parollarni to'ldiring."
msgid "Please enter a valid Eircode."
msgstr "Haqiqiy Eircode kiriting."
msgid "Address changed successfully."
msgstr "Manzil muvaffaqiyatli o'zgartirildi."
msgid "Please enter a valid postcode / ZIP."
msgstr "Yaroqli pochta indeksi yoki ZIP kodini kiriting."
msgid "Rated %s out of 5"
msgstr "5 bahodan %s berildi"
msgid "Automated Taxes"
msgstr "Avtomatlashtirilgan soliqlar"
msgid "Shipping zones"
msgstr "Yuk tashish zonalari"
msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Xato: %s"
msgid "Shipping methods"
msgstr "Yuk tashish usullari"
msgid "Customer"
msgstr "Koʻrinishni olib tashlash"
msgid "Shipping method"
msgstr "Yuk tashish usuli"
msgid "Load billing address"
msgstr "To‘lov manzilini yuklang"
msgid "Payment method:"
msgstr "To'lov turi:"
msgid "Yes please"
msgstr "Ha iltimos"
msgid "Address line 1"
msgstr "Manzil uchun 1-chi qator"
msgid "Shipping"
msgid_plural "Shipping %d"
msgstr[0] "Yetkazib berish"
msgid "Your settings have been saved."
msgstr "Sizning sozlamalaringiz saqlangan."
msgid "Customers"
msgstr "Xaridorlar"
msgid "%s order restored from the Trash."
msgid_plural "%s orders restored from the Trash."
msgstr[0] "%s buyurtma axlat qutisidan qayta tiklandi."
msgid "%s order moved to the Trash."
msgid_plural "%s orders moved to the Trash."
msgstr[0] "%s buyurtma axlat qutisiga tashlandi."
msgid "Soria"
msgstr "Soria"
msgid "Burgos"
msgstr "Burgos"
msgid "South Korea"
msgstr "Janubiy Koreya"
msgid "Cádiz"
msgstr "Kadis"
msgid "%1$s is low in stock. There are %2$d left."
msgstr "%1$s zahira kam. %2$d qoldi."
msgid "%1$s units of %2$s have been backordered in order #%3$s."
msgstr "%2$s %1$s birliklari #%3$s tartibida buyurtma qilingan."
msgid "Product backorder"
msgstr "Mahsulotni buyurtma qilish"
msgid "%s is out of stock."
msgstr "%s mavjud emas."
msgid "Product out of stock"
msgstr "Mahsulot sotilmagan"
msgid "Go to shop"
msgstr "Do'konga boring"
msgid "Product low in stock"
msgstr "Mahsulot zaxirada past"
msgid "No file defined"
msgstr "Hech qanday fayl aniqlanmadi"
msgid "This is not your download link."
msgstr "Bu sizning yuklab olish havolangiz emas."
msgid "Log in to Download Files"
msgstr "Fayllarni yuklab olish uchun tizimga kiring"
msgid "You must be logged in to download files."
msgstr "Fayllarni yuklab olish uchun siz tizimga kirishingiz kerak."
msgid "Sorry, this download has expired"
msgstr "Kechirasiz, ushbu yuklab olish muddati tugagan"
msgid "Sorry, you have reached your download limit for this file"
msgstr "Kechirasiz, ushbu faylni yuklab olish chekloviga yetdingiz"
msgid "Sorry, this coupon is not applicable to selected products."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, ushbu kupon tanlangan mahsulotlarga qo'llanilmaydi."
msgid "Invalid order."
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri buyurtma."
msgid "Invalid download link."
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri yuklab olish havolasi."
msgctxt "display name"
msgid "%1$s %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s %2$s"
msgid "Invalid permission ID."
msgstr "Ruxsat ID raqami noto‘g‘ri."
msgid "Invalid data store."
msgstr "Ma'lumot saqlash joyi noto'g'ri."
msgid "Invalid billing email address"
msgstr "Elektron to'lov pochta manzil noto‘g‘ri"
msgid "Please enter a coupon code."
msgstr "Kupon kodini kiriting."
msgid "Coupon does not exist!"
msgstr "Kupon mavjud emas!"
msgid "Sorry, this coupon is not valid for sale items."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, ushbu kupon savdo uchun yaroqsiz."
msgid "Sorry, this coupon is not applicable to the categories: %s."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, ushbu kupon quyidagi toifalarga tegishli emas: %s."
msgid "Sorry, this coupon is not applicable to the products: %s."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, ushbu kupon quyidagi mahsulotlarga tegishli emas: %s."
msgid "Sorry, this coupon is not applicable to your cart contents."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, bu kupon savat tarkibiga tegishli emas."
msgid "This coupon has expired."
msgstr "Bu kupon muddati tugagan."
msgid "Coupon usage limit has been reached."
msgstr "Kupondan foydalanish chekloviga erishildi."
msgid "The maximum spend for this coupon is %s."
msgstr "Bu kupon uchun sarflangan mablag 'miqdori %s."
msgid "The minimum spend for this coupon is %s."
msgstr "Bu kupon uchun sarflangan mablag 'miqdori %s."
msgid ""
"Sorry, coupon \"%s\" has already been applied and cannot be used in "
"conjunction with other coupons."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, \" %s\" kuponi allaqachon ishlatilgan va uni boshqa kuponlar "
"bilan birgalikda ishlatish mumkin emas."
msgid ""
"Sorry, it seems the coupon \"%s\" is not yours - it has now been removed "
"from your order."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, \" %s\" kuponi siznikiga o'xshamaydi - endi u sizning "
"buyurtmangizdan olib tashlandi."
msgid ""
"Sorry, it seems the coupon \"%s\" is invalid - it has now been removed from "
"your order."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, \" %s\" kuponi yaroqsizga o'xshaydi - endi u sizning "
"buyurtmangizdan olib tashlandi."
msgid "Invalid discount amount"
msgstr "Noto'g'ri chegirma miqdori"
msgid "Invalid email address restriction"
msgstr "Noto'g'ri email manzili"
msgid "Coupon is not valid."
msgstr "Kupon yaroqsiz."
msgid "Coupon code removed successfully."
msgstr "Kupon kodi muvaffaqiyatli olib tashlandi."
msgid "Coupon code applied successfully."
msgstr "Kupon kodi muvaffaqiyatli qo‘llandi."
msgid "Coupon \"%s\" does not exist!"
msgstr "\" %s\" kuponi mavjud emas!"
msgid "Town / Village"
msgstr "Shahar / qishloq"
msgid "Apartment, suite, unit, etc."
msgstr "Kvartira, lyuks, jihoz va boshqalar."
msgid "Municipality / District"
msgstr "Hokimiyat / tuman"
msgid "House number and street name"
msgstr "Uy raqami va ko'cha nomi"
msgid "Invalid discount type"
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri chegirma turi"
msgid "Eircode"
msgstr "Eircode"
msgid "Apartment, suite, unit, etc. (optional)"
msgstr "Kvartira, ko'rpus va boshqalar. (ixtiyoriy)"
msgid "ZIP"
msgstr "ZIP"
msgid "State / Zone"
msgstr "Shtat / mintaqa"
msgid "Prefecture"
msgstr "Prefektura"
msgid "Municipality"
msgstr "Hokimiyat"
msgid "Town / District"
msgstr "Shahar / tuman"
msgid "Region"
msgstr "Viloyat"
msgid "Canton"
msgstr "Kanton"
msgid "Suburb"
msgstr "Shahar atrofi"
msgid "Town / City"
msgstr "Shahar / qishloq nomi"
msgid "District"
msgstr "Tuman"
msgid "Company name"
msgstr "Firma nomi"
msgid "Postcode"
msgstr "Pochta kodi"
msgid "(ex. tax)"
msgstr "(masalan, soliq)"
msgid "(ex. VAT)"
msgstr "(masalan, QQS)"
msgid "(incl. tax)"
msgstr "(soliq bilan)"
msgid "(incl. VAT)"
msgstr "(QQS bilan)"
msgid "VAT"
msgstr "QQS"
msgid "the"
msgstr "the"
msgid "Please rate the product."
msgstr "Iltimos, mahsulotni baholang."
msgid ""
"Sorry, your session has expired. Return "
"to shop"
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, seansingiz tugadi. Do'konga "
msgid "We were unable to process your order, please try again."
msgstr "Buyurtmani amalga oshira olmadik, qayta urinib ko‘ring."
msgid ""
"No shipping method has been selected. Please double check your address, or "
"contact us if you need any help."
msgstr ""
"Yuk tashish usuli tanlanmagan. Iltimos, manzilingizni ikki marta tekshiring "
"yoki biron bir yordamga muhtoj bo'lsangiz, biz bilan bog'laning."
msgid ""
"Unfortunately we do not ship %s. Please enter an "
"alternative shipping address."
msgstr ""
"Afsuski, biz %s ga etkazib bermaymiz. Iltimos, muqobil "
"etkazib berish manzilini kiriting."
msgid ""
"Please read and accept the terms and conditions to proceed with your order."
msgstr "Buyurtmani davom ettirish uchun shartlarni o'qing va qabul qiling."
msgid "Please enter an address to continue."
msgstr "Davom etish uchun manzilni kiriting."
msgid "%1$s is not valid. Please enter one of the following: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s noto‘g‘ri. Iltimos, quyidagilardan birini kiriting:%2$s"
msgid ""
"%1$s is not valid. You can look up the correct Eircode here."
msgstr ""
"%1$s noto‘g‘ri. Siz bu erda to'g'ri "
"Eircode qidirishingiz mumkin."
msgid "%s is not a valid postcode / ZIP."
msgstr "%s haqiqiy pochta indeksi emas."
msgid "%s is not a valid phone number."
msgstr "%s haqiqiy telefon raqami emas."
msgctxt "checkout-validation"
msgid "Billing %s"
msgstr "Billing uchun %s"
msgctxt "checkout-validation"
msgid "Shipping %s"
msgstr "Yuk tashish %s"
msgid "Unserializing instances of this class is forbidden."
msgstr "Ushbu sinfning nusxalarini o'rganish taqiqlanadi."
msgid "Cloning is forbidden."
msgstr "Klonlash taqiqlanadi."
msgid "Create account password"
msgstr "Yangi parol kiriting"
msgid "The cart has been filled with the items from your previous order."
msgstr "Savat oldingi buyurtmangizdagi narsalar bilan to'ldirilgan."
msgid "Notes about your order, e.g. special notes for delivery."
msgstr ""
"Buyurtma haqidagi eslatmalar. Masalan, etkazib berish uchun maxsus "
msgid "Account username"
msgstr "Akkaunt nomi"
msgid "Order notes"
msgstr "Buyurtma haqida eslatmalar"
msgid ""
"%d item from your previous order is currently unavailable and could not be "
"added to your cart."
msgid_plural ""
"%d items from your previous order are currently unavailable and could not be "
"added to your cart."
msgstr[0] ""
"Oldingi buyurtmangizdagi %d ta mahsulot hozir mavjud emas va uni "
"savatingizga qo'shib bo'lmaydi."
msgid ""
"%1$s has been removed from your cart because it has since been modified. You "
"can add it back to your cart here."
msgstr ""
"%1$s o'zgartirilganligi sababli savatingizdan olib tashlandi. Siz uni bu yerga yana o'zingizning savatingizga qo'shishingiz "
msgid ""
"%s has been removed from your cart because it can no longer be purchased. "
"Please contact us if you need assistance."
msgstr ""
"%s savatingizdan olib tashlandi, chunki uni endi sotib olib bo'lmaydi. Agar "
"sizga yordam kerak bo'lsa, iltimos biz bilan bog'laning."
msgid ""
"You cannot add that amount to the cart — we have %1$s in stock and you "
"already have %2$s in your cart."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu miqdorni savatga qo'shib bo'lmaydi & mdash; bizda%1$s zaxira mavjud va "
"savatda%2$s mavjud."
msgid ""
"You cannot add that amount of "%1$s" to the cart because there is "
"not enough stock (%2$s remaining)."
msgstr ""
"Siz "%1$s" miqdorini qo'sha olmaysiz. savatga yetarli emasligi "
"sababli (%2$s qoldi) savatga joylashtirildi."
msgid ""
"You cannot add "%s" to the cart because the product is out of "
msgstr ""
"Siz "%s" qo'sha olmaysiz. arava uchun, chunki mahsulot zaxirada "
msgid "Invalid value posted for %s"
msgstr "%s uchun noto'g'ri qiymat ko'rsatildi"
msgid "You cannot add another \"%s\" to your cart."
msgstr "Savatga boshqa \"%s\" qo'sha olmaysiz."
msgid "View cart"
msgstr "Ko'rish"
msgid "Please choose product options…"
msgstr "Iltimos, mahsulot variantlarini tanlang …"
msgid "%s is a required field"
msgid_plural "%s are required fields"
msgstr[0] "%s - majburiy maydon"
msgid "Sorry, this product cannot be purchased."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, ushbu mahsulotni sotib olib bo‘lmaydi."
msgid ""
"Sorry, we do not have enough \"%1$s\" in stock to fulfill your order (%2$s "
"available). We apologize for any inconvenience caused."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, buyurtmangizni bajarish uchun bizda \"%1$s\" yetarli emas (%2$s "
"mavjud). Noqulayliklar uchun uzr so'raymiz."
msgid ""
"Sorry, \"%s\" is not in stock. Please edit your cart and try again. We "
"apologize for any inconvenience caused."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, \" %s\" zaxirada yo'q. Iltimos, savatni tahrirlang va qaytadan "
"urining. Noqulayliklar uchun uzr so'raymiz."
msgid "Get cart should not be called before the wp_loaded action."
msgstr "Savatni olishni wp_loaded harakatlaridan oldin chaqirish kerak emas."
msgid "An item which is no longer available was removed from your cart."
msgstr "Savatingizdan endi mavjud bo'lmagan narsa olib tashlandi."
msgid "Fee has already been added."
msgstr "To'lov allaqachon qo'shilgan."
msgid ""
"In order for database caching to work with WooCommerce you "
"must add %1$s to the \"Ignored Query Strings\" option in W3 "
"Total Cache settings."
msgstr ""
"database caching WooCommerce bilan ishlashi uchun %1$s-ni "
"W3 Total Cache settings\" -ni \"Ignored Query Strings\" "
"opsiyasiga qo'shing ."
msgid "Invalid nonce verification"
msgstr "Notce tekshirish"
msgid ""
"An error occurred in the request and at the time were unable to send the "
"consumer data"
msgstr ""
"So‘rovda xatolik yuz berdi va ayni paytda iste’molchilar haqidagi "
"ma’lumotlarni yuborib bo‘lmadi"
msgid "The callback_url needs to be over SSL"
msgstr "Callback_url SSL-dan oshib ketishi kerak"
msgid "The %s is not a valid URL"
msgstr "\" %s\" URL manzili yaroqsiz"
msgid "Invalid scope %s"
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri maydon %s"
msgid "View and manage products"
msgstr "Mahsulotlarni ko‘rish va boshqarish"
msgid "View and manage orders and sales reports"
msgstr "Buyurtmalar va savdo hisobotlarini ko‘rish va boshqarish"
msgid "The Rest API is unavailable."
msgstr "Rest API mavjud emas."
msgid ""
"API Key generated successfully. Make sure to copy your new keys now as the "
"secret key will be hidden once you leave this page."
msgstr ""
"API kaliti muvaffaqiyatli yaratildi. Endi yangi kalitlaringizni nusxalashga "
"ishonch hosil qiling, chunki ushbu sahifadan chiqqaningizda maxfiy kalit "
"yashirin bo'ladi."
msgid "View and manage customers"
msgstr "Mijozlarni ko‘rish va boshqarish"
msgid "View and manage coupons"
msgstr "Kuponlarni ko‘rish va boshqarish"
msgid "Create products"
msgstr "Mahsulotlar yarating"
msgid "Create orders"
msgstr "Buyurtmalar yarating"
msgid "Create customers"
msgstr "Xaridorlarni yarating"
msgid "Create coupons"
msgstr "Kuponlar yarating"
msgid "Create webhooks"
msgstr "Veb-hook-larni yarating"
msgid "View orders and sales reports"
msgstr "Buyurtmalar va savdo hisobotlarini ko'rish"
msgid "View customers"
msgstr "Mijozlarni ko'rish"
msgid "View coupons"
msgstr "Kuponlarni ko‘rish"
msgid "You do not have permission to assign API Keys to the selected user."
msgstr ""
"Tanlangan foydalanuvchiga API kalitlarini tayinlashga sizda ruxsat yo'q."
msgid "API Key updated successfully."
msgstr "API kaliti muvaffaqiyatli yangilandi."
msgid "Permissions is missing."
msgstr "Ruxsatnomalar mavjud emas."
msgid "User is missing."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi mavjud emas."
msgid "Description is missing."
msgstr "Ta’rif mavjud emas."
msgid "Order not editable"
msgstr "Buyurtmani tahrirlab bo‘lmaydi"
msgid "Stock: %d"
msgstr "Aksiya: %d"
msgid "Deleted %1$s and adjusted stock (%2$s)"
msgstr "%1$s o'chirilgan va tuzatilgan aksiya (%2$s)"
msgid "Invalid items"
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri elementlar"
msgid "Error processing refund. Please try again."
msgstr ""
"To‘lovni qaytarishda xatolik yuz berdi. Iltimos, yana bir bor urinib ko'ring."
msgid "Invalid refund amount"
msgstr "To‘lovni qaytarish summasi noto‘g‘ri"
msgid "%s is a variable product parent and cannot be added."
msgstr "%s - o'zgaruvchan mahsulot ota-ona va uni qo'shib bo'lmaydi."
msgid "Added line items: %s"
msgstr "Qo'shilgan qator elementlari: %s"
msgid "%s fee"
msgstr "%s to'lov"
msgid "Invalid order"
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri buyurtma"
msgid "Return to shop"
msgstr "Do'konga qaytish"
msgid "Sorry, your session has expired."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, seansingiz tugadi."
msgid "Coupon has been removed."
msgstr "Kupon olib tashlandi."
msgid "Sorry there was a problem removing this coupon."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, bu kuponni olib tashlashda muammo yuz berdi."
msgid ""
"Variations (and their attributes) that do not have prices will not be shown "
"in your store."
msgstr ""
"Do'konda narxlari bo'lmagan parametrlar (va ularning xususiyatlari) "
msgid "%d variation does not have a price."
msgid_plural "%d variations do not have prices."
msgstr[0] "%d o'zgarishning narxi yo'q."
msgid "Adjusted stock: %s"
msgstr "Tuzatilgan aktsiya: %s"
msgid "This will change the stock status of all variations."
msgstr "Bu barcha o'zgarishlarning birja holatini o'zgartiradi."
msgid "Learn how to upgrade"
msgstr "Qanday yangilashni bilib oling"
msgid ""
"Your store's uploads directory is browsable via the web"
"a>. We strongly recommend configuring your web server to "
"prevent directory indexing."
msgstr ""
"Doʻkoningizning yuklashlar katalogini internet orqali "
"koʻrish mumkin . Kataloglarni indekslashni oldini olish "
"uchun veb-serveringizni sozlashni qat'iy tavsiya qilamiz."
msgid "View affected templates"
msgstr "Ta'sir qilingan shablonlarni ko'rish"
msgid ""
"If you copied over a template file to change something, then you will need "
"to copy the new version of the template and apply your changes again."
msgstr ""
"Agar biror narsani o'zgartirish uchun shablon faylidan nusxa ko'chirgan "
"bo'lsangiz, shablonning yangi versiyasini nusxalashingiz va "
"o'zgartirishlaringizni yana qo'llashingiz kerak bo'ladi."
msgid "WooCommerce database update"
msgstr "WooCommerce ma'lumotlar bazasini yangilash"
msgid "Learn more about templates"
msgstr "Andozalar haqida ko'proq ma'lumot oling"
msgid ""
"Update your theme to the latest version. If no update is available contact "
"your theme author asking about compatibility with the current WooCommerce "
msgstr ""
"Mavzuni so'nggi versiyasiga yangilang. Agar yangilanish bo'lmasa, tema "
"muallifiga WooCommerce-ning joriy versiyasi bilan muvofiqligi to'g'risida "
"murojaat qiling."
msgid ""
"Your theme (%s) contains outdated copies of some WooCommerce "
"template files. These files may need updating to ensure they are "
"compatible with the current version of WooCommerce. Suggestions to fix this:"
msgstr ""
"Mavzuingiz ( %s) ba'zi WooCommerce shablonlari fayllarining eskirgan "
"nusxalarini o'z ichiga oladi. Ushbu fayllar WooCommerce-ning joriy "
"versiyasiga mos kelishini ta'minlash uchun yangilanishni talab qilishi "
"mumkin. Buni tuzatish bo'yicha maslahatlar:"
msgid ""
"Your store does not appear to be using a secure connection. We highly "
"recommend serving your entire website over an HTTPS connection to help keep "
"customer data secure. Learn more here."
msgstr ""
"Sizning do'koningiz xavfsiz ulanishni ishlatmayotganga o'xshaydi. Mijoz "
"ma'lumotlari xavfsizligini ta'minlash uchun veb-saytingizni HTTPS ulanishi "
"orqali xizmat qilishni tavsiya etamiz. Bu erda ko'proq "
"ma'lumot oling."
msgid ""
"Thumbnail regeneration is running in the background. Depending on the amount "
"of images in your store this may take a while."
msgstr ""
"Eskizni tiklash fonda ishlaydi. Do'koningizdagi rasmlarning miqdoriga qarab, "
"bu biroz vaqt talab qilishi mumkin."
msgid ""
"Note: WP CRON has been disabled on your install which may prevent this "
"update from completing."
msgstr ""
"Eslatma: O'rnatishda WP CRON o'chirilgan, chunki bu yangilanishni tugatishi "
msgid "Cancel thumbnail regeneration"
msgstr "Eskizlarning yangilanishini bekor qilish"
msgid ""
"Product display, sorting, and reports may not be accurate until this "
"finishes. It will take a few minutes and this notice will disappear when "
msgstr ""
"Mahsulotni namoyish qilish, saralash va hisobotlar, bu tugaguncha aniq "
"bo'lmasligi mumkin. Bir necha daqiqa davom etadi va bu xabar tugagandan "
"so'ng yo'qoladi."
msgid "View progress →"
msgstr "Jarayonni ko'rish →"
msgid "WooCommerce is updating product data in the background"
msgstr "WooCommerce orqa fonda mahsulot ma'lumotlarini yangilamoqda"
msgid ""
"Customers will not be able to purchase physical goods from your store until "
"a shipping method is available."
msgstr ""
"Xaridor etkazib berish usuli mavjud bo'lmaguncha do'koningizdan jismoniy "
"buyumlarni sotib ololmaydi."
msgid ""
"Shipping is currently enabled, but you have not added any shipping methods "
"to your shipping zones."
msgstr ""
"Hozirda yuk tashish yoqilgan, ammo siz etkazib berish zonangizga biron bir "
"etkazib berish usulini qo'shmadingiz."
msgid "Add shipping methods & zones"
msgstr "Yuk tashish usullarini qo'shing & zonalari"
msgid ""
"You must enter a valid license key on the MaxMind "
"integration settings page in order to use the geolocation service. If "
"you do not need geolocation for shipping or taxes, you should change the "
"default customer location on the general settings page."
msgstr ""
"Geo-joylashuv xizmatidan foydalanish uchun siz MaxMind "
"integratsiya sozlamalari sahifasida ga tegishli litsenziya kalitini "
"kiritishingiz kerak. Agar sizga etkazib berish yoki soliqlarni to'lash uchun "
"geografik joylashuv kerak bo'lmasa, umumiy sozlamalar "
"sahifasida mijozlarning standart manzilini o'zgartirishingiz kerak."
msgid "Geolocation has not been configured."
msgstr "Geolokatsiya sozlanmagan."
msgid ""
"Legacy shipping methods (flat rate, international flat rate, local pickup "
"and delivery, and free shipping) are deprecated but will continue to work as "
"normal for now. They will be removed in future versions of "
"WooCommerce. We recommend disabling these and setting up new rates "
"within shipping zones as soon as possible."
msgstr ""
"Eskirgan yuk tashish usullari (tekis narx, xalqaro narx, mahalliy olib "
"ketish va etkazib berish, bepul etkazib berish) eskirgan, ammo hozirgi "
"kungacha odatdagidek ishlaydi. Ular kelajakda WooCommerce "
"versiyalarida olib tashlanadi . Biz ularni o'chirib qo'yishni va "
"transport zonalarida yangi narxlarni imkon qadar tezroq o'rnatishni maslahat "
msgid "Learn more about shipping zones"
msgstr "Yuk tashish zonalari haqida ko'proq ma'lumot oling"
msgid "Setup shipping zones"
msgstr "Yuk tashish zonalarini sozlang"
msgid ""
"a group of regions that can be assigned different shipping methods and rates."
msgstr ""
"turli xil etkazib berish usullari va narxlari tayinlanishi mumkin bo'lgan "
"mintaqalar guruhi."
msgid "New:"
msgstr "Yangi:"
msgid "Skip setup"
msgstr "O'rnatishni o'tkazib yuborish"
msgid "Run the Setup Wizard"
msgstr "O'rnatish ustasini ishga tushiring"
msgid ""
"Welcome to WooCommerce – You‘re almost ready to "
"start selling :)"
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce-ga xush kelibsiz - sotishni boshlashga deyarli "
"tayyorsiz :)"
msgid ""
"One or more tables required for WooCommerce to function are missing, some "
"features may not work as expected. Missing tables: %1$s."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce ishlashi uchun zarur boʻlgan bir yoki bir nechta jadvallar yoʻq, "
"baʼzi funksiyalar kutilganidek ishlamasligi mumkin. Yetishmayotgan "
"jadvallar: %1$s."
msgid ""
"One or more tables required for WooCommerce to function are missing, some "
"features may not work as expected. Missing tables: %1$s. Check again."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce ishlashi uchun zarur boʻlgan bir yoki bir nechta jadvallar yoʻq, "
"baʼzi funksiyalar kutilganidek ishlamasligi mumkin. Yetishmayotgan "
"jadvallar: %1$s. Yana tekshiring."
msgid "Decrease existing stock by:"
msgstr "Mavjud zaxiralarni quyidagiga kamaytirish:"
msgid "Increase existing stock by:"
msgstr "Mavjud aktsiyalarni quyidagiga ko'paytirish:"
msgid "Stock qty"
msgstr "Birja qty"
msgid "Set to regular price decreased by (fixed amount or %):"
msgstr "Oddiy narxga belgilangan (belgilangan miqdor yoki%):"
msgid "Decrease existing sale price by (fixed amount or %):"
msgstr "Mavjud sotish narxini kamaytirish (belgilangan miqdor yoki%):"
msgid "Enter sale price (%s)"
msgstr "Sotish narxini kiriting ( %s)"
msgid "Catalog & search"
msgstr "Kataloglarni & qidirish"
msgid "L/W/H"
msgstr "L / W / H"
msgid "Catalog"
msgstr "Bo'lim"
msgid "Increase existing price by (fixed amount or %):"
msgstr "Mavjud narxni (belgilangan miqdor yoki %) bo'yicha oshirish:"
msgid "Increase existing sale price by (fixed amount or %):"
msgstr "Mavjud sotish narxini oshirish (belgilangan miqdor yoki%):"
msgid "Decrease existing price by (fixed amount or %):"
msgstr "Mavjud narxni kamaytirish (belgilangan miqdor yoki%):"
msgid "Enter price (%s)"
msgstr "Narxini kiriting ( %s)"
msgid "Learn how to update"
msgstr "Qanday yangilashni bilib oling"
msgid "Outdated templates"
msgstr "Eskirgan shablonlar"
msgid "— No change —"
msgstr "- O'zgarish yo'q -"
msgid "%1$s version %2$s is out of date. The core version is %3$s"
msgstr "%1$s versiya %2$s eskirgan. Asosiy versiya %3$s"
msgid ""
"Your theme has a woocommerce.php file, you will not be able to override the "
"woocommerce/archive-product.php custom template since woocommerce.php has "
"priority over archive-product.php. This is intended to prevent display "
msgstr ""
"Mavzunizda woocommerce.php fayl mavjud, siz woocommerce / Archive-product."
"php shablonini bekor qila olmaysiz, chunki woocommerce.php Arch-product.php-"
"dan ustunlikka ega. Bu ekran muammolarini oldini olish uchun mo'ljallangan."
msgid "Overrides"
msgstr "Bekor qiladi"
msgid "Archive template"
msgstr "Arxiv shabloni"
msgid ""
"This section shows any files that are overriding the default WooCommerce "
"template pages."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu bo'limda standart WooCommerce shablonlari sahifalarini bekor qiladigan "
"har qanday fayllar ko'rsatilgan."
msgid "Not declared"
msgstr "E’lon qilinmadi"
msgid ""
"Displays whether or not the current active theme declares WooCommerce "
msgstr ""
"Joriy faol mavzu WooCommerce-ni qo'llab-quvvatlashini e'lon qiladimi yoki "
"yo'qligini ko'rsatadi."
msgid "WooCommerce support"
msgstr "WooCommerce-ni qo'llab-quvvatlash"
msgid "The parent theme developers URL."
msgstr "Ota-mavzuni ishlab chiquvchilarning URL manzili."
msgid "Parent theme author URL"
msgstr "Ota-ona muallifi URL manzili"
msgid "The installed version of the parent theme."
msgstr "Ota-ona mavzusining o'rnatilgan versiyasi."
msgid "Parent theme version"
msgstr "Ota-ona mavzusi versiyasi"
msgid "The name of the parent theme."
msgstr "Ota mavzusining nomi."
msgid "Parent theme name"
msgstr "Ota-ona mavzusi nomi"
msgid ""
"If you are modifying WooCommerce on a parent theme that you did not build "
"personally we recommend using a child theme. See: How to create a child theme"
msgstr ""
"Agar siz o'zingiz yaratmagan ota-ona mavzusida WooCommerce-ni "
"o'zgartirsangiz, bolalar mavzusidan foydalanishni tavsiya etamiz. Qarang: bolalar mavzusini qanday yaratish"
msgid "Displays whether or not the current theme is a child theme."
msgstr "Joriy mavzu bolalar mavzusi yoki yo'qligini ko'rsatadi."
msgid "Child theme"
msgstr "Bolalar mavzusi"
msgid "The theme developers URL."
msgstr "Mavzuni ishlab chiquvchilarning URL manzili."
msgid "Author URL"
msgstr "Muallifning URL manzili"
msgid "The installed version of the current active theme."
msgstr "Mavjud faol mavzuning o'rnatilgan versiyasi."
msgid "The name of the current active theme."
msgstr "Joriy faol mavzuning nomi."
msgid "The URL of your %s page (along with the Page ID)."
msgstr "%s sahifangizning URL manzili (Sahifa identifikatori bilan birga)."
msgid "Page visibility should be public"
msgstr ""
"Sahifalarning ko'rinishi ommaviy "
"bo'lishi kerak"
msgid "Page ID is set, but the page does not exist"
msgstr "Sahifa identifikatori o'rnatildi, ammo sahifa mavjud emas"
msgid "Page not set"
msgstr "Sahifa o'rnatilmagan"
msgid "WooCommerce pages"
msgstr "WooCommerce sahifalari"
msgid "A list of taxonomy terms used for product visibility."
msgstr ""
"Mahsulotning ko'rinishi uchun ishlatiladigan taksonomiya atamalar ro'yxati."
msgid "Taxonomies: Product visibility"
msgstr "Taxonomiya: mahsulotning ko'rinishi"
msgid "Edit %s page"
msgstr "%s sahifani tahrirlash"
msgid ""
"A list of taxonomy terms that can be used in regard to order/product "
msgstr ""
"Buyurtma / mahsulot holati uchun ishlatilishi mumkin bo'lgan taksonomiya "
"atamalarining ro'yxati."
msgid "Is your site connected to"
msgstr "Saytingiz ga ulanganmi?"
msgid "Taxonomies: Product types"
msgstr "Taksonomiya: mahsulot turlari"
msgid "The number of decimal points shown in displayed prices."
msgstr "Ko'rsatilgan narxlarda ko'rsatilgan o'nlik sonlar soni."
msgid "The decimal separator of displayed prices."
msgstr "Ko'rsatilgan narxlarning o'nlik ajratuvchisi."
msgid "The thousand separator of displayed prices."
msgstr "Ko'rsatilgan narxlarning ming ajratuvchisi."
msgid "The position of the currency symbol."
msgstr "Pul birligining belgisi."
msgid ""
"What currency prices are listed at in the catalog and which currency "
"gateways will take payments in."
msgstr ""
"Katalogda qaysi valyutalar narxi ko'rsatilgan va qaysi valyuta shlyuzlari "
"to'lovlarni amalga oshiradi."
msgid "Does your site force a SSL Certificate for transactions?"
msgstr ""
"Sizning saytingiz tranzaktsiyalar uchun SSL sertifikatiga ega bo'ladimi?"
msgid "Dropin Plugins"
msgstr "Dropin plaginlari"
msgid "Inactive plugins"
msgstr "Nofaol plaginlar"
msgid "Error messages should not be shown to visitors."
msgstr "Xato xabarlari tashrif buyuruvchilarga ko'rsatilmasligi kerak."
msgid ""
"Error messages can contain sensitive information about your store "
"environment. These should be hidden from untrusted visitors."
msgstr ""
"Xato xabarlarida sizning do'koningiz muhitiga oid maxfiy ma'lumotlar "
"bo'lishi mumkin. Ular ishonchsiz mehmonlardan yashirin bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "Does your site have REST API enabled?"
msgstr "Sizning saytingizda REST API yoqilganmi?"
msgid "API enabled"
msgstr "API yoqilgan"
msgid "Force SSL"
msgstr "Majburiy SSL"
msgid "Active plugins"
msgstr "Aktiv plaginlar"
msgid "Hide errors from visitors"
msgstr "Mehmonlarning xatolarini yashirish"
msgid ""
"Your store is not using HTTPS. Learn more "
"about HTTPS and SSL Certificates."
msgstr ""
"Your store is not using HTTPS. Learn more "
"about HTTPS and SSL Certificates."
msgid ""
"Unable to retrieve database information. Usually, this is not a problem, and "
"it only means that your install is using a class that replaces the WordPress "
"database class (e.g., HyperDB) and WooCommerce is unable to get database "
msgstr ""
"Ma'lumotlar bazasi ma'lumotlarini olib bo'lmadi. Odatda, bu muammo emas va "
"faqat sizning o'rnatishingiz WordPress ma'lumotlar bazasi sinfini (masalan, "
"HyperDB) o'rnini bosadigan va WooCommerce ma'lumotlar bazasi ma'lumotlarini "
"ololmayotganligini anglatadi."
msgid "Post Type Counts"
msgstr "Pochta turidagi hisoblagichlar"
msgid "Secure connection (HTTPS)"
msgstr "Xavfsiz ulanish (HTTPS)"
msgid "Is the connection to your store secure?"
msgstr "Do'koningiz bilan aloqa xavfsizmi?"
msgid "Database information:"
msgstr "Ma'lumotlar bazasi haqida ma'lumot:"
msgid "Data: %1$.2fMB + Index: %2$.2fMB + Engine %3$s"
msgstr "Ma'lumot:% 1 $ .2fMB + Indeks:% 2 $ .2fMB + Dvigatel%3$s"
msgid "Database Index Size"
msgstr "Ma'lumotlar bazasi indeksi"
msgid "Database Data Size"
msgstr "Ma'lumotlar bazasi hajmi"
msgid "Total Database Size"
msgstr "Umumiy ma'lumotlar bazasi hajmi"
msgid "How to update your database table prefix"
msgstr "Ma'lumotlar bazasi jadvalining prefiksini qanday yangilash kerak"
msgid "Table does not exist"
msgstr "Jadval mavjud emas"
msgid ""
"%1$s - We recommend using a prefix with less than 20 characters. See: %2$s"
msgstr ""
"%1$s - 20 belgidan kam bo'lgan prefiksdan foydalanishni tavsiya etamiz. "
"Qarang: %2$s"
msgid "WooCommerce database version"
msgstr "WooCommerce ma'lumotlar bazasining versiyasi"
msgid ""
"WooCommerce plugins may use this method of communication when checking for "
"plugin updates."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce plaginlari plaginlarning yangilanishini tekshirishda ushbu aloqa "
"usulidan foydalanishlari mumkin."
msgid "%s failed. Contact your hosting provider."
msgstr "%s amalga oshmadi. Xosting ta’minotchingiz bilan bog‘laning."
msgid "Remote get"
msgstr "Masofadan olish"
msgid ""
"PayPal uses this method of communicating when sending back transaction "
msgstr ""
"PayPal tranzaksiya ma'lumotlarini qaytarishda aloqa qilishning ushbu "
"usulidan foydalanadi."
msgid ""
"Your server does not support the %s functions - this is required for better "
"character encoding. Some fallbacks will be used instead for it."
msgstr ""
"Serveringiz %s funktsiyalarini qo'llab-quvvatlamaydi - bu yaxshiroq belgilar "
"kodlash uchun talab qilinadi. Buning o'rniga ba'zi bir kamchiliklardan "
msgid ""
"Multibyte String (mbstring) is used to convert character encoding, like for "
"emails or converting characters to lowercase."
msgstr ""
"Multibaytli string (mbstring) elektron pochta xabarlari yoki harflarni "
"kichik harflarga aylantirish kabi belgilar kodlanishini o'zgartirish uchun "
msgid "Multibyte string"
msgstr "Multibayt torli"
msgid ""
"Your server does not support the %s function - this is required to use the "
"GeoIP database from MaxMind."
msgstr ""
"Serveringiz %s funktsiyasini qo'llab-quvvatlamaydi - bu MaxMind-dan GeoIP "
"ma'lumotlar bazasidan foydalanish uchun kerak."
msgid "GZip (gzopen) is used to open the GEOIP database from MaxMind."
msgstr ""
"GZip (gzopen) MaxMind-dan GEOIP ma'lumotlar bazasini ochish uchun "
msgid "GZip"
msgstr "GZip"
msgid ""
"Your server does not have the %s class enabled - HTML/Multipart emails, and "
"also some extensions, will not work without DOMDocument."
msgstr ""
"Sizning serveringizda %s sinfi yoqilmagan - HTML / Multipart elektron pochta "
"xabarlari, shuningdek ba'zi kengaytmalar DOMDocumentsiz ishlamaydi."
msgid ""
"HTML/Multipart emails use DOMDocument to generate inline CSS in templates."
msgstr ""
"HTML / ko'p qismli elektron pochta xabarlari DOMDocument-dan foydalanib, "
"shablonlarda ichki CSS-ni yaratadi."
msgid "DOMDocument"
msgstr "DOMDokument"
msgid ""
"Your server does not have the %s class enabled - some gateway plugins which "
"use SOAP may not work as expected."
msgstr ""
"Sizning serveringizda %s sinfi yoqilmagan - SOAP-dan foydalanadigan ba'zi "
"shlyuz plaginlari kutilganidek ishlamasligi mumkin."
msgid ""
"Some webservices like shipping use SOAP to get information from remote "
"servers, for example, live shipping quotes from FedEx require SOAP to be "
msgstr ""
"Yuk tashish kabi ba'zi veb-servislar SOAP-dan uzoq serverlardan ma'lumot "
"olish uchun foydalanadilar, masalan, FedEx-dan jonli etkazib berish "
"tirnoqlari SOAP-ni o'rnatishni talab qiladi."
msgid "SoapClient"
msgstr "SoapClient"
msgid ""
"Your server does not have fsockopen or cURL enabled - PayPal IPN and other "
"scripts which communicate with other servers will not work. Contact your "
"hosting provider."
msgstr ""
"Sizning serveringizda fsockopen yoki cURL yoqilmagan - PayPal IPN va boshqa "
"serverlar bilan aloqa qiladigan boshqa skriptlar ishlamaydi. Xosting "
"ta’minotchingiz bilan bog‘laning."
msgid ""
"Payment gateways can use cURL to communicate with remote servers to "
"authorize payments, other plugins may also use it when communicating with "
"remote services."
msgstr ""
"To'lov shlyuzlari to'lovlarni avtorizatsiya qilish uchun uzoq serverlar "
"bilan aloqa qilish uchun cURL-dan foydalanishi mumkin, boshqa plaginlar esa "
"uni uzoqdagi xizmatlar bilan aloqa o'rnatishda ishlatishi mumkin."
msgid "fsockopen/cURL"
msgstr "fsockopen / cURL"
msgid "Default timezone is %s - it should be UTC"
msgstr "Odatiy vaqt mintaqasi %s - bu UTC bo'lishi kerak"
msgid "The default timezone for your server."
msgstr "Serveringiz uchun standart vaqt mintaqasi."
msgid "Default timezone is UTC"
msgstr "Odatiy vaqt mintaqasi UTC"
msgid "WordPress requirements"
msgstr "WordPress talablari"
msgid "%1$s - We recommend a minimum MySQL version of 5.6. See: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s - Minimal MySQL-ning 5.6 versiyasini tavsiya qilamiz. Qarang:%2$s"
msgid ""
"The largest filesize that can be uploaded to your WordPress installation."
msgstr "Saytingizga yuklanishi mumkin bo'lgan eng katta fayl hajmi."
msgid "Max upload size"
msgstr "Maximum yuklash hajmi"
msgid "The version of MySQL installed on your hosting server."
msgstr "Sizning hosting serveringizda o'rnatilgan MySQL versiyasi."
msgid "MySQL version"
msgstr "MySQL versiyasi"
msgid ""
"Suhosin is an advanced protection system for PHP installations. It was "
"designed to protect your servers on the one hand against a number of well "
"known problems in PHP applications and on the other hand against potential "
"unknown vulnerabilities within these applications or the PHP core itself. If "
"enabled on your server, Suhosin may need to be configured to increase its "
"data submission limits."
msgstr ""
"Suhosin - bu PHP dasturlari uchun kuchli xavfsizlik tizimi. Ushbu tizim "
"serverlarni, birinchidan, PHP dasturlaridagi keng ko'lamli muammolardan, "
"ikkinchidan, ikkala dasturdagi va PHP yadrosidagi noma'lum zaifliklardan "
"himoya qilish uchun yaratilgan. Agar sizning serveringizda Suhosin yoqilgan "
"bo'lsa, ma'lumotlarni yuborish cheklovlarini oshirish uchun qaytadan "
"sozlanishi kerak bo'lishi mumkin."
msgid "The version of cURL installed on your server."
msgstr "Sizning serveringizda o'rnatilgan cURL versiyasi."
msgid "SUHOSIN installed"
msgstr "SUHOSIN o'rnatilgan"
msgid ""
"The maximum number of variables your server can use for a single function to "
"avoid overloads."
msgstr ""
"Ortiqcha yuklanishni oldini olish uchun sizning serveringiz bitta vazifani "
"bajarishi uchun foydalanishi mumkin bo'lgan o'zgaruvchilarning maksimal soni."
msgid "PHP max input vars"
msgstr "PHP maksimal kiritish o'zgaradi"
msgid ""
"The amount of time (in seconds) that your site will spend on a single "
"operation before timing out (to avoid server lockups)"
msgstr ""
"Vaqtni o'chirishdan oldin saytingiz bitta operatsiyaga sarflaydigan vaqt "
"(soniyalarda) (server blokirovkasini oldini olish uchun)"
msgid ""
"We recommend using PHP version 7.2 or above for greater performance and "
msgstr ""
"Katta ishlash va xavfsizlik uchun biz PHP 7.2 yoki undan yuqori "
"versiyalaridan foydalanishni tavsiya etamiz."
msgid "The largest filesize that can be contained in one post."
msgstr "Bitta xabarda saqlanishi mumkin bo'lgan eng katta fayl hajmi."
msgid ""
"WooCommerce will run under this version of PHP, however, it has reached end "
"of life. We recommend using PHP version 7.2 or above for greater performance "
"and security."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce ushbu PHP versiyasi ostida ishlaydi, ammo u hayotning oxiriga "
"yetdi. Katta ishlash va xavfsizlik uchun biz PHP 7.2 yoki undan yuqori "
"versiyalaridan foydalanishni tavsiya etamiz."
msgid ""
"WooCommerce will run under this version of PHP, however, some features such "
"as geolocation are not compatible. Support for this version will be dropped "
"in the next major release. We recommend using PHP version 7.2 or above for "
"greater performance and security."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce ushbu PHP versiyasi ostida ishlaydi, ammo ba'zi bir "
"xususiyatlar, masalan, geolokatsiya mos kelmaydi. Keyingi yirik nashrda "
"ushbu versiyani qo'llab-quvvatlash to'xtatiladi. Katta ishlash va xavfsizlik "
"uchun biz PHP 7.2 yoki undan yuqori versiyalaridan foydalanishni tavsiya "
msgid "How to update your PHP version"
msgstr "PHP versiyasini qanday yangilash kerak"
msgid "The version of PHP installed on your hosting server."
msgstr "Sizning kompyuteringizda o'rnatilgan PHP versiyasi."
msgid "Information about the web server that is currently hosting your site."
msgstr "Sizning saytingizda hozirda joylashgan veb-server haqida ma'lumot."
msgid "Displays whether or not WordPress is using an external object cache."
msgstr ""
"WordPress tashqi ob'ekt keshidan foydalanadimi yoki yo'qligini ko'rsatadi."
msgid "Server info"
msgstr "Server haqida ma'lumot"
msgid "Server environment"
msgstr "Server muhiti"
msgid "External object cache"
msgstr "Tashqi ob'ekt keshi"
msgid "Displays whether or not WP Cron Jobs are enabled."
msgstr "WP Cron Jobs yoqilgan yoki yoqilmaganligini ko'rsatadi."
msgid "The current language used by WordPress. Default = English"
msgstr "WordPress tomonidan ishlatiladigan hozirgi til. Odatiy = Inglizcha"
msgid "WordPress debug mode"
msgstr "WordPress nosozliklarni tuzatish rejimi"
msgid "Increasing memory allocated to PHP"
msgstr "PHP-ga ajratilgan xotirani ko'paytirish"
msgid "%1$s - We recommend setting memory to at least 64MB. See: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s - Xotirani kamida 64MB ga sozlashni maslahat beramiz. Qarang:%2$s"
msgid "Displays whether or not WordPress is in Debug Mode."
msgstr "WordPress nosozliklarni tuzatish rejimida yoki yo'qligini ko'rsatadi."
msgid "WordPress memory limit"
msgstr "WordPress xotira chegarasi"
msgid "The maximum amount of memory (RAM) that your site can use at one time."
msgstr ""
"Saytingiz bir vaqtning o'zida ishlatishi mumkin bo'lgan maksimal xotira "
msgid "Whether or not you have WordPress Multisite enabled."
msgstr "Sizda WordPress Multisite yoqilganmi yoki yo'qmi."
msgid "WordPress multisite"
msgstr "WordPress multisite"
msgid "%1$s - There is a newer version of WordPress available (%2$s)"
msgstr "%1$s - WordPress-ning yangi versiyasi mavjud (%2$s)"
msgid "To allow logging, make %1$s writable or define a custom %2$s."
msgstr ""
"Jurnalga kirishga ruxsat berish uchun%1$s yozuvini yozing yoki%2$s qiymatini "
msgid "The version of WordPress installed on your site."
msgstr "Sizning saytingizda o'rnatilgan WordPress versiyasi."
msgid ""
"Several WooCommerce extensions can write logs which makes debugging problems "
"easier. The directory must be writable for this to happen."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce-ning bir nechta kengaytmalari jurnallarni yozishi mumkin, bu esa "
"disk raskadrovka muammolarini engillashtiradi. Buning uchun katalog "
"yozilishi kerak."
msgid "Log directory writable"
msgstr "Jurnal katalogini yozib olish mumkin"
msgid "Unable to detect the Action Scheduler package."
msgstr "Harakatlarni rejalashtirish paketini aniqlab bo'lmadi."
msgid "Action Scheduler package running on your site."
msgstr "Sizning saytingizda ishlaydigan \"Scheduler\" to'plami."
msgid "Action Scheduler package"
msgstr "Action Scheduler to'plami"
msgid "Unable to detect the Blocks package."
msgstr "Bloklar paketini aniqlab bo'lmadi."
msgid "The WooCommerce Blocks package running on your site."
msgstr "Sizning saytingizda ishlaydigan WooCommerce Blocks to'plami."
msgid "WooCommerce Blocks package"
msgstr "WooCommerce Bloklari to'plami"
msgid "Unable to detect the REST API package."
msgstr "REST API paketini aniqlab bo'lmadi."
msgid "The WooCommerce REST API package running on your site."
msgstr "WooCommerce REST API to'plami saytingizda ishlaydi."
msgid "WooCommerce REST API package"
msgstr "WooCommerce REST API to'plami"
msgid "WooCommerce version"
msgstr "WooCommerce versiyasi"
msgid "The homepage URL of your site."
msgstr "Saytingizning bosh sahifasi URL manzili."
msgid "The version of WooCommerce installed on your site."
msgstr "Sizning saytingizda o'rnatilgan WooCommerce versiyasi."
msgid "The root URL of your site."
msgstr "Saytingizning asosiy URL manzili."
msgid "WordPress environment"
msgstr "WordPress muhiti"
msgid "Copy for support"
msgstr "Qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun nusxa oling"
msgid "Understanding the status report"
msgstr "Holat hisobotini tushunish"
msgid "Get system report"
msgstr "Tizim hisobotini oling"
msgid ""
"Please copy and paste this information in your ticket when contacting "
msgstr ""
"Iltimos, qo'llab-quvvatlash xizmatiga murojaat qilganingizda ushbu "
"ma'lumotni ko'chiring va ularga yuboring:"
msgid "There are currently no logs to view."
msgstr "Hozirda ko‘rish uchun qaydlar mavjud emas."
msgid "Are you sure you want to clear all logs from the database?"
msgstr ""
"Haqiqatan ham barcha jurnallarni ma'lumotlar bazasidan tozalamoqchimisiz?"
msgid "Flush all logs"
msgstr "Barcha jurnallarni yuving"
msgid "Export all categories"
msgstr "Barcha toifalarni eksport qilish"
msgid "Which product category should be exported?"
msgstr "Qaysi mahsulot toifasini eksport qilish kerak?"
msgid "Generate CSV"
msgstr "CSV yaratish"
msgid "Yes, export all custom meta"
msgstr "Ha, barcha maxsus meta-larni eksport qiling"
msgid "Export custom meta?"
msgstr "Maxsus meta eksport qilinsinmi?"
msgid "Product variations"
msgstr "Mahsulotning o'zgarishi"
msgid "Export all products"
msgstr "Barcha mahsulotlarni eksport qiling"
msgid "Which product types should be exported?"
msgstr "Qaysi mahsulot turlarini eksport qilish kerak?"
msgid "Export all columns"
msgstr "Barcha ustunlarni eksport qilish"
msgid "Which columns should be exported?"
msgstr "Qaysi ustunlarni eksport qilish kerak?"
msgid ""
"This tool allows you to generate and download a CSV file containing a list "
"of all products."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu vosita sizga barcha mahsulotlar ro'yxatini o'z ichiga olgan CSV "
"faylini yaratish va yuklab olish imkonini beradi."
msgid "Export products to a CSV file"
msgstr "Mahsulotlarni CSV fayliga eksport qiling"
msgid "Export Products"
msgstr "Mahsulotlarni eksport qilish"
msgid "Download & install"
msgstr "O'rnatishni & yuklab oling"
msgid "Read all about it"
msgstr "U haqida hamma narsa o'qimoq"
msgid ""
"Storefront is an intuitive, flexible and free WordPress "
"theme offering deep integration with WooCommerce and many of the most "
"popular customer-facing extensions."
msgstr ""
"Storefront - bu intuitiv, moslashuvchan va bepul WordPress "
"mavzusi, WooCommerce va mijozlar e'tiborini jalb qiladigan eng kengaytmalar "
"bilan chuqur integratsiyani taklif qiladi."
msgid "We recommend Storefront, the official WooCommerce theme."
msgstr ""
"Biz WooCommerce templatelarni rasmiy saytimizdan olishni tavsiya "
msgid "Looking for a WooCommerce theme?"
msgstr "WooCommerce templatesini qidiryapsizmi?"
msgid ""
"Our catalog of WooCommerce Extensions can be found on here: "
"WooCommerce Extensions Catalog"
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce Extensions to'g'risidagi katalogimizni saytida "
"topishingiz mumkin: WooCommerce Extensions katalogi"
msgid "Itemized"
msgstr "Belgilangan"
msgid "As a single total"
msgstr "Yagona jami sifatida"
msgid "Display tax totals"
msgstr "Soliqning umumiy miqdorini ko'rsatish"
msgid ""
"Define text to show after your product prices. This could be, for example, "
"\"inc. Vat\" to explain your pricing. You can also have prices substituted "
"here using one of the following: {price_including_tax}, "
msgstr ""
"Mahsulotingiz narxidan keyin ko'rsatiladigan matnni aniqlang. Bu, masalan, "
"sizning narxingizni tushuntirish uchun \"inc. Vat\" bo'lishi mumkin. "
"Shuningdek, siz quyida keltirilganlardan birini ishlatib narxlarni "
"almashtirishingiz mumkin: {price_including_tax}, {price_excluding_tax}."
msgid ""
"List additional tax classes you need below (1 per line, e.g. Reduced Rates). "
"These are in addition to \"Standard rate\" which exists by default."
msgstr ""
"Sizga kerak bo'lgan qo'shimcha soliq sinflarini sanab o'ting (har bir qator "
"uchun 1 dona, masalan, pasaytirilgan stavkalar). Ushbu standartlar standart "
"holatga qo'shimcha ravishda mavjud."
msgid "Price display suffix"
msgstr "Narxni aks ettirish qo'shimchasi"
msgid "Display prices during cart and checkout"
msgstr "Savat va chiqish paytida narxlarni ko'rsatish"
msgid "Display prices in the shop"
msgstr "Do'konda narxlarni ko'rsatish"
msgid "Excluding tax"
msgstr "Soliq bundan mustasno"
msgid "Including tax"
msgstr "Soliq, shu jumladan"
msgid "Additional tax classes"
msgstr "Qo'shimcha soliq sinflari"
msgid "Round tax at subtotal level, instead of rounding per line"
msgstr "Yagona satrda yaxlitlash o'rniga, subtotal darajadagi dumaloq soliq"
msgid "Rounding"
msgstr "Yumaloqlashtirish"
msgid "Shipping tax class based on cart items"
msgstr "Savat buyumlari asosida yuk tashish soliq klassi"
msgid ""
"Optionally control which tax class shipping gets, or leave it so shipping "
"tax is based on the cart items themselves."
msgstr ""
"Majburiy emas, qaysi soliq klassi yukini olishni nazorat qiling yoki uni "
"tashish solig'i avtoulovlar buyumlariga bog'liq bo'ladi."
msgid "Shipping tax class"
msgstr "Yuk tashish soliq klassi"
msgid "This option determines which address is used to calculate tax."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu parametr soliqni hisoblashda qaysi manzil ishlatilishini aniqlaydi."
msgid "Calculate tax based on"
msgstr "Soliqni hisoblab chiqing"
msgid "No, I will enter prices exclusive of tax"
msgstr "Yo'q, men soliqlarni hisobga olmay narxlarni kiritaman"
msgid "Yes, I will enter prices inclusive of tax"
msgstr "Ha, men soliqlarni hisobga olgan holda narxlarni kiritaman"
msgid ""
"This option is important as it will affect how you input prices. Changing it "
"will not update existing products."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu parametr juda muhim, chunki bu sizning narxlarni kiritishingizga "
"ta'sir qiladi. Uni o'zgartirish mavjud mahsulotlarni yangilamaydi."
msgid "Prices entered with tax"
msgstr "Narxlar soliq bilan kiritilgan"
msgid "Updated at"
msgstr "Yangilandi"
msgid "Created at"
msgstr "Yaratildi"
msgid "Webhook actions"
msgstr "Webhook harakatlari"
msgid "Legacy API v3 (deprecated)"
msgstr "Eski API v3 (eskirgan)"
msgid "WP REST API Integration v%d"
msgstr "WP REST API v%d Integratsiya"
msgid "REST API version used in the webhook deliveries."
msgstr "Veb-brauzerni etkazib berishda ishlatiladigan REST API versiyasi."
msgid ""
"The secret key is used to generate a hash of the delivered webhook and "
"provided in the request headers."
msgstr ""
"Maxfiy kalit yuborilgan veb-hook-ning xeshini yaratish uchun ishlatiladi va "
"so'rov sarlavhalarida keltirilgan."
msgid "API Version"
msgstr "API versiyasi"
msgid "Secret"
msgstr "Sir"
msgid "URL where the webhook payload is delivered."
msgstr "Veb-brauzerning yuk yuklanishi yetkaziladigan URL manzili."
msgid "Enter the action that will trigger this webhook."
msgstr "Ushbu veb-brauzerni ishga tushirish uchun harakatni kiriting."
msgid "Product restored"
msgstr "Mahsulot qayta tiklandi"
msgid "Order restored"
msgstr "Buyurtma tiklandi"
msgid "Coupon restored"
msgstr "Kupon tiklandi"
msgid "Action event"
msgstr "Harakat hodisasi"
msgid "Product updated"
msgstr "Mahsulot yangilandi"
msgid "Product created"
msgstr "Mahsulot yaratildi"
msgid "Order updated"
msgstr "Buyurtma yangilandi"
msgid "Order created"
msgstr "Buyurtma yaratildi"
msgid "Customer deleted"
msgstr "Xaridor o‘chirib tashlandi"
msgid "Customer updated"
msgstr "Xaridor yangilandi"
msgid "Customer created"
msgstr "Xaridor yaratdi"
msgid "Coupon deleted"
msgstr "Kupon o‘chirib tashlandi"
msgid "Coupon updated"
msgstr "Kupon yangilandi"
msgid "Coupon created"
msgstr "Kupon yaratildi"
msgid "Select when the webhook will fire."
msgstr "Veb-brauzer qachon yonishini tanlang."
msgid ""
"The options are "Active" (delivers payload), "Paused" "
"(does not deliver), or "Disabled" (does not deliver due delivery "
msgstr ""
"Variantlar "Faol" (yukni etkazib beradi), "To'xtatildi" "
"(etkazib bermaydi) yoki "O'chirilgan" (etkazib berishda uzilishlar "
"mavjud emas)."
msgid ""
"Friendly name for identifying this webhook, defaults to Webhook created on "
msgstr ""
"Ushbu veb-brauzerni aniqlash uchun do'stona ism, %s yaratgan Webhook-ga asl "
msgctxt "Pagination"
msgid "%1$s of %2$s"
msgstr "%2$s ning %1$s"
msgid "No matching tax rates found."
msgstr "Mos keladigan soliq stavkalari topilmadi."
msgid "Tax rate ID: %s"
msgstr "Soliq stavkasi identifikatori: %s"
msgid "Webhook data"
msgstr "Webhook ma'lumotlari"
msgid "Import CSV"
msgstr "CSV faylini import qilish"
msgid "Remove selected row(s)"
msgstr "Tanlangan qatorlarni olib tashlash"
msgid "Insert row"
msgstr "Qator joylashtiring"
msgid "Choose whether or not this tax rate also gets applied to shipping."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu soliq stavkasi yuk tashish uchun qo'llaniladimi yoki yo'qmi hal qiling."
msgid "%s items"
msgstr "%s items"
msgid ""
"Choose whether or not this is a compound rate. Compound tax rates are "
"applied on top of other tax rates."
msgstr ""
"Bu murakkab nisbati yoki yo'qligini tanlang. Murakkab soliq stavkalari "
"boshqa soliq stavkalariga nisbatan qo'llaniladi."
msgid ""
"Choose a priority for this tax rate. Only 1 matching rate per priority will "
"be used. To define multiple tax rates for a single area you need to specify "
"a different priority per rate."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu soliq stavkasi uchun ustuvorlikni tanlang. Faqat bitta ustuvorlik "
"uchun mos keladigan foiz stavkasi ishlatiladi Bitta hudud uchun bir nechta "
"soliq stavkalarini aniqlash uchun har bir soliq stavkasini belgilashingiz "
msgid "Enter a name for this tax rate."
msgstr "Ushbu soliq stavkasining nomini kiriting."
msgid "Enter a tax rate (percentage) to 4 decimal places."
msgstr "Soliq stavkasini (foizni) 4 kasrgacha kiriting."
msgid "Rate %"
msgstr "Baho & nbsp;%"
msgid ""
"Cities for this rule. Semi-colon (;) separate multiple values. Leave blank "
"to apply to all cities."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu qoida uchun shaharlar. Yarim-nuqta (;) bir nechta qiymatlarni "
"ajratadi. Barcha shaharlarga murojaat qilish uchun bo'sh qoldiring."
msgid ""
"Postcode for this rule. Semi-colon (;) separate multiple values. Leave blank "
"to apply to all areas. Wildcards (*) and ranges for numeric postcodes (e.g. "
"12345...12350) can also be used."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu qoida uchun pochta indeksi. Yarim-nuqta (;) bir nechta qiymatlarni "
"ajratadi. Barcha joylarga qo'llash uchun bo'sh qoldiring. Joylashuv "
"belgilaridan (*) va raqamli pochta kodlari (masalan, 12345 ... 12350) dan "
"foydalanish mumkin."
msgid "A 2 digit state code, e.g. AL. Leave blank to apply to all."
msgstr ""
"2 xonali davlat kodi, masalan. AL. Barchaga murojaat qilish uchun bo'sh "
msgid "A 2 digit country code, e.g. US. Leave blank to apply to all."
msgstr ""
"2 raqamli davlat kodi, masalan. BIZ. Barchaga murojaat qilish uchun bo'sh "
msgid "Search for a user…"
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi qidirish …"
msgid "\"%s\" tax rates"
msgstr "\" %s\" soliq stavkalari"
msgid "Country code"
msgstr "Mamlakat kodi"
msgid "Consumer secret"
msgstr "Iste'molchilar siri"
msgid "Consumer key"
msgstr "Iste'molchi kaliti"
msgid "Generate API key"
msgstr "API kalitini yaratish"
msgid "Select the access type of these keys."
msgstr "Ushbu tugmalar uchun kirish turini tanlang."
msgid "Owner of these keys."
msgstr "Owner of these keys."
msgid "Revoke key"
msgstr "Bekor qilish tugmasi"
msgid ""
"Add as many zones as you need – customers will only see the methods "
"available for their address."
msgstr ""
"Qancha kerak bo'lsa, shuncha zona qo'shing – mijozlar faqat manzillari "
"uchun mavjud bo'lgan usullarni ko'rishadi."
msgid "Friendly name for identifying this key."
msgstr "Ushbu kalitni aniqlash uchun do'stona ism."
msgid "Key details"
msgstr "Asosiy ma'lumotlar"
msgid "Europe zone = Any country in Europe = Flat rate shipping"
msgstr "Evropa zonasi = Evropadagi har qanday mamlakat = Yagona yuk tashish"
msgid "US domestic zone = All US states = Flat rate shipping"
msgstr "AQSh ichki zonasi = AQShning barcha shtatlari = Yagona yuk tashish"
msgid "Local zone = California ZIP 90210 = Local pickup"
msgstr "Mahalliy zona = Kaliforniya ZIP 90210 = Mahalliy pikap"
msgid "For example:"
msgstr "Masalan:"
msgid ""
"A shipping zone is a geographic region where a certain set of shipping "
"methods and rates apply."
msgstr ""
"Yuk tashish zonasi - bu ma'lum bir transport usullari va stavkalari "
"qo'llaniladigan geografik mintaqa."
msgid ""
"This zone is optionally used for regions that are not included in any "
"other shipping zone."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu zona boshqa transport zonalariga kirmaydigan hududlar uchun "
"ixtiyoriy ravishda qo'llaniladi."
msgid "Region(s)"
msgstr "Viloyat (lar)"
msgid ""
"Drag and drop to re-order your custom zones. This is the order in which they "
"will be matched against the customer address."
msgstr ""
"Shaxsiy zonalarni qayta buyurtma qilish uchun tortib tortib qo'ying. Bu "
"mijozlar manzili bilan taqqoslanadigan tartib."
msgid "Manage shipping methods"
msgstr "Yuk tashish usullarini boshqaring"
msgid ""
"WooCommerce will match a customer to a single zone using their shipping "
"address and present the shipping methods within that zone to them."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce mijozlarni etkazib berish manzilidan foydalangan holda bitta "
"zonaga moslashtiradi va ularga ushbu zonadagi etkazib berish usullarini "
"taqdim etadi."
msgid ""
"A shipping zone is a geographic region where a certain set of shipping "
"methods are offered."
msgstr ""
"Yuk tashish zonasi - bu muayyan yuk tashish usullari to'plami taqdim "
"etiladigan geografik mintaqa."
msgid ""
"Choose the shipping method you wish to add. Only shipping methods which "
"support zones are listed."
msgstr ""
"Qo'shishni xohlagan transport usulini tanlang. Faqat qo'llab-quvvatlash "
"zonalari ko'rsatilgan transport usullari."
msgid ""
"You can add multiple shipping methods within this zone. Only customers "
"within the zone will see them."
msgstr ""
"Siz ushbu zonada bir nechta yuk tashish usullarini qo'shishingiz mumkin. "
"Ularni faqat zonadagi mijozlar ko'rishadi."
msgid ""
"The following shipping methods apply to customers with shipping addresses "
"within this zone."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu zonada etkazib berish manzili bo'lgan mijozlarga quyidagi etkazib "
"berish usullari qo'llaniladi."
msgid "List 1 postcode per line"
msgstr "Har bir satrda 1 ta pochta kodini ro'yxatlang"
msgid "Limit to specific ZIP/postcodes"
msgstr "Muayyan ZIP / pochta kodlarini cheklash"
msgid ""
"These are regions inside this zone. Customers will be matched against these "
msgstr "Bular ushbu zonadagi hududlar. Mijozlar ushbu hududlarga mos keladi."
msgid "Select regions within this zone"
msgstr "Ushbu zonadagi hududlarni tanlang"
msgid "Zone regions"
msgstr "Zona mintaqalari"
msgid "This is the name of the zone for your reference."
msgstr "Bu sizning murojaatingiz uchun zonaning nomi."
msgid "Cancel changes"
msgstr "O'zgarishlarni bekor qilish"
msgid "Description for your reference"
msgstr "Malumot uchun tavsif"
msgid "Shipping class name"
msgstr "Yuk tashish sinfining nomi"
msgid "No shipping classes have been created."
msgstr "Yuk tashish sinflari yaratilmagan."
msgid "Save shipping classes"
msgstr "Yuk tashish sinflarini saqlang"
msgid "Add shipping class"
msgstr "Yuk tashish sinfini qo'shing"
msgid ""
"Shipping classes can be used to group products of similar type and can be "
"used by some Shipping Methods (such as \"Flat rate shipping\") to provide "
"different rates to different classes of product."
msgstr ""
"Yuk tashish sinflari shunga o'xshash turdagi mahsulotlarni guruhlash uchun "
"ishlatilishi mumkin va ba'zi etkazib berish usullari (masalan, \"Flat "
"stavkali yuk tashish\") tomonidan mahsulotning turli sinflariga har xil "
"narxlarni ta'minlash uchun foydalanilishi mumkin."
msgid "Product count"
msgstr "Mahsulotlar soni"
msgid "Edit failed. Please try again."
msgstr "Tahrirlash amalga oshmadi. Iltimos, yana bir bor urinib ko'ring."
msgid "This shipping method does not have any settings to configure."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu etkazib berish usulida sozlash uchun hech qanday sozlamalar yo'q."
msgid "No row(s) selected"
msgstr "Hech qanday satr tanlanmadi"
msgid "Tax name"
msgstr "Soliq nomi"
msgid "Compound"
msgstr "Murakkab"
msgid "%s rates"
msgstr "%s stavkalari"
msgid "Standard rates"
msgstr "Standart narxlar"
msgid "Tax options"
msgstr "Soliq imkoniyatlari"
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to delete this zone? This action cannot be undone."
msgstr ""
"Haqiqatan ham ushbu zonani yo'q qilmoqchimisiz? Ushbu amalni ortga qaytarib "
msgid "No shipping methods offered to this zone."
msgstr "Ushbu zonaga yuk tashish usullari taklif etilmagan."
msgid "Invalid shipping method!"
msgstr "Yetkazib berish usuli noto‘g‘ri!"
msgid "Shipping method could not be added. Please retry."
msgstr "Yuk tashish usulini qo'shib bo'lmadi. Qaytadan urining."
msgid "Zone"
msgstr "Zona"
msgid "Your changes were not saved. Please retry."
msgstr "O‘zgarishlar saqlanmadi. Qaytadan urining."
msgid ""
"Do you wish to save your changes first? Your changed data will be discarded "
"if you choose to cancel."
msgstr ""
"Avval o'zgarishlaringizni saqlashni xohlaysizmi? Agar bekor qilishni "
"tanlasangiz, o'zgartirilgan ma'lumotlaringiz o'chib ketadi."
msgid ""
"Enable shipping debug mode to show matching shipping zones and to bypass "
"shipping rate cache."
msgstr ""
"Tegishli etkazib berish zonalarini ko'rsatish va yuk tashish tezligi keshini "
"chetlab o'tish uchun yuklarni tuzatish rejimini yoqing."
msgid "Zone does not exist!"
msgstr "Zona mavjud emas!"
msgid "Your changed data will be lost if you leave this page without saving."
msgstr ""
"Agar siz ushbu sahifani saqlamasdan chiqsangiz, siz o'zgartirgan ma'lumotlar "
msgid "Enable debug mode"
msgstr "Tuzatish rejimini yoqish"
msgid "Debug mode"
msgstr "Sozlash rejimi"
msgid "Force shipping to the customer billing address"
msgstr "Mijozlarni billing manziliga etkazib berishni majburlash"
msgid "Default to customer billing address"
msgstr "Mijozlar uchun to‘lov manziliga birlamchi"
msgid "Default to customer shipping address"
msgstr "Mijozlar etkazib berish manziliga odatiy"
msgid "Calculations"
msgstr "Hisob-kitoblar"
msgid "This controls which shipping address is used by default."
msgstr "Sukut bo'yicha qaysi manzil manzili ishlatilishini boshqaradi."
msgid "Shipping destination"
msgstr "Yetkazib berish joyi"
msgid "Hide shipping costs until an address is entered"
msgstr "Manzil kiritilmaguncha etkazib berish xarajatlarini yashirish"
msgid "Enable the shipping calculator on the cart page"
msgstr "Savat sahifasida yuk kalkulyatorini yoqing"
msgid "Shipping classes"
msgstr "Yuk tashish darslari"
msgid "Star ratings should be required, not optional"
msgstr "Yulduz bahosi majburiy emas, majburiy bo'lishi kerak"
msgid "Enable star rating on reviews"
msgstr "Sharhlarda yulduz reytingini yoqish"
msgid "Reviews can only be left by \"verified owners\""
msgstr "Sharhlarni faqat \"tasdiqlangan egalar\" qoldirishi mumkin"
msgid "Enable product reviews"
msgstr "Mahsulot sharhlarini yoqish"
msgid "Shipping options"
msgstr "Yuk tashish imkoniyatlari"
msgid "Show \"verified owner\" label on customer reviews"
msgstr "Mijozlar mulohazalarida \"tasdiqlangan egasi\" yorlig'ini ko'rsatish"
msgid "Product ratings"
msgstr "Mahsulot reytinglari"
msgid "yd"
msgstr "yd"
msgid "mm"
msgstr "mm"
msgid "cm"
msgstr "sm"
msgid ""
"This is the attachment ID, or image URL, used for placeholder images in the "
"product catalog. Products with no image will use this."
msgstr ""
"Bu mahsulot katalogidagi to'ldirish uchun ishlatiladigan biriktirma "
"identifikatori yoki rasm URL manzili. Tasvirsiz mahsulotlar bundan "
msgid "This controls what unit you will define lengths in."
msgstr "Bu uzunlikni qaysi birlikka bo'lishingizni boshqaradi."
msgid "This controls what unit you will define weights in."
msgstr "Bu qaysi birlikni o'lchashni boshqaradi."
msgid "oz"
msgstr "oz"
msgid "lbs"
msgstr "funt"
msgid "g"
msgstr "g"
msgid "kg"
msgstr "kg"
msgid "Enter attachment ID or URL to an image"
msgstr "Rasmga biriktirish identifikatorini yoki URL manzilini kiriting"
msgid "Enable AJAX add to cart buttons on archives"
msgstr "Arxivlardagi savat tugmalariga AJAX qo'shishni yoqish"
msgid "Redirect to the cart page after successful addition"
msgstr ""
"Muvaffaqiyatli qo'shilgandan so'ng, savat sahifasiga qayta yo'naltiring"
msgid "Add to cart behaviour"
msgstr "Savatga qo‘shish"
msgid ""
"This sets the base page of your shop - this is where your product archive "
"will be."
msgstr ""
"Bu sizning do'koningizning asosiy sahifasini o'rnatadi - bu erda sizning "
"mahsulotingiz arxivi bo'ladi."
msgid ""
"The base page can also be used in your product permalinks."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu asosiy sahifadan mahsulot bilan doimiy aloqada bo'lish"
"a> uchun ham foydalanish mumkin."
msgid ""
"Not required if your download directory is protected. See this "
"guide for more details. Files already uploaded will not be affected."
msgstr ""
"Yuklab olish katalogingiz himoyalangan bo'lsa, talab qilinmaydi. Qo'shimcha "
"ma'lumot olish uchun ushbu qo'llanmani ko'ring . Yuklangan "
"fayllarga ta'sir ko'rsatilmaydi."
msgid "Shop pages"
msgstr "Sahifalarni xarid qilish"
msgid "Shop page"
msgstr "Do'kon sahifasi"
msgid "Append a unique string to filename for security"
msgstr "Xavfsizlik uchun fayl nomiga noyob satr qo'shing"
msgid "Filename"
msgstr "Fayl nomi"
msgid ""
"Enable this option to grant access to downloads when orders are \"processing"
"\", rather than \"completed\"."
msgstr ""
"Buyurtmalar \"bajarilgan\" emas, \"ishlov berilganda\" yuklanishlarga ruxsat "
"berish uchun ushbu parametrni yoqing."
msgid ""
"If you are using X-Accel-Redirect download method along with NGINX server, "
"make sure that you have applied settings as described in Digital/Downloadable Product Handling guide."
msgstr ""
"Agar siz NGINX serveri bilan birga X-Accel-Redirect dasturini yuklab olish "
"usulidan foydalanayotgan bo'lsangiz, raqamli / yuklab "
"olinadigan mahsulotni qayta ishlash qo'llanmasida ko'rsatilgan "
"parametrlarni ishlatganingizga ishonch hosil qiling."
msgid "Redirect only (Insecure)"
msgstr "Faqat yo‘naltirish (Xavfsiz)"
msgid "Grant access to downloadable products after payment"
msgstr ""
"To'langanidan keyin yuklab olinadigan mahsulotlarga kirish huquqini bering"
msgid "This setting does not apply to guest purchases."
msgstr "Ushbu sozlama mehmon xaridlariga taalluqli emas."
msgid "Downloads require login"
msgstr "Yuklab olish uchun login kerak"
msgid "Access restriction"
msgstr "Kirishni cheklash"
msgid "Redirect only"
msgstr "Faqat yo'naltirish"
msgid "X-Accel-Redirect/X-Sendfile"
msgstr "X-Accel-Redirect/X-Sendfile"
msgid "Force downloads"
msgstr "Majburiy yuklab olish"
msgid ""
"Forcing downloads will keep URLs hidden, but some servers may serve large "
"files unreliably. If supported, %1$s / %2$s can be used to serve downloads "
"instead (server requires %3$s)."
msgstr ""
"Yuklab olishga majbur qilish URL manzillarini yashiradi, ammo ba'zi "
"serverlar katta fayllarga ishonchsiz xizmat qilishi mumkin. Agar qo'llab-"
"quvvatlansa,%1$s /%2$s-ni yuklab olish uchun xizmat qilish uchun foydalanish "
"mumkin (server%3$s talab qiladi)."
msgid "Never show quantity remaining in stock"
msgstr "Hech qachon zaxirada qolgan miqdorni ko'rsatmang"
msgid "File download method"
msgstr "Faylni yuklab olish usuli"
msgid ""
"Only show quantity remaining in stock when low e.g. \"Only 2 left in stock\""
msgstr ""
"Masalan, kam bo'lsa, zaxirada qolgan miqdorni ko'rsatish. \"Faqat 2 tasi "
msgid "Always show quantity remaining in stock e.g. \"12 in stock\""
msgstr "Har doim zaxirada qolgan miqdorni ko'rsatish \"12 zaxirada\""
msgid "This controls how stock quantities are displayed on the frontend."
msgstr "Bu aksiyalarning tashqi ko'rinishida aks ettirishni boshqaradi."
msgid "Stock display format"
msgstr "Birjani namoyish qilish formati"
msgid ""
"When product stock reaches this amount the stock status will change to \"out "
"of stock\" and you will be notified via email. This setting does not affect "
"existing \"in stock\" products."
msgstr ""
"Mahsulot zaxirasi bu miqdorga yetganda, aksiya holati \"sotuvdan tashqari\" "
"ga o'zgaradi va sizga elektron pochta orqali xabar beriladi. Ushbu sozlama "
"mavjud \"mavjud\" mahsulotlarga ta'sir qilmaydi."
msgid "Hide out of stock items from the catalog"
msgstr "Katalogdagi mavjud bo'lmagan narsalarni yashirish"
msgid "Out of stock visibility"
msgstr "Birja ko'rinmayapti"
msgid "When product stock reaches this amount you will be notified via email."
msgstr ""
"Mahsulot zaxirasi bu miqdorga yetganda sizga elektron pochta orqali xabar "
msgid "Enter recipients (comma separated) that will receive this notification."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu bildirishnomani olgan qabul qiluvchilarni (vergul bilan ajratilgan) "
msgid "Notification recipient(s)"
msgstr "Xabarnoma oluvchi (lar)"
msgid "Enable out of stock notifications"
msgstr "Birjadan tashqari bildirishnomalarni yoqish"
msgid "Enable low stock notifications"
msgstr "Kam zaxiradagi bildirishnomalarni yoqish"
msgid ""
"Hold stock (for unpaid orders) for x minutes. When this limit is reached, "
"the pending order will be cancelled. Leave blank to disable."
msgstr ""
"X daqiqa davomida zaxirani (to'lanmagan buyurtmalar uchun) ushlang. Ushbu "
"cheklovga erishilganda, kutilayotgan buyurtma bekor qilinadi. O'chirish "
"uchun bo'sh qoldiring."
msgid "Hold stock (minutes)"
msgstr "Stokni ushlab turing (daqiqa)"
msgid "Enable stock management"
msgstr "Birja boshqaruvini yoqish"
msgid "The \"%s\" payment method is currently disabled"
msgstr "\" %s\" to'lov usuli hozirda o'chirilgan"
msgid "The \"%s\" payment method is currently enabled"
msgstr "\" %s\" to'lov usuli hozirda yoqilgan"
msgid "Set up the \"%s\" payment method"
msgstr "\" %s\" to'lov usulini sozlang"
msgid "Manage the \"%s\" payment method"
msgstr "\" %s\" to'lov usulini boshqaring"
msgid "Move the \"%s\" payment method down"
msgstr "\" %s\" to'lov usulini pastga o'tkazing"
msgid "Move the \"%s\" payment method up"
msgstr "\" %s\" to'lov usulini yuqoriga suring"
msgid "Manage stock"
msgstr "Birjani boshqarish"
msgctxt "Settings tab label"
msgid "Payments"
msgstr "To'lovlar"
msgid "Integration"
msgstr "Integratsiya"
msgid "This sets the number of decimal points shown in displayed prices."
msgstr "Ko'rsatilgan narxlarda ko'rsatilgan o'nlik sonlar sonini belgilaydi."
msgid "Number of decimals"
msgstr "O'nliklar soni"
msgid "This sets the decimal separator of displayed prices."
msgstr "Ko'rsatilgan narxlarning o'nlik ajratuvchisini belgilaydi."
msgid "This sets the thousand separator of displayed prices."
msgstr "Ko'rsatilgan narxlarning ming ajratgichini belgilaydi."
msgid "This controls the position of the currency symbol."
msgstr "Bu valyuta belgisining o'rnini boshqaradi."
msgid "Right with space"
msgstr "Bo'sh joy bilan"
msgid "Decimal separator"
msgstr "O‘n ajratgich"
msgid "Thousand separator"
msgstr "Ming ajratgich"
msgid "Left with space"
msgstr "Bo'sh joy qoldirilgan"
msgid ""
"This controls what currency prices are listed at in the catalog and which "
"currency gateways will take payments in."
msgstr ""
"Bu katalogda qaysi valyuta narxlari ro'yxatga olinganligini va qaysi valyuta "
"shlyuzlari to'lovlarni amalga oshirilishini boshqaradi."
msgid "The following options affect how prices are displayed on the frontend."
msgstr ""
"Quyidagi variantlar narxlarning old tomonida ko'rsatilishiga ta'sir qiladi."
msgid "Currency options"
msgstr "Valyuta variantlari"
msgid ""
"When applying multiple coupons, apply the first coupon to the full price and "
"the second coupon to the discounted price and so on."
msgstr ""
"Bir nechta kuponni qo'llashda birinchi kuponni to'liq narxga, ikkinchi "
"kuponni chegirmali narxga qo'llang va hokazo."
msgid "Enable coupons"
msgstr "Kuponlarni yoqing"
msgid ""
"Rates will be configurable and taxes will be calculated during checkout."
msgstr "Stavkalar sozlanishi va soliqni hisoblash paytida hisoblab chiqiladi."
msgid "Calculate coupon discounts sequentially"
msgstr "Kupon chegirmalarini ketma-ket hisoblang"
msgid "Coupons can be applied from the cart and checkout pages."
msgstr "Kuponlarni aravachadan va chiqish varaqlaridan olish mumkin."
msgid "Enable the use of coupon codes"
msgstr "Kupon kodlaridan foydalanishni yoqing"
msgid "Enable tax rates and calculations"
msgstr "Soliq stavkalari va hisob-kitoblarni yoqing"
msgid "No location by default"
msgstr "Sukut bo'yicha manzil yo'q"
msgid ""
"This option determines a customers default location. The MaxMind GeoLite "
"Database will be periodically downloaded to your wp-content directory if "
"using geolocation."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu parametr mijozlarning standart manzilini belgilaydi. Agar "
"geolokatsiyadan foydalansangiz, MaxMind GeoLite ma'lumotlar bazasi vaqti-"
"vaqti bilan wp-tarkibingiz katalogiga yuklab olinadi."
msgid "Enable taxes"
msgstr "Soliqlarni yoqing"
msgid "Geolocate (with page caching support)"
msgstr "Geolocate (sahifani keshlash yordamida)"
msgid "Geolocate"
msgstr "Geolokat"
msgid "Shop base address"
msgstr "Do'kon bazasi manzili"
msgid "Default customer location"
msgstr "Standart mijozning joylashuvi"
msgid "Ship to specific countries"
msgstr "Muayyan mamlakatlarga jo'natish"
msgid "Disable shipping & shipping calculations"
msgstr "Yetkazib berish xizmatini o'chirish"
msgid "Ship to specific countries only"
msgstr "Faqat ma'lum mamlakatlarga jo'natiladi"
msgid "Ship to all countries"
msgstr "Barcha mamlakatlarga jo'natiladi"
msgid "Ship to all countries you sell to"
msgstr "Siz sotadigan barcha mamlakatlarga jo'nating"
msgid ""
"Choose which countries you want to ship to, or choose to ship to all "
"locations you sell to."
msgstr ""
"Qaysi mamlakatga jo'natmoqchi ekanligingizni yoki sotadigan barcha joylarga "
"etkazib berishni tanlang."
msgid "Sell to all countries, except for…"
msgstr "Barcha mamlakatlarda sotish, tashqari …"
msgid "Shipping location(s)"
msgstr "Yetkazib berish joyi"
msgid "Sell to specific countries"
msgstr "Muayyan mamlakatlarga sotish"
msgid "Sell to all countries"
msgstr "Barcha mamlakatlarga sotish"
msgid "This option lets you limit which countries you are willing to sell to."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu parametr sizga qaysi davlatlarga sotmoqchi ekanligingizni cheklash "
"imkonini beradi."
msgid "The postal code, if any, in which your business is located."
msgstr "Sizning biznesingiz joylashgan pochta indeksi (agar mavjud bo'lsa)."
msgid ""
"The country and state or province, if any, in which your business is located."
msgstr ""
"Sizning biznesingiz joylashgan mamlakat va shtat yoki viloyat (agar mavjud "
msgid "Selling location(s)"
msgstr "Sotilgan joy (lar)"
msgid "The city in which your business is located."
msgstr "Sizning biznesingiz joylashgan shahar."
msgid "Country / State"
msgstr "Mamlakat / shtat"
msgid "An additional, optional address line for your business location."
msgstr "Sizning ish joyingiz uchun qo'shimcha, ixtiyoriy manzillar qatori."
msgid "The street address for your business location."
msgstr "Ish joyingiz uchun ko'cha manzili."
msgid ""
"This is where your business is located. Tax rates and shipping rates will "
"use this address."
msgstr ""
"Bu sizning biznesingiz joylashgan joy. Soliq stavkalari va etkazib berish "
"stavkalari ushbu manzildan foydalanadi."
msgid "The main body text color. Default %s."
msgstr "Asosiy tana rangi. Standart %s."
msgid "The main body background color. Default %s."
msgstr "Tananing asosiy fon rangi. Standart %s."
msgid "Manually sent"
msgstr "Qo‘lda yuborildi"
msgid "Content type"
msgstr "Kontent turi"
msgid "Recipient(s)"
msgstr "Qabul qiluvchilar (lar)"
msgid "The background color for WooCommerce email templates. Default %s."
msgstr "WooCommerce elektron pochta shablonlari uchun fon rangi. Standart %s."
msgid "The base color for WooCommerce email templates. Default %s."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce elektron pochta shablonlari uchun asosiy rang. Standart %s."
msgid "Body background color"
msgstr "Orqa fon rangi"
msgid "Available placeholders: %s"
msgstr "Mavjud to'ldiruvchilar: %s"
msgid "The text to appear in the footer of all WooCommerce emails."
msgstr ""
"Matn barcha WooCommerce elektron pochtalarining pastki qismida paydo bo'ladi."
msgid ""
"This section lets you customize the WooCommerce emails. Click here to preview your email template."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu bo'lim sizga WooCommerce elektron pochtalarini sozlash imkonini "
"beradi. Elektron pochta shablonini oldindan "
"ko'rish uchun bu erni bosing ."
msgid "How the sender email appears in outgoing WooCommerce emails."
msgstr ""
"Yuboruvchining elektron pochtasi chiquvchi WooCommerce elektron pochta "
"xabarlarida qanday ko'rinadi."
msgid "Email template"
msgstr "Elektron pochta shabloni"
msgid "How the sender name appears in outgoing WooCommerce emails."
msgstr ""
"Yuboruvchining nomi chiquvchi WooCommerce elektron pochta xabarlarida qanday "
"paydo bo'ladi."
msgid "\"From\" name"
msgstr "\"From\" nomidan"
msgid "Email sender options"
msgstr "Elektron pochta xabarlarini yuborish imkoniyatlari"
msgid "Email options"
msgstr "Email sozlamalari"
msgid "Emails"
msgstr "Emaillar"
msgid ""
"Start using new features that are being progressively rolled out to improve "
"the store management experience."
msgstr ""
"Doʻkonni boshqarish tajribasini yaxshilash uchun bosqichma-bosqich joriy "
"etilayotgan yangi xususiyatlardan foydalanishni boshlang."
msgid ""
"Leave this box unchecked if you do not want to see suggested extensions."
msgstr ""
"Agar siz taklif qilingan kengaytmalarni ko'rishni xohlamasangiz, ushbu "
"katakchani o'chirib qo'ying."
msgid "Enable the legacy REST API"
msgstr "Eski REST API-ni yoqish"
msgid "Display suggestions within WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce ichidagi takliflarni ko'rsatish"
msgid "Show Suggestions"
msgstr "Takliflarni ko'rsating"
msgid ""
"We show contextual suggestions for official extensions that may be helpful "
"to your store."
msgstr ""
"Biz sizning do'koningizga foydali bo'lishi mumkin bo'lgan rasmiy "
"kengaytmalar uchun kontekstual takliflarni ko'rsatamiz."
msgid "Marketplace suggestions"
msgstr "Bozordagi takliflar"
msgid ""
"To opt out, leave this box unticked. Your store remains untracked, and no "
"data will be collected. Read about what usage data is tracked at: %s."
msgstr ""
"Rad etish uchun ushbu katakchani belgilang. Do'koningiz joylanmagan bo'lib "
"qoladi va hech qanday ma'lumot yig'ilmaydi. Foydalanish ma'lumotlari qanday "
"kuzatilganligi haqida o'qing: %s."
msgid "Allow usage of WooCommerce to be tracked"
msgstr "WooCommerce-ning ishlatilishini kuzatishga ruxsat bering"
msgid "Enable tracking"
msgstr "Kuzatishni yoqish"
msgid ""
"Gathering usage data allows us to make WooCommerce better — your store will "
"be considered as we evaluate new features, judge the quality of an update, "
"or determine if an improvement makes sense."
msgstr ""
"Foydalanish to'g'risidagi ma'lumotlarni yig'ish bizga WooCommerce-ni "
"yaxshilashga imkon beradi - biz yangi xususiyatlarni baholaganimizda, "
"yangilanish sifatini baholaganimizda yoki yaxshilanishning ma'nosi bor-"
"yo'qligini aniqlashda sizning do'koningiz hisobga olinadi."
msgid " Usage Tracking Documentation"
msgstr " foydalanishni kuzatish hujjatlari"
msgid "Usage Tracking"
msgstr "Foydalanishni kuzatish"
msgid ""
"Endpoint for the triggering logout. You can add this to your menus via a "
"custom link:"
msgstr ""
"Tizimni ishga tushirish uchun so'nggi nuqta. Siz buni o'z menyularingizga "
"maxsus havola orqali qo'shishingiz mumkin:"
msgid "Endpoint for the \"My account → Payment methods\" page."
msgstr "\"Hisobim → To'lov usullari\" sahifasi uchun so'nggi nuqta."
msgid "Endpoint for the \"My account → Lost password\" page."
msgstr ""
"\"Hisob qaydnomam → Yo'qotilgan parol\" sahifasi uchun so'nggi nuqta."
msgid "Addresses"
msgstr "Manzillar"
msgid "Endpoint for the \"My account → Downloads\" page."
msgstr ""
"\"Hisob qaydnomam → Yuklab olishlar\" sahifasi uchun so'nggi nuqta."
msgid "Endpoint for the \"My account → Addresses\" page."
msgstr "\"Hisob qaydnomam → Manzillar\" sahifasi uchun so'nggi nuqta."
msgid "Endpoint for the \"My account → Edit account\" page."
msgstr "\"Hisobimni tahrirlash\" → sahifasi uchun so'nggi nuqta."
msgid "Edit account"
msgstr "Hisobni tahrirlash"
msgid ""
"Endpoints are appended to your page URLs to handle specific actions on the "
"accounts pages. They should be unique and can be left blank to disable the "
msgstr ""
"Hisoblar sahifalarida muayyan harakatlarni bajarish uchun so'nggi manzillar "
"sizning sahifangiz URL manzillariga qo'shiladi. Ular noyob bo'lishi kerak va "
"oxirgi nuqtani o'chirish uchun bo'sh qoldirilishi mumkin."
msgid "Endpoint for the \"My account → Orders\" page."
msgstr "\"Hisob qaydnomam → Buyurtmalar\" sahifasi uchun so'nggi nuqta."
msgid "Endpoint for the \"My account → View order\" page."
msgstr ""
"\"Hisob qaydnomamni ko'rish tartibi\" → sahifasi uchun so'nggi nuqta."
msgid "View order"
msgstr "Buyurtmani ko'rish"
msgid "Account endpoints"
msgstr "Hisobning so'nggi nuqtalari"
msgid "Endpoint for the setting a default payment method page."
msgstr "To'lov usulining odatiy sahifasini sozlash uchun so'nggi nuqta."
msgid "Set default payment method"
msgstr "Birlamchi to‘lov usulini tanlang"
msgid "Endpoint for the delete payment method page."
msgstr "To'lov usulini o'chirish sahifasi uchun so'nggi nuqta."
msgid "Delete payment method"
msgstr "To'lov usulini o'chirish"
msgid "Endpoint for the \"Checkout → Add payment method\" page."
msgstr "\"To'lov usulini qo'shish\" sahifasi uchun so'nggi nuqta."
msgid "Endpoint for the \"Checkout → Order received\" page."
msgstr "\"Buyurtma qabul qilindi\" → sahifasi uchun so'nggi nuqta."
msgid "Endpoint for the \"Checkout → Pay\" page."
msgstr "\"To'lash\" sahifasi uchun so'nggi nuqta."
msgid ""
"Endpoints are appended to your page URLs to handle specific actions during "
"the checkout process. They should be unique."
msgstr ""
"Tekshirish jarayonida muayyan harakatlar bilan shug'ullanish uchun oxirgi "
"manzillar sizning sahifangiz URL manzillariga qo'shiladi. Ular noyob "
"bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "Order received"
msgstr "Buyurtma qabul qilindi"
msgid "Pay"
msgstr "To'lash"
msgid ""
"Force SSL (HTTPS) on the checkout pages (an "
"SSL Certificate is required)."
msgstr ""
"Hisobga olish sahifalarida SSL (HTTPS) ni majburlash ( SSL sertifikati talab qilinadi )."
msgid "Checkout endpoints"
msgstr "Tekshirishning so'nggi nuqtalari"
msgid "Force HTTP when leaving the checkout"
msgstr "Hisobdan chiqayotganda HTTP-ni majburlash"
msgid ""
"If you define a \"Terms\" page the customer will be asked if they accept "
"them when checking out."
msgstr ""
"Agar siz \"Shartlar\" sahifasini aniqlasangiz, mijoz tekshiruv paytida "
"ularni qabul qiladimi-yo'qligini so'raydi."
msgid "Force secure checkout"
msgstr "Xavfsiz tekshiruvni kuchaytirish"
msgid "Terms and conditions"
msgstr "Foydalanish shartlari"
msgid "Page contents: [%s]"
msgstr "Sahifa tarkibi: [%s]"
msgid "Checkout page"
msgstr "Hisobga olish sahifasi"
msgid "Cart page"
msgstr "Savatcha sahifasi"
msgid ""
"These pages need to be set so that WooCommerce knows where to send users to "
msgstr ""
"Ushbu sahifalar WooCommerce foydalanuvchini hisob-kitob qilish uchun qaerga "
"yuborish kerakligini bilishi uchun o'rnatilishi kerak."
msgid "My account page"
msgstr "Hisob qaydnomam sahifasi"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Retain completed orders for a specified duration before anonymizing the "
"personal data within them."
msgstr ""
"Shaxsiy ma'lumotlaringizni anonimlashtirishdan oldin, tugallangan "
"buyurtmalarni belgilangan muddat davomida saqlang."
msgid "Legacy API"
msgstr "Legacy API"
msgid "Retain completed orders"
msgstr "Bajarilgan buyurtmalarni saqlang"
msgid ""
"Cancelled orders are unpaid and may have been cancelled by the store owner "
"or customer. They will be trashed after the specified duration."
msgstr ""
"Bekor qilingan buyurtmalar to'lanmaydi va do'kon egasi yoki mijoz tomonidan "
"bekor qilingan bo'lishi mumkin. Belgilangan vaqtdan keyin ular axlatga "
msgid "Retain cancelled orders"
msgstr "Bekor qilingan buyurtmalarni saqlab qo'ying"
msgid ""
"Failed orders are unpaid and may have been abandoned by the customer. They "
"will be trashed after the specified duration."
msgstr ""
"Bajarilmagan buyurtmalar to'lanmagan va mijoz tomonidan qoldirilgan bo'lishi "
"mumkin. Belgilangan vaqtdan keyin ular axlatga tashlanadi."
msgid "Retain failed orders"
msgstr "Muvaffaqiyatsiz buyurtmalarni saqlang"
msgid ""
"Pending orders are unpaid and may have been abandoned by the customer. They "
"will be trashed after the specified duration."
msgstr ""
"Kutilayotgan buyurtmalar to'lanmagan va mijoz tomonidan qoldirilgan bo'lishi "
"mumkin. Belgilangan vaqtdan keyin ular axlatga tashlanadi."
msgid "Retain pending orders "
msgstr "Kutilayotgan buyurtmalarni saqlang "
msgid ""
"Inactive accounts are those which have not logged in, or placed an order, "
"for the specified duration. They will be deleted. Any orders will be "
"converted into guest orders."
msgstr ""
"Faol bo'lmagan hisoblar - bu ko'rsatilgan vaqt davomida tizimga kirmagan "
"yoki buyurtma berganlar. Ular o'chiriladi. Har qanday buyurtmalar mehmon "
"buyurtmalariga aylantiriladi."
msgid "Retain inactive accounts "
msgstr "Faol bo'lmagan hisoblarni saqlang "
msgid ""
"Choose how long to retain personal data when it's no longer needed for "
"processing. Leave the following options blank to retain this data "
msgstr ""
"Shaxsiy ma'lumotlarni qayta ishlash uchun zarur bo'lmaganda, uni qancha "
"saqlash kerakligini tanlang. Ushbu ma'lumotni noma'lum saqlash uchun "
"quyidagi parametrlarni bo'sh qoldiring."
msgid "Personal data retention"
msgstr "Shaxsiy ma'lumotlarni saqlash"
msgid ""
"Your personal data will be used to process your order, support your "
"experience throughout this website, and for other purposes described in our "
msgstr ""
"Shaxsiy ma'lumotlaringiz buyurtmangizni qayta ishlash, ushbu veb-sayt "
"bo'yicha tajribangizni qo'llab-quvvatlash va %s da tasvirlangan boshqa "
"maqsadlar uchun ishlatiladi."
msgid ""
"Optionally add some text about your store privacy policy to show during "
msgstr ""
"Ixtiyoriy ravishda savdo paytida ko'rsatish uchun do'konning maxfiylik "
"siyosati haqida ba'zi matnlarni qo'shing."
msgid "Checkout privacy policy"
msgstr "Maxfiylik siyosatini tekshirish"
msgid ""
"Your personal data will be used to support your experience throughout this "
"website, to manage access to your account, and for other purposes described "
"in our %s."
msgstr ""
"Shaxsiy ma'lumotlaringiz ushbu veb-sayt bo'ylab tajribangizni qo'llab-"
"quvvatlash, qayd yozuvingizga kirishni boshqarish va %s da tasvirlangan "
"boshqa maqsadlar uchun ishlatiladi."
msgid ""
"Optionally add some text about your store privacy policy to show on account "
"registration forms."
msgstr ""
"Hisobni ro'yxatdan o'tkazish shakllarida ko'rsatish uchun ixtiyoriy ravishda "
"do'konning maxfiylik siyosati to'g'risidagi ba'zi matnlarni qo'shing."
msgid "Registration privacy policy"
msgstr "Ro'yxatdan o'tish maxfiylik siyosati"
msgid ""
"This section controls the display of your website privacy policy. The "
"privacy notices below will not show up unless a %s is set."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu bo'lim veb-saytingiz maxfiylik siyosatining ko'rinishini nazorat "
"qiladi. Quyidagi maxfiylik eslatmalari %s o‘rnatilmasa, ko‘rinmaydi."
msgid ""
"Adds an option to the orders screen for removing personal data in bulk. Note "
"that removing personal data cannot be undone."
msgstr ""
"Shaxsiy ma'lumotlarni ommaviy ravishda yo'q qilish uchun buyurtma ekraniga "
"parametr qo'shadi. E'tibor bering, shaxsiy ma'lumotlarni o'chirib tashlab "
msgid "Privacy policy"
msgstr "Maxfiylik siyosati"
msgid "Allow personal data to be removed in bulk from orders"
msgstr ""
"Shaxsiy ma'lumotlaringizni buyurtmalardan olib tashlashga ruxsat bering"
msgid "Personal data removal"
msgstr "Shaxsiy ma'lumotlarni olib tashlash"
msgid ""
"When handling an %s, should access to downloadable files be revoked and "
"download logs cleared?"
msgstr ""
"%s bilan ishlayotganda, yuklab olinadigan fayllarga kirish bekor qilinishi "
"va yuklab olish jurnallari tozalanishi kerakmi?"
msgid "Remove access to downloads on request"
msgstr "Talabga binoan yuklanishlarga kirish huquqini olib tashlang"
msgid ""
"When handling an %s, should personal data within orders be retained or "
msgstr ""
"%s bilan ishlaganda buyurtmalar ichidagi shaxsiy ma'lumotlar saqlanishi yoki "
"olib tashlanishi kerakmi?"
msgid "Remove personal data from orders on request"
msgstr "Shaxsiy ma'lumotlaringizni buyurtmadan olib tashlang"
msgid "Account erasure requests"
msgstr "Hisobni yo'q qilish to'g'risidagi so'rovlar"
msgid ""
"When creating an account, automatically generate an account username for the "
"customer based on their name, surname or email"
msgstr ""
"Hisob qaydnomasini yaratishda mijozning ismi, familiyasi yoki elektron "
"pochta manziliga qarab avtomatik ravishda foydalanuvchi nomini yaratadi"
msgid "Allow customers to create an account on the \"My account\" page"
msgstr ""
"Mijozlarga \"Mening hisobim\" sahifasida hisob yaratishga ruxsat bering"
msgid "Allow customers to create an account during checkout"
msgstr "To'lov paytida mijozlarga hisob yaratishga ruxsat bering"
msgid "Allow customers to log into an existing account during checkout"
msgstr ""
"Xaridorga chiqish paytida mavjud hisob qaydnomasiga kirishga ruxsat bering"
msgid "Allow customers to place orders without an account"
msgstr ""
"Mijozlarga buyurtmalarini hisob raqamisiz joylashtirishga ruxsat bering"
msgid "Account creation"
msgstr "Hisobni yaratish"
msgid "account erasure request"
msgstr "hisobni o'chirish so'rovi"
msgid "Guest checkout"
msgstr "Mehmonxonadan chiqish"
msgid "Accounts & Privacy"
msgstr "Hisoblar va Maxfiylik"
msgid "Total sales minus shipping and tax."
msgstr "Hammasi bo'lib savdo va soliqni olib tashlagan holda."
msgid "Net profit"
msgstr "Sof foyda"
msgid "This is the sum of the 'Shipping total' field within your orders."
msgstr ""
"Bu sizning buyurtmalaringiz ichidagi \"Yetkazib berish summasi\" maydonining "
msgid "privacy page"
msgstr "maxfiylik sahifasi"
msgid "Total shipping"
msgstr "Umumiy yuk"
msgid "This is the sum of the 'Order total' field within your orders."
msgstr ""
"Bu sizning buyurtmalaringiz ichidagi \"Buyurtma miqdori\" maydonining "
msgid "No taxes found in this period"
msgstr "Ushbu davrda soliq topilmadi"
msgid ""
"This is the sum of the \"Tax rows\" shipping tax amount within your orders."
msgstr ""
"Bu \"Soliqlar qatorlari\" buyurtmalaringizdagi etkazib berish soliqlari "
"summasining summasi."
msgid "This is the total tax for the rate (shipping tax + product tax)."
msgstr "Bu stavka uchun soliq (transport solig'i + mahsulot solig'i)."
msgid "Shipping tax amount"
msgstr "Yetkazib berish uchun soliq summasi"
msgid "This is the sum of the \"Tax rows\" tax amount within your orders."
msgstr ""
"Bu sizning buyurtmalaringizdagi \"Soliq qatorlari\" soliq summasining "
msgid "Choose a product to view stats"
msgstr "Statistikani ko'rish uchun mahsulotni tanlang"
msgid "%s product"
msgid_plural "%s products"
msgstr[0] "%s mahsulot"
msgid "Tax amount"
msgstr "Soliq summasi"
msgid "Units in stock"
msgstr "Stokdagi birliklar"
msgid "Sales amount"
msgstr "Savdo hajmi"
msgid "Top earners"
msgstr "Top pul topuvchilar"
msgid "Top freebies"
msgstr "Eng yaxshi bepul bolalar"
msgid "No products found in range"
msgstr "Mavjud mahsulot topilmadi"
msgid "Top sellers"
msgstr "Top sotuvchilar"
msgid "Product search"
msgstr "Mahsulotni qidirish"
msgid "Showing reports for:"
msgstr "Quyidagi uchun hisobotlarni ko'rsatish:"
msgid "%s purchases for the selected items"
msgstr "Tanlangan narsalar uchun %s xarid"
msgid "%1$s refunded %2$d order (%3$d item)"
msgid_plural "%1$s refunded %2$d orders (%3$d items)"
msgstr[0] "%1$s buyurtma qaytarildi %2$d (%3$d ta element)"
msgid "Average gross sales amount"
msgstr "O'rtacha yalpi savdo hajmi"
msgid "%s sales for the selected items"
msgstr "Tanlangan buyumlar uchun %s savdo"
msgid "Net sales amount"
msgstr "Sof savdo hajmi"
msgid "Gross sales amount"
msgstr "Sotishning yalpi hajmi"
msgid "Shipping amount"
msgstr "Yetkazib berish miqdori"
msgid "Average net sales amount"
msgstr "O'rtacha aniq savdo hajmi"
msgid "Number of orders"
msgstr "Buyurtmalar soni"
msgid "Number of items sold"
msgstr "Sotilgan mahsulotlar soni"
msgid "%s worth of coupons used"
msgstr "ishlatilgan %s qiymatidagi kuponlar"
msgid "%s charged for shipping"
msgstr "%s yuk tashish uchun to'lanadi"
msgid "%s items purchased"
msgstr "%s sotib olingan narsalar"
msgid "%s orders placed"
msgstr "%s buyurtmalar joylashtirildi"
msgid ""
"This is the sum of the order totals after any refunds and excluding shipping "
"and taxes."
msgstr ""
"Bu qaytarilganidan keyin yuborilgan va etkazib berish va soliqlardan "
"tashqari barcha buyurtmalar summasi."
msgid "%s net sales in this period"
msgstr "ushbu davrda %s aniq savdo"
msgid ""
"This is the sum of the order totals after any refunds and including shipping "
"and taxes."
msgstr ""
"Bu qaytarib berilgandan keyin, shuningdek etkazib berish va soliqlarni "
"hisobga olgan holda buyurtma summasi."
msgid "%s average gross monthly sales"
msgstr "%s o'rtacha oylik yalpi savdo"
msgid "%s gross sales in this period"
msgstr "ushbu davrda %s yalpi savdo hajmi"
msgid "%s average net monthly sales"
msgstr "%s o'rtacha oylik aniq savdo"
msgid "%s average net daily sales"
msgstr "%s o'rtacha kunlik savdo"
msgid "No customer downloads found."
msgstr "Xaridor yuklab topilmadi."
msgid "Filter by IP address"
msgstr "IP-manzil bo'yicha filtrlang"
msgid "Filter by user"
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi tomonidan filtrlash"
msgid "Filter by order"
msgstr "Buyurtma bo'yicha filtrlang"
msgid "Filter by file"
msgstr "Fayl bo'yicha filtrlash"
msgid "Choose a category to view stats"
msgstr "Statistikani ko'rish uchun toifani tanlang"
msgid "%1$s sales in %2$s"
msgstr "%2$s ichida%1$s savdo"
msgid "%s average gross daily sales"
msgstr "%s o'rtacha yalpi kunlik savdo"
msgid "No out of stock products found."
msgstr "Birjadan tashqari mahsulotlar topilmadi."
msgid "No low in stock products found."
msgstr "Birja mahsulotlarida past narx topilmadi."
msgid "Filter by product"
msgstr "Mahsulot bo'yicha filtrlash"
msgid "Permission ID"
msgstr "Ruxsatnoma identifikatori"
msgid "File ID"
msgstr "Fayl IDsi"
msgid "Permission #%d not found."
msgstr "Ruxsat #%d topilmadi."
msgid "Customer sales"
msgstr "Xaridor savdosi"
msgid "Active filters"
msgstr "Faol filtrlar"
msgid "File does not exist"
msgstr "Fayl mavjud emas"
msgid "new users"
msgstr "yangi foydalanuvchilar"
msgid "guest orders"
msgstr "mehmon buyurtmalari"
msgid "customer orders"
msgstr "mijozlarning buyurtmalari"
msgid "Guest orders"
msgstr "Mehmon buyurtmalari"
msgid "Customer orders"
msgstr "Xaridor buyurtmalari"
msgid "Guest sales"
msgstr "Mehmon savdosi"
msgid "%s signups in this period"
msgstr "Ushbu davrda %s yozilish"
msgid "Last order"
msgstr "Oxirgi buyurtma"
msgid "Money spent"
msgstr "Pul sarflandi"
msgid "Name (Last, First)"
msgstr "Ism (familiya, ismi)"
msgid "Link previous orders"
msgstr "Oldingi buyurtmalarni bog'lang"
msgid "View orders"
msgstr "Buyurtmalarni ko'rish"
msgctxt "hash before order number"
msgid "#"
msgstr "#"
msgid "Search customers"
msgstr "Mijozlarni qidirish"
msgid "Refreshed stats for %s"
msgstr "%s uchun statistika yangilandi"
msgid "%s previous order linked"
msgid_plural "%s previous orders linked"
msgstr[0] "oldingi %s buyurtma bog‘langan"
msgid "Discount amount"
msgstr "Chegirma miqdori"
msgid "Number of coupons used"
msgstr "Ishlatilgan kuponlar soni"
msgid "Most discount"
msgstr "Eng ko'p chegirma"
msgid "No customers found."
msgstr "Hech qanday mijoz topilmadi."
msgid "No coupons found in range"
msgstr "Diapazonda hech qanday kuponlar topilmadi"
msgid "No used coupons found"
msgstr "Ishlatilmagan kuponlar topilmadi"
msgid "All coupons"
msgstr "Barcha kuponlar"
msgid "Choose coupons…"
msgstr "Kuponlarni tanlang …"
msgid ""
"This report link has expired. %1$sClick here to view the filtered report%2$s."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu hisobot havolasi muddati tugadi. %1$sFiltrlangan hisobotni ko'rish "
"uchun bu erga bosing%2$s."
msgid "Filter by coupon"
msgstr "Kupon bo'yicha filtrlang"
msgid "%s coupons used in total"
msgstr "Jami ishlatilgan %s kuponlar"
msgid "%s discounts in total"
msgstr "jami %s chegirmalar"
msgid "This month"
msgstr "Joriy oy"
msgid "Sold %1$d item in the last %2$d days"
msgid_plural "Sold %1$d items in the last %2$d days"
msgstr[0] "So'nggi %1$d kun ichida %2$d ta mahsulot sotildi"
msgid "Sold %1$s worth in the last %2$d days"
msgstr "So'nggi %2$d kun ichida %1$s ta qiymat sotildi"
msgid ""
"The following active plugin(s) have not declared compatibility with "
"WooCommerce %s yet and should be updated and examined further before you "
msgstr ""
"Quyidagi faol plagin (lar) WooCommerce %s bilan mosligini hali e'lon "
"qilmagan va davom ettirishdan oldin yangilanishi va ko'rib chiqilishi kerak:"
msgid "Tested up to WooCommerce version"
msgstr "WooCommerce versiyasiga qadar sinovdan o'tgan"
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "noma'lum"
msgid ""
"Heads up! The versions of the following plugins you're "
"running haven't been tested with WooCommerce %s. Please update them or "
"confirm compatibility before updating WooCommerce, or you may experience "
msgstr ""
"Ruhni tushirmang! Quyidagi plaginlarning versiyalari "
"WooCommerce %s bilan sinovdan o'tkazilmagan. Iltimos, WooCommerce-ni "
"yangilashdan oldin ularni yangilang yoki muvofiqligini tasdiqlang yoki sizda "
"muammolar paydo bo'lishi mumkin:"
msgid ""
"WooCommerce database update complete. Thank you for updating to the latest "
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce ma'lumotlar bazasini yangilash tugallandi. So'nggi versiyasini "
"yangilaganingiz uchun rahmat!"
msgid "WooCommerce database update done"
msgstr "WooCommerce ma'lumotlar bazasini yangilash amalga oshirildi"
msgid ""
"WooCommerce is updating the database in the background. The database update "
"process may take a little while, so please be patient."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce fonni yangilamoqda. Ma'lumotlar bazasini yangilash jarayoni "
"biroz vaqt talab qilishi mumkin, iltimos, sabr qiling."
msgid "WooCommerce database update in progress"
msgstr "WooCommerce ma'lumotlar bazasini yangilash davom etmoqda"
msgid "View progress →"
msgstr "Jarayonni ko'rish \t"
msgid "You can manually run queued updates here."
msgstr ""
"Siz bu erda navbat bilan yangilanishlarni qo'lda ishga tushirishingiz mumkin."
msgid ""
"The database update process runs in the background and may take a little "
"while, so please be patient. Advanced users can alternatively update via "
"%1$sWP CLI%2$s."
msgstr ""
"Ma'lumotlar bazasini yangilash jarayoni orqa fonda ishlaydi va biroz vaqt "
"olishi mumkin, shuning uchun iltimos sabr qiling. Ilg'or foydalanuvchilar "
"muqobil ravishda%1$sWP CLI%2$s orqali yangilanishi mumkin."
msgid ""
"WooCommerce has been updated! To keep things running smoothly, we have to "
"update your database to the newest version."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce yangilandi! Ishlarning uzluksiz ishlashi uchun biz sizning "
"ma'lumotlar bazangizni eng yangi versiyasiga yangilashimiz kerak."
msgid "Update WooCommerce Database"
msgstr "WooCommerce ma'lumotlar bazasini yangilang"
msgid "WooCommerce database update required"
msgstr "WooCommerce ma'lumotlar bazasini yangilash kerak"
msgid ""
"Enter a number to set stock quantity at the variation level. Use a "
"variation's 'Manage stock?' check box above to enable/disable stock "
"management at the variation level."
msgstr ""
"O'zgarish darajasida aksiya miqdorini belgilash uchun raqamni kiriting. "
"\"Aktsiyalarni boshqarish kerakmi?\" Variantidan foydalaning o'zgaruvchanlik "
"darajasida aktsiyalarni boshqarishni yoqish / o'chirish uchun yuqoridagi "
"katakchani belgilang."
msgid "Add file"
msgstr "Faylni qoʻshish"
msgid "Enter an optional description for this variation."
msgstr "Ushbu o'zgarish uchun qo'shimcha tavsifni kiriting."
msgid "Length x width x height in decimal form"
msgstr "Uzunlik x kenglik x balandlik o'nlik shaklida"
msgid "Dimensions (L×W×H) (%s)"
msgstr "O'lchovlar (L & marta; W & marta; H) ( %s)"
msgid "Same as parent"
msgstr "Ota-ona bilan bir xil"
msgid "Sale price (%s)"
msgstr "Sotish narxi ( %s)"
msgid "Regular price (%s)"
msgstr "Doimiy narx ( %s)"
msgid "Sale end date"
msgstr "Sotish muddati"
msgid "Sale start date"
msgstr "Savdo boshlangan sana"
msgid "Cancel schedule"
msgstr "Jadvalni bekor qilish"
msgid "Variation price (required)"
msgstr "Variant narxi (talab qilinadi)"
msgid "Enable this option to enable stock management at variation level"
msgstr ""
"Variantlar darajasida aktsiyalarni boshqarishni yoqish uchun ushbu tanlovni "
msgid ""
"Enable this option if a product is not shipped or there is no shipping cost"
msgstr ""
"Agar mahsulot etkazib berilmagan bo'lsa yoki etkazib berish narxi bo'lmasa, "
"ushbu tanlovni yoqing"
msgid ""
"Enable this option if access is given to a downloadable file upon purchase "
"of a product"
msgstr ""
"Agar mahsulot sotib olinganda yuklab olinadigan faylga kirish huquqi "
"berilsa, ushbu tanlovni yoqing"
msgid "Any %s…"
msgstr "Istalgan %s …"
msgid "Drag and drop, or click to set admin variation order"
msgstr "Boshqarish tartibini o'rnatish uchun tortib tashlang yoki bosing"
msgid "Set Status - On backorder"
msgstr "Holatni o'rnating - Orqa buyurtma bo'yicha"
msgid "Set Status - Out of stock"
msgstr "Vaziyatni sozlash - mavjud emas"
msgid "Set Status - In stock"
msgstr "Holatni o'rnating - Stokda"
msgid "Insert file URL"
msgstr "URL manzilini kiriting"
msgid "http://"
msgstr "http://"
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Fayl nomi"
msgid "Toggle "Manage stock""
msgstr "Yoqish "Savatchani boshqarish""
msgid "Set scheduled sale dates"
msgstr "Savdo kunlarini rejalashtiring"
msgctxt "number of pages"
msgid "of"
msgstr "dan"
msgid "Decrease sale prices (fixed amount or percentage)"
msgstr "Sotish narxlarini pasaytirish (belgilangan miqdor yoki foiz)"
msgid "Increase sale prices (fixed amount or percentage)"
msgstr "Sotish narxlarini oshirish (belgilangan miqdor yoki foiz)"
msgid "Select Page"
msgstr "Sahifani tanlash"
msgid "Set sale prices"
msgstr "Sotish narxlarini belgilang"
msgid "Decrease regular prices (fixed amount or percentage)"
msgstr "Oddiy narxlarni kamaytirish (belgilangan miqdor yoki foiz)"
msgid "Increase regular prices (fixed amount or percentage)"
msgstr "Oddiy narxlarni oshirish (belgilangan miqdor yoki foiz)"
msgid "Set regular prices"
msgstr "Oddiy narxlarni belgilang"
msgid "Toggle "Virtual""
msgstr "Yoqish "Virtual""
msgid "Toggle "Downloadable""
msgstr "Yoqish "Yuklab olinadigan""
msgid "No default %s…"
msgstr "Odatiy %s yo'q …"
msgid "Toggle "Enabled""
msgstr "Yoqish "Yoqilgan""
msgid "Delete all variations"
msgstr "Barcha o'zgarishlarni o'chirish"
msgid "Default Form Values"
msgstr "Standart shakl qiymatlari"
msgid ""
"Shipping classes are used by certain shipping methods to group similar "
msgstr ""
"Yuk tashish sinflari shunga o'xshash mahsulotlarni guruhlash uchun ma'lum "
"yuk tashish usullari bilan qo'llaniladi."
msgid "Dimensions (%s)"
msgstr "O'lchovlar ( %s)"
msgid "No shipping class"
msgstr "Yuk tashish klassi yo'q"
msgid "LxWxH in decimal form"
msgstr "LxWxH o'nlik shaklida"
msgid "Weight in decimal form"
msgstr "Og'irlik o'nlik shaklida"
msgid ""
"Cross-sells are products which you promote in the cart, based on the current "
msgstr ""
"Kross-sotish - bu mavjud mahsulotga asoslanib, siz aravada targ'ib qiladigan "
msgid "Product Type"
msgstr "Mahsulot turi"
msgid ""
"Upsells are products which you recommend instead of the currently viewed "
"product, for example, products that are more profitable or better quality or "
"more expensive."
msgstr ""
"Sotish - bu ko'rib chiqilayotgan mahsulot o'rniga siz tavsiya qiladigan "
"mahsulotlar, masalan, yanada foydali yoki sifatli yoki qimmatroq mahsulotlar."
msgid "This lets you choose which products are part of this group."
msgstr ""
"Bu sizga ushbu guruhga qaysi mahsulotlarni tanlashni tanlash imkonini beradi."
msgid "Sold individually"
msgstr "Alohida sotilgan"
msgid ""
"Controls whether or not the product is listed as \"in stock\" or \"out of "
"stock\" on the frontend."
msgstr ""
"Mahsulotning old qismidagi \"zaxirada\" yoki \"sotilmagan\" deb "
"ro'yxatlanganligini yoki yo'qligini boshqaradi."
msgid "Stock status"
msgstr "Birja holati"
msgid ""
"If managing stock, this controls whether or not backorders are allowed. If "
"enabled, stock quantity can go below 0."
msgstr ""
"Agar aktsiyalarni boshqarish bo'lsa, bu orqadagi buyurtmalarga ruxsat berish "
"yoki qilinmasligini boshqaradi. Agar yoqilsa, aksiya miqdori 0 dan pastga "
"tushishi mumkin."
msgid "Allow backorders?"
msgstr "Orqa buyurtmalarga ruxsat berilsinmi?"
msgid ""
"Stock quantity. If this is a variable product this value will be used to "
"control stock for all variations, unless you define stock at variation level."
msgstr ""
"Aksiya miqdori. Agar bu o'zgaruvchan mahsulot bo'lsa, ushbu qiymat barcha "
"o'zgarishlar uchun zaxiralarni boshqarish uchun ishlatiladi, agar siz "
"o'zgaruvchanlik darajasida aktsiyani aniqlamasangiz."
msgid "Stock quantity"
msgstr "Aksiya miqdori"
msgid "Manage stock?"
msgstr "Birja boshqarilsinmi?"
msgid ""
"SKU refers to a Stock-keeping unit, a unique identifier for each distinct "
"product and service that can be purchased."
msgstr ""
"SKU - bu sotib olinishi mumkin bo'lgan har bir aniq mahsulot va xizmat uchun "
"o'ziga xos identifikator bo'lgan zaxiralash birligi."
msgid ""
"Choose a tax class for this product. Tax classes are used to apply different "
"tax rates specific to certain types of product."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu mahsulot uchun soliq sinfini tanlang. Soliq sinflari ma'lum mahsulot "
"turlariga xos bo'lgan turli soliq stavkalarini qo'llash uchun ishlatiladi."
msgid "Stock Keeping Unit"
msgstr "Stokni saqlash bo'limi"
msgid ""
"Define whether or not the entire product is taxable, or just the cost of "
"shipping it."
msgstr ""
"Butun mahsulot soliqqa tortiladimi yoki yo'qmi yoki shunchaki uni etkazib "
"berish xarajati aniqlang."
msgid "Download expiry"
msgstr "Yuklash muddati tugadi"
msgctxt "Tax status"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Hech qaysi"
msgid "Shipping only"
msgstr "Faqat etkazib berish"
msgid "Taxable"
msgstr "Soliqqa tortiladigan"
msgid ""
"Enter the number of days before a download link expires, or leave blank."
msgstr ""
"Yuklab olish havolasi muddati tugashidan oldin kunlar sonini kiriting yoki "
"bo'sh qoldiring."
msgid "Add File"
msgstr "Fayl qo'shish"
msgid "Leave blank for unlimited re-downloads."
msgstr "Cheksiz qayta yuklab olish uchun bo'sh qoldiring."
msgid ""
"This is the URL or absolute path to the file which customers will get access "
"to. URLs entered here should already be encoded."
msgstr ""
"Bu URL manzili yoki mijozlar kirish huquqiga ega bo'lgan fayl uchun mutlaq "
"yo'l. Bu erda kiritilgan URL-manzillar allaqachon kodlangan bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "This is the name of the download shown to the customer."
msgstr "Bu mijozga ko'rsatilgan yuklab olishning nomi."
msgid "Downloadable files"
msgstr "Yuklab olinadigan fayllar"
msgid ""
"The sale will start at 00:00:00 of \"From\" date and end at 23:59:59 of \"To"
"\" date."
msgstr ""
"Savdo \"From\" sanasidan 00:00:00 da boshlanadi va \"To\" sana kuni 23:59:59 "
"da tugaydi."
msgid "Sale price dates"
msgstr "Sotish narxi"
msgid "This text will be shown on the button linking to the external product."
msgstr "Ushbu matn tashqi mahsulotga ulanadigan tugmada ko'rsatiladi."
msgctxt "placeholder"
msgid "To…"
msgstr "To & hellip;"
msgid "Custom ordering position."
msgstr "Buyurtma berishning odatiy holati."
msgid "Enter an optional note to send the customer after purchase."
msgstr ""
"Xarid qilishdan keyin mijozni yuborish uchun ixtiyoriy eslatmani kiriting."
msgid "Save attributes"
msgstr "Atributlarni saqlang"
msgid "Enter the external URL to the product."
msgstr "Mahsulotga tashqi URL manzilini kiriting."
msgid "Product URL"
msgstr "Mahsulot URL manzili"
msgctxt "placeholder"
msgid "Buy product"
msgstr "Mahsulot sotib oling"
msgid "Drag and drop to set admin attribute order"
msgstr ""
"Administrator atributlari tartibini o'rnatish uchun tortib tortib qo'ying"
msgid "Refund #%1$s - %2$s by %3$s"
msgstr "%3$s (%2$s) - %1$s pulni qaytardi"
msgid "Refund #%1$s - %2$s"
msgstr "To'lovni qaytarish #%1$s -%2$s"
msgid "Select terms"
msgstr "Shartlarni tanlang"
msgid "Shipping name"
msgstr "Yetkazib berish nomi"
msgid "Or, enter tax rate ID:"
msgstr "Yoki soliq stavkasi identifikatorini kiriting:"
msgid "There are no notes yet."
msgstr "Hozircha qaydlar yo'q."
msgid "Delete note"
msgstr "Qaydni o'chirish"
msgid "Refund %s manually"
msgstr "%s qo'lda qaytaring"
msgid "Rate code"
msgstr "Baho kodi"
msgid "Rate name"
msgstr "Baho nomi"
msgid ""
"You will need to manually issue a refund through your payment gateway after "
"using this."
msgstr ""
"Buni ishlatganingizdan so'ng, to'lov shlyuzingiz orqali qaytarib berishingiz "
msgid "Rate %"
msgstr "% Baho"
msgid "Refund %1$s via %2$s"
msgstr "To‘lovni qaytarish%1$s orqali%2$s orqali"
msgid "Note: the refund reason will be visible by the customer."
msgstr "Eslatma: to'lovni qaytarish sababi mijoz tomonidan ko'rinadi."
msgid "Payment gateway"
msgstr "To'lov yo'li"
msgid "Reason for refund (optional):"
msgstr "To'lovni qaytarish sababi (ixtiyoriy):"
msgid ""
"Refund the line items above. This will show the total amount to be refunded"
msgstr ""
"Yuqoridagi chiziq elementlarini qaytaring. Bu qaytarib berilishi kerak "
"bo'lgan umumiy miqdorni ko'rsatadi"
msgid "Refund amount"
msgstr "Qaytarilish miqdori"
msgid "Add shipping"
msgstr "Yuk tashishni qo'shing"
msgid "Recalculate"
msgstr "Qaytadan hisoblash"
msgid "This order is no longer editable."
msgstr "Bu buyurtmani endi tahrirlab bo‘lmaydi."
msgid "Add item(s)"
msgstr "Element (lar) ni qo'shish"
msgid "Total available to refund"
msgstr "To‘lovni qaytarish uchun mavjud"
msgid "Amount already refunded"
msgstr "Miqdor allaqachon qaytarilgan"
msgid "Restock refunded items"
msgstr "Qaytarilgan narsalarni qaytarib oling"
msgid "Add tax"
msgstr "Soliq qo'shing"
msgid "Add product(s)"
msgstr "Mahsulot (lar) ni qo'shish"
msgid "Order Total"
msgstr "Buyurtma jami"
msgid "Net Payment"
msgstr "Net to'lov"
msgid "%1$s via %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s dagi %2$s"
msgid "Coupon(s):"
msgstr "Kupon (lar):"
msgid "Items Subtotal:"
msgstr "Umumiy ma'lumotlar:"
msgid "%s discount"
msgstr "%s chegirma"
msgid "Before discount"
msgstr "Chegirmadan oldin"
msgid "Coupon(s)"
msgstr "Kupon"
msgid "%s (No longer exists)"
msgstr "%s (endi mavjud emas)"
msgid "Edit item"
msgstr "Elementni tahrirlash"
msgid "After pre-tax discounts."
msgstr "Soliqdan oldin chegirmalar."
msgid "Add meta"
msgstr "Meta qo'shing"
msgid "Variation ID:"
msgstr "O'zgarish identifikatori:"
msgid "Qty"
msgstr "Soni"
msgid "Fee name"
msgstr "To'lov nomi"
msgid "Customer download log"
msgstr "Xaridorlarni yuklab olish jurnali"
msgid ""
"Copying to clipboard failed. You should be able to right-click the button "
"and copy."
msgstr ""
"Vaqtinchalik xotiraga nusxa olinmadi. Tugmani sichqonchaning o'ng "
"tugmachasini bosib nusxa ko'chirishingiz kerak."
msgid ""
"The stock has not been updated because the value has changed since editing. "
"Product %1$d has %2$d units in stock."
msgstr ""
"Birja yangilanmadi, chunki tahrirlashdan keyin qiymat o'zgargan. %1$d "
"mahsulotda %2$d dona mavjud."
msgid "Customer download link"
msgstr "Mijozlarni yuklab olish havolasi"
msgid "Downloaded %s time"
msgid_plural "Downloaded %s times"
msgstr[0] "%s marta yuklab olindi"
msgid "Revoke access"
msgstr "Kirishni bekor qilish"
msgid "Add product gallery images"
msgstr "Mahsulot galereyasini qo'shish"
msgid "Add images to product gallery"
msgstr "Rasmlarni galereyga qo'shish"
msgid "Access expires"
msgstr "Kirish muddati tugaydi"
msgid "Downloads remaining"
msgstr "Yuklashlar qoldi"
msgid "Linked Products"
msgstr "Bog'langan mahsulotlar"
msgid "Downloadable products give access to a file upon purchase."
msgstr ""
"Yuklab olinadigan mahsulotlar sotib olish paytida faylga kirish huquqini "
msgid "Variations"
msgstr "O'zgarishlar"
msgid "Note type"
msgstr "Qayd turi"
msgid "Virtual products are intangible and are not shipped."
msgstr "Virtual mahsulotlar nomoddiy va jo'natilmaydi."
msgid "Note to customer"
msgstr "Xaridorga eslatma"
msgid ""
"Add a note for your reference, or add a customer note (the user will be "
msgstr ""
"Ma'lumot uchun eslatma qo'shing yoki mijozlar qaydini qo'shing "
"(foydalanuvchiga xabar beriladi)."
msgid "Grant access"
msgstr "Kirish huquqini berish"
msgid "Search for a downloadable product…"
msgstr "Yuklab olinadigan mahsulotni qidiring …"
msgid "Customer notes about the order"
msgstr "Xaridor buyurtma to'g'risida eslatma beradi"
msgid "File %d"
msgstr "%d fayl"
msgid "Customer provided note:"
msgstr "Buyurtmachi izohi:"
msgid "Customer provided note"
msgstr "Xaridor eslatmani taqdim etdi"
msgid "No shipping address set."
msgstr "Yuk tashish manzili ko'rsatilmagan."
msgid "No billing address set."
msgstr "To‘lov manzili ko‘rsatilmagan."
msgid "Profile →"
msgstr "Profil →"
msgid "Paid on %1$s @ %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s @%2$s-da to'langan"
msgid "Order details manually sent to customer."
msgstr "Buyurtma tafsilotlari mijozga qo'lda yuboriladi."
msgid "View other orders →"
msgstr "Boshqa buyurtmalarni ko'rish →"
msgid "Customer payment page →"
msgstr "Mijozlarning to'lov sahifasi →"
msgid "Customer IP: %s"
msgstr "Mijoz IP: %s"
msgid "%1$s #%2$s details"
msgstr "%1$s #%2$s tafsilotlari"
msgid "Email invoice / order details to customer"
msgstr "Xaridorga xabarnoma yuborish"
msgid "Resend new order notification"
msgstr "Yangi buyurtma bildirishnomasi qayta yuborilsin"
msgid "Choose an action..."
msgstr "Harakatni tanlang ..."
msgid "Regenerate download permissions"
msgstr "Yuklab olish uchun ruxsatlarni yangilang"
msgid ""
"Coupon code already exists - customers will use the latest coupon with this "
msgstr ""
"Kupon kodi allaqachon mavjud - mijozlar ushbu kod bilan so'nggi kupondan "
msgid ""
"How many times this coupon can be used by an individual user. Uses billing "
"email for guests, and user ID for logged in users."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu kuponni individual foydalanuvchi necha marta ishlatishi mumkin. "
"Mehmonlar uchun billing elektron pochtasi va tizimga kirgan foydalanuvchilar "
"uchun foydalanuvchi identifikatoridan foydalanadi."
msgid "Usage limit per user"
msgstr "Bir foydalanuvchi uchun foydalanish cheklovi"
msgid ""
"The maximum number of individual items this coupon can apply to when using "
"product discounts. Leave blank to apply to all qualifying items in cart."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu kupon mahsulot chegirmalaridan foydalanganda olinishi mumkin bo'lgan "
"individual buyumlarning maksimal soni. Savatdagi barcha mos buyumlarga "
"murojaat qilish uchun bo'sh qoldiring."
msgid "Apply to all qualifying"
msgstr "Savatdagi barcha mos buyumlarga qo'llang"
msgid "Limit usage to X items"
msgstr "X elementlardan foydalanishni cheklash"
msgid "How many times this coupon can be used before it is void."
msgstr "Ushbu kupon bekor qilinmasdan oldin necha marta ishlatilishi mumkin."
msgid "Usage limit per coupon"
msgstr "Bir kupon uchun foydalanish limiti"
msgid ""
"List of allowed billing emails to check against when an order is placed. "
"Separate email addresses with commas. You can also use an asterisk (*) to "
"match parts of an email. For example \"*\" would match all gmail "
msgstr ""
"Buyurtma qachon berilganligini tekshirish uchun ruxsat etilgan toʻlov "
"xatlari roʻyxati. Elektron pochta manzillarini vergul bilan ajrating. "
"Shuningdek, elektron pochtaning qismlarini moslashtirish uchun yulduzcha (*) "
"dan foydalanishingiz mumkin. Masalan, \"*\" barcha Gmail "
"manzillariga mos keladi."
msgid "Allowed emails"
msgstr "Ruxsat berilgan elektron pochta xabarlari"
msgid ""
"Product categories that the coupon will not be applied to, or that cannot be "
"in the cart in order for the \"Fixed cart discount\" to be applied."
msgstr ""
"\"Ruxsat etilgan arava chegirmasi\" qo'llanilishi uchun kupon "
"qo'llanilmaydigan yoki aravada bo'lmaydigan mahsulot toifalari."
msgid "No restrictions"
msgstr "Cheklovlar yo'q"
msgid ""
"Product categories that the coupon will be applied to, or that need to be in "
"the cart in order for the \"Fixed cart discount\" to be applied."
msgstr ""
"Kupon qo'llaniladigan yoki \"Ruxsat etilgan arava chegirmasi\" qo'llanilishi "
"uchun aravada bo'lishi kerak bo'lgan mahsulotlar toifalari."
msgid "Exclude categories"
msgstr "Toifalarni chiqarib tashlang"
msgid ""
"Products that the coupon will not be applied to, or that cannot be in the "
"cart in order for the \"Fixed cart discount\" to be applied."
msgstr ""
"\"Ruxsat etilgan arava chegirmasi\" qo'llanilishi uchun kupon "
"qo'llanilmaydigan yoki aravada bo'lmaydigan mahsulotlar."
msgid ""
"Products that the coupon will be applied to, or that need to be in the cart "
"in order for the \"Fixed cart discount\" to be applied."
msgstr ""
"\"Ruxsat etilgan arava chegirmasi\" qo'llanilishi uchun kupon "
"qo'llaniladigan yoki aravada bo'lishi kerak bo'lgan mahsulotlar."
msgid "Exclude products"
msgstr "Mahsulotlarni chiqarib oling"
msgid "Search for a product…"
msgstr "Mahsulot qidirish & hellip;"
msgid ""
"Check this box if the coupon should not apply to items on sale. Per-item "
"coupons will only work if the item is not on sale. Per-cart coupons will "
"only work if there are items in the cart that are not on sale."
msgstr ""
"Agar kupon sotiladigan narsalarga taalluqli bo'lmasa, ushbu katakchani "
"belgilang. Bitta mahsulot uchun kuponlar faqat agar mahsulot sotuvga "
"qo'yilmagan bo'lsa ishlaydi. Savatga qo'yilgan kuponlar faqat savatda "
"sotilmagan narsalar mavjud bo'lganda ishlaydi."
msgid "Exclude sale items"
msgstr "Savdo buyumlarini istisno qiling"
msgid ""
"Check this box if the coupon cannot be used in conjunction with other "
msgstr ""
"Kuponni boshqa kuponlar bilan birgalikda ishlatish mumkin bo'lmasa, ushbu "
"katakchani belgilang."
msgid "Individual use only"
msgstr "Faqat shaxsiy foydalanish uchun"
msgid ""
"This field allows you to set the maximum spend (subtotal) allowed when using "
"the coupon."
msgstr ""
"Bu maydon kupondan foydalanishda ruxsat etilgan maksimal sarf-xarajatlarni "
"(subtotal) belgilashga imkon beradi."
msgid "No maximum"
msgstr "Maksimal"
msgid "Maximum spend"
msgstr "Maksimal sarflash"
msgid ""
"This field allows you to set the minimum spend (subtotal) allowed to use the "
msgstr ""
"Bu maydon kupondan foydalanishga ruxsat etilgan minimal sarf-xarajatlarni "
"(pastki summani) belgilashga imkon beradi."
msgid "The coupon will expire at 00:00:00 of this date."
msgstr "Kupon ushbu sananing 00:00:00 da tugaydi."
msgid "No minimum"
msgstr "Minimum"
msgid "Minimum spend"
msgstr "Minimal sarflash"
msgid "Coupon expiry date"
msgstr "Kuponning amal qilish muddati"
msgid ""
"Check this box if the coupon grants free shipping. A free shipping method must be enabled in your shipping zone "
"and be set to require \"a valid free shipping coupon\" (see the \"Free "
"Shipping Requires\" setting)."
msgstr ""
"Agar kupon bepul yukni taqdim etsa, ushbu katakchani belgilang. Yetkazib "
"berish zonasida bepul etkazib berish usuli"
"a> yoqilgan bo'lishi kerak va \"haqiqiy etkazib berish kuponi\" talab "
"qilinishi kerak (\"Bepul etkazib berish talablari\" sozlamasiga qarang)."
msgid "Browse the Marketplace"
msgstr "Bozorni ko'zdan kechiring"
msgid ""
"Extensions can add new functionality to your product pages that make your "
"store stand out"
msgstr ""
"Kengaytmalar sizning mahsulot sahifalaringizga yangi funktsiyalarni "
"qo'shishi mumkin, bu sizning do'koningizni ajralib turishini ta'minlaydi"
msgid "Allow free shipping"
msgstr "Bepul etkazib berishga ruxsat bering"
msgid "Value of the coupon."
msgstr "Kupon qiymati."
msgid "Discount type"
msgstr "Chegirma turi"
msgid "Usage limits"
msgstr "Foydalanish chegaralari"
msgid "Usage restriction"
msgstr "Foydalanishni cheklash"
msgctxt "Marketplace suggestions"
msgid "Get more options"
msgstr "Ko'proq variantlarni oling"
msgid "Enhance your products"
msgstr "Mahsulotlaringizni yaxshilang"
msgid "Filter by stock status"
msgstr "Birja holati bo'yicha filtrlang"
msgid "On backorder"
msgstr "Orqa buyurtma asosida"
msgid "Filter by product type"
msgstr "Mahsulot turi bo'yicha filtrlash"
msgid "Toggle featured"
msgstr "Yoqish funksiyasi"
msgid "Downloadable"
msgstr "Yuklab olish mumkin"
msgid "Virtual"
msgstr "Virtual"
msgid "In stock"
msgstr "Omborda mavjud; sotuvda mavjud"
msgid "Create Product"
msgstr "Mahsulot yarating"
msgid "Filter by registered customer"
msgstr "Ro'yxatdan o'tgan mijoz tomonidan filtrlash"
msgid "Change order status to completed"
msgstr "Buyurtma holatini tugallangan qilib o'zgartiring"
msgid "Change status: "
msgstr "Holatni o'zgartirish: "
msgid "%1$s (#%2$s – %3$s)"
msgstr "%1$s (#%2$s –%3$s)"
msgid "Ready to start selling something awesome?"
msgstr "Ajoyib narsani sotishga tayyormisiz?"
msgid "Order status changed by bulk edit:"
msgstr "Buyurtma holati ommaviy tahrirlash natijasida o'zgartirildi:"
msgid "Change order status to processing"
msgstr "Buyurtma holatini ishlov berishga o'zgartirish"
msgid "Change order status to on-hold"
msgstr "Kutib turishda buyurtma holatini o'zgartiring"
msgid "Edit this order"
msgstr "Ushbu tartibni tahrirlang"
msgid "Payment via"
msgstr "Orqali to'lov"
msgid "Remove personal data"
msgstr "Shaxsiy ma'lumotlarni o'chirish"
msgid "Change status to completed"
msgstr "Holatni tugallang"
msgid "Change status to on-hold"
msgstr "Kutilayotgan holatiga o‘zgartiring"
msgid "Change status to processing"
msgstr "Holatni qayta ishlashga o'zgartiring"
msgid "When you receive a new order, it will appear here."
msgstr "Yangi buyurtmani olganingizda, u shu erda paydo bo'ladi."
msgid "Order #%s"
msgstr "Buyurtma # %s"
msgid "%d note"
msgid_plural "%d notes"
msgstr[0] "%d qayd"
msgid "Plus %d other note"
msgid_plural "Plus %d other notes"
msgstr[0] "Yana %d boshqa eslatma"
msgid "Ship to"
msgstr "Ga yetkazib berish"
msgctxt "full name"
msgid "%1$s %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s %2$s"
msgid "Create your first coupon"
msgstr "Birinchi kuponingizni yarating"
msgid "Usage / Limit"
msgstr "Foydalanish / cheklash"
msgid "Product IDs"
msgstr "Mahsulot identifikatorlari"
msgid "Coupon type"
msgstr "Kupon turi"
msgid "Coupon amount"
msgstr "Kupon miqdori"
msgid ""
"Coupons are a great way to offer discounts and rewards to your customers. "
"They will appear here once created."
msgstr ""
"Kuponlar - bu mijozlaringizga chegirmalar va mukofotlar taqdim etishning "
"ajoyib usuli. Ular yaratilganidan keyin bu erda paydo bo'ladi."
msgid "Use previous column mapping preferences?"
msgstr "Avvalgi ustun xaritasi afzalliklaridan foydalanilsinmi?"
msgid "Show advanced options"
msgstr "Qo‘shimcha variantlarni ko‘rsatish"
msgid "Hide advanced options"
msgstr "Kengaytirilgan parametrlarni yashirish"
msgid "CSV Delimiter"
msgstr "CSV ajratuvchisi"
msgid "Alternatively, enter the path to a CSV file on your server:"
msgstr "Shu bilan bir qatorda, serverda CSV faylga yo'lni kiriting:"
msgid ""
"Existing products that match by ID or SKU will be updated. Products that do "
"not exist will be skipped."
msgstr ""
"ID yoki SKUga mos keladigan mavjud mahsulotlar yangilanadi. Mavjud bo'lmagan "
"mahsulotlar o'tkazib yuboriladi."
msgid "Update existing products"
msgstr "Mavjud mahsulotlarni yangilang"
msgid "Choose a CSV file from your computer:"
msgstr "Kompyuteringizdan CSV faylni tanlang:"
msgid ""
"This tool allows you to import (or merge) product data to your store from a "
"CSV or TXT file."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu vosita sizga mahsulot ma'lumotlarini CSV yoki TXT faylidan "
"do'koningizga import qilish (yoki birlashtirish) imkonini beradi."
msgid "Your products are now being imported..."
msgstr "Mahsulotlaringiz import qilinmoqda ..."
msgid "Importing"
msgstr "Import qilinmoqda"
msgid "Run the importer"
msgstr "Import qiluvchini ishga tushiring"
msgid "Do not import"
msgstr "Import qilmang"
msgid "Import products from a CSV file"
msgstr "Mahsulotlarni CSV faylidan import qiling"
msgid "Map to field"
msgstr "Xaritani xaritaga kiriting"
msgid "Column name"
msgstr "Ustun nomi"
msgid ""
"Select fields from your CSV file to map against products fields, or to "
"ignore during import."
msgstr ""
"Mahsulot maydonlarini xaritalash yoki import paytida e'tibor bermaslik uchun "
"CSV faylingizdan maydonlarni tanlang."
msgid "Map CSV fields to products"
msgstr "CSV maydonlarini mahsulotlarga xaritada joylashtiring"
msgid "Import Products"
msgstr "Mahsulotlarni import qilish"
msgid "Reason for failure"
msgstr "Muvaffaqiyatsizlik sababi"
msgid "View import log"
msgstr "Import jurnalini ko'rish"
msgid "View products"
msgstr "Mahsulotlarni ko'rish"
msgid "File uploaded: %s"
msgstr "Yuklangan fayl: %s"
msgid ""
"Your CSV needs to include columns in a specific order. %1$sClick here to "
"download a sample%2$s."
msgstr ""
"CSV-da ma'lum tartibda ustunlarni qo'shish kerak. %1$sNamunani yuklab olish "
"uchun shu erni bosing%2$s."
msgid "Failed to import %s product"
msgid_plural "Failed to import %s products"
msgstr[0] "%s mahsulotni import qilib bo‘lmadi"
msgid "%s product was skipped"
msgid_plural "%s products were skipped"
msgstr[0] "%s mahsulot o'tkazib yuborildi"
msgid "%s product updated"
msgid_plural "%s products updated"
msgstr[0] "%s mahsulot yangilandi"
msgid "%s product imported"
msgid_plural "%s products imported"
msgstr[0] "%s mahsulot import qilindi"
msgid "Parent SKU"
msgstr "Ota-ona SKU"
msgid "Product Title"
msgstr "Katalog sahifasida mahsulot nomi Shrift"
msgid "Delimiter"
msgstr "Ajratuvchi"
msgid "OR enter path to file:"
msgstr "Yoki faylga yo'lni kiriting:"
msgid ""
"Hi there! Upload a CSV file containing tax rates to import the contents into "
"your shop. Choose a .csv file to upload, then click \"Upload file and import"
msgstr ""
"Salom! Tarkibni do'konga import qilish uchun soliq stavkalari ko'rsatilgan "
"CSV faylini yuklang. Yuklash uchun .csv faylini tanlang, so'ng \"Faylni "
"yuklash va import qilish\" ni bosing."
msgid "Import as meta data"
msgstr "Meta-ma'lumotlar sifatida import qilish"
msgid "Default attribute"
msgstr "Odatiy atribut"
msgid "Attribute visibility"
msgstr "Attributning ko'rinishi"
msgid "Is a global attribute?"
msgstr "Umumjahon atributmi?"
msgid "Import complete - imported %s tax rates."
msgstr "Import tugallandi - %s soliq stavkalari."
msgid "Import tax rates"
msgstr "Import soliq stavkalari"
msgid "View tax rates"
msgstr "Soliq stavkalarini ko'rish"
msgid "The CSV is invalid."
msgstr "CSV yaroqsiz."
msgid "Tags (space separated)"
msgstr "Teglar (bo‘sh joy ajratilgan)"
msgctxt "Quantity in stock"
msgid "Stock"
msgstr "Rang"
msgid "Attribute value(s)"
msgstr "Atribut qiymati (lar)"
msgid "Download name"
msgstr "Yuklab olish nomi"
msgid "External product"
msgstr "Tashqi mahsulot"
msgid "Meta: %s"
msgstr "Meta: %s"
msgid "Download %d URL"
msgstr "Yuklash havolasi %d"
msgid "Download %d name"
msgstr "%d nomini yuklab oling"
msgid "Attribute %d default"
msgstr "Attribut %d standart"
msgid "Attribute %d global"
msgstr "Attribut %d global"
msgid "Attribute %d visible"
msgstr "Attribut %d ko'rinadigan"
msgid "Attribute %d value(s)"
msgstr "Atribut %d qiymati (lar)"
msgid "Downloads"
msgstr "Yuklamalar"
msgid "Low stock amount"
msgstr "Aktsiyalarning kam miqdori"
msgid "Attribute %d name"
msgstr "Atribut %d nomi"
msgid "External URL"
msgstr "Tashqi URL manzili"
msgid "Upsells"
msgstr "Sotish mahsulotlari ustunlari"
msgid "Download expiry days"
msgstr "Yuklash muddati tugaydi"
msgid "Allow customer reviews?"
msgstr "Mijozlar sharhlariga ruxsat berilsinmi?"
msgid "Backorders allowed?"
msgstr "Orqa chegaralarga ruxsat berilganmi?"
msgid "Weight (%s)"
msgstr "Vazni ( %s)"
msgid "Grouped products"
msgstr "Guruhlangan mahsulotlar"
msgid "Tax status"
msgstr "Soliq holati"
msgid "Sold individually?"
msgstr "Alohida sotilganmi?"
msgid "In stock?"
msgstr "Sotuvda mavjudmi?"
msgid "Height (%s)"
msgstr "Balandligi ( %s)"
msgid "Width (%s)"
msgstr "Kengligi ( %s)"
msgid "Length (%s)"
msgstr "Uzunlik ( %s)"
msgid "Regular price"
msgstr "Doimiy narx"
msgid "Sale price"
msgstr "Sotish narxi"
msgid "Tax class"
msgstr "Soliq klassi"
msgid "Download limit"
msgstr "Yuklab olish chegarasi"
msgid "Cross-sells"
msgstr "Krossovkalar"
msgid "Shipping class"
msgstr "Yuk tashish klassi"
msgid "Upload a new file"
msgstr "Yangi faylni yuklang"
msgid ""
"The file is empty or using a different encoding than UTF-8, please try again "
"with a new file."
msgstr ""
"Fayl bo'sh yoki UTF-8-ga qaraganda boshqa kodlash usulidan foydalangan "
"holda, yangi fayl bilan qayta urinib ko'ring."
msgid "Date sale price ends"
msgstr "Sotish narxi tugaydi"
msgid "Date sale price starts"
msgstr "Sotish narxi boshlanadi"
msgid "Visibility in catalog"
msgstr "Katalogda ko'rinishi"
msgid "Is featured?"
msgstr "Tanlanganmi?"
msgid "SKU"
msgstr "SKU"
msgid "Invalid file type. The importer supports CSV and TXT file formats."
msgstr ""
"Noto‘g‘ri fayl turi. Import qiluvchi CSV va TXT fayl formatlarini qo'llab-"
msgid "Please upload or provide the link to a valid CSV file."
msgstr "Iltimos CSV faylni yuklang yoki havolasini bering."
msgid "Once connected, your purchases will be listed here."
msgstr ""
"Ulanganingizdan so'ng, xaridlaringiz bu erda ko'rsatiladi."
msgid "Connected to"
msgstr " saytiga ulangan"
msgid "Column mapping"
msgstr "Ustunlarni xaritalash"
msgid "Upload CSV file"
msgstr "CSV faylni yuklang"
msgid ""
"Manage your subscriptions, get important product notifications, and updates, "
"all from the convenience of your WooCommerce dashboard"
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce boshqaruv panelingiz qulayligidan obunalarni boshqarish, "
"mahsulot haqida muhim bildirishnomalar va yangilanishlarni olish"
msgid "Feel free to reconnect again using the button below."
msgstr "Quyidagi tugmachani bosib, qaytadan ulanishni bepul his eting."
msgid "Sorry to see you go."
msgstr "Ketganingiz uchun uzr."
msgid "Shared by %s"
msgstr "%s tomonidan ulashilgan"
msgid "Installed Extensions without a Subscription"
msgstr "O'rnatilgan kengaytmalar obunasiz"
msgid "Could not find any subscriptions on your account"
msgstr " hisobingizda biron bir obuna topilmadi"
msgid "Subscription: Not available - %1$d of %2$d already in use"
msgstr "Obuna: Mavjud emas - %1$d dan %2$d tasi allaqachon ishlatilgan"
msgid "Subscription: Unlimited"
msgstr "Obuna: Cheksiz"
msgid "Subscription: Using %1$d of %2$d sites available"
msgstr "Obuna: Mavjud %1$d dan %2$d saytlaridan foydalanish mumkin"
msgid "Lifetime Subscription"
msgstr "Hayotiy obuna"
msgid ""
"Below is a list of extensions available on your account. To "
"receive extension updates please make sure the extension is installed, and "
"its subscription activated and connected to your account. "
"Extensions can be activated from the Plugins screen."
msgstr ""
"Quyida hisob qaydnomangizda mavjud bo'lgan kengaytmalar "
"ro'yxati keltirilgan. Kengaytma yangilanishlarini olish uchun ilova "
"kengaytmasi o'rnatilganligini va uning obunasi faollashtirilganligini va "
" hisob qaydnomangizga ulanganligini tekshiring. Plaginlar ekranidan kengaytmalarni faollashtirish mumkin."
msgid "Expiring soon!"
msgstr "Tez orada tugaydi!"
msgid "Expired :("
msgstr "Sessiya tugadi"
msgid ""
"We've made things simpler and easier to manage moving forward. From now on "
"you can manage all your WooCommerce purchases directly from the Extensions "
"menu within the WooCommerce plugin itself. View and manage"
"a> your extensions now."
msgstr ""
"Oldinga siljishni boshqarish oson va soddalashtirildi. Endi barcha "
"WooCommerce xaridlaringizni to'g'ridan-to'g'ri WooCommerce plaginidagi "
"\"Kengaytmalar\" menyusidan boshqarish mumkin. Endi kengaytmalarni ko‘rish va boshqarish ."
msgid "WooCommerce Extensions"
msgstr "WooCommerce kengaytmalari"
msgid ""
"Please visit the subscriptions page and "
"renew to continue receiving updates."
msgstr ""
"Iltimos obunalar sahifasiga tashrif "
"buyuring va yangilanishlarni davom ettirish uchun yangilang."
msgid "Looking for the WooCommerce Helper?"
msgstr "WooCommerce yordamchisini qidirmoqdamisiz?"
msgid ""
"Note: You currently have %2$d paid extension which "
"should be updated first before updating WooCommerce."
msgid_plural ""
"Note: You currently have %2$d paid extensions which "
"should be updated first before updating WooCommerce."
msgstr[0] ""
"Eslatma: Sizda hozirda WooCommerce yangilanishidan oldin yangilanishi kerak "
"bo'lgan %2$d pulli kengaytma mavjud."
msgid "Authentication and subscription caches refreshed successfully."
msgstr "Autentifikatsiya va obuna keshlari muvaffaqiyatli yangilandi."
msgid "You have successfully disconnected your store from"
msgstr "Siz do'koningizni muvaffaqiyatli o'chirdingiz"
msgid "You have successfully connected your store to"
msgstr "Siz do'koningizni muvaffaqiyatli uladingiz"
msgid ""
"An error has occurred when deactivating the extension %1$s. Please proceed "
"to the Plugins screen to deactivate it manually."
msgstr ""
"%1$s kengaytmasini o'chirishda xatolik yuz berdi. Iltimos, uni qo'lda "
"o'chirish uchun Plaginlar ekraniga o'ting."
msgid "The extension %s has been deactivated successfully."
msgstr "\" %s\" kengaytmasi muvaffaqiyatli o'chirildi."
msgid ""
"An error has occurred when deactivating the subscription for %s. Please try "
"again later."
msgstr ""
"%s obunani bekor qilishda xatolik yuz berdi. Iltimos keyinroq qayta urinib "
msgid ""
"Subscription for %1$s deactivated successfully. You will no longer receive "
"updates for this product. Click here if you wish to "
"deactivate the plugin as well."
msgstr ""
"%1$s obunasi muvaffaqiyatli bekor qilindi. Endi ushbu mahsulotga oid "
"yangiliklarni olmaysiz. Plaginni ham o'chirib qo'ymoqchi bo'lsangiz, shu erni bosing ."
msgid ""
"Subscription for %s deactivated successfully. You will no longer receive "
"updates for this product."
msgstr ""
"%s obuna muvaffaqiyatli o'chirildi. Endi ushbu mahsulotga oid yangiliklarni "
msgid "An error has occurred when activating %s. Please try again later."
msgstr ""
"%s ni faollashtirishda xatolik yuz berdi. Iltimos keyinroq qayta urinib "
msgid ""
"%s activated successfully. You will now receive updates for this product."
msgstr ""
"%s muvaffaqiyatli faollashtirildi. Endi ushbu mahsulot uchun "
"yangilanishlarni olasiz."
msgid ""
"To receive updates and support for this extension, you need to "
"purchase a new subscription or consolidate your extensions "
"to one connected account by sharing or transferring"
"a> this extension to this connected account."
msgstr ""
"Bu uzaytirish uchun yangilanishlar va qo'llab-quvvatlash olish uchun, siz "
"bir ulangan hisob uchun kengaytmalar bir yangi obuna sotib "
"yoki birlashtirish kerak almashish yoki o'tkazish , bu ulangan hisob kengaytmani."
msgid "Expiring Soon"
msgstr "Tez orada tugaydi"
msgid ""
"Version %s is available. To enable this update you need to "
"purchase a new subscription."
msgstr ""
"%s versiya mavjud . Ushbu yangilanishni yoqish uchun yangi "
"obunani sotib olishingiz kerak."
msgid ""
"This subscription is expiring soon. Please renew to "
"continue receiving updates and support."
msgstr ""
"Yaqinda obuna muddati tugaydi. Iltimos, yangilanish va yordam olishda davom "
"etish uchun yangilang."
msgid ""
"This subscription has expired. Please renew to receive "
"updates and support."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu obuna muddati o'tgan. Yangiliklarni va qo'llab-quvvatlash qabul qilish "
"uchun yangilash, iltimos."
msgid "Subscription is expiring soon."
msgstr "Tez orada obuna muddati tugaydi ."
msgid ""
"This subscription has expired. Contact the owner to renew "
"the subscription to receive updates and support."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu obuna muddati o'tgan. Yangilanish va qo'llab-quvvatlashni olish uchun "
"obunani yangilash uchun egasiga murojaat qiling."
msgid ""
"To enable this update you need to purchase a new "
msgstr ""
"Ushbu yangilanishni yoqish uchun yangi obunani sotib "
"olishingiz kerak."
msgid ""
"To enable this update you need to activate this "
msgstr ""
"Ushbu yangilanishni yoqish uchun siz ushbu obunani "
"faollashtirishingiz kerak."
msgid ""
"The WooCommerce Helper plugin is no longer needed. Manage "
"subscriptions from the extensions tab instead."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce Helper plaginlari endi kerak emas. Buning o'rniga kengaytmalar "
"yorlig'idagi obunalarni boshqaring ."
msgid "WooCommerce Helper"
msgstr "WooCommerce yordamchisi"
msgid "Version %s is available."
msgstr "%s versiya mavjud ."
msgid "Delete \"%s\" permanently"
msgstr "\" %s\" ni butunlay yo'q qilish"
msgid "Create a new webhook"
msgstr "Yangi veb-brauzer yarating"
msgid ""
"Webhooks are event notifications sent to URLs of your choice. They can be "
"used to integrate with third-party services which support them."
msgstr ""
"Veb-hooks - bu sizning xohlagan URL-manzilingizga yuboriladigan voqea "
"xabarnomalari. Ulardan ularni qo'llab-quvvatlaydigan uchinchi tomon "
"xizmatlari bilan birlashtirish uchun foydalanish mumkin."
msgid "No webhooks found."
msgstr "Hech qanday veb-ilova topilmadi."
msgid "Delivery URL"
msgstr "Yetkazib berish URL manzili"
msgid "Search webhooks"
msgstr "Veb-qidiruvlarni qidirish"
msgid "Webhook created successfully."
msgstr "Webhook muvaffaqiyatli yaratildi."
msgid "Webhook topic unknown. Please select a valid topic."
msgstr "Veb-reja mavzusi noma'lum. Iltimos, to‘g‘ri mavzuni tanlang."
msgid "Webhook updated successfully."
msgstr "Webhook muvaffaqiyatli yangilandi."
msgid "%d webhook permanently deleted."
msgid_plural "%d webhooks permanently deleted."
msgstr[0] "%d webhook butunlay yo'q qilindi."
msgid ""
"This is the default category and it cannot be deleted. It will be "
"automatically assigned to products with no category."
msgstr ""
"Bu odatiy toifadir va uni o'chirib bo'lmaydi. U avtomatik ravishda hech "
"qanday toifaga ega bo'lmagan mahsulotlarga tayinlanadi."
msgid "You do not have permission to update Webhooks"
msgstr "Sizda Webhooks-ni yangilashga ruxsat yo'q"
msgid "Webhook created on %s"
msgstr "\" %s\" jadvalida yaratilgan veb-hook"
msgid "Make “%s” the default category"
msgstr "Qiling “ %s ” standart kategoriya"
msgid "Make default"
msgstr "Odatiy qilib belgilang"
msgid ""
"Attribute terms can be assigned to products and variations.
Note: Deleting a term will remove it from all products and "
"variations to which it has been assigned. Recreating a term will not "
"automatically assign it back to products."
msgstr ""
"Atribut shartlari mahsulotlarga va turlarga qarab belgilanishi mumkin.
Izoh : Terminni yo'q qilish uni tayinlangan barcha mahsulotlar "
"va o'zgarishlardan olib tashlaydi. Terminni qayta tiklash uni avtomatik "
"ravishda mahsulotga qaytarib bermaydi."
msgid ""
"Product categories for your store can be managed here. To change the order "
"of categories on the front-end you can drag and drop to sort them. To see "
"more categories listed click the \"screen options\" link at the top-right of "
"this page."
msgstr ""
"Do'koningiz uchun mahsulot toifalarini bu erda boshqarish mumkin. Birinchi "
"qismdagi toifalar tartibini o'zgartirish uchun ularni saralash uchun sudrab "
"tashlab qo'yishingiz mumkin. Ro'yxatda keltirilgan boshqa toifalarni ko'rish "
"uchun ushbu sahifaning yuqori o'ng qismida joylashgan \"ekran variantlari\" "
"havolasini bosing."
msgid "Use image"
msgstr "Rasmdan foydalaning"
msgid "Upload/Add image"
msgstr "Rasmni yuklash / qo'shish"
msgid "Subcategories"
msgstr "Subkategoriyalar"
msgid "Installed version not tested with active version of WooCommerce %s"
msgstr ""
"O'rnatilgan versiya WooCommerce %s faol versiyasi bilan sinovdan "
msgid "%1$s (update to version %2$s is available)"
msgstr "%1$s (%2$s versiyasiga yangilanish mavjud)"
msgid "Network enabled"
msgstr "Tarmoq yoqilgan"
msgid ""
"Missing base tables: %s. Some WooCommerce functionality may not work as "
msgstr ""
"Asosiy jadvallar yetishmayapti: %s. Ba'zi WooCommerce funksiyalari "
"kutilganidek ishlamasligi mumkin."
msgid "View & Customize"
msgstr "Ko'rish & Moslashtiring"
msgid "You can also:"
msgstr "Bundan tashqari:"
msgid "Transfer existing products to your new store — just import a CSV file."
msgstr ""
"Mavjud mahsulotlarni yangi do'koningizga o'tkazing - faqat CSV faylni import "
msgid "Tool does not exist."
msgstr "Asbob mavjud emas."
msgid "You're ready to add products to your store."
msgstr "Siz do'konga mahsulot qo'shishga tayyormiz."
msgid "Create some products"
msgstr "Ba'zi mahsulotlar yarating"
msgid "Import products"
msgstr "Mahsulotlarni import qilish"
msgid "Have an existing store?"
msgstr "Mavjud do'koningiz bormi?"
msgid "Next step"
msgstr "Keyingi"
msgid ""
"We're here for you — get tips, product updates, and inspiration straight to "
"your mailbox."
msgstr ""
"Siz uchun bu yerdamiz - to'g'ridan-to'g'ri pochta qutingizga maslahatlar, "
"mahsulot yangilanishlari va ilhomlarni oling."
msgid ""
"Visit to learn more about getting started."
msgstr ""
"Ishni boshlash haqida ko'proq bilib olish uchun saytiga tashrif buyuring."
msgid "You're ready to start selling!"
msgstr "Siz sotishni boshlashga tayyormiz!"
msgid ""
"Your site might be on a private network. Jetpack can only connect to public "
"sites. Please make sure your site is visible over the internet, and then try "
"connecting again 🙏."
msgstr ""
"Sizning saytingiz shaxsiy tarmoqda bo'lishi mumkin. Jetpack faqat ommaviy "
"saytlarga ulanishi mumkin. Iltimos, saytingiz internet orqali "
"ko'rinayotganiga ishonch hosil qiling va qaytadan ulanishga urinib ko'ring."
msgid ""
"Sorry! We couldn't contact Jetpack just now 😭. Please make sure that your "
"site is visible over the internet, and that it accepts incoming and outgoing "
"requests via curl. You can also try to connect to Jetpack again, and if you "
"run into any more issues, please contact support."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz! Hozir Jetpack bilan bog'lana olmadik 😭. Iltimos, saytingiz "
"Internet orqali ko'rinadigan va kiruvchi va chiquvchi so'rovlarni curl "
"orqali qabul qilishiga ishonch hosil qiling. Siz yana Jetpack-ga ulanishga "
"harakat qilib ko'rishingiz mumkin va agar siz boshqa muammolarga duch "
"kelsangiz, iltimos, qo'llab-quvvatlash xizmatiga murojaat qiling."
msgid ""
"Sorry! We tried, but we couldn't install Jetpack for you 😭. Please go to the "
"Plugins tab to install it, and finish setting up your store."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz! Biz sinab ko'rdik, ammo Jetpack-ni o'rnatib bo'lmadi 😭. "
"O'rnatish uchun Plaginlar yorlig'iga o'ting va do'koningizni sozlashni "
msgid ""
"Sorry! We tried, but we couldn't connect Jetpack just now 😭. Please go to "
"the Plugins tab to connect Jetpack, so that you can finish setting up your "
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz! Biz sinab ko'rdik, lekin hozir Jetpack-ni ulab bo'lmadi. "
"Iltimos, Jetpack-ni ulash uchun Plaginlar yorlig'iga o'ting, shunda "
"do'koningizni sozlashni tugatishingiz mumkin."
msgid "Share new items on social media the moment they're live in your store."
msgstr ""
"Yangi narsalarni do'konda yashab turgan paytingizda ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda "
msgid "Product promotion"
msgstr "Mahsulotni reklama qilish"
msgid "Get an alert if your store is down for even a few minutes."
msgstr "Do'koningiz bir necha daqiqaga ishlamay qolsa, ogohlantirish oling."
msgid "Store monitoring"
msgstr "Do'kon monitoringi"
msgid ""
"Get insights on how your store is doing, including total sales, top "
"products, and more."
msgstr ""
"Do'koningiz qanday ishlashi, jumladan, umumiy savdo, eng yaxshi mahsulotlar "
"va boshqa narsalar haqida ma'lumot oling."
msgid "Reasons you'll love Jetpack"
msgstr "Jetpack-ni sevishingizning sabablari"
msgid "Protect your store from unauthorized access."
msgstr "Do'koningizni ruxsatsiz kirishdan saqlang."
msgid "Better security"
msgstr "Xavfsizlik yaxshiroq"
msgid "Bonus reasons you'll love Jetpack"
msgstr "Sizga Jetpack-ni yoqtiradigan bonus sabablari"
msgid ""
"By connecting your site you agree to our fascinating Terms of Service and to share details with"
msgstr ""
"Saytingizni ulab, siz bizning ajoyib Xizmat ko'rsatish shartlarimizga rozilik bildirasiz va "
"bilan ma'lumotlarni almashasiz"
msgid "Jetpack logo"
msgstr "Jetpack logotipi"
msgid "Continue with WooCommerce Services"
msgstr "WooCommerce Services bilan davom eting"
msgid "Connect your store to activate WooCommerce Services"
msgstr "WooCommerce xizmatlarini yoqish uchun do'koningizni ulang"
msgid "Continue with Jetpack"
msgstr "Jetpack-da davom eting"
msgid "Connect your store to Jetpack to enable extra features"
msgstr "Qo'shimcha funktsiyalarni yoqish uchun do'koningizni Jetpack-ga ulang"
msgid "Connect your store to Jetpack"
msgstr "Do'koningizni Jetpack-ga ulang"
msgid ""
"Thanks for using Jetpack! Your store is almost ready: to activate services "
"like %s, just connect your store."
msgstr ""
"Jetpack-dan foydalanganingiz uchun tashakkur! Do'koningiz deyarli tayyor: %s "
"kabi xizmatlarni faollashtirish uchun do'koningizni ulang."
msgid ""
"Your store is almost ready! To activate services like %s, just connect with "
msgstr ""
"Sizning do'koningiz deyarli tayyor! %s kabi xizmatlarni faollashtirish "
"uchun Jetpack-ga ulaning."
msgid "discounted shipping labels"
msgstr "chegirmali yuk yorliqlari"
msgid "automated taxes and discounted shipping labels"
msgstr "avtomatlashtirilgan soliq va chegirmali transport yorliqlari"
msgid "Sorry, we couldn't connect your store to Jetpack"
msgstr "Kechirasiz, do'koningizni Jetpack-ga ulab bo'lmadi"
msgid "payment setup and discounted shipping labels"
msgstr "to'lovni sozlash va chegirmali transport yorliqlari"
msgid "payment setup"
msgstr "to'lovni sozlash"
msgid "payment setup and automated taxes"
msgstr "to'lovlarni sozlash va avtomatlashtirilgan soliq"
msgid "payment setup, automated taxes and discounted shipping labels"
msgstr ""
"to'lovlarni sozlash, avtomatlashtirilgan soliq va chegirmali transport "
msgid "Facebook icon"
msgstr "Balloon Facebook ikonkasi"
msgid "Facebook for WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce uchun Facebook"
msgid ""
"Enjoy all Facebook products combined in one extension: pixel tracking, "
"catalog sync, messenger chat, shop functionality and Instagram shopping "
"(coming soon)!"
msgstr ""
"Facebook-ning barcha mahsulotlarini bitta kengaytmada birlashtirishdan "
"bahramand bo'ling: pikselni kuzatish, katalog sinxronizatsiyasi, messenjer "
"chat, do'konning ishlashi va Instagram xarid qilish (yaqinda)!"
msgid "Mailchimp for WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce uchun Mailchimp"
msgid "Mailchimp icon"
msgstr "Mailchimp belgisi"
msgid ""
"Join the 16 million customers who use Mailchimp. Sync list and store data to "
"send automated emails, and targeted campaigns."
msgstr ""
"Mailchimp-dan foydalanayotgan 16 million mijozlarga qo'shiling. Avtomatik "
"elektron pochta xabarlari va maqsadli kampaniyalarni yuborish uchun "
"ma'lumotlarni sinxronlash va ro'yxatga olish."
msgid "WooCommerce Admin icon"
msgstr "WooCommerce ma'muri belgisi"
msgid ""
"Manage your store's reports and monitor key metrics with a new and improved "
"interface and dashboard."
msgstr ""
"Do'koningiz hisobotlarini boshqarish va yangi, takomillashtirilgan interfeys "
"va boshqaruv paneli yordamida asosiy ko'rsatkichlarni kuzatib borish."
msgid "automated taxes icon"
msgstr "avtomatlashtirilgan soliq belgisi"
msgid ""
"Save time and errors with automated tax calculation and collection at "
"checkout. Powered by WooCommerce Services and Jetpack."
msgstr ""
"Vaqt va xatolarni avtomatlashtirilgan soliq hisob-kitobi va to'lovni to'lash "
"bilan tejang. WooCommerce Services va Jetpack tomonidan quvvatlanadi."
msgid "Storefront icon"
msgstr "Storefront ikonkasi"
msgid ""
"Design your store with deep WooCommerce integration. If toggled on, we’ll "
"install Storefront, and your current theme %s"
"em> will be deactivated."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce-ning chuqur integratsiyasi bilan do'koningizni loyihalashtiring. "
"Agar yoqilgan bo'lsa, Storefront-ni o'rnatamiz va "
"sizning %s mavzusi o'chiriladi."
msgid "Enhance your store with these recommended free features."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu tavsiya etilgan bepul xususiyatlar bilan do'koningizni yaxshilang."
msgid "Storefront Theme"
msgstr "Storefront mavzusi"
msgid "Recommended for All WooCommerce Stores"
msgstr "Barcha WooCommerce do'konlariga tavsiya etiladi"
msgid "Collect payments from customers offline."
msgstr "To'lovlarni oflayn rejimda xarid qiling."
msgid ""
"WooCommerce can accept both online and offline payments. Additional payment methods can be installed later."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce ham onlayn, ham oflayn to'lovlarni qabul qilishi mumkin. "
"Keyinchalik qo'shimcha to'lov usullarini"
"a> o'rnatish mumkin."
msgid "Offline Payments"
msgstr "Oflayn to'lovlar"
msgid "A simple offline gateway that lets you accept cash on delivery."
msgstr ""
"Yetkazib berishda naqd pul olishga imkon beradigan oddiy oflayn shlyuz."
msgid ""
"A simple offline gateway that lets you accept a check as method of payment."
msgstr ""
"To'lov usuli sifatida chekni qabul qilishga imkon beradigan oddiy oflayn "
msgid "A simple offline gateway that lets you accept BACS payment."
msgstr "BACS to'lovini qabul qilishga imkon beradigan oddiy oflayn shlyuz."
msgid "Bank transfer (BACS) payments"
msgstr "Bank o'tkazmasi (BACS) bo'yicha to'lovlar"
msgid ""
"The PayFast extension for WooCommerce enables you to accept payments by "
"Credit Card and EFT via one of South Africa’s most popular payment gateways. "
"No setup fees or monthly subscription costs."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce uchun PayFast kengaytmasi sizga Janubiy Afrikadagi eng mashhur "
"to'lov shlyuzlaridan biri orqali Kredit karta va EFT orqali to'lovlarni "
"qabul qilish imkonini beradi. O'rnatish to'lovlari yoki oylik obuna "
"xarajatlari yo'q."
msgctxt "Check payment method"
msgid "Check payments"
msgstr "To'lovlarni tekshirish"
msgid "WooCommerce PayFast Gateway"
msgstr "WooCommerce PayFast Gateway"
msgid ""
"The eWAY extension for WooCommerce allows you to take credit card payments "
"directly on your store without redirecting your customers to a third party "
"site to make payment."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce uchun eWAY kengaytmasi mijozlaringizni to'lovlarni amalga "
"oshirish uchun uchinchi tomon saytiga yo'naltirmasdan to'g'ridan-to'g'ri "
"do'koningizda kredit karta to'lovlarini amalga oshirishga imkon beradi."
msgid "WooCommerce eWAY Gateway"
msgstr "WooCommerce eWAY Gateway"
msgid "WooCommerce Square"
msgstr "WooCommerce maydoni"
msgid "Klarna Payments for WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce uchun Klarna to'lovlari"
msgid "Klarna Checkout for WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce uchun Klarna-ni tekshirish"
msgid "PayPal email address:"
msgstr "PayPal elektron pochta manzili:"
msgid "Accept payments via PayPal using account balance or credit card."
msgstr ""
"Hisob balansi yoki kredit kartangiz yordamida PayPal orqali to'lovlarni "
"qabul qiling."
msgid "PayPal email address"
msgstr "PayPal elektron pochta manzili"
msgid "Set up PayPal for me using this email:"
msgstr "Ushbu elektron pochta orqali PayPal-ni sozlang:"
msgid "WooCommerce PayPal Checkout Gateway"
msgstr "WooCommerce PayPal Checkout Gateway"
msgid "Set up Stripe for me using this email:"
msgstr "Ushbu elektron pochtadan foydalanib, Stripe-ni sozlang:"
msgid "Email address to receive payments"
msgstr "To'lovlarni olish uchun elektron pochta manzili"
msgid "Direct payments to email address:"
msgstr "Elektron pochta manziliga to'g'ridan-to'g'ri to'lovlar:"
msgid "Stripe email address"
msgstr "Stripe elektron pochta manzili"
msgid "Stripe email address:"
msgstr "Stripe elektron pochta manzili:"
msgid "PayPal Standard"
msgstr "PayPal standarti"
msgid ""
"Securely accept credit and debit cards with one low rate, no surprise fees "
"(custom rates available). Sell online and in store and track sales and "
"inventory in one place. Learn more about "
msgstr ""
"Kredit va debet kartalarini bitta past stavka bilan, hech qanday "
"ajablantiradigan to'lovsiz xavfsiz qabul qiling (maxsus narxlar mavjud). "
"Internetda va do'konlarda soting va sotuvlar va inventarizatsiyani bir joyda "
"kuzatib boring. Kvadrat haqida ko'proq "
"ma'lumot oling ."
msgid ""
"Choose the payment that you want, pay now, pay later or slice it. No credit "
"card numbers, no passwords, no worries. Learn more about Klarna."
msgstr ""
"O'zingiz xohlagan to'lovni tanlang, hozir to'lang, keyinroq to'lang yoki "
"dilimlang. Kredit karta raqamlari yo'q, parollar yo'q, tashvishlar yo'q. Klarna haqida ko'proq bilib oling ."
msgid ""
"Full checkout experience with pay now, pay later and slice it. No credit "
"card numbers, no passwords, no worries. Learn more about Klarna."
msgstr ""
"To'lov bilan to'la to'lovni amalga oshiring, keyinroq to'lang va tilim "
"oling. Kredit karta raqamlari yo'q, parollar yo'q, tashvishlar yo'q. Klarna haqida ko'proq bilib oling ."
msgid ""
"Safe and secure payments using credit cards or your customer's PayPal "
"account. Learn more."
msgstr ""
"Kredit kartalar yoki mijozingizning PayPal hisobidan foydalangan holda "
"xavfsiz va xavfsiz to'lovlar. Ko'proq "
"ma'lumot oling ."
msgid ""
"Accept debit and credit cards in 135+ currencies, methods such as Alipay, "
"and one-touch checkout with Apple Pay. Learn more."
msgstr ""
"135+ valyutadagi debet va kredit kartalarini, Alipay kabi usullarni va Apple "
"Pay yordamida bir martalik to'lovni qabul qiling. Ko'proq ma'lumot oling ."
msgid "We'll use %1$s for product weight and %2$s for product dimensions."
msgstr ""
"Biz mahsulot og'irligi uchun%1$s va mahsulot o'lchamlari uchun%2$s "
msgid ""
"A live rate is the exact cost to ship an order, quoted directly from the "
"shipping carrier."
msgstr ""
"Jonli narx - bu to'g'ridan-to'g'ri yuk tashuvchisidan buyurtma berish uchun "
"aniq narx."
msgid ""
"If you'd like to offer live "
"rates from a specific carrier (e.g. UPS) you can find a variety of "
"extensions available for WooCommerce here."
msgstr ""
"Agar siz ma'lum bir aloqa operatoridan (masalan, UPS) jonli narxlarni taklif qilmoqchi bo'lsangiz, bu erda WooCommerce uchun turli xil "
"kengaytmalarni topishingiz mumkin."
msgid "ShipStation"
msgstr "ShipStation"
msgid "ShipStation icon"
msgstr "ShipStation tasvirchasi"
msgid ""
"We recommend using ShipStation to save time at the post office by printing "
"your shipping labels at home. Try ShipStation free for 30 days."
msgstr ""
"Pochta bo'limida vaqtni tejash uchun ShipStation-dan foydalanishni tavsiya "
"etamiz, bu sizning uyingizda etkazib berish yorliqlarini chop etishdir. "
"ShipStation-ni 30 kun davomida bepul sinab ko'ring."
msgid ""
"Use WooCommerce Shipping (powered by WooCommerce Services & Jetpack) to save "
"time at the post office by printing your shipping labels at home."
msgstr ""
"Pochta idorasida vaqtni tejash uchun uyda yuk tashish yorliqlarini bosib "
"chiqarish uchun WooCommerce Shipping-dan foydalaning (WooCommerce Services & "
msgid "WooCommerce Services icon"
msgstr "WooCommerce Services tasvirchasi"
msgid "Did you know you can print shipping labels at home?"
msgstr ""
"Uyda etkazib berish yorliqlarini chop etishingiz mumkinligini bilarmidingiz?"
msgid ""
"We've created two Shipping Zones - for %s and for the rest of the world. "
"Below you can set Flat Rate shipping costs for these Zones or offer Free "
msgstr ""
"Biz ikkita yuk tashish zonasini yaratdik - %s va butun dunyo uchun. Quyida "
"ushbu zonalar uchun tekis narxlarni etkazib berish xarajatlarini "
"belgilashingiz yoki bepul etkazib berishni taklif qilishingiz mumkin."
msgid "Don't charge for shipping."
msgstr "Yuk tashish uchun haq olmang."
msgid "What would you like to charge for flat rate shipping?"
msgstr "Yassi transport xizmati uchun qancha haq olishni xohlaysiz?"
msgid "Set a fixed price to cover shipping costs."
msgstr "Yuk tashish xarajatlarini qoplash uchun belgilangan narxni belgilang."
msgid ""
"Learn more about how usage tracking works, and how you'll be helping in our "
"usage tracking documentation."
msgstr ""
"Foydalanishni qanday tekshirish va "
"foydalanishni kuzatish hujjatlarida qanday yordam berishingiz haqida "
"ko'proq bilib oling."
msgid "Enable usage tracking and help improve WooCommerce"
msgstr ""
"Foydalanishni kuzatishni yoqing va WooCommerce-ni yaxshilashga yordam bering"
msgid "The following plugins will be installed and activated for you:"
msgstr "Siz uchun quyidagi plaginlar o'rnatiladi va faollashadi:"
msgid "Flat Rate"
msgstr "Yagona narx"
msgid "Help improve WooCommerce with usage tracking"
msgstr "Foydalanishni kuzatishda WooCommerce-ni yaxshilashga yordam bering"
msgid "I will also be selling products or services in person."
msgstr "Men shaxsan mahsulot yoki xizmatlarni sotish bilan shug'ullanaman."
msgid "I plan to sell both physical and digital products"
msgstr "Men ham jismoniy, ham raqamli mahsulotlarni sotishni rejalashtiraman"
msgid "I plan to sell digital products"
msgstr "Raqamli mahsulotlarni sotishni rejalashtiraman"
msgid "I plan to sell physical products"
msgstr "Men jismoniy mahsulotlarni sotishni rejalashtirmoqdaman"
msgid "What type of products do you plan to sell?"
msgstr "Qanday mahsulotlarni sotishni rejalashtirmoqdasiz?"
msgid "What currency do you accept payments in?"
msgstr "To‘lovni qaysi valyutada qabul qilasiz?"
msgid "Choose a currency…"
msgstr "Valyutani tanlang & hellip;"
msgid "Choose a state…"
msgstr "Davlat tanlang …"
msgid ""
"The following wizard will help you configure your store and get you started "
msgstr ""
"Quyidagi sehrgar sizning do'koningizni sozlash va tezda ishlashni "
"boshlashingizga yordam beradi."
msgid "Where is your store based?"
msgstr "Do'koningiz qayerda joylashgan?"
msgid "The \"WooCommerce Admin\" plugin will be installed and activated"
msgstr "\"WooCommerce Admin\" plaginlari o'rnatiladi va faollashadi"
msgid "WooCommerce Admin"
msgstr "WooCommerce ma'muri"
msgid ""
"Get your store up and running more quickly with our new and improved setup "
msgstr ""
"Bizning yangi va takomillashtirilgan o'rnatish tajribamiz bilan "
"do'koningizni tezroq ishga tushiring"
msgid "Welcome to"
msgstr "Ga Xush kelibsiz"
msgid "Skip this step"
msgstr "Ushbu bosqichni o'tkazib yuboring"
msgid "WooCommerce › Setup Wizard"
msgstr "WooCommerce & rsaquo; Sozlash ustasi"
msgid "Choose countries / regions…"
msgstr "Mamlakatlarni / mintaqalarni tanlang …"
msgid "Year(s)"
msgstr "Yil (yil)"
msgid "Month(s)"
msgstr "Oy"
msgid "Week(s)"
msgstr "Hafta (lar)"
msgid "Day(s)"
msgstr "Kun"
msgid "Choose a country / region…"
msgstr "Mamlakatni / mintaqani tanlang …"
msgid "Hard crop?"
msgstr "Qattiq ekinmi?"
msgid ""
"The settings of this image size have been disabled because its values are "
"being overwritten by a filter."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu rasm o'lchamlarini sozlash o'chirilgan, chunki uning qiymatlari filtr "
"orqali o'zgartiriladi."
msgid ""
"Selecting no country / region to sell to prevents from completing the "
"checkout. Continue anyway?"
msgstr ""
"To'lovni amalga oshirishni oldini olish uchun sotiladigan mamlakat / "
"mintaqani tanlash. Baribir davom ettirilsinmi?"
msgid "Item moved down"
msgstr "Menu yozuvi tushirildi"
msgid "Item moved up"
msgstr "Menu yozuvi ko'tarildi"
msgid "Customer downloads"
msgstr "Xaridor yuklab olish"
msgid "Copy from billing address"
msgstr "Billing manzilidan nusxa oling"
msgid "Taxes by date"
msgstr "Sana bo'yicha soliq"
msgid "Taxes by code"
msgstr "Kodlar bo'yicha soliq"
msgid "Most stocked"
msgstr "Ko'p stoklangan"
msgid "Low in stock"
msgstr "Stokda kam"
msgid "Customer list"
msgstr "Xaridorlar ro'yxati"
msgid "Customers vs. guests"
msgstr "Xaridorlar va mehmonlar"
msgid "Coupons by date"
msgstr "Kunlik Kupon"
msgid "Sales by category"
msgstr "Bo'lim savdosi"
msgid "Sales by product"
msgstr "Mahsulot savdosi"
msgid "Sales by date"
msgstr "Kunlik savdo"
msgid "Country / Region"
msgstr "Mamlakat / mintaqa"
msgid "Select a country / region…"
msgstr "Mamlakatni / mintaqani tanlang…"
msgid "Postcode / ZIP"
msgstr "Pochta indeksi"
msgid "State / County"
msgstr "Viloyat"
msgid "Customer billing address"
msgstr "Mijozning hisob-kitob manzili"
msgid "Customer shipping address"
msgstr "Xaridorga etkazib berish manzili"
msgid "State / County or state code"
msgstr "Davlat"
msgid "Terms and Conditions Page"
msgstr "Shartlar va shartlar sahifasi"
msgid "My Account Page"
msgstr "Mening hisobim sahifasi"
msgid "Checkout Page"
msgstr "Chiqish sahifasi"
msgid "Cart Page"
msgstr "Savatcha sahifasi"
msgid "Shop Page"
msgstr "Do'kon sahifasi"
msgid ""
"This is the WooCommerce shop page. The shop page is a special archive that "
"lists your products. You can read more about this here."
msgstr ""
"Bu WooCommerce do'konining sahifasi. Do'kon sahifasi sizning "
"mahsulotlaringizni ro'yxatga oladigan maxsus arxivdir. Bu "
"haqda ko'proq ma'lumotni bu erda o'qishingiz mumkin ."
msgid "This is a featured product"
msgstr "Bu taniqli mahsulot"
msgid "This setting determines which shop pages products will be listed on."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu sozlama qaysi do'konlar sahifalari ro'yxatiga kiritilishini belgilaydi."
msgid "Catalog visibility:"
msgstr "Bo'lim ko'rinishi:"
msgid "%s coupon permanently deleted."
msgid_plural "%s coupons permanently deleted."
msgstr[0] "%s kupon butunlay o‘chirib tashlandi."
msgid "%s coupon not updated, somebody is editing it."
msgid_plural "%s coupons not updated, somebody is editing them."
msgstr[0] "%s kuponi yangilanmadi, kimdir uni tahrirlamoqda."
msgid "%s coupon updated."
msgid_plural "%s coupons updated."
msgstr[0] "%s kupon yangilandi."
msgid "%s order updated."
msgid_plural "%s orders updated."
msgstr[0] "%s buyurtma yangilandi."
msgid "%s product restored from the Trash."
msgid_plural "%s products restored from the Trash."
msgstr[0] "Chiqitdondan %s mahsulot qayta tiklandi."
msgid "%s product moved to the Trash."
msgid_plural "%s products moved to the Trash."
msgstr[0] "%s mahsulot chiqitdonga tashlandi."
msgid "%s product permanently deleted."
msgid_plural "%s products permanently deleted."
msgstr[0] "%s mahsulot butunlay yo'q qilindi."
msgid "%s order permanently deleted."
msgid_plural "%s orders permanently deleted."
msgstr[0] "%s buyurtma butunlay yo'q qilindi."
msgid "Order updated and sent."
msgstr "Buyurtma yangilandi va yuborildi."
msgid "Coupon scheduled for: %s."
msgstr "Kupon rejalashtirilgan: %s."
msgid "Order scheduled for: %s."
msgstr "Buyurtma rejalashtirilgan: %s."
msgid "%s product not updated, somebody is editing it."
msgid_plural "%s products not updated, somebody is editing them."
msgstr[0] "%s mahsulot yangilanmadi, kimdir uni tahrirlamoqda."
msgid "%s product updated."
msgid_plural "%s products updated."
msgstr[0] "%s mahsulot yangilandi."
msgid "Coupon draft updated."
msgstr "Kupon loyihasi yangilandi."
msgid "Coupon submitted."
msgstr "Kupon yuborildi."
msgid "Coupon saved."
msgstr "Kupon saqlandi."
msgid "Order draft updated."
msgstr "Buyurtma loyihasi yangilandi."
msgid "Order submitted."
msgstr "Buyurtma yuborildi."
msgid "Order saved."
msgstr "Buyurtma saqlandi."
msgid "Coupon updated."
msgstr "Kupon yangilandi."
msgid "Product saved."
msgstr "Mahsulot saqlandi."
msgid "Revision restored."
msgstr "Tuzatish qayta tiklandi."
msgid "Product updated."
msgstr "Mahsulot yangilandi."
msgid "Product tags"
msgstr "Mahsulot teglari"
msgid "Downloadable products"
msgstr "Yuklab olinadigan mahsulotlar"
msgid "Product description"
msgstr "Mahsulot tavsifi"
msgid "five star"
msgstr "besh yulduzli"
msgid ""
"If you like %1$s please leave us a %2$s rating. A huge thanks in advance!"
msgstr ""
"Agar sizga%1$s yoqsa, bizga%2$s reytingini qoldiring. Oldindan katta rahmat!"
msgid "Thank you for selling with WooCommerce."
msgstr "WooCommerce bilan sotganingiz uchun rahmat."
msgid "Thanks :)"
msgstr "Yo'q, rahmat"
msgid "HTML email template"
msgstr "HTML elektron pochta shabloni"
msgid ""
"Enter a custom base to use. A base must be set or WordPress will use default "
msgstr ""
"Foydalanish uchun maxsus bazani kiriting. Baza o'rnatilishi kerak yoki uning "
"o'rniga WordPress standart ishlatiladi."
msgctxt "slug"
msgid "product"
msgstr "mahsulot"
msgid ""
"If you like, you may enter custom structures for your product URLs here. For "
"example, using shop would make your product links like "
"%sshop/sample-product/. This setting affects product URLs only, not "
"things such as product categories."
msgstr ""
"Agar xohlasangiz, bu erda o'z mahsulotingizning URL manzillari uchun maxsus "
"tuzilmalarni kiritishingiz mumkin. Masalan, do'kondan "
"foydalanish sizning mahsulotingizni %sshop/sample-product/ kabi "
"aloqalarni yaratadi. Ushbu sozlama mahsulot toifalari kabi narsalarga emas, "
"balki faqat mahsulot URL-lariga ta'sir qiladi."
msgid "Custom base"
msgstr "Custom bazasi"
msgid "Shop base with category"
msgstr "Kategoriya bilan do'kon bazasi"
msgid "Shop base"
msgstr "Do'kon bazasi"
msgctxt "default-slug"
msgid "product"
msgstr "mahsulot"
msgctxt "default-slug"
msgid "shop"
msgstr "do'kon"
msgid ""
"Update required: WooCommerce will soon require WordPress version %s or newer."
msgstr ""
"Yangilanish talab etiladi: WooCommerce yaqinda WordPress %s yoki yangiroq "
"versiyasini talab qiladi."
msgid "Product permalinks"
msgstr "Mahsulot doimiy aloqalari"
msgctxt "slug"
msgid "product-tag"
msgstr "mahsulot yorlig'i"
msgid "Product attribute base"
msgstr "Mahsulot atributlari bazasi"
msgid "Product tag base"
msgstr "Mahsulot yorlig'i bazasi"
msgid "Product category base"
msgstr "Mahsulot toifasi bazasi"
msgctxt "slug"
msgid "product-category"
msgstr "product-category"
msgid "Update required: WooCommerce will soon require PHP version %s or newer."
msgstr ""
"Yangilanish talab qilinadi: Tez orada WooCommerce PHP %s yoki yangiroq "
"versiyasini talab qiladi."
msgid ""
"Update required: WooCommerce will soon require PHP version %1$s and "
"WordPress version %2$s or newer."
msgstr ""
"Yangilanish talab etiladi: WooCommerce tez orada PHP versiyasini %1$s va "
"WordPress versiyasini %2$s yoki undan yangisini talab qiladi."
msgid "Coupon data"
msgstr "Kupon ma’lumotlari"
msgid ""
"Note: Permissions for order items will automatically be granted when the "
"order status changes to processing/completed."
msgstr ""
"Eslatma: Buyurtma holati qayta ishlash / tugatish holatiga o'zgarganda, "
"buyurtma elementlari uchun ruxsatnomalar avtomatik ravishda beriladi."
msgid "Downloadable product permissions"
msgstr "Yuklab olinadigan mahsulot uchun ruxsatnomalar"
msgid "%s notes"
msgstr "%s qaydlar"
msgid "%s data"
msgstr "%s ma'lumotlar"
msgid "Product gallery"
msgstr "Mahsulotlar galereyasi"
msgid "Insufficient privileges to import products."
msgstr "Mahsulotlarni import qilishda etarli imtiyozlar mavjud emas."
msgid "Extensions %s"
msgstr "%s kengaytmasi"
msgid "Filter by source"
msgstr "Manba bo'yicha filtrlash"
msgid "All sources"
msgstr "Barcha manbalar"
msgid "All levels"
msgstr "Barcha darajalar"
msgid "Filter by level"
msgstr "Darajasi bo'yicha filtrlang"
msgid "Critical"
msgstr "Tanqidiy"
msgid "Emergency"
msgstr "Favqulodda holat"
msgid "Timestamp"
msgstr "Vaqt"
msgid "WooCommerce extensions"
msgstr "WooCommerce kengaytmalari"
msgid "Product data"
msgstr "Mahsulot haqida ma'lumot"
msgid "Product short description"
msgstr "Mahsulotning qisqacha tavsifi"
msgid "Visit Store"
msgstr "Do'konga tashrif buyuring"
msgid "Add to menu"
msgstr "Menyuga qo'shish"
msgid "WooCommerce endpoints"
msgstr "WooCommerce oxirgi nuqtalari"
msgctxt "Admin menu name"
msgid "Orders"
msgstr "Buyurtmalar"
msgid "WooCommerce settings"
msgstr "WooCommerce sozlamalari"
msgid "Sales reports"
msgstr "Savdo hisobotlari"
msgid "Import tax rates to your store via a csv file."
msgstr ""
"Soliq stavkalarini do'konga csv fayli orqali import qiling."
msgid "WooCommerce status"
msgstr "WooCommerce holati"
msgid "Import products to your store via a csv file."
msgstr "Csv-fayl orqali do'konga mahsulotlarni import qiling."
msgid "WooCommerce tax rates (CSV)"
msgstr "WooCommerce soliq stavkalari (CSV)"
msgid "WooCommerce products (CSV)"
msgstr "WooCommerce mahsulotlari (CSV)"
msgid "Product Import"
msgstr "Mahsulot importi"
msgid ""
"If you need to access the setup wizard again, please click on the button "
msgstr ""
"Agar siz yana sozlash ustasiga kirishingiz kerak bo'lsa, iltimos, quyidagi "
"tugmachani bosing."
msgid "Official extensions"
msgstr "Rasmiy kengaytmalar"
msgid "Official theme"
msgstr "Rasmiy mavzu"
msgid " project"
msgstr " loyihasi"
msgid "About WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce haqida"
msgid "Setup wizard"
msgstr "Mavzularni sozlash ustasi"
msgid " support"
msgstr " qo'llab-quvvatlash"
msgid ""
"Before asking for help, we recommend checking the system status page to "
"identify any problems with your configuration."
msgstr ""
"Yordam so'rashdan oldin konfiguratsiyangiz bilan bog'liq har qanday "
"muammolarni aniqlash uchun tizim holati sahifasini tekshirishni tavsiya "
msgid "Found a bug?"
msgstr "Xato topdingizmi?"
msgid "System status"
msgstr "Tizim holati"
msgid ""
"For further assistance with WooCommerce core, use the community forum. For help with premium extensions sold on WooCommerce."
"com, open a support request at"
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce yadrosi bo'yicha qo'shimcha yordam uchun forum "
"forumidan foydalaning. sotiladigan premium "
"kengaytmalari to'g'risida yordam olish uchun WooCommerce."
"com-da yordam so'rovini oching ."
msgid ""
"Should you need help understanding, using, or extending WooCommerce, please read our documentation. You will find all kinds of "
"resources including snippets, tutorials and much more."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce-ni tushunish, undan foydalanish yoki kengaytirish haqida sizga "
"yordam kerak bo'lsa, iltimos, bizning hujjatlarimizni o'qing"
"a> . Siz barcha manbalarni, jumladan parchalarni, darsliklarni va "
"boshqalarni topishingiz mumkin."
msgid "Insufficient privileges to export products."
msgstr "Mahsulotlarni eksport qilishda yetarlicha imtiyozlar mavjud emas."
msgid "Product Export"
msgstr "Mahsulot eksporti"
msgid "%s (Copy)"
msgstr "%s (nusxa olish)"
msgid "Product creation failed, could not find original product: %s"
msgstr "Mahsulot yaratilmadi, asl mahsulot topilmadi: %s"
msgid "Loading network orders"
msgstr "Tarmoq buyurtmalari yuklanmoqda"
msgid "No product to duplicate has been supplied!"
msgstr "Duplikatsiya qilinadigan mahsulot etkazib berilmagan!"
msgid "Copy to a new draft"
msgstr "Yangi qoralama nusxa oling"
msgid "Make a duplicate from this product"
msgstr "Ushbu mahsulotdan nusxa oling"
msgid "There are no product reviews yet."
msgstr "Hozircha hech qanday mahsulot sharhlari yo'q."
msgid "WooCommerce Network Orders"
msgstr "WooCommerce Tarmoq buyurtmalari"
msgid "reviewed by %s"
msgstr "%s tomonidan ko'rib chiqilgan"
msgid "%s net sales this month"
msgstr "shu oyda %s aniq savdo"
msgid "%s product out of stock"
msgid_plural "%s products out of stock"
msgstr[0] " %s mahsulot mavjud emas"
msgid "%s product low in stock"
msgid_plural "%s products low in stock"
msgstr[0] " %s mahsulot zaxirada kam"
msgid "%s order on-hold"
msgid_plural "%s orders on-hold"
msgstr[0] " %s buyurtma ushlab turildi"
msgid "%s order awaiting processing"
msgid_plural "%s orders awaiting processing"
msgstr[0] " %s buyurtma bajarilishini kutmoqda"
msgid "%1$s top seller this month (sold %2$d)"
msgstr "Shu oyda %1$s eng ko'p sotilgan (sotilgan %2$d)"
msgid "%s out of 5"
msgstr "5 dan %s"
msgid "WooCommerce Status"
msgstr "WooCommerce holati"
msgid "WooCommerce Endpoints"
msgstr "WooCommerce oxirgi nuqtalari"
msgid ""
"Attributes let you define extra product data, such as size or color. You can "
"use these attributes in the shop sidebar using the \"layered nav\" widgets."
msgstr ""
"Atributlar sizga o'lcham yoki rang kabi qo'shimcha mahsulot ma'lumotlarini "
"aniqlashga imkon beradi. Ushbu xususiyatlarni do'konning yon panelida "
"\"qatlamli nav\" vidjetlari yordamida ishlatishingiz mumkin."
msgid "WooCommerce Endpoint"
msgstr "WooCommerce Endpoint"
msgid "WooCommerce Recent Reviews"
msgstr "WooCommerce So'nggi sharhlar"
msgid "Add attribute"
msgstr "Atribut qo'shing"
msgid "Enable Archives?"
msgstr "Arxiv yoqilsinmi?"
msgid "(Public)"
msgstr "Ochiq"
msgid "Add new attribute"
msgstr "Yangi atribut qo'shing"
msgid "No attributes currently exist."
msgstr "Hozirda hech qanday atribut mavjud emas."
msgid "Configure terms"
msgstr "Shartlarni sozlash"
msgid ""
"Determines the sort order of the terms on the frontend shop product pages. "
"If using custom ordering, you can drag and drop the terms in this attribute."
msgstr ""
"Do'kon do'koni mahsulot sahifalarida shartlarning tartib tartibini "
"aniqlaydi. Agar buyurtma buyurtmasidan foydalansangiz, ushbu atributdagi "
"atamalarni sudrab tashlashingiz mumkin."
msgid "Determines how this attribute's values are displayed."
msgstr "Bu atributning qiymatlari qanday ko'rsatilishini aniqlaydi."
msgid "Term ID"
msgstr "Atama IDsi"
msgid "Name (numeric)"
msgstr "Ism (raqamli)"
msgid "Custom ordering"
msgstr "Maxsus buyurtma"
msgid "Default sort order"
msgstr "Odatiy tartiblash tartibi"
msgid ""
"Enable this if you want this attribute to have product archives in your "
msgstr ""
"Agar ushbu atribut do'koningizda mahsulot arxiviga ega bo'lishini "
"xohlasangiz, buni yoqing."
msgid "Enable archives?"
msgstr "Arxiv yoqilsinmi?"
msgid ""
"Unique slug/reference for the attribute; must be no more than 28 characters."
msgstr ""
"Atribut uchun noyob slug / mos yozuvlar; 28 belgidan ko'p bo'lmasligi kerak."
msgid "Back to Attributes"
msgstr "Atributlar-ga qaytish"
msgid "Error: non-existing attribute ID."
msgstr "Xato: mavjud bo'lmagan identifikator identifikatori."
msgid "Attribute updated successfully"
msgstr "Atribut muvaffaqiyatli yangilandi"
msgid "Name for the attribute (shown on the front-end)."
msgstr "Atributning nomi (oldingi qismida ko'rsatilgan)."
msgid "Manage suggestions"
msgstr "Takliflarni boshqarish"
msgid "Dismiss this suggestion"
msgstr "Ushbu taklifni rad eting"
msgid "Copying to clipboard failed. Please press Ctrl/Cmd+C to copy."
msgstr ""
"Vaqtinchalik xotiraga nusxa olinmadi. Nusxalash uchun Ctrl / Cmd + C "
"tugmalarini bosing."
msgid "Edit attribute"
msgstr "Atributni tahrirlash"
msgid "Are you sure you want to run this tool?"
msgstr "Haqiqatan ham ushbu vositani ishga tushirmoqchimisiz?"
msgid ""
"Enter a coupon code to apply. Discounts are applied to line totals, before "
msgstr ""
"Qo'llash uchun kupon kodini kiriting. Chegirmalar soliqlarni to'lashdan "
"oldin, jami qiymatga nisbatan qo'llaniladi."
msgid "Enter a fixed amount or percentage to apply as a fee."
msgstr ""
"To'lov sifatida murojaat qilish uchun belgilangan miqdor yoki foizni "
msgid ""
"Are you sure you wish to delete this note? This action cannot be undone."
msgstr ""
"Haqiqatan ham ushbu qaydni yo'q qilmoqchimisiz? Ushbu amalni ortga qaytarib "
msgid "You cannot add the same tax rate twice!"
msgstr "Siz bir xil soliq stavkasini ikki marta qo'sha olmaysiz!"
msgid "Are you sure you want to revoke access to this download?"
msgstr "Haqiqatan ham ushbu yuklab olish huquqini bekor qilmoqchimisiz?"
msgid ""
"Could not grant access - the user may already have permission for this file "
"or billing email is not set. Ensure the billing email is set, and the order "
"has been saved."
msgstr ""
"Kirishga ruxsat berilmadi - foydalanuvchi allaqachon ushbu faylga ruxsat "
"olgan bo'lishi mumkin yoki billing elektron pochtasi o'rnatilmagan. Hisob-"
"kitob elektron pochtasi o'rnatilganligini va buyurtma saqlanganligini "
msgid "No customer selected"
msgstr "Hech qanday mijoz tanlanmagan"
msgid ""
"Load the customer's shipping information? This will remove any currently "
"entered shipping information."
msgstr ""
"Buyurtmachining etkazib berish ma'lumotlarini yuklaysizmi? Hozirda "
"kiritilgan yuk ma'lumotlari olib tashlanadi."
msgid ""
"Load the customer's billing information? This will remove any currently "
"entered billing information."
msgstr ""
"Mijozning hisob-kitob ma'lumotlari yuklansinmi? Bu hozirda kiritilgan "
"billing billing ma'lumotlarini olib tashlaydi."
msgid ""
"Copy billing information to shipping information? This will remove any "
"currently entered shipping information."
msgstr ""
"Hisob-kitob ma'lumotlari yuk ma'lumotiga ko'chirilsinmi? Hozirda kiritilgan "
"yuk ma'lumotlari olib tashlanadi."
msgid ""
"Recalculate totals? This will calculate taxes based on the customers country "
"(or the store base country) and update totals."
msgstr ""
"Umumiy miqdorni qayta hisoblash? Xaridor mamlakati asosida (yoki do'kon "
"joylashgan mamlakat) soliqlarni hisoblab chiqadi va umumiy miqdorni "
msgid "Enter a name for the new attribute term:"
msgstr "Yangi atribut atamasi uchun nom kiriting:"
msgid "Enter some text, or some attributes by pipe (|) separating values."
msgstr ""
"Matnni yoki ba'zi atributlarni ajratuvchi qiymatlarni quvur (|) orqali "
msgid "Used for variations"
msgstr "O'zgarishlar uchun ishlatiladi"
msgid "Visible on the product page"
msgstr "Mahsulot sahifasida ko'rinadigan"
msgid "Remove this attribute?"
msgstr "Bu atribut olib tashlansinmi?"
msgid "Remove this item meta?"
msgstr "Meta o‘chirilsinmi?"
msgid "Value(s)"
msgstr "Qiymatlar)"
msgid ""
"Are you sure you wish to delete this tax column? This action cannot be "
msgstr ""
"Haqiqatan ham ushbu soliq ustunini yo'q qilmoqchimisiz? Ushbu amalni ortga "
"qaytarib bo‘lmaydi."
msgid ""
"Are you sure you wish to delete this refund? This action cannot be undone."
msgstr ""
"Haqiqatan ham to‘lovni o‘chirib tashlamoqchimisiz? Ushbu amalni ortga "
"qaytarib bo‘lmaydi."
msgid ""
"Are you sure you wish to process this refund? This action cannot be undone."
msgstr ""
"Haqiqatan ham bu to‘lovni amalga oshirmoqchimisiz? Ushbu amalni ortga "
"qaytarib bo‘lmaydi."
msgid "Please select some items."
msgstr "Iltimos, mahsulot tanlang."
msgid "Generate coupon code"
msgstr "Kupon kodini yarating"
msgid "You may need to manually restore the item's stock."
msgstr "Elementning zaxirasini qo'lda tiklashingiz kerak bo'lishi mumkin."
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the selected items?"
msgstr "Haqiqatan ham tanlangan narsalarni olib tashlamoqchimisiz?"
msgid "Value (required)"
msgstr "Qiymat (majburiy)"
msgid "Select an option…"
msgstr "Biror bir amalni tanlang…"
msgid "%qty% variations"
msgstr "% qty% o'zgarishlar"
msgid "Save changes before changing page?"
msgstr "Sahifani o'zgartirishdan avval o'zgarishlarni saqlaysizmi?"
msgid "Sale end date (YYYY-MM-DD format or leave blank)"
msgstr "Sotish yakunlanadigan vaqt (YILL-OY-KUN formatida kiriting)"
msgid "Sale start date (YYYY-MM-DD format or leave blank)"
msgstr "Sotish boshlanadigan vaqt (YILL-OY-KUN formatida kiriting)"
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this variation?"
msgstr "Haqiqatan ham ushbu o'zgarishni olib tashlamoqchimisiz?"
msgid "Set variation image"
msgstr "O'zgartirish rasmini tanlang"
msgid "Last warning, are you sure?"
msgstr "So'nggi ogohlantirish, ishonchingiz komilmi?"
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all variations? This cannot be undone."
msgstr ""
"Haqiqatan ham barcha o'zgarishlarni yo'q qilmoqchimisiz? Buni ortga qaytarib "
msgid "Enter a value (fixed or %)"
msgstr "Qiymatni kiriting (sobit yoki%)"
msgid "Variation menu order (determines position in the list of variations)"
msgstr ""
"Variantli menyu tartibi (o'zgaruvchilar ro'yxatidagi o'rnini aniqlaydi)"
msgid "Enter a value"
msgstr "Sonni kiriting"
msgid ""
"This action cannot be reversed. Are you sure you wish to erase personal data "
"from the selected orders?"
msgstr ""
"Ushbu amalni bekor qilib bo‘lmaydi. Tanlangan buyurtmalardan shaxsiy "
"ma'lumotlarni o'chirmoqchimisiz?"
msgid "Enable reviews"
msgstr "Sharhlarni yoqish"
msgid ""
"This product has produced sales and may be linked to existing orders. Are "
"you sure you want to delete it?"
msgstr ""
"Ushbu mahsulot sotuvlar olib bordi va mavjud buyurtmalar bilan bog'lanishi "
"mumkin. Haqiqatan ham uni yo'q qilmoqchimisiz?"
msgid "Please enter in a value less than the regular price."
msgstr "Iltimos, odatiy narxdan pastroq qiymatni kiriting."
msgid "Please enter in country code with two capital letters."
msgstr "Iltimos, davlat kodini ikkita katta harf bilan kiriting."
msgctxt "enhanced select"
msgid "Searching…"
msgstr "Izlanmoqda …"
msgctxt "enhanced select"
msgid "Loading more results…"
msgstr "Boshqa natijalarni yuklash …"
msgctxt "enhanced select"
msgid "You can only select %qty% items"
msgstr "Siz faqatgina %qty% ta mahsulot tanlashingiz mumkin"
msgctxt "enhanced select"
msgid "You can only select 1 item"
msgstr "Siz faqatgina 1 ta mahsulot tanlashingiz mumkin"
msgctxt "enhanced select"
msgid "Please delete %qty% characters"
msgstr "Iltimos %qty% ta belgini o'chiring"
msgctxt "enhanced select"
msgid "Please delete 1 character"
msgstr "Iltimos 1 ta belgini o'chiring"
msgid "Revoke API key"
msgstr "API kalitini bekor qilish"
msgid "View/Edit"
msgstr "Ko'rish/Tahrirlash"
msgctxt "enhanced select"
msgid "Please enter %qty% or more characters"
msgstr "Ilitmos %qty% yoki undan ko'proq belgi kiriting"
msgctxt "enhanced select"
msgid "Please enter 1 or more characters"
msgstr "Iltimos 1 yoki undan ko'proq belgi kiriting"
msgctxt "enhanced select"
msgid "Loading failed"
msgstr "Yuklashda xatolik"
msgctxt "enhanced select"
msgid "No matches found"
msgstr "Hech narsa topilmadi"
msgid "Read/Write"
msgstr "O'qish/yozish"
msgid "Revoke"
msgstr "Bekor qilish"
msgid "ID: %d"
msgstr "ID: %d"
msgid "You do not have permission to revoke API Keys"
msgstr "Sizda API kalitlarini qaytarib olishga ruxsat yo'q"
msgid "You do not have permission to revoke this API Key"
msgstr "Ushbu API kalitini bekor qilish uchun sizda ruxsat yo'q"
msgid "No keys found."
msgstr "Hech qanday kalit topilmadi."
msgid "Last access"
msgstr "So'nggi faollik"
msgid "Consumer key ending in"
msgstr "Iste'molchi kaliti bilan tugaydi"
msgid "%d API key permanently revoked."
msgid_plural "%d API keys permanently revoked."
msgstr[0] "%d API kaliti butunlay bekor qilindi."
msgid "Create an API key"
msgstr "API kalitini yarating"
msgid ""
"The WooCommerce REST API allows external apps to view and manage store data. "
"Access is granted only to those with valid API keys."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce REST API tashqi ilovalarga do'kon ma'lumotlarini ko'rish va "
"boshqarish imkoniyatini beradi. Kirish faqat haqiqiy API kalitlariga ega "
"bo'lganlarga beriladi."
msgid "Search key"
msgstr "Kalit Izlash"
msgid "REST API"
msgstr "REST API"
msgid "Add key"
msgstr "Kalit Qo'shish"
msgid "Free - Install now"
msgstr "Bepul - hoziroq o'rnating"
msgid "Need a fresh look? Try Storefront child themes"
msgstr ""
"Yangi ko'rinishga muhtojmisiz? Storefront bolalar mavzularini sinab ko'ring"
msgid "View more Storefront child themes"
msgstr "Storefront bolalar mavzularini ko'proq ko'rish"
msgid "Need a theme? Try Storefront"
msgstr "Template kerakmi? Storefront-ni sinab ko'ring"
msgid "Read more about “%s”"
msgstr "“%s&rdquo haqida ko'proq o'qing;"
msgid ""
"The downloadable file %s cannot be used as it does not exist on the server."
msgstr ""
"Yuklab olingan %s faylidan foydalanib bo'lmaydi, chunki u serverda mavjud "
msgid "Available on backorder"
msgstr "Buyurtma bo'yicha mavjud"
msgid ""
"The downloadable file %1$s cannot be used as it does not have an allowed "
"file type. Allowed types include: %2$s"
msgstr ""
"Yuklanadigan %1$s fayl yaroqsiz, chunki bu turdagi faylga ruxsat etilmagan. "
"Ruxsat etilgan fayl turlari: %2$s"
msgid "Return to payments"
msgstr "To'lovlarga qaytish"
msgid "Invalid product tax status."
msgstr "Mahsulot soliqlari holati noto‘g‘ri."
msgid "Invalid or duplicated SKU."
msgstr "Noto'g'ri yoki takroriy SKU."
msgid "Invalid catalog visibility option."
msgstr "Katalog ko'rinishi parametri noto'g'ri."
msgid "Save to account"
msgstr "Hisobga saqlash"
msgid "Use a new payment method"
msgstr "Yangi to'lov usulidan foydalaning"
msgid "via %s"
msgstr "%s orqali"
msgid "Coupon code already applied!"
msgstr "Kupon kodi allaqachon qo‘llangan!"
msgid "Discount:"
msgstr "Chegirma:"
msgid "Subtotal:"
msgstr "Jami:"
msgid "Free!"
msgstr "Bepul!"
msgid ""
"You have used this coupon %s in another transaction during this checkout, "
"and coupon usage limit is reached. Please remove the coupon and try again."
msgstr ""
"Hisobni to'ldirish paytida siz %s bu kuponni boshqa bitimda ishlatgansiz va "
"kupondan foydalanish chekloviga erishilgansiz. Kuponni olib tashlang va "
"qaytadan urining."
msgid "Invalid coupon"
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri kupon"
msgid "Invalid coupon code"
msgstr "Kupon kodi noto‘g‘ri"
msgid ""
"Coupon %s was used in another transaction during this checkout, and coupon "
"usage limit is reached. Please remove the coupon and try again."
msgstr ""
"%s kuponi ushbu to'lov paytida boshqa bitimda ishlatilgan va kupondan "
"foydalanish chekloviga erishilgan. Kuponni olib tashlang va qaytadan urining."
msgid "An unexpected error happened while applying the Coupon %s."
msgstr "%s kuponini qo'llash paytida kutilmagan xatolik yuz berdi."
msgid ""
"Generic add/update/get meta methods should not be used for internal meta "
"data, including \"%s\". Use getters and setters."
msgstr ""
"Umumiy qo'shish / yangilash / get meta usullari ichki meta ma'lumotlari, shu "
"jumladan \" %s\" uchun ishlatilmasligi kerak. Tutqichlar va to'sarlardan "
msgid "Invalid currency code"
msgstr "Noto'gri valyuta kodi"
msgid "Invalid parent ID"
msgstr "Noto'g'ri asosiy ID"
msgid "Muchinga"
msgstr "Muchinga"
msgid "Copperbelt"
msgstr "Misbelt"
msgid "Southern"
msgstr "Janubiy"
msgid "North-Western"
msgstr "Shimoli-g'arbiy"
msgid "Luapula"
msgstr "Luapula"
msgid "Wake Island"
msgstr "Ueyk oroli"
msgid "Palmyra Atoll"
msgstr "Palmira Atoll"
msgid "Western Cape"
msgstr "G'arbiy Kap"
msgid "North West"
msgstr "Shimoliy G'arb"
msgid "Northern Cape"
msgstr "Shimoliy Kap"
msgid "Mpumalanga"
msgstr "Mpumalanga"
msgid "Limpopo"
msgstr "Limpopo"
msgid "KwaZulu-Natal"
msgstr "KwaZulu-Natal"
msgid "Gauteng"
msgstr "Gauteng"
msgid "Free State"
msgstr "Ozod Davlat"
msgid "Eastern Cape"
msgstr "Sharqiy Kap"
msgid "Armed Forces (AP)"
msgstr "Armed Forces (AP)"
msgid "Armed Forces (AE)"
msgstr "Armed Forces (AE)"
msgid "Armed Forces (AA)"
msgstr "Armed Forces (AA)"
msgctxt "US state of Georgia"
msgid "Georgia"
msgstr "Gruziya"
msgid "Midway Atoll"
msgstr "Midway Atoll"
msgid "Zombo"
msgstr "Kemalar"
msgid "Yumbe"
msgstr "Yumbe"
msgid "Wakiso"
msgstr "Wakiso"
msgid "Tororo"
msgstr "Tororo"
msgid "Soroti"
msgstr "Ajratib ko'rsatish"
msgid "Sironko"
msgstr "Sironko"
msgid "Sheema"
msgstr "Shema"
msgid "Serere"
msgstr "Serere"
msgid "Sembabule"
msgstr "Sembabule"
msgid "Rukungiri"
msgstr "Davra"
msgid "Rukiga"
msgstr "Rukiga"
msgid "Rubirizi"
msgstr "Rubirizi"
msgid "Rubanda"
msgstr "Odamlar"
msgid "Rakai"
msgstr "Rakai"
msgid "Pallisa"
msgstr "Pallisa"
msgid "Pakwach"
msgstr "Pakwach"
msgid "Pader"
msgstr "Pader"
msgid "Oyam"
msgstr "Oyam"
msgid "Otuke"
msgstr "Otuke"
msgid "Omoro"
msgstr "Omoro"
msgid "Nwoya"
msgstr "Nvoya"
msgid "Ntungamo"
msgstr "Ntungamo"
msgid "Ntoroko"
msgstr "Ntoroko"
msgid "Ngora"
msgstr "Ngora"
msgid "Nebbi"
msgstr "Nebbi"
msgid "Napak"
msgstr "Napak"
msgid "Namutumba"
msgstr "Namutumba"
msgid "Namisindwa"
msgstr "Namisindva"
msgid "Namayingo"
msgstr "Namayingo"
msgid "Nakasongola"
msgstr "Nakasongola"
msgid "Nakaseke"
msgstr "Nakaseke"
msgid "Nakapiripirit"
msgstr "Nakapiripirit"
msgid "Nabilatuk"
msgstr "Nabilatuk"
msgid "Mukono"
msgstr "Mukono"
msgid "Mubende"
msgstr "Mubende"
msgid "Mpigi"
msgstr "Mpigi"
msgid "Moyo"
msgstr "Mooy"
msgid "Moroto"
msgstr "Moroto"
msgid "Mityana"
msgstr "Mityana"
msgid "Mitooma"
msgstr "Mitoma"
msgid "Navassa Island"
msgstr "Navassa oroli"
msgid "Kingman Reef"
msgstr "Kingman rifi"
msgid "Johnston Atoll"
msgstr "Jonston Atoll"
msgid "Jarvis Island"
msgstr "Jarvis oroli"
msgid "Howland Island"
msgstr "Howland oroli"
msgid "Baker Island"
msgstr "Beyker oroli"
msgid "Mbarara"
msgstr "Mbarara"
msgid "Mbale"
msgstr "Mbale"
msgid "Mayuge"
msgstr "Mayuge"
msgid "Masindi"
msgstr "Masindi"
msgid "Masaka"
msgstr "Masaka"
msgid "Maracha"
msgstr "Maracha"
msgid "Manafwa"
msgstr "Manafva"
msgid "Lyantonde"
msgstr "Lyantonde"
msgid "Lwengo"
msgstr "Lvengo"
msgid "Luwero"
msgstr "Luwero"
msgid "Luuka"
msgstr "Luuka"
msgid "Lira"
msgstr "Lira"
msgid "Lamwo"
msgstr "Lamwo"
msgid "Kyotera"
msgstr "Kyotera"
msgid "Kyenjojo"
msgstr "Kyenjojo"
msgid "Kyegegwa"
msgstr "Kyeggva"
msgid "Kyankwanzi"
msgstr "Kyankvanzi"
msgid "Kween"
msgstr "Kvin"
msgid "Kwania"
msgstr "Kvaniya"
msgid "Kumi"
msgstr "Kumi"
msgid "Kotido"
msgstr "Kotido"
msgid "Kole"
msgstr "Kole"
msgid "Koboko"
msgstr "Koboko"
msgid "Kitgum"
msgstr "Kitgum"
msgid "Kisoro"
msgstr "Kisoro"
msgid "Kiryandongo"
msgstr "Kiryandongo"
msgid "Kiruhura"
msgstr "Kiruhura"
msgid "Kikuube"
msgstr "Kikuube"
msgid "Kibuku"
msgstr "Kibuku"
msgid "Kiboga"
msgstr "Kiboga"
msgid "Kibaale"
msgstr "Kibaale"
msgid "Kayunga"
msgstr "Kayunga"
msgid "Katakwi"
msgstr "Katakvi"
msgid "Kasese"
msgstr "Kasese"
msgid "Kasanda"
msgstr "Kasanda"
msgid "Kapelebyong"
msgstr "Kapelebyong"
msgid "Kapchorwa"
msgstr "Kapchorva"
msgid "Kanungu"
msgstr "Kanungu"
msgid "Kamwenge"
msgstr "Kamwenge"
msgid "Kamuli"
msgstr "Kamuli"
msgid "Kalungu"
msgstr "Kalungu"
msgid "Kaliro"
msgstr "Kaliro"
msgid "Kalangala"
msgstr "Kalangala"
msgid "Kakumiro"
msgstr "Kakumiro"
msgid "Kagadi"
msgstr "Kagadi"
msgid "Kaberamaido"
msgstr "Kaberamaido"
msgid "Kabarole"
msgstr "Kabarole"
msgid "Kabale"
msgstr "Kabale"
msgid "Kaabong"
msgstr "Kaabong"
msgid "Jinja"
msgstr "Jinja"
msgid "Isingiro"
msgstr "Isingiro"
msgid "Iganga"
msgstr "Iganga"
msgid "Ibanda"
msgstr "Ibanda"
msgid "Hoima"
msgstr "Xoima"
msgid "Gulu"
msgstr "Gulu"
msgid "Gomba"
msgstr "Gomba"
msgid "Dokolo"
msgstr "Dokolo"
msgid "Buyende"
msgstr "Buyende"
msgid "Buvuma"
msgstr "Buvuma"
msgid "Butebo"
msgstr "Butebo"
msgid "Butambala"
msgstr "Butambala"
msgid "Butaleja"
msgstr "Butaleja"
msgid "Bushenyi"
msgstr "Busheniy"
msgid "Bunyangabu"
msgstr "Bunyangabu"
msgid "Bundibugyo"
msgstr "Bundibugyo"
msgid "Buliisa"
msgstr "Buliisa"
msgid "Bulambuli"
msgstr "Bulambuli"
msgid "Bukwa"
msgstr "Bukva"
msgid "Bukomansimbi"
msgstr "Bukomansimbi"
msgid "Bukedea"
msgstr "Bukedeya"
msgid "Buikwe"
msgstr "Buikve"
msgid "Buhweju"
msgstr "Buhweju"
msgid "Bugweri"
msgstr "Bugweri"
msgid "Bugiri"
msgstr "Bugiri"
msgid "Bududa"
msgstr "Bududa"
msgid "Budaka"
msgstr "Budaka"
msgid "Arua"
msgstr "Arua"
msgid "Apac"
msgstr "Apac"
msgid "Amuru"
msgstr "Amuru"
msgid "Amuria"
msgstr "Amuriya"
msgid "Amudat"
msgstr "Amudat"
msgid "Amolatar"
msgstr "Amolatar"
msgid "Alebtong"
msgstr "Alebtong"
msgid "Agago"
msgstr "Agago"
msgid "Adjumani"
msgstr "Adjumani"
msgid "Abim"
msgstr "Abim"
msgid "Simiyu"
msgstr "Simiyu"
msgid "Njombe"
msgstr "Njombe"
msgid "Katavi"
msgstr "Katavi"
msgid "Geita"
msgstr "Geyta"
msgid "Manyara"
msgstr "Manyara"
msgid "Tanga"
msgstr "Tanga"
msgid "Tabora"
msgstr "Tabora"
msgid "Singida"
msgstr "Singida"
msgid "Shinyanga"
msgstr "Shinyanga"
msgid "Ruvuma"
msgstr "Ruvuma"
msgid "Rukwa"
msgstr "Rukva"
msgid "Coast"
msgstr "Sohil"
msgid "Mwanza"
msgstr "Mvanza"
msgid "Mtwara"
msgstr "Mtwara"
msgid "Morogoro"
msgstr "Morogoro"
msgid "Zanzibar West"
msgstr "Zanzibar G'arbiy"
msgid "Mbeya"
msgstr "Mbeya"
msgid "Mara"
msgstr "Mara"
msgid "Lindi"
msgstr "Lindi"
msgid "Zanzibar South"
msgstr "Zanzibar janubi"
msgid "Pemba South"
msgstr "Pemba janubi"
msgid "Kilimanjaro"
msgstr "Kilimanjaro"
msgid "Kigoma"
msgstr "Kigoma"
msgid "Zanzibar North"
msgstr "Shimoliy Zanzibar"
msgid "Pemba North"
msgstr "Shimoliy Pemba"
msgid "Kagera"
msgstr "Kagera"
msgid "Iringa"
msgstr "Iringa"
msgid "Dodoma"
msgstr "Dodoma"
msgid "Arusha"
msgstr "Arusha"
msgid "Osmaniye"
msgstr "Usmoniye"
msgid "Kilis"
msgstr "Kilis"
msgid "Yalova"
msgstr "Yalova"
msgid "Ardahan"
msgstr "Ardahan"
msgid "Batman"
msgstr "Batman"
msgid "Düzce"
msgstr "Düzce"
msgid "Karabük"
msgstr "Karabük"
msgid "Iğdır"
msgstr "Igdir"
msgid "Bartın"
msgstr "Bartin"
msgid "Şırnak"
msgstr "Shirnak"
msgid "Kırıkkale"
msgstr "Qiriqkale"
msgid "Karaman"
msgstr "Karaman"
msgid "Bayburt"
msgstr "Bayburt"
msgid "Aksaray"
msgstr "Aksaray"
msgid "Zonguldak"
msgstr "Zonguldak"
msgid "Yozgat"
msgstr "Yozgat"
msgid "Van"
msgstr "Van"
msgid "Tunceli"
msgstr "Tunceli"
msgid "Trabzon"
msgstr "Trabzon"
msgid "Tokat"
msgstr "Tokat"
msgid "Sivas"
msgstr "Sivalar"
msgid "Sinop"
msgstr "Sinop"
msgid "Siirt"
msgstr "Siirt"
msgid "Samsun"
msgstr "Samsun"
msgid "Sakarya"
msgstr "Sakarya"
msgid "Rize"
msgstr "Rize"
msgid "Ordu"
msgstr "Ordu"
msgid "Mardin"
msgstr "Mardin"
msgid "Uşak"
msgstr "Ushak"
msgid "Şanlıurfa"
msgstr "Shanliurfa"
msgid "Tekirdağ"
msgstr "Tekirdag"
msgid "Niğde"
msgstr "Nig'de"
msgid "Nevşehir"
msgstr "Nevshehir"
msgid "Muş"
msgstr "Mush"
msgid "Muğla"
msgstr "Mug'la"
msgid "Kahramanmaraş"
msgstr "Qahramanmarash"
msgid "Manisa"
msgstr "Manisa"
msgid "Malatya"
msgstr "Malatya"
msgid "Konya"
msgstr "Konya"
msgid "Kocaeli"
msgstr "Kocaeli"
msgid "Kütahya"
msgstr "Kütahya"
msgid "Kırşehir"
msgstr "Qirshehir"
msgid "Kırklareli"
msgstr "Qirklareli"
msgid "Kayseri"
msgstr "Kayseri"
msgid "Kastamonu"
msgstr "Kastamonu"
msgid "Kars"
msgstr "Kars"
msgid "Isparta"
msgstr "Isparta"
msgid "Hatay"
msgstr "Hatay"
msgid "Hakkari"
msgstr "Xakkari"
msgid "Giresun"
msgstr "Giresun"
msgid "Gaziantep"
msgstr "Gaziantep"
msgid "Erzurum"
msgstr "Erzurum"
msgid "Erzincan"
msgstr "Erzincan"
msgid "Edirne"
msgstr "Edirne"
msgid "İzmir"
msgstr "Izmir"
msgid "İstanbul"
msgstr "Istanbul"
msgid "İçel"
msgstr "İçel"
msgid "Gümüşhane"
msgstr "Gümüşhane"
msgid "Eskişehir"
msgstr "Eskishehir"
msgid "Elazığ"
msgstr "Elazig'"
msgid "Diyarbakır"
msgstr "Diyarbakir"
msgid "Denizli"
msgstr "Denizli"
msgid "Bursa"
msgstr "Bursa"
msgid "Burdur"
msgstr "Burdur"
msgid "Bolu"
msgstr "Bolu"
msgid "Bitlis"
msgstr "Bitlis"
msgid "Bilecik"
msgstr "Bilecik"
msgid "Artvin"
msgstr "Artvin"
msgid "Antalya"
msgstr "Antaliya"
msgid "Ankara"
msgstr "Anqara"
msgid "Amasya"
msgstr "Amasya"
msgid "Afyon"
msgstr "Afyun"
msgid "Çorum"
msgstr "Chorum"
msgid "Çankırı"
msgstr "Chanqiri"
msgid "Çanakkale"
msgstr "Chanoqqal'a"
msgid "Bingöl"
msgstr "Bingol"
msgid "Balıkesir"
msgstr "Balıkesir"
msgid "Aydın"
msgstr "Aydin"
msgid "Ağrı"
msgstr "Ag'ri"
msgid "Adıyaman"
msgstr "Adıyaman"
msgid "Yasothon"
msgstr "Yasothon"
msgid "Yala"
msgstr "Yala"
msgid "Uttaradit"
msgstr "Uttaradit"
msgid "Uthai Thani"
msgstr "Uthai Tani"
msgid "Udon Thani"
msgstr "Udon Tani"
msgid "Ubon Ratchathani"
msgstr "Ubon Ratchathani"
msgid "Trat"
msgstr "Trat"
msgid "Trang"
msgstr "Trang"
msgid "Tak"
msgstr "Tak"
msgid "Surin"
msgstr "Surin"
msgid "Surat Thani"
msgstr "Tani surasi"
msgid "Suphan Buri"
msgstr "Suphan Buri"
msgid "Sukhothai"
msgstr "Suxotay"
msgid "Songkhla"
msgstr "Songxla"
msgid "Sisaket"
msgstr "Sisaket"
msgid "Sing Buri"
msgstr "Buri kuylang"
msgid "Satun"
msgstr "Satun"
msgid "Saraburi"
msgstr "Saraburi"
msgid "Samut Songkhram"
msgstr "Samut Songxram"
msgid "Samut Sakhon"
msgstr "Samut Saxon"
msgid "Samut Prakan"
msgstr "Samut Prakan"
msgid "Sakon Nakhon"
msgstr "Sakon Nakhon"
msgid "Sa Kaeo"
msgstr "Sa Kaeo"
msgid "Roi Et"
msgstr "Roi Et"
msgid "Rayong"
msgstr "Rayong"
msgid "Ratchaburi"
msgstr "Ratchaburi"
msgid "Ranong"
msgstr "Ranong"
msgid "Prachuap Khiri Khan"
msgstr "Prachuap Khiri Xan"
msgid "Prachin Buri"
msgstr "Prachin Buri"
msgid "Phuket"
msgstr "Pxuket"
msgid "Phrae"
msgstr "Phrae"
msgid "Phitsanulok"
msgstr "Fitsanulok"
msgid "Phichit"
msgstr "Fichit"
msgid "Phetchaburi"
msgstr "Fetchaburi"
msgid "Phetchabun"
msgstr "Fetchabun"
msgid "Phayao"
msgstr "Phayao"
msgid "Phatthalung"
msgstr "Phthalung"
msgid "Phang Nga"
msgstr "Fang Nga"
msgid "Pattani"
msgstr "Pattani"
msgid "Adana"
msgstr "Adana"
msgid "Pathum Thani"
msgstr "Pathum Tani"
msgid "Nonthaburi"
msgstr "Nonthaburi"
msgid "Nong Khai"
msgstr "Nong Xay"
msgid "Nong Bua Lam Phu"
msgstr "Nong Bua Lam Phu"
msgid "Narathiwat"
msgstr "Narathiwat"
msgid "Nan"
msgstr "Nan"
msgid "Nakhon Si Thammarat"
msgstr "Nakhon Si Tammarat"
msgid "Nakhon Sawan"
msgstr "Nakhon Savan"
msgid "Nakhon Ratchasima"
msgstr "Nakhon Ratchasima"
msgid "Nakhon Phanom"
msgstr "Nakhon Phanom"
msgid "Nakhon Pathom"
msgstr "Nakhon Pathom"
msgid "Nakhon Nayok"
msgstr "Nakhon Nayok"
msgid "Mukdahan"
msgstr "Mukdaxon"
msgid "Maha Sarakham"
msgstr "Maha Saraxam"
msgid "Mae Hong Son"
msgstr "Mae Hong Son"
msgid "Lopburi"
msgstr "Lopburi"
msgid "Loei"
msgstr "Loei"
msgid "Lamphun"
msgstr "Lamphun"
msgid "Lampang"
msgstr "Lampang"
msgid "Krabi"
msgstr "Krabi"
msgid "Khon Kaen"
msgstr "Xon Kaen"
msgid "Kanchanaburi"
msgstr "Kanchanaburi"
msgid "Kamphaeng Phet"
msgstr "Kamphaeng Phet"
msgid "Kalasin"
msgstr "Kalasin"
msgid "Chumphon"
msgstr "Chumphon"
msgid "Chonburi"
msgstr "Chonburi"
msgid "Chiang Rai"
msgstr "Chiang Rai"
msgid "Chiang Mai"
msgstr "Chiang May"
msgid "Chanthaburi"
msgstr "Chanthaburi"
msgid "Chaiyaphum"
msgstr "Chayafum"
msgid "Chai Nat"
msgstr "Chai Nat"
msgid "Chachoengsao"
msgstr "Chachoengsao"
msgid "Buri Ram"
msgstr "Buri Ram"
msgid "Bueng Kan"
msgstr "Bueng Kan"
msgid "Ayutthaya"
msgstr "Aytthaya"
msgid "Ang Thong"
msgstr "Ang Thong"
msgid "Amnat Charoen"
msgstr "Amnat Charoen"
msgid "Vrancea"
msgstr "Vrancea"
msgid "Vaslui"
msgstr "Vaslui"
msgid "Tulcea"
msgstr "Tulcha"
msgid "Teleorman"
msgstr "Teleorman"
msgid "Suceava"
msgstr "Suceava"
msgid "Sibiu"
msgstr "Sibiu"
msgid "Satu Mare"
msgstr "Satu Mare"
msgid "Prahova"
msgstr "Prahova"
msgid "Olt"
msgstr "Olt"
msgid "Ilfov"
msgstr "Ilfov"
msgid "Hunedoara"
msgstr "Hunedoara"
msgid "Harghita"
msgstr "Xargita"
msgid "Gorj"
msgstr "Gorj"
msgid "Giurgiu"
msgstr "Giurgiu"
msgid "Dolj"
msgstr "Dolj"
msgid "Iași"
msgstr "Yashi"
msgid "Vâlcea"
msgstr "Valcea"
msgid "Timiș"
msgstr "Timish"
msgid "Sălaj"
msgstr "Sălaj"
msgid "Neamț"
msgstr "Neamț"
msgid "Mureș"
msgstr "Mureş"
msgid "Mehedinți"
msgstr "Mehedinti"
msgid "Maramureș"
msgstr "Maramureș"
msgid "Ialomița"
msgstr "Ialomita"
msgid "Galați"
msgstr "Galati"
msgid "Covasna"
msgstr "Kovasna"
msgid "Cluj"
msgstr "Kluj"
msgid "Dâmbovița"
msgstr "Dambovita"
msgid "Constanța"
msgstr "Konstanta"
msgid "Caraș-Severin"
msgstr "Karaş-Severin"
msgid "Buzău"
msgstr "Buzau"
msgid "București"
msgstr "Bucureşti"
msgid "Brașov"
msgstr "Braşov"
msgid "Brăila"
msgstr "Braila"
msgid "Botoșani"
msgstr "Botoshani"
msgid "Bistrița-Năsăud"
msgstr "Bistriţa-Nasăud"
msgid "Alto Paraguay"
msgstr "Alto Paragvay"
msgid "Presidente Hayes"
msgstr "Prezident Xeyz"
msgid "Amambay"
msgstr "Amambay"
msgid "Bihor"
msgstr "Bihor"
msgid "Arad"
msgstr "Arad"
msgid "Alba"
msgstr "Alba"
msgid "Boquerón"
msgstr "Boqueron"
msgid "Canindeyú"
msgstr "Canindeyú"
msgid "Ñeembucú"
msgstr "Ñeembucú"
msgid "Alto Paraná"
msgstr "Alto Parana"
msgid "Bacău"
msgstr "Bacau"
msgid "Argeș"
msgstr "Argeş"
msgid "Cordillera"
msgstr "Kordilera"
msgid "San Pedro"
msgstr "San-Pedro"
msgid "Paraguarí"
msgstr "Paraguari"
msgid "Itapúa"
msgstr "Itapua"
msgid "Caazapá"
msgstr "Caazapá"
msgid "Caaguazú"
msgstr "Kaaguazu"
msgid "Guairá"
msgstr "Guayra"
msgid "Concepción"
msgstr "Kontseptsiya"
msgid "Sindh"
msgstr "Sind"
msgid "Khyber Pakhtunkhwa"
msgstr "Xayber Paxtunxva"
msgid "Islamabad Capital Territory"
msgstr "Islomobod poytaxti"
msgid "Gilgit Baltistan"
msgstr "Gilgit Baltiston"
msgid "FATA"
msgstr "FATA"
msgid "Balochistan"
msgstr "Balochistan"
msgid "Azad Kashmir"
msgstr "Azad Kashmir"
msgid "Metro Manila"
msgstr "Manila metrosi"
msgid "Zamboanga Sibugay"
msgstr "Zamboanga Sibugay"
msgid "Zamboanga del Sur"
msgstr "Zamboanga del Sur"
msgid "Zamboanga del Norte"
msgstr "Zamboanga del Norte"
msgid "Zambales"
msgstr "Zambales"
msgid "Tawi-Tawi"
msgstr "Tovi-Taviy"
msgid "Tarlac"
msgstr "Tarlak"
msgid "Surigao del Sur"
msgstr "Surigao del Sur"
msgid "Surigao del Norte"
msgstr "Surigao del Norte"
msgid "Sulu"
msgstr "Sulu"
msgid "Sultan Kudarat"
msgstr "Sulton Kudarat"
msgid "Southern Leyte"
msgstr "Janubiy Leyte"
msgid "South Cotabato"
msgstr "Janubiy Kotabato"
msgid "Sorsogon"
msgstr "Sorsogon"
msgid "Siquijor"
msgstr "Siquijor"
msgid "Sarangani"
msgstr "Sarangani"
msgid "Samar"
msgstr "Samar"
msgid "Romblon"
msgstr "Romblon"
msgid "Rizal"
msgstr "Rizal"
msgid "Quirino"
msgstr "Quirino"
msgid "Quezon"
msgstr "Quezon"
msgid "Asunción"
msgstr "Asunción"
msgid "Pangasinan"
msgstr "Pangasinan"
msgid "Pampanga"
msgstr "Pampanga"
msgid "Palawan"
msgstr "Palavan"
msgid "Oriental Mindoro"
msgstr "Sharqiy Mindoro"
msgid "Occidental Mindoro"
msgstr "G'aroyib Mindoro"
msgid "Nueva Vizcaya"
msgstr "Nueva Vizcaya"
msgid "Nueva Ecija"
msgstr "Nueva Ecija"
msgid "Northern Samar"
msgstr "Shimoliy Samar"
msgid "Negros Oriental"
msgstr "Sharqiy Negros"
msgid "Negros Occidental"
msgstr "Negros Occidental"
msgid "Mountain Province"
msgstr "Tog 'viloyati"
msgid "Misamis Oriental"
msgstr "Misamis sharqona"
msgid "Misamis Occidental"
msgstr "Misamis yashirin"
msgid "Masbate"
msgstr "Masbat"
msgid "Marinduque"
msgstr "Marinduque"
msgid "Maguindanao"
msgstr "Maguindanao"
msgid "Leyte"
msgstr "Leyte"
msgid "Lanao del Sur"
msgstr "Lanao del Sur"
msgid "Lanao del Norte"
msgstr "Lanao del Norte"
msgid "Laguna"
msgstr "Laguna"
msgid "La Union"
msgstr "La Union"
msgid "Kalinga"
msgstr "Kalinga"
msgid "Isabela"
msgstr "Izabela"
msgid "Iloilo"
msgstr "Iloilo"
msgid "Ilocos Sur"
msgstr "Ilocos Sur"
msgid "Ilocos Norte"
msgstr "Ilocos Norte"
msgid "Ifugao"
msgstr "Ifugao"
msgid "Guimaras"
msgstr "Gimaralar"
msgid "Eastern Samar"
msgstr "Sharqiy Samar"
msgid "Dinagat Islands"
msgstr "Dinagat orollari"
msgid "Davao Oriental"
msgstr "Davao Sharqiy"
msgid "Davao Occidental"
msgstr "Davao Occidental"
msgid "Davao del Sur"
msgstr "Davao del Sur"
msgid "Davao del Norte"
msgstr "Davao del Norte"
msgid "Cotabato"
msgstr "Kotabato"
msgid "Compostela Valley"
msgstr "Kompostela vodiysi"
msgid "Cebu"
msgstr "Sebu"
msgid "Cavite"
msgstr "Cavite"
msgid "Catanduanes"
msgstr "Katanduanalar"
msgid "Camiguin"
msgstr "Kamiguin"
msgid "Camarines Sur"
msgstr "Camarines Sur"
msgid "Camarines Norte"
msgstr "Kamarines Norte"
msgid "Cagayan"
msgstr "Kagayan"
msgid "Bulacan"
msgstr "Bulacan"
msgid "Bukidnon"
msgstr "Bukidnon"
msgid "Bohol"
msgstr "Buloq"
msgid "Biliran"
msgstr "Biliran"
msgid "Benguet"
msgstr "Benguet"
msgid "Batangas"
msgstr "Batangas"
msgid "Batanes"
msgstr "Batanes"
msgid "Bataan"
msgstr "Baton"
msgid "Basilan"
msgstr "Bazilon"
msgid "Aurora"
msgstr "Aurora"
msgid "Apayao"
msgstr "Apayao"
msgid "Albay"
msgstr "Albay"
msgid "Aklan"
msgstr "Aklan"
msgid "Agusan del Sur"
msgstr "Agusan del Sur"
msgid "Agusan del Norte"
msgstr "Agusan del Norte"
msgid "Abra"
msgstr "Abra"
msgid "Ucayali"
msgstr "Ucayali"
msgid "Tumbes"
msgstr "Tumbes"
msgid "Tacna"
msgstr "Tacna"
msgid "Puno"
msgstr "Puno"
msgid "Piura"
msgstr "Piura"
msgid "Pasco"
msgstr "Pasko"
msgid "Moquegua"
msgstr "Moquegua"
msgid "Madre de Dios"
msgstr "Madre de Dios"
msgid "Loreto"
msgstr "Loreto"
msgid "Lambayeque"
msgstr "Lambayeque"
msgid "La Libertad"
msgstr "La Libertad"
msgid "San Martín"
msgstr "San Martin"
msgid "Ica"
msgstr "Ica"
msgid "Huancavelica"
msgstr "Huancavelica"
msgid "Cusco"
msgstr "Cusco"
msgid "Cajamarca"
msgstr "Kajamarka"
msgid "Ayacucho"
msgstr "Ayakucho"
msgid "Arequipa"
msgstr "Arekipa"
msgid "Ancash"
msgstr "Ancash"
msgid "Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima"
msgstr "Munitsipaladad Metropolitana de Lima"
msgid "El Callao"
msgstr "El Callao"
msgid "Southland"
msgstr "Southland"
msgid "Otago"
msgstr "Otago"
msgid "Canterbury"
msgstr "Kanterburi"
msgid "West Coast"
msgstr "G'arbiy Sohil"
msgid "Tasman"
msgstr "Tasman"
msgid "Marlborough"
msgstr "Marlboro"
msgid "Nelson"
msgstr "Nelson"
msgid "Wellington"
msgstr "Vellington"
msgid "Manawatu-Wanganui"
msgstr "Manawatu-Wanganui"
msgid "Junín"
msgstr "Junin"
msgid "Huánuco"
msgstr "Huanuko"
msgid "Apurímac"
msgstr "Apurimac"
msgid "Zamfara"
msgstr "Zamfara"
msgid "Yobe"
msgstr "Yobe"
msgid "Taraba"
msgstr "Taraba"
msgid "Sokoto"
msgstr "Sokoto"
msgid "Plateau"
msgstr "Plateau"
msgid "Seti"
msgstr "Seti"
msgid "Sagarmatha"
msgstr "Sagarmata"
msgid "Rapti"
msgstr "Rapti"
msgid "Narayani"
msgstr "Narayani"
msgid "Mechi"
msgstr "Mechi"
msgid "Mahakali"
msgstr "Mahakali"
msgid "Lumbini"
msgstr "Lumbini"
msgid "Koshi"
msgstr "Koshi"
msgid "Karnali"
msgstr "Karnali"
msgid "Janakpur"
msgstr "Janakpur"
msgid "Gandaki"
msgstr "Gandaki"
msgid "Dhaulagiri"
msgstr "Dhaulagiri"
msgid "Bheri"
msgstr "Bheri"
msgid "Bagmati"
msgstr "Bagmati"
msgid "Gisborne"
msgstr "Gisborne"
msgid "Taranaki"
msgstr "Taranaki"
msgid "Bay of Plenty"
msgstr "Mo'l-ko'llik ko'rfazi"
msgid "Waikato"
msgstr "Vaykato"
msgid "Northland"
msgstr "Shimoliy"
msgid "Hawke’s Bay"
msgstr "Xouk ko'rfazi"
msgid "Oyo"
msgstr "Oyo"
msgid "Osun"
msgstr "Osun"
msgid "Ondo"
msgstr "Ondo"
msgid "Ogun"
msgstr "Ogun"
msgid "Nasarawa"
msgstr "Nasarawa"
msgid "Kwara"
msgstr "Kwara"
msgid "Kogi"
msgstr "Kogi"
msgid "Kebbi"
msgstr "Kebbi"
msgid "Katsina"
msgstr "Katsina"
msgid "Kano"
msgstr "Kano"
msgid "Kaduna"
msgstr "Kaduna"
msgid "Jigawa"
msgstr "Jigava"
msgid "Imo"
msgstr "Imo"
msgid "Gombe"
msgstr "Gombe"
msgid "Enugu"
msgstr "Enugu"
msgid "Ekiti"
msgstr "Ekiti"
msgid "Edo"
msgstr "Edo"
msgid "Ebonyi"
msgstr "Ebonyi"
msgid "Delta"
msgstr "Delta"
msgid "Cross River"
msgstr "Kross daryosi"
msgid "Borno"
msgstr "Borno"
msgid "Benue"
msgstr "Benue"
msgid "Bayelsa"
msgstr "Bayelsa"
msgid "Bauchi"
msgstr "Bauchi"
msgid "Anambra"
msgstr "Anambra"
msgid "Akwa Ibom"
msgstr "Akva Ibom"
msgid "Adamawa"
msgstr "Adamawa"
msgid "Abuja"
msgstr "Abuja"
msgid "Abia"
msgstr "Abia"
msgid "Putrajaya"
msgstr "Putrajaya"
msgid "Penang (Pulau Pinang)"
msgstr "Penang (Pulau Pinang)"
msgid "Malacca (Melaka)"
msgstr "Malaka (Melaka)"
msgid "Terengganu"
msgstr "Terengganu"
msgid "Selangor"
msgstr "Selangor"
msgid "Sarawak"
msgstr "Saravak"
msgid "Sabah"
msgstr "Sabah"
msgid "Perlis"
msgstr "Perlis"
msgid "Perak"
msgstr "Perak"
msgid "Pahang"
msgstr "Pahang"
msgid "Negeri Sembilan"
msgstr "Negeri Sembilan"
msgid "Zambezi"
msgstr "Zambezi"
msgid "Otjozondjupa"
msgstr "Otjozondjupa"
msgid "Oshikoto"
msgstr "Oshikoto"
msgid "Oshana"
msgstr "Oshana"
msgid "Omusati"
msgstr "Omusati"
msgid "Omaheke"
msgstr "Omaheke"
msgid "Ohangwena"
msgstr "Ohangwena"
msgid "Kunene"
msgstr "Kunene"
msgid "Khomas"
msgstr "Xomas"
msgid "Kavango West"
msgstr "G'arbiy Kavango"
msgid "Kavango East"
msgstr "Sharqiy Kavango"
msgid "Karas"
msgstr "Karas"
msgid "Hardap"
msgstr "Hardap"
msgid "Erongo"
msgstr "Erongo"
msgid "Zambézia"
msgstr "Zambeziya"
msgid "Tete"
msgstr "Tete"
msgid "Sofala"
msgstr "Divan"
msgid "Niassa"
msgstr "Niassa"
msgid "Nampula"
msgstr "Nampula"
msgid "Maputo Province"
msgstr "Maputo viloyati"
msgid "Manica"
msgstr "Manika"
msgid "Inhambane"
msgstr "Inhambane"
msgid "Cabo Delgado"
msgstr "Kabo Delgado"
msgid "Labuan"
msgstr "Labuan"
msgid "Kelantan"
msgstr "Kelantan"
msgid "Kedah"
msgstr "Kedah"
msgid "Johor"
msgstr "Johor"
msgid "Yucatán"
msgstr "Yukatan"
msgid "San Luis Potosí"
msgstr "San Luis Potosi"
msgid "Querétaro"
msgstr "Queretaro"
msgid "Estado de México"
msgstr "Estado de México"
msgid "Michoacán"
msgstr "Michoacan"
msgid "Ciudad de México"
msgstr "Ciudad de Mexico"
msgid "Nuevo León"
msgstr "Nuevo Leon"
msgid "Ungheni"
msgstr "Ungheni"
msgid "Taraclia"
msgstr "Tarakliya"
msgid "Telenești"
msgstr "Teleneşti"
msgid "Ștefan Vodă"
msgstr "Shtefan Voda"
msgid "Soroca"
msgstr "Soroca"
msgid "Rezina"
msgstr "Rezina"
msgid "Orhei"
msgstr "Orhei"
msgid "Nisporeni"
msgstr "Nisporeni"
msgid "Leova"
msgstr "Leova"
msgid "Ialoveni"
msgstr "Ialoveni"
msgid "Glodeni"
msgstr "Glodeni"
msgid "Șoldănești"
msgstr "Șoldănești"
msgid "Strășeni"
msgstr "Strășeni"
msgid "Sîngerei"
msgstr "Singerei"
msgid "Rîșcani"
msgstr "Riscani"
msgid "Ocnița"
msgstr "Ocnita"
msgid "Hîncești"
msgstr "Hînceşti"
msgid "UTA Găgăuzia"
msgstr "UTA Gagauziya"
msgid "Drochia"
msgstr "Drochia"
msgid "Criuleni"
msgstr "Kriuleni"
msgid "Florești"
msgstr "Floreşti"
msgid "Fălești"
msgstr "Fălești"
msgid "Edineț"
msgstr "Edinet"
msgid "Dubăsari"
msgstr "Dubăsari"
msgid "Dondușeni"
msgstr "Dondușeni"
msgid "Cimișlia"
msgstr "Cimișlia"
msgid "Lofa"
msgstr "Lofa"
msgid "Sinoe"
msgstr "Sinoe"
msgid "River Gee"
msgstr "Gee daryosi"
msgid "Rivercess"
msgstr "Rivercess"
msgid "Nimba"
msgstr "Nimba"
msgid "Montserrado"
msgstr "Montserrado"
msgid "Margibi"
msgstr "Margibi"
msgid "Grand Kru"
msgstr "Grand Kru"
msgid "Grand Gedeh"
msgstr "Grand Gedeh"
msgid "Cantemir"
msgstr "Cantemir"
msgid "Cahul"
msgstr "Cahul"
msgid "Briceni"
msgstr "Briceni"
msgid "Basarabeasca"
msgstr "Basarabeasca"
msgid "Anenii Noi"
msgstr "Anenii Noi"
msgid "Căușeni"
msgstr "Căușeni"
msgid "Călărași"
msgstr "Călarași"
msgid "Bălți"
msgstr "Balti"
msgid "Chișinău"
msgstr "Kishinyov"
msgid "Xaisomboun"
msgstr "Xaisomboun"
msgid "Xiangkhouang"
msgstr "Siangxouang"
msgid "Sekong"
msgstr "Sekong"
msgid "Sainyabuli"
msgstr "Sainyabuli"
msgid "Vientiane Province"
msgstr "Vientiane viloyati"
msgid "Savannakhet"
msgstr "Savannaxet"
msgid "Salavan"
msgstr "Salvon"
msgid "Phongsaly"
msgstr "Phongsaly"
msgid "Oudomxay"
msgstr "Oudomxay"
msgid "Luang Prabang"
msgstr "Luang Prabang"
msgid "Luang Namtha"
msgstr "Luang Namtha"
msgid "Khammouane"
msgstr "Xammouane"
msgid "Houaphanh"
msgstr "Houaphanh"
msgid "Champasak"
msgstr "Champasak"
msgid "Bolikhamsai"
msgstr "Bolixamsay"
msgid "Bokeo"
msgstr "Bokeo"
msgid "Attapeu"
msgstr "Attapeu"
msgid "Grand Cape Mount"
msgstr "Grand Keyp tog'i"
msgid "Grand Bassa"
msgstr "Grand Bassa"
msgid "Gbarpolu"
msgstr "Gbarpolu"
msgid "Bong"
msgstr "Bong"
msgid "Bomi"
msgstr "Bomi"
msgid "West Pokot"
msgstr "G'arbiy Pokot"
msgid "Wajir"
msgstr "Vojir"
msgid "Vihiga"
msgstr "Vihiga"
msgid "Uasin Gishu"
msgstr "Uasin Gishu"
msgid "Turkana"
msgstr "Turkana"
msgid "Trans Nzoia"
msgstr "Trans Nzoia"
msgid "Tharaka-Nithi"
msgstr "Tharaka-Nithi"
msgid "Tana River"
msgstr "Tana daryosi"
msgid "Taita-Taveta"
msgstr "Taita-Taveta"
msgid "Siaya"
msgstr "Siaya"
msgid "Samburu"
msgstr "Samburu"
msgid "Nyeri"
msgstr "Nyeri"
msgid "Nyandarua"
msgstr "Nyandarua"
msgid "Nyamira"
msgstr "Nyamira"
msgid "Narok"
msgstr "Narok"
msgid "Nandi"
msgstr "Nandi"
msgid "Busia"
msgstr "Busia"
msgid "Kochi"
msgstr "Kochi"
msgid "Gunma"
msgstr "Gunma"
msgid "Venezia"
msgstr "Venesiya"
msgid "Nakuru"
msgstr "Nakuru"
msgid "Nairobi County"
msgstr "Nayrobi okrugi"
msgid "Murang’a"
msgstr "Murang'a"
msgid "Mombasa"
msgstr "Mombasa"
msgid "Migori"
msgstr "Migori"
msgid "Meru"
msgstr "Meru"
msgid "Marsabit"
msgstr "Marsabit"
msgid "Mandera"
msgstr "Mandera"
msgid "Makueni"
msgstr "Makueni"
msgid "Machakos"
msgstr "Machakos"
msgid "Lamu"
msgstr "Lamu"
msgid "Laikipia"
msgstr "Laikipiya"
msgid "Kwale"
msgstr "Kwale"
msgid "Kitui"
msgstr "Kitui"
msgid "Kisumu"
msgstr "Kisumu"
msgid "Kisii"
msgstr "Kisii"
msgid "Kirinyaga"
msgstr "Kirinyaga"
msgid "Kilifi"
msgstr "Kilifi"
msgid "Kiambu"
msgstr "Kiambu"
msgid "Kericho"
msgstr "Kericho"
msgid "Kakamega"
msgstr "Kakamega"
msgid "Kajiado"
msgstr "Kajiado"
msgid "Isiolo"
msgstr "Isiolo"
msgid "Homa Bay"
msgstr "Xoma ko'rfazi"
msgid "Garissa"
msgstr "Garissa"
msgid "Embu"
msgstr "Embu"
msgid "Elgeyo-Marakwet"
msgstr "Elgeyo-Marakvet"
msgid "Bungoma"
msgstr "Bungoma"
msgid "Bomet"
msgstr "Bomet"
msgid "Baringo"
msgstr "Baringo"
msgid "Sud Sardegna"
msgstr "Sud Sardegna"
msgid "Torino"
msgstr "Torino"
msgid "Siracusa"
msgstr "Sirakuza"
msgid "Roma"
msgstr "Rim"
msgid "Padova"
msgstr "Padova"
msgid "Napoli"
msgstr "Napoli"
msgid "Monza e della Brianza"
msgstr "Monza e della Brianza"
msgid "Milano"
msgstr "Milano"
msgid "Mantova"
msgstr "Mantova"
msgid "Genova"
msgstr "Genova"
msgid "Forlì-Cesena"
msgstr "Forlì-Cesena"
msgid "Firenze"
msgstr "Firenze"
msgid "Fermo"
msgstr "Fermo"
msgid "Bolzano"
msgstr "Bolzano"
msgid "Barletta-Andria-Trani"
msgstr "Barletta-Andria-Trani"
msgid "Sistan and Baluchestan (سیستان و بلوچستان)"
msgstr "Sistan va Baluchestan (Sistestan va Bluچsttan)"
msgid "Hormozgan (هرمزگان)"
msgstr "Gormozgan (hrmزگزگزگn)"
msgid "Markazi (مرکزی)"
msgstr "Markazi (Germaniya)"
msgid "Mazandaran (مازندران)"
msgstr "Mazandaran (mززndrran)"
msgid "Gilan (گیلان)"
msgstr "Gilan (گyلlانn)"
msgid "Golestan (گلستان)"
msgstr "Goliston (گlsttan)"
msgid "Kohgiluyeh and BoyerAhmad (کهگیلوییه و بویراحمد)"
msgstr "Kohgiluye va BoyerAhmad (kگhyلlwyیy و w bwyrاحmad)"
msgid "Kurdistan / کردستان)"
msgstr "Kurdiston / Kredsttan)"
msgid "Qom (قم)"
msgstr "Qom (qm)"
msgid "Fars (فارس)"
msgstr "Fors (Fars)"
msgid "Semnan (سمنان)"
msgstr "Semnan (semnانn)"
msgid "North Khorasan (خراسان شمالی)"
msgstr "Shimoliy Xorasan (اrاsانn shشmاlyی)"
msgid "Razavi Khorasan (خراسان رضوی)"
msgstr "Rozaviy Xorasan (Eron)"
msgid "South Khorasan (خراسان جنوبی)"
msgstr "Janubiy Xorasan (اrاsانn jnwbyب)"
msgid "Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari (چهارمحال و بختیاری)"
msgstr "Chaharmahal va Baxtiyor (چhاrmححl w bخtiyارriy)"
msgid "West Azarbaijan (آذربایجان غربی)"
msgstr "G'arbiy Ozarbayjon (آذrbاyjjan غrbyب)"
msgid "East Azarbaijan (آذربایجان شرقی)"
msgstr "Sharqiy Ozarbayjon"
msgid "Alborz (البرز)"
msgstr "Alborz (الlbrrز)"
msgid "Luristan (لرستان)"
msgstr "Luristan (lrsttan)"
msgid "Zanjan (زنجان)"
msgstr "Zanjan (Xanjan)"
msgid "Ghazvin (قزوین)"
msgstr "Gazvin (qvuyayn)"
msgid "Hamadan (همدان)"
msgstr "Hamadan (hmddan)"
msgid "Kerman (کرمان)"
msgstr "Kerman (Ingliz)"
msgid "Kermanshah (کرمانشاه)"
msgstr "Kermanshoh"
msgid "Yazd (یزد)"
msgstr "Yazd (یزد)"
msgid "Isfahan (اصفهان)"
msgstr "Isfaxon (صصfhانn)"
msgid "Ardabil (اردبیل)"
msgstr "Ardabil (رrdbyyl)"
msgid "Bushehr (بوشهر)"
msgstr "Bushehr (bwsشhhr)"
msgid "Ilaam (ایلام)"
msgstr "Ilama (اyalاm)"
msgid "Wexford"
msgstr "Wexford"
msgid "Wicklow"
msgstr "Viklow"
msgid "Westmeath"
msgstr "Vestmeat"
msgid "Waterford"
msgstr "Waterford"
msgid "Pondicherry (Puducherry)"
msgstr "Pondicherry (Puducherry)"
msgid "Lakshadeep"
msgstr "Lakshadep"
msgid "Tipperary"
msgstr "Tipperary"
msgid "Sligo"
msgstr "Sligo"
msgid "Roscommon"
msgstr "Roscommon"
msgid "Offaly"
msgstr "Offaly"
msgid "Mayo"
msgstr "Mayo"
msgid "Monaghan"
msgstr "Monaghan"
msgid "Laois"
msgstr "Laois"
msgid "Leitrim"
msgstr "Leitrim"
msgid "Limerick"
msgstr "Limerick"
msgid "Louth"
msgstr "Louth"
msgid "Longford"
msgstr "Longford"
msgid "Kilkenny"
msgstr "Kilkenny"
msgid "Kildare"
msgstr "Kildare"
msgid "Galway"
msgstr "Golvey"
msgid "Donegal"
msgstr "Donegal"
msgid "Carlow"
msgstr "Karlow"
msgid "Cavan"
msgstr "Cavan"
msgid "Cork"
msgstr "Cork"
msgid "Clare"
msgstr "Clare"
msgid "Papua Barat"
msgstr "Papua Barat"
msgid "Papua"
msgstr "Papua"
msgid "Maluku Utara"
msgstr "Maluku Utara"
msgid "Maluku"
msgstr "Maluku"
msgid "Gorontalo"
msgstr "Gorontalo"
msgid "Sulawesi Selatan"
msgstr "Sulavesi Selatan"
msgid "Sulawesi Barat"
msgstr "Sulawesi Barat"
msgid "Sulawesi Tenggara"
msgstr "Sulawesi Tenggara"
msgid "Sulawesi Tengah"
msgstr "Sulawesi Tengah"
msgid "Sulawesi Utara"
msgstr "Sulawesi Utara"
msgid "Kalimantan Utara"
msgstr "Kalimantan Utara"
msgid "Kalimantan Selatan"
msgstr "Kalimantan Selatan"
msgid "Kalimantan Timur"
msgstr "Kalimantan Temur"
msgid "Kalimantan Tengah"
msgstr "Kalimantan Tengah"
msgid "Kalimantan Barat"
msgstr "Kalimantan Barat"
msgid "Nusa Tenggara Timur"
msgstr "Nusa Tenggara Timur"
msgid "Nusa Tenggara Barat"
msgstr "Nusa Tenggara Barat"
msgid "Bali"
msgstr "Bali"
msgid "Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta"
msgstr "Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta"
msgid "Jawa Timur"
msgstr "Javo Timur"
msgid "Jawa Tengah"
msgstr "Jawa Tengah"
msgid "Banten"
msgstr "Banten"
msgid "Jawa Barat"
msgstr "Jawa Barat"
msgid "DKI Jakarta"
msgstr "DKI Jakarta"
msgid "Lampung"
msgstr "Lampung"
msgid "Bengkulu"
msgstr "Bengkulu"
msgid "Bangka Belitung"
msgstr "Bangka Belitung"
msgid "Sumatera Selatan"
msgstr "Sumatera Selatan"
msgid "Jambi"
msgstr "Jambi"
msgid "Kepulauan Riau"
msgstr "Kepulauan Riau"
msgid "Riau"
msgstr "Riau"
msgid "Sumatera Barat"
msgstr "Sumatera Barat"
msgid "Sumatera Utara"
msgstr "Sumatera Utara"
msgid "Daerah Istimewa Aceh"
msgstr "Daerah Istimewa Aceh"
msgid "Zala"
msgstr "Zala"
msgid "Veszprém"
msgstr "Veszprém"
msgid "Vas"
msgstr "Vas"
msgid "Tolna"
msgstr "Tolna"
msgid "Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg"
msgstr "Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg"
msgid "Somogy"
msgstr "Somogiya"
msgid "Pest"
msgstr "Zararkunanda"
msgid "Nógrád"
msgstr "Nograd"
msgid "Komárom-Esztergom"
msgstr "Komárom-Esztergom"
msgid "Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok"
msgstr "Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok"
msgid "Heves"
msgstr "Heves"
msgid "Hajdú-Bihar"
msgstr "Hajdú-Bihar"
msgid "Győr-Moson-Sopron"
msgstr "Gyor-Moson-Sopron"
msgid "Fejér"
msgstr "Fejer"
msgid "Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén"
msgstr "Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen"
msgid "Western"
msgstr "G'arbiy"
msgid "Baranya"
msgstr "Baranya"
msgid "Békés"
msgstr "Bekatlar"
msgid "Bács-Kiskun"
msgstr "Bacs-Kiskun"
msgid "New Territories"
msgstr "Yangi hududlar"
msgid "Kowloon"
msgstr "Kovlon"
msgid "Hong Kong Island"
msgstr "Gonkong oroli"
msgid "South Aegean"
msgstr "Janubiy Egey"
msgid "North Aegean"
msgstr "Shimoliy Egey"
msgid "Peloponnese"
msgstr "Peloponnes"
msgid "Central Greece"
msgstr "Markaziy Gretsiya"
msgid "West Greece"
msgstr "G'arbiy Gretsiya"
msgid "Ionian Islands"
msgstr "Ion orollari"
msgid "Thessaly"
msgstr "Tesaliya"
msgid "Epirus"
msgstr "Epirus"
msgid "West Macedonia"
msgstr "G'arbiy Makedoniya"
msgid "Central Macedonia"
msgstr "Markaziy Makedoniya"
msgid "East Macedonia and Thrace"
msgstr "Sharqiy Makedoniya va Frakiya"
msgid "Attica"
msgstr "Attika"
msgid "Western North"
msgstr "G'arbiy Shimoliy"
msgid "Volta"
msgstr "Volta"
msgid "Upper West"
msgstr "Yuqori G'arbiy"
msgid "Upper East"
msgstr "Yuqori Sharq"
msgid "Northern"
msgstr "Shimoliy"
msgid "Eastern"
msgstr "Sharqiy"
msgid "Central"
msgstr "Markaziy"
msgid "León"
msgstr "Leon"
msgid "Jaén"
msgstr "Jaen"
msgid "Savannah"
msgstr "Savanna"
msgid "Oti"
msgstr "Oti"
msgid "North East"
msgstr "Shimoliy-Sharqiy"
msgid "Greater Accra"
msgstr "Kattaroq Akkra"
msgid "Bono East"
msgstr "Bono Sharq"
msgid "Bono"
msgstr "Bono"
msgid "Brong-Ahafo"
msgstr "Brong-Ahafo"
msgid "Ashanti"
msgstr "Ashanti"
msgid "Ahafo"
msgstr "Ahafo"
msgid "Baleares"
msgstr "Baleares"
msgid "Araba/Álava"
msgstr "Araba/Álava"
msgid "A Coruña"
msgstr "Korunya"
msgid "Ghardaïa"
msgstr "Ghardaia"
msgid "Aïn Témouchent"
msgstr "Ayn Temouchent"
msgid "Relizane"
msgstr "Relizan"
msgid "Aïn Defla"
msgstr "Ayn Defla"
msgid "Boumerdès"
msgstr "Bumerdes"
msgid "Bordj Bou Arréridj"
msgstr "Bordj Bou Arreridj"
msgid "Naama"
msgstr "Naama"
msgid "Mila"
msgstr "Mila"
msgid "Tipasa"
msgstr "Tipasa"
msgid "Souk Ahras"
msgstr "Souk Ahras"
msgid "Khenchela"
msgstr "Khenchela"
msgid "El Oued"
msgstr "El Oued"
msgid "Tissemsilt"
msgstr "Tissemsilt"
msgid "Tindouf"
msgstr "Tindouf"
msgid "El Tarf"
msgstr "El Tarf"
msgid "M’Sila"
msgstr "M'Sila"
msgid "Médéa"
msgstr "Médéa"
msgid "Sidi Bel Abbès"
msgstr "Sidi Bel Abbes"
msgid "Illizi"
msgstr "Illizi"
msgid "El Bayadh"
msgstr "El Bayadh"
msgid "Oran"
msgstr "Oran"
msgid "Ouargla"
msgstr "Ouargla"
msgid "Mascara"
msgstr "Maskara"
msgid "Mostaganem"
msgstr "Mostaganem"
msgid "Constantine"
msgstr "Konstantin"
msgid "Guelma"
msgstr "Guelma"
msgid "Annaba"
msgstr "Annaba"
msgid "Saïda"
msgstr "Saida"
msgid "Sétif"
msgstr "Sétif"
msgid "Tébessa"
msgstr "Tebessa"
msgid "Béchar"
msgstr "Bechar"
msgid "Béjaïa"
msgstr "Bejaia"
msgid "Xinjiang / 新疆"
msgstr "Shinjon / mízhí"
msgid "Skikda"
msgstr "Skikda"
msgid "Jijel"
msgstr "Jijel"
msgid "Djelfa"
msgstr "Djelfa"
msgid "Tizi Ouzou"
msgstr "Tizi Ouzou"
msgid "Tiaret"
msgstr "Tiaret"
msgid "Tlemcen"
msgstr "Tlemsen"
msgid "Tamanghasset"
msgstr "Tamanghasset"
msgid "Bouira"
msgstr "Bouira"
msgid "Blida"
msgstr "Blida"
msgid "Biskra"
msgstr "Biskra"
msgid "Batna"
msgstr "Batna"
msgid "Oum El Bouaghi"
msgstr "Oum El Bouaghi"
msgid "Laghouat"
msgstr "Laghouat"
msgid "Chlef"
msgstr "Chlef"
msgid "Adrar"
msgstr "Adrar"
msgid "Tibet / 西藏"
msgstr "Tibet / lí"
msgid "Macao / 澳门"
msgstr "Aomin / míní"
msgid "Ningxia Hui / 宁夏"
msgstr "Ningxia Xui / chàn"
msgid "Qinghai / 青海"
msgstr "Qinghay / língí"
msgid "Gansu / 甘肃"
msgstr "Gansu / lín"
msgid "Shaanxi / 陕西"
msgstr "Shensi / lín"
msgid "Guizhou / 贵州"
msgstr "Guychjou / lín"
msgid "Sichuan / 四川"
msgstr "Sichuan / chàngí"
msgid "Chongqing / 重庆"
msgstr "Chongqing / línín"
msgid "Hainan / 海南"
msgstr "Xaynan / líní"
msgid "Guangxi Zhuang / 广西壮族"
msgstr "Guangxi Chjuang / chàngín"
msgid "Guangdong / 广东"
msgstr "Guangdong / xnzhou"
msgid "Hunan / 湖南"
msgstr "Xunan / mín"
msgid "Hubei / 湖北"
msgstr "Xubey / míngān"
msgid "Henan / 河南"
msgstr "Xenan / mín"
msgid "Shandong / 山东"
msgstr "Shandong / shín"
msgid "Jiangxi / 江西"
msgstr "Jiangxi / líng"
msgid "Fujian / 福建"
msgstr "Fujian / lín"
msgid "Anhui / 安徽"
msgstr "Anhui / chàn"
msgid "Zhejiang / 浙江"
msgstr "Chjetszyan / yǎng"
msgid "Jiangsu / 江苏"
msgstr "Jiangsu / líng"
msgid "Shanghai / 上海"
msgstr "Shanxay / shíngí"
msgid "Heilongjiang / 黑龙江"
msgstr "Heilongjiang / língíng"
msgid "Jilin / 吉林"
msgstr "Jilin / límí"
msgid "Liaoning / 辽宁"
msgstr "Liaoning / lín"
msgid "Inner Mongolia / 內蒙古"
msgstr "Ichki Mo'g'uliston / línīng"
msgid "Shanxi / 山西"
msgstr "Shanxi / lì"
msgid "Hebei / 河北"
msgstr "Xebey / língān"
msgid "Tianjin / 天津"
msgstr "Tyantszin / qì"
msgid "Zug"
msgstr "Zug"
msgid "Vaud"
msgstr "Vaud"
msgid "Valais"
msgstr "Valais"
msgid "Beijing / 北京"
msgstr "Pekin / chàn"
msgid "Yunnan / 云南"
msgstr "Yunnan / yīng"
msgid "Zürich"
msgstr "Tsyurix"
msgid "Uri"
msgstr "Uri"
msgid "Ticino"
msgstr "Ticino"
msgid "Thurgau"
msgstr "Thurgau"
msgid "St. Gallen"
msgstr "Sent-Gallen"
msgid "Solothurn"
msgstr "Solothurn"
msgid "Schwyz"
msgstr "Shviz"
msgid "Schaffhausen"
msgstr "Shaffxauzen"
msgid "Obwalden"
msgstr "Obwalden"
msgid "Nidwalden"
msgstr "Nidvaldan"
msgid "Luzern"
msgstr "Luzern"
msgid "Jura"
msgstr "Yura"
msgid "Glarus"
msgstr "Glarus"
msgid "Geneva"
msgstr "Jeneva"
msgid "Fribourg"
msgstr "Fribourg"
msgid "Bern"
msgstr "Bern"
msgid "Basel-Stadt"
msgstr "Bazel-Shtadt"
msgid "Basel-Landschaft"
msgstr "Bazel-Landschaft"
msgid "Appenzell Innerrhoden"
msgstr "Appenzell Innerrhoden"
msgid "Appenzell Ausserrhoden"
msgstr "Appenzell Ausserrhoden"
msgid "Aargau"
msgstr "Aargau"
msgid "Neuchâtel"
msgstr "Neuchatel"
msgid "Graubünden"
msgstr "Graubünden"
msgid "São Paulo"
msgstr "San-Paulu"
msgid "Rondônia"
msgstr "Rondônia"
msgid "Piauí"
msgstr "Piauí"
msgid "Paraná"
msgstr "Parana"
msgid "Paraíba"
msgstr "Paraíba"
msgid "Pará"
msgstr "Para"
msgid "Maranhão"
msgstr "Maranhao"
msgid "Goiás"
msgstr "Goias"
msgid "Espírito Santo"
msgstr "Espirito Santo"
msgid "Tarija"
msgstr "Tarija"
msgid "Potosí"
msgstr "Potosi"
msgid "Pando"
msgstr "Pando"
msgid "Oruro"
msgstr "Oruro"
msgid "Cochabamba"
msgstr "Kochabamba"
msgid "Beni"
msgstr "Beni"
msgid "Chuquisaca"
msgstr "Chuquisaca"
msgid "Yambol"
msgstr "Yambol"
msgid "Vratsa"
msgstr "Vratsa"
msgid "Vidin"
msgstr "Vidin"
msgid "Veliko Tarnovo"
msgstr "Veliko Tarnovo"
msgid "Varna"
msgstr "Varna"
msgid "Targovishte"
msgstr "Targovishte"
msgid "Stara Zagora"
msgstr "Yulduz Zagora"
msgid "Sofia-Grad"
msgstr "Sofiya-Grad"
msgid "Smolyan"
msgstr "Smolyan"
msgid "Sliven"
msgstr "Sliven"
msgid "Silistra"
msgstr "Silistra"
msgid "Shumen"
msgstr "Shumen"
msgid "Ruse"
msgstr "Ruse"
msgid "Razgrad"
msgstr "Razgrad"
msgid "Plovdiv"
msgstr "Plovdiv"
msgid "Pleven"
msgstr "Pleven"
msgid "Pernik"
msgstr "Pernik"
msgid "Pazardzhik"
msgstr "Pazardjik"
msgid "Lovech"
msgstr "Lovech"
msgid "Kyustendil"
msgstr "Kyustendil"
msgid "Kardzhali"
msgstr "Kardjali"
msgid "Haskovo"
msgstr "Xaskovo"
msgid "Gabrovo"
msgstr "Gabrovo"
msgid "Dobrich"
msgstr "Dobrich"
msgid "Ceará"
msgstr "Ceara"
msgid "Amapá"
msgstr "Amapa"
msgid "Blagoevgrad"
msgstr "Blagoevgrad"
msgid "Thakurgaon"
msgstr "Sakurgaon"
msgid "Tangail"
msgstr "Tangail"
msgid "Sylhet"
msgstr "Sylhet"
msgid "Sunamganj"
msgstr "Sunamganj"
msgid "Sirajganj"
msgstr "Sirajganj"
msgid "Sherpur"
msgstr "Sherpur"
msgid "Shariatpur"
msgstr "Shariatpur"
msgid "Satkhira"
msgstr "Satxira"
msgid "Rangpur"
msgstr "Rangpur"
msgid "Rangamati"
msgstr "Rangamati"
msgid "Rajshahi"
msgstr "Rajshaxi"
msgid "Rajbari"
msgstr "Rajbari"
msgid "Pirojpur"
msgstr "Pirojpur"
msgid "Patuakhali"
msgstr "Patuaxali"
msgid "Panchagarh"
msgstr "Panchagarh"
msgid "Pabna"
msgstr "Pabna"
msgid "Noakhali"
msgstr "Noaxali"
msgid "Nilphamari"
msgstr "Nilfamari"
msgid "Netrakona"
msgstr "Netrakona"
msgid "Nawabganj"
msgstr "Navabganj"
msgid "Natore"
msgstr "Natore"
msgid "Narsingdi"
msgstr "Narsingdi"
msgid "Narayanganj"
msgstr "Narayanganj"
msgid "Narail"
msgstr "Narail"
msgid "Naogaon"
msgstr "Naogaon"
msgid "Mymensingh"
msgstr "Mensensing"
msgid "Munshiganj"
msgstr "Munshiganj"
msgid "Moulvibazar"
msgstr "Mulvibazar"
msgid "Meherpur"
msgstr "Meherpur"
msgid "Manikganj "
msgstr "Manikganj "
msgid "Magura"
msgstr "Magura"
msgid "Madaripur"
msgstr "Madaripur"
msgid "Lalmonirhat"
msgstr "Lalmonirxat"
msgid "Jashore"
msgstr "Jashore"
msgid "Chattogram"
msgstr "Chattogramma"
msgid "Lakshmipur"
msgstr "Lakshmipur"
msgid "Kushtia"
msgstr "Kushtiya"
msgid "Kurigram"
msgstr "Kurigram"
msgid "Kishoreganj"
msgstr "Kishoreganj"
msgid "Khulna"
msgstr "Xulna"
msgid "Khagrachhari"
msgstr "Xagrachhari"
msgid "Joypurhat"
msgstr "Joypurhat"
msgid "Jhenaidah"
msgstr "Jenida"
msgid "Jhalokati"
msgstr "Jhalokati"
msgid "Jamalpur"
msgstr "Jamalpur"
msgid "Habiganj"
msgstr "Xabiganj"
msgid "Gopalganj"
msgstr "Gopalganj"
msgid "Gazipur"
msgstr "Gazipur"
msgid "Gaibandha"
msgstr "Gaibandha"
msgid "Feni"
msgstr "Feni"
msgid "Faridpur "
msgstr "Faridpur "
msgid "Dinajpur"
msgstr "Dinajpur"
msgid "Cox's Bazar"
msgstr "Koksning bozori"
msgid "Cumilla"
msgstr "Cumilla"
msgid "Chuadanga"
msgstr "Chuadanga"
msgid "Chandpur"
msgstr "Chandpur"
msgid "Brahmanbaria"
msgstr "Brahmanbariya"
msgid "Bogura"
msgstr "Bogura"
msgid "Bhola"
msgstr "Bhola"
msgid "Barishal"
msgstr "Barishal"
msgid "Barguna"
msgstr "Barguna"
msgid "Bandarban"
msgstr "Bandarban"
msgid "Bagerhat"
msgstr "Bagerhat"
msgid "Tierra del Fuego"
msgstr "Tierra del Fuego"
msgid "Santiago del Estero"
msgstr "Santyago del Estero"
msgid "Santa Fe"
msgstr "Santa Fe"
msgid "Santa Cruz"
msgstr "Santa-Kruz"
msgid "Tucumán"
msgstr "Tucuman"
msgid "Río Negro"
msgstr "Rio Negro"
msgid "Misiones"
msgstr "Misiones"
msgid "La Pampa"
msgstr "La Pampa"
msgid "Formosa"
msgstr "Formosa"
msgid "Corrientes"
msgstr "Korrientes"
msgid "Chubut"
msgstr "Chubut"
msgid "Chaco"
msgstr "Chako"
msgid "Neuquén"
msgstr "Neuken"
msgid "Entre Ríos"
msgstr "Riosga kiring"
msgid "Córdoba"
msgstr "Kordova"
msgid "Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires"
msgstr "Buenos-Ayresdagi Syudad Avtonomasi"
msgid "Zaire"
msgstr "Zair"
msgid "Uíge"
msgstr "Uíge"
msgid "Namibe"
msgstr "Namibe"
msgid "Moxico"
msgstr "Moxiko"
msgid "Malanje"
msgstr "Malanje"
msgid "Lunda-Sul"
msgstr "Lunda-Sul"
msgid "Lunda-Norte"
msgstr "Lunda-Norte"
msgid "Kwanza-Sul"
msgstr "Kvanza-Sul"
msgid "Kwanza-Norte"
msgstr "Kvanza-Norte"
msgid "Kuando Kubango"
msgstr "Kuando Kubango"
msgid "Huíla"
msgstr "Xuila"
msgid "Virgin Islands (US)"
msgstr "Virjiniya orollari (AQSh)"
msgid "Virgin Islands (British)"
msgstr "Virjiniya orollari (Britaniya)"
msgid "Huambo"
msgstr "Huambo"
msgid "Cunene"
msgstr "Cunene"
msgid "Cabinda"
msgstr "Kabinada"
msgid "Bié"
msgstr "Bié"
msgid "Benguela"
msgstr "Benguela"
msgid "Bengo"
msgstr "Bengo"
msgid "United States (US) Minor Outlying Islands"
msgstr "Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlari (AQSh) Kichik olis orollar"
msgid "United States (US)"
msgstr "Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlari (AQSh)"
msgid "United Kingdom (UK)"
msgstr "Buyuk Britaniya (Buyuk Britaniya)"
msgid "South Sudan"
msgstr "Janubiy Sudan"
msgid "South Georgia/Sandwich Islands"
msgstr "Janubiy Jorjiya/Sendvich Orollari"
msgid "São Tomé and Príncipe"
msgstr "Satildeo Tomekut va Priyakutensayp"
msgid "North Macedonia"
msgstr "Shimoliy Makedoniya"
msgid "Saint Martin (Dutch part)"
msgstr "Sen-Martin (Nederlandiya hududi)"
msgid "Saint Martin (French part)"
msgstr "Sen-Martin (Fransiya hududi)"
msgid "Saint Barthélemy"
msgstr "Sankt-Bartakutelemi"
msgid "Russia"
msgstr "Rossiya"
msgid "Palestinian Territory"
msgstr "Falastin Hududi"
msgid "Laos"
msgstr "Laos"
msgid "Ivory Coast"
msgstr "Ayvori Kost"
msgid "Iran"
msgstr "Eron"
msgid "Falkland Islands"
msgstr "Folklend Orollari"
msgid "Curaçao"
msgstr "Kurasedilo"
msgid "Congo (Kinshasa)"
msgstr "Kongo (Kinshasa)"
msgid "Congo (Brazzaville)"
msgstr "Kongo (Brazavil)"
msgid "Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba"
msgstr "Boney, Sankt-Estatu va Saba"
msgid "Belau"
msgstr "Belu"
msgid "South America"
msgstr "Janubiy Amerika"
msgid "North America"
msgstr "Shimoliy Amerika"
msgid "There was an error running the action scheduler: %s"
msgstr "Amal rejasini tuzishda xato yuz berdi: %s"
msgid "%d scheduled task completed."
msgid_plural "%d scheduled tasks completed."
msgstr[0] "%d rejalashtirilgan vazifa bajarildi."
msgid "Completed processing action %1$s with hook: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s kanca yordamida tugallangan amal:%2$s"
msgid "%d batch executed."
msgid_plural "%d batches executed."
msgstr[0] "%d ta paket bajarildi."
msgid "Found %d scheduled task"
msgid_plural "Found %d scheduled tasks"
msgstr[0] "%d rejalashtirilgan vazifa topildi"
msgid "Error processing action %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s harakatini qayta ishlashda xato:%2$s"
msgid "Started processing action %s"
msgstr "%s buyrug'ini qayta ishlash jarayoni boshlandi"
msgid "The claim has been lost. Aborting current batch."
msgstr "Da'vo yo'qoldi. Hozirgi partiyani bekor qilish."
msgid "Running %d action"
msgid_plural "Running %d actions"
msgstr[0] "%d ta amal bajarilmoqda"
msgid "There are too many concurrent batches."
msgstr "Bir vaqtning o'zida partiyalar juda ko'p."
msgid "The %s class can only be run within WP CLI."
msgstr "%s sinfini faqat WP CLI ichida ishlatish mumkin."
msgid ""
"There are too many concurrent batches, but the run is forced to continue."
msgstr ""
"Bir vaqtning o'zida juda ko'p partiyalar mavjud, ammo yugurishni davom "
"ettirishga majbur."
msgid "Migrated action with ID %1$d in %2$s to ID %3$d in %4$s"
msgstr "%2$s %1$d identifikatori bilan %4$s %3$d identifikatori bilan harakat"
msgid ""
"Action Scheduler migration in progress. The list of scheduled actions may be "
msgstr ""
"Harakat jadvalini ko'chirish amalga oshirilmoqda. Rejalashtirilgan "
"harakatlar ro'yxati to'liq bo'lmasligi mumkin."
msgid "Destination logger must be configured before running a migration"
msgstr "Migratsiyani amalga oshirishdan oldin maqsad jurnalini sozlash kerak"
msgid "Destination store must be configured before running a migration"
msgstr "Ko'chirishni boshlashdan oldin mo'ljal do'konini sozlash kerak"
msgid "Source logger must be configured before running a migration"
msgstr "Ko'chirishni boshlashdan oldin manba jurnalini sozlash kerak"
msgid "Source store must be configured before running a migration"
msgstr "Ko'chirishni boshlashdan oldin manba omborini sozlash kerak"
msgid "Unable to remove source migrated action %s"
msgstr "\"%s\" manbasini ko'chirib olib bo'lmadi"
msgid "Action Group"
msgstr "Harakatlar guruhi"
msgid "No actions found"
msgstr "Hech qanday harakat topilmadi"
msgid "Search Scheduled Actions"
msgstr "Rejalashtirilgan harakatlarni qidirish"
msgid "New Scheduled Action"
msgstr "Yangi rejalashtirilgan harakat"
msgid "Edit Scheduled Action"
msgstr "Rejalashtirilgan harakatni tahrirlash"
msgid "Add New Scheduled Action"
msgstr "Yangi rejalashtirilgan harakatni qo'shish"
msgid "View Action"
msgstr "Harakatni ko'rish"
msgctxt "Admin menu name"
msgid "Scheduled Actions"
msgstr "Rejalashtirilgan harakatlar"
msgid "Scheduled Action"
msgstr "Rejalashtirilgan harakat"
msgid "Scheduled actions are hooks triggered on a cetain date and time."
msgstr ""
"Rejalashtirilgan harakatlar - bu aniq sana va vaqt bo'yicha tetiklanadigan "
msgid ""
"%s Support for strings longer than this will be removed in a future version."
msgstr ""
"Keyingi versiyada %s uzoqroq qatorlarni qo'llab-quvvatlash o'chiriladi."
msgid "In-Progress (%s)"
msgid_plural "In-Progress (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Jarayon ketmoqda ( %s)"
msgctxt "post"
msgid "In-Progress"
msgstr "Progress bar"
msgctxt "post"
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "Muvaffaqiyatsiz"
msgid "Unable to mark failure on action %s. Database error."
msgstr "%s harakatida nosozlikni belgilab bo'lmadi. Ma'lumotlar bazasida xato."
msgid "Unable to unlock claim on action %s. Database error."
msgstr ""
"%s harakati yuzasidan da’vo qulfini ochib bo‘lmadi. Ma'lumotlar bazasida "
msgid "Unknown status found for action."
msgstr "Harakat uchun noma'lum holat topildi."
msgid "Unable to unlock claim %s. Database error."
msgstr "%s da’vosini ochib bo‘lmadi. Ma'lumotlar bazasida xato."
msgid "Invalid action ID. No status found."
msgstr "Noto‘g‘ri harakat identifikatori. Holat topilmadi."
msgid "The group \"%s\" does not exist."
msgid_plural "The groups \"%s\" do not exist."
msgstr[0] "\" %s\" guruhi mavjud emas."
msgid "Unable to claim actions. Database error."
msgstr "Harakatlarni da’vo qilib bo‘lmadi. Ma'lumotlar bazasida xato."
msgid "Unable to save action."
msgstr "Amalni saqlab bo‘lmadi."
msgid "Invalid schedule. Cannot save action."
msgstr "Noto'g'ri jadval. Amalni saqlab bo‘lmadi."
msgid "Invalid value for select or count parameter. Cannot query actions."
msgstr ""
"Tanlash yoki sanash parametrlari uchun yaroqsiz qiymat. So‘rovlarni bajarib "
msgid ""
"Action Scheduler has migrated data to custom tables; however, orphaned log "
"entries exist in the WordPress Comments table. %1$s Learn "
"more »"
msgstr ""
"Action Scheduler ma'lumotlarni maxsus jadvallarga ko'chirdi; ammo, "
"yetim bo'lmagan jurnal yozuvlari WordPress Sharhlar jadvalida mavjud. "
"%1$s batafsil ma'lumot »"
msgid "Unidentified action %s"
msgstr "%s noma'lum harakat"
msgid "Error saving action: %s"
msgstr "Saqlashda xato: %s"
msgid "This data will be deleted in %s."
msgstr "Ushbu ma'lumotlar %s ichida o'chiriladi."
msgid "Newest Scheduled Date"
msgstr "Eng yangi rejalashtirilgan sana"
msgid "Oldest Scheduled Date"
msgstr "Eng qadimgi rejalashtirilgan sana"
msgid "Action Status"
msgstr "Harakat holati"
msgid "Action Scheduler"
msgstr "Harakatlarni rejalashtiruvchi"
msgid "Search hook, args and claim ID"
msgstr "Qidiruv kanca, args va da'vo identifikatori"
msgid " (%s)"
msgstr " (%s)"
msgid " (%s ago)"
msgstr " (%s avval)"
msgid "Could not process change for action: \"%1$s\" (ID: %2$d). Error: %3$s"
msgstr "Amalga o'zgartirish kiritib bo'lmadi: \"%1$s\" (ID: %2$d). Xato: %3$s"
msgid "Data store:"
msgstr "Ma'lumotlar ombori:"
msgid "This section shows details of Action Scheduler."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu bo'lim Harakatlarni rejalashtiruvchining tafsilotlarini ko'rsatadi."
msgid "Successfully processed change for action: %s"
msgstr "Amalga o'zgartirishlar kiritildi: %s"
msgid "Successfully canceled action: %s"
msgstr "Amal muvaffaqiyatli bekor qilindi: %s"
msgid "Successfully executed action: %s"
msgstr "Amal muvaffaqiyatli bajarildi: %s"
msgid "The next queue will begin processing in approximately %d seconds."
msgstr "Keyingi navbat taxminan %d sekundda ishlay boshlaydi."
msgid ""
"A new queue has begun processing. View actions in-progress "
msgstr ""
"Yangi navbat ishlov berishni boshladi. Amalga oshirilmagan "
"amallarni ko'rish »"
msgid ""
"Maximum simultaneous queues already in progress (%s queue). No additional "
"queues will begin processing until the current queues are complete."
msgid_plural ""
"Maximum simultaneous queues already in progress (%s queues). No additional "
"queues will begin processing until the current queues are complete."
msgstr[0] ""
"Bir vaqtning o'zida maksimal navbat ( %s navbat). Joriy navbatlar "
"tugamaguncha, qo'shimcha navbatlarni qayta ishlash boshlanmaydi."
msgid ""
"It appears one or more database tables were missing. Attempting to re-create "
"the missing table(s)."
msgstr ""
"Bir yoki bir nechta ma'lumotlar bazasi jadvallari etishmayotgan ko'rinadi. "
"To'ldirilmagan jadval (lar) ni qayta yaratishga urinish."
msgid "Non-repeating"
msgstr "Takrorlanmaydigan"
msgid "Now!"
msgstr "Hozir!"
msgid "Cancel the action now to avoid it being run in future"
msgstr "Kelgusida bajarilmasligi uchun harakatni hozir bekor qiling"
msgid "Process the action now as if it were run as part of a queue"
msgstr "Harakatni hozir navbatning bir qismi kabi bajaring"
msgid ""
"Action [%1$s] has invalid arguments. It cannot be JSON decoded to an array. "
"$args = %2$s"
msgstr ""
"Harakat [%1$s] noto'g'ri dalillarga ega. JSON-ni massivga dekodlash mumkin "
"emas. $ args =%2$s"
msgid "Run"
msgstr "Yugur"
msgid "Claim ID"
msgstr "Da’vo identifikatori"
msgid "Activity log for the action."
msgstr "Harakatlar uchun jurnallar ro'yxati."
msgid "The date/time the action is/was scheduled to run."
msgstr "Harakat / rejalashtirilgan sana / vaqt."
msgid "Action [%1$s] has an invalid schedule: %2$s"
msgstr "Harakat [%1$s] noto'g'ri jadvalga ega: %2$s"
msgid "Attempting to reduce used memory..."
msgstr "Ishlatilgan xotirani kamaytirishga urinilmoqda ..."
msgid "The action's schedule frequency."
msgstr "Harakatlar jadvali."
msgid "Optional action group."
msgstr "Ixtiyoriy harakatlar guruhi."
msgid "Optional data array passed to the action hook."
msgstr "Ixtiyoriy ma'lumotlar qatori amal kancasiga o'tdi."
msgid "Action statuses are Pending, Complete, Canceled, Failed"
msgstr "Amallar holati kutilmoqda, yakunlandi, bekor qilindi, bajarilmadi"
msgid "Name of the action hook that will be triggered."
msgstr "Tetiklanadigan harakat kanca nomi."
msgid "Recurrence"
msgstr "Qaytalanish"
msgid "Arguments"
msgstr "Dalillar"
msgid "Scheduled Action Columns"
msgstr "Rejalashtirilgan harakatlar ustunlari"
msgid ""
"Action Scheduler is a scalable, traceable job queue for background "
"processing large sets of actions. Action Scheduler works by triggering an "
"action hook to run at some time in the future. Scheduled actions can also be "
"scheduled to run on a recurring schedule."
msgstr ""
"Harakatlarni rejalashtiruvchi - keng ko'lamli harakatlar to'plamini fonda "
"qayta ishlash uchun kengaytiriladigan, kuzatib bo'ladigan ish navbati. "
"Action Scheduler kelajakda biron bir vaqtda ishga tushirish uchun harakat "
"kancasini ishga tushirish orqali ishlaydi. Rejalashtirilgan harakatlar, "
"shuningdek, takroriy jadvalda bajarilishi mumkin."
msgid "About Action Scheduler %s"
msgstr "Harakatlarni rejalashtiruvchi haqida %s"
msgid "Invalid action - must be a recurring action."
msgstr "Noto'g'ri harakat - takrorlanadigan harakat bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "Scheduled Actions"
msgstr "Rejalashtirilgan harakatlar"
msgid ""
"ActionScheduler_Action::$args too long. To ensure the args column can be "
"indexed, action args should not be more than %d characters when encoded as "
msgstr ""
"ActionScheduler_Action::$args juda uzun. Args ustunini indeksatsiya qilish "
"uchun, harakat argslari JSON sifatida kodlanganda %d belgilaridan ko'p "
"bo'lmasligi kerak."
msgid "In-progress"
msgstr "Progress bar"
msgid "%s() was called before the Action Scheduler data store was initialized"
msgstr ""
"Action Scheduler maʼlumotlar ombori ishga tushirilgunga qadar %s() chaqirildi"
msgid "There was a failure scheduling the next instance of this action: %s"
msgstr ""
"Ushbu amalning keyingi namunasini rejalashtirishda xatolik yuz berdi: %s"
msgid "There was a failure fetching this action"
msgstr "Ushbu amalni bajarishda xatolik yuz berdi"
msgid "There was a failure fetching this action: %s"
msgstr "%s bu amalni bajarida xatolik yuz berdi"
msgid "action ignored via %s"
msgstr "harakat %s orqali e'tiborga olinmaydi"
msgid "action ignored"
msgstr "harakat e'tiborsiz qoldirildi"
msgid "action reset"
msgstr "harakatni tiklash"
msgid "unexpected shutdown: PHP Fatal error %1$s in %2$s on line %3$s"
msgstr "kutilmagan yopilish: PHP%3$s chizig'idagi%2$s ichida%1$s xatosi"
msgid "action failed via %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s: %2$s orqali harakat muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi"
msgid "action complete via %s"
msgstr "harakat %s orqali yakunlandi"
msgid "action started via %s"
msgstr "harakat %s orqali boshlandi"
msgid "action failed: %s"
msgstr "bajarilmadi: %s"
msgid "action complete"
msgstr "amal bajarildi"
msgid "action started"
msgstr "harakat boshlandi"
msgid "action canceled"
msgstr "amal bekor qilindi"
msgid "action created"
msgstr "harakat yaratildi"
msgid "The %s constant is no longer supported."
msgstr "%s doimiysi endi qo'llab-quvvatlanmaydi."
msgid "Environment type"
msgstr "Muhit turi"
msgid "uncategorized"
msgstr "Bo'limsiz"
msgid "Please consider writing more inclusive code."
msgstr "Iltimos, batafsilroq kod yozing."
msgid "Restore original image"
msgstr "Восстановить исходное изображение"
msgctxt "comment"
msgid "Not spam"
msgstr "Не спам"
msgid "Error: Please type your reply text."
msgstr "Xato: Iltimos, javob matningizni kiriting."
msgid ""
"This image cannot be displayed in a web browser. For best results convert it "
"to JPEG before uploading."
msgstr ""
"Rasmni brauzerda ko'rsatib bo'lmadi. Yaxshiroq natijaga erishish uchun, "
"yuklashdan avval rasmni JPEG formatga konvert qiling."
msgid "URL to the edited image file."
msgstr "Tahrirlangan rasm faylining URL manzili."
msgid "Select poster image"
msgstr "Rasm tanlash"
msgid "Crop image"
msgstr "Rasmni kesish"
msgid "Cancel edit"
msgstr "Tahrirni bekor qilish"
msgid "Edit gallery"
msgstr "Gallereyani tahrirlash"
msgid "Attachment details"
msgstr "Qistirma tavsiloti"
msgid "Search media"
msgstr "Media izlash"
msgid "Add media"
msgstr "Media qo'shish"
msgid "The theme's current version."
msgstr "Shablonning joriy versiyasi."
msgid "The URI of the theme's webpage, transformed for display."
msgstr "Shablon sahifasining ko'rsatish uchun tayyorlangan URI manzili."
msgid "The URI of the theme's webpage, as found in the theme header."
msgstr "Shablon sahifasining asl holatdagi URI manzili."
msgid "The URI of the theme's webpage."
msgstr "Shablon sahifasining URI manzili."
msgid "The theme's text domain."
msgstr "Shablonning tekst domeni."
msgid "The theme tags, transformed for display."
msgstr "Shablonning ko'rsatish uchun tayyorlangan kalit so'zlari."
msgid "The theme tags, as found in the theme header."
msgstr "Shablonning asl holatdagi kalit so'zlari."
msgid "Tags indicating styles and features of the theme."
msgstr "Shablonning uslubi va imkoniyatlarini ko'rsatuvchi kalit so'zlar."
msgid "The theme's screenshot URL."
msgstr "Shablon skrinshotining URL manzili."
msgid "The minimum WordPress version required for the theme to work."
msgstr "Shablon ishlashi uchun talab etiladigan eng past WordPress versiyasi."
msgid "The minimum PHP version required for the theme to work."
msgstr "Shablon ishlashi uchun talab etiladigan eng past PHP versiyasi."
msgid "The theme name, transformed for display."
msgstr "Ko'rsatish uchun tayyorlangan shablon nomi."
msgid "The theme name, as found in the theme header."
msgstr "Shablonning asl holatdagi nomi."
msgid "The name of the theme."
msgstr "Shablon nomi."
msgid "The theme description, transformed for display."
msgstr "Ko'rsatish uchun tayyorlangan shablon tasnifi."
msgid "The theme description, as found in the theme header."
msgstr "Shablon tasnifining asl holati."
msgid "A description of the theme."
msgstr "Shablon tasnifi."
msgid "The website of the theme author, transformed for display."
msgstr "Ko'rsatish uchun tayyorlangan shablon muallifining veb sayti."
msgid "The website of the theme author, as found in the theme header."
msgstr "Shablon muallifi veb saytining asl holati."
msgid "The website of the theme author."
msgstr "Shablon muallifining veb sayti."
msgid "HTML for the theme author, transformed for display."
msgstr "Ko'rsatish uchun tayyorlangan shablon muallifining HTMLi."
msgid "The theme author's name, as found in the theme header."
msgstr "Shablon muallifi ismining asl holati."
msgid "The theme author."
msgstr "Shablon muallifi."
msgid ""
"The theme's template. If this is a child theme, this refers to the parent "
"theme, otherwise this is the same as the theme's stylesheet."
msgstr ""
"Shablon andozasi. Agar bu bola shablon bo'lsa, ushbu andoza ota shablonga "
"ta'luqli bo'ladi, aks holda u shablon stili bilan bir xil."
msgid "The theme's stylesheet. This uniquely identifies the theme."
msgstr "Shablon stili. U shablonni boshqalaridan ajratib turadi."
msgid "Could not update comment in the database."
msgstr "Ma'lumotlar bazasida fikrni yangilay olmadim."
msgctxt "comment"
msgid "Mark as spam"
msgstr "Пометить как спам"
msgid "This plugin is already installed."
msgstr "Ushbu plagin allaqachon o'rnatilgan."
msgid "Could not insert attachment into the database."
msgstr "Biriktirmani ma'lumotlar bazasiga kirita olmadim."
msgid "Could not update attachment in the database."
msgstr "Ma'lumotlar bazasida biriktirmani yangilay olmadim."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to enable themes automatic updates."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, sizga shablonlar avtomatik yangilanishini ishga tushirishga "
"ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "This theme does not work with your version of PHP."
msgstr "Bu shablon sizning PHP versiyangiz bilan ishlamaydi."
msgid "This theme does not work with your version of WordPress."
msgstr "Bu shablon sizning WordPress versiyangiz bilan ishlamaydi."
msgid ""
"There is a new version of %s available, but it does not work with your "
"versions of WordPress and PHP."
msgstr ""
"%s uchun yangi versiya e'lon qilindi, lekin u sizning PHP va WordPress "
"versiyangiz bilan ishlamaydi."
msgid "This theme does not work with your versions of WordPress and PHP."
msgstr "Bu shablon sizning PHP va WordPress versiyangiz bilan ishlamaydi."
msgid "Update Incompatible"
msgstr "Yangilanish Mos Emas"
msgid "No themes are currently available."
msgstr "Hozircha shablonlar mavjud emas."
msgid "- %1$s version %2$s"
msgstr "- %1$s versiya %2$s"
msgid "(not found)"
msgstr "(topilmadi)"
msgid "Cancel and go back"
msgstr "Bekor qilish va ortga qaytish"
msgid "Plugin name"
msgstr "Plagin nomi"
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to modify plugins."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, plaginlarni o'zgartirishga sizga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "Invalid data. Unknown type."
msgstr "Yaroqsiz ma'lumot. Nomalum tur."
msgid "Invalid data. Unknown state."
msgstr "Yaroqsiz ma'lumot. Noma'lum holat."
msgid "Invalid data. No selected item."
msgstr "Yaroqsiz ma'lumot. Hechnima tanlanmagan."
msgid "Automatic update scheduled in %s."
msgstr "Avtomatik yangilanish %sga rejalashtirilgan."
msgid ""
"There is a new version of %s available, but it does not work with your "
"version of PHP."
msgstr ""
"%s uchun yangi versiya e'lon qilindi, lekin u sizning PHP versiyangiz bilan "
msgid ""
"There is a new version of %s available, but it does not work with your "
"version of WordPress."
msgstr ""
"%s uchun yangi versiya e'lon qilindi, lekin u sizning WordPress versiyangiz "
"bilan ishlamaydi."
msgid "Learn more about updating PHP."
msgstr "PHP yangilash bo'yicha ma'lumot."
msgid "Please update WordPress."
msgstr "WordPressni yangilang."
msgid ""
"Please update WordPress, and then learn more about updating PHP."
msgstr ""
"WordPressni yangilang, keyin esa PHP "
"versiyasini yangilash haqida o'qing."
msgid "There appear to be no issues with plugin and theme auto-updates."
msgstr ""
"Plagin va shablon avto-yangilanishlari bilan hech qanday muammo kuzatilmadi."
msgid ""
"Auto-updates for themes appear to be disabled. This will prevent your site "
"from receiving new versions automatically when available."
msgstr ""
"Shablonlar uchun avto-yangilanishlar o'chirilgan ko'rinadi. Bu sozlanma "
"yangilanish chiqqanda avtomatik qabul qilishingizga to'sqinlik qiladi."
msgid "Plugin and theme auto-updates"
msgstr "Plagin va shablon avto-yangilanishlari"
msgid "PHP Sessions"
msgstr "PHP sessiyalari"
msgid "Files can be uploaded"
msgstr "Fayllar yuklanishi mumkin."
msgid "No PHP sessions detected"
msgstr "Hech qanday PHP sessiya topilmadi"
msgid "Auto-update"
msgstr "Avto-yangilash"
msgid "Max size of post data allowed"
msgstr "Yuborilishi mumkin bo'lgan eng katta hajm o'lchami"
msgid "File uploads"
msgstr "Fayl yuklamalari"
msgid "File upload settings"
msgstr "Fayl yuklash sozlamalari"
msgid "Auto-updates enabled"
msgstr "Avto-yangilanishlar faollashtirilgan"
msgid "Are pretty permalinks supported?"
msgstr "Chiroyli havolalar ishladimi?"
msgid ""
"When registering a default meta value the data must match the type provided."
msgstr ""
"Odatiy meta qiymatni ro'yxatga olayotganda ma'lumot berilgan turga mos "
"bo'lishi kerak."
msgctxt "admin color scheme"
msgid "Modern"
msgstr "Zamonaviy"
msgctxt "archive title"
msgid "%1$s %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s %2$s"
msgctxt "taxonomy term archive title prefix"
msgid "%s:"
msgstr "%s:"
msgctxt "post type archive title prefix"
msgid "Archives:"
msgstr "Arxivlar:"
msgid "Unauthorized. You may remove the %s param to preview as frontend."
msgstr ""
"Ruxsat yo'q. %s parametrni o'chirib frontend sifatida ko'rishingiz mumkin."
msgctxt "date archive title prefix"
msgid "Day:"
msgstr "Kun:"
msgctxt "date archive title prefix"
msgid "Month:"
msgstr "Oy:"
msgctxt "date archive title prefix"
msgid "Year:"
msgstr "Yil:"
msgctxt "author archive title prefix"
msgid "Author:"
msgstr "Muallif:"
msgctxt "tag archive title prefix"
msgid "Tag:"
msgstr "Kalit so'z:"
msgctxt "category archive title prefix"
msgid "Category:"
msgstr "Bo'lim:"
msgid ""
"Return a %1$s or %2$s object from your callback when using the REST API."
msgstr "REST APIdan foydalanganda %1$s yoki %2$s obyektni qaytaring."
msgctxt "unit symbol"
msgid "B"
msgstr "B"
msgctxt "unit symbol"
msgid "KB"
msgstr "KB"
msgctxt "unit symbol"
msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"
msgctxt "unit symbol"
msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"
msgctxt "unit symbol"
msgid "TB"
msgstr "TB"
msgid "%s is not a valid UUID."
msgstr "%s yaroqli UUID emas."
msgid "%1$s does not match pattern %2$s."
msgstr "%1$s parametri %2$s namunasiga to'g'ri kelmaydi."
msgid "%1$s must be at most %2$s character long."
msgid_plural "%1$s must be at most %2$s characters long."
msgstr[0] "%1$s eng kamida %2$s belgidan iborat bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "%1$s must be at least %2$s character long."
msgid_plural "%1$s must be at least %2$s characters long."
msgstr[0] "%1$s kamida %2$s belgidan iborat bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "%1$s is a required property of %2$s."
msgstr "\"%1$s\" \"%2$s\"ning majburiy tarkibiy qismi hisoblanadi."
msgid ""
"The \"type\" schema keyword for %1$s can only be one of the built-in types: "
msgstr ""
"%1$s uchun \"tur\" sxema kalit so'zi faqat quyidagilardan biri bo'lishi "
"mumkin: %2$l."
msgid "%s has duplicate items."
msgstr "%s ichida takrorlanuvchi narsalar bor."
msgid "%1$s must contain at most %2$s item."
msgid_plural "%1$s must contain at most %2$s items."
msgstr[0] "%1$s o'z ichiga ko'pi bilan %2$s narsa olishi mumkin."
msgid "%1$s must contain at least %2$s item."
msgid_plural "%1$s must contain at least %2$s items."
msgstr[0] "%1$s o'z ichiga kamida %2$s narsa olishi kerak."
msgid "The \"type\" schema keyword for %s is required."
msgstr "%s uchun \"tur\" sxema kalit so'zi majburiy."
msgid "Cannot stabilize objects. Convert the object to an array first."
msgstr ""
"Obyektlarni barqaror qilib bo'lmadi. Avval obyektni massivga aylantiring."
msgid ""
"The \"type\" schema keyword for %1$s can only contain the built-in types: "
msgstr ""
"%1$s uchun \"tur\" sxema kalit so'zi faqat quyidagilardan birini o'z ichiga "
"olishi mumkin: %2$l."
msgid ""
"The post types that support thumbnails or true if all post types are "
msgstr ""
"Rasmni qo'llab-quvvatlaydigan maqola turlari, yoki barcha maqola turlari "
msgid "The \"%s\" must be a callable function."
msgstr "\"%s\" chaqiriladigan funksiya bo'lishi kerak."
msgid ""
"When registering an \"object\" feature, the feature's schema must include "
"the \"properties\" keyword."
msgstr ""
"\"Obyekt\"ni ro'yxatga olishda obyektning sxemasi \"xossalar\" kalit so'zini "
"o'z ichiga olishi kerak."
msgid ""
"When registering an \"array\" feature, the feature's schema must include the "
"\"items\" keyword."
msgstr ""
"\"Massiv\"ni ro'yxatga olishda, massivning sxemasi \"narsalar\" kalit "
"so'zini o'z ichiga olishi kerak."
msgid ""
"When registering an \"array\" or \"object\" feature to show in the REST API, "
"the feature's schema must also be defined."
msgstr ""
"REST API uchun \"massiv\" yoki \"obyekt\"ni ro'yxatga olishda, ularning "
"sxemasi ham ifodalangan bo'lishi kerak."
msgid ""
"When registering a \"variadic\" theme feature, the \"type\" must be an "
msgstr ""
"Shablon uchun \"variadic\" xossani ro'yxatga olishda, \"tur\" albatta "
"\"massiv\"ga teng bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "The feature \"type\" is not valid JSON Schema type."
msgstr "\"tur\" imkoniyati yaroqli JSON formatdagi sxema turi emas."
msgctxt "theme"
msgid ""
"Error: Current WordPress version does not meet minimum "
"requirements for %s."
msgstr ""
"Xato: Joriy WordPress versiyasi %s uchun minimal talablarga "
"javob bermayd."
msgctxt "theme"
msgid ""
"Error: Current PHP version does not meet minimum "
"requirements for %s."
msgstr ""
"Xato: Joriy PHP versiyasi %s uchun minimal talablarga javob "
msgctxt "theme"
msgid ""
"Error: Current WordPress and PHP versions do not meet "
"minimum requirements for %s."
msgstr ""
"Xato: Joriy WordPress va PHP versiyalari %s uchun minimal "
"talablarga javob bermaydi."
msgid ""
"This username is invalid because it uses illegal characters. Please enter a "
"valid username."
msgstr ""
"Bu login xato chunki u ta'qiqlangan belgidan foydalangan. Iltimos, yaroqli "
"login yozing."
msgid "Please use %s to add new schema properties."
msgstr "Yangi sxema xossalarini qo'shish uchun %s ishlating."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to manage network plugins."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, tarmoq plaginlarini boshqarish huquqingiz yo'q."
msgid ""
"A list of the inner block's own inner blocks. This is a recursive definition "
"following the parent innerBlocks schema."
msgstr ""
"Ichki blokning o'z ichki bloklari ro'yxati. Bu ota innerBlocks sxemasining "
"rekursiv tasnifi hisoblanadi."
msgid "The attributes of the inner block."
msgstr "Ichki blok attributlari."
msgid "The name of the inner block."
msgstr "Ichki blok nomi."
msgid "The list of inner blocks used in the example."
msgstr "Misolda ishlatilgan ichki bloklar ro'yxati."
msgid "The attributes used in the example."
msgstr "Misolda ishlatilgan attributlar."
msgid "Contains the handle that defines the block style."
msgstr "Blok stilini belgilab beruvchi asosga ega."
msgid "Inline CSS code that registers the CSS class required for the style."
msgstr "Stil uchun talab etiladigan ichki CSS kodni ro'yxatga oladi."
msgid "The human-readable label for the style."
msgstr "Odamlar o'qishi mumkin bo'lgan stil yorlig'i."
msgid "Unique name identifying the style."
msgstr "Stilni ajratib turadigan betakror nom."
msgid "Extended view"
msgstr "Kengaytirilgan ko'rinish"
msgid "Compact view"
msgstr "Ixcham ko'rinish"
msgctxt "site"
msgid "Not spam"
msgstr "Spam emas"
msgid "Grid view"
msgstr "Belgilar ko'rinishida"
msgid "List view"
msgstr "Ro'yxat ko'rinishi"
msgctxt "theme"
msgid "Activate “%s”"
msgstr "“%s” faollashtirish"
msgid "CVC"
msgstr "CVC"
msgctxt "theme"
msgid "Update %s now"
msgstr "%sni hozir yangilash"
msgid "Change Frequency"
msgstr "O'zgarish chastotasi"
msgid "Number of URLs in this XML Sitemap: %s."
msgstr "XML saytmepda URLlar soni: %s."
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"This XML Sitemap is generated by WordPress to make your content more visible "
"for search engines."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu XML sayt xaritasi WordPress tomonidan tarkibingizni qidirish "
"mexanizmlari uchun yanada ko'proq ko'rinadigan qilish uchun yaratilgan."
msgid "Could not generate XML sitemap due to missing %s extension"
msgstr "%s kengaytmasi yo'qligi sababli XML saytmepni shakllantira olmadim."
msgid "Fields other than %s are not currently supported for sitemaps."
msgstr "%sdan boshqa bandlar hozircha saytmepda qo'llab-quvvatlanmaydi."
msgid "Fields other than %s are not currently supported for the sitemap index."
msgstr ""
"%sdan boshqa bandlar hozircha saytmep indeksida qo'llab-quvvatlanmaydi."
msgctxt "plugin"
msgid "Install %s"
msgstr "%sni o'rnatish"
msgid "Error: There was a problem creating site entry."
msgstr "XATO: Saytga ma'lumot kiritishda xatolik yuz berdi."
msgid "Error: Site URL you’ve entered is already taken."
msgstr "XATO: Siz kiritgan manzil band qilingan."
msgid "Bulk actions"
msgstr "Действия"
msgid ""
"Read the Debugging a WordPress Network "
"article. Some of the suggestions there may help you figure out what went "
msgstr ""
"WordPress tarmog'ini tekshirish haqida "
"maqola o'qing. U yerdagi tavsiyalar nima xato bo'lganligi haqida sizga "
"ma'lumot berishi mumkin."
msgid ""
"It seems your network is running with Nginx web server. Learn "
"more about further configuration."
msgstr ""
"Tarmog'ingiz Nginx web serveridan foydalanar ekan. Sozlanmalar haqida batafsil bilib oling."
msgid "This notice was triggered by the %s handle."
msgstr "Bu xabarnoma %s tomonidan joriy etildi."
msgctxt "block style"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Standart"
msgid "Uncropped"
msgstr "Yopiq"
msgid "Paused"
msgstr "To'xtatildi"
msgid "Add new post"
msgstr "Yangi maqola qo'shish"
msgid "inserter"
msgstr "kirituvchi"
msgctxt "Block pattern category"
msgid "Headers"
msgstr "Sarlavhalar"
msgid "Pattern content must be a string."
msgstr "Namuna tarkibiy qismi yozuvli bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "Pattern title must be a string."
msgstr "Namuna sarlavhasi yozuvli bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "Unable to crop this image."
msgstr "Ushbu rasmni kesib bo'lmadi."
msgid "Unable to rotate this image."
msgstr "Rasmni bura olmadim."
msgid "Unable to edit this image."
msgstr "Rasmni tahrirlay olmadim."
msgid "The image was not edited. Edit the image before applying the changes."
msgstr ""
"Rasm tahrirlanmadi. O'zgarishlarni qo'llashdan oldin rasmni tahrirlang."
msgid "This type of file cannot be edited."
msgstr "Bu turdagi faylni tahrirlab bo'lmaydi."
msgid "Unable to get meta information for file."
msgstr "Faylning meta ma'lumotlarini o'qiy olmadim."
msgid "Limits results to plugins with the given status."
msgstr "Joriy statusga ega plaginlar natijasini cheklaydi."
msgid "The plugin's text domain."
msgstr "Plaginning tekst domeni."
msgid "Minimum required version of PHP."
msgstr "PHPning talab etilgan eng past versiyasi."
msgid "Minimum required version of WordPress."
msgstr "WordPressning talab etilgan eng past versiyasi."
msgid "Whether the plugin can only be activated network-wide."
msgstr "Plagin faqat tarmoq bo'yicha faollashtirilishi mumkinligi."
msgid "The plugin version number."
msgstr "Plaginning versiya raqami."
msgid "The plugin description formatted for display."
msgstr "Ko'rsatish uchun tayyorlangan plagin tasnifi."
msgid "The raw plugin description."
msgstr "Plaginlarning tavsifi."
msgid "The plugin description."
msgstr "Plagin tavsifi."
msgid "Plugin author's website address."
msgstr "Plagin muallifining veb-sayti manzili."
msgid "The plugin author."
msgstr "Plagin muallifi."
msgid "The plugin's website address."
msgstr "Plaginning veb-sayt manzili."
msgid "The plugin name."
msgstr "Plagin nomi."
msgid "The plugin file."
msgstr "Plagin fayli."
msgid "The filesystem is currently unavailable for managing plugins."
msgstr "Fayl tizimi hozirda plaginlarni boshqarish uchun mavjud emas."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to activate this plugin."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, bu plaginni faollashtirish huquqingiz yo'q."
msgid "Network only plugin must be network activated."
msgstr "Faqat tarmoq plaginini tarmoq faollashtirishi kerak."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to deactivate this plugin."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, ushbu plaginni sizda o'chirishga ruxsat yo'q."
msgid "Cannot delete an active plugin. Please deactivate it first."
msgstr ""
"Faol plaginni o'chirib bo'lmaydi. Iltimos, avval uni faoliyatini toxtating."
msgid "Unable to determine what plugin was installed."
msgstr "Qanday plagin o‘rnatilganligini aniqlab bo‘lmadi."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to activate plugins."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, plaginlarni faollashtirishga sizda ruxsat yo'q."
msgid "Plugin not found."
msgstr "Plagin topilmadi."
msgid "The plugin activation status."
msgstr "Plaginning faollik holati."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to manage this plugin."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, bu plaginni boshqara olmaysiz."
msgid "Limit result set to blocks matching the search term."
msgstr ""
"Qidiruv so'zlariga mos keladigan bloklarga o'rnatilgan natijani cheklash"
msgid " plugin directory slug."
msgstr " plaginlar katalogidagi slag."
msgid "Context values inherited by blocks of this type."
msgstr "Bu turdagi bloklar olgan kontekst qiymatlari."
msgid "Context provided by blocks of this type."
msgstr "Bu turdagi bloklar taqdim etgan kontekst."
msgid ""
"The date when the block was last updated, in fuzzy human readable format."
msgstr "Blok oxirgi marta yangilangan, inson tomonidan o'qiladigan formatda."
msgid "The block icon."
msgstr "Blok yolig'i."
msgid "The username of the block author."
msgstr "Blok muallifining WordPress.orgdagi foydalanuvchi nomi."
msgid "The number of blocks published by the same author."
msgstr "Xuddi shu muallif tomonidan nashr etilgan bloklar soni."
msgid "The average rating of blocks published by the same author."
msgstr "Xuddi shu muallif tomonidan nashr etilgan bloklarning o'rtacha bahosi."
msgid "The number sites that have activated this block."
msgstr "Bu blokni faollashtirgan saytlar soni."
msgid "The number of ratings."
msgstr "Baholar soni."
msgid "The star rating of the block."
msgstr "Blokning yulduz reytingi."
msgid "The block slug."
msgstr "Blok slagi."
msgid "A short description of the block, in human readable format."
msgstr "Blokning inson tomonidan o'qiladigan shaklda qisqacha tavsifi."
msgid "The block title, in human readable format."
msgstr "Odam o'qiydigan holatdagi blok sarlavhasi."
msgid "The block name, in namespace/block-name format."
msgstr "namespace/blok-nomi formatidagi blok nomi."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to browse the block directory."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga blok katalogini ko'rib chiqishga ruxsat berilmagan"
msgid "Skip Setup"
msgstr "O'rnatishni o'tkazib yuboring"
msgid "Select a page…"
msgstr "Sahifani tanlang & hellip;"
msgid "You don’t have permission to do this."
msgstr "Sizda bunga ruxsat yo'q."
msgid "Action failed. Please refresh the page and retry."
msgstr ""
"Harakat amalga oshirilmadi. Iltimos, sahifani yangilang va qayta urinib "
msgid "Telangana"
msgstr "Telangana"
msgid "Hide this"
msgstr "Buni yashiring"
msgid "Block namespace."
msgstr "Blok namespace."
msgid "Block example."
msgstr "Blokka misol."
msgid "Block keywords."
msgstr "Blok kalit so'zlari."
msgid "Parent blocks."
msgstr "Ota bloklar."
msgid "Public text domain."
msgstr "Ommaviy tekst domen."
msgid "Block style variations."
msgstr "Blok stili turlari."
msgid "Is the block dynamically rendered."
msgstr "Blok dinamik ravishda shakllantiriladimi."
msgid "Block category."
msgstr "Blok bo'limi."
msgid "Block supports."
msgstr "Blok qo'llab-quvvatlaydi."
msgid "Block attributes."
msgstr "Blok attributlari."
msgid "Icon of block type."
msgstr "Blok turi nishoni."
msgid "Description of block type."
msgstr "Blok turi tasnifi."
msgid "Unique name identifying the block type."
msgstr "Blok turini ajratib turuvchi betakror nom."
msgid "Title of block type."
msgstr "Blok turi sarlavhasi."
msgid "Invalid block type."
msgstr "Yaroqsiz blok turi."
msgid "Wide Blocks"
msgstr "Keng bloklar"
msgid "Expiry date"
msgstr "Tugash muddati"
msgid "Card number"
msgstr "Karta raqami"
msgid "Media library"
msgstr "Media To'plam"
msgid "Your order"
msgstr "Buyurtmangiz"
msgid "Block pattern category name must be a string."
msgstr "Blok namunasi bo'limi nomi yozuvli bo'lishi kerak."
msgctxt "Block pattern category"
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Matn"
msgctxt "Block pattern category"
msgid "Gallery"
msgstr "Galereya"
msgctxt "Block pattern category"
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Ustunlar"
msgctxt "Block pattern category"
msgid "Buttons"
msgstr "Tugmalar"
msgid "Video details"
msgstr "Video ma'lumotlari"
msgid "Default post format"
msgstr "Asosiy post turi"
msgid "Site icon"
msgstr "Sayt yorlig'i"
msgid "Comment moderation"
msgstr "Модерирование комментария"
msgid "Order summary"
msgstr "Buyurtma xulosasi"
msgid "Primary site"
msgstr "Asosiy sayt"
msgid "International"
msgstr "Xalqaro"
msgid "4 minutes"
msgstr "4 daqiqa"
msgid "Allow people to submit comments on new posts"
msgstr "Yangi maqolalarga fikr bildirishga ruxsat berish."
msgid "Default post settings"
msgstr "Odatiy maqola sozlanmalari"
msgid "%s is available"
msgstr "%s mavjud"
msgid "Add payment method"
msgstr "To'lov usulini qo'shing"
msgid "Pattern name must be a string."
msgstr "Namuna nomi yozuvli bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "Pattern \"%s\" not found."
msgstr "\"%s\" namunasi topilmadi."
msgid "Download file"
msgstr "Faylni yuklab olish"
msgid "Clear all"
msgstr "Hammasini tozalash"
msgid "Copy link"
msgstr "Linkdan nusxa olish"
msgctxt "Show like and sharing buttons on"
msgid "Posts"
msgstr "Записи"
msgctxt "Show like and sharing buttons on"
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Sahifalar"
msgctxt "Show like and sharing buttons on"
msgid "Media"
msgstr "Media"
msgid ""
"Please enter your username or email address. You will receive an email "
"message with instructions on how to reset your password."
msgstr ""
"Iltimos, foydalanuvchi ismingiz yoki email manzilingizni kiriting. "
"Emailingizga parolingizni o'zgartirish bo'yicha qo'llanma yuboriladi."
msgid "User’s Session Tokens data."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi Sessiya Token ma'lumotlari."
msgid "Session Tokens"
msgstr "Sessiya tokenlari"
msgid "Last Login"
msgstr "So'nggi kirish"
msgid "User Agent"
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi agenti"
msgid ""
"User’s location data used for the Community Events in the WordPress "
"Events and News dashboard widget."
msgstr ""
"WordPress boshqaruv panelidagi vidjet va WordPress Tadbirlari tomonidan "
"ishlatiladigan foydalanuvchining joylashuvi haqidagi ma'lumot."
msgid "Community Events Location"
msgstr "Jamiyat Tadbirlari Joylashuvi"
msgid "Longitude"
msgstr "Uzunlik"
msgid "Latitude"
msgstr "Kenglik"
msgid "Filter %s returned items with reserved names."
msgstr "%s filtri ta'qiqlangan nomga ega narsalarni qaytardi."
msgid "Previous and next months"
msgstr "Avvalgi va keyingi oylar"
msgid ""
"When registering an \"array\" setting to show in the REST API, you must "
"specify the schema for each array item in \"show_in_rest.schema.items\"."
msgstr ""
"REST APIda taqdim etish uchun yangi \"array\" ro'yxatdan o'tkazmoqchi "
"bo'lsangiz, har bir array tuzilishini \"show_in_rest.schema.items\"da "
"ko'rsatib o'tishingiz kerak bo'ladi."
msgid "HTTP redirect status code must be a redirection code, 3xx."
msgstr "HTTP yo'naltirish status kodi yo'naltirish kodi bo'lishi kerak, 3xx."
msgctxt "minimum input length for searching post links"
msgid "3"
msgstr "3"
msgid "Sorry, the post could not be deleted."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, maqolani o'chirib bo'lmadi."
msgid "Sorry, the post could not be updated."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, maqolani yangilab bo'lmadi."
msgid "Sorry, the post could not be created."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, maqolani yaratib bo'lmadi."
msgid "Sorry, the category could not be created."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, bo'limni yaratib bo'lmadi."
msgid "Sorry, this method is not supported."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, bu usul qo'llab-quvvatlanmaydi."
msgid "Original image:"
msgstr "Original rasm:"
msgid ""
"The post status %1$s is not registered, so it may not be reliable to check "
"the capability %2$s against a post with that status."
msgstr ""
"Maqolaning %1$s holati ro'yxatga olinmagan, shuning uchun \"%2$s\" "
"yaroqliligini bu holat bilan tekshirish tavsiya etilmaydi."
msgid "Limit result set based on relationship between multiple taxonomies."
msgstr "Ko'plab taksonomiyalar orasidagi munosabatga qarab natijani cheklash."
msgid "Custom gradient presets if defined by the theme."
msgstr "Shablonda bo'lsa, o'ziga xos gradient sozlamalar."
msgid "Custom font sizes if defined by the theme."
msgstr "Shablonda bo'lsa, o'ziga xos yozuv o'lchamlari."
msgid "Custom color palette if defined by the theme."
msgstr "Shablonda bo'lsa, o'ziga xos rang jamlamalari."
msgid "Whether the theme disables custom gradients."
msgstr "Shablon o'ziga xos gradientlarni o'chiradimi."
msgid "Whether the theme disables custom font sizes."
msgstr "Shablon o'ziga xos yozuv o'lchamlarini o'chiradimi."
msgid "Whether the theme disables custom colors."
msgstr "Shablon o'ziga xos ranglarni ta'qiqlashi."
msgid "Custom logo if defined by the theme."
msgstr "Shablonda bo'lsa, o'ziga xos logotip."
msgid "Custom background if defined by the theme."
msgstr "Shablonda bo'lsa, o'ziga xos fon rasmi."
msgid "Custom header if defined by the theme."
msgstr "Shablonda bo'lsa, o'ziga xos heder."
msgid "Whether to bypass Trash and force deletion."
msgstr ""
"Xavfsiz o'chirishni amlga oshirmasdan, majburan butunlay o'chiraymi yo'qmi."
msgid "Once Weekly"
msgstr "Haftada bir marta"
msgctxt "theme"
msgid "Previewing:"
msgstr "Oldindan ko'rilmoqda:"
msgid "Comment by %s moved to the Trash."
msgstr "%s muallifligidagi fikr chiqindiga tashlandi."
msgid "l jS \\o\\f F Y, h:ia"
msgstr "l jS \\ o \\ f F Y, h: ia"
msgid "Coupon: %s"
msgstr "Kupon: %s"
msgid "Get backups"
msgstr "Zaxira nusxalarini oling"
msgid "Contact information"
msgstr "Kontakt ma'lumotlari"
msgid "You are probably offline."
msgstr "Siz oflayndirsiz."
msgid "Attribute name"
msgstr "Atribut nomi"
msgid "Plugin"
msgstr "Plagin"
msgid "Removed"
msgstr "O'chirish"
msgid "PHP Default Timezone"
msgstr "PHP Vaqt Chizig'i"
msgid "PHP default timezone is invalid"
msgstr "PHP Vaqt chizig'i sozlamalari noto'g'ri"
msgid "PHP default timezone is valid"
msgstr "PHP vaqt chizig'i yaroqli"
msgid "WordPress cron"
msgstr "WordPress cron"
msgid "Remind me later"
msgstr "Keyinroq eslat"
msgid "The email is correct"
msgstr "Email manzil to'g'ri"
msgid "This email may be different from your personal email address."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu email sizning shaxsiy email manzilingizdan farqli bo'lishi mumkin."
msgid "Current administration email: %s"
msgstr "Joriy administrator email manzili: %s"
msgid "Why is this important?"
msgstr "Nega bu muhim?"
msgid ""
"Please verify that the administration email for this "
"website is still correct."
msgstr ""
"Iltimos, saytning administrator email manzili hali ham "
"to'g'riligini tekshiring."
msgid "Administration email verification"
msgstr "Administrator email manzilini tekshirish"
msgid "Confirm your administration email"
msgstr "Administrator email manzilini tasdiqlang"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Error: The email could not be sent. Your site may not be "
"correctly configured to send emails. Get support for "
"resetting your password."
msgstr ""
"XATO: Email jo'natilmadi. Saytingizda email jo'natish "
"noto'g'ri sozlangan bo'lishi mumkin. Parolni tiklash bo'yicha "
msgid "Requirements Not Met"
msgstr "Talablar bajarilmadi"
msgid "Every minute"
msgstr "Har daqiqada"
msgid "Nav menu locations must be strings."
msgstr "Boshqaruv menyusi joylashuvi yozuvli bo'lishi shart."
msgid "Inactive Themes"
msgstr "Nofaol shablonlar"
msgid "Parent Theme"
msgstr "Bosh shablon"
msgid "Could not update the meta value of %s in database."
msgstr "Ma'lumotlar bazasida %s meta ma'lumotini o'zgartira olmadim."
msgid "Whether posts of this status may have floating published dates."
msgstr ""
"Bu maqola holatining qat'iy bo'lmagan chop etish sanalariga ega bo'lishi."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete revisions of this post."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, bu maqola uchun qoralamalarni o'chira olmaysiz."
msgid "List of the missing image sizes of the attachment."
msgstr "Biriktirmaning topilmagan rasm hajmlari ro'yxati."
msgid ""
"Unexpected response from the server. The file may have been uploaded "
"successfully. Check in the Media Library or reload the page."
msgstr ""
"Serverdan kutilmagan javob keldi. Fayl muvaffaqiyatli yuklangan bo'lishi "
"mumkin. Media kutubxonani tekshiring yoki sahifani qayta yuklang"
msgid ""
"The %1$s, %2$s, and %3$s values can be edited to set the video track "
"language and kind."
msgstr ""
"%1$s, %2$s, va %3$s qiymatlarini tahrirlash orqali video tili va turini "
"belgilash mumkin."
msgid "Image size in pixels"
msgstr "Rasm hajmi pikselda"
msgid "Media title…"
msgstr "Media nomi…"
msgid "Media title"
msgstr "Media nomi"
msgid "Audio title…"
msgstr "Audio nomi…"
msgid "Selected media actions"
msgstr "Belgilangan media amaliyotlari"
msgctxt "media modal menu"
msgid "Menu"
msgstr "Menyu"
msgctxt "media modal menu actions"
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Amallar"
msgid "User’s media data."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchining media ma'lumotlari."
msgid "Audio title"
msgstr "Audio nomi"
msgid "Video title…"
msgstr "Video nomi…"
msgid "Caption…"
msgstr "Izoh nomi…"
msgid "Attachment Preview"
msgstr "Biriktirmani oldindan ko'rish"
msgid "Your browser cannot upload files"
msgstr "Brauzeringiz fayllarni yuklay olmaydi"
msgid "Media list"
msgstr "Media ro'yxat"
msgid "Filter media"
msgstr "Media saralash"
msgid "No media items found. Try a different search."
msgstr "Media narsalari topilmadi. Boshqa usulda qidirib ko'ring."
msgid "Number of media items found: %d"
msgstr "Topilgan media fayllar soni: %d"
msgid ""
"The image cannot be rotated because the embedded meta data cannot be updated."
msgstr ""
"Rasmni burib bo'lmadi, chunki ma'lumotlar bazasida biriktirmaning meta "
"ma'lumotini yangilay olmadim."
msgid "Cannot resize the image. Both width and height are not set."
msgstr ""
"Rasm hajmini o'zgartira olmadim. En va bo'y o'lchamlari taqdim etilmagan."
msgid "Your translations are all up to date."
msgstr "Tarjimalaringizning barchasi yangi."
msgctxt "file type group"
msgid "Archives"
msgstr "Arxivlar"
msgid "Unknown email address. Check again or try your username."
msgstr "Email xato. Qayta urinib ko'ring, yoki loginni yozing."
msgid "Manage Archives"
msgstr "Arxivlarni boshqarish"
msgid "Manage Spreadsheets"
msgstr "Elektron jadvallarni boshqarish"
msgid "Spreadsheets"
msgstr "Elektron jadvallar"
msgid "Manage Documents"
msgstr "Xujjatlarni boshqarish"
msgid "User’s comment data."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchining fikr ma'lumotlari."
msgid ""
"When registering an \"array\" meta type to show in the REST API, you must "
"specify the schema for each array item in \"show_in_rest.schema.items\"."
msgstr ""
"REST APIda taqdim etish uchun yangi \"array\" ro'yxatdan o'tkazmoqchi "
"bo'lsangiz, har bir array tuzilishini \"show_in_rest.schema.items\"da "
"ko'rsatib o'tishingiz kerak bo'ladi."
msgctxt "excerpt_length"
msgid "55"
msgstr "55"
msgctxt "comment_excerpt_length"
msgid "20"
msgstr "20"
msgid "Your timezone is set to %1$s (Coordinated Universal Time %2$s)."
msgstr "Vaqt hududingiz %1$s (Coordinated Universal Time %2$s)."
msgctxt "page label"
msgid "Privacy Policy Page"
msgstr "Shaxsiylik siyosati sahifasi"
msgctxt "page label"
msgid "Posts Page"
msgstr "Maqolalar sahifasi"
msgctxt "page label"
msgid "Front Page"
msgstr "Bosh sahifa"
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Sticky"
msgstr "Qistirilgan"
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Customization Draft"
msgstr "Moslashtirish qoralamasi"
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Password protected"
msgstr "Parol bilan himoyalangan"
msgid "Allow people to submit comments on new posts."
msgstr "Yangi maqolalarga fikr bildirishga ruxsat berish."
msgid "All automatic updates are disabled."
msgstr "Barcha avtomatik yangilanishlar o'chirilgan."
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Main"
msgstr "Asosiy"
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to import content into this site."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga saytga ma'lumot import qilishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "Entries feed"
msgstr "Ma'lumotlar ro'yxati"
msgid "PHP version %s"
msgstr "PHP versiyasi %s"
msgid "Current plugin: %1$s (version %2$s)"
msgstr "Joriy plagin: %1$s (%2$s versiya)"
msgid "Refund amount must be greater than zero."
msgstr "To'lovni qaytarish miqdori noldan katta bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "Add image"
msgstr "Rasm qo'shish"
msgid "Unable to create order."
msgstr "Buyurtma yaratib bo‘lmadi."
msgid " Stripe"
msgstr " Stripe"
msgid "Out of stock"
msgstr "Omborda qolmagan"
msgid "Out of stock threshold"
msgstr "Zaxiradan tashqarida"
msgid "Low stock threshold"
msgstr "Kichik fond chegarasi"
msgid "Order deleted"
msgstr "Buyurtma o'chirildi"
msgid "Yards"
msgstr "Yard"
msgid "Inches"
msgstr "Dyum"
msgid "Millimeters"
msgstr "Millimetr"
msgid "Centimeters"
msgstr "Santimetr"
msgid "Meters"
msgstr "Metr"
msgid "Dimensions unit"
msgstr "O'lchov birligi"
msgid "Weight unit"
msgstr "Og'irlik birligi"
msgid "Ounces"
msgstr "Untsiya"
msgid "Kilograms"
msgstr "Kilogramm"
msgid "Billing details"
msgstr "To'lov ma'lumotlari"
msgid "Add to cart"
msgstr "Savatchaga qo'shish"
msgid "%s pending review"
msgid_plural "%s pending reviews"
msgstr[0] "%s koʻrib chiqish kutilmoqda"
msgid "Order details"
msgstr "Buyurtma ma’lumotlari"
msgid "A calendar of your site’s posts."
msgstr "Saytingiz maqolalari taqvimi."
msgid "Unchanged:"
msgstr "O'zgarmagan:"
msgid "Added:"
msgstr "Qo'shilgan:"
msgid "Learn more about debugging in WordPress."
msgstr "WordPress muammolarini hal qilishni o'rganish."
msgid "Secure checkout"
msgstr "Xavfsiz chiqish"
msgid "User’s profile data."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi ma'lumotlari."
msgid "Not enough data to create this user."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi yaratish uchun ma'lumot yetarli emas."
msgid "Sorry, marking a user as spam is only supported on Multisite."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, foydalanuvchini spam deb belgilash faqat Multisaytda mavjud."
msgid ""
"Your request for an export of personal data has been completed. You may\n"
"download your personal data by clicking on the link below. For privacy\n"
"and security, we will automatically delete the file on ###EXPIRATION###,\n"
"so please download it before then.\n"
"All at ###SITENAME###\n"
msgstr ""
"Sizning shaxsiy ma'lumotni eksport qilish so'rovingiz ko'rib chiqildi.\n"
"Shaxsiy ma'lumotlaringizni quyidagi link orqali yuklab olishingiz mumkin.\n"
"Xavfsizlik uchun eksport faylini quyidagi vaqtda avtomatik tarzda "
"o'chiramiz: ###EXPIRATION###\n"
"Ushbu vaqtdan oldin ma'lumotlaringizni yuklab olishingiz tavsiya etiladi.\n"
"Xurmat bilan,\n"
"###SITENAME### jamoasi\n"
msgid "Unable to send personal data export email."
msgstr "Shaxsiy ma'lumot eksporti xabarini yuborib bo'lmadi."
msgid "[%s] Personal Data Export"
msgstr "[%s] Shaxsiy ma'lumot eksporti"
msgid "Invalid request ID when sending personal data export email."
msgstr ""
"Shaxsiy ma'lumot eksporti xabarini yuborishda yaroqsiz so'rov ID raqami."
msgctxt "date/time"
msgid "On"
msgstr "Vaqti"
msgctxt "website URL"
msgid "At URL"
msgstr "Manzil"
msgctxt "website name"
msgid "For site"
msgstr "Sayt"
msgctxt "email address"
msgid "Report generated for"
msgstr "Quyidagi uchun hisobot yaratildi"
msgid "Unable to open export file (archive) for writing."
msgstr "Yozish uchun eksport fayli (arxiv)ni ochib bo'lmadi."
msgctxt "personal data group label"
msgid "About"
msgstr "Ma'lumot"
msgid "Personal Data Export"
msgstr "Shaxsiy ma'lumot eksporti"
msgid "Personal Data Export for %s"
msgstr "%s uchun shaxsiy ma'lumot eksporti"
msgid "Force erasure has failed."
msgstr "Ma'lumotlarni majburiy o'chirish muvaffaqiyatsiz yakunlandi."
msgid ""
"Usage of the title attribute on the login logo is not recommended for "
"accessibility reasons. Use the link text instead."
msgstr ""
"Kirish logotipidagi sarlavha attributidan foydalanish nogironlarga qulaylik "
"yaratish sabablari tufayli tavsiya etilmaydi. Buning o'rniga link matnini "
msgid "Site Name: %s"
msgstr "Sayt nomi: %s"
msgid "Install plugins"
msgstr "Plaginlarni o'rnatish"
msgid "domain"
msgstr "domain"
msgid "Customer note"
msgstr "Xaridor eslatmasi"
msgid "Block style name must be a string."
msgstr "Blok stili nomi yozuvli bo'lishi shart."
msgid "M j, Y"
msgstr "M j, Y"
msgid "Upload images"
msgstr "Rasmlar yuklash"
msgid "Accessibility"
msgstr "Imkoniyati cheklanganlar uchun"
msgid "Send export link"
msgstr "Eksport linkini yuborish"
msgid "Erase personal data list"
msgstr "Shaxsiy ma'lumotlarni o'chirish ro'yxati"
msgid "Erase personal data list navigation"
msgstr "Shaxsiy ma'lumotlar ro'yxati navigatsiyasini o'chirish"
msgid "Filter erase personal data list"
msgstr "Shaxsiy ma'lumotlar ro'yxatini o'chirish filtri"
msgid "Export personal data list"
msgstr "Shaxsiy ma'lumotlar ro'yxatini eksport qilish"
msgid "Export personal data list navigation"
msgstr "Shaxsiy ma'lumot ro'yxati navigatsiyasini eksport qilish"
msgid "Filter export personal data list"
msgstr "Shaxsiy ma'lumotlar ro'yxatini filtrlash"
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to perform this action."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, ushbu amalni bajarishga ruxsat yo'q."
msgid "Select Site Icon"
msgstr "Sayt belgisini tanlang"
msgid "Additional images added to this gallery: %s"
msgstr "Ushbu galereyaga qo'shilgan qo'shimcha rasmlar: %s"
msgid "The current image has no alternative text. The file name is: %s"
msgstr "Joriy rasmda muqobil matn mavjud emas. Fayl nomi:%s"
msgid "Keep widget settings and move it to the inactive widgets"
msgstr ""
"Vidjet sozlamalarini saqlash va uni faol bo'lmagan widgetlarga ko'chirish"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "View Privacy Policy Guide."
msgstr "Maxfiylik siyosati qo'llanmasini ko'ring."
msgid "Memberships"
msgstr "A'zolik"
msgid "In this case, WordPress caught an error with your theme, %s."
msgstr "Bunday holda, WordPress sizning shabloningizdan xatolikni topdi, %s."
msgid "Error occurred on a non-protected endpoint."
msgstr "Himoyalanmagan yakuniy nuqtada xatolik yuz berdi."
msgid "In this case, WordPress caught an error with one of your plugins, %s."
msgstr "Bu holatda, WordPress plaginlaringizdan birida xatolik topdi, %s."
msgid ""
"Please contact your host for assistance with investigating this issue "
msgstr "Muammoni batafsil o'rganish uchun hostingizga murojaat qiling."
msgid ""
"This theme failed to load properly and was paused within the admin backend."
msgstr ""
"Bu shablon to'g'ri yuklay olmadi va administrator qismi ichida to'xtatildi."
msgid "Recovery Mode — %s"
msgstr "Tiklash rejimi — %s"
msgid "Restore from Trash"
msgstr "Chiqindi idishidan tiklash"
msgctxt "Site Health"
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Holat"
msgctxt "Site Health"
msgid "Info"
msgstr "Ma'lumot"
msgid "All formats"
msgstr "Barcha formatlar"
msgid "Filter by post format"
msgstr "Maqolalarni format bo'yicha saralash"
msgid "Theme resumed."
msgstr "Shablon ishi davom ettirildi."
msgid "Go to the Plugins screen"
msgstr "Plaginlar ekraniga o'ting"
msgid "One or more plugins failed to load properly."
msgstr "Ba'zi plaginlaringiz to'g'ri yuklanmadi."
msgid "Could not resume the plugin."
msgstr "Plagin ishini davom ettirib bo'lmaydi."
msgid "Custom PHP fatal error handler."
msgstr "O'ziga xos PHP xatoliklari boshqaruvi"
msgid "Custom PHP error message."
msgstr "O'ziga xos PHP xatoligi."
msgid "[%s] Network Admin Email Changed"
msgstr "[%s] Tarmoq Admin Email O'zgarishi"
msgid "[%s] Network Admin Email Change Request"
msgstr "[%s] Tarmoq Admin Email O'zgarish So'rovi"
msgid "[%s] Admin Email Changed"
msgstr "[%s] Admin Email O'zgardi"
msgid "[%s] Login Details"
msgstr "[%s] Kirish ma'lumotlari"
msgid "[%s] Background Update Finished"
msgstr "[%s] Orqa fon yangilanishi tugadi"
msgid "[%s] Background Update Failed"
msgstr "[%s] Orqa fonda yangilanish amalga oshmadi"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Exit Recovery Mode"
msgstr "Qutqaruv rejimidan chiqish"
msgid "Go to the Themes screen"
msgstr "Shablonlar ekraniga o'ting"
msgid "You can find more details and make changes on the Themes screen."
msgstr "Ko'proq ma'lumotni Shablon sahifasida topishingiz mumkin."
msgid "One or more themes failed to load properly."
msgstr "Ba'zi shablonlaringiz to'g'ri yuklanmadi."
msgid "Could not resume the theme."
msgstr "Shablonni davom ettirib bo'lmadi."
msgid "Eraser callback is not valid: %s."
msgstr "O'chirgich qayta chaqiruvi yaroqsiz: %s."
msgid "%s Comment in moderation"
msgid_plural "%s Comments in moderation"
msgstr[0] "%s ta fikr tekshiruvda"
msgid "Eraser does not include a callback: %s."
msgstr "O'chirg'ichning qayta chaqiruvi yo'q: %s."
msgid "Passed tests"
msgstr "O'tgan sinovlar"
msgid "%s critical issue"
msgid_plural "%s critical issues"
msgstr[0] "%s muhim muammolar"
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to access site health information."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, sizga sayt sog'ligi haqida ma'lumot olishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "Everything is running smoothly here."
msgstr "Bu yerda hamma narsa muammosiz ishlayapti."
msgid "Great job!"
msgstr "Ajoyib!"
msgid "Copy site info to clipboard"
msgstr "Sayt ma'lumotini nusxalash"
msgid ""
"If you want to export a handy list of all the information on this page, you "
"can use the button below to copy it to the clipboard. You can then paste it "
"in a text file and save it to your device, or paste it in an email exchange "
"with a support engineer or theme/plugin developer for example."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu sahifadagi barcha ma'lumotlarning qulay ro'yxatini eksport qilishni "
"xohlasangiz, uni buferga nusxalash uchun quyidagi tugmani ishlatishingiz "
"mumkin. Keyin uni matnli faylga saqlashingiz yoki masalan, qo'llab-"
"quvvatlash muhandis yoki mavzu / plagin ishlab chiqaruvchisi bilan elektron "
"pochta almashinuviga joylashtirishingiz mumkin."
msgid "Site Health"
msgstr "Sayt sog'ligi"
msgid "The loopback request to your site completed successfully."
msgstr "Saytingizga qaytarish so'rovi muvaffaqiyatli bajarildi."
msgid "REST API availability"
msgstr "REST API mavjudligi"
msgid "Loopback request"
msgstr "Loopback so'rovi"
msgid "Debugging enabled"
msgstr "Nosozliklarni tuzatish yoqildi"
msgid "HTTP Requests"
msgstr "HTTP so'rovlari"
msgid "Scheduled events"
msgstr "Rejalashtirilgan tadbirlar"
msgid "Secure communication"
msgstr "Xavfsiz aloqa"
msgid "HTTPS status"
msgstr "HTTPS holati"
msgid "PHP Extensions"
msgstr "PHP qo'shimchalari"
msgid "Database Server version"
msgstr "Ma'lumotlar bazasi serveri versiyasi"
msgid "PHP Version"
msgstr "PHP versiyasi"
msgid "Theme Versions"
msgstr "Shablon versiyalari"
msgid "Plugin Versions"
msgstr "Plagin versiyalari"
msgid "The REST API encountered an error"
msgstr "REST API xatoga duch keldi"
msgid "The REST API is available"
msgstr "REST API mavjud"
msgid ""
"HTTP requests have been blocked by the %1$s constant, with some allowed "
"hosts: %2$s."
msgstr ""
"HTTP so'rovlari %1$s doimiysi tomonidan bloklangan, ba'zi hostlar oq "
"ro'yxatda: %2$s."
msgid ""
"HTTP requests have been blocked by the %s constant, with no allowed hosts."
msgstr ""
"HTTP so'rovlari %s doimiysi tomonidan bloklangan, hech bir hostga ruxsat "
msgid "HTTP requests are partially blocked"
msgstr "HTTP so'rovlari qisman blokirovka qilingan"
msgid "HTTP requests are blocked"
msgstr "HTTP so'rovlari bloklangan"
msgid ""
"It is possible for site maintainers to block all, or some, communication to "
"other sites and services. If set up incorrectly, this may prevent plugins "
"and themes from working as intended."
msgstr ""
"Sayt ishlovchilari boshqa saytlar va xizmatlarga aloqani blokirovka "
"qilishlari mumkin. Noto'g'ri sozlangan bo'lsa, bu plaginlar va mavzularning "
"ishlashiga to'sqinlik qilishi mumkin."
msgid "Your site could not complete a loopback request"
msgstr "Sizning saytingiz qayta aloqa so'rovini yakunlay olmadi"
msgid ""
"Loopback requests are used to run scheduled events, and are also used by the "
"built-in editors for themes and plugins to verify code stability."
msgstr ""
"Loopback so'rovlari rejalashtirilgan tadbirlarni amalga oshirish uchun "
"ishlatiladi, shuningdek kodlarning barqarorligini tekshirish uchun mavzular "
"va plaginlar uchun o'rnatilgan muharrirlardan foydalanadi."
msgid ""
"Background updates ensure that WordPress can auto-update if a security "
"update is released for the version you are currently using."
msgstr ""
"Fonda yangilanish WordPress avtomatik ravishda yangilanishini ta'minlaydi, "
"agar siz hozirda ishlayotgan versiyangiz uchun xavfsizlik yangilanishi "
msgid "Passed"
msgstr "O'tdi"
msgid ""
"Securely communicating between servers are needed for transactions such as "
"fetching files, conducting sales on store sites, and much more."
msgstr ""
"Fayllarni olish, do'kon saytlarida savdo-sotiqni amalga oshirish va "
"boshqalar kabi operatsiyalar uchun serverlar o'rtasida ishonchli aloqa zarur."
msgid "Your website does not use HTTPS"
msgstr "Saytingizda faol HTTPS tarmog'i mavjud emas"
msgid ""
"The value, %1$s, has either been enabled by %2$s or added to your "
"configuration file. This will make errors display on the front end of your "
msgstr ""
"Qiymati, %1$s, yoki yoqilgan bo'lishi mumkin %2$s yoki konfiguratsiya "
"faylingizga qo'shilgan. Bu esa, saytning oldingi qismida xatolar paydo "
"bo'lishiga olib keladi."
msgid "Your website is using an active HTTPS connection"
msgstr "Veb-saytingizda faol HTTPS ulanishi ishlatilmoqda."
msgid "Your site is set to display errors to site visitors"
msgstr "Saytingizga tashrif buyuruvchilar xatoliklarni ko'ra oladi"
msgid ""
"The value, %s, has been added to this website’s configuration file. "
"This means any errors on the site will be written to a file which is "
"potentially available to all users."
msgstr ""
"Qiymat, %s, ushbu veb-saytga sozlash fayli qo'shildi. Bu shuni anglatadiki, "
"saytdagi har qanday xatolar oddiy foydalanuvchilar uchun mavjud bo'lgan "
"faylga yoziladi. "
msgid "Your site is set to log errors to a potentially public file"
msgstr ""
"Sizning saytingiz xatolarni potentsial ommaviy fayllar ro'yxatiga kiritishga "
msgid ""
"Debug mode is often enabled to gather more details about an error or site "
"failure, but may contain sensitive information which should not be available "
"on a publicly available website."
msgstr ""
"Nosozliklarni tuzatish rejimi ko'pincha xato yoki saytning ishlamay qolishi "
"haqida ko'proq ma'lumot to'plash uchun yoqiladi, ammo ommabop veb-saytida "
"mavjud bo'lmasligi kerak bo'lgan maxfiy ma'lumotlarni o'z ichiga olishi "
msgid "Get help resolving this issue."
msgstr "Ushbu muammoni hal qilishda yordam oling."
msgid "Your site is not set to output debug information"
msgstr "Saytingiz tekshiruv ma'lumotlarini ko'rsatishga sozlanmagan."
msgid ""
"Your site is unable to reach at %1$s, and returned the error: "
msgstr ""
"Sizning saytingiz saytiga %1$s orqali kira olmadi va %2$s "
"xatolikni qaytardi."
msgid ""
"You are using a %1$s drop-in which might mean that a %2$s database is not "
"being used."
msgstr "Siz %1$s drop-indan foydalanayapsiz. Demak, %2$s baza ishlatilmayapti."
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"The SQL server is a required piece of software for the database WordPress "
"uses to store all your site’s content and settings."
msgstr ""
"SQL server WordPress ma'lumotlar bazasi uchun kerakli dasturiy ta'minot "
"komponentidir, barcha saytingizdagi tarkib va sozlamalarni saqlash uchun "
msgid "Outdated SQL server"
msgstr "Eskirgan SQL server"
msgid "Learn more about what WordPress requires to run."
msgstr "WordPressning ishlashi uchun nima kerakligi haqida batafsil ma'lumot."
msgid "SQL server is up to date"
msgstr "SQL serveri yangilangan"
msgid "One or more required modules are missing"
msgstr "Bir yoki bir nechta talab qilingan modul mavjud emas"
msgid "One or more recommended modules are missing"
msgstr "Bir yoki bir nechta tavsiya etilgan modul mavjud emas"
msgid "The optional module, %s, is not installed, or has been disabled."
msgstr "Ixtiyoriy modul,%s, o'rnatilmagan yoki o'chirilgan."
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "The required module, %s, is not installed, or has been disabled."
msgstr "Talab qilingan modul, %s, o'rnatilmagan yoki o'chirilgan."
msgid ""
"PHP modules perform most of the tasks on the server that make your site run. "
"Any changes to these must be made by your server administrator."
msgstr ""
"PHP modullari sizning saytingiz ishlaydigan serverdagi ko'plab vazifalarni "
"bajaradi. Bunga o'zgartirishlar server administratori tomonidan amalga "
"oshirilishi kerak."
msgid "Required and recommended modules are installed"
msgstr "Kerakli va tavsiya etilgan modullar o'rnatildi"
msgid ""
"Your site has %1$d inactive theme, other than %2$s, the default WordPress "
"theme, and %3$s, your active theme."
msgid_plural ""
"Your site has %1$d inactive themes, other than %2$s, the default WordPress "
"theme, and %3$s, your active theme."
msgstr[0] ""
"Sizda %1$d ta faol bo'lmagan shablon bor. Ulardan %2$s WordPressniki, va "
"sizning %3$s shabloningiz"
msgid "Your site has %1$d inactive theme, other than %2$s, your active theme."
msgid_plural ""
"Your site has %1$d inactive themes, other than %2$s, your active theme."
msgstr[0] ""
"Saytingizda %2$s shabloningizdan boshqa %1$d ta faol bo'lmagan shablon bor."
msgid "You should remove inactive themes"
msgstr "Faol bo'lmagan shablonlarni o'chirishingiz kerak"
msgid "Your site has 1 installed theme, and it is up to date."
msgstr "Sizning saytingizda 1 ta shablon bor va u yangi."
msgid "Your site has %d inactive theme."
msgid_plural "Your site has %d inactive themes."
msgstr[0] "Sizning saytingizda %d faol bo'lmagan shablonlar bor."
msgid "Manage your themes"
msgstr "Shablonlaringizni boshqaring"
msgid "Manage inactive plugins"
msgstr "Faol bo'lmagan plaginlarni boshqarish"
msgid ""
"Inactive plugins are tempting targets for attackers. If you are not going to "
"use a plugin, you should consider removing it."
msgstr ""
"Faol bo'lmagan plaginlar hackerlarga qo'l kelishi mumkin. Agar "
"ishlatmasangiz, ularni olib tashlashni maslahat beramiz."
msgid "Your site has %d inactive plugin."
msgid_plural "Your site has %d inactive plugins."
msgstr[0] "Saytda %d faol bo'lmagan plaginlari mavjud."
msgid "Update your plugins"
msgstr "Plaginlaringizni yangilang"
msgid "Your site has 1 active plugin, and it is up to date."
msgstr "Sizning saytingizda 1 faol plagin mavjud va u yangi."
msgid "Manage your plugins"
msgstr "Plaginlaringizni boshqarish"
msgid "You have plugins waiting to be updated"
msgstr "Yangilanishni kutayotgan plaginlaringiz bor"
msgid ""
"Plugins extend your site’s functionality with things like contact "
"forms, ecommerce and much more. That means they have deep access to your "
"site, so it’s vital to keep them up to date."
msgstr ""
"Plaginlar saytingizni kontakt shakllari, elektron tijorat va boshqa narsalar "
"bilan kengaytiradi. Bu shuni anglatadiki, ular sizning saytingizga chuqur "
"kirishgan, shuning uchun ularni yangilab turish juda muhimdir."
msgid ""
"You are currently running the latest version of WordPress available, keep it "
msgstr "Siz eng yangi versiyadagi WordPressdan foydalanmoqdasiz. Ajoyib!"
msgid "Your plugins are all up to date"
msgstr "Barcha plaginlaringiz yangi"
msgid ""
"A new minor update is available for your site. Because minor updates often "
"address security, it’s important to install them."
msgstr ""
"Saytingizda yangi kichik yangilanish mavjud. Kichkina yangilanishlar "
"ko'pincha xavfsizlikka aloqador bo'ladi, shuning uchun ularni o'rnatish juda "
msgid "A new version of WordPress is available."
msgstr "WordPressning yangi versiyasi mavjud."
msgid "WordPress update available (%s)"
msgstr "WordPress yangilanishi mavjud (%s)"
msgid "WordPress version %s"
msgstr "WordPress versiyasi %s"
msgid "A previous automatic background update could not occur."
msgstr "Avvalgi orqa fonda avtomatik yangilanish sodir bo'lmadi."
msgid "The error code was %s."
msgstr "Xato kodi %s edi."
msgid "You would have received an email because of this."
msgstr "Siz shu sababli elektron pochta xabarini olasiz."
msgid ""
"A previous automatic background update ended with a critical failure, so "
"updates are now disabled."
msgstr ""
"Oldingi avtomatik fon yangilanishi jiddiy nosozlik bilan tugadi, shuning "
"uchun yangilanishlar o'chirilgan."
msgid "The %s filter is enabled."
msgstr "%s filtri yoqilgan."
msgid ""
"Total size is not available. Some errors were encountered when determining "
"the size of your installation."
msgstr "Umumiy hajmi mavjud emas. Hajmni aniqlashda ba'zi xatolar yuz berdi."
msgid ""
"The directory size calculation has timed out. Usually caused by a very large "
"number of sub-directories and files."
msgstr ""
"Katalog hajmini hisoblash vaqti tugadi. Odatda juda ko'p sonli kataloglar va "
"fayllar sabab bo'ladi."
msgid "The must use plugins directory"
msgstr "Plaginlar papkasidan foydalanishingiz kerak"
msgid "Theme features"
msgstr "Shablon xususiyatlari"
msgid "Parent theme"
msgstr "Ota shablon"
msgid "Author website"
msgstr "Muallif veb-sayti"
msgid "Client version"
msgstr "Klient versiyasi"
msgid "Server version"
msgstr "Server versiyasi"
msgid "Extension"
msgstr "Kengaytma"
msgid ".htaccess rules"
msgstr ".htaccess qoidalari"
msgid "Is the Imagick library available?"
msgstr "Imagick kutubxonasi faolmi?"
msgid "Is SUHOSIN installed?"
msgstr "SUHOSIN o'rnatilganmi?"
msgid "cURL version"
msgstr "cURL versiyasi"
msgid "PHP post max size"
msgstr "PHP post max size"
msgid "Upload max filesize"
msgstr "Yuklash mumkin bo'lgan eng katta fayl hajmi"
msgid "Max input time"
msgstr "Eng uzun yuklash vaqti"
msgid "PHP memory limit"
msgstr "PHP xotira chegarasi"
msgid "PHP time limit"
msgstr "PHP vaqt chegarasi"
msgid "PHP version"
msgstr "PHP версияси"
msgid "GD version"
msgstr "GD versiyasi"
msgid "Themes directory location"
msgstr "Shablonlar joyi manzili"
msgid "Undefined"
msgstr "Noma'lum"
msgid "Database"
msgstr "Ma'lumotlar bazasi"
msgid "Server"
msgstr "Server"
msgid "Must Use Plugins"
msgstr "Plaginlardan foydalanish kerak"
msgctxt "comment status"
msgid "Closed"
msgstr "Yopiq"
msgid "Is this site using HTTPS?"
msgstr "Saytda HTTPS bormi?"
msgctxt "comment status"
msgid "Open"
msgstr "Ochiq"
msgid "User Language"
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi tili"
msgid "No permalink structure set"
msgstr "Permalink qurilmasi o'rnatilmagan"
msgid "Permalink structure"
msgstr "Permalink qurilmasi"
msgid ""
"An error of type %1$s was caused in line %2$s of the file %3$s. Error "
"message: %4$s"
msgstr ""
"%1$s turdagi xatolik %3$s faylining %2$s qatorida yuz berdi. Xatolik xabari: "
msgid "Failed to exit recovery mode. Please try again later."
msgstr ""
"Qutqaruv rejimidan chiqish amalga oshmadi. Iltimos keyinroq qayta urinib "
msgid "Exit recovery mode link expired."
msgstr "Qaytarish rejimi linki muddati tugadi."
msgid "Failed to store the error."
msgstr "Xatolarni saqlab bo'lmadi."
msgid "Error not caused by a plugin or theme."
msgstr "Xato plagin yoki shablondan kelib chiqmagan."
msgid "Recovery key expired."
msgstr "Qayta tiklash kaliti eskirdi."
msgid "Invalid recovery key."
msgstr "Tiklash kaliti yaroqsiz."
msgid "Invalid recovery key format."
msgstr "Tiklash kaliti formati yaroqsiz."
msgid "Recovery Mode not initialized."
msgstr "Qayta tiklash rejimi ishga tushirilmadi."
msgid "[%s] Your Site is Experiencing a Technical Issue"
msgstr "[%s] Saytingiz texnik muammoga duch kelmoqda"
msgid ""
"A recovery link was already sent %1$s ago. Please wait another %2$s before "
"requesting a new email."
msgstr ""
"Tiklash linki allqachon %1$s avval yuborilgan. Yangisini talab qilishdan "
"oldin, iltimos, %2$s vaqt kuting."
msgid "Could not update the email last sent time."
msgstr "Email oxirgi yuborilgan vaqtini yangilab bo'lmadi."
msgid "Invalid cookie."
msgstr "Yaroqsiz kuki."
msgid "Cookie expired."
msgstr "Kuki eskirgan."
msgid "Invalid cookie format."
msgstr "Kuki formati yaroqsiz."
msgid "No cookie present."
msgstr "Hech qanday kuki mavjud emas."
msgid "[%s] Email Change Request"
msgstr "[%s] Email O'zgarish So'rovi"
msgid "[%s] Email Changed"
msgstr "[%s] Email O'zgardi"
msgid "Sale"
msgstr "Sotildi"
msgid "Placeholder image"
msgstr "To'ldiruvchi rasm"
msgid "Clarendon"
msgstr "Klarendon"
msgid "Could not retrieve site data."
msgstr "Sayt ma'lumotini yuklay olmadim."
msgid "Update PHP"
msgstr "PHP yangilash"
msgid "Unable to submit this form, please try again."
msgstr "Formani yubora olmadim, iltimos qayta urinib ko'ring."
msgid "My Network"
msgstr "Mening tarmog'im"
msgid "The %s table is not installed. Please run the network database upgrade."
msgstr ""
"%s jadval o'rnatilmagan. Iltimos, Tarmoq bazasini yangilashni ishga "
msgid "The site appears to be already uninitialized."
msgstr "Sayt allaqachon to'xtatilganga o'xshaydi."
msgid "Site %d"
msgstr "%d sayt"
msgid "The site appears to be already initialized."
msgstr "Bu sayt allaqachon ishga tushirilganga o'xshaydi."
msgid "Site with the ID does not exist."
msgstr "Bunday ID raqamga ega sayt mavjud emas."
msgid "Both registration and last updated dates must be valid dates."
msgstr ""
"Ro'yxatga olish va so'nggi yangilanish sanalari to'g'ri formatda bo'lishi "
msgid "Both registration and last updated dates must be provided."
msgstr "Ro'yxatga olish va so'nggi yangilanish sanalari ko'rsatilishi kerak."
msgid "Site network ID must be provided."
msgstr "Saytning tarmoqdagi ID raqami ko'rsatilishi kerak."
msgid "Site path must not be empty."
msgstr "Sayt manzili bo'sh bo'lishi mumkin emas."
msgid "Site domain must not be empty."
msgstr "Sayt domeni bo'sh bo'lishi mumkin emas."
msgid "Could not delete site from the database."
msgstr "Saytni bazadan o'chira olmadim."
msgid "Could not update site in the database."
msgstr "Saytni bazada yangilay olmadim."
msgid "Site does not exist."
msgstr "Sayt mavjud emas."
msgid "Site ID must not be empty."
msgstr "Sayt ID raqami bo'sh bo'lmasligi kerak."
msgid "Add widget: %s"
msgstr "Vidjet qo'shish: %s"
msgid "Add to: %s"
msgstr "Quyidagiga qo'shish: %s"
msgid "Unable to send personal data export confirmation email."
msgstr "Shaxsiy ma'lumotlar eksportini tasdiqlash xabarini yubora olmadim."
msgid ""
"Error: There is no account with that username or email "
msgstr ""
"XATO: Bunday login yoki email bilan hech qanday "
"foydalanuvchi topilmadi."
msgid "%1$s by %2$s pixels"
msgstr "%1$s x %2$s piksel"
msgid ""
"This resource is provided by your web host, and is specific to your site. "
"For more information, see the official "
"WordPress documentation."
msgstr ""
"Bu resurs hosting provayderingiz tomonidan taqdim etiladi va saytingiz uchun "
"maxsus hisoblanadi. To'liqroq ma'lumot uchun rasmiy xujjatni ko'ring."
msgctxt "localized PHP upgrade information page"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Add menu items"
msgstr "Menyu bandlarini qo'shish"
msgid ""
"or create a new menu. Do not forget to save your changes!"
msgstr ""
"yoki yangi menyu yarating. O'zgarishlaringizni saqlashni "
msgid "Click the Save Menu button to save your changes."
msgstr "Menyuni saqlash tugmasini bosish orqali o'zgarishlaringizni saqlang."
msgid ""
"Fill in the Menu Name and click the Create Menu button to create your first "
msgstr ""
"Menyu nomini yozing va Menyu yaratish tugmasini bosish orqali birinchi "
"menyuni yarating."
msgid "Create your first menu below."
msgstr "Birinchi menyuni quyida yarating."
msgid "Mailchimp"
msgstr "Mailchimp"
msgid "Learn more about updating PHP"
msgstr "PHP yangilash haqida ko'proq ma'lumot"
msgid "What is PHP and how does it affect my site?"
msgstr "PHP nima va u saytimga qanday ta'sir ko'rsatadi?"
msgid "Track %s."
msgstr "%s audio ma'lumoti."
msgctxt "post format"
msgid "Formats"
msgstr "Formatlar"
msgctxt "comments"
msgid "Mine (%s)"
msgid_plural "Mine (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Meniki (%s)"
msgid "Could not remove the old translation."
msgstr "Eski tarjimani o'chira olmadim."
msgid "Removing the old version of the translation…"
msgstr "Eski versiyadagi tarjima o'chirilmoqda…"
msgid ""
"Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview; your comment will be "
"visible after it has been approved."
msgstr ""
"Fikringiz tasdiqlanishni kutmoqda. Bu oldindan ko'rish, xolos. Fikringiz "
"tasdiqlangandan keyin u hammaga ko'rina boshlaydi."
msgid ""
"WordPress Events and News — Upcoming events near you "
"as well as the latest news from the official WordPress project and the WordPress Planet."
msgstr ""
"WordPress tadbirlari va yangiliklari — Kutilayotgan "
"tadbirlar va WordPress Sayyorasi yangiliklari."
msgid ""
"Deleting a category does not delete the posts in that category. Instead, "
"posts that were only assigned to the deleted category are set to the default "
"category %s. The default category cannot be deleted."
msgstr ""
"Bo'limni o'chirish uning ichidagi maqolalarni o'chirmaydi. O'chiriladigan "
"bo'lim ichidagi barcha maqolalar %s bo'limiga o'tkaziladi. Asosiy bo'limni "
"o'chirish mumkin emas."
msgid "Learn more about orders"
msgstr "Buyurtmalar haqida ko'proq ma'lumot oling"
msgid "Export status message."
msgstr "Holat xabarini eksport qilish."
msgid "Check your email"
msgstr "Emailingizni tekshiring"
msgid "Are you sure you wish to delete this item?"
msgstr "Haqiqatan ham bu elementni oʻchirib tashlamoqchimisiz?"
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to view this item."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, bu narsani ko'rish uchun sizda ruxsat yo'q."
msgid "A variable mismatch has been detected."
msgstr "O'zgaruvchi nomutanosibligi topildi."
msgid "A post type mismatch has been detected."
msgstr "Post turi mos kelmasligi aniqlandi."
msgid "A post ID mismatch has been detected."
msgstr "Post ID mos kelmasligi aniqlandi."
msgid "Rivers"
msgstr "Rivers"
msgid "Classic Block Keyboard Shortcuts"
msgstr "Klassik blok klaviatura qisqa tugmalari"
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to view autosaves of this post."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, sizga bu maqolaning avtosaqlanmalarini ko'rishga ruxsat "
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to read blocks as this user."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga bloklarni o'qishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to read blocks of this post."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga bu maqolaning bloklarini o'qishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "The current user can post unfiltered HTML markup and JavaScript."
msgstr "Joriy foydalanuvchi filtrlanmagan HTML yoki JavaScript chop eta oladi."
msgid ""
"As a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard "
"to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!"
msgstr ""
"Yangi WordPress foydalanuvchisi sifatida boshqaruv paneliga"
"a> o'tishingiz kerak va bu sahifani o'chirib yangisini yaratishingiz zarur. "
"Omad tilaymiz!"
msgid ""
"The XYZ Doohickey Company was founded in 1971, and has been providing "
"quality doohickeys to the public ever since. Located in Gotham City, XYZ "
"employs over 2,000 people and does all kinds of awesome things for the "
"Gotham community."
msgstr ""
"XYZ kompaniyasi 1971-yilda tashkil etilgan va shu davrdan buyon sifatli "
"suvenirlar ishlab chiqaradi. Gotem shahrida joylashgan holda, XYZ 2 mingdan "
"ortiq kishini ish bilan ta'minlagan va Gotem shahri aholisi uchun ajoyib "
"narsalarni amalga oshirib kelmoqda."
msgid "...or something like this:"
msgstr "...yoki bunday:"
msgid ""
"Hi there! I'm a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night, and this is "
"my website. I live in Los Angeles, have a great dog named Jack, and I like "
"piña coladas. (And gettin' caught in the rain.)"
msgstr ""
"Salom! Men kunduzi yetkazib beruvchi bo'lib ishlayman, kechki payt esa "
"aktyorlik qilaman va bu mening saytim. Men Toshkentda yashayman, ajoyib "
"do'stlarim ko'p va vaqtimni foydali ishlarga sarflashni yoqtiraman."
msgid ""
"This is an example page. It's different from a blog post because it will "
"stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). "
"Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site "
"visitors. It might say something like this:"
msgstr ""
"Bu misol tariqasidagi sahifa. Sahifa sayt maqolalaridan farq qiladi - u "
"bitta joyda o'zgarishsiz qoladi va (ko'pchilik shablonlarda) sayt menyusida "
"ko'rsatiladi. Ko'pchilik Biz haqimizda sahifasini yaratishdan boshlashadi. U "
"yerda sayt foydalanuvchilariga o'zlarini tanishtirishadi. Biz haqimizda "
"sahifasida quyidagicha ma'lumot bo'lishi mumkin:"
msgid ""
"Welcome to %s. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start "
msgstr ""
"%s saytiga xush kelibsiz! Bu sizning ilk maqolangiz. Uni tahrirlang yoki "
"o'chirib tashlang. Shundan keyin maqolalar yozishni boshlab yuborishingiz "
msgid "Please open the classic editor to use this meta box."
msgstr ""
"Bu meta qutisidan foydalanish uchun eski muharrirni oching"
msgid ""
"Please activate the Classic Editor plugin to use this "
"meta box."
msgstr ""
"Bu meta qutisindan foydalanish uchun Klassik muharrir "
"plaginini faollashtiring."
msgid ""
"Please install the Classic Editor plugin to use this meta "
msgstr ""
"Bu meta qutisindan foydalanish uchun Klassik muharrir "
"plaginini o'rnating."
msgid "This meta box is not compatible with the block editor."
msgstr "Bu meta qutisi blok muharriri bilan birga ishlay olmaydi."
msgid ""
"This meta box, from the %s plugin, is not compatible with the block editor."
msgstr "%s plaginga tegishli bu meta band blok muharririga mos emas."
msgctxt "Google Font Name and Variants"
msgid "Noto Serif:400,400i,700,700i"
msgstr "Noto Serif:400,400i,700,700i"
msgid "Top toolbar"
msgstr "Yuqori asboblar paneli"
msgid ""
"The offset number requested is larger than or equal to the number of "
"available revisions."
msgstr "O'tish soni mavjud ko'rib chiqishlar soniga teng yoki kattaroq."
msgid "Choose"
msgstr "Tanlang"
msgid "To edit the featured image, you need permission to upload media."
msgstr ""
"Tanlangan rasmni tahrirlash uchun media yuklashga ruxsatingiz bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "Start writing with text or HTML"
msgstr "Matn yoki HTML yozing"
msgid "Type text or HTML"
msgstr "Matn yoki HTML kod kiriting"
msgid "To edit this block, you need permission to upload media."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu blokni tahrirlash uchun media yuklash huquqiga ega bo'lishingiz kerak."
msgid "Align text right"
msgstr "Matnni o'ngga tekislash"
msgid "Block tools"
msgstr "Blok asboblari"
msgid "Empty block; start writing or type forward slash to choose a block"
msgstr "Bo'sh blok; yozishni boshlang yoki slash qo'yish orqali blokni tanlang"
msgid "Start writing or type / to choose a block"
msgstr "Yozishni boshlang yoki / yozib blokni tanlang"
msgid "Align text left"
msgstr "Matnni chapga tekislash"
msgid "This image has an empty alt attribute"
msgstr "Bu rasmning alternativ atributi bo'sh"
msgid "Stack on mobile"
msgstr "Mobilda yig'ish"
msgid "This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is %s"
msgstr "Bu rasmning bo'sh alternativ attributi bor; uning fayl nomi %s"
msgid "%s is not a valid email address."
msgstr "%s haqiqiy elektron pochta manzili emas."
msgid "Drag images, upload new ones or select files from your library."
msgstr ""
"Rasmlarni tortib keltiring, yangi rasmlarni yuklang yoki kutubxonangizdan "
"fayllarni tanlang."
msgctxt "font size name"
msgid "Huge"
msgstr "Juda katta"
msgctxt "blocks"
msgid "Most used"
msgstr "Ko'p ishlatilgan"
msgctxt "imperative verb"
msgid "Resolve"
msgstr "Hal qilish"
msgid "Link edited."
msgstr "Link tahrirlandi."
msgid "Link removed."
msgstr "Link o'chirildi."
msgctxt "button label"
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Yuklash"
msgctxt "block title"
msgid "Embed"
msgstr "Biriktirish"
msgctxt "button label"
msgid "Embed"
msgstr "Biriktirish"
msgctxt "font size name"
msgid "Large"
msgstr "Katta"
msgctxt "font size name"
msgid "Medium"
msgstr "O'rtacha"
msgctxt "font size name"
msgid "Small"
msgstr "Kichik"
msgctxt "font size name"
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normal"
msgid "media"
msgstr "media"
msgid "Double-check your settings before publishing."
msgstr "Chop etishdan avval sozlanmalaringizni qayta tekshirib oling."
msgid "Generating preview…"
msgstr "Oldindan ko'rish yuklanmoqda..."
msgid "Navigate to the nearest toolbar."
msgstr "Eng yaqin asboblar paneliga o'tish."
msgid "Resize for smaller devices"
msgstr "Kichkina qurilmalar uchun o'lchamlarni moslang."
msgid ""
"This embed may not preserve its aspect ratio when the browser is resized."
msgstr "Brauzer hajmi o'zgarganda, biriktirma miqyosi o'zgarishi mumkin."
msgid "This embed will preserve its aspect ratio when the browser is resized."
msgstr ""
"Brauzer hajmi o'zgarganda, biriktirma miqyosi o'z holida o'zgarmay qoladi."
msgid "Embed a video."
msgstr " videosini biriktirish."
msgid "Embed a VideoPress video."
msgstr "VideoPress videosini biriktirish."
msgid "Embed an Animoto video."
msgstr "Animoto videosini biriktirish."
msgid "Embed Flickr content."
msgstr "Flickr kontentini biriktirish."
msgid "Embed Spotify content."
msgstr "Spotify kontentini biriktirish."
msgid "Embed SoundCloud content."
msgstr "SoundCloud kontentini biriktirish."
msgid "Embed an Instagram post."
msgstr "Instagram postini biriktirish."
msgid "Embed a Facebook post."
msgstr "Facebook postini biriktirish."
msgid "Embed a WordPress post."
msgstr "WordPress maqolasini biriktirish"
msgid "Embed a TikTok video."
msgstr "TikTok videoni bikritirish."
msgid "Embed a Tumblr post."
msgstr "Tumblr postini biriktirish."
msgid "Embed a TED video."
msgstr "TED videosini biriktirish."
msgid "Embed Speaker Deck content."
msgstr "Speaker Deck kontentini biriktirish."
msgid "Embed SmugMug content."
msgstr "SmugMug kontentini biriktirish."
msgid "Embed Scribd content."
msgstr "Scribd kontentini biriktirish."
msgid "Embed Screencast content."
msgstr "Screencast kontentini biriktirish."
msgid "Embed ReverbNation content."
msgstr "ReverbNation kontentini biriktirish."
msgid "Embed a Reddit thread."
msgstr "Reddit postini biriktirish."
msgid "Embed a YouTube video."
msgstr "YouTube videosini biriktirish."
msgid "Embed Mixcloud content."
msgstr "Mixcloud kontentini biriktirish."
msgid "Embed Kickstarter content."
msgstr "Kickstarter kontentini biriktirish."
msgid "Embed Issuu content."
msgstr "Issuu kontentini biriktirish."
msgid "Embed Imgur content."
msgstr "Imgur kontentini biriktirish."
msgid "Embed a Dailymotion video."
msgstr "Dailymotion videosini biriktirish."
msgid "Embed CollegeHumor content."
msgstr "CollegeHumor kontentini biriktirish."
msgid "Embed Cloudup content."
msgstr "Cloudup kontentini biriktirish."
msgid "Display a list of all categories."
msgstr "Kategoriyalar ro'yxatini ko'rsatish."
msgid "Task List"
msgstr "Vazifalar ro'yxati"
msgid "Page published privately."
msgstr "Sahifa maxfiy tarzda chop etildi."
msgid "Whether the theme supports responsive embedded content."
msgstr ""
"Shablonda biriktirilgan moslashuvchan tarkib imkoniyati bor yoki yo'qligi."
msgid "Limit result set to themes assigned one or more statuses."
msgstr ""
"Bitta yoki ko'proq status belgilangan shablonlar natijada chiqishi "
msgid "Post formats supported."
msgstr "Maqola formatlarining mavjudligi."
msgid "Paste or type URL"
msgstr "URL yozing yoki nusxadan qo'ying"
msgid "Features supported by this theme."
msgstr "Bu shablonda mavjud imkoniyatlar."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to view themes."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga shablonlarni ko'rish uchun ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "Focus on one block at a time"
msgstr "Bir vaqtning o'zida bir blokka e'tibor qaratish."
msgid "Access all block and document tools in a single place."
msgstr "Barcha blok va dokument asboblariga bir joydan kirish"
msgid "Hours"
msgstr "Soat"
msgid "Media area"
msgstr "Media hududi"
msgid "Show media on right"
msgstr "Media o'ng tomonda"
msgid "Show media on left"
msgstr "Media chap tomonda"
msgid "Your work will be published at the specified date and time."
msgstr "Siz ko'rsatgan vaqt va sanada chop etiladi."
msgid "Are you ready to schedule?"
msgstr "Rejalashtirishga tayyormisiz?"
msgid "Always show pre-publish checks."
msgstr "Har doim chop etishdan oldingi tekshiruvlarni ko'rsatish."
msgid "This post is already being edited"
msgstr "Bu maqola allaqachon tahrirlanayapti."
msgid "Someone else has taken over this post"
msgstr "Kimdir bu maqola tahririni oldi."
msgid "This block can only be used once."
msgstr "Bu blokdan faqat bir marta foydalanish mumkin."
msgid "Exit code editor"
msgstr "Kod muharriridan chiqish"
msgid "Editing code"
msgstr "Kodni tahrirlash"
msgid "Resolve Block"
msgstr "Blokni hal qilish"
msgid "Convert to HTML"
msgstr "HTMLga aylantirish"
msgid "Write HTML…"
msgstr "HTML yozish..."
msgid "Overlay"
msgstr "Qoplama"
msgid "Export “%s” as JSON"
msgstr "“%s”ni JSON ko'rinishida eksport qilish"
msgid "Backtick"
msgstr "Tilda"
msgid "Comma"
msgstr "Vergul"
msgid "Change type of %d block"
msgid_plural "Change type of %d blocks"
msgstr[0] "%d blokning turini o'zgartirish"
msgid "After Conversion"
msgstr "O'zgartirishdan keyin"
msgid "current"
msgstr "Hozirgi"
msgid "Change text alignment"
msgstr "Matn tekislanishini o'gartirish"
msgid "escape"
msgstr "Bekor qilish"
msgid "Forward-slash"
msgstr "Oldinga og'gan slesh"
msgid "Export as JSON"
msgstr "JSON ko'rinishida eksport qilish"
msgid "No archives to show."
msgstr "Ko'rsatiladigan arxivlar yo'q."
msgid "Fullscreen mode"
msgstr "To'liq ekran holati"
msgid "JCB"
msgstr "JCB"
msgid "Close panel"
msgstr "Panelni yopish"
msgid "Row count"
msgstr "Qatorlar soni"
msgid "Column count"
msgstr "Ustunlar soni"
msgid "Convert to Classic Block"
msgstr "Klassik blokka aylantirish"
msgid "Change the block type after adding a new paragraph."
msgstr "Yangi paragraf qo'shgach, blok turini o'zgartirish."
msgid "Spotlight mode"
msgstr "Spotlayt holati"
msgid "No comments to show."
msgstr "Ko'rsatiladigan fikrlar yo'q."
msgid "Invalid type parameter."
msgstr "Tur parametri yaroqsiz."
msgid "Limit results to items of one or more object subtypes."
msgstr "Obyekt quyi turlariga oid narsalar natijada chiqishi ko'rsatilgan."
msgid "Limit results to items of an object type."
msgstr "Obyekt turidagi narsalar natijada chiqishi ko'rsatilgan."
msgid "Object subtype."
msgstr "Obyekt quyi turi."
msgid "Internal search handler error."
msgstr "Ichki qidiruv tizimida xatolik."
msgid "REST search handlers must extend the %s class."
msgstr "REST qidiruv tizimi %s klassini ishlatishi kerak."
msgid ""
"Tags help users and search engines navigate your site and find your content. "
"Add a few keywords to describe your post."
msgstr ""
"Kalit so'zlar yordamida foydalanuvchilar va qidiruv mashinalari "
"saytingizdagi maqolalarni topib olishadi. Maqolangizni tasvirlab bera "
"oladigan bir necha kalit so'zlarni yozing."
msgid "Apply the \"%1$s\" format."
msgstr "\"%1$s\" formatni qo'llash."
msgid ""
"Your theme uses post formats to highlight different kinds of content, like "
"images or videos. Apply a post format to see this special styling."
msgstr ""
"Shabloningiz rasm va video kabi ma'lumotlarni alohida ajratib ko'rsatadigan "
"maqola formatlaridan foydalanadi. Bu imkoniyatdan foydalanish uchun "
"maqolalarga maxsus formatlarni biriktiring."
msgid "Use a post format"
msgstr "Maqola formatini ishlatish"
msgid "Move %1$s block from position %2$d up to position %3$d"
msgstr "%2$d joylashuvdagi %1$s blokni %3$d joylashuvga ko'chirish"
msgid "Move %1$s block from position %2$d right to position %3$d"
msgstr "%1$s blokni %2$d joylashuvdan %3$d o'ng joylashuvga ko'chirish"
msgid "movie"
msgstr "kino"
msgid "Muted"
msgstr "Ovozi o'chirilgan"
msgid "Keep as HTML"
msgstr "HTML ko'rinishida qoldirish"
msgid "Reusable blocks"
msgstr "Qayta ishlatiladigan bloklar"
msgid "Number of comments"
msgstr "Fikrlar soni"
msgid "Display avatar"
msgstr "Avatarni ko'rsatish"
msgid "Edit URL"
msgstr "URL ni tahrirlash"
msgid "The response is not a valid JSON response."
msgstr "Javob yaroqli JSON ko'rinishidagi javob emas."
msgid "Editor publish"
msgstr "Chop etish muharriri"
msgid "Insert a new block before the selected block(s)."
msgstr "Tanlangan bloklardan oldin yangi blok kiritish."
msgid "Duplicate the selected block(s)."
msgstr "Tanlangan bloklarni nusxalash."
msgid "Block shortcuts"
msgstr "Blok qisqa tugmalari"
msgid "Move the selected block(s) up."
msgstr "Belgilangan bloklarni tepaga ko'chirish."
msgid "Select all text when typing. Press again to select all blocks."
msgstr ""
"Yozayotganda barcha matnni belgilang. Barcha bloklarni belgilash uchun yana "
"bir marta bosing."
msgid "Selection shortcuts"
msgstr "Belgilash qisqa tugmalari"
msgid "Switch between visual editor and code editor."
msgstr "Vizual muharrirdan Kod muharririga o'tish."
msgid "Navigate to the previous part of the editor."
msgstr "Muharrirning oldingi qismiga o'tish."
msgid "Navigate to the next part of the editor."
msgstr "Muharrirning keyingi qismiga o'tish."
msgid "Redo your last undo."
msgstr "Oxirgi bekor qilingan o'zgarishlarni qayta tiklash."
msgid "Undo your last changes."
msgstr "Oxirgi o'zgarishlarni bekor qilish."
msgid "Global shortcuts"
msgstr "Global qisqa yo'llar"
msgid "Remove a link."
msgstr "Linkni o'chirish."
msgid "Convert the selected text into a link."
msgstr "Tanlangan matnni linkka o'zgartirish."
msgid "Underline the selected text."
msgstr "Tanlangan matnning tagiga chizish."
msgid "Make the selected text italic."
msgstr "Tanlangan matnni egri yozuvga o'tkazish."
msgid "Make the selected text bold."
msgstr "Tanlangan matnni qalin yozuvga o'tkazish."
msgid "Text formatting"
msgstr "Matn formati"
msgid "Insert a new block after the selected block(s)."
msgstr "Tanlangan bloklardan so'ng yangi blok kiritish."
msgid "Editor top bar"
msgstr "Yuqori panel muharriri"
msgid "User email"
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi email"
msgid "Term name."
msgstr "Muddat nomi."
msgid "File name."
msgstr "Fayl nomi."
msgid "A unique identifier for the setting."
msgstr "Sozlamalar uchun noyob identifikator."
msgid "Complete"
msgstr "To'liq"
msgid "Inline image"
msgstr "Yozuv ichidagi rasm"
msgid "Cyan bluish gray"
msgstr "Ko'kimtir"
msgid "Vivid cyan blue"
msgstr "Juda ochiq ko'k"
msgid "Pale cyan blue"
msgstr "Ochiq ko'k"
msgid "Vivid green cyan"
msgstr "Ochiq yashil"
msgid "Light green cyan"
msgstr "Yorqin yashil"
msgid "Luminous vivid amber"
msgstr "Olmos rang"
msgid "Luminous vivid orange"
msgstr "Ochiq sariq"
msgid "Vivid red"
msgstr "Ochiq qizil"
msgid "Pale pink"
msgstr "Ochiq pushti"
msgid "Available block types"
msgstr "Mavjud blok turlari"
msgid "Transform to"
msgstr "Quyidagiga aylantirish:"
msgid "Open publish panel"
msgstr "Chop qilish panelini yoqish"
msgid "Show download button"
msgstr "Yuklash tugmasini ko'rsating."
msgid "document"
msgstr "dokument"
msgid "Copy URL"
msgstr "Linkdan nusxa olish"
msgid "Write file name…"
msgstr "Fayl nomini yozing..."
msgid "Playback controls"
msgstr "Media boshqaruvi"
msgid "WordPress Version"
msgstr "WordPress versiyasi"
msgid ""
"Edit or view your Privacy Policy "
"page content."
msgstr ""
"Shaxsiylik siyosagi sahifasini tahrirlash yoki ko'rish."
msgid "[%1$s] Action Confirmed: %2$s"
msgstr "[%1$s] Harakat tasdiqlandi: %2$s"
msgid "Gutenberg"
msgstr "Gutenberg"
msgid "Saratov"
msgstr "Saratov"
msgid "Yangon"
msgstr "Yangon"
msgid "Famagusta"
msgstr "Famagusta"
msgid "Atyrau"
msgstr "Atyrau"
msgid "Punta Arenas"
msgstr "Punta Arenas"
msgid "The current user can create terms in the %s taxonomy."
msgstr "Joriy foydalanuvchi %s taksonomiyasida bo'lim yarata oladi."
msgid "The current user can assign terms in the %s taxonomy."
msgstr "Joriy foydalanuvchi %s taksonomiyasida bo'lim tayinlay oladi."
msgid "Hello %s,"
msgstr "Salom %s,"
msgid "Product image"
msgstr "Mahsulot tasviri"
msgid "Error while uploading file %s to the media library."
msgstr "%s ni media kutubxonaga yuklashda xatolik sodir bo'ldi."
msgctxt "term"
msgid "Remove %s"
msgstr "%s o'chirish"
msgctxt "term"
msgid "%s removed"
msgstr "%s o'chirildi"
msgctxt "term"
msgid "%s added"
msgstr "%s qo'shildi"
msgctxt "imperative verb"
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Oldindan ko'rish"
msgid "Trashing failed"
msgstr "O'chirish muvaffaqiyatsiz yakunlandi"
msgid "View the autosave"
msgstr "Avtosaqlanmani ko'rish"
msgid ""
"There is an autosave of this post that is more recent than the version below."
msgstr "Bu versiyadan yangiroq bo'lgan avtosaqlanma mavjud."
msgid "Scheduling failed."
msgstr "Rejalashtirish muvaffaqiyatsiz yakunlandi"
msgid "Publishing failed."
msgstr "Chop etish muvaffaqiyatsiz yakunlandi"
msgid "HTML anchor"
msgstr "HTML langar"
msgid "You have unsaved changes. If you proceed, they will be lost."
msgstr "Sizda saqlanmagan o'zgarishlar bor. Davom etsangiz ular yo'qotiladi."
msgid "Post published privately."
msgstr "Maqola maxfiy tarzda chop etildi."
msgid "Reset the template"
msgstr "Andozani asl holatiga qaytarish"
msgid "Keep it as is"
msgstr "Aslicha qoldirish"
msgid ""
"The content of your post doesn’t match the template assigned to your post "
msgstr "Maqolangiz ma'lumotlari unga biriktirilgan andozaga mos emas."
msgid ""
"Resetting the template may result in loss of content, do you want to "
msgstr ""
"Andozani asl holatiga qaytarish ma'lumotlarning o'chib ketishiga sabab "
"bo'lishi mumkin. Davom etamizmi?"
msgid "Document Outline"
msgstr "Dokument chigisi"
msgid "Paragraphs"
msgstr "Paragraflar"
msgid "Document Statistics"
msgstr "Dokument statistikasi"
msgid "Skip to the selected block"
msgstr "Tanlangan blokka sakrab o'tish"
msgid "Only visible to site admins and editors."
msgstr "Faqat administratorlar va muharrirlargagina ko'rinadi."
msgid "Visible to everyone."
msgstr "Hammaga ko'rinadi."
msgid "Use a secure password"
msgstr "Xavfsiz paroldan foydalaning"
msgid "Would you like to privately publish this post now?"
msgstr "Maqolani shaxsiy holatda chop etmoqchimisiz?"
msgid "Parent Term"
msgstr "Ota termin"
msgid "Switch to draft"
msgstr "Qoralamaga o'tish"
msgid "Immediately"
msgstr "Darhol"
msgid "Autosaving"
msgstr "Avtosaqlanmoqda"
msgid "Publish:"
msgstr "Chop etish:"
msgid ""
"When you’re ready, submit your work for review, and an Editor will be able "
"to approve it for you."
msgstr ""
"Tayyor bo'lganingizdan so'ng ishingizni Muharrirga ko'rib chiqish uchun "
"yuboring. Shundan so'ng u ishni tasdiqlashi mumkin."
msgid "Are you ready to submit for review?"
msgstr "Ko'rib chiqish uchun yuborishga tayyormisiz?"
msgid "Are you ready to publish?"
msgstr "Chop etishga tayyormisiz?"
msgid "What’s next?"
msgstr "Yana nima?"
msgid "is now live."
msgstr "hozir amalda."
msgid "is now scheduled. It will go live on"
msgstr "rejalashtirildi. Quyidagi vaqtda amalda bo'ladi:"
msgid "Replace image"
msgstr "Rasmni almashtirish"
msgid "Learn more about manual excerpts"
msgstr "Qo'lda yozilgan parchalar haqida ko'proq o'rganing"
msgid "Write an excerpt (optional)"
msgstr "Parcha yozing (ixtiyoriy)"
msgid "Copy Error"
msgstr "Xatolikdan nusxa olish"
msgid "Attempt recovery"
msgstr "Tiklashga urinish"
msgid "(Multiple H1 headings are not recommended)"
msgstr "(Bir nechta H1 sarlavhalar tavsiya etilmaydi)"
msgid "(Your theme may already use a H1 for the post title)"
msgstr ""
"(Shabloningizda maqola sarlavhasi uchun H1 allaqachon ishlatilayotgan "
"bo'lishi mumkin)"
msgid "(Incorrect heading level)"
msgstr "(Sarlavha darajasi noto'g'ri)"
msgid "(Empty heading)"
msgstr "(Bo'sh sarlavha)"
msgid "Add block"
msgstr "Blok qo'shish"
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Nusxalash"
msgid "Edit visually"
msgstr "Ko'rib turib tahrirlash"
msgid "Blocks cannot be moved down as they are already at the bottom"
msgstr "Bloklarni pastga tushirib bo'lmaydi chunki ular eng pastda turibdi"
msgid "Blocks cannot be moved up as they are already at the top"
msgstr "Bloklarni tepaga chiqarib bo'lmaydi chunki ular eng tepada turibdi"
msgid "Block %1$s is at the beginning of the content and can’t be moved right"
msgstr ""
"%1$s blok eng birinchi bo'lib turibdi, shuning uchun tepaga chiqarilmaydi"
msgid "Block %1$s is at the end of the content and can’t be moved right"
msgstr "%1$s blok eng oxirida turibdi, shuning uchun pastga ko'chirilmaydi."
msgid "Block %s is the only block, and cannot be moved"
msgstr "%s yagona blok bo'lganligi uchun ko'chirilmaydi"
msgid "Edit as HTML"
msgstr "HTML sifatida tahrirlash"
msgid "Convert to Blocks"
msgstr "Bloklarga aylantirish"
msgid "Code editor selected"
msgstr "Kod muharriri tanlandi"
msgid "Visual editor selected"
msgstr "Vizual muharrir tanlandi"
msgid "Block: %s"
msgstr "Blok: %s"
msgid "This block has encountered an error and cannot be previewed."
msgstr "Bu blokda xato topildi va oldindan ko'rishning imkoni yo'q."
msgid "Coming Soon"
msgstr "Tez kunda"
msgid "Wide width"
msgstr "Keng en"
msgid "No block selected."
msgstr "Blok belgilanmagan."
msgid "Find original"
msgstr "Asl nusxani topish"
msgid "Select or Upload Media"
msgstr "Media yuklang yoki tanlang"
msgid "Editor settings"
msgstr "Muharrir sozlanmalari"
msgid "Document"
msgstr "Dokument"
msgid "Document settings"
msgstr "Dokument sozlanmalari"
msgid "Status & visibility"
msgstr "Holat va ko'rinish"
msgid "Pin to toolbar"
msgstr "Uskunalar paneliga biriktirish"
msgid "Unpin from toolbar"
msgstr "Uskunalar panelidan olib tashlash"
msgid "Close plugin"
msgstr "Plaginni yopish"
msgid "Code editor"
msgstr "Kod muharriri"
msgid "poetry"
msgstr "she'riyat"
msgid "New Column"
msgstr "Yangi ustun"
msgid "Edit table"
msgstr "Jadvalni tahrirlash"
msgid "Fixed width table cells"
msgstr "O'zgarmas enli jadval kataklari"
msgid "Write shortcode here…"
msgstr "Shortkodni shu yerga yozing..."
msgid "Separator"
msgstr "Ajratuvchi"
msgid "Write preformatted text…"
msgstr "Formatlangan matn yozish..."
msgid "Toggle to show a large initial letter."
msgstr "Katta boshlang'ich harfni ko'rsatishga o'tish."
msgid "Showing large initial letter."
msgstr "Birinchi shartni katta qilib ko'rsatish."
msgid "Indent list item"
msgstr "Ro'yxat qisminiga joy ajratish"
msgid "Outdent list item"
msgstr "Ro'yxat qisminidan joyni olish"
msgid "Convert to ordered list"
msgstr "Raqamli ro'yxatga aylantirish"
msgid "Convert to unordered list"
msgstr "Raqamsiz ro'yxatga aylantirish"
msgid "photo"
msgstr "rasm"
msgid "Heading %d"
msgstr "Sarlavha %d"
msgid "Text alignment"
msgstr "Matn tekislanishi"
msgid "Level"
msgstr "Daraja"
msgid "Upload an image"
msgstr "Rasmni yuklash"
msgid "Classic"
msgstr "Klassik"
msgid "music"
msgstr "musiqa"
msgid "Embedded content from %s"
msgstr "%s dan biriktirilgan kontent."
msgid "Enter URL to embed here…"
msgstr "Bu yerga biriktirish uchun URLni kiriting..."
msgid "%s URL"
msgstr "%s URL"
msgid "Write title…"
msgstr "Sarlavha yozish..."
msgid "Edit image"
msgstr "Rasmni tahrirlash"
msgid "Fixed background"
msgstr "Harakatsiz orqa fon"
msgid "Write code…"
msgstr "Kod yozing..."
msgid "Add text…"
msgstr "Matn qo'shing..."
msgid "Block has been deleted or is unavailable."
msgstr "Blok o'chirilgan yoki ishlatib bo'lmaydi."
msgid "Error loading block: %s"
msgstr "Blokni yuklashda xatolik: %s"
msgid "Number of items"
msgstr "Narsalar soni"
msgid "Z → A"
msgstr "Alifbo bo'yicha Ya → A"
msgid "A → Z"
msgstr "Alifbo bo'yicha A → Ya"
msgid "Oldest to newest"
msgstr "Eskidan yangiga"
msgid "Newest to oldest"
msgstr "Yangidan eskiga"
msgid "Dismiss this notice"
msgstr "Eslatmani o'chirish"
msgid "Remove item"
msgstr "O'chirish"
msgid "Item removed."
msgstr "O'chirildi."
msgid "Color: %s"
msgstr "Rang: %s"
msgid "Color code: %s"
msgstr "Rang kodi: %s"
msgid "Custom color picker."
msgstr "Rang tanlagich"
msgid "No results."
msgstr "Natija yo'q."
msgid "%d result found, use up and down arrow keys to navigate."
msgid_plural "%d results found, use up and down arrow keys to navigate."
msgstr[0] ""
"%d natija topildi, tepaga va pastga tugmalari bilan yo'nalishni boshqaring."
msgid "Every %s"
msgstr "Har %s"
msgid "Privacy Policy page updated successfully."
msgstr "Shaxsiylik siyosati sahifasi muvaffaqiyatli yangilandi."
msgid ""
"The suggested privacy policy content should be added by using the %s (or "
"later) action. Please see the inline documentation."
msgstr ""
"Taklif etilgan shaxsiylik siyosati ma'lumotlari %s buyrug'i orqali (yoki "
"keyinroq) qo'shilishi lozim. Iltimos, dokumentatsiyani o'qing."
msgid ""
"The suggested privacy policy content should be added only in wp-admin by "
"using the %s (or later) action."
msgstr ""
"Taklif etilgan shaxsiylik siyosati ma'lumotlari %s buyrug'i orqali (yoki "
"keyinroq) faqatgina wp-adminda qo'shilishi lozim."
msgid "Preview link for the post."
msgstr "Maqolani oldindan ko'rish linki."
msgid "There is no autosave revision for this post."
msgstr "Bu maqolaga birorta ham avtosaqlash yo'q."
msgid "Link text"
msgstr "Havola matni"
msgid "The current user can change the author on this post."
msgstr "Joriy foydalanuvchi ushbu maqola muallifini o'zgartira oladi."
msgid "The current user can sticky this post."
msgstr "Joriy foydalanuvchi ushbu maqolani yopishqoq qila oladi."
msgid "The current user can publish this post."
msgstr "Joriy foydalanuvchi ushbu maqolani chop eta oladi."
msgid "Whether to show the taxonomy in the quick/bulk edit panel."
msgstr "Yoppasiga tahrirlash panelida taksonomiyani ko'rsatish yoki yashirish."
msgid ""
"Whether to make the taxonomy available for selection in navigation menus."
msgstr "Boshqaruv menyularida taksonomiyani ko'rsatish yoki yashirish."
msgid ""
"Whether to allow automatic creation of taxonomy columns on associated post-"
"types table."
msgstr ""
"Ta'luqli post turi jadvalida taksonomiya ustunini avtomatik yaratishga "
"ruxsat berish yoki ta'qiqlash."
msgid "Whether to generate a default UI for managing this taxonomy."
msgstr "Bu taksonomiyani boshqarish uchun maxsus UI yaratish yoki yaratmaslik."
msgid "Whether the taxonomy is publicly queryable."
msgstr "Taksonomiya omma uchun ko'rinadigan bo'lishi."
msgid ""
"Whether a taxonomy is intended for use publicly either via the admin "
"interface or by front-end users."
msgstr ""
"Taksonomiya foydalanuvchilar tomonidan saytning old yoki orqa qismida "
"ommaviy ishlatilishi."
msgid "Add title"
msgstr "Sarlavha qo'shing"
msgid "The visibility settings for the taxonomy."
msgstr "Taksonomiyaning ko'rinish sozlanmalari."
msgid "Embed Handler"
msgstr "Biriktirish boshqaruvi"
msgid "The rendered block."
msgstr "O'qilgan blok."
msgid "Invalid block."
msgstr "Yaroqsiz blok."
msgid "ID of the post context."
msgstr "Maqola tarkibining ID raqami."
msgid "Unique registered name for the block."
msgstr "Ushbu blok uchun ro'yxatga olingan betakror nom"
msgid "Block type \"%s\" is not registered."
msgstr "%s blok turi ro'yxatga olinmagan."
msgid "Block type \"%s\" is already registered."
msgstr "%s blok turi ro'yxatga olingan."
msgid ""
"Block type names must contain a namespace prefix. Example: my-plugin/my-"
msgstr ""
"Blok turi nomlarida namespace prefiksi bo'lishi kerak. Masalan: mening-"
msgid "Block type names must not contain uppercase characters."
msgstr "Blok turi nomlarida katta harflar bo'lmasligi kerak."
msgid "Classic Editor"
msgstr "Klassik muharrir"
msgid "Block type names must be strings."
msgstr "Blok turi nomlari yozuv turida bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "Browse Extensions"
msgstr "Kengaytmalarni ko'rib chiqing"
msgid "Cover Image"
msgstr "Qoplama rasmi"
msgid "privacy-policy"
msgstr "shaxsiylik-siyosati"
msgid "Comment Author"
msgstr "Fikr muallifi"
msgid ""
"Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment."
msgstr ""
"Keyingi marta fikr bildirishim uchun bu brauzerda mening ismim, email va "
"saytim manzili saqlansin."
msgid "Comment %d contains personal data but could not be anonymized."
msgstr ""
"%d ID raqamli fikrda shaxsiy ma'lumot bor, ammo anonimlashtirishning imkoni "
msgid "Comment URL"
msgstr "Fikr URL manzili"
msgid "Comment Content"
msgstr "Fikr matni"
msgid "Comment Date"
msgstr "Fikr sanasi"
msgid "Comment Author User Agent"
msgstr "Fikr muallifi brauzeri"
msgid "Comment Author URL"
msgstr "Fikr muallifi URL manzili"
msgid "Comment Author Email"
msgstr "Fikr muallifi email manzili"
msgid "WordPress Comments"
msgstr "WordPress fikrlari"
msgid "WordPress Media"
msgstr "WordPress media"
msgid "There are no pages."
msgstr "Sahifalar mavjud emas."
msgid "Privacy Policy Guide"
msgstr "Shaxsiy ma'lumotlar yo'riqnomasi"
msgctxt "media items"
msgid "Mine"
msgstr "Meniki"
msgid "A valid email address must be given."
msgstr "Yaroqli email manzil yozilishi kerak."
msgid "Confirmed"
msgstr "Tasdiqlandi"
msgctxt "request status"
msgid "Completed"
msgstr "Tugatilgan"
msgctxt "request status"
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "Muvaffaqiyatsiz"
msgid "User Request"
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi so'rovi"
msgid "User Requests"
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi so'rovlari"
msgctxt "request status"
msgid "Confirmed"
msgstr "Tasdiqlangan"
msgctxt "request status"
msgid "Pending"
msgstr "Kutilmoqda"
msgid "This content was deleted by the author."
msgstr "Ma'lumot muallif tomonidan o'chirilgan."
msgid "[deleted]"
msgstr "[o'chirilgan]"
msgid ""
"The suggested privacy policy text has changed. Please review "
"the guide and update your privacy policy."
msgstr ""
"Taklif qilingan shaxsiylik siyosati matni o'zgardi. Iltimos, mana bu yo'riqnomani ko'rib chiqing va shaxsiylik siyosatingizni "
msgid "[%1$s] Confirm Action: %2$s"
msgstr "[%1$s] Harakatni tasdiqlang: %2$s"
msgid ""
"A request has been made to perform the following action on your account:\n"
" ###DESCRIPTION###\n"
"To confirm this, please click on the following link:\n"
"You can safely ignore and delete this email if you do not want to\n"
"take this action.\n"
"All at ###SITENAME###\n"
msgstr ""
"A'zoligingizda quyidagi o'zgarishlar kiritilishi so'ralgan:\n"
" ###DESCRIPTION###\n"
"O'zgarishlarni tasdiqlash uchun quyidagi linkni bosing:\n"
"Agar o'zgarishlar saqlanishini xohlmasangiz, ushbu xabar o'chiring.\n"
"Xurmat bilan,\n"
"###SITENAME### jamoasi\n"
msgid "Confirm the \"%s\" action"
msgstr "\"%s\" harakatini tasdiqlang."
msgid ""
"The site administrator has been notified. You will receive an email "
"confirmation when they erase your data."
msgstr ""
"Sayt administratoriga xabar berildi. Shaxsiy ma'lumotlaringiz o'chirilgan "
"vaqtda email orqali tasdiqlash xabarini olasiz."
msgid "Invalid action name."
msgstr "Yaroqsiz harakat nomi."
msgid "Thanks for confirming your erasure request."
msgstr "O'chirish so'rovini tasdiqlaganingiz uchun rahmat."
msgid ""
"The site administrator has been notified. You will receive a link to "
"download your export via email when they fulfill your request."
msgstr ""
"Sayt administratoriga xabar berildi. So'rovingiz amalga oshirilganda "
"eksportingizni yuklab olish uchun linkni email orqali qabul qilasiz."
msgid "Thanks for confirming your export request."
msgstr "Eksport qilish so'rovini tasdiqlaganingiz uchun rahmat."
msgid ""
"The site administrator has been notified and will fulfill your request as "
"soon as possible."
msgstr ""
"Sayt administratoriga xabar berildi va so'rovingiz imkon boricha tez "
msgid ""
"Your request to erase your personal data on ###SITENAME### has been "
"If you have any follow-up questions or concerns, please contact the site "
"For more information, you can also read our privacy policy: "
"All at ###SITENAME###\n"
msgstr ""
"Sizning ###SITENAME### saytidagi shaxsiy ma'lumotlarni o'chirish so'rovingiz "
"Agar qo'shimcha ma'lumot olmoqchi bo'lsangiz, yoki savollaringiz bo'lsa, "
"sayt administratoriga murojaat qilishingiz mumkin.\n"
"Batafsil ma'lumot uchun shaxsiylikni ta'minlashga oid qoidalarimizni "
"o'qishingiz mumkin: ###PRIVACY_POLICY_URL###\n"
"Xurmat bilan,\n"
"###SITENAME### ma'muriyati\n"
msgid "Action has been confirmed."
msgstr "Harakat tasdiqlandi."
msgid ""
"Your request to erase your personal data on ###SITENAME### has been "
"If you have any follow-up questions or concerns, please contact the site "
"All at ###SITENAME###\n"
msgstr ""
"Sizning ###SITENAME### saytidagi shaxsiy ma'lumotlarni o'chriish so'rovingiz "
"Agar qo'shimcha savollaringiz bo'lsa sayt administratoriga murojaat "
"qilishingiz mumkin.\n"
"Xurmat bilan,\n"
"###SITENAME### ma'muriyati\n"
msgid "[%s] Erasure Request Fulfilled"
msgstr "[%s] O'chirish so'rovi qanoatlantirildi"
msgid ""
"A user data privacy request has been confirmed on ###SITENAME###:\n"
"User: ###USER_EMAIL###\n"
"Request: ###DESCRIPTION###\n"
"You can view and manage these data privacy requests here:\n"
"All at ###SITENAME###\n"
msgstr ""
"###SITENAME### saytidagi foydalanuvchi ma'lumoti shaxsiyligi so'rovi "
"Foydalanuvchi: ###USER_EMAIL###\n"
"So'rov: ###DESCRIPTION###\n"
"Bu ma'lumot shaxsiyligi so'rovlarini quyida ko'rishingiz va boshqarishingiz "
"Xurmat bilan,\n"
"###SITENAME### ma'muriyati\n"
msgid "User Last Name"
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi familiyasi"
msgid "User First Name"
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi ismi"
msgid "User Nickname"
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi laqabi"
msgid "User Display Name"
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi ko'rsatiladigan ismi"
msgid "User Registration Date"
msgstr "Ro'yxatdan o'tgan sana"
msgid "User URL"
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi URL"
msgid "User Email"
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi email manzili"
msgid "User Nice Name"
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi ismi"
msgid "User Login Name"
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi logini"
msgid "User ID"
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi ID raqami"
msgid "Squarespace"
msgstr "Kvadratlar"
msgid "Erasing data..."
msgstr "Ma'lumot o'chirilmoqda..."
msgid "Force erase personal data"
msgstr "Shaxsiy ma'lumotni kuch ishlatib o'chirish"
msgid "Add Data Erasure Request"
msgstr "Ma'lumot o'chirishga so'rov qo'shish"
msgid "Email could not be sent."
msgstr "Email jo'natilmadi."
msgid "Email sent."
msgstr "Email yuborildi."
msgid "Sending email..."
msgstr "Email yuborilmoqda..."
msgid "Download personal data again"
msgstr "Shaxsiy ma'lumotni yana yuklab oling"
msgid "Waiting for confirmation"
msgstr "Tasdiqlash kutilmoqda"
msgid "Downloading data..."
msgstr "Ma'lumot yuklanmoqda..."
msgid "Download personal data"
msgstr "Shaxsiy ma'lumotni yuklash"
msgid "Resend email"
msgstr "Email xabarni qayta yuborish"
msgid "Requested"
msgstr "So'rov yuborildi"
msgid "Requester"
msgstr "So'rovchi"
msgid "Erase Personal Data"
msgstr "Shaxsiy ma'lumotni o'chirish"
msgid "Search Requests"
msgstr "Qidiruv so'rovlari"
msgid "Send Request"
msgstr "So'rovni yuborish"
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to erase personal data on this site."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, bu saytda shaxsiy ma'lumotlarni o'chira olmaysiz."
msgid "Export Personal Data"
msgstr "Shaxsiy ma'lumot eksporti"
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to export personal data on this site."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, bu saytda shaxsiy ma'lumotlarni eksport qila olmaysiz."
msgid "Add Data Export Request"
msgstr "Ma'lumotni eksport qilish so'rovini qo'shish"
msgid "Confirmation request initiated successfully."
msgstr "Tasdiqlov so'rovi muvaffaqiyatli boshlandi."
msgid ""
"Unable to add this request. A valid email address or username must be "
msgstr ""
"So'rovni qo'shib bo'lmadi. Yaroqli email manzil yoki foydalanuvchi ismi "
"yozilishi shart."
msgid "Confirmation request sent again successfully."
msgstr "Tasdiqlash so'rovi yana muvaffaqiyatli jo'natildi."
msgid "Unable to initiate confirmation request."
msgstr "Tasdiqlash so'rovini boshlashning imkoni bo'lmadi."
msgid ""
"If you are a member of a regulated industry, or if you are subject to "
"additional privacy laws, you may be required to disclose that information "
msgstr ""
"Agar tadbirkorlik bilan shug'ullansangiz yoki qo'shimcha shaxsiylik "
"qonunlariga aloqador faoliyatga ega bo'lsangiz, ma'lumotni bu yerda "
"yozishingiz majburiy bo'lishi mumkin."
msgid "Industry regulatory disclosure requirements"
msgstr "Tadbirkorlik masalalariga oid talablar"
msgid ""
"If your website provides a service which includes automated decision making "
"- for example, allowing customers to apply for credit, or aggregating their "
"data into an advertising profile - you must note that this is taking place, "
"and include information about how that information is used, what decisions "
"are made with that aggregated data, and what rights users have over "
"decisions made without human intervention."
msgstr ""
"Agar saytingiz orqali kiritiladigan foydalanuvchi ma'lumotlari kredit olish "
"yoki shaxsiy ma'lumotlarning rekalma maqsadlarida foydalanilishi kabi "
"sohalarda ishlatilsa, foydalanuvchining bu ma'lumotlarni taqdim etishdagi "
"mas'uliyati, huquqlari va imkoniyatlari haqida batafsil yozib o'ting."
msgid "What automated decision making and/or profiling we do with user data"
msgstr "Foydalanuvchilarimiz ma'lumotlarini qaysi yo'nalishlarda ishlatamiz"
msgid ""
"If your website receives data about users from third parties, including "
"advertisers, this information must be included within the section of your "
"privacy policy dealing with third party data."
msgstr ""
"Agar saytingizga foydalanuvchilar haqidagi ma'lumot uchinchi tomonlardan "
"olinsa, olinayotgan ma'lumotlardagi shaxsiylik siyosati haqida yozib o'ting."
msgid "What third parties we receive data from"
msgstr "Biz qaysi uchunchi tomonlardan ma'lumot olamiz"
msgid ""
"In this section you should explain what procedures you have in place to deal "
"with data breaches, either potential or real, such as internal reporting "
"systems, contact mechanisms, or bug bounties."
msgstr ""
"Bu bo'limda shaxsiy ma'lumot texnik xatoliklar oqibatida yo'qotilsa, "
"ehtiyotsizlik natijasida shaxsiylik siyosati qoidalariga zid ravishda "
"ishlatilsa qanday choralar ko'rilishi haqida yozing."
msgid "What data breach procedures we have in place"
msgstr "Shaxsiy ma'lumotga oid xatoliklar sodir bo'lganda nima qilamiz"
msgid ""
"In this section you should explain what measures you have taken to protect "
"your users’ data. This could include technical measures such as "
"encryption; security measures such as two factor authentication; and "
"measures such as staff training in data protection. If you have carried out "
"a Privacy Impact Assessment, you can mention it here too."
msgstr ""
"Bu bo'lida foydalanuvchining ma'lumotlarini ishonchli saqlash uchun nimalar "
"qilishingiz haqida yozing. Himoya vositalari sifatida ma'lumotlarni "
"shfrlash, ikki qadamli tasdiqlashdan foydalanish yoki hodimlarning shaxsiy "
"ma'lumot bilan ishlashdagi tayyorgarliklari haqida yozishingiz mumkin. Agar "
"shaxsiy ma'lumotlarni saqlashga oid maxsus qarorlar qabul qilsan bo'lsangiz, "
"u haqida shu yerda yozishingiz mumkin."
msgid "How we protect your data"
msgstr "Biz ma'lumotlaringizni qanday himoyalaymiz"
msgid ""
"If you use your site for commercial purposes and you engage in more complex "
"collection or processing of personal data, you should note the following "
"information in your privacy policy in addition to the information we have "
"already discussed."
msgstr ""
"Agar saytingizdan tijorat maqsadlarida foydalansangiz va shaxsiy ma'lumotlar "
"bilan ishlash yanayam murakkabroq tus olgan bo'lsa, avvalroq aytib o'tilgan "
"qoidalarga qo'shimcha ravishda shaxsiylik siyosatining yana boshqa "
"jihatlarini bu yerda yozishingiz mumkin."
msgid "Additional information"
msgstr "Qo'shimcha ma'lumot"
msgid ""
"In this section you should provide a contact method for privacy-specific "
"concerns. If you are required to have a Data Protection Officer, list their "
"name and full contact details here as well."
msgstr ""
"Bu yerda shaxsiy ma'lumotlardan hovotir olgan foydalanuvchilar siz bilan "
"qanday bog'lanishi mumkinligi haqida ma'lumot qoldirishingiz kerak. Agar "
"shaxsiy ma'lumotlar bilan alohida tashkilot yoki shaxs shug'ullansa, "
"ularning to'liq manzili va bog'lanish ma'lumotlarini yozing."
msgid ""
"Visitor comments may be checked through an automated spam detection service."
msgstr ""
"Foydalanuvchi fikrlari avtomatik spam aniqlash xizmati orqali tekshirilishi "
msgid ""
"European data protection law requires data about European residents which is "
"transferred outside the European Union to be safeguarded to the same "
"standards as if the data was in Europe. So in addition to listing where data "
"goes, you should describe how you ensure that these standards are met either "
"by yourself or by your third party providers, whether that is through an "
"agreement such as Privacy Shield, model clauses in your contracts, or "
"binding corporate rules."
msgstr ""
"Yevropaga ta'luqli ma'lumotlar Yevropadan tashqariga yuborilganda ham huddi "
"ma'lumot Yevropada bo'lganidek munosabat qilinishi belgilab qo'yilgan. "
"Saytingizda ishlatiladigan, yig'iladigan ma'lumotlar ham shu kabi qoidalarga "
"bo'ysunsa, ular haqida yozing."
msgid ""
"In this section you should list all transfers of your site data outside the "
"European Union and describe the means by which that data is safeguarded to "
"European data protection standards. This could include your web hosting, "
"cloud storage, or other third party services."
msgstr ""
"Saytingizda yig'iladigan yoki ishlatiladigan ma'lumotlar Yevropadan "
"tashqarida bo'lsa va Yevropadan olingan shaxsiy ma'lumotlarga oid qonunlarga "
"bo'ysunsa, ular haqida batafsil yozing."
msgid ""
"If you have an account on this site, or have left comments, you can request "
"to receive an exported file of the personal data we hold about you, "
"including any data you have provided to us. You can also request that we "
"erase any personal data we hold about you. This does not include any data we "
"are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes."
msgstr ""
"Agar ushbu saytda a'zoligingiz bo'lsa yoki saytda fikr bildirgan bo'lsangiz, "
"siz haqingizda qaysi ma'lumotlarni saqlashimiz haqida bilishni istasangiz "
"shaxsiy ma'lumotlaringizni eksport qilib ko'rishingiz mumkin. Bundan "
"tashqari shaxsiy ma'lumotlaringizni o'chirishni talab qilish huquqiga ham "
"egasiz. O'chiriladigan ma'lumotlarga biz saqlab qolishimiz mumkin bo'lgan, "
"boshqaruv uchun zarur, qonuniy yoki xavfsizlikka oid ma'lumotlar kirmaydi."
msgid ""
"In this section you should explain what rights your users have over their "
"data and how they can invoke those rights."
msgstr ""
"Bu bo'limda foydalanuvchilaringiz o'z ma'lumotlarini qanday boshqarishlari, "
"qanday huquqlarga ega ekanligilari haqida yozing."
msgid "What rights you have over your data"
msgstr "Ma'lumotlaringizga oid qanday huquqlaringiz bor"
msgid ""
"For users that register on our website (if any), we also store the personal "
"information they provide in their user profile. All users can see, edit, or "
"delete their personal information at any time (except they cannot change "
"their username). Website administrators can also see and edit that "
msgstr ""
"Saytimizga a'zo bo'lgan foydalanuvchilardan o'z profillarida ko'rishlari "
"mumkin bo'lgan shaxsiy ma'lumotlarni yig'amiz. Barcha foydalanuvchilar "
"o'zlari haqidagi ma'lumotlarni ko'rishlari, o'zgartirishlari va istalgan "
"vaqtda o'chirishlari mumkin. Faqat login (foydalanuvchi ismi) o'zgarishsiz "
"saqlanadi. Sayt administratorlari ham bu ma'lumotlarni ko'rishlari va "
"o'zgartirishlari mumkin."
msgid ""
"If you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata are retained "
"indefinitely. This is so we can recognize and approve any follow-up comments "
"automatically instead of holding them in a moderation queue."
msgstr ""
"Fikr bildirganingizda fikr matni va unga qo'shilgan ba'zi ma'lumotlar "
"albatta saqlab qolinadi. Bu bizga kelajakdagi fikrlaringizni tanib olish va "
"ushlab qolmasdan avtomatik tarzda tasdiqlashimiz uchun kerak bo'ladi."
msgid ""
"In this section you should explain how long you retain personal data "
"collected or processed by the website. While it is your responsibility to "
"come up with the schedule of how long you keep each dataset for and why you "
"keep it, that information does need to be listed here. For example, you may "
"want to say that you keep contact form entries for six months, analytics "
"records for a year, and customer purchase records for ten years."
msgstr ""
"Bu qismda saqlab qolingan ma'lumotni qancha vaqtgacha ushlab turishingiz "
"yoki saytda ishlatishingizni yozishingiz kerak. Ma'lumotni qancha vaqt "
"saqlash yoki ishlatish faqat o'zingizga bog'liq bo'lishiga qaramasdan, bu "
"turdagi ma'lumotni ushbu joyda yozishingiz kerak bo'ladi. Masalan, "
"bog'lanish ma'lumotlarini olti oygacha, analiz ma'lumotlarini bir yilgacha, "
"savdolar haqidagi ma'lumotlarni esa o'n yilgacha saqlab turishingizni ma'lum "
"qilishingiz mumkin."
msgid "How long we retain your data"
msgstr "Ma'lumotlaringiz qancha vaqt saqlanadi"
msgid "By default WordPress does not share any personal data with anyone."
msgstr ""
"Aslida WordPress shaxsiy ma'lumotlarni hech qachon hech kim bilan "
msgid ""
"In this section you should name and list all third party providers with whom "
"you share site data, including partners, cloud-based services, payment "
"processors, and third party service providers, and note what data you share "
"with them and why. Link to their own privacy policies if possible."
msgstr ""
"Bu bo'limda shaxsiy ma'lumotlarni kimlar bilan bo'lishishingiz haqida "
"yozing. Kimlar bilan bo'lishsangiz, ular ma'lumotlarni qanday usulda "
"ishlatishi haqida yozib o'ting."
msgid "Who we share your data with"
msgstr "Ma'lumotlaringiz kimlar bilan bo'lishiladi"
msgid ""
"By default WordPress does not collect any analytics data. However, many web "
"hosting accounts collect some anonymous analytics data. You may also have "
"installed a WordPress plugin that provides analytics services. In that case, "
"add information from that plugin here."
msgstr ""
"Aslida WordPress anazli uchun hech qanday ma'lumot yig'maydi. Ammo "
"ko'pchilik hosting provayderlar o'z foydalanuvchilaridan anonim analiz "
"ma'lumotlarini yig'ishadi. Analiz ma'lumotlarini yig'adigan WordPress "
"plaginini o'rnatgan bo'lishingiz ham mumkin. Shunday holatda bu kabi "
"ma'lumotlarni shu yerda yozishingiz kerak."
msgid ""
"In this subsection you should note what analytics package you use, how users "
"can opt out of analytics tracking, and a link to your analytics "
"provider’s privacy policy, if any."
msgstr ""
"Bu kichik bo'limda analiz haqida ma'lumot bering. Foydalanuvchilar qanday "
"qilib analizdan o'z ma'lumotlarini olib tashlashi mumkinligi haqida ayting. "
"Agar mavjud bo'lsa, analiz provayderining shaxsiylik siyosatini yozing."
msgid ""
"These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional "
"third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded "
"content, including tracking your interaction with the embedded content if "
"you have an account and are logged in to that website."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu saytlar siz haqingizda ma'lumot yig'ishi mumkin, qo'shimcha "
"biriktirmalar o'rnatish orqali sayt bilan muloqotingizni o'rganib chiqishi, "
"kuzatishi mumkin."
msgid ""
"Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, "
"articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves in the exact "
"same way as if the visitor has visited the other website."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu saytdagi maqolalarda biriktirilgan fayllar bo'lishi mumkin (videolar, "
"rasmlar, maqolalar va h.k.). Biriktirilgan fayllar yoki maqolalar huddi "
"saytga tashrif buyurgan odamlardek rol o'ynaydi."
msgid "Embedded content from other websites"
msgstr "Boshqa saytdan ma'lumotlarni olib ko'rsatish"
msgid ""
"If you edit or publish an article, an additional cookie will be saved in "
"your browser. This cookie includes no personal data and simply indicates the "
"post ID of the article you just edited. It expires after 1 day."
msgstr ""
"Maqolani tahrirlaganingizda yoki chop etganingizda brauzeringizga qo'shimcha "
"bitta kuki saqlanadi. Bu kukida hech qanday shaxsiy ma'lumot saqlanmaydi. "
"Unda shunchaki maqolaning ID raqami bo'ladi. Kuki bir kundan so'ng "
msgid ""
"When you log in, we will also set up several cookies to save your login "
"information and your screen display choices. Login cookies last for two "
"days, and screen options cookies last for a year. If you select ""
"Remember Me", your login will persist for two weeks. If you log out of "
"your account, the login cookies will be removed."
msgstr ""
"Saytga kirganingizda kirish ma'lumotlaringiz va ekran holatini saqlab "
"qoluvchi bir nechta kukilarni olasiz. Kirish ma'lumotlari kukisi ikki kun "
"saqlanadi, ekran holati kukilari esa bir yilgacha saqlab qolinadi. Agar "
"kirishda "Meni eslab qol" bandini tanlasangiz, kirish ma'lumotlari "
"ikki hafta saqlanadi. Agar tizimdan o'zingiz chiqsangiz, kirish kukilarining "
"hammasi o'chiriladi."
msgid ""
"If you visit our login page, we will set a temporary cookie to determine if "
"your browser accepts cookies. This cookie contains no personal data and is "
"discarded when you close your browser."
msgstr ""
"Agar saytda a'zoligingiz bo'lsa va saytga kirsangiz, brauzeringiz kukilarni "
"qabul qilishini tekshirish uchun bitta kuki jo'natiladi. Ushbu kukida hech "
"qanday shaxsiy ma'lumot yo'q, u brauzerni yopganingizdan keyin o'chiriladi."
msgid ""
"If you leave a comment on our site you may opt-in to saving your name, email "
"address and website in cookies. These are for your convenience so that you "
"do not have to fill in your details again when you leave another comment. "
"These cookies will last for one year."
msgstr ""
"Agar saytimizda fikr bildirsangiz, ismingiz, email manzilingiz, sayt "
"manzilingiz va kukilarni saqlashimizga rozi bo'lasiz. Bular sizning "
"qulayliklaringiz uchun qilinadi va keyingi marta fikr bildirganingizda bu "
"ma'lumotlarni qayta yozishingizga hojat qolmaydi. Bu turdagi kukilar bir "
"yilgacha saqlanadi."
msgid ""
"In this subsection you should list the cookies your website uses, including "
"those set by your plugins, social media, and analytics. We have provided the "
"cookies which WordPress installs by default."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu kichik bo'limda saytingizda ishlatiladigan kukilar haqida yozing. "
"WordPress asl holatida saqlaydigan kukilar haqida yozdik."
msgid ""
"By default, WordPress does not include a contact form. If you use a contact "
"form plugin, use this subsection to note what personal data is captured when "
"someone submits a contact form, and how long you keep it. For example, you "
"may note that you keep contact form submissions for a certain period for "
"customer service purposes, but you do not use the information submitted "
"through them for marketing purposes."
msgstr ""
"Aslida WordPressda bog'lanish formasi yo'q. Agar bog'lanish formasi "
"plaginini ishlatsangiz, forma orqali yuborilgan ma'lumot qanday qilib "
"saqlanishi va qancha vaqtgacha bazangizda qolishini aytib o'ting. Masalan, "
"yuborilgan ma'lumotlar ma'lum vaqt xizmat ko'rsatish maqsadida saqlanishi "
"mumkinligini, ammo tijorat maqsadlarida ishlatilmasligini yozing."
msgid "Contact forms"
msgstr "Bog'lanish formalari"
msgid ""
"If you upload images to the website, you should avoid uploading images with "
"embedded location data (EXIF GPS) included. Visitors to the website can "
"download and extract any location data from images on the website."
msgstr ""
"Agar saytingizga rasmlar yuklasangiz, rasmlarda joylashuv ma'lumotlari (EXIF "
"GPS) mavjud emasligiga e'tibor qilishingiz kerak. Saytdan foydalanuvchilar "
"bu rasmlardagi ma'lumotlarni ajratib olishlari va joylashuvni aniqlashlari "
msgid ""
"In this subsection you should note what information may be disclosed by "
"users who can upload media files. All uploaded files are usually publicly "
msgstr ""
"Bu kichik bo'limda foydalanuvchilar tomonidan yuklanishi mumkin bo'lgan "
"fayllarga oid shaxsiylik ma'lumoti yozilishi kerak. Odatda barcha yuklangan "
"fayllar hammaga ko'rinadigan bo'ladi."
msgid ""
"An anonymized string created from your email address (also called a hash) "
"may be provided to the Gravatar service to see if you are using it. The "
"Gravatar service privacy policy is available here:"
"privacy/. After approval of your comment, your profile picture is visible to "
"the public in the context of your comment."
msgstr ""
"Agar foydalansangiz, email manzilingizdan hash ko'rinishida yaratilgan "
"anonim yozuv Gravatarga taqdim etilishi mumkin. Gravatarning shaxsiylik "
"siyosati bilan quyidagi sahifada tanishishingiz mumkin: https://automattic."
"com/privacy/. Fikringiz tasdiqlangandan so'ng profil rasmingiz fikringiz "
"yonida hammaga ko'rinadi."
msgid ""
"When visitors leave comments on the site we collect the data shown in the "
"comments form, and also the visitor’s IP address and browser user "
"agent string to help spam detection."
msgstr ""
"Kimdir saytimizdagi maqolaga fikr bildirsa, biz foydalanuvchidan fikr "
"bildirish formasiga kiritilgan ma'lumotlarni yig'amiz. Bundan tashqari "
"spamga qarshi kurarshish maqsadida foydalanuvchining IP manzili va brauzer "
"ma'lumotlari ham saqlanadi."
msgid ""
"In this subsection you should note what information is captured through "
"comments. We have noted the data which WordPress collects by default."
msgstr ""
"Bu kichik bo'limda fikr bildirish formasi orqali yig'iladigan ma'lumot "
"haqida yozilishi kerak. Odatda WordPress yig'adigan ma'lumotlar haqida yozib "
msgid ""
"By default WordPress does not collect any personal data about visitors, and "
"only collects the data shown on the User Profile screen from registered "
"users. However some of your plugins may collect personal data. You should "
"add the relevant information below."
msgstr ""
"Aslida WordPress foydalanuvchilaridan hech qanday shaxsiy ma'lumotni yig'ib "
"olmaydi va Foydalanuvchi profilida so'raladigan ma'lumotlargina ro'yxatdan "
"o'tgan a'zolardan yig'iladi. Shunga qaramasdan ba'zi plaginlar shaxsiy "
"ma'lumotlarni yig'ib olishi mumkin. Shunga o'xshash ma'lumotlarni quyida "
"kiritishingiz kerak."
msgid ""
"Personal data is not just created by a user’s interactions with your "
"site. Personal data is also generated from technical processes such as "
"contact forms, comments, cookies, analytics, and third party embeds."
msgstr ""
"Shaxsiy ma'lumot faqatgina foydalanuvchining sayt bilan aloqasi natijasida "
"yaratilmaydi. Shaxsiy ma'lumotlar bog'lanish formalari, fikrlar, kukilar, "
"analizlar va boshqa maqsadlarda to'liq texnik tarzda yig'ilishi ham mumkin."
msgid ""
"In addition to listing what personal data you collect, you need to note why "
"you collect it. These explanations must note either the legal basis for your "
"data collection and retention or the active consent the user has given."
msgstr ""
"Qaysi turdagi shaxsiy ma'lumotlarni yig'ishingizni aytib o'tish bilan bir "
"qatorda bu ma'lumotlardan qaysi maqsadda foydalanishingizni ham ta'kidlab "
"o'tishingiz kerak. Bu ma'lumotlarni yig'ishingizga amaldagi qonunchilik "
"ruxsat bergan bo'lishi kerak yoki foydalanuvchining o'zi bu turdagi "
"ma'lumotlarni yig'ish uchun roziligini bildirishi zarur."
msgid ""
"You should also note any collection and retention of sensitive personal "
"data, such as data concerning health."
msgstr ""
"Har qanday ta'sirchan ma'lumot, masalan foydalanuvchining sog'ligiga "
"ta'luqli ma'lumotlarni yig'ishingiz haqida ham aniq ma'lumot berishingiz "
msgid ""
"In this section you should note what personal data you collect from users "
"and site visitors. This may include personal data, such as name, email "
"address, personal account preferences; transactional data, such as purchase "
"information; and technical data, such as information about cookies."
msgstr ""
"Bu bo'limda foydalanuvchilar va tashrif buyuruvchilardan yig'iladigan "
"shaxsiy ma'lumotlar haqida yozishingiz kerak. Ular shaxsiy ma'lumotlar, ism "
"yoki email manzil, dastur sozlanmalari, har qanday o'tkazmalar va to'lovlar "
"haqida ma'lumotlar, kukilarga o'xshash texnik unsurlar haqidagi "
"ma'lumotlarni o'z ichiga olishi mumkin."
msgid "What personal data we collect and why we collect it"
msgstr "Qaysi turdagi ma'lumotni nima uchun yig'amiz"
msgid "Our website address is: %s."
msgstr "Saytimiz manzili: %s."
msgid ""
"The amount of information you may be required to show will vary depending on "
"your local or national business regulations. You may, for example, be "
"required to display a physical address, a registered address, or your "
"company registration number."
msgstr ""
"Qancha miqdordagi ma'lumotni ko'rsata olishingiz mahalliy sharoitdagi qonun-"
"qoidalardan kelib chiqib aniqlanishi mumkin. Masalan, foydalanuvchining "
"turar joy manzili, ro'yxatga olingan manzili yoki uning kompaniyasi "
"manzilini ko'rsatishga majbur bo'lishingiz mumkin."
msgid ""
"In this section you should note your site URL, as well as the name of the "
"company, organization, or individual behind it, and some accurate contact "
msgstr ""
"Bu qismda saytingiz URL manzili, kompaniyangiz nomi va uning boshqaruvchisi "
"ismi, yoki shunga o'xshash ma'lumotlarni kiritishingiz kerak."
msgid "Suggested text:"
msgstr "Tavsiya qilingan matn:"
msgid "Who we are"
msgstr "Biz kimmiz"
msgid ""
"It is your responsibility to write a comprehensive privacy policy, to make "
"sure it reflects all national and international legal requirements on "
"privacy, and to keep your policy current and accurate."
msgstr ""
"Hammaga tushunarli bo'lgan shaxsiylik siyosati qoidalarini ishlab chiqish "
"hamda ularning xalqaro, mahalliy qonunchilikka to'g'ri kelishini ta'minlash, "
"har doim yangilangan holatda saqlab turish sizning ma'uliyatingizdir."
msgid ""
"Please edit your privacy policy content, making sure to delete the "
"summaries, and adding any information from your theme and plugins. Once you "
"publish your policy page, remember to add it to your navigation menu."
msgstr ""
"Iltimos, shaxsiylik siyosati sahifangizdagi ma'lumotlarni yangilab turing. "
"Ishlatadigan shablon va plaginlaringizning unga bo'ladigan ta'sirini "
"kuzating. Shaxsiylik siyosati sahifasini chop etganingizdan so'ng, uni "
"menyularingizdan birida ko'rsatishni unutmang."
msgid ""
"This text template will help you to create your website’s privacy "
msgstr ""
"Ushbu matn saytingizning shaxsiylik siyosati sahifasini yaratishda yordam "
msgid "Source: %s"
msgstr "Manba: %s"
msgid "Updated %s."
msgstr "Yangilangan %s."
msgid "You deactivated this plugin on %s and may no longer need this policy."
msgstr ""
"Siz bu plagin faoliyatini to'xtatdingiz (%s) va bu shaxsiylik siyosatiga "
"ehtiyoj bo'lmasligi mumkin."
msgid "Copy suggested policy text from %s."
msgstr "%sdan tavsiya etilgan siyosat matnini ko'chirish."
msgid "(opens in a new tab)"
msgstr "(yangi oynada ochiladi)"
msgid "Removed %s."
msgstr "%s o'chirilgan."
msgid "Export CSV"
msgstr "CSV faylini eksport qilish"
msgid ""
"Edit or preview your Privacy "
"Policy page content."
msgstr ""
"Shaxsiylik siyosati sahifasi ma'lumotlarini tahrirlang "
"yoki oldindan ko'ring."
msgid "Use This Page"
msgstr "Ushbu sahifadan foydalanish"
msgid "Select a Privacy Policy page"
msgstr "Shaxsiylik siyosati sahifasini tanlang"
msgid "Change your Privacy Policy page"
msgstr "Shaxsiylik siyosati sahifasini o'zgartirish"
msgid ""
"However, it is your responsibility to use those resources correctly, to "
"provide the information that your privacy policy requires, and to keep that "
"information current and accurate."
msgstr ""
"Shunga qaramasdan, shaxsiylik siyosatida ko'rsatib o'tilgan resurslardan "
"to'g'ri foydalanish, talab etilgan ma'lumotlarni taqdim etish va "
"ma'lumotlarni to'g'ri holatda saqlash sizning mas'uliyatingiz hisoblanadi."
msgid "The new page will include help and suggestions for your privacy policy."
msgstr ""
"Yangi sahifada Shaxsiylik siyosatingiz uchun yordam va tavsiyalar bo'ladi."
msgid ""
"If you already have a Privacy Policy page, please select it below. If not, "
"please create one."
msgstr ""
"Agar Shaxsiylik siyosati sahifangiz bo'lsa, iltimos uni tanlang. Agar "
"bo'lmasa, yangisini yarating."
msgid ""
"As a website owner, you may need to follow national or international privacy "
"laws. For example, you may need to create and display a privacy policy."
msgstr ""
"Sayt egasi sifatida ba'zi mahalliy va xalqaro shaxsiylik qonunlariga amal "
"qilishingiz talab etiladi. masalan, saytingizda Shaxsiylik siyosati sahifasi "
"bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "Privacy policy page"
msgstr "Shaxsiylik siyosati sahifasi"
msgid ""
"The currently selected Privacy Policy page is in the Trash. Please create or "
"select a new Privacy Policy page or restore the current page"
msgstr ""
"Hozir tanlangan Shaxsiylik siyosati sahifasi ayni vaqtda chiqindi idishida "
"turibdi. Yangisini yarating, boshqasini tanlang yoki o'chirilganini tiklang."
msgid ""
"The currently selected Privacy Policy page does not exist. Please create or "
"select a new page."
msgstr ""
"Hozir tanlangan Shaxsiylik siyosati sahifasi mavjud emas. Iltimos, yangi "
"yarating yoki boshqa sahifani tanlang."
msgid "Unable to create a Privacy Policy page."
msgstr "Shaxsiylik siyosagi sahifasini yaratib bo'lmadi."
msgid ""
"Privacy Policy page setting updated successfully. Remember to update your menus!"
msgstr ""
"Shaxsiylik siyosagi sahifasi muvaffaqiyatli yangilandi. Menyularingizni yangilashni unutmang!"
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to manage privacy options on this site."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, ushbu saytda shaxsiylikni boshqarishga ruxsat berilmagansiz."
msgid "Dismiss all"
msgstr "Hammasini rad eting"
msgid "Limit result set to users who are considered authors."
msgstr "Muallif bo'lgan foydalanuvchilarni saralash."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to query users by this parameter."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, Siz foydalanuvchilarni ushbu so'rov bo'yicha saralay olmaysiz."
msgid "Whether or not the post type can be viewed."
msgstr "Post turi ko'rinsinmi yo'qmi"
msgid "XML Sitemap"
msgstr "XML Saytmep"
msgid "Wix"
msgstr "Wix"
msgid "The link you followed has expired."
msgstr "Linkingiz eskirgan."
msgid "You need a higher level of permission."
msgstr "Sizga yuqoriroq bosqichdagi ruxsat kerak."
msgid "automated taxes"
msgstr "avtomatlashtirilgan soliqlar"
msgid "Performance"
msgstr "Samaradorlik"
msgid "Continue setup"
msgstr "Sozlashni davom eting"
msgid "%s is already customizing this changeset. Do you want to take over?"
msgstr ""
"%s bu qism ustida ish olib borayapti. Boshqaruvni qo'lga olmoqchimisiz?"
msgid ""
"%s is already customizing this changeset. Please wait until they are done to "
"try customizing. Your latest changes have been autosaved."
msgstr ""
"%s bu qism ustida ish olib borayapti. Moslashtirish uchun sizdan oldingi "
"kishi ishini yakunlashini kuting. So'nggi o'zgarishlaringiz avtomatik tarzda "
msgid "Customer:"
msgstr "Xaridor:"
msgid "Purchase note"
msgstr "Xarid eslatmasi"
msgid "Items"
msgstr "Elementlar"
msgid "Shipping Label"
msgstr "Yuk tashish yorlig'i"
msgid "This field is required"
msgstr "Ushbu qator to'ldirilishi shart"
msgid "Select none"
msgstr "Hech birini tanlang"
msgid "Locations not covered by your other zones"
msgstr "Boshqa zonalaringiz qamrab olmagan joylar"
msgid "%s review marked as spam."
msgid_plural "%s reviews marked as spam."
msgstr[0] "%s sharh spam deb belgilangan."
msgid "Create a product"
msgstr "Mahsulot yarating"
msgid "District Of Columbia"
msgstr "Kolumbiya okrugi"
msgid "Newfoundland and Labrador"
msgstr "Nyufaundlend va Labrador"
msgid "Average rating"
msgstr "O'rtacha reyting"
msgid "On-hold"
msgstr "Kutib turishda"
msgid "Cash on delivery"
msgstr "Naqd pulda to'lash"
msgid "Postal code"
msgstr "Indeks"
msgid "Street address"
msgstr "Ko'cha manzili"
msgid "Province"
msgstr "Viloyat"
msgid "No categories found"
msgstr "Hech qanday bo'lim topilmadi"
msgid "No products found."
msgstr "Hech qanday mahsulot topilmadi."
msgid "Average order value."
msgstr "O'rtacha buyurtma qiymati."
msgid "Store Address"
msgstr "Do'kon manzili"
msgid "Total tax"
msgstr "Umumiy soliq"
msgid "Tax rate."
msgstr "Soliq stavkasi."
msgid "Zone name"
msgstr "Zona nomi"
msgid "Add shipping method"
msgstr "Yuk tashish usulini qo'shing"
msgid "Add shipping zone"
msgstr "Yuk tashish zonasini qo'shing"
msgid "Free shipping requires..."
msgstr "Yetkazib berish bepul ..."
msgid "Minimum order amount"
msgstr "Minimal buyurtma miqdori"
msgid "A valid free shipping coupon"
msgstr "Haqiqiy bepul etkazib berish kuponi"
msgid "A minimum order amount"
msgstr "Minimal buyurtma miqdori"
msgid "A minimum order amount AND a coupon"
msgstr "Minimal buyurtma miqdori va kupon"
msgid "A minimum order amount OR a coupon"
msgstr "Minimal buyurtma miqdori Yoki kupon"
msgid "Shipping zone order."
msgstr "Yuk tashish zonasi buyurtmasi."
msgid "Shipping zone name."
msgstr "Yuk tashish zonasi nomi."
msgid "Shipping Zone"
msgstr "Yuk tashish zonasi"
msgid "Shipping method(s)"
msgstr "Yetkazib berish usuli"
msgid "Method"
msgstr "Usul"
msgid "Bank name"
msgstr "Bank nomi"
msgid "Account name"
msgstr "Hisob nomi"
msgid "Routing number"
msgstr "Yo'nalish raqami"
msgid "IBAN"
msgstr "IBAN"
msgid "Account number"
msgstr "Hisob raqami"
msgid "BIC / Swift"
msgstr "BIC / Swift"
msgid "Payments"
msgstr "To'lovlar"
msgid "Failed order"
msgstr "Muvaffaqiyatsiz buyurtma"
msgid "\"From\" address"
msgstr "\"From\" manzil"
msgid "Cancelled order"
msgstr "Bekor qilingan buyurtma"
msgid "Refunded order"
msgstr "To'langan buyurtma"
msgid "Processing order"
msgstr "Qayta ishlash tartibi"
msgid "Completed order"
msgstr "Tugallangan buyurtma"
msgid "New account"
msgstr "Yangi hisob"
msgid "No pending reviews"
msgstr "Kutilayotgan sharhlar yo'q"
msgid "No approved reviews"
msgstr "Tasdiqlangan sharhlar yo'q"
msgid "Search Reviews"
msgstr "Sharhlarni qidirish"
msgid "Product sale price."
msgstr "Mahsulotni sotish narxi."
msgid "Percentage discount"
msgstr "Foiz bo'yicha chegirma"
msgid "Free Shipping"
msgstr "Yetkazib berish bepul"
msgid "Add your first product"
msgstr "Birinchi mahsulotingizni qo'shing"
msgid "Edit product"
msgstr "Mahsulotni tahrirlash"
msgid "SKU:"
msgstr "SKU:"
msgid "Weight"
msgstr "Og'irlik"
msgid "Allow, but notify customer"
msgstr "Ruxsat bering, lekin mijozni xabardor qiling"
msgid "Inventory"
msgstr "Inventarizatsiya qilish"
msgid "Search products"
msgstr "Mahsulotlarni qidirish"
msgid "No product categories exist."
msgstr "Mahsulotlar toifalari mavjud emas."
msgid "Search orders"
msgstr "Buyurtmalarni qidirish"
msgid "Quantity"
msgstr "Miqdori"
msgid "Tax"
msgstr "Soliq"
msgid "Fee"
msgstr "Haq"
msgid "Refunded"
msgstr "Qaytarildi"
msgid "Copy billing address"
msgstr "To‘lov manzilini nusxalash"
msgid "Add fee"
msgstr "To'lovni qo'shish"
msgid "Load shipping address"
msgstr "Yuk manzilini yuklang"
msgid "Shipping details"
msgstr "Yetkazib berish tafsilotlari"
msgid "Add note"
msgstr "Qayd qo'shish"
msgid "Edit order"
msgstr "Buyurtmani tahrirlash"
msgid "Orders"
msgstr "Buyurtmalar"
msgid "Add a product"
msgstr "Mahsulot qo'shing"
msgid "Set up payments"
msgstr "To'lovlarni sozlang"
msgid "WooCommerce Stripe Gateway"
msgstr "WooCommerce Stripe Gateway"
msgid "WooCommerce Services"
msgstr "WooCommerce xizmatlari"
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce"
msgid "Store setup"
msgstr "Do'konni sozlash"
msgid "Just another WordPress site"
msgstr "Yana bitta WordPress sayt"
msgid "Antique"
msgstr "Antiqa"
msgid "Expiration"
msgstr "Eskirish"
msgid "Health and beauty"
msgstr "Salomatlik va go'zallik"
msgid "Product Reviews"
msgstr "Mahsulot sharhlarini yoqish"
msgid "Reviews"
msgstr "Baholar"
msgid "Sales"
msgstr "Savdo"
msgid "Storefront"
msgstr "Do'kon"
msgid "Taxes"
msgstr "Soliqlar"
msgid "woocommerce"
msgstr "woocommerce"
msgid "Not right now"
msgstr "Hozir emas"
msgid "folder"
msgstr "papka"
msgid "Custom installation script."
msgstr "O'ziga xos o'rnatish skripti."
msgid "Sub-domain Installation"
msgstr "Subdomen o'rnatilishi"
msgid "The constant %s cannot be defined when creating a network."
msgstr "Tarmoq yaratilayotganda %s doimiysini ta'riflash mumkin emas."
msgid "Sub-directory Installation"
msgstr "Subdirektoriya o'rnatilishi"
msgid "%s is currently editing this post."
msgstr "%s bu maqolani tahrirlayapti."
msgid "%s is currently editing this post. Do you want to take over?"
msgstr "%s bu maqolani tahrirlayapti. Boshqaruvni olishni xohlaysizmi?"
msgctxt "name"
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Noma'lum"
msgid "View posts by %s"
msgstr "%s maqolalarini ko'rish"
msgid "No description"
msgstr "Tasnif mavjud emas"
msgid "Widgets need to be registered using %s, before they can be displayed."
msgstr ""
"Ko'rsatilishdan oldin vidjetlar %s yordamida registratsiya qilinishi kerak."
msgid "Author: %1$s (IP address: %2$s, %3$s)"
msgstr "Muallif: %1$s (IP manzil: %2$s, %3$s)"
msgid "Website: %1$s (IP address: %2$s, %3$s)"
msgstr "Sayt: %1$s (IP manzil: %2$s, %3$s)"
msgid "Update anyway, even though it might break your site?"
msgstr "Saytingiz buzilishi mumkin bo'lsa ham yangilaymi?"
msgctxt "tags"
msgid "Most Used"
msgstr "Ko'p ishlatilgan"
msgid "Active Child Theme"
msgstr "Faol bola shablon"
msgid "Active Theme"
msgstr "Faol shablon"
msgid ""
"Your theme can display menus in one location. Select which menu you would "
"like to use."
msgstr ""
"Shabloningizda faqat bitta menyu joyi bor. Qaysi menyuni ko'rsatishni "
msgid ""
"You will not be able to install new themes from here yet since your install "
"requires SFTP credentials. For now, please add themes in the "
msgstr ""
"Siz bu yerdan yangi shablonlarni o'rnata olmaysiz, chunki sozlanmalar SFTP "
"ma'lumotlarini talab qiladi. Hozircha admin bo'limi "
"orqali o'rnating."
msgid "Installation failed."
msgstr "O'rnatish amalga oshmadi."
msgid ""
"Sorry, you cannot preview new themes when you have changes scheduled or "
"saved as a draft. Please publish your changes, or wait until they publish to "
"preview new themes."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, saqlangan qoralama yoki rejalashtirilgan o'zgarishlar bor vaqtda "
"yang shablonlarni oldindan ko'ra olmaysiz. Oldindan ko'rish uchun "
"o'zgarishlarni saqlang yoki o'zgarishlar o'zi chop etilmagunicha kuting."
msgid ""
"Schedule your customization changes to publish (\"go live\") at a future "
msgstr ""
"O'zgarishlaringizni kelajakdagi vaqtda amalga kiritishni rejalashtiring."
msgid "Homepage and posts page must be different."
msgstr "Bosh sahifa va maqolalar sahifasi bir-biridan farq qilishi kerak."
msgid ""
"There is a more recent autosave of your changes than the one you are "
"previewing. Restore the autosave"
msgstr ""
"Hozir ko'rayotganingizga nisbatan yangiroq avtomatik saqlangan o'zgarish "
"bor. Avtosaqlanganni tiklash"
msgid "%s has taken over and is currently customizing."
msgstr "%s boshqaruvni oldi va ayni vaqtda tahrirlayapti."
msgid "Are you sure you want to discard your unpublished changes?"
msgstr "O'zgarishlaringizni bekor qilishga ishonchingiz komilmi?"
msgid ""
"Looks like something’s gone wrong. Wait a couple seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Xatolik yuz berganga o'xshaydi. Bir necha soniya kutib, qayta urinib ko'ring."
msgid "Reverting unpublished changes…"
msgstr "Chop etilmagan o'zgarishlar bekor qilinmoqda…"
msgid "Setting up your live preview. This may take a bit."
msgstr "Jonli ko'rish muhiti yaratilmoqda. Bu bir qancha vaqt olishi mumkin."
msgid "Downloading your new theme…"
msgstr "Yangi shablon yuklanmoqda…"
msgctxt "customizer changeset status"
msgid "Scheduled"
msgstr "Rejalashtirilgan"
msgid "Discard changes"
msgstr "Bekor qilish"
msgid "Please save your changes in order to share the preview."
msgstr "Oldindan ko'rishni bo'lishish uchun o'zgarishlarni saqlang."
msgid "Filter themes (%s)"
msgstr "Shablonlarni saralash (%s)"
msgid "Search themes"
msgstr " shablonlari ichidan izlash"
msgid "No themes found. Try a different search, or %s."
msgstr "Shablon topilmadi. Qayta qidirishga urinib ko'ring yoki %s."
msgid "Filter themes"
msgstr "Shablonlarni saralash"
msgctxt "theme"
msgid "Installed"
msgstr "O'rnatilgan"
msgid "New version available. %s"
msgstr "Yangi versiya mavjud. %s"
msgid "Install and preview theme: %s"
msgstr "Shablon o'rnatish va oldindan ko'rish: %s"
msgid "Live preview theme: %s"
msgstr "Shablonni oldindan ko'rish: %s"
msgid "+ Create New Menu"
msgstr "+ Yangi menyu yaratish"
msgid "Create a menu for this location"
msgstr "Ushbu joylashuv uchun menyu yaratish"
msgid ""
"Time to add some links! Click “%s” to start putting pages, "
"categories, and custom links in your menu. Add as many things as you would "
msgstr ""
"Linklar qo'shish vaqti keldi! “%s”ni bosing va menyungizga "
"sahifalar, bo'limlar hamda o'ziga xos linklar qo'shing. O'zingiz "
"istaganingizcha qo'shishingiz mumkin!"
msgid "Customize theme: %s"
msgstr "Shablonni o'zgartirish: %s"
msgid "Details for theme: %s"
msgstr "Shablon ma'lumotlari: %s"
msgid "Choose file"
msgstr "Fayl tanlash"
msgid "Choose image"
msgstr "Rasm tanlash"
msgid "Change audio"
msgstr "Audioni o'zgartirish"
msgid ""
"Click “Add New Image” to upload an image file from your "
"computer. Your theme works best with an image with a header height of %s "
"pixels — you’ll be able to crop your image once you upload it "
"for a perfect fit."
msgstr ""
"“Yangi rasm qo'shish”ni bosib kompyuteringizdan rasm "
"yuklashingiz mumkin. Shabloningiz uchun bo'yi %s piksel bo'lgan rasm mos "
"tushadi. Uni yuklaganingizdan so'ng kesishingiz mumkin."
msgid ""
"Click “Add New Image” to upload an image file from your "
"computer. Your theme works best with an image with a header width of %s "
"pixels — you’ll be able to crop your image once you upload it "
"for a perfect fit."
msgstr ""
"“Yangi rasm qo'shish”ni bosib kompyuteringizdan rasm "
"yuklashingiz mumkin. Shabloningiz uchun eni %s piksel bo'lgan rasm mos "
"tushadi. Uni yuklaganingizdan so'ng kesishingiz mumkin."
msgid ""
"Click “Add New Image” to upload an image file from your "
"computer. Your theme works best with an image with a header size of %s "
"pixels — you’ll be able to crop your image once you upload it "
"for a perfect fit."
msgstr ""
"“Yangi rasm qo'shish”ni bosib kompyuteringizdan rasm "
"yuklashingiz mumkin. Shabloningiz uchun hajmi %s piksel bo'lgan rasm mos "
"tushadi. Uni yuklaganingizdan so'ng kesishingiz mumkin."
msgid ""
"Click “Add New Image” to upload an image file from your "
"computer. Your theme works best with an image that matches the size of your "
"video — you’ll be able to crop your image once you upload it for "
"a perfect fit."
msgstr ""
"“Yangi rasm qo'shish”ni bosib kompyuteringizdan rasm "
"yuklashingiz mumkin. Shabloningiz uchun hajmi video hajmiga mos keladigan "
"rasm mos tushadi. Uni yuklaganingizdan so'ng kesishingiz mumkin."
msgid ""
"The theme defines itself as its parent theme. Please check the %s header."
msgstr ""
"Shablon o'zini bosh shablon sifatida tanishtiradi. Iltimos, %s header "
"qismini tekshiring."
msgid ""
"You’ll create a menu, assign it a location, and add menu items like "
"links to pages and categories. If your theme has multiple menu areas, you "
"might need to create more than one."
msgstr ""
"Menyu yaratasiz, uni kerakli joyga biriktirasiz va unga sahifalar, bo'limlar "
"linklarini qo'shasiz. Agar shabloningizda bittadan ortiq menyu joyi bo'lsa, "
"bir nechta menyu yaratishingizga to'g'ri keladi."
msgctxt "Name for the Visual editor tab"
msgid "Visual"
msgstr "Vizual"
msgid "Create New Menu"
msgstr "Yangi menyu yaratish"
msgid ""
"It does not look like your site has any menus yet. Want to build one? Click "
"the button to start."
msgstr ""
"Saytingizda hozircha menyu yo'q. Menyu yaratasizmi? Boshlash uchun tugmani "
msgid "Click “Next” to start adding links to your new menu."
msgstr ""
"Yangi menyuga linklar qo'shish uchun “Keyingi” tugmasini bosing."
msgctxt "menu locations"
msgid "View All Locations"
msgstr "Barcha joylashuvlarni ko'rish"
msgctxt "menu locations"
msgid "View Location"
msgstr "Joylashuvni ko'rish"
msgid "New Menu"
msgstr "Yangi menyu"
msgid ""
"If your theme has widget areas, you can also add menus there. Visit the Widgets panel and add a “Navigation Menu widget” "
"to display a menu in a sidebar or footer."
msgstr ""
"Agar shabloningizda vidjet joylari bo'lsa, demak u yerga menyular ham "
"qo'shishingiz mumkin. Vidjetlar paneli qismiga o'ting va "
"“Menyu vidjeti” qo'shish orqali saytingiz yon qismida yoki quyi "
"qismda menyuni ko'rsating."
msgid ""
"If your theme has multiple menus, giving them clear names will help you "
"manage them."
msgstr ""
"Shabloningizda bir nechta menyu ishlatish imkoniyati bor. Menyularga aniq "
"nomlar bersangiz, ularni boshqarish osonlashadi."
msgid "Your theme can display menus in %s location."
msgid_plural "Your theme can display menus in %s locations."
msgstr[0] "Shabloningizda %s ta menyu joylari mavjud."
msgid "Your theme can display menus in one location."
msgstr "Shabloningizda faqat bitta menyu joyi mavjud."
msgid "CSS code"
msgstr "CSS kod"
msgid ""
"Add your own CSS code here to customize the appearance and layout of your "
msgstr ""
"Saytingizning joylashuvi va ko'rinishini o'zgartirmoqchi bo'lsangiz "
"o'zingizning CSS kodlaringizni shu yerda yozing."
msgid ""
"While previewing a new theme, you can continue to tailor things like widgets "
"and menus, and explore theme-specific options."
msgstr ""
"Yangi shablonni oldindan ko'rayotganingizda ham menyular, vidjetlar va "
"boshqa maxsus sozlanmalarni o'zgartiraverishingiz mumkin."
msgid " themes"
msgstr " shablonlari"
msgid ""
"Looking for a theme? You can search or browse the theme "
"directory, install and preview themes, then activate them right here."
msgstr ""
"Shablon izlayapsizmi? Bu yerda shablonlari ichidan "
"izlashingiz, o'zingizga yoqqan shablonni oldindan ko'rishingiz, "
"o'rnatishingiz va faollashtirishingiz mumkin."
msgid "Showing details for theme: %s"
msgstr "%s shabloni ma'lumotlari"
msgid "Displaying %d themes"
msgstr "%d shablon ko'rsatilgan"
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this theme?"
msgstr "Bu shablonni o'chirmoqchimisiz?"
msgctxt "customizer changeset action/button label"
msgid "Schedule"
msgstr "Rejalashtirish"
msgid "Preview Link"
msgstr "Oldindan ko'rish linki"
msgid ""
"See how changes would look live on your website, and share the preview with "
"people who can't access the Customizer."
msgstr ""
"Saytingizga kiritilayotgan o'zgarishlar qanday holatda bo'lishini oldindan "
"ko'ring va Moslashtirgichga kira olmaydiganlarga ko'rinishni ulashing."
msgid ""
"%s is already customizing this site. Please wait until they are done to try "
"customizing. Your latest changes have been autosaved."
msgstr ""
"%s hozirda saytni o'zgartirayapti. Iltimos, ular ishni tugatishini kuting. "
"Sizning so'nggi o'zgarishlaringiz avtomatik saqlandi."
msgid "Share Preview Link"
msgstr "Oldindan ko'rish linkini bo'lishish"
msgid "%s is already customizing this site. Do you want to take over?"
msgstr "%s bu saytni tahrirlayapti. Boshqaruvni olishni xohlaysizmi?"
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to take over."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga boshqaruvni olishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "No changeset found to take over"
msgstr "Boshqaruv olinadigan narsa topilmadi"
msgid "Security check failed."
msgstr "Xavfsizlik tekshiruvi muvaffaqiyatsiz yakunlandi."
msgid "Unable to save due to %s invalid setting."
msgid_plural "Unable to save due to %s invalid settings."
msgstr[0] "%s yaroqsiz sozlanma sababli saqlay olmadim."
msgid "You must supply a future date to schedule."
msgstr "Rejalashtirish uchun kelajakdagi sana talab etiladi."
msgid ""
"The previous set of changes has already been published. Please try saving "
"your current set of changes again."
msgstr ""
"Avvalgi o'zgarishlar allaqachon chop etildi. Iltimos, joriy "
"o'zgarishlaringizni saqlashga harakat qiling."
msgid "Changeset is being edited by other user."
msgstr "Boshqa foydalanuvchi tomonidan tahrirlanayapti."
msgid "View User"
msgstr "Foydalanuvchini ko'rish"
msgid "(%s ratings)"
msgstr "(%s baholash)"
msgid "Install & Preview"
msgstr "O'rnatish & Oldindan ko'rish"
msgid ""
"Likely direct inclusion of %1$s in order to use %2$s. This is very wrong. "
"Hook the %2$s call into the %3$s action instead."
msgstr ""
"%2$s ishlatish uchun %1$s to'g'ridan-to'g'ri chaqirilganga o'xshaydi. Bu "
"xato. %2$s chaqiruvini %3$s ichida amalga oshiring."
msgctxt "categories"
msgid "Most Used"
msgstr "Ko'p ishlatilgan"
msgctxt "post action/button label"
msgid "Schedule"
msgstr "Rejalashtirish"
msgid "Uploaded on: %s"
msgstr "Yuklanga vaqti: %s"
msgid "Customization Draft"
msgstr "Moslashtirish qoralamasi"
msgid ""
"This draft comes from your unpublished customization changes"
"a>. You can edit, but there is no need to publish now. It will be published "
"automatically with those changes."
msgstr ""
"Bu qoralama chop etilmagan o'zgarishlarga tegishli. "
"Tahrirlashingiz mumkin, ammo hozir chop etishga xojat yo'q. U o'zgarishlar "
"bilan birga chop etiladi."
msgid "Activate & Publish"
msgstr "Faoolashtirish & Chop etish"
msgid "Your scheduled changes just published"
msgstr "Sizning rejalashtirilgan o'zgarishlaringiz chop etildi"
msgid "This changeset cannot be further modified."
msgstr "Bu qismni ortiq o'zgartirishning iloji yo'q."
msgid "Disable syntax highlighting when editing code"
msgstr "Kodni tahrirlayotganda maxsus yozuvni belgilashni ta'qiqlash"
msgid "Syntax Highlighting"
msgstr "Maxsus yozuv belgilanishi"
msgid ""
"WordPress is not notifying any Update Services because "
"of your site’s visibility settings."
msgstr ""
"WordPress Yangilanish xabarlarini ko'rsatmayapti, "
"chunki saytingizning ko'rinish sozlanmalarida bu "
"amaliyot ta'qiqlangan."
msgid "Homepage: %s"
msgstr "Bosh sahifa: %s"
msgid "Your homepage displays"
msgstr "Bosh sahifangizda ko'rinadi"
msgid ""
"This notice confirms that the network admin email address was changed on "
"The new network admin email address is ###NEW_EMAIL###.\n"
"This email has been sent to ###OLD_EMAIL###\n"
"All at ###SITENAME###\n"
msgstr ""
"Bu xabar orqali ###SITENAME### saytida tarmoq administratori email manzili "
"o'zgarganligini tasdiqlaymiz.\n"
"Tarmoq boshqaruvchisining yangi email manzili: ###NEW_EMAIL###.\n"
"Bu email eski ###OLD_EMAIL### manzilga yuborildi.\n"
"Xurmat bilan,\n"
"###SITENAME### jamoasi\n"
msgid ""
"This notice confirms that the admin email address was changed on "
"The new admin email address is ###NEW_EMAIL###.\n"
"This email has been sent to ###OLD_EMAIL###\n"
"All at ###SITENAME###\n"
msgstr ""
"Ushbu xabar orqali ###SITENAME### saytidagi boshqaruvchi email manzili "
"o'zgarganligini tasdiqlaymiz.\n"
"Yangi email ###NEW_EMAIL###.\n"
"Ushbu xabar eski ###OLD_EMAIL### manziliga ham yuborildi.\n"
"Xurmat bilan,\n"
"###SITENAME### jamoasi\n"
msgid "Downloading installation package from %s…"
msgstr "%s… manzilidan o'rnatish paketi yuklanmoqda"
msgid "Theme installation failed."
msgstr "Shablon o'rnatish muvaffaqiyatsiz yakunlandi."
msgid "Plugin installation failed."
msgstr "Plagin o'rnatish muvaffaqiyatsiz yakunlandi."
msgid "Downloading translation from %s…"
msgstr "%s… manzilidan tarjima paketi yuklanmoqda"
msgid "Downloading update from %s…"
msgstr "%s… manzilidan yangilanish yuklanmoqda"
msgid ""
"This data is used to provide general enhancements to WordPress, which "
"includes helping to protect your site by finding and automatically "
"installing new updates. It is also used to calculate statistics, such as "
"those shown on the stats page."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu ma'lumotlar WordPressga umumiy yangilanishlarni taqdim etish uchun "
"ishlatiladi, bu yangilanishlarni topish va avtomatik ravishda o'rnatish "
"orqali saytingizni himoya qilishga yordam beradi. Undan tashqari, statistika sahifasi da berilgani kabi statistika "
"sahifalarini hisoblash uchun ishlatiladi."
msgctxt "menu locations"
msgid ""
"Here’s where this menu appears. If you would like to change that, pick "
"another location."
msgstr ""
"Menyu shu yerda ko'rinadi. Agar uni o'zgartirmoqchi bo'lsangiz, boshqa "
"joylashuvni tanlang."
msgid "You are browsing %s"
msgstr "%s saytini ko'rayapsiz"
msgctxt "menu locations"
msgid ""
"(If you plan to use a menu widget%3$s, skip this "
msgstr ""
"(Agar vidjet menyudan%3$s foydalanuvchi "
"bo'lsangiz, bu bosqichni o'tkazib yuboring.)"
msgctxt "menu locations"
msgid "Where do you want this menu to appear?"
msgstr "Ushbu menyu qayerda ko'rinishini xohlaysiz?"
msgid "Meridian"
msgstr "Meridian"
msgid "Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead."
msgstr ""
"Foydalanuvchi darajalaridan foydalanish eskirgan. Uning o'rniga "
"foydalanuvchi mansablaridan foydalaning."
msgctxt ""
"label for button in the gallery widget; should not be longer than ~13 "
"characters long"
msgid "Edit Gallery"
msgstr "Tahrirlash"
msgctxt ""
"label for button in the gallery widget; should not be longer than ~13 "
"characters long"
msgid "Add Images"
msgstr "Rasm qo'shish"
msgid "No images selected"
msgstr "Rasm tanlanmagan"
msgid "Displays an image gallery."
msgstr "Rasmlar gallereyasini ko'rsatadi."
msgid "Custom HTML Widget"
msgstr "O'ziga xos HTML vidjet"
msgid ""
"Screen reader users: when in forms mode, you may need to press the Esc key "
msgstr ""
"Skrin rider foydalanuvchilari: formalarni ko'rayotganda Esc tugmasini ikki "
"marta bosishingiz talab etilishi mumkin."
msgid "To move away from this area, press the Esc key followed by the Tab key."
msgstr ""
"Bu joydan chiqib ketish uchun Esc tugmasini va keyin Tab tugmasini bosing."
msgid "In the editing area, the Tab key enters a tab character."
msgstr "Tahrirlash joyida Tab tugmasi Tab belgisini kiritadi."
msgid ""
"The edit field automatically highlights code syntax. You can disable this in "
"your user profile%3$s to work in plain text mode."
msgstr ""
"Tahrir joyi kodni avtomatik ajratib ko'rsatadi. Buni profilingizda%3$s boshqarishingiz va oddiy matn ko'rinishida "
"ishlashni tanlashingiz mumkin."
msgid "When using a keyboard to navigate:"
msgstr "Boshqarish uchun klaviatura ishlatilganda:"
msgid ""
"Use the Custom HTML widget to add arbitrary HTML code to your widget areas."
msgstr "Vidjet joyiga HTML kod kiritish uchun HTML vidjetdan foydalaning."
msgid "There is %d error which must be fixed before you can save."
msgid_plural "There are %d errors which must be fixed before you can save."
msgstr[0] "Saqlashingizdan oldin %d ta xatolik bartaraf etilishi kerak."
msgid "Changes trashed successfully."
msgstr "O'zgarishlar muvaffaqiyatli o'chirildi."
msgid "Changes have already been trashed."
msgstr "O'zgarishlar allaqachon o'chirilgan."
msgid "No changes saved yet, so there is nothing to trash."
msgstr ""
"Hozircha o'zgarishlar saqlanmagan. Shuning uchun o'chiradigan hech qanday "
"o'zgarish yo'q."
msgid "There was an authentication problem. Please reload and try again."
msgstr ""
"Tizimga kirish bilan bog'liq xatolik yuz berdi. Sahifani qayta yuklang va "
"keyin urinib ko'ring."
msgid "Report a bug"
msgstr "Xato haqida xabar bering"
msgid "Press This is not available. Please contact your site administrator."
msgstr "Press This mavjud emas. Iltimos, sayt administratori bilan bog'laning."
msgid "Installation Required"
msgstr "O'rnatish talab etiladi"
msgid ""
"Press This is not installed. Please install Press This from the main site."
msgstr ""
"Press This o'rnatilmagan. Iltimos, uni asosiy saytdan "
msgid "The Press This plugin is required."
msgstr "Press This plagini talab etiladi."
msgid "Activate Press This"
msgstr "Press This faollashtirish"
msgid "Activate Plugin & Go to Press This"
msgstr "Faol plaginlar & Press Thisgao'tish"
msgid "Live Broadcast"
msgstr "Jonli efir"
msgid ""
"You are using a browser that does not have Flash player enabled or "
"installed. Please turn on your Flash player plugin or download the latest "
"version from"
msgstr ""
"Brauzeringizda Flash player o'rnatilmagan yoki ishga tushirilmagan. Iltimos, "
"Flash player plaginingizni ishga tushiring yoki so'nggi versiyani quyidagi "
"sahifa orqali yuklab o'rnating:"
msgid "Bank"
msgstr "Bank"
msgid "New order"
msgstr "Yangi buyurtma"
msgid "Products"
msgstr "Mahsulotlar"
msgid "Order Number"
msgstr "Buyurtma raqami"
msgid "Shipping Method"
msgstr "Yuk tashish usuli"
msgid "Refresh stats"
msgstr "Statistikani yangilang"
msgid "Add a navigation menu to your sidebar."
msgstr "Yon ustunga menyu qo'shish."
msgid "no title"
msgstr "sarlavha yo'q"
msgid "Automatic Updates"
msgstr "Avtomatik yangilanishlar"
msgid "Did you know?"
msgstr "Bilasizmi?"
msgid "Item"
msgstr "Mahsulot"
msgid "User has been created, but could not be added to this site."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi yaratildi, ammo bu saytga qo'shilmadi."
msgid "That user could not be added to this site."
msgstr "Bu foydalanuvchini ushbu saytga qo'shishning imkoni yo'q."
msgid "User cannot be added to this site."
msgstr "Bu saytga foydalanuvchi qo'shib bo'lmaydi."
msgid "Edit %s"
msgstr "%s tahrirlash"
msgid "Shipping address"
msgstr "Yetkazish manzili"
msgid ""
"Hey there, looks like you just pasted HTML into the “Visual” tab "
"of the Text widget. You may want to paste your code into the “"
"Text” tab instead. Alternately, try out the new “Custom "
"HTML” widget!"
msgstr ""
"Vizual regimdagi muharrirga HTML kodni qo'ygan ko'rinasiz. Kodni matnli "
"rejimga o'tib, keyin qo'yishingiz maqsadga muvofiq. Bundan tashqari yangi "
"O'ziga xos HTML vidjetidan foydalanishingiz ham mumkin!"
msgid "Did you just paste HTML?"
msgstr "Hozir HTML kod kiritdingizmi?"
msgid ""
"Did you know there is a “Custom HTML” widget now? You can find "
"it by scanning the list of available widgets on this screen. Check it out to "
"add some custom code to your site!"
msgstr ""
"Bizda O'ziga xos HTML vidjeti ham borligini bilasizmi? Ushbu sahifadagi "
"mavjud vidjetlar ichida uni topishingiz mumkin. Saytingizga kod qo'shish "
"uchun undan foydalaning!"
msgid ""
"Did you know there is a “Custom HTML” widget now? You can find "
"it by pressing the “Add a Widget"
"a>” button and searching for “HTML”. Check it out to add "
"some custom code to your site!"
msgstr ""
"Bizda O'ziga xos HTML vidjeti ham borligini bilasizmi? Uni Vidjet qo'shish tugmasini bosgandan so'ng izlab "
"topishingiz mumkin. Saytingizga kod qo'shish uchun undan foydalaning!"
msgid "New Custom HTML Widget"
msgstr "Yangi o'ziga xos HTML vidjet"
msgid ""
"This widget may have contained code that may work better in the “"
"Custom HTML” widget. If you have not yet, how about trying that widget "
msgstr ""
"Vidjetda yangi O'ziga xos HTML vidjeti bilan yaxshi ishlashi mumkin bo'lgan "
"kodlar bo'lishi mumkin. Agar avvalroq sinab ko'rmagan bo'lsangiz, bu "
"vidjetni hoziroq sinovdan o'tkazing!"
msgid ""
"This widget may contain code that may work better in the “Custom "
"HTML” widget. How about trying that widget instead?"
msgstr ""
"Bu vidjetdagi kod O'ziga xos HTML vidjetida yaxshiroq ish berishi mumkin "
"Yangi vidjetni sinab ko'rasizmi?"
msgid "Arbitrary text."
msgstr "Oddiy matn."
msgid "Some HTML tags are not permitted, including:"
msgstr "Ba'zi HTML teglariga ruxsat yo'q, jumladan:"
msgid "Custom HTML"
msgstr "O'ziga xos HTML"
msgid "Arbitrary HTML code."
msgstr "Oddiy HTML kod."
msgid "Good news!"
msgstr "Xush habar!"
msgid "Show tag counts"
msgstr "Kalit so'z sonini ko'rsatish"
msgid "URL to the %s video source file"
msgstr "%s video fayli manzili"
msgid "Video Widget"
msgstr "Video vidjet"
msgid "Video Widget (%d)"
msgid_plural "Video Widget (%d)"
msgstr[0] "Video vidjet (%d)"
msgctxt ""
"label for button in the video widget; should preferably not be longer than "
"~13 characters long"
msgid "Edit Video"
msgstr "Videoni tahrirlash"
msgctxt ""
"label for button in the video widget; should preferably not be longer than "
"~13 characters long"
msgid "Replace Video"
msgstr "Videoni almashtirish"
msgctxt "label for button in the video widget"
msgid "Add Video"
msgstr "Video qo'shish"
msgid ""
"Displays a video from the media library or from YouTube, Vimeo, or another "
msgstr ""
"Media kutubxonangizdan videoni olib ko'rsatishi mumkin, yoki YouTube, Vimeo "
"kabi video provayderlardan video uzatish mumkin."
msgid "Title for the widget"
msgstr "Vidjet sarlavhasi"
msgid "URL to the media file"
msgstr "Media fayl URL manzili"
msgid "Attachment post ID"
msgstr "Biriktirma post ID"
msgid ""
"Looks like this is not the correct kind of file. Please link to an "
"appropriate file instead."
msgstr "Bu fayl xato tanlanganga o'xshaydi. Mos faylni tanlang."
msgid "Media Widget"
msgstr "Media vidjet"
msgid "Media Widget (%d)"
msgid_plural "Media Widget (%d)"
msgstr[0] "Media vidjet (%d)"
msgid "Add to Widget"
msgstr "Qo'shish"
msgctxt ""
"label for button in the media widget; should preferably not be longer than "
"~13 characters long"
msgid "Edit Media"
msgstr "Tahrirlash"
msgctxt ""
"label for button in the media widget; should preferably not be longer than "
"~13 characters long"
msgid "Replace Media"
msgstr "Mediani almashtirish"
msgctxt "label for button in the media widget"
msgid "Add Media"
msgstr "Media qo'shish"
msgid "No media selected"
msgstr "Media tanlanmagan"
msgid "A media item."
msgstr "Media"
msgid "Current image: %s"
msgstr "Joriy rasm: %s"
msgid "Image Widget"
msgstr "Rasm vidjeti"
msgid "Image Widget (%d)"
msgid_plural "Image Widget (%d)"
msgstr[0] "Rasm vidjeti (%d)"
msgctxt ""
"label for button in the image widget; should preferably not be longer than "
"~13 characters long"
msgid "Edit Image"
msgstr "Rasmni tahrirlash"
msgctxt ""
"label for button in the image widget; should preferably not be longer than "
"~13 characters long"
msgid "Replace Image"
msgstr "Rasmni almashtirish"
msgctxt "label for button in the image widget"
msgid "Add Image"
msgstr "Rasm qo'shish"
msgid "Displays an image."
msgstr "Rasmni ko'rsatadi."
msgid "Unable to preview media due to an unknown error."
msgstr "Noma'lum xato tufayli mediani oldindan ko'ra olmaysiz."
msgid "URL to the %s audio source file"
msgstr "%s audio fayl manzili"
msgid ""
"Looks like this is not the correct kind of file. Please link to an audio "
"file instead."
msgstr "Bu to'g'ri faylga o'xshamayapti. Iltimos, audio faylga ulang."
msgid "Audio Widget"
msgstr "Audio vidjet"
msgid "Audio Widget (%d)"
msgid_plural "Audio Widget (%d)"
msgstr[0] "Audio vidjet (%d)"
msgctxt ""
"label for button in the audio widget; should preferably not be longer than "
"~13 characters long"
msgid "Edit Audio"
msgstr "Audioni tahrirlash"
msgctxt ""
"label for button in the audio widget; should preferably not be longer than "
"~13 characters long"
msgid "Replace Audio"
msgstr "Audioni almashtirish"
msgctxt "label for button in the audio widget"
msgid "Add Audio"
msgstr "Audio qo'shish"
msgid "No audio selected"
msgstr "Audio tanlanmagan"
msgid "Displays an audio player."
msgstr "Audio playerni ko'rsatadi"
msgctxt "plugin"
msgid "Install %s now"
msgstr "%sni o'rnatish"
msgctxt "plugin"
msgid "Update %s now"
msgstr "%sni yangilang"
msgid "%1$s must be less than or equal to %2$d"
msgstr "%1$s %2$ddan kichik yoki unga teng bo'lishi kerak"
msgid "%1$s must be less than %2$d"
msgstr "%1$s %2$ddan kichik bo'lishi kerak"
msgid "%1$s must be greater than or equal to %2$d"
msgstr "%1$s %2$ddan katta yoki unga teng bo'lishi kerak"
msgid "%1$s must be greater than %2$d"
msgstr "%1$s %2$ddan katta bo'lishi kerak"
msgid "Limit result set to users with one or more specific slugs."
msgstr "U yoki bu slagga ega foydalanuvchilarni saralash"
msgid "Limit result set to terms with one or more specific slugs."
msgstr "U yoki bu slagga ega iboralarni saralash"
msgid "All features, supported by the post type."
msgstr "Post turi amalga oshirishi mumkin bo'lgan barcha imkoniyatlar."
msgid "The page number requested is larger than the number of pages available."
msgstr "So'ralgan sahifalar soni mavjud sahifalar sonidan katta."
msgid ""
"The password for the parent post of the comment (if the post is password "
msgstr ""
"Fikrning maqolasi paroli (agar maqola parol bilan himoyalangan bo'lsa)."
msgctxt "page"
msgid "Remove featured image"
msgstr "Tanlangan rasmni o'chirish"
msgctxt "post"
msgid "Remove featured image"
msgstr "Tanlangan rasmni o'chirish"
msgid "%1$s is deprecated. The callback from %2$s is used instead."
msgstr "%1$s eskirgan. %2$s uning o'rniga ishlatilayapti."
msgid ""
"You are about to permanently delete these items from your site.\n"
"This action cannot be undone.\n"
" 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete."
msgstr ""
"Siz saytingizdan quyidagilarni butkul o'chirib yubormoqchisiz.\n"
"Bu harakatni ortga qaytarib bo'lmaydi.\n"
"'Bekor qilish' bilan to'xtang yoki 'OK' bilan o'chiring."
msgid "Suggested image dimensions: %1$s by %2$s pixels."
msgstr "Tavsiya etilgan rasm o'lchami: %1$s x %2$s piksel."
msgid ""
"You are about to permanently delete this item from your site.\n"
"This action cannot be undone.\n"
" 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete."
msgstr ""
"Siz saytingizdan quyidagini butkul o'chirib yubormoqchisiz. Bu harakatni "
"ortga qaytarib bo'lmaydi. 'Bekor qilish' bilan to'xtang yoki 'OK' bilan "
msgid "(no author)"
msgstr "(muallif yo'q)"
msgid "Sorry, comments are not allowed for this item."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, bu narsa uchun fikr bildirish imkoniyati mavjud emas."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to make proxied oEmbed requests."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, proksi orqali oEmbed so'rovlarini amalga oshira olmaysiz."
msgid ""
"Whether to perform an oEmbed discovery request for unsanctioned providers."
msgstr ""
"Ruxsat berilmagan provayderlar uchun ham oEmbedni topish so'rovlari amalga "
"oshirilishi kerakmi?"
msgid "The maximum height of the embed frame in pixels."
msgstr "Biriktirma romning pikselda ko'rsatilgan eng katta uzunligi."
msgid "The maximum width of the embed frame in pixels."
msgstr "Biriktirma romning pikselda ko'rsatilgan eng katta eni."
msgid "The oEmbed format to use."
msgstr "oEmbed formatdan foydalanish."
msgid "The URL of the resource for which to fetch oEmbed data."
msgstr "oEmbed ma'lumot olinadigan resursning URL manzili."
msgid ""
"You can navigate to other pages on your site while using the Customizer to "
"view and edit the widgets displayed on those pages."
msgstr ""
"Moslashtirgich bilan ishlayotgan vaqtingizda vidjetlar qanday ko'rinishini "
"bilish uchun boshqa sahifalarga o'tishingiz ham mumkin."
msgid ""
"Your theme has %s widget area, but this particular page does not display it."
msgid_plural ""
"Your theme has %s widget areas, but this particular page does not display "
msgstr[0] ""
"Shabloningizda %s ta vidjet joyi mavjud. Ammo bu sahifa uni ko'rsatmaydi."
msgid ""
"Your theme has 1 widget area, but this particular page does not display it."
msgstr ""
"Shabloningizda bitta vidjet joyi mavjud. Ammo bu sahifa uni ko'rsatmaydi."
msgid ""
"Your theme has %s other widget area, but this particular page does not "
"display it."
msgid_plural ""
"Your theme has %s other widget areas, but this particular page does not "
"display them."
msgstr[0] ""
"Shabloningizda %s ta boshqa vidjet joyi mavjud. Ammo bu sahifa uni "
msgid ""
"Your theme has 1 other widget area, but this particular page does not "
"display it."
msgstr ""
"Shabloningizda bitta boshqa vidjet joyi mavjud. Ammo bu sahifa uni "
msgid "Edit widget: %s"
msgstr "%s vidjetni tahrirlash"
msgid "Your Recent Drafts"
msgstr "Sizning eng yangi qoralamalaringiz"
msgid ""
"Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, "
"would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band."
msgstr ""
"Shajara yaratish uchun ota iborani tayinlang. Masalan, Chilonzor va "
"Yunusobod iboralarining otasi Toshkent shahri bo'lishi mumkin."
msgid ""
"There are no events scheduled near you at the moment. Would you like to organize a WordPress event?"
msgstr ""
"Sizga yaqin joyda birorta ham tadbir rejalashtirilmagan. O'zingiz tadbir uyushtirmoqchimisiz?"
msgid ""
"There are no events scheduled near %1$s at the moment. Would you like to organize a WordPress event?"
msgstr ""
"Ayni vaqtda %1$sga yaqin joyda birorta ham tadbir rejalashtirilmagan. "
"O'zingiz tadbir uyushtirmoqchimisiz?"
msgid "An error occurred. Please try again."
msgstr "Xatolik yuz berdi. Iltimos, qayta urinib ko'ring."
msgid "Attend an upcoming event near %s."
msgstr "%s yaqinida rejalashtirilgan tadbirda qatnashing."
msgid "Cincinnati"
msgstr "Toshkent"
msgid "WordPress Events and News"
msgstr "WordPress tadbirlari va yangiliklari"
msgid "l, M j, Y"
msgstr "l, M j, Y"
msgid "Invalid API response code (%d)."
msgstr "Yaroqsiz API javob kodi (%d)"
msgid "Manual"
msgstr "Qo'lda"
msgctxt "Short for blue in RGB"
msgid "B"
msgstr "B"
msgctxt "Short for green in RGB"
msgid "G"
msgstr "G"
msgctxt "Short for red in RGB"
msgid "R"
msgstr "R"
msgid "Insert/edit media"
msgstr "Mediani qo'shish/tahrirlash"
msgid "Insert/edit code sample"
msgstr "Kodni qo'shish/tahrirlash"
msgid "Date/time"
msgstr "Sana/soat"
msgctxt "Id for link anchor (TinyMCE)"
msgid "Id"
msgstr "Id"
msgid ""
"Id should start with a letter, followed only by letters, numbers, dashes, "
"dots, colons or underscores."
msgstr ""
"Id harf bilan boshlanishi kerak va faqat harflar, raqamlar, tirelar, "
"nuqtalar, to'g'ri chiziqlar yoki ostki chiziqlar bilan davom ettirilishi "
msgid "Set up"
msgstr "Sozlash"
msgid "Hello,"
msgstr "Salom,"
msgid "Filter by"
msgstr "Filtrlash"
msgid "Learn more about XML sitemaps."
msgstr "XML sayt xaritalari haqida ko'proq ma'lumot oling."
msgid "Learn more about anchors"
msgstr "Langarlar haqida batafsil"
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete that user."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga bu foydalanuvchini o'chirishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete users."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga foydalanuvchilarni o'chirishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "Sorry, trackbacks are closed for this item."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, bu narsa uchun trackback imkoniyati yopiq."
msgid "RSS Error:"
msgstr "RSS Xatolik:"
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid ""
"This is an example of a homepage section. Homepage sections can be any page "
"other than the homepage itself, including the page that shows your latest "
"blog posts."
msgstr ""
"Bu bosh sahifa bo'limiga bir misol. Bosh sahifa sifatida bosh sahifaning "
"o'zidan boshqa har qanday sahifani tanlashingiz mumkin. Bosh sahifangiz "
"hatto eng so'nggi blog maqolalarini ko'rsatuvchi sahifa bo'lishi ham mumkin."
msgid "I really need an ID for this to work."
msgstr "Buning ishlashi uchun ID raqam kerak bo'ladi."
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "News"
msgstr "Yangiliklar"
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid ""
"This is a page with some basic contact information, such as an address and "
"phone number. You might also try a plugin to add a contact form."
msgstr ""
"Bu sahifa aloqa uchun zaruriy bo'lgan manzil, telefon raqam kabi "
"ma'lumotlarni o'z ichiga oladi. Plagin yordamida aloqa formasini "
"biriktirishingiz ham mumkin."
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "A homepage section"
msgstr "Bosh sahifa qismi"
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "Blog"
msgstr "Blog"
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "Contact"
msgstr "Bog'lanish"
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid ""
"Welcome to your site! This is your homepage, which is what most visitors "
"will see when they come to your site for the first time."
msgstr ""
"Saytingizga xush kelibsiz! Bu sahifa saytingizning bosh sahifasi "
"hisoblanadi. Saytingizga tashrif buyurgan kishi birinchi bo'lib shu sahifani "
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "About"
msgstr "Sayt haqida"
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "YouTube"
msgstr "YouTube"
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "Yelp"
msgstr "Yelp"
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "Pinterest"
msgstr "Pinterest"
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "LinkedIn"
msgstr "LinkedIn"
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "Instagram"
msgstr "Instagram"
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "Twitter"
msgstr "Twitter"
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "GitHub"
msgstr "GitHub"
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "Foursquare"
msgstr "Foursquare"
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Email"
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr "Facebook"
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "Recent Posts"
msgstr "Yangi maqolalar"
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "Recent Comments"
msgstr "Yangi fikrlar"
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Bosh sahifa"
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Qidiruv"
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "Archives"
msgstr "Arxivlar"
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "Meta"
msgstr "Meta"
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "Calendar"
msgstr "Taqvim"
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Bo'limlar"
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid ""
"This may be a good place to introduce yourself and your site or include some "
msgstr "Bu yerda o'zingizni yoki saytingizni tanishtirishingiz mumkin."
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "About This Site"
msgstr "Ushbu sayt haqida"
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "Saturday & Sunday: 11:00AM–3:00PM"
msgstr "Shanba va Yakshanba: 11:00 – 15:00"
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "Monday–Friday: 9:00AM–5:00PM"
msgstr "Dushanba—Juma: 9:00 – 17:00"
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "Hours"
msgstr "Soatlar"
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "New York, NY 10001"
msgstr "Termiz, Surxondaryo 190108"
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "123 Main Street"
msgstr "Murodbaxsh ko'chasi"
msgid "Video is playing."
msgstr "Video ko'rsatilayapti."
msgid "Video is paused."
msgstr "Video pauza qilindi."
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Manzil"
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "Find Us"
msgstr "Bizni toping"
msgctxt "label for hide controls button without length constraints"
msgid "Show Controls"
msgstr "Boshqaruvni ko'rsat"
msgid "Invalid JSONP callback function."
msgstr "JSONP callback funksiyasi yaroqsiz."
msgid "Item selected."
msgstr "Belgilandi."
msgid "Invalid JSON body passed."
msgstr "Yaroqsiz JSON kodi kiritilgan."
msgid "%1$s %2$s, %3$s ago (%4$s)"
msgstr "%1$s %2$s, %3$s avval (%4$s)"
msgid "Invalid page template."
msgstr "Yaroqsiz sahifa shabloni"
msgid "Post Attributes"
msgstr "Maqola ma'lumotlari"
msgid "No changesets found in Trash."
msgstr "Chiqindida hech qanday o'zgarish topilmadi."
msgid "No changesets found."
msgstr "Hech qanday o'zgarish topilmadi."
msgid "Search Changesets"
msgstr "O'zgarishlarni qidirish."
msgid "All Changesets"
msgstr "Barcha o'zgarishlar"
msgid "Edit Changeset"
msgstr "O'zgarishni tahrirlash"
msgid "New Changeset"
msgstr "Yangi o'zgarish"
msgid "Add New Changeset"
msgstr "Yangi o'zgarish qo'shish"
msgctxt "post type singular name"
msgid "Changeset"
msgstr "O'zgarishlar"
msgid "Attachment Attributes"
msgstr "Fayl ma'lumotlari"
msgid ""
"Allow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks) on new "
msgstr ""
"Yangi maqolalarga link xabarnomalari (pingback va trackback) kelishiga "
"ruxsat berish."
msgid "Default post category."
msgstr "Asosiy maqola bo'limi."
msgid "Site tagline."
msgstr "Sayt shiori."
msgctxt "New user notification email subject"
msgid "[%1$s] Activate %2$s"
msgstr "[%1$s] %2$s faollashtirish"
msgctxt "New site notification email subject"
msgid "[%1$s] Activate %2$s"
msgstr "[%1$s] %2$s faollashtirish"
msgid "Document Preview"
msgstr "Oldindan ko'rish"
msgctxt "next set of posts"
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Keyingi"
msgctxt "previous set of posts"
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Avvalgi"
msgid "Username or Email Address"
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi ismi yoki email manzil"
msgid "Click to edit this element."
msgstr "Elementni tahrirlash uchun bosing."
msgid "Click to edit the site title."
msgstr "Sayt sarlavhasini o'zgartirish uchun bosing."
msgid "Click to edit this widget."
msgstr "Ushbu vidjetni o'zgartirish uchun bosing."
msgid "Click to edit this menu."
msgstr "Menyuni tahrirlash uchun bosing."
msgid "Comment is required."
msgstr "Fikr yozish majburiy."
msgid "Comment author name and email are required."
msgstr "Fikr muallifi ismi va email manzilini kiritish majburiy."
msgid "Invalid role."
msgstr "Mansab yaroqsiz."
msgid "Sorry, the comment could not be updated."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, bu fikrni o'zgartirish mumkin emas."
msgid "Sorry, the term could not be created."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizning iborangiz yaratilmadi."
msgid "No widgets found."
msgstr "Birorta ham vidjet topilmadi."
msgid "Number of widgets found: %d"
msgstr "Topilgan vidjetlar soni: %d"
msgid "Please enter a valid YouTube URL."
msgstr "Iltimos yaroqli YouTube URL manzilini kiriting."
msgid "Empty title."
msgstr "Sarlavha bo'sh qoldirilgan"
msgid "%1$s could not be created: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s yaratishning imkoni bo'lmadi: %2$s"
msgid ""
"Only %1$s or %2$s files may be used for header video. Please convert your "
"video file and try again, or, upload your video to YouTube and link it with "
"the option below."
msgstr ""
"Header video sifatida faqat %1$s yoki %2$s fayllar ishlatilishi mumkin. "
"Iltimos, faylingizni konvert qilib qayta urinib ko'ring yoki videoni YouTube "
"saytiga yuklab, URL manzilini quyidagi joyga qo'ying."
msgid ""
"This video file is too large to use as a header video. Try a shorter video "
"or optimize the compression settings and re-upload a file that is less than "
"8MB. Or, upload your video to YouTube and link it with the option below."
msgstr ""
"Bu video header video sifatida ishlatilish uchun juda kattalik qiladi. "
"Videoni qisqartiring, siqilish sozlanmalarini o'zgartiring va 8MB hajmdan "
"kichik bo'lgan video faylni yuklang. Xohlasangiz videoni YouTube saytiga "
"ulab, uning URL manzilini quyida qo'yishingiz ham mumkin."
msgid "Learn more about CSS"
msgstr "CSS haqida ko'proq ma'lumot"
msgid "Additional CSS"
msgstr "Qo'shimcha CSS"
msgid "Or, enter a YouTube URL:"
msgstr "Yoki YouTube URL manzilini kiriting:"
msgctxt "Custom Preset"
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "O'ziga xos"
msgctxt "Repeat Image"
msgid "Repeat"
msgstr "Takrorlash"
msgctxt "Default Preset"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Odatiy"
msgctxt "Background Preset"
msgid "Preset"
msgstr "Avvaldan tayyorlangan"
msgid "Change video"
msgstr "Videoni o'zgartirish"
msgid "No video selected"
msgstr "Video tanlanmagan"
msgid "Header Video"
msgstr "Header Video"
msgid ""
"Upload your video in %1$s format and minimize its file size for best "
"results. Your theme recommends a height of %2$s pixels."
msgstr ""
"Yuklanadigan video %1$s formatda va imkon boricha kichik fayl hajmiga ega "
"bo'lishi kerak. Shabloningiz video bo'yi %2$s piksel bo'lishi kerakligini "
"tavsiya etadi."
msgid ""
"Upload your video in %1$s format and minimize its file size for best "
"results. Your theme recommends a width of %2$s pixels."
msgstr ""
"Yuklanadigan video %1$s formatda va imkon boricha kichik fayl hajmiga ega "
"bo'lishi kerak. Shabloningiz video eni %2$s piksel bo'lishi kerakligini "
"tavsiya etadi."
msgid ""
"Upload your video in %1$s format and minimize its file size for best "
"results. Your theme recommends dimensions of %2$s pixels."
msgstr ""
"Yuklanadigan video %1$s formatda va imkon boricha kichik fayl hajmiga ega "
"bo'lishi kerak. Shabloningiz video hajmi %2$s piksel bo'lishi kerakligini "
"tavsiya etadi."
msgid ""
"This theme does not support video headers on this page. Navigate to the "
"front page or another page that supports video headers."
msgstr ""
"Siz ishlatayotgan shablonning bu sahifasida video header ishlatishning "
"imkoni yo'q. Bosh sahifaga o'ting yoki video header imkoniyatiga ega boshqa "
"sahifani tanlang."
msgid ""
"If you add a video, the image will be used as a fallback while the video "
msgstr ""
"Agar video qo'shsangiz, video fayli yuklangunicha uning o'rniga bu rasm "
"ko'rsatilib turiladi."
msgid "Header Media"
msgstr "Header media"
msgid "Unauthorized to modify setting due to capability."
msgstr "Mansab chekloviga ko'ra sozlanmani o'zgartirish ta'qiqlangan."
msgid "Setting does not exist or is unrecognized."
msgstr "Sozlanma mavjud emas yoki noma'lum."
msgid "This form is not live-previewable."
msgstr "Formani oldindan ko'rish imkoni yo'q."
msgid "This link is not live-previewable."
msgstr "Linkni oldindan ko'raish imkoni yo'q."
msgid "Non-existent changeset UUID."
msgstr "Mavjud bo'lmagan o'zgarish UUID."
msgid "Invalid changeset UUID"
msgstr "Yaroqsiz o'zgarish UUID"
msgid "New page title"
msgstr "Yangi sahifa sarlavhasi"
msgid "Howdy, %s"
msgstr "Salom, %s"
msgid ""
"ID #%1$s: %2$s Sorry, you are not allowed to remove this user."
msgstr ""
"ID #%1$s: %2$s Kechirasiz, sizga bu foydalanuvchini o'chirishga "
"ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "New version available."
msgstr "Yangi versiya mavjud."
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Display location"
msgstr "Namoyish joylashuvi"
msgid "Collapse Main menu"
msgstr "Asosiy menyuni qisqartir"
msgid "Invalid date."
msgstr "Yaroqsiz sana."
msgid "Current Background Image"
msgstr "Joriy orqa fon rasmi"
msgid "Current Header Image"
msgstr "Joriy yuqori rasm"
msgid "%s Sites"
msgstr "%s tarmog'i"
msgid "Search media items..."
msgstr "Media fayllarni izlash..."
msgid "Set status"
msgstr "Holatni o'rnatish"
msgid "“%s” is locked"
msgstr "“%s” qulflangan"
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to attach files to this post."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga bu maqolaga fayl biriktirishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgctxt "short (~12 characters) label for hide controls button"
msgid "Hide Controls"
msgstr "Boshqaruvni yashirish"
msgctxt "label for hide controls button without length constraints"
msgid "Hide Controls"
msgstr "Boshqaruvni yashir"
msgid "Customize New Changes"
msgstr "Yangi o'zgarishlarni moslashtirish"
msgid "Scroll with Page"
msgstr "Sahifa bilan birga yurish"
msgctxt "Background Scroll"
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "Varaqlash"
msgid "Fit to Screen"
msgstr "Ekranga to'liq sig'ish"
msgid "Fill Screen"
msgstr "To'liq ekranda"
msgctxt "Background Repeat"
msgid "Repeat"
msgstr "Takrorlash"
msgctxt "Original Size"
msgid "Original"
msgstr "Original"
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit the %s custom field."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga %s bo'limini o'zgartirishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid ""
"Limit result set to users matching at least one specific role provided. "
"Accepts csv list or single role."
msgstr ""
"Berilgan mansablardan kamida bittasiga tegishli foydalanuvchilar natija "
"cheklovi qo'yilgan. CSV ro'yxati yoki yagona mansab qabul qilinishi mumkin."
msgid "Avatar URLs for the user."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchining avatar URL manzillari."
msgid "Limit result set to resources with a specific slug."
msgstr "Muayyan atala bilan manbalarga o'rnatilgan natijani cheklash."
msgid "Roles assigned to the user."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchiga berilgan maqomlar."
msgid "Any extra capabilities assigned to the user."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchiga tayinlangan har qanday qo'shimcha imkoniyatlar."
msgid "All capabilities assigned to the user."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchiga tayinlangan barcha imkoniyatlar."
msgid "Password for the user (never included)."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi paroli (hech qachon qo'shilmaydi)."
msgid "The nickname for the user."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi tahallusi."
msgid "Locale for the user."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi tili."
msgid "Registration date for the user."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchining ro'yxatdan o'tgan sanasi."
msgid "An alphanumeric identifier for the user."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi uchun harf va raqamli nom."
msgid "Author URL of the user."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchining muallif URL manzili."
msgid "Description of the user."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi haqida ma'lumot."
msgid "URL of the user."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi URL manzili."
msgid "Last name for the user."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi familiyasi."
msgid "The email address for the user."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchining email manzili."
msgid "First name for the user."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi ismi."
msgid "Display name for the user."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchining ko'rsatiladigan ismi."
msgid "Login name for the user."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi logini."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to give users that role."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, sizga foydalanuvchilarga mansab tayinlashga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "Passwords cannot be empty."
msgstr "Parol bo'sh bo'lishi mumkin emas."
msgid "The user cannot be deleted."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchini o'chirish mumkin emas."
msgid "Invalid user ID for reassignment."
msgstr "Qayta tayinlash uchun foydalanuvchi ID raqami yaroqsiz."
msgid "Error creating new user."
msgstr "Yangi foydalanuvchi qo'shishda xatolik yuz berdi."
msgid "Invalid slug."
msgstr "Manzil slugida xatolik bor."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit roles of this user."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, sizga bu foydalanuvchi mansabini o'zgartirishga ruxsat "
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to order users by this parameter."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, sizga foydalanuvchilarni bu sifatga ko'ra tartiblashga ruxsat "
msgid "Cannot create existing user."
msgstr "Majvud foydalanuvchini yana yaratib bo'lmaydi."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create new users."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, siz yangi foydalanuvchilar qo'sha olmaysiz."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to filter users by role."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, sizga foydalanuvchilarni mansabga ko'ra saralashga ruxsat "
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to list users."
msgstr "Sizda foydalanuvchilar ro'yxatini ko'rishga ruxsat yo'q."
msgid "Reassign the deleted user's posts and links to this user ID."
msgstr ""
"O'chirilgan foydalanuvchining maqolalari va linklarini mana bu ID raqamli "
"foydalanuvchiga biriktir."
msgid "Invalid user parameter(s)."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi sifatlarida xatolik bor."
msgid "Unique identifier for the user."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchining betakror belgisi."
msgid "Required to be true, as users do not support trashing."
msgstr ""
"Foydalanuvchilarni o'chirib bo'lmasligini hisobga olgan holda TRUE bo'lishi "
"talab etiladi."
msgid "Limit result set to resources with a specific role."
msgstr "Muayyan rolga ega resurslarga cheklangan natija."
msgid "Limit result set to terms assigned to a specific post."
msgstr ""
"Ma'lum maqolaga tayinlangan iboralar uchun natija cheklovi o'rnatilgan."
msgid "Limit result set to terms assigned to a specific parent."
msgstr "Ma'lum otaga tayinlangan iboralar uchun natija cheklovi o'rnatilgan."
msgid "Whether to hide terms not assigned to any posts."
msgstr "Maqolaga tayinlanmagan iboralarni yashirish kerakmi yoqmi."
msgid "The parent term ID."
msgstr "Ota ibora ID raqami."
msgid "Sort collection by term attribute."
msgstr "Ibora sifatiga ko'ra jamlanmani tartiblash."
msgid "Type attribution for the term."
msgstr "Iboraning turiga ko'ra sifatlanishi."
msgid "HTML title for the term."
msgstr "Ibora uchun HTML sarlavha."
msgid "URL of the term."
msgstr "Ibora URL manzili."
msgid "An alphanumeric identifier for the term unique to its type."
msgstr ""
"O'z turida betakror bo'lgan ibora uchun harf va raqamdan iborat maxsus nom."
msgid "The term cannot be deleted."
msgstr "Iborani o'chirish mumkin emas."
msgid "HTML description of the term."
msgstr "Iboraning HTML tasnifi."
msgid "Number of published posts for the term."
msgstr "Iboradagi chop etilgan maqolalar soni."
msgid "Cannot set parent term, taxonomy is not hierarchical."
msgstr "Ota iborani o'rnata olmadim, taksonomiya sharajalashmagan."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create new pages."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga yangi sahifalar yaratishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "Unique identifier for the term."
msgstr "Ibora uchun betakror atama."
msgid "Required to be true, as terms do not support trashing."
msgstr ""
"Iboralarni o'chirib bo'lmasligini hisobga olgan holda ijobiy bo'lishi talab "
msgid "Term does not exist."
msgstr "Ibora mavjud emas."
msgid "REST base route for the taxonomy."
msgstr "Taksonomiya uchun REST asos yo'nalishi."
msgid "Limit results to taxonomies associated with a specific post type."
msgstr ""
"Natija cheklovini ma'lum maqola turiga aloqador taksonomiyalarni ko'rsatish "
"uchun o'rnat."
msgid "The title for the taxonomy."
msgstr "Taksonomiya sarlavhasi."
msgid "Types associated with the taxonomy."
msgstr "Taksonomiyaga ta'luqli turlar."
msgid "Human-readable labels for the taxonomy for various contexts."
msgstr ""
"Turli joylarda ishlatish uchun odam o'qiy oladigan taksonomiya yorliqlari."
msgid "Whether or not the taxonomy should have children."
msgstr "Taksonomiyada bolalar bo'lsinmi yoki yo'qmi."
msgid "A human-readable description of the taxonomy."
msgstr "Taksonomiyaning odam o'qiy oladigan tasnifi."
msgid "All capabilities used by the taxonomy."
msgstr "Taksonomiya tomonidan ishlatiladigan barcha imkoniyatlar."
msgid "An alphanumeric identifier for the taxonomy."
msgstr "Taksonomiya uchun harf va raqamdan iborat atama."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to manage terms in this taxonomy."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, ushbu taksonomiyada iboralarni boshqarishga ruxsatingiz yo'q."
msgid ""
"The %s property has an invalid stored value, and cannot be updated to null."
msgstr "%s yaroqsiz qiymatga ega va u NULL qilib o'zgartirilmaydi."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to view revisions of this post."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga bu maqola tahrirlarini ko'rishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "Invalid revision ID."
msgstr "Tahrir ID raqami yaroqsiz."
msgid "Required to be true, as revisions do not support trashing."
msgstr ""
"Ko'rib chiqishlarni o'chirib bo'lmasligini hisobga olgan holda ijobiy "
"bo'lishi talab etiladi."
msgid "REST base route for the post type."
msgstr "Post turi uchun REST asosi yo'nalishi."
msgid "Human-readable labels for the post type for various contexts."
msgstr ""
"Turli o'rinlarda qo'llanadigan, odamlar o'qishi uchun mo'ljallangan post "
"turi yorliqlari."
msgid "The title for the post type."
msgstr "Post turi sarlavhasi."
msgid "Taxonomies associated with post type."
msgstr "Post turiga aloqador taksonomiyalar."
msgid "Whether or not the post type should have children."
msgstr "Post turida bolalar bo'lsinmi, yo'qmi."
msgid "A human-readable description of the post type."
msgstr "Post turining odamlar o'qishi uchun mo'ljallangan tasnifi."
msgid "All capabilities used by the post type."
msgstr "Post turi tomonidan ishlatiladigan barcha imkoniyatlar."
msgid "An alphanumeric identifier for the post type."
msgstr "Post turi uchun harf va raqamlardan iborat atama."
msgid "Cannot view post type."
msgstr "Post turini ko'rishning imkoni yo'q."
msgid "Whether posts with this status should be publicly-queryable."
msgstr "Bu holatga ega bo'lgan maqolalar omma uchun mavjud bo'lsinmi yo'qmi."
msgid ""
"Whether posts of this status should be shown in the front end of the site."
msgstr ""
"Bu holatga ega bo'lgan maqolalar saytning old tomonidan ko'rinsinmi yo'qmi."
msgid "The title for the status."
msgstr "Holat sarlavhasi."
msgid "Whether posts with this status should be protected."
msgstr "Bu holatga ega bo'lgan maqolalar himoyalangan bo'lsinmi yo'qmi."
msgid "Whether posts with this status should be private."
msgstr "Bu holatga ega bo'lgan maqolalar shaxsiy bo'lsinmi yo'qmi."
msgid "Cannot view status."
msgstr "Holatni ko'rishning imkoni yo'q."
msgid "An alphanumeric identifier for the status."
msgstr "Holat uchun harf va raqamdan iborat atama."
msgid "Limit result set to posts assigned one or more statuses."
msgstr ""
"Bir yoki bir nechta holatga tayinlangan maqolalarga natija cheklovi "
msgid "Limit result set to posts with one or more specific slugs."
msgstr ""
"Bir yoki bir nechta aniq yo'nalishga ega maqolalarga natija cheklovi "
msgid "Limit result set to all items except those of a particular parent ID."
msgstr ""
"Ma'lum ota ID raqamiga ega narsalardan boshqa hammasi uchun natija cheklovi "
msgid "Limit result set to posts with a specific menu_order value."
msgstr ""
"Ma'lum menu_order qiymatiga ega maqolalar uchun natija cheklovi o'rnatilgan."
msgid ""
"Limit response to posts published before a given ISO8601 compliant date."
msgstr ""
"Javobni belgilangan ISO8601 sanasidan oldin chop etilgan maqolalarga chekla."
msgid "Limit response to posts published after a given ISO8601 compliant date."
msgstr ""
"Javobni belgilangan ISO8601 sanasidan keyin chop etilgan maqolalarga "
msgid "Invalid featured media ID."
msgstr "Miniatyura media ID raqami yaroqsiz."
msgid "Invalid post parent ID."
msgstr "Maqola ota ID raqami yaroqsiz."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to assign the provided terms."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, sizga keltirilgan iboralarni tayinlashga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to make posts sticky."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga maqolalarni yopishqoq qilishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "Limit result set to comments assigned to specific post IDs."
msgstr "Natijalarni ma'lum maqola ID raqamiga biriktirilgan fikrlarga chekla."
msgid "Ensure result set excludes specific parent IDs."
msgstr "Ma'lum ota ID raqamli natijalar olib tashlansin."
msgid "Limit result set to comments of specific parent IDs."
msgstr "Natijalarni ma'lum ota ID raqamli fikrlarga chekla."
msgid ""
"Limit response to comments published before a given ISO8601 compliant date."
msgstr ""
"ISO8601 bilan mutanosib sanadan ilgari chop etilgan fikrlarga javob berishni "
msgid "Limit result set to specific IDs."
msgstr "Natijalarni ma'lum ID raqamlarga chekla."
msgid "Ensure result set excludes specific IDs."
msgstr "Natijalardan ma'lum ID raqamlar olib tashlansin."
msgid ""
"Ensure result set excludes comments assigned to specific user IDs. Requires "
msgstr ""
"Natijalardan ma'lum foydalanuvchi ID raqamiga biriktirilgan fikrlar olib "
"tashlansin. Tizimga kirish talab etiladi."
msgid ""
"Limit result set to comments assigned to specific user IDs. Requires "
msgstr ""
"Natijalarni ma'lum foydalanuvchi ID raqamiga biriktirilgan fikrlarga chekla. "
"Tizimga kirish talab etiladi."
msgid ""
"Limit response to comments published after a given ISO8601 compliant date."
msgstr ""
"ISO8601 bilan mutanosib sanadan keyin chop etilgan fikrlarga javob berishni "
msgid "The ID of the associated post object."
msgstr "Ta'luqli maqola obyektining ID raqami."
msgid "The ID for the parent of the object."
msgstr "Obyekt otasining ID raqami."
msgid "The ID of the user object, if author was a user."
msgstr ""
"Agar muallif foydalanuvchi bo'lsa, foydalanuvchi obyektining ID raqami."
msgid "Invalid comment author ID."
msgstr "Fikr muallifi ID raqami yaroqsiz."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to change the comment type."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, fikr turini o'zgartira olmaysiz."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this comment."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga bu fikrni o'chirishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "Cannot create a comment with that type."
msgstr "Ushbu tur bilan fikr yarata olmayman."
msgid "Invalid comment content."
msgstr "Fikr matni yaroqsiz."
msgid "Comment field exceeds maximum length allowed."
msgstr "Fikr matni belgilangan miqdordan oshib ketgan."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create a comment on this post."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, sizga bu maqolaga nisbatan fikr bildirishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create this comment without a post."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga bu fikrni maqolasiz yaratishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to read this comment."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga bu fikrni o'qishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit '%s' for comments."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, sizga fikrlar uchun '%s' sifatini tahrirlashga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to read comments without a post."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga maqolasiz fikrlarni o'qishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to read the post for this comment."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, sizga bu fikrga tegishli maqolani o'qishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "URL to the original attachment file."
msgstr "Asl biriktirilgan fayl URL manzili."
msgid "The ID for the associated post of the attachment."
msgstr "Biriktirilgan fayl tegishli bo'lgan maqola ID raqami."
msgid "Details about the media file, specific to its type."
msgstr "O'z turiga xos bo'lgan media fayl ma'lumotlari."
msgid "The attachment MIME type."
msgstr "Biriktirilayotgan faylning MIME turi."
msgid "Attachment type."
msgstr "Biriktirilayotgan fayl turi."
msgid "The attachment description."
msgstr "Biriktirilayotgan fayl haqida ma'lumot."
msgid "HTML caption for the attachment, transformed for display."
msgstr "Ko'rsatilish uchun biriktirmaning HTML sarlavhasi."
msgid "The attachment caption."
msgstr "Biriktirilayotgan fayl sarlavhasi."
msgid "Caption for the attachment, as it exists in the database."
msgstr "Bazadagi ko'rinishga ega biriktirmaning HTML sarlavhasi."
msgid "Alternative text to display when attachment is not displayed."
msgstr "Biriktirilgan fayl ko'rsatilmagan vaqtda namoyish etiladigan matn."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to upload media to this post."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga bu maqolaga media yuklash uchun ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid ""
"PHP's XML extension is not available. Please contact your hosting provider "
"to enable PHP's XML extension."
msgstr ""
"PHPning XML qo'shimchasi mavjud emas. Iltimos, hosting provayderingiz bilan "
"bog'laning va PHPning XML qo'shimchasini yoqib berishini ko'rsang."
msgid "Markup is not allowed in CSS."
msgstr "CSS ichida HTML ishlatish mumkin emas."
msgid "Error: [%1$s] %2$s"
msgstr "Xato: [%1$s] %2$s"
msgid "Rollback Error: [%1$s] %2$s"
msgstr "Qayta tiklashda xato: [%1$s] %2$s"
msgid ""
"This debugging email is sent when you are using a development version of "
"If you think these failures might be due to a bug in WordPress, could you "
"report it?\n"
" * Open a thread in the support forums:"
" * Or, if you're comfortable writing a bug report: https://core.trac."
"Thanks! -- The WordPress Team"
msgstr ""
"Bu email xabari sizga development versiyadagi WordPressni ishlatayotgan "
"vaqtingizda yuboriladi.\n"
"Agar bu xatoliklar tizimdagi nosozlik tufayli, deb o'ylasangiz, ular haqida "
"bizga xabar bera olasizmi?\n"
"* Yordam forumida yangi mavzu oching:"
"* Yoki, uddalay olsangiz, xatolik haqida hisobot jo'nating: https://core."
"Rahmat! -- WordPress jamoasi"
msgid "FAILED: %s"
msgid "The following translations failed to update:"
msgstr "Quyidagi tarjimalarni yangilab bo'lmadi:"
msgid "The following themes failed to update:"
msgstr "Quyidagi shablonlarni yangilab bo'lmadi:"
msgid "The following plugins failed to update:"
msgstr "Quyidagi plaginlarni yangilab bo'lmadi:"
msgid "SUCCESS: %s"
msgstr "OMADLI BO'LDI: %s"
msgid "The following translations were successfully updated:"
msgstr "Quyidagi tarjimalar muvaffaqiyatli yangilandi:"
msgid "The following themes were successfully updated:"
msgstr "Quyidagi shablonlar muvaffaqiyatli yangilandi:"
msgid "The following plugins were successfully updated:"
msgstr "Quyidagi plaginlar muvaffaqiyatli yangilandi:"
msgid "FAILED: WordPress failed to update to %s"
msgstr "OMADSIZ YAKUNLANDI: WordPress %s versiyagacha yangilanmadi"
msgid "SUCCESS: WordPress was successfully updated to %s"
msgstr "OMADLI BO'LDI: WordPress %s versiyagacha yangilandi"
msgid ""
"The WordPress team is willing to help you. Forward this email to %s and the "
"team will work with you to make sure your site is working."
msgstr ""
"WordPress jamoasi sizga yordam berishga tayyor. Bu emailni %s manziliga "
"yuboring va jamoa saytingizning ishlashiga yordamlashadi."
msgid "Undo?"
msgstr "Bekor qilinsinmi?"
msgid "Hi %s,"
msgstr "Salom %s,"
msgid "Yes please!"
msgstr "Ha iltimos!"
msgid "download"
msgstr "yuklab olish"
msgid "Private note"
msgstr "Shaxsiy qayd"
msgid "Got it"
msgstr "Tushundim"
msgid ""
"You can select the language you wish to use while using the WordPress "
"administration screen without affecting the language site visitors see."
msgstr ""
"Siz tashrif buyuruvchilarga ko'rinadigan saytingizning old tomondagi tiliga "
"ta'sir ko'rsatmagan holda WordPress administrator paneli tilini o'zingiz "
"istagan tilga o'zgartirishingiz mumkin."
msgid "Upload a theme"
msgstr "Template ni yuklang"
msgctxt "default site language"
msgid "Site Default"
msgstr "Sayt asl holati"
msgid "PayPal"
msgstr "PayPal"
msgid "Unrecognized background setting."
msgstr "Orqa fon sozlanmasini tanimadim."
msgid "Invalid value for background size."
msgstr "Orqa fon hajmi uchun yaroqsiz qiymat."
msgid "Invalid value for background position Y."
msgstr "Orqa fonning Y joylashuvi qiymati yaroqsiz."
msgid "Invalid value for background position X."
msgstr "Orqa fonning X joylashuvi qiymati yaroqsiz."
msgid "Invalid value for background attachment."
msgstr "Orqa fon uchun biriktirilgan fayl qiymati yaroqsiz."
msgid "Invalid value for background repeat."
msgstr "Orqa fon takrorlanishi uchun yaroqsiz qiymat."
msgid "Pricing"
msgstr "Narxlar"
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create private posts in this post type."
msgstr "Joriy a'zolik bilan shaxsiy maqolalar yaratishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "%1$s must be between %2$d (inclusive) and %3$d (inclusive)"
msgstr ""
"%1$s %2$d (o'zi ham qo'shilgan holda) va %3$d (o'zi ham qo'shilgan holda) "
"oralig'ida bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "%1$s must be between %2$d (exclusive) and %3$d (inclusive)"
msgstr ""
"%1$s %2$d (o'zi qo'shilmagan holda) va %3$d (o'zi ham qo'shilgan holda) "
"oralig'ida bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "%1$s must be between %2$d (inclusive) and %3$d (exclusive)"
msgstr ""
"%1$s %2$d (o'zi ham qo'shilgan holda) va %3$d (o'zi qo'shilmagan holda) "
"oralig'ida bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "%1$s must be between %2$d (exclusive) and %3$d (exclusive)"
msgstr ""
"%1$s %2$d (o'zi qo'shilmagan holda) va %3$d (o'zi qo'shilmagan holda) "
"oralig'ida bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "%s is not a valid IP address."
msgstr "%s yaroqli IP manzil emas."
msgid "%1$s is not of type %2$s."
msgstr "%1$s %2$s turga ta'luqli emas."
msgid "%1$s is not one of %2$s."
msgstr "%1$s %2$sga aloqador emas."
msgid "Blog pages show at most."
msgstr "Blog sahifasida ko'pi bilan ko'rinadi."
msgid "Default post format."
msgstr "Odatiy maqola formati."
msgid "Convert emoticons like :-) and :-P to graphics on display."
msgstr "Yozuvli :-) va :-P o'xshash smayliklarni rasmli qilib ko'rsatish."
msgid "WordPress locale code."
msgstr "WordPress til kodi."
msgid "A day number of the week that the week should start on."
msgstr "Hafta boshlanadigan kunning raqami."
msgid "A time format for all time strings."
msgstr "Barcha vaqt yozuvlari uchun vaqt shakli."
msgid "A date format for all date strings."
msgstr "Barcha sana yozuvlari uchun sana shakli."
msgid "A city in the same timezone as you."
msgstr "Ayni vaqtda yashayotgan shahringiz."
msgid "Site URL."
msgstr "Sayt URL manzili."
msgid "Meta fields."
msgstr "Meta bo'limlar."
msgid "Could not delete meta value from database."
msgstr "Bazadagi meta ma'lumotni o'chira olmadim."
msgid "You do not have permission to edit this customer"
msgstr "Sizda ushbu mijozni tahrirlash uchun ruxsat yo'q"
msgid "Limit result set to items that are sticky."
msgstr "Faqat yopishqoqlar natija cheklovi o'rnatilgan."
msgid "A password to protect access to the content and excerpt."
msgstr "Ma'lumot va parchani ko'rishdan himoyalovchi parol."
msgid "Whether the excerpt is protected with a password."
msgstr "Parcha parol bilan himoyalanganmi yo'qmi."
msgid "Whether the content is protected with a password."
msgstr "Ma'lumot parol bilan himoyalanganmi yo'qmi."
msgid "Incorrect post password."
msgstr "Maqola paroli xato."
msgid "You need to define a search term to order by relevance."
msgstr ""
"O'xshashligiga ko'ra saralash uchun qidiruv iborasini yozishingiz kerak."
msgid "The password for the post if it is password protected."
msgstr "Agar maqola parol bilan himoyalangan bo'lsa, parol."
msgid ""
"Limit response to resources published after a given ISO8601 compliant date."
msgstr ""
"Berilgan ISO8601 muvofiq sanadan keyin nashr qilingan manbalarga cheklovlar."
msgid "Creating a comment requires valid author name and email values."
msgstr ""
"Fikr yaratish uchun haqiqiy muallif ismi va email manzili kerak bo'ladi."
msgid "Limit result set to attachments of a particular MIME type."
msgstr "Natijalarni ma'lum MIME turidagi biriktirilgan fayllarga cheklash."
msgid "Limit result set to attachments of a particular media type."
msgstr "Natijalarni ma'lumt media turidagi biriktirilgan fayllarga cheklash."
msgid "Order ID is invalid"
msgstr "Buyurtma identifikatori noto‘g‘ri"
msgid "Unable to retrieve the error message from MySQL"
msgstr "MySQLdan xato xabarini olib bo'lmadi"
msgid "Deleted:"
msgstr "O'chirildi:"
msgid ""
"Use Left/Right Arrow keys to advance one second, Up/Down arrows to advance "
"ten seconds."
msgstr ""
"Bir sekund uchun O'ngga/Chapga tugmalaridan va o'n sekund uchun Yuqoriga/"
"Pastga tugmalaridan foydalaning."
msgctxt "password strength"
msgid "Password strength unknown"
msgstr "Parolning kuchi noma'lum"
msgid "Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume."
msgstr "Tovushni o'zgartirish uchun Yuqoriga/Pastga tugmalaridan foydalaning."
msgid "Volume Slider"
msgstr "Tovush sozlanmasi"
msgid "Video Player"
msgstr "Video Pleyer"
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to preview drafts."
msgstr "Sizda qoralamani ko'rishga ruxsat yo'q."
msgid "Password changed for user: %s"
msgstr "Foidalanuvchinig paroli uzgartirildi: %s"
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to do that."
msgstr "Buni qilishga sizda ruxsat yo'q."
msgid "Image crop area preview. Requires mouse interaction."
msgstr "Kesiladigan rasm qismini ko'rish. Sichqonchadan foydalaning."
msgid "Do not pass %1$s tags to %2$s."
msgstr "%1$s teglarini %2$sga o'tkazmang."
msgid ""
"A structure tag is required when using custom permalinks. Learn more"
msgstr ""
"Maxsus permalinklardan foydalanganda qurilma tegi talab etiladi. Batafsil ma'lumot"
msgctxt "Comment number declension: on or off"
msgid "off"
msgstr "O'chgan"
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to publish this page."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga bu sahifani chop etishga ruxsat berilmaydi."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to access user data on this site."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, bu saytda foydalanuvchi ma'lumotini ko'ra olmaysiz."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to publish this post."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, bu maqolani chop etishga ruxsatingiz yo'q."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to add a category."
msgstr "Bo'lim qo'shishga sizda ruxsat yo'q."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this category."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga bu kategoriyani o'chirishga ruxsat berilmaydi."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit your profile."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, profilingizni tahrirlay olmaysiz."
msgid ""
"Warning: the link has been inserted but may have errors. Please test it."
msgstr ""
"Ogohlantirish: link kiritildi, ammo xatoliklar bo'lishi mumkin. Iltimos, "
"tekshiruvdan o'tkazing."
msgid "Inexistent terms."
msgstr "Mavjud bo'lmagan iboralar."
msgid "Rich Text Area. Press Control-Option-H for help."
msgstr "Mukammal matn muharriri. Yordam uchun 'Control-Option-H' ni bosing."
msgid "Rich Text Area. Press Alt-Shift-H for help."
msgstr "Matn muharriri. Yordam uchun Alt-Shift-H tugmalarini bosing"
msgid "Invalid value."
msgstr "Nomutanosib belgi."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to remove users."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga foydalanuvchilarni o'chirishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid ""
"New users are automatically assigned a password, which they can change after "
"logging in. You can view or edit the assigned password by clicking the Show "
"Password button. The username cannot be changed once the user has been added."
msgstr ""
"Yangi foydalanuvchilarga avtomatik parol taqdim etiladi va ular saytga "
"kirishgandan so'ng bu parolni o'zlari o'zgartirib olishlari mumkin bo'ladi. "
"Tayinlangan parolni ko'rish yoki o'zgartirish uchun Parolni ko'rsatish "
"tugmasiga bosishingiz kerak. Foydalanuvchi yaratilgandan so'ng foydalanuvchi "
"ismini o'zgartirib bo'lmaydi."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create users."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga foydalanuvchi yaratishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to add users to this network."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, sizga bu tarmoqqa foydalanuvchi qo'shishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this user."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, bu foydalanuvchini tahrirlay olmaysiz."
msgctxt "theme"
msgid "Activate %s"
msgstr "%s faollashtirish"
msgid ""
"New version available. "
msgstr ""
"Yangi versiya mavjud. "
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to assign this term."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga bu iborani tayinlashga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid ""
"Sorry, you are not allowed to modify unregistered settings for this site."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, sizga bu saytdagi ro'yxatga olinmagan sozlanmalarni "
"o'zgartirishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to manage options for this site."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, sizga bu sayt sozlanmalarini o'zgartirishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "Manage with Live Preview"
msgstr "Oldindan ko'rish orqali boshqarish"
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to add links to this site."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga bu saytga linklar qo'shishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "A WordPress Commenter"
msgstr "WordPress fikr bildiruvchisi"
msgctxt "theme"
msgid "%s was successfully deleted."
msgstr "%s o'chirildi."
msgctxt "plugin"
msgid "%s was successfully deleted."
msgstr "%s o'chirildi."
msgid ""
"There is a new version of %1$s available. View version "
"%4$s details. Automatic update is unavailable for this plugin."
msgstr ""
"Yangi %1$s versiya iste'molga chiqarildi. %4$s versiya "
"ma'lumotlari. Bu plagin uchun avtomatik yangilash imkoniyati mavjud "
msgid ""
"WordPress %2$s is available! Please notify the site "
msgstr ""
"WordPress %2$s versiyasi e'lon qilindi! Iltimos, sayt "
"administratoriga xabar bering."
msgid "Please update WordPress now"
msgstr "Iltimos, WordPress tizimini yangilang."
msgid ""
"WordPress %2$s is available! Please update now."
msgstr ""
"WordPress %2$s versiyasi e'lon qilindi! Hoziroq yangilang."
msgid ""
"There is a new version of %1$s available. View version "
"%4$s details or update now."
msgstr ""
"%1$s shablonining yangi versiyasi mavjud. %4$s versiya "
"ma'lumotlari bilan tanishing yoki hoziroq "
msgid "Grid Layout"
msgstr "Joylashuv tartibi"
msgid ""
"There is a new version of %1$s available. View version "
"%4$s details."
msgstr ""
"%1$s yangi versiyasi mavjud. %4$s versiya haqida "
msgid ""
"This will replace the current editor content with the last backup version. "
"You can use undo and redo in the editor to get the old content back or to "
"return to the restored version."
msgstr ""
"Bu orqali muharrirning joriy ma'lumotlari o'rniga eng so'nggi zahira olingan "
"ma'lumotlar joylanadi. Muharrirdagi bekor qilish va qayta bajarish "
"imkoniyatlari orqali eski ma'lumotlarni qaytarishingiz, yoki zahiradan "
"tiklangan ma'lumotga qaytishingiz mumkin bo'ladi."
msgid "Restore the backup"
msgstr "Zahirani tiklash"
msgid "Close media attachment panel"
msgstr "Fayl biriktirish oynasini yopish"
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit pages."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sahifalarni tahrirlay olmaysiz."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create posts as this user."
msgstr "Joriy a'zolik bilan maqolalar yaratishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "That’s all, stop editing! Happy publishing."
msgstr ""
"Bo’ldi, tahrirlashni to’xtating! Maqola yozishni boshlashingiz "
msgid ""
"Add the following to your %1$s file in %2$s above the line "
"reading %3$s:"
msgstr ""
"Quyidagini %2$s manzilida joylashgan %1$s fayliga, %3$s deyilgan yozuvning "
"tepasiga qo'ying:"
msgid "Need help? Use the Help tab above the screen title."
msgstr ""
"Yordam kerakmi? Ekraningizning yuqori qismidagi Yordam bo'limini oching."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga bu saytga kirishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "Import posts & media from Tumblr using their API."
msgstr "Tumblr API yordamida maqola va media fayllarni import qilish."
msgid "Import posts from an RSS feed."
msgstr "RSS obuna orqali maqolalarni import qilish."
msgid "Import posts and comments from a Movable Type or TypePad blog."
msgstr ""
"Movable Type yoki TypePad bloglaridan maqola va fikrlarni import qilish."
msgctxt "theme"
msgid "Delete %s"
msgstr "%s o'chirish"
msgid "The %s stylesheet does not contain a valid theme header."
msgstr "%s faylida shablon haqida kerakli ma'lumot topilmadi."
msgid "Live Preview “%s”"
msgstr "Jonli ko'rish “%s”"
msgid "Update progress"
msgstr "Yangilanish ko'rsatkichi"
msgid "The theme is missing the %s stylesheet."
msgstr "Shablonda %s fayl yetishmayapti."
msgid "Hide Details"
msgstr "Скрыть детали"
msgid "Another update is currently in progress."
msgstr "Yana boshqa yangilanish amalga oshirilmoqda."
msgid "Show Details"
msgstr "Показать детали"
msgid "An error occurred while updating %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s yangilash davomida xatolik yuz berdi: %2$s"
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit the links for this site."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, sizga bu saytdagi linklarni tahrirlashga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to manage plugins for this site."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, sizga bu saytdagi plaginlarni boshqarishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "Plugin could not be deleted."
msgstr "Plagin o'chirilmadi."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete plugins for this site."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, sizga bu saytdagi plaginlarni o'chirishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to update plugins for this site."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, sizga bu saytdagi plaginlarni yangilashga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to install plugins on this site."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, sizga bu saytda yangi plaginlar o'rnatishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "No plugin specified."
msgstr "Birorta ham plagin ko'rsatilmagan."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to install themes on this site."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, sizga bu saytda yangi shablonlar o'rnatishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "No theme specified."
msgstr "Birorta ham shablon ko'rsatilmagan."
msgid "Run %s"
msgstr "%s ishga tushirish"
msgid "Run Importer"
msgstr "Importerni ishga tushirish."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to export the content of this site."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, sizga bu sayt ma'lumotlarini eksport qilishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid ""
"You can filter the list of posts by post status using the text links above "
"the posts list to only show posts with that status. The default view is to "
"show all posts."
msgstr ""
"Siz maqolalar ro'yxatining yuqorisida joylashgan linklar yordamida faqat shu "
"linkdagi holatga ega bo'lgan maqolalarnigina ko'rsatadigan qilib "
"saralashingiz mumkin. Odatiy ko'rinishda barcha maqolalar ko'rsatiladi."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to customize this site."
msgstr "Sizda bu saytni moslashtirishga ruxsat yo'q."
msgid "Close the Customizer and go back to the previous page"
msgstr "Moshlashtirgichni yopish va avvalgi sahifaga qaytish"
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to customize headers."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga yuqori qismni molashtirishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to upload files."
msgstr "Sizda fayl yuklashga ruxsat yo'q."
msgid "Speed"
msgstr "Tezlik"
msgid "Error Details"
msgstr "Xato tafsilotlari"
msgid "Page scheduled."
msgstr "Sahifa rejalashtirildi."
msgid "Payment methods"
msgstr "To'lov usullari"
msgid "Log"
msgstr "Log jurnali"
msgid "Transaction ID"
msgstr "O‘tkazma identifikatori"
msgid "Kerry"
msgstr "Kerry"
msgid "New tag name"
msgstr "Yangi kalit so'z nomi"
msgid "Have more questions?"
msgstr "Yana savollaringiz bormi?"
msgid "3:2"
msgstr "3:2"
msgid "4:3"
msgstr "4:3"
msgid "16:9"
msgstr "16:9"
msgid "Marketing"
msgstr "Marketing"
msgid "Rotate"
msgstr "Burish"
msgid "Activate Jetpack"
msgstr "Jetpack-ni faollashtiring"
msgctxt "dashboard"
msgid "%1$s %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s %2$s"
msgid "Restore this comment from the spam"
msgstr "Fikrni spamdan qayta tiklash"
msgid "Your session has expired. Please log in to continue where you left off."
msgstr "Sizning vaqtingiz tugadi. Iltimos, davom etish uchun tizimga kiring."
msgctxt "user dropdown"
msgid "%1$s (%2$s)"
msgstr "%1$s (%2$s)"
msgid ""
"Error: The password you entered for the email address %s is "
msgstr ""
"XATOLIK: %s email manzili uchun kritilgan parol noto'g'ri. "
msgid "Error: The email field is empty."
msgstr "XATOLIK:Elektron manzil kiritilmagan."
msgid "Unregistering a built-in taxonomy is not allowed."
msgstr "Ichki taksonomiyani bekor qilish mumkin emas"
msgid "Link inserted."
msgstr "Link kritildi."
msgid "Link selected."
msgstr "Link tanlandi."
msgid "(Untitled)"
msgstr "(Sarlavhasiz)"
msgid "Unregistering a built-in post type is not allowed"
msgstr "Tizim ichidagi maqola turini bekor qilish mumkin emas."
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Trash"
msgstr "Chiqindi"
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "Qoralama"
msgctxt "post password form"
msgid "Enter"
msgstr "Kirish"
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Scheduled"
msgstr "Rejalashtirilgan"
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Published"
msgstr "Chop etilgan"
msgid ""
"Error: Invalid username, email address or incorrect "
msgstr ""
"XATOLIK: Yaroqsiz foydalanuvchi nomi, email manzil yoki "
"xato parol."
msgid ""
"The constant %1$s is deprecated. Use the boolean constant "
"%2$s in %3$s to enable a subdomain configuration. Use %4$s to check whether "
"a subdomain configuration is enabled."
msgstr ""
"%1$s konstanti eskirgan. Subdomen konfiguratsiyasi ishlashi "
"uchun %3$s boolean konstantidan %2$sda foydalaning. Subdomen "
"konfiguratsiyasi ishga tushirilganligini tekshirish uchun %4$sdan "
msgid "html_lang_attribute"
msgstr "uz-UZ"
msgid "%1$s %2$s %3$s %4$s Feed"
msgstr "%1$s %2$s %3$s %4$s Obuna"
msgid "Close dialog"
msgstr "Dialogni yoping"
msgid "“%1$s” — %2$s"
msgstr "“%1$s” — %2$s"
msgid "%s is forbidden"
msgstr "%s ta'qiqlangan"
msgid "Error: Your comment is too long."
msgstr "XATOLIK: Sizning izohingiz juda uzun."
msgid "Error: Your URL is too long."
msgstr "XATOLIK: Sizning url manzilingiz juda uzun."
msgid "Error: Your email address is too long."
msgstr "XATOLIK: Sizning email manzilingiz juda uzun."
msgid "Error: Your name is too long."
msgstr "XATOLIK: ismingiz juda uzun."
msgctxt "comment status"
msgid "Trash"
msgstr "Chiqindi"
msgid "%s is required to strip image meta."
msgstr "Rasmning meta maʼlumotini olish uchun %s talab qilinadi."
msgid ""
"The next group of formatting shortcuts are applied as you type or when you "
"insert them around plain text in the same paragraph. Press Escape or the "
"Undo button to undo."
msgstr ""
"Keyingi guruh formatlash qisqa yo'llari yozayotganingizda yoki oddiy matnni "
"aynan shu xatboshiga kiritganingizda qo'shiladi. Bekor qilish uchun Esc "
"tugmasini yoki bekor qilish belgisini bosing."
msgid "Invalid object type."
msgstr "Yaroqsiz obyekt turi"
msgid "Link options"
msgstr "Link sozlanmalari"
msgid "No logo selected"
msgstr "Logotip tanlanmagan"
msgid "Select logo"
msgstr "Logotip tanlash"
msgid "Paste URL or type to search"
msgstr "URL manzil kiriting yoki yozib qidiring"
msgid "Enter mobile preview mode"
msgstr "Mobil telefon sifatida ko'rishga o'tish"
msgid "Enter tablet preview mode"
msgstr "Planshet sifatida ko'rishga o'tish"
msgid "Enter desktop preview mode"
msgstr "Stol kompyuteri sifatida ko'rishga o'tish"
msgid ""
"Removing %1$s manually will cause PHP warnings. Use the %2$s filter instead."
msgstr ""
"O'zingiz %1$sni o'chirganingizda PHP ogohlantirishi kelib chiqadi. %2$s "
"filteridan foydalaning."
msgid "Shift-click to edit this element."
msgstr ""
"O'zgartirish uchun Shift tugmasini bosib turgan holda element ustiga "
"sichqolchani bosing"
msgid "Comment Submission Failure"
msgstr "Fikrni yuborishda xatolik yuz berdi"
msgid "Error while saving the new email address. Please try again."
msgstr ""
"Yangi emailni saqlashda xatolik yuz berdi. Iltimos, qayta urinib ko'ring."
msgid "Error saving media file."
msgstr "Media faylni saqlashda xatolik yuz berdi."
msgid "%s media file restored from the Trash."
msgid_plural "%s media files restored from the Trash."
msgstr[0] "%s media fayl chiqindidan tiklandi."
msgid "%s media file moved to the Trash."
msgid_plural "%s media files moved to the Trash."
msgstr[0] "%s media fayl chiqindiga tashlandi."
msgid "%s media file permanently deleted."
msgid_plural "%s media files permanently deleted."
msgstr[0] "%s media fayl butunlay o'chirildi."
msgid "%s media file detached."
msgid_plural "%s media files detached."
msgstr[0] "%s media fayl ajratildi."
msgid "Media file detached."
msgstr "Media fayl ajratildi."
msgid "%s media file attached."
msgid_plural "%s media files attached."
msgstr[0] "%s media fayl biriktirildi."
msgid "Media file attached."
msgstr "Media fayl biriktirildi."
msgid ""
"You can narrow the list by file type/status or by date using the dropdown "
"menus above the media table."
msgstr ""
"Media jadvali yuqorisidagi menyular yordamida fayllarni turi/holati yoki "
"sanasiga ko'ra saralashingiz mumkin."
msgid "The following themes are installed but incomplete."
msgstr "Quyidagi shablonlar o'rnatilgan, lekin to'liq emas."
msgid "New theme activated."
msgstr "Yangi shablon faollashtirildi."
msgid "Settings saved and theme activated."
msgstr "O'zgarishlar saqlandi va shablon faollashtirildi."
msgid "There is a pending change of the admin email to %s."
msgstr "Administrator email manzili %s manziliga o'zgarishi kutilmoqda."
msgid "Dismiss the welcome panel"
msgstr "Xush kelibsiz panelini yopish"
msgid "View %1$s version %2$s details"
msgstr "%1$s %2$s versiya ma'lumotlarini ko'rish"
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Pending"
msgstr "Kutilmoqda"
msgid "Attach to existing content"
msgstr "Mavjud ma'lumotga ilova qilish"
msgid "Click the image to edit or update"
msgstr "Tahrirlash yoki yangilash uchun rasmga bosing"
msgid ""
"Custom fields can be used to add extra metadata to a post that you can use in your theme."
msgstr ""
"O'ziga xos bandlar yordamida maqolangizga qo'shimcha ma'lumotlar "
"biriktirishingiz va ulardan shabloningizda foydalanishingiz "
msgid ""
"Trackbacks are a way to notify legacy blog systems that you’ve linked "
"to them. If you link other WordPress sites, they’ll be notified "
"automatically using pingbacks, no other action necessary."
msgstr ""
"Trackback orqali mutanosib bloglar siz tomoningizdan ularga link "
"berilganligi haqida xabar beradi. Agar siz o'z saytingizda boshqa WordPress "
"asosida ishlaydigan saytlarga link joylashtirsangiz, ularga avtomatik "
"ravishda pingbacks xabarnomasi yuboriladi. Sizdan hech "
"qanday harakat talab etilmaydi."
msgid ""
"Excerpts are optional hand-crafted summaries of your content that can be "
"used in your theme. Learn more about manual excerpts."
msgstr ""
"Parcha - bu maqolaning asosiy mazmunini o'zida jamlagan, alohida yozilishi "
"mumkin bo'lgan va shabloningizda ko'rsatilishi ehtimoli bo'lgan matndir. Qo'lda yoziladigan parchalar haqida ma'lumot olish."
msgid "Thumbnail Settings Help"
msgstr "Miniatyura sozlanmalari yordami"
msgid "selection height"
msgstr "tanlangan bo'y"
msgid "selection width"
msgstr "tanlangan en"
msgid "crop ratio height"
msgstr "kesish ratsion bo'yi"
msgid "crop ratio width"
msgstr "kesish ratsion eni"
msgid "Image Crop Help"
msgstr "Rasm kesish yordami"
msgid "scale height"
msgstr "Bo'yga ko'ra o'lchash"
msgid "New dimensions:"
msgstr "Yangi o'lchamlar:"
msgid "Scale Image Help"
msgstr "Rasm o'lchami yordami"
msgid "Dismiss the browser warning panel"
msgstr "Brauzer ogohlantirishi panelini yopish"
msgid "View more comments"
msgstr "Boshqa fikrlarni ko'rish"
msgctxt "dashboard"
msgid "%1$s on %2$s %3$s"
msgstr "%2$s maqolasiga nisbatan %1$s (%3$s)"
msgid "From %1$s %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s tomonidan %2$s"
msgid "View “%s” archive"
msgstr "“%s” arxivini ko'rish"
msgid "Disable %s"
msgstr "%s o'chirish"
msgid "Network Enable %s"
msgstr "%s tarmoqda yoqish"
msgid "Delete “%s”"
msgstr "“%s” o'chirish"
msgid "Quick edit “%s” inline"
msgstr "“%s” tezkor tahrirlash"
msgid "Deleted %s"
msgstr "%s o'chirildi"
msgid "Enable %s"
msgstr "%s yoqish"
msgid "Restore “%s” from the Trash"
msgstr "“%s” chiqindidan tiklash"
msgid "Delete “%s” permanently"
msgstr "“%s” butunlay o'chirish"
msgid "Move “%s” to the Trash"
msgstr "“%s” chiqindiga tashlash"
msgid "Attach “%s” to existing content"
msgstr "“%s” mavjud ma'lumotga biriktirish"
msgid "“%s” (Edit)"
msgstr "“%s” (Tahrirlash)"
msgid "No media files found."
msgstr "Media fayl topilmadi."
msgctxt "attachment filter"
msgid "Trash"
msgstr "Chiqindi idishi"
msgid "Quick edit this comment inline"
msgstr "Ushbu fikrni tezkor tahrirlash"
msgid "Edit this comment"
msgstr "Fikrni tahrirlash"
msgid "Delete this comment permanently"
msgstr "Bu fikrni butunlay o'chir"
msgid "Edit menu item"
msgstr "Menyu qismini tahrirlash"
msgctxt "user autocomplete result"
msgid "%1$s (%2$s)"
msgstr "%1$s (%2$s)"
msgid "The %s importer is invalid or is not installed."
msgstr "%s import qiluvchisi yaroqsiz yoki o'rnatilmagan."
msgctxt "comment status"
msgid "Spam"
msgstr "Spam"
msgctxt "comment status"
msgid "Approved"
msgstr "Tasdiqlangan"
msgid ""
"Publish — You can set the terms of publishing your "
"post in the Publish box. For Status, Visibility, and Publish (immediately), "
"click on the Edit link to reveal more options. Visibility includes options "
"for password-protecting a post or making it stay at the top of your blog "
"indefinitely (sticky). The Password protected option allows you to set an "
"arbitrary password for each post. The Private option hides the post from "
"everyone except editors and administrators. Publish (immediately) allows you "
"to set a future or past date and time, so you can schedule a post to be "
"published in the future or backdate a post."
msgstr ""
"Chop etish — Chop etish qutisida chop etishga oid "
"sozlanmalarni xohishingizga ko'ra moslashingiz mumkin. Holat, Ko'rinish va "
"Chop etish (darhol) sozlanmalarini ko'rish uchun Tahrirlash linkini bosing. "
"Ko'rinish sozlanmalarida maqolangizni ko'rish imkoniyatini parol bilan "
"himoyalashingiz yoki maqolani saytingizda doim eng yuqorida turadigan "
"(yopishqoq) qilishingiz mumkin. Parolni har bir maqola uchun alohida "
"belgilashingiz mumkin. Shaxsiy maqolalar Muharrir va Administratorlardan "
"boshqa hech kimga ko'rsatilmaydi. Chop etish (darhol) orqali siz maqolani "
"kelajakdagi biror sana va vaqtda, yoki o'tmishdagi sana va vaqtda chop etish "
"imkoniyatiga egasiz."
msgctxt "comment status"
msgid "Pending"
msgstr "Kutilmoqda"
msgid ""
"The Text mode allows you to enter HTML along with your post text. Note that "
"<p> and <br> tags are converted to line breaks when switching to "
"the Text editor to make it less cluttered. When you type, a single line "
"break can be used instead of typing <br>, and two line breaks instead "
"of paragraph tags. The line breaks are converted back to tags automatically."
msgstr ""
"Matn ko'rinishi maqolangiz matniga hamohang ravishda HTML teglarini ham "
"kiritishingizga imkon beradi. Yodingizda bo'lsinki, matn ko'rinishiga "
"o'tganingizda <p> va <br> teglari yangi qator bilan "
"almashtiriladi. Yozayotganingizda bir marta Enter tugmasini bosish <"
"br> tegi vazifasini bajarsa, ikki marta Enter bosish yangi xatboshi tegi "
"vazifasiga teng hisoblanadi. Yangi qatorlar avtomatik tarzda teglarga "
msgid ""
"Visual mode gives you an editor that is similar to a word processor. Click "
"the Toolbar Toggle button to get a second row of controls."
msgstr ""
"Vizual ko'rinish sizga odatiy matn muaharriri imkoniyatlarini taqdim etadi. "
"Uskunalar panelidagi o'chirish/yoqish tugmasini bossangiz qo'shimcha "
"boshqaruv imkoniyatlari ko'rsatiladi."
msgid "Media file updated."
msgstr "Media fayl yangilandi."
msgid "Suggested height is %s."
msgstr "Tavsiya qilingan bo'y: %s."
msgid "Suggested width is %s."
msgstr "Tavsiya qilingan en: %s."
msgid "Images should be at least %s tall."
msgstr "Rasmlar kamida %s bo'yga ega bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "Images should be at least %s wide."
msgstr "Rasmlar kamida %s enga ega bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "Save settings"
msgstr "Sozlamalarni saqlash"
msgid "Slovenian"
msgstr "Slovean"
msgid "Korean"
msgstr "Koreys"
msgid "Tagalog"
msgstr "Tagalog"
msgid "Get in touch"
msgstr "Aloqa qiling"
msgid "Dropdown"
msgstr "Dropdown"
msgid "Finish setting up your store"
msgstr "Do'koningizni sozlashni tugating"
msgid "Food & Drink"
msgstr "Ovqat va ichimlik"
msgid "Oceania"
msgstr "Okeaniya"
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this user."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga bu foydalanuvchini o'chirishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "The date you provided is invalid."
msgstr "Siz bergan sana noto‘g‘ri."
msgid "%1$s is not of type %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s %2$s turga ta'luqli emas"
msgid "The email address for the customer."
msgstr "Xaridor uchun elektron pochta manzili."
msgid "The role %s does not exist."
msgstr "%s mansabi mavjud emas."
msgid "Taxes do not support trashing."
msgstr "Soliqlar axlatni olib tashlamaydi."
msgid "Invalid resource id for reassignment."
msgstr "Qayta tayinlash uchun noto'g'ri ID identifikatori."
msgid "Username isn't editable."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi ismini tahrirlash ta'qiqlangan."
msgid "Email address is invalid."
msgstr "Elektron pochta manzili noto'g'ri."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this resource."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, ushbu manbani o'chirishga ruxsat yo'q."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit users."
msgstr "Bu fikrni tahrirlash uchun sizga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "You are not currently logged in."
msgstr "Siz ayni vaqtda tizimga kirmagansiz."
msgid "Sorry, you cannot view this resource."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, siz ushbu manbani ko'ra olmaysiz."
msgid "Cannot create existing resource."
msgstr "Mavjud manbani yaratib bo‘lmadi."
msgid "Invalid resource ID."
msgstr "Noto'g'ri resurs ID."
msgid "Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific product."
msgstr "Maxsus mahsulotga tayinlangan resurslarga cheklangan natija."
msgid "Whether to hide resources not assigned to any products."
msgstr "Hech qanday mahsulotga tayinlanmagan manbalarni yashirish kerakmi."
msgid "Sort collection by resource attribute."
msgstr "To'plamni resurs atributi bo'yicha saralash."
msgid "The ID for the parent of the resource."
msgstr "Resurs ota-onasi uchun identifikator."
msgid "An alphanumeric identifier for the resource unique to its type."
msgstr "Turiga xos bo'lgan resurs uchun alfanumerik identifikator."
msgid "HTML description of the resource."
msgstr "Resursning HTML tavsifi."
msgid "Number of published products for the resource."
msgstr "Resurs uchun e'lon qilingan mahsulotlar soni."
msgid "Sorry, you cannot list resources."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, manbalarni ro'yxatlay olmaysiz."
msgid "Resource does not support trashing."
msgstr "Resurs axlat yig'ishni qo'llab-quvvatlamaydi."
msgid "Can not set resource parent, taxonomy is not hierarchical."
msgstr "Resurs ota-onasini o'rnatib bo'lmaydi, taksonomiya ierarxik emas."
msgid "Sorry, you cannot delete this resource."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, ushbu manbani o'chira olmaysiz."
msgid "Sorry, you cannot create new resource."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, yangi manba yaratolmaysiz."
msgid "Resource does not exist."
msgstr "Resurs mavjud emas."
msgid "Required to be true, as resource does not support trashing."
msgstr ""
"To'g'ri bo'lishi kerak, chunki resurs axlat yig'ishni qo'llab-quvvatlamaydi."
msgid "Whether or not the term cloud should be displayed."
msgstr "Iboralar buluti ko'rinsinmi yoki yo'qmi."
msgid "A human-readable description of the resource."
msgstr "Resursning inson tomonidan o'qilishi mumkin bo'lgan tavsifi."
msgid "Whether to include posts in the edit listing for their post type."
msgstr "O'z turi doirasida maqolalarni tahrir ro'yxatiga kiritaymi yo'qmi."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to manage post statuses."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, sizga maqola statuslarini o'zgartirishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "An alphanumeric identifier for the resource."
msgstr "Resurs uchun harf-raqam identifikatori."
msgid "Status is forbidden."
msgstr "Holat ta'qiqlangan."
msgid "The id for the resource."
msgstr "Resurs uchun identifikator."
msgid ""
"Use WP Query arguments to modify the response; private query vars require "
"appropriate authorization."
msgstr ""
"Javobni o'zgartirish uchun WP Query argumentlaridan foydalaning; shaxsiy "
"so'rov varslari tegishli avtorizatsiyani talab qiladi."
msgid "Limit result set to reviews assigned a specific status."
msgstr "Belgilangan holatni berilgan sharhlar uchun natijani cheklash."
msgid "Offset the result set by a specific number of items."
msgstr "Natijadagi narsalarni ma'lum sondagidan keyingilarini ko'rsat."
msgid "Limit result set to those of particular parent IDs."
msgstr "Maxsus ota-ona identifikatorlari uchun belgilangan natijani cheklash."
msgid "Ensure result set excludes posts assigned to specific authors."
msgstr ""
"Ma'lum mualliflarga tayinlangan maqolalarni natijalardan chiqarib tashlash."
msgid "Limit result set to posts assigned to specific authors."
msgstr ""
"Ma'lum mualliflarga tayinlangan maqolalar uchun natija cheklovi o'rnatilgan."
msgid "The terms assigned to the object in the %s taxonomy."
msgstr "%s taksonomiyasidagi obyektga tayinlangan iboralar."
msgid "HTML title for the object, transformed for display."
msgstr "Ko'rsatish uchun obyektning HTML sarlavhasi."
msgid "Title for the object, as it exists in the database."
msgstr "Bazadagi obyekt sarlavhasi."
msgid "The title for the object."
msgstr "Obyekt sarlavhasi."
msgid "A named status for the object."
msgstr "Obyektning nom qo'yilgan holati."
msgid "A password protected post can not be set to sticky."
msgstr "Parol bilan himoyalangan maqola yopishqoq qilinishi mumkin emas."
msgid "A sticky post can not be password protected."
msgstr "Yopishqoq maqolani parol bilan himoyalash mumkin emas."
msgid "A post can not be sticky and have a password."
msgstr ""
"Maqola ham yopishqoq, ham parol bilan himoyalangan bo'lishi mumkin emas."
msgid "The post has already been deleted."
msgstr "Maqola allaqachon o'chirilgan."
msgid "The %s does not support trashing."
msgstr "\" %s\" o'chirishni qo'llamaydi."
msgid "Cannot create existing post."
msgstr "Mavjud maqolani qayta yaratishning imkoni yo'q."
msgid ""
"Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
msgstr "Javobdagi joylarni anglatadi, so'rov amalga oshirilgan kenglik."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to publish posts in this post type."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, bu turdagi maqolalarni chop eta olmaysiz."
msgid "Limit results to those matching a string."
msgstr "Natijalarni yozuvga mos bo'lgan darajada chekla."
msgid "Maximum number of items to be returned in result set."
msgstr "Natijalarda nechta narsa ko'rsatilishi."
msgid "Current page of the collection."
msgstr "Jamlanmaning joriy sahifasi."
msgid ""
"Limit result set to comments assigned a specific type. Requires "
msgstr ""
"Natijalarni ma'lum turga biriktirilgan fikrlarga chekla. Tizimga kirish "
"talab etiladi."
msgid "Method '%s' not implemented. Must be overridden in subclass."
msgstr "'%s' metodi amalga oshirilmagan. Subclassda ustidan yozilishi kerak."
msgid ""
"Limit result set to comments assigned a specific status. Requires "
msgstr ""
"Natijalarni ma'lum holatga biriktirilgan fikrlarga chekla. Tizimga kirish "
"talab etiladi."
msgid "Limit result set to reviews assigned to specific product IDs."
msgstr ""
"Mahsulotning aniq identifikatoriga tayinlangan sharhlar natijasini cheklash."
msgid "Order sort attribute ascending or descending."
msgstr "Saralash tartibi o'sib borishga ko'ramiz yoki kamayib borishgami."
msgid "Sort collection by object attribute."
msgstr "Jamlanmani obyekt sifatiga ko'ra saralash."
msgid "Limit result set to specific ids."
msgstr "Maxsus identifikatorlarga o'rnatilgan natijani cheklash."
msgid ""
"Limit result set to that from a specific author email. Requires "
msgstr ""
"Natijalarni ma'lum muallif email manziliga chekla. Tizimga kirish talab "
msgid "URL to the object."
msgstr "Obyekt URL manzili."
msgid "Unique identifier for the object."
msgstr "Obyektning betakror nomi."
msgid "Avatar URL with image size of %d pixels."
msgstr "%d piksel hajmli avatar URL manzili."
msgid "The comment cannot be deleted."
msgstr "Fikrni o'chirish mumkin emas."
msgid "The comment has already been trashed."
msgstr "Fikr allaqachon o'chirilgan."
msgid "Updating comment failed."
msgstr "Fikrni yangilashda xatolik yuz berdi."
msgid "Updating comment status failed."
msgstr "Fikr holatini yangilash muvaffaqiyatsiz yakunlandi."
msgid "Creating comment failed."
msgstr "Fikr yaratish amalga oshmadi."
msgid "Cannot create existing comment."
msgstr "Mavjud fikrni qayta yarata olmayman."
msgid "Sorry, you must be logged in to comment."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, fikr bildirish uchun tizimga kirgan bo'lishingiz kerak."
msgid "Query parameter not permitted: %s"
msgstr "So'rov parametri ta'qiqlangan: %s"
msgid "Whether to bypass trash and force deletion."
msgstr ""
"Xavfsiz o'chirishni amlga oshirmasdan, majburan butunlay o'chiraymi yo'qmi."
msgid "Could not open file handle."
msgstr "Tutqich faylni ocha olmadim."
msgid "Content hash did not match expected."
msgstr "Ma'lumot hash raqami kutilganidek bo'lib chiqmadi."
msgid ""
"Invalid Content-Disposition supplied. Content-Disposition needs to be "
"formatted as `attachment; filename=\"image.png\"` or similar."
msgstr ""
"Yaroqsiz Ma'lumot-Muqobil berilgan. Ma'lumot-Muqobil `attachment; filename="
"\"image.png\"` yoki shunga o'xshash usulda formatlanishi kerak."
msgid "No Content-Disposition supplied."
msgstr "Hech qanday ma'lumot-mutanosiblik berilmagan."
msgid "No data supplied."
msgstr "Hech qanday ma'lumot berilmagan."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to upload media on this site."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga bu saytda media yuklashga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to batch manipulate this resource."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, siz ushbu manbani paket bilan boshqarishingiz mumkin emas."
msgid "Community support"
msgstr "Jamiyatni qo'llab-quvvatlash"
msgctxt "%s = human-readable time difference"
msgid "%s ago"
msgstr "%s avval"
msgid "I don't have any products yet."
msgstr "Menda hali mahsulotlar yo'q."
msgid "Someone has requested a password reset for the following account:"
msgstr "Quyidagi a'zo uchun kimdir yangi parol so'radi:"
msgid "Are you sure the database server is not under particularly heavy load?"
msgstr ""
"Ma'lumotlar bazasi serveri qandaydir qiyin yuklash holatida emasligiga "
"ishonchingiz komilmi?"
msgid "Error reconnecting to the database"
msgstr "Bazaga qayta ulanishda xatolik"
msgid ""
"If you are unsure what these terms mean you should probably contact your "
"host. If you still need help you can always visit the WordPress support forums."
msgstr ""
"Agar bu atamalar nima ekanligini bilmasangiz, hosting provayderingizga "
"murojaat qiling. Agar shundan keyin ham sizga yordam kerak bo'lsa, WordPress Yordam Forumlariga murojaat qiling."
msgid "Are you sure the database server is running?"
msgstr "Ma'lumotlar bazasi serveri ishlayotganligiga ishonchingiz komilmi?"
msgid "Are you sure you have the correct username and password?"
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi ismi va parol to'g'riligiga ishonchingiz komilmi?"
msgid "Are you sure you have typed the correct hostname?"
msgstr "Host nomini to'g'ri kiritganligingizga ishonchingiz komilmi?"
msgid ""
"If you do not know how to set up a database you should contact your "
"host. If all else fails you may find help at the WordPress support forums."
msgstr ""
"Agarda siz ma'lumotlar bazasini qanday ishga tushirishni bilmasangiz "
"hosting provayderingizg murojaat qiling. Agar butunlay "
"ilojsiz qolsangiz WordPress Yordam Forumlariga murojaat "
msgid ""
"On some systems the name of your database is prefixed with your username, so "
"it would be like username_%1$s. Could that be the problem?"
msgstr ""
"Ba'zi tizimlarda ma'lumotlar bazangiz nomidan oldin sizning foydalanuvchi "
"ismingiz qo'shilgan bo'ladi. Masalan, ismingiz_%1$s. Balki "
"muammo shundadir?"
msgid "Does the user %1$s have permission to use the %2$s database?"
msgstr ""
"%1$s foydalanuvchining %2$s ma'lumotlar bazasidan foydalanishga ruxsati "
msgid "Are you sure it exists?"
msgstr "Mavjudligiga ishonchingiz komilmi?"
msgid "Term meta cannot be added to terms that are shared between taxonomies."
msgstr "Taksonomiyalar uchun umumiy bo'lgan termga meta qo'shib bo'lmaydi."
msgid "Categories list"
msgstr "Bo'limlar ro'yxati"
msgid "Tags list"
msgstr "Kalit so'zlar ro'yxati"
msgid "Categories list navigation"
msgstr "Bo'limlar ro'yxati navigatsiyasi"
msgid "Tags list navigation"
msgstr "Kalit so'zlar ro'yxati navigatsiyasi"
msgid ""
"Invalid shortcode name: %1$s. Do not use spaces or reserved characters: %2$s"
msgstr ""
"Yaroqsiz shortkod nomi: %1$s. Bo'sh joy yoki ta'qiqlangan belgilardan "
"foydalanmang: %2$s"
msgid "Invalid shortcode name: Empty name given."
msgstr "Shortkod nomida xatolik: Nom bo'sh qoldirilgan."
msgid "%1$s (since %2$s; %3$s)"
msgstr "%1$s (%2$s; versiyadan buyon %3$s)"
msgid "%1$s (since %2$s; no alternative available)"
msgstr "%1$s (%2$s; versiyadan buyon muqobil varianti yo'q)"
msgid "%1$s (since %2$s; use %3$s instead)"
msgstr "%1$s (%2$s; versiyadan buyon. O'rniga %3$s funksiyasidan foydalaning)"
msgid "The specified namespace could not be found."
msgstr "Ko'satilgan nom topilmadi."
msgid "No route was found matching the URL and request method"
msgstr "URL manzil va so'rov usuliga mos yo'l topilmadi."
msgid "The handler for the route is invalid"
msgstr "Yo'nalishdagi yordamchi yaroqsiz."
msgid "JSONP support is disabled on this site."
msgstr "JSONP imkoniyati bu saytda o'chirilgan."
msgid "The JSONP callback function is invalid"
msgstr "JSONP qo'ng'iroqni qaytarish funktsiyasi noto'g'ri"
msgid "Invalid parameter."
msgstr "Yaroqsiz parametr."
msgid "Invalid parameter(s): %s"
msgstr "Yaroqsiz parametr:%s"
msgid "Missing parameter(s): %s"
msgstr "Parametr topilmadi: %s"
msgid "Pages list"
msgstr "Sahifalar ro'yxati"
msgid "Posts list"
msgstr "Maqolalar ro'yxati"
msgid "Pages list navigation"
msgstr "Sahifalar ro'yxati navigatsiyasi."
msgid "Posts list navigation"
msgstr "Maqolalar ro'yxati yo'nalishi"
msgid "The menu name %s conflicts with another menu name. Please try another."
msgstr ""
"Menyu nomi %s yana boshqa bir menyu nomi bilan o'xshash. Iltimos, boshqa nom "
msgid "Filter pages list"
msgstr "Sahifalar ro'yxatini saralash"
msgid "Filter posts list"
msgstr "Maqolalar ro'yxatini saralash"
msgid ""
"This site has not been activated yet. If you are having problems activating "
"your site, please contact %s."
msgstr ""
"Bu sayt hali ham faollashitirilmadi. Agarda sizda saytingizni "
"faollashtirishda muammo bo'lsa, iltimos %s bilan bog'laning."
msgid "Site names can only contain lowercase letters (a-z) and numbers."
msgstr ""
"Sayt nomi faqatgina kichik harflar (a-z) va raqamlardan iborat bo'lishi "
msgctxt "genitive"
msgid "December"
msgstr "Dekabr"
msgctxt "genitive"
msgid "November"
msgstr "Noyabr"
msgctxt "genitive"
msgid "October"
msgstr "Oktyabr"
msgctxt "genitive"
msgid "September"
msgstr "Sentyabr"
msgid "Sorry, that username is not allowed."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, bu foydalanuvchi nomiga ruxsat berilmaydi"
msgctxt "genitive"
msgid "August"
msgstr "Avgust"
msgctxt "genitive"
msgid "July"
msgstr "Iyul"
msgctxt "genitive"
msgid "June"
msgstr "Iyun"
msgctxt "genitive"
msgid "May"
msgstr "May"
msgctxt "genitive"
msgid "April"
msgstr "Aprel"
msgctxt "genitive"
msgid "March"
msgstr "Mart"
msgctxt "genitive"
msgid "February"
msgstr "Fevral"
msgctxt "genitive"
msgid "January"
msgstr "Yanvar"
msgid ""
"Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information."
msgstr ""
"Batafsil ma'lumot uchun WordPressni sozlash sahifasini "
msgctxt "decline months names: on or off"
msgid "off"
msgstr "off"
msgid "Use the %s filter instead."
msgstr "O'rniga %s filtridan foydalaning."
msgid "Oops! That embed cannot be found."
msgstr "Voy! Biriktirilgan narsa topilmadi."
msgid "Copy and paste this code into your site to embed"
msgstr "Biriktirish uchun ushbu kodni saytingizga nusxalab qo'ying."
msgid "Sharing options"
msgstr "Bo'lishish sozlanmalari"
msgid "Copy and paste this URL into your WordPress site to embed"
msgstr "Biriktirish uchun ushbu URL manzilni saytingizga nuxsalab qo'ying"
msgid "HTML Embed"
msgstr "HTML Biriktirish"
msgid "WordPress Embed"
msgstr "WordPress Biriktirish"
msgid ""
"When in reorder mode, additional controls to reorder widgets will be "
"available in the widgets list above."
msgstr ""
"Qayta tartiblash holatida vidjetlar ro'yxatini qayta tartiblash uchun "
"ishlatiladigan qo'shimcha boshqaruv anjomlari yuqorida ko'rsatiladi."
msgctxt "menu location"
msgid "(Current: %s)"
msgstr "(Joriy: %s)"
msgid "Use %s instead."
msgstr "O'rniga %s dan foydalaning."
msgid "Term ID is shared between multiple taxonomies"
msgstr "Term ID is shared between multiple taxonomies"
msgid "Medium-Large size image height"
msgstr "O'rtacha-Katta hajmli rasm bo'yi"
msgid "Medium-Large size image width"
msgstr "O'rtacha-Katta hajmli rasm eni"
msgid "Reorder widgets"
msgstr "Vidjetlarni qayta tartiblash"
msgctxt "menu"
msgid "(Currently set to: %s)"
msgstr "(Joriy qilinadi: %s)"
msgid "Use %s instead if you do not want the value echoed."
msgstr "Agar echo dan foydalanishni xohlamasangiz %s dan foydalaning."
msgid "Post Type Archive"
msgstr "Post turi arxivi"
msgid "Live Preview: %s"
msgstr "Jonli ko'rish: %s"
msgid "%1$s is deprecated. Use %2$s instead."
msgstr "%1$s eskirgan. O'rniga %2$sdan foydalaning."
msgid ""
"This will clear all items from the inactive widgets list. You will not be "
"able to restore any customizations."
msgstr ""
"Bu orqali faol bo'lmagan barcha vidjetlar ro'yxatdan o'chiriladi. Siz "
"tomoningizdan amalga oshirilgan har qanday o'zgarishlarni tiklab bo'lmaydi."
msgid "Clear Inactive Widgets"
msgstr "Faol bo'lmagan vidjetlarni tozalash"
msgid "Send the new user an email about their account"
msgstr "Yangi foydalanuvchiga akkaunti haqida email jo'natish."
msgid "Send User Notification"
msgstr "Foydalanuvchiga xabarnoma jo'natish"
msgid "Users list navigation"
msgstr "Foydalanuvchilar ro'yxati boshqaruvi"
msgid "Filter users list"
msgstr "Foydalanuvchilar ro'yxatini saralash"
msgid "Profile Picture"
msgstr "Profil rasmi"
msgid "Media items list"
msgstr "Media fayllar ro'yxati"
msgid "Media items list navigation"
msgstr "Media fayllar ro'yxati boshqaruvi"
msgctxt "menu location"
msgid "(Currently set to: %s)"
msgstr "(Ayni vaqtda o'rnatilgan: %s)"
msgid "Default is %s"
msgstr "Odatiysi %s"
msgid "Standard time begins on: %s."
msgstr "Standart vaqt boshlanishi: %s."
msgid "Daylight saving time begins on: %s."
msgstr "Yozgi vaqt mavsumiga o'tish boshlanishi: %s."
msgid "Filter media items list"
msgstr "Media fayllar ro'yxatini saralash"
msgid "Install Parent Theme"
msgstr "Ota shablonni o'rnatish"
msgid "Error: Sorry, that username is not allowed."
msgstr "XATO: Kechirasiz, bu nom mumkin emas."
msgid "Toggle panel: %s"
msgstr "Panelni ochib yopish: %s"
msgid ""
"Because you are using %1$s, the sites in your WordPress network must use sub-"
"directories. Consider using %2$s if you wish to use sub-domains."
msgstr ""
"%1$sdan foydalanayotganligingiz uchun WordPress tarmog'ingizdagi saytlar sub-"
"direktoriyali bo'lishi shart. Agar sub-domenli saytlar ishlatishni "
"xohlasangiz %2$sdan foydalanishingiz kerak bo'ladi."
msgid "Edit permalink"
msgstr "Doimiy linkni tahrirlash"
msgid "You cannot change this later."
msgstr "Buni keyinchalik o'zgartira olmaysiz."
msgid ""
"Please choose whether you would like sites in your WordPress network to use "
"sub-domains or sub-directories."
msgstr ""
"WordPress tarmog'ingizdagi saytlar sub-domenli yoki sub-direktoriyali "
"bo'lishi haqida qaror qiling."
msgid ""
"If %1$s is disabled, ask your administrator to enable that module, or look "
"at the Apache documentation or elsewhere for help setting it up."
msgstr ""
"Agar %1$s o'chirilgan bo'lsa, administratoringizdan bu modulni yoqishni "
"iltimos qiling. Aks holda Apache yo'riqnomasi yoki boshqa joyda yordam izlashga urinib ko'ring."
msgid "It looks like the Apache %s module is not installed."
msgstr "Apachening %s moduli o'rnatilmaganga o'xshaydi."
msgid ""
"Please make sure the Apache %s module is installed as it will be used at the "
"end of this installation."
msgstr ""
"Apachening %s moduli o'rnatilganligiga ishonch hosil qiling. O'rnatishning "
"oxirida u bizga kerak bo'ladi."
msgid "%s has been updated."
msgstr "%s yangilandi."
msgid "The Walker class named %s does not exist."
msgstr "%s nomli Walker klassi mavjud emas."
msgid "You are about to delete %s."
msgstr "Siz %s faylini o'chirmoqchisiz."
msgid "Invalid image URL."
msgstr "Rasm URL yaroqsiz"
msgctxt "no user roles"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Birorta ham yo'q"
msgid "No role"
msgstr "Mansabi yo'q"
msgid "%s column"
msgid_plural "%s columns"
msgstr[0] "%s ustun"
msgid "Additional settings"
msgstr "Qo'shimcha sozlanmalar"
msgid "Items list"
msgstr "Ro'yxat"
msgid "Items list navigation"
msgstr "Ro'yxat boshqaruvi"
msgid "Filter items list"
msgstr "Ro'yxatni saralash"
msgid "End date:"
msgstr "Tugash sanasi:"
msgid "Content to export"
msgstr "Eksport qilish uchun ma'lumot"
msgid ""
"You can view posts in a simple title list or with an excerpt using the "
"Screen Options tab."
msgstr ""
"Ekran sozlanmalari bandi yordamida maqolalarni faqat sarlavhalar ro'yxati "
"sifatida, yoki maqola parchasi bilan birgalikda ko'rishingiz mumkin."
msgid "Comments list"
msgstr "Fikrlar ro'yxati"
msgid "Comments list navigation"
msgstr "Fikrlar ro'yxati boshqaruvi"
msgid "Filter comments list"
msgstr "Fikrlar ro'yxatini saralash"
msgid "%s is a required field."
msgstr "%s - majburiy maydon."
msgid "Contact us"
msgstr "Bog'lanish"
msgid "Croatian"
msgstr "Xorvat"
msgid "Finnish"
msgstr "Finlandcha"
msgid "Mission complete. Message %s deleted."
msgstr "Bajarildi. Xabarlar %s o'chirildi."
msgid "Posted title:"
msgstr "Chop etilgan sarlavha:"
msgid ""
"The tag cloud will not be displayed since there are no taxonomies that "
"support the tag cloud widget."
msgstr ""
"Kalit so'zlar bulutini ko'rsata oladigan birorta taksonomiya vidjeti "
"bo'lmaganligi sababli kalit so'zlar bulutini ko'rsatishning imkoni yo'q."
msgid ""
"Error: The password you entered for the username %s is "
msgstr ""
"XATO: Foydalanuvchi uchin kiritilgan parol %s noto'g'ri."
msgid "In %1$s, use the %2$s method, not the %3$s function. See %4$s."
msgstr ""
"%1$s uchun %3$s funksiyadan emas, %2$s metoddan foydalaning. Batafsil "
"ma'lumot %4$s."
msgid "Posts published on %s"
msgstr "%s sanasida chop etilgan maqolalar"
msgid "Invalid taxonomy: %s."
msgstr "Yaroqsiz taksonomiya: %s"
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to moderate or edit this comment."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, sizga bu fikrni tasdiqlash yoki o'zgartirish uchun ruxsat "
msgid "Local time is %s."
msgstr "Mahalliy vaqt %s."
msgid "Get Version %s"
msgstr "%s versiyaga ega bo'lish"
msgid "Error: Please enter a nickname."
msgstr "XATO: Iltimos, tahallustni kiriting."
msgid "The %1$s plugin header is deprecated. Use %2$s instead."
msgstr "%1$s plagin header eskirgan. O'rniga %2$s ishlating."
msgid "These unique authentication keys are also missing from your %s file."
msgstr ""
"Sizning %s faylingizdan bu betakror tasdiqlash kalitlari ham topilmadi."
msgid "This unique authentication key is also missing from your %s file."
msgstr "Sizning %s faylingizdan bu betakror tasdiqlash kaliti ham topilmadi."
msgid "The internet address of your network will be %s."
msgstr "Tarmog'ingizning internetdagi manzili %s bo'ladi."
msgctxt "column name"
msgid "Submitted on"
msgstr "Yuborilgan vaqti"
msgctxt "comments"
msgid "Trash (%s)"
msgid_plural "Trash (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Chiqindi idishi (%s)"
msgctxt "comments"
msgid "Approved (%s)"
msgid_plural "Approved (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Tasdiqlangan (%s)"
msgid "User %s added"
msgstr "%s foydalanuvchisi qo'shildi"
msgid ""
"Deleting a category does not delete the products in that category. Instead, "
"products that were only assigned to the deleted category are set to the "
"category %s."
msgstr ""
"Turkumni o'chirish ushbu toifadagi mahsulotlarni yo'q qilmaydi. Buning "
"o'rniga faqat o'chirilgan toifaga tayinlangan mahsulotlar %s toifasiga "
msgid "Submitted on: %s"
msgstr "Yuborilgan sanasi: %s"
msgid "Page draft updated."
msgstr "Sahifa qoralamasi yangilandi."
msgid "Page scheduled for: %s."
msgstr "Sahifa rejalashtirilgan: %s."
msgid "Page submitted."
msgstr "Sahifa yuborildi."
msgid "Page published."
msgstr "Sahifa chop etildi."
msgid "Post draft updated."
msgstr "Sahifa qoralamasi yangilandi."
msgid "Post scheduled for: %s."
msgstr "Sahifa rejalashtirilgan: %s."
msgid "Post submitted."
msgstr "Maqola yuborildi."
msgid "Preview page"
msgstr "Sahifani oldindan ko'rish"
msgid "Preview post"
msgstr "Maqolani oldindan ko'rish"
msgid ""
"In the Submitted on column, the date and time the comment "
"was left on your site appears. Clicking on the date/time link will take you "
"to that comment on your live site."
msgstr ""
"Yuborilgan sana ustunida fikr bildirilgan sana va vaqt "
"ko'rsatiladi. Sana va vaqt ustiga bossangiz, saytingizning old tomonidagi "
"aynan shu fikrga o'tkazilasiz."
msgid ""
"In the Comment column, hovering over any comment gives you "
"options to approve, reply (and approve), quick edit, edit, spam mark, or "
"trash that comment."
msgstr ""
"Fikr ustunidagi har qanday fikr ustiga sichqonchangiz "
"ko'rsatkichini olib borsangiz, tasdiqlash, javob berish (va tasdiqlash), "
"tezkor tahrirlash, tahrirlash, spam sifatida belgilash yoki o'chirish kabi "
"fikr amaliyotlari ko'rsatiladi."
msgid "In reply to %s."
msgstr "%sga javoban."
msgid "Nicename may not be longer than 50 characters."
msgstr "Nom 50 belgidan uzun bo'lmasligi kerak."
msgid "Credit card"
msgstr "Kredit karta"
msgid "Learn more about coupons"
msgstr "Kuponlar haqida ko'proq bilib oling"
msgid ""
"The post type %1$s is not registered, so it may not be reliable to check the "
"capability %2$s against a post of that type."
msgstr ""
"%1$s maqola turi ro'yxatga olinmagan. Shuning uchun \"%2$s\" mansab "
"imkoniyatlarini bu maqola turi bilan tekshirish noo'rin bo'lishi mumkin."
msgctxt "comment"
msgid "Permalink:"
msgstr "Doimiy link:"
msgctxt "December abbreviation"
msgid "Dec"
msgstr "Dek"
msgctxt "November abbreviation"
msgid "Nov"
msgstr "Noy"
msgctxt "October abbreviation"
msgid "Oct"
msgstr "Okt"
msgctxt "September abbreviation"
msgid "Sep"
msgstr "Sen"
msgctxt "August abbreviation"
msgid "Aug"
msgstr "Avg"
msgctxt "July abbreviation"
msgid "Jul"
msgstr "Iyul"
msgctxt "June abbreviation"
msgid "Jun"
msgstr "Iyun"
msgctxt "May abbreviation"
msgid "May"
msgstr "May"
msgctxt "April abbreviation"
msgid "Apr"
msgstr "Apr"
msgctxt "March abbreviation"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "Mar"
msgctxt "February abbreviation"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "Fev"
msgctxt "January abbreviation"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "Yan"
msgctxt "Saturday initial"
msgid "S"
msgstr "Sh"
msgctxt "Friday initial"
msgid "F"
msgstr "Ju"
msgctxt "Thursday initial"
msgid "T"
msgstr "Pa"
msgctxt "Wednesday initial"
msgid "W"
msgstr "Ch"
msgctxt "Tuesday initial"
msgid "T"
msgstr "Se"
msgctxt "Monday initial"
msgid "M"
msgstr "Du"
msgctxt "Sunday initial"
msgid "S"
msgstr "Ya"
msgid ""
"Add the following to your %1$s file in %2$s, replacing "
"other WordPress rules:"
msgstr ""
"%2$s joyda mavjud bo'lgan %1$s faylingizga quyidagi qoidalarni mavjud "
"yozuvlarning ustidan yozib saqlang:"
msgid "Saving revision…"
msgstr "Saqlanmoqda…"
msgid ""
"Once you hit “Confirm Deletion”, these users will be permanently "
msgstr ""
"“O'chirishni tasdiqlash” bosganingizdan so'ng quyidagi "
"foydalanuvchilar butunlay o'chiriladi."
msgid ""
"Once you hit “Confirm Deletion”, the user will be permanently "
msgstr ""
"“O'chirishni tasdiqlash” bosganingizdan so'ng foydalanuvchi "
"butunlay o'chiriladi."
msgid "User has no sites or content and will be deleted."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchida birorta ham sayt yoki ma'lumot yo'q. U o'chiriladi."
msgid "Select a user"
msgstr "Foydalanuvchini tanlash"
msgid "What should be done with content owned by %s?"
msgstr "%s tasarrufidagi ma'lumotlarni nima qilay?"
msgid ""
"You have chosen to delete the following users from all networks and sites."
msgstr ""
"Siz quyidagi foydalanuvchilarni barcha tarmoqlar va saytlardan "
msgid "You have chosen to delete the user from all networks and sites."
msgstr ""
"Siz quyidagi foydalanuvchini barcha tarmoqlar va saytlardan o'chirmoqchisiz."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to manage block types."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga blok turlarini boshqarish uchun ruxsat berilmagan."
msgctxt "playlist item title"
msgid "“%s”"
msgstr "“%s”"
msgid "Site Preview"
msgstr "Siteni Oldindan ko'rish"
msgid "One of the selected users is not a member of this site."
msgstr "Tanlangan foydalanuvchilardan bittasi ushbu sayt a'zosi emas."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit theme options on this site."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, sizga bu saytda shablon sozlamalarini tahrirlashga ruxsat "
msgid "Error: Please enter an email address."
msgstr "XATO: Iltimos, email manzilni kiriting."
msgid "The email could not be sent."
msgstr "Emailga jo'natish imkoni bo'lmadi."
msgid "A term with the name provided already exists in this taxonomy."
msgstr "Ko'rsatilgan nom va yorliqga ega bo'lgan element taksonomiyada mavjud."
msgid "Comment author must fill out name and email"
msgstr "Fikr muallifi ismi va email manzilini yozishi shart"
msgid "Comments (%1$s) on “%2$s”"
msgstr "“%2$s” maqolasiga nisbatan (%1$s) fikrlar."
msgid "Copied!"
msgstr "Nusxalandi!"
msgid "%s has been logged out."
msgstr "%s tizimdan chiqarildi."
msgid "You are now logged out everywhere else."
msgstr "Siz hozir boshqa barcha joylarda tizimdan chiqarildingiz."
msgid "Could not log out user sessions. Please try again."
msgstr ""
"Foydalanuvchini tizimdan chiqara olmadim. Iltimos, qayta urinib ko'ring."
msgid "Content…"
msgstr "Matn…"
msgid "View all drafts"
msgstr "Barcha qoralamalarni ko'rish"
msgid ""
"You can now manage and live-preview Custom Header in the Customizer."
msgstr ""
"Endi siz Moslashtirgichda o'ziga xos headerlarni jonli "
"ko'rishingiz va boshqarishingiz mumkin."
msgid ""
"You can now manage and live-preview Custom Backgrounds in the Customizer."
msgstr ""
"Endi siz Moslashtirgichda o'ziga xos fonlarni jonli "
"ko'rishingiz va boshqarishingiz mumkin."
msgid "Site Language"
msgstr "Sayt Tili"
msgid "Update cart"
msgstr "Yangilash"
msgid "Close sharing dialog"
msgstr "Bo'lishayotgan oynasini yopish"
msgid "Open sharing dialog"
msgstr "Bo'lishish oynasini ochish"
msgid "%s Comment"
msgid_plural "%s Comments"
msgstr[0] "%s Fikr"
msgid "Invalid URL."
msgstr "Yaroqsiz URL."
msgid "Username is required."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi ismi talab qilinadi."
msgid "A valid email address is required."
msgstr "Yaroqli email manzili talab qilinadi."
msgid "Food and drink"
msgstr "Ovqat va ichimlik"
msgid "Registration confirmation will be emailed to you."
msgstr "A'zolikni tasdiqlash yo'riqnomasi sizga email orqali yuboriladi."
msgctxt "password mismatch"
msgid "Mismatch"
msgstr "Mos emas"
msgctxt "password strength"
msgid "Strong"
msgstr "Kuchli"
msgctxt "password strength"
msgid "Weak"
msgstr "Oddiy"
msgctxt "password strength"
msgid "Very weak"
msgstr "Juda oddiy"
msgid "To set your password, visit the following address:"
msgstr "Yangi parol o'rnatish uchun quyidagi manzilga o'ting:"
msgid "Show password"
msgstr "Parolni ko'rsatish"
msgid "Log %s out of all locations."
msgstr "Barcha joylarda %s foydalanuvchini tizimdan chiqarish."
msgid ""
"Did you lose your phone or leave your account logged in at a public "
"computer? You can log out everywhere else, and stay logged in here."
msgstr ""
"Telefoningizni yo'qotdingizmi? Yoki begona kompyuterda profilingiz ochiq "
"olib ketibdimi? Siz barcha joylarda tizimdan chiqib, faqat shu yerda tizimda "
"qolishingiz mumkin."
msgid "Log Out Everywhere"
msgstr "Barcha joylarda tizimdan chiqish"
msgid "Confirm use of weak password"
msgstr "Kuchsiz parol ishlatishni tasdiqlang"
msgid "Sessions"
msgstr "Sessiyalar"
msgid "Log Out Everywhere Else"
msgstr "Boshqa barcha joylarda tizimdan chiqish"
msgid "You are only logged in at this location."
msgstr "Siz faqat shu joylashuvdagina tizimga kirgansiz."
msgid "Hide password"
msgstr "Parolni yashirish"
msgid "Account Management"
msgstr "Profilni boshqarish"
msgid "Cancel password change"
msgstr "Parol o'zgartirishni bekor qilish"
msgid "Always use https when visiting the admin"
msgstr "Всегда использовать https при посещении панели администрирования"
msgid "Use https"
msgstr "Использовать https"
msgid "Preview as an app icon"
msgstr "Dastur yorlig'i sifatida ko'rish"
msgid "Preview as a browser icon"
msgstr "Brauzer yorlig'i sifatida ko'rish"
msgid "Site Identity"
msgstr "Site aniqlovchisi"
msgid "Image could not be processed."
msgstr "Rasmni qayta ishlash imkoni bo'lmadi."
msgid "Clear Results"
msgstr "Natijalarni tozalash"
msgid "Remove Menu Item: %1$s (%2$s)"
msgstr "Menyudan o'chirish: %1$s (%2$s)"
msgid "You have specified this user for removal:"
msgstr "Siz quyidagi foydalanuvchini o'chirmoqchisiz:"
msgid "Hungarian"
msgstr "Venger"
msgctxt "Welcome panel"
msgid "Welcome"
msgstr "Xush kelibsiz"
msgid "No items"
msgstr "Hech narsa yo'q"
msgid "No media items found."
msgstr "Birorta ham media topilmadi."
msgid ""
"The following formatting shortcuts are replaced when pressing Enter. Press "
"Escape or the Undo button to undo."
msgstr ""
"Enter tugmasi bosilganda quyidagi format ko'rsatkichlari almashtiriladi. "
"Bekor qilish uchun bekor qilish yoki ortga qaytish tugmasini bosing."
msgid "Add New Image"
msgstr "Yangi rasm qo'shish"
msgid "Add New Header Image"
msgstr "Yangi yuqori qism rasmini qo'sish"
msgid "Hide image"
msgstr "Rasmni yashirish"
msgid "Hide header image"
msgstr "Tepa qismdagi rasmni yashirish"
msgid "Add to menu: %1$s (%2$s)"
msgstr "Menyuga qo'shish: %1$s (%2$s)"
msgid "%s approved comment"
msgid_plural "%s approved comments"
msgstr[0] "%s tasdiqlangan fikr"
msgid "Let's go!"
msgstr "Qani ketdik!"
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr "Golland"
msgid "Galician"
msgstr "Galitsiy"
msgid "Estonian"
msgstr "Eston"
msgid "Afrikaans"
msgstr "Afrika"
msgid "Username may not be longer than 60 characters."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi ismi 60ta belgidan oshmasligi kerak."
msgid ""
"When starting a new paragraph with one of these formatting shortcuts "
"followed by a space, the formatting will be applied automatically. Press "
"Backspace or Escape to undo."
msgstr ""
"Quyidagi o'zidan keyin bo'sh joy bilan keladigan format ko'rsatkichlaridan "
"birini ishlatib yangi abzatsni boshlaganingizda format avtomatik ravishda "
"saqlanadi. Bekor qilish uchun Backspace yoki bekor qilish tugmasini bosing."
msgid "Menus can be displayed in locations defined by your theme."
msgstr "Menyular shabloningizda belgilangan joylarda ko'rsatilishi mumkin."
msgid ""
"Menus can be displayed in locations defined by your theme or in widget areas by adding a “Navigation Menu” widget."
msgstr ""
"Menyular shabloningizda ko'rsatilgan joyda yoki vidjetlar "
"joyida yangi “Maxsus menyu” menyusini qo'shish orqali "
"ko'rsatilishi mumkin."
msgid "Reorder mode closed"
msgstr "Qayta tartiblash holati yopildi"
msgid "Reorder mode enabled"
msgstr "Qayta tartiblash holati faollashtirildi"
msgctxt "Missing menu name."
msgid "(unnamed)"
msgstr "(nomsiz)"
msgid ""
"When in reorder mode, additional controls to reorder menu items will be "
"available in the items list above."
msgstr ""
"Qayta tartiblash rejimida bo'lganda yuqoridagi joyda menyu qismlarini qayta "
"tartiblash uchun qo'shimcha sozlanmalar ko'rsatiladi."
msgid "Close reorder mode"
msgstr "Qayta tartiblash holatini yopish"
msgid "Reorder menu items"
msgstr "Menu yozuvlarini qayta tartiblash"
msgid "Show more details"
msgstr "Ko'proq ma'lumot ko'rsatish"
msgctxt "media"
msgid "Remove video track"
msgstr "Video faylni o'chirish"
msgid "Remove poster image"
msgstr "Poster rasmini o'chirish"
msgid "Remove video source"
msgstr "Video manbasini o'chirish"
msgid "Remove audio source"
msgstr "Audio manbasini o'chirish"
msgid "Ctrl + letter:"
msgstr "Ctrl + harf:"
msgid "Cmd + letter:"
msgstr "Cmd + harf:"
msgid "Shift + Alt + letter:"
msgstr "Shift + Alt + harf:"
msgid "Ctrl + Alt + letter:"
msgstr "Ctrl + Alt + harf:"
msgid "Inline toolbar (when an image, link or preview is selected)"
msgstr ""
"Ichki sozlanmalar paneli (rasm, link yoki oldindan ko'rish tanlangan vaqtda)"
msgid "Additional shortcuts,"
msgstr "Q'shimcha qisqa tugmalar,"
msgid "Default shortcuts,"
msgstr "Odatiy qisqa tugmalar,"
msgid "More actions"
msgstr "Ko'proq amaliyotlar"
msgid "Date and time"
msgstr "Sana va vaqt"
msgid "Attempting to parse a shortcode without a valid callback: %s"
msgstr ""
"Yaroqli funksiyasi bo'lmagan %s qisqakod (shortcode)ni ishga tushirishga "
msgid "Close code tag"
msgstr "Code tagini yopish"
msgid "Close list item tag"
msgstr "Ro'yxat yozuvini yopish"
msgid "Close numbered list tag"
msgstr "Raqamli ro'yxatni yopish"
msgid "Close bulleted list tag"
msgstr "Nuqtali ro'yxatni yopish"
msgid "Close inserted text tag"
msgstr "Kiritilgan tegni yopish"
msgid "Inserted text"
msgstr "Kiritilgan matn"
msgid "Close deleted text tag"
msgstr "O'chirilgan matn tegini yopish"
msgid "Deleted text (strikethrough)"
msgstr "O'chirilgan matn (ustidan chiziladi)"
msgid "Close blockquote tag"
msgstr "Iqtibos tegini yopish"
msgid "Close italic tag"
msgstr "Egri yozuv tegini yopish"
msgid "Close bold tag"
msgstr "Bold (qalin) tagini yopish"
msgid "Move one level down"
msgstr "Bir daraja pastga tushirish"
msgid "Move one level up"
msgstr "Bir daraja yuqoriga ko'tarish"
msgid "Loading more results... please wait."
msgstr "Ko'proq ma'lumot yuklanmoqda... iltimos, kuting."
msgid "Additional items found: %d"
msgstr "%d ta qo'shimcha yozuvlar topildi"
msgid "Number of items found: %d"
msgstr "%d ta yozuvlar topildi"
msgid "User Dashboard: %s"
msgstr "%s foydalanuvchi paneli"
msgctxt "HTML tag"
msgid "Preformatted"
msgstr "Formatlangan"
msgid "Height in pixels"
msgstr "Balandlik piksellarda ifodalangan"
msgid "Add new category"
msgstr "Yangi bo'lim qo'shish"
msgid "Logs"
msgstr "Jurnallar"
msgid "This category already exists."
msgstr "Bu bo'lim allaqachon mavjud."
msgid "Add Menu Items"
msgstr "Menyu yozuvlarini kiritish"
msgid "Add a menu"
msgstr "Menyu qo'shish"
msgid "Menu Locations"
msgstr "Menyu joylari"
msgid ""
"Your theme can display menus in %s location. Select which menu you would "
"like to use."
msgid_plural ""
"Your theme can display menus in %s locations. Select which menu appears in "
"each location."
msgstr[0] ""
"Sizning shabloningizda %s ta menyu joyi bor. Qaysi menyudan foydalanishni "
"xohlasangiz, shuni tanlang."
msgid ""
"This panel is used for managing navigation menus for content you have "
"already published on your site. You can create menus and add items for "
"existing content such as pages, posts, categories, tags, formats, or custom "
msgstr ""
"Bu panel saytingizda allaqachon chop etilgan ma'lumotlar menyusini sozlash "
"uchun ishlatiladi. Siz yangi menyular yaratishingiz va saytingizda mavjud "
"ma'lumotlarga sahifalar, maqolalar, bo'limlar, kalit so'zlar, formatlar yoki "
"maxsus linklar kabi qo'shimchalarni qo'shishingiz mumkin."
msgid "Menu item is now a sub-item"
msgstr "Menyu yozuvi endi ichki menyuda"
msgid "Menu item moved out of submenu"
msgstr "Menu yozuvi ichki menyudan chiqarildi"
msgid "Menu item moved down"
msgstr "Menu yozuvi tushirildi"
msgid "Menu item moved up"
msgstr "Menu yozuvi ko'tarildi"
msgid "Menu deleted"
msgstr "Menyu o'chirildi"
msgid "Menu created"
msgstr "Menyu tashkil etildi"
msgid "Menu item deleted"
msgstr "Menyu yozuvi o'chirildi"
msgid "Menu item added"
msgstr "Menyu yozuvi qo'shildi"
msgid "Menu Location"
msgstr "Menyu joylashuvlari"
msgid "Menu Options"
msgstr "Menyu sozlanmalari"
msgid "Add Items"
msgstr "Qismlar qo'shish"
msgctxt "Comma-separated list of replacement words in your language"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgctxt "Comma-separated list of words to texturize in your language"
msgid "'tain't,'twere,'twas,'tis,'twill,'til,'bout,'nuff,'round,'cause,'em"
msgstr "'tain't,'twere,'twas,'tis,'twill,'til,'bout,'nuff,'round,'cause,'em"
msgid "In response to: %s"
msgstr "%sga javoban"
msgid "Comment status"
msgstr "Fikr holati"
msgid "Previewing theme"
msgstr "Shablonni ko'rish"
msgid "Last page"
msgstr "So'nggi sahifa"
msgid "Customizing"
msgstr "Moslashtirish"
msgid "Customizing ▸ %s"
msgstr "▸ %s sozlash"
msgid "Import complete!"
msgstr "Import tugallandi!"
msgid "Visit site"
msgstr "Saytga o'tish"
msgctxt "plugin"
msgid "Activate %s"
msgstr "%s faollashtirish"
msgctxt "Post format"
msgid "Audio"
msgstr "Audio"
msgctxt "Post format"
msgid "Video"
msgstr "Video"
msgctxt "Post format"
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Status"
msgctxt "Post format"
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "Iqtibos"
msgctxt "Post format"
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Tasvir"
msgctxt "Post format"
msgid "Link"
msgstr "Havola"
msgctxt "Post format"
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Odatiy"
msgctxt "Post format"
msgid "Gallery"
msgstr "Galereya"
msgctxt "Post format"
msgid "Chat"
msgstr "Chat"
msgctxt "Post format"
msgid "Aside"
msgstr "Qayd"
msgid "Error:"
msgstr "Xatolik:"
msgid "Activate"
msgstr "Faollashtirish"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Xato"
msgctxt "Add new subset (greek, cyrillic, devanagari, vietnamese)"
msgid "no-subset"
msgstr "latin"
msgid "Start Import"
msgstr "Import qilishni boshlang"
msgid "Connection lost or the server is busy. Please try again later."
msgstr ""
"Aloqa uzildi, yoki server juda band. Iltimos, keyinroq yana urinib ko'ring."
msgid "Suggested image #%d"
msgstr "Tavsiya etilgan rasm #%d"
msgid "Suggested embed #%d"
msgstr "Kiritishga tavsiya etilgan #%d"
msgid "Open Press This"
msgstr "Press This ochish"
msgid ""
"If you can’t drag the bookmarklet to your bookmarks, copy the "
"following code and create a new bookmark. Paste the code into the new "
"bookmark’s URL field."
msgstr ""
"Agar bookmarkletni panelingizga olib bora olmasangiz, quyidagi kodni "
"nusxalab oling va o'zingizda yangi bookmark yarating. Kodni yangi bookmark "
"URL bandiga qo'ying."
msgid "Direct link (best for mobile)"
msgstr "To'g'ridan-to'g'ri link (mobil qurilmalar uchun qulay)"
msgid ""
"Drag the bookmarklet below to your bookmarks bar. Then, when you’re on "
"a page you want to share, simply “press” it."
msgstr ""
"Quyidagi bookmarkletni o'zingizning bookmark panelingizga olib boring. "
"Qachondir bo'lishishni istagan saytingizni ko'rayotganingzda uni bosishingiz "
msgid "Copy “Press This” bookmarklet code"
msgstr "“Press This” bookmarklet kodini nusxalash"
msgid ""
"Press This is a little tool that lets you grab bits of the web and create "
"new posts with ease."
msgstr ""
"Press This orqali internetdagi boshqa saytlarda o'zingiz istagan ma'lumotni "
"olishingiz va shu ma'lumot asosida osonlik bilan yangi maqola yaratishingiz "
msgid "Install Press This"
msgstr "Press This o'rnatish"
msgid "Standard Editor"
msgstr "Standart muharrir"
msgid "Suggested media"
msgstr "Tavsiya etilgan media"
msgid "Back to post options"
msgstr "Maqola sozlanmalariga qaytish"
msgid "Hide post options"
msgstr "Maqola sozlanmalarini yashirish"
msgctxt "Used in Press This to indicate where the content comes from."
msgid "Source:"
msgstr "Manbaa:"
msgid "Show post options"
msgstr "Maqola sozlanmalarini ko'rsatish"
msgid "Press This!"
msgstr "Press This!"
msgid "Scan site for content"
msgstr "Saytdan ma'lumotlar izlash"
msgid "Enter a URL to scan"
msgstr "Izlash uchun URL kiriting"
msgid "Scan"
msgstr "Izlash"
msgid "Toggle add category"
msgstr "Bo'lim qo'shishni ochish/yopish"
msgid "Search categories by name"
msgstr "Bo'limlarni nomiga ko'ra izlash"
msgid "Search categories"
msgstr "Bo'limlarni izlash"
msgid "Invalid post."
msgstr "Noto'g'ri ma'lumot."
msgid "This category cannot be added. Please change the name and try again."
msgstr ""
"Bu bo'limni qo'shish mumkin emas. Iltimos, nomini o'zgartirib, qayta urinib "
msgid "Error while adding the category. Please try again later."
msgstr ""
"Bo'lim qo'shishdan xatolik yuz berdi. Iltimos, keyinroq yana urinib ko'ring."
msgid "Missing post ID."
msgstr "Maqola ID raqami topilmadi."
msgid "Trashed"
msgstr "Tozalandi"
msgid ""
"No %1$s was set in the arguments array for the \"%2$s\" sidebar. Defaulting "
"to \"%3$s\". Manually set the %1$s to \"%3$s\" to silence this notice and "
"keep existing sidebar content."
msgstr ""
"\"%2$s\" yon ustuni array argumentlari uchun hech qanday %1$s o'rnatilmagan. "
"Doimiy \"%3$s\" holatga qaytariladi. Mavjud yon ustun ma'lumotlarini saqlab "
"qolish uchun %1$sni \"%3$s\"ga o'zgartirib, ushbu eslatmani to'xtating."
msgid "1 post not updated, somebody is editing it."
msgstr "1 ta maqola yangilanmadi, chunki kimdir uni tahrirlayapti."
msgid "%1$s response to %2$s"
msgid_plural "%1$s responses to %2$s"
msgstr[0] "%2$s ga %1$s ta javob"
msgid "Dismiss this notice."
msgstr "Ushbu xabarnomani o'tkazib yuborish."
msgid "What should be done with content owned by these users?"
msgstr "Bu foydalanuvchilarga tegishli ma'lumotlarni nima qilay?"
msgid ""
"The search for installed themes will search for terms in their name, "
"description, author, or tag."
msgstr ""
"O'rnatilgan shablonlar ichidan qidiruv ularning nomi, tasnifi, muallifi yoki "
"kalit so'zi bo'yicha qidiradi."
msgid "The search results will be updated as you type."
msgstr "Yozganingiz sari qidiruv natijalari yangilab boriladi."
msgid "Number of Themes found: %d"
msgstr "%d dona shablon topildi"
msgid "Custom date format:"
msgstr "Sana shakl birligi:"
msgid "enter a custom time format in the following field"
msgstr "quyidagi formaga faqt shakl birligini kiriting"
msgid "example:"
msgstr "misol uchun:"
msgid "Custom time format:"
msgstr "Vaqt shakl birligi"
msgid "enter a custom date format in the following field"
msgstr "quyidagi formaga sana shakl birligini kiriting"
msgctxt "Active plugin installations"
msgid "%s+ Million"
msgid_plural "%s+ Million"
msgstr[0] "%s+ million"
msgid "M j, Y @ H:i"
msgstr "j-M, Y \\s\\o\\a\\t H:i"
msgid "Custom Links"
msgstr "Qo'shimcha havolalar"
msgid "Number of items per page:"
msgstr "Bir sahifadagi narsalar soni:"
msgid "Submitted on"
msgstr "Yuborilgan sanasi"
msgid "Detach"
msgstr "Ajratish"
msgid "Romanian"
msgstr "Rumin"
msgid "You are currently editing the page that shows your latest posts."
msgstr ""
"Siz ayni vaqtda so'nggi maqolalaringizni ko'rsatuvchi sahifani "
msgid "Hebrew"
msgstr "Yahudiy"
msgid "Turkish"
msgstr "Turk"
msgid "Danish"
msgstr "Daniya"
msgid "Czech"
msgstr "Chex"
msgid "Taxonomy names must be between 1 and 32 characters in length."
msgstr ""
"Taksanomiya nomlari 1 dan 32 gacha bo'lgan belgilar uzunligida bo'lishi "
msgid "Post type names must be between 1 and 20 characters in length."
msgstr ""
"Post turlari nomlari 1 dan 20 gacha bo'lgan belgilar uzunligida bo'lishi "
msgid "Size in megabytes"
msgstr "Hajm megabaytlarda"
msgid "1 Comment on %s"
msgstr " %s ga 1 fikr bildirilgan"
msgid "Could not split shared term."
msgstr "Umumiy termin bo'linishida xatolik sodir bo'ldi."
msgid "Comments Off on %s"
msgstr ""
"%sda fikr bildirishni o'chirish"
msgctxt "theme"
msgid "Change"
msgstr "O'zgartirish"
msgid ""
"Your theme supports %s menu. Select which menu appears in each location."
msgid_plural ""
"Your theme supports %s menus. Select which menu appears in each location."
msgstr[0] ""
"Sizning shabloningiz %s ta menuni qo'llaydi. Qaysi joyda qaysi menu "
"ko'rinishi kerakligini tanlang."
msgid "Close details dialog"
msgstr "Ma'lumotlar oynasini yopish"
msgid "Edit selected menu"
msgstr "Belgilangan menuni tahrirlash"
msgid "Select Week"
msgstr "Haftani tanlang"
msgid "Select Post"
msgstr "Maqolani tanlang"
msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Xujjatlar"
msgid "Country code"
msgstr "Mamlakat kodi"
msgid "Usernames can only contain lowercase letters (a-z) and numbers."
msgstr ""
"Foydalanuvchi nomlari faqatgina kichik harflar (a-z) va raqamlardan iborat "
"bo'lishi mumkin."
msgid "Drag and drop to reorder media files."
msgstr "Media fayllarni qayta tartiblash uchun ushlab suring."
msgid ""
"You can log out of other devices, such as your phone or a public computer, "
"by clicking the Log Out Everywhere Else button."
msgstr ""
"Barcha joylarda tizimdan chiqish tugmasini bosish orqali telefoningiz, "
"ommaviy joydagi kompyuteringiz kabi qurilmalaringizda tizimdan chiqishingiz "
msgid "Protect"
msgstr "Himoyalash"
msgid "Post reverted to draft."
msgstr "Maqola ma'lumotlari eski holatga qaytrildi."
msgid "Copied"
msgstr "Nusxa olindi"
msgid "There is a pending change of your email to %s."
msgstr "Email manzilingiz %s manziliga o'zgarishi kutilmoqda."
msgid "Widget moved up"
msgstr "Vidjet tepaga ko'chirildi"
msgid "Widget moved down"
msgstr "Vidjet pastga ko'chirildi"
msgid "No file selected"
msgstr "Fayl tanlanmadi"
msgid "No image selected"
msgstr "Surat tanlanmadi"
msgid "Subtotal"
msgstr "Hisoblangan"
msgid "Macedonian"
msgstr "Makedon"
msgid "Vietnam"
msgstr "Vetnam"
msgid "Tanzania"
msgstr "Tanzaniya"
msgid "North Korea"
msgstr "Shimoliy Koreya"
msgid "Micronesia"
msgstr "Mikroneziya"
msgid "Discover"
msgstr "Kashf qiling"
msgid "Total:"
msgstr "Jami:"
msgid "Polish"
msgstr "Polyak"
msgctxt "post status"
msgid "Private"
msgstr "Shaxsiy"
msgid "Post scheduled."
msgstr "Maqola rejalashtirildi."
msgid "Update now"
msgstr "Yangilash"
msgid "Add item"
msgstr "Qo'shish"
msgid "Pending review"
msgstr "Tekshiruvda"
msgid "No thanks"
msgstr "Yoʻq, rahmat"
msgid ""
"To move focus to other buttons use Tab or the arrow keys. To return focus to "
"the editor press Escape or use one of the buttons."
msgstr ""
"Fokusni boshqa tugmalarga o'tkazish uchun Tab yoki ko'rsatkich tugmalaridan "
"foydalaning. Muharrir maydonchasiga qaytish uchun esa Escape yoki boshqa bir "
"tugmani bosing."
msgid "Focus shortcuts:"
msgstr "Fokus tugmalari:"
msgid "Editor menu (when enabled)"
msgstr "Menyu tahriri (agar yoqilgan bo'lsa)"
msgid "Editor toolbar"
msgstr "Asboblar paneli tahriri"
msgid "Elements path"
msgstr "Elementlar joyi"
msgid ""
"The following values do not describe a valid date: month %1$s, day %2$s."
msgstr "Ushbu kiritilganlar sanaga to'g'ri kelmaydi: oy %1$s, kun %2$s."
msgid ""
"You can enable distraction-free writing mode using the icon to the right. "
"This feature is not available for old browsers or devices with small "
"screens, and requires that the full-height editor be enabled in Screen "
msgstr ""
"O'ng tomondagi belgi yordamida chalg'itishsiz yozish rejimini yoqishingiz "
"mumkin. Bu qulaylikdan foydalanish uchun brauzeringiz eski bo'lmasligi, "
"qurilmangiz ekrani kichik bo'lmasligi va Ekran sozlanmalarida to'liq bo'yli "
"muharrir yoqilgan bo'lishi talab etiladi."
msgid "Enable full-height editor and distraction-free functionality."
msgstr "Butun bo'yli muharrir va chalg'itishsiz yozish imkoniyatini yoqish."
msgid ""
"You can insert media files by clicking the button above the post editor and "
"following the directions. You can align or edit images using the inline "
"formatting toolbar available in Visual mode."
msgstr ""
"Media fayllarni muharrir yuqorisidagi tugmani bosish va yo'riqlarga amal "
"qilish orqali kiritishingiz mumkin. Vizual rejimda mavjud bo'lgan formatlash "
"imkoniyatlari yordamida rasmlarni tekislashingiz yoki tahrirlashingiz mumkin."
msgid ""
"Post editor — Enter the text for your post. There are "
"two modes of editing: Visual and Text. Choose the mode by clicking on the "
"appropriate tab."
msgstr ""
"Maqola muharriri — maqolangiz uchun matn kiriting. "
"Ikki xil yozish rejimi bor: Vizual va Matnli. Kerakli bandga bosish orqali "
"rejimni tanlang."
msgid ""
"The following values do not describe a valid date: year %1$s, month %2$s, "
"day %3$s."
msgstr ""
"Quyidagi qiymatlar yaroqli sanani anglatmaydi: yil %1$s, oy %2$s, kun %3$s."
msgid ""
"Invalid value %1$s for %2$s. Expected value should be between %3$s and %4$s."
msgstr ""
"%2$s ga noto'g'ri %1$s qiymat kiritilgan. Kutilgan qiymat %3$s va%4$s "
"oralarida bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "Add to Dictionary"
msgstr "Lug'at qo'shish"
msgctxt "horizontal table cell alignment"
msgid "H Align"
msgstr "Gorizontal joylashuvi"
msgctxt "vertical table cell alignment"
msgid "V Align"
msgstr "Vertikal joylashuvi"
msgctxt "label for custom color"
msgid "Custom..."
msgstr "Boshqa..."
msgid "No alignment"
msgstr "To'g'irlanmagan"
msgid "This preview is unavailable in the editor."
msgstr "Muharrirda oldindan ko'rish imkoniyati mavjud emas."
msgid "More options"
msgstr "Ko'proq sozlanmalar"
msgid "Select options"
msgstr "Variantlarni tanlang"
msgid "Delete permanently"
msgstr "Butunlay o'chirish"
msgctxt "post format archive title"
msgid "Audio"
msgstr "Audio"
msgid "Mystery Person"
msgstr "Sirli shaxs"
msgid "Billing"
msgstr "Hisob-kitob"
msgid "Filter by comment type"
msgstr "Fikr turiga ko'ra saralash"
msgid "Untested with your version of WordPress"
msgstr "Siz ishlatayotgan WordPress versiyasida sinalmagan."
msgctxt "noun"
msgid "Trash"
msgstr "O'chirib tashlanganlar"
msgid "Checkout"
msgstr "To'lov"
msgid "Avatar URL."
msgstr "Avatar URL manzili."
msgid "Bookmarklet"
msgstr "Bookmarklet"
msgid "Unable to trash changes."
msgstr "O'zgarishlarni o'chirib bo'lmadi."
msgid "Change to:"
msgstr "O'zgartirish:"
msgid "Email: %s"
msgstr "Email: %s"
msgid ""
"You can also delete individual items and access the extended edit screen "
"from the details dialog."
msgstr ""
"Ma'lumotlar oynasi orqali kengaytirilgan tahrirga o'tishingiz yoki alohida "
"fayllarni o'chirishingiz mumkin."
msgid ""
"Use the arrow buttons at the top of the dialog, or the left and right arrow "
"keys on your keyboard, to navigate between media items quickly."
msgstr ""
"Media fayllarini oson boshqarish uchun yuqoridagi ko'rsatkich tugmalarini "
"yoki klaviaturangizdagi ko'rsatkich tugmalarni bosing."
msgid ""
"Clicking an item will display an Attachment Details dialog, which allows you "
"to preview media and make quick edits. Any changes you make to the "
"attachment details will be automatically saved."
msgstr ""
"Faylga bosish orqali Fayl ma'lumotlari ochiladi. U yerda faylni "
"ko'rishingiz, ba'zi tezkor o'zgartirishlarni qilishingiz mumkin. Faylga "
"kiritilgan har qanday o'zgartirish avtomatik tarzda saqlanadi."
msgid ""
"To delete media items, click the Bulk Select button at the top of the "
"screen. Select any items you wish to delete, then click the Delete Selected "
"button. Clicking the Cancel Selection button takes you back to viewing your "
msgstr ""
"Media fayllarni o'chirish uchun yuqoridagi Yoppasiga tanlash tugmasini "
"bosing. O'chirmoqchi bo'lgan fayllaringizni tanlab olib Tanlanganlarni "
"o'chirish tugmasini bosing. Agar Tanlashni bekor qilish tugmasini bossangiz, "
"media faylni ko'rishga qatarilasiz."
msgid ""
"You can view your media in a simple visual grid or a list with columns. "
"Switch between these views using the icons to the left above the media."
msgstr ""
"Media fayllaringizni oddiy jadval ko'rinishida yoki ustunli ro'yxatda "
"ko'rishingiz mumkin. Ko'rinish turini yuqori chap tomondagi belgilar "
"yordamida o'zgartirasiz."
msgid ""
"All the files you’ve uploaded are listed in the Media Library, with "
"the most recent uploads listed first."
msgstr ""
"Barcha yuklangan fayllar media kutubxonasida, eng yangi yuklanganlari "
"birinchi o'rinda qilib ko'rsatiladi."
msgid "Invalid translation type."
msgstr "Tarjima turi yaroqsiz."
msgid "Save draft"
msgstr "Qoralama saqlash"
msgid "Page reverted to draft."
msgstr "Sahifa ma'lumotlari eski holatga qaytrildi."
msgid "Untrash"
msgstr "Savatdan olib tashlash"
msgid "Bulk select"
msgstr "Yoppasiga belgilash"
msgid "Close uploader"
msgstr "Yuklovchini yopish"
msgid "Install %s now"
msgstr "%sni hoziroq o'rnatish"
msgid "Update %s now"
msgstr "%s yangilash"
msgid "Search or use up and down arrow keys to select an item."
msgstr ""
"Izlang yoki birorta ob'ektni tanlash uchun tepa yoki past tugmalaridan "
msgctxt "Number/count of items"
msgid "Count"
msgstr "Sanoq"
msgid "Open link in a new tab"
msgstr "Havolani yangi oynada ochish"
msgid "Select bulk action"
msgstr "Yoppasiga amaliyotni tanlang"
msgid "Close modal panel"
msgstr "Modal panelini yoping"
msgid "Uploaded on:"
msgstr "Yuklangan sanasi:"
msgid "%s: %l."
msgstr "%s lar: %l."
msgctxt "missing menu item navigation label"
msgid "(no label)"
msgstr "(yorliqsiz)"
msgid "Edit more details"
msgstr "Batafsil ma'lumotlarini tahrirlash"
msgid "View attachment page"
msgstr "Ilova sahifasini ko'rish"
msgid "Edit next media item"
msgstr "Keyingi media ob'ektni tahrirlash"
msgid "Edit previous media item"
msgstr "Avvalgi media ob'ektni tahrirlash"
msgid "Bitrate Mode"
msgstr "Bitreyt turi"
msgid "Bitrate"
msgstr "Bitreyt"
msgid ""
"Widgets are independent sections of content that can be placed into "
"widgetized areas provided by your theme (commonly called sidebars)."
msgstr ""
"Vidjetlar shabloningizning yon ustunlar deb ataluvchi joylarida tashkil "
"etilgan vidjetlashtirilgan joylarda qo'yish mumkin bo'lgan mustaqil ma'lumot "
"qismlari hisoblanadi."
msgid ""
"Error: The comment could not be saved. Please try again "
msgstr ""
"XATO: Fikr xotiraga olinmadi. Iltimos keyinroq yana urinib "
msgid "Add the user without sending an email that requires their confirmation"
msgstr ""
"Foydalanuvchini tasdiqlashni talab qiluvchi email xabarni jo'natmasdan "
msgid ""
"The grid view for the Media Library requires JavaScript. Switch to the list view."
msgstr ""
"Media kutubxonaning jadval ko'rinishi JavaScript yoqilgan bo'lishini talab "
"qiladi. Ro'yxat ko'rinishiga o'tish."
msgid "Minute"
msgstr "Daqiqa"
msgid "%s failed to embed."
msgstr "%s biriktirilmadi."
msgid "You are customizing %s"
msgstr "Siz %s ni moslayapsiz."
msgid "Max %s"
msgstr "Maximum %s"
msgid "Remind Me Later"
msgstr "Menga keyinroq eslat"
msgid "Change logo"
msgstr "Logotipni o'zgartirish"
msgid "Hi there,"
msgstr "Salom,"
msgid "Learn more about updates"
msgstr "Yangilanishlar haqida ko'proq bilib oling"
msgid "Something went wrong."
msgstr "Qandaydir xatolik yuz berdi."
msgid "Install Jetpack"
msgstr "Jetpack-ni o'rnating"
msgid "Maximum upload file size: %s."
msgstr "Yuklash mumkin bo'lgan eng katta fayl hajmi: %s."
msgid "Paid"
msgstr "To'langan"
msgid "This site is no longer available."
msgstr "Ushbu sayt endi mavjud emas."
msgid "Lost password"
msgstr "Yo'qotilgan parol"
msgid ""
"Your browser does not support direct access to the clipboard. Please use "
"keyboard shortcuts or your browser’s edit menu instead."
msgstr ""
"Sizning brauzeringiz joriy xotiraga to'g'ridan to'g'ri ta'sir etishni "
"qo'llamaydi. Iltimos, (nusxalash/kiritish) uchun klavyatura tugmalar "
"kombinatsiyasi (Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V)lardan yoki browseringiz 'Tahrir' menusidan "
msgid "See more"
msgstr "Yana ko'ring"
msgid "Clear All"
msgstr "Hammasini tozalamoq"
msgid "%d result found."
msgid_plural "%d results found."
msgstr[0] "%d natija topildi."
msgid "Learn more."
msgstr "Ko'proq ma'lumot olish"
msgid "Custom color"
msgstr "Rangni tanlang"
msgid "Remove image"
msgstr "Rasmni o'chirish"
msgid "%s themes"
msgstr "%s ta shablon"
msgid "Download %d"
msgstr "%d yuklab olish"
msgid "Expired"
msgstr "Tugatildi"
msgid "Shift-click to edit this widget."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu vidjetni o'zgartirish uchun Shift va sichqoncha tugmasini bosing."
msgid "Canceled"
msgstr "Bekor qilindi"
msgctxt "placeholder"
msgid "From…"
msgstr "Dan & hellip;"
msgctxt "HTML tag"
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Manzil"
msgid "Save and preview changes before publishing them."
msgstr "O'zgarishlarni chop etishdan oldin ko'ring va saqlang"
msgid ""
"Keyboard users: When you are working in the visual editor, you can use %s to "
"access the toolbar."
msgstr ""
"Klaviaturadan foydalanuvchilar: Muharrirning vizual rejimida "
"ishlayotganingizda %s yordamida uskunalar panelini ishlatishingiz mumkin."
msgid ""
"Error: Cookies are blocked due to unexpected output. For "
"help, please see this documentation or try the support forums."
msgstr ""
"XATO: Kutilmagan xatolik tufayli cookielar bloklandi. "
"Yordam olish uchun bu xujjat yoki yordam forumlariga murojaat qiling."
msgid "Add to Audio Playlist"
msgstr "Audio pleylistga kiritish"
msgid "Add to audio playlist"
msgstr "Audio pleylistga kiritish"
msgid "Update audio playlist"
msgstr "Audio pleylistni yangilash"
msgid "Insert audio playlist"
msgstr "Audio pleylist kiritish"
msgid "Edit audio playlist"
msgstr "Musiqiy pleylistni o'zgartirish"
msgid "There has been an error cropping your image."
msgstr "Rasmni o'zgartirishdagi xatolik"
msgctxt "video or audio"
msgid "Length"
msgstr "Uzunligi"
msgid "Artist"
msgstr "Muallif"
msgctxt "table cell alignment attribute"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Hech qaysi"
msgid "Show Video List"
msgstr "Videolar ro'yhatini ko'rish"
msgid "Set image"
msgstr "Rasm qo'yish"
msgid "No themes found. Try a different search."
msgstr "Birorta ham shablon topilmadi. Boshqa ibora bilan qidiring."
msgid "Displayed on attachment pages."
msgstr "Biriktirish sahifalarida ko'rsatiladi."
msgid ""
"You can edit the image while preserving the thumbnail. For example, you may "
"wish to have a square thumbnail that displays just a section of the image."
msgstr ""
"Siz rasmni miniatyurani saqlab qolgan holda tahrirlashingiz mumkin. Masalan, "
"rasmning bir qismini ko'rsatadigan kvadrat shakldagi rasmni yaratish "
"imkoniyatiga egasiz."
msgid ""
"Once you have made your selection, you can adjust it by entering the size in "
"pixels. The minimum selection size is the thumbnail size as set in the Media "
msgstr ""
"Tanlovingizni belgilaganingizdan so'ng rasm hajmini piksellarda "
"kiritishingiz mumkin. Tanlanishi mumkin bo'lgan eng kichik hajm Media "
"sozlanmalarida ko'rsatilgan miniatyura hajmi hisoblanadi."
msgid ""
"The aspect ratio is the relationship between the width and height. You can "
"preserve the aspect ratio by holding down the shift key while resizing your "
"selection. Use the input box to specify the aspect ratio, e.g. 1:1 (square), "
"4:3, 16:9, etc."
msgstr ""
"Aspekt ratsioni en va bo'yning bir xil mutanosiblikda bo'lishidir. Aspekt "
"ratsionini Shift tugmasini bosib turgan holda rasmni belgilash orqali saqlab "
"qolishingiz mumkin. Maxsus bandlarga o'lcham kiritish orqali orqali aspekt "
"ratsionini tayinlash mumkin. Masalan: 1:1 (kvadrat), 4:3, 16:9, va h.k."
msgid ""
"You can proportionally scale the original image. For best results, scaling "
"should be done before you crop, flip, or rotate. Images can only be scaled "
"down, not up."
msgstr ""
"Siz rasmni proportsional kichraytirishingiz mumkin. Eng yaxshi natija olish "
"uchun kickraytirish rasmni kesish, aylantirish yoki burishdan oldin amalga "
"oshirilishi kerak. Rasmlar faqat kichraytirilishi mumkin. Ularni "
"kattalashtirib bo'lmaydi."
msgid "To crop the image, click on it and drag to make your selection."
msgstr "Rasmni kesish uchun ustiga bosib turgan holda tortib belgilang."
msgid "Image CSS Class"
msgstr "Rasm CSS lari"
msgid "Image Title Attribute"
msgstr "Rasm sarlavhasi sozlamalari"
msgid "Custom Size"
msgstr "Hajmni boshqarish"
msgid "Edit Original"
msgstr "Haqiqiy nushani o'zgartirish"
msgid "Link CSS Class"
msgstr "Class CSS bog'i"
msgid "WordPress %1$s running %2$s theme."
msgstr "WordPress %1$s ayni vaqtda %2$s shabloni bilan ishlayapti."
msgid "E-Commerce"
msgstr "Elektron tijorat"
msgid "Two columns"
msgstr "Ikki ustun"
msgid "Create video playlist"
msgstr "Video pleylist yaratish"
msgctxt "TinyMCE menu"
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Format"
msgctxt "auto preload"
msgid "Auto"
msgstr "Avtomatik"
msgid "Cropping…"
msgstr "O'zgartirilayapti"
msgctxt "TinyMCE menu"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Jadval"
msgctxt "TinyMCE menu"
msgid "View"
msgstr "Ko'rish"
msgctxt "TinyMCE menu"
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Asboblar"
msgctxt "TinyMCE menu"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Tahrirlash"
msgid "Add alternate sources for maximum HTML5 playback"
msgstr ""
"Maksimal HTML5 mosligini ta'minlash maqsadida qo'shimcha manbalarni qo'shing:"
msgid "Split table cell"
msgstr "Split jadval"
msgctxt "TinyMCE menu"
msgid "File"
msgstr "Fayl"
msgctxt "TinyMCE menu"
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Kiritish"
msgid "Words: %s"
msgstr "So'zlar: %s"
msgctxt "editor button"
msgid "Show blocks"
msgstr "Bloklarni ko'rsatish"
msgctxt "TinyMCE"
msgid "Templates"
msgstr "Shablonlar"
msgctxt "TinyMCE"
msgid "Insert template"
msgstr "Shablon kiritish"
msgctxt "table footer"
msgid "Footer"
msgstr "Pastki qism"
msgctxt "table body"
msgid "Body"
msgstr "Tanasi"
msgctxt "table header"
msgid "Header"
msgstr "Yuqori qism"
msgctxt "table cell"
msgid "Cell"
msgstr "Chaqiriq"
msgctxt "spellcheck"
msgid "Ignore"
msgstr "Rad etish"
msgctxt "spellcheck"
msgid "Ignore all"
msgstr "Rad etish"
msgctxt "spellcheck"
msgid "Finish"
msgstr "Tugatish"
msgctxt "find/replace"
msgid "Replace all"
msgstr "Hammasini almashtirish"
msgctxt "find/replace"
msgid "Find"
msgstr "Topish"
msgctxt "find/replace"
msgid "Replace with"
msgstr "Topish"
msgctxt "table cell scope attribute"
msgid "Scope"
msgstr "Qavs"
msgctxt "find/replace"
msgid "Whole words"
msgstr "Almashtirish"
msgctxt "find/replace"
msgid "Prev"
msgstr "Oldingi"
msgctxt "find/replace"
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Keyingi"
msgctxt "find/replace"
msgid "Replace"
msgstr "Alomashtirish"
msgctxt "editor button"
msgid "Left to right"
msgstr "Chapdan o'nga"
msgctxt "editor button"
msgid "Right to left"
msgstr "O'ngdan chapga"
msgctxt "Link anchors (TinyMCE)"
msgid "Anchors"
msgstr "Langarlar"
msgctxt "Link anchor (TinyMCE)"
msgid "Anchor"
msgstr "Langar"
msgctxt "Name of link anchor (TinyMCE)"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ism"
msgctxt "list style"
msgid "Lower Roman"
msgstr "Kichik rim harflari"
msgctxt "list style"
msgid "Upper Roman"
msgstr "Katta rim harflari"
msgctxt "list style"
msgid "Upper Alpha"
msgstr "Katta lotin harflari"
msgctxt "list style"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Odatiy"
msgctxt "TinyMCE"
msgid "Headings"
msgstr "Asosiylar"
msgctxt "Move widget"
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Ko'chirish"
msgid "Move to another area…"
msgstr "Boshqa joyga ko'chirish"
msgctxt "list style"
msgid "Lower Alpha"
msgstr "Kichik lotin harflari"
msgctxt "list style"
msgid "Lower Greek"
msgstr "Kichik grek harflari"
msgctxt "list style"
msgid "Disc"
msgstr "Disk"
msgctxt "list style"
msgid "Circle"
msgstr "Aylana"
msgctxt "list style"
msgid "Square"
msgstr "Kvadrat"
msgctxt "HTML elements"
msgid "Inline"
msgstr "Qatorda"
msgctxt "HTML tag"
msgid "Pre"
msgstr "Pre"
msgctxt "HTML tag"
msgid "Div"
msgstr "Div"
msgctxt "TinyMCE"
msgid "Blocks"
msgstr "Blok"
msgctxt "TinyMCE"
msgid "Formats"
msgstr "Formatlar"
msgid "All comment types"
msgstr "Barcha fikr turlari"
msgid "Manage menus"
msgstr "Menyularni boshqarish"
msgid "The query argument of %s must have a placeholder."
msgstr "%sning so'rov argumenti placeholderga ega bo'lishi kerak."
msgid "Tracks (subtitles, captions, descriptions, chapters, or metadata)"
msgstr ""
"Kuzatiluvchilar (shiorlar, sarlavhalar, tasniflar, boblar, yoki meta "
msgid "Add to video Playlist"
msgstr "Video pleylistga qo'shish"
msgid "Add to video playlist"
msgstr "Video pleylistga qo'shish"
msgid "Update video playlist"
msgstr "Video pleylistni yangilash"
msgid "Insert video playlist"
msgstr "Video pleylist kiritish"
msgid "← Cancel video playlist"
msgstr "← Video pleylistni bekor qilish"
msgid "There are no associated subtitles."
msgstr "Biriktirilgan izoh jumlalar mavjud emas."
msgid "Show Artist Name in Tracklist"
msgstr "Qo'shiqlar ro'yxatida qo'shiqchi otini ko'rsating"
msgid "Show Tracklist"
msgstr "Ro'yxatni ko'rish"
msgid "Auto"
msgstr "Avto"
msgid "← Cancel audio playlist"
msgstr "← Musiqiy pl ni tugatish"
msgid "Edit video playlist"
msgstr "Video pleylistni tahrirlash"
msgid "Drag and drop to reorder videos."
msgstr "Videolarni qayta tartiblash uchun ushlang va suring."
msgid "Create audio playlist"
msgstr "Audo playlist yaratish"
msgid "Drag and drop to reorder tracks."
msgstr "Qo'shiq/Videolarni qayta tartiblash uchun ushlang va suring."
msgid "Add subtitles"
msgstr "Izoh so'z kiritish"
msgid "Add video source"
msgstr "Video manbasi qo'shish"
msgid "Replace video"
msgstr "Videoni almashtirish"
msgid "Add audio source"
msgstr "Audo manbasi kiritish"
msgid "Replace audio"
msgstr "Audioni almashtirish"
msgid "Audio details"
msgstr "Audio ma'lumotlari"
msgid "Create a new video playlist"
msgstr "Yangi video pleylist yaratish"
msgid "Image details"
msgstr "Rasm ma'lumotlari"
msgctxt "Search widget"
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Izlash"
msgid "Insert Read More tag"
msgstr "Davomini o'qish tugmasini kiritish"
msgid "Toolbar Toggle"
msgstr "Asboblar qatori ko'rsatkichi"
msgid "Show invisible characters"
msgstr "Ko'rinmas belgilarni ko'rsatish"
msgid "Row group"
msgstr "Qator guruhi"
msgid "Cell type"
msgstr "Katak turi"
msgid "Header cell"
msgstr "Sarlavha katak"
msgid "Insert table"
msgstr "Jadval kiritish"
msgid "Row type"
msgstr "Qator turi"
msgid "Cell spacing"
msgstr "Katak tashqi itarilishi"
msgid "File"
msgstr "Fayl"
msgid "Cell padding"
msgstr "Katak ichki itarilishi"
msgid "Match case"
msgstr "Moslik sharti"
msgid "Find and replace"
msgstr "Topish va almashtirish"
msgid "Paste as text"
msgstr "Matn sifatida kiritish"
msgid "Page break"
msgstr "Sahifa bo'linuvi"
msgid "Nonbreaking space"
msgstr "Yangi qatorga tushirmaydigan bo'shliq"
msgid "Insert video"
msgstr "Video kiritish"
msgid "Paste your embed code below:"
msgstr "Quyiga kodingizni kiriting:"
msgid "Replace"
msgstr "Almashtirish"
msgid "Column group"
msgstr "Ustunlar guruhi"
msgid "Could not find the specified string."
msgstr "So'ralgan jumla topilmadi."
msgid "Insert date/time"
msgstr "Vaqtni kiriting"
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Kodlanishi"
msgid "Robots"
msgstr "Robotlar"
msgid "Special character"
msgstr "Maxsus belgi"
msgid "Restore last draft"
msgstr "So'ngi qoralamani tiklash"
msgid "Insert image"
msgstr "Rasm kiritish"
msgid "Text to display"
msgstr "Ko'rsatiladigan matn"
msgid "Bulleted list"
msgstr "Belgili ro'yxat"
msgid "Visual aids"
msgstr "Ko'rgazmali qurollar"
msgid "Justify"
msgstr "Yonlarga tekislash"
msgid ""
"Paste is now in plain text mode. Contents will now be pasted as plain text "
"until you toggle this option off."
msgstr ""
"Ayni paytda kiriitsh oddiy matn holatida. Siz ushbu holatni "
"o'zgartirmaguningizcha kiritgan matnlaringiz oddiy matn holatida kiritiladi."
msgid "Decrease indent"
msgstr "Surilishni kamaytirish"
msgid "Clear formatting"
msgstr "O'zgatirilganlarni tozalash"
msgid "Increase indent"
msgstr "Surilishni kattalashtirish"
msgid "Numbered list"
msgstr "Raqamlangan ro'yxat"
msgid "Select an area to move this widget into:"
msgstr "Ushbu vidjetni qo'shish uchun joyni tanlang:"
msgid "Add a Widget"
msgstr "Vidjet qo'shish"
msgctxt "custom headers"
msgid "Suggested"
msgstr "Tavsiya etilgan"
msgctxt "custom headers"
msgid "Previously uploaded"
msgstr "Avval yuklangan"
msgid "Randomizing suggested headers"
msgstr "Taklif etilgan tepa qismlar tartibsizlantirilayapti"
msgid "Randomizing uploaded headers"
msgstr "Yuklangan tepa qismlar tartibsizlantirilayapti"
msgid "Randomize suggested headers"
msgstr "Yuqori qismlarni jaoylashtirish"
msgid "Randomize uploaded headers"
msgstr "Yuklangan tepa qismlarni tartibsizlashtirish"
msgid "Delete all content."
msgstr "Barcha ma'lumotlarni o'chirish."
msgid "Edit date and time"
msgstr "Sana va vaqtni tahrirlash"
msgid "Browse revisions"
msgstr "Ko'rib chiqishlar"
msgid "Edit visibility"
msgstr "Ko'rinishni tahrirlash"
msgid "Edit status"
msgstr "Holatni tahrirlash"
msgid "Thank you for creating with WordPress."
msgstr "WordPress asosida ishlaganingiz uchun rahmat."
msgctxt "daily archives date format"
msgid "F j, Y"
msgstr "d.m.Y"
msgid "Pounds"
msgstr "Funt"
msgid "Cancel Edit"
msgstr "Tahrirni bekor qilish"
msgid "No categories found."
msgstr "Bo'limlar topilmadi."
msgid "Measurements"
msgstr "O'lchovlar"
msgid "List item"
msgstr "Ro'yxat"
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "Qatorlar"
msgid "orders"
msgstr "buyurtmalar"
msgid "Display author"
msgstr "Muallini ko'rsatish"
msgid "Add tags"
msgstr "Teglar qo'shish"
msgid "Popular tags"
msgstr "Ommabop kalit so'zlar"
msgid "Tablet"
msgstr "Planshet"
msgid "Desktop"
msgstr "Kompyuter"
msgid "Moldova"
msgstr "Moldova"
msgid "Analytics"
msgstr "Analiz"
msgid "View Posts"
msgstr "Maqolalarni ko'rish"
msgid "%s connected successfully"
msgstr "%s muvaffaqiyatli ulandi"
msgid "No approved comments"
msgstr "Birorta ham tasdiqlangan fikr yo'q"
msgid "Invalid"
msgstr "Yaroqsiz"
msgid "Capital"
msgstr "Poytaxt"
msgid "Best Sellers"
msgstr "Eng yaxshi sotuvchilar"
msgid "Search results for “%s”"
msgstr "“%s&rdquo uchun qidiruv natijalari;"
msgid ""
"It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try visiting %s "
msgstr ""
"Bu yerda hech narsa topilmaganga o'xshaydi. Balki %sga to'g'ridan-to'g'ri "
"tashrif buyurib ko'rarsiz."
msgid "Products tagged “%s”"
msgstr "Belgilangan mahsulotlar “%s”"
msgid "WordPress Dashboard"
msgstr "WordPress boshqaruv paneli"
msgid "Learn more"
msgstr "Ko'proq ma'lumot olish"
msgid "Skip cropping"
msgstr "Kesmasdan davom etish"
msgid "Select and crop"
msgstr "Tanlang va kesing"
msgid "Full width"
msgstr "To'liq en"
msgid "Saving…"
msgstr "Saqlanmoqda…"
msgid "Preview:"
msgstr "Oldindan ko'rish:"
msgid "Search installed themes"
msgstr "O'rnatilgan shablonlarni qidirish"
msgctxt "theme author"
msgid "By %s"
msgstr "Muallif: %s"
msgid "Theme Details"
msgstr "Shablon ma'lumotlari"
msgid "%1$s MB (%2$s%%) Space Used"
msgstr "%1$s MB (%2$s%%) joy ishlatilgan"
msgid "%s MB Space Allowed"
msgstr "%s MB joyga ruxsat berilgan"
msgid "Fluid Layout"
msgstr "Cho'ziluvchan shakl"
msgid "Fixed Layout"
msgstr "Qat'iy shakl"
msgid "Attempted to set image quality outside of the range [1,100]."
msgstr "Rasm sifatini belgilashda [1,100] oralig'idan chiqib ketildi."
msgid "Accessibility Ready"
msgstr "Zaif foydalanuvchilarga tayyor"
msgid "Relevance"
msgstr "Muhimligi"
msgid "Display Site Title and Tagline"
msgstr "Sayt sarlavhasi va shiorini ko'rsatish"
msgctxt "admin color scheme"
msgid "Coffee"
msgstr "Qahva"
msgctxt "admin color scheme"
msgid "Ectoplasm"
msgstr "Ektoplazma"
msgid "A cloud of your most used tags."
msgstr "Ko'p qo'llanilgan kalit so'zlaringiz buluti."
msgid "Entries from any RSS or Atom feed."
msgstr "Har qanday RSS yoki Atom obunasi yozuvlari."
msgid "Your site’s most recent comments."
msgstr "Saytingizda bildirilgan eng so'ngi fikrlar."
msgid "Your site’s most recent Posts."
msgstr "Saytingizning eng so'ngmi maqolalari"
msgid "A list or dropdown of categories."
msgstr "Bo'limlar ro'yxati yoki tushuvchi menyu."
msgid "A monthly archive of your site’s Posts."
msgstr "Saytingiz maqolalarining oylik arxivi."
msgid "A search form for your site."
msgstr "Saytingiz uchun qidiruv formasi."
msgid "A list of your site’s Pages."
msgstr "Sizning saytingiz sahifalari ro'yxati."
msgctxt "admin color scheme"
msgid "Midnight"
msgstr "Yarim tun"
msgctxt "admin color scheme"
msgid "Light"
msgstr "Yorqin"
msgctxt "admin color scheme"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Odatiy"
msgid ""
"At a Glance — Displays a summary of the content on "
"your site and identifies which theme and version of WordPress you are using."
msgstr ""
"Bir qarashda — saytingizdagi barcha ma'lumotlarning "
"umumiy holatini, qaysi shablonni va qaysi versiyadagi WordPress tizimini "
"ishlatayotganingizni ko'rsatadi."
msgid ""
"When previewing on smaller monitors, you can use the collapse icon at the "
"bottom of the left-hand pane. This will hide the pane, giving you more room "
"to preview your site in the new theme. To bring the pane back, click on the "
"collapse icon again."
msgstr ""
"Kichikroq monitorlarda ko'rayotganingizda chap quyi burchakdagi yashirish "
"belgisidan foydalanishingiz mumkin. Bu orqali panel yashiriladi va "
"saytingizni yangi shablonda ko'rish uchun ko'proq bo'sh joyda ochiladi. "
"Panelni yana qayta ko'rsatish uchun belgini qayta bosishingiz kifoya!"
msgid ""
"Tap or hover on any theme then click the Live Preview button to see a live "
"preview of that theme and change theme options in a separate, full-screen "
"view. You can also find a Live Preview button at the bottom of the theme "
"details screen. Any installed theme can be previewed and customized in this "
msgstr ""
"Yangi shablonni ko'rish yoki sozlash uchun shablon ustiga sichqonchangiz "
"ko'rsatkichini olib boring. Jonli ko'rish tugmasi sizni jonli ko'rish "
"rejimiga olib o'tadi. U yerda saytingizni yangi shablon bilan to'liq "
"olchamda ko'rishingiz va sozlashingiz mumkin. Jonli ko'rish tugmasi shablon "
"ma'lumotlari oynasining quyi qismida ham joylashgan. Har qanday o'rnatilgan "
"shablon shu usulda oldindan ko'rilishi yoki moslashtirilishi mumkin."
msgid ""
"Click on the theme to see the theme name, version, author, description, "
"tags, and the Delete link"
msgstr ""
"Shablon ustiga bossangiz shablon nomi, versiyasi, muallifi, tasnifi, kalit "
"so'zlari va o'chirish linki ko'rsatiladi."
msgid "Hover or tap to see Activate and Live Preview buttons"
msgstr ""
"Faollashtirish yoki Jonli ko'rish tugmalarini ko'rish uchun sichqoncha "
"ko'rsatkichini shablon ustiga olib boring."
msgid ""
"This screen is used for managing your installed themes. Aside from the "
"default theme(s) included with your WordPress installation, themes are "
"designed and developed by third parties."
msgstr ""
"Bu ekranda o'rnatilgan shablonlaringizni boshqarishingiz mumkin. WordPress "
"bilan birga kelgan shablonlardan tashqari boshqa shablonlar turli "
"dasturchilar tomonidan ishlab chiqarilgan."
msgid ""
"To activate a widget drag it to a sidebar or click on it. To deactivate a "
"widget and delete its settings, drag it back."
msgstr ""
"Vidjetni faollashtirish uchun uni saydbarga olib boring yoki ustiga bosing. "
"Vidjetni o'chirish yoki faoliyatini to'xtatish uchun qaytarib joyiga "
msgid "%1$s rating based on %2$s rating"
msgid_plural "%1$s rating based on %2$s ratings"
msgstr[0] "%2$s baholashga asoslangan %1$s baho"
msgid "Show next theme"
msgstr "Keyingi shablonni ko'rsatish"
msgid "Show previous theme"
msgstr "Avvalgi shablonni ko'rsatish"
msgid "Update Available"
msgstr "Yangilash imkoni bor"
msgid ""
"Quick Draft — Allows you to create a new post and "
"save it as a draft. Also displays links to the 3 most recent draft posts "
"you've started."
msgstr ""
"Tezkor qoralama — tezlik bilan maqola yozish va uni "
"qoralama sifatida saqlash imkoniyatini beradi. Bundan tashqari o'zingiz "
"yaratgan eng yangi 3 ta qoralamani ham ko'rsatadi."
msgid ""
"Activity — Shows the upcoming scheduled posts, "
"recently published posts, and the most recent comments on your posts and "
"allows you to moderate them."
msgstr ""
"Faoliyat — saytingizda chop etilishi kutilayotgan "
"rejalashtirilgan maqolalar, yaqinda chop etilgan maqolalar va yangi "
"bildirilgan fikrlarni ko'rsatadi. Fikrlarni boshqarish imkoniyatini yaratadi."
msgid ""
"Screen Options — Use the Screen Options tab to choose "
"which Dashboard boxes to show."
msgstr ""
"Ekran sozlanmalari — boshqaruv panelida qanday "
"qutilarni ko'rishingizni tanlashingiz mumkin."
msgid "Unable to submit this form, please refresh and try again."
msgstr "Formani jo'natib bo'lmadi. Sahifani yangilab, qayta urinib ko'ring."
msgid "Manage Uploads"
msgstr "Yuklamalarni boshqarish"
msgid "Popular Plugin"
msgstr "Mashxur plagin"
msgid "Tomorrow"
msgstr "Ertaga"
msgid "No activity yet!"
msgstr "Hozircha faollik yo'q!"
msgid "Recently Published"
msgstr "Yaqinda chop etilgan"
msgid "Publishing Soon"
msgstr "Tez orada chop etiladi"
msgid "What’s on your mind?"
msgstr "Nima haqida o'ylayapsiz?"
msgid "WordPress News"
msgstr "WordPress yangiliklari"
msgid "Quick Draft"
msgstr "Tezkor qoralama"
msgid "Add New Theme"
msgstr "Yangi shablon qo'shish"
msgid "Unlimited usage"
msgstr "Cheksiz foydalanish"
msgid "No image set"
msgstr "Rasm kiritilmagan"
msgid "Unknown error"
msgstr "Noma'lum xato"
msgid "Help & Support"
msgstr "Yordam & Qo'llab-quvvatlash"
msgid "No Comments on %s"
msgstr "%s ga fikr bildirilmagan."
msgid "Current header"
msgstr "Joriy tepa qism"
msgid "Add new"
msgstr "Yangisini qo'shing"
msgid "Filter by date"
msgstr "Sana bo'yicha saralash"
msgid "WordPress User"
msgstr "WordPress foydalanuvchisi"
msgid "Repeat Background Image"
msgstr "Orqa fon rasmini takrorlash"
msgid "Introduction"
msgstr "Kirish qismi"
msgid "Button"
msgstr "Tugma"
msgid "Default template"
msgstr "Odatiy andoza"
msgid "Returns"
msgstr "Qaytadi"
msgid "Alert"
msgstr "Bildirishnoma"
msgid "Enter URL here…"
msgstr "URL kiriting..."
msgid "Use commas instead of %s to separate excluded terms."
msgstr ""
"Istisno qilingan terminlarni ajratish uchun %s o'rniga vergullardan "
msgid "The WordPress Team"
msgstr "WordPress jamoasi"
msgid "Body text color"
msgstr "Tana matnining rangi"
msgid "Portuguese"
msgstr "Portugal"
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "Yapon"
msgid "Italian"
msgstr "Italyan"
msgid "German"
msgstr "Nemis"
msgid "French"
msgstr "Fransuz"
msgid "Chinese"
msgstr "Xitoy"
msgid "Translation Updates"
msgstr "Tarjima yangilanishlari"
msgid "The SSL certificate for the host could not be verified."
msgstr "Hostning SSL sertifikati tasdiqlanmadi."
msgid "Payment"
msgstr "To'lov"
msgid "Posts Page"
msgstr "Maqolalar sahifasi"
msgctxt "Comma-separated list of search stopwords in your language"
msgid ""
msgstr "haqida,kabi,qanday,o'sha,www,kim,qayerda,qachon,bu,u,kabi"
msgid ""
"This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password "
msgstr ""
"Ushbu ma'lumot parol bilan himoyalangan. Uni ko'rish uchun quyiga "
"parolingizni kiriting:"
msgid "Failed to write request to temporary file."
msgstr "So'rovni vaqtinchalik faylga yozish amalga oshmadi."
msgid "File size:"
msgstr "Fayl hajmi:"
msgid ""
"The sizes listed below determine the maximum dimensions in pixels to use "
"when adding an image to the Media Library."
msgstr ""
"Quyida ko'rsatilgan hajmlar Media kutubxonasiga yuklanadigan rasmlarning eng "
"katta hajmi necha piksel bo'lishi keraligini ko'rsatadi."
msgid "%s page restored from the Trash."
msgid_plural "%s pages restored from the Trash."
msgstr[0] "%s sahifa chiqindi idishidan qayta tiklandi."
msgid "%s page moved to the Trash."
msgid_plural "%s pages moved to the Trash."
msgstr[0] "%s sahifa chiqindi idishiga tashlandi."
msgid "%s page permanently deleted."
msgid_plural "%s pages permanently deleted."
msgstr[0] "%s sahifa butunlay o'chirildi."
msgid "%s post restored from the Trash."
msgid_plural "%s posts restored from the Trash."
msgstr[0] "%s maqolalar chiqindi idishidan qayta tiklandi."
msgid "%s post moved to the Trash."
msgid_plural "%s posts moved to the Trash."
msgstr[0] "%s maqola chiqindi idishiga tashlandi."
msgid "%s post permanently deleted."
msgid_plural "%s posts permanently deleted."
msgstr[0] "%s maqola butunlay o'chirildi."
msgid "IP Address"
msgstr "IP-manzil"
msgid "View this comment"
msgstr "Ushbu fikrni ko'rish"
msgid "Read more"
msgstr "Davomi"
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Izoh"
msgid "Table of Contents"
msgstr "Mundarija"
msgid "Comment must be manually approved"
msgstr "Fikr qo'lda tasdiqlanishi kerak"
msgid "Post Archives"
msgstr "Maqola arxivi"
msgid "Looking for %1$s in %2$s"
msgstr "%2$s ichidan %1$s qidirilayapti"
msgid "Date:"
msgstr "Sana:"
msgid "Create a brand new user and add them to this site."
msgstr "Yap-yangi foydalanuvchi yaratish va uni bu saytga qo'shish."
msgid ""
"Clicking the arrow to the right of any menu item in the "
"editor will reveal a standard group of settings. Additional settings such as "
"link target, CSS classes, link relationships, and link descriptions can be "
"enabled and disabled via the Screen Options tab."
msgstr ""
"Har qanday menyu bandidagi ko'rsatkich belgisini bosish "
"standart sozlanmalar guruhini ko'rsatadi. Link nishoni, CSS klasslar, link "
"munosabatlari va link tasnifi kabi qo'shimcha sozlanmalar Ekran sozlanmalari "
"orqali ko'rsatilishi yoki yashirilishi mumkin."
msgid ""
"Menus can be displayed in locations defined by your theme, even used in "
"sidebars by adding a “Navigation Menu” widget on the Widgets screen. If your theme does not support the navigation "
"menus feature (the default themes, %2$s and %3$s, do), you can learn about "
"adding this support by following the documentation link to the side."
msgstr ""
"Menyular shabloningiz tomonidan belgilangan joylarda ko'rsatilishi mumkin. "
"Hatto Vidjetlar ekranida “O'ziga xos menyu” "
"vidjeti bilan menyuni saydbarda ko'rsatishingiz ham mumkin. Agar siz "
"ishlatayotgan shablonda o'ziga xos menyu imkoniyati bo'lmasa (%2$s va %3$s "
"shablonlarida bor), bu imkoniyatni yon tomondagi yo'riqnomani o'qigan holda "
"o'zingiz qo'shishingiz ham mumkin."
msgid ""
"Your theme does not natively support menus, but you can use them in sidebars "
"by adding a “Navigation Menu” widget on the Widgets screen."
msgstr ""
"Siz ishlatayotgan shablonda menyu imkoniyati mavjud emas. Ammo Vidjetlar ekranida “O'ziga xos menyu” vidjeti bilan "
"saytingizga o'zingiz menyu qo'shsangiz bo'ladi."
msgid "Updating"
msgstr "Yangilanmoqda"
msgid ""
"Compare two different revisions by selecting the “Compare any "
"two revisions” box to the side."
msgstr ""
"Yon tomondagi “Ikki ko'rib chiqishni taqqoslash” qutisi"
"strong> yordamida ikkita turli ko'rib chiqishlarni o'zaro taqqoslashingiz "
msgid "Compare any two revisions"
msgstr "Har qanday ikkita ko'rib chiqishlarni taqqoslang"
msgid "Embed Media Player"
msgstr "Biriktirilgan media player"
msgid "Restore This Autosave"
msgstr "Bu avtosaqlanmani tiklash"
msgid "Current Revision by %s"
msgstr "Joriy ko'rib chiqish muallifi %s"
msgid "Autosave by %s"
msgstr "Avtosaqlanma muallifi %s"
msgctxt "revisions"
msgid "Browse"
msgstr "Ko'rish"
msgid "Revisions: %s"
msgstr "Ko'rib chiqishlar: %s"
msgid "\"%s\"."
msgstr "\"%s\"."
msgid "\"%1$s\" by %2$s."
msgstr "\"%1$s\" muallif: %2$s."
msgid "\"%1$s\" from %2$s."
msgstr "\"%1$s\" albom: %2$s."
msgid "\"%1$s\" from %2$s by %3$s."
msgstr "\"%1$s\" albom: %2$s muallif: %3$s."
msgid "Link to Attachment Page"
msgstr "Ilova sahifasiga havola"
msgid "Link to Media File"
msgstr "Media faylga havola"
msgid "Embed or Link"
msgstr "Biriktirish yoki Havola kiritish"
msgid "Revision by %s"
msgstr "Ko'rib chiqish muallifi %s"
msgid "Captions/Subtitles"
msgstr "Izohlar"
msgid "Download File"
msgstr "Faylni yuklab olish"
msgid ""
"Connection lost. Saving has been disabled until you are "
msgstr ""
"Aloqa yo'qotildi. Toki qayta ulanmaguningizcha saqlash "
"imkoni yo'q."
msgid ""
"Sorry, something went wrong. The requested comparison could not be loaded."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, qayerdadir xatolik yuz berdi. Siz so'ragan taqqoslashni yuklab "
msgid "From %1$s to %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s dan %2$s ga"
msgid "Avatar"
msgstr "Avatar"
msgid "%1$s Comment on %2$s"
msgid_plural "%1$s Comments on %2$s"
msgstr[0] ""
" %2$s ga %1$s fikr bildirilgan"
msgid "#%d (no title)"
msgstr "%d (nomsiz)"
msgid "JavaScript must be enabled to use this feature."
msgstr "Bu funksiyadan foydalanish uchun js aktiv bo'lishi kerak"
msgid "Display excerpt"
msgstr "Parcha ko'rsatish"
msgid "Repeat Password"
msgstr "Parolni takrorlang"
msgid "WordCamps"
msgstr "DunyoKemplari"
msgid "Meetups"
msgstr "Mitaplar"
msgid "Embed a tweet."
msgstr "Tvit biriktirish."
msgid "M j, Y g:i a"
msgstr "d.m.Y - H:i"
msgid "The URL to the admin area"
msgstr "Boshqaruv paneli manzili (URL)"
msgid "Login Address (URL)"
msgstr "Kirish manzili (URL)"
msgid "Please enter your password."
msgstr "Iltimos, parolingizni kiriting."
msgid "Customer Name"
msgstr "Mijoz nomi"
msgid "Add menu items from the column on the left."
msgstr "Chap tomondagi ustundan menyu qismlarini qo'shing."
msgid ""
"The web browser on your device cannot be used to upload files. You may be "
"able to use the native app for your device instead."
msgstr ""
"Sizning brauzeringiz fayllarni yuklay olmaydi. Sizning moslamangizga to'gri keladigan boshqa ilovani ishlatib ko'ring."
msgid "The package contains no files."
msgstr "Jamlanmada birorta ham fayl yo'q."
msgid "Enable store notice"
msgstr "Do'kon xabarnomasini yoqish"
msgid "(more…)"
msgstr "(more…)"
msgid ""
"To navigate between revisions, drag the slider handle left or right"
"strong> or use the Previous or Next buttons."
msgstr ""
"Ko'rib chiqishlarning biridan boshqasiga o'tish uchun slayder "
"tutqichini o'ng yoki chapga yurgizing yoki Avvalgi hamda "
"Keyingi tugmalaridan foydalaning."
msgid "This item has already been deleted."
msgstr "Bu narsa allaqachon o'chirilgan."
msgid "The item you are trying to restore from the Trash no longer exists."
msgstr ""
"Siz chiqindi idishidan qayta tiklashga urinayotgan narsangiz mavjud emas."
msgid "The item you are trying to move to the Trash no longer exists."
msgstr "Siz chiqindi idishiga tashlamoqchi bo'lgan narsangiz mavjud emas."
msgid "Newer comments"
msgstr "Yangiroq fikrlar"
msgid "Remote post"
msgstr "Uzoq post"
msgid "Older comments"
msgstr "Eskiroq fikrlar"
msgid ""
"Drag the items into the order you prefer. Click the arrow on the right of "
"the item to reveal additional configuration options."
msgstr ""
"Har bir narsani o'zingiz istagan tartibda joylashtiring. Har bir narsaning "
"o'ng tomonidagi ko'rsatkich belgisini bosgan holda qo'shimcha imkoniyatlarni "
"ko'rishingiz mumkin."
msgid ""
"If you have not yet created any menus, click the ’create a new "
"menu’ link to get started"
msgstr ""
"Agar hali menyu yaratmagan bo'lsangiz, ’yangi menyu "
"yaratish’ linkini bosib ishni boshlashingiz mumkin."
msgid "To restore a revision, click Restore This Revision."
msgstr ""
"Ko'rib chiqishni tiklash uchun bu ko'rib chiqishni tiklash"
"strong>ni bosing."
msgid "From this screen you can review, compare, and restore revisions:"
msgstr ""
"Bu ekran orqali ko'rib chiqishni ko'rishingiz, taqqoslashingiz va "
"tiklashingiz mumkin."
msgid ""
"Revisions are saved copies of your post or page, which are periodically "
"created as you update your content. The red text on the left shows the "
"content that was removed. The green text on the right shows the content that "
"was added."
msgstr ""
"Ko'rib chiqishlar maqolangiz yoki sahifangizga ma'lumot kiritishingiz "
"jarayonida avtomatik tarzda saqlanib boradigan ma'lumot nusxalari "
"hisoblanadi. Chap tomondagi qizil matn o'chirilgan ma'lumotlarni anglatsa, "
"o'ng tomondagi yashil matn qo'shilgan ma'lumotni anglatadi."
msgid "This screen is used for managing your content revisions."
msgstr ""
"Bu ekran orqali ma'lumot ko'rib chiqishlaringizni boshqarishingiz mumkin."
msgctxt "Followed by post revision info"
msgid "To:"
msgstr "Quyidagiga:"
msgctxt "Button label for a next revision"
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Keyingi"
msgctxt "Button label for a previous revision"
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Avvalgi"
msgctxt "Followed by post revision info"
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Quyidagidan:"
msgid "Your latest changes were saved as a revision."
msgstr "Eng so'nggi o'zgarishlaringiz ko'rib chiqish sifatida saqlandi."
msgid "Japanese yen"
msgstr "Yaponiya iyeni"
msgid "Bitrate:"
msgstr "Bitreyt:"
msgid "Genre"
msgstr "Janri"
msgid "Length:"
msgstr "Uzunlik:"
msgid "Audio Codec:"
msgstr "Audio kodek:"
msgid "Audio Format:"
msgstr "Audio format:"
msgid "Genre: %s."
msgstr "Janr: %s."
msgid "Track %1$s of %2$s."
msgstr "Jami %2$s ichida %1$s-audio."
msgid "Released: %d."
msgstr "E'lon qilingan: %d."
msgid "Completed (%s)"
msgid_plural "Completed (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Yakunlangan (%s)"
msgctxt "sites"
msgid "Spam (%s)"
msgid_plural "Spam (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Spam (%s)"
msgid ""
"The login page will open in a new tab. After logging in you can close it and "
"return to this page."
msgstr ""
"Kirish sahifasi yangi oynada ochiladi. Siz o'sha oyna orqali kirib, keyin "
"uni yopib, ushbu sahifaga qaytishingiz mumkin."
msgid "Session expired"
msgstr "Sessiya tugadi"
msgid "No tags found."
msgstr "Teglar yoq"
msgid ""
"Do not deregister the %1$s script in the administration area. To target the "
"front-end theme, use the %2$s hook."
msgstr ""
"Boshqaruv qismidan %1$s skriptini olib tashlamang. Frontend shablonga "
"yo'naltirish uchun %2$s hookdan foydalaning."
msgid "Out from under %s"
msgstr "%s ostidan chiqarish"
msgid "Under %s"
msgstr "%s ostida"
msgid "Move out from under %s"
msgstr "%s ostidan chiqarib olish"
msgid "Move under %s"
msgstr "%s ostiga ko'chirish"
msgid "Move to the top"
msgstr "Tepaga surish"
msgid "Move down one"
msgstr "Pastga surish"
msgid "Move up one"
msgstr "Bir pog'ona tepaga ko'tarish"
msgid "Automatically add new top-level pages to this menu"
msgstr "Yangi yuqori darajali sahifalarni bu menyuga avtomatik qo'sh"
msgid "Your theme supports one menu. Select which menu you would like to use."
msgstr ""
"Sizning shabloningiz bitta menuli. Qaysi menu ko'rinishi kerakligini tanlang."
msgid ""
"To add a custom link, expand the Custom Links section, enter a URL "
"and link text, and click Add to Menu"
msgstr ""
"O'ziga xos link qo'shish uchun O'ziga xos link bo'limini yoying, URL "
"va link matnini kiriting va Menyuga qo'shish tugmasini bosing"
msgctxt "menu"
msgid "Use new menu"
msgstr "Yangi menyuni ishlatish"
msgctxt "menu"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Tahrirlash"
msgid "Select a Menu"
msgstr "Menyu tanlash"
msgid "Assigned Menu"
msgstr "Tayinlangan menyu"
msgid "Theme Location"
msgstr "Shablon joylashuvi"
msgid "Manage Locations"
msgstr "Joylashuvlarni boshqarish"
msgid "Edit Menus"
msgstr "Menyularni tahrirlash"
msgid ""
"To add a new menu instead of assigning an existing one, click the "
"’Use new menu’ link. Your new menu will be "
"automatically assigned to that theme location"
msgstr ""
"Eskisini ishlatmasdan yangi menyu qo'shmoqchi bo'lsangiz, ’"
"Yangi menyu ishlatish’ linkini bosing. Yangi qo'shadigan "
"menyungiz avtomatik tarzda shablonning ko'rsatilgan joyiga biriktiriladi."
msgid ""
"To edit a menu currently assigned to a theme location, click the "
"adjacent ’Edit’ link"
msgstr ""
"Shablonning joriy joyiga biriktirilgan menyuni tahrirlash uchun "
"’Tahrirlash’ linkini bosing."
msgid ""
"To assign menus to one or more theme locations, select a menu from "
"each location’s dropdown. When you are finished, "
"click Save Changes"
msgstr ""
"Menyularni shablonning turli menyu joylariga biriktirish uchun har "
"bir joy uchun alohida menyu tanlang. Ishni bajarib bo'lganingizdan "
"so'ng O'zgarishlarni saqlash tugmasini bosing."
msgid ""
"This screen is used for globally assigning menus to locations defined by "
"your theme."
msgstr ""
"Bu ekran orqali shabloningizning menyu joylariga menyularni global tarzda "
"biriktirishingiz mumkin."
msgid "Editing Menus"
msgstr "Menyularni tashrirlash"
msgid ""
"Delete a menu item by expanding it and clicking the Remove link"
msgstr ""
"Menyu qismlarini menyuni yoyib, O'chirish linkini bosish orqali"
"strong> o'chirish mumkin."
msgid ""
"To reorganize menu items, drag and drop items with your mouse or use "
"your keyboard. Drag or move a menu item a little to the right to "
"make it a submenu"
msgstr ""
"Menyu bandlarini qayta tartiblash uchun har birining ustiga bosib, "
"sudrashingiz mumkin. Bir bandni boshqasining ichiga kiritish uchun "
"ushlab turgan holda bir oz o'ng tomonga sudrab torting."
msgid ""
"Add one or several items at once by selecting the checkbox next to "
"each item and clicking Add to Menu"
msgstr ""
"Bir necha bandlarni menyuga bir urinishda qo'shish uchun har bir "
"band uchun belgi qo'ying va Menyuga qo'shish tugmasini bosing."
msgid "Menu Management"
msgstr "Menyuni boshqarish"
msgid ""
"You can assign theme locations to individual menus by selecting the "
"desired settings at the bottom of the menu editor. To assign menus "
"to all theme locations at once, visit the Manage Locations tab"
"strong> at the top of the screen."
msgstr ""
"Har bir alohida menyu uchun muharrirning eng pastki qismidagi bo'lim "
"orqali alohida joylashuv belgilashingiz mumkin. Shablondagi barcha "
"menyu joylariga bir vaqtning o'zida bir nechta menyuni biriktirish uchun "
"ekran yuqorisidagi Joylashuvni boshqarish bandiga o'ting."
msgid ""
"To edit an existing menu, choose a menu from the dropdown and click "
msgstr ""
"Avvaldan mavjud menyuni tahrirlash uchun menyuni belgilang va "
"Tanlash tugmasini bosing."
msgid ""
"The menu management box at the top of the screen is used to control which "
"menu is opened in the editor below."
msgstr ""
"Menyularni boshqarish qismi quyidagi muharrirda qaysi menyu ko'rsatilishini "
msgid "Add, organize, and modify individual menu items"
msgstr "Alohida menyu qismlarini qo'shing, tartiblang yoki o'zgartiring."
msgid "Create, edit, and delete menus"
msgstr "Menyularni yaratish, tahrirlash yoki o'chirish"
msgid "From this screen you can:"
msgstr "Bu ekran orqali quyidagilarni qilishingiz mumkin:"
msgid "Menu locations updated."
msgstr "Menyu joylashuvi yangilandi."
msgid "Restore This Revision"
msgstr "Ushbu ko'rib chiqishni tiklash"
msgid "Denied: %s"
msgstr "Rad etildi: %s"
msgid "Capabilities"
msgstr "Imkoniyatlar"
msgid "Menu structure"
msgstr "Menyu qurilmasi"
msgid "You cannot move this item to the Trash. %s is currently editing."
msgstr "Ushbu narsani o'chira olmaysiz. %s ayni vaqtda uni tahrirlayapti."
msgid "Select a menu to edit:"
msgstr "Tahrirlash uchun menyuni tanlang:"
msgid "Auto add pages"
msgstr "Sahifalarni avtomatik qo'shish"
msgid "Give your menu a name, then click Create Menu."
msgstr "Menyungizga nom bering va Menyu yaratish tugmasini bosing."
msgid ""
"Edit your default menu by adding or removing items. Drag the items into the "
"order you prefer. Click Create Menu to save your changes."
msgstr ""
"Odatiy menyungizni band qo'shish yoki bandlarni o'chirish orqali "
"o'zgartiring. Har bir bandni o'zingiz istagan tartibda joylashtirishingiz "
"mumkin. O'zgarishlaringizni saqlash uchun Menyu yaratish tugmasini bosing."
msgid "Selected menus have been successfully deleted."
msgstr "Tanlangan meyular o'chirildi."
msgid ""
"Each navigation menu may contain a mix of links to pages, categories, custom "
"URLs or other content types. Menu links are added by selecting items from "
"the expanding boxes in the left-hand column below."
msgstr ""
"Har qanday o'ziga xos menyu tarkibida sahifalar, maqolalar, bo'limlar, "
"o'ziga xos URL manzillar va boshqa linklar bo'lishi mumkin. Menyu bandlari "
"chap tomondagi qutilarni yoygan holda, ularning ichidan bandlarni tanlash "
"orqali qo'shiladi."
msgid "This screen is used for managing your navigation menus."
msgstr "Bu ekran orqali o'ziga xos menyular boshqariladi."
msgctxt "revision date format"
msgid "F j, Y @ H:i:s"
msgstr "F j, Y @ H:i:s"
msgid "Choose video"
msgstr "Videoni tanlash"
msgctxt "revision date short format"
msgid "j M @ H:i"
msgstr "j-M soat H:i"
msgid "To the top"
msgstr "Yuqoriga"
msgid "Down one"
msgstr "Bitta pastga"
msgid "Up one"
msgstr "Bitta tepaga"
msgid ""
"The backup of this post in your browser is different from the version below."
msgstr "Maqolaning brauzerdagi zahirasi quyidagisidan farqli."
msgid "Draft created on %1$s at %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s soat %2$s yaratilgan qoralama"
msgid "Take over"
msgstr "Qo'lga olish"
msgid "%s has taken over and is currently editing."
msgstr "%s qo'lga oldi va hozirda tahrirlayapti."
msgid "sub item"
msgstr "quyi narsa"
msgid "%s is currently editing"
msgstr "%s ayni vaqtda tahrirlayapti"
msgid "Choose audio"
msgstr "Audio tanlash"
msgid "Select audio"
msgstr "Audio tanlash"
msgid "Choose an image"
msgstr "Rasm tanlang"
msgid "Email me whenever"
msgstr "Menga email orqali xabar ber"
msgid "Time Slider"
msgstr "Vaqt tanlash"
msgid "Add or remove menu items"
msgstr "Menyu qismlarini qo'shish yoki o'chirish"
msgid "No coupons found in trash"
msgstr "Axlat qutisida kuponlar topilmadi"
msgid "Playlist Settings"
msgstr "Pleylist xossalari"
msgctxt "submit button"
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Izlash"
msgctxt "label"
msgid "Search for:"
msgstr "Qidirshish:"
msgid "Refunds"
msgstr "To'lovni qaytarish"
msgctxt "placeholder"
msgid "Search …"
msgstr "qidiruv"
msgid "Download URL"
msgstr "URL manzilini yuklab oling"
msgid "Blocks"
msgstr "Bloklar"
msgid "Russian"
msgstr "Rus"
msgid "Customize: %s"
msgstr "Moslashtirish:%s"
msgid "Call to Action"
msgstr "Harakatga da'vat"
msgctxt "post format archive title"
msgid "Asides"
msgstr "Eslatmalar"
msgctxt "post format archive title"
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Rasmlar"
msgctxt "post format archive title"
msgid "Galleries"
msgstr "Galereyalar"
msgctxt "post format archive title"
msgid "Quotes"
msgstr "Matn parchasi"
msgctxt "post format archive title"
msgid "Videos"
msgstr "Videolar"
msgctxt "post format archive title"
msgid "Links"
msgstr "Ishorat"
msgctxt "post format archive title"
msgid "Statuses"
msgstr "Holatlar"
msgctxt "post format archive title"
msgid "Chats"
msgstr "Muloqotlar"
msgid "Header image"
msgstr "Sarlavha tasviri"
msgid "Processing"
msgstr "Qayta ishlanmoqda"
msgid "Category ID"
msgstr "Kategoriya identifikatorlari"
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create resources."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga resurs yaratishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "Filter by type"
msgstr "Tur bo'yicha saralash"
msgid "All Products"
msgstr "Barcha mahsulotlar"
msgid "Unlimited"
msgstr "Chegaralanmagan"
msgid "Post content"
msgstr "Maqola matni"
msgid "Could not insert term relationship into the database."
msgstr "Ibora aloqasini ma'lumotlar bazasiga kiritib bo'lmadi"
msgid "Random Order"
msgstr "Tasodifiy tartib"
msgid "Insert from URL"
msgstr "URL qo'shish"
msgid "%d selected"
msgstr "Tanlangan: %d"
msgid "Set featured image"
msgstr "Qo'yilgan surat tafsilotlarini ko'rsatish"
msgctxt "Links widget"
msgid "Random"
msgstr "Ixtiyoriy"
msgid "Reverse order"
msgstr "Teskari Saralash"
msgid ""
"You can upload and insert media (images, audio, documents, etc.) by clicking "
"the Add Media button. You can select from the images and files already "
"uploaded to the Media Library, or upload new media to add to your page or "
"post. To create an image gallery, select the images to add and click the "
"“Create a new gallery” button."
msgstr ""
"Media qo'shish tugmasi orqali rasm, audio, xujjat yoki boshqa turdagi "
"fayllarni yuklashingiz va biriktirishingiz mumkin. Media kutubxonasiga "
"avvaldan yuklangan fayllarni biriktirish uchun tanlashingiz yoki butunlay "
"yangi faylni kutubxonaga yuklashingiz mumkin. Galereya yaratish uchun "
"kerakli rasmlarni tanlang va “Yangi galereya yaratish” tugmasini "
msgid "Deselect"
msgstr "Qayta belgilash"
msgid "Upload Limit Exceeded"
msgstr "Yuklama hajmi oshib ketdi"
msgid "Dismiss errors"
msgstr "Xatolarni bartaraf etish"
msgid "Uploading"
msgstr "Yuklanmoqda"
msgid "No editor could be selected."
msgstr "Tanlama uchun tahrirchi yo'q"
msgid "Uploaded to this page"
msgstr "Ushbu sahifaga yuklangan"
msgid "Insert into page"
msgstr "Sahifa ichiga joylamoq"
msgid "Uploaded to this post"
msgstr "Ushbu postga yuklangan"
msgid "All media items"
msgstr "Barcha media fayllar"
msgid "Custom URL"
msgstr "Tanlangan Yo'llanmalar"
msgid "Alt Text"
msgstr "Alternativ tekst"
msgid "Attachment Details"
msgstr "Qistirma tavsiloti"
msgid "← Cancel gallery"
msgstr "← Galereyani Bekor qilish"
msgid "Attachment Display Settings"
msgstr "Ilovani Tasvirlanishini sozlash"
msgid "WordPress › Success"
msgstr "WordPress › Muvaffaqiyatli"
msgid "Upload files"
msgstr "Fayllarni yuklash"
msgid "Drop files to upload"
msgstr "Yuklash uchun fayllarni tashla"
msgid "Create gallery"
msgstr "Yangi galereya"
msgid "Already Installed"
msgstr "O'rnatib bo'lingan"
msgid ""
"To activate your user, please click the following link:\n"
"After you activate, you will receive *another email* with your login."
msgstr ""
"Yaratilgan foydalanuvchini activlashtirish uchun, pastdagi yo'llanmani "
"Shundan song sizning login bilan boshqa email olasiz."
msgid "Media File"
msgstr "Media Fayl"
msgid "Link To"
msgstr "Yollanma"
msgid "Update gallery"
msgstr "Galereyani yangilash"
msgid "Add to gallery"
msgstr "Galereyaga qo'shish"
msgid "Insert into post"
msgstr "Yozuv ichiga o'rnatish"
msgid "Create a new gallery"
msgstr "Yangi galereya yaratish"
msgid ""
"An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again "
msgstr ""
"Obuna vaqtincha ishlamayotganligi sababli xatolik yuz berdi. Keyinroq qayta "
"urinib ko'ring."
msgid "Selected"
msgstr "Tanlangan"
msgid ""
"When changing themes, there is often some variation in the number and setup "
"of widget areas/sidebars and sometimes these conflicts make the transition a "
"bit less smooth. If you changed themes and seem to be missing widgets, "
"scroll down on this screen to the Inactive Widgets area, where all of your "
"widgets and their settings will have been saved."
msgstr ""
"Shablonlarni o'zgartirganingizdan shablonlarning vidjetlar soni va "
"joylashuvida farqlar bo'lishi mumkin. Buning oqibatida o'zgarish har doim "
"ham bir tekis kechmaydi. Agar yangi shablonga o'tsangiz va avvalgi "
"vidjetlaringizdan bir nechtasini topa olmasangiz, ushbu sahifaning pastki "
"qismiga tushing. U yerdagi Faoliyati to'xtatilgan vidjetlar ro'yxatida "
"barcha videtlaringizni sozlanmalari bilan birga topishingiz mumkin."
msgid ""
"Parent — Categories, unlike tags, can have a "
"hierarchy. You might have a Jazz category, and under that have child "
"categories for Bebop and Big Band. Totally optional. To create a "
"subcategory, just choose another category from the Parent dropdown."
msgstr ""
"Ota — Kalit so'zlardan farqli ravishda bo'limlar "
"shajaralashgan bo'lishi mumkin. Sizda Toshkent shahri bo'limi bo'lishi "
"mumkin va bu bo'limga Yunusobod, Chilonzor, Shayxontoxur kabi bola "
"bo'limlarni joylashtirishingiz mumkin. Bunday sharajalash to'liq ixtiyoriy. "
"Qaysidir bo'limni bola bo'lim sifatida tayinlash uchun Ota bo'lim menyusidan "
"ota bo'limni tanlang."
msgid "Publish Settings"
msgstr "Chop etish sozlanmalari"
msgid ""
"Several boxes on this screen contain settings for how your content will be "
"published, including:"
msgstr ""
"Bu ekrandagi ba'zi qutilarda ma'lumotingiz qanday chop etilishiga ta'sir "
"ko'rsatuvchi sozlanmalar bor. Ular quyidagilarni o'z ichiga oladi:"
msgid "Inserting Media"
msgstr "Media kiritish"
msgid "Do not forget to click “Save Changes” when you are done!"
msgstr ""
"Tugatganingizda “O'zgarishlarni saqlash” tugmasini bosishni "
msgid ""
"The title field and the big Post Editing Area are fixed in place, but you "
"can reposition all the other boxes using drag and drop. You can also "
"minimize or expand them by clicking the title bar of each box. Use the "
"Screen Options tab to unhide more boxes (Excerpt, Send Trackbacks, Custom "
"Fields, Discussion, Slug, Author) or to choose a 1- or 2-column layout for "
"this screen."
msgstr ""
"Sarlavha yozish bo'limi va katta Maqola muharriri bo'limi bitta joyda "
"qotirilgan. Ammo boshqa barcha qutilarni o'zingiz istagan joyga "
"joylashtirishingiz mumkin. Har bir qutining sarlavhasini bosib qutini "
"yig'ishingiz yoki yoyishingiz mumkin. Ekran sozlanmalari bandidan ko'proq "
"qutilarni ko'rsatishingiz mumkin (Parcha, Trackback yuborish, O'ziga xos "
"bo'limlar, Muhokama, Slug, Muallif) yoki qutilar ko'rsatilishini 1 va 2 "
"ustunli qilishingiz mumkin."
msgctxt "color"
msgid "Default: %s"
msgstr "Odatiy: %s"
msgctxt "column name"
msgid "Uploaded to"
msgstr "Yuklangan"
msgid "Choose a Custom Header"
msgstr "O'ziga xos header tanlash"
msgid ""
"In the Header Text section of this page, you can choose whether to display "
"this text or hide it. You can also choose a color for the text by clicking "
"the Select Color button and either typing in a legitimate HTML hex value, e."
"g. “#ff0000” for red, or by choosing a color using the color "
msgstr ""
"Ushbu sahifaning Header matni bo'limida ushbu matnni ko'rsatish yoki "
"ko'rsatmaslikni tanlashingiz mumkin. Rang tanlash tugmasi orqali matn "
"rangini o'zgartirishingiz mumkin. Matnga HTML hex qiymat bilan rang "
"berishingiz, masalan: “#ff0000” qizil rangni anglatadi, yoki "
"rang tanlagich orqali rangni belgilashingiz mumkin."
msgid "Turn comments on or off"
msgstr "Fikrlarni o'chirish yoki yoqish"
msgid "File URL:"
msgstr "Fayl URL:"
msgid ""
"In the In response to column, there are three elements. The "
"text is the name of the post that inspired the comment, and links to the "
"post editor for that entry. The View Post link leads to that post on your "
"live site. The small bubble with the number in it shows the number of "
"approved comments that post has received. If there are pending comments, a "
"red notification circle with the number of pending comments is displayed. "
"Clicking the notification circle will filter the comments screen to show "
"only pending comments on that post."
msgstr ""
"Javoban ustunida uchta element bor. Matnda fikr bildirilgan "
"maqola sarlavhasi yozilgan, unga bosganingizda shu maqolani tahrirlash "
"sahifasi ochiladi. Maqolani ko'rish linkini bossangiz shu maqola "
"saytingizning old tomonida ko'rsatiladi. Kichik bulutcha ichidagi raqamlar "
"shu maqolaga bildirilgan, tasdiqlangan fikrlar sonini ko'rsatib turadi. Agar "
"tasdiqlanmagan fikrlab bo'lsa qizil aylana ichida tasdiqlanmagan fikrlar "
"sonini ko'rasiz. Qizil aylanachani bossangiz tasdiqlanmagan fikrlar "
"ro'yxatiga o'tkazilasiz."
msgid "View your site"
msgstr "Saytingizni ko'rish"
msgid "Write your first blog post"
msgstr "Birinchi blog maqolangizni yozing"
msgid "Next Steps"
msgstr "Keyingi qadamlar"
msgid ""
"You are using the multi-file uploader. Problems? Try the browser uploader instead."
msgstr ""
"Siz ko'pfaylli yuklagichdan foydalanayapsiz. Muammo bormi? O'rniga brauzer yuklagichidan foydalaning."
msgctxt "media item"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Tahrirlash"
msgid ""
"To use a background image, simply upload it or choose an image that has "
"already been uploaded to your Media Library by clicking the “Choose "
"Image” button. You can display a single instance of your image, or "
"tile it to fill the screen. You can have your background fixed in place, so "
"your site content moves on top of it, or you can have it scroll with your "
msgstr ""
"Orqa fon rasmi imkoniyatidan foydalanish uchun shunchaki orqa fon rasmini "
"yuklang yoki “Rasm tanlash” tugmasi orqali Media "
"kutubxonangizdagi rasmni tanlang. Rasmni bor o'lcham bo'yicha "
"ko'rsatishingiz yoki bitta rasmni takrorlagan holda butun fonni "
"to'ldirishingiz mumkin. Rasmni qotirib qo'yishingiz ham mumkin. Bunda saytni "
"varaqlasangiz ham orqa fon rasmi o'zgarishsiz qoladi."
msgid "The uploaded file is not a valid image. Please try again."
msgstr "Yuklangan fayl rasm emas. Iltimos, qayta urinib ko'ring."
msgid ""
"You can also choose a background color by clicking the Select Color button "
"and either typing in a legitimate HTML hex value, e.g. “#ff0000” "
"for red, or by choosing a color using the color picker."
msgstr ""
"Orqa fonga Rang tanlash tugmasini bosish orqali rang berishingiz mumkin. "
"Fonga HTML hex qiymat bilan rang berishingiz, masalan: “#ff0000” "
"qizil rangni anglatadi, yoki rang tanlagich orqali rangni belgilashingiz "
msgid "Address:"
msgstr "IP raqami:"
msgid "All Sites"
msgstr "Barcha saytlar"
msgid "Reorder"
msgstr "Qayta tartiblash"
msgid "Base color"
msgstr "Asosiy rang"
msgid "Draft Saved"
msgstr "Qoralama saqlandi"
msgid "Saving"
msgstr "Saqlanmoqda"
msgid "Step"
msgstr "Qadam"
msgid "Image Editor Save Failed"
msgstr "Rasm Tahririni saqlab bo'lmadi"
msgid "Image flip failed."
msgstr "Rasmni aylantirib bo'lmadi."
msgid "Image rotate failed."
msgstr "Rasmni burib bo'lmadi."
msgid "Image crop failed."
msgstr "Rasmni kesib bo'lmadi."
msgid "Image resize failed."
msgstr "Rasmni o'lchamini o'zgartirib bo'lmadi."
msgid "Could not read image size."
msgstr "Rasmni o'lchamini o'qib bo'lmadi."
msgid "File is not an image."
msgstr "Fayl rasm emas."
msgid "Thanks for shopping with us."
msgstr "Biz bilan xarid qilganingiz uchun tashakkur."
msgctxt "admin color scheme"
msgid "Ocean"
msgstr "Okean"
msgid "%1$s – %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s – %2$s"
msgid "Display post date"
msgstr "Maqola sanasini ko'rsatish"
msgid "Crete"
msgstr "Krit"
msgid "1 minute"
msgstr "1 daqiqa"
msgid "Create password"
msgstr "Parol yaratish"
msgid ""
"New User: %1$s\n"
"Remote IP address: %2$s\n"
"Disable these notifications: %3$s"
msgstr ""
"Yangi Foydalanuvchi: %1$s\n"
"Masofadagi IP: %2$s\n"
"Ushbu xabarnomalarni bekor qilish: %3$s"
msgid ""
"New Site: %1$s\n"
"URL: %2$s\n"
"Remote IP address: %3$s\n"
"Disable these notifications: %4$s"
msgstr ""
"Yangi Sayt: %1$s\n"
"URL: %2$s\n"
"Masofadagi IP: %3$s\n"
"Ushbu xabarnomalarni bekor qilish: %4$s"
msgid "ID #%1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "ID #%1$s: %2$s"
msgid "ID #%1$s: %2$s The current user will not be deleted."
msgstr "ID #%1$s: %2$s Joriy foydalanuvchi o'chirilmaydi."
msgid "Used: %1$s%% of %2$s"
msgstr "Ishlatilgan: %2$s jami joydan %1$s%%."
msgid "Please select an option."
msgstr "Iltimos, tanlovni belgilang."
msgid "Error: The email address is already used."
msgstr "XATO: Bu email allaqachon ishlatilgan."
msgid "Sorry, revisions are disabled."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, tahrirlar o'chirilgan."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit posts."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga yozuvlarni tahrirlash ruxsat etilmagan."
msgid "There is a revision of this post that is more recent."
msgstr "Ushbu yozuvni eski tahriri mavjud."
msgid "Period"
msgstr "Nuqta"
msgctxt "post type general name"
msgid "Media"
msgstr "Media fayllar"
msgctxt "Display name based on first name and last name"
msgid "%1$s %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s %2$s"
msgid "View Attachment Page"
msgstr "Qistirma Saxifasini Ko'rish"
msgid "Sorry, the user could not be updated."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, foydalanivchi yangilanmadi"
msgid "%1$s %2$s %3$s Feed"
msgstr "%1$s %2$s %3$s Ro'yhat"
msgid "XML-RPC services are disabled on this site."
msgstr "XML-RPC Xizmatlari ushbu saytda ochirilgan."
msgid "Incorrect username or password."
msgstr "Noto'g'ri nom yoki parol kiritilgan."
msgid "Clear selection."
msgstr "Belgilarni tozalash."
msgid "Home URL"
msgstr "Bosh sahifa manzili"
msgid "It is up to search engines to honor this request."
msgstr ""
"Bu so'rovni inobatga olish yoki olmaslik qidiruv mashinalariga bog'liq."
msgid "Discourage search engines from indexing this site"
msgstr "Qidiruv mashinalari bu saytni indeks qilmasin"
msgid "Allow search engines to index this site"
msgstr "Qidiruv mashinalari bu saytni indeks qilsin"
msgid "Search engine visibility"
msgstr "Qidiruv mashinalariga ko'rinish"
msgid "The \"%s\" options group has been removed. Use another settings group."
msgstr ""
"\"%s\" sozlanmalar guruhi olib tashlangan. Boshqa sozlanma guruhidan "
msgid "Alternative Text"
msgstr "Alternativ Tekst"
msgid "Search engines discouraged"
msgstr "Qidiruv mashinalari rad etilgan"
msgid "Tag name."
msgstr "Yangi kalit so'z nomi."
msgid "Username/Password incorrect for %s"
msgstr "Имя пользователя или пароль для %s неверны"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Uzing"
msgid "Retry"
msgstr "Qayta urinish"
msgid "Edit Menu"
msgstr "Menyuni O'zgartirish"
msgid "Search Menu Items"
msgstr "Menyu yozuvlarini izlash"
msgid "Price"
msgstr "Narx"
msgctxt "Open Sans font: on or off"
msgid "on"
msgstr "on"
msgctxt "Open Sans font: add new subset (greek, cyrillic, vietnamese)"
msgid "no-subset"
msgstr "cyrillic"
msgid "Source code"
msgstr "Manba kod"
msgid "%1$s, %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s, %2$s"
msgid "Display post date?"
msgstr "Yozuv sanasini ko'rsatish kerakmi?"
msgid "Unmute"
msgstr "Ovozini yoqish"
msgid "Reset password"
msgstr "Kalit so'zni tikkalash"
msgid "Change file"
msgstr "Faylni tanlash"
msgid "Phone Number"
msgstr "Telefon raqam"
msgid "Generate Password"
msgstr "Parol yaratish"
msgid "Security"
msgstr "Xavfsizlik"
msgid "Get Started"
msgstr "Boshlang"
msgid "Invalid status."
msgstr "Yaroqsiz holat."
msgctxt "Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)"
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Tekst"
msgid "Skip to toolbar"
msgstr "Uskunalar paneliga o'tish"
msgid "Attribute all content to:"
msgstr "Barcha ma'lumotni biriktir:"
msgid "What should be done with content owned by this user?"
msgstr "Bu foydalanuvchiga tegishli ma'lumotlarni nima qilay?"
msgctxt "widget"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Tahrirlash"
msgctxt "widget"
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Qo'shish"
msgid "Contextual Help Tab"
msgstr "Mazmunga monand yordam bandi"
msgid "Screen Options Tab"
msgstr "Ekran sozlanmalari bandi"
msgid ""
"You can delete Link Categories in the Bulk Action pull-down, but that action "
"does not delete the links within the category. Instead, it moves them to the "
"default Link Category."
msgstr ""
"Siz link bo'limlarini yoppasiga menyu orqali o'chirishingiz mumkin. Ammo bu "
"bilan bo'lim ichidagi linklar o'chib ketmaydi. Faqat bo'limlar o'chirilib, "
"barcha linklar odatiy bo'limga ko'chirib o'tkaziladi."
msgid "Select comment"
msgstr "Fikrni tanlash"
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "%s tanlash"
msgid ""
"You can select an image to be shown at the top of your site by uploading "
"from your computer or choosing from your media library. After selecting an "
"image you will be able to crop it."
msgstr ""
"Saytingizning yuqori qismida ko'rsatilishi uchun rasmni kompyuteringizdan "
"yoki media kutubxonangizdan tanlashingiz mumkin. Rasmni tanlaganingizdan "
"so'ng uni kesishingiz mumkin bo'ladi."
msgid "Both"
msgstr "Ikalasini ham"
msgid "Display featured image"
msgstr "Asosiy rasmni ko'rsatish"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Ulanish"
msgid "View Pages"
msgstr "Sahifalarni ko'rish"
msgid "All categories"
msgstr "Bacrha kategoriyalar"
msgid "%s per year"
msgstr "yiliga %s"
msgid "Drop cap"
msgstr "Yirik bosh harf"
msgid "Distraction-free writing mode"
msgstr "To'liq ekranli rejim"
msgid ""
"Creating a Page is very similar to creating a Post, and the screens can be "
"customized in the same way using drag and drop, the Screen Options tab, and "
"expanding/collapsing boxes as you choose. This screen also has the "
"distraction-free writing space, available in both the Visual and Text modes "
"via the Fullscreen buttons. The Page editor mostly works the same as the "
"Post editor, but there are some Page-specific features in the Page "
"Attributes box."
msgstr ""
"Sahifa yaratish Maqola yaratish bilan deyarli bir xil. Sahifa yaratish "
"ekranida ham qutilarni ochib yopishingiz, Ekran sozlanmalarini o'zingizga "
"moslashingiz mumkin. Bu sahifadagi matn muharririda ham chalg'itishsiz "
"yozish imkoniyati mavjud. Sahifa matn muharri ham Maqola matn muharriri "
"bilan bir xil vazifani bajaradi. Ammo Sahifa atributlari qutisida faqat "
"sahifalarga mos keladigan ba'zi jihatlar bor."
msgid ""
"Tags can be selectively converted to categories using the tag "
"to category converter."
msgstr ""
"Kalit so'zdan Bo'limga konvert qilish orqali tanlangan "
"kalit so'zlar bo'limlarga aylantirilishi mumkin."
msgid "Expand"
msgstr "Kengaytirish"
msgid "Amazon"
msgstr "Amazon"
msgid ""
"Sorry, you have used your space allocation of %s. Please delete some files "
"to upload more files."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, siz ajratilgan %s bo'sh joyni to'ldirib bo'ldingiz. Qo'shimcha "
"fayllarni yuklash uchun ba'zi fayllarni o'chiring."
msgid "Choose a Background Image"
msgstr "Orqa fon rasmini tanlash"
msgid "%1$s (%2$s %3$s)"
msgstr "%1$s %2$s %3$s Ro'yhat"
msgid "Please provide a valid email address."
msgstr "Iltimos, to'g'ri elektron pochta manzilini ko'rsating."
msgid "Chat"
msgstr "Chat"
msgid "Adding Themes"
msgstr "Shablonlar qo'shish"
msgctxt "theme name"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nomi"
msgid "Previewing and Customizing"
msgstr "Olindan ko'rish va moslashtirish"
msgid "Buttons"
msgstr "Tugmalar"
msgid "Metadata"
msgstr "Meta ma'lumot"
msgctxt "comments"
msgid "Spam (%s)"
msgid_plural "Spam (%s)"
msgstr[0] "Spam (%s)"
msgid "added on %1$s at %2$s"
msgstr "%2$s da%1$s qo'shildi"
msgid "Reply to %s"
msgstr "%s ga javob berish"
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "Muvaffaqiyatsiz"
msgid "%s page"
msgstr "%s sahifa"
msgid "Mark this review as spam"
msgstr "Ushbu sharhni spam deb belgilang"
msgid "IP address"
msgstr "IP-manzil"
msgid "Replies"
msgstr "Javoblar"
msgid "Go Back"
msgstr "Ortga qaytish"
msgid "The requested theme does not exist."
msgstr "Запрошенная тема не найдена."
msgid "Templates"
msgstr "Shablonlar"
msgid ""
"You can set a custom image header for your site. Simply upload the image and "
"crop it, and the new header will go live immediately. Alternatively, you can "
"use an image that has already been uploaded to your Media Library by "
"clicking the “Choose Image” button."
msgstr ""
"Saytingiz yuqori qismiga o'zingiz xohlagan rasmni qo'yishingiz mumkin. "
"Shunchaki rasm yuklang, keraklicha kesib oling va saqlang! Bundan tashqari "
"“Rasm tanlash” tugmasi yordamida Media kutubxonangizga avvaldan "
"yuklangan rasmni tanlashingiz mumkin."
msgid "Skip Cropping, Publish Image as Is"
msgstr "Hajm o'zgartirishni bekor qilish. Rasmni asl holida chop etish."
msgid "View details"
msgstr "Ma'lumotlarni ko'rish"
msgid "Footer text"
msgstr "Taglavha matni"
msgid "Page %1$d of %2$d"
msgstr "Jami %2$d sahifadan %1$d"
msgid "Link to"
msgstr "Havola"
msgid "Header Text Color"
msgstr "Headet teksti rangi"
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "Saqlandi"
msgid "Select Image"
msgstr "Suratni tanlash"
msgid "Choose Image"
msgstr "Rasmni tanlash"
msgid "Or choose an image from your media library:"
msgstr "Yoki media kutubxonangizdan rasm tanlang:"
msgid "Save & Publish"
msgstr "Saqla va Chop et"
msgctxt "review type"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Turi"
msgid "Refund"
msgstr "To'lovni qaytarish"
msgid "Payment via %s"
msgstr "To'lov %s orqali"
msgid ""
"If you do not want a header image to be displayed on your site at all, click "
"the “Remove Header Image” button at the bottom of the Header "
"Image section of this page. If you want to re-enable the header image later, "
"you just have to select one of the other image options and click “Save "
msgstr ""
"Agar saytingizda header rasmi umuman ko'rinmasligini xohlasangiz, ushbu "
"sahifadagi Header rasmi bo'limida joylashgan “Header rasmini "
"o'chirish” tugmasini bosing. Kelajakda header rasmini qayta o'rnatish "
"istagi tug'ilsa, shunchaki rasm tanlab, “O'zgarishlarni saqlash” "
"tugmasini bosib yuborishingiz kifoya bo'ladi."
msgid "Customizer"
msgstr "Sozlovchi"
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Faylni tanlang"
msgid ""
"You are using the browser’s built-in file uploader. The WordPress "
"uploader includes multiple file selection and drag and drop capability. Switch to the multi-file uploader."
msgstr ""
"Siz brauzerning odatiy fayl yuklagichidan foydalanayapsiz. WordPressning o'z "
"fayl yuklagichida bir vaqtning o'zida bir nechta fayllarni yuklash hamda "
"faylni sudrab kelib tashlash imkoniyatlari mavjud. Ko'p faylli "
"yuklagichga o'tish."
msgid ""
"Categories have hierarchy, meaning that you can nest sub-categories. Tags do "
"not have hierarchy and cannot be nested. Sometimes people start out using "
"one on their posts, then later realize that the other would work better for "
"their content."
msgstr ""
"Bo'limlar sharajalashgan, ya'ni ularni bir-birining ichiga kiritishingiz "
"mumkin. Kalit so'zlar sharajalashmagan. Ba'zan odamlar ulardan birini "
"maqolalari uchun ishlata boshlashadi, ammo keyinchalik boshqasi ularga "
"ko'proq mos kelishini tushunib qolishadi."
msgid "Preview %s"
msgstr "%s oldindan ko'rish"
msgid ""
"Some themes come with additional header images bundled. If you see multiple "
"images displayed, select the one you would like and click the “Save "
"Changes” button."
msgstr ""
"Ba'zi shablonlarda qo'shimcha header rasmlari bo'ladi. Agar bir nechta rasm "
"ko'rsangiz, o'zingizga yoqqanini tanlang va “O'zgarishlarni "
"saqlash” tugmasini bosing."
msgid ""
"You can choose from the theme’s default header images, or use one of "
"your own. You can also customize how your Site Title and Tagline are "
msgstr ""
"Siz shablonning header rasmlaridan tanlashingiz yoki o'zingiz istagan boshqa "
"rasmdan foydalanishingiz mumkin. Bundan tashqari saytingiz sarlavhasi hamda "
"shiori qay tarzda ko'rinishini ham boshqara olasiz."
msgid "This screen is used to customize the header section of your theme."
msgstr "Bu ekranda shabloningizning header qismini moslashtirishingiz mumkin."
msgid ""
"If your theme has more than one default header image, or you have uploaded "
"more than one custom header image, you have the option of having WordPress "
"display a randomly different image on each page of your site. Click the "
"“Random” radio button next to the Uploaded Images or Default "
"Images section to enable this feature."
msgstr ""
"Agar shabloningizda birdan oshiq header rasmi mavjud bo'lsa, yoki birdan "
"ortiq rasmni yuklagan bo'lsangiz, WordPress bu rasmlarni turli sahifalarda "
"aralash tartibda ko'rsatishi mumkin. Bu imkoniyatni yoqish uchun Yuklangan "
"rasmlar yoki Odatiy rasmlar bo'limidagi “Aralash” radio "
"tugmasini bosishingiz kerak bo'ladi."
msgid ""
"For most themes, the header text is your Site Title and Tagline, as defined "
"in the General Settings section."
msgstr ""
"Ko'pchilik shablonlarning yuqori qismida Umumiy sozlanmalar"
"a> sahifasida belgilangan sayt sarlavhasi va shiori ko'rsatiladi."
msgid ""
"Revert to the Browser Uploader by clicking the link below "
"the drag and drop box."
msgstr ""
"Quti tagidagi linkni bosish orqali Brauzer yuklagichiga "
"qaytishingiz mumkin."
msgid "Success!"
msgstr "Tabriklaymiz!"
msgid "Insufficient arguments passed to this XML-RPC method."
msgstr "XML-RPC metodiga yetarlicha argumentlar o'tkazilmadi."
msgid "Sorry, you cannot stick a private post."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, siz shaxsiy xatlarni saqlay olmaysiz."
msgid "Could not copy files. You may have run out of disk space."
msgstr "Faylni nusxalay olmadim. Balki bo'sh joyingiz tugab qolgandir."
msgid "Load more"
msgstr "Ko'proq yuklang"
msgid "Create a new playlist"
msgstr "Yangi pleylist yaratish"
msgid "Toggle Editor Text Direction"
msgstr "Tahrirchi ni o'zgartirish, Tekst Yo'nalishi"
msgid "text direction"
msgstr "tekst yo'nalishi"
msgid "Username must be at least 4 characters."
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi nomi kamida 4 belgidan iborat bo'lishi shart"
msgid "That name is not allowed."
msgstr "Ushmu nomni ishlatish ruxsat etilmagan."
msgid "Please enter a site title."
msgstr "Iltimos Sayt sarlavhasini kiriting."
msgid "Please enter a username."
msgstr "Iltimos foydalanuvchi nomini kiriting."
msgid "Please enter a site name."
msgstr "Iltimos Sayt nomini kiriting."
msgid "Site name must be at least 4 characters."
msgstr "Sayt nomi kamida 4 ta belgidan iborat bo'lishi shart"
msgid "A static page"
msgstr "Static sahifa"
msgid "Set as header"
msgstr "Header sifatida o'rnatish"
msgid "Set as background"
msgstr "Orqa fon sifatida o'rnatish"
msgid "Customize “%s”"
msgstr "“%s” moslashtirish"
msgid "Keyword"
msgstr "Kalit so'z"
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this changeset."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga bu andozani o'zgartirishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid "Change image"
msgstr "Rasmni o'zgartirish"
msgid "Show header text with your image."
msgstr "Rasmingiz bilan header matnini ko'rsatish."
msgid "Last month"
msgstr "O `tgan oy"
msgid "Posts page"
msgstr "Maqolalar sahifasi"
msgid "Front page"
msgstr "Asosiy sahifa"
msgid "Add Comment"
msgstr "Fikr bildirish"
msgid ""
"Hint: The password should be at least twelve characters long. To make it "
"stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols like ! \" ? "
"$ % ^ & )."
msgstr ""
"Eslatma: Parolingiz kamida 12 belgidan iborat bo'lishi kerak. Uni yanada "
"ishonchli qilish uchun katta va kichik harflardan, raqamlardan va ! \" ? $ "
"% ^ & ) singari belgilardan foydalaning."
msgid "Payment Method"
msgstr "To'lov uslubi"
msgid "Bundles"
msgstr "To'plamlar"
msgid "Invalid menu ID."
msgstr "Menu IDsi yaroqsiz."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to assign terms in this taxonomy."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, bu taksonomiyaga termin biriktirishga ruxsat yo'q."
msgid "Sorry, deleting the term failed."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, iborani o'chirib bo'madi."
msgid "Sorry, editing the term failed."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, iborani o'zgartirib bo'lmadi."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit terms in this taxonomy."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, sizga bu takfonomiyadagi iboralarni tahrirlashga ruxsat "
msgid "Parent term does not exist."
msgstr "Ota ibora mavjud emas."
msgid "This taxonomy is not hierarchical."
msgstr "Ushbu tasnif ierarhik emas."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create terms in this taxonomy."
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, ushbu taksonomiyada iboralarni yaratishga ruxsatingiz yo'q."
msgid "The term name cannot be empty."
msgstr "Ibora nomi bo'sh bo'lishi mumkin emas"
msgid "Invalid taxonomy."
msgstr "Yaroqsiz taksonomiya."
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Yuklab olish"
msgid "The \"%s\" theme is not a valid parent theme."
msgstr "\"%s\" mavzusi mos mavzu emas."
msgid "Stylesheet is not readable."
msgstr "Uslublar jadvalini o'qib bo'lmaydi."
msgid "Select Link Category:"
msgstr "Yo'llanma Bo'limini Tanlang:"
msgid "Number of links to show:"
msgstr "Ko'rsatiladigan yollanmalar soni:"
msgid ""
"Welcome — Shows links for some of the most common "
"tasks when setting up a new site."
msgstr ""
"Xush kelibsiz — yangi saytni sozlayotganda eng ko'p "
"ishlatiladigan foydali linklarni ko'rsatadi."
msgid "+ Add account"
msgstr "+ Hisob qaydnomasini qo'shish"
msgid "Select video"
msgstr "Videoni tanlash"
msgid "Video title"
msgstr "Video nomi"
msgid "City:"
msgstr "Shahar:"
msgctxt "text direction"
msgid "ltr"
msgstr "ltr"
msgid "The post type may not be changed."
msgstr "Yozuv turini o'zgartirib bo'lmaydi."
msgid "Image default align"
msgstr "Rasm jimlik holatdagi joylashuvi"
msgid "Image default link type"
msgstr "Rasm yollanmasi jimlik holatdagi turi"
msgid "Image default size"
msgstr "Rasm jimlik holatdagi o'chovi"
msgid "Sorry, one of the given taxonomies is not supported by the post type."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, bu post turiga berilgan taksonomiyalardan biri mos emas."
msgid ""
"Sorry, you are not allowed to assign a term to one of the given taxonomies."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, iborani tanlangan tasniflardan biriga qo'sha olmaysiz."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this post."
msgstr "Kechirasiz ushbu yozuvni o'zgartira olmaysiz."
msgid "The post cannot be deleted."
msgstr "Yozuvni o'chirish mumkin emas."
msgid ""
"Sorry, you are not allowed to add a term to one of the given taxonomies."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, tasniflar biriga ibora qo'sha olmaysiz."
msgid "Invalid author ID."
msgstr "Muallif IDsi noto'g'ri."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit posts in this post type."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, bu turdagi maqolalarni o'zgartirishga ruxsat yo'q."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this term."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, sizga bu iborani o'chirishga ruxsat berilmagan."
msgid ""
"Sorry, you are not allowed to create password protected posts in this post "
msgstr ""
"Kechirasiz, ushbu post turida parol bilan ximoyalangan maqolalar qo'shishga "
"ruxsatingiz yo'q."
msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this revision."
msgstr "Kechirasiz, bu qoralamani o'chira olmaysiz."
msgctxt "tag delimiter"
msgid ","
msgstr ", "
msgid "%1$s (%2$s)"
msgstr "%1$s (%2$s)"
msgid "Comments navigation"
msgstr "Fikrlarda harakatlanish"
msgid "%1$s-%2$s"
msgstr "%1$s-%2$s"
msgctxt "closing curly single quote"
msgid "’"
msgstr "’"
msgctxt "opening curly single quote"
msgid "‘"
msgstr "‘"
msgctxt "double prime"
msgid "″"
msgstr "″"
msgctxt "prime"
msgid "′"
msgstr "′"
msgctxt "apostrophe"
msgid "’"
msgstr "’"
msgctxt "closing curly double quote"
msgid "”"
msgstr "»"
msgctxt "opening curly double quote"
msgid "“"
msgstr "«"
msgid "In reply to: %s"
msgstr "%sga javoban"
msgctxt "start of week"
msgid "1"
msgstr "1"
msgctxt "default GMT offset or timezone string"
msgid "0"
msgstr "0"
msgid "Create a Configuration File"
msgstr "Sozlanmalar faylini yaratish"
msgid "Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute."
msgstr ""
"Sayt texnik xizmat ko'rsatilishi uchun yopildi. Iltimos, bir necha daqiqadan "
"keyin tekshirib ko'ring."
msgid "Maintenance"
msgstr "Xizmat ko'rsatish"
msgid ""
"If your site does not display, please contact the owner of this network."
msgstr "Agar saytingiz ko'rinmayotgan bo'lsa, tarmoq egasi bilan bog'laning."
msgid "What do I do now?"
msgstr "Endi nima qilaman?"
msgid "Database Error"
msgstr "Ma’lumotlar Bazasida Xatolik"
msgid "User Name"
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi ismi"
msgid "Save your changes."
msgstr "O'zgarishlarni saqlash."
msgid "Restore this comment from the Trash"
msgstr "Bu fikrni chiqindidan qayta tikla"
msgid "Source:"
msgstr "Manba"
msgid "No comments awaiting moderation."
msgstr "Tasdiqlanishni kutayotgan fikrlar yo'q."
msgid "Logo"
msgstr "Logo"
msgid "Go to Dashboard"
msgstr "Boshqaruv paneli"
msgid "Hour"
msgstr "Soat"
msgid "Minutes"
msgstr "Daqiqa"
msgid "Add New Site"
msgstr "Yangi sayt qo'shish"
msgid "%s week"
msgid_plural "%s weeks"
msgstr[0] "%s hafta"
msgid "%s second"
msgid_plural "%s seconds"
msgstr[0] "%s soniya"
msgid "%s minute"
msgid_plural "%s minutes"
msgstr[0] "%s daqiqa"
msgid "%s year"
msgid_plural "%s years"
msgstr[0] "%s yil"
msgid "%s month"
msgid_plural "%s months"
msgstr[0] "%s oy"
msgid "%s Comment"
msgid_plural "%s Comments"
msgstr[0] "%s ta fikr"
msgid "%s Page"
msgid_plural "%s Pages"
msgstr[0] "%s sahifa"
msgid "%s Post"
msgid_plural "%s Posts"
msgstr[0] "%s maqola"
msgid "Photography"
msgstr "Fotosuratchilik"
msgid "Entertainment"
msgstr "Ko'ngilochar"
msgid "blog"
msgstr "blog"
msgid ""
"You can export a file of your site’s content in order to import it "
"into another installation or platform. The export file will be an XML file "
"format called WXR. Posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and "
"tags can be included. You can choose for the WXR file to include only "
"certain posts or pages by setting the dropdown filters to limit the export "
"by category, author, date range by month, or publishing status."
msgstr ""
"Saytingiz ma'lumotlarini boshqa bir saytda ishlatish maqsadida alohida "
"faylga eksport qilishingiz mumkin. Eksport fayli WXR nomli XML fayli "
"bo'ladi. Eksportga maqolalar, sahifalar, fikrlar, maxsus bandlar, bo'limlar "
"va kalit so'zlar qo'shilishi mumkin. WXR fayliga ma'lum maqola yoki "
"sahifalar o'tishini menyuning bo'lim, muallif, sana yoki oy, chop etilganlik "
"holati bo'yicha saralab ko'rsatishingiz mumkin."
msgid "%1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s: %2$s"
msgid "No pending comments"
msgstr "Birorta ham kutilayotgan fikrlar yo'q"
msgid "%s pending comment"
msgid_plural "%s pending comments"
msgstr[0] "%s fikr tasdiqlashni kutmoqda"
msgid "Pause"
msgstr "Pauza"
msgid "Play"
msgstr "O'ynash"
msgid "Pagination"
msgstr "Varaqlash"
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr "Ko'rinish"
msgid "Styles"
msgstr "Stillar"
msgid "Select a category"
msgstr "Kategoriyani tanlash"
msgid "You are posting comments too quickly. Slow down."
msgstr "Juda tez-tez fikr bildirayapsiz. Bir oz nafas rostlab oling."
msgid ""
"New users will receive an email letting them know they’ve been added "
"as a user for your site. This email will also contain their password. Check "
"the box if you do not want the user to receive a welcome email."
msgstr ""
"Saytingizga qo'shilgan yangi foydalanuvchilarga ular saytga "
"qo'shilganliklari haqida ma'lumot email ko'rinishida yuboriladi. Bu emailda "
"ularning parollari ham bo'ladi. Agar foydalanuvchiga xush kelibsiz xabari "
"yuborilmasligini xohlasangiz, qutiga belgi qo'ying."
msgid ""
"You can filter the list of users by User Role using the text links above the "
"users list to show All, Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, or "
"Subscriber. The default view is to show all users. Unused User Roles are not "
msgstr ""
"Ro'yxat yuqorisidagi linklardan foydalangan holda foydalanuvchilarni "
"mansabiga ko'ra Barchasi, Administrator, Muharrir, Muallif, Hissador, yoki "
"Obunachi sifatida saralashingiz mumkin."
msgid ""
"Enter the email address of an existing user on this network to invite them "
"to this site. That person will be sent an email asking them to confirm the "
msgstr ""
"Bu saytga taklif qilish uchun tarmoqda avvaldan mavjud bo'lgan foydalanuvchi "
"email manzilini yozing. Bu foydalanuvchiga taklifni tasdiqlash uchun email "
"xabar jo'natiladi."
msgid ""
"Enter the email address or username of an existing user on this network to "
"invite them to this site. That person will be sent an email asking them to "
"confirm the invite."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu saytga taklif qilish uchun tarmoqda avvaldan mavjud bo'lgan "
"foydalanuvchi email manzili yoki foydalanuvchi ismini yozing. Bu kishiga "
"taklifni tasdiqlashni so'rab email xabar jo'natiladi."
msgid ""
"There are unsaved changes that will be lost. 'OK' to continue, 'Cancel' to "
"return to the Image Editor."
msgstr ""
"Saqlanmagan o'zgarishlar yo'qotiladi. 'OK' bosish orqali davom etishingiz "
"yoki 'Bekor qilish' orqali Rasm muharririga qaytishingiz mumkin."
msgid ""
"There is an autosave of this post that is more recent than the version "
"below. View the autosave"
msgstr ""
"Quyidagi ko'rinishdan yangiroq bo'lgan avtomatik saqlangan ma'lumot bor. Avtosaqlangan ma'lumotni ko'rish"
msgid "Image could not be processed. Please go back and try again."
msgstr ""
"Rasm ustida ishlab bo'lmadi. Iltimos, ortga qayting va qayta urinib ko'ring."
msgctxt "monthly archives date format"
msgid "F Y"
msgstr "F Y"
msgctxt "yearly archives date format"
msgid "Y"
msgstr "Y"
msgid "Show Toolbar when viewing site"
msgstr "Sayt old tomonini ko'rayotganda uskunalar panelini ko'rsat"
msgid "Featured image"
msgstr "Maxsus rasm"
msgid "What’s New"
msgstr "Nima yangiliklar"
msgid ""
"Authors can publish and manage their own posts, and are able to upload files."
msgstr ""
"Mualliflar o'zlari maqola chop etishlari va maqolalarini boshqarishlari "
"hamda fayllar yuklashlari mumkin."
msgid ""
"Subscribers can read comments/comment/receive newsletters, etc. but cannot "
"create regular site content."
msgstr ""
"Obunachilar fikrlarni o'qishlari, fikr bildirishlari, yangiliklarni qabul "
"qilishlari mumkin, ammo saytga hech qanday ma'lumot qo'sha olishmaydi."
msgid "Troubleshooting"
msgstr "Mustaqil yordam olish"
msgid ""
"To add a new user to your site, fill in the form on this screen and click "
"the Add New User button at the bottom."
msgstr ""
"Saytingizga yangi foydalanuvchi qo'shish uchun ushbu sahifadagi bo'limlarni "
"to'ldiring va pastdagi Yangi foydalanuvchi qo'shish tugmasini bosing."
msgid "User Roles"
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi mansablari"
msgid ""
"Here is a basic overview of the different user roles and the permissions "
"associated with each one:"
msgstr ""
"Bu yerda foydalanuvchi mansablari va ular bilan qanday amaliyotlarga ruxsat "
"berilishi haqida qisqacha ma'lumot berilgan:"
msgid "Attaching Files"
msgstr "Fayllar biriktirish"
msgid ""
"Remember to click the Add New User button at the bottom of this screen when "
"you are finished."
msgstr ""
"Ishni tugatganingizdan keyin ekranning eng quyi qismidagi Yangi "
"foydalanuvchi qo'shish tugmasini bosishni unutmang."
msgid ""
"If you want to convert your categories to tags (or vice versa), use the Categories and Tags Converter available from the Import "
msgstr ""
"Agar bo'limni kalit so'zga, yoki kalit so'zni bo'limga aylantirmoqchi "
"bo'lsangiz, Import qilish ekranidagi Bo'lim va kalit so'zlar "
"o'zgartirgichidan foydalanishingiz mumkin."
msgid ""
"You can submit content in several different ways; this screen holds the "
"settings for all of them. The top section controls the editor within the "
"dashboard, while the rest control external publishing methods. For more "
"information on any of these methods, use the documentation links."
msgstr ""
"Ma'lumotni turli usullar bilan yuborishingiz mumkin; bu ekranda ularning "
"barchasi uchun sozlanmalar ko'rsatilgan. Yuqori qism paneldagi muharrirni "
"boshqaradi, boshqalari esa tashqi chop etish usullarini boshqaradi. Har "
"qaysi usul haqida to'liq ma'lumot olish uchun yo'riqnoma linklaridan "
msgid ""
"Uploading Files allows you to choose the folder and path for storing your "
"uploaded files."
msgstr ""
"Fayllar yuklash sizga yuklanadigan fayllarning papka va yo'nalishlarini "
"tanlash imkoniyatini beradi."
msgid ""
"You can upload media files here without creating a post first. This allows "
"you to upload files to use with posts and pages later and/or to get a web "
"link for a particular file that you can share. There are three options for "
"uploading files:"
msgstr ""
"Maqola yaratmasdan turib media fayllarni yuklashingiz mumkin. Bunday holatda "
"siz kelajakdagi maqolalaringiz uchun ishlatiladigan rasmlarni oldindan "
"saytingizga yuklab qo'yishingiz mumkin. Fayllar yuklashning uch xil usuli "
msgid "Adding Tags"
msgstr "Teglar qo'shish"
msgid "Adding Categories"
msgstr "Kategoriyalar qo'shish"
msgid ""
"You can customize the display of this screen’s contents in a number of "
msgstr ""
"Ushbu sahifa ko'rinishini bir necha usullar bilan moslashtirishingiz mumkin:"
msgid "Screen Content"
msgstr "Ekran ma'lumotlari"
msgid "Available Actions"
msgstr "Mavjud imkoniyatlar"
msgid "Moderating Comments"
msgstr "Fikrlarni tasdiqlash"
msgid ""
"You can also edit or move multiple posts to the Trash at once. Select the "
"posts you want to act on using the checkboxes, then select the action you "
"want to take from the Bulk actions menu and click Apply."
msgstr ""
"Bir urinishda bir nechta maqolalarni o'chirishingiz yoki tahrirlashingiz "
"mumkin. Kerakli maqolalarni belgilab oling va o'zingiz istagan amaliyotni "
"Yoppasiga harakat menyusidan tanlab Qo'llash tugmasini bosing."
msgid ""
"This screen provides access to all of your posts. You can customize the "
"display of this screen to suit your workflow."
msgstr ""
"Bu ekranda barcha maqolalaringiz ko'rsatiladi. Ekranning ko'rinishini "
"o'zingizga qulay qilib moslashingiz mumkin."
msgid ""
"If the importer you need is not listed, search the plugin "
"directory to see if an importer is available."
msgstr ""
"Agar sizga kerak import qiluvchi bu yerda bo'lmasa, plaginlar "
"katalogidan ehtiyojingizga mos plaginni izlab ko'rishingiz mumkin."
msgid ""
"Once you’ve saved the download file, you can use the Import function "
"in another WordPress installation to import the content from this site."
msgstr ""
"Eksport faylini saqlab olganingizdan so'ng boshqa WordPress saytda bu fayl "
"orqali saytingiz ma'lumotlarini import qilishingiz mumkin."
msgid "Loading…"
msgstr "Yuklanmoqda…"
msgid "Post Via Email"
msgstr "Email orqali chop etish"
msgid ""
"If desired, WordPress will automatically alert various services of your new "
msgstr ""
"Agar xohlasangiz, WordPress yangi maqolalaringiz haqida turli xizmatlarga "
"xabar berishi mumkin."
msgid ""
"This screen provides many options for controlling the management and display "
"of comments and links to your posts/pages. So many, in fact, they will not "
"all fit here! :) Use the documentation links to get information on what each "
"discussion setting does."
msgstr ""
"Bu ekran orqali maqola va sahifalaringizdagi fikrlar hamda linklarni "
"boshqarishingiz mumkin. Ular ko'p, shuning uchun hammasi bu yerga "
"sig'maydi :) Har bir muhokama sozlanmasi nima vazifani bajarishi haqida "
"bilib olish uchun yo'riqnoma linklaridan foydalaning."
msgid ""
"%s exceeds the maximum upload size for the multi-file uploader when used in "
"your browser."
msgstr ""
"%s fayli brauzeringiz orqali bir vaqtda ko'p fayllarni yuklash uchun "
"belgilangan hajm cheklovidan katta."
msgid "Inactive Sidebar (not used)"
msgstr "Nofaol saydbar (ishlatilmayapti)"
msgid "Missing Widgets"
msgstr "Yetishmayotgan vidjetlar"
msgid ""
"By default, new users will receive an email letting them know they’ve "
"been added as a user for your site. This email will also contain a password "
"reset link. Uncheck the box if you do not want to send the new user a "
"welcome email."
msgstr ""
"Yangi foydalanuvchilarga sizning saytingizga foydalanuvchi sifatida "
"qo'shilishganligi haqidagi xabar email orqali jo'natiladi. Xabarda parolni "
"o'zgartirish uchun link jo'natiladi. Agar yangi foydalanuvchiga xush "
"kelibsiz xabarini yubormaslikka qaror qilsangiz, belgini olib tashlang."
msgid "Users list"
msgstr "Foydalanuvchilar ro'yxati"
msgid ""
"You can change your password, turn on keyboard shortcuts, change the color "
"scheme of your WordPress administration screens, and turn off the WYSIWYG "
"(Visual) editor, among other things. You can hide the Toolbar (formerly "
"called the Admin Bar) from the front end of your site, however it cannot be "
"disabled on the admin screens."
msgstr ""
"Ko'plab sozlanmalar bilan bir qatorda parolingizni o'zgartirishingiz, "
"klaviatura qisqa tugmalarini yoqishingiz, WordPress administrator ekranining "
"rangini o'zgartirishingiz, WYSIWYG (vizual) matn muharririni o'chirishingiz "
"mumkin. Uskunalar panelini saytning old tomonini ko'rayotganingizda o'chirib "
"qo'yishingiz mumkin, ammo saytning orqa tomonida u o'chirilmaydi."
msgid ""
"This sidebar is no longer available and does not show anywhere on your site. "
"Remove each of the widgets below to fully remove this inactive sidebar."
msgstr ""
"Saydbar mavjud emas va saytingizning hech qayerida ko'rsatilmaydi. Ushbu "
"faol bo'lmagan saydbarni butunlay o'chirish uchun uning ichidagi har bir "
"vidjetni alohida o'chirib chiqishingiz kerak."
msgid "Removing and Reusing"
msgstr "O'chirish va Qayta ishlatish"
msgid ""
"You can view all posts made by a user by clicking on the number under the "
"Posts column."
msgstr ""
"Maqolalar ustuni pastidagi raqamni bosish orqali foydalanuvchi tomonidan "
"yaratilgan barcha maqolalarni ko'rishingiz mumkin."
msgid ""
"Hovering over a row in the users list will display action links that allow "
"you to manage users. You can perform the following actions:"
msgstr ""
"Foydalanuvchilar qatori ustiga sichqonchangizni yurgizsangiz, "
"foydalanuvchilarni boshqarish uchun qo'shimcha imkoniyatlar ko'rsatiladi. "
"Siz quyidagi ishlarni amalga oshirishingiz mumkin:"
msgid ""
"You can hide/display columns based on your needs and decide how many users "
"to list per screen using the Screen Options tab."
msgstr ""
"Ta'bingizga ko'ra istalgan ustunlarni ko'rsatishingiz/yashirishingiz mumkin "
"va Ekran sozlanmalari orqali bir ro'yxatda nechta foydalanuvchi "
"ko'rsatilishini belgilay olasiz."
msgid ""
"Edit takes you to the editable profile screen for that "
"user. You can also reach that screen by clicking on the username."
msgstr ""
"Tahrirlash orqali foydalanuvchining profil ma'lumotlarini "
"o'zgartirish sahifasiga o'tkazilasiz. Bu sahifaga foydalanuvchi ismini "
"bosish orqali o'tishingiz ham mumkin."
msgid ""
"All the files you’ve uploaded are listed in the Media Library, with "
"the most recent uploads listed first. You can use the Screen Options tab to "
"customize the display of this screen."
msgstr ""
"Siz yuklagan barcha fayllar Media kutubxonasida ko'rinadi. Eng yangilari "
"birinchi bo'lib ko'rsatiladi. Ekran sozlanmalari yordamida bu sahifa "
"ko'rinishini o'zingizga moslashingiz mumkin."
msgid ""
"If a media file has not been attached to any content, you will see that in "
"the Uploaded To column, and can click on Attach to launch a small popup that "
"will allow you to search for existing content and attach the file."
msgstr ""
"Agar media fayl birorta ham ma'lumotga biriktirilmagan bo'lsa, buni "
"Yuklangan ustunida ko'rishingiz mumkin. Agar Biriktirish linkini bossangiz, "
"kichik oyna ochilib, faylni mavjud qaysidir ma'lumotga biriktirish imkoni "
"beruvchi xossalar ko'rsatiladi."
msgid "Deleting Links"
msgstr "Linklarni o'chirish"
msgid ""
"Clicking Select Files opens a navigation window showing you "
"files in your operating system. Selecting Open after "
"clicking on the file you want activates a progress bar on the uploader "
msgstr ""
"Fayllarni tanlash orqali kompyuteringizdagi yuklanishi "
"kerak bo'lgan fayllarni ko'rishingiz mumkin. Ochish orqali "
"esa tanlangan faylni saytingizga yuklay olasiz."
msgid ""
"Drag and drop your files into the area below. Multiple "
"files are allowed."
msgstr ""
"Quyidagi joyga fayllaringizni sudrab olib keling. Bir "
"nechta faylni bir vaqtda sudrab olib kelish mumkin emas."
msgid ""
"Links in the Toolbar at the top of the screen connect your dashboard and the "
"front end of your site, and provide access to your profile and helpful "
"WordPress information."
msgstr ""
"Uskunalar panelidagi linklar saytingizning old va orqa tomonlarini o'zaro "
"bo'glaydi. U WordPress saytingizni samarali boshqarishingizda yordam beradi."
msgid ""
"Links may be separated into Link Categories; these are different than the "
"categories used on your posts."
msgstr ""
"Linklar alohida bo'limlarga ajratilgan bo'lishi mumkin. Bu bo'limlar "
"maqolalar bo'limlaridan alohida."
msgid "Managing Pages"
msgstr "Sahifalarni boshqarish"
msgid "Overview"
msgstr "Umumiy ma'lumot"
msgid ""
"You can assign keywords to your posts using tags. Unlike "
"categories, tags have no hierarchy, meaning there is no relationship from "
"one tag to another."
msgstr ""
"Maqolalaringizga kalit so'zlar yordamida kalit so'zlar "
"biriktirishingiz mumkin. Bo'limlardan farqli ravishda kalit so'zlar "
"shajaralashmagan bo'ladi. Ya'ni, bir kalit so'zning boshqa bir kalit so'zga "
"bog'likligi bo'lmaydi."
msgid ""
"You can create groups of links by using Link Categories. Link Category names "
"must be unique and Link Categories are separate from the categories you use "
"for posts."
msgstr ""
"Link bo'limlari yordamida linklaringizni guruhlashingiz mumkin. Link "
"bo'limlari nomlari takrorlanmas bo'lishi kerak va link bo'limlari odatiy "
"maqola bo'limlaridan farq qiladi."
msgid ""
"Many people take advantage of keyboard shortcuts to moderate their comments "
"more quickly. Use the link to the side to learn more."
msgstr ""
"Ko'pchilik foydalanuvchilar fikrlarni klaviatura qisqa tugmalari orqali "
"osonlik bilan boshqarishadi. Bu usul haqida ko'proq ma'lumot olish uchun yon "
"tomondagi linkni bosing."
msgid ""
"Pages are similar to posts in that they have a title, body text, and "
"associated metadata, but they are different in that they are not part of the "
"chronological blog stream, kind of like permanent posts. Pages are not "
"categorized or tagged, but can have a hierarchy. You can nest pages under "
"other pages by making one the “Parent” of the other, creating a "
"group of pages."
msgstr ""
"Sahifalar o'zlarining ma'lumoti, sarlavhasi, meta ma'lumotlari borligi "
"sababli maqolalarga o'xshaydi, ammo ularda chop etish vaqtining muhim "
"emasligi, davomiy chop etilavermasligi jihatlaridan o'ziga xoslik bor. Qisqa "
"qilib aytganda Sahifalar o'zgarmas Maqolalar hisoblanadi. Sahifalar "
"bo'limlar yoki kalit so'zlarga biriktirilmaydi, ammo shajaralashtirilishi "
"mumkin. Bir sahifani boshqasining “Otasi” sifatida begilashingiz "
"hamda shu usulda sahifalarni guruhlashingiz mumkin."
msgid ""
"You can also perform the same types of actions, including narrowing the list "
"by using the filters, acting on a page using the action links that appear "
"when you hover over a row, or using the Bulk actions menu to edit the "
"metadata for multiple pages at once."
msgstr ""
"Bu yerda ham huddi shu amaliyotlarni bajarishingiz mumkin. Ro'yxatni "
"saralash orqali qisqartirish, qator ustiga sichqoncha ko'rsatkichini olib "
"borganingizda boshqaruv imkoniyatlarini ko'rish, Yoppasiga harakatlar orqali "
"ko'plab sahifalarning meta ma'lumotlarini bir urinishda o'zgatirish imkoniga "
msgid ""
"Managing pages is very similar to managing posts, and the screens can be "
"customized in the same way."
msgstr ""
"Sahifalarni tahrirlash maqolalarni tahrirlash bilan bir xil. Ekran "
"sozlanmalari ham o'xshash."
msgid ""
"You can manage comments made on your site similar to the way you manage "
"posts and other content. This screen is customizable in the same ways as "
"other management screens, and you can act on comments using the on-hover "
"action links or the bulk actions."
msgstr ""
"Saytingiz maqolalariga nisabatan bildirilgan fikrlarni saytingizdagi maqola "
"yoki boshqa ma'lumotlar kabi boshqarishingiz mumkin. Bu ekranda ham "
"boshqalaridagi ro'yxatga o'xshash sichqoncha ko'rsatkichini narsalar ustiga "
"olib borganingizda boshqaruvlar ko'rinadigan qulayliklari bor."
msgid ""
"Edit takes you to the editing screen for that post. You can "
"also reach that screen by clicking on the post title."
msgstr ""
"Tahrirlash linki orqali maqolani tahrirlash sahifaga "
"o'tishingiz mumkin. Bu sahifaga maqola sarlavhasini bosish orqali ham o'ta "
msgid ""
"Quick Edit provides inline access to the metadata of your "
"post, allowing you to update post details without leaving this screen."
msgstr ""
"Tezkor tahrirlash yordamida siz sahifani tark etmasdan "
"turib maqolangizning meta ma'lumotlarini o'zgartirish imkoniyatiga egasiz."
msgid ""
"Trash removes your post from this list and places it in the "
"Trash, from which you can permanently delete it."
msgstr ""
"Maqolani o'chirganingizda u butunlay o'chib ketmasdan Chiqindi "
"idishiga borib tushadi. U yerdan siz maqolalarni butunlay o'chirib "
"yuborishingiz mumkin."
msgid ""
"Preview will show you what your draft post will look like "
"if you publish it. View will take you to your live site to view the post. "
"Which link is available depends on your post’s status."
msgstr ""
"Oldindan ko'rish maqola yoki sahifa chop etganingizdan "
"keyin qanday ko'rinishi haqida umumiy tasavvurni beradi. Ko'rish linki "
"maqola yoki sahifangizni saytingizning old tomonida ko'rsatadi. Qaysi "
"linkning bo'lishi maqola yoki sahifangizning holatiga bog'liq."
msgid "Select Year"
msgstr "Yilni tanlang"
msgid "Select Day"
msgstr "Kunni tanlang"
msgid "Show Images"
msgstr "Rasmlarni ko'rsatish"
msgid "Keywords"
msgstr "Kalit so'zlar"
msgid "View mode"
msgstr "Ko'rish usuli"
msgid "User Description"
msgstr "Foydalanuvchi tasnifi"
msgid "Post Type"
msgstr "Maqola Turi"
msgid "Short description"
msgstr "Qisqa Tasvir"
msgid "%s Settings"
msgstr "%s sozlamalari"
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr "Oylik"
msgid "No orders found in trash"
msgstr "Axlat ichida hech qanday buyurtma topilmadi"
msgid "No orders found"
msgstr "Buyurtmalar topilmadi"
msgid "Length"
msgstr "Uzunligi"
msgid "Grams"
msgstr "Gramm"
msgctxt "button label"
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Import"
msgid "Choose logo"
msgstr "Logotipni tanlang"
msgid "Customize Your Site"
msgstr "Saytingizni moslashtiring"
msgid "Audio Player"
msgstr "Audio Pleyer"
msgid "Thumbnail width"
msgstr "Rasmcha eni"
msgid "“%s” has failed to upload."
msgstr "“%s”ni yuklashning imkoni bo'lmadi."
msgid "Please try uploading this file with the %1$sbrowser uploader%2$s."
msgstr ""
"Iltimos, shu faylni %1$sbrauzer yuklagichi%2$s orqali yuklashga urinib "
msgid "%s exceeds the maximum upload size for this site."
msgstr ""
"%s ushbu saytga o‘rnatilgan fayl yuklash bo‘yicha maksimum "
"hajmdan ortiq."
msgid "Memory exceeded. Please try another smaller file."
msgstr ""
"Xotira to‘lib qoldi. Iltimos, kichikroq fayl bilan urinib ko‘"
msgid "This file is not an image. Please try another."
msgstr ""
"Ushbu fayl tasvir hisoblanmaydi. Iltimos, boshqasini urinib ko‘ring."
msgid "This is larger than the maximum size. Please try another."
msgstr ""
"Bu maksimum hajmdan kattaroq. Iltimos, boshqasini urinib ko‘ring."
msgctxt "links widget"
msgid "All Links"
msgstr "Barcha Linklar"
msgctxt "em dash"
msgid "—"
msgstr "—"
msgctxt "en dash"
msgid "–"
msgstr "–"
msgid "The menu ID should not be empty."
msgstr "Menyu IDsi bo‘sh bo‘lmasligi lozim."
msgid "…"
msgstr "…"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "About WordPress"
msgstr "WordPress haqida"
msgid "Error: Please enter a valid email address."
msgstr ""
"XATO: elektron pochtani to‘g‘ri kiriting, "
msgid "Error: Please type your comment text."
msgstr "XATO: iltimos, fikr matnini kiriting."
msgid "Profile updated."
msgstr "Profil yangilandi."
msgid ""
"You've been invited to join '%1$s' at\n"
"%2$s with the role of %3$s.\n"
"Please click the following link to confirm the invite:\n"
msgstr ""
"Siz '%1$s' saytiga (%2$s) %3$s sifatida taklif qilindingiz.\n"
"Taklifni qabul qilish uchun ushbu manzilga o'ting, iltimos:\n"
msgctxt "admin menu"
msgid "All Links"
msgstr "Barcha Linklar"
msgid ""
"You can use the following controls to arrange your Dashboard screen to suit "
"your workflow. This is true on most other administration screens as well."
msgstr ""
"Boshqaruv sahifasini o‘zingizga moslashtirish uchun navbatdagi "
"qismlardan foydalanishingiz mumkin. Bu Boshqaruv Sahifasining qolgan "
"bo‘limlariga ham tegishlidir."
msgid ""
"The left-hand navigation menu provides links to all of the WordPress "
"administration screens, with submenu items displayed on hover. You can "
"minimize this menu to a narrow icon strip by clicking on the Collapse Menu "
"arrow at the bottom."
msgstr ""
"Chap-qo‘l navigatsiya menyusi WordPressni boshqarish uchun kerakli "
"barcha bo‘limlarni, sichqoncha ko‘rsatkichini olib kelinganda "
"undagi menyu-osti bo‘limlarni ko‘rsatadi. Siz ushbu menyuni "
"ixchamlashtirish uchun pastdagi Menyuni Yig‘ish ko‘rsatkichidan "
"foydalanishingiz mumkin."
msgid ""
"Box Controls — Click the title bar of the box to "
"expand or collapse it. Some boxes added by plugins may have configurable "
"content, and will show a “Configure” link in the title bar if "
"you hover over it."
msgstr ""
"Quti boshqaruvlari